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object:2.05 - The Tale of the Vampires Kingdom
class:The Castle of Crossed Destinies

The Tale of the Vampires' Kingdom
Only one among us does not appear frightened even by the most dire cards; indeed he seems to enjoy a curt familiarity with Arcanum Thirteen. And since he is a burly man much like the one seen in the Page of Clubs, and in arranging the cards in line he seems to be toiling at his everyday job, mindful of the regularity of the expanse of rectangles separated by narrow paths, it is natural to think that the piece of wood on which he is leaning in the picture is the handle of a spade sunk into the earth and that he is a gravedigger by profession.

In the uncertain light the cards describe a nocturnal landscape, the Cups are arrayed like urns, caskets, graves among the nettles, the Swords have a metallic echo like shovels or spades against the leaden lids, the Clubs are black like crooked crosses, the gold Coins glitter like will-o'-the-wisps. As soon as a cloud discloses the Moon, a howling of jackals rises as they scratch furiously at the edges of the graves and fight with scorpions and tarantulas over their putrid feast.

In this nocturnal setting we can imagine a King who advances, puzzled, accompanied by his jester or court dwarf (we have the cards of the King of Swords and the Fool, which fill the bill perfectly), and we can guess a dialogue between them, which the gravedigger overhears. What is the King looking for at this hour? The card of the Queen of Cups suggests he is on his wife's trail; the jester has seen her leave the palace stealthily, and, half-joking, half in earnest, he has convinced the sovereign to follow her. Mischief-maker that he is, the dwarf suspects a Love intrigue; but the King is sure that anything his wife does can bear the light of the Sun: it is her charity work with abandoned children that keeps her constantly on the go.

The King is an optimist by vocation: in his realm everything proceeds for the best, Coins circulate and are well invested, Cups of abundance are offered to the festive thirst of a prodigal custom, the Wheel of the great mechanism turns by its own power day and night, and there is a Justice stern and rational like that seen in its card with the set expression of a clerk behind her window. The city he has constructed is many-faceted like a crystal, or like the Ace of Cups, pierced by the cheese grater of the skyscrapers' windows, the pulleys of the elevators, auto-coronated by the superhighways, with lots of parking space, burrowed by the luminous anthill of the underground lines, a city whose spires dominate the clouds and whose miasmas' dark wings are buried in the bowels of the earth so as not to dull the view of the great panes of glass and the chromed metals.

The jester, on the other hand, every time he opens his mouth, between a gibe and a prank, sows doubts, denigrating rumors, anxieties, alarms: for him the great mechanism is driven by infernal beasts, and the black wings that sprout beneath the cup-city suggest a snare that threatens it from within. The King has to play along: does he not give the Fool a salary, deliberately to have himself contradicted and teased? It is an ancient and wise custom at courts for the Fool or Jester or Poet to perform his task of upsetting and deriding the values on which the sovereign bases his own rule, to show him that every straight line conceals a crooked obverse, every finished product a jumble of ill-fitting parts, every logical discourse a blah-blah-blah. And yet from time to time these cranks, wiles, quips, jests arouse a vague uneasiness in the King: this too is surely foreseen, actually guaranteed in the contract between King and Jester, and yet it is a little disturbing all the same, and not only because the only way to make the most of an uneasiness is to be uneasy, but precisely because the King really does become ill at ease.

Like now, when the Fool has led the King into the forest where all of us were lost. "I had no idea forests this thick were still left in my kingdom," the monarch must have remarked, "and at this point, with the things they are saying against me, how I prevent the leaves from breathing oxygen through their pores and digesting light in their green sap, I can only rejoice."
And the Fool says: "If I were Your Majesty, I should not rejoice too much. It is not outside the illuminated metropolis that the forest spreads its shadows, but within: in the heads of your subjects, consequential and executive."
"Are you insinuating that something escapes my control, Fool?"
"That is what we shall see."
The forest's thickness is lessening, with room for paths of turned earth, rectangular pits, a whiteness as of mushrooms peeping from the ground. With horror we see from the thirteenth tarot that the underbrush is fertilized with half-withered corpses and fleshless bones.

"Why, where have you brought me, Fool? This is a cemetery!"
And the Fool says, pointing to the invertebrate fauna feeding in the graves: "Here a monarch reigns, mightier than you: His Majesty the Worm!"
"I have never seen in my territory a place where the order leaves so much to be desired. What idiot is on duty here?"
"I am, Your Majesty, at your service." And this is the moment when the gravedigger makes his entrance and begins his speech. "To suppress the thought of death the citizens hide the corpses down here, helter-skelter. But then, suppress as they will, they think about it again, and they come back to see if the corpses are sufficiently buried, if the dead, being dead, are really something different from the living, because otherwise the living would not be so sure they are alive, am I right? And so, what with burials and exhumations, digging and covering and stirring around, I'm kept busy." And the gravedigger spits on his hands and starts using his spade again.

Our attention shifts to another card, which seems to want to remain unobtrusive, The Popess, and we indicate it to our neighbor with an interrogative gesture which could correspond to a question asked the gravedigger by the King, who has glimpsed a figure hooded in a nun's mantle, crouching among the graves. "Who is that old woman rummaging in the cemetery?"
"God save us! At night a nasty tribe of women roams about here," the gravedigger must have answered, making the sign of the cross, "experts in philters and books of spells, seeking the ingredients for their witchcraft."
"Let us follow her and observe her behavior."
"Not I, Your Majesty!" At this point, the Jester must have drawn back with a shudder. "And I beseech you, give her a wide berth!"
"I must find out, nevertheless, to what extent decrepit superstitions are preserved in my kingdom." You can swear by the King's stubborn character: the gravedigger leads, and he follows.

In the Arcanum called The Star we see the woman take off her cloak and her nun's veil. She is not old at all; she is beautiful; she is naked. The moonlight flickers with starry glints and reveals that the cemetery's nocturnal visitor resembles the Queen. First it is the King who recognizes his wife's body, the delicate pear-shaped breasts, the soft shoulders, the generous thighs, the broad and oblong abdomen; then as soon as she raises her brow and shows her face, framed by the heavy hair loose over her shoulders, we too gape: if it were not for her ecstatic expression, which is surely not that of the official portraits, she would be absolutely identical with the Queen.

"How do these foul sorceresses dare assume the appearance of well-bred and exalted people?" This, and no other, must be the reaction of the King, who, in order to dispel any suspicion of his wife, is ready to grant witches a certain number of supernatural powers, including that of transforming themselves at will. He must have promptly rejected an alternative explanation which would better fulfill the demands of verisimilitude ("My wife, poor thing, in her nervous condition, now is afflicted also with sleepwalking!"), seeing the laborious tasks to which the presumed somnambulist devotes herself: kneeling at the edge of a pit, she anoints the earth with murky philters (unless the implements she holds in her hand are to be interpreted actually as acetylene torches scattering sparks, to melt the lead seals of a coffin).

Whatever the operation being performed, here it is a question of a grave being opened, a scene that another tarot foresees for the day of Judgment at the end of time, and which instead is being anticipated by the hand of a frail lady. With the help of Two Clubs and a rope, the witch extracts from the pit a body Hanged by the feet. It is a man's, apparently well preserved; thick almost blue-black hair falls from the pale skull; the eyes are wide as if in violent death; the lips are clenched over the long and sharp canine teeth, which the sorceress bares with a caressing gesture.

In the midst of such horror a detail does not escape us: just as the witch is a double of the Queen, so the corpse and the King are as like as two drops of water. The only one not to notice it is the King himself, who utters a compromising exclamation: "Witch'.'.'. vampire'.'.'. and adulteress!" Does he then admit that the witch and his wife are the same person? Or does he perhaps think that, assuming the Queen's appearance, the witch must also respect her obligations? Perhaps the knowledge of being betrayed with his own Doppelgnger could console him, but no one has the nerve to tell him.

At the bottom of the grave something indecent is going on: the witch has bent over the corpse like a brooding hen; now the dead man becomes erect as the Ace of Clubs; like the Page of Cups he lifts to his lips a goblet the witch has offered him; as in the Two of Cups they drink a toast, raising glasses reddish with fresh, unclotted blood.

"My metallic and aseptic kingdom is then still the pasture of vampires, that foul and feudal sect!" The King's cry must be along this line, while his hair, in clumps, stands up on his head, then falls back in place, turned white. The metropolis which he has always believed compact and transparent as a cup carved from rock crystal proves porous and gangrenous like an old cork stuck there, haphazardly, to plug the breach in the damp and infected boundary of the kingdom of the dead.

"I must tell you"-and this explanation can come only from the gravedigger-"on nights of the solstice and the equinox, that sorceress goes to the grave of her husband, whom she herself killed, she digs him up, restores life to him, nourishing him from her own veins, and copulates with him in the great sabbath of bodies that feed their worn arteries on others' blood and warm their perverse and polymorphous pudenda."
The tarots depict two versions of this evil rite, so disparate they might seem the work of two different hands: one, crude, strains to represent an execrable figure, at once man, woman, and bat, named The Devil; the other, all festoons and garlands, celebrates the reconciliation of terrestrial forces with those of Heaven, symbolizing the totality of The World through the dance of a sorceress or nymph, naked and rejoicing. (But the engraver of the two tarots could be the same individual, a clandestine adept of a nocturnal cult, who sketched with rough lines the bogey of the Devil to mock the ignorance of exorcists and inquisitors, and lavished his ornamental skills on the allegory of his secret faith.)
"Tell me, my good fellow, how can I free my lands from this scourge?" the King must have asked, and, immediately seized once more by a bellicose impulse (the swords' cards are always ready to remind him that the superior strength is on his side), he may have suggested: "I could easily bring out my army, trained in the strategy of encirclement and pressure, in mercilessly using sword and fire, razing to the ground, leaving not a blade of grass, a moving leaf, a living soul.'.'.'."
"Your Majesty, that would be a mistake," the gravedigger interrupts him; in his nights at the cemetery he must have seen all sorts of unimaginable things. "When the sabbath is caught by the first ray of the rising sun, all the witches and the vampires, incubi and succubi, take flight, some transforming themselves into noctules, some into other bats, some into still other species of Chiroptera. In these guises, as I have had occasion to remark, they lose their usual invulnerability. At that moment, with this hidden trap, we shall capture the sorceress."
"I have faith in what you say, my good man. To work, then!"
Everything goes according to the gravedigger's plan: at least this is what we surmise from the way the King's hand rests on the mysterious Arcanum of The Wheel, which can designate the entire whirl of zoomorphous specters, or the trap set up with makeshift materials (the sorceress has fallen into it under the form of a repulsive crowned bat, along with two lemurs, her succubi, spinning in the vortex with no avenue of escape), just as it can also signify the launching ramp where the King has encapsulated his infernal prey to hurl it into an orbit with no return, to expel it from the field of Earth's gravity where everything you throw into the air falls back on your head, perhaps to unload it on the no man's lands of The Moon, which has too long governed the whims of werewolves, the generations of mosquitoes, menstruations, and yet claims to remain uncontaminated, clean, pure. The narrator contemplates with anxious gaze the curve that binds the Two of Coins as if he were examining the Earth-Moon trajectory, the only way that occurs to him for a radical expulsion of the incongruous from his horizon, provided that Selene, fallen from the pomp of goddess, will resign herself to the rank of celestial garbage can.

A jolt. The night is rent by a flash of lightning, high over the forest, toward the luminous city which at that instant vanishes in the darkness, as if the thunderbolt had fallen on the royal castle, beheading the highest Tower that scrapes the sky of the metropolis, or a sudden change of tension in the overloaded circuits of the Great Power Plant had darkened the world in the blackout.

"Short circuit, long night," a proverb of ill augury returns to the mind of the gravedigger and to all of us, imagining ourselves (like Arcanum One, known as The Juggler) the engineers who at that moment are desperately dismantling the great Mechanical Brain to discover the fault in the confusion of springs, spools, electrodes, odds and ends.

The same cards in this tale are read and reread with different meanings; the narrator's hand shakes convulsively and points again to The Tower and The Hanged Man as if inviting us to recognize in an evening newspaper's blurred telephotos the shots of an atrocious news item: a woman who falls from a dizzying height into the void along the skyscrapers' faades. In the first of these two pictures the fall is well rendered in the groping hands, the reversed skirt, the simultaneity of the double spinning image; the second, a close-up on the body that, before being crushed on the ground, is caught by the feet in some wires, explains the reason of the power failure.

And so we are able to reconstruct mentally the awful event with the breathless voice of the Fool, who overtakes the King: "The Queen! The Queen! She was falling headlong! Glowing! You know what a meteor looks like? She is about to open her wings! No! her paws are bound! Down! Head first! She is caught in the wires and is hanging there! At the height of the high tension! She thrashes, crackles, slams! She kicks the bucket! The royal membrane of our beloved Queen! She swings there, croaked.'.'.'."
A tumult rises. "The Queen is dead ! Our beloved Sovereign! She jumped from the balcony! The King killed her! We must avenge her!" People hasten from all sides, on foot and on horseback, armed with swords, clubs, shields, and they set out cups of poisoned blood as bait. "The vampires did it! The kingdom is in the grip of the vampires! The King is a vampire! We must capture him!"

