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object:2.04 - Positive Aspects of the Mother-Complex
book class:The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
author class:Carl Jung
subject class:Psychology
subject class:Occultism



J 72 The positive aspect of the first type of complex, namely the
overdevelopment of the maternal instinct, is identical with that
well-known image of the mother which has been glorified in all
ages and all tongues. This is the mother-love which is one of the
most moving and unforgettable memories of cur lives, the mys-
terious root of all growth and change; the love that means
homecoming, shelter, and the long silence from which every-
thing begins and in which everything ends. Intimately known
and yet strange like Nature, lovingly tender and yet cruel like
fate, joyous and untiring giver of life mater dolorosa and mute
implacable portal that closes upon the dead. Mother is mother-
love, my experience and my secret. Why risk saying too much,
too much that is false and inadequate and beside the point,
about that human being who was our mother, the accidental
carrier of that great experience which includes herself and my-
self and all mankind, and indeed the whole of created nature,
the experience of life whose children we are? The attempt to
say these things has always been made, and probably always will
be; but a sensitive person cannot in all fairness load that enor-
mous burden of meaning, responsibility, duty, heaven and hell,
on to the shoulders of one frail and fallible human being so
deserving of love, indulgence, understanding, and forgiveness
who was our mother. He knows that the mother carries for us
that inborn image of the mater natura and mater spiritaalis, of
the totality of life of which we are a small and helpless part.
Nor should we hesitate for one moment to relieve the human
mother of this appalling burden, for our own sakes as well as
hers. It is just this massive weight of meaning that ties us to the
mother and chains her to her child, to the physical and mental



detriment of both. A mother-complex is not got rid of by
blindly reducing the mother to human proportions. Besides that
we run the risk of dissolving the experience "Mother" into
atoms, thus destroying something supremely valuable and
throwing away the golden key which a good fairy laid in our
cradle. That is why mankind has always instinctively added the
pre-existent divine pair to the personal parents the ' god"-
father and "god"-mother of the newborn child so that, from
sheer unconsciousness or shortsighted rationalism, he should
never forget himself so far as to invest his own parents with

J 73 The archetype is really far less a scientific problem than an
urgent question of psychic hygiene. Even if all proofs of the
existence of archetypes were lacking, and all the clever people
in the world succeeded in convincing us that such a thing could
not possibly exist, we would have to invent them forthwith in
order to keep our highest and most important values from dis-
appearing into the unconscious. For when these fall into the un-
conscious the whole elemental force of the original experience
is lost. What then appears in its place is fixation on the mother-
imago; and when this has been sufficiently rationalized and
"corrected," we are tied fast to human reason and condemned
from then on to believe exclusively in what is rational. That is
a virtue and an advantage on the one hand, but on the other a
limitation and impoverishment, for it brings us nearer to the
bleakness of doctrinairism and "enlightenment." This Deesse
Raison emits a deceptive light which illuminates only what we
know already, but spreads a darkness over all those things which
it would be most needful for us to know and become conscious
of. The more independent "reason" pretends to be, the more it
turns into sheer intellectuality which puts doctrine in the place
of reality and shows us man not as he is but how it wants him
to be.

*74 Whether he understands them or not, man must remain
conscious of the world of the archetypes, because in it he is still
a part of Nature and is connected with his own roots. A view of
the world or a social order that cuts him off from the primordial
images of life not only is no culture at all but, in increasing
degree, is a prison or a stable. If the primordial images remain
conscious in some form or other, the energy that belongs to



