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object:2.02 - Brahman, Purusha, Ishwara - Maya, Prakriti, Shakti
book class:The Life Divine

Chapter II - Brahman, Purusha, Ishwara - Maya, Prakriti, Shakti

  It is there in beings indivisible and as if divided.Gita.1

  Brahman, the Truth, the Knowledge, the Infinite. Taittiriya Upanishad.2

  Know Purusha and Prakriti to be both eternal without beginning. Gita.3

  One must know Maya as Prakriti and the Master of Maya as the great Lord of all. Swetaswatara Upanishad.4

  It is the might of the Godhead in the world that turns the wheel of Brahman. Him one must know, the supreme Lord of all lords, the supreme Godhead above all godheads. Supreme too is his Shakti and manifold the natural working of her knowledge and her force. One Godhead, occult in all beings, the inner Self of all beings, the all-pervading, absolute without qualities, the overseer of all actions, the witness, the knower. Swetaswatara Upanishad.5

THERE is then a supreme Reality eternal, absolute and infinite. Because it is absolute and infinite, it is in its essence indeterminable. It is indefinable and inconceivable by finite and defining Mind; it is ineffable by a mind-created speech; it is describable neither by our negations, neti neti, for we cannot limit it by saying it is not this, it is not that, - nor by our affirmations, for we cannot fix it by saying it is this, it is that, iti iti. And yet, though in this way unknowable to us, it is not altogether and in every way unknowable; it is selfevident to itself and, although inexpressible, yet self-evident to a knowledge by identity of which the spiritual being in us must be capable; for that spiritual being is in its essence and its original and intimate reality not other than this Supreme Existence.

But although thus indeterminable to Mind, because of its absoluteness and infinity, we discover that this Supreme and Eternal Infinite determines itself to our consciousness in the universe by real and fundamental truths of its being which are beyond the universe and in it and are the very foundation of its existence. These truths present themselves to our conceptual cognition as the fundamental aspects in which we see and experience the omnipresent Reality. In themselves they are seized directly, not by intellectual understanding but by a spiritual intuition, a spiritual experience in the very substance of our consciousness; but they can also be caught at in conception by a large and plastic idea and can be expressed in some sort by a plastic speech which does not insist too much on rigid definition or limit the wideness and subtlety of the idea. In order to express this experience or this idea with any nearness a language has to be created which is at once intuitively metaphysical and revealingly poetic, admitting significant and living images as the vehicle of a close, suggestive and vivid indication, - a language such as we find hammered out into a subtle and pregnant massiveness in the Veda and the Upanishads. In the ordinary tongue of metaphysical thought we have to be content with a distant indication, an approximation by abstractions, which may still be of some service to our intellect, for it is this kind of speech which suits our method of logical and rational understanding; but if it is to be of real service, the intellect must consent to pass out of the bounds of a finite logic and accustom itself to the logic of the Infinite. On this condition alone, by this way of seeing and thinking, it ceases to be paradoxical or futile to speak of the Ineffable: but if we insist on applying a finite logic to the Infinite, the omnipresent Reality will escape us and we shall grasp instead an abstract shadow, a dead form petrified into speech or a hard incisive graph which speaks of the Reality but does not express it. Our way of knowing must be appropriate to that which is to be known; otherwise we achieve only a distant speculation, a figure of knowledge and not veritable knowledge.

The supreme Truth-aspect which thus manifests itself to us is an eternal and infinite and absolute self-existence, self-awareness, self-delight of being; this founds all things and secretly supports and pervades all things. This Self-existence reveals itself again in three terms of its essential nature, self, conscious being or spirit, and God or the Divine Being. The Indian terms are more satisfactory, Brahman the Reality is Atman, Purusha, Ishwara; for these terms grew from a root of Intuition and, while they have a comprehensive preciseness, are capable of a plastic application which avoids both vagueness in the use and the rigid snare of a too limiting intellectual concept.

The Supreme Brahman is that which in Western metaphysics is called the Absolute: but Brahman is at the same time the omnipresent Reality in which all that is relative exists as its forms or its movements; this is an Absolute which takes all relativities in its embrace. The Upanishads affirm that all this is the Brahman; Mind is Brahman, Life is Brahman, Matter is Brahman; addressing Vayu, the Lord of Air, of Life, it is said "O Vayu, thou art manifest Brahman"; and, pointing to man and beast and bird and insect, each separately is identified with the One, "O Brahman, thou art this old man and boy and girl, this bird, this insect." Brahman is the Consciousness that knows itself in all that exists; Brahman is the Force that sustains the power of God and Titan and Demon, the Force that acts in man and animal and the forms and energies of Nature; Brahman is the Ananda, the secret Bliss of existence which is the ether of our being and without which none could brea the or live. Brahman is the inner Soul in all; it has taken a form in correspondence with each created form which it inhabits. The Lord of Beings is that which is conscious in the conscious being, but he is also the Conscious in inconscient things, the One who is master and in control of the many that are passive in the hands of ForceNature. He is the Timeless and Time; He is Space and all that is in Space; He is Causality and the cause and the effect: He is the thinker and his thought, the warrior and his courage, the gambler and his dice-throw. All realities and all aspects and all semblances are the Brahman; Brahman is the Absolute, the Transcendent and incommunicable, the Supracosmic Existence that sustains the cosmos, the Cosmic Self that upholds all beings, but It is too the self of each individual: the soul or psychic entity is an eternal portion of the Ishwara; it is his supreme Nature or Consciousness-Force that has become the living being in a world of living beings. The Brahman alone is, and because of It all are, for all are the Brahman; this Reality is the reality of everything that we see in Self and Nature. Brahman, the Ishwara, is all this by his Yoga-Maya, by the power of his Consciousness-Force put out in self-manifestation: he is the Conscious Being, Soul, Spirit, Purusha, and it is by his Nature, the force of his conscious self-existence that he is all things; he is the Ishwara, the omniscient and omnipotent All-ruler, and it is by his Shakti, his conscious Power, that he manifests himself in Time and governs the universe. These and similar statements taken together are all-comprehensive: it is possible for the mind to cut and select, to build a closed system and explain away all that does not fit within it; but it is on the complete and many-sided statement that we must take our stand if we have to acquire an integral knowledge.

An absolute, eternal and infinite Self-existence, Self-awareness, Self-delight of being that secretly supports and pervades the universe even while it is also beyond it, is, then, the first truth of spiritual experience. But this truth of being has at once an impersonal and a personal aspect; it is not only Existence, it is the one Being absolute, eternal and infinite. As there are three fundamental aspects in which we meet this Reality, Self, Conscious Being or Spirit and God, the Divine Being, or to use the Indian terms, the absolute and omnipresent Reality, Brahman, manifest to us as Atman, Purusha, Ishwara, - so too its power of Consciousness appears to us in three aspects: it is the self-force of that consciousness conceptively creative of all things, Maya; it is Prakriti, Nature or Force made dynamically executive, working out all things under the witnessing eye of the Conscious Being, the Self or Spirit; it is the conscious Power of the Divine Being, Shakti, which is both conceptively creative and dynamically executive of all the divine workings. These three aspects and their powers base and comprise the whole of existence and all Nature and, taken together as a single whole, they reconcile the apparent disparateness and incompatibility of the supracosmic Transcendence, the cosmic universality and the separativeness of our individual existence; the Absolute, cosmic Nature and ourselves are linked in oneness by this triune aspect of the one Reality. For taken by itself the existence of the Absolute, the Supreme Brahman, would be a contradiction of the relative universe and our own real existence would be incompatible with its sole incommunicable Reality. But the Brahman is at the same time omnipresent in all relativities; it is the Absolute independent of all relatives, the Absolute basing all relatives, the Absolute governing, pervading, constituting all relatives; there is nothing that is not the omnipresent Reality. In observing the triple aspect and the triple power we come to see how this is possible.

If we look at this picture of the Self-Existence and its works as a unitary unlimited whole of vision, it stands together and imposes itself by its convincing totality: but to the analysis of the logical intellect it offers an abundance of difficulties, such as all attempts to erect a logical system out of a perception of an illimitable Existence must necessarily create; for any such endeavour must either effect consistency by an arbitrary sectioning of the complex truth of things or else by its comprehensiveness become logically untenable. For we see that the Indeterminable determines itself as infinite and finite, the Immutable admits a constant mutability and endless differences, the One becomes an innumerable multitude, the Impersonal creates or supports personality, is itself a Person; the Self has a nature and is yet other than its nature; Being turns into becoming and yet it is always itself and other than its becomings; the Universal individualises itself and the Individual universalises himself; Brahman is at once void of qualities and capable of infinite qualities, the Lord and Doer of works, yet a non-doer and a silent witness of the workings of Nature. If we look carefully at these workings of Nature, once we put aside the veil of familiarity and our unthinking acquiescence in the process of things as natural because so they always happen, we discover that all she does in whole or in parts is a miracle, an act of some incomprehensible magic. The being of the Self-existence and the world that has appeared in it are, each of them and both together, a suprarational mystery. There seems to us to be a reason in things because the processes of the physical finite are consistent to our view and their law determinable, but this reason in things, when closely examined, seems to stumble at every moment against the irrational or infrarational and the suprarational: the consistency, the determinability of process seems to lessen rather than increase as we pass from matter to life and from life to mentality; if the finite consents to some extent to look as if it were rational, the infinitesimal refuses to be bound by the same laws and the infinite is unseizable. As for the action of the universe and its significance, it escapes us altogether; if Self, God or Spirit there be, his dealings with the world and us are incomprehensible, offer no clue that we can follow. God and Nature and even ourselves move in a mysterious way which is only partially and at points intelligible, but as a whole escapes our comprehension. All the works of Maya look like the production of a suprarational magical Power which arranges things according to its wisdom or its phantasy, but a wisdom which is not ours and a phantasy which baffles our imagination.

The Spirit that manifests things or manifests itself in them so obscurely, looks to our reason like a Magician and his power or Maya a creative magic: but magic can create illusions or it can create astounding realities, and we find it difficult to decide which of these suprarational processes faces us in this universe.

But, in fact, the cause of this impression must necessarily be sought not in anything illusory or fantastic in the Supreme or the universal Self-existence, but in our own inability to seize the supreme clue to its manifold existence or discover the secret plan and pattern of its action. The Self-existent is the Infinite and its way of being and of action must be the way of the Infinite, but our consciousness is limited, our reason built upon things finite: it is irrational to suppose that a finite consciousness and reason can be a measure of the Infinite; this smallness cannot judge that Immensity; this poverty bound to a limited use of its scanty means cannot conceive the opulent management of those riches; an ignorant half-knowledge cannot follow the motions of an All-Knowledge. Our reasoning is based upon our experience of the finite operations of physical Nature, on an incomplete observation and uncertain understanding of something that acts within limits; it has organised on that basis certain conceptions which it seeks to make general and universal, and whatever contradicts or departs from these conceptions it regards as irrational, false or inexplicable. But there are different orders of the reality and the conceptions, measures, standards suitable to one need not be applicable to another order. Our physical being is built first upon an aggregate of infinitesimals, electrons, atoms, molecules, cells; but the law of action of these infinitesimals does not explain all the physical workings even of the human body, much less can they cover all the law and process of action of man's supraphysical parts, his life movements and mind movements and soul movements. In the body finites have been formed with their own habits, properties, characteristic ways of action; the body itself is a finite which is not a mere aggregate of these smaller finites which it uses as parts, organs, constituent instruments of its operations; it has developed a being and has a general law which surpasses its dependence upon these elements or constituents. The life and mind again are supraphysical finites with a different and more subtle mode of operation of their own, and no dependence on the physical parts for instrumentation can annul their intrinsic character; there is something more and other in our vital and mental being and vital and mental forces than the functioning of a physical body. But, again, each finite is in its reality or has behind it an Infinite which has built and supports and directs the finite it has made as its self-figure; so that even the being and law and process of the finite cannot be totally understood without a knowledge of that which is occult within or behind it: our finite knowledge, conceptions, standards may be valid within their limits, but they are incomplete and relative. A law founded upon an observation of what is divided in Space and Time cannot be confidently applied to the being and action of the Indivisible; not only it cannot be applied to the spaceless and timeless Infinite, but it cannot be applied even to a Time Infinite or a Space Infinite. A law and process binding for our superficial being need not be binding on what is occult within us. Again our intellect, founding itself on reason, finds it difficult to deal with what is infrarational; life is infrarational and we find that our intellectual reason applying itself to life is constantly forcing upon it a control, a measure, an artificial procrustean rule that either succeeds in killing or petrifying life or constrains it into rigid forms and conventions that lame and imprison its capacity or ends by a bungle, a revolt of life, a decay or disruption of the systems and superstructures built upon it by our intelligence.

An instinct, an intuition is needed which the intellect has not at its comm and and does not always listen to when it comes in of itself to help the mental working. But still more difficult must it be for our reason to understand and deal with the suprarational; the suprarational is the realm of the spirit, and in the largeness, subtlety, profundity, complexity of its movement the reason is lost; here intuition and inner experience alone are the guide, or, if there is any other, it is that of which intuition is only a sharp edge, an intense projected ray, - the final enlightenment must come from the suprarational Truth-consciousness, from a supramental vision and knowledge.
But the being and action of the Infinite must not be therefore regarded as if it were a magic void of all reason; there is, on the contrary, a greater reason in all the operations of the Infinite, but it is not a mental or intellectual, it is a spiritual and supramental reason: there is a logic in it, because there are relations and connections infallibly seen and executed; what is magic to our finite reason is the logic of the Infinite. It is a greater reason, a greater logic because it is more vast, subtle, complex in its operations: it comprehends all the data which our observation fails to seize, it deduces from them results which neither our deduction nor
induction can anticipate, because our conclusions and inferences have a meagre foundation and are fallible and brittle. If we observe a happening, we judge and explain it from the result and from a glimpse of its most external constituents, circumstances or causes; but each happening is the outcome of a complex nexus of forces which we do not and cannot observe, because all forces are to us invisible, - but they are not invisible to the spiritual vision of the Infinite: some of them are actualities working to produce or occasion a new actuality, some are possibles that are near to the pre-existent actuals and in a way included in their aggregate; but there can intervene always new possibilities that suddenly become dynamic potentials and add themselves to the nexus, and behind all are imperatives or an imperative which these possibilities are labouring to actualise. Moreover, out of the same nexus of forces different results are possible; what will come out of them is determined by a sanction which was no doubt waiting and ready all the time but seems to come in rapidly to intervene and alter everything, a decisive divine imperative.
All this our reason cannot grasp because it is the instrument of an ignorance with a very limited vision and a small stock of accumulated and not always very certain or reliable knowledge and because too it has no means of direct awareness; for this is the difference between intuition and intellect, that intuition is born of a direct awareness while intellect is an indirect action of a knowledge which constructs itself with difficulty out of the unknown from signs and indications and gathered data. But what is not evident to our reason and senses, is self-evident to the Infinite Consciousness, and, if there is a Will of the Infinite, it must be a Will that acts in this full knowledge and is the perfect spontaneous result of a total self-evidence. It is neither a hampered evolutionary Force bound by what it has evolved nor an imaginative Will acting in the void upon a free caprice; it is the truth of the Infinite affirming itself in the determinations of the finite.

It is evident that such a Consciousness and Will need not act in harmony with the conclusions of our limited reason or according to a procedure familiar to it and approved of by our constructed notions or in subjection to an ethical reason working for a limited and fragmentary good; it might and does admit things deemed by our reason irrational and unethical because that was necessary for the final and total Good and for the working out of a cosmic purpose. What seems to us irrational or reprehensible in relation to a partial set of facts, motives, desiderata might be perfectly rational and approvable in relation to a much vaster motive and totality of data and desiderata.

Reason with its partial vision sets up constructed conclusions which it strives to turn into general rules of knowledge and action and it compels into its rule by some mental device or gets rid of what does not suit with it: an infinite Consciousness would have no such rules, it would have instead large intrinsic truths governing automatically conclusion and result, but adapting them differently and spontaneously to a different total of circumstances, so that by this pliability and free adaptation it might seem to the narrower faculty to have no standards whatever. In the same way, we cannot judge of the principle and dynamic operation of infinite being by the standards of finite existence, - what might be impossible for the one would be normal and self-evidently natural states and motives for the greater freer Reality. It is this that makes the difference between our fragmentary mind consciousness constructing integers out of its fractions and an essential and total consciousness, vision and knowledge. It is not indeed possible, so long as we are compelled to use reason as our main support, for it to abdicate altogether in favour of an undeveloped or half-organised intuition; but it is imperative on us in a consideration of the Infinite and its being and action to enforce on our reason an utmost plasticity and open it to an awareness of the larger states and possibilities of that which we are striving to consider. It will not do to apply our limited and limiting conclusions to That which is illimitable. If we concentrate only on one aspect and treat it as the whole, we illustrate the story of the blind men and the elephant; each of the blind inquirers touched a different part and concluded that the whole animal was some object resembling the part of which he had had the touch. An experience of some one aspect of the Infinite is valid in itself; but we cannot generalise from it that the Infinite is that alone, nor would it be safe to view the rest of the Infinite in the terms of that aspect and exclude all other view-points of spiritual experience. The Infinite is at once an essentiality, a boundless totality and a multitude; all these have to be known in order to know truly the Infinite. To see the parts alone and the totality not at all or only as a sum of the parts is a knowledge, but also at the same time an ignorance; to see the totality alone and ignore the parts is also a knowledge and at the same time an ignorance, for a part may be greater than the whole because it belongs to the transcendence; to see the essence alone because it takes us back straight towards the transcendence and negate the totality and the parts is a penultimate knowledge, but here too there is a capital ignorance. A whole knowledge must be there and the reason must become plastic enough to look at all sides, all aspects and seek through them for that in which they are one.

Thus too, if we see only the aspect of self, we may concentrate on its static silence and miss the dynamic truth of the Infinite; if we see only the Ishwara, we may seize the dynamic truth but miss the eternal status and the infinite silence, become aware of only dynamic being, dynamic consciousness, dynamic delight of being, but miss the pure existence, pure consciousness, pure bliss of being. If we concentrate on Purusha-Prakriti alone, we may see only the dichotomy of Soul and Nature, Spirit and Matter, and miss their unity. In considering the action of the Infinite we have to avoid the error of the disciple who thought of himself as the Brahman, refused to obey the warning of the elephant-driver to budge from the narrow path and was taken up by the elephant's trunk and removed out of the way; "You are no doubt the Brahman," said the master to his bewildered disciple, "but why did you not obey the driver Brahman and get out of the path of the elephant Brahman?" We must not commit the mistake of emphasising one side of the Truth and concluding from it or acting upon it to the exclusion of all other sides and aspects of the Infinite. The realisation "I am That" is true, but we cannot safely proceed on it unless we realise also that all is That; our self-existence is a fact, but we must also be aware of other selves, of the same Self in other beings and of That which exceeds both own-self and other-self. The Infinite is one in a multiplicity and its action is only seizable by a supreme Reason which regards all and acts as a one-awareness that observes itself in difference and respects its own differences, so that each thing and each being has its form of essential being and its form of dynamic nature, svarupa, svadharma, and all are respected in the total working. The knowledge and action of the Infinite is one in an unbound variability: it would be from the point of view of the infinite Truth equally an error to insist either on a sameness of action in all circumstances or on a diversity of action without any unifying truth and harmony behind the diversity. In our own principle of conduct, if we sought to act in this greater Truth, it would be equally an error to insist on our self alone or to insist on other selves alone; it is the Self of all on which we have to found a unity of action and a total, infinitely plastic yet harmonious diversity of action; for that is the nature of the working of the Infinite.

If we look from this view-point of a larger more plastic reason, taking account of the logic of the Infinite, at the difficulties which meet our intelligence when it tries to conceive the absolute and omnipresent Reality, we shall see that the whole difficulty is verbal and conceptual and not real. Our intelligence looks at its concept of the Absolute and sees that it must be indeterminable and at the same time it sees a world of determinations which emanates from the Absolute and exists in it, - for it can emanate from nowhere else and can exist nowhere else; it is further baffled by the affirmation, also hardly disputable on the premisses, that all these determinates are nothing else than this very indeterminable Absolute. But the contradiction disappears when we understand that the indeterminability is not in its true sense negative, not an imposition of incapacity on the Infinite, but positive, a freedom within itself from limitation by its own determinations and necessarily a freedom from all external determination by anything not itself, since there is no real possibility of such a not-self coming into existence. The Infinite is illimitably free, free to determine itself infinitely, free from all restraining effect of its own creations. In fact the Infinite does not create, it manifests what is in itself, in its own essence of reality; it is itself that essence of all reality and all realities are powers of that one Reality. The Absolute neither creates nor is created, - in the current sense of making or being made; we can speak of creation only in the sense of the Being becoming in form and movement what it already is in substance and status. Yet we have to emphasise its indeterminability in that special and positive sense, not as a negation but as an indispensable condition of its free infinite self-determination, because without that the Reality would be a fixed eternal determinate or else an indeterminate fixed and bound to a sum of possibilities of determination inherent within it. Its freedom from all limitation, from any binding by its own creation cannot be itself turned into a limitation, an absolute incapacity, a denial of all freedom of self-determination; it is this that would be a contradiction, it would be an attempt to define and limit by negation the infinite and illimitable. Into the central fact of the two sides of the nature of the Absolute, the essential and the self-creative or dynamic, no real contradiction enters; it is only a pure infinite essence that can formulate itself in infinite ways. One statement is complementary to the other, there is no mutual cancellation, no incompatibility; it is only the dual statement of a single inescapable fact by human reason in human language.

The same conciliation occurs everywhere, when we look with a straight and accurate look on the truth of the Reality. In our experience of it we become aware of an Infinite essentially free from all limitation by qualities, properties, features; on the other hand, we are aware of an Infinite teeming with innumerable qualities, properties, features. Here again the statement of illimitable freedom is positive, not negative; it does not negate what we see, but on the contrary provides the indispensable condition for it, it makes possible a free and infinite self-expression in quality and feature. A quality is the character of a power of conscious being; or we may say that the consciousness of being expressing what is in it makes the power it brings out recognisable by a native stamp on it which we call quality or character. Courage as a quality is such a power of being, it is a certain character of my consciousness expressing a formulated force of my being, bringing out or creating a definite kind of force of my nature in action. So too the power of a drug to cure is its property, a special force of being native to the herb or mineral from which it is produced, and this speciality is determined by the Real-Idea concealed in the involved consciousness which dwells in the plant or mineral; the idea brings out in it what was there at the root of its manifestation and has now come out thus empowered as the force of its being. All qualities, properties, features are such powers of conscious being thus put forth from itself by the Absolute; It has everything within It, It has the free power to put all forth;6 yet we cannot define the Absolute as a quality of courage or a power of healing, we cannot even say that these are a characteristic feature of the Absolute, nor can we make up a sum of qualities and say "that is the Absolute". But neither can we speak of the Absolute as a pure blank incapable of manifesting these things; on the contrary, all capacity is there, the powers of all qualities and characters are there inherent within it. The mind is in a difficulty because it has to say, "The Absolute or Infinite is none of these things, these things are not the Absolute or Infinite" and at the same time it has to say, "The Absolute is all these things, they are not something else than That, for That is the sole existence and the all-existence." Here it is evident that it is an undue finiteness of thought conception and verbal expression which creates the difficulty, but there is in reality none; for it would be evidently absurd to say that the Absolute is courage or curing-power, or to say that courage and curing-power are the Absolute, but it would be equally absurd to deny the capacity of the Absolute to put forth courage or curingpower as self-expressions in its manifestation. When the logic of the finite fails us, we have to see with a direct and unbound vision what is behind in the logic of the Infinite. We can then realise that the Infinite is infinite in quality, feature, power, but that no sum of qualities, features, powers can describe the Infinite.

6 The word for creation in Sanskrit means a loosing or putting forth of what is in the being.

We see that the Absolute, the Self, the Divine, the Spirit, the Being is One; the Transcendental is one, the Cosmic is one: but we see also that beings are many and each has a self, a spirit, a like yet different nature. And since the spirit and essence of things is one, we are obliged to admit that all these many must be that One, and it follows that the One is or has become many; but how can the limited or relative be the Absolute and how can man or beast or bird be the Divine Being? But in erecting this apparent contradiction the mind makes a double error. It is thinking in the terms of the mathematical finite unit which is sole in limitation, the one which is less than two and can become two only by division and fragmentation or by addition and multiplication; but this is an infinite Oneness, it is the essential and infinite Oneness which can contain the hundred and the thousand and the million and billion and trillion. Whatever astronomic or more than astronomic figures you heap and multiply, they cannot overpass or exceed that Oneness; for, in the language of the Upanishad, it moves not, yet is always far in front when you would pursue and seize it. It can be said of it that it would not be the infinite Oneness if it were not capable of an infinite multiplicity; but that does not mean that the One is plural or can be limited or described as the sum of the Many: on the contrary, it can be the infinite Many because it exceeds all limitation or description by multiplicity and exceeds at the same time all limitation by finite conceptual oneness. Pluralism is an error because, though there is the spiritual plurality, the many souls are dependent and interdependent existences; their sum also is not the One nor is it the cosmic totality; they depend on the One and exist by its Oneness: yet the plurality is not unreal, it is the One Soul that dwells as the individual in these many souls and they are eternal in the One and by the one Eternal.

This is difficult for the mental reason which makes an opposition between the Infinite and the finite and associates finiteness with plurality and infinity with oneness; but in the logic of the Infinite there is no such opposition and the eternity of the Many in the One is a thing that is perfectly natural and possible.

Again, we see that there is an infinite pure status and immobile silence of the Spirit; we see too that there is a boundless movement of the Spirit, a power, a dynamic spiritual all-containing self-extension of the Infinite. Our conceptions foist upon this perception, in itself valid and accurate, an opposition between the silence and status and the dynamis and movement, but to the reason and the logic of the Infinite there can be no such opposition. A solely silent and static Infinite, an Infinite without an infinite power and dynamis and energy is inadmissible except as the perception of an aspect; a powerless Absolute, an impotent Spirit is unthinkable: an infinite energy must be the dynamis of the Infinite, an all-power must be the potency of the Absolute, an illimitable force must be the force of the Spirit. But the silence, the status are the basis of the movement, an eternal immobility is the necessary condition, field, essence even, of the infinite mobility, a stable being is the condition and foundation of the vast action of the Force of being. It is when we arrive at something of this silence, stability, immobility that we can base on it a force and energy which in our superficial restless state would be inconceivable. The opposition we make is mental and conceptual; in reality, the silence of the Spirit and the dynamis of the Spirit are complementary truths and inseparable. The immutable silent Spirit may hold its infinite energy silent and immobile within it, for it is not bound by its own forces, is not their subject or instrument, but it does possess them, does release them, is capable of an eternal and infinite action, does not weary or need to stop, and yet all the time its silent immobility inherent in its action and movement is not for a moment shaken or disturbed or altered by its action and movement; the witness silence of the Spirit is there in the very grain of all the voices and workings of Nature. These things may be difficult for us to understand because our own surface finite capacity in either direction is limited and our conceptions are based on our limitations; but it should be easy to see that these relative and finite conceptions do not apply to the Absolute and Infinite.

Our conception of the Infinite is formlessness, but everywhere we see form and forms surrounding us and it can be and is affirmed of the Divine Being that he is at once Form and the Formless. For here too the apparent contradiction does not correspond to a real opposition; the Formless is not a negation of the power of formation, but the condition for the Infinite's free formation: for otherwise there would be a single Form or only a fixity or sum of possible forms in a finite universe. The formlessness is the character of the spiritual essence, the spirit-substance of the Reality; all finite realities are powers, forms, self-shapings of that substance: the Divine is formless and nameless, but by that very reason capable of manifesting all possible names and shapes of being. Forms are manifestations, not arbitrary inventions out of nothing; for line and colour, mass and design which are the essentials of form carry always in them a significance, are, it might be said, secret values and significances of an unseen reality made visible; it is for that reason that figure, line, hue, mass, composition can embody what would be otherwise unseen, can convey what would be otherwise occult to the sense. Form may be said to be the innate body, the inevitable self-revelation of the formless, and this is true not only of external shapes, but of the unseen formations of mind and life which we seize only by our thought and those sensible forms of which only the subtle grasp of the inner consciousness can become aware. Name in its deeper sense is not the word by which we describe the object, but the total of power, quality, character of the reality which a form of things embodies and which we try to sum up by a designating sound, a knowable name, Nomen. Nomen in this sense, we might say, is Numen; the secret Names of the Gods are their power, quality, character of being caught up by the consciousness and made conceivable. The Infinite is nameless, but in that namelessness all possible names, Numens of the gods, the names and forms of all realities, are already envisaged and prefigured, because they are there latent and inherent in the All-Existence.

It becomes clear from these considerations that the coexistence of the Infinite and the finite, which is the very nature of universal being, is not a juxtaposition or mutual inclusion of two opposites, but as natural and inevitable as the relation of the principle of Light and Fire with the suns. The finite is a frontal aspect and a self-determination of the Infinite; no finite can exist in itself and by itself, it exists by the Infinite and because it is of one essence with the Infinite. For by the Infinite we do not mean solely an illimitable self-extension in Space and Time, but something that is also spaceless and timeless, a selfexistent Indefinable and Illimitable which can express itself in the infinitesimal as well as in the vast, in a second of time, in a point of space, in a passing circumstance. The finite is looked upon as a division of the Indivisible, but there is no such thing: for this division is only apparent; there is a demarcation, but no real separation is possible. When we see with the inner vision and sense and not with the physical eye a tree or other object, what we become aware of is an infinite one Reality constituting the tree or object, pervading its every atom and molecule, forming them out of itself, building the whole nature, process of becoming, operation of indwelling energy; all of these are itself, are this infinite, this Reality: we see it extending indivisibly and uniting all objects so that none is really separate from it or quite separate from other objects. "It stands" says the Gita "undivided in beings and yet as if divided." Thus each object is that Infinite and one in essential being with all other objects that are also forms and names - powers, numens - of the Infinite.

This incoercible unity in all divisions and diversities is the mathematics of the Infinite, indicated in a verse of the Upanishads - "This is the complete and That is the complete; subtract the complete from the complete, the complete is the remainder."

For so too it may be said of the infinite self-multiplication of the Reality that all things are that self-multiplication; the One becomes Many, but all these Many are That which was already and is always itself and in becoming the Many remains the One.

There is no division of the One by the appearance of the finite, for it is the one Infinite that appears to us as the many finite: the creation adds nothing to the Infinite; it remains after creation what it was before. The Infinite is not a sum of things, it is That which is all things and more. If this logic of the Infinite contradicts the conceptions of our finite reason, it is because it exceeds it and does not base itself on the data of the limited phenomenon, but embraces the Reality and sees the truth of all phenomena in the truth of the Reality; it does not see them as separate beings, movements, names, forms, things; for that they cannot be, since they could be that only if they were phenomena in the Void, things without a common basis or essence, fundamentally unconnected, connected only by coexistence and pragmatic relation, not realities which exist by their root of unity and, so far as they can be considered independent, are secured in their independence of outer or inner figure and movement only by their perpetual dependence on their parent Infinite, their secret identity with the one Identical. The Identical is their root, their cause of form, the one power of their varying powers, their constituting substance.

The Identical to our notions is the Immutable; it is ever the same through eternity, for if it is or becomes subject to mutation or if it admits of differences, it ceases to be identical; but what we see everywhere is an infinitely variable fundamental oneness which seems the very principle of Nature. The basic Force is one, but it manifests from itself innumerable forces; the basic substance is one, but it develops many different substances and millions of unlike objects; mind is one but differentiates itself into many mental states, mind-formations, thoughts, perceptions differing from each other and entering into harmony or into conflict; life is one, but the forms of life are unlike and innumerable; humanity is one in nature, but there are different race types and every individual man is himself and in some way unlike others; Nature insists on tracing lines of difference on the leaves of one tree; she drives differentiation so far that it has been found that the lines on one man's thumb are different from the lines of every other man's thumb so that he can be identified by that differentiation alone, - yet fundamentally all men are alike and there is no essential difference. Oneness or sameness is everywhere, differentiation is everywhere; the indwelling Reality has built the universe on the principle of the development of one seed into a million different fashions. But this again is the logic of the Infinite; because the essence of the Reality is immutably the same, it can assume securely these innumerable differences of form and character and movement, for even if they were multiplied a trillionfold, that would not affect the underlying immutability of the eternal Identical. Because the Self and Spirit in things and beings is one everywhere, therefore Nature can afford this luxury of infinite differentiation: if there were not this secure basis which brings it about that nothing changes yet all changes, all her workings and creations would in this play collapse into disintegration and chaos; there would be nothing to hold her disparate movements and creations together. The immutability of the Identical does not consist in a monotone of changeless sameness incapable of variation; it consists in an unchangeableness of being which is capable of endless formation of being, but which no differentiation can destroy or impair or minimise. The Self becomes insect and bird and beast and man, but it is always the same Self through these mutations because it is the One who manifests himself infinitely in endless diversity.

Our surface reason is prone to conclude that the diversity may be unreal, an appearance only, but if we look a little deeper we shall see that a real diversity brings out the real Unity, shows it as it were in its utmost capacity, reveals all that it can be and is in itself, delivers from its whiteness of hue the many tones of colour that are fused together there; Oneness finds itself infinitely in what seems to us to be a falling away from its oneness, but is really an inexhaustible diverse display of unity. This is the miracle, the Maya of the universe, yet perfectly logical, natural and a matter of course to the self-vision and self-experience of the Infinite.

For the Maya of Brahman is at once the magic and the logic of an infinitely variable Oneness; if, indeed, there were only a rigid monotone of limited oneness and sameness, there would be no place for reason and logic, for logic consists in the right perceptions of relations: the highest work of reason is to find the one substance, the one law, the cementing latent reality connecting and unifying the many, the different, the discordant and disparate. All universal existence moves between these two terms, a diversification of the One, a unification of the many and diverse, and that must be because the One and the Many are fundamental aspects of the Infinite. For what the divine Selfknowledge and All-knowledge brings out in its manifestation must be a truth of its being and the play of that truth is its Lila.

This, then, is the logic of the way of universal being of Brahman and the basic working of the reason, the infinite intelligence of Maya. As with the being of Brahman, so with its consciousness, Maya: it is not bound to a finite restriction of itself or to one state or law of its action; it can be many things simultaneously, have many co-ordinated movements which to the finite reason may seem contradictory; it is one but innumerably manifold, infinitely plastic, inexhaustibly adaptable. Maya is the supreme and universal consciousness and force of the Eternal and Infinite and, being by its very nature unbound and illimitable, it can put forth many states of consciousness at a time, many dispositions of its Force, without ceasing to be the same consciousness-force for ever. It is at once transcendental, universal and individual; it is the supreme supracosmic Being that is aware of itself as AllBeing, as the Cosmic Self, as the Consciousness-force of cosmic Nature, and at the same time experiences itself as the individual being and consciousness in all existences. The individual consciousness can see itself as limited and separate, but can also put off its limitations and know itself as universal and again as transcendent of the universe; this is because there is in all these states or positions or underlying them the same triune consciousness in a triple status. There is then no difficulty in the One thus seeing or experiencing itself triply, whether from above in the Transcendent Existence or from between in the Cosmic Self or from below in the individual conscious being. All that is necessary for this to be accepted as natural and logical is to admit that there can be different real statuses of consciousness of the One Being, and that cannot be impossible for an Existence which is free and infinite and cannot be tied to a single condition; a free power of self-variation must be natural to a consciousness that is infinite. If the possibility of a manifold status of consciousness is admitted, no limit can be put to the ways of its variation of status, provided the One is aware of itself simultaneously in all of them; for the One and Infinite must be thus universally conscious. The only difficulty, which a further consideration may solve, is to understand the connections between a status of limited or constructed consciousness like ours, a status of ignorance, and the infinite self-knowledge and all-knowledge.

A second possibility of the Infinite Consciousness that must be admitted is its power of self-limitation or secondary selfformation into a subordinate movement within the integral illimitable consciousness and knowledge; for that is a necessary consequence of the power of self-determination of the Infinite.

Each self-determination of the self-being must have its own awareness of its self-truth and its self-nature; or, if we prefer so to put it, the Being in that determination must be so selfaware. Spiritual individuality means that each individual self or spirit is a centre of self-vision and all-vision; the circumference - the boundless circumference, as we may say, - of this vision may be the same for all, but the centre may be different, - not located as in a spatial point in a spatial circle, but a psychological centre related with others through a coexistence of the diversely conscious Many in the universal being. Each being in a world will see the same world, but see it from its own self-being according to its own way of self-nature: for each will manifest its own truth of the Infinite, its own way of self-determination and of meeting the cosmic determinations; its vision by the law of unity in variety will no doubt be fundamentally the same as that of others, but it will still develop its own differentiation, - as we see all human beings conscious in the one human way of the same cosmic things, yet always with an individual difference. This self-limitation would be, not fundamental, but an individual specialisation of a common universality or totality; the spiritual individual would act from his own centre of the one Truth and according to his self-nature, but on a common basis and not with any blindness to other-self and other-nature. It would be consciousness limiting its action with full knowledge, not a movement of ignorance. But apart from this individualising self-limitation, there must also be in the consciousness of the Infinite a power of cosmic limitation; it must be able to limit its action so as to base a given world or universe and to keep it in its own order, harmony, self-building: for the creation of a universe necessitates a special determination of the Infinite Consciousness to preside over that world and a holding back of all that is not needed for that movement. In the same way the putting forth of an independent action of some power like Mind, Life or Matter must have as its support a similar principle of self-limitation. It cannot be said that such a movement must be impossible for the Infinite, because it is illimitable; on the contrary, this must be one of its many powers; for its powers too are illimitable: but this also, like other self-determinations, other finite buildings, would not be a separation or a real division, for all the Infinite Consciousness would be around and behind it and supporting it and the special movement itself would be intrinsically aware not only of itself, but, in essence, of all that was behind it. This would be so, inevitably, in the integral consciousness of the Infinite: but we can suppose also that an intrinsic though not an active awareness of this kind, demarcating itself, yet indivisible, might be there too in the total self-consciousness of the movement of the Finite. This much cosmic or individual conscious selflimitation would evidently be possible to the Infinite and can be accepted by a larger reason as one of its spiritual possibilities; but so far, on this basis, any division or ignorant separation or binding and blinding limitation such as is apparent in our own consciousness would be unaccountable.

But a third power or possibility of the Infinite Consciousness can be admitted, its power of self-absorption, of plunging into itself, into a state in which self-awareness exists but not as knowledge and not as all-knowledge; the all would then be involved in pure self-awareness, and knowledge and the inner consciousness itself would be lost in pure being. This is, luminously, the state which we call the Superconscience in an absolute sense, - although most of what we call superconscient is in reality not that but only a higher conscient, something that is conscious to itself and only superconscious to our own limited level of awareness. This self-absorption, this trance of infinity is again, no longer luminously but darkly, the state which we call the Inconscient; for the being of the Infinite is there though by its appearance of inconscience it seems to us rather to be an infinite non-being: a self-oblivious intrinsic consciousness and force are there in that apparent non-being, for by the energy of the Inconscient an ordered world is created; it is created in a trance of self-absorption, the force acting automatically and with an apparent blindness as in a trance, but still with the inevitability and power of truth of the Infinite. If we take a step further and admit that a special or a restricted and partial action of selfabsorption is possible to the Infinite, an action not always of its infinity concentrated limitlessly in itself, but confined to a special status or to an individual or cosmic self-determination, we have then the explanation of the concentrated condition or status by which it becomes aware separately of one aspect of its being.

There can then be a fundamental double status such as that of the Nirguna standing back from the Saguna and absorbed in its own purity and immobility, while the rest is held back behind a veil and not admitted within that special status. In the same way we could account for the status of consciousness aware of one field of being or one movement of it, while the awareness of all the rest would be held behind and veiled or, as it were, cut off by a waking trance of dynamic concentration from the specialised or limited awareness occupied only with its own field or movement. The totality of the infinite consciousness would be there, not abolished, recoverable, but not evidently active, active only by implication, by inherence or by the instrumentality of the limited awareness, not in its own manifest power and presence.

It will be evident that all these three powers can be accepted as possible to the dynamics of the Infinite Consciousness, and it is by considering the many ways in which they can work that we may get a clue to the operations of Maya.

This throws light incidentally on the opposition made by our minds between pure consciousness, pure existence, pure bliss and the abundant activity, the manifold application, the endless vicissitudes of being, consciousness and delight of being that take place in the universe. In the state of pure consciousness and pure being we are aware of that only, simple, immutable, self-existent, without form or object, and we feel that to be alone true and real. In the other or dynamic state we feel its dynamism to be perfectly true and natural and are even capable of thinking that no such experience as that of pure consciousness is possible.

Yet it is now evident that to the Infinite Consciousness both the static and the dynamic are possible; these are two of its statuses and both can be present simultaneously in the universal awareness, the one witnessing the other and supporting it or not looking at it and yet automatically supporting it; or the silence and status may be there penetrating the activity or throwing it up like an ocean immobile below throwing up a mobility of waves on its surface. This is also the reason why it is possible for us in certain conditions of our being to be aware of several different states of consciousness at the same time. There is a state of being experienced in Yoga in which we become a double consciousness, one on the surface, small, active, ignorant, swayed by thoughts and feelings, grief and joy and all kinds of reactions, the other within calm, vast, equal, observing the surface being with an immovable detachment or indulgence or, it may be, acting upon its agitation to quiet, enlarge, transform it. So too we can rise to a consciousness above and observe the various parts of our being, inner and outer, mental, vital and physical and the subconscient below all, and act upon one or other or the whole from that higher status. It is possible also to go down from that height or from any height into any of these lower states and take its limited light or its obscurity as our place of working while the rest that we are is either temporarily put away or put behind or else kept as a field of reference from which we can get support, sanction or light and influence or as a status into which we can ascend or recede and from it observe the inferior movements. Or we can plunge into trance, get within ourselves and be conscious there while all outward things are excluded; or we can go beyond even this inner awareness and lose ourselves in some deeper other consciousness or some high superconscience. There is also a pervading equal consciousness into which we can enter and see all ourselves with one enveloping glance or omnipresent awareness one and indivisible. All this which looks strange and abnormal or may seem fantastic to the surface reason acquainted only with our normal status of limited ignorance and its movements divided from our inner higher and total reality, becomes easily intelligible and admissible in the light of the larger reason and logic of the Infinite or by the admission of the greater illimitable powers of the Self, the Spirit in us which is of one essence with the Infinite.

Brahman the Reality is the self-existent Absolute and Maya is the Consciousness and Force of this self-existence; but with regard to the universe Brahman appears as the Self of all existence, Atman, the cosmic Self, but also as the Supreme Self transcendent of its own cosmicity and at the same time individual-universal in each being; Maya can then be seen as the self-power, Atma-Shakti, of the Atman. It is true that when we first become aware of this Aspect, it is usually in a silence of the whole being or at the least in a silence within which draws back or stands away from the surface action; this Self is then felt as a status in silence, an immobile immutable being, self-existent, pervading the whole universe, omnipresent in all, but not dynamic or active, aloof from the ever mobile energy of Maya. In the same way we can become aware of it as the Purusha, separate from Prakriti, the Conscious Being standing back from the activities of Nature. But this is an exclusive concentration which limits itself to a spiritual status and puts away from it all activity in order to realise the freedom of Brahman the self-existent Reality from all limitation by its own action and manifestation: it is an essential realisation, but not the total realisation. For we can see that the Conscious-Power, the Shakti that acts and creates, is not other than the Maya or all-knowledge of Brahman; it is the Power of the Self; Prakriti is the working of the Purusha, Conscious Being active by its own Nature: the duality then of Soul and WorldEnergy, silent Self and the creative Power of the Spirit, is not really something dual and separate, it is biune. As we cannot separate Fire and the power of Fire, it has been said, so we cannot separate the Divine Reality and its Consciousness-Force, Chit-Shakti. This first realisation of Self as something intensely silent and purely static is not the whole truth of it, there can also be a realisation of Self in its power, Self as the condition of world-activity and world-existence. However, the Self is a fundamental aspect of Brahman, but with a certain stress on its impersonality; therefore the Power of the Self has the appearance of a Force that acts automatically with the Self sustaining it, witness and support and originator and enjoyer of its activities but not involved in them for a moment. As soon as we become aware of the Self, we are conscious of it as eternal, unborn, unembodied, uninvolved in its workings: it can be felt within the form of being, but also as enveloping it, as above it, surveying its embodiment from above, adhyaks.a; it is omnipresent, the same in everything, infinite and pure and intangible for ever. This Self can be experienced as the Self of the individual, the Self of the thinker, doer, enjoyer, but even so it always has this greater character; its individuality is at the same time a vast universality or very readily passes into that, and the next step to that is a sheer transcendence or a complete and ineffable passing into the Absolute. The Self is that aspect of the Brahman in which it is intimately felt as at once individual, cosmic, transcendent of the universe. The realisation of the Self is the straight and swift way towards individual liberation, a static universality, a
Nature-transcendence. At the same time there is a realisation of Self in which it is felt not only sustaining and pervading and enveloping all things, but constituting everything and identified in a free identity with all its becomings in Nature. Even so, freedom and impersonality are always the character of the Self.

There is no appearance of subjection to the workings of its own Power in the universe, such as the apparent subjection of the Purusha to Prakriti. To realise the Self is to realise the eternal freedom of the Spirit.

The Conscious Being, Purusha, is the Self as originator, witness, support and lord and enjoyer of the forms and works of Nature. As the aspect of Self is in its essential character transcendental even when involved and identified with its universal and individual becomings, so the Purusha aspect is characteristically universal-individual and intimately connected with Nature even when separated from her. For this conscious Spirit while retaining its impersonality and eternity, its universality, puts on at the same time a more personal aspect;7 it is the impersonal-personal being in Nature from whom it is not altogether detached, for it is always coupled with her: Nature acts for the Purusha and by its sanction, for its will and pleasure; the Conscious Being imparts its consciousness to the Energy we call Nature, receives in that consciousness her workings as in a mirror, accepts the forms which she, the executive cosmic Force, creates and imposes on it, gives or withdraws its sanction from her movements. The experience of Purusha-Prakriti, the Spirit or Conscious Being in its relations to Nature, is of immense pragmatic importance; for on these relations the whole play of the consciousness depends in the embodied being. If the Purusha in us is passive and allows Nature to act, accepting all she imposes on him, giving a constant automatic sanction, then the soul in mind, life, body, the mental, vital, physical being in us, becomes subject to our nature, ruled by its formation, driven by its activities; that is the normal state of our ignorance. If the Purusha in us becomes aware of itself as the Witness and stands back from Nature, that is the first step to the soul's freedom; for it becomes detached, and it is possible then to know Nature and her processes and in all independence, since we are no longer involved in her works, to accept or not to accept, to make the sanction no longer automatic but free and effective; we can choose what she shall do or not do in us, or we can stand back altogether from her works and withdraw into the
Self's spiritual silence, or we can reject her present formations and rise to a spiritual level of existence and from there re-create our existence. The Purusha can cease to be subject, ansa, and become lord of its nature, svara.
In the philosophy of the Sankhyas we find developed most thoroughly the metaphysical idea of Purusha-Prakriti.

7 The Sankhya philosophy stresses this personal aspect, makes the Purusha many, plural, and assigns universality to Nature; in this view each soul is an independent existence although all souls experience a common universal Nature.

These two are eternally separate entities, but in relation to each other. Prakriti is Nature-power, an executive Power, it is Energy apart from Consciousness; for Consciousness belongs to the Purusha, Prakriti without Purusha is inert, mechanical, inconscient. Prakriti develops as its formal self and basis of action primal Matter and in it manifests life and sense and mind and intelligence; but intelligence too, since it is part of Nature and its product in primal Matter, is also inert, mechanical, inconscient, - a conception which sheds a certain light on the order and perfectly related workings of the Inconscient in the material universe: it is the light of the soul, the Spirit, that is imparted to the mechanical workings of sense-mind and intelligence, they become conscious by its consciousness, even as they become active only by the assent of the spirit.

The Purusha becomes free by drawing back from Prakriti; it becomes master of her by refusing to be involved in Matter.

Nature acts by three principles, modes or qualities of its stuff and its action, which in us become the fundamental modes of our psychological and physical substance and its workings, the principle of inertia, the principle of kinesis and the principle of balance, light and harmony: when these are in unequal motion, her action takes place; when they fall into equilibrium she passes into quiescence. Purusha, conscious being, is plural, not one and single, while Nature is one: it would seem to follow that whatever principle of oneness we find in existence belongs to Nature, but each soul is independent and unique, sole to itself and separate whether in its enjoyment of Nature or its liberation from Nature. All these positions of the Sankhya we find to be perfectly valid in experience when we come into direct inner contact with the realities of individual soul and universal Nature; but they are pragmatic truths and we are not bound to accept them as the whole or the fundamental truth either of self or of Nature. Prakriti presents itself as an inconscient Energy in the material world, but, as the scale of consciousness rises, she reveals herself more and more as a conscious force and we perceive that even her inconscience concealed a secret consciousness; so too conscious being is many in its individual souls, but in its self we can experience it as one in all and one in its own essential existence. Moreover, the experience of soul and Nature as dual is true, but the experience of their unity has also its validity. If Nature or Energy is able to impose its forms and workings on Being, it can only be because it is Nature or Energy of Being and so the Being can accept them as its own; if the Being can become lord of Nature, it must be because it is its own Nature which it had passively watched doing its work, but can control and master; even in its passivity its consent is necessary to the action of Prakriti and this relation shows sufficiently that the two are not alien to each other. The duality is a position taken up, a double status accepted for the operations of the self-manifestation of the being; but there is no eternal and fundamental separateness and dualism of Being and its Consciousness-Force, of the Soul and Nature.

It is the Reality, the Self, that takes the position of the Conscious Being regarding and accepting or ruling the works of its own Nature. An apparent duality is created in order that there may be a free action of Nature working itself out with the support of the Spirit and again a free and masterful action of the Spirit controlling and working out Nature. This duality is also necessary that the Spirit may be at any time at liberty to draw back from any formation of its Nature and dissolve all formation or accept or enforce a new or a higher formation. These are very evident possibilities of the Spirit in its dealings with its own Force and they can be observed and verified in our own experience; they are logical results of the powers of the Infinite Consciousness, powers which we have seen to be native to its infinity. The Purusha aspect and the Prakriti aspect go always together and whatever status Nature or Consciousness-force in action assumes, manifests or develops, there is a corresponding status of the Spirit. In its supreme status the Spirit is the supreme Conscious Being, Purushottama, and the Consciousness-Force is his supreme Nature, Para-Prakriti. In each status of the gradations of Nature, the Spirit takes a poise of its being proper to that gradation; in Mind-Nature it becomes the mental being, in Life-Nature it becomes the vital being, in nature of Matter it becomes the physical being, in supermind it becomes the Being of Knowledge; in the supreme spiritual status it becomes the Being of Bliss and pure Existence. In us, in the embodied individual, it stands behind all as the psychic Entity, the inner
Self supporting the other formulations of our consciousness and spiritual existence. The Purusha, individual in us, is cosmic in the cosmos, transcendent in the transcendence: the identity with the Self is apparent, but it is the Self in its pure impersonalpersonal status of a Spirit in things and beings - impersonal because undifferentiated by personal quality, personal because it presides over the individualisations of self in each individual - which deals with the works of its Consciousness-force, its executive force of self-nature, in whatever poise is necessary for that purpose.

But it is evident that whatever the posture taken or relation formed in any individual nodus of Purusha-Prakriti, the Being is in a fundamental cosmic relation lord or ruler of its nature: for even when it allows Nature to have its own way with it, its consent is necessary to support her workings. This comes out in its fullest revelation in the third aspect of the Reality, the Divine Being who is the master and creator of the universe. Here the supreme Person, the Being in its transcendental and cosmic consciousness and force, comes to the front, omnipotent, omniscient, the controller of all energies, the Conscious in all that is conscient or inconscient, the Inhabitant of all souls and minds and hearts and bodies, the Ruler or Overruler of all works, the Enjoyer of all delight, the Creator who has built all things in his own being, the All-Person of whom all beings are personalities, the Power from whom are all powers, the Self, the Spirit in all, by his being the Father of all that is, in his Consciousness-Force the Divine Mother the Friend of all creatures, the All-blissful and All-beautiful of whom beauty and joy are the revelation, the All-Beloved and All-Lover. In a certain sense, so seen and understood, this becomes the most comprehensive of the aspects of the Reality, since here all are united in a single formulation; for the Ishwara is supracosmic as well as intracosmic; He is that which exceeds and inhabits and supports all individuality; He is the supreme and universal Brahman, the Absolute, the supreme Self, the supreme Purusha.8 But, very clearly, this is not the personal God of popular religions, a being limited by his qualities, individual and separate from all others; for all such personal gods are only limited representations or names and divine personalities of the one Ishwara. Neither is this the Saguna Brahman active and possessed of qualities, for that is only one side of the being of the Ishwara; the Nirguna immobile and without qualities is another aspect of His existence. Ishwara is Brahman the Reality, Self, Spirit, revealed as possessor, enjoyer of his own self-existence, creator of the universe and one with it, Pantheos, and yet superior to it, the Eternal, the Infinite, the Ineffable, the Divine Transcendence.

8 Gita.

The sharp opposition made between personality and impersonality by our mental way of thinking is a creation of the mind based on the appearances of the material world; for here in terrestrial existence the Inconscient from which everything takes its origin appears as something entirely impersonal; Nature, the inconscient Energy, is entirely impersonal in her manifest essence and dealings; all Forces wear this mask of impersonality, all qualities and powers, Love and Delight and Consciousness itself, have this aspect. Personality makes its apparition as a creation of consciousness in an impersonal world; it is a limitation by a restricted formation of powers, qualities, habitual forces of the nature-action, an imprisonment in a limited circle of selfexperience which we have to transcend, - to lose personality is necessary if we are to gain universality, still more necessary if we are to rise into the Transcendence. But what we thus call personality is only a formation of superficial consciousness; behind it is the Person who takes on various personalities, who can have at the same time many personalities but is himself one, real, eternal.
If we look at things from a larger point of view, we might say that what is impersonal is only a power of the Person: existence itself has no meaning without an Existent, consciousness has no standing-place if there is none who is conscious, delight is useless and invalid without an enjoyer, love can have no foundation or fulfilment if there is no lover, all-power must be otiose if there is not an Almighty. For what we mean by Person is conscious being; even if this emerges here as a term or product of the Inconscient, it is not that in reality: for it is the Inconscient itself that is a term of the secret Consciousness; what emerges is greater than that in which it emerges, as Mind is greater than Matter, Soul than Mind; Spirit, most secret of all, the supreme emergence, the last revelation, is the greatest of all, and Spirit is the Purusha, the All-Person, the omnipresent Conscious Being. It is the mind's ignorance of this true Person in us, its confusion of person with our experience of ego and limited personality, the misleading phenomenon of the emergence of limited consciousness and personality in an inconscient existence that have made us create an opposition between these two aspects of the Reality, but in truth there is no opposition. An eternal infinite self-existence is the supreme reality, but the supreme transcendent eternal Being, Self and Spirit, - an infinite Person, we may say, because his being is the essence and source of all personality, - is the reality and meaning of self-existence: so too the cosmic Self, Spirit, Being, Person is the reality and meaning of cosmic existence; the same Self, Spirit, Being or Person manifesting its multiplicity is the reality and meaning of individual existence.

If we admit the Divine Being, the supreme Person and AllPerson as the Ishwara, a difficulty arises in understanding his rule or government of world-existence, because we immediately transfer to him our mental conception of a human ruler; we picture him as acting by the mind and mental will in an omnipotent arbitrary fashion upon a world on which he imposes his mental conceptions as laws, and we conceive of his will as a free caprice of his personality. But there is no need for the Divine Being to act by an arbitrary will or idea as an omnipotent yet ignorant human being - if such an omnipotence were possible - might do: for he is not limited by mind; he has an all-consciousness in which he is aware of the truth of all things and aware of his own all-wisdom working them out according to the truth that is in them, their significance, their possibility or necessity, the imperative selfness of their nature. The Divine is free and not bound by laws of any making, but still he acts by laws and processes because they are the expression of the truth of things, - not their mechanical, mathematical or other outward truth alone, but the spiritual reality of what they are, what they have become and have yet to become, what they have it within themselves to realise. He is himself present in the working, but he also exceeds and can overrule it; for on one side Nature works according to her limited complex of formulas and is informed and supported in their execution by the Divine Presence, but on the other side there is an overseeing, a higher working and determination, even an intervention, free but not arbitrary, often appearing to us magical and miraculous because it proceeds and acts upon Nature from a divine Supernature: Nature here is a limited expression of that Supernature and open to intervention or mutation by its light, its force, its influence. The mechanical, mathematical, automatic law of things is a fact, but within it there is a spiritual law of consciousness at work which gives to the mechanical steps of Nature's forces an inner turn and value, a significant rightness and a secretly conscious necessity, and above it there is a spiritual freedom that knows and acts in the supreme and universal truth of the Spirit. Our view of the divine government of the world or of the secret of its action is either incurably anthropomorphic or else incurably mechanical; both the anthropomorphism and mechanism have their elements of truth, but they are only a side, an aspect, and the real truth is that the world is governed by the One in all and over all who is infinite in his consciousness and it is according to the law and logic of an infinite consciousness that we ought to understand the significance and building and movement of the universe.