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Wikipedia - List of And I Love You So episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Andi Mack episodes -- List of Andi Mack episodes
Wikipedia - List of Andromeda episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ang Dalawang Mrs. Real episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Angel Heart episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Ang Forever Ko'y Ikaw episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Animal Mechanicals episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Animals episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Animal World episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of animated television series by episode count -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of anime series by episode count -- Wikimedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Annedroids episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Another episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Arrested Development episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arrow episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arthur episodes -- A Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Beelzebub episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Brotherhood episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Community episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Como dice el dicho episodes -- Wikimedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Copper episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Corazon en condominio episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Corner Gas episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Corpse Princess episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cory in the House episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cosby episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cougar Town episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Count Duckula episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Counterfeit Cat episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Counting Cars episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Counting On episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Couples Therapy episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Coupling episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Courage the Cowardly Dog episodes -- list of episodes of the American animated television series Courage the Cowardly Dog
Wikipedia - List of Cousin Skeeter episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Covert Affairs episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cow and Chicken episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cowboy Bebop episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cracker episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Craig of the Creek episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Crash & Bernstein episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Crayon Shin-chan episodes (1992-2001) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Crayon Shin-chan episodes (2002-2011) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Crayon Shin-chan episodes (2012-present) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Creepschool episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Crescendo episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Crimewatch (Singaporean TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Criminal Minds episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cromartie High School episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cross Ange episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cross Game episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Crossing Jordan episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation episodes -- Episodes of American television series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Wikipedia - List of CSI: Miami episodes -- Episodes of American television series CSI: Miami
Wikipedia - List of CSI: NY episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cupcake Wars episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Curb Your Enthusiasm episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Curious George episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cute High Earth Defense Club Love! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cutie Honey episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cutthroat Kitchen episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Da Ali G Show episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Da Capo II episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of daily news podcasts -- List of news podcasts that release an episode every day or every weekday
Wikipedia - List of Daisy Siete episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Daktari episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dallas (1978 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dallas (2012 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Danganronpa: The Animation episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Dangwa episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Danny Phantom episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dan Vs. episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Darker than Black episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Darker than Black: Gemini of the Meteor episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dark Matter episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dark Shadows episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Darkwing Duck episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Da Vinci's Inquest episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Dawson's Creek episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of DC Super Hero Girls (TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of DearS episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Degrassi: Next Class episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Degrassi: The Next Generation episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Derry Girls episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Designated Survivor episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Desperate Housewives episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Destination Truth episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Destined to be Yours episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Devil Survivor 2: The Animation episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Devious Maids episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Devotion (TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dexter episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dexter's Laboratory episodes -- list of episodes of the American animated television series Dexter's Laboratory
Wikipedia - List of D.Gray-man episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Di Gi Charat episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon Adventure 02 episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon Adventure (2020 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon Adventure episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon Data Squad episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon episodes and films -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon Frontier episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Dinner: Impossible episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Dinosaur King episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Dirty Pair episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Disappeared episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of DM-EM-^Mjin Work episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Doctor Who episodes (2005-present) -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Ed episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Educating episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Epic Rap Battles of History episodes -- Wikimedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Fame (1982 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Family Affair episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Family episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Family Matters episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Fate/Zero episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Father Brown episodes -- TV series
Wikipedia - List of Father Dowling Mysteries episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of FBI episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Freaky episodes -- wikimedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Free! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Fridays episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Friends episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Full Frontal with Samantha Bee episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Full House episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Game On episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Ga-Rei: Zero episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Garo episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Gary Unmarried episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Generator Gawl episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Generator Rex episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Genesis of Aquarion episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Genie in the House episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Genshiken episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil episodes {{DISPLAYTITLE:List of ''Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil'' episodes -- List of Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil episodes {{DISPLAYTITLE:List of ''Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil'' episodes
Wikipedia - List of Kickin' It episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kiddy Girl-and episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Kid vs. Kat episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Killing Eve episodes -- List of episodes in the British television series Killing Eve
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Wikipedia - List of King of Mask Singer episodes (2016) -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of King of Mask Singer episodes (2018) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of King of Mask Singer episodes (2019) -- South Korean variety-music show
Wikipedia - List of King of Mask Singer episodes (2020) -- South Korean variety-music show
Wikipedia - List of King of Mask Singer episodes (2021) -- South Korean variety-music show
Wikipedia - List of King of Mask Singer episodes -- Wikimedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Lupin the Third Part I episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of most-watched television episodes
Wikipedia - List of Mother and Son episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Motive episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Mounted in Alaska episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Real Rescues episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Real Time with Bill Maher episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Reaper episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Reba episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ReBoot episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Reborn! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Recently, My Sister is Unusual episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Recess episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Recorder and Randsell episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Record of Lodoss War episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rectify episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Redakai: Conquer the Kairu episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Red Dwarf episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rederiet episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Red Garden episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Red Rock episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Redwall episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Reed Between the Lines episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ReGenesis episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Regular Show episodes -- Episode list for an animated series
Wikipedia - List of Re: Hamatora episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Reign episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Relic Hunter episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Remington Steele episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Renegade episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Renford Rejects episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Reno 911! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rentaghost episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rental Magica episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Reply All episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Republic of Doyle episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Reputasyon episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rescue 911 episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rescue 995 episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rescueman episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rescue Me episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ressha Sentai ToQger episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Restaurant: Impossible episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Revenge episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Revolutionary Girl Utena episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Revolution episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rewrite episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Re:Zero M-bM-^HM-^R Starting Life in Another World episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rhoda episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rick and Morty episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of RideBack episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ridiculousness episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rin-ne episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ripper Street episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rising Damp episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of R.I.S, police scientifique episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Riverdale episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rizzoli & Isles episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Road to Avonlea episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Robin Hood (2006 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Robocar Poli episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Robot Chicken episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Robotech episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Robotics;Notes episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Roc episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rock and Roll Road Trip with Sammy Hagar episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rocket Monkeys episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rocket Power episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rock Lee & His Ninja Pals episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rocko's Modern Life episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rock Profile episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of RocKwiz episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rocky and Bullwinkle episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of R.O.D the TV episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rogue (TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ro-Kyu-Bu! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Rome episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Romeo! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Romeo M-CM-^W Juliet episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ronin Warriors episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rookie Blue episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Room 101 episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Room 222 episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rosario Tijeras episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Roswell episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Round the Twist episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Route 66 episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rove LA episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Royal Pains episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rozen Maiden episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rude Awakening episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rugrats episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rules of Engagement episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rumbling Hearts episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Running Man China episodes (special episodes) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Running Man China episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Running Man episodes (2010) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Running Man episodes (2011) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Running Man episodes (2012) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Running Man episodes (2013) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Running Man episodes (2014) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Running Man episodes (2015) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Running Man episodes (2016) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Running Man episodes (2017) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Running Man episodes (2018) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Running Man episodes (2019) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Running Man episodes (2020) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Running Man episodes (2021) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Running Man episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Running Man international episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of RuPaul's Drag Race episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of RuPaul's Drag Race UK episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of RuPaul's Drag U episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rupert episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rurouni Kenshin episodes (season 1) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rurouni Kenshin episodes (season 2) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rurouni Kenshin episodes (season 3) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rurouni Kenshin episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rush episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Russell Howard & Mum: Road Trip episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sacred Games episodes -- Episodes of Sacred Games
Wikipedia - List of Sadie J episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sahaya episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Saikano episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sailor Moon Crystal episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sailor Moon episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Saint Seiya episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Saint Seiya Omega episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas OVA episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Saint Tail episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Saiyuki episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Saki episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sakura Wars episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Salute Your Shorts episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sam & Cat episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Samantha Who? episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Samurai Champloo episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Samurai Flamenco episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Samurai Harem: Asu no Yoichi episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Samurai Jack episodes -- List of episodes of the American animated television series Samurai Jack
Wikipedia - List of Samurai Pizza Cats episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Samurai Sentai Shinkenger episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Sana Dalawa ang Puso episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Sanctuary episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sanders Sides episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sands of Destruction episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sandugo episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sanford and Son episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sanjay and Craig episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Sa Piling ni Nanay episodes -- Wikimedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Sarah & Duck episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sasami: Magical Girls Club episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Satisfaction episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Saturday Live (British TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Saturday Night Live episodes (seasons 1-30) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Saturday Night Live episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Saturday Night Live Korea episodes -- Wikimedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Saving Grace episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Say Yes to the Dress episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scan2Go episodes -- Wikimedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Scarecrow and Mrs. King episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scaredy Squirrel episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of School of Rock episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of School Rumble episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scorpion episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scott & Bailey episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scrapped Princess episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scream episodes -- 2015 American slasher horror TV series episode list
Wikipedia - List of Scrubs episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scruff episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of S-CRY-ed episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of SCTV episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of SEAL Team episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of seaQuest DSV episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Second Chances episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Seconds from Disaster episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Secret Army episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Sekirei episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of SeM-CM-1ora Acero episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of SeM-CM-1orita Polvora episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sengoku Collection episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Senran Kagura episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Seraph of the End episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Seven Days episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Seven Mortal Sins episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Sgt. Frog episodes (season 2) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sgt. Frog episodes (season 3) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sgt. Frog episodes (season 4) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sgt. Frog episodes (season 5) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sgt. Frog episodes (season 6) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sgt. Frog episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Shake It Up episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Shameless (British TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of She-Ra: Princess of Power episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sherlock episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sherlock Holmes episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sherlock Jr. episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Shigurui episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Shiki episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Shirobako episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Shirokuma Cafe episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Show by Rock!! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Show Me Yours episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Shugo Chara! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Shugo Chara Party! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Shuriken Sentai Ninninger episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sidekick episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Simplemente Maria episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Singing Battle episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Sister Princess episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sister, Sister episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Space Racers episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Speechless episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Steven Universe episodes -- Episodes of the Cartoon Network animated series
Wikipedia - List of Stickin' Around episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Still Game episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Still Open All Hours episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Storage Wars: New York episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Suburgatory episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Suite PreCure episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Sunny Day episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Supa Strikas episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Super Friends episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Superjail! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Superman: The Animated Series episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Supernanny (American TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Super Why! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Super Wings episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Survivor (American TV series) episodes (seasons 1-20) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Survivor (American TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Taggart episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Takkay Ki Ayegi Baraat episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tales from the Crypt episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tales of the Abyss episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tales of the Unexpected episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of TaleSpin episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Talkin' 'Bout Your Generation episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Talkshow with Spike Feresten episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Tangle episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tanglin episodes (Episodes 1-508) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tanglin episodes (Episodes 509-824) -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Tattoo Fixers episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Taxi episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tayutama: Kiss on my Deity episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Teachers (British TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Team Galaxy episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Teen Mom episodes -- List of episodes of American television series Teen Mom
Wikipedia - List of Teen Titans episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Teen Titans Go! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Tegami Bachi episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of television programs by episode count -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of television series canceled after one episode -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of television series canceled before airing an episode -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Temperatures Rising episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Tenchi Universe episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of The Daily Show episodes (2015) -- 2015 season of American television series
Wikipedia - List of The Daily Show episodes (2016) -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of The Late Late Show with James Corden episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of The Real Housewives of Melbourne episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Real Housewives of Miami episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Real Housewives of New Jersey episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Real Housewives of New York City episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Real Housewives of Orange County episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Real Housewives of Potomac episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Real Housewives of Vancouver episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Real Hustle episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Red Green Show episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Ren & Stimpy Show episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Replacements episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Return of Superman episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Rich Man's Daughter episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Ricky Gervais Show (TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Rifleman episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Rising of the Shield Hero episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Riveras episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Rockford Files episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Rose of Versailles episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Rosie Show episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Royal episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Royals episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Royle Family episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Roy Rogers Show episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Ruff and Reddy Show episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Saddle Club episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Saga of Tanya the Evil episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Saint episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Sarah Silverman Program episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Scooby-Doo Show episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Secret Life of the American Teenager episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Secret Life of Us episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Secret Millionaire episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Secret Saturdays episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Secret World of Alex Mack episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Sentinel episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Seven Deadly Sins episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Shield episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Simple Life episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Simpsons episodes (seasons 1-20) -- Episode list for an animated series
Wikipedia - List of The Simpsons episodes -- Episode list for an animated series
Wikipedia - List of The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episodes -- Special episode list for an animated series
Wikipedia - List of The Six Million Dollar Man episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Sleepover Club episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Smart Woman Survival Guide episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Smurfs episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Sopranos episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Soul Man episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Spectacular Spider-Man episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Stepdaughters episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Steve Harvey Show episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Story Makers episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Story of Saiunkoku episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Story of Tracy Beaker episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Story of Us episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Strain episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Streets of San Francisco episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Strip episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Suite Life of Karan & Kabir episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Suite Life of Zack & Cody episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Suite Life on Deck episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Testament of Sister New Devil episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tester episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Texan episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Thick of It episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Thundermans episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Time of Our Lives episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tom and Jerry Show (2014 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon episodes (2014) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon episodes (2015) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon episodes (2016) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon episodes (2017) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon episodes (2018) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon episodes (2019) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon episodes (2020) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon episodes (2021) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1962) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1963) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1964) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1965) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1966) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1967) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1968) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1969) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1970) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1971) -- Episodes in 1971
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1972) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1973) -- Episodes in 1973
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1974) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1975) -- Episodes in 1975
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1976) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1977) -- Episodes in 1977
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1978) -- Episodes in 1978
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1979) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1980) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1981) -- Episodes in 1981
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1982) -- Episodes in 1982
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1983) -- Episodes in 1983
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1984) -- Episodes in 1984
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1985) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1986) -- Episodes in 1986
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1987) -- Episodes in 1987
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1988) -- Episodes in 1988
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1989) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1990) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1991) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes (1992) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno episodes (1992-1995) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno episodes (1996-1999) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno episodes (2000-2009) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno episodes (2010) -- 2010 season of American television series
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno episodes (2011) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno episodes (2012) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno episodes (2013-14) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tower of Druaga episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Transformers episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Troop episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Truth Seekers episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tudors episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Tunnel episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Twilight Zone (1959 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Twilight Zone (1985 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Ultimatum episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Unit episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Untamed episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Untouchables (1959 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Untouchables (1993 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Upper Hand episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Valleys episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Vampire Diaries episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Venture Bros. episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Vicar of Dibley episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Virginian episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Vision of Escaflowne episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Walking Dead episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Wallflower episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Waltons episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Wayans Bros. episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Wedge episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Weekenders episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Weekly with Charlie Pickering episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The White Shadow episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Wild Thornberrys episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Wild Wild West episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Wire episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of The Wonder Years episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of The X-Family episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The X-Files episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of The Young Offenders episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Young Riders episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of They Think It's All Over episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Third Watch episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Thirtysomething episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of This Is Us episodes -- Listing of episodes for American television series This Is Us
Wikipedia - List of This Old House episodes (seasons 11-20) -- Wikipedia list
Wikipedia - List of Thomas & Friends episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Three's Company episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Three Wishes episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Thunderbirds Are Go episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Thunderbirds episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ThunderCats (1985 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Thunderstone episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Tiger & Bunny episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Tiger Mum episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 'Til Death episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Till Death Us Do Part episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Till I Met You episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Time Bokan episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Time Team episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Timon & Pumbaa episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tiny Toon Adventures episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Titus episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of T. J. Hooker episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of TM-EM-^Mka Gettan episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of TODA One I Love episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Toddlers & Tiaras episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Togetherness episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Together (TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of To Heart episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Tokyo Majin episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tokyo Mew Mew episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tokyo Underground episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Tom & Jerry Kids episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tom and Jerry Tales episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tom Goes to the Mayor episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tom Green Live episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Too Close for Comfort episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Too Cute episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Top 20 Countdown: Most Shocking episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Top Chef episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Top Gear (2002 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Top Gear (American TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Topsy and Tim episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Toriko episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tosh.0 episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Total Divas episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Total Drama Action episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Total Drama episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Total Drama Island episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Total Drama: Revenge of the Island episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Total Drama World Tour episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Transformers: Animated episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Transformers: Armada episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Transformers: Cybertron episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Transformers: Cyberverse episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Transformers: Energon episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Transformers: Prime episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Transformers: Rescue Bots episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015 TV series) episodes -- Episode list for an animated series
Wikipedia - List of Transparent episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Transporter: The Series episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Tribe Cool Crew episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of True Blood episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of True Detective episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of True Jackson, VP episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of True Life episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of True Tears episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Turn: Washington's Spies episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Tytania episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Uchu Sentai Kyuranger episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UFO Baby episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ugly Americans episodes -- Animated comedy series
Wikipedia - List of Ugly Betty episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Uncle Grandpa episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Undateable episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Undercover Boss (American TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Undercover Boss (British TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Under the Dome episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Unfabulous episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Unforgettable episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of unmade episodes of The X-Files -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Unreal episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Unriddle episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Unsolved History episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Unsolved Mysteries episodes {{DISPLAYTITLE:List of ''Unsolved Mysteries'' episodes -- List of Unsolved Mysteries episodes {{DISPLAYTITLE:List of ''Unsolved Mysteries'' episodes
Wikipedia - List of Unsung episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Up All Night episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Upin & Ipin episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Upstairs, Downstairs episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Urusei Yatsura episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of USA High episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ushio and Tora episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Uta no Prince-sama episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Utawarerumono episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of UWF Fury Hour episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of V (2009 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Veep episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Vegas (1978 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of VeggieTales in the House episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of VeggieTales videos -- Episode List for an American Christian animated series
Wikipedia - List of Veronica Mars episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Vice episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Victoria Wood: As Seen on TV episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Victorious episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Victor Magtanggol episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of VideoGaiden episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Video Star episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Vikings episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Vinland Saga episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Wandering Son episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Watch My Chops episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of WCG Ultimate Gamer episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of We Bare Bears episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Web Therapy episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Weeds episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Weekly Idol episodes -- Wikimedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Welcome Back, Kotter episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Welcome to Irabu's Office episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Welcome to the N.H.K. episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of We Never Learn episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wentworth episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of We Will Survive episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of What Did You Eat Yesterday? episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of What I Like About You episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of What's Happening!! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of What's Happening Now!! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of What's New, Scooby-Doo? episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of What's with Andy? episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of What Would You Do? episodes {{DISPLAYTITLE:List of ''What Would You Do?'' episodes -- List of What Would You Do? episodes {{DISPLAYTITLE:List of ''What Would You Do?'' episodes
Wikipedia - List of Wheeler Dealers episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of When Calls the Heart episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of When the Boat Comes In episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of When They Cry episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Where Is My Friend's Home episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of White Album episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of White Collar episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Whitest Kids U' Know episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Whitney episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Who Do You Think You Are? episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Whose Line Is It Anyway? (American TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Who's the Boss? episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wicked Tuna episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Wild at Heart episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Wild Grinders episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Wilfred (American TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wilfred (Australian TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Wings episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Winners & Losers episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Wish I May episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of WWE NXT special episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of WWE Raw special episodes -- Special episodes of WWE's professional wrestling television program WWE Raw
Wikipedia - List of WWE SmackDown special episodes -- List of WWE SmackDown special episodes
Wikipedia - List of Wynonna Earp episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xam'd: Lost Memories episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of X episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Xiaolin Showdown episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Yakushiji RyM-EM-^Mko no Kaiki Jikenbo episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon episodes -- Episode list of television series
Wikipedia - List of Yatterman episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Yawara! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Yes, Dear episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Yes Minister and Yes, Prime Minister episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Yes! PreCure 5 episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Yes! PreCure 5 GoGo! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Yona of the Dawn episodes -- Wikimedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of You Can Be an Angel Too episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of You Have Been Watching episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Young Dracula episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - Lists of The Twilight Zone episodes -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - Magdeburg Ivories -- Set of 17 ivory panels illustrating episodes of Christ's life
Wikipedia - Major depressive episode
Wikipedia - Manic episode
Wikipedia - Microsleep -- Temporary episode of sleep or drowsiness
Wikipedia - Mr. Plow -- 9th episode of the fourth season of ''The Simpsons animation series''
Wikipedia - Nanjing Massacre -- Episode of mass murder and rape committed by Japanese troops
Wikipedia - Now Museum, Now You Don't (The Simpsons) -- Episode of The Simpsons
Wikipedia - Paris by Night 90 -- Episode of Paris by Night
Wikipedia - Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity -- Syndrome that causes episodes of increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system
Wikipedia - Picasso: Magic, Sex & Death -- 2001 three-episode film documentary series
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon episodes removed from rotation -- Episodes of the PokM-CM-)mon anime removed from syndication
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon: The Mastermind of Mirage PokM-CM-)mon -- 2006 special episode of the PokM-CM-)mon anime series
Wikipedia - Psychotic episodes
Wikipedia - Raynaud syndrome -- Medical condition in which spasm of arteries cause episodes of reduced blood flow
Wikipedia - Red rain in Kerala -- episodes of rain containing vast amounts of red algal spores in India
Wikipedia - Robot Chicken DC Comics Special III: Magical Friendship -- Episode of Robot Chicken
Wikipedia - Rodeo: Four Dance Episodes -- Ballet by Justin Peck to music by Aaron Copland
Wikipedia - Rude Removal -- An unaired episode of ''Dexter's Laboratory''
Wikipedia - Samudra manthan -- Major episode in Hinduism
Wikipedia - Season finale -- Final episode of a television series season
Wikipedia - Serial (radio and television) -- Continuing plot that unfolds in a sequential episode-by-episode fashion
Wikipedia - Slayers Special (OVA) -- 1996 collection of three original video animation Slayers episodes
Wikipedia - Snowball Earth -- Worldwide glaciation episodes during the Neoproterozoic Era
Wikipedia - Snuffy's Parents Get a Divorce -- Unreleased episode of ''Sesame Street''
Wikipedia - Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I -- 2010 platform video game
Wikipedia - SpongeBob's Atlantis SquarePantis -- 2007 episode of SpongeBob SquarePants directed by Stephen Hillenburg
Wikipedia - Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo -- 2000 arcade-style action video game
Wikipedia - Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones -- 2002 American epic space-opera film directed by George Lucas
Wikipedia - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith -- 2005 American epic space-opera film directed by George Lucas
Wikipedia - Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Wikipedia - Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace -- 1999 American epic space-opera film directed by George Lucas
Wikipedia - Tamang Panahon -- Special episode of Eat Bulaga!
Wikipedia - Television pilot -- Trial episode made to sell a television series
Wikipedia - Template:Infobox Doctor Who episode/sandbox -- {{#invoke:String|match|s={{{started|{{{date|
Wikipedia - Template:Infobox Doctor Who episode -- {{#if:{{{started|{{{date|
Wikipedia - Template talk:Episode list
Wikipedia - The Adventure of the Cheerful Four -- Episode of the NHK puppetry Sherlock Holmes
Wikipedia - The Age of Steel -- Episode of Doctor Who
Wikipedia - The Almost People -- Episode of Doctor Who
Wikipedia - The Cat and the Claw -- 1st and 8th episodes of the first season of ''Batman: The Animated Series''
Wikipedia - The Doctor's Wife -- Episode of Doctor Who
Wikipedia - The Empty Planet -- Episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures
Wikipedia - The Fear of Wages -- Episode of The Goon Show
Wikipedia - The Hunt for Tony Blair -- Episode of The Comic Strip Presents
Wikipedia - The Last Day (Doctor Who) -- Mini-episode of the British science fiction television programme Doctor Who
Wikipedia - The Lazarus Experiment -- Episode of Doctor Who
Wikipedia - The Lodger (Doctor Who) -- Episode of Doctor Who
Wikipedia - The Night of the Doctor -- 2013 Doctor Who mini-episode
Wikipedia - The Rebel Flesh -- Episode of Doctor Who
Wikipedia - The Runaway Bride (Doctor Who) -- Episode of Doctor Who
Wikipedia - The Simpsons episode guides -- List of books
Wikipedia - The Simpsons (season 10) -- Episode list for season of animated series
Wikipedia - The Simpsons (season 11) -- Episode list for season of animated series
Wikipedia - The Simpsons (season 13) -- Episode list for season of animated series
Wikipedia - The Simpsons (season 1) -- Episode list for season of animated series
Wikipedia - The Simpsons (season 2) -- Episode list for season of animated series
