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object:2.02 - Habit 2 Begin with the End in Mind
book class:The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us
-- Oliver Wendell Holme

Please find a place to read these next few pages where you can be alone and uninterrupted. Clear your mind of everything except what you will read and what I will invite you to do. Don't worry about your schedule, your business, your family, or your friends. Just focus with me and really open your mind.

In your mind's eye, see yourself going to the funeral parlor or chapel, parking the car, and getting out. As you walk inside the building, you notice the flowers, the soft organ music. You see the faces of friends and family you pass along the way. You feel the shared sorrow of losing, the joy of having known, that radiates from the hearts of the people there.

As you walk down to the front of the room and look inside the casket, you suddenly come face to face with yourself. This is your funeral, three years from today. All these people have come to honor you, to express feelings of love and appreciation for your life.

As you take a seat and wait for the services to begin, you look at the program in your hand. There are to be four speakers. The first one is from your family, immediate and also extended -- children, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents who have come from all over the country to attend. The second speaker is one of your friends, someone who can give a sense of what you were as a person. The third speaker is from your work or profession. And the fourth is from your church or some community organization where you've been involved in service.

Now think deeply. What would you like each of these speakers to say about you and your life?
What kind of husband, wife, father, or mother would you like their words to reflect? What kind of son or daughter or cousin? What kind of friend? What kind of working associate?
What character would you like them to have seen in you? What contri butions, what achievements would you want them to remember? Look carefully at the people around you. What difference would you like to have made in their lives?
Before you read further, take a few minutes to jot down your impressions. It will greatly increase your personal understanding of Habit 2.

--- What it Means to "Begin with the End in Mind"
If you participated seriously in this visualization experience, you touched for a moment some of your deep, fundamental values. You established brief contact with that inner guidance system at the heart of your Circle of Influence
Consider the words of Joseph Addison:
When I look upon the tombs of the great, every emotion of envy dies in me; when I read the epitaphs of the beautiful, every inordinate desire goes out; when I meet with the grief of parents upon a tombstone, my heart melts with compassion; when I see the tomb of the parents themselves, I consider the vanity of grieving for those whom we must quickly follow: when I see kings lying by those who deposed them, I consider rival wits placed side by side, or the holy men that divided the world with their contests and disputes, I reflect with sorrow and astonishment on the little competitions, factions, and debates of mankind. When I read the several dates of the tombs, of some that died yesterday, and some six hundred years ago, I consider that great Day when we shall all of us be Contemporaries, and make our appearance together.

Although Habit 2 applies to many different circumstances and levels of life, the most fundamental

application of "Begin with the End in Mind" is to begin today with the image, picture, or paradigm of the end of your life as your frame of reference or the criterion by which everything else is examined.

Each part of your life -- today's behavior, tomorrow's behavior, next week's behavior, next month's behavior -- can be examined in the context of the whole, of what really matters most to you. By keeping that end clearly in mind, you can make certain that whatever you do on any particular day does not violate the criteria you have defined as supremely important, and that each day of your life contri butes in a meaningful way to the vision you have of your life as a whole.

To Begin with the End in Mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you're going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.

It's incredibly easy to get caught up in an activity trap, in the busy-ness of life, to work harder and harder at climbing the ladder of success only to discover it's leaning against the wrong wall. It is possible to be busy -- very busy -- without being very effective.

People often find themselves achieving victories that are empty, successes that have come at the expense of things they suddenly realize were far more valuable to them. People from every walk of life -- doctors, academicians, actors, politicians, business professionals, athletes, and plumbers -- often struggle to achieve a higher income, more recognition or a certain degree of professional competence, only to find that their drive to achieve their goal blinded them to the things that really mattered most and now are gone.

How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and, keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and to do what really matters most. If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster. We may be very busy, we may be very efficient, but we will also be truly effective only when we Begin with the
End in Mind.

If you carefully consider what you wanted to be said of you in the funeral experience, you will find your definition of success. It may be very different from the definition you thought you had in mind.

Perhaps fame, achievement, money, or some of the other things we strive for are not even part of the right wall.

When you Begin with the End in Mind, you gain a different perspective. One man asked another on the death of a mutual friend, "How much did he leave?" His friend responded, "He left it all."
--- All Things Are Created Twice
"Begin with the End in Mind" is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There's a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all things
Take the construction of a home, for example. You create it in every detail before you ever hammer the first nail into place. You try to get a very clear sense of what kind of house you want. If you want a family-centered home, you plan a family room where it would be a natural gathering place. You plan sliding doors and a patio for children to play outside. You work with ideas. You work with your mind until you get a clear image of what you want to build.

Then you reduce it to blueprint and develop construction plans. All of this is done before the earth is touched. If not, then in the second creation, the physical creation, you will have to make expensive changes that may double the cost of your home.

The carpenter's rule is "measure twice, cut once." You have to make sure that the blueprint, the first creation, is really what you want, that you've thought everything through. Then you put it into bricks and mortar. Each day you go to the construction shed and pull out the blueprint to get marching orders for the day. You Begin with the End in Mind.

For another example, look at a business. If you want to have a successful enterprise, you clearly

define what you're trying to accomplish. You carefully think through the product or service you want to provide in terms of your market target, then you organize all the elements -- financial, research and development, operations, marketing, personnel, physical facilities, and so on -- to meet that objective.

The extent to which you Begin with the End in Mind often determines whether or not you are able to create a successful enterprise. Most business failures begin in the first creation, with problems such as undercapitalization, misunderstanding of the market, or lack of a business plan.

The same is true with parenting. If you want to raise responsible, self-disciplined children, you have to keep that end clearly in mind as you interact with your children on a daily basis. You can't behave toward them in ways that undermine their self-discipline or self-esteem.

To varying degrees, people use this principle in many different areas of life. Before you go on a trip, you determine your destination and plan out the best route. Before you plant a garden, you plan it out in your mind, possibly on paper. You create speeches on paper before you give them, you envision the landscaping in your yard before you landscape it, you design the clothes you make before you thread the needle.

To the extent to which we understand the principle of two creations and accept the responsibility for both, we act within and enlarge the borders of our Circle of Influence. To the extent to which we do not operate in harmony with this principle and take charge of the first creation, we diminish it.

--- By Design or Default
It's a principle that all things are created twice, but not all first creations are by conscious design. In our personal lives, if we do not develop our own self-awareness and become responsible for first creations, we empower other people and circumstances outside our Circle or Influence to shape much of our lives by default. We reactively live the scripts handed to us by family, associates, other people's agendas, the pressures of circumstance -- scripts from our earlier years, from our training, our conditioning
These scripts come from people, not principles. And they rise out of our deep vulnerabilities, our deep dependency on others and our need for acceptance and love, for belonging, for a sense of importance and worth, for a feeling that we matter.

Whether we are aware of it or not, whether we are in control of it or not, there is a first creation to every part of our lives. We are either the second creation of our own proactive design, or we are the second creation of other people's agendas, of circumstances, or of past habits
The unique human capacities of self-awareness, imagination, and conscience enable us to examine first creations and make it possible for us to take charge of our own first creation, to write our own script. Put another way, Habit 1 says, "You are the creator." Habit 2 is the first creation.

--- Leadership and Management -- The Two Creations
Habit 2 is based on principles of personal leadership, which means that leadership is the first creation. Leadership is not management. Management is the second creation, which we'll discuss in the chapter on Habit 3. But leadership has to come first.

Management is a bottom-line focus: How can I best accomplish certain things? Leadership deals with the top line: What are the things I want to accomplish? In the words of both Peter Drucker and
Warren Bennis, "Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.

You can quickly grasp the important difference between the two if you envision a group of producers cutting their way through the jungle with machetes. They're the producers, the problem

solvers. They're cutting through the undergrowth, clearing it out.

The managers are behind them, sharpening their machetes, writing policy and procedure manuals, holding muscle development programs, bringing in improved technologies, and setting up working schedules and compensation programs for machete wielders.

The leader is the one who climbs the tallest tree, surveys the entire situation, and yells, "Wrong jungle!"
But how do the busy, efficient producers and managers often respond? "Shut up! We're making progress."
As individuals, groups, and businesses, we're often so busy cutting through the undergrowth we don't even realize we're in the wrong jungle. And the rapidly changing environment in which we live makes effective leadership more critical than it has ever been -- in every aspect of independent and interdependent life.

We are more in need of a vision or designation and a compass (a set of principles or directions) and less in need of a road map. We often don't know what the terrain ahead will be like or what we will need to go through it; much will depend on our judgment at the time. But an inner compass will always give us direction.

Effectiveness -- often even survival -- does not depend solely on how much effort we expend, but on whether or not the effort we expend is in the right jungle. And the metamorphosis taking place in most every industry and profession demands leadership first and management second.

In business, the market is changing so rapidly that many products and services that successfully met consumer tastes and needs a few years ago are obsolete today. Proactive powerful leadership must constantly monitor environmental change, particularly customer buying habits and motives, and provide the force necessary to organize resources in the right direction.

Such changes as deregulation of the airline industry, skyrocketing costs of health care, and the great quality and quantity of imported cars impact the environment in significant ways. If industries do not monitor the environment, including their own work teams, and exercise the creative leadership to keep headed in the right direction, no amount of management expertise can keep them from failing.

Efficient management without effective leadership is, as one individual phrased it, "like straightening deck chairs on the Titanic." No management success can compensate for failure in leadership. But leadership is hard because we're often caught in a management paradigm.

At the final session of a year-long executive development program in Seattle, the president of an oil company came up to me and said, "Stephen, when you pointed out the difference between leadership and management in the second month, I looked at my role as the president of this company and realized that I had never been into leadership. I was deep into management, buried by pressing challenges and the details of day-to-day logistics. So I decided to withdraw from management. I could get other people to do that. I wanted to really lead my organization.

"It was hard. I went through withdrawal pains because I stopped dealing with a lot of the pressing, urgent matters that were right in front of me and which gave me a sense of immediate accomplishment.

I didn't receive much satisfaction as I started wrestling with the direction issues, the culture-building issues, the deep analysis of problems, the seizing of new opportunities. Others also went through withdrawal pains from their working style comfort zones. They missed the easy accessibility I had given them before. They still wanted me to be available to them, to respond, to help solve their problems on a day-to-day basis.

"But I persisted. I was absolutely convinced that I needed to provide leadership. And I did.

Today our whole business is different. We're more in line with our environment. We have doubled our revenues and quadrupled our profits. I'm into leadership."
I'm convinced that too often parents are also trapped in the management paradigm, thinking of control, efficiency, and rules instead of direction, purpose, and family feeling.

And leadership is even more lacking in our personal lives. We're into managing with efficiency, setting and achieving goals before we have even clarified our values.

--- Rescripting:Becoming Your Own First Creator

As we previously observed, proactivity is based on the unique human endowment of self-awareness.

The two additional unique human endowments that enable us to expand our proactivity and to exercise personal leadership in our lives are imagination and conscience.

Through imagination, we can visualize the uncreated worlds of potential that lie within us.

Through conscience, we can come in contact with universal laws or principles with our own singular talents and avenues of contri bution, and with the personal guidelines within which we can most effectively develop them. Combined with self-awareness, these two endowments empower us to write our own script.

Because we already live with many scripts that have been handed to us, the process of writing our own script is actually more a process of "rescripting," or Paradigm Shifting -- of changing some of the basic paradigms that we already have. As we recognize the ineffective scripts, the incorrect or incomplete paradigms within us, we can proactively begin to rescript ourselves.

I think one of the most inspiring accounts of the rescripting process comes from the autobiography of Anwar Sadat, past president of Egypt. Sadat had been reared, nurtured, and deeply scripted in a hatred for Israel. He would make the statement on national television, "I will never shake the hand of an Israeli as long as they occupy one inch of Arab soil. Never, never, never!" And huge crowds all around the country would chant, "Never, never, never!" He marshaled the energy and unified the will of the whole country in that script.

The script was very independent and nationalistic, and it aroused deep emotions in the people. But it was also very foolish, and Sadat knew it. It ignored the perilous, highly interdependent reality of the situation.

So he rescripted himself. It was a process he had learned when he was a young man imprisoned in
Cell 54, a solitary cell in Cairo Central Prison, as a result of his involvement in a conspiracy plot against
King Farouk. He learned to withdraw from his own mind and look at it to see if the scripts were appropriate and wise. He learned how to vacate his own mind and, through a deep personal process of meditation, to work with his own scriptures, his own form of prayer, and rescript himself.

He records that he was almost loath to leave his prison cell because it was there that he realized that real success is success with self. It's not in having things, but in having mastery, having victory over self.

For a period of time during Nasser's administration Sadat was relegated to a position of relative insignificance. Everyone felt that his spirit was broken, but it wasn't. They were projecting their own home movies onto him. They didn't understand him. He was biding his time.

And when that time came, when he became president of Egypt and confronted the political realities, he rescripted himself toward Israel. He visited the Knesset in Jerusalem and opened up one of the most precedent-breaking peace movements in the history of the world, a bold initiative that eventually brought about the Camp David Accord.

Sadat was able to use his self-awareness, his imagination, and his conscience to exercise personal leadership, to change an essential paradigm, to change the way he saw the situation. He worked in the center of his Circle of Influence. And from that rescripting, that change in paradigm, flowed changes in behavior and attitude that affected millions of lives in the wider Circle of Concern.

In developing our own self-awareness many of us discover ineffective scripts, deeply embedded habits that are totally unworthy of us, totally incongruent with the things we really value in life. Habit
2 says we don't have to live with those scripts. We are response-able to use our imagination and

creativity to write new ones that are more effective, more congruent with our deepest values and with the correct principles that give our values meaning.

Suppose, for example, that I am highly overreactive to my children. Suppose that whenever they begin to do something I feel is inappropriate, I sense an immediate tensing in the pit of my stomach. I feel defensive walls go up; I prepare for battle. My focus is not on the long-term growth and understanding but on the short-term behavior. I'm trying to win the battle, not the war.

I pull out my ammunition -- my superior size, my position of authority -- and I yell or intimidate or I threaten or punish. And I win. I stand there, victorious, in the middle of the debris of a shattered relationship while my children are outwardly submissive and inwardly rebellious, suppressing feelings that will come out later in uglier ways.

Now if I were sitting at that funeral we visualized earlier, and one of my children was about to speak, I would want his life to represent the victory of teaching, training, and disciplining with love over a period of years rather than the battle scars of quick-fix skirmishes. I would want his heart and mind to be filled with the pleasant memories of deep, meaningful times together. I would want him to remember me as a loving father who shared the fun and the pain of growing up. I would want him to remember the times he came to me with his problems and concerns. I would want to have listened and loved and helped. I would want him to know I wasn't perfect, but that I had tried with everything
I had. And that, perhaps more than anybody in the world, I loved him.

The reason I would want those things is because, deep down, I value my children. I love them, I want to help them. I value my role as their father.

But I don't always see those values. I get caught up in the "thick of thin things." What matters most gets buried under layers of pressing problems, immediate concerns, and outward behaviors. I become reactive. And the way I interact with my children every day often bears little resemblance to the way I deeply feel about them.

Because I am self-aware, because I have imagination and conscience, I can examine my deepest values. I can realize that the script I'm living is not in harmony with those values, that my life is not the product of my own proactive design, but the result of the first creation I have deferred to circumstances and other people. And I can change. I can live out of my imagination instead of my memory. I can tie myself to my limitless potential instead of my limiting past. I can become my own first creator.

To Begin with the End in Mind means to approach my role as a parent, as well as my other roles in life, with my values and directions clear. It means to be responsible for my own first creation, to rescript myself so that the paradigms from which my behavior and attitude flow are congruent with my deepest values and in harmony with correct principles.

It also means to begin each day with those values firmly in mind. Then as the vicissitudes, as the challenges come, I can make my decisions based on those values. I can act with integrity. I don't have to react to the emotion, the circumstance. I can be truly proactive, value driven, because my values are clear.

--- A Personal Mission Statement
The most effective way I know to Begin with the End in Mind is to develop a personal mission statement or philosophy or creed. It focuses on what you want to be (character) and to do
(contri butions and achievements) and on the values or principles upon which being and doing are based
Because each individual is unique, a personal mission statement will reflect that uniqueness, both in content and form. My friend, Rolfe Kerr, has expressed his personal creed in this way:

  Succeed at home first.
  Seek and merit divine help.
  Never compromise with honesty.
  Remember the people involved.
  Hear both sides before judging.
  Obtain counsel of others.
  Defend those who are absent.
  Be sincere yet decisive.
  Develop one new proficiency a year.
  Plan tomorrow's work today.
  Hustle while you wait.
  Maintain a positive attitude.
  Keep a sense of humor.
  Be orderly in person and in work.
  Do not fear mistakes -- fear only the absence of creative, constructive, and corrective responses to those mistakes.
  Facilitate the success of subordinates.
  Listen twice as much as you speak.
  Concentrate all abilities and efforts on the task at hand, not worrying about the next job or promotion.

A woman seeking to balance family and work values has expressed her sense of personal mission differently:

  I will seek to balance career and family as best I can since both are important to me.
  My home will be a place where I and my family, friends, and guests find joy, comfort, peace, and happiness. Still I will seek to create a clean and orderly environment, yet livable and comfortable. I will exercise wisdom in what we choose to eat, read, see, and do at home. I especially want to teach my children to love, to learn, and to laugh -- and to work and develop their unique talents.

  I value the rights, freedoms, and responsibilities of our democratic society. I will be a concerned and informed citizen, involved in the political process to ensure my voice is heard and my vote is counted.

  I will be a self-starting individual who exercises initiative in accomplishing my life's goals. I will act on situations and opportunities, rather than to be acted upon.

  I will always try to keep myself free from addictive and destructive habits. I will develop habits that free me from old labels and limits and expand my capabilities and choices.

  My money will be my servant, not my master. I will seek financial independence over time. My wants will be subject to my needs and my means. Except for long-term home and car loans, I will seek to keep myself free from consumer debt. I will spend less than I earn and regularly save or invest part of my income.

  Moreover, I will use what money and talents I have to make life more enjoyable for others through service and charitable giving.

You could call a personal mission statement a personal constitution. Like the United States
Constitution, it's fundamentally changeless. In over 200 years, there have been only 26 amendments,
10 of which were in the original Bill of Rights.

The United States Constitution is the standard by which every law in the country is evaluated. It is the document the president agrees to defend and support when he takes the Oath of Allegiance. It is the criterion by which people are admitted into citizenship. It is the foundation and the center that enables people to ride through such major traumas as the Civil War, Vietnam, or Watergate. It is the written standard, the key criterion by which everything else is evaluated and directed.

The Constitution has endured and serves its vital function today because it is based on correct

principles, on the self-evident truths contained in the Declaration of Independence. These principles empower the Constitution with a timeless strength, even in the midst of social ambiguity and change.

"Our peculiar security," said Thomas Jefferson, "is in the possession of a written Constitution."
A personal mission statement based on correct principles becomes the same kind of standard for an individual. It becomes a personal constitution, the basis for making major, life-directing decisions, the basis for making daily decisions in the midst of the circumstances and emotions that affect our lives. It empowers individuals with the same timeless strength in the midst of change.

People can't live with change if there's not a changeless core inside them. The key to the ability to change is a changeless sense of who you are, what you are about and what you value.

With a mission statement, we can flow with changes. We don't need prejudgments or prejudices.

We don't need to figure out everything else in life, to stereotype and categorize everything and everybody in order to accommodate reality
Our personal environment is also changing at an ever-increasing pace. Such rapid change burns out a large number of people who feel they can hardly handle it, can hardly cope with life. They become reactive and essentially give up, hoping that the things that happen to them will be good.

But it doesn't have to be that way. In the Nazi death camps where Viktor Frankl learned the principle of proactivity, he also learned the importance of purpose, of meaning in life. The essence of
"logotherapy," the philosophy he later developed and taught, is that many so-called mental and emotional illnesses are really symptoms of an underlying sense of meaninglessness or emptiness.

Logotherapy eliminates that emptiness by helping the individual to detect his unique meaning, his mission in life.

Once you have that sense of mission, you have the essence of your own proactivity. You have the vision and the values which direct your life. You have the basic direction from which you set your long- and short-term goals. You have the power of a written constitution based on correct principles, against which every decision concerning the most effective use of your time, your talents, and your energies can be effectively measured.

--- At the Center
In order to write a personal mission statement, we must begin at the very center of our Circle of
Influence, that center comprised of our most basic Our paradigms, the lens through which we see the world.

It is here that we deal with our vision and our values. It is here that we use our endowment of self-awareness to examine our maps and, if we value correct principles, to make certain that our maps accurately describe the territory, that our paradigms are based on principles and reality. It is here that we use our endowment of conscience as a compass to help us detect our own unique talents and areas of contri bution. It is here that we use our endowment of imagination to mentally create the end we desire, giving direction and purpose to our beginnings and providing the substance of a written personal constitution.

It is also here that our focused efforts achieve the greatest results. As we work within the very center of our Circle of Influence, we expand it. This is highest-leverage PC work, significantly impacting the effectiveness of every aspect of our lives.

Whatever is at the center of our life will be the source of our security, guidance, wisdom, and power.

Security represents your sense of worth, your identity, your emotional anchorage, your self-esteem, your basic personal strength or lack of it.

Guidance means your source of direction in life. Encompassed by your map, your internal frame of reference that interprets for you what is happening out there, are standards or principles or implicit criteria that govern moment-by-moment decision-making and doing.

Wisdom is your perspective on life, your sense of balance, your understanding of how the various parts and principles apply and relate to each other.

It embraces judgment, discernment, comprehension. It is a gestalt or oneness, an integrated wholeness.

Power is the faculty or capacity to act, the strength and potency to accomplish something. It is the vital energy to make choices and decisions. It also includes the capacity to overcome deeply embedded habits and to cultivate higher, more effective ones.

These four factors -- security, guidance, wisdom, and power -- are interdependent. Security and clear guidance bring true wisdom, and wisdom becomes the spark or catalyst to release and direct power. When these four factors are present together, harmonized and enlivened by each other, they create the great force of a noble personality, a balanced character, a beautifully integrated individual.

These life-support factors also undergird every other dimension of life. And none of them is an all-or-nothing matter. The degree to which you have developed each one could be charted somewhere on a continuum, much like the Maturity Continuum described earlier. At the bottom end, the four factors are weak. You are basically dependent on circumstances or other people, things over which you have no direct control. At the top end you are in control. You have independent strength and the foundation for rich, interdependent relationships.

Your security lies somewhere on the continuum between extreme insecurity on one end, wherein your life is buffeted by all the fickle forces that play upon it, and a deep sense of high intrinsic worth and personal security on the other end. Your guidance ranges on the continuum from dependence on the social mirror or other unstable, fluctuating sources to strong inner direction. Your wisdom falls somewhere between a totally inaccurate map where everything is distorted and nothing seems to fit, and a complete and accurate map of life wherein all the parts and principles are properly related to each other. Your power lies somewhere between immobilization or being a puppet pulled by someone else's strings to high proactivity, the power to act according to your own values instead of being acted upon by other people and circumstances.

The location of these factors on the continuum, the resulting degree of their integration, harmony, and balance, and their positive impact on every aspect of your life is a function of your center, the basic paradigms at your very core.

--- Alternative Centers
Each of us has a center, though we usually don't recognize it as such. Neither do we recognize the all-encompassing effects of that center on every aspect of our lives.

Let's briefly examine several centers or core paradigms people typically have for a better understanding of how they affect these four fundamental dimensions and, ultimately, the sum of life that flows from them.

Spouse Centeredness. Marriage can be the most intimate, the most satisfying, the most enduring, growth-producing of human relationships. It might seem natural and proper to be centered on one's husb and or wife.

But experience and observation tell a different story. Over the years, I have been involved in working with many troubled marriages, and I have observed a certain thread weaving itself through almost every spouse-centered relationship I have encountered. That thread is strong emotional dependence.

If our sense of emotional worth comes primarily from our marriage, then we become highly dependent upon that relationship. We become vulnerable to the moods and feelings, the behavior and treatment of our spouse, or to any external event that may impinge on the relationship -- a new child, in-laws, economic setbacks, social successes, and so forth.

When responsibilities increase and stresses come in the marriage, we tend to revert to the scripts we were given as we were growing up. But so does our spouse. And those scripts are usually different.

Different ways of handling financial, child-discipline, or in-law issues come to the surface. When these deep-seated tendencies combine with the emotional dependency in the marriage, the spouse-centered relationship reveals all its vulnerability.

When we are dependent on the person with whom we are in conflict, both need and conflict are compounded.

Love-hate overreactions, fight-or-flight tendencies, withdrawal, aggressiveness, bitterness, resentment, and cold competition are some of the usual results. When these occur, we tend to fall even further back on background tendencies and habits in an effort to justify and defend our own behavior and we attack our spouse's.

Inevitably, anytime we are too vulnerable we feel the need to protect ourselves from further wounds.

So we resort to sarcasm, cutting humor, criticism -- anything that will keep from exposing the tenderness within. Each partner tends to wait on the initiative of the other for love, only to be disappointed but also confirmed as to the rightness of the accusations made.

There is only phantom security in such a relationship when all appears to be going well. Guidance is based on the emotion of the moment. Wisdom and power are lost in the counterdependent negative interactions.

Family Centeredness. Another common center is the family. This, too, may seem to be natural and proper. As an area of focus and deep investment, it provides great opportunities for deep relationships, for loving, for sharing, for much that makes life worthwhile. But as a center, it ironically destroys the very elements necessary to family success.

People who are family-centered get their sense of security or personal worth from the family tradition and culture or the family reputation. Thus, they become vulnerable to any changes in that tradition or culture and to any influences that would affect that reputation.

Family-centered parents do not have the emotional freedom, the power, to raise their children with their ultimate welfare truly in mind. If they derive their own security from the family, their need to be popular with their children may override the importance of a long-term investment in their children's growth and development. Or they may be focused on the proper and correct behavior of the moment.

Any behavior that they consider improper threatens their security. They become upset, guided by the emotions of the moment, spontaneously reacting to the immediate concern rather than the long-term growth and development of the child. They may overreact and punish out of bad temper. They tend to love their children conditionally, making them emotionally dependent or counterdependent and rebellious.

Money Centeredness. Another logical and extremely common center to people's lives is making money. Economic security is basic to one's opportunity to do much in any other dimension. In a hierarchy or continuum of needs, physical survival and financial security comes first. Other needs are not even activated until that basic need is satisfied, at least minimally.

Most of us face economic worries. Many forces in the wider culture can and do act upon our economic situation, causing or threatening such disruption that we often experience concern and worry that may not always rise to the conscious surface.

Sometimes there are apparently noble reasons given for making money, such as the desire to take care of one's family. And these things are important. But to focus on money-making as a center will bring about its own undoing.

Consider again the four life-support factors -- security, guidance, wisdom, and power. Suppose I derive much of my security from my employment or from my income or net worth. Since many factors affect these economic foundations, I become anxious and uneasy, protective and defensive, about anything that may affect them. When my sense of personal worth comes from my net worth, I am vulnerable to anything that will affect that net worth. But work and money, per se, provide no wisdom, no guidance, and only a limited degree of power and security. All it takes to show the limitations of a money center is a crisis in my life or in the life of a loved one.

Money-centered people often put aside family or other priorities, assuming everyone will understand that economic demands come first. I know one father who was leaving with his children for a promised trip to the circus when a phone call came for him to come to work instead. He declined.

When his wife suggested that perhaps he should have gone to work, he responded, "The work will come again, but childhood won't." For the rest of their lives his children remembered this little act of priority setting, not only as an object lesson in their minds but as an expression of love in their hearts.

Work Centeredness. Work-centered people may become "workaholics," driving themselves to produce at the sacrifice of health, relationships, and other important areas of their lives. Their fundamental identity comes from their work -- "I'm a doctor," "I'm a writer," "I'm an actor."
Because their identity and sense of self-worth are wrapped up in their work, their security is vulnerable to anything that happens to prevent them from continuing in it. Their guidance is a function of the demands of the work. Their wisdom and power come in the limited areas of their work, rendering them ineffective in other areas of life.

Possession Centeredness. A driving force of many people is possessions -- not only tangible, material possessions such as fashionable clothes, homes, cars, boats, and jewelry, but also the intangible possessions of fame, glory, or social prominence. Most of us are aware, through our own experience, how singularly flawed such a center is, simply because it can vanish rapidly and it is influenced by so many forces.

If my sense of security lies in my reputation or in the things I have, my life will be in a constant state of threat and jeopardy that these possessions may be lost or stolen or devalued. If I'm in the presence of someone of greater net worth or fame or status, I feel inferior. If I'm in the presence of someone of lesser net worth or fame or status, I feel superior. My sense of self-worth constantly fluctuates. I don't have any sense of constancy or anchorage or persistent selfhood. I am constantly trying to protect and insure my assets, properties, securities, position, or reputation. We have all heard stories of people committing suicide after losing their fortunes in a significant stock decline or their fame in a political reversal.

Pleasure Centeredness. Another common center, closely allied with possessions, is that of fun and pleasure. We live in a world where instant gratification is available and encouraged. Television and movies are major influences in increasing people's expectations. They graphically portray what other people have and can do in living the life of ease and "fun."
But while the glitter of pleasure-centered lifestyles is graphically portrayed, the natural result of such lifestyles -- the impact on the inner person, on productivity, on relationships -- is seldom accurately seen.

Innocent pleasures in moderation can provide relaxation for the body and mind and can foster family and other relationships. But pleasure, per se, offers no deep, lasting satisfaction or sense of fulfillment. The pleasure-centered person, too soon bored with each succeeding level of "fun," constantly cries for more and more. So the next new pleasure has to be bigger and better, more exciting, with a bigger "high." A person in this state becomes almost entirely narcissistic, interpreting all of life in terms of the pleasure it provides to the self here and now.

Too many vacations that last too long, too many movies, too much TV, too much video game playing -- too much undisciplined leisure time in which a person continually takes the course of least resistance -- gradually wastes a life. It ensures that a person's capacities stay dormant, that talents remain undeveloped, that the mind and spirit become lethargic and that the heart is unfulfilled.

Where is the security, the guidance, the wisdom, and the power? At the low end of the continuum, in the pleasure of a fleeting moment.

Malcom Muggeridge writes "A Twentieth-Century Testimony":
When I look back on my life nowadays, which I sometimes do, what strikes me most forcibly about

it is that what seemed at the time most significant and seductive, seems now most futile and absurd.

For instance, success in all of its various guises; being known and being praised; ostensible pleasures, like acquiring money or seducing women, or traveling, going to and fro in the world and up and down in it like Satan, explaining and experiencing whatever Vanity Fair has to offer.

In retrospect, all these exercises in self-gratification seem pure fantasy, what Pascal called, "licking the earth."
Friend/Enemy Centeredness. Young people are particularly, though certainly not exclusively, susceptible to becoming friend-centered. Acceptance and belonging to a peer group can become almost supremely important. The distorted and ever-changing social mirror becomes the source for the four life-support factors, creating a high degree of dependence on the fluctuating moods, feelings, attitudes, and behavior of others.

Friend centeredness can also focus exclusively on one person, taking on some of the dimensions of marriage. The emotional dependence on one individual, the escalating need/conflict spiral, and the resulting negative interactions can grow out of friend centeredness.

And what about putting an enemy at the center of one's life? Most people would never think of it, and probably no one would ever do it consciously. Nevertheless, enemy centering is very common, particularly when there is frequent interaction between people who are in real conflict. When someone feels he has been unjustly dealt with by an emotionally or socially significant person, it is very easy for him to become preoccupied with the injustice and make the other person the center of his life.

Rather than proactively leading his own life, the enemy-centered person is counterdependently reacting to the behavior and attitudes of a perceived enemy.

One friend of mine who taught at a university became very distraught because of the weaknesses of a particular administrator with whom he had a negative relationship. He allowed himself to think about the man constantly until eventually it became an obsession. It so preoccupied him that it affected the quality of his relationships with his family, his church, and his working associates. He finally came to the conclusion that he had to leave the university and accept a teaching appointment somewhere else.

"Wouldn't you really prefer to teach at this university, if the man were not here?" I asked him.

"Yes, I would," he responded. "But as long as he is here, then my staying is too disruptive to everything in life. I have to go.

"Why have you made this administrator the center of your life?" I asked him.

He was shocked by the question. He denied it. But I pointed out to him that he was allowing one individual and his weaknesses to distort his entire map of life, to undermine his faith and the quality of his relationships with his loved ones.

He finally admitted that this individual had had such an impact on him, but he denied that he himself had made all these choices. He attri buted the responsibility for the unhappy situation to the administrator. He, himself, he declared, was not responsible.

As we talked, little by little, he came to realize that he was indeed responsible, but that because he did not handle this responsibility well, he was being irresponsible.

Many divorced people fall into a similar pattern. They are still consumed with anger and bitterness and self-justification regarding an ex-spouse. In a negative sense, psychologically they are still married -- they each need the weaknesses of the former partner to justify their accusations.

Many "older" children go through life either secretly or openly hating their parents. They blame them for past abuses, neglect, or favoritism and they center their adult life on that hatred, living out the reactive, justifying script that accompanies it.

The individual who is friend- or enemy-centered has no intrinsic security. Feelings of self-worth are volatile, a function of the emotional state or behavior of other people. Guidance comes from the person's perception of how others will respond, and wisdom is limited by the social lens or by an

enemy-centered paranoia. The individual has no power. Other people are pulling the strings.

Church Centeredness. I believe that almost anyone who is seriously involved in any church will recognize that churchgoing is not synonymous with personal spirituality. There are some people who get so busy in church worship and projects that they become insensitive to the pressing human needs that surround them, contradicting the very precepts they profess to believe deeply. There are others who attend church less frequently or not at all but whose attitudes and behavior reflect a more genuine centering in the principles of the basic Judeo-Christian ethic.

Having participated throughout my life in organized church and community service groups, I have found that attending church does not necessarily mean living the principles taught in those meetings.

You can be active in a church but inactive in its gospel.

In the church-centered life, image or appearance can become a person's dominant consideration, leading to hypocrisy that undermines personal security and intrinsic worth. Guidance comes from a social conscience, and the church-centered person tends to label others artificially in terms of "active,"
"inactive," "liberal," "orthodox," or "conservative."
Because the church is a formal organization made up of policies, programs, practices, and people, it cannot by itself give a person any deep, permanent security or sense of intrinsic worth. Living the principles taught by the church can do this, but the organization alone cannot.

Nor can the church give a person a constant sense of guidance. Church-centered people often tend to live in compartments, acting and thinking and feeling in certain ways on the Sabbath and in totally different ways on weekdays. Such a lack of wholeness or unity or integrity is a further threat to security, creating the need for increased labeling and self-justifying.

Seeing the church as an end rather than as a means to an end undermines a person's wisdom and sense of balance. Although the church claims to teach people about the source of power, it does not claim to be that power itself. It claims to be one vehicle through which divine power can be channeled into man's nature.

Self-Centeredness. Perhaps the most common center today is the self. The most obvious form is selfishness, which violates the values of most people. But if we look closely at many of the popular approaches to growth and self-fulfillment, we often find self-centering at their core.

There is little security, guidance, wisdom, or power in the limited center of self. Like the Dead Sea in Palestine, it accepts but never gives. It becomes stagnant.

On the other hand, paying attention to the development of self in the greater perspective of improving one's ability to serve, to produce, to contri bute in meaningful ways, gives context for dramatic increase in the four life-support factors
These are some of the more common centers from which people approach life. It is often much easier to recognize the center in someone else's life than to see it in your own. You probably know someone who puts making money ahead of everything else. You probably know someone whose energy is devoted to justifying his or her position in an ongoing negative relationship. If you look, you can sometimes see beyond behavior into the center that creates it.

--- Identifying Your Center
But where do you stand? What is at the center of your own life? Sometimes that isn't easy to see
Perhaps the best way to identify your own center is to look closely at your life-support factors. If you can identify with one or more of the descriptions below, you can trace it back to the center from which it flows, a center which may be limiting your personal effectiveness.

More often than not, a person's center is some combination of these and/or other centers. Most people are very much a function of a variety of influences that play upon their lives. Depending on external or internal conditions, one particular center may be activated until the underlying needs are satisfied. Then another center becomes the compelling force.

As a person fluctuates from one center to another, the resulting relativism is like roller coasting through life. One moment you're high, the next moment you're low, making efforts to compensate for one weakness by borrowing strength from another weakness. There is no consistent sense of direction, no persistent wisdom, no steady power supply or sense of personal, intrinsic worth and identity.

The ideal, of course, is to create one clear center from which you consistently derive a high degree of security, guidance, wisdom, and power, empowering your proactivity and giving congruency and harmony to every part of your life.

If you are Spouse Centered...

  Your feelings of security are based on the way your spouse treats you.

  You are highly vulnerable to the moods and feelings of your spouse.

  There is deep disappointment resulting in withdrawal or conflict when your spouse disagrees with you or does not meet your expectations.

  Anything that may impinge on the relationship is perceived as a threat.

  Your direction comes from your own needs and wants and from those of your spouse.

  Your decision-making criterion is limited to what you think is best for your marriage or your mate, or to the preferences and opinions of your spouse.

  Your decision-making criterion is limited to what you think is best for your marriage or your mate, or to the preferences and opinions of your spouse.

  Your life perspective surrounds things which may positively or negatively influence your spouse or your relationship.

  Your power to act is limited by weaknesses in your spouse and in yourself.


If you are Family Centered...

  Your security is founded on family acceptance and fulfilling family expectations.

  Your sense of personal security is as volatile as the family.

  Your feelings of self-worth are based on the family reputation.

  Family scripting is your source of correct attitudes and behaviors.

  Your decision-making criterion is what is good for the family, or what family members want.

  You interpret all of life in terms of your family, creating a partial understanding and family narcissism.

  Your actions are limited by family models traditions.


If you are Money Centered...

  Your personal worth is determined by your net worth.

  You are vulnerable to anything that threatens your economic security.

  Profit is your decision-making criterion.

  Money-making is the lens through which life is seen and understood, creating imbalanced judgment.

  You are restricted to what you can accomplish with your money and your limited vision.


  If you are Work Centered...

  You tend to define yourself by your occupational role.

  You are only comfortable when you are working.

  You make your decisions based on the needs and expectations of your work.

  You tend to be limited to your work role.

  Your actions are limited by work role models, organizational constraints, occupational opportunities, your boss's perceptions, and your possible inability at some point in your life to do that particular work.

If you are Possession Centered...

  Your security is based on your reputation, your social status, or the tangible things you possess.

  You tend to compare what you have to what others have.

  You make your decisions based on what will protect, increase, or better display your possessions.

  You see the world in terms of comparative economic and social relationships.

  You function within the limits of what you can buy or the social prominence you can achieve.

If you are Pleasure Centered...

  You feel secure only when you're on a pleasure "high.

  Your security is short-lived, anesthetizing, and dependent on your environment.

  You make your decisions based on what will give you the most pleasure.

  You see the world in terms of what's in it for you.

  Your power is almost negligible.

If you are Friend Centered...

  Your security is a function of the social mirror.

  You are highly dependent on the opinion of others.

  Your decision-making criterion is "What will they think?
  You are easily embarrassed.

  You see the world through a social lens.

  Your actions are as fickle as opinion.

  You are limited by your social comfort zone.

If you are Enemy Centered...

  Your security is volatile, based on the movements of your enemy.

  You are always wondering what he is up to.

  You seek self-justification and validation from the like-minded.

  You are counter-dependently guided by your enemy's actions.

  You make your decisions based on what will thwart your enemy.

  Your judgment is narrow and distorted.

  You are defensive, over-reactive, and often paranoid.

  The little power you do have comes from anger, envy, resentment, and vengeance -- negative energy that shrivels and destroys, leaving energy for littlle else.

If you are Church Centered...

  Your security is based on church activity and on the esteem in which you are held by those in authority or influence in the church.

  You find identity and security in religious labels and comparisons.

  You are guided by how others will evaluate your actions in the context of church teachings and expectations.

  You see the world in terms of "believers" and "non-believers," "belongers" and "non-belongers.

  Perceived power comes from your church position or role.

If you are Self-Centered...

  Your security is constantly changing and shifting.

  Your judgment criteria are: "If it feels good..." "What I want." "What I need." "What's in it for me?

  You view the world by how decisions, events, or circumstances will affect you.

  Your ability to act is limited to your own resources, without the benefits of interdependency.

--- A Principle Center
By centering our lives on correct principles, we create a solid foundation for development of the four life-support factors
Our security comes from knowing that, unlike other centers based on people or things which are subject to frequent and immediate change, correct principles do not change. We can depend on them

Principles don't react to anything. They won't divorce us or run away with our best friend. They aren't out to get us. They can't pave our way with shortcuts and quick fixes. They don't depend on the behavior of others, the environment, or the current fad for their validity. Principles don't die.

They aren't here one day and gone the next. They can't be destroyed by fire, earthquake, or theft.

Principles are deep, fundamental truths, classic truths, generic common denominators. They are tightly interwoven threads running with exactness, consistency, beauty, and strength through the fabric of life.

Even in the midst of people or circumstances that seem to ignore the principles, we can be secure in the knowledge that principles are bigger than people or circumstances, and that thousands of years of history have seen them triumph, time and time again. Even more important, we can be secure in the knowledge that we can validate them in our own lives, by our own experience.

Admittedly, we're not omniscient. Our knowledge and understanding of correct principles is limited by our own lack of awareness of our true nature and the world around us and by the flood of trendy philosophies and theories that are not in harmony with correct principles. These ideas will have their season of acceptance, but, like many before them, they won't endure because they're built on false foundations.

We are limited, but we can push back the borders of our limitations. An understanding of the principle of our own growth enables us to search out correct principles with the confidence that the more we learn, the more clearly we can focus the lens through which we see the world. The principles don't change; our understanding of them does.

The wisdom and guidance that accompany Principle-Centered Living come from correct maps, from the way things really are, have been, and will be. Correct maps enable us to clearly see where we want to go and how to get there. We can make our decisions using the correct data that will make their implementation possible and meaningful.

The personal power that comes from Principle-Centered Living is the power of a self-aware, knowledgeable, proactive individual, unrestricted by the attitudes, behaviors, and actions of others or by many of the circumstances and environmental influences that limit other people.

The only real limitation of power is the natural consequences of the principles themselves. We are free to choose our actions, based on our knowledge of correct principles, but we are not free to choose the consequences of those actions. Remember, "If you pick up one end of the stick, you pick up the other.

Principles always have natural consequences attached to them. There are positive consequences when we live in harmony with the principles. There are negative consequences when we ignore them.

But because these principles apply to everyone, whether or not they are aware, this limitation is universal. And the more we know of correct principles, the greater is our personal freedom to act wisely.

By centering our lives on timeless, unchanging principles, we create a fundamental paradigm of effective living. It is the center that puts all other centers in perspective.

If you are Principle Centered...

  Your security is based on correct principles that do not change, regardless of external conditions or circumstances.

  You know that true principles can repeatedly be validated in your own life, through your own experiences.

  As a measurement of self-improvement, correct principles function with exactness, consistency, beauty and strength.

  Correct principles help you understand your own development, endowing you with the confidence to learn more, thereby increasing your knowledge and understanding.

  Your source of security provides you with an immovable, unchanging, unfailing core enabling you to see change as an exciting adventure and opportunity to make significant contri butions.

  You are guided by a compass which enables you to see where you want to go and how you will get there.

  You use accurate data which makes your decisions both implementable and meaningful.

  You stand apart from life's situations, and circumstances and look at the balanced whole. Your decisions and actions reflect both short and long-term considerations and implications.

  In every situation, you consciously, proactively determine the best alternative, basing decisions on conscience educated by principles.

  Your judgment encompasses a broad spectrum of long-term consequences and reflects a wise balance and quiet assurance.

  You see things differently and thus you think and act differently from the largely reactive world.

  You view the world through a fundamental paradigm for effective, provident living.

  You see the world in terms of what you can do for the world and its people.

  You adopt a proactive lifestyle, seeking to serve and build others.

  You interpret all of life's experiences in terms of opportunities for learning and contri bution.

  Your power is limited only by your understanding and observance of natural law and correct principles and by the natural consequences of the principles themselves.

  You become a self-aware, knowledgeable, proactive individual, largely unrestricted by the attitudes, behaviors, or actions of others.

  Your ability to act reaches far beyond your own resources and encourages highly developed levels of interdependency.

  Your decisions and actions are not driven by your current financial or circumstantial limitations.

  You experience an interdependent freedom.

Remember that your paradigm is the source from which your attitudes and behaviors flow. A paradigm is like a pair of glasses; it affects the way you see everything in your life. If you look at things through the paradigm of correct principles, what you see in life is dramatically different from what you see through any other centered paradigm.

I have included in the Appendix section of this book a detailed chart which shows how each center we've discussed might possibly affect the way you see everything else. But for a quick understanding of the difference your center makes, let's look at just one example of a specific problem as seen through the different paradigms. As you read, try to put on each pair of glasses. Try to feel the response that flows from the different centers.

Suppose tonight you have invited your wife to go to a concert. You have the tickets; she's excited about going. It's four o'clock in the afternoon.

All of a sudden, your boss calls you into his office and says he needs your help through the evening to get ready for an important meeting at 9 A.M. tomorrow.

If you're looking through spouse-centered or family-centered glasses, your main concern will be your wife. You may tell the boss you can't stay and you take her to the concert in an effort to please her. You may feel you have to stay to protect your job, but you'll do so grudgingly, anxious about her response, trying to justify your decision and protect yourself from her disappointment or anger.

If you're looking through a money-centered lens, your main thought will be of the overtime you'll get or the influence working late will have on a potential raise. You may call your wife and simply tell her you have to stay, assuming she'll understand that economic demands come first.

If you're work-centered, you may be thinking of the opportunity. You can learn more about the job.

You can make some points with the boss and further your career. You may give yourself a pat on the back for putting hours well beyond what is required, evidence of what a hard worker you are. Your wife should be proud of you!
If you're possession-centered, you might be thinking of the things the overtime income could buy.

Or you might consider what an asset to your reputation at the office it would be if you stayed.

Everyone would hear tomorrow how noble, how sacrificing and dedicated you are.

If you're pleasure-centered, you'll probably can the work and go to the concert, even if your wife would be happy for you to work late. You deserve a night out!
If you're friend-centered, your decision would be influenced by whether or not you had invited friends to attend the concert with you. Or whether your friends at work were going to stay late, too.

If you're enemy-centered, you may stay late because you know it will give you a big edge over that person in the office who thinks he's the company's greatest asset. While he's off having fun, you'll be working and slaving, doing his work and yours, sacrificing your personal pleasure for the good of the company he can so blithely ignore.

If you're church-centered, you might be influenced by plans other church members have to attend the concert, by whether or not any church members work at your office, or by the nature of the concert
-- Handel's Messiah might rate higher in priority than a rock concert. Your decision might also be affected by what you think a "good church member" would do and by whether you view the extra work as "service" or "seeking after material wealth."
If you're self-centered, you'll be focused on what will do you the most good. Would it be better for you to go out for the evening? Or would it be better for you to make a few points with the boss? How the different options affect you will be your main concern.

As we consider various ways of looking at a single event, is it any wonder that we have "young lady/old lady" perception problems in our interactions with each other? Can you see how fundamentally our centers affect us? Right down to our motivations, our daily decisions, our actions (or, in too many cases, our reactions), our interpretations of events? That's why understanding your own center is so important. And if that center does not empower you as a proactive person, it becomes fundamental to your effectiveness to make the necessary Paradigm Shifts to create a center that will.

As a principle-centered person, you try to stand apart from the emotion of the situation and from other factors that would act on you, and evaluate the option. Looking at the balanced whole -- the work needs, the family needs, other needs that may be involved and the possible implications of the various alternative decisions -- you'll try to come up with the best solution, taking all factors into consideration.

Whether you go to the concert or stay and work is really a small part of an effective decision. You might make the same choice with a number of other centers. But there are several important differences when you are coming from a principle-centered paradigm. First, you are not being acted upon by other people or circumstances. You are proactively choosing what you determine to be the best alternative. You make your decisions consciously and knowledgeably.

Second, you know your decision is most effective because it is based on principles with predictable long-term results.

Third, what you choose to do contri butes to your ultimate values in life. Staying at work to get the edge on someone at the office is an entirely different evening in your life from staying because you value your boss's effectiveness and you genuinely want to contri bute to the company's welfare. The experiences you have as you carry out your decisions take on quality and meaning in the context of your life as a whole.

Fourth, you can communicate to your wife and your boss within strong networks you've created in your interdependent relationships.

Because you are independent, you can be effectively interdependent. You might decide to delegate what is delegable and come in early the next morning

to do the rest.

And finally, you'll feel comfortable about your decision. Whatever you choose to do, you can focus on it and enjoy it.

As a principle-centered person, you see things differently. And because you see things differently, you think differently, you act differently. Because you have a high degree of security, guidance, wisdom, and power that flows from a solid, unchanging core, you have the foundation of a highly proactive and highly effective life.

--- Writing and Using a A Personal Mission Statement
As we go deeply within ourselves, as we understand and realign our basic paradigms to bring them in harmony with correct principles, we create both an effective, empowering center and a clear lens through which we can see the world. We can then focus that lens on how we, as unique individuals, relate to that world
Frankl says we detect rather than invent our missions in life. I like that choice of words. I think each of us has an internal monitor or sense, a conscience, that gives us an awareness of our own uniqueness and the singular contri butions that we can make. In Frankl's words, "Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated.

Thus, everyone's task is as unique as is his specific opportunity to implement it.

In seeking to give verbal expression to that uniqueness, we are again reminded of the fundamental importance of proactivity and of working within our Circle of Influence. To seek some abstract meaning to our lives out in our Circle of Concern is to abdicate our proactive responsibility, to place our own first creation in the hands of circumstance and other people.

Our meaning comes from within. Again, in the words of Frankl, "Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather must recognize that it is he who is asked. In a word, each man is questioned by life; and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life; to life he can only respond by being responsible."
Personal responsibility, or proactivity, is fundamental to the first creation. Returning to the computer metaphor, Habit 1 says "You are the programmer." Habit 2, then, says, "Write the program."
Until you accept the idea that you are responsible, that you are the programmer, you won't really invest in writing the program.

As proactive people , we can begin to give expression to what we want to be and to do in our lives.

We can write a personal mission statement, a personal constitution.

A mission statement is not something you write overnight. It takes deep introspection, careful analysis, thoughtful expression, and often many rewrites to produce it in final form. It may take you several weeks or even months before you feel really comfortable with it, before you feel it is a complete and concise expression of your innermost values and directions. Even then, you will want to review it regularly and make minor changes as the years bring additional insights or changing circumstances.

But fundamentally, your mission statement becomes your constitution, the solid expression of your vision and values. It becomes the criterion by which you measure everything else in your life.

I recently finished reviewing my own mission statement, which I do fairly regularly. Sitting on the edge of a beach, alone, at the end of a bicycle ride, I took out my organizer and hammered it out. It took several hours, but I felt a sense of clarity, a sense of organization and commitment, a sense of exhilaration and freedom.

I find the process is as important as the product. Writing or reviewing a mission statement changes you because it forces you to think through your priorities deeply, carefully, and to align your behavior with your beliefs. As you do, other people begin to sense that you're not being driven by everything that happens to you. You have a sense of mission about what you're trying to do and you are excited

about it.

--- Using Your Whole Brain
Our self-awareness empowers us to examine our own thoughts. This is particularly helpful in creating a personal mission statement because the two unique human endowments that enable us to practice Habit 2 -- imagination and conscience -- are primarily functions of the right side of the brain.

Understanding how to tap into that right brain capacity greatly increases our first-creation ability.

A great deal of research has been conducted for decades on what has come to be called brain dominance theory. The findings basically indicated that each hemisphere of the brain -- left and right
-- tends to specialize in and preside over different functions, process different kinds of information, and deal with different kinds of problems.

Essentially, the left hemisphere is the more logical/verbal one and the right hemisphere the more intuitive, creative one. The left deals with words, the right with pictures; the left with parts and specifics, the right with wholes and the relationship between the parts. The left deals with analysis, which means to break apart; the right with synthesis, which means to put together. The left deals with sequential thinking; the right with simultaneous and holistic thinking. The left is time bound; the right is time free.

Although people use both sides of the brain, one side or the other generally tends to be dominant in each individual. Of course, the ideal would be to cultivate and develop the ability to have good crossover between both sides of the brain so that a person could first sense what the situation called for and then use the appropriate tool to deal with it. But people tend to stay in the "comfort zone" of their dominant hemisphere and process every situation according to either a right- or left-brain preference.

In the words of Abraham Maslow, "He that is good with a hammer tends to think everything is a nail." This is another factor that affects the "young lady/old lady" perception difference. Right-brain and left-brain people tend to look at things in different ways.

We live in a primarily left-brain-dominant world, where words and measurement and logic are enthroned, and the more creative, intuitive, sensing, artistic aspect of our nature is often subordinated.

Many of us find it more difficult to tap into our right-brain capacity.

Admittedly this description is oversimplified and new studies will undoubtedly throw more light on brain functioning. But the point here is that we are capable of performing many different kinds of thought processes and we barely tap our potential. As we become aware of its different capacities, we can consciously use our minds to meet specific needs in more effective ways.

--- Two Ways to Tap the Right Brain
If we use the brain dominance theory as a model, it becomes evident that the quality of our first creation is significantly impacted by our ability to use our creative right brain. The more we are able to draw upon our right-brain capacity, the more fully we will be able to visualize, to synthesize, to transcend time and present circumstances, to project a holistic picture of what we want to do and to be in life.

Expand Perspective
Sometimes we are knocked out of our left-brain environment and thought patterns and into the right brain by an unplanned experience. The death of a loved one, a severe illness, a financial setback, or extreme adversity can cause us to stand back, look at our lives, and ask ourselves some hard questions:

"What's really important? Why am I doing what I'm doing?
But if you're proactive, you don't have to wait for circumstances or other people to create perspective-expanding experiences. You can consciously create your own.

There are a number of ways to do this. Through the powers of your imagination, you can visualize your own funeral, as we did at the beginning of this chapter. Write your own eulogy. Actually write it out. Be specific.

You can visualize your twenty-fifth and then your fiftieth wedding anniversary. Have your spouse visualize this with you. Try to capture the essence of the family relationship you want to have created through your day-by-day investment over a period of that many years.

You can visualize your retirement from your present occupation. What contri butions, what achievements will you want to have made in your field? What plans will you have after retirement?
Will you enter a second career?
Expand your mind. Visualize in rich detail. Involve as many emotions and feelings as possible.

Involve as many of the senses as you can.

I have done similar visualization exercises with some of my university classes. "Assume you only have this one semester to live," I tell my students, "and that during this semester you are to stay in school as a good student. Visualize how you would spend your semester.

Things are suddenly placed in a different perspective. Values quickly surface that before weren't even recognized.

I have also asked students to live with that expanded perspective for a week and keep a diary of their experiences.

The results are very revealing. They start writing to parents to tell them how much they love and appreciate them. They reconcile with a brother, a sister, a friend where the relationship has deteriorated.

The dominant, central theme of their activities, the underlying principle, is love. The futility of bad-mouthing, bad thinking, put-downs, and accusation becomes very evident when they think in terms of having only a short time to live. Principles and values become more evident to everybody.

There are a number of techniques using your imagination that can put you in touch with your values. But the net effect of every one I have ever used is the same. When people seriously undertake to identify what really matters most to them in their lives, what they really want to be and to do, they become very reverent. They start to think in larger terms than today and tomorrow.

--- Visualization and Affirmation
Personal leadership is not a singular experience. It doesn't begin and end with the writing of a personal mission statement. It is, rather, the ongoing process of keeping your vision and values before you and aligning your life to be congruent with those most important things. And in that effort, your powerful right-brain capacity can be a great help to you on a daily basis as you work to integrate your personal mission statement into your life. It's another application of "Begin with the End in Mind."
Let's go back to an example we mentioned before. Suppose I am a parent who really deeply loves my children. Suppose I identify that as one of my fundamental values in my personal mission statement. But suppose, on a daily basis, I have trouble overreacting.

I can use my right-brain power of visualization to write an "affirmation" that will help me become more congruent with my deeper values in my daily life.

A good affirmation has five basic ingredients: it's personal, it's positive, it's present tense, it's visual, and it's emotional. So I might write something like this: "It is deeply satisfying (emotional) that I
(personal) respond (present tense) with wisdom, love, firmness, and self-control (positive) when my children misbehave."

Then I can visualize it. I can spend a few minutes each day and totally relax my mind and body. I can think about situations in which my children might misbehave. I can visualize them in rich detail.

I can feel the texture of the chair I might be sitting on, the floor under my feet, the sweater I'm wearing.

I can see the dress my daughter has on, the expression on her face. The more clearly and vividly I can imagine the detail, the more deeply I will experience it, the less I will see it as a spectator.

Then I can see her do something very specific which normally makes my heart pound and my temper start to flare. But instead of seeing my normal response, I can see myself handle the situation with all the love, the power, the self-control I have captured in my affirmation. I can write the program, write the script, in harmony with my values, with my personal mission statement.

And if I do this, day after day my behavior will change. Instead of living out of the scripts given to me by my own parents or by society or by genetics or my environment, I will be living out of the script I have written from my own self-selected value system.

I have helped and encouraged my son, Sean, to use this affirmation process extensively throughout his football career. We started when he played quarterback in high school, and eventually, I taught him how to do it on his own.

We would try to get him in a very relaxed state of mind through deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation technique so that he became very quiet inside. Then I would help him visualize himself right in the heat of the toughest situations imaginable.

He would imagine a big blitz coming at him fast. He had to read the blitz and respond. He would imagine giving audibles at the line after reading defenses. He would imagine quick reads with his first receiver, his second receiver, his third receiver. He would imagine options that he normally wouldn't do.

At one point in his football career, he told me he was constantly getting uptight. As we talked, I realized that he was visualizing uptightness. So we worked on visualizing relaxation in the middle of the big pressure circumstance. We discovered that the nature of the visualization is very important.

If you visualize the wrong thing, you'll produce the wrong thing.

Dr. Charles Garfield has done extensive research on peak performers, both in athletics and in business. He became fascinated with peak performance in his work with the NASA program, watching the astronauts rehearse everything on earth again and again in a simulated environment before they went to space. Although he had a doctorate in mathematics, he decided to go back and get another Ph.D. in the field of psychology and study the characteristics of peak performers.

One of the main things his research showed was that almost all of the world-class athletes and other peak performers are visualizers. They see it; they feel it; they experience it before they actually do it.

They Begin with the End in Mind.

You can do it in every area of your life. Before a performance, a sales presentation, a difficult confrontation, or the daily challenge of meeting a goal, see it clearly, vividly, relentlessly, over and over again. Create an internal "comfort zone." Then, when you get into the situation, it isn't foreign. It doesn't scare you.

Your creative, visual right brain is one of your most important assets, both in creating your personal mission statement and in integrating it into your life.

There is an entire body of literature and audio and video tapes that deals with this process of visualization and affirmation. Some of the more recent developments in this field include such things as subliminal programming, neurolinguistic programming, and new forms of relaxation and self-talk processes. These all involve explanation, elaboration, and different packaging of the fundamental principles of the first creation.

My review of the success literature brought me in contact with hundreds of books on this subject.

Although some made extravagant claims and relied on anecdotal rather than scientific evidence, I think that most of the material is fundamentally sound. The majority of it appears to have originally come

out of the study of the Bible by many individuals.

In effective personal leadership, visualization and affirmation techniques emerge naturally out of a foundation of well thought through purposes and principles that become the center of a person's life.

They are extremely powerful in rescripting and reprogramming, into writing deeply committed-to purposes and principles into one's heart and mind. I believe that central to all enduring religions in society are the same principles and practices clothed in different language -- meditation, prayer, covenants, ordinances, scripture study, empathy, compassion, and many different forms of the use of both conscience and imagination.

But if these techniques become part of the personality ethic and are severed from a base of character and principles, they can be misused and abused in serving other centers, primarily the self center.

Affirmation and visualization are forms of programming, and we must be certain that we do not submit ourselves to any programming that is not in harmony with our basic center or that comes from sources centered on money-making, self interest, or anything other than correct principles.

The imagination can be used to achieve the fleeting success that comes when a person is focused on material gain or on "what's in it for me." But I believe the higher use of imagination is in harmony with the use of conscience to transcend self and create a life of contri bution based on unique purpose and on the principles that govern interdependent reality.

--- Identifying Roles and Goals
Of course, the logical/verbal left brain becomes important also as you attempt to capture your right-brain images, feelings, and pictures in the words of a written mission statement. Just as breathing exercises help integrate body and mind, writing is a kind of psycho-neural muscular activity which helps bridge and integrate the conscious and subconscious minds. Writing distills, crystallizes, and clarifies thought and helps break the whole into parts.

We each have a number of different roles in our lives -- different areas or capacities in which we have responsibility. I may, for example, have a role as an individual, a husband, a father, a teacher, a church member, and a businessman. And each of these roles is important.

One of the major problems that arises when people work to become more effective in life is that they don't think broadly enough. They lose the sense of proportion, the balance, the natural ecology necessary to effective living. They may get consumed by work and neglect personal health. In the name of professional success, they may neglect the most precious relationships in their lives.

You may find that your mission statement will be much more balanced, much easier to work with, if you break it down into the specific role areas of your life and the goals you want to accomplish in each area. Look at your professional role. You might be a salesperson, or a manager, or a product developer. What are you about in that area? What are the values that should guide you? Think of your personal roles -- husband, wife, father, mother, neighbor, friend. What are you about in those roles?
What's important to you? Think of community roles -- the political area, public service, volunteer organizations.

One executive has used the idea of roles and goals to create the following mission statement:
My mission is to live with integrity and to make a difference in the lives of others.

To fulfill this mission:
I have charity: I seek out and love the one -- each one -- regardless of his situation.

I sacrifice: I devote my time, talents, and resources to my mission.

I inspire: I teach by example that we are all children of a loving Heavenly Father and that every
Goliath can be overcome.

I am impactful: What I do makes a difference in the lives of others.

These roles take priority in achieving my mission:

Husband -- my partner is the most important person in my life. Together we contri bute the fruits of harmony, industry, charity, and thrift.

Father -- I help my children experience progressively greater joy in their lives.

Son/Brother -- I am frequently "there" for support and love.

Christian -- God can count on me to keep my covenants and to serve his other children.

Neighbor -- The love of Christ is visible through my actions toward others.

Change Agent -- I am a catalyst for developing high performance in large organizations.

Scholar -- I learn important new things every day.

Writing your mission in terms of the important roles in your life gives you balance and harmony.

It keeps each role clearly before you. You can review your roles frequently to make sure that you don't get totally absorbed by one role to the exclusion of others that are equally or even more important in your life.

After you identify your various roles, then you can think about the Long Term Goals are plans you make that support the principles described in your Mission Statement. These goals should represent areas you want to focus on in the near future. Typically, Long Term Goals take longer than a week to complete, but are most specific than the lifetime goals of your Mission Statement.long-term goals you want to accomplish in each of those roles. We're into the right brain again, using imagination, creativity, conscience, and inspiration. If these goals are the extension of a mission statement based on correct principles, they will be vitally different from the goals people normally set. They will be in harmony with correct principles, with natural laws, which gives you greater power to achieve them.

They are not someone else's goals you have absorbed. They are your goals. They reflect your deepest values, your unique talent, your sense of mission. And they grow out of your chosen roles in life.

An effective goal focuses primarily on results rather than activity. It identifies where you want to be, and, in the process, helps you determine where you are. It gives you important information on how to get there, and it tells you when you have arrived. It unifies your efforts and energy. It gives meaning and purpose to all you do. And it can finally translate itself into daily activities so that you are proactive, you are in charge of your life, you are making happen each day the things that will enable you to fulfill your personal mission statement.

Roles and goals give structure and organized direction to your personal mission. If you don't yet have a personal mission statement, it's a good place to begin. Just identifying the various areas of your life and the two or three important results you feel you should accomplish in each area to move ahead gives you an overall perspective of your life and a sense of direction.

As we move into Habit 3, we'll go into greater depth in the area of short-term goals. The important application at this point is to identify roles and long-term goals as they relate to your personal mission statement. These roles and long-term goals will provide the foundation for effective goal setting and achieving when we get to the Habit 3 day-to-day management of life and time.

--- Family Mission Statements
Because Habit 2 is based on principle, it has broad application. In addition to individuals, families, service groups, and organizations of all kinds become significantly more effective as they Begin with the
End in Mind.

Many families are managed on the basis of crises, moods, quick fixes, and instant gratification -- not on sound principles. Symptoms surface whenever stress and pressure mount: people become cynical, critical, or silent or they start yelling and overreacting. Children who observe these kinds of behavior grow up thinking the only way to solve problems is flight or fight.

The core of any family is what is changeless, what is always going to be there -- shared vision and values. By writing a family mission statement, you give expression to its true foundation.

This mission statement becomes its constitution, the standard, the criterion for evaluation and decision making. It gives continuity and unity to the family as well as direction. When individual values are harmonized with those of the family, members work together for common purposes that are deeply felt.

Again, the process is as important as the product. The very process of writing and refining a mission statement becomes a key way to improve the family. Working together to create a mission statement builds the PC capacity to live it.

By getting input from every family member, drafting a statement, getting feedback, revising it, and using wording from different family members, you get the family talking, communicating, on things that really matter deeply. The best mission statements are the result of family members coming together in a spirit of mutual respect, expressing their different views, and working together to create something greater than any one individual could do alone. Periodic review to expand perspective, shift emphasis or direction, amend or give new meaning to time-worn phrases can keep the family united in common values and purposes.

The mission statement becomes the framework for thinking, for governing the family. When the problems and crises come, the constitution is there to remind family members of the things that matter most and to provide direction for problem solving and decision making based on correct principles.

In our home, we put our mission statement up on a wall in the family room so that we can look at it and monitor ourselves daily. When we read the phrases about the sounds of love in our home, order, responsible independence, cooperation, helpfulness, meeting needs, developing talents, showing interest in each other's talents, and giving service to others it gives us some criteria to know how we're doing in the things that matter most to us as a family.

When we plan our family goals and activities, we say, "In light of these principles, what are the goals we're going to work on? What are our action plans to accomplish our goals and actualize these values?"
We review the statement frequently and rework goals and jobs twice a year, in September and June
-- the beginning of school and the end of school -- to reflect the situation as it is, to improve it, to streng then it. It renews us, it recommits us to what we believe in, what we stand for.

--- Organizational Mission Statements
Mission statements are also vital to successful organizations. One of the most important thrusts of my work with organizations is to assist them in developing effective mission statements. And to be effective, that statement has to come from within the bowels of the organization. Everyone should participate in a meaningful way -- not just the top strategy planners, but everyone. Once again, the involvement process is as important as the written product and is the key to its use.

I am always intrigued whenever I go to IBM and watch the training process there. Time and time again, I see the leadership of the organization come into a group and say that IBM stands for three things: the dignity of the individual, excellence, and service.

These things represent the belief system of IBM. Everything else will change, but these three things will not change. Almost like osmosis, this belief system has spread throughout the entire organization, providing a tremendous base of shared values and personal security for everyone who works there.

Once I was training a group of people for IBM in New York. It was small group, about 20 people, and one of them became ill. He called his wife in California, who expressed concern because his illness required a special treatment. The IBM people responsible for the training session arranged to have him taken to an excellent hospital with medical specialists in the disease. But they could sense that his wife was uncertain and really wanted him home where their personal physician could handle the problem.

So they decided to get him home. Concerned about the time involved in driving him to the airport

and waiting for a commercial plane, they brought in a helicopter, flew him to the airport, and hired a special plane just to take this man to California.

I don't know what costs that involved; my guess would be many thousands of dollars. But IBM believes in the dignity of the individual. That's what the company stands for. To those present, that experience represented its belief system and was no surprise. I was impressed.

At another time, I was scheduled to train 175 shopping center managers at a particular hotel. I was amazed at the level of service there. It wasn't a cosmetic thing. It was evident at all levels, spontaneously, without supervision.

I arrived quite late, checked in, and asked if room service were available. The man at the desk said,
"No, Mr. Covey, but if you're interested, I could go back and get a sandwich or a salad or whatever you'd like that we have in the kitchen." His attitude was one of total concern about my comfort and welfare. "Would you like to see your convention room?" he continued. "Do you have everything you need? What can I do for you? I'm here to serve you."
There was no supervisor there checking up. This man was sincere.

The next day I was in the middle of a presentation when I discovered that I didn't have all the colored markers I needed. So I went out into the hall during the brief break and found a bellboy running to another convention. "I've got a problem," I said. "I'm here training a group of managers and I only have a short break. I need some more colored pens.

He whipped around and almost came to attention. He glanced at my name tag and said, "Mr.

Covey, I will solve your problem."
He didn't say, "I don't know where to go" or "well, go and check the front desk." He just took care of it. And he made me feel like it was his privilege to do so.

Later, I was in the side lobby, looking at some of the art objects. Someone from the hotel came up to me and said, "Mr. Covey, would you like to see a book that describes the art objects in this hotel?"
How anticipatory! How service-oriented!
I next observed one of the employees high up on a ladder cleaning windows in the lobby. From his vantage point he saw a woman having a little difficulty in the garden with a walker. She hadn't really fallen, and she was with other people. But he climbed down that ladder, went outside, helped the woman into the lobby and saw that she was properly taken care of. Then he went back and finished cleaning the windows.

I wanted to find out how this organization had created a culture where people bought so deeply into the value of customer service. I interviewed housekeepers, waitresses, bellboys in that hotel and found that this attitude had impregnated the minds, hearts, and attitudes of every employee there.

I went through the back door into the kitchen, where I saw the central value: "Uncompromising personalized service." I finally went to the manager and said, "My business is helping organizations develop a powerful team character, a team culture. I am amazed at what you have here."
"Do you want to know the real key?" he inquired. He pulled out the mission statement for the hotel chain.

After reading it, I acknowledged, "That's an impressive statement. But I know many companies that have impressive mission statements."
"Do you want to see the one for this hotel?" he asked.

"Do you mean you developed one just for this hotel?"
"Different from the one for the hotel chain?"
"Yes. It's in harmony with that statement, but this one pertains to our situation, our environment, our time." He handed me another paper.

"Who developed this mission statement?" I asked.

"Everybody," he replied.

"Everybody? Really, everybody?"
"Desk clerks?"
"Yes. Do you want to see the mission statement written by the people who greeted you last night?"
He pulled out a mission statement that they, themselves, had written that was interwoven with all the other mission statements. Everyone, at every level, was involved.

The mission statement for that hotel was the hub of a great wheel. It spawned the thoughtful, more specialized mission statements of particular groups of employees. It was used as the criterion for every decision that was made. It clarified what those people stood for -- how they related to the customer, how they related to each other. It affected the style of the managers and the leaders. It affected the compensation system. It affected the kind of people they recruited and how they trained and developed them. Every aspect of that organization, essentially, was a function of that hub, that mission statement.

I later visited another hotel in the same chain, and the first thing I did when I checked in was to ask to see their mission statement, which they promptly gave me. At this hotel, I came to understand the motto "Uncompromising personalized service" a little more.

For a three-day period, I watched every conceivable situation where service was called for. I always found that service was delivered in a very impressive, excellent way. But it was always also very personalized. For instance, in the swimming area I asked the attendant where the drinking fountain was. He walked me to it.

But the thing that impressed me the very most was to see an employee, on his own, admit a mistake to his boss. We ordered room service, and were told when it would be delivered to the room. On the way to our room, the room service person spilled the hot chocolate, and it took a few extra minutes to go back and change the linen on the tray and replace the drink. So the room service was about fifteen minutes late, which was really not that important to us.

Nevertheless, the next morning the room service manager phoned us to apologize and invited us to have either the buffet breakfast or a room service breakfast, compliments of the hotel, to in some way compensate for the inconvenience.

What does it say about the culture of an organization when an employee admits his own mistake, unknown to anyone else, to the manager so that customer or guest is better taken care of!
As I told the manager of the first hotel I visited, I know a lot of companies with impressive mission statements. But there is a real difference, all the difference in the world, in the effectiveness of a mission statement created by everyone involved in the organization and one written by a few top executives behind a mahogany wall.

One of the fundamental problems in organizations, including families, is that people are not committed to the determinations of other people for their lives. They simply don't buy into them.

Many times as I work with organizations, I find people whose goals are totally different from the goals of the enterprise. I commonly find reward systems completely out of alignment with stated value systems.

When I begin work with companies that have already developed some kind of mission statement, I ask them, "How many of the people here know that you have a mission statement? How many of you know what it contains? How many were involved in creating it? How many really buy into it and use it as your frame of reference in making decisions?"
Without involvement, there is no commitment. Mark it down, asterisk it, circle it, underline it.

No involvement, no commitment.

Now, in the early stages -- when a person is new to an organization or when a child in the family is young -- you can pretty well give them a goal and they'll buy it, particularly if the relationship, orientation, and training are good.

But when people become more mature and their own lives take on a separate meaning, they want involvement, significant involvement. And if they don't have that involvement, they don't buy it.

Then you have a significant motivational problem which cannot be solved at the same level of thinking that created it.

That's why creating an organizational mission statement takes time, patience, involvement, skill, and empathy. Again, it's not a quick fix. It takes time and sincerity, correct principles, and the courage and integrity to align systems, structure, and management style to the shared vision and values. But it's based on correct principles and it works.

An organizational mission statement -- one that truly reflects the deep shared vision and values of everyone within that organization -- creates a great unity and tremendous commitment. It creates in people's hearts and minds a frame of reference, a set of criteria or guidelines, by which they will govern themselves. They don't need someone else directing, controlling, criticizing, or taking cheap shots.

They have bought into the changeless core of what the organization is about.

--- Application Suggestions
1. Take the time to record the impressions you had in the funeral visualization at the beginning of this chapter. You may want to use the chart below to organize your thoughts.

2. Take a few moments and write down your roles as you now see them. Are you satisfied with that mirror image of your life.

3. Set up time to completely separate yourself from daily activities and to begin work on your personal mission statement.

4. Go through the chart in Appendix A showing different centers and circle all those you can identify with. Do they form a pattern for the behavior in your life? Are you comfortable with the implications of your analysis.

5. Start a collection of notes, quotes, and ideas you may want to use as resource material in writing your .personal mission statement.

6. Identify a project you will be facing in the near future and apply the principles of mental creation. Write down the results you desire and what steps will lead to those results.

7. Share the principles of Habit 2 with your family or work group and suggest that together you begin the process of developing a family or group mission statement.

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Oggy and the Cockroaches (1998 - Current) - The show centers on Oggy, a content, blue cat, who would prefer to spend his days watching television and eating - if not for the three roaches in the household: Joey, Dee Dee and Marky (named after members of the punk group Ramones). The trio seems to enjoy making Oggy's life miserable, which invol...
My Friend Rabbit (2007 - 2008) - My Friend Rabbit is a show about friendship, particularly the friendship between Mouse and Rabbit. These two buddies and their friends don't think about the past or the future too much, but focus most of their boundless energy on enjoying the moment.
Chi's Sweet Home (2008 - 2016) - An anime adaptation lasting two seasons began airing on March 31, 2008 and concluded on September 25, 2009. A new 3DCG anime television adaptation began airing on October 2, 2016.A grey and white kitten with black stripes wanders away from her mother and siblings one day while enjoying a walk outsid...
Full Moon o Sagashite (2002 - 2003) - The series was adapted as an anime television series produced by Nihon Ad Systems, which ended before the manga was completed, plus an OVA distributed with an issue of Ribon. The Anime series was broadcast on TV Tokyo, where it enjoyed high ratings.
Pokemon: The First Movie(1999) - Based on the Pokmon craze in the late '90s (although millions of kids and adults still enjoy it well in to the new millennium.) this premiere movie to the Pokmon series was based on a video game. A genetic Pokmon by the name of Mewtwo was cloned from the legendary Mew, but everything seemed to go...
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York(1992) - The McCallister family go on a holiday trip to Florida. Kevin gets separated from his family at the airport, and manages to get himself onto a plane to New York instead. There, he checks into the world famous Plaza Hotel hotel with his father's credit card, and sets out to enjoy himself. Unfortunate...
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas(1966) - The Grinch is a green, gloomy Gus, who decides that the Whos in Whoville are enjoying their Christmas too much. He schemes and he plots to ruin their special day, but a young girl named Cindy makes sure he changes hi
Flash Gordon(1980) - If you want your share of glorious comic book cheese, watch this film. It's like eating Salt and Vinegar potato chips. You aren't sure why, but you enjoy it. This film comes complete with a fantastic super cheesey theme by Queen "Flash, awaaaaw, he'll save every one of us
Mars Attacks!(1996) - The Martians decide to attack our planet and devastate everything. Why? Because it's fun!!! They enjoy killing people and destroy buildings; they even play bowling with the statues at Easter Isles and pose for photos in front of temples as they are blowing up. Will somebody find a way to stop them o...
Encino Man(1992) - Two losers find a frozen caveman after they an earthquake in Encino California. The reason the frozen cube man came out of the ground was because of the pool they were digging. At first scared, the caveman does not like his surroundings but soon enjoys everything the 90's has to offer at this point...
Tremors(1990) - Tremors is actually two movies in one. On its own terms, it's an enjoyable modern sci-fi horror-thriller, with good pacing and a sense of humor; but it's also a loving tribute to such 1950s low-budget desert-based sci-fi-horror films like Them!, It Came From Outer Space, Tarantula, and The Monolith...
Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home(1995) - Two years ago the boy Jesse helped the whale Willy to jump into freedom. Jesse enjoys the life with his adoptive parents, when his half-brother Elvis arrives because the dead of their mother. During a holiday trip Jesse meets Willy again, as well as his indian friend Randolph. A tender love develope...
Rocky III(1982) - Boxer Rocky Balboa enjoys the wealth he has as world-champion. He only fights against easy opponents. Then he is challenged by the arrogant Clubber Lang. Rocky accepts the challenge to proove once more that there is only one world-champion. But Lang wins and becomes the new champion. Nobody believes...
Groundhog Day(1993) - GROUNDHOG DAY is an immensely enjoyable fable of a confirmed cynic who finds himself stuck in the same 24-hour time frame, over and over again, and the life lessons he manages to learn fro
Meatballs(1979) - You gotta enjoy this film for what it is, a feel good 80's misfits movie captained by the cooler than cool Bill Murray. Although the original movie poster eludes to a film about teen sex, and older men who don't go to prison for it, the movie is not that a
Sidekicks(1992) - Barry is an asthmatic kid having trouble in life. He lives with his father, a computer programmer, in Texas. Barry is struggling to get by in life, dealing with his rough school life, bullies, as well as his health. Barry's only source of enjoyment is fantasizing that he is with Chuck Norris. Barry...
Parenthood(1989) - The story of the Buckman family and friends, attempting to bring up their children. They suffer/enjoy all the events that occur: estranged relatives, the "black sheep" of the family, the eccentrics, the skeletons in the closet, and the rebellious teenagers.
Cooley High(1975) - In the mid-1960's, a group of high school friends who live on the Near North Side of Chicago enjoy life to the fullest...parties, hanging out, meeting new friends. Then life changes for two of the guys when they meet a pair of career criminals and get falsely arrested in connection with stealing a C...
Belle's Magical World(1998) - Belle, the Beast, Lumiere, Cogsworth, and the rest of the castle residents use their imagination to enjoy three magical adventures while sharing a storybook. An anthology "sequel" to BEAUTY AND THE BEAST.
3 Strikes(2000) - Noted hip-hop producer DJ Pooh, who co-wrote the urban comedy Friday, makes his directorial debut with this comedy-drama. A young African-American man is enjoying his freedom after his second stretch in prison. Under the "three strikes and you're out" law, another brush with the police could mean li...
Mazes and Monsters(1982) - Tom Hanks plays a young man who, along with his group of friends enjoys role playing games such as AD&D, etc. and starts taking the game too seriously.
Winnie the Pooh - Pooh Playtime - Cowboy Pooh (1993)(1993) - " Pooh adventure specially themed to popular playtime activities for the whole family to enjoy
A River Runs Through It(1992) - This movie is the tale of the MacLean brothers, Norman (Craig Sheffer) and Paul (Brad Pitt). The two of them are very different in behavior. One of the only things they have in common is an enjoyment of fly-fishing. The movie depicts their lives and how they each turn out.
No Man's Land(1987) - A rookie cop goes undercover to infiltrate a gang of car thieves led by smooth and charming Ted. The rookie becomes too involved and starts to enjoy the thrill and lifestyle of the game, and becomes romanticly involved with the leaders sister.
Prom Night IV: Deliver Us from Evil(1992) - Carrying on the Prom Night tradition, this film begins back at Hamilton High School on Prom Night in 1957. As a young couple are enjoying a romantic moment together in the back seat of a car, they are interrupted by Father Jonas, a priest who slashes and immolates the lovers. Thirty years later, Jon...
Baby of the Bride(1991) - Having just returned from her honeymoon, Margret Becker-Hix wants nothing more than to settle down and enjoy her second marriage with her new (and much younger) husband, John. However, the newlyweds are in for the biggest surprise of their lives when the 53-year-old Margret discovers that she is pr...
The Force on Thunder Mountain(1998) - A Father and his son, Rick, head out to woods for a much needed vacation with each other. The place they are going is Thunder Mountain, for year this place had been rumored to be mysteriously haunted by some unknown force. Despite the legends the two head into the woods. They enjoy their travels but...
Death on the Nile(1978) - Detective Hercule Poirot (Peter Ustinov) is on a ship in Egypt, just enjoying a vacation. He ends up in the middle of a murder mystery involving his fellow passengers...
1969(1988) - Two friends, Ralph and Scott live in a small minded town at the onset of wide public dissatisfaction with the Vietnam war. While Scott's brother enlists, he and Ralph are outspoken in their opposition to the war. Scott's attitude alienates him from his father and he and Ralph leave town to enjoy the...
Wildcats(1986) - Molly McGrath (Goldie Hawn) is a track teacher at a high school. She also really enjoys football as well. When the football coach's job becomes vacant, Molly decides to sign up and give it a go. Of course, things go wrong, but eventually they righ
Silverado(1985) - As the result of a chance meeting, four cowboys on horseback are drawn together to defeat a corrupt frontier sheriff and his vicious posse. An enjoyable high-spirited western. Starring Kevin Kline, Danny Glover, Brain Dennehy and Rosanna Arquette, and written and directed by Lawrence Kasdan (THE ACC...
Winnie the Pooh - Pooh Playtime - Pooh Party (1993)(1993) - "A Pooh adventure specially themed to popular playtime activities for the whole family to enjoy
Winnie the Pooh - Pooh Playtime - Detective Tigger (1993)(1993) - "A Pooh adventure specially themed to popular playtime activities for the whole family to enjoy. Includes four Pooh adventures, featuring Pooh, Tigger, Piglet, Eeyore, and the whole gang
Barenaked In America(1999) - Were it not for Alanis Morissette, Barenaked Ladies would probably have been the biggest pop act to come out of Canada in the 1990s. Entirely male and generally fully clothed, the band scored a number of multi-platinum albums in their home country and enjoyed a healthy following in America before th...
Garfield's Thanksgiving(1989) - Jon's got a hot date for Thanksgiving dinner--a vet who orders Garfield on a diet, but Jon's attempt at cooking dinner is unsuccessful until Grandma comes to the rescue! A great Thanksgiving classic the whole family will enjoy!
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1(2011) - Forever is only the beginning in the first half of the fourth and final chapter of the popular series. Bella and Edward are set to marry -- much to the dismay of Jacob who fears that Bella's consummation of the marriage is a death sentence. With the wedding behind them, the newlyweds enjoy their hon...
Gigi(1958) - Weary of the conventions of Parisian society, a rich playboy and a youthful courtesan-in-training enjoy a platonic friendship, but it may not stay platonic for long.
Lady And The Tramp(1955) - Lady Enjoy's A Happy Life With The Couple And With A Pair Of Dogs From The Neighborhood.
Open Season(2006) - Boog is a bear who enjoys the domesticated and pampered life in the garage of park ranger Beth, who has raised him since he was a cub. One day, when the town hunting fanatic shows up with a one-antlered deer named Elliot, the seer becomes friends with Boog and intends to show him the wild life. Afte...
Ice Age: The Meltdown(2006) - In the time since the events of the first film, the world of ice is slowly melting. While all the animals are enjoying pools and slides made of ice, Sid has opened a day care for animals, where nobody takes him seriously. A local con artist by the name of Fast Tony tells the animals that the Earth w...
Jackass Number Two(2006) - The cast of the hit TV series and movie are back with even more crazy stunts and tricks! Enjoy the film, but just don't try this at home!
Lifeguard(1976) - Rick is in his 30s, but still works full-time as a lifeguard on the beaches of Los Angeles, California. He enjoys the fun of it, but even more, the silent moments. However, when he meets his divorced high school girlfriend and her five-year-old son at their fifteen year class reunion, he considers s...
Consenting Adults(1992) - Richard and Priscilla Parker's lives take a turn for the better when Eddy and Kay move into the house next door. Eddy's a risk-taker and shows his new neighbours how to enjoy life at the expense of a rule or convention or two. What Richard doesn't realize is that Eddy's little games are just a prelu...
Vice Raid(1959) - Police Sgt. Whitey Brandon is taking down the leading criminal bosses in the city. However the crime syndicates decide to frame Brandon using a model Carol Hudson. She succeeds in framing him and getting him kicked off the Vice Squad. Carol enjoys the benefits of the criminal underworld but soon fin...
The Inspector General(1949) - In this farcical Technicolor musical, snake oil salesman Georgi (Danny Kaye) is too honest for his own good. After his partner (Walter Slezak) fires him, the simple-minded Georgi wanders into a corrupt town where he is mistaken for a diplomat. As Georgi unknowingly enjoys his false identity, the tow...
How To Enjoy Wine(1984) - Hugh Johnson, The World's Outstanding Wine Authority, Tells You How To Buy It, Judge It, Keep It, Serve It, Order It
Sweet Lorraine(1987) - In its heyday, the Lorraine Hotel saw its fair share of guests, laughter and good times. But now that the aging inn is well past its prime, owner Lillian Garber must decide whether to repair the Catskills landmark - or sell to developers. As Lillian and her zany staff enjoy what may be the Lorraine'...
Three Men And A Cradle(1985) - Jacques, Pierre, and Michel are three adult friends who enjoy single life until they find themselves stuck - with a baby. Later remade in America as Three Men And A Baby.
An Idiot Abroad ::: TV-14 | 43min | Documentary, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (20102012) -- Brit Karl Pilkington has led a sheltered life. Not having done any traveling, he enjoys living within the comforts of what he knows, basically that being what is purely British. As such, ... S Stars:
Better Luck Tomorrow (2002) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 25 April 2003 (USA) -- A group of over-achieving Asian-American high school seniors enjoy a power trip when they dip into extra-curricular criminal activities. Director: Justin Lin Writers: Ernesto Foronda, Justin Lin | 1 more credit
Death on the Nile (1978) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 2h 20min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 29 September 1978 (USA) -- As Hercule Poirot enjoys a luxurious cruise down the Nile, a newlywed heiress is found murdered on board. Can Poirot identify the killer before the ship reaches the end of its journey? Director: John Guillermin Writer:
Demain tout commence (2016) ::: 7.4/10 -- 1h 58min | Comedy, Drama | 7 April 2017 (Canada) -- A bachelor enjoys his sweet life on the French Riviera until a one-night stand tells him, he's dad to Gloria and leaves her with him. He moves to London with Gloria. Mom turns up 8 years later. Director: Hugo Glin Writers:
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Comedy, Drama | 13 August 1982 (USA) -- A group of Southern California high school students are enjoying their most important subjects: sex, drugs, and rock n' roll. Director: Amy Heckerling Writers: Cameron Crowe (screenplay), Cameron Crowe (book)
Gigi (1958) ::: 6.7/10 -- G | 1h 55min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 25 June 1958 (USA) -- Weary of the conventions of Parisian society, a rich playboy and a youthful courtesan-in-training enjoy a platonic friendship which may not stay platonic for long. Directors: Vincente Minnelli, Charles Walters (uncredited) Writers:
Grease Live! (2016) ::: 7.3/10 -- TV-14 | 2h 20min | Musical, Romance | TV Movie 31 January 2016 -- After enjoying a summer romance, high school students Danny and Sandy are unexpectedly reunited when she transfers to Rydell High. There Sandy must contend with cynical Rizzo and the Pink Ladies in attempt to win Danny's heart again. Directors: Thomas Kail, Alex Rudzinski Writers: Bronte Woodard (screenplay by), Allan Carr (adaptation) | 4 more credits
Hajime no ippo ::: TV-PG | 20min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (20002002) Makunouchi Ippo is an ordinary high school student in Japan. Since he spends most of his time away from school helping his mother run the family business, he doesn't get to enjoy his ... S Stars: Steve Staley, Richard Epcar, D.C. Douglas Available on Amazon
Hell's Angels (1930) ::: 7.4/10 -- Passed | 2h 7min | Drama, War | 15 November 1930 (USA) -- Brothers Monte and Ray leave Oxford to join the Royal Flying Corps. Ray loves Helen; Helen enjoys an affair with Monte; before they leave on their mission over Germany they find her in still another man's arms. Directors: Howard Hughes, Edmund Goulding (uncredited) | 1 more credit Writers: Marshall Neilan (story), Joseph Moncure March (story) | 1 more credit Stars:
How to Make It in America -- 30min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20102011) ::: A group of 20 somethings living in New York City. Ben and Cameron work on starting a fashion company, while enjoying their lives in the greatest city in the world. Creator:
Patch Adams (1998) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 25 December 1998 (USA) -- The true story of a heroic man, Hunter "Patch" Adams, determined to become a medical doctor because he enjoys helping people. He ventured where no doctor had ventured before, using humour and pathos. Director: Tom Shadyac Writers: Patch Adams (book) (as Hunter Doherty Adams), Maureen Mylander (book) | 1 more credit
Pecker (1998) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 27min | Comedy, Drama | 9 October 1998 (Canada) -- A talented young photographer, who enjoys snapping photos of his satirical, perverted Baltimore neighborhood and his wacky family, gets dragged into a world of pretentious artists from New York City and finds newfound fame. Director: John Waters Writer:
Post Tenebras Lux (2012) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 55min | Drama | 23 November 2012 (Mexico) -- Juan and his urban family live in the Mexican countryside, where they enjoy and suffer a world apart. And nobody knows if these two worlds are complementary or if they strive to eliminate one another. Director: Carlos Reygadas Writer:
Red Oaks ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Drama, Sport | TV Series (20142017) -- A coming-of-age comedy set in the "go-go" 80s about a college student enjoying a last hurrah before summer comes to an end--and the future begins. Creators:
The Kominsky Method ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2018 ) Season 3 Premiere 2021 -- An aging actor, who long ago enjoyed a brush with fame, makes his living as an acting coach. Creator:
Up in the Air (2009) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 23 December 2009 (USA) -- Ryan Bingham enjoys living out of a suitcase for his job, travelling around the country firing people, but finds that lifestyle threatened by the presence of a potential love interest, and a new hire presenting a new business model. Director: Jason Reitman Writers:,_Enjoyment,_Efficiency,_Opportunity,_Response
00:08 -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- 00:08 00:08 -- A man enjoys a drink over and over and over again, for eight seconds each time. It's the same every time... or at least that's what it seems like at first. With every sip, something changes, making things a little more intriguing each time. -- -- Movie - Jun 8, 2014 -- 7,513 4.88
Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 2nd Season -- -- Fanworks -- 10 eps -- Other -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 2nd Season Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 2nd Season -- Red panda Retsuko continues to work at her cyclic office job, with the occasional stress-venting via death metal karaoke on the side. With the company of her newfound friends Gori and Washimi, life is more enjoyable than ever before. But some new shake-ups to her status quo threaten to add more stress to her life. At the office, new employee Anai seems like a fine addition to the company. Yet when Retsuko is placed in charge of his training, she finds that beneath his steadfast dedication, he may pose a threat to the stability of the workplace. Meanwhile, at home, Retsuko's mother pays an abrupt visit, fully intent on having her daughter finally settle down and find a man. With this in mind, she sets Retsuko up for various marriage appointments, much to her chagrin. -- -- Now, Retsuko finds all the more reasons to head to the karaoke bar and unleash her furious diatribes. However, knowing that this will not truly solve her problems, she decides to make a more spontaneous choice to avoid her issues. And so, Retsuko finds herself set upon another self-reflecting journey, coming to learn more about herself and love, with the ever cathartic support of death metal karaoke. -- -- ONA - Jun 14, 2019 -- 73,221 7.78
Aldnoah.Zero 2nd Season -- -- A-1 Pictures, TROYCA -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Aldnoah.Zero 2nd Season Aldnoah.Zero 2nd Season -- The war between the Terrans and the Vers Empire of Mars has ended, allowing humanity to blissfully enjoy their lives in a time of peace. Nineteen months later, however, the Vers princess makes a shocking public declaration: "the Terrans are a foolish race that covets resources, destroys nature, and are devoted to the pursuit of pleasure." And so, to protect their precious Earth, she calls upon her knights to take up arms, and the raging battle between the two civilizations reignites. -- -- Slaine Troyard has found a place among the Martians, giving Earth a short respite from the war against the Vers Empire. However, a peaceful resolution seems inconceivable. The various people who fought desperately for survival in the past now find themselves in the midst of yet another bloody and chaotic conflict, one that will forever alter the fate of humankind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 270,538 6.96
Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! 3 -- -- Fanworks, Imagineer -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! 3 Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! 3 -- Shi Miao is still stuck with her irresponsible elder brother Shi Fen, who lives in neverending fear of his younger sister's stormy temper. As the siblings continue enjoying their carefree high school days alongside their friends and classmates, they realize that there truly is no cure for family. -- -- 23,178 7.67
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. Movie -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Original -- Slice of Life Supernatural Drama -- Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. Movie Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. Movie -- A year after their deceased friend Honma Meiko appeared to them, Jinta Yadomi and the other members of the Super Peace Busters decide to write letters in her memory. Attempting to enjoy their summer together, they reminisce about their time together before and after her death. -- -- AnoHana. Movie retells the main events of the parent story in the perspective of each member of the Super Peace Busters. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Aug 31, 2013 -- 230,137 7.93
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. Movie -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Original -- Slice of Life Supernatural Drama -- Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. Movie Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. Movie -- A year after their deceased friend Honma Meiko appeared to them, Jinta Yadomi and the other members of the Super Peace Busters decide to write letters in her memory. Attempting to enjoy their summer together, they reminisce about their time together before and after her death. -- -- AnoHana. Movie retells the main events of the parent story in the perspective of each member of the Super Peace Busters. -- -- Movie - Aug 31, 2013 -- 230,137 7.93
Aoharu x Kikanjuu -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Sports Shounen -- Aoharu x Kikanjuu Aoharu x Kikanjuu -- Hotaru Tachibana has a strong sense of justice and just cannot help confronting those who choose to perform malicious acts. Furthermore, Hotaru is actually a girl who likes to disguise herself as a boy. After hearing rumors that her best friend was tricked by the popular host of a local club, Hotaru seeks to punish the evildoer. Upon arriving at the club, however, she is challenged to a so-called "survival game" by the host Masamune Matsuoka, where the first person hit by the bullet of a toy gun will lose. -- -- After a destructive fight which results in Hotaru's loss, Masamune forces the young "boy" to join his survival game team named Toy Gun Gun, in order to repay the cost of the damages that "he" has caused inside the club. Although she is initially unhappy with this turn of events, Hotaru quickly begins to enjoy what survival games have to offer and is determined to pay off her debt, much to the dismay of Tooru Yukimura, the other member of Toy Gun Gun. As time goes on, Hotaru begins to develop a close friendship with the rest of the team and hopes to take part in realizing their dream of winning the Top Combat Game (TCG), a tournament to decide the best survival game team in Japan. -- -- Although Hotaru tries her best, there are just two little problems: she is absolutely terrible at the game, and Toy Gun Gun doesn't allow female members on their team! -- -- 188,845 7.18
Aoharu x Kikanjuu -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Sports Shounen -- Aoharu x Kikanjuu Aoharu x Kikanjuu -- Hotaru Tachibana has a strong sense of justice and just cannot help confronting those who choose to perform malicious acts. Furthermore, Hotaru is actually a girl who likes to disguise herself as a boy. After hearing rumors that her best friend was tricked by the popular host of a local club, Hotaru seeks to punish the evildoer. Upon arriving at the club, however, she is challenged to a so-called "survival game" by the host Masamune Matsuoka, where the first person hit by the bullet of a toy gun will lose. -- -- After a destructive fight which results in Hotaru's loss, Masamune forces the young "boy" to join his survival game team named Toy Gun Gun, in order to repay the cost of the damages that "he" has caused inside the club. Although she is initially unhappy with this turn of events, Hotaru quickly begins to enjoy what survival games have to offer and is determined to pay off her debt, much to the dismay of Tooru Yukimura, the other member of Toy Gun Gun. As time goes on, Hotaru begins to develop a close friendship with the rest of the team and hopes to take part in realizing their dream of winning the Top Combat Game (TCG), a tournament to decide the best survival game team in Japan. -- -- Although Hotaru tries her best, there are just two little problems: she is absolutely terrible at the game, and Toy Gun Gun doesn't allow female members on their team! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 188,845 7.18
Baby Steps -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Romance School Shounen Sports -- Baby Steps Baby Steps -- Diligent and methodical honor student Eiichirou Maruo decides to exercise more during the little free time he has available because he is worried about his health. For this reason, after seeing a flyer, he joins the Southern Tennis Club at the beginning of his freshman year. -- -- During his free trial at the club, he meets Natsu Takasaki, another first year student, who is determined on becoming a professional tennis player due to her love for the sport. In contrast, Eiichirou's study-oriented life exists because he believes that it is what he has to do, not because he enjoys it. However, his monotonous days come to an end as the more he plays tennis, the more he becomes fascinated by it. -- -- Baby Steps is the story of a boy who makes the most of his hard-working and perfectionist nature to develop his own unique playing style. Little by little, Eiichirou's skills begin to improve, and he hopes to stand on equal footing with tennis' best players. -- -- TV - Apr 6, 2014 -- 124,951 7.84
Bananya -- -- Gathering -- 13 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy Kids -- Bananya Bananya -- Above a nondescript kitchen counter quietly hangs a bunch of ripe, yellow bananas. Suddenly, one of the slender fruits begins to shake, gently at first but slowly increasing in ferocity until it tears itself away from the rest. With a graceful landing, the long and curvy edible gradually rolls back its golden peels, revealing what lies beneath its firm covering to be... a cat? -- -- This mysterious feline-fruit hybrid is named Bananya. Carefree and gentle, the adorable creature dreams of one day becoming a luscious bananya bathed in chocolate. Together with his fellow bananya, this kitten cloaked in yellow passes its days without a care in the world, enjoying a rather calm and peaceful existence as it experiences what the world has to offer. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 55,806 6.73
Ben-To -- -- David Production -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Martial Arts -- Ben-To Ben-To -- The supermarket is an important building in any city, for they provide a convenient way to purchase a variety of food in a family-friendly, safe environment. However, these stores changes in the blink of an eye once the unsold bento boxes go on their nightly half-off sales! War breaks out and friends become foes as each person fights for honor, pride, and dinner. There are no longer any people in these supermarkets, only Wolves and Dogs⁠—winners and losers. -- -- High schooler You Satou is painfully introduced to these battles after unknowingly stumbling into the war zone, but instead of choosing to avoid these nightly fights, he wants to join in. After seeing Satou's lack of fighting skills, upperclassman and Wolf Sen Yarizui invites him and Hana Oshiroi, a girl who enjoys spectating the brawls, to join her Half-Priced Food Lovers Club to show them the distinction between the Dogs and the Wolves. Together, they learn what it truly means to fight for your food. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 9, 2011 -- 275,876 7.26
Ben-To -- -- David Production -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Martial Arts -- Ben-To Ben-To -- The supermarket is an important building in any city, for they provide a convenient way to purchase a variety of food in a family-friendly, safe environment. However, these stores changes in the blink of an eye once the unsold bento boxes go on their nightly half-off sales! War breaks out and friends become foes as each person fights for honor, pride, and dinner. There are no longer any people in these supermarkets, only Wolves and Dogs⁠—winners and losers. -- -- High schooler You Satou is painfully introduced to these battles after unknowingly stumbling into the war zone, but instead of choosing to avoid these nightly fights, he wants to join in. After seeing Satou's lack of fighting skills, upperclassman and Wolf Sen Yarizui invites him and Hana Oshiroi, a girl who enjoys spectating the brawls, to join her Half-Priced Food Lovers Club to show them the distinction between the Dogs and the Wolves. Together, they learn what it truly means to fight for your food. -- -- TV - Oct 9, 2011 -- 275,876 7.26
B-gata H-kei -- -- Hal Film Maker, TYO Animations -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Ecchi Romance School Seinen -- B-gata H-kei B-gata H-kei -- Most people, including the girl herself, would say that first year high school student Yamada is beautiful and perfect. Despite this, she is working towards a peculiar goal: to have sex with one hundred men by the end of high school. -- -- Trying to put some sense into her head, Yamada's best friend, Miharu Takeshita, points out a major flaw in that plan—she is completely inexperienced with men. However, the reason behind this is that Yamada thinks her lady parts look strange and believes others will judge her for it. As a result, Yamada decides that her first time must be with a fellow virgin, since they will not hurt or scare her. After a fateful encounter, she sets her sights on the shy and average Takashi Kosuda, an aspiring photographer with a heart of gold. -- -- With contending rivals for his affection and her own raging hormones, Yamada must find ways to seduce Kosuda and take his cherry. However, as she gets closer to Kosuda, she finds herself increasingly enjoying their time spent together. -- -- 330,273 6.92
Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu Happy Kiss! -- -- Studio Comet -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Magic Parody School Slice of Life -- Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu Happy Kiss! Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu Happy Kiss! -- In the northern Kanto area in Japan, there is Binan City… -- -- At Binan High School, as per usual, the “Earth Defense Club (lol)” was a club that did nothing. The club members Kyoutarou Shuzenji, Ryouma Kirishima, Nanao Wakura, Taishi Manza, and Ichiro Dogou nonchalantly enjoyed tea while having pointless conversations that amount to nothing. -- -- All of them have now gathered at Kurotama Bath after school. When Ryouma pulls Kyoutarou Shuzenji by his arm out of water that he claims feels too good, together with his towel comes a pretty boy in strange clothing. -- -- These five boys are then dragged into a battle for the heir of the magical kingdom, Honila Land... -- -- (Source: KA) -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 9,974 6.50
Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu LOVE! LOVE! -- -- Studio Comet -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy Parody Magic School -- Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu LOVE! LOVE! Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu LOVE! LOVE! -- After pulling the plug on the space reality TV show "Can I Destroy the Earth? 2," the Defense Club and the Conquest Club return to their peaceful high school lives. Time has passed since that fearsome battle, and it's now autumn. The five Defense Club members have stopped serving as the Battle Lovers, and are enjoying a soak in the Kurotama Bath like always, when the Conquest Club broaches a subject that will change a great deal about events to come... -- -- [Source: Crunchyroll] -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 24,915 7.04
Bloody Date -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror -- Bloody Date Bloody Date -- While enjoying their first date, a young couple experiences a nasty surprise when they're interrupted by an axe-wielding murderer! The girl manages to escape and finds refuge in a strange family's house, where she urges the people inside to call the police. However, she is knocked out and awakens inside a nightmarish room. Her real struggle for survival is only just beginning! -- -- ONA - ??? ??, 2006 -- 3,474 4.17
Bokura no -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Psychological Drama Mecha Seinen -- Bokura no Bokura no -- 15 children, 8 boys and 7 girls, are enjoying their summer camp together when they suddenly discover a grotto by the sea. When they enter the mysterious place they find a room full of computers, as well as a man named Kokopelli, who introduces himself as the owner. He claims to be working on a game which involves a giant robot that has been designed to protect the Earth from 15 different alien invasions. Kokopelli hasn't been able to test the game yet, so he persuades all but one of the children to sign a contract in what he claims will be a fun adventure. -- -- However, as soon as the contracts are signed things start to take a much darker turn. In Bokurano, the children must now pilot the giant robot Zearth one at a time in the hopes that they will have what it takes to defeat all of the upcoming enemies. But Kokopelli has left out one very important piece of information: the giant robot Zearth's energy source. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 154,492 7.65
Bokura no Nanokakan Sensou -- -- Ajia-Do -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Comedy Drama -- Bokura no Nanokakan Sensou Bokura no Nanokakan Sensou -- Mamoru Suzuhara is an introverted high school student who spends his free time reading up on modern warfare. Upon discovering that his crush, Aya Chiyono, is reluctantly moving away with her family next week, he musters enough courage to ask her to run away with him. Consequently, Mamoru, Aya, and four of their fellow classmates set out and camp in the abandoned Satomi Coal Factory. After enjoying themselves during their first day there, they come to the surprising conclusion that they may not be alone in the factory. -- -- Bokura no Nanokakan Sensou, based on the novel of the same name, is a coming-of-age story about an act of rebellion that evolves into a full-out war against the adults. Meanwhile, the children struggle to open up about their feelings and protect what they hold dear. -- -- Movie - Dec 13, 2019 -- 18,346 6.69
Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sou -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Seinen -- Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sou Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sou -- Kazunari Usa is a high school freshman who will start living alone due to his parents now working in a different area. Excited for his new independent life, he hopes to go about his teenage days without the worry of dealing with any strange people, but as he soon discovers, his new boarding house Kawai Complex is far from ordinary. -- -- The various tenants at Kawai Complex are all quite eccentric characters. Shirosaki, Kazunari's roommate, is a pervert and masochist; Mayumi Nishikino, a borderline alcoholic office lady, hates couples because of her unfortunate luck with men; and Sayaka Watanabe, a seemingly innocent college student, enjoys leading men on. Shocked with the lack of decent individuals at his new residence, Kazunari is about to leave when he runs into shy senior student Ritsu Kawai and finds himself slowly falling in love with her. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 4, 2014 -- 314,210 7.71
Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sou -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Seinen -- Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sou Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sou -- Kazunari Usa is a high school freshman who will start living alone due to his parents now working in a different area. Excited for his new independent life, he hopes to go about his teenage days without the worry of dealing with any strange people, but as he soon discovers, his new boarding house Kawai Complex is far from ordinary. -- -- The various tenants at Kawai Complex are all quite eccentric characters. Shirosaki, Kazunari's roommate, is a pervert and masochist; Mayumi Nishikino, a borderline alcoholic office lady, hates couples because of her unfortunate luck with men; and Sayaka Watanabe, a seemingly innocent college student, enjoys leading men on. Shocked with the lack of decent individuals at his new residence, Kazunari is about to leave when he runs into shy senior student Ritsu Kawai and finds himself slowly falling in love with her. -- -- TV - Apr 4, 2014 -- 314,210 7.71
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next -- -- AIC Build -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Slice of Life Comedy Romance School -- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next -- The Neighbor's Club—a club founded for the purpose of making friends, where misfortunate boys and girls with few friends live out their regrettable lives. -- -- Although Yozora Mikazuki faced a certain incident at the end of summer, the daily life of the Neighbor's Club goes on as usual. A strange nun, members of the student council and other new faces make an appearance, causing Kodaka Hasegawa's life to grow even busier. -- -- While they all enjoy going to the amusement park, playing games, celebrating birthdays, and challenging the "school festival"—a symbol of the school life normal people live—the relations amongst the members slowly begins to change... -- -- Let the next stage begin, on this unfortunate coming-of-age love comedy!! -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jan 11, 2013 -- 440,043 7.38
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations -- -- Studio Pierrot -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Martial Arts Shounen -- Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Boruto: Naruto Next Generations -- Following the successful end of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Konohagakure has been enjoying a period of peace, prosperity, and extraordinary technological advancement. This is all due to the efforts of the Allied Shinobi Forces and the village's Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki. Now resembling a modern metropolis, Konohagakure has changed, particularly the life of a shinobi. Under the watchful eye of Naruto and his old comrades, a new generation of shinobi has stepped up to learn the ways of the ninja. -- -- Boruto Uzumaki is often the center of attention as the son of the Seventh Hokage. Despite having inherited Naruto's boisterous and stubborn demeanor, Boruto is considered a prodigy and is able to unleash his potential with the help of supportive friends and family. Unfortunately, this has only worsened his arrogance and his desire to surpass Naruto which, along with his father's busy lifestyle, has strained their relationship. However, a sinister force brewing within the village may threaten Boruto's carefree life. -- -- New friends and familiar faces join Boruto as a new story begins in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 568,584 5.79
Brandish -- -- Studio Eromatick -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Hentai Demons Supernatural -- Brandish Brandish -- Twiska enjoys visiting local towns and draining the villagers of their cum. Everything is going along well until she encounters Theo, the legendary Hero destined to defeat her. Theo is a cute shouta and addictively good at sex. Now Twiska isn't sure anymore whether she wants to kill him or keep him for herself. -- OVA - Jun 22, 2012 -- 14,111 6.71
B: The Beginning Succession -- -- Production I.G -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Police Psychological Supernatural Thriller -- B: The Beginning Succession B: The Beginning Succession -- In the first season of B: The Beginning, two men confronted their own past with great sacrifice. Maverick detective Keith Flick fought against his demons and finally exposed the dark secrets behind the Kingdom of Cremona. Mutant wunderkind Koku finally reunited with the most precious memory from his stolen childhood. Several months have passed since then, and the entire world seems to have forgotten the turmoil caused by those events. As Keith returns to the Royal Police to conduct his own investigation, Koku and Yuna try to enjoy an ordinary life in peace. But the consequences of the Jaula Blanca experiments are far from being extinct, as Koku soon discovers when his supposedly dead lab mate Kirisame suddenly shows up. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- ONA - Mar 18, 2021 -- 57,391 6.13
Chibi Maruko-chan -- -- Nippon Animation -- 142 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Slice of Life Shoujo -- Chibi Maruko-chan Chibi Maruko-chan -- Momoko Sakura is an elementary school student who likes popular idol Momoe Yamaguchi and mangas. She is often called "Chibi Maruko-chan" due to her young age and small size. She lives together with her parents, her grandparents and her elder sister in a little town. In school, she has many friends with whom she studies and plays together everyday, including her close pal, Tama-chan; the student committee members, Maruo-kun and Migiwa-san; and the B-class trio: 'little master' Hanawa-kun, Hamaji-Bu Taro and Sekiguchi-kun. This is a fun-loving and enjoyable anime that portrays the simple things in life. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jan 7, 1990 -- 9,568 7.62
Chika Gentou Gekiga: Shoujo Tsubaki -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Historical Horror -- Chika Gentou Gekiga: Shoujo Tsubaki Chika Gentou Gekiga: Shoujo Tsubaki -- Behind the colorful curtains and extravagant performances, there lies the dark side of a circus life, hidden away from the smiles and praises of the audience. Set in early 20th century Japan, Midori: Shoujo Tsubaki highlights the misdeeds that occur in circus camps. -- -- Midori was an innocent young girl who enjoyed her life as an elementary student to the fullest. However, everything changed after her mother fell ill. Eventually, Midori is forced to stop going to school and, instead, sells flowers in the city. When her mother dies tragically, Midori meets a stranger who leads her towards the circus. What awaits her will change her life forever... -- -- In a life where nothing seems to go right, will Midori lose faith and give up? Or will she manage to stay strong in hopes of a better future? -- Movie - May 2, 1992 -- 37,169 5.08
Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy -- Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! -- Seven Japanese high school students enjoy international renown for their remarkable talents. One day, these friends survive a plane crash only to find themselves in the medieval fantasy world of Freyjagard, where two human races live side by side in a feudal society: the byuma, who have animal features and formidable strength, and the hyuma, who have a small chance of magical aptitude. After being rescued by the byuma Winona and her adopted elven daughter Lyrule, the group pledges to use their advanced skills and knowledge to pay back the people of Elm Village for their hospitality and find a way to return back home. -- -- Tsukasa Mikogami, the prime minister of Japan, acts as the leader of these young geniuses and organizes their efforts to intervene in Freyjagard and gather the information and resources necessary for achieving their goals. Believing that there is a connection between their current situation and an ancient legend about seven heroes from another world who defeated an evil dragon, Tsukasa directs the others to learn about the culture around them and search for any clues leading them back to Earth. But he also gives another instruction: to take it nice and easy, lest they ruin this world by giving it their all. -- -- 162,715 6.34
Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Super Power Drama Mecha -- Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch -- Since the demise of the man believed to be Britannia's most wicked emperor one year ago, the world has enjoyed an unprecedented peace under the guidance of the United Federation of Nations. However, this fragile calm is shattered when armed militants successfully kidnap former princess Nunnally vi Britannia and Suzaku Kururugi, the chief advisor of the Black Knights, sparking an international crisis. -- -- The powerful and untrustworthy Kingdom of Zilkhstan is accused of orchestrating their capture. To investigate, world authorities send Kallen Stadtfeld and her associates on a covert operation into the country. There, they encounter the immortal witch C.C., who is on a mission to complete the resurrection of the man responsible for the greatest revolution in history—a legend who will rise up, take command, and save the world from peril once again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Feb 9, 2019 -- 225,953 7.95
Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi -- Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. -- NEVER make a deal with a wet goddess you've only just met. That's a lesson Ryosuke Kaga learns the hard way when he foolishly agrees to let Lisara Restole use some of his "essence" to stay in this world. Because despite her smoking hot appearance, Lisara's actually a Shinigami, a Goddess of Death. However, she DOESN'T steal years off his life like any decent Shinigami would do. Oh no, instead she sucks him dry of something much more perverse by leeching off his lecherous spirit and draining his ability to enjoy... er... the things that teenage boys normally spend most of their time thinking about! And now that he's been de-debased and de-debauched by her un-dirty trick, the poor regenerated degenerate's only hope of getting his licentiousness renewed is to join the queen of mental-clean on her quest, since when she leaves our mortal plane he regains his normal immorality! But the termination of the probation of his reprobation isn't guaranteed, because Goddesses of Death can be really harsh mistresses and it's going to be anything but easy to go back to being sleazy! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- 340,456 6.63
Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi -- Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. -- NEVER make a deal with a wet goddess you've only just met. That's a lesson Ryosuke Kaga learns the hard way when he foolishly agrees to let Lisara Restole use some of his "essence" to stay in this world. Because despite her smoking hot appearance, Lisara's actually a Shinigami, a Goddess of Death. However, she DOESN'T steal years off his life like any decent Shinigami would do. Oh no, instead she sucks him dry of something much more perverse by leeching off his lecherous spirit and draining his ability to enjoy... er... the things that teenage boys normally spend most of their time thinking about! And now that he's been de-debased and de-debauched by her un-dirty trick, the poor regenerated degenerate's only hope of getting his licentiousness renewed is to join the queen of mental-clean on her quest, since when she leaves our mortal plane he regains his normal immorality! But the termination of the probation of his reprobation isn't guaranteed, because Goddesses of Death can be really harsh mistresses and it's going to be anything but easy to go back to being sleazy! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 340,456 6.63
Date A Live II: Kurumi Star Festival -- -- Production IMS -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Romance -- Date A Live II: Kurumi Star Festival Date A Live II: Kurumi Star Festival -- On the day of the Tanabata festival, Shidou Itsuka happens to meet the eerie Kurumi Tokisaki, who proceeds to ask him out on a date. Although nervous, Shidou accepts the offer. The two spend their time visiting to a planetarium, buying food at the festival, and trying out a mock wedding ceremony. Meanwhile, Shirou's friends—Tooka Yatogami, Yoshino, and Kotori Itsuka—are looking for him, while also enjoying the festival themselves. -- -- As Shidou spends the day with Kurumi, he begins to notice an unexpected softer side of her. He knows that Kurumi is infamously called the "Worst Spirit," but the girl standing before him is a gentle soul. However, as the day draws to a close, Shirou finally begins to understand the truth behind it all. -- -- OVA - Dec 8, 2014 -- 134,133 7.91
D.C.: Da Capo -- -- feel., Zexcs -- 26 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Harem Magic Romance -- D.C.: Da Capo D.C.: Da Capo -- Hatsunejima abounds in mysteries—one of which is the town's unwithering cherry trees that are said to grant the most genuine wishes. There are also rumors of people possessing supernatural powers, like Junichi Asakura, who can see other people's dreams and create sweets out of nothing. Alongside his sister Nemu, he enjoys living in peace with his friends at Kazami Academy but chooses to shroud his identity in secrecy. -- -- His tranquil school life comes to a halt when he finds out that his childhood friend Sakura Yoshino has returned from America after six years. She is there for one purpose: to fulfill the promises she made long ago with Junichi. Little does anyone know, however, that Sakura's appearance is bound to change everyone's lives—for better or worse. -- -- TV - Jul 5, 2003 -- 68,645 6.76
Detective Conan Movie 09: Strategy Above the Depths -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 09: Strategy Above the Depths Detective Conan Movie 09: Strategy Above the Depths -- Fifteen years ago in a barren stretch of the Pacific, a cruise ship collided with an iceberg and was lost at sea. More than a decade later, Hideto Yashiro—a ship engineer—died in a fatal car accident. The unlikely connection between these events only comes to light on the luxury liner St. Aphrodite during her maiden voyage. -- -- Aboard it on a much needed vacation, Kogorou Mouri, his daughter Ran, Conan Edogawa, and the Detective Boys enjoy a trip provided by Sonoko Suzuki's family. But their fun is soon cut short when a game of hide-and-seek leads to Sonoko's disappearance. Some time later, the CEO of the Yashiro group, who built the St. Aphrodite, is found stabbed to death and her father missing. While the police's investigation turns to a dead end, Conan closes in on the culprit. Unwilling to be apprehended, the culprit threatens to blow up the St. Aphrodite and sink all her passengers. -- -- As the ship's hull rapidly fills with water, the truth behind the vengeful murders is finally revealed. With no place to escape, Conan and Kogorou must wrestle with the elusive culprit before everyone on board is dragged to the ocean floor. -- -- Movie - Apr 9, 2005 -- 39,039 7.81
D-Frag! -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Game Comedy School Seinen -- D-Frag! D-Frag! -- The Kazama Family—a gang of three wannabe delinquents and close friends, spearheaded by Kenji Kazama, is trying to make a name for themselves at Fujou Academy. On the first day of the term, the gang finds themselves putting out a fire in the Game Development Club. Instead of thanking them, the eccentric club members attack and knock out Kenji's two friends, forcing Kenji to fight for his life. Failing to escape, the gang leader is coerced into joining the Game Development Club. -- -- As he settles in, Kenji gets to know the four girls responsible for his provisional membership—student council president and general tyrant Chitose Karasuyama, spirited tomboy Sakura Mizukami, negligent club advisor Minami Oosawa, and the school's infamous shadow leader Roka Shibasaki. Throughout the Game Development Club's constant shenanigans and his desperate attempts to leave the club, Kenji begins to realize that he may be actually enjoying himself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jan 7, 2014 -- 323,530 7.56
D-Frag! -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Game Comedy School Seinen -- D-Frag! D-Frag! -- The Kazama Family—a gang of three wannabe delinquents and close friends, spearheaded by Kenji Kazama, is trying to make a name for themselves at Fujou Academy. On the first day of the term, the gang finds themselves putting out a fire in the Game Development Club. Instead of thanking them, the eccentric club members attack and knock out Kenji's two friends, forcing Kenji to fight for his life. Failing to escape, the gang leader is coerced into joining the Game Development Club. -- -- As he settles in, Kenji gets to know the four girls responsible for his provisional membership—student council president and general tyrant Chitose Karasuyama, spirited tomboy Sakura Mizukami, negligent club advisor Minami Oosawa, and the school's infamous shadow leader Roka Shibasaki. Throughout the Game Development Club's constant shenanigans and his desperate attempts to leave the club, Kenji begins to realize that he may be actually enjoying himself. -- -- TV - Jan 7, 2014 -- 323,530 7.56
Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake -- -- MAPPA -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Horror Fantasy Seinen -- Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake -- Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake further explores the world of sorcerers and the Hole, honing in on what the characters do in their spare time when they are not seeking out their enemies. -- -- Kamen Kakusa -- Fujita attends a mask conjuring ritual in hopes of a Devil bestowing him with an appropriate mask, like the ones his colleagues Noi and Shin possess. Hopefully his offering entices the mask-maker! -- -- Tenpo For You -- Nikaidou, lacking money and forced to sell gyoza on the streets of the Hole, stumbles upon a quaint shop selling tea and sweets. Its owner is the gentle and hospitable Syueron, but it seems the denizens of the Hole bear a grudge against him. -- -- Shitappa Seishun Graffiti -- Intrigued by the photographs hanging around the mansion, Ebisu approaches En hoping for a portrait of her own. However, she is disappointed to find that only members of the En Family can have their pictures taken. -- -- Anata no Shiranai Gyoza no Kai -- The Gyoza Fairy keeps the Hungry Bug in pristine condition, but his primary responsibility is ensuring the gyoza tastes good. So he becomes rather agitated when Nikaidou's customers do not properly enjoy their meals. -- -- Odoru Ma no Utage -- En is enthusiastic about his masquerade ball and is adamant on his family's participation. Per tradition, attendees must choose a partner and dance to appease the Devils. To their horror, they discover that failing to do so may incur nasty consequences! -- -- Yokaze ni Fukarete Ooba Kinenbi -- Nikaidou gives detailed instructions on preparing oba gyoza and Kaiman is eager to help! -- -- Special - Jun 17, 2020 -- 29,004 7.11
Duel Masters -- -- Studio Hibari -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Shounen -- Duel Masters Duel Masters -- The world of Duel Masters is one of five great civilizations. Through a card game, duelists can bring these worlds into existence, making what was previously abstract into reality. These skilled duelists are known as Kaijudo masters. -- -- Shobu Kirifuda is the best player at his local playground, and seeks to become a world-class master like his father. His first step on the road to conquest begins with winning a local tournament. Rather, it should have, except he is destroyed by the best Kaijudo master in the world, Knight. Shobu loses, but upon remembering the words of wisdom his father instilled into him, decides to continue on the road of becoming a duelist who can enjoy the game for what it is. And so begins his journey to victory-and as we all know, the journey is the most important part! -- -- Licensor: -- Hasbro -- TV - Oct 21, 2002 -- 20,207 5.84
Duel Masters -- -- Studio Hibari -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Shounen -- Duel Masters Duel Masters -- The world of Duel Masters is one of five great civilizations. Through a card game, duelists can bring these worlds into existence, making what was previously abstract into reality. These skilled duelists are known as Kaijudo masters. -- -- Shobu Kirifuda is the best player at his local playground, and seeks to become a world-class master like his father. His first step on the road to conquest begins with winning a local tournament. Rather, it should have, except he is destroyed by the best Kaijudo master in the world, Knight. Shobu loses, but upon remembering the words of wisdom his father instilled into him, decides to continue on the road of becoming a duelist who can enjoy the game for what it is. And so begins his journey to victory-and as we all know, the journey is the most important part! -- TV - Oct 21, 2002 -- 20,207 5.84
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Fantasy -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria -- After having descended upon this world, the gods have created guilds where adventurers can test their mettle. These guilds, known as "familia," grant adventurers the chance to explore, gather, hunt, or simply enjoy themselves. -- -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria begins in Orario, the lively city of adventures. The Sword Princess, Ais Wallenstein, and the novice mage, Lefiya Viridis, are members of the Loki Familia, who are experts at monster hunting. With the rest of their group, they journey to the tower of Babel in hopes of exploring the dungeon underneath. Home to powerful monsters, the dungeon will fulfill Ais's desire to master her sword skills, while bringing Lefiya closer to her dream of succeeding Riveria Ljos Alf, vice-captain of the Loki Familia, as the most powerful mage in the land. -- -- 331,637 7.05
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Fantasy -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria -- After having descended upon this world, the gods have created guilds where adventurers can test their mettle. These guilds, known as "familia," grant adventurers the chance to explore, gather, hunt, or simply enjoy themselves. -- -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria begins in Orario, the lively city of adventures. The Sword Princess, Ais Wallenstein, and the novice mage, Lefiya Viridis, are members of the Loki Familia, who are experts at monster hunting. With the rest of their group, they journey to the tower of Babel in hopes of exploring the dungeon underneath. Home to powerful monsters, the dungeon will fulfill Ais's desire to master her sword skills, while bringing Lefiya closer to her dream of succeeding Riveria Ljos Alf, vice-captain of the Loki Familia, as the most powerful mage in the land. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 331,637 7.05
Durarara!!x2 Ten: Onoroke Chakapoko -- -- Shuka -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural -- Durarara!!x2 Ten: Onoroke Chakapoko Durarara!!x2 Ten: Onoroke Chakapoko -- In spite of the mayhem that has been taking place in Ikebukuro, Shinra Kishitani and Celty Sturluson have decided to go on a short trip. Excited to finally be going out with the one he loves, the underground doctor makes it his priority to give Celty his undivided attention, even if it means rejecting phone calls from his good friend Izaya Orihara. -- -- However, despite his hopes of having a peaceful holiday, Ikebukuro's various residents continue trying to reach him. Furthermore, just as Shinra begins to enjoy reminiscing about old memories on a carriage ride together with his beloved, Celty starts to notice a strange presence... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Special - Jan 27, 2016 -- 43,630 7.56
Durarara!!x2 Ten: Onoroke Chakapoko -- -- Shuka -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural -- Durarara!!x2 Ten: Onoroke Chakapoko Durarara!!x2 Ten: Onoroke Chakapoko -- In spite of the mayhem that has been taking place in Ikebukuro, Shinra Kishitani and Celty Sturluson have decided to go on a short trip. Excited to finally be going out with the one he loves, the underground doctor makes it his priority to give Celty his undivided attention, even if it means rejecting phone calls from his good friend Izaya Orihara. -- -- However, despite his hopes of having a peaceful holiday, Ikebukuro's various residents continue trying to reach him. Furthermore, just as Shinra begins to enjoy reminiscing about old memories on a carriage ride together with his beloved, Celty starts to notice a strange presence... -- -- Special - Jan 27, 2016 -- 43,630 7.56
Egao -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Slice of Life Kids -- Egao Egao -- A young woman brought a hamster back to her apartment. While watching the cuteness of the hamster was enjoyable, she suddenly recalled her boyfriend she used to have.... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Music - Apr ??, 2003 -- 12,086 6.51
Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan -- -- ufotable -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan -- With the threat of the Holy Grail War no longer looming over Fuyuki City, its inhabitants can finally enjoy a time of peace. Now that all of the Masters and Servants have adjusted to their new mundane lives, Shirou has taken it upon himself to cook for his household and show Saber the wonders of modern cuisine. Every day, he ventures into the marketplace to see what kind of different meals he can cook up with unique ingredients and a limited budget. However, his legendary skills often attract uninvited guests from all over the city, so there is never a dull moment at dinner with the Emiya family. -- -- As his guests entertain themselves in the living room, Shirou walks through the step-by-step process of creating some of his favorite meals. With delicacies such as his savory New Year soba with shrimp tempura, steamy foil-baked salmon, and cheesy bamboo shoot gratin, everything is up for grabs on his menu. Itadakimasu! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- ONA - Jan 25, 2018 -- 89,555 7.81
Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan -- -- ufotable -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan -- With the threat of the Holy Grail War no longer looming over Fuyuki City, its inhabitants can finally enjoy a time of peace. Now that all of the Masters and Servants have adjusted to their new mundane lives, Shirou has taken it upon himself to cook for his household and show Saber the wonders of modern cuisine. Every day, he ventures into the marketplace to see what kind of different meals he can cook up with unique ingredients and a limited budget. However, his legendary skills often attract uninvited guests from all over the city, so there is never a dull moment at dinner with the Emiya family. -- -- As his guests entertain themselves in the living room, Shirou walks through the step-by-step process of creating some of his favorite meals. With delicacies such as his savory New Year soba with shrimp tempura, steamy foil-baked salmon, and cheesy bamboo shoot gratin, everything is up for grabs on his menu. Itadakimasu! -- -- ONA - Jan 25, 2018 -- 89,555 7.81
Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- -- Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan (Movie) Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- In the Japan of the future, employing androids for various purposes is nothing out of the ordinary. However, treating androids on the same level as humans is frowned upon, and there is constant paranoia surrounding the possibility of robots defying humans, their masters. Those who appear too trustworthy of their androids are chided and labeled "dori-kei," or "android-holics." -- -- High school student Rikuo Sakisaka notices when his house droid, Sammy, starts behaving curiously—she has been leaving the house without his instruction. When he inspects the movement logs in her database, a cryptic line grabs his attention: "Are you enjoying the time of EVE?" Accompanied by his friend Masakazu Masaki, Rikuo tracks the whereabouts of his houseroid to a cafe called Time of Eve, where it is forbidden for customers to display prejudice against one another. The cafe, Rikuo realizes, is frequented by both man and machine, with no evidence to tell either apart. -- -- Each customer—from the cheerful Akiko, to a robot dangerously close to breaking down—has their own story and challenges to overcome. While Rikuo tries to reveal Sammy's intentions, he begins to question the legitimacy of the fear that drives humans to regard androids as nothing more than mere tools. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post, Pied Piper -- Movie - Mar 6, 2010 -- 108,248 8.04
Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- -- Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan (Movie) Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- In the Japan of the future, employing androids for various purposes is nothing out of the ordinary. However, treating androids on the same level as humans is frowned upon, and there is constant paranoia surrounding the possibility of robots defying humans, their masters. Those who appear too trustworthy of their androids are chided and labeled "dori-kei," or "android-holics." -- -- High school student Rikuo Sakisaka notices when his house droid, Sammy, starts behaving curiously—she has been leaving the house without his instruction. When he inspects the movement logs in her database, a cryptic line grabs his attention: "Are you enjoying the time of EVE?" Accompanied by his friend Masakazu Masaki, Rikuo tracks the whereabouts of his houseroid to a cafe called Time of Eve, where it is forbidden for customers to display prejudice against one another. The cafe, Rikuo realizes, is frequented by both man and machine, with no evidence to tell either apart. -- -- Each customer—from the cheerful Akiko, to a robot dangerously close to breaking down—has their own story and challenges to overcome. While Rikuo tries to reveal Sammy's intentions, he begins to question the legitimacy of the fear that drives humans to regard androids as nothing more than mere tools. -- -- Movie - Mar 6, 2010 -- 108,248 8.04
Fairy Tail -- -- A-1 Pictures, Satelight -- 175 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Fairy Tail Fairy Tail -- In the mystical land of Fiore, magic exists as an essential part of everyday life. Countless magic guilds lie at the core of all magical activity, and serve as venues for like-minded mages to band together and take on job requests. Among them, Fairy Tail stands out from the rest as a place of strength, spirit, and family. -- -- Lucy Heartfilia is a young mage searching for celestial gate keys, and her dream is to become a full-fledged wizard by joining this famous guild. In her search, she runs into Natsu Dragneel and his partner Happy, who are on a quest to find Natsu's foster father, the dragon Igneel. -- -- Upon being tricked by a man, Lucy falls under an abduction attempt, only to be saved by Natsu. To her shock, he reveals that he is a member of Fairy Tail and invites her to join them. There, Lucy meets the guild's strange members, such as the ice wizard Gray Fullbuster and magic swordswoman Erza Scarlet. Together as a family, they battle the forces of evil, help those in need, and gain new friends, all the while enjoying the never-ending adventure that is Fairy Tail. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,374,207 7.64
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei! -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Fantasy Magic -- Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei! Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei! -- Another lovely summer goes by for Illyasviel von Einzbern. Taking a break from her magical girl duties, she enjoys her time off after collecting the Class Cards with her best friend Miyu Edelfelt. -- -- However, her break comes to an abrupt end when she and Miyu are abducted by Rin Toosaka and Luviagelita Edelfelt, while out with her friends. The magical girls learn that their work is far from over, as Clock Tower informs them that the out of control mana thought to have been sealed continues to be dispersing throughout Fuyuki City. After heading to the origin point of the out of control mana, Illya and Miyu are tasked with solving the anomaly. -- -- But after casting their spell, Illyasviel discovers that she's split into two people! As this mysterious new form darts off, she can only wonder: what is to come from the existence of her dopplegänger, running amok in the unsuspecting town? -- -- 128,717 7.29
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei! -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Fantasy Magic -- Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei! Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei! -- Another lovely summer goes by for Illyasviel von Einzbern. Taking a break from her magical girl duties, she enjoys her time off after collecting the Class Cards with her best friend Miyu Edelfelt. -- -- However, her break comes to an abrupt end when she and Miyu are abducted by Rin Toosaka and Luviagelita Edelfelt, while out with her friends. The magical girls learn that their work is far from over, as Clock Tower informs them that the out of control mana thought to have been sealed continues to be dispersing throughout Fuyuki City. After heading to the origin point of the out of control mana, Illya and Miyu are tasked with solving the anomaly. -- -- But after casting their spell, Illyasviel discovers that she's split into two people! As this mysterious new form darts off, she can only wonder: what is to come from the existence of her dopplegänger, running amok in the unsuspecting town? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 128,717 7.29
Fire Emblem -- -- Studio Fantasia -- 2 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic Shounen -- Fire Emblem Fire Emblem -- The Kingdoms of Dolhr, Grust, and Gra band together to wage war on the rest of the continent Archanea and defeat the Kingdom of Altea. King Cornelius is slain in battle but his son Prince Marth is able to escape the invasion thanks to the sacrifice of his older sister Elice. He and a small group of retainers find refuge on the island nation of Talys, where they spend the next three years in hiding under the royal family's protection. -- -- Marth lives a peaceful life in Talys, enjoying the beauty of the island and the friendship of its pegasus-riding princess, Caeda. But he is uneasy, knowing soon the day will come that he must take up arms. That day arrives when Caeda comes to Marth and his retainers in a panic, telling him that the castle town has been attacked. After some close calls, they manage to defeat the assailants and save the city. -- -- Realizing that his presence may bring further danger to his new home, Marth decides that now is the time to set off. He journeys to raise an army with which to reclaim his kingdom. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Jan 26, 1996 -- 10,977 5.64
Fortune Arterial: Akai Yakusoku - Tadoritsuita Basho -- -- feel., Zexcs -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Harem Comedy Romance Vampire Fantasy -- Fortune Arterial: Akai Yakusoku - Tadoritsuita Basho Fortune Arterial: Akai Yakusoku - Tadoritsuita Basho -- After the school festival, Kohei and friends head to a small cottage out of town and enjoy themselves after working hard. -- OVA - Feb 23, 2011 -- 25,124 6.90
Fukigen na Mononokean Tsuzuki -- -- Pierrot Plus -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural -- Fukigen na Mononokean Tsuzuki Fukigen na Mononokean Tsuzuki -- Despite being burdened with crippling debt to the morose Haruitsuki Abeno, Hanae Ashiya has come to enjoy his job as an exorcist. His ability to communicate with youkai has given him a sense of responsibility regarding the magical creatures, and he continues to work hard to send them to their true home in the Underworld. -- -- As Ashiya’s life finally stabilizes, the youkai threaten to upset it once again. Knowledge of his existence has begun to spread, and not everyone is happy to have a human working for the Mononokean, the interdimensional tea room. But one day, a simple visit to the Underworld draws the attention of those in power, and Ashiya soon learns that not every youkai is willing to go along with Abeno's plans. -- -- 37,757 7.56
Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Mecha Military -- Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory -- The boisterous student Kaname Chidori and soldier Sousuke Sagara are enjoying a blissful high school life. However, their peaceful days are disrupted by the threatening terrorist organization Amalgam. Leonard Testarossa, a member of the organization who possesses "Whispered," seeks to procure Kaname and her knowledge. -- -- Kaname and Sousuke's battle against Amalgam starts right in their own neighborhood, which eventually takes them on a hunt around the world. From the exotic lands of Laos to the barren Mexican coast, Sousuke must gather intelligence to bring down Amalgam. Meanwhile, Kaname's abilities grow, but so does her frustration as her resolve withers. Caught up in an intense game of hide and seek, as well as strategic plots, the pair try to connect and push beyond their own limits. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 78,212 7.59
Gaikotsu Shotenin Honda-san -- -- DLE -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Gaikotsu Shotenin Honda-san Gaikotsu Shotenin Honda-san -- Honda is a skeleton, but more importantly, he is a bookseller. And he'll tell you from firsthand experience that the job of a bookstore employee is more challenging than it may seem to the average customer. -- -- Alongside his equally eccentric coworkers, Honda constantly deals with the stressful requirements of the bookselling industry. From the drama of receiving new titles without their bonus material to the struggle of providing quality service to customers who speak a different language, the work of a skeleton bookseller never ends. -- -- Nevertheless, despite the hardships he faces, Honda thoroughly enjoys his job and strives to bring the best book selections and service to his customers. -- -- 87,875 7.32
Gakkougurashi! -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Horror Mystery Psychological School Slice of Life -- Gakkougurashi! Gakkougurashi! -- Yuki Takeya loves her school so much that she does not want to ever leave! Megurigaoka Private High School is a unique and lively place where Yuki enjoys her carefree life as a third-year high school student and member of the School Living Club. The club, consisting of the president Yuuri Wakasa, the athletic Kurumi Ebisuzawa, the mature junior Miki Naoki, the supervising teacher Megumi Sakura, and the club dog Taroumaru, prides itself on making the most of life at school. On top of meeting after classes, the members must live within school grounds, from sleeping over to eating meals. -- -- From the manga series of the same name written by Norimitsu Kaihou and illustrated by Sadoru Chiba, Gakkougurashi! follows the adventures of the School Living Club as they live at school to promote independence and self-determination. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 351,005 7.62
Genshiken -- -- Palm Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Parody -- Genshiken Genshiken -- Kanji Sasahara is an introverted college freshman just looking for a place to fit in. One day, he happens to stumble upon the club known as the Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture—otherwise known as Genshiken—that serves to bring the full spectrum of otaku culture together. His first visit to the club, however, does not end well as Sasahara's pride is crushed by his senior, Harunobu Madarame, and he leaves the meeting in full denial of his otaku nature. However, after befriending club member Makoto Kousaka, who turns out to be a hardcore otaku despite his looks, Sasahara becomes more involved with club activities which include obsessing over their favorite anime, reading doujinshi, and attending conventions. There, he meets other interesting people like Kousaka's vehemently non-otaku girlfriend Saki Kasukabe, who strives to turn her boyfriend into a "normal guy." -- -- While Saki struggles to understand otaku culture and her boyfriend's love for it, Sasahara finds himself enjoying his time at Genshiken, gradually shedding any denial he once had about being an otaku and immersing himself in an otaku lifestyle. -- -- TV - Oct 10, 2004 -- 153,177 7.66
Giant Robo the Animation: Chikyuu ga Seishi Suru Hi -- -- Phoenix Entertainment -- 7 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Drama Mecha Shounen -- Giant Robo the Animation: Chikyuu ga Seishi Suru Hi Giant Robo the Animation: Chikyuu ga Seishi Suru Hi -- In a future to come humanity enjoys a new age of prosperity thanks to Dr. Shizuma's invention of a revolutionary renewable energy source: the Shizuma Drive. But this peace is threatened by Big Fire, a cabal seeking world domination. Against Big Fire the International Police Organisation dispatches a collection of superpowered warriors and martial artists, together with Daisaku Kusama, inheritor and master of Earth's most powerful robot, Giant Robo. -- -- By capturing an abnormal Shizuma Drive which is essential to Big Fire's plans the IPO ignites a desperate conflict between the two groups. The coming battle will test Daisaku's resolve to the utmost, reveal the ghastly truth behind the creation of the Shizuma Drive, and bring human civilization to its knees! -- -- Giant Robo is a character-driven adventure in a retro-futuristic setting, drawing on influences from opera, kung-fu cinema, wuxia stories and classic mecha anime. It incorporates characters from the works of the manga author Mitsuteru Yokoyama but it is designed to be a stand-alone story. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Manga Entertainment, Media Blasters, NYAV Post -- OVA - Jul 23, 1992 -- 21,487 7.83
Giant Robo the Animation: Chikyuu ga Seishi Suru Hi -- -- Phoenix Entertainment -- 7 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Drama Mecha Shounen -- Giant Robo the Animation: Chikyuu ga Seishi Suru Hi Giant Robo the Animation: Chikyuu ga Seishi Suru Hi -- In a future to come humanity enjoys a new age of prosperity thanks to Dr. Shizuma's invention of a revolutionary renewable energy source: the Shizuma Drive. But this peace is threatened by Big Fire, a cabal seeking world domination. Against Big Fire the International Police Organisation dispatches a collection of superpowered warriors and martial artists, together with Daisaku Kusama, inheritor and master of Earth's most powerful robot, Giant Robo. -- -- By capturing an abnormal Shizuma Drive which is essential to Big Fire's plans the IPO ignites a desperate conflict between the two groups. The coming battle will test Daisaku's resolve to the utmost, reveal the ghastly truth behind the creation of the Shizuma Drive, and bring human civilization to its knees! -- -- Giant Robo is a character-driven adventure in a retro-futuristic setting, drawing on influences from opera, kung-fu cinema, wuxia stories and classic mecha anime. It incorporates characters from the works of the manga author Mitsuteru Yokoyama but it is designed to be a stand-alone story. -- OVA - Jul 23, 1992 -- 21,487 7.83
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden: Ougon no Tsubasa -- -- Magic Bus -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden: Ougon no Tsubasa Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden: Ougon no Tsubasa -- The Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance have been locked in a seemingly endless war for more than a century and a half. In the Empire, a young Siegfried Kircheis meets Reinhard von Müsel and his older sister Annerose. Kircheis enjoys a happy friendship with the two beautiful blonde-haired siblings until the day that their alcoholic father, a lesser nobleman with low standing, accepts a request for Annerose to be sold as a concubine to the Kaiser. Although enraged, Reinhard is powerless to stop the whims of the Imperial Court. He and his father soon move away, leaving Kircheis behind. -- -- A few years later, Reinhard returns in a military uniform and declares his intent to rise through the ranks and free his sister from sexual servitude. Kircheis joins Reinhard on this daring journey to save Annerose, yearning to forever stay by the side of his friends. -- -- Movie - Dec 12, 1992 -- 12,113 6.27
Glasslip -- -- P.A. Works -- 13 eps -- Original -- Romance Slice of Life Supernatural -- Glasslip Glasslip -- What if you hold the power to hear the voices or see fragments of images from the future? Would that be a good thing or a bad thing? Glasslip follows the life of Touko Fukami, an aspiring glass artist born from a glass artisan family. She enjoys her worry-free life in Fukui, save for the fragments of images that she sees on occasion. -- -- On her 18th summer, she meets the transfer student Kakeru Okikura at her school, and then again at her favorite café called Kazemichi together with all four of her friends. The voices from the future lead Kakeru to Touko, and his arrival disrupts her mediocre existence. All six of the friends must face their most unforgettable summer full of hope, affection, and heartache. -- 147,366 5.43
Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? Bloom -- -- Encourage Films -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? Bloom Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? Bloom -- Although the year is coming close to an end, there is no lack of fun for Kokoa Hoto and the other café waitresses! From bazaars to festivals, life is as enjoyable as it gets. As for Chino Kafuu and her middle school friends—the friendly Megumi Natsu and the playful Maya Jouga—they begin to look towards the future and decide on a high school to enroll in. -- -- Bonds of friendship and exciting adventures blend into Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? Bloom as the joyful lives of the café waitresses continue. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 38,514 7.96
Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?? -- -- Kinema Citrus, White Fox -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?? Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?? -- With a new year comes new adventures, especially at the Rabbit House! Since her arrival at the café, Kokoa Hoto has become accustomed to her new life as a waitress even though the Rabbit House isn't the rabbit paradise she initially envisioned it to be. Life is pleasant, and she enjoys spending time both working and playing with her friends and fellow waitresses Chino Kafuu, a cute middle school student with a fuzzy bunny companion named Tippy, and Rize Tedeza, the pig-tailed daughter of a soldier who is readily armed for any scenario. -- -- Together with Chiya Ujimatsu and Sharo Kirima, who also work at neighboring cafés in town, the Rabbit House crew gets involved in all sorts of crazy adventures. Throughout these adventures, the girls encounter troubled novelists, rival cafes, secret treasure, and... alcoholic chocolates? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 102,713 7.81
Great Teacher Onizuka -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 43 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Drama School Shounen -- Great Teacher Onizuka Great Teacher Onizuka -- Twenty-two-year-old Eikichi Onizuka—ex-biker gang leader, conqueror of Shonan, and virgin—has a dream: to become the greatest high school teacher in all of Japan. This isn't because of a passion for teaching, but because he wants a loving teenage wife when he's old and gray. Still, for a perverted, greedy, and lazy delinquent, there is more to Onizuka than meets the eye. So when he lands a job as the homeroom teacher of the Class 3-4 at the prestigious Holy Forest Academy—despite suplexing the Vice Principal—all of his talents are put to the test, as this class is particularly infamous. -- -- Due to their utter contempt for all teachers, the class' students use psychological warfare to mentally break any new homeroom teacher they get, forcing them to quit and leave school. However, Onizuka isn't your average teacher, and he's ready for any challenge in his way. -- -- Bullying, suicide, and sexual harassment are just a few of the issues his students face daily. By tackling the roots of their problems, Onizuka supports them with his unpredictable and unconventional methods—even if it means jumping off a building to save a suicidal child. Thanks to his eccentric charm and fun-loving nature, Class 3-4 slowly learns just how enjoyable school can be when you're the pupils of the Great Teacher Onizuka. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Tokyopop -- 612,946 8.70
Gundam Build Divers -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Gundam Build Divers Gundam Build Divers -- Gunpla Battle Nexus Online (GBN) is a new network game that lets people enjoy a variety of missions using Gunpla in a virtual cyberspace dimension. Middle-school students Riku Mikami and Yukio Hidaka recruit their classmate Momoka Yashiro and dive together into this vast world. Becoming "Divers," or inhabitants of GBN, they meet a mysterious girl named Sarah who has an amazing sensitivity to Gunpla. They begin playing alongside her, but... -- -- There are many other famous Divers, starting with Kyoya Kujo, the champion whom Riku admires. Multiple Divers can join to form a team called a "force." Meanwhile, the game is disrupted by Mass-Divers who use unofficial tools called break decals. Through many encounters and experiences, Riku and his friends will build not only Gunpla, but their own adventures as well! -- -- (Source: Official Website) -- 22,014 6.29
.hack//Roots -- -- Bee Train -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Game Sci-Fi -- .hack//Roots .hack//Roots -- After the termination of the incredibly popular virtual reality MMORPG "The World," a new version of the game—The World R:2—is brought online. On his first day in the game, newcomer Haseo thinks he has made some friends to quest with. However, as if mocking his sentiments, they kill his character just for fun. Luckily, he is saved by a mysterious, one-armed player named Ovan who offers to show him around The World. -- -- Alongside Ovan and his cleric friend Shino, Haseo enjoys a wonderful first year in the game. But this peaceful life is shattered when Shino's character is killed by a familiar figure notoriously known as Tri-Edge, whose victims have all fallen into comas in the real world. In a fit of rage, Haseo vows to find the elusive Tri-Edge and kill him. -- -- Taking place during Haseo's first year in The World, .hack//Roots explores the friendships Haseo built in the game before Tri-Edge ripped them away. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- TV - Apr 6, 2006 -- 67,429 6.90
.hack//Roots -- -- Bee Train -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Game Sci-Fi -- .hack//Roots .hack//Roots -- After the termination of the incredibly popular virtual reality MMORPG "The World," a new version of the game—The World R:2—is brought online. On his first day in the game, newcomer Haseo thinks he has made some friends to quest with. However, as if mocking his sentiments, they kill his character just for fun. Luckily, he is saved by a mysterious, one-armed player named Ovan who offers to show him around The World. -- -- Alongside Ovan and his cleric friend Shino, Haseo enjoys a wonderful first year in the game. But this peaceful life is shattered when Shino's character is killed by a familiar figure notoriously known as Tri-Edge, whose victims have all fallen into comas in the real world. In a fit of rage, Haseo vows to find the elusive Tri-Edge and kill him. -- -- Taking place during Haseo's first year in The World, .hack//Roots explores the friendships Haseo built in the game before Tri-Edge ripped them away. -- -- TV - Apr 6, 2006 -- 67,429 6.90
Hajime no Ippo: Champion Road -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen Sports -- Hajime no Ippo: Champion Road Hajime no Ippo: Champion Road -- The challenger has become the champion as Ippo Makunouchi now wears the featherweight championship belt of Japan. -- Some time has passed since Ippo's victory, and he has found his friends and coach as supportive as ever; his crush, Kumi Mashiba, seems to enjoy spending time with him as well. Things are looking bright for the new champion, but just as he once set his sights on becoming the best, his first challenger poses an intimidating threat. -- -- Kazuki Sanada works as a doctor at the same hospital as Kumi and fights strategically. Known for integrating his knowledge of the human body into his fights, Sanada is a fearsome contender—however, more unnerving than his physical ability, he has garnered the support of the nurses. Despite being the champion, Ippo feels the pressure as he must face the daunting challenge, retain his belt, and win over the girl he loves. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- Special - Apr 18, 2003 -- 100,589 8.28
Hanamonogatari -- -- Shaft -- 5 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Supernatural -- Hanamonogatari Hanamonogatari -- Now that Koyomi Araragi and Hitagi Senjougahara have graduated, very few familiar faces remain at Naoetsu Private High School, one of them being Kanbaru Suruga, holder of the Monkey's Paw. When she begins to hear talk of a mysterious being known as the "Devil," who will magically solve any problem, she immediately thinks these rumors are about her and decides to investigate. -- -- She discovers the Devil is actually Rouka Numachi, a former rival from junior high who is providing free advice to those who seek her out now that she is no longer able to play basketball due to a leg injury. Acting as a collector of misfortune, she enjoys relieving the stress of her clients by providing them with the false hope of having their problems solved. Although Kanbaru sees no real harm being done, she reprimands Rouka for lying and heads home, relieved she is not the cause of the rumors. But when she finds that her left hand has reverted back to its human form, she may have a reason to worry after all... -- -- 339,149 7.98
Hanamonogatari -- -- Shaft -- 5 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Supernatural -- Hanamonogatari Hanamonogatari -- Now that Koyomi Araragi and Hitagi Senjougahara have graduated, very few familiar faces remain at Naoetsu Private High School, one of them being Kanbaru Suruga, holder of the Monkey's Paw. When she begins to hear talk of a mysterious being known as the "Devil," who will magically solve any problem, she immediately thinks these rumors are about her and decides to investigate. -- -- She discovers the Devil is actually Rouka Numachi, a former rival from junior high who is providing free advice to those who seek her out now that she is no longer able to play basketball due to a leg injury. Acting as a collector of misfortune, she enjoys relieving the stress of her clients by providing them with the false hope of having their problems solved. Although Kanbaru sees no real harm being done, she reprimands Rouka for lying and heads home, relieved she is not the cause of the rumors. But when she finds that her left hand has reverted back to its human form, she may have a reason to worry after all... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 339,149 7.98
Hataraku Saibou: Kaze Shoukougun -- -- David Production -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen -- Hataraku Saibou: Kaze Shoukougun Hataraku Saibou: Kaze Shoukougun -- A mysterious cell wearing a stylish hat appears before the regular cells, who are bored with just the same (cell division) work over and over again, every day. This mysterious cell lures the regular cells into a mischievous scheme against White Blood Cell and Killer T Cell. The regular cells enjoy working out their everyday, pent-up frustration. But, just who exactly is this cell wearing a stylish hat? -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Dec 27, 2018 -- 37,187 7.27
Hayate no Gotoku!!: Atsu ga Natsuize - Mizugi-hen! -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Harem Parody Romance -- Hayate no Gotoku!!: Atsu ga Natsuize - Mizugi-hen! Hayate no Gotoku!!: Atsu ga Natsuize - Mizugi-hen! -- To encourage Nagi to swim and enjoy summer, Maria invites various friends to their Sanzenin family's private beach. While everyone is having fun, Nagi hesitates to wear swimsuits and come out because of her small breasts, and refuses to join... -- OVA - Mar 6, 2009 -- 35,002 7.33
Houseki no Kuni (TV) -- -- Orange -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Fantasy Mystery Seinen -- Houseki no Kuni (TV) Houseki no Kuni (TV) -- In the mysterious future, crystalline organisms called Gems inhabit a world that has been destroyed by six meteors. Each Gem is assigned a role in order to fight against the Lunarians, a species who attacks them in order to shatter their bodies and use them as decorations. -- -- Phosphophyllite, also known as Phos, is a young and fragile Gem who dreams of helping their friends in the war effort. Instead, they are told to compile an encyclopedia because of their delicate condition. After begrudgingly embarking on this task, Phos meets Cinnabar, an intelligent gem who has been relegated to patrolling the isolated island at night because of the corrosive poison their body creates. After seeing how unhappy Cinnabar is, Phos decides to find a role that both of the rejected Gems can enjoy. Houseki no Kuni follows Phos' efforts to be useful and protect their fellow Gems. -- -- 318,646 8.41
Houseki no Kuni (TV) -- -- Orange -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Fantasy Mystery Seinen -- Houseki no Kuni (TV) Houseki no Kuni (TV) -- In the mysterious future, crystalline organisms called Gems inhabit a world that has been destroyed by six meteors. Each Gem is assigned a role in order to fight against the Lunarians, a species who attacks them in order to shatter their bodies and use them as decorations. -- -- Phosphophyllite, also known as Phos, is a young and fragile Gem who dreams of helping their friends in the war effort. Instead, they are told to compile an encyclopedia because of their delicate condition. After begrudgingly embarking on this task, Phos meets Cinnabar, an intelligent gem who has been relegated to patrolling the isolated island at night because of the corrosive poison their body creates. After seeing how unhappy Cinnabar is, Phos decides to find a role that both of the rejected Gems can enjoy. Houseki no Kuni follows Phos' efforts to be useful and protect their fellow Gems. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 318,646 8.41
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san -- -- Telecom Animation Film -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance -- Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san -- High schooler Hayase Nagatoro loves to spend her free time doing one thing, and that is to bully her Senpai! After Nagatoro and her friends stumble upon the aspiring artist's drawings, they find enjoyment in mercilessly bullying the timid Senpai. Nagatoro resolves to continue her cruel game and visits him daily so that she can force Senpai into doing whatever interests her at the time, especially if it makes him uncomfortable. -- -- Slightly aroused by and somewhat fearful of Nagatoro, Senpai is constantly roped into her antics as his interests, hobbies, appearance, and even personality are used against him as she entertains herself at his expense. As time goes on, Senpai realizes that he doesn't dislike Nagatoro's presence, and the two of them develop an uneasy friendship as one patiently puts up with the antics of the other. -- -- 255,538 7.19
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san -- -- Telecom Animation Film -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance -- Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san -- High schooler Hayase Nagatoro loves to spend her free time doing one thing, and that is to bully her Senpai! After Nagatoro and her friends stumble upon the aspiring artist's drawings, they find enjoyment in mercilessly bullying the timid Senpai. Nagatoro resolves to continue her cruel game and visits him daily so that she can force Senpai into doing whatever interests her at the time, especially if it makes him uncomfortable. -- -- Slightly aroused by and somewhat fearful of Nagatoro, Senpai is constantly roped into her antics as his interests, hobbies, appearance, and even personality are used against him as she entertains herself at his expense. As time goes on, Senpai realizes that he doesn't dislike Nagatoro's presence, and the two of them develop an uneasy friendship as one patiently puts up with the antics of the other. -- -- 256,664 7.19
Inazuma Eleven Go -- -- OLM -- 47 eps -- Game -- Shounen Sports Super Power -- Inazuma Eleven Go Inazuma Eleven Go -- Tenma Matsukaze is a new student at Raimon Junior High. Due to his love for soccer, he decides to join the school soccer team, which gained its reputation after the amazing performance shown ten years earlier in the Football Frontier International, a tournament that hosts the best youth teams the world has to offer. Unfortunately, the once renowned school doesn't have the soccer spirit it once enjoyed. -- -- This is primarily due to the fact that soccer in Japan is now controlled by a dark entity known as the "Fifth Sector." They alone decide the fate of every match, instructing teams to either win or lose. The actions of the Fifth Sector have beaten down the country’s soccer teams, who no longer have a love for the game. -- -- Tenma and his teammates will look to shift this paradigm and fight back against their evil oppressors. Thankfully, they will not be alone in this battle, as they will get help from a group known as the "Resistance." Cheer on the boys of Inazuma Eleven Go as they fight the good fight! -- TV - May 4, 2011 -- 57,397 6.96
Kaguya-hime no Monogatari -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Other -- Fantasy Historical -- Kaguya-hime no Monogatari Kaguya-hime no Monogatari -- Deep in the countryside, a man named Okina works as a bamboo cutter in a forest, chopping away at the hollow plants day after day. One day, he discovers a small baby inside a glowing shoot. He immediately takes her home, convinced that she is a princess sent to Earth as a divine blessing from heaven. Okina and his wife Ouna take it upon themselves to raise the infant as their own, watching over her as she quickly grows into an energetic young girl. Given the name Kaguya, she fits right in with the village she has come to call home, going on adventures with the other children and enjoying what youth has to offer. -- -- But when Okina finds a large fortune of gold and treasure in the forest, Kaguya's life is completely changed. Believing this to be yet another gift from heaven, he takes it upon himself to turn his daughter into a real princess using the wealth he has just obtained, relocating the family to a mansion in the capital. As she leaves her friends behind to enter into an unwanted life of royalty, Kaguya's origins and purpose slowly come to light. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - Nov 23, 2013 -- 155,340 8.22
Kanokon: Manatsu no Dai Shanikusai -- -- Xebec -- 2 eps -- Light novel -- Ecchi Romance Slice of Life -- Kanokon: Manatsu no Dai Shanikusai Kanokon: Manatsu no Dai Shanikusai -- With the arrival of summer and the school break, Chizuru, Kota, and the rest of their friends are lazily enjoying the warm weather. Chizuru flirts with Kota, Kota gets embarrassed, and Nozomu gets in the way. Tayura pines after Akane, Akane rebuffs Tayura, and a sexy good time ensues. The status quo isn't quite the same since the fox snared her prey, but the timeless boy-meets-girl tale lingers on. -- -- (Source: Media Blasters) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Oct 4, 2009 -- 38,759 6.57
Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl -- -- Studio Hibari -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance School Shoujo Ai Slice of Life -- Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl -- Hazumu was a shy boy who enjoyed gardening, collecting herbs, and long walks in the mountains. One day he finally worked up the courage to confess his love to Yasuna, but she rejected him. -- -- Depressed, he wandered up Mt. Kashimayama, the place where they first met, to reconsider his feelings. After getting lost, he wished upon a shooting star and received a bizarre twist of fate. -- -- Now he is a she, and she stumbles headfirst back into social life and relationships only to find that the entire landscape has changed! -- -- (Source: Media Blasters) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Media Blasters -- TV - Jan 12, 2006 -- 43,936 6.66
Kemono no Souja Erin -- -- Production I.G, Trans Arts -- 50 eps -- Novel -- Drama Fantasy Slice of Life -- Kemono no Souja Erin Kemono no Souja Erin -- In the land of Ryoza, the neighboring provinces of Shin-Ou and Tai-Kou have been at peace. Queen Shinou is the ruler of Ryoza and her greatest general, Grand Duke Taikou, defends the kingdom with his army of powerful war-lizards known as the "Touda." Although the two regions have enjoyed a long-standing alliance, mounting tensions threaten to spark a fierce civil war. -- -- Within Ake, a village in Tai-Kou tasked with raising the Grand Duke's army, lives Erin, a bright girl who spends her days watching the work of her mother Soyon, the village's head Touda doctor. But while under Soyon's care, a disastrous incident befalls the Grand Duke's strongest Touda, and the peace that Erin and her mother had been enjoying vanishes as Soyon is punished severely. In a desperate attempt to save her mother, Erin ends up falling in a river and is swept towards Shin-Ou. -- -- Unable to return home, Erin must learn to lead a new life with completely different people, all while hunting for the truth of both beasts and humanity itself, with tensions between the two regions constantly escalating. -- -- TV - Jan 10, 2009 -- 70,335 8.34
Keroro Gunsou -- -- Sunrise -- 358 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Mecha Parody Sci-Fi Shounen -- Keroro Gunsou Keroro Gunsou -- Unsuspecting inhabitants of the planet Earth are going about their business, enjoying a bright and particularly beautiful sunny day, when a young Japanese boy spots a shiny object falling from the sky... Has an alien invasion finally begun? -- -- Elsewhere in Japan, Keroro, frog sergeant and leader of the Space Invasion Army Special Tactics Platoon of the 58th Planet in the Gamma Planetary System, has discovered the perfect hideout. He infiltrates the home of the Hinata family in an attempt to establish a headquarters that he and his troops could use to prepare for world domination... but earthlings Fuyuki and Natsumi Hinata are too much for him to handle! Natsumi instinctively calls them out of hiding, leaving the hapless sergeant no option but to reveal his secret identity. The two siblings soon welcome the sergeant to their home, all thanks to Fuyuki’s generos—err... curiosity. -- -- The Sergeant has successfully infiltrated his first target area! Or has he? Join Keroro Gunsou in his dastardly attempt to take over the world! -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media, Funimation -- TV - Apr 3, 2004 -- 61,510 7.69
Kimetsu no Yaiba -- -- ufotable -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Historical Shounen Supernatural -- Kimetsu no Yaiba Kimetsu no Yaiba -- Ever since the death of his father, the burden of supporting the family has fallen upon Tanjirou Kamado's shoulders. Though living impoverished on a remote mountain, the Kamado family are able to enjoy a relatively peaceful and happy life. One day, Tanjirou decides to go down to the local village to make a little money selling charcoal. On his way back, night falls, forcing Tanjirou to take shelter in the house of a strange man, who warns him of the existence of flesh-eating demons that lurk in the woods at night. -- -- When he finally arrives back home the next day, he is met with a horrifying sight—his whole family has been slaughtered. Worse still, the sole survivor is his sister Nezuko, who has been turned into a bloodthirsty demon. Consumed by rage and hatred, Tanjirou swears to avenge his family and stay by his only remaining sibling. Alongside the mysterious group calling themselves the Demon Slayer Corps, Tanjirou will do whatever it takes to slay the demons and protect the remnants of his beloved sister's humanity. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,613,187 8.60
Kiss Dum: Engage Planet -- -- Satelight -- 26 eps -- Original -- Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Kiss Dum: Engage Planet Kiss Dum: Engage Planet -- In A.D. 2031, humans are enjoying a prosperous existence until strange life forms called Hardians appear. They suddenly begin to multiply and assault the human population. As a countermeasure, mankind organizes the N.I.D.F. to investigate the Hardians and protect themselves. -- -- A fighter pilot, Aiba Shu, begins to become involved in the battle against the lifeforms. Rurika Yuno, one of Earth's foremost scientists, investigates the Hardians and hears rumors about the "Book of a Dead Man." What is the secret of this tome, and what relation does it have to the Hardians? -- -- Now, the fight for mankind's survival begins. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Visual USA, Maiden Japan -- TV - Apr 4, 2007 -- 9,400 6.59
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear -- -- EMT Squared -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear -- After fanatically playing the VRMMO World Fantasy Online for almost a year, the shut-in yet relatively affluent fifteen-year-old Yuna receives a bear costume from the game's administrators. The outfit, while somewhat embarrassing to wear, turns out to have overpowered stats and effects that make her character significantly more powerful. After accepting the bear equipment, she finds herself transported to another in-game world that prevents her from returning to reality. -- -- Confused and unable to log out, Yuna sets out to explore this new environment. She rescues a girl named Fina from wild wolves, who then guides her to the city of Crimonia. With her eccentric bear attire, however, Yuna stands out wherever she goes, and alongside her boosted fighting prowess, her reputation quickly rises—to the point that people give her the nickname "Bloody Bear." -- -- Undeterred by this change in her life, Yuna decides to take on the role of an adventurer and fully enjoy herself in her new world. -- -- 79,067 7.15
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear -- -- EMT Squared -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear -- After fanatically playing the VRMMO World Fantasy Online for almost a year, the shut-in yet relatively affluent fifteen-year-old Yuna receives a bear costume from the game's administrators. The outfit, while somewhat embarrassing to wear, turns out to have overpowered stats and effects that make her character significantly more powerful. After accepting the bear equipment, she finds herself transported to another in-game world that prevents her from returning to reality. -- -- Confused and unable to log out, Yuna sets out to explore this new environment. She rescues a girl named Fina from wild wolves, who then guides her to the city of Crimonia. With her eccentric bear attire, however, Yuna stands out wherever she goes, and alongside her boosted fighting prowess, her reputation quickly rises—to the point that people give her the nickname "Bloody Bear." -- -- Undeterred by this change in her life, Yuna decides to take on the role of an adventurer and fully enjoy herself in her new world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 79,067 7.15
Kuromukuro -- -- P.A. Works -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Kuromukuro Kuromukuro -- During the dawn of the 21st century, the United Nations Kurobe Research Institute was established in Japan to investigate an ancient artifact, which was discovered during the construction of the Kurobe Dam. Scientists from around the world have gathered in the facility to study the object, while their children enjoy their everyday lives attending Mt. Tate International Senior High School. -- -- Yukina Shirahane, a reserved high school girl, is the daughter of the facility's head scientist. While visiting her mother at the facility, Yukina manages to solve part of the artifact's puzzle. To her surprise, what appears before her is Kennosuke Tokisada Ouma, a young samurai from the Sengoku era. -- -- As a threat approaches from outer space, Yukina, along with Kennosuke, finds herself defending Earth against the invading forces. Along the way, she discovers the mystery behind Kennosuke and the reason he is determined to protect her. -- -- 115,000 7.19
Kuromukuro -- -- P.A. Works -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Kuromukuro Kuromukuro -- During the dawn of the 21st century, the United Nations Kurobe Research Institute was established in Japan to investigate an ancient artifact, which was discovered during the construction of the Kurobe Dam. Scientists from around the world have gathered in the facility to study the object, while their children enjoy their everyday lives attending Mt. Tate International Senior High School. -- -- Yukina Shirahane, a reserved high school girl, is the daughter of the facility's head scientist. While visiting her mother at the facility, Yukina manages to solve part of the artifact's puzzle. To her surprise, what appears before her is Kennosuke Tokisada Ouma, a young samurai from the Sengoku era. -- -- As a threat approaches from outer space, Yukina, along with Kennosuke, finds herself defending Earth against the invading forces. Along the way, she discovers the mystery behind Kennosuke and the reason he is determined to protect her. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 115,000 7.19
Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora -- -- TNK -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Magic Romance Shounen -- Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora -- Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora revolves around the life of Kuu Shiratori, a seemingly normal high school girl who enjoys her school life in the giant city Academia, which is thought of as a symbol of recovery for humanity since already ten years have passed since the greatest disaster mankind had ever seen, occurred. Kuu has recently been having a recurring dream where a prince meets her and takes her away. One day, while all the students at her school are preparing for the upcoming school festival, the prince, whom she has met several times in her dreams, appears. The prince, Kyoshiro Ayanokoji, requests of her just as he had done in Kuu's dreams, "Let's go... together..." -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 38,528 6.47
Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora -- -- TNK -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Magic Romance Shounen -- Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora -- Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora revolves around the life of Kuu Shiratori, a seemingly normal high school girl who enjoys her school life in the giant city Academia, which is thought of as a symbol of recovery for humanity since already ten years have passed since the greatest disaster mankind had ever seen, occurred. Kuu has recently been having a recurring dream where a prince meets her and takes her away. One day, while all the students at her school are preparing for the upcoming school festival, the prince, whom she has met several times in her dreams, appears. The prince, Kyoshiro Ayanokoji, requests of her just as he had done in Kuu's dreams, "Let's go... together..." -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 38,528 6.47
Kyousou Giga -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Fantasy Supernatural -- Kyousou Giga Kyousou Giga -- It's Kyoto, and yet it is not. -- -- A microcosm of peculiar origins, "Mirror Kyoto." -- -- A small incident causes a young girl, Koto, to wander into this world. -- -- She runs into a mysterious monk, gets chased around by a tech-obsessed girl, and heartily enjoys her chaotic and colorful new life, but meanwhile, out of sight, a certain plan is being set into motion... -- -- In this mysterious city where spirits and humans have been thrown together, the festivities are about to begin! -- -- (Source: translated from the official website by lygerzero0zero) -- ONA - Dec 1, 2011 -- 41,778 6.94
Les Misérables: Shoujo Cosette -- -- Nippon Animation -- 52 eps -- Novel -- Slice of Life Historical Drama Shoujo -- Les Misérables: Shoujo Cosette Les Misérables: Shoujo Cosette -- In 19th century France, a struggling single mother, Fantine, leaves her three-year-old daughter Cosette in the care of her new acquaintances, the Thernadiers. Unfortunately, Cosette's caretakers prove to be anything but loving, and the poor girl is subjected to repeated abuse and forced servitude. Still, she endures the torment in the hopes of seeing her mother once again. -- -- One night, while doing errands for her host family, Cosette is assisted by an honorable stranger named Jean Valjean. After a brief conversation with the young girl, Jean acknowledges her as the type of person he has been seeking and rescues her from the clutches of the Thernadiers. They make their way to a nearby town where Cosette enjoys a new life thanks to her savior. -- -- Under Jean's guidance, Cosette promises to help others with her newfound freedom. She pledges to heal the nation, ensuring that no one else suffers her fate. Though the road ahead is paved with tragedies left by the French Revolution, this idealistic girl will not rest until France is freed from poverty and suffering. -- -- TV - Jan 7, 2007 -- 22,190 7.87
Little Busters! -- -- J.C.Staff -- 26 eps -- Visual novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Drama School -- Little Busters! Little Busters! -- As a child, Riki Naoe shut himself from the world, thanks to a diagnosis of narcolepsy following the tragic deaths of his parents. However, Riki is saved when, one fateful day, a boy named Kyousuke recruits him into a team who call themselves the Little Busters. Accompanied by Masato, Kengo, and Rin, these misfits spend their childhood fighting evil and enjoying their youth. -- -- Years pass, and even in high school, the well-knit teammates remain together. Kyousuke decides to re-ignite the Little Busters by forming a baseball team as it will be his last school year with them. They have a problem though: there aren't enough members! The tables have turned, for it is now Riki's turn to reach out and recruit new friends into the Little Busters, just like Kyousuke had once done for him. -- Then, an omen surfaces—Rin finds a strange letter attached to her cat, assigning them the duty of uncovering the "secret of this world" by completing specific tasks. Just what is this secret, and why is it being hidden? It's up to the Little Busters to find out! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 6, 2012 -- 241,826 7.51
Little Busters! -- -- J.C.Staff -- 26 eps -- Visual novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Drama School -- Little Busters! Little Busters! -- As a child, Riki Naoe shut himself from the world, thanks to a diagnosis of narcolepsy following the tragic deaths of his parents. However, Riki is saved when, one fateful day, a boy named Kyousuke recruits him into a team who call themselves the Little Busters. Accompanied by Masato, Kengo, and Rin, these misfits spend their childhood fighting evil and enjoying their youth. -- -- Years pass, and even in high school, the well-knit teammates remain together. Kyousuke decides to re-ignite the Little Busters by forming a baseball team as it will be his last school year with them. They have a problem though: there aren't enough members! The tables have turned, for it is now Riki's turn to reach out and recruit new friends into the Little Busters, just like Kyousuke had once done for him. -- Then, an omen surfaces—Rin finds a strange letter attached to her cat, assigning them the duty of uncovering the "secret of this world" by completing specific tasks. Just what is this secret, and why is it being hidden? It's up to the Little Busters to find out! -- -- TV - Oct 6, 2012 -- 241,826 7.51
Long Riders! -- -- Actas -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Sports Shounen -- Long Riders! Long Riders! -- Falling in love at first sight with a collapsible bicycle outside the station, Ami Kurata, first-year university student empties her account without a second thought and buys the bicycle. Now she enjoys weekend cycling trips with Aoi, her childhood friend, and Hinako, a senior at her university. "Owning a road bike may change your view of the world completely." Prompted by the comment, Ami purchased a road bike, and she is really impressed with the traveling performance. As soon as she places her feet on the pedals and presses down, everything about riding a road bicycle—the lightness of the pedal, the speed, the acceleration—is nothing like she has ever experienced. Ami's cycle life gets going with the new road cycle as her partner! -- -- (Source: Showgate, edited) -- 23,310 6.65
Long Riders! -- -- Actas -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Sports Shounen -- Long Riders! Long Riders! -- Falling in love at first sight with a collapsible bicycle outside the station, Ami Kurata, first-year university student empties her account without a second thought and buys the bicycle. Now she enjoys weekend cycling trips with Aoi, her childhood friend, and Hinako, a senior at her university. "Owning a road bike may change your view of the world completely." Prompted by the comment, Ami purchased a road bike, and she is really impressed with the traveling performance. As soon as she places her feet on the pedals and presses down, everything about riding a road bicycle—the lightness of the pedal, the speed, the acceleration—is nothing like she has ever experienced. Ami's cycle life gets going with the new road cycle as her partner! -- -- (Source: Showgate, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 23,310 6.65
Machikado Mazoku 2nd Season -- -- - -- ? eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Magic -- Machikado Mazoku 2nd Season Machikado Mazoku 2nd Season -- Second season of Machikado Mazoku. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 16,976 N/A -- -- Slayers Gorgeous -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Slayers Gorgeous Slayers Gorgeous -- Sorceresses Lina Inverse and Naga the Serpent are enjoying a meal in a villiage when the residents suddenly retreat indoors and two armies - one of men and one of a young girl and a tribe of dragons. Although the ruler of the town originally tries to convince Lina that this is because of a dark legacy, in truth the dragon army is led by his daughter and their battles are over her allowance. Lina agrees to help the ruler while Naga joins his daughter, Marlene. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- Movie - Aug 1, 1998 -- 16,918 7.33
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Tsuioku-hen -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Supernatural Magic -- Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Tsuioku-hen Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Tsuioku-hen -- Looking at Miyuki and Tatsuya now, it might be hard to imagine them as anything other than loving siblings. But it wasn't always this way.. -- -- Three years ago, Miyuki was always uncomfortable around her older brother. The rest of their family treated him no better than a lowly servant, even though he was the perfect Guardian, watching over Miyuki while she lived a normal middle school life. But what really bothered her was that he never showed any emotions or thoughts of his own. -- -- However, when danger comes calling during a fateful trip to Okinawa, their relationship as brother and sister will change forever… -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 25,203 N/A -- -- Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu LOVE! LOVE! -- -- Studio Comet -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy Parody Magic School -- Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu LOVE! LOVE! Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu LOVE! LOVE! -- After pulling the plug on the space reality TV show "Can I Destroy the Earth? 2," the Defense Club and the Conquest Club return to their peaceful high school lives. Time has passed since that fearsome battle, and it's now autumn. The five Defense Club members have stopped serving as the Battle Lovers, and are enjoying a soak in the Kurotama Bath like always, when the Conquest Club broaches a subject that will change a great deal about events to come... -- -- [Source: Crunchyroll] -- 24,915 7.04
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha -- -- Seven Arcs -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Super Power -- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha -- Nanoha Takamachi, an ordinary third-grader who enjoys spending time with her family and friends, rescues an injured ferret that she had dreamed about the night before. The next day, the ferret cries out to her telepathically, asking Nanoha to save him. The ferret reveals himself to be Yuuno Scrya, a mage from another world who is trying to collect the dangerous 21 Jewel Seeds that he accidentally scattered across the world. He enlists Nanoha's help, gifting her the magical wand Raising Heart, and teaches her how to become a powerful mage. -- -- Days later, after reclaiming a few of the Jewel Seeds, another mage appears: Fate Testarossa. Stronger than Nanoha, Fate refuses to divulge her reasons in trying to collect the Jewel Seeds. Nanoha senses a melancholy in her eyes, but Fate refuses to communicate. Directed by Akiyuki Shinbo, Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha is a story about the clash of emotions when goals collide. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Oct 3, 2004 -- 89,879 7.42
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha -- -- Seven Arcs -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Super Power -- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha -- Nanoha Takamachi, an ordinary third-grader who enjoys spending time with her family and friends, rescues an injured ferret that she had dreamed about the night before. The next day, the ferret cries out to her telepathically, asking Nanoha to save him. The ferret reveals himself to be Yuuno Scrya, a mage from another world who is trying to collect the dangerous 21 Jewel Seeds that he accidentally scattered across the world. He enlists Nanoha's help, gifting her the magical wand Raising Heart, and teaches her how to become a powerful mage. -- -- Days later, after reclaiming a few of the Jewel Seeds, another mage appears: Fate Testarossa. Stronger than Nanoha, Fate refuses to divulge her reasons in trying to collect the Jewel Seeds. Nanoha senses a melancholy in her eyes, but Fate refuses to communicate. Directed by Akiyuki Shinbo, Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha is a story about the clash of emotions when goals collide. -- -- TV - Oct 3, 2004 -- 89,879 7.42
Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara. -- -- Pine Jam -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Magic -- Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara. Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara. -- Yuzuka Hanami is a young, carefree girl who lives the most ordinary life imaginable. Although her father works around the clock and her mother is rarely home, she still enjoys herself and strives to be an excellent student. -- -- Miton, on the other hand, is an alien life-form with the ability to transform his master into a magical girl, a warrior who fights evil wherever it may appear. However, there are not as many enemies as there used to be, so Miton has been out of work for a while. Starving and homeless, he has taken up residence in a pile of garbage. -- -- As Yuzuka walks past him one day, Miton seizes the opportunity to offer his services to the young girl. Yuzuka reluctantly agrees, but when she transforms into a magical girl and discovers that her outfit is a swimsuit, she begins to have second thoughts about what she has gotten herself into! -- -- 22,403 5.94
Major S2 -- -- Studio Hibari -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Shounen Sports -- Major S2 Major S2 -- Gorou Honda has finally returned to Mifune East Junior High School, surprising his friends upon arrival. Now, Gorou is once again surrounded by those he holds closest, and he strives to continue playing and enjoying the game he loves most. -- -- However, things do not go as planned, as Gorou is reminded of the harsh realities of baseball as he copes with an injury he sustained while playing baseball at Hitaka Little. Between new rivals, old friends, and mending broken relationships, Gorou must overcome challenges he has never faced before. -- -- His goal of attending elite baseball high school Kaido may not be far from his reach, but complicated circumstances may stop him in his tracks once again. How will he deal with the immense pressures of the game? And will he ever be able to find the type of baseball he loves most? -- -- TV - Dec 10, 2005 -- 59,966 8.24
MÄR -- -- SynergySP -- 102 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- MÄR MÄR -- Dreaming of a magical world every night, the young Toramizu Ginta yearns to be able to go there. With only his friend Koyuki believing in his dreams, Ginta remains positive despite the slander he receives from others over his dreams. But his wishes are answered, as one day a large door appears in front of Ginta, summoning him to the land of MAR Heaven. In this land, the weapons known as ARMS exist. While initially Ginta greatly enjoyed the discovery of this magical world, he soon learns of the terrible wars that have once plagued MAR Heaven and the upcoming war that may soon appear. -- 44,353 7.28
MÄR -- -- SynergySP -- 102 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- MÄR MÄR -- Dreaming of a magical world every night, the young Toramizu Ginta yearns to be able to go there. With only his friend Koyuki believing in his dreams, Ginta remains positive despite the slander he receives from others over his dreams. But his wishes are answered, as one day a large door appears in front of Ginta, summoning him to the land of MAR Heaven. In this land, the weapons known as ARMS exist. While initially Ginta greatly enjoyed the discovery of this magical world, he soon learns of the terrible wars that have once plagued MAR Heaven and the upcoming war that may soon appear. -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 44,353 7.28
Marmalade Boy -- -- Toei Animation -- 76 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shoujo -- Marmalade Boy Marmalade Boy -- Miki Koishikawa is a high school student who enjoys a very simple life. However, her ordinary life is about to be turned upside down, and she may not be able to handle everything that is coming her way. -- -- After a very "fun" holiday in Hawaii, her parents have decided to get a divorce. As if this wasn’t enough of a shock for the poor girl, she also discovers that they will soon be re-marrying and swapping partners with another couple who they met on holiday. In order to include Miki in this shocking turn of events, they ask her to give the new couple a chance, and set up a dinner date with everyone. Miki may have tried to be emotionally prepared for her new parents, but what she was not expecting was their handsome son Matsuura Yuu. -- -- Miki develops an instant crush for Yuu. What starts off as a lovely friendship between them soon develops into romantic feelings which they are both finding hard to control. But more trouble is ahead in their relationship, as both Miki and Yuu have admirers of their own who are trying very hard to keep them separated. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Tokyopop -- 43,628 7.48
Mimi wo Sumaseba -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama Romance Shoujo -- Mimi wo Sumaseba Mimi wo Sumaseba -- Shizuku Tsukishima is an energetic 14-year-old girl who enjoys reading and writing poetry in her free time. Glancing at the checkout cards of her books one evening, she notices that her library books are frequently checked out by a boy named Seiji Amasawa. Curiosity strikes Shizuku, and she decides to search for the boy who shares her love for literature. -- -- Meeting a peculiar cat on the train, Shizuku follows the animal and is eventually led to a quaint antique shop, where she learns about a cat statuette known as "The Baron." Taking an interest in the shop, she surprisingly finds Seiji, and the two quickly befriend one another. Shizuku learns while acquainting herself with Seiji that he has a dream that he would like to fulfill, causing her dismay as she remains uncertain of her future and has yet to recognize her talents. -- -- However, as her relationship with Seiji grows, Shizuku becomes determined to work toward a goal. Guided by the whispers of her heart and inspiration from The Baron, she resolves to carve out her own potential and dreams. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, Walt Disney Studios -- Movie - Jul 15, 1995 -- 238,719 8.23
Mimi wo Sumaseba -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama Romance Shoujo -- Mimi wo Sumaseba Mimi wo Sumaseba -- Shizuku Tsukishima is an energetic 14-year-old girl who enjoys reading and writing poetry in her free time. Glancing at the checkout cards of her books one evening, she notices that her library books are frequently checked out by a boy named Seiji Amasawa. Curiosity strikes Shizuku, and she decides to search for the boy who shares her love for literature. -- -- Meeting a peculiar cat on the train, Shizuku follows the animal and is eventually led to a quaint antique shop, where she learns about a cat statuette known as "The Baron." Taking an interest in the shop, she surprisingly finds Seiji, and the two quickly befriend one another. Shizuku learns while acquainting herself with Seiji that he has a dream that he would like to fulfill, causing her dismay as she remains uncertain of her future and has yet to recognize her talents. -- -- However, as her relationship with Seiji grows, Shizuku becomes determined to work toward a goal. Guided by the whispers of her heart and inspiration from The Baron, she resolves to carve out her own potential and dreams. -- -- Movie - Jul 15, 1995 -- 238,719 8.23
Minami-ke Tadaima -- -- feel. -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- Minami-ke Tadaima Minami-ke Tadaima -- The everyday lives of the Minami sisters continue. Chiaki, the youngest, continues to call people idiots while worshipping her eldest sister. Kana, the middle, still can't figure out that Fujioka's feelings for her are a crush, not a grudge. Haruka, the eldest, still unknowingly avoids Hosaka's advances to invite her to the volleyball team, and after a long day of excitement, the sisters enjoy sitting at the table at their home. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jan 6, 2013 -- 49,865 7.68
MM! -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Comedy Ecchi School -- MM! MM! -- Taro Sado is a high school student who lives his day to day life with a big secret—he's a masochist! Encouraged by his cross-dressing best friend Tatsukichi Hayama, Taro asks the Second Voluntary Club for help with his problem and ends up joining the club after they vow to "fix" him. -- -- However, it turns out that all of the members of the club have some serious issues. The club leader Mio Isurugi is a self-designated god who is afraid of cats, Arashiko Yuuno has a severe fear of men, and the club advisor Michiru Onigawara is a sadist who enjoys making people cosplay. -- -- Together with other wacky characters such as Yumi Mamiya, a talented masseuse and Yuuno's best friend, and Noa Hiiragi, the president of the invention club, they all learn about the importance of acceptance and kindness. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 2, 2010 -- 207,981 7.10
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie: A Wakening of the Trailblazer -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie: A Wakening of the Trailblazer Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie: A Wakening of the Trailblazer -- In the year 2314 AD, the world is at peace. Thanks to the sacrifices of Celestial Being and its mobile suit pilots, the people of Earth experience a time of prosperity and unity, enjoying tranquil lives once thought impossible. Celestial Being, an organization once painted as villains by the Earth Sphere Federation, now exists in public perception as a group of heroes, celebrated in film and culture. -- -- When an extraterrestrial threat arrives on Earth, threatening the newly acquired calm stasis, Celestial Being springs back into action. Led by ace pilot Setsuna F. Seiei, the Gundam Meisters of the group battle the hostile alien forces, teaming up with old rivals to protect the human race from certain doom. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- Movie - Sep 18, 2010 -- 53,047 7.31
Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu 2nd Season -- -- Studio Bind -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Drama Magic Fantasy -- Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu 2nd Season Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu 2nd Season -- Second half of Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 56,965 N/A -- -- Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre -- -- Nomad -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre -- As Jun Sakurada fights and lives alongside the Rozen Maidens, special lifelike dolls made to battle each other, he enjoys a rare break in which he is told a story during the events of Rozen Maiden: Träumend. -- -- When Jun buys a brooch as a present for Shinku, the fifth doll, she refuses to accept it at any cost. Souseiseki, the fourth doll, then recounts the story of how Shinku and the first doll, Suigintou, first met. This tale tells of the cruel and heartbreaking circumstances surrounding Suigintou's birth, and how the many misunderstandings between her and Shinku shaped their longstanding rivalry fueled by Suigintou's unfettered hate towards Shinku. -- -- The stage is set in Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre in 19th century London as the story delves into the past of these one-time friends and the secrets that they hold. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Dec 23, 2006 -- 55,918 7.73
Nami -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Nami Nami -- A woman is enjoying herself in bed until a swarm of fish bursts out from all over her house to disturb her leisure time. Will she decide to resist, or let them crawl inside her and take control? -- -- Movie - ??? ??, 2000 -- 11,176 2.33
Nanatsu no Taizai: Kamigami no Gekirin -- -- Marvy Jack, Studio Deen -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Supernatural Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Nanatsu no Taizai: Kamigami no Gekirin Nanatsu no Taizai: Kamigami no Gekirin -- After saving the Kingdom of Liones from the 10 Commandments, Meliodas and the Seven Deadly Sins are enjoying their time off. However, things aren't as peaceful as they seem, as the Sins are put through various trials to become strong enough to defeat the 10 Commandments and to overcome their past trauma. -- -- With help from past figures, the Sins are tasked with defeating the 10 Commandments and putting an end to their evil plans that began ten thousand years ago. The Sins begin to uncover the truth about each other, as well as those who stood before them. With this knowledge in hand, the battle against the 10 Commandments has only just begun. -- -- Nanatsu no Taizai: Kamigami no Gekirin continues to follow the Seven Deadly Sins and those that they meet on their journey. Through their adventures, they realize that their actions have had greater consequences on the present than they could have ever expected. -- -- 455,812 6.42
Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Martial Arts Shounen -- Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja -- Returning home to Konohagakure, the young ninja celebrate defeating a group of supposed Akatsuki members. Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno, however, feel differently. Naruto is jealous of his comrades' congratulatory families, wishing for the presence of his own parents. Sakura, on the other hand, is angry at her embarrassing parents, and wishes for no parents at all. The two clash over their opposing ideals, but are faced with a more pressing matter when the masked Madara Uchiha suddenly appears and transports them to an alternate world. -- -- In this world, Sakura's parents are considered heroes—for they gave their lives to protect Konohagakure from the Nine-Tailed Fox attack 10 years ago. Consequently, Naruto's parents, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, are alive and well. Unable to return home or find the masked Madara, Naruto and Sakura stay in this new world and enjoy the changes they have always longed for. All seems well for the two ninja, until an unexpected threat emerges that pushes Naruto and Sakura to not only fight for the Konohagakure of the alternate world, but also to find a way back to their own. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Jul 28, 2012 -- 236,652 7.66
Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Martial Arts Shounen -- Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja -- Returning home to Konohagakure, the young ninja celebrate defeating a group of supposed Akatsuki members. Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno, however, feel differently. Naruto is jealous of his comrades' congratulatory families, wishing for the presence of his own parents. Sakura, on the other hand, is angry at her embarrassing parents, and wishes for no parents at all. The two clash over their opposing ideals, but are faced with a more pressing matter when the masked Madara Uchiha suddenly appears and transports them to an alternate world. -- -- In this world, Sakura's parents are considered heroes—for they gave their lives to protect Konohagakure from the Nine-Tailed Fox attack 10 years ago. Consequently, Naruto's parents, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, are alive and well. Unable to return home or find the masked Madara, Naruto and Sakura stay in this new world and enjoy the changes they have always longed for. All seems well for the two ninja, until an unexpected threat emerges that pushes Naruto and Sakura to not only fight for the Konohagakure of the alternate world, but also to find a way back to their own. -- -- Movie - Jul 28, 2012 -- 236,652 7.66
Natsume Yuujinchou: Ishi Okoshi to Ayashiki Raihousha -- -- Shuka -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Demons Drama Shoujo Slice of Life Supernatural -- Natsume Yuujinchou: Ishi Okoshi to Ayashiki Raihousha Natsume Yuujinchou: Ishi Okoshi to Ayashiki Raihousha -- The film will be made up of two stories: "Ishi Okoshi" and "Ayashiki Raihousha." In "Ishi Okoshi," Natsume meets a small youkai called Mitsumi in a forest. Mitsumi is entrusted to wake up the divine youkai "Iwatetsu" from its deep slumber. Mitsumi weighs on Natsume's mind, so he sets out to help Mitsumi with his task. -- -- In "Ayashiki Raihousha," a mysterious visitor appears in front of Tanuma. Nearly every day, the visitor visits Tanuma, talks to him a little, and then leaves. Natsume, who knows the visitor is a youkai, worries for Tanuma, but Tanuma enjoys these exchanges with the youkai. The youkai means no harm, but Tanuma's health slowly starts to deteriorate. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jan 16, 2021 -- 16,755 7.21
Nekogami Yaoyorozu -- -- AIC PLUS+ -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Seinen -- Nekogami Yaoyorozu Nekogami Yaoyorozu -- Koyama Yuzu is running an antique shop. Mayu, a cat god (nekogami), is living off Yuzu and leads an idle life playing games. Lots of other gods visit Mayu and enjoy merrymaking. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 17,976 6.63
Nekogami Yaoyorozu -- -- AIC PLUS+ -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Seinen -- Nekogami Yaoyorozu Nekogami Yaoyorozu -- Koyama Yuzu is running an antique shop. Mayu, a cat god (nekogami), is living off Yuzu and leads an idle life playing games. Lots of other gods visit Mayu and enjoy merrymaking. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 17,976 6.63
Nekopara -- -- Felix Film -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Nekopara Nekopara -- The siblings Kashou and Shigure Minazuki enjoy the company of six catgirls. Chocola and Vanilla assist Kashou in his job as a baker at the patisserie La Soleil, while the others—Coconut, Azuki, Cinnamon, and Maple—accompany Shigure in her daily life back at their home. -- -- One afternoon, when Chocola goes out for an errand, she notices a green-haired kitten alone by herself at a park and decides to bring her back to the patisserie. Soon after, the Minazuki household adopts her and gives her a name: Cacao. With a new member in their family, the members of the Minazuki household continue their everyday lives—bound to become livelier than ever. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 118,739 6.76
New Game!: Watashi, Shain Ryokou tte Hajimete nano de... -- -- Doga Kobo -- 1 ep -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Ecchi Slice of Life -- New Game!: Watashi, Shain Ryokou tte Hajimete nano de... New Game!: Watashi, Shain Ryokou tte Hajimete nano de... -- The staff of Eagle Jump take a long awaited vacation to a ski resort, celebrating the release of their latest iteration of the 'Fairies Story' game. Being her first company trip, Aoba Suzukaze is excited for it, but is also apprehensive as she has no prior skiing experience. Join Aoba and her colleagues as they de-stress and enjoy their time at the resort. -- -- OVA - May 3, 2017 -- 61,587 7.41
Ni no Kuni -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Ni no Kuni Ni no Kuni -- Best friends Yuu, Haru, and Kotona enjoy a tranquil high school life together. One day, however, a suspicious man pursues and stabs Kotona—a catastrophe that Yuu and Haru fail to prevent. While hastily carrying the girl to the hospital, the two boys are nearly hit by a truck but miraculously remain unharmed. Instead, they find themselves in a fairy-tale-like kingdom with an exotic diversity of people and wonderful creatures. -- -- To their surprise, the boys discover that Yuu, who has been confined to a wheelchair since childhood, can now walk! Yet they have no time to ponder the puzzling situation, as their friend is gone. Setting off to find Kotona, Yuu and Haru stop at a local pub to inquire about her. But upon inspecting a picture of Asha, the kingdom's princess, the two have a shocking revelation. -- -- Narrating an extraordinary adventure in a magical world, Ni no Kuni demonstrates the special connection between two separate yet parallel worlds and its manifestation of the bonds between individuals. -- -- Movie - Aug 23, 2019 -- 35,450 6.39
Nodame Cantabile: Nodame to Chiaki no Umi Monogatari -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Josei Romance Slice of Life -- Nodame Cantabile: Nodame to Chiaki no Umi Monogatari Nodame Cantabile: Nodame to Chiaki no Umi Monogatari -- World-class conductor Franz von Stresemann sends his favorite music students Shinichi Chiaki, Megumi "Nodame" Noda, Ryuutarou Mine, and Masumi Okuyama to the Nina Lutz Music Festival in Nagano to study under other famous masters. During their car ride, Chiaki is irritated by his friends' antics, but later wakes up from a nap to discover that they took a detour to a beach in Niigata. Mine tans under the bright sun while Nodame and Masumi enjoy a refreshing swim; Chiaki sits inside the beach club, trying his best to hide his fear of the sea. When Nodame suggests renting an inflatable boat to row over to a small island, will Chiaki be able to keep his secret? -- -- Special - Feb 16, 2008 -- 25,985 7.38
No Littering -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Horror -- No Littering No Littering -- While enjoying a date in a park, a man carelessly tosses an empty bottle onto the ground. His selfish littering promptly summons an imposing figure wearing a white hockey mask. The gruesome events that follow tell an admonishing tale about the importance of preserving the outdoors and defending the environment from the ugly menace of litter. -- -- ONA - Oct 26, 2012 -- 3,825 3.53
Non Non Biyori: Okinawa e Ikukoto ni Natta -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Seinen -- Non Non Biyori: Okinawa e Ikukoto ni Natta Non Non Biyori: Okinawa e Ikukoto ni Natta -- While spending a summer day at the department store, Suguru Koshigaya wins the lottery’s grand prize—four tickets to Okinawa! Filled with awe and excitement, the girls of Asahigaoka do various things to prepare for the trip. From practicing how to ride on an airplane to buying travel essentials at the convenience store, they do everything beforehand so they can enjoy their time in Okinawa to the fullest extent. -- -- A departure from the familiar scenery of Asahigaoka is a new experience for Renge Miyauchi, but that does not stop her from pondering how her perspective of the world may change. As the day of the trip draws near, a promise is made. -- -- OVA - Jul 23, 2014 -- 50,070 7.62
Noragami Aragoto -- -- Bones -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Supernatural Shounen -- Noragami Aragoto Noragami Aragoto -- Yato and Yukine have finally mended their relationship as god and Regalia, and everyone has returned to their daily life. Yato remains a minor and unknown deity who continues taking odd jobs for five yen apiece in the hopes of one day having millions of worshippers and his own grand shrine. Hiyori Iki has yet to have her loose soul fixed by Yato, but she enjoys life and prepares to attend high school nonetheless. -- -- Taking place immediately after the first season, Noragami Aragoto delves into the complicated past between Yato and the god of war Bishamon. The female god holds a mysterious grudge against Yato, which often results in violent clashes between them. It doesn't help that Bishamon's most trusted and beloved Regalia, Kazuma, appears to be indebted to Yato. When lives are on the line, unraveling these mysteries and others may be the only way to correct past mistakes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,100,062 8.20
Noragami Aragoto OVA -- -- Bones -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Shounen Supernatural -- Noragami Aragoto OVA Noragami Aragoto OVA -- Hiyori Iki goes on a skiing trip with her parents and happens to bump into Yato and Yukine. After a short while, they find the other gods who are there for a company vacation. But amidst all the fun, someone is plotting a heinous crime, and Yato is the primary target. -- -- On a different day, Yato’s been able to make a small fortune from his last job and decides to take Hiyori and Yukine to Capyper Land. Although she agrees without knowing the destination, will Hiyori actually enjoy the day considering what happened on her last visit? -- -- OVA - Nov 17, 2015 -- 201,767 7.90
Nurarihyon no Mago OVA -- -- Studio Deen -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Shounen Supernatural -- Nurarihyon no Mago OVA Nurarihyon no Mago OVA -- The story begins at about 100 years after the disappearance of Otome Yamabuki, Rihan Nura's first wife. Rihan has finally pulled himself together and his life returns to normal. As the head of the Nura Clan, he's busy working on building a harmonious world for humans and youkais. One day, he sees Setsura being upset so he decides to cheer her up by taking the clan to go enjoy the hot spring where Setsura makes up her mind to tell Rihan that she met Otome once after she left him about 100 years ago. She tells him the message that Otome left for him and the truth is...? -- -- (Source: -- OVA - Dec 4, 2012 -- 21,631 7.72
One Piece Movie 6: Omatsuri Danshaku to Himitsu no Shima -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- One Piece Movie 6: Omatsuri Danshaku to Himitsu no Shima One Piece Movie 6: Omatsuri Danshaku to Himitsu no Shima -- "If you are a pirate among pirates among pirates among pirates, then gather your steadfast crew of friends and set sail for our island." Upon finding an advertisement with these words on it for Omatsuri Island, the only recreational resort on the Grand Line, Monkey D. Luffy and his Straw Hat Crew set out for it immediately. -- -- Enticed by the island's casinos, spas, beautiful women, and exquisite cuisine, the crew are eager to relax and enjoy themselves. Much to their disappointment though, they are told upon arrival that they will first have to pass Baron Omatsuri's "Ordeals of Hell." Once they complete this series of challenges, they will be able to enjoy the resort. -- -- However, problems begin to surface the longer they stay on the island. As strange events continue to unfold, the Straw Hat Crew find themselves at odds with one another, disagreeing at every turn. Will the Straw Hat Crew be able to figure out the truth behind Omatsuri Island, or will they fall apart from infighting first? -- -- Movie - Mar 5, 2005 -- 69,421 7.70
One Punch Man -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Parody Super Power Supernatural -- One Punch Man One Punch Man -- The seemingly ordinary and unimpressive Saitama has a rather unique hobby: being a hero. In order to pursue his childhood dream, he trained relentlessly for three years—and lost all of his hair in the process. Now, Saitama is incredibly powerful, so much so that no enemy is able to defeat him in battle. In fact, all it takes to defeat evildoers with just one punch has led to an unexpected problem—he is no longer able to enjoy the thrill of battling and has become quite bored. -- -- This all changes with the arrival of Genos, a 19-year-old cyborg, who wishes to be Saitama's disciple after seeing what he is capable of. Genos proposes that the two join the Hero Association in order to become certified heroes that will be recognized for their positive contributions to society, and Saitama, shocked that no one knows who he is, quickly agrees. And thus begins the story of One Punch Man, an action-comedy that follows an eccentric individual who longs to fight strong enemies that can hopefully give him the excitement he once felt and just maybe, he'll become popular in the process. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 2,266,752 8.55
Ookami to Koushinryou II: Ookami to Kohakuiro no Yuuutsu -- -- Brain's Base, Marvy Jack -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Adventure Fantasy Historical Romance -- Ookami to Koushinryou II: Ookami to Kohakuiro no Yuuutsu Ookami to Koushinryou II: Ookami to Kohakuiro no Yuuutsu -- Travelling merchant Kraft Lawrence and wolf deity Holo sit down to have dinner with Norah Arendt, a young shepherdess who helped them smuggle gold. Holo's dislike of Norah—due to both the latter's profession and her closeness with Lawrence—prevents her from enjoying her meal. -- -- When Holo falls ill from fatigue, she is cared for by Lawrence, who frets over the health of his dear companion. As she regains her strength, Holo reminisces about the adventures they had together. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Apr 30, 2009 -- 142,128 7.90
Orenchi no Furo Jijou -- -- Asahi Production -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Fantasy Josei -- Orenchi no Furo Jijou Orenchi no Furo Jijou -- On his way home from school, Tatsumi sees a man collapsed near a lake. When he approaches him, Tatsumi notices something strange: the person in need of help is actually a beautiful merman named Wakasa! Because Wakasa's home has become too polluted to live in, Tatsumi graciously offers his bathtub as a refuge. -- -- With a boisterous merman as his new roommate, Tatsumi's normal life won't be returning anytime soon, not to mention Wakasa's aquatic friends—Takasu, Mikuni, and Maki—often show up uninvited, making them all quite a handful for the high school student. As he humors their curiosity for human life, Tatsumi sometimes finds himself enjoying their childish antics, but he will have to keep his cool if he intends to keep up with his daily life and newfound friendship. -- -- TV - Oct 6, 2014 -- 89,388 6.99
Persona 3 the Movie 2: Midsummer Knight's Dream -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Fantasy -- Persona 3 the Movie 2: Midsummer Knight's Dream Persona 3 the Movie 2: Midsummer Knight's Dream -- As the season changes from spring to summer, Makoto Yuuki remains alongside the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad (SEES). The team continues to defeat Shadows large and small, but they now clash with a new enemy: Strega, a group of rogue Persona users who wish to keep the Dark Hour to their advantage—it seems that Strega may hold a clue to the Dark Hour's true nature. -- -- While SEES enjoys summer vacation in Yakushima, they are joined by Aegis, an amnesiac android designed to destroy Shadows. While she proves herself to be a powerful ally, she is inexplicably drawn to Makoto and constantly remains at his side. As they delve deeper into the mysteries of the Dark Hour, the nature of the mysterious connection that binds these two together is slowly unveiled. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Jun 7, 2014 -- 66,373 7.65
Persona 3 the Movie 2: Midsummer Knight's Dream -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Fantasy -- Persona 3 the Movie 2: Midsummer Knight's Dream Persona 3 the Movie 2: Midsummer Knight's Dream -- As the season changes from spring to summer, Makoto Yuuki remains alongside the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad (SEES). The team continues to defeat Shadows large and small, but they now clash with a new enemy: Strega, a group of rogue Persona users who wish to keep the Dark Hour to their advantage—it seems that Strega may hold a clue to the Dark Hour's true nature. -- -- While SEES enjoys summer vacation in Yakushima, they are joined by Aegis, an amnesiac android designed to destroy Shadows. While she proves herself to be a powerful ally, she is inexplicably drawn to Makoto and constantly remains at his side. As they delve deeper into the mysteries of the Dark Hour, the nature of the mysterious connection that binds these two together is slowly unveiled. -- -- Movie - Jun 7, 2014 -- 66,373 7.65
Pita Ten -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Fantasy Kids Romance School Shounen -- Pita Ten Pita Ten -- Kotaro was pretty much supposed to be your average boy, worried about the pressures of education while enjoying a simple life with his friends. Much to his despair, he one day finds the overly cheerful Misha at his door, asking to be friends out of nowhere. Even more shocking is that Misha is an apprentice angel, yet she does more bad then good. Along with Kotaro's school friends Takashi and Koboshi and the so called devil Shia (once again being able to do more good then bad), the group of friends spend their days getting into all sorts of adventures and troubles. Based on the manga by Koge-Donbo. -- 20,665 6.94
Pita Ten -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Fantasy Kids Romance School Shounen -- Pita Ten Pita Ten -- Kotaro was pretty much supposed to be your average boy, worried about the pressures of education while enjoying a simple life with his friends. Much to his despair, he one day finds the overly cheerful Misha at his door, asking to be friends out of nowhere. Even more shocking is that Misha is an apprentice angel, yet she does more bad then good. Along with Kotaro's school friends Takashi and Koboshi and the so called devil Shia (once again being able to do more good then bad), the group of friends spend their days getting into all sorts of adventures and troubles. Based on the manga by Koge-Donbo. -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 20,665 6.94
Pokemon Movie 05: Mizu no Miyako no Mamorigami Latias to Latios -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon Movie 05: Mizu no Miyako no Mamorigami Latias to Latios Pokemon Movie 05: Mizu no Miyako no Mamorigami Latias to Latios -- As they continue their journey through the Johto region, Satoshi and his friends visit Altomare, an island city that hosts an annual racing event called the Pokémon Water Race. While Takeshi and Kasumi are enjoying themselves, strange things seem to be happening to Satoshi—he somehow loses the water race, sees some women attack a girl with their Pokémon, and despite them saving her, the girl later denies ever seeing Satoshi and Pikachu before! -- -- Fortunately for Satoshi, his confusion clears up as he learns that the girl he and Pikachu saved earlier was actually a Pokémon named Latias, who likes to disguise herself as her human friend, Kanon. Latias and another Pokémon, Latios, are known as the Eon Pokémon, as they inhabit and guard Altomare along with a mystical blue sphere called the Soul Dew. An ancient legend of Altomare is highly connected to the Eon Pokémon and the Soul Dew, and is well known among the locals—as well as among Latias' earlier assailants, the thief sisters Zanner and Lyon. As the thieves attempt to capture both the Eon Pokémon and the Soul Dew, Satoshi is forced to act in order to stop them from bringing disaster to Altomare. -- -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, Miramax Films -- Movie - Jul 13, 2002 -- 92,884 7.17
Pokemon Movie 05: Mizu no Miyako no Mamorigami Latias to Latios -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon Movie 05: Mizu no Miyako no Mamorigami Latias to Latios Pokemon Movie 05: Mizu no Miyako no Mamorigami Latias to Latios -- As they continue their journey through the Johto region, Satoshi and his friends visit Altomare, an island city that hosts an annual racing event called the Pokémon Water Race. While Takeshi and Kasumi are enjoying themselves, strange things seem to be happening to Satoshi—he somehow loses the water race, sees some women attack a girl with their Pokémon, and despite them saving her, the girl later denies ever seeing Satoshi and Pikachu before! -- -- Fortunately for Satoshi, his confusion clears up as he learns that the girl he and Pikachu saved earlier was actually a Pokémon named Latias, who likes to disguise herself as her human friend, Kanon. Latias and another Pokémon, Latios, are known as the Eon Pokémon, as they inhabit and guard Altomare along with a mystical blue sphere called the Soul Dew. An ancient legend of Altomare is highly connected to the Eon Pokémon and the Soul Dew, and is well known among the locals—as well as among Latias' earlier assailants, the thief sisters Zanner and Lyon. As the thieves attempt to capture both the Eon Pokémon and the Soul Dew, Satoshi is forced to act in order to stop them from bringing disaster to Altomare. -- -- Movie - Jul 13, 2002 -- 92,884 7.17
Pokemon Movie 06: Nanayo no Negaiboshi Jirachi -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Kids Drama Fantasy -- Pokemon Movie 06: Nanayo no Negaiboshi Jirachi Pokemon Movie 06: Nanayo no Negaiboshi Jirachi -- This is the 6th Movie. -- -- Satoshi, Haruka, Takeshi, and Masato come upon the festival of the Wishing Star of Seven Nights. During their enjoyment, the legendary pokemon, Jirachi, decends from the heavens and befriends Masato. Jirachi, with the power to grant any wish, is sought after by many people wanting to claim its power. One man seeks to use its legendary power to revive an ancient pokemon known as Groudon, unaware of the dangers hidden within Jirachi's powers -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, Miramax Films -- Movie - Jul 19, 2003 -- 77,278 6.75
Pokemon Movie 06: Nanayo no Negaiboshi Jirachi -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Kids Drama Fantasy -- Pokemon Movie 06: Nanayo no Negaiboshi Jirachi Pokemon Movie 06: Nanayo no Negaiboshi Jirachi -- This is the 6th Movie. -- -- Satoshi, Haruka, Takeshi, and Masato come upon the festival of the Wishing Star of Seven Nights. During their enjoyment, the legendary pokemon, Jirachi, decends from the heavens and befriends Masato. Jirachi, with the power to grant any wish, is sought after by many people wanting to claim its power. One man seeks to use its legendary power to revive an ancient pokemon known as Groudon, unaware of the dangers hidden within Jirachi's powers -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 19, 2003 -- 77,278 6.75
Puchimas!: Petit iDOLM@STER -- -- Gathering -- 64 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Puchimas!: Petit iDOLM@STER Puchimas!: Petit iDOLM@STER -- From the popular game "THE IDOLM@STER", comes a petit spinoff cute and soothing 4-koma! The setting is the same 765 Production from the games. One day, 765 Pro idols Ami and Mami bring in the mysterious Petit-dols "Afuu" and "Yukipo"!? More and more Petit-dols gather at the offices where everyone works. Leisurely enjoy their daily lives full of laughs and happenings. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- ONA - Jan 1, 2013 -- 12,405 7.14
Qiang Niang -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Military Sci-Fi Slice of Life Space Comedy -- Qiang Niang Qiang Niang -- Qiang Niang mainly tells of the protagonist Carrie, who has lost her combat memories, searching for herself and the story of her final "Awakening". In the years between 2025 to 2030, a world war involving the entire world has resulted in the demise of half the world's population, and humanity has already lost control of the direction the war shall go in. In order to seize ultimate victory, war has gradually been turned into a battle without people, similar to a game. War has already become about Satellite lasers, Bomb drones, Intelligent AI, a battlefield between unmanned gun turrets and tanks... Then, there are also a group of young maidens who uses outdated firearms to engage in battle —— the Gun Girls. -- ONA - Aug 18, 2017 -- 600 N/A -- -- Fuku-chan no Sensuikan -- -- Asahi Production, Shochiku Animation Institute -- 1 ep -- Other -- Military Comedy Historical -- Fuku-chan no Sensuikan Fuku-chan no Sensuikan -- Fuku-chan was one of the most popular newspaper comic strip boy-characters in Japan at the time. The film portrays a submarine attack on an enemy cargo ship. Though this, too, was to boost patriotism, Japanese children particularly enjoyed the scenes in which the kitchen crew cooked in the submarine kitchen. Released in November of the same year, the food shortage was quite serious in Japan, and the abundant food supply in the submarine kitchen -- vegetables, fruit, fish, rice, and more which were already luxury items in Japan at the time -- was prepared into various dishes along with a merry, rhythmic song. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Nov 9, 1944 -- 579 5.03
Rec -- -- Shaft -- 9 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Seinen -- Rec Rec -- After being stood up for a movie date, marketing employee Fumihiko Matsumaru is about to throw away his tickets when he is stopped by a girl who implores him to let her accompany him instead. Thanks to his upbeat and eccentric companion Aka Onda, an aspiring voice actress, Fumihiko enjoys his evening. While walking home together, they find out that they live in the same neighborhood. Mere hours later, Fumihiko wakes up from a nightmare and hears sirens outside his window. Going outside to check the situation, he sees that Aka's apartment has burned down, along with all her possessions. Fumihiko invites the distressed Aka to stay at his place, leading to them sleeping together. -- -- In the aftermath of that fateful night, their personal and professional lives become inextricably intertwined. Not only do they begin living together platonically despite their one-night stand, they also discover that Aka will be voicing the mascot Fumihiko designed for his company's newest product. While trying to keep their live-in relationship under wraps for fear of scrutiny, the two begin to support each other throughout the difficulties in their respective careers. -- -- 100,360 7.33
RErideD: Tokigoe no Derrida -- -- GEEK TOYS -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Drama -- RErideD: Tokigoe no Derrida RErideD: Tokigoe no Derrida -- The year is 2050. A young engineer named Derrida Yvain became famous thanks to his contribution to the development of the "Autonomous Machine DZ" at Rebuild, the manufacturing company founded by his father. One day, Derrida and his colleague Nathan discover a flaw in the DZs and try to warn their boss, but are ignored. Although Derrida and Nathan are aware of the danger, they reluctantly decide to put off taking any measures, and instead go to Nathan's daughter Mage's birthday party. The next day, after enjoying a peaceful day, Derrida and Nathan are suddenly attacked by unknown forces. At the end of the escape, Derrida falls into a cold sleep machine and 10 years later, he wakes up to a devastated world in the middle of a war. While Derrida is attacked by a group of out of control DZs, he almost gives up, but he recalls Nathan's last words. -- -- "Take care of Mage." -- -- Despite the harsh fate that has fallen upon him, Derrida sets off to seek Mage. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 36,075 5.69
Rockman.EXE -- -- Xebec -- 56 eps -- Game -- Action Game Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Mecha Shounen -- Rockman.EXE Rockman.EXE -- In the year of 20XX, a young boy by the name of Netto Hikari receives a very special gift as he enters the 5th grade. His very own customized net navi, Rockman! Despite Rockman's small size and far more responsible personality, the two boys quickly become the best of friends. A net navi is designed to guide his operator from the inside of his or her PErsonal Terminal, or simply PET for short. Children and adults alike enjoy friendly "Net Battles", where they spar their navis against each other to prove their worth. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 32,304 6.93
Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre -- -- Nomad -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre -- As Jun Sakurada fights and lives alongside the Rozen Maidens, special lifelike dolls made to battle each other, he enjoys a rare break in which he is told a story during the events of Rozen Maiden: Träumend. -- -- When Jun buys a brooch as a present for Shinku, the fifth doll, she refuses to accept it at any cost. Souseiseki, the fourth doll, then recounts the story of how Shinku and the first doll, Suigintou, first met. This tale tells of the cruel and heartbreaking circumstances surrounding Suigintou's birth, and how the many misunderstandings between her and Shinku shaped their longstanding rivalry fueled by Suigintou's unfettered hate towards Shinku. -- -- The stage is set in Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre in 19th century London as the story delves into the past of these one-time friends and the secrets that they hold. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Dec 23, 2006 -- 55,918 7.73
Sakamichi no Apollon -- -- MAPPA, Tezuka Productions -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Josei Music Romance School -- Sakamichi no Apollon Sakamichi no Apollon -- Introverted classical pianist and top student Kaoru Nishimi has just arrived in Kyushu for his first year of high school. Having constantly moved from place to place since his childhood, he abandons all hope of fitting in, preparing himself for another lonely, meaningless year. That is, until he encounters the notorious delinquent Sentarou Kawabuchi. -- -- Sentarou's immeasurable love for jazz music inspires Kaoru to learn more about the genre, and as a result, he slowly starts to break out of his shell, making his very first friend. Kaoru begins playing the piano at after-school jazz sessions, located in the basement of fellow student Ritsuko Mukae's family-owned record shop. As he discovers the immense joy of using his musical talents to bring enjoyment to himself and others, Kaoru's summer might just crescendo into one that he will remember forever. -- -- Sakamichi no Apollon is a heartwarming story of friendship, music, and love that follows three unique individuals brought together by their mutual appreciation for jazz. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 295,472 8.35
Samurai 7 -- -- Gonzo -- 26 eps -- Other -- Historical Mecha Samurai Sci-Fi -- Samurai 7 Samurai 7 -- In the far distant future, on a planet that might have been called "earth", there was a war between samurai who mechanized their bodies. After the long war, people enjoyed a modest peace. -- -- Facing starvation and abductions at the hands of fearsome mechanized bandits (Nobuseri), the farmers of Kanna Village make the dangerous choice to hire samurai for protection. The village's water priestess, Kirara, her younger sister, Komachi, and a heartbroken villager, Rikichi, set off to hire willing samurai with nothing to offer but rice from their meager harvests. Through dangerous encounters and a bit of luck, seven samurai of varying specialties and experience are gathered for an epic battle against the bandits and the merchants that influence them. -- -- Samurai 7 is based loosely upon Kurosawa Akira's famous movie "Seven Samurai"/"Shichinin no Samurai" -- TV - Jun 12, 2004 -- 112,688 7.48
Shigurui -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Historical Psychological Drama Martial Arts Samurai Seinen -- Shigurui Shigurui -- At the beginning of the Edo Era, when people enjoyed a time of peace, Lord Tokugawa Tadanaga holds a fighting tournament. In the past, matches were fought with wooden swords. This time, real swords will be used. -- -- One-armed Fujiki Gennosuke and blind Irako Seigen will fight each other in this match. Both are disciples of Iwamoto Kogan, who is known as Japan's greatest swordsman. Each of them are determined to prove himself the successor of Iwamoto's school. However, there can only be one champion. -- -- So begins a story of intertwining fates, conflict, and strange destinies. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 97,011 7.40
Shigurui -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Historical Psychological Drama Martial Arts Samurai Seinen -- Shigurui Shigurui -- At the beginning of the Edo Era, when people enjoyed a time of peace, Lord Tokugawa Tadanaga holds a fighting tournament. In the past, matches were fought with wooden swords. This time, real swords will be used. -- -- One-armed Fujiki Gennosuke and blind Irako Seigen will fight each other in this match. Both are disciples of Iwamoto Kogan, who is known as Japan's greatest swordsman. Each of them are determined to prove himself the successor of Iwamoto's school. However, there can only be one champion. -- -- So begins a story of intertwining fates, conflict, and strange destinies. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 97,011 7.40
Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul -- -- MAPPA -- 24 eps -- Card game -- Action Adventure Demons Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul -- A decade ago, humans, gods, and demons joined forces to stand against the threat of the colossal dragon, Bahamut. -- -- Now, in the present, humans living in the capital city of Anatae have been enjoying lavish and prosperous lives. Their progress is largely due to the administration of the newly appointed king, Charioce XVII, who has stolen a power from the gods and allowed for the abuse and slavery of the demon race in the capital. As humans continue to immorally exploit demons, a sense of hostility against humans begins to build up within demon communities, threatening a revolt. Meanwhile, an atmosphere of uneasiness is spreading among the gods, as they scramble to regain their lost power. -- -- Amidst it all, Nina Drango, a cheerful young bounty hunter, has arrived at the Royal Capital with hopes of settling down and earning a living. However, her peaceful life in the capital is quickly thrown into chaos when she crosses paths with the ominous Rag Demon who is determined to seek revenge against humans, and Kaisar Lidfard, a noble knight battling an internal moral conflict. -- -- Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul continues the tale of the social and moral conflict between humans, gods, and demons, and their struggle for survival and dominance. -- -- 194,817 7.46
Shokugeki no Souma: Ni no Sara OVA -- -- J.C.Staff -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Ecchi School Shounen -- Shokugeki no Souma: Ni no Sara OVA Shokugeki no Souma: Ni no Sara OVA -- Having completed their Stagiaire assignments, the residents of Polar Star Dormitory and their friends visit a hot springs inn. Though they planned on relaxing, these young chefs step up to the plate when the inn's entire kitchen staff suffer accidents. Unbeknownst to them, they will not be cooking for any ordinary patrons. -- -- Sometime after this trip, Souma Yukihira's desire for worthy opponents is stoked when he, Megumi Tadokoro, and the other Autumn Election quarter-finalists are invited to the annual Autumn Leaves Viewing event. The eight Tootsuki freshmen have a special opportunity to enjoy tea with the Elite Ten Council—including the Tenth Seat Erina Nakiri, who participates alongside her first-year classmates. Though it is framed as a friendly introduction between nine promising underclassmen and nine prestigious upperclassmen, Director Senzaemon Nakiri sees this meeting for what it is: a first encounter between the current reigning elite and their eventual usurpers. -- -- OVA - May 1, 2017 -- 125,039 7.51
Sidonia no Kishi: Ai Tsumugu Hoshi -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Space Mecha Seinen -- Sidonia no Kishi: Ai Tsumugu Hoshi Sidonia no Kishi: Ai Tsumugu Hoshi -- After the Earth was destroyed by mysterious alien lifeforms known as the Gauna, surviving remnants of the human race escaped to space in the enormous generation ship Sidonia. Having drifted through space for millennia, the Sidonia found itself once more under attack from Gauna for the first time in a century. -- -- Once again facing the threat of extinction, a temporary victory against the Gauna was eked out thanks to the human-Gauna hybrid Tsumugi Shiraui and ace Guardian mech pilot Nagate Tanikaze. -- -- 10 years later... The people of Sidonia enjoy a brief respite. Peaceful days pass, during which Tsumugi begins to realize her feelings for Nagate, who is now celebrated as a hero of Sidonia. However, as Captain Kobayashi has always known, as long as the Gauna remain, peace cannot last. -- -- The decision is made: a final battle, upon which rests the fate of humanity's last survivors. As the end approaches, will the crew be able to protect those they love? -- -- (Source: Polygon Pictures) -- Movie - May 14, 2021 -- 17,557 N/A -- -- Muteki Kanban Musume -- -- Telecom Animation Film -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Martial Arts Parody Shounen -- Muteki Kanban Musume Muteki Kanban Musume -- Miki Onimaru is a poster girl that works at her mother's Chinese ramen restaurant. She appears to be a normal girl, but she can become very violent if provoked. She picks a fight with her mother and accquaintances as a result on an almost daily basis, causing a series of troubling mishaps in their otherwise normal lives. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Jul 5, 2006 -- 17,514 7.10
Sidonia no Kishi: Ai Tsumugu Hoshi -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Space Mecha Seinen -- Sidonia no Kishi: Ai Tsumugu Hoshi Sidonia no Kishi: Ai Tsumugu Hoshi -- After the Earth was destroyed by mysterious alien lifeforms known as the Gauna, surviving remnants of the human race escaped to space in the enormous generation ship Sidonia. Having drifted through space for millennia, the Sidonia found itself once more under attack from Gauna for the first time in a century. -- -- Once again facing the threat of extinction, a temporary victory against the Gauna was eked out thanks to the human-Gauna hybrid Tsumugi Shiraui and ace Guardian mech pilot Nagate Tanikaze. -- -- 10 years later... The people of Sidonia enjoy a brief respite. Peaceful days pass, during which Tsumugi begins to realize her feelings for Nagate, who is now celebrated as a hero of Sidonia. However, as Captain Kobayashi has always known, as long as the Gauna remain, peace cannot last. -- -- The decision is made: a final battle, upon which rests the fate of humanity's last survivors. As the end approaches, will the crew be able to protect those they love? -- -- (Source: Polygon Pictures) -- Movie - May 14, 2021 -- 17,557 N/A -- -- Tytania -- -- Artland -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Military Psychological Romance Sci-Fi Space -- Tytania Tytania -- One Man vs. an Empire! Through fear and conquest, the Empire of Valdana holds the future of most of human space within its iron hands, and for generations, those hands have belonged to the Landless Lords of the ruling Tytania dynasty. -- -- But now the foundation of the empire is crumbling, pockets of rebellion are forming and when a mission sent to punish the city-state of Euriya is shockingly defeated, the man responsible becomes the target of a galaxy-wide manhunt! -- -- For Fan Hyurlick, architect of Tytania's first defeat, glory becomes desperation as his own side betrays him. Now Fan must not only save his own life, but somehow turn the tables on opponents who have whole worlds to command! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 9, 2008 -- 17,546 6.83
Slayers Gorgeous -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Slayers Gorgeous Slayers Gorgeous -- Sorceresses Lina Inverse and Naga the Serpent are enjoying a meal in a villiage when the residents suddenly retreat indoors and two armies - one of men and one of a young girl and a tribe of dragons. Although the ruler of the town originally tries to convince Lina that this is because of a dark legacy, in truth the dragon army is led by his daughter and their battles are over her allowance. Lina agrees to help the ruler while Naga joins his daughter, Marlene. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Aug 1, 1998 -- 16,918 7.33
SoniAni: Super Sonico The Animation -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Other -- Music Slice of Life -- SoniAni: Super Sonico The Animation SoniAni: Super Sonico The Animation -- Super Sonico is a clutzy, adorable, and well-endowed 18-year old girl. She's a complete sucker for anything cute, especially stray cats, all of which she giddily adopts. However, though Sonico should be enjoying a carefree and simple lifestyle as a young college student, her life is really anything but easy: she must balance being a professional model, working part-time at her grandmother's restaurant, and practicing guitar and performing concerts with her friends Suzu Fujimi and Fuuri Watanuki in their band, First Astronomical Velocity—all while attending college. SoniAni: Super Sonico the Animation follows Sonico as she faces daunting challenges in her search for her place in the world, even when her days are brimming with love and happiness. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 6, 2014 -- 71,796 6.09
Sora no Otoshimono: Forte -- -- AIC ASTA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance Sci-Fi Shounen Supernatural -- Sora no Otoshimono: Forte Sora no Otoshimono: Forte -- Sakurai Tomoki has settled into his life with the two angeloids, Ikaros and Nymph, and is enjoying himself immensely. However, he keeps having weird dreams and asks all of his friends to help him investigate the cause. -- -- Nymph conjures up a device that enables people, but not angeloids, to enter other people's dreams. The device malfunctions at first but eventually they get to what was supposed to be Tomoki's dream but discover that something is very wrong with it. -- -- Later, a meteor comes crashing down from the skies at the site of the large cherry blossom tree where Tomoki first discovered Ikaros. An extremely well endowed blonde angeloid with a huge sword emerges from the meteor and sets off in search of Tomoki! -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 2, 2010 -- 250,734 7.53
Sora no Otoshimono: Forte -- -- AIC ASTA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance Sci-Fi Shounen Supernatural -- Sora no Otoshimono: Forte Sora no Otoshimono: Forte -- Sakurai Tomoki has settled into his life with the two angeloids, Ikaros and Nymph, and is enjoying himself immensely. However, he keeps having weird dreams and asks all of his friends to help him investigate the cause. -- -- Nymph conjures up a device that enables people, but not angeloids, to enter other people's dreams. The device malfunctions at first but eventually they get to what was supposed to be Tomoki's dream but discover that something is very wrong with it. -- -- Later, a meteor comes crashing down from the skies at the site of the large cherry blossom tree where Tomoki first discovered Ikaros. An extremely well endowed blonde angeloid with a huge sword emerges from the meteor and sets off in search of Tomoki! -- TV - Oct 2, 2010 -- 250,734 7.53
Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru -- On a whim, first-year Ayumu Tanaka quits the Kendo Club to join the illegitimate Shogi Club. Urushi Yaotome, the president of the club and a master of shogi, is thrilled to finally have a playing partner. As Ayumu's upperclassman, Urushi endeavors to be his shogi mentor and student role model. Too often, however, she finds herself blushing with embarrassment! Stone-faced and honest, Ayumu sees no issue with calling Urushi "cute." Although Ayumu likes her, he refrains from confessing and promises himself to first beat her in a game of shogi. -- -- Through school life and shogi games, the two students have many hilarious and heart-warming adventures. Ayumu enjoys every second with Urushi, but he is still a long way from beating her in shogi. With the commitment he made to himself, will Ayumu ever get the chance to confess his feelings to Urushi? -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2022 -- 8,907 N/A -- -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear G: Senki Zesshou Shinai Symphogear -- -- Satelight -- 2 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear G: Senki Zesshou Shinai Symphogear Senki Zesshou Symphogear G: Senki Zesshou Shinai Symphogear -- Original short episodes featuring characters in super-deformed style. -- Special - Feb 5, 2014 -- 8,885 6.85
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Movie 2: Lagann-hen -- -- Gainax -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi Space Super Power -- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Movie 2: Lagann-hen Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Movie 2: Lagann-hen -- Humans have enjoyed their lavish, peaceful, and prosperous lives for seven years since the day the almighty Spiral King was defeated—the day they reclaimed their homeland, Earth. However, the boon of this lifestyle leaves them unprepared when an unknown, hostile threat arises due to the ever-growing human population. This calamity is the Anti-Spiral—a fearsome enemy with unparalleled power. -- -- As the Spiral King's prognosis postulating the destruction of "The Spiral's World" begins to come true, the pieces are in place, and Team Dai-Gurren is ready. With his late brother's hope to see a better future for mankind, Simon—along with Nia Teppelin and the rest of the team—is determined to overthrow the mighty Anti-Spiral in order to revive humanity's lost hope. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Apr 22, 2009 -- 173,536 8.57
Tensura Nikki: Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken -- -- 8bit -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Tensura Nikki: Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken Tensura Nikki: Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken -- "Dear diary... I got reincarnated as a slime." -- -- Even in another world, lives aren't always on the line. There's plenty of work to be done, from feeding the community and forging the items the community needs; as well as plenty of play ...and hijinks throughout! Join Rimuru and friends as they kick back and enjoy their daily lives. -- -- (Source: Kodansha Comics) -- 134,409 7.60
Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Drama Romance -- Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta -- In order to uncover the "end of the sky," as spoken of in ancient mythology, Kal-el Albus is sent to Isla, an island in the sky. There he attends Cadoques High's Aerial Division, where he enjoys a carefree life with his schoolmates. That is...until a surprise attack by the air tribe drags Isla into a bloody war. -- -- (Source: NIS America) -- TV - Jan 6, 2014 -- 87,731 7.18
Tokyo Ghoul: "Pinto" -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Drama Horror Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Tokyo Ghoul: "Pinto" Tokyo Ghoul: "Pinto" -- Shuu Tsukiyama is a "ghoul": a creature who eats human flesh, and he likes to enjoy his meals to the fullest. One night, while relishing in the premeditated murder of his dinner, Shuu's much anticipated first bite is disturbed by a sudden flash of light. -- -- The flash turns out to be from the camera of high schooler Chie Hori, who presents Shuu with the perfect picture capturing his true nature; the extremely clear shot of a bloody corpse and an overly excited Shuu threatens to expose his ghoul identity, thus Shuu needs to sort out this situation quickly. -- -- After Shuu discovers that Chie attends the same high school as him and is even in the same class, the reason behind his feelings of obsession changes from self-preservation to morbid curiosity. As he grows closer to the absent-minded and extremely odd photographer, he challenges them both to learn more about each other's conflicting worlds; Shuu promises that Chie will come out of this experience with a photograph superior to the one she already has. -- -- OVA - Dec 25, 2015 -- 158,029 7.25
Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Ni-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desu ka? OVA -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy -- Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Ni-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desu ka? OVA Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Ni-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desu ka? OVA -- Unaired 13th episode. -- -- To thank the group for all their hard work in the past, Shirase invites the party to enjoy the sunny beach. While enjoying the wonderful weather and pristine waters, an accident causes Masato to lose all his memories, including those of Mamako! -- -- (Source: Funimation) -- OVA - Mar 25, 2020 -- 29,524 6.05
Uchi no Ko no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamo Shirenai. -- -- Maho Film -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy Slice of Life -- Uchi no Ko no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamo Shirenai. Uchi no Ko no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamo Shirenai. -- Eighteen-year-old Dale Reki is a skilled, kind, and respected traveller, acknowledged as one of the leading adventurers in the city of Kreuz. One day while on the hunt for magical beasts, he comes across a sweet devil girl named Latina. She is alone, dressed in rags, and bears the devils' symbol of a criminal: a broken horn. Concerned for her wellbeing, Dale decides to ensure Latina's safety by bringing her to his home, eventually leading to him adopting her. -- -- Latina is sweet, innocent and compassionate, charming Dale beyond his expectations. He begins to enjoy the life of parenthood— experiencing the trials that come with raising a child and coping with the heartache he feels whenever his busy lifestyle as an adventurer parts him from her. -- -- Although work and life as a new parent become reassuring constants for Dale, the mysteries surrounding the girl remain. Why was Latina alone in the forest, and why does she harbor the symbol of a criminal? At the same time, Latina also begins to learn about the world and herself as she adjusts to her new life with Dale. -- -- 138,657 7.05
Uchuu no Hou: Reimei-hen -- -- HS Pictures Studio -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space -- Uchuu no Hou: Reimei-hen Uchuu no Hou: Reimei-hen -- University students, Ray, Anna, Tyler, Halle, and Eisuke are enjoying college life and pursuing their dreams, but in reality, They have a secret mission, to fight against invading Reptilians from outer space. One day, Ray travels back in time to 330 million years ago on Earth, to find his missing friend Tyler who has fallen into a trap set by the evil alien, Dahar. During that time, Alpha, the God of the Earth, was planning to create a new civilization on Earth and invited Queen Zamza and her fellow Reptilian from the planet Zeta, to Earth. -- -- What is the intention of Dahar? What will happen to Ray and Tyler? -- -- And what is “the plan of the God of the Earth"? -- -- (Source: Eleven Arts) -- Movie - Oct 12, 2018 -- 1,370 5.42
Umezu Kazuo no Noroi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Horror -- Umezu Kazuo no Noroi Umezu Kazuo no Noroi -- "Do not toy with the supernatural." -- -- Two stories of the consequences that descend upon humans who venture beyond the safe confines of their ordinary worlds. -- -- When a gorgeous girl named Rima transfers into Masami's class, she's not only jealous, but also deathly frightened of her. While the boys in class are tripping all over themselves to get to Rima, Masami's having nightmares of a ghastly visitor and finding scars on her body come morning. She asks a friend to help her get evidence to confirm her suspicions about the new girl. But if a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must be worth far more. The truth can set you free, but it can also be more terrifying than anything you can imagine. -- -- Shy Miko and her more outgoing friend Nanako are enjoying their summer vacation, trying to make the most of their youth. But when horror-movie marathons just aren't thrilling enough, Nanako sets her eyes on a new target: an abandoned mansion at the edge of town, said to be haunted. With two other friends in tow, a reluctant Miko and a gung-ho Nanako enter the mansion. Soon, everything that can go wrong starts going wrong. Only luck or a miracle will allow them manage to escape the mansion with their lives, their sanity, and even their sense of reality. -- -- (Source: Hanako) -- OVA - Mar 1, 1990 -- 5,203 6.14
Usakame -- -- Millepensee -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Sports Shounen -- Usakame Usakame -- The girls of the Usakame High tennis club, Tanaka Kinako, Suzuki Ayako, Sato Kurumi, and Nishiarai-Taishi Nishi, pursue their various dreams... This high school comedy kind of thing starts now. Usakame, the official rival of the high intensity comedy Teekyuu, depicts the mostly ordinary but slightly strange daily lives of four girls who devote themselves to practice. All members of Earth Star Dream, an Earth Star Entertainment idol unit of nationally famous voice actors, appear in the show! Sit back, relax, and enjoy Teekyuu's rival Usakame. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- 10,521 5.79
Wakako-zake -- -- Office DCI -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Seinen Slice of Life -- Wakako-zake Wakako-zake -- Murasaki Wakako, who is 26 years old, loves going out alone to enjoy eating and drinking, especially when something unpleasant happens at work. This anime follows Wakako through many solitary outings, where she enjoys different combinations of food and drink! -- -- (Source: MangaHelpers, edited) -- 33,778 6.64
Wasurenagumo -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Supernatural -- Wasurenagumo Wasurenagumo -- Legend says that centuries ago, a colossal spider ravaged Tokyo. Resistance was futile, as none could quell the havoc wrought upon the city by the beast. Fortunately, one man—the legendary exorcist—stopped the devastation. Using his divine powers, he sealed the monster away and the world has enjoyed peace ever since. -- -- Mizuki Henmi is an adolescent girl who is acquainted with Shu Suzuri, a dull young man who runs an old Japanese bookstore. During a routine visit to his store, Mizuki learns of a mysterious and valuable book that Shu is planning to sell. Unfortunately, the unrestrained Mizuki handles the book roughly, breaking the seal that kept it shut and revealing an odd entity—a cute spider. -- -- Wasurenagumo tells the story of Mizuki, Shu, and their seemingly harmless spider. However, ominous winds begin blowing. While Shu is infatued with his arachnid friend, Mizuki becomes wary of its every move… -- -- Movie - Mar 12, 2012 -- 30,107 7.09
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance School Shoujo -- Watashi ga Motete Dousunda Watashi ga Motete Dousunda -- Kae Serinuma is a very kind second-year high school student and a devoted otaku. A little known fact about her, though, is that she's obsessed with BL, or Boy's Love. Serinuma can't help but to fantasize about her male classmates falling for each other and enjoys imagining them together. A more known fact about Serinuma, however, is that she’s noticeably overweight. -- -- While watching her favorite show one day, Serinuma witnesses the death of her most beloved character. Utterly depressed, she can't muster up the energy to eat her meals, let alone attend school. After an entire week, she finally recovers. But now there's something unusual about her—during the time she refused to leave her room, she ended up losing a large amount of weight and has somehow become strikingly beautiful! -- -- Now catching the eye of everyone who sees her, she finds herself at the center of attention of four boys she has always known at her school. Though they all wish to spend time with her, Serinuma would much rather they spend time falling in love with one another. How will Serinuma deal with the four boys pursuing her BL-obsessed self? -- -- 314,418 7.08
Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! Special -- -- Doga Kobo -- 1 ep -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Shoujo Ai Slice of Life -- Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! Special Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! Special -- Hinata Hoshino, Hana Shirosaki, and Noa Himesaka are off to the countryside for a camping trip. At Hinata's behest, her elder sister, Miyako, reluctantly tags along. Seeing how gloomy Miyako is, the trio do their best to get her to enjoy herself too. -- -- Besides the camping trip, Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! Special contains three more short stories of the girls. Although their lives seem normal, one thing is certain: there is definitely no shortage of cuteness here! -- -- Special - May 24, 2019 -- 22,031 7.28
W: Wish -- -- Picture Magic, Trinet Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Harem Romance School Slice of Life -- W: Wish W: Wish -- Based on a game by Princess Soft -- -- The main character, Junna has a twin sister Senna. He is an ordinal student of an elite school. However, in the past, a traffic accident deprived him of his parents and his memory. Junna survived the accident, and he has lived only with his sister though he has been looked after by his relatives. -- -- And present... -- The life with Senna in the same high school is so pleasant that he can forget the severe past. Because he has been in the world where there is only Senna, his lives in this town, such as the beginning of a new life, new environments, and the meetings, are so refreshing. -- -- However, he begins to recall the memories he lost in the accident. Though he enjoys happy and pleasant days, he is tossed by the past, the present, and the future. What is the truth hidden in his memory? -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Oct 3, 2004 -- 13,847 6.18
xxxHOLiC Shunmuki -- -- Production I.G -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Comedy Psychological Supernatural Drama -- xxxHOLiC Shunmuki xxxHOLiC Shunmuki -- For the appropriate price, your dearest wish can be granted at the shop of the peculiar Yuuko. Kimihiro Watanuki wishes to be rid of his ability to see spirits, and so as payment, he works for Yuuko doing whatever she needs him to do, from cleaning to errands to even helping out Yuuko's other clients. In xxxHOLiC Shunmuki, Watanuki and his friend and rival Shizuka Doumeki enjoy a meal with their friend Kohane Tsuyuri and her grandmother, reminiscing about how they have changed since meeting each other. -- -- Later on, Watanuki has a dream in which he is visited by Doumeki's grandfather Haruka, who needs him to find some things in the family temple storeroom. Accompanied by Doumeki, he finds that this task is more akin to a treasure hunt, with each item leading them to another, and another, guiding them to an unexpected yet inevitable ending. -- -- OVA - Feb 17, 2009 -- 60,014 8.07
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku OVA -- -- feel. -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance School -- Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku OVA Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku OVA -- After accepting a weekend invitation, Hachiman Hikigaya accompanies Isshiki Iroha around the Chiba Prefecture to brainstorm ideas suitable for an ideal date with Hayato Hayama. As the duo wanders from place to place without a plan, they seemingly enjoy each other's company. Yet, through these straightforward and sincere interactions, the meaning behind what it means to be genuine continues to intrigue Hachiman and his outlook for the future of the Volunteer Service Club and its members. -- -- OVA - Oct 27, 2016 -- 180,933 8.07
Yama no Susume: Third Season -- -- 8bit -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Slice of Life -- Yama no Susume: Third Season Yama no Susume: Third Season -- Aoi and Hinata are childhood friends. Aoi prefers staying indoors and is afraid of heights, whereas Hinata is outgoing and loves mountaineering. They both decide to climb a mountain in order to see a sunrise they saw together when they were younger. -- -- In the coming third season, they enjoy hiking beautiful mountains with colored leaves and the story gets even more colorful when they become friends with local school girls!! -- -- (Source: Yomiuri TV Enterprise) -- 17,080 7.56
Yami Shibai 6 -- -- ILCA -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Horror Supernatural -- Yami Shibai 6 Yami Shibai 6 -- Late at night, in a clearing within a dark fog-filled forest, there sits a kamishibai storyboard. A visitor approaches, and suddenly, the fog recedes. A shape begins to take form beside the board—this figure is the masked Storyteller, who once again starts to spin tales of horror and despair. -- -- The events described in these macabre tales might happen to anyone, even your neighbors or friends: a group of girls bully one of their members in a cave, only to find themselves the victims of a dark presence; a boy with scopophobia moves to the countryside, but he still cannot escape the eyes of others; a man has a window that won't stay closed, and is the recipient of strange phone calls; and a salaryman steals an umbrella on a rainy day, but this seemingly insignificant act leads to consequences he never expected. Visitors may enjoy the Storyteller's offerings, but they should also be vigilant so that they don't wind up as the subjects of his next story. -- -- 14,635 6.15
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou: Quiet Country Cafe -- -- Ajia-Do -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life Seinen -- Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou: Quiet Country Cafe Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou: Quiet Country Cafe -- In the near-future Japan, global warming has brought the large city Yokohama underwater, and only the hills remain above the ocean surface. What used to be one of the largest cities in Japan now feels like a small town. Basically, the existence of the island country itself has been threatened. However, there is no feeling of desperation, devastation, nor hopelessness. People are enjoying laid-back lives, and they seem to appreciate each other's company, enjoying the quiet and peaceful time together. -- -- This is especially so with Alpha, a carefree young woman who runs a cafe, named Cafe Alpha. She enjoys her life immersing herself in the beautiful nature all around her. There is nothing more precious to her than spending quality time with her kind friends. Oh, the fulfillment and the joy she finds in life... it all indicates her to be a compassionate human being, but she is not quite a human. She is actually a type A7M2 robot. -- -- One day, upon hearing a radio forecast warning an approaching typhoon, her old friend who lives close by invites her to the gas station he runs, worried that her old cafe may not withstand the typhoon. Indeed, the passing of typhoon leaves Alpha with her cafe severely damaged. That's when she decides to go on a journey to raise money to rebuild her cafe, and also to see the outside world away from her friends and the comfort of a peaceful life. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Dec 18, 2002 -- 15,050 7.15
Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e (TV) -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Psychological Drama School -- Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e (TV) Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e (TV) -- On the surface, Koudo Ikusei Senior High School is a utopia. The students enjoy an unparalleled amount of freedom, and it is ranked highly in Japan. However, the reality is less than ideal. Four classes, A through D, are ranked in order of merit, and only the top classes receive favorable treatment. -- -- Kiyotaka Ayanokouji is a student of Class D, where the school dumps its worst. There he meets the unsociable Suzune Horikita, who believes she was placed in Class D by mistake and desires to climb all the way to Class A, and the seemingly amicable class idol Kikyou Kushida, whose aim is to make as many friends as possible. -- -- While class membership is permanent, class rankings are not; students in lower ranked classes can rise in rankings if they score better than those in the top ones. Additionally, in Class D, there are no bars on what methods can be used to get ahead. In this cutthroat school, can they prevail against the odds and reach the top? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 636,343 7.84
Yuru Camp△ -- -- C-Station -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Yuru Camp△ Yuru Camp△ -- While the perfect getaway for most girls her age might be a fancy vacation with their loved ones, Rin Shima's ideal way of spending her days off is camping alone at the base of Mount Fuji. From pitching her tent to gathering firewood, she has always done everything by herself, and has no plans of leaving her little solitary world. -- -- However, what starts off as one of Rin's usual camping sessions somehow ends up as a surprise get-together for two when the lost Nadeshiko Kagamihara is forced to take refuge at her campsite. Originally intending to see the picturesque view of Mount Fuji for herself, Nadeshiko's plans are disrupted when she ends up falling asleep partway to her destination. Alone and with no other choice, she seeks help from the only other person nearby. Despite their hasty introductions, the two girls nevertheless enjoy the chilly night together, eating ramen and conversing while the campfire keeps them warm. And even after Nadeshiko's sister finally picks her up later that night, both girls silently ponder the possibility of another camping trip together. -- -- 332,880 8.27
Yuru Yuri♪♪ -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Shoujo Ai -- Yuru Yuri♪♪ Yuru Yuri♪♪ -- The girls of the Amusement Club return in Yuru Yuri♪♪, finding new ways to make passing time even more enjoyable. Their members consist of the always energetic Kyouko Toshinou; calm and sensible Yui Funami; polite but often overlooked Akari Akaza; and Chinatsu Yoshikawa, who stumbled upon the others while looking for the Tea Ceremony Club. Together they are the Amusement Club, which has the deceptively simple task of keeping its members entertained. -- -- Along with the Student Council and the odd family member, they strive to enjoy their youth to the fullest. Whether it's a trip to a hot spring or finishing overdue homework, their lives are never dull, and they will always find an excuse to spend time together. -- -- TV - Jul 3, 2012 -- 153,305 7.85
Yuru Yuri, -- -- Lay-duce -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Shoujo Ai -- Yuru Yuri, Yuru Yuri, -- Akari Akaza, Chinatsu Yoshikawa, Kyouko Toshinou, and Yui Funami return to commemorate an exciting occasion! Despite their initial bizarre celebration ideas, they decide to hold a party at their Amusement Club room. With the help of friends from the Student Council, they start preparing for the big day—with a surprise planned for a special someone. -- -- Join the girls as they work together to create an enjoyable and memorable party, all the while interacting with one another with their cute and unique quirks. -- -- OVA - Sep 18, 2019 -- 21,463 7.67
Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho (Movie) -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Supernatural Martial Arts Shounen -- Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho (Movie) Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho (Movie) -- Yusuke Urameshi is not exactly what you'd call an angel. In fact, some might call him down right devilish. But when he dies in an accident trying to save a child, he finds himself in the Spirit World. Unfortunately for Yusuke, his name is not listed in the Book of Enma, which means it was one big mistake! So he should return from the Spirit World, but must pass a few tests first, and become a detective of the spiritual world. -- -- So now Yusuke works in the Spirit World as a half-dead, half-alive agent for Koenma, son of the ruler of the Spirit World. This position does have its disadvantages, especially when you're trying to enjoy your summer vacation and Koenma gets kidnapped! So now Yusuke must interrupt his summer fun to find Koenma and trade the Golden Seal of King Enma for his life. But if someone other then King Enma has the Golden Seal there will be chaos in the Spirit World! What's a half-dead spirit detective to do? -- -- With the aide of his closest allies, Yusuke sets off for Magma Valley, to save the life of the one who saved his, and find out who's at the bottom of this evil conspiracy. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Media Blasters -- Movie - Jul 10, 1993 -- 24,728 6.82
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