If we regard this aspect of the one Reality and put it in close connection with the other aspects, we can get a complete view of the relation between the eternal Self-Existence and the dynamics of the Consciousness-Force by which it manifests the universe.

If we place ourselves in a silent Self-existence immobile, static, inactive, it will appear that a conceptive Consciousness-Force, Maya, able to effectuate all its conceptions, a dynamic consort of the Self of silence, is doing everything; it takes its stand on the fixed unmoving eternal status and casts the spiritual substance of being into all manner of forms and movements to which its passivity consents or in which it takes its impartial pleasure, its immobile delight of creative and mobile existence. Whether this be a real or an illusory existence, that must be its substance and significance. Consciousness is at play with Being, Force of Nature does what it wills with Existence and makes it the stuff of her creations, but secretly the consent of the Being must be there at every step to make this possible. There is an evident truth in this perception of things; it is what we see happening everywhere in us and around us; it is a truth of the universe and must answer to a fundamental truth-aspect of the Absolute. But when we step back from the outer dynamic appearances of things, not into a witness Silence, but into an inner dynamic participating experience of the Spirit, we find that this Consciousness-Force, Maya, Shakti, is itself the power of the Being, the Self-Existent, the Ishwara. The Being is lord of her and of all things, we see him doing everything in his own sovereignty as the creator and ruler of his own manifestation; or, if he stands back and allows freedom of action to the forces of Nature and her creatures, his sovereignty is still innate in the permission, at every step his tacit sanction, "Let it be so", tathastu, is there implicit; for otherwise nothing could be done or happen. Being and its Consciousness-Force, Spirit and Nature cannot be fundamentally dual: what
Nature does, is really done by the Spirit. This too is a truth that becomes evident when we go behind the veil and feel the presence of a living Reality which is everything and determines everything, is the All-powerful and the All-ruler; this too is a fundamental truth-aspect of the Absolute.

Again, if we remain absorbed in the Silence, the creative Consciousness and her works disappear into the Silence; Nature and the creation for us cease to exist or be real. On the other hand, if we look exclusively at the Being in its aspect of the sole-existent Person and Ruler, the Power or Shakti by which he does all things disappears into his uniqueness or becomes an attri bute of His cosmic personality; the absolute monarchy of the one Being becomes our perception of the universe. Both these experiences create many difficulties for the mind due to its nonperception of the reality of the Self-Power whether in quiescence or in action, or to a too exclusively negative experience of the
Self, or to the too anthropomorphic character our conceptions attach to the Supreme Being as Ruler. It is evident that we are looking at an Infinite of which the Self-Power is capable of many movements, all of them valid. If we look again more largely and take account of both the impersonal and the personal truth of things as one truth, if in that light, the light of personality in impersonality, we see the biune aspect of Self and Self-Power, then in the Person Aspect a dual Person emerges, Ishwara-Shakti, the Divine Self and Creator and the Divine Mother and Creatrix of the universe; there becomes apparent to us the mystery of the masculine and feminine cosmic Principles whose play and interaction are necessary for all creation. In the superconscient truth of the Self-Existence these two are fused and implied in each other, one and indistinguishable, but in the spiritual-pragmatic truth of the dynamism of the universe, they emerge and become active; the Divine Mother Energy as the universal creatrix, Maya, Para-Prakriti, Chit-Shakti, manifests the cosmic Self and Ishwara and her own self-power as a dual principle; it is through her that the Being, the Self, the Ishwara, acts and he does nothing except by her; though his Will is implicit in her, it is she who works out all as the supreme Consciousness-Force who holds all souls and beings within her and as executive Nature; all exists and acts according to Nature, all is the Consciousness-Force manifesting and playing with the Being in millions of forms and movements into which she casts his existence. If we draw back from her workings, then all can fall into quiescence and we can enter into the silence, because she consents to cease from her dynamic activity; but it is in her quiescence and silence that we are quiescent and cease. If we would affirm our independence of
Nature, she reveals to us the supreme and omnipresent power of the Ishwara and ourselves as beings of his being, but that power is herself and we are that in her supernature. If we would realise a higher formation or status of being, then it is still through her, through the Divine Shakti, the Consciousness-Force of the Spirit that it has to be done; our surrender must be to the Divine Being through the Divine Mother for it is towards or into the supreme Nature that our ascension has to take place and it can only be done by the supramental Shakti taking up our mentality and transforming it into her supramentality. Thus we see that there is no contradiction or incompatibility between these three aspects of Existence, or between them in their eternal status and the three modes of its Dynamis working in the universe. One Being, one Reality as Self bases, supports, informs, as Purusha or Conscious Being experiences, as Ishwara wills, governs and possesses its world of manifestation created and kept in motion and action by its own Consciousness-Force or Self-Power, - Maya, Prakriti, Shakti.

A certain difficulty arises for our mind in reconciling these different faces or fronts of the One Self and Spirit, because we are obliged to use abstract conceptions and defining words and ideas for something that is not abstract, something that is spiritually living and intensely real. Our abstractions get fixed into differentiating concepts with sharp lines between them: but the Reality is not of that nature; its aspects are many but shade off into each other. Its truth could only be rendered by ideas and images metaphysical and yet living and concrete, - images which might be taken by the pure Reason as figures and symbols but are more than that and mean more to the intuitive vision and feeling, for they are realities of a dynamic spiritual experience. The impersonal truth of things can be rendered into the abstract formulas of the pure reason, but there is another side of truth which belongs to the spiritual or mystic vision and without that inner vision of realities the abstract formulation of them is insufficiently alive, incomplete. The mystery of things is the true truth of things; the intellectual presentation is only truth in representation, in abstract symbols, as if in a cubist art of thought-speech, in geometric figure. It is necessary in a philosophic inquiry to confine oneself mostly to this intellectual presentation, but it is as well to remember that this is only the abstraction of the Truth and to seize it completely or express it completely there is needed a concrete experience and a more living and full-bodied language.

Here it becomes opportune to see how in this aspect of the Reality we must regard the relation we have discovered between the One and the Many; this amounts to a determination of the true connection between the individual and the Divine Being, between the Soul and the Ishwara. In the normal theistic conception the Many are created by God; made by him as a potter might make a vessel, they are dependent on him as are creatures on their creator. But in this larger view of the Ishwara the Many are themselves the Divine One in their inmost reality, individual selves of the supreme and universal Self-Existence, eternal as he is eternal but eternal in his being: our material existence is indeed a creation of Nature, but the soul is an immortal portion of the Divinity and behind it is the Divine Self in the natural creature. Still the One is the fundamental Truth of existence, the Many exist by the One and there is therefore an entire dependence of the manifested being on the Ishwara. This dependence is concealed by the separative ignorance of the ego which strives to exist in its own right, although at every step it is evidently dependent on the cosmic Power that created it, moved by it, a part of its cosmic being and action; this effort of the ego is clearly a misprision, an erroneous reflection of the truth of the self-existence that is within us. It is true that there is something in us, not in the ego but in the self and inmost being, that surpasses cosmic Nature and belongs to the Transcendence. But this too finds itself independent of Nature only by dependence on a higher Reality; it is through self-giving or surrender of soul and nature to the Divine Being that we can attain to our highest self and supreme Reality, for it is the Divine Being who is that highest self and that supreme Reality, and we are self-existent and eternal only in his eternity and by his self-existence. This dependence is not contradictory of the Identity, but is itself the door to the realisation of the Identity, - so that here again we meet that phenomenon of duality expressing unity, proceeding from unity and opening back into unity, which is the constant secret and fundamental operation of the universe. It is this truth of the consciousness of the Infinite that creates the possibility of all relations between the many and the One, among which the realisation of oneness by the mind, the presence of oneness in the heart, the existence of oneness in all the members is a highest peak, and yet it does not annul but confirms all the other personal relations and gives them their fullness, their complete delight, their entire significance. This too is the magic, but also the logic of the Infinite.

One problem still remains to be solved, and it can be solved on the same basis; it is the problem of the opposition between the Non-Manifest and the manifestation. For it might be said that all that has been advanced hitherto may be true of the manifestation, but the manifestation is a reality of an inferior order, a partial movement derived from the Non-Manifest Reality and, when we enter into that which is supremely Real, these truths of the universe cease to have any validity. The Non-Manifest is the timeless, the utterly eternal, an irreducible absolute self-existence to which the manifestation and its limitations can give no clue or only a clue that by its insufficiency is illusory and deceptive.
This raises the problem of the relation of Time to the timeless Spirit; for we have supposed on the contrary that what is in unmanifestation in the Timeless Eternal is manifested in TimeEternity. If that is so, if the temporal is an expression of the Eternal, then however different the conditions, however partial the expression, yet what is fundamental in the Time-expression must be in some way pre-existent in the Transcendence and drawn from the timeless Reality. For if not, these fundamentals must come into it direct from an Absolute which is other than Time or Timelessness, and the Timeless Spirit must be a supreme spiritual negation, an indeterminable basing the Absolute's freedom from limitation by what is formulated in Time, - it must be the negative to the Time positive, in the same relation to it as the Nirguna to the Saguna. But, in fact, what we mean by the Timeless is a spiritual status of existence not subject to the time movement or to the successive or the relative time-experience of a past, present and future. The timeless Spirit is not necessarily a blank; it may hold all in itself, but in essence, without reference to time or form or relation or circumstance, perhaps in an eternal unity. Eternity is the common term between Time and the Timeless Spirit. What is in the Timeless unmanifested, implied, essential, appears in Time in movement, or at least in design and relation, in result and circumstance. These two then are the same Eternity or the same Eternal in a double status; they are a twofold status of being and consciousness, one an eternity of immobile status, the other an eternity of motion in status.

The original status is that of the Reality timeless and spaceless; Space and Time would be the same Reality self-extended to contain the deployment of what was within it. The difference would be, as in all the other oppositions, the Spirit looking at itself in essence and principle of being and the same Spirit looking at itself in the dynamism of its essence and principle.

Space and Time are our names for this self-extension of the one Reality. We are apt to see Space as a static extension in which all things stand or move together in a fixed order; we see Time as a mobile extension which is measured by movement and event: Space then would be Brahman in self-extended status; Time would be Brahman in self-extended movement. But this may be only a first view and inaccurate: Space may be really a constant mobile, the constancy and the persistent time-relation of things in it creating the sense of stability of Space, the mobility creating the sense of time-movement in stable Space. Or, again, Space would be Brahman extended for the holding together of forms and objects; Time would be Brahman self-extended for the deployment of the movement of self-power carrying forms and objects; the two would then be a dual aspect of one and the same self-extension of the cosmic Eternal.

A purely physical Space might be regarded as in itself a property of Matter; but Matter is a creation of Energy in movement. Space therefore in the material world could be either a fundamental self-extension of material Energy or its self-formed existence-field, its representation of the Inconscient Infinity in which it is acting, a figure in which it accommodates the formulas and movements of its own action and self-creation.

Time would be itself the course of that movement or else an impression created by it, an impression of something that presents itself to us as regularly successive in its appearance, - a division or a continuum upholding the continuity of movement and yet marking off its successions, - because the movement itself is regularly successive. Or else Time could be a dimension of Space necessary for the complete action of the Energy, but not understood by us as such because it is seen by our conscious subjectivity as something itself subjective, felt by our mind, not perceived by our senses, and therefore not recognised as a dimension of Space which has to us the appearance of a sense-created or sense-perceived objective extension.

In any case, if Spirit is the fundamental reality, Time and Space must either be conceptive conditions under which the Spirit sees its own movement of energy or else they must be fundamental conditions of the Spirit itself which assume a different appearance or status according to the status of consciousness in which they manifest. In other words there is a different Time and Space for each status of our consciousness and even different movements of Time and Space within each status; but all would be renderings of a fundamental spiritual reality of Time-Space. In fact, when we go behind physical Space, we become aware of an extension on which all this movement is based and this extension is spiritual and not material; it is Self or Spirit containing all action of its own Energy. This origin or basic reality of Space begins to become apparent when we draw back from the physical: for then we become aware of a subjective Space-extension in which mind itself lives and moves and which is other than physical Space-Time, and yet there is an interpenetration; for our mind can move in its own space in such a way as to effectuate a movement also in space of
Matter or act upon something distant in space of Matter. In a still deeper condition of consciousness we are aware of a pure spiritual Space; in this awareness Time may no longer seem to exist, because all movement ceases, or, if there is a movement or happening, it can take place independent of any observable Time sequence.

If we go behind Time by a similar inward motion, drawing back from the physical and seeing it without being involved in it, we discover that Time observation and Time movement are relative, but Time itself is real and eternal. Time observation depends not only on the measures used, but on the consciousness and the position of the observer: moreover, each state of consciousness has a different Time relation; Time in Mind consciousness and Mind Space has not the same sense and measure of its movements as in physical Space; it moves there quickly or slowly according to the state of the consciousness.

Each state of consciousness has its own Time and yet there can be relations of Time between them; and when we go behind the physical surface, we find several different Time statuses and Time movements coexistent in the same consciousness. This is evident in dream Time where a long sequence of happenings can occur in a period which corresponds to a second or a few seconds of physical Time. There is then a certain relation between different Time statuses but no ascertainable correspondence of measure. It would seem as if Time had no objective reality, but depends on whatever conditions may be established by action of consciousness in its relation to status and motion of being: Time would seem to be purely subjective. But, in fact, Space also would appear by the mutual relation of Mind-Space and MatterSpace to be subjective; in other words, both are the original spiritual extension, but it is rendered by mind in its purity into a subjective mind-field and by sense-mind into an objective field of sense-perception. Subjectivity and objectivity are only two sides of one consciousness, and the cardinal fact is that any given Time or Space or any given Time-Space as a whole is a status of being in which there is a movement of the consciousness and force of the being, a movement that creates or manifests events and happenings; it is the relation of the consciousness that sees and the force that formulates the happenings, a relation inherent in the status, which determines the sense of Time and creates our awareness of Time-movement, Time-relation, Time-measure. In its fundamental truth the original status of Time behind all its variations is nothing else than the eternity of the Eternal, just as the fundamental truth of Space, the original sense of its reality, is the infinity of the Infinite.

The Being can have three different states of its consciousness with regard to its own eternity. The first is that in which there is the immobile status of the Self in its essential existence, self-absorbed or self-conscious, but in either case without development of consciousness in movement or happening; this is what we distinguish as its timeless eternity. The second is its whole-consciousness of the successive relations of all things belonging to a destined or an actually proceeding manifestation, in which what we call past, present and future stand together as if in a map or settled design or very much as an artist or painter or architect might hold all the detail of his work viewed as a whole, intended or reviewed in his mind or arranged in a plan for execution; this is the stable status or simultaneous integrality of Time. This seeing of Time is not at all part of our normal awareness of events as they happen, though our view of the past, because it is already known and can be regarded in the whole, may put on something of this character; but we know that this consciousness exists because it is possible in an exceptional state to enter into it and see things from the view-point of this simultaneity of Time-vision. The third status is that of a processive movement of Consciousness-Force and its successive working out of what has been seen by it in the static vision of the Eternal; this is the Time movement. But it is in one and the same Eternity that this triple status exists and the movement takes place; there are not really two eternities, one an eternity of status, another an eternity of movement, but there are different statuses or positions taken by Consciousness with regard to the one Eternity. For it can see the whole Time development from outside or from above the movement; it can take a stable position within the movement and see the before and the after in a fixed, determined or destined succession; or it can take instead a mobile position in the movement, itself move with it from moment to moment and see all that has happened receding back into the past and all that has to happen coming towards it from the future; or else it may concentrate on the moment it occupies and see nothing but what is in that moment and immediately around or behind it. All these positions can be taken by the being of the Infinite in a simultaneous vision or experience. It can see Time from above and inside Time, exceeding it and not within it; it can see the Timeless develop the Time-movement without ceasing to be timeless, it can embrace the whole movement in a static and a dynamic vision and put out at the same time something of itself into the moment-vision. This simultaneity may seem to the finite consciousness tied to the moment-vision a magic of the Infinite, a magic of Maya; to its own way of perception which needs to limit, to envisage one status only at a time in order to harmonise, it would give a sense of confused and inconsistent unreality. But to an infinite consciousness such an integral simultaneity of vision and experience would be perfectly logical and consistent; all could be elements of a whole-vision capable of being closely related together in a harmonious arrangement, a multiplicity of view bringing out the unity of the thing seen, a diverse presentation of concomitant aspects of the One Reality.

If there can be this simultaneous multiplicity of selfpresentation of one Reality, we see that there is no impossibility in the coexistence of a Timeless Eternal and a Time Eternity.

It would be the same Eternity viewed by a dual self-awareness and there could be no opposition between them; it would be a correlation of two powers of the self-awareness of the infinite and eternal Reality, - a power of status and non-manifestation, a power of self-effecting action and movement and manifestation. Their simultaneity, however contradictory and difficult to reconcile it might seem to our finite surface seeing, would be intrinsic and normal to the Maya or eternal self-knowledge and all-knowledge of Brahman, the eternal and infinite knowledge and wisdom-power of the Ishwara, the consciousness-force of the self-existent Sachchidananda.