them can flow freely into man. But when it is no longer pos-
sible to maintain contact with them, then the tremendous sum
of energy stored up in these images, which is also the source of
the fascination underlying the infantile parental complex, falls
back into the unconscious. The unconscious then becomes
charged with a force that acts as an irresistible vis a tergo to
whatever view or idea or tendency our intellect may choose
to dangle enticingly before our desiring eyes. In this way man is
delivered over to his conscious side, and reason becomes the
arbiter of right and wrong, of good and evil. I am far from wish-
ing to belittle the divine gift of reason, man's highest faculty.
But in the role of absolute tyrant it has no meaning no more
than light would have in a world where its counterpart, dark-
ness, was absent. Man would do well to heed the wise counsel of
the mother and obey the inexorable law of nature which sets
limits to every being. He ought never to forget that the world
exists only because opposing forces are held in equilibrium. So,
too, the rational is counterbalanced by the irrational, and what
is planned and purposed by what is.
1 75 This excursion into the realm of generalities was unavoid-
able, because the mother is the first world of the child and the
last world of the adult. We are all wrapped as her children in
the mantle of this great Isis. But let us now return to the differ-
ent types of feminine mother-complex. It may seem strange that
I am devoting so much more time to the mother-complex in
woman than to its counterpart in man. The reason for this has
already been mentioned: in a man, the mother-complex is never
"pure," it is always mixed with the anima archetype, and the
consequence is that a man's statements about the mother are
always emotionally prejudiced in the sense of showing "animos-
ity." Only in women is it possible to examine the effects of the
mother archetype without admixture of animosity, and even
this has prospects of success only when no compensating animus
has developed.


J 7 6 I drew a very unfavourable picture of this type as we encoun-
ter it in the field of psychopathology. But this type, uninviting



as it appears, also has positive aspects which society could ill
afford to do without. Indeed, behind what is possibly the worst
effect of this attitude, the unscrupulous wrecking of marriages,
we can see an extremely significant and purposeful arrangement
of nature. This type often develops in reaction to a mother who
is wholly a thrall of nature, purely instinctive and therefore all-
devouring. Such a mother is an anachronism, a throw-back to a
primitive state of matriarchy where the man leads an insipid
existence as a mere procreator and serf of the soil. The reactive
intensification of the daughter's Eros is aimed at some man who
ought to be rescued from the preponderance of the female-
maternal element in his life. A woman of this type instinctively
intervenes when provoked by the unconsciousness of the mar-
riage partner. She will disturb that comfortable ease so danger-
ous to the personality of a man but frequently regarded by him
as marital faithfulness. This complacency leads to blank uncon-
sciousness of his own personality and to those supposedly ideal
marriages where he is nothing but Dad and she is nothing but
Mom, and they even call each other that. This is a slippery path
that can easily degrade marriage to the level of a mere breeding-
77 A woman of this type directs the burning ray of her Eros
upon a man whose life is stifled by maternal solicitude, and by
doing so she arouses a moral conflict. Yet without this there can
be no consciousness of personality. "But why on earth," you
may ask, "should it be necessary for man to achieve, by hook or
by crook, a higher level of consciousness?" This is truly the cru-
cial question, and I do not find the answer easy. Instead of a real
answer I can only make a confession of faith: I believe that,
after thousands and millions of years, someone had to realize
that this wonderful world of mountains and oceans, suns and
moons, galaxies and nebulae, plants and animals, exists. From a
low hill in the Athi plains of East Africa I once watched the vast
herds of wild animals grazing in soundless stillness, as they had
done from time immemorial, touched only by the breath of a
primeval world. I felt then as if I were the first man, the first
creature, to know that all this is. The entire world round me
was still in its primeval state; it did not know that it was. And
then, in that one moment in which I came to know, the world
sprang into being; without that moment it would never have



been. All Nature seeks this goal and finds it fulfilled in man,
but only in the most highly developed and most fully conscious
man. Every advance, even the smallest, along this path of con-
scious realization adds that much to the world.

*7 8 There is no consciousness without discrimination of oppo-
sites. This is the paternal principle, the Logos, which eternally
struggles to extricate itself from the primal warmth and primal
darkness of the maternal womb; in a word, from unconscious-
ness. Divine curiosity yearns to be born and does not shrink
from conflict, suffering, or sin. Unconsciousness is the primal
sin, evil itself, for the Logos. Therefore its first creative act of
liberation is matricide, and the spirit that dared all heights and
all depths must, as Synesius says, suffer the divine punishment,
enchainment on the rocks of the Caucasus. Nothing can exist
without its opposite; the two were one in the beginning and
will be one again in the end. Consciousness can only exist
through continual recognition of the unconscious, just as every-
thing that lives must pass through many deaths.