Wikipedia - The Simpsons (season 3) -- Episode list for season of animated series
Wikipedia - The Simpsons (season 4) -- Episode list for season of animated series
Wikipedia - The Simpsons (season 5) -- Episode list for season of animated series
Wikipedia - The Simpsons (season 6) -- Episode list for season of animated series
Wikipedia - The Simpsons (season 7) -- Episode list for season of animated series
Wikipedia - The Simpsons (season 8) -- Episode list for season of animated series
Wikipedia - The Simpsons (season 9) -- Episode list for season of animated series
Wikipedia - The Simpsons shorts -- Special episode list for an animated series
Wikipedia - The Thin Red Line (Battle of Balaclava) -- Episode in the Battle of Balaclava
Wikipedia - Thicker than Water (Only Fools and Horses) -- 1983 Christmas special episode of Only Fools and Horses
Wikipedia - TOWIE Live -- Live episode of The Only Way Is Essex
Wikipedia - Transfiguration of Jesus -- Episode in the life of Jesus
Wikipedia - Treehouse of Horror XXXI -- Episode of The Simpsons
Wikipedia - Tricks and Treats (Hokey Wolf) -- Pilot episode of the Hokey Wolf cartoon series
Wikipedia - Vasovagal episode
Wikipedia - Very special episode -- Advertisement term used for television specials dealing with social issues
Wikipedia - Vincent and the Doctor -- 2010 episode of Doctor Who
Wikipedia - Visual Effects Society Award for Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Photoreal Episode -- Annual professional society award
Wikipedia - Warrin' Priests -- Two-part episode of ''The Simpsons''
Wikipedia - Who Shot Mr. Burns? -- Two-part, multi-season episode of ''The Simpsons''
Wikipedia - Woodentop (The Bill) -- Episode of the Thames Television series Storyboard
Wikipedia - XYZ Affair -- Diplomatic episode between the U.S. and France
Wikipedia - You're in the Picture -- American television series - one episode 1961 1:_2005-2006's_Play_(episode)
Integral World - The Wild West Wilber Report: Looking Back on the Wyatt Earp Episode, Frank Visser
The Breakup Episode(IJW Season 1 Review)
dedroidify.blogspot - the-legend-of-galactic-heroes-episode
Dharmapedia - Flight_of_Deities_and_Rebirth_of_Temples_-_Episodes_from_Indian_History
Alvin & the Chipmunks (1983 - 1990) - The 80's revival of Alvin and the Chipmunks. Alvin and the Chipmunks started out as a series of novelty records in 1958, which become so popular The Alvin Show was launched in 1961. But The Alvin Show only lasted one season with 26 episodes. The reruns proved to be popular though and a whole new...
Adventures of the Gummi Bears (1985 - 1991) - Disney's "Adventures of the Gummi Bears" is an action/comedy series about a hidden group of humanoid bears who are the secret defenders of the human kingdom of Dunwyn. Episodes consist of two 11 minute unconnected segments, or one full-length segment (22 minutes) when a storyline warranted.
ALF (1986 - 1990) - ALF (or Alien Life Form) is a creature from Planet Melmac that crash landed on earth, and is adopted/taken in by an otherwise normal Earth family. A comedic sitcom that featured episodes with everything from mundane things like getting people to like you, to close calls with the government, all wit...
The Legend of Zelda (1989 - 1990) - The Legend of Zelda is an animated series that aired on NBC Saturday Mornings. It is based on popular NES game by the same name. Link and Zelda travel across Hyrule to protect the Triforce of Wisdom from Ganon, who has the Triforce of Power. Only 13 episodes were made.
Dexter's Laboratory (1996 - 2003) - Dexter's Laboratory (Dexter's Lab for short) was an American animated television series created by Genndy Tartakovsky. It was produced by Hanna-Barbera Cartoons for Cartoon Network from 1996 to 1997, and by Cartoon Network Studios from 2001 to 2002. The original pilot episode appeared as the second...
Fridays (1999 - 2007) - Cartoon Cartoon Fridays was a Cartoon Network block that lasted from 1999-2007. It included Cartoon Cartoons, originally created as a block for additional reruns back in 1999. In 2000 it began telecasting new episodes of Cartoon Cartoons. Each week, it would be a different character that hosted. The...
Samurai Pizza Cats (1990 - 1991) - Three cats who work for a pizza parlor in Little Tokyo must suit up in every episode and stop the Big Cheese's latest plot to take over the city. Samurai Pizza Cats lived and died relatively unknown, but those who have seen it take pride in its quirky translation parodying the show and the genre in...
Wishbone (1995 - 1998) - This imaginative little dog often plays the main part in his daydreams about literary works, which often have to do with the current problem his human friends must solve in each episode. Though the stories are very much cut to fit a thirty minute episode, Wishbone stays true to its content.
The Magic School Bus (1994 - 1997) - Based on the series of children's books by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen, The Magic School Bus is an animated series about a group of school kids and their teacher Ms. Frizzle. In each episode Ms. Frizzle would take the kids (and their mute class pet Liz, a lizard) on bizarre field trips to learn abou...
Shining Time Station (1989 - 1993) - An American version of the popular British children's program. Every episode, the kids (and sometimes the adults, too) at Shining Time Station learn some special lessons about life and getting along with others from the miniature Mr. Conductor. The lessons are then illustrated in segments featuring...
Schoolhouse Rock! (1973 - 1996) - In my opinion, this is one of the cartoons that was great at teaching kids how to learn. Even though each episode was five minutes, it was a good educational show for people to watch.
Out of this World (1987 - 1991) - The Out Of This World television show was about a young girl with unique special powers. She could stop time by placing her two index fingers together. She also has an alien father which no one gets to ever see. She talks to him for advice at the start and end of every episode outside a window in he...
Super Mario World (1991 - 1991) - Super Mario World (also sometimes referred to unofficially as The Super Mario World Show and originally known as Captain N and the New Super Mario World when it was originally aired with the last 7 episodes of Captain N) was the last of the three American Mario cartoons. The show was based largely o...
Animorphs (1998 - 1999) - Animorphs was originally based on the book series created by K.A. Applegate. Most of the episodes that have appeared are based on one of the books, but some are totally created by one of the Television crew. In this battle against parasitic aliens, called Yeerks, five children, Jake played by Shawn...
Caillou (1997 - 2010) - Based on the books by Christine L'Heureux, the show centers on a 4-year-old named Caillou, a bratty preschooler who is upset by the world around him. He has many crying tantrums with his family and friends and uses his whining in every episode, but in the end he's just as curious as any four-year-ol...
Looney Tunes On Nickelodeon (1988 - 1999) - Nickelodeon's TV spot for the Warner Brothers Looney Toons cartoons with a special intro. This presentation of Looney Tunes & Merrie Melodies suffered from a small order of cartoon shorts. The 1994-1999 season expanded the stock of episodes to air, and dropped the Black and White cartoons (like Bo...
Fat Albert (1972 - 1985) - Live action bumpers featuring Bill Cosby were set around animated episodes of Fat Albert and The Cosby Kids, a series about a group of urban adolescents growing up in a Philadelphia neighborhood. The show was based on Cosby's '60s stand up comedy monologues about his childhood.
Tales from the Crypt (1989 - 1996) - The Cryptkeeper is host as he brings you a tale chopped full of fear and humor. Based on te EC Comics series created by William Gaines, this series lasted seven seasons, airing 93 episodes, starring famous celebrities such as Brad Pitt, Demi Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, and Jon Lovitz.
I Am Weasel (1997 - 2000) - This was a side-show for the animated series Cow and Chicken, and later became a full spinoff. The episodes usually involve I.R. Baboon doing his best to out-class I.M. Weasel, and failing. Then Weasel fixes Baboon's mess, inadvertently making himself look even better.
Spider-Man: The Animated Series (1994 - 1998) - The 90s version of Spider-Man is the longest running Spider-Man cartoon at 65 episodes. This series really portrayed Peter Parker and what was in his mind. A lot of the show is Peter thinking to himself outloud, giving the audience a true feel of his emotions. The animation was superb, even mixing...
Pryde Of The X-Men (1989 - Current) - The little known "series" that came out in 1989, and lasted for only a single episode. More comic-bookish and stylized than the series we would all watch several years later, it had a more diverse team as well. Cyclops, Storm, and Wolverine are standard fare for X-Men cartoons, but Nightcrawler, C...
Mighty Max (1993 - 1994) - A 1993 action/adventure series that ran a total of 40 episodes, Mighty Max was based loosely on the toys produced by British toy company, BlueBird, makers of the original Polly Pocket. The series focused on the exploits of Max, an American teenager who learns he has been "destined" to protect mankin...
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (1968 - 2001) - Originally titled "MisteRogers' Neighborhood" the show premired in 1968 on PBS's predesessor NET, first showing episodes in black & white and later in color. In each episode, long-time host and children's TV star Fred Rogers would talk with the viewer directly on camera about a wide range of topics...
Rainbow Brite (1984 - 1985) - Rainbow Brite originated as a Hallmark character and soon starred in her own animated TV series in December 1984. The 13-episode series started on another planet, when a girl called Wisp discovers an end to the universe's dark times through the Rainbow Belt and becomes the keeper of color. Thus her...
The Great Space Coaster (1981 - 1986) - A kid's fantasy/variety show about three friends who leave Earth each day in their 'Space Coaster'. Each episode featured several musical numbers (usually dealing with the various issues and problems kids face every day), plus news reports from Gary Gnu and book reviews from Speed Reader.
Back to the Future: The Animated Series (1991 - 1993) - Back to the Future: The Animated Series was a cartoon series based on the Back to the Future trilogy of films. The series lasted 2 seasons, each lasting 13 episodes, and ran on CBS from September 21, 1991 to 1992. The show focused on Marty McFly and Doc Brown, together with Doc's wife Clara, their s...
Tales from The Darkside (1983 - 1988) - Tales from the Darkside was a weekly half hour horror series. The show ran from it's Halloween 1983 pilot episode until 1988, with a total of 90 episodes in all.Each episode of this TV series depicts a short, strange tale...with a twist! With eerie stories vaguely reminiscent of 'The Twilight Zone,...
What Would You Do? (1991 - 1993) - What Would You Do? is a game show hosted by Marc Summers. It ran new episodes from 1991-1993 (and continued in re-runs until around 1999). Toward the end of Nickelodeon's golden age, it combined wacky and zany stunts, audience interaction, pies, and a "Wall 'O' Stuff" and was co-hosted by Double Dar...
Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics (1987 - 1989) - Grimms fairy Tale classics were Japanese interpretations of classic fairy tales that aired on Nick Jr. beginning in 1988. The show was a thirty-minute anime cartoon that depicted a different Grimm fairytale from the more well known to the lesser known ones. There were a total of 48 episodes in al...
Degrassi Junior High (1986 - 1991) - Degrassi Junior High is a Canadian CBC Television teen drama series that was produced from 1987 to 1989 as part of the Degrassi series. The show followed the lives of a group of students attending the titular fictional school. Many episodes tackled difficult topics such as drug use, child abuse, tee...
Charles in Charge (1984 - 1990) - Charles in Charge is an American sitcom series which starred Scott Baio as Charles, a 19-year-old student at the fictional Copeland College in New Jersey,[1] who worked as a live-in babysitter in exchange for room and board.[2] Baio directed many episodes of the show, and was credited with his full...
Dinosaucers (1987 - 1988) - Dinosaucers was a television cartoon created by DIC Entertainment in association with Ellipse Programme that originally aired on various UHF networks in the USA in 1987, on the Family Channel between 1989 and 1991, and later in 1993 and again in 1995 on the USA Network. 65 total episodes were made a...
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad (1994 - 1994) - Based on a show from Japan called Grid Man, the English version lasted a few more episodes. The story revolves around Sam Collins, a highschool student with a knack for programming games who gets sucked into his computer by some freak power surge, transforming into one of his own creations: Servo....
Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars (1991 - 1992) - Bucky is the captain of an Intergalactic spacecraft called "The Righteous Indignation" which travels through space combatting the evil of the toads lead by Komplex. With his animal friends and a human named Willy (who can travel to the craft through a portal from his room) each episode they battle a...
The Littlest Hobo (1979 - 1985) - London is an extremely intelligent, wandering German shepherd who walks into a different place in each episode of this long-running television series, and comes upon people down on their luck or in trouble. London always befriends and helps the struggling person or persons. Then, when his job is don...
ABC Afterschool Specials (1972 - 1998) - "ABC Afterschool Specials" was the umbrella show name for various educational shows that were shown in the afternoon, occationally. Each episode was produced by a seperate company.
or computers nowadays. The shows episodes were around an hour and, most of the time, featured a two-tier story. A...
Welcome Freshmen (1991 - 1993) - basically Nickelodeon's version of Saved by the bell. The show took place at Hawthorne High School with a group of high school students and a bumbling vice principal. Game shows like Get the Picture and Nick Arcade had celebrity episodes starring some of the cast of Welcome Freshmen and Clarissa Exp...
Slimer! And the Real Ghostbusters (1988 - 1992) - This is a spin-off from "The Real Ghostbusters." A lot of the episodes are the same as its ancestor, but Slimer becomes a more major character, and a new character, Manx, is added to the show. Also, Janine becomes more active in later seasons.
The Adventures of McGee and Me (1986 - 1995) - The Adventures of McGee and Me! is an American Christian television series created by Ken C. Johnson and Bill Myers. The series premiered on June 4, 1989, spanning twelve episodes until its conclusion on June 11, 1995. Each half-hour long episode centers around Nicholas, his cartoon friend, McGee, a...
Strawberry Shortcake (1980 - 1985) - The show might have only lasted 6 episodes, but Strawberry Shortcake's empire continues to this day. Strawberry was originally conceived by American Greetings in 1980 as a greeting card character. Soon the village of Strawberryland grew lots of friends including Raspberry Tart, Apple Dumpling, Blueb...
Aeon Flux (1995 - 1997) - Aeon Flux is a mysterious and amoral secret agent from the country of Monica. Her motives or background are left unexplained, as are those of her her antagonist/love, Trevor Goodchild. On her missions, she deals swift, bloody "justice" to all that oppose her. The second season episodes of this serie...
The New Adventures of Captain Planet (1993 - 1996) - Let's just say this is the original Captain Planet but under production by Hanna-Barbera. In each episode, Captain Planet and the Planeteers face a rogue's gallery of larger-than-life eco-villains, including such despicable characters as Verminous Skumm, whose goal is to spread filth and disease, an...
Zoboomafoo (1999 - 2001) - Meet the Sifaka Lemur, Zoboomafoo, who has the ability to speak. Chris Kratt and Martin Kratt, the two companions of Zoboomafoo, discover more about the world of animals. This show teaches about the life styles, habitats, and characteristics of the animal, discussed about in that episode
Fraggle Rock: The Animated Series (1987 - 1988) - In September 1987 Fraggle Rock reached a peak popularity and spawned its own animated series. The Fraggle Rock cartoon was based very closely to the original series, even following up on some episodes. Each episodes are introduced by the live action puppet form of Uncle Traveling Matt sitting in Doc...
Todays Special (1980 - 1987) - Today's Special is a Canadian children's program that was produced by TV Ontario, and has run on countless television networks worldwide. The show had a seven-year run, from 1981 to 1987, with 121 episodes made during that time.
The Jerry Springer Show (1991 - Current) - Jerry Springer, a former mayor of Cincinnati, hosts this show that has to pull itself up in content quality to qualify as "Trash TV". TV Guide named it as the worst show ever which it proudly declares at the start of every episode. One of the most infamous Guilty Pleasures on TV. In the show's fir...
Franklin (1997 - 2002) - The popular children's books, written by Paulette Bourgeois, come alive in this television series about a turtle named Franklin. Each episode has a story of Franklin and his friends. You'll meet his parents, Bear (his best friend), Goose, Beaver, Rabbit, Mr. Owl, Badger and Snail along with other an...
The Pink Panther Show (1964 - 1970) - The Pink Panther Show ran for many episodes from 1964-1970 on NBC. It has also aired reruns on Nickelodeon in the 90s, as well as in syndication in the 1980s. The series was cancelled in 1971, in favor of The New Pink Panther Show. The main star is The Pink Panther, who was originally created for th...
Little Bill (1999 - 2004) - A Bill Cosby cartoon about a boy named Little Bill. The show is based on a series of books called "Little Bill" which in turn were based on Cosby's childhood life. The show is set in Philadelphia and each episode features Bill learning a childhood moral. Sonia Manzano, best known as Maria on Sesame...
Moon Dreamers (1986 - 1986) - The show Moon Dreamers involved a bunch of children in shiny suits that gave you your good dreams. They lived in space with various pegasus', dragons, and bear-like creatures (entitled snoozers). In just about every episode the evil Scowlene trys to prevent good dreams or steal the dream crystals wh...
Misfits of Science (1985 - 1986) - This series followed the adventures of a group of young superheroe misfits fighting crime. Each member had their own unique power, from shrinking to controlling electricity to telekinetic powers. The team was led by Dr. Billy Hayes. The series lasted for 17 episodes before being canceled.
The Dreamstone (1990 - 1995) - A cartoon between good and evil, The Dreammaker, Wuts, and Noops lived in the Land of Dreams, where the Dreamstone was the most powerfull object in the land. Where as on the other side on the purple mist, was Viltheed, Zordrak and an army of Urpneys. Along with Argorribles, and in later episodes, Th...
Mutant League (1994 - 1996) - Welcome to Mutant League. The series delivers a new breed of ultimate athletes. Each episode that targeted a specific sport like basketball up to football. The teams were made up of mutant creatures who only cared about one thing, winning. Because of that, there were no rules in these games. The gam...
Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers (1996 - 1996) - When the Power Rangers are turned into children, a new team from the waterworld of Aquitar assist in defending Earth from the space witch Rita and Master Vile - her father. This was a 10 episode mini-series
Police Academy: the Animated Series (1988 - 1989) - Based on the popular Police Academy series with animated versions of the twelve most popular characters including House, Tackleberry and thier leader Mahoney. The gang fights crime while make life as hard as possible for Captain Harris and his sidekick Procter. Each episode is followed by a safet...
Student Bodies (1997 - 1999) - Student Bodies followed a group of students at Thomas A. Edison High School, who created their own student newspaper entitled Student Bodies. Each episode blends the real-life happenings at school with cartoons of how Cody, who illustrates Student Bodies, humorously sees the events
Cybersix (1999 - 1999) - Based off a comic book written by Carlos Trillo and illustrated by Carlos Meglia, Teletoon soon created this comic book series into a short cartoon series consisting of thirteen episodes. Cybersix herself is an android apart of the Cyber's series, 500 in total were built, they were artificial humano...
Sledge Hammer! (1986 - 1988) - Action-packed thriller about a detective named Sledge Hammer and his beautiful, but not-so-bright partner Dori Doreau. In each episode, Hammer and Doreau solve crimes and fight for justice.
Fudge (1995 - 1997) - The story of two brothers, the oldest is Peter, and the younger brother is Farley, but he's known as Fudge. Fudge got his nickname for his love of chocolate. And any situation Fudge got into, chocolate would most likely be the solution. In one episode Fudge gets his head stuck between two sink pipes...
Cro (1993 - 1995) - The story: A wooley mammoth from the Ice Age is thawed out in the 20th century by Dr. C and Mikey. Each episode, he tells a story about his caveman friend, Cro. Each story has to do with science in every Stone Age daily life. The show premiered on PBS kids in 1993 and then was taken off the air in t...
Kratt's Creatures (1996 - 1996) - This show was an education show that taught its viewers about the different residents of the animal kingdom. Coupled with cheesy animated sequences, and wacky anitcs, this show and its hosts Chris and Martin Kratt became hits with children, spawning a series of books based off episodes.
Kamen Rider (1971 - 1973) - A grasshopper looking motorcycle riding superhero who fights the evil clan called Shocker. After Takeshi Hongou being remodelled by the Shockers, Kamen Rider fights out evil. In Episode 14, Rider #2 (Hayato Ichimonji) arrived to continue the series. The series' villain was later became GelShocker.
The Partridge Family (1970 - 1974) - The Partridges were a fatherless family of six who decided, in the premier episode, to form a rock band and tour the country in a psychedelically-painted school bus. Most episodes began at the family home in California. Under the leadership of 70s supermom Shirley Partridge (Shirley Jones), the five...
Potato Head Kids (1985 - 1985) - Potato Head Kids was a series consisting of very few poorly made episodes. In fact each episode has several HIGHLY noticable animation or voicing mistakes. They're so bad the thy look intentional. There is basically no continuous plot, just the gang having fun and trying to avoid the cliche' gang of...
Webster (1983 - 1989) - The post-retirement season is suddenly disrupted for football player George Papadapolis and his wife Katherine when Webster, the orphaned son of a former teammate, moves in. Laughter -- and life lessons -- in every episode.
Spider-Woman (1979 - 1980) - Spider-Woman fights crime in this Spider-Man spin-off. Spider-Man guest stars in two episodes. The series was made by Ruby-Spears Productions. Spider-Woman's actual identity was Jessica Drew & the series was loosely based on the Marvel Comics character.
Avengers (1999) (1999 - 2000) - This show is based on a marvel comic series. It follows a group that are considered the Earth's Mightiest Heroes. The initial cast consisted of Ant-Man, Wasp, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Tigra, Falcon and Wonder Man. In one of the earliest episodes, Wonder Man is put into a coma and his brain pattern...
Ant and the Aardvark (1969 - 1971) - Very similar to your Road Runner and Coyote series, it features an ant and an aardvark. Every episode, the aardvark tries to catch the ant.
Night Gallery (1970 - 1973) - Night Gallery was creator-host Rod Serling's follow-up to The Twilight Zone. Set in a shadowy museum of the outre, Serling weekly unveiled disturbing portraiture as preface to a highly diverse anthology of tales in the fantasy-horror vein. The first story the in the pilot episode was directed by Ste...
Braingames (1984 - 1985) - "Braingames" was a series featuring interactive brain teaser puzzles that integrated history, art, music, culture, and sports. Each episode featured such as "Wrongovia" (Mystery and History), "Safari Solitaire" (Animal Quiz), "Memory Rock" (Memory Challenge), and many more.
Batfink (1967 - 1988) - Hal Seeger production, "Batfink" was a five minute long cartoon, 100 episodes in total. Originally made in one year (1966), the show was shown from 1967 to 1988.
Vehicle Force Voltron (1985 - 1985) - Debuting just after the more popular lion based Voltron: Defender of the Universe, Vehicle Voltron saw a devoted, if decidedly smaller fanbase due to the fact that it spent most of each episode talking, waiting until the last few minutes for the group to actually form Voltron and get some action int...
The Twilight Zone (1959 - 1965) - Creator Rod Serling wrote and produced the majority of episodes in the series which aired from 1959 to 1964 and hosted the twisted sci-fi legend. Soon to be famous actors such as Robert Redford, William Shatner and Burt Reynolds as well as established stars were featured in spine-tingling episodes....
Adam-12 (1968 - 1975) - A realistic police drama following the lives of two officers of the LAPD, veteran Pete Malloy and his rookie partner, Jim Reed. Done in a spare, almost "docudrama" style, each episode covered a variety of incidents that the officers encountered during a shift, from the tragic to the trivial. NOW ON...
The Ghost Busters (1975 - Current) - The Ghost Busters were a trio (Jake Kong, Eddie Spencer, and Tracy, the gorilla) that dealt with ghosts and other supernatural creatures. At the beginning of each episode, the trio get a taped message outlining their new mission. Once the message plays, the recording self destructs (ala Mission: Imp...
All Dogs Go to Heaven (1990 - 1995) - Charlie and Itchy are living as bachelors in present-day San Francisco. In each episode, Annabelle sends them on an angelic mission, but with the ever-present threat of Carface and Killer, completing the task may be easier said than done!
Ovide Video (1987 - 1988) - Ovide and his gang of friends live on an island in the middle of no-where and have lots of fun adventures. They also try to outsmart the evil baddie snake "Cy" and his sidekick bobo. The show was originally a production of the Netherlands and 65 episodes were made in 1987.
Freaky Stories (1997 - 1999) - Started in 1997, the series created by Steve Schnier centers around the kind of myths and legends that are told as scary campfire or bedtime stories. Every episode always starts with and finishes with the phrase: "This is a true story, and it happened to friend of a friend of mine." and by the words...
New adventures of he-man (1990 - 1991) - He-man travels to the future in this 65 episode series.
The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo (1979 - 1981) - The show takes place in Orly Co. Ga. Sheriff Lobo is the crooked Co. Sheriff that is always trying to get some scheme or another going and someone always screws it up. Almost like an early Rosco P. Coltrain. In later episodes Sheriff Lobo and all his men get sent to Atlanta by the Governor.THE TH...
Singled out (1995 - 1997) - Singled Out is an American dating game show created by Burt Wheeler & Sharon Sussman which originally ran on MTV from 1995 to 1998. Each episode featured a group of 50 singles competing for a date with one main contestant.
Droids (1985 - 1986) - The animated series, which lasted 15 episodes in 1985. It followed the adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO, along with various masters.
DTV (1983 - 1993) - "DTV" is Disney's version of "MTV", the music video cable channel. Each episode of "DTV" features clips from Disney animation set to popular music. "DTV" was so popular that several prime-time network specials were aired.
Thunder in Paradise (1993 - 1994) - Thunder in Paradise had 3 main stories in it's short lived season. The 3 stories were broken up into episodes. Later they were put onto VHS tape as 3 movies. The tapes are hard to find today as many were only sold to video rental stores. The first story line was produced in Tampa Florida. The second...
The New Batman/Superman Adventures (1996 - 2012) - Two WB cartoon shows, Batman and Superman, were combined into one show a few years after they came out called The Batman-Superman Adventures. In some of the episodes of that series,they worked together to fight their arch rivals.
Mystery Science Theater Hour (1993 - 1994) - "Your Host" (played by Mike Nelson) presented a hour long cut of Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes. New comedy shorts were made for the condensed episodes.
The New Animated Adventures of Flash Gordon (1979 - 1981) - Flash Gordon had 24 episodes of the 1979-1981 animated series by Filmation. The creation of Alex Raymond, the classic science fiction comic strip character debuted in 1934. Filmation's Flash Gordon is a richly realized, beautifully animated serial, a highpoint for television animation. Few animated...
Seabert (1987 - 1988) - A cute young white seal goes around helping people and the world. It was a 26 episode long Belgian based series that aired on HBO.
Robocop (1988 - 1988) - This was shown during the Marvel Action Universe Showcase which also played reruns of "Spiderman and His Amazing Friends" and new episodes of "Dinoriders".
Casshan / Neo-Human Casshern (1973 - 1974) - Casshern fights robots with his dog Friender who can change into various things such as a jet and a car. It ran for 26 episodes like most animes in Japan.
The Young and the Restless (1973 - Current) - A CBS Dramatic Serial which, at the time of it's debut, March 26th 1973, and for most of the 70's, revolved around the lives of the Brooks and Foster Families of Genoa City, Wisconsin. In the late 70's the episodes were extended from 30 minutes to 1 hour, and the series took on a new tone, and grad...
Cutey Honey (1973 - 1974) - A girl who is really an android must kick evil but, her name Cutey Honey. She can change herself into different people and can really kick butt, she was also the first cartoon to have a transformation clip, she was brought back in the 90's as an 8-episode remake. In 2004, it became a live action mov...
The Outsiders (1990 - 1990) - Francis Ford Coppola and S.E. Hinton's 14-episode follow-up to the 1983 movie, which builds on each character from the film immensely. Series finale (entitled "Breaking the Maiden") reaches an optimistic conclusion to the story of the group's troubled youth.
The Jackson 5ive (1971 - 1973) - The adventures of Motown's hit sibling group, The Jackson Five. The 5 got into wacky situations each week, usually instigated by young Michael. Each episode was highlighted by a musical video sequence in the trippy style of "The Yellow Submarine." The show was produced by Rankin/Bass, makers of "...
The State (1994 - 1995) - "The State" was a short-lived, sketch comedy show that came on MTV. They made 26 episodes during the mid-nineties. MTV no longer shows any of those episodes.
Mouseterpiece Theater (1983 - 1984) - This compilation of animated short subjects is patterned after Alistair Cooke's "Masterpiece Theater" series on PBS. Host George Plimpton (of Intellivison commercials), comfortably seated in an overstuffed armchair, offers droll comments about the Disney cartoons seen in each episode.
The Love Boat (1977 - 1987) - The Love Boat was set aboard the Pacific Princess and embarked each week on a romantic and sometimes comical journey across the tropics. The show consisted of several storylines and interweaved them with the lives of the ships crew. Every episode featured a different cruise and a separate set of p...
Problem Child (1993 - 1993) - Problem Child follows the misadventures of Junior Healy. The show continues from the first two movies in which Junior and everybody else including Ben and Mr. Peabody in wild episodes.
Jamie and the Magic Torch (1976 - 1987) - Ten minute episodes where Jamie, his dog, Wordsworth and the torch - a magical flashlight - sorting out some problem in Cuckoo Land. A place inhabited by strange people such as Mr Boo, an elderly gentleman who flew around in a "submachine", Strumpers Plunkett, and Officer Gotcha, a unicycling polic...
The Scooby-Doo Show (1976 - 1979) - This was a half hour version of "The Scooby-Doo Show" featuring just the Scooby episodes as featured on the "Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour" (1976-77).
The Monkees on Nick (1986 - 1989) - The television show first aired on September 12, 1966 on the NBC television network and lasted for two seasons (58 episodes). The final primetime episode ran on September 9, 1968 (see List of The Monkees episodes). Modeled on The Beatles' theatrical films A Hard Day's Night and Help!, The Monkees fe...
Dora the Explorer (1999 - 2015) - Dora The Explorer is a Nick Jr. show about young Dora Marquez. In each episode she goes out on an adventure to help someone in need. She always asks the viewers for help as well as her talking backpack which has all you'd ever need and her talking map which always knows the way. She values her famil...
Hard Time on Planet Earth (1989 - 1989) - Remember that guy from Karate Kid who told his pupil to "sweep the leg"? Well, he had his own tv show once, if only for a short while. Spanning 1 season of 12 episodes, "Hard Time on Planet Earth" was about an alien (Jesse - played by Martin Kove) who was sent to Earth as punishment (ie: hard time...
Fred and Barney Meet the Thing (1979 - 1980) - Fred and Barney Meet the Thing was an animated television series that aired in 1979. Each hour-long episode of the series had two distinct segments: one featuring The Flintstones, and the other featuring a very loose adaptation of Marvel Comics' character The Thing.
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo (1979 - 1982) - The original thirty-minute version of Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo constitutes the fourth incarnation of the long-running Hanna-Barbera Saturday morning cartoon Scooby-Doo. It premiered on September 22, 1979 and ran for one season on ABC as a half-hour program. A total of sixteen episodes were produce...
The Highwayman (1988 - 1988) -  Aired on NBC for a brief period of months and for a nine episode run The Highwayman was set in a not too distant future where The Highwayman (Sam J. Jones) was a highway federal marshall who traveled across the country handling special cases from battling clones to time travel.   Highway was...
Captain Star (1997 - 1998) - Captain Star was a British/Canadian animated series starring Richard E. Grant as Captain Jim Star, based on a comic by Steven Appleby: Rockets Passing Overhead. Only thirteen episodes of thirty-minutes each were produced and aired. The series ran on the British ITV and Canadian Teletoon networks fro...
Capitol Critters (1995 - 1996) - A field mouse moves in the basement of the White House with various critters,the show pokes fun of things there. ABC cancelled the show after showing only 7 of the 13 episodes that were produced. The Cartoon Network picked up the series in 1995 and it ran there for most of 1996.
Akazukin Chacha (Red Riding Hood Chacha) (1994 - 1995) - Akazukin Chacha or Red Riding Hood Chacha is a manga series created by Min Ayahana in 1991, which was serialized by Shueisha in Ribon Magazine in Japan between 1991 and 2000. Its 74-episode anime series was created by Nihon Ad Systems (NAS) and Studio Gallop, and first ran on TV Tokyo in Japan from...
Himitsu Sentai Goranger (1975 - 1977) - Power Ranger type series. This was the very first Super Sentai series in Japan. The five Gorangers do battle against the evil Black Cross Army for 84 episodes (3 of which were put onto cinema screens) and 2 orginal movies. This was not only the first Super Sentai series, but also the longest.
The Tom & Jerry Comedy Show (1980 - 1981) - The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show is an American animated television program produced by Filmation for MGM Television in 1980, on CBS for Saturday mornings. The show lasted two seasons (with season two consisting of reruns) and the individual episodes were eventually added to syndicated Tom and Jerry pa...
Swamp Thing (1990 - 1990) - This very short lived series(only 5 episodes were made) is an adaptation of the dc comics super hero swamp thing. It is the story of alec holland a biochemist who after creating a way to feed all the people of the world forever using dna splicing on plants is turned into a plant mutant by the evil...
The Joy of Painting (1983 - 1995) - Hosted by painter Bob Ross, The Joy of Painting debuted on PBS in 1983. During each episode Bob Ross would teach techniques in landscape painting. Despite the fact that Ross would complete a painting in only a half hour in each episode he maintained that the show wasn't about teaching speed painting...
Jay Jay The Jet Plane (1998 - 2005) - Jay Jay the Jet Plane is an American CGI children's television series based at the fictional Tarrytown Airport. It has about 60 episodes and is aimed at ages 26. Characters include talking airplanes and ground vehicles, a helicopter and humans. The episodes are commonly distributed in 25-minute-lon...
Daniel Boone (1964 - 1970) - Daniel Boone is a frontier hero conducts surveys and expeditions around Boonesborough, running into both friendly and hostile Indians, just before and during the Revolutionary War. Born in 1964, their first episode was Ken-Tuck-E broadcast in black and white. The show was premiered in September 1964...
Darkroom (1981 - 1981) - An anthology horror/thriller series, along the same lines as "Twilight Zone" or "Night Gallery." Each week features a new story and a new cast, and was hosted by white-maned James Coburn. The 60-minute episodes feature two or three short tales, each with a twist in the ending.
Long Ago and Far Away (1989 - 1993) - Long Ago and Far Away episodes open with a short live-action segment of James Earl Jones talking to the camera in his room that appears to be floating in outer space. He then acted as narrator for the story following.
Mario All-Stars (1993 - 1997) - Promoted as "The Mario Bros. in 40 brand-new adventures!", this compilation of time-compressed (sped-up) episodes of "The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!" (cartoons only), "The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3", and "Super Mario World" shown on the NBC until NBC dropped it in 1993. It was later reran...
A Country Practice (1981 - 1993) - Episodes in the lives of the residents of the rural town of Wandin Valley in New South Wales, especially focusing on the vets practice, the hospital and the pub.
The Transformers: Generation 2 (1993 - 1994) - This series brought back the original Transfomers nearly 10 years after it's original airing. This time however the episodes are told through the Cybernetic Space Cube.
Newton's Apple (1983 - 1998) - Newton's Apple was a PBS science show. Each episode included a few segments on various science related topics. In-studio demonstrations with guests, field reports, and spotlights on wildlife were used. Some common segments are: "On the Spot", "Newton's Lemons", and "Science Try-its". "Science of...
Fantastic Voyage (Animated) (1968 - 1970) - Fantastic Voyage is an American animated science fiction TV series based on the famous 1966 film directed by Richard Fleischer. The series consists of 17 episodes each running 30 minutes. It was run on ABC-TV from September 14, 1968 through September 5, 1970. The series was produced by Filmation Ass...
Astro Boy (1963) (1963 - 1966) - First Originated in Japan in 1963-1966 and with a total of 193 episodes. As For the English version the producers of NBC Enterprises settled on Astro Boy and stopped showing English episodes later on in the years. And now Adult Swim began airing the 1963 series in 2007.
The Guyver (1989 - 1989) - The Guyver is a 12 episode OVA series based on the manga series by Yoshiki Takaya.
Spenser: For Hire (1985 - 1988) - Mystery/suspense series based on Robert Parker's "Spenser" novels. Spenser, a private investigator living in Boston, gets involved in a new murder mystery each episode. Using his years of experience, his natural talents for observation and reasoning, and the occasional bit of help from his friend Ha...
Three's a Crowd (1984 - 1985) - This series continues where Three's Company ended. Jack Tripper met Vicky Bradford and fell in love with her at first sight. In the last episode he proposed marriage but due to her parents' divorce, she doesn't believe or want, but is willing to live with him. So, they move into the apartment above...
Alphabet Castle (1993 - 1993) - Alphabet Castle began in 1993 with a series of 26 episodes (each episode dedicated to a letter of the alphabet). It had three main characters: King Alpha, Queen Bet, and Gobbledygook the turkey. It starred Stephen Cannon and the late Joanne Campbell.
ER (1994 - 2012) - Michael Crichton has created a medical drama that chronicles life and death in a Chicago hospital emergency room. Each episode tells the tale of another day in the ER, from the exciting to the mundane, and the joyous to the heart-rending. Frenetic pacing, interwoven plot lines, and emotional rollerc...
Mission Hill (1999 - 1999) - Mission Hill was an American animated television series that first aired on The WB in 1999. Although 13 episodes were produced, the show was cancelled after only six were aired. The show was put on hiatus by the WB Network after just two episodes due to poor ratings. It returned to the WB in the sum...
Welcome to the Captain (1976 - 1977) - In 1976-1977 Captain and Tennille hosted their own variety show with the same title. The hour long ABC show was televised on Monday nights at 8pm and was a family favorite in many homes. The entire series consisted of 20 episodes of which the final 8 were produced by Dick Clark.
The Plucky Duck Show (1992 - 1992) - "The Plucky Duck Show" is a short-lived spin-off of "Tiny Toon Adventures" featuring 13 episodes starring Plucky Duck. While twelve consist of re-used shorts from "Tiny Toons", only the first one "The Return of Batduck" was original to the series. (It was later edited and added in as an episode of "...
Dog House (1990 - 1991) - This is another show from YTV that I watched at night when I was little. I don't really remeber alot from the episodes but I remember the intro and the basic story line. There was a detective who had a dog that worked with him and one day durring a chase or something the car went under some electric...
Ferris Bueller (1990 - 1991) - This series was based on the hit 1986 movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off, starring Matthew Broderick. However, the series wasn't treated as a continuation of the film. In fact, the movie was referenced in the first episode when Ferris implied that he wasn't too thrilled with the choice of Broderick to p...
Mr. Show (1995 - 1998) - A sketch-comedy show hosted by David Cross and Bob Odenkirk which combined live acting with recroded clips into an even flow of non-stop halarity. Every episode followed a theme.
The Phil Silvers Show (1955 - 1959) - The Phil Silvers Show, originally titled You'll Never Get Rich, is a sitcom which ran on CBS from 1955 to 1959 for 142 episodes, plus a 1959 special. The series starred Phil Silvers as Master Sergeant Ernest G. Bilko of the United States Army.
All Grown Up! (2003 - 2008) - All Grown Up!, also known as Rugrats: All Grown Up!, is an animated television series created by Arlene Klasky and Gbor Csup for Nickelodeon. After the success of All Growed Up, the Rugrats 10th anniversary special, Nickelodeon commissioned All Grown Up! as a spin-off series based on the episode....
Bottle fairy (2003 - 2006) - an anime series about four fairies who discover the secrets of the world from inside their little house. The show originally aired from October to December 2003 on UHF syndication in Japan, and each episode has a run time of only 12 minutes. It has been licensed in North America by Geneon and was re...
Princess Resurrection (2007 - 2011) - Kaibutsu jo, lit., Monster Princess)is a Japanese horror comedy manga by Yasunori Mitsunaga. The manga was serialized monthly in Monthly Shnen Sirius magazine and published by Kodansha.[1] A 26-episode anime series by Madhouse aired on TBS in 2007. Both the manga and anime are available in North A...
Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman (2006 - 2010) - Bored with his life, a dog named Ruff Ruffman decides to create his own TV show where he places real kids into amazing challenges. The show runs in a reality game show format but with different educational concepts in each episode. At the start of the show Ruff creates a challenge with a series of t...
Rex the Runt (1998 - 2001) - It's the crazy life of four dogs made with Plasticine (from left to right on the picture): Bob, Vince, Wendy and Rex. Two seasons of this show were made, with 13 episodes per season. During these episodes, they go all around the world for adventure (and for our fun). Season 1 (1998) was aired all ar...
Heathcliff (1980 - 1988) - The series debuted in 1980 as Heatcliff and Dingbat produced by Ruby Spears. It ended in 1982 after 25 episodes. Another series simply titled Heatcliff was produced by DIC and aired from 1984-1988 for 65 more episodes for grand total of 113 episoeds
Kare Kano (1998 - 1999) - anime television series by Gainax,lit. "His and Her Circumstances Directed by Hideaki Anno, the episodes were broadcast in Japan on TV Tokyo from October 1998 to March 1999. It is licensed for distribution in North America by Right Stuf International, which released it as His and Her Circumstances....
Porridge (1973 - 1977) - The first episode of Ronnie Barker's Comedy Playhouse-like Seven Of One introduced the northern shopkeeper Arkwright, who went on to become a firm TV favourite in Open All Hours. But the following week's edition, Prisoner And Escort, provided viewers with their first sight of the Londoner lag Norman...
Marsupilami (Marathon series) (2000 - 2012) - Based on the original comics by Andre Franquin. This animated series from Marathon (the team behind "Totally Spies" and "Martin Mystery") is much closer to the original comics than the previous Disney-made series from the 1990s. New episodes are currently being aired worldwide under the name "Houba...
The Brittas Empire (1991 - 1997) - British sitcom starring Chris Barrie as a jobsworth Lesuire Centre Manager. Disaster strikes in every episode as Gordon Brittas' ruthless following of the company rules leads to death and destruction. Eventually Brittas is killed saving the life of a baby, only to be bizarrely brought back to life...
Marvel Action Hour (1994 - 1996) - Marvel Action Hour was a syndicated television block from Marvel Productions featuring animated adaptions of Marvel Comic Book heroes the Fantastic Four and Iron Man. The Marvel Action Hour debuted in 1994. The first half of the hour was an episode of Iron Man; the second half an episode of Fantasti...
Ace Crawford, Private Eye (1983 - 1983) - Tim Conway stars as a trench-coated private detective who always solves the case and catches the bad guy, despite his constant bumbling. The show was broadcast on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS. Only five episodes were aired.
Trollkins (1981 - 1982) - Based on the Troll Dolls, the Trollkins were an inspration from the Dukes of Hazard where a group of trolls live in Trolltown where they encounter various adventures in every episode.
The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo (1996 - 1998) - The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo is a youth-oriented action mystery television series that ran on Nickelodeon between 1996 and 1998. A total of 41 episodes of 30 minutes each were produced. Episodes were taped at the now defunct Nickelodeon Studios in Orlando, Florida.
Play with Me Sesame (2002 - 2007) - Play with Me Sesame is a spinoff of Sesame Street produced by and for Noggin. (Back in 2002, Noggin was co-owned by Sesame Workshop and Nickelodeon.) The show is an interactive series featuring Ernie, Bert, Grover, and Prairie Dawn. Every episode has regular segments including Bert's Computer, Ernie...
Catweazle (1970 - 1970) - Catweazle was a British television series in 1970, created and written by Richard Carpenter and produced by London Weekend Television under the LWI (London Weekend International) banner, and screened in the UK on ITV. There were two seasons with 13 episodes of 25 minutes each.
Here's Boomer (1980 - 1984) - Here's Boomer was an hour-long television movie and short-lived TV series (24 episodes) aired on the American network NBC in the early 1980s. Boomer was very similar to another acting dog named "Higgins" known as Benji in movies. Boomer was bigger and not as athletic as Benji, but was still widely...
Stone Protectors (1993 - 1993) - Stone Protectors was a multi-media entertainment property consisting primarily of an action figure line and animated series. The series also had a video game on the Super Nintendo and a Beta on the SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis. Only lasted 13 episodes.
Rayman: The Animated Series (1999 - 2000) - Based on the hit video game by UBI Soft Entertainment. Rayman now becomes the star on the own CGI animated series with new friends such as Lac-Mac the blue rabbit, Betina, Kookie the dog, and so on.. Unfortunately, Only four episodes were created and was canceled. Rayman was first aired on YTV in Ca...
Sealab 2020 (1972 - 1972) - This was an animated Hanna-Barbera series. The environmentally themed series was about an underwater research base that encountered various under-sea problems. It ran on NBC in 1972 and was canceled after only thirteen half-hour episodes. It was later revamped into the television series Sealab 2021...
Win Ben Stein's Money (1997 - 2003) - Win Ben Stein's Money is an American television game show created by Al Burton and Donnie Brainard that aired first-run episodes from July 28, 1997 to January 31, 2003, on Comedy Central. The show featured three contestants who competed to answer general knowledge questions in order to win the grand...
The Super Globetrotters (1979 - 1980) - Globetrotters was an American Saturday morning cartoon produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions for NBC in 1979. It premiered on September 22, 1979, and ran for 13 episodes.
Penn & Teller: Bullshit! (2003 - 2010) - Documentary series hosted by magician's Penn Jillette and his sidekick Teller. Each episode they debate, criticizes and debunk various topics which they dubbed "Bullshit". Often there would be interviews with experts on both sides with interjections of Penn's blunt and comedic commentary.
The New Addams Family (1998 - 1999) - Updated version of the 1960s TV show which, though set in the '90s, stayed fairly true to the original. The characters were the same, and original patriarch John Astin made several appearances as Grandpapa Addams. The 65 episodes aired daily on the now defunct FOX Family Channel in the USA, and ha...
The Bill Cosby Show (1969 - 1972) - The Bill Cosby Show was an American situation comedy that aired for two seasons on NBC from 1969 until 1971. There were 52 episodes made in the series. It marked Cosby's first solo foray in television, after his co-starring role in I Spy.
Dai-guard : terrestrial defense corp. (1999 - 2001) - an anime television series, produced and animated by XEBEC, and directed by Seiji Mizushima. It aired from 1999 to 2000, ran for 26 episodes, and 6 volumes of videos were released on VHS and DVD. The series also had a very brief run (two episodes) on Cartoon Network through Toonami's "Giant Robot We...
The Ray Bradbury Theatre (1985 - 1992) - The Ray Bradbury Theater was an anthology tv series not unlike the Twilight Zone. Bringing to life some of the classic stories of famous sci-fi writer Ray Bradbury, each episode presented stories of the strange, amazing and mysterious. And famous guest stars have been known to include William Shatne...
Super Force (1990 - 1992) - The pilot episode (2-hour) for a short-lived apocalyptic superhero TV series produced by Viacom and shot at Universal Studios Florida.
Demon Dragon of the Heavens Gaiking (1979 - 1981) - Great Sky Demon Dragon Gaiking (o, Daik Mary Gaikingu?) was a Super Robot mecha anime series produced by Toei Animation on an original idea by Akio Sugino (not Go Nagai, contrary to legend, even though his company, Dynamic Productions, co-produced the show from Episode 22 on, bu...
Hypernauts (1995 - 1996) - Hypernauts was a proof of concept show made by Foundation Imaging. To further prove that the computer-generated imagery and visual effects created in Babylon 5 were easily applied to other venues, the Hypernauts were born. ABC purchased thirteen episodes of the show from DIC Entertainment, eight of...
Fraidy Cat (1975 - 1976) - First aired in 1975. Only 18 episodes were made of this series. Fraidy Cat was an unlucky and miserable cat who, like all cats, had 9 lives, but had used up 8 of them, and was on his 9th and last life.
Sable (1987 - 1988) - Sable is a television program that aired on ABC during the 1987-1988 season, and is based on the comic book, Jon Sable: Freelance, by Mike Grell. Seven episodes of the series aired. The show was a one-hour adventure/drama about mercenary and vigilante Jon Sable (Lewis Van Bergen), who by day was chi...
Play the Percentages (1980 - 1980) - The Getalong gang was a group of animal kids who formed a club that met in a kaboose. Their leader was Montgomery Moose, but there was also a dog, a cat, Porcia Porcupine, a beaver, a turtle and i don't really remember anymore... there were only 26 episodes of this show but it was greatit was a Di...
South Central (1994 - 1994) - South Central was a short-lived comedy sitcom that aired on the Fox network from April 5, 1994 to June 4, 1994. It was cancelled midway through its first season, for a total of 10 episodes. The sitcom was set in South Central Los Angeles, and dealt with everyday life in Los Angeles. Many notable act...
Dark Season (1991 - 1991) - Dark Season is a British science-fiction television serial for children, screened on BBC1 in late 1991. Comprised of six twenty-five minute episodes, the two linked three-part stories tell the adventures of three teenagers and their battle to save their school and their classmates from the actions o...
Co-ed Fever (1979 - 1979) - Co-Ed Fever was one of a few shows that earned the dubious honor of being cancelled after just 1 episode. The show was supposedly inspired by the movie "National Lampoon's Animal House" in which it was a sitcom about a Women's college suddenly becoming co-ed.
The Brady Bunch Hour (1976 - 1977) - After the cancellation of "The Brady Bunch" and "The Brady Kids," it seemed that the Brady franchise was dead -- until several key cast members appeared in a memorable, high-rated episode of "The Donny and Marie Show." Soon there was a buzz, and the "Bunch" (minus Eve Plumb, who was replaced with "...
McCoy (1975 - 1975) - Tony Curtis plays McCoy , a gambler who likes to right things while winning something in the attempt. Part of the NBC Mystery Movies. The run was 4 episodes.
Spicy City (1997 - 1997) - Each episode of this short-lived Ralph Bakshi series was introduced by Raven, a beautiful night club owner from the future.
Mission: Magic! (1973 - 1975) - Mission: Magic! is an animated cartoon starring pop singer and musician Rick Springfield. It was produced by Filmation, and was a spin off of the television show, The Brady Kids. Although only 16 episodes were ever produced, it aired on the US television network ABC weekly on the Saturday morning li...
Top of the Pops (1964 - 2006) - It's still number one, it's Top of the Pops!" First airing at 6.35pm, Wednesday 1st January 1964 on BBC ONE, broadcast live from a disused church in Manchester, Top of the Pops was only supposed to last a few episodes. Instead it exceeded all expectations, revolutionised music fans lives and sparked...
Search (1972 - 1973) - A high-tech detective working with a team of scientists monitoring his every move and providing information and advice. Search was futuristic, suspensful, well executed and clever. NBC picked up the movie/pilot, changed the name to Probe 3, then to Search, and aired 23 episodes, Wednesday at 10:00 P...
Jupiter Moon (1990 - 1991) - William Smethurst is the creator and producer of TV series Jupiter Moon, a space opera set in the mid-21st century. Launched in 1990 by BSB, the show ran for 150 (30-minute) episodes. After the merger of BSB with Sky, Jupiter Moon was repeated on the Sci-Fi Channel in 1995.
Roman Holidays (1972 - 1973) - The Roman Holidays is a Hanna-Barbera animated television series that was broadcast in 1972 on NBC. It ran for 13 episodes before being cancelled. Very similar in theme to both The Flintstones and The Jetsons, The Roman Holidays brought a look at "modern-day" life in Ancient Rome, around 63 A.D. (wi...
Pipkins (1973 - 1981) - "Pipkins" was a 1970s British TV series for children. The show starred a troupe of puppet animals, including Hartley Hare, Tortoise, Pig, and Topov the Monkey, among others. Out of 333 episodes, only 135 currently exist.
Baking with Julia (1996 - 1999) - Baking With Julia is an American television cooking program produced by Julia Child and the name of the book which accompanied the series. Each episode featured one pastry chef or baker who demonstrates professional techniques that can be performed in a home kitchen. It was taped primarily in Child'...