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Wikipedia - Adrian Butchart -- English screenwriter
Wikipedia - Adrian Fortescue -- 19th and 20th-century English Catholic priest and scholar
Wikipedia - Adrian Lock -- English field hockey coach
Wikipedia - Adrianna Bertola -- English actress and singer
Wikipedia - Adrian Stokes (courtier) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Adrian Stoughton -- English politician
Wikipedia - Adrian Woodruffe-Peacock -- English clergyman and ecologist
Wikipedia - Adventures of Red Ryder -- 1940 film by John English, William Witney
Wikipedia - Advowson -- right in English law to nominate someone to an ecclesiastical benefice
Wikipedia - A. E. J. Collins -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - A. E. W. Mason -- English novelist (1865-1948)
Wikipedia - Afghanistan Times Daily -- English language newspaper in Afghanistan
Wikipedia - A Flock of Seagulls -- English new wave and synth-pop band
Wikipedia - African-American English -- Set of English dialects primarily spoken by most black people in the United States
Wikipedia - African American Vernacular English
Wikipedia - African-American Vernacular English
Wikipedia - After the Deluge (painting) -- Symbolist oil painting by English artist George Frederic Watts
Wikipedia - Against Henry, King of the English -- 1522 book by Martin Luther
Wikipedia - Agatha Christie -- English mystery and detective writer
Wikipedia - Agathe Sorel -- English artist, sculptor and printmaker
Wikipedia - Agitators -- Elected soldiers' representatives during the English Civil War
Wikipedia - Agnes Bulmer -- English poet (1775-1836)
Wikipedia - Agnes E. Jacomb -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Agnes Hungerford, Lady Hungerford -- English murderer
Wikipedia - A Greek-English Lexicon
Wikipedia - A-Hunting We Will Go -- English song and nursery rhyme
Wikipedia - Aidan Devine -- English-Canadian actor
Wikipedia - Aileen Fox -- English archaeologist
Wikipedia - Ainsley Harriott -- English chef, television presenter, and entertainer
Wikipedia - Ain't -- English-language vernacular contraction
Wikipedia - A. J. Ayer -- English philosopher
Wikipedia - A. J. Brown -- English theatre, film, and television actor
Wikipedia - A. J. Butcher -- English author
Wikipedia - A. J. P. Taylor -- English historian (1906-1990)
Wikipedia - AJ Tracey (album) -- debut studio album by English rapper AJ Tracey
Wikipedia - Akram Khan (dancer) -- English dancer and choreographer
Wikipedia - Al-Ahram Weekly -- English newspaper based in Cairo, Egypt
Wikipedia - Alan Ayckbourn -- English playwright (born 1939)
Wikipedia - Alan Baker (mathematician) -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Alan Bates -- English actor
Wikipedia - Alan Boyson -- English muralist of post-war public art 1930 - 2018
Wikipedia - Alan Bridges -- English actor
Wikipedia - Alan Burgess -- English writer
Wikipedia - Alan Burridge -- English sportsman and administrator
Wikipedia - Alan Buxhull -- 14th century English nobleman
Wikipedia - Alan Buzza -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Alan Carr -- English comedian and television personality
Wikipedia - Alan Clark (keyboardist) -- English musician (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Alan Coleman (cricketer) -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Alan Coren -- English humourist, writer and satirist
Wikipedia - Alan Davies -- English comedian, presenter and actor.
Wikipedia - Alan de Neville (forester) -- 12th-century English nobleman and royal official
Wikipedia - Alan Dobie -- English actor
Wikipedia - Alan Edwards (publicist) -- English publicist
Wikipedia - Alan Fox (sociologist) -- English industrial sociologist
Wikipedia - Alan Gardiner -- English egyptologist
Wikipedia - Alan Hill (cricketer) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Alan Howard (nutritionist) -- English nutritionist
Wikipedia - Alan Jacobs (academic) -- American scholar of English literature
Wikipedia - Alan Jones (Scottish cricketer) -- English-born Scottish cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Alan J. Porter -- English author
Wikipedia - Alan Kane (artist) -- English artist
Wikipedia - Alan King (guitarist) -- English guitarist and songwriter
Wikipedia - Alan Luther -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Alan Moore -- English comic book author (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Alan Mozley -- English zoologist
Wikipedia - Alan Napier -- English actor
Wikipedia - Alan Oakman -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Alan Parker -- English film producer and director
Wikipedia - Alan Parry -- English sports commentator
Wikipedia - Alan Parsons -- English audio engineer, musician, and record producer
Wikipedia - Alan Reynolds (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Alan Saunders (public servant) -- English cricketer and businessman
Wikipedia - Alan Shirreff -- English cricketer and pilot
Wikipedia - Alan Sillitoe -- English writer
Wikipedia - Alan Smith (physiotherapist) -- English physiotherapist
Wikipedia - Alan Stanford -- English-born Irish actor, director and writer
Wikipedia - Alan Sterling Parkes -- English biologist
Wikipedia - Alan Turing -- English mathematician and computer scientist
Wikipedia - Alan Walker (music producer) -- English-Norwegian music producer and DJ
Wikipedia - Alan Wheatley -- English actor
Wikipedia - Alan Whitehead (cricketer) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Alan White (novelist) -- English novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Alan Wilder -- English musician
Wikipedia - Alan Young -- English actor, comedian, radio host and television host
Wikipedia - Alasdair Houston -- English evolutionary biologist
Wikipedia - Alastair Culham -- English botanist
Wikipedia - Alastair Smail -- English cricketer and judge
Wikipedia - Alban Birch -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Alban Butler -- English Roman Catholic priest and hagiographer (1710-1773)
Wikipedia - Alban Dobson -- English cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - Albert Finney -- English actor
Wikipedia - Albert Hartshorne -- English archaeologist
Wikipedia - Albert H. Oswald -- English composer
Wikipedia - Albert Joscelyne -- English Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - Albert Joseph Moore -- 19th-century English artist
Wikipedia - Albert Ketelbey -- English composer and pianist (1875-1959)
Wikipedia - Albert Pierrepoint -- English executioner
Wikipedia - Albert Tingey Sr. -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Albert Uttley -- English scientist
Wikipedia - Alcuin -- 8th century English scholar, clergyman, poet, and teacher
Wikipedia - Aldous Huxley -- English writer and philosopher (1894-1963)
Wikipedia - Alec B. Francis -- English actor
Wikipedia - Alec Debnam -- English cricketer and member of the Royal Air Force
Wikipedia - Alec McCowen -- English actor
Wikipedia - Alec Ryrie -- English historian of Protestant Christianity
Wikipedia - Alec Skelding -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Alec Utgoff -- | English actor
Wikipedia - Alec Wills -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Alehouse dagger -- Type of English dagger or shortsword
Wikipedia - Aleister Crowley -- English occultist (1875-1947)
Wikipedia - Alesha Dixon -- English performer
Wikipedia - Alethea Howard, Countess of Arundel -- English noble and art patron
Wikipedia - Alexa Chung -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Alexa Goddard -- English pop and R&B singer
Wikipedia - Alexander Baillie -- English cellist
Wikipedia - Alexander Charles Barclay -- English brewer and politician
Wikipedia - Alexander Cowie -- English cricketer, soldier, and poet
Wikipedia - Alexander de Moubray -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Alexander Fisher (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Alexander Goehr -- English composer and academic
Wikipedia - Alexander Gough -- 17th-century English actor
Wikipedia - Alexander Hore -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Alexander Mather -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Alexander of Hales -- English Franciscan theologian and philosopher (c.1185-1245)
Wikipedia - Alexander Pope -- English poet
Wikipedia - Alexander Radcliffe -- 17th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Alexander Siddig -- Sudanese-born English actor
Wikipedia - Alexander St. Lo Malet -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Alexander Stockdale -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Alexander Thynn, 7th Marquess of Bath -- English politician, artist and author
Wikipedia - Alexander Wallace (botanist) -- English physician, botanist, and entomologis
Wikipedia - Alexandra Wright -- English rabbi
Wikipedia - Alex Bain (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Alexei Sayle -- English stand-up comedian
Wikipedia - Alex Garland -- English novelist, screenwriter, film producer and director
Wikipedia - Alex Hassell -- English actor
Wikipedia - Alexis Petridis -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Alex Kingston -- English actress
Wikipedia - Alex Milton -- English cricketer (born 1996)
Wikipedia - Alex Oates -- English playwright
Wikipedia - Alex Parks -- English singer-songwriter (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Alex Reid (fighter) -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Alex Sawyer -- English actor
Wikipedia - Alex Sharp -- English film, television, and theater actor
Wikipedia - Alex Walkinshaw -- English actor
Wikipedia - Alex Wharf -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Alex Zane -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Alf Goddard -- English actor
Wikipedia - Alfie Allen -- English actor
Wikipedia - Alfie Bass -- English actor
Wikipedia - Alfie Boe -- English actor and singer
Wikipedia - Alfie Clarke (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Alfie Plant -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Alfie Stewart -- English actor
Wikipedia - Alfonso Ferrabosco the younger -- English composer and viol player (c1575-1628)
Wikipedia - Alf Perry -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Alfred Bennett Bamford -- English painter
Wikipedia - Alfred Cellier -- 19th-century English composer and conductor
Wikipedia - Alfred Coleman -- English cricketer and test match umpire
Wikipedia - Alfred du Cane -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Alfred Dunhill -- English tobacconist, entrepreneur and inventor
Wikipedia - Alfred E. Goodey -- English art collector
Wikipedia - Alfred Enoch -- English actor
Wikipedia - Alfred Ernest Allnatt -- English businessman
Wikipedia - Alfred Gillow -- English cricketer and farmer
Wikipedia - Alfred Goodson -- English businessman and public servant
Wikipedia - Alfred Hickman -- English actor
Wikipedia - Alfred Hitchcock -- English filmmaker
Wikipedia - Alfred Hitchens -- English painter
Wikipedia - Alfred Hubbard (mayor) -- English-born Australian politician
Wikipedia - Alfred Hudd -- English naturalist and antiquarian
Wikipedia - Alfred Hutton -- English antiquarian and swordsman
Wikipedia - Alfred Jones (engraver) -- English-born American engraver
Wikipedia - Alfred Legard -- English cricketer and Army officer
Wikipedia - Alfred Lowth -- English cricketer and cleric
Wikipedia - Alfred Lucas (chemist) -- English chemist and part of Tutankhamun excavation team
Wikipedia - Alfred Lyttelton -- English cricketer and politician
Wikipedia - Alfred McGaw -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Alfred Morcom -- English cricketer and medical doctor
Wikipedia - Alfred Musson -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Alfred Newton -- English zoologist and ornithologist
Wikipedia - Alfred North Whitehead -- English mathematician and philosopher
Wikipedia - Alfred Richardson (cricketer) -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Alfred Ricketts -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Alfred Roberts -- English local politician and father of Margaret Thatcher
Wikipedia - Alfred Sharland -- English cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - Alfred Street (cricket umpire) -- English cricketer and cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Alfred Thomson -- English artist
Wikipedia - Alfred Toogood -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Alfred Trestrail -- English cricketer and lawyer
Wikipedia - Alfred Tucker -- 19th and 20th-century English Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - Alfred Wainwright -- English walker and writer
Wikipedia - Alfred Weld -- English Jesuit and astronomer
Wikipedia - Alfred Wilson (cricketer) -- English cricketer, barrister
Wikipedia - Alfred W. Pollard -- 19th/20th-century English author and bibliographer
Wikipedia - Alf White (gangster) -- English gangster
Wikipedia - Algernon Ashton -- English composer, pianist, and professor
Wikipedia - Algernon Blackwood -- English broadcasting narrator, journalist, novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Algernon Burnaby -- English landowner, soldier, and Justice of the Peace
Wikipedia - Algernon Capell, 2nd Earl of Essex -- English nobleman, soldier, and courtier
Wikipedia - Algernon Charles Swinburne -- English poet, playwright, novelist, and critic
Wikipedia - Algernon Gissing -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Algernon Haskett-Smith -- English cricketer, barrister
Wikipedia - Algernon Herbert -- English antiquary
Wikipedia - Algernon Percy, 10th Earl of Northumberland -- 17th century English noble
Wikipedia - Algernon Sidney -- English politician and member of the middle part of the Long Parliament
Wikipedia - Algy Ward -- English guitarist
Wikipedia - Ali-A -- English YouTuber
Wikipedia - Ali B (DJ) -- English DJ, radio presenter and producer
Wikipedia - Ali Brownlee -- English radio broadcaster
Wikipedia - Alice Albinia -- English journalist and author
Wikipedia - Alice Ayres -- English nursemaid
Wikipedia - Alice Barlow -- English actress and singer
Wikipedia - Alice Barry -- English actress
Wikipedia - Alice B. Woodward -- English illustrator
Wikipedia - Alice Chaucer, Duchess of Suffolk -- 15th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Alice D. Snyder -- American professor of English and suffragist
Wikipedia - Alice Dunning Lingard -- English actress
Wikipedia - Alice Eve -- English actress
Wikipedia - Alice Hewson -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Alice Johnson (zoologist) -- English zoologist
Wikipedia - Alice Roberts -- English physician, anatomist, physical anthropologist, television presenter, author
Wikipedia - Alice Seeley Harris -- English missionary in the Congo
Wikipedia - Alice St Clair -- English actress
Wikipedia - Alice Theadom -- English-born New Zealand psychologist and academic
Wikipedia - Alice Vickery -- English physician and campaigner
Wikipedia - Alicia Amherst -- English horticulturist, botanist
Wikipedia - Alicia Boole Stott -- Irish-English mathematician
Wikipedia - Ali Cook -- English magician and actor
Wikipedia - A Linguistic Atlas of Early Middle English
Wikipedia - Alison Balsom -- English trumpet player (b1978)
Wikipedia - Alison Bettles -- English actress
Wikipedia - Alison Carroll -- English gymnast, model, and actress
Wikipedia - Alison Moyet -- English singer
Wikipedia - Alison Nicholas -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Alison Richard -- English anthropologist, conservationist and university administrator
Wikipedia - Alison Snowden -- English animator, voice actress, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alistair Anderson -- |English concertina player, Northumbrian piper and composer
Wikipedia - Alistair Burns -- English male curler and coach
Wikipedia - Alistair Griffin -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - -- Website of Al Jazeera English and Al Jazeera Balkans
Wikipedia - Al Jazeera English -- Qatari international news channel
Wikipedia - Alker Tripp -- English police officer
Wikipedia - Allan Braham -- English art historian
Wikipedia - Allan Cowburn -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Allan Holdsworth -- English guitarist and composer
Wikipedia - Allan Jones (cricketer) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Allan Sly -- English sculptor
Wikipedia - Allan Warren -- English photographer
Wikipedia - Allen Beville Ramsay -- English academic and Latin poet (1872-1955)
Wikipedia - Allen Edward Everitt -- English architectural artist and illustrator
Wikipedia - Allen Martin -- English sailor and educator in Australia
Wikipedia - Allen Mawer -- English philologist
Wikipedia - All Fours -- English card game
Wikipedia - Allied Artists Association -- English art exhibiting society
Wikipedia - Allinson Chapman -- English cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - Alliott Verdon Roe -- English aviation pioneer and manufacturer
Wikipedia - Allon Barsam -- English ophthalmologist
Wikipedia - Ally Law -- English YouTube personality
Wikipedia - Alma Cogan -- English singer
Wikipedia - Alma Howard -- Canadian-born English radiobiologist
Wikipedia - Alnod Boger -- English cricketer and barrister
Wikipedia - Alphonso, Earl of Chester -- 13th-century English prince
Wikipedia - Al Pillay -- English entertainer
Wikipedia - Alsager Hay Hill -- English social reformer
Wikipedia - Alta Car and Engineering Company -- English automobile and a Formula One racing manufacturer
Wikipedia - Altaff Mungrue -- Trinidadian-born English cricketer and Royal Air Force airman
Wikipedia - Alternative Cabaret -- English comedy collective of politically motivated performers and musicians
Wikipedia - Alun Armstrong -- English actor
Wikipedia - Amabel Williams-Ellis -- English writer
Wikipedia - Amanda Barrie -- English actress
Wikipedia - Amanda Coe -- English screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - Amanda Cooper-Sarkar -- English particle physicist
Wikipedia - Amanda Eliasch -- English photographer, artist, poet and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Amanda Hillwood -- English actress
Wikipedia - Amanda Holden -- English actress, singer and television personality
Wikipedia - Amanda Mealing -- English actress
Wikipedia - Amarah-Jae St. Aubyn -- English actor
Wikipedia - Amaresh Datta -- Indian scholar of English literature
Wikipedia - -- English-Arabic language e-commerce platform
Wikipedia - Amber Anderson -- English actress and model
Wikipedia - Amber English -- American sport shooter
Wikipedia - Ambergris Today -- English-language weekly newspaper
Wikipedia - Amber Hill (sport shooter) -- English sport shooter
Wikipedia - Amber Rose Revah -- English actress
Wikipedia - Ambrose Button -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Ambrose Cave -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Ambrose Lisle March Phillipps De Lisle -- English Catholic convert (1809-1878
Wikipedia - Ambrose Lowth -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Ambrose Philips -- 17th/18th-century English poet and politician
Wikipedia - Ambrose Rookwood -- 17th century English conspirator
Wikipedia - Amelia Dimoldenberg -- English journalist and comedian
Wikipedia - Amelia Strickler -- English shot putter
Wikipedia - Amelle Berrabah -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Amenity society -- English and Welsh conservation society
Wikipedia - American and British English grammatical differences
Wikipedia - American and British English spelling differences -- Comparison between US and UK English spelling
Wikipedia - American English (song) -- 2002 single by Idlewild
Wikipedia - American English
Wikipedia - American-English
Wikipedia - American Indian English
Wikipedia - Amery of Pavy -- 14th-century English knight
Wikipedia - Amias Paulet (d. 1538) -- English landowner and soldier
Wikipedia - Amir Amor -- English musician
Wikipedia - A moron in a hurry -- English legal test for trademark infringement
Wikipedia - Amrita Bazar Patrika -- Bengali & English Newspaper
Wikipedia - Amy-Eloise Markovc -- English long-distance runner (b. 1995)
Wikipedia - Amy Elsie Horrocks -- English Pianist and composer
Wikipedia - Amy Johnson -- Pioneering English aviator
Wikipedia - Amy Kwolek -- English actress
Wikipedia - Amy Voce -- English radio broadcaster (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Amy Wadge -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Amy Williams (weightlifter) -- English athlete
Wikipedia - Amy Winehouse -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Anastasia Robinson -- 18th century English soprano, later contralto singer
Wikipedia - And did those feet in ancient time -- 1808 William Blake poem adapted into a popular English hymn
Wikipedia - Andertons Music Co. -- English musical instrument retailer
Wikipedia - Andi Drake -- English racewalker
Wikipedia - Andrea Arnold -- English film director and actor
Wikipedia - Andree Melly -- English actress
Wikipedia - Andrew Archer (1659-1741) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Andrew Barton (16th-century MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Andrew Baynton -- 16th-century English politician and scholar
Wikipedia - Andrew Bloxam -- English clergyman and naturalist (1801-1878)
Wikipedia - Andrew Butterfield -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Andrew Campbell (cricketer) -- English cricketer and barrister
Wikipedia - Andrew Cane -- English comic actor
Wikipedia - Andrew Corbet (died 1578) -- English landowner and politician
Wikipedia - Andrew Corran -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Andrew de Bolingbroke -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Andrew Deer -- English taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Andrew Doyle (comedian) -- English comedian, journalist, and political satirist
Wikipedia - Andrew Gale -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Andrew Gurr -- English literary scholar specialising in Shakespeare and English Renaissance theatre
Wikipedia - Andrew Haigh -- English filmmaker
Wikipedia - Andrew Hayden-Smith -- English actor and voiceover artist and former television presenter
Wikipedia - Andrew Hemming -- English male curler and coach
Wikipedia - Andrew Horn -- English fishmonger, lawyer and legal scholar who served as Chamberlain of the City of London
Wikipedia - Andrew Irvine (mountaineer) -- English mountaineer
Wikipedia - Andrew Johnston (English politician) -- British politician
Wikipedia - Andrew John Whiteley -- English chess player
Wikipedia - Andrew Jones (fl. 1386) -- English Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - Andrew Kean -- English martial arts expert
Wikipedia - Andrew Lawrence-King -- English harpist and conductor
Wikipedia - Andrew Longmore (journalist) -- English cricketer and sports journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Loog Oldham -- English record producer, talent manager, impresario and author
Wikipedia - Andrew March -- English composer
Wikipedia - Andrew Marshall (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Andrew Marvell -- English Metaphysical poet, satirist and politician
Wikipedia - Andrew McMillan (poet) -- English poet (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Andrew Moody -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Murray (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Andrew Nowell -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Andrew Paul -- English actor
Wikipedia - Andrew Pennycuicke -- 17th-century English actor and stationer
Wikipedia - Andrew Pickles -- English biostatistician
Wikipedia - Andrew Roberts (historian) -- English historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Scott Cairncross -- 20th-century Scottish professor of English literature and Shakespeare expert
Wikipedia - Andrew Sherborne -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Andrew Stoddart -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Andrew Tristem -- English author and journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Wawn -- English professor
Wikipedia - Andrew Weatherall -- English DJ, record producer, and remixer
Wikipedia - Andrew Wilson (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Andrulla Blanchette -- English bodybuilder
Wikipedia - Andy Anderson (drummer) -- English drummer
Wikipedia - Andy Chambers -- English author and game designer
Wikipedia - Andy Devine (English actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Andy Doonan -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Andy Gibb -- English-Australian pop singer
Wikipedia - Andy Hodgson -- English television presenter and teleshopping auctioneer
Wikipedia - Andy Kanavan -- English musician
Wikipedia - Andy Kerr (weightlifter) -- English weightlifter
Wikipedia - Andy Moles -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Andy Nicholson -- English musician, DJ and producer (born 1986)
Wikipedia - Andy Ogle -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Andy Partridge -- English musician and XTC founder
Wikipedia - Andy Pask -- English composer and musician
Wikipedia - Andy Pick -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Andy Serkis -- English actor and film director
Wikipedia - Andy Sullivan (golfer) -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Andy Taylor (guitarist) -- English guitarist and member of Duran Duran
Wikipedia - Andy Vince -- English athlete
Wikipedia - Andy Wright (music producer) -- English music producer and songwriter
Wikipedia - An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman -- Pattern for jokes
Wikipedia - An Englishman in Moscow -- 1914 painting
Wikipedia - An Englishman's Castle -- 1978 British television series
Wikipedia - An Englishman's Home -- 1940 film by Albert de Courville
Wikipedia - A New English Dictionary
Wikipedia - Angela Baddeley -- English actress
Wikipedia - Angela Carter -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Angela Down -- English actress
Wikipedia - Angela Littlewood -- English shot putter
Wikipedia - Angela Morley -- English composer and conductor
Wikipedia - Angela Rippon -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Angela's Christmas -- 2017 English-language short film
Wikipedia - Angela Sinclair-Loutit -- English social justice activist
Wikipedia - Angel Coulby -- English actress
Wikipedia - Anglicisation -- Process by which something or someone (usually a word) is made more English-like
Wikipedia - Anglicism -- Word or construction peculiar to or borrowed from the English language
Wikipedia - Anglo-Americans -- English-speaking people in parts of North America where English culture and language are dominant
Wikipedia - Anglo-Persian Oil Company -- English energy company founded in 1908
Wikipedia - Anglophile -- Someone with a strong interest in or love of English people, culture, and history
Wikipedia - Anglophobia -- Opposition to or fear of England and/or English people
Wikipedia - Anglophone pronunciation of foreign languages -- English speakers' pronunciation of other languages
Wikipedia - Anglo-Portuguese Army -- Combined English and Portuguese army during the Peninsular War
Wikipedia - Anglo-Saxon Chronicle -- Set of related medieval English chronicles
Wikipedia - Anglo-Saxon metrical charms -- Magical recipes in Old English.
Wikipedia - Anglo-Spanish War (1654-1660) -- 1654-1660 war between the English Protectorate under Oliver Cromwell and Spain
Wikipedia - Angus Deayton -- English television presenter, actor, writer, comedian
Wikipedia - Angus MacKay (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Angus McPhail (cricketer) -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Angus Silver -- English neuroscientist
Wikipedia - A. N. Hornby -- English athlete
Wikipedia - An Inspector Calls -- 1945 play written by English dramatist J. B. Priestley
Wikipedia - Anketil de Coleshull -- 13th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Anna Atkins -- 19th-century English botanist and photographer
Wikipedia - Annabel Dimmock -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Annabelle Apsion -- English actress
Wikipedia - Annabelle Sreberny -- English academic
Wikipedia - Annabell Fuller -- English amateur golfer
Wikipedia - Anna Brecon -- English actress
Wikipedia - Anna Chancellor -- English actress
Wikipedia - Anna Cropper -- English actress
Wikipedia - Anna Dale -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Anna Eliza Bray -- English writer
Wikipedia - Anna Friel -- English actress
Wikipedia - Anna Higgs -- English film producer
Wikipedia - Anna Jacobs -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Anna Jewsbury -- English fashion designer
Wikipedia - Anna Jordan -- English playwright
Wikipedia - Anna Kingsford -- English physician, activist, and feminist
Wikipedia - Anna, Lady Miller -- English poet and travel writer
Wikipedia - Anna Laetitia Barbauld -- English author (1743-1825)
Wikipedia - Anna Leader -- Luxembourg English-language poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Anna Maria Seymour -- English actress
Wikipedia - Anna Massey -- English actress
Wikipedia - Anna Meades -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Anna Merz -- English conservationist
Wikipedia - Anna Neagle -- English stage and film actress and singer
Wikipedia - Anna Passey -- English actress
Wikipedia - Anna Popplewell -- English film, television and theatre actress
Wikipedia - Anna Richardson -- English presenter, television producer, writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Anna Rose O'Sullivan -- English ballet dancer
Wikipedia - Anna Russell (botanist) -- English botanist
Wikipedia - Anna Sewell -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Ann Brunton Merry -- English actress (1769-1808)
Wikipedia - Ann Charlotte Bartholomew -- English flower and miniature painter, and author
Wikipedia - Ann Craig -- English silversmith
Wikipedia - Ann Davison -- English sailor
Wikipedia - Anne Askew -- English Protestant martyr
Wikipedia - Anne Aubrey -- English actress
Wikipedia - Anne Bacon -- English scholar
Wikipedia - Anne Beloff-Chain -- English biochemist
Wikipedia - Anne BrontM-CM-+ -- English novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Anne Bullar -- English writer (b. 1812, d. 1856)
Wikipedia - Anne Camm -- English Quaker
Wikipedia - Anne Cecil -- English nobility, writer
Wikipedia - Anne Dudley -- English classical and popular composer
Wikipedia - Anne Elliot (novelist) -- English writer
Wikipedia - Anne Greene -- English domestic servant
Wikipedia - Anne Herbert, Countess of Pembroke -- English countess
Wikipedia - Anne Hyde -- 17th-century English duchess
Wikipedia - Anne Kirkbride -- English actress
Wikipedia - Anne Lister -- English landowner and lesbian diarist
Wikipedia - Anne Loreille Saunders -- English historian
Wikipedia - Anne Maria Chapman -- English Anglican missionary
Wikipedia - Anne Neville -- English queen
Wikipedia - Anne Olivier Bell -- English art scholar
Wikipedia - Anne Phillips (geologist) -- English geologist
Wikipedia - Anne Reid -- English actress
Wikipedia - Anne Robinson -- English television presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Anne Rogers -- English actress, singer and dancer
Wikipedia - Anne Treisman -- English psychologist
Wikipedia - Annette Allcock -- English artist
Wikipedia - Annette Badland -- English actress
Wikipedia - Annette Robertson -- English actress
Wikipedia - Annette Salaman -- English writer
Wikipedia - Anne Ziegler -- English singer
Wikipedia - Ann Hawkshaw -- English poet (1812-1885)
Wikipedia - Annie Edwards -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Annie Elizabeth Helme -- English mayor of City of Lancaster
Wikipedia - Annie Landau -- English educator
Wikipedia - Annie McCall -- English doctor
Wikipedia - Annie Murray (writer) -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Annie Pearson, Viscountess Cowdray -- English philanthropist and feminist
Wikipedia - Annie Saker -- English actress
Wikipedia - Annie Zaidi -- English-language writer from India
Wikipedia - Ann-Kio Briggs -- English-born Nigerian activist
Wikipedia - Ann Long -- English diver
Wikipedia - Ann Mary Burgess -- English Quaker philanthropist
Wikipedia - Ann Masterman Skinn -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Ann Radcliffe -- English author and a pioneer of the Gothic novel (1764-1823)
Wikipedia - Ann Walker of Lightcliffe -- English landowner (1803-1854)
Wikipedia - Ann Way -- English actress
Wikipedia - Ann Yearsley -- English poet and writer
Wikipedia - Ansgar the Staller -- English nobleman, c. 1025-1085
Wikipedia - Ant Anstead -- English television presenter, motor specialist and designer
Wikipedia - Anthea Turner -- English television presenter and media personality
Wikipedia - Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury -- English politician and founder of the Whig party (1621-1683)
Wikipedia - Anthony Ashley-Cooper, Lord Ashley -- English aristocrat and British army officer
Wikipedia - Anthony Asquith -- English film director
Wikipedia - Anthony Aucher -- 17th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Anthony Babington (died 1536) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Anthony Babington -- English nobleman convicted of plotting the assassination of Elizabeth I of England
Wikipedia - Anthony Bate -- English actor
Wikipedia - Anthony Benn (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Anthony Bennett (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Anthony Bourchier -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Anthony Browne (judge) -- English politician and justice
Wikipedia - Anthony Buckeridge -- English author
Wikipedia - Anthony Burgess -- English writer and composer
Wikipedia - Anthony Bushell -- English actor
Wikipedia - Anthony Carleton -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Anthony Chute -- English poet and pamphleteer
Wikipedia - Anthony Colly -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Anthony Cooke -- English humanist scholar
Wikipedia - Anthony Daniels -- English actor
Wikipedia - Anthony Dyott -- English politician
Wikipedia - Anthony Forwood -- English actor (1915-1988)
Wikipedia - Anthony Gilbert (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Anthony Grey, Earl of Harold -- English noble
Wikipedia - Anthony Hawles -- English priest
Wikipedia - Anthony Head -- English actor
Wikipedia - Anthony Henday -- English explorer
Wikipedia - Anthony Holden -- English writer, broadcaster, and critic
Wikipedia - Anthony Hope -- English novelist (1863-1933)
Wikipedia - Anthony Horowitz -- English novelist and screenwriter (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Anthony Hungerford of Down Ampney -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Anthony Hurt Wolley-Dod -- English botanist (1861-1948)
Wikipedia - Anthony Jenkinson -- English diplomat, traveller and explorer (1529-c.1611)
Wikipedia - Anthony Kingston -- English royal official
Wikipedia - Anthony Lawrence (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Anthony Lewis (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Anthony Marriott -- English actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anthony Marwood -- English classical violinist (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Anthony Mildmay -- English diplomat
Wikipedia - Anthony Missenden -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Anthony Munday -- 16th/17th-century English playwright
Wikipedia - Anthony Nuttall -- 20th/21st-century English literary critic and academic
Wikipedia - Anthony Palfreman -- English cricketer and cricket administrator
Wikipedia - Anthony Powell -- English novelist (1905-2000)
Wikipedia - Anthony Quinlan -- English actor
Wikipedia - Anthony Restwold -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Anthony Roane -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Anthony Roll -- A record of ships of the English Tudor navy of the 1540s
Wikipedia - Anthony Sagar -- English actor
Wikipedia - Anthony Shirley -- English soldier and traveller (1565-1635)
Wikipedia - Anthony Stapleton -- 16th-century English politician and lawyer
Wikipedia - Anthony St Leger (Lord Deputy of Ireland) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Anthony Tailboyes -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Anthony Tew -- English cricketer, solicitor
Wikipedia - Anthony Thackara -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Anthony Thorold (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Anthony Throckmorton -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Anthony Trollope -- English novelist (1815-1882)
Wikipedia - Anthony Upton (judge) -- English judge
Wikipedia - Anthony Wagner -- 20th century English officer of arms at the College of Arms in London
Wikipedia - Anthony Wall -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Anthony Weekes -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Anthony Welsh -- English actor
Wikipedia - Anthony Wilkinson -- English cricketer and barrister
Wikipedia - Anthony Wood (antiquary) -- English antiquarian
Wikipedia - Anthony Woodville, 2nd Earl Rivers -- 15th-century English noble, courtier, and writer
Wikipedia - Antidisestablishmentarianism (word) -- Long word in the English language
Wikipedia - Anti-English sentiment
Wikipedia - Ant McPartlin -- English television presenter, producer and actor
Wikipedia - Antoinette Kirkwood -- English composer
Wikipedia - Antonia Brough -- English actress
Wikipedia - Antonia Gransden -- English historian and medievalist
Wikipedia - Anton Lesser -- English actor
Wikipedia - Anton Powers -- English DJ and record producer
Wikipedia - Anton Rippon -- English writer
Wikipedia - Anton Syree -- South African-born English cricketer and doctor
Wikipedia - Antony Carr -- English author
Wikipedia - Antony Hamilton -- English actor and dancer
Wikipedia - Antony Jay -- English writer, broadcaster, and director
Wikipedia - Antony Worrall Thompson -- English restaurateur and celebrity chef
Wikipedia - An Universal Etymological English Dictionary -- 1721 dictionary by Nathan Bailey
Wikipedia - Anya Chalotra -- English actress
Wikipedia - Anya Corke -- English chess player
Wikipedia - Anya Taylor-Joy -- Argentine-English actress
Wikipedia - Apalachee massacre -- 1704 raids by English colonists against Native Americans
Wikipedia - AP English Language and Composition -- College level English class offered to high school students as part of the AP programs
Wikipedia - A Pleasant Ballad of Tobias -- English ballad
Wikipedia - A Pleasant New Song Betwixt a Sailor and his Love -- English Broadside Ballad
Wikipedia - A. P. Lucas -- English first-class cricketer (1857-1923)
Wikipedia - Appalachian English
Wikipedia - Apple Pie ABC -- English alphabet rhyme for children
Wikipedia - Appropriate adult -- Guardian or equivalent for contact purposes in English law
Wikipedia - April Pearson -- English actress
Wikipedia - AP Stylebook -- book on English usage by Associated Press
Wikipedia - Aqualung (musician) -- English musician)
Wikipedia - Aquilo (band) -- English musical duo
Wikipedia - Arabella Buckley -- English science writer
Wikipedia - Arabella Churchill (charity founder) -- English charity founder, festival co-founder, and fundraiser (1949-2007)
Wikipedia - A. R. B. Thomas -- English amateur chess player
Wikipedia - Archer Windsor-Clive -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Archibald White (umpire) -- English cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Archie Panjabi -- English actress
Wikipedia - Archie Renaux -- English actor and model
Wikipedia - Archie Wickham -- English cricketer, clergyman, and entomologist
Wikipedia - Archie Wilmotte Leslie Bray -- English-American educator
Wikipedia - Arctic Lake (band) -- English indie pop trio
Wikipedia - Arctic Monkeys -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Arden of Faversham -- 1592 English play of undetermined authorship
Wikipedia - Argonaut Club -- English rowing club
Wikipedia - Arirang TV -- English-language television network based in South Korea
Wikipedia - Arizona Days (1937 film) -- 1937 film by John English
Wikipedia - Armstrong Gibbs -- English composer (1889-1960)
Wikipedia - Army Public School Peshawar -- English-medium educational institution in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Arnold Allen (fighter) -- English MMA fighter
Wikipedia - Arnold Bax -- English composer and poet (1883-1953)
Wikipedia - Arnold Bennett -- English writer
Wikipedia - Arnold Minnis -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Arnold Pomfret -- English cricketer, ophthalmologist, and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Arnold Reading -- English cricketer and Royal Marines officer
Wikipedia - Arnold Ridley -- English playwright and actor
Wikipedia - Arnold Stickley -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Arron Banks -- English businessman
Wikipedia - Arthur Agar-Robartes, 8th Viscount Clifden -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Allen (died 1558) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Archdale -- English cricketer and Royal Artillery officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Artis Oldham -- English historian
Wikipedia - Arthur Aston (army officer) -- English Army officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Atye -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Barnby -- English cricketer and military officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Bartholomew (cricketer) -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Arthur Basset (1597-1673) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Bassett (died 1586) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Blomfield -- English architect
Wikipedia - Arthur Brown (musician) -- English musician
Wikipedia - Arthur B. Woods -- English film director
Wikipedia - Arthur Byng -- English cricketer and army officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Calder-Marshall -- English novelist, essayist, critic, memoirist and biographer
Wikipedia - Arthur Callender -- English Egyptologist and engineer
Wikipedia - Arthur Cantrell -- English cricketer and Royal Marines officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Capell, 1st Earl of Essex -- English noble
Wikipedia - Arthur Ceely -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Arthur Champernowne -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Chesney -- English character actor
Wikipedia - Arthur Chester -- English cricketer and Test umpire
Wikipedia - Arthur Chichester, 1st Baron Chichester -- English peer
Wikipedia - Arthur Chichester (MP for Honiton) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Chitty -- English cricketer, barrister
Wikipedia - Arthur Cruttenden Mace -- English archaeologist
Wikipedia - Arthur Day (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Arthur Dewhurst Riley -- English-born New Zealand artist, educationalist and businessman
Wikipedia - Arthur Dorman (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Arthur Edwards (antiquary) -- English army officer and antiquary
Wikipedia - Arthur Edwards (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Evans -- English archaeologist and pioneer in the study of Aegean civilisation
Wikipedia - Arthur Faber -- English cricketer, headmaster, and clergyman
Wikipedia - Arthur Fawcett -- English cricketer and military officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Fernie -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Arthur Flower -- English cricket administrator (1920-1986)
Wikipedia - Arthur Forman -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Arthur Fortescue -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Arthur Forwood -- English businessman and politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Fraser Walter -- English newspaper proprietor
Wikipedia - Arthur F. Statter -- English screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arthur Fulcher -- English cricketer and yacht racer
Wikipedia - Arthur Gibson (cricketer, born 1889) -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Girling -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Arthur Golding -- 16th-century English linguist and translator
Wikipedia - Arthur Goodwin -- English politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Gorges -- English sea captain, poet, translator and courtier (c.1569-1625)
Wikipedia - Arthur Gray (athlete) -- English athletics competitor
Wikipedia - Arthur Gray (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Arthur Hallam -- English poet
Wikipedia - Arthur Hall (English politician) -- English courtier and translator
Wikipedia - Arthur Havers -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Arthur Haygarth -- English cricketer and writer
Wikipedia - Arthur Henry Gooden -- English screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arthur Henry Knighton-Hammond -- English watercolour painter
Wikipedia - Arthur Hide -- English cricketer and Test match umpire
Wikipedia - Arthur Hoare (cricketer, born 1871) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Arthur Hugh Clough -- English poet
Wikipedia - Arthur Hugh Garfit Alston -- English botanist
Wikipedia - Arthur Ingram -- English politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Irvin -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Arthur James Grant -- English historian
Wikipedia - Arthur Johnson (historian) -- English historian and chaplain
Wikipedia - Arthur Joseph Davis -- English architect
Wikipedia - Arthur J. Stanley -- English sportsman and stockbroker
Wikipedia - Arthur Kadmon -- English guitarist
Wikipedia - Arthur Kemble -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Arthur Kenelm Watson -- English cricketer, teacher, and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Arthur Knowles -- English cricketer and industrialist
Wikipedia - Arthur Lee (cricketer, born 1849) -- English cricketer, clergyman
Wikipedia - Arthur Lowe -- English actor
Wikipedia - Arthur Luard -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Lupton -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Arthur Mackley -- English actor
Wikipedia - Arthur Malet -- English stage, film and television actor in the USA
Wikipedia - Arthur Malkin -- English cricketer, writer, and alpinist
Wikipedia - Arthur Maude -- English actor, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Arthur Millward -- English cricketer and Test match umpire
Wikipedia - Arthur Paterson -- English cricketer and British army officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Pawson -- English cricketer, soldier and solicitor
Wikipedia - Arthur Perowne (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Arthur Pond -- English painter and engraver
Wikipedia - Arthur Porter (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Priestley -- English cricketer and politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Rackham -- English book illustrator
Wikipedia - Arthur Ransome -- English author and journalist
Wikipedia - Arthur Reid (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Arthur Richards (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Rigby (actor) -- English actor and writer
Wikipedia - Arthur Rook -- English equestrian
Wikipedia - Arthur Rosson -- English film director
Wikipedia - Arthur Scott (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Skey -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Smith (comedian) -- English comedian and writer
Wikipedia - Arthur Snowden (cricketer) -- English cricketer and teacher
Wikipedia - Arthur Stanley-Clarke -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Stoner -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Arthur Studd -- English cricketer, painter and art collector
Wikipedia - Arthur Sullivan -- English composer of Gilbert & Sullivan comic operas (1842-1900)
Wikipedia - Arthur Teape -- English cricketer, barrister
Wikipedia - Arthur Thomas (Cambridge University cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Arthur Tomblin -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Arthur Tyler (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Ward (cricketer) -- English cricketer, cricket administrator, and clergyman
Wikipedia - Arthur Watson (cricketer, born 1835) -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Arthur Welshe -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Willey (solicitor) -- English solicitor, racehorse owner and MP
Wikipedia - Arthur Willmer -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Wills (musician) -- English musician
Wikipedia - Arthur Wilmot -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Arthur Wilson (writer) -- 17th-century English playwright, historian, and poet
Wikipedia - Arthur Winter -- English cricketer and Anglican priest
Wikipedia - Arthur Wood (Royal Navy officer) -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Wright (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Yeldard -- English clergyman and academic
Wikipedia - Arthur Young (agriculturist) -- English writer on agriculture (1741-1820)
Wikipedia - Arundhathi Subramaniam -- English language Indian poet
Wikipedia - Ashford v Thornton -- English law case which upheld the right to trial by battle
Wikipedia - Ashley Chesters -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Ashley Madekwe -- English actress
Wikipedia - Ashley Winlaw -- English cricketer and schoolteacher
Wikipedia - A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature
Wikipedia - A Short English Chronicle {{ITALICTITLE -- A Short English Chronicle {{ITALICTITLE
Wikipedia - Ashridge Dining Club -- The meetings of an English political club 1933-1938
Wikipedia - Ashton Aylworth -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Ashton Wentworth Dilke -- English politician
Wikipedia - Asia Literary Review -- Quarterly literary journal published in English
Wikipedia - Asian Dub Foundation -- English electronica band
Wikipedia - As I was going to St Ives -- Traditional English riddle
Wikipedia - Aspen Review Central Europe -- English-language quarterly
Wikipedia - Asshole -- English insult describing the anus, usually used to refer to people
Wikipedia - Astley-Cooper baronets -- English baronetcy
Wikipedia - Aston Martin -- English manufacturer of luxury sports cars and grand tourers
Wikipedia - Astrea Academy Dearne -- English school of humanities
Wikipedia - Athelstan Braxton Hicks -- English coroner
Wikipedia - Athene Seyler -- English actress
Wikipedia - Athlete (band) -- English indie rock band
Wikipedia - Atlantic Canadian English
Wikipedia - Attempto Controlled English
Wikipedia - Atticus Ross -- English musician, composer and record producer
Wikipedia - Attorney General v Blake -- English contract law case on damages for breach of contract
Wikipedia - Attwood Torrens -- English cricketer and army officer
Wikipedia - Aubrey Beardsley -- English illustrator and author
Wikipedia - Aubrey de Grey -- English author and biogerontologist
Wikipedia - Aubrey J. Kempner -- English-born American mathematician
Wikipedia - Aubrey Mallalieu -- English actor
Wikipedia - Aubrey Mather -- English actor
Wikipedia - Aubrey Powell (designer) -- English album cover designer and film director
Wikipedia - Aubrey William Ingleton -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Auckland Colvin -- English colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Audley Miller -- English cricketer and Test umpire
Wikipedia - Audrey Eyton -- English animal welfare campaigner and writer
Wikipedia - Audrey Richards -- English anthropologist
Wikipedia - Augusta Innes Withers -- English natural history illustrator
Wikipedia - Augustine Phillips -- 16th-century English actor and theatre sharer
Wikipedia - Augustine Steward -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Augustus Edward Hough Love -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Augustus Pitt Rivers -- English army officer, ethnologist and archaeologist
Wikipedia - Augustus Stapleton -- English biographer and political pamphleteer
Wikipedia - Austen Croom-Johnson -- English pianist
Wikipedia - Austen Henry Layard -- English archaeologist and politician (1817-1894)
Wikipedia - Austin English -- American cartoonist and artist
Wikipedia - Austin Holyoake -- English publisher
Wikipedia - Austin Motor Company -- Defunct English manufacturer of motor vehicles
Wikipedia - Austin Osman Spare -- English artist
Wikipedia - Austin Woolrych -- English historian
Wikipedia - Australian Aboriginal English
Wikipedia - Australian English phonology
Wikipedia - Australian English vocabulary -- Major variety of the English language spoken throughout Australia
Wikipedia - Australian English -- Dialect within the English language
Wikipedia - Ava Anderson, Viscountess Waverley -- 20th-century English political and social hostess
Wikipedia - Averil Demuth -- English author
Wikipedia - A Very English Murder -- 1974 film by Samson Samsonov
Wikipedia - A Very English Scandal (TV series) -- British miniseries about Jeremy Thorpe
Wikipedia - Avis Crocombe -- English cook
Wikipedia - Avon County Rowing Club -- English rowing club
Wikipedia - Awards received by Jane Goodall -- List of awards received by English primatologist and anthropologist Jane Goodall
Wikipedia - Away with the learning of clerks, away with it! -- Slogan of the 1381 English Peasants' Revolt
Wikipedia - A World Without Love -- Song by the English duo Peter and Gordon
Wikipedia - A. W. Watkins -- English sound engineer
Wikipedia - Ayanna Thompson -- Professor of English at Arizona State University
Wikipedia - Ayesha Antoine -- English actress
Wikipedia - Baa, Baa, Black Sheep -- English nursery rhyme
Wikipedia - Babette Cole -- English children's writer and illustrator
Wikipedia - Baby Ballroom -- English dance competition reality television series
Wikipedia - Babylon Graundfote -- English poitician
Wikipedia - Bachelorette -- American English, from bachelor with French ending -ette
Wikipedia - Bacup railway station -- English railway station from 1852 to 1966
Wikipedia - Bad Company discography -- Cataloging of published recordings by English rock super group Bad Company
Wikipedia - Bad Company -- English hard rock supergroup
Wikipedia - Bad News (band) -- Fictional English heavy metal band
Wikipedia - Bae (word) -- Slang English language term of endearment
Wikipedia - BAF Shaheen English Medium School -- School in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - BAFTA Award for Best Film Not in the English Language -- Presented annually at the British Academy Film Awards
Wikipedia - Baga de Secretis -- Medieval English store of secret documents
Wikipedia - Bahamian English
Wikipedia - Bajan English
Wikipedia - Bamboo English -- Japanese Pidgin-English jargon
Wikipedia - Bananarama -- English pop group
Wikipedia - Banbury Cake (newspaper) -- English free newspaper
Wikipedia - Banbury cheese -- English cheese which is no longer produced
Wikipedia - Bande Mataram (publication) -- English language newspaper
Wikipedia - Band of Skulls -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Bangladeshi English
Wikipedia - Bank of English
Wikipedia - Banoffee pie -- English dessert pie
Wikipedia - Baptist May -- English royal courtier
Wikipedia - Baptist Noel, 3rd Viscount Campden -- English Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - Barbara Blaugdone -- English Quaker preacher
Wikipedia - Barbara Bray -- English translator and critic
Wikipedia - Barbara Cartland -- English writer and media personality (1901-2000)
Wikipedia - Barbara Comyns -- English writer and artist
Wikipedia - Barbara Freire-Marreco -- English anthropologist and folklorist
Wikipedia - Barbara Hammond -- English social historian
Wikipedia - Barbara Hepworth -- English artist and sculptor
Wikipedia - Barbara Howitt -- English mezzo-soprano
Wikipedia - Barbara Ker Wilson -- English-born Australian novelist and editor
Wikipedia - Barbara Knox -- English actress
Wikipedia - Barbara Montagu -- English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Barbara Palmer, 1st Duchess of Cleveland -- English royal mistress from the Villiers family
Wikipedia - Barbara Parker-Mallowan -- English archaeologist, Assyriologist, and epigraphist (1908-1993)
Wikipedia - Barbara Snow (ornithologist) -- English ornithologist and geologist
Wikipedia - Barbara Tennant -- English actress
Wikipedia - Barbara Windsor -- English actress
Wikipedia - Barclay Fox -- English businessman
Wikipedia - Barebone's Parliament -- English parliament, Jul to Dec 1653
Wikipedia - Barghest -- Mythical creature in Northern English folklore
Wikipedia - Barings Bank -- Defunct English merchant bank
Wikipedia - Barnabe Googe -- 16th-century English poet and politician
Wikipedia - Barnaby Backwell -- 18th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Barnaby Bernard Lintot -- 17th/18th-century English publisher
Wikipedia - Barney Clark (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Baron Clifford of Chudleigh -- Title in the English peerage
Wikipedia - Baron (photographer) -- English photographer
Wikipedia - Baron Stafford -- English baronial title
Wikipedia - Baron St Amand -- English title
Wikipedia - Barrie Dobson -- English historian
Wikipedia - Barrie Edgar -- English television producer
Wikipedia - Barrie Gilbert -- English-American inventor
Wikipedia - Barrie Leadbeater -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Barrie Marmion -- English microbiologist
Wikipedia - Barrington Mills -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Barrington Renford Patterson -- English kickboxer and mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Barry Blue -- English singer, producer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Barry Dudleston -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Barry Edward Johnson -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Barry England -- English playwright and novelist
Wikipedia - Barry Hoban -- English cyclists
Wikipedia - Barry Skipper -- English businessman
Wikipedia - Barry Sloane -- English actor
Wikipedia - Barry Took -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Bartholomew Beale -- English bureaucrat
Wikipedia - Bartholomew Clerke -- 16th-century English jurist and politician
Wikipedia - Bartholomew Gosnold -- English explorer
Wikipedia - Bartholomew Kemp -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Bartholomew Westley -- English ejected minister
Wikipedia - Barton Booth -- 17th/18th-century English actor
Wikipedia - Basic English -- English-based controlled language
Wikipedia - Basil Briggs -- English/Australian physicist
Wikipedia - Basil Brooke (Royal Navy admiral) -- English cricketer and Royal Navy admiral
Wikipedia - Basil Harwood -- English organist and composer (1859-1949)
Wikipedia - Basil Hayles -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Basil Hill-Wood -- English cricketer, solicitor, and baronet
Wikipedia - Basil Reed -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Basil Sydney -- English actor
Wikipedia - Bastille (band) -- English indie pop band
Wikipedia - Bat for Lashes -- English singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist
Wikipedia - Bath and North East Somerset Council -- English local government council
Wikipedia - Battle of Adwalton Moor -- A Battle that took place in 1643 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Agincourt -- English victory in the Hundred Years' War
Wikipedia - Battle of Aylesbury -- A Battle in 1643 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Babylon Hill -- 1642 skirmish of the first English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Bovey Heath -- Battle of the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Brentford (1642) -- A Battle that took in 1643 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Camp Hill -- Battle in the first English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Chalgrove Field -- First English Civil War, 1643
Wikipedia - Battle of Cheriton -- A Battle that took place in 1644 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Crecy -- English victory during the Hundred Years' War
Wikipedia - Battle of Edgcote -- 1469 battle in the English Wars of the Roses
Wikipedia - Battle of Edgehill -- 1642 battle during the English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Ferrybridge -- 1461 battle in the English Wars of the Roses
Wikipedia - Battle of Gainsborough -- 1643 battle of the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Heptonstall -- A battle of the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Hexham -- 1464 battle in the English Wars of the Roses
Wikipedia - Battle of Inverkeithing -- A Battle during the Third English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Langport -- A Battle that took place during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Lansdowne -- 1643 English Civil War battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Maidstone -- A Battle that took place during the Second English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Marshall's Elm -- 1642 skirmish in Somerset prior to the English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Mortimer's Cross -- 1461 battle in the English Wars of the Roses
Wikipedia - Battle of Muster Green -- Battle of the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Nantwich -- A Battle that took place in 1644 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Naseby -- A Battle that took place during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Olney Bridge -- A skirmish that took place in 1643 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Orewin Bridge -- 13th c. battle between the English and Welsh
Wikipedia - Battle of Oswestry -- Battle of the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Piercebridge -- Battle of the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Powick Bridge -- Battle of the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Preston (1648) -- A Battle that took during the Second English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Ripple Field -- A Battle that took place in 1643 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Roundway Down -- A Battle that took place in 1643 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Rowton Heath -- A Battle that took place during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of San Juan (1598) -- English force of 20 ships took San Juan from Spain for 65 days
Wikipedia - Battle of Selby -- A battle that took place in 1644 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Solway Moss -- English victory over Scotland, 1542
Wikipedia - Battle of Sourton Down -- A battle of the first English civil war
Wikipedia - Battle of St Fagans -- A Battle that took place during the Second English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Stourbridge Heath -- A small battle that took place in 1644 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Stow-on-the-Wold -- A Battle that took place during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Tadcaster -- Battle of the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Tewkesbury -- 1471 battle in the English Wars of the Roses
Wikipedia - Battle of Texel -- Naval Battle off the island of Texel (1673) between Dutch and combined English and French fleets
Wikipedia - Battle of Tipton Green -- A skirmish that took place in 1644 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Torrington -- A Battle that took place during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Towton -- 1461 battle in the English Wars of the Roses
Wikipedia - Battle of Turnham Green -- A Battle that took place in 1643 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Upton -- A Battle that took place during the Third English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Wakefield -- 1460 battle in the English Wars of the Roses
Wikipedia - Battle of Warrington Bridge (1651) -- A skirmish that took place during the Third English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Weymouth -- Battle during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Wigan Lane -- Battle during Third English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Winceby -- A Battle that took place in 1643 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Worcester -- 1651 final battle of the English Civil War
Wikipedia - Baxenden railway station -- English railway station from 1848 to 1961
Wikipedia - Bay Islands English -- Language
Wikipedia - Baz Warne -- English musician
Wikipedia - BBC English Regions -- Division of the BBC responsible for local and regional services in England
Wikipedia - BBC Radio Surrey -- BBC Local Radio service for the English county of Surrey
Wikipedia - BBC Sussex -- BBC Local Radio service for the English county of Sussex
Wikipedia - BBC Three Counties Radio -- BBC Local Radio service for the English counties of Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire
Wikipedia - -- Bilingual (English and Bengali) news publisher, 24/7
Wikipedia - Beachy Head West -- Conservation areas in the English Channel off the East Sussex coast
Wikipedia - Beady Eye -- English rock band formed in 2009
Wikipedia - Beatlemania -- Intense fan frenzy for the English rock band the Beatles
Wikipedia - Beatrice of England -- 13th century English princess and duchess of Brittany
Wikipedia - Beatrice Webb -- English sociologist, economist, socialist, and social reformer
Wikipedia - Beat Union -- English pop-punk band
Wikipedia - Beau Brummell -- English man of fashion
Wikipedia - Beau Geste Press -- Former English publisher
Wikipedia - Beau pleader -- writ in English law
Wikipedia - Beaupre Bell -- English antiquary
Wikipedia - Bedfordshire lace -- Type of bobbin lace made in the English Midlands
Wikipedia - Beef and Butt Beer -- 1743 English drinking song
Wikipedia - Beki Adam -- English journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Belinda Lee -- English actress (1935-1961)
Wikipedia - Belinda Owusu -- English actress
Wikipedia - Belizean English
Wikipedia - Belle Amie -- English pop group
Wikipedia - Bellott v Mountjoy -- 1612 English court case associated with William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Belpahar English Medium School -- Primary, middle, higher, 10+2 school in Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Belshazzar's Feast (Walton) -- Cantata by the English composer William Walton
Wikipedia - Ben Aldridge (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Ben Apps -- English croquet player
Wikipedia - Ben Aris -- English actor
Wikipedia - Ben Bradley (politician) -- English Conservative politician
Wikipedia - Ben Brocklehurst -- English cricketer and publisher
Wikipedia - Ben Brooks (novelist) -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Ben Bruce -- English musician
Wikipedia - Ben Debenham -- English cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Benedict Cork -- English singer-songwriter (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Benedict Cumberbatch -- English actor and film producer
Wikipedia - Benedict Spence -- English cinematographer
Wikipedia - Ben Eine -- English artist
Wikipedia - Ben Evans (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Benevolence (tax) -- English tax of the 15th to 17th century
Wikipedia - Ben Fowler -- English curler
Wikipedia - Ben Hardy (actor) -- English Actor
Wikipedia - Benita Hume -- English actress
Wikipedia - Benjamin Britten -- English composer, conductor, and pianist
Wikipedia - Benjamin Cooke -- English composer and organist
Wikipedia - Benjamin Dean Wyatt -- English architect
Wikipedia - Benjamin Griffin (actor) -- English stage actor
Wikipedia - Benjamin Grosvenor (minister) -- English nonconformist minister
Wikipedia - Benjamin Henry Latrobe -- English architect
Wikipedia - Benjamin Huntsman (cricketer) -- English cricketeer
Wikipedia - Benjamin Mountfort -- English architect, emigrant to New Zealand (1825-1898)
Wikipedia - Benjamin Preston -- English cricketer and brewer
Wikipedia - Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins -- English sculptor and natural history artist
Wikipedia - Benjamin Whitrow -- English actor
Wikipedia - Benjamin Whitworth -- English-born Irish businessman and politician
Wikipedia - Ben Jonson -- 17th-century English playwright, poet, and actor
Wikipedia - Ben Kingsley -- English actor
Wikipedia - Ben Mason -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Ben Miller -- English comedian, actor, director, and author
Wikipedia - Benn Barham -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Benny Hill -- English comedian and actor
Wikipedia - Beno Dorn -- Polish-English master tailor known for providing the Beatles with their first suits
Wikipedia - Ben's Brother -- English band
Wikipedia - Ben Shephard -- English television personality
Wikipedia - Bent (band) -- English electronica group
Wikipedia - Benvenida Cohen Belmonte -- English poet
Wikipedia - Ben Volpeliere-Pierrot -- English singer
Wikipedia - Ben Wheatley -- English film and TV director
Wikipedia - Ben Whishaw -- English actor
Wikipedia - Benza English -- Japanese On Demand TV series
Wikipedia - Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary -- Modern English translation of Beowulf by J. R. R. Tolkien
Wikipedia - Beowulf -- Old English epic poem
Wikipedia - Berkeley family -- Aristocratic English family
Wikipedia - Berkeley Ormerod -- English soldier, diplomat, and sportsman
Wikipedia - Berks/Dorset/Wilts 3 East -- English rugby union league
Wikipedia - Berlie Doherty -- English children's writer
Wikipedia - Bermudian English
Wikipedia - Bernadette Strachan -- English author
Wikipedia - Bernard Archard -- English actor
Wikipedia - Bernard Ashley (businessman) -- English businessperson and engineer
Wikipedia - Bernard Babington Smith -- English pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Bernard Bannon -- English solicitor and sportsman
Wikipedia - Bernard Capes -- English author
Wikipedia - Bernard Cribbins -- English character actor, voice-over artist and musical comedian
Wikipedia - Bernard Elgood -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Bernard Ford -- English ice dancer
Wikipedia - Bernard Gates -- English composer and singer (1686-1773)
Wikipedia - Bernard Hill -- English film, stage and television actor
Wikipedia - Bernard Hollowood -- English writer, cartoonist, and economist
Wikipedia - Bernard I de Bruce of Connington -- 13th century English noble
Wikipedia - Bernard Lee -- English actor
Wikipedia - Bernard Lovell -- English physicist and radio astronomer
Wikipedia - Bernard Smith (d. 1591) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Bernard Waddy -- English cricketer, medical doctor and academic
Wikipedia - Bernard Wake -- English cricketeer
Wikipedia - Bernard Williams -- English moral philosopher
Wikipedia - Bernard Willson (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Bernice Adams -- English actress
Wikipedia - Bernie Maher -- English cricketer and fly-fishing international
Wikipedia - Berta Ruck -- Welsh novelist in English
Wikipedia - Bert Gadd -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Bertie Snowball -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Bertiespeak -- English as spoken by Bertie Ahern
Wikipedia - Bertram Grassby -- English actor
Wikipedia - Bertram Lloyd -- English naturalist and humanitarian
Wikipedia - Bertram Park -- English photographer
Wikipedia - Bert Seymour -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Bert Way -- English golfer and golf course designer
Wikipedia - Bessie Bonehill -- English vaudeville performer
Wikipedia - Betavine -- Website created by English telecommunications company Vodafone
Wikipedia - Beth Storry -- English field hockey goalkeeper
Wikipedia - Bettany Hughes -- English historian, author and broadcaster (b1967)
Wikipedia - Betty Alberge -- English actress
Wikipedia - Betty Astell -- English actress
Wikipedia - Betty Boo -- English singer, songwriter and pop rap artist
Wikipedia - Betty Jardine -- English actress
Wikipedia - Betty Snowball -- English sportswoman
Wikipedia - Betty Timms -- English writer and sister of Flora Thompson
Wikipedia - Beverley Allitt -- English serial killer
Wikipedia - Beverley Callard -- English actress
Wikipedia - Beverly Huke -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Bianca Walkden -- English taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Bible translations into English -- Summary of different English language translations of the Bible
Wikipedia - Big-game tunny fishing off Scarborough -- Sport of English gentleman in 1930s
Wikipedia - Bill Allen (dentist) -- English dentist and cricket administrator
Wikipedia - Bill Barron -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Bill Branch -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Bill Cox (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Bill Davies (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Bill English (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - Bill English (computer engineer) -- American computer engineer, inventor of the computer mouse
Wikipedia - Bill English -- 39th Prime Minister of New Zealand
Wikipedia - Bill Grundy -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Bill Homewood -- English actor and singer
Wikipedia - Billiards and Snooker Control Council -- Former governing body for snooker and English billiards
Wikipedia - Billiards world rankings -- Ranking system for players of English billiards
Wikipedia - Billie Piper -- English actress and singer
Wikipedia - Bill Kenwright -- English businessman
Wikipedia - Bill Kitchen (speedway rider) -- English speedway rider
Wikipedia - Bill Large -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Bill Laurance -- English musician
Wikipedia - Bill Leggatt -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Bill Oddie -- English entertainer, ornithologist, conservationist (born 1941)
Wikipedia - Bill Parry (mathematician) -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Bill Parry (umpire) -- Welsh-born English cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Bill Pertwee -- English comedy actor
Wikipedia - Bill Reeves -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Bill Rowe (sound engineer) -- English sound engineer
Wikipedia - Bill Stone (Royal Navy sailor) -- English Legion d'honneur recipient
Wikipedia - Bill Thomas (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Bill Thomas (cricketer) -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Bill Twine -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Billy Armstrong (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Billy Bragg -- English singer-songwriter and left-wing political activist
Wikipedia - Billy Fury -- English musician
Wikipedia - Billy Idol -- English musician, singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Billy Mitchell (billiards player) -- Player of English billiards
Wikipedia - Billy Moore (boxer) -- Former Muay Thai Boxer of English origin
Wikipedia - Billy Murray (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Billy Nevett -- English flat racing jockey
Wikipedia - Billy Penrose -- English jazz musician
Wikipedia - Billy Taylor (cricketer) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Billy Webb's Amazing Stories -- English mini tv series
Wikipedia - Binnie Barnes -- English actress
Wikipedia - Birdy (singer) -- English singer, songwriter and musician
Wikipedia - Birmingham Statistical Society -- English Statistical Society
Wikipedia - Birmingham TV -- Local TV station in the English West Midlands
Wikipedia - Bishop's Stortford RFC -- English rugby union team
Wikipedia - Bitter Ruin -- English "experimental pop" duo
Wikipedia - Bizarre Love Triangle -- Song by the English rock band New Order
Wikipedia - B. J. Wilson -- English drummer
Wikipedia - Black Bart (outlaw) -- English-born American outlaw
Wikipedia - Blackbeard -- English pirate
Wikipedia - Black Country Development Corporation -- English urban development corporation
Wikipedia - Black Country, New Road -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Blackcube -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Blackfella -- An informal term used in Australian English to refer to Indigenous Australians
Wikipedia - Black Foxxes -- English indie rock
Wikipedia - Blackleg Miner -- English folk song
Wikipedia - Blake Hall -- English country house
Wikipedia - Blanche Baker (painter) -- English artist
Wikipedia - Blanche of England -- 15th-century English princess
Wikipedia - Blanche of Lancaster -- 14th-century English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Blanche Warre-Cornish -- English conversationalist
Wikipedia - Blankney Hunt -- English foxhound pack
Wikipedia - Blazin' Squad -- English band
Wikipedia - Blessed Parliament -- English parliament, 1604-1611
Wikipedia - Blind Faith -- English rock supergroup
Wikipedia - Blitz (British band) -- English punk rock band
Wikipedia - Blitzkrieg Bop (band) -- English punk rock band
Wikipedia - Bloody Assizes -- English trials after the Monmouth Rebellion, 1685
Wikipedia - Bloody Code -- English criminal law from around 1700 to 1823
Wikipedia - Bloomberg TV Malaysia -- Malaysian 24-hour English business news channel
Wikipedia - Blow the Man Down -- English sea shanty
Wikipedia - Blue Anchor, Hammersmith -- English pub
Wikipedia - Blue (English band)
Wikipedia - Board of Ordnance -- English and British body responsible for forts
Wikipedia - Bobbie Kimber -- English ventroloquist and female impersonator
Wikipedia - Bobby Ball -- English comedian (1944 - 2020)
Wikipedia - Bobby Elliott -- English rock drummer
Wikipedia - Bobby Graham (musician) -- English drummer
Wikipedia - Bobby Knutt -- English actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Bobby Razak -- English film director and producer
Wikipedia - Bob Chilcott -- English choral conductor and composer
Wikipedia - Bob Gale (cricketer) -- English cricketer and businessman
Wikipedia - Bob Graham Round -- English Lakeland fell-running challenge
Wikipedia - Bob Grant (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Bob Hoskins -- English actor
Wikipedia - Bob Jackson (musician) -- English musician
Wikipedia - Bob Kellett -- English film director
Wikipedia - Bob Kenyon -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Bob Monkhouse -- English entertainer
Wikipedia - Bob Mortimer -- English comedian and actor
Wikipedia - Bob Peck -- English stage, television and film actor
Wikipedia - Bob Pridden -- English sound engineer
Wikipedia - Bob Stainton -- English cricketer, Royal Air Force officer, and school headmaster
Wikipedia - Bob Thoms -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Body Gossip -- English teenage body image charity
Wikipedia - Boggart -- Creature in English folklore
Wikipedia - Bohun family -- English noble family of the late Middle Ages
Wikipedia - Bolivian Express -- English-language monthly magazine in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Bonin English -- English-Japanese pidgin language of the Bonin islands
Wikipedia - Bonnie Langford -- English actress, dancer and singer
Wikipedia - Bonnie Wright -- English actress, model, screenwriter, director and producer