*79 The stirring up of conflict is a Luciferian virtue in the true
sense of the word. Conflict engenders fire, the fire of affects and
emotions, and like every other fire it has two aspects, that of
combustion and that of creating light. On the one hand, emo-
tion is the alchemical fire whose warmth brings everything into
existence and whose heat burns all superfluities to ashes (omnes
superfluities comburit). But on the other hand, emotion is the
moment when steel meets flint and a spark is struck forth, for
emotion is the chief source of consciousness. There is no change
from darkness to light or from inertia to movement without

180 The woman whose fate it is to be a disturbing element is not
solely destructive, except in pathological cases. Normally the
disturber is herself caught in the disturbance; the worker of
change is herself changed, and the glare of the fire she ignites
both illuminates and enlightens all the victims of the entangle-
ment. What seemed a senseless upheaval becomes a process of

So that all that is vain
Might dwindle and wane. 1

l Faust, Part II, Act 5.



181 If a woman of this type remains unconscious of the meaning
of her function, if she does not know that she is

Part of that power which would
Ever work evil but engenders good, 2

she will herself perish by the sword she brings. But conscious-
ness transforms her into a deliverer and redeemer.


82 The woman of the third type, who is so identified with the
mother that her own instincts are paralysed through projection,
need not on that account remain a hopeless nonentity forever.
On the contrary, if she is at all normal, there is a good chance of
the empty vessel being filled by a potent anima projection. In-
deed, the fate of such a woman depends on this eventuality; she
can never find herself at all, not even approximately, without
a man's help; she has to be literally abducted or stolen from her
mother. Moreover, she must play the role mapped out for her
for a long time and with great effort, until she actually comes to
loa the it. In this way she may perhaps discover who she really is.
Such women may become devoted and self-sacrificing wives of
husbands whose whole existence turns on their identification
with a profession or a great talent, but who, for the rest, are
unconscious and remain so. Since they are nothing but masks
themselves, the wife, too, must be able to play the accompanying
part with a semblance of naturalness. But these women some-
times have valuable gifts which remained undeveloped only be-
cause they were entirely unconscious of their own personality.
They may project the gift or talent upon a husb and who lacks it
himself, and then we have the spectacle of a totally insignificant
man who seemed to have no chance whatsoever suddenly soar-
ing as if on a magic carpet to the highest summits of achieve-
ment. Cherchez la femme, and you have the secret of his suc-
cess. These women remind me if I may be forgiven the impolite
comparison of hefty great bitches who turn tail before the
smallest cur simply because he is a terrible male and it never
occurs to them to bite him.

2 Ibid., Part I, Act 1.



183 Finally, it should be remarked that emptiness is a great femi-
nine secret. It is something absolutely alien to man; the chasm,
the unplumbed depths, the yin. The pitifulness of this vacuous
nonentity goes to his heart (I speak here as a man), and one is
tempted to say that this constitutes the whole "mystery" of
woman. Such a female is fate itself. A man may say what he likes
about it; be for it or against it, or both at once; in the end he
falls, absurdly happy, into this pit, or, if he doesn't, he has
missed and bungled his only chance of making a man of himself.
In the first case one cannot disprove his foolish good luck to
him, and in the second one cannot make his misfortune seem
plausible. "The Mothers, the Mothers, how eerily it sounds!" 3
With this sigh, which seals the capitulation of the male as he
approaches the realm of the Mothers, we will turn to the fourth


8 4 As a pathological phenomenon this type is an unpleasant,
exacting, and anything but satisfactory partner for her husband,
since she rebels in every fibre of her being against everything
that springs from natural soil. However, there is no reason why
increasing experience of life should not teach her a thing or two,
so that for a start she gives up fighting the mother in the per-
sonal and restricted sense. But even at her best she will remain
hostile to all that is dark, unclear, and ambiguous, and will cul-
tivate and emphasize everything certain and clear and reason-
able. Excelling her more feminine sister in her objectivity and
coolness of judgment, she may become the friend, sister, and
competent adviser of her husband. Her own masculine aspira-
tions make it possible for her to have a human understanding
of the individuality of her husb and quite transcending the
realm of the erotic. The woman with this type of mother-com-
plex probably has the best chance of all to make her marriage
an outstanding success during the second half of life. But this is
true only if she succeeds in overcoming the hell of "nothing but
femininity," the chaos of the maternal womb, which is her great-
est danger because of her negative complex. As we know, a com-

3 Ibid., Part II, Act 1.




plex can be really overcome only if it is lived out to the full. In
other words, if we are to develop further we have to draw to us
and drink down to the very dregs what, because of our com-
plexes, we have held at a distance.