The McLaughlin Group (1982 - Current) - The McLaughlin Group was a syndicated half-hour weekly public affairs television program in the United States, hosted by John McLaughlin from its first episode in 1982 until his death in 2016. A group of four pundits, prompted by McLaughlin, discussed current political issues in a round table format...
Holiday Island (1981 - 1982) - This Australian soap was a Love Boat-style drama set in a luxury hotel, on a tropical resort island in Queensland. In each episode of the series, the regular characters: the various islanders and hotel workers, hosted a new batch of guest star hotel guests. Various plots and situations on the show...
Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In (1968 - 1973) - Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In (often simply referred to as Laugh-In) is an American sketch comedy television program that ran for 140 episodes from January 22, 1968, to March 12, 1973, on the NBC television network. It was hosted by comedians Dan Rowan and Dick Martin and featured, at various times, Che...
The Yogi Bear Show (1961 - 1962) - The Yogi Bear Show is an animated television series and the first incarnation of Hanna-Barbera's Yogi Bear saga about the misadventures of picnic basket stealing bear Yogi in Jellystone Park. The show debuted in syndication on January 30, 1961, and ran for 33 episodes until January 6, 1962, and incl...
The Art of Being Nick (1987 - 1987) - A spinoff of "Family Ties" revolving around Mallory's boyfriend Nick Moore(Scott Valentine).Only the pilot episode aired,despite strong ratings,NBC decided to keep the Nick character on"Family Ties".
Tiny Planets (2001 - 2002) - Tiny Planets is a British television series created by Casey Dobie. The television series consists of 65 five-minute dialogue-free episodes featuring two small furry aliens travelling their universe solving a specific problem each episode. It is actively licensed worldwide for broadcast and video di...
The All-New Get Smart (1995 - 1995) - The revival of Get Smart that aired on FOX-TV. Maxwell Smart is now the chief and now works with his son Zachary Smart. Only 7 episodes were created and then the show was then cancelled. Andy Dicks (Who plays Zachary Smart) went on to News Radio later in 1995.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team (1996 - 1999) - Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team (Japanese: 08MS Hepburn: Kid Senshi Gandamu Dai Zerohachi Emu Esu Shtai) is an original video animation (OVA) anime series in the Gundam franchise. Released from January 25, 1996, to April 25, 1999, the 12-episode series details the exploits of an E...
RWBY Chibi (2016 - Current) - RWBY Chibi is a comedic animated spin-off of RWBY compromising 24 3-6 minute long episodes. It was first announced as part of Rooster Teeth's 13th Anniversary celebration on April 1, 2016, and Episode 1 premiered on May 7, 2016. Its first season concluded on October 15, 2016. Each episode consists o...
The Great Satan At Large (1993 - 1993) - The Great Satan At Large was a public acess show in Arizona that got banned after one episode.
Mr. Squiggle (1959 - 1999) - "Mr. Squiggle" was an Australian children's TV series, which lasted for 40 years. The main character was a marionette who had a pencil for a nose lived on the moon. Every episode had him visiting Earth and drawing pictures for his friends.
The 8:15 from Manchester (1990 - 1991) - Children's magazine programme broadcast when Going Live! Was in summer recess. Ran for 2 seasons and 43 episodes.
Top Banana (1990 - 1990) - Children's Saturday Morning game show lasting 26 episodes in 1990.
77 Sunset Strip (1958 - 1964) - 77 Sunset Strip is an American television private detective series created by Roy Huggins and starring Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., Roger Smith, and Edd Byrnes. Each episode was one hour long.
The Joey Bishop Show (1961 - 1965) - Joey Barnes is the host of a TV talk show originating in New York. Each episode dealt with events in his personal and professional life as a celebrity. Many guest stars appeared on the series playing themselves as guests of Joey's talk show.
Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist (1995 - 2002) - Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist is an American animated series that originally ran on Comedy Central from May 28, 1995 to December 24, 1999, with a final set of three shelved episodes airing in 2002, starring Jonathan Katz, Jon Benjamin, and Laura Silverman. The show was created by Burbank, Califor...
Marcia Adams Kitchen (1989 - 1990) - Based on the book "Amish Cooking from Quilt Country" Marcia Adams hosts this PBS show all about cooking food with Heartland love. This popular cooking program aired in 26 episodes between 1989 and 1990 and still airs in reruns on certain PBS channels as well as on the PBS Create Channel.
Amigos (1989 - 1991) - The bilingual series for families and children is designed to promote appreciation of Spanish language and Latino culture. The stories, over two seasons, revolve around Seorita Fernandez's "fonda," a place where Perro Pepe and the neighborhood children congregate. Each episode introduces Spanish la...
In The Mix (1996 - 2012) - In the Mix is an American television series for young adults that covers a wide variety of critical issues and provides useful life skill information. In the Mix is a series for, by and with teenagers and young adults 14-21. Each half-hour single theme episode typically includes several segments dev...
What Should I Do? (1969 - 1992) - The What Should I Do? Series was a 9-episode educational show produced by The Walt Disney Company. The films were included in some "Donald Duck Presents" episodes. Originally it was animated, in 1992 were produced additional live-action segments.
Once Upon a Time... Man (1978 - 1978) - The series explains world history in a format designed for children. The action focuses around one group. The same familiar characters appear in all episodes as they deal with the problems of their time.
Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child (1995 - 2000) - Each episode details a classic fairy tale, but with characters voiced by famous actors, comedians, singers, political activists, stunts, and other famous celebrities of varying cultures, backgrounds, and ethnicity.
Ghost Sweeper Mikami (1993 - 1994) - A 45-episode anime about the adventures of Reiko Mikami, an ambitious ghostbuster and her team, consisting of a porn fan named Tadao Yokoshima, and a ghost girl named Okinu, along with various other characters who add humor to the series.
A Little Curious (1998 - 2000) - The 23-minute episodes are essentially anthologies of shorts centered on a common, easily digested theme such as "Up and Down" or "Slippery." While each short draws from the same pool of characters, one unique element of the show is that each short may be produced using one of a number of animation...
Pictionary (1989 - 1989) - A children's game show based on the board game of the same name, in which two teams of three children competed in a drawing game for prizes. This version was hosted by Brian Robbins, and aired in between June and September of 1989 with 65 episodes.
Little King Macius (2002 - 2006) - 52-episode animated series based on a novel by Janusz Korczak. Little Macius become a king after his father died. Evil general wants to dethrone him and take over the country. A French-German-Polish coproduction.
Antje (2001 - 2003) - German animated series for children. The main characters (Antje, Little Bear, Little Tiger and Schlter) are making an adventurous travel in each episode.
Papa Lwe (2000 - 2001) - "Papa Lwe und seine glcklichen Kinder" is a German animated series for children consisting of 26 episodes. In each episode small lions and their dad are having fun while the mom is in work.
Life with Lucy (1986 - 1986) - An aging widow (Lucille Ball), living with her daughter's family, runs her late husband's hardware store alongside her husband's crotchety business partner(Gale Gordon). The show was a ratings and critical disappointment, lasting only eight episodes, with 6 additional episodes never making it to the...
The Magic of Oil Painting (1974 - 1982) - The Magic of Oil Painting is an American half-hour instructional television show hosted by painter Bill Alexander which ran from 1974 until 1982. In each episode, Alexander taught techniques for landscape oil painting, completing a painting in each session.
F-Zero: GP Legend (2003 - 2004) - F-Zero: GP Legend is a 51 episode anime series by Ashi Productions based on the video game series. It debuted in Japan on October 7, 2003, on TV Tokyo; the final episode aired on September 28, 2004. 4Kids Entertainment licensed the anime series for North American broadcast. According to Kombo, in No...
The Story of Cinderella (Cinderella Monogatari) (1996 - 1996) - A 26-episode story of Cinderella. Produced by Tatsunoko Prod. (Japan) and Mondo TV (Italy).
Yume no Crayon Oukoku (1997 - 1999) - Yume no Crayon Oukoku[1] ( Yume no Kureyon koku?, lit. The Crayon Kingdom of Dreams) is a seventy-episode anime television series created by Toei Animation and broadcast from 1997 to 1999. It was based on the novel series by Reizo Fukunaga, and was adapted into a manga by Mine Yoshizaki and...
Saint Tail (1995 - 1996) - "Saint Tail" is a 43-episode anime about a schoolgirl named Meimi Haneoka, who transforms into a magical girl named Saint Tail, who takes back items that were previously stolen dishonestly and returns them to their proper place.
You're In The Picture (1961 - 1961) - You're In The Picture earns the dubious honor of being the 1st TV show to get cancelled on U.S. TV after just 1 episode.
Shnen Ninja Kaze no Fujimaru (1964 - 1965) - also known as Samurai Kid, is a Japanese anime series produced by Toei Animation. 65 episodes aired from 7 June 1964 until 31 August 1965. It tells the story of a ninja's pupil that controlled the wind.It was based on the manga Ishimaru of the Wind ( Kaze no Ishimaru) by Sanpei Shirato and was a...
Sesame Tree (2008 - 2011) - is the UK version of Sesame Street made entirely in Northern Ireland, is a children's television series produced by Belfast-based production company Sixteen South and Sesame Workshop. The first episode aired on BBC Two in Northern Ireland on 5 April 2008[1] with the first series subsequently airing...
Red Data Girl (2013 - Current) - A 12-episode anime television series adaptation by P.A.Works aired between April and June 2013. The full anime series became available for streaming on Netflix (US) on August 1, 2015.The story revolves around Izumiko Suzuhara, a 15-year-old girl who was raised at Tamakura Shrine, which is a part of...
Hanasaku Iroha (2011 - Current) - lit. "The ABCs of Flower Blooming" or "The Blooming Colors"),[3] or Hanairo for short,[4] is a Japanese 26-episode anime television series produced by P.A.Works and directed by Masahiro And. The screenplay was written by Mari Okada, with original character design by Mel Kishida. P.A.Works produced...
Another (anime) (2012 - Current) - A 12-episode anime television series produced by P.A.Works aired in Japan between January 10 and March 27, 2012, with an original video animation episode released on May 26, 2012, and a live-action film of the same name was released in Japanese theatres on August 4, 2012.In 1972, Misaki, a popular s...
Canaan (2009 - Current) - a 13-episode anime television series, conceptualized by Type-Moon co-founders Kinoko Nasu and Takashi Takeuchi, based on the scenario that they created for the Wii visual novel 428: Shibuya Scramble, which is noted for being one of the few games to have been awarded a perfect score by games publicat...
Elmo's World (1998 - 2017) - a five minute-long segment shown at the end of the American children's television program Sesame Street. It premiered on November 16, 1998, as part of the show's structural change and originally ran fifteen minutes at the end of each episode until 2009. It was designed to appeal to younger viewers a...
Neighborhood Story (1995) (1995 - 1996) - a manga by Ai Yazawa. It was published by Shueisha from 1995 to 1998 in the magazine Ribon. It was adapted by Toei Animation as a 50-episode anime series which aired on TV Asahi from September 10, 1995 to September 1, 1996, with merchandise created by Bandai. There was a movie made in 1996, and a dr...
Aoki Densetsu Shoot! (1993 - 1994) - lit. "Blue Legend Shoot!") is a Japanese anime produced by Toei Animation between November 7, 1993 and December 25, 1994 on the Fuji TV television network; there were fifty-eight episodes. The story revolves around a boy named Toshihiko Tanaka, who has just started at Kakegawa High School in order t...
Vandread (2000 - 2001) - a Japanese anime series directed by Takeshi Mori and created by Gonzo and Media Factory animation studios.The series is composed of two seasons (Vandread, released in 2000 and Vandread: The Second Stage, released in 2001), each composed of thirteen episodes of twenty-five minutes. The first series i...
Ever after high (2015 - Current) - a series of animated shorts on YouTube.[106] In June 2014, Netflix announced it was developing a series of episodes based on the webisodes[107][108] - which was released on February 6, 2015.s a boarding school located in the Fairy Tale World. It is attended by the teenage children of fairy tale char...
Hand Maid May (2000 - Current) - an anime series directed by Shinichiro Kimura, produced by Pioneer Animation (now Geneon Entertainment) and animated by TNK. The anime aired ten episodes on WOWOW between July 6 and September 22, 2000, and an OVA was bundled with a DVD box set released on February 21, 2001. It centers on the adventu...
The Erotic Traveler (2007 - 2007) - The episodes of this anthology series center around erotic photographer Marissa Johnson and her pupil Allison Kraft, two young women who use photographs and works of art to take episodic settings all over the world.
Yoshinaga-san Chi no Gargoyle (2006 - Current) - The anime adaptation of the light novel was produced by Studio Hibari began airing in April 2006 for the Spring TV season and ended with a total of 13 episodes., lit.: "Gargoyle of Yoshinaga House") is a Japanese light novel series written by Sennendou Taguchi, following Kazumi Yoshinaga and his nor...
Lime-iro Senkitan (2003 - 2005) - lit. Lime-Colored Exotic War Story) is a game series developed and published by ELF Corporation. The story was adapted to a 13-episode anime that aired in Japan between January 5, 2003 and March 30, 2003It has two sequels: a second season Lime-Iro Ryukitan X; and a 2 episode OVA Lime-Iro Senkitan: T...
Fire Emblem (1996 - Current) - A short original video animation series based on Mystery of the Emblem was created in 1997. These anime episodes were released in North America, six years before The Blazing Blade was localized. produced by studio fantasia base on the games by Nintendo and created by Shouzou Kaga
Blizzard Island (1987 - 1988) - a television show consisting of twelve episodes produced by CBC between 19871988.[1][2] These episodes were later edited together to form the 1990 movie The Argon Quest.
Monogatari (2009) (2009 - 2017) - An anime adaptation by Shaft of Bakemonogatari aired 12 episodes between July and September 2009, and released three more episodes online between November 2009 and June 2010. An anime of the sequel Nisemonogatari aired from January to March 2012. An anime adaptation of Nekomonogatari (Kuro) aired on...
Vampiyan Kids (2001 - 2002) - a Japanese anime television series by Production I.G and directed by Masatsugu Arakawa.[1] It began airing in Japan on October 13, 2001, and finished airing on March 30, 2002. The series lasted 26 episodes, with 3 episodes being DVD only.A Vampiyan family's, who survive on orange juice instead of bl...
Magical Hat (1989 - 1990) - an anime series by Studio Pierrot. The 33 episode series aired on Fuji Television (CX) from October 18, 1989, to July 6, 1990.The series stars Hat, the descendant of a hero who fought an evil king and sealed Devildom. Hat falls into Devildom and finds he has to defeat the evil king.
Arrow Emblem: Hawk of the Grand Prix (1977 - 1978) - an anime series aired from 1977 to 1978 in Japan. There are 44 episodes aired at 25 minutes each. It is also known as "Arrow Emblem Grand Prix no Taka". In the United States, it was re-edited to a short movie called "Super Grand Prix".The story is about a young man named Takaya Todoroki who dreams o...
Sarutobi Ecchan (1971 - 1972) - Toei Animation adapted it into an anime called Sarutobi Ecchan. The anime lasted 26 episodes. It has yet[when?] to be released on DVD in America; however, the series has been released on DVD in Japan.Ecchan appears to be a normal little girl, but appearances can be deceptive. She is descended from t...
Paradise Kiss (2005 - Current) - a 12 episode anime series, produced by Aniplex and Studio Madhouse and which was aired in Japan on Fuji TV's Noitamina programming block and on the anime television network, Animax, who have broadcast the series across its respective networks worldwide, including Japan, Southeast Asia, South Asia an...
Di Gi Charat Nyo! (2003 - 2004) - a Japanese anime and an alternate adaptation of Di Gi Charat. The series features Dejiko, and Puchiko, two catgirls who travel to Earth, for princess training, where they are accidentally split up.104 12-minute episodes were produced by Madhouse and aired as fifty-two episodes between April 6, 2003...
Chance Pop Session (2001 - Current) - Chance: Triangle Session ( Chansu Toraianguru Sesshon), also known as Chance: Pop Session, is a 2001 anime produced by Madhouse studios. The series aired from May 21 to August 27, 2001 and ran for 13 episodes.Three young girlsAkari, Yuki, and Nozomimeet at a concert and set out to...
Master Keaton (1998 - 2000) - An anime adaptation was created by Madhouse, with 24 episodes airing between 1998 and 1999 in Japan on Nippon Television.An additional 15 episodes were created and released as original video animations, bringing the total to 39 episodes. Naoki Urasawa and Takashi Nagasaki created a sequel to the ser...
Yawara! (1989 - 1992) - In the same year, Yomiuri TV began broadcasting an anime adaptation titled Yawara! A Fashionable Judo Girl!, which ran from October 16, 1989 through September 21, 1992 for 124 episodes. Each episode ended with a countdown of days remaining to the start of the Barcelona Olympics. The anime, produced...
Potemayo (2007 - Current) - A 12-episode anime adaptation by J.C.Staff aired between July and September 2007 on Tokyo MX.One morning Sunao Moriyama, a male junior high student, finds a small, cute creature in his refrigerator. During breakfast, Sunao looks down at what he is eating, a bun with potato and mayonnaise filling, an...
R.O.D the TV (2003 - 2004) - a 26-episode anime television series, animated by J.C.Staff and Studio Deen and produced by Aniplex, directed by Koji Masunari and scripted by Hideyuki Kurata, about the adventures of three paper-manipulating sisters, Michelle, Maggie and Anita, who become the bodyguards of Nenene Sumiregawa, a famo...
Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko (1996 - 1999) - a sci-fi anime series based on novels by Shoji Takashi. There have been two 3-episode OVAs from J.C.Staff. The series was released in the United States by The Right Stuf International on DVD in 2003.The series is set in 2999 AD, where two factionsTERRA and NESSare engaged in a space war game to co...
Hikari no Densetsu (1986 - Current) - lit. Legend of Light,the manga series was adapted into a nineteen episode anime series on MBS (Mainichi Broadcasting System) by Tatsunoko Productions studio and directed by Tomomi Mochizuki. is primarily a love story that it is set in the late 80s junior high school atmosphere. The plot revolves aro...
Golden Warrior Gold Lightan (1981 - 1982) - a mecha anime television series that aired from 1981 to 1982 in Japan. The show was also popular in Hong Kong and was aired there around the same time. There are 52 episodes that were aired at 30 minutes each.The story is about a young boy named Hiro Taikai who finds a gold lighter which turns out t...
Hoshin Engi (1999 - 2018) - also known as Soul Hunter,The story has been adapted into an anime series titled Senkai-den Hshin Engi, broadcast on Japanese TV in 1999 and released in North America on DVD as Soul Hunter in 2001. The anime is 26 episodes in length. In January 2009, Shomei TV announced their intentions to remake t...
Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning (2002 - 2003) - a twenty-five episode anime television series broadcast on TV Tokyo from October 1, 2002 until March 25, 2003. The anime is licensed in Region 1 by Funimation, who released it on DVD and broadcast it on the Funimation Channel, along with the programming block on Colours TV in 2006. The series was al...
Planet Sheen (2010 - 2013) - an American CGI animated television series. It is the second spin-off of the 2001 film Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius. The series was picked up for 26 episodes by Nickelodeon for its first, and only season. Jeffrey Garcia returned as the voice of Sheen, and Bob Joles and Rob Paulsen are the voices of Nes...
Chikkun Takkun (1984 - Current) - a 23-episode anime television series by Studio Pierrot and aired on Fuji Television from April 9, 1984 to September 28, 1984.[1] The series revolves around an alien duck named Chikkun and his advisor Takkun, trying to stop an alien mad scientist from invading Earth.
The Wonderful Adventures of Nils (1980 - 1981) - Nirusu no Fushigi na Tabi) is an anime adaptation of the novel The Wonderful Adventures of Nils by the Swedish author Selma Lagerlf.[2] The 52 episode series ran on the Japanese network NHK from January 1980 to March 1981.[1] The series was the very first production by Studio Pierrot. The anime was...
Tak and the Power of Juju (2007 - 2009) - an American CGI animated television series that formerly aired on Nickelodeon from August 31, 2007 to January 24, 2009. Based on the 2003 video game of the same name, the show consists of two eleven minute stories per half-hour episode. It is Nickelodeon's first all-CGI series (produced in house) an...
Sora no Manimani (2009 - Current) - At the Mercy of the Sky) a 12-episode anime adaptation by Studio Comet and directed by Shinji Takamatsu aired in Japan between July and September 2009.i revolves around Saku yagi, a bookworm who moves back to the town he lived in as a child after seven years. He had a childhood friend named Mihoshi...
The Marshmallow Times (2004 - 2005) - The anime series, consisting of a total 52 episodes, was broadcast from April 4, 2004 until March 27, 2005 on the TXN Network in Japan.The series focuses on 7 children and a sheep-like character who hang out together and work as a team. Each character is depicted with a varying hairstyle and flavor...
Ask Dr. Rin! (2001 - 2002) - a 51 episode anime series by Studio Comet, directed by Shin Misawa and with music by Takanori Arisawa. It was broadcast by TV Tokyo from March 5, 2001 to February 25, 2002. In Indonesia, this anime Originally Broadcast by SCTV since year 2003-2004 and Global TV started in 2016.Almost as soon as she...
Doragon Kuesuto Ysha Aberu Densetsu) is a 1989 Japanese anime television series based on the video game series with the same name.A boxset with the complete series was released on March 28, 2008 in Japan.[1] Thirteen episodes were dubbed in...
Gravitation (1999 - 2001) - a two episode OVA series in 1999 directed by Shinichi Watanabe and a thirteen-episode anime television series directed by Bob Shirohata. The TV series aired in Japan from October 4, 2000 to January 10, 2001, on WOWOW Wednesdays at 18:30 and was reaired on Tokyo MX in 2007. The anime goes to roughly...
Mon Colle Knights (2000) (2000 - Current) - anime and manga series. The original concept was made by Hitoshi Yasuda and Group SNE. The series is based on the Monster Collection trading card game.The Japanese version aired on TV Tokyo, consisting of 51 episodes and one movie. The Saban-produced Mon Colle Knights aired on Fox Kids in North Amer...
Corpse Princess (2008 - 2009) - the series centers on the "Corpse Princess" Makina Hoshimura, an undead girl who is hunting down 108 undead corpses in order to gain entry into heaven with the help of a secret society of anti-corpse Buddhist monks.Feel and Gainax partnered together to adapt the series into a thirteen episode anime...
Idol Angel Yokoso Yoko (1990 - 1991) - a 1990 Japanese magical girl anime television series created by Ashi Productions (now Production Reed) and Big West Advertising. It aired on TV Setouchi from April 2, 1990 to February 4, 1991 spanning 43 episodes. The timeslot was previously occupied by Idol Densetsu Eriko and succeeded by Getter Ro...
Magne Robo Gakeen (1976 - 1977) - a Japanese anime television series that aired from 1976 to 1977 in Japan. There were 39 episodes. It is also referred to as "Magnerobo Ga-Keen", "'Gakeen Supermagnetron", "'Gakeen Magnetic Robot", "Robotman Gakeen", "Gakeen". Outside Japan, several episodes were edited and cobbled together into a mo...
Mojacko (1995 - 1997) - The series was later adapted into anime, directed by Tetsuya Endo and produced by Oriental Light and Magic. It premiered on October 3, 1995 and ran until March 31, 1997, with a total of 74 episodes. Enoki Films once licensed the series outside until the company's demise in 2016.
JellyTelly (2008 - Current) - an online subscription-based streaming media provider created by Phil Vischer (the co-creator of VeggieTales). It specializes in Christian programming for children. Subscribers have access to 1,540 episodes from 111 shows. Video is made available through applications for smartphones, tablets, and po...
H.R. Pufnstuf (1969) (1969 - 1969) - a children's television series produced by Sid and Marty Krofft in the United States. It was the second Krofft live-action, life-sized-puppet program.[1] The seventeen episodes were originally broadcast from September 6, 1969, to December 27, 1969. The broadcasts were successful enough that NBC kept...
Late Night with Conan O'Brien (1993 - 2009) - an American late-night talk show hosted by Conan O'Brien that aired 2,725 episodes[1] on NBC between 1993 and 2009. The show featured varied comedic material, celebrity interviews, and musical and comedy performances. Late Night aired weeknights at 12:37 am Eastern/11:37 pm Central and 12:37 am Moun...
.hack//Roots (2006 - Current) - a 26-episode anime series, animated by studio Bee Train, that sets as a prologue for the .hack//G.U. video games. It is the first .hack TV series broadcast in HDTV (1080i). It is set seven years after the events of the first two anime series and games. .hack//Roots revolves around an MMORPG game cal...
Hustle Punch (1965 - 1966) - a Japanese adventure anime series created by Yasuji Mori and produced by Toei Animation. Its 26 episodes were aired in November 1, 1965 to April 25, 1966 on TV Asahi.The plot involves the adventures of three friends, Punch (a bear), Touch (a mouse), and Bun (a weasel), who all live in a scrapyard by...
Amagi Brilliant Park (2014 - 2014) - Amagi Brilliant Park ( Amagi Buririanto Pku) is a Japanese light novel series written by Shoji Gatoh and illustrated by Yuka Nakajima. A 13-episode anime television series adaptation produced by Kyoto Animation and directed by Yasuhiro Takemoto[22] aired between October 6 and December 25...
Nurse Angel Ririka SOS (1995 - 1996) - tudio Gallop adapted the manga into a 35-episode anime television series,[1] which premiered in Japan in July 1995, airing on TV Tokyo affiliates. Additional media produced include novelizations and a theatrical musical[2] that aired in digest form in the show's time slot after its conclusion.The he...
Majokko Megu-chan (1974 - 1975) - lit. Little Meg the Witch Girl) is a popular magical girl anime series. The manga was created by Tom Inoue and Makiho Narita, while the 72-episode anime series was produced by Toei Animation between 1974 and 1975. This series is considered an important forerunner of the present day magical girl gen...
Aishite Knight (1983 - 1984) - lit. "Love me [my] Knight") is a shjo manga created in the early 1980s by Kaoru Tada.[2] An anime version of the story in 42 episodes was also produced in 1983-1984 by Toei Animation. A live action adaptation was also produced.["Ai Shite Knight" is set in Osaka and tells the story of Yaeko "Yakko"...
Sumomomo Momomo (2006 - 2007) - which means Plums are peaches, and peaches are peaches, and plums and peaches are both types of peaches. an anime television series, that aired in Japan between October 5, 2006 and March 15, 2007 for twenty-two episodes, and two original video animations. The manga has been licensed by Yen Press for...
Zettai Karen Children (2008 - 2013) - lit. Absolutely Lovely Children)The manga started being serialized in Shogakukan's manga magazine Shnen Sunday in 2005. An anime series by SynergySP, titled Psychic Squad in North America began on April 6, 2008 which ran for fifty-one episodes and had a special OVA released in July 16, 2010. A spin...
Major (anime) (2004 - 2018) - The series has been adapted into an anime series produced by NHK and Studio Hibari titled Major ( Mej) (using katakana instead of the manga's English characters).The first episode aired on November 13, 2004. The series ran for six seasons [3] and the final episode originally aired on September...
Kirarin Revolution (2006 - 2009) - Kirarin Reboryshon, lit. "Sparkling Revolution")The anime adaptation is a Japan and South Korea coproduction, and it premiered on 7 April 2006 in Japan on TV Tokyo and ran for 153 episodes until March 27, 2009.[4] Starting from episode 103, this show aired in High-Definition 16:9 with 3D animation....
Kyran Kazoku Nikki (2008 - Current) - The Diary of a Crazed Family) is a light novel series by Akira (), with illustrations by x6suke. A 26-episode anime adaptation was broadcast in 2008.A thousand years ago, Enka (), the god of destruction, died saying that its "child" would destroy the world. In order to prevent this, the Great J...
Hime-sama Goyjin (2006 - Current) - Princess Be Careful ( Hime-sama Goyjin) is a 12 episode anime series, produced by Nomad,that aired on WOWOW from April 12, 2006 to July 19, 2006. It has been aired by the anime television network Animax across its networks worldwide, including its English language premiere in Southeast Asia, s...
Special Agent Oso (2009 - 2012) - The series premiered on April 4, 2009 as part of Disney Channel's Playhouse Disney block, and was one of the charter series that was part of the replacement Disney Junior block which started on February 14, 2011and later, the Disney Junior channel.Each episode begins with Special Agent Oso in the mi...
Superjail! (2007 - 2014) - an American adult animated television series produced by Augenblick Studios in its first season, and by Titmouse, Inc. in its second, third, and fourth seasons. The series follows the events that take place in an unusual prison.[3] The pilot episode aired on television on May 13, 2007, and its first...
Sensual Phrase (1999 - 2000) - a 44-episode anime television series by Studio Hibari, and as a series of novels. The series tells the story of Aine Yukimura, a high school student who becomes the lyricist for a Japanese rock band, and her relationship with the band's lead singer, Sakuya Ookochi.To promote the anime, a real-life b...
Judo Boy (1969 - Current) - Kurenai Sanshiro, "Scarlet Sanshiro") is a Japanese anime television series created by Tatsuo Yoshida and directed by Ippei Kuri.The series aired on Fuji TV from April 2, 1969 to September 24, 1969, totaling 26 episodes.The series stars a teenage martial artist named Sanshiro (voiced by Ikuo Nishika...
Fish Hooks (2010 - 2014) - an American animated television series created by Noah Z. Jones that originally aired on Disney Channel from September 3, 2010 to April 4, 2014. Twenty-one episodes were ordered for the first season. It premiered on September 24, 2010.The stars of Fish Hooks are Kyle Massey, Chelsea Kane and Justin...
Strawberry Shortcake (2003 - 2008) - Strawberry Shortcake is an American animated series produced by DIC Entertainment. As of July 2009, there are 44 episodes, plus one short and one movie.
S A: Special A (2008 - Current) - animated by Gonzo and AIC;[2] the animated series ran for 24 episodes from April 6, 2008 to September 14, 2008 in Japan.[citation needed]
Jollitown (2008 - 2013) - Philippine television informative show broadcast by GMA Network. It premiered on April 13, 2008. The show concluded on October 12, 2013 with a total of 82 episodes.The show was launched to promote Jollibee's 30th anniversary, and followed Jollibee and his friends Yum, Twirlie, Hetty, and Popo throug...
Jalan Sesama (2008 - 2016) - is the Indonesian version of Sesame Street, debuting on Indonesian television in late-2007. The show is produced locally by Creative Indigo Productions, in association with Sesame Workshop, and is expected to broadcast at least through 2010, with a total of 156 episodes over three seasons.The progra...
Live Hot Puppet Chat (2005 - Current) - an adult-themed puppet show, originally broadcast on a university television station (SRTV) in the Fall of 2005 at the University of California, San Diego, with a series of shows jokingly titled "Season 2" (never having really had a first season). The six episodes were written and performed by Trist...
Aquarion Evol (2012 - Current) - (EVOL Akuerion Evoru) is the sequel to the 2005 anime series Genesis of Aquarion. It was originally announced on February 25, 2011, by the production staff.[2] It aired on TV Tokyo from January to June, 2012 and its premiere featured an hour-long special that combined the first two episodes in...
Captain Kuppa (2001 - 2002) - Captain Kuppa: Desert Pirate ( Sabaku no Kaizoku! Kyaputen Kuppa, "The Desert Pirate! Captain Kuppa") is a 26-episode anime series that aired from 2001 to 2002.Produced by Bee Train,[1] it was licensed in English by Enoki Films.[2] The anime aired on NHK satellite 2 on August 13, 2001...
Wild Arms: Twilight Venom (1999 - 2000) - a Japanese animated television series based on the Wild Arms series of video games. The series was animated by Bee Train, and directed by Itsuro Kawasaki and Kichi Mashimo. Twilight Venom aired on WOWOW from October 18, 1999, to March 27, 2000, totaling 22 episodes.Dr. Kiel Aronnax, Mirabelle and L...
Noir(anime) (2001 - Current) - a 26-episode Japanese anime television series produced in 2001 by the Bee Train animation studio. Kichi Mashimo directed Noir; it was written by Ryoe Tsukimura, and the soundtrack was composed by Yuki Kajiura. The DVD version was released by ADV Films in North America and the United Kingdom and by...
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes (2010 - 2015) - lit. "Detective Opera Milky Holmes") is a media franchise owned by the Japanese trading card game company Bushiroad. The first release was an Internet radio drama, released in December 2009. An anime adaptation by J.C.Staff aired between October and December 2010, with a special episode aired on Aug...
Shugo Chara! Party! (New) (2009 - 2010) - The new program, Shugo Chara Party! containing Shugo Chara!!! Dokki Doki and Shugo Chara Pucchi Puchi! follow the current anime series as its power-up. The last episode aired on March 26, 2010.produced by satelight
Heroic Age (2007 - Current) - a Japanese science fiction mecha space opera[1] anime directed by Toshimasa Suzuki and Takashi Noto. It was produced by Xebec and aired on Japanese television networks. The series first aired on April 1, 2007 and ended on September 30, 2007, with 26 episodes.The story's theme is based on stories in...
House of Five Leaves (2010 - Current) - The manga series was adapted into a twelve-episode anime television series by Manglobe. The anime aired in the noitamina timeslot on FujiTV. The anime has been licensed by Funimation as a part of their deal with Fuji TV that allows them to simulcast series from the noitaminA block. This agreement al...
Tales of Symphonia (2007 - 2012) - Tales of Symphonia The Animation ( The Animation Teiruzu Obu Shinfonia The Animation) was an OVA series animated by Ufotable and produced by Geneon Universal Entertainment and Frontier Works.[41] It consists of four episodes which were released direct-to-video on four separate DVDs on...
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (OVA) (1993 - 2002) - This is a 13 episode short lived OVA series (way before a reboot series of Stardust Crusaders) produced by Studio A.P.P.P.. Including Original (1993-94, 6 episodes) and Prequel (2000-02, 7 episodes).
Le Chevalier D'Eon (2006 - 2007) - Japanese: Hepburn: Shuvarie, (French "Chevalier") literally, "Knight") is a 24-episode anime television series produced by Production I.G based on an original story by Tow Ubukata. The anime originally aired in Japan on WOWOW from August 19, 2006 to February 2, 2007.[2] The story has also bee...
The Idolmaster (2011) (2011 - 2018) - A 26-episode anime television series set in an alternate universe titled Idolmaster: Xenoglossia, produced by Sunrise and directed by Tatsuyuki Nagai, aired in Japan between April and October 2007 on Kansai TV. The series centers around mecha and reimagines the ten prospective idols as fighter pilot...
Sound of the Sky (2010 - Current) - ( So Ra No Wo To) is a Japanese anime television series produced by A-1 Pictures and Aniplex and directed by Mamoru Kanbe. The 12-episode anime aired in Japan on the TV Tokyo television network between January 4, 2010 and March 22, 2010. The anime was also simulcast on Crunchyroll. Sound of...
Dragonaut: The Resonance (2007 - 2008) - an anime series directed by Manabu Ono and co-produced by Gonzo and Nihon Ad Systems (NAS).[1] Twenty five episodes of the series were broadcast in Japan on the television network TV Tokyo between October 3, 2007 and March 26, 2008. An additional OVA episode was produced for the DVD release in 2009....
Kaze no Stigma (2007 - Current) - lit. "Stigma of the Wind") is a Japanese light novel series written by Takahiro Yamato and illustrated by Hanamaru Nanto. After the death of the author on July 20, 2009, the story remains incomplete at twelve volumes.[1] A 24-episode anime adaptation directed by Junichi Sakata and animated by Gonzo...
Piano: The Melody of a Young Girl's Heart (2002 - 2003) - an anime television series which aired from November 11, 2002 to January 13, 2003, and ran for 10 episodes. Three volumes were released on DVD by Right Stuf under their Nozomi Entertainment label in the North America as well as a complete collection in one collectors edition package, with their Engl...
Sly Cooper (2019 - Current) - A television series alongside Technicolor Animation Productions.[65] The series will consist of 52 11-minute episodes, with half scheduled to premier in October 2019, and the remaining in July 2020, though the broadcast network has yet to be determined.The world of Sly Cooper is a version of the rea...
Gate Keepers (2000) (2000 - Current) - ( Gto Kpzu) is primarily a role-playing video game for the PlayStation. The game was then adapted into a manga series written by Hiroshi Yamaguchi and drawn by Keiji Gotoh and an anime series produced by Gonzo, and first aired on April 3, 2000. A six episode original video animation (OVA)...
Queen Emeraldas (1998 - 1999) - a manga written and illustrated by Leiji Matsumoto, later adapted into a four-episode anime OVA of the same name. Queen Emeraldas is the story of the pirate spaceship, Queen Emeraldas, which is captained by the mysterious and beautiful Emeraldas, a strong and powerful privateer. Sometimes, the chara...
Pikaia! (2015 - 2017) - a Japanese educational anime series produced by NHK Educational. The first season started airing on April 29, 2015 for 13 episodes before ending in July 30, 2015.[1] It is renewed with a second season in February 2017.The story begins in the future when Earth itself is no longer inhabitable by livin...
Grim Tales (1989 - 1991) - a British children's television program based on fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, featuring Rik Mayall as the storyteller dressed in his pyjamas and dressing gown.[1] The twenty-two episodes were broadcast on ITV from 1989 to 1991. There was also a release on video and audio cassette, with the sli...
.hack//Quantum (2010 - 2011) - an animated three episode OVA series by Kinema Citrus studio in Japan and presented by Bandai Visual. The series was initially scheduled to be released in November 2010, but this schedule was later changed. The first episode was released on January 28, 2011 with the following two episodes to be rele...
Seven of Seven (2002 - Current) - an anime TV series created by Yasuhiro Imagawa (Giant Robo, G Gundam) and produced by A.C.G.T.,The TV series premiered January 10, 2002 on TV Tokyo and finished in run on June 27, 2002, totaling 25 episodes. A New Year's special episode was included in the seventh DVD volume (KIBA-745) released on O...
Geotrax (2007 - 2009) - an animated series that ran from 2007-2009. It had 2 episodes in 2007, 1 episode in 2008, and 1 episode in 2009. All 4 episodes were released on DVD in 2009 after the episode "Steamer And Samuel Save The Day" was released.base on the toys by fisher price
Scared Rider Xechs (2016 - Current) - a Japanese otome game published by Red Entertainment. It was released in Japan on July 1, 2010 for the PlayStation 2. A fan disc titled Scared Rider Xechs: Stardust Lovers was released in 2011. The game was ported to the PlayStation Vita in 2015. A 12-episode anime television series adaptation by Sa...
Hacker's Olympic Rundown (2016 - Current) - a British comedy-sports miniseries which aired on CBBC during the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Presented by Hacker T. Dog, each episode featured a rundown of the previous day's events with a humorous twist on them. Characters from Hacker Time, Wilf Breadbin and Derek McGee appeared as Hac...
Shugo Chara!! Doki (2008 - 2009) - began airing the week after the fifty-first episode, on October 4, 2008; previously, Anime News Network reported that it was scheduled for October 10, 2008 on AT-X.[12] Two opening themes sung by Shugo Chara Egg! and another two by Guardians 4 have been used; the opening theme for the first twelve e...
Heat Guy J (2002 - 2003) - a 26 episode science fiction anime series created by Escaflowne director Kazuki Akane and Satelight.Heat Guy J was licensed and distributed in the U.S. in 2003 by Pioneer (which subsequently became Geneon Entertainment). It was re-released by Funimation in the fall of 2009. The first 13 episodes of...
The Good Witch of the West (2006 - Current) - a series of fantasy novels by Noriko Ogiwara, published by Chuokoron-Shinsha. The series has been adapted into both a manga series and a thirteen episode anime television series subtitled Astraea Testament broadcast in Japan in 2006. The story revolves around a fifteen-year-old commoner who discover...
Strange Dawn (2000 - Current) - a 13-episode anime television series created by Hal Film Maker for Pioneer LDC (now Geneon) in 2000. The series follows the adventures of Eri and Yuko after they are transported to a strange world where all the people are very short.The series aired on Britain's Channel 5 during their Saturday morni...
Boys Be... (2000 - Current) - a manga series written by Masahiro Itabashi and illustrated by Hiroyuki Tamakoshi. It was later adapted into a 13 episode anime television series by Hal Film Maker in 2000.Three different Boys Be... manga series were serialized by Kodansha in Shukan Shnen Magazine. In 2009 Kodansha announced a four...
Tales of the abyss (2008 - 2009) - A 26-episode animated TV adaptation of Tales of the Abyss, produced by Bandai Visual, Namco, and Sunrise Animation Studios, began airing on October 4, 2008, and ended its run on March 28, 2009. The episodes were directed by Kenji Kodama and written by Akemi Omode.[59] The game's theme song, "Karma"...
It's Alive! (1993 - 1997) - a Canadian children's variety show that aired on YTV between 1993 and 1997. Coined "the least educational show on television", the show mainly consisted of comedy sketches, celebrity interviews, musical performances, game shows, and obstacle challenges. In its original six-episode first season, epis...
Mama wa Shgaku 4 Nensei (1992 - Current) - (lit. "Mama is a 4th Grader) a Japanese shjo anime by Sunrise. The 51-episode series was first aired from January 10, 1992 through December 25, 1992.In the year 2007 a woman is preparing for a party, while her husband is tinkering with a communication device for their new baby. A sudden lightning b...
Mad King Granzrt (1989 - 1992) - a Japanese mecha animated series produced by Sunrise and Asatsu-DK, created and directed by Oji Hiroi (Sakura Wars, Far East of Eden) and written by Shji Iuchi (Mashin Hero Wataru). It aired in NTV from April 7, 1989 to March 2, 1990. It also spawned 3 special direct-to-video episodes and two Origi...
La Seine no Hoshi (1975 - Current) - an anime series by Sunrise, which premiered in Japan on Fuji TV from April 4, 1975 and finished its run on December 26, 1975, spanning a total of 39 episodes. The title translates to English as "Star of the Seine" or "The Seine's Stars." It is based on Alain Delon's 1963 movie La Tulipe noire (which...
Kum-Kum (1975 - 1976) - Wanpaku Omukashi Kumu Kumu, lit. "Naughty Ancient Kumukumu") is a Japanese animated television series, consisting of 26 episodes. The plot and characters were created by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, and it was directed by Rintaro and first broadcast on TBS between 3 October 1975 and 26 March 1976.[1][2][3][4...
Zero tester (1973 - 1974) - a mecha produced anime series by Sunrise and Crystal Art Studio.It consists of 66 episodes and was originally broadcast on Fuji TV.[1][2] The first 39 episodes tells the attempted invasion of the earth by Armanoid aliens, while the remaining 27 episodes, with the series retitled Zero Tester: Save th...
Library War (2008 - Current) - Two manga adaptations were published by Hakusensha and ASCII Media Works. A 12-episode anime adaptation by Production I.G aired on Fuji TV's Noitamina programming block between April and June 2008. Two Internet radio shows started in April 2008 meant to promote the series which are hosted by voice a...
Ani*Kuri15 (2007 - 2008) - a series of fifteen 1-minute shorts that aired on the Japanese TV station, NHK between May 2007 and 2008. Intended as companion pieces to the Ani*Kuri program and as filler between regularly scheduled programs, the shorts were broadcast in three seasons of 5 episodes.[1] Each short was directed by a...
Jinki: Extend (2005 - Current) - a 13-episode mecha anime series that aired on TV Asahi in 2005 as well as a currently running manga series. It takes place in two parts, in Venezuela during 1988 (Jinki), and in Tokyo, Japan in 1991 (Jinki: Extend.) The story revolves around two girls who end up piloting giant humanoid robots called...
Space Emperor God Sigma (1980 - 1981) - a mecha anime television series aired from 1980 to 1981. It ran for 50 episodes. It is also referred to as "God Sigma, Empire of Space" and "Space Combination God Sigma".Space Emperor God Sigma was created by Toei's Television Division, under the name "Saburo Yatsude" and produced by Academy Product...
Hanada Shnen Shi (2002 - 2003) - lit. The Record of Boy Hanada,a 25-episode anime series by Madhouse and premiered on NTV on October 1, 2002.[2]
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card (2018 - Current) - a Japanese shjo manga series written and illustrated by the manga group Clamp. It is a sequel to Clamp's manga Cardcaptor Sakura and focuses on Sakura Kinomoto in junior high school. The manga began serialization in Kodansha's Nakayoshi magazine with the July 2016 issue. A 22-episode anime televisi...
Stop!! Hibari-kun! (1983 - 1984) - a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hisashi Eguchi. It was serialized in Weekly Shnen Jump from October 1981 to November 1983, and the chapters were published in four tankbon volumes by Shueisha from November 1982 to January 1984. The series was adapted into a 35-episode anime telev...
Romeo! (2003 - 2006) - Romeo! is an American sitcom that aired on Nickelodeon from 2003 to 2006, totaling 53 episodes. The filming was done in Vancouver, British Columbia, while the show takes place in Seattle, Washington. The show stars Lil' Romeo as a fictionalized person of himself, known as "Ro".
Mamotte Shugogetten (1998 - 2001) - a manga by Minene Sakurano which was serialized in the monthly magazine Shnen GanGan from 1997 to 2000. A continuation was published in Comic Blade titled Mamotte Shugogetten! Retrouvailles (! Mamotte Shugogetten! Retoruba) from 2002 to 2005. The manga was adapted into a 22-episode anime...
Nella the Princess Knight (2017 - Current) - a British-American animated children's television series created by Christine Ricci. The series debuted on Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. in the United States on February 6, 2017.[2] As of February 2018, newer episodes will move to the Nick Jr. channel.Nella the Princess Knight is about Princess Nella, a...
Chitose Get You!! (2012 - Current) - a Japanese yonkoma manga series written and illustrated by Etsuya Mashima. A 26-episode anime television series by Silver Link aired between July 1, 2012 and December 24, elementary school girl who has a crush on Hiroshi after he allegedly rescued her. She is incredibly strong and athletic f...
King Arthur & the Knights of the Round Table (1979 - 1980) - a Japanese anime series based on Arthurian legend. Produced by Toei Animation, the series consists of 30 half-hour episodes released between 9 September 1979 and 3 March 1980. The series achieved great popularity in its non-English translations.The series tells the story of King Arthur and the Knigh...
Osomatsu-kun (1966 - 1967) - A wacky comedy about identical sextuplets causing wild pranks. Each episode features 2 stories.
Kodomo No Jikan (2007 - 2011) - Kodomo no Jikan (, lit. A Child's Time) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kaworu Watashiya. A 12-episode anime adaptation of the series aired in Japan between October and December 2007.
Ultra maniac (2003 - 2005) - a 26-episode anime television series. Both were produced by Ashi Productions and Animax
A little snow fairy sugar (2001 - 2002) - a Japanese anime series developed by J.C.Staff. It premiered in Japan on TBS on October 2, 2001, and ran for 24 episodes until its conclusion March 26, 2002. A two-episode OVA was also released for the series. The series was licensed for North America by Geneon Entertainment, but after the closure o...
Little Einsteins (2005 - 2009) - Leo, Annie, Quincy and June are the Little Einsteins. This preschool series is full of adventures that introduce kids to nature, world cultures and the arts. Each episode has a mission and journey of discovery that incorporates a celebrated piece of classical music and a renowned work of art or worl...
Little Mouse on the Prairie (1997 - 1998) - This is a 52 episodes animated series made by the cooperation of the US and China, loosely based on the Serendipity book by Stephen Cosgrove with the same title. The story features a city mouse named Osgood Dee who just moved to the countryside Squeaky Corners to live at his uncle's farm. Each show...
Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail (2010 - 2011) - Roberta, the terrorist-turned-maid that made her appearence in the first season of Black Lagoon, returns in this five-episode OVA seriesand this time, all bets are off!
The Beatles (1964 - 1968) - Based on the popular British Rock band from the 60's. They starred having their NBC Saturday Morning cartoon show. Each episode is based on the songs by The Beatles.
Om Nom Stories (2011 - Current) - Om Nom Stories are a series of spin-off videos created by ZeptoLab. They tell about Om Nom's adventures outside the video game. pilot episode was released on December 6, 2011. Ten following episodes, making up the first season, are a variety of short stories about Om Nom living at Evan's house. Th...
Donna's Day (1999 - 2001) - Starring Donna Erickson this PBS series showed fun activities that children could do together with parents or caregivers. The first 26 Donnas Day television episodes were produced at Twin Cities Public Television in St. Paul, Minnesota. After a highly rated and successful national and international...
Ground Defense Force! Mao-chan (2002 - 2002) - round Defense Force! Mao-chan ( Rikuj Beitai Mao-chan), also known as Earth Defender! Mao-chan, is a 26-episode anime created by Ken Akamatsu, the author of Love Hina.
Adventure Island (1967 - 1972) - an Australian television series for children which screened on the ABC from 11 September 1967 to 22 December 1972 (repeats of the 1969-1972 episodes ran from 19731976). It was jointly created by Godfrey Philipp, who produced the series, and actor-writer John Michael Howson, who also co-starred in t...
Misaki Chronicles (2004 - Current) - an anime sequel to Divergence Eve. It follows smoothly from the previous series. The characters are the same and the plot is similar, but the theme of the episodes is much different. In this series, the elite team at Watcher's Nest is traveling through time, fighting the Ghoul at different points in...
3x3 eyes (1991 - 1996) - The manga has received two Original Video Animation series based on 33 Eyes. They were first released in 1991 and 1995. The first consisted of four episodes averaging to half-hour of run time. The second consisted of three averaging out to 45 minutes of run time. They cover the storyline up to volu...
Golden Time (2013 - 2014) - A 24-episode anime adaptation by J.C.Staff aired on MBS between October 2013 and March 2014.Edit
samurai girls (2010 - 2015) - A 12-episode anime adaptation produced by Arms aired on Chiba TV and other networks from October 2010 to December 2010.[2] A second anime season began airing on April 5, 2013. At Anime Expo 2010, Hobby Japan announced that they are planning to release the light novels in North America in the near fu...
Animal Jam (2003 - Current) - a children's television show created by John Derevlany (who also wrote most of the episodes) and produced by Jim Henson Television which first aired on February 24, 2003.The show featured many innovations in puppet design and production from the Jim Henson Company. It aired on TLC for several years,...
Shingu: Secret of the Stellar Wars (2001 - Current) - an anime series directed by Tatsuo Sato and mainly animated by Madhouse. Shingu aired from May 8, 2001 through December 4, 2001, on NHK. It ran for 26 episodes and was released on DVD on five volumes by The Right Stuf International in the United States.Edit
MAD (2010 - 2013) - An American animated sketch comedy produced by Warner Bros. Animation. The series was based on MAD Magazine, where each episode is a collection of short animated parodies of television shows, movies, games, celebrities, and other media using various types of animation (CGI, claymation, stopmotion, e...
Yondemasuyo, Azazel-san (2011 - 2013) - lit. You're Being Summoned, Azazel-san.) is a Japanese comedy manga written and illustrated by Yasuhisa Kubo. A 13-episode anime adaptation by Production I.G aired in Japan between April and July, 2011. A second season aired during April 2013. Right Stuf, Inc. released both seasons on R1 DVD in Febr...
Eyeshield 21 (2005 - 2008) - An anime adaptation consisting of 145 television episodes was co-produced by TV Tokyo, NAS, and Gallop. The television series first aired on Japan's TV Tokyo network from April 6, 2005 to March 19, 2008. The Eyeshield 21 franchise has spawned two original video animations (OVAs),In Tokyo,[note 1] a...
In the Night Garden... (2007) (2007 - 2009) - a BBC children's television series, aimed at children aged from one to six years old.[2] It is produced by Ragdoll Productions. Andrew Davenport created, wrote, and composed the title theme and incidental music for all 100 episodes.[3][4] It was produced by Davenport and Anne Wood, the team that als...
Insides Out (1999 - 2000) - a children's television game show. Its theme was the human body, and involved games that included body parts. A total of thirty episodes were made over two series, lasting from 15 September 1999 to 22 December 2000. It was presented by Mark Speight and Marsali Stewart, with co-presenter Otis the Aar...
Yumeria (2004 - Current) - Studio Deen produced a 12-episode comedy, adventure, anime television series broadcast on TBS in Japan in 2004. The series was originally licensed in North America by ADV Films who initially released the series in three English language DVD volumes in 2005 and 2006.Tomokazu Mikuri, the main characte...
Nurse Witch Komugi (2002 - 2016) - Nsu Witchi Komugi-chan Majikarute, majikarute is a pun on "magical" and "karte", a German loanword used to refer to medical records) is an original video animation (OVA) anime series co-produced by Tatsunoko Production and Kyoto Animation. The series lasted for five episodes (six if episode 2.5 tha...
Ufo baby (da! Da! Da!) (2000 - 2002) - a 78-episode anime television series, produced by NHK and animated by J.C.Staff, which was broadcast between March 2000 and February 2002 on NHK's BS2 broadcast satellite network.[2] The series was one of the top-rated anime series during its initial broadcast.[3]Miyu Kouzuki is an 8th-grade student...
D.N.Angel (2003 - Current) - Xebec adapted the manga into a 26-episode anime series which aired in Japan on TV Tokyo from April 3, 2003 until September 25, 2003.follows the adventures of Daisuke Niwa, an average teenage boy. At the story's opening, Daisuke declares love for his crush, a girl named Risa Harada, on his fourteenth...
Hidamari Sketch (2007 - 2013) - A 12-episode anime adaptation, produced by Shaft, aired in Japan between January and March 2007. Two more special episodes were aired on October 18, 2007. A 13-episode second season entitled Hidamari Sketch 365 aired in Japan between July and September 2008.[2] An original video animation (OVA) ep...
Angel beats (2010 - 2015) - a 13-episode Japanese anime television series produced by P.A.Works and Aniplex and directed by Seiji Kishi. The story was originally conceived by Jun Maeda, who also wrote the screenplay and composed the music with the group Anant-Garde Eyes, with original character design by Na-Ga; both Maeda and...
Idolmaster: Xenoglossia (2007 - Current) - a 26-episode anime television series by Sunrise, based on the Namco Bandai Games series The Idolmaster.[1] It aired between April 4 and September 24, 2007 on Kansai TV and various other UHF television stations. The series was also broadcast over the Internet on the Japanese website @nifty. The serie...
Midori Days (2004 - Current) - The series was adapted as a 13-episode anime series produced by Pierrot. It aired in Japan between April and June 2004 on the anime television network Animax, who has also broadcast the series across its networks worldwide, including Southeast Asia, East Asia, South Asia and other regions. It is lic...
Ashita no Nadja (2003 - 2004) - lit. "Tomorrow's Nadja"), is a romance anime with 50 episodes of 24 minutes installments, produced by Toei Animation and aired between February 2, 2003 and January 25, 2004.Nadja is an orphan who lives at the Applefield Orphanage, in early 20th-century England. Nadja is called by Miss Appleton, the...
Venus Versus Virus (2007 - Current) - anime produced by Studio Hibari that aired in Japan between January and March 2007 on BS-i, containing twelve episodes. revolves around the life of two teenage girls named Sumire Takahana and Lucia Nahashi, who met as Sumire mysteriously discovered Lucia's secrets at the Venus Vanguard, a group who...
.hack//Sign (2002 - 2003) - an anime television series directed by Kichi Mashimo and produced by studio Bee Train and Bandai Visual, that makes up one of the four original storylines of the .hack franchise. Twenty-six original episodes aired in 2002 on TV and three additional bonus episodes (Intermezzo, Unison, and Gift) were...
Nanatsuiro Drops (2007 - Current) - lit. Seven-Colored Drops, A 12-episode anime produced by Studio Barcelona aired between July and September 2007.Masaharu Tsuwabuki is a normal student, though not very social. One day he meets a new student named Sumomo Akihime, and another girl named Nadeshiko Yaeno, Sumomo's close friend. That sam...
Minami-ke (2007 - 2013) - lit. The Minami Family, An anime series produced by Daume aired in 2007. Asread produced a second season in 2008 titled Minami-ke: Okawari, a third season in 2009 titled Minami-ke: Okaeri, and an original video animation (OVA) episode in 2009 titled Minami-ke: Betsubara. In 2012, Feel produced anoth...
Hiwou War Chronicles (2000 - 2001) - Karakuri Kiden Hiw Senki, lit. "Clever Strange Successor Hiwou War Chronicles"an anime series, produced by Bones. The series was first aired on NHK BS-2 and ran for twenty six episodes, from October 24, 2000 till May 1, 2001. Created by Sh Aikawa and directed by Tetsur Amino, the series' characte...
Sid the Science Kid (2008 - 2013) - (also known as Jim Henson's Sid the Science Kid) is an American half-hour CGI animated series that aired on PBS Kids from September 1, 2008 to March 25, 2013, with a total of 68 half-hour episodes produced over two seasons. The computer generated show is produced by The Jim Henson Company and then-P...
Oruchuban Ebichu (1999 - Current) - an anime produced by Gainax, but animated by Group TAC. It first aired six eight-minute episodes in 1999 as one-third of the show Modern Love's Silliness. Ebichu is very adult in nature, and its comedy, explicit violence, innuendo, and sexual intercourse scenes could only be shown on DirecTV Japan....
Metal Fighter Miku (1994 - Current) - a 13-episode Japanese anime television series created by Daisaku Ogawa. Metal Fighter Miku first aired on TV Tokyo from July to September 1994. J.C.Staff was the animation studio for the series and was their first TV production.
Majokko Tsukune-chan (2005 - 2006) - It is a parody of magical girl manga. Tsukune is a skillful and powerful witch who rescues others from danger. In 2005, an anime OVA was created and directed by Hiroaki Sakurai.EPISODE 1
Bumpety Boo (1985 - 1986) - an anime children's television show produced by the Nippon Animation company from 1985 to 1986. The series consists of 130 10-minute episodes, distributed as 43 half-hour segments..The show follows the adventures of a young boy named Ken, who has always dreamed of owning a car, and Bumpety Boo, a ta...
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory (1991 - 1992) - Hepburn: Kid Senshi Gandamu Daburueitsr Sutdasuto Memor) is a 13-episode anime OVA series set in the Gundam universe. The first volume containing two 30-minute episodes was released in Japan on May 23, 1991. Subsequent volumes, containing one 30-minute episode each, followed every one or two m...
Little People (1999 - 2014) - A tv series base on the toys by fisher price,138 individual episodes (135 stop motion episodes and 3 CGI episodes), and six music videos, have been produced for the Little People franchise. They have been grouped into around thirty volumes, and released for home media on over fifteen DVDs. In additi...
Noozles (1984 - Current) - also known as The Wondrous Koala Blinky, is a 26-episode anime by Nippon AnimationCompany that was originally released in Japan in 1984. It depicts the adventures of a 12-year-old girl named Sandy and her koala friends, Blinky and Pinky, who are from the extra-dimensional realm of Koalawalla Land. N...
Beyond the Boundary (2013 - 2014) - Hepburn: Kykai no Kanata. An anime television series adaptation, produced by Kyoto Animation, aired in Japan between October and December 2013. An original video animation episode was released in July 2014. A two-part anime film project premiered in March and April 2015.One day, high school student...
Zombie-Loan (2007 - Current) - An anime adaptation produced by Xebec M2 was announced and started broadcast on the Japanese network TV Asahi on July 3, 2007. It contained a total of eleven episodes, with the final broadcast on September 11, 2007. Subsequent episodes 12 and 13 were released as part of the seventh volume of the DVD...
The Candidate for Goddess (2000 - 2002) - a 12-episode anime series directed by Mitsuru Hongo and produced by Xebec, a subsidiary of Production I.G. The adaptation aired on Japan's NHK BS2 satellite channel in early 2000. The anime series, entitled Pilot Candidate for its North American release, was broadcast briefly on Cartoon Network's Ad...
Battle Athletes (1997 - 1998) - a Japanese series produced by the AIC studio and released as an original video animation (OVA) and a manga by Yki Nakano, and later aired as an anime television series on TV Tokyo in 1997.a six-episode OVA set in the distant future where, after many years of war with an extraterrestrial race, a con...
Magical Project S (1996 - 1997) - a 26-episode anime television series produced by AIC and Pioneer LDC. It is based on the Pretty Sammy character and the OVA series.The series was released in the United States on VHS in 1999 and on DVD in 2002, only in a subtitled format. All instances of the word, "Sexy", were changed into "Lovely"...
Inukami (2006 - 2007) - lit. Dog Gods!A twenty-six episode anime adaptation of the series produced by Seven Arcs aired between April and September 2006 on TV Tokyo in Japan. An Internet radio show was also produced, along with a visual novel released by ASCII Media Works, and a twenty-five-minute-long film released in Japa...
Magical Taluluto (1990 - 1992) - an anime television series by Toei Animation that lasted 87 episodes and three feature films from 1990 through 1992. Fifth grader Edojou Honmaru is one of the most trodden upon losers in his class, untuil he meets Magical Taruruuto-kun. Taruruuto's powers help him deal with all his hardships, such a...
Shnen Ninja Kaze no Fujimaru (1964 - 1965) - also known as Samurai Kid, is a Japanese anime series produced by Toei Animation. 65 episodes aired from 7 June 1964 until 31 August 1965. It tells the story of a ninja's pupil that controlled the wind.
Burn-Up Scramble (2004 - Current) - a 2004 12-episode anime television series directed by Hiroki Hayashi. Though the basic premise is in keeping with its predecessors Burn Up! and Burn-Up Excess it is an entirely new series with some new and some old characters, and a very different art style.Like Burn-Up W and Burn-Up Excess, the ser...
To Heart (1999 - 2004) - a thirteen-episode anime television series by Oriental Light and Magic aired between April and July 1999, and a second anime, To Heart: Remember My Memories, aired between October and December 2004. The first anime was licensed by Right Stuf International for distribution in North America; the first...
Shimmer and Shine (2015 - Current) - The first season is set in the human world and focuses on a young girl named Leah Thompson who is friends with a pair of twin genie sisters named Shimmer and Shine. Each day, the genies grant Leah three wishes, but they often make errors. Each episode features Leah working together with the genies t...
Hime-chan's Ribbon (1992 - 1993) - a 61 episode anime series, produced by Studio Gallop, that aired from October 2, 1992 to December 3, 1993. Hajime Watanabe's first project as a character designer was with Hime-chan no Ribbon. The manga series was collected into ten volumes in Japan, where it received a full anime DVD release.[1] A...
Miracle Giants Dome-kun (1989 - 1990) - a Japanese anime television series based on a manga by Shotaro Ishinomori. It ran for 49 episodes, animated at Studio Gallop, directed by Takashi Watanabe and follows the adventures of Dome Shinjo, a 10-year-old boy who is the son of a deceased legendary player of the Yomiuri Giants.
Girls Bravo (2004 - 2005) - The anime adaptation of Girls Bravo, directed by Ei Aoki and animated by AIC Spirits, aired in Japan from 2004 to 2005. There are 24 episodes total. The anime series was released in English by Geneon, and the manga was released in English by Tokyopop. A visual novel was also released for the PlaySta...
Tales of Eternia (2001 - Current) - A 13 episode anime series produced and animated by Xebec also called Tales of Eternia was inspired by the game; the series originally ran on Japanese television from 8 January 2001 to 26 March 2001. Tales of Eternia was licensed by Media Blasters on 6 July 2002 for North American distribution, but t...
Super Yo-Yo (1998 - 1999) - a 22-episode anime television series produced by Xebec, it ran from November 1998 to September 1999. The television series has been dubbed into English in Singapore by Odex[5] and released in 2003.Shunichi Domoto is a 5th grade boy. He usually helps the sport teams in his school due to his talent in...
Yamato Takeru (1994 - 1994) - "Yamato Takeru" (Japanese: ) is a Japanese anime loosely related to both the live action film and legend about a young boy who goes onto a great adventure that would grant him great powers and understanding his destiny is linked to the world. The series is followed up by the two-episode origin...
Magical Canan (2000 - 2005) - a magical girl eroge developed and published by Terios. It was later adapted into two erotic OVA series and a 13 episode-long television series. Both OVA series were previously licensed for distribution in North America by NuTech Digital in 2004. Since 2006 the OVAs are licensed by Adult Source Medi...
Standby...Lights! Camera! Action! (1982 - 1987) - Standby...Lights! Camera! Action! is an American educational television series hosted by Leonard Nimoy. The program aired on Nickelodeon from May 1982 to December 31, 1987. Episodes of the show include interviews with film crew members and examine the stages of production for various motion pictures...
Toradora (2008 - 2009) - A 25-episode anime adaptation produced by J.C.Staff aired in Japan on TV Tokyo between October 2008 and March 2009.[4] A Blu-ray Disc (BD) box set containing an original video animation episode was released on December 21, 2011. NIS America licensed the anime and released it in North America in two...
Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens (2008 - 2009) - A 13-episode anime adaptation produced by A-1 Pictures aired between October and December 2008 in Japan. An original video animation (OVA) episode was released in May 2009. Bandai Entertainment licensed the manga and anime series, including the OVA.The title character in the series, Nagi is a goddes...
Getbackers (2002 - 2003) - o an animated television series in 2002. The Studio Deen production aired on the Tokyo Broadcasting System from October 5, 2002 until September 20, 2003, for a complete run of 49 episodes. It was also dubbed in English and broadcast by the anime television network Animax across its respective networ...
Fate/stay night (2006 - 2015) - . A 24-episode anime series created by Studio Deen aired in Japan between January and June 2006. Sentai Filmworks has licensed the television series and re-released the series on DVD and for the first time on Blu-ray Disc.Fuyuki City is the setting for a secret and violent war among competing magi....
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch (2003 - 2004) - A 91-episode anime series was produced by TV Aichi, divided into two seasons, aired in Japan from April 2003 to December 2004. The first season is composed of 52 episodes, while the second, entitled Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure, lasted for 39.Lucia Nanami, the mermaid princess of the North...
Yo Gabba Gabba! (2007 - 2015) - an American live action/puppet educational children's television show starring five costumed toys come to life and their friend DJ Lance Rock. The series premiered on Nick Jr. August 20, 2007 and ended on November 12, 2015. There is a single topic in each episode, e.g. "Adventure", "Friends", and "D...
Doki Doki School Hours (2004 - 2005) - A 13 episode anime television series adaptation was created by J.C.Staff. It was aired on TV Tokyo from April 4, 2004 to June 27, 2004, A 7 episode OVA, Sensei no Ojikan Gold ( ), was also produced by J.C.Staff. These episodes were released onto the DVDs of the TV series, one episode for...
Happy lesson (2001 - 2004) - a five-part OVA series in 2001; a thirteen-episode animated TV series in 2002; a sequel TV series, called Happy Lesson Advance, in 2003; and a second OVA series, Happy Lesson: The Final, in 2004. is based on five teachers who end up living with a troubled and indifferent orphan and their unusual pla...
Mirmo (2002 - 2005) - An anime series named Wagamama Fairy: Mirumo de Pon! ( !, Selfish Fairy: Mirmo de Pon!) by Studio Hibari was adapted from the manga. It premiered in Japan on TV Tokyo on April 6, 2002, and ran for 172 episodes until September 27, 2005. The anime series is also licensed by Viz Media f...
To Love-Ru (2008 - 2017) - A 26-episode anime television series adaptation by Xebec aired in Japan between April and September 2008.
Happy seven (2005 - 2005) - an anime series which consists of 13 episodes that began airing in Japan October 2, 2005. The original story was by Hiroyuki Kawasaki. It was directed by Tsutomu Yabuki and produced by Studio Hibari and Trinet Entertainment.
Eiken (2003 - 2004) - a two episode OVA (the latter roughly based on a volume 3 storyline) have been produced.
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien (2003 - 2008) - a 14-episode anime television series, which aired between October 2003 and January 2004. Funimation licensed and distributed the anime in North America under the title Rumbling Hearts.
Gakuen Alice (2004 - 2005) - also known as Alice Academy or Alice School,It was adapted into an anime series produced by Aniplex and Group TAC which originally premiered on NHK BS-2. It spanned twenty-six episodes that aired between October 30, 2004 and May 14, 2005. The anime was translated and dubbed into English by the anime...
Law of ueki (2005 - 2006) - An anime adaptation was first broadcast on TV Tokyo on April 4, 2005, and ended with 51 episodes on March 27, 2006. In Indonesia, this anime Originally Broadcast by Lativi (now tvOne) since year 2007 and Global TV since year 2008. It was produced by Studio Deen.The story starts out with the Battle o...
Moonlight Mile (2007 - 2007) - an anime television series. The manga is published by Shogakukan, while the anime is directed by Iku Suzuki and animated by Studio Hibari. The first episode of the anime aired on Japan's WOWOW satellite network in a special advance broadcast on February 4, 2007. The regular broadcast schedule began...
Burn-Up Excess (1997 - 1998) - a Japanese anime television series directed by Shinichiro Kimura, animated by Magic Bus and AIC. It aired from 1997 to 1998, ran for 13 episodes, and 4 volumes of videos were released on VHS and DVD in North America by ADV Films.
Moon Phase (2004 - 2005) - a 25 episode anime television series by Shaft, and aired on TV Tokyo from October 4, 2004 to March 28, 2005. An additional OVA episode dubbed "Episode 26" was later released only on DVD on February 22, 2006
K-on (keion) (2009 - 2011) - A 13-episode anime adaptation produced by Kyoto Animation aired in Japan between April and June 2009. An additional original video animation (OVA) episode was released in January 2010. A 26-episode second season, titled K-On!!
Angelic layer (2001 - 2001) - a 26-episode anime series produced by Bones, takes place in the same universe as Clamp's later work Chobits, which similarly deals with the relationship between humans, human-created devices, toys, and godlike power. Several characters also appear in Clamp's Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle including mo...
Cyber Team in Akihabara (1998 - Current) - a 1998 science fiction anime series created by Tsukasa Kotobuki and Satoru Akahori. The television series aired from April 4, 1998 to September 26, 1998 on TBS and ran for 26 episodes. It was released in the United States by ADV Films. It was also broadcast on international networks such as Anime Ne...
Galaxy Boy Troop (1963 - 1965) - was a children's TV series created by Osamu Tezuka that combined marionettes with traditional animation. It ran for two seasons from April 7, 1963 to April 1, 1965, for a total of 92 episodes. The series also aired in France as "Le Commando De La Voie Lactee".[1]In the first season, the eponymous Ga...
Persia, the Magic Fairy (1984 - 1987) - Mah no Ysei Perusha) is a 48 episode magical girl anime series by Studio Pierrot which aired on Nippon Television from July 1984 to May 1985 in order to compete with Nippon Sunrise's Giant Gorg, which also aired on the station. In addition to the TV series, two OVAs were released, and the main cha...
Floral Magician Mary Bell (1992 - 1993) - or known as Magical Heroes in some countries, is the fourth and last magical girl anime by Ashi Productions. The fifty-episode series first aired in Japan from 1992 until 1993. It has also been broadcast in Hong Kong, South Korea, Italy, Taiwan, China, France, Poland, Thailand, and in most Arab coun...
Nanaka 6/17 (2003 - 2006) - 12-episode anime series that aired on TV Tokyo in 2003. In 2004 the anime series was licensed for distribution in North America by ADV Films and released on DVD in 2006.The story focuses on a cold and distant 17-year-old girl, Nanaka Kirisato, who only cares about studying and getting accepted into...
Petite Princess Yucie (2002 - 2003) - Puchi Puri Ysh) is an anime series, which was produced by Gainax, aired from 2002 to 2003, and ran for 26 episodes. The story centers on Yucie, a 17-year-old who is trapped in a 10-year-old's body, the story follows her and her friends, all of whom are designated as Platinum Princess candidates. A...
Blend S (2017 - Current) - A 12-episode anime television series adaptation by A-1 Pictures aired from October to December 2017.High school girl Maika Sakuranomiya has trouble finding a part-time job because of how scary she looks when smiling. However, she is scouted one day by an Italian man who is also the manager of Stile,...
Fushigi yugi (1995 - 2002) - Studio Pierrot adapted the series into a 52-episode anime series. The show originally aired from April 6, 1995 through March 28, 1996 on the anime satellite channel Animax and on the regular cable channel TV Tokyo. The anime series spawned three Original Video Animation releases, with the first havi...
Loveless (2005 - Current) - A 12-episode anime television series adaptation was made by J.C. Staff, broadcast in a post-midnight slot on TV Asahi and ABC from April 2005 to June 2005. The anime series was licensed and released in the US by Media Blasters in a set of 3 DVDs in early 2006.
Pani Poni Dash! (2005 - 2009) - A 26-episode anime television series adaptation aired in Japan on TV Tokyo between July 3 and December 25, 2005 with its title renamed as Pani Poni Dash!. The anime is licensed by Funimation in North America.[4] There have also been several drama CDs created based on the TV series and manga. A speci...
Pretear (2001 - Current) - a thirteen episode anime series by Hal Film Maker, Kadokawa Shoten, and Rondo Robe. It aired in Japan on WOWOW from April 4, 2001 until June 27, 2001. Geneon released the series episodes across four volumes in Japan in both VHS video and DVD forms. ADV Films had licensed and released the anime serie...
Black Heaven (1999 - Current) - also referred to as The Legend of Black Heaven and Kacho-ji, is a thirteen-episode anime television series about the middle-aged members of a short-lived heavy metal band and their unexpected role in an alien interstellar war. The Japanese title of the series is a multi-layered pun; it can be trans...
Super Milk-chan (1998 - 2000) - Sp Miruku Chan) is an anime comedy directed by Hideyuki Tanaka and produced by Genco, Suplex, framegraphics and Geneon Entertainment for the 24-hour channel Animax. The show pre-began as 14 eight-minute segment episodes which aired on Fuji Television's Flyer TV block from June 18, 1998 to Septembe...
Maburaho (2003 - 2004) - a 24 episode anime series produced by J.C.Staff and broadcast by WOWOW in Japan.set in a world where every character has the ability to use magic, however everyone's magic is not equal. Each person in the story has a different degree of magic and a set number of times that they can use their magic....
School rumble (2004 - 2008) - TV Tokyo broadcast a 26-episode anime program between October 2004 and April 2005. In December 2005, a two-part original video animation (OVA) entitled School Rumble: Extra Class was released. A second season, School Rumble: 2nd Semester, aired between April and September 2006. Finally, two more epi...
UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie (2002 - 2006) - a science fiction/comedy anime series based on the manga series UFO Princess Valkyrie. A total of 32 anime episodes and one specially released OVA episode were eventually produced. Seasons 1 and 2 were broadcast in Japan on Kids Station between 2002 and 2004. The anime series was released on DVD in...
Princess Nine (1998 - Current) - (AKA Princess Ten), or Princess Nine Kisaragi Girls High Baseball Club ( Purinsesu Nain Kisaragi Joshik Yaky-bu), is a 26-episode Japanese anime broadcast in Japan in 1998. The television series was produced by Phoenix Entertainment in Japan, initially released by ADV Films in Nort...
Sweet valerian (2004 - 2005) - five-minute anime episodes. The anime is produced by Madhouse Production, but the character design is under the responsibility of Clamp.The series features three girls, Kanoko, Kate, and Pop, who live in the city of Asialand. Asialand looks like a normal city, but it is always under attack from evil...
Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle (2005 - 2006) - an anime series, Tsubasa Chronicle ( Tsubasa Kuronikuru), animated by Bee Train, which aired 52 episodes over two seasons during 2005 and 2006. Production I.G released an interlude film between the first two seasons titled Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle the Movie: The Princess in the Birdcage...
Love Live! (2013 - 2014) - A 13-episode anime television series produced by Sunrise, directed by Takahiko Kygoku, and written by Jukki Hanada aired in Japan between January and March 2013, with a second season airing between April and June 2014. Both anime series and film are licensed in North America, the United Kingdom, Au...
Skip Beat! (2008 - 2009) - An anime adaptation is produced by Hal Film Maker, and began airing October 5, 2008.[4] It ended airing with episode twenty-five on July 12, 2009.
Dragon Drive (2002 - 2003) - An anime adaptation directed by Toshifumi Kawase began airing on TV Tokyo on July 4, 2002, running a total of 38 episodes, the last episode aired March 27, 2003. In 2004, the anime series was released by Bandai Entertainment in North America.. follows lazy junior high school student Reiji Ozora who...
Lamb Chop's Play Along (1992 - 1997) - Lamb Chop's Play Along was a TV show starring puppet actress Shari Lewis and her titled creation, Lab Chop along with her friends Charlie Horse and Hush Puppy. Each episode took place on a farm where Shari and her friend, puppet and human would sing, dance, tell jokes, play games and do tricks. The...
The Late Show (1993 - Current) - The Late Show is CBS's late night talk/comedy show hosted by comedian David Letterman. In each episode, Letterman often rants humorously about the previous day's events with references to pop culture and politics. The show often features celebrity and musical guests. The show's long time host since...
America's Funniest Home Videos (1989 - Current) - America's Funniest Home Videos is a reality show on ABC where people can send in funny videos of things including incidents and practical jokes. The funniest video of each episode wins $10,000 with 7 winners then competing for $100,000. First hosted by Bob Saget who would humorously voice the clips...
New Mickey Mouse club 70s series (1977 - 1979) - In the 1970s, Walt Disney Productions revived the concept but modernized the show cosmetically, with a disco re-recording of the theme song and minority cast members. The sets, though colored, were simplistic, lacking the fine artwork of the original. Like the original, nearly each day's episode inc...
Tao Tao - Tiergeschichten aus aller Welt (1984 - 1985) - Cartoon is about a panda cub, who's mom tells a story on each episode, a story with a lesson to learn. Original name for the cartoon is Tao Tao, Tiergeschichten aus aller Welt (=Animal stories around the world).
Robotech: Macross Dynamite 7 (1997 - 1998) - Macross Dynamite 7 (マクロスダイナマイト7, Macross Dynamite 7?) is an anime OVA set one year after the events in Macross 7. Released in 1997 in celebration of Macross' 15th anniversary, Macross Dynamite 7 was a four episode OVA that continu...
Robotech: macross plus (1994 - 1994) - Macross Plus (マクロスプラス, Makurosu Purasu?) is a four-episode anime OVA and theatrical movie in the Macross series. At the time of its creation, it was a groundbreaking and budget-shattering (the largest budget for an anime at the time) combination of ce...
The New Adventures of Beany and Cecil (1988 - 1988) - Direct from the 1960s popular Bob Clampett cartoon "Beany and Cecil" was revived to an all new series with only 5 episodes. Join Beany and Cecil on an adventure to stop the schemes of Dishonest John.
ALF (1986 - 1990) - ALF (or Alien Life Form) is a creature from Planet Melmac that crash landed on earth, and is adopted/taken in by an otherwise normal Earth family. A comedic sitcom that featured episodes with everything from mundane things like getting people to like you, to close calls with the government, all wit...
Mega Man: Upon a Star (1993 - 1995) - Mega Man: Upon a Star is an anime OVA series, based on Capcom's best-selling video game franchise Mega Man. Created in the early 1990s, all three episodes were released on VHS and DVD in North America by ADV Films in 2002. The OVA is viewed as a series of educational shorts on the culture of Japan....
Oakie Doke (1995 - 1996) - Oakie Doke was a children's television programme that was broadcast from September 1995 until December 1996 on the BBC. It was produced by Cosgrove Hall Productions and was shown in stop motion animation. The show ran two series of 27 episodes.
The Twilight Zone (1985) (1985 - 1989) - A remake of the 1959 CBS classic hit, this time the show included the works of famous writers such as Ray Bradbury and Stephen King and not to mention a few famous faces such as Morgan Freeman and Bruce Willis. And like the original series, each episode presented a tale of horror, suspense, humor an...
Slayers Special (1996 - 1996) - Fantasy comedy OVA series featuring Lina Inverse and Naga the Serpent in 3 episodes of adventures. Lina and Naga take on a clones, training a wimp and destroying a mirror.
Robotech II: The Sentinels (1987 - 1987) - This series was intended to continue the Robotech Saga explaining what happened to the original Macross Saga characters between The Robotech Masters and The New Generation sagas. However due to various reasons the production fell through and only 3 episodes were made by Tatsunoko Production.
Codename Kids Next Door (2002 - 2008) - Codename: Kids Next Door, also known as Kids Next Door or by its acronym KND, is an American animated television series created by Tom Warburton and produced by Curious Pictures in Santa Monica, California. The series debuted on Cartoon Network on December 6, 2002 and aired its final episode on Janu...
Kindred: The Embraced (1996 - 1996) - Kindred: The Embraced is an American television series produced by John Leekley Productions and Spelling Television. Loosely based on the role-playing game Vampire: The Masquerade, the series premiered on Fox on April 2, 1996, and ran for eight episodes before it was canceled on May 9, 1996. The ser...
medabots (1999 - 2000) - Medabots, known in Japan as Medarot (, Medarotto?), is a role-playing video game franchise developed by Natsume and published by Imagineer in Japan in 1997. The video game franchise was later adapted into a Japanese anime television series produced by Bee Train. Spanning 52 episodes,...
Women of the House (1994 - 1994) - Women of the House was a spinoff of "Designing Women" that aired on CBS starring Delta Burke as Suzanne Sugarbaker with Teri Garr, Patricia Heaton, Valerie Mahaffey, Lisa Rieffel, and William M. Newman. 13 episodes were produced but only 9 aired on CBS--Lifetime aired all thirteen episodes in syndi...
The New Three Stooges (1965 - 1966) - A series containing live action and animated shorts featuring The Three Stooges. Each episode began and concluded with a live action segment featuring the trio and 4 animated shorts between them (with Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Curly-Joe DeRita reprising their classic roles).
The Midnight Special (1973 - 1981) - The Midnight Special is an American musical variety series that aired during the 1970s and early 1980s, created and produced by Burt Sugarman and airing on NBC. It premiered as a special on August 19, 1972, then began its run as a regular series on February 2, 1973; its last episode was on May 1, 19...
Missing Persons (1993 - 1994) - Missing Persons is an American television show set in Chicago. The show is about a fictitious missing persons unit. Each episode usually following the investigation into three or more cases.
A League of Their Own (1993 - 1993) - On and off the field with members of the 1940s women's baseball team called the Rockford Peaches, playing while the men are fighting in World War II. Based on the hit 1992 movie; however only a handful of episodes aired.
Game Over (2004 - 2004) - Game Over is an American computer-animated television series created by David Sacks, produced by Carsey-Werner Productions, and broadcast on UPN in 2004. It was canceled after six episodes due to weak ratings.
NoraKuro (1970 - 1971) - NoraKuro is a Dog that fights in the Armed Force's, This Anime lasted for 26 episodes and first aired on Japanese TV on 10/5/1970 and the last episode first aired on 3/29/1971 and the show was never released in the USA.
Dragnet (1989) (1989 - 1990) - The Syndicated 80's remake without Jack Webb that died in 1982. This Show didn't started from the 1987 film comady "Dragnet". The show lasted for 2 seasons & 52 episodes.
Dragnet (1967) (1967 - 1970) - The campy remake show of the 1951 show but in COLOR. This time taking on Hippies & drug dealers & more. Every episode is directed by Jack Webb. The Show lasted on 4 seasons & 98 & episodes.
Dragnet (1951) (1951 - 1959) - After the famous radio show they took it to tv & in 1955 the first movie on dragnet. Each episode was directed by the star Jack Webb. The show lasted for 8 seasons & 276 episodes.
Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku (1998 - 1999) - Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku ( Bann Bunka Nekomusume) is a six-episode anime OVA created in 1992. It spawned a 14-episode anime TV series remake (of the same name) in 1998, as well as a 12-episode second OVA series All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku Dash in that year. They...
The Dean Martin Show (1965 - 1974) - The Dean Martin Show was a TV variety-comedy series that ran from 1965 to 1974, for 245 episodes. It was broadcast by NBC and hosted by legendary crooner Dean Martin. The theme song to the series was his 1964 hit "Everybody Loves Somebody."
Working Stiffs (1979 - 1979) - Michael Keaton and James Belushi work in their uncle's building as janitors. Slapstick silliness that helped launch both their careers, even though it lasted only 8 episodes.
The Likely Lads (1964 - 1966) - The Likely Lads was a hit British sitcom created and written by Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais. Twenty episodes were made and broadcast in all, over three seasons, by the BBC between December 1964 and July 1966. However, only eight of these shows have survived intact. (see below).
The New Yankee Workshop (1989 - 2009) - The New Yankee Workshop is a woodworking program produced by WGBH Boston, which aired on PBS. Created in 1989 by Russell Morash, the program is hosted by Norm Abram, a regular fixture on Morash's This Old House. The series aired for 21 seasons before broadcasting its final episode on June 27, 2009....
Dad's Army (1968 - 1977) - Dads Army was a British sitcom about the Home Guard in the Second World War. It was written by Jimmy Perry and David Croft and broadcast on BBC television between 1968 and 1977. The series ran for 9 series and 80 episodes in total, plus a radio series, a feature film and a stage show. The series...
Iznogoud (1995 - 1995) - This is a show about Iznogoud, the Sultans right hand which Iznogoud is NOT pleased to be. He wants to be the Sultan himself! So every episode is about him and his not so trusty sidekick Wa'at Alahf where they plan how to throw him off the throne, but always ends in mischief for poor Iznogoud
Static Shock (2000 - 2004) - Static Shock is an American animated television series produced by Warner Bros. Animation. It premiered in September 2000 on the Kids' WB! block and ran for four seasons, with a total of 52 half-hour episodes.
The Woodwright's Shop (1979 - Current) - The Woodwright's Shop is a traditional woodworking show hosted by Roy Underhill on PBS. It is one of the longest running "how to" shows on PBS, with 28 13-episode seasons filmed. Since its debut in 1979 the show has aired over 360 episodes. Initially only broadcast on public TV in North Carolina, th...
L.A. Dragnet (2003 - 2004) - From Creater Dick Wolf produced a new Dragnet show Law & Order Style for ABC. But people didn't like it and cancled in its secend season and two last episodes never aired.
Pigeon Street (1981 - 1981) - Pigeon Street was an animated children's television series originally shown on the BBC in 1981. There were two series with eight and five episodes respectively, each programme lasting fifteen minutes.
Second Chance/Boys Will Be Boys (1987 - 1988) - A 1987 Fox Sitcom about a deceased man(Kiel Martin) who returns to Earth to give moral guidance to his younger self(Matthew Perry).After a few,low rated, episodes the show was retooled as"Boys Will Be Boys" before going off the air in 1988.
Jimbo and the Jetset (1986 - 1987) - Jimbo and the Jet Set (often shortened to simply Jimbo) was a British animated cartoon series in the 1980s, featuring the adventures of the eponymous Jimbo, a talking aeroplane. Created by Maddocks Cartoon Productions, it originally ran for 25 episodes between 1985 and 1986.
Wolves, Witches and Giants (1995 - Current) - A cartoon in which every episode was a different fairytale usually containing a wolf, witch or giant.
Adventures of Mini-Goddess (1998 - 1999) - Adventures of Mini-Goddess, also known as Ah! My Goddess: Being Small is Convenient ( , Aa Megami-sama: Chicchaitte Kotoha Benridane?), is a 48-episode TV series featuring super deformed versions of Urd, Belldandy, and Skuld of Oh My...
Time Warped (un-aired television series) (1995 - 1995) - Time Warped was a failed historic satire TV series created by future South Park creator Trey Parker in 1995. The series consisted of two pilot episodes that was suppose to air on FOX.
At Ease (1983 - 1983) - At Ease is an American sitcom starring Jimmie Walker that aired for 14 episodes on ABC from March 4 to June 10, 1983.
The Frugal Gourmet (1973 - 1997) - Cooking show on PBS hosted by Jeff Smith. In each episode Smith would show how to create gourmet meals with little to no expertise with cooking and with each episode focusing on a different theme. His show began to air locally on PBS channel KTPS in Tacoma before being picked up by Chicago PBS chann...
The Berenstain Bears (2003 - 2005) - The series is set in a world populated solely by anthropomorphic bears and primarily centers around the Berenstain Bears, a family residing in the rural community of Bear Country consisting of Mama Bear, Papa Bear, Brother Bear, and Sister Bear. Albeit numerous episodes are based on the books and pr...
Random! Cartoons (2008 - 2009) - A new cartoon showcase program that aired on Nickelodeon for 13 episodes. Unlike the previous "Oh Yeah! Cartoons" this series did not have hosting segments. Three of the shorts, Adventure Time, The Bravest Warriors and Fanboy, would wind up becoming full-length shows.
Jacob Two-Two (2003 - 2006) - The series is set in the Canadian city of Montreal and follows Jacob Two-Two and his friends on their wild adventures, most of which are one-shots that are resolved in a single episode. Based from the popular Trilogy of books by Mordecai Richler.
Bumpety Boo (1985 - 1986) - The show follows the adventures of a young boy named Ken, who has always dreamed of owning a car, and Bumpety Boo, a talking yellow car who hatched from an egg in the first episode, as they travel the world in search for Bumpety Boo's mother. Bumpety Boo, the fun-loving car, makes friends with Ken....
The Reppies (1996 - 1999) - The Reppies was an American educational musical show for children created by Northstar Entertainment along with Treat Entertainment, which formed Reppies Entertainment Inc, L.L.C. The series centers around a group of human-like reptile creatures that sing in a music group. Each episode featured thre...
Wunschpunsch (2000 - 2002) - A wizard named Bubonic and a witch named Tyrannia are casting spells on their city every episode. They use a special magical parchment to give it power. Their pets, Mauricio and Jacob, have to reverse the spell in 7 hours.
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (1968 - 2001) - Originally titled "MisteRogers' Neighborhood" the show premired in 1968 on PBS's predesessor NET, first showing episodes in black & white and later in color. In each episode, long-time host and children's TV star Fred Rogers would talk with the viewer directly on camera about a wide range of topics...
Reba (2001 - 2007) - Starring country music star Reba McEntire. The show is set in Houston, Texas, and stars Reba McEntire as a wisecracking single mother Reba Nell Hart, whose dentist ex-husband Brock has left her to marry young, ditzy Barbra Jean after an affair with her, when it is revealed in the pilot episode that...
The Amazing Race (2001 - Current) - Eleven teams of two people compete in a race around the world split into 12 legs and each with intense physical challenges. Each leg of the race is covered by one episode.
Codename: Kids Next Door (2002 - 2008) - Codename: Kids Next Door, also known as Kids Next Door or by its acronym KND, is an American animated television series created by Tom Warburton and produced by Curious Pictures in Santa Monica, California. The series debuted on Cartoon Network on December 6, 2002 and aired its final episode on Janu...
Grounded for Life (2001 - 2005) - Grounded for Life is an American television sitcom that debuted on January 10, 2001, as a mid-season replacement on the Fox Network. It was created by Mike Schiff and Bill Martin. It ran for two seasons on the network until being cancelled only two episodes into its third season. It was immediately...
Postcards From Buster (2004 - 2012) - A spin-off of Arthur about his best friend Buster Baxter. Buster travels with his pilot dad Bo across North America along with a rock band named Los Viajeros. In each episode Buster meets up with a local family and learns about their lives and local culture along with learning about many different k...
Mucha Lucha! (2002 - 2005) - Mucha Lucha! (roughly translated to "A Lot of Wrestling") was a Flash-animated show that ran on Kids' WB! from 2002 through 2005. Running for 52 episodes (and being retitled Mucha Lucha!: Gigante in its third and final season), the show focused on the young Luchadores (masked wrestlers) who are st...
House of Mouse (2001 - 2003) - Mickey Mouse and his friends run a dinner theater called the House of Mouse in downtown Toontown. In each episode, Mickey and his friends struggle to run the club which is full of Disney Characters. Each episode centers around the struggle to run the club and interspersed with cartoons, some classic...
The Big Cartoonie Show (1999 - 2000) - A compilation show originally airing on Kids WB in 1999 and originally known as The Cat & Birdy Warneroonie Pinky Brainy Big Cartoonie Show. Originally running for an hour and a half in length, the first four episodes featured Looney Tunes shorts with newly-made title cards, as well as short segment...
Marsalis on Music (1995 - 2013) - An educational music series on PBS starring jazz musician Wynton Marsalis. In each episode Marsalis talks about various types of music including various genres of music, types of instruments, and how music is composed and played. The series had music performed by a live orchestra or band, depending...
Igloo Gloo (2001 - 2002) - Igloo-Gloo is a puppet series staring two baby seals Snowflake and Snowball. In each episode an object falls from the sky and the seal pups explore the objects they have fun with includes a pic-nic basket, eggs, socks keys and a flower pot.
X-Play (1998 - 2013) - What do you get when you cross video game news and sketch comedy? You get X-Play, the biggest and most popular gaming show on TV! The show began as Gamespot TV in 1998 on the ZDTV Network and featured a set format for each episode. Each episode would start off with Game News, where Adam Sessler or L... (2002 - 2005) - A video game talk show airing on the G4 network focusing on gaming help and general discussion as tied in with the web site. The show was hosted by Tina Wood, Laura Foy, and Geoff Keighley. Each episode has an interview with a professional.
Brothers & Sisters (2006 - 2011) - Brothers & Sisters is a drama series that surrounds a big family, the Walkers, consisting of a mother and her five adult children. In its very first episode the father, William Walker, played by Tom Skerritt, dies in a pool accident and the family is left to cope with his untimely death.
Jeannie (1973 - 1975) - Jeannie is an American animated television series that originally aired for a 16-episode season on CBS from September 8 to December 22, 1973, produced by Hanna-Barbera in association with Screen Gems.
Dig & Dug with Daisy (1993 - 1993) - Dig & Dug with Daisy is a stop motion animated television series that was produced in the United Kingdom during 1993 by Dorling Kindersley. There are sixteen ten minute episodes,
3-2-1 Penguins! (2000 - 2008) - 3-2-1 Penguins! is a sci-fi computer-animated children's television series, initially launched on November 14, 2000 as a direct-to-video episode.[1] The series was originally produced direct-to-video similar to the Big Idea Entertainment's flagship title, VeggieTales, with videos released between 20...
Around the Horn (2002 - Current) - Around the Horn (ATH) is an American sports roundtable discussion show, conducted in the style of a panel game, produced by ESPN. Since its debut the show has been on weeknights at 5:00 and has aired over 5,000 episodes. From its premiere until January 30, 2004, the show was hosted by Max Kellerman,...
First Take (2007 - Current) - First Take is an American sports talk show on ESPN. Episodes air daily Monday through Friday, with the live episode airing from 10am ET until noon, with reruns from 1:00 to 3:00 PM ET on ESPN2 and from 4:00 to 6:00PM ET on ESPNews
F-Zero: GP Legend (2003 - 2004) - A racer wakes up from a cryogenic sleep in the year 2201 and joins the galaxy in the futuristic F-Zero race where he needs to win grand prize money and stop the evil Dark Million Organization from getting it. Based on the video game series. The show ran for 51 episodes but only 15 episodes were tran...
Toonsylvania (1998 - 1999) - Toonsylvania is an animated television series, which ran for two seasons in 1998 on the Fox Kids Network block and was produced by Steven Spielberg and Dreamworks Animation. Like Spielberg's other cartoon shows, the show had recurring cartoon series that appeared in each episode. (Unlike Animaniacs,...
Trapp Family Story (1991 - 1991) - Originally known as "Trapp Ikka Monogatari", Nippon Animation's 40-episode adaptation of "The Story of the Trapp Family Singers". It is a more faithful adaptation of the source material than the more commonly known "The Sound of Music."
The Casagrandes (2019 - Current) - Having moved to Great Lakes City back in The Loud House episode "The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos", Ronnie Anne Santiago, her older brother Bobby, and their mother Maria move in with their extended family called the Casagrandes consisting of the grandparents Hector and Rosa, aunt and uncle Frida...
Uchuusen Sagittarius (1986 - 1987) - A 77-episode Japanese science fiction anime television series directed by Kazuyoshi Yokota and created by Nippon Animation and TV Asahi. Based on comics created by Italian physicist Andrea Romoli.
Clifford the Big Red Dog (1988 - 1988) - This direct-to-video series was the first animated adaptation of Clifford The Big Red Dog. Produced by Nelvana and Scholastic, there were 6 episodes and a live-action special titled "Clifford's Sing Along Adventure", which came out two years earlier.
Mickey's Farm (2009 - 2012) - Mickey, a new farm dog, has just moved from the city to the farm with his best friend, Megan. Each episode follows Mickey as he experiences new things on the farm and sometimes gets himself into troublesome situations. With the help of Megan, his friends Guy the Goat and Fiona the Ferret and their M...
Vitaminix (2013 - 2016) - Vitaminix is an animated series introduces that kids to the interesting world of food and the benefits of healthy eating. Each episode features one animal associated with the food, vitamin or mineral in question in an entertaining and dynamic way to create a fun learning experience!
Snagglepuss (1961 - 1961) - Snagglepuss lives in a cavern, which he constantly tries to make more habitable for himself. No matter what he does, however, he always winds up back where he started or worse off than he was before. In some episodes, Snagglepuss is chased by Major Minor, a tiny-sized hunter. A few episodes involved...
Justin Time (2011 - 2016) - The TV series revolves around the adventures of Justin. In every episode, Justin encounters a problem of everyday childhood (such as sharing, teamwork, or paying attention). Then Justin and his shape-shifting sidekick Squidgy solve the problems by tackling them in adventures through time and around...
Pink Panther Laugh and a Half Hour and a Half Show (1976 - 1977) - 90 minute episodes which are a compilation of DFE produced series, mostly segments from The Pink Panther Show. The Laugh and a Half Hour and a Half Show also had live action segments.
Disney's Gummi Bears/Winnie the Pooh Hour (1989 - 1991) - Disney's Gummi Bears/Winnie the Pooh Hour was a one-hour television programming block of Adventures of the Gummi Bears and The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh episodes which aired on ABC from September 9, 1989 to October 7, 1991.
The Zimmer Twins (2005 - 2010) - The Zimmer Twins Used to Air during commercial breaks on Qubo. They had the viewers made the episodes.
The New Get-Along Gang (2005 - 2005) - A failed attempt to revive the 80s cartoon The Get Along Gang. The only episode produced was the pilot.
Simsala Grimm (1999 - 2010) - In each episode of this German animated series, one of the famous Classical fairy tales of the brothers Grimm is told in the magical land of Simsala. The local characters Doc Croc and Yoyo move between the story-teller and the episode cast, which they tend to help or at least inspire.
Art Chest (1987 - 1989) - Mr. Mihuta returns with his second instructional TV series. Every episode he opens the namesake Art Chest and there is a different follow-along activity inside.
The Legend of Korra (2012 - 2014) - A sequel to Konietzko and DiMartino's previous series Avatar: The Last Airbender, which aired from 2005 to 2008, the series is animated in a style strongly influenced by anime. The Legend of Korra ran for 52 episodes ("chapters"), separated into four seasons ("books"), from April 14, 2012 to Decembe...
Attack of the Show! (2005 - 2013) - A variety show that reviewed new technology, discussed pop culture and general news, reviewed video games, movies, and media, and even aired pop culture parody sketches! Episodes were hosted by Kevin Pereira, Kevin Rose, Olivia Munn, Zach Selwyn, Layla Kayleigh, Sarah Lane, Alison Haislip, Candace B...
The Tom and Jerry Show (2014 - Current) - A new generation of Tom and Jerry cartoons for a new generation of children! Like the original shorts the new cartoons (three per episode) have a few specific formats:
The Art Maker (1983 - 1985) - In 15-minute episodes beloved art teacher Mr. Mihuta gives "follow along" lessons on arts & crafts. Mr. Mihuta's happiness and general kindness made him an icon of American homes and classrooms in the 80's and 90's.
Math Monsters (2003 - 2004) - In this all-CGI series that was distributed to schools via video but also aired on PBS, the titular Math Monsters Mina, Multiplex, Split, and Addison apply math skills to task they are currently performing with fun songs and catchy rhymes along the way. Every episode of the series ended with a live-...
The Beeps (2007 - 2008) - The Beeps is an animated pre-school children's television series of 65 x 11-minute episodes, produced by Impossible TV Limited using computer-generated imagery CGI for the United Kingdom television network, Channel Five Broadcasting Ltd.
The All-New Pink Panther Show (1978 - 1978) - After the failure of The Pink Panther Laugh and a Half Hour Show, DFE went back to a simple 22 minute episode, and created a new Pink Panther series. It is also the final Pink Panther series before DFE closed down.
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope(1977) - A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, an Empire controls the inhabitants of hundreds of worlds with an iron fist. Fighting for freedom from the Empire's suffocating hold on the galaxy, a rebellion aided by Princess Leia (Fisher) makes their way back to base when they are boarded by an Imperial...
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace(1999) - Long, long ago in a galaxy far far away the peaceful planet of Naboo has been invaded by the Trade Federation. Secretley Chancellor Valorum dispatches two jedi knights, Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi, to negotiate with the Trade Federation leader Nute Gunray. When on the ship Qui-Gon...
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back(1980) - Darth Vader is helping the Empire crush the rebellion determined to end the Empire's domination of the universe. The rebels are based on Hoth, and when troops arrive to wipe them out, Han Solo and Princess Leia flee to Cloud City. Luke Skywalker, in a bid to strengthen his knowledge of the force, fi...
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi(1983) - Based on "Star Wars" characters. Darth Vader and the Empire are building a new, indestructable Death Star. Meanwhile, Han Solo has been imprisoned by Jabba the Hutt, and Luke Skywalker has sent R2-D2 and C-3PO to try and free him. Princess Leia - disguised as a bounty hunter - and Chewbacca go along...
D3: The Mighty Ducks(1996) - This story focuses mainly on Charlie as he veers down the same self-loathing path Gordon took when he was a youth. The Ducks return to thier roots in the third installment of this seires. Back home in Minnesota. Tieing in with the first episode. After reaching the Top in D2 this story deals with the...
He-Man and She-Ra: A Christmas Special(1985) - In this special Christmas episode of the He-Man and She-Ra cartoons, their sidekick Orko accidentally gets beamed to Earth during a test of a new spy satellite. Orko manages to get back Planet Eternia, but brings along two Earth children, Alisha and Manuel, with him. Since it's Christmastime on Eart...
Tales From the Darkside: The Movie(1990) - This feature-length spin-off of the popular television horror anthology is directed by John Harrison, who directed many episodes of the television series. The film consists of four grisly and gruesome horror teasers. "The Wraparound Story" stars Deborah Harry as Betty, a chef with a kitchen complete...
Leprechaun 4: In Space(1997) - In this episode of the grisly little green man's saga, the Leprechaun heads for outer space to steal the gold from a mining planet and to marry the girl of his dreams. When she is rescued by a unit of intergalactic commandos, the leprechaun sets off to get gory revenge.
Robot Carnival(1987) - Nowadays most anime is 300+ episodes of crap no one wants to follow. Back in the 80's, it was so new that the bulk of them were compilations. But this was gold. I recorded this when it came on Sci-Fi Channel along with Vampire Hunter D & Lensman. While it was the third anime I had seen, it was the b...
Monty Python's And Now for Something Completely Different(1971) - The Monty Python team's first attempt at a feature length movie, mostly features reworkings of various sketches from episodes of their TV show.
Amistad(1997) - This Steven Spielberg-directed exploration into a long-ago episode in African-American history recounts the trial that followed the 1839 rebellion aboard the Spanish slave ship Amistad and captures the complex political maneuverings set in motion by the event. Filmed in New England and Puerto Rico,...
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith(2005) - After the Clone Wars the Galactic Republic has suffered major setbacks. After the rescue of Chancellor Palpetine, Obi-Wan and Anakin are confronted by Dooku who engages them in battle, killing Dooku. Fleeing and crash-landing on the planet Coruscant, Anakin reunites with his wife Padme who is pregna...
The Eyes of the Panther(1990) - This film first debuted as an episode of the television anthology Shelley Duvall's Nightmare Classics. Based on a story by Ambrose Bierce, it tells of how the spirit of a wild panther continually plagues a young woman (Daphne Zuniga).
Urotsukidoji II: Legend of the Demon Womb(1991) - This Japanese animated fantasy contains graphic violence and sexually explicit scenes. According to the ancient legend the earth is comprised of Humans, Man-Beasts, and Monster-Demons. In this episode, the wicked Dr. Munihausen endeavors to traverse the boundaries between the realms of Man-Beasts an...
Kickboxer 2: The Road Back(1991) - This sequel to the popular Jean-Claude Van Damme vehicle centers on the exploits of David Sloan (Sasha Mitchell) the younger brother of the two fighters (Van Damme and Dennis Alexio) who died in the first installment. As this episode begins, David has given up competition and is running a kickboxing...
Bucky O'Hare: The Toad Menace(1991) - Direct to video "film" is 4 episodes made into a film.
Batman Beyond: The Movie(1999) - In this pilot film for the Batman Beyond television series (which aired as a two-part episode), Bruce Wayne (Kevin Conroy) has become too old for super heroics and has hung up his bat suit for good. However, a young man named Terry McGinnis (Will Friedle) wants to avenge the death of his father, whi...
Bump in the night Twas the night befoe Bumpy(1995) - BUMP IN THE NIGHT, a popular animated children`s show that stars Mr. Bumpy, a sock eating green monster, and his friends Squishington and Molly Coddle, is a melange of fanciful claymation, fantastic adventure, and first-class songs. In this special Christmas episode, Bumpy hatches a plan to steal Sa...
From the Earth to the Moon(1998) - This was a 12 part HBO miniseries about the history of NASA's Apollo program. It told the tale from a variety of different perspectives. Tom Hanks (one of the producers of the miniseries and, of course, also a star of "Apollo 13") introduced each episode.
The Civil War(1990) - This 11 hour documentary is told in 9 episodes re-telling the entire American Civil War from it's early beginnings to the bloody end. The history of the war is given through various photographs, paintings, and newspapers along with voice overs from Civil War and American historians, actors and narra...
Sarah, Plain and Tall: Winter's End(1999) - The ongoing saga of Sarah and Jacob Witting and their children in Kansas during the early 1900s. The third episode of the SARAH, PLAIN AND TALL series.
Nowhere(1997) - Described by director Gregg Araki as "A Beverly Hills 90210 episode on acid" (with no suggestions of what it might be cut with), Nowhere is a companion piece with Araki's previous meditations on youth gone wild in the 1990s, Totally F***ed Up and The Doom Generation Araki's self-described "teen a...
Mighty Ducks the Movie: The First Face-Off(1997) - Was a direct-to-video movie by Disney in 1997, based on their animated series "The Mighty Ducks". It was a compilation of 3 episodes in the series, which are "The First Face-Off Part 1", "The First Face-Off Part 2" and "Duck Hard".
Sports goofy in soccermania(1987) - Like many "Duck Tales" episodes, the short does have a moral (don't cheat), though the cartoon is never too sappy and it remains amusing throughout. Huey, Lewie, and Dewey come to Uncle Scrooge asking him to sponsor their team by buying a trophy for $1.49. Scrooge, outraged by the hefty price tag, i...
The Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of Thorn Mansion(1994) - Mystery! Action! Songs! Join Detectives Mary-Kate and Ashley as they undertake daring adventures. Pack your gear and help the Trenchcoat Twins investigate the danger that lurks. Along with their sidekick dog, Clue, Mary-Kate and Ashley promise to "solve any crime by dinner time." In this episode, th...
Tammy and the Millionaire(1967) - Four half hour episodes of the 1965"Tammy"tv series were re-edited into this 87 minute movie.Tammy(Debbie Watson) and her relatives(Denver Pyle and Frank McGrath) have some problems with a scheming,affluent family. The unofficial fourth,and final, film of the series that began with"Tammy and the Bac...
BodyBags(1993) - Anthology horror film hosted by a morgue attendant(John Carpenter) features 3 short episodes.The first"Gas Station" features Robert Carradine as a serial killer. The second"Hair" features Stacy Keach as a balding man who gets alien hair plugs.The final episode is"Eye" featuring Mark Hamill as a bas...
Sword Art Online: Extra Edition(2013) - Sword Art Online Extra Edition ( Extra Edition, Sdo to Onrain Extra Edition) is a special episode that aired on December 31, 2013 on Tokyo MX, BS11 and Niconico Douga and streamed worldwide two hours after on Crunchyroll, Daisuki, and other streaming sites. Most of the episode is a rec...
Psych: The Musical(2013) - "Psych: The Musical" is an episode of the seventh season of Psych, and the 110th episode in the series overall. Formatted as a musical, it aired as a two-hour event, using up episodes 15 and 16 of the season order.
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens(2015) - In this thrilling continuation of the epic space opera, which takes place 30 years after "Return of the Jedi", ex-stormtrooper Finn, scrappy desert dweller Rey, and droid companion BB-8 get caught up in a galactic war when they come across a map containing the whereabouts of the vanished Luke Skywal...
The Ideon: Be Invoked(1982) - The epic conclusion to the Ideon saga, featuring what was meant to be the final 5 episodes of the TV series. The Solo Ship and its crew continue their intense battle with the Buff Clan leading to a final battle that will determine the fate of all life in the universe.
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi(2017) - Based on George Lucas' "Star Wars" characters, Rian Johnson wrote and directed this installment of the Skywalker saga for Lucasfilm, Ltd. an
Robinson Crusoe Of Clipper Island(1936) - A 14-episode serial in which Mala, a Polynesian in the employ of U.S. Intelligence investigates sabotage on Clipper Island. A gang of spies causes the eruption of a volcano, for which our hero is blamed. He convinces the local Princess Melani of his innocence and helps her ward off a takeover by riv...
Kim Possible: The Secret Files(2003) - The first video compilation of four episodes of Kim Possible.
Fanboys(2009) - Star Wars fanatics take a cross-country trip to George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch so their dying friend can see a screening of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace before its release.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen(2009) - Sam Witwicky is caught in the war between two factions of alien robots, the Autobots and the Decepticons. Sam is having hallucinatory episodes of Cybertronian symbols, and is being hunted by the Decepticons under the orders of their long-trapped leader, The Fallen, who seeks to get revenge on Earth...
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones(2002) - It has now been ten years since the invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation. The Galactic Republic is in turmoil and the former Jedi Night Count Dooku has organized a separatist movement against the Republic. The Republic is preparing for a counterattack on the Federation. After the former queen o...
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker(2019) - The remaining traces of the Resistance movement assemble in their quest to overthrow the First Order, once and for all. Each member of the Resistance must contend with both their own demons and how the events of the past have affected them, learning to overcome their struggles to create a unified fr...
Sing Along(1987) - Sing Along is a 1987 Sesame Street direct-to-video compilation, released on VHS under the My Sesame Street Home Video label. The framing sequences of the video, as well as the sketches featured, were later incorporated as Episode 2443, sponsored by the letters H, R, and the number 12.
Strangers(1992) - Erotic anthology mini-series about Americans in Paris turned TV movie that consists of three unrelated episodes each created by different notable director and cast. The mini-series/TV movie was followed by a short lived TV series.
LEGO Star Wars: Holiday Special(2020) - A Disney+ holiday short, based on LEGO Construction toys and George Lucas' "Star Wars" characters. In the special, set after Episode IX, Rey begins to doubt her abilities as a teacher to Finn. She travels to a temple and finds a time key, which allows her to travel to different moments in time throu... -- -- -- Action, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Comedy, Super Power, Martial Arts, Fantasy, Shounen -- Romance -- Action, Sci-Fi, Super Power, Drama -- Action, Adventure, Mystery, Comedy, Seinen -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen, Super Power -- Comedy, Music, Slice of Life -- Game, Slice of Life, School -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Super Power, Fantasy, Shounen -- Comedy, Fantasy -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Kids, Fantasy -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen, Super Power -- -- -- -- -- Game, School, Slice of Life -- Slice of Life, Comedy -- Comedy, Mecha, Parody -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Super Power, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Super Power, Fantasy, Shounen -- -- -- -- Psychological, Seinen, Supernatural -- Music -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Super Power, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen -- Game -- Action, Game, Military, Sci-Fi, Psychological, Fantasy -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Super Power, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen -- Action, Game, Fantasy -- School, Slice of Life, Sports -- Comedy, Supernatural -- Fantasy, Military, Parody, Sci-Fi -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Super Power, Fantasy, Shounen -- Action -- Comedy, Parody, Fantasy -- Comedy -- Action, Sci-Fi, Space -- Slice of Life, Comedy, Supernatural, Romance -- Action -- Action, Sci-Fi, Space -- Sci-Fi, Super Power, Martial Arts -- Comedy -- Slice of Life, Drama, Romance, Seinen -- School, Shoujo Ai, Slice of Life -- Action, Fantasy, Super Power -- Action, Military, Adventure, Mecha -- Comedy -- Slice of Life, Romance, Shoujo Ai -- Drama, Romance -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen, Super Power -- Ecchi, Comedy, Harem -- Action, Harem, Historical, Supernatural, Drama, Samurai, Vampire, Josei
12 Monkeys ::: TV-14 | 42min | Adventure, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2015-2018) Episode Guide 47 episodes 12 Monkeys Poster -- Follows the journey of a time traveler from the post-apocalyptic future who appears in present day on a mission to locate and eradicate the source of a deadly plague that will nearly destroy the human race. Creators:
13 Reasons Why ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | TV Series (2017-2020) Episode Guide 49 episodes 13 Reasons Why Poster -- Follows teenager Clay Jensen, in his quest to uncover the story behind his classmate and crush, Hannah, and her decision to end her life. Creator: Brian Yorkey
3% ::: TV-MA | 49min | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2016-2020) Episode Guide 33 episodes 3% Poster -- A post-apocalyptic thriller set in near-future Brazil, where a select few are allowed to join a privileged society after undergoing an intense and competitive process. Creator:
3x3 Eyes -- Sazan aizu (original title) PG | 1h 50min | Animation, Fantasy, Horror | TV Mini-Series (1991-1992) Episode Guide 4 episodes 3x3 Eyes Poster ::: A demon girl's quest to become human, with the help of an unwitting boy named Yakumo. Stars:
7Seeds ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 24 episodes 7Seeds Poster -- In the immediate future, a giant meteorite has collided with earth. All living organisms, including mankind, have been wiped off the face of the planet. The government, who had foreseen ... S Stars:
Accel World ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Romance | TV Series (2012- ) Episode Guide 26 episodes Accel World Poster Haruyuki is an overweight kid and at the bottom of the food chain at his middle school. Within the sci-fi setting of the real world he often seeks refuge in a virtual one. One day however ... S Stars: Stephanie Sheh, Erik Scott Kimerer, Kira Buckland
A Certain Magical Index - To aru majutsu no indekkusu (original tit ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2008-2019) Episode Guide 74 episodes A Certain Magical Index Poster -- Index is still a fugitive and many powerful Magical organizations and individuals want to take her to use the books in her memory eliminating her in the process. War between those ... S Stars:
A Certain Scientific Railgun - To aru kagaku no rerugan (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2009- ) Episode Guide 76 episodes A Certain Scientific Railgun Poster -- A spin off series from "A Certain Magical Index" that follows Academy city's third ranked psychic power user or "esper", named Misaka. The series follows her and her friends in events ... S Stars:
Adventure, Fantasy | TV Series ::: Connections -- 9 episodes -- Epic drama set thousands of years before the events of J.R.R. Tolkien's 'The Hobbit' and 'The Lord of the Rings' follows an ensemble cast of characters, both familiar and new, as they confront the long-feared re-emergence of evil to Middle-earth. Creators: Patrick McKay, John D. Payne Stars: Cynthia Addai-Robinson, Maxim Baldry, Ian Blackburn
Adventure Time: Distant Lands ::: TV-PG | 42min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Mini-Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 4 episodes Adventure Time: Distant Lands Poster -- Adventure Time has a sequel with new adventures around other worlds. Creators: Adam Muto, Pendleton Ward
Adventure Time ::: TV-PG | 11min | Animation, Short, Action | TV Series (2010-2018) Episode Guide 289 episodes Adventure Time Poster -- A 12-year-old boy and his best friend, wise 28-year-old dog with magical powers, go on a series of surreal adventures with each other in a remote future. Creator:
After Life ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 18 episodes After Life Poster -- After Tony's wife dies unexpectedly, his nice-guy persona is altered into an impulsive, devil-may-care attitude; taking his old world by storm. Creator:
Ajin ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 29 episodes Ajin Poster A high school student discovers he is an Ajin, a demi-human being. He ends up a fugitive on the run because of his powers. Creators: Tsuina Miura, Gamon Sakurai Stars:
Akame ga Kill! ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2014) Episode Guide 49 episodes Akame ga Kill! Poster -- A countryside boy named Tatsumi sets out on a journey to The Capital to make a name for himself and met a seemingly dangerous group of Assassins known as Night Raid. Their journey begins. Stars:
Aldnoah.Zero ::: TV-14 | 25min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2014- ) Episode Guide 24 episodes Aldnoah.Zero Poster In 1972, an ancient alien hypergate was discovered on the surface of the moon. Using this technology, humanity began migrating to Mars and settling there. After settlers discovered ... S Stars: Zach Aguilar, Sora Amamiya, Sandy Fox
Alice in Borderland ::: TV-MA | 50min | Action, Fantasy, Mystery | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 9 episodes Alice in Borderland Poster -- A group of bored delinquents are transported to a parallel wasteland as part of a survival game. Stars: Kento Yamazaki, Tao Tsuchiya, Nijir Murakami
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace ::: 1h | Documentary | TV Mini-Series (2011) Episode Guide 3 episodes All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace Poster A series of films about how humans have been colonized by the machines we have built. Although we don't realize it, the way we see everything in the world today is through the eyes of the computers. Stars: Adam Curtis, Stewart Brand, Peder Anker
Altered Carbon ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2018-2020) Episode Guide 18 episodes Altered Carbon Poster -- Set in a future where consciousness is digitized and stored, a prisoner returns to life in a new body and must solve a mind-bending murder to win his freedom. Creator:
Amagi Brilliant Park ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy | TV Series (2014- ) Episode Guide 14 episodes Amagi Brilliant Park Poster -- The "slapstick drama" begins with Seiya Kanie, a high school boy who is invited on a date in an amusement park by a mysterious beautiful transfer student named Isuzu Sento. He is introduced... S Stars:
American Horror Story ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Horror, Thriller | TV Series (2011- ) Season 10 Premiere 2021 Episode Guide 115 episodes American Horror Story Poster -- An anthology series centering on different characters and locations, including a house with a murderous past, an insane asylum, a witch coven, a freak show circus, a haunted hotel, a possessed farmhouse, a cult, the apocalypse, and a slasher summer camp.
Animation, Action, Crime | TV Series (2021- ) ::: Connections -- 13 episodes -- [u4ZG4O9Kh-h0yDb.png] View production, box office, & company info [mGkoj7mMfYpKOdk.png] Add to Watchlist Child Stars, Then and Now [MV5BNzcyOGU0OWEtYzJiNC00OGY2LWE4MDktYTJjZDI5YmYyY2JhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMT kxNjUyNQ@@._CR0,0,1248,702._SY230_SX307_AL_.jpg] Check out some of our favorite child stars, including Jennifer Love
Animation, Horror | TV Mini-Series (2021- ) ::: Connections -- 4 episodes -- S A town of people slowly go insane over increasing obsessions with spiral shapes: patterns in the clouds, everyday objects, hair, insects, skin. Stars: Uki Satake, Shin'ichir Miki [u4ZG4O9Kh-h0yDb.png] View production, box office, & company info [mGkoj7mMfYpKOdk.png]
Another ::: Anaza (original tit ::: TV-14 | 5h | Animation, Drama, Horror | TV Series (2012) Episode Guide 13 episodes Another Poster -- A young man named, Koichi Sakakibara, transfers to a new school where he finds himself drawn into a mystery involving a mysterious girl and a series of gruesome deaths. Stars:
Aoi Bungaku Series ::: 22min | Animation, Drama, History | TV Mini-Series (2009- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Aoi Bungaku Series Poster Aoi Bungaku is a 12 episode anime series that is comprised of adaptations of six Japanese literary classics. The stories included are 'No Longer Human' and 'Run, Melos!' by Osamu Dazai, 'In... S Stars: Aya End, Aya Hisakawa, Hidenobu Kiuchi
A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence (2014) ::: 7.0/10 -- En duva satt p en gren och funderade p tillvaron (original title) -- A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence Poster -- Sam and Jonathan, a pair of hapless novelty salesman, embark on a tour of the human condition in reality and fantasy that unfold in a series of absurdist episodes. Director: Roy Andersson Writer:
A Place Further Than the Universe ::: Sora yori mo Tooi Basho (original title) 23min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2018- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes A Place Further Than the Universe Poster Mari Tamaki is in her second year of high school and wants to start something. It's then that she meets Shirase, a girl with few friends who's considered weirdo by the rest of the class and... S Stars: Inori Minase, Kana Hanazawa, Yuka Iguchi
Appare-Ranman! ::: TV-14 | Animation, Adventure | TV Series (2020) Episode Guide 13 episodes Appare-Ranman! Poster In the late 19th century, two Japanese, an inventor and a samurai guard, get stranded in America. They enter a cross-country race from Los Angeles to New York to earn money to get home. Stars: Kellen Goff, Ace Anderson, Jaltiza Delgado
Ascendance of a Bookworm ::: Honzuki no Gekokujou (original tit ::: TV-PG | 23min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 27 episodes Ascendance of a Bookworm Poster Urano, a young Japanese soon-to-be librarian, dies in an earthquake. She is reincarnated in another world as a young girl named Mayne, but learns that books are scarce and only provided to ... S Stars: Reba Buhr, Yuka Iguchi, Lizzie Freeman
A Series of Unfortunate Events ::: TV-PG | 50min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2017-2019) Episode Guide 25 episodes A Series of Unfortunate Events Poster -- After the loss of their parents in a mysterious fire, the three Baudelaire children face trials and tribulations attempting to uncover dark family secrets. Stars:
Assassination Classroom ::: Ansatsu kyshitsu (original tit ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2013-2016) Episode Guide 49 episodes Assassination Classroom Poster -- A powerful creature claims that within a year, Earth will be destroyed by him, but he offers mankind a chance by becoming a homeroom teacher where he teaches his students about how to kill him. An assassination classroom begins.
Assassins Pride -- Unrated | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Assassins Pride Poster ::: An assassin sent to kill an illegitimate girl has a change of heart and becomes her protector. How long can he manage the job? Stars: Brittney Karbowski, Gabriel Regojo, Juliet Simmons | See full cast &
Attack on Titan ::: Shingeki no kyojin (original tit ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2013- ) Episode Guide 84 episodes Attack on Titan Poster -- After his hometown is destroyed and his mother is killed, young Eren Jaeger vows to cleanse the earth of the giant humanoid Titans that have brought humanity to the brink of extinction. Stars:
Avatar: The Last Airbender ::: TV-Y7-FV | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2005-2008) Episode Guide 62 episodes Avatar: The Last Airbender Poster -- In a war-torn world of elemental magic, a young boy reawakens to undertake a dangerous mystic quest to fulfill his destiny as the Avatar, and bring peace to the world. Creators:
Babylon ::: 23min | Animation, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Babylon Poster Seizaki Zen is a prosecutor with the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors' Office. While investigating illegal acts by a certain pharmaceutical company, Seizaki stumbles across a conspiracy ... S Stars: Yichi Nakamura, Mao Ichimichi, Takahiro Sakurai
Babylon 5 ::: TV-PG | 45min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (1993-1998) Episode Guide 111 episodes Babylon 5 Poster -- In the mid 23rd century, the Earth Alliance space station Babylon 5, located in neutral territory, is a major focal point for political intrigue, racial tensions and various wars over the course of five years. Creator:
Babylon Berlin ::: TV-MA | 45min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 29 episodes Babylon Berlin Poster -- Colognian commissioner Gereon Rath moves to Berlin, the epicenter of political and social changes in the Golden Twenties. Creators: Henk Handloegten, Tom Tykwer, Achim von Borries
Baccano! ::: TV-MA | 6h 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2007-2008) Episode Guide 16 episodes Baccano! Poster -- A crazy fantasy caper involving alchemists, immortals, gangsters, outlaws and an elixir of immortality, spread over several decades. Creator: Rygo Narita
Bakemonogatari ::: TV-14 | 6h | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2009-2010) Episode Guide 15 episodes Bakemonogatari Poster Third-year high school student Koyomi Araragi is human again. Cured of his vampirism, he seeks to help other supernaturals with their problems. Koyomi becomes involved in their lives, revealing secrets in people he once knew. Stars: Hiroshi Kamiya, Eri Kitamura, Yuka Iguchi
Batman: The Animated Series ::: TV-PG | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1992-1995) Episode Guide 85 episodes Batman: The Animated Series Poster -- The Dark Knight battles crime in Gotham City with occasional help from Robin and Batgirl. Creators: Bob Kane, Eric Radomski, Bruce Timm | 2 more credits
Battlestar Galactica ::: TV-14 | 3h 3min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Mini-Series (2003) Episode Guide 2 episodes Battlestar Galactica Poster -- Following the destruction of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol by the Cylons, a rag-tag fugitive fleet of the last remnants of mankind flees the pursuing Cylons while simultaneously searching for their true home: Earth. Stars:
Berserk ::: Kenp Denki Berserk (original tit ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1997-1998) Episode Guide 25 episodes Berserk Poster -- Guts is a skilled swordsman who joins forces with a mercenary group named 'The Band of the Hawk', lead by the charismatic Griffith, and fights with them as they battle their way into the royal court. Creators:
Better Call Saul ::: TV-MA | 46min | Crime, Drama | TV Series (2015-2021) Season 6 Premiere 2022 Episode Guide 63 episodes Better Call Saul Poster -- The trials and tribulations of criminal lawyer Jimmy McGill in the time before he established his strip-mall law office in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Beyond the Boundary ::: Kyoukai no kanata (original tit ::: TV-PG | 24min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2013- ) Episode Guide 18 episodes Beyond the Boundary Poster The dark fantasy follows a high school sophomore named Akihito Kanbara. Although the boy appears human, he is half Youmu and invulnerable to wounds because he can heal quickly. One day, ... S Stars: Kenichiro Ohashi, Risa Taneda, Minori Chihara
Black Butler ::: Kuroshitsuji (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2008-2010) Episode Guide 37 episodes Black Butler Poster -- A young boy sells his soul to a demon in order to avenge his family's death and successfully lead their influential toy manufacturing company. The demon takes the form of a loyal butler who's always dressed in black and is required to protect, serve and arrive whenever summoned by his young master Ciel.
Black Clover ::: TV-PG | 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2017-2021) Episode Guide 170 episodes Black Clover Poster -- Asta and Yuno were abandoned together at the same church and have been inseparable since. As children, they promised that they would compete against each other to see who would become the next Emperor Magus. Stars:
Black Lagoon ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Short, Action | TV Series (2006) Episode Guide 24 episodes Black Lagoon Poster -- A Japanese businessman, captured by modern-day pirates, is written off and left for dead by his company. Tired of the corporate life, he opts to stick with the mercenaries that kidnapped him, becoming part of their gang. Stars:
Black Mirror ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Series (2011- ) Episode Guide 22 episodes Black Mirror Poster -- An anthology series exploring a twisted, high-tech multiverse where humanity's greatest innovations and darkest instincts collide. Creator: Charlie Brooker
Black Sails ::: TV-MA | 56min | Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2014-2017) Episode Guide 38 episodes Black Sails Poster -- Follows Captain Flint and his pirates twenty years prior to Robert Louis Stevenson's classic novel "Treasure Island." Creators: Robert Levine, Jonathan E. Steinberg
Blame! ::: Not Rated | 5min | Animation, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2003- ) Episode Guide 7 episodes Blame! Poster In the post-apocalyptic future, the earth is buried in an enormous mega-structure created by machines. The last hope for mankind is information on a data disc from an engineer called "Cibo." Stars: Asuka Aizawa, Tatsunori Arakawa, Kirsten Potter
Blue Bloods ::: TV-14 | 43min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2010 ) Next Episode Friday, March 12 -- Revolves around a family of New York cops. Creators:
Blue Exorcist ::: Ao no ekusoshisuto (original tit ::: TV-14 | 30min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2011-2012) Episode Guide 25 episodes Blue Exorcist Poster -- After discovering that he's the son of Satan, a young man must join the True Cross Academy in order to master his abilities and defeat Satan himself. Stars:
Bob's Burgers ::: TV-PG | 22min | Animation, Comedy | TV Series (2011 ) Next Episode Sunday, March 14 -- Bob Belcher runs his dream restaurant with his wife and three children as their last hope of holding the family together. Creators:
Bofuri: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, So I'll Max Out My Defense ::: Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu (original tit ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Bofuri: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, So I'll Max Out My Defense Poster Honjou Kaede is invited by her friend Shiramine Risa to play a virtual reality MMO game with her. While Kaede doesn't dislike games, what she really, truly dislikes is being in pain. Stars: Jad Saxton, Megan Shipman, Anthony Bowling
BoJack Horseman ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2014-2020) Episode Guide 77 episodes BoJack Horseman Poster -- BoJack Horseman was the star of the hit television show "Horsin' Around" in the '80s and '90s, now he's washed up, living in Hollywood, complaining about everything, and wearing colorful sweaters. Creator:
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 191 episodes Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Poster -- Son of Naruto Uzumaki, Boruto, follows his father's footsteps along with his friends to become great ninja. Throughout all their adventures, Boruto is determined to make his mark in the ninja world and live outside of his father's shadow. Stars:
Breaking Bad ::: TV-MA | 49min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | TV Series (2008-2013) Episode Guide 62 episodes Breaking Bad Poster -- A high school chemistry teacher diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer turns to manufacturing and selling methamphetamine in order to secure his family's future. Creator:
Bubblegum Crisis ::: Baburugamu kuraishisu (original tit ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Action, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (1987-1991) Episode Guide 8 episodes Bubblegum Crisis Poster A female mercenary team, armed with unique power armor suits, battle the forces of the corrupt mega-corporation, Genom in futuristic Tokyo. Stars: Yoshiko Sakakibara, Kinuko mori, Michie Tomizawa Available on Amazon
Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 ::: TV-MA | 29min | Animation, Action, Sci-Fi | TV Series (1998- ) Episode Guide 26 episodes Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 Poster -- Set in 2039-2040, This series is set in Megalo City, a city built over the ruins of Tokyo. Boomers, a line of android workers created by the Genom Corporation, perform dozens of tasks, from... S Stars:
Cake Boss ::: TV-PG | 30min | Family, Reality-TV | TV Series (2009 ) The staff of Carlo's Bakery in Hoboken, New Jersey, led by Buddy Valastro, shows how it prepares elaborate themed cakes for various occasions. Each episode typically features the ... S Stars: Buddy Valastro, Mauro Castano, Danny Dragone Available on Amazon
Carole & Tuesday ::: TV-MA | 22min | Animation, Drama, Music | TV Series (2019) Episode Guide 24 episodes Carole & Tuesday Poster Two girls, from different backgrounds but sharing a love for music, meet and change history with their united musical talent. Stars: Miyuri Shimabukuro, Kana Ichinose, Celeina Ann
Castle Rock ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | TV Series (2018-2019) Episode Guide 20 episodes Castle Rock Poster -- Based on the stories of Stephen King, the series intertwines characters and themes from the fictional town of Castle Rock. Creators: Sam Shaw, Dustin Thomason
Castlevania ::: TV-MA | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 22 episodes Castlevania Poster -- A vampire hunter fights to save a besieged city from an army of otherworldly creatures controlled by Dracula. Creator: Warren Ellis
Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious ::: Shinch ysha ~ kono ysha ga ore TUEEE kuse ni shinch sugiru ~ (original tit ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious Poster The goddess Rista summons a hero to help her hard mode video game-like world. The hero, Seiya, is exceptional in every way, but he is incredibly cautious. He does things like buy three sets... S Stars:
Chef's Table ::: TV-MA | 50min | Documentary | TV Series (2015 ) -- Chef's Table goes inside the lives and kitchens of six of the world's most renowned international chefs. Each episode focuses on a single chef and their unique look at their lives, talents and passion from their piece of culinary heaven. Stars:
Children of a Lesser God ::: Jakeun Shinui Aideul (original title) 1h | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | TV Series (2018) Episode Guide 16 episodes Children of a Lesser God Poster Chun Jae In is an elite detective with a genius IQ, who guided by only facts, logic, and numbers. Meanwhile, Kim Dan is a rookie detective who can see ghosts. They work together to uncover a conspiracy involving a powerful organization. Stars: Ji-Hwan Kang, Kim Ok-bin, Hee-seop Sim
Children of Dune -- Unrated | 4h 26min | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (2003) Episode Guide 3 episodes Children of Dune Poster ::: The twins of Paul "Muad'dib" Atreides become embroiled in the political landscape of Arrakis ("Dune") and the rest of the universe. Stars: Alec Newman, Julie Cox, Ian McNeice
Chivalry of a Failed Knight ::: Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry (original tit ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (2015- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Chivalry of a Failed Knight Poster -- Follow Ikki Kurogane as he defies the odds that everyone thinks he can't do. Ikki is the lowest of the low at his acdemy. While others have magical power and are high ranking. He is the ... S
Clannad: After Story ::: TV-PG | 24min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2008-2009) Episode Guide 25 episodes Clannad: After Story Poster A sequel to the recently wrapped anime based on the Key Clannad franchise. After Story is a path that opens in the original visual novel after all the other paths have been opened. Life ... S Stars: Yichi Nakamura, David Matranga, Luci Christian
Classroom of the Elite ::: Ykoso jitsuryoku shij shugi no kyshitsu e (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Comedy, Romance | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Classroom of the Elite Poster When Kiyotaka enters an elite government-sponsored high school, he finds out just how merit-based this education system is. Stars: Amber Lee Connors, Jamie Marchi, Jennifer Alyx
Claymore ::: Kureimoa (original tit ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2007) Episode Guide 26 episodes Claymore Poster -- In a world rife with deadly creatures called "youma", a young silver eyed woman, Clare, works on behalf of an organization that trains female youma halfbreeds into warriors with the ability... S
Cobra Kai ::: TV-14 | 30min | Action, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2018- ) Episode Guide 34 episodes Cobra Kai Poster -- Decades after their 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament bout, a middle-aged Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence find themselves martial-arts rivals again. Stars:
Code Geass ::: Kdo giasu - Hangyaku no rurshu: Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2006-2012) Episode Guide 54 episodes Code Geass Poster -- After being given a mysterious power to control others, an outcast prince becomes the masked leader of the rebellion against an all powerful empire
Code Lyoko ::: TV-Y7 | 26min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2003-2007) Episode Guide 97 episodes Code Lyoko Poster -- When a group of four boarding school students discover a supercomputer housed inside an abandoned factory, they find a virtual world called Lyoko and awaken a sentient multi-agent system virus that tries to take over the real world. Creator:
Community ::: TV-14 | 22min | Comedy | TV Series (2009-2015) Episode Guide 110 episodes Community Poster -- A suspended lawyer is forced to enroll in a community college with an eccentric staff and student body. Creator: Dan Harmon
? ::: Connections -- Episode Guide 1 episode Add a Plot Creator: Corinne Sudberg Stars: Corinne Sudberg, Kris Woodside, Eric Pietrangolare
::: Connections ::: Episode Guide 3 episodes True stories of real people who have saved someone's life, including reenactments. Stars: Jean Burgmeier, Keith Michael Gregory, Lynn Schlueter  Add to Watchlist
? ::: Connections -- TV-PG | 24min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Mini-Series (2018- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Hakumei and Mikochi Poster Follows the daily lives of Hakumei and Mikochi, two 9 centimeter-tall girls that live in a tiny house in a tree in the forest. Stars: Risae Matsuda, Shino Shimoji, AmaLee
Counterpart ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Series (2017-2019) Episode Guide 20 episodes Counterpart Poster -- A hapless UN employee discovers that the agency he works for is hiding a gateway to a parallel dimension that's in a cold war with our own, and where his other self is a top spy. The war slowly heats up thanks to spies from both sides. Creator:
Cowboy Bebop ::: Kaubi bibappu (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1998-1999) Episode Guide 26 episodes Cowboy Bebop Poster -- The futuristic misadventures and tragedies of an easygoing bounty hunter and his partners. Creator:
Critical Role ::: TV-14 | 3h | Adventure, Fantasy | TV Series (2015- ) Episode Guide 273 episodes Critical Role Poster A live weekly show, where a band of professional voice actors improvise, role-play and roll their way through an epic Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Stars: Liam O'Brien, Taliesin Jaffe, Marisha Ray
Culture in Decline ::: 30min | Documentary | TV Series (2012- ) Episode Guide 6 episodes Culture in Decline Poster A satirical yet serious expression that challenges various cultural phenomena existing today which most of society seem to take for granted. Stars: Peter Joseph, Dutch Merrick, Scott Dennett
Cursed ::: TV-MA | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 10 episodes Cursed Poster -- A teenage sorceress named Nimue encounters a young Arthur on her quest to find a powerful and ancient sword. Creators: Frank Miller, Tom Wheeler
Cyber City Oedo 808 -- Saiba shiti Oedo 808 (original title) Not Rated | 2h | Animation, Action, Crime | TV Mini-Series (1990-1991) Episode Guide 3 episodes Cyber City Oedo 808 Poster ::: In the city of Oedo 2808 A.D., three Cyber criminals are given two choices, to either rot in jail or to join a special force of the Cyber Police to get possibly one more chance at freedom ... S
DanMachi: Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? On the Side - ::: Sword Oratoria: Dungeon ni deai o motomeru no wa machigatteiru no dar ka? Gaiden (original tit ::: TV-14 | 25min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes DanMachi: Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? On the Side - Sword Oratoria Poster Sword princess Aiz Wallenstein. Today, once again, the strongest female swordsman heads to the giant labyrinth known as the "Dungeon" along with her allies. On the 50th floor where ... S Stars:
Darker Than Black ::: Darker Than Black: Kuro no keiyakusha (original tit ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2007-2010) Episode Guide 42 episodes Darker Than Black Poster -- In Tokyo, an impenetrable field known as "Hell's Gate" appeared ten years ago. At the same time, psychics who wield paranormal powers at the cost of their conscience also emerged. Hei is ... S
Dark Matter ::: TV-14 | 42min | Adventure, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2015-2017) Episode Guide 39 episodes Dark Matter Poster -- In the dystopian 27th century, six people wake up on a deserted spaceship with no memory of who they are or what they're doing there. They reluctantly team up and set off to find answers with the help of a female android. Creators:
Dark ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2017-2020) Episode Guide 26 episodes Dark Poster -- A family saga with a supernatural twist, set in a German town, where the disappearance of two young children exposes the relationships among four families. Creators:
Da Vinci's Demons ::: TV-MA | 59min | Adventure, Biography, Drama | TV Series (2013-2015) Episode Guide 28 episodes Da Vinci's Demons Poster -- Follows Leonardo Da Vinci during his early days in Florence, as a young artist, inventor and dreamer, trying to change the future. Creator: David S. Goyer
Dead End ::: Connections -- Episode Guide 10 episodes Dead End Poster In a post-nuclear-war Jerusalem, two teenage siblings search for their little brother whom they lost in the aftermath of the bombing. They find that despite everything literally going up in smoke, nothing had really changed. Stars: Gaya Beer Gurevich, Ofir Sasson, Guy Shahaf
Deadman Wonderland ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2011) Episode Guide 13 episodes Deadman Wonderland Poster -- After being falsely convicted for the murder of his entire class, a young man must learn to survive in a mysterious prison with a perverted take on incarceration while also looking to clear his name. Stars:
Death Battle ::: TV-MA | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2010- ) Episode Guide 142 episodes Death Battle Poster Fictional characters from movies, comics, manga, television programs, literature and video games are created in a simulated battle to the death. Stars: Ben Singer, Chad James, Chris Guerrero
Death Note ::: Death Note: Desu nto (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2006-2007) Episode Guide 37 episodes Death Note Poster -- An intelligent high school student goes on a secret crusade to eliminate criminals from the world after discovering a notebook capable of killing anyone whose name is written into it. Stars:
Death Parade ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Drama, Horror | TV Mini-Series (2015) Episode Guide 12 episodes Death Parade Poster After death, humans go to either heaven or hell. But for some, at the instant of their death, they arrive at the Quindecim, a bar attended by the mysterious white-haired Decim. Stars: Jamie Marchi, Tomoaki Maeno, Anastasia Munoz
Deca-Dence ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2020) Episode Guide 12 episodes Deca-Dence Poster Humanity was driven to the brink of extinction by unknown life forms Gadoll. Until one day, Natsume, a girl who dreams of becoming a warriors meets Kaburagi, an armor repairman. They will shake the future of this world. Stars: Dani Chambers, Kimberly Grace, Gabe Kunda
Dekalog ::: TV-MA | 9h 32min | Drama | TV Mini-Series (1989-1990) Episode Guide 10 episodes Dekalog Poster -- Ten television drama films, each one based on one of the Ten Commandments. Stars: Artur Barcis, Olgierd Lukaszewicz, Aleksander Bardini | See full cast &
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Action, Fantasy | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 27 episodes Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Poster -- A family is attacked by demons and only two members survive - Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko, who is turning into a demon slowly. Tanjiro sets out to become a demon slayer to avenge his family and cure his sister. Stars:
Devilman: Crybaby ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Action, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (2018) Episode Guide 10 episodes Devilman: Crybaby Poster -- With demons reawakened and humanity in turmoil, a sensitive demon-boy is led into a brutal, degenerate war against evil by his mysterious friend, Ryo. Stars:
Dimension W ::: TV-14 | 25min | Animation, Action, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes Dimension W Poster In the year 2072, the world's energy problems seem solved by a network of cross-dimensional electric-field inductors called "coils" that extract energy from a seemingly infinite source. ... S Stars: Daisuke Ono, Reina Ueda, Christopher Sabat
Diners, Drive-ins and Dives ::: TV-G | 30min | Reality-TV | TV Series (2006 ) Next Episode Friday, March 19 -- Food Network's Guy Fieri rolls out to visit America's favorite diners, drive-ins and dives, interviewing the owners of the food establishments and samples the items on their menus.
Doctor Who ::: TV-PG | 45min | Adventure, Drama, Family | TV Series (2005- ) Episode Guide 198 episodes Doctor Who Poster -- The further adventures in time and space of the alien adventurer known as the Doctor and their companions from planet Earth. Creator: Sydney Newman
Dollhouse ::: TV-14 | 44min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2009-2010) Episode Guide 27 episodes Dollhouse Poster -- A futuristic laboratory has erased the identities of lost young people, and now imprints them with the temporary identities they need to fulfill assignments for clients. Creator:
Doom Patrol ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 25 episodes Doom Patrol Poster -- The adventures of an idealistic mad scientist and his field team of superpowered outcasts. Creator: Jeremy Carver
Dracula ::: TV-14 | 4h 30min | Drama, Horror | TV Mini-Series (2020) Episode Guide 3 episodes Dracula Poster -- In 1897 Transylvania, the blood-drinking Count draws his plans against Victorian London. Creators: Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat
Dragon Ball Super ::: Dragon Ball Super: Doragon bru cho (original tit ::: TV-PG | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2015-2018) Episode Guide 131 episodes Dragon Ball Super Poster -- Six months after the defeat of Majin Buu, The mighty Saiyan Son Goku continues his quest on becoming stronger. Creator:
Dream Corp LLC ::: TV-14 | 11min | Comedy | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 30 episodes Dream Corp LLC Poster -- An absurd workplace comedy set in a neglected dream therapy facility where a rotating cast of desperate patients have their dreams recorded and analyzed by Dream Corp's absent-minded professor. Creator:
Dr. Stone ::: Dokutaa Sutoon (original tit ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 35 episodes Dr. Stone Poster -- Awakened into a world where humanity has been petrified, scientific genius Senku and his brawny friend Taiju use their skills to rebuild civilization. Stars:
DuckTales ::: TV-Y | 21min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (20172021) Next Episode Monday, March 15 -- The comedy-adventure series chronicles the high-flying adventures of trillionaire Scrooge McDuck, his grandnephews - Huey, Dewey, and Louie - and temperamental nephew Donald Duck, Launchpad McQuack, Mrs. Beakley, and her granddaughter Webby.
Dune -- Not Rated | 4h 25min | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (2000) Episode Guide 3 episodes Dune Poster ::: A three-part miniseries on politics, betrayal, lust, greed and the coming of a Messiah. Based on Frank Herbert's classic science fiction novel. Stars:
Dungeons & Dragons ::: TV-Y7 | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (1983-1985) Episode Guide 28 episodes Dungeons & Dragons Poster A group of kids are thrown into a fantasy world where they must search for a way home, armed with magic weapons that an evil tyrant wants. Stars: Katie Leigh, Frank Welker, Willie Aames Available on Amazon
Electric Dreams ::: TV-MA | 1h | Sci-Fi | TV Series (2017 ) -- A sci-fi anthology series with stand-alone episodes based on the works of Philip K. Dick. Stars: Steve Buscemi, Geraldine Chaplin, Bryan Cranston | See full cast &
Electric Dreams ::: TV-MA | 1h | Sci-Fi | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 10 episodes Electric Dreams Poster -- A sci-fi anthology series with stand-alone episodes based on the works of Philip K. Dick. Stars: Steve Buscemi, Geraldine Chaplin, Bryan Cranston | See full cast &
Emerald City ::: TV-14 | 1h | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2016-2017) Episode Guide 10 episodes Emerald City Poster -- A modern reimagining of the stories that led to 'The Wizard of Oz'. Creators: Matthew Arnold, Josh Friedman
Episodes ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20112017) -- A couple of British TV producers move to Hollywood to export their most popular series, and find it is not what they expected. Creators: David Crane, Jeffrey Klarik
Erased ::: Boku dake ga inai machi (original tit ::: TV-14 | 30min | Animation, Drama, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (2016) Episode Guide 13 episodes Erased Poster 29-year-old Satoru Fujinuma is sent back in time 18 years to prevent the events leading to his mother's death, which began with a series of kidnappings while he was in 5th grade. Stars: Ben Diskin, Shinnosuke Mitsushima, Michelle Ruff
Ergo Proxy ::: TV-14 | 25min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2006) Episode Guide 23 episodes Ergo Proxy Poster In a post-apocalyptic future humans live in peace with androids in a domed city. However, a strange series of murders has intruded into bored inspector Re-l Mayer's life. Stars: Kji Yusa, Akiko Yajima, Rachel Hirschfeld
Erufen rto ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Mini-Series (2004) Episode Guide 14 episodes Erufen rto Poster -- Two university students come across a seemingly harmless girl named Lucy, unaware that she's actually a mutant serial killer with a split personality. Creator:
Escaflowne ::: Tenk no Esukafurne (original tit ::: TV-Y7 | 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1996) Episode Guide 26 episodes Escaflowne Poster -- Hitomi is a girl with psychic abilities who gets transported to the magical world of Gaea. She and her friends find themselves under attack from the evil Zaibach empire, and the Guymelf ... S Stars:
Euphoria ::: TV-MA | 55min | Drama | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 10 episodes Euphoria Poster -- A look at life for a group of high school students as they grapple with issues of drugs, sex, and violence. Creator: Sam Levinson
Evil ::: TV-14 | 42min | Crime, Drama, Horror | TV Series (2019- ) Season 2 Premiere 2021 Episode Guide 23 episodes Evil Poster -- A skeptical female clinical psychologist joins a priest-in-training and a blue-collar contractor as they investigate supposed miracles, demonic possession, and other extraordinary occurrences to see if there's a scientific explanation or if something truly supernatural is at work.
Extreme Engineering ::: 50min | Documentary | TV Series (2003- ) Episode Guide 77 episodes Extreme Engineering Poster Each episode of Extreme Engineering features a major construction and engineering project. Some projects are completed ones, like the new Hong Kong airport. Other projects are those under ... S Stars: Danny Forster, Joseph Giotta, Larc Spies Available on Amazon
Falling Skies ::: TV-14 | 42min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2011-2015) Episode Guide 52 episodes Falling Skies Poster -- Survivors of an alien attack on earth gather together to fight for their lives and fight back. Creator: Robert Rodat
Fanboys (2009) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 30min | Adventure, Comedy, Crime | 13 February 2009 -- Fanboys Poster -- Star Wars fanatics take a cross-country trip to George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch so their dying friend can see a screening of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) before its release. Director: Kyle Newman Writers:
Farscape ::: TV-14 | 50min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (1999-2003) Episode Guide 88 episodes Farscape Poster -- Thrown into a distant part of the universe, an Earth astronaut finds himself part of a fugitive alien starship crew. Creator: Rockne S. O'Bannon
Fate/stay night ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2006) Episode Guide 24 episodes Fate/stay night Poster -- Amateur mage Shirou Emiya gets involved in a fight between mages using mythological heroes. Stars: Noriaki Sugiyama, Kate Higgins, Candice Moore
Fate/Zero ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2011-2012) Episode Guide 25 episodes Fate/Zero Poster Seven chosen mages and their summoned heroic spirits fight against each other to try and win the Holy Grail: a magical device that can grant any wish. Stars: Ayako Kawasumi, Kari Wahlgren, Sayaka hara
FBI ::: TV-14 | 1h | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2018 ) Next Episode Tuesday, March 16 -- Procedural drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI, bringing to bear all the Bureau's skills, intellect and mind-blowing technology to keep New York and the country safe.
Final Space ::: TV-14 | 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2018- ) Season 3 Premiere Saturday, March 20 Episode Guide 36 episodes Final Space Poster -- An astronaut named Gary and his planet-destroying sidekick called Mooncake embark on serialized journeys through space in order to unlock the mystery of where the universe actually ends and if it actually does exist.
Firefly ::: TV-14 | 44min | Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2002-2003) Episode Guide 14 episodes Firefly Poster -- Five hundred years in the future, a renegade crew aboard a small spacecraft tries to survive as they travel the unknown parts of the galaxy and evade warring factions as well as authority agents out to get them. Creator:
Fire Force ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 48 episodes Fire Force Poster -- A superhuman firefighter force is formed to deal with supernatural fire incidents. Stars: Gakuto Kajiwara, Kazuya Nakai, Christopher Wehkamp | See full cast &
Fleabag ::: TV-MA | 27min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2016-2019) Episode Guide 12 episodes Fleabag Poster -- A comedy series adapted from the award-winning play about a young woman trying to cope with life in London whilst coming to terms with a recent tragedy. Creator:
Fog Hill of Five Elements ::: 28min | Animation | TV Mini-Series (2020) Episode Guide 3 episodes Fog Hill of Five Elements Poster A legend tells that a long time ago, monsters could give the ability to certain elected officials to master the five elements. But for that, you have to go through the dangerous foggy ... S Add to Watchlist Reviews 5 user
Freaks and Geeks ::: TV-14 | 44min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (1999-2000) Episode Guide 18 episodes Freaks and Geeks Poster -- A high school mathlete starts hanging out with a group of burnouts while her younger brother navigates his freshman year. Creator: Paul Feig
French and Saunders ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (1987 ) This BBC comedy skit show is the brainchild of longtime comedy duo Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders. Each episode featured satire on British life, television, and parodies on big ... S Stars: Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders, Simon Brint Available on Amazon
From the New World ::: Shin Sekai Yori (original tit ::: TV-14 | 25min | Animation, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2012-2013) Episode Guide 25 episodes From the New World Poster -- In a post-apocalyptic world set a thousand years after our era, the remaining humans, now with telekinesis, live in a seemingly peaceful society, but dark secrets of the past will soon be discovered by a small group of friends.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood ::: Hagane no renkinjutsushi (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2009-2012) Episode Guide 69 episodes Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Poster -- Two brothers search for a Philosopher's Stone after an attempt to revive their deceased mother goes awry and leaves them in damaged physical forms. Creator:
Fullmetal Alchemist ::: Hagane no renkinjutsushi (original tit ::: TV-PG | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2003-2004) Episode Guide 51 episodes Fullmetal Alchemist Poster -- When a failed alchemical ritual leaves brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric with severely damaged bodies, they begin searching for the one thing that can save them; the fabled philosopher's stone. Stars:
Future Diary ::: Mirai nikki (original tit ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2011-2013) Episode Guide 27 episodes Future Diary Poster -- A young man competes with people around the world for a chance to become the succesor of God, with a diary that is able to tell the future. Stars:
Game of Thrones ::: TV-MA | 57min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2011-2019) Episode Guide 73 episodes Game of Thrones Poster -- Nine noble families fight for control over the lands of Westeros, while an ancient enemy returns after being dormant for millennia. Creators: David Benioff, D.B. Weiss
Gantz ::: TV-MA | 22min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2004) Episode Guide 26 episodes Gantz Poster -- A group of people are resurrected from their deaths by a mysterious black ball called GANTZ to combat alien criminals hiding on Earth. Stars: Chris Ayres, Emily Carter-Essex, Shannon Emerick | See full cast &
Ga-rei: Zero ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2008- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Ga-rei: Zero Poster -- Follows two friends, daughters of exorcists, who are now members of the government's secret Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Division that fights demons when they appear in Japan. Creator:
Garth Marenghi's Darkplace ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Fantasy, Horror | TV Mini-Series (2004) Episode Guide 6 episodes Garth Marenghi's Darkplace Poster This parody series is an unearthed 80s horror/drama, complete with poor production values, awful dialogue and hilarious violence. The series is set in a Hospital in Romford, which is situated over the gates of Hell. Stars: Richard Ayoade, Matt Berry, Matthew Holness Available on Amazon
Gate ::: Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2015- ) Episode Guide 24 episodes Gate Poster -- A gate appears in modern-day Tokyo which allows access to a fantasy world. A Japanese military squad is formed to establish ties between both worlds. Stars:
Genius ::: TV-14 | 43min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 29 episodes Genius Poster -- The life stories of history's greatest minds. From their days as young adults to their final years we see their discoveries, loves, relationships, causes, flaws and genius. Creators:
Gen: Lock ::: TV-PG | 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 8 episodes Gen: Lock Poster -- Earth, 2068. City by city, free society is being forcibly absorbed into a vast autocracy. One military force holds the line. One pilot could turn the tide. Creators:
Ghost in the Shell Arise: Alternative Architecture ::: Connections -- 4h 35min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2015) Episode Guide 10 episodes Ghost in the Shell Arise: Alternative Architecture Poster A recompilation of the 4 original Ghost in the Shell: Arise movies plus 2 episodes that tie in the story with Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie (2015). Stars: Ikkyu Juku, Ken'ichir Matsuda, Maaya Sakamoto
Gintama ::: TV-14 | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2005-2018) Episode Guide 375 episodes Gintama Poster -- In an era where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can. Stars: Tomokazu Sugita, Daisuke Sakaguchi, Rie Kugimiya | See full cast &
Goblin Slayer ::: TV-MA | 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2018- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes Goblin Slayer Poster -- In a fantasy world, a lone hero makes his living by exterminating all goblins he encounters. But one day he meets a friend, and his life begins to become more intense. Stars:
Good Girls ::: TV-14 | 43min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2018 ) Next Episode Sunday, March 14 -- Three suburban mothers suddenly find themselves in desperate circumstances and decide to stop playing it safe and risk everything to take their power back.
Good Omens ::: TV-MA | 5h 28min | Comedy, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (2019) Episode Guide 6 episodes Good Omens Poster -- A tale of the bungling of Armageddon features an angel, a demon, an eleven-year-old Antichrist, and a doom-saying witch. Creators: Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett
Gotham ::: TV-14 | 42min | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2014-2019) Episode Guide 100 episodes Gotham Poster -- The story behind Detective James Gordon's rise to prominence in Gotham City in the years before Batman's arrival. Creator: Bruno Heller
Gravity Falls ::: TV-Y7 | 23min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2012-2016) Episode Guide 40 episodes Gravity Falls Poster -- Twin siblings Dipper and Mabel Pines spend the summer at their great-uncle's tourist trap in the enigmatic Gravity Falls, Oregon. Creator: Alex Hirsch
Great Minds with Dan Harmon -- Comedy | TV Series (2016) Episode Guide 15 episodes Great Minds with Dan Harmon Poster ::: Dan Harmon and his assistant Spencer Crittenden create clones of famous people in history and introduce them to the modern world for 6 hours while asking questions. Stars:
Great Pretender ::: TV-MA | 23min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 23 episodes Great Pretender Poster -- A Japanese conman crosses paths with a French rival, and gets entangled in conspiracies and scams beyond his wildest dreams. Stars: Wolf Williams, Alan Lee, Aaron Phillips
Grimgar, Ashes and Illusions ::: Hai to gens no Grimgar (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2016) Episode Guide 13 episodes Grimgar, Ashes and Illusions Poster Haruhiro suddenly wakes up, with no memory but his name. There are a lot of people around, but noone seems to know anything. Haruhiro forms a party of some of the people and start exploring. Stars: Ricco Fajardo, Jarrod Greene, Orion Pitts
Guardian of the Sacred Spirit ::: Seirei no moribito (original tit ::: TV-PG | 25min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2007- ) Episode Guide 26 episodes Guardian of the Sacred Spirit Poster -- The Second Empress hires a spear-wielding woman to save her son from the Mikado (emperor) who believes the young prince is possessed by a water demon foretold to bring a terrible drought upon the land should he live.
Guardian: The Lonely and Great God ::: Sseulsseulhago Chalranhashin: Dokkaebi (original tit ::: TV-14 | 1h | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2016-2017) Episode Guide 16 episodes Guardian: The Lonely and Great God Poster -- In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, Dokkaebi, a 939-year-old guardian of souls, meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past. Stars:
Gyangusuta ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2015) Episode Guide 13 episodes Gyangusuta Poster In the city of Ergastulum, a shady ville filled with made men and petty thieves, whores on the make and cops on the take, there are some deeds too dirty for even its jaded inhabitants to ... S Stars: Mamiko Noto, Felecia Angelle, Jun'ichi Suwabe
H+ -- 5min | Sci-Fi | TV Series (2011- ) Episode Guide 54 episodes H+ Poster ::: A future-set story in which a virus has wiped out most of the human race, and those still alive have their minds linked to the Internet 24 hours a day. Here, a viral incident leads to a new world order. Stars:
.hack//SIGN ::: TV-14 | 25min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2002-2003) Episode Guide 28 episodes .hack//SIGN Poster -- A strange boy named Tsukasa appears in the online video game "The World". He claims to be alive, and without a computer. Stars: Megumi Toyoguchi, Kazuhiro Nakata, Amanda Winn Lee | See full cast &
Haibane Renmei ::: TV-PG | 25min | Animation, Drama, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (2002- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes Haibane Renmei Poster -- A young girl is reborn as an angel-like creature called a haibane, with no memory of who she once was. Creator: Yoshitoshi Abe
Haikyuu!! ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2014-2020) Episode Guide 88 episodes Haikyuu!! Poster -- Determined to be like the volleyball championship's star player Shouyou, a short boy nicknamed "the small giant," joins his school's volleyball club. Creator:
Halt and Catch Fire ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama | TV Series (2014-2017) Episode Guide 40 episodes Halt and Catch Fire Poster -- Follows some players in the 80s technological revolution that lead to information society. Creators: Christopher Cantwell, Christopher C. Rogers
Hand of God ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama | TV Series (2014-2017) Episode Guide 20 episodes Hand of God Poster -- A morally-corrupt judge suffers a breakdown and believes God is compelling him onto a path of vigilante justice. Creator: Ben Watkins
Hanna ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama | TV Series (2019- ) Season 3 Premiere 2021 Episode Guide 17 episodes Hanna Poster In equal parts high-concept thriller and coming-of-age drama, HANNA follows the journey of an extraordinary young girl raised in the forest, as she evades the relentless pursuit of an off-book CIA agent and tries to unearth the truth behind who she is. Creator:
Hannibal (2013-2015) ::: Season 2 | Episode 13 Previous All Episodes (39) Next Mizumono Poster Jack devises a plan to apprehend Hannibal, while Hannibal prepares for his departure. Will makes his decision, and it results in devastating consequences. Director: David Slade
Hannibal ::: TV-MA | 44min | Crime, Drama, Horror | TV Series (2013-2015) Episode Guide 39 episodes Hannibal Poster -- Explores the early relationship between renowned psychiatrist, Hannibal Lecter, and his patient, a young FBI criminal profiler, who is haunted by his ability to empathize with serial killers. Creator:
Harir Hotel ::: 2h 24min | Animation, Adventure, Horror | TV Mini-Series (2018-2020) Episode Guide 7 episodes Harir Hotel Poster A man started for his friend's house to attend a ceremony, and in the middle of the journey ate at a hotel. After some time he noticed some ghostly figures following him. Star: Sujiv Das
HarmonQuest ::: TV-PG | 23min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2016-2019) Episode Guide 30 episodes HarmonQuest Poster -- Dan Harmon and his celebrity friends get together to play a fantasy role playing game. Stars: Dan Harmon, Spencer Crittenden, Jeff Bryan Davis | See full cast &
Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto ::: Sakamoto desu ga? (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Comedy | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto Poster -- Sakamoto is a genius who is well liked by both girls and boys. Despite the strange situations he may be in, Sakamoto always manages to fix the problem in absolute perfection while still being over the top. Stars:
Helsreach ::: Animation, Sci-Fi, War | TV Mini-Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes Helsreach Poster When the world of Armageddon faces invasion by Orks, Chaplain Grimaldus and a group of Black Templars Space Marines are amid those sent to defend it. Charged with the defense of Hive Helsreach in one of many onsets, the task seems forlorn. Stars: Emily Freire, Jonathan Keeble, Tijiki Morris
Hex ::: TV-14 | 1h 45min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2004-2005) Episode Guide 18 episodes Hex Poster -- Cassie is a shy college girl who wants to be accepted by others, but is only truly loved by her best friend Thelma. Cassie later discovers that she possesses dangerous powers, and is being ... S Stars:
High School DxD ::: TV-MA | 23min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2012-2018) Episode Guide 59 episodes High School DxD Poster -- After being killed on his first date, idiotic and perverted Issei Hyodo is resurrected as a demon by Rias Gremory only to be recruited into her club of high-class devils. Stars:
Highschool of the Dead ::: Gakuen mokushiroku: HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD (original tit ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2010) Episode Guide 12 episodes Highschool of the Dead Poster -- High school students are overwhelmed with the start of the zombie apocalypse. Stars:
Hikaru no go ::: TV-G | 23min | Animation, Fantasy, Sport | TV Series (2001-2003) Episode Guide 75 episodes Hikaru no go Poster -- A shounen style anime based around the Japanese game of 'Go'. Stars: Tomoko Kawakami, Susumu Chiba, Sanae Kobayashi Available on Amazon
Hinamatsuri ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy | TV Series (2018- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Hinamatsuri Poster A vortex drops a being from another world into a yakuza's life - a life that's about to be greatly changed. Stars: Yoshiki Nakajima, Jarrod Greene, Brina Palencia
His Dark Materials ::: TV-14 | 1h | Adventure, Drama, Family | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 23 episodes His Dark Materials Poster -- A young girl is destined to liberate her world from the grip of the Magisterium which represses people's ties to magic and their animal spirits known as daemons. Stars:
How Do They Do It? -- 51min | Documentary | TV Series (2006- ) Episode Guide 292 episodes How Do They Do It? Poster ::: This program is about engineering and scientific miracles and the people whose ability to solve problems make them happen. Stars: Chris Broyles, Dominic Frisby, Iain Lee
How It's Made ::: TV-G | 24min | Documentary | TV Series (2001- ) Episode Guide 476 episodes How It's Made Poster -- Television series that documents how various everyday products are made. Stars: Brooks T. Moore, Tony Hirst, Lynne Adams
How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord ::: Isekai Mao to Shokan Shojo no Dorei Majutsu (original tit ::: TV-MA | 23min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2018- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord Poster An elite player is summoned by two maidens to save a fantasy game. Stars: Masaaki Mizunaka, Y Serizawa, Azumi Waki
How Stuff Works ::: 43min | Documentary | TV Series (2008- ) Episode Guide 20 episodes How Stuff Works Poster HowStuffWorks is about the stuff that makes the world go 'round. It's truly incredible to see the ingenious lengths people go to in order to extract rubber and iron, corn and wheat, and ... S Stars: Gabe Doran, Mike Senese, David Heber
How the Universe Works ::: TV-PG | 1h | Documentary | TV Series (2010- ) Episode Guide 77 episodes How the Universe Works Poster -- A users guide to the cosmos from the big bang to galaxies, stars, planets and moons. Where did it all come from and how does it all fit together. A primer for anyone who has ever looked up at the night sky and wondered. Stars:
Hozuki's Coolheadedness -- Hzuki no Reitetsu (original title) 24min | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy | TV Series (2014- ) Episode Guide 40 episodes Hozuki's Coolheadedness Poster ::: The dark comedy revolves around the fierce god aide to the Great King Yama, Hoozuki. Calm and super-sadistic, he tries to resolve problems that often occur in Hell. Stars:
Hunter X Hunter OVA ::: Connections -- Episode Guide 8 episodes Hunter X Hunter OVA Poster Reuniting with Gon and his friends, Kurapika explains to them the risks he bears because of his abilities. He believes his target of revenge is no longer alive and the search for his fallen comrade's eyes could truly begin. Stars: Atsuko Bungo, Hozumi Gda, Akari Hibino Available on Amazon
Hunter x Hunter ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2011-2014) Episode Guide 148 episodes Hunter x Hunter Poster -- Gon Freecss aspires to become a Hunter, an exceptional being capable of greatness. With his friends and his potential, he seeks for his father who left him when he was younger. Creator:
Hunter x Hunter ::: TV-PG | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1999-2001) Episode Guide 62 episodes Hunter x Hunter Poster The history of Gon Freecs, a boy who left home alone to become a Hunter. In the hard test, Gon meets Leorio, Kurapika and Killua. Stars: Hozumi Gda, Yuki Kaida, Junko Takeuchi
ID:Invaded ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2020) Episode Guide 13 episodes ID:Invaded Poster A detective is called upon to solve a murder in a virtual reality world. But how can he manage a case when its rules can and are constantly being changed? Stars: Kenjir Tsuda, Sarah Emi Bridcutt, Yoshimasa Hosoya
ImMATURE -- 25min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | TV Series (2019 ) ::: A 5-episode coming-of-age story about the many first adventures in a young man's life. Dhruv is 16, and in a hurry to grow up. With a little help from his school friends, the wannabe ... S Creator:
ImMATURE -- 25min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | TV Series (2019 ) ::: A 5-episode coming-of-age story about the many first adventures in a young man's life. Dhruv is 16, and in a hurry to grow up. With a little help from his school friends, the wannabe ... S Creator:
Impulse ::: TV-MA | 50min | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2018-2019) Episode Guide 20 episodes Impulse Poster -- A young woman discovers she has the extraordinary power of teleportation. Creator: Jeffrey Lieber
I'm Standing on a Million Lives ::: 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru (original tit ::: TV-PG | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes I'm Standing on a Million Lives Poster Yotsuya Yuusuke along with his classmates Shindou Iu and Hakozaki Kusue have been transported to a strange and unknown world inhabited by mythological creatures. As soon as they arrive, ... S Stars: Tara Sands, Makoto Koichi, Risa Kubota
Infinity Train ::: TV-PG | 11min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 31 episodes Infinity Train Poster -- Various people find themselves on a mysterious train with an endless number of cars, each one being its own universe, and they must find a way to get home in this animated anthology series. Creator:
Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road (2002) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 10 September 2003 -- Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road Poster Neal Oliver, a very confused young man and an artist, takes a journey of a lifetime on a highway I60 that doesn't exist on any of the maps, going to the places he never even heard of, searching for an answer and his dreamgirl. Director: Bob Gale Writer: Bob Gale
Into the Badlands ::: TV-14 | 42min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2015-2019) Episode Guide 32 episodes Into the Badlands Poster -- A mighty warrior and a young boy search for enlightenment in a ruthless territory controlled by feudal barons. Creators: Alfred Gough, Miles Millar
Into the Dark ::: TV-MA | 1h 30min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | TV Series (2018 ) -- A horror anthology series with each episode inspired by a holiday. Stars: Aurora Perrineau, Diane Sellers, Dylan Arnold
Inuyasha ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2000-2004) Episode Guide 167 episodes Inuyasha Poster A teenage girl periodically travels back in time to feudal Japan to help a young half-demon recover the shards of a jewel of great power. Creator: Rumiko Takahashi Stars:
Inuyashiki ::: Not Rated | 24min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Mini-Series (2017) Episode Guide 11 episodes Inuyashiki Poster An middle-aged office worker encounters aliens and is gifted with alien technology and limitless powers. Stars: Fumiyo Kohinata, Nijir Murakami, Kanata Hong
Iron Fist ::: TV-MA | 55min | Action, Adventure, Crime | TV Series (2017-2018) Episode Guide 23 episodes Iron Fist Poster -- A young man is bestowed with incredible martial arts skills and a mystical force known as the Iron Fist. Creator: Scott Buck
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? ::: Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2015- ) Episode Guide 41 episodes Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Poster -- Commonly known as the "Dungeon," the city of Orario possesses a huge labyrinth in the underground. Its strange name attracts excitement, illusions of honor, and hopes of romance with a ... S
Jeopardy! ::: TV-G | 30min | Game-Show | TV Series (1984 ) Next Episode Today -- A returning champion and two challengers test their buzzer skills and their knowledge in a wide range of academic and popular categories. Creator:
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure ::: JoJo no kimy-na bken (original tit ::: TV-MA | 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2012- ) Episode Guide 156 episodes JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Poster -- The story of the Joestar family, who are possessed with intense psychic strength, and the adventures each member encounters throughout their lives. Stars:
Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth -- 6h | Documentary | TV Mini-Series (1988- ) Episode Guide 6 episodes Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth Poster ::: Mythologist Joseph Campbell presents his ideas about comparative mythology and the ongoing role of myth in human society. Stars: Joseph Campbell, Bill Moyers, George Lucas
Justice League ::: TV-PG | 22min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2001-2004) Episode Guide 52 episodes Justice League Poster -- Seven of the most formidable heroes form arguably the most powerful team ever. Creators: Bob Kane, William Moulton Marston, Joe Shuster | 7 more credits
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress ::: Kotetsujo no Kabaneri (original tit ::: TV-MA | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Mini-Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress Poster A large group of survivors seek shelter while travelling on a train after their station was attacked by aggressive, undead creatures called Kabane. Stars: Robbie Daymond, Ben Diskin, Richard Epcar
Kaiba ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Adventure, Drama | TV Mini-Series (2008) Episode Guide 12 episodes Kaiba Poster In a futuristic dystopian world where memories are literally stored, bought and sold and rich have all the privileges, a young amnesiac is trying to find out who he is. Stars: Houko Kuwashima, Mamiko Noto, Romi Pak
Kamisama hajimemashita ::: TV-PG | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy | TV Series (2012- ) Episode Guide 31 episodes Kamisama hajimemashita Poster -- Nanami Momozono's dad skips town, she is then visited by debt collectors and kicked out of her home. So when a man offers her his home, she immediately accepts. The place is a shrine, and ... S Stars:
Kenny vs. Spenny ::: TV-MA | 22min | Comedy, Game-Show, Reality-TV | TV Series (2002 ) Two best friends, Kenny Hotz and Spencer Rice, face each other in various competitions. At the end of each episode, the loser gets humiliated. Creators: Kenny Hotz, Spencer Rice Stars:
Key and Peele ::: TV-14 | 30min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2012-2015) Episode Guide 55 episodes Key and Peele Poster -- Project sees Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele in front of a live studio audience bantering about a topic weaved between filmed shorts and sketches. Creators:
Killing Eve ::: TV-14 | 42min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2018- ) Season 4 Premiere 2021 Episode Guide 26 episodes Killing Eve Poster -- After a series of events, the lives of a security operative and an assassin become inextricably linked. Creator:
Kino's Journey ::: Kino no tabi (original tit ::: TV-PG | Animation, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2003) Episode Guide 14 episodes Kino's Journey Poster -- Young world-weary sharpshooter girl Kino and her talking inquisitive motorcycle Hermes travel around her unusual world, visiting various city-states for three days each to learn about their culture, history and ruling philosophy.
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts ::: TV-Y7 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2020) Episode Guide 30 episodes Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Poster -- A girl explores the possibilities in a post-apocalyptic world. Creators: Radford Sechrist, Bill Wolkoff
Knights of Sidonia ::: Sidonia no Kishi (original tit ::: TV-MA | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2014-2015) Episode Guide 24 episodes Knights of Sidonia Poster -- A thousand years after the destruction of Earth by gigantic aliens called Gauna, mankind is living on massive spaceships. One of these space ships is Sidonia, which is protected by large pilot controlled exosuits called Gardes.
Knights of the Zodiac ::: Seinto Seiya (original tit ::: TV-PG | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1986-1989) Episode Guide 114 episodes Knights of the Zodiac Poster -- A group a young warriors known as 'Saints', each in possession of a 'cloth' guarded by a different constellation, must protect the reincarnation of the goddess Athena as she attempts to keep the Earth from being destroyed by evil forces.
Kkaku kidtai: Stand Alone Complex ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Crime | TV Series (2002-2005) Episode Guide 52 episodes Kkaku kidtai: Stand Alone Complex Poster -- The futuristic adventures of a female cyborg counter intelligence agent and her support team. Stars: Shir Sait, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, William Frederick Knight | See
Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! ::: Kono subarashii sekai ni shukufuku o! (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2016-2017) Episode Guide 21 episodes Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! Poster It was a happy day for Kazuma - right up to the moment he died. A goddess intervenes and offers him a second chance in a magical land. Stars: Jun Fukushima, Sora Amamiya, Rie Takahashi
Krypton ::: TV-14 | 45min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2018-2019) Episode Guide 20 episodes Krypton Poster -- The untold story of Superman's grandfather as he fights for justice on his home planet. Creators: David S. Goyer, David S. Goyer, Damian Kindler
Kurozuka ::: Animation, Action, Horror | TV Mini-Series (2008- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Kurozuka Poster Kuro, a 12th-century man, flees into the mountains after losing to his brother, where he meets a strange, beautiful woman named Kuromitsu. Kuro falls in love with Kuromitsu but realizes she... S Stars: Brad Swaile, Janyse Jaud, Trevor Devall
Kurzgesagt: In a Nutshell ::: TV-G | Documentary, Animation | TV Series (2013- ) Episode Guide 137 episodes Kurzgesagt: In a Nutshell Poster Various scientific subjects are explained in animation. Stars: Steve Taylor, C.G.P. Grey, Jake Roper Add to Watchlist
Lady Dynamite ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20162017) -- Series is based on what Maria has accepted to be "her life." The occasionally surreal episodes, refracted across multiple periods of the actor/comedian's life, tell the story of a woman who loses - and then finds - herself. Creators:
Land of the Lustrous ::: Houseki no Kuni (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Fantasy | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Land of the Lustrous Poster In the distant future, a new immortal and genderless life form called Gems populate the Earth. The 28 Gems must fight against the Lunarians, who attack them regularly to abduct them and to ... S Stars: Tomoyo Kurosawa, Sarah Wiedenheft, Ai Kayano
Last Man Standing ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20112021) Next Episode Tomorrow -- A married father of three tries to maintain his manliness in a world increasingly dominated by women. Creator:
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, News, Talk-Show | TV Series (2014- ) Episode Guide 213 episodes Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Poster -- Former Daily Show host and correspondent John Oliver brings his persona to this weekly news satire program. Stars: John Oliver, David Kaye, Ryan Barger
Legend of the Galactic Heroes ::: Ginga eiy densetsu (original tit ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (1988-1997) Episode Guide 110 episodes Legend of the Galactic Heroes Poster Various people, especially two rising commanders, cope with a massive continual space conflict between two interstellar nations. Stars: Ysaku Yara, Ry Horikawa, Katsuji Mori
Legend of the Seeker ::: TV-14 | 44min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2008-2010) Episode Guide 44 episodes Legend of the Seeker Poster -- After the mysterious murder of his father, a son's search for answers begins a momentous fight against tyranny. Creators: Stephen Tolkin, Kenneth Biller
Legion ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2017-2019) Episode Guide 27 episodes Legion Poster -- David Haller is a troubled young man diagnosed as schizophrenic, but after a strange encounter, he discovers special powers that will change his life forever. Creator:
Limitless ::: TV-14 | 42min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2015-2016) Episode Guide 22 episodes Limitless Poster -- An average twenty-eight-year-old man who gains the ability to use the full extent of his brain's capabilities is hired by the F.B.I. as a consultant. Creator:
Line of Duty ::: TV-14 | 1h | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2012- ) Episode Guide 36 episodes Line of Duty Poster -- Drama series following the investigations of AC-12, a controversial police anti-corruption unit. Creator: Jed Mercurio
Little Witch Academia ::: TV-Y7 | 25min | Animation, Comedy, Family | TV Series (2017) Episode Guide 25 episodes Little Witch Academia Poster -- Akko Kagari is an ordinary girl who joins the renowned witch academy for witch girls, Luna Nova Academy. When she was younger, she went to Magical Festa, a magic show hosted by a witch ... S Stars:
Locke & Key ::: TV-14 | 48min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 22 episodes Locke & Key Poster -- After their father is murdered under mysterious circumstances, the three Locke siblings and their mother move into their ancestral home, Keyhouse, which they discover is full of magical keys that may be connected to their father's death. Creators:
Log Horizon ::: TV-PG | 25min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2013- ) Episode Guide 62 episodes Log Horizon Poster -- Elder Tale is an online fantasy RPG that has become popular worldwide. But when its twelfth expansion package, "Novasphere Pioneers" is installed, thirty thousand players in Japan are ... S Creator:
Lost in Space ::: TV-PG | 1h | Adventure, Drama, Family | TV Series (2018- ) Season 3 Premiere 2021 Episode Guide 30 episodes Lost in Space Poster -- After crash-landing on an alien planet, the Robinson family fight against all odds to survive and escape, but they're surrounded by hidden dangers.
Lost ::: TV-14 | 44min | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2004-2010) Episode Guide 118 episodes Lost Poster -- The survivors of a plane crash are forced to work together in order to survive on a seemingly deserted tropical island. Creators: J.J. Abrams, Jeffrey Lieber, Damon Lindelof
Louie ::: TV-MA | 22min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2010-2015) Episode Guide 61 episodes Louie Poster -- The life of Louie C.K., a divorced comedian living in New York with two kids. Creator: Louis C.K.
Lucifer ::: TV-14 | 42min | Crime, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 93 episodes Lucifer Poster -- Lucifer Morningstar has decided he's had enough of being the dutiful servant in Hell and decides to spend some time on Earth to better understand humanity. He settles in Los Angeles - the City of Angels. Creator:
Lucky Man ::: TV-14 | 1h | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2016-2018) Episode Guide 28 episodes Lucky Man Poster -- From the mind of comic book legend Stan Lee comes a bold new action crime series about a brilliant but flawed police officer with the power to control luck. Creators:
Made in Abyss ::: TV-14 | 5h 25min | Animation, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes Made in Abyss Poster -- A girl and her robot companion search for her mother, who's lost within a vast chasm. Stars: Miyu Tomita, Mariya Ise, Luci Christian
MADtv ::: TV-14 | 1h | Comedy, Reality-TV, Talk-Show | TV Series (1995-2016) Episode Guide 329 episodes MADtv Poster -- A sketch comedy show based on the seminal Mad Magazine. Creators: Fax Bahr, Adam Small
Malcolm in the Middle ::: TV-PG | 22min | Comedy, Family | TV Series (2000-2006) Episode Guide 151 episodes Malcolm in the Middle Poster -- A gifted young teen tries to survive life with his dimwitted, dysfunctional family. Creators: Linwood Boomer, Michael Glouberman, Gary Murphy | 1 more credit
Maniac ::: TV-MA | 40min | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Mini-Series (2018) Episode Guide 10 episodes Maniac Poster -- Two strangers are drawn to a mysterious pharmaceutical trial for a drug that will, they're assured, with no complications or side-effects whatsoever, solve all of their problems permanently. Things do not go as planned. Creators:
Marco Polo ::: TV-MA | 1h | Adventure, Drama, History | TV Series (2014-2016) Episode Guide 20 episodes Marco Polo Poster -- In a world replete with greed, betrayal, sexual intrigue and rivalry, "Marco Polo" is based on the famed explorer's adventures in Kublai Khan's court in 13th century Mongolia. Creator:
Matoi the Sacred Slayer ::: TV-14 | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Matoi the Sacred Slayer Poster Add a Plot Stars: Nobuyuki Hiyama, Ayako Kawasumi, Naomi Ohzora Add to Watchlist
Megalo Box ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Mini-Series (2018- ) Episode Guide 14 episodes Megalo Box Poster Junk Dog, an underground fighter with the alias of "Gearless Joe" sets out to join the worlds most prestigious mecha boxing championship, Megalonia. Stars: Yoshimasa Hosoya, Shir Sait, Hiroki Yasumoto
Mob Psycho 100 ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 25 episodes Mob Psycho 100 Poster -- A psychic middle school boy tries to live a normal life and keep his growing powers under control, even though he constantly gets into trouble. Stars:
Mononoke ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Fantasy, Horror | TV Mini-Series (2007) Episode Guide 12 episodes Mononoke Poster A mysterious man called the Medicine Seller travels along feudal Japan, uncovering and slaying evil spirits called "Mononoke". Stars: Michael C. Pizzuto, Takahiro Sakurai, Kate Hawkins
Monster ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2004-2010) Episode Guide 75 episodes Monster Poster -- A brilliant neurosurgeon living in Germany finds his life in utter turmoil after getting involved with a psychopath that was once a former patient. Stars:
Mushi-Shi ::: Mushishi (original tit ::: TV-14 | 25min | Animation, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2005-2006) Episode Guide 26 episodes Mushi-Shi Poster -- Ginko is an expert travelling around to investigate a primeval life-form, the "Mushi," and helping people with Mushi-related supernatural problems. Stars:
My Hero Academia ::: Boku no hr akademia (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 93 episodes My Hero Academia Poster -- A superhero-loving boy without any powers is determined to enroll in a prestigious hero academy and learn what it really means to be a hero. Stars:
Mystery Science Theater 3000 ::: TV-14 | 1h 32min | Comedy, Sci-Fi | TV Series (1988-1999) Episode Guide 199 episodes Mystery Science Theater 3000 Poster -- In the not-too-distant future Joel Robinson is held captive by Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank, forced to watch B-Grade movies on the Satellite of Love with the help of his robot friends: Cambot, Gypsy, Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot. Creator:
My Virtual Escape ::: TV-MA | 40min | Action, Adventure, Crime | TV Series (2017-2018) Episode Guide 25 episodes My Virtual Escape Poster -- A troubled teen named Isaac struggles to find meaning in his life until he comes across a cutting-edge Virtual Reality Helmet called: "E.V.E". Creator: Jesse Ridgway
Naruto: Shippden ::: TV-PG | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2007-2017) Episode Guide 502 episodes Naruto: Shippden Poster -- Naruto Uzumaki, is a loud, hyperactive, adolescent ninja who constantly searches for approval and recognition, as well as to become Hokage, who is acknowledged as the leader and strongest of all ninja in the village. Creator:
Naruto ::: TV-Y7-FV | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2002-2007) Episode Guide 220 episodes Naruto Poster -- Naruto Uzumaki, a mischievous adolescent ninja, struggles as he searches for recognition and dreams of becoming the Hokage, the village's leader and strongest ninja. Creator:
Natsume's Book of Friends ::: Natsume yjinch (original title) 24min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2008- ) Episode Guide 74 episodes Natsume's Book of Friends Poster When Natsume Takashi inherits a book that belonged to his late grandmother he realizes the book is filled with the names of spirits she defeated and bound to her will. He then decides to return their names so they can be free once again. Stars: Hiroshi Kamiya, Kazuhiko Inoue, Miki It
Nekomonogatari (Kuro) ::: 24min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Mini-Series (2012) Episode Guide 4 episodes Nekomonogatari (Kuro) Poster A kind of prequel to the final 'Bakemonogatari' arc, that revolves around the oddity that possesses Araragi's class rep Hanekawa Tsubasa... Creators: Akiyuki Shinbo, Fuyashi Tou Stars:
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth (1997) ::: 7.5/10 -- Shin seiki Evangelion Gekij-ban: Shito shinsei (original title) -- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth Poster -- A recap of the first 24 episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion, followed by a 30-minute continuation of the plot that would later form the first third of The End of Evangelion. Directors: Hideaki Anno, Masayuki | 1 more credit Writers:
Neon Genesis Evangelion ::: Shin seiki evangerion (original tit ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (1995-1996) Episode Guide 26 episodes Neon Genesis Evangelion Poster -- A teenage boy finds himself recruited as a member of an elite team of pilots by his father. Creator:
New Game! ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 25 episodes New Game! Poster -- The main character Suzukaze Aoba graduates from high school and joins a game company. The person who made the game that Aoba loved as a grade-schooler just happens to be Aoba's senior at ... S Stars:
Nisemonogatari ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Mini-Series (2012) Episode Guide 11 episodes Nisemonogatari Poster Set after the events of Bakemonogatari, one of the men who deceived Hitagi, Kaiki Deishu, returns to town to spread the incantation which cursed Nadeko before. Koyomi's sisters Karen and Tsujiki try to stop him but. Stars: Hiroshi Kamiya, Yuka Iguchi, Eri Kitamura
No Game, No Life ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Mini-Series (2014) Episode Guide 12 episodes No Game, No Life Poster -- Siblings Sora and Shiro together make up the most feared team of pro gamers in the world, The Blank. When they manage to beat god himself in a game of chess, they are sent to a world where all disputes are settled with games. Stars:
No Guns Life ::: TV-14 | Animation, Action, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 24 episodes No Guns Life Poster With no memory of his previous life-or who replaced his head with a giant gun-Juzo Inui now scratches out a living in the dark streets of the city as a Resolver. Stars: Jun'ichi Suwabe, Manami Numakura, Daiki Yamashita
Noragami ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2014-2016) Episode Guide 29 episodes Noragami Poster -- A minor god seeking to gain widespread worship teams up with a human girl he saved to gain fame, recognition and at least one shrine dedicated to him. Stars:
Now and Then, Here and There ::: Ima, soko ni iru boku (original tit ::: TV-14 | 25min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (1999-2000) Episode Guide 13 episodes Now and Then, Here and There Poster -- A Japanese boy named Shu tries to save a strange girl, Lala Ru, from kidnappers and is transported to an alternate Earth on the brink of being swallowed by the sun. There he meets an ... S Stars:
Oh My Goddess! ::: Aa! Megamisama! (original title) Not Rated | 2h 40min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Mini-Series (1993-1994) Episode Guide 5 episodes Oh My Goddess! Poster A college student receives an unexpected wish from a goddess and asks her to stay with him forever, but that brings complications. Stars: Juliet Cesario, Kikuko Inoue, Masami Kikuchi Available on Amazon
O Maidens in Your Savage Season ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes O Maidens in Your Savage Season Poster The girls in a high school literature club do a little icebreaker to get to know each other: answering the question, "What's one thing you want to do before you die?" One of the girls ... S Stars: Elissa Cuellar, Blake Jackson, Brittney Karbowski
Once Upon a Time in Wonderland ::: TV-PG | 42min | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2013-2014) Episode Guide 13 episodes Once Upon a Time in Wonderland Poster -- In Victorian England, the young and beautiful Alice tells a tale of a strange new land that exists on the other side of a rabbit hole. Creators: Jane Espenson, Zack Estrin, Adam Horowitz | 1 more credit
Once Upon a Time ::: TV-PG | 1h | Adventure, Fantasy, Romance | TV Series (2011-2018) Episode Guide 156 episodes Once Upon a Time Poster -- A young woman with a troubled past is drawn to a small town in Maine where fairy tales are to be believed. Creators: Adam Horowitz, Edward Kitsis
One Piece ::: One Piece: Wan psu (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1999- ) Episode Guide 968 episodes One Piece Poster -- Follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his pirate crew in order to find the greatest treasure ever left by the legendary Pirate, Gold Roger. The famous mystery treasure named "One Piece". Creator:
One Punch Man ::: One Punch Man: Wanpanman (original tit ::: TV-PG | 24min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2015- ) Episode Guide 24 episodes One Punch Man Poster -- The story of Saitama, a hero that does it just for fun & can defeat his enemies with a single punch. Stars:
One Strange Rock ::: TV-PG | 47min | Documentary | TV Series (2018- ) Season 2 Premiere 2021 Episode Guide 11 episodes One Strange Rock Poster -- The extraordinary story of Earth and why it is special and uniquely brimming with life among a largely unknown but harsh cosmic arena; astronauts tell the story of Earth through a unique perspective.
Orange ::: TV-PG | 24min | Animation, Drama, Romance | TV Series (2016) Episode Guide 13 episodes Orange Poster One day, Naho Takamiya receives a letter written to herself from ten years in the future. As Naho reads on, the letter recites the exact events of the day, including the transfer of a new ... S Stars: Jill Harris, Jason Liebrecht, Micah Solusod
Overlord ::: TV-MA | 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2015- ) Episode Guide 39 episodes Overlord Poster A young man is trapped within a video game as a warrior king, and sets out to make this new world his own empire. Stars: Satoshi Hino, Chris Guerrero, Elizabeth Maxwell
Over the Garden Wall ::: TV-PG | 1h 50min | Animation, Adventure, Drama | TV Mini-Series (2014) Episode Guide 10 episodes Over the Garden Wall Poster -- Two brothers find themselves lost in a mysterious land and try to find their way home. Creators: Katie Krentz, Patrick McHale
Pandora Hearts ::: PandoraHearts (original title) 24min | Animation, Action, Fantasy | TV Series (2009) Episode Guide 25 episodes Pandora Hearts Poster Oz Vessalius, heir to one of the duke houses, has just turned fifteen. His life is rich and carefree, darkened only by the constant absence of his father. At his coming-of-age ceremony, ... S Stars: Junko Minagawa, Yukari Tamura, Akira Ishida
Paranoia Agent ::: Ms dairinin (original tit ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Drama, Horror | TV Mini-Series (2004) Episode Guide 13 episodes Paranoia Agent Poster -- Seemingly unconnected citizens of Tokyo are targeted for bludgeoning by a boy with a golden baseball bat. As detectives try to link the victims, they discover that following the assaults, the victims' lives have improved in some way.
Paranormal ::: TV-14 | 45min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 6 episodes Paranormal Poster -- Set in the 1960s, the series, packed with mystery and suspense, depicts the adventures of PARANORMAL leading character Dr. Refaat Ismail, a single hematologist who finds himself faced with a series of supernatural events. Stars:
Parasyte: The Maxim ::: Kiseij: Sei no kakuritsu (original tit ::: TV-MA | 22min | Animation, Action, Horror | TV Series (2014-2015) Episode Guide 24 episodes Parasyte: The Maxim Poster -- 17-year-old Shinichi Izumi is partially infected by a Parasyte; monsters that butcher and consume humans. He must learn to co-exist with the creature if he is to survive both the life of a Parasyte and human, as part monster, part person.
Patrick Melrose ::: TV-MA | 5h 2min | Drama | TV Mini-Series (2018) Episode Guide 5 episodes Patrick Melrose Poster -- Based on the Patrick Melrose Novels by Edward St. Aubyn. Stars: Benedict Cumberbatch, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Hugo Weaving
Peaky Blinders ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama | TV Series (2013- ) Episode Guide 36 episodes Peaky Blinders Poster -- A gangster family epic set in 1900s England, centering on a gang who sew razor blades in the peaks of their caps, and their fierce boss Tommy Shelby. Creator:
Person of Interest (2011-2016) -- Season 4 | Episode 11 Previous All Episodes (103) Next If-Then-Else Poster ::: Samaritan launches a cyber-attack on the stock exchange, leaving the team with no choice but to embark on a possible suicide mission in a desperate attempt to stop a global economic catastrophe. Director:
Person of Interest (2011-2016) ::: Season 5 | Episode 13 Previous All Episodes (103) Next Return 0 Poster Finch, Reese, Fusco and Shaw embark on one last mission to prevent Samaritan from destroying The Machine and cementing its hold over mankind. Director: Chris Fisher
Person of Interest ::: TV-14 | 43min | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2011-2016) Episode Guide 103 episodes Person of Interest Poster -- An ex-CIA agent and a wealthy programmer save lives via a surveillance AI that sends them the identities of civilians involved in impending crimes. However, the details of the crimes, including the civilians' roles, are left a mystery. Creator:
Planet Earth II ::: TV-G | 4h 58min | Documentary | TV Mini-Series (2016) Episode Guide 6 episodes Planet Earth II Poster -- Wildlife documentary series with David Attenborough, beginning with a look at the remote islands which offer sanctuary to some of the planet's rarest creatures, to the beauty of cities, which are home to humans, and animals.. Star:
Planet Earth ::: TV-PG | 8h 58min | Documentary | TV Mini-Series (2006) Episode Guide 11 episodes Planet Earth Poster -- Emmy Award-winning, 11 episodes, five years in the making, the most expensive nature documentary series ever commissioned by the BBC, and the first to be filmed in high definition. Stars:
Planetes ::: TV-14 | 25min | Animation, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2003-2004) Episode Guide 26 episodes Planetes Poster In the year 2075, mankind has reached a point where journeying between Earth, the moon and the space stations is part of daily life. However, the progression of technology in space has also... S Stars: Joe Cappelletti, Nao Nagasawa, Beau Billingslea Available on Amazon
Pokemon Abridged ::: Connections -- Episode Guide 33 episodes Pokemon the 'Bridged Series Poster Ash along with Lazy Brock and Crazy Misty set out on rambunctious adventures in the wonderful world of Pokemon. Stars: Michael Hecht, Jesse Nowack, Jerry Pakalinsky Add to Watchlist
Police Squad! ::: TV-PG | 24min | Comedy, Crime | TV Series (1982) Sight gags and non-sequiturs dominate this spoof of police dramas. The six episodes formed the basis for the very successful "Naked Gun" film franchise. Creators: Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, Jerry Zucker Stars:
Princess Connect! Re: Dive ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes Princess Connect! Re: Dive Poster The protagonist wakes up with no memories in an unfamiliar location. The protagonist then meets girls and comes closer to uncovering a hidden mystery. Stars: Mao Ichimichi, Miku Itou, Rika Tachibana
Prison Break ::: TV-14 | 44min | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2005-2017) Episode Guide 91 episodes Prison Break Poster -- Due to a political conspiracy, an innocent man is sent to death row and his only hope is his brother, who makes it his mission to deliberately get himself sent to the same prison in order to break the both of them out, from the inside. Creators:
Probe ::: 1h | Comedy, Crime, Mystery | TV Series (1988) Episode Guide 7 episodes Probe Poster An eccentric scientific prodigy and his secretary investigate mysteries. Creators: Isaac Asimov, William Link, Michael I. Wagner Stars:
Psycho-Pass ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Action, Crime | TV Series (2012- ) Episode Guide 41 episodes Psycho-Pass Poster -- Believing in humanity and order, policewoman Akane Tsunemori obeys the ruling, computerized, precognitive Sibyl System. But when she faces a criminal mastermind who can elude this "perfect" system, she questions both Sibyl and herself. Creator:
QI ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy, Game-Show | TV Series (2003- ) Episode Guide 291 episodes QI Poster -- A comedy panel game in which being Quite Interesting is more important than being right. Sandi Toksvig is joined each week by four comedians to share anecdotes and trivia, and maybe answer some questions as well. Stars:
Real Husbands of Hollywood ::: 21min | Comedy | TV Series (2013 ) Kevin Hart and other celebrities play a comic fictionalized version of themselves in this parody of similarly named reality shows. Episodes often feature Kevin Hart's attempts to gain celebrity and his jealousy of his friends. Creators: Chris Spencer, Ralph Farquhar, Kevin Hart
Record of Grancrest War ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2018- ) Episode Guide 24 episodes Record of Grancrest War Poster In the Atlatan continent, demons from another dimension called Chaos invaded which the nobility fought back using Crests, which gave them superhuman powers. However, rather than join forces... S Stars: Jeannie Tirado, Brandon Winckler, Erika Harlacher
Re: Creators ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Fantasy | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 22 episodes Re: Creators Poster People have created many stories. Joy, sadness, anger, deep emotion.Stories stir up emotion and captivate. However, those emotions are nothing more than the feelings of a spectator. What if... S Stars: Daiki Yamashita, Inori Minase, Mikako Komatsu
ReLIFE ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2016-2018) Episode Guide 17 episodes ReLIFE Poster A young man, failing at life, is offered a new start as a 10 years younger high-school student. Stars: Josh Grelle, Micah Solusod, Kristen McGuire
Revolutionary Girl Utena ::: Shjo kakumei Utena (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (1997) Episode Guide 39 episodes Revolutionary Girl Utena Poster -- A tomboyish schoolgirl finds herself forced into repeated duels for another girl who has a role in a world revolution. Creators:
Re: Zero, Starting Life in Another World ::: Re: Zero kara hajimeru isekai seikatsu (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 78 episodes Re: Zero, Starting Life in Another World Poster -- Shortly after being summoned to a new world, Subaru Natsuki and his new female companion are brutally murdered. But then he awakes to find himself in the same alley, with the same thugs, the same girl, and the day begins to repeat.
Rick and Morty (2013- ) ::: 2017 Season 3 | Episode 1 Previous All Episodes (42) Next The Rickshank Rickdemption Poster Rick, still in galactic prison, puts an intricate escape plan into action. Back on Earth, which is now under federation control, Morty and Summer have an argument about their grandpa. Directors: Juan Jose Meza-Leon (as Juan Meza-Len), Wesley Archer (as Wes Archer)
Rick and Morty ::: TV-MA | 23min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2013- ) Episode Guide 42 episodes Rick and Morty Poster -- An animated series that follows the exploits of a super scientist and his not-so-bright grandson. Creators: Dan Harmon, Justin Roiland
Riftworld Chronicles ::: 48min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (2015- ) Episode Guide 8 episodes Riftworld Chronicles Poster A dimension traveling mage and a journalist team up to investigate the connection between their worlds. Creator: Jonathan Williams Stars:
Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode II (2008) ::: 8.1/10 -- TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Comedy, Family | TV Movie 16 November 2008 -- The second of three Star Wars themed Robot Chicken parodies. Director: Seth Green Writers: Seth Green (creator), Matthew Senreich (creator) | 10 more credits Stars: Seth Green, Abraham Benrubi, Bob Bergen
Robot Chicken ::: TV-MA | 11min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2005- ) Episode Guide 206 episodes Robot Chicken Poster -- Pop culture references fly thick and fast as stop-motion animation is featured in sketches lampooning everything from television movies to comic books. Creators:
Rome ::: TV-MA | 52min | Action, Drama, History | TV Series (2005-2007) Episode Guide 22 episodes Rome Poster -- A down-to-earth account of the lives of both illustrious and ordinary Romans set in the last days of the Roman Republic. Creators: Bruno Heller, William J. MacDonald, John Milius
Rupert ::: TV-Y7 | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Family | TV Series (1991-2020) Episode Guide 79 episodes Rupert Poster The adventures of a young bear named Rupert who unintentionally ends up in faraway/mystical places, but at the end manages to make it back safely to his home of Nutwood. Stars: Julie Lemieux, Valerie Boyle, Guy Bannerman Available on Amazon
Rurouni Kenshin: Trust and Betrayal ::: Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan: Tsuioku Hen (original tit ::: TV-MA | 1h 58min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Mini-Series (1999) Episode Guide 4 episodes Rurouni Kenshin: Trust and Betrayal Poster -- In the era of Japan's Meiji Restoration, an assassin regains his humanity. Stars:
Rurouni Kenshin: Wandering Samurai ::: Rurni Kenshin - Meiji kenkaku romantan (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1996-1999) Episode Guide 95 episodes Rurouni Kenshin: Wandering Samurai Poster -- The adventures of a young wandering swordsman who stumbles upon a struggling martial arts school in Meiji era Japan. Stars:
Russian Doll ::: TV-MA | 30min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 16 episodes Russian Doll Poster -- A cynical young woman in New York City keeps dying and returning to the party that's being thrown in her honor on that same evening. She tries to find a way out of this strange time loop. Creators:
RWBY ::: TV-14 | 13min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2012- ) Episode Guide 147 episodes RWBY Poster -- 4 Teenage girls form Team RWBY and train to fight crime and monsters known as the Grimm, while the world of Remnant remains on the brink of an all out war. Creator:
Samurai Champloo ::: Samurai chanpur (original tit ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2004-2005) Episode Guide 26 episodes Samurai Champloo Poster -- Fuu, a waitress who works in a teahouse, rescues two master swordsmen, Mugen and Jin, from their execution to help her find the "samurai who smells of sunflowers." Stars:
Samurai Jack (2001-2017) ::: 2017 Season 5 | Episode 2 Previous All Episodes (62) Next Episode XCIII Poster Out of weapons and pursued relentlessly by the masterful seven Daughters of Aku, Jack faces what may be his final confrontation. Director: Genndy Tartakovsky
Samurai Jack ::: TV-14 | 25min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2001-2017) Episode Guide 62 episodes Samurai Jack Poster -- A samurai sent through time fights to return home and save the world. Creator: Genndy Tartakovsky
Sanctuary ::: TV-14 | 44min | Action, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2008-2011) Episode Guide 59 episodes Sanctuary Poster -- Stem cells, gene therapy, transplants, and cloning have changed the definition of "humanity" in the modern world, but the darker side contains monsters that only few are brave enough to face, because the future lies in their hands. Creator:
Sci-Fi | TV Mini-Series ::: Connections -- 10 episodes -- after losing everything. Creator: Patrick Somerville Stars: Mackenzie Davis, Danielle Deadwyler, Matilda Lawler [u4ZG4O9Kh-h0yDb.png] View production, box office, & company info [mGkoj7mMfYpKOdk.png]
Sci-Fi | TV Series (2021- ) ::: Connections -- 2021 -- 10 episodes Foundation Poster -- A complex saga of humans scattered on planets throughout the galaxy all living under the rule of the Galactic Empire. Stars: Cassian Bilton, Laura Birn, Jared Harris
Scrapped Princess ::: Sukurappudo purinsesu (original tit ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2003) Episode Guide 24 episodes Scrapped Princess Poster The adventures of a princess prophesized to destroy the world and her magic using sibling warrior bodyguards determined to protect her. Stars: Mari Devon, Crispin Freeman, Kari Wahlgren
See ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 11 episodes See Poster -- Far in a dystopian future, the human race has lost the sense of sight, and society has had to find new ways to interact, build, hunt, and to survive. All of that is challenged when a set of twins is born with sight. Creator:
Seinfeld ::: TV-PG | 22min | Comedy | TV Series (1989-1998) Episode Guide 173 episodes Seinfeld Poster -- The continuing misadventures of neurotic New York City stand-up comedian Jerry Seinfeld and his equally neurotic New York City friends. Creators: Larry David, Jerry Seinfeld
Senki Zessho Symphogear ::: Animation, Action, Music | TV Series (2012- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes Senki Zessho Symphogear Poster Tsubasa Kazanari and Kanade Amou-the idol duo known as Zwei Wing-use their songs to power ancient weapons known as "symphogears" to combat a deadly alien race called the "Noise." While the ... S Stars: Yuka Iguchi, Nana Mizuki, Miyuki Sawashiro
Sense8 ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2015-2018) Episode Guide 24 episodes Sense8 Poster -- A group of people around the world are suddenly linked mentally, and must find a way to survive being hunted by those who see them as a threat to the world's order. Creators:
Serial Experiments Lain ::: TV-14 | 5h 16min | Animation, Horror, Mystery | TV Mini-Series (1998) Episode Guide 13 episodes Serial Experiments Lain Poster -- Strange events begin to occur as a withdrawn girl named Lain becomes obsessed with interconnected virtual realm of "The Wired". Stars: Kaori Shimizu, Bridget Hoffman, Dan Lorge
Seven Types of Ambiguity -- 55min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2017) Episode Guide 6 episodes Seven Types of Ambiguity Poster ::: A complicated chain of events is triggered when a child is taken and relationships are thrown into crisis. Stars: Xavier Samuel, Alex Dimitriades, Andrea Demetriades | See full cast &
Sex Education ::: TV-MA | 45min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 23 episodes Sex Education Poster -- A teenage boy with a sex therapist mother teams up with a high school classmate to set up an underground sex therapy clinic at school. Creator: Laurie Nunn
Shadows in Paradise (1986) ::: 7.5/10 -- Varjoja paratiisissa (original title) -- (Finland) Shadows in Paradise Poster An episode in the life of Nikander, a garbage man, involving the death of a coworker, a love affair and much more. Director: Aki Kaurismki Writer: Aki Kaurismki
Shameless ::: TV-MA | 46min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2011-2021) Next Episode Sunday, March 14 Episode Guide 134 episodes Shameless Poster -- A scrappy, feisty, fiercely loyal Chicago family makes no apologies. Creators:
She and Her Cat: Everything Flows ::: Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows (original title) 8min | Animation, Drama | TV Mini-Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 4 episodes She and Her Cat: Everything Flows Poster The simple, charming serie fallows Kanojo as she job hunts and experience various changes in her life, all while her cat Daru remains the supportive constant. Stars: Madeleine Morris, Shintar Asanuma, Kana Hanazawa
Sherlock (2010-2017) ::: Season 4 | Episode 2 Previous All Episodes (15) Next The Lying Detective Poster Sherlock goes up against the powerful and seemingly unassailable Culverton Smith - a man with a very dark secret indeed. Director: Nick Hurran Writers:
Sherlock ::: TV-14 | 1h 28min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2010-2017) Episode Guide 15 episodes Sherlock Poster -- A modern update finds the famous sleuth and his doctor partner solving crime in 21st century London. Creators: Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat
Shigatsu wa kimi no uso ::: TV-PG | 23min | Animation, Drama, Music | TV Series (2014-2015) Episode Guide 23 episodes Shigatsu wa kimi no uso Poster -- A piano prodigy who lost his ability to play after suffering a traumatic event in his childhood is forced back into the spotlight by an eccentric girl with a secret of her own. Stars:
Shigurui: Death Frenzy -- Shigurui (original title) 14A | 24min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2007- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Shigurui: Death Frenzy Poster ::: The series starts off at a tournament where a one armed samurai faces a blind one and quickly flashes back to reveal the history between the two fighters. Stars:
Shirobako ::: TV-PG | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2014- ) Episode Guide 26 episodes Shirobako Poster -- Aoi will never forget how she felt the day her high school animation club's labor of love was shown at the cultural festival. The sense of awe and the feeling of accomplishment that came ... S Stars:
Snowfall ::: TV-MA | 44min | Crime, Drama | TV Series (2017 ) Next Episode Today -- A look at the early days of the crack cocaine epidemic in Los Angeles during the beginning of the 1980s. Creators:
So I'm a Spider, So What? ::: Kumo Desu ga, Nanika? (original title) 24min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2021- ) Episode Guide 10 episodes So I'm a Spider, So What? Poster The world where the Hero and the Demon King continue to oppose each other. The grand magic from the Hero and the Demon King cross over worlds and exploded in the classroom of a certain high... S Stars: Aoi Yki, Shun Horie, Eri Kitamura
Solar Opposites ::: TV-MA | 3h 1min | Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2020- ) Season 2 Premiere Friday, March 26 Episode Guide 28 episodes Solar Opposites Poster -- A family of aliens move to middle America, where they debate whether life is better there or on their home planet. Creators:
Somali and the Forest Spirit ::: 24min | Animation, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Somali and the Forest Spirit Poster When a golem discovers a young human girl in the forest that he protects, the two set out on a journey in search of other humans, whom are considered to be nearly extinct. Stars: Inori Minase, Daisuke Ono, Hiroki Nanami
Soul Eater ::: Sru ta (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2008-2009) Episode Guide 51 episodes Soul Eater Poster -- Set in the Shinigami technical school for weapon meisters, the series revolves around 3 duo's. These pairs are a partnership between a weapon meister and a human weapon. Trying to reach a ... S Stars:
Space Force ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 20 episodes Space Force Poster -- The people tasked with creating a sixth branch of the armed services: The Space Force. Creators: Steve Carell, Greg Daniels
SpongeBob SquarePants ::: TV-Y | 23min | Animation, Comedy, Family | TV Series (1999- ) Episode Guide 275 episodes SpongeBob SquarePants Poster -- The misadventures of a talking sea sponge who works at a fast food restaurant, attends a boating school, and lives in an underwater pineapple. Creators:
Stargate SG-1 (1997-2007) -- Season 5 | Episode 13 Previous All Episodes (213) Next Proving Ground Poster ::: While SG-1 is conducting training exercises for new recruits, Jack gets a call about a "foothold" situation. Wounded by compromised officers, O'Neill must lead the recruits in retaking the SGC. Director:
Stargate SG-1 ::: TV-14 | 44min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (1997-2007) Episode Guide 213 episodes Stargate SG-1 Poster -- A secret military team, SG-1, is formed to explore other planets through the recently discovered Stargates. Creators: Jonathan Glassner, Brad Wright
Star Trek: Discovery ::: TV-14 | 1h | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 49 episodes Star Trek: Discovery Poster -- Ten years before Kirk, Spock, and the Enterprise, the USS Discovery discovers new worlds and lifeforms as one Starfleet officer learns to understand all things alien. Creators:
Star Trek: Picard ::: TV-MA | 46min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 11 episodes Star Trek: Picard Poster -- Follow-up series to Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) and Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) that centers on Jean-Luc Picard (Sir Patrick Stewart) in the next chapter of his life. Creators:
Star Trek: The Next Generation ::: TV-PG | 44min | Action, Adventure, Mystery | TV Series (1987-1994) Episode Guide 176 episodes Star Trek: The Next Generation Poster -- Set almost 100 years after Captain Kirk's five-year mission, a new generation of Starfleet officers set off in the U.S.S. Enterprise-D on their own mission to go where no one has gone before. Creator:
Star Trek: The Original Series ::: Star Trek (original tit ::: TV-PG | 50min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | TV Series (1966-1969) Episode Guide 80 episodes Star Trek: The Original Series Poster -- In the 23rd Century, Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise explore the galaxy and defend the United Federation of Planets. Creator:
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 2h 22min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 16 May 2002 (USA) -- Ten years after initially meeting, Anakin Skywalker shares a forbidden romance with Padm Amidala, while Obi-Wan Kenobi investigates an assassination attempt on the senator and discovers a secret clone army crafted for the Jedi. Director: George Lucas Writers:
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 20min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 19 May 2005 (USA) -- Three years into the Clone Wars, the Jedi rescue Palpatine from Count Dooku. As Obi-Wan pursues a new threat, Anakin acts as a double agent between the Jedi Council and Palpatine and is lured into a sinister plan to rule the galaxy. Director: George Lucas Writer:
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 2h 16min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 19 May 1999 (USA) -- Two Jedi escape a hostile blockade to find allies and come across a young boy who may bring balance to the Force, but the long dormant Sith resurface to claim their original glory. Director: George Lucas Writer:
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) ::: 8.6/10 -- Star Wars (original title) -- Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope Poster -- Luke Skywalker joins forces with a Jedi Knight, a cocky pilot, a Wookiee and two droids to save the galaxy from the Empire's world-destroying battle station, while also attempting to rescue Princess Leia from the mysterious Darth Vader. Director: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 21min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 20 December 2019 (USA) -- The surviving members of the resistance face the First Order once again, and the legendary conflict between the Jedi and the Sith reaches its peak bringing the Skywalker saga to its end. Director: J.J. Abrams Writers:
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 32min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 15 December 2017 (USA) -- Rey develops her newly discovered abilities with the guidance of Luke Skywalker, who is unsettled by the strength of her powers. Meanwhile, the Resistance prepares for battle with the First Order. Director: Rian Johnson Writers:
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 18min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 18 December 2015 (USA) -- As a new threat to the galaxy rises, Rey, a desert scavenger, and Finn, an ex-stormtrooper, must join Han Solo and Chewbacca to search for the one hope of restoring peace. Director: J.J. Abrams Writers:
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) ::: 8.3/10 -- PG | 2h 11min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 25 May 1983 (USA) -- After a daring mission to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt, the Rebels dispatch to Endor to destroy the second Death Star. Meanwhile, Luke struggles to help Darth Vader back from the dark side without falling into the Emperor's trap. Director: Richard Marquand Writers:
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) ::: 8.7/10 -- PG | 2h 4min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 20 June 1980 (USA) -- After the Rebels are brutally overpowered by the Empire on the ice planet Hoth, Luke Skywalker begins Jedi training with Yoda, while his friends are pursued by Darth Vader and a bounty hunter named Boba Fett all over the galaxy. Director: Irvin Kershner Writers:
Star Wars Rebels (2014-2018) ::: 2016 Season 2 | Episode 22 Previous All Episodes (76) Next Twilight of the Apprentice: Part 2 Poster After gaining information about the Sith, Kanan, Ezra and Ahsoka battle the Inquisitors with the help of a new ally, but are overmatched when Vader arrives. Director: Dave Filoni
Star Wars Rebels ::: Star Wars: Rebels (original tit ::: TV-Y7-FV | 22min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2014-2018) Episode Guide 76 episodes Star Wars Rebels Poster -- A brave and clever ragtag starship crew stands up against the evil Empire as it tightens its grip on the galaxy and hunts down the last of the Jedi Knights. Creators:
Star Wars: The Clone Wars ::: TV-PG | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2008-2020) Episode Guide 133 episodes Star Wars: The Clone Wars Poster -- Jedi Knights lead the Grand Army of the Republic against the droid army of the Separatists. Creator: George Lucas
State of the Union ::: TV-MA | 10min | Short, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2019 ) -- State of the Union follows Louise and Tom who meet in a pub immediately before their weekly marital therapy session. Each episode pieces together how their lives were, what drew them together, and what has started to pull them apart. Creator:
Strange Angel ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2018-2019) Episode Guide 20 episodes Strange Angel Poster -- A rocket scientist in 1940s Los Angeles is secretly the disciple of occultist Aleister Crowley. Creator: Mark Heyman
Stranger ::: Bimilui Soop (original tit ::: TV-14 | 1h | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 32 episodes Stranger Poster -- With the help of a gutsy female detective, a prosecutor who has almost lost the ability to feel emotions tackles a strange murder case amid political corruption. Stars:
Stranger Things ::: TV-14 | 51min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | TV Series (2016- ) Season 4 Premiere 2021 Episode Guide 34 episodes Stranger Things Poster -- When a young boy disappears, his mother, a police chief and his friends must confront terrifying supernatural forces in order to get him back. Creators:
Supernatural ::: TV-14 | 44min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | TV Series (2005-2020) Episode Guide 327 episodes Supernatural Poster -- Two brothers follow their father's footsteps as hunters, fighting evil supernatural beings of many kinds, including monsters, demons and gods that roam the earth. Creator:
Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies moved to a starter town? ::: Tatoeba Last Dungeon Mae no Mura no Shounen ga Joban no Machi de Kurasu Youna Monogatari (original title) Animation, Adventure, Fantasy | TV Series (2021- ) Episode Guide 10 episodes Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies moved to a starter town? Poster Considered a weakling his entire life, novice adventurer Lloyd leaves his village located at the fringe of the mortal world to fulfill his dream of becoming a soldier. Stars:
Sword Art Online Abridged ::: TV-MA | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2013- ) Episode Guide 15 episodes Sword Art Online Abridged Poster Non-official parody of the popular anime Sword Art Online. Creators: Matthew J. Kok, Mackenzie Murdock, Jon Swinnard Stars: Matthew J. Kok, Carrie Johnston, Cole Petty
Sword Art Online ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2012- ) Episode Guide 98 episodes Sword Art Online Poster -- In the year 2022, thousands of people get trapped in a new virtual MMORPG and the lone wolf player, Kirito, works to escape. Stars: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, Haruka Tomatsu, Bryce Papenbrook | See full cast &
Taboo-Tattoo ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Taboo-Tattoo Poster "Tattoos" - ancient weapons that drastically enhance the physical abilities of their users, known as the "Sealed," allowing them to bring forth supernatural phenomena when activated through... S Stars: Justin Briner, Monica Rial, Christopher Bevins
Taboo ::: TV-MA | 59min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 16 episodes Taboo Poster -- Adventurer James Keziah Delaney returns to London during the War of 1812 to rebuild his late father's shipping empire. However, both the government and his biggest competitor want his inheritance at any cost - even murder. Creators:
Tanaka-kun Is Always Listless ::: Tanaka-kun wa itsumo kedaruge (original tit ::: TV-PG | 24min | Animation, Comedy | TV Mini-Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Tanaka-kun Is Always Listless Poster -- This unconventional, surrealist comedy follows an exhausted high school boy who, despite multiple attempts from his friends, still manages to spectacularly... sleep. Much to the chagrin of ... S Stars:
Tenchi Muy! ::: TV-PG | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (1992- ) Episode Guide 71 episodes Tenchi Muy! Poster -- Every man needs a good woman. Tenchi Masaki has six. Creator: Masaki Kajishima
Terra Formars ::: TV-14 | Animation, Action, Horror | TV Series (2014- ) Episode Guide 27 episodes Terra Formars Poster With the space program attempting to travel to Mars, 21st century scientists were tasked with warming up the planet so that humans could survive on its surface. They came up with an ... S Stars: Ben Diskin, Erica Lindbeck, Peter Lurie
Texhnolyze ::: Tekunoraizu (original tit ::: TV-MA | Animation, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2003) Episode Guide 22 episodes Texhnolyze Poster In a man-made underground society, descendants of a banished generation vie for control of the crumbling city of Lux. Ichise, an orphan turned prize fighter, loses a leg and an arm to ... S Stars: Michael Forest, Justin Gross, Satoshi Haga
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ::: TV-PG | 25min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2018- ) Episode Guide 43 episodes That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Poster -- Lonely thirty-seven-year-old Mikami Satoru is stuck in a dead-end job, unhappy with his mundane life, but after dying at the hands of a robber, he awakens to a fresh start in a fantasy ... S Stars:
The 100 ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2014-2020) Episode Guide 100 episodes The 100 Poster -- Set ninety-seven years after a nuclear war has destroyed civilization, when a spaceship housing humanity's lone survivors sends one hundred juvenile delinquents back to Earth, in hopes of possibly re-populating the planet. Creator:
The 4400 ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2004-2007) Episode Guide 44 episodes The 4400 Poster -- As the reappearance of 4,400 missing persons on a single day confounds the global community, federal agents on the case slowly discover the ways in which the victims have been changed. Creators:
The Ancient Magus' Bride ::: Mah Tsukai no Yome (original tit ::: TV-14 | 25min | Animation, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 24 episodes The Ancient Magus' Bride Poster -- Hatori Chise, 15 years old. Lost, without hope and without family - she sells herself to a non-human mage known as Elias Ainsworth. Hesitant, she starts a new life with him as his new apprentice. Stars:
The Angry Video Game Nerd (2004- ) ::: Season 12 | Episode 1 Previous All Episodes (225) Next EarthBound Poster The Nerd has long-since wondered why the Super Nintendo RPG EarthBound had earned such a bad reputation, or at least according to Nintendo Power. So he decides to actually give the game a ... S Director: James Rolfe
The Cheat ::: 20min | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 24 episodes The Cheat Poster Felix is a software developer who works for the department of software at an important anti-virus company. Beside that he is completing the missing parts of software on the games which are ... S Stars: Taha Ulukaya, Taner Sahin, Andac Ulukaya
The Crossing ::: TV-PG | 42min | Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2018) Episode Guide 11 episodes The Crossing Poster -- Refugees from a war-torn country 180 years in the future start showing up in the present to seek asylum in an American town. Creators: Jay Beattie, Dan Dworkin
The Crown ::: TV-MA | 58min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 60 episodes The Crown Poster -- Follows the political rivalries and romance of Queen Elizabeth II's reign and the events that shaped the second half of the twentieth century. Creator:
The Daily Show ::: TV-14 | 22min | Comedy, News, Talk-Show | TV Series (1996 ) Next Episode Monday, March 15 -- A comedy news show featuring humorous takes on top stories. Creators:
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance ::: TV-PG | 1h | Adventure, Drama, Family | TV Series (2019) Episode Guide 10 episodes The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Poster -- Return to the world of Thra, where three Gelfling discover the horrifying secret behind the Skeksis' power, and set out to ignite the fires of rebellion and save their world. Creators:
The Defenders ::: TV-MA | 50min | Action, Adventure, Crime | TV Mini-Series (2017) Episode Guide 8 episodes The Defenders Poster -- Set a few months after the events of the second season of Daredevil, and a month after the events of Iron Fist, the vigilantes Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist team up in New York City to fight a common enemy: The Hand. Creators:
The Dragon Prince ::: TV-Y7 | 26min | Animation, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2018- ) Episode Guide 27 episodes The Dragon Prince Poster -- Two human princes forge an unlikely bond with the elfin assassin sent to kill them, embarking on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands. Creators:
The Ellen DeGeneres Show ::: Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show (original tit ::: TV-G | 1h | Comedy, Talk-Show | TV Series (2003 ) Next Episode Today -- A mix of celebrity interviews, musical performers, audience participation games, and segments spotlighting real people with extraordinary stories and talents.
The Eric Andre Show ::: TV-MA | 11min | Comedy | TV Series (2012- ) Episode Guide 59 episodes The Eric Andre Show Poster -- Eric Andre tries to host a talk show in a bizarre environment, where he is sometimes the player of pranks and sometimes the victim. Creator: Eric Andr
The Expanse ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2015- ) Episode Guide 57 episodes The Expanse Poster -- In the 24th century, a disparate band of antiheroes unravel a vast conspiracy that threatens the Solar System's fragile state of cold war. Creators: Daniel Abraham, Mark Fergus, Ty Franck | 1 more credit
The Fairly OddParents ::: TV-Y7 | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2001-2017) Episode Guide 159 episodes The Fairly OddParents Poster -- After being tortured and humiliated by his babysitter, a ten year old boy is put under the care of two fairy godparents, who can grant him almost any wish, which leads to dire consequences. Creator:
The Gifted ::: TV-14 | 43min | Action, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2017-2019) Episode Guide 29 episodes The Gifted Poster -- In a world where mutated humans are treated with distrust and fear, an institute for mutants battles to achieve peaceful co-existence with humanity. Creators:
The Good Doctor ::: TV-14 | 41min | Drama | TV Series (2017 ) Next Episode Monday, March 22 -- Shaun Murphy, a young surgeon with autism and Savant syndrome, is recruited into the surgical unit of a prestigious hospital. Creator:
The Grand Tour ::: TV-14 | 1h | Comedy, Talk-Show | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 41 episodes The Grand Tour Poster -- Follow Jeremy, Richard, and James, as they embark on an adventure across the globe, driving new and exciting automobiles from manufacturers all over the world. Stars:
The Handmaid's Tale ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Series (2017- ) Season 4 Premiere Wednesday, April 28 Episode Guide 47 episodes The Handmaid's Tale Poster -- Set in a dystopian future, a woman is forced to live as a concubine under a fundamentalist theocratic dictatorship. Creator:
The Haunting of Hill House ::: TV-MA | 9h 32min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | TV Mini-Series (2018) Episode Guide 10 episodes The Haunting of Hill House Poster -- Flashing between past and present, a fractured family confronts haunting memories of their old home and the terrifying events that drove them from it. Creator:
The Helpful Fox Senko-san ::: Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san (original tit ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes The Helpful Fox Senko-san Poster The everyday life of Nakano, a salaryman working for an exploitative company, is suddenly intruded upon by the fox, Senko-san (800-year-old little girl). Whether it be cooking, cleaning, or... S Stars: Azumi Waki, Jun'ichi Suwabe, Aaron Campbell
The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter ::: Ore dake Haireru Kakushi Dungeon (original title) 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2021- ) Episode Guide 9 episodes The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter Poster The Hidden Dungeon is a place of legend where rare treasures and items are hidden. Nor, the third son of an impoverished noble family who's lost the one job offer he had, was lucky enough to hear about this dungeon. Stars: Ryta saka, Miyu Tomita, Rumi Okubo
The Irregular at Magic High School ::: Mahouka koukou no rettousei (original tit ::: TV-14 | 22min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2014- ) Episode Guide 39 episodes The Irregular at Magic High School Poster -- Magic-- A century has passed since this concept has been recognized as a formal technology instead of the product of the occult or folklore. The season is spring and it is time for a brand ... S Stars:
The Last Kingdom ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, History | TV Series (2015- ) Episode Guide 37 episodes The Last Kingdom Poster -- As Alfred the Great defends his kingdom from Norse invaders, Uhtred - born a Saxon but raised by Vikings - seeks to claim his ancestral birthright. Stars:
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert ::: TV-PG | 41min | Comedy, Talk-Show | TV Series (2015 ) Next Episode Today Stephen Colbert took over as host, executive producer and writer of THE LATE SHOW on Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015. The comedy-variety-talk show is broadcast five nights a week from the Ed Sullivan theater in New York. Stars: Stephen Colbert, Jon Batiste, Stay Human
The Magicians ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | TV Series (2015-2020) Episode Guide 65 episodes The Magicians Poster -- After being recruited to a secretive academy, a group of students discover that the magic they read about as children is very real-and more dangerous than they ever imagined. Creators:
The Mandalorian ::: TV-14 | 40min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 24 episodes The Mandalorian Poster -- The travels of a lone bounty hunter in the outer reaches of the galaxy, far from the authority of the New Republic. Creator: Jon Favreau
The Man in the High Castle ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Series (2015-2019) Episode Guide 40 episodes The Man in the High Castle Poster -- In a dystopian America dominated by Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, a young woman discovers a mysterious film that may hold the key to toppling the totalitarian regimes. Creator:
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel ::: TV-MA | 57min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2017- ) Season 4 Premiere 2021 Episode Guide 27 episodes The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Poster -- A housewife in 1958 decides to become a stand-up comic. Creator:
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ::: Suzumiya Haruhi no yutsu (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy | TV Series (2006-2009) Episode Guide 28 episodes The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Poster The crazy adventures of the SOS Brigade, led by the insane but charismatic Haruhi. Stars: Tomokazu Sugita, Aya Hirano, Minori Chihara
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes ::: TV-PG | 5h 6min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Mini-Series (1994) Episode Guide 6 episodes The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Poster The last installment of Sherlock Holmes' investigations. Stars: Jeremy Brett, Rosalie Williams, Edward Hardwicke Available on Amazon
The Midnight Gospel ::: TV-MA | 23min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 8 episodes The Midnight Gospel Poster -- Clancy, a spacecaster with a malfunctioning multiverse simulator, leaves the comfort of his home to interview beings living in dying worlds. Creator:
The Mist ::: TV-14 | 42min | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2017) Episode Guide 10 episodes The Mist Poster -- After an eerie mist rolls into a small town, the residents must battle the mysterious mist and its threats, fighting to maintain their morality and sanity. Creator:
The Muppet Show ::: TV-G | 30min | Comedy, Family, Music | TV Series (19761981) -- Kermit the Frog and his fellow Muppets put on a vaudeville show at their theatre, bringing in a famous celebrity to help out for each episode. Creators:
The New Edition Story ::: 2h | Biography, Drama, Music | TV Mini-Series (2017) Episode Guide 3 episodes The New Edition Story Poster Chronicles the ups and downs of legendary music group New Edition from their humble beginnings in Boston to individual solo success and everything in between. Stars: Bryshere Y. Gray, Elijah Kelley, Luke James
The Originals ::: TV-14 | 45min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | TV Series (2013-2018) Episode Guide 92 episodes The Originals Poster -- A family of power-hungry thousand-year-old vampires look to take back the city that they built and dominate all those who have done them wrong. Creator:
The Orville ::: TV-14 | 44min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 37 episodes The Orville Poster -- An exploratory ship from Earth faces intergalactic challenges 400 years in the future. Creator: Seth MacFarlane
The Outer Limits ::: TV-PG | 44min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | TV Series (19952002) -- A modern revival of the classic science fiction horror anthology show The Outer Limits (1963). Episodes often have twist-endings and involve aliens. Sometimes, a story from one episode continues in a later episode. Creator:
The Outsider ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 10 episodes The Outsider Poster -- Investigators are confounded over an unspeakable crime that's been committed. Creator: Richard Price
The Owl House ::: TV-Y7-FV | 22min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 20 episodes The Owl House Poster -- Accidentally sent to the world of the Boiling Isles before a trip to summer camp, a teenage human named Luz longs to become a witch, with the rebellious Eda and pint-sized demon King at her aid. Creator:
The Pretender ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (1996-2000) Episode Guide 86 episodes The Pretender Poster -- A specially gifted man, with the ability to instantly master any skill, escapes from a secret testing facility and travels the country taking on different jobs and helping strangers while hiding from his kidnappers. Creators:
The Promised Neverland ::: Yakusoku no Neverland (original tit ::: TV-14 | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 23 episodes The Promised Neverland Poster -- When three gifted kids at an isolated idyllic orphanage discover the secret and sinister purpose they were raised for, they look for a way to escape from their evil caretaker and lead the other children in a risky escape plan.
The Queen's Gambit ::: TV-MA | 6h 35min | Drama, Sport | TV Mini-Series (2020) Episode Guide 7 episodes The Queen's Gambit Poster -- Orphaned at the tender age of nine, prodigious introvert Beth Harmon discovers and masters the game of chess in 1960s USA. But child stardom comes at a price. Creators:
The Ren & Stimpy Show ::: TV-Y7 | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (1991-1996) Episode Guide 55 episodes The Ren & Stimpy Show Poster -- Ren, a psychotic Chihuahua, and Stimpson J. Cat, a dimwitted Manx cat who goes by the nickname Stimpy, have a host of unusual adventures. Creators: John Kricfalusi, Bob Camp, Jim Gomez | 5 more credits
The Return of Sherlock Holmes ::: TV-PG | 1h | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (1986-1988) Episode Guide 11 episodes The Return of Sherlock Holmes Poster Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson solve the mysteries of the devil's foot, Silver Blaze, Wisteria Lodge and the Bruce-Partington Plans. Creator: John Hawkesworth Stars:
The Seven Deadly Sins ::: Nanatsu no taizai (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2014- ) Next Episode Today Episode Guide 86 episodes The Seven Deadly Sins Poster -- The legend of the confrontation between the Seven Deadly Sins and the Holy Knights.
The Simpsons ::: TV-PG | 22min | Animation, Comedy | TV Series (1989 ) Next Episode Sunday, March 14 -- The satiric adventures of a working-class family in the misfit city of Springfield. Creators:
The SpongeBob SquarePants Anime ::: TV-MA | 14min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Mini-Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 1 episode The SpongeBob SquarePants Anime Poster Relentlessly hardworking SpongeBob SquarePants, lives in the undersea township of Bikini Bottom. Among him is his friends, Patrick, Squidward, and Sandy. SpongeBob is employed as a fry cook... S Stars: John Wang, Nicole Inu, Saki Yukino
The Stand -- Not Rated | 6h 1min | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (1994) Episode Guide 4 episodes The Stand Poster ::: After a deadly plague kills most of the world's population, the remaining survivors split into two groups - one led by a benevolent elder and the other by a malevolent being - to face each other in a final battle between good and evil. Stars:
The Tatami Galaxy ::: Yojhan shinwa taikei (original tit ::: TV-14 | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Mini-Series (2010) Episode Guide 11 episodes The Tatami Galaxy Poster When a nameless student at Kyoto University encounters a demigod one night, he asks to relive the past three years in order to win the heart of Ms. Akashi, the object of his affection. Stars: Shintar Asanuma, Hiroyuki Yoshino, Rin Mizuhara
The Terror ::: TV-14 | 1h | Adventure, Drama, History | TV Series (2018- ) Episode Guide 20 episodes The Terror Poster -- Supernatural, semihistorical, horror anthology series, where each season is inspired by a different infamous or mysterious real life historical tragedy. Creators:
The Tesla Files -- Documentary, History, Mystery | TV Series (2018- ) Episode Guide 5 episodes The Tesla Files Poster ::: Researcher Marc Seifer, astrophysicist Travis Taylor and investigative journalist Jason Stapleton investigate the mysteries surrounding the life and work of Nikola Tesla, one of the most important and eccentric scientists in history. Stars:
The Testament of Sister New Devil ::: Shinmai Maou no Testament (original tit ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Fantasy | TV Series (2015- ) Episode Guide 24 episodes The Testament of Sister New Devil Poster -- First-year high school student, Toujo Basara, was suddenly have two beautiful step-sisters adopted by his father. But Mio and Maria's true forms are actually the newbie Demon Lord and a succubus!? Stars:
The Tudors ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, History, Romance | TV Series (2007-2010) Episode Guide 38 episodes The Tudors Poster -- A dramatic series about the reign and marriages of King Henry VIII. Creator: Michael Hirst
The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat ::: TV-G | 25min | Animation, Short, Adventure | TV Series (1995-1997) Episode Guide 21 episodes The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat Poster -- The beyond surreal adventures of Felix The Cat and his friends set in an incredibly weird and fantastical toon world where everything is alive and only dream logic rules. Each episode has three segments. Creators:
The Umbrella Academy ::: TV-14 | 1h | Action, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 30 episodes The Umbrella Academy Poster -- 3 -- A family of former child heroes, now grown apart, must reunite to continue to protect the world. Creators: Steve Blackman, Jeremy Slater
The Untold History of the United States ::: TV-MA | 58min | Documentary, History, War | TV Mini-Series (2012-2013) Episode Guide 12 episodes The Untold History of the United States Poster -- Oliver Stone 's re-examination of under-reported events in American history. Stars: Oliver Stone, Alan Shearman, Jim Ward
The Voice ::: TV-PG | 1h | Game-Show, Music, Reality-TV | TV Series (2011 ) Next Episode Monday, March 15 -- Four famous musicians search for the best voices in America and will mentor these singers to become artists. America will decide which singer will be worthy of the grand prize.
The White Princess ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, History, Romance | TV Mini-Series (2017) Episode Guide 8 episodes The White Princess Poster -- Based on the Philippa Gregory book of the same name, the story of Elizabeth of York, the White Queen's daughter, and her marriage to the Lancaster victor, Henry VII. Stars:
The White Queen ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, History, Romance | TV Mini-Series (2013) Episode Guide 10 episodes The White Queen Poster -- Three different, yet equally relentless women vie for the throne in 15th-century England. Stars: Aneurin Barnard, Rebecca Ferguson, Amanda Hale
The X-Files ::: The X Files (original tit ::: TV-14 | 45min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (1993-2018) Episode Guide 217 episodes The X-Files Poster -- Two F.B.I. Agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained, while hidden forces work to impede their efforts. Creator:
Through the Wormhole ::: TV-PG | 1h | Documentary | TV Series (2010-2017) Episode Guide 63 episodes Through the Wormhole Poster -- Hosted by Morgan Freeman, Through the Wormhole will explore the deepest mysteries of existence - the questions that have puzzled mankind for eternity. What are we made of? What was there ... S Stars:
Timeless ::: TV-14 | 1h | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2016-2018) Episode Guide 27 episodes Timeless Poster -- An unlikely trio travel through time in order to battle unknown criminals and protect history as we know it. Creators: Eric Kripke, Shawn Ryan
Tiny House Nation ::: TV-PG | 43min | Reality-TV | TV Series (2014- ) Episode Guide 90 episodes Tiny House Nation Poster -- Tiny House Nation takes renovation experts John Weisbarth and Zack Giffin across America to help design and construct tiny dream homes in spaces under 500 square feet. Tiny House Nation ... S Stars:
Titans ::: TV-MA | 45min | Action, Adventure, Crime | TV Series (2018- ) Season 3 Premiere 2021 Episode Guide 34 episodes Titans Poster -- A team of young superheroes combat evil and other perils. Creators:
Todd McFarlane's Spawn ::: Spawn (original tit ::: TV-MA | 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1997-1999) Episode Guide 18 episodes Todd McFarlane's Spawn Poster -- After being betrayed and murdered by his employer, a government trained assassin named, Al Simmons, is resurrected as a Hellspawn and is forced to become the reluctant leader of Hell's army. Creator:
Tokyo Ghoul ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2014) Episode Guide 12 episodes Tokyo Ghoul Poster -- A Tokyo college student is attacked by a ghoul, a superpowered human who feeds on human flesh. He survives, but has become part ghoul and becomes a fugitive on the run. Stars:
TOME: Terrain of Magical Expertise ::: 15min | Animation, Fantasy, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2011-2015) Episode Guide 23 episodes TOME: Terrain of Magical Expertise Poster It's the year 2020, and everyone's playing video games. Creators: Mike Luckas, Chris Niosi Stars: Martin Billany, Chris Niosi, Anna Kingsley
Top Chef ::: TV-14 | 44min | Game-Show, Reality-TV | TV Series (2006 ) -- A reality competition show in which chefs compete against one another in culinary challenges and are a judged by a panel of food and wine experts, with one or more contestants eliminated each episode. Stars:
Top Chef ::: TV-14 | 44min | Game-Show, Reality-TV | TV Series (2006 ) Season 18 Premiere Thursday, April 1 -- A reality competition show in which chefs compete against one another in culinary challenges and are a judged by a panel of food and wine experts, with one or more contestants eliminated each episode.
Top Gear: The Perfect Road Trip (2013) ::: 7.9/10 -- 1h 25min | Documentary, Comedy | TV Movie 14 July 2014 -- Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond go on a seven-day road trip from Venice, Italy, to Pau, France, in this special episode from the BBC motoring series. Along the way the pair visit the ... S Director: Phil Churchward Writers: Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond
Tower of God ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes Tower of God Poster Reach the top, and everything will be yours. At the top of the tower exists everything in this world, and all of it can be yours. Stars: Matthew David Rudd, Johnny Yong Bosch, Chris Hackney
Travelers ::: TV-MA | 45min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2016-2018) Episode Guide 34 episodes Travelers Poster -- Hundreds of years from now, surviving humans discover how to send consciousness back through time, into people of the 21st century, while attempting to change the path of humanity. Creator:
Trigun ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (1998) Episode Guide 26 episodes Trigun Poster -- Vash the Stampede is the most infamous outlaw on the planet Gunsmoke and with a 60 billion double dollar price on his head the most sought after! Creator:
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia ::: Trollhunters (original tit ::: TV-Y7 | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2016-2018) Episode Guide 54 episodes Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia Poster -- An ordinary boy finds a magic amulet that chooses him to be a Trollhunter, a guardian that defends the world of humans and the secret world of trolls. Creator:
Tsukimonogatari ::: 22min | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (2014- ) Episode Guide 4 episodes Tsukimonogatari Poster One day, Araragi Koyomi suddenly realize that he is no longer reflected in the mirror - one characteristic of vampire. That is because he used vampire power too often and now his body is ... S Stars: Takehito Koyasu, Saori Hayami, Hiroshi Kamiya
TVF Pitchers ::: TV-MA | 40min | Comedy, Drama | TV Mini-Series (2015) Episode Guide 5 episodes TVF Pitchers Poster -- A story of trials and tribulations of four young entrepreneurs who quit their day jobs in order to pursue their start up venture. Creator: Arunabh Kumar
Undateable ::: TV-14 | 22min | Comedy | TV Series (2014-2016) Episode Guide 36 episodes Undateable Poster -- A womanizer helps his sister, a bar owning roomie and his 3 friends with well needed dating advice. Creator: Adam Sztykiel
Underbelly -- 1h | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (20082013) ::: Each season of this multi award winning Television series takes you through a 13 episode run in the rise and fall of real life Australian underworld figures as told from both sides of the law. Stars:
Under the Dome ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2013-2015) Episode Guide 39 episodes Under the Dome Poster -- An invisible and mysterious force field descends upon a small actual town of Chester's Mill, Maine, USA, trapping residents inside, cut off from the rest of civilization. The trapped townspeople must discover the secrets and purpose of the "dome" or "sphere" and its origins, while coming to learn more than they ever knew about each other and animals too.
Undone ::: TV-MA | 23min | Animation, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 9 episodes Undone Poster -- A woman discovers she has a new relationship with time after surviving a car accident that almost killed her. Creators: Raphael Bob-Waksberg, Kate Purdy
Upload ::: TV-MA | 4h 56min | Comedy, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes Upload Poster -- A man is able to choose his own afterlife after his untimely death by having his consciousness uploaded into a virtual world. As he gets used to his new life and befriends his angel (real world handler) questions about his death arise. Creator:
Urusei Yatsura ::: TV-PG | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1981-1986) Episode Guide 195 episodes Urusei Yatsura Poster The series begins when aliens from the planet Oniboshi invade Earth. They agree to leave only if Earth's champion can defeat the Oni champion in a game of tag within a ten-day time limit. ... S Creator: Rumiko Takahashi
Usagi Drop ::: Usagi doroppu (original tit ::: TV-PG | 24min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2011-2012) Episode Guide 15 episodes Usagi Drop Poster A man adopts his six-year-old aunt and raises her as his own kid. Stars: Hiroshi Tsuchida, Ayu Matsuura, Atsuko Mine
Utopia ::: TV-MA | 50min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2013-2014) Episode Guide 12 episodes Utopia Poster After a group of people, who meet online, discover a bizarre graphic novel which seems to hold mysterious answers, they find themselves being tracked down by a merciless organization known merely as 'The Network'. Creator: Dennis Kelly
Van Helsing ::: TV-14 | 1h | Action, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 65 episodes Van Helsing Poster -- Vanessa Helsing, distant relative of famous vampire hunter Abraham Van Helsing, is resurrected only to find that vampires have taken over the world. Stars:
Versailles ::: TV-MA | 52min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Series (2015-2018) Episode Guide 30 episodes Versailles Poster -- In 1667, 28-year-old all-powerful king of France, Louis XIV, decides to build the greatest palace in the world - Versailles. But drained budget, affairs and political intrigues complicate things. Creators:
Victoria ::: TV-PG | 1h | Biography, Drama, History | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 25 episodes Victoria Poster -- The early life of Queen Victoria, from her ascension to the throne at the tender age of eighteen to her courtship and marriage to Prince Albert. Creator:
Vikings: Athestan's Journal ::: Connections -- Episode Guide 13 episodes Vikings: Athelstan's Journal Poster Viking culture is seen from a first-hand experience through Athelstan's perspective. Athelstan reflects his inner thoughts on the ways of the Northmen including all their customs, values, ... S Stars: George Blagden, Travis Fimmel, Jennie Jacques
Vikings ::: TV-MA | 44min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2013-2020) Episode Guide 93 episodes Vikings Poster -- Vikings transports us to the brutal and mysterious world of Ragnar Lothbrok, a Viking warrior and farmer who yearns to explore - and raid - the distant shores across the ocean. Creator:
Vinland Saga ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2019) Episode Guide 24 episodes Vinland Saga Poster -- Thorfinn pursues a journey with his father's killer in order to take revenge and end his life in a duel as an honorable warrior and pay his father a homage. Stars:
Violet Evergarden ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Drama, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (2018) Episode Guide 14 episodes Violet Evergarden Poster -- In the aftermath of a great war, Violet Evergarden, a young female ex-soldier, gets a job at a writers' agency and goes on assignments to create letters that can connect people. Stars:
Welcome to the N.H.K. ::: N.H.K ni ykoso! (original tit ::: TV-MA | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2006) Episode Guide 24 episodes Welcome to the N.H.K. Poster -- This surreal dramedy follows Satou Tatsuhiro as he attempts to escape the evil machinations of the NHK. Stars:
Westworld ::: TV-MA | 1h 2min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 29 episodes Westworld Poster -- Set at the intersection of the near future and the reimagined past, explore a world in which every human appetite can be indulged without consequence. Creators:
Westworld ::: Westworld (2016- ) -- 2016 Season 1 | Episode 10 Previous All Episodes (29) Next The Bicameral Mind Poster -- Ford unveils his bold new narrative; Dolores embraces her identity; Maeve sets her plan in motion. Director:
What We Do in the Shadows ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Fantasy, Horror | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 22 episodes What We Do in the Shadows Poster -- A look into the daily (or rather, nightly) lives of three vampires, who've lived together for over 100 years, on Staten Island. Creator: Jemaine Clement
When They Cry ::: Higurashi no naku koro ni (original tit ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Horror, Mystery | TV Series (2006-2013) Episode Guide 28 episodes When They Cry Poster -- The story of a group of young friends and the mysterious events that occur in the rural village of Hinamizawa. Creators:
White Collar ::: TV-PG | 40min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2009-2014) Episode Guide 81 episodes White Collar Poster -- A white-collar criminal agrees to help the FBI catch other white-collar criminals using his expertise as an art and securities thief, counterfeiter, and conman. Creator:
WWE Raw ::: WWE Monday Night RAW (original tit ::: TV-PG | 1h | Action, Sport | TV Series (1993 ) Next Episode Monday, March 15 Episode Guide 1458 episodes
WWE Smackdown! ::: WWF SmackDown! (original tit ::: TV-14 | 2h | Action, Sport | TV Series (1999 ) Next Episode Friday, March 12 Episode Guide 1133 episodes
Year Million ::: 47min | Documentary, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Mini-Series (2017) Episode Guide 6 episodes Year Million Poster An in depth look into what our future will look like when technology takes over, for better or worse. Stars: Negin Farsad, Laurence Fishburne, Mikls Banyai
You ::: TV-MA | 45min | Crime, Drama, Romance | TV Series (2018- ) Episode Guide 30 episodes You Poster -- A dangerously charming, intensely obsessive young man goes to extreme measures to insert himself into the lives of those he is transfixed by. Creators: Sera Gamble, Greg Berlanti
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series ::: Animation, Comedy | TV Series (2006- ) Episode Guide 83 episodes Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series Poster Imagine Yu-Gi-Oh!, condensed into about 5 minutes. That's what this is. Creator: Martin Billany Stars: Martin Billany, Curtis Arnott, Chris Niosi
Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files ::: Yu yu hakusho (original tit ::: TV-PG | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1992-1995) Episode Guide 112 episodes Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files Poster -- One day, 14-year-old Yusuke Urameshi suddenly finds himself dead, having died pushing a child out of the way of oncoming traffic. Since he has such a bad personality, even the Spirit World ... S's_Garden_(episode),_the_Great_Starlight_School_Festival!!_Special_Live_Act_Part_2'em_Soleil!!_Episodes!_Episode,_No_Painting/Les_Miseranimals'_the_Garden/Plane_Pals's_Dream,_Draculaa/Phranken-Runt'_on_the_Blitz/The_Great_Wakkorotti:_The_Summer_Concert"Super_Peace_Busters""Menma_the_Hero""Menma_Search_Party""The_White_Dress_with_a_Ribbon""Tunnel""Forget_It,_Don't_Forget"!'_Drippy_(episode),_Someone_Angrier_Than_Me's_Bullshit_(Episodes_1_to_25)'s_Bullshit_(Episodes_26_to_50)'s_Grand_Adventure!'s_Grand_Adventure!?!!?!'s_Grand_Adventure!'s_Grand_Adventure!?!!?!'s_Very_Special_Episode's_Clues_&_You!)'s_World_episodes!_Todd_Episode!'_-_BOTO's_Night_Contest!_Episode_10!_Episode_11!_Episode_12!_Episode_9!!!!!_A_Tearful_Hana_Ichi_Monme'_Garbage?_(episode),_Part_2,_Part_2!'s_Greatest_Trick's_End's_Favor!,_Blue_Eyes!,_I'll_Believe_In_You'll_Be_Judge,_I'll_Be_Jury's_Best_You_Stop_Digging,_Mouse!'s_Addiction's_Ouroboros's_Pipe-Dream's_Tasbih's_Door's_Opus't_Free's_All_Greek_To_Me's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Abominations's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_A_Head_of_Her_Time's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Amazing_Grace's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Aruba's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Aruba-Con's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Beebo_the_God_of_War's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Blood_Ties's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Camelot/3000's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Compromised's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Crisis_on_Earth-X,_Part_4's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Crisis_on_Infinite_Earths:_Part_Five's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Daddy_Darhkest's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Dancing_Queen's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Destiny's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Doomworld's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Egg_MacGuffin's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Fail-Safe's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Fellowship_of_the_Spear's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Freaks_and_Greeks's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Freakshow's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Guest_Starring_John_Noble's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Helen_Hunt's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Hell_No,_Dolly's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Here_I_Go_Again's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Hey,_World!'s_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_I_Am_Legends's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_I,_Ava's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Invasion!'s_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Land_of_the_Lost's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Last_Refuge's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Left_Behind's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Legendary's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Legends_of_To-Meow-Meow's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Leviathan's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Lucha_de_Apuestas's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Marooned's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Meet_the_Legends's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Miss_Me,_Kiss_Me,_Love_Me's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Moonshot's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Mortal_Khanbat's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Mr._Parker's_Cul-De-Sac's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Necromancing_the_Stone's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Night_of_the_Hawk's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Nip/Stuck's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_No_Country_for_Old_Dads's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Outlaw_Country's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Out_of_Time's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Phone_Home's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Pilot,_Part_1's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Pilot,_Part_2's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Progeny's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Raiders_of_the_Lost_Art's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Return_of_the_Mack's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_River_of_Time's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Romeo_V._Juliet:_Dawn_of_Justness's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_S's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Ship_Broken's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Shogun's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Slay_Anything's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Star_City_2046's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Swan_Thong's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Tagumo_Attacks!!!'s_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Tender_Is_the_Nate's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Terms_of_Service's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_The_Chicago_Way's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_The_Curse_of_the_Earth_Totem's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_The_Eggplant,_the_Witch_&_the_Wardrobe's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_The_Getaway's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_The_Good,_the_Bad_and_the_Cuddly's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_The_Great_British_Fake_Off's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_The_Justice_Society_of_America's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_The_Legion_of_Doom's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_The_Magnificent_Eight's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_The_One_Where_We're_Trapped_On_TV's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_The_Virgin_Gary's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Turncoat's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Welcome_to_the_Jungle's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Wet_Hot_American_Bummer's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_White_Knights's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Witch_Hunt's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Zari's_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Zari,_Not_Zari's_Land's_Entertainment's_Path's_Head's_Shocking,_Our_Hero's_Umbrella,_Knock's_Little_Monster's_the_Night'_Gallery,_Jim_Gordon's_Back_Man's_Snare'_Quarrel's_No_Place_to_Go_But_Down're_a_Damn_Good_Cop,_Jim_Gordon's_Well_That_Ends_Well's_World,_Part_1,_Part_2,_Can_You_Spare_a_Brain?,_Zombies,_Live_Rat,_Brown_Rat,_White_Rat't_Hate_the_Player,_Hate_the_Brain,_Pray,_Liv,_Six,_Seven,_Ate!,_Part_1,_Part_2,_Heal_Thy_Selfie,_Zombie,_Die,_Motherscratcher!'ve_Got_to_Hide_Your_Liv_Away,_Part_I,_Part_I't_Fly't_Tug_on_Superman's_Cape'm_Looking_Through_You's_a_Small_World_After_All've_Got_a_Crush_On_You've_Got_You_Under_My_Skin,_Lies_and_Videotape,_This_Time_We're_Not_Kidding!,_Green_Glow_of_Home,_Darkly,_Whine,_Whine,_Doctor?'s_Coming_Up_Lucifer's_Okay!,_Liar,_Slutty_Dress_on_Fire!_Lucifer!_Lucifer!,_Stay._Good_Devil's_Keeper,_Ye_of_Little_Faith,_Father's_Been_Reading_Dante's_Inferno,_the_Bad,_and_the_Crispy're_Back,_Aren't_They?,_Charlotte_Richards's_da_New_King_of_Hell?'s_Daughter,_Part_I,_Part_II,_Part_I,_Part_II,_Part_I,_Part_II,_Part_I,_Part_1,_Part_3's_a_Super_Life,_She_Persisted,_Where_Art_Thou?,_Justice,_and_the_American_Way's_So_Funny_About_Truth,_Justice_and_the_American_Way?!_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Had_to_Be_There!_(TV_Series)_Episode:_Strength_of_a_Grown_Man'd_Up's_Wells_That_Ends_Wells,_Part_3't_Run,_Part_1,_I_Shrunk_Team_Flash!,_All_Ye_Thankful,_Iris,_Run,_Pt._1,_Pt._2't_Outrun's_Past_Is_Prologue'r!,_Diego,_Go!_Episodes's_Clues_in_El_Kadsre/List_of_episodes_that_aired_in_El_Kadsre!'s_Smits-Cultburgers's_Smits-Sagwa's_Movie!'_USA!_2001's_Big_Circus_Adventure!_into_a_Musical_Mystery!_Episodes,_Brian,_and_Doug's_Escape_from_Tomorrow's_Movie!'s_Adventures_Episodes!_(Happy_BLAM_Episode)'s_Kingdom_episodes!:_Episode_Listing!!:_Episode_Listing!:_Episode_Listing!!_Anime/Episode_List's_Big_Score_(Episode)''!_Cartoons)'_Christmas_(Episode)'s_Place_(episode)'s_Episode:_Exodus$pringfield_(Springfield_Animals_episode)!_Episodes,_Celebrating_100_Episodes'_Out_(Episode)'s_Anatomy_Episodes,_Chant,_Prayer,_Awaken't_Mean_You're_Weak._Enduring_Doesn't_Mean_You're_Strong!_Project_Kenshuusei_2021_Hatsu_Tandoku_Live_~Episode_Zero~'s_Kitchen_Episodes's_Heroes,_Deafening_Silence,_and_Then...!_Let's_Go!/Episodes's!'s_Eyes's_Life_Changed_That_Day's_Heart,_Yasuna's_Heart's_Eyes'll_Just_Watch...!_Daimidaler_Goes_Into_Action!!_The_Stolen_Sun!_Fiery_Jake_Appears!!_The_Fearsome_Penguin_Flyers!_Shouma_and_Kiriko,_Episode_1,_Episode_2,_Episode_3,_Episode_4,_Episode_5,_Episode_6's_day's_Mystery-Solving_Files/List_of_episodes's_Go_Luna_(Episodes_Canada)'s_Go_Luna!_(Episodes_Canada)!_(Episode_USA)'s_Go_Luna!_(Episode_USA)'s_First_Day_of_Hillridge_Junior_High_(2001)_(TV_Episode);_1990);_1997)!!_Episodes_List's_100th_Episode_Special,_Part_One,_Part_Two,_Author_(episode),_Badda-Bang_(episode),_Part_I_(episode),_Part_II_(episode),_Part_I_(episode),_Part_II_(episode)!_(episode)'s_Light_(episode)'s_Holiday_(episode),_Part_I_(episode),_Part_II_(episode)'s_Play_(episode)'s_Errant_Arrow_(episode)'s_Day_(episode),_Part_II_(episode)'s_Due_(episode),_I_Presume_(episode)'s_Orders_(episode)'s_Teeth_(episode),_Dear_Data_(episode),_Part_II_(episode),_Part_1_(episode),_Part_2_(episode)'s_Child_(episode)'s_End_(episode)'s_End,_Part_II_(episode)'s_Child_(episode),_Part_I_(episode),_Part_II_(episode) of Stone (episode)'s_Tooth_(episode),_Borg_(episode),_Mudd_(episode),_Darkly_(episode),_Darkly,_Part_II_(episode)'s_Shadow_(episode)'s_Only_a_Paper_Moon_(episode)'s_End_(episode)'Shara_(episode)'Mach_in_All_the_Wrong_Places_(episode), Mirror (episode),_Mirror_(episode),_Mirror_(episode)?,_More_Troubles_(episode)'s_Passion_(episode)'s_Women_(episode)!_(episode),_Part_I_(episode),_Part_II_(episode)'s_Stepchildren_(episode) (episode),_Part_II_(episode)'Jem_(episode),_Part_II_(episode),_Para_Bellum_(episode)'s_Brain_(episode),_Part_II_(episode),_Part_2_(episode)'Kal_(episode),_Part_1_(episode),_Part_2_(episode),_Part_I_(episode),_Part_II_(episode),_Part_1_(episode),_Part_2_(episode)'s_(episode),_Part_II_(episode)'s_Knife_Cares_Not_for_the_Lamb's_Cry_(episode)'s_New_Cloak_(episode)'Hadar_(episode),_Part_II_(episode),_Part_I_(episode),_Part_II_(episode),_Part_I_(episode),_Part_II_(episode)'s_Eye_(episode),_Part_I_(episode),_Part_II_(episode),_The_War_Within_(episode) Own Self 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