Wikipedia - Bonville-Courtenay feud -- English feud
Wikipedia - Book of Common Prayer (1549) -- English Anglican prayer book of 1549
Wikipedia - Boon Gould -- English musician, member of Level 42
Wikipedia - Boris Karloff -- English actor
Wikipedia - Borough Market, Halifax -- English Victorian covered market
Wikipedia - Borough -- Administrative division in some English-speaking countries
Wikipedia - Borradaile Savory -- English clergyman and baronet
Wikipedia - Borsetshire -- Fictional county in English
Wikipedia - Bosmansdam High School -- Public English & Afrikaans medium co-educational high school in Bothasig, Cape Town
Wikipedia - Boston accent -- Local accent of English spoken in Boston
Wikipedia - Botwulf of Thorney -- English abbot and saint
Wikipedia - Boughton Monchelsea Place -- Grade I listed English country house in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Boyd Irwin -- English actor
Wikipedia - Boy George -- English musician
Wikipedia - Bracknell Queen Bees -- English ice hockey team
Wikipedia - Bradbury Norton -- English cricketer and lawyer
Wikipedia - Bradford English -- American character actor
Wikipedia - Brad Kavanagh -- English actor, singer, and songwriter
Wikipedia - Bradley James -- English actor
Wikipedia - Brad Pickett -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Brad Scott (fighter) -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Brampton Gurdon (of Assington and Letton) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Brampton Gurdon of Letton -- English politician
Wikipedia - Bramshill House -- Grade I listed English country house in Hart, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Brand X -- English jazz fusion band
Wikipedia - Bread Loaf School of English -- graduate school of English at Middlebury College
Wikipedia - Bredon School -- Small English Independent (public) School
Wikipedia - Brember Wills -- English actor
Wikipedia - Brenda Bury -- English painter
Wikipedia - Brett Anderson -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Brian Aherne -- English actor
Wikipedia - Brian Bamford -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Brian Barnes (artist) -- English artist
Wikipedia - Brian Blessed -- English actor
Wikipedia - Brian Cant -- English actor, television presenter and writer
Wikipedia - Brian Conley -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Brian Cox (physicist) -- English physicist and former musician
Wikipedia - Brian Croucher -- English actor and director
Wikipedia - Brian Eno -- English musician, composer, record producer and visual artist
Wikipedia - Brian Epstein -- English personal manager and impresario
Wikipedia - Brian Gibson (director) -- English film director
Wikipedia - Brian Harvey -- English musician and former lead singer of East 17
Wikipedia - Brian Jackson (actor) -- English actor (born 1931)
Wikipedia - Brian Johnson -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Brian Leveson -- retired English judge
Wikipedia - Brian May -- English musician and astrophysicist
Wikipedia - Brian Moore (commentator) -- English sports commentator and television presenter
Wikipedia - Brian Morton (American writer) -- American fiction writer and English professor
Wikipedia - Brian Murphy (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Brian O. Murdoch -- English philologist
Wikipedia - Brian Parker (politician) -- English far-right politician
Wikipedia - Brian Peters -- English folk singer.
Wikipedia - Brian Sewell -- English art critic
Wikipedia - Brian Skeet -- English director, writer, producer, and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Brian Sterling-Vete -- English actor, stuntman and martial artist
Wikipedia - Brian Tierney (medievalist) -- English historian
Wikipedia - Brian Trenchard-Smith -- English-Australian film director
Wikipedia - Brice Stratford -- English director and actor-manager
Wikipedia - Bridget Allchin -- English archaeologist, specializing in South Asian archaeology
Wikipedia - Bridget Jones's Diary (film) -- 2001 English romantic comedy film directed by Sharon Maguire
Wikipedia - Bridgewater Four -- English miscarriage of justice
Wikipedia - Brigstock Weaver -- English pirate
Wikipedia - Bristol Observer -- Former English weekly newspaper
Wikipedia - Britannia railway station -- English railway station from 1881 to 1917
Wikipedia - British Crane Hire Corp Ltd v Ipswich Plant Hire Ltd -- English contract law case
Wikipedia - British English language
Wikipedia - British English -- Forms of the English language used in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - British Journal -- English newspaper of the 1720s
Wikipedia - Britt Allcroft -- English film producer
Wikipedia - Broadband for the Rural North -- English internet service provider
Wikipedia - Broken English -- Poorly spoken or ill-written version of the English language
Wikipedia - Bronte Law -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Bronz -- English hard rock band
Wikipedia - Brooke Vincent -- English actress
Wikipedia - Brooklyn Beckham -- English model and photographer
Wikipedia - Brook Taylor -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Brown Corpus -- Data set of American English in 1961
Wikipedia - Brown Dog affair -- English political controversy about vivisection
Wikipedia - Brownist -- Group of English Dissenters or early Separatists from the Church of England
Wikipedia - Browse Trist -- English politician
Wikipedia - Bruce A. Bailey -- English author, architectural historian
Wikipedia - Bruce Bernard -- English art critic
Wikipedia - Bruce Dickinson -- English singer and songwriter (born 1958)
Wikipedia - Bruce Turner -- English musician
Wikipedia - Brunei English
Wikipedia - Brutus Browne -- English politician and naval officer
Wikipedia - Bryan Faussett -- English antiquary born 1720
Wikipedia - Bryan Ferry -- English musician
Wikipedia - Bryan Forbes -- English film director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Bryan Organ -- English portrait painter
Wikipedia - Bryan Thwaites -- English mathematician and academic
Wikipedia - Bryan Wharton -- English photojournalist
Wikipedia - Bryon Butler -- English writer and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Bryony Afferson -- English actress and musician
Wikipedia - Bucks Fizz -- English pop group
Wikipedia - Buddy Oldfield -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Bulkeley Bandinel -- 19th-century English priest and librarian
Wikipedia - Bum steer -- English-language idiom with maritime origins, referring to misinformation
Wikipedia - Bunmi Mojekwu -- English actress
Wikipedia - Buns Cartwright -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Burlesque (band) -- English pub rock band
Wikipedia - Burmese English
Wikipedia - Burnt Candlemas -- English military campaign
Wikipedia - Burying the hatchet -- American English idiom meaning "to make peace"
Wikipedia - Business Daily Africa -- English daily newspaper in Kenya
Wikipedia - Business Standard -- Indian English-language daily newspaper
Wikipedia - Busted (band) -- English pop band
Wikipedia - Butt-Ugly Martians -- English language computer-animated television series
Wikipedia - Bye, baby Bunting -- English nursery rhyme and lullaby
Wikipedia - Byrd (surname) -- English surname
Wikipedia - Byrhtferth -- English Christian monk
Wikipedia - Cab Kaye -- English jazz musician
Wikipedia - C. A. J. Armstrong -- English historian of the middle ages
Wikipedia - Cajun English -- Dialect of English
Wikipedia - Calico Jack -- English pirate
Wikipedia - California English -- Dialect of English spoken in California
Wikipedia - Callum Shinkwin -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Cambridge English Corpus
Wikipedia - Cambridge English Dictionary
Wikipedia - Cameroon English
Wikipedia - Cameroonian English
Wikipedia - Camilla Beeput -- English actress
Wikipedia - Camilla Way -- English author
Wikipedia - Camille Purcell -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Campbell v MGN Ltd -- 2004 House of Lords decision on privacy in English law
Wikipedia - Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program -- English language assessment tool
Wikipedia - Canadian English -- Dialect within the English language
Wikipedia - Canadian Oxford Dictionary -- Canadian English dictionary
Wikipedia - Cannon and Ball -- English comedy double act
Wikipedia - Can You Teach My Alligator Manners? -- English television series
Wikipedia - Capability Brown -- English landscape architect
Wikipedia - Cape Flats English
Wikipedia - Cape Town High School -- English medium secondary school in central Cape Town
Wikipedia - Capital Brighton -- English radio station
Wikipedia - Capitalization in English -- Use of a capital letter at the head of a word
Wikipedia - Capital South Coast -- English radio station
Wikipedia - Caprina Fahey -- English suffragette
Wikipedia - Captain Gatso -- English activist
Wikipedia - Captain Oi! Records -- English record label
Wikipedia - Capture of Wakefield -- Engagement of the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Cara Delevingne -- English model, singer and actress
Wikipedia - Cara Seymour -- English actress
Wikipedia - Cardale Babington -- English botanist and archaeologist (1808-1895)
Wikipedia - Cardiacs -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Cardiff English
Wikipedia - Carew Raleigh (1605-1666) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Carey Harrison -- English novelist and dramatist
Wikipedia - Carey Mulligan -- English actress
Wikipedia - Caribbean English
Wikipedia - Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN) -- regional farmers' organization for the English-speaking Caribbean
Wikipedia - Carina Round -- English musician
Wikipedia - Carla Lane -- 20th and 21st-century English writer
Wikipedia - Carla Mendonca -- English actress
Wikipedia - Carl Hopkinson -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Carlisle RFC -- English rugby union club
Wikipedia - Carlo Little -- English rock and roll drummer
Wikipedia - Carlton Goring -- English weightlifter
Wikipedia - Carl Wharton -- English actor
Wikipedia - Carmel Cryan -- English actor
Wikipedia - Carole Angier -- English biographer
Wikipedia - Carole Middleton -- English businesswoman. Mother of Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Caroline Aherne -- English comedian, writer and actress
Wikipedia - Caroline Blakiston -- English actress
Wikipedia - Caroline Chisholm -- 19th century English humanitarian who provided support for immigrant females in Australia
Wikipedia - Caroline Cossey -- English model and actress
Wikipedia - Caroline Ford (actress) -- English actress
Wikipedia - Caroline Goodall -- English actress
Wikipedia - Caroline Gotch -- English artist
Wikipedia - Caroline Martyn -- English trade unionist
Wikipedia - Caroline Norton -- 19th-century English feminist, social reformer, and author
Wikipedia - Caroline Pierce -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Caroline Series -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Caroline Siedle -- English designer
Wikipedia - Caroline Spurgeon -- English literary critic and academic
Wikipedia - Caroline Stanley, Countess of Derby -- English aristocrat
Wikipedia - Caroline Stephen -- English writer on Quakerism
Wikipedia - Caroline Watkins -- English academic
Wikipedia - Carol Lake -- English author
Wikipedia - Carol Morley -- English film director
Wikipedia - Carol Reed -- English film director
Wikipedia - Carol Rudyard -- English-Australian artist
Wikipedia - Carol Shanahan -- English businesswoman
Wikipedia - Carolynne Poole -- English singer-songwriter, actress and former model.
Wikipedia - Carrie Hope Fletcher -- English singer, songwriter, actress, author and internet personality
Wikipedia - Carrier's Case -- English court case
Wikipedia - Carteret Leathes -- English politician
Wikipedia - Cary Elwes -- English actor and writer
Wikipedia - Cary Grant -- English-born American actor
Wikipedia - Cass Browne -- English rock drummer
Wikipedia - Cassie Bradley -- English actress
Wikipedia - Cast (band) -- English rock band, Liverpool
Wikipedia - Cat and mouse -- English-language idiom
Wikipedia - Cat Deeley -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Category:10th-century English archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:10th-century English bishops
Wikipedia - Category:10th-century English monarchs
Wikipedia - Category:10th-century English people
Wikipedia - Category:10th-century English women
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century English monarchs
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century English people
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century English Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century English Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century English women
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century English people
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century English Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century English Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century English people
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century English Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century English Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:14th-century English people
Wikipedia - Category:14th-century English women writers
Wikipedia - Category:15th-century English people
Wikipedia - Category:15th-century English women writers
Wikipedia - Category:15th-century English writers
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century English Anglican priests
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century English dramatists and playwrights
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century English Jesuits
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century English male actors
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century English mathematicians
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century English novelists
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century English people
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century English poets
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century English Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century English Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century English women
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century English writers
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century English dramatists and playwrights
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century English Jesuits
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century English male actors
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century English mathematicians
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century English medical doctors
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century English poets
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century English Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century English women
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century English writers
Wikipedia - Category:18th-century English male writers
Wikipedia - Category:18th-century English non-fiction writers
Wikipedia - Category:18th-century English people
Wikipedia - Category:18th-century English poets
Wikipedia - Category:18th-century English writers
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century English Anglican priests
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century English mathematicians
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century English musicians
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century English nobility
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century English non-fiction writers
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century English novelists
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century English painters
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century English people
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century English philosophers
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century English photographers
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century English poets
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century English Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century English theologians
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century English women writers
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century English writers
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century English composers
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century English male writers
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century English mathematicians
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century English non-fiction writers
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century English novelists
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century English painters
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century English philosophers
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century English theologians
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century English writers
Wikipedia - Category:21st-century English businesspeople
Wikipedia - Category:21st-century English women singers
Wikipedia - Category:21st-century English writers
Wikipedia - Category:5th-century English monarchs
Wikipedia - Category:6th-century English clergy
Wikipedia - Category:6th-century English people
Wikipedia - Category:7th-century English bishops
Wikipedia - Category:7th-century English clergy
Wikipedia - Category:7th-century English monarchs
Wikipedia - Category:7th-century English people
Wikipedia - Category:7th-century English women
Wikipedia - Category:7th-century English writers
Wikipedia - Category:8th-century English bishops
Wikipedia - Category:8th-century English people
Wikipedia - Category:8th-century English women
Wikipedia - Category:8th-century English writers
Wikipedia - Category:9th-century English bishops
Wikipedia - Category:9th-century English monarchs
Wikipedia - Category:9th-century English writers
Wikipedia - Category:All Wikipedia articles written in American English
Wikipedia - Category:All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English
Wikipedia - Category:All Wikipedia articles written in Canadian English
Wikipedia - Category:All Wikipedia articles written in Hiberno-English
Wikipedia - Category:All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English
Wikipedia - Category:All Wikipedia articles written in New Zealand English
Wikipedia - Category:All Wikipedia articles written in Pakistani English
Wikipedia - Category:All Wikipedia articles written in Philippine English
Wikipedia - Category:All Wikipedia articles written in South African English
Wikipedia - Category:American people of English descent
Wikipedia - Category:Argentine people of English descent
Wikipedia - Category:Articles containing explicitly cited British English-language text
Wikipedia - Category:Articles containing explicitly cited Early Modern English-language text
Wikipedia - Category:Articles containing explicitly cited English-language text
Wikipedia - Category:Articles containing Middle English (1100-1500)-language text
Wikipedia - Category:Articles containing Old English (ca. 450-1100)-language text
Wikipedia - Category:English abbots
Wikipedia - Category:English abolitionists
Wikipedia - Category:English activists
Wikipedia - Category:English agnostics
Wikipedia - Category:English alchemists
Wikipedia - Category:English Anglicans
Wikipedia - Category:English Anglican theologians
Wikipedia - Category:English Anglo-Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:English anthropologists
Wikipedia - Category:English anti-communists
Wikipedia - Category:English army officers
Wikipedia - Category:English artists
Wikipedia - Category:English astrologers
Wikipedia - Category:English astrological writers
Wikipedia - Category:English astronomers
Wikipedia - Category:English atheists
Wikipedia - Category:English autobiographers
Wikipedia - Category:English beatified people
Wikipedia - Category:English Benedictines
Wikipedia - Category:English biographers
Wikipedia - Category:English bishop stubs
Wikipedia - Category:English blacksmiths
Wikipedia - Category:English bloggers
Wikipedia - Category:English book editors
Wikipedia - Category:English book publishers (people)
Wikipedia - Category:English Buddhists
Wikipedia - Category:English Buddhist teachers
Wikipedia - Category:English cardinals
Wikipedia - Category:English Catholic mystics
Wikipedia - Category:English Catholic poets
Wikipedia - Category:English centenarians
Wikipedia - Category:English chess players
Wikipedia - Category:English children's writers
Wikipedia - Category:English Christians
Wikipedia - Category:English Christian theologians
Wikipedia - Category:English chroniclers
Wikipedia - Category:English College, Douai alumni
Wikipedia - Category:English College, Rome alumni
Wikipedia - Category:English composers
Wikipedia - Category:English computer programmers
Wikipedia - Category:English computer scientists
Wikipedia - Category:English corpora
Wikipedia - Category:English dictionaries
Wikipedia - Category:English Dissenters
Wikipedia - Category:English documentary filmmakers
Wikipedia - Category:English dramatists and playwrights
Wikipedia - Category:English educational theorists
Wikipedia - Category:English electrical engineers
Wikipedia - Category:English electronic musicians
Wikipedia - Category:English emigrants to the United States
Wikipedia - Category:English engineers
Wikipedia - Category:English essayists
Wikipedia - Category:English eugenicists
Wikipedia - Category:English expatriates in India
Wikipedia - Category:English expatriates in Italy
Wikipedia - Category:English expatriates in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Category:English expatriates in the United States
Wikipedia - Category:English explorers
Wikipedia - Category:English fantasy writers
Wikipedia - Category:English female models
Wikipedia - Category:English female pop singers
Wikipedia - Category:English female singer-songwriters
Wikipedia - Category:English feminine given names
Wikipedia - Category:English feminists
Wikipedia - Category:English feminist writers
Wikipedia - Category:English folklore
Wikipedia - Category:English Franciscans
Wikipedia - Category:English Freemasons
Wikipedia - Category:English geographers
Wikipedia - Category:English grammar
Wikipedia - Category:English hermits
Wikipedia - Category:English historians
Wikipedia - Category:English historical novelists
Wikipedia - Category:English horror writers
Wikipedia - Category:English humanists
Wikipedia - Category:English human rights activists
Wikipedia - Category:English hymnwriters
Wikipedia - Category:English inventions
Wikipedia - Category:English inventors
Wikipedia - Category:English Jewish writers
Wikipedia - Category:English Jews
Wikipedia - Category:English landscape and garden designers
Wikipedia - Category:English-language films
Wikipedia - Category:English-language haiku poets
Wikipedia - Category:English-language idioms
Wikipedia - Category:English-language poets from India
Wikipedia - Category:English-language surnames
Wikipedia - Category:English languages
Wikipedia - Category:English language
Wikipedia - Category:English-language writers from India
Wikipedia - Category:English legal scholars
Wikipedia - Category:English legendary characters
Wikipedia - Category:English legendary creatures
Wikipedia - Category:English letter writers
Wikipedia - Category:English logicians
Wikipedia - Category:English male classical composers
Wikipedia - Category:English male dramatists and playwrights
Wikipedia - Category:English male long-distance runners
Wikipedia - Category:English male non-fiction writers
Wikipedia - Category:English male novelists
Wikipedia - Category:English male painters
Wikipedia - Category:English male poets
Wikipedia - Category:English male short story writers
Wikipedia - Category:English male stage actors
Wikipedia - Category:English male writers
Wikipedia - Category:English mathematicians
Wikipedia - Category:English medical writers
Wikipedia - Category:English meteorologists
Wikipedia - Category:English mezzo-sopranos
Wikipedia - Category:English monks
Wikipedia - Category:English mountain climbers
Wikipedia - Category:English MPs 1504
Wikipedia - Category:English MPs 1510
Wikipedia - Category:English MPs 1523
Wikipedia - Category:English MPs 1679
Wikipedia - Category:English MPs 1701
Wikipedia - Category:English murder victims
Wikipedia - Category:English music theorists
Wikipedia - Category:English mystery writers
Wikipedia - Category:English neuroscientists
Wikipedia - Category:English non-fiction writers
Wikipedia - Category:English novelists
Wikipedia - Category:English occultists
Wikipedia - Category:English occult writers
Wikipedia - Category:English pacifists
Wikipedia - Category:English people of Albanian descent
Wikipedia - Category:English people of Bosnia and Herzegovina descent
Wikipedia - Category:English people of Cornish descent
Wikipedia - Category:English people of German descent
Wikipedia - Category:English people of German-Jewish descent
Wikipedia - Category:English people of Hungarian-Jewish descent
Wikipedia - Category:English people of Irish descent
Wikipedia - Category:English people of Italian descent
Wikipedia - Category:English people of Kosovan descent
Wikipedia - Category:English people of Romanian-Jewish descent
Wikipedia - Category:English people of Scottish descent
Wikipedia - Category:English people of Ukrainian-Jewish descent
Wikipedia - Category:English people of Welsh descent
Wikipedia - Category:English philanthropists
Wikipedia - Category:English philosophers
Wikipedia - Category:English phrases
Wikipedia - Category:English physicists
Wikipedia - Category:English politicians convicted of crimes
Wikipedia - Category:English popes
Wikipedia - Category:English princesses
Wikipedia - Category:English printers
Wikipedia - Category:English printmakers
Wikipedia - Category:English priors
Wikipedia - Category:English psychologists
Wikipedia - Category:English religious writers
Wikipedia - Category:English Renaissance dramatists
Wikipedia - Category:English Renaissance humanists
Wikipedia - Category:English republicans
Wikipedia - Category:English Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:English Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:English Roman Catholic theologians
Wikipedia - Category:English Roman Catholic writers
Wikipedia - Category:English romantic painters
Wikipedia - Category:English saint stubs
Wikipedia - Category:English saints
Wikipedia - Category:English satirists
Wikipedia - Category:English sceptics
Wikipedia - Category:English science fiction writers
Wikipedia - Category:English science writers
Wikipedia - Category:English scientist stubs
Wikipedia - Category:English scientists
Wikipedia - Category:English sermon writers
Wikipedia - Category:English short story writers
Wikipedia - Category:English socialists
Wikipedia - Category:English spiritual teachers
Wikipedia - Category:English spiritual writers
Wikipedia - Category:English statisticians
Wikipedia - Category:English Swedenborgians
Wikipedia - Category:English Taoists
Wikipedia - Category:English tax resisters
Wikipedia - Category:English Thelemites
Wikipedia - Category:English theologians
Wikipedia - Category:English Theosophists
Wikipedia - Category:English toponymy
Wikipedia - Category:English torture victims
Wikipedia - Category:English translators
Wikipedia - Category:English travel writers
Wikipedia - Category:English Unitarians
Wikipedia - Category:English watercolourists
Wikipedia - Category:English women in business
Wikipedia - Category:English women in electronic music
Wikipedia - Category:English women poets
Wikipedia - Category:English words and phrases
Wikipedia - Category:English writers on paranormal topics
Wikipedia - Category:English writers
Wikipedia - Category:English yogis
Wikipedia - Category:English zoologists
Wikipedia - Category:Epic poems in English
Wikipedia - Category:Executed English women
Wikipedia - Category:Founders of English schools and colleges
Wikipedia - Category:Linguists of English
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of English words
Wikipedia - Category:Medieval English astronomers
Wikipedia - Category:Medieval English mathematicians
Wikipedia - Category:Medieval English saints
Wikipedia - Category:Medieval English theologians
Wikipedia - Category:Middle English literature
Wikipedia - Category:New Zealand people of English descent
Wikipedia - Category:Non-English-based programming languages
Wikipedia - Category:Old English literature
Wikipedia - Category:Pages with non-English text lacking appropriate markup from February 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Russian people of English descent
Wikipedia - Category:Translators from Old English
Wikipedia - Category:Translators of the Bible into English
Wikipedia - Category:Translators to English
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from April 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from April 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from April 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from August 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from August 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from August 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from December 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from December 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from December 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from December 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from February 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from February 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from February 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from February 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from January 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from January 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from January 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from July 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from July 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from July 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from July 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from June 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from June 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from March 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from March 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from March 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from March 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from March 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from March 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from May 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from May 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from November 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from November 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from November 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from October 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from October 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from October 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from September 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from September 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from September 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from September 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from April 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from August 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from August 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from August 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from December 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from January 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from June 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from June 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from May 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from October 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from April 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from April 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from April 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from August 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from August 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from August 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from August 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from August 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from August 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from August 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from August 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from August 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from December 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from December 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from February 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from February 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from February 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from January 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from January 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from January 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from January 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from January 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from July 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from July 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from July 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from July 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from July 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from July 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from July 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from June 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from June 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from June 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from June 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from June 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from June 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from June 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from June 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from June 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from March 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from March 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from March 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from March 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from March 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from March 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from May 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from May 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from May 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from May 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from May 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from May 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from May 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from May 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from May 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from November 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from November 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from October 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from October 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from October 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from October 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from October 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from September 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from September 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from September 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from September 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from September 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from September 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Canadian English from April 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Canadian English from April 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use Canadian English from December 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Use Canadian English from December 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Canadian English from February 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use Canadian English from July 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Canadian English from June 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Canadian English from March 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use Canadian English from September 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use Hiberno-English from August 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Hiberno-English from February 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use Hiberno-English from January 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Use Hiberno-English from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from April 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from April 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from August 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from August 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from August 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from December 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from December 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from February 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from February 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from February 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from January 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from January 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from July 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from June 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from June 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from June 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from June 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from June 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from March 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from March 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from March 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from May 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from May 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from November 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from October 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from October 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from October 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from September 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from September 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use New Zealand English from August 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use New Zealand English from February 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use New Zealand English from June 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use New Zealand English from October 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Pakistani English from December 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use Pakistani English from February 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Pakistani English from March 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Pakistani English from November 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use Pakistani English from November 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Philippine English from January 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Use South African English from April 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use South African English from September 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Zambian people of English descent
Wikipedia - Catharine Long -- English religious writer (1797-1867)
Wikipedia - Catharine Macaulay -- English historian, philosopher, feminist (1731-1791)
Wikipedia - Catharine Parr Traill -- English-Canadian author and botanical artist
Wikipedia - Catherina Boevey -- English philanthropist
Wikipedia - Catherine Aird -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Catherine Ashcroft -- English musician
Wikipedia - Catherine Booth -- Englishwoman who co-founded The Salvation Army with her husband William
Wikipedia - Catherine Christian -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Catherine da Costa -- English miniature painter
Wikipedia - Catherine Hilda Duleep Singh -- English suffragette (1871 - 1942)
Wikipedia - Catherine Nicks -- English merchant
Wikipedia - Catherine Tyldesley -- English actress
Wikipedia - Catherine Walters -- English courtesan
Wikipedia - Catherine Winkworth -- English hymn translator
Wikipedia - Cathi Unsworth -- English writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Cath Kidston -- English fashion designer, businesswoman and author
Wikipedia - Catholic Encyclopedia -- English-language encyclopedia
Wikipedia - Cathy Barry -- English pornographic film actress
Wikipedia - Cathy Davidson -- Ruth F. DeVarney Professor of English at Duke University
Wikipedia - Cathy Warwick -- English chess player
Wikipedia - Cat the Dog -- English indie rock band
Wikipedia - C. Aubrey Smith -- English cricketer and actor
Wikipedia - Cavalier -- Royalist supporter during and following the English Civil War
Wikipedia - Caverswall Castle -- English mansion
Wikipedia - Cavetown (musician) -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Cayman Islands English
Wikipedia - CBC News Network -- Canadian English-language news channel
Wikipedia - CBC News -- English-language news division of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Wikipedia - C. B. Fry -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - C. Brian Haselgrove -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Cecil Allenby -- English cricketer and British Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Cecil Banes-Walker -- English athlete
Wikipedia - Cecil Brooke-Short -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Cecil Buttle -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Cecil Calvert, 2nd Baron Baltimore -- English peer (1605-1675)
Wikipedia - Cecil Day-Lewis -- Irish-born English poet, Poet Laureate, and also mystery writer
Wikipedia - Cecil Denny (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Cecil Fiennes -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Cecilia Glaisher -- English photographer, artist, illustrator and print-maker
Wikipedia - Cecil Knatchbull-Hugessen, 4th Baron Brabourne -- English cricketer and British peer
Wikipedia - Cecil Parker -- English actor
Wikipedia - Cecil Sharp -- English folklorist and song collector (1859-1924)
Wikipedia - Cecil Wigglesworth -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Cecil Wilson (bishop of Bunbury) -- English cricketer and Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - Cecily Bonville, 7th Baroness Harington -- English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Cecily Cook -- English left-wing political activist
Wikipedia - Cecily Neville, Duchess of York -- 15th-century English duchess
Wikipedia - Cedric Hardwicke -- English actor
Wikipedia - Celeste Dring -- English actress and writer
Wikipedia - Celia Imrie -- English actress
Wikipedia - Celia Johnson -- English actress
Wikipedia - Celina Hinchcliffe -- English television sports broadcaster
Wikipedia - C. E. M. Joad -- English philosopher
Wikipedia - Centipede (band) -- English progressive rock group
Wikipedia - Central Cee -- English rapper
Wikipedia - Central Democratic Association -- English Chartist political party
Wikipedia - Central Sparks -- English women's cricket team
Wikipedia - Centrebus -- English bus operator
Wikipedia - Centre for the Study of Existential Risk -- English existential risk research centre
Wikipedia - Cenzo Townshend -- English record producer
Wikipedia - Cerrie Burnell -- English actress, singer, playwright, children's author, and former television presenter for the BBC children's
Wikipedia - C. F. Dendy Marshall -- English railway historian
Wikipedia - CFOM (AM) -- Former English-language radio station in Quebec City, Quebec
Wikipedia - CGTN Documentary -- Chinese pay television channel operated by Chinese State broadcaster China Central Television broadcasting documentaries in English language
Wikipedia - CGTN (TV channel) -- Chinese international English-language news channel of the State-owned China Global Television Network group
Wikipedia - Chafe-wax -- Archaic English occupation
Wikipedia - Chamberlin, Powell and Bon -- English modernist architectural firm
Wikipedia - Chambers Dictionary -- English language dictionary first published in 1872
Wikipedia - Chanakya Public School -- English medium educational institute located at Satna, Madhya Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Channel Island English
Wikipedia - Channel Islands -- Archipelago in the English Channel
Wikipedia - Chantelle Bell -- English entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Chapel Down -- English winemaker
Wikipedia - Chappell Batchelor -- English cricketer and organist
Wikipedia - Charitable trusts in English law -- Express trusts dedicated to charitable goals in English law
Wikipedia - Charles Abomeli -- English actor
Wikipedia - Charles Alexander Johns -- English schoolmaster and botanist (1811-1874)
Wikipedia - Charles Algernon Whitmore -- English politician
Wikipedia - Charles Aston Key -- English surgeon
Wikipedia - Charles Augustus Howell -- English art dealer
Wikipedia - Charles Austen-Leigh -- English cricketer, painter and art collector
Wikipedia - Charles Avison -- English composer (1709-70)
Wikipedia - Charles Awdry -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Charles Babbage -- English mathematician, philosopher, and engineer (1791-1871)
Wikipedia - Charles Barton (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Charles Bennett (cricketer) -- English cricketer for Somerset
Wikipedia - Charles Bennett (screenwriter) -- English screenwriter
Wikipedia - Charles Benstead -- English cricketer, Royal Navy officer, and author
Wikipedia - Charles Bere -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Charles Blackwell (engineer) -- English civil engineer
Wikipedia - Charles Blair Leighton -- English painter
Wikipedia - Charles Bland Radcliffe -- English physician
Wikipedia - Charles Blount, 8th Baron Mountjoy -- English statesman
Wikipedia - Charles Borrett -- English Anglican archdeacon
Wikipedia - Charles Boscawen -- English politician
Wikipedia - Charles Bowen, Baron Bowen -- English judge
Wikipedia - Charles Boycott -- English land agent who operated in Lough Mask
Wikipedia - Charles Boyle, 2nd Earl of Burlington -- English politician and Anglo-Irish peer
Wikipedia - Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk -- English diplomat (1484-1545)
Wikipedia - Charles Brandon (died 1551) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Charles Bronson (prisoner) -- English criminal
Wikipedia - Charles Bruton -- English colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Charles Bulkeley -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Charles Bulpett -- English cricketer, hunter, and barrister
Wikipedia - Charles Burney -- 18th/19th-century English music historian
Wikipedia - Charles Busby -- English architect
Wikipedia - Charles Canning, 1st Earl Canning -- English statesman and Governor-General of India
Wikipedia - Charles Cantlay -- English cricketer and businessman
Wikipedia - Charles Castleman (solicitor) -- English lawyer & businessman
Wikipedia - Charles Cavendish (general) -- English general (1620-1643)
Wikipedia - Charles Cavendish (Nottingham MP) -- 17th-century English soldier, courtier, and arts patron
Wikipedia - Charles Chaplin Sr. -- English music hall entertainer (1863-1901)\
Wikipedia - Charles Chapman (cricketer, born 1806) -- English cricketer and priest
Wikipedia - Charles Churchill (satirist) -- 18th-century English poet and satirist
Wikipedia - Charles Clayton (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clegyman
Wikipedia - Charles Combe -- English physician and numismatist
Wikipedia - Charles Croke -- English priest & academic
Wikipedia - Charles Crosse -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Charles Dagnall -- English cricketer and cricket commentator
Wikipedia - Charles Dance -- English actor
Wikipedia - Charles Daniel-Tyssen -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Charles Darwin -- English naturalist and biologist
Wikipedia - Charles Dawson (billiards player) -- English world champion billiards player
Wikipedia - Charles Dench -- English cricketer and Test match umpire
Wikipedia - Charles de Trafford -- English cricketer and aristocrat
Wikipedia - Charles Dickens -- English writer and social critic (1812-1870)
Wikipedia - Charles Duke Yonge -- English historian, classicist, and cricketer (1812-1891)
Wikipedia - Charles Dymoke -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Charles Edgar Buckeridge -- English church decorative artist
Wikipedia - Charles Edward Ernest Papendiek -- English architect
Wikipedia - Charles Edwards (English actor)
Wikipedia - Charles Edward Stephens -- English composer and instrumentalist
Wikipedia - Charles Edward Stuart -- Pretender to the English throne
Wikipedia - Charles Elmhirst -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Charles Ethelston -- English cleric (1790-1831)
Wikipedia - Charles Evans (cricketer, born 1851) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Charles Eyre (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Charles Foote Gower -- English soap manufacturer
Wikipedia - Charles Foxe -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Charles Frederick Lyttelton -- English cricketer and priest
Wikipedia - Charles Frederick Worth -- 19th-century English fashion designer
Wikipedia - Charles Fry -- English cricketer and cricket administrator
Wikipedia - Charles Garland Verrinder -- English organist and composer
Wikipedia - Charles Garrett -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Charles George Nurse -- English officer, naturalist, entomologist (1862-1933)
Wikipedia - Charles Gerald Stewkley Shuckburgh -- English cricketer and baronet
Wikipedia - Charles Gildon -- English writer
Wikipedia - Charles Glover Barkla -- English physicist
Wikipedia - Charles Gordon (cricketer, born 1814) -- English cricketer and gin distiller
Wikipedia - Charles Gordon (parliamentary clerk) -- an English parliamentary clerk
Wikipedia - Charles Granville, 2nd Earl of Bath -- English diplomat
Wikipedia - Charles Gray (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Charles Hamilton (writer) -- English writer of school stories (1876-1961)
Wikipedia - Charles Hancock -- English organist and composer
Wikipedia - Charles Harenc -- English cricketer and lawyer
Wikipedia - Charles Hart (actor) -- 17th-century English actor
Wikipedia - Charles Hawtrey (actor, born 1914) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Charles Herbert (MP died 1605) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Charles H. Hayward -- English cabinet maker
Wikipedia - Charles Hickley -- English cricketer and barrister
Wikipedia - Charles Higham (biographer) -- English writer
Wikipedia - Charles Holden -- English architect (1875-1960)
Wikipedia - Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham -- English politician and noble
Wikipedia - Charles Hubert Boulby Blount -- English cricketer and airman
Wikipedia - Charles Ingram -- English novelist, computer repairman, army major, and fraudster
Wikipedia - Charles James Barnett -- English cricketer and politician
Wikipedia - Charles James Blasius Williams -- English doctor
Wikipedia - Charles Januarius Acton -- English Catholic cardinal
Wikipedia - Charles John Frederick Lampe -- English composer and organist (1739-1767)
Wikipedia - Charles Johns (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Charles Johnson (writer) -- 17th/18th-century English playwright and tavern keeper
Wikipedia - Charles Jones (engineer) -- English civil engineer
Wikipedia - Charles Jones (photographer) -- English gardener and photographer
Wikipedia - Charles Joughin -- English chef and survivor of the Titanic
Wikipedia - Charles Kean -- 19th-century English actor
Wikipedia - Charles Kelland -- English politician
Wikipedia - Charles Kemble -- 18th/19th-century English actor
Wikipedia - Charles Kindersley -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Charles King (English cricketer) -- English cricketer and cleric
Wikipedia - Charles Kingsley -- English clergyman, historian and novelist
Wikipedia - Charles Knight (publisher) -- 18th/19th-century English publisher, editor, and author
Wikipedia - Charles Lacey -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Charles Lamb -- English essayist, poet, antiquarian
Wikipedia - Charles Lane (transcendentalist) -- English-American transcendentalist, abolitionist and voluntaryist
Wikipedia - Charles Latham (photographer) -- English photographer
Wikipedia - Charles La Trobe -- English-born Australian colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Charles Laughton -- English-born American stage and film actor and director
Wikipedia - Charles Lewis Gruneisen -- English journalist and music critic
Wikipedia - Charles Lockhart (musician) -- English organist and composer
Wikipedia - Charles Macaskie -- English barrister and judge
Wikipedia - Charles Madge -- English poet, journalist, and sociologist
Wikipedia - Charles Mallam -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Charles Marriott (cricketer, born 1848) -- English cricketer and barrister
Wikipedia - Charles Mayne Young -- English actor
Wikipedia - Charles McIlvenny -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Charles Merivale -- English historian and churchman (1808-1893)
Wikipedia - Charles Mitchell (academic) -- English legal academic
Wikipedia - Charles Monson -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax -- English politician and noble
Wikipedia - Charles Morgan Lemann -- English botanist
Wikipedia - Charles Napier (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Charles Newcombe -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Charles Orman -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Charles Ormston Eaton -- English cricketer and banker
Wikipedia - Charles Orton -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Charles Owsley -- English-born American architect
Wikipedia - Charles Oxenden (cricketer, born 1826) -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Charles Palmer (sport shooter) -- English sport shooter
Wikipedia - Charles Parnther -- English cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - Charles Paton -- English actor
Wikipedia - Charles Pilkington (cricketer, born 1837) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Charles Pimlott -- English cricketer and barrister
Wikipedia - Charles Plimpton -- English inventor and businessman
Wikipedia - Charles Plumptre -- 18th-century English Anglican priest and academic
Wikipedia - Charles Powlett -- English cricket patron and administrator
Wikipedia - Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden -- 18th-century English lawyer, judge, and politician
Wikipedia - Charles Pullin -- English cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Charles Pye -- English soldier
Wikipedia - Charles Richardson (umpire) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Charles Robartes, 2nd Earl of Radnor -- English politician
Wikipedia - Charles Robert Cockerell -- English architect, archaeologist
Wikipedia - Charles Robins -- English cricketer and insurance executive
Wikipedia - Charles Roe -- English businessman
Wikipedia - Charles Rolls -- English motoring and aviation pioneer, co-founder of Rolls-Royce
Wikipedia - Charles Ross Lyall -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Charles Rothschild -- English entomologist and member of the prominent Rothschild family
Wikipedia - Charles Rowley (cricketer) -- English cricketer and army officer
Wikipedia - Charles Rucker -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Charles Rudd (cricketer) -- South-African born English cricketer (1873-1950)
Wikipedia - Charles Sabini -- English mobster
Wikipedia - Charles Santley -- English opera singer
Wikipedia - Charles Savile Roundell -- English cricketer, lawyer, and politician
Wikipedia - Charles Sawyer (sportsman) -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Charles Seckford -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Charles Sheffield -- English-born mathematician, physicist and science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Charles Sims (painter) -- English painter
Wikipedia - Charles Smith (cricketer, born 1898) -- English cricketer and Royal Marines officer
Wikipedia - Charles Spearman -- English psychologist
Wikipedia - Charles Sutton (cricketer, born 1891) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Charles Sutton (cricketer, born 1906) -- English-Chilean cricketer and Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve officer
Wikipedia - Charles Swinhoe -- English officer, naturalist, lepidopterist (1838-1923)
Wikipedia - Charles Talbut Onions -- 19th/20th-century English grammarian and lexicographer
Wikipedia - Charles Thackrah -- English surgeon
Wikipedia - Charles Thornely -- English cricketer, poet, and writer
Wikipedia - Charles Tooth -- Anglican clergyman and founder of St Mark's English Church, Florence
Wikipedia - Charles Tuke (cricketer, born 1858) -- English-born clergyman and cricketer in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Charles Turner (English cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Charles Turner (engraver) -- English engraver
Wikipedia - Charles Vane -- English pirate
Wikipedia - Charles Vaughan (by 1529 - 1574 or later) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Charles Vickery Drysdale -- English electrical engineer and social reformer
Wikipedia - Charles Waldstein -- English archaeologist
Wikipedia - Charles Walter Simpson (English artist) -- British artist
Wikipedia - Charles Webb (English cricketer) -- English cricketer and Anglican clergyman
Wikipedia - Charles Wellington Furse -- English painter
Wikipedia - Charles Wesley -- English Methodist and hymn writer
Wikipedia - Charles West, 5th Baron De La Warr -- English nobleman
Wikipedia - Charles West Cope -- English artist
Wikipedia - Charles Wilkin -- English artist
Wikipedia - Charles William Glover -- English violinist and composer
Wikipedia - Charles Williams (cricketer, born 1800) -- English cricketer for Marylebone Cricket Club
Wikipedia - Charles Wilmot, 1st Viscount Wilmot -- English politician and peer
Wikipedia - Charles Winmill -- English architect
Wikipedia - Charley Hull -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Charlie Bray (cricketer) -- English cricketer and journalist
Wikipedia - Charlie Cox -- English actor
Wikipedia - Charlie Creed-Miles -- English actor and musician
Wikipedia - Charlie Drake -- English comedian, actor, writer & singer
Wikipedia - Charlie Ford (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Charlie Hall (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Charlie Hardwick -- English actress
Wikipedia - Charlie Heaton -- English actor and musician
Wikipedia - Charlie Maddock -- English taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Charlie Simpson -- English singer, songwriter and musician
Wikipedia - Charlie Sloth -- English DJ, producer and TV presenter
Wikipedia - Charlie Stayt -- English Television Journalist
Wikipedia - Charlie Stemp -- English actor
Wikipedia - Charlie van Straubenzee -- English businessman
Wikipedia - Charlie Ward (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Charlie Webster -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Charli XCX -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Charlotte Bellamy -- English actress
Wikipedia - Charlotte Bingham -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Charlotte Bolland -- English art historian
Wikipedia - Charlotte BrontM-CM-+ -- English novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Charlotte Crosby -- English television personality
Wikipedia - Charlotte Keatley -- English playwright
Wikipedia - Charlotte Knight -- English horticulturalist
Wikipedia - Charlotte Long -- English actress
Wikipedia - Charlotte Mary Yonge -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Charlotte Mew -- English poet (1869-1928)
Wikipedia - Charlotte Percy, Duchess of Northumberland -- English duchess
Wikipedia - Charlotte Rose -- English sex worker, dominatrix, sexual trainer and political candidate
Wikipedia - Charlotte Tidswell -- English actress
Wikipedia - Charlotte Turner Smith -- English poet, novelist (1749-1806)
Wikipedia - Charlotte Vandenhoff -- English actress
Wikipedia - Chatelaine (magazine) -- Canadian English-language magazine
Wikipedia - Chauncey Brewster Tinker -- 20th-century English scholar and academic
Wikipedia - Cheddar cheese -- Type of relatively hard, off-white or orange English cheese
Wikipedia - Chelsea Halfpenny -- English actress
Wikipedia - Chelsee Healey -- English actress
Wikipedia - Che Mills -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Cher Lloyd -- English singer, songwriter and model
Wikipedia - Cherryl Fountain -- English artist
Wikipedia - Cherry Ripe (song) -- English song by Robert Herrick and Charles Edward Horn
Wikipedia - Cheryl Campbell -- English actress
Wikipedia - Cheryl Fergison -- English actress
Wikipedia - Cheryl Hole -- English drag queen
Wikipedia - Cheryl (singer) -- English singer, songwriter and television personality
Wikipedia - Cheshire dialect -- Dialect of English
Wikipedia - Cheshire Plain -- English plain
Wikipedia - Chesney Hawkes -- English pop singer
Wikipedia - Chevron Cars Ltd -- English manufacturer of racing cars
Wikipedia - Chew the fat -- English-language colloquialism
Wikipedia - Chiang Rai Times -- Thai English-language news web portal
Wikipedia - Chicane (musician) -- English musician, composer, songwriter and record producer
Wikipedia - Chicano English
Wikipedia - Chicken Shack -- English blues band
Wikipedia - Chidiock Paulet -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Chief Baron of the Exchequer -- Chief judge of the English Exchequer of Pleas
Wikipedia - Chief governor of Ireland -- Umbrella term for the senior English or British official in Ireland between the 1170s and 1922
Wikipedia - China Chow -- English actress and model
Wikipedia - China Daily -- English-language daily newspaper owned by the Chinese Communist Party
Wikipedia - Chinese respelling of the English alphabet -- Chinese pronunciation of the English alphabet.
Wikipedia - Chink -- English-language ethnic slur
Wikipedia - Chinmay Gupte -- Indian-born English cricketer and orthopaedic surgeon
Wikipedia - Chinnor and Princes Risborough Railway -- English standard gauge heritage railway
Wikipedia - Chioma Matthews -- English female athlete
Wikipedia - Chips Hardy -- English screenwriter, novelist, playwright and creative director
Wikipedia - Chi With A C -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Chloe Sims -- English television personality
Wikipedia - ChloM-CM-+ Annett -- English actress
Wikipedia - Cholmeley Austen-Leigh -- English cricketer, painter and art collector
Wikipedia - Chris Acland -- English drummer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Chris Addison -- English comedian, writer, actor, and director
Wikipedia - Chris Ashling -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Chris Aspin -- English author and historian (born 1933)
Wikipedia - Chris Balderstone -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Chris Bernard -- English film director
Wikipedia - Chris Colton -- English surgeon
Wikipedia - Chris Cross -- English bass guitarist
Wikipedia - Chris Cutler -- English percussionist, composer, lyricist and music theorist
Wikipedia - Chris Davidson (athlete) -- English male athlete
Wikipedia - Chris David (sound engineer) -- English sound engineer
Wikipedia - Chris Dyson (architect) -- English architect
Wikipedia - Chris Eccleshall -- English luthier
Wikipedia - Chris Evans (presenter) -- English presenter, businessman and producer
Wikipedia - Chris Fishgold -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Chris Foggin -- English film director
Wikipedia - Chris Gane -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Chris Gascoyne -- English actor
Wikipedia - Chris Geere -- English actor (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Chris Hani Secondary School -- English-medium high school in Kheyelitsha, Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Chris Hanson (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Chris Jagger -- English musician
Wikipedia - Chris Kimsey -- English record producer
Wikipedia - Chris Lightfoot -- English political activist and scientist
Wikipedia - Chris Loco -- English record producer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Chris Martin -- English musician, record producer, and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Chris McCormack (guitarist) -- English rock guitarist
Wikipedia - Chris Menges -- English cinematographer and film director
Wikipedia - Chris Moody -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Chris Paisley -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Chris Rodgers -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Chris Saunders (headmaster) -- English cricketer and headmaster
Wikipedia - Chris Shutt -- English world champion billiards player
Wikipedia - Chrissie Wellington -- English triathlete
Wikipedia - Chris Silverwood -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Chris Smith (newsreader) -- English radio newsreader
Wikipedia - Chris Tarrant -- English radio and television broadcaster
Wikipedia - Christiana Mary Demain Hammond -- 19thC English painter and illustrator
Wikipedia - Christian Bale -- English actor
Wikipedia - Christian Burns -- English musician
Wikipedia - Christian Cooke -- English actor
Wikipedia - Christian Doll -- English cricketer and architect
Wikipedia - Christian Furr -- English painter
Wikipedia - Christian McKay -- English stage and screen actor
Wikipedia - Christian Roberts (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Christi Brereton -- English martial artist
Wikipedia - Christien Anholt -- English actor
Wikipedia - Christina Baily -- English actress
Wikipedia - Christina Johnston -- English soprano
Wikipedia - Christina Rossetti -- English poet
Wikipedia - Christine Adams (actress) -- English actress
Wikipedia - Christine Glanville -- English puppeteer
Wikipedia - Christine Hamill -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Christine Keeler -- English model and showgirl
Wikipedia - Christine Murrell -- English medical doctor
Wikipedia - Christine Warden -- English hurdler
Wikipedia - Christopher Atkinson Saville -- English merchant and politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Bales -- English Catholic priest and martyr
Wikipedia - Christopher Booth -- English physician
Wikipedia - Christopher Bowers-Broadbent -- English organist
Wikipedia - Christopher Brooke -- English politician (died 1628)
Wikipedia - Christopher Brooking -- English politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Buggin -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Cazenove -- English actor
Wikipedia - Christopher Chaplin -- Swiss-born English composer and actor
Wikipedia - Christopher Cockerell -- English engineer, inventor of the hovercraft.
Wikipedia - Christopher Colquhoun -- English actor
Wikipedia - Christopher Curwen (MP) -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Danby -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Dean -- English ice dancer
Wikipedia - Christopher Dearnley -- English cathedral organist (1930-2000)
Wikipedia - Christopher Eccleston -- English actor
Wikipedia - Christopher Gibbons -- English Baroque composer
Wikipedia - Christopher Gimson -- English cricketer and colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Christopher Guard -- English actor
Wikipedia - Christopher Hatton, 1st Baron Hatton -- English aristocrat and politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Hatton, 1st Viscount Hatton -- English aristocrat and diplomat
Wikipedia - Christopher Hatton (died 1619) -- 16th-century English politician and patron
Wikipedia - Christopher Hatton -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Haydock -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Hirst -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Christopher Hole -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Isherwood -- English-American novelist
Wikipedia - Christopher James Alexander -- English ornithologist
Wikipedia - Christopher Jones (Mayflower captain) -- English sailor and master of the ''Mayflower'' (1570-1622)
Wikipedia - Christopher Knights -- English voice actor and film editor
Wikipedia - Christopher Lambert (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Layer (merchant) -- 16th-century English businessman and politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Maitland Stocken -- English Lieutenant Commander of Royal Navy
Wikipedia - Christopher Marlowe -- 16th-century English dramatist, poet and translator
Wikipedia - Christopher Martin-Jenkins -- English cricketer, broadcaster and journalist
Wikipedia - Christopher Middleton (d. 1628) -- English poet and translator
Wikipedia - Christopher Morahan -- English stage and television director
Wikipedia - Christopher Oldfield -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Christopher Peyton -- English lawyer
Wikipedia - Christopher Pitt -- English poet
Wikipedia - Christopher Roper (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Sackville -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Savery -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Smart -- English poet
Wikipedia - Christopher Smith (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Theakstone -- English cricketer and embezzler
Wikipedia - Christopher Turnor (judge) -- English Royalist judge
Wikipedia - Christopher Vane, 1st Baron Barnard -- English politician and peer
Wikipedia - Christopher Wandesford, 1st Viscount Castlecomer -- English politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Wase -- English 17th century scholar, author, translator, and educator
Wikipedia - Christopher William Codrington -- English politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Willoughby (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Windebank -- English interpreter
Wikipedia - Christopher Wood (painter) -- English painter
Wikipedia - Christopher Wordsworth (divine) -- English divine and scholar
Wikipedia - Christopher Wray (English judge)
Wikipedia - Christopher Wren Jr. -- English politician, Son of Sir Christopher Wren
Wikipedia - Christopher Wren -- English architect
Wikipedia - Christopher Yelverton -- English judge and politician
Wikipedia - Chris Townson -- English musician, illustrator and social worker
Wikipedia - Chris Washington (comedian) -- English stand-up comedian
Wikipedia - Chris Williams (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Chris Wood (rock musician) -- British rock musician; member of the English rock band Traffic
Wikipedia - Chronological list of English classical composers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Chrystabel Procter -- English gardener, educationalist and horticulturalist (1894-1982)
Wikipedia - Chuckle Brothers -- English children's entertainers
Wikipedia - Chumbawamba -- English alternative rock band
Wikipedia - Chunkz -- English musician and entertainer
Wikipedia - Church of St. Barnabas (Irvington, New York) -- Historic Episcopal church modeled on English original
Wikipedia - Church's -- High-end English footwear manufacturer
Wikipedia - Ciara Janson -- English actress
Wikipedia - Cicerone (publisher) -- English publisher specialising in guidebooks
Wikipedia - Cilla Black -- English singer, actress and media personality
Wikipedia - C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne -- English novelist who also wrote as Weatherby Chesney
Wikipedia - Claire Bloom -- English actress
Wikipedia - Claire Breay -- English medieval historian
Wikipedia - Claire Calvert -- English ballet dancer
Wikipedia - Claire Davenport -- English actress
Wikipedia - Claire Fuller -- English author (born 1967)
Wikipedia - Claire King -- English actress
Wikipedia - Claire Ross-Brown -- English actress
Wikipedia - Claire Rushbrook -- English actress
Wikipedia - Claire Skinner -- English actress
Wikipedia - Claire Tomalin -- English biographer and journalist (born 1933)
Wikipedia - Clara Cheeseman -- English-born New Zealand novelist
Wikipedia - Clara Reeve -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Clara T. Bracy -- English actress
Wikipedia - Clare Calbraith -- English actress
Wikipedia - Clare Greet -- English actress
Wikipedia - Clare Holman -- English actress
Wikipedia - Clare Leighton -- English-born American artist
Wikipedia - Clare Mulley -- English biographer
Wikipedia - Clare Taylor -- English sportswoman
Wikipedia - Clare Wille -- English stage and television actress
Wikipedia - Clarissa Dickson Wright -- English celebrity cook, television personality, writer, businesswoman, and barrister
Wikipedia - Clatworthy -- English village
Wikipedia - Claud Allister -- English actor
Wikipedia - Claude Colleer Abbott -- English poet (1889-1971)
Wikipedia - Claude Disney-Roebuck -- English cricketer, British Army officer, and actor
Wikipedia - Claude Myburgh -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Claude Phillips -- English writer
Wikipedia - Claude Rubie -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Claudia-Liza Armah -- English newsreader
Wikipedia - Claud Tudor -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Clean Bandit -- English electronic music band formed in 2008
Wikipedia - Clemence Dane -- English novelist and playwright
Wikipedia - Clement Baker -- English politician
Wikipedia - Clement Barksdale -- 17th-century English writer
Wikipedia - Clement Clapton Chesterman -- English medical missionary and specialist in tropical diseases
Wikipedia - Clement Edmondes -- 16th/17th-century English politician and civil servant
Wikipedia - Clement Glenister -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Clement Higham -- 16th-century English politician and lawyer
Wikipedia - Clement Lindley Wragge -- English meteorologist
Wikipedia - Clement Mitchell -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Clement Throckmorton (died 1573) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Clement von Franckenstein -- English actor (1944-2019)
Wikipedia - Clement Woodcock -- English organist and composer (1540-1590)
Wikipedia - Clement W. Payton -- English World War I flying ace
Wikipedia - Clem Wilson -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Cleo Laine -- English jazz singer and actress
Wikipedia - Cleone Benest -- English engineer
Wikipedia - Cleo Sylvestre -- English actress
Wikipedia - Clerk of the Closet -- English religious post in the household of the monarch
Wikipedia - Cleveland Railway (England) -- Early English railway company
Wikipedia - Clifford Copland Paterson -- English electrical engineer
Wikipedia - Clifford Grainge -- English cricketer, educator
Wikipedia - Clifford Lingen -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Clifton Hill House -- Grade I listed English country house in Bristol, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Clint Mansell -- English musician and composer
Wikipedia - Clive Anderson -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Clive Ashborn -- English actor
Wikipedia - Clive Barker -- English author, film director, and visual artist
Wikipedia - Clive Bell -- English art critic
Wikipedia - Clive Branson -- English artist
Wikipedia - Clive Brook -- English actor
Wikipedia - Clive Clark (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Clive Dunn -- English actor, comedian, artist, author, and singer
Wikipedia - Clive Foxell -- English physicist
Wikipedia - Clive Garthwaite -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Clive Holland -- English radio and television presenter
Wikipedia - Clive Mantle -- English actor
Wikipedia - Cloud Eight Films -- English film production company
Wikipedia - Cloudesley Shovell -- English naval officer
Wikipedia - Clough Fold railway station -- English railway station from 1871 to 1966
Wikipedia - Clough Williams-Ellis -- English-born Welsh architect
Wikipedia - CM-CM-&dmon -- An Ancient English poet
Wikipedia - CM-CM-&sar Clement -- English Catholic recusant
Wikipedia - CNA (TV network) -- English language Asia-Pacific news channel based in Singapore
Wikipedia - CN Group -- English news media company
Wikipedia - CNN-News18 -- | Indian English-language news television channel
Wikipedia - COBOL -- Programming language with English-like syntax
Wikipedia - Cock ale -- Archaic English ale made with chicken
Wikipedia - Cock Robin -- English nursery rhyme
Wikipedia - Coil (band) -- English post-industrial band
Wikipedia - Cold Fell (Calder Bridge) -- Hill in the English Lake District
Wikipedia - Coleen Rooney -- English product endorser
Wikipedia - Colin Aylmer -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Colin Baker -- English actor
Wikipedia - Colin Birss -- English judge
Wikipedia - Colin Boumphrey -- English cricketer and military officer
Wikipedia - Colin Clive -- English actor
Wikipedia - Colin Cokayne-Frith -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Colin Dann -- English author
Wikipedia - Colin Elgie -- English sleeve designer
Wikipedia - Colin Firth -- English actor
Wikipedia - Colin Franklin (bibliographer) -- English writer and bibliographer
Wikipedia - Colin Leo Bliss -- English parachutist
Wikipedia - Colin Lingwood Mallows -- English statistician
Wikipedia - Colin Matthews -- English composer
Wikipedia - Colin Mawby -- English organist
Wikipedia - Colin Meredith -- English speedway rider
Wikipedia - Colin Milner Smith -- English cricketer, barrister, judge
Wikipedia - Colin Moulding -- English musician
Wikipedia - Colin Newman -- English musician and record producer
Wikipedia - Colin Parry (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Colin Povey -- English cricketer administrator
Wikipedia - Colin Prentice -- English ecologist (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Colin Tarrant -- English actor
Wikipedia - Colin Tench -- English rock musician
Wikipedia - Colin Whalley -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Wikipedia - College English
Wikipedia - Colley Cibber -- English actor-manager, playwright, and poet laureate
Wikipedia - Collins English Dictionary
Wikipedia - Col Needham -- English entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Colonel Richard Newman -- English Barrister
Wikipedia - Colony of Virginia -- English/British possession in North America (1607-1776)
Wikipedia - Combs Reservoir -- English reservoir
Wikipedia - Common English Bible -- English translation of the Bible
Wikipedia - Commonly misspelled English words -- Wikimedia list article.
Wikipedia - Common prostitute -- English legal term
Wikipedia - Commonwealth of Israel -- English translation of the Greek M-OM-^@M-NM-?M-NM-;M-NM-9M-OM-^DM-NM-5M-NM-/M-NM-1M-OM-^B (politeias) mentioned in Ephesians 2:12
Wikipedia - Compact Editions of the Oxford English Dictionary
Wikipedia - Compact Oxford English Dictionary of Current English
Wikipedia - Comparison of American and British English -- Linguistic comparison
Wikipedia - Composition of Yards and Perches -- A medieval English statute
Wikipedia - Comprised of -- English phrase
Wikipedia - Concise Oxford English Dictionary
Wikipedia - Concordant Version -- English translation of the Bible compiled by the Concordant Publishing Concern (CPC)
Wikipedia - Confessions of an English Opium Eater
Wikipedia - Confront and Conceal -- English nonfiction book
Wikipedia - Connecticut Colony -- English colony in North America (1636-1776)
Wikipedia - Connect Radio 97.2 & 107.4 -- Former English commercial radio station
Wikipedia - Connie Talbot -- English singer
Wikipedia - Connor Scarlett -- English actor
Wikipedia - Connor Wilkinson -- English actor
Wikipedia - Conor Maynard -- English singer-songwriter, record producer, YouTuber and actor
Wikipedia - Conquest of Wales by Edward I of England -- English annexation of Wales, 1277 to 1283
Wikipedia - Consideration in English law -- Something of value promised by parties to a contract to each other
Wikipedia - Constance Garnett -- 19th/20th-century English translator
Wikipedia - Constance of Castile, Duchess of Lancaster -- Castilian-born English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Constantine v Imperial Hotels Ltd -- 1944 English contract law case
Wikipedia - Conway Griffith -- English-born American painter
Wikipedia - Conyers Middleton -- 18th-century English clergyman and writer
Wikipedia - Cooks the Bakery -- English specialist retail bakery chain of hot food, sandwiches and coffee
Wikipedia - Corfe Castle (village) -- Village and civil parish in the English county of Dorset
Wikipedia - Cornelius Nicholls -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Cornwall Super Cup -- English Rugby Union club competition
Wikipedia - Coronation chicken -- English chicken dish
Wikipedia - Corporate Dispatch -- Maltese English-language newspaper
Wikipedia - Corpus of Contemporary American English
Wikipedia - Corri English -- American actress and singer
Wikipedia - Cory English -- American actor
Wikipedia - Cosmo Sheldrake -- English musician, composer, and producer
Wikipedia - Cotton Gargrave -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Country Dance and Song Society -- Nonprofit organization seeking to promote participatory dance, music, and song with English and North American roots
Wikipedia - Country Gardens -- English folk tune
Wikipedia - Courtenay Boyle (civil servant) -- English cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - Courtenay Crickmer -- English architect
Wikipedia - Courtenay Foote -- English actor
Wikipedia - Court hand -- Style of handwriting used in medieval English law courts
Wikipedia - Court of Common Pleas (England) -- English court
Wikipedia - Court of King's Bench (England) -- Former English common law court
Wikipedia - Court of piepowders -- English court
Wikipedia - Coventry Blitz -- German bombing raids on the English city of Coventry in World War II
Wikipedia - Coventry Telegraph -- Local English tabloid newspaper
Wikipedia - Cover to Cover tour -- 1991 concert tour by English recording artist George Michael
Wikipedia - Cozy Powell -- English rock drummer
Wikipedia - C. P. Snow -- English novelist and physical chemist
Wikipedia - Cradle of Filth -- English metal band
Wikipedia - Craig Brown (taekwondo) -- English taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Craig Charles -- English actor, comedian and DJ
Wikipedia - Craig Douglas -- English pop singer
Wikipedia - Craig Dworkin -- American poet, and Professor of English
Wikipedia - Craig Fairbrass -- English actor
Wikipedia - Craig Vye -- English actor
Wikipedia - Creation Box Films -- English film production company
Wikipedia - Creole English
Wikipedia - Cressida Bonas -- English actress and model
Wikipedia - Criminal libel -- Legal term in English common law
Wikipedia - Crispian Mills -- English rock musician and film director
Wikipedia - Crowland Abbey -- Church in the English county of Lincolnshire
Wikipedia - Crystal English Sacca -- American venture capitalist
Wikipedia - Cubanate -- English industrial band
Wikipedia - Cucumber sauce -- Sauce in English cuisine
Wikipedia - Culture Club -- English pop band
Wikipedia - Cumbria Constabulary -- English territorial police force
Wikipedia - Cum On Feel the Noize -- 1973 single by English band Slade
Wikipedia - Curlew River -- 1964 English music drama by Benjamin Britten
Wikipedia - Curtis Langdon -- English rugby union hooker
Wikipedia - Curtis Pritchard -- English dancer and choreographer
Wikipedia - Curt Warburton -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Cush Jumbo -- English actress
Wikipedia - Cuthbert Burbage -- 16th/17th-century English theatrical impresario
Wikipedia - Cuthbert Collingwood (naturalist) -- English surgeon and zoologist
Wikipedia - Cuthbert Halsall -- English politician
Wikipedia - Cuthbert Horsley -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Cuthbert Pepper -- English politician
Wikipedia - Cutting Ball -- English criminal
Wikipedia - C. W. A. Scott -- English aviator
Wikipedia - Cynthia Erivo -- English actress, singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Cyriak Petyt -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Cyril Adams -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Cyril Bowles -- English Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - Cyril Chadwick -- English actor
Wikipedia - Cyril Chamberlain -- English actor
Wikipedia - Cyril Dodd -- English barrister and politician
Wikipedia - Cyril Foley -- English cricketer, military officer, and archaeologist
Wikipedia - Cyril Hawker -- English cricketer and banker
Wikipedia - Cyril Randolph -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Cyril Rattigan -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Cyril Scott -- English composer and writer (1879-1970)
Wikipedia - Cyril Tourneur -- 16th/17th-century English soldier, diplomat, and dramatist
Wikipedia - Cyril Vansittart -- English-Italian chess player
Wikipedia - Cyril Wright (rugby union) -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Cyrus Chothia -- English biochemist
Wikipedia - Daily Afghanistan -- English-language newspaper of Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Daines Barrington -- 18th-century English lawyer, antiquary, and naturalist
Wikipedia - Daisy Coulam -- English screenwriter
Wikipedia - Daisy Edgar-Jones -- English actress
Wikipedia - Daisy Head -- English actress
Wikipedia - Daisy Jenks -- English videographer
Wikipedia - Daisy Ridley -- English actress
Wikipedia - Dai Woodham -- English steam railway enthusiast
Wikipedia - Dallas Adams -- English actor
Wikipedia - Dalton Park -- English shopping centre
Wikipedia - Damian Hurley -- English actor and model
Wikipedia - Damien English -- Irish Fine Gael politician
Wikipedia - Damien Hirst -- English artist
Wikipedia - Damon Albarn -- English musician and singer
Wikipedia - D&G Bus -- English bus operator
Wikipedia - Dan and Phil -- English entertainers
Wikipedia - Dan Austin -- English record producer
Wikipedia - Dana Wynter -- German-born English actress
Wikipedia - Dan Billany -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Dan Hardy -- English mixed martial arts fighter and combat sport commentator
Wikipedia - Dan Houser -- English video game producer
Wikipedia - Daniel Abineri -- English songwriter, actor, narrator, director and playwright
Wikipedia - Daniel Ainsleigh -- English actor and acting coach
Wikipedia - Daniel Craig -- English actor
Wikipedia - Daniel Defoe -- English trader, writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Daniel Denison (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Daniel Dyke (died 1614) -- English academic
Wikipedia - Daniel Fernandez (chess player) -- English chess player
Wikipedia - Daniel Gonzalez (spree killer) -- English murderer
Wikipedia - Daniel Hardcastle -- English author and YouTuber
Wikipedia - Daniel Harvey (diplomat) -- English merchant and politician (1631-1672)
Wikipedia - Daniel Howell -- English YouTuber and presenter
Wikipedia - Daniel Huttlestone -- English actor
Wikipedia - Daniel Kleinman -- English director
Wikipedia - Daniel Lambert -- English gaol keeper, animal breeder
Wikipedia - Daniel Lee (designer) -- English Fashion Designer
Wikipedia - Danielle Harold -- English actress
Wikipedia - Danielle Masters -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Danielle Steers -- English stage actress and singer-songwriter.
Wikipedia - Daniel Massey (actor) -- English actor and performer
Wikipedia - Daniel Peacock -- English actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - Daniel Radcliffe -- English actor and producer
Wikipedia - Daniel Roche -- English actor
Wikipedia - Daniel Sandford (journalist) -- English TV journalist
Wikipedia - Daniel Sharman -- English actor
Wikipedia - Daniel Tyerman -- English missionary
Wikipedia - Dani Filth -- English heavy metal vocalist
Wikipedia - Dani Harmer -- English actress
Wikipedia - Dan Leno -- English music hall comedian, actor and singer
Wikipedia - Danniella Westbrook -- English actress and television personality
Wikipedia - Danny Boyle -- English filmmaker
Wikipedia - Danny Cannon -- English film director
Wikipedia - Danny John-Jules -- English actor, singer and dancer
Wikipedia - Danny Jones -- English musician
Wikipedia - Danny Miller (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Danny Mitchell (fighter) -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Danny Osborne -- English sculptor
Wikipedia - Danny Roberts (fighter) -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Danny Willett -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Danny Young (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Dan Osborne -- English television personality
Wikipedia - Dan Stevens -- English actor
Wikipedia - DanTDM -- English professional gamer and YouTuber
Wikipedia - Dan Willis (comedian) -- Australia-based English comedian
Wikipedia - Daoism-Taoism romanization issue -- Issue concerning the conversion of the Chinese concept of Tao into English
Wikipedia - Daphne du Maurier -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Daredevils of the Red Circle -- 1939 film by John English, William Witney
Wikipedia - Daren Lee -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Dariush Mirshekar Syahkal -- English engineer
Wikipedia - Darlington Mowden Park R.F.C. -- English professional rugby union club
Wikipedia - Darlington Street Railroad Company -- English former railway company
Wikipedia - Darnhall Abbey -- Medieval English Cistercian Abbey
Wikipedia - Darren Appleton -- English pool player
Wikipedia - Darren John Langford -- English actor
Wikipedia - Darren Stewart (fighter) -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Darren Till -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Darwin-Wedgwood family -- Two interrelated English families descending from Erasmus Darwin and Josiah Wedgwood
Wikipedia - Daryl Peach -- English pool player, born 1972
Wikipedia - Dashing Away with the Smoothing Iron -- English folk song
Wikipedia - Data (word) -- English word
Wikipedia - Daubridgecourt Belchier -- English dramatist
Wikipedia - Daughters of Destiny (2017 TV series) -- 2017 English-language docu-series on Netflix
Wikipedia - Dave Clark (musician) -- English drummer, rock singer, songwriter, record producer
Wikipedia - Dave Cochrane (musician) -- English bassist
Wikipedia - Dave Eringa -- English record producer, sound and mix engineer
Wikipedia - Dave Gahan -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Dave Gibbons -- English comics artist and writer
Wikipedia - Dave Gorman -- English author, comedian, and television presenter
Wikipedia - Dave Hancock (weightlifter) -- English weightlifter
Wikipedia - Dave House -- English musician
Wikipedia - Dave Johns -- English comedian, actor, and writer
Wikipedia - Dave Legeno -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Dave Martin (screenwriter) -- English television and film writer
Wikipedia - Dave Mills (singer) -- English singer
Wikipedia - Dave Murray (musician) -- English guitarist and songwriter
Wikipedia - Dave Quarrie -- English wheelchair curler
Wikipedia - Dave Rowntree -- English musician, politician, and animator
Wikipedia - Dave Thompson (author) -- English writer
Wikipedia - Dave Walker -- English rock singer
Wikipedia - Davey Grant -- English MMA fighter
Wikipedia - David Abulafia -- English historian
Wikipedia - David Agus -- English scientist, American physician, Professor of Medicine and Engineering and author
Wikipedia - David Armstrong-Jones, 2nd Earl of Snowdon -- English furniture designer, chairman of Christie's UK; son of Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon; nephew of Queen Elizabeth II
Wikipedia - David Arnold -- English film composer
Wikipedia - David A. Russell (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - David Bailie -- English actor
Wikipedia - David Bartholomae -- 21st-century American English professor
Wikipedia - David Bellamy -- English professor, botanist, author, broadcaster and environmental campaigner
Wikipedia - David Benedictus -- English-Jewish writer and theatre director
Wikipedia - David Bentley (bishop of Gloucester) -- English Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - David Bindman -- English professor of art history
Wikipedia - David Bowers (director) -- English animator and film director
Wikipedia - David Bowie -- English musician, actor, record producer, and arranger
Wikipedia - David Brand, 5th Viscount Hampden -- English cricketer, peer, army officer, and banker
Wikipedia - David Briggs (English musician) -- English organist and composer
Wikipedia - David Broke -- English judge and Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - David Brown (British musician) -- English YouTuber, comedian and musician
Wikipedia - David Brown Ltd. -- English engineering company
Wikipedia - David Buck -- English actor
Wikipedia - David Bugge -- English cricketer and banker
Wikipedia - David Cale -- English-American playwright, actor, and songwriter
Wikipedia - David Carnegie (explorer) -- English explorer in Western Australia
Wikipedia - David Carter (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - David Causier -- English world champion billiards player
Wikipedia - David Cerney -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - David Chapman (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - David Christie Murray -- English journalist and writer
Wikipedia - David Clark (cricketer) -- English cricketer and administrator
Wikipedia - David Clarkson (minister) -- English ejected minister
Wikipedia - David Constant -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - David Cordier -- English operatic countertenor
Wikipedia - David Cox (artist) -- English landscape painter, 1783-1859
Wikipedia - David Croft (TV producer) -- English writer, producer and director
Wikipedia - David Crosley -- English Baptist minister
Wikipedia - David Cross (musician) -- English musician
Wikipedia - David Davies (English actor) -- British actor
Wikipedia - David Davis (British politician) -- English Conservative politician and former businessman
Wikipedia - David de Hastings -- 12th-13th century English noble
Wikipedia - David De Roure -- English professor of e-Research
Wikipedia - David Dickinson -- English antiques expert, television presenter and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - David Dixon (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - David Docwra -- English cricketer, educator
Wikipedia - David Edwin -- English-American engraver
Wikipedia - David Fasken (cricketer) -- English cricketer and businessman
Wikipedia - David Flitwick (died 1296) -- 13th century English nobleman and member of Parliament
Wikipedia - David Flitwick (died 1353) -- 14th-century English noble and member of Parliament
Wikipedia - David Frederick Markham -- English priest
Wikipedia - David Frost -- English television host, media personality, journalist, comedian, and writer
Wikipedia - David F. Wright -- English-born historian
Wikipedia - David Gedge -- English musician
Wikipedia - David Gilford -- English golfer
Wikipedia - David Gilmour -- English musician, member of Pink Floyd
Wikipedia - David Graham (actor) -- English character actor and voice artist
Wikipedia - David Griffiths (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - David Gunnell -- English epidemiologist
Wikipedia - David Hargreaves (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - David Hawkes (professor of English)
Wikipedia - David Heath (cricket administrator) -- English cricketer and cricket administrator
Wikipedia - David Hemmings -- English actor, director, producer, and singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - David Heyman -- English film producer
Wikipedia - David Hildyard -- English sound engineer
Wikipedia - David Hodgson (artist) -- A professional English painter
Wikipedia - David Hunt (actor) -- English actor, producer, and director
Wikipedia - David Ickringill -- English wrestler (1930-2012)
Wikipedia - David Jackson (rock musician) -- English progressive rock musician
Wikipedia - David Jagger (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - David Jarrett -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - David J. Darling -- English astronomer, freelance science writer, and musician
Wikipedia - David Jones (director) -- English stage, television, and film director
Wikipedia - David Jones (VC) -- English recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - David J. Russell -- English golfer
Wikipedia - David Jukes -- English cricket umpire
Wikipedia - David Kendix -- English actuary, cricket statistician and scorer
Wikipedia - David Kerr (cinematographer) -- English cinematographer
Wikipedia - David Konstant -- 20th and 21st-century English Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - David Landsborough III -- An English physician, missionary, and pioneer in Taiwan
Wikipedia - David Leon -- English actor
Wikipedia - David Lindsay (novelist) -- English author
Wikipedia - David Lloyd (cricketer) -- English former cricketer, coach, and commentator
Wikipedia - David Lonsdale -- English actor
Wikipedia - David Lucas (engraver) -- English mezzotint engraver
Wikipedia - David McClintock -- English botanist (1913-2001)
Wikipedia - David Mitchell (author) -- English novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Mordaunt -- English cricketer, teacher, and expeditioner
Wikipedia - David Morrissey -- English actor and filmmaker
Wikipedia - David Moses Dyte -- English quill merchant
Wikipedia - David Neuberger, Baron Neuberger of Abbotsbury -- English judge
Wikipedia - David Newsom (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - David Oakes -- English actor
Wikipedia - David Pettit -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - David Phipps -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - David Proud -- English actor
Wikipedia - David Prowse -- English bodybuilder, weightlifter, and actor
Wikipedia - David Reynolds (English historian)
Wikipedia - David Ripley -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - David Rose (club secretary) -- English club secretary
Wikipedia - David Ross (actor) -- English theatre, cinema and television actor
Wikipedia - David Ryall -- English actor (1935-2014)
Wikipedia - David Sandiford -- English cricketer, barrister
Wikipedia - David Schneider (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - David Serjeant -- English-Australian cricketer and author
Wikipedia - David Seymour (English politician) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - David Shacklady -- English golfer
Wikipedia - David Shepherd (umpire) -- English cricket umpire
Wikipedia - David Silk (priest) -- English Catholic priest and former Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - David Skinns -- English golfer
Wikipedia - David Smith (director) -- English film director
Wikipedia - David Smith (Warwickshire cricketer, born 1956) -- English cricketer and administrator
Wikipedia - David Snell (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - David Suchet -- English actor
Wikipedia - David Swift (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - David Talbot (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - David Tarttelin -- English painter
Wikipedia - David Thewlis -- English actor
Wikipedia - David Tomlinson -- English actor
Wikipedia - David Walliams -- English comedian, writer and actor
Wikipedia - David Warner (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - David Westhead -- English actor
Wikipedia - David Weston (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - David W. Green (biochemist) -- English crystallographer and biochemist
Wikipedia - David Whelan (golfer) -- English golfer and instructor
Wikipedia - David Whiffen -- English physicist
Wikipedia - David Whitaker (composer) -- English composer and arranger (1931-2012)
Wikipedia - David Whitaker (screenwriter) -- English television writer and novelist
Wikipedia - David Winner (author) -- English author and journalist
Wikipedia - David Yates -- English filmmaker
Wikipedia - David Young (cricketer) -- English cricketer and sport psychologist
Wikipedia - Davood Ghadami -- English actor
Wikipedia - Davy Jones (musician) -- English singer-songwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Dawn Acton -- English actress
Wikipedia - Dawn Addams -- English actress
Wikipedia - Dawn (newspaper) -- Daily English-language newspaper published from Pakistan
Wikipedia - Dawn Whyatt Frith -- English and Australian ornithologist, zoologist and author
Wikipedia - Dawson Turner -- English banker, botanist and antiquary (1775-1858)
Wikipedia - Day 21 -- English punk rock group
Wikipedia - Dead Man's Gulch -- 1943 film by John English
Wikipedia - Dean Andrews -- English actor
Wikipedia - Dean-Charles Chapman -- English actor
Wikipedia - Deanery Garden -- Grade I listed English country house in Wokingham, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Dean Lennox Kelly -- English actor
Wikipedia - Debbie Dowling -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Debonnaire von Bismarck -- English socialite
Wikipedia - Deborah Anderson -- English musician and photographer
Wikipedia - Deborah Baxter -- English actress
Wikipedia - Deborah Hutton (English editor) -- English writer and magazine editor
Wikipedia - Deborah Watling -- English actress
Wikipedia - Deccan Chronicle -- Indian English-language daily newspaper
Wikipedia - Declan McKenna -- English singer-songwriter and musician (born 1998)
Wikipedia - Decline and abolition of the poor law system -- Change in English welfare system
Wikipedia - Deep Purple -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Deirdre Le Faye -- English writer
Wikipedia - Delia Derbyshire -- English musician and composer of electronic music
Wikipedia - Delia Smith -- English cook and television presenter
Wikipedia - Delta Motorsport -- English racing automobile engineering consulting firm
Wikipedia - Denglisch -- Mixture of German and English languages
Wikipedia - Denis Durnian -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Denise Black -- English actress
Wikipedia - Denis Hendren -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Denis Jenkinson -- English journalist (motorsport)
Wikipedia - Denis Oswald (codebreaker) -- English cricketer, educator, and codebreaker
Wikipedia - Denis Thatcher -- English businessman, husband of Margaret Thatcher
Wikipedia - Denis Wigan -- English cricketer, British Army officer
Wikipedia - Denis Wright (composer) -- English brass band composer and conductor
Wikipedia - Dennis Brothers -- English motor vehicle manufacturer
Wikipedia - Dennis Cakebread -- English athlete
Wikipedia - Dennis Cox -- English cricketer and cricket administrator
Wikipedia - Dennis Hale (vocalist) -- English singer
Wikipedia - Dennis Hoey -- English actor
Wikipedia - Dennis Howard Green -- English philologist
Wikipedia - Dennis Morton Horne -- English chess player
Wikipedia - Dennis Potter -- English TV dramatist, screenwriter, journalist
Wikipedia - Dennis Rollins -- English jazz trombonist
Wikipedia - Dennis Silk -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Dennis Williams (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Dennis Young (diver) -- English diver
Wikipedia - Denny Cordell -- English record producer
Wikipedia - Denny Wright -- English jazz guitarist
Wikipedia - Denys Witherington -- English cricketer and British Army soldier
Wikipedia - Denzil Onslow (British Army officer) -- English cricketer and Grenadier Guards general
Wikipedia - Department for Transport -- United Kingdom government ministerial department responsible for the English transport network
Wikipedia - Depeche Mode -- English electronic band
Wikipedia - Derbyshire County Cricket Club -- English cricket club
Wikipedia - Derek Acorah -- English television personality
Wikipedia - Derek and the Dominos -- English-American blues-rock band 1970-1971
Wikipedia - Derek Bailey (guitarist) -- English avant-garde guitarist
Wikipedia - Derek Blomfield -- English actor
Wikipedia - Derek Cox (athlete) -- English shot putter
Wikipedia - Derek Deadman -- English character actor
Wikipedia - Derek Fowlds -- English actor
Wikipedia - Derek Hockridge -- English translator of Asterix
Wikipedia - Derek Jacobi -- English actor and film director
Wikipedia - Derek Keene -- English urban historian
Wikipedia - Derek Kenderdine -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Derek Lawrence -- English record producer
Wikipedia - Derek Lodge -- English civil servant
Wikipedia - Derek McCorquindale -- English shot putter
Wikipedia - Derek Worlock -- English Roman Catholic archbishop
Wikipedia - Dermot Blundell -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Dermot O'Leary -- English television and radio presenter
Wikipedia - Derrick Cooper -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Derrick Robins -- English cricketer and sports promoter
Wikipedia - Dersingham Bog -- English nature reserve
Wikipedia - Desmond Brayley, Baron Brayley -- English baron and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Desmond Muirhead -- English-born American golf course designer
Wikipedia - Des'ree -- English pop singer
Wikipedia - Devon League 3 -- English rugby union league
Wikipedia - Dexter Fletcher -- English actor and director
Wikipedia - Dhani Harrison -- English musician
Wikipedia - Dharshan Kumaran -- English chess grandmaster
Wikipedia - D. H. Lawrence -- English writer and poet
Wikipedia - Dhruv Sitwala -- Indian player of English billiards
Wikipedia - Diamond Head (English band) -- British metal band
Wikipedia - Diana Burrell -- English composer
Wikipedia - Diana Churchill (actress) -- English actress
Wikipedia - Diana de Vere Beauclerk -- English author
Wikipedia - Diana Dors -- English actress and singer
Wikipedia - Diana Rait Kerr -- English curator
Wikipedia - Diana Russell, Duchess of Bedford -- English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Diana Vickers -- English singer-songwriter, actress and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Diana Wynne Jones -- English children's fantasy writer
Wikipedia - Diana Wynyard -- English stage and film actress
Wikipedia - Diane Youdale -- English TV personality
Wikipedia - Dianne Oxberry -- English broadcaster and weather presenter
Wikipedia - Dick Best -- English rugby union coach and journalist
Wikipedia - Dick Blaker -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Dick Francis -- English jockey and crime writer
Wikipedia - Dick Sale -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Dick Taverne -- English barrister; politician and life peer in the House of Lords (born 1928)
Wikipedia - Dick Tracy's G-Men -- 1939 film by John English, William Witney
Wikipedia - Dick Turpin -- 18th-century English highwayman
Wikipedia - Dick Whittington and His Cat -- English folklore concerning the rise of Richard Whittington in 14th-century London
Wikipedia - Dictionary of American English
Wikipedia - Dictionary of American Regional English
Wikipedia - Dictionary of Newfoundland English
Wikipedia - Dictionary of Old English
Wikipedia - Dido (singer) -- English-Irish musician
Wikipedia - Digital Dog -- English remix/production duo
Wikipedia - Digital Farm Animals -- English DJ, record producer, singer, songwriter and remixer
Wikipedia - Digory Chamond -- English politician
Wikipedia - Dillian Gordon -- English art historian
Wikipedia - Dillie Keane -- English actress
Wikipedia - Diminutives in Australian English -- Australian Slangs
Wikipedia - Dinah Gamon -- English silversmith
Wikipedia - Ding Dong Bell -- English language nursery rhyme
Wikipedia - Dingle Marshes -- English nature reserve
Wikipedia - Direct grant grammar school -- Former type of English secondary school
Wikipedia - Disappearance of Ben Needham -- English missing person case
Wikipedia - Disappearance of Madeleine McCann -- Unsolved 2007 disappearance of English 3 year-old girl on holiday in Portugal
Wikipedia - Dispute between Darnhall and Vale Royal Abbey -- English medieval regional feud
Wikipedia - Disputes in English grammar
Wikipedia - D. J. B. Hawkins -- English Catholic philosopher
Wikipedia - DJ Hype -- English record producer and DJ
Wikipedia - DJ Subroc -- English musician
Wikipedia - Dolf Wyllarde -- English writer
Wikipedia - Dolly-Rose Campbell -- English actress
Wikipedia - Dominic Cooper -- English actor
Wikipedia - Dominic Harington -- English snowboarder
Wikipedia - Dominic Keating -- English actor
Wikipedia - Dominic Kwiatkowski -- English medical researcher
Wikipedia - Dominic Monaghan -- English actor
Wikipedia - Dominic Purcell -- English actor
Wikipedia - Dominic Sherwood -- English film and television actor and model
Wikipedia - Dominic Tweddle -- English archaeologist
Wikipedia - Dominic West -- English film, television, and theatre actor
Wikipedia - Dominic Wood -- English magician
Wikipedia - Dominion of New England -- English regional government in North America, 1686-1689
Wikipedia - Donae'o -- English rapper
Wikipedia - Donald Boumphrey -- English cricketer, educator, and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Donald Britton (musician) -- English-born, Australian musician, composer and teacher
Wikipedia - Donald Calthrop -- English actor
Wikipedia - Donald Campbell -- English racecar driver and land & water speed record holder
Wikipedia - Donald Crisp -- English actor
Wikipedia - Donald Johnston (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Donald M. Ashton -- English art director
Wikipedia - Donald Neilson -- English serial killer
Wikipedia - Donald Pleasence -- English actor
Wikipedia - Donald Ray (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Donald Russell (classicist) -- English classical philologist
Wikipedia - Donald Shearer -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Donald Sinden -- English actor
Wikipedia - Donald Steel -- English golfer, golf course designer, writer, and journalist
Wikipedia - Don Curtis (golfer) -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Don Grierson (music business) -- English music industry executive
Wikipedia - Donna Air -- English actress, television presenter and media personality
Wikipedia - Don Oslear -- English cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Donovan Reid -- English athlete
Wikipedia - Don't Fence Me In (film) -- 1945 film by John English
Wikipedia - Don Weller (musician) -- English jazz musician
Wikipedia - Don Wilson (cricketer) -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Dora Barton -- English actress
Wikipedia - Dora Bright -- English composer and pianist
Wikipedia - Dora Francisca Edu-Buandoh -- Ghanaian English professor
Wikipedia - Doreen Hawkins -- English actress
Wikipedia - Doreen Mantle -- South African-born English actress
Wikipedia - Doreen Tracey -- English actress
Wikipedia - Doreen Valiente -- English writer
Wikipedia - Doreen Wells -- English ballet dancer
Wikipedia - Doris Gwendoline Helliwell -- English-born concert pianist
Wikipedia - Doris Turner -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Dornford Yates -- Pseudonym of the English novelist Cecil William Mercer
Wikipedia - Dorothea Pertz -- English botanist
Wikipedia - Dorothy Bellew -- English actress
Wikipedia - Dorothy Bentinck, Duchess of Portland -- 18th-century English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Dorothy Boyd -- English actress
Wikipedia - Dorothy Bussy -- English novelist and translator
Wikipedia - Dorothy Christian Hare -- English physician
Wikipedia - Dorothy Dewhurst -- English stage and film actress
Wikipedia - Dorothy Hardisty -- English civil servant and humanitarian
Wikipedia - Dorothy Koomson -- English writer
Wikipedia - Dorothy Lewis (bowls) -- Female English international lawn bowler
Wikipedia - Dorothy L. Sayers -- English novelist, translator, and Christian writer
Wikipedia - Dorothy M. Healy -- American english professor and historian (1914-1990)
Wikipedia - Dorothy M. Needham -- English biochemist
Wikipedia - Dorothy Popenoe -- English botanist and archaeologist (1899-1932)
Wikipedia - Dorothy Vicary -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Dorothy Wedderburn -- English sociologist and college head
Wikipedia - Dorothy Wordsworth -- English author, poet and diarist
Wikipedia - Douai School -- Former English school in Woolhampton
Wikipedia - Douay-Rheims Bible -- First complete English language Catholic Bible
Wikipedia - Double-Tongued Dictionary -- Online catalog of words on the fringes of English, focusing on slang, jargon, and new words
Wikipedia - Dougie Poynter -- English musician, songwriter, fashion model, clothing designer, author, and amateur actor
Wikipedia - Douglas Adams -- English author and humorist
Wikipedia - Douglas Booth -- English actor
Wikipedia - Douglas Edward Hopkins -- English organist
Wikipedia - Douglas Harries -- English cricketer and military officer
Wikipedia - Douglas Hodge -- English actor, director, and musician
Wikipedia - Douglas James Smith -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Douglas Meakin -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force airman
Wikipedia - Douglas Robinson (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British army officer
Wikipedia - Doug Lucie -- English dramatist
Wikipedia - Doug McClelland (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Down in Yon Forest -- Traditional English Christmas carol
Wikipedia - Download Festival -- English music festival
Wikipedia - Downtown Julie Brown -- English actress and television presenter
Wikipedia - Dracula (1931 English-language film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Draft:Alec Mills (cinematographer) -- English film and television cinematographer
Wikipedia - Draft:Ashy Akakpo -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Draft:Billafunda (Siddha) Sayadaw U. Kowida -- Englishman who was said to have lived for 152 years
Wikipedia - Draft:Cassia (band) -- English indie pop band
Wikipedia - Draft:Enid Elliott Linder -- English author
Wikipedia - Draft:Gumshoe (musician) -- English singer, songwriter and record producer
Wikipedia - Draft:Heavy Lungs (band) -- English punk rock band
Wikipedia - Draft:Igor Tsuman -- English christian musician, singer, songwriter
Wikipedia - Draft:Jack Spring (Film Director) -- English film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Draft:Jai Herbert -- English MMA fighter
Wikipedia - Draft:James Hill (banker) -- 19th-century English banker and merchant
Wikipedia - Draft:Jamie Joseph -- English Actor
Wikipedia - Draft:Jordan Jane -- English DJ and vocalist (born 1997)
Wikipedia - Draft:Lerone Murphy -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Draft:Lydia Page -- English actress
Wikipedia - Draft:Marc Duschenes -- English fund manager and financer
Wikipedia - Draft:Matte Smith -- English actor
Wikipedia - Draft:Matthew W.F. Senior -- English filmmaker, musician, and fashion designer from Plymouth, UK
Wikipedia - Draft:Michael Brooke -- English lawyer and judge
Wikipedia - Draft:Moses Henry Berstein -- English, Rabbi, author, teacher, shochet
Wikipedia - Draft:Ollie MN -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Draft:Patrick Ingram -- English-Irish managing director
Wikipedia - Draft:Qeuyl -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Draft:Rebecca Peace (musician) -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Draft:Rebecca Ryder -- English comedian, YouTuber, musician and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Draft:Scottish Youth Climate Strike -- English and Welsh environmental organisation
Wikipedia - Draft:Sebastian Burduja english -- Secretary of State (2019-present)
Wikipedia - Draft:Simon Clark (physicist) -- English physicist and science communicator
Wikipedia - Draft:Syheem "SySy" Young -- English entertainer
Wikipedia - Draft:The Times of World -- Indian English-language daily newspaper
Wikipedia - Draft:Today Tripura -- english,Bangla news Portal
Wikipedia - Draft:Tony Wharmby -- English television director and producer
Wikipedia - Draft:Tunnelmental -- English punktronica band
Wikipedia - Draft:Verity Bowditch -- English television personality
Wikipedia - Draft:Wanny Boy -- English entertainer
Wikipedia - Draft:Weston on Trent railway station -- English railway station
Wikipedia - Draft:Wikipedia:Vital articles -- Most important articles for the English Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Dr. Livingstone, I Presume (song) -- Song by The Moody Blues, English rock band
Wikipedia - Drones (Muse album) -- 2015 album by the English rock band Muse
Wikipedia - Druce Brandt -- English cricketer, academic, and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Drue Drury (courtier) -- English politician and courtier
Wikipedia - Druie Bowett -- English artist
Wikipedia - Drummond Allison -- English World War II war poet
Wikipedia - Dua Lipa -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Duane Henry -- English actor
Wikipedia - Dubai One -- Pan-Arab English language TV channel
Wikipedia - Dublin English
Wikipedia - Dudley Cockle -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force airman
Wikipedia - Dudley Moore -- English actor, comedian, composer and musician
Wikipedia - Dudley Owen-Thomas -- English cricketer and lawyer
Wikipedia - Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back -- English dark ride at Alton Towers
Wikipedia - Duncan Browne -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Duncan Busby -- English archer
Wikipedia - Duncan Dawkins -- English weightlifter
Wikipedia - Duncan Pocklington -- English cricketer and Anglican clergyman
Wikipedia - Duncan Smith (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Duncan Vines -- English cricketer and Royal Indian Navy officer
Wikipedia - Dunglish -- Errors common in Dutch English
Wikipedia - Dunlop Manners -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Dun's gazette for New South Wales -- English language journal (1909-1958)
Wikipedia - Dunstan Gale -- English poet
Wikipedia - Duple Coachbuilders -- English coach and bus body manufacturer (1919-1989)
Wikipedia - Duran Duran -- English new wave band
Wikipedia - Durell Durell -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Duress in English law -- Common law defence
Wikipedia - Durham City RFC -- English rugby union club
Wikipedia - Durham County Cricket Club -- English cricket club
Wikipedia - Dusepo -- English musician
Wikipedia - Dusty Rhodes (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Test match umpire
Wikipedia - Dusty Springfield -- 20th-century English singer and record producer
Wikipedia - Dylan Llewellyn -- English actor
Wikipedia - Dynamo (magician) -- English illusionist
Wikipedia - Eadweard Muybridge -- English-American photographer
Wikipedia - Eamon Everall -- English Stuckist artist and educator
Wikipedia - Earl -- English title of nobility
Wikipedia - Early English Jewish literature
Wikipedia - Early life of Samuel Johnson -- Life of the English author (1709-1784)
Wikipedia - Early Modern English Bible translations -- English bible translations made between about 1500 and 1800
Wikipedia - Early Modern English -- Stage of development of English, starting c. 16th century
Wikipedia - Earth Has Many a Noble City -- Christian Epiphany hymn originally written by the Roman poet Aurelius Clemens Prudentius and translated by the English clergyman Edward Caswall in 1849
Wikipedia - Earthly Delights (record label) -- English record label
Wikipedia - East 17 -- English pop boy band
Wikipedia - East Anglian English
Wikipedia - Eastern Counties 5 -- English rugby union league
Wikipedia - Eastern Counties 6 -- English rugby union league
Wikipedia - Eastern-Greek Orthodox Bible -- English language edition of the Bible published and controlled by Greek Orthodox Christians
Wikipedia - Eastern New England English
Wikipedia - East Midlands English -- Traditional form of the English language
Wikipedia - East-the-Water Cemetery, Bideford -- English suburb and former burial ground
Wikipedia - East v Maurer -- English contract law case
Wikipedia - Eating crow -- English-language idiom for humiliatingly admitting being proven wrong
Wikipedia - Ebenezer Cooke (poet) -- English/ American poet
Wikipedia - Ebonics (word) -- Term for African American Vernacular English
Wikipedia - Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation
Wikipedia - Ecclesiastical History of the English People
Wikipedia - Ed Case (musician) -- English musician, producer, and DJ
Wikipedia - Ed Clancy -- English racing cyclist (born 1985)
Wikipedia - Eddie Calvert -- English trumpeter
Wikipedia - Eddie Izzard -- English stand-up comedian
Wikipedia - Eddie Marsan -- English actor
Wikipedia - Eddie Phillipson -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Eddie Redmayne -- English actor
Wikipedia - Eddie Whitcombe -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Eden Francis -- English female athlete
Wikipedia - Ed Fryatt -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Edgar Stogdon -- English academic, clergyman, and athlete
Wikipedia - Edgar Wright -- English film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Edith Bateson -- English artist
Wikipedia - Edith Mansell-Moullin -- English suffragist
Wikipedia - Edith New -- 20th-century English suffragette
Wikipedia - Edith Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Marchioness of Londonderry -- English noble
Wikipedia - Edith Yorke -- English actress
Wikipedia - Editors (band) -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Edmond Foljambe -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Edmond Halley -- English astronomer, geophysicist, mathematician, meteorologist, and physicist
Wikipedia - Edmond Hoyle -- English writer
Wikipedia - Edmund Arnold (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Ashfield (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Beaufort, 2nd Duke of Somerset -- 15th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Edmund Beaufort (died 1471) -- 15th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Edmund Brydges, 2nd Baron Chandos -- English politician and Baron
Wikipedia - Edmund Campion -- 16th-century English Jesuit priest, martyr and saint
Wikipedia - Edmund Crofts -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Edmund Crouchback -- 13th-century English prince and nobleman
Wikipedia - Edmund Darrell -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Daundy -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Docwra -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Dunch (Whig) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund, Earl of Rutland -- 15th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Edmund Finnis -- English composer
Wikipedia - Edmund Foxe -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Gosse -- English poet, author and critic
Wikipedia - Edmund Gunter -- English clergyman, mathematician, geometer and astronomer
Wikipedia - Edmund Gwenn -- English actor
Wikipedia - Edmund Hall (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Hardinge -- English cricketer and Hardinge baronet
Wikipedia - Edmund Hastings, 1st Baron Hastings -- 13th-14th century English noble
Wikipedia - Edmund Howes -- English chronicler
Wikipedia - Edmund Hungerford -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Kean -- English actor
Wikipedia - Edmund Leighton -- English painter
Wikipedia - Edmund Ludlow (died 1624) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Marsden -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Edmund Mervin -- 16th century English priest
Wikipedia - Edmund Molyneux -- English biographer and politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Moody -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Mortimer, 5th Earl of March -- 14th/15th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Edmund Mortimer (rebel) -- 14th/15th-century English nobleman
Wikipedia - Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York -- 14th-century English prince and nobleman
Wikipedia - Edmund of Woodstock, 1st Earl of Kent -- 14th-century English prince and nobleman
Wikipedia - Edmund Page -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Poley -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Powell (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Purdom -- English actor
Wikipedia - Edmund Ros, 10th Baron Ros -- English noble
Wikipedia - Edmund Rous -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Sawyer -- English barrister
Wikipedia - Edmund Sharpe -- English architect and engineer (1809 - 1877)
Wikipedia - Edmund Sheffield, 2nd Duke of Buckingham and Normanby -- English nobleman
Wikipedia - Edmund Spencer (chess player) -- English chess player
Wikipedia - Edmund Spenser -- 16th-century English poet
Wikipedia - Edmund Sture -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Trafford (1526-1590) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Tremayne -- English conspirator and civil servant
Wikipedia - Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond -- English noble
Wikipedia - Edmund Uvedale (died 1606) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Uvedale (died 1621) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Waller (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Edmund Walrond -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Willes -- English cricketer and cleric
Wikipedia - Edmund Wingate -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Edmund Woolley -- English-born American architect
Wikipedia - Edna Loftus -- English actress
Wikipedia - Ed O'Brien -- English guitarist and member of Radiohead
Wikipedia - Ed Sheeran -- English singer, songwriter, record producer and actor
Wikipedia - Ed Skrein -- English actor and rapper
Wikipedia - Edward, 2nd Duke of York -- 14th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Edward Abney -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Adrian Wilson -- English polar explorer
Wikipedia - Edward Aglionby (died 1599) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer -- English physiologist
Wikipedia - Edward Allen Roberts -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Edward Andrade -- English physicist
Wikipedia - Edward Armitage -- English painter
Wikipedia - Edward Armstrong Bennet -- English Jungian psychologist
Wikipedia - Edward Ashe -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Ash Hadow -- English chemist
Wikipedia - Edward Atterton -- English actor
Wikipedia - Edward Augustus Freeman -- English historian
Wikipedia - Edward Aylmer (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Edward Ayscough (born 1596) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Ayscough (died 1668) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Baber (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Bacon (died 1618) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Baeshe -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Barker (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Baron -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Barrett, 1st Lord Barrett of Newburgh -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Baynard (sheriff) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Bayntun (died 1593) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Bellasis (lawyer) -- English lawyer
Wikipedia - Edward Bellingham -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Beseley -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Bligh, 7th Earl of Darnley -- English landowner and aristocrat
Wikipedia - Edward Blore (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Edward Blount -- 16th/17th-century English stationer and publisher
Wikipedia - Edward Boustead -- English businessman
Wikipedia - Edward Bowles (minister) -- English minister
Wikipedia - Edward Bradbrooke -- English athlete
Wikipedia - Edward Bradby (cricketer) -- English cricketer and solicitor
Wikipedia - Edward Bray (died 1581) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Brocket -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Brooke-Hitching -- English writer and map-collector
Wikipedia - Edward Buggin -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Burne-Jones -- 19th-century English artist
Wikipedia - Edward Burnett Tylor -- English anthropologist
Wikipedia - Edward Burnham -- English actor
Wikipedia - Edward Burn (legal scholar) -- English barrister
Wikipedia - Edward Byles Cowell -- English professor of Sanskrit
Wikipedia - Edward Capell -- 18th-century English Shakespearian critic
Wikipedia - Edward Capel -- English soldier and sportsman
Wikipedia - Edward Chaffyn -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Chamberlain (died 1557) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Coke -- English lawyer and judge
Wikipedia - Edward Collett May -- English music educator
Wikipedia - Edward Collingwood -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Edward Cooke (Roundhead) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Croft (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Daniel Clarke -- English naturalist, mineralogist and traveller
Wikipedia - Edward Darrell (died 1573) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford -- 16th-century English peer and courtier
Wikipedia - Edward Doty -- Early English colonist in North America
Wikipedia - Edward Dowell -- English cricketer, clergyman, and vicar
Wikipedia - Edward Dutton (anthropologist) -- English anthropologist
Wikipedia - Edward Edmond Slyfield -- English aristocrat
Wikipedia - Edward Edwards (painter) -- English painter
Wikipedia - Edward Elgar -- English composer
Wikipedia - Edward Ellerker -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Exton Barclay -- English gentleman and fox hunter
Wikipedia - Edward Fellowes (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Edward Fenner -- English judge
Wikipedia - Edward Fitzherbert (British Army officer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Edward Foord -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Edward Fowler (cricketer) -- English cricketer, solicitor
Wikipedia - Edward Foxe -- 16th-century English bishop
Wikipedia - Edward Francis Fitzwilliam -- English composer and music director
Wikipedia - Edward Frankland Armstrong -- English chemist
Wikipedia - Edward Gibbon -- English historian and Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - Edward Gifford (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Goodwin -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Grimston (Ipswich MP) -- English politician and comptroller of Calais
Wikipedia - Edward Hall (director) -- English theatre director
Wikipedia - Edward Hannes -- English physician
Wikipedia - Edward Harington -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Hastings, 1st Baron Hastings of Loughborough -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Hastings (died 1437) -- 14th-15th century English noble
Wikipedia - Edward Hastings (died 1603) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Haygarth -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Edward Henry Purcell -- English organist and musician
Wikipedia - Edward Henslow -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Edward Herbert (died 1593) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Herbert (died 1595) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Heynes -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Hibbert -- English-American actor
Wikipedia - Edward Hosier -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Hubbard (priest) -- English priest
Wikipedia - Edward Hubberd -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Hungerford (died 1572) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon -- English politician and historian (1609-1674)
Wikipedia - Edward Hyde, 3rd Earl of Clarendon -- English military officer, governor of New York and New Jersey
Wikipedia - Edward Isaac -- English Protestant Marian exile
Wikipedia - Edward Johnson (composer) -- English composer (fl1572-1601)
Wikipedia - Edward Jones (bishop) -- English bishop of St Asaph, born 1641
Wikipedia - Edward Kelley -- English alchemist
Wikipedia - Edward Kelsey -- English actor and voice artist
Wikipedia - Edward Kemp (playwright) -- English playwright and theatre director
Wikipedia - Edward Kewley -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Edward King (English bishop)
Wikipedia - Edward Lassen -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Edward Lawrence (minister) -- English minister
Wikipedia - Edward Leathes -- English cricketer and army officer
Wikipedia - Edward Leighton (died 1593) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Lewknor (died 1605) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Ling -- English sport shooter
Wikipedia - Edward Littleton (died 1558) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Lively -- English translator
Wikipedia - Edward Llewellyn-Thomas -- English psychologist (1917-1984)
Wikipedia - Edward Lloyd (16th-century MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Lombe (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Low -- English pirate (1690-1724)
Wikipedia - Edward Luce -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Edward Ludwell -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Maplesden -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Meller -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Meredith -- English Jesuit
Wikipedia - Edward Meyrick -- English entomologist and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Edward Montagu, 2nd Earl of Manchester -- English politician and commander of Parliamentary forces in the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Edward Montagu Butler -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Edward Montagu of Boughton -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward More (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Moss (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve officer
Wikipedia - Edward Murphy (cricketer) -- English cricketer, Royal Air Force officer, and medical doctor
Wikipedia - Edward Nash (sportsman) -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Edward Naylor -- English composer (1867-1934)
Wikipedia - Edward Newman (entomologist) -- English entomologist, botanist and writer
Wikipedia - Edward Norreys -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward North, 1st Baron North -- English politician and Baron
Wikipedia - Edward Pereira -- English cricketer, priest, and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Edward Phelips (Royalist) -- English landowner and politician (c. 1613-1680)
Wikipedia - Edward Phillips -- English author
Wikipedia - Edward Plantagenet, 17th Earl of Warwick -- English Earl
Wikipedia - Edward Poole (died 1578) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Popham (died 1586) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Purcell (musician) -- English composer (1689-1740); son of Henry Purcell
Wikipedia - Edward Radcliffe-Nash -- English soldier and equestrian
Wikipedia - Edward Randolph (colonial administrator) -- English colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Edward Rede -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Reynolds (cricketer) -- English clergyman, schoolmaster, and sportsman
Wikipedia - Edward Rishton -- English priest
Wikipedia - Edward Robey -- English barrister
Wikipedia - Edward Royd Rice -- English cricketer and politician
Wikipedia - Edward Sapcote -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Savage (died c. 1622) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Scott (sportsman) -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Edward Seymour (physician) -- English physician and medical writer
Wikipedia - Edward Sharpham -- 16th/17th-century English playwright and pamphleteer
Wikipedia - Edward Shaw (cricketer, born 1892) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Edward Sheldon (translator) -- English translator
Wikipedia - Edward Sherburne -- English translator and poet (1618-1702)
Wikipedia - Edward Shorter -- English engineer and inventor (1767-1836)
Wikipedia - Edward Shotter -- English Anglican priest and author (1933-2019)
Wikipedia - Edward Simpson (Master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge) -- English Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - Edward Sinclair (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Edward Sinclair -- English actor
Wikipedia - Edward Smith (cricketer, born 1854) -- English cricketer, clergyman
Wikipedia - Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham -- 15th-16th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Edward Stanhope (died 1608) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Stanley, 3rd Earl of Derby -- 16th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Edward Stephens (MP for Dover) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Stephenson (cricketer) -- English cricketer, British Army officer, and educator
Wikipedia - Edward St. Loe -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Stone (natural philosopher) -- English Anglican priest who discovered the active ingredient of aspirin
Wikipedia - Edward Stott -- English artist known for rural landscape painting (1855-1918)
Wikipedia - Edward Stradling (1529-1609) -- English politician, antiquary, and literary patron
Wikipedia - Edward Sutton, 2nd Baron Dudley -- English noble
Wikipedia - Edward Taswell -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Edward Taylor-Jones -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Edward Thomas Daniell -- English landscape painter and etcher
Wikipedia - Edward Thornborough -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Thornewill -- English cricketer and racehorse owner
Wikipedia - Edward Thornton (cricketer) -- English cricketer and military officer
Wikipedia - Edward Titley -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Edward Tootell -- English cricketer and surgeon
Wikipedia - Edward Twiss -- English cricketer and military officer
Wikipedia - Edward Tyrwhitt -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Underhill -- English politician and Protestant evangelical
Wikipedia - Edward Vernon (Royal Navy officer, born 1723) -- English Royal Navy officer, born 1723
Wikipedia - Edward Vesey Bligh -- English cricketer, diplomat, and clergyman
Wikipedia - Edward Victor Appleton -- English physicist and Nobel Prize recipient (1892-1965)
Wikipedia - Edward Vivian Birchall -- English philanthropist
Wikipedia - Edward Wakefield (statistician) -- English philanthropist and statistician
Wikipedia - Edward Walker (cricketer) -- English cricketer and academic
Wikipedia - Edward Wallington (civil servant) -- English cricketer, colonial administrator, Royal Household member
Wikipedia - Edward Walsingham -- English author
Wikipedia - Edward Walter Maunder -- English astronomer studying sunspots
Wikipedia - Edward Ward, 7th Baron Dudley -- English peer
Wikipedia - Edward Ward (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Edward Warner (1511-1565) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Watts (director) -- English filmmaker
Wikipedia - Edward Weld (Senior) -- Wealthy English landowner
Wikipedia - Edward Weld -- English recusant landowner
Wikipedia - Edward Whitaker Gray -- 18th-century English botanist and doctor
Wikipedia - Edward Wightman -- English radical Anabaptist, last person to be burned at the stake for heresy in England
Wikipedia - Edward Wilkinson (cricketer) -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Edward Willes (1702-1768) -- English judge and Chief Baron of the Irish Exchequer
Wikipedia - Edward Williams (died c. 1594) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Windsor, Lord Downpatrick -- English fashion designer
Wikipedia - Edward Wyke-Smith -- English writer
Wikipedia - Edward Young -- English poet
Wikipedia - Edward Zouch -- English actor
Wikipedia - Ed Welch -- English songwriter, composer, conductor and arranger
Wikipedia - Edwin, Earl of Mercia -- 11th-century English earl
Wikipedia - Edwin Edwards (New Zealand politician) -- English-born New Zealand businessman and local politician
Wikipedia - Edwin Halstead -- English athlete
Wikipedia - Edwin Hatch -- English theologian
Wikipedia - Edwin Henry Boddington -- English painter
Wikipedia - Edwin Kentfield -- Champion player of English billiards
Wikipedia - Edwin Landseer -- English painter
Wikipedia - Edwin Myers (sportsman) -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Edwin Russell (artist) -- English sculptor
Wikipedia - Edwin Sandys (MP for Worcestershire) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edwin Saunders -- English dentist
Wikipedia - Edwin Waugh -- English poet (1817-1890)
Wikipedia - Edwin Wyat -- English politician
Wikipedia - Ed Wynne -- English guitarist and keyboardist
Wikipedia - E. E. Speight -- Lexicographer, educationalist, philosopher, poet, anthropologist, publisher, author; Speight was a Yorkshireman who was professor of English in Japan and latterly India.
Wikipedia - E. F. Benson -- English novelist and writer
Wikipedia - Egbert de Haydock -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - E. G. Cuthbert F. Atchley -- English surgeon and liturgical scholar
Wikipedia - Egerton Wright -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Egyptian Streets -- English Egyptian news organization
Wikipedia - Egypt Today -- Egyptian English language monthly magazine
Wikipedia - E. H. Budd -- English cricketer and all-around sportsman
Wikipedia - E. H. D. Sewell -- English cricketer, journalist, and author
Wikipedia - Eh -- Spoken interjection in English
Wikipedia - Eikaiwa school -- English language conversation school in Japan
Wikipedia - Eileen Derbyshire -- English actress
Wikipedia - Eileen Hendriks -- English geologist
Wikipedia - Eileen Way -- English actress
Wikipedia - Eitan Freilich -- English singer
Wikipedia - E. J. H. Corner -- English botanist and mycologist (1906-1996)
Wikipedia - E. K. Chambers -- 19th/20th-century English literary critic and Shakespearean scholar
Wikipedia - Ekstromer -- English electric car
Wikipedia - Elaine Paige -- English singer, actress, and recording artist
Wikipedia - Elaine Usher -- English actress
Wikipedia - Elaine West -- English Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Elbow (band) -- English alternative rock band
Wikipedia - Elderbrook -- English Electronic Musician
Wikipedia - Eleanora Atherton -- English philanthropist
Wikipedia - Eleanor Anne Ormerod -- English entomologist
Wikipedia - Eleanor Anne Porden -- English poet
Wikipedia - Eleanor Bron -- English actress (b1938)
Wikipedia - Eleanor de Braose -- English noble
Wikipedia - Eleanor, Duchess of Gloucester -- 15th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Eleanor Mollie Horadam -- English-Australian mathematician
Wikipedia - Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar -- 13th-century English princess and countess of Bar
Wikipedia - Eleanor of England, Countess of Leicester -- 13th-century English princess and countess
Wikipedia - Eleanor of England, Queen of Castile -- 12th-century English princess and queen consort of Castile and Toledo
Wikipedia - Eleanor of Woodstock -- 14th-century English princess and noblewoman
Wikipedia - Eleanor Schofield -- English chemist and conservator
Wikipedia - Eleanor Soltau -- English doctor
Wikipedia - Eleanor Tomlinson -- English actress and singer
Wikipedia - Eleazar Albin -- English naturalist and illustrator
Wikipedia - Electrelane -- English indie rock band
Wikipedia - Electric Light Orchestra -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Elena Forbes -- English writer
Wikipedia - Eleutheran Adventurers -- Group of English Puritans who left Bermuda for the Bahamas in the 1640s
Wikipedia - Elgin English Crull -- Dallas city manager
Wikipedia - Elias Ashmole -- English antiquarian, politician, officer of arms, astrologer and alchemist
Wikipedia - Elias Beckingham -- 14th-century English priest and judge
Wikipedia - Eli Marsden Wilson -- English artist
Wikipedia - Elinor Proby Adams -- English painter
Wikipedia - Eliot Makeham -- English actor
Wikipedia - Eliot Stannard -- English screenwriter
Wikipedia - Eliot Sumner -- English musician, actor, and electronic music producer
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Barker -- English journalist, historian and civil servant
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Croft -- English actress
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Frink -- English sculptor and printmaker
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Risdon -- English film actress
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Sladen -- English actress (born 1946)
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Vellacott -- English painter
Wikipedia - Eli Woods -- English comedian and comic actor
Wikipedia - Eliza Acton -- English food writer and poet
Wikipedia - Eliza Anscombe -- English-born painter, emigrant to New Zealand
Wikipedia - Eliza Bennett -- English actress and singer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth and Mary Kirby -- English natural history writers
Wikipedia - Elizabethan era -- Epoch in English history marked by the reign of Queen Elizabeth I
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Ann Ashurst Bardonneau -- English translator and activist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Ann Linley -- English operatic singer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Armistead -- English courtesan
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Barrett Browning -- English poet, author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Barton -- 16th-century English Catholic nun and martyr
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Berrington -- English actress
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Bibesco -- English writer and socialite
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Bland -- English Hebraist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Bury -- English writer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Cambridge -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Canning -- English maidservant who claimed to have been kidnapped
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Carne -- English geologist and writer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Cellier -- English midwife
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Clarke Wolstenholme Elmy -- English suffragist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Cobbold -- English poet, artist, geologist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Cresswell -- English prostitute and brothel keeper
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Cromwell -- Wife of Oliver Cromwell, a 17th-century English military and political leader
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Daryush -- English poet
Wikipedia - Elizabeth de Clare -- English heiress
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Eames -- English archaeologist and expert on medieval tiles
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Eiloart -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Fane -- English writer and literary patron (c.1510 -1568)
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Ferris (diver) -- English diver
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Fremantle -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Garrett Anderson -- English physician and feminist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Henstridge -- English actress and director
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Holland -- 16th century English political figure
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Hurley -- English model and actress
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Inchbald -- 18th-19th-century English novelist, actress, and dramatist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Jagger -- English model and actress
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Joan Stokes -- English bacteriologist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Johnson (pamphleteer) -- English pamphleteer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Knight (physician) -- English doctor and campaigner for women's suffrage
Wikipedia - Elizabeth, Lady Echlin -- English writer, lived at Rush House, Dublin
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Monroe (historian) -- English historian
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Morley -- English silversmith
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Mortimer -- 14th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Elizabeth of Rhuddlan -- 14th-century English princess and noblewoman
Wikipedia - Elizabeth of Vermandois, Countess of Leicester -- English countess
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Parsons (artist) -- English born painter, lithographer and art teacher who exhibited widely in London and Melbourne
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Polack -- English playwright
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Raffald -- English author, innovator and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Raleigh -- English lady-in-waiting
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Richardson, 1st Lady Cramond -- English writer and noble
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Rider -- English actress
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Ridgeway -- 17th-century English murderer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Scales, 8th Baroness Scales -- 15th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Smith-Stanley, Countess of Derby -- English peeress
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Taylor -- English-American actress, businesswoman, and humanitarian
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Tilley -- Early English colonist in North America
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Yates (actress) -- English actress
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Young (journalist) -- English literary critic and author
Wikipedia - Eliza de Feuillide -- 18th and 19th-century English sister-in-law of Jane Austen
Wikipedia - Eliza Poe -- English-born American actress and Mother of Edgar Allan Poe
Wikipedia - El Kalimat School -- English-language international school in Bouzareah, Algiers
Wikipedia - Ella Balinska -- English actress
Wikipedia - Ella Campbell Scarlett -- English physician
Wikipedia - Ella Henderson -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Ellaline Terriss -- English actress, singer
Wikipedia - Ella Mai -- English singer
Wikipedia - Ella Mary Leather -- English collector of folklore and songs
Wikipedia - Ella Pontefract -- English writer
Wikipedia - Ella Sophia Armitage -- English historian
Wikipedia - Elle Mulvaney -- English actress
Wikipedia - Ellen Kean -- 19th-century English actress
Wikipedia - Ellen Marriage -- English female novelist
Wikipedia - Ellen Terry -- English actress
Wikipedia - Ellie Darcey-Alden -- English actress
Wikipedia - Ellie Goulding -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Ellie Leach -- English actress
Wikipedia - Elliot Scott -- English art director
Wikipedia - Elliott Tittensor -- English actor
Wikipedia - Ellise Chappell -- English actress
Wikipedia - Ellis Gibbons -- English Renaissance composer
Wikipedia - Ellis Worth -- English actor
Wikipedia - Elmstone (Barqe) -- English composite barque
Wikipedia - ELO Part II -- English rock/pop band
Wikipedia - Elsa Lanchester -- English-born American actress
Wikipedia - Elsie Green -- English hurdler
Wikipedia - Elsie Vera Cole -- English painter, engraver and art teacher
Wikipedia - Elsie Wilkins Sexton -- English zoologist and biological illustrator
Wikipedia - Elton John -- English rock singer-songwriter, composer and pianist
Wikipedia - Eluned Woodford-Williams -- English geriatrician
Wikipedia - Elva Blacker -- English painter
Wikipedia - Elvis Costello -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Embrace (English band Embrace album) -- 2014 album by Embrace
Wikipedia - Emerald Fennell -- English actress, author, screenwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Emerson, Lake & Palmer -- English progressive rock band
Wikipedia - Emery Molyneux -- English globemaker (died 1598)
Wikipedia - E. M. Forster -- English novelist and writer
Wikipedia - E. M. Foster -- English female novelist
Wikipedia - Emile Garcke -- English industrialist
Wikipedia - Emilia Lanier -- English poet
Wikipedia - Emilius Bayley -- English cricketer, clergyman, and baronet
Wikipedia - Emily Beecham -- English-American actress
Wikipedia - Emily Bergl -- English-American actress
Wikipedia - Emily Berrington -- English actress
Wikipedia - Emily Blackwell -- English-born American physician
Wikipedia - Emily BrontM-CM-+ -- English novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Emily Campbell -- English weightlifter
Wikipedia - Emily Clark -- English novelist and poet
Wikipedia - Emily Fleeshman -- English actress
Wikipedia - Emily Hartridge -- English YouTuber and television presenter
Wikipedia - Emily Lloyd (chemist) -- English chemist
Wikipedia - Emily Toy -- English amateur golfer
Wikipedia - Emily Watson -- English actress
Wikipedia - Emily Woof -- English actor, author
Wikipedia - EMI schools -- Secondary schools in Hong Kong that use English as a medium of instruction
Wikipedia - Emma Albertazzi -- English opera singer 1815-47
Wikipedia - Emma Atkins -- English actress (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Emma Barton (photographer) -- English photographer
Wikipedia - Emma Barton -- English actress
Wikipedia - Emma Bonney -- Player of English billiards, 13-time world champion
Wikipedia - Emma Bunton -- English singer, songwriter, actress, and radio and television presenter
Wikipedia - Emma Chambers -- English actress
Wikipedia - Emma Corrin -- English actress
Wikipedia - Emma Cunniffe -- English actress
Wikipedia - Emma Dent -- English antiquarian and collector
Wikipedia - Emma Duggleby -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Emma Fielding -- English actress
Wikipedia - Emma Georgina Rothschild -- English historian
Wikipedia - Emma Hart (computer scientist) -- English computer scientist
Wikipedia - Emma Kennedy -- English actress
Wikipedia - Emma Kirkby -- English soprano (b1949)
Wikipedia - Emma L. E. Rees -- Professor in English and Gender Studies
Wikipedia - Emma Lyons -- English pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Emma Lyon -- English Romantic poet
Wikipedia - Emma Martin (socialist) -- English writer
Wikipedia - Emma Mundella -- English composer (1858-1896)
Wikipedia - Emmanuel Chamond -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Emma Ross -- English model and actress
Wikipedia - Emma Sheppard -- English writer and workhouse reformer
Wikipedia - Emma Slater -- English professional dancer/choreographer
Wikipedia - Emma Smith (scholar) -- English academic, author, and Shakespeare scholar
Wikipedia - Emma Talbot -- English artist
Wikipedia - Emma Thomas -- English film producer
Wikipedia - Emma Thynn, Marchioness of Bath -- 21st-century English noblewoman and fashion model
Wikipedia - Emma Watson -- English actress
Wikipedia - Emma Willis -- English television presenter and former model
Wikipedia - Emmeline Pankhurst -- 19th and 20th-century English suffragette
Wikipedia - Empress Matilda -- Claimant to the English throne during the Anarchy (1102-1167)
Wikipedia - Encyclopaedia Judaica -- English-language encyclopedia of the Jewish people and of Judaism
Wikipedia - Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry -- English-language multi-volume encyclopedia published by John Wiley & Sons
Wikipedia - Encyclopedia of Arkansas -- General knowledge English-language encyclopedia
Wikipedia - Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (1978 book) -- English language reference work
Wikipedia - EncyclopM-CM-&dia Britannica -- General knowledge English-language encyclopaedia
Wikipedia - Enduring power of attorney -- Authorisation under English law to act on someone else's behalf
Wikipedia - Enfant Bastard -- English musician and artist
Wikipedia - Engelbert Humperdinck (singer) -- English singer
Wikipedia - England First Party -- English nationalist political party
Wikipedia - England, Half-English -- 2002 studio album by Billy Bragg and the Blokes
Wikipedia - England in the High Middle Ages -- Period in English history
Wikipedia - English afternoon tea -- Type of tea
Wikipedia - English alphabet -- Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters, each having an uppercase and a lowercase form
Wikipedia - English Americans -- Americans of English birth or descent
Wikipedia - English American
Wikipedia - English and Foreign Languages University -- Public Central University in Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Wikipedia - English-Arabic Parallel Corpus of United Nations Texts -- Parallel corpora involving the Arabic language
Wikipedia - English Armada -- attack fleet sent against Spain by Queen Elizabeth I of England
Wikipedia - English Army -- |land warfare branch of England's military
Wikipedia - English articles
Wikipedia - English as a lingua franca -- Use of the English language for international communication
Wikipedia - English as a second language
Wikipedia - English as a second or foreign language -- Use of English by speakers with different native languages
Wikipedia - English as She Is Spoke -- Book by Pedro Carolino
Wikipedia - English Association -- A subject association for English
Wikipedia - English auction -- Type of dynamic auction
Wikipedia - English, August (film) -- 1994 film by Dev Benegal
Wikipedia - English, August -- Book by Upamanyu Chatterjee
Wikipedia - English auxiliaries and contractions
Wikipedia - English auxiliary verbs
Wikipedia - English, baby! -- Social network in the US
Wikipedia - English Baccalaureate -- School performance indicator in England
Wikipedia - English Bards and Scotch Reviewers
Wikipedia - English-based creole languages -- Creole language derived from the English language
Wikipedia - English-based creole language
Wikipedia - English Bay, Vancouver -- Bay in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - English Bazar Municipality, Malda -- Municipal Corporation in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - English Bazar Municipality -- Municipality in West Bengal
Wikipedia - English billiards -- Cue sport
Wikipedia - English Braille
Wikipedia - English braille
Wikipedia - English Bread and Yeast Cookery -- English cookery book
Wikipedia - English breakfast tea -- Type of tea
Wikipedia - English Broadside Ballad Archive -- Digital library of English Broadside Ballads
Wikipedia - English capitalisation
Wikipedia - English Carrier pigeon -- Pigeon breed
Wikipedia - English Catholics
Wikipedia - English Cemetery, Florence -- Cemetery in Florence, Italy
Wikipedia - English Cemetery, Malaga -- Anglican cemetery of Malaga
Wikipedia - English Chamber Choir
Wikipedia - English Channel (horse) -- American Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - English Channel -- Arm of the Atlantic Ocean that separates southern England from northern France
Wikipedia - English Civil War -- Series of civil wars in England between 1642 and 1651
Wikipedia - English claims to the French throne
Wikipedia - English clause element -- Linguistics concept
Wikipedia - English clause syntax
Wikipedia - English Collective of Prostitutes -- British sex workers campaigning group
Wikipedia - English College, Douai
Wikipedia - English College, Rome
Wikipedia - English Commonwealth
Wikipedia - English compound -- Word composed of more than one free morpheme
Wikipedia - English conditional sentences
Wikipedia - English contractions
Wikipedia - English Council of State
Wikipedia - English country house -- Larger house or mansion estate in England, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - English county
Wikipedia - English cricket team in Australia in 1920-21 -- Tour of Australia by an English national team
Wikipedia - English cricket team in Australia in 1998-99 -- 1998-1999 Test series, England versus Australia
Wikipedia - English cricket team in India, Pakistan and Ceylon in 1961-62 -- Cricket team tour of India in 1961-62
Wikipedia - English cricket team in South Africa in 1888-89 -- Cricket team that toured South Africa from December 1888 to March 1889
Wikipedia - English Curling Association -- Sports governing body
Wikipedia - English Defence League -- Far-right political movement
Wikipedia - English Defence
Wikipedia - English delftware -- Tin-glazed pottery made in the British Isles between the 16th and 18th centuries
Wikipedia - English Democrats -- English nationalist political party
Wikipedia - English determiners
Wikipedia - English (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - English Dissenters
Wikipedia - English draughts -- Board game
Wikipedia - English Education Act 1835 -- Legislative Act of the Council of India
Wikipedia - English Electric Canberra -- Early British jet powered bomber
Wikipedia - English Electric DEUCE
Wikipedia - English Electric KDF9
Wikipedia - English Electric Lightning -- Interceptor aircraft, British, 1960s-1980s
Wikipedia - English Electric System 4
Wikipedia - English Electric -- Former aerospace and defence company
Wikipedia - English English English -- Israeli childrens' educational program
Wikipedia - English Evenings -- British duo
Wikipedia - English expedition to Flanders (1297-98) -- English military campaign
Wikipedia - English festivals -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - English folklore -- Examples, orgins, and histories various parts of english folklore.
Wikipedia - English folk music -- Tradition-based music originating in England
Wikipedia - English Folk Song Suite -- Sheet music by Ralph Vaughan Williams
Wikipedia - English Freakbeat, Volume 3 -- compilation album
Wikipedia - English Freakbeat, Volume 4 -- compilation album
Wikipedia - English Freakbeat, Volume 5 -- compilation album
Wikipedia - English Gothic architecture -- Architectural style in Britain
Wikipedia - English grammar -- Grammar of the English language
Wikipedia - English Heritage Archive
Wikipedia - English Heritage -- Charity responsible for the National Heritage Collection of England
Wikipedia - English Hexapla -- 19th-century edition of the New Testament in Greek along with six English translations in parallel columns
Wikipedia - English historians in the Middle Ages
Wikipedia - English Historical Review
Wikipedia - English historical school of economics
Wikipedia - English Ice Hockey Association -- governing body of ice hockey in England and Wales
Wikipedia - English in Barbados
Wikipedia - English in New Mexico
Wikipedia - English Interregnum
Wikipedia - English in the Commonwealth of Nations
Wikipedia - English invasion of Scotland (1385) -- English invasion of Scotland in 1385.
Wikipedia - English invasion of Scotland (1400) -- English invasion of Scotland in 1400.
Wikipedia - English invasion of Scotland (1482) -- 1482 English invasion of Scotland during the Anglo-Scottish Wars
Wikipedia - English irregular verbs
Wikipedia - English king
Wikipedia - English-language idioms -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - English language in England -- Dialects of British English from England
Wikipedia - English language in Europe
Wikipedia - English language in Northern England
Wikipedia - English language in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - English language in southern England
Wikipedia - English language learning and teaching
Wikipedia - English-language spelling reform
Wikipedia - English language teaching
Wikipedia - English-language vowel changes before historic /l/
Wikipedia - English-language vowel changes before historic /r/
Wikipedia - English (language)
Wikipedia - English language -- West Germanic language
Wikipedia - English Law (Application) Act 1962 -- Law of Gibraltar
Wikipedia - English law -- Legal system of England and Wales
Wikipedia - English literature -- Literary works written in the English language
Wikipedia - English longbow -- Ranged weapon
Wikipedia - English Longhorn -- British breed of cattle
Wikipedia - English Made Simple -- Play written by David Ives
Wikipedia - English Madrigal School
Wikipedia - Englishman in New York -- 1988 single by Sting
Wikipedia - Englishman River (Maine) -- River in the United States
Wikipedia - Englishman's Bay -- Bay in Tobago
Wikipedia - Englishman
Wikipedia - English medieval clothing -- Costume of the period 500-1500 in England
Wikipedia - English-medium education -- Medium of instruction
Wikipedia - English Missal
Wikipedia - English modal verbs
Wikipedia - English modal verb
Wikipedia - English Montreal School Board -- Largest English-speaking Quebec school board
Wikipedia - English name
Wikipedia - English National Association -- English far-right political organisation
Wikipedia - English National Opera -- Opera company based in London
Wikipedia - English numerals -- Name of numbers in English
Wikipedia - English Opening
Wikipedia - English orthography
Wikipedia - English overseas possessions -- Overseas territories that were colonised, conquered, or otherwise acquired by the former Kingdom of England
Wikipedia - English Parliament
Wikipedia - English Partnership for Snooker and Billiards -- Governing body for amateur Snooker and English Billiards in England
Wikipedia - English passive voice
Wikipedia - English People
Wikipedia - English people -- Ethnicity and nation native to England
Wikipedia - English personal pronouns
Wikipedia - English phonology -- Phonology of the English language
Wikipedia - English Place-Name Society -- British learned society
Wikipedia - English plurals
Wikipedia - English plural
Wikipedia - English poetry
Wikipedia - English poets
Wikipedia - English possessive
Wikipedia - English post-Reformation oaths
Wikipedia - English prefixes
Wikipedia - English prefix
Wikipedia - English Presbyterianism
Wikipedia - English Pronouncing Dictionary
Wikipedia - English Racing Automobiles -- Automobile manufacturer
Wikipedia - English Reformation -- 16th-century separation of the Church of England from the Pope of Rome
Wikipedia - English relative clauses
Wikipedia - English Renaissance theatre -- theatre of England between 1562 and 1642
Wikipedia - English renaissance
Wikipedia - English Renaissance -- Cultural and artistic movement in England dating from the late 15th century to the early 17th century
Wikipedia - English Restoration
Wikipedia - English Review (18th century) -- Magazine
Wikipedia - English River (Ontario) -- River in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - English rose (epithet) -- Nickname for an attractive English woman
Wikipedia - English, Scottish and Australian Bank, The Rocks -- Former bank building in Sydney, Australia
Wikipedia - English Separatist
Wikipedia - English Shakespeare Company -- late-20th-century English theatre company
Wikipedia - English Shepherd -- American herding dog
Wikipedia - English ship Lion (1557) -- English full-rigged ship, built 1557
Wikipedia - English ship Mary Rose (1556) -- English warship, built 1556
Wikipedia - English ship Nonsuch (1646) -- Frigate of the English Navy
Wikipedia - English ship Prince Royal (1610) -- 55-gun royal ship of the English Royal Navy
Wikipedia - English ship Rainbow (1586) -- English warship, built 1586
Wikipedia - English ship Repulse (1596) -- English warship, built 1596
Wikipedia - English ship Revenge (1577)
Wikipedia - English ship Triumph (1562) -- 1562 galleon of the English fleet
Wikipedia - English ship Vanguard (1586) -- English warship, built 1586
Wikipedia - English ship Warspite (1596) -- English warship, built 1596
Wikipedia - English Short Title Catalogue
Wikipedia - English Singers -- English vocal group
Wikipedia - English-speaking countries
Wikipedia - English-speaking world -- Countries and regions where English is an everyday language
Wikipedia - English Standard Version -- 2001 English translation of the Bible published by Crossway
Wikipedia - English studies -- Study of English-language literature, composition, and language arts
Wikipedia - English subjunctive
Wikipedia - English Tangier
Wikipedia - English throne
Wikipedia - Englishtown, New Jersey -- Borough in Monmouth County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - English translated personal names -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - English translations of Dante's Divine Comedy
Wikipedia - English underground -- Branch in England's history of music
Wikipedia - English units -- System of units formerly used in England
Wikipedia - English usage controversies
Wikipedia - English Valleys Community School District -- school district in Iowa, US
Wikipedia - English verbs
Wikipedia - English Vinglish -- 2012 film by Gauri Shinde
Wikipedia - English whisky -- Whisky distilled in England
Wikipedia - English Wikipedia -- English-language edition of the free online encyclopedia
Wikipedia - English words first attested in Chaucer -- Etymology of Geoffrey Chaucer
Wikipedia - English words of Greek origin
Wikipedia - English words without vowels -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - English writing system
Wikipedia - Engrish -- Mistakenly broken English
Wikipedia - Engrossing (law) -- Crime in English, Welsh and Irish common law
Wikipedia - Enid Blyton -- English author (1897 - 1968)
Wikipedia - Enid Wilson -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Enock Hill Turnock -- English-born American architect
Wikipedia - Equinox Publishing (Sheffield) -- English academic publishing company
Wikipedia - Erasmus Darwin -- English physician, botanist; member of the Lunar Society (1731-1802)
Wikipedia - Eric Bickmore -- English cricketer and school teacher
Wikipedia - Eric Budd -- English cricket administrator
Wikipedia - Eric Buller -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Eric Burdon -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Eric Chappelow -- English poet and World War I conscientious objector
Wikipedia - Eric Christmas -- English actor
Wikipedia - Eric Clapton -- English musician, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
Wikipedia - Eric Cross (cinematographer) -- English cinematographer
Wikipedia - Eric Elstob -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Eric Fellner -- English film producer
Wikipedia - Eric Fisk -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Eric Frank Russell -- English science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Eric Gill -- English sculptor, typeface designer, and printmaker
Wikipedia - Eric Gore-Browne -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Eric Green (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Eric Griffiths -- English musician
Wikipedia - Eric Hebborn -- English artist
Wikipedia - Eric Hudson (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Eric Idle -- English actor, comedian, and writer
Wikipedia - Eric J. Trimmer -- English general practitioner and medical writer
Wikipedia - Eric Lester -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Eric Lubbock, 4th Baron Avebury -- English politician
Wikipedia - Eric Malpass -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Eric Marsh (cricketer, born 1940) -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Eric Morecambe -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Eric Portman -- English actor
Wikipedia - Eric Senior -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Eric William Classey -- English entomologist
Wikipedia - Eric Winstone -- English bandleader, conductor, and composer
Wikipedia - Eric W. Mann -- English cricketer and philatelist
Wikipedia - Ernest Ayscoghe Floyer -- English colonial official and explorer
Wikipedia - Ernest Burdett -- English cricketer and Indian Army officer
Wikipedia - Ernest Charles Jones -- English poet, novelist, and activist
Wikipedia - Ernest Cooke -- English cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Ernest Cossart -- English-American actor
Wikipedia - Ernest Debenham -- English businessman (1865-1952)
Wikipedia - Ernest Denny -- English cricketer, soldier
Wikipedia - Ernest English -- British soldier, cricketer, and actor
Wikipedia - Ernest Farrar -- English composer (1885-1918)
Wikipedia - Ernest Foord -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Ernest Gibbins -- English entomologist
Wikipedia - Ernest Gillick -- English sculptor
Wikipedia - Ernest Greenwood (artist) -- English painter
Wikipedia - Ernest Holderness -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Ernest Hood -- English cricketer (1915-1968)
Wikipedia - Ernest H. Tipper -- English physician and medical writer
Wikipedia - Ernest John Moeran -- English composer
Wikipedia - Ernest Mathews -- English cricketer and barrister
Wikipedia - Ernest Moore (painter) -- English painter
Wikipedia - Ernest Peppiatt -- English weightlifter
Wikipedia - Ernest Pullein -- English organist and composer
Wikipedia - Ernest Raikes -- English cricketer and legal advocate
Wikipedia - Ernest Sheepshanks -- English cricketer and war correspondent
Wikipedia - Ernest Smythe -- English cricketer and Indian Army officer
Wikipedia - Ernest Tandy -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Ernest Townsend -- English artist
Wikipedia - Ernest Walker Simons -- English businessman
Wikipedia - Ernest Whitcombe -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Ernie Gaskin -- English greyhound trainer
Wikipedia - Ernie Wise -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Erroll Sinclair -- English cricketer, tea merchant
Wikipedia - Eshaan Akbar -- English stand-up comedian
Wikipedia - Esme Percy -- English actor
Wikipedia - Esmond Knight -- English actor
Wikipedia - Essai sur les hieroglyphes des Egyptiens -- French translation of an English book
Wikipedia - Essex 3 -- Disused English Rugby Union league
Wikipedia - Essex County Cricket Club -- English cricket club
Wikipedia - Esther Borough Johnson -- English painter
Wikipedia - Estuary English
Wikipedia - Eta Cohen -- English violinist
Wikipedia - Eternal Lord -- English deathcore band
Wikipedia - Ethan Johns -- English record producer, songwriter, and musician
Wikipedia - Ethel Bellamy -- English astronomical computer and seismologist
Wikipedia - Ethel Bilbrough -- English diarist, pianist and artist, best known for her diary written during World War One
Wikipedia - Ethel Booty -- English photographer of buildings
Wikipedia - Ethel Davey -- English film editor
Wikipedia - Ethel Haythornthwaite -- English environmental campaigner
Wikipedia - Ethel Newbold -- English epidemiologist and statistician
Wikipedia - Ethel Shakespear -- English geologist, public servant and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Ethel Skeat -- English stratigrapher, invertebrate paleontologist, and geologist
Wikipedia - Ethel Thomas -- English botanist
Wikipedia - Eth -- Letter of the Latin alphabet; used in Icelandic, Faroese, and Old English
Wikipedia - Eton mess -- Traditional English dessert
Wikipedia - Eugene Aram -- English philologist
Wikipedia - Eugenia Cheng -- English mathematician and pianist
Wikipedia - Eunice Gayson -- English actress (1928-2018)
Wikipedia - Euro English -- Set of varieties of English used in Continental Europe
Wikipedia - Eustace Abington -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Eustace Budgell -- English-born Irish politician
Wikipedia - Eustace de Balliol, Sheriff of Cumberland -- 13th century English noble
Wikipedia - Eustace de Balliol -- 13th century English noble
Wikipedia - Eustace Shine -- English cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - Eva Fontaine -- English actress
Wikipedia - Eva Germaine Rimington Taylor -- English geographer and historian of science
Wikipedia - Eva Moore -- English actress
Wikipedia - Eva Mudocci -- English violinist (1872-1953)
Wikipedia - Evangelou v McNicol -- English legal case
Wikipedia - Eva Pope -- English actress
Wikipedia - Eve Gray -- English actress
Wikipedia - Evelyn Abbott -- English classical scholar
Wikipedia - Evelyn Denison, 1st Viscount Ossington -- English Speaker of the House of Commons
Wikipedia - Evelyn Everett-Green -- English writer
Wikipedia - Evelyn M. Simpson -- English literary scholar (1885 - 1963)
Wikipedia - Evelyn Pierrepont, 2nd Duke of Kingston-upon-Hull -- English nobleman and landowner
Wikipedia - Evelyn Waugh -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Evelyn Wellings -- Egyptian-born English cricketer and journalist
Wikipedia - Everard Blair -- Indian-born English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Everard Digby (died 1540) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Everard Digby -- 16th- and 17th-century English conspirator in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605
Wikipedia - Everard Radcliffe -- English cricketer and Radcliffe baronet
Wikipedia - Everything but the Girl -- English musical duo
Wikipedia - Evian Christ -- English electronic music producer
Wikipedia - Evil Nine -- English electronic music duo
Wikipedia - Ewan Park -- English wheelchair curler
Wikipedia - Example (musician) -- English musician
Wikipedia - Exchequer of Pleas -- English court
Wikipedia - Executive (magazine) -- English language monthly business magazine published in Beirut, Lebanon
Wikipedia - Exhibit A (TV series) -- English-language docu-series on Netflix
Wikipedia - Exhibition of Female Flagellants -- 1830 English pornographic novel
Wikipedia - Exit Calm -- English indie rock band (2006-2015)
Wikipedia - Exit State -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Exminster Hospital -- former English mental health facility
Wikipedia - Exmouth (1818 brig) -- 19th c. English ship
Wikipedia - Experience Hendrix LLC v PPX Enterprises Inc -- English contract law case
Wikipedia - Experimental Lecture -- English pornographic book published in 1878
Wikipedia - Expert witnesses in English law -- Legal role of explaining difficult or technical topics in litigation
Wikipedia - Falkland Islands English
Wikipedia - False title -- Grammatical construct in English
Wikipedia - Fanny Byse -- English artist
Wikipedia - Fanny Cooper -- English actress
Wikipedia - Fanny Finch -- English immigrant to Australia
Wikipedia - Fanny Fitzwilliam -- English actress
Wikipedia - Fanny Fleming -- English actress
Wikipedia - Fanny Forrester (English poet) -- 19th century English poet
Wikipedia - Fanny Kemble -- English actress and writer
Wikipedia - Fanny Waterman -- English musician
Wikipedia - Farnacres -- English settlement
Wikipedia - Fart (word) -- English profanity
Wikipedia - Fashionable Lectures -- 1750 English pornographic book
Wikipedia - Fashionable novel -- 19th-century genre of English literature
Wikipedia - Fatima (2020 film) -- 2020 internationally co-produced English-language film directed by Marco Pontecorvo
Wikipedia - Fawzia Afzal-Khan -- English scholar
Wikipedia - Faye Brookes -- English actress
Wikipedia - Faye McKeever -- English actress
Wikipedia - Fay Masterson -- English film, television and video-game actress
Wikipedia - Fay Weldon -- English author, essayist and playwright
Wikipedia - Fearon Fallows -- English astronomer
Wikipedia - F. E. Halliday -- 20th-century English academic and author
Wikipedia - Felicia Hemans -- English poet (1793-1835)
Wikipedia - Felicity Johnson (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Felicity Jones -- English actress
Wikipedia - Felicity Lott -- English soprano
Wikipedia - Felix Aylmer -- English actor
Wikipedia - Fendall Currie -- English cricketer and Royal Marines officer
Wikipedia - Fenella Fielding -- English actress
Wikipedia - Ferdinand Gottschalk -- English actor
Wikipedia - Ferdinand Hope-Grant -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Ferdinando Dudley Lea, 11th Baron Dudley -- 18th c. English peer
Wikipedia - Ferdinando Fairfax, 2nd Lord Fairfax of Cameron -- English politician
Wikipedia - Ferdinand Paleologus -- 17th-century English freeholder in Barbados
Wikipedia - Ferdy Doernberg -- English-German heavy metal musician
Wikipedia - Fern Britton -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Ferne McCann -- English model and television personality
Wikipedia - Fernley Marrison -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Ferocious Dog -- English musical group
Wikipedia - Ferrar Fenton Bible -- Translation of the Bible into English as spoken and written in the 19th and 20th centuries
Wikipedia - Fidelia (pseudonym) -- English pseudonym
Wikipedia - Fidelis Obikwu -- English decathlete
Wikipedia - Field Music -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Fifth Monarchists -- English radical puritan group, 1649-1660
Wikipedia - Fiji English
Wikipedia - Findlay (musician) -- English musician (born 1991)
Wikipedia - Finn Cole -- English actor
Wikipedia - Finnesburg Fragment -- Portion of an Old English heroic poem
Wikipedia - Fin Taylor -- English stand-up comedian
Wikipedia - Fiona Walker -- English theatre and television actress
Wikipedia - Fire Chasers -- 2017 English-language docu-series on Netflix
Wikipedia - Firefly (band) -- Filipino/English Indie rock band
Wikipedia - First Battle of Newbury -- A Battle that took place during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - First English Civil War -- First of the English Civil Wars (1642-1646)
Wikipedia - First Great Western Link -- English train operating company
Wikipedia - First novel in English
Wikipedia - First Protectorate Parliament -- Cromwellian English parliament, 1654-1655
Wikipedia - First War of Scottish Independence -- 1296-1328 war between English and Scottish forces
Wikipedia - Fisheries Privilege (1666) -- Eternal grant of fishing rights in English waters to Belgian fishermen by King Charless II
Wikipedia - Fitzalan Pursuivant Extraordinary -- English royal officer of arms
Wikipedia - Fitzroy Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe -- English baronet
Wikipedia - Fitzwater Wray -- English cycling journalist
Wikipedia - Five discography -- Discography of English boy band Five
Wikipedia - Fives -- English sport similar to handball
Wikipedia - FKA Twigs -- English singer-songwriter and dancer
Wikipedia - Flaminia Cinque -- English actress
Wikipedia - Fleetwood Mac -- English-American rock band
Wikipedia - Flinders Petrie -- English egyptologist
Wikipedia - Flip & Fill -- English electronic music duo
Wikipedia - Flixborough disaster -- English industrial accident
Wikipedia - Flora Finch -- English actress
Wikipedia - Flora Le Breton -- English actress from the silent film era
Wikipedia - Flora Robson -- English actress
Wikipedia - Flora Thompson -- English author
Wikipedia - Florence Engelbach -- English painter (1872-1951)
Wikipedia - Florence Henrietta Darwin -- English playwright
Wikipedia - Florence Kate Upton -- American English cartoonist, illustrator and children's writer
Wikipedia - Florence Kilpatrick -- English novelist, playwright
Wikipedia - Florence Nightingale -- English social reformer, statistician, and founder of modern nursing
Wikipedia - Florence Pigott -- English operatic singer and dancer
Wikipedia - Florence Pugh -- English actress
Wikipedia - Florin (English coin) -- English gold coin of 1344
Wikipedia - Florrie -- English pop singer-songwriter, drummer and model
Wikipedia - Foggy Dew (English song) -- English folk song
Wikipedia - Ford Madox Brown -- 19th-century English painter
Wikipedia - Ford Madox Ford -- English writer and publisher (1873-1939)
Wikipedia - Foreign language influences in English
Wikipedia - For sale: baby shoes, never worn -- Claimed to be the shortest possible story in the English language
Wikipedia - Forster Charlton -- English musician
Wikipedia - Fort Hommet 10.5 cm coastal defence gun casemate bunker -- a bunker on Guernsey, an island in the English Channel, constructed by Nazi Germany during World War II
Wikipedia - Foss v Harbottle -- Case in English corporate law
Wikipedia - Foster Cunliffe -- English cricketer and historian
Wikipedia - Foster Robinson -- English cricketer, horse owner, and businessman
Wikipedia - Founders Pledge -- English charitable non-profit
Wikipedia - Four Times of the Day -- A series of four paintings by English artist William Hogarth
Wikipedia - Fraer Morrow -- English weightlifter
Wikipedia - Fran Balkwill -- English scientist and author of children's books (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Frances Alsop -- English actress
Wikipedia - Frances Brody -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Frances Burgess -- English weaver
Wikipedia - Frances Burney -- 18th/19th-century English satirical novelist, diarist, and playwright
Wikipedia - Francesca Annis -- English actress
Wikipedia - Francesca Hayward -- English ballet dancer and actress
Wikipedia - Francesca Martinez -- English comedian, writer and actress
Wikipedia - Francesca Massey -- English organist and choral conductor
Wikipedia - Frances Carr, Countess of Somerset -- English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Frances Cecil, Countess of Exeter (died 1663) -- English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Frances de la Tour -- English actress
Wikipedia - Frances Eleanor Trollope -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Frances Hardcastle -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Frances Hodgson Burnett -- English-American children's author
Wikipedia - Frances Lupton -- English educator
Wikipedia - Frances Milton Trollope -- English novelist and writer
Wikipedia - Frances Partridge -- English writer and translator
Wikipedia - Frances Sidney, Countess of Sussex -- 16th-century English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Frances Stephens (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Frances Talbot, Countess of Morley -- English countess
Wikipedia - Frances Ward, 6th Baroness Dudley -- English baroness
Wikipedia - Frances White (actress) -- English actress
Wikipedia - Frances Wolfreston -- English book collector
Wikipedia - Frances Wood (statistician) -- English chemist and statistician
Wikipedia - Francis Adams (writer) -- English writer
Wikipedia - Francis Aislabie -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Bacon (Ipswich MP) -- 17th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Bacon -- English philosopher and statesman
Wikipedia - Francis Barrell (1662-1724) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Barrington -- English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Bennett-Goldney -- English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Boyle, 1st Viscount Shannon -- Irish noble and official, English Army officer
Wikipedia - Francis Brandt -- English cricketer and high court judge
Wikipedia - Francis Browne (MP for Bodmin) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Bullingham -- English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Bullock-Marsham -- English cricketer and British Army senior officer
Wikipedia - Francis Cammaerts -- English espionage agent
Wikipedia - Francis Carew (MP for Castle Rising) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Castilion -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Charles Massingberd -- English priest
Wikipedia - Francis Clifford, 4th Earl of Cumberland -- English noble
Wikipedia - Francis Curzon (died 1592) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Davy Longe -- English first-class cricketer, lawyer, anti-classical economist and inspector
Wikipedia - Francis Disney-Roebuck -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Francis Dixon -- English cricketer and doctor
Wikipedia - Francis Douce -- 18th/19th-century English antiquary
Wikipedia - Francis Drake's circumnavigation -- 1577 trip by the English explorer
Wikipedia - Francis Drake -- English sailor and privateer
Wikipedia - Francis Edward Bache -- English composer
Wikipedia - Francis Fleming (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Foley (athlete) -- English athletics competitor
Wikipedia - Francis Galton -- English polymath: geographer, statistician, pioneer in eugenics (1822-1911)
Wikipedia - Francis Gawdy -- English judge
Wikipedia - Francis George Fowler -- English writer
Wikipedia - Francis Goldsmith (MP for Chippenham) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Gordon -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Francis Gore (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Francis Gould (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Francis Grier -- English composer and psychoanalyst (b1955)
Wikipedia - Francis Grimston -- English cricketer, clergyman, and vicar
Wikipedia - Francis Grose -- English antiquary, draughtsman, and lexicographer (c. 1831 - 1891)
Wikipedia - Francis Hall (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Harvey (MP for Colchester) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Hastings, 2nd Earl of Huntingdon -- English noble
Wikipedia - Francis Hastings (died 1595) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Hastings (died 1610) -- English Puritan politician
Wikipedia - Francis Hermann -- English-born American murderer and serial killer
Wikipedia - Francis Hueffer -- German-English writer, music critic and librettist (1845-1889)
Wikipedia - Francis Hugonin -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Francis Hynde -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Inge -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Francis Isherwood -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Francis James (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Johnson (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Kempe -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Knollys (the elder) -- 16th-century English courtier and politician
Wikipedia - Francis Kynaston (died 1590) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Leggatt Chantrey -- English sculptor
Wikipedia - Francis Leke (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Ley -- English industrialist
Wikipedia - Francis Lucas (English politician) -- British politician
Wikipedia - Francis Maseres -- English lawyer, scholar and judge
Wikipedia - Francis Meres -- 16th/17th-century English churchman and author
Wikipedia - Francis More -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Morley -- English Member of Parliament (c1623-1690)
Wikipedia - Francis Mountford -- English Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - Francis Newport (fl. 1559) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Norris, 1st Earl of Berkshire -- English noble
Wikipedia - Francis Osborne -- English writer
Wikipedia - Francis P. Kelly -- English architectural historian
Wikipedia - Francis Plowden (barrister) -- English barrister
Wikipedia - Francis Polkinghorne Pascoe -- English entomologist
Wikipedia - Francis Roberts (cricketer) -- English cricketer and member of the British Armed Forces
Wikipedia - Francis Roscarrock -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Rous -- 17th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Russell, 5th Duke of Bedford -- English aristocrat
Wikipedia - Francis Saunders -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Shirley -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Southwell -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Francis Spufford -- English author and teacher
Wikipedia - Francis Stuart Wilson -- English cricketer and Royal Marine
Wikipedia - Francis Symes-Thompson -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Francis Thompson -- English poet
Wikipedia - Francis Tresham -- 16th-century English assassination conspirator
Wikipedia - Francis Walsingham -- English spy, diplomat and politician
Wikipedia - Francis Warner (author) -- English poet and playwright
Wikipedia - Francis Weatherby -- English cricketer, soldier, and horse racing official
Wikipedia - Francis Wedgwood (1800-1888) -- English Potter
Wikipedia - Francis Wheatley (painter) -- 18th-century English painter
Wikipedia - Francis William Newman -- English scholar and writer
Wikipedia - Francis William Topham -- English watercolour-painter and engraver
Wikipedia - Francis Willughby -- English ornithologist and ichthyologist
Wikipedia - Francis Wilson (English cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Franglais -- Mix of French and English
Wikipedia - Frank Anscombe -- English statistician
Wikipedia - Frank Ball (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Frank Benson (actor) -- 19th/20th-century English actor and theatre manager
Wikipedia - Frank Bickerton -- English explorer of the Antarctic
Wikipedia - Frank Bough -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Frank Boys -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Frank Bridge -- English composer and violist
Wikipedia - Frank Burnell-Nugent -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Frank Caws -- English architect
Wikipedia - Frank Challice Constable -- English barrister and writer
Wikipedia - Frank Chester (umpire) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Frank Collins (British Army soldier) -- English chaplain
Wikipedia - Frank Coombs (artist) -- English artist
Wikipedia - Frank Crisp -- English lawyer and microscopist
Wikipedia - Frank Elliott (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Frankenweenie (1984 film) -- 1984 English language film by Tim Burton
Wikipedia - Frank Farrands -- English cricketer and test match umpire
Wikipedia - Frank Hornby -- English toy inventor, businessman and politician
Wikipedia - Frank Horsey -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Frank Hudspeth -- English foottballer
Wikipedia - Frankie Fraser -- English gangster
Wikipedia - Frankie Goes to Hollywood -- English band
Wikipedia - Frank John William Goldsmith -- English author and survivor of the Titanic
Wikipedia - Frank Jowle -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Frank Kitz -- English anarchist (1849-1923)
Wikipedia - Frank Lee (cricketer) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Frank Leslie -- English-American engraver, illustrator, and publisher
Wikipedia - Frank Matcham -- English theatrical architect and designer
Wikipedia - Frank Morley -- English-American mathematician
Wikipedia - FranKo -- English alternative rock band
Wikipedia - Frank Parr (musician) -- English cricketer and jazz musician
Wikipedia - Frank Petley -- English actor
Wikipedia - Frank Pettingell -- English actor
Wikipedia - Frank Smith (umpire) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Frank Smythe -- English mountaineer
Wikipedia - Frank Stanmore (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Frank Stone (painter) -- English painter
Wikipedia - Frank Swinstead -- English cricketer and artist
Wikipedia - Frank Ward (cricketer, born 1888) -- English cricketer and British Army soldier
Wikipedia - Frank Weston (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Frank Wild Holdsworth -- English orthopaedic surgeon
Wikipedia - Frank Windsor -- English actor
Wikipedia - Frank Wright (cricketer, born 1807) -- English cricketer and cleric
Wikipedia - Frank Wright (cricketer, born 1870) -- English cricketer (1870-1943)
Wikipedia - Frank W. Weston -- English-born American architect
Wikipedia - Franz Drameh -- English actor
Wikipedia - Fraser T. Smith -- English record producer and musician
Wikipedia - Freda Downie -- English poet
Wikipedia - Freda Jackson -- English actress
Wikipedia - Fred Barnes (performer) -- English singer
Wikipedia - Fred Barrett (jockey) -- English horse racing jockey
Wikipedia - Fred Beart -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Fred Boobyer -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Fred Bullock (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Fred Castle -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Freddie Beck -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Freddie Frinton -- Mid-20th-century English comedy actor
Wikipedia - Freddie Highmore -- English actor
Wikipedia - Freddie Jones -- English actor (1927-2019)
Wikipedia - Freddy Carter -- English actor
Wikipedia - Frederic Charles Fraser -- English entomologist
Wikipedia - Frederic Evans -- English cricketer and Anglican cleric (1842-1927)
Wikipedia - Frederick Anson (Dean of Chester) -- English clergyman and Dean of Chester
Wikipedia - Frederick Arnold (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Frederick Banister -- English civil engineer
Wikipedia - Frederick Bell (cricketer) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Frederick Bowden-Smith -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Frederick Brian Pickering -- English engineer and metallurgist (1927-2017)
Wikipedia - Frederick Bridge -- English organist, composer, teacher and writer
Wikipedia - Frederick Byron -- English cricketer and barrister
Wikipedia - Frederick Campling -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Frederick Cardozo -- English espionage agent
Wikipedia - Frederick Carruthers Cornell -- English-born South African writer
Wikipedia - Frederick Christy -- English cricketer and inventor
Wikipedia - Frederick Coleridge -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Frederick Cunliffe-Owen -- English writer and columnist
Wikipedia - Frederick Dally -- English-Canadian photographer)
Wikipedia - Frederick Delius -- English composer (1862-1934)
Wikipedia - Frederick Delve -- English firefighter
Wikipedia - Frederick DuCane Godman -- English entomologist, ornithologist (1834-1919)
Wikipedia - Frederick Dyer -- English cricketer and doctor
Wikipedia - Frederick Fagge -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Frederick Forsyth -- English novelist (born 1938)
Wikipedia - Frederick Fryer (cricketer) -- English first-class cricketer.
Wikipedia - Frederick Gale -- English cricketer and cricket writer
Wikipedia - Frederick Gordon Pearce -- English educationist, regarded as the founder of the Indian public school movement
Wikipedia - Frederick Greenfield -- English cricketer and Anglican priest
Wikipedia - Frederick G. Roberts -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Frederick Gruggen -- English educationalist, cricketer, and clergyman
Wikipedia - Frederick Henry Yates -- English actor and theatre manager
Wikipedia - Frederick Hill (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Frederick Hodgson (politician) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Frederick Hollyer -- English photographer and angraver
Wikipedia - Frederick Hulton-Sams -- English priest
Wikipedia - Frederick James Gould -- English teacher, writer, and pioneer secular humanist
Wikipedia - Frederick Kempster -- English showman
Wikipedia - Frederick Knott -- English playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Frederick Mackenzie (cricketer) -- English cricketer, magistrate, and militia soldier
Wikipedia - Frederick Marquis, 1st Earl of Woolton -- English businessman and statesman
Wikipedia - Frederick Merrifield -- English barrister
Wikipedia - Frederick Nash (painter) -- English painter and draughtsman
Wikipedia - Frederick Nutter Chasen -- English zoologist
Wikipedia - Frederick Ouseley -- English composer and musicologist (1825-1889)
Wikipedia - Frederick Parris -- English cricketer and Test match umpire
Wikipedia - Frederick Percival Mackie -- English physician
Wikipedia - Frederick Philbrick -- English barrister and early philatelist.
Wikipedia - Frederick Piper -- English actor
Wikipedia - Frederick Polydore Nodder -- English flora and fauna illustrator (1770-1800)
Wikipedia - Frederick Robson -- English comedian, actor, and ballad singer
Wikipedia - Frederick Rosse -- English composer
Wikipedia - Frederick Sandys -- English Pre-Raphaelite painter
Wikipedia - Frederick Septimus Kelly -- Australian-born English rower and musician
Wikipedia - Frederick Soddy -- English chemist and physicist
Wikipedia - Frederick Thackeray -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Frederick Thomas Lines -- English portrait painter
Wikipedia - Frederick Treves (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Frederick Trumble -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Frederick Vincent Theobald -- English entomologist (1868-1930)
Wikipedia - Frederick Vine -- English marine geologist and geophysicist
Wikipedia - Frederick Whymper (cricketer) -- English cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - Frederick William Hope -- English entomologist (1797-1862)
Wikipedia - Frederick Wratten -- English inventor of prepared photographic plates
Wikipedia - Frederick W. Watts -- English landscape painter
Wikipedia - Frederic Leighton -- English painter and sculptor
Wikipedia - Frederic Lord -- English composer and conductor
Wikipedia - Frederic Meyrick-Jones -- English cricketer, clergyman, and school teacher
Wikipedia - Frederic Tobin -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Frederic Watson -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Frederic Weatherly -- English barrister and lyricist (1848-1929)
Wikipedia - Frederic Whiting -- English painter
Wikipedia - Frederic W. H. Myers -- English poet and essayist
Wikipedia - Frederic Wilson -- English cricketer and sporting journalist
Wikipedia - Fred Frith -- English musician, composer and improvisor
Wikipedia - Fred Gaby -- English hurdler
Wikipedia - Fred Goodwins -- English actor
Wikipedia - Fred Housden -- English athletics coach
Wikipedia - Fred Leach (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Fred Montague -- English actor
Wikipedia - Fred Morley -- English professional cricketer (1850-1884)
Wikipedia - Fred Rickaby -- English flat racing jockey
Wikipedia - Fred Robson -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Fred Sullivan -- English actor and singer
Wikipedia - Fred Taggart -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Fred Terry -- 19th/20th-century English actor
Wikipedia - Fred West -- English serial killer
Wikipedia - Fred Wood (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Fred Yates -- English painter
Wikipedia - Free (band) -- English rock band formed in London in 1968
Wikipedia - Freedom for Animals -- English charity campaigning to end the use of animals in entertainment
Wikipedia - Freema Agyeman -- English actress
Wikipedia - Free Press Kashmir -- Weekly English newspaper published in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Wikipedia - Freeze the Atlantic -- English alternative rock band
Wikipedia - Freya Allan -- English actress
Wikipedia - F. R. H. Du Boulay -- 20th-century English historian
Wikipedia - Friar Park -- English Victorian neo-Gothic mansion, former home of George Harrison
Wikipedia - Friars' Crag -- Beauty spot in the English Lake District National Park
Wikipedia - Friend Sykes -- English organic farmer
Wikipedia - Fritha Goodey -- English actress
Wikipedia - Fritz Berend -- German English Conductor, Music Director
Wikipedia - Frost* -- English band
Wikipedia - Fruit Tree (box set) -- box set by English singer/songwriter Nick Drake
Wikipedia - F. S. Ashley-Cooper -- English cricket historian
Wikipedia - Fuck -- Profane English-language word
Wikipedia - Fulk FitzWarin, 1st Baron FitzWarin -- English nobleman in 13/14th century
Wikipedia - Full breakfast -- Traditional English breakfast
Wikipedia - Fuller Mellish -- English actor
Wikipedia - Future Beat Alliance -- English electronica musician
Wikipedia - Gabriel Blike -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Gabriel Gifford -- English Benedictine monk
Wikipedia - Gabriel Harvey -- English author
Wikipedia - Gabrielle Anwar -- English-American actress
Wikipedia - Gabriel Pleydell -- English politician (16th century)
Wikipedia - Gabriel Spenser -- 16th-century English actor
Wikipedia - Gabriel Thomson -- English actor
Wikipedia - Gabriel Towerson (East India Company) -- English naval officer and agent for the East India Company
Wikipedia - Gabriel Turville-Petre -- English philologist
Wikipedia - G. Ainsworth Harrison -- English biological anthropologist
Wikipedia - Gambian English
Wikipedia - Gang of Four (band) -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Gareth Malone -- English choirmaster
Wikipedia - Gareth Thomas (English politician) -- British Labour Co-op politician
Wikipedia - Garrick Porteous -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Garry Chalk -- English-Canadian film, television and voice actor
Wikipedia - Garry O'Connor (writer) -- English playwright, biographer and novelist
Wikipedia - Garry Robson -- English wheelchair curler
Wikipedia - Garth Jennings -- English filmmaker
Wikipedia - Gary Avis -- English ballet dancer
Wikipedia - Gary Barlow -- English singer, songwriter, pianist, record producer, actor and film score producer
Wikipedia - Gary Boyd (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Gary Carr (actor) -- English stage, film and television actor, dancer and musician
Wikipedia - Gary Christian -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Gary Clark (golfer) -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Gary Emerson -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Gary Evans (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Gary Glitter -- English glam rock singer-songwriter and musician
Wikipedia - Gary Kemp -- English actor and musician
Wikipedia - Gary King (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Gary Lockerbie -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Gary Lucy -- English actor, television personality and model
Wikipedia - Gary Marks (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Gary Oldman -- English actor and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Gary Oliver (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Gary Powell (musician) -- American-English drummer
Wikipedia - Gary Rhodes -- English chef
Wikipedia - Gary Turner (fighter) -- English Ju-Jitsu practitioner, kickboxer and mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Gary Whitta -- English writer and video game journalist
Wikipedia - Gary Wolstenholme -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Gary Yershon -- English composer
Wikipedia - Gasolin' (1974 album) -- 1974 album by Gasolin', their first with English lyrics
Wikipedia - Gavin Bantock -- English poet
Wikipedia - Gavin Greenaway -- English music composer, conductor
Wikipedia - Gavin Rossdale -- English musician and actor, singer in Bush
Wikipedia - Gavin Roynon -- English cricketer, teacher, and military historian
Wikipedia - Gavin Williamson -- English Conservative politician
Wikipedia - G. A. Williamson -- English classicist
Wikipedia - Gay Taylor -- English writer and publisher
Wikipedia - Gellish English dictionary
Wikipedia - Gellish English
Wikipedia - Gemini (musician) -- English musician
Wikipedia - Gemma Bissix -- English actress
Wikipedia - Gemma Bridge -- English racewalker
Wikipedia - Gemma Chan -- English actress
Wikipedia - Gender in English -- Overview about gender in English
Wikipedia - Gender neutrality in English -- Gender neutrality in the English language
Wikipedia - General American English
Wikipedia - Genesis (band) -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Geneva Bible -- 16th-century English translation of the Bible
Wikipedia - Genevieve Gaunt -- English actress
Wikipedia - Gengahr -- English indie rock band
Wikipedia - Gentleman of the Chapel Royal -- Title given to adult male singers of the choir of English monarchs
Wikipedia - Geoff Hastings -- English photographer
Wikipedia - Geoff Leigh -- English musician
Wikipedia - Geoff Marshall -- English video producer and YouTuber
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Adams (cricketer) -- English cricketer and newspaper director
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Agnew -- English art dealer
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Anson -- English cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Askeby -- 14th-century English politician.
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Bagley -- English historian
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Bell (cricketer) -- English cricketer and educationalist
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Betham -- English cricketer and British Indian Army officer
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Cannon -- English journalist and scholar
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Chaucer -- 14th century English poet and author
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Cooke (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Daniell -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Geoffrey de Noiers -- English architect
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Fisher -- English Anglican priest and 99th Archbishop of Canterbury
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Hayes -- English television presenter and actor
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Hibbert -- English actor
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Hill -- English poet (1932-2016)
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Howard (cricketer) -- English cricketer and cricket administrator
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Hunt -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Huskinson (cartoonist) -- English cricketer and cartoonist
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Keen -- English actor
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Keighley -- English barrister, businessman, cricketer, farmer, grazier and legislator.
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Latham -- English cricketer and colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Lees (cricketer) -- English cricketer and school teacher
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Longfield -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Marsland -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Palmer (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Pole -- English knight
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Prout -- English boatbuilder and author
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Pyke -- English inventor & spy
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Seaton -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Sneyd Garnier -- English artist and printmaker (1889-1970)
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Tibble -- English painter
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Tomkinson -- English sportsman and industrialist
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Webb (cricketer) -- English cricketer and naval officer
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Whitehead -- English actor
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Willans -- English writer
Wikipedia - Geoff Stephens -- English songwriter
Wikipedia - Geoff Thompson (karateka) -- English karateka
Wikipedia - Geographical distribution of English speakers -- Overview of the geographical distribution of all English speakers
Wikipedia - Geology of the English counties -- A list of Wikipedia articles on the geology of English counties
Wikipedia - Geordie -- Northern English dialect
Wikipedia - George Abell (civil servant) -- English cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - George Acworth (politician) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Ainsworth (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - George Alexander (actor) -- 19th/20th-century English actor
Wikipedia - George Alfred Carpenter -- English physician and paediatrician
Wikipedia - George Anderson (mathematician) -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - George Anton -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Arliss -- English actor, author, playwright, and filmmaker
Wikipedia - George Ashby (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Augustus Auden -- English physician, educator, and public official
Wikipedia - George Augustus Holmes -- English artist
Wikipedia - George Austen (MP) -- English Member of Parliament (died 1621)
Wikipedia - George Ayling -- English-born Indian cricket umpire
Wikipedia - George Baker (actor) -- English actor and writer (1931-2011)
Wikipedia - George Band -- English mountain climber
Wikipedia - George Bartley (comedian) -- 18th/19th-century English actor
Wikipedia - George Beasley-Murray -- English religious scholar
Wikipedia - George Beet senior -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - George Beldam -- English cricketer and photographer
Wikipedia - George Bellamy (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - George Benjamin Hingley -- English industrialist and baronet (b. 1850, d. 1918)
Wikipedia - George Bennett (cricketer, born 1883) -- English cricketer, British Army officer, and solicitor
Wikipedia - George Berkeley (died 1746) -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Biddell Airy -- English mathematician and astronomer
Wikipedia - George Bigge -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - George Blagden -- English actor
Wikipedia - George Blagge -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Blount (died 1581) -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Blyth (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Boole -- English mathematician, philosopher and logician
Wikipedia - George Bouchier Worgan -- English naval surgeon
Wikipedia - George Bramwell, 1st Baron Bramwell -- English judge
Wikipedia - George Buckle -- English golfer
Wikipedia - George Burnett (cricketer) -- English cricketer and distiller
Wikipedia - George Burr (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Anglican priest
Wikipedia - George Butterworth -- English composer
Wikipedia - George Calderon -- English writer
Wikipedia - George Calvert, 1st Baron Baltimore -- English politician and coloniser
Wikipedia - George Campbell Macaulay -- English Classical scholar
Wikipedia - George Carman -- English barrister
Wikipedia - George Carter (cricketer, born 1846) -- English cricketer from the 19th century
Wikipedia - George Catelyn -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Chapman -- 16th/17th-century English dramatist, poet, and translator
Wikipedia - George Cherry -- English cricketer and barrister
Wikipedia - George Clifford, 3rd Earl of Cumberland -- English noble
Wikipedia - George Coates (cricketer) -- English cricketeer
Wikipedia - George Cole (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - George Comber -- English cricketer and undertaker
Wikipedia - George Cope (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Cornwall (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Crabbe -- 18th and 19th-century English poet, surgeon, and clergyman
Wikipedia - George Crossman -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - George Curtis (greyhound trainer) -- English greyhound trainer
Wikipedia - George Cyril Allen -- English economist
Wikipedia - George Dacres -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Daniel Brown -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - George Dawson (preacher) -- 19th-century English nonconformist preacher, lecturer and activist
Wikipedia - George Dempsey (teacher) -- English teacher of James Joyce and Austin Clarke at Belvedere College
Wikipedia - George Dobell -- English cricket journalist
Wikipedia - George Dodd (politician) -- English Conservative politician
Wikipedia - George Dupuis (cricketer, born 1835) -- English cricketer, schoolmaster, and clergyman
Wikipedia - George Dyson (composer) -- English composer
Wikipedia - George Edalji -- English solicitor
Wikipedia - George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland -- English politician and colonial administrator
Wikipedia - George Ede -- English cricketer and jockey
Wikipedia - George Eliot -- English novelist, essayist, poet, journalist, and translator
Wikipedia - George Elsden -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Ezra -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - George Fermor -- English soldier and landowner
Wikipedia - George F. Jowett -- English-born Canadian strongman (1891 - 1969)and weightlifter
Wikipedia - George Floyd Duckett -- English antiquarian and lexicographer
Wikipedia - George Fludyer -- English MP
Wikipedia - George Formby Sr -- English comedian and singer
Wikipedia - George Formby -- English actor, singer-songwriter and comedian
Wikipedia - George Fox -- English Dissenter and founder of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Wikipedia - George Francis Grimwood -- English engineer and architect
Wikipedia - George Frederick Cooke -- English actor
Wikipedia - George French Angas -- English explorer, naturalist and painter who emigrated to Australia
Wikipedia - George Freville -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Frost (landscape painter) -- English artist based in Suffolk
Wikipedia - George F. Stooke -- English physician and medical missionary
Wikipedia - George Fuller (British politician) -- English cricketer and politician
Wikipedia - George Gadd -- English golfer
Wikipedia - George Gale (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Gammon Adams -- English portrait sculptor and medallist
Wikipedia - George Gascoigne -- 16th-century English poet and courtier
Wikipedia - George Gifford (died 1557) -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Gifford (died 1613) -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Goring (died 1594) -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Gowan -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - George Graham (clockmaker) -- English clockmaker
Wikipedia - George Granville, 1st Baron Lansdowne -- 17th/18th-century English poet, playwright, and politician
Wikipedia - George Graves (actor) -- English comic actor (1876-1949)
Wikipedia - George Green (chaplain) -- English army chaplain (1881-1956)
Wikipedia - George Grenville (died 1595) -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Hamilton D'Oyly Lyon -- English sportsman and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - George Hampson -- English entomologist (1860-1936)
Wikipedia - George Hardinge -- 18th/19th-century English judge, writer, and politician
Wikipedia - George Harper (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Harrison (cricketer, born 1860) -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - George Hastings, 4th Earl of Huntingdon -- English nobleman
Wikipedia - George Haydock -- English priest
Wikipedia - George Hayes (English actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - George Henry Caunter -- English judge and miscellaneous writer
Wikipedia - George Herbert -- English poet, orator and Anglican priest
Wikipedia - George Heron (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Hickes (divine) -- 17th/18th-century English priest and scholar
Wikipedia - George Hidden -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Hiscock (bowls) -- English bowls player
Wikipedia - George Horsey (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Huddesford (academic) -- English academic administrator and museum keeper
Wikipedia - George Hughes (cricketer) -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - George Hume (cricketer) -- English cricketer and priest
Wikipedia - George Huntley (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Hyde Pownall -- English artist
Wikipedia - George Innes -- English actor
Wikipedia - George Ireland (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Josiah Palmer -- English newspaper founder and editor
Wikipedia - George J. Wigley -- English journalist and Roman Catholic activist
Wikipedia - George K. Arthur -- English actor
Wikipedia - George Kekewich (Saltash MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Kelson -- English cricketer, fisherman, and author
Wikipedia - George Kennedy (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - George Kiallmark -- English violinist and composer
Wikipedia - George King (film director) -- English film director
Wikipedia - George Langdale -- English cricketer, schoolmaster, and writer on mathematics
Wikipedia - George Langton Hodgkinson -- English Anglican clergyman and sportsman
Wikipedia - George Lascelles (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Leigh -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Leith Roupell -- English physician
Wikipedia - George Long (scholar) -- English classical scholar
Wikipedia - George Louch -- English cricketer and match organiser
Wikipedia - George Lowys -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Luttrell -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Lyttelton, 4th Baron Lyttelton -- English cricketer & nobleman
Wikipedia - George MacDonald Fraser -- English-born author of Scottish descent
Wikipedia - George Malcolm (musician) -- English keyboard player, composer and conductor
Wikipedia - George Mallory -- English mountaineer
Wikipedia - George Manners (weightlifter) -- English weightlifter
Wikipedia - George Markham Giffard -- English barrister and judge
Wikipedia - George Marple -- English cricketer and businessman
Wikipedia - George Marriott (cricketer) -- English cricketer, clergyman
Wikipedia - George Marsham -- English cricketer and landowner
Wikipedia - George Martin -- English record producer, arranger, composer, conductor, audio engineer and musician
Wikipedia - George Maye -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George McCanlis -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - George Merrill (life partner of Edward Carpenter) -- Life partner of English LGBT activist Edward Carpenter
Wikipedia - George Merritt (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - George Michael -- English singer-songwriter, musician, producer (1963-2016)
Wikipedia - George Milles, 4th Baron Sondes -- English peer
Wikipedia - George Milles-Lade, 2nd Earl Sondes -- English cricketer and aristocrat
Wikipedia - George Monoux -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Montagu (died 1681) -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Montaigne -- English bishop
Wikipedia - George Nevill, 12th Baron Bergavenny -- English noble
Wikipedia - George Newman (cricketer) -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - George Newton Kenworthy -- English-born Australian architect
Wikipedia - George Newton (weightlifter) -- English weightlifter
Wikipedia - George Nicholson (diplomat) -- Former English diplomat in Scotland
Wikipedia - George Northey (cricketer) -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - George Ornsby -- English cleric and antiquarian
Wikipedia - George Orwell -- English author and journalist (1903 - 1950)
Wikipedia - George Owen (physician) -- English physician and politician
Wikipedia - George Peake -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - George Pearman -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Pearson (filmmaker) -- English film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - George Peele -- 16th-century English translator, poet, and playwright
Wikipedia - George Penruddock -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Philip Krapp -- American English scholar
Wikipedia - George Pinder (cricketer) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - George Pinto (composer) -- English composer
Wikipedia - George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence -- 15th-century English noble
Wikipedia - George Pulford -- English golfer
Wikipedia - George Puttenham -- 16th-century English writer and literary critic
Wikipedia - George Raikes -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - George Rawstorne -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - George Reynolds (MP for Rye) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Robert Crotch -- English entomologist
Wikipedia - George Robey -- English music hall singer, stage & film actor
Wikipedia - George Rodwell -- English composer, musical director, and author
Wikipedia - George Romney (painter) -- 18th-century English painter
Wikipedia - George Russell French -- 19th-century English antiquarian
Wikipedia - George Ryall -- English golfer
Wikipedia - George Sale -- English Orientalist
Wikipedia - George Sandys -- English traveller, colonist, poet, translator
Wikipedia - George Saxby Penfold -- English cleric
Wikipedia - George Scott-Chad -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - George Sewell -- English actor
Wikipedia - George Shalders -- English watercolour painter
Wikipedia - George Sharp (cricketer) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - George Shurley -- English-born Irish judge
Wikipedia - George Simpson (Royal Navy officer) -- English naval officer
Wikipedia - George Smith (historian) -- English businessman, historian and theologian
Wikipedia - George Solly -- English cricketer and solicitor
Wikipedia - George Southcote (1572-1638) -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Southcote (died 1589) -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Spurre -- English buccaneer
Wikipedia - George Stapleton (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Steevens -- 18th-century English editor of the works of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - George Stephenson -- English civil and mechanical engineer and the "Father of Railways" (1781-1848)
Wikipedia - George Stephens (playwright) -- English author and dramatist
Wikipedia - George St Poll -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Stringer (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Studd -- English cricketer and missionary
Wikipedia - George Swinnock -- 17th-century English clergyman
Wikipedia - George Talbot (entomologist) -- English entomologist (1882-1952)
Wikipedia - George Thomas Smart -- English musician
Wikipedia - George Throckmorton -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Trenchard (c. 1548 - 1630) -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Tuck (cricketer) -- English cricketer and lawyer
Wikipedia - George Turpin (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Upton (died 1609) -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Vancouver -- 18th-century English naval explorer
Wikipedia - George Vernon (MP for Bridgnorth) -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Vernon (MP for Derby and Derbyshire) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham -- 17th-century English statesman and poet
Wikipedia - George Vincent (painter) -- English painter
Wikipedia - George Webbe (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - George W. English -- United States federal judge
Wikipedia - George Wheatcroft (chess player) -- English chess player
Wikipedia - George Whetstone -- 16th-century English playwright and writer
Wikipedia - George White (artist) -- English engraver
Wikipedia - George White (died 1584) -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Whitefield -- 18th-century English minister and preacher
Wikipedia - George Wigram -- English theologian (1805-1879)
Wikipedia - George Wilkins -- 16th/17th-century English playwright and pamphleteer
Wikipedia - George Willes (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - George William Burdett Clare -- English recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - George William Coventry, 11th Earl of Coventry -- English noble and politician
Wikipedia - George William Lefevre -- English physician
Wikipedia - George Williams (died 1556) -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Windram -- English wheelchair curler
Wikipedia - George Woodbridge (actor) -- English character actor
Wikipedia - George Wyndham (cricketer) -- English-Australian cricketer, farmer, wine-grower, and pastoralist
Wikipedia - George Zucco -- English actor
Wikipedia - Georgia Hall -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Georgia May Jagger -- English fashion model and designer
Wikipedia - Georgia (musician) -- English singer and musician
Wikipedia - Georgian architecture -- Architectural styles current in the English-speaking world between c. 1714 and 1830
Wikipedia - Georgia Tennant -- English actress
Wikipedia - Georgie Henley -- English actress
Wikipedia - Georgina Harding -- English author
Wikipedia - Georgina Leonidas -- English actress
Wikipedia - Georgina Oladapo -- English athlete
Wikipedia - Gerald English -- British opera singer
Wikipedia - Gerald Hendrie -- English scholar, composer, and keyboardist.
Wikipedia - Gerald Hornby -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Gerald Howard-Smith -- English cricketer and solicitor
Wikipedia - Geraldine Chaplin -- English actress
Wikipedia - Geraldine James -- English actress
Wikipedia - Geraldine McEwan -- English actress
Wikipedia - Gerald Scarfe -- English cartoonist, illustrator, animator
Wikipedia - Gerald Sim -- English actor
Wikipedia - Gerald Tuck -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Gerald Yorke -- English soldier and writer
Wikipedia - Gerard Anderson -- English athlete
Wikipedia - Gerard Braybrooke II -- English politician
Wikipedia - Gerard de Limesay -- English noble
Wikipedia - Gerard Fairlie -- English writer
Wikipedia - Gerard Johnson (sculptor) -- 17th-century English sculptor thought to have created Shakespeare's funerary monument
Wikipedia - Gerard Langbaine -- 17th-century English biographer
Wikipedia - Gerard Manley Hopkins -- English poet (1844-1889)
Wikipedia - Gerard Russell (politician) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Geri Halliwell -- English singer-songwriter, author and actress
Wikipedia - German submarine U-40 (1938) -- German submarine sunk by a mine in the English Channel
Wikipedia - Gerry Scott -- English television production designer
Wikipedia - Gertrude Bell -- English writer, traveller, political officer and archaeologist
Wikipedia - Gertrude Benham -- English mountaineer, traveller and collector
Wikipedia - Gertrude Kinnaird -- English philanthropist
Wikipedia - Gertrude Lawrence -- English actress, singer, dancer and musical comedy performer
Wikipedia - Gervase Clifton, 1st Baron Clifton -- English politician and noble
Wikipedia - Gervase de Cornhill -- 12th-century English sheriff and royal official
Wikipedia - Gervase Elwes, junior -- English politician
Wikipedia - Gervase Lee -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Gervase Markham -- 16th/17th-century English poet and writer
Wikipedia - Gethin Anthony -- English actor
Wikipedia - Gethyn Hewan -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - G. E. Trevelyan -- English writer
Wikipedia - Ghanaian English
Wikipedia - Ghoti -- Creative re-spelling of the word 'fish', illustrating irregularities of English spelling
Wikipedia - G. H. Pember -- English theologian and writer
Wikipedia - Gibb McLaughlin -- English actor
Wikipedia - Gibraltarian English
Wikipedia - Gibson Gowland -- English film actor
Wikipedia - Gibson Technology -- English automotive and motorsport company
Wikipedia - Gilbert Arthur a Beckett -- English writer
Wikipedia - Gilbert Beesby -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Gilbert Collett -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Gilbert de Clare, 1st Earl of Hertford -- 12th-century English nobleman
Wikipedia - Gilbert de Clare, 5th Earl of Gloucester -- 12th and 13th-century English nobleman
Wikipedia - Gilbert de Clare, 8th Earl of Gloucester -- 14th-century English magnate
Wikipedia - Gilbert de Gaunt, 1st Baron Gaunt -- 12th century English noble
Wikipedia - Gilbert Flamank -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Gilbert Kennedy (rower) -- English rower who won the Wingfield Sculls in 1893
Wikipedia - Gilbert Ledward -- English sculptor
Wikipedia - Gilbert Lyttelton -- 16th-century English politician and knight
Wikipedia - Gilbert Michell -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Gilbert Tailboys, 1st Baron Tailboys of Kyme -- English courtier and Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - Gilbert Talbot, 1st Baron Talbot -- English nobleman in 14 century
Wikipedia - Gilbert Talbot (soldier) -- English knight
Wikipedia - Gilbert V de Umfraville -- 14-15th century English noble
Wikipedia - Gilbert Waterhouse -- English poet
Wikipedia - Gilbert White (British Army officer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Gilbert White -- 18th-century English priest and naturalist
Wikipedia - Giles Calvert -- English printer
Wikipedia - Giles Clark -- English conservationist and TV presenter
Wikipedia - Giles Estcourt (died 1587) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Giles Farnaby -- English composer
Wikipedia - Giles Fletcher, the Elder -- English poet, diplomat and politician
Wikipedia - Giles Gilbert Scott -- English architect
Wikipedia - Giles Greenwood -- English weightlifter
Wikipedia - Giles Heron -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Giles Hutchens -- English politician
Wikipedia - Giles Martin -- English record producer, songwriter, composer and multi-instrumentalist
Wikipedia - Giles Mompesson -- English politician
Wikipedia - Giles Strangways (1528-1562) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Giles Strangways (died 1546) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Gillan (band) -- English rock band fronted by Ian Gillan
Wikipedia - Gillian Baverstock -- British author and elder daughter of English novelist Enid Blyton
Wikipedia - Gillian Gilbert -- English musician
Wikipedia - Gillian Lynne -- English dancer, choreographer, actress and director
Wikipedia - Gillian Taylforth -- English actress
Wikipedia - Gillian White (sculptor) -- Swiss-based English sculptor
Wikipedia - Gillian White -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Gillian Wise -- English artist
Wikipedia - Gillian Wright -- English actress
Wikipedia - Gilson Lavis -- English drummer and portrait artist
Wikipedia - Gina McKee -- English actress
Wikipedia - Giselle Norman -- English fashion model
Wikipedia - Giving What We Can -- English effective altruism organization
Wikipedia - G. K. Chesterton -- English mystery novelist and Christian apologist
Wikipedia - Gladys Mitchell -- English detective novelist
Wikipedia - Glass Palace Chronicle -- English language translation of the first portions of Hmannan Yazawin
Wikipedia - Glastonbudget -- Annual English music festival
Wikipedia - Gleek (card game) -- English card game
Wikipedia - Glenn Ralph -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Glenn Tamplin -- English businessman
Wikipedia - Glossary of bird terms -- Glossary of common English language terms used in the description of birds
Wikipedia - Glossary of French expressions in English -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Gloucester 4 -- English rugby union league
Wikipedia - Gloucester Abbey -- Medieval English monastery in Gloucestershire
Wikipedia - Gloucestershire County Cricket Club -- English county cricket club
Wikipedia - Glynn v Margetson -- English case on the law of carriage of goods by sea
Wikipedia - God bless you -- English phrase
Wikipedia - Godflesh -- English industrial metal band
Wikipedia - Godfrey atte Curt -- 13th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Godfrey Buxton -- English missionary
Wikipedia - Godfrey Hounsfield -- English electrical engineer (1919-2004)
Wikipedia - Godfrey Vigne -- English cricketer and traveler
Wikipedia - God's New Covenant: A New Testament Translation -- Modern English translation of the Greek New Testament
Wikipedia - God's Word Translation -- English translation of the Bible translated by the God's Word to the Nations Society
Wikipedia - Goff & Jones -- English law textbook on restitution and unjust enrichment
Wikipedia - Gogyo -- Five Phases in Japanese philosophy: earth (M-eM-^\M-^_), water (M-fM-0M-4), fire (M-gM-^AM-+), wood (M-fM-^\M-(), metal (M-iM-^GM-^Q)<ref>{{cite web|title= Inyo Gogyo setsu website| language=en| url=| accessdate = 2021-01-01
Wikipedia - Golden Corn -- English thoroughbred
Wikipedia - Golden Hill (novel) -- 2016 novel by English writer Francis Spufford
Wikipedia - Golden rule (law) -- Traditional rule of statutory interpretation in English law
Wikipedia - Golden Tours -- English open top bus operator and coach tour operator based in London.
Wikipedia - Golden triangle (universities) -- Unofficial grouping of universities in the English cities of Oxford, Cambridge and London
Wikipedia - Goldfrapp -- English electronic music duo
Wikipedia - Gold penny -- Medieval English coin
Wikipedia - Goldsworthy Gurney -- English surgeon, chemist, and architect (1793-1875)
Wikipedia - Goodrington Sands -- English beach
Wikipedia - Goosey Goosey Gander -- English nursery rhyme
Wikipedia - Gordon Barry -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Gordon Burn -- English writer (1948-2009)
Wikipedia - Gordon Chater -- English actor
Wikipedia - Gordon Edwards (cricketer) -- English cricketer and mechanical engineer
Wikipedia - Gordon Harker -- English film actor
Wikipedia - Gordon Jacob -- English composer (1895-1984)
Wikipedia - Gordon J. Brand -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Gordon Lyon (cricketer) -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Gordon Philip Bowker -- English lecturer, journalist and biographer
Wikipedia - Gordon Scurfield -- English biologist and author
Wikipedia - Gordon Thorne -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Gordon Tovey -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Gorges family -- Medieval and later English family
Wikipedia - Govia Thameslink Railway -- English train operating company
Wikipedia - Grace Chisholm Young -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Grace Dent -- English columnist, broadcaster and author
Wikipedia - Grace family -- English cricketing family
Wikipedia - Grace Frankland -- English microbiologist
Wikipedia - Grace James -- English writer and folklorist
Wikipedia - Grace Kirby -- English film and television actress
Wikipedia - Grace Spicer -- English Muay Thai
Wikipedia - Gracie Fields -- English singer and comedian
Wikipedia - Graeme Welch -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Graham Armitage -- English actor
Wikipedia - Graham Bell (artist) -- English artist
Wikipedia - Graham Chapman -- English comedian, writer and actor
Wikipedia - Graham Charlesworth -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Graham Cottrell -- English cricketer and teacher
Wikipedia - Graham Coxon -- English musician and singer
Wikipedia - Graham Greene -- English writer, playwright, and literary critic
Wikipedia - Graham Johnson (cricketer, born 1946) -- English cricketer and business executive
Wikipedia - Graham Kings -- English bishop, theologian, poet (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Graham Lake (cricketer) -- English cricketer and scientist
Wikipedia - Graham Nash -- English musician, singer, songwriter (born 1942)
Wikipedia - Graham Shepard -- English cartoonist
Wikipedia - Graham Stark -- English comedian, actor
Wikipedia - Graham Stuart Thomas -- English horticulturalist and garden designer
Wikipedia - Graham Sutherland -- English artist
Wikipedia - Graham Teasdale (physician) -- English neurosurgeon
Wikipedia - Graham Virgo -- English legal scholar
Wikipedia - Graham Waterhouse -- English composer
Wikipedia - Grain of salt -- English idiom expressing skepticism
Wikipedia - Grand Junction Canal -- English canal
Wikipedia - Great Bardfield Artists -- mid-20th-century artist community, based in the English village of Great Bardfield
Wikipedia - Greater Kashmir -- Leading English-language newspaper published from Srinagar
Wikipedia - Great Maytham Hall -- English country house
Wikipedia - Great Peace Shipping Ltd v Tsavliris (International) Ltd -- English contract law case
Wikipedia - Greatrex Newman -- English author, song-writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Great Storm of 1703 -- Major 1703 storm in England and out at the English Channel
Wikipedia - Great Yarmouth Outer Harbour -- English port
Wikipedia - Greek and Latin roots in English
Wikipedia - Greek-English Lexicon
Wikipedia - Green children of Woolpit -- medieval English legend
Wikipedia - Green Gravel -- English folk song
Wikipedia - Greensleeves -- English folk song
Wikipedia - Greg Austin (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Greg Ellis (actor) -- English film, television and voice actor
Wikipedia - Greg Hart -- English guitarist
Wikipedia - Greg Macmillan -- English cricketer, solicitor, and schoolteacher
Wikipedia - Gregory Bateson -- English anthropologist, social scientist, linguist, visual anthropologist, semiotician and cyberneticist
Wikipedia - Gregory Martin (scholar) -- English scholar and translator
Wikipedia - Greg Ridley -- English musician
Wikipedia - Greg Wise -- English actor
Wikipedia - Greville Stevens -- English amateur cricketer who played for Middlesex and England (1901-1970)
Wikipedia - Greyfriars, Dunwich -- English country
Wikipedia - Greyfriars School -- Fictional English public school
Wikipedia - Grey v Hastings -- 15th century English heraldry law case
Wikipedia - Griffin Curteys -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Griff (singer) -- English singer and songwriter (born 2001)
Wikipedia - Groat (coin) -- Archaic English, Scottish and Irish coins worth 4 pence
Wikipedia - Grove Hall -- English country house
Wikipedia - G. R. S. Mead -- English author, editor, translator, and theosophist
Wikipedia - Gruffydd Davies -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Guernsey -- Island in the English Channel
Wikipedia - Gugu Mbatha-Raw -- English actress
Wikipedia - Guildford Slingsby -- English Army officer and Irish politician
Wikipedia - Gulf News -- Dubai English language newspaper
Wikipedia - Gulielma Lister -- English mycologist and naturalist
Wikipedia - Gulnar Sachs -- English chess player
Wikipedia - Gus Faulkner -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Gus McNaughton -- English actor
Wikipedia - Gus Mears -- English businessman and founder of Chelsea F.C. (1873-1912)
Wikipedia - Gustav Holst -- English composer
Wikipedia - Guy Adams -- English author
Wikipedia - Guyanese Creole -- English-based creole language spoken in Guyana
Wikipedia - Guy Bignell -- English cricketer and Indian Army officer
Wikipedia - Guybon Chesney Castell Damant -- English physiologist, diver, royal navy officer, and researcher
Wikipedia - Guy Chambers -- English songwriter, musician and record producer
Wikipedia - Guy de Beauchamp, 10th Earl of Warwick -- Mediaeval English noble
Wikipedia - Guy de Bryan, 1st Baron Bryan -- English admiral and peer
Wikipedia - Guy Dury -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Guy Evans -- English musician
Wikipedia - Guy Fawkes -- English member of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605
Wikipedia - Guy Goodliffe -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Guy Gregson-Ellis -- English first-class cricketer and army officer
Wikipedia - Guy Halsall -- English historian
Wikipedia - Guy Hamilton -- English film director
Wikipedia - Guy Middleton -- English actor
Wikipedia - Guy Napier -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Guy of Gisbourne -- English folklore character from Robin Hood
Wikipedia - Guy Pearce -- English-born Australian actor
Wikipedia - Guy Randall-Johnson -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Guy Ritchie -- English filmmaker
Wikipedia - Guz Khan -- English actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Gwendoline Christie -- English actress and model
Wikipedia - Gwen Lally -- English actor and pageant master
Wikipedia - G. W. Steevens -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Gwyneth Bebb -- English lawyer
Wikipedia - Gyrth Godwinson -- 11th-century English earl
Wikipedia - Gytrash -- Legendary English ghost-animal.
Wikipedia - Haiku in English -- English-language poetry in a style of Japanese origin
Wikipedia - Haiku Society of America -- Non profit organisation promoting English language haiku
Wikipedia - Hal English -- American politician
Wikipedia - Halesowen Cricket Club -- English cricket club in West Midlands
Wikipedia - Half Man Half Biscuit -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Halton Hall -- English country house in Halton, Lancashire, England, UK
Wikipedia - Hal Walters -- English actor
Wikipedia - Hamilton Herbert Druce -- English entomologist (1869-1922)
Wikipedia - Hammerbeam roof -- A decorative, open timber roof truss typical of English Gothic architecture
Wikipedia - Hampshire Chronicle -- English weekly newspaper published in Hampshire from 1772
Wikipedia - Hampshire County Cricket Club -- English cricket club
Wikipedia - Hank Marvin -- English musician; guitarist for the Shadows
Wikipedia - Hannah Barnett-Trager -- English writer and activist
Wikipedia - Hannah Beckerman -- English author and journalist
Wikipedia - Hannah Billig -- English medical doctor
Wikipedia - Hannah Burdon -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Hannah Burke -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Hannah Chaplin -- English stage and musical actress
Wikipedia - Hannah Cohen (philanthropist) -- English philanthropist and civil servant
Wikipedia - Hannah Eteson -- English librarian
Wikipedia - Hannah Midgley -- English actress
Wikipedia - Hannah Murray -- English actress
Wikipedia - Hannah Pritchard -- 18th-century English actress
Wikipedia - Hannah Ware -- English actress
Wikipedia - Hannah Waterman -- English actress
Wikipedia - Hanna Yusuf -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Hans Peters (art director) -- English art director
Wikipedia - Happy Mondays -- English alternative rock band
Wikipedia - Harden Sidney Melville -- English painter and draughtsman
Wikipedia - Hardy Amies -- English fashion designer
Wikipedia - Hares on the Mountain -- English folk song
Wikipedia - Hark, Hark! The Dogs Do Bark -- English nursery rhyme
Wikipedia - Harold Anson -- English cleric
Wikipedia - Harold Avery -- English author of children's literature
Wikipedia - Harold Bennett -- English actor
Wikipedia - Harold Chapman -- English photographer
Wikipedia - Harold Darke -- English composer and organist (1888-1976)
Wikipedia - Harold Denham -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Harold Evans (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Harold Everett -- English cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - Harold Fawcus -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Harold Hodges -- English sportsman and soldier
Wikipedia - Harold Hughes (architect) -- English architect
Wikipedia - Harold Laski -- English academic
Wikipedia - Harold Nockolds -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Harold Pinter -- English playwright (1930-2008)
Wikipedia - Harold S. Bucquet -- English film director
Wikipedia - Harold Shipman -- English doctor and serial killer
Wikipedia - Harold Speed -- English painter
Wikipedia - Harold White (English cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Harold Williamson (journalist) -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Harold William Thompson -- American 18th century English literature scholar
Wikipedia - Harper Parker -- English politician
Wikipedia - Harriet Arbuthnot -- 19th-century English diarist
Wikipedia - Harriet Cains -- English actress
Wikipedia - Harriet Christina Newcomb -- English feminist, activist, and educationist
Wikipedia - Harriet Hague -- English pianist and composer
Wikipedia - Harriet Kemsley -- English stand-up comedian
Wikipedia - Harriet Martineau -- English writer and sociologist
Wikipedia - Harriet Samuel -- English businesswoman
Wikipedia - Harris English -- American professional golfer
Wikipedia - Harris J -- English singer
Wikipedia - Harrison Marks -- English photographer
Wikipedia - Harris Performance Products -- English motorcycle racing manufacturer
Wikipedia - Harrow School -- English independent school for boys
Wikipedia - Harry Andrews -- English actor
Wikipedia - Harry Ashby (golfer) -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Harry Baines Lott -- English politician
Wikipedia - Harry Beresford -- English actor
Wikipedia - Harry Boot -- English physicist
Wikipedia - Harry Brearley -- English inventor of stainless steel
Wikipedia - Harry Burton (Egyptologist) -- English Egyptologist and archaeological photographer
Wikipedia - Harry Carr (cricketer) -- English cricketer and journalist
Wikipedia - Harry Castling -- English lyricist
Wikipedia - Harry Chidgey -- English cricketer and Test match umpire
Wikipedia - Harry Coppell -- English pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Harry Dacre -- English songwriter
Wikipedia - Harry Daft -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Harry Drinkwater -- English architect
Wikipedia - Harry Eddom -- English sailor
Wikipedia - Harry Edward Vickers -- English thief during the 1930s
Wikipedia - Harry Ellis (golfer) -- English male golfer
Wikipedia - Harry Enfield -- English actor, comedian, writer
Wikipedia - Harry Gardner (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Harry Gibbs (referee) -- English boxing referee and judge
Wikipedia - Harry Gifford (songwriter) -- English songwriter, 1877 - 1960
Wikipedia - Harry Gilby -- English actor
Wikipedia - Harry Grindell Matthews -- English inventor
Wikipedia - Harry Gwynette -- English stage actor
Wikipedia - Harry Hepple -- English actor
Wikipedia - Harry Hill -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Harry Langley -- English-born American architect
Wikipedia - Harry Littlewood -- English actor
Wikipedia - Harry Lloyd -- English actor
Wikipedia - Harry Mallett -- English cricketer and administrator
Wikipedia - Harry McEntire -- English actor born 1990
Wikipedia - Harry Pollitt (engineer) -- English engineer
Wikipedia - Harry Randall (rugby union) -- English rugby union scrum half
Wikipedia - Harry Rawlinson -- English cricketer, solicitor
Wikipedia - Harry Reid (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Harry Sharpe (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Harry Sharp -- English cricketer, coach, and scorer
Wikipedia - Harry Simpson (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Harry Stedman -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Harry Styles -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Harry Terry -- English actor
Wikipedia - Harry Topham -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Harry Treadaway -- English actor
Wikipedia - Harry Willetts -- English scholar
Wikipedia - Harry Worth -- English comedy actor
Wikipedia - Haruka Abe -- Japanese-English actress
Wikipedia - Harvey Jacobson -- English businessman
Wikipedia - Harvey Lonsdale Elmes -- English architect
Wikipedia - Harvey Whitehouse -- English anthropologist
Wikipedia - Haslingden railway station -- English railway station from 1848 to 1960
Wikipedia - Hastings Gilford -- English surgeon and medical writer
Wikipedia - Hastings Star Gazette -- American-English newspaper for Hastings
Wikipedia - Hatfield and Reading Turnpike -- English turnpike road
Wikipedia - Hat Films -- English comedy and gaming YouTube channel
Wikipedia - Hattie Jacques -- English comedy actress of stage, radio and screen
Wikipedia - Hattie Morahan -- English television, film, and stage actress
Wikipedia - Hawaiian Pidgin -- English-based creole spoken in Hawai'i
Wikipedia - Hawk Eyes -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Hawkwind -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Hayley Mills -- English actress
Wikipedia - Hayman drum -- English musical instruments manufacturer
Wikipedia - Haymarket Media Group -- privately held English media company
Wikipedia - Hazel Court -- English actress
Wikipedia - Hazel English -- Australian-American musician
Wikipedia - Hazel O'Connor -- English singer-songwriter and actress
Wikipedia - H. B. Samuels -- English anarchist
Wikipedia - H. B. Warner -- English film and theatre actor
Wikipedia - Head (band) -- Late 1980s English rock band
Wikipedia - Head (Julian Cope song) -- Song by the English singer-songwriter Julian Cope
Wikipedia - Hearne family -- English cricketing family
Wikipedia - Heather Buck -- English poet
Wikipedia - Heather Mills -- English former model, media personality, businesswoman, and activist
Wikipedia - Heatwave (English band) -- British pop group
Wikipedia - Hebraization of English -- Transliteration of English language into Hebrew script
Wikipedia - Hector Munro Chadwick -- English philologist
Wikipedia - Hedley Muscroft -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Heidi Thomas -- English screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - Heidi Thomson -- New Zealand English academic
Wikipedia - H. E. J. Cowdrey -- English historian and priest
Wikipedia - Helena Faucit -- 19th-century English actress
Wikipedia - Helen ApSimon -- English climatologist and academic
Wikipedia - Helen Baker (author) -- English author
Wikipedia - Helen Baxendale -- English actress
Wikipedia - Helen Cammock -- English artist
Wikipedia - Helen Castor -- English historian
Wikipedia - Helen Chamberlain -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Helen Cresswell -- English children's writer and TV scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Helen C. White -- American English professor
Wikipedia - Helen Darbishire -- English literary scholar and educator
Wikipedia - Helen Dobson -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Helen Elleker -- English track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Helen Flanagan -- English actress and model
Wikipedia - Helen Forde -- English archaeologist
Wikipedia - Helen George -- English actress
Wikipedia - Helen Howard Hatton -- English artist
Wikipedia - Helen Kerly -- English pilot of WWII
Wikipedia - Helen Latham -- English actress
Wikipedia - Helen McCrory -- English actress
Wikipedia - Helen Skelton -- English TV presenter
Wikipedia - Helen Smith (academic) -- Scholar of English literature
Wikipedia - Helen Walden -- English structural biologist
Wikipedia - Helen Wood (television personality) -- English television personality and journalist
Wikipedia - Helen Worth -- English actress
Wikipedia - Hello English
Wikipedia - Helmshore railway station -- English railway station from 1848 and 1966
Wikipedia - Help:IPA/English
Wikipedia - Help:IPA/Old English
Wikipedia - Helyar Almshouses -- 17th century English almshouses
Wikipedia - Hemel Hempstead Rural District -- Former English rural district
Wikipedia - H. E. Merritt -- English mechanical engineer
Wikipedia - Hemming's Cartulary -- 11th century English manuscript
Wikipedia - Heneage Finch, 3rd Earl of Winchilsea -- English diplomat
Wikipedia - Henrietta Batson -- English writer
Wikipedia - Henrietta d'Auverquerque, Countess of Grantham -- 18th-century English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Henrietta Garnett -- English writer
Wikipedia - Henrietta Godolphin, 2nd Duchess of Marlborough -- English peer
Wikipedia - Henrietta Vansittart -- English engineer and inventor (1833-1883)
Wikipedia - Henry Acton -- English Unitarian minister
Wikipedia - Henry Ainley -- English actor
Wikipedia - Henry Ainslie -- English physician
Wikipedia - Henry Ainsworth (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Alexander (1787-1861) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Alington -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Henry Anderson (politician) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Arthington -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Ashington -- English athlete
Wikipedia - Henry Ashley (MP for Dorset) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry atte Stone II -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry atte Stone I -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Audley -- English baron
Wikipedia - Henry Austin (MP) -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Badowski -- English musician
Wikipedia - Henry Bagot -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Barbour (MP for Melcombe Regis) -- English politician of the 15th century
Wikipedia - Henry Barbour (MP for Reading) -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Barham -- English writer on natural history
Wikipedia - Henry Barley -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Barraud (artist) -- English portrait, subject and animal painter
Wikipedia - Henry Barrowe -- English Separatist Puritan
Wikipedia - Henry Bartlett (MP) -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Bayly (MP for Malmesbury) -- 16th-century English politician and barrister
Wikipedia - Henry Beauchamp, 1st Duke of Warwick -- 15th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Henry Beaufort, 3rd Duke of Somerset -- 15th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Henry Beaufort -- 14th and 15th-century English prince, Bishop of Lincoln, then Winchester, Lord Chancellor of England, and cardinal
Wikipedia - Henry Bell (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Anglican clergyman
Wikipedia - Henry Berens -- English cricketer and official of the Hudson's Bay Company
Wikipedia - Henry Berkeley (MP for Ilchester) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Binns -- English Prime Minister of the Colony of Natal
Wikipedia - Henry Biron -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Henry Bishop (composer) -- English composer
Wikipedia - Henry Bisset -- 12th-13th century English noble
Wikipedia - Henry Bligh -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Henry Blofeld -- English sports journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Bloomfield Kingscote -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Henry Bodenham -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Bond -- English writer, photographer, and visual artist
Wikipedia - Henry Bonham (cricketer) -- English cricketer and landowner
Wikipedia - Henry Boteler (fl. 1413-1427) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Bowman (composer) -- English musician
Wikipedia - Henry Bradby -- English cricketer, schoolmaster, and poet
Wikipedia - Henry Brandt -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Henry Brougham (sportsman) -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Henry Browning -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Bulteel -- English religious controversialist and seceder from the Church of England
Wikipedia - Henry Capell (died 1558) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Capell (MP for Hertfordshire) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Catchpole (fl. 1361-1386) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Catchpole (fl. 1390) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Cavill -- English actor
Wikipedia - Henry Charles Hewitt -- English actor (1885-1968)
Wikipedia - Henry Cheke -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Chettle -- 16th-century English pamphleteer and playwright
Wikipedia - Henry Cheyne, 1st Baron Cheyne -- 16th-century English politician and Baron
Wikipedia - Henry Chiverton -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Clifford, 10th Baron Clifford -- English nobleman
Wikipedia - Henry Clifford, 1st Earl of Cumberland -- English noble
Wikipedia - Henry Clifford, 2nd Earl of Cumberland -- English noble
Wikipedia - Henry Clifford, 5th Earl of Cumberland -- English noble
Wikipedia - Henry Clifford (died 1577) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Cobham (diplomat) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Cocke -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Coldston -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Cole -- English design advocate (1808-1882)
Wikipedia - Henry Compton, 1st Baron Compton -- 16th-century English politician and peer
Wikipedia - Henry Condell -- 16th/17th-century English actor
Wikipedia - Henry Cort -- English ironmaster (c.1740-1800)
Wikipedia - Henry Coventry -- English politician and diplomat
Wikipedia - Henry Crabb Robinson -- English writer
Wikipedia - Henry Cravell -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Crispe -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Crowe (vicar) -- English vicar and animal rights writer
Wikipedia - Henry Custance -- English jockey
Wikipedia - Henry Daniell -- English actor
Wikipedia - Henry Deacon (cricketer) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Henry de Ardern -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry de Boteler -- 13th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry de Burne -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry de Cornhill (sheriff) -- 12th-century English sheriff and baron
Wikipedia - Henry de Hastings (died 1250) -- 13th century English noble
Wikipedia - Henry de Keighley -- 13th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry de Verdun (I) -- English sheriff during the middle ages
Wikipedia - Henry de Vere, 18th Earl of Oxford -- English aristocrat, courtier and soldier
Wikipedia - Henry Dick Woodfall -- English businessman
Wikipedia - Henry Douglas Shawcross -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Draper (umpire) -- English cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Henry Eccles -- English composer (1670-1742)
Wikipedia - Henry Edwards (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Henry Edwards (entomologist) -- English-born stage actor, writer and entomologist
Wikipedia - Henry Erskine Allon -- English composer
Wikipedia - Henry Every -- English captain and pirate
Wikipedia - Henry Farrington -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Finch (died 1625) -- English barrister, legal writer and politician
Wikipedia - Henry Fisher (MP for Maidstone) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Fisher (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Fortescue (died 1576) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Gage (soldier) -- Royalist officer during the English Civil War (1597-1645)
Wikipedia - Henry Garnet -- 16th-century English Jesuit priest (1555-1606)
Wikipedia - Henry Gates (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Gellibrand -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Henry George Vennor -- English geologist and meteorologist
Wikipedia - Henry Gifford (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Gildon -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Glapthorne -- 17th-century English playwright and poet
Wikipedia - Henry Goddard (architect) -- English architect
Wikipedia - Henry Golding (died 1576) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Golding (died 1593) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Goldney alias Fernell -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Gosnold -- English-born Irish politician and judge
Wikipedia - Henry Grace a Dieu -- 16th century carrack of English construction, flagship of Henry VIII
Wikipedia - Henry Greisley -- English translator
Wikipedia - Henry Grierson -- English cricketer, barrister, and author
Wikipedia - Henry Grube -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Hake Seward -- English architect
Wikipedia - Henry Halford -- 18th/19th-century English royal physician
Wikipedia - Henry Hall (poet) -- English composer (c1656-1707)
Wikipedia - Henry Hamilton (playwright) -- English playwright
Wikipedia - Henry Hamlin -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Hardwick Dawson -- English architect
Wikipedia - Henry Hargrave -- English composer
Wikipedia - Henry Hart (died c. 1578) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Hattersley -- English cricketeer
Wikipedia - Henry Haversham Godwin-Austen -- English geologist
Wikipedia - Henry Hervey Aston -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Henry Hildyard (cricketer) -- English cricketer and barrister
Wikipedia - Henry Hodgkins (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Holland (fashion designer) -- English fashion designer, businessman, and blogger
Wikipedia - Henry Horton (sportsman) -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey -- 16th-century English nobleman
Wikipedia - Henry Hussey, 2nd Baron Hussey -- English nobleman
Wikipedia - Henry Hussey (died 1557) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Hussey (fl. 1529) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Hyndman -- English writer and politician
Wikipedia - Henry Ireton -- English politician (1611-1651)
Wikipedia - Henry Isaac Rowntree -- English confectioner
Wikipedia - Henry Jelf -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Henry Jerningham -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry John Boddington -- English landscape painter
Wikipedia - Henry John Elwes -- English botanist and entomologist (1846-1922)
Wikipedia - Henry Jones of Oxfordshire -- English officer in the New Model Army
Wikipedia - Henry Jordan (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Indian Army officer
Wikipedia - Henry J. Webb -- 19th-century English scholar and sportsperson
Wikipedia - Henry Keene -- English architect
Wikipedia - Henry Kendall (actor) -- English stage and film actor (1897-1962)
Wikipedia - Henry Killigrew (playwright) -- 17th-century English chaplain and playwright
Wikipedia - Henry Kingsley -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Henry Kirkwood -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Henry Knatchbull -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Henry Knighton -- English medieval chronicler
Wikipedia - Henry Knollys (died 1583) -- 16th-century English politician and diplomat
Wikipedia - Henry Knollys (MP for Portsmouth) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Knollys (privateer) -- English privateer, courtier, and politician
Wikipedia - Henry Knyvet -- English soldier and member of parliament
Wikipedia - Henry Lascelles, 6th Earl of Harewood -- English peer
Wikipedia - Henry Lee of Ditchley -- 16th-century English Queen's Champion and Master of the Armoury
Wikipedia - Henry Leke -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Linton -- English cricketer, civil servant
Wikipedia - Henry Long (died 1573) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Luttrell (wit) -- 18th/19th-century English politician, wit, and writer of society verse
Wikipedia - Henry Lyte (botanist) -- Sixteenth century English botanist
Wikipedia - Henry Macwilliam -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Maguire -- English art historian
Wikipedia - Henry Majendie (cricketer) -- English cricketer, clergyman
Wikipedia - Henry Man (writer) -- English writer
Wikipedia - Henry Marlar -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Marsh (neurosurgeon) -- English neurosurgeon (b1950)
Wikipedia - Henry Mayne -- English cricketer and lawyer
Wikipedia - Henry Moberly -- English cricketer, cleric, and school housemaster
Wikipedia - Henry Moore -- English artist known for sculpture (1898-1986)
Wikipedia - Henry Morris (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Morshead -- English surveyor, explorer and mountaineer
Wikipedia - Henry Moseley -- English physicist
Wikipedia - Henry Moule -- English inventor
Wikipedia - Henry Munn -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Henry Musgrave Blaiklock -- English architect and civil engineer
Wikipedia - Henry Neele -- English poet
Wikipedia - Henry Neville (died 1615) -- English courtier, politician and diplomat
Wikipedia - Henry Newton (MP for Wells) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Nicholas Ridley -- English botanist and geologist (1855-1956)
Wikipedia - Henry Ninham -- English landscape artist, engraver, and heraldic painter
Wikipedia - Henry Noel (courtier) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Norbury -- 15th century English nobleman
Wikipedia - Henry Norris, 1st Baron Norreys -- English nobleman and courtier
Wikipedia - Henry Northleigh -- 17th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry of Grosmont, 1st Duke of Lancaster -- 14th-century English duke
Wikipedia - Henry Paget, 5th Marquess of Anglesey -- English Peer
Wikipedia - Henry Palfrey Stephenson -- English civil engineer
Wikipedia - Henry Parker (MP for Hertfordshire) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Peckham (MP for Wycombe) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland -- 14th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Henry Percy, 3rd Baron Percy -- 14th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Henry Percy, 6th Earl of Northumberland -- 16th-century English nobleman
Wikipedia - Henry Percy (Hotspur) -- 14th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Henry Perkins (cricketer) -- English lawyer, cricketer, and administrator
Wikipedia - Henry Perlee Parker -- English artist
Wikipedia - Henry Perronet Briggs -- English painter
Wikipedia - Henry Petowe -- English Elizabethan poet
Wikipedia - Henry Phillips (horticulturist) -- English botanist
Wikipedia - Henry Phillpotts -- English Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - Henry Pickard -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Henry Poley -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Polsted -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Poole (died 1559) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Poole (died 1580) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Porter (playwright) -- 16th-century English playwright
Wikipedia - Henry Poskitt -- 20th-century English Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Henry Powell (governor) -- English settler, captain, and planter
Wikipedia - Henry Purcell -- English composer
Wikipedia - Henry Pyne (MP for Liskeard) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Radclyffe, 4th Earl of Sussex -- 16th-century English peer
Wikipedia - Henry Raymond-Barker -- English cricketer and lawyer
Wikipedia - Henry Reade -- English cricketer, clergyman and educator
Wikipedia - Henry Revell Reynolds -- English physician
Wikipedia - Henry Robert Kingscote -- English cricketer and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Henry Rogers (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Indian Civil Service officer
Wikipedia - Henry Rose (priest) -- English theologian, archdeacon of Bedford
Wikipedia - Henry Royston -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Henry Sadler -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Sampson (physician) -- English physician
Wikipedia - Henry Sampson Woodfall -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Sandys (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Savile (died 1558) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Savile (died 1569) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Schwann -- English cricketer, stockborker
Wikipedia - Henry Scrope (died 1625) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Sephton -- English mason and architect
Wikipedia - Henry Slater (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Smithers -- English shipowner and abolitionist
Wikipedia - Henry Snowden Ward -- 19th/20th-century English photographer and author
Wikipedia - Henry Stanley, 4th Earl of Derby -- English noble
Wikipedia - Henry Stanley Bennett -- 20th-century English literary historian
Wikipedia - Henry Stenton -- English cricketer and solicitor
Wikipedia - Henry St John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke -- 17th/18th-century English politician and Viscount
Wikipedia - Henry Strete -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Sugden -- English cricketer and brewer
Wikipedia - Henry Sutherland -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Henry Swan (cricketer) -- English cricketer and cricket administrator
Wikipedia - Henry Taylor (cricketer, born 1875) -- Indian-born English sportsman
Wikipedia - Henry Taylor (dramatist) -- English playwright and poet
Wikipedia - Henry Thomas Buckle -- English historian
Wikipedia - Henry Thrale -- 18th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Tibbs -- English rector and presumed fascist
Wikipedia - Henry Timberlake (merchant adventurer) -- English ship captain and merchant adventurer
Wikipedia - Henry Tomkinson -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Henry Torre -- English cricketer, clergyman
Wikipedia - Henry Townshend (died 1621) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Townshend (died 1762) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Tozer (priest) -- English Anglican priest
Wikipedia - Henry Travers -- English actor
Wikipedia - Henry Trenchard (MP for Poole) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Tristram -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Henry Tufton, 11th Earl of Thanet -- English cricketer and peer
Wikipedia - Henry Tulse (died 1697) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Tylecote -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Henry Unton (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Unton -- English diplomat
Wikipedia - Henry Vandyke Carter -- English anatomist, illustrator of Gray's Anatomy
Wikipedia - Henry Vaux -- English recusant and poet
Wikipedia - Henry Vernon (died 1569) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Vigne -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Henry Walton (English painter)
Wikipedia - Henry Wansbrough -- English theologian, educator, priest
Wikipedia - Henry Ward (barrister) -- 16th-century English politician and barrister
Wikipedia - Henry Watson Fowler -- English lexicographer and linguist
Wikipedia - Henry Webbe -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry White (died 1570) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Wilkinson Cookson -- English clergyman and college head
Wikipedia - Henry William Burgess -- English landscape painter
Wikipedia - Henry William Fuller -- English physician and writer
Wikipedia - Henry Wise (merchant) -- English merchant
Wikipedia - Henry Wood -- English conductor
Wikipedia - Henry Wright (cricketer) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton -- 17th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Henry Wroth (cricketer) -- English cricketer, lawyer, and consular official
Wikipedia - Henry Wyndham Phillips -- 19th-century English portrait artist
Wikipedia - He (pronoun) -- Masculine third-person, singular personal pronoun in English
Wikipedia - Herbert Abbott (British Army officer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Herbert Allingham -- English editor and writer
Wikipedia - Herbert Baldwin (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Test match umpire
Wikipedia - Herbert Beerbohm Tree -- 19th/20th-century English actor and theatre manager
Wikipedia - Herbert Blagrave -- English cricketer and racehorse trainer
Wikipedia - Herbert Brewer -- English composer and organist (1865-1928)
Wikipedia - Herbert Campbell -- English musical theatre actor
Wikipedia - Herbert Carpenter -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Herbert Coleridge -- English philologist
Wikipedia - Herbert Cole -- English book illustrator and portrait artist
Wikipedia - Herbert Druce -- English entomologist (1846-1913)
Wikipedia - Herbert Elliott -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Herbert Enoch Hallam -- English-born historian
Wikipedia - Herbert Fordham -- English writer
Wikipedia - Herbert Henry Dunn -- English architect
Wikipedia - Herbert Hollings -- English cricketer and barrister
Wikipedia - Herbert Homer -- English cricketer and administrator
Wikipedia - Herbert John Hodgson -- English printer
Wikipedia - Herbert Jordan Adams -- English entomologist (1838-1912)
Wikipedia - Herbert Keigwin -- English cricketer and colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Herbert Knowles -- English poet
Wikipedia - Herbert Kretzmer -- English journalist and lyricist
Wikipedia - Herbert Marshall -- English actor
Wikipedia - Herbert Maryon -- English sculptor, goldsmith, archaeologist, conservator, author, and authority on ancient metalwork
Wikipedia - Herbert Menzies Marshall -- English cricketer and watercolour painter/illustrator
Wikipedia - Herbert Prior -- English actor
Wikipedia - Herbert Rawlinson -- English actor
Wikipedia - Herbert Richard Peel -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Herbert Seddon -- English surgeon (1903{{endash
Wikipedia - Herbert Spencer -- English philosopher and political theorist
Wikipedia - Herbert Strang -- English writer of adventure stories for boys, joint pseudonym of duo
Wikipedia - Herbert Sumsion -- English organist and composer (1899-1995)
Wikipedia - Herbert White (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Here's a Health unto His Majesty -- English patriotic song
Wikipedia - Hereward de Havilland -- English aviator
Wikipedia - Herman Hedwig Bernard -- English Hebraist
Wikipedia - Herman's Hermits -- English beat rock band
Wikipedia - Hermione Baddeley -- English character actress of theatre, film and television
Wikipedia - Hermione Gingold -- English actress
Wikipedia - Hertfordshire 1 -- English rugby union league
Wikipedia - Hertfordshire 2 -- English rugby union league
Wikipedia - Hertha Ayrton -- English engineer, mathematician and inventor
Wikipedia - Herts/Middlesex 5 -- English rugby union league
Wikipedia - Hervey Alan -- English operatic singer
Wikipedia - Hervey Lawrence -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Hester Burton -- English writer
Wikipedia - Heston Blumenthal -- English chef
Wikipedia - Hetta Bartlett -- English actress
Wikipedia - Hewett Watson -- English botanist (1804-1881)
Wikipedia - Hey Colossus -- English rock band (e. 2003)
Wikipedia - Hey Diddle Diddle -- English nursery rhyme
Wikipedia - H. FitzHerbert Wright -- English cricketer, lawyer, and politician
Wikipedia - H. G. Wells -- English author
Wikipedia - Hiberno English
Wikipedia - Hiberno-English -- The set of English dialects natively written and spoken within the island of Ireland
Wikipedia - Hickory Signals -- English folk music duo
Wikipedia - Highland English
Wikipedia - High Peak Trail -- Bridleway in the English Peak District
Wikipedia - High-reeve -- English title
Wikipedia - Hilaire Belloc -- English writer (1870-1953)
Wikipedia - Hilary Minster -- English actor
Wikipedia - Hilary Page -- English toy maker
Wikipedia - Hilary Stratton -- English artist known for sculpture (1906-1986)
Wikipedia - Hilda Ellis Davidson -- English folklorist
Wikipedia - Hilda Gregg -- English novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Hilda Phoebe Hudson -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Hildegarde Neil -- English actress
Wikipedia - Hillsborough House -- English country house
Wikipedia - Himesh Patel -- English actor
Wikipedia - Hindustan Times -- Indian English-language newspaper
Wikipedia - Hiram Wild -- English botanist (1917-1982)
Wikipedia - His English Wife -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - His Fighting Blood -- 1935 film by John English
Wikipedia - Historical Thesaurus of English
Wikipedia - Historiography of the Poor Laws -- Historiography of English Poor Laws
Wikipedia - History of English grammars
Wikipedia - History of English land law -- Development in England of the law of real property
Wikipedia - History of English -- Aspect of history
Wikipedia - History of Sheffield -- History of the English town
Wikipedia - History of the British West Indies -- History of former English and British colonies and the present-day British overseas territories in the Caribbean
Wikipedia - History of the English language
Wikipedia - Hi-Yo Silver -- 1940 film directed by William Witney & John English
Wikipedia - HM-CM-&los -- English trip hop band
Wikipedia - HMS Sovereign of the Seas -- 17th-century warship of the English Navy
Wikipedia - Holford White -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Holker Street -- English sports venue in Cumbria
Wikipedia - Hollie Avil -- English triathlete
Wikipedia - Holly Aird -- English television actress
Wikipedia - Holly Clyburn -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Holly Matthews -- English actress and vlogger
Wikipedia - Holly Walsh -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Holly Willoughby -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Holmfirth Anthem -- English folk song
Wikipedia - Holy Child School, Jalpaiguri -- English-medium school in Jalpaiguri City, West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Homersham Cox (mathematician) -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Hong Kong English -- variety of English
Wikipedia - Honora Jenkins's will -- Case in English law
Wikipedia - Honora Sneyd -- English writer
Wikipedia - Honor Blackman -- English actress
Wikipedia - Honor Croome -- English writer
Wikipedia - Honor Smith -- English neurologist
Wikipedia - Honor Wyatt -- English journalist and radio presenter
Wikipedia - Hope Loring -- English screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hopper (band) -- English indie rock band
Wikipedia - Horace Batchelor -- English gambling advertiser
Wikipedia - Horace Beevor Love -- English painter
Wikipedia - Horace Brearley -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Horace Gray (cricketer) -- English cricketer, educator, and clergyman
Wikipedia - Horace Hart -- English printer and biographer (1840-1916)
Wikipedia - Horace Lamb -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Horace Peacock -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Horace Waller (activist) -- English anti-slavery activist, missionary and clergyman
Wikipedia - Horace Walpole -- 18th-century English writer, art historian, man of letters, antiquarian and Whig politician
Wikipedia - Horace Wass -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Horatio Bottomley -- English financier, journalist, editor, newspaper proprietor, swindler, and Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - Horatio Hildyard -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Horse Shoe Brewery -- Former English brewery
Wikipedia - Hotel du Lac -- 1984 novel by English writer Anita Brookner
Wikipedia - Hot Leg -- English glam metal band
Wikipedia - House of Lancaster -- English noble family
Wikipedia - House of Lords Yacht Club -- English yacht club
Wikipedia - House of Tudor -- English royal house of Welsh origin
Wikipedia - House of York -- Cadet branch of the English royal House of Plantagenet
Wikipedia - Howard Brenton -- English playwright
Wikipedia - Howard Cavanagh -- English architect
Wikipedia - Howard Clewes -- English screenwriter
Wikipedia - Howard Donald -- English singer and DJ
Wikipedia - Howard Fowler -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Howard Gaunt -- English cricketer, schoolmaster, and clergyman
Wikipedia - Howard Linskey -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Howard Parkes -- English athlete
Wikipedia - Howard Staunton -- 19th-century English chess master and Shakespearean scholar
Wikipedia - How Many Miles to Babylon? -- English language nursery rhyme
Wikipedia - How much wood would a woodchuck chuck -- American English language tongue-twister
Wikipedia - How Stands the Glass Around -- English folk song
Wikipedia - H. Reeves-Smith -- English actor
Wikipedia - H. Rider Haggard -- English adventure novelist
Wikipedia - Hrvy -- English singer and television presenter
Wikipedia - H. T. Waghorn -- English cricket statistician and historian
Wikipedia - Hubert J. Foss -- English pianist, composer, and book editor
Wikipedia - Hubert Martineau -- English cricketer and cricket patron
Wikipedia - Hubert Parry -- English composer
Wikipedia - Hubert Watson -- English cricketer and colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Hudson Stuck -- English priest and mountain climber
Wikipedia - Hugh Aglionby -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Hugh Allen (conductor) -- English musician and academic
Wikipedia - Hugh Atwell -- English actor
Wikipedia - Hugh Bateman-Champain -- English cricketer and Indian Army officer
Wikipedia - Hugh Blair (composer) -- English composer and organist (1864-1932)
Wikipedia - Hugh Bomford -- English cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - Hugh Bompas -- English cricketer, barrister, military aviator and civil servant
Wikipedia - Hugh Butterworth -- English cricketer and school teacher
Wikipedia - Hugh Cartwright -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Hugh Comyn -- English civil servant and sportsman
Wikipedia - Hugh Conway -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Hugh Dancy -- English actor
Wikipedia - Hugh Darwen -- English academic and writer about computers
Wikipedia - Hugh de Morville of Burgh -- 12th-13th century English noble
Wikipedia - Hugh Despenser (died 1374) -- 14th century English nobleman
Wikipedia - Hugh de Vere, 1st Baron Vere -- 14th century English nobleman
Wikipedia - Hugh Dinwiddy -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Hugh Fraser, 5th Lord Lovat -- 16th century English noble
Wikipedia - Hugh Gillett -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Hugh Goldie -- English theatre director
Wikipedia - Hugh Grant -- English actor
Wikipedia - Hugh Hartley Lawrie -- English politician
Wikipedia - Hugh Hastings III -- 14th century English noble
Wikipedia - Hugh Hastings II -- 14th century English noble
Wikipedia - Hugh Hawker -- English Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - Hugh Kellyk -- English composer
Wikipedia - Hugh Laurie -- English actor, comedian, writer, musician and director
Wikipedia - Hugh Lowther, 5th Earl of Lonsdale -- English peer and sportsman
Wikipedia - Hugh Morres -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Hugh Percy, 1st Duke of Northumberland -- English peer, landowner, and art patron
Wikipedia - Hugh Percy (bishop) -- 19th-century English Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - Hugh Powell -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Hugh Priestley -- English cricketer and stockbroker
Wikipedia - Hugh Sells -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Hugh Spottiswoode -- English cricketer, printer, and businessman
Wikipedia - Hugh Tucker -- English politician
Wikipedia - Hugh van Cutsem -- English landowner, banker, businessman and horse-breeder
Wikipedia - Hugh Walpole -- English writer
Wikipedia - Hugh Westwood -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Hugh Whitby -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Hugh Whitemore -- English playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hugh Willoughby -- English polar explorer
Wikipedia - Hugh Wood (cricketer) -- English cricketer, teacher, and priest
Wikipedia - Hugo Award for Best Novella -- Literary award for science fiction or fantasy short novels in English
Wikipedia - Hugo Award for Best Novel -- Literary award for science fiction or fantasy novels in English
Wikipedia - Humphrey Bishop -- English politician
Wikipedia - Humphrey Bradley -- English land drainage engineer
Wikipedia - Humphrey Cavell -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Humphrey Colles -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester -- 15th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Humphrey Gilbert -- English explorer, politician and soldier
Wikipedia - Humphrey Lloyd (by 1498 - 1562 or later) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Humphrey Moseley (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Humphrey Primatt -- English clergyman and animal rights writer
Wikipedia - Humphrey Smith (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Humphrey Stafford, 1st Duke of Buckingham -- English military leader in the Hundred Years' War and the Wars of the Roses, 1402-1460
Wikipedia - Humphrey Weld (of Lulworth) -- English lawyer and public official
Wikipedia - Humphry Greenwood -- English ichthyologist
Wikipedia - Humphry Wakefield -- English baronet and expert on antiques and architecture
Wikipedia - Humza Arshad -- English actor and comedian (born 1985)
Wikipedia - Huna of Thorney -- 7th-century English saint
Wikipedia - Hunter Muskett -- English folk-rock band
Wikipedia - Hurts -- English synthpop duo
Wikipedia - Huxley Pig -- English television series
Wikipedia - H. W. Stevenson -- English world champion billiards player
Wikipedia - Hylda Sims -- English folk musician and poet
Wikipedia - Hyper-injunctions in English law -- Form of superinjunction
Wikipedia - Hypophora -- Type of English Language Figure of Speech
Wikipedia - Iain Bell -- English composer
Wikipedia - Iain Pyman -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Ian Abercrombie -- English-American actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Ian Allan (publisher) -- English publisher
Wikipedia - Ian Anstruther -- English peer and history writer
Wikipedia - Ian Blackwell -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Ian Bousfield -- English trombonist
Wikipedia - Ian Carmichael on stage, screen and radio -- English actor
Wikipedia - Ian Cole (karateka) -- English kareteka
Wikipedia - Ian Garbutt -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Ian Gibbons (musician) -- English keyboardist
Wikipedia - Ian Gibson (cricketer) -- English cricketer and doctor
Wikipedia - Ian Gillan -- English rock singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Ian Hamilton (critic) -- English writer
Wikipedia - Ian Harwood -- English lutenist
Wikipedia - Ian Hendry -- English actor
Wikipedia - Ian Jones (sportsman, born 1934) -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Ian McGuire -- English author
Wikipedia - Ian McKellen, roles and awards -- Cataloging of performances and honors by the English filmmaker
Wikipedia - Ian McKellen -- English actor
Wikipedia - Ian McMillan (poet) -- English poet, journalist, playwright, broadcaster (born 1956)
Wikipedia - Ian McShane -- English actor
Wikipedia - Ian Mosey -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Ian Read (musician) -- English musician
Wikipedia - Ian R. Gibbons -- English biophysicist and cell biologist
Wikipedia - Ian Robertson (businessman) -- English automotive executive
Wikipedia - Ian Salisbury -- English cricketer and cricket coach
Wikipedia - Ian Shaw (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Ian Stuart Donaldson -- English musician, singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Ian Tapp -- English sound engineer
Wikipedia - Ian Wakenshaw -- English wheelchair curler
Wikipedia - Ian Wallace (singer) -- English operatic singer and actor
Wikipedia - Ian Ward (cricketer) -- English cricketer and commentator
Wikipedia - Ian Weatherhead -- English watercolour artist
Wikipedia - Ian Whitcomb -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Ian Williamson -- English former professional snooker and English billiards player
Wikipedia - I. A. Richards -- English literary critic and rhetorician
Wikipedia - I before E except after C -- Mnemonic rule of thumb for English spelling
Wikipedia - ID10T with Chris Hardwick -- American English-language podcast
Wikipedia - Ida Maclean -- English biochemist
Wikipedia - Ida Mann -- English-Australian ophthalmologist
Wikipedia - IDER (band) -- English singer-songwriter duo
Wikipedia - I'd Fly -- English-language version of Richard Cocciante's French song "Pour Elle"
Wikipedia - Idles -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Idris Elba -- English actor, producer, DJ, rapper, and singer
Wikipedia - If wishes were horses, beggars would ride -- English proverb and nursery rhyme
Wikipedia - Ikey Solomon -- English criminal
Wikipedia - Ilbert II de Lacy -- 12th century English noble
Wikipedia - Imelda Staunton -- English actress and singer
Wikipedia - I Melt with You -- 1982 single by Modern English
Wikipedia - Imogen Heap -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Imogen Holst -- 20th-century English composer, arranger, conductor, and teacher
Wikipedia - Impeachment in the United Kingdom -- Ancient English/UK parliamentary procedure
Wikipedia - Imran Mahmood -- English novelist
Wikipedia - In a Station of the Metro -- Imagist poem in English by Ezra Pound published in 1913
Wikipedia - Indemnity and Oblivion Act -- Act pandoning crimes during the English Civil War and Interregnum
Wikipedia - India Ahead -- Indian English language news channel
Wikipedia - Indian English literature -- Literature written in English by Indians
Wikipedia - Indian English -- Group of English dialects spoken primarily in the Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - Indian massacre of 1622 -- Assault by Virginia Indians on English plantations along the James River in the Colony of Virginia
Wikipedia - Indian Summer (poem) -- English poem by Indian poet Jayanta Mahapatra
Wikipedia - Indica Watson -- English actress
Wikipedia - Indira Varma -- English actress
Wikipedia - Influence of French on English
Wikipedia - Ingram de Balliol -- 13th century English noble
Wikipedia - Ingram de Percy -- 13th century English noble
Wikipedia - Inigo Jackson -- English actor
Wikipedia - Inigo Jones -- 16th/17th-century English architect
Wikipedia - Initial Teaching Alphabet -- Aid for teaching English reading
Wikipedia - Inland Northern American English
Wikipedia - Innes Hope Pearse -- English medical practitioner and biologist
Wikipedia - Insanity in English law
Wikipedia - Insular G -- Form of the letter g used in Insular fonts in the Old English alphabet
Wikipedia - Intendant (government official) -- Term for public official in non-English-speaking countries
Wikipedia - International Baptist Convention -- Association of English-speaking Baptist churches in Africa, Europe and the Middle East
Wikipedia - International Commission on English in the Liturgy
Wikipedia - International Corpus of English
Wikipedia - International English Language Testing System -- Test for learners of English as a second language
Wikipedia - International English -- English language as a global means of communication in numerous dialects
Wikipedia - Intonation in English
Wikipedia - Invasion of Jamaica -- 1655 invasion of Jamaica by the English
Wikipedia - Iona Heath -- English medical doctor and writer
Wikipedia - Ionicus -- English illustrator and cartoonist
Wikipedia - Ipswich Borough Council -- English local authority
Wikipedia - Irie Hill -- English pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Irish Blood, English Heart -- 2004 single by Morrissey
Wikipedia - Irish Ghost, English Accent -- 2010 book by Graham Jones
Wikipedia - Irish literature -- Writings in the Irish, English (including UIster Scots) and Latin languages, primarily on the island of Ireland
Wikipedia - Iris Mouzer -- English shot putter
Wikipedia - Iron Maiden discography -- Cataloging of published recordings by English heavy metal band Iron Maiden
Wikipedia - Iron Maiden -- English heavy metal band
Wikipedia - Irregardless -- Word in the English Language
Wikipedia - Irvine Butterfield -- English environmentalist, hillwalker and author (1936-2009)
Wikipedia - Irving Feldman -- American poet and professor of English
Wikipedia - Irving Rosenwater -- English cricket researcher and author
Wikipedia - Isaac Barrow -- English Christian theologian, and mathematician
Wikipedia - Isaac Burney Yeo -- English physician and writer
Wikipedia - Isaac Buxton -- English physician
Wikipedia - Isaac Chauncy -- English dissenting minister
Wikipedia - Isaac Hawkins Browne (coal owner) -- English politician and industrialist
Wikipedia - Isaac Hempstead Wright -- English actor
Wikipedia - Isaac Nathan -- English composer
Wikipedia - Isaac Reed -- 18th/19th-century English Shakespearean editor
Wikipedia - Isaac Spackman -- English painter
Wikipedia - Isabel Agnes Cowper -- English wood engraver and photographer
Wikipedia - Isabel Burton -- English writer, explorer and adventurer
Wikipedia - Isabel Dean -- English film and television actress
Wikipedia - Isabella Beeton -- English journalist, publisher and writer
Wikipedia - Isabella Blake-Thomas -- English actress
Wikipedia - Isabella Blow -- English magazine editor
Wikipedia - Isabella Calthorpe -- English socialite, actress and model
Wikipedia - Isabella, Countess of Bedford -- 14th-century English princess and noblewoman
Wikipedia - Isabella Markham -- 16th-century English lady-in-waiting
Wikipedia - Isabelle Allen -- English actress
Wikipedia - Isabelle Amyes -- English actress
Wikipedia - Isabel Neville, Duchess of Clarence -- 15th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Isa Briones -- English-born American actor and singer
Wikipedia - Isidore de Lara -- English composer and singer (1858-1935)
Wikipedia - ISIS Neutron and Muon Source -- English physics research facility
Wikipedia - Isobel English -- British writer
Wikipedia - Isobelle Molloy -- English actress
Wikipedia - Isobel Mary White -- English-Australian anthropologist
Wikipedia - Isobel Steele -- English actress
Wikipedia - Israel Aduramo -- English actor
Wikipedia - Isy Suttie -- English comedian and actress
Wikipedia - Ivan Greenberg -- English journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Ivan Sharrock -- English sound engineer
Wikipedia - Ivo de Morville -- 13th century English noble
Wikipedia - Ivo de Vesci -- 11th century English noble
Wikipedia - Ivor Barnard -- English actor
Wikipedia - Ivor Gilliat -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Ivor Newton -- English classical pianist
Wikipedia - Ivor Smith (architect) -- English architect
Wikipedia - Ivy Compton-Burnett -- English novelist (1884-1969)
Wikipedia - Iyaric -- Created dialect of English used by the Rastafari movement
Wikipedia - Izaak Walton -- 17th-century English author and biographer
Wikipedia - Izzy Bizu -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - J. A. Bailey -- English cricketer and administrator
Wikipedia - Jack Agazarian -- English espionage agent
Wikipedia - Jack and the Beanstalk -- English folktale closely associated with the tale of "Jack the Giant-killer"
Wikipedia - Jack Asher -- English cinematographer
Wikipedia - Jack Barley -- English cricketer and colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Jack Binstead -- English actor, comedian, and retired athlete
Wikipedia - Jack Brymer -- English clarinettist
Wikipedia - Jack Busson -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jack Carr (billiards player) -- 19th Century player of English billiards
Wikipedia - Jack Carroll (comedian) -- English comedian and actor
Wikipedia - Jack Coggins -- English painter
Wikipedia - Jack Cutmore-Scott -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jack Foster (cricketer) -- English cricketer and army officer
Wikipedia - Jack Hall (song) -- Traditional song about an English criminal
Wikipedia - Jack Hargreaves (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jack Hayward -- English businessman
Wikipedia - Jack Howarth (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jackie Lomax -- English guitarist and singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Jackie Trent -- English singer-songwriter and actress
Wikipedia - Jack Ketch -- English executioner
Wikipedia - Jack Lewis, Baron Lewis of Newnham -- English chemist
Wikipedia - Jack McMullen -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jack Oke -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jack Rowe (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jack Senior -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jack Sharp -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Jack Shepherd (actor) -- English actor, playwright, theatre director, musician
Wikipedia - Jack Sheppard -- English thief and prison escapee
Wikipedia - Jack Singh Brar -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Jack Smart (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Test match umpire
Wikipedia - Jack Smethurst -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jack Standing -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jack Taylor (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jack Ward -- English pirate
Wikipedia - Jack Warner (actor) -- English actor (1895-1981)
Wikipedia - Jack Whitehall -- English comedian, television presenter and actor
Wikipedia - Jack Wolstenholme -- English cricketer and storekeeper
Wikipedia - Jacob Anderson -- English actor and singer
Wikipedia - Jacob Banks -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Jacob Bobart the Younger -- English botanist (1641-1719)
Wikipedia - Jacob Dudman -- English actior
Wikipedia - Jacobean era -- Period in English and Scottish culture corresponding to the reign of James VI and I
Wikipedia - Jacob Hall (pirate) -- English buccaneer
Wikipedia - Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild -- English peer, investment banker and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Jacob Scipio -- English actor and writer
Wikipedia - Jacob Thompson (painter) -- English landscape painter
Wikipedia - Jacqueline Leonard -- English television, film and theatre actress
Wikipedia - Jacqueline Winspear -- English mystery writer (b1955)
Wikipedia - Jacqui Agyepong -- English hurdler
Wikipedia - Jacquie O'Sullivan -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Jacqui Parker -- English hurdler
Wikipedia - Jade Anouka -- English actress and poet
Wikipedia - Jade Bird -- English singer
Wikipedia - Jade Goody -- English reality television personality
Wikipedia - Jade Jagger -- English model
Wikipedia - Jael Pye -- 18th-century English writer
Wikipedia - Jaime Murray -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jake Graf -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jake Weber -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jamaican English Creole
Wikipedia - Jamaican English
Wikipedia - Jamaican Patois -- English-based creole language spoken in Jamaica
Wikipedia - Jamali Maddix -- English stand-up comedian
Wikipedia - James Acaster -- English comedian
Wikipedia - James Agg-Gardner -- English brewery-owner and politician
Wikipedia - James Aitken (priest) -- English clergyman and sportsman
Wikipedia - James Alexandrou -- English actor
Wikipedia - James Anthony Froude -- English historian, novelist, biographer, and editor of Fraser's Magazine (1818-1894)
Wikipedia - James Arthur -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - James Ayscough -- English optician and designer and maker of scientific instruments
Wikipedia - James Baker Pyne -- English Artist
Wikipedia - James Barbut -- English painter and naturalist
Wikipedia - James Batley -- English golfer
Wikipedia - James B. Cook -- English-born American architect
Wikipedia - James Belcher -- English bare-knuckle fighter
Wikipedia - James Bindley -- 18th/19th-century English official, antiquary, and book collector
Wikipedia - James Bisse -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - James Blake (musician) -- English singer-songwriter, and record producer from London
Wikipedia - James Bland -- English-born Anglican priest in Ireland
Wikipedia - James Blount, 6th Baron Mountjoy -- 16th-century English peer
Wikipedia - James Blunt -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - James Boaden -- 18th/19th-century English biographer, dramatist, and journalist
Wikipedia - James Bodell -- English-born soldier, businessman, local politician and writer from New Zealand
Wikipedia - James Booth -- English actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - James Bradley -- English astronomer; Astronomer Royal
Wikipedia - James Brande -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - James Brindley -- English canal engineer
Wikipedia - James Brockway -- English poet
Wikipedia - James Bromley -- English mezzotint-engraver
Wikipedia - James Brooks (architect) -- English architect
Wikipedia - James Bunce (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - James Burbage -- 16th-century English theatre impresario
Wikipedia - James Burbeary -- English cricketeer
Wikipedia - James Bush (sportsman) -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - James Callis -- English actor
Wikipedia - James Campbell McInnes -- English singer and teacher (1874-1945)
Wikipedia - James Casey (variety artist) -- English radio producer
Wikipedia - James Chadwick -- English physicist
Wikipedia - James Chudleigh -- English Civil War military officer
Wikipedia - James Clark (artist) -- English painter (1858-1943)
Wikipedia - James Clark (horticulturist) -- English market gardener and horticulturist
Wikipedia - James Clayton (priest) -- English priest
Wikipedia - James Colbrand -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - James Cooksey Culwick -- English musician, founder of Dublin's Orpheus Choir
Wikipedia - James Corden -- English actor, singer, comedian, and television host
Wikipedia - James Cossins -- English character actor
Wikipedia - James Croft -- English politician, Lord Deputy of Ireland
Wikipedia - James Dale (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - James Dalton (MP for Saltash) -- English politician
Wikipedia - James Daly (English politician) -- British Conservative politician
Wikipedia - James Deacon (artist) -- English miniature-painter
Wikipedia - James Delingpole -- English writer
Wikipedia - James Dewar (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - James Digman Wingfield -- English painter
Wikipedia - James Doherty (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - James Dyer -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - James Edmeades -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - James Edward Smith -- English botanist (1759-1828)
Wikipedia - James Elroy Flecker -- English poet
Wikipedia - James Farrar -- English poet
Wikipedia - James Fellowes (cricketer) -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - James F. English Jr. -- American college president
Wikipedia - James Fiennes, 1st Baron Saye and Sele -- 15th-century English soldier and politician
Wikipedia - James Figgins -- English Conservative politician
Wikipedia - James Ford (musician) -- English composer, musician, and record producer
Wikipedia - James Forrest (adventurer) -- English adventurer
Wikipedia - James Forster (poison pen letter writer) -- English poison pen letter writer
Wikipedia - James Foster (cricketer, born 1980) -- English cricketer and cricket coach
Wikipedia - James Fox -- English actor
Wikipedia - James Frain -- English stage and screen actor
Wikipedia - James Francis Doyle -- English architect
Wikipedia - James Francis Edward Stuart -- Pretender to the English throne
Wikipedia - James Francis Hatfield Harter -- English landowner and administrator
Wikipedia - James Frith (bowls) -- English bowls player
Wikipedia - James Godwyn -- English politician
Wikipedia - James Granger -- English clergyman and writer
Wikipedia - James Guise -- English cricketer and solicitor
Wikipedia - James Hall (gymnast) -- English artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - James Halliwell-Phillipps -- English Shakespeare scholar, antiquarian, and a collector of English nursery rhymes and fairy tales (1820-1889)
Wikipedia - James Hannen, Baron Hannen -- English judge and vegetarian
Wikipedia - James Hannington -- 19th-century English Anglican missionary and saint
Wikipedia - James Hawker -- English poacher
Wikipedia - James Heartfield -- English writer and former lecturer
Wikipedia - James Heath (golfer) -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - James Henry Savory -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - James Hepworth -- English golfer
Wikipedia - James Holden (producer) -- English disc jockey of electronic music
Wikipedia - James Horsewell -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - James Hoste -- English politician
Wikipedia - James Humphreys (pornographer) -- English operator of adult book shops and strip clubs in London in the 1960s and 1970s
Wikipedia - James Jago -- English physician
Wikipedia - James John Joicey -- English amateur entomologist (1870-1932)
Wikipedia - James John Walker (entomologist) -- English entomologist
Wikipedia - James Joicey, 1st Baron Joicey -- English coal magnate and politician (1846-1936)
Wikipedia - James Jones (cricketer, born 1870) -- English cricketer, born 1878
Wikipedia - James J. Williams -- English-American photographer
Wikipedia - James Kent (composer) -- English organist and composer (1700-1776)
Wikipedia - James Kenyon (politician) -- English woollen manufacturer and politician
Wikipedia - James Kirton (died 1620) -- English politician
Wikipedia - James Knight (explorer) -- English explorer and HBC director
Wikipedia - James Laidlaw Maxwell Jr -- English missionary
Wikipedia - James Lamb (orientalist) -- English orientalist
Wikipedia - James Leaf -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - James Leasor -- English novelist
Wikipedia - James Ley, 1st Earl of Marlborough -- English politician and judge
Wikipedia - James Leyburn -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - James Lillywhite -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - James Lovelock -- English scientist, environmentalist and futurist
Wikipedia - James Mardall -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - James Margetson -- English-born Church of Ireland archbishop
Wikipedia - James Marriott (author) -- English film critic, writer and editor
Wikipedia - James Marsh (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - James Marvyn -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - James Mason -- English actor (1909-1984)
Wikipedia - James May -- English television presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - James McGaul -- English businessman and politician
Wikipedia - James McInerny (cricketer) -- English cricketer, chemist, academic
Wikipedia - James McSweeney -- English boxer and MMA fighter
Wikipedia - James Moore (cyclist) -- English bicycle racer
Wikipedia - James Morice -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - James Morrison (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - James Morrison (singer) -- English singer, songwriter, and guitarist from Warwickshire
Wikipedia - James Murray (English actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - James Nash (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - James Northcote (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - James Norton (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - James Ockenden -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jameson Thomas -- English actor
Wikipedia - James Payn -- English novelist
Wikipedia - James Pennethorne -- English architect and planner
Wikipedia - James Plumptre -- 18th/19th-century English priest and academic
Wikipedia - James Powell and Sons -- English glassmaking company
Wikipedia - James Prescott Joule -- English physicist and brewer
Wikipedia - James Prinsep -- English scholar, orientalist and antiquary
Wikipedia - James Purefoy -- English actor
Wikipedia - James Pycroft -- English priest and cricket writer
Wikipedia - James Rebanks -- English writer and sheep farmer
Wikipedia - James Richardson (presenter) -- English television presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - James Rogers (cricketer) -- English cricketer and solicitor
Wikipedia - James Runcie -- English novelist, documentary filmmaker, television producer, and playwright
Wikipedia - James Ruth -- English golfer
Wikipedia - James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth -- English nobleman and soldier (1649-1685)
Wikipedia - James Sherlock (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - James Shirley -- 17th-century English poet and playwright
Wikipedia - James Simpson (academic) -- English language academic
Wikipedia - James Skinner (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - James Smith (priest) -- 17th-century English Anglican priest and poet
Wikipedia - James Smith (writer) -- English writer
Wikipedia - James Spens (British Army officer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - James Stanier Clarke -- English cleric and naval author
Wikipedia - James Stansfield Collier -- English neurologist
Wikipedia - James Stumpe -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - James Thatcher (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - James Thomas Sadler -- English sailor and murder suspect
Wikipedia - James Thompson (fighter) -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - James Thorne (preacher) -- English Methodist Bible Christian preacher
Wikipedia - James Tibbits Willmore -- English engraver
Wikipedia - James Townsend (New Zealand settler) -- English cricketer and New Zealand settler
Wikipedia - James Traill (cricketer) -- English cricketer, barrister
Wikipedia - James Trewynnard -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - James Tyrrell -- 15th and 16th-century English knight
Wikipedia - James, Viscount Severn -- 21st-century English nobleman and member of the royal family
Wikipedia - James Wallis (English politician) -- English politician
Wikipedia - James Walton (inventor) -- English card clothing manufacturer
Wikipedia - James Walton (MP for Preston) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - James Ward (psychologist) -- English psychologist
Wikipedia - James Warnecombe -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - James Watson Corder -- English historian
Wikipedia - James Waylen (artist) -- 19th-century English painter
Wikipedia - James Webbe -- English politician
Wikipedia - James West (golfer) -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - James Whale (radio presenter) -- English radio DJ (born 1951)
Wikipedia - James Whale -- English film director
Wikipedia - James Wilby -- English actor
Wikipedia - James Wilks -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - James Wilson Carmichael -- English marine painter
Wikipedia - James Wiseman (cricketer) -- English cricketer, British Army officer
Wikipedia - James Woodhouse, 1st Baron Terrington -- English Liberal politician
Wikipedia - James Wright (antiquarian) -- 17th/18th-century English antiquarian and writer
Wikipedia - James Wroughton -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - James Yates (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Indian Army officer
Wikipedia - Jamie Allen (priest) -- English Anglican priest
Wikipedia - Jamie Anderson (producer) -- English producer, director and writer
Wikipedia - Jamie Bell -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jamie Dalrymple -- English cricket player
Wikipedia - Jamie Demetriou -- English-Cypriot actor
Wikipedia - Jamie Dorrington -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jamie Elson -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jamie Ford (cricketer) -- English cricketer and business executive
Wikipedia - Jamie Foreman -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jamie Harding -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jamie Hewlett -- English comic book artist, designer, and director
Wikipedia - Jamie Laing -- English television personality and actor
Wikipedia - Jamie Moul -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Jamie Shillcock -- English rugby union fly-half
Wikipedia - Jamie Spence -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jamie T -- English singer
Wikipedia - Jane Andrews -- English Royal dresser and murderer
Wikipedia - Jane Asher -- English actress, author, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Jane Austen -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Jane Birkin -- English recording artist, actress, and model
Wikipedia - Jane Booker -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jane Cameron -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jane Cave -- Welsh poet writing in English
Wikipedia - Jane Clarke (scientist) -- English biochemist and academic
Wikipedia - Jane Cobden -- English suffragist
Wikipedia - Jane Collier -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Jane English (academic) -- American physicist
Wikipedia - Jane Furniss-Shields -- English athlete
Wikipedia - Jane Gibson -- English biochemist
Wikipedia - Jane Goodall -- English primatologist and anthropologist
Wikipedia - Jane Gurnett -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jane Hawking -- English author and teacher
Wikipedia - Jane Hazlegrove -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jane Joseph -- 20th-century English composer
Wikipedia - Jane Leeves -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jane March -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jane McDonald -- English singer and television presenter
Wikipedia - Jane Morris -- English embroiderer and artists' model
Wikipedia - Jane Rogers -- English novelist and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Jane Scott, Baroness Scott of Bybrook -- English Conservative politician
Wikipedia - Jane Smith (diver) -- English diver
Wikipedia - Jane Statham -- 15th-16th c. English gentry
Wikipedia - Janet Davies (actress) -- English actress
Wikipedia - Janet Okell -- English professional wargamer
Wikipedia - Janette Scott -- English actress
Wikipedia - Janet Welch -- English physician
Wikipedia - Jane Williams (missionary) -- English missionary
Wikipedia - Jane Wynne -- English paediatrician
Wikipedia - Jane Yardley -- English author
Wikipedia - Jan Francis -- English actress
Wikipedia - Janice Argyle -- English kareteka
Wikipedia - Janice Francis -- English martial artist
Wikipedia - Janine Whitlock -- English pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Jan Mark -- English writer
Wikipedia - Jan McLelland -- English dermatologist
Wikipedia - Jan Stewer -- English author
Wikipedia - Jan Wilson -- English politician
Wikipedia - Jared Curtis -- Professor Emeritus of English
Wikipedia - Jarvis Cocker -- English musician, singer-songwriter, radio presenter and editor
Wikipedia - Jasmyn Banks -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jason Barrett -- English actor and mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Jason Bell (photographer) -- English photographer
Wikipedia - Jason Bonham -- English drummer
Wikipedia - Jason de la PeM-CM-1a -- English cricketer and journalist
Wikipedia - Jason Kerr (cricketer) -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Jason Manford -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Jason Merrells -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jason Orange -- English singer-songwriter, dancer, musician and actor
Wikipedia - Jason Palmer (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jason Pierce -- English singer-songwriter and guitarist
Wikipedia - Jason Queally -- English track cyclist (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Jason Statham -- English actor, film producer, martial artist and former diver
Wikipedia - Jason Tan -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Jason Tougaw -- Author and professor of English
Wikipedia - Jason Young (fighter) -- English mixed martial artist
Wikipedia - Jasper Conran -- English fashion designer
Wikipedia - Jasper Culpeper -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Jax Jones -- English DJ, songwriter and record producer
Wikipedia - Jay1 -- English rapper
Wikipedia - Jay Diggins -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Jayne Torvill -- English ice skater
Wikipedia - Jaz Coleman -- English musician
Wikipedia - Jazzy De Lisser -- English actress
Wikipedia - J. Barbour and Sons -- English luxury fashion brand
Wikipedia - J Blakeson -- English film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - J. B. Morton -- English humorous writer
Wikipedia - J. B. Priestley -- English writer
Wikipedia - J. Bruce Ismay -- English businessman
Wikipedia - J. Desmond Clark -- English archaeologist
Wikipedia - Jean Alexander -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jean Boht -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jean Dollimore -- English computer scientist
Wikipedia - Jean Forbes-Robertson -- English actress (1905-1962)
Wikipedia - Jean Ginsburg -- English physician and physiologist
Wikipedia - Jean Grove -- English geographer
Wikipedia - Jean-Jacques Burnel -- English singer and bassist
Wikipedia - Jean Kent -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jean le Sellier -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Jean Marsh -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jean Middlemass -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Jean Mitchell -- English geographer
Wikipedia - Jeannie Mole -- English trade union organizer
Wikipedia - Jean Purdy -- English nurse
Wikipedia - Jean Shrimpton -- English model and actress
Wikipedia - Jean Ure -- English children's author
Wikipedia - Jeff Beck -- English rock guitarist
Wikipedia - Jeff Hall (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jeff Mirza -- English comedian and actor
Wikipedia - Jeff Rawle -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Archer -- English author and former politician
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Gilbert (judge) -- 18th-century English judge and Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer in England and Ireland
Wikipedia - Jellied eels -- 18th century English dish
Wikipedia - Jemima Kirke -- English-American artist, actress and director
Wikipedia - Jem Ward -- English bare knuckle boxer and artist
Wikipedia - Jennifer Dawson -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Jennifer Foster -- English scholar
Wikipedia - Jennifer Lash -- English novelist and painter
Wikipedia - Jennifer Metcalfe -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jennifer Saunders -- English comedienne, screenwriter, actress and teacher
Wikipedia - Jennifer Veal -- English actress, YouTuber, and comedian
Wikipedia - Jenny Boyd -- English model
Wikipedia - Jenny Clack -- English paleontologist
Wikipedia - Jenny Harries -- English physician
Wikipedia - Jenny Hill (music hall performer) -- English music hall performer
Wikipedia - Jenny Lee Smith -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jenny Rainsford -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jenny Ryan -- English quizzer
Wikipedia - Jenny Seagrove -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jeremiah Clarke -- English baroque composer and organist (c1674-1707)
Wikipedia - Jeremy Brett -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jeremy Bulloch -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jeremy Clarkson -- English broadcaster, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Jeremy Clyde -- English actor and musician
Wikipedia - Jeremy Dale Roberts -- English composer
Wikipedia - Jeremy Edwards -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jeremy Gray -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Jeremy Healy -- English musician
Wikipedia - Jeremy Irons -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jeremy Kemp -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jeremy Kyle -- English radio and television presenter
Wikipedia - Jeremy Lloyds -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Jeremy Robinson (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jeremy Sinden -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jeremy Vine -- English journalist and radio presenter
Wikipedia - Jerome Atkinson -- English kareteka
Wikipedia - Jerome Flynn -- English actor and singer
Wikipedia - Jerome K. Jerome -- English humorist (1859-1927)
Wikipedia - Jerry Abershawe -- English highwayman
Wikipedia - Jerry Desmonde -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jerusalem Bible -- 1966 Catholic English translation of the Bible
Wikipedia - Jesse Foot -- English surgeon and writer
Wikipedia - Jess Glynne -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Jessica Brown Findlay -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jessica Fostekew -- English stand-up comedian
Wikipedia - Jessica Fox (actress) -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jessica Kellgren-Fozard -- English YouTuber
Wikipedia - Jessica Knappett -- English actress and writer
Wikipedia - Jessica Learmonth -- English triathlete
Wikipedia - Jessica Mann -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Jessica Martin -- English entertainer (born 1962)
Wikipedia - Jessica Raine -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jessica Revell -- English actress and singer
Wikipedia - Jessica Turner -- English hurdler
Wikipedia - Jessie Bond -- English singer and actor
Wikipedia - Jessie J -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Jessie Knight (athlete) -- English hurdler
Wikipedia - Jessie Matthews -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jessie Wallace -- English actress
Wikipedia - Jessie Ware -- English singer, songwriter, philanthropist, and broadcaster from London
Wikipedia - Jess Wright -- English television personality, model, singer and businesswoman
Wikipedia - Jesus Jones -- English alternative rock band
Wikipedia - Jet Black -- English rock drummer
Wikipedia - Jet Harris -- English musician
Wikipedia - Jethro Tull (agriculturist) -- English agricultural pioneer, who assisted the British Agricultural Revolution
Wikipedia - Jevon O'Neill -- English film director
Wikipedia - Jewish Broadcasting Service -- American English-language Jewish-oriented television network
Wikipedia - J. F. Johnston -- English golfer
Wikipedia - J. G. Ballard -- English writer
Wikipedia - J. Hastings Batson -- English actor
Wikipedia - J. H. A. Tremenheere -- Indian-born English cricketer and colonial officer
Wikipedia - Jill Adams -- English actress, artist and fashion model
Wikipedia - Jill Dando -- English journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Jill Frappier -- English-Canadian voice actress
Wikipedia - Jillian Toney -- English kareteka
Wikipedia - Jill Martin -- English musical theatre actress
Wikipedia - Jill Paton Walsh -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Jilly Cooper -- English author
Wikipedia - Jim Allen (playwright) -- English playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jim Capaldi -- English musician and songwriter
Wikipedia - Jim Carter (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jim Crowley (jockey) -- English jockey
Wikipedia - Jim Goddard -- English film director
Wikipedia - Jimi Manuwa -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Jim Lombard -- English-born American politician
Wikipedia - Jimmie Nicol -- English drummer
Wikipedia - Jimmy Bullard -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Jimmy Gardner (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jimmy Hibbert -- English writer and actor
Wikipedia - Jimmy Hitchcock (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jimmy Mullen (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jimmy Nail -- English guitarist, singer-songwriter, actor, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jimmy Napes -- English songwriter and record producer
Wikipedia - Jimmy Perry -- English writer, scriptwriter, producer, author and actor
Wikipedia - Jimmy Savile sexual abuse scandal -- Sexual assault allegations against English media personality
Wikipedia - Jimmy Savile -- English DJ and media personality
Wikipedia - Jim Payne (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jim Rhodes (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jim Sturgess -- English actor and singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Jim Troughton -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Jim Wallhead -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Jim Wiggins (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jinny (wrestler) -- English professional wrestler and actor
Wikipedia - J. K. Rowling -- English novelist
Wikipedia - J. L. Austin -- English philosopher
Wikipedia - JLS -- English pop/R&B group formed in 2007
Wikipedia - J. Morewood Dowsett -- English big-game hunter, naturalist and writer
Wikipedia - Joachim Steetz -- English naturalist and botanist (1804-1862)
Wikipedia - Joan Aiken -- English writer
Wikipedia - Joan Barry (British actress) -- English actress
Wikipedia - Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland -- 14th/15th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Joan Benham -- English actress
Wikipedia - Joan Clarke -- English cryptanalyst
Wikipedia - Joan Dant -- English pedlar and benefactor
Wikipedia - Joan Dix -- English figure skater
Wikipedia - Joan Elan -- English actress (1928-1981)
Wikipedia - Joan Grant -- English author
Wikipedia - Joan Kent -- English author
Wikipedia - Joanna Charlotte Davy -- English botanist, botanical collector and painter
Wikipedia - Joanna McCallum -- English film actress
Wikipedia - Joanne Clifton -- English professional dancer, presenter, actress, and singer
Wikipedia - Joanne Duncan (athlete) -- English shot putter
Wikipedia - Joanne Morley -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Joanne Mulliner -- English athlete
Wikipedia - Joanne Whalley -- English actress
Wikipedia - Joan of Acre -- 13th and 14th-century English princess and noblewoman
Wikipedia - Joan of England (1335-1348) -- 14th-century English princess
Wikipedia - Joan of England, Queen of Scotland -- 13th-century English princess and Queen of Scotland
Wikipedia - Joan of Kent -- 14th-century English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Joan of the Tower -- 14th-century English princess and queen of Scotland
Wikipedia - Joan Reed -- English curler and coach
Wikipedia - Joan Robinson -- English economist
Wikipedia - Joan Sims -- English actress
Wikipedia - Joan Standing -- English actress
Wikipedia - Joan Yarde-Buller -- English socialite
Wikipedia - Job Nixon -- English painter and engraver
Wikipedia - Jock Hartley -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Jodie Comer -- English actress (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Jodie Connor -- English recording artist, lyricist and goodwill ambassador
Wikipedia - Jodi Ewart Shadoff -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Jodie Whittaker -- English actress
Wikipedia - Joe Absolom -- English actor
Wikipedia - Joe Ades -- English businessman
Wikipedia - Joe Alwyn -- English actor
Wikipedia - Joe Anderson (actor) -- English actor and singer
Wikipedia - Joe Cocker -- English rock and blues singer
Wikipedia - Joe Crowther -- English motorcycle speedway rider
Wikipedia - Joe Dempsie -- English actor
Wikipedia - Joe Dixon (actor) -- English television and film actor
Wikipedia - Joe English (painter) -- Flemish artist
Wikipedia - Joe English (sailor) -- Irish yachtsman and sailmaker
Wikipedia - Joe Gill (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Joel Elkes -- English medical researcher
Wikipedia - Joel Goonan -- English actor
Wikipedia - Joel Kpoku -- English rugby union lock
Wikipedia - Joe Lloyd -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Joe Longthorne -- English singer
Wikipedia - Joe Lycett -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Joely Collins -- Canadian-English actor and producer
Wikipedia - Joe Meek -- English record producer
Wikipedia - Joe O'Gorman -- English cricketer and entertainer
Wikipedia - Joe Orton -- English playwright and author
Wikipedia - Joe Pasquale -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Joe Robinson (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Joe Sugg -- English entertainer
Wikipedia - Joey Molland -- English composer and rock guitarist
Wikipedia - Jo Guest -- English former glamour model and media figure (born 1972)
Wikipedia - Johanna Head -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Johann Christian Bach -- German composer, known as the "English Bach" (1735-1782)
Wikipedia - John Abarough -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Abbott (actor) -- English character actor
Wikipedia - John Abineri -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Abrahall -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Abyn -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Acland (died 1553) -- English landowner (died 1553)
Wikipedia - John Adams (physicist) -- English physicist 1920 - 1984
Wikipedia - John Addington Symonds -- 19th-century English poet and literary critic
Wikipedia - John Aglionby (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Agmondesham (died 1573) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Ainsworth (MP for Worcester) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Alcock (organist, born 1740) -- English organist, died 1791
Wikipedia - John Alderson (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Alderson (physician) -- English physician
Wikipedia - John Aldred (sound engineer) -- English sound engineer
Wikipedia - John Aldrich (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Alfray (fl. 1391) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Alfray (fl. 1421-1422) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Alfred Langford -- English journalist and antiquary
Wikipedia - John Alkham -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Allan (businessman) -- English businessman
Wikipedia - John Allerwich -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Alleyn (barrister) -- 17th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Altman (actor) -- English actor and singer
Wikipedia - John Amadas -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Ambrose Fleming -- English electrical engineer and physicist
Wikipedia - John Amyas Alexander -- English archaeologist
Wikipedia - John Anderdon -- 19th-century English writer
Wikipedia - John Andrew (Cricklade MP) -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Antrobus (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - John Arden -- English playwright
Wikipedia - John Arlott -- English journalist, author, and cricket commentator
Wikipedia - John Arnold (MP for Ipswich) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Arundell (of Lanherne, died 1590) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Arundell (Royalist) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Asgill -- English and Irish lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - John Ashburnham, 1st Baron Ashburnham -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Ashburnham (MP for Winchelsea) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Ash (MP for Totnes) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Aston (fl. 1362-1391) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Atherton (died 1573) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Atherton (died 1617) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Attenborough -- English executive in the motor industry
Wikipedia - John Atte Wode -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Aubrey -- English writer and antiquarian
Wikipedia - John Aubyn, junior -- English politician (fl. 1384-1393)
Wikipedia - John Aubyn, senior -- English politician (fl. 1377-1382)
Wikipedia - John Ault -- English Liberal Democrat politician
Wikipedia - John Austen (died 1572) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Awdeley -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Axon (actor) -- English television and stage actor
Wikipedia - John Aylworth -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Ayshe -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Bacchus Dykes -- English clergyman and hymnwriter
Wikipedia - John Bacon (sculptor, born 1777) -- English sculptor, born 1777
Wikipedia - John Bagge -- English politician of the 14th century
Wikipedia - John Bailey (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Baker (by 1531 - between 1604 and 1606) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Baker (died 1558) -- English politician, born 1488
Wikipedia - John Baker (diver) -- English diver
Wikipedia - John Baker (fl. 1407) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Baker (fl. 1421) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Baker (MP for Bedford) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Balderton -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Baldwin Buckstone -- English actor and playwright
Wikipedia - John Bale (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Balet -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Banting -- English artist and writer
Wikipedia - John Bardon -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Barker (died 1589) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Barker (died 1618) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Barnard Byles -- English lawyer and judge
Wikipedia - John Barnard (music publisher) -- English cleric, musician and music publisher
Wikipedia - John Barrow (historian) -- English mathematician, naval historian and lexicographer
Wikipedia - John Baskcomb -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Bassett (by 1503 - 1550 or 1551) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Bastard (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - John Baudefait -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Baxter (cricketer) -- English cricketer, born 1800
Wikipedia - John Baxter (political reformer) -- English silversmith
Wikipedia - John Baynham -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Bean (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - John Beane -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Beauchamp (MP for New Shoreham) -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Beaumont (by 1508 - between 1558 and 1564) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Beaumont (cricketer) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - John Beck (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - John Beckingham -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Bedford -- English iron worker and industrialist
Wikipedia - John Bekinsau -- English politician and theologian
Wikipedia - John Belasise -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Bell (barrister) -- 18th and 19th century English barrister and equity lawyer
Wikipedia - John Bell (by 1514 - 1543 or later) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Bellenden Ker Gawler -- English botanist (1764-1842)
Wikipedia - John Bell (MP for Leominster) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Bell (publisher) -- 18th/19th-century English publisher
Wikipedia - John Benbow -- 17th-century English Royal Navy admiral
Wikipedia - John Bennet (composer) -- Composer of the English madrigal school
Wikipedia - John Benson (clockmaker) -- English clockmaker
Wikipedia - John Bentley (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Bentley (musician) -- English bass guitarist
Wikipedia - John Berkeley (1352-1428) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Bernardi -- Genoese-English army officer
Wikipedia - John Berwick (died 1572) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Betjeman -- English writer, poet, and broadcaster
Wikipedia - John Beverley (politician) -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Bickerton -- English golfer
Wikipedia - John Bickley (Stafford MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Biddle (Unitarian) -- English nontrinitarian, and Unitarian
Wikipedia - John Biddulph Martin -- English banker and statistician
Wikipedia - John Billington (executioner) -- English executioner
Wikipedia - John Billington -- Englishman who travelled to the New World on the Mayflower
Wikipedia - John Bindon -- English actor and bodyguard
Wikipedia - John Bingley (Chester MP) -- English politician and official, working in Ireland
Wikipedia - John Birch (engineer) -- English automotive engineer
Wikipedia - John Bird (MP for Bath) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Bisley (fl. 1382-1391) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Blackaller -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Blackmore -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Blackwell (engineer) -- English civil engineer
Wikipedia - John Blaket -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Blanke -- English trumpeter
Wikipedia - John Blennerhassett (landowner) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Blofeld (judge) -- English barrister and judge
Wikipedia - John Blount (died 1417) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Blount (died 1531) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Blow -- English composer
Wikipedia - John Bole (MP) -- 15th century English Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - John Bolton (Haverfordwest MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Bonham (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Bonham -- English rock musician
Wikipedia - John Borlase (1576-1648) -- English army officer and politician (1576-1648)
Wikipedia - John Bosom (died 1440) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Bosom (MP for Rochester) -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Boson -- English cabinet maker and carver
Wikipedia - John Bourchier, 2nd Earl of Bath -- English noble
Wikipedia - John Bourne (died 1575) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Bowden (theologian) -- English theologian and publisher
Wikipedia - John Bowdler the Younger -- English essayist, poet and lawyer
Wikipedia - John Bower (MP for Penryn) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Boyle (bishop) -- English bishop of the Church of Ireland
Wikipedia - John Braban -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Bradby Blake -- English naturalist, born 1745
Wikipedia - John Bradley (English actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Braine -- English novelist
Wikipedia - John Braman -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Breedon Everard -- English civil engineer and architect
Wikipedia - John Bridgeman (died 1523) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Bridgeman (judge) -- English barrister and Chief Justice of Chester
Wikipedia - John Bridgeman (sculptor) -- English sculptor
Wikipedia - John Bridges (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Bridgewater -- English Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - John Brisco Ray -- English diver
Wikipedia - John Brocket (died 1558) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Brodribb Bergne -- English official and numismatist
Wikipedia - John Broke -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Brooke alias Cobham -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Brown (actor) -- English radio and film actor (1904-1957)
Wikipedia - John Brown (colonist) -- English colonist
Wikipedia - John Browne (anatomist) -- English anatomist, surgeon, and author
Wikipedia - John Brydges, 1st Baron Chandos -- 16th-century English politician and peer
Wikipedia - John Buckingham (chemist) -- English chemist (1943-2015)
Wikipedia - John Buller (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - John Bunting (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Bunyan -- English Christian writer and preacher
Wikipedia - John Burgoyne (MP for Cambridgeshire) -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Burnet (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Burns -- English trade unionist and politician
Wikipedia - John Burton (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - John Bussy -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Butler (died 1572 or 1573) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Butler (died 1576) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Butte (MP for Gloucester) -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Butterworth (minister) -- English Baptist minister (1727-1803)
Wikipedia - John But -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Byron (died 1450) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Byron (died 1567) -- English landowner
Wikipedia - John Byron (died 1623) -- English knight
Wikipedia - John Cadman (sportsman) -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - John Caldecott -- English businessman, astronomer and meteorologist
Wikipedia - John Camkin -- English journalist
Wikipedia - John Camp (English politician) -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Cantiloe Joy and William Joy -- English brothers who were marine artists
Wikipedia - John Canynges -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Caplyn (died c. 1569) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Caplyn (died c. 1603) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Carbutt -- English photographer
Wikipedia - John Carlin (umpire) -- English cricketer and test umpire
Wikipedia - John Carminow -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Carr (cricketer, born 1892) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - John Carr (cricketer) -- English cricketer and cricket executive
Wikipedia - John Carter (died 1408) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Carter (musician) -- English singer
Wikipedia - John Cartwright (political reformer) -- English naval officer and political reformer
Wikipedia - John Cary (MP) -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Cary -- English cartographer
Wikipedia - John Casken -- English composer
Wikipedia - John Cecil Masterman -- English academic, author and WW2 spymaster
Wikipedia - John Chalers -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Chamberlain (letter writer) -- English writer
Wikipedia - John Chamberlayne -- English writer and translator
Wikipedia - John Chamond -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Charles Beckwith (organist) -- English organist
Wikipedia - John Cheyne (speaker) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Child (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Chippendall Montesquieu Bellew -- English clergyman and author
Wikipedia - John Christie (murderer) -- English serial killer
Wikipedia - John Christopherson (cricketer) -- English cricketer and cricket administrator
Wikipedia - John Clare -- English poet
Wikipedia - John Clarkson (abolitionist) -- English abolitionist
Wikipedia - John Cleese -- English comedian and actor
Wikipedia - John Clement (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Clere (died 1539) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Clere (died 1557) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Clerke (died 1528) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Clerke (MP for Bath) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Clifford, 9th Baron Clifford -- 15th-century English noble
Wikipedia - John Clinton, 5th Baron Clinton -- 15th century English noble
Wikipedia - John Coates Carter -- English architect
Wikipedia - John Cobbold (1774-1860) -- English businessman
Wikipedia - John Cobbold (businessman) -- English businessman
Wikipedia - John Cock (MP died 1557) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Codrington Bampfylde -- English poet
Wikipedia - John Coke (died 1650) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Colbatch (apothecary) -- English apothecary and physician
Wikipedia - John Coldale -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Coldham -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - John Cole (cricketer, born 1907) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - John Collings (MP) -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Colville (died 1394) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Comyn of Ulceby -- 14th-15th century English noble
Wikipedia - John Connock -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Constable -- English painter
Wikipedia - John Cook (fl. 1393) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Copleston (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - John Corbet (by 1500 - 1555 or later) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Corbet (died 1559) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Cornelius (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Cornwall (died 1608) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Cossar -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Cother -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Cotton (fl. 1379-1388) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Cotton (MP died 1593) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Courtenay of Tremere -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Courtney (playwright) -- 19th-century English playwright, dramatic actor, and comedian
Wikipedia - John Court (politician) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Coventre (MP for Devizes) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Covert (by 1501-1558) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Cranch (English painter) -- English painter
Wikipedia - John Crank -- English mathematical physicist
Wikipedia - John Crawford (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - John Creking -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Croft (MP) -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Croke (1508 or 1509 - between 1549 and 1551) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Croke (died c. 1600) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Crosthwaite -- English race car designer and engineer
Wikipedia - John Crowne -- 17th/18th-century English dramatist
Wikipedia - John Dale (cricketer, born 1930) -- English cricketer and school teacher
Wikipedia - John Dale (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Daley (cricketer) -- English cricketer and greyhound trainer
Wikipedia - John Danvers (died 1594) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Danyel -- English lute player and songwriter (1564-c1626)
Wikipedia - John Dauntsey -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Davenport (minister) -- Early English colonist in North America
Wikipedia - John Davis (explorer) -- English explorer and navigator
Wikipedia - John Davy (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Day (dramatist) -- 16th/17th-century English dramatist
Wikipedia - John Day (printer) -- English Protestant printer
Wikipedia - John D. Collins -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Deane (sailor) -- English officer of the Navy of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - John de Aston (knight banneret) -- English knight and politician
Wikipedia - John de Brus (died 1275) -- 13th century English noble
Wikipedia - John de Burnham -- English-born Irish judge
Wikipedia - John de Clavering -- 13th-14th century English nobleman
Wikipedia - John de Cresswell -- 14th century English nobleman
Wikipedia - John de Evyas -- 13th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Dee -- English mathematician, astrologer and alchemist
Wikipedia - John de Forest -- English golfer
Wikipedia - John Deighton (cricketer) -- English cricketer and army officer
Wikipedia - John de Langley -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Deming -- Early English colonist in North America
Wikipedia - John de Montfort, 2nd Baron Montfort -- 13th-14th century English nobleman
Wikipedia - John Dennis (bishop) -- English bishop
Wikipedia - John Denyas -- 13th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John de Ramsey -- English Gothic architect (fl. c.1304-1349)
Wikipedia - John Derwentwater -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John de Vere, 12th Earl of Oxford -- 15th century English noble
Wikipedia - John de Vere, 13th Earl of Oxford -- 15th/16th-century English noble
Wikipedia - John Devereux, 9th Baron Ferrers of Chartley -- English Baron
Wikipedia - John Digons -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Dixon (English sportsman) -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - John Dodington (died 1585) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Dodsworth (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Donne -- 16th- and 17th-century English poet and cleric
Wikipedia - John Doreward -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Douglas (architect) -- English architect, (1830{{spaced ndash
Wikipedia - John Dowland -- English composer (1563-1626)
Wikipedia - John Drakard -- English newspaper publisher
Wikipedia - John Drewe (MP) -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Dryden -- 17th-century English poet and playwright
Wikipedia - John Dudley (c. 1573 - c. 1622) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Dudley (died 1580) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Dunlop Southern -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - John Durant (fl. 1399-1401) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Durrant (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Dyne (MP for Hythe) -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Eadie (cricketer) -- English cricketer and brewer
Wikipedia - John Earle (bishop) -- English bishop
Wikipedia - John Eccles (composer) -- English composer (1668-1735)
Wikipedia - John Eddowes Bowman the Younger -- English chemist
Wikipedia - John Edmonds (died 1544) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Edmund Reade -- English poet and novelist
Wikipedia - John Edmund Sharrock Moore -- English biologist (1870-1947)
Wikipedia - John Edwin (1768-1805) -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Eggar -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - John Eland (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John/Eleanor Rykener -- Medieval English sex-worker
Wikipedia - John Emms (chess player) -- English chess player
Wikipedia - John E. Morgan -- English golfer
Wikipedia - John Engaine, 1st Baron Engaine -- 13th-14th century English nobleman
Wikipedia - John English (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - John English (Canadian politician) -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - John English (director) -- 1903-1969; British-born American film editor and film director
Wikipedia - John Entwistle -- English musician, singer-songwriter and record producer, bassist for The Who
Wikipedia - John Erlich -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Erneley -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Eston (died 1565) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Evans (died 1565) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Eveleigh (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Everett -- English painter
Wikipedia - John Eyre (died 1581) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Farmer (composer) -- Composer of the English Madrigal School
Wikipedia - John Farnfold -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Fawkes -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - John Felton (assassin) -- English assassin
Wikipedia - John F. English -- American labor union official
Wikipedia - John Fenn (antiquarian) -- English antiquarian
Wikipedia - John Finch, 1st Baron Finch -- English politician, speaker, chief justice (1584-1660)
Wikipedia - John Firth (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - John Fitzalan (1223-1267) -- English baron
Wikipedia - John Fitzalan (1246-1272) -- English baron
Wikipedia - John FitzJohn -- 13th century English nobleman
Wikipedia - John FitzMarmaduke (died 1311) -- 13th-14th century English noble
Wikipedia - John FitzReginald -- 13th-14th century English noble
Wikipedia - John FitzSymond -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John FitzWalter, 2nd Baron FitzWalter -- Early 14th-century English baron and gang leader
Wikipedia - John Flamank -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Fleetwood (died 1590) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Fletcher (MP for Rye) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Fletcher (playwright) -- English Jacobean playwright
Wikipedia - John Florio -- 16th/17th-century English linguist and lexicographer
Wikipedia - John Flower (sheriff) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Floyer (Dorset MP) -- English cricketer and politician
Wikipedia - John Ford (dramatist) -- 17th-century English poet and playwright
Wikipedia - John Forest -- 16th-century English Franciscan friar and martyr
Wikipedia - John Forster (biographer) -- English biographer and critic
Wikipedia - John Fortescue Aland, 1st Baron Fortescue of Credan -- English judge, politician, and writer
Wikipedia - John Fortescue of Salden -- 16th-century English politician and Chancellor of the Exchequer
Wikipedia - John Foster (died 1558) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Fothergill (physician) -- English physician and plant collector
Wikipedia - John Foulkes Roberts -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Fowler (by 1520 - c. 1575) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Foxe (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Francis Wade -- English hymnist (1711-1786)
Wikipedia - John Freckleton Burrowes -- English organist and composer
Wikipedia - John Frederick Archbold -- English lawyer and writer
Wikipedia - John Frederick Dodd -- English architect
Wikipedia - John Frederick Lewis -- English Orientalist painter
Wikipedia - John Freningham -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Fuell -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Fuller (cricketer) -- English cricketer, clergyman, and academic
Wikipedia - John Gabriel (athlete) -- English hurdler
Wikipedia - John Gage (died 1598) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Gale (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Gardener (MP for Melcombe Regis) -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Gardiner (died 1586) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Gardner (British writer) -- English spy and thriller novelist
Wikipedia - John Gardner (composer) -- English composer (1917-2011)
Wikipedia - John Garner (golfer) -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - John Garnier (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - John Gascoigne (died 1602) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Gayer (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Gay -- English poet and playwright
Wikipedia - John Genest -- 18th/19th-century English clergyman and theatre historian
Wikipedia - John George Witt -- English barrister
Wikipedia - John Gerard -- Sixteenth century English botanist
Wikipedia - John Gibbon (cricketer) -- English cricketer, clergyman
Wikipedia - John Gibbon (officer of arms) -- English officer of arms and genealogist
Wikipedia - John Gibson (cricketer, born 1833) -- English cricketer and priest
Wikipedia - John Gielgud -- English actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - John Giffard, 1st Baron Giffard -- 13th-century English nobleman of the Second Barons' War
Wikipedia - John Gilbert (naturalist) -- English naturalist and explorer
Wikipedia - John Giles (died 1553) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Giles (died 1606) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Giles (MP fl. 1417-1435) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Gilling -- 1912-1984; English film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Gill (theologian) -- English Baptist pastor, biblical scholar and theologian (1697-1771)
Wikipedia - John Glascock -- English musician
Wikipedia - John Gloag -- English soldier and author
Wikipedia - John Godard (died 1392) -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Godsalve -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Godwin (by 1507 - 1556 or later) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Godwin (died 1547?) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Goodman (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Gosnold -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Goss (composer) -- English organist and composer (1800-1880)
Wikipedia - John Gosselyn (MP for Lewes) -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Gosselyn (MP for Weymouth) -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Gostwick -- 16th-century English politician and courtier
Wikipedia - John Gough (sport shooter) -- English sport shooter
Wikipedia - John Gould -- English ornithologist and illustrator (1804-1881)
Wikipedia - John Gower -- 14th/15th-century English writer
Wikipedia - John Granville, 1st Earl of Bath -- English Royalist soldier and statesman
Wikipedia - John Greene (settler) -- English settler of the Colony of Rhode Island
Wikipedia - John Greenford -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Gresham (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Greville (died 1547) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Grey of Groby -- 15th-century English knight
Wikipedia - John Guildford -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Gurdon (died 1623) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Gurdon (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Gurdon -- English developmental biologist (born 1933)
Wikipedia - John Gurney Hoare -- English cricketer and banker
Wikipedia - John Guy (colonial administrator) -- English merchant adventurer and politician
Wikipedia - John Gwynne (MP for Bath) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Hales (cricketer) -- English cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - John Hales (died 1572) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Hall (physician) -- 16th/17th-century English physician and son-in-law of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - John Halton -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Hammond (priest) -- English priest
Wikipedia - John Hampden -- English politician (1595-1643)
Wikipedia - John Hannam (died 1559) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Hardgrave (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Hardyng -- English chronicler and historian (1378-1465)
Wikipedia - John Hare (actor) -- 19th/20th-century English actor
Wikipedia - John Hare (cricketer) -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - John Harford (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Hargreaves (early railway operator) -- English railway operator
Wikipedia - John Harland (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - John Harpeden (died 1438) -- English knight d. 1438
Wikipedia - John Harris (English cricketer) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - John Harrison -- English clockmaker and horologist
Wikipedia - John Hart (spelling reformer) -- English educator and spelling reformer
Wikipedia - John Hasilwood -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Hassall (musician) -- English musician, songwriter
Wikipedia - John Hastings, 2nd Earl of Pembroke -- 14th-century English nobleman
Wikipedia - John Hastings (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Hathaway -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - John Hawarde -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Hawksworth (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - John Hawkwood -- English condottiero
Wikipedia - John Haynes (governor) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Hayward (MP for Dorchester) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Heath-Stubbs -- English poet and translator
Wikipedia - John Hebden -- English composer (1712-1765)
Wikipedia - John Hele (died 1608) -- English politician and lawyer
Wikipedia - John Heminges -- 16th/17th-century English actor and theatre manager
Wikipedia - John Henderson (actor) -- 18th-century English actor
Wikipedia - John Heneage -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Henry Blunt -- English Anglican cleric and historian
Wikipedia - John Henry Cooper -- English architect
Wikipedia - John Henry Ingram -- 19th/20th-century English biographer
Wikipedia - John Henry Newman -- English cleric and cardinal
Wikipedia - John Hercy -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Heron (courtier) -- English courtier
Wikipedia - John Herschel the Younger -- The Younger; English military engineer and astronomer
Wikipedia - John Herschel -- 19th-century English polymath, mathematician, astronomer, chemist, inventor and photographer
Wikipedia - John Hewet (MP) -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Hickson (cricketer) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - John Higford -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Higgins (cricketer) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - John Hildrop -- English cleric and writer
Wikipedia - John Hillesley -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Hippisley (1530-1570) -- English barrister and politician
Wikipedia - John Hobart, 2nd Earl of Buckinghamshire -- English nobleman and politician
Wikipedia - John Hobart Caunter -- English Church of England clergyman and miscellaneous writer
Wikipedia - John Hodgson Campbell -- English painter
Wikipedia - John Holder (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Test umpire
Wikipedia - John Holdiche -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Holman (British Army officer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - John Holmes (by 1529 - 1583) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Holt (author) -- English author (1743-1801)
Wikipedia - John Holt (English educator) -- English educator
Wikipedia - John Honyman -- 17th-century English actor
Wikipedia - John Hooper (MP for Salisbury) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Hopkins (writer) -- English film, stage, and television writer
Wikipedia - John Horsey (died 1546) -- English knight
Wikipedia - John Horsey (died 1564) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Horton Conway -- English mathematician (1937-2020)
Wikipedia - John Houghton (martyr) -- English Carthusian hermit and Catholic martyr
Wikipedia - John Howard (author) -- English author
Wikipedia - John Howard Davies -- English actor, and television producer and director
Wikipedia - John Howard (died 1437) -- Medieval English landholder
Wikipedia - John Howard (prison reformer) -- English prison reformer and philanthropist
Wikipedia - John Howland -- Early English colonist in North America
Wikipedia - John Huband -- 16th-century English politicians
Wikipedia - John Hudson (classicist) -- English classical scholar (1662-1719)
Wikipedia - John Hudson (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - John Hughes (Middlesex MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Hullock -- English judge
Wikipedia - John Hungerford (by 1516 - 1582) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Hurt -- English actor (1940-2017)
Wikipedia - John Hussey (MP for Horsham and New Shoreham) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Hussey (Royal Navy cricketer) -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - John Hutchinson (botanist) -- English botanist and taxonomist (1884-1972)
Wikipedia - John Hutton (died 1596) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Iles -- English cricketer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - John Ireland (Anglican priest) -- English Anglican priest, Dean of Westminster
Wikipedia - John Isted (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Ives -- English genealogist
Wikipedia - John Ivimey -- English organist and composer
Wikipedia - John Jackson (controversialist) -- English clergyman, born 1686
Wikipedia - John Jacob Astor, 1st Baron Astor of Hever -- English baron and newspaper proprietor
Wikipedia - John Jeffrey (judge) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Johnson (architect, born 1732) -- English architect
Wikipedia - John Johnson (composer) -- English lutenist and composer (c1545-1594)
Wikipedia - John Jones (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - John Jones (MP for Gloucester) -- English politician and MP
Wikipedia - John Joscelyn -- 16th-century English writer and antiquarian
Wikipedia - John Josselyn (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Julius Angerstein -- 18th and 19th-century English art collector and businessman
Wikipedia - John Just -- English archaeologist and botanist
Wikipedia - John Keats -- English Romantic poet (1795-1821)
Wikipedia - John Kemp (antiquary) -- English antiquarian
Wikipedia - John Kennedy O'Connor -- English journalist and radio personality
Wikipedia - John Kent (will proven 1669) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Kerry (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Kestell -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Kidd (chemist) -- English physician, chemist and geologist
Wikipedia - John Killigrew (died 1584) -- English politician and pirate
Wikipedia - John Kingsmill (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Kitchen (English politician) -- 16th-century politician
Wikipedia - John Knight (died 1718) -- English merchant and politician
Wikipedia - John Knight (died 1733) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Knightley (MP) -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Knill (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Knowles (author) -- English biographer and naval author
Wikipedia - John Kyme (MP for Helston) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Kyme (MP for Lewes) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Lacy (playwright) -- 17th-century English comic actor and playwright
Wikipedia - John Lambert (general) -- English Parliamentary general and politician (1619-1683)
Wikipedia - John Landen -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - John Laney -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Langshaw -- English organist and organ builder
Wikipedia - John Larpent -- English inspector of plays
Wikipedia - John Latton -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Launder -- English Protestant martyr
Wikipedia - John Laws (judge) -- English jurist
Wikipedia - John Leake -- English naval officer and politician
Wikipedia - John Lees (bodybuilder) -- English bodybuilder
Wikipedia - John le Fucker -- English murderer
Wikipedia - John Leland (antiquary) -- English poet and antiquary
Wikipedia - John Le Mesurier -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Lennard-Jones -- English mathematician and physicist
Wikipedia - John Lennon -- English singer-songwriter; founding member of the Beatles
Wikipedia - John Leslie (cricketer, born 1888) -- English cricketer, barrister
Wikipedia - John Lethbridge -- English wool merchant who invented a diving machine in 1715
Wikipedia - John Lewis (department store founder) -- English businessman and cuncillor
Wikipedia - John Lilborne -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Lilburne -- 17th-century English political activist
Wikipedia - John Lillywhite -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - John Lindley -- English botanist, gardener and orchidologist (1799-1865)
Wikipedia - John Lingard -- English Roman Catholic priest and historian (1771-1851)
Wikipedia - John Liptrot Hatton -- English composer and singer (1809-1886)
Wikipedia - John Livock -- English architect
Wikipedia - John Locke -- English philosopher and physician
Wikipedia - John Lockman -- English author
Wikipedia - John Lodge (librarian) -- English librarian
Wikipedia - John Long (16th-century MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Longden -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Loveday (antiquary) -- English antiquarian
Wikipedia - John Lovel, 1st Baron Lovel -- 13th-14th century English nobleman
Wikipedia - John Lovel, 2nd Baron Lovel -- 13th-14th century English noble
Wikipedia - John Lovelace, 4th Baron Lovelace -- English military officer, governor of the provinces of New York and New Jersey
Wikipedia - John Lowin -- 16th/17th-century English actor and theatre sharer
Wikipedia - John Lucas (MP for Colchester) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Lydon -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - John Lyons (linguist) -- English linguist
Wikipedia - John Lyttelton, 9th Viscount Cobham -- English army officer and politician
Wikipedia - John Lyttelton (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Maguire (fighter) -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - John Makin (politician) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Malet (died 1570) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Manners (cricketer) -- English cricketer and naval officer
Wikipedia - John Maples (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - John Mark Ainsley -- English lyric tenor
Wikipedia - John Marmion, 3rd Baron Marmion of Winteringham -- 13th and 14th-century English landowner and member of Parliament
Wikipedia - John Marmion (Cricklade MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Marriott Blashfield -- English property developer and mosaic floor and ornamental terracotta manufacturer
Wikipedia - John Marshall (publisher) -- English publisher
Wikipedia - John Marsham (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - John Marston (poet) -- 16th/17th-century English poet, playwright, and satirist
Wikipedia - John Marten Cripps -- English traveller and antiquarian
Wikipedia - John Martin (died 1545) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Martin (died c. 1592) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Martin-Harvey -- English stage actor
Wikipedia - John Martin (MP for Berwick-upon-Tweed) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Martin Scripps -- English spree killer
Wikipedia - John Marvyn -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Masefield -- English poet and writer (1878-1967)
Wikipedia - John Mason (c. 1600-1672) -- English settler, soldier, commander, and Deputy Governor
Wikipedia - John Massey (priest) -- English clergyman
Wikipedia - John Master -- English physician
Wikipedia - John Mathew (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Maude (cricketer) -- English cricketer and solictior
Wikipedia - John Mawdley (died 1540) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Mawdley (died 1572) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Maxwell Edmonds -- English classicist, poet and dramatist (1875-1958)
Wikipedia - John Maybury -- English filmmaker and artist
Wikipedia - John Maynard Keynes -- English economist
Wikipedia - John Maynard (MP for St Albans) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Maynard Smith -- English biologist and geneticist
Wikipedia - John McCririck -- English horse racing pundit
Wikipedia - John McGrady -- English cricketer, chemist, academic
Wikipedia - John McLaughlin discography -- Discography of English musician John McLaughlin
Wikipedia - John McNamara (mathematical biologist) -- English mathematical biologist
Wikipedia - John Melhuish -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Mercer (scientist) -- English chemist and fabric printer
Wikipedia - John Merricks -- English sailor
Wikipedia - John Metcalf (civil engineer) -- English civil engineer and road builder
Wikipedia - John-Michael Kendall -- English geophysicist
Wikipedia - John Michell (MP for New Shoreham) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Middleton (actor) -- English actor well known for his part in ITV's Emmerdale as Ashley Thomas
Wikipedia - John Middleton Murry Jr. -- English writer
Wikipedia - John Mill (by 1533 - 1562 or later) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Mill (died 1555) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Mills (Gloucestershire cricketer) -- English cricketer, born 1848
Wikipedia - John Milton -- 17th-century English poet and civil servant
Wikipedia - John Minet Fector -- English banker and politician
Wikipedia - John Mole (musician) -- English bass guitar player
Wikipedia - John Moles -- English university lecturer
Wikipedia - John Molyneux (MP for Nottinghamshire) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Monyn -- English Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - John Mordaunt, 1st Earl of Peterborough -- English peer
Wikipedia - John Mordaunt, 1st Viscount Mordaunt -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Mordaunt, Viscount Mordaunt -- English soldier and politician
Wikipedia - John More (by 1506 - 1581) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John More (c. 1520 - c. 1576) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John More (died 1583) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John More (died 1638) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John More (minister) -- English clergyman
Wikipedia - John More (MP for Ipswich) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Morgan (died by 1572) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Morgan (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - John Morley (will proven 1565) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Moss (umpire) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - John Moulder-Brown -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Moultrie (poet) -- English clergyman, poet, and hymn-writer
Wikipedia - John Mountstephen -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Mowbray, 3rd Duke of Norfolk -- Fifteenth-century English magnate
Wikipedia - John Murray (boxer) -- English boxer, born 1984
Wikipedia - John Murray (publishing house) -- English publishing firm (est. 1768)
Wikipedia - John Nash (cricket administrator) -- English cricket administrator
Wikipedia - John Neville, 1st Marquess of Montagu -- 15th-century English noble
Wikipedia - John Neville, 3rd Baron Latimer -- English politician and Baron
Wikipedia - John Neville (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Nichols (printer) -- English printer, author and antiquarian
Wikipedia - John Noakes -- English actor, presenter and television personality
Wikipedia - John Norman (cricketer) -- English cricketer and dentist
Wikipedia - John Normington -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Norris (died 1577) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Norris (soldier) -- 16th-century English soldier
Wikipedia - John Noseworthy (English politician) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Nourse -- English bookseller
Wikipedia - John Nunn -- English chess player
Wikipedia - Johnny Ball -- English television personality
Wikipedia - Johnny Briggs (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Johnny English Strikes Again -- 2018 film directed by David Kerr
Wikipedia - Johnny English -- 2003 spy comedy film
Wikipedia - Johnny Flynn & The Sussex Wit -- English folk-rock band
Wikipedia - Johnny Flynn (musician) -- English musician and actor
Wikipedia - John Nyren -- English cricketer and author
Wikipedia - John of Eltham, Earl of Cornwall -- 14th-century English prince and nobleman
Wikipedia - John of Gaunt -- 14th-century English nobleman, royal duke, and politician
Wikipedia - John of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Bedford -- 15th-century English prince and nobleman
Wikipedia - John of Reading -- English philosopher
Wikipedia - John of Salisbury -- 12th century English philosopher
Wikipedia - John of Tynemouth (canon lawyer) -- 13th-century English priest and canon lawyer
Wikipedia - John Oldham (poet) -- English poet and translator
Wikipedia - John Opie -- English historical and portrait painter (1761-1807)
Wikipedia - John Orenge -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Osborne (barrister) -- English barrister who worked primarily in Ireland
Wikipedia - John Osborne -- English playwright
Wikipedia - John Ottaway -- English lawn bowler
Wikipedia - John Otway -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - John Owen (theologian) -- English theologian
Wikipedia - John Owen Williams (record producer) -- English record producer
Wikipedia - John Painter Vincent -- English surgeon
Wikipedia - John Paleologus -- 17th-century English nobleman
Wikipedia - John Palmer (colonial administrator) -- English landowner in what is now the borough of Queens, New York City
Wikipedia - John Papillon (cricketer) -- English cricketer and cleric
Wikipedia - John Parker (died 1619) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Parkes (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - John Parnham -- English cricketer and cricket umpire
Wikipedia - John Parr -- English musician
Wikipedia - John Parry (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - John Parsons (physician) -- English physician
Wikipedia - John Partridge (actor) -- English actor and television presenter
Wikipedia - John Partridge (astrologer) -- English astrologer
Wikipedia - John Patterson (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - John Paxton Norman -- English jurist
Wikipedia - John Payne Collier -- 19th-century English Shakespearian critic
Wikipedia - John Payntor -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Pearson (author) -- English biographer and novelist
Wikipedia - John Peel -- English disc jockey, radio presenter, record producer and journalist
Wikipedia - John Pelham, 8th Earl of Chichester -- English earl
Wikipedia - John Pelham Mann -- English business executive, cricketer, and British Army officer
Wikipedia - John Pelly (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - John Pencavel -- English economist
Wikipedia - John Pepper (English MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Percival (bishop) -- 19th and 20th-century English headmaster, President of Trinity College, Oxford and bishop
Wikipedia - John Percy -- English Jesuit priest
Wikipedia - John Perowne -- English Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - John Peryam -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Petro -- An early 20th century Polish-English physician who distributed prescription drugs freely
Wikipedia - John Philip Kemble -- 18th/19th-century English actor-manager
Wikipedia - John Phillips (actor) -- English stage and television actor (1914-1995)
Wikipedia - John Phillips (author) -- English author
Wikipedia - John Phillips (geologist) -- English geologist
Wikipedia - John Phillips (sport scientist) -- English sport scientist
Wikipedia - John Pickard (British actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Pinchon -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Piper (artist) -- English painter and printmaker (1903-1992)
Wikipedia - John Player & Sons -- English manufacturer of tobacco products
Wikipedia - John Pleydell (died 1608) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Plympton -- English Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - John Pointer (antiquary) -- English cleric and antiquary (1668-1754)
Wikipedia - John Pollard (speaker) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Port (died 1557) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Povey -- English-born Irish judge
Wikipedia - John Powell (film composer) -- English composer
Wikipedia - John Power (musician) -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - John Poyntz -- 16th-century English politician and courtier
Wikipedia - John Prescott Knight -- English portrait painter (1803-1881)
Wikipedia - John Prest (cricketer) -- English cricketeer
Wikipedia - John Pretlove -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - John Price (MP for Cardiganshire) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Pritchard (conductor) -- English conductor
Wikipedia - John Pritchett (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - John Proctor (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Prophet (MP died c. 1399) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Purvey (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Puxton -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Pym -- 17th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John "Charlie" Whitney -- English rock guitarist
Wikipedia - John Radcliffe (died 1568) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Rainolds -- English theologian
Wikipedia - John Ranby (pamphleteer) -- English pamphleteer
Wikipedia - John Ratcliffe (16th-century MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Ratledge -- English cricketer and barrister
Wikipedia - John Raven -- English classical scholar (1914-1980)
Wikipedia - John Rawlinson (cricketer, born 1959) -- English cricketer, solicitor
Wikipedia - John Raynsford -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Rede (died 1570) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Rede -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Reynold -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Richard Hardy -- English-born Australian pastoralist and gold commissioner
Wikipedia - John Richard Parsons -- English writer and artist
Wikipedia - John Richard Townsend -- English painter
Wikipedia - John Rigby (martyr) -- English Roman Catholic martyr
Wikipedia - John Rigmayden -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Riley Holt -- English physicist
Wikipedia - John Roberts Sr. -- English billiards player
Wikipedia - John Robins (born c. 1511) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Robinson (English actor) -- English actor (1908-1979)
Wikipedia - John Roger (died 1441) -- English Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - John Rogers (cricketer, born 1910) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - John Rogers (died 1565) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Rolfe -- 17th-century English explorer
Wikipedia - John Rostill -- English bass guitarist
Wikipedia - John Rowley -- South African-born English cricketer and colonial governor
Wikipedia - John Roxborough Norman -- English ichthyologist
Wikipedia - John Rugge -- English priest
Wikipedia - John Ruskin -- 19th-century English writer and art critic
Wikipedia - John Russell Colvin -- English colonial administrator
Wikipedia - John Russell (MP for Coventry) -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Russell (Westminster MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Rutter -- English composer, conductor and arranger
Wikipedia - John Rut -- English explorer
Wikipedia - John Sackville (by 1523 - between 1547 and 1552) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Sackville (died 1557) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Sackville (died 1619) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Sadler (cricketer) -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - John Sale -- English bass singer and composer
Wikipedia - John Sanders (musician) -- English organist, conductor, choir trainer and composer
Wikipedia - John Sandford (cricketer) -- English cricketer, clergyman
Wikipedia - John Sapcote (MP for Ripon) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Saunders (cricketer) -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - John Sayer (cricketer) -- English cricketer and military officer
Wikipedia - John Sayer (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Scarlett Davis -- English painter
Wikipedia - John Schlesinger -- English film and stage director and actor
Wikipedia - John Scott (died 1485) -- English Yorkist landowner in Kent
Wikipedia - John Scott (died 1533) -- English politician died 1533
Wikipedia - John Scott (MP for Ripon) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Scott of Amwell -- English Quaker poet and writer
Wikipedia - John Scott (soldier) -- English army officer
Wikipedia - John Scudamore (courtier) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Selwyn (c. 1709-1751) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Seymour (died 1552) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Seymour (died 1567) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Shakespeare -- 16th-century English businessman and the father of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - John Shapland -- English-born soldier and veteran of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - John Shaw (broadcaster) -- English radio broadcaster (1957-2013)
Wikipedia - John Sheppard (composer) -- English singer and composer
Wikipedia - John Shepperd (cricketer, born 1937) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - John Sherman (historian) -- English churchman and academic, archdeacon of Salisbury
Wikipedia - John Sherwin (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Shewell Corder -- English architect and artist
Wikipedia - John Shirley-Quirk -- English bass-baritone (1931-2014)
Wikipedia - John Shore (trumpeter) -- English musician
Wikipedia - John Sibthorp -- English botanist
Wikipedia - John Simon (died 1524) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Simons (chemist) -- English chemist
Wikipedia - John Singer (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Sinklo -- 16th/17th-century English actor
Wikipedia - John Skelton -- English poet and tutor (1463-1529)
Wikipedia - John Skinner (died 1543?) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Skinner (died 1571) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Skinner (died 1584) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Slack (cricketer) -- English cricketer and judge
Wikipedia - John Slade-Baker -- English soldier, journalist and spy
Wikipedia - John Smith alias Dyer -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Smith (Bath MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Smith (explorer) -- English soldier, explorer, writer (1580-1631)
Wikipedia - John Smith (musician) -- English folk guitarist and singer
Wikipedia - John Smith (sociologist) -- English sociologist
Wikipedia - John Smith (steward of Berkeley) -- English antiquary and lawyer (1567-1640)
Wikipedia - John Smyth (Baptist minister) -- English Baptist minister
Wikipedia - John Smythe (MP for Richmond) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Snare -- English bookseller and publisher
Wikipedia - John Snow -- English epidemiologist and physician
Wikipedia - John Southby (c. 1652 - 1741) -- English Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - John Southcote -- 16th-century English politician and judge
Wikipedia - John Southworth (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Sparks (cricketer, born 1873) -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - John Sparrow (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Spenser (Jesuit) -- English Jesuit
Wikipedia - John Spicer (died 1623) -- English politician and tailor
Wikipedia - John Spiers -- English musician
Wikipedia - John Stafford (bishop) -- 15th-century English archbishop and statesman
Wikipedia - John Standing -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Stanford II -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Stanhope, 1st Baron Stanhope -- 16th-century English politician and peer
Wikipedia - John Stanley (composer) -- English composer and organist (1712-1786)
Wikipedia - John Starkey (Canterbury MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Steiner -- Born 1941; English actor
Wikipedia - John Stikelane -- English politician
Wikipedia - John St John, 2nd Baron St John of Bletso -- 16th-century English peer
Wikipedia - John St. John (MP for Bedfordshire) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John St. John (MP for Bletchingley) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John St. Leger (died 1596) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Stock (teacher) -- English schoolmaster
Wikipedia - John Stone (martyr) -- 16th-century English Augustinian Catholic saint and martyr
Wikipedia - Johnston Forbes-Robertson -- 19th/20th-century English actor
Wikipedia - John Story (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - John Story (martyr) -- English politician and Roman Catholic martyr
Wikipedia - John Stott -- English Anglican presbyter and theologian (1921-2011)
Wikipedia - John Stow -- 16th-century English historian and antiquarian
Wikipedia - John Strachan (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - John Strode (died 1581) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Stumpe -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Sturgeon -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Styles -- English Congregational minister and animal rights writer
Wikipedia - John Suckling (poet) -- 17th-century English poet and playwright
Wikipedia - John Sullivan (writer) -- English television scriptwriter
Wikipedia - John Sully -- English knight
Wikipedia - John Sulyard -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Sydenham (14th-century MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Tapener -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Tate (papermaker) -- English papermaker
Wikipedia - John Taylor (bass guitarist) -- English musician and member of Duran Duran
Wikipedia - John Taylor (by 1493 - 1547 or later) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Taylor (classical scholar) -- English classical scholar
Wikipedia - John Taylor (dissenting preacher) -- English preacher and theologian
Wikipedia - John Taylor (English publisher)
Wikipedia - John Taylor (journalist) -- 18th/19th-century English oculist, drama critic, editor and finally newspaper publisher
Wikipedia - John Taylor (Master of the Rolls) -- English Master of the Rolls
Wikipedia - John Taylor (mathematician) -- English mathematician and traveller
Wikipedia - John Temple Leader -- English politician and connoisseur
Wikipedia - John Temple (MP for Ripon) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Tew -- English cricketer, solicitor
Wikipedia - John Thaw -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Thomson (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Thornborough -- English bishop
Wikipedia - John Thorpe -- English architect
Wikipedia - John Throckmorton -- 16th-century English politician and lawyer
Wikipedia - John Tingleden -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Tooley -- English musical administrator
Wikipedia - John Tredeneck -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Trelawny (died 1563) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Trengove -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Trevanion (by 1483 - 1539 or later) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Tunks -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Turner (Oxford University cricketer) -- English cricketer, clergyman
Wikipedia - John Twyne -- 16th-century English writer and politician
Wikipedia - John Tydeman -- English producer
Wikipedia - John Urpeth Rastrick -- English steam locomotive builder (1780-1856)
Wikipedia - John Vanbrugh -- English architect and dramatist
Wikipedia - John Vanderbank -- English painter
Wikipedia - John Vaughan, 3rd Earl of Carbery -- English politician and Irish Earl
Wikipedia - John Vaughan (died 1577) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Verbruggen -- 17th-century English actor
Wikipedia - John Vernon (English cricketer) -- English cricketