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object:2.06 - Reality and the Cosmic Illusion
book class:The Life Divine

Chapter VI

Reality and the Cosmic Illusion
The Eternal is true; the world is a lie.


The Master of Maya creates this world by his Maya and within it is confined another; one should know his Maya as Nature and the Master of Maya as the great Lord of all.
Swetaswatara Upanishad.2

The Purusha is all this that is, what has been and what is yet to be; he is the master of Immortality and he is whatever grows by food.
Swetaswatara Upanishad.3

All is the Divine Being.


UT SO far we have only cleared a part of the foreground of the field of inquiry; in the background the problem remains unsolved and entire. It is the problem of the nature of the original Consciousness or Power that has created or conceptively constructed or manifested the universe, and the relation to it of our world-cognition, - in sum, whether the universe is a figment of consciousness imposed on our mind by a supreme force of Illusion or a true formation of being experienced by us with a still ignorant but an increasing knowledge.
And the true question is not of Mind alone or of a cosmic dream or a cosmic hallucination born of Mind, but of the nature of the
Reality, the validity of the creative action that takes place in it or is imposed upon it, the presence or absence of a real content in its or our consciousness and its or our regard on the universe.
On behalf of Illusionism it can be answered to the position put forward by us with regard to the truth of existence that all this
1 Verse 20.

2 IV. 9, 10.

3 III. 15.

4 VII. 19.


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might be valid within the bounds of the cosmic Illusion; it is the system, the pragmatic machinery by which Maya works and maintains herself in the Ignorance: but the truths, possibilities, actualities of the cosmic system are true and actual only within the Illusion, outside that magic circle they have no validity; they are not abiding and eternal realities; all are temporary figures, the works of Knowledge no less than the works of Ignorance.
It can be conceded that knowledge is a useful instrument of the Illusion of Maya, for escaping from herself, for destroying herself in the Mind; spiritual knowledge is indispensable: but the one true truth, the only abiding reality beyond all duality of knowledge and ignorance is the eternal relationless Absolute or the Self, the eternal pure Existence. All here turns on the mind's conception and the mental being's experience of reality; for according to the mind's experience or conception of reality will be its interpretation of data otherwise identical, the facts of the Cosmos, individual experience, the realisation of the supreme Transcendence. All mental cognition depends on three elements, the percipient, the perception and the thing perceived or percept. All or any of these three can be affirmed or denied reality; the question then is which of these, if any, are real and to what extent or in what manner. If all three are rejected as instruments of a cosmic Illusion, the farther and consequent question arises, is there then a reality outside them and, if so, what is the relation between the Reality and the Illusion?
It is possible to affirm the reality of the percept, of the objective universe, and deny or diminish the reality of the percipient individual and his perceptive consciousness. In the theory of the sole reality of Matter consciousness is only an operation of
Matter-energy in Matter, a secretion or vibration of the braincells, a physical reception of images and a brain response, a reflex action or a reaction of Matter to the contacts of Matter. Even if the rigidity of this affirmation is relaxed and consciousness otherwise accounted for, still it is no more than a temporary and derivative phenomenon, not the enduring Reality. The percipient individual is himself only a body and brain capable of the mechanical reactions we generalise under the name of

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consciousness: the individual has only a relative value and a temporary reality. But if Matter turns out to be itself unreal or derivative and simply a phenomenon of Energy, as seems now to be the probability, then Energy remains as the sole Reality; the percipient, his perception, the perceived object are only phenomena of Energy. But an Energy without a Being or Existence possessing it or a Consciousness supplying it, an Energy working originally in the void, - for the material field in which we see it at work is itself a creation, - looks itself very much like a mental construction, an unreality: or it might be a temporary inexplicable outbreak of motion which might cease at any time to create phenomena; the Void of the Infinite alone would be enduring and real. The Buddhist theory of the percipient and the perception and the percept as a construction of Karma, the process of some cosmic fact of Action, gave room to such a conclusion; for it led logically to the affirmation of the NonBeing, Void or Nihil. It is possible indeed that what is at work is not an Energy, but a Consciousness; as Matter reduces itself to
Energy seizable by us not in itself but in its results and workings, so Energy could be reduced to action of a Consciousness seizable by us not in itself but in its results and workings. But if this
Consciousness is supposed to work similarly in a Void, we are exposed to the same conclusion, that it is a creator of temporary phenomenal illusions and itself illusory; Void, an infinite Zero, an original Non-Existence is alone the enduring Reality. But these conclusions are not binding; for behind this Consciousness seizable in its works only there may be an invisible original
Existence: a Conscious-Energy of that Existence could then be a reality; its creations too, made out of an infinitesimal substance of being impalpable to the senses but revealed to them at a certain stage of the action of Energy as Matter, would be real, as also the individual emerging as a conscious being of the original
Existence in a world of Matter. This original Reality might be a cosmic spiritual Existence, a Pantheos, or it might have some other status; but in any case there would be, not a universal illusion or mere phenomenon, but a true universe.
In the classical theory of Illusionism a sole and supreme


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spiritual Existence is accepted as the one Reality: it is by its essentiality the Self, yet the natural beings of which it is the
Self are only temporary appearances; it is in its absoluteness the substratum of all things, but the universe erected on the substratum is either a non-existence, a semblance, or else in some way unreally real; it is a cosmic illusion. For the Reality is one without a second, it is immutable in eternity, it is the sole
Existence; there is nothing else, there are no true becomings of this Being: it is and must for ever remain void of name, feature, formation, relation, happening; if it has a Consciousness, it can only be a pure consciousness of its own absolute being. But what then is the relation between the Reality and the Illusion? By what miracle or mystery does the Illusion come to be or how does it manage to appear or to abide in Time for ever?
As only Brahman is real, only a consciousness or a power of Brahman could be a real creator and a creator of realities.
But since there can be no other reality than Brahman pure and absolute, there can be no true creative power of Brahman. A
Brahman-consciousness aware of real beings, forms and happenings would signify a truth of the Becoming, a spiritual and material reality of the universe, which the experience of the supreme Truth negates and nullifies and with which its sole existence is logically incompatible. Maya's creation is a presentation of beings, names, forms, happenings, things, impossible to accept as true, contradictory of the indeterminable purity of the
One Existence. Maya then is not real, it is non-existent: Maya is itself an illusion, the parent of numberless illusions. But still this illusion and its works have some kind of existence and so must in some way be real: moreover, the universe does not exist in a
Void but stands because it is imposed on Brahman, it is based in a way on the one Reality; we ourselves in the Illusion attri bute its forms, names, relations, happenings to the Brahman, become aware of all things as the Brahman, see the Reality through these unrealities. There is then a reality in Maya; it is at the same time real and unreal, existent and non-existent; or, let us say, it is neither real nor unreal: it is a paradox, a suprarational enigma.
But what then is this mystery, or is it insoluble? how comes this

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illusion to intervene in Brahman-existence? what is the nature of this unreal reality of Maya?
At first sight one is compelled to suppose that Brahman must be in some way the percipient of Maya, - for Brahman is the sole Reality, and if he is not the percipient, who then perceives the
Illusion? Any other percipient is not in existence; the individual who is in us the apparent witness is himself phenomenal and unreal, a creation of Maya. But if Brahman is the percipient, how is it possible that the illusion can persist for a moment, since the true consciousness of the Percipient is consciousness of self, an awareness solely of its own pure self-existence? If Brahman perceives the world and things with a true consciousness, then they must all be itself and real; but since they are not the pure self-existence, but at best are forms of it and are seen through a phenomenal Ignorance, this realistic solution is not possible.
Yet we have to accept, provisionally at least, the universe as a fact, an impossibility as a thing that is, since Maya is there and her works persist and obsess the spirit with the sense, however false, of their reality. It is on this basis that we have, then, to face and solve the dilemma.
If Maya is in some way real, the conclusion imposes itself that Brahman the Reality is in that way the percipient of Maya.
Maya may be his power of differentiating perception, for the power of Maya consciousness which distinguishes it from the true consciousness of sole spiritual Self is its creative perception of difference. Or Maya must be at least, if this creation of difference is considered to be only a result and not the essence of
Maya-force, some power of Brahman's consciousness, - for it is only a consciousness that can see or create an illusion and there cannot be another original or originating consciousness than that of Brahman. But since Brahman is also self-aware for ever, there must be a double status of Brahman-Consciousness, one conscious of the sole Reality, the other conscious of the unrealities to which by its creative perception of them it gives some kind of apparent existence. These unrealities cannot be made of the substance of the Reality, for then they also must be real. In this view one cannot accept the assertion of the Upanishads that


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the world is made out of the supreme Existence, is a becoming, an outcome or product of the eternal Being. Brahman is not the material cause of the universe: our nature - as opposed to our self - is not made of its spiritual substance; it is constructed out of the unreal reality of Maya. But, on the contrary, our spiritual being is of that substance, is indeed the Brahman; Brahman is above Maya, but he is also the percipient of his creations both from above and from within Maya. This dual consciousness offers itself as the sole plausible explanation of the riddle of a real eternal Percipient, an unreal Percept, and a Perception that is a half-real creator of unreal percepts.
If there is not this dual consciousness, if Maya is the sole conscious power of Brahman, then one of two things must be true: either the reality of Maya as a power is that it is a subjective action of Brahman-consciousness emerging out of its silence and superconscient immobility and passing through experiences that are real because they are part of the consciousness of Brahman but unreal because they are not part of Its being, or else Maya is Brahman's power of cosmic Imagination inherent in his eternal being creating out of nothing names, forms and happenings that are not in any way real. In that case Maya would be real, but her works entirely fictitious, pure imaginations: but can we affirm Imagination as the sole dynamic or creative power of the
Eternal? Imagination is a necessity for a partial being with an ignorant consciousness; for it has to supplement its ignorance by imaginations and conjectures: there can be no place for such a movement in the sole consciousness of a sole Reality which has no reason to construct unrealities, for it is ever pure and selfcomplete. It is difficult to see what in its own being could impel or induce such a Sole Existence complete in its very essence, blissful in its eternity, containing nothing to be manifested, timelessly perfect, to create an unreal Time and Space and people it to all eternity with an interminable cosmic show of false images and happenings. This solution is logically untenable.
The other solution, the idea of a purely subjective unreal reality, starts from the distinction made by the mind in physical
Nature between its subjective and objective experiences; for it is

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the objective alone of which it is sure as entirely and solidly real. But such a distinction could hardly exist in Brahmanconsciousness since here there is either no subject and no object or Brahman itself is the sole possible subject of its consciousness and the sole possible object; there could be nothing externally objective to Brahman, since there is nothing else than Brahman.
This idea, then, of a subjective action of consciousness creating a world of fictions other than or distorting the sole true object looks like an imposition on the Brahman by our mind; it imposes on the pure and perfect Reality a feature of its own imperfection, not truly attri butable to the perception of a Supreme Being. On the other hand, the distinction between the consciousness and the being of Brahman could not be valid, unless Brahman being and Brahman consciousness are two distinct entities, - the consciousness imposing its experiences on the pure existence of the being but unable to touch or affect or penetrate it. Brahman, then, whether as the supreme sole Self-Existence or the Self of the real-unreal individual in Maya, would be aware by his true consciousness of the illusions imposed on him and would know them as illusions; only some energy of Maya-nature or something in it would be deluded by its own inventions, - or else, not being really deluded, still persist in behaving and feeling as if it were deluded. This duality is what happens to our consciousness in the Ignorance when it separates itself from the works of Nature and is aware within of the Self as the sole truth and the rest as not-self and not-real, but has on the surface to act as if the rest too were real. But this solution negates the sole and indivisible pure existence and pure awareness of the Brahman; it creates a dualism within its featureless unity which is not other in its purport than the dualism of the double Principle in the
Sankhya view of things, Purusha and Prakriti, Soul and Nature.
These solutions then must be put aside as untenable, unless we modify our first view of the Reality and concede to it a power of manifold status of consciousness or a power of manifold status of existence.
But, again, the dual consciousness, if we admit it, cannot be explained as a dual power of Knowledge-Ignorance valid


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for the Supreme Existence as it is for us in the universe. For we cannot suppose that Brahman is at all subject to Maya, since that would mean a principle of Ignorance clouding the
Eternal's self-awareness; it would be to impose the limitations of our own consciousness on the eternal Reality. An Ignorance which occurs or intervenes in the course of manifestation as a result of a subordinate action of Consciousness and as part of a divine cosmic plan and its evolutionary meaning, is one thing and is logically conceivable; a meaningless ignorance or illusion eternal in the original consciousness of the Reality is another thing and not easily conceivable; it appears as a violent mental construction which has no likelihood of validity in the truth of the Absolute. The dual consciousness of Brahman must be in no way an ignorance, but a self-awareness coexistent with a voluntary will to erect a universe of illusions which are held in a frontal perception aware at once of self and the illusory world, so that there is no delusion, no feeling of its reality. The delusion takes place only in the illusory world itself, and the Self or
Brahman in the world either enjoys with a free participation or witnesses, itself separate and intangible, the play which lays its magical spell only upon the Nature-mind created for her action by Maya. But this would seem to signify that the Eternal, not content with its pure absolute existence, has the need to create, to occupy itself throughout Time with a drama of names and forms and happenings; it needs, being sole, to see itself as many, being peace and bliss and self-knowledge to observe an experience or representation of mingled knowledge and ignorance, delight and suffering, unreal existence and escape from unreal existence. For the escape is for the individual being constructed by Maya; the
Eternal does not need to escape and the play continues its cycle for ever. Or if not the need, there is the will to so create, or there is the urge or the automatic action of these contraries: but, if we consider the sole eternity of pure existence attri buted to the
Reality, all alike, need, will, urge or automatism, are equally impossible and incomprehensible. This is an explanation of a sort, but it is an explanation which leaves the mystery still beyond logic or comprehension; for this dynamic consciousness of the

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Eternal is a direct contradiction of its static and real nature. A
Will or Power to create or manifest is undoubtedly there: but, if it is a will or power of the Brahman, it can only be for a creation of realities of the Real or a manifestation of the timeless process of its being in Time-eternity; for it seems incredible that the sole power of the Reality should be to manifest something contrary to itself or to create non-existent things in an illusory universe.
There is so far no satisfying answer to the riddle: but it may be that we err in attri buting any kind of reality, however illusory at bottom, to Maya or her works: the true solution lies in facing courageously the mystery of its and their utter unreality. This absolute unreality seems to be envisaged by certain formulations of Illusionism or by certain arguments put forward in its favour.
This side then of the problem has to pass under consideration before we can examine with confidence the solutions that rest on a relative or partial reality of the universe. There is indeed a line of reasoning which gets rid of the problem by excluding it; it affirms that the question how the Illusion generated, how the universe manages to be there in the pure existence of Brahman, is illegitimate: the problem does not exist, because the universe is non-existent, Maya is unreal, Brahman is the sole truth, alone and self-existent for ever. Brahman is not affected by any illusory consciousness, no universe has come into existence within its timeless reality. But this evasion of the difficulty is either a sophism which means nothing, an acrobacy of verbal logic, the logical reason hiding its head in the play of words and ideas and refusing to see or to solve a real and baffling difficulty, or else it means too much, since in effect it gets rid of all relation of Maya to Brahman by affirming her as an independent absolute nonreality along with the universe created by her. If a real universe does not exist, a cosmic Illusion exists and we are bound to inquire how it came into being or how it manages to exist, what is its relation or non-relation to the Reality, what is meant by our own existence in Maya, by our subjugation to her cycles, by our liberation from her. For in this view we have to suppose that Brahman is not the percipient of Maya or her works, Maya herself is not a power of Brahman-consciousness: Brahman is


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superconscient, immersed in its own pure being or is conscious only of its own absoluteness; it has nothing to do with Maya.
But in that case either Maya cannot exist even as an illusion or there would be a dual Entity or two entities, a real Eternal superconscious or conscious only of itself and an illusive Power that creates and is conscious of a false universe. We are back on the horns of the dilemma and with no prospect of getting free from our impalement on it, unless we escape by concluding that since all philosophy is part of Maya, all philosophy is also an illusion, problems abound but no conclusion is possible. For what we are confronted with is a pure static and immutable Reality and an illusory dynamism, the two absolutely contradictory of each other, with no greater Truth beyond them in which their secret can be found and their contradictions discover a reconciling issue.
If Brahman is not the percipient, then the percipient must be the individual being: but this percipient is created by the
Illusion and unreal; the percept, the world, is an illusion created by an Illusion and unreal; the perceiving consciousness is itself an illusion and therefore unreal. But this deprives everything of significance, our spiritual existence and our salvation from
Maya no less than our temporal existence and our immersion in Maya; all are of an equal unreality and unimportance. It is possible to take a less rigid standpoint and hold that Brahman as Brahman has nothing to do with Maya, is eternally free from all illusion or any commerce with illusion, but Brahman as the individual percipient or as the Self of all being here has entered into Maya and can in the individual withdraw from it, and this withdrawal is for the individual an act of supreme importance.
But here a dual being is imposed on Brahman and a reality attri buted to something that belongs to the cosmic Illusion, - to the individual being of Brahman in Maya, for Brahman as the
Self of all is not even phenomenally bound and does not need to escape from her: moreover, salvation cannot be of importance if bondage is unreal and bondage cannot be real unless Maya and her world are real. The absolute unreality of Maya disappears and gives place to a very comprehensive even if perhaps only a

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practical and temporal reality. To avoid this conclusion it may be said that our individuality is unreal, it is Brahman who withdraws from a reflection of itself in the figment of individuality and its extinction is our release, our salvation: but Brahman, always free, cannot suffer by bondage or profit by salvation, and a reflection, a figment of individuality is not a thing that can need salvation. A reflection, a figment, a mere image in the deceptive mirror of Maya cannot suffer a real bondage or profit by a real salvation. If it be said that it is a conscious reflection or figment and therefore can really suffer and enter into the bliss of release, the question arises whose is the consciousness that so suffers in this fictitious existence, - for there can be no real consciousness except that of the One Existence; so that once more there is established a dual consciousness for Brahman, a consciousness or superconscience free from the illusion and a consciousness subject to the illusion, and we have again substantiated a certain reality of our existence and experience in
Maya. For if our being is that of the Brahman, our consciousness something of the consciousness of the Brahman, with whatever qualification, it is to that extent real, - and if our being, why not the being of the universe?
It may finally be put forward as a solution that the percipient individual and the percept universe are unreal, but Maya by imposing itself on Brahman acquires a certain reality, and that reality lends itself to the individual and to its experience in the cosmic Illusion which endures so long as it is subject to the illusion. But, again, for whom is the experience valid, the reality acquired while it endures, and for whom does it cease by liberation, extinction or withdrawal? For an illusory unreal being cannot put on reality and suffer from a real bondage or escape from it by a real act of evasion or self-extinction; it can only seem to some real self or being to exist, but in that case this real self must in some way or in some degree have become subject to Maya. It must either be the consciousness of
Brahman that projects itself into a world of Maya and issues from Maya or it must be the being of Brahman that puts forth something of itself, its reality, into Maya and withdraws it again


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from Maya. Or what again is this Maya that imposes itself on Brahman? from where does it come if it is not already in
Brahman, an action of the eternal Consciousness or the eternal
Superconscience? It is only if a being or a consciousness of the
Reality undergoes the consequences of the Illusion that the cycles of the Illusion can put on any reality or have any importance except as a dance of phantasmagoric marionettes with which the
Eternal amuses himself, a puppet-show in Time. We are driven back to the dual being of Brahman, the dual consciousness of
Brahman involved in the Illusion and free from the Illusion, and a certain phenomenal truth of being for Maya: there can be no solution of our existence in the universe if that existence and the universe itself have no reality, - even though the reality be only partial, restricted, derivative. But what can be the reality of an original universal and fundamentally baseless Illusion? The only possible answer is that it is a suprarational mystery, inexplicable and ineffable, - anirvacanya.
There are, however, two possible replies to the difficulty, if we get rid of the idea of absolute unreality and admit a qualification or compromise. A basis can be created for a subjective illusion-consciousness which is yet part of Being, if we accept in the sense of an illusory subjective world-awareness the account of sleep and dream creation given to us in the Upanishads. For the affirmation there is that Brahman as Self is fourfold; the Self is Brahman and all that is is the Brahman, but all that is is the
Self seen by the Self in four states of its being. In the pure selfstatus neither consciousness nor unconsciousness as we conceive it can be affirmed about Brahman; it is a state of superconscience absorbed in its self-existence, in a self-silence or a self-ecstasy, or else it is the status of a free Superconscient containing or basing everything but involved in nothing. But there is also a luminous status of sleep-self, a massed consciousness which is the origin of cosmic existence; this state of deep sleep in which yet there is the presence of an omnipotent Intelligence is the seed state or causal condition from which emerges the cosmos; - this and the dream-self which is the continent of all subtle, subjective or supraphysical experience, and the self of waking which is the

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support of all physical experience, can be taken as the whole field of Maya. As a man in deep sleep passes into dreams in which he experiences self-constructed unstable structures of name, form, relation, happenings, and in the waking state externalises himself in the more apparently stable but yet transient structures of the physical consciousness, so the Self develops out of a state of massed consciousness its subjective and its objective cosmic experience. But the waking state is not a true waking from this original and causal sleep; it is only a full emergence into a gross external and objective sense of the positive reality of objects of consciousness as opposed to the subtle subjective dreamawareness of those objects: the true waking is a withdrawal from both objective and subjective consciousness and from the massed causal Intelligence into the superconscience superior to all consciousness; for all consciousness and all unconsciousness is Maya. Here, we may say, Maya is real because it is the self's experience of the Self, something of the Self enters into it, is affected by its happenings because it accepts them, believes in them, they are to it real experiences, creations out of its conscious being; but it is unreal because it is a sleep state, a dream state, an eventually transient waking state, not the true status of the superconscient Reality. Here there is no actual dichotomy of being itself, but there is a multiplicity of status of the one
Being; there is no original dual consciousness implying a Will in the Uncreated to create illusory things out of non-existence, but there is One Being in states of superconscience and consciousness each with its own nature of self-experience. But the lower states, although they have a reality, are yet qualified by a building and seeing of subjective self-constructions which are not the Real.
The One Self sees itself as many, but this multiple existence is subjective; it has a multiplicity of its states of consciousness, but this multiplicity also is subjective; there is a reality of subjective experience of a real Being, but no objective universe.
It may be noted, however, that nowhere in the Upanishads is it actually laid down that the threefold status is a condition of illusion or the creation of an unreality; it is constantly affirmed that all this that is, - this universe we are now supposing to


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have been constructed by Maya, - is the Brahman, the Reality.
The Brahman becomes all these beings; all beings must be seen in the Self, the Reality, and the Reality must be seen in them, the Reality must be seen as being actually all these beings; for not only the Self is Brahman, but all is the Self, all this that is is the Brahman, the Reality. That emphatic asseveration leaves no room for an illusory Maya; but still the insistent denial that there is anything other than or separate from the experiencing self, certain phrases used and the description of two of the states of consciousness as sleep and dream may be taken as if they annulled the emphasis on the universal Reality; these passages open the gates to the illusionist idea and have been made the foundation for an uncompromising system of that nature. If we take this fourfold status as a figure of the Self passing from its superconscient state, where there is no subject or object, into a luminous trance in which superconscience becomes a massed consciousness out of which the subjective status of being and the objective come into emergence, then we get according to our view of things either a possible process of illusionary creation or a process of creative Self-knowledge and All-knowledge.
In fact, if we can judge from the description of the three lower states of Self as the all-wise Intelligence,5 the Seer of the subtle and the Seer of the gross material existence, this sleep state and this dream state seem to be figurative names for the superconscient and the subliminal which are behind and beyond our waking status; they are so named and figured because it is through dream and sleep - or trance which can be regarded
5 Prajna. Yajnavalkya in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad states very positively that
there are two planes or states of the being which are two worlds, and that in the dream state one can see both worlds, for the dream state is intermediate between them, it is their joining-plane. This makes it clear that he is speaking of a subliminal condition of the consciousness which can carry in it communications between the physical and the supraphysical worlds. The description of the dreamless sleep state applies both to deep sleep and to the condition of trance in which one enters into a massed consciousness containing in it all the powers of being but all compressed within itself and concentrated solely on itself and, when active, then active in a consciousness where all is the self; this is, clearly, a state admitting us into the higher planes of the spirit normally now superconscient to our waking being.

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as a kind of dream or sleep - that the surface mental consciousness normally passes out of the perception of objective things into the inner subliminal and the superior supramental or overmental status. In that inner condition it sees the supraphysical realities in transcribing figures of dream or vision or, in the superior status, it loses itself in a massed consciousness of which it can receive no thought or image. It is through this subliminal and this superconscient condition that we can pass into the supreme superconscience of the highest state of selfbeing. If we make the transition, not through dream trance or sleep trance, but through a spiritual awakening into these higher states, we become aware in all of them of the one omnipresent
Reality; there need be no perception of an illusionary Maya, there is only an experience of the passage from Mind to what is beyond it so that our mental structure of the universe ceases to be valid and another reality of it is substituted for the ignorant mental knowledge. In this transition it is possible to be awake to all the states of being together in a harmonised and unified experience and to see the Reality everywhere. But if we plunge by a trance of exclusive concentration into a mystic sleep state or pass abruptly in waking Mind into a state belonging to the
Superconscient, then the mind can be seized in the passage by a sense of the unreality of the cosmic Force and its creations; it passes by a subjective abolition of them into the supreme superconscience. This sense of unreality and this sublimating passage are the spiritual justification for the idea of a world created by Maya; but this consequence is not conclusive, since a larger and more complete conclusion superseding it is possible to spiritual experience.
All these and other solutions of the nature of Maya fail to satisfy because they have no conclusiveness: they do not establish the inevitability of the illusionist hypothesis which, to be accepted, needs to be inevitable; they do not bridge the chasm between the presumed true nature of the eternal Reality and the paradoxical and contrary character of the cosmic Illusion.
At the most a process is indicated that claims to make the coexistence of the two opposites conceivable and intelligible; but


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it has no such force of certitude or illuminating convincingness effectively curing the improbability that its acceptance would be obligatory on the intelligence. The theory of the cosmic Illusion gets rid of an original contradiction, a problem and mystery which may be otherwise soluble, by erecting another contradiction, a new problem and mystery which is irreconcilable in its terms and insoluble. For we start with the conception or experience of an absolute Reality which is in its nature eternally one, supracosmic, static, immobile, immutable, self-aware of its pure existence, and a phenomenon of cosmos, dynamism, motion, mutability, modifications of the original pure existence, differentiation, infinite multiplicity. This phenomenon is got rid of by declaring it to be a perpetual Illusion, Maya. But this brings in, in effect, a self-contradictory dual status of consciousness of the
One to annul a self-contradictory dual status of being of the One.
A phenomenal truth of multiplicity of the One is annulled by setting up a conceptual falsehood in the One creating an unreal multiplicity. The One for ever self-aware of its pure existence entertains a perpetual imagination or illusory construction of itself as an infinite multiplicity of ignorant and suffering beings unaware of self who have to wake one by one to awareness of self and cease individually to be.
In face of this solution of a perplexity by a new perplexity we begin to suspect that our original premiss must have been somewhere incomplete, - not an error, but only a first statement and indispensable foundation. We begin to envisage the Reality as an eternal oneness, status, immutable essence of pure existence supporting an eternal dynamis, motion, infinite multiplicity and diversity of itself. The immutable status of oneness brings out of itself the dynamis, motion and multiplicity, - the dynamis, motion and multiplicity not abrogating but bringing into relief the eternal and infinite oneness. If the consciousness of Brahman can be dual in status or action or even manifold, there seems to be no reason why Brahman should be incapable of a dual status or a manifold real self-experience of its being. The cosmic consciousness would then be, not a creative Illusion, but an experience of some truth of the Absolute. This explanation, if

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worked out, might prove to be more comprehensive and spiritually fecund, more harmonic in its juncture of the two terms of our self-experience, and it would be at least as logically tenable as the idea of an eternal Reality supporting in perpetuity an eternal illusion real only to an infinite multiplicity of ignorant and suffering beings who escape one by one from the obscurity and pain of Maya, each one by a separate extinction of itself in
In a second possible answer on the illusionist basis to the problem, in the philosophy of Shankara which may be described as a qualified Illusionism, an answer which is presented with a force and comprehensiveness that are extraordinarily impressive, we make a first step towards this solution. For this philosophy affirms a qualified reality for Maya; it characterises it indeed as an ineffable and unaccountable mystery, but at the same time it does present us with a rational solution, at first sight thoroughly satisfactory, of the opposition which afflicts our mind; it accounts for our sense of the persistent and pressing reality of the universe and our sense of the inconclusiveness, insufficiency, vanity, evanescence, a certain unreality of life and phenomena. For we find a distinction made between two orders of reality, transcendental and pragmatic, absolute and phenomenal, eternal and temporal, - the former the reality of the pure being of Brahman, absolute and supracosmic and eternal, the latter the reality of Brahman in Maya, cosmic, temporal and relative. Here we get a reality for ourselves and the universe: for the individual self is really Brahman; it is Brahman who within the field of Maya seems phenomenally to be subjected to her as the individual and in the end releases the relative and phenomenal individual into his eternal and true being. In the temporal field of relativities our experience of the Brahman who has become all beings, the Eternal who has become universal and individual, is also valid; it is indeed a middle step of the movement in Maya towards liberation from Maya. The universe too and its experiences are real for the consciousness in Time and that consciousness is real. But the question of the nature and extent of this reality at once arises: for the universe and


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ourselves may be a true reality though of a lesser order, or they may be partly real, partly unreal, or they may be an unreal reality. If they are at all a true reality, there is no place for any theory of Maya; there is no illusory creation. If they are partly real, partly unreal, the fault must lie in something wrong either in the cosmic self-awareness or in our own seeing of ourselves and the universe which produces an error of being, an error of knowledge, an error in the dynamis of existence. But that error can amount only to an ignorance or a mixed knowledge and ignorance, and what needs to be explained then is not an original Cosmic Illusion but the intervention of Ignorance in the creative consciousness or in the dynamic action of the Eternal and Infinite. But if universe and ourselves are an unreal reality, if to a transcendental consciousness all this has no truth of existence and its apparent reality ceases once we step out of the field proper to Maya, then the concession accorded with one hand is taken away by the other; for what was conceded as a truth turns out to have been all the time an illusion. Maya and cosmos and ourselves are both real and unreal, - but the reality is an unreal reality, real only to our ignorance, unreal to any true knowledge.
It is difficult to see why, once any reality is conceded to ourselves and to the universe, it should not be a true reality within its limits. It may be admitted that the manifestation must be on its surface a more restricted reality than the Manifested; our universe is, we may say, one of the rhythms of Brahman and not, except in its essential being, the whole reality: but that is not a sufficient reason for it to be set aside as unreal. It is no doubt so felt by mind withdrawing from itself and its structures: but this is only because the mind is an instrument of Ignorance and, when it withdraws from its constructions, from its ignorant and imperfect picture of the universe, it is impelled to regard them as nothing more than its own fictions and formations, unfounded, unreal; the gulf between its ignorance and the supreme Truth and Knowledge disables it from discovering the true connections of the transcendent Reality and the cosmic Reality. In a higher status of consciousness the difficulty disappears, the connection

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is established; the sense of unreality recedes and a theory of illusion becomes superfluous and inapplicable. It cannot be the final truth that the Supreme Consciousness has no regard upon the universe or that it regards it as a fiction which its self in Time upholds as real. The cosmic can only exist by dependence on the supracosmic, Brahman in Time must have some significance for Brahman in timeless eternity; otherwise there could be no self and spirit in things and therefore no basis for the temporal existence.
But the universe is condemned as ultimately unreal because it is temporary and not eternal, a perishable form of being imposed on the Formless and Imperishable. This relation can be illustrated by the analogy of earth and the pot made out of earth: the pot and other forms so created perish and go back to the reality, earth, they are only evanescent forms; when they disappear there is left the formless and essential earth and nothing else. But this analogy can tell more convincingly the other way; for the pot is real by right of its being made out of the substance of earth which is real; it is not an illusion and, even when it is dissolved into the original earth, its past existence cannot be thought to have been unreal or an illusion. The relation is not that of an original reality and a phenomenal unreality, but of an original,
- or, if we go back from earth to the invisible substratum and constituent ether, an eternal and non-manifest, - to a resultant and dependent, a temporal and manifested reality. Moreover, the pot form is an eternal possibility of earth substance, or ethereal substance, and while the substance exists the form can always be manifested. A form may disappear, but it only passes out of manifestation into non-manifestation; a world may disappear, but there is no proof that world-existence is an evanescent phenomenon: on the contrary, we may suppose that the power of manifestation is inherent in Brahman and continues to act either continuously in Time-eternity or in an eternal recurrence. The cosmic is a different order of the Real from the supracosmic
Transcendence, but there is no need to take it as in any way non-existent or unreal to that Transcendence. For the purely intellectual conception that only the Eternal is real, whether we


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take it in the sense that reality depends on perpetual duration or that the timeless only is true, is an ideative distinction, a mental construction; it is not binding on a substantial and integral experience. Time is not necessarily cancelled out of existence by timeless Eternity; their relation is only verbally a relation of contradiction; in fact, it is more likely to be a relation of dependence.
Similarly, the reasoning which cancels the dynamics of the
Absolute, the imposition of the stigma of unreal reality on the pragmatic truth of things because it is pragmatic, is difficult to accept; for the pragmatic truth is after all not something quite other, quite separate and unconnected with spiritual truth, it is a result of the energy or a motion of the dynamic activity of the Spirit. A distinction must, no doubt, be made between the two, but the idea of an entire opposition can rest only on the postulate that a silent and quiescent status is the Eternal's true and whole being; but in that case we must conclude that there is nothing dynamic in the Absolute and all dynamism is a contradiction of the supreme nature of the Divine and Eternal.
But if a temporal or cosmic reality of any kind exists, there must be a power, an inherent dynamic force of the Absolute which brought it into being, and there is no reason to suppose that the power of the Absolute can do nothing but create illusions.
On the contrary, the Power that creates must be the force of an omnipotent and omniscient Consciousness; the creations of the absolutely Real should be real and not illusions, and since it is the One Existence, they must be self-creations, forms of a manifestation of the Eternal, not forms of Nothing erected out of the original Void - whether a void being or a void consciousness
- by Maya.
At the basis of the refusal to recognise the universe as real is the concept or experience of the Reality as immutable, featureless, non-active and realised through a consciousness that has itself fallen into a status of silence and is immobile. The universe is a result of dynamis in movement, it is force of being throwing itself out in action, energy at work, whether that energy be conceptive or mechanical or a spiritual, mental, vital or

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material dynamis; it can thus be regarded as a contradiction - or a derogation from self - of the static and immobile eternal
Reality, therefore unreal. But as a concept this position of the thought has no inevitability; there is no reason why we should not conceive of the Reality as at once static and dynamic. It is perfectly rational to suppose that the eternal status of being of the Reality contains in it an eternal force of being, and this dynamis must necessarily carry in itself a power of action and movement, a kinesis; both status of being and movement of being can be real. There is no reason either why they should not be simultaneous; on the contrary, simultaneity is demanded, - for all energy, all kinetic action has to support itself on status or by status if it is to be effective or creative; otherwise there will be no solidity of anything created, only a constant whirl without any formation: status of being, form of being are necessary to kinesis of being. Even if energy be the primal reality, as it seems to be in the material world, still it has to create status of itself, lasting forms, duration of beings in order to have a support for its action: the status may be temporary, it may be only a balance or equilibrium of substance created and maintained by a constant kinesis, but while it endures it is real and, after it ceases, we still regard it as something that was real. The principle of a supporting status for action is a permanent principle, and its action is constant in Time-eternity. When we discover the stable
Reality underlying all this movement of energy and this creation of forms, we do indeed perceive that the status of created forms is only temporary; there is a stability of repetition of the kinesis in a same persistent action and figure of movement which maintains substance of being in stable form of itself: but this stability is created, and the one permanent and self-existent status is that of the eternal Being whose Energy erected the forms. But we need not therefore conclude that the temporary forms are unreal; for the energy of the being is real and the forms made by it are forms of the being. In any case the status of the being and the eternal dynamis of the being are both real, and they are simultaneous; the status admits of action of dynamis and the action does not abrogate the status. We must therefore conclude that eternal


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status and eternal dynamis are both true of the Reality which itself surpasses both status and dynamis; the immobile and the mobile Brahman are both the same Reality.
But in experience we find that for us it is, normally, a quiescence that brings in the stable realisation of the eternal and the infinite: it is in silence or quietude that we feel most firmly the
Something that is behind the world shown to us by our mind and senses. Our cognitive action of thought, our action of life and being seem to overlay the truth, the reality; they grasp the finite but not the infinite, they deal with the temporal and not the eternal Real. It is reasoned that this is so because all action, all creation, all determining perception limits; it does not embrace or grasp the Reality, and its constructions disappear when we enter into the indivisible and indeterminable consciousness of the Real: these constructions are unreal in eternity, however real they may seem or be in Time. Action leads to ignorance, to the created and finite; kinesis and creation are a contradiction of the immutable Reality, the pure uncreated Existence. But this reasoning is not wholly valid because it is looking at perception and action only as they are in our mental cognition of the world and its movement; but that is the experience of our surface being regarding things from its shifting motion in Time, a regard itself superficial, fragmentary and delimited, not total, not plunging into the inner sense of things. In fact we find that action need not bind or limit, if we get out of this moment-cognition into a status of cognition of the eternal proper to the true consciousness.
Action does not bind or limit the liberated man; action does not bind or limit the Eternal: but we can go farther and say that action does not bind or limit our own true being at all. Action has no such effect on the spiritual Person or Purusha or on the psychic entity within us, it binds or limits only the surface constructed personality. This personality is a temporary expression of our self-being, a changing form of it, empowered to exist by it, dependent on it for substance and endurance, - temporary, but not unreal. Our thought and action are means for this expression of ourselves and, as the expression is incomplete and evolutive, as it is a development of our natural being in Time, thought

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and action help it to develop, to change, to alter and expand its limits, but at the same time to maintain limits; in that sense they are limiting and binding; they are themselves an incomplete mode of self-revelation. But when we go back into ourselves, into the true self and person, there is no longer a binding or limitation by the limits of action or perception; both arise as expressions of consciousness and expressions of force of the self operative for a free self-determination of its nature-being, for the self-unrolling, the becoming in time of something that is itself illimitable. The limitation, which is a necessary circumstance of an evolutive self-determination, might be an abrogation of self or derogation from self, from Reality, and therefore itself unreal, if it altered the essentiality or totality of the being; it would be a bondage of the spirit and therefore illegitimate if it obscured, by an alien imposition proceeding from a force that is not-self, the Consciousness that is the inmost witness and creator of our world-existence, or if it constructed something contrary to the
Being's consciousness of self or will of becoming. But the essence of being remains the same in all action and formation, and the limitations freely accepted do not take from the being's totality; they are accepted and self-imposed, not imposed from outside, they are a means of expression of our totality in the movement of Time, an order of things imposed by our inner spiritual being on our outer nature-being, not a bondage inflicted on the ever-free spirit. There is therefore no reason to conclude from the limitations of perception and action that the movement is unreal or that the expression, formation or self-creation of the
Spirit is unreal. It is a temporal order of reality, but it is still a reality of the Real, not something else. All that is in the kinesis, the movement, the action, the creation, is the Brahman; the becoming is a movement of the being; Time is a manifestation of the Eternal. All is one Being, one Consciousness, one even in infinite multiplicity, and there is no need to bisect it into an opposition of transcendent Reality and unreal cosmic Maya.
In the philosophy of Shankara one feels the presence of a conflict, an opposition which this powerful intellect has stated with full force and masterfully arranged rather than solved with


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any finality, - the conflict of an intuition intensely aware of an absolute transcendent and inmost Reality and a strong intellectual reason regarding the world with a keen and vigorous rational intelligence. The intellect of the thinker regards the phenomenal world from the standpoint of the reason; reason is there the judge and the authority and no suprarational authority can prevail against it: but behind the phenomenal world is a transcendent Reality which the intuition alone can see; there reason - at least a finite dividing limited reason - cannot prevail against the intuitive experience, it cannot even relate the two, it cannot therefore solve the mystery of the universe. The reason has to affirm the reality of the phenomenal existence, to affirm its truths as valid; but they are valid only in that phenomenal existence. This phenomenal existence is real because it is a temporal phenomenon of the eternal Existence, the Reality: but it is not itself that Reality and, when we pass beyond the phenomenon to the Real, it still exists but is no longer valid to our consciousness; it is therefore unreal. Shankara takes up this contradiction, this opposition which is normal to our mental consciousness when it becomes aware of both sides of existence and stands between them; he resolves it by obliging the reason to recognise its limits, in which its unimpaired sovereignty is left to it within its own cosmic province, and to acquiesce in the soul's intuition of the transcendent Reality and to support, by a dialectic which ends by dissolving the whole cosmic phenomenal and rational-practical edifice of things, its escape from the limitations constructed and imposed on the mind by Maya. The explanation of cosmic existence by which this is brought about seems to be - or so we may translate it to our understanding, for there have been different expositions of this profound and subtle philosophy, - that there is a Transcendence which is for ever self-existent and immutable and a world which is only phenomenal and temporal. The eternal Reality manifests itself in regard to the phenomenal world as Self and Ishwara. The Ishwara by his Maya, his power of phenomenal creation, constructs this world as a temporal phenomenon, and this phenomenon of things which do not exist in the utterly Real is imposed by

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Maya through our conceptive and perceptive consciousness on the superconscient or purely self-conscient Reality. Brahman the
Reality appears in the phenomenal existence as the Self of the living individual; but when the individuality of the individual is dissolved by intuitive knowledge, the phenomenal being is released into self-being: it is no longer subject to Maya and by its release from the appearance of individuality it is extinguished in the Reality; but the world continues to exist without beginning or end as the Mayic creation of the Ishwara.
This is an arrangement which puts into relation with each other the data of the spiritual intuition and the data of the reason and sense, and it opens to us a way out from their contradiction, a spiritual and practical issue: but it is not a solution, it does not resolve the contradiction. Maya is real and unreal; the world is not a mere illusion, for it exists and is real in Time, but eventually and transcendentally it turns out to be unreal. This creates an ambiguity which extends beyond itself and touches all that is not the pure self-existence. Thus the Ishwara, though he is undeluded by Maya and the creator of Maya, seems himself to be a phenomenon of Brahman and not the ultimate Reality, he is real only with regard to the Time-world he creates; the individual self has the same ambiguous character. If Maya were to cease altogether from its operations, Ishwara, the world and the individual would no longer be there; but Maya is eternal,
Ishwara and the world are eternal in Time, the individual endures so long as he does not annul himself by knowledge. Our thought on these premisses has to take refuge in the conception of an ineffable suprarational mystery which is to the intellect insoluble. But, faced with this ambiguity, this admission of an insoluble mystery at the commencement of things and at the end of the process of thought, we begin to suspect that there is a link missing. Ishwara is not himself a phenomenon of Maya, he is real; he must then be the manifestation of a truth of the Transcendence, or he must be the Transcendent itself dealing with a cosmos manifested in his own being. If the world is at all real, it also must be the manifestation of a truth of the Transcendence; for only that can have any reality. If the individual has the power


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of self-discovery and entrance into the transcendent eternity and his liberation has so great an importance, it must be because he too is a reality of the Transcendence; he has to discover himself individually, because his individuality also has some truth of itself in the Transcendence which is veiled from it and which it has to recover. It is an ignorance of self and world that has to be overcome and not an illusion, a figment of individuality and world-existence.
It becomes evident that as the Transcendence is suprarational and seizable only by an intuitive experience and realisation, so also the mystery of the universe is suprarational.
It has to be so since it is a phenomenon of the transcendent
Reality, and it would not, if it were otherwise, be insoluble by the intellectual reason. But if so, we have to pass beyond the intellect in order to bridge the gulf and penetrate the mystery; to leave an unsolved contradiction cannot be the final solution.
It is the intellectual reason that crystallises and perpetuates an apparent contradiction by creating its opposite or dividing concepts of the Brahman, the Self, the Ishwara, the individual being, the supreme consciousness or superconscience and the Mayic world-consciousness. If Brahman alone exists, all these must be
Brahman, and in Brahman-consciousness the division of these concepts must disappear in a reconciling self-vision; but we can arrive at their true unity only by passing beyond the intellectual
Reason and finding out through spiritual experience where they meet and become one and what is the spiritual reality of their apparent divergence. In fact, in the Brahman-consciousness the divergences cannot exist, they must by our passage into it converge into unity; the divisions of the intellectual reason may correspond to a reality, but it must be then the reality of a manifold Oneness. The Buddha applied his penetrating rational intellect supported by an intuitive vision to the world as our mind and sense see it and discovered the principle of its construction and the way of release from all constructions, but he refused to go farther. Shankara took the farther step and regarded the suprarational Truth, which Buddha kept behind the veil as realisable by cancellation of the constructions of consciousness but

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beyond the scope of the reason's discovery. Shankara, standing between the world and the eternal Reality, saw that the mystery of the world must be ultimately suprarational, not conceivable or expressible by our reason, anirvacanya; but he maintained the world as seen by the reason and sense as valid and had therefore to posit an unreal reality, because he did not take one step still farther. For to know the real truth of the world, its reality, it must be seen from the suprarational awareness, from the view of the Superconscience that maintains and surpasses and by surpassing knows it in its truth, and no longer from the view of the consciousness that is maintained by it and surpassed by it and therefore does not know it or knows it only by its appearance. It cannot be that to that self-creative supreme consciousness the world is an incomprehensible mystery or that it is to it an illusion that is yet not altogether an illusion, a reality that is yet unreal. The mystery of the universe must have a divine sense to the Divine; it must have a significance or a truth of cosmic being that is luminous to the Reality that upholds it with its transcending and yet immanent superconscience.
If the Reality alone exists and all is the Reality, the world also cannot be excluded from that Reality; the universe is real. If it does not reveal to us in its forms and powers the Reality that it is, if it seems only a persistent and yet changing movement in
Space and Time, this must be not because it is unreal or because it is not at all That, but because it is a progressive self-expression, a manifestation, an evolving self-development of That in Time which our consciousness cannot yet see in its total or its essential significance. In this sense we can say that it is That and not That,
- because it does not disclose all the Reality through any form or sum of its forms of self-expression; but still all its forms are forms of the substance and being of that Reality. All finites are in their spiritual essence the Infinite and, if we look deep enough into them, manifest to intuition the Identical and Infinite. It is contended indeed that the universe cannot be a manifestation because the Reality has no need of manifestation, since it is for ever manifest to itself; but so equally it can be said that the Reality has no need of self-illusion or illusion of any kind,


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no need to create a Mayic universe. The Absolute can have no need of anything; but still there can be - not coercive of its freedom, not binding on it, but an expression of its self-force, the result of its Will to become, - an imperative of a supreme selfeffectuating Force, a necessity of self-creation born of the power of the Absolute to see itself in Time. This imperative represents itself to us as a Will to create, a Will of self-expression; but it may be better represented as a force of being of the Absolute which displays itself as a power of itself in action. If the Absolute is self-evident to itself in eternal Timelessness, it can also be selfmanifest to itself in eternal motion of Time. Even if the universe is only a phenomenal reality, still it is a manifestation or phenomenon of Brahman; for since all is Brahman, phenomenon and manifestation must be the same thing: the imputation of unreality is a superfluous conception, otiose and unnecessarily embarrassing, since whatever distinction is needed is already there in the concept of Time and the timeless Eternal and the concept of manifestation.
The one thing that can be described as an unreal reality is our individual sense of separativeness and the conception of the finite as a self-existent object in the Infinite. This conception, this sense are pragmatically necessary for the operations of the surface individuality and are effective and justified by their effects; they are therefore real to its finite reason and finite self-experience: but once we step back from the finite consciousness into the consciousness of the essential and infinite, from the apparent to the true Person, the finite or the individual still exists but as being and power and manifestation of the Infinite; it has no independent or separate reality. Individual independence, entire separativeness are not necessary for individual reality, do not constitute it. On the other hand, the disappearance of these finite forms of the manifestation is evidently a factor in the problem, but does not by itself convict them of unreality; the disappearance may be only a withdrawal from manifestation. The cosmic manifestation of the Timeless takes place in the successions of
Time: its forms must therefore be temporary in their appearance on the surface, but they are eternal in their essential power of

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manifestation; for they are held always implicit and potential in the essence of things and in the essential consciousness from which they emerge: timeless consciousness can always turn their abiding potentiality into terms of time actuality. The world would be unreal only if itself and its forms were images without substance of being, figments of consciousness presented to itself by the Reality as pure figments and then abolished for ever.
But if manifestation or the power of manifestation is eternal, if all is the being of Brahman, the Reality, then this unreality or illusoriness cannot be the fundamental character of things or of the cosmos in which they make their appearance.
A theory of Maya in the sense of illusion or the unreality of cosmic existence creates more difficulties than it solves; it does not really solve the problem of existence, but rather renders it for ever insoluble. For, whether Maya be an unreality or a nonreal reality, the ultimate effects of the theory carry in them a devastating simplicity of nullification. Ourselves and the universe fade away into nothingness or else keep for a time only a truth which is little better than a fiction. In the thesis of the pure unreality of Maya, all experience, all knowledge as well as all ignorance, the knowledge that frees us no less than the ignorance that binds us, world-acceptance and world-refusal, are two sides of an illusion; for there is nothing to accept or refuse, nobody to accept or refuse it. All the time it was only the immutable superconscient Reality that at all existed; the bondage and release were only appearances, not a reality. All attachment to world-existence is an illusion, but the call for liberation is also a circumstance of the illusion; it is something that was created in Maya which by its liberation is extinguished in Maya. But this nullification cannot be compelled to stop short in its devastating advance at the boundary fixed for it by a spiritual Illusionism. For if all other experiences of the individual consciousness in the universe are illusions, then what guarantee is there that its spiritual experiences are not illusions, including even its absorbed self-experience of the supreme Self which is conceded to us as utterly real? For if cosmos is untrue, our experience of the cosmic consciousness, of the universal Self, of


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Brahman as all these beings or as the self of all these beings, the One in all, all in the One has no secure foundation, since it reposes in one of its terms on an illusion, on a construction of
Maya. That term, the cosmic term, has to crumble, for all these beings which we saw as the Brahman were illusions; then what is our assurance of our experience of the other term, the pure
Self, the silent, static or absolute Reality, since that too comes to us in a mind moulded of delusion and formed in a body created by an Illusion? An overwhelming self-evident convincingness, an experience of absolute au thenticity in the realisation or experience is not an unanswerable proof of sole reality or sole finality: for other spiritual experiences such as that of the omnipresent Divine Person, Lord of a real Universe, have the same convincing, au thentic and final character. It is open to the intellect which has once arrived at the conviction of the unreality of all other things, to take a farther step and deny the reality of
Self and of all existence. The Buddhists took this last step and refused reality to the Self on the ground that it was as much as the rest a construction of the mind; they cut not only God but the eternal Self and impersonal Brahman out of the picture.
An uncompromising theory of Illusion solves no problem of our existence; it only cuts the problem out for the individual by showing him a way of exit: in its extreme form and effect, our being and its action become null and without sanction, its experience, aspiration, endeavour lose their significance; all, the one incommunicable relationless Truth excepted and the turning away to it, become equated with illusion of being, are part of a universal Illusion and themselves illusions. God and ourselves and the universe become myths of Maya; for God is only a reflection of Brahman in Maya, ourselves are only a reflection of Brahman in illusory individuality, the world is only an imposition on the Brahman's incommunicable self-existence.
There is a less drastic nullification if a certain reality is admitted for the being even within the illusion, a certain validity for the experience and knowledge by which we grow into the spirit: but this is only if the temporal has a valid reality and the experience in it has a real validity, and in that case what we

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are in front of is not an illusion taking the unreal for real but an ignorance misapprehending the real. Otherwise if the beings of whom Brahman is the self are illusory, its selfhood is not valid, it is part of an illusion; the experience of self is also an illusion: the experience "I am That" is vitiated by an ignorant conception, for there is no I, only That; the experience "I am He" is doubly ignorant, for it assumes a conscious Eternal, a Lord of the universe, a Cosmic Being, but there can be no such thing if there is no reality in the universe. A real solution of existence can only stand upon a truth that accounts for our existence and world-existence, reconciles their truth, their right relation and the truth of their relation to whatever transcendent Reality is the source of everything. But this implies some reality of individual and cosmos, some true relation of the One Existence and all existences, of relative experience and of the Absolute.
The theory of Illusion cuts the knot of the world problem, it does not disentangle it; it is an escape, not a solution: a flight of the spirit is not a sufficient victory for the being embodied in this world of the becoming; it effects a separation from Nature, not a liberation and fulfilment of our nature. This eventual outcome satisfies only one element, sublimates only one impulse of our being; it leaves the rest out in the cold to perish in the twilight of the unreal reality of Maya. As in Science, so in metaphysical thought, that general and ultimate solution is likely to be the best which includes and accounts for all so that each truth of experience takes its place in the whole: that knowledge is likely to be the highest knowledge which illumines, integralises, harmonises the significance of all knowledge and accounts for, finds the basic and, one might almost say, the justifying reason of our ignorance and illusion while it cures them; this is the supreme experience which gathers together all experience in the truth of a supreme and all-reconciling oneness. Illusionism unifies by elimination; it deprives all knowledge and experience, except the one supreme merger, of reality and significance.
But this debate belongs to the domain of the pure reason and the final test of truths of this order is not reason but spiritual illumination verified by abiding fact of spirit; a single decisive


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spiritual experience may undo a whole edifice of reasonings and conclusions erected by the logical intelligence. Here the theory of
Illusionism is in occupation of a very solid ground; for, although it is in itself no more than a mental formulation, the experience it formulates into a philosophy accompanies a most powerful and apparently final spiritual realisation. It comes upon us with a great force of awakening to reality when the thought is stilled, when the mind withdraws from its constructions, when we pass into a pure selfhood void of all sense of individuality, empty of all cosmic contents: if the spiritualised mind then looks at individual and cosmos, they may well seem to it to be an illusion, a scheme of names and figures and movements falsely imposed on the sole reality of the Self-Existent. Or even the sense of self becomes inadequate; both knowledge and ignorance disappear into sheer Consciousness and consciousness is plunged into a trance of pure superconscient existence. Or even existence ends by becoming too limiting a name for that which abides solely for ever; there is only a timeless Eternal, a spaceless Infinite, the utterness of the Absolute, a nameless Peace, an overwhelming single objectless Ecstasy. There can certainly be no doubt of the validity - complete within itself - of this experience; there can be no denial of the overwhelming decisive convincingness
- ekatma-pratyaya-saram - with which this realisation seizes the consciousness of the spiritual seeker. But still all spiritual experience is experience of the Infinite and it takes a multitude of directions; some of them - and not this alone - are so close to the Divine and the Absolute, so penetrated with the reality of Its presence or with the ineffable peace and power of the liberation from all that is less than It, that they carry with them this overwhelming sense of finality complete and decisive. There are a hundred ways of approaching the Supreme Reality and, as is the nature of the way taken, so will be the nature of the ultimate experience by which one passes into That which is ineffable, That of which no report can be given to the mind or expressed by any utterance. All these definitive culminations may be regarded as penultimates of the one Ultimate; they are steps by which the soul crosses the limits of Mind into the

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Absolute. Is then this realisation of passing into a pure immobile self-existence or this Nirvana of the individual and the universe one among these penultimates, or is it itself the final and absolute realisation which is at the end of every journey and transcends and eliminates all lesser experience? It claims to stand behind and supersede, to sublate and to eliminate every other knowledge; if that is really so, then its finality must be accepted as conclusive. But, against this pretension, it has been claimed that it is possible to travel beyond by a greater negation or a greater affirmation, - to extinguish self in Non-Being or to pass through the double experience of cosmic consciousness and Nirvana of world-consciousness in the One Existence to a greater Divine Union and Unity which holds both these realisations in its vast integral Reality. It is said that beyond the duality and the non-duality there is That in which both are held together and find their truth in a Truth which is beyond them.
A consummating experience which proceeds by the exceeding and elimination of all other possible but lesser experiences is, as a step towards the Absolute, admissible. A supreme experience which affirms and includes the truth of all spiritual experience, gives to each its own absolute, integralises all knowledge and experience in a supreme reality, might be the one step farther that is at once a largest illuminating and transforming Truth of all things and a highest infinite Transcendence. The Brahman, the supreme Reality, is That which being known all is known; but in the illusionist solution it is That, which being known, all becomes unreal and an incomprehensible mystery: in this other experience, the Reality being known, all assumes its true significance, its truth to the Eternal and Absolute.
All truths, even those which seem to be in conflict, have their validity, but they need a reconciliation in some largest
Truth which takes them into itself; all philosophies have their value, - if for nothing else, then because they see the Self and the universe from a point of view of the spirit's experience of the many-sided Manifestation and in doing so shed light on something that has to be known in the Infinite. All spiritual experiences are true, but they point towards some highest and


The Life Divine
widest reality which admits their truth and exceeds it. This is, we may say, a sign of the relativity of all truth and all experience, since both vary with the outlook and the inlook of the knowing and experiencing mind and being; each man is said to have his own religion according to his own nature, but so too each man may be said to have his own philosophy, his own way of seeing and experience of existence, though only a few can formulate it. But from another point of view this variety testifies rather to the infinity of aspects of the Infinite; each catches a partial glimpse or a whole glimpse of one or more aspects or contacts or enters into it in his mental or his spiritual experience. To the mind at a certain stage all these view-points begin to lose their definitiveness in a large catholicity or a complex tolerant incertitude, or all the rest may fall away from it and yield place to an ultimate truth or a single absorbing experience. It is then that it is liable to feel the unreality of all that it has seen and thought and taken as part of itself or its universe. This "all" becomes to it a universal unreality or a many-sided fragmental reality without a principle of unification; as it passes into the negativing purity of an absolute experience, all falls away from it and there remains only a silent and immobile Absolute. But the consciousness might be called to go farther and see again all it has left in the light of a new spiritual vision: it may recover the truth of all things in the truth of the Absolute; it may reconcile the negation of Nirvana and the affirmation of the cosmic consciousness in a single regard of That of which both are the self-expressions. In the passage from mental to overmind cognition this many-sided unity is the leading experience; the whole manifestation assumes the appearance of a singular and mighty harmony which reaches its greatest completeness when the soul stands on the border between Overmind and Supermind and looks back with a total view upon existence.
This is at least a possibility that we have to explore and pursue this view of things to its ultimate consequence. A consideration of the possibility of a great cosmic Illusion as the explanation of the enigma of being had to be undertaken because this view and experience of things presents itself powerfully at

Reality and the Cosmic Illusion

the end of the mental spiral where that reaches its point of breaking or point of cessation; but once it is ascertained that it is not the obligatory end of a scrupulous inquiry into the ultimate truth, we can leave it aside or refer to it only when needed in connection with some line of a more plastic course of thought and reasoning. Our regard can now be concentrated on the problem that is left by the exclusion of the illusionist solution, the problem of the Knowledge and the Ignorance.
All turns round the question "What is Reality?" Our cognitive consciousness is limited, ignorant, finite; our conceptions of reality depend on our way of contact with existence in this limited consciousness and may be very different from the way in which an original and ultimate Consciousness sees it. It is necessary to distinguish between the essential Reality, the phenomenal reality dependent upon it and arising out of it, and the restricted and often misleading experience or notion of either that is created by our sense-experience and our reason. To our sense the earth is flat and, for most immediate practical purposes, within a limit, we have to follow the sense reality and deal with the flatness as if it were a fact; but in true phenomenal reality the flatness of the earth is unreal, and Science seeking for the truth of the phenomenal reality in things has to treat it as approximately round. In a host of details Science contradicts the evidence of the senses as to the real truth of phenomena; but, still, we have to accept the cadre provided by our senses because the practical relations with things which they impose on us have validity as an effect of reality and cannot be disregarded. Our reason, relying on the senses and exceeding them, constructs its own canons or notions of the real and unreal, but these canons vary according to the standpoint taken by the reasoning observer. The physical scientist probing into phenomena erects formulas and standards based on the objective and phenomenal reality and its processes: to his view mind may appear as a subjective result of
Matter and self and spirit as unreal; at any rate he has to act as if matter and energy alone existed and mind were only an observer of an independent physical reality which is unaffected


The Life Divine
by any mental processes6 or any presence or intervention of a cosmic Intelligence. The psychologist, probing independently into mind consciousness and mind unconsciousness, discovers another domain of realities, subjective in its character, which has its own law and process; to him Mind may even come to appear as the key of the real, Matter as only a field for mind, and spirit apart from mind as something unreal. But there is a farther probing which brings up the truth of self and spirit and establishes a greater order of the real in which there is a reversal of our view both of the subjective mind realities and objective physical realities so that they are seen as things phenomenal, secondary, dependent upon the truth of self and the realities of the spirit. In this deeper search into things mind and matter begin to wear the appearance of a lesser order of the real and may easily come to appear unreal.
But it is the reason accustomed to deal with the finite that makes these exclusions; it cuts the whole into segments and can select one segment of the whole as if it were the entire reality.
This is necessary for its action since its business is to deal with the finite as finite, and we have to accept for practical purposes and for the reason's dealings with the finite the cadre it gives us, because it is valid as an effect of reality and so cannot be disregarded. When we come to the experience of the spiritual which is itself the whole or contains the whole in itself, our mind carries there too its segmenting reason and the definitions necessary to a finite cognition; it cuts a line of section between the infinite and the finite, the spirit and its phenomena or manifestations, and dubs those as real and these as unreal. But an original and ultimate consciousness embracing all the terms of existence in a single integral view would see the whole in its spiritual essential reality and the phenomenon as a phenomenon or manifestation of that reality. If this greater spiritual consciousness saw in things only unreality and an entire disconnection with the truth of the spirit, it could not have - if it were itself a Truth-consciousness
6 This position has been shaken by the theory of Relativity, but it must hold as a pragmatic basis for experiment and affirmation of the scientific fact.

Reality and the Cosmic Illusion


- any reason for maintaining them in continuous or recurrent existence through all Time: if it so maintains them, it is because they are based on the realities of the spirit. But, necessarily, when thus integrally seen, the phenomenal reality would take on another appearance than when it is viewed by the reason and sense of the finite being; it would have another and deeper reality, another and greater significance, another and more subtle and complex process of its movements of existence. The canons of reality and all the forms of thought created by the finite reason and sense would appear to the greater consciousness as partial constructions with an element of truth in them and an element of error; these constructions might therefore be described as at once real and unreal, but the phenomenal world itself would not become either unreal or unreal-real by that fact: it would put on another reality of a spiritual character; the finite would reveal itself as a power, a movement, a process of the Infinite.
An original and ultimate consciousness would be a consciousness of the Infinite and necessarily unitarian in its view of diversity, integral, all-accepting, all-embracing, all-discriminating because all-determining, an indivisible whole-vision. It would see the essence of things and regard all forms and movements as phenomenon and consequence of the essential Reality, motions and formations of its power of being. It is held by the reason that truth must be empty of any conflict of contradictions: if so, since the phenomenal universe is or seems to be the contrary of the essential Brahman it must be unreal; since individual being is the contrary of both transcendence and universality, it must be unreal. But what appear as contradictions to a reason based on the finite may not be contradictions to a vision or a larger reason based on the infinite. What our mind sees as contraries may be to the infinite consciousness not contraries but complementaries: essence and phenomenon of the essence are complementary to each other, not contradictory, - the phenomenon manifests the essence; the finite is a circumstance and not a contradiction of the infinite; the individual is a self-expression of the universal and the transcendent, - it is not a contradiction or something quite other than it, it is the universal concentrated and selective, it is


The Life Divine
one with the Transcendent in its essence of being and its essence of nature. In the view of this unitarian comprehensive seeing there is nothing contradictory in a formless Essence of being that carries a multitude of forms, or in a status of the Infinite supporting a kinesis of the Infinite, or in an infinite Oneness expressing itself in a multiplicity of beings and aspects and powers and movements, for they are beings and aspects and powers and movements of the One. A world-creation on this basis is a perfectly natural and normal and inevitable movement which in itself raises no problem, since it is exactly what one must expect in an action of the Infinite. All the intellectual problem and difficulty is raised by the finite reason cutting, separating, opposing the power of the Infinite to its being, its kinesis to its status, its natural multiplicity to its essential oneness, segmenting self, opposing Spirit to Nature. To understand truly the world-process of the Infinite and the Time-process of the
Eternal, the consciousness must pass beyond this finite reason and the finite sense to a larger reason and spiritual sense in touch with the consciousness of the Infinite and responsive to the logic of the Infinite which is the very logic of being itself and arises inevitably from its self-operation of its own realities, a logic whose sequences are not the steps of thought but the steps of existence.
But what has been thus described, it may be said, is only a cosmic consciousness and there is the Absolute: the Absolute cannot be limited; since universe and individual limit and divide the Absolute, they must be unreal. It is self-evident indeed that the Absolute cannot be limited; it can be limited neither by formlessness nor by form, neither by unity nor by multiplicity, neither by immobile status nor by dynamic mobility. If it manifests form, form cannot limit it; if it manifests multiplicity, multiplicity cannot divide it; if it manifests motion and becoming, motion cannot perturb nor becoming change it: it cannot be limited any more than it can be exhausted by self-creation. Even material things have this superiority to their manifestation; earth is not limited by the vessels made from it, nor air by the winds that move in it, nor the sea by the waves that rise on its surface. This impression

Reality and the Cosmic Illusion

of limitation belongs only to the mind and sense which see the finite as if it were an independent entity separating itself from the Infinite or something cut out of it by limitation: it is this impression that is illusory, but neither the infinite nor the finite is an illusion; for neither exists by the impressions of the sense or the mind, they depend for their existence on the Absolute.
The Absolute is in itself indefinable by reason, ineffable to the speech; it has to be approached through experience. It can be approached through an absolute negation of existence, as if it were itself a supreme Non-Existence, a mysterious infinite
Nihil. It can be approached through an absolute affirmation of all the fundamentals of our own existence, through an absolute of Light and Knowledge, through an absolute of Love or
Beauty, through an absolute of Force, through an absolute of peace or silence. It can be approached through an inexpressible absolute of being or of consciousness, or of power of being, or of delight of being, or through a supreme experience in which these things become inexpressibly one; for we can enter into such an ineffable state and, plunged into it as if into a luminous abyss of existence, we can reach a superconscience which may be described as the gate of the Absolute. It is supposed that it is only through a negation of individual and cosmos that we can enter into the Absolute. But in fact the individual need only deny his own small separate ego-existence; he can approach the Absolute through a sublimation of his spiritual individuality taking up the cosmos into himself and transcending it; or he may negate himself altogether, but even so it is still the individual who by self-exceeding enters into the Absolute. He may enter also by a sublimation of his being into a supreme existence or super-existence, by a sublimation of his consciousness into a supreme consciousness or superconscience, by a sublimation of his and all delight of being into a super-delight or supreme ecstasy. He can make the approach through an ascension in which he enters into cosmic consciousness, assumes it into himself and raises himself and it into a state of being in which oneness and multiplicity are in perfect harmony and unison in a supreme status of manifestation where all are in each and each in all


The Life Divine
and all in the one without any determining individuation - for the dynamic identity and mutuality have become complete; on the path of affirmation it is this status of the manifestation that is nearest to the Absolute. This paradox of an Absolute which can be realised through an absolute negation and through an absolute affirmation, in many ways, can only be accounted for to the reason if it is a supreme Existence which is so far above our notion and experience of existence that it can correspond to our negation of it, to our notion and experience of nonexistence; but also, since all that exists is That, whatever its degree of manifestation, it is itself the supreme of all things and can be approached through supreme affirmations as through supreme negations. The Absolute is the ineffable x overtopping and underlying and immanent and essential in all that we can call existence or non-existence.
It is our first premiss that the Absolute is the supreme reality; but the issue is whether all else that we experience is real or unreal. A distinction is sometimes made between being and existence, and it is supposed that being is real but existence or what manifests as such is unreal. But this can stand only if there is a rigid distinction, a cut and separation between the uncreated Eternal and created existences; the uncreated Being can then be taken as alone real. This conclusion does not follow if what exists is form of Being and substance of Being; it would be unreal only if it were a form of Non-Being, asat, created out of the Void, sunya. The states of existence through which we approach and enter into the Absolute must have their truth, for the untrue and unreal cannot lead into the Real: but also what issues from the Absolute, what the Eternal supports and informs and manifests in itself, must have a reality. There is the unmanifest and there is the manifestation, but a manifestation of the Real must itself be real; there is the Timeless and there is the process of things in Time, but nothing can appear in Time unless it has a basis in the timeless Reality. If my self and spirit are real, my thoughts, feelings, powers of all kinds, which are its expressions, cannot be unreal; my body, which is the form it puts out in itself and which at the same time it inhabits, cannot be a

Reality and the Cosmic Illusion

nothing or a mere unsubstantial shadow. The only reconciling explanation is that timeless eternity and time eternity are two aspects of the Eternal and Absolute and both are real, but in a different order of reality: what is unmanifest in the Timeless manifests itself in Time; each thing that exists is real in its own degree of the manifestation and is so seen by the consciousness of the Infinite.
All manifestation depends upon being, but also upon consciousness and its power or degree; for as is the status of consciousness, so will be the status of being. Even the Inconscient is a status and power of involved consciousness in which being is plunged into another and opposite state of nonmanifestation resembling non-existence so that out of it all in the material universe may be manifested; so too the superconscient is consciousness taken up into an absolute of being. For there is a superconscient status in which consciousness seems to be luminously involved in being and as if unaware of itself; all consciousness of being, all knowledge, self-vision, force of being, seem to emerge from that involved state or to appear in it: this emergence, in our view of it, may appear to be an emergence into a lesser reality, but in fact both the superconscience and the consciousness are and regard the same Real. There is also a status of the Supreme in which no distinction can be made between being and consciousness, - for they are too much one there to be thus differentiated, - but this supreme status of being is also a supreme status of the power of being and therefore of the power of consciousness; for the force of being and the force of its consciousness are one there and cannot be separated: it is this unification of eternal Being with the eternal
Consciousness-Force that is the status of the supreme Ishwara, and its force of being is the dynamis of the Absolute. This status is not a negation of cosmos; it carries in itself the essence and power of all cosmic existence.
But still unreality is a fact of cosmic existence, and if all is the Brahman, the Reality, we have to account for this element of unreality in the Real. If the unreal is not a fact of being, it must be an act or a formation of consciousness, and is there not


The Life Divine
then a status or degree of consciousness in which its acts and formations are wholly or partly unreal? If this unreality cannot be attri buted to an original cosmic Illusion, to Maya, there is still in the universe itself a power of illusion of Ignorance. It is in the power of the Mind to conceive things that are not real, it is in its power even to create things that are not real or not wholly real; its very view of itself and universe is a construction that is not wholly real or wholly unreal. Where does this element of unreality begin and where does it stop, and what is its cause and what ensues on the removal of both the cause and the consequence? Even if all cosmic existence is not in itself unreal, cannot that description be applied to the world of Ignorance in which we live, this world of constant change and birth and death and frustration and suffering, and does not the removal of the Ignorance abolish for us the reality of the world which it creates, or is not a departure out of it the natural and only issue? This would be valid, if our ignorance were a pure ignorance without any element of truth or knowledge in it. But in fact our consciousness is a mixture of the true and the false; its acts and creations are not a pure invention, a baseless structure. The structure it builds, its form of things or form of the universe, is not a mixture of reality and the unreal so much as a half comprehension, a half expression of the real, and, since all consciousness is force and therefore potentially creative, our ignorance has the result of wrong creation, wrong manifestation, wrong action or misconceived and misdirected energy of the being. All world-existence is manifestation, but our ignorance is the agent of a partial, limited and ignorant manifestation, - in part an expression but in part also a disguise of the original being, consciousness and delight of existence. If this state of things is permanent and unalterable, if our world must always move in this circle, if some Ignorance is the cause of all things and all action here and not a condition and circumstance, then indeed the cessation of individual ignorance could only come by an escape of the individual from world-being, and a cessation of the cosmic ignorance would be the destruction of world-being.
But if this world has at its root an evolutionary principle, if

Reality and the Cosmic Illusion

our ignorance is a half-knowledge evolving towards knowledge, another account and another issue and spiritual result of our existence in material Nature, a greater manifestation here becomes possible.
A farther distinction has to be made in our conceptions of unreality, so as to avoid a possible confusion in our dealings with this problem of the Ignorance. Our mind, or a part of it, has a pragmatic standard of reality; it insists on a standard of fact, of actuality. All that is fact of existence is to it real, but for it this factuality or reality of the actual is limited to the phenomena of this terrestrial existence in the material universe. But terrestrial or material existence is only a part manifestation, it is a system of actualised possibilities of the Being which does not exclude all other possibilities not yet actualised or not actualised here.
In a manifestation in Time new realities can emerge, truths of being not yet realised can put forth their possibilities and become actual in the physical and terrestrial existence; other truths of being there may be that are supraphysical and belong to another domain of manifestation, not realised here but still real. Even what is nowhere actual in any universe, may be a truth of being, a potential of being, and cannot, because it is not yet expressed in form of existence, be taxed as unreal. But our mind or this part of it still insists on its pragmatic habit or conception of the real which admits only the factual and actual as true and is prone to regard all else as unreal. There is then for this mind an unreality which is of a purely pragmatic nature: it consists in the formulation of things which are not necessarily unreal in themselves but are not realised or perhaps cannot be realised by ourselves or in present circumstances or in our actual world of being; this is not a true unreality, it is not an unreal but an unrealised, not an unreal of being but only an unreal of present or known fact. There is, again, an unreality which is conceptual and perceptive and is caused by an erroneous conception and perception of the real: this too is not or need not be an unreality of being, it is only a false construction of consciousness due to limitation by Ignorance. These and other secondary movements of our ignorance are not the heart of the problem, for that turns


The Life Divine
upon a more general affliction of our consciousness and the world-consciousness here; it is the problem of the cosmic Ignorance. For our whole view and experience of existence labours under a limitation of consciousness which is not ours alone but seems to be at the basis of the material creation. Instead of the original and ultimate Consciousness which sees reality as a whole, we see active here a limited consciousness and either a partial and unfinished creation or a cosmic kinesis that moves in a perpetual circle of meaningless change. Our consciousness sees a part and parts only of the Manifestation, - if manifestation it be, - and treats it or them as if they were separate entities; all our illusions and errors arise from a limited separative awareness which creates unrealities or misconceives the Real. But the problem becomes still more enigmatic when we perceive that our material world seems to arise directly, not out of any original
Being and Consciousness, but out of a status of Inconscience and apparent Non-Existence; our ignorance itself is something that has appeared as if with difficulty and struggle out of the
This then is the mystery, - how did an illimitable consciousness and force of integral being enter into this limitation and separativeness? how could this be possible and, if its possibility has to be admitted, what is its justification in the Real and its significance? It is the mystery not of an original Illusion, but of the origin of the Ignorance and Inconscience and of the relations of Knowledge and Ignorance to the original Consciousness or

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   1 Sri Aurobindo


1:The Absolute is in itself indefinable by reason, ineffable to the speech; it has to be approached through experience. It can be approached through an absolute negation of existence, as if it were itself a supreme Non-Existence, a mysterious infinite Nihil. It can be approached through an absolute affirmation of all the fundamentals of our own existence, through an absolute of Light and Knowledge, through an absolute of Love or Beauty, through an absolute of Force, through an absolute of peace or silence. It can be approached through an inexpressible absolute of being or of consciousness, or of power of being, or of delight of being, or through a supreme experience in which these things become inexpressibly one; for we can enter into such an ineffable state and, plunged into it as if into a luminous abyss of existence, we can reach a superconscience which may be described as the gate of the Absolute. It is supposed that it is only through a negation of individual and cosmos that we can enter into the Absolute. But in fact the individual need only deny his own small separate ego-existence; he can approach the Absolute through a sublimation of his spiritual individuality taking up the cosmos into himself and transcending it; or he may negate himself altogether, but even so it is still the individual who by self-exceeding enters into the Absolute. He may enter also by a sublimation of his being into a supreme existence or super-existence, by a sublimation of his consciousness into a supreme consciousness or superconscience, by a sublimation of his and all delight of being into a super-delight or supreme ecstasy. He can make the approach through an ascension in which he enters into cosmic consciousness, assumes it into himself and raises himself and it into a state of being in which oneness and multiplicity are in perfect harmony and unison in a supreme status of manifestation where all are in each and each in all and all in the one without any determining individuation - for the dynamic identity and mutuality have become complete; on the path of affirmation it is this status of the manifestation that is nearest to the Absolute. This paradox of an Absolute which can be realised through an absolute negation and through an absolute affirmation, in many ways, can only be accounted for to the reason if it is a supreme Existence which is so far above our notion and experience of existence that it can correspond to our negation of it, to our notion and experience of nonexistence; but also, since all that exists is That, whatever its degree of manifestation, it is itself the supreme of all things and can be approached through supreme affirmations as through supreme negations. The Absolute is the ineffable x overtopping and underlying and immanent and essential in all that we can call existence or non-existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, 2.06 - Reality and the Cosmic Illusion,

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Wikipedia - 2004 South African general election
Wikipedia - 2004 Uruguayan Primera Division -- Statistics for 2004 season of Primera Division Uruguaya
Wikipedia - 2005-06 Uruguayan Primera Division -- Statistics for 2005-06 season of Primera Division Uruguaya
Wikipedia - 2005 Canadian federal budget -- Budget of the Government of Canada for the 2005-2006 fiscal year
Wikipedia - 2005 Puerto Rican unicameralism referendum -- Held in Puerto Rico on July 10, 2005
Wikipedia - 2005 Uruguayan Primera Division -- Statistics for 2005 season of Primera Division Uruguaya
Wikipedia - 2007 cyberattacks on Estonia -- Series of cyberattacks which began on 27 April 2007
Wikipedia - 2007 General Motors strike -- Labor strike
Wikipedia - 2007 Guinean general strike -- 2007 general strike in Guinea
Wikipedia - 2008 Italian general election
Wikipedia - 2008 Malaysian general election
Wikipedia - 2009 FIFA Confederations Cup knockout stage -- Knockout stage of the 2009 FIFA Confederations Cup
Wikipedia - 2010 eruptions of Mount Merapi -- Eruption in Indonesia
Wikipedia - 2010 Northumbria Police manhunt -- Major police operation in July 2010
Wikipedia - 2010s Haiti cholera outbreak
Wikipedia - 2011 CAF Confederation Cup group stage -- The group stage featured the eight winners from the play-off round.
Wikipedia - 2011 Sabarimala stampede -- Human stampede in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - 2012 Boca del Rio murder of journalists -- Massacre in Veracruz, Mexico
Wikipedia - 2012 Mexico Learjet 25 crash -- American singer Jenni Rivera crashed south of Monterrey, Mexico
Wikipedia - 2013 South Korea cyberattack -- Alleged cyber-warfare attack with wiping malware in March 2013
Wikipedia - 2014 Panamanian general election
Wikipedia - 2015 Democratic Alliance Federal Congress -- South African political party conference
Wikipedia - 2015 in Rizin Fighting Federation -- Rizin Fighting Federation in 2015
Wikipedia - 2015 kidnapping and beheading of Copts in Libya -- Persecution of Christians in the Modern Era and 21st century Christian Martyrs and Saints
Wikipedia - 2015 Nigerian general election
Wikipedia - 2015 United Kingdom general election
Wikipedia - 2016 Australian federal election
Wikipedia - 2016 Dyn cyberattack -- 2016 cyberattack in Europe and North America
Wikipedia - 2016 in Rizin Fighting Federation -- Rizin Fighting Federation in 2016
Wikipedia - 2016 Malmo Muslim community centre arson -- Fire that was deliberately started at the Muslim community centre in Malmo, Sweden
Wikipedia - 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup -- 10th FIFA Confederations Cup, held in Russia in 2017
Wikipedia - 2017 in Rizin Fighting Federation -- Rizin Fighting Federation in 2017
Wikipedia - 2017 Washington train derailment -- 2017 train crash in the United States
Wikipedia - 2018-2019 United States federal government shutdown -- Government shutdown from December 22, 2018, to January 25, 2019
Wikipedia - 2018 Armenian revolution -- Protests against Prime Minister Sersch Sargsyan and the Armenian government in several Armenian cities
Wikipedia - 2018 Atlanta cyberattack -- Ransomware attack on the Atlanta government
Wikipedia - 2018 Brazilian general election
Wikipedia - 2018 in Rizin Fighting Federation -- Rizin Fighting Federation in 2018
Wikipedia - 2018 Italian general election
Wikipedia - 2018 Kerala floods -- Flooding that occurred in Kerala
Wikipedia - 2018 Washington Veterans Day Parade -- Cancelled military parade
Wikipedia - 2019 General Motors strike -- Labor strike
Wikipedia - 2019 Hyderabad gang rape -- 2019 rape and murder of a woman in India
Wikipedia - 2019 in Rizin Fighting Federation -- Rizin Fighting Federation in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Kerala floods -- Severe flooding due to heavy monsoon rainfall on 8 August 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Meralco Bolts season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Porsche Carrera Cup Australia -- Automobiles competition
Wikipedia - 2019 United Kingdom general election
Wikipedia - 2020 Booker Prize -- British literary award given in 2020
Wikipedia - 2020 Democratic Alliance Federal Congress -- Elective conference held in 2020
Wikipedia - 2020 dismissal of inspectors general -- Overview of the dismissal of inspectors general of 2020
Wikipedia - 2020 General Directorate of Security Super King Air 350 crash -- Aircraft crash in Van, Turkey
Wikipedia - 2020 Hyderabad floods -- Heavy rains resulting in flash flooding in Hyderabad, India
Wikipedia - 2020 in Rizin Fighting Federation -- Rizin Fighting Federation in 2020
Wikipedia - 2020 Meralco Bolts season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2020 Porsche Carrera Cup Australia -- Automobiles competition
Wikipedia - 2020 Wallan derailment -- Train derailment in Australia
Wikipedia - 2021 Dutch general election
Wikipedia - 2021 in literature
Wikipedia - 2021 in Rizin Fighting Federation -- Rizin Fighting Federation in 2021
Wikipedia - 2021 in the Federated States of Micronesia
Wikipedia - 2022 Brazilian general election
Wikipedia - 205 series -- Train type operated in Japan and Indonesia
Wikipedia - 2081: A Hopeful View of the Human Future -- Book by Gerard K. O'Neill
Wikipedia - 20th-century French literature
Wikipedia - 20th century in literature
Wikipedia - 20th Operations Group
Wikipedia - 21st century in literature
Wikipedia - 24 (2001 film) -- 2001 film by David Beranek
Wikipedia - 24-methylenesterol C-methyltransferase -- Class of enzymes
Wikipedia - 2,5-dioxovalerate dehydrogenase -- Class of enzymes
Wikipedia - 25S Satellite Communications Systems Operator/Maintainer -- Military communication of the United States
Wikipedia - 287 series -- Electric multiple unit train type operated in Japan
Wikipedia - 28 generals of the Cloud Terrace -- portraits on the Cloud Terrace of the founding generals of the Eastern Han dynasty (60 AD)
Wikipedia - 2nd General Health Battalion (Australia) -- Medical unit of the Australian Army
Wikipedia - 30th Cavalry Squadron, Queen's Guard (Thailand) -- Special operations force of the Royal Thai Army
Wikipedia - 31st Delaware General Assembly -- Legislature of Delaware, United States, from 1807-1808
Wikipedia - 323d Expeditionary Operations Group
Wikipedia - 352nd Special Operations Wing -- US Air Force formation
Wikipedia - 3.7 cm SockelFlak L/14.5 -- WW1-era German light anti-aircraft gun
Wikipedia - 3:AM Magazine -- Literary magazine
Wikipedia - 3D acceleration
Wikipedia - 3D accelerator
Wikipedia - 3D interaction
Wikipedia - 3DO Interactive Multiplayer -- Video game console
Wikipedia - 3 GB barrier -- Limitation of some 32-bit operating systems running on x86 microprocessors
Wikipedia - 3rd Missouri Light Battery -- Artillery battery of the Confederate States Army
Wikipedia - 3 Stolen Cameras -- Documentary film
Wikipedia - 3tera
Wikipedia - 43rd Battalion, Virginia Cavalry -- Military unit in the Confederate army
Wikipedia - 45th Arkansas Infantry (Mounted) -- American Civil War Confederate Army regiment
Wikipedia - 4690 Operating System
Wikipedia - 4-deoxy-L-threo-5-hexosulose-uronate ketol-isomerase -- Enzyme
Wikipedia - 4th Missouri Infantry Regiment (Confederate)
Wikipedia - 4th Tank Battalion (Thailand) -- Special operations force of the Royal Thai Army
Wikipedia - 500 Startups -- U.S. startup accelerator
Wikipedia - 501(c)(3) organization -- Type of nonprofit organization in the United States exempt from federal income tax
Wikipedia - 55 Central Park West -- 19-floor housing cooperative located in Manhattan, New York City
Wikipedia - 5G -- Fifth generation of cellular mobile communications
Wikipedia - 5th Nigeria National Assembly -- |Federal Republic of Nigeria
Wikipedia - 600-ship Navy -- United States Cold War-era defense plan
Wikipedia - 604th Special Purpose Center -- Russian special operations forces unit
Wikipedia - 60second Recap -- Classic literature educational video website
Wikipedia - 613 commandments -- Traditional Jewish enumeration of commandments in the Torah
Wikipedia - 64DD -- Video game peripheral
Wikipedia - 68K/OS -- Operating system for the Sinclair QL microcomputer
Wikipedia - 6G (network) -- 6th generation of cellular mobile communications
Wikipedia - 6th Nigeria National Assembly -- |Federal Republic of Nigeria
Wikipedia - 6th Texas Cavalry Regiment -- Confederate mounted volunteers, American Civil War
Wikipedia - 72 equal temperament
Wikipedia - 731 series -- Electric multiple unit train type operated by JR Hokkaido in Japan
Wikipedia - 752nd Special Operations Group -- US Air Force formation
Wikipedia - 7 Cups -- Online therapy website
Wikipedia - 7th Nigeria National Assembly -- |Federal Republic of Nigeria
Wikipedia - 89th Operations Group -- Part of US Air Force 89th Airlift Wing operating executive transport
Wikipedia - 8A4-class ROUV -- A Chinese work class remotely operated underwater vehicle
Wikipedia - 8th Operations Group -- US Air Force unit
Wikipedia - 907 Fifth Avenue -- Residential housing cooperative in New York
Wikipedia - 90th Task Force (Thailand) -- Special operations force of the Royal Thai Army
Wikipedia - 94.3 Club FM -- Radio station in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - 99th Airlift Squadron -- Part of US Air Force 89th Airlift Wing operating executive transport
Wikipedia - 9GAG -- Social media website whereby users upload and share user-generated images and videos
Wikipedia - 9X Generation -- Vietnamese demographic cohort born in the 1990s
Wikipedia - AA-52 machine gun -- French general-purpose machine gun
Wikipedia - Aaditya Thackeray -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Aage Borchgrevink -- Norwegian writer and literary critic
Wikipedia - -- African American Literature Book Club website
Wikipedia - Aalen - Heidenheim -- Federal electoral district of Germany
Wikipedia - Aalto Theatre -- Opera house in Essen, Germany
Wikipedia - Aa Neram Alppa Dooram -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - A. Arnim White -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Aaron Aguilera -- American professional wrestler and actor
Wikipedia - Aaron Bradshaw Jr. -- U.S. Army Major General
Wikipedia - Aaron Brennan -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Aaron D. Ford -- Attorney General of Nevada
Wikipedia - Aaron Dillaway -- Australian Liberal National politician
Wikipedia - Aaron Livesy -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Emmerdale
Wikipedia - Aaron M. Prupas -- U.S. Air Force general
Wikipedia - Aaron R. Dean II -- United States Army brigadier general
Wikipedia - Aaton Penelope -- 35mm motion picture camera
Wikipedia - Abacetus aeratus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Abaciscus stellifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Abadehella -- Genus of foraminifera (fossil)
Wikipedia - Abano Mineral Lake Natural Monument -- Carbon dioxide effervescent lake in Kazbegi Municipality, Georgia
Wikipedia - Abas Basir -- Minister of higher education, Former Director-General of the South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme
Wikipedia - Abatement (heraldry) -- Defacement of a coat of arms
Wikipedia - Abathar Muzania -- A demiurge mentioned in the literature of Mandaeism
Wikipedia - Abatocera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Abbahu -- Member of the third generation of Amoraim
Wikipedia - Abban of Magheranoidhe
Wikipedia - Abbas al-Musawi -- Lebanese Shia cleric and co-founder and Secretary General of Hezbollah (1952-1992)
Wikipedia - Abbas Ibrahim (Lebanese officer) -- Lebanese major general
Wikipedia - Abbe Francois Blanchet -- French litterateur
Wikipedia - Abbey Theatre -- National Theatre of Ireland, Dublin, origins tied to the Irish Literary Revival
Wikipedia - Abbie Carrington -- American operatic singer
Wikipedia - Abbott Records -- American record label operated by producer Fabor Robison from 1951 to about 1958
Wikipedia - AbCellera -- Biotechnology company in Vancouver, Canada
Wikipedia - Abd al-Aziz ibn al-Walid -- 8th century Umayyad Prince, general and district governor
Wikipedia - Abdallah ibn Abd al-Malik -- Umayyad prince, general and governor of Egypt (c.677-c.750)
Wikipedia - Abd al-Malik ibn Salih -- Abbasid governor and General
Wikipedia - Abd al-Rahman ibn Abd Allah al-Ghafiqi -- Muslim general of the 8th century
Wikipedia - Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn al-Ash'ath -- 7th century Arab general and rebel
Wikipedia - Abdelaziz Djerad -- Algerian political scientist and current Prime Minister of Algeria
Wikipedia - Abdel-Wahab al-Saadi -- Iraqi General
Wikipedia - Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame -- Former Minister of National defence and International Cooperation ; Leader of Wadajir Party
Wikipedia - Abdolrahim Mousavi -- Iranian general
Wikipedia - Abdoulaye Thera -- Malian judoka
Wikipedia - Abductor digiti minimi muscle of foot -- Muscle which lies along the lateral (outer) border of the foot
Wikipedia - Abdulbaki Golpinarli -- Turkish Sufi scholar and literary historian
Wikipedia - Abdul Fatah Younis -- Libyan general
Wikipedia - Abdul Hamid Khan (general) -- Pakistani general
Wikipedia - Abdullahi Dikko -- Controller-General of the Nigeria customs service 2009-2015
Wikipedia - Abdullahi Sarki Mukhtar -- Nigerian politician and general
Wikipedia - Abdulla Xolmuhamedov -- Uzbek general
Wikipedia - Abdulrahman bin Saad al-Shahrani -- Major general of the Royal Saudi Land Forces
Wikipedia - Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera -- British Islamic Scholar
Wikipedia - Abdus Salam (general) -- Bangladesh Awami League Politician And Retired Major General
Wikipedia - Abdygul Chotbaev -- Kyrgyzstani General and politician
Wikipedia - Abel Kandiho -- Ugandan general
Wikipedia - Abellio ScotRail -- Dutch-owned national train operating company of Scotland
Wikipedia - Aberarder -- Hamlet in Scotland
Wikipedia - Aberarth - Carreg Wylan -- Site of Special Scientific Interest in Ceredigion, west Wales.
Wikipedia - Abertis -- Spanish conglomerate corporation
Wikipedia - Abhidhanantar -- Indian literary magazine in the Marathi language
Wikipedia - Abhijit Guha (Indian Army officer) -- Indian Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Abhisheka Wimalaweera -- Sri Lankan songstress (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Abi Branning -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Abigail Kelly -- English soprano opera singer
Wikipedia - AB InBev -- Belgian-Brazilian multinational beverage and brewing company
Wikipedia - Abiodun Koya -- Nigerian opera and gospel singer
Wikipedia - ABISMO -- Japanese remotely operated underwater vehicle for deep sea exploration
Wikipedia - Abitibi-Temiscamingue -- Federal electoral district of Canada
Wikipedia - Abjjad -- Arabic literary social network
Wikipedia - Abner Doubleday -- Union Army general
Wikipedia - Abner Lloveras -- Catalan mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Aboitiz Equity Ventures -- Filippino conglomerate
Wikipedia - Aboobaker Osman Mitha -- Pakistani general
Wikipedia - Aboriginal breastplate -- A form of regalia used in pre-Federation Australia
Wikipedia - About Adam -- 2001 film by Gerard Stembridge
Wikipedia - Abraham Cohen de Herrera
Wikipedia - Abraham Eraly
Wikipedia - Abraham Erasmus van Wyk -- South African plant taxonomist
Wikipedia - Abram Petrovich Gannibal -- Russian general, military engineer and nobleman originally from Africa
Wikipedia - Abriendo Puertas (Jerry Rivera album) -- 1990 studio album by Jerry Rivera
Wikipedia - Abrotanella scapigera -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Absa Bank Seychelles -- Absa group subsidiary operating in the Seychelles
Wikipedia - Abscam -- 1970s and 1980s FBI sting operation
Wikipedia - ABS-CBN Corporation -- Media and entertainment conglomerate in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Absence seizure -- type of generalized seizure
Wikipedia - Absentee funeral prayer (Islam) -- Islamic prayer
Wikipedia - Absolom M. West -- Confederate Army general
Wikipedia - Absolute threshold of hearing -- minimum sound level that an average human can hear
Wikipedia - Absolute zero -- The lowest attainable temperature
Wikipedia - Absorption law -- An identity linking a pair of binary operations
Wikipedia - Absorption refrigerator
Wikipedia - ABS (satellite operator) -- Bermuda-based operator of communication satellites
Wikipedia - Abstraction -- Conceptual process where general rules and concepts are derived from the usage and classification of specific examples
Wikipedia - Abu Dhabi -- Federal capital of the United Arab Emirates
Wikipedia - Abu Hamza al-Masri -- Egyptian-born British Islamist terrorist incarcerated in a US federal prison
Wikipedia - Abul Hossain -- Bangladeshi general
Wikipedia - Acacia fasciculifera -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acacia jennerae -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Academician -- Member of an art, literary, or scientific academy
Wikipedia - Academic literature
Wikipedia - Academy of Doom -- 2008 film by Chip Gubera
Wikipedia - Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences' Hall of Fame
Wikipedia - Academy of Interactive Arts Sciences
Wikipedia - Academy of Interactive Entertainment -- Australian videos game and animation school
Wikipedia - Academy of Persian Language and Literature -- Official regulatory institution of the Persian language, headquartertered in Tehran, Iran
Wikipedia - Acaena tenera -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acamptopappus -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - A Cancao da Primavera -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Acanthamoeba keratitis -- Human disease induced by a protist
Wikipedia - Acanthinodera -- Genus of beetle
Wikipedia - Acanthoponera goeldii -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acanthoponera minor -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acanthoponera mucronata -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acanthoponera peruviana -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acanthoponera -- Genus of ants
Wikipedia - A Capital Federal -- Operetta directed by Artur Azevedo
Wikipedia - A. C. Bradley -- 20th-century English literary scholar
Wikipedia - Accelerate (Christina Aguilera song) -- 2018 single by Christina Aguilera featuring Ty Dolla Sign and 2 Chainz
Wikipedia - Accelerated Christian Education -- Evangelist Christian education organization
Wikipedia - Accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy -- A mind-body psychotherapy that is informed by research in the areas of attachment theory, emotion theory, and neuroscience of change
Wikipedia - Accelerated failure time model -- Parametric model in survival analysis
Wikipedia - Accelerated Graphics Port
Wikipedia - Accelerated Mobile Pages -- Open source HTML framework optimised for mobile web browsing
Wikipedia - Accelerated solvent extraction -- chemical analysis method
Wikipedia - Accelerate (horse) -- Thoroughbred racehorse trained in the United States
Wikipedia - Accelerate (R.E.M. album) -- 2008 album by R.E.M.
Wikipedia - Accelerating change -- Perceived increase in the rate of technological change throughout history
Wikipedia - Accelerating expansion of the Universe
Wikipedia - Accelerating expansion of the universe
Wikipedia - Accelerating universe
Wikipedia - Accelerationism
Wikipedia - Acceleration (law) -- Legal term
Wikipedia - Acceleration -- Rate of change of velocity
Wikipedia - Accelerator-driven system
Wikipedia - Accelerator effect
Wikipedia - Accelerator (library)
Wikipedia - Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment -- Water Cherenkov detector experiment
Wikipedia - Accelerometer -- Device that measures proper acceleration
Wikipedia - Acceptance and commitment therapy -- Counseling form developed by Steven Hayes in 1982
Wikipedia - Acceptance of evolution by religious groups -- General review of religious attitudes towards evolution
Wikipedia - Access Bank Group -- Nigerian financial services conglomerate
Wikipedia - Access Industries -- American conglomerate holding company
Wikipedia - Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator -- G20 COVID-19 global initiative
Wikipedia - Access to Insight -- Theravada Buddhist website
Wikipedia - Acculturation gap -- concept in sociology relating to the intergenerational effects of immigration
Wikipedia - Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation -- Combat flight simulation video game
Wikipedia - Ace Hardware -- American hardware cooperative
Wikipedia - Acephalous society -- Society which lacks political leaders or hierarchies
Wikipedia - Aceramarca gracile opossum -- Species of opossum
Wikipedia - Aceratherium -- Genus of extinct rhinoceros
Wikipedia - A Certain Scientific Accelerator -- Manga series
Wikipedia - Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
Wikipedia - Achaean League -- Hellenistic-era confederation of Greek city states
Wikipedia - A Chair for My Mother -- 1982 children's book by Vera Williams
Wikipedia - Achelois -- Name attributed to several Greek mythological characters
Wikipedia - Achelousaurus -- Genus of ceratopsid dinosaur from North America
Wikipedia - Achievement (heraldry) -- Full display or depiction of all the heraldic components to which the bearer of a coat of arms is entitled
Wikipedia - Achille De Bassini -- Italian opera singer 1819-1881
Wikipedia - Achille Errani -- Italian opera singer
Wikipedia - Achille Lauro hijacking -- 1985 hijacking of Italian MS Achille Lauro by four Palestine Liberation Front members off the coast of Egypt
Wikipedia - Achille Pierre Deffontaines -- French general
Wikipedia - Achilles' heel -- Critical weakness which can lead to downfall in spite of overall strength
Wikipedia - Achuthanandan ministry -- Kerala government ministry
Wikipedia - Achyranthes aspera -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera aberrans -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera adirii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera aechme -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera agathophylla -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera alainii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera albopurpurea -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera amaralii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera angustisepala -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera antennata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera breviflora -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera brunnescens -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera butcheri -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera caldensis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera calypso -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera cerberus -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera chamelopoda -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera chionopa -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera chrysantha -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera circumplexa -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera denticulata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera fumioi -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera johnsonii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera juxtaposita -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera octophrys -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera odontotepala -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera per-dusenii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera pernambucensis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera scabripes -- Species of orchid
Wikipedia - Acianthera scalpricaulis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera subrotundifolia -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera violaceomaculata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera viridis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera wageneriana -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera wawraeana -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera welsiae-windischiae -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera zumbae -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acicarpha -- Genus of Calyceraceae plants
Wikipedia - Acinteyya -- Four issues that should not be thought about, since this distracts from practice, and hinders the attainment of liberation
Wikipedia - Acko General Insurance -- Insurance company in India
Wikipedia - Acmaeodera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - ACM Guide to Computing Literature
Wikipedia - ACM Interactions (magazine)
Wikipedia - ACM Interactions
Wikipedia - Acmocera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
Wikipedia - Acokanthera laevigata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acokanthera oblongifolia -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acokanthera oppositifolia -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acokanthera schimperi -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - A Confederacy of Dunces -- Picaresque novel by John Kennedy Toole
Wikipedia - Acoustically Navigated Geological Underwater Survey -- A deep-towed still-camera sled operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in the early 1970s
Wikipedia - Acoustic fingerprint -- Condensed digital summary generated from an audio signal
Wikipedia - Acquired immune tolerance
Wikipedia - Acria ceramitis -- Asian species of moth in genus Acria
Wikipedia - Acrididae -- Family of grasshoppers in the suborder Caelifera
Wikipedia - A Critique of Pure Tolerance -- 1965 book by Robert Paul Wolff, Barrington Moore Jr., and Herbert Marcuse
Wikipedia - Acroceras macrum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acrosphaera -- Genus of radiolaria
Wikipedia - Acta Eruditorum -- Periodical literature
Wikipedia - Acta General de Chile -- 1986 documentary film directed by Miguel Littin
Wikipedia - ACT Book of the Year -- Australian annual literary award
Wikipedia - Actinidia -- Genus of plants native to temperate eastern Asia
Wikipedia - Actinocatenispora sera -- Species of bacterium
Wikipedia - Action camera -- Digital camera designed for recording action while being immersed in it.
Wikipedia - Activated sludge -- A wastewater treatment process using aeration and a biological floc
Wikipedia - Active immunization -- Natural or therapeutic induction of immunity after exposure to an antigen
Wikipedia - Activity-specific approach in temperament research
Wikipedia - Acts of Literature
Wikipedia - Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis -- Common, non-contagious infection of the gums with sudden onset
Wikipedia - Acyclic model -- Generalizes showing that two homology theories are isomorphic
Wikipedia - Ada Derana -- Sri Lanka television news channel and newscasts
Wikipedia - Ada E. Brown -- U.S. federal judge
Wikipedia - Adagia -- Collection of Greek and Latin proverbs, compiled by Erasmus of Rotterdam
Wikipedia - Adaina cinerascens -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Adalbert of Pomerania
Wikipedia - Adalberto Libera -- Italian architect
Wikipedia - Adaleres humeralis -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Adamanduga -- genre of literature
Wikipedia - Adam Barlow -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Adam Carrington -- Fictional soap opera character
Wikipedia - Adam Fitzgerald -- American poet
Wikipedia - Adam Forsythe -- In a British soap opera
Wikipedia - Adam Kirsch -- American poet and literary critic
Wikipedia - Adam Laxalt -- 33rd Attorney General of Nevada
Wikipedia - Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act -- U.S. federal statute
Wikipedia - Adani Group -- Indian multinational conglomerate
Wikipedia - Adani Ports & SEZ -- Indian private sector port operator
Wikipedia - Adaptive Domain Environment for Operating Systems
Wikipedia - Ada Rowley Moody -- British Liberal Party politician
Wikipedia - Adarsh Credit Cooperative Society -- Fraudulent scheme
Wikipedia - Ad Astra per Aspera (manga) -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Adderall -- Drug mixture used mainly to treat ADHD and narcolepsy
Wikipedia - Addiction vulnerability -- A range of genetic and environmental risk factors for developing an addiction
Wikipedia - Addington (electoral district) -- Former federal electoral district in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Additions to Daniel -- Three chapters of the Book of Daniel, found in the Septuagint but not in the Hebrew and Aramaic; regarded as canonical in several Christian traditions, incl. Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, but not in Judaism or most forms of Protestantism
Wikipedia - Addition -- Arithmetic operation
Wikipedia - Additive Manufacturing by Material Extrusion of metals and ceramics
Wikipedia - Address generation unit
Wikipedia - Address pool -- A set of addresses in the IP address allocation hierarchy
Wikipedia - Address to Young Men on Greek Literature
Wikipedia - Adelaide Tosi -- Opera singer
Wikipedia - Adelanto Detention Center -- Privately operated federal prison
Wikipedia - Adelbert Ames -- Union Army general and Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Adele Almati -- German-Swedish opera singer 1861-1919
Wikipedia - Adele Gerard Lewis Grant -- American botanist (1881-1969)
Wikipedia - Adele Passy-Cornet -- German opera singer
Wikipedia - Adelina Catalani -- Franco-Italian opera singer 1818-32
Wikipedia - Adelite -- arsenate mineral
Wikipedia - Adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis -- Common and highly contagious viral infection of the eye
Wikipedia - A Desperate Adventure (film) -- 1938 film by John H. Auer
Wikipedia - A Desperate Adventure -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - A Desperate Chance for Ellery Queen -- 1942 film by James P. Hogan
Wikipedia - A Desperate Chance -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Desperate Moment -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Adirondack Beverages -- American beverage company
Wikipedia - Aditesvarar Temple, Peravur -- Temple in Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Aditi Sajwan -- Indian soap opera actress
Wikipedia - Aditya Birla Group -- Indian multinational conglomerate
Wikipedia - Adjoint operator
Wikipedia - Adjutant general -- Military chief administrative officer
Wikipedia - Adjuvant therapy -- Medical treatment in addition to a primary treatment to maximise effectiveness
Wikipedia - Adlai H. Gilkeson -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Adlertag -- First day of German military operations to destroy the British air force
Wikipedia - Adlocutio -- Address given by a Roman general or emperor to his massed army and legions
Wikipedia - Adlumia fungosa -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias -- Operator of most of Spain's railway infrastructure
Wikipedia - Administrative Office of the United States Courts -- Administrative agency of the US federal court system
Wikipedia - Admiralty House, Sydney -- Official residence of the Governor-General of Australia in Kirribilli, Sydney
Wikipedia - Adobe Flash -- Deprecated multimedia platform used to add animation and interactivity to websites
Wikipedia - Adolf Deucher -- Member of the Swiss Federal Council
Wikipedia - Adolf Ehrnrooth -- Finnish general
Wikipedia - Adolf Erik Nordenskiold -- Finland-Swedish baron, geologist, mineralogist and Arctic explorer
Wikipedia - Adolf Hamann -- German general
Wikipedia - Adolf Kozieradski -- Polish operatic bass-baritone
Wikipedia - Adolf Muschg -- Swiss writer and professor of literature
Wikipedia - Adolf Ogi -- 82nd President of the Swiss Confederation
Wikipedia - Adolf Raegener -- German General and Knight's Cross recipient
Wikipedia - Adolf von Brudermann -- Austrian general
Wikipedia - Adolphe Marbot -- French general
Wikipedia - Adoor (State Assembly constituency) -- Constituency of the Kerala legislative assembly in India
Wikipedia - Adoption of Chinese literary culture
Wikipedia - Adriana Diaz Contreras -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Adriana Lleras-Muney -- American economist
Wikipedia - Adrienne Clarkson -- Canadian journalist and 26th Governor General of Canada
Wikipedia - Adsorption refrigeration -- A refrigeration method
Wikipedia - Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder -- The neurobiological condition of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults
Wikipedia - Adultcentrism -- Exaggerated egocentrism of adults
Wikipedia - Adultery in literature
Wikipedia - Adult high school -- Secondary school operated to serve adult students
Wikipedia - Adult Literacy Index -- Statistical measure
Wikipedia - Advanced CANDU reactor -- Canadian third generation nuclear reactor design
Wikipedia - Advanced Configuration and Power Interface -- Standard firmware interface for hardware configuration and power management by operating systems
Wikipedia - Advanced Warriors -- 2003 Interactive movie
Wikipedia - Advantage of terrain -- Land combat consideration
Wikipedia - Adventures in Silverado -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Adventure therapy -- Type of psychotherapy
Wikipedia - AdvertCity -- Procedurally generated business simulation video game published in 2015
Wikipedia - Advisory Council on Historic Preservation -- American federal government agency
Wikipedia - Advocaat -- Dutch alcoholic beverage featuring eggs
Wikipedia - Advocate General for Scotland
Wikipedia - Aegiceras corniculatum -- species of plant in the family Primulaceae
Wikipedia - Aelius Gallus -- 1st-century BC Roman governor and general
Wikipedia - Aemilia Lepida -- The name of several Roman women belonging to the gens Aemilia
Wikipedia - Aenigmatite -- Sapphirine supergroup, single chain inosilicate mineral
Wikipedia - Aenne Michalsky -- Austrian opera singer
Wikipedia - Aepsera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Aera! Aera! Aera! -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Aerangis ugandensis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Aeranthes adenopoda -- Species of orchid
Wikipedia - Aeranthes aemula -- Species of orchid
Wikipedia - Aeranthes albidiflora -- Species of orchid
Wikipedia - Aeranthes antennophora -- Species of orchid
Wikipedia - Aeranthes arachnites -- Species of orchid
Wikipedia - Aeranthes carnosa -- Species of orchid
Wikipedia - Aeranthes ecalcarata -- Species of orchid
Wikipedia - Aeranthes grandiflora -- Species of orchid
Wikipedia - Aeranthes henricii -- Species of orchid
Wikipedia - Aeranthes ramosa -- Species of orchid
Wikipedia - Aeranthes -- Genus of orchids
Wikipedia - Aerated lagoon -- Wastewater treatment system using aeration
Wikipedia - Aeration -- Process of circulating or mixing air with water
Wikipedia - Aerenomera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Aerie (magazine) -- Literary magazine
Wikipedia - Aerodrome -- Location from which aircraft flight operations take place
Wikipedia - Aerojet General
Wikipedia - Aerojet General X-8 -- Experimental spin-stabilized rocket for very high altitude research
Wikipedia - Aero L-60 BrigadM-CM-=r -- General aviation aircraft by Aero in Czechoslovakia
Wikipedia - Aeropuertos del Peru -- Peruvian private airport operator
Wikipedia - Aerosol-generating procedure -- Medical or health-care procedure that produces airborne particles
Wikipedia - Aerospace Data Facility-Colorado -- Satellite ground station operated by the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office
Wikipedia - Aerospace Data Facility-Southwest -- Satellite ground station operated by the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office
Wikipedia - Aerostar Airport Holdings -- Company that operates and manages the Luis MuM-CM-1oz Marin International Airport
Wikipedia - AES67 -- Interoperability standard for professional audio over IP
Wikipedia - Aeschynite-(Ce) -- Oxide mineral
Wikipedia - Aeschynomene aspera
Wikipedia - Aestheticism -- Art movement emphasizing aesthetic considerations over social values
Wikipedia - Aethes austera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aethes margaritifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aethes tesserana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aethiopia -- Geographical term in classical Greek literature for the upper Nile and areas south of the Sahara
Wikipedia - Afar Liberation Front -- Political party in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Afdera jimenae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Afdera orphnaea -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Afdera (volcano) -- Stratovolcano in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Affero General Public License
Wikipedia - Affiliated operator
Wikipedia - Affine space -- Geometric structure that generalizes the Euclidean space
Wikipedia - Affinity Gaming -- Private casino operator
Wikipedia - Affordable Care Act -- Obamacare, ACA - U.S. federal statute
Wikipedia - Afghan literature -- Literature written or related to the Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Afia Masood -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - AFL-CIO -- Federation of American trade unions
Wikipedia - Afonso de Albuquerque -- Portuguese general and nobleman
Wikipedia - Aframomum corrorima -- species of plant in the family Zingiberaceae
Wikipedia - Afrasura obliterata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Africa Liberal Network
Wikipedia - Africalpe nubifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - African-American literature
Wikipedia - African-American veterans lynched after World War I -- African Americans who were lynched in the U.S.
Wikipedia - African Company of Merchants -- Chartered company operating in the British gold coast
Wikipedia - African Development Bank -- Multilateral development finance institution
Wikipedia - African Distillers -- Zimbabwean producer of alcoholic beverages
Wikipedia - African Federation for Emergency Medicine -- International medical organization of Africa
Wikipedia - African Liberation Forces of Mauritania -- Paramilitary organization in Mauritania
Wikipedia - African literature
Wikipedia - African Union -- Superanational union
Wikipedia - African Writing Today -- Anthology of postcolonial African literature
Wikipedia - Afrolit Sans Frontieres Festival -- Online literary festival
Wikipedia - Afterburn (psychotherapy)
Wikipedia - After Dark (Asian Kung-Fu Generation song) -- 2007 single by the Japanese band Asian Kung-Fu Generation
Wikipedia - After the Development of Agriculture -- Calendar era, according to which 2000 CE is 10000 A.D.A. (M-bM-^@M-^fter the development of agricultureM-bM-^@M-^])
Wikipedia - After the Funeral -- 1953 Poirot novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - Afzal-ud-Daulah -- The Nizam of Hyderabad, India, from 1857 to 1869
Wikipedia - Agaeocera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Against Neaera -- Ancient Greek prosecution speech
Wikipedia - Against Therapy
Wikipedia - Aganju -- Deity in several religions
Wikipedia - Agathiceras -- Genus of molluscs (fossil)
Wikipedia - Agathocles (son of Lysimachus) -- 3rd-century BC Thracian general
Wikipedia - Age-Herald Building -- Building in Birmingham, Alabama
Wikipedia - Ageing -- Biologically degenerative process that is a deterioration and loss of function over time and leads to death
Wikipedia - Agencia Federal de Aviacion Civil -- Civil aviation regulatory body of Mexico
Wikipedia - Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry -- US federal agency
Wikipedia - A General History of the Pyrates -- 1724 book published in Britain
Wikipedia - A General Theory of Exploitation and Class -- 1982 book by John Roemer
Wikipedia - A General Theory of Oblivion -- 2013 novel by Jose Eduardo Agualusa
Wikipedia - A General View of Positivism
Wikipedia - Agent-general -- Government representative of certain Commonwealth countries in the UK
Wikipedia - Age of Sail -- Historical era during which international trade and naval warfare were dominated by sailing vessels
Wikipedia - Agera (festival) -- Roman Catholic festival celebrated in Mumbai
Wikipedia - Ageratina altissima -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ageratina macbridei -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ageratum conyzoides -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ageratum houstonianum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ageratum -- Genus of plants
Wikipedia - Age regression in therapy
Wikipedia - Age-related macular degeneration
Wikipedia - Agetas -- 3rd-century BC Greek general
Wikipedia - Agfa Ambiflex -- 35mm SLR camera
Wikipedia - Agfa Optima 1535 Sensor -- German 35 mm rangefinder camera
Wikipedia - Agfa Optima Flash Sensor -- German 35 mm viewfinder camera
Wikipedia - Agglomerate -- Coarse accumulation of large blocks of volcanic material that contains at least 75% bombs
Wikipedia - Agglomerative hierarchical clustering
Wikipedia - Aggregate (geology) -- Mass of rock, gravel, sand, soil particles, or of minerals in a rock
Wikipedia - Agile software development -- group of iterative and incremental development methods
Wikipedia - Agile Unified Process -- Iterative software development process framework
Wikipedia - A Girl with Temperament -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Agnes Huntington -- American operatic singer
Wikipedia - Agnes Nixon -- American soap opera screenwriter
Wikipedia - Agnes of Merania
Wikipedia - Agnes Stavenhagen -- German operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Agnes von Hohenstaufen -- Opera by Gaspare Spontini
Wikipedia - Agonopterix heracliana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Agonopterix seraphimella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Agree to disagree -- Tolerating but not accepting another's position
Wikipedia - Agricultural Adjustment Act -- United States federal law of the New Deal era
Wikipedia - Agrippa Menenius Lanatus (consul 503 BC) -- Late 6th century and early 5th century Roman general and consul
Wikipedia - Agrippina (opera) -- 1709 opera seria by G. F. Handel
Wikipedia - Agritourism -- Agriculturally based operation or activity that brings visitors to a farm or ranch
Wikipedia - Agrotera basinotata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Agrotera (moth) -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Agrotera nemoralis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Agrotera -- Ancient Greek mythological epithet
Wikipedia - Aguardiente -- Generic term for alcoholic beverages containing 29% to 60% alcohol by volume
Wikipedia - Agustin Carrera -- Argentine hurdler
Wikipedia - Agustin de Iturbide -- Mexican army general and politician, 1st emperor of Mexico
Wikipedia - Agustin Diaz de Mera Garcia Consuegra -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Agustin Olachea -- Mexican general
Wikipedia - Agustin Olguera -- Spanish painter
Wikipedia - Agymnastus venerabilis -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - A Harlot's Progress (opera) -- Opera by Iain Bell
Wikipedia - A Heist with Markiplier -- 2019 interactive film directed by Mark Edward Fischbach
Wikipedia - A History of the Kerala School of Hindu Astronomy -- Book by K. V. Sarma
Wikipedia - Ahmad Asiri (general) -- Ahmad Asiri (general)
Wikipedia - Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi -- 16th century Imam and General of the Adal Sultanate
Wikipedia - Ahmad Yani -- Indonesian general
Wikipedia - Ahmass Fakahany -- Egyptian-American food and beverage hospitality CEO
Wikipedia - Ahmed Muhammad Daku -- Nigerian politician and general
Wikipedia - Ahmed Ressam -- Algerian al-Qaeda member incarcerated in a US federal prison
Wikipedia - AI accelerators
Wikipedia - AI accelerator
Wikipedia - Aichi Medical College for Physical and Occupational Therapy -- Higher education institution in Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - AIDA interactive educational freeware diabetes simulator -- medical simulation computer program
Wikipedia - AIDAmira -- Cruise ship operated by AIDA Cruises
Wikipedia - Aidan Brosnan -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Aida -- Opera in four acts by Giuseppe Verdi
Wikipedia - Aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera
Wikipedia - AI Dungeon -- Text adventure game generated by artificial intelligence.
Wikipedia - Aijaz Ali Shah Sheerazi -- | Pakistani politician
Wikipedia - Aileen Baviera -- Filipino sinologist
Wikipedia - Aileen Christianson -- Scholar of Scottish and women's literature
Wikipedia - Aileran the Wise
Wikipedia - Aileran -- Irish scholar and saint
Wikipedia - Ailsa Mainman -- British archaeologist and ceramics specialist
Wikipedia - Ailsa Stewart -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Home and Away
Wikipedia - Ailyn Perez -- American opera singer
Wikipedia - AI Mk. IV radar -- Operational model of the world's first air-to-air radar system
Wikipedia - Ain Anger -- Estonian opera bass
Wikipedia - Ai no Kakera -- 2000 single by Every Little Thing
Wikipedia - Aino Seep -- Estonian operetta singer, opera soloist, and actress
Wikipedia - Ain't No Other Man -- 2006 single by Christina Aguilera
Wikipedia - Aira Caldera -- A large flooded coastal volcanic caldera in the south of the island of KyM-EM-+shM-EM-+, Japan
Wikipedia - Air base -- Aerodrome used by a military force for the operation of military aircraft
Wikipedia - Airbrush -- Small, air-operated tool that sprays various media by a process of nebulization
Wikipedia - Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute -- North American trade association
Wikipedia - Air-cushioned landing craft -- Military hovercraft designed for landing troops and equipment in amphibious operations
Wikipedia - Air Cushion Restraint System -- 1970s General Motors airbag technology
Wikipedia - Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency -- Former field operating agency of the USAF
Wikipedia - Air Heritage -- Indian regional airline operator
Wikipedia - Air-independent propulsion -- Propulsion system for submarines which operates without access to atmospheric oxygen
Wikipedia - Airline alliance -- Cooperation agreement between two or more airlines
Wikipedia - Air-line fitting -- Compendium of hand-operable air-line fittings
Wikipedia - Air Loyaute -- French airline operating in New Caledonia
Wikipedia - Air operator's certificate -- Approval by national aviation authorities to operate aircraft for commercial purposes
Wikipedia - Airport Authority Hong Kong -- Operator of Hong Kong International Airport
Wikipedia - Air spread -- The topside base for surface-supplied air diving operations
Wikipedia - Aiterach -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - AIX operating system
Wikipedia - Aiyaary -- 2018 action thriller film by Neeraj Pandey
Wikipedia - Ajahn Jayasaro -- Theravada Buddhist monk
Wikipedia - Ajahn Viradhammo -- Theravada Buddhist monk (b. 1947)
Wikipedia - Ajax (electoral district) -- Federal electoral district of Canada
Wikipedia - Ajax-Pickering -- Former federal electoral district of Canada
Wikipedia - A.J. Canfield Company -- Produces and bottles soda beverages
Wikipedia - Ajita Suchitra Veera -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Ajmer-Hyderabad Express -- Train in India
Wikipedia - Ajmer-Hyderabad Meenakshi Express -- Train in India
Wikipedia - Ajnaatha Theerangal -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Akagera Aviation School -- Rwandan aviation school
Wikipedia - Akagera National Park -- National park in Rwanda
Wikipedia - Akidnognathus -- Extinct genus of therapsids
Wikipedia - Akihiro Mera -- Japanese sport shooter
Wikipedia - Akiko Baba -- Japanese tanka poet and literary critic
Wikipedia - Akira Kubodera -- Japanese actor
Wikipedia - Akita Prefectural General Pool -- Swimming venue in Akita, Japan
Wikipedia - Akiva Weingarten -- American-born liberal rabbi, raised a Satmar Hasid, later based in Dresden and Basel
Wikipedia - Akkadian literature
Wikipedia - Ako ang Batas: General Karingal -- Philippine action film
Wikipedia - Ako Castuera -- American artist
Wikipedia - A. K. Veerasami -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Alabama Cooperative Extension System -- Educational outreach organization in Alabama, United States
Wikipedia - Alabaster -- Lightly colored, translucent, and soft calcium minerals, typically gypsum
Wikipedia - Al-Abbas ibn al-Ma'mun -- Abbasid Prince and General
Wikipedia - Al-Abbas ibn al-Walid -- Umayyad Prince and General
Wikipedia - Aladdin (opera) -- Opera by Kurt Atterberg
Wikipedia - Alaigal -- Indian Tamil soap opera
Wikipedia - Alain Berset -- 97th President of the Swiss Confederation
Wikipedia - Alain Colmerauer -- French computer scientist
Wikipedia - Alain de Boissieu -- French general
Wikipedia - Alain Destexhe -- Belgian liberal politician
Wikipedia - Alam Damai -- Neighborhood in Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur
Wikipedia - Al Amerat Cricket Stadium -- Cricket ground
Wikipedia - Alamikkali -- Folk festival of Kerala
Wikipedia - Alamosa Solar Generating Project -- Concentrated photovoltaic power station in Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Alan Crofoot -- Canadian opera singer
Wikipedia - Alan Erasmus -- British actor
Wikipedia - Alan Fitzgerald (satirist) -- Australian author and journalist
Wikipedia - Alan Fitzgerald -- American musician
Wikipedia - Alan Greenspan -- 13th Chair of the US Federal Reserve
Wikipedia - Alanine aminotransferase
Wikipedia - Alan Jackson (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Alan Jacobs (academic) -- American scholar of English literature
Wikipedia - Alan Shapley -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Alan Smith (physiotherapist) -- English physiotherapist
Wikipedia - Alan Turner (Emmerdale) -- Fictional character in the British soap opera Emmerdale
Wikipedia - Alappuzha Lighthouse -- Lighthouse in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Alappuzha railway station -- Railway station in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Alasdair Elliott -- British operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Al-Ashdaq -- Arab General of Banu Umayya tribe
Wikipedia - Alaska Mission Operations Center
Wikipedia - Alastair Niven -- Literary scholar and author (b. 1944)
Wikipedia - Alaudhinin Arputha Camera -- Indian Tamil-language fantasy film by Naveen
Wikipedia - Alban Ceray -- Monegasque pornographic actor
Wikipedia - Albanian Mixed Martial Arts Federation -- Mixed martial arts federation in Albania
Wikipedia - Albanian opera
Wikipedia - Albania-Yugoslavia relations -- Bilateral relations between Albania and Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - Albano Pera -- Italian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Alban SkM-CM-+nderaj discography -- Discography of Alban SkM-CM-+nderaj
Wikipedia - Al Bayan Holding Group -- Conglomerate based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Albert Alarr -- American television soap opera director
Wikipedia - Albert Bryant Jr. -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Albert C. Smith (general) -- U.S. Army Major General
Wikipedia - Albert d'Amade -- French general
Wikipedia - Albert Decatur Kniskern -- American general
Wikipedia - Albert Dohmen -- Opera singer
Wikipedia - Albert E. Brown -- U.S. Army Major General
Wikipedia - Albert Fewtrell -- Australian general
Wikipedia - Albert G. Jenkins -- Confederate Army general and politician
Wikipedia - Albert Guille -- French opera singer 1854-1914
Wikipedia - Albert Herring -- 1947 opera by Benjamin Britten
Wikipedia - Albert H. Wilkening -- American major general
Wikipedia - Albert Kesselring -- German Luftwaffe Generalfeldmarschall during World War II
Wikipedia - Albert Lance -- French opera singer
Wikipedia - Albert Laponneraye
Wikipedia - Albert Lee Stephens Jr. -- United States federal judge
Wikipedia - Albert Lortzing -- German opera composer
Wikipedia - Albert Marshall (veteran) -- British soldier
Wikipedia - Alberto Barrera Zurita -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Alberto Berasategui
Wikipedia - Alberto Cairo (physiotherapist) -- Italian physiotherapist and humanitarian
Wikipedia - Alberto Carrasquilla Barrera -- Colombian politician and economist
Wikipedia - Alberto Errera -- Greek-Jewish officer
Wikipedia - Alberto Ginastera
Wikipedia - Alberto Gonzales -- 80th United States Attorney General
Wikipedia - Alberto Guglielmone -- Argentine general
Wikipedia - Alberto Rivera (equestrian) -- Mexican equestrian
Wikipedia - Albert Pike -- Author, poet, orator, Freemason and Confederate Army general
Wikipedia - Albert Rivera -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Albert Sidney Johnston -- Texian, United States, and Confederate States army general
Wikipedia - Albert Stecken -- German general and Knight's Cross recipient
Wikipedia - Albert (tugboat) -- Tugboat operating on North American Great Lakes
Wikipedia - Albert W. Waldron -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Albin Gutman -- Slovene general
Wikipedia - Albion College -- Private liberal arts college in Michigan
Wikipedia - Albita Rivera Ramirez -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - Albizia procera -- Species of tree
Wikipedia - Albrecht von Stosch -- German general
Wikipedia - Album era -- Period in the music industry
Wikipedia - Alcamenes, son of Sthenelaides -- 5th-century BC Spartan general
Wikipedia - Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary -- Island prison in San Francisco Bay
Wikipedia - Alcee Hastings -- U.S. Representative from Florida; former federal judge
Wikipedia - Alceste (Schweitzer) -- Opera by Anton Schweitzer and Christoph Martin Wieland
Wikipedia - Alcetas -- 4th-century BC Macedonian general
Wikipedia - Alcide M. Lanoue -- Surgeon General of the US Army
Wikipedia - Alcmaeon, son of Megacles -- 6th-century BC Athenian general
Wikipedia - Alcmene -- Mother of Heracles
Wikipedia - Alcohol and Native Americans -- Native American use of alcoholic beverages
Wikipedia - Alcohol by volume -- Measure of how much alcohol is in a beverage
Wikipedia - Alcohol (drug) -- Active ingredient in alcoholic beverages
Wikipedia - Alcoholic beverage control state -- States in the United States that have a monopoly over alcohol
Wikipedia - Alcoholic beverage
Wikipedia - Alcohol laws of New Jersey -- Laws governing alcoholic beverages in New Jersey
Wikipedia - Alcohol tolerance -- Bodily responses to the functional effects of ethanol in alcoholic beverages
Wikipedia - Alcyone (opera) -- Opera by Marin Marais
Wikipedia - Alderamin on the Sky
Wikipedia - Aldo Albera -- Italian canoeist
Wikipedia - Aldo Casera -- Italian professional golfer
Wikipedia - Aldo Semerari
Wikipedia - Aldo Vera Serafin -- Cuban exile murdered in Puerto Rico in 1976
Wikipedia - Aldwin Gerard Francis -- Trinidadian doctor and sportsman
Wikipedia - Alector -- Several characters in Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Alejandro Gomez Olvera -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Alejandro Marco-Buhrmester -- German operatic baritone
Wikipedia - Alejandro Tapia y Rivera -- Puerto Rican poet
Wikipedia - Alejandro Zaera-Polo -- Spanish architect
Wikipedia - Aleko (Rachmaninoff) -- Opera by Sergei Rachmaninoff
Wikipedia - Aleksander Litwinowicz -- Polish general
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Eiduk -- Latvian Soviet Cheka operative and poet
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Fyodorovich Vasilev -- Red Army general
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Gerasimov (painter) -- Soviet artist
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Krymov -- Russian general
Wikipedia - Aleksandrs Gerasimjonoks -- Soviet sports shooter
Wikipedia - Alerame Maria Pallavicini -- Doge of the Republic of Genoa
Wikipedia - Aleramici -- Medieval Italian noble family
Wikipedia - Alessandro Carrera -- Italian poet and translator
Wikipedia - Alessandro Corbelli -- Italian baritone opera singer
Wikipedia - Alessandro Pirzio Biroli -- Italian army general
Wikipedia - Alessandro Portelli -- Italian scholar of American literature
Wikipedia - Alessandro Safina -- Italian operatic pop tenor
Wikipedia - Alessandro Striggio the Younger -- Italian opera librettist
Wikipedia - Aletes (Heraclid) -- Ancient Greek mythological figure
Wikipedia - Alethodontus -- Extinct genus of Chimaera
Wikipedia - A Letter Concerning Toleration
Wikipedia - Alexander Adams (British Army officer) -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Alexander (Antigonid general) -- 3rd-century BC Antigonid general
Wikipedia - Alexander Bezak -- Imperial Russian Army general
Wikipedia - Alexander Cambridge, 1st Earl of Athlone -- British Army commander and major-general
Wikipedia - Alexander Champion (East India Company officer) -- British East India Company general
Wikipedia - Alexander Dyce -- 19th-century literary editor and historian
Wikipedia - Alexander Friedrich von Lieven -- Russian general and politician
Wikipedia - Alexander Gagarin -- Russian general
Wikipedia - Alexander Gerard
Wikipedia - Alexander Haig -- Former U.S. Secretary of State and U.S. Army general
Wikipedia - Alexander Hamilton (Ceracchi) -- marble bust by Giuseppe Ceracchi
Wikipedia - Alexander H. Stephens -- Vice president of the Confederate States and 50th governor of Georgia
Wikipedia - Alexander Leslie of Auchintoul -- Russian general
Wikipedia - Alexander Malta -- Swiss operatic bass-baritone
Wikipedia - Alexander McDougall -- Politician, privateer and Continental Army general (1732-1786)
Wikipedia - Alexander of Acarnania -- 3rd-century BC Greek general
Wikipedia - Alexander of Hierapolis (Syria) -- 5th-century Bishop of Hierapolis
Wikipedia - Alexander of Lyncestis -- 4th-century BC Greek general
Wikipedia - Alexander of Pherae -- 4th-century BC Greek ruler of Thessaly
Wikipedia - Alexander Patch -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Alexander Pope Field -- 19th century American politician, 6th Illinois Secretary of State, 21st Attorney General of Louisiana, 4th Secretary of Wisconsin Territory
Wikipedia - Alexander Randall (Maryland politician) -- American politician, Maryland Attorney General (1803-1881)
Wikipedia - Alexander Rodzyanko -- Ukrainian general
Wikipedia - Alexander Schimmelfennig -- Union Army general
Wikipedia - Alexander Serafimovich -- Russian and Soviet writer
Wikipedia - Alexander Shaler -- Union Army general and Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Alexander (son of Polyperchon) -- 4th-century BC Macedonian general
Wikipedia - Alexander Tulloch -- British Army general and statistician
Wikipedia - Alexander Volfovich -- Belarusian general
Wikipedia - Alexander von Falkenhausen -- German general and military advisor
Wikipedia - Alexander von Kluck -- German general
Wikipedia - Alexander Vvedensky (religious leader) -- Soviet era Russian religious leader
Wikipedia - Alexander Ypsilantis -- Greek general
Wikipedia - Alexandra Flood -- Australian operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Alexandros Mazarakis-Ainian -- Greek general
Wikipedia - Alexandru Cernat -- Romanian general
Wikipedia - Alex Clark (journalist) -- British literary journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Alexej CepiM-DM-^Mka -- Czechoslovak minister of national defence, minister of justice of the CSR, Czechoslovak politician and army general
Wikipedia - Alexera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Alex Esposito -- Italian bass-baritone opera singer
Wikipedia - Alexey Gamen -- Russian lieutenant general and commander
Wikipedia - Alexey Selivanov -- Red Army general
Wikipedia - Alex Fink -- United States Brigadier general
Wikipedia - Alex Healy (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Alexios Gidos -- Byzantine general
Wikipedia - Alexios Strategopoulos -- Nicaean general who recaptured Constantinople
Wikipedia - Alexis Chalbos -- French general
Wikipedia - Alex Lees (veteran) -- British Army officer
Wikipedia - Alex Meraz -- American dancer and actor and martial artist
Wikipedia - Alex Rider -- Literary work
Wikipedia - Al-Fajr (literary magazine) -- Egyptian magazine
Wikipedia - Alfie Moon -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Alfio Peraboni -- Italian sailor
Wikipedia - Alfonso Parera -- Cuban weightlifter
Wikipedia - Alfonso Perales -- Alfonso Perales Pizarro was a Spanish historian and politician
Wikipedia - Alfonso Valenzuela-Aguilera
Wikipedia - Alfred (Arne opera) -- 1740 masque, later an opera, by Thomas Arne
Wikipedia - Alfred Baxter-Cox -- Australian Army general
Wikipedia - Alfred Cavendish -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Alfred Charles Garratt -- American electrotherapy practitioner
Wikipedia - Alfred Clark (director) -- pioneer of cinema and gramophone, business executive and collector of ceramics
Wikipedia - Alfred E. Jackson -- Confederate States Army brigadier general
Wikipedia - Alfred Errera -- Belgian mathematician
Wikipedia - Alfred Gaselee -- British Indian Army general
Wikipedia - Alfred Gerasch -- German actor
Wikipedia - Alfred Gerstenberg -- German general
Wikipedia - Alfred Jodl -- German general
Wikipedia - Alfred J. Sellers -- soldier and veteran of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Alfred Keller -- German general
Wikipedia - Alfred K. Flowers -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Alfred Mellowes -- |Electrical engineer who pioneered refrigeration
Wikipedia - Alfred Muzzarelli -- Austrian operatic bass-baritone
Wikipedia - Alfred N. Duffie -- Union Army general
Wikipedia - Alfredo Catalani -- Italian operatic composer
Wikipedia - Alfredo Olivera -- Uruguayan chess player
Wikipedia - Alfredo Vera Vera -- Ecuadorian politician
Wikipedia - Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building -- Oklahoma, U.S., building bombed in 1995
Wikipedia - Alfred "Teen" Blackburn -- Confederate veteran and former slave
Wikipedia - Alfred Templeman -- British general
Wikipedia - Alfred Terry -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Alfred Vokt -- Swiss operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Algebraic Eraser
Wikipedia - Algebraic function field -- Finitely generated extension field of positive transcendence degree
Wikipedia - Algebraic solution -- Solution of a polynomial equation in terms of radicals and basic arithmetic operations
Wikipedia - Algebraic stack -- Generalization of algebraic spaces or schemes
Wikipedia - Algebraic structure -- Set with one or more operations that satisfy a given set of axioms
Wikipedia - Algerian literature
Wikipedia - Al G. Field -- minstrel show operator
Wikipedia - Alglucosidase alfa -- Enzyme replacement therapy drug
Wikipedia - Algoma West -- Federal electoral district of Canada
Wikipedia - Algonquin Power & Utilities -- Renewable energy and utility conglomerate
Wikipedia - Algor mortis -- Change in body temperature post mortem, until the ambient temperature is matched
Wikipedia - Al-Herafyeen SC
Wikipedia - Al-Hilal (magazine) -- Egyptian cultural and literature magazine
Wikipedia - Ali al-Bahlul -- Al Qaeda operative
Wikipedia - Ali Al Hajj -- Lebanese Army general
Wikipedia - Alice Branning -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Alice de Rivera -- American physician and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Alice Esty (soprano) -- American-born operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (opera)
Wikipedia - Alice Jardine -- Literary scholar
Wikipedia - Alice Lloyd College -- Liberal arts college in Pippa Passes, KY, US
Wikipedia - Alice's Adventures Under Ground (opera)
Wikipedia - Alice Wilson Frothingham -- Ceramics expert
Wikipedia - Alice Zeppilli -- French operatic singer
Wikipedia - Ali Eisami -- Kanuri man liberated from slavery by the British Navy
Wikipedia - Alieu Kosiah -- Former commander of the United Liberation movement of Liberia for democracy
Wikipedia - Ali Kiiza -- Ugandan general
Wikipedia - Alimentation Couche-Tard -- Canadian convenience store operator
Wikipedia - Ali-Mohammad Khademi -- Iranian lieutenant general and business executive (b. 1913, d. 1978)
Wikipedia - Ali Naghiyev -- Azerbaijani lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Alina Vera Savin -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Ali Sait Akbaytogan -- General of the Turkish Army
Wikipedia - Alison Browner -- Irish singer and opera singer
Wikipedia - Alison McCullough -- Speech and language therapist
Wikipedia - Alison Sinclair (literary critic) -- British Hispanist
Wikipedia - Alistair Carmichael -- British Liberal Democrat politician
Wikipedia - A Little History of the World -- Literary work by Ernst Gombrich
Wikipedia - Aliyu Kama -- Nigerian politician and general
Wikipedia - Al-Jami' as-Saghir -- Sunni literature
Wikipedia - Al Jazeera America -- Defunct pay television news channel
Wikipedia - -- Website of Al Jazeera English and Al Jazeera Balkans
Wikipedia - Al Jazeera effect -- Impact of new media and media sources on global politics
Wikipedia - Al Jazeera English -- Qatari international news channel
Wikipedia - Al Jazeera Media Network -- Qatari state-funded multimedia company
Wikipedia - Al Jazeera Podcasts -- Podcast network run by Al Jazeera
Wikipedia - Al Jazeera
Wikipedia - Al-Jazeera
Wikipedia - Al Jenkins -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Al-Khod Conglomerate -- Geologic formation in Oman
Wikipedia - Allahverdi Khan -- Iranian general and statesman (c.1560-1613)
Wikipedia - Allan A. Swenson -- American author, literary agent and master gardener
Wikipedia - Allan Boase -- Australian Army general
Wikipedia - Allan E. Maher -- Canadian politician and funeral director
Wikipedia - All Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation
Wikipedia - Allegany County Transit -- Publicly funded, general-public bus system in Maryland, US
Wikipedia - Allegheny College -- Pennsylvania liberal arts college
Wikipedia - Allergen immunotherapy -- Medical treatment for environmental allergies
Wikipedia - Allergy -- Immune system response to a substance that most people tolerate well
Wikipedia - All heal -- Common name for several plant species
Wikipedia - Alliance for Democracy and Federation -- Political party in Burkina Faso
Wikipedia - Alliance for Social-Liberal Progress -- Political party in Bulgaria
Wikipedia - Alliance of Asian Liberal Arts Universities -- International college and university association and consortium
Wikipedia - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe group -- Liberal-centrist political group in the European Parliament
Wikipedia - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party -- European political party
Wikipedia - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Wikipedia - Alliance Rail Holdings -- Railway operating company in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Allied Irish Banks -- One of the four main commercial banks in Ireland, operating in multiple market segments
Wikipedia - Allied technological cooperation during World War II
Wikipedia - All India Chess Federation -- Administrative body for chess in India
Wikipedia - All India Muhammadan Educational Conference -- Organisation promoting modern, liberal education for the Muslim community in India
Wikipedia - All India Students Federation -- Student organisation in India
Wikipedia - All India Youth Federation -- Youth forum in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Alliteration
Wikipedia - Allium listera -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Allium oleraceum -- Species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Allium phanerantherum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - All Japan Judo Federation -- Judo federation
Wikipedia - All Japan Kendo Federation -- Japanese martial arts organization
Wikipedia - All Japan Student Go Federation -- Japanese student Go organization
Wikipedia - All My Friends Are Funeral Singers (film) -- 2010 film
Wikipedia - Allocotocera -- Genus of flies
Wikipedia - Allography -- Term with several meanings all related to how words and sounds are written down
Wikipedia - Allophane -- An amorphous to poorly crystalline hydrous aluminium silicate clay mineraloid
Wikipedia - Alma College -- Private liberal arts college in Alma, Michigan
Wikipedia - Alma Fohstrom -- Finnish operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Alma Qeramixhi -- Albanian heptathlete
Wikipedia - Almast -- Opera by Alexander Spendiaryan
Wikipedia - Alma Webster Hall Powell -- American operatic soprano, suffragist, and inventor
Wikipedia - Almirante Cervera-class cruiser -- Class of Spanish light cruisers
Wikipedia - Al-Muhallab ibn Abi Sufra -- 7th century Arab general and Umayyad governor
Wikipedia - Almutaster -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Aloe peglerae -- Species of small, stemless South African aloe.
Wikipedia - Aloe vera -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Alois Burgstaller -- German operatic singer
Wikipedia - Alois EliaM-EM-! -- Czechoslovak general and politician (1890-1942)
Wikipedia - Alokeranjan Dasgupta -- Bengali poet
Wikipedia - Alonso de Ribera -- Spanish royal Governor of Chile
Wikipedia - Alonso de Sotomayor -- Spanish general
Wikipedia - Alopecognathus -- Extinct genus of therapsids from the Late Permian of South Africa
Wikipedia - Alopecorhinus -- Extinct genus of therapsids
Wikipedia - Aloysius Schwartz -- American Priest and Venerable
Wikipedia - Alphabet agencies -- U.S. federal government agencies created as part of the New Deal of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
Wikipedia - Alphabet Inc. -- American multinational conglomerate
Wikipedia - Alpha compositing -- An operation in computer graphics
Wikipedia - Alpha Flight (comic book) -- Name of several comic book titles featuring the team Alpha Flight and published by Marvel Comics
Wikipedia - Alpha-keratin -- Type of keratin found in vertebrates
Wikipedia - Alpha L. Bowser -- United States Marine Corps general
Wikipedia - Alphege, or the Green Monkey -- French literary fairy tale
Wikipedia - Alpheus S. Williams -- Union Army general and politician
Wikipedia - Alphonse DeCarre -- United States Marine Corps general
Wikipedia - Alphonsus Gerald Irona -- Nigerian politician
Wikipedia - Alpine Energy -- New Zealand electricity generator company
Wikipedia - Alpine Fault -- A right-lateral strike-slip fault, that runs almost the entire length of New Zealand's South Island.
Wikipedia - ALS Gold Medal -- Annual literary award from the Association for the Study of Australian Literature
Wikipedia - Alsophila aceraria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Alsos Mission -- United States military operation of 1943-1945 to discover enemy scientific developments during World War II
Wikipedia - Al-Taftazani -- Persian theologian, literary and philosopher (1322-1390)
Wikipedia - Altagracia Contreras -- Dominican Republic judoka
Wikipedia - Altar and pulpit fellowship -- Lutheran for full communion between church bodies
Wikipedia - Altazores -- A Chilean rock band founded in 2004 by the multi - instrumentalist Chilean composer Mauricio Herrera.
Wikipedia - Alte Kameraden -- German military march
Wikipedia - Alteo -- Type of double-decker, dual-voltage electric multiple unit trainsets operated on the French RER A line
Wikipedia - AlterAg -- American agriculture company
Wikipedia - Altera Hardware Description Language
Wikipedia - Altera
Wikipedia - Alternanthera brasiliana -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Alternanthera echinocephala -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Alternating electric field therapy -- Type of electromagnetic field therapy
Wikipedia - Alternation Bloc for Renewal, Integration, and African Cooperation -- Political party in Mali
Wikipedia - Alternation (geometry) -- Operation on a polyhedron or tiling that removes alternate vertices
Wikipedia - Alternation of generations -- Reproductive cycle of plants and algae
Wikipedia - AlterNet -- Politically liberal news website
Wikipedia - Alt.* hierarchy -- Subclass of Usenet newsgroups
Wikipedia - Altmark (electoral district) -- Federal electoral district of Germany
Wikipedia - Altrincham General Hospital -- British hospital
Wikipedia - Alucita imbrifera -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alucita nubifera -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alucita phanerarcha -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alucita plumigera -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alucita sertifera -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alucita spicifera -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alucita tesserata -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alucita trachyptera -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alunite -- Alunite supergroup, sulfate mineral
Wikipedia - Aluva (State Assembly constituency) -- Constituency of the Kerala legislative assembly in India
Wikipedia - Alvan Cullem Gillem -- Union Army general
Wikipedia - Alvino Rey -- American swing era musician
Wikipedia - Al-Walid ibn Hisham al-Mu'ayti -- Umayyad Governor of Qinnasrin and General
Wikipedia - Always (Erasure song) -- 1994 single by Erasure
Wikipedia - Alyson Cambridge -- American operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Alzheimer's disease -- Progressive, neurodegenerative disease characterized by memory loss
Wikipedia - Alzira (opera)
Wikipedia - A Madea Family Funeral -- 2019 American comedy film directed by Tyler Perry
Wikipedia - Amagasaki derailment -- Train wreck
Wikipedia - Amalgamated Society of Coopers -- Former federated trade union in the UK and Ireland
Wikipedia - Amalia Paoli -- Puerto Rican operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Amal Jyothi College of Engineering -- Educational institution in Kanjirappally, Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Amal Naseer -- Jordanian writer, literary critic, and academic
Wikipedia - AM Amin Uddin -- 14th Attorney General of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Amanda Figueras -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Amanda Junquera Butler -- Spanish writer
Wikipedia - Amanda Knox -- American woman wrongfully convicted of murder then exonerated
Wikipedia - Amanda Stoker -- Australian Federal Senator for Queensland
Wikipedia - Amanita bisporigera -- Poisonous species of fungus in the family Amanitaceae endemic to North America
Wikipedia - A Manufacturing Language -- general-purpose programming language
Wikipedia - Amanullah Khan (Herat leader) -- Herat renegade
Wikipedia - Amaresh Datta -- Indian scholar of English literature
Wikipedia - Amarna letter EA 4 -- Babylonian-era correspondence
Wikipedia - Amaterasu (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Amaterasu (M-EM-^Lkami) -- Fictional character in M-EM-^Lkami video game
Wikipedia - Amaterasu -- Goddess of the sun in Shinto
Wikipedia - A Matter of Conscience -- Artist book of oral histories of the Vietnam War veterans who resisted the war
Wikipedia - Amaury Rivera -- Puerto Rican businessman
Wikipedia - Amazon Go -- Convenience store chain operated by
Wikipedia - Amazon Music -- music streaming platform and online music store operated by Amazon
Wikipedia - Amazon Theatre -- Opera house in Manaus, Brazil
Wikipedia - Ambassador of Australia for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Ambiguity tolerance
Wikipedia - Ambiguity -- Type of uncertainty of meaning in which several interpretations are plausible
Wikipedia - Ambika Charan Choudhury -- Indian litterateur, historian and activist
Wikipedia - Ambrose R. Wright -- Amerian Confederate Army General
Wikipedia - Ambrosia artemisiifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Ambrosia psilostachya -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Ambrosio Jose Gonzales -- Confederate Army officer
Wikipedia - Ambur Braid -- Canadian opera singer
Wikipedia - AMD Accelerated Processing Unit
Wikipedia - AM-DM-^_zikara Han -- Caravanserai in Turkey
Wikipedia - Amelia Atwater-Rhodes -- American author of fantasy and young adult literature
Wikipedia - Amelia Bloomer -- Women's rights activist and temperance advocate
Wikipedia - Amelia Farrugia -- Australian opera singer
Wikipedia - Amen or The Pederasty -- Performance art by Abel Azcona
Wikipedia - Ameno (song) -- 1996 song performed by Era
Wikipedia - Ameny (general) -- Ancient Egyptian general
Wikipedia - Amera Eid -- Australian bellydancer
Wikipedia - Amera Khalif -- Jordanian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Ameran Bitsadze -- Georgian mixed martial artist
Wikipedia - AmerAsian -- 2009 film by Roger Lim
Wikipedia - Ameraucana -- American breed of domestic chicken
Wikipedia - America Award in Literature
Wikipedia - America Ferrera -- American actress (born 1984)
Wikipedia - American Academy of Underwater Sciences -- Organization responsible for standards for American scientific diving certification and operation of scientific diving programs
Wikipedia - American Advertising Federation
Wikipedia - American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
Wikipedia - American Automobile Association -- Federation of motor clubs throughout the USA and Canada
Wikipedia - American Beverage Association -- American beverage industry lobby organization
Wikipedia - American Book Awards -- Literary award in the United States
Wikipedia - American Catholic literature
Wikipedia - American Ceramic Society -- Professional organization
Wikipedia - American Checker Federation
Wikipedia - American Civil Liberties Union v. Schundler -- United States federal case establishing standards for a government-sponsored holiday display to contain religious symbols
Wikipedia - American Evangelical Lutheran Church -- Protestant denomination
Wikipedia - American Farm Bureau Federation -- Lobbying group in the United States
Wikipedia - American Federation of Information Processing Societies
Wikipedia - American Federation of Motorcyclists -- US motorcycle road racing club
Wikipedia - American Federation of Musicians -- Union representing professional music in the U.S and Canada
Wikipedia - American Federation of School Administrators -- Education trade union
Wikipedia - American Federation of Teachers
Wikipedia - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists -- former performers' union
Wikipedia - American Forces Network -- Broadcast service operated by the United States Armed Forces
Wikipedia - American Group Psychotherapy Association -- Organization
Wikipedia - American Journal of Psychotherapy
Wikipedia - American Legion -- Organization of U.S. war veterans
Wikipedia - American literature (academic discipline) -- Academic discipline devoted to the study of American literature
Wikipedia - American literature -- Literature written or related to the United States
Wikipedia - American Lutheran Congregation, Oslo -- Church in Oslo, Norway
Wikipedia - American Merchant Marine Veterans Memorial -- Public art
Wikipedia - American Oriental Society -- Researches languages and literature of the Near East and Asia
Wikipedia - American prison literature
Wikipedia - American Sephardi Federation
Wikipedia - American Service-Members' Protection Act -- United States federal law enacted 2 August 2002
Wikipedia - American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
Wikipedia - American Theater (World War II) -- World War II area of operations including North and South America
Wikipedia - American University -- Private liberal arts and research-based university in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - American Whig-Cliosophic Society -- Political, literary, and debating society at Princeton University
Wikipedia - American Wrestling Federation -- Professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - America Tonight -- Al Jazeera America news program
Wikipedia - AmeriCorps -- Program of the U.S. federal government engaging adults in intensive community service
Wikipedia - Amethyst -- Mineral, quartz variety
Wikipedia - Ametrine -- Mineral, quartz variety
Wikipedia - Ameurfina Melencio-Herrera -- Filipino judge
Wikipedia - Amherst College -- Liberal arts college in Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Ami Bera -- U.S. Representative from California
Wikipedia - AMICAL Consortium -- Consortium of American international liberal arts institutions, focused libraries, technology, learning.
Wikipedia - Amicite -- Zeolite mineral
Wikipedia - A Midsummer Night's Dream (opera)
Wikipedia - Amie Harwick -- American therapist and writer
Wikipedia - AmigaOS 4 -- Line of Amiga operating systems
Wikipedia - AmigaOS -- Operating system of Amiga computers
Wikipedia - Amikam Norkin -- Israeli general and commander of the Israeli Air Force
Wikipedia - Amikeca Reto -- Directory of Esperanto-speakers
Wikipedia - Amilcare Ponchielli -- Italian opera composer (1834-1886)
Wikipedia - Amin al-Hafiz -- Syrian politician and army general (1921-2009)
Wikipedia - Amira Masood -- Fictional character in the BBC soap opera "EastEnders"
Wikipedia - Amiram Levin -- Israeli general
Wikipedia - Amir Baram -- Israeli general
Wikipedia - Amir Haider Shah Sheerazi -- Pakistani politician
Wikipedia - Amish romance -- Literary subgenre of Christian fiction
Wikipedia - Ami Sirajer Begum -- Indian Bengali television historical soap opera
Wikipedia - Amjad Hussain B. Sial -- 13th SAARC Secretary General
Wikipedia - Amjad Javed Saleemi -- | Former Inspector General of Punjab Police and Sindh Police
Wikipedia - Amleto -- opera by Franco Faccio
Wikipedia - Ammodiscus -- Genus of foraminifera
Wikipedia - Amoeba distributed operating system
Wikipedia - Amoeba (operating system)
Wikipedia - Amorepacific Corporation -- South Korean beauty and cosmetics conglomerate
Wikipedia - Amor L. Sims -- United States brigadier general
Wikipedia - Amos Brearly -- Fictional character from the ITV soap opera Emmerdale
Wikipedia - Amos Lapidot -- Israeli general
Wikipedia - Amos Wako -- Attorney General of Kenya
Wikipedia - Ampelaster -- Genus of plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Ampera Cabinet -- Indonesian Cabinet between July 1966 and October 1967
Wikipedia - Amphibious warfare -- military operation attacking from sea to land
Wikipedia - Amphiceratodon -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Amphiesmenoptera -- Superorder of insects
Wikipedia - Amphisbaena xera -- Species of reptile
Wikipedia - Amri Hernandez-Pellerano -- Puerto Rican scientist
Wikipedia - AMSA Amin -- Bangladeshi Politician And Retired Major General
Wikipedia - Amtrak -- American intercity passenger rail operator
Wikipedia - AMU Literary Festival -- Literary Festival organised in Aligarh University University
Wikipedia - Amul Thapar -- United States federal judge
Wikipedia - Amul -- Indian cooperative dairy company
Wikipedia - Amy Barlow -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Amy Bloom -- Fiction writer, screenwriter, social worker, psychotherapist
Wikipedia - Amye Everard Ball -- First woman in England to be granted a patent
Wikipedia - Amyema fitzgeraldii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Amy J. St. Eve -- United States federal judge
Wikipedia - Amylodon -- Extinct Chimaera genus
Wikipedia - Amyntas (son of Andromenes) -- 4th-century BC Macedonian general
Wikipedia - Amyntas (son of Antiochus) -- 4th-century BC Macedonian general
Wikipedia - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Wikipedia - Amy Sherald -- American portrait painter (1973 - )
Wikipedia - Ana Benderac -- Serbian chess player
Wikipedia - Ana Brenda Contreras -- American actress, singer, and model
Wikipedia - Ana Cabrera -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Anaconda Plan -- Union military strategy for suppressing the Confederacy established at the beginning of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - An Act for the Admission of the State of California -- Federal admission act to join California to the United States
Wikipedia - Anadenanthera colubrina -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Anadenanthera peregrina
Wikipedia - Anadenanthera -- Genus of plants
Wikipedia - Ana de Peralta -- Ecuadorian feminist
Wikipedia - Ana Enriqueta Teran -- Venezuelan poet
Wikipedia - Anaesthetic machine -- medical device used to generate a fresh gas flow for anaesthesia
Wikipedia - Anaheim General Hospital -- Former hospital in California
Wikipedia - Ana Irma Rivera Lassen -- Afro-Puerto Rican attorney who was the head of the Bar Association of Puerto Rico from 2012-2014
Wikipedia - Anak Jalanan -- Indonesian soap opera musical comedy drama
Wikipedia - Anak Perawan di Sarang Penjamun -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Analcime -- A zeolite mineral
Wikipedia - Analytical Engine -- Proposed mechanical general-purpose computer
Wikipedia - Analytical hierarchy
Wikipedia - Analytic Hierarchy Process
Wikipedia - Analytic hierarchy process
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Brescia Cafferata -- Peruvian billionaire heiress
Wikipedia - Anambodera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Anamera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Anamudi Shola National Park -- Protected area in Idukki District, Kerala, South India
Wikipedia - Ananda Puraskar -- Award for Bengali literature awarded annually by the ABP Group to writers
Wikipedia - Ananda Weerakoon -- Sri Lankan actor
Wikipedia - Anandeshwaram Mahadeva Temple -- Shiva temple in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - An Anthology of Chance Operations -- 1963 American artist's book
Wikipedia - Ananya Jahanara Kabir -- Indian literary scholar
Wikipedia - Anapaite -- Hydrous phosphate mineral
Wikipedia - Anarchist bookfair -- exhibition for anti-authoritarian literature and anarchist cultural events
Wikipedia - Anarchist federalism
Wikipedia - Anarchist Federation (France)
Wikipedia - Ana Romero Reguera -- Spanish fighting bull rancher
Wikipedia - Anatoli Bugorski -- Russian scientist involved in an accident with a particle accelerator
Wikipedia - Anatolius (consul) -- 5th century Eastern Roman Empire consul, diplomat and general
Wikipedia - Anatoliy Mokrenko -- Ukrainian operatic baritone
Wikipedia - Anatoly Kashpirovsky -- Russian psychotherapist and hypnotist
Wikipedia - Anatoly Kudryavitsky -- Russian/Irish novelist, poet, literary translator and magazine editor
Wikipedia - Anatoma aspera -- Species of mollusc
Wikipedia - Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy -- Terminology used to describe the central and peripheral nervous systems
Wikipedia - Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System
Wikipedia - Anatomography -- Interactive website accessing anatomical data
Wikipedia - Anatomy of Criticism -- Literary criticism book by Northrop Frye
Wikipedia - Ana y Bruno -- 2017 film directed by Carlos Carrera
Wikipedia - Ancestor veneration in China
Wikipedia - Ancient Egyptian funerary practices -- Elaborate set of funerary practices
Wikipedia - Ancient Egyptian funerary texts
Wikipedia - Ancient Egyptian literature -- Literature of Egypt from pharaonic period to the end of Roman domination
Wikipedia - Ancient Greek funeral and burial practices
Wikipedia - Ancient Greek literature
Wikipedia - Ancient literature
Wikipedia - Ancient Pistol -- character in several plays by Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Ancylocera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Ancylomarina psychrotolerans -- Species of bacteria
Wikipedia - Ancylosis maculifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Andean emerald -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Ander Herrera
Wikipedia - Anders Fogh Rasmussen -- Former Prime Minister of Denmark and NATO secretary general
Wikipedia - Andersonville National Historic Site -- Site of former Confederate prisoner-of-war camp in Georgia
Wikipedia - Anders Talleraas -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Andhera -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Andheri Sports Complex -- Multi-purpose facility located on Veera Desai Road,next to Azad Nagar metro station in Andheri West, Mumbai, India
Wikipedia - Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church
Wikipedia - Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation -- Indian state bus operator
Wikipedia - Andradite -- Nesosilicate mineral species of garnet
Wikipedia - Andrea Aguyar -- Uruguayan liberated slave and soldier
Wikipedia - Andrea Foulkes -- British past life regression therapist
Wikipedia - Andrea Ihle -- German opera singer
Wikipedia - Andrea Mastroni -- Italian opera singer
Wikipedia - Andrea Pais de Libera -- Italian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Andrea Scrima -- literary critic and author
Wikipedia - Andreas Fleischer -- 20th-century Norwegian Lutheran bishop
Wikipedia - Andreas Gerasimos Michalitsianos
Wikipedia - Andreas Kohn -- German operatic bass
Wikipedia - Andrea Tullos -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Andre Briche -- French general
Wikipedia - Andre Cheradame -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Andre de Foix -- French general
Wikipedia - Andre Demetz -- French general
Wikipedia - Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas -- German general atlas
Wikipedia - Andre Gerardin -- French mathematician
Wikipedia - Andrei Gerachtchenko -- Belarusian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Andrei Miloradovich -- Russian general
Wikipedia - Andre Messager -- French opera composer and conductor
Wikipedia - Andrena porterae -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andres de Segurola -- Spanish opera singer
Wikipedia - Andres Gerard Jr. -- Mexican sailor
Wikipedia - Andres Gerard Sr. -- Mexican sailor
Wikipedia - Andrew Anderson, Lord Anderson -- Scottish barrister, judge and Liberal Party politician
Wikipedia - Andrew Barclay Spurling -- American general
Wikipedia - Andrew Goodpaster -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Andrew Gurr -- English literary scholar specialising in Shakespeare and English Renaissance theatre
Wikipedia - Andrew Hero Jr. -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Andrew J. Grigsby -- Confederate States Army officer
Wikipedia - Andrew Lang -- Scottish poet, novelist and literary critic
Wikipedia - Andrew Leipus -- Australian physiotherapist.
Wikipedia - Andrew Lownie -- British biographer and literary agent (b1961)
Wikipedia - Andrew Lysaght Jr. -- Politician and Attorney General from NSW, Australia (1873-1933)
Wikipedia - Andrew Masondo -- South African mathematician and general
Wikipedia - Andrew McCabe -- Lawyer, former official of U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Wikipedia - Andrew Molera State Park
Wikipedia - Andrew Pickens (congressman) -- Revolutionary War militia general in South Carolina (1739-1817)
Wikipedia - Andrew Plotkin -- Interactive fiction programmer and writer
Wikipedia - Andrew Porter (Civil War general) -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Andrew P. Poppas -- Joint Staff director of operations
Wikipedia - Andrew Scott Cairncross -- 20th-century Scottish professor of English literature and Shakespeare expert
Wikipedia - Andrew Scott Waugh -- British army officer and Surveyor General of India
Wikipedia - Andrew Stopera -- American curler
Wikipedia - Andrew Van de Kamp -- Fictional character in the ABC television series Desperate Housewives
Wikipedia - Andrew Weatherall -- English DJ, record producer, and remixer
Wikipedia - Andrew Williamson (soldier) -- American Revolutionary War general
Wikipedia - Andrew Zondo -- Umkhonto WeSizwe Operative
Wikipedia - Andrey Keranov -- Bulgarian gymnast
Wikipedia - Andriana Asprogeraka -- Greek taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Andries Bicker -- Member of Amsterdam regency, representative of the States-General of the Netherlands and board member VOC
Wikipedia - Androgynous Peripheral Attach System -- Spacecraft docking mechanism
Wikipedia - Android 10 -- Tenth major version of the Android mobile operating system
Wikipedia - Android 11 -- Eleventh major version of the Android mobile operating system
Wikipedia - Android application package -- File format used for software on Google's Android operating system
Wikipedia - Android Automotive -- Android operating system version for car infotainment systems
Wikipedia - Android Go -- Variant of the Android operating system for low-end devices
Wikipedia - Android Jelly Bean -- Tenth version of the Android operating system
Wikipedia - Android Lollipop -- Fifth major version of the Android operating system
Wikipedia - Android Marshmallow -- Sixth major version of the Android operating system
Wikipedia - Android One -- Line of smartphones that run the unmodified Android operating system
Wikipedia - Android (operating system)
Wikipedia - Android Pie -- Ninth major version of the Android mobile operating system
Wikipedia - Android software development -- Process of writing software for Android operating system
Wikipedia - Android TV -- Android operating system version for digital media players
Wikipedia - Andronikos Palaiologos (late 12th century) -- 12th-century Byzantine aristocrat and general
Wikipedia - Andropogon gerardi -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Andropogon glomeratus -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Andrzej Andrzejewski -- Brigadier General/Polish Air Force
Wikipedia - Andrzej Dobber -- Polish opera baritone
Wikipedia - Andrzej Gonera -- Polish gymnast
Wikipedia - Andrzej Mikolaj Dera -- Polish politician
Wikipedia - Andy Bell (singer) -- British singer, member of Erasure
Wikipedia - Andy Centenera -- Filipino actor
Wikipedia - Andy Fillmore -- Canadian Liberal politician
Wikipedia - Andy Hunter (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Andy O'Brien (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Aneran -- Ethno-linguistic term that signifies "non-Aryan"
Wikipedia - Anerastia dubia -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Anerastia incarnata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Anerastia lotella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - An Essay on Liberation -- 1969 book by Herbert Marcuse
Wikipedia - Anesthesiology -- Medical specialty that focuses on anesthesia and perioperative medicine
Wikipedia - A New Era of Thought -- Book by Charles Hinton
Wikipedia - A New Era -- Venezuelan political party
Wikipedia - Angamaly (State Assembly constituency) -- Constituency of the Kerala legislative assembly in India
Wikipedia - Angela Brown -- American opera singer
Wikipedia - Angela Denoke -- German opera singer
Wikipedia - Angela Feeney -- Irish opera singer
Wikipedia - Angela M. Cadwell -- U.S. Air Force general
Wikipedia - Angela Rivera-Parr -- American kickboxer and MMA fighter
Wikipedia - Angela Smith (South Yorkshire politician) -- British Liberal Democrat politician
Wikipedia - Angelica Catalani -- Italian opera singer
Wikipedia - Angelica Esperanza Dacunda -- Argentine politician
Wikipedia - Angelica Rivera -- Mexican actress, model
Wikipedia - Angelica Schuyler Church -- American socialite and eldest daughter of Continental Army General Philip Schuyler
Wikipedia - Angelique Gerard -- French businesswoman and writer
Wikipedia - Angelo Barbera -- American bass player
Wikipedia - Angel of Music, or The Private Life of Giselle -- Phantom of the Opera fanfiction novel
Wikipedia - Angelo Neumann -- German author, opera singer and director
Wikipedia - Angelo (opera)
Wikipedia - Angel Taveras -- American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Angel Viera Martinez -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - Angenieux retrofocus -- Wide-angle lens for photographic camera
Wikipedia - Anger management -- Therapy for anger prevention and control
Wikipedia - Angie Bolen -- Fictional character on Desperate Housewives
Wikipedia - Angi Vera -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Angkasapuri -- Malaysian federal building
Wikipedia - Anglia Railways -- Former East Anglian train operating company
Wikipedia - Anglo-Saxon riddles -- Part of Anglo-Saxon literature
Wikipedia - Anglo-Welsh literature
Wikipedia - Angranoceras -- Genus of molluscs (fossil)
Wikipedia - Ang Tanging Ina Mo (Last na 'To!) -- 2010 film by Wenn V. Deramas
Wikipedia - Ang Tanging Ina -- 2003 film by Wenn V. Deramas
Wikipedia - Anhanguera (pterosaur) -- Genus of pterosaurs (fossil)
Wikipedia - Aniara (opera) -- Opera by Karl-Birger Blomdahl
Wikipedia - Anibal Melendez Rivera -- Puerto Rican politician, mayor of Fajardo
Wikipedia - A Night at the Chinese Opera -- Opera in three acts
Wikipedia - A Night at the Opera (film) -- 1935 Marx Brothers film directed by Sam Wood
Wikipedia - A Night at the Opera (Queen album) -- 1975 studio album by Queen
Wikipedia - A Night at the Opera Tour -- Concert tour
Wikipedia - Anillomyrma decamera -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Animal-assisted therapy
Wikipedia - Animal bath -- therapeutic envelopment
Wikipedia - Animal (De)liberation
Wikipedia - Animal echolocation -- Method used by several animal species to determine location using sound
Wikipedia - Animal Liberation (album)
Wikipedia - Animal Liberation (book) -- 1975 book by Peter Singer
Wikipedia - Animal Liberation Front
Wikipedia - Animal liberation movement
Wikipedia - Animal Liberation Orchestra -- American rock band
Wikipedia - Animal Rights Without Liberation -- 2012 book by British political theorist Alasdair Cochrane
Wikipedia - Anima mundi -- According to several systems of thought, an intrinsic connection between all living things on the planet
Wikipedia - Anima nera -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Anime convention -- Fan convention on Anime, Manga and Japanese culture in general
Wikipedia - Anisoptera scaphula -- Species of tree
Wikipedia - Anisoptera thurifera -- species of plant in the family Dipterocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Anita Hartig -- Romanian operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Anju Dhillon -- Canadian Liberal politician
Wikipedia - Ankit Gera -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Anna Blaman Prijs -- Dutch literary award
Wikipedia - Anna Bonitatibus -- Italian opera singer
Wikipedia - Anna Christy -- American soprano opera singer
Wikipedia - Anna Cymmerman -- Polish operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Anna D'Angeri -- Austrian-Italian opera singer 1853-1907
Wikipedia - Anna Davenport Raines -- Founding member of the United Daughters of the Confederacy
Wikipedia - Anna (feral child) -- American feral child
Wikipedia - Anna Golubkova -- Soviet writer, poet and literary critic
Wikipedia - Anna Gustafsson Chen -- Swedish literary translator and sinologist (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Anna Jean Ayres -- American Occupational Therapist and Educational Psychologist
Wikipedia - Annakeera Crossing -- Disused railway halt in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Anna Kochanowska -- Polish radio journalist, literary director and politician
Wikipedia - Anna Liberata de Souza -- 19th c. storyteller and maid
Wikipedia - Anna Maria College -- Private Catholic liberal arts college in Paxton, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Anna Maria Gherardi -- Italian actress
Wikipedia - Anna Narinskaya -- Russian journalist and literary critic
Wikipedia - Anna Stera-Kustusz -- Polish biathlete
Wikipedia - Anna Stroka -- Polish literary historian, author and translator
Wikipedia - Anna Turley -- British Labour Co-op politician, Chair of the Co-operative Party
Wikipedia - Anna Windass -- Fictional character from the ITV soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger -- French psychotherapist
Wikipedia - Anne Bogart -- American theatre and opera director
Wikipedia - Anne Brugnera -- French politician
Wikipedia - Anne-Catherine Gillet -- Belgian opera singer
Wikipedia - Ann E. Dunwoody -- US Army general, first female to achieve four star rank
Wikipedia - Anne Frank Prize -- Dutch literary award
Wikipedia - Anne Hooper -- British sex therapist
Wikipedia - Anne Hudson (literary historian) -- British literary historian and academic
Wikipedia - Anne Jules de Noailles -- 17th and 18th-century French nobleman and general
Wikipedia - Anneli Aarika-Szrok -- Finnish opera singer
Wikipedia - Anne-Lisa Amadou -- Norwegian literary researcher
Wikipedia - Anneli Ute Gabanyi -- Romanian-born German political scientist, literary critic, journalist, and philologist
Wikipedia - Annemarie Kremer -- Dutch opera singer
Wikipedia - Anne McAllister (speech therapist) -- (1892-1983), Scottish speech therapist and teacher
Wikipedia - Anne McKnight -- Operatic singer from the US
Wikipedia - Annemette Kure Andersen -- Danish poet and literary editor
Wikipedia - Anne Norton -- American professor of political science and comparative literature
Wikipedia - Annette Laming-Emperaire -- French archeologist
Wikipedia - Anne Vegter -- Dutch poet, playwright and writer of children's literature
Wikipedia - Anne Ward (suffragist) -- Prominent member of women's temperance movement in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Anne Wilkinson -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Anne Wilson Schaef -- American psychotherapist and author
Wikipedia - Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation -- 2014 annexation of Crimea by Russia from Ukraine
Wikipedia - Annexation of Goa -- Indian Army operation in December 1961 to annex Goa into Indian Republic
Wikipedia - Annexation of Hyderabad -- Military invasion of Hyderabad by the Dominion of India
Wikipedia - Annia Rivera -- Cuban Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Annicka Engblom -- Swedish politician of the Moderate Party
Wikipedia - Annie Palmer -- Fictional character from BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Annihilation (comics) -- Crossover storyline published by Marvel Comics, highlighting several outer space-related characters in the Marvel Universe
Wikipedia - Ann Jones (politician) -- Welsh Labour Co-operative politician and Assembly Minister for Vale of Clwyd
Wikipedia - Ann M. Martin -- American writer of children's literature
Wikipedia - Ann Moss (musician) -- American operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Anno Domini -- Western calendar era
Wikipedia - Anno Mundi -- Calendar era
Wikipedia - Ann Taylor (poet) -- British poet and literary critic
Wikipedia - Ann Tutwiler -- Former Director-General of Bioversity International
Wikipedia - Annual average daily traffic -- Measurement of how many vehicles travel on a certain road
Wikipedia - Annual general meeting
Wikipedia - Annus mirabilis -- Latin phrase referring to several years during which events of major importance occurred
Wikipedia - Anny Helm -- Austrian opera singer
Wikipedia - Anoja Weerasinghe -- Sri Lankan actress
Wikipedia - Anonychomyrma itinerans -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Anoplodera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Another World (TV series) -- American television soap opera
Wikipedia - Anselmo Colzani -- Italian opera singer
Wikipedia - Anselmus de Boodt -- Belgian mineralogist and physician
Wikipedia - Anseranatidae -- Family of birds
Wikipedia - Ansett New Zealand -- New Zealand domestic airline operating 1987-2001
Wikipedia - ANSR Consulting -- Consulting firm based in Dallas, Texas, US and operating in India
Wikipedia - Antaeotricha serarcha -- species of Brazilian moth
Wikipedia - Antarctic (ship) -- Swedish steamship used for several polar expeditions
Wikipedia - Antecosuchus -- Extinct genus of therapsids
Wikipedia - Antena 3 (Spanish TV channel) -- Private Spanish generalist television network
Wikipedia - Antenna height considerations
Wikipedia - Anterior intermuscular septum of leg -- A band of fascia which separates the lateral from the anterior compartment of leg
Wikipedia - Anthene pyroptera -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Antheraea assamensis -- Moth of the family Saturniidae
Wikipedia - Antheraea yamamai -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Anthony Birks -- New Zealand army general
Wikipedia - Anthony Cerami
Wikipedia - Anthony C. Perera -- Sri Lankan actor, screenplay writer and comedian
Wikipedia - Anthony McAuliffe -- United States Army general (1898-1975)
Wikipedia - Anthony Moon -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders, played by Matt Lapinskas
Wikipedia - Anthony Nuttall -- 20th/21st-century English literary critic and academic
Wikipedia - Anthony Pateras -- Australian composer
Wikipedia - Anthony Peratt
Wikipedia - Anthony Principi -- 4th United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Wikipedia - Anthony R. Jones -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Anthony Trueman -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Anthony Wayne -- American statesman and army general during the Revolutionary War
Wikipedia - Anthony Zinni -- American Marine Corps general
Wikipedia - Anthu Inthu Preethi Banthu -- 2008 film directed by Veera Shankar Bairisetty
Wikipedia - Anti Avsan -- Swedish politician of the Moderate Party
Wikipedia - Anti-Azerbaijani sentiment -- Hostility, fear or intolerance against Azerbaijanis
Wikipedia - Anticholinergic -- Chemical substance that blocks the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the central and the peripheral nervous system
Wikipedia - Anti-Corruption General Directorate -- Romanian law enforcement agency
Wikipedia - Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia -- World War II-era political body established in Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - Anti-Federalism -- Movement that opposed the creation of a strong U.S. federal government and later the ratification of the Constitution
Wikipedia - Anti-Federalist Papers -- Essays by American founding fathers opposed to the federal constitution
Wikipedia - Antigone oder die Stadt -- 1988 opera by Georg Katzer and Gerhard Muller
Wikipedia - Antigorite -- Monoclinic mineral
Wikipedia - Antigua and Barbuda-United States relations -- Bilateral relationship
Wikipedia - Antigua, My Life -- 2001 film by Hector Olivera
Wikipedia - Anti-Hindu sentiment -- Religious intolerance against the practice of Hinduism
Wikipedia - Anti-humor -- Style of comedy that is deliberately awkward or experimental
Wikipedia - Anti-Kickback Statute -- US federal law
Wikipedia - Antikythera mechanism -- Ancient analogue computer designed to calculate astronomical positions
Wikipedia - Antikythera
Wikipedia - Anti-malignin antibody -- Putative general antibody marker for malignant cancers
Wikipedia - Anti-nihilistic literature
Wikipedia - Antipater -- Macedonian general
Wikipedia - Antipope Heraclius
Wikipedia - Antiprohibitionists on Drugs -- Defunct liberal Italian political party
Wikipedia - Antisense therapy -- Form of treatment for genetic disorders and other illnesses
Wikipedia - Antisocial (Ed Sheeran and Travis Scott song) -- 2019 single by Ed Sheeran and Travis Scott
Wikipedia - Antisthenes (Heraclitean)
Wikipedia - Anti-topoisomerase antibodies -- Autoantibodies
Wikipedia - Anti-Turkish sentiment -- Hostility, fear or intolerance against Turkic peoples
Wikipedia - Antiunitary operator
Wikipedia - Antoine Bethouart -- French general
Wikipedia - Antoine Charles Louis de Lasalle -- French cavalry general
Wikipedia - Antoine de Pas de Feuquieres -- French writer and military general (1648-1711)
Wikipedia - Antoine-Henri Jomini -- French-Swiss officer who served as a general with the French and Russian armies and writer on the art of war (1779-1869)
Wikipedia - Antoine Nogues -- French general
Wikipedia - Antoine of Lalaing, 1st Count of Hoogstraeten -- General and 1st count of Hoogstraten and of Culemborg
Wikipedia - Antoinette Sandbach -- British Liberal Democrat politician
Wikipedia - Anton Coppola -- American opera conductor and composer
Wikipedia - Anton Dostler -- German general
Wikipedia - Antonia Maria Girelli -- Italian opera singer
Wikipedia - Antonia Novello -- 14th Surgeon General of the United States
Wikipedia - Antoni de Falguera -- Catalan architect
Wikipedia - Antonietta Dell'Era -- Italian ballet dancer
Wikipedia - Antonietta Meo -- Italian venerable
Wikipedia - Antoni Madalinski -- Polish general
Wikipedia - Antonin de Selliers de Moranville -- Belgian general
Wikipedia - Antonine Itinerary -- Imperial Roman register of roads and stations
Wikipedia - Antonio Blazquez y Delgado-Aguilera -- Spanish geographer, historian and bibliographer
Wikipedia - Antonio Carangelo -- Italian operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Antonio Corton -- Spanish journalist and literary critic (1854-1913)
Wikipedia - Antonio Cotogni -- Italian opera singer 1831-1918
Wikipedia - Antonio Cotoner y Vallobar -- Nuncio, or extraordinary Ambassador of the Studium generale of Majorca to Philip's II Royal court in Madrid
Wikipedia - Antonio Fabre y Almeras -- Spanish monk, writer and numismatis
Wikipedia - Antonio Galassi -- Italian opera singer 1845-1904
Wikipedia - Antonio Giuglini -- Italian opera singer 1825-65
Wikipedia - Antonio Guiteras -- Cuban politician
Wikipedia - Antonio IbaM-CM-1ez de la Riva Herrera -- 18th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antonio Jose Benavides -- Venezuelan Major General
Wikipedia - Antonio Julio da Costa Pereira de Eca -- Portuguese Army general
Wikipedia - Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna -- 19th-century Mexican politician general
Wikipedia - Antonio Luna -- Filipino pharmacist, propagandist and general
Wikipedia - Antonio Maceo Grajales -- Cuban general
Wikipedia - Antonio Magini-Coletti -- Italian opera singer 1855-1912
Wikipedia - Antonio Mattei Lluberas -- Puerto Rican mayor in 1897 who led a revolt against Spain
Wikipedia - Antonio Merayo -- Argentine photographer
Wikipedia - Antonio Pachera -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Antonio Paoli -- Puerto Rican opera singer
Wikipedia - Antonio Peracchi -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Antonio PiM-CM-1ero -- Spanish philologist, writer, and historian, specializing in language and literature of the early Christianity
Wikipedia - Antonio Rivera (equestrian) -- Mexican equestrian
Wikipedia - Antonio Rivera Rodriguez Airport -- Airport on the island of Vieques in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Antonio Rodriguez Balinas -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Antonio Rodriguez de las Heras -- Spanish historian
Wikipedia - Antonio Tamburini -- Italian opera singer
Wikipedia - Antonio Torres Millera -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Antonio Valero de Bernabe -- Puerto Rican general
Wikipedia - Antoni Rewera
Wikipedia - Antoni Szylling -- Polish general
Wikipedia - Anton Sztaray -- Austrian general
Wikipedia - Anton von Prokesch-Osten -- Austro-Hungarian diplomat, statesman and general (1795-1876)
Wikipedia - Antony and Cleopatra (opera)
Wikipedia - Antony Easthope -- British literary scholar
Wikipedia - Antyesti -- Funeral rites for the dead in Hinduism
Wikipedia - Anubis -- Ancient Egyptian god of funerary rites
Wikipedia - Anugerah Industri Muzik -- Malaysian music award ceremony
Wikipedia - Anugerah Musik Indonesia -- Annual Indonesian music award
Wikipedia - Anugerah Sukan Negara for Sportsman of the Year -- List of winners of the sporting award
Wikipedia - Anugerah Sukan Negara -- Annual sporting award ceremony in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Anu Kaal -- Estonian opera singer, music educator and actor
Wikipedia - An Wasserflussen Babylon -- 1525 Lutheran hymn by Wolfgang Dachstein
Wikipedia - Anzhelina Shvachka -- Ukrainian operatic mezzo-soprano singer
Wikipedia - Apache Abdera
Wikipedia - Apache -- Several groups of indigenous peoples of the United States
Wikipedia - Apagomera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - APA Group (Japan) -- Japanese hotel operator
Wikipedia - Apantesis phalerata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Apartheid-era South Africa and the Olympics
Wikipedia - Apartheid in art and literature
Wikipedia - Apartment 3-G -- 1961-2015 American soap opera comic strip
Wikipedia - Apartment Therapy -- Interior design blog publisher
Wikipedia - A Passage to Infinity -- The Social Origins of the Kerala School
Wikipedia - Apatema baixerasi -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Apatite -- Mineral group, calcium phosphate
Wikipedia - Apelles of Heraklion -- 1st century Christian bishop and saint
Wikipedia - Aperanat -- Ancient Egyptian king
Wikipedia - Aphanite -- Igneous rocks which are so fine-grained that their component mineral crystals are not detectable by the unaided eye
Wikipedia - Aphatum -- Genus of beetles in the family Cerambycidae
Wikipedia - Aphelia peramplana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - A. P. Hill -- Confederate Army general
Wikipedia - Apiba Festival -- Festival of Senya-Beraku People
Wikipedia - Apicius -- Roman-era cookbook
Wikipedia - Apis mellifera macedonica -- subspecies of Western honey bee
Wikipedia - Apis mellifera
Wikipedia - Apitherapy -- Pseudoscientific alternative medical treatment that uses bee venom and other bee products
Wikipedia - AP Latin Literature -- College Board test
Wikipedia - Aplocera efformata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - APL (programming language) -- Functional, symbolic programming language for operating on multidimensional arrays
Wikipedia - Apocalyptic literature -- Genre of prophetical writing
Wikipedia - Apocolocyntosis -- Literary work by Seneca
Wikipedia - Apollo in Real Time -- Interactive website of Apollo 11, 13, and 17
Wikipedia - Apollo TV camera -- Outerspace broadcasting device
Wikipedia - Apophyllite -- Phyllosilicate mineral
Wikipedia - Aporocera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Apostolicae Sedis moderationi
Wikipedia - Apostolic Camera
Wikipedia - Appalachian Center at Hickory -- Distance-education center operated by Appalachian State University
Wikipedia - Appian -- Roman-era Greek historian
Wikipedia - Appius Annius Gallus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Appius Claudius Pulcher (consul 143 BC) -- Roman politician and general
Wikipedia - Applegreen -- Service station chain operating in Ireland, the UK and the USA
Wikipedia - Apple Interactive Television Box
Wikipedia - Apple Maps -- Map application operated by Apple inc.
Wikipedia - Apple Music 1 -- Radio station operated by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple ProDOS -- Operating system on Apple II series computers
Wikipedia - Apple TV (1st generation)
Wikipedia - Apple TV (2nd generation)
Wikipedia - Apple TV (3rd generation)
Wikipedia - Apple TV (4th generation)
Wikipedia - Apple TV (software) -- Media player software applications operated by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple Watch (1st generation)
Wikipedia - Applicable margin reset -- Alternative to interest rate refinancing on collateralized loan obligation securities
Wikipedia - Applied ethics -- Practical application of moral considerations
Wikipedia - Apportionment (politics) -- Process of allocating the political power of a set of constituent voters among their representatives in a deliberative body
Wikipedia - Appuntamento in riviera -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - April Branning -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - April Ulring Larson -- 20th and 21st-century American Lutheran bishop
Wikipedia - Aproaerema lerauti -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Apsara International Air -- Cambodian airline operating 2013-2016
Wikipedia - Aptenopedes aptera -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Aptera (Greece) -- Archaeological site and ancient city in Western Crete, Greece
Wikipedia - Apteralcidion -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Apteraliplus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Aptera Motors -- American automotive company
Wikipedia - Apterapomecyna -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Aqaba Railway Corporation -- Railway operating company in Jordan
Wikipedia - AQ Interactive -- Defunct Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Aq Qoyunlu -- Turkoman confederation
Wikipedia - Aquablation therapy -- Surgical procedure
Wikipedia - Aquae Cutiliae -- Mineral spring in Italy
Wikipedia - Aquatica lateralis -- Species of insect of the genus Luciola
Wikipedia - Aquatic ecology -- The study of interactions between organisms and the environment in water
Wikipedia - Aquatic therapy
Wikipedia - Aqueduct Racetrack -- Horseracing venue in New York City
Wikipedia - A Quien Quiera Escuchar -- 2015 studio album by Ricky Martin
Wikipedia - A Quiet Place (opera) -- Opera with music by Leonard Bernstein to a libretto by Stephen Wadsworth
Wikipedia - Aquilia Severa -- Vestal Virgin, wife of Roman emperor Elagabalus
Wikipedia - Aquinas College (Michigan) -- Liberal arts college in Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Arab Cooperation Council
Wikipedia - Arabela Carreras -- Argentine politician
Wikipedia - Arabic Literature
Wikipedia - Arabic literature
Wikipedia - Arabic numerals -- The ten symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9
Wikipedia - Arabi Malayalam -- Language spoken in Kerala, Lakshadweep, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu of India
Wikipedia - Arab Liberal Federation
Wikipedia - Arab Serai -- 16th century caravanserai in Delhi, India
Wikipedia - Arachidicoccus rhizosphaerae -- Bacterium
Wikipedia - ARA General Belgrano -- 1951-1982 Brooklyn class cruiser of the Argentine Navy, formerly the USS Phoenix
Wikipedia - ARA General San Martin -- Argentine icebreaker
Wikipedia - Arahant Upatissa -- 1st-2nd-century Sri Lankan Theravada Buddhist monk and author of the Vimuttimagga
Wikipedia - Aranazhika Neram -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Arapera Hineira Kaa Blank -- New Zealand poet, writer
Wikipedia - Arash Derambarsh -- Arash Derambarsh
Wikipedia - Aravinda Sametha Veera Raghava -- 2018 Telugu action film directed by Trivikram Srinivas
Wikipedia - Arbitio -- Roman general
Wikipedia - Arbitration Committee -- dispute resolution panel of editors on several Wikimedia Foundation projects
Wikipedia - Arboretum de Podestat -- Private arboretum in Podestat, near Bergerac, Dordogne, Aquitaine, France
Wikipedia - Arbor Mist -- Alcoholic beverage
Wikipedia - Arbor press -- Small hand-operated machine tool
Wikipedia - Arcade game -- Coin-operated entertainment machine
Wikipedia - Arcaicam Esperantom
Wikipedia - ArcaOS -- Computer operating system based on IBM's OS/2 Warp
Wikipedia - ARC Gallery -- Artists' cooperative in Chicago, IL, US
Wikipedia - Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran
Wikipedia - Archbasilica of St. John Lateran
Wikipedia - Archetypal literary criticism
Wikipedia - Archibald Bruce (mineralogist)
Wikipedia - Archibald Cull Birtwistle -- British general
Wikipedia - Archibald H. Sunderland -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery -- British Liberal politician and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1847-1929)
Wikipedia - Archie E. O'Neil -- U.S. Marine Corps Brigadier General
Wikipedia - Archie F. Howard -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Archie Gamboa -- Director General of the Philippine National Police
Wikipedia - Archie Mitchell -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Archimedean solid -- Convex uniform polyhedra first enumerated by Archimedes
Wikipedia - Archiponera -- Extinct genus of ants
Wikipedia - Archips cerasivorana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Archips semiferanus -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Architect of the Capitol -- Person and federal agency that maintains the United States Capitol Complex
Wikipedia - Archivo General de la Nacion (Mexico) -- Mexican National archive
Wikipedia - Archivo General de Puerto Rico -- Archives documenting the history and culture of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Archon of Pella -- 4th-century BC Macedonian general
Wikipedia - Arco (Renfe Operadora service) -- Passenger train service
Wikipedia - Arcot N. Veeraswami -- Indian politician (born 1931)
Wikipedia - Arctica -- An ancient continent in the Neoarchean era
Wikipedia - Arctic Coal Company -- 1906-1916 American coal mining company operating in Svalbard, Norway
Wikipedia - Arctic Cordillera -- Arctic Cordillera is a terrestrial ecozone in northern Canada
Wikipedia - Arcturus Therapeutics -- American biotech firm
Wikipedia - Arcyptera fusca -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Arcyptera -- Genus of grasshoppers
Wikipedia - Ardie Clark Halyard -- American bankera and civil rights advocate (1896-1989)
Wikipedia - Ardis Butterfield -- Music and literature scholar
Wikipedia - Areobindus Dagalaiphus Areobindus -- Byzantine general and politician (460-512)
Wikipedia - Argentine Confederation -- 1831-1861 republic in South America
Wikipedia - Argentine literature
Wikipedia - Argent -- Metal (tincture) of silver in heraldry
Wikipedia - Argomuellera -- Genus of flowering plants in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Argument to moderation -- Informal fallacy which asserts that the truth can be found as a compromise between two opposite positions
Wikipedia - Argyresthia thuriferana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Argyrochosma pilifera -- Species of fern in the family Pteridaceae
Wikipedia - Ariadne auf Naxos -- Opera by Richard Strauss
Wikipedia - Ariel Castillo Najera -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Ariel Rivera -- Filipino actor and singer
Wikipedia - Ariel Sharon -- Prime Minister of Israel and Israeli general
Wikipedia - Arik Air -- Nigerian airline operating within Africa
Wikipedia - Arinthaeus -- Roman general and consul
Wikipedia - Aristeion Prize -- European literary award
Wikipedia - Aristeus -- 5th century BCE Corinthian general
Wikipedia - Aristides -- Athenian general and statesman
Wikipedia - Aristocles (sculptors) -- Several ancient Greek artists
Wikipedia - Aristomachos of Argos -- 3rd-century BC Greek general
Wikipedia - Aristonicus of Alexandria -- Ancient Greek writer of the Roman era
Wikipedia - Aristonous of Pella -- 4th-century BC Greek general
Wikipedia - Aristophanes of Byzantium -- Third-century BC Greek literary scholar and grammarian in Alexandria
Wikipedia - Aristotelia pulvera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Arithmetical hierarchy -- Hierarchy of complexity classes for formulas defining sets
Wikipedia - Arithmetic hierarchy
Wikipedia - Arithmetic mean -- Numbers average
Wikipedia - Arithmetic operations
Wikipedia - Arithmetic shift -- Shift operator in computer programming
Wikipedia - Arity -- Fixed number of arguments or operands that a function or operation requires in order to define a relation between them
Wikipedia - Arizona Attorney General -- Attorney general of the U.S. state of Arizona
Wikipedia - Arizona Beverage Company -- American beverage producer
Wikipedia - Arizona Federal Credit Union -- Credit union in Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - Arizona Lutheran Academy -- Wisconsin Synod Lutheran high school in Phoenix, Arizona
Wikipedia - Arizona State Prison Complex - Florence -- flagship prison of Arizona's 13 prison facilities operated by the Arizona Department of Corrections
Wikipedia - Arjun Ray -- Indian general
Wikipedia - Arkansas House of Representatives -- Lower house of the Arkansas General Assembly
Wikipedia - Arkansas Senate -- Upper house of the Arkansas General Assembly
Wikipedia - Arlene Istar Lev -- American family therapist
Wikipedia - Arleth Teran -- Mexican actress
Wikipedia - Arlette Contreras -- Peruvian lawyer and advocate for women
Wikipedia - Arlington Capital Partners -- Private equity firm focusing on leveraged buyout and recapitalization investments in middle market companies.
Wikipedia - Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial -- Historic estate in Virginia operated by the U.S. National Park Service
Wikipedia - Armageddon (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon (2000) -- 2000 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armalcolite -- Oxide mineral
Wikipedia - Armand Charles Guilleminot -- French general
Wikipedia - Armand de Fluvia -- Spanish genealogist and heraldist
Wikipedia - Armando Borgioli -- Italian operatic singer
Wikipedia - Armando Chavarria Barrera -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Armando Contreras Castillo -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Armed Forces Special Operations Division -- Joint formation of the Indian Armed Forces responsible for special operations
Wikipedia - A. R. Meek -- Eighth Florida Attorney General
Wikipedia - Armenian ceramics in Jerusalem -- Armenian ceramics, Jerusalem
Wikipedia - Armenian literature
Wikipedia - Armenian Revolutionary Federation -- Armenian political party
Wikipedia - Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia -- Armenian militant organization that operated from 1975 to the early 1990s
Wikipedia - Armenia-Saudi Arabia relations -- Bilateral relations between Armenia and Saudi arabia
Wikipedia - Armida Parsi-Pettinella -- Italian mezzo-soprano opera singer
Wikipedia - Armine Wodehouse (Liberal politician) -- British politician
Wikipedia - Arminio (Biber) -- Opera by Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber
Wikipedia - Armorial of schools in the United Kingdom -- Heraldry of UK schools
Wikipedia - Armorial of Spain -- Heraldic visual designs displayed in Spain
Wikipedia - Arms of alliance -- heraldic term to denote alliances by marriage
Wikipedia - Armstrong Flight Research Center -- Federal aerospace research facility
Wikipedia - Armstrong Hydroelectric Generator -- Armstrong Hydroelectric Generator
Wikipedia - Armstrong limit -- Altitude above which water boils at human body temperature
Wikipedia - Army General Classification Test
Wikipedia - Army general (East Germany) -- Military rank
Wikipedia - Army of Central Kentucky -- Military organization in the Confederate States Army 1861-1862
Wikipedia - Army of Tennessee -- Field army of the Confederate States Army
Wikipedia - Army of the Trans-Mississippi -- A field army of the Confederate States Army
Wikipedia - Army Ranger Wing -- Special operations force of the Irish Defence Forces
Wikipedia - Arnaud Gerard -- Road bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Arndis Halla -- Icelandic operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Arnel Cerafica -- Filipino politician
Wikipedia - Arniston (East Indiaman) -- Ship operating under charter to the British East India Company
Wikipedia - Arnold, California -- Census-designated place in Calaveras County, California, United States
Wikipedia - Arnold Elzey -- Confederate Army general (1816-1871)
Wikipedia - Arnold Gosewich -- Canadian literary agent
Wikipedia - Arnold J. Funk -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Arnold Krekel -- United States federal judge
Wikipedia - Arnold Palmer (drink) -- Beverage of iced tea and lemonade, named after the American golfer
Wikipedia - Arnold Pomerans
Wikipedia - Arnold Rothstein -- American crime boss who operated primarily in NYC
Wikipedia - Arnold Rutkowski -- Polish opera singer
Wikipedia - Arnold W. Bunch Jr. -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Arno Lehmann -- German-Austrian ceramicist, sculptor and painter
Wikipedia - Aro Confederacy -- Former country in present southeastern Nigeria
Wikipedia - Aromatherapy -- Usage of aromatic materials for improving well-being
Wikipedia - AROS Research Operating System -- Operating system
Wikipedia - Arp 166 -- Interacting galaxy pair
Wikipedia - Arphia xanthoptera -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - ARP spoofing -- Cyberattack which associates the attacker's MAC address with the IP address of another host
Wikipedia - Arricam -- 35 mm movie camera line
Wikipedia - Arriflex 416 -- 35 mm movie camera line
Wikipedia - Arriflex 435 -- 35 mm movie camera line
Wikipedia - Arriflex 535 -- 35 mm movie camera line
Wikipedia - Arriflex 765 -- 65 mm movie camera by Arri
Wikipedia - Arriflex D-20 -- American digital motion picture camera
Wikipedia - Arriflex D-21 -- American digital motion picture camera
Wikipedia - Arriscope (lens) -- Animorphic lens for movie camera
Wikipedia - Arriva Derby -- Bus operator in Derbyshire
Wikipedia - Arriva Fox County -- British bus company operating in Leicestershire
Wikipedia - Arriva London -- Bus company operating services in Greater London
Wikipedia - Arriva Midlands -- British bus operator
Wikipedia - Arriva North East -- Bus operator in North East England
Wikipedia - Arriva North West -- Bus operator in North West England
Wikipedia - Arriva Rail London -- A British train operating company in London
Wikipedia - Arriva Southern Counties -- Bus operator in Surrey, West Sussex, East Sussex, Kent and Essex
Wikipedia - Arriva Trains Wales -- British transport company that operated in Wales, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Arriva UK Trains -- Company that oversees Arriva's train operating companies in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Arriva Yorkshire -- British bus operator
Wikipedia - Arsenio Martinez Campos -- Spanish general and politician
Wikipedia - Arsenuranospathite -- Rare mineral
Wikipedia - Artaballabha Mohanty -- Indian writer, literary critique (1887-1969)
Wikipedia - Artak Davtyan -- Armenian Lieutenant-General
Wikipedia - Artayctes -- 5th-century BC Persian general and governor
Wikipedia - Art colony -- Place where artists live and interact with each other
Wikipedia - Artemisia Gallery -- Chicagoan alternative exhibition space and women's cooperative
Wikipedia - Artemisia (genus) -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Artemis (magazine) -- Armenian women's literary journal
Wikipedia - Arte Povera
Wikipedia - Arte Publico Press -- Publisher of contemporary and recovered literature by US Hispanic authors
Wikipedia - Arthrosphaera dentigera -- Species of myriapod
Wikipedia - Arthur Allen (general) -- Australian Army general
Wikipedia - Arthur Barrett Donnelly -- American business executive and U.S. Army general
Wikipedia - Arthur Charles Fox-Davies -- British expert on heraldry
Wikipedia - Arthur Currie -- Canadian WWI general
Wikipedia - Arthur Edward Barstow -- British Indian Army general
Wikipedia - Arthur F. Burns -- American economist, diplomat, and 10th Chairman of the Federal Reserve in the United States
Wikipedia - Arthur Fowler -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Arthur H. Butler -- American Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Arthur Housman -- American actor in films during both the silent film era and the Golden Age of Hollywood (1889-1942)
Wikipedia - Arthur Hutchinson (mineralogist)
Wikipedia - Arthur Iberall -- American physicist
Wikipedia - Arthur Imperatore Sr. -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Arthur Johnson (Army general) -- American general
Wikipedia - Arthur Kobus -- German general
Wikipedia - Arthur Kwizera -- Ugandan anesthesiologist
Wikipedia - Arthur Legge (British Army officer) -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Arthur-Merlin protocol -- Interactive proof system in computational complexity theory
Wikipedia - Arthur Murray (general) -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Arthur Nebe -- German SS general
Wikipedia - Arthur Ponsonby, 1st Baron Ponsonby of Shulbrede -- British Liberal and later Labour politician and pacifist
Wikipedia - Arthur Quiller-Couch -- 19th/20th-century British writer and literary critic
Wikipedia - Arthur R. Wilson -- U.S. Army Major General
Wikipedia - Arthur's Desperate Resolve -- 1916 silent short film directed by William Garwood
Wikipedia - Arthur Stephen Lane -- United States federal judge
Wikipedia - Arthur Sullivan -- English composer of Gilbert & Sullivan comic operas (1842-1900)
Wikipedia - Arthur von Briesen -- German general and Iron Cross recipient
Wikipedia - Arthur Wallis (Bible teacher) -- Itinerant Bible teacher and author
Wikipedia - Arthur Wigram Money -- British major-general
Wikipedia - Arthur Wrottesley, 3rd Baron Wrottesley -- British peer and Liberal politician
Wikipedia - Articles of Confederation -- First constitution of the United States of America (1781-1789)
Wikipedia - Artificial cranial deformation -- Form of body alteration
Wikipedia - Artificial General Intelligence
Wikipedia - Artificial general intelligence
Wikipedia - Artificial neural network -- Computational model used in machine learning, based on connected, hierarchical functions
Wikipedia - Artificial seawater -- A mixture of dissolved mineral salts (and sometimes vitamins) that simulates seawater
Wikipedia - Art in General -- Art space in New York City
Wikipedia - Artisan temperament
Wikipedia - ArtM-EM-+rs Cavara -- Latvian opera singer
Wikipedia - Arts & Letters -- American literary journal
Wikipedia - Art Scholl -- American acrobatic pilot, aerial cameraman, flight instructor and educator
Wikipedia - Art therapy
Wikipedia - Arturo Herrera Gutierrez -- Politician
Wikipedia - Arturo Rivera -- Mexican artist
Wikipedia - Arturo Vera -- Argentine politician
Wikipedia - ARX (operating system)
Wikipedia - Asad ibn Yazid al-Shaybani -- Abbasid General and Governor of Arminiyah
Wikipedia - Asafoetida -- Indian spice; dried latex from the rhizome or root of several Ferula spp.
Wikipedia - Asahi Breweries -- Japanese food and beverage company
Wikipedia - Asahi Camera -- Japanese photography magazine
Wikipedia - Asami Kodera -- Japanese mixed martial artist
Wikipedia - Asan Kasingye -- Uganda Assistant Inspector General of Police
Wikipedia - Asanterabi Zephaniah Nsilo Swai -- Tanzanian politician
Wikipedia - Asaphestera -- Extinct genus of tetrapos
Wikipedia - Asbestos and the law -- Legal and regulatory issues involving the mineral asbestos
Wikipedia - Asbestos -- Group of highly stable, non-flammable silicate minerals with a fibrous structure
Wikipedia - Asbjorn Aarseth -- Norwegian literary historian
Wikipedia - Asbury University -- Christian liberal arts university in Wilmore, Kentucky
Wikipedia - Ascaris lumbricoides -- One of several species of Ascaris
Wikipedia - Ascensao e Queda de um Paquera -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - ASEAN-ROK Forest Cooperation
Wikipedia - Aseptic processing -- Processing technique to produce shelf-stable products that do not need refrigeration
Wikipedia - A Severa (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - ASFiNAG -- Austrian highway operating company
Wikipedia - A. S. G. Edwards -- American scholar of medieval literature and manuscripts
Wikipedia - Ashani Weeraratna -- Cancer researcher
Wikipedia - Asha-Rose Migiro -- Tanzanian politician and UN Deputy-Secretary General
Wikipedia - Asherah -- Ancient Semitic goddess
Wikipedia - Ash glaze -- Ceramic glazes made from wood-ash
Wikipedia - Ashina Jiesheshuai -- Gokturk general and noble
Wikipedia - Ashley Bloomfield -- New Zealand director-general of public health
Wikipedia - Ashley Cabrera -- Filipina actress
Wikipedia - Ashley Cotton -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Ashley Putnam -- American opera singer
Wikipedia - Ashley Thomas -- Character from the British soap opera Emmerdale
Wikipedia - A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature
Wikipedia - Ashwani Kumar (military officer) -- Adjutant General of Indian Army from 2018 to 2019
Wikipedia - Asia Cooperation Dialogue
Wikipedia - Asia Literary Review -- Quarterly literary journal published in English
Wikipedia - Asian and Pacific theatre of World War I -- Theater of operations during World War I
Wikipedia - Asian Boxing Confederation -- Boxing association
Wikipedia - Asianet Satellite Communications -- Indian cable operator
Wikipedia - Asianet (TV channel) -- Malayalam language Indian general entertainment pay television channel
Wikipedia - Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances -- Organization
Wikipedia - Asian Karatedo Federation -- The governing body of sport karate
Wikipedia - Asian Kung-Fu Generation -- Japanese alternative rock band
Wikipedia - Asian literature
Wikipedia - Asian/Pacific American Awards for Literature -- Set of literary awards
Wikipedia - Asian School of Business -- Business school in Technocity West, Pallipuram, Trivandrum, Kerala. India
Wikipedia - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation -- International economic forum
Wikipedia - Asia Resource Minerals -- International mining group
Wikipedia - Asidoptera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Asif Ghafoor -- General officer commanding at Okara
Wikipedia - Asif Nawaz Janjua -- Pakistani general
Wikipedia - Asim Munir (general) -- Pakistani general
Wikipedia - Asinara donkey -- Italian breed of feral donkey
Wikipedia - Asi O De Otra Manera -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Aslamas Beg -- Safavid general and governor of Kandahar
Wikipedia - Asociacion Obrera Asambleista -- Spanish trade union movement
Wikipedia - Asoka Weeraratna
Wikipedia - As One (opera) -- Chamber opera by Laura Kaminsky
Wikipedia - Aspartate aminotransferase
Wikipedia - Aspartate carbamoyltransferase -- Protein family
Wikipedia - Asperger syndrome -- Neurodevelopmental disorder affecting social interaction
Wikipedia - Asplenium ceterach -- Species of fern in the family Aspleniaceae
Wikipedia - Asplenium tutwilerae -- Species of fern in the family Aspleniaceae
Wikipedia - Assa Abloy -- Swedish conglomerate, manufacturer of locks and security systems
Wikipedia - Assam Legislative Assembly -- Unicameral legislature of the Indian state of Assam
Wikipedia - Assam silk -- Any of several types of wild silk native to Assam, India
Wikipedia - Assata Shakur -- American activist who was a member of the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army
Wikipedia - Assateague Island National Seashore -- Barrier island operated by the National Park Service of the United States
Wikipedia - Assignment operation
Wikipedia - Assignment operator in C++
Wikipedia - Assignment operator
Wikipedia - Assistant United States Attorney -- Attorney employed by the Federal government of the United States and working under the supervision of a United States Attorney
Wikipedia - Assisted Human Reproduction Canada -- Canadian federal regulatory agency
Wikipedia - Associated General Contractors of America
Wikipedia - Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Wikipedia - Association for Mormon Letters -- Non-profit literary organization
Wikipedia - Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Association of European Operational Research Societies
Wikipedia - Association of periOperative Registered Nurses -- Professional organization
Wikipedia - Association of Salesian Cooperators
Wikipedia - Association of Writers & Writing Programs -- Nonprofit literary organization
Wikipedia - Associative operation
Wikipedia - Associative property -- Property allowing removing parentheses in a sequence of operations
Wikipedia - Assumed arms -- Arms adopted rather than granted in heraldry
Wikipedia - Assumption of the Virgin (Cerasi Chapel) -- Painting by Annibale Carracci (Santa Maria del Popolo, Cappella Cerasi)
Wikipedia - Assycuera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Astarte (opera) -- Opera by Xavier Leroux
Wikipedia - Asta Vihandi -- Estonian opera singer, actress and dancer
Wikipedia - Asteraceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Asterales -- Order of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Asteranthe asterias -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Asteranthe lutea -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Asteranthe -- Genus of plants
Wikipedia - Aster (genus) -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Asterolepis glycera -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Asteromyia carbonifera -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Asthena anseraria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - As the World Turns -- American television soap opera (1956-2010)
Wikipedia - Aston Martin DBS Superleggera -- Grand tourer produced by Aston Martin as a successor to the Vanquish
Wikipedia - Astra International -- Indonesian automotive conglomerate
Wikipedia - Astrid Bjellebo Bayegan -- Norwegian Lutheran dean
Wikipedia - Astrid Varnay -- American operatic soprano (1918-2006)
Wikipedia - Astronomical survey -- General map or image of a region of the sky with no specific observational target.
Wikipedia - Astrophysics Data System -- Digital Library portal operated by the Smithsonian
Wikipedia - A Study in Emerald -- 2003 short story by Neil Gaiman
Wikipedia - Asuka Terada -- Japanese hurdler
Wikipedia - Asuka Teramoto -- Japanese artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Asus ZenFone 6 -- 2019 Asus flagship smartphone with flip camera
Wikipedia - Asus ZenFone 7 -- 2020 Asus flagship smartphones with flip camera
Wikipedia - Asymmetric norm -- Generalization of the concept of a norm
Wikipedia - Asymmetric numeral systems -- Enthropy coding methods
Wikipedia - Asymmetric simple exclusion process -- Interacting particle system
Wikipedia - Asynchronous conferencing -- Technologies where there is a delay in interaction between contributors
Wikipedia - Asynchronous System Trap -- Mechanism used in several computer operating systems
Wikipedia - Atari Game Brain -- Unreleased dedicated first-generation home video game console that was supposed to be released by Atari in June 1978
Wikipedia - Atari Jaguar CD -- Peripheral for the Atari Jaguar video game console
Wikipedia - Atari TOS -- Operating system of the Atari ST range of computers
Wikipedia - Atari -- Brand name now owned by Atari Interactive
Wikipedia - Ataxia-telangiectasia -- A rare, neurodegenerative, autosomal recessive human disease causing severe disability
Wikipedia - ATC code C04 -- Therapeutic subgroup of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System
Wikipedia - ATC code D07 -- Therapeutic subgroup
Wikipedia - ATC code R01 -- Therapeutic subgroup
Wikipedia - ATC code R03 -- Therapeutic subgroup
Wikipedia - A Temperamental Wife -- 1919 American film directed by David Kirkland
Wikipedia - Ateralphus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Aterazawa Line -- Railway line in Yamagata prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Aterazawa Station -- Railway station in M-EM-^Le, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - ATF gunwalking scandal -- US operation to capture weapons' smugglers
Wikipedia - At Freddie's -- 1982 novel by Penelope Fitzgerald
Wikipedia - Athenian pederasty
Wikipedia - Athens Banner-Herald -- Newspaper published in Athens, Georgia
Wikipedia - Athens Confederate Monument -- Confederate monument in Athens, Georgia, United States
Wikipedia - Atheradas of Laconia -- Ancient Greek athlete
Wikipedia - Atheroma -- Accumulation of degenerative material in the inner layer of artery walls
Wikipedia - Athletes Parade -- Soviet-era parade of national athletes
Wikipedia - Athula Samarasekera -- Sri Lankan cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Atiyah-Singer index theorem -- On the dimensions of the kernel and cokernel of a differential operator on a manifold
Wikipedia - Atlanta (magazine) -- American monthly general-interest magazine
Wikipedia - Atlantic Equatorial mode -- quasiperiodic interannual climate pattern of the equatorial Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - Atlanticism -- Political ideology regarding North American-European cooperation
Wikipedia - Atlantic multidecadal oscillation -- climate cycle that affects the surface temperature of the North Atlantic
Wikipedia - ATLAS-I -- US Air Force electromagnetic pulse generation and testing apparatus in use from 1972-1980 at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM, US
Wikipedia - Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor -- ISS-based upper-atmospheric lightning observation project
Wikipedia - Atmospheric instability -- Condition where the Earth's atmosphere is generally considered to be unstable
Wikipedia - Atmospheric science -- Study of the atmosphere, its processes, and its interactions with other systems
Wikipedia - At Night All Cats Are Crazy -- 1977 film by Gerard Zingg
Wikipedia - Atole -- Mesoamerican hot corn beverage
Wikipedia - Atom (character) -- Name shared by several fictional comic book superheroes from the DC Comics universe
Wikipedia - Atomera -- American company
Wikipedia - Atomic operations (computing)
Wikipedia - Atomic operation
Wikipedia - A-Treat Bottling Company -- American beverage company
Wikipedia - Atremaea lonchoptera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Atrichocera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Atrichopogon levis -- A species of biting midges in the family Ceratopogonidae
Wikipedia - ATSC 3.0 -- Next-generation TV standard based on ATSC
Wikipedia - Attachment-based psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Attachment-based therapy (children)
Wikipedia - Attachment therapy
Wikipedia - Attack surface -- Software environment vulnerable to attack
Wikipedia - Attack therapy
Wikipedia - Attalus (son of Andromenes) -- 4th-century BC Macedonian general
Wikipedia - Attempted assassination of Gerald Ford in Sacramento -- 1975 assassination attempt by Lynette Fromme
Wikipedia - Attempted assassination of Gerald Ford in San Francisco -- 1975 assassination attempt by Sara Jane Moore
Wikipedia - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder controversies -- Controversies relating to ADHD
Wikipedia - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder management
Wikipedia - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder predominantly inattentive
Wikipedia - Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Wikipedia - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder -- Neurodevelopmental disorder marked by difficulty focusing, or excessive activity and impulsive behavior
Wikipedia - Attic numerals -- Symbolic number notation used by the ancient Greeks
Wikipedia - Attingal (State Assembly constituency) -- Constituency of the Kerala legislative assembly in India
Wikipedia - Attiqur Rahman -- Pakistani general and military governor
Wikipedia - Attitude Era -- World Wrestling Federation's increase in adult-oriented content in the late-1990s
Wikipedia - Attitude (heraldry) -- Orientation and pose of a creature in heraldry
Wikipedia - Attorney General for England and Wales
Wikipedia - Attorney General (Isle of Man) -- Head legal advisor in the Isle of Man government
Wikipedia - Attorney-General (New Zealand) -- New Zealand minister of the Crown
Wikipedia - Attorney General of California -- Head of the California Department of Justice
Wikipedia - Attorney General of Kentucky -- Elected official in the U.S. state of Kentucky
Wikipedia - Attorney General of Maryland -- Attorney general for Maryland, U.S.
Wikipedia - Attorney General of Mexico -- Responsible for the investigation and prosecution of federal crimes
Wikipedia - Attorney General of New South Wales -- Chief law officer for the state of New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Attorney General of New York -- Attorney general for the U.S. state of New York
Wikipedia - Attorney General of the Gambia -- Cabinet-level position in the Gambia
Wikipedia - Attorney General of the United States
Wikipedia - Attorney General of Uganda -- Principal legal adviser of the Ugandan government
Wikipedia - Attorney General of Washington -- Attorney general for the U.S. state of Washington
Wikipedia - Attorney-General's Department (Australia) -- Federal attorney-general department of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Attorney General's Department (Sri Lanka) -- Sri Lankan government department
Wikipedia - Attorney General v Blake -- English contract law case on damages for breach of contract
Wikipedia - Attorney General v Dow -- High Court case in the Republic of Botswana
Wikipedia - Attorney General v Oldridge -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Attorney general -- In common law jurisdictions, main legal advisor to the government
Wikipedia - Atuatuca -- Roman-era oppidum in modern Belgium
Wikipedia - Atum General-Tavira-Maria Nova Hotel -- Portuguese professional cycling team
Wikipedia - Atutur General Hospital -- Public hospital in Uganda
Wikipedia - Aubertin Walter Sothern Mallaby -- British Indian Army general
Wikipedia - Aubrey Fitzgerald -- British actor
Wikipedia - Aucher Warner -- West Indian cricketer and Attorney-General of Trinidad and Tobago
Wikipedia - Auchterarder
Wikipedia - Audience response -- Type of interaction
Wikipedia - Audience -- People who participate in a show or encounter a work of art, literature, theatre, music or academics
Wikipedia - Audio frequency -- Sound whose frequency is audible to the average human.
Wikipedia - Audi R8 (Type 42) -- First generation of the R8 sports car manufactured by German automobile manufacturer Audi from 2006-2015
Wikipedia - Audi R8 (Type 4S) -- Second generation of the R8 sports car manufactured by German automobile manufacturer Audi
Wikipedia - Auditor General of Canada -- Canadian government accountability agency
Wikipedia - Auditor General of Nova Scotia -- Canadian government accountability agency
Wikipedia - Auditorio Benito Juarez -- Arena in Veracruz, Mexico
Wikipedia - Audrey Babcock -- American mezzo-soprano opera singer
Wikipedia - Audrey Girouard -- Canadian human computer interaction researcher
Wikipedia - Audrey Roberts -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Augasma aeratella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Augelite -- Aluminium phosphate mineral
Wikipedia - Augerans -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, France
Wikipedia - Augmented reality -- View of the real world with computer-generated supplementary features
Wikipedia - Augsburg raid -- WWII bombing operation by the Royal Air Force
Wikipedia - Augsburg-Stadt (electoral district) -- Federal electoral district of Germany
Wikipedia - Augusta Diaz de Rivera -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Augusta Lutken -- Danish operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Augusta M-CM-^Vhrstrom-Renard -- Swedish operatic mezzosoprano
Wikipedia - Augustana College (Illinois) -- Lutheran college in Rock Island, in the northwest part of Illinois, USA
Wikipedia - Augustana Divinity School (Neuendettelsau) -- Divinity school of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria
Wikipedia - Augustana Lutheran Church (Minneapolis, Minnesota) -- Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Wikipedia - Augustan literature (ancient Rome) -- Period in Latin literature
Wikipedia - Augustan literature
Wikipedia - Auguste-Alexandre Ducrot -- French general
Wikipedia - Auguste Berard -- French surgeon
Wikipedia - Auguste de Keralio -- French military and nobleman
Wikipedia - Auguste Delaherche -- French artist and ceramist
Wikipedia - Auguste-Louis Petiet -- French brigadier general and politician
Wikipedia - Auguste Pilati -- French composer and opera conductor
Wikipedia - Augustin Dubail -- French general
Wikipedia - Augustine Kyazze -- Ugandan general
Wikipedia - Augustinians -- General term for various religious orders
Wikipedia - Augustin Malar -- Czechoslovak general
Wikipedia - August Kautz -- Union Army General
Wikipedia - August Keim -- Prussian general
Wikipedia - Augusto Aguilera -- actor
Wikipedia - Augusto Tasso Fragoso -- Former Brazilian general
Wikipedia - Augusto Vera
Wikipedia - Augustus Dickens -- Brother of Victorian-era novelist Charles Dickens
Wikipedia - Augustus M. Gurney -- U.S. Army Brigadier General
Wikipedia - Augustus Owsley Stanley -- American state and federal politician
Wikipedia - August Wittmann -- German general of World War II
Wikipedia - Aujan Group -- Saudi manufacturing and distribution, real estate, hospitality, mining, and trading conglomerate
Wikipedia - Aulus Caecina Alienus -- 1st century AD Roman general
Wikipedia - Aulus Caecina Severus (consul 1 BC) -- Roman politician and general during the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius
Wikipedia - Aulus Didius Gallus -- 1st century AD Roman general and politician
Wikipedia - Aulus Gabinius Secundus (consul 35) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Aulus Gabinius -- Roman politician and general
Wikipedia - Aulus Manlius Torquatus Atticus -- Roman Republican politician and general
Wikipedia - Aulus Plautius -- 1st century AD Roman politician and general, provincial governor and suffect consul
Wikipedia - Aulus Verginius Tricostus Caeliomontanus (consul 494 BC) -- Early 5th century BC Roman politician, general and consul
Wikipedia - AUM Opera House -- Opera house in Kuwait
Wikipedia - Aung Bala -- Burmese dancer during British colonial era
Wikipedia - Aunt Sal -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Aurelio de Lira Tavares -- Former Brazilian general
Wikipedia - Aurelio Mosquera -- President of Ecuador
Wikipedia - Auriculotherapy -- Pseudocientific alternative medicine practice based on the idea that the ear is a micro system, which reflects the entire body, and that physical, mental or emotional health conditions are treatable by stimulation of the surface of the ear.
Wikipedia - Auriscalpium vulgare -- Species of fungus in the family Auriscalpiaceae from Europe, Central America, North America, and temperate Asia
Wikipedia - Aurora (heraldry) -- Heraldic charge
Wikipedia - Aurora OS -- Operating system for netbooks
Wikipedia - Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir -- 1524 Lutheran hymn
Wikipedia - Austin Burton Edwards -- Australian mineralogist and petrologist
Wikipedia - Austin City Council -- Unicameral legislature of Austin, Texas
Wikipedia - Austinite -- Arsenate mineral
Wikipedia - Austin Powers Operation: Trivia -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Austin R. Brunelli -- U.S. Marine Corps Brigadier General
Wikipedia - Austin S. Miller -- American Army General
Wikipedia - Australia-El Salvador relations -- Bi-lateral relations
Wikipedia - Australian Aboriginal kinship -- Systems of law covering social interactions in Australian Aboriginal societies
Wikipedia - Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Australian Book Industry Awards -- Annual publishers' and literary awards held by the Australian Publishers Association
Wikipedia - Australian Book Review -- Literary magazine
Wikipedia - Australian Bureau of Statistics -- Federal statistics and census agency of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly -- Unicameral legislature of the Australian Capital Territory
Wikipedia - Australian Curling Federation -- Sports governing body
Wikipedia - Australian Digital Health Agency -- Federal digital health agency of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Australian Federal Government
Wikipedia - Australian Federal Police -- Federal police department of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Australian feral camel -- Feral camels in Australia, descended from animals imported in 19th century
Wikipedia - Australian Government -- federal government of Australia
Wikipedia - Australian Karate Federation -- Australia karate federation
Wikipedia - Australian Labor Party -- Federal political party in Australia
Wikipedia - Australian Law Students' Association -- Confederation of Australian law student associations
Wikipedia - Australian Liberal Party (Victoria) -- 1920s political party in Australia
Wikipedia - Australian Public Service -- Federal civil service of Australia
Wikipedia - Australian Submarine Rescue Vehicle Remora -- Diving bell operated by the Australian Navy
Wikipedia - AustralianSuper -- Australian superannuation and pension fund
Wikipedia - Australian Underwater Federation -- The governing body for underwater sports in Australia
Wikipedia - Austria-Finland relations -- Bilateral international relations
Wikipedia - Austria-Netherlands relations -- Bilateral international relations
Wikipedia - Austrian Judo Federation -- Judo federation
Wikipedia - Austrian literature
Wikipedia - Austrian Riviera -- Advertising term for Austrian Gorizia and Istria
Wikipedia - Austrian State Treaty -- 1955 multilateral treaty regarding the international status of Austria
Wikipedia - Austrian Taekwondo Federation -- Taekwondo Federation
Wikipedia - Austria-Prussia rivalry -- Cooperation and rivalry between Austria and Prussia up to 1866
Wikipedia - Austromuellera trinervia -- Species of tree in the family Proteaceae from north-eastern Queensland
Wikipedia - Austromuellera -- Genus of trees in the family Proteaceae from north eastern Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Austroponera castanea -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Austroponera castaneicolor -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Authentic Radical Liberal Party -- Political party in Paraguay
Wikipedia - Authoritarian socialism -- socialist economic-political system rejecting political liberalism
Wikipedia - Autobiografiction -- Literary genre, a blend of autobiography and fiction
Wikipedia - Autoclaved aerated concrete -- Lightweight, precast building material
Wikipedia - Autoclave -- Machine used to carry out industrial and scientific processes requiring elevated temperature and pressure
Wikipedia - Autoconfig -- Amiga system for automatically setting up hardware peripherals
Wikipedia - Autogenous pressurization -- Use of self-generated gaseous propellant
Wikipedia - Automated Certificate Management Environment -- Communications protocol for automating interactions between certificate authorities and web servers
Wikipedia - Automatic faucet -- Sensor-operated water outlet
Wikipedia - Automatic Item Generation -- Field of study in Psychology
Wikipedia - Automatic taxonomy construction -- The use of software programs to generate taxonomical classifications from a body of texts
Wikipedia - Automation -- Use of various control systems for operating equipment
Wikipedia - Automaton -- A self-operating machine
Wikipedia - Automotive hacking -- The exploitation of vulnerabilities within the software, hardware, and communication systems of automobiles
Wikipedia - Autonomia Operaia
Wikipedia - Autonomic nervous system -- Division of the peripheral nervous system supplying smooth muscle and glands
Wikipedia - Autonomous peripheral operation
Wikipedia - Autonomous spaceport drone ship -- Floating landing platform operated by SpaceX
Wikipedia - Autonomous system (Internet) -- Collection of connected Internet Protocol (IP) routing prefixes under the control of one or more network operators
Wikipedia - Autopilot -- System to maintain vehicle trajectory in lieu of direct operator command
Wikipedia - Autoregressive integrated moving average
Wikipedia - Autostrade per l'Italia -- Italian motorway operations company
Wikipedia - Autumn Sonata (opera) -- Opera by Sebastian Fagerlund
Wikipedia - Autumn -- One of the Earth's four temperate seasons
Wikipedia - A/UX -- Early Unix-based operating system from Apple Computer
Wikipedia - Avadana -- Type of Buddhist literature
Wikipedia - Avadhuta -- Type of mystic or saint who acts without consideration for standard social etiquette
Wikipedia - Avalonia -- Microcontinent in the Paleozoic era named for the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland
Wikipedia - Avanti West Coast -- British train operating company
Wikipedia - Avargalum Ivargalum -- 2011 Indian Tamil language romantic drama film directed by Veerapandian.
Wikipedia - Avaria hyerana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - A. Veerappan -- Indian actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant -- Latin salutation
Wikipedia - Aventurera -- 1950 film by Alberto Gout M-CM-^@brego
Wikipedia - Average absolute deviation
Wikipedia - Average and total utilitarianism
Wikipedia - Average bit rate
Wikipedia - Average bitrate
Wikipedia - Average-case complexity
Wikipedia - Average cost
Wikipedia - Average earnings index -- British labour-market measure
Wikipedia - Average human height by country -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Average information
Wikipedia - Average Is Over -- 2013 book by Tyler Cowen
Wikipedia - Average Joe -- Term referring to an average (American) person
Wikipedia - Averageness
Wikipedia - Average utilitarianism
Wikipedia - Average weekly earnings -- Labour-market measure
Wikipedia - Average
Wikipedia - Aversion therapy
Wikipedia - Avesta -- Zoroastrian compendium of sacred literature
Wikipedia - Aviation -- Design, development, production, operation and use of aircraft
Wikipedia - Avidius Cassius -- Roman general and usurper (c.130-175)
Wikipedia - Avogadro's law -- Relationship between volume and number of moles of a gas at constant temperature and pressure.
Wikipedia - Avurududa -- 1986 film directed by Wimal Saman Jayaweera
Wikipedia - Awards and decorations of the United States government -- Civilian awards of the U.S. federal government
Wikipedia - A Wednesday! -- Film by Neeraj Pandey
Wikipedia - AXIOM (camera) -- Series of open-hardware cinema cameras
Wikipedia - AXN White -- Channel operated by Sony Pictures Television International Networks Europe
Wikipedia - AY-3-8500 -- Integrated circuit by General Instrument
Wikipedia - Ayah Bdeir -- Entrepreneur, inventor, and interactive artist
Wikipedia - Aydin M-DM-0lter -- Turkish general
Wikipedia - Aylmer Hunter-Weston -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Aytac Yalman -- Turkish general
Wikipedia - Ayub Khan (general) -- 2nd President of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Ayyapuram -- village in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Ayyathan Gopalan -- Indian physician, writer, social reformer of Kerala and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Ayyathan Janaki Ammal -- First female doctor in Kerala(Malabar)
Wikipedia - Azanian People's Liberation Army -- South African paramilitary group
Wikipedia - Azerables -- Commune in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Wikipedia - Azerbaijan-Denmark relations -- Bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Denmark
Wikipedia - Azerbaijani literature -- Literature written or related to Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - Azerbaijan-Saudi Arabia relations -- Bilateral relations of Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Azerbaijan State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater -- Opera house in Baku
Wikipedia - Azerbaijan-Tunisia relations -- Bilateral relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Tunisia
Wikipedia - Azhikode and Azhikkal -- Village in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Azhikode Lighthouse -- Lighthouse in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Azimuth thruster -- Steerable propulsion pod under a watercraft
Wikipedia - Azores Current -- A generally eastward to southeastward-flowing current in the North Atlantic, originating near the Grand Banks of Newfoundland where it splits from Gulf Stream
Wikipedia - Azores Liberation Front -- Portuguese political party
Wikipedia - Azubuko Udah -- Nigerian police inspector general (b. 1954)
Wikipedia - Azure (heraldry) -- Tincture of blue in heraldry
Wikipedia - Azurite -- Copper carbonate mineral
Wikipedia - Azygocera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Babcock Mission Critical Services Onshore -- Operator of police and air ambulance helicopters in the UK
Wikipedia - Babera Kirata -- Kiribati politician
Wikipedia - Babe Smith -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Babloo Prithiveeraj -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Bab -- Iranian prophet and founder of Babism, also venerated in the BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Baby (2015 Hindi film) -- 2015 film directed by Neeraj Pandey
Wikipedia - Baby boomers -- Generation born during the post-World War II baby boom, with birth dates generally from 1946 to 1964
Wikipedia - Babylon 5 -- American space opera television series
Wikipedia - Babylonian cuneiform numerals -- Numeral system
Wikipedia - Baby You're a Haunted House -- 2018 Gerard Way song
Wikipedia - Baccharis dracunculifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Bachelor of Arts -- Bachelor's degree awarded for undergraduate study in liberal arts, the sciences or both
Wikipedia - Bach's algorithm -- Algorithm for generating random numbers with their factorization
Wikipedia - Bacino di San Marco from the Puntana della Dogana -- Painting by Canaletto (Pinacoteca di Brera)
Wikipedia - Backlash (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2000) -- 2000 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2001) -- 2001 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2002) -- 2002 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bactrocera dorsalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Bactrocera passiflorae -- Species of insect (Fijian fruit fly)
Wikipedia - Bada -- Discontinued mobile operating system
Wikipedia - Badd Blood: In Your House -- 1997 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Baden-Wrttemberg Cooperative State University
Wikipedia - BadgerCare -- Wisconsin public low-income healthcare coverage program
Wikipedia - Badische Neueste Nachrichten -- periodical literature
Wikipedia - Badminton World Federation -- Badminton association
Wikipedia - Bagh Bondi Khela (2020 TV Series) -- Bengali television supernatural soap opera
Wikipedia - Bagheera -- Fictional panther from Kipling's Jungle Book
Wikipedia - Bagrat de Bagration y de Baviera -- Prince of Georgia, Grandee of Spain
Wikipedia - BagsvM-CM-&rd Church -- Lutheran church in BagsvM-CM-&rd, Denmark, designed by Jorn Utzon
Wikipedia - Bahadur (character) -- Hindi literary character.
Wikipedia - Bahamas-Haiti relations -- Bilateral diplomatic relations
Wikipedia - Bahamas-United States relations -- Bilateral relationship
Wikipedia - Bahamian Brewery and Beverage Co -- Bahamian brewery founded in 2007
Wikipedia - BahaM-JM- -- Romanization scheme for Arabic and Persian words, used in Baha'i literature
Wikipedia - BahaM-JM- -- Pilgrimage to several BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - BahaM-JM- -- Several radio stations worldwide, established by the international BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Bahar (magazine) -- 1882 Persian-language literature journal
Wikipedia - Bahrain-Thailand relations -- Bilateral relations between Bahrain and Thailand
Wikipedia - Bai Brands -- Beverage company
Wikipedia - Baidu Yi -- Mobile operating system
Wikipedia - Baiera -- Extinct genus of seed plants in the family Ginkgoaceae
Wikipedia - Bailey Turner -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Bailiwick of Guernsey -- British Crown dependency consisting of several islands
Wikipedia - Bai Qi -- Qin Dynasty general
Wikipedia - Baja California -- Federal entity in Mexico
Wikipedia - Bajaj Allianz General Insurance -- Indian private insurance company
Wikipedia - Bajaj Group -- Indian comglomerate
Wikipedia - Baji Rao I -- General of the Maratha Empire in India
Wikipedia - Bajura Afuera -- Barrio of Manati, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Baked milk -- Beverage derived from milk
Wikipedia - Bakhodir Kurbanov (General) -- Uzbek general
Wikipedia - Bakr Sidqi -- Iraqi general
Wikipedia - Bala Bredin -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Balaji Telefilms -- Indian company which produces soap operas, reality TV show, comedy, game shows, entertainment and factual programming
Wikipedia - Balakros -- 4th-century BC Macedonian general
Wikipedia - Balasaheb Thorat -- Indian politician, agricultural cooperative and reforestation movement founder
Wikipedia - Balazs Lengyel (critic) -- Hungarian literary critic
Wikipedia - Balcha Safo -- Ethiopian general
Wikipedia - Balderas metro station -- Mexico City metro station
Wikipedia - Bal des Ardents -- Masquerade ball held on 28M-BM- January 1393 in Paris
Wikipedia - Baldomero Rubiera -- Cuban gymnast
Wikipedia - Baleen -- Keratin structure in whales, used for flexible stiffening
Wikipedia - Balkan Federation -- Proposed country
Wikipedia - Balkrishna Khanderao Shukla -- Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - Ballad opera
Wikipedia - Ballet of the Nuns -- Episode in Giacomo Meyerbeer's grand opera, Robert le diable
Wikipedia - Ballistic movement -- Muscle contractions that exhibit maximum velocities and accelerations over a very short period of time
Wikipedia - Balloon Federation of America -- Balloon Federation of America
Wikipedia - Ballynageeragh Portal Tomb -- Dolmen in County Waterford, Ireland
Wikipedia - Ballynahow Castle -- Tower house and National Monument in County Tipperary, Ireland
Wikipedia - Balochistan Liberation Army -- Militant group operating in Pakistan and Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Bal Thackeray -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Baltic Sea cruiseferries -- Ferry operations in the Baltic
Wikipedia - Baltic Sea watchtower, Kuhlungsborn -- Watchtower in the village of Kuhlungsborn, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Wikipedia - Baluch Liberation Front -- militant group operating in the Balochistan region of southwestern Asia
Wikipedia - Balvanera
Wikipedia - Bam Margera -- Professional skateboarder and stuntman
Wikipedia - Banana beer -- Alcoholic beverage made from fermentation of mashed bananas
Wikipedia - Banca Popolare di Lanciano e Sulmona -- Italian cooperative bank
Wikipedia - Banco InteratlM-CM-"ntico -- Commercial bank in Cape Verde
Wikipedia - Banco Venezolano de Credito -- Venezuelan general bank
Wikipedia - Bandanna (opera)
Wikipedia - Bandera News Philippines -- Radio station in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Bandera Volcano Ice Cave -- Lava tube system in New Mexico
Wikipedia - Banderole -- A comparatively small but long flag or banner, historically used by knights and on ships, and as a heraldic device for representing bishops
Wikipedia - Bandh -- General strike
Wikipedia - Bandra Terminus-Veraval Superfast Express -- Train in India
Wikipedia - Bang (beverage) -- American supplements company
Wikipedia - Bangla Academy Literary Award -- Literary award given by the namesake national language authority of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Garment Workers Trade Union Centre -- National trade union federation of garment workers in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bangladeshi folk literature -- Bengali literary genre
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Independent Garment Workers Union Federation -- National trade union federation of garment workers in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Liberation War
Wikipedia - Bangladesh special operations forces -- Military units trained to conduct special operations
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Tarikat Federation -- Political party in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bank Australia -- Australian banking co-operative
Wikipedia - Bank Employees Federation of India -- Bank trade union
Wikipedia - Banker horse -- A breed of feral horse living on barrier islands in North Carolina's Outer Banks
Wikipedia - Banket (mining term) -- The beds of auriferous conglomerate in the Witwatersrand gold-fields
Wikipedia - Banksia rosserae -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae endemic to inland Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia ser. Spicigerae -- Taxonomic series in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Bankson T. Holcomb Jr. -- U.S. Marine Corps Brigadier General
Wikipedia - Bantz J. Craddock -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Banu Nu'aym -- Syrian tribal confederation
Wikipedia - Baptismal regeneration -- Doctrines held by major Christian denomination
Wikipedia - Baptism (Lutheran Church)
Wikipedia - Baptist General Convention of Texas -- Baptist body in Texas
Wikipedia - Baptist Hoffmann -- German operatic baritone
Wikipedia - Bapu Gokhale -- Maratha general
Wikipedia - B Aquarii -- several astronomical objects
Wikipedia - Baranof Warm Springs (thermal mineral springs) -- Thermal spring
Wikipedia - Barbara Baldissera -- Italian speed skater
Wikipedia - Barbara Dever -- American mezzo-soprano opera singer
Wikipedia - Barbara Dockar Drysdale -- Psychotherapist
Wikipedia - Barbara Everett -- British academic and literary critic
Wikipedia - Barbara Frittoli -- Italian operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Barbara Herrnstein Smith -- American literary critic and theorist
Wikipedia - Barbara Jefferis Award -- Australian literary award
Wikipedia - Barbara Marchisio -- Italian opera singer 1833-1919
Wikipedia - Barbara Matera -- Italian actress, tv presenter, and politician
Wikipedia - Barbara Mauritzen -- British veteran
Wikipedia - Barbara Ramsden Award -- Australian literary award
Wikipedia - Barbara Underwood -- Solicitor General
Wikipedia - Barbara Young (poet) -- American art and literary critic
Wikipedia - Barbie Liberation Organization -- Doll modification to protest gender stereotypes.
Wikipedia - BarCamp -- international network of user-generated conferences
Wikipedia - Barcode printer -- Computer peripheral to print barcode labels or tags
Wikipedia - Bar Confederation
Wikipedia - Bard College at Simon's Rock -- Liberal arts college in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - Bard College -- Private liberal arts college in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York
Wikipedia - Bardolph (Shakespeare character) -- character in several plays by Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Bare: A Pop Opera
Wikipedia - Barefoot to Herat -- 2002 film by Majid Majidi
Wikipedia - Bare machine -- Computer without an operating system
Wikipedia - Bargain Buys -- Yorkshire-based chain of discount stores operating across the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Barium star -- Spectral class G to K giants, whose spectra indicate an overabundance of s-process elements by the presence of singly ionized barium
Wikipedia - Barnard College -- private women's liberal arts college in the United States
Wikipedia - Barnim XI, Duke of Pomerania -- 16th-century German nobleman
Wikipedia - Baron Berkeley -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Berners -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Braye -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Brooke -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Brownlow -- Title in the Peerage of Great Britain
Wikipedia - Baron Burgh -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Camoys -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Clifford of Chudleigh -- Title in the English peerage
Wikipedia - Baron Clifton -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Crathorne -- Title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Baron Cromwell -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Dacre -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Darcy de Knayth -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron de Clifford -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron de Ros -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Dormer -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Dudley -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baroness Mary Vetsera -- Austrian aristocrat and mistress of prince Rudolf
Wikipedia - Baron FitzWalter -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Folliott -- Title in the Peerage of Ireland
Wikipedia - Baron Grantchester -- Title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Baron Grey of Codnor -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Haden-Guest -- A title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom currently held by U.S. film director Christopher Guest
Wikipedia - Baron Hastings -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Herbert -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Howard de Walden -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Hungerford -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Inchiquin -- Title in the Peerage of Ireland
Wikipedia - Baron Latimer -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron le Despencer -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Macdonald -- Title in the Peerage of Ireland
Wikipedia - Baron Melchett -- Title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Baron Methuen -- Title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Baron Morris -- Set of several hereditary and life peerages
Wikipedia - Baron Mowbray -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Norrie -- Title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Baron of Dunsany -- Irish peerage title
Wikipedia - Baron Petre -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Ponsonby of Imokilly -- Extinct title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Baron Ponsonby of Shulbrede -- Title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Baron Poynings -- Barony in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Radstock -- Title in the Peerage of Ireland
Wikipedia - Baron Rossmore -- Title in the Peerage of Ireland
Wikipedia - Baron Saye and Sele -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Segrave -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Sinclair of Cleeve -- Title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Baron Stalbridge -- UK peerage 1886 - 1949
Wikipedia - Baron St John of Bletso -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Stourton -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Strabolgi -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Strange -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Talbot of Malahide -- Title in the Peerage of Ireland, and of the UK
Wikipedia - Baron Teynham -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Tibetot -- Abeyant title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Vaux of Harrowden -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Wharton -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Willoughby de Broke -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Willoughby de Eresby -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Zouche -- A title that has been created three times in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baroque architecture -- Building style of the Baroque era
Wikipedia - Baroque era
Wikipedia - Baroque literature
Wikipedia - Barrackpore Police Commissionerate -- Police force covering the Barrackpore area of Greater Kolkata
Wikipedia - Barrera de amor -- Mexican telenovela
Wikipedia - Barrett M82 -- American military recoil-operated, semi-automatic anti-materiel sniper system
Wikipedia - Barrie-Innisfil -- Federal electoral district of Canada
Wikipedia - Barrie Kosky -- Australian theatre and opera director
Wikipedia - Barrie-Springwater-Oro-Medonte -- Federal electoral district of Canada
Wikipedia - Barrio -- Neighborhood or district in Spain and in several Latin American countries
Wikipedia - Barry Albin-Dyer -- British funeral director
Wikipedia - Barry Alexander -- American opera singer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Barry Clark (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Barry Stevens (therapist)
Wikipedia - Barthelemy Louis Joseph Lebrun -- French general
Wikipedia - Bartholomew Cubbins -- Literary character
Wikipedia - Bartles & Jaymes -- American brand of malt beverage
Wikipedia - Bartolome Tavera Acosta -- Venezuelan journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Bart the Bear 2 -- Kodiak Bear that appeared in several Hollywood films
Wikipedia - Bart the Bear -- Kodiak Bear that appeared in several Hollywood films
Wikipedia - Baruch Kurzweil -- Israeli literary critic
Wikipedia - Bar -- Establishment serving alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises
Wikipedia - Baseera Khan -- American Artist
Wikipedia - Base-orderable matroid -- A matroid
Wikipedia - Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany -- Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano
Wikipedia - Basilica of Saint John Lateran
Wikipedia - Basilica of San Clemente al Laterano
Wikipedia - Basilica of St. John Lateran
Wikipedia - Basil Morris -- Australian general
Wikipedia - Basketweave -- General textile technique of interlacing multiple horizontal strands and vertical strands, resulting in a square pattern
Wikipedia - Basolateral amygdala
Wikipedia - Bass Lake (Madera County, California) -- Lake
Wikipedia - Bates College -- Private liberal arts college in Maine, US
Wikipedia - Bates method -- Ineffective alternative eyesight improvement therapy
Wikipedia - Bath Bus Company -- British bus operator operating in Bath and Cardiff
Wikipedia - Bath curse tablets -- Collection of Roman era curse tablets
Wikipedia - Bathyphysa conifera -- Species of siphonophore sometimes called the flying spaghetti monster
Wikipedia - Bathytheristes -- Extinct Chimaera genus from the Jurassic
Wikipedia - Bathythermograph -- Device that holds a temperature sensor and a transducer to detect changes in water temperature versus depth
Wikipedia - Batocera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Baton sinister -- Heraldic charge
Wikipedia - Battalion of Special Operations -- Brazilian polict tactical unit
Wikipedia - Batting average (baseball)
Wikipedia - Batting average (cricket) -- Total number of runs that a player has scored divided by the number of times that player has been out
Wikipedia - Battle of Albuera -- 1811 battle in the Peninsular War
Wikipedia - Battle of Alcatraz -- unsuccessful escape attempt from Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary in 1946
Wikipedia - Battle of Amgala (1989) -- Military operation in the Western Sahara War
Wikipedia - Battle of Arausio -- Battle between the ancient Roman Republic and several German tribes
Wikipedia - Battle of Arnhem -- Failed British airborne operation in Arnhem, Netherlands. Part of Operation Market Garden
Wikipedia - Battle of Bergerac -- Battle during the Hundred Years' War
Wikipedia - Battle of Bosra (2015) -- Rebel operation in the Syrian Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Boyaca -- Decisive battle in Bolivar's campaign to liberate New Granada
Wikipedia - Battle of Cape Esperance -- Battle in the Pacific theatre of World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Ceber -- Minor World War II battle, part of Operation Tempest
Wikipedia - Battle of Clones (1643) -- Battle during the Irish Confederate Wars in 1643
Wikipedia - Battle of Erastfer -- Battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Heraclea -- battle in 280 BC between the Romans and Greeks commanded by Pyrrhus
Wikipedia - Battle of Heraklion -- World War II battle in Crete
Wikipedia - Battle of Hilli -- Battle of the Bangladeshi Liberation War
Wikipedia - Battle of Himera (409 BC) -- 5th-century BC battle in Sicily
Wikipedia - Battle of Himera (480 BC) -- Battle of the Sicilian Wars
Wikipedia - Battle of Hyderabad
Wikipedia - Battle of Ibera -- Battle of the Second Punic War, fought in Spain
Wikipedia - Battle of Koregaon -- Battle fought between British East India Company (Mostly Mahar soldiers) and the Peshwa faction of the Maratha Confederacy
Wikipedia - Battle of Lyuban -- Military operation
Wikipedia - Battle of Meelick Island -- Battle during the Irish Confederate Wars in 1650
Wikipedia - Battle of Najera -- Battle of the Castilian Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of New Ross (1643) -- A Battle in 1643 during the Irish Confederate Wars
Wikipedia - Battle of Palo Hincado -- First major battle of the Spanish reconquest of Santo Domingo of the Spanish colonial Captaincy General of Santo Domingo
Wikipedia - Battle of Sempach -- Part of the expansion of the Swiss Confederation
Wikipedia - Battle of the Angrivarian Wall -- Battle between the Roman general Germanicus and an alliance of Germanic tribes commanded by Arminius in 16 AD
Wikipedia - Battle of the Caucasus -- Series of Axis and Soviet operations in the Caucasus area on the Eastern Front of WWII
Wikipedia - Battle of the Gulf of Riga -- World War I naval operation
Wikipedia - Battle of the Marshes -- Military operation during the Iran-Iraq war
Wikipedia - Battle of the Tonelero Pass -- Battle between the Argentine Confederation Army and the Empire of Brazil Navy in 1851, at El Tonelero pass on the Parana River, during the Platine War
Wikipedia - Battle Royal at the Albert Hall -- 1991 World Wrestling Federation event
Wikipedia - Battles of Rzhev -- Series of Soviet Operations in World War II
Wikipedia - Battotai -- Special police squad in Meiji-era Japan
Wikipedia - Battus eracon -- Species of butterfly
Wikipedia - Bauernfeld Prize -- Austrian literary prize that was awarded between 1894 and 1921
Wikipedia - Bauria -- Genus of therapsids from the Earlt Triassic of South Africa
Wikipedia - Bavarian State Opera
Wikipedia - Baverans -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, France
Wikipedia - Bawang Merah Bawang Putih -- Indonesian familial folklore
Wikipedia - Bayerischer Kunstforderpreis -- Bavarian arts and literary prize
Wikipedia - Bayero Salih-Farah -- Ccurrent director general of Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology, Zaria
Wikipedia - Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation
Wikipedia - Bay of Pigs Invasion -- Failed landing operation on the southwestern coast of Cuba, April 1961
Wikipedia - Bay of Pomerania
Wikipedia - Bayou (magazine) -- Literary magazine
Wikipedia - Bayreuth Festspielhaus -- Opera house and cultural heritage monument in Bavaria, Germany
Wikipedia - BBC Four -- Television channel operated by the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC General Forces Programme -- BBC radio station during and shortly after World War II
Wikipedia - BBC Music -- Part of the BBC's Radio operational division, responsible for the music played across the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC North -- Operational business division of the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC One -- Television channel operated by the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC Red Button -- Interactive television service
Wikipedia - BBC Three (online) -- online channel operated by the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC Three -- Television channel operated by the BBC until 2016
Wikipedia - BBC Two 'Computer Generated 2' ident -- Ident used by BBC Two between 1979 and 1986
Wikipedia - BBC Two -- Television channel operated by the BBC
Wikipedia - BBGKY hierarchy -- Set of equations describing the dynamics of a system of many interacting particles
Wikipedia - BC Refederation Party -- Political party in British Columbia
Wikipedia - Beach Brawl -- 1991 Universal Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Beach Sand Minerals Exploitation Centre -- Research institute in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Beamline -- Trajectory of a beam of accelerated particles
Wikipedia - Be, and it is -- Phrase that occurs several times in the Quran
Wikipedia - Bean -- seed of one of several genera of the plant family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Beata Malecka-Libera -- Polish politician
Wikipedia - Beate Hofmann -- German Lutheran bishop
Wikipedia - Beate West-Leuer -- German psychotherapist and academic
Wikipedia - Beat generation
Wikipedia - Beat Generation -- Literary movement
Wikipedia - Beatrice Didier -- French literary critic
Wikipedia - Beatrice et Benedict -- 19th-century opera comique by Hector Berlioz
Wikipedia - Beatrice Waithera Maina -- Kenyan journalist and Human Rights Activist
Wikipedia - Beautiful (Christina Aguilera song) -- 2002 single by Christina Aguilera
Wikipedia - Beautiful People (Ed Sheeran song) -- 2019 single by Ed Sheeran featuring Khalid
Wikipedia - Becamex IDC -- Vietnamese state-owned conglomerate
Wikipedia - Bechiyal -- Village in Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia
Wikipedia - Becky Sharp -- Character in Thackeray's Vanity Fair
Wikipedia - Beda Venerabilis
Wikipedia - Bede the Venerable
Wikipedia - Bedri Spahiu -- Albanian politician and general
Wikipedia - Beenkeragh -- Mountain in Kerry, Ireland
Wikipedia - Beet leafhopper -- Species of leafhopper which belongs to the family Cicadellidae in the order Hemiptera
Wikipedia - Beez's theorem -- In general, an (n - 1)-dimensional hypersurface immersed in Rn cannot be deformed if n > 3
Wikipedia - Be File System -- Native file system of the BeOS operating system
Wikipedia - Beggars Opera (band) -- Scottish progressive rock band
Wikipedia - Begonia aequilateralis -- Species of flowering plant from Selangor, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Begonia aeranthos -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Beg tse -- Genus of neoceratopsian dinosaur (fossil)
Wikipedia - Behavioral activation -- behavior therapy for treating depression
Wikipedia - Behavioral Analysis Unit -- Unit of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation
Wikipedia - Behavioral therapy
Wikipedia - Behavior therapy
Wikipedia - Behaviour therapy
Wikipedia - Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism -- Literary work
Wikipedia - Beit Shearim -- Roman-era ruin in Lower Galilee
Wikipedia - Bejun Mehta -- American opera singer
Wikipedia - Belgadia Palace -- 18th-century Victorian-era styled hill-top palace in Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Belgae -- Historical Gallic-Germanic tribal confederation
Wikipedia - Belgian General Information and Security Service
Wikipedia - Belgica Carmona Cabrera -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Belief perseverance -- Maintaining a belief despite new information that firmly contradicts it
Wikipedia - Belisarius -- 6th century Byzantine general instrumental in reconquest of much of the former Roman Mediterranean territories
Wikipedia - Bella Alten -- Polish opera singer 1877-1962
Wikipedia - Bellechasse-Les Etchemins-Levis -- Federal electoral district in Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Belle nuit, o nuit d'amour -- Duet from the opera The Tales of Hoffmann
Wikipedia - Belle of Louisville -- A steamboat owned and operated by the city of Louisville, KY
Wikipedia - Bellis perennis -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Bellis rotundifolia -- species of plant in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Bellissima Opera -- Opera company in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Bellium -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Belmiro Pentera -- Portuguese canoeist
Wikipedia - Belmont-Luthezieu -- Part of Valromey-sur-Seran in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Belmont University -- Christian liberal arts university in Nashville, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Belmont Veterans Memorial Pier -- Pier in Belmont Heights, California
Wikipedia - Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais
Wikipedia - Beloit College -- liberal arts college in Beloit, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Belokrinitskaya Hierarchy
Wikipedia - Bembecia scopigera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United -- A crossover episode between Ben 10: Ultimate Alien and Generator Rex
Wikipedia - Ben Ali Handicap -- Horserace in Lexington, KY (1917-1932)
Wikipedia - Ben Amera -- Monolith in Mauritania
Wikipedia - Ben Bernanke -- 14th Chair of Federal Reserve
Wikipedia - Bendera Pusaka -- First Indonesian flag
Wikipedia - Bend (heraldry) -- Heraldic ordinary
Wikipedia - Benedetto Geraci -- 1xth-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Benedict College -- historically black, liberal arts college located in Columbia, South Carolina
Wikipedia - Benedict Fitzgerald -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Benedictine Confederation
Wikipedia - Bengali literature -- Literature in Bengali language
Wikipedia - Bengaluru Marathon -- Annual race in India held since 2014<!-- based on neb sports era -->
Wikipedia - Ben Hill County Jail -- Jail in Fitzgerald, Georgia
Wikipedia - Beni Ades -- Itinerant group
Wikipedia - Benign tumor -- Disease of cellular proliferation that results in abnormal growths in the body which lack the ability to metastasize
Wikipedia - Benignus von Safferling -- Bavarian general and war minister
Wikipedia - Benita Fitzgerald-Brown -- American hurdler
Wikipedia - Benjamin Abdala Junior -- Brazilian writer, scholar, and literary critic
Wikipedia - Benjamin Bruns -- German operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Benjamin Butler -- Union Army general, lawyer, politician
Wikipedia - Benjamin Civiletti -- 73rd United States Attorney General
Wikipedia - Benjamin Crisp -- New Zealand carrier, temperance reformer, and character
Wikipedia - Benjamin Dousa -- Swedish politician of the Moderate Party
Wikipedia - Benjamin Lincoln -- Continental Army general
Wikipedia - Benjamin Rivera Noriega Airport -- Airport in Culebra, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Benjamin R. Mixon -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Benjamin Tillman -- Jim Crow-era Democratic politician
Wikipedia - Ben Lear -- United States Army General
Wikipedia - Ben Mitchell (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Bennet Puryear Jr. -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Bennett College -- Historically black liberal arts college for women in Greensboro, North Carolina, US
Wikipedia - Bennett H. Young -- Confederate Army officer
Wikipedia - Bennington College -- Liberal arts college in Vermont
Wikipedia - Benno Kusche -- German opera singer
Wikipedia - Benny Gantz -- Israeli general and politician
Wikipedia - Benoor -- Village in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Ben Reid (cooperativist) -- British businessman
Wikipedia - Benson Veteran Cycle Museum
Wikipedia - Benthic ecology -- The study of the interaction of sea-floor organisms with each other and with the environment
Wikipedia - Bent Norup -- Danish operatic baritone
Wikipedia - Ben Viljoen -- South African general
Wikipedia - Benzylpiperazine
Wikipedia - Beppe di Marco -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Beraba -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Bera Brinck Lovstad -- Norwegian speed skater
Wikipedia - Beractant -- Drug for neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
Wikipedia - Beragh
Wikipedia - Beraha constants -- Mathematical constants
Wikipedia - Beraintsi -- Village in Bulgaria
Wikipedia - Bera Ivanishvili -- Georgian singer, rapper, songwriter, record producer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Berakhah -- Jewish blessing
Wikipedia - Berakhot (Talmud)
Wikipedia - Berakhot (tractate) -- Tractate of the Talmud about blessings and prayers, particularly the Shema and the Amidah
Wikipedia - Beraki Beyene -- Eritrean athlete
Wikipedia - Bera Mawr -- mountain in United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Berane Municipality -- Municipality of Montenegro
Wikipedia - Berangere Abba -- French politician
Wikipedia - Berangere Couillard -- French politician
Wikipedia - Berangere Nau -- French ice dancer
Wikipedia - Berardinetti -- Surname list
Wikipedia - Berardius -- Genus of mammals
Wikipedia - Berard-Jordana Agreement -- 1939 treaty between France and Spain
Wikipedia - Berardo Carboni -- Italian director
Wikipedia - Berard of Carbio -- Christian saint
Wikipedia - Berar Province -- British Indian province under the nominal sovereignty of Hyderabad State
Wikipedia - Beras Basah Island -- Island in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Berat Albayrak -- Turkish businessman and politician
Wikipedia - Berat
Wikipedia - Berau Malay language -- Austronesian language spoken in Kalimantan, Indonesia
Wikipedia - Berawan language -- Austronesian language spoken in Sarawak, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Berbera Airport -- Airport in Berbera, Somalia
Wikipedia - Berbera Public Library -- Library in Somaliland
Wikipedia - Berber kings of Roman-era Tunisia -- History of the Berber kings of the House of Masinissa who ruled in Numidia
Wikipedia - Berea College -- Private liberal arts work college in Berea, Kentucky, USA
Wikipedia - Berenice (Magnard) -- Opera in three acts by the French composer Alberic Magnard
Wikipedia - Bergen County Cooperative Library System
Wikipedia - Bergerac, Dordogne
Wikipedia - Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature
Wikipedia - Berkeley SkyDeck -- Startup accelerator and incubator
Wikipedia - Berkeley Software Distribution -- Unix operating system
Wikipedia - Berkeley Student Cooperative -- Student housing cooperative in Berkeley, California, United States
Wikipedia - Berkeley Yacc -- Unix program for parser generation
Wikipedia - Berkshire Hathaway -- American multinational conglomerate holding company
Wikipedia - Berlin Brigade -- Cold War era United States Army brigade based in Berlin
Wikipedia - Berlin Cathedral -- Lutheran church in Berlin
Wikipedia - Berliner Kammeroper -- Berlin opera house
Wikipedia - Berlinische Monatsschrift -- Periodical literature
Wikipedia - Bernabe Marti -- Spanish operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Bernard Dheran -- French actor
Wikipedia - Bernard E. Trainor -- United States Marine Corps general and journalist
Wikipedia - Bernard-Georges-Francois Frere -- French noble and general
Wikipedia - Bernard Gerard (composer) -- French composer
Wikipedia - Bernardino PiM-CM-1era -- Catholic archbishop
Wikipedia - Bernard M. Jones -- U.S. federal judge
Wikipedia - Bernardo Calderon Cabrera -- Mexican architect
Wikipedia - Bernardo de Galvez -- Spanish General and colonial governor
Wikipedia - Bernardo Loera Carrillo -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Bernard Quiriny -- Belgian writer and literary critic
Wikipedia - Bernard Serrigny -- French general
Wikipedia - Bernard Stewart, 4th Lord of Aubigny -- French general
Wikipedia - Bernat II de Cabrera -- 14th century Aragonese nobleman
Wikipedia - Bernd Engler -- German Anglicist and literary scholar
Wikipedia - Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
Wikipedia - Bernera Island -- A tidal island off Lismore, in Argyll, Scotland
Wikipedia - Bernhard T. Mittemeyer -- Surgeon General of the US Army
Wikipedia - Bern -- Federal city of Switzerland
Wikipedia - Bersabe -- Roman-era ruin between Upper and Lower Galilee
Wikipedia - Berta Bobath -- German physiotherapist
Wikipedia - Bert Adams Scout Reservation -- A summer camp in north Georgia (U.S. State) operated by the Boy Scouts of America
Wikipedia - Bertelsmann-Preisausschreiben -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Berthold, Duke of Merania
Wikipedia - Berthold IV, Duke of Merania
Wikipedia - Bertolt-Brecht-Literaturpreis -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Bertram A. Bone -- U.S. Marine Corps Brigadier General
Wikipedia - Bertrand Bontoux -- French operatic bass
Wikipedia - Beseda (Russian magazine) -- Russian literary and political magazine
Wikipedia - Beshir Imanov -- Azerbaijani general
Wikipedia - Bess (Dane) -- Legendary Danish general
Wikipedia - Besserabia
Wikipedia - Bessie Abott -- American opera singer
Wikipedia - Bessie Blount Griffin -- American physical therapist
Wikipedia - Best Part of Me -- 2019 single by Ed Sheeran featuring Yebba
Wikipedia - Best Translated Book Award -- American literary award
Wikipedia - Best, worst and average case
Wikipedia - Beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase radical fringe -- Protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens
Wikipedia - Beta-carotene isomerase -- Class of enzymes
Wikipedia - Beta-M -- Radioisotope thermoelectric generator
Wikipedia - Bethany Beardslee -- American opera soprano
Wikipedia - Bethany Platt -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Bethpage Federal Credit Union Stadium -- Multi-purpose stadium in New York, U.S.A.
Wikipedia - Beth Tinker -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Betteraves marinees -- Quebecois dish
Wikipedia - Bette Westera -- Dutch children's writer
Wikipedia - Bettina Abarbanell -- German literary translator
Wikipedia - Bettina (opera) -- Opera by Walter Steffens, 1966
Wikipedia - Bettina Scholl-Sabbatini -- Luxembourgian sculptor, painter and ceramist
Wikipedia - Bettina-von-Arnim-Preis -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Betty Crocker Cookbook -- Cookbook by General Mills
Wikipedia - Betty Ford -- U.S. First Lady: wife of Gerald Ford
Wikipedia - BettyLou DeCroce -- Member of the New Jersey General Assembly
Wikipedia - Betula papyrifera -- Species of flowering plant in the birch family Betulaceae
Wikipedia - Between Worlds -- 2018 film by Maria Pulera
Wikipedia - Beverage-can stove -- An alcohol stove of DIY construction
Wikipedia - Beverage Digest -- American Beverage Trade Publication
Wikipedia - Beverage function -- Catering events where beverages are served
Wikipedia - Beverly Crusher -- Fictional character in Star Trek: The Next Generation
Wikipedia - Bevo -- Non-alcoholic malt beverage or near beer
Wikipedia - Beyond: Two Souls -- 2013 interactive drama and action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Beypore Lighthouse -- Lighthouse in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Beziers -- Subprefecture of Herault, Occitanie
Wikipedia - Bezout's theorem -- Number of intersection points of algebraic curves, and, more generally, hypersurfaces
Wikipedia - B. Gerald Cantor -- American businessman
Wikipedia - BGN/PCGN romanization -- Systems for transliteration of non-Latin text into the Latin script
Wikipedia - B.Grimm -- B.Grimm is a multinational conglomerate based in Bangkok, Thailand.
Wikipedia - Bhaddanta M-DM-^@ciM-aM-9M-^GM-aM-9M-^Ga -- Theravada Buddhist monk
Wikipedia - Bhagabat Behera -- Indian politician from Odisha (1940-2002)
Wikipedia - Bhageeratha (film) -- 2005 film by Rasool Ellore
Wikipedia - Bhagwan Sahay -- Governor of Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Bhangi Misl -- Sovereign state of the Sikh Confederacy
Wikipedia - Bhangra (dance) -- Several types of dance originating from the Punjab region
Wikipedia - Bhante Suddhaso -- Theravada Buddhist monk
Wikipedia - Bharat Operating System Solutions
Wikipedia - Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook operator -- Collision operator used in a computational fluid dynamics technique
Wikipedia - Bhavishya Purana -- Medieval era Sanskrit text, one of twenty major Puranas
Wikipedia - Bhawani Bhikshu -- Nepali writer and literary writer
Wikipedia - Bhojo Gobindo -- Indian Bengali television comedy soap opera
Wikipedia - Bhojpuri literature -- Literary works written in Bhojpuri Language
Wikipedia - Bhubaneswar-Cuttack Police Commissionerate -- Police Commissionerate of Orissa
Wikipedia - Bhumara Temple -- A 5th or 6th-century Gupta era Hindu stone temple
Wikipedia - Bhurit Bhirombhakdi -- Fourth-generation businessman of Singha Corporation
Wikipedia - Bhutanese literature -- Literary works in Bhutan
Wikipedia - Bhutanese Nepali literature -- Literature in Nepali language in Bhutan
Wikipedia - Bianca Jackson -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Bianca Scott -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Home and Away
Wikipedia - Biasing -- Predetermined voltages or currents establishing proper operating conditions in electronic components
Wikipedia - Biberach an der Riss
Wikipedia - Bibiodes halteralis -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Bibite Polara -- Italian beverage company
Wikipedia - Biblical literalism -- A term used differently by different authors concerning biblical interpretation
Wikipedia - Biblical literalist chronology -- Religious concept
Wikipedia - Biblical literature
Wikipedia - Biblical mile -- General overview of a "biblical mile" as described in Jewish law and religion
Wikipedia - Bibliography of American Civil War Confederate military unit histories -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Bibliography of Carlo Pollonera -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Bibliography of encyclopedias: general biographies
Wikipedia - Bibliography of encyclopedias: literature -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Bibliography of Music Literature
Wikipedia - Bibliography of Stalinism and the Soviet Union -- Bibliography of the Stalinist Era in the Soviet Union, 1924-1953
Wikipedia - Bibliography of the Front de liberation du Quebec -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Bibliography of the Post Stalinist Soviet Union -- Bibliography of the Post Stalinist Era in the Soviet Union, 1953-1991
Wikipedia - Bibliography of the Reconstruction Era
Wikipedia - Bibliography of the Reconstruction era -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Biblioteca di Brera -- Italian library in Milan
Wikipedia - Bibliotheca Norvegica -- Bibliography of Norwegian literature
Wikipedia - Bibliothek des Konservatismus -- Specialized scientific library of right-wing non-fiction literature in Berlin, Germany
Wikipedia - Bibliotherapy
Wikipedia - Bibojee Group -- Pakistani conglomerate
Wikipedia - Biboy Rivera -- Filipino ten-pin bowler
Wikipedia - Bicameralism (psychology) -- Hypothesis in psychology
Wikipedia - Bicameralism -- Legislature with two chambers
Wikipedia - Bicameral legislature
Wikipedia - Bicameral mind
Wikipedia - Bidens alba -- Species which belongs to the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Bidens cernua -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Bidens pilosa -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Bienertia cycloptera -- Species of flowering plants in the amaranth and goosefoot family
Wikipedia - Big 12 Conference -- Collegiate athletics conference operating primarily in the west-central United States
Wikipedia - Big band -- Music ensemble associated with jazz and Swing Era music
Wikipedia - Big Book (award) -- Russian literary prize
Wikipedia - Big Bus Tours -- Global operator of hop-on hop-off sightseeing bus tours
Wikipedia - Big Green Egg -- Kamado-style ceramic charcoal barbecue cooker
Wikipedia - Big Island Interscholastic Federation -- High school athletic association for the Island of Hawai'i
Wikipedia - Big Shot's Funeral -- 2001 film by Feng Xiaogang
Wikipedia - Big Woods -- Type of temperate hardwood forest ecoregion found in western Wisconsin and south-central Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Bihar Legislative Assembly -- Lower house of the bicameral legislature of the Indian state of Bihar
Wikipedia - Bijoyinee -- Indian Bengali television soap opera
Wikipedia - Bilateral cingulotomy
Wikipedia - Bilateral descent
Wikipedia - Bilateral monopoly
Wikipedia - Bilateral stimulation
Wikipedia - Bilateral synchronization -- Telephony synchronization technique
Wikipedia - Bilateria -- Animals with bilateral symmetry, at least as embryo
Wikipedia - Bilat Ferat -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Bildungsroman -- Literary genre that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood (coming of age)
Wikipedia - Bilinear operator
Wikipedia - Billardiera coriacea -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Billardiera cymosa -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Billardiera sericophora -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Billardiera -- Genus of plants
Wikipedia - Bill Bailey (Spanish Civil War veteran) -- American labor activist
Wikipedia - Billboard Liberation Front
Wikipedia - Bill Clegg -- American literary agent and author
Wikipedia - Bill Deraime -- French blues singer
Wikipedia - Bill Hayden -- Former Governor-General of Australia
Wikipedia - Billie Jackson -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Bill McCollum -- Florida Attorney General, former Republican
Wikipedia - Bill Newton Dunn -- British Liberal Democrat politician
Wikipedia - Bill Stopera -- American curler
Wikipedia - Billy Mitchell (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Billy Mitchell -- United States Army general during World War I
Wikipedia - Billy Yank -- Personification of the Northern states of the United States, or less generally, the Union during the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Binary erasure channel
Wikipedia - Binary numeral system
Wikipedia - Binary operation
Wikipedia - Binary operator
Wikipedia - Bin covering problem -- Operations research problem of packing items into the largest number of bins
Wikipedia - Bindon Blood -- British Army General
Wikipedia - Bingo-Mikawa Station -- Railway station in Sera, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Bing-yee Yam -- |Chinese opera singer and actress from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Binnie Roberts -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Bin packing problem -- Operations research problem of packing items into the fewest bins
Wikipedia - Binsey Poplars -- Poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins, written 1879
Wikipedia - Bintang Merah -- Indonesian communist magazine
Wikipedia - Binti: The Night Masquerade -- 2018 science fiction novella by Nnedi Okorafor
Wikipedia - Biocoenosis -- The interacting organisms living together in a habitat
Wikipedia - Biogeology -- The study of the interactions between the Earth's biosphere and the lithosphere
Wikipedia - Biogeomorphology -- Study of interactions between organisms and the development of landforms
Wikipedia - Biographia Literaria
Wikipedia - Biographical Directory of Federal Judges -- Provides basic biographical information on all past and present United States federal court Article III judges
Wikipedia - Biological interaction -- Any process in which an organism has an effect on another organism
Wikipedia - Biological organisation -- Hierarchy of complex structures and systems within biological sciences
Wikipedia - Biologics: Targets and Therapy -- British peer-reviewed medical journal
Wikipedia - Biology of Diptera -- Order of winged insects commonly known as flies.
Wikipedia - Biomagnification -- Any concentration of a toxin in tissues of tolerant organisms at successively higher levels in a food chain
Wikipedia - Biomaterial -- Any substance that has been engineered to interact with biological systems for a medical purpose
Wikipedia - Biomineralization -- Process by which living organisms produce minerals
Wikipedia - Bion of Abdera
Wikipedia - Bion (opera) -- Opera by Etienne Mehul
Wikipedia - Bioregenerative life support system -- Artificial ecosystem
Wikipedia - Biotite -- Group of minerals
Wikipedia - Bioverativ -- American biotechnology company
Wikipedia - Bi-quinary coded decimal -- Numeral encoding scheme
Wikipedia - Birds-1 -- First iteration of a multinational program to help countries build their first satellite
Wikipedia - Birds-2 -- Second iteration of a multinational program to help countries build their first satellite
Wikipedia - Biritera -- 2012 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Birkenhead Corporation Tramways -- British street tramway service operator (1901-1937)
Wikipedia - Birkhoff's representation theorem -- Any finite distributive lattice can be represented with finite sets and set operations
Wikipedia - Birmingham Back to Backs -- Last surviving court of back-to-back houses in Birmingham, England, now operated as a museum
Wikipedia - Birmingham Corporation Tramways -- Birmingham tramway operator (1904-1953)
Wikipedia - Birmingham General Hospital, California -- US WWII army base in California
Wikipedia - Birmingham General Hospital
Wikipedia - Birmingham Journal (eighteenth century) -- Periodical literature
Wikipedia - Birmingham Post-Herald -- Defunct daily newspaper in Birmingham, Alabama
Wikipedia - Birth of John the Baptist (Signorelli) -- tempera on panel painting
Wikipedia - BirutM-DM-^W CiplijauskaitM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian literary scholar and translator
Wikipedia - Bisera Alikadic -- Bosnian poet(born 1939)
Wikipedia - Bisexual erasure -- societal act of dismissing or misrepresenting bisexuals in the public perception
Wikipedia - Bishop Chulaparambil Memorial College for Women -- Women's degree college in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Bishop Jerome Nagar -- Shopping complex in the city of Kollam, Kerala
Wikipedia - Bishop of Nicotera and Tropea
Wikipedia - Bishr ibn al-Walid -- Umayyad prince, General and Amir al-hajj
Wikipedia - Biswaratna Dr Bhupen Hazarika International Solidarity Award -- Award sponsored by the Assam Literary Society
Wikipedia - Bitfinex -- Cryptocurrency exchange owned and operated by iFinex; headquartered in Hong Kong and registered in the British Virgin Islands
Wikipedia - Bitstream Vera
Wikipedia - Bitwise operations in C
Wikipedia - Bitwise operations
Wikipedia - Bitwise operation -- Computer operation that operates on values at the level of their individual bits
Wikipedia - Bityite -- Brittle mica, phyllosilicate mineral
Wikipedia - Bizarro fiction -- Literary genre
Wikipedia - Bjarte Birkeland -- Norwegian literary researcher
Wikipedia - Bjorn Burger -- German opera singer
Wikipedia - Bjorn Vikstrom -- Finnish Lutheran bishop
Wikipedia - Black & Decker Workmate -- The Workmate is a general purpose, portable workbench
Wikipedia - Black bag operation
Wikipedia - BlackBerry 10 -- Proprietary mobile operating system
Wikipedia - BlackBerry OS -- Operating system
Wikipedia - Blackburn Bus Company -- Transdev owned bus operator
Wikipedia - Black comedy -- Comic work based on subject matter that is generally considered taboo
Wikipedia - Black Eagle (prison) -- Federal prison in Russia
Wikipedia - Black Friday (1945) -- Military operation on 9 February 1945
Wikipedia - Black Hawks Hyderabad -- Indian volleyball team
Wikipedia - Black Liberation Army -- American underground, black nationalist militant organization
Wikipedia - Blacklisting -- Practice of prohibiting people or entities, generally
Wikipedia - Blackmail (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Dallas M. Fitzgerald
Wikipedia - Black Mirror: Bandersnatch -- 2018 interactive film by David Slade
Wikipedia - Black Opals -- African American literary magazine
Wikipedia - Black operation -- Covert operation by a government, a government agency, or a military organization
Wikipedia - Black Pantera -- Brazilian crossover thrash band
Wikipedia - Black panther -- Melanistic colour variant of any of several species of larger cat
Wikipedia - Black pepper -- pepper is the ground fruit of the family Piperaceae
Wikipedia - Blackpool Transport -- Bus and tram operator in Blackpool, England
Wikipedia - Black Power: The Politics of Liberation -- 1967 book co-authored by Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture) and Charles V. Hamilton
Wikipedia - Black Prince Buses -- Former West Yorkshire bus operator
Wikipedia - Black screen of death -- Error screen displayed by some operating systems after encountering a critical system error which can cause the system to shut down
Wikipedia - Black Spot (Treasure Island) -- literary device invented by Robert Louis Stevenson for his novel Treasure Island
Wikipedia - Blackwater Herald -- Australian weekly newspaper
Wikipedia - Blackwater Valley Opera Festival -- Classical music and opera event in Lismore, County Waterford
Wikipedia - Blaise Agera y Arcas
Wikipedia - Blaise Aguera y Arcas -- Software engineer
Wikipedia - Blaise Duval -- French general
Wikipedia - Blanche Arral -- Belgian operatic singer
Wikipedia - Blanton Winship -- 19th and 20th-century American military lawyer and veteran
Wikipedia - Blas Cabrera Navarro -- Physicist at Stanford University
Wikipedia - Blas Cabrera -- Spanish physicist
Wikipedia - Blas Oliveras -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - Blastema -- Mass of cells capable of enacting growth and regeneration
Wikipedia - Blast Off at Woomera -- 1957 book by Hugh Walters
Wikipedia - Blattoidealestes -- Extinct genus of therapsid from middle Permian South Africa
Wikipedia - Blaziken -- Generation III Pokemon species
Wikipedia - Blazon -- Art of describing heraldic arms in proper terms
Wikipedia - Bledsoe's Missouri Battery -- Unit of the Confederate States Army
Wikipedia - Blended learning -- Combined online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based classroom methods
Wikipedia - Blended threat -- Software exploits combining attacks against different vulnerabilities
Wikipedia - B.L. England Generating Station -- Power plant in New Jersey
Wikipedia - Blera flukei -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Blera
Wikipedia - Blessed Gerard -- Founder of the Knights Hospitaller
Wikipedia - Bletterans -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, France
Wikipedia - Blind Injustice (opera) -- Opera about wrongful convictions and their reversal
Wikipedia - Blind Veterans UK
Wikipedia - Block cipher mode of operation -- Algorithm that uses a block cipher to provide an information service such as confidentiality or authenticity
Wikipedia - Block register territory -- Concept in rail transportation operations
Wikipedia - Blood from the Mummy's Tomb -- 1971 film by Michael Carreras, Seth Holt
Wikipedia - Blood irradiation therapy -- Alternative medical procedure
Wikipedia - Bloodletting -- Therapy
Wikipedia - Blood of Minas Gerais -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - BloodRayne 2: Deliverance -- 2007 film
Wikipedia - Blood tables: it is a holy action to kill Rosas -- Book by Jose Rivera Indarte
Wikipedia - Bloomin' Brands -- Restaurant holding company that owns several American casual dining restaurant chains
Wikipedia - Blossom Jackson -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Blotched emerald -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Blow (Ed Sheeran, Chris Stapleton and Bruno Mars song) -- 2019 single by Ed Sheeran, Chris Stapleton and Bruno Mars
Wikipedia - Bluebeard's Castle -- 1918 opera by Bela Bartok
Wikipedia - Bluebottle operating system
Wikipedia - Blue Cross Blue Shield Association -- Federation of 36 separate United States health insurance organizations and companies
Wikipedia - Blue Heron Press -- Canadian literary press
Wikipedia - BlueKeep (security vulnerability)
Wikipedia - Blue ribbon badge -- Symbol of the temperance movement
Wikipedia - Blue Sapphire (ship) -- Cruise ship operating for ANEX Tour
Wikipedia - Blue Savannah -- 1990 single by Erasure
Wikipedia - Blue-tailed emerald -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Blysmus -- Genus of Cyperaceae sedges
Wikipedia - BM Bera Bera -- Spanish women's handball club
Wikipedia - BMW 1 Series (F40) -- Third generation of BMW 1 Series
Wikipedia - BMW 3 Series (G20) -- Seventh generation of the BMW 3 Series
Wikipedia - BMW 5 Series (E60) -- Fifth generation of the 5 Series executive car manufactured by German automobile manufacturer BMW from 2003 to 2010
Wikipedia - BMW 5 Series (F10) -- Sixth generation of the executive car manufactured by German automobile manufacturer BMW from 2010-2017
Wikipedia - BMW 5 Series (G30) -- Seventh generation of the executive car manufactured by German automobile manufacturer BMW
Wikipedia - BMW Z4 (E89) -- Second generation of BMW Z4 roadsters
Wikipedia - Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Hyderabad -- Educational board in India
Wikipedia - Board of Management St. Molaga's National School v The Secretary General of the Department of Education and Science -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Bob Boetticher -- American funeral director
Wikipedia - Bobby Beale (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Bob Deraney -- American ice hockey coach
Wikipedia - Bob Fitzgerald -- American sports broadcaster
Wikipedia - Bob Mills (politician) -- Canadian former federal politician
Wikipedia - Bodega Aurrera -- Mexican supermarket chain
Wikipedia - Bodil Arnesen -- Norwegian operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Bodmin General railway station -- Railway station in Bodmin, Cornwall, United KIngdom
Wikipedia - Body and Soul (That's the Way It's Got to Be) -- 1972 song by Soul Generation
Wikipedia - Body camera
Wikipedia - Body modification -- Deliberate alteration of the human anatomy with the consent of the altered
Wikipedia - Body of water -- Any significant accumulation of water, generally on a planet's surface
Wikipedia - Body psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Body shape -- General shape of a person defined by the molding of skeletal structures and the distribution of muscles and fat
Wikipedia - Body temperature
Wikipedia - Boechera falcatoria -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Boechera retrofracta -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Boechera -- Genus of plants
Wikipedia - Boehmeria glomerulifera -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Boeing 737 Next Generation -- Airliner family by Boeing
Wikipedia - Boeing 777X -- Next generation of the Boeing 777
Wikipedia - Boeing Business Jet -- Executive transport variants of several Boeing airliners
Wikipedia - Boekenleeuw -- Belgian literary award
Wikipedia - Boekensleutel -- Dutch literary award
Wikipedia - Boekenweek -- Dutch event dedicated to Dutch literature
Wikipedia - Bo Frank -- Swedish politician of the Moderate Party
Wikipedia - Bogdan Zerajic -- Bosnian attempted assassin
Wikipedia - Bogoliubov inner product -- Special inner product in the space of operators
Wikipedia - Bogosort -- Highly ineffective sorting algorithm that successively generates permutations of its input until it finds one that is sorted
Wikipedia - Bohemia Interactive -- Czech video game development studio
Wikipedia - Bohumil Herlischka -- Czech opera director
Wikipedia - Bohuslav Beranek -- Czechoslovak orienteer
Wikipedia - Boilerplate code -- Code that has to be included in many places with little or no alteration
Wikipedia - Boiler (steam generator)
Wikipedia - Boiling point -- Temperature at which a substance changes from liquid into vapor
Wikipedia - Boland Amendment -- U.S. legislative amendments aimed at limiting federal assistance to Nicaraguan Contras
Wikipedia - Bolbocerastes -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Bolboceratidae -- Family of beetles
Wikipedia - Bolboceratinae -- Subfamily of beetles
Wikipedia - Bolboschoenus caldwellii -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Bolboschoenus fluviatilis -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Bolboschoenus maritimus -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Bolboschoenus medianus -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Bolboschoenus novae-angliae -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Bolboschoenus robustus -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Bolboschoenus -- Genus of flowering plants in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Bolera Caribe -- Bowling center Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Bolex -- Swiss luxury camera manufacturer
Wikipedia - Bolivia-Turkey relations -- Bilateral relations between Bolivia and Turkey
Wikipedia - Boloponera -- Genus of ants
Wikipedia - Bolot Feray -- 1995 Seychelles comedy film
Wikipedia - Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc
Wikipedia - Bolt Beranek and Newman
Wikipedia - Bolt, Beranek and Newman
Wikipedia - Bolt, Beranek, and Newman
Wikipedia - Bolt Beranek > Newman
Wikipedia - Boltzmann constant -- Physical constant relating particle kinetic energy with temperature
Wikipedia - Bombing of Bahrain in World War II -- Italian bombing operation in Bahrain during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Bombing of the Bezuidenhout -- Aerial bombing operation during World War II
Wikipedia - BoM-EM->o Cerar -- Diplomat and war veteran
Wikipedia - Bonaldo Giaiotti -- Italian operatic bass
Wikipedia - Bonanza: The Next Generation -- 1988 television film directed by William F. Claxton
Wikipedia - Bon Appetit Management Company -- Cafe and catering operator
Wikipedia - Bonbibi -- Guardian spirit venerated by both Hindu and Muslim residents of the Sundarbans, Bengal
Wikipedia - Bonnie Blue flag -- First and unofficial flag of the Confederate States of America
Wikipedia - Bonnie Burstow -- Canadian psychotherapist
Wikipedia - Bonnie Costello -- American literary scholar
Wikipedia - Bonus Army -- 1930s US veterans protest movement
Wikipedia - Boo (dog) -- Pomeranian that became an Internet sensation
Wikipedia - Booker Prize -- British literary award
Wikipedia - Bookmarks (magazine) -- American literary magazine
Wikipedia - Book of the Dead -- Ancient Egyptian funerary text
Wikipedia - Book of Veles -- Literary forgery
Wikipedia - Book review -- Form of literary criticism in which a book is reviewed for its content, style, and merit
Wikipedia - Books of Adam -- Collective name of several apocryphal books relating to Adam and Eve
Wikipedia - Booktrust Early Years Award -- Annual literary prizes for children's picture books
Wikipedia - Boolean algebra (structure) -- Algebraic structure modeling logical operations
Wikipedia - Boolean hierarchy
Wikipedia - Boolean operations on polygons
Wikipedia - Boomerang (1947 film) -- 1947 film by Elia Kazan
Wikipedia - Boomerang (2001 film) -- 2001 film by Dragan Marinkovic
Wikipedia - Boomerang (2019 film) -- 2019 film by R. Kannan
Wikipedia - Boomerang attack
Wikipedia - Boomerang (Barenaked Ladies song) -- 2013 single by Barenaked Ladies
Wikipedia - Boomerang Bill -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Boomerang (cocktail) -- Type of cocktail
Wikipedia - Boomerang (comics)
Wikipedia - Boomerang effect (psychology) -- Unintended consequences of an attempt to persuade resulting in the adoption of an opposing position instead
Wikipedia - BOOMERanG experiment
Wikipedia - Boomerang (French TV channel) -- French TV channel
Wikipedia - Boomerang Generation
Wikipedia - Boomerang Justice -- 1922 silent film
Wikipedia - Boomerang (Lali song) -- Song by Lali Esposito
Wikipedia - Boomerang (Middle East and Africa TV channel) -- Children's TV channels
Wikipedia - Boomerang (Nicole Scherzinger song) -- 2013 single by Nicole Scherzinger
Wikipedia - Boomerang (roller coaster) -- Steel roller coaster
Wikipedia - Boomerang Seamount -- An active submarine volcano northeast of Amsterdam Island in the Indian Ocean
Wikipedia - Boomerang (TV network) -- American cable television channel
Wikipedia - Boomerang (Wanna One song) -- Song by Wanna One
Wikipedia - Boomerang -- Thrown tool and weapon
Wikipedia - Boom operator (military) -- Aircrew member aboard tanker aircraft who is responsible for transferring fuel to receiver aircraft
Wikipedia - Boopis -- Genus of Calyceraceae plants
Wikipedia - Boot disk -- Removable disk from which a computer can boot an operating system
Wikipedia - Border Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation -- Border guard branch of the Federal Security Service of Russia
Wikipedia - Bordighera
Wikipedia - Bordure -- Heraldic ordinary or subordinary
Wikipedia - Boreal Sea -- A Mesozoic-era seaway that lay along the northern border of Laurasia
Wikipedia - Borel hierarchy
Wikipedia - Boris Cabrera -- American actor
Wikipedia - Boris Nemtsov -- 20th and 21st-century Russian scientist, statesman and liberal politician
Wikipedia - Boris Tomashevsky -- Literary historian and critic
Wikipedia - Boris Yugai -- Kyrgyzstani general
Wikipedia - Born secret -- Information classified since created; generally referring to nuclear weapons
Wikipedia - Boron carbide -- Extremely hard ceramic compound
Wikipedia - Borozdinovskaya operation -- Russian incident
Wikipedia - Borrisokane GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Tipperary, Ireland
Wikipedia - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations -- Japanese manga and anime series and the sequel of Naruto
Wikipedia - Bosatsu -- Japanese transliteration of the Sanskrit word bodhisattva
Wikipedia - Bosnian-Podrinje Canton GoraM-EM->de -- Canton of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Bosporan era
Wikipedia - Boston Beer Company -- American beverage company
Wikipedia - Boston Camera -- US Air Force airborne photo reconnaissance camera
Wikipedia - Boston Herald -- US newspaper
Wikipedia - Boston Lyric Opera
Wikipedia - Boswellia papyrifera -- Species of African plant commonly used for incense
Wikipedia - Botallackite -- Halide mineral
Wikipedia - Bothrocerambyx -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Bothroponera tesseronoda -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Bothroponera -- Genus of ants
Wikipedia - Botryoidal -- Mineral shape
Wikipedia - Bottled gas -- Substances which are gaseous at standard temperature and pressure and have been compressed and stored in gas cylinders
Wikipedia - Bottom girl -- best position in a hierarchy of prostitutes
Wikipedia - Botulinum toxin therapy of strabismus -- Medical technique
Wikipedia - Bougainville counterattack -- Japanese offensive on Bougainville Island during World War II
Wikipedia - Boulevard du General-d'Armee-Jean-Simon -- Street in Paris, France
Wikipedia - Boulevard (magazine) -- Literary magazine
Wikipedia - Bounded linear operator
Wikipedia - Bounded operator
Wikipedia - Bounding volume hierarchy -- Graphics structure
Wikipedia - Bourne shell -- Command-line interpreter for operating systems
Wikipedia - Bout One -- Military operation
Wikipedia - Boutros Boutros-Ghali -- 6th Secretary-General of the United Nations
Wikipedia - Bowdoin College -- Private liberal arts college in Brunswick, Maine
Wikipedia - Bowen's reaction series -- Order of crystallization of minerals in magma
Wikipedia - Bowl barrow -- Ancient funerary monument, the most numerous form of round barrow
Wikipedia - Bowling average
Wikipedia - Box-bed -- Enclosed bed generally designed for sleeping in a sitting position, whereby it can be closed with doors or curtains
Wikipedia - Boxcar averager -- Electronic test instrument that averages an input according to the boxcar function
Wikipedia - Boy Erased: A Memoir -- 2016 memoir by Garrard Conley
Wikipedia - Boy Erased -- 2018 biographical drama film
Wikipedia - Bo-Ying Lee -- |Chinese actress and Cantonese opera performer from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Boyle's law -- Relationship between pressure and volume in a gas at constant temperature
Wikipedia - Boys Generally Asian -- K-pop parody group
Wikipedia - Boza -- Fermented grain-based beverage
Wikipedia - Bozulus -- Turcoman tribal confederation
Wikipedia - Braarudosphaera bigelowii -- A dodecahedron shaped coccolithophore.
Wikipedia - Brace's emerald -- Extinct species of bird
Wikipedia - Brachaciptera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Brachmaeodera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Brachyllas -- Ancient Greek general
Wikipedia - Brachyponera chinensis -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Brachyponera luteipes -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Brachyponera obscurans -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Brachyponera -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Brachytherapy
Wikipedia - Bradley Branning -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Bradley L. Pyburn -- U.S. Air Force general
Wikipedia - Bradley Tyler Johnson -- Confederate Army general (1829-1903)
Wikipedia - Bradoponera -- Extinct genus of ants
Wikipedia - Brad Willis (Neighbours) -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Brady-Belichick era -- Sports dynasty of the New England Patriots
Wikipedia - Bradysia austera -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Brahmapurisvarar Temple, Perambur -- Temple in India
Wikipedia - Braination -- Public charter school operator in Texas
Wikipedia - Brain-body interaction -- Neural activity coordinating the brain and the body
Wikipedia - Brain Box -- Interactive television quiz show
Wikipedia - Brain damage -- Destruction or degeneration of brain cells
Wikipedia - Brain lateralisation
Wikipedia - Brain lateralization
Wikipedia - B. Rammohan -- Mayor of greater Hyderabad, India
Wikipedia - Bramwell Booth -- General of The Salvation Army
Wikipedia - Brandon Niederauer -- American guitarist
Wikipedia - Brandon Vera -- Filipino-American mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Brane cosmology -- Several theories in particle physics and cosmology related to superstring theory and M-theory
Wikipedia - Brantley Starr -- U.S. federal judge
Wikipedia - Branwen ferch LlM-EM-7r -- Legendary tale in medieval Welsh literature
Wikipedia - BrasilM-CM-"ndia de Minas -- Municipality in the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil
Wikipedia - Brassica oleracea -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Bravais lattice -- An infinite array of discrete points in three dimensional space generated by a set of discrete translation operations
Wikipedia - Brave 1: The Beginning -- Brave Combat Federation MMA event in 2016
Wikipedia - Brave 2: Dynasty -- Brave Combat Federation MMA event in 2016
Wikipedia - Brave 3: Battle In Brazil -- Brave Combat Federation MMA event in 2017
Wikipedia - Brave 4: Unstoppable -- Brave Combat Federation MMA event in 2017
Wikipedia - Brave 5: Go For Glory -- Brave Combat Federation MMA event in 2017
Wikipedia - Brave 6: Kazakhstan -- Brave Combat Federation MMA event in 2017
Wikipedia - Brave Combat Federation -- MMA promoter based in Bahrain
Wikipedia - Braxton Bragg -- Confederate Army general
Wikipedia - Brazil-Ethiopia relations -- Bilateral relations between Brazil and Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Brazil-Georgia relations -- Bilateral relations between Brazil and Georgia (country)
Wikipedia - Brazilian battleship Minas Geraes -- Battleship built for the Brazilian Navy
Wikipedia - Brazilian frigate Liberal (F-43) -- Niteroi-class Frigates
Wikipedia - Brazilian Judo Confederation -- Judo confederation
Wikipedia - Brazilians -- Citizens of the Federative Republic of Brazil
Wikipedia - Brazil-Kazakhstan relations -- Bilateral relations
Wikipedia - Brazil-Namibia relations -- Bilateral relations between Brazil and Namibia
Wikipedia - Brazing -- High-temperature soldering; metal-joining technique by high-temperature molten metal filling
Wikipedia - Bread dildo -- Dildo prepared using bread, allegedly made in the Greco-Roman era around 2,000 years ago
Wikipedia - Breakdown: In Your House -- 1998 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Breakdown (vehicle) -- Mechanical failure of motor vehicle that prevents vehicle to operate functionally
Wikipedia - Breanna Sinclaire -- American opera singer
Wikipedia - Breathe (Erasure song) -- 2005 single by Erasure
Wikipedia - Breathing Permit of Hor -- A Ptolemaic era funerary text written for a Theban priest named Hor
Wikipedia - Breath of Life (Erasure song) -- 1992 single by Erasure
Wikipedia - BRED Banque populaire -- Cooperative bank in France
Wikipedia - Bree Van de Kamp -- Fictional character on Desperate Housewives
Wikipedia - Breitenbush Hot Springs (thermal mineral springs) -- Thermal spring system
Wikipedia - Bremer BeitrM-CM-$ge -- Literary work
Wikipedia - Bremsstrahlung -- Electromagnetic radiation produced by the deceleration of a charged particle when deflected by another charged particle
Wikipedia - Brenandendron frondosum -- species of plant in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Brenandendron -- genus of plant in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Brenda Fitzgerald -- American obstetrician-gynecologist
Wikipedia - Brenda L. Dietrich -- American operations researcher
Wikipedia - Brenda M. Greene -- American scholar, author, literary activist (born 1950)
Wikipedia - Brendan Colleran -- Irish former sportsperson
Wikipedia - Brenda Strathern Writing Prize -- Canadian literary award
Wikipedia - Brendon Gooneratne -- Sri Lankan writer and physician
Wikipedia - Brent Hayes Edwards -- Comparative literature scholar
Wikipedia - Brera Academy -- public academy of fine arts in Milan
Wikipedia - Brera (district of Milan)
Wikipedia - Brett James McMullen -- American general
Wikipedia - Briallen Hopper -- Writer and literary scholar
Wikipedia - Brian C. Buescher -- U.S. federal judge
Wikipedia - Brian Cogan -- US federal judge
Wikipedia - Brian E. Winski -- American general
Wikipedia - Brian Fitzgerald (academic) -- Australian legal academic and barrister
Wikipedia - Brian Fitzgerald (politician) -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - Brian Geraghty -- American actor
Wikipedia - Brian Kolfage -- US Air Force veteran and political fundraiser
Wikipedia - Brian Paddick, Baron Paddick -- British Liberal Democrat Politician
Wikipedia - Brian Peddle -- 21st General of The Salvation Army
Wikipedia - Brian S. Robinson -- U.S. Transportation Command director of operations
Wikipedia - Briant H. Wells -- U.S. Army Major General
Wikipedia - Brian T. Kelly -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Bribie Island Coaches -- Australian bus operator on Bribie Island
Wikipedia - Brick -- Block or a single unit of a ceramic material used in masonry construction
Wikipedia - Bridal Chorus -- Wedding march from Richard Wagner's 1850 opera Lohengrin
Wikipedia - Bridge camera -- Camera with features between point and shoot and SLR.
Wikipedia - Bridge therapy -- Therapy intended to serve as a figurative bridge to another stage of therapy
Wikipedia - Bridge to Terabithia (2007 film) -- 2007 film based on children's book by Katherine Paterson
Wikipedia - Brief psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Brief therapy
Wikipedia - Brigade of Death -- A unit of the confederal militias
Wikipedia - Brigadier-general (United Kingdom)
Wikipedia - Brigadier general (United States) -- Military rank of the United States
Wikipedia - Brigadier general -- Senior rank in the armed forces
Wikipedia - Brigadier Gerard Stakes -- Flat horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Brigadier Gerard
Wikipedia - Brigantes -- British tribe of the Iron Age and Roman era
Wikipedia - BrightBus -- Bus operator in South Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Brigid Hughes -- Brooklyn, New York-based literary editor
Wikipedia - Brigitte Balleys -- Swiss mezzo-soprano in opera and concert
Wikipedia - Bristol General Hospital -- Hospital in Bristol, England
Wikipedia - Bristol riots -- Several riots in Bristol, England
Wikipedia - Britannia Industries -- Indian food and beverage company
Wikipedia - British Antarctic Survey -- United Kingdom's national Antarctic operation
Wikipedia - British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies
Wikipedia - British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
Wikipedia - British Association of Dramatherapists -- Professional organization for Dramatherapists
Wikipedia - British Ceramic Tile -- Ceramic and glass tile manufacturer
Wikipedia - British Channel Island Ferries -- A ferry operator between the United Kingdom and the Channel Islands
Wikipedia - British Chess Federation
Wikipedia - British Electric Traction -- Former British industrial conglomerate
Wikipedia - British Leyland -- 1968-1986 automotive manufacturing conglomerate
Wikipedia - British literature
Wikipedia - British Psychotherapy Foundation -- Organisation in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - British Rail Class 373 -- Electric multiple unit that operates Eurostar's high-speed rail service
Wikipedia - British Rail Class 380 -- Fleet of 38 electric multiple units operating in Scotland.
Wikipedia - British Rail Class 390 -- A type of electric high-speed train operated by Avanti West Coast
Wikipedia - British Rail -- British state-owned rail transport operator (1948-1997)
Wikipedia - British Student Taekwondo Federation -- British Student Taekwondo Federation
Wikipedia - British Underwater Sports Association -- British affiliate to the world underwater federation sports committee.
Wikipedia - Brit plc -- General insurance and reinsurance provider
Wikipedia - Brittany Ferries -- French (Breton) ferry operator
Wikipedia - -- US Federal Communications Commission website
Wikipedia - Broadcast automation -- The use of broadcast programming technology to automate broadcasting operations
Wikipedia - Broadcast Company of the Americas -- Former broadcasting company operating radio stations in San Diego, California
Wikipedia - Broadcasting Satellite System Corporation -- Japanese satellite operator
Wikipedia - Broadcast Operations Group -- Australian media company
Wikipedia - Broadway: Three Generations -- American musical
Wikipedia - Brocade -- Textile produced by brocading; in general, any richly figured fabric, often incorporating metal thread
Wikipedia - Brochureware -- a term to describe non-interactive websites
Wikipedia - Brodnica County -- County in Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland
Wikipedia - Brogan Group -- Group of access companies operating in the UK
Wikipedia - Broken wand ceremony -- Ritual performed at the funeral of a magician
Wikipedia - Bromodeoxyuridine -- Synthetic nucleoside that is an analog of thymidine. BrdU is commonly used in the detection of proliferating cells in living tissues
Wikipedia - Bronislaw Rakowski -- Polish general
Wikipedia - Bronston v. United States -- 1972 U.S. Supreme Court decision holding that literally truthful testimony is not perjury
Wikipedia - Bronze Age literature
Wikipedia - Bronze Age of Comic Books -- 70s-80s era of comic books
Wikipedia - Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Corporation -- Defunct transit operator in New York City
Wikipedia - Brookside -- British soap opera
Wikipedia - Broscodera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Brown County Veterans Memorial Arena -- Former entertainment venue in Ashwaubenon, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Brownian dynamics -- Ideal molecular motion where no average acceleration takes place
Wikipedia - Brownie the Wonder Dog -- Dog actor that appeared in several American silent films
Wikipedia - Brown-water navy -- Naval force capable of operating in rivers and littoral waters
Wikipedia - Bruce Boyce -- Canadian opera singer
Wikipedia - Bruce Brooks -- Author of young-adult and children's literature
Wikipedia - Bruce Fulton -- American professor of Korean literature
Wikipedia - Bruce Hubbard -- African-American operatic baritone
Wikipedia - Bruce Magruder -- U.S. Army major general
Wikipedia - Bruce Nuclear Generating Station -- Nuclear power station in Ontario, Canada. Largest nuclear power station in the Western Hemisphere.
Wikipedia - Bruce Palmer Jr. -- United States Army general (1913-2000)
Wikipedia - Bruce Robbins (academic) -- American literary scholar and academic
Wikipedia - Bruce S. Bryant -- American politician and boiler operator
Wikipedia - Bruce Sterling (Love of Life) -- American television soap opera character (1959 to 1980)
Wikipedia - Brudenell White -- Australian general
Wikipedia - Brumby -- Feral horse in Australia
Wikipedia - Brunnera -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Bruno and Luisa di Marco -- Fictional characters from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Bryan College -- Christian liberal arts college in Dayton, TN, US
Wikipedia - Bryn Mawr College -- Private womenM-bM-^@M-^Ys liberal arts college in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US
Wikipedia - Bryson of Heraclea
Wikipedia - BSD (operating system)
Wikipedia - B. S. Perera -- Sri Lankan actor, director, singer and comedian
Wikipedia - BSS 01 -- First-generation home video game console; only video game console released in East Germany
Wikipedia - BT Mobile -- British mobile virtual network operator
Wikipedia - BTS Group Holdings -- Thai business conglomerate
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix altera -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix crateracma -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix cuneigera -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix pectinifera -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix sphaeralceae -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix verax -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix viguierae -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Buchdahl's theorem -- Theorem in general relativity
Wikipedia - Buchergilde-Essaypreis -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Buckling-restrained braced frame -- Structural steel frame that provides lateral resistance to buckling
Wikipedia - Bucknell University -- Private liberal arts college in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Buckwalter transliteration -- System for transliteration of the Arabic alphabet into the Latin alphabet
Wikipedia - Buddha bowl -- Vegan meal, served on a bowl which consists of portions of several foods, served cold
Wikipedia - Buddha (general)
Wikipedia - Buddhaghosa -- 5th-century Indian Theravada Buddhist commentator, translator and philosopher
Wikipedia - Buddhist cosmology of the Theravada school
Wikipedia - Buddhist cosmology (Theravada)
Wikipedia - Buddhist funeral -- Buddhist rites after a person's death
Wikipedia - Buddhist mummies -- Bodies of Buddhist monks and nuns that remain incorrupt, without any traces of deliberate mummification by another party
Wikipedia - Buddhist mythology -- Myths in Buddhist literature and history
Wikipedia - Buddhist Paths to liberation
Wikipedia - Buddhist paths to liberation -- Theology of Buddhism: descriptions of the spiritual path
Wikipedia - Buddhist texts -- Historic literature of Buddhism
Wikipedia - Bud Spencer & Terence Hill: Slaps and Beans -- 2018 cooperative video game
Wikipedia - Budzma! Tuzin. Perazagruzka-2 -- Belarusian compilation album
Wikipedia - Buffalo racing in Kerala -- Spectator sport
Wikipedia - Buff (colour) -- yellow-brown colour of the un-dyed leather of several animals
Wikipedia - Bugger -- General-purpose word to imply dissatisfaction or describe someone displeasing or surprising
Wikipedia - Bugha al-Kabir -- General in the Abbasid Turkic regiment
Wikipedia - Bugha al-Sharabi -- mid-9th century Abbasid Army General
Wikipedia - Bugles -- corn snack food originally from General Mills
Wikipedia - Bugzilla -- Web-based general-purpose bugtracker
Wikipedia - Buick -- Mid-level luxury division of General Motors
Wikipedia - Bui ThM-aM-;M-^K NhM-aM-:M-!n -- Vietnamese female general of the TM-CM-"y SM-FM-!n dynasty
Wikipedia - Bui ThM-aM-;M-^K XuM-CM-"n -- 18th century Vietnamese female general during the TM-CM-"y SM-FM-!n Rebellion
Wikipedia - Bukhara Caravanserai -- Caravenserai in Baku, Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - Bukit Larut -- Hill station in Perak, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bulbasaurus -- Genus of therapsids (fossil)
Wikipedia - Bulb (photography) -- Shutter technique on cameras
Wikipedia - Bulgarian Handball Federation -- Handball Federation from Bulgaria
Wikipedia - Bulgarian literature
Wikipedia - Bulgars -- Extinct Turkic tribal confederation
Wikipedia - Bulgur -- cereal food made from the groats of several different wheat species
Wikipedia - Bullnose -- Rounded convex trim in masonry and ceramic tile
Wikipedia - Bullocks Coaches -- Bus and Coach operator in Manchester
Wikipedia - Bumiputera (Malaysia)
Wikipedia - Bumper fracture -- Fracture of the lateral tibial plateau caused by the bumper of a car
Wikipedia - Bundesautobahn 10 -- Federal motorway in Germany
Wikipedia - Bundesautobahn 1 -- Federal motorway in Germany
Wikipedia - Bundesautobahn 293 -- Federal motorway in Germany
Wikipedia - Bundesautobahn 648 -- Federal motorway in Germany
Wikipedia - Bundesautobahn 64 -- Federal motorway in Germany
Wikipedia - Bundesautobahn 7 -- Federal motorway in Germany
Wikipedia - Bundesautobahn 995 -- Federal motorway in Germany
Wikipedia - Bundesautobahn 99 -- Federal motorway in Germany
Wikipedia - Bundesgrenzschutz -- Federal police organization in Western Germany
Wikipedia - Bundesrat of Germany -- Legislative body representing the German federated states since 1949
Wikipedia - BundesstraM-CM-^_e 14 -- Federal highway in Germany
Wikipedia - BundesstraM-CM-^_e 178 -- Federal highway in Germany
Wikipedia - BundesstraM-CM-^_e 2 R -- Federal highway in Germany
Wikipedia - BundesstraM-CM-^_e 2 -- Federal highway in Germany
Wikipedia - BundesstraM-CM-^_e 6 -- Federal highway in Germany
Wikipedia - BundesstraM-CM-^_e 9 -- Federal highway in Germany
Wikipedia - Bundestag -- Federal parliament of Germany
Wikipedia - Bunion -- Deformity characterized by lateral deviation of the big toe
Wikipedia - Burak Bilgili -- Turkish operatic bass-baritone
Wikipedia - Bureau of Economic Analysis -- US federal government agency
Wikipedia - Bureau of State Services -- Former U.S. federal government agency
Wikipedia - Burke's Peerage -- British genealogical publisher
Wikipedia - Burlesque Opera of Tabasco -- American stage musical comedy
Wikipedia - Burlesque -- Literary, dramatic or musical work or genre
Wikipedia - Burmannia (moth) -- Genus of insects in the butterfly and moth order Lepidoptera
Wikipedia - Burnaby-Douglas -- Federal electoral district of Canada
Wikipedia - Burnham Park (Baguio) -- Historic park at Baguio designed during the American colonial era
Wikipedia - Burnley Bus Company -- Transdev owned bus operator
Wikipedia - Burnt Tongues -- Literature collection published in 2014
Wikipedia - Bursera simaruba -- Species of flowering plant in the family Burseraceae
Wikipedia - Buserite -- Type of mineral
Wikipedia - Bushrod Johnson -- Confederate Army general
Wikipedia - Business Operations Management
Wikipedia - Business Operations
Wikipedia - Business operations
Wikipedia - Businessperson -- Person involved in activities for the purpose of generating revenue
Wikipedia - Business process interoperability
Wikipedia - Butane torch -- Tool for generating heat and flame by burning butane
Wikipedia - Butterfly -- A group of insects in the order Lepidoptera
Wikipedia - Buttermilk pie -- Type of desperation pie
Wikipedia - BUX (brokerage) -- Amsterdam-based financial services company
Wikipedia - Buxton Mountain Rescue Team -- Charity operating search and rescue missions
Wikipedia - Buyer brokerage -- Practice of real estate brokers and agents representing a buyer in a real estate transaction
Wikipedia - Buyuk Valide Han -- Caravanserai in Istanbul, Turkey
Wikipedia - Buyuk Yeni Han -- Caravanserai in Istanbul, Turkey
Wikipedia - Buzeins -- Part of Severac-d'Aveyron in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Bydgoszcz -- City in Kuyavian-Pomeranian, Poland
Wikipedia - Byomkesh Bakshi -- Fictional detective in Bengali literature
Wikipedia - Byron F. Johnson -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Byte Sieve -- Computer-based implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes
Wikipedia - Byzantine army (Komnenian era) -- Period of the Byzantine Empire that created a new army that served from 1081 AD - 1204 AD
Wikipedia - Byzantine fault tolerance
Wikipedia - Byzantine literature -- Literature of the Byzantine Empire
Wikipedia - Byzantine Rite Lutheranism
Wikipedia - C2c -- British train operating company
Wikipedia - C4 Engine -- Proprietary computer game engine developed by Terathon Software
Wikipedia - Cabeceras District, Tilaran -- district in Tilaran canton, Guanacaste province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Cabinet of Germany -- Chief executive body of the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - Cabinet of Nigeria -- Nigeria Federal Executive Council
Wikipedia - Cabinet of the Confederate States of America -- Advisory body to the president of the Confederate States
Wikipedia - Cabin (ship) -- Enclosed space generally on a ship
Wikipedia - Cable & Wireless Communications -- Current British communications operator
Wikipedia - Cable Haunt -- Cable modem vulnerability
Wikipedia - Cablelink -- Cable television system operator in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Cabobanthus bullulatus -- species of plant in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cabobanthus polysphaerus -- species of plant in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cabobanthus -- genus of plant in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cabossed -- Heraldic term used where a beast's head is cleanly separated from the neck so that only the face shows
Wikipedia - Cabot Creamery -- American dairy cooperative
Wikipedia - Cacaopera people -- Central American indigenous group
Wikipedia - Cachaca -- distilled beverage
Wikipedia - Cache Acceleration Software
Wikipedia - Cache hierarchy
Wikipedia - Cacicazgo -- Phonetic Spanish transliteration of the Taino word for the lands ruled by a cacique
Wikipedia - Cactus (camera equipment brand) -- Camera equipment brand
Wikipedia - Cadaver Tomb of Rene of Chalon -- Life sized funerary statue and memento mori
Wikipedia - Caddo -- Confederacy of several Southeastern Native American tribes
Wikipedia - Cadency -- System in heraldry to distinguish family members
Wikipedia - Cadillac Escalade -- Full-size luxury SUVs made by General Motors
Wikipedia - Cadillac -- Division of the U.S.-based General Motors
Wikipedia - Caelifera -- Suborder of insects
Wikipedia - Cafe Barbera -- Italian coffeehouse and fast casual dining franchise
Wikipedia - Cahya Mata Sarawak Berhad -- Malaysian conglomerate
Wikipedia - Cai Chengyu -- Chinese operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Caiera
Wikipedia - Caile Ferate RomM-CM-"ne Line 800 -- Romanian railway line
Wikipedia - Caitlin FitzGerald -- American actor
Wikipedia - Caitlin Halligan -- Solicitor General of New York
Wikipedia - Caiway -- Dutch cable operator
Wikipedia - Caladenia procera -- Species of orchid
Wikipedia - Calamine (mineral) -- Zinc ore group
Wikipedia - Calandrinia granulifera -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Calavera -- Mexican skull model made out of sugar or clay
Wikipedia - Calcareous sponge -- A class of marine sponges of the phylum Porifera which have spicules of calcium carbonate
Wikipedia - Calcifuge -- Plant that doesn't tolerate alkaline soil
Wikipedia - Calcite -- Carbonate mineral and polymorph of calcium carbonate
Wikipedia - Calcium borate -- A bluish white crystal found in some minerals
Wikipedia - Calculation -- Deliberate process that transforms inputs to outputs with variable change
Wikipedia - Caldera (company) -- Defunct American multinational operating system software company
Wikipedia - Caldera District, Esparza -- district in Esparza canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Caldera OpenLinux
Wikipedia - Caldera -- Cauldron-like volcanic feature formed by the emptying of a magma chamber
Wikipedia - Caleb Bailey -- United States Marine Corps general
Wikipedia - Calendar era
Wikipedia - Calendar of Saints (Lutheran)
Wikipedia - Calendar of saints (Lutheran)
Wikipedia - Calendula officinalis -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Calera, Alabama -- City in Alabama, United States
Wikipedia - Calezygocera baloghi -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Calgary Centre-North -- Federal electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Calgary Herald -- Newspaper in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Calgary Nose Hill -- federal electoral district in Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Calicut International Airport -- Airport in Karipur, Malappuram, Kerala, India
Wikipedia - California Attorney General
Wikipedia - California Desert Protection Act of 1994 -- US federal law
Wikipedia - California Education and Research Federation Network
Wikipedia - California Franchise Tax Board -- Part of the California Government Operations Agency.
Wikipedia - California Independent System Operator -- Oversees the operation of the U.S. state's electric power grid
Wikipedia - California Lutheran High School -- Wisconsin Synod Lutheran high school in Wildomar, California
Wikipedia - California Lutheran University -- Private university in Thousand Oaks, California
Wikipedia - California State Legislature -- Bicameral legislature of the U.S. state of California
Wikipedia - California Voting Rights Act -- Expands federal Voting Rights Act of 1965
Wikipedia - Calixto Garcia -- Cuban general
Wikipedia - Callan v Ireland & The Attorney General -- Supreme Court of Ireland case
Wikipedia - Calliphoridae -- Family of insects in the Diptera order
Wikipedia - Calliphorinae -- Subfamily of insects in the Diptera order
Wikipedia - Callisto insperatella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Call of Duty Endowment -- Military veterans support organization
Wikipedia - Callosamia angulifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Callum "Halfway" Highway -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Callum Rebecchi -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Cal Lutheran Kingsmen and Regals -- California Lutheran University varsity teams
Wikipedia - Call-with-current-continuation -- Control flow operator in functional programming
Wikipedia - Calogera family -- Mediterranean noble family
Wikipedia - Calomel -- Mineral form of the mercury(I) chloride
Wikipedia - Calomera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Calophasia platyptera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Caloptilia alpherakiella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Caloptilia chalcoptera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Calothamnus lateralis -- species of plant
Wikipedia - Calotropis procera -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Calpe Hole Generating station -- Electrical power station in Gibraltar
Wikipedia - Cal Turner -- Founder of American business Dollar General
Wikipedia - Calvera (X-ray source) -- X-ray source star in the constellation Ursa Minor
Wikipedia - Calvin University -- Liberal arts college
Wikipedia - Calymmian -- First period of the Mesoproterozoic Era
Wikipedia - Calymperaceae -- Family of haplolepideous mosses
Wikipedia - Calypso (camera) -- 35mm film camera
Wikipedia - Cambise (opera) -- Opera by Alessandro Scarlatti
Wikipedia - Cambrian Quarterly Magazine and Celtic Repertory -- Welsh literary periodical (1829-1833)
Wikipedia - Cambrian -- First period of the Paleozoic Era, 541-485 million years ago
Wikipedia - Camcorder -- Video camera with built-in video recorder
Wikipedia - Camera Bartolotta -- American politician
Wikipedia - Camera Cafe (Philippine TV series) -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Camera, Camera, Camera -- Manga series
Wikipedia - Camera control unit -- A separate unit for optimizing the performance of a video camera
Wikipedia - Camera Craft -- American monthly photography magazine
Wikipedia - Camera degli Sposi
Wikipedia - Camera dolly -- Wheeled cart or similar device used in filmmaking and television production
Wikipedia - Camera Image File Format -- File format
Wikipedia - Camera interface
Wikipedia - Camera (Japanese magazine) -- Japanese photography magazine
Wikipedia - Cameralism -- 18th-century German centralist economic theory
Wikipedia - Camera Lucida (book) -- Book by Roland Barthes
Wikipedia - Camera lucida
Wikipedia - Camera Mainichi -- Japanese photography magazine
Wikipedia - Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu -- 2012 film by Puri Jagannadh
Wikipedia - Cameraman
Wikipedia - Camera module
Wikipedia - Camera Notes -- US photographic magazine, 1897 - 1903
Wikipedia - Camera Obscura (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Camera Obscura (novel) -- Doctor Who novel by Lloyd Rose
Wikipedia - Camera obscura -- Optical device
Wikipedia - Camera Owner -- Bi-monthly British hobbyist photography periodical 1964-1968
Wikipedia - Camera pedestal -- Three-wheeled unit upon which television cameras are mounted
Wikipedia - Camera phones
Wikipedia - Camera phone
Wikipedia - Camera Serial Interface
Wikipedia - Camerata Trajectina -- Dutch music ensemble
Wikipedia - Camera Thrills -- 1935 short film
Wikipedia - Camera -- Optical device for recording images
Wikipedia - Camerawork (magazine) -- British bi-monthly photography periodical 1976-1985
Wikipedia - Camera Work -- Quarterly photographic journal
Wikipedia - Cameroceras -- Genus of extinct, giant orthoconic cephalopods
Wikipedia - Cameron Lickle -- American Navy veteran, nuclear engineer, businessperson, and tennis instructor
Wikipedia - Camille Everardi -- Belgian baritone
Wikipedia - Camille Roy (literary critic) -- Canadian academic
Wikipedia - Camille Zaidan -- Lebanese Maronite hierarch
Wikipedia - Camillo Gioja Barbera -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Camillus Perera (umpire) -- Sri Lankan cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Camilo Cascolan -- Director General of the Philippine National Police
Wikipedia - Camixaima beraba -- genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Cammeray Substation -- Electrical substation in Australia
Wikipedia - Campaign Against Living Miserably
Wikipedia - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament -- British organisation advocating unilateral nuclear disarmament
Wikipedia - Campanula glomerata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Campari Group -- Italian beverage company
Wikipedia - Campethera -- Genus of birds
Wikipedia - Campo Imperatore Near Earth Object Survey
Wikipedia - Camponotus lateralis -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Canada Centre Building -- Canadian federal office building in Scarborough, Toronto
Wikipedia - Canada-Georgia relations -- Current and historic bilateral relations
Wikipedia - Canadanthus -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Canada Post -- Postal operator in Canada
Wikipedia - Canada's Olympic Broadcast Media Consortium -- Consortium of broadcasters that aired 2010 and 2012 Olympic coverage
Wikipedia - Canada-Yugoslavia relations -- Bilateral relations between Canada and Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - Canadian Arab Federation -- Group representing Arab Canadians
Wikipedia - Canadian Confederation -- Process by which the British colonies of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick were united into the Dominion of Canada
Wikipedia - Canadian federal electoral redistribution, 2012 -- Redistribution of Canadian electoral ridings
Wikipedia - Canadian federalism -- Federal systems of Canada
Wikipedia - Canadian heraldry -- Canadian coats of arms and other heraldic achievements
Wikipedia - Canadian Joint Operations Command -- Command of the Canadian Armed Forces
Wikipedia - Canadian literature
Wikipedia - Canadian Medical Association Journal -- Peer-reviewed general medical journal
Wikipedia - Canadian Network Operators Consortium -- Independent telecommunications providers lobby group
Wikipedia - Canadian NORAD Region Forward Operating Location Rankin Inlet -- Canadian military installation
Wikipedia - Canadian Pacific Railway -- Major class 1 railroad operating in Canada and the U.S.
Wikipedia - Canadian Register of Historic Places -- federal list of historic sites of Canada
Wikipedia - Canadian Special Operations Forces Command -- Command of the Canadian defence body
Wikipedia - Canadian Toy Testing Council -- A volunteer-operated not-for-profit organization
Wikipedia - Canal lateral a l'Aisne -- Canal in northern France
Wikipedia - Canal lateral a la Loire -- Canal in central France
Wikipedia - Canal lateral a la Marne -- Canal in northeastern France
Wikipedia - Canal lateral a l'Oise -- Canal in northern France
Wikipedia - Canal Lateral de la Garonne -- Canal in France
Wikipedia - Canarium pilosum -- species of plant in the family Burseraceae
Wikipedia - Canaseraga Formation -- Geologic formation in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Canavan disease -- Neurodegenerative disorder; its spectrum varies between severe forms with leukodystrophy, macrocephaly and severe developmental delay, and a very rare mild/juvenile form characterized by mild developmental delay
Wikipedia - Canaveral Press -- Defunct American publisher
Wikipedia - Cancer immunotherapy -- Artificial stimulation of the immune system to treat cancer
Wikipedia - Cancrinite -- Feldspathoid mineral
Wikipedia - Candice Bergen (politician) -- Canadian federal politician
Wikipedia - Candida Donadio -- American literary agent
Wikipedia - Candida, Millionairess -- 1941 film by Luis Bayon Herrera
Wikipedia - Candid Camera -- American hidden camera reality television series (1948-2014)
Wikipedia - Candyman (Christina Aguilera song) -- 2007 single by Christina Aguilera
Wikipedia - Cane (grass) -- Genera Arundinaria and Arundo
Wikipedia - Canivet's emerald -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Canmore General Hospital -- hospital in Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Cannabis in the Federated States of Micronesia -- Use of cannabis in Micronesia
Wikipedia - Cannabis ruderalis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Cano Estremera -- Puerto Rican Salsa singer
Wikipedia - Canon AE-1 -- 35 mm film single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Canon Digital IXUS -- Digital camera product line
Wikipedia - Canon EF 28-300mm lens -- 35 mm camera lens
Wikipedia - Canon EF 300mm lens -- 35 mm camera lens
Wikipedia - Canon EF 35-350mm lens -- 35 mm camera lens
Wikipedia - Canon EF 75-300mm lens -- Series of camera lenses manufactured by Canon
Wikipedia - Canon EOS-1D C -- DSLR camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS-1D Mark III -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Canon EOS-1D Mark II -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Canon EOS-1D Mark IV -- DSLR camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III -- DSLR camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II -- DSLR camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS-1D -- DSLR camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS-1D X Mark III -- DSLR camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS-1D X Mark II -- DSLR camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS-1D X -- DSLR camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS-1V -- 35mm film camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 200D -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 20D -- DSLR camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 30D -- DSLR camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 40D -- DSLR camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 50D -- DSLR camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 50 -- 35mm film camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 5D Mark III -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 5D Mark II -- Digital single-lens reflex camera from Canon
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 600D -- DSLR camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 60D -- DSLR camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 6D -- DSLR camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 70D -- Digital single-lens reflex camera made by Canon
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 80D -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 90D -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Canon EOS flash system -- 35 mm camera flash system
Wikipedia - Canon EOS R6 -- Digital mirrorless camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS RP -- Mirrorless interchangeable lens camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS R -- Digital mirrorless camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS -- Camera product line by Canon
Wikipedia - Canon F-1 -- 35mm single-lens reflex camera model
Wikipedia - Canon FT QL -- 35mm single-lens reflex camera model
Wikipedia - Canon New F-1 -- FD-mount 35mm single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Canon PowerShot A -- Series of digital cameras
Wikipedia - Canon PowerShot -- Digital camera product line
Wikipedia - Canons Regular of the Lateran
Wikipedia - Canon T50 -- 35mm film camera
Wikipedia - Canon TX -- Still camera
Wikipedia - Cantab (magazine) -- Periodical literature
Wikipedia - Cantera -- Youth academy and farm team organised by sports clubs
Wikipedia - Can't Hold Us Down -- 2003 single by Christina Aguilera
Wikipedia - Cantigas de Santa Maria -- Collection of Galician canticles (songs with music), preserved in several manuscripts
Wikipedia - Canton (heraldry) -- heraldic charge
Wikipedia - Cantons of Switzerland -- Member states of the Swiss Confederation
Wikipedia - Cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Can't Say Goodbye -- 2017 Spanish film by Lino Escalera
Wikipedia - Caodeyao -- Genus of therapsid from Permian China
Wikipedia - Cao Ni -- Han Zhao general and Qingzhou warlord
Wikipedia - Cao Van ViM-CM-*n -- South Vietnamese general
Wikipedia - Capability-based operating system
Wikipedia - Cape Arkona Lighthouse -- Lighthouse in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 13 -- Former launch complex at Cape Canaveral; replaced with Landing Zone 1
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 19 -- Project Gemini launch facility
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 26 -- Deactivated rocket launch site at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 29 -- Test site for submarine launched ballistic missiles
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 31 -- Cape Canaveral Air Force Station launch site
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 36 -- Launch complex at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Brevard County, Florida
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 45 -- Florida launch complex
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 47 -- Sounding rocket launch complex at Cape Canaveral, Florida
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 5 -- Former launch site at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Space Force Station -- US Space Force station near Cocoa Beach, Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Space Launch Complex 20 -- One of several launce pads at Cape Canaveral, Florida
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Space Launch Complex 37 -- Space vehicle launch complex on Cape Canaveral, Florida
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Space Launch Complex 40
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Space Launch Complex 41 -- American space launch site at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, USA
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Space Launch Complex 46 -- Florida state government-operated space vehicle launch complex at Cape Canaveral
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral
Wikipedia - Cape Errera -- Headland in antarctica
Wikipedia - Cape Hatteras Lighthouse -- Lighthouse in North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Capelio -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cape Town Opera -- Professional opera company in Cape Town, South Africa.
Wikipedia - CAPEX (cooperative) -- Kerala organization promoting cashew industry
Wikipedia - Capital Index -- International financial brokerage service offering online trading in contracts for difference and spread betting
Wikipedia - Capital Power Corporation -- Canadian power generation
Wikipedia - Capital punishment by the United States federal government -- Imposed for certain types of crimes
Wikipedia - Caprivi Liberation Army -- Namibian rebel and separatist group
Wikipedia - Caproni Ca.3 (1916) -- Italian heavy bomber of World War I and the postwar era
Wikipedia - Captain Boomerang -- Supervillain appearing in DC Comics publications and related media
Wikipedia - Captaincy General of Cuba -- Spanish 1607-1898 possession in the Caribbean
Wikipedia - Captaincy General of Puerto Rico -- Spanish 1580-1898 possession in the Caribbean
Wikipedia - Captaincy General of Santo Domingo -- Spanish 1493-1821 possession in the Caribbean
Wikipedia - Captaincy General of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Captain General of the Church
Wikipedia - Captain General Royal Marines -- Ceremonial head of the Royal Marines
Wikipedia - Captain general -- Military grade
Wikipedia - Captain Marvel (Marvel Comics) -- Name of several superheroes appearing in Marvel Comics publications and related media
Wikipedia - Caputia -- Genus of Asteraceae plants
Wikipedia - Caratheodory-Jacobi-Lie theorem -- A theorem in symplectic geometry which generalizes Darboux's theorem
Wikipedia - Caravanserai Tour -- 1972-1973 tour by Santana
Wikipedia - Caravanserai -- Type of roadside inn
Wikipedia - Carbamino -- Reaction generated by the addition of carbon dioxide to the amine of an amino acid
Wikipedia - Carbonaceous sulfur hydride -- an uncharacterised chemical substance that is a room-temperature superconductor at extremely high pressure
Wikipedia - Carbonatite -- Igneous rock with more than 50% carbonate minerals
Wikipedia - Carboniferous -- Fifth Period of the Paleozoic Era 359-299 million years ago
Wikipedia - Cardamine bulbifera -- species of flowering plant in the cabbage family Brassicaceae
Wikipedia - Cardiff Bay Opera House -- Proposed opera house in Cardiff, Wales
Wikipedia - Cardiff Bus -- Municipal bus operator in Cardiff, Wales
Wikipedia - Cardiomera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Carduoideae -- Subfamily of plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Carduus acanthoides -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Carduus argentatus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Carduus crispus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Carduus nutans -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Carduus pycnocephalus -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Carduus tenuiflorus -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Carduus -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation -- 1986 film directed by Dale Schott
Wikipedia - Carex montana -- species of flowering plants in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Carex -- Genus of flowering plants in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Carey A. Randall -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Cargill -- American-based international food conglomerate
Wikipedia - Caribbean Princess -- Cruise ship owned and operated by Princess Cruises
Wikipedia - Carina Burman -- Swedish novelist and literature scholar
Wikipedia - Caritas Europa -- European confederation of Catholic relief organizations
Wikipedia - Carla Connor -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Carla Gray -- Fictional character in the American soap opera One Life to Live
Wikipedia - Carl-Amery-Literaturpreis -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Carl A. Youngdale -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Carl Bissuti -- Austrian operatic bass
Wikipedia - Carl Clewing -- German operatic tenor/Heldentenor, stage and film actor
Wikipedia - Carl Djerassi
Wikipedia - Carleton College -- liberal arts college in Northfield, Minnesota
Wikipedia - Carleton (Ontario electoral district) -- Federal electoral district of Canada
Wikipedia - Carley float -- Liferaft design
Wikipedia - Carl Gombrich -- British educator, academic and opera singer
Wikipedia - Carl Gustaf Lindstrom -- Swedish opera singer
Wikipedia - Carl Gustav Fleischer -- Norwegian general
Wikipedia - Carl Hoecker -- SEC Inspector General
Wikipedia - Carl Hugo Hahn -- 19th-century German Lutheran missionary
Wikipedia - Carlina Rivera -- New York politician
Wikipedia - Carling Brewery -- alcoholic beverage brand from Canada
Wikipedia - Carl Jung -- Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist
Wikipedia - Carl Magnus Craelius -- Swedish opera singer and voice teacher
Wikipedia - Carlo Balabio -- Italian general
Wikipedia - Carlo Baucarde -- Italian operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Carlo Colombara -- Italian operatic bass
Wikipedia - Carlo Ernesto Liverati -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Carlo Guasco -- Italian opera singer 1813-1876
Wikipedia - Carlo Meliciani -- Italian opera singer
Wikipedia - Carlo Negrini -- Italian opera singer 1826-65
Wikipedia - Carlo re d'Allemagna -- Opera by Alessandro Scarlatti
Wikipedia - Carlos Aguilera (theater director) -- Uruguayan theater director
Wikipedia - Carlos Antonio Reyes Najera -- Guatemalan chess player
Wikipedia - Carlos Cabrera -- Colombian former newsman
Wikipedia - Carlos Carrera -- Mexican film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Carlos Cesar Delia -- Argentine general
Wikipedia - Carlos Contreras Aponte -- Secretary of Transportation and Public Works of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Carlos Cordeiro -- American soccer administrator and president of the United States Soccer Federation
Wikipedia - Carlos Daniel Albornoz Cabrera -- Cuban chess player
Wikipedia - Carlos De Antonis -- Argentine opera singer
Wikipedia - Carlos Feller -- Opera singer
Wikipedia - Carlos Galera Diez -- Spanish ski mountaineer
Wikipedia - Carlos Gomez Barrera -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Carlos Herrera Araluce -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Carlos Lopez-Cantera -- 19th Lieutenant Governor of Florida
Wikipedia - Carlos Lopez Rivera -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - Carlos Luis de Ribera y Fieve -- Spanish painter
Wikipedia - Carlos Mena -- Countertenor opera singer
Wikipedia - Carlos Montemayor -- Mexican writer, literary critic, tenor and political analyst
Wikipedia - Carlos M. Rivera -- Commissioner of the New York City Fire Department
Wikipedia - Carlos Pesquera -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - Carlos Rafael Rivera -- Guatemalan-American composer
Wikipedia - Carlos the Jackal -- Venezuelan-born international terror operative
Wikipedia - Carlos Waite -- American general
Wikipedia - Carlotta Marchisio -- Italian opera singer 1835-1872
Wikipedia - Carl Pomerance -- American number theorist
Wikipedia - Carl Schlottmann -- German operatic bass
Wikipedia - Carlson's patrol -- WWII anti-Japanese operation in 1942
Wikipedia - Carl Spaatz -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Carl Voscherau -- German actor
Wikipedia - Carl Weinmuller -- Operatic bass, theatre director
Wikipedia - Carl White -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Carl W. Hoffman -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Carl Wilhelm von Heideck -- German general (1788-1861)
Wikipedia - Carly Wicks -- fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Carme Contreras i Verdiales -- Spanish actress
Wikipedia - Carmel College, Mala -- College in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Carmel Offie -- American intelligence operative
Wikipedia - Carmen: A Hip Hopera -- 2001 television film directed by Robert Townsend
Wikipedia - Carmen Balthrop -- American opera singer from Maryland
Wikipedia - Carmen Carrera -- American actress and reality television personality
Wikipedia - Carmen Contreras-Bozak -- Puerto Rican soldier
Wikipedia - Carmen L. Rivera-Medina -- Puerto Rican psychologist
Wikipedia - Carmen Salles y Barangueras
Wikipedia - Carmen Sandiego: To Steal or Not to Steal -- 2020 animation/interactive fiction film
Wikipedia - Carmen Silvera -- Stage and TV actress
Wikipedia - Carmen -- Opera by Georges Bizet
Wikipedia - CaRMetal -- Interactive geometry program
Wikipedia - Carmichael's theorem -- On prime divisors of Fibonacci numbers and Lucas sequences, more generally
Wikipedia - Carnation (heraldry) -- Heraldic tincture
Wikipedia - Carnegie Medal (literary award) -- Annual award for writing a children's book published in the U.K.
Wikipedia - Carnegie Mellon Human Computer Interaction Institute
Wikipedia - Carnival Celebration -- Cruise ship set to operate for Carnival Cruise Line in 2022
Wikipedia - Caro Emerald -- Dutch pop and jazz singer
Wikipedia - Carol Braun Pasternack -- American literary historian
Wikipedia - Carolina Aguilera -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Carolina Herrera (fashion designer)
Wikipedia - Carolina Herrera -- Venezuelan-American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Carolina Vera -- Meteorologist from Argentina
Wikipedia - Caroline Feraday -- British radio presenter (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Caroline Gardner -- Auditor General for Scotland
Wikipedia - Caroline Iverson Ackerman -- Aviation teacher, researcher, reporter, and general advocate for flying
Wikipedia - Caroline Meriwether Goodlett -- Founding president of the United Daughters of the Confederacy
Wikipedia - Caroline Spurgeon -- English literary critic and academic
Wikipedia - Caroline Voaden -- Leader of the Liberal Democrats in the European Parliament
Wikipedia - Carolin von Anstetten -- Fictional character in German soap opera
Wikipedia - Carol Jackson -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Carol (music) -- Festive song, generally religious
Wikipedia - Carolyn Kieran -- Canadian mathematics educator
Wikipedia - Carousel Buses -- Buckinghamshire bus operator
Wikipedia - Carpintera Hills Protected Zone -- Protected area in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Carrefour de l'Horloge -- French far-right national liberal think tank
Wikipedia - Carreras, AM-CM-1asco, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Carreras, Arecibo, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Carretera Central (Puerto Rico) -- Highway in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Carriage -- Generally horse-drawn means of transport
Wikipedia - Carrick Davins GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Tipperary, Ireland
Wikipedia - Carrie Nation -- American temperance advocate
Wikipedia - Carrie Pringle -- Anglo-Austrian singer and opera singer
Wikipedia - Carrier-based aircraft -- Military aircraft designed specifically for operations from aircraft carriers
Wikipedia - Carrol Chandler -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Carroll Edward Adams -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Carrollton bus collision -- 1988 traffic collision involving a school bus and a pickup operated by an intoxicated man
Wikipedia - Carroll University -- Private liberal arts college in Wisconsin, U.S.
Wikipedia - Carry On at Your Convenience -- 1971 British comedy film by Gerald Thomas
Wikipedia - Carry On Behind -- 1975 film by Gerald Thomas
Wikipedia - Carry On Columbus -- 1992 film by Gerald Thomas
Wikipedia - Carry On Emmannuelle -- 1978 British sex comedy film by Gerald Thomas
Wikipedia - Carry On Girls -- 1973 film by Gerald Thomas
Wikipedia - Carry On Henry -- 1971 film by Gerald Thomas
Wikipedia - Carry On Screaming! -- 1966 film by Gerald Thomas
Wikipedia - Carry On Up the Jungle -- 1970 film by Gerald Thomas
Wikipedia - Carson Abel Roberts -- American Marine Corps general (1905-1983)
Wikipedia - Carste de Lagoa Santa Environmental Protection Area -- Protected area in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Wikipedia - Carter Ham -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Cartier Wind Energy -- Wind farm operator in Quebec
Wikipedia - Cartographic censorship -- Deliberate modification of publicly available maps
Wikipedia - Carver Federal Savings Bank -- Black-operated 1948-founded NYC-based bank
Wikipedia - Carver State Bank -- Black-operated 1927-founded bank in Georgia, USA
Wikipedia - Caryl Emerson -- American literary critic, slavist and translator
Wikipedia - Caryocolum interalbicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Caryocolum laceratella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Casaba-Howitzer -- US 1960s-era study into nuclear weapons to create beams of plasma
Wikipedia - Casa Coraggio, Bordighera
Wikipedia - Casa de las Americas Prize -- Literary award
Wikipedia - Casa Mulleras -- House in Barcelona, Spain
Wikipedia - Casa Natal de Luis MuM-CM-1oz Rivera -- Building in Barranquitas, Puerto Rico listed on the US National Register of Historic Places
Wikipedia - Casa Villavicencio -- Colonial Era house in Batangas, Philippines
Wikipedia - Cascina Torchiera -- Self-organised squatted farmhouse in Milan, Italy
Wikipedia - Cashel, County Tipperary
Wikipedia - Casimir Pulaski -- Polish nobleman, general in the American Revolutionary War
Wikipedia - Caspar Erasmus Duftschmid
Wikipedia - Cassandre (Jarrell) -- 1994 opera by Michael Jarrell
Wikipedia - Casserole -- Variety of cooking pot and general category of foods cooked inside it
Wikipedia - Cassidulina (foraminifera) -- Genus of foraminifers
Wikipedia - Cassiterite -- Tin oxide mineral, SnOM-bM-^BM-^B
Wikipedia - Castelar e Nelson Dantas no Pais dos Generais -- 2007 film directed by Carlos Alberto Prates Correia
Wikipedia - Casten Warberg -- Swedish Army lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Castera Bazile -- Haitian painter
Wikipedia - Casteras -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Castillon-en-Couserans -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Castle Brands -- Marketer of alcoholic beverage brands
Wikipedia - Castleman disease -- Group of lymphoproliferative disorders
Wikipedia - Castle on the Hill -- 2017 single by Ed Sheeran
Wikipedia - Castor et Pollux -- 1737 opera by Jean-Philippe Rameau
Wikipedia - Castra Vetera
Wikipedia - Catalan declaration of independence -- Internationally unrecognised October 2017 announcement by which the Parliament of Catalonia unilaterally declared the independence of Catalonia from Spain
Wikipedia - Catalina de Erauso
Wikipedia - Catalina Vera -- Chilean actor
Wikipedia - Catchphrase -- Phrase or expression recognized by its repeated utterance
Wikipedia - Catechol-O-methyl transferase
Wikipedia - Categorical Imperative
Wikipedia - Categorical imperative
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century venerated Christians
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century venerated Christians
Wikipedia - Category:14th-century venerated Christians
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century Lutheranism
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century venerated Christians
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century venerated Christians
Wikipedia - Category:1882 operas
Wikipedia - Category:18th-century venerated Christians
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century Russian literature
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century venerated Christians
Wikipedia - Category:1. FC Gera 03 players
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century Russian literature
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century venerated Christians
Wikipedia - Category:3DO Interactive Multiplayer games
Wikipedia - Category:Abbasid literature
Wikipedia - Category:Academic discipline interactions
Wikipedia - Category:Academic literature
Wikipedia - Category:Academy of Interactive Arts > Sciences Hall of Fame inductees
Wikipedia - Category:Aesthetics literature
Wikipedia - Category:American Federation of Teachers people
Wikipedia - Category:American literature
Wikipedia - Category:American Lutherans
Wikipedia - Category:American opera composers
Wikipedia - Category:American operations researchers
Wikipedia - Category:American political philosophy literature
Wikipedia - Category:American psychotherapists
Wikipedia - Category:American Theravada Buddhists
Wikipedia - Category:Ancient Greek literature
Wikipedia - Category:Ancient literature
Wikipedia - Category:Ancient Persian mystical literature
Wikipedia - Category:Android (operating system) games
Wikipedia - Category:Android (operating system) malware
Wikipedia - Category:Android (operating system) software
Wikipedia - Category:Argentine classical liberals
Wikipedia - Category:ARM operating systems
Wikipedia - Category:Arthurian operas
Wikipedia - Category:Artillery operation
Wikipedia - Category:Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder researchers
Wikipedia - Category:Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Wikipedia - Category:Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Wikipedia - Category:Australian literature
Wikipedia - Category:Austrian literary critics
Wikipedia - Category:Barons in the Peerage of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Category:Beat Generation writers
Wikipedia - Category:Berkeley Student Cooperative alumni
Wikipedia - Category:Bhakti-era Hindu sects
Wikipedia - Category:Body psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Category:British literary theorists
Wikipedia - Category:British literature
Wikipedia - Category:British opera librettists
Wikipedia - Category:British psychotherapists
Wikipedia - Category:British Special Operations Executive personnel
Wikipedia - Category:Buddhist literature
Wikipedia - Category:Burials at San Clemente al Laterano
Wikipedia - Category:Burials at St. Emmeram's Abbey
Wikipedia - Category:Burials in Kerala
Wikipedia - Category:Calendar eras
Wikipedia - Category:Canadian classical liberals
Wikipedia - Category:Canadian psychotherapists
Wikipedia - Category:Carbonate minerals
Wikipedia - Category:CatAutoTOC generates Large category TOC
Wikipedia - Category:CatAutoTOC generates no TOC
Wikipedia - Category:CatAutoTOC generates standard Category TOC
Wikipedia - Category:Catholic martyrs of the Early Modern era
Wikipedia - Category:Catholic martyrs of the Late Modern era
Wikipedia - Category:Catholic saints and blesseds of the Nazi era
Wikipedia - Category:Chief operating officers
Wikipedia - Category:Chinese literature
Wikipedia - Category:Christian female saints of the Early Modern era
Wikipedia - Category:Christian female saints of the Late Modern era
Wikipedia - Category:Christianity in Kerala
Wikipedia - Category:Cistercian abbots general
Wikipedia - Category:Civil servants in the General Post Office
Wikipedia - Category:Classical Latin literature
Wikipedia - Category:Classical liberalism
Wikipedia - Category:Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapists
Wikipedia - Category:Cognitive behavioral therapy
Wikipedia - Category:Cognitive therapy
Wikipedia - Category:Commanders Crosses of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - Category:Companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average
Wikipedia - Category:Companies in the Nasdaq Next Generation 100
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Eastern Orthodoxy from Lutheranism
Wikipedia - Category:Cooperative video games
Wikipedia - Category:Crassulaceae genera
Wikipedia - Category:Creative arts therapies
Wikipedia - Category:Czech literature
Wikipedia - Category:Danish literary critics
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from cholera
Wikipedia - Category:Decadent literature
Wikipedia - Category:DEC operating systems
Wikipedia - Category:Discontinued operating systems
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Luigi Carnera
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Pierangelo Ghezzi
Wikipedia - Category:Economic liberalism
Wikipedia - Category:Educational operating systems
Wikipedia - Category:Educators from Kerala
Wikipedia - Category:Edwardian era
Wikipedia - Category:Embedded operating systems
Wikipedia - Category:Epistemology literature
Wikipedia - Category:Ethics literature
Wikipedia - Category:Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Wikipedia - Category:Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland
Wikipedia - Category:Exilliteratur writers
Wikipedia - Category:Existential risk from artificial general intelligence
Wikipedia - Category:Existential therapists
Wikipedia - Category:Existential therapy
Wikipedia - Category:Family therapists
Wikipedia - Category:Far Eastern Federal University alumni
Wikipedia - Category:Fault tolerance
Wikipedia - Category:Fault-tolerant computer systems
Wikipedia - Category:Fellows of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
Wikipedia - Category:Fellows of the Royal Society of Literature
Wikipedia - Category:Films shot in Kerala
Wikipedia - Category:Former Lutherans
Wikipedia - Category:Fourth-generation programming languages
Wikipedia - Category:Fourth-generation video game consoles
Wikipedia - Category:Free software operating systems
Wikipedia - Category:French literary critics
Wikipedia - Category:French literature
Wikipedia - Category:General Electric mainframe computers
Wikipedia - Category:General Electric people
Wikipedia - Category:Generalized functions
Wikipedia - Category:General relativity
Wikipedia - Category:General semantics
Wikipedia - Category:Generation of the '30s
Wikipedia - Category:Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers
Wikipedia - Category:German classical liberals
Wikipedia - Category:German-language operas
Wikipedia - Category:German literary critics
Wikipedia - Category:German literary theorists
Wikipedia - Category:German literature
Wikipedia - Category:German Lutheran clergy
Wikipedia - Category:German Lutherans
Wikipedia - Category:German Lutheran theologians
Wikipedia - Category:German psychotherapists
Wikipedia - Category:Gestalt therapists
Wikipedia - Category:Gestalt therapy
Wikipedia - Category:Governor General's Award-winning poets
Wikipedia - Category:Governor General's Performing Arts Award winners
Wikipedia - Category:Grand Crosses 1st class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - Category:Grand Crosses with Star and Sash of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - Category:Greek literature
Wikipedia - Category:Group psychotherapists
Wikipedia - Category:Groups of Christian martyrs of the Roman era
Wikipedia - Category:GT Interactive Software games
Wikipedia - Category:Hardware acceleration
Wikipedia - Category:Heraldic charges
Wikipedia - Category:Hierarchy
Wikipedia - Category:Historical eras
Wikipedia - Category:History of literature
Wikipedia - Category:Human-Computer Interaction Institute faculty
Wikipedia - Category:Hungarian Lutherans
Wikipedia - Category:Hungarian psychotherapists
Wikipedia - Category:Hypnotherapists
Wikipedia - Category:IA-32 operating systems
Wikipedia - Category:IBM mainframe operating systems
Wikipedia - Category:IBM operating systems
Wikipedia - Category:Indian literature
Wikipedia - Category:Indian operations researchers
Wikipedia - Category:Indonesian literature
Wikipedia - Category:Inferno (operating system) people
Wikipedia - Category:Integrative psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Category:Interactive geometry software
Wikipedia - Category:International Federation for Information Processing
Wikipedia - Category:Iranian literary scholars
Wikipedia - Category:Irish literature
Wikipedia - Category:Italian literature
Wikipedia - Category:Italian opera composers
Wikipedia - Category:Italian venerated Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:Jain literature
Wikipedia - Category:Japanese literature academics
Wikipedia - Category:Japanese literature
Wikipedia - Category:Kerala templates
Wikipedia - Category:Knights Commander of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - Category:Kohanim writers of Rabbinic literature
Wikipedia - Category:Korean literature
Wikipedia - Category:Liberal arts colleges in Maryland
Wikipedia - Category:Liberal arts colleges in New York (state)
Wikipedia - Category:Liberal arts education
Wikipedia - Category:Liberalism in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Category:Liberalism in the United States
Wikipedia - Category:Liberalism
Wikipedia - Category:Liberal parties
Wikipedia - Category:Liberal Unionist Party parliamentary candidates
Wikipedia - Category:Liberation theology
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of federal courthouses in the United States by state -- Category:Lists of federal courthouses in the United States by state
Wikipedia - Category:Literacy and society theorists
Wikipedia - Category:Literary archetypes
Wikipedia - Category:Literary concepts
Wikipedia - Category:Literary criticism
Wikipedia - Category:Literary education
Wikipedia - Category:Literary museums in England
Wikipedia - Category:Literary peers
Wikipedia - Category:Literary theory
Wikipedia - Category:Literate programming
Wikipedia - Category:Literature by genre
Wikipedia - Category:Literature lists
Wikipedia - Category:Literature of the Dominican Order
Wikipedia - Category:Logic literature
Wikipedia - Category:Logotherapy
Wikipedia - Category:Lutheranism
Wikipedia - Category:Lutheran liturgy and worship
Wikipedia - Category:Lutheran pacifists
Wikipedia - Category:Lutheran poets
Wikipedia - Category:Macintosh operating systems people
Wikipedia - Category:Male opera composers
Wikipedia - Category:Mathematics literature
Wikipedia - Category:Medieval literature
Wikipedia - Category:Metaphysics literature
Wikipedia - Category:Microkernel-based operating systems
Wikipedia - Category:Middle English literature
Wikipedia - Category:Mineral acids
Wikipedia - Category:Mineralogists
Wikipedia - Category:Mineralogy
Wikipedia - Category:Ministers General of the Order of Friars Minor
Wikipedia - Category:MIPS operating systems
Wikipedia - Category:Multimodal interaction
Wikipedia - Category:New Age literature
Wikipedia - Category:New Thought literature
Wikipedia - Category:Nobel laureates in Literature
Wikipedia - Category:Non-fiction literature
Wikipedia - Category:Object-oriented operating systems
Wikipedia - Category:Obscenity controversies in literature
Wikipedia - Category:Occupations in literature
Wikipedia - Category:Officers Crosses of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - Category:Ohrid Literary School
Wikipedia - Category:Old English literature
Wikipedia - Category:Operas adapted into films
Wikipedia - Category:Operas by Richard Wagner
Wikipedia - Category:Operas
Wikipedia - Category:Operating system distributions bootable from read-only media
Wikipedia - Category:Operating system families
Wikipedia - Category:Operating system kernels
Wikipedia - Category:Operating system people
Wikipedia - Category:Operating system security
Wikipedia - Category:Operating system stubs
Wikipedia - Category:Operating systems
Wikipedia - Category:Operating system technology
Wikipedia - Category:Operations research
Wikipedia - Category:Operators (programming)
Wikipedia - Category:Outlines of general reference
Wikipedia - Category:Pakistani literature
Wikipedia - Category:People celebrated in the Lutheran liturgical calendar
Wikipedia - Category:People from Berat
Wikipedia - Category:People from Bergerac, Dordogne
Wikipedia - Category:People from Costera
Wikipedia - Category:People from Herat
Wikipedia - Category:People from Jerauld County, South Dakota
Wikipedia - Category:People from Swedish Pomerania
Wikipedia - Category:People from the Province of Macerata
Wikipedia - Category:People killed in NKVD operations
Wikipedia - Category:People of the Elizabethan era
Wikipedia - Category:People of the Victorian era
Wikipedia - Category:Persian-language literature
Wikipedia - Category:Persian literature
Wikipedia - Category:Phenomenology literature
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophers of literature
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophical literature by field
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophical literature by period
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophical literature by tradition
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophical literature stubs
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophical literature
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophy of language literature
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophy of literature
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophy of mathematics literature
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophy of mind literature
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophy of religion literature
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophy of science literature
Wikipedia - Category:Polish Esperantists
Wikipedia - Category:Political liberals (international relations)
Wikipedia - Category:Political philosophy literature
Wikipedia - Category:PowerPC operating systems
Wikipedia - Category:Pre-Confederation Ontario people
Wikipedia - Category:Pre-Reformation saints of the Lutheran liturgical calendar
Wikipedia - Category:Preslav Literary School
Wikipedia - Category:Progressive Era in the United States
Wikipedia - Category:Pseudorandom number generators
Wikipedia - Category:Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Category:Psychotherapists
Wikipedia - Category:Psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Category:Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction winners
Wikipedia - Category:Punjabi literature
Wikipedia - Category:Religious philosophical literature
Wikipedia - Category:Researchers of Persian literature
Wikipedia - Category:Respiratory therapy
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era Alexandrians
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era Corinthians
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era Epicurean philosophers
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era geographers
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era Greeks
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era Jews
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era philosophers
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era poets
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era Sophists
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era students in Athens
Wikipedia - Category:Russian literary movements
Wikipedia - Category:Scholars from Kerala
Wikipedia - Category:Science fiction literature
Wikipedia - Category:Scientists from Heraklion
Wikipedia - Category:Scottish literary critics
Wikipedia - Category:Sera Monastery
Wikipedia - Category:Sikh literature
Wikipedia - Category:Silicate minerals
Wikipedia - Category:Social philosophy literature
Wikipedia - Category:Social sciences literature
Wikipedia - Category:Space opera
Wikipedia - Category:Spanish Esperantists
Wikipedia - Category:Spanish literature
Wikipedia - Category:Stalinism-era scholars and writers
Wikipedia - Category:State funerals in India
Wikipedia - Category:Sufi literature
Wikipedia - Category:Superiors General of the Society of Jesus
Wikipedia - Category:Superiors general
Wikipedia - Category:Sutra literature
Wikipedia - Category:Symbolic interactionism
Wikipedia - Category talk:Aesthetics literature
Wikipedia - Category talk:CatAutoTOC generates no TOC
Wikipedia - Category talk:CatAutoTOC generates standard Category TOC
Wikipedia - Category talk:Epistemology literature
Wikipedia - Category talk:Ethics literature
Wikipedia - Category talk:Logic literature
Wikipedia - Category talk:Metaphysics literature
Wikipedia - Category talk:Philosophical literature
Wikipedia - Category talk:Political philosophy literature
Wikipedia - Category:Teratogens
Wikipedia - Category:Theranos people
Wikipedia - Category:Therapy
Wikipedia - Category:Theravada Buddhism writers
Wikipedia - Category:Theravada
Wikipedia - Category:Tibetan Buddhist literature
Wikipedia - Category:Time-sharing operating systems
Wikipedia - Category:Turkish literature
Wikipedia - Category:Types of cyberattacks
Wikipedia - Category:United States federal Indian policy
Wikipedia - Category:University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, and the Arts alumni
Wikipedia - Category:University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts alumni
Wikipedia - Category:University of Texas at Austin College of Liberal Arts alumni
Wikipedia - Category:Venerated Carmelites
Wikipedia - Category:Venerated Catholics by nationality
Wikipedia - Category:Venerated Catholics by Pope Benedict XVI
Wikipedia - Category:Venerated Catholics by Pope John Paul II
Wikipedia - Category:Venerated Catholics by Pope Paul VI
Wikipedia - Category:Venerated Catholics by pope
Wikipedia - Category:Venerated Catholics by religious order
Wikipedia - Category:Venerated Catholics from Kerala
Wikipedia - Category:Venerated Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:Venerated popes
Wikipedia - Category:Veterans' affairs
Wikipedia - Category:Video game consoles by generation
Wikipedia - Category:Video games using procedural generation
Wikipedia - Category:Video games with user-generated gameplay content
Wikipedia - Category:Visionary literature
Wikipedia - Category:VM (operating system)
Wikipedia - Category:Welsh literary critics
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the Federal Standard 1037C
Wikipedia - Category:Winner of Kodansha Manga Award (General)
Wikipedia - Category:Wisdom literature
Wikipedia - Category:Women educators from Kerala
Wikipedia - Category:Women from Kerala
Wikipedia - Category:Women of the Victorian era
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Hyderabad, India
Wikipedia - Category:Writers of the Romantic era
Wikipedia - Category:Wydawnictwo Literackie books
Wikipedia - Category:X86-64 operating systems
Wikipedia - Category:X86 operating systems
Wikipedia - Caterpillar Inc. -- American corporation that sells machinery, engines, generator sets and financial products
Wikipedia - Catharine Simonsen -- Danish operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Catherine Bearder -- British Liberal Democrat politician
Wikipedia - Catherine Easton Renfrew -- Speech therapist
Wikipedia - Catherine Elizabeth Brown -- New Zealand Maori weaver, potter, ceramist, textile artist, illustrator and netball coach of the Ngai Tahu iwi (1933-2004)
Wikipedia - Catherine FitzGerald -- Irish landscape designer
Wikipedia - Catherine Foster -- British opera singer
Wikipedia - Catherine Hollingworth -- Scottish speech therapist
Wikipedia - Catherine McKenna -- Canadian Liberal politician
Wikipedia - Catherine Virginia Baxley -- Confederate spy
Wikipedia - Catholic Church hierarchy
Wikipedia - Catholic Church in the Federated States of Micronesia
Wikipedia - Catholic funeral -- Service of the Church that accompanies a deceased person and his entourage
Wikipedia - Catholic Herald -- London-based Roman Catholic monthly newspaper
Wikipedia - -- Online database of bishops and dioceses of the Roman & Eastern Catholic Churches
Wikipedia - Catholic-Lutheran dialogue -- Extensive series of discussions which began in 1964
Wikipedia - Catholic schools in the United Kingdom -- Parochial educational institutions operated by Roman Catholic organisations in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Catholic school -- Parochial educational institution operated by a Catholic organization
Wikipedia - Catholic Truth Society -- Prints and publishes Catholic literature
Wikipedia - Cathy Malchiodi -- American art therapist
Wikipedia - CatLab Interactive -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Catocala adultera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Catocala puerpera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cato the Younger -- Roman statesman, general and writer
Wikipedia - Cauliflower -- Vegetable in the species Brassica oleracea
Wikipedia - Causerie -- Literary style of short informal essays
Wikipedia - Cavalleria rusticana -- Opera by Pietro Mascagni
Wikipedia - Cavares -- Gallic tribal confederation
Wikipedia - Caveasphaera -- Possible very early animal found in ancient rocks
Wikipedia - Cavity magnetron -- Device for generating microwaves
Wikipedia - Caxa Real (Honduras) -- Colonial era building in Comayagua
Wikipedia - Cayetano Paderanga Jr. -- Filipino politician
Wikipedia - Cayetano Rivera OrdoM-CM-1ez -- Spanish bullfighter (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Cayuga Nation of New York -- Federally recognized tribe of Cayuga people, based in New York, United States
Wikipedia - CBBC (TV channel) -- British free-to-air children's television channel operated by the BBC
Wikipedia - CBERS-1 -- first satellite cooperation program between China and Brazil
Wikipedia - CBERS-2 -- second satellite cooperation program between China and Brazil
Wikipedia - CBS, Inc. v. Federal Communications Commission -- United States Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - CBS Interactive -- American online media company
Wikipedia - CBS Radio -- Defunct owners and operators of radio stations in the United States
Wikipedia - Cbus -- Superannuation fund for the building and construction industries in Australia
Wikipedia - CCleaner -- Suite of utilities for cleaning disk and operating system environment
Wikipedia - CD44 -- Cell-cell interactions, cell adhesion and migration.
Wikipedia - CD-i -- Video game console and interactive multimedia CD player
Wikipedia - CEASE therapy -- Pseudoscientific treatment that claims to cure autism
Wikipedia - Cecelia Akagu -- Nigerian army general
Wikipedia - Cecelia Felgueras -- Argentine politician
Wikipedia - Cecelia Lee Fung-Sing -- |Chinese actress and Cantonese opera singer
Wikipedia - Cecil Blacker -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Cecil Callaghan -- Australian general
Wikipedia - Cecile Guilbert -- French writer and literary critic
Wikipedia - Cecile La Grenade -- Governor-General of Grenada
Wikipedia - Cecile Thevenet -- Belgian opera singer
Wikipedia - Cecilia Bartoli -- Italian opera singer
Wikipedia - Cecilia Fusco -- Italian opera singer
Wikipedia - Cecilia Muller -- Hungarian physician and Surgeon General of Hungary
Wikipedia - Cecilio Zubillaga Perera -- Venezuelan journalist
Wikipedia - CECyT 2 Miguel Bernard Perales -- Secondary school of the National Polytechnic Institute
Wikipedia - Cedar Fair -- American amusement park owner and operator
Wikipedia - CE Digital -- British DAB multiplex operator
Wikipedia - Cefoperazone -- Antibiotic
Wikipedia - Celadon -- Term for ceramics with two different types of glazes
Wikipedia - Celebrity Apex -- Cruise ship operated by Celebrity Cruises
Wikipedia - Celebrity Infinity -- Millennium-class cruise ship operated by Celebrity Cruises
Wikipedia - Celebrity Millennium -- Millennium-class cruise ship operated by Celebrity Cruises
Wikipedia - Celesta -- Struck idiophone operated by a keyboard
Wikipedia - Celeste Coltellini -- Italian singer and opera singer
Wikipedia - Celeste Gismondi -- Italian soprano opera singer
Wikipedia - Celeste Poltera -- Swiss bobsledder
Wikipedia - Celestina Casapietra -- Italian operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Celestine and Etta Tavernier -- Fictional characters from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Celivarone -- Experimental drug being tested for use in pharmacological antiarrhythmic therapy
Wikipedia - Cell-based therapies for Parkinson's disease -- Treatment method for Parkinson's disease
Wikipedia - Cell cycle regulated Methyltransferase -- Bacterial enzyme
Wikipedia - Cell Proliferation (journal) -- Cell biology journal
Wikipedia - Cell therapy -- Therapy in which cellular material is injected into a patient
Wikipedia - Cellular organizational structure -- Non-hierarchical organisational structure
Wikipedia - Celsius -- Scale and unit of measurement for temperature
Wikipedia - Celso Albelo -- Spanish operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Celtic rain forest -- The temperate rainforest of the British Isles
Wikipedia - Cemetery Sunday -- Annual ancestor veneration observance of the Roman Catholic church
Wikipedia - Cempoala -- Mesoamerican archaeological site in Veracruz, Mexico
Wikipedia - Cenozoic -- Third era of the Phanerozoic Eon 66 million years ago to present
Wikipedia - Censorship in the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - Census in Canada -- Enumeration of the population of Canada
Wikipedia - Centaurea ammocyanus -- species of plant in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Centaurea cyanus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Centaurea idaea -- species of plant in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Centaurea nigra -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Centaurea scabiosa -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Centauropsis -- genus of plant in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Center for Innovative Phage Applications and Therapeutics -- Phage therapy center in San Diego, CA, US
Wikipedia - Center for Instruction and Operations in the Caatinga -- Brazilian Army training center
Wikipedia - Center for International Security and Cooperation
Wikipedia - Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation -- An educational institution in Israel where Christians can study the Hebrew Bible and learn about the Hebraic roots of Christianity
Wikipedia - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services -- United States federal agency
Wikipedia - Centers for Space Oceanography -- An operating division of the Argos Foundation, Inc
Wikipedia - Centra Gas Manitoba -- Local natural gas distributor operating in Manitoba, Canada.
Wikipedia - Central American Bank for Economic Integration -- International multilateral development financial institution
Wikipedia - Central Committee on Women's Employment -- WW I era advisory organisation
Wikipedia - Central Cordilleran languages -- Subgroup of the Austronesian language family
Wikipedia - Central England temperature
Wikipedia - Central Federal District
Wikipedia - Central Halmahera Regency -- Regency in North Maluku, Indonesia
Wikipedia - Centralized government -- Type of government in whichM-BM- powerM-BM- orM-BM- legal authorityM-BM- is exerted or coordinated by aM-BM- de factoM-BM- political executive to whichM-BM- federal states,M-BM- local authorities, and smaller units are considered subject
Wikipedia - Central melanocortin system -- System involved in the regulation of weight and peripheral tissue such as hair and skin
Wikipedia - Central Office for Information Technology in the Security Sector -- German federal agency
Wikipedia - Central pattern generator
Wikipedia - Central processing unit -- Central component of any computer system which executes input/output, arithmetical, and logical operations
Wikipedia - Central Provinces and Berar -- Province of British India and later, Dominion of India (1903 to 1950)
Wikipedia - Centrebus -- English bus operator
Wikipedia - Centre College -- Private liberal arts college in Danville, Kentucky, U.S.
Wikipedia - Centre for Socio-economic and Environmental Studies -- Non-profit research institute in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Centre for the Book -- Centre in Cape Town to promote literacy, reading, and publishing
Wikipedia - Centrelink -- federal social security program of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Centre of Liberal Reformers -- Political party in Gabon
Wikipedia - Centre Party (Finland) -- Liberal political party in Finland
Wikipedia - Centroidal Voronoi tessellation -- Voronoi tessellation where the generating point of each Voronoi cell is also its centroid
Wikipedia - Centroid -- Mean ("average") position of all the points in a shape
Wikipedia - Ceraadi -- American R&B-hip hop duo
Wikipedia - Cerabilia -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Ceracanthia vepreculella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ceracap Inai (dance) -- Malay traditional dance
Wikipedia - Cera Care -- UK technology-enabled home care company
Wikipedia - Cerace malayana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ceracris kiangsu -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Ceracris -- Genus of grasshoppers
Wikipedia - Ceraegidion -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Ceragenia -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Ceralocyna -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Cerambus -- Greek mythological figure
Wikipedia - Cerambycinae -- Subfamily of beetles
Wikipedia - Cerambycini -- Tribe of beetles
Wikipedia - Cerambycinus dubius -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Cerambyx -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Ceram fruit bat -- Species of bat
Wikipedia - Ceramica pisi -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ceramic art -- Decorative objects made from clay and other raw materials by the process of pottery
Wikipedia - Ceramic building material -- Archaeological term for baked clay building material
Wikipedia - Ceramic chemistry
Wikipedia - Ceramic engineering -- The science and technology of creating objects from inorganic, non-metallic materials
Wikipedia - Ceramic glaze
Wikipedia - Ceramic heater
Wikipedia - Ceramic mixing technology
Wikipedia - Ceramic pin grid array
Wikipedia - Ceramic resonator
Wikipedia - Ceramics Museum of Sacavem -- Museum near Lisbon, Portugal
Wikipedia - Ceramics of indigenous peoples of the Americas -- Pottery produced by the indigenous people of the Americas
Wikipedia - Ceramics
Wikipedia - Ceramic -- Inorganic, nonmetallic solid prepared by the action of heat
Wikipedia - Ceramida -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - CerAmony -- Canadian duo musical band
Wikipedia - Ceram Prize -- Prize for archaeological books
Wikipedia - Ceramus -- Former city in what is now Turkey
Wikipedia - Ceranemota albertae -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Ceranemota amplifascia -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Ceranemota crumbi -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Ceranemota fasciata -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Ceranemota improvisa -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Ceranemota partida -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Ceranemota semifasciata -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Ceranemota tearlei -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Ceran St. Vrain
Wikipedia - Cerapachys augustae -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Cerapachys coecus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Cerapachys doryloides -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Cerapachys eguchii -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Cerapachys elegans -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Cerapachys fossulatus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Cerapachys fragosus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Cerapachys luteoviger -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Cerapachys paradoxus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Cerapachys sulcinodis -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Cerapachys typhlus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Cerapachys -- Genus of ants
Wikipedia - Cerapterus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Cerapteryx graminis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cerasela Hordobetiu -- Romanian speed skater
Wikipedia - Cerasela Patrascu -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Cerasella -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Cerastes cerastes -- Species of reptile
Wikipedia - Cerastis faceta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cerastis leucographa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cerastis rubricosa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cerastium aleuticum -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium alpinum -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium arvense -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium biebersteinii -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium cerastoides -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium diffusum -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium fontanum -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium glomeratum -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium nigrescens -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium pumilum -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium sventenii -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium tomentosum -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium utriense -- Species of flowering plant in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerastium -- Genus of flowering plants in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Cerasus (near Trapezus) -- Town in ancient Pontus
Wikipedia - Cerata -- Anatomical structures found in nudibranch sea slugs
Wikipedia - Ceraticelus emertoni -- Species of arachnid
Wikipedia - Ceratitis capitata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ceratizit-WNT Pro Cycling -- German cycling team
Wikipedia - Ceratocanthus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Ceratocapnos claviculata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ceratocarpus -- Genus of Amaranthaceae plants
Wikipedia - Ceratocaulon -- Genus of cnidarians
Wikipedia - Ceratoclasis -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Ceratoderus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Ceratogyrus dolichocephalus -- Species of tarantula
Wikipedia - Ceratogyrus marshalli -- Species of tarantula
Wikipedia - Ceratogyrus meridionalis -- Species of tarantula
Wikipedia - Ceratomegilla -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Ceratomia amyntor -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ceratomia catalpae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ceratomia undulosa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ceratomyrmex -- Extinct genus of ants
Wikipedia - Ceratomyxidae -- Family of cnidarians
Wikipedia - Ceratophallus kisumiensis -- Species of mollusc
Wikipedia - Ceratophyllum demersum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ceratophyllum submersum -- Aquatic species of flowering plant in the family Ceratophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Ceratophyus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Ceratopogonidae -- A family of flies commonly known as no-see-ums, or biting midges
Wikipedia - Ceratopsidae -- Family of dinosaurs including Triceratops
Wikipedia - Ceratopteris richardii
Wikipedia - Ceratosaurus -- Genus of theropod dinosaur from the Late Jurassic period
Wikipedia - Ceratosoma gracillimum -- Species of sea slug
Wikipedia - Ceratostema rauhii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ceratothoa steindachneri -- Sap-sucking hemipteran bug
Wikipedia - Cerbera manghas -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Cerbera odollam -- Species of tree
Wikipedia - Cercoptera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Cercospora mangiferae -- Species of fungus
Wikipedia - Cerritos Veterans Memorial -- Veterans memorial located in California, U.S.A.
Wikipedia - Cerro del Judio -- Mountain in Magdalena Contreras, Mexico City, Mexico
Wikipedia - Certain General -- American post-punk band
Wikipedia - Cesar Benito Cabrera -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - Cesare Formichi -- Italian operatic baritone
Wikipedia - Cesar Mendoza -- Chilean general
Wikipedia - Cessna 152 -- Two-seat tricycle gear general aviation airplane
Wikipedia - Cessna 310 -- twin-engine general aviation aircraft
Wikipedia - Cessna 414 -- Pressurized twin-engine general aviation aircraft
Wikipedia - Cestius Gallus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Cetiya -- Holy cites & objects used by Theravada Buddhists to remember Gotama Buddha
Wikipedia - Ceux de la Liberation -- French resistance movement
Wikipedia - CFTL (pirate radio) -- Former pirate radio station that operated in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from 1969 to 1971
Wikipedia - CGTN Documentary -- Chinese pay television channel operated by Chinese State broadcaster China Central Television broadcasting documentaries in English language
Wikipedia - Chabrias -- Athenian general
Wikipedia - Chad Peralta -- Filipino actor and musician
Wikipedia - Chad Readler -- US federal judge
Wikipedia - Chaebol -- South Korean business conglomerate, often family-run
Wikipedia - Chaetodera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Chain Camera -- 2001 film by Kirby Dick
Wikipedia - Chairman of the Federal Reserve
Wikipedia - Chair of the Federal Reserve -- American government office
Wikipedia - Chairperson -- Leading or presiding officer of an organized group such as a board, committee, or deliberative assembly
Wikipedia - Chakkamkulangara Siva Temple -- Hindu temple in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Chakradhar Behera -- Revolutionary from Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Chakra (operating system) -- Linux distribution
Wikipedia - Chakthip Chaijinda -- Thai police general
Wikipedia - Chalakudi railway station -- Train station in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Chalcidoptera -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Chalciporus piperatus -- Species of fungus in the family Boletaceae found in mixed woodland in Europe and North America
Wikipedia - Chalk's International Airlines -- Airline operating 1917-2007
Wikipedia - Chal Mera Putt 2 -- 2020 Indian Punjabi-language comedy drama film
Wikipedia - Chal Mera Putt -- 2019 Indian Punjabi-language comedy drama film
Wikipedia - Chamaco Rivera -- Puerto Rican singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Chamaesphecia euceraeformis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Chama (investment) -- Savings co-operatives in East Africa
Wikipedia - Chamberaud -- Commune in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Wikipedia - Chamberlain-Kahn Act -- US Federal public health law
Wikipedia - Chamber of Representatives (Belgium) -- Lower house of the federal parliament of Belgium
Wikipedia - Chamber operator
Wikipedia - Chamber operator -- Chamber operator
Wikipedia - Chamosite -- Phyllosilicate mineral
Wikipedia - Champagne cola -- Carbonated beverage invented in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Champurrado -- Mexican chocolate beverage
Wikipedia - Chancellor of Germany (Federal Republic)
Wikipedia - Chancery hand -- Any of several styles of historic handwriting
Wikipedia - Chandra Arya -- Canadian Liberal politician
Wikipedia - Chandranath Basu -- Bengali conservative litterateur
Wikipedia - Chandrasekhar family -- Indian family, several of whom are notable in physics
Wikipedia - Chandrasiri Gajadeera -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Changanassery (State Assembly constituency) -- Constituency of the Kerala legislative assembly in India
Wikipedia - Change to Win Federation -- American coalition of labor unions
Wikipedia - Changgeuk -- Genre of Korean opera
Wikipedia - Chang Sung-hwan -- South Korean general, government minister and diplomat
Wikipedia - Channa Perera -- Sri Lankan actor and director
Wikipedia - Channel 7 (Mendoza, Argentina) -- TV station in Las Heras, Mendoza, Argentina
Wikipedia - Channel Dash -- German naval operation during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Chanterelle -- Common name of several species of fungi
Wikipedia - Chaophraya Aphaiphubet (Baen) -- Siamese general
Wikipedia - Chapter 7, Title 11, United States Code -- Section of United States federal statute
Wikipedia - Character generator
Wikipedia - Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease -- Neuromuscular disease that is characterized by a slowly progressive degeneration of the muscles of the foot, lower leg, hand and forearm
Wikipedia - Chares of Athens -- Athenian general
Wikipedia - Charge (heraldry) -- Heraldic motif; an ordinary, common charge or symbol
Wikipedia - Charge (physics) -- Generalization of electric charge (EM) adding color charge (QCD), mass-energy (gravitation), etc.; sometimes considered same as its charge quantum number
Wikipedia - Charity Dingle -- fictional character from the ITV soap opera Emmerdale
Wikipedia - Charity Sunshine Tillemann-Dick -- American operatic soprano and presenter
Wikipedia - Charlene Robinson -- Fictional character from the soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Charles Anderson (mineralogist)
Wikipedia - Charles Antoine Manhes -- French general
Wikipedia - Charles Bertin Gaston Chapuis de Tourville -- French general
Wikipedia - Charles Billingslea -- U.S. Army Major General
Wikipedia - Charles Bowle-Evans -- British Indian Army general
Wikipedia - Charles Boycott -- English land agent who operated in Lough Mask
Wikipedia - Charles Brasch -- New Zealand poet, literary editor and arts patron
Wikipedia - Charles Broke Vere -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Charles B. Winstead -- agent of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation
Wikipedia - Charles Canning, 1st Earl Canning -- English statesman and Governor-General of India
Wikipedia - Charles Castronovo -- American operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Charles Cavendish (general) -- English general (1620-1643)
Wikipedia - Charles C. Campbell (general) -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Charles Chalmot de Saint-Ruhe -- 17th-century French general
Wikipedia - Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis -- British general
Wikipedia - Charles C. Pattillo -- United States general
Wikipedia - Charles C. Pixley -- Surgeon General of the US Army
Wikipedia - Charles Cuprill Oppenheimer -- Puerto Rican United States Army general
Wikipedia - Charles D. Barrett -- US Marine Corps general
Wikipedia - Charles de La Porte -- French nobleman and general
Wikipedia - Charles Delestraint -- French general
Wikipedia - Charles Dera -- American pornographic actor and martial artist
Wikipedia - Charles D. Metcalf -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Charles D. Mize -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Charles DuVal Roberts -- U.S. Army Brigadier General and Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Charles E. Phelps -- Union Army general
Wikipedia - Charles Erastus Colton -- American architect
Wikipedia - Charles F. Goodeve -- Canadian chemist and pioneer in operations research
Wikipedia - Charles F. Humphrey Jr. -- United States Army general (1876-1968)
Wikipedia - Charles Finch -- American author and literary critic
Wikipedia - Charles FitzClarence -- British Army general and recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Charles Fouqueray -- French painter
Wikipedia - Charles Francois Dumouriez -- French general
Wikipedia - Charles F. Widdecke -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Charles George James Arbuthnot -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Charles Gerald Stewkley Shuckburgh -- English cricketer and baronet
Wikipedia - Charles-Gerard Eyschen -- Luxembourgian politician
Wikipedia - Charles Griffin -- Union Army general
Wikipedia - Charles Harington (British Army officer, born 1872) -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Charles-Henri Delacroix -- French general
Wikipedia - Charles Henry Alden -- United States Army general (1836-1906)
Wikipedia - Charles Henry Julia Barreras -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - Charles Henry Westmorland -- British general
Wikipedia - Charles Hertzberg -- Canadian Army general
Wikipedia - Charles H. Jacoby Jr. -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Charles Howard, 10th Earl of Carlisle -- British soldier and Liberal Unionist politician
Wikipedia - Charles H. Pitman -- American Hero, USMC Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Charles III, Duke of Bourbon -- 16th-century French general and nobleman
Wikipedia - Charles I. Murray -- U.S. Marine Corps Brigadier General
Wikipedia - Charles James Blomfield (Indian Army officer) -- General in the Indian army
Wikipedia - Charles James Napier -- Major General, Governor of Sindh, and Commander-in-Chief in British India (1782-1853)
Wikipedia - Charles Joseph Marty-Laveaux -- French literary scholar
Wikipedia - Charles Kennedy -- Former Leader of the Liberal Democrats
Wikipedia - Charles L. Christ -- American geochemist and mineralogist
Wikipedia - Charles Leclerc de Landremont -- French general, born 1739
Wikipedia - Charles Leclerc (general, born 1772) -- French general
Wikipedia - Charles Lee (Attorney General) -- American lawyer and Attorney General
Wikipedia - Charles Lee (general) -- British military diplomat and general of the Continental Army during the American War of Independence
Wikipedia - Charles Leonard -- American pentathlete and US Army general (1913-2006)
Wikipedia - Charles Lock -- British consul-general in Naples
Wikipedia - Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran
Wikipedia - Charles-Marie de Feletz -- French churchman, journalist and literary critic
Wikipedia - Charles McKinley Saltzman -- United States Army general (1871-1942)
Wikipedia - Charles Meray -- French mathematician
Wikipedia - Charles Monteith -- British literary editor
Wikipedia - Charles Morley (Liberal politician) -- British politician
Wikipedia - Charles Nogues -- French general
Wikipedia - Charles Okidi -- Ugandan general
Wikipedia - Charles Pelot Summerall -- 12th Chief of Staff of the United States Army
Wikipedia - Charles Phelps (politician) -- American attorney, politician, and first state attorney general of Connecticut
Wikipedia - Charles Poulett Thomson, 1st Baron Sydenham -- British politician and Governor General of the Province of Canada
Wikipedia - Charles Q. Brown Jr. -- U.S. Air Force general
Wikipedia - Charles R. Eskridge III -- U.S. federal judge
Wikipedia - Charles R. Gill -- 19th century American politician, 9th Attorney General of Wisconsin, Civil War Union officer, Member of the Wisconsin Senate
Wikipedia - Charles Rieseck Krauthoff -- American Brigadier General
Wikipedia - Charles Riviere-Herard -- President of Haiti
Wikipedia - Charles R. Lyons -- American professor of drama and comparative literature
Wikipedia - Charles Ruas -- American author, literarary and art critic
Wikipedia - Charles Santley -- English opera singer
Wikipedia - Charles-Seraphin Rodier Jr -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Charles Severance
Wikipedia - Charles's law -- Relationship between volume and temperature of a gas at constant pressure
Wikipedia - Charles Stickland -- British general
Wikipedia - Charles Sumner Hamlin -- 1st Chairman of the Federal Reserve in the United States
Wikipedia - Charles Taylor Master Mechanic Award -- Honor presented by the US Federal Aviation Administration for lifetime accomplishments of senior aviation mechanics
Wikipedia - Charles T. Hillyer -- American general
Wikipedia - Charles Victor Woirgard -- French general de brigade
Wikipedia - Charles Volderauer -- Swiss businessman
Wikipedia - Charles Willauer Kutz -- American Brigadier General
Wikipedia - Charles William Wallace -- 19th/20th-century American literary critic
Wikipedia - Charles W. Ryder -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Charles Wynne -- Liberal Tory politician and a Member of Parliament for Caernarfon.
Wikipedia - Charlie Chan at the Opera -- 1936 film by H. Bruce Humberstone
Wikipedia - Charlie Cotton (2014 character) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Charlie Cotton -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Charlie Slater -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Charlotte Bournonville -- Danish opera singer and actress
Wikipedia - Charlotte Collins -- Literary translator
Wikipedia - Charlotte Coombe -- British literary translator
Wikipedia - Charlotte Eckerman -- Swedish opera singer, actress and courtesan
Wikipedia - Charlotte Frances McLeod -- Second American woman to travel to Denmark for a sex change operation
Wikipedia - Charlotte's Web (1973 film) -- 1973 American animated musical drama film produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions
Wikipedia - Charter school -- School that operates independently of the local public school system
Wikipedia - Chase boat -- A tender generally not carried by the main vessel
Wikipedia - Chashme Baddoor (TV series) -- 1998 Indian Hindi soap opera
Wikipedia - Chatelherault railway station -- Railway station in Scotland
Wikipedia - Chatta Bazaar -- Bazaar in Hyderabad, India
Wikipedia - Chaubisi Rajya -- Former confederation in Nepal
Wikipedia - Chaudhary Group -- Nepalese conglomerate
Wikipedia - Chazal -- Jewish sages of the Mishna, Tosefta and Talmud eras
Wikipedia - Che Cafe -- Worker co-operative at University of California, San Diego
Wikipedia - Checheno-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic -- Autonomous republic within the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (SFSR)
Wikipedia - Checkmate (comics) -- Fictional covert operations agency featured in DC Comics
Wikipedia - Check sheet -- A form (document) used to collect data in real time at the location where the data is generated
Wikipedia - Cheese Board Collective -- Worker cooperative in Berkeley, California, United States
Wikipedia - Chef d'escadre -- French naval general officer rank during the Ancien regime
Wikipedia - Cheiranthera alternifolia -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Cheiranthera brevifolia -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Cheirisophus (general) -- Spartan general
Wikipedia - Chekannur Maulavi -- An secular Islamist from Kerala
Wikipedia - Chekkeranoru Chilla -- 1986 film by Sibi Malayil
Wikipedia - Chelation therapy -- Medical procedure to remove heavy metals from the body
Wikipedia - Chelicerae -- The mouthparts of spiders and horseshoe crabs
Wikipedia - Chelmno -- Town in Kuyavian-Pomeranian, Poland
Wikipedia - Chelmsford Star Co-operative Society -- British consumers' co-operative
Wikipedia - Cheltenham Literature Festival -- Annual literary festival in Cheltenham, England
Wikipedia - Chemotherapy -- Treatment of cancer using drugs that inhibit cell division or kill cells
Wikipedia - Chena Hot Springs (thermal mineral springs) -- Thermal springs
Wikipedia - Chen An -- Jin dynasty general, Han Zhao general and King of Liang
Wikipedia - Chenerailles -- Commune in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Wikipedia - Chengdu J-20 -- Chinese fifth-generation fighter aircraft
Wikipedia - Chengdu Junqu General Hospital station -- Metro station in Chengdu, China
Wikipedia - Chen Lin (Ming dynasty) -- Ming Chinese naval commander and general
Wikipedia - Chen Mu -- 1st century AD Han Dynasty general and governor
Wikipedia - Chennai-Hyderabad Superfast Express -- Train in India
Wikipedia - Chen Pao-yu -- Taiwanese general officer
Wikipedia - Chen Wenlong -- Chinese general of the Song dynasty
Wikipedia - Chen Zheng (Tang dynasty) -- Chinese general
Wikipedia - Cheongju (beverage) -- Korean refined rice wine
Wikipedia - Cherabanda Raju -- Indian poet
Wikipedia - Chera Dynasties
Wikipedia - Cherai
Wikipedia - Cheraman Perumal Nayanar -- Hindu poet and religious teacher
Wikipedia - Cherami Leigh -- American film, television and voice actress
Wikipedia - Cheranalloor Mahadeva Temple -- Hindu temple, Kalady, India
Wikipedia - Cheran (director) -- Indian film director and actor
Wikipedia - Cherasim Munteanu -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Cheras War Cemetery -- Allied war cemetery in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Cherchera -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Cherokee Nation Businesses -- American conglomerate holding company headquartered in Catoosa, Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Cherry (company) -- German computer peripheral company
Wikipedia - Cherry juice -- Fruit juice (beverage)
Wikipedia - Cherumba -- Village in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Cheruvathur Mahadeva Temple -- Hindu temple in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Cheryl Barker -- Australian operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Cheryl Perera -- Canadian children's rights activist
Wikipedia - Cheryl Wall -- American literary critic
Wikipedia - Chesney Brown -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Chess endgame literature
Wikipedia - Chess in early literature
Wikipedia - Chess therapy
Wikipedia - Chester R. Allen -- American Marine Corps Major General and Quartermaster General
Wikipedia - Chesty Puller -- United States Marine Corps general
Wikipedia - Chet Allen (actor, born 1939) -- American opera singer
Wikipedia - Chetta Chevalier -- Critical node in Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty's "Rome Escape Line" network operating in the Vatican during World War Two
Wikipedia - Chetwai Lighthouse -- Lighthouse in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Chevalier de Mailly -- Courtesy title accorded in France to a younger brother of the marquis in each generation
Wikipedia - Chevrolet Camaro (fourth generation) -- Fourth generation of the muscle/pony car manufactured by American automobile manufacturer Chevrolet from 1992&ndash;2002
Wikipedia - Chevrolet C/K (fourth generation) -- American truck series
Wikipedia - Chevrolet C/K (third generation) -- American truck series
Wikipedia - Chevrolet Corvette (C4) -- Fourth generation of the Corvette sports car
Wikipedia - Chevrolet Corvette (C5) -- Fifth generation of the Corvette sports car
Wikipedia - Chevrolet Corvette (C6) -- Sixth generation of the Corvette sports car
Wikipedia - Chevrolet Corvette (C7) -- Seventh generation of the Corvette sports car
Wikipedia - Chevrolet Corvette (C8) -- Eighth generation of the Corvette sports car
Wikipedia - Chevrolet Corvette -- Sports car by the Chevrolet division of General Motors (GM)
Wikipedia - Chevrolet Series BA Confederate -- Car model
Wikipedia - CHGS-FM -- Emergency alert radio station in Greenstone/Geraldton, Ontario
Wikipedia - Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly -- Unicameral state legislature of Chhattisgarh state in India
Wikipedia - Chhayavaad -- Era of Neo-romanticism in Hindi literature
Wikipedia - Chhera Tamsuk -- 1974 Bengali film
Wikipedia - C. H. Herford -- 19th/20th-century British literary scholar and critic
Wikipedia - Chiastic structure -- Literary technique
Wikipedia - Chibadera Station -- Railway station in Chiba, Japan
Wikipedia - Chibcha language -- Extinct language of Colombia, spoken by the Muisca, who created [[Muisca Confederation|one of the indigenous civilizations of the Americas]]
Wikipedia - Chibi (slang) -- Japanese style of caricature where characters are drawn in exaggerated way
Wikipedia - Chicago 1885 cholera epidemic myth -- Urban legend
Wikipedia - Chicago and New Haven Women's Liberation Rock Bands -- Rock band featuring women's voices and feminist lyrics
Wikipedia - Chicago Civic Opera -- Opera house in Chicago
Wikipedia - Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral -- Four-point articulation of Anglican identity
Wikipedia - Chicago "L" -- Rapid transit system in Chicago, Illinois, operated by the CTA
Wikipedia - Chicago Review of Books -- literary publication
Wikipedia - Chicago school (literary criticism)
Wikipedia - Chicago Times-Herald race -- the first automobile race in the United States
Wikipedia - Chicago Transit Authority -- Operator of mass transit
Wikipedia - Chicago Women's Liberation Union
Wikipedia - Chicano literature -- Literature written by Mexican Americans in the United States
Wikipedia - Chicha morada -- Prehispanic corn beverage from Peru
Wikipedia - Chicha -- Beverage from prehispanic Latin America
Wikipedia - Chickasaw Nation -- Federally recognized Native American nation
Wikipedia - Chickenhawk (book) -- 1983 book by Vietnam War veteran Robert Mason
Wikipedia - Chicory -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Chidera Eggerue -- British blogger and writer (born 1994)
Wikipedia - Chido Govera -- farmer, campaigner, and educator based in Zimbabwe
Wikipedia - Chiefdom -- Form of hierarchical political organization in non-industrial societies
Wikipedia - Chief (heraldry) -- Ordinary in heraldic blazon; horizontal band at the top of a coat of arms
Wikipedia - Chief Medical Advisor to the President -- United States federal government office
Wikipedia - Chief of General Staff (Ethiopia) -- head of the Ethiopian National Defense Force
Wikipedia - Chief of General Staff (Israel)
Wikipedia - Chief of Naval Operations (South Korea) -- Head of the Republic of Korea Navy
Wikipedia - Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group -- U.S. Navy organization
Wikipedia - Chief of Naval Operations -- Statutory office held by a admiral in the United States Navy
Wikipedia - Chief of Space Operations -- Military head of the United States Space Force
Wikipedia - Chief of the General Staff (Armenia) -- Highest ranking military office of armenia military force
Wikipedia - Chief of the General Staff (United Kingdom) -- Head of the British Army
Wikipedia - Chief of the General Staff (Vietnam) -- Military advisor in the People's Army of Vietnam
Wikipedia - Chief Operating Officer
Wikipedia - Chief operating officer -- Executive position
Wikipedia - Chief Rabbi -- Title given in several countries to the recognized religious leader of that country's Jewish community
Wikipedia - Chi Jian -- Jin dynasty general
Wikipedia - Child psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Children in the military -- Children recruited for military operations
Wikipedia - Children, Mother, and the General -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Children of Ginko -- Opera by Marcus Paus
Wikipedia - Children of Heracles
Wikipedia - Children's Internet Protection Act -- United States federal law
Wikipedia - Children's Literature Legacy Award -- Prize for writers or illustrators of children's books
Wikipedia - Children's literature -- Stories, books, and poems that are enjoyed by and targeted primarily towards children
Wikipedia - Children's non-fiction literature -- Literary genre
Wikipedia - Children's Online Privacy Protection Act -- American federal cyber law
Wikipedia - Children's Peace Literature Award -- Australian literary award
Wikipedia - Chilean cruiser Esmeralda (1883) -- Protected cruiser
Wikipedia - Chilostomelloidea -- A superfamily of foraminifera in the order Rotaliida
Wikipedia - ChIL-sequencing -- A method used to analyze protein interactions with DNA.
Wikipedia - Chiltern Railways -- British train operating company owned by Arriva UK Trains
Wikipedia - Chimaera -- cartilaginous fish in the order Chimaeriformes
Wikipedia - Chimera (2001 film) -- 2001 film by Pappi Corsicato
Wikipedia - Chimera (Dungeons > Dragons)
Wikipedia - Chimera (genetics) -- Single organism composed of two or more different populations of genetically distinct cells
Wikipedia - Chimera (Irish band)
Wikipedia - Chimera (Marvel Comics)
Wikipedia - Chimera (molecular biology) -- A single nucleic acid sequence created from fragments that are normally separated
Wikipedia - Chimera (mythology) -- Mythical or fictional creature with parts taken from various animals
Wikipedia - Chimera of Arezzo -- Ancient Etruscan artwork
Wikipedia - Chimera (spacecraft) -- Proposed spacecraft mission to orbit the active Centaur 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
Wikipedia - China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite program -- satellite cooperation program between China and Brazil
Wikipedia - China General Aviation Flight 7552 -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - China General Technology Group -- Chinese state-owned conglomerate
Wikipedia - China Global Television Network -- Group of six international multi-language television channels owned and operated by China Central Television
Wikipedia - Chinakkathoor Temple -- Hindu temple at Palappuram, Palakkad, Kerala, India
Wikipedia - China's Generation Y
Wikipedia - Chinderah, New South Wales -- Suburb of Tweed Shire, New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Chinese alcoholic beverages
Wikipedia - Chinese ancestral veneration
Wikipedia - Chinese ceramics
Wikipedia - Chinese Consulate-General, Houston -- Diplomatic mission of China in Houston, United States
Wikipedia - Chinese destroyer Fuzhou (137) -- Type 956E destroyer of the People's Liberation Army Navy
Wikipedia - Chinese destroyer Hangzhou (136) -- Type 956E destroyer of the People's Liberation Army Navy
Wikipedia - Chinese destroyer Ningbo (139) -- Type 956EM destroyer of the People's Liberation Army Navy
Wikipedia - Chinese destroyer Taizhou (138) -- Type 956EM destroyer of the People's Liberation Army Navy
Wikipedia - Chinese era name -- Name given to a year in East Asian cultures
Wikipedia - Chinese Industrial Cooperatives -- Organization
Wikipedia - Chinese information operations and information warfare -- Chinese cyberwarfare characteristics
Wikipedia - Chinese-language literature of Korea
Wikipedia - Chinese literature
Wikipedia - Chinese National Vulnerability Database -- Database
Wikipedia - Chinese opera -- Popular form of drama and musical theatre in China
Wikipedia - Chinese People's Liberation Army Forces Hong Kong Building -- Building in Admiralty, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - ChIP sequencing -- Method used to analyze protein interactions with DNA
Wikipedia - Chips (literary magazine) -- Magazine published by Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School
Wikipedia - Chirayinkeezhu (State Assembly constituency) -- Constituency of the Kerala legislative assembly in India
Wikipedia - Chiribiquete emerald -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Chita Rivera: The Dancer's Life -- Broadway musical
Wikipedia - Chita Rivera -- American actress, dancer, and singer
Wikipedia - Chloe Brennan (Neighbours) -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Chloroclysta siterata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Chlynovia -- Extinct genus of therapsids from the Late Permian of Russia
Wikipedia - Chocolatera -- Pot for preparing hot chocolate
Wikipedia - Choe Museon -- Korean general
Wikipedia - Choerosaurus -- Genus of therapsids from the Late Permian of South Africa
Wikipedia - Choe Yeong -- Korean general
Wikipedia - Choi Hong Hi -- South Korean army general and martial artist
Wikipedia - Cho Kuk -- South Korean liberal politician
Wikipedia - Cholamandalam MS General Insurance -- Indian assurance firm
Wikipedia - Cholera (food) -- Savoury pie
Wikipedia - Cholera outbreaks and pandemics
Wikipedia - Cholera -- Bacterial infection of the small intestine
Wikipedia - Cholinesterase inhibitor -- Chemicals which prevent breakdown of acetylcholine and butyrylcholine
Wikipedia - Chomsky hierarchy
Wikipedia - Chori Mera Kaam -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Chorus (Erasure song) -- 1991 single by Erasure
Wikipedia - Choujiu -- Chinese fermented rice beverage
Wikipedia - Chowdhury Hasan Sarwardy -- Bangladeshi general
Wikipedia - Chow Tai Fook -- Hong Kong-based privately owned conglomerate
Wikipedia - Chrain -- Horseradish paste
Wikipedia - Chrestomathy -- Collection of choice literary passages, used especially as an aid in learning a subject
Wikipedia - Chris Adams (general) -- United States general (born 1930)
Wikipedia - Chris Calhoun -- Korean War veteran
Wikipedia - Chris Doig (opera singer) -- New Zealand opera singer and sports executive
Wikipedia - Chris Ghika -- British general
Wikipedia - Chris Nieratko -- American writer and editor
Wikipedia - Chris Ryan -- Former British Special Forces operative and soldier turned novelist
Wikipedia - Chrissie Watts -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Christa Maria Ziese -- German operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Christ and the Samaritan Woman (Carracci) -- Painting by Annibale Carracci in the Pinacoteca di Brera
Wikipedia - Christ and the Virgin Mary Interceding for Humanity -- C.1490 painting by Gherardo di Giovanni del Fora
Wikipedia - Christa Perathoner -- Italian biathlete
Wikipedia - Christ Before the High Priest -- Painting by Gerard van Honthorst
Wikipedia - Christel Goltz -- German operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Christian Adam Dann -- German Lutheran pastor and animal welfare writer
Wikipedia - Christian angelic hierarchy
Wikipedia - Christian Beranek -- American graphic novelist, actor, musician and film/television producer
Wikipedia - Christian Boesch -- Austrian operatic baritone
Wikipedia - Christian Clarke -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Christian Era Broadcasting Service International -- Philippine television network
Wikipedia - Christian era
Wikipedia - Christianity in Kerala
Wikipedia - Christianity in the Federated States of Micronesia
Wikipedia - Christianity in the modern era
Wikipedia - Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality -- 1980 book by John Boswell
Wikipedia - Christian literature
Wikipedia - Christian Prudhomme -- French journalist and Tour de France general director
Wikipedia - Christian-Wagner-Preis -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Christian World Liberation Front -- UC Berkeley outreach group (1969-1975)
Wikipedia - Christie McDonald -- American literary scholar and historian, cultural critic and theorist
Wikipedia - Christina Aguilera videography -- Videography of Christina Aguilera
Wikipedia - Christina Aguilera -- American singer, songwriter, actress, and television personality
Wikipedia - Christina Covino -- American television soap opera writer
Wikipedia - Christina Landshamer -- German operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Christina Morfova -- Bulgarian operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Christine Brewer -- American soprano opera singer
Wikipedia - Christine Douglas -- Australian opera singer and director
Wikipedia - Christine Hewitt -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Christine Jardine -- Scottish Liberal Democrat Politician
Wikipedia - Christine McHorse -- ceramics artist of Navajo descent
Wikipedia - Christine Murray -- Irish poet, feminist, literary activist
Wikipedia - Christmas in literature -- Christmas as depicted in literature
Wikipedia - Christopher Alden (director) -- American theater and opera director
Wikipedia - Christopher A. Wray -- 8th Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Wikipedia - Christopher Benfey -- American literary critic and scholar
Wikipedia - Christopher Bolduc -- American operatic baritone
Wikipedia - Christopher Butler (literary scholar) -- British literature academic
Wikipedia - Christopher Fitzgerald (actor) -- American actor and singer
Wikipedia - Christopher Fox, Baron Fox -- British Liberal Democrat Politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Sly (opera)
Wikipedia - Christopher Teesdale -- British Army general and recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Christopher Waller -- Economist (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)
Wikipedia - Christopher Weeramantry -- Sri Lankan judge
Wikipedia - Christopher Welby-Everard -- British Army officer and Nigerian Army commander
Wikipedia - Christopher W. S. Ross -- Christopher Ross* - Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara
Wikipedia - Christoph Genz -- German tenor in opera and concert
Wikipedia - Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam -- Lutheran hymn about baptism by Martin Luther
Wikipedia - Christy Award -- American award for Christian literature
Wikipedia - Christy Leonard Perera -- Sri Lankan actor and singer
Wikipedia - Chrome OS -- Linux-based operating system developed by Google
Wikipedia - Chromotherapy -- Alternative medicine method also known as color therapy
Wikipedia - Chronica Majora -- Literary work by Matthew Paris
Wikipedia - Chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder -- Complication of chronic kidney disease
Wikipedia - Chronic limb threatening ischemia -- Advanced stage of peripheral artery disease
Wikipedia - Chronic traumatic encephalopathy -- Neurodegenerative disease caused by repeated head injuries
Wikipedia - Chronotherapy (sleep phase) -- Treatment for sleep disorder
Wikipedia - Chronotherapy (treatment scheduling) -- Use of circadian or other rhythmic cycles of a condition's symptoms in applying therapy
Wikipedia - Chrysanthemoides monilifera -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Chrysanthemum -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Chrysiptera brownriggii -- Species of fish
Wikipedia - Chrysis (priestess) -- Argive priestess of Hera
Wikipedia - Chrysoberyl -- Mineral or gemstone of beryllium aluminate
Wikipedia - Chthonosaurus -- Extinct genus of therapsids from the Late Permian of Russia
Wikipedia - Chuah Guat Eng -- Malaysian Peranakan Chinese writer
Wikipedia - Chu Army -- Qing-era standing army
Wikipedia - Chuka Umunna -- British Liberal Democrat politician
Wikipedia - Chun Doo-hwan -- Korean army general and President from 1980 to 1988
Wikipedia - Chung Il-kwon -- South Korean general and politician
Wikipedia - Chu Pou -- Jin dynasty minister and general
Wikipedia - Churchill Falls Generating Station -- Hydroelectric power station in north eastern Canada
Wikipedia - Church numeral
Wikipedia - Church of Atheism of Central Canada v Canada (National Revenue) -- Canadian federal court case
Wikipedia - Church of God General Conference -- A nontrinitarian, Adventist Christian body
Wikipedia - Church of Norway -- Evangelical-Lutheran denomination in Norway
Wikipedia - Church of Santa Maria la Mayor (Talavera de la Reina) -- Church building in Talavera de la Reina, Spain
Wikipedia - Church of Scientology International -- Corporation operated by the Church of Scientology
Wikipedia - Church of the Holy Venerable Mother Parascheva
Wikipedia - Chuuk Lagoon -- A sheltered body of water in the central Pacific in the Federated States of Micronesia
Wikipedia - Chu Van TM-aM-:M-%n -- Vietnamese general
Wikipedia - Ciaran Fitzgerald -- Irish actor
Wikipedia - Cibola White Ware -- Ceramic tradition in southwestern US
Wikipedia - Cibusoides elegans -- Species of benthonic foraminifera from the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - Cicatrizocera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Cicero C. Hammock -- Confederate Army officer
Wikipedia - Ciceronianus -- Treatise by Erasmus of Rotterdam
Wikipedia - Cichorieae -- Tribe of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cichorium -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cicuta bulbifera -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Cider -- Fermented alcoholic beverage from apple juice
Wikipedia - Cieran
Wikipedia - Ciera Payton -- American actress
Wikipedia - CIF North Coast Section -- Administrative division of the California Interscholastic Federation responsible for coastal Northern California
Wikipedia - Ciguatera fish poisoning -- Foodborne illness
Wikipedia - Cilla Battersby-Brown -- Fictional character from the soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Cimbocera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Cincinnati Opera -- Non-profit organisation in the USA
Wikipedia - Cinderella's Twin -- 1920 film by Dallas M. Fitzgerald
Wikipedia - Cindy Beale -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Cindy Williams (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - CineAlta -- Series of digital movie cameras
Wikipedia - Cinema of Germany -- Film and television industry in the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - Cinema Products Corporation -- American manufacturer of motion picture camera equipment
Wikipedia - Cinematographer -- Chief over the camera and lighting crews working on a film
Wikipedia - Cinematograph -- Motion picture film camera which also serves as a projector and printer
Wikipedia - Cinematon -- 1978 film directed by Gerard Courant
Wikipedia - Cinerama Dome -- Movie theater
Wikipedia - Cinnabar -- Red mercury sulfide mineral
Wikipedia - Circuit breaker -- Automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by excess current from an overload or short circuit
Wikipedia - Cirilo Tirado Rivera -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - Ciro Berardi -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Cirrhicera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Cirrus SR22 -- Single engine general aviation aircraft
Wikipedia - Cirsium acaule -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cirsium arvense -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cirsium palustre -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cirsium vulgare -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cirsium -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cisco Meraki
Wikipedia - Cissy Fitzgerald -- American actress
Wikipedia - Cistercian numerals -- Ciphers developed by Cistercian monks
Wikipedia - Citeras railway station -- railway station in Indonesia
Wikipedia - CITES -- Multilateral treaty
Wikipedia - Citico (Chattanooga, Tennessee) -- Major settlement of the Coosa confederacy
Wikipedia - Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform (British Columbia) -- 2003 independent deliberative body established in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform (Ontario) -- 2006 independent deliberative body established in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI -- Leftist activist group operational in the US during the early 1970s
Wikipedia - City of federal subject significance
Wikipedia - City of Labour Valour -- City honorary title in the Russian Federation
Wikipedia - City of Literature -- recognition conferred by UNESCO
Wikipedia - City Sightseeing -- International sightseeing tour bus operator
Wikipedia - Civic Coalition (Poland) -- Liberal electoral alliance in Poland
Wikipedia - Civic Liberal Alliance -- Liberal political party in Croatia
Wikipedia - Civic nationalism -- Form of nationalism compatible with progressive values of freedom, tolerance, equality and individual rights
Wikipedia - Civil Air Transport -- 1946-1968 CIA-owned airline of the Republic of China used for covert operations
Wikipedia - Civil Cooperation Bureau -- Government-sponsored death squad during the apartheid era
Wikipedia - Civil Disobedience (Thoreau) -- Literary work published in 1849
Wikipedia - Civilian casualties during Operation Allied Force -- some of the civilian casualties of the Kosovo War
Wikipedia - Civil Marriage Act -- Federal law implementing same-sex marriage across Canada
Wikipedia - Civil Rights Act of 1866 -- First U. S. federal law to define citizenship and affirm that all citizens are equally protected by the law
Wikipedia - Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 -- law requiring federally funded institutions to comply with civil rights law
Wikipedia - Civil war era in Norway
Wikipedia - Ciwa Griffiths -- American educator and speech therapist
Wikipedia - Cizre operation (2015) -- Turkish military operation in Cizre
Wikipedia - CJ Group -- South Korean conglomerate holding company
Wikipedia - CKY (video series) -- 1999-2002 video series by Bam Margera et al.
Wikipedia - Claes-HM-CM-%kan Ahnsjo -- Swedish operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Claire Chandler -- Australian federal senator
Wikipedia - Claire Delannoy -- French writer and literary director
Wikipedia - Claire's Camera -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Clandestine HUMINT operational techniques
Wikipedia - Clandestine operations
Wikipedia - Clandestine operation
Wikipedia - Clanwilliam (County Tipperary) -- Barony in County Tipperary, Ireland
Wikipedia - Clapping game -- Cooperative game of clapping hands
Wikipedia - Claque -- Body of professional applauders in French theatres and opera houses
Wikipedia - Clara Aguilera Garcia -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Claramae Turner -- American opera singer
Wikipedia - Clara (opera) -- Opera
Wikipedia - Clare Bates -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Clare Hibbs Armstrong -- American World War II Brigadier General
Wikipedia - Claremont McKenna College -- Private liberal arts college in Claremont, California
Wikipedia - Clarence L. Tinker -- US Army Air Forces general
Wikipedia - Clarence Ransom Edwards -- American military general
Wikipedia - Claridade -- Cape Verdean literary reviews
Wikipedia - Clarin Group -- Argentine media conglomerate
Wikipedia - Clarion Herald -- Newspaper published in New Orleans
Wikipedia - Clark CA1 -- Small WWII era bulldozer
Wikipedia - Classical Adlerian psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Classical Arabic -- Form of the Arabic language used in Umayyad and Abbasid literary texts
Wikipedia - Classical era of anarchism
Wikipedia - Classical Gaelic -- Shared literary form of Early Modern Irish used in Scotland and Ireland from the 13th to the 18th centuries
Wikipedia - Classical Japanese -- Literary form of Japanese, used until the 20th ct.
Wikipedia - Classical language -- Old language with established literature or use
Wikipedia - Classical liberalism -- Political ideology favoring civil liberties and economic freedom
Wikipedia - Classical liberal
Wikipedia - Classical literature
Wikipedia - Classification (general theory) -- Classification theory
Wikipedia - Classification of non-silicate minerals -- A list of IMA recognized minerals and groupings
Wikipedia - Classification of organic minerals -- A list of IMA recognized minerals and groupings
Wikipedia - Classification of silicate minerals -- A list of IMA recognized minerals and groupings
Wikipedia - Clastic rock -- Sedimentary rocks made of mineral or rock fragments
Wikipedia - Claude Adelen -- French poet and literary critic
Wikipedia - Claude Corbineau -- French general
Wikipedia - Claude-Etienne Guyot -- French cavalry general
Wikipedia - Claude-Gerard Marcus -- French politician
Wikipedia - Claude Gregory -- French literary critic and editor
Wikipedia - Claude Louis Hector de Villars -- Marshal General of France
Wikipedia - Claude Mourieras -- French film director
Wikipedia - Claude Steiner -- American psychotherapist & psychologist (1935-2017)
Wikipedia - Claude Ursule Gency -- French general
Wikipedia - Claudia Alvera -- Italian curler
Wikipedia - Claudia Barainsky -- German operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Claudia Florenti -- Italian opera singer
Wikipedia - Claudia Muzio -- Italian operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Claudine Picardet -- French chemist, mineralogist, meteorologist and translator
Wikipedia - Claudio Erasmo Vargas -- Mexican racewalker
Wikipedia - Claudio Graziano -- Italian general
Wikipedia - Claudius Miller Easley -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Claudius Silvanus -- General in the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Clavulina (foram) -- Genus of foraminifera
Wikipedia - Clay chemistry -- The chemical structures, properties and reactions of clay minerals
Wikipedia - Clay minerals
Wikipedia - Clay mineral -- Hydrous aluminium phyllosilicates
Wikipedia - Clayton Barney Vogel -- United States Marine Corps general (1882-1964)
Wikipedia - Clayton C. Jerome -- Marine Lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Clayton Sinnott Adams -- American general (1881-1965)
Wikipedia - Clay-water interaction -- Various progressive interactions between clay minerals and water
Wikipedia - Clay -- A finely-grained natural rock or soil containing mainly clay minerals
Wikipedia - Clean process oven -- Type of industrial batch oven that is ideal for high-temperature applications
Wikipedia - Clearing the Channel Coast -- World War II campaign to liberate northern France
Wikipedia - Clemens Bieber -- German operatic tenor (born 1956)
Wikipedia - Clemens-Brentano-Preis -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Clement Armitage -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Clement A. Trott -- U.S. Army Major General
Wikipedia - Clement Berardo -- French professional golfer
Wikipedia - Clement Claiborne Clay -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama; Confederate States Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Clement Clarke Moore -- American writer and Professor of Literature
Wikipedia - Clement Finley -- Physician and Surgeon General of the US Army
Wikipedia - Clementine literature -- category of Christian religious romance
Wikipedia - Clementine von Schuch-Proska -- Austrian operatic coloratura soprano
Wikipedia - Clementine von Schuch -- German concert and operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Clerambault (novel) -- Book by Romain Rolland
Wikipedia - Clerihan GAA -- Gaelic games club in County Tipperary, Ireland
Wikipedia - Clerk -- White-collar worker who conducts general office tasks
Wikipedia - Clermont Group -- Singapore-based conglomerate
Wikipedia - Cleyera japonica
Wikipedia - Client-Centered Therapy
Wikipedia - Client-centered therapy
Wikipedia - Client-Centred Therapy
Wikipedia - Client to Authenticator Protocol -- Enables a roaming, user-controlled cryptographic authenticator to interoperate with a client platform.
Wikipedia - Cliff House (Kerala) -- Official residence:Chief Minister of Kerala
Wikipedia - Cliff Joseph -- Panama-born American artist, art therapist and activist
Wikipedia - Clifford B. Drake -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Clifford Leech -- 20th-century Canadian literary scholar
Wikipedia - Clifford Malden -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Climate as complex networks -- Conceptual model to generate insight into climate science
Wikipedia - Climate change (general concept)
Wikipedia - Climate change -- Current rise in Earth's average temperature and its effects
Wikipedia - Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation -- Russian policy on climate change
Wikipedia - Climate engineering -- Deliberate and large-scale intervention in the EarthM-bM-^@M-^Ys climate system
Wikipedia - Climate inertia -- The widespread inherent characteristic of the climate to take a considerable time to respond to a changed input
Wikipedia - Climate Prediction Center -- United States federal weather agency
Wikipedia - Climate sensitivity -- Change in Earth's temperature caused by changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations
Wikipedia - Climate spiral -- Data visualization graphics of long-term trends of annual temperature anomalies
Wikipedia - Climate system -- Interactions that create Earth's climate and may result in climate change
Wikipedia - Climate vulnerability
Wikipedia - Climatology -- Scientific study of climate, defined as weather conditions averaged over a period of time
Wikipedia - Climatotherapy
Wikipedia - Clinical chemistry -- Area of clinical pathology that is generally concerned with analysis of bodily fluids
Wikipedia - Clinker (waste) -- General name given to waste from industrial processes
Wikipedia - Clinoceratidae -- Family of molluscs
Wikipedia - Clint Grant -- JFK-era photojournalist from Dallas, Texas
Wikipedia - Clinton B. Fisk -- Union Army general
Wikipedia - Clinton E. Crosier -- Former U.S. Air Force general
Wikipedia - Clipboard (computing) -- Data storage used to support copy and paste operations
Wikipedia - Clitherall, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Clive Gibbons -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Clock drift -- Refers to several related phenomena
Wikipedia - Cloperastine
Wikipedia - Clorinda Corradi -- Italian opera singer 1804-77
Wikipedia - Closed-circuit television -- Use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place on a limited set of monitors
Wikipedia - Clostera anachoreta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Clostera anastomosis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Clostera brucei -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Clostera curtula -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Clostera pigra -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Clostridium -- Genus of Gram-positive bacteria, which includes several significant human pathogens
Wikipedia - Closure (video game) -- Video game by Eyebrow Interactive
Wikipedia - Clotilde Bressler-Gianoli -- Italian opera singer born in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Clotilde of France -- Queen of Sardinia (1796-1802) and Venerable
Wikipedia - Cloudera -- American technology company
Wikipedia - Cloughjordan Community Farm -- Agricultural project, County Tipperary, Ireland
Wikipedia - C.L. Smith & Son General Store -- Historic commercial building
Wikipedia - Club Cool -- Beverage location at Epcot
Wikipedia - ClubONE Riviera -- Building in Sha Tin, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - CMake -- Cross-platform, compiler-independent build system generator
Wikipedia - CM-EM-^Sur du Var -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - C. M. Naim -- American scholar of Urdu language and literature
Wikipedia - CNK operating system
Wikipedia - CoachRun -- Bus operator
Wikipedia - Coahuilaceratops -- Genus of dinosaur
Wikipedia - Coastal morphodynamics -- The study of the interaction of seafloor topography and fluid hydrodynamic processes involving the motion of sediment
Wikipedia - Coast Mountain Bus Company -- Bus transit services operator in Metro Vancouver
Wikipedia - Coat of arms of Cuba -- Official heraldic symbol of the Republic of Cuba
Wikipedia - Coat of arms of the Australian Capital Territory -- Heraldic visual design for the territory containing the Australian capital city of Canberra
Wikipedia - Coat of arms of Ulster -- Unique heraldic visual design on an escutcheon (i.e., shield), surcoat, or tabard for Ulster
Wikipedia - Coatzacoalcos Underwater Tunnel -- Tunnel under the Coatzacoalcos River in Veracruz, Mexico
Wikipedia - Coca-Cola Amatil -- Beverage company
Wikipedia - Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company -- Swiss beverage company
Wikipedia - Cocaine Wars -- 1985 film directed by Hector Olivera
Wikipedia - Coccidiphila gerasimovi -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coccoloba cereifera -- Plant species in the genus Coccoloba
Wikipedia - Cocheras (Seville Metro) -- Seville Metro station
Wikipedia - Cochin College -- College in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Cochin International Airport -- International airport serving Cochin, Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Cochin Stock Exchange -- Indian stock exchange in Kochi, Kerala
Wikipedia - Cochin University of Science and Technology -- University in Cochin, Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Cochise County Cowboys -- Confederation of rustlers and robbers in Cochise County, Arizona
Wikipedia - Cochylis posterana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Code coverage -- Measure of source code testing
Wikipedia - Code generation (compiler) -- Process by which a compiler's code generator converts some intermediate representation of source code into a form that can be readily executed by a machine
Wikipedia - Code generator
Wikipedia - Codename: Kids Next Door - Operation: S.O.D.A. -- American platformer video game
Wikipedia - Code of Federal Regulations -- Compilation of US federal regulations
Wikipedia - Codex Aureus of St. Emmeram -- 9th-century illuminated Gospel Book
Wikipedia - Codex Wallerstein -- Literary work
Wikipedia - Coding (therapy) -- Russian alternative therapeutic methods used to treat addictions
Wikipedia - Codocera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Cody Willis -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Coelastrea aspera -- Species of stony coral in the family Merulinidae
Wikipedia - Coelenterata -- Animal phylum
Wikipedia - Coelioxys porterae -- Species of bee
Wikipedia - Coeranica isabella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coeratadas -- Theban general
Wikipedia - Coeruleodraco -- Extinct genus of choristoderan
Wikipedia - Coesite -- Silica mineral, rare polymorph of quartz
Wikipedia - Coffee Lake -- eighth-generation Intel Core microprocessor family
Wikipedia - Coffee -- Brewed beverage
Wikipedia - Co-fired ceramic -- Integrated circuit package made out of fired ceramic material
Wikipedia - Cogeneration -- Simultaneous generation of electricity, and/or heating, or cooling, or industrial chemicals
Wikipedia - Cognac -- Alcoholic beverage; variety of brandy
Wikipedia - Cognitive acceleration
Wikipedia - Cognitive analytic therapy
Wikipedia - Cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Cognitive-behavioral therapist
Wikipedia - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Wikipedia - Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Wikipedia - Cognitive behavioral therapy -- therapy to improve mental health
Wikipedia - Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Wikipedia - Cognitive behavior therapy
Wikipedia - Cognitive-behavior therapy
Wikipedia - Cognitive behavioural therapy
Wikipedia - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (journal)
Wikipedia - Cognitive distortion -- An exaggerated or irrational thought pattern involved in the onset or perpetuation of psychopathological states
Wikipedia - Cognitive emotional behavioral therapy
Wikipedia - Cognitive processing therapy
Wikipedia - Cognitive psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Cognitive remediation therapy -- Treatment designed to improve neurocognitive abilities
Wikipedia - Cognitive Therapy
Wikipedia - Cognitive therapy
Wikipedia - Cognitive vulnerability
Wikipedia - Cognized environment -- Concept of how the peopleM-bM-^@M-^Ys culture understands nature, contrating with the operational environment
Wikipedia - Coherence therapy
Wikipedia - Coherent (operating system)
Wikipedia - Coilodera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Coinage Act of 1965 -- Federal law of the United States
Wikipedia - Cokaliong Shipping Lines -- Filipino shipping company operating in Visayas and Mindanao
Wikipedia - Cola & Pola -- Colombian beverage
Wikipedia - Colby College -- Private liberal arts college in Waterville, Maine, USA
Wikipedia - Cold Big Bang -- A designation of an absolute zero temperature at the beginning of the Universe
Wikipedia - Cold blob (North Atlantic) -- A cold temperature anomaly of ocean surface waters, affecting the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Wikipedia - Cold chain -- Low-temperature supply chain
Wikipedia - Cold district heating -- District heating with very low temperatures
Wikipedia - Colden Ruggles -- U.S. Army brigadier general
Wikipedia - Cold urticaria -- Allergic reaction to low temperatures
Wikipedia - Cold war (general term) -- Warfare without direct military action
Wikipedia - Cold War liberal -- Liberal politicians and labor union leaders who supported democracy and equality
Wikipedia - Cold -- A state of low temperature
Wikipedia - Coleco Gemini -- Second generation home video game console
Wikipedia - Coleophora aleramica -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora berbera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora derasofasciella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora isomoera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora retifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora tridentifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora vulnerariae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleoptera paleobiota of Burmese amber -- Fossil resin from the Hukawng Valley, Myanmar
Wikipedia - Coleoptera
Wikipedia - Coleraine Chronicle -- Newspaper in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Coleraine Cricket Club -- Cricket club in Coleraine, Northen Ireland
Wikipedia - Coleraine Grammar School -- Grammar school in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Coleraine River -- River in Chaudiere-Appalaches, Quebec (Canada)
Wikipedia - Colera -- Brazilian punk rock band from Sao Paulo
Wikipedia - Colgado de un sueM-CM-1o -- 2000 single by Serafin Zubiri
Wikipedia - Colgate University -- Liberal arts college in Hamilton, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Colin Breed -- British Liberal Democrat politician
Wikipedia - Colin Muir Barber -- British general
Wikipedia - Colin Powell -- 65th U.S. Secretary of State and retired four-star general
Wikipedia - Colin Stafford-Johnson -- Irish wildlife cameraman
Wikipedia - Colin Thubron -- President of the Royal Society of Literature
Wikipedia - Coliseo Rebekah Colberg Cabrera -- Indoor arena in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Collaborationism -- Cooperation with the enemy against one's country of citizenship in wartime
Wikipedia - Collaborative therapy
Wikipedia - Collaborative working environment -- A collaborative working environment (CWE) supports people in their individual and cooperative work
Wikipedia - Collage theorem -- Characterises an iterated function system whose attractor is close to a given set
Wikipedia - Collateral adjective
Wikipedia - Collateral Beauty -- 2016 American drama film by David Frankel
Wikipedia - Collateral damage
Wikipedia - Collateral (film) -- 2004 neo-noir action thriller film by Michael Mann
Wikipedia - Collateral fissure
Wikipedia - Collateralised debt obligation
Wikipedia - Collateralized debt obligation -- Financial product
Wikipedia - Collateralized loan obligation -- Financial instrument based on business loans.
Wikipedia - Collateralized mortgage obligation
Wikipedia - Collateral (TV series) -- 2018 British television series
Wikipedia - Collectieve Propaganda van het Nederlandse Boek -- Dutch organization promoting Dutch literature
Wikipedia - Collective numeral
Wikipedia - Collective operation
Wikipedia - Collective transferable vote -- A kind of proportional, preferential, transferable electoral system
Wikipedia - Colleen Fitzgerald -- American linguist
Wikipedia - College General
Wikipedia - College Lionel-Groulx -- General and vocational college in Sainte-Therese, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - College of Arms -- Corporation responsible for heraldry in England and Wales
Wikipedia - College of Engineering, Perumon -- Engineering college in Perinad, Kerala, India
Wikipedia - College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University -- Private liberal arts colleges in St. Joseph and Collegeville, Minnesota
Wikipedia - College of the Holy Cross -- Liberal arts college in Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - College of the Ozarks -- Liberal-arts college in Point Lookout, Missouri
Wikipedia - College of Wooster -- Private liberal arts college in Wooster, Ohio
Wikipedia - Collider -- Type of particle accelerator
Wikipedia - Collier's Encyclopedia -- Discontinued US-based general encyclopedia
Wikipedia - Collis P. Huntington High School -- former African-American high school during the racial segregation era
Wikipedia - Colloquies -- 1518 book by Desiderius Erasmus
Wikipedia - Coloboma of optic nerve -- Rare defect of the optic nerve that causes moderate to severe visual field defects.
Wikipedia - Coloman of Stockerau
Wikipedia - Colombian Liberal Party
Wikipedia - Colonial National Historical Park -- Early history, operated by the U.S. National Park Service
Wikipedia - Colony -- Territory under the political control of an overseas state, generally with its own subordinate colonial government
Wikipedia - Colorado Christian University -- Christian liberal arts university in Lakewood, Colorado
Wikipedia - Colorado College -- Private liberal arts college in Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Colorado River Indian Tribes -- Federally recognized Native American tribe
Wikipedia - ColorOS -- Android-based mobile operating system
Wikipedia - Colors Rishtey -- Indian general entertainment television channel
Wikipedia - Color temperature
Wikipedia - Colt clan incest case -- Pseudonym of an Australian family who practiced incest for several generations
Wikipedia - Columbian (B&O train) -- Named passenger train operated by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Wikipedia - Columbia University School of General Studies
Wikipedia - Colville Young -- Governor-General of Belize (1993-present)
Wikipedia - Comanche campaign -- Military operations by the United States government against the Comanche tribe
Wikipedia - Comando Interforze per le Operazioni Cibernetiche -- Italian government agency for cybersecurity
Wikipedia - Combat operations process -- Undertaken by armed forces
Wikipedia - Combat Service Identification Badge -- U.S. Army heraldic device
Wikipedia - Comb Ceramic -- Type of pottery subjected to geometric patterns from the comb-like tool
Wikipedia - Comb generator -- Signal generator that produces multiple harmonic outputs
Wikipedia - Combinatory literature -- Type of fiction writing
Wikipedia - Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve -- Task force created to fight ISIL
Wikipedia - Combined linear congruential generator -- Pseudo-random number generator algorithm
Wikipedia - Combustibility and flammability -- Ability to easily ignite in air at ambient temperatures
Wikipedia - Comcast -- American telecommunications conglomerate
Wikipedia - Comco -- Aircraft operator in the United States
Wikipedia - Comedie-Italienne -- Italian-language theatre and opera performed in France
Wikipedia - Comedie mM-CM-*lee d'ariettes -- Opera genre
Wikipedia - Comendite -- A hard, peralkaline igneous rock, a type of light blue grey rhyolite
Wikipedia - Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You) -- 2000 single by Christina Aguilera
Wikipedia - Comic book therapy -- Use of comic books for rehab
Wikipedia - Comic opera
Wikipedia - Comision Federal de Electricidad -- Mexican state-owned electric utilty company
Wikipedia - Command & Conquer: Generals -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Command and control structure of the European Union -- One of several HQs for EU military or civilian missions
Wikipedia - Commander Fleet Operational Sea Training -- Royal navy training organisation
Wikipedia - Command General Staff College Foundation -- Educational non-profit
Wikipedia - Command hierarchy -- Group of people who carry out orders based on others authority within the group
Wikipedia - Commandos Marine -- Special operations forces of the French Navy
Wikipedia - Commando -- Soldier or operative of an elite light infantry or special operations force; commando unit
Wikipedia - Command responsibility -- Doctrine of hierarchical accountability
Wikipedia - Comma operator -- (C and C++ programming languages) binary operator whose effect is to cause a sequence of operations to be performed
Wikipedia - ComM-EM-^Sdia -- French literary and artistic newspaper
Wikipedia - Commensalism -- An interaction between two organisms living together in more or less intimate association in a relationship in which one benefits and the other is unaffected.
Wikipedia - Commercial Operating System (COS)
Wikipedia - Commercial property -- Buildings or land intended to generate a profit, either from capital gain or rental income
Wikipedia - Commercial Spaceflight Federation -- Private spaceflight industry group
Wikipedia - Comminution -- Reduction of solid materials to a smaller average particle size
Wikipedia - Commissariat-General for Jewish Affairs -- Anti-Jewish commission of the French Vichy Government
Wikipedia - Commissioners of Irish Lights -- General Lighthouse Authority for Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland
Wikipedia - Commission for Environmental Cooperation -- Established by Canada, Mexico, and the United States to implement the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation
Wikipedia - Commission (remuneration)
Wikipedia - Committee for the Liberation of Ceuta and Melilla -- Moroccan irredentist group
Wikipedia - Committee of General Security
Wikipedia - Committee of the whole -- Meeting of a deliberative assembly according to modified rules based on those of a committee
Wikipedia - Committee on Institutional Cooperation
Wikipedia - Committee -- Body of one or more persons that is subordinate to a deliberative assembly
Wikipedia - Commit (version control) -- Operation of adding changes to a version control repository
Wikipedia - Common emerald dove -- Bird species
Wikipedia - Common emerald -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Common era
Wikipedia - Common Era -- Western calendar era
Wikipedia - Common lodging-house -- A Victorian era term for a form of cheap accommodation
Wikipedia - Common name -- Name generally used for a taxon, group of taxa or organism(s)
Wikipedia - Common Open Software Environment -- Operating system standards initiative
Wikipedia - Common practice period -- Era of the tonal system between the mid-17th to early 20th centuries
Wikipedia - Common Service Book -- Worship book and hymnal used by several Lutheran denominations in North America
Wikipedia - Common starling -- Sturnus vulgaris; medium sized passerine bird native to temperate Europe and western Asia
Wikipedia - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures -- Catalogue of information security vulnerabilities
Wikipedia - Common Weakness Enumeration
Wikipedia - Commonweal (magazine) -- Liberal American Catholic journal of opinion
Wikipedia - Commonwealth Secretary-General -- head of the Commonwealth Secretariat
Wikipedia - Communaute d'agglomeration Creil Sud Oise -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute d'agglomeration du Beauvaisis -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Arnon Boischaut Cher -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Avre Luce Noye -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Bray-Eawy -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Bruyeres - Vallons des Vosges -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Campagne de Caux -- Federation of municipalities in Normandy, France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes CM-EM-^Sur de Berry -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes CM-EM-^Sur de Chartreuse -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes CM-EM-^Sur d'Ostrevent -- Federation of municipalities in Hauts-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Creuse Grand Sud -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Creuse Sud Ouest -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de Desvres-Samer -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de la Bassee - Montois -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de la Brie des Rivieres et ChM-CM-"teaux -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de la Cote d'AlbM-CM-"tre -- Federation of municipalities in Normandy, France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de la Haute Somme -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de la Porte des Vosges Meridionales -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de la Region d'Audruicq -- Federation of municipalities in Hauts-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de la Region de Rambervillers -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de la Septaine -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de la Terre des Deux Caps -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de l'Est de la Somme -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de Londinieres -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de l'Oree de la Brie -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de l'Ouest Vosgien -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de Mirecourt Dompaire -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de Miribel et du Plateau -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de Parthenay-GM-CM-"tine -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de Petite-Camargue -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes des 4 rivieres -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes des Ballons des Hautes-Vosges -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes des Campagnes de l'Artois -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes des Hautes Vosges -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes des Hauts de Flandre -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes des Pays d'Oise et d'Halatte -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes des Pays d'Opale -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes des Sept Vallees -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes des Trois Rivieres, Aisne -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes des Villes SM-EM-^Surs -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes des Vosges cote Sud-Ouest -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du CM-EM-^Sur de France -- Federation of municipalities in Centre-Val de Loire, France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Grand Roye -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Haut Pays du Montreuillois -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Kochersberg -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Pays Crecois -- Federation of municipalities in M-CM-^Nle-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Pays de Bitche -- Federation of municipalities in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Pays de Colombey et du Sud Toulois -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Pays de l'Ourcq -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Pays de Montereau -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Pays de Saint-Eloy -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du pays d'Hericourt -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Pays d'Issoudun -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Pays du Coquelicot -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Provinois -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Saulnois -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Sud-Artois -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Ternois -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Territoire Nord Picardie -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Val Briard -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Val de Somme -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Vimeu -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Falaises du Talou -- Federation of municipalities in Normandy, France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Fercher - Pays florentais -- Federation of municipalities in Centre-Val de Loire, France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes GM-CM-"tinais-Val de Loing -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes interregionale Aumale - Blangy-sur-Bresle -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Isigny-Omaha Intercom -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes La Brie Nangissienne -- Federation of municipalities in M-CM-^Nle-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Le Dunois -- Federation of municipalities in Centre-Val de Loire, France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Le Gresivaudan -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Les Avant-Monts -- Federation of municipalities in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Les Trois Provinces -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Loches Sud Touraine -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Marche et Combraille en Aquitaine -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Monts et Vallees Ouest Creuse -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Moret Seine et Loing -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Nievre et Somme -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Osartis Marquion -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Pays de Nerondes -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Pays Fort Sancerrois Val de Loire -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Pevele-Carembault -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Plaines et Monts de France -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Plateau de Caux-Doudeville-Yerville -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Ponthieu-Marquenterre -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Portes de la Creuse en Marche -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Sauldre et Sologne -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Somme Sud-Ouest -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Terre d'eau -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Terre de Picardie -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Terres du Haut Berry -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Terroir de Caux -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Vierzon-Sologne-Berry et Villages de la ForM-CM-*t -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communications in the United States -- Regulated by the Federal Communications Commission
Wikipedia - Communications management unit -- Restrictive group in US Federal Bureau of Prisons
Wikipedia - Communion and Liberation -- Lay Italian Catholic ecclesial movement
Wikipedia - Community day school -- A school for high-risk students operated by the local public school authority
Wikipedia - Community Services Block Grant -- Federal Community Action Agency funding
Wikipedia - Community -- Group of interacting organisms sharing an environment; a social unit of humans
Wikipedia - Commutative operation
Wikipedia - Commutative property -- Property allowing changing the order of the operands of an operation
Wikipedia - Comoros -- Federal republic in the Indian Ocean
Wikipedia - Compact Muon Solenoid -- One of the two general-purposes experiment at the CERN's Large Hadron Collider
Wikipedia - Compact of Free Association -- International agreement between the United States and the Pacific Island nations of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, and Palau
Wikipedia - Compact operator
Wikipedia - Compagnie Generale Transatlantique -- French shipping company
Wikipedia - CompaM-CM-1ero y CompaM-CM-1era -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - CompaM-CM-1ia Cervecera de Puerto Rico -- Brewery in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - CompaM-CM-1ia General de Tabacos de Filipinas -- Manufacturer in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Companion diagnostic -- Therapeutic drug diagnostic test
Wikipedia - Comparative Literary Studies: An Introduction -- 1973 book by Siegbert Salomon Prawer
Wikipedia - Comparative literature -- Academic discipline comparing literature across cultures
Wikipedia - Comparison between Esperanto and Ido -- Comparison of related international auxiliary languages.
Wikipedia - Comparison of BSD operating systems -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Comparison of code generation tools
Wikipedia - Comparison of communication satellite operators -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Comparison of cryptographic hash functions -- Tables comparing general and technical information for common hashes
Wikipedia - Comparison of digital SLRs -- List compares main features of digital single-lens reflex cameras
Wikipedia - Comparison of Internet forum software -- general features of Internet forum software
Wikipedia - Comparison of mobile operating systems -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Comparison of movie cameras -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Comparison of open-source operating systems
Wikipedia - Comparison of operating system kernels
Wikipedia - Comparison of operating systems
Wikipedia - Comparison of real-time operating systems -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Compassion focused therapy
Wikipedia - Compassion-focused therapy
Wikipedia - Competency dictionary -- A tool or data structure that includes all or most of the general competencies needed to cover all job families and competencies that are core or common to all jobs within an organization
Wikipedia - Competition (biology) -- Interaction where the fitness of one organism is lowered by the presence of another organism
Wikipedia - Complementarity-determining region -- Part of the variable chains in immunoglobulins (antibodies) and T cell receptors, generated by B-cells and T-cells respectively
Wikipedia - Complete-linkage clustering -- Agglomerative hierarchical clustering method
Wikipedia - Completion (oil and gas wells) -- Last operation for oil and gas wells
Wikipedia - Complex-base system -- Positional numeral system
Wikipedia - Complex early seral forest -- Type of ecosystem present after a major disturbance
Wikipedia - Complex system -- System composed of many interacting components
Wikipedia - Compliance requirements -- Series of directives established by the US federal government
Wikipedia - Composition with creditors -- Agreement among several creditors of a debtor, usually a business
Wikipedia - Compound of tesseract and 16-cell
Wikipedia - Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership -- Multilateral free trade agreement and successor to TPP
Wikipedia - Compressor operator -- Compressor operator
Wikipedia - Compsoptera argentaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Compsoptera jourdanaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Compsoptera opacaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Compton generator -- Physics apparatus to demonstrate rotation of Earth
Wikipedia - Comptroller and Auditor General of India -- Comptroller and auditor general of India
Wikipedia - Comptroller General of Convicts (Western Australia) -- Head of convict establishment in Western Africa
Wikipedia - Comptroller General of the State -- Position in the Ministry of the Treasury of Spain
Wikipedia - Comptroller General of the United States -- Director of the Government Accountability Office
Wikipedia - Computably enumerable
Wikipedia - Computational complexity of mathematical operations
Wikipedia - Compute kernel -- Computing routine compiled for an accelerator
Wikipedia - Compute Node Linux -- Runtime environment based on the Linux kernel for several Cray supercomputer systems based on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
Wikipedia -
Wikipedia - Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section -- United States federal law enforcement agency
Wikipedia - Computer-generated holography
Wikipedia - Computer-generated imagery -- Application of computer graphics to create or contribute to images
Wikipedia - Computer-generated music
Wikipedia - Computer Literacy Bookshops
Wikipedia - Computer literacy
Wikipedia - Computer Networks: The Heralds of Resource Sharing
Wikipedia - Computer operator
Wikipedia - Computer peripherals
Wikipedia - Computer programming in the punch card era
Wikipedia - Computer programming in the punched card era
Wikipedia - Computer-supported collaborative learning -- Pedagogical approach wherein learning takes place via social interaction using a computer or through the Internet
Wikipedia - Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Wikipedia - Computer supported cooperative work
Wikipedia - Computer-supported cooperative work -- Field studying how people work in groups with the support of computing systems
Wikipedia - Computer -- Automatic general-purpose device for performing arithmetic or logical operations
Wikipedia - Comrade in America -- 2017 film directed by Amal Neerad
Wikipedia - Comrades of the Great War -- British veterans' organisation
Wikipedia - Conal Coad -- Australian opera singer
Wikipedia - Conan and the Emerald Lotus -- Book by John C. Hocking
Wikipedia - Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 -- A US federal bill
Wikipedia - Concentrated animal feeding operation -- American type of intensive animal farming at large scale
Wikipedia - Concentrative movement therapy
Wikipedia - Concentric hypertrophy -- Hypertrophic growth of a hollow organ without overall enlargement
Wikipedia - Concepcin Cabrera de Armida
Wikipedia - Concepcion Cabrera de Armida -- Mexican Catholic mystic
Wikipedia - Concepcio Zendrera Tomas -- Catalan editor and translator
Wikipedia - Concept of operations
Wikipedia - Conceptual proliferation
Wikipedia - Concert performance -- Performance of a musical theater or opera in concert form
Wikipedia - Concession road -- Type of road in pre-Confederation Canada
Wikipedia - Concetta M. Tomaino -- American music therapist
Wikipedia - Conchita Cintron -- Chile-born Peruvian torera (female bullfighter)
Wikipedia - Conclusion of the American Civil War -- Ceasefire Agreement of the Confederate States at the end of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Concordia University (Saint Paul, Minnesota) -- Private Lutheran university in St. Paul, Minnesota
Wikipedia - Concrete operational stage
Wikipedia - Concretion -- Compact mass formed by precipitation of mineral cement between particles
Wikipedia - Concurrent computing -- Form of computing in which several computations are executing during overlapping time periods
Wikipedia - Condica confederata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Conditioning, operant
Wikipedia - Condor Syndikat -- 1924-27 German airline trade company with operations in Brazil
Wikipedia - Confederacin Nacional del Trabajo
Wikipedia - Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo -- Confederation of anarcho-syndicalist labour unions
Wikipedia - Confederacion Nacional Obrera de Cuba -- Cuban trade union confederation
Wikipedia - Confederados -- U.S. Confederates who moved to Brazil after the American Civil War, and their descendants
Wikipedia - Confederal
Wikipedia - Confederate artworks in the United States Capitol -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Confederate Defenders of Charleston -- Monument in Charleston, South Carolina
Wikipedia - Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Nation
Wikipedia - Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians
Wikipedia - Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
Wikipedia - Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians -- Confederation of Native American tribal bands
Wikipedia - Confederated Tribes of Siletz
Wikipedia - Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon
Wikipedia - Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community
Wikipedia - Confederate effect
Wikipedia - Confederate Heartland Offensive -- Confederate military campaign during the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Confederate Ireland
Wikipedia - Confederate Memorial (Arlington National Cemetery) -- Monument in Arlington National Cemetery built in 1914
Wikipedia - Confederate Memorial Day -- Observance day in a number of Southern states in the U.S. to honor those who died fighting for the Confederate States during the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Confederate Memorial State Historic Site -- Historic site in Missouri
Wikipedia - Confederate Monument (Fort Worth, Texas) -- Outdoor Confederate memorial installed in Fort Worth, Texas
Wikipedia - Confederate Monument (Franklin, Tennessee) -- Monument in Franklin, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Confederate Monument in Georgetown -- Confederate Monument memoir of the Confederate Army
Wikipedia - Confederate Monument (Liberty, Mississippi) -- Monument in Liberty, Mississippi, United States
Wikipedia - Confederate Party -- Political party.
Wikipedia - Confederate Private Monument -- Sculpture of a Confederate soldier in Nashville, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Confederate Railroad -- American country band
Wikipedia - Confederate Soldier Memorial (Huntsville, Alabama) -- Monument to the Confederate Army in Huntsville, Alabama
Wikipedia - Confederate Soldiers and Sailors Monument (Indianapolis) -- Monument to the Confederate POWs in Indianapolis
Wikipedia - Confederate States Army -- Southern army in American Civil War
Wikipedia - Confederate States of America -- Unrecognized breakaway states in North America, 1861-1865
Wikipedia - Confederate States Secretary of War -- Member of the Confederate States President's Cabinet
Wikipedia - Confederate (TV series) -- Planned TV series for HBO
Wikipedia - Confederate War Memorial (Cape Girardeau, Missouri) -- memorial to Confederate soldiers in Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Wikipedia - Confederation Bridge -- Fixed link connecting Canadian province of Prince Edward Island with the mainland, at New Brunswick
Wikipedia - Confederation Building (Ottawa) -- Office building on Parliament Hill in Ottawa
Wikipedia - Confederation Congress Proclamation of 1783
Wikipedia - Confederation des syndicats nationaux -- Trade union federation in Quebec
Wikipedia - Confederation Liberty and Independence -- Polish political party
Wikipedia - Confederation Line -- Light metro line in Ottawa, Ontario
Wikipedia - Confederation Mondiale des Activites Subaquatiques -- International organisation for underwater activities in sport and science, and recreational diver training and certification
Wikipedia - Confederation of African Football
Wikipedia - Confederation of European Paper Industries -- Pan-European association
Wikipedia - Confederation of Forest Industries
Wikipedia - Confederation of Indian Industry -- Industry association in India
Wikipedia - Confederation of Mexican Workers -- Labor union association
Wikipedia - Confederation of Passenger Transport -- Advocacy group representing operators of British buses and coaches
Wikipedia - Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions -- Confed
Wikipedia - Confederation of the Rhine
Wikipedia - Confederation of Unions for Professionals -- Trade union confederation for white collar workers in Norway
Wikipedia - Confederation Period -- Era of United States history in the 1780s
Wikipedia - Confederation Poets
Wikipedia - Confederation (Poland)
Wikipedia - Confederations
Wikipedia - Confederation -- Union of sovereign states linked by treaties whose common government does not directly exercise its sovereignty over their territory
Wikipedia - Conference call -- A telephone call with several participants
Wikipedia - Conference on Artificial General Intelligence
Wikipedia - Conference on Disarmament -- Multilateral disarmament forum
Wikipedia - Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference
Wikipedia - Confessional Lutheranism
Wikipedia - Confession (Lutheran Church)
Wikipedia - Confined water (diving) -- A diving environment that is enclosed and bounded sufficiently for safe training purposes. Generally implies that conditions are not affected by geographic or weather conditions, and that divers can not get lost
Wikipedia - Confirmation (Lutheran Church)
Wikipedia - Confoederatio cum principibus ecclesiasticis
Wikipedia - Conglomerate (company) -- Large company involved in many industries
Wikipedia - Conglomerate (geology) -- A coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock with mainly rounded to subangular clasts
Wikipedia - Conglomerate merger -- Type of merger
Wikipedia - Conglomerates Collide -- 1981 simulation video game
Wikipedia - Congolese National Liberation Front -- Political party in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Congressional charter -- United States federal statute that establishes a corporation
Wikipedia - Congress of South African Trade Unions -- South African trade union federation
Wikipedia - Conjunctiva -- Outer protective layer/covering of sclera
Wikipedia - Connaissance des Temps -- Periodical literature
Wikipedia - Connecticut Attorney General -- Attorney general for the U.S. state of Connecticut
Wikipedia - Connecticut College -- Private liberal arts college in New London, Connecticut
Wikipedia - Connecticut General Assembly -- American state legislature
Wikipedia - Connex Melbourne -- Defunct Australian train operator
Wikipedia - Connirae Andreas -- American author and psychotherapist
Wikipedia - Connotation -- Cultural or emotional association that some word or phrase carries, in addition to the word's or phrase's explicit or literal meaning
Wikipedia - Conogethes punctiferalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Conor Fitzgerald -- Irish sportsperson
Wikipedia - Conor Flaherty -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Conospermum unilaterale -- Species of Australian shrub in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Conquest of California -- Early military operation of the Mexican-American War where the United States was able to occupy and eventually annex Alta California
Wikipedia - Conquest of Nerath -- Board game
Wikipedia - Conrad C. Binkele -- Lutheran bishop
Wikipedia - Conrad I, Duke of Merania -- 12th century Italian noble
Wikipedia - Conrad von Rosen -- French general of baltic origin
Wikipedia - Conscription in Finland -- Part of a general compulsion for national military service for all adult males
Wikipedia - Conservation and restoration of books, manuscripts, documents and ephemera
Wikipedia - Conservative liberalism
Wikipedia - Conservative temperature -- A thermodynamic property of seawater that represents the heat content
Wikipedia - Consideration and initiating structure
Wikipedia - Consideration in English law -- Something of value promised by parties to a contract to each other
Wikipedia - Consideration of Bills Select Committee (Malaysia) -- Committee appointed by the Malaysian House of Representatives
Wikipedia - Considerations on Representative Government
Wikipedia - Consideration -- Concept of legal value in connection with contracts
Wikipedia - Consolidated XB-41 Liberator -- American bomber escort prototype
Wikipedia - Consortium of Liberal Arts Colleges
Wikipedia - Conspiracy against the United States -- Federal crime in the United States of America
Wikipedia - Constance Bartlett Hieatt -- American scholar of medieval cooking, language, and literature
Wikipedia - Constance Nantier-Didiee -- French opera singer 1831-67
Wikipedia - Constance Wood -- British radiotherapist
Wikipedia - Constans II -- Byzantine Emperor of the Heraclian dynasty
Wikipedia - Constantijn Huygens Prize -- Dutch literary award
Wikipedia - Constantin Eftimiu -- Romanian general
Wikipedia - Constantin Iancovescu -- Romanian politician and general
Wikipedia - Constituent Assembly of India -- Unicameral assembly for making the Constitution of India
Wikipedia - Constitutional liberalism
Wikipedia - Constitution of the Confederate States -- Supreme law of the Confederate States of America
Wikipedia - Constraint-induced movement therapy -- Rehabilitation program for cases of CNS damage
Wikipedia - Consuelo Scerri Herrera -- Maltese judge
Wikipedia - Consulate General of Germany, Chennai -- Diplomatic mission
Wikipedia - Consulate-General of Japan, Detroit -- Diplomatic mission of Japan
Wikipedia - Consulate General of Mexico, San Francisco -- Diplomatic mission of Mexico
Wikipedia - Consulate general
Wikipedia - ConsumerAffairs
Wikipedia - Consumer Cellular -- American postpaid mobile virtual network operator
Wikipedia - Consumer cooperative
Wikipedia - Consumer Federation of America -- Consumer group
Wikipedia - Consumers' co-operative
Wikipedia - Contact Energy -- New Zealand electricity generator company
Wikipedia - Contaflex SLR -- Family of 35mm SLR cameras
Wikipedia - Contarinia cerasiserotinae -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Contax II -- 35 mm rangefinder camera
Wikipedia - Contax T -- Japanese line of cameras
Wikipedia - Contax -- Japanese camera brand
Wikipedia - Conte (literature) -- Genre of prose fiction
Wikipedia - Contemplative psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Contemporary Debates in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art -- 2005 book edited by Matthew Kieran
Wikipedia - Contemporary Family Therapy
Wikipedia - Contemporary French literature
Wikipedia - Contemporary history -- Era of history starting from 1945 up to the current age
Wikipedia - Contemporary literature
Wikipedia - Contextual therapy
Wikipedia - Continentalism -- Support for cooperation or integration between nations within a continent
Wikipedia - Continued fraction -- Representation of a number by a (generally infinite) sequence of additions and inversions
Wikipedia - Continuous linear operator
Wikipedia - Contralateral brain -- Each side of the brain controls the other side of the body
Wikipedia - Contreras Motorsports -- Mexican professional stock car racing team
Wikipedia - Contrex -- Mineral water brand
Wikipedia - Controller-General of Finances
Wikipedia - Control register -- A processor register which changes or controls the general behavior of a CPU
Wikipedia - Conus ateralbus -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus cordigera -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus demisgeraldoi -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus eleutheraensis -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus generalis -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus kaiserae -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus leobrerai -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus litteratus -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Convair B-36 Peacemaker -- Large strategic bomber operated by US Air Force from 1949 to 1959
Wikipedia - Convection current -- Flow due to unstable density variation due to temperature differences
Wikipedia - Conventional treatment -- Therapy that is widely used and accepted by most health professionals
Wikipedia - Convention for Democracy and Federation -- Political party in Burkina Faso
Wikipedia - Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others -- United Nations General Assembly resolution adopted in 1949
Wikipedia - Convention (norm) -- Set of agreed, stipulated, or generally accepted standards
Wikipedia - Convention on the Exercise of Liberal Professions of 1939 -- 1939 international treaty in South America
Wikipedia - Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees -- United Nations multilateral treaty
Wikipedia - Convera Corporation
Wikipedia - Conversation -- Interactive communication between two or more people
Wikipedia - Conversion of units of temperature -- Comparison of various temperature scales
Wikipedia - Conversion therapy -- Pseudoscientific attempts to change sexual orientation
Wikipedia - Conviction and exoneration of Glenn Ford -- Convicted of murder in 1984 and released from Angola Prison in March 2014 after a full exoneration.
Wikipedia - Convolution random number generator -- Non-uniform number generator
Wikipedia - Convolution reverb -- Process used for digitally simulating the reverberation of a physical or virtual space
Wikipedia - Convolution -- Binary mathematical operation on functions
Wikipedia - Convorbiri Literare
Wikipedia - Conway notation (knot theory) -- Notation used to describe knots based on operations on tangles
Wikipedia - Cool (aesthetic) -- Attitude, behavior, comportment, appearance or style which is generally admired
Wikipedia - Coolant -- Substance used to reduce or regulate the temperature of a system
Wikipedia - Cool Cymru -- Culture, music and arts era
Wikipedia - Cooling load -- Rate of air temperature movement
Wikipedia - Coolitude -- Term for cultural interaction of the Indian or Chinese "coolie" diaspora
Wikipedia - Coomera Indoor Sports Centre -- Arena in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Cooperage (film) -- 1976 Canadian film
Wikipedia - Cooperating sequential processes
Wikipedia - Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
Wikipedia - Co-operation (evolution) -- Evolutionary process where groups of organisms work or act together for common or mutual benefits
Wikipedia - Cooperation Sea -- A proposed sea name for part of the Southern Ocean, between Enderby Land and West Ice Shelf
Wikipedia - Co-operation
Wikipedia - Cooperation
Wikipedia - Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis
Wikipedia - Cooperative banking -- Type of retail or commercial bank organized cooperatively
Wikipedia - Cooperative board game -- Type of board game
Wikipedia - Cooperative breeding -- Social system
Wikipedia - Co-operative Building, Barrow-in-Furness -- Former department store in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England
Wikipedia - Co-operative Commonwealth Federation -- Former political party in Canada
Wikipedia - Cooperative database -- anti-spam database type
Wikipedia - Cooperative distributed problem solving
Wikipedia - Cooperative education
Wikipedia - Cooperative eye hypothesis
Wikipedia - Cooperative game theory
Wikipedia - Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Wikipedia - Cooperative learning
Wikipedia - Cooperative Linux
Wikipedia - Cooperative movement
Wikipedia - Cooperative multitasking
Wikipedia - Cooperativeness
Wikipedia - Co-operative Party -- Centre-left British political party, in an electoral pact with the Labour Party
Wikipedia - Co-operative Permanent Building Society -- Mutual building society, providing mortgages and savings accounts to its members
Wikipedia - Cooperative principle
Wikipedia - Cooperative pulling paradigm -- Experimental design
Wikipedia - Cooperative Societies Council -- Government organization which promotes the role of cooperative societies in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Cooperative storage cloud
Wikipedia - Co-operatives UK -- Central membership body for UK co-operatives
Wikipedia - Cooperatives
Wikipedia - Cooperative video game
Wikipedia - Cooperative Village -- housing cooperatives in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - co-operative
Wikipedia - Cooperative -- Autonomous association of persons or organizations
Wikipedia - Cooperative wireless communications
Wikipedia - Cooperators of Opus Dei
Wikipedia - Cooper pair -- Pair of electrons (or other fermions) bound together at low temperatures in a certain manner which is responsible for superconductivity as described in the BCS theory
Wikipedia - Co-op Food -- Brand of consumer co-operative supermarkets in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Co-op Funeralcare -- British funeral home chain
Wikipedia - Co-op News -- Co-operative newspaper
Wikipedia - Coop (Switzerland) -- Swiss consumer cooperative
Wikipedia - Copaiba -- Resin and essential oil from South American Copaifera trees
Wikipedia - Copaifera salikounda -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Copesa -- Chilean media conglomerate
Wikipedia - Copland (operating system)
Wikipedia - CopperheadOS -- Mobile operating system focused on privacy and security
Wikipedia - Coppery emerald -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Coppery-headed emerald -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - COPS (software) -- First widespread vulnerability scanner for Unix operating systems
Wikipedia - Coptic literature
Wikipedia - Coptodera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Coptology -- Study of the history and culture of the Copts, the Coptic language, Coptic literature, or Coptic Christian religious traditions
Wikipedia - Coptoptera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Copyright status of works by the federal government of the United States -- Aspect of copyright law
Wikipedia - Coracoid process -- A small hook-like structure on the lateral edge of the superior anterior portion of the scapula
Wikipedia - Cora Cross -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Coral Wong Pietsch -- U.S. judge and former Brigadier General
Wikipedia - Coranarta cordigera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Corcoran Group -- American real estate brokerage
Wikipedia - Corcuera -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Romblon
Wikipedia - Cordel literature -- Brazilian literary genre
Wikipedia - Cordera Jenkins -- American hurdler
Wikipedia - Cordillera Administrative Region -- Administrative region of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Cordillera Central (Luzon) -- Mountain range situated in the northern central part of the island of Luzon, Philippines
Wikipedia - Cordillera Central (Peru) -- Part of the Andes in Peru
Wikipedia - Cordillera Central (Puerto Rico) -- Mountain range in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Cordillera, Ciales, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Cordillera de Yolaina Natural Reserve -- Nature reserves
Wikipedia - Cordillera Dipilto and Jalapa Natural Reserve -- Nature reserve
Wikipedia - Cordillera Vilcanota -- Mountain range in Peru
Wikipedia - Cordillera -- Extensive chain of mountains or mountain ranges
Wikipedia - Cordless -- Term used to refer to electrical or electronic devices that are powered by a battery or battery pack and can operate without a power cord or cable attached to an electrical outlet to provide mains power, allowing greater mobility
Wikipedia - Cordoveran Kabbalah
Wikipedia - Cordylocera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Cordylomera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - CoreCivic -- US prison-operating company
Wikipedia - Corey Lewandowski -- American political operative and commentator
Wikipedia - Corinthians-Itaquera (Sao Paulo Metro) -- Sao Paulo Metro station
Wikipedia - Coriolis-Stokes force -- A forcing of the mean flow in a rotating fluid due to interaction of the Coriolis effect and wave-induced Stokes drift
Wikipedia - Cornelis Pama -- Dutch heraldist and genealogist (1916 - 1994)
Wikipedia - Cornelius A. Smith -- Governor-General of the Bahamas
Wikipedia - Cornelius E. Ryan -- U.S. Army Major General
Wikipedia - Cornerstone Speech -- 1861 oration delivered by Confederate Vice President Alexander H. Stephens
Wikipedia - Corning Inc. -- American manufacturer of glass & ceramics
Wikipedia - Cornish literature
Wikipedia - Corn Ranch -- Spaceport operated by Blue Origin
Wikipedia - Cornwallite -- Copper arsenate mineral
Wikipedia - Corolis -- Public transport operator in northern France
Wikipedia - CoRoT -- A European space telescope that operated between 2006 - 2014
Wikipedia - Corporate governance -- Mechanisms, processes and relations by which corporations are controlled and operated
Wikipedia - Corporative federalism
Wikipedia - Corpus vasorum antiquorum -- Research project to document ancient ceramics
Wikipedia - Corrado Miraglia -- Italian opera singer 1821-1881
Wikipedia - Corrado Passera -- Italian manager and banker
Wikipedia - Corrective maintenance -- Maintenance task performed to identify, isolate, and rectify a fault so that the failed equipment, machine, or system can be restored to an operational condition
Wikipedia - Corsair Gaming -- American computer peripherals and hardware company
Wikipedia - Cortes Generales -- Legislature of Spain
Wikipedia - Cortes Gerais -- Legislature of the Kingdom of Portugal from 1822-1910
Wikipedia - Corticobasal degeneration -- Rare neurodegenerative disease
Wikipedia - Cortinarius caperatus -- Species of fungus
Wikipedia - Corundum -- Oxide mineral
Wikipedia - Corydalis ambigua -- species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis aurea -- species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis cava -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis cheilanthifolia -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis chelidoniifolia -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis elegans -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis flavula -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis flexuosa -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis incisa -- species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis micrantha -- species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis -- Genus of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corydalis yanhusuo -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Corymbium -- Genus of perennial plants in the family Asteraceae from South Africa
Wikipedia - Corynebacterium ulcerans -- Species of prokaryote
Wikipedia - Corynoptera elegans -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Corynoptera flavosignata -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Corynoptera forcipata -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Corynoptera uncata -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Corynoptera -- Genus of flies
Wikipedia - Corypha taliera -- Species of palm tree
Wikipedia - Coryphocera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Coscinoptera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - CosM-CM-, fan tutte -- Italian-language opera buffa by W. A. Mozart
Wikipedia - Cosmicism -- Literary philosophy
Wikipedia - Cosmography -- Science that maps the general features of the cosmos or universe
Wikipedia - Cosmopolis: A Literary Review
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix argentifera -- Species of moth from Jamaica
Wikipedia - Cosmos (Humboldt book) -- Literary work
Wikipedia - Cosmos (operating system)
Wikipedia - Cosmos (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cosmos sulphureus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve -- Nature reserve in Argentina
Wikipedia - Costa Smeralda (ship) -- Excellence-class cruise ship operated by Costa Cruises
Wikipedia - Costa Victoria -- Former cruise ship operated by Costa Cruises
Wikipedia - Cost of electricity by source -- Comparison of costs of different electricity generation sources
Wikipedia - Costume -- Wardrobe and dress in general
Wikipedia - Co-therapy
Wikipedia - Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats
Wikipedia - Council of Federated Organizations -- Coalition of advocacy groups in the Civil Rights Movement
Wikipedia - Council of People's Commissars of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
Wikipedia - Council of States (Switzerland) -- Upper house of the Federal Assembly of Switzerland
Wikipedia - Council -- Group of people who come together to consult, deliberate, or make decisions
Wikipedia - Counterargument -- Rhetoric response
Wikipedia - Counterattack -- Tactic employed in response to an attack
Wikipedia - Counter-insurgency -- Military operation aimed at defeating insurgent forces
Wikipedia - Counter-proliferation -- Efforts to stop weapon proliferation
Wikipedia - Countershading -- Camouflage to counteract self-shading
Wikipedia - Country Liberal Party -- Northern Territory political party
Wikipedia - County routes in California -- County-operated highway system in California
Wikipedia - County Tipperary -- County in the Republic of Ireland
Wikipedia - Coup 53 -- 2019 documentary on 1953 US-UK coup d'etat (Operation AJAX) overthrowing Iranian prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh
Wikipedia - Couple and family therapy
Wikipedia - Couples therapy -- Therapy for the two persons in a couple relationship, often with their relationship as the main topic
Wikipedia - Courrier d'Avignon -- Periodical literature
Wikipedia - Course in General Linguistics
Wikipedia - Coursera -- Online education technology company
Wikipedia - Courteranges -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Courtney Bugler -- American television soap opera writer
Wikipedia - Courtney Hodges -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Courtney Matthews -- Fictional character from General Hospital, an American soap opera on ABC network
Wikipedia - Court of General Surveyors -- court
Wikipedia - Court of the Lord Lyon -- Court which regulates heraldry in Scotland
Wikipedia - Covariance operator -- Operator in probability theory
Wikipedia - Covema -- Italian conglomerate
Wikipedia - Covenant theology -- Protestant biblical interpretive framework for understanding the overall structure of the Bible
Wikipedia - Coverage data -- Digital representation of spatio-temporal phenomenon
Wikipedia - Coverage error
Wikipedia - Coverage of Google Street View -- Timeline
Wikipedia - COVID-19 drug development -- Preventative and therapeutic medications for COVID-19 infection
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic in the Cordillera Administrative Region -- Ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic in the Cordillera Administrative Region, the Philippines
Wikipedia - Covid fan tutte -- 2020 comic opera
Wikipedia - Cow-calf operation -- Method of raising beef cattle
Wikipedia - Cowrie (honeypot) -- Open source medium interaction SSH and Telnet honeypot software
Wikipedia - Cox Enterprises -- American conglomerate
Wikipedia - Cozumel emerald -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - C parity -- Unitary operation that transforms a particle in its antiparticle
Wikipedia - CP/CMS -- IBM operating system specializing in virtualization
Wikipedia - C (programming language) -- general-purpose programming language
Wikipedia - CPSX -- Academic unit operating at the University of Western Ontario
Wikipedia - CP-V operating system
Wikipedia - CQ (call) -- Operating signal for "request to communicate"
Wikipedia - Craig Carlson -- American soap opera writer
Wikipedia - Craig Fugate -- Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency
Wikipedia - Craig Irvin -- Operatic Baritone
Wikipedia - Craig R. McKinley -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Craik-Leibovich vortex force -- A forcing of the mean flow through wave-current interaction
Wikipedia - Cranganore Fort -- Fort in Kottappuram, Kodungallur, Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Crapartinella -- Extinct genus of therapsids from Permian South Africa
Wikipedia - Craspedia (plant) -- Genus of Australasian flowering plants of Asteraceae (daisy) family
Wikipedia - Crater Lake -- caldera lake in south-central Oregon and main feature of Crater Lake National Park
Wikipedia - Crazy Therapies -- 1996 book by Margaret Singer and Janja Lalich
Wikipedia - CrDroid -- Free and open-source operating system based on LineageOS Android
Wikipedia - Creach Bheinn (Loch Creran) -- Mountain in Scotland
Wikipedia - Cream (Prince song) -- 1991 single by Prince and The New Power Generation
Wikipedia - Create a Comic Project -- Youth literacy program and webcomic
Wikipedia - Creation and annihilation operators
Wikipedia - Creation Quarterly -- Chinese literary quarterly magazine
Wikipedia - Creative arts therapies
Wikipedia - Creative Nonfiction (magazine) -- American literary magazine
Wikipedia - Creative writing -- Academic discipline concerned with creating literature
Wikipedia - Credential stuffing -- Cyberattack using mass login requests
Wikipedia - Credit union -- Member-owned financial cooperative
Wikipedia - Creighton Abrams -- United States Army general (1914-1974)
Wikipedia - Cremation volume -- Genre of Thai literature
Wikipedia - Crematogaster boera -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Crematogaster cerasi -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Crematogaster cornigera -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Crematogaster hespera -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Creole Petroleum Corporation -- 20th century American oil company operating in Venezuela
Wikipedia - Crepis capillaris -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Crepis -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Crescent Enterprises -- Emirati-based conglomerate
Wikipedia - Cresera espiritosantensis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Crest (heraldry) -- Top component of an heraldic display
Wikipedia - Cretaceous -- Third and last period of the Mesozoic Era 145-66 million years ago
Wikipedia - Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease -- Degenerative neurological disorder
Wikipedia - Crew Dragon Demo-2 -- Crewed mission operated by NASA and SpaceX
Wikipedia - Crime film -- cinematic genre inspired by and analogous to the crime fiction literary genre
Wikipedia - Crimes against humanity -- Deliberate attack against civilians
Wikipedia - Criminal Police Office (Austria) -- Austrian federal police force
Wikipedia - Cris de Vera -- Filipino actor
Wikipedia - Cristian Rivera (weightlifter) -- Dominican Republic weightlifter
Wikipedia - Cristina Deutekom -- Dutch operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Cristina Olvera Barrios -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Cristina Rivera Garza -- Writer and professor
Wikipedia - Cristina Serafini -- Italian theater and movie actress
Wikipedia - Cristobalite -- Silica mineral, polymorph of quartz
Wikipedia - Cristobal Martin de Herrera -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Cristobal Mosquera de Figueroa -- Spanish poet and writer
Wikipedia - Criterion (literary society)
Wikipedia - Critical literacy
Wikipedia - Critical mathematics pedagogy -- Liberation-focused math education
Wikipedia - Critical mineral raw materials
Wikipedia - Critical point (thermodynamics) -- Temperature and pressure point where phase boundaries disappear
Wikipedia - Criticism of Facebook -- Media coverage of the shortcomings of Facebook's market dominance
Wikipedia - Croatian Boxing Federation -- Boxing federation in Coratian
Wikipedia - Croatian Canoe Federation -- Governing body of canoeing in Croatia
Wikipedia - Croatian latinistic literature
Wikipedia - Croatian Latin literature
Wikipedia - Croatian People's Party - Liberal Democrats -- Croatian liberal political party
Wikipedia - Crocota peletieraria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cron -- Time-based job scheduler for Unix-like operating systems
Wikipedia - CrossCountry -- Train operating company in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Cross-dressing in music and opera -- Element of music performance
Wikipedia - Crosses in heraldry -- Cross symbols used in heraldry
Wikipedia - Cross fleury -- Heraldic charge
Wikipedia - Crossing (opera)
Wikipedia - Cross-layer interaction and service mapping
Wikipedia - Cross Me -- 2019 single by Ed Sheeran featuring Chance the Rapper and PnB Rock
Wikipedia - Cross of Saint James -- Heraldic symbol, emblem of the Spanish Order of Santiago
Wikipedia - Crossover (genetic algorithm) -- Operator used to vary the programming of chromosomes from one generation to the next
Wikipedia - Cross product -- Mathematical operation on two vectors in three-dimensional space
Wikipedia - Cross-site scripting -- Computer security vulnerability
Wikipedia - Cross-site tracing -- Network security vulnerability exploiting the HTTP TRACE method
Wikipedia - Crotalus cerastes laterorepens -- Subspecies of reptile
Wikipedia - Crowbar (alcoholic beverage) -- Whiskey cocktail
Wikipedia - Crowbar (tool) -- Hand tool used for pulling nails with leverage
Wikipedia - Crown (currency) -- Currency of several nations
Wikipedia - Crown Fountain -- Interactive work of public art in Chicago, USA
Wikipedia - Crown of Immortality -- Literary and religious metaphor
Wikipedia - C. R. Smith -- American businessman, general, and cabinet member
Wikipedia - Crucero de verano -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Cruise line -- Company that operates cruise ships
Wikipedia - Crunk Energy Drink -- Ohio based beverage company
Wikipedia - Crusader 101 -- Electrically-operated toy car
Wikipedia - Crush (soft drink) -- Line of fruit flavored carbonated beverages
Wikipedia - Cryogenian -- Second period of the Neoproterozoic Era, with major glaciation
Wikipedia - Cryogenics -- Study of the production and behaviour of materials at very low temperatures
Wikipedia - Cryoimmunotherapy -- Treatment for various types of cancer
Wikipedia - Cryopreservation -- Process where biological matter is preserved by cooling to very low temperatures
Wikipedia - Cryotherapy -- Local or general use of low temperatures in medical therapy
Wikipedia - Cryptographic accelerator
Wikipedia - Cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator
Wikipedia - Cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator
Wikipedia - Crystal habit -- Mineralogical term for the visible shape of a mineral
Wikipedia - Csaba Gera -- Hungarian judoka
Wikipedia - C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America -- 2004 mockumentary directed by Kevin Willmott
Wikipedia - C. S. Dias -- Indian judge of Kerala High Court
Wikipedia - C. S. E. Cooney -- American writer of fantasy literature
Wikipedia - CSIRO -- Federal government agency for scientific research in Australia
Wikipedia - CSI (video games) -- Several video games based on the CSI franchise
Wikipedia - CSS Chattahoochee -- Confederate States Navy gunboat
Wikipedia - CSS David -- Confederate States Navy torpedo boat
Wikipedia - CSS General M. Jeff Thompson -- Ironclad ram of the Confederate States Navy
Wikipedia - CSS Jackson -- Confederate gunboat of American Civil War
Wikipedia - CTD (instrument) -- An oceanography instrument used to measure the conductivity, temperature, and pressure of seawater
Wikipedia - Ctenicera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Ctenoplusia accentifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ctesiphon -- Capital of the Iranian empire in the Parthian and Sasanian eras in present Iraq
Wikipedia - Cuatro en la frontera -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Cuatro (instrument) -- Any of several Latin American instruments of the guitar or lute families
Wikipedia - Cuban emerald -- Species of bird of the genus Chlorostilbon
Wikipedia - Cube Interactive -- UK interactive media company
Wikipedia - Cub Linux -- Computer operating system
Wikipedia - Cuckoo clock in culture -- The cuckoo clock, more than any other kind of timepiece, has often featured in literature, music, cinema, television, etc.
Wikipedia - Cucullia xeranthemi -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cudgera Creek -- Town in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Cuenta Conmigo -- 1992 album by Jerry Rivera
Wikipedia - Cuitlahuac Garcia Jimenez -- Governor of Veracruz, Mexico
Wikipedia - Cui Yi (general) -- Chinese lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Culebrita Lighthouse -- Spanish-era lighthouse in Culebra, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Cult image -- Human-made object that is venerated for the deity, person, spirit or daemon that it represents
Wikipedia - Cultural eutrophication -- The acceleration of natural eutrophication because of human activity
Wikipedia - Cultural heritage -- Physical artifact or intangible attribute of a society inherited from past generations
Wikipedia - Cultural liberalism
Wikipedia - Cultural literacy
Wikipedia - Culture of Ireland -- Language, literature, music, art, folklore, cuisine, and sport of Ireland
Wikipedia - Culture of Kerala
Wikipedia - Culture of Shanghai -- Language, literature, music, art, folklore, cuisine, and sport of Shanghai
Wikipedia - Cumberland and Westmorland Herald -- Newspaper printed and sold in Cumbria, England
Wikipedia - Cumberland Gap National Historical Park -- 20,000 acres (Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia) operated by the U.S. National Park Service
Wikipedia - Cummeragunja Reserve -- former Australian Aboriginal reserve in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Cumulative hierarchy
Wikipedia - Cuneiform -- Logosyllabic script used to write several languages of the Ancient Near East
Wikipedia - Cunt -- Vulgar term for female genitalia, or used as a general insult
Wikipedia - Cupcake > Dino: General Services
Wikipedia - Curie temperature -- Temperature above which magnetic properties change
Wikipedia - Curio hallianus -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Curio (plant) -- genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Curio rowleyanus -- species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Curl (mathematics) -- Operator describing the rotation at a point in a 3D vector field
Wikipedia - Currency intervention -- Monetary policy operation
Wikipedia - Currency -- Generally accepted medium of exchange for goods or services
Wikipedia - Current Literature
Wikipedia - Curro Rivera Aguero -- Mexican bullfighter
Wikipedia - Curry College -- Private liberal-arts based institution in Milton, MA
Wikipedia - Curry General Hospital -- Hospital in Oregon, United States
Wikipedia - Curt Bisquera -- American studio drummer
Wikipedia - Curtis Brown (agency) -- Literary and talent agency
Wikipedia - Curtis LeMay -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Curtis Scaparrotti -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Curtis V. Gomez -- U.S. federal judge
Wikipedia - Curtoceras -- Genus of molluscs
Wikipedia - Curvature invariant (general relativity)
Wikipedia - CURV -- Early remotely operated underwater vehicle
Wikipedia - Customer experience -- Interaction between an organization and a customer
Wikipedia - CUT&RUN sequencing -- A method used to analyze protein interactions with DNA.
Wikipedia - CUT&Tag sequencing -- A method used to analyze protein interactions with DNA.
Wikipedia - Cut, copy, and paste -- User-interface interaction technique for transferring text, data, files or objects from a source to a destination
Wikipedia - Cutscene -- Sequence in a video game that is not interactive, breaking up the gameplay.
Wikipedia - Cut-up technique -- Literary technique based on rearranging text
Wikipedia - C. V. K. Abdul Rehim -- Former Judge of Kerala High Court
Wikipedia - C. W. Ceram
Wikipedia - Cyanthillium cinereum -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Cyberactivism in North Korea -- North Korea cyber activism
Wikipedia - CyberArts International -- Series of technology conferences
Wikipedia - Cyberathlete Professional League
Wikipedia - Cyberattack
Wikipedia - Cybera
Wikipedia - Cyberiada (opera)
Wikipedia - Cyber-physical system -- Engineered systems built and operated with seamless integration physical components and computation
Wikipedia - Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency -- United States federal agency
Wikipedia - Cyclanthera pedata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Cyclanthera -- genus of plants
Wikipedia - Cyclic group -- Mathematical group that can be generated as the set of powers of a single element
Wikipedia - Cyclidia orciferaria -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Cyclonic separation -- Method of removing particulates from a fluid stream through vortex speration
Wikipedia - Cyclophosphamide -- Medication used as chemotherapy and to suppress the immune system
Wikipedia - CyclopM-CM-&dia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature -- Reference work of ten volumes and two supplements published in the 19th century
Wikipedia - Cycnia tenera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cycnus (son of Ares) -- Character in Greek mythology, son of Ares, killed by Heracles
Wikipedia - Cylindera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Cymatodera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Cymbrian flood -- A legendary large-scale incursion of the sea in the region of the Jutland peninsula in the period 120 to 114 BC, resulting in a permanent alteration of the coastline with much land lost
Wikipedia - Cymerau quarry -- Slate quarry in Wales, UK
Wikipedia - Cymindis accentifera -- Species of ground beetle
Wikipedia - Cymindis akserai -- Species of ground beetle
Wikipedia - Cynariognathus -- Extinct genus of therapsids from the middle Permian of South Africa
Wikipedia - Cynodont -- Suborder of Therapsids
Wikipedia - Cynthia Bolbach -- Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
Wikipedia - Cynthia Clarey -- American operatic singer and educator
Wikipedia - Cynthia Grant -- Canadian federal scientist
Wikipedia - Cynthia James -- Trinidadian Canadian writer and literary theorist
Wikipedia - Cyperus dubius -- Species of plant of the family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Cyperus elatus -- Species of plant of the family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Cyperus papyrus -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Cyphers (magazine) -- Irish literary magazine
Wikipedia - Cyphocerastis elegans -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Cyphocerastis -- Genus of grasshoppers
Wikipedia - Cyprea Group -- Maldivian conglomerate company
Wikipedia - Cypress Systems -- Biotech company headquartered in Madera, California
Wikipedia - Cyrano (Damrosch) -- Opera by Walter Damrosch, 1976
Wikipedia - Cyrano de Bergerac (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Cyrano de Bergerac (1946 film) -- 1945 film by Fernand Rivers
Wikipedia - Cyrano de Bergerac (1950 film) -- 1950 film by Michael Gordon
Wikipedia - Cyrano de Bergerac (1990 film) -- 1990 film by Jean-Paul Rappeneau
Wikipedia - Cyrano de Bergerac (play)
Wikipedia - Cyrano de Bergerac (Tamberg) -- Opera by Eino Tamberg, 1976
Wikipedia - Cyrano de Bergerac -- French novelist, dramatist, scientist and duelist
Wikipedia - Cyrano (DiChiera) -- Opera by David DiChiera, 2008
Wikipedia - Cyril Clowes -- Australian general
Wikipedia - Cyrillization of French -- Transliteration of French into Russian Cyrillic script
Wikipedia - Cyril Overall -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Cyrtomoptera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Cyrus Hamlin (general) -- American attorney, politician, and general
Wikipedia - Cyrus Hoy -- 20th/21st-century American academic and literary scholar
Wikipedia - Cytarabine -- Chemical compound (chemotherapy medication)
Wikipedia - Cytoskeletal drugs -- Substances or medications that interact with actin or tubulin
Wikipedia - Czech Constitutionalist Progressive Party -- Liberal Czech political party in Austria-Hungary (1909-1918)
Wikipedia - Czech literature
Wikipedia - Czechoslovakia-Yugoslavia relations -- Bilateral relations between Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - Daam Sahi Hai -- Indian interactive game show
Wikipedia - Daana Chintamani Attimabbe Award -- Indian literary award
Wikipedia - Dachau liberation reprisals -- Reprisals against Germans during the liberation of Dachau
Wikipedia - Dacryodes costata -- species of plant in the family Burseraceae
Wikipedia - Dacryodes laxa -- species of plant in the family Burseraceae
Wikipedia - Dacryodes rubiginosa -- species of plant in the family Burseraceae
Wikipedia - Dactylicapnos -- A genus of climbing flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Dactylis glomerata -- Species of grass
Wikipedia - Dafne -- First modern opera
Wikipedia - Dahlia coccinea -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Dahlia imperialis -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Dahlia -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Daiane Conterato -- Brazilian fashion model
Wikipedia - Daily Camera
Wikipedia - Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, Illinois) -- Daily newspaper in the US
Wikipedia - Daily Herald (United Kingdom) -- British daily newspaper, published in London from 1912 to 1964, and precursor of 'The Sun'
Wikipedia - Daily Herald (Utah) -- Newspaper of Utah
Wikipedia - Daily Mail and General Trust -- British media conglomerate
Wikipedia - Daisy Cooper -- Deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats
Wikipedia - Daitari Behera -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Dai Yuqiang -- Chinese operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Dakshayani Velayudhan Award -- Annual award conferred by the state of Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha -- Organisation with the purpose to improve Hindi literacy in South Indian states
Wikipedia - Dakshina Kannada Bus Operators' Association -- Bus operator in Karnataka, India
Wikipedia - Dalata Hotel Group -- Large hotel operator in Ireland, and the UK
Wikipedia - Dalbergia funera -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Dale Corvera -- Filipino politician
Wikipedia - Dales & District -- Bus operator based in North Yorkshire
Wikipedia - Dalgety plc -- Defunct British agricultural company operated in Australia
Wikipedia - DAL Group -- Sudanese commercial conglomerate (e. 1951)
Wikipedia - Dalia Contreras -- Venezuelan taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Dalia seera -- Indian sweet pudding
Wikipedia - Dal Khalsa (Sikh Army) -- Sikh military confederation during 18th century in Punjab
Wikipedia - Dallas Times Herald -- Former daily newspaper in Dallas, Texas
Wikipedia - Dallewalia Misl -- Sovereign state of the Sikh Confederacy
Wikipedia - Dalmia Group -- Indian Conglomerate Company
Wikipedia - Dalongkoua -- Extinct genus of therapsid from late Permian China
Wikipedia - Dalrymple Arbuthnot -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Dalsa Origin -- Digital motion picture camera
Wikipedia - Dal Soon's Spring -- South Korean soap opera
Wikipedia - Damage tolerance
Wikipedia - Damaso Berenguer -- Spanish general and politician (1873-1953)
Wikipedia - Damian Dalassenos -- Byzantine general and aristocrat
Wikipedia - Damir KrstiM-DM-^Mevic -- Croatian politician and general
Wikipedia - Damon S. Feltman -- U.S. Air Force general
Wikipedia - Dampath Fernando -- Sri Lankan army general
Wikipedia - D&G Bus -- English bus operator
Wikipedia - Dampiera altissima -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Dampiera dysantha -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Dana Award -- Literary award
Wikipedia - Dana H. Born -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Dance movement therapy
Wikipedia - Dance/movement therapy
Wikipedia - Dance therapy
Wikipedia - Dangerous Women (American TV series) -- 1991 American soap opera
Wikipedia - Dangote Group -- Nigerian industrial conglomerate
Wikipedia - Daniela Barcellona -- Italian operatic mezzo-soprano
Wikipedia - Daniel Anthony Manion -- United States federal judge
Wikipedia - Daniel Auber -- French opera composer
Wikipedia - Daniel B. Allyn -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Daniel Belcher -- American operatic baritone
Wikipedia - Daniel Brodhead IV -- American Revolutionary War general
Wikipedia - Daniel C. Burbank -- American astronaut and a veteran of two Space Shuttle missions
Wikipedia - Daniel D. Bidwell -- Union Army general
Wikipedia - Daniel Elwell -- Acting Administrator of the US Federal Aviation Administration
Wikipedia - Daniel Erasmus -- South African athlete
Wikipedia - Daniel G. Nocera -- American chemist
Wikipedia - Daniel Harvey Hill -- Confederate Army general
Wikipedia - Daniel Hogan (general) -- Irish general
Wikipedia - Daniel Hoghton -- British Napoleonic general
Wikipedia - Daniel J. O'Donohue -- U.S. Marine major general.
Wikipedia - Daniel Karlin -- British literary scholar
Wikipedia - Danielle Jones (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Danielle LeRay -- Australian gymnast
Wikipedia - Daniel Maclise -- Irish history, literary and portrait painter, and illustrator
Wikipedia - Daniel M. Traynor -- U.S. federal judge
Wikipedia - Daniel Peralta -- Argentine politician
Wikipedia - Daniel Phineas Woodbury -- Union Army general
Wikipedia - Daniel P. Leaf -- United States General
Wikipedia - Daniel Quesada Barrera -- Spanish taekwondo athlete
Wikipedia - Daniel R. Hokanson -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Daniel Smith Donelson -- Confederate Army general
Wikipedia - Daniel Williams (governor-general) -- 4th Governor-General of Grenada
Wikipedia - Daniel Yonnet -- French literary critic
Wikipedia - Daniel Zueras -- Spanish singer
Wikipedia - Danilo Cabrera -- Professional boxer from the Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Danilo Carrera -- Ecuadorian actor, model, and TV presenter
Wikipedia - Danilo Kocevski -- Macedonian literary critic
Wikipedia - Danish literature
Wikipedia - Danish Social Liberal Party
Wikipedia - Dan Lungren -- Former U.S. Representative from California; 29th Attorney General of California
Wikipedia - Danny Alexander -- British Banker and Former Liberal Democrat politician
Wikipedia - Danny Dietz -- Naval Special Warfare Operator US Navy Seal
Wikipedia - Danny Mitchell (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Danny Moon -- Fictional character in the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Danny Ramsay -- Fictional character from the soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Danny Rivera -- Puerto Rican singer
Wikipedia - Danny Vera (singer) -- Dutch singer, composer and musician
Wikipedia - Dan Pienaar -- South African Army general
Wikipedia - Dan Selbo -- American Lutheran Bishop
Wikipedia - Dan Sullivan (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic -- 2010 film by several directors
Wikipedia - Danuta Dudzinska-Wieczorek -- Polish opera singer
Wikipedia - Danville Leadbetter -- Confederate Army general
Wikipedia - Danza de tijeras -- Dance from the Andes, Peru
Wikipedia - Daphne Clarke -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Daphne (opera)
Wikipedia - Dara Hobbs -- American operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Darbar (title) -- Title of honor or respect used generally in the western Indian State of Gujarat
Wikipedia - Darca schools -- Non-governmental organization operating a network of schools in Israel
Wikipedia - Dario Bandiera -- Italian actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Dario Herrera -- American politician
Wikipedia - Dario Villanueva -- Spanish literary critic
Wikipedia - Dark Energy Camera
Wikipedia - Dark-energy-dominated era
Wikipedia - Dark energy -- unknown property in cosmology that causes the expansion of the universe to accelerate.
Wikipedia - Darko Suvin -- Croatian Canadian literary critic
Wikipedia - Dark radiation -- A postulated type of radiation that mediates interactions of dark matter
Wikipedia - Dark Secrets of Africa -- 1999 video game by New Generation Software
Wikipedia - Dark Shadows -- American gothic soap opera
Wikipedia - Darleen Bogart -- Canadian Braille literacy advocate
Wikipedia - Darmera -- Species of flowering plant in the family Saxifragaceae
Wikipedia - Darrell Silvera -- American set decorator
Wikipedia - Darren Fisher -- Canadian Liberal politician
Wikipedia - Darren Miller -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Darr H. Alkire -- Brigadier General, USAF
Wikipedia - Darryl A. Williams -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Darryl Roberson -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Dartmouth-Cole Harbour -- Canadian federal electoral district
Wikipedia - Dartmouth College -- private liberal arts university in Hanover, New Hampshire, United States
Wikipedia - Darwinian literary studies
Wikipedia - Darwin (operating system) -- Computer operating system
Wikipedia - Darwin-Wedgwood family -- Two interrelated English families descending from Erasmus Darwin and Josiah Wedgwood
Wikipedia - Das MM-CM-$rchen von der schonen Lilie -- German opera
Wikipedia - Data Analytics Acceleration Library
Wikipedia - Data (computing) -- Quantities, characters, or symbols on which operations are performed by a computer
Wikipedia - Data, Context, and Interaction
Wikipedia - Data General Business Basic
Wikipedia - Data General Eclipse MV/8000
Wikipedia - Data General Eclipse S/200
Wikipedia - Data General Eclipse
Wikipedia - Data General Extended BASIC
Wikipedia - Data General Nova -- 16-bit minicomputer series
Wikipedia - Data General RDOS
Wikipedia - Data General
Wikipedia - Data hierarchy
Wikipedia - Data proliferation
Wikipedia - Dating -- Process of interacting and meeting other people on the prospect of establishing a romantic relationship
Wikipedia - Dative case -- Grammatical case generally used to indicate the noun to which something is given
Wikipedia - Datuk Keramat
Wikipedia - Datura ceratocaula -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Davenport (electoral district) -- Federal electoral district of Canada
Wikipedia - Davenport-ErdM-EM-^Qs theorem -- Several different notions of density for sets of multiples of integers are equivalent
Wikipedia - Dave Severance -- US Marine Corps officer
Wikipedia - Dave Yost -- 51st Attorney General of Ohio
Wikipedia - David Alexander (Royal Marines officer) -- Royal Marines general
Wikipedia - David Ameln -- German operatic tenor
Wikipedia - David Barrera -- American actor
Wikipedia - David B. Barlow -- U.S. federal judge
Wikipedia - David Bellavia -- American Iraq War veteran who was awarded the Medal of Honor.
Wikipedia - David Beratan -- American chemistry and physics professor
Wikipedia - David Bevington -- American literary scholar
Wikipedia - David Blake (general) -- Australian Army general
Wikipedia - David Butt Philip -- British operatic tenor
Wikipedia - David Byrne (barrister) -- Irish lawyer, Attorney General, European Commissioner
Wikipedia - David Civera -- Spanish singer
Wikipedia - David C. Joseph -- United States federal judge
Wikipedia - David Cordier -- English operatic countertenor
Wikipedia - David C. Shanks -- U.S. Army major general
Wikipedia - David Damrosch -- American literary historian
Wikipedia - David D. McKiernan -- US Army general
Wikipedia - David Drake (potter) -- Ceramic artists from the United States
Wikipedia - David Drake -- American author of science fiction and fantasy literature
Wikipedia - David D. Thompson -- U.S. Space Force vice chief of space operations
Wikipedia - David E. Quantock -- US Army general
Wikipedia - David E. Twiggs -- Confederate Army general
Wikipedia - David Evans (political official) -- General Secretary of the Labour Party
Wikipedia - David Fitzgerald (field hockey) -- Ireland men's hockey international
Wikipedia - David F. O'Neill -- American Major general
Wikipedia - David Forbes (mineralogist)
Wikipedia - David Forsyth (actor) -- American soap opera actor
Wikipedia - David G. Barr -- American Army Major General
Wikipedia - David G. Perkins -- US Army general
Wikipedia - David Graeme (British Army officer) -- British Army general
Wikipedia - David Hamilton (judge) -- United States federal judge
Wikipedia - David H. Berger -- United States Marine Corps general
Wikipedia - David Heath (politician) -- British Liberal Democrat politician
Wikipedia - David Hurley -- Australian Army general and Governor-General of Australia
Wikipedia - David J. Meyer -- U.S. Air Force general
Wikipedia - David J. Novak -- U.S. federal judge
Wikipedia - David Johnston -- Governor General of Canada
Wikipedia - David Kuraoka -- American ceramic artist
Wikipedia - David Laws -- British Liberal Democrat politician
Wikipedia - David L. Goldfein -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - David L. Grange -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - David Maimon -- Israeli general
Wikipedia - David McGoveran
Wikipedia - David M. Gaedecke -- American Air Force general
Wikipedia - David Mikics -- American literary scholar
Wikipedia - David Mitchell (lawyer) -- Assistant District Officer of the British Colonial Service, Solicitor-General of Lesotho, Australian Lawyer, Minister of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, and Tasmanian Political Candidate and Referendum Representative
Wikipedia - David M. Lawson -- United States federal judge
Wikipedia - David Mosquera -- Spanish canoeist
Wikipedia - David M. Rodriguez -- US Army general
Wikipedia - David N. Miller Jr. -- U.S. Air Force general
Wikipedia - David Petraeus -- U.S. Army general and public official
Wikipedia - David Platt (Coronation Street) -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - David Popescu -- Romanian general
Wikipedia - David Porter McCorkle -- Confederate Navy officer
Wikipedia - David P. Weber -- Assistant Inspector General for the SEC
Wikipedia - David Salzman {{cleanup|reason= bare URLs, considerable non-reliable sources, short choppy poorly cited sections, [[MOS:JOBTITLE]], [[WP:MSH]], [[MOS:ALLCAPS]], [[WP:CITATIONOVERKILL]], etc.|date=January 2021 -- David Salzman {{cleanup|reason= bare URLs, considerable non-reliable sources, short choppy poorly cited sections, [[MOS:JOBTITLE]], [[WP:MSH]], [[MOS:ALLCAPS]], [[WP:CITATIONOVERKILL]], etc.|date=January 2021
Wikipedia - David Schnarch -- American psychotherapist
Wikipedia - David Sejusa -- Ugandan lawyer and military general
Wikipedia - David Semyonovich Abamelik -- Russian-Armenian general-major
Wikipedia - David Sherman -- American war novelist and veteran Marine
Wikipedia - David Shulkin -- 9th United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Wikipedia - David Simchi-Levi -- American engineer and operations researcher
Wikipedia - Davidson College -- Liberal arts college in Davidson, NC, US
Wikipedia - Davidson Masuku -- South African general and doctor (1940 - 2000)
Wikipedia - David Steel -- British Liberal Democrat politician
Wikipedia - David Stuart (brigadier general) -- Union Army officer and politician
Wikipedia - David Vera -- Olympic sailor from Spain
Wikipedia - David Vunagi -- Anglican archbishop; Governor-General of Solomon Islands (2019-present)
Wikipedia - David W. Dugan -- American federal judge from Illinois
Wikipedia - David Weatherall -- British physician and researcher (1933-2018)
Wikipedia - David Wicks -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - David W. Panuelo -- President of the Federated States of Micronesia (2019-present)
Wikipedia - David W. Snoddy -- U.S. Air Force general
Wikipedia - Davis Cunningham -- American operatic singer
Wikipedia - Davis Guards Medal -- Confederate States campaign medal
Wikipedia - Davisite -- Inosilicate mineral
Wikipedia - Davone Tines -- American opera singer
Wikipedia - Davorin Stetner -- President of the Croatian Automobile & Karting Federation
Wikipedia - Dawda Fadera -- Gambian civil servant
Wikipedia - Dawera-Daweloor language -- Austronesian language spoken in Maluku, Indonesia
Wikipedia - Daya Wimalaweera -- Sri Lankan director
Wikipedia - Dayendranath Burrenchobay -- Governor-General of Mauritius (1919 - 1999)
Wikipedia - Day of Prayer -- Day allocated to prayer, either by leaders of religions or the general public, for a specific purpose
Wikipedia - Days of Our Lives -- American daytime soap opera
Wikipedia - Dayton Literary Peace Prize -- United States literary award
Wikipedia - D. B. Herath -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - DC Books -- Indian book publishing company based in Kerala
Wikipedia - DCU Ryan Academy -- Unit of Dublin City University that operates entrepreneurial programmes
Wikipedia - D-Day naval deceptions -- Operations Taxable, Glimmer and Big Drum were tactical military deceptions conducted on 6 June 1944
Wikipedia - DDR3 SDRAM -- Third generation of double-data-rate synchronous dynamic random-access memory
Wikipedia - DDR4 SDRAM -- Fourth generation of double-data-rate synchronous dynamic random-access memory
Wikipedia - DDR5 SDRAM -- Fifth generation of double-data-rate synchronous dynamic random-access memory
Wikipedia - DD Retro -- Doordarshan hindi general entertainment channel for re-run of its popular classic shows
Wikipedia - Dead-ball era
Wikipedia - Dead Hand -- Cold-War-era nuclear-control system used by the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Deadly Deception: General Electric, Nuclear Weapons and Our Environment -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Deadpan -- The deliberate display of emotional neutrality as a form of comedic delivery to contrast with the subject matter.
Wikipedia - Deaerator -- Device that removes dissolved gases from liquids
Wikipedia - Dean family -- Fictional family from the British soap opera Hollyoaks
Wikipedia - DeAnna M. Burt -- U.S. Space Force Director of Operations and Communications
Wikipedia - Dean Wicks -- fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Death and funeral of Corazon Aquino
Wikipedia - Death and funeral of Lee Teng-hui -- 2020 death of Taiwanese statesman Lee Teng-hui
Wikipedia - Death and funeral of Margaret Thatcher -- Ceremonial funeral of British Prime Minister
Wikipedia - Death and state funeral of Fidel Castro -- Details on the death and funeral of Fidel Castro
Wikipedia - Death and state funeral of George H. W. Bush -- Funeral of 41st president of the U.S George H. W. Bush
Wikipedia - Death and state funeral of Joseph Stalin -- Soviet political leader's 1953 death
Wikipedia - Death and state funeral of Kim Jong-il -- Funeral In December 2011
Wikipedia - Death and state funeral of Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq
Wikipedia - Death and state funeral of Richard Nixon -- Presidential funeral
Wikipedia - Death and state funeral of Ronald Reagan -- Funeral of 40th President of the U.S. Ronald Reagan
Wikipedia - Death and state funeral of Ruth Bader Ginsburg -- 2020 death of a US Supreme Court justice
Wikipedia - Death and state funeral of Vladimir Lenin -- 1924 death and funeral of the Soviet Union's first leader
Wikipedia - Death and state funeral of Winston Churchill -- State Funeral of British Prime Minister
Wikipedia - Death of Naya Rivera -- Drowning accident causing the death of the American actress
Wikipedia - Death of Rey Rivera -- Death of a man whose body was found in Baltimore, Maryland, US in 2006
Wikipedia - Debbie Bates -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Debbie Dingle -- Fictional character from the ITV soap opera Emmerdale
Wikipedia - Debbie Wilkins -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Debenhams -- British multinational retailer operating department stores
Wikipedia - Deborah Ajayi -- Nigerian sex therapist
Wikipedia - Deborah Sasson -- Musician and opera singer
Wikipedia - Deborah Serani -- American psychologist
Wikipedia - Deborah Teramis Christian -- American author and game designer
Wikipedia - Deborah Vietor-EnglM-CM-$nder -- British literary scholar.
Wikipedia - Deborah Voigt -- American operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Debtera -- occultist and religious figure who performs magic in Ethiopian tradition
Wikipedia - De Bunsen Committee -- British Desiderata re Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Deccan Archaeological and Cultural Research Institute -- Non-profit organisation operating in the Deccan region of India
Wikipedia - Deccan Herald -- Karnataka newspaper
Wikipedia - Deccan Radio -- Community radio station in Hyderabad, India
Wikipedia - Deceleration parameter
Wikipedia - December 1964 South Vietnamese coup -- Coup by General NguyM-aM-;M-^En Khanh
Wikipedia - December 2013 Spuyten Duyvil derailment -- Passenger commuter train accident that killed four
Wikipedia - Decima Flottiglia MAS -- Italian naval commando frogman unit of the Fascist era
Wikipedia - Decimal numeral system
Wikipedia - Decimal -- Numeral system with ten as its base
Wikipedia - Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus -- Roman general, politician and assassin of Julius Caesar
Wikipedia - Declaration of Boulogne -- Declaration about the nature and purpose of the Esperanto movement and the Fundamento as a basis for the Esperanto language; authored by L. L. Zamenhof and approved at the First World Esperanto Congress, Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1905
Wikipedia - Declaration of the Rights of the Child -- Declaration adopted in 1959 by the United Nations General Assembly
Wikipedia - Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination -- Declaration adopted in 1963 by the United Nations General Assembly
Wikipedia - Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women -- Human rights proclamation issued by the United Nations General Assembly
Wikipedia - Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women -- Declaration adopted in 1993 by the United Nations General Assembly
Wikipedia - Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples -- United Nations General Assembly resolution adopted in 1960
Wikipedia - Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons -- Declaration adopted in 1975 by the United Nations General Assembly
Wikipedia - Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples -- Declaration adopted in 2007 by the United Nations General Assembly
Wikipedia - Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities -- Declaration adopted in 1992 by the United Nations General Assembly
Wikipedia - De Coelesti Hierarchia -- Pseudo-Dionysian work on angelology, 5th ct.
Wikipedia - Decompression chamber -- Hyperbaric pressure vessel for human occupation used in diving operations to decompress divers
Wikipedia - Decompression gas -- Oxygen-rich gas used for accelerated decompression
Wikipedia - De consideratione quintae essentiae
Wikipedia - Decoration Day (Appalachia and Liberia) -- A living tradition of group ancestor veneration observances focused on the maintenance and decoration of cemeteries and grave markers in Appalachia, Liberia, and other areas where Appalachian people migrated
Wikipedia - Decoration For Impeccable Service -- Award of the Russian Federation
Wikipedia - Dectocera -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Dedeh Erawati -- Indonesian sprint hurdler
Wikipedia - Dedekind zeta function -- A generalization of the Riemann zeta function for algebraic number fields
Wikipedia - Dee Bliss -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Deeparadhana -- Indian soap opera
Wikipedia - Deep Drone -- US Navy remotely operate underwater vehicle
Wikipedia - Deep operation -- Soviet military strategy from the 1920s and 1930s
Wikipedia - Deep Rock Galactic -- Cooperative first-person shooter video game by Ghost Ship Games
Wikipedia - Deep sea mining -- Mineral extraction from the ocean floor
Wikipedia - Deep sleep therapy -- Psychiatric treatment
Wikipedia - Deep Spring (beverage brand) -- Beverage brand
Wikipedia - Deep state -- covert governmental networks operating independently of public state political leadership and/or goals
Wikipedia - Deep Throat (film) -- 1972 film by Gerard Damiano
Wikipedia - Deera Square -- Beheading place
Wikipedia - Defender of the Faith -- Title of several European Christian monarchs
Wikipedia - Defense of Marriage Act -- Unconstitutional US law defining marriage for federal purposes
Wikipedia - Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Wikipedia - Deferasirox -- Oral iron chelator
Wikipedia - Deficit reduction in the United States -- Taxation, spending, and economic policy debates and proposals designed to reduce the Federal budget deficit in the United States of America
Wikipedia - De Furtivis Literarum Notis -- 1563 book on cryptography
Wikipedia - Degeneracy (mathematics)
Wikipedia - Degenerate Art Exhibition -- 1937 art exhibition in Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - Degenerate Art
Wikipedia - Degenerate art -- Pejorative term used by Nazi party for modern art
Wikipedia - Degenerate dimension
Wikipedia - Degenerate distribution
Wikipedia - Degenerate energy levels
Wikipedia - Degenerate matter -- Collection of free, non-interacting particles with a pressure and other physical characteristics determined by quantum mechanical effects
Wikipedia - Degenerate star
Wikipedia - Degeneration (Nordau) -- Two volume book by Max Nordau
Wikipedia - Degrassi: The Next Generation (season 2) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Degrassi: The Next Generation -- Canadian teen drama television series
Wikipedia - Deidamia (opera) -- Opera by Georg Friedrich HM-CM-$ndel
Wikipedia - Deidre Airey -- New Zealand ceramic artist
Wikipedia - Dein Mani-Yut -- Burmese general and politician
Wikipedia - Deirdre Barlow -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Deivy Vera SigueM-CM-1as -- Peruvian chess player
Wikipedia - De Jussieu system -- Late 18th century system of plant taxonomy by Antoine Laurent de Jussieu, introducing hierarchical arrangement of families
Wikipedia - Delaine Buses -- Lincolnshire bus operator
Wikipedia - Delairea -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Delaware General Corporation Law -- Statute governing corporate law in the U.S. state of Delaware, in which over half of all US public companies are domiciled
Wikipedia - Delaware Senate -- Upper house of the Delaware General Assembly
Wikipedia - Delayed choice quantum eraser
Wikipedia - Delayed-choice quantum eraser
Wikipedia - Delayed column generation
Wikipedia - Delay-tolerant networking
Wikipedia - DeLeon Tequila -- Alcoholic beverage brand
Wikipedia - Delfin Lorenzana -- Filipino government official and former Philippine Army general
Wikipedia - Delfo Cabrera -- Argentine athlete
Wikipedia - Delhi Legislative Assembly -- Unicameral legislature of the Indian union territory of Delhi
Wikipedia - Delia Reinhardt (soprano) -- German operatic soprano
Wikipedia - DeLiA -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Deliberate practice
Wikipedia - Deliberations
Wikipedia - Deliberation
Wikipedia - Deliberative assembly -- Organization that uses parliamentary procedure to make decisions
Wikipedia - Deliberative democracy -- A form of democracy focusing on consensus
Wikipedia - Delis Castillo Rivera de Santiago -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - Deliverable
Wikipedia - Deliverance (1919 film) -- 1919 silent film
Wikipedia - Deliverance ministry -- Type of prayer used by some Christian groups
Wikipedia - Deliverance -- 1972 film by John Boorman
Wikipedia - Deli Yurek: Bumerang Cehennemi -- 2001 film by Osman Sinav
Wikipedia - Della Alexander -- Fictional character in the soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Delos Carleton Emmons -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Delphi method -- Interactive forecasting method
Wikipedia - Delta Force -- Special operations force of the US Army
Wikipedia - Delta TechOps -- Delta Air Lines Technical Operations facility in Atlanta, GA
Wikipedia - Delvalle Lowry -- British geologist, mineralogist, author and scientific illustrator
Wikipedia - Del -- Vector differential operator
Wikipedia - Demagnetizing field -- Internal magnetic field generated by a magnet
Wikipedia - Demand valve oxygen therapy -- Use of high inhalation concentrations of oxygen as medical treatment
Wikipedia - Demensio Rivera -- Puerto Rican U.S. Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Demerara-Mahaica -- Region of Guyana
Wikipedia - Demetera -- Genus of Dolichopodid flies from Afrotropical, Oriental and Australasian regions
Wikipedia - Demi Miller -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Democratic Alliance Federal Council -- Governing and policy-making body of the Democratic Alliance
Wikipedia - Democratic confederalism -- Political ideology and government structure
Wikipedia - Democratic Federal Yugoslavia -- Former provisional state in Europe between November 1943 and November 1945
Wikipedia - Democratic Federation of Northern Syria
Wikipedia - Democratic Front for the Liberation of Togo -- Opposition group in Togo
Wikipedia - Democratic Liberal Congress -- Political party in South Africa
Wikipedia - Democratic liberalism
Wikipedia - Democratic Liberal Party (Italy) -- Defunct political party in Italy
Wikipedia - Democratic Party of Hawaii -- Affiliate of liberal U.S. political party in Hawaii
Wikipedia - Democratic Party of Korea -- Liberal-centrist political party in South Korea
Wikipedia - Democratic Revolutionary Front for the Liberation of Arabistan -- Former Arab nationalist militant group in Iran
Wikipedia - Democratic School of Hadera
Wikipedia - Democratic World Federalists -- Organization
Wikipedia - Democrats (Croatia) -- Liberal political party in Croatia
Wikipedia - Democritus of Abdera
Wikipedia - Demographics of Kerala -- Demographics of region
Wikipedia - Demographics of Russia -- Demographic features of the population of the Russian Federation
Wikipedia - Demographics of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia -- Yoguslavia dempgraphics for 1945 to 1991
Wikipedia - Demo (music) -- song or group of songs recorded for limited circulation or reference use rather than for general public release
Wikipedia - Demopsestis punctigera -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Demosponge -- A class of sponges in the phylum Porifera with spongin or silica spicules
Wikipedia - Dena Dubal -- American neurodegenerative disease researcher
Wikipedia - Denali Commission -- US federal agency operating in Alaska
Wikipedia - Dendera Temple complex -- Ancient Egyptian temple complex
Wikipedia - Dendroceratida -- Order of sponges
Wikipedia - Deng Ai -- Military general
Wikipedia - Deng Qiang -- Former Qin general
Wikipedia - Deng Tingzhen -- Governor-General of Liangguang
Wikipedia - Deng Xia -- Jin dynasty general and folk hero
Wikipedia - Deng Yu -- Eastern Han dynasty general and official (2-58 CE)
Wikipedia - Denis Donoghue (academic) -- Irish literary critic
Wikipedia - Denise Fox -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Denise Schmandt-Besserat -- Professor of Art and Archaeology
Wikipedia - Dennis Herrera -- City Attorney of San Francisco
Wikipedia - Dennis' Horseradish -- Condiment grown in Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Dennis Rickman -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Dennis Rivera (labor official) -- American labor official
Wikipedia - Denotation -- Literal meaning of a word or symbol
Wikipedia - Densely defined operator -- Function that is defined almost everywhere (mathematics)
Wikipedia - Density ratio -- A measure of the relative contributions of temperature and salinity in determining the density gradient in a seawater column
Wikipedia - Dental dam -- A thin, rectangular sheet used in dentistry to isolate the operative site
Wikipedia - Dental therapist
Wikipedia - Denton Confederate Soldier Monument -- Confederate memorial in Denton, Texas
Wikipedia - Denumerability
Wikipedia - Denumerably infinite
Wikipedia - Den Watts -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Denzil Onslow (British Army officer) -- English cricketer and Grenadier Guards general
Wikipedia - Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Niue) -- Federal department of Niue
Wikipedia - Department of Canadian Heritage -- Federal institution in Canada
Wikipedia - Department of Defence (Australia) -- Federal defence department of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Department of East Tennessee and West Virginia -- Territorial department of the Confederate States Army
Wikipedia - Department of Extranormal Operations -- Fictional government agency in the DC Universe
Wikipedia - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade -- Federal foreign affairs and trade department of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Department of Health (Australia) -- Federal health department of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Department of Information and Public Relations (Kerala)
Wikipedia - Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications -- Department of the Australian federal government
Wikipedia - Department of Justice and Attorney-General (Queensland) -- State government department in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Department of Mineral Resources and Energy -- Department of the South African government
Wikipedia - Department of Mineral Resources (South Africa) -- Department of the national government of South Africa
Wikipedia - Department of Peace -- Proposed department of the Federal government of the United States
Wikipedia - Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (Australia) -- Federal central public service department of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Dependent and Disability Pension Act -- 1890 act that provided pensions for all discharged and disabled veterans
Wikipedia - Depinder Singh -- Lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Depth therapy
Wikipedia - Deputy Assistant Adjutant General
Wikipedia - Deputy Chief of the General Staff (United Kingdom) -- Deputy to the commander of the British Army
Wikipedia - Deputy inspector general of police -- Official position in certain polices
Wikipedia - Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations -- |Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations is the administrative responsibilities of the Secretary-General's office
Wikipedia - Dera Allah Yar railway station -- Railway station in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Derafsh Kaviani -- Legendary royal standard of Persia
Wikipedia - Deragh Campbell -- Canadian actress
Wikipedia - Derailed (2005 film) -- 2005 film by Mikael HM-CM-%fstrom
Wikipedia - Derailleur gears -- Variable-ratio transmission system commonly used on bicycles
Wikipedia - Derailment -- Form of train incident
Wikipedia - Dera Ismail Khan cricket team -- Cricket team
Wikipedia - Derald Langham
Wikipedia - Derald Wing Sue -- American psychologist
Wikipedia - Derallus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Deramciclane
Wikipedia - Dera Murad Jamali railway station -- Railway station in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Derancistrodes -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Derancistrus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Derandomization
Wikipedia - Dera Sach Khand -- Indian socio-religious organization
Wikipedia - Derating
Wikipedia - DeRay Mckesson -- American activist
Wikipedia - Derazhnia Raion -- Former subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Der Brgergeneral
Wikipedia - Dereference operator -- Unary operator
Wikipedia - Derek A. Traversi -- British literary critic
Wikipedia - Derek Branning -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Der ferne Klang -- Opera by Franz Schreker
Wikipedia - Derivative -- Operation in calculus
Wikipedia - Der krumme Teufel -- First opera written by Joseph Haydn
Wikipedia - Dermot FitzGerald -- Irish businessman
Wikipedia - Der Ring des Nibelungen -- Cycle of four operas by Richard Wagner
Wikipedia - Der Sturm (opera)
Wikipedia - Der Teutsche Merkur -- German literary magazine
Wikipedia - Desafio -- 2003 compilation album by New Era Entertainment
Wikipedia - Desalination -- Removal of salts and minerals from a substance
Wikipedia - Des Deutschen Vaterland -- Literary work
Wikipedia - Desera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Desert Desperadoes -- 1959 film directed by Steve Sekely
Wikipedia - Desert ecology -- The study of interactions between both biotic and abiotic components of desert environments
Wikipedia - Desert Fireball Network -- Australian network of meteoroid tracking cameras
Wikipedia - Desert Hot Springs (thermal mineral springs) -- Thermal springs in Riverside County, California
Wikipedia - Desher Maati -- Indian Bengali television soap opera
Wikipedia - Desiderata -- 1920s prose poem by Max Ehrman
Wikipedia - Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus
Wikipedia - Desiderius Erasmus
Wikipedia - Desiya Geetham -- 1999 film directed by Cheran
Wikipedia - DeskMate -- Tandy operating environment
Wikipedia - Desmia funeralis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Desmond Beale-Browne -- British brigadier-general
Wikipedia - Desmond FitzGerald, 28th Knight of Glin -- Irish nobleman and socialite
Wikipedia - Desmond Fitzgerald (professor) -- Irish doctor, 5th President of the University of Limerick
Wikipedia - Desmond Pacey -- 20th-century Canadian literary critic and author
Wikipedia - Desmond Rebellions -- Two rebellions by the FitzGerald dynasty in Ireland, late 16th century
Wikipedia - Desmond Vesey-Fitzgerald
Wikipedia - Desperado (chess)
Wikipedia - Desperado (Eagles song) -- Song by the Eagles
Wikipedia - Desperadoes of the West -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Desperado (film) -- 1995 film by Robert Rodriguez
Wikipedia - Desperado Square -- 2001 film directed by Benny Torati
Wikipedia - Desperate Cargo -- 1941 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Desperate Characters (novel) -- Book by Paula Fox
Wikipedia - Desperate Characters -- 1971 film by Frank D. Gilroy
Wikipedia - Desperate Courage -- 1928 film directed by Richard Thorpe
Wikipedia - Desperate Endeavors
Wikipedia - Desperate Hours -- 1990 film by Michael Cimino
Wikipedia - Desperate Housewives (season 5) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Desperate Housewives (season 6) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Desperate Housewives (season 7) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Desperate Housewives: The Game (2017 video game) -- 2017 role-playing mobile game
Wikipedia - Desperate Housewives -- American comedy-drama TV series
Wikipedia - Desperate Journey -- 1942 film by Raoul Walsh
Wikipedia - Desperate Living -- 1977 film by John Waters
Wikipedia - Desperately Seeking Susan -- 1985 film by Susan Seidelman
Wikipedia - Desperate Measures (musical)
Wikipedia - Desperate Remedies (film) -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Desperate Remedies -- 1871 novel by Thomas Hardy
Wikipedia - Desperate Trails (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - De sphaera mundi -- Book by Sacrobosco
Wikipedia - Dessau - Wittenberg -- Federal electoral district of Germany
Wikipedia - Detection of fire accelerants
Wikipedia - De temporum fine comoedia -- Opera-oratorio by Carl Orff
Wikipedia - Detleff Neumann-Neurode -- German therapist
Wikipedia - Detlev Glanert -- German opera composer
Wikipedia - De Tomaso Pantera -- mid-engine sports car produced by Italian automobile manufacturer De Tomaso from 1971 to 1992
Wikipedia - Deus otiosus -- A creator god who largely retires from the world and is no longer involved in its daily operation
Wikipedia - Deuteragonista denotata -- Species of dance fly
Wikipedia - Deuteragonist
Wikipedia - Deuterated chloroform -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Deuterated methanol -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Deuterated THF -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Deuterostome -- Superphylum of bilateral animals
Wikipedia - Deutsche Oper Berlin -- German opera company
Wikipedia - Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis -- Annual German children's literary award
Wikipedia - Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach -- German Literature Archive
Wikipedia - Devadhar Government Higher Secondary School -- School near Tanur, Malappuram, Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Dev Alahan -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Devanagari transliteration -- Transliteration from DevanagarM-DM-+ to the Latin alphabet
Wikipedia - Development of Windows Vista -- Overview of the development of Microsoft's 2007 operating system
Wikipedia - Deveral -- Hamlet in Cornwall, England
Wikipedia - Devereux Glenholme School -- American therapeutic boarding school
Wikipedia - Devikulam (State Assembly constituency) -- Constituency of the Kerala legislative assembly in India
Wikipedia - Devimala -- Mountain in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Devonian -- Fourth period of the Paleozoic Era 419-359 million years ago
Wikipedia - Devotio -- Roman generals vow to sacrifice his own life in battle along with the enemy to chthonic gods in exchange for a victory.
Wikipedia - Dewa Made Beratha -- Indonesian politician
Wikipedia - D. E. W. Gunasekera -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - DeWitt Clinton Baxter -- American general, artist and engraver
Wikipedia - DeWitt General Hospital -- US WWII army base in California
Wikipedia - DeWitt Peck -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Dexter and sinister -- Heraldic terminology
Wikipedia - Dezo Hoffmann -- Slovak photographer, photojournalist and cameraman
Wikipedia - DezsM-EM-^Q Ernster -- Hungarian opera singer
Wikipedia - DezsM-EM-^Q Tandori -- Hungarian writer, poet and literary translator
Wikipedia - Dezydery Chlapowski -- Polish general, businessman and political activist
Wikipedia - D-Generation X: In Your House -- 1997 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - D-Generation X -- Professional wrestling stable
Wikipedia - D-glycerate dehydrogenase deficiency -- Rare autosomal recessive human diseases
Wikipedia - Dhammapala -- Name of two or more great Theravada Buddhist commentators
Wikipedia - Dhanera railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Dharitri Terangpi -- Biker and activist
Wikipedia - Dharmananda Behera -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Dharmaraj Cheralathan -- Indian Kabaddi player
Wikipedia - Dheeraj Dhoopar -- Indian television actor
Wikipedia - Dheeraj Gurjar -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Dheeraj Kumar -- Indian actor and producer
Wikipedia - DHL Balloon -- Tethered helium balloon in Singapore in operation between 2006 and 2008
Wikipedia - Dhulipalla Veeraiah Chowdary -- Indian politician in Andhra Pradesh
Wikipedia - Diacrotricha guttuligera -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Diageo -- British alcoholic beverages company
Wikipedia - Dialectical behavioral therapy
Wikipedia - Dialectical behavior therapy -- to treat borderline personality disorder
Wikipedia - Dialectical behaviour therapy
Wikipedia - Dialgebra -- Generalization of both algebra and coalgebra
Wikipedia - Diamond North West -- Bus operator in Greater Manchester
Wikipedia - Diamond-square algorithm -- Method for generating heightmaps for computer graphics
Wikipedia - Diana Athill -- Literary editor, novelist, memoirist
Wikipedia - Diana Brydon -- Canadian literary scholar
Wikipedia - Diana Cabrera -- Uruguayan-Canadian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Diana Fuss -- American scholar of literature
Wikipedia - Diana Luke -- British radio presenter and hypnotherapist
Wikipedia - Diana Mini Camera -- Box camera
Wikipedia - Diana Soviero -- American operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Diane Butcher -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Diane Wood -- United States federal judge
Wikipedia - Dianne Gerace -- Canadian pentathlete, high and long jumper (born 1943)
Wikipedia - Dianne Primavera -- American politician
Wikipedia - Diaperasticus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Diario Oficial de la Federacin
Wikipedia - Diarmaid FitzGerald -- Irish sportsman
Wikipedia - Diastocera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Diax -- Series of 35mm cameras
Wikipedia - Dicallomera fascelina -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Dicentra cucullaria -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Dicentra eximia -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Dicentra formosa -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Dicentra nevadensis -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Dicentra pauciflora -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Dicentra peregrina -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Dicentra uniflora -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Dicentra -- Genus of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Dicerandra frutescens -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Dicerandra modesta -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Diceratias -- Genus of fishes
Wikipedia - Diceratidae -- family of molluscs (fossil)
Wikipedia - Diceware -- Method for generating passphrases using dice
Wikipedia - Dice -- Throwable objects with marked sides, used for generating random numbers
Wikipedia - Dichagyris renigera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Dichagyris signifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Dichomeris derasella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Dichrorampha heegerana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Dick Grayson -- One of several fictional characters using the identity Robin
Wikipedia - Dick Thornburgh -- 76th United States Attorney General
Wikipedia - Dicliptera sexangularis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Dictator novel -- Latin American literary genre
Wikipedia - Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature to the End of the Sixth Century
Wikipedia - Dictionary of Literary Biography -- Biographical dictionary dedicated to literature
Wikipedia - Dictyoceratida -- Order of sponges
Wikipedia - Dictyoptera (genus) -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Didier Burkhalter -- 94th President of the Swiss Confederation
Wikipedia - Didone (opera)
Wikipedia - Dido, Queen of Carthage (opera)
Wikipedia - DIDO (software) -- Software product for solving general-purpose optimal control problems
Wikipedia - Die Aktuelle -- Periodical literature
Wikipedia - Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail -- Opera by Mozart
Wikipedia - Die Geisterbraut -- Czech opera
Wikipedia - Die Geisterinsel -- 1797 opera libretto by Friedrich Wilhelm Gotter
Wikipedia - Die Gezeichneten -- Opera by Franz Schreker
Wikipedia - Diego de Valera -- Spanish historian
Wikipedia - Diego Rivera -- Mexican muralist
Wikipedia - Die Hamletmaschine (opera)
Wikipedia - Dielectric -- Electrically poorly conducting or non-conducting, non-metallic substance of which charge carriers are generally not free to move
Wikipedia - Die Neue Zeit -- Periodical literature
Wikipedia - Die Opernprobe -- Comic opera by Albert Lortzing, 1851
Wikipedia - Die Prinzessin Girnara -- Opera by Egon Wellesz, 1921
Wikipedia - Dierama pendulum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Dierama pulcherrimum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - DierAnimal
Wikipedia - Die Reihe -- Periodical literature
Wikipedia - Die Schweizer Familie -- Austrian opera
Wikipedia - Die Sieger -- Draft sketch for an opera by Richard Wagner
Wikipedia - Diet and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Wikipedia - Dietary mineral
Wikipedia - Diet (assembly) -- Type of deliberative assembly
Wikipedia - Diet Coke and Mentos eruption -- Reaction between the carbonated beverage Diet Coke and Mentos mints
Wikipedia - Dieter Borchmeyer -- German literary critic
Wikipedia - Dieter Kaegi -- Swiss opera director
Wikipedia - Diet of Speyer (1529) -- Meeting of the deliberative body of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Dietrich von Choltitz -- German general
Wikipedia - Dietrich von Hulsen-Haeseler -- Imperial German general (1852-1908)
Wikipedia - Die wundersame Schustersfrau -- Opera by Udo Zimmermann and Eberhard Schmidt
Wikipedia - Diexia punctigera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Difference (heraldry)
Wikipedia - Differential cryptanalysis -- General form of cryptanalysis applicable primarily to block ciphers
Wikipedia - Differential form -- Generalization to any degree of f(x) dx and the total differential (which are 1-forms)
Wikipedia - Differential operator
Wikipedia - Diffraction grating -- Optical component which splits light into several beams
Wikipedia - Digambara Terapantha
Wikipedia - Digambara Terapanth
Wikipedia - Digambar Behera -- Indian physician
Wikipedia - Digital artifact -- Undesired or unintended alteration in data introduced in a digital process by an involved technique and/or technology
Wikipedia - Digital camera modes -- User selectable camera configurations
Wikipedia - Digital cameras
Wikipedia - Digital camera -- Camera that captures photographs or video in digital format
Wikipedia - Digital delay generator -- Electronic test equipment that provides in-line delays for circuits
Wikipedia - Digital Federal Credit Union
Wikipedia - Digital fur -- Computer generated imagery technique
Wikipedia - Digital generation loss
Wikipedia - Digital Library Federation
Wikipedia - Digital movie camera -- Specialized video camera used to shoot movies
Wikipedia - Digital pattern generator -- Electronic test equipment that generates digital stimuli
Wikipedia - Digital Photography Review -- Website about digital cameras and digital photography
Wikipedia - Digital Pictures -- Defunct interactive movie developer from San Mateo, California
Wikipedia - Digital single-lens reflex camera -- Digital cameras combining the parts of a single-lens reflex camera and a digital camera back
Wikipedia - Digital video camera
Wikipedia - Digital Video Interactive
Wikipedia - Digital Writing and Research Lab -- Promotion of twenty-first-century literacies
Wikipedia - Digit (anatomy) -- One of several most distal parts of a limb, such as fingers or toes
Wikipedia - DignidadLiteraria -- Hashtag and grassroots campaign
Wikipedia - DIKW pyramid -- Data, information, knowledge, wisdom hierarchy
Wikipedia - Dillon Quartermaine -- Fictional character from General Hospital
Wikipedia - Dillon Round -- Multilateral trade negotiation 1959-1962
Wikipedia - Dillwynia cinerascens -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Dil Mera Dhadkan Teri -- 2013 album
Wikipedia - Dilrukshi Dias Wickramasinghe -- 46th Solicitor General of Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Dilution refrigerator -- Cryogenic device for cooling to very low temperatures, with no moving parts in the low-temperature region, whose cooling power is provided by the heat of mixing of helium-3 and helium-4
Wikipedia - Dimacrodon -- Genus of extinct therapsid
Wikipedia - Dimensionality reduction -- Process of reducing the number of random variables under consideration
Wikipedia - Dimethylphenylpiperazinium
Wikipedia - Dimple Ajmera -- American politician
Wikipedia - Dim Sum Funeral -- 2008 film by Anna Chi
Wikipedia - Dina Herrera Soto -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Dinah Marler -- American Daytime Soap Opera Character
Wikipedia - Dina Pomeranz -- Swiss economist
Wikipedia - Dinara Aliyeva -- Azerbaijani operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Dindsenchas -- Class of onomastic text in early Irish literature
Wikipedia - Ding Dexing -- Chinese general of the Ming dynasty
Wikipedia - Dino Ferari -- Italian drummer
Wikipedia - Dinoponera australis -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Dinoponera gigantea -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Dinoponera hispida -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Dinoponera longipes -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Dinoponera lucida -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Dinoponera mutica -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Dinoponera quadriceps -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Dinoponera snellingi -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Dinoponera -- Genus of ants
Wikipedia - Diogenes Randes -- Brazilian operatic bass
Wikipedia - Dionysos (opera)
Wikipedia - Diopside -- Pyroxene mineral
Wikipedia - Dioscorea bulbifera -- Species of flowering plant in the yam family Dioscoreaceae
Wikipedia - Diosdado Peralta -- Chief Justice of the Philippine Supreme Court
Wikipedia - Diospyros pilosanthera -- species of plant in the family Ebenaceae
Wikipedia - Dipaenae eucera -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Diphthera festiva -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Diplomatic recognition -- Unilateral political act whereby a state acknowledges an act or status of another state or government
Wikipedia - Diplopterys cabrerana -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Diptera
Wikipedia - Dirac operator -- First-order differential linear operator on spinor bundle, whose square is the Laplacian
Wikipedia - Direccin General de Contrainteligencia Militar
Wikipedia - Direccion General de Radio, Television y Cinematografia -- Mexican government agency
Wikipedia - Directed panspermia -- Deliberate transport of microorganisms in space to be used as introduced species
Wikipedia - Directorate-General for External Security
Wikipedia - Directorate General of Civil Aviation (India) -- National civil aviation authority of the Government of India
Wikipedia - Directorate General of Customs and Excise (Indonesia) -- Indonesian government customs agency
Wikipedia - Directorate General of Family Planning -- Government agencies of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Directorate General of Forces Intelligence
Wikipedia - Directorate General of Health Services -- Government organization in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Directorate General of Jute (Bangladesh) -- state industrial regulatory authority
Wikipedia - Directorate of Operations (CIA)
Wikipedia - Director general of police -- Head of the state police force in India
Wikipedia - Director General of the Federal Investigation Agency -- Head of a government agency of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Director-General of the Provincial Government of the Western Cape -- Senior non-political official
Wikipedia - Director-General of the World Trade Organization
Wikipedia - Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation -- Head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Wikipedia - Director's Kut Productions -- Indian company which produces soap operas
Wikipedia - Direct therapeutic exposure
Wikipedia - DirectX Video Acceleration
Wikipedia - Dirk Geeraerts
Wikipedia - Dirrty -- 2002 song by Christina Aguilera
Wikipedia - Dirty COW -- Computer security vulnerability
Wikipedia - Disaster books -- Literary genre
Wikipedia - Discheramocephalini -- Tribe of beetles
Wikipedia - Discheramocephalus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Disconnection (Scientology) -- Severance of all ties between a Scientologist and a friend, colleague, or family member deemed to be antagonistic towards Scientology
Wikipedia - Discoptera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Discoverability
Wikipedia - Discover (magazine) -- American general audience science magazine
Wikipedia - Discovery Princess -- Cruise ship set to operate for Princess Cruises in November 2021
Wikipedia - Discrete Laplace operator
Wikipedia - Diseases and epidemics of the 19th century -- Diseases and epidemics of the 19th century reached epidemic proportions in the case of cholera
Wikipedia - Disenfranchisement after the Reconstruction era -- Post-civil war voter suppression efforts in the United States
Wikipedia - Disinformation -- False information spread deliberately to deceive
Wikipedia - Disk operating system
Wikipedia - Disney College Program -- National internship program operated by The Walt Disney Company
Wikipedia - Disney Cruise Line -- Cruise line operation that is a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company
Wikipedia - Disney family -- American family whose second and third generations were filmmakers
Wikipedia - Disney Interactive Studios -- Defunct American video game developer
Wikipedia - Disney Interactive -- interactive subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company
Wikipedia - Disney International Programs -- International internship programs operated by The Walt Disney Company
Wikipedia - Disparate system -- Data processing system without interaction with other computer data processing systems
Wikipedia - Dispatchable generation -- Sources of electricity that can be used on demand
Wikipedia - Dispersion (water waves) -- Generally refers to frequency dispersion, which means that waves of different wavelengths travel at different phase speeds
Wikipedia - Dispersive adhesion -- Adhesion between materials due to intermolecular interactions
Wikipedia - Dispokinesis -- Form of training and therapy specially developed for musicians and stage artists
Wikipedia - Dissipative system -- a thermodynamically open system which is operating out of, and often far from, thermodynamic equilibrium in an environment with which it exchanges energy and matter
Wikipedia - Distipsidera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Distortion-limited operation -- signal-related condition in telecommunications engineering
Wikipedia - Distress tolerance
Wikipedia - Distributed generation -- Decentralised electricity generation
Wikipedia - Distributed Interactive Simulation -- IEEE standard for real-time platform-level wargaming across multiple host computers
Wikipedia - Distributed Language Translation -- Esperanto-based machine translation project
Wikipedia - Distributed operating system -- Operating system designed to operate on multiple systems over a network
Wikipedia - Distribution (mathematics) -- Mathematical analysis term similar to generalized function
Wikipedia - District heating -- System for distributing heat generated in a centralized location for residential and commercial heating requirements
Wikipedia - District of Columbia Organic Act of 1801 -- 1801 Act of the United States Congress which formally placed the District of Columbia under federal control
Wikipedia - Dive boat -- Boat used for the support of scuba diving operations
Wikipedia - Dive briefing -- Meeting of the dive team to discuss details before the diving operation
Wikipedia - Dive planning -- The process of planning an underwater diving operation
Wikipedia - Divergence -- Vector operator producing the scalar quantity of a flow at a point
Wikipedia - Divergent thinking -- A method of generating creative ideas
Wikipedia - Diversional therapy -- Therapy that promotes the involvement in leisure, recreation and play
Wikipedia - Diversity factor -- Mathmetical operator in calculus
Wikipedia - Diver voice communications -- Protocol for spoken communications in diving operations
Wikipedia - Diver weighting systems -- Ballast carried by underwater divers to counteract buoyancy
Wikipedia - Diving air compressor operator -- Person who operates a diving air compressor
Wikipedia - Diving chamber -- Hyperbaric pressure vessel for human occupation used in diving operations
Wikipedia - Diving contractor -- The legal persona responsible for professional diving operations for a client
Wikipedia - Diving operations record -- Documentation recording a professional dive
Wikipedia - Diving operation -- Underwater dive and support activities to achieve a specific goal
Wikipedia - Diving spread -- The topside base for commercial diving operations
Wikipedia - Diving support equipment -- Equipment used in the support of an underwater diving operation
Wikipedia - Diving weighting system -- Ballast carried by underwater divers and diving equipment to counteract buoyancy
Wikipedia - Division (mathematics) -- Arithmetic operation
Wikipedia - Division of Adelaide -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Angas (1903-1934) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Angas (1949-1977) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Aston -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Australian Capital Territory -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Balaclava -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Ballarat -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Banks -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Barker -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Barrier -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Barton -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bass -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Batman -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bean -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bendigo -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bennelong -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Berowra -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Blair -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bland -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Blaxland -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bonner -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bonython -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Boothby -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bourke -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bowman -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Braddon -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bradfield -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Brand -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Brisbane -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bruce -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Burke (1949-1955) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Burke (1969-2004) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Burt -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Calare -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Calwell -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Canberra -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Canning -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Canobolas -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Capricornia -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Casey -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Charlton -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Chifley -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Chisholm -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Clark -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Cook (1906-1955) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Cook -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Coolgardie -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Cooper -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Corangamite -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Corinella (1901-1906) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Corinella (1990-1996) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Corio -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Cowan -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Cowper -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Cunningham -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Curtin -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Dalley -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Dampier -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Darebin -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Darling Downs -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Darling -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Darwin -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Dawson -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Deakin -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Denison -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Diamond Valley -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Dickson -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Dobell -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Dundas -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Dunkley -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Durack -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of East Sydney -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Echuca -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Eden-Monaro -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Evans -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Fadden -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Fairfax -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Farrer -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Fawkner -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Fenner -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Fisher -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Flinders -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Flynn -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Forde -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Forrest -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Fowler -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Franklin -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Fraser (Australian Capital Territory) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Fraser (Victoria) -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Fremantle -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Gellibrand -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Gilmore -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Gippsland -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Goldstein -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Gorton -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Grampians -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Grayndler -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Greenway -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Grey -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Griffith -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Groom -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Gwydir -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Hasluck -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Hawker -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Henty -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Herbert -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Higgins -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Higinbotham -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Hindmarsh -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Hinkler -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Hoddle -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Holt -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Hotham -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Hughes -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Hume -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Hunter -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Illawarra -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Indi -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Isaacs (1949-1969) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Isaacs -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Jagajaga -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Kalgoorlie -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Kennedy -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Kingsford Smith -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Kingston -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Kooyong -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Laanecoorie -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Lalor -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Lang -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of La Trobe -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Lawson -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Leichhardt -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Lilley -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Lindsay -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Lingiari -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Longman -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Lowe -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Lyne -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Lyons -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Macarthur -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Mackellar -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Macnamara -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Macquarie -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Makin -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Mallee -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Maranoa -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Maribyrnong -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Martin -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Mayo -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of McEwen -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of McMahon -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of McMillan -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of McPherson -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Melbourne Ports -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Melbourne -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Menzies -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Mernda -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Mitchell -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Moira -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Monash -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Moncrieff -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Moore -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Moreton -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Murray -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Namadgi -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Nepean -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Newcastle -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of New England -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Nicholls -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Northern Melbourne -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Northern Territory -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of North Sydney -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of O'Connor -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Oxley (1901-1934) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Oxley -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Page -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Parkes (1901-1969) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Parkes -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Parramatta -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Paterson -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Pearce -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Perth -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Petrie -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Phillip -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Port Adelaide -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Prospect -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Rankin -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Reid -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Richmond -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Riverina-Darling -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Riverina -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Robertson -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Ryan -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Scullin (1955-1969) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Scullin -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Shortland -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Solomon -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of South Australia -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Southern Melbourne -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of South Sydney -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Spence -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of St George -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Stirling -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Streeton -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Sturt -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Swan -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Sydney -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Tangney -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Tasmania -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Throsby -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Wakefield -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Wannon -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Warringah -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Watson (1934-1969) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Watson -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Wentworth -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of West Sydney -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Whitlam -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Wide Bay -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Wills -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Wilmot -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Wimmera -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Wright -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Yarra -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Divisions of the Australian House of Representatives -- Federal electorates in Australia
Wikipedia - Divisor (algebraic geometry) -- Generalizations of codimension-1 subvarieties of algebraic varieties
Wikipedia - Div Sultan Rumlu -- Iranian general and politician
Wikipedia - Diya Aur Baati Hum -- Indian television soap opera
Wikipedia - Djoko Santoso -- Indonesian general
Wikipedia - DK (publisher) -- British publisher of general reference and illustrated non-fiction books
Wikipedia - DMA attack -- Cyberattack exploiting high-speed expansion ports
Wikipedia - DM-EM-^MjM-EM-^M kun -- Japanese martial arts term literally meaning (training hall) rules
Wikipedia - DM-EM-^MmyM-EM-^Mji Station -- Railway station in Fujidera, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Dmitrij Gerasimenko -- Russian judoka
Wikipedia - Dmitri Polyakov -- Soviet Major General, high-ranking GRU officer, and prominent Cold War spy
Wikipedia - Dmitry Belosselskiy -- Russian operatic bass singer
Wikipedia - Dmitry Buturlin -- Russian general and historian
Wikipedia - Dmitry Gerasimov
Wikipedia - Dmitry Pavlov (general) -- Soviet general
Wikipedia - Dmitry Pogodin -- Soviet general
Wikipedia - Dmitry Timofeyevich Kozlov -- Soviet general
Wikipedia - DNA adenine methyltransferase identification -- Lab technique
Wikipedia - DNA-binding protein -- Proteins that bind with DNA, such as transcription factors, polymerases, nucleases and histones
Wikipedia - DNA methyltransferase -- Class of enzymes
Wikipedia - Doctor Alchemy -- Name of several supervillians
Wikipedia - Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights -- Libretto for an opera by Gertrude Stein
Wikipedia - Doctor Kalyuzhnyy -- 1939 film by Erast Garin
Wikipedia - Doctor Yellow -- High-speed diagnostic train operated in Japan
Wikipedia - Documentation generation
Wikipedia - Documentation generator
Wikipedia - Document Object Model -- Convention for representing and interacting with objects in HTML, XHTML and XML documents
Wikipedia - Doellingeria -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Dogcow -- Symbol on early Apple operating systems
Wikipedia - Dog Days (opera) -- opera by David T. Little
Wikipedia - Dogtown and Z-Boys -- 2001 film by Stacy Peralta
Wikipedia - Doki Doki Literature Club! -- 2017 American visual novel developed by Team Salvato
Wikipedia - Doktor und Apotheker -- Opera by Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf
Wikipedia - Dolce Stil Novo -- Medieval Italian literary movement
Wikipedia - Dolera Davronova -- Uzbekistani weightlifter
Wikipedia - Dolf Verroen -- Dutch writer of children's literature
Wikipedia - Dolicharthria bruguieralis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Dolichoderus obliteratus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Dolichoderus superaculus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Dolioponera -- Genus of ants
Wikipedia - Dollah Darya Khan -- General of the Samma Dynasty of Sindh
Wikipedia - Dollar General -- Discount store chain in the U.S.
Wikipedia - Dollaseite-(Ce) -- Epidote supergroup, sorosilicate mineral
Wikipedia - Dolomite (mineral) -- Carbonate mineral - CaMg(COM-bM-^BM-^C)M-bM-^BM-^B
Wikipedia - Dolomite (rock) -- Sedimentary carbonate rock that contains a high percentage of the mineral dolomite
Wikipedia - Dolora Zajick -- American mezzo-soprano opera singer
Wikipedia - Dolores Gortazar Serantes -- Spanish writer, journalist, education activist
Wikipedia - Dolores Romero Morales -- Spanish operations researcher
Wikipedia - Dolors Aleu i Riera -- Spanish physician (1857-1913)
Wikipedia - Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen -- Tibetan Buddhist master known as "The Buddha from Dolpo
Wikipedia - Domain-general learning
Wikipedia - Domain generation algorithm
Wikipedia - Domain Name System -- Hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network
Wikipedia - Domenec Terradellas -- Catalan opera composer with Italian works
Wikipedia - Domenico Cimarosa -- Italian opera composer of the Neapolitan school
Wikipedia - Domenico Cosselli -- Italian opera singer 1801-55
Wikipedia - Domenico Crivelli -- British opera singer 1793-1856
Wikipedia - Domenico Donzelli -- Italian opera singer 1790-1873
Wikipedia - Domenico Mustafa -- Italian opera singer, composer 1829-1912
Wikipedia - Domenico Semeraro -- Swiss bobsledder
Wikipedia - Domenico Serafini
Wikipedia - Dominance hierarchy -- Type of social hierarchy
Wikipedia - Domingo Arrieta Leon -- Mexican general
Wikipedia - Domingos Oliveira -- Portuguese general and politician
Wikipedia - Dominican Republic Taekwondo Federation -- Taekwondo Federation
Wikipedia - Dominic Copeland -- Fictional general surgeon in BBC TV medical drama Holby City
Wikipedia - Dominic Hubbard, 6th Baron Addington -- British liberal democrat politician
Wikipedia - Dominic McGlinchey -- Irish National Liberation Army leader
Wikipedia - Dominique Bouhours -- French literary critic
Wikipedia - Dominique Cabrera -- French film director
Wikipedia - Dominique Valera -- French actor and karateka
Wikipedia - Domperidone -- Peripheral D2 receptor antagonist used as an antiemetic, gastroprokinetic agent, and galactagogue
Wikipedia - Donald Agnew -- Canadian general
Wikipedia - Donald Angus Davison -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Donald Blackburn -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Donald B. Verrilli Jr. -- United States Solicitor General
Wikipedia - Donald Featherstone (wargamer) -- British physiotherapist, military historian, author & wargamer
Wikipedia - Donald Kummings -- American professor of literature (b. 1940, d. 2017)
Wikipedia - Donald M. Weller -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Donald Robertson (psychotherapist) -- Scottish psychotherapist
Wikipedia - Donald Stratton -- American veteran
Wikipedia - Donas de fuera
Wikipedia - Donato Cabrera -- American conductor with an
Wikipedia - Donato Tommaso Veraldi -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Donerail -- American Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Don Foster, Baron Foster of Bath -- British Liberal Democrat Politician
Wikipedia - Dongfang Electric -- Chinese publicly traded corporation engaged in the manufacturing of power generators and the contracts of power station projects
Wikipedia - Don Gil of the Green Breeches -- Literary work
Wikipedia - Don Giovanni -- Opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wikipedia - Dong Mingxiang -- Chinese major general
Wikipedia - Dongri Jail -- A British era jail on Jail road, Dongri.
Wikipedia - Donkeyskin -- Literary work
Wikipedia - Don Nabasa -- Ugandan military general
Wikipedia - Donna Brown (soprano) -- Canadian soprano opera singer
Wikipedia - Donna Feigley Barbisch -- U.S. Army major general
Wikipedia - Donna Freedman -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Donna Ludlow -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Donna Windsor -- Fictional character from the British ITV soap opera Emmerdale
Wikipedia - Donnie Ray Albert -- American operatic baritone
Wikipedia - Donn J. Robertson -- U.S. Marine Corps general (1916-2000)
Wikipedia - Don't Say You Love Me (Erasure song) -- 2005 single by Erasure
Wikipedia - Doomsday plane (Russia) -- Airborne Command Post operated by the Russian Air Force, based on the Ilyushin Il-96-400 commercial aircraft airframe
Wikipedia - Doosan Group -- South Korean conglomerate company
Wikipedia - Dopamine antagonist -- Drugs that bind to but do not activate dopamine receptors, thereby blocking the actions of dopamine or exogenous agonists. Many drugs used in the treatment of psychotic disorders (antipsychotic agents) are dopamine antagonists, although their therap
Wikipedia - Doquz Khatun -- 13th-century Keraite princess and consort to Ilkhanate Khan, Hulagu
Wikipedia - Dorado Wings -- Commuter airline that operated in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Dora Trigueras -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Dora V. Wheelock -- American temperance activist, writer
Wikipedia - Dorchester Collection -- Brunei luxury hotel operator
Wikipedia - Dorcoceras -- Genus of Gesneriaceae plants
Wikipedia - Doreen Corkhill -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Brookside
Wikipedia - Dorin Damir -- VP of the Judo Federation of Moldova
Wikipedia - Doris Fischer-Colbrie -- US ceramic artist and former mathematician
Wikipedia - Doris Leuthard -- 91st President of the Swiss Confederation
Wikipedia - Doris Schachner -- German mineralogist
Wikipedia - Doris Sommer -- Literature scholar
Wikipedia - Dornbusch Lighthouse -- Lighthouse in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany
Wikipedia - Doro Merande -- American actress
Wikipedia - Doronicum pardalianches -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Doronicum -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Dorothea Kohler -- Geran woman conductor and music educator
Wikipedia - Dorothea Roschmann -- Opera singer
Wikipedia - Dorothy Ayer Gardner Ford -- Mother of U.S. President Gerald Ford
Wikipedia - Dorothy Byrne (mezzo-soprano) -- American operatic mezzo-soprano
Wikipedia - Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children's Book Award -- Literary award
Wikipedia - Dorothy Chandler Pavilion -- Opera house, part of the Los Angeles Music Center
Wikipedia - Dorsa Derakhshani -- Iranian chess player
Wikipedia - Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex -- Area of the prefrontal cortex of primates
Wikipedia - Dort Federal Credit Union Event Center -- Hockey arena in Flint, Michigan
Wikipedia - Doryfera -- Genus of birds
Wikipedia - DOS -- Group of closely related PC-compatible operating systems
Wikipedia - Dot operator
Wikipedia - Dot product -- Algebraic operation returning a single number from two equal-length sequences
Wikipedia - Double origin topology -- Concept in general topology
Wikipedia - Doublespeak -- Language that deliberately disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words
Wikipedia - Doubtnut -- Interactive online tutoring platform which uses image recognition technologies, to provide solutions of some mathematical questions.
Wikipedia - Dou Chong -- Former Qin general
Wikipedia - Doug Cooper (author) -- American writer of literary fiction
Wikipedia - Douglas Dawson -- British Army World War I general
Wikipedia - Douglas Fitzgerald Dowd -- American economist
Wikipedia - Douglas Gracey -- British Indian Army general
Wikipedia - Douglas Knapp -- American cinematographer and camera operator
Wikipedia - Douglas Lafayette Weart -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Douglas MacArthur -- U.S. Army general in WWI, WWII and Korea (1880-1964)
Wikipedia - Douglas McConnel -- British general
Wikipedia - Douglas M. Fraser -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Douglas Payne -- British actor of the silent era
Wikipedia - Douglas R. Cole -- U.S. federal judge
Wikipedia - Douglass S. Coppinger -- U.S. Air Force general
Wikipedia - Doug Willis -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Douma chemical attack -- military operations of the Syrian Civil War involving chemical weapons
Wikipedia - Dov Tamari (brigadier general) -- Israeli military leader
Wikipedia - Dow Jones Industrial Average -- American stock market index
Wikipedia - Download -- Computer file operation
Wikipedia - Doxorubicin -- Chemotherapy medication
Wikipedia - Doxygen -- Free software for generating software documentation from source code
Wikipedia - D'Oyly Carte Opera Company -- British theatre company
Wikipedia - Draft:Alessandro Buttice -- Italian general
Wikipedia - Draft:Amiya Dev -- Scholar of comparative literature
Wikipedia - Draft:Andrzej Dobber -- Polish opera baritone
Wikipedia - Draft:Attaway General -- Web series
Wikipedia - Draft:Baserank -- Crypto Asset Research Platform
Wikipedia - Draft:Bobby the General -- Nigerian-American Musician
Wikipedia - Draft:Brigada Group of Companies -- Philippine conglomerate
Wikipedia - Draft:Cartoon Network Games -- Organisation that developes and publishes interactive gaming within the channel Cartoon Network
Wikipedia - Draft:Chemutti International Airport -- Airport in Karipur, Malappuram, Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Draft:Choorithod -- Village in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Draft:Christian Aguilera -- American mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Draft:Christopher Macchio -- opera singer
Wikipedia - Draft:Corporacion Financiera Alba -- Spanish multinational conglomerate holding company
Wikipedia - Draft:Culto Cristiano -- Worship book and hymnal used by several Lutheran denominations in North America
Wikipedia - Draft:Das auM-CM-^_ergewohnliche Buch -- Annual German children's literary award
Wikipedia - Draft:Department of Co-operation (West Bengal) -- State government department in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Draft:Eeramana Rojave Shiva -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Draft:Engine-driven tire pump -- mechanism to pump car tires from the car's engine in the Brass Car era
Wikipedia - Draft:Francesca Liberatore -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Draft:Future ISS expeditions -- Unicameral legislature of New Zealand
Wikipedia - Draft:FV-E991 series -- Future fuel cell electric multiple unit train type operated in Japan
Wikipedia - Draft:Gunter Wewel -- German operatic bass and television presenter
Wikipedia - Draft:HM College of Science and Technology -- College in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Draft:Horst Frenz -- German-American literary scholar
Wikipedia - Drafting (aerodynamics) -- A technique where two moving objects are caused to align in a close group reducing the overall drag
Wikipedia - Draft:International Galapagos Tour Operators Association -- Nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - Draft:Jack P. F. Gremillion Sr. -- Louisiana Attorney General
Wikipedia - Draft:Kaalam Neram Kadhal -- Indian web series
Wikipedia - Draft:Kanhera Fort -- Fort in India
Wikipedia - Draft:Karyopharm Therapeutics -- Discovery-phase pharmaceutical company
Wikipedia - Draft:Kerala Ayurveda -- Nutrition supplements company
Wikipedia - Draft:Lauren LaVera -- American actress, martial artist, and writer
Wikipedia - Draft:List of federal judges appointed by Joe Biden -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Draft:List of Sri Lankan Major generals -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Draft:Maite Beaumont -- Spanish singer and opera singer
Wikipedia - Draft:Marco Thomoso Battaglia -- 2018 Iowa Attorney General Libertarian nominee
Wikipedia - Draft:Mary Lynch Barbera -- American behavior analyst and author who specializes in autism
Wikipedia - Draft:Masks of Avalon - The Alloy Heart -- Adventure literature series by Aer C. S. Kiar
Wikipedia - Draft:Meeran Chadha Borwankar -- Retired Indian Police Service Officer
Wikipedia - Draft:Michel Fais -- Greek writer and literary critic
Wikipedia - Draft:Mikey McKieran -- Canadian writer, poet, songwriter, visual artist and filmmaker.
Wikipedia - Draft:Patricia Miller (fashion designer) -- Co-founder of Vera Bradley fashion
Wikipedia - Draft:Percy Mokonopi -- General
Wikipedia - Draft:Poove Unnakaga -- Indian Tamil Language soap opera
Wikipedia - Draft:Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy -- treatment of disputed effectiveness using electromagnetic fields
Wikipedia - Draft:QuEra Computing -- Quantum computing company
Wikipedia - Draft:Ramana Nagar, Perambur -- Subneighborhood in Perambur in Chennai district, Tamil Nadu state, India
Wikipedia - Draft:Shanthaveera Swamiji -- Indian Kunchitiga Mahasamsthana Mutt seer
Wikipedia - Draft:Shobha Surendran -- A political leader from Kerala
Wikipedia - Draft:SS Edmund Fitzgerald -- American Great Lakes freighter 1958-1975
Wikipedia - Draft:The FictionWeek Literary Review -- American online fiction magazine (2009-2020)
Wikipedia - Draft:The Peripheral (TV series) -- Upcoming American science-fiction television series
Wikipedia - Draft:Twilight Twinkle -- puzzle video game by vadakan interactive
Wikipedia - Draft:Veerapandi, Tiruppur -- Neighbourhood in Tiruppur South taluk, in Tiruppur district, in Tamil Nadu State, in India.
Wikipedia - Dragoljub Ojdanic -- Yugoslav general
Wikipedia - Drag queen -- Person who dresses and acts with exaggerated femininity for performance purposes
Wikipedia - Drama therapy
Wikipedia - Drama! -- 1989 single by Erasure
Wikipedia - Drama -- Artwork intended for performance, formal type of literature
Wikipedia - Dramma per musica -- Libretto for an opera
Wikipedia - DRDO Anti Tank Missile -- First generation wire-guided missile
Wikipedia - Dreamcast -- Sixth-generation home video game console by Sega
Wikipedia - Dream vision -- Literary device
Wikipedia - Dressing overall -- Decorating a ship with (signal) flags
Wikipedia - Drew B. Tipton -- United States federal judge
Wikipedia - Drifter (floating device) -- An oceanographic instrument package floating freely on the surface to investigate ocean currents and other parameters like temperature or salinity
Wikipedia - Drift mining -- The mining of a mineral deposit by underground methods
Wikipedia - Drinking game -- Game which involves the consumption of alcoholic beverages
Wikipedia - DripDrop -- Oral rehydration therapy
Wikipedia - Driver Group -- Australian bus operator
Wikipedia - Driving -- Operation of a vehicle
Wikipedia - Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist -- 2015 exploration video game
Wikipedia - Drobe -- Computing news web site with a focus on the RISC OS operating system
Wikipedia - Dror Eydar -- Israeli ambassador to Italy, literary theorist and journalist
Wikipedia - Drosera aberrans -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Drosera anglica -- Species of carnivorous flowering plant in the family Droseraceae
Wikipedia - Drosera arcturi -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Drosera binata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Droseraceae -- Family of carnivorous flowering plants
Wikipedia - Drosera finlaysoniana -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Drosera hamiltonii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Drosera indica -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Drosera intermedia -- Species of carnivorous flowering plant in the family Droseraceae
Wikipedia - Drosera linearis -- Species of carnivorous flowering plant in the family Droseraceae
Wikipedia - Drosera peltata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Drosera peruensis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Drosera praefolia -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Drosera pygmaea -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Drosera regia -- A species of carnivorous plant in the family Droseraceaea endemic to a single valley in South Africa
Wikipedia - Drosera rotundifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the sundew family Droseraceae
Wikipedia - Drosera schmutzii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Drosera spatulata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Drosera subg. Lasiocephala -- Subgenus of plants
Wikipedia - Drosera tomentosa -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Drosera whittakeri -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Drosera -- Genus of carnivorous flowering plants in the family Droseraceae
Wikipedia - Drosophila calloptera -- Species of vinegar fly
Wikipedia - Drug cartel -- Criminal organizations developed with the primary purpose of promoting and controlling drug trafficking operations
Wikipedia - Drug interaction -- Change in the action or side effects of a drug caused
Wikipedia - Drug liberalization -- Process of eliminating or reducing drug prohibition laws
Wikipedia - Drug overdose -- Ingestion or application of a drug in quantities greater than recommended or generally practiced
Wikipedia - Drug therapy problems -- Categorization related to the use of drugs in the field of pharmaceutical care
Wikipedia - Drug tolerance
Wikipedia - Drury Drury-Lowe -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Dr. Wijnaendts Francken-prijs -- Dutch literary award
Wikipedia - Dry county -- County in the US that forbids the sale of alcoholic beverages
Wikipedia - Drymonia obliterata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Dry needling -- Alternative therapy
Wikipedia - Dry toilet -- A toilet that operates without flush water
Wikipedia - D. S. Lliteras -- American writer
Wikipedia - DSV Alvin -- A manned deep-ocean research submersible owned by the United States Navy and operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Wikipedia - Dual EC DRBG -- Controversial pseudorandom number generator
Wikipedia - Dual-mode transit -- Transportation system in which vehicles operate on both public roads and on a guideway
Wikipedia - Duane Gamble -- U.S. Army general
Wikipedia - Duan Xi -- Last Han Dynasty Protector General of the Western Regions
Wikipedia - Duan Zhixuan -- Tang dynasty general
Wikipedia - Dubai Opera -- Performing arts center
Wikipedia - Dublin Bus -- Public transport operator in Ireland
Wikipedia - Dublin Review of Books -- Irish literature, history, arts, and culture magazine
Wikipedia - Dublin Writers Museum -- Private literary museum on Parnell Square, Dublin
Wikipedia - Duchy of Pomerania
Wikipedia - Dudley S. Brown -- U.S. Marine Corps general (1896-1971)
Wikipedia - Duffy Books in Homes -- Literacy charity
Wikipedia - Duke of Aubigny -- French peerage held by British noble
Wikipedia - Duke of Beaufort -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Duke of Bedford -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Duke of Cornwall -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Duke of Devonshire -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Duke of Edinburgh -- Dukedom in the Peerage of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Duke of Grafton -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Duke of Hijar -- Hereditary title in the Peerage of Spain, accompanied by the dignity of Grandee
Wikipedia - Duke of Kent -- Title in the peerages the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Duke of Lauzun -- French peerage created in 1692
Wikipedia - Duke of la Victoria (title) -- Hereditary title in the Peerage of Spain, accompanied by the dignity of Grandee
Wikipedia - Duke of Leeds -- Dukedom in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Duke of Leinster -- Highest-ranking noble title in the Peerage of Ireland
Wikipedia - Duke of Manchester -- Title in the Peerage of Great Britain
Wikipedia - Duke of Marlborough (title) -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Duke of Montrose -- Dukedom in the Peerage of Scotland
Wikipedia - Duke of Norfolk -- Dukedom in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Duke of Richmond -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Duke of Rutland -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Duke of St Albans -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Duke of Talavera -- Title of Spanish nobility
Wikipedia - Duke of Victoria de las Amezcoas -- Hereditary title in the Peerage of Spain, accompanied by the dignity of Grandee
Wikipedia - Duke of Wellington (title) -- Title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Dukes in the United Kingdom -- Highest-ranking hereditary title in the peerages of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Duke Street Capital -- British private equity firm focused on leveraged buyout and growth capital investments
Wikipedia - Duleep Wijesekera -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Dulith Herath -- Sri Lankan entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Dulong-Petit law -- Empirical thermodynamic law that the molar heat capacities of many solids is approximately the same constant at high temperatures
Wikipedia - Dumbing down -- Deliberate oversimplification of intellectual content
Wikipedia - Duncan Fraser -- Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
Wikipedia - Duncan Hames -- British Former Liberal Democrat politician
Wikipedia - Duncan McNabb -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Dundas (electoral district) -- Former federal electoral district of Canada
Wikipedia - Dundee International Book Prize -- Literary award
Wikipedia - Duneraiders -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Dungaree (fabric) -- Twill fabric used for overalls
Wikipedia - Dunite -- An ultramafic and ultrabasic rock from Earth's mantle and made of the mineral olivine.
Wikipedia - Durga (2008 series) -- Indian soap opera
Wikipedia - Durham East -- Former federal electoral district of Canada
Wikipedia - Durham (electoral district) -- Federal electoral district of Canada
Wikipedia - Durham West -- Former federal electoral district in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Durian Burung -- Small border town in Padang Terap region, in northeastern Kedah state, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Durocortorum -- Name of the city Reims during Roman era
Wikipedia - Dusseldorf II -- Federal electoral district of Germany
Wikipedia - Dusseldorf I -- Federal electoral district of Germany
Wikipedia - Dutch angle -- Type of camera shot
Wikipedia - Dutch Fort -- Historical ruins in Perak Malaysia
Wikipedia - Dutch general election, 2010
Wikipedia - Dutch Renaissance and Golden Age literature
Wikipedia - Dutch States Party -- Political faction of federalist republicans in the Netherlands during the Dutch Republic
Wikipedia - Dutch Syndicalist Trade Union Federation -- An anarcho-syndicalist trade union
Wikipedia - Dutch Zoo Federation -- Dutch organization
Wikipedia - Dutton Animal Book Award -- American literary award
Wikipedia - Du und mancher Kamerad -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Du Zeng -- Jin dynasty general and rebel
Wikipedia - Dvaita Literature
Wikipedia - Dvaita literature
Wikipedia - D. Walter Conway -- 13th Attorney General of South Dakota
Wikipedia - Dwarf galaxy -- Small galaxy composed of up to several billion stars
Wikipedia - Dwight York -- American criminal incarcerated in a US federal prison
Wikipedia - DXBC-FM -- Radio station in General Santos, Philippines
Wikipedia - DXCJ -- Radio station in General Santos, Philippines
Wikipedia - DXGS -- Radio station in General Santos, Philippines
Wikipedia - DXKM (General Santos) -- Radio station in the Philippines
Wikipedia - DXLK -- Radio station in General Santos, Philippines
Wikipedia - DXMD -- Radio station in General Santos, Philippines
Wikipedia - DxOMark -- Camera and smartphone benchmarking website
Wikipedia - DxO ONE -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - DXTS -- Radio station in General Santos, Philippines
Wikipedia - DXWK -- Radio station in General Santos, Philippines
Wikipedia - DXYM -- Radio station in General Santos, Philippines
Wikipedia - Dyadic developmental psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Dyera costulata -- Species of tree in the family Apocynaceae
Wikipedia - Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. Superior Court -- California Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Dynamical parallax -- Iterative technique to find the properties of the stars in a binary pair
Wikipedia - Dynamic deconstructive psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Dynamic HTML -- Umbrella term for a collection of technologies (e.g., HTML, JavaScript, CSS and DOM) used together to create interactive and animated web sites
Wikipedia - Dynamic range compression -- Audio signal processing operation that reduces the volume of loud sounds or amplifies quiet sounds, thus reducing or compressing an audio signal's dynamic range
Wikipedia - Dynamic site acceleration
Wikipedia - Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium
Wikipedia - Dynamo theory -- Mechanism by which a celestial body generates a magnetic field
Wikipedia - Dynasty (1981 TV series) -- 1980s American prime time television soap opera
Wikipedia - Dynasty (2017 TV series) -- American television soap opera
Wikipedia - Dyson (operating system)
Wikipedia - Dyspessa alpherakyi -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Dystrophic calcification -- Calcification occurring in degenerated or necrotic tissue
Wikipedia - Dzerassae -- Mythological figure
Wikipedia - DZMM TeleRadyo -- TV channel of AM radio station DZMM in Metro Manila
Wikipedia - Eadmuna esperans -- Moth species in family Mimallonidae
Wikipedia - Eagle (heraldry) -- Heraldic bird
Wikipedia - Eagle of Saint John -- Heraldic eagle
Wikipedia - Eagle of Saladin -- Heraldic animal
Wikipedia - Eamon de Valera Forest -- Forest near Nazareth, Israel
Wikipedia - Eamon de Valera -- Irish statesman, longest-serving Head of Government of Ireland, later 3rd President; Republican and conservative
Wikipedia - Eamon Everall -- English Stuckist artist and educator
Wikipedia - Eamonn Fitzgerald (athlete) -- Irish athlete
Wikipedia - E. A. Pierce & Co. -- Defunct American securities brokerage firm
Wikipedia - Earl Attlee -- British peerage title created in 1955 for Clement Attlee
Wikipedia - Earl Baldwin of Bewdley -- British peerage title created in 1937 for Stanley Baldwin
Wikipedia - Earl C. Long -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Earl Cowper -- extinct title in the peerage of Great Britain
Wikipedia - Earle Cabell Federal Building and Courthouse -- Building in Dallas, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Earle Herrera -- Venezuelan journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Earle Wheeler -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Earl Haig -- Peerage of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Earl Mountbatten of Burma -- Title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Earl of Abingdon -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Albemarle -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Berkshire -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Carlisle -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Chatham -- Title in the Peerage of Great Britain
Wikipedia - Earl of Chesterfield -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Coventry -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Cumberland -- Title created in Peerage of England in 1525
Wikipedia - Earl of Denbigh -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Derby -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Devon -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Essex -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Home -- A title in the Peerage of Scotland
Wikipedia - Earl of Howth -- History of Howth Peerage from 1177
Wikipedia - Earl of Huntingdon -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Irvine -- Title in the Peerage of Scotland
Wikipedia - Earl of Jersey -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Kimberley -- Title in the peerage of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Earl of Lincoln -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Lindsey -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Mansfield -- Peerage for the County of Middlesex
Wikipedia - Earl of Montgomery -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Morley -- Title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Earl of Northampton -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Nottingham -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Pembroke -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Portland -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Roden -- Title in the Peerage of Ireland
Wikipedia - Earl of Salisbury -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Sandwich -- Noble title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Scarbrough -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Shaftesbury -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Suffolk -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Swinton -- Title in the peerage of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Earl of Wemyss and March -- Titles in the Peerage of Scotland
Wikipedia - Earl of Westmorland -- Title in the peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl of Winchilsea -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Earl Pomerantz -- Television producer and writer
Wikipedia - Earl S. Piper -- American Marine Corps Brigadier General
Wikipedia - Earl Van Dorn -- United States Confederate Army general
Wikipedia - Early English Jewish literature
Wikipedia - Early Medieval literature
Wikipedia - Early modern era
Wikipedia - Early modern France -- History of France during the early modern era
Wikipedia - Early Modern literature
Wikipedia - Early modern warfare -- Warfare during the gunpowder era
Wikipedia - Early New High German literature
Wikipedia - Earth and Air and Rain -- 1945 song cycle by Gerald Finzi
Wikipedia - Earth Liberation Front
Wikipedia - Earthworks (archaeology) -- General term to describe artificial changes in land level in history and pre-history
Wikipedia - East 78th Street Houses -- Five Civil War-era brick rowhouses on north side of street between 3rd and Lex
Wikipedia - East African Federation -- Proposed African country
Wikipedia - East Asian Football Federation
Wikipedia - East Asian literature
Wikipedia - Eastbound Strangler -- An unidentified serial killer believed to have been operational near Atlantic City, New Jersey in 2006
Wikipedia - East Coast (train operating company) -- Former British railway company
Wikipedia - East Demerara Water Conservancy -- Water storage facility in Guyana
Wikipedia - EastEnders: E20 -- Internet spin-off series of British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - EastEnders theme tune -- Theme tune for the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Eastern Afghanistan Operations -- Afghan operation
Wikipedia - Eastern Arabic numerals
Wikipedia - Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians -- Federally recognized Indian Tribe based in western North Carolina, USA
Wikipedia - Eastern crown -- Heraldic crown in the form of a circlet with sharp tines
Wikipedia - Eastern Region of British Railways -- Former British railways operating region
Wikipedia - Eastern Theater of the American Civil War -- Military operations in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - East Indiaman -- General name for any ship operating under charter or license to any of the East India Companies
Wikipedia - East London Credit Union -- British not-for-profit member-owned financial co-operative organization
Wikipedia - East Midlands Railway -- Transport company operating the East Midlands rail franchise
Wikipedia - East Midlands Trains -- Stagecoach Group-owned train operating company in England
Wikipedia - East Pomeranian dialect
Wikipedia - East Sea Campaign -- 1975 US naval operation
Wikipedia - East Street (Children in Need) -- Charity crossover mini-episode between British soap operas Coronation Street and EastEnders
Wikipedia - East Thames Buses -- London bus operator
Wikipedia - East Yorkshire (bus company) -- Bus operator in East and North Yorkshire
Wikipedia - Ebenezer Learned -- American general in the Continental Army
Wikipedia - Eberhardt Bohnstedt -- German general
Wikipedia - Ebionites -- Jewish Christian sect sworn to poverty that existed during the early centuries of the Common Era
Wikipedia - Ebola vaccine -- Any of several vaccines to prevent Ebola
Wikipedia - Ebrahim Golestan -- Iranian filmmaker and literary figure
Wikipedia - E. Brooke Lee -- American World War I veteran and politician (1892-1984)
Wikipedia - EBSCO Industries -- American conglomerate
Wikipedia - Eccezzziunale... veramente -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - Ecclesiastes of Erasmus -- Book by Erasmus of Rotterdam
Wikipedia - Ecclesiastical heraldry -- Use of heraldry in the Christian church
Wikipedia - Ecclesiastical hierarchy
Wikipedia - Ecclesiastical polity -- Operational and governance structure of a church
Wikipedia - Ecclesiastical Province of Pomerania
Wikipedia - Eccoptoptera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Eccrine angiomatous hamartoma -- Rare benign vascular hamartoma characterized histologically by a proliferation of eccrine and vascular components.
Wikipedia - Echinacea purpurea -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Echinacea -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Echinoderm -- Exclusively marine phylum of animals with generally 5-point radial symmetry
Wikipedia - Echinops adenocaulos -- species of plant in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Echinops ritro -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Echinops sphaerocephalus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Echoes of an Era 2: The Concert -- 1982 album by various artists
Wikipedia - Eckhard Bick -- German Esperantist
Wikipedia - Eclectic psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Ecleora solieraria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ecliptopera capitata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ecliptopera silaceata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ecole Polytechnique FM-CM-)dM-CM-)rale de Lausanne -- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne
Wikipedia - Ecological extinction -- Reduction of a species' abundance to the point that, though still present, it stops interacting with other species
Wikipedia - Ecological facilitation -- Species interactions that benefit at least one of the participants and cause harm to neither
Wikipedia - Ecological literacy -- Ability to understand natural systems and their interactions
Wikipedia - Ecology of Banksia -- Relationships and interactions among the plant genus Banksia and its environment
Wikipedia - Economic Cooperation Administration
Wikipedia - Economic Cooperation Foundation -- Israeli think tank
Wikipedia - Economic Cooperation Organization
Wikipedia - Economic history of China (1912-1949) -- Economy during the Republican era
Wikipedia - Economic history of the Russian Federation -- Overviee of the economic history of the Russian Federation
Wikipedia - Economic indicator -- Measure, which allows statements about the economic situation in general of national economies
Wikipedia - Economic Liberalism and Democratic Action for National Recovery -- Political party in Madagascar
Wikipedia - Economic liberalism -- Capitalism that prioritizes individuals as consumers over collective institutions or NGOs
Wikipedia - Economic liberalization -- Economic policy that advocates the reduction of government regulations
Wikipedia - Economic liberals
Wikipedia - Economies of agglomeration
Wikipedia - Economies of scale -- Cost advantages obtained via scale of operation
Wikipedia - Economy Act of March 20, 1933 -- United States federal law that cut federal salaries and reduced veterans' benefits
Wikipedia - Economy of Scotland in the early modern period -- Overview of the economy of Scotland during the early modern era
Wikipedia - Economy of the Confederate States of America -- National economy
Wikipedia - Ecophagy -- The literal consumption of an ecosystem
Wikipedia - Ecosystem ecology -- The study of living and non-living components of ecosystems and their interactions
Wikipedia - Ecover -- Belgian company that manufactures cleaning products made from plant-based and mineral ingredients
Wikipedia - Ectasian -- Second period of the Mesoproterozoic Era
Wikipedia - Ectomyelois ceratoniae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ecumenism -- Cooperation between Christian denominations
Wikipedia - Eczemothea pustulifera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Edamalakkudy, Idukki -- village in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Edasseri Award -- Indian literary award for literary works in Malayalam language
Wikipedia - Edayilakkad -- Island situated in Valiyaparamba Panchayath, Kasaragod district, Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Ed Davey -- Leader of the Liberal Democrats, MP for Kingston & Surbiton
Wikipedia - Eddie Gerard
Wikipedia - Eddie Moon -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Edel Quinn -- Irish lay missionary and Catholic venerable
Wikipedia - Edenite -- Amphibole, double chain inosilicate mineral
Wikipedia - EdFund -- Federal Family Education Loan Program
Wikipedia - Edgar Allan Poe (Maryland attorney general) -- Attorney General of Maryland from 1911 to 1915
Wikipedia - Edgar Allan Poe -- 19th-century American author, poet, editor and literary critic
Wikipedia - Edgar Award -- Literary award for work in the crime genre
Wikipedia - Edgar C. Erickson -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Edgar Contreras (taekwondo) -- Venezuelan taekwondo athlete
Wikipedia - Edgardo Rivera Garcia -- Justice of the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Edgardo Rivera -- Puerto Rican athlete
Wikipedia - Edgar Erskine Hume -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Edgar Juillerat -- Swiss weightlifter
Wikipedia - Edgar Maalouf -- Lebanese politician and general
Wikipedia - Edgar Santana Rivera -- Puerto Rican mayor
Wikipedia - EdgeRank
Wikipedia - Edge recombination operator
Wikipedia - Ediacaran -- Third and last period of the Neoproterozoic Era
Wikipedia - Edible mushroom -- Fleshy and edible fruit bodies of several species of macrofungi
Wikipedia - Edickson Contreras -- Venezuelan diver
Wikipedia - Edict of Toleration (Hawaii) -- Decree allowing the establishment of Catholicism in Hawaii
Wikipedia - Edie Britt -- Fictional character on Desperate Housewives
Wikipedia - Edinburgh Herald and Post -- Free weekly newspaper covering Edinburgh, Midlothian and Musselburgh
Wikipedia - Edinburgh Review -- Several intellectual and cultural magazines
Wikipedia - Ediriweera Sarachchandra -- Sri Lankan dramatist and playwright (1914-1996)
Wikipedia - Editcam -- Camera system that recorded directly to hard disks
Wikipedia - Edith Alleyne Sinnotte -- Australian writer, Esperanto novelist
Wikipedia - Edith Brenneche Petersen -- Danish Lutheran priest
Wikipedia - Edith Fitzgerald -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edith Guillaume -- Danish operatic mezzosoprano
Wikipedia - Edith Oldrup -- Danish operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Editor-in-chief -- A publication's editorial leader who has final responsibility for its operations and policies
Wikipedia - Edme-Martin Vandermaesen -- French general
Wikipedia - Edmond Cabel -- French operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Edmond Clement -- French opera singer
Wikipedia - Edmon Shehadeh -- Palestinian poet and literary
Wikipedia - Edmonton Strathcona -- Federal electoral district of Canada
Wikipedia - Edmund Allenby, 1st Viscount Allenby -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Edmund B. Fitzgerald -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Edmund Byam Mathew-Lannowe -- British general
Wikipedia - Edmund Drake-Brockman -- Australian general and politician
Wikipedia - Edmund G. LaCour Jr. -- Solicitor General of Alabama
Wikipedia - Edmund Herring -- Australian general and judge
Wikipedia - Edmund Kirby Smith -- Confederate States Army general
Wikipedia - Edmund P. Gaines -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Edmund Phipps-Hornby -- British Army general and recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Edmund RoM-EM- -- Polish general
Wikipedia - Edmund William Cole -- Confederate veteran and businessman
Wikipedia - Edmund Wittenmyer -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Edoardo Vera -- Italian opera composer
Wikipedia - Edouard Karemera -- Rwandan politician
Wikipedia - Ed Sheeran discography -- Artist discography
Wikipedia - Ed Sheeran -- English singer, songwriter, record producer and actor
Wikipedia - Eduard Devrient -- German opera singer
Wikipedia - Eduardo Brito -- Dominican opera singer
Wikipedia - Eduardo Herrera (golfer) -- Colombian professional golfer
Wikipedia - Eduardo Najera (gymnast) -- Ecuadorian gymnast
Wikipedia - Eduardo Pazuello -- Brazilian general and politician
Wikipedia - Eduard Pernkopf -- Austrian anatomist who compiled controversial textbook during Nazi era
Wikipedia - Eduard Rivera Correa -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - Eduard von Fransecky -- German general
Wikipedia - Educational accreditation -- Type of quality assurance process under which services and operations of educational institutions or programs are evaluated and verified by an external body
Wikipedia - Educational interventions for first-generation students
Wikipedia - Education in Germany -- Overview of education in the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - Education in Kollam district -- One of the 14 districts of Kerala state, India
Wikipedia - Education in the Federated States of Micronesia
Wikipedia - Edward Aguilera -- Spanish singer
Wikipedia - Edward Albert Kreger -- American Major General
Wikipedia - Edward C. Dyer -- Brigadier General in the United States Marine Corps
Wikipedia - Edward Charles Ellice -- Liberal party MP
Wikipedia - Edward Cornwallis -- 18th-century British Army general
Wikipedia - Edward C. Prado -- American federal judge and ambassador
Wikipedia - Edward Daniel Clarke -- English naturalist, mineralogist and traveller
Wikipedia - Edward D. Townsend -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Edward E. Fitzgerald -- American sportswriter, publishing executive, biographer, magazine editor
Wikipedia - Edward Fitzgerald (brewer) -- Australian brewer
Wikipedia - Edward FitzGerald (poet)
Wikipedia - Edward Grey, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon -- British Liberal statesman
Wikipedia - Edward H. Forney -- U.S. Marine Corps Brigadier General
Wikipedia - Edward H. Hurst -- Brigadier-general of the US Marines
Wikipedia - Edward Higgins -- General of The Salvation Army
Wikipedia - Edward Howard-Vyse -- British Army General and equestrian
Wikipedia - Edwardian Era
Wikipedia - Edwardian era -- Historical period (1901-1910)
Wikipedia - Edward N. Hurley -- 2nd Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission
Wikipedia - Edward Ord -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Edward Porter Alexander -- Confederate Army general
Wikipedia - Edward Quartermaine -- Fictional character from the soap opera General Hospital
Wikipedia - Edward Rivera -- Nuyorican writer, educator and editor
Wikipedia - Edward Rowny -- US Army Lieutenant General. Commands Held: 24 Inf Div 1964
Wikipedia - Edward Said -- Professor of literature and a public intellectual
Wikipedia - Edwards Pierrepont -- 19th-century American politician, lawyer, and US Attorney General
Wikipedia - Edward Stradling (1529-1609) -- English politician, antiquary, and literary patron
Wikipedia - Edward van de Vendel -- Dutch writer of children's literature
Wikipedia - Edward W. Snedeker -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Edwin A. Pollock -- U.S. Marine Corps General
Wikipedia - Edwin A. Zundel -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Edwin Belcher -- U.S politician during the Reconstruction Era
Wikipedia - Edwin Bowman Lyon -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Edwin B. Wheeler -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Edwin DeVries Vanderhoop -- Native American whaleman, politician, & Civil War veteran
Wikipedia - Edwin D. Morgan -- Union Army general and politician
Wikipedia - Edwin H. Stoughton -- Union Army general
Wikipedia - Edwin Meese -- 75th United States Attorney General
Wikipedia - Edwin Mosquera -- Colombian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Edwin P. Parker Jr. -- U.S. Army Major General
Wikipedia - Edwin P. Smith -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Edythe Meserand -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Ed Zawatsky -- Canadian ice hockey coach and general manager
Wikipedia - EFAIL -- email security vulnerability
Wikipedia - Effective temperature
Wikipedia - EF Hutton -- American stock brokerage firm
Wikipedia - Efimerida ton Syntakton -- Greek cooperative daily newspaper
Wikipedia - Efraim Sicher -- Israeli literary scholar
Wikipedia - Efrain Rivera Perez -- Puerto Rican judge
Wikipedia - Efren Perez Rivera -- Puerto Rican scientist
Wikipedia - E. Gerald Corrigan -- American banker
Wikipedia - Eggnog -- Sweetened dairy-based beverage
Wikipedia - E-GIF -- Scheme for ensuring the inter-operation of computer-based systems
Wikipedia - Egon Erwin Kisch Prize -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Egyptian Liberation Party -- Political party in Egypt
Wikipedia - Egyptian literature
Wikipedia - Egypt Karate Federation -- Governing body of karate in Egypt
Wikipedia - Ehud Shani -- Israeli general
Wikipedia - Eichendorff-Literaturpreis -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Eichler-Shimura congruence relation -- Expresses the local L-function of a modular curve at a prime in terms of Hecke operators
Wikipedia - Eidos Interactive
Wikipedia - Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution -- Article of amendment to the U.S. Constitution enumerating prohibition of alcohol
Wikipedia - Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution -- Article of amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as part of the Bill of Rights, enumerating restrictions upon excessive bail and fines as well as cruel and unusual punishments.
Wikipedia - Eighth generation of video game consoles -- Eight video game console generation, including the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One
Wikipedia - Eight sheratzim -- Animals whose bodies convey impurity in Jewish law
Wikipedia - Eight Songs for a Mad King -- Opera
Wikipedia - Eight-to-fourteen modulation -- DC-free run-length limited line code used by several optical disc formats
Wikipedia - Eight-vertex model -- Generalization of the ice-type (six-vertex) models
Wikipedia - Eileen Grimshaw -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Einar Andersson -- Swedish opera singer
Wikipedia - Einiosaurus -- Ceratopsian dinosaur genus from Upper Cretaceous period
Wikipedia - Ein Polterabend -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Einstein on the Beach -- First opera in the Portrait Trilogy by Philip Glass
Wikipedia - Eire Nua -- 1970s-1980s proposed for a federal United Ireland
Wikipedia - Eirik Kristoffersen -- Norwegian general
Wikipedia - Eisteddfod -- Type of Welsh festival of literature, music and performance
Wikipedia - Eithne FitzGerald -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - E. K. Chambers -- 19th/20th-century English literary critic and Shakespearean scholar
Wikipedia - Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behna Hai -- Indian Hindi-language soap opera
Wikipedia - Ekkehard Abele -- German operatic bass-baritone
Wikipedia - Ekkehard Wlaschiha -- German operatic baritone
Wikipedia - E.K. Lincoln -- American actor in the silent film era
Wikipedia - Ekmania -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Ekman water bottle -- A sea water temperature sample device
Wikipedia - Ekomuseum nedre M-CM-^Dtradalen -- Ecomuseum with several locations in Sweden
Wikipedia - Ekramuddin Ahmad -- Bengali litterateur
Wikipedia - Ek Tera Saath -- 2016 Indian horror film by Arshad Siddiqui
Wikipedia - Ekwerazu Ogwa -- Village in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - El abanderado -- 1943 Spanish film by Eusebio Fernandez Ardavin
Wikipedia - Elachiptera costata -- Species of frit fly
Wikipedia - Elachista lerauti -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Elachista pomerana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Elaeis oleifera -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Elaine Didier -- American director of the Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum
Wikipedia - El amor tiene cara de mujer (Mexican TV series) -- Mexican soap opera
Wikipedia - Elaphrosaurus -- Ceratosaurian theropod dinosaur genus from the Late Jurassic Period
Wikipedia - Elastic therapeutic tape -- Pseudo-medicine product; elastic cotton strip with an acrylic adhesive
Wikipedia - Elbe-Elster - Oberspreewald-Lausitz II -- Federal electoral district of Germany
Wikipedia - El Chojin -- Mbapperapper
Wikipedia - El Colegio de Veracruz -- College in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico
Wikipedia - El Coll - La Teixonera (Barcelona Metro) -- Barcelona Metro station
Wikipedia - Elda Peralta -- Mexican actress
Wikipedia - El dia que me quieras (song) -- tango composition by Carlos Gardel and Alfredo Le Pera
Wikipedia - Eldon Gorst -- British barrister and diplomat and Consul-General in Egypt (1861-1911)
Wikipedia - Eldorado (TV series) -- British soap opera
Wikipedia - Eleanor Barton -- British co-operative movement activist
Wikipedia - Elecampane -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Electoral College (India) -- Electorate for the president of India, consisting of the members of the federal, state, and union territory legislatures
Wikipedia - Electoral district (Canada) -- Federal or provincial electoral district in Canada
Wikipedia - Electoral district of Tuggerah -- former state electoral district of New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Electoral results for the Division of Darling -- results for federal electorate of Darling, New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Electoral results for the Division of East Sydney -- results for federal seat of East Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Electoral results for the Division of Gwydir -- results for federal seat of Gwydir, New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Electrical conduction system of the heart -- Transmits signals generated usually by the sinoatrial node to cause contraction of the heart muscle
Wikipedia - Electrical generator
Wikipedia - Electric charge -- Physical property that quantifies an object's interaction with electric fields
Wikipedia - Electric fish -- Fish that can generate electric fields
Wikipedia - Electric generator -- Device that converts other energy to electrical energy
Wikipedia - Electricity Generation Company (Turkey) -- Electricity generating and trading organisation owned by the Turkish state
Wikipedia - Electricity generation
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in India -- Electricity generation and distribution in India
Wikipedia - Electric power transmission -- Bulk movement of electrical energy from a generating site to an electrical substation
Wikipedia - Electrochemical cell -- Device capable of either generating electrical energy from chemical reactions or using electrical energy to cause chemical reactions
Wikipedia - Electro-convulsive therapy
Wikipedia - Electroconvulsive therapy
Wikipedia - Electrohydrogenesis -- Generating hydrogen from organic matter
Wikipedia - Electromagnetic interaction
Wikipedia - Electromechanics -- Multidisciplinary field of engineering focusing on the interaction between electrical and mechanical systems
Wikipedia - Electronic literature -- Literary genre consisting of works of literature that originate within digital environments and require digital computation
Wikipedia - Electron transport chain -- A process in which a series of electron carriers operate together to transfer electrons from donors to any of several different terminal electron acceptors to generate a transmembrane electrochemical gradient.
Wikipedia - Electrostatic generator -- Device that generates electrical charge on a high voltage electrode
Wikipedia - Electrotherapy
Wikipedia - Electroweak interaction -- Unified description of electromagnetism and the weak interaction
Wikipedia - Elektra (opera) -- 1909 opera by Richard Strauss
Wikipedia - Elementary OS -- Desktop operating system based on Ubuntu
Wikipedia - Elementary row operation
Wikipedia - Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario -- Teacher's Union representing educators in publicly funded Ontario schools
Wikipedia - Elena D'Angri -- Greek opera singer 1821-86
Wikipedia - Elena Fernandez -- Spanish operations researcher
Wikipedia - Elena Gerasimova -- Russian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Usievich -- Russian writer and literary critic (1893-1968)
Wikipedia - Eleni M. Roumel -- Chief Judge of the United States Court of Federal Claims
Wikipedia - Eleonora Alvera -- Italian female curler
Wikipedia - Eleonora Buratto -- Italian soprano opera singer
Wikipedia - Eleonora Zrza -- Danish opera soprano
Wikipedia - Elephants in Kerala culture -- Role of elephants in the culture ofM-BM- Kerala state
Wikipedia - Eleutherae -- City in the northern part of Attica
Wikipedia - Eleutheran Adventurers -- Group of English Puritans who left Bermuda for the Bahamas in the 1640s
Wikipedia - Eleuthera -- Island in the Bahamas
Wikipedia - Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution -- Article of amendment to the U.S. Constitution, enumerating restrictions on ability to bring suit against states in federal courts.
Wikipedia - El General Naranjo -- Colombian biographical television series
Wikipedia - El General, Perez Zeledon -- district in Perez Zeledon canton, San Jose province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - El General -- Panamanian dancehall reggae artist
Wikipedia - El Heraldo de Mexico Awards -- Mexican professional awards
Wikipedia - El Heraldo de Mexico -- Mexican daily newspaper
Wikipedia - Elia Galera -- Spanish actress and television presenter
Wikipedia - Elias Burneti of Bergerac
Wikipedia - Elias Cornelius Boudinot -- Confederate Army officer
Wikipedia - Eli Grant -- Fictional character from soap opera Days of Out Lives
Wikipedia - Elijah V. White -- Confederate Army officer (1832 - 1907)
Wikipedia - Eli K. Cole -- American Marine Corps general
Wikipedia - Eli Mandel -- Canadian poet, editor, and literary academic
Wikipedia - Elin Fohstrom -- Finnish operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Elinor Ross -- American opera singer
Wikipedia - Eli (opera) -- Opera by Walter Steffens, 1966
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Bing -- 20th and 21st-century American physical therapist
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Djurle -- Swedish Lutheran dean
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Dons Christensen -- Danish Lutheran theologian
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Dons -- Danish operatic mezzo-soprano
Wikipedia - Elisabeth-Engelhardt-Literaturpreis -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Haseloff -- German Lutheran pastor
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Lindermeier -- German operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Marbury -- American literary and talent agent; translator
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Moller Jensen -- Danish literary historian and feminist
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Schwarzkopf -- German opera soprano
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Svantesson -- Swedish politician of the Moderate Party
Wikipedia - Elisabetta Barbato -- Italian operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Elisabetta Manfredini-Guarmani -- Italian opera singer 1780-1828
Wikipedia - Elisabetta Pierazzo -- Scientist
Wikipedia - Elisa Carrillo Cabrera -- Mexican ballet dancer
Wikipedia - Elisa Perez de las Heras -- Mexican equestrian
Wikipedia - Elise Kutscherra de Nyss -- German operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Elise L'Esperance
Wikipedia - Elisha Hunt Rhodes -- Union Army general
Wikipedia - Eli Sollied M-CM-^Xveraas -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Eliza Ashton -- Australian journalist, literary critic and social reformer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Ammons -- American literary scholar
Wikipedia - Elizabethan era -- Epoch in English history marked by the reign of Queen Elizabeth I
Wikipedia - Elizabethan literature -- none
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Ann Linley -- English operatic singer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Austin (soprano) -- British opera singer and actress
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Bishop (mezzo-soprano) -- American operatic mezzo-soprano
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Cervantes -- Mexican actress of films and soap operas
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Fane -- English writer and literary patron (c.1510 -1568)
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Ferard
Wikipedia - Elizabeth FitzGerald, Countess of Lincoln
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Fritsch -- British ceramic artist (born 1940)
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Hardwick (writer) -- Novelist, short story writer, literary critic
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Holmes -- Former CEO of Theranos Corporation
Wikipedia - Elizabeth M. Tyler -- Professor of Medieval Literature
Wikipedia - Elizabeth of Poland, Duchess of Pomerania
Wikipedia - Elizabeth of Pomerania -- 14th century Holy Roman Empress
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Peratrovich -- Native-American civil rights activist (1911-1958)
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Webber -- Fictional character from General Hospital
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Young (journalist) -- English literary critic and author
Wikipedia - Elks National Veterans Memorial -- Memorial building in Chicago, Illinois
Wikipedia - Ella and Duke at the Cote D'Azur -- 1967 live album by Ella Fitzgerald
Wikipedia - Ella at Duke's Place -- 1965 album by Ella Fitzgerald
Wikipedia - Ella Farman -- American writer of children's literature
Wikipedia - Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Jerome Kern Song Book -- 1963 studio album by Ella Fitzgerald
Wikipedia - Ella Fitzgerald -- American jazz singer
Wikipedia - Ella Gmeiner -- German opera singer
Wikipedia - Ella Tvrdkova -- Czech opera singer
Wikipedia - Ellen Jones (translator) -- British scholar and literary translator
Wikipedia - Ellen McLain -- American opera singer and voice actress
Wikipedia - El Liberal -- Spanish newspaper
Wikipedia - Ellington Management Group -- Hedge fund operation
Wikipedia - Ellipsis (programming operator)
Wikipedia - Ellipsoptera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Elliptic curve point multiplication -- Mathematical operation on points on an elliptic curve
Wikipedia - Ellison Capers -- Confederate Army general
Wikipedia - Elly Kayanja -- Ugandan general
Wikipedia - Elmar (lens) -- Leica camera lenses
Wikipedia - ElM-EM- -- Polish operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Elmer Dyer -- The first film camera man to specialize in aerial photography
Wikipedia - Elmer Lucille Allen -- Ceramic artist and chemist
Wikipedia - Elmer's Candid Camera -- 1940 Bugs Bunny cartoon
Wikipedia - Elmhurst University -- Private liberal arts college in Elmhurst, Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Elmira College -- Liberal arts college in Elmira, New York
Wikipedia - El NiM-CM-1o-Southern Oscillation -- Irregularly periodic variation in winds and sea surface temperatures over the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - El Nuevo Herald -- Daily Spanish-language newspaper in Miami, Florida
Wikipedia - Eloizes -- Former literary journal
Wikipedia - Elophila obliteralis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - El-Ouali Mustapha Sayed -- Co-founder and general-secretary of the Polisario
Wikipedia - Eloy de Jong -- Dutch pop singer and moderator
Wikipedia - El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido -- Chilean protest song
Wikipedia - Elsa Bernstein -- Austrian-German writer, dramatist, and literary figure
Wikipedia - Elsa Patricia Galarza Contreras -- Peruvian economist
Wikipedia - Els Beerten -- Flemish writer of children's literature
Wikipedia - Elsie Vera Cole -- English painter, engraver and art teacher
Wikipedia - Els Pelgrom -- Dutch writer of children's literature
Wikipedia - Elvendoglu Ali Pasha -- 16th century Ottoman statesman and beylerbey (governor-general)
Wikipedia - Elvera Sanchez -- American dancer and the mother of Sammy Davis Jr.
Wikipedia - Elvira de Hidalgo -- Spanish operatic soprano and pedagogue
Wikipedia - Elvis operator -- Binary operator in computer programming
Wikipedia - Elza van den Heever -- Soprano in opera and concert
Wikipedia - Email to the universe and other alterations of consciousness
Wikipedia - Emancipation reform of 1861 -- The first and most important of liberal reforms passed by Tsar Alexander II of Russia, which effectively abolished serfdom throughout the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Emanuela Pierantozzi -- Italian judoka
Wikipedia - Emanuele Beraudo di Pralormo -- Italian equestrian
Wikipedia - Emanuel Perathoner -- Italian snowboarder
Wikipedia - E-marketing collateral -- Basic internet tactical activity
Wikipedia - Embassy of Russia in Kyiv -- Diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation to Ukraine
Wikipedia - Embedded operating system
Wikipedia - Embera people -- Indigenous people of Panama and Colombia
Wikipedia - Embioptera -- Order of insects
Wikipedia - Embroidery thread -- Any of several types of thread designed for use in embroidery and related crafts
Wikipedia - Emerald-bellied puffleg -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Emerald Buddha -- Statue considered the Palladium of Thailand
Wikipedia - Emerald-chinned hummingbird -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Emerald City -- Fictional place in the Oz books by L. Frank Baum
Wikipedia - Emerald Empress
Wikipedia - Emerald Fennell -- English actress, author, screenwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Emerald Group Publishing
Wikipedia - Emerald Hill School, Zimbabwe
Wikipedia - Emerald of the East -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Emerald Peak (Yoho) -- Mountain in Yoho NP, British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Emerald Point N.A.S. -- American television series
Wikipedia - Emerald (programming language)
Wikipedia - Emerald Publishing
Wikipedia - Emerald rockcod -- Species of fish
Wikipedia - Emerald-spotted wood dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Emerald Star -- 2012 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - Emerald Tablet -- Alchemical and Hermetic text
Wikipedia - Emerald Township, Faribault County, Minnesota -- Township in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Emerald Triangle -- Place in California, United States
Wikipedia - Emerald Twilight -- DC comic book saga
Wikipedia - Emerald -- Green gemstone, a beryl variety
Wikipedia - Emeraude Toubia -- Canadian-born American actress and model
Wikipedia - Emer Colleran -- Irish microbiologist
Wikipedia - Emergence -- Phenomenon in complex systems where interactions produce effects not directly predictable from the subsystems
Wikipedia - Emergencybnb -- Website providing temporary lodging to vulnerable people
Wikipedia - Emergenesis -- The result of a specific combination of several interacting genes
Wikipedia - Emerson-Thoreau Medal -- American literary award
Wikipedia - Emile Armand Gibon -- French general
Wikipedia - Emile Belcourt -- Canadian operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Emile P. Moses -- American Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Emilia Cundari -- Soprano opera singer
Wikipedia - Emilie Ambre -- French opera singer 1849-1898
Wikipedia - Emilio De Marchi (tenor) -- Italian opera singer 1861-1917
Wikipedia - Emilio Diaz Colon -- United States general
Wikipedia - Emilio Eduardo Massera
Wikipedia - Emilio Herrera Linares -- Spanish engineer and politician.
Wikipedia - Emilio Rivera -- American actor
Wikipedia - Emilio Veratti
Wikipedia - Emil Krukowicz-Przedrzymirski -- Polish general
Wikipedia - Emily Bishop -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Emily Morse -- American sex therapist, author, and media personality
Wikipedia - Emma Abbott -- American operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Emma Albani -- Canadian opera soprano (1847 - 1930)
Wikipedia - Emma Albertazzi -- English opera singer 1815-47
Wikipedia - Emma Brooker -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Emma Cabrera-Bello -- Spanish female golfer
Wikipedia - Emma Calve -- French operatic soprano (1858-1942)
Wikipedia - Emma Carelli -- Italian opera singer 1877-1928
Wikipedia - Emma Chambers (Hollyoaks) -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Hollyoaks
Wikipedia - Emmalocera holochra -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Emmanouil Peristerakis -- Greek sports shooter
Wikipedia - Emmanuel College (Massachusetts) -- Private liberal arts college in Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - Emmanuel Karemera -- Rwandan politician
Wikipedia - Emmanuelle Vera -- Filipino actor-singer
Wikipedia - Emmanuel Movement -- Psychotherapy approach, 1906-1931
Wikipedia - Emma Nutt -- World's first female telephone operator
Wikipedia - Emma Shapplin -- French operatic coloratura soprano
Wikipedia - Emma Vecla -- French operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Emma Walton Hamilton -- Author, editor, educator and arts and literacy advocate
Wikipedia - Emmeram of Regensburg -- Bishop and martyr
Wikipedia - Emmett J. Rice -- Governor of the Federal Reserve System
Wikipedia - Emmis Communications -- American media conglomerate
Wikipedia - Emmy Achte -- Finnish opera singer 1850-1924
Wikipedia - Emmy Bettendorf -- German operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Emmy Destinn -- Czech operatic soprano (1878-1930)
Wikipedia - Emmy van Deurzen -- Dutch existential therapist
Wikipedia - Emory and Henry College -- Private, coeducational liberal arts college located in Emory, Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Emotional dysregulation -- Difficulty controlling and moderating one's emotional reactions
Wikipedia - Emotional lateralization
Wikipedia - Emotional literacy
Wikipedia - Emotionally focused therapy
Wikipedia - Emotion Focused Therapy
Wikipedia - Emperatriz Carvajal -- Chilean actress
Wikipedia - Emperor Heraclius
Wikipedia - Empire Interactive -- Video game company
Wikipedia - Empiric therapy -- Therapy based on clinical educated guesses
Wikipedia - Empis eumera -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Empress of the Seas -- Cruise ship operated by Royal Caribbean International
Wikipedia - EMUI -- Mobile operating system by Huawei
Wikipedia - Emulsion -- Mixture of two or more liquids that are generally immiscible
Wikipedia - Enayatollah Bakhshi -- Iranian veteran actor
Wikipedia - Encore Award -- British literary award
Wikipedia - Encyclopedia Galactica -- Fictional encyclopM-CM-&dia in several science-fiction universes
Wikipedia - Encyclopedia of Arkansas -- General knowledge English-language encyclopedia
Wikipedia - Encyclopedie -- General encyclopedia published in France between 1751 and 1772
Wikipedia - EncyclopM-CM-&dia Britannica -- General knowledge English-language encyclopaedia
Wikipedia - EncyclopM-CM-&dia Universalis -- French-language general encyclopedia published by EncyclopM-CM-&dia Britannica Inc.
Wikipedia - Endemoceratoidea -- Superfamily of molluscs (fossil)
Wikipedia - End Game (song) -- 2017 single by Taylor Swift featuring Ed Sheeran and Future
Wikipedia - Endmember -- Mineral at the end of a mineral series
Wikipedia - Endocellion -- monotypic flowering plant genus in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Endodontic therapy
Wikipedia - End of an Era (comics)
Wikipedia - Endorsements in the 2017 United Kingdom general election
Wikipedia - Endorsements in the 2019 United Kingdom general election
Wikipedia - Endrendrum Punnagai (TV series) -- Indian Tamil-language soap opera
Wikipedia - Endrik Wottrich -- German operatic tenor
Wikipedia - End time -- Future time-period described variously in the eschatologies of several world religions
Wikipedia - Enea Silvio Piccolomini (general)
Wikipedia - Enel Russia -- Russian power generation company
Wikipedia - Enenche Akogwu -- Nigerian journalist and cameraman
Wikipedia - Energizer Brands -- Beverage Company
Wikipedia - Energy condition -- Simplifying assumptions about the behavior of the stress-energy tensor in general relativity
Wikipedia - Energy drink -- Type of beverage containing stimulant drugs such as caffeine and marketed as providing mental and physical stimulation
Wikipedia - Energy Information Administration -- One of the principal agencies of the U.S. Federal Statistical System and part of the U.S. Department of Energy
Wikipedia - Energy-maneuverability theory -- Model of aircraft performance
Wikipedia - Energy policy of Canada -- about Canada's federal and provincial energy policies
Wikipedia - Energy security -- National security considerations of energy availability
Wikipedia - Enesay -- Beverage company in Kyrgyzstan
Wikipedia - Engelbert Valentin Niedermeyer -- SS operative
Wikipedia - Eng Foong Ho v Attorney-General -- Singapore legal judgement
Wikipedia - Engineering tolerance
Wikipedia - English and Foreign Languages University -- Public Central University in Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Wikipedia - English literature -- Literary works written in the English language
Wikipedia - English National Opera -- Opera company based in London
Wikipedia - English numerals -- Name of numbers in English
Wikipedia - English studies -- Study of English-language literature, composition, and language arts
Wikipedia - Enhanced geothermal system -- Type of electricity generation system
Wikipedia - ENIAC -- First electronic general-purpose digital computer
Wikipedia - Enid Szantho -- Hungarian operatic contralto
Wikipedia - Enlightenment Era
Wikipedia - Enlightenment era
Wikipedia - Enna Satham Indha Neram -- 2014 film by M. Saravanan
Wikipedia - Enoggera Creek -- Creek in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Enoggera Hill -- Hill in Enoggera, Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Enrico Caruso -- Italian opera singer
Wikipedia - Enrico Delle Sedie -- Italian opera singer 1824-1907
Wikipedia - Enrique Carreras -- Film director
Wikipedia - Enrique Manuel Hernandez Rivera -- Roman Catholic Bishop of Caguas, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Enrique Mendez Jr. -- United States general
Wikipedia - Enrique O'Donnell, Conde de La Bisbal -- Spanish general of Irish descent
Wikipedia - Ensemble average (statistical mechanics) -- Mean of a quantity that is a function of the microstate of a system
Wikipedia - Ensemble Averaging
Wikipedia - Ensemble averaging
Wikipedia - Ensignbus -- bus and coach operator and dealer in Purfleet, England
Wikipedia - Ensio Siilasvuo -- Finnish general
Wikipedia - Ente Manasaputhri -- Indian soap opera
Wikipedia - Enterprise Holdings -- Holding company of several car rental businesses
Wikipedia - Entomolithus -- Obsolete name for several trilobites
Wikipedia - Entrepreneur First -- Business accelerator program
Wikipedia - Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator -- NYC technology startup seed accelerator
Wikipedia - Entropy (information theory) -- Average rate at which information is produced by a stochastic source of data
Wikipedia - Enumerated type -- named set of data type values
Wikipedia - Enumeration algorithm
Wikipedia - Enumeration of graphs
Wikipedia - Enumeration -- Complete, ordered listing of all the items in a collection
Wikipedia - Enumerative combinatorics -- Area of combinatorics that deals with the number of ways certain patterns can be formed
Wikipedia - Enumerative induction
Wikipedia - Enumerator (in theoretical computer science)
Wikipedia - Enumerator polynomial -- Specifies the number of words of a binary linear code of each possible Hamming weight
Wikipedia - Environmental concerns with electricity generation
Wikipedia - Environmental sociology -- The study of interactions between societies and their natural environments
Wikipedia - Environmental soil science -- The study of the interaction of humans with the pedosphere
Wikipedia - Environment variable -- User-definable variable associated with each running process in many operating systems
Wikipedia - Envoy, A Review of Literature and Art
Wikipedia - Enzo de Muro Lomanto -- Italian operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Enzo Golino -- Italian journalist and literary critic
Wikipedia - Enzo Maiorca -- Italian free diver who held several world records
Wikipedia - Enzo Mascherini -- Italian opera singer
Wikipedia - Eoanseranas -- Extinct genus of birds
Wikipedia - Eois filiferata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eois xanthoperata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - E-on Vue -- 3D landscape generation software from e-on software
Wikipedia - Eopteranodon -- Reptile
Wikipedia - Epaminondas -- Theban general and statesman (d 362 BC)
Wikipedia - Epaulard -- A French remotely operated underwater vehicle of the Ifremer
Wikipedia - Ephemeralization
Wikipedia - Ephemeral port -- Short-lived transport protocol port for IP communications
Wikipedia - Ephemeral
Wikipedia - Ephemeroptera
Wikipedia - Epictetus -- Roman Era Stoic Philosopher
Wikipedia - Epidaurus Limera -- Human settlement in Greece
Wikipedia - Epidemiology of attention deficit hyperactive disorder
Wikipedia - Epidemiology of syphilis -- Eradication efforts and prevalence of syphilis
Wikipedia - Epidote -- Sorosilicate mineral
Wikipedia - Epilobocera sinuatifrons -- Species of crustacean
Wikipedia - Epilogue -- Literary device
Wikipedia - Epinotia tenerana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Epipsestis cortigera -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Episcopal polity -- Hierarchical form of church governance
Wikipedia - Epistle of James -- General epistle and one of the 21 epistles in the New Testament
Wikipedia - Epitome de Caesaribus -- Latin literary work
Wikipedia - Epitome -- Summary of a literary work
Wikipedia - E pluribus unum -- Latin phrase on the great seal of United States, literally means "out of many, one"
Wikipedia - EPOCH (chemotherapy) -- Intensive chemotherapy regimen
Wikipedia - Epos (library ship) -- Library ship operating in Norway
Wikipedia - Epsilon operator
Wikipedia - Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferative diseases -- Group of disorders
Wikipedia - Equal consideration of interests
Wikipedia - Equal temperament -- The musical tuning system where the ratio between successive notes is constant
Wikipedia - Equatorial mount -- Mounting system for camera or telescope
Wikipedia - Equilateral polygon -- Polygon in which all sides have equal length
Wikipedia - Equilateral triangle
Wikipedia - Equine-assisted therapy -- Form of therapy utilizing horses to promote emotional and behavioral growth in patients
Wikipedia - Equity (film) -- 2016 American film directed by Meera Menon
Wikipedia - Equivalence principle -- Principle of general relativity stating that inertial and gravitational masses are equivalent
Wikipedia - Equivalent Lands -- Several large tracts of land exchanged between the Massachusetts Bay and Connecticut colonies
Wikipedia - ERA 1103
Wikipedia - Erable -- computer algebra system for Hewlett-Packard graphing calculators
Wikipedia - Eraclio Minozzi -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Eraclus -- Bishop of Liege
Wikipedia - Era de Francia -- Period in the history of the Dominican Republic (1795-1809)
Wikipedia - Eradicate the Doubt -- 2003 single by Biffy Clyro
Wikipedia - Eradication of infectious diseases -- Complete extermination of disease causing agent effectively to reduce its incidence to zero
Wikipedia - Eradication of suffering -- Permanent absence of pain and suffering
Wikipedia - Eradicator (character)
Wikipedia - Eradu, Western Australia
Wikipedia - Erae -- Ionian town
Wikipedia - Era (geology)
Wikipedia - Eragon (film) -- 2006 fantasy-adventure film directed by Stefen Fangmeier
Wikipedia - Eragon (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Eragon -- 2002 Book by Christopher Paolini
Wikipedia - Eragrostis amabilis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Eragrostis australasica -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Eragrostis curvula -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Eragrostis dielsii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Eragrostis hypnoides -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Eragrostis infecunda -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Eragrostis parviflora -- Species of grass
Wikipedia - Eragrostis pectinacea -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Eragrostis peruviana -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Eragrostis setifolia -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Eragudi -- Town in Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Era Istrefi -- Kosovo-Albanian singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Erakeswara Temple, Pillalamarri -- Hindu temple in India
Wikipedia - Erambie Mission -- Aboriginal community near Cowra, New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Era Natarasan -- Indian writer of children's books
Wikipedia - Erandi Bermudez -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Erandoli -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Era News -- Taiwanese television channel
Wikipedia - Erani Filiatra -- Greek sporting club
Wikipedia - Eranina -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Eraninella longiscapus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Eranna Kadadi -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Erann DD -- Danish singer
Wikipedia - Eranos -- Intellectual discussion group dedicated to humanistic and religious studies
Wikipedia - Eranove -- Electricity, water, and sanitation company
Wikipedia - Eran Rabani -- Israeli theoretical chemist
Wikipedia - Eran Riklis -- Israeli filmmaker
Wikipedia - Eran Segal
Wikipedia - Eran Sela -- Israeli sailor (born 1985)
Wikipedia - Eranthemum -- Genus of plants
Wikipedia - Eranthis hyemalis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Eranthis -- genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Eranuhi Aslamazyan -- Armenian and Soviet artist
Wikipedia - Eran -- An ancient town and archaeological site in the Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh
Wikipedia - Eran Yashiv -- Israeli economist (born 1959)
Wikipedia - Era of Caesar (Iberian Peninsula)
Wikipedia - Era of Fragmentation
Wikipedia - Era of Stagnation
Wikipedia - Era of the Martyrs
Wikipedia - Erasable programmable logic device
Wikipedia - Erased (2018 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Erased de Kooning Drawing
Wikipedia - Erased (manga) -- Japanese manga and anime series
Wikipedia - Erase Errata -- American band
Wikipedia - Erase/Rewind -- 1999 single by The Cardigans
Wikipedia - Eraser (film) -- 1996 action film by Chuck Russell
Wikipedia - Eraserheads -- Filipino rock band
Wikipedia - Eraserhead -- 1977 film by David Lynch
Wikipedia - Eraser (software) -- Software that wipes files for Microsoft Windows
Wikipedia - Erase una vez -- Mexican web television series
Wikipedia - Erasing Hate -- 2011 television film by Bill Brummel
Wikipedia - Erasing Sherlock
Wikipedia - Erasinos -- Greek mythologcal character
Wikipedia - Erasistratus
Wikipedia - Erasmio -- Topeiros, Xanthi community
Wikipedia - Erasmo Seguin -- American postmaster
Wikipedia - Erasmus Barlow
Wikipedia - Erasmus Commission -- Commission to investigate claims of misuse of public funds
Wikipedia - Erasmus Darwin -- English physician, botanist; member of the Lunar Society (1731-1802)
Wikipedia - Erasmus D. Campbell -- 19th century American Democratic politician, 6th Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Erasmus Desiderius Wandera -- Ugandan priest
Wikipedia - Erasmus Haworth
Wikipedia - Erasmus Montanus
Wikipedia - Erasmus M. Weaver Jr. -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Erasmus of Formiae
Wikipedia - Erasmus of Formia -- Saint Elmo, Christian saint and martyr
Wikipedia - Erasmus of Rotterdam
Wikipedia - Erasmus Prize -- Annual award for an exceptional contribution to the humanities or the arts awarded by the Praemium Erasmianum Foundation
Wikipedia - Erasmus Programme
Wikipedia - Erasmus Reinhold
Wikipedia - Erasmus Research Park -- Science park in Belgium
Wikipedia - Erasmus University Rotterdam -- Public research university in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Erasmus University
Wikipedia - Erasmus -- Dutch Renaissance humanist, philosopher, Catholic priest and theologian (1466-1536)
Wikipedia - ERA Sport -- Sports radio stadio of ERT
Wikipedia - Era Station -- Railway station in Kokonoe, M-EM-^Lita Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Erast Garin -- Soviet actor
Wikipedia - Erast Gulyaev -- Russian naval architect
Wikipedia - Erastianism
Wikipedia - Erastin -- Molecule initiating ferroptotic cell death
Wikipedia - Erasto B. Mpemba
Wikipedia - Erast Parmasto
Wikipedia - Erastus Brooks -- American politician
Wikipedia - Erastus C. Benedict -- American politician
Wikipedia - Erastus Corning 2nd -- American politician and mayor of Albany, New York
Wikipedia - Erastus Corning Tower -- Skyscraper in Albany, New York
Wikipedia - Erastus Corning -- American politician and businessman
Wikipedia - Erastus D. Telford -- American politician and lawyer
Wikipedia - Erastus Hussey -- American politician
Wikipedia - Erastus Newton Bates -- American politician and general
Wikipedia - Erastus of Corinth
Wikipedia - Erastus of Paneas
Wikipedia - Erastus of Scepsis
Wikipedia - Erastus, Ohio -- Community in Mercer County, Ohio
Wikipedia - Erastus Otis Haven -- American Methodist Episcopal bishop
Wikipedia - Erastus Shuumbwa -- Namibian politician
Wikipedia - Erastus Tjejamba -- Namibian politician
Wikipedia - Erastus Uutoni -- Namibian politician
Wikipedia - Erastus Worthington -- American politician
Wikipedia - Erasure -- British synthpop band
Wikipedia - Erato of Armenia -- Roman client queen of Armenia (r. 10 BC-2 BC and 6 AD-12 AD)
Wikipedia - Eratophyes -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Eratosthenes (crater)
Wikipedia - Eratosthenes Seamount -- A seamount in the Eastern Mediterranean south of western Cyprus
Wikipedia - Eratosthenes (statesman)
Wikipedia - Eratosthenes -- Greek mathematician, geographer, poet
Wikipedia - Eratosthenian -- Lunar geologic period
Wikipedia - Era University -- Private university in Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Erave Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Eravikulam National Park -- National park in India
Wikipedia - Eravimala -- Mountain in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Erawan Shrine -- Shrine in Bangkok to Phra Phrom
Wikipedia - Era
Wikipedia - Era Ziganshina -- Russian actress
Wikipedia - Erazim Kohak -- Czech philosopher
Wikipedia - Erazm Parczewski -- Polish activist
Wikipedia - ErdM-EM-^Qs-Renyi model -- Two closely related models for generating random graphs
Wikipedia - Erechtites hieraciifolius -- Species of plant in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Eremia Grigorescu -- Romanian general and politician
Wikipedia - Eremophila pentaptera -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ergonomics of diving equipment -- Interaction between diving equipment and the diver
Wikipedia - Erica Rivera -- American actress
Wikipedia - Erica Schwartz -- Deputy Surgeon General of the United States
Wikipedia - Erica Spatz -- American general cardiologist
Wikipedia - Erica (video game) -- 2019 interactive fiction video game
Wikipedia - Eric C. Bauman -- American political operative
Wikipedia - Eric Cockeram -- British Conservative Party politician
Wikipedia - Eric Dorman-Smith -- Irish general in the British Army & IRA advisor
Wikipedia - Eric Drummond, 7th Earl of Perth -- Scottish diplomat, Secretary General of the League of Nations (1876-1951)
Wikipedia - Erich BM-CM-$renfM-CM-$nger -- German general
Wikipedia - Erich Fellgiebel -- German general
Wikipedia - Erich Hoepner -- German general
Wikipedia - Eric Holder -- 82nd Attorney General of the United States
Wikipedia - Ericiolacerta -- Extinct genus of therapsid from the early Triassic
Wikipedia - Eric J. Trimmer -- English general practitioner and medical writer
Wikipedia - Eric Landon -- Danish-American ceramics artist and designer
Wikipedia - Eric Laporte (tenor) -- Canadian opera singer
Wikipedia - Eric Malcolm Fraser -- ICI executive and UK director-general of aircraft production in World War II
Wikipedia - Eric Miles -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Eric of Pomerania
Wikipedia - Eric P. DeLange -- U.S. Air Force general
Wikipedia - Eric R. Komitee -- U.S. federal judge
Wikipedia - Eric Rudolph -- American domestic terrorist incarcerated in a US federal prison
Wikipedia - Eric Schoomaker -- Surgeon General of the US Army
Wikipedia - Eric T. Hill -- Air Force Special Operations Command deputy commander
Wikipedia - Eric W. Gritsch -- American Lutheran ecumenical theologian and scholar (1931-2012)
Wikipedia - Erigeron acer -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Erigeron alpinus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Erigeron bonariensis -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Erigeron canadensis -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Erigeron karvinskianus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Erigeron sumatrensis -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Erigeron uniflorus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Erigeron -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Erika Wedekind -- German operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Erik Bengtzboe -- Swedish Moderate Party politician
Wikipedia - Erik Contreras -- American film actor
Wikipedia - Erik K. Simonsen -- Member-elect of the New Jersey General Assembly
Wikipedia - Erik Kurmangaliev -- Russian actor and opera singer
Wikipedia - Erik S. Kristensen -- Navy Special Warfare Operator US Navy Seal
Wikipedia - Erik (The Phantom of the Opera)
Wikipedia - Erik Wirl -- German operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Erin Fitzgerald -- Canadian-American voice actress
Wikipedia - Erin Wall -- Canadian operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Eriocraniella platyptera -- Moth species in family Eriocraniidae
Wikipedia - Eriophorum angustifolium -- species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Eriophorum callitrix -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Eriophorum gracile -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Eriophorum scheuchzeri -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Eriophorum vaginatum -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Eriophorum viridicarinatum -- Species of flowering plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Eriophorum -- Genus of flowering plants in the sedge family Cyperaceae
Wikipedia - Eriska -- A flat tidal island at the entrance to Loch Creran on the west coast of Scotland
Wikipedia - Eritrean Liberation Front -- Independence movement in Eritrea
Wikipedia - Erloserkirche, Munich -- Oldest Lutheran church in Schwabing
Wikipedia - Ermera Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Ermine (heraldry) -- "fur", or varied tincture, in heraldry
Wikipedia - Ermita Nuestra SeM-CM-1ora de la Valvanera -- Historic church in Coamo, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Erna Denera -- German opera singer
Wikipedia - Ernani -- Opera by Giuseppe Verdi
Wikipedia - Ernest Albert Garlington -- United States Army general and Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Ernest-Francois Mallard -- French mineralogist
Wikipedia - Ernest Graves Jr. -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Ernest John Moeran -- English composer
Wikipedia - Ernest King -- US Navy Admiral (FADM), Chief of Naval Operations
Wikipedia - Ernest Lyon -- U.S. Minister and Consul General to Liberia (1860-1938)
Wikipedia - Ernest N. Harmon -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Ernesto Contreras (director) -- Mexican film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ernesto Ottone -- Assistant Director-General for Culture of UNESCO
Wikipedia - Ernesto Rivera -- Puerto Rican sports shooter
Wikipedia - Ernest Peterlin -- Yugoslav general
Wikipedia - Ernst Brunner (writer) -- Swedish writer and literary scholar
Wikipedia - Ernst-Gunther Baade -- German general
Wikipedia - Ernst Gutstein -- Austrian operatic baritone
Wikipedia - Ernst-Meister-Preis fur Lyrik -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Ernst Otto Fick -- German general
Wikipedia - Ernst-Robert-Curtius-Preis -- Literary award for German language essayists
Wikipedia - Ernst Severa -- Austrian canoeist
Wikipedia - Ernst Wachter -- German operatic bass
Wikipedia - Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg -- German Lutheran churchman and neo-Lutheran theologian (1802-1869)
Wikipedia - Erodium astragaloides -- species of plant in the family Geraniaceae
Wikipedia - Erotically Charged Dance Songs for the Desperate -- extended play by Gay for Johnny Depp
Wikipedia - Erotica -- Media, literature or art dealing substantively with erotically stimulating or sexually arousing subject matter
Wikipedia - Erotic literature -- Stories of passionate romance, and / or sexual relationships intended for arousal of desire in readers
Wikipedia - Errentai -- Genre of Chinese opera performed by two singers
Wikipedia - Errera Channel -- Oceanic channel
Wikipedia - Errika Prezerakou -- Greek pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Errol Aguilera -- Trinidad and Tobago bobsledder
Wikipedia - Error threshold (evolution) -- A limit on the number of base pairs a self-replicating molecule may have before mutation will destroy the information in subsequent generations of the molecule
Wikipedia - Error Tolerance (PAC learning)
Wikipedia - Error-tolerant design -- Design that does not penalize user errors
Wikipedia - Eruera Maihi Patuone -- Maori chief and leader
Wikipedia - Eruera Tirikatene -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - Erwin Menny -- German general and Knight's Cross recipient
Wikipedia - Erzsebet Hazy -- Hungarian operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Esala Weerakoon -- 14th SAARC Secretary General
Wikipedia - Escalera's bat -- European bat in the family Vespertilionidae found in Spain, Portugal, and southern France.
Wikipedia - Escape from Woomera -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Eschscholzia -- Genus of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveracae
Wikipedia - Escobar Inc -- Colombian multinational conglomerate holding company
Wikipedia - Escorts Limited -- Indian multinational automotive engineering and manufacturing conglomerate
Wikipedia - Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado "La Esmeralda" -- Mexican art school founded in 1927 and located in Mexico City
Wikipedia - Escutcheon (heraldry) -- Main or focal element in an achievement of arms
Wikipedia - Es goyobod -- Indonesian coconut milk based cold beverage
Wikipedia - Eskalera Karakola -- Squat in Madrid, Spain
Wikipedia - Esmail Ghaani -- Iranian general in the Quds Force
Wikipedia - Esmeralda (1905 film)
Wikipedia - Esmeralda (1915 film) -- 1915 film by James Kirkwood
Wikipedia - Esmeralda (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Esmeralda Arboleda Cadavid -- Colombian politician
Wikipedia - Esmeralda (beetle) -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Esmeralda Cardenas Sanchez -- Mexican lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Esmeralda Labye -- Belgian journalist and presenter
Wikipedia - Esmeralda Mallada -- Uruguayan astronomer and professor
Wikipedia - Esmeralda (opera)
Wikipedia - Esmeralda Ossendrijver -- Dutch speed skater
Wikipedia - Esmeralda Pimentel -- Mexican actress and model
Wikipedia - Esmeralda Ribeiro -- Brazilian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Esmeralda Santiago -- Puerto Rican writer
Wikipedia - Esmeraldas-Pacific Colombia mangroves -- An ecoregion of mangrove forests along the Pacific coast of Colombia and Ecuador.
Wikipedia - Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame)
Wikipedia - Esperanca Bias -- Mozambican politician
Wikipedia - Esperanca Gicaso -- Angolan paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Esperanca (TV series) -- Brazilian telenovela
Wikipedia - Esperance Sportive de Tunis (volleyball) -- Tunisian volleyball club
Wikipedia - Esperantido -- Type of constructed language, based on Esperanto
Wikipedia - Esperantists
Wikipedia - Esperanto grammar
Wikipedia - Esperanto II
Wikipedia - Esperanto orthography -- Orthography of the Esperanto language
Wikipedia - Esperanto phonology
Wikipedia - Esperanto -- Constructed language
Wikipedia - Esperanto Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Esperanza Aguirre -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Esperanza, Arecibo, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Esperanza Cabral -- Filipino politician
Wikipedia - Esperanza Lemos -- Spanish actress
Wikipedia - Esperanza (Madrid Metro) -- Madrid Metro station
Wikipedia - Esperanza mine -- Copper mine in Chile
Wikipedia - Esperanza, Puerto Rico -- Community in Vieques, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Esperanza Spalding
Wikipedia - Esperanza y Cia -- Spanish weapons manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Esperaza -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Espionage Act of 1917 -- United States Federal Law
Wikipedia - ESPN Inc. -- American sports media conglomerate
Wikipedia - Essel Group -- Indian conglomerate
Wikipedia - Essequibo Islands-West Demerara -- Region of Guyana
Wikipedia - Estadio General Jose Antonio Paez -- Venezuelan sports stadium
Wikipedia - Estadio Municipal Nicolas Chahuan Nazar -- Stadium in La Calera, Chile
Wikipedia - Estadio Ruben Marcos Peralta -- Stadium in Osorno, Chile
Wikipedia - Estate of Carter v. Commissioner -- United States Federal income tax legal case
Wikipedia - Estates General (France) -- Consultative assembly in France, 1302 to 1789
Wikipedia - Estates General of 1789 -- Consultative assembly of France, summoned by Louis XVI
Wikipedia - Estates of the Netherlands Antilles -- Defunct unicameral legislature of the Netherlands Antilles
Wikipedia - Esteban Contreras -- Filipino politician
Wikipedia - Esteban Gerard -- Mexican sailor
Wikipedia - Este cura -- 1968 film by Enrique Carreras
Wikipedia - Ester Ferrabini -- Italian opera singer
Wikipedia - Esthela Damian Peralta -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Esther Aguigui -- Guam Adjutant General
Wikipedia - Esther Alzaibar -- Puerto Rican ceramic artist
Wikipedia - Esther Fischer-Homberger -- Swiss medical historian and psychotherapist (1940-2019)
Wikipedia - Esther Perel -- Belgian Psychotherapist and Author
Wikipedia - Esther Rivera -- Mexican Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Esther Salaman -- Russian-British physicist, literary critic, writer, translator
Wikipedia - Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church -- Protestant-oriented Christian denomination in Estonia
Wikipedia - Estoy Soltera -- 2020 song
Wikipedia - Estuardo NuM-CM-1ez Hague -- Peruvian writer, literary critic, historian and professor
Wikipedia - ET122 -- Japanese diesel multiple unit operated by the Echigo Tokimeki Railway
Wikipedia - Eta Boeriu -- Romanian poet, literary critic and translator
Wikipedia - Etan Boritzer -- American writer of childrenM-bM-^@M-^Ys literature
Wikipedia - Et cetera -- Latin expression
Wikipedia - Etchplain -- A plain where the bedrock has been subject to considerable subsurface weathering
Wikipedia - Eteocle e Polinice -- Opera
Wikipedia - Ethan A. Hitchcock (general)
Wikipedia - Ethan Allen -- 18th-century American general
Wikipedia - Ethel Brez -- American television soap opera writer
Wikipedia - Ethel Byrne -- American Progressive Era radical feminist
Wikipedia - Ethics in Government Act -- United States federal law
Wikipedia - Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front -- 1988-2019 Ethiopian ethnic federalist political coalition
Wikipedia - Ethmia glandifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ethnozoology -- Study of human and animal interaction
Wikipedia - ETH Zurich -- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich
Wikipedia - Etienne Lainez -- French operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Etim Inyang -- Inspector General of Police in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Etisalat Award for Arabic Children's Literature -- Arabic literary award for children's literature
Wikipedia - Etlingera amomoides -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Etlingera angustifolia -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Etlingera apus-hang -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Etlingera brachychila -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Etlingera crispata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Etlingera dalican -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Etlingera harmandii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Etlingera loerzingii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Etlingera maingayi -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Etlingera minor -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Etlingera moluccana -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Etlingera rosea -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Etlingera subulicalyx -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Etlingera walang -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Etobicoke North -- Federal electoral district of Canada
Wikipedia - EToro -- Social trading and multi asset brokerage company
Wikipedia - Ettore Bastianini -- Italian opera singer
Wikipedia - Eucapperia bullifera -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Eucephalus (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Euchambersia -- Extinct genus of therapsid from Late Permian South Africa
Wikipedia - Eucharist in Lutheranism
Wikipedia - Euclera cassotis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Eucomatocera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Eucyclopera cynara -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eudeilinia luteifera -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Eugene Borel -- Member of the Swiss Federal Council
Wikipedia - Eugene Bridoux -- French general
Wikipedia - Eugene Conley -- American opera singer
Wikipedia - Eugene Crosti -- French opera singer
Wikipedia - Eugene Desbassayns de Richemont -- Governor General of Pondicherry in India
Wikipedia - Eugene Lanceray -- Russian artist
Wikipedia - Eugene-Melchior de Vogue -- French diplomat, orientalist, travel writer, archaeologist, philanthropist and literary critic
Wikipedia - Eugene Meyer (financier) -- American financier, first president of the World Bank, 5th Chairman of the Federal Reserve in the United States
Wikipedia - Eugene Mordant -- French general
Wikipedia - Eugene Onegin (opera) -- Opera by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Wikipedia - Eugene O'Neill -- American playwright, and Nobel laureate in Literature
Wikipedia - Eugene Robert Black -- 6th Chairman of the Federal Reserve in the United States
Wikipedia - Eugen-Helmle-M-CM-^ersetzerpreis -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Eugenia Mantelli -- Italian opera singer 1860-1926
Wikipedia - Eugenio Gerardo Lobo -- Spanish poet and soldier
Wikipedia - Eugenio Giraldoni -- Italian opera singer 1871-1924
Wikipedia - Eugeniu Sperantia
Wikipedia - Euhomalocera -- Monotypic moth genus in family Schreckensteiniidae
Wikipedia - Euler operator -- One of several mathematical concepts
Wikipedia - Euler's continued fraction formula -- Connects a very general infinite series with an infinite continued fraction.
Wikipedia - Euler's infinite tetration theorem -- About the limit of iterated exponentiation
Wikipedia - Euler's quadrilateral theorem -- A relation between the sides of a convex quadrilateral and its diagonals
Wikipedia - Euler's theorem -- Generalization of Fermat's little theorem to non-prime moduli
Wikipedia - Eulji Mundeok -- Korean general
Wikipedia - Eumetazoa -- A basal animal clade as a sister group of the Porifera
Wikipedia - Eunice Askov -- American literary scholar
Wikipedia - Euphorbia balsamifera -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Euphorbia ceratocarpa -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Euphorbia cornigera -- species of plant in the family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Euphorbia mellifera -- Species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Euphorbia micromera -- species of plant in the family Euphorbiaceae
Wikipedia - Euphorbia resinifera -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Euphorbia tetraptera -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Euphrasia lasianthera -- Species of flowering plants in the broomrape family
Wikipedia - Euphrosyne Doukaina Kamatera
Wikipedia - Euphrosyne Parepa-Rosa -- British operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Eupithecia asperata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia bicurvicera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia brachyptera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia calderae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia chimera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia cocciferata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia efferata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia ensifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia eurytera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia exicterata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia forsterata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia intolerabilis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia inveterata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia laterata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia liberata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia lucigera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia maerkerata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia missionerata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia pseudoicterata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia reisserata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia rubiginifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia sclerata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia severa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia signigera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia sincera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia superata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia tenera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia tesserata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia thurnerata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia triangulifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia tricerata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia undulifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia veratraria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euponera -- Genus of ants
Wikipedia - Euprenolepis procera -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Eupromera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Eupterote mollifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupterote subcurvifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eurasian nuthatch -- Small passerine bird found in temperate Eurasia
Wikipedia - Eurasian Steppe -- Vast steppe ecoregion of Eurasia in the temperate grasslands, savannas, and shrublands biome
Wikipedia - Eurasian treecreeper -- A small passerine bird found in temperate Eurasia
Wikipedia - Eureka (word) -- Interjection used to celebrate a discovery or invention; a transliteration of a word attributed to Archimedes
Wikipedia - Euridice (Peri) -- Earliest surviving opera
Wikipedia - Europa Imaging System -- Europa Clipper's visible-light camera system
Wikipedia - European Association for Psychotherapy
Wikipedia - European Boxing Confederation -- European amateur boxing governing body
Wikipedia - European Coalition (Poland) -- Liberal electoral alliance in Poland
Wikipedia - European Commission against Racism and Intolerance
Wikipedia - European Federation for Medical Informatics
Wikipedia - European Federation of Krav Maga -- Sports organization
Wikipedia - European Federation of Psychologists' Associations
Wikipedia - European Federation of Psychology Students' Associations
Wikipedia - European Judo Union -- Judo federations
Wikipedia - European Karate Federation -- The governing body of sport karate
Wikipedia - European Liberal Youth
Wikipedia - European Liberation Front -- British neo-fascist organization
Wikipedia - European literature
Wikipedia - European Network on Statelessness -- NGO working to eradicate statelessness in Europe
Wikipedia - European political party -- Type of political party operating on a pan-European level
Wikipedia - European Space Operations Centre -- Main mission control centre for the European Space Agency
Wikipedia - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility -- Particle accelerator
Wikipedia - European theatre of World War II -- theater of military operations during World War II
Wikipedia - European Underwater Federation -- Umbrella organisation representing scuba diver training organisations in Europe
Wikipedia - Europeras
Wikipedia - EuropM-CM-$ischer M-CM-^ersetzerpreis Offenburg -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Europorte Channel -- Rail freight operator using the Channel Tunnel
Wikipedia - Euryanthe -- Opera by Carl Maria von Weber
Wikipedia - Eurybia (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Eurydera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Eurydice (Aucoin) -- Opera by Matthew Aucoin
Wikipedia - Euryptera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Euskotren Trena -- Train operating company in the Basque Country, Spain
Wikipedia - Eustaquio Diaz Velez -- Argentine general
Wikipedia - Eustathios Daphnomeles -- Byzantine general and governor
Wikipedia - Eustochia Smeralda Calafato -- Italian saint
Wikipedia - Euthydemus (Socratic literature)
Wikipedia - Euthystira brachyptera -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Eutrochium maculatum -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement -- Post-Brexit agreement of December 2020
Wikipedia - Euxoa hastifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euxoa intolerabilis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euxoa temera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euzophera bigella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euzophera cinerosella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euzophera costivittella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euzophera formosella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euzophera fuliginosella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euzophera hemileuca -- Species of snout moth
Wikipedia - Euzophera lunulella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euzophera nessebarella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euzophera osseatella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euzophera pinguis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euzophera pulchella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euzophera subcribrella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euzophera umbrosella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eva Asderaki -- Greek tennis umpire
Wikipedia - Eva Contreras Sandoval -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Eva Fleischer -- German opera singer
Wikipedia - Eva Gustavson -- Norwegian opera singer
Wikipedia - Eva K. Lee -- American operations researcher
Wikipedia - Eva Likova -- American operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Evan A. Baker -- American opera historian
Wikipedia - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America -- Largest Lutheran denomination in the United States
Wikipedia - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria
Wikipedia - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Wikipedia - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Suriname -- Religious denomination
Wikipedia - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sweden -- Confessional Lutheran denomination in Sweden
Wikipedia - Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Wrttemberg
Wikipedia - Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Wurttemberg -- protestant church of Wurttemberg, Germany
Wikipedia - Evangelical Lutheran Church of England
Wikipedia - Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland
Wikipedia - Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Saxony
Wikipedia - Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America -- Christian denomination in the United States
Wikipedia - Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary -- Prayer book by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod
Wikipedia - Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book -- 1912 Lutheran Hymnal
Wikipedia - Evangelical Lutheran State Church of Hanover
Wikipedia - Evangelical Lutheran Worship -- 2006 Lutheran hymnal used by the ELCA
Wikipedia - Evangeline Barongo -- Ugandan author of children's literature
Wikipedia - Evangeline Booth -- British General of the Salvation Army
Wikipedia - Evangelischer Buchpreis -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Evan Gorga -- Italian opera singer 1865-1957
Wikipedia - Evan Harris -- British Liberal Democrat politician
Wikipedia - Evan Shelby -- Colonial-era American General
Wikipedia - Evaporite -- A water-soluble mineral sediment formed by evaporation from an aqueous solution
Wikipedia - Evaristo Ribera Chevremont -- Puerto Rican poet
Wikipedia - Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf -- 92nd President of the Swiss Confederation
Wikipedia - Evelyn M. Simpson -- English literary scholar (1885 - 1963)
Wikipedia - Everald Hanse
Wikipedia - Everaldo Coelho -- Brazilian graphic designer and illustrator
Wikipedia - Everard Aloysius Lisle Phillipps -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Everard Baring -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Everard Blair -- Indian-born English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Everard Charles Cotes
Wikipedia - Everard Daigle -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Everard Digby (died 1540) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Everard Digby -- 16th- and 17th-century English conspirator in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605
Wikipedia - Everard Endt -- American sailor
Wikipedia - Everard Enos Hatch -- U.S. Army officer (1859-1940)
Wikipedia - Everard Fawkener
Wikipedia - Everard Mercurian
Wikipedia - Everard Mott Williams
Wikipedia - Everard O'Brien -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Everardo Cristobal -- Mexican canoeist
Wikipedia - Everardo Elizondo -- Mexican economist
Wikipedia - Everard of Ypres
Wikipedia - Everardo Hegewisch -- Mexican equestrian
Wikipedia - Everardo Rios -- Mexican gymnast
Wikipedia - Everard Radcliffe -- English cricketer and Radcliffe baronet
Wikipedia - Everest (opera) -- Opera by Joby Talbot
Wikipedia - Everett Transit -- Local public transit operator in Everett, Washington
Wikipedia - Evergreen Lutheran High School -- Wisconsin Synod Lutheran high school in Tacoma, Washington
Wikipedia - Evergreen State College -- public liberal arts college in Washington State
Wikipedia - Everleigh Club -- Brothel which operated in Chicago
Wikipedia - Evert Geradts -- Dutch cartoonist
Wikipedia - Eve Russell -- Character on the soap opera Passions
Wikipedia - Everything Has Changed -- 2013 single by Taylor Swift featuring Ed Sheeran
Wikipedia - Evgueniy Alexiev -- French operatic baritone
Wikipedia - Evian -- French brand of mineral water
Wikipedia - Evil Masquerade -- Scandinavian band
Wikipedia - Evisceration (autotomy) -- The ejection of internal organs by animals as a defensive strategy
Wikipedia - Evisceration (ophthalmology) -- Removal of eye's contents
Wikipedia - Evolutionary epistemology -- Ambiguous term applied to several concepts
Wikipedia - Evolution of biological complexity -- The tendency for maximum complexity to increase over time, though without any overall direction
Wikipedia - Evolution of eusociality -- Origins of cooperative brood care, overlapping generations within a colony of adults, and a division of labor into reproductive and non-reproductive groups.
Wikipedia - Evolution of spiders -- The origin from a chelicerate ancestor and diversification of spiders through geologic time
Wikipedia - Evolution -- change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations
Wikipedia - Ewart G. Plank -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - E. W. Brown Generating Station -- Electric power plant facility in Kentucky, US
Wikipedia - Exact solutions in general relativity
Wikipedia - Exaggerated realism
Wikipedia - Exaggerated
Wikipedia - Exaggeration
Wikipedia - Exculpatory evidence -- Evidence favorable to the defendant in a criminal trial that tends to exonerate defendant
Wikipedia - Exechia spinuligera -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Exec (operating system)
Wikipedia - Execute Channel Program -- Operating System low level I/O API
Wikipedia - Executive order -- Federal administrative instruction issued by the President of the United States
Wikipedia - Executive Schedule -- Salary system of the U.S. federal government
Wikipedia - Exelon Pavilions -- Four buildings that generate electricity from solar energy and provide access to underground parking in Millennium Park in Chicago, Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Exercise -- Bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness
Wikipedia - ExFAT -- Non-journaled interoperable file system friendly for flash memory and allowing to overcome FAT32 limitations
Wikipedia - Exide lead contamination -- Operations at battery plants that posed a health risk
Wikipedia - Exilarch -- Leader of the Jewish community in Babylon during the era of the Parthians, Sassanids and Abbasids up until the Mongol invasion of Baghdad in 1258, with intermittent gaps
Wikipedia - Exilliteratur
Wikipedia - Existence -- Ability of an entity to interact with physical or mental reality
Wikipedia - Existential generalization
Wikipedia - Existential psychotherapies
Wikipedia - Existential Psychotherapy (book)
Wikipedia - Existential psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Existential risk from artificial general intelligence -- Hypothesized risk to human existence
Wikipedia - Existential Therapy
Wikipedia - Existential therapy
Wikipedia - Exmor -- Digital camera technology
Wikipedia - Ex opere operato
Wikipedia - Expandable water toy -- Type of toy made from superabsorbent polymers
Wikipedia - Expanded clay aggregate -- Lightweight aggregate made by heating clay at high temperature in a rotary kiln
Wikipedia - Expander cycle -- Rocket engine operation method
Wikipedia - Expectation-maximization algorithm -- Iterative method for finding maximum likelihood estimates in statistical models
Wikipedia - Expected value -- Long-run average value of a random variable
Wikipedia - Experience Estabrook -- 19th century American attorney and legal administrator, 3rd Attorney General of Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Experimental literature
Wikipedia - Experimental SRCI radio stations in Yucatan -- Low-power radio stations operating at Mayan boarding schools in the Mexican state of Yucatan
Wikipedia - Expert witness -- Witness who is found by a court to have expertise and specialised knowledge in a particular subject beyond that of the average person
Wikipedia - Explodera -- 2000 song by Staffan Hellstrand
Wikipedia - Explorer of the Seas -- Voyager-class cruise ship operated by Royal Caribbean International
Wikipedia - Explosively pumped flux compression generator
Wikipedia - Explosive rat -- Weapon developed by the British Special Operations Executive in World War II for use against Germany
Wikipedia - Exponential field -- Mathematical field equipped with an operation satisfying the functional equation of the exponential
Wikipedia - Exponential hierarchy
Wikipedia - Exponentiation -- Mathematical operation
Wikipedia - Exposure therapy -- Treatment method for anxiety disorders
Wikipedia - Exposure value -- Measure of illuminance for a combination of a camera's shutter speed and f-number
Wikipedia - Expressive therapies
Wikipedia - Expressive therapy
Wikipedia - Extant literature -- Texts or music that has survived from the past to the present time
Wikipedia - Extensor digitorum longus muscle -- A pennate muscle, situated at the lateral part of the front of the leg
Wikipedia - External obturator muscle -- One of six small hip muscles in the lateral rotator group
Wikipedia - Extraterritorial operation -- law enforcement or military operation conducted within a foreign country
Wikipedia - Exuperantia
Wikipedia - Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing -- Form of psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Eyemo -- 35 mm motion picture film camera
Wikipedia - Ezequiel Mosquera -- Spanish road bicycle racer
Wikipedia - F-14 Tomcat operational history -- Detailed history of F-14 operations
Wikipedia - F1 generation
Wikipedia - F1 hybrid -- First-generation hybrid (or crossbreed) animal or plant
Wikipedia - Fabiana Bravo -- Argentine operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Fabian von Fersen -- Swedish general
Wikipedia - Fabio Alvera -- Italian male curler and coach
Wikipedia - Fabio Boccanera -- Italian voice actor
Wikipedia - Fabiola Gianotti -- Italian particle physicist and CERN Director-General
Wikipedia - Facade (interactive story)
Wikipedia - Face-to-face interaction -- Social interaction carried out without any mediating technology
Wikipedia - Facility for Rare Isotope Beams -- Nuclear science accelerator at Michigan State University, U.S.
Wikipedia - Factitious disorder -- Disease of mental health where symptoms are deliberately produced, feigned or exaggerated
Wikipedia - Factorial number system -- Numeral system in combinatorics
Wikipedia - Fad diet -- A popular diet with exaggerated claims usually not supported by scientific evidences
Wikipedia - Fahrenheit -- Temperature scale used in the U.S.
Wikipedia - Failure of consideration -- Legal term
Wikipedia - Fairchild K-20 -- WWII aerial photography camera
Wikipedia - Fairness for High Skilled Immigrants Act -- Pending piece of United States federal legislation
Wikipedia - Faisal Darraj -- Palestinian literary and cultural critic
Wikipedia - Faisal Shahzad -- American convicted terrorist incarcerated in a US federal prison
Wikipedia - Faiz Shakir -- American political operative
Wikipedia - Fake news -- Hoax or deliberate spread of misinformation
Wikipedia - Fake security camera -- Empty
Wikipedia - Fakesysdef -- Trojan targeting the Microsoft Windows operating system
Wikipedia - Falaknuma Palace -- Palace in Hyderabad, India
Wikipedia - Falkirk Herald -- Scottish newspaper
Wikipedia - Fall in Line -- 2018 single by Christina Aguilera
Wikipedia - Fall of Saigon -- Capture of SaigonM-BM- by the PeopleM-bM-^@M-^Ys Army of Vietnam and the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam
Wikipedia - Fallowfield station (Ontario) -- Inter-city passenger railway station in Barrhaven (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) operated by Via Rail
Wikipedia - Falls Curfew -- British Army operation in Belfast in 1970
Wikipedia - Falsas Esperanzas -- 2000 single by Christina Aguilera
Wikipedia - Falstaff (Balfe) -- 1838 opera by Michael William Balfe with libretto by Manfredo Maggioni
Wikipedia - Falstaff (opera) -- opera by Giuseppe Verdi
Wikipedia - Falstaff (Salieri) -- Opera by Antonio Salieri
Wikipedia - Family literacy
Wikipedia - Family Mobile -- 2008-2015 British mobile virtual network operator
Wikipedia - Family systems therapy
Wikipedia - Family therapist
Wikipedia - Family therapy
Wikipedia - Fang Dianrong -- Retired lieutenant general from China
Wikipedia - Fanny Tardini-Vladicescu -- Romanian opera singer and actress
Wikipedia - Fantasy literature
Wikipedia - Fantine -- Fictional character from Les Miserables
Wikipedia - Farallon Trench -- A subduction related tectonic formation off the coast of western California during the late to mid Cenozoic era
Wikipedia - Far Eastern Federal University
Wikipedia - Farhad Azima -- American airline operator
Wikipedia - Faria Lemos -- Brazilian municipality lin Minas Gerais
Wikipedia - Farmacotherapeutisch Kompas -- Drug reference
Wikipedia - Farmer-managed natural regeneration
Wikipedia - Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association -- Agricultural cooperative in US
Wikipedia - Fasciculacmocera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Fashionable novel -- 19th-century genre of English literature
Wikipedia - Fast-growing hierarchy
Wikipedia - Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources -- Standard for exchanging electronic health records
Wikipedia - Fast loader -- Software acceleration program for file loading
Wikipedia - Fatal system error -- Error that stops the operating system
Wikipedia - Fatboy (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Father Serra statue -- 1936 Federal Art Project in Ventura, California of Junipero Serra
Wikipedia - Fathers of Confederation -- List of the founders of Canada
Wikipedia - Fatima Zohra Ardjoune -- Algerian Army general
Wikipedia - Faucet aerator -- Water conservation device
Wikipedia - Fault Tolerance
Wikipedia - Fault tolerance
Wikipedia - Fault-tolerance
Wikipedia - Fault-tolerant computer system
Wikipedia - Fault-tolerant design
Wikipedia - Fault-tolerant systems
Wikipedia - Fault-tolerant system
Wikipedia - Fault tolerant
Wikipedia - Fault-tolerant
Wikipedia - Faulty generalization
Wikipedia - Faust (opera)
Wikipedia - Fausto Veranzio
Wikipedia - Favorinus -- Roman Era Academic Skeptic Philosopher
Wikipedia - Fayalite -- Olivine, nesosilicate mineral
Wikipedia - Faye Windass -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Fayyadh Al Ruwaili -- Chairman of the Saudi General Staff
Wikipedia - Fazle Haq -- Pakistani general
Wikipedia - F. B. Culley Generating Station -- American coal power plant in Indiana
Wikipedia - FBP: Federal Bureau of Physics -- Sci-fi comic book
Wikipedia - Fdisk -- Command line utility of DOS and Microsoft Windows operating systems
Wikipedia - FDI World Dental Federation notation
Wikipedia - Fearmongering -- Deliberate use of fear-based tactics
Wikipedia - Febrile seizure -- Seizure associated with high body temperature
Wikipedia - February 2010 Australian Cyberattacks
Wikipedia - Federacion Anarquista Iberica -- Spanish anarchist federation
Wikipedia - Federacja Polskiej PrzedsiM-DM-^YbiorczoM-EM-^[ci -- Defunct Polish political party
Wikipedia - Federacy
Wikipedia - Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board -- Federal advisory committee
Wikipedia - Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 -- United states legal act
Wikipedia - Federal Agency on Atomic Energy (Russia) -- Former Russian federal executive body in 1992-2008
Wikipedia - Federal Agent at Large -- 1950 film by George Blair
Wikipedia - Federal Agent -- 1936 film by Sam Newfield
Wikipedia - Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 -- US federal highway legislation
Wikipedia - Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973 -- Federal highway legislation
Wikipedia - Federal Air Marshal Service -- United States federal law enforcement agency
Wikipedia - Federal Air Transport Agency -- Russian aviation administration
Wikipedia - Federal Air -- South African airline
Wikipedia - Federal Alliance (South Africa)
Wikipedia - Federal architecture -- Architectural style in the USA
Wikipedia - Federal Areas cricket team -- Cricket team
Wikipedia - Federal Art Project -- New Deal relief program to fund the visual arts
Wikipedia - Federal Assembly (Switzerland)
Wikipedia - Federal Authority for Audiovisual Communication Services -- Former broadcasting regulator of Argentina
Wikipedia - Federal Aviation Administration
Wikipedia - Federal Bank Heist -- 2011 film directed by Marcos Paulo
Wikipedia - Federal Bank of Australia -- Melbourne bank
Wikipedia - Federal Bank -- Indian private sector bank
Wikipedia - Federal Bridge Gross Weight Formula -- Formula for estimating bridge weight limits
Wikipedia - Federal Building, United States Post Office and Courthouse (Hilo, Hawaii) -- Historic Place in Hawaii County, Hawaii
Wikipedia - Federal Bureau of Investigation portrayal in media -- US FBI media coverage
Wikipedia - Federal Bureau of Investigation -- Governmental agency belonging to the United States Department of Justice
Wikipedia - Federal Bureau of Prisons facilities in California -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Federal Bureau of Prisons
Wikipedia - Federal Capital Territory (Nigeria)
Wikipedia - Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal Center of Neurosurgery (Tyumen)
Wikipedia - Federal Charter of 1291 -- Constitutional document of Switzerland
Wikipedia - Federal City Council -- American not-for-profit organization
Wikipedia - Federal Civil Defense Authority -- Defunct civil defense agency
Wikipedia - Federal Civil Service Commission (Nigeria) -- An executive body in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 -- US law
Wikipedia - Federal Coal Mine Safety Act of 1952 -- US law
Wikipedia - Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze -- Federal tertiary institution in Anambra State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal College of Education, Zaria -- Nigerian College
Wikipedia - Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information -- Position
Wikipedia - Federal Commissioner for Judicial Affairs -- Canadian government judicial support agency
Wikipedia - Federal Commitment -- Argentine political party
Wikipedia - Federal Communications Commission -- Independent agency of the U.S. Government
Wikipedia - Federal Computer Week
Wikipedia - Federal Consensus -- Argentine political coalition
Wikipedia - Federal Constitutional Court -- Supreme constitutional court for the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - Federal Convention (Germany) -- Constitutional body convened solely to elect the President of Germany
Wikipedia - Federal Correctional Complex, Petersburg -- United States federal prison complex for male inmates in Petersburg, Virginia
Wikipedia - Federal Correctional Institution, Bastrop -- US federal prison
Wikipedia - Federal Correctional Institution, Danbury -- Prison facility
Wikipedia - Federal Correctional Institution, Englewood -- Low-security United States federal prison for male inmates
Wikipedia - Federal Correctional Institution, Fairton -- United States federal prison
Wikipedia - Federal Correctional Institution, Forrest City -- US federal prison
Wikipedia - Federal Correctional Institution, Otisville -- Medium-security federal prison for male inmates located near Otisville, New York
Wikipedia - Federal Correctional Institution, Ray Brook -- Medium-security federal prison in New York, US
Wikipedia - Federal Correctional Institution, Seagoville -- U.S. federal prison
Wikipedia - Federal Criminal Police Office (Germany)
Wikipedia - Federal Cross of Merit
Wikipedia - Federal Customs Service of Russia -- Authority agency of Russian, customs services
Wikipedia - Federal Democratic Union of Switzerland -- Political party in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons -- German federal agency
Wikipedia - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Wikipedia - Federal Depository Library Program -- Government program created to make U.S. federal government publications available to the public at no cost
Wikipedia - Federal Detention Center, Oakdale -- United States federal prison
Wikipedia - Federal district -- Country subdivision administered by the federal government rather than being its own constituent state; may or may not have its own local government
Wikipedia - Federal Donuts -- Fast food chain
Wikipedia - Federal drug policy of the United States
Wikipedia - Federal Election Commission
Wikipedia - Federal elections in the United States
Wikipedia - Federal enclave -- A parcel of land which is within a state but under federal jurisdiction
Wikipedia - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Wikipedia - Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework
Wikipedia - Federal Enterprise Architecture
Wikipedia - Federal enterprise architecture
Wikipedia - Federal Europe
Wikipedia - Federal Express (train) -- Boston, MA to Washington DC passenger train (1912-1971)
Wikipedia - Federal Farmer -- Pseudonym of an Anti-Federalist opposed to the ratification of the Constitution.
Wikipedia - Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council -- U.S. regulatory body
Wikipedia - Federal Firearms License -- US license to enable an individual or a company to be in the firearms business
Wikipedia - Federal Fugitives -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Federal Geographic Data Committee -- United States government committee coordinating geospatial data
Wikipedia - Federal Government College Ogbomoso -- Boarding school in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal Government Girls College Bida -- Federal Secondary school in Bida, Niger State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal government of Brazil -- Executive authority of Brazil
Wikipedia - Federal government of Nigeria -- National government of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal government of the United States
Wikipedia - Federal Highway Administration -- US government agency
Wikipedia - Federal Highway Police (Brazil) -- Brazilian highway police
Wikipedia - Federal holidays in the United States -- Dates recognized as holidays by the U.S. government
Wikipedia - Federal income tax
Wikipedia - Federal Indian Policy
Wikipedia - Federal Information Processing Standard
Wikipedia - Federal Inland Revenue Service -- Nigerian government tax and revenue agency
Wikipedia - Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources -- German geological survey in Hannover, Germany
Wikipedia - Federal Intelligence Agency
Wikipedia - Federal Intelligence Service (Germany)
Wikipedia - Federal Intelligence Service -- Foreign intelligence agency of Germany
Wikipedia - Federal Interlocutor for Metis and Non-Status Indians -- Canadian cabinet position
Wikipedia - Federal Investigation Agency
Wikipedia - Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros -- Former African country
Wikipedia - Federalism in India -- Relations between the Centre and the States
Wikipedia - Federalism in Quebec
Wikipedia - Federalism in the United States
Wikipedia - Federalism -- Political concept
Wikipedia - Federalist Christian Democracy - Convention of Federalists for Christian Democracy -- Political party in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Federalist Era
Wikipedia - Federalist Greens -- Defunct political party in Italy
Wikipedia - Federalist No. 10
Wikipedia - Federalist No. 85 -- Final Federalist Paper, by Alexander Hamilton
Wikipedia - Federalist Papers
Wikipedia - Federalist Party (Italy) -- Italian political party
Wikipedia - Federalist Party (United States)
Wikipedia - Federalist Party -- First political party in the United States
Wikipedia - Federalist revolts -- 1793 uprisings in Revolutionary France
Wikipedia - Federalist Riograndense Revolution -- Civil war in Brazil
Wikipedia - Federalist Society -- Organization of conservative and libertarian attorneys, law students and law professors
Wikipedia - Federal Judicial Center
Wikipedia - Federal judiciary of the United States
Wikipedia - Federal Land Development Authority -- Malaysian government agency
Wikipedia - Federal law enforcement in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Federal law
Wikipedia - Federally Administered Tribal Areas cricket team -- Cricket team
Wikipedia - Federal Man-Hunt -- 1938 film by Nick Grinde
Wikipedia - Federal Marriage Amendment -- Proposed U.S. Constitutional amendment to outlaw the acknowledgement of homosexual marriages.
Wikipedia - Federal Meat Inspection Act -- US law
Wikipedia - Federal Medical Center, Abeokuta -- Hospital in Abeokuta, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal Medical Center, Carswell -- Women's federal prison in Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.
Wikipedia - Federal Ministries of Nigeria -- Executive government service in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal Ministry of Aviation (Nigeria) -- Ministry in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal Ministry of Commerce -- Federal ministry Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany) -- Ministry of Education and Research of Germany
Wikipedia - Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth -- Ministry in the government of the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Wikipedia - Federal Ministry of Justice (Nigeria) -- Legal arms ministry Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment -- Nigerian Federal Ministry
Wikipedia - Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community -- Ministry of the Interior of Germany
Wikipedia - Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs (Germany)
Wikipedia - Federal monarchy -- Federation of states with a single main monarch and different leaders in the states of the federation
Wikipedia - Federal Networking Council
Wikipedia - Federal, New South Wales -- Town in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Federal Office for Information Security
Wikipedia - Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution
Wikipedia - Federal Office of Public Health -- Swiss governmental agency
Wikipedia - Federal Palace Hotel -- Building in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal Parliament of Nepal -- Bicameral legislature of Nepal since 2018
Wikipedia - Federal Party of Kenya -- Political party in Kenya
Wikipedia - Federal Party (Puerto Rico) -- Former political party
Wikipedia - Federal Peronism -- Political ideology in Argentina
Wikipedia - Federal Police (Austria) -- Austrian police force
Wikipedia - Federal Police of Brazil
Wikipedia - Federal Polytechnic Bida -- Public polytechnic in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal Polytechnic, Mubi -- Polytechnic in Adamawa, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa -- Polytechnics in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal Power Commission v. Tuscarora Indian Nation
Wikipedia - Federal preemption
Wikipedia - Federal Pretzel Baking Company -- American soft pretzel manufacturer
Wikipedia - Federal Protective Forces -- United States federal law enforcement agency
Wikipedia - Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board -- Independent quasi-judicial tribunal in Canada
Wikipedia - Federal Radio Commission -- Former government agency of the United States
Wikipedia - Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria -- Public fund radios organization, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal Railroad Administration
Wikipedia - Federal Register
Wikipedia - Federal Reporter
Wikipedia - Federal Republic of Central America -- Former nation in Central America
Wikipedia - Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - Federal Reserve Bank Note -- United States banknotes issued between 1915 and 1934
Wikipedia - Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Wikipedia - Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco -- Federal bank in San Francisco, California, U.S.
Wikipedia - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Wikipedia - Federal Reserve Bank -- American central banking institution
Wikipedia - Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Wikipedia - Federal Reserve Note -- Current paper currency of the United States
Wikipedia - Federal Reserve Police -- Law enforcement unit of the U.S. Federal Reserve
Wikipedia - Federal Reserve System
Wikipedia - Federal Reserve
Wikipedia - Federal Resume (United States) -- Type of resume constructed specifically to apply for United States federal government jobs
Wikipedia - Federal Road Agency (Russia) -- Russian government agency
Wikipedia - Federal Road Safety Corps (Nigeria) -- Government agency of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal Rules of Civil Procedure -- Rules that govern civil procedure in United States district courts
Wikipedia - Federal Rules of Evidence
Wikipedia - Federal Secretary -- Secretary to the Government of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Federal Security Service
Wikipedia - Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of Russia -- Meteorological agency of Russia
Wikipedia - Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources -- Federal executive body performing control and supervision functions in the sphere of nature management
Wikipedia - Federal Shariat Court
Wikipedia - Federal Standard 1037C
Wikipedia - Federal State of Austria
Wikipedia - Federal-State Relations Select Committee -- Committee appointed by the Malaysian House of Representatives
Wikipedia - Federal state
Wikipedia - Federal state -- Federal state
Wikipedia - Federal Street Church (Boston)
Wikipedia - Federal subjects of Russia
Wikipedia - Federal Supplement -- American case law reporter that compiles opinions of the U.S. District Courts
Wikipedia - Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland -- Supreme court of Switzerland
Wikipedia - Federal taxation and spending by state -- Ability of the United States government to tax and spend
Wikipedia - Federal Telecommunications Institute -- Mexican telecommunications regulator, established 2013
Wikipedia - Federal territory -- Area under the direct control of the national government
Wikipedia - Federal Times -- American magazine
Wikipedia - Federal Trade Commission -- United States government agency
Wikipedia - Federal Transit Administration
Wikipedia - Federal tribunals in the United States -- American federal courts
Wikipedia - Federal University, Birnin Kebbi -- Federal university in Kebbi, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal University, Gashua -- |Nigerian university
Wikipedia - Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta -- University in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal University of Itajuba -- Federal public university in Itajuba, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Wikipedia - Federal University of Lafia -- Federal university in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul -- Public university in Brazil
Wikipedia - Federal University of Mato Grosso -- University in Brazil
Wikipedia - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro -- Public research university in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Wikipedia - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Wikipedia - Federal University of Rio Grande -- University and academic publisher
Wikipedia - Federal University of Rondonia -- Brazilian public university
Wikipedia - Federal University of Sao Paulo
Wikipedia - Federal University of Technology, Minna -- University in Minna, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal War
Wikipedia - Federal Way Link Extension -- Future light rail expansion in King County, Washington
Wikipedia - Federal World Authority
Wikipedia - Federal World Court
Wikipedia - Federal World Government
Wikipedia - Federal Writers' Project -- United States federal government project to fund written work and support writers during the Great Depression
Wikipedia - Federated Computing Research Conference
Wikipedia - Federated database system
Wikipedia - Federated database
Wikipedia - Federated Farmers -- New Zealand lobbying organization
Wikipedia - Federated Group -- Former American consumer electronics retailer
Wikipedia - Federated Hermes -- American financial services company
Wikipedia - Federated identity -- Identity assurance in IT systems
Wikipedia - Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria, California
Wikipedia - Federated learning
Wikipedia - Federated Media (broadcasting) -- American radio broadcasting company
Wikipedia - Federated Mountain Clubs of New Zealand -- Environmental protection organization
Wikipedia - Federated search
Wikipedia - Federated States of Micronesia -- Country in the western Pacific
Wikipedia - Federated Tower -- Skyscraper in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Federation, Action for the Republic -- Political party in Chad
Wikipedia - Federation for American Immigration Reform -- Anti-immigration organization
Wikipedia - Federation Francaise d'Etudes et de Sports Sous-Marins -- French diver training and certification agency
Wikipedia - Federation II -- Low fantasy MUD
Wikipedia - Federation (information technology)
Wikipedia - Federation Internationale de l'Automobile -- International sport governing body
Wikipedia - Federation Internationale de Motocyclisme -- International sport governing body
Wikipedia - Federation Internationale de Volleyball -- International governing body for the sport of indoor, beach and grass volleyball
Wikipedia - Federation nationale des Jaunes de France -- French trade union
Wikipedia - Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines -- Association of educational accrediting agencies in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Federation of American Scientists
Wikipedia - Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences -- Coalition of behavioral science learned societies
Wikipedia - Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Wikipedia - Federation of Associations in Behavioral > Brain Sciences
Wikipedia - Federation of Australia -- Process by which six separate British self-governing colonies became the country of Australia
Wikipedia - Federation of Behavioral, Psychological, and Cognitive Sciences
Wikipedia - Federation of Chatkal Mazdoor Unions -- Indian trade union
Wikipedia - Federation of Christian Democracy -- Defunct political organisation in Spain 1977-1978
Wikipedia - Federation of Democrats (South Africa)
Wikipedia - Federation of Egalitarian Communities
Wikipedia - Federation of European Motorcyclists -- Motorcycling advocacy group
Wikipedia - Federation of Family History Societies -- Genealogical organization
Wikipedia - Federation of Freedom -- Italian political party
Wikipedia - Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry -- Association of business organisations in India
Wikipedia - Federation of International Bandy -- International sports governing body organizing bandy and rink bandy
Wikipedia - Federation of International Robot-soccer Association
Wikipedia - Federation of Liberals -- Italian political party
Wikipedia - Federation of Nationalist Students -- French far-right student organization
Wikipedia - Federation of Non-European Trade Unions
Wikipedia - Federation of Old Cornwall Societies
Wikipedia - Federation of Parties of the Mexican People -- Defunct political party in Mexico
Wikipedia - Federation of Public Housing Estates -- Hong Kong political organisation
Wikipedia - Federation of South African Trade Unions
Wikipedia - Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America
Wikipedia - Federation Park -- Locale in Trinidad and Tobago
Wikipedia - Federation University Australia
Wikipedia - Federation -- Political union of partially self-governing territories under a central government
Wikipedia - Federative International Committee on Anatomical Terminology -- Group of experts who review, analyze and discuss the terms of the morphological structures of the human body
Wikipedia - Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana -- Italian music industry organization
Wikipedia - Federazione Italiana Attivita Subacquee -- Italian non-profit recreational diver training organisation affiliated to CMAS
Wikipedia - Federico Coullaut-Valera Mendigutia -- Spanish sculptor
Wikipedia - Federico Elguera -- Peruvian politician
Wikipedia - Federico Ferrari Orsi -- Royal Italian Army general
Wikipedia - Federico Galera (pentathlete) -- Spanish modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Federico Ricci -- Italian opera composer
Wikipedia - Fediverse -- Group of social networking websites using some federation protocol, like OStatus
Wikipedia - Fedora (operating system) -- Linux distribution by Red Hat and IBM
Wikipedia - Feel This Moment -- 2013 single by Pitbull ft. Christina Aguilera
Wikipedia - Feklichevite -- Mineral
Wikipedia - Feldenkrais Method -- Type of alternative exercise therapy with no evidence of efectivity created by Moshe Feldenkrais
Wikipedia - Feldspar -- A group of rock-forming tectosilicate minerals
Wikipedia - Feldspathoid -- Mineral grouping of silica poor tectosilicates
Wikipedia - Felibrige -- Association to promote Provencal language and literature
Wikipedia - Felice Varesi -- Italian opera singer
Wikipedia - Felicia Filip -- Romanian operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Felicita Vestvali -- German opera singer
Wikipedia - Felicity Bryan -- British literary agent
Wikipedia - Felimon Santos Jr. -- Filipino army general (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Felipe Augusto de Saint-Marcq -- Spanish general
Wikipedia - Felix Amerasinghe -- Sri Lankan entomologist
Wikipedia - Felix Guattari -- Institutional psychotherapist, philosopher, and semiologist
Wikipedia - Felix Senac -- Confederate States Navy agent to Europe
Wikipedia - Felix Serafin -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Felix Sumarokov-Elston -- Russian general
Wikipedia - Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature
Wikipedia - Fellow traveller -- One who sympathizes and co-operates with an organization, without being a member
Wikipedia - Feminist children's literature
Wikipedia - Feminist literary criticism
Wikipedia - Feminist literature -- Fiction or nonfiction that supports the feminist goals of defining, establishing and defending equal civil, political, economic and social rights for women
Wikipedia - Feminist therapy
Wikipedia - Fem unga -- Anthology of modern literature, edited by the eponymous Swedish wrinting circle
Wikipedia - Fenchel's theorem -- Gives the average curvature of any closed convex plane curve
Wikipedia - Fencing Confederation of Asia -- International body created in 1988
Wikipedia - Feng Yi -- Chinese general who helped Emperor Guangwu establish the Eastern Han dynasty
Wikipedia - Fenix Cooperativa Cinematografica -- Spanish film production company
Wikipedia - Fenner & Beane -- Acquired brokerage firm
Wikipedia - F. Enzio Busche -- German general authority
Wikipedia - Feodor Chaliapin -- Russian opera singer
Wikipedia - Feradach Finnfechtnach
Wikipedia - Feraferia -- A Neopagan religion
Wikipedia - FerahM-EM-^_ad Hatun -- Ottoman consort
Wikipedia - Feral child -- Human child who has lived isolated from human contact from a very young age
Wikipedia - Feral (comics)
Wikipedia - Feraliminal Lycanthropizer -- Fictional psychoactive machine
Wikipedia - Feral Interactive -- British video game publisher
Wikipedia - Feral parakeets in Great Britain -- Population of feral parakeets in Great Britain
Wikipedia - Feral pigeon -- Pigeons descended from domestic pigeons that have returned to the wild
Wikipedia - Feral pig -- Any type of feral domesticated pig, wild boar, or hybrid found world wide
Wikipedia - Feral (subculture)
Wikipedia - Feral -- Formerly domestic animal or plant that lives in the wild
Wikipedia - Feramorz Little -- American politician
Wikipedia - Ferapontov Monastery
Wikipedia - Feras Antoon -- Canadian businessman
Wikipedia - Ferdinand Bordewijk Prize -- Dutch literary award
Wikipedia - Ferdinand Foch -- French general and military theorist
Wikipedia - Ferdinand of Antequera
Wikipedia - Ferdinand P. Earle -- American general
Wikipedia - Ferdinand Prevot -- French operatic baritone
Wikipedia - Ferdinand von Parseval -- Bavarian general
Wikipedia - Ferdinand von Zeppelin -- German general and airship pioneer
Wikipedia - Ferdinand Xhaferaj -- Albanian politician
Wikipedia - Fergus Barrowman -- New Zealand publisher and literary commentator
Wikipedia - Ferme generale -- Historical tax collection system in France
Wikipedia - Fermi energy -- Concept in quantum mechanics referring to the energy difference between the highest and lowest occupied single-particle states in a quantum system of non-interacting fermions at absolute zero temperature
Wikipedia - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Wikipedia - Fermi's interaction
Wikipedia - Fernand Gregh -- French poet and literary critic
Wikipedia - Fernando Alegria -- Chilean poet, writer, literary critic and scholar
Wikipedia - Fernando Canon -- Filipino revolutionary general, inventor
Wikipedia - Fernando De Lucia -- Italian opera singer 1861-1925
Wikipedia - Fernando Diez de Ulzurrun y Somellera -- Mayor of Ponce, Puerto Rico from 10 July 1887 to 4 January 1888
Wikipedia - Fernando Enriquez de Ribera y de Moura, 6th Marquis of Tarifa -- Spanish noble
Wikipedia - Fernando Higueras -- Spanish architect
Wikipedia - Fernando Olivera -- Peruvian politician
Wikipedia - Fernando Olmedo Reguera
Wikipedia - Fernando Pessoa -- Portuguese poet, writer, literary critic, translator, publisher and philosopher
Wikipedia - Ferner Nuhn -- American author, literary critic and artist
Wikipedia - Fern Fitzgerald -- American actress
Wikipedia - Feroponera -- Genus of ants
Wikipedia - Ferreira family -- Fictional family from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Ferrihydrite -- Iron oxyhydroxide mineral
Wikipedia - Ferrocarriles Unidos de Yucatan -- Narrow gauge railroad that operated in the state of Yucatan, Mexico.
Wikipedia - Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya -- Railway company in Catalonia, Spain
Wikipedia - Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana -- Transport company in Valencia, Spain
Wikipedia - Ferrogedrite -- Amphibole, double chain inosilicate mineral
Wikipedia - Ferronickel platinum -- Rare occurring mineral
Wikipedia - Ferroselite -- Sulfide mineral
Wikipedia - FESOM -- A multi-resolution ocean general circulation model that solves the equations of motion describing the ocean and sea ice using finite-element and finite-volume methods on unstructured computational grids
Wikipedia - Festa Literaria Internacional de Paraty -- Brazilian literary event
Wikipedia - Festival Cruises -- A Greece-based cruise line that operated between 1994 and 2004
Wikipedia - Festival of German-Language Literature
Wikipedia - Fetotomy -- Veterinary operation that dissects a deceased fetus for delivery
Wikipedia - Fetterangus -- Village in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - FHA insured loan -- US Federal Housing Administration mortgage insurance
Wikipedia - F. Henry Habicht II -- U.S. Assistant Attorney General
Wikipedia - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles -- Multinational automotive manufacturing conglomerate
Wikipedia - Fictionalism -- Pretending to treat something as literally true (a "useful fiction")
Wikipedia - Fictitious entry -- Deliberately incorrect entry in a reference work
Wikipedia - Ficus aspera -- Species of fig
Wikipedia - Ficus exasperata -- Species of flowering plant in the mulberry family Moraceae
Wikipedia - Ficus hederacea -- Species of climbing fig
Wikipedia - FIDAC -- Former organization of war veterans
Wikipedia - FIDE -- International organization that connects the various national chess federations
Wikipedia - Field coil -- Electromagnet used to generate a magnetic field in an electro-magnetic machine
Wikipedia - Field (heraldry) -- Background of a shield or flag
Wikipedia - Fierabras (nickname)
Wikipedia - Fierabras
Wikipedia - Fiesch derailment -- Train wreck
Wikipedia - Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution -- Article of amendment to the U.S. Constitution, enumerating prohibition of federal and state governments denying right to vote on account of race
Wikipedia - Fifteenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
Wikipedia - Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution -- Article of amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as part of the Bill of Rights, enumerating rights related to trials and due process thereof.
Wikipedia - Fifth Council of the Lateran
Wikipedia - Fifth Generation Computer Systems project
Wikipedia - Fifth Generation Computer
Wikipedia - Fifth generation computer
Wikipedia - Fifth generation jet fighter
Wikipedia - Fifth-generation jet fighter -- Classification of jet-powered fighter aircraft developed from the 1990s through the 2020s
Wikipedia - Fifth generation of video game consoles -- Fifth video game console generation, including the PlayStation
Wikipedia - Fifth-generation programming language
Wikipedia - Fifth generation video game consoles
Wikipedia - Fighter (Christina Aguilera song) -- 2003 single by Christina Aguilera
Wikipedia - Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag -- 2004 film by Stephen Low
Wikipedia - Figure of speech -- Word or phrase entailing an intentional deviation from literal meaning to produce a rhetorical effect
Wikipedia - Fijian literature -- History of literature in Fiji
Wikipedia - Fiji-Mexico relations -- Bilateral relations between Mexico and Fiji
Wikipedia - File inclusion vulnerability
Wikipedia - File operation
Wikipedia - Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
Wikipedia - Filial therapy
Wikipedia - Filip BandM-EM->ak -- Czech opera singer
Wikipedia - Filipp Alyabushev -- Soviet general
Wikipedia - Filippo Coletti -- Italian operatic baritone
Wikipedia - Filippo Colini -- Italian opera singer 1811-63
Wikipedia - Filippo Galli (bass) -- Italian opera singer 1783-1853
Wikipedia - Filler text -- Text generated to fill space or provide unremarkable and/or standardised text
Wikipedia - Film Booking Offices of America -- American film studio of the silent era
Wikipedia - Film Magazine (magazine) -- Former film weekly news magazine published in Malayalam language from Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Film producer -- Person who supervises the overall process, creative and financial, of making a film
Wikipedia - Film/video-based therapy
Wikipedia - Filomeno Mata Totonac -- Totonac language of Filomeno Mata, Veracruz, eastern Mexico
Wikipedia - Filthy Rich (2020 TV series) -- American prime time soap opera
Wikipedia - Financial Information System for California -- California government operations agency
Wikipedia - Financial Institutions Regulatory and Interest Rate Control Act of 1978 -- US federal law
Wikipedia - Financial literacy -- Possession of skills and knowledge to make informed and effective financial decisions
Wikipedia - Fincastle Resolutions -- Statement expressing support for Congress' resistance to the Intolerable Acts
Wikipedia - Find Makarov: Operation Kingfish -- 2011 short film
Wikipedia - Fine Gael -- Centre-right liberal-conservative political party in the Republic of Ireland, one of two leading parties since 1933
Wikipedia - FinePix IS Pro -- Digital single lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - FinePix S1 Pro -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Fine-structure constant -- Dimensionless number that quantifies the strength of the electromagnetic interaction
Wikipedia - Finglands Coachways -- Former British bus and coach operator in Manchester
Wikipedia - Fingrowth Co-operative Bank Limited -- Urban Co-operative Bank
Wikipedia - Finitely generated abelian group -- A commutative group where every element is the sum of elements from one finite subset
Wikipedia - Finitely generated module -- In algebra, a module that has a finite generating set
Wikipedia - Finland-Ukraine relations -- Bilateral international relations
Wikipedia - Finnish-Swedish ice class -- An ice class assigned to a vessel operating in first-year ice in the Baltic Sea
Wikipedia - Finn Kelly -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Finsteraarhorn -- Mountain in the Bernese Alps
Wikipedia - Fiona Hile -- Australian poet, short story writer and literary critic
Wikipedia - FIPS 10-4 -- Withdrawn Federal Information Processing Standard
Wikipedia - Firearm malfunction -- Failure of a firearm to operate as intended
Wikipedia - Firebird V11 -- album by Phil Manzanera
Wikipedia - Fire clay -- Range of refractory clays used in the manufacture of ceramics
Wikipedia - Firefox OS -- Mobile operating system written by Mozilla
Wikipedia - Fire in the Lake -- 1972 book by Frances FitzGerald
Wikipedia - Fire in the Opera House -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Fire proximity suit -- Suit designed to protect from high temperatures
Wikipedia - Fire-safe polymers -- Polymers resistant to degradation at high temperatures
Wikipedia - Fire!! -- 1926 African-American literary magazine in New York City
Wikipedia - First Brazilian Republic -- 1889-1930 federal republic in South America
Wikipedia - First Constitutional Era -- Period of constitutional monarchy in the Ottoman Empire (1876-1878)
Wikipedia - First Council of the Lateran
Wikipedia - First General Bank -- Bank in California, U.S.
Wikipedia - First-generation college students in the United States
Wikipedia - First-generation language
Wikipedia - First generation of video game consoles
Wikipedia - First-generation programming language
Wikipedia - First Greater Manchester -- Greater Manchester bus operator
Wikipedia - First Great Western Link -- English train operating company
Wikipedia - First Isabela Cooperative Bank -- Bank in the Philippines
Wikipedia - First Lady Michelle Obama (painting) -- Portrait of Michelle Obama by Amy Sherald
Wikipedia - First Lateran Council
Wikipedia - First Lutheran hymnal
Wikipedia - First Majestic Silver -- Canadian silver mining company operating in Mexico
Wikipedia - First Potteries -- Bus company based in Stoke-on-Trent operating services in North Staffordshire, England
Wikipedia - First Responder Network Authority -- American public safety broadband network operator
Wikipedia - First sergeant -- Military rank in several countries
Wikipedia - First South Yorkshire -- Bus operator in South Yorkshire
Wikipedia - First Step Act -- United States federal statute
Wikipedia - First Temperate Neolithic -- Archaeological horizon of Neolithic Southeastern Europe
Wikipedia - First West of England -- Bus operator
Wikipedia - First York -- Bus operator in York, England
Wikipedia - Fisher House Foundation -- Network of comfort homes where military and veteransM-bM-^@M-^Y families can stay at no cost while a loved one is receiving treatment
Wikipedia - Fisher P-75 Eagle -- 1943 fighter aircraft series by General Motors Fisher Body Division
Wikipedia - Fisher-Yates shuffle -- Algorithm for generating a random permutation of a finite set
Wikipedia - Fishing trawler -- Commercial fishing vessel designed to operate fishing trawls
Wikipedia - Fiskalna kasa za dilera grasa -- extended play by Klopka Za Pionira
Wikipedia - Fisk Generating Station -- Decommissioned electric power generating plant
Wikipedia - FitzGerald dynasty -- Cambro-Norman, later Hiberno-Norman dynasty, holding power in Ireland over centuries
Wikipedia - Fitzgerald Inquiry -- Australian police corruption inquiry
Wikipedia - Five Points: A Journal of Literature and Art -- Georgia State University publication
Wikipedia - Five Star Generals -- album by Hostyle Gospel
Wikipedia - Five whys -- Iterative interrogative technique
Wikipedia - Fixed-field alternating gradient accelerator -- Circular particle accelerator concept
Wikipedia - Fixed point iteration
Wikipedia - Fixed-wing aircraft -- Heavier-than-air aircraft with fixed wings generating aerodynamic lift in the airflow caused by forward airspeed
Wikipedia - FIYAH Literary Magazine -- American-based magazine
Wikipedia - Fiz Brown -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - FJ Management -- Privately held U.S. corporation which operates convenience stores, oil & refining, banking, and insurance businesses
Wikipedia - Flag and coat of arms of Normandy -- The regional flag and the heraldic visual design symbolising Normandy, France
Wikipedia - Flaggers (movement) -- Neo-Confederate group
Wikipedia - Flagler College -- Private liberal arts college in St. Augustine, Florida
Wikipedia - Flag of Kemerovo Oblast -- Flag of a Russian federal subject
Wikipedia - Flag of Krasnodar Krai -- Flag of a Russian federal subject
Wikipedia - Flag of the Federated States of Micronesia -- National flag
Wikipedia - Flag of the People's Liberation Army -- Flag used by the People's Liberation Army, China
Wikipedia - Flag of Voronezh Oblast -- Flag of a Russian federal subject
Wikipedia - Flags of the Confederate States of America -- National flag representing the Confederate States of America
Wikipedia - Flash (DC Comics character) -- Several superheros in the DC Comics universe
Wikipedia - Flash fiction -- Style of fictional literature or fiction of extreme brevity
Wikipedia - Flavia Byekwaso -- Ugandan female military general
Wikipedia - Flavigny-sur-Ozerain -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, France
Wikipedia - Flavius Aetius -- Roman general
Wikipedia - Flavius Liberalis -- 1st century AD Roman equite, quaestor
Wikipedia - Flavius Valerius Jovinus -- General and consul of the West Roman empire of Gaulic or Germanic origin, born around 310 and buried 370 AD in Durocortorum (Reims).
Wikipedia - Flavonol-3-O-beta-glucoside O-malonyltransferase -- Class of enzymes
Wikipedia - Flavor Aid -- Non-carbonated soft drink beverage powder
Wikipedia - Flavored fortified wine -- Category of alcoholic beverages
Wikipedia - Flavored liquor -- Alcoholic beverage with added flavoring and, in some cases, a small amount of added sugar
Wikipedia - Flea -- Insects of the order Siphonaptera
Wikipedia - Fleet Buzz -- Former bus operator
Wikipedia - Fletcher's Ice Island -- A thick, tabular iceberg discovered by U.S. Air Force Colonel Joseph O. Fletcher, used as a manned scientific station in the Arctic for several years
Wikipedia - Fleur-de-lis -- Stylized lily, heraldic symbol
Wikipedia - Flexity Outlook (Toronto streetcar) -- Streetcar model operated by the TTC
Wikipedia - Flex (lexical analyser generator)
Wikipedia - Flint -- Cryptocrystalline form of the mineral quartz
Wikipedia - Flood geology -- Attempt to interpret and reconcile geological features of the Earth in accordance with a literal belief in the global flood described in Genesis 6-8.
Wikipedia - Flora Le Breton -- English actress from the silent film era
Wikipedia - Florence Green -- Last surviving veteran of World War I
Wikipedia - Florence Hartley -- Victorian-era writer
Wikipedia - Florence Hinkle -- American operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Florence Newman Trefethen -- American codebreaker, historian of operations research, poet
Wikipedia - Florence Pigott -- English operatic singer and dancer
Wikipedia - Florence Wickham -- American opera singer
Wikipedia - Florencio Olvera Ochoa -- Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Florencio Utreras
Wikipedia - Florian Prey -- German opera singer
Wikipedia - Florida Afuera, Barceloneta, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Florida Current -- A thermal ocean current that flows from the Straits of Florida around the Florida Peninsula and along the southeastern coast of the United States before joining the Gulf Stream near Cape Hatteras
Wikipedia - Florida East Coast Railway -- Class II railroad operating in Florida
Wikipedia - Florida School for Boys -- Reform school operated by the state of Florida, USA
Wikipedia - Florida's Tribute to the Women of the Confederacy -- Outdoor Confederate memorial installed in Jacksonville, Florida's Springfield Park
Wikipedia - Floris Visser -- Dutch opera director & arts administrator
Wikipedia - Flor Pedraza Aguilera -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Floterial district -- Legislative district that includes several separate districts
Wikipedia - Flourless chocolate cake -- A dense cake made from an aerated chocolate custard
Wikipedia - Flower Duet -- Aria from Leo Delibes's opera Lakme
Wikipedia - Fludrocortisone -- Mineralocorticoid
Wikipedia - Fluid Operations -- Company in Walldorf, Germany
Wikipedia - Flying boat -- Aircraft equipped with a boat hull for operation from water
Wikipedia - Flynn effect -- 20th century rise in overall human intelligence
Wikipedia - FM Federal -- Radio station in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Wikipedia - Foam roller -- Therapeutic exercise device
Wikipedia - Foca camera -- French-made rangefinder cameras
Wikipedia - Focal-plane shutter -- Mechanism that controls the exposure time in cameras
Wikipedia - Focke-Wulf Fw 44 Stieglitz -- 1932 general aviation aircraft family by Focke-Wulf
Wikipedia - Focusing (psychotherapy)
Wikipedia - Foederati -- Peoples and cities bound by a treaty, typically in relation to Rome (Antiquity)
Wikipedia - Fogera cattle -- Type of cattle
Wikipedia - Fog of war -- Concept of uncertainty in military operations and game theory
Wikipedia - Foidolite -- A rare coarse-grained intrusive igneous rock in which more than 60% of light-coloured minerals are feldspathoids
Wikipedia - Folami Ideraabdullah -- American geneticist
Wikipedia - Fontconfig -- Free software library to provide configuration, enumeration and substitution of fonts
Wikipedia - Food prices -- Average price level for food across countries, regions and on a global scale
Wikipedia - Food writing -- Literature about food
Wikipedia - Foolishness for Christ -- Deliberate flouting of society's conventions to serve a religious purpose
Wikipedia - Foraminifera -- Phylum of amoeboid protists
Wikipedia - Force for Change Democratic Movement - Liberal Party -- Political party in Sao Tome and Principe
Wikipedia - Ford Escort RS Cosworth -- rally homologation special of the fifth generation European Ford Escort
Wikipedia - Ford Fiesta (first generation) -- supermini car, first generation of the Ford Fiesta
Wikipedia - Ford Fiesta (second generation) -- supermini car, second generation of the Ford Fiesta
Wikipedia - Ford Fiesta (third generation) -- supermini car, third generation of the Ford Fiesta
Wikipedia - Ford Mondeo (first generation) -- Mid-size sedan produced by Ford
Wikipedia - Ford Mondeo (fourth generation) -- large family car
Wikipedia - Ford Mustang (sixth generation) -- Automobile model
Wikipedia - Ford O. Rogers -- U.S. Marine Corps general
Wikipedia - Ford Thunderbird (ninth generation) -- Ninth generation of the Ford Thunderbird
Wikipedia - Foreign Emoluments Clause -- Provision in Article I citing Powers of Congress of the United States Constitution prohibiting Congress in the federal government from granting titles of nobility and restricts federal officials from receiving foreign emoluments
Wikipedia - Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act -- 1978 United States federal law
Wikipedia - Forensic Psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Forensic psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Foreshadow -- Hardware vulnerability for Intel processors
Wikipedia - Forest ecology -- The study of interactions between the biota and environment in forets
Wikipedia - Forest green -- Average color of the leaves of the trees of a temperate zone deciduous forest
Wikipedia - Fork (operating system)
Wikipedia - Forky Asks a Question -- Series of computer-generated animated short films by Pixar
Wikipedia - Formalism (literature)
Wikipedia - Formal operational stage
Wikipedia - Formentera -- Spanish island in the Balearic Islands
Wikipedia - Formica aerata -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Formosa Plastics Group -- A conglomerate in Taiwan
Wikipedia - Formulaic language -- Utterances with fixed forms and often non-literal meaning
Wikipedia - Foroyaa -- Periodical literature
Wikipedia - For-profit higher education in the United States -- Consists of higher education educational institutions operated by profit-seeking businesses
Wikipedia - Forsterite -- Olivine, nesosilicate mineral
Wikipedia - Fort Belknap Electric Cooperative -- Rural electric utility cooperative in Texas
Wikipedia - Fort de Bregancon -- Island fortress in the French Riviera, presidential retreat
Wikipedia - Fortenova Group -- Conglomerate company
Wikipedia - Forte (vocal group) -- Operatic pop trio from America's Got Talent
Wikipedia - Fort Harrison, Indiana -- War of 1812 era stockade located in the modern city of Terre Haute, Indiana
Wikipedia - For the Liberation of Aghdam Medal -- military medal of Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - For the Liberation of Fuzuli Medal -- military medal of Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - For the Liberation of Gubadly Medal -- military medal of Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - For the Liberation of Jabrayil Medal -- military medal of Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - For the Liberation of Kalbajar Medal -- military medal of Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - For the Liberation of Khojavend Medal -- military medal of Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - For the Liberation of Lachin Medal -- military medal of Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - For the Liberation of Shusha Medal -- military medal of Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - For the Liberation of Sugovushan Medal -- military medal of Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - For the Liberation of Zangilan Medal -- military medal of Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - For the Sake of My Intemperate Youth -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Fortified wine -- Wine with an added distilled beverage
Wikipedia - Fortran -- General-purpose programming language
Wikipedia - Fortunio Bonanova -- Actor and opera singer
Wikipedia - Fort Wolters -- Former US military base near Mineral Wells, TX
Wikipedia - Fort Worth Meacham International Airport -- General aviation airport in Fort Worth, Texas
Wikipedia - Forty and Eight -- Organization of U.S. veterans
Wikipedia - Forum moderator
Wikipedia - -- French webzine
Wikipedia - Forum Opera -- Swiss operatic association
Wikipedia - Forward March! -- album by The Strange Death of Liberal England
Wikipedia - Forward Operating Base Arnhem -- former operating base in Helmand, Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Forward Operating Base Edinburgh -- Former operating base in Helmand, Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Forward Operating Base Hamidullah -- Former operating base in Helmand, Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Forward Operating Base Khar Nikah -- Former operating base in Helmand, Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Forward Operating Base Shank -- Forward operating base of U.S. military
Wikipedia - Forward Operating Base Shawqat -- Former operating base in Helmand, Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Forward Operating Base Zeebrugge -- Former operating base in Helmand, Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Forward operating site -- Type of United States military facility
Wikipedia - For Your Consideration (advertising) -- Advertising seeking entertainment industry awards
Wikipedia - For Your Consideration (film) -- 2006 film by Christopher Guest
Wikipedia - Fosterage
Wikipedia - Foster C. LaHue -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Fotima Borukhova -- Uzbek Soviet opera singer
Wikipedia - Foucherans, Jura -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, France
Wikipedia - Foul (nautical) -- Nautical term meaning to entangle or entwine, and more generally that something is wrong or difficult
Wikipedia - Four Motors for Europe -- Cooperative network of regions in France, Germany, Spain, and Italy
Wikipedia - Four Points by Sheraton -- Hotel chain
Wikipedia - Four Saints in Three Acts -- Opera
Wikipedia - Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution -- Article of amendment to the U.S. Constitution, enumerating citizenship rights as well as civil and political liberties
Wikipedia - Fourteen unanswerable questions
Wikipedia - Four Temperaments
Wikipedia - Four temperaments
Wikipedia - Fourth Council of the Lateran
Wikipedia - Fourth dimension in literature
Wikipedia - Fourth generation of video game consoles
Wikipedia - Fourth-generation programming language -- Group of computer programming languages
Wikipedia - Fourth-generation warfare
Wikipedia - Four Thirds system -- digital camera sensor and lens mount format
Wikipedia - Fourth Lateran Council
Wikipedia - Four Weddings and a Funeral (miniseries) -- American romantic comedy streaming television miniseries
Wikipedia - Four Weddings and a Funeral -- 1994 film by Mike Newell
Wikipedia - Foveated rendering -- Rendering technique in which image quality is reduced in the peripheral vision
Wikipedia - Foxes in popular culture, films and literature -- Foxes in popular culture
Wikipedia - Fox spirit -- Any of several folk traditions in East Asia describing a fox-like apparition
Wikipedia - Fractal derivative -- Generalization of derivative to fractals
Wikipedia - Fractal-generating software
Wikipedia - Fracture (mineralogy)
Wikipedia - Fragging -- Deliberate killing or attempted killing by a soldier of a fellow soldier
Wikipedia - Fraisthorpe Wind Farm -- Wind power generating site in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Frame-dragging -- Effect of general relativity
Wikipedia - Frame (psychotherapy) -- Term in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis
Wikipedia - Fran Bera -- American aviator
Wikipedia - Franc Contreras -- American journalist of Mexican descent
Wikipedia - France Antelme -- Member of Special Operations Executive
Wikipedia - Francelia Billington -- American actress and camera operator
Wikipedia - Frances Alda -- New Zealand opera singer
Wikipedia - Francesca da Rimini (Mercadante) -- Opera by Saverio Mercadante
Wikipedia - Francesca da Rimini (Rachmaninoff) -- Opera by Sergei Rachmaninoff
Wikipedia - Francesca Dellera -- Italian actress and model
Wikipedia - Francesca Emanuel -- Nigeria's first female federal permanent secretary
Wikipedia - Francesca Gherardi -- Italian zoologist, ethologist, and ecologist
Wikipedia - Francesc de Paula Burguera -- Spanish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Francesco Benucci -- Italian operatic bass-baritone
Wikipedia - Francesco Demuro -- Italian operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Francesco La Camera -- Italian civil servant, academic and diplomat
Wikipedia - Francesco Marconi -- Italian opera singer 1853-1916
Wikipedia - Francesco Maria Piave -- Italian opera librettist
Wikipedia - Francesco Maria Veracini -- 18th-century Italian composer
Wikipedia - Francesco Molinari-Pradelli -- Italian opera conductor
Wikipedia - Frances FitzGerald (journalist)
Wikipedia - Frances Fitzgerald (politician) -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - Frances Ginsberg -- American opera soprano
Wikipedia - Frances Julia Barnes -- American temperance reformer
Wikipedia - Frances O'Grady -- British trade unionist; General Secretary of the TUC
Wikipedia - Frances Pappas -- Canadian-Greek operatic singer
Wikipedia - Frances Scott Fitzgerald -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Franci Cerar -- Slovenian science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Francis Amenu -- Former Moderator of E.P. Church, Ghana
Wikipedia - Francis Aylmer Maxwell -- British Indian Army general and recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Francis Biddle -- Lawyer, judge, and 58th US Attorney General
Wikipedia - Francis B. Loomis Jr. -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Francis Briquemont -- Belgian lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Franciscan orders in Lutheranism
Wikipedia - Francis C. Barlow -- American lawyer, politician, and Union General
Wikipedia - Francisco Adolfo Cabrera -- Argentine engineer
Wikipedia - Francisco Ballesteros -- Spanish general
Wikipedia - Francisco Barrera -- Spanish painter
Wikipedia - Francisco Bolognesi -- Peruvian military general
Wikipedia - Francisco Cantera Burgos -- Spanish historian
Wikipedia - Francisco Carreras -- Mayor of Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Francisco Carriedo -- General of Philippines
Wikipedia - Francisco Codera Zaidin -- Spanish arabist and professor
Wikipedia - Francisco Contreras (athlete) -- Mexican hurdler
Wikipedia - Francisco Contreras Valenzuela -- Chilean writer
Wikipedia - Francisco de Ribera -- Spanish Franciscan priest
Wikipedia - Francisco de Vera-Villavicencio -- 17th-century Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Francisco Ferreras -- Cuban freediver also known as "Pipin"
Wikipedia - Francisco Ferrera -- Honduran politician
Wikipedia - Francisco Hernando Contreras -- Spanish builder
Wikipedia - Francisco Herrera the Younger
Wikipedia - Francisco Llera -- Spanish canoeist
Wikipedia - Francisco Mosquera -- Colombian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Francisco Peralta -- Spanish archer
Wikipedia - Francisco Rivera (fighter) -- American mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Francisco Rosa Rivera -- Puerto Rican body builder and personal trainer
Wikipedia - Francisco Urena -- Massachusetts Secretary of Veterans' Affairs
Wikipedia - Francisco Vera Cabeza de Vaca -- Spanish portrait painter
Wikipedia - Francisco Vicente Aguilera -- Cuban patriot
Wikipedia - Francisco X. Rivera -- Sportscaster
Wikipedia - Francis Derham -- Australian general
Wikipedia - Francis Drouin -- Canadian Liberal politician
Wikipedia - Francis Gerald Abaya -- Filipino architect and politician
Wikipedia - Francis Honeycutt -- American fencer and Brigadier general
Wikipedia - Francis J. Wiercinski -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Francis Karemera -- Rwandan politician
Wikipedia - Francis M. McAlister -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Francis Monnier -- French literary figure
Wikipedia - Francis Nash -- American general
Wikipedia - Francis Nicholson -- British general and colonial official
Wikipedia - Francis Preston Blair Jr. -- Union Army general, politician
Wikipedia - Francis Rawdon-Hastings, 1st Marquess of Hastings -- Governor-General of India
Wikipedia - Francis Rodd, 2nd Baron Rennell -- British Army general (1895-1978)
Wikipedia - Francis S. Dodge -- US Army general and recipient of the Medal of Honor
Wikipedia - Francis Stewart Montague-Bates -- British general
Wikipedia - Francis Takirwa -- Ugandan general
Wikipedia - Franciszek Alter -- Polish general
Wikipedia - Franciszek Dachtera
Wikipedia - Franciszek Wlad -- Polish general
Wikipedia - Franco Bonera -- Italian motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Franco Bonisolli -- Italian operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Francois Achille Bazaine -- French general
Wikipedia - Francois al-Hajj -- Lebanese major general
Wikipedia - Francois Beranger -- French singer
Wikipedia - Francoise de Rimini -- Opera by Ambroise Thomas
Wikipedia - Francoise Ferat -- French politician
Wikipedia - Francois Gerard -- French painter
Wikipedia - Francois-Henry Laperrine -- French general
Wikipedia - Francois-Marie-Casimir Negrier -- French general
Wikipedia - Francois Nicolas Fagel -- Dutch general
Wikipedia - Francois-Seraphin Delpech -- French artist
Wikipedia - Francois-Thomas Galbaud du Fort -- French general
Wikipedia - Franco Orgera -- Modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Franc -- Name of several currency units
Wikipedia - Frank A. Armstrong -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Frank Berryman -- Australian Army general
Wikipedia - Frank Butcher -- Fictional character from BBC soap opera Eastenders
Wikipedia - Frank C. Lang -- American Major general
Wikipedia - Frank Comerford Walker -- American lawyer, politician and postmaster general, 1886-1959
Wikipedia - Frank E. Garretson -- American Brigadier general
Wikipedia - Frank Ellis Bamford -- U.S. Army brigadier general
Wikipedia - Frank Fitzgerald -- American politician
Wikipedia - Frank F. Ledford Jr. -- Surgeon General of the US Army
Wikipedia - Frank Forest -- American opera singer (1896-1976)
Wikipedia - Frank G. Rivera -- Filipino writer
Wikipedia - Frank Guarrera -- American operatic singer
Wikipedia - Frank Hassett -- Australian general
Wikipedia - Frank Hawthorne -- Canadian mineralogist and crystallographer
Wikipedia - Frankie Pierre -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Frank Kermode -- Manx writer, literary critic and professor
Wikipedia - Frank Liberati -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Franklin College (Indiana) -- Private liberal arts college in Franklin, Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - Franklin L. Hagenbeck -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Franklin U. Valderrama -- American federal judge from Illinois
Wikipedia - Frank Lopardo -- American operatic tenor (born 1957)
Wikipedia - Frank Mahin -- U.S. Army general
Wikipedia - Frank Rich -- American essayist and liberal columnist
Wikipedia - Frank Sheeran -- American mobster
Wikipedia - Frank T. Hines -- United States Army General
Wikipedia - Frank W. Coe -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Frank W. Volk -- U.S. federal judge
Wikipedia - FrantiM-EM-!ek Blaha (soldier) -- Czechoslovak legioneer and general
Wikipedia - FrantiM-EM-!ek M-EM- embera -- Czech equestrian
Wikipedia - Franz Ambrosius Reuss -- Czech geologist, mineralogist and balneologist (1761-1830)
Wikipedia - Franz Augsberger -- Schutzstaffel general
Wikipedia - Franz Hinkelammert -- Liberation theologian
Wikipedia - Franz-Joseph Muller von Reichenstein -- Austrian mineralogist
Wikipedia - Franz Mazura -- Austrian opera singer
Wikipedia - Franz Scheidies -- German general
Wikipedia - Franz Seraph von Destouches -- German composer
Wikipedia - Franz Sznayde -- Polish general
Wikipedia - Franz Volker -- German opera singer
Wikipedia - Franz von Jauner -- Austrian theatre director and opera intendant
Wikipedia - Franz von John -- Austrian general, Minister of War of Austrian Empire and Austria-Hungary (1815-1876)
Wikipedia - Franz von Papen -- German general staff officer, politician, diplomat, nobleman and Chancellor of Germany (1879-1969)
Wikipedia - Fraunhofera -- Genus of Celastraceae plants
Wikipedia - Fraunhofer-Center for High Temperature Materials and Design HTL -- Research center in Bayreuth, Germany
Wikipedia - Freddy Balsera -- American political consultant
Wikipedia - Freddy Beras Goico (Santo Domingo Metro) -- Santo Domingo metro station
Wikipedia - Freddy Beras-Goico -- Dominican Republic actor
Wikipedia - Freddy Valera -- Venezuelan karateka
Wikipedia - Fred E. Haynes Jr. -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Frederica Perera -- American environmental health scientist and researcher
Wikipedia - Frederic Austin -- British opera singer, teacher and composer
Wikipedia - Frederic Bastiat -- French classical liberal theorist, political economist, and member of the French assembly
Wikipedia - Frederic Berat -- French composer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Frederic Hughes -- Australian World War I general
Wikipedia - Frederick Augustus Genth -- United States chemist and mineralogist
Wikipedia - Frederick Brownell -- South African herald, vexillologist and genealogist
Wikipedia - Frederick B. Shaw -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Frederick Burchinal -- American operatic baritone
Wikipedia - Frederick Crews -- American essayist and literary critic
Wikipedia - Frederick Dello Russo -- American politician and funeral director
Wikipedia - Frederick Dent Grant -- United States Army general and son of Ulysses S. Grant
Wikipedia - Frederick Galleghan -- Australian general
Wikipedia - Frederick Hammersley (British Army officer) -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Frederick, Hereditary Prince of Baden-Durlach -- hereditary prince and major general in the German Imperial army
Wikipedia - Frederick Hermann Knubel -- American Lutheran clergyman
Wikipedia - Frederick J. Kapala -- United States federal judge
Wikipedia - Frederick Kroesen -- American Army general
Wikipedia - Frederick L. Wieseman -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Frederick Martin (general) -- Commander of US Army Air Forces
Wikipedia - Frederick M. Franks Jr. -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Frederick M. Padilla -- U.S. Marine major general.
Wikipedia - Frederick North (MP) -- British Liberal politician
Wikipedia - Frederick Ogilvie -- Director-General of the BBC
Wikipedia - Frederick Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts -- British colonial general
Wikipedia - Frederick S. Strong -- American business executive and U.S. Army general
Wikipedia - Frederick Stanley, 16th Earl of Derby -- 19th and 20th-century British politician and Governor General of Canada
Wikipedia - Frederick Thackeray -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Frederick Vaughan Abbott -- Army officer and engineer who later became an American Brigadier General active in World War I.
Wikipedia - Frederick Wing -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Frederick W. Lander -- Union Army general
Wikipedia - Frederic Mayer -- German opera singer
Wikipedia - Frederik Arentz -- Norwegian 18-century Lutheran bishop
Wikipedia - Frederik Moth -- 18th-century Danish general
Wikipedia - Fred Fonseca -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Fred Gardaphe -- American literary scholar
Wikipedia - Fred Newman (philosopher) -- American activist and therapist
Wikipedia - Fred Thaddeus Austin -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Free Association of German Trade Unions -- Trade union federation in Imperial and early Weimar Germany
Wikipedia - FreeBSD -- Free Unix-like operating system
Wikipedia - Free Conservative Party -- moderate right-wing political party in Prussia and the German Empire which emerged from the German Conservative Party
Wikipedia - Freedom (Erasure song) -- 2000 song by Erasure
Wikipedia - FreedomPop -- American wireless Internet and mobile virtual network operator
Wikipedia - Freedom's Journal -- First African-American owned and operated newspaper published in the United States (1827-1829)
Wikipedia - Free Federation of Workers -- 1899 union federation in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Free French Africa -- World War II-era African support for Free France
Wikipedia - Free German Trade Union Federation -- Former East German organization
Wikipedia - Free State of Galveston -- Era in Galveston, Texas history
Wikipedia - Free State Review -- US literary journal
Wikipedia - FreeType -- Software development library to render text onto bitmaps, and other font-related operations
Wikipedia - Freeze-drying -- Low temperature dehydration process
Wikipedia - Freezing rain -- rain maintained at temperatures below freezing
Wikipedia - French Badminton Federation -- France's governing body for badminton
Wikipedia - French Federation of Taekwondo and Related Disciplines -- Taekwondo Federation
Wikipedia - French Federation of Undersea Studies and Sports -- French Federation of Undersea Studies and Sports
Wikipedia - French federation of underwater studies and sports
Wikipedia - French heraldry -- The use of heraldic symbols in France
Wikipedia - French Indochina -- Former federal state in Southeast Asia
Wikipedia - French Judo Federation -- Judo federation
Wikipedia - French Karate Federation -- Karate federation of France
Wikipedia - French kiss -- Form of kissing using tongue-to-tongue interaction of each individual
Wikipedia - French Liberal School
Wikipedia - French Liberation Army -- Reunified French Armed Forces during WWII
Wikipedia - French literature -- Literature written in the French language
Wikipedia - French Renaissance literature
Wikipedia - French Riviera -- Mediterranean coastline of the southeast corner of France including the Principality of Monaco
Wikipedia - French-Soviet Joint Declaration of June 30, 1966 -- Cooperation in foreign affairs, science, and technology between the Soviet Union and France and Russia and France from 1966
Wikipedia - French Student and Workers Strike against Austerity 2009 -- General strike
Wikipedia - Freziera ciliata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Freziera dudleyi -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Freziera ferruginea -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Freziera incana -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Freziera parva -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Freziera sessiliflora -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Freziera spathulifolia -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Fridolin von Senger und Etterlin -- German general
Wikipedia - Friederike Vohs -- German actress, singer and opera singer
Wikipedia - Friedrich-Baur-Preis -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Friedrich Bernhard -- German general
Wikipedia - Friedrich Fangohr -- German general
Wikipedia - Friedrich Freiherr von Broich -- German general
Wikipedia - Friedrich Frey-Herose -- Member of the Swiss Federal Council
Wikipedia - Friedrich-Gundolf-Preis -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi -- German philosopher, literary figure, and socialite
Wikipedia - Friedrich-Holderlin-Preis -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Friedrich Meyer-Oertel -- German opera director
Wikipedia - Friedrich Mohs -- German geologist and mineralogist
Wikipedia - Friedrich-Ruckert-Preis -- German literary award
Wikipedia - Friedrich von Flotow -- 19th century German composer known for his operas
Wikipedia - Friedrich von Rabenau -- German general
Wikipedia - Friedrich von Rauch (born 1855) -- Prussian general
Wikipedia - Friedrich Wilhelm Rembert von Berg -- Baltic German aristocrat, Russian statesman, and general
Wikipedia - Friedrich Wilhelm von Jagow -- Prussian general
Wikipedia - Friedrich Wilhelm von Rauch (born 1790) -- Lieutenant general in the Prussian Army
Wikipedia - Friedrich Wilhelm von Rauch (born 1827) -- Lieutenant general in the Prussian Army
Wikipedia - Friedrich Wilhelm von Seydlitz -- German general
Wikipedia - Friendly artificial intelligence -- Hypothetical artificial general intelligence that would have a positive effect on humanity
Wikipedia - Friendly interactive shell
Wikipedia - Frigyes Riedl -- Hungarian essayist, critic and literature historian
Wikipedia - Fritz Feierabend -- Swiss bobsledder
Wikipedia - Fritzi Jokl -- Austro-American operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Fritz von Brodowski -- German general
Wikipedia - Fritz Zohsel -- |German gymnast and operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Frogman Corps (Denmark) -- Danish maritime special operations unit
Wikipedia - From Generation to Generation -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Front de liberation du Quebec -- Organization
Wikipedia - Frontenac (Ontario electoral district) -- Former federal electoral district, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Frontera (1980 film) -- 1980 film by Fernando Duran Rojas
Wikipedia - Frontera Sur (1993 film) -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Frontera Sur (1998 film) -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Front-facing camera comedy -- Comedy genre
Wikipedia - Front Line Family -- British radio soap opera
Wikipedia - Froth treatment (Athabasca oil sands) -- Bitumen froth treatment is one part of an integrated bitumen recovery process in oil sands operations.
Wikipedia - Frucor Suntory -- Beverage company
Wikipedia - Fruit by the Foot -- Fruit-based snack made by General Mills
Wikipedia - Fruit Gushers -- Candy with liquid filling made by General Mills under the Betty Crocker name
Wikipedia - F. Scott Fitzgerald bibliography -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - F. Scott Fitzgerald -- American novelist and screenwriter (1896-1940)
Wikipedia - FTR (bus) -- Bus operator in Leeds, Luton, Swansea and York, England
Wikipedia - Fubini's theorem -- Theorem equating multiple integrals to iterated integrals under mild conditions
Wikipedia - Fuchs spot -- Degeneration of the macula
Wikipedia - FUDOFSI -- Federation of independent esoteric orders
Wikipedia - Fudoh: The New Generation -- 1996 film by Takashi Miike
Wikipedia - FUDOSI -- Federation of autonomous esoteric or mystical orders and societies
Wikipedia - Fuera de Este Mundo -- album by Franco De Vita
Wikipedia - Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion Nacional PuertorriqueM-CM-1a -- Puerto Rican nationalist paramilitary organization
Wikipedia - Fuirena -- Genus of Cyperaceae plants
Wikipedia - Fujica X-mount -- Camera lens mount
Wikipedia - Fujifilm FinePix S8000 -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Fujifilm X-S10 -- Mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera
Wikipedia - Fujiidera Station -- Railway station in Fujidera, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Fulgencio Coll Bucher -- Spanish general
Wikipedia - Fu (literature)
Wikipedia - Fully Loaded (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Fully Loaded (2000) -- 2000 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Fully Loaded: In Your House -- 1998 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Fulmine -- 1949 film by Luis Bayon Herrera
Wikipedia - Fumaria bastardii -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Fumaria capreolata -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Fumaria officinalis -- Species of flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Fumaria parviflora -- Species of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Fumaria -- genus of flowering plants in the poppy family Papaveraceae
Wikipedia - Fumarole mineral -- Minerals deposited by gases
Wikipedia - Functional analytic psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Functional Ensemble of Temperament -- Neurochemical model
Wikipedia - Functional illiteracy -- Reading and writing skills that are inadequate to manage daily living and employment tasks
Wikipedia - Function composition -- Operation on mathematical functions
Wikipedia - Function generator -- Electronic test equipment used to generate electrical waveforms--
Wikipedia - Function literal
Wikipedia - Fundamental interactions
Wikipedia - Fundamental interaction -- Any of the physical interactions or forces: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear
Wikipedia - Fundamental theorem of finitely generated abelian groups
Wikipedia - Fundamental theorem of software engineering -- A general principle for managing complexity through abstraction
Wikipedia - Fundamento de Esperanto -- 1905 book by L. L. Zamenhof, describing the basic grammar and vocabulary of Esperanto; the only obligatory authority over the language, according to the Declaration of Boulogne
Wikipedia - Funduq Sagha -- Caravanserai in Fes, Morocco
Wikipedia - Funeral biscuit -- Type of biscuit traditionally served at funerals in England and North America
Wikipedia - Funeral director
Wikipedia - Funeral Dirge for the Rotting Sun -- album by Goatwhore
Wikipedia - Funeral Dress (album) -- album by Wussy
Wikipedia - Funeral for a Feeling -- album by Kill Your Idols
Wikipedia - Funeral industry
Wikipedia - Funeral Marches and Warsongs -- live album by Marduk
Wikipedia - Funeral March in Memory of Rikard Nordraak -- Piece by Edvard Grieg written in commemoration of a fellow composer
Wikipedia - Funeral Mariachi -- album by Sun City Girls
Wikipedia - Funeral Mountains -- Mountain range along the eastern wall of Death Valley
Wikipedia - Funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales -- Funeral of British princess Diana
Wikipedia - Funeral of Pope John Paul II -- Papal funeral in 2005
Wikipedia - Funeral potatoes -- Potato dish
Wikipedia - Funeral practices and burial customs in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Funeral procession
Wikipedia - Funeral pyre
Wikipedia - Funeral -- Ceremony for a person who has died
Wikipedia - Funerary art -- Art associated with a repository for the remains of the dead
Wikipedia - Funerary Monument to Sir John Hawkwood -- Fresco by Paolo Uccello
Wikipedia - Funginite -- Coal mineral based on fossilized fungus
Wikipedia - Funifera -- Genus of Thymelaeaceae plants
Wikipedia - Funk Tango -- album by Paquito D'Rivera
Wikipedia - Furcifer monoceras -- species of chameleon
Wikipedia - Furia Alacranera -- album by Alacranes Musical
Wikipedia - Furman University -- Private liberal arts college in Greenville, South Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Furongxiu -- Chinese opera singer and actress
Wikipedia - Further On Tomorrow -- album by Marc Douglas Berardo
Wikipedia - Fusaki Tsutsumi -- Japanese general
Wikipedia - Fusion power -- Electricity generation through nuclear fusion
Wikipedia - Fusulinidae -- Family of foraminifera (fossil)
Wikipedia - Futabatei Shimei -- Japanese author, translator and literary critic
Wikipedia - Futbol de Primera Player of the Year -- Soccer award
Wikipedia - Futbol de Primera (radio network) -- American Spanish-language soccer radio network
Wikipedia - Future Combat Air System -- French-German sixth-generation jet fighter project
Wikipedia - Future generations -- Generations to come in the future
Wikipedia - Future Group -- Indian comglomerate company
Wikipedia - Future-oriented therapy
Wikipedia - Futures studies -- Study of postulating possible, probable, and preferable futures
Wikipedia - Fu Xiong -- Former Qin general and prime minister
Wikipedia - Fuzzy set operations
Wikipedia - Fyodor Stravinsky -- Polish-Russian opera singer
Wikipedia - Fyuse -- Spatial photography app for capturing and sharing interactive 3D images
Wikipedia - G1 Therapeutics -- pharmaceutical company
Wikipedia - G5RV antenna -- Dipole antenna optimized for operation in the High Frequency bands
Wikipedia - Gabor Kucsera (canoeist) -- Hungarian canoeist
Wikipedia - Gabriel Bacquier -- French opera singer
Wikipedia - Gabriel Bouck -- 18th century American lawyer and politician, U.S. Congressman, 6th Wisconsin Attorney General, 24th Speaker of the Wisconsin Assembly, Union Army Colonel
Wikipedia - Gabriel Duvall -- United States federal judge (1752-1844)
Wikipedia - Gabriele Fontana -- Austrian operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Gabriele Sima -- Austrian opera singer
Wikipedia - Gabriella Gatti -- Italian operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Gabriel Lam -- Vicar General of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Gabriella Tucci -- Italian operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Gabrielle Donnay -- German-born American mineralogist
Wikipedia - Gabrielle Krauss -- Operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Gabriel P. Disosway -- United States general
Wikipedia - Gabriel Rivera-Barraza -- Mexican-American author
Wikipedia - Gaelyn Gordon Award -- NZ literary award for children's fiction
Wikipedia - Gaertnera longifolia -- species of plant in the family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Gaetano Donizetti -- Italian opera composer
Wikipedia - Gaetano Latilla -- Italian opera composer (1711-1788)
Wikipedia - Gaetano Vignola -- Italian accelerator physicist
Wikipedia - Gaferut -- Atoll in the Federated States of Micronesia
Wikipedia - Gagea bulbifera -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gagea tenera -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gaia hypothesis -- Paradigm that living organisms interact with their surroundings in a self-regulating system
Wikipedia - Gail Lewis (academic) -- British writer, psychotherapist, researcher, and activist
Wikipedia - Gail Platt -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Gail Robinson (Neighbours) -- Fictional character on the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Gail Sontgerath -- American gymnast
Wikipedia - Gaius Antonius Hybrida -- 1st-century BC Roman consul and general
Wikipedia - Gaius Asinius Protimus Quadratus -- Roman senator and governor during the Severan dynasty
Wikipedia - Gaius Atilius Regulus Serranus -- 3rd-century BC Roman politician and general
Wikipedia - Gaius Atilius Regulus -- 3rd-century BC Roman politician and general
Wikipedia - Gaius Calpetanus Rantius Quirinalis Valerius Festus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Gaius Carrinas (praetor 82 BC) -- Roman general
Wikipedia - Gaius Cassius Longinus (consul 73 BC) -- Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Gaius Julius Quadratus Bassus -- Roman senator, general and governor (70 - 117)
Wikipedia - Gaius Julius Sampsigeramus -- Builder of the mausoleum of Emesa (c. 78/79 AD)
Wikipedia - Gaius Livius Drusus (consul) -- Roman general in the Punic Wars, consul in 147 BC
Wikipedia - Gaius Manlius Valens -- Roman senator, general and consul (AD 6-96)
Wikipedia - Gaius Marcius Coriolanus -- Roman general
Wikipedia - Gaius Marius the Younger -- Roman general and politician
Wikipedia - Gaius Marius -- Roman general, statesman and military reformer
Wikipedia - Gaius Octavius (father of Augustus) -- Roman general, praetor in 61 BC, praefectus propraetor in Macedonia in 60-59 BC
Wikipedia - Gaius Porcius Cato (consul 114 BC) -- Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Gaius Silius (consul) -- Early 1st century AD Roman general and consul
Wikipedia - Gaius Sosius -- Roman general and politician
Wikipedia - Gaius Suetonius Paulinus -- 1st century Roman general and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Gaius Trebonius -- Roman general, statesman and assassin of Julius Caesar
Wikipedia - Gaius Valerius Flaccus (consul 93 BC) -- early 1st century BC Roman general, consul and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Gaius Vettius Sabinianus Julius Hospes -- A Roman general and consul
Wikipedia - Gaius Veturius Geminus Cicurinus -- Roman politician, consul (499 BC) and general
Wikipedia - Galant style -- 18th-century movement in music, visual arts and literature
Wikipedia - Galaxy (satellite) -- Family of communications satellites operated by Intelsat
Wikipedia - Galboda Gnanissara Thera
Wikipedia - Gale Fitzgerald -- American pentathlete, sprinter, and hurdler
Wikipedia - Galena -- natural mineral form of lead sulfide
Wikipedia - Galeras -- Volcanic mountain in Colombia
Wikipedia - Galeries Dalmau -- Spanish art gallery operating from 1906 to 1930; best known for introducing avant-garde art to Spain
Wikipedia - Galician Literature Day -- Public holiday observed in Galicia, Spain
Wikipedia - Galileo thermometer -- Thermometer containing several glass vessels of varying density
Wikipedia - Galinsoga boliviensis -- Species of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Galinsoga parviflora -- Species of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Galinsoga -- Genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Galland Semerand -- Haitian artist
Wikipedia - Gallery of Mariam and Eranuhi Aslamazyan Sisters -- Art gallery in Armenia
Wikipedia - Galmudug -- Federal member state of Somalia
Wikipedia - Galtee Castle -- 18th-19th century mansion in County Tipperary, Ireland (now demolished)
Wikipedia - Galtymore -- Mountain in Tipperary/Limerick, Ireland
Wikipedia - GaM-CM-+tan Bonnier -- French general
Wikipedia - Game mechanics -- Construct, rule, or method designed for interaction with a game's state
Wikipedia - Game of the Generals
Wikipedia - Gamera 2000 -- Video game
Wikipedia - Gamera 2: Attack of Legion -- 1996 film by ShM-EM-+suke Kaneko
Wikipedia - Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris -- 1999 film by ShM-EM-+suke Kaneko
Wikipedia - Gamera: Guardian of the Universe -- 1995 film by ShM-EM-+suke Kaneko
Wikipedia - GameRankings -- Defunct American website that collected review scores from both offline and online sources to give an average rating
Wikipedia - Gamera: Super Monster -- 1980 film by Noriaki Yuasa
Wikipedia - Gamera the Brave -- 2006 film by RyM-EM-+ta Tasaki
Wikipedia - Gamera vs. Barugon -- 1966 film by Shigeo Tanaka
Wikipedia - Gamera vs. Guiron -- 1969 film by Noriaki Yuasa
Wikipedia - Gamera vs. Gyaos -- 1967 film by Noriaki Yuasa
Wikipedia - Gamera vs. Jiger -- 1970 film by Noriaki Yuasa, Bret Morrison
Wikipedia - Gamera vs. Viras -- 1968 film by Noriaki Yuasa
Wikipedia - Gamera vs. Zigra -- 1971 film by Noriaki Yuasa
Wikipedia - Gamera -- Fictional monster originating from a series of Japanese films of the same name
Wikipedia - Game theory -- The study of mathematical models of strategic interaction between rational decision-makers
Wikipedia - Gamevice -- Tablet and tablet peripherals manufacturer specializing in gaming products
Wikipedia - Gaming keypad -- Type of gaming peripheral

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