This type started out in the world with averted face, like
Lot's wife looking back on Sodom and Gomorrha. And all the
while the world and life pass by her like a dream an annoying
source of illusions, disappointments, and irritations, all of which
are due solely to the fact that she cannot bring herself to look
straight ahead for once. Because of her merely unconscious,
reactive attitude toward reality, her life actually becomes domi-
nated by what she fought hardest against the exclusively mater-
nal feminine aspect. But if she should later turn her face, she
will see the world for the first time, so to speak, in the light of
maturity, and see it embellished with all the colours and en-
chanting wonders of youth, and sometimes even of childhood.
It is a vision that brings knowledge and discovery of truth, the
indispensable prerequisite for consciousness. A part of life was
lost, but the meaning of life has been salvaged for her.

The woman who fights against her father still has the possi-
bility of leading an instinctive, feminine existence, because
she rejects only what is alien to her. But when she fights against
the mother she may, at the risk of injury to her instincts, attain
to greater consciousness, because in repudiating the mother she
repudiates all that is obscure, instinctive, ambiguous, and un-
conscious in her own nature. Thanks to her lucidity, objectivity,
and masculinity, a woman of this type is frequently found in
important positions in which her tardily discovered maternal
quality, guided by a cool intelligence, exerts a most beneficial
influence. This rare combination of womanliness and masculine
understanding proves valuable in the realm of intimate relation-
ships as well as in practical matters. As the spiritual guide and
adviser of a man, such a woman, unknown to the world, may
play a highly influential part. Owing to her qualities, the mascu-
line mind finds this type easier to understand than women with
other forms of mother-complex, and for this reason men often
favour her with the projection of positive mother-complexes.
The excessively feminine woman terrifies men who have a
mother-complex characterized by great sensitivity. But this
woman is not frightening to a man, because she builds bridges



for the masculine mind over which he can safely guide his feel-
ings to the opposite shore. Her clarity of understanding inspires
him with confidence, a factor not to be underrated and one that
is absent from the relationship between a man and a woman
much more often than one might think. The man's Eros does
not lead upward only but downward into that uncanny dark
world of Hecate and Kali, which is a horror to any intellectual
man. The understanding possessed by this type of woman will
be a guiding star to him in the darkness and seemingly unend-
ing mazes of life.


2.05 - Conclusion


187 From what has been said it should be clear that in the last
analysis all the statements of mythology on this subject as well
as the observed effects of the mother-complex, when stripped of
their confusing detail, point to the unconscious as their place
of origin. How else could it have occurred to man to divide the
cosmos, on the analogy of day and night, summer and winter,
into a bright day-world and a dark night-world peopled with
fabulous monsters, unless he had the prototype of such a division
in himself, in the polarity between the conscious and the invis-
ible and unknowable unconscious? Primitive man's perception
of objects is conditioned only partly by the objective behaviour
of the things themselves, whereas a much greater part is often
played by intrapsychic facts which are not related to the exter-
nal objects except by way of projection. 1 This is due to the
simple fact that the primitive has not yet experienced that
ascetic discipline of mind known to us as the critique of knowl-
edge. To him the world is a more or less fluid phenomenon
within the stream of his own fantasy, where subject and object
are undifferentiated and in a state of mutual interpenetration.
"All that is outside, also is inside," we could say with Goethe.
But this "inside," which modern rationalism is so eager to de-
rive from "outside," has an a priori structure of its own that
antedates all conscious experience. It is quite impossible to con-
ceive how "experience" in the widest sense, or, for that matter,
anything psychic, could originate exclusively in the outside
world. The psyche is part of the inmost mystery of life, and it
has its own peculiar structure and form like every other organ-
ism. Whether this psychic structure and its elements, the arche-
types, ever "originated" at all is a metaphysical question and
therefore unanswerable. The structure is something given, the
precondition that is found to be present in every case. And this
is the mother, the matrix the form into which all experience is

1 [Cf. above, "Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious," par. 7 Editors.]



poured. The father, on the other hand, represents the dynamism
of the archetype, for the archetype consists of both form and

188 The carrier of the archetype is in the first place the personal
mother, because the child lives at first in complete participation
with her, in a state of unconscious identity. She is the psychic as
well as the physical precondition of the child. With the awaken-
ing of ego-consciousness the participation gradually weakens,
and consciousness begins to enter into opposition to the uncon-
scious, its own precondition. This leads to differentiation of the
ego from the mother, whose personal peculiarities gradually
become more distinct. All the fabulous and mysterious quali-
ties attaching to her image begin to fall away and are transferred
to the person closest to her, for instance the grandmo ther. As
the mother of the mother, she is "greater" than the latter; she
is in truth the "grand" or "Great Mother." Not infrequently
she assumes the attri butes of wisdom as well as those of a witch.
For the further the archetype recedes from consciousness and
the clearer the latter becomes, the more distinctly does the
archetype assume mythological features. The transition from
mother to grandmo ther means that the archetype is elevated to
a higher rank. This is clearly demonstrated in a notion held by
the Bataks. The funeral sacrifice in honour of a dead father is
modest, consisting of ordinary food. But if the son has a son of
his own, then the father has become a grandfa ther and has con-
sequently attained a more dignified status in the Beyond, and
very important offerings are made to him. 2

18 9 As the distance between conscious and unconscious in-
creases, the grandmo ther's more exalted rank transforms her
into a "Great Mother," and it frequently happens that the op-
posites contained in this image split apart. We then get a good
fairy and a wicked fairy, or a benevolent goddess and one who is
malevolent and dangerous. In Western antiquity and especially
in Eastern cultures the opposites often remain united in the
same figure, though this paradox does not disturb the primitive
mind in the least. The legends about the gods are as full of con-
tradictions as are their moral characters. In the West, the para-
doxical behaviour and moral ambivalence of the gods scandal-
ized people even in antiquity and gave rise to criticism that led

2 Warnecke, Die Religion der Batak.



finally to a devaluation of the Olympians on the one hand and
to their philosophical interpretation on the other. The clearest
expression of this is the Christian reformation of the Jewish
concept of the Deity: the morally ambiguous Yahweh became
an exclusively good God, while everything evil was united in
the devil. It seems as if the development of the feeling function
in Western man forced a choice on him which led to the moral
splitting of the divinity into two halves. In the East the pre-
dominantly intuitive intellectual attitude left no room for feel-
ing values, and the gods Kali is a case in point could retain
their original paradoxical morality undisturbed. Thus Kali is
representative of the East and the Madonna of the West. The
latter has entirely lost the shadow that still distantly followed
her in the allegories of the Middle Ages. It was relegated to the
hell of popular imagination, where it now leads an insignificant
existence as the devil's grandmo ther. 3 Thanks to the develop-
ment of feeling-values, the splendour of the "light" god has
been enhanced beyond measure, but the darkness supposedly
represented by the devil has localized itself in man. This strange
development was precipitated chiefly by the fact that Christian-
ity, terrified of Manichaean dualism, strove to preserve its mon-
otheism by main force. But since the reality of darkness and
evil could not be denied, there was no alternative but to make
man responsible for it. Even the devil was largely, if not en-
tirely, abolished, with the result that this metaphysical figure,
who at one time was an integral part of the Deity, was intro-
jected into man, who thereupon became the real carrier of the
mysterium iniquitatis: "omne bonum a Deo, omne malum ab
homine." In recent times this development has suffered a dia-
bolical reverse, and the wolf in sheep's clothing now goes about
whispering in our ear that evil is really nothing but a misunder-
standing of good and an effective instrument of progress. We
think that the world of darkness has thus been abolished for
good and all, and nobody realizes what a poisoning this is of
man's soul. In this way he turns himself into the devil, for
the devil is half of the archetype whose irresistible power makes
even unbelievers ejaculate "Oh God!" on every suitable and
unsuitable occasion. If one can possibly avoid it, one ought
never to identify with an archetype, for, as psychopathology

3 [A familiar figure of speech in German Editors.]



and certain contemporary events show, the consequences are
9 Western man has sunk to such a low level spiritually that he
even has to deny the apotheosis of untamed and untameable
psychic power the divinity itself so that, after swallowing evil,
he may possess himself of the good as well. If you read Nietzsche's
Zarathustra with attention and psychological understanding,
you will see that he has described with rare consistency and with
the passion of a truly religious person the psychology of the
"Superman" for whom God is dead, and who is himself burst
asunder because he tried to imprison the divine paradox within
the narrow framework of the mortal man. Goe the has wisely
said: "What terror then shall seize the Superman!" and was
rewarded with a supercilious smile from the Philistines. His
glorification of the Mother who is great enough to include in
herself both the Queen of Heaven and Maria Aegyptiaca is
supreme wisdom and profoundly significant for anyone willing
to reflect upon it. But what can one expect in an age when the
official spokesmen of Christianity publicly announce their in-
ability to understand the foundations of religious experience!
I extract the following sentence from an article by a Protestant
theologian: "We understand ourselves whether naturalistically
or idealistically to be homogeneous creatures who are not so
peculiarly divided that alien forces can intervene in our inner
life, as the New Testament supposes." 4 (Italics mine.) The
author is evidently unacquainted with the fact that science
demonstrated the lability and dissociability of consciousness
more than half a century ago and proved it by experiment. Our
conscious intentions are continually disturbed and thwarted, to
a greater or lesser degree, by unconscious intrusions whose
causes are at first strange to us. The psyche is far from being a
homogeneous unit on the contrary, it is a boiling cauldron of
contradictory impulses, inhibitions, and affects, and for many
people the conflict between them is so insupportable that they
even wish for the deliverance preached by theologians. Deliver-
ance from what? Obviously, from a highly questionable psychic
state. The unity of consciousness or of the so-called personality
is not a reality at all but a desideratum. I still have a vivid mem-
ory of a certain philosopher who also raved about this unity and

*Buri, "Theologie und Philosophic" p. 117. [Quoting Rudolf Bultmann. Eds.]



used to consult me about his neurosis: he was obsessed by the
idea that he was suffering from cancer. I do not know how many
specialists he had consulted already, and how many X-ray pic-
tures he had had made. They all assured him that he had no
cancer. He himself told me: "I know I have no cancer, but I
still could have one." Who is responsible for this "imaginary"
idea? He certainly did not make it himself; it was forced on him
by an "alien" power. There is little to choose between this state
and that of the man possessed in the New Testament. Now
whether you believe in a demon of the air or in a factor in the
unconscious that plays diabolical tricks on you is all one to me.
The fact that man's imagined unity is menaced by alien powers
remains the same in either case. Theologians would do better to
take account for once of these psychological facts than to go on
"demythologizing" them with rationalistic explanations that are
a hundred years behind the times.

1 9 1 I have tried in the foregoing to give a survey of the psychic
phenomena that may be attri buted to the predominance of the
mother-image. Although I have not always drawn attention to
them, my reader will presumably have had no difficulty in rec-
ognizing those features which characterize the Great Mother
mythologically, even when they appear under the guise of per-
sonalistic psychology. When we ask patients who are particu-
larly influenced by the mother-image to express in words or pic-
tures what "Mother" means to them be it positive or negative
we invariably get symbolical figures which must be regarded as
direct analogies of the mythological mother-image. These analo-
gies take us into a field that still requires a great deal more work
of elucidation. At any rate, I personally do not feel able to say
anything definitive about it. If, nevertheless, I venture to offer
a few suggestions, they should be regarded as altogether provi-
sional and tentative.

J 92 Above all, I should like to point out that the mother-image
in a man's psychology is entirely different in character from a
woman's. For a woman, the mother typifies her own conscious
life as conditioned by her sex. But for a man the mother typifies
something alien, which he has yet to experience and which is
filled with the imagery latent in the unconscious. For this



reason, if for no other, the mother-image of a man is essentially
different from a woman's. The mother has from the outset a
decidedly symbolical significance for a man, which probably
accounts for his strong tendency to idealize her. Idealization is
a hidden apotropaism; one idealizes whenever there is a secret
fear to be exorcized. What is feared is the unconscious and its
magical influence. 5

*93 Whereas for a man the mother is ipso facto symbolical, for a
woman she becomes a symbol only in the course of her psycho-
logical development. Experience reveals the striking fact that
the Urania type of mother-image predominates in masculine
psychology, whereas in a woman the chthonic type, or Earth
Mother, is the most frequent. During the manifest phase of the
archetype an almost complete identification takes place. A
woman can identify directly with the Earth Mother, but a man
cannot (except in psychotic cases). As mythology shows, one of
the peculiarities of the Great Mother is that she frequently
appears paired with her male counterpart. Accordingly the man
identifies with the son-lover on whom the grace of Sophia has
descended, with a puer aeternus or a filius sapientiae. But the
companion of the chthonic mother is the exact opposite: an
ithyphallic Hermes (the Egyptian Bes) or a lingam. In India
this symbol is of the highest spiritual significance, and in the
West Hermes is one of the most contradictory figures of Hellen-
istic syncretism, which was the source of extremely important
spiritual developments in Western civilization. He is also the
god of revelation, and in the unofficial nature philosophy of the
early Middle Ages he is nothing less than the world-creating
Nous itself. This mystery has perhaps found its finest expres-
sion in the words of the Tabula smaragdina: "omne superius
sicut inferius" (as it is above, so it is below).

*94 It is a psychological fact that as soon as we touch on these
identifications we enter the realm of the syzygies, the paired
opposites, where the One is never separated from the Other, its
antithesis. It is a field of personal experience which leads di-
rectly to the experience of individuation, the attainment of the
self. A vast number of symbols for this process could be mus-
tered from the medieval literature of the West and even more

5 Obviously a daughter can idealize her mother too, but for this special circum-
stances are needed, whereas in a man idealization is almost the normal thing.



from the storehouses of Oriental wisdom, but in this matter
words and ideas count for little. Indeed, they may become dan-
gerous bypaths and false trails. In this still very obscure field of
psychological experience, where we are in direct contact, so to
speak, with the archetype, its psychic power is felt in full force.
This realm is so entirely one of immediate experience that it
cannot be captured by any formula, but can only be hinted at to
one who already knows. He will need no explanations to under-
stand what was the tension of opposites expressed by Apuleius
in his magnificent prayer to the Queen of Heaven, when he as-
sociates "heavenly Venus" with "Proserpina, who strikest terror
with midnight ululations": 6 it was the terrifying paradox of the
primordial mother-image.

*95 When, in 1938, I originally wrote this paper, I naturally
did not know that twelve years later the Christian version of
the mother archetype would be elevated to the rank of a dog-
matic truth. The Christian "Queen of Heaven" has, obviously,
shed all her Olympian qualities except for her brightness, good-
ness, and eternality; and even her human body, the thing most
prone to gross material corruption, has put on an ethereal in-
corruptibility. The richly varied allegories of the Mother of
God have nevertheless retained some connection with her pagan
prefigurations in Isis (Io) and Semele. Not only are Isis and the
Horus-child iconological exemplars, but the ascension of Semele,
the originally mortal mother of Dionysus, likewise anticipates
the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. Further, this son of
Semele is a dying and resurgent god and the youngest of the
Olympians. Semele herself seems to have been an earth-goddess,
just as the Virgin Mary is the earth from which Christ was born.
This being so, the question naturally arises for the psychologist:
what has become of the characteristic relation of the mother-
image to the earth, darkness, the abysmal side of the bodily man
with his animal passions and instinctual nature, and to "matter"
in general? The declaration of the dogma comes at a time
when the achievements of science and technology, combined
with a rationalistic and materialistic view of the world, threaten

6 "Nocturnis ululatibus horrenda Proserpina." Cf. Symbols of Transformation,



the spiritual and psychic heritage of man with instant annihila-
tion. Humanity is arming itself, in dread and fascinated horror,
for a stupendous crime. Circumstances might easily arise when
the hydrogen bomb would have to be used and the unthinkably
frightful deed became unavoidable in legitimate self-defence.
In striking contrast to this disastrous turn of events, the Mother
of God is now enthroned in heaven; indeed, her Assumption
has actually been interpreted as a deliberate counterstroke to
the materialistic doctrinairism that provoked the chthonic pow-
ers into revolt. Just as Christ's appearance in his own day cre-
ated a real devil and adversary of God out of what was originally
a son of God dwelling in heaven, so now, conversely, a heavenly
figure has split off from her original chthonic realm and taken
up a counter-position to the titanic forces of the earth and the
underworld that have been unleashed. In the same way that the
Mother of God was divested of all the essential qualities of
materiality, matter became completely de-souled, and this at a
time when physics is pushing forward to insights which, if they
do not exactly "de-materialize" matter, at least endue it with
properties of its own and make its relation to the psyche a prob-
lem that can no longer be shelved. For just as the tremendous
advancement of science led at first to a premature dethrone-
ment of mind and to an equally ill-considered deification of
matter, so it is this same urge for scientific knowledge that is
now attempting to bridge the huge gulf that has opened out
between the two W eltanschauungen. The psychologist inclines
to see in the dogma of the Assumption a symbol which, in a
sense, anticipates this whole development. For him the relation-
ship to the earth and to matter is one of the inalienable qual-
ities of the mother archetype. So that when a figure that is con-
ditioned by this archetype is represented as having been taken
up into heaven, the realm of the spirit, this indicates a union of
earth and heaven, or of matter and spirit. The approach of nat-
ural science will almost certainly be from the other direction:
it will see in matter itself the equivalent of spirit, but this
"spirit" will appear divested of all, or at any rate most, of its
known qualities, just as earthly matter was stripped of its spe-
cific characteristics when it staged its entry into heaven. Never-
theless, the way will gradually be cleared for a union of the two



!9 6 Understood concretely, the Assumption is the absolute oppo-
site of materialism. Taken in this sense, it is a counterstroke that
does nothing to diminish the tension between the opposites, but
drives it to extremes.

J 97 Understood symbolically, however, the Assumption of the
body is a recognition and acknowledgment of matter, which in
the last resort was identified with evil only because of an over-
whelmingly "pneumatic" tendency in man. In themselves, spirit
and matter are neutral, or rather, "utriusque capax" that is,
capable of what man calls good or evil. Although as names they
are exceedingly relative, underlying them are very real opposites
that are part of the energic structure of the physical and of the
psychic world, and without them no existence of any kind could
be established. There is no position without its negation. In
spite or just because of their extreme opposition, neither can exist
without the other. It is exactly as formulated in classical Chinese
philosophy: yang (the light, warm, dry, masculine principle)
contains within it the seed of yin (the dark, cold, moist, feminine
principle), and vice versa. Matter therefore would contain the
seed of spirit and spirit the seed of matter. The long-known
"synchronistic" phenomena that have now been statistically
confirmed by Rhine's experiments 7 point, to all appearances,
in this direction. The "psychization" of matter puts the absolute
immateriality of spirit in question, since this would then have
to be accorded a kind of substantiality. The dogma of the As-
sumption, proclaimed in an age suffering from the greatest
political schism history has ever known, is a compensating
symptom that reflects the strivings of science for a uniform
world-picture. In a certain sense, both developments were antici-
pated by alchemy in the hieros gamos of opposites, but only in
symbolic form. Nevertheless, the symbol has the great advantage
of being able to unite heterogeneous or even incommensurable
factors in a single image. With the decline of alchemy the
symbolical unity of spirit and matter fell apart, with the result
that modern man finds himself uprooted and alienated in a
de-souled world.

*9 8 The alchemist saw the union of opposites under the symbol
of the tree, and it is therefore not surprising that the uncon-
scious of present-day man, who no longer feels at home in his

7 Cf. my "Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle."



world and can base his existence neither on the past that is no
more nor on the future that is yet to be, should hark back to
the symbol of the cosmic tree rooted in this world and growing
up to heaven the tree that is also man. In the history of symbols
this tree is described as the way of life itself, a growing into that
which eternally is and does not change; which springs from the
union of opposites and, by its eternal presence, also makes that
union possible. It seems as if it were only through an experi-
ence of symbolic reality that man, vainly seeking his own "ex-
istence" and making a philosophy out of it, can find his way
back to a world in which he is no longer a stranger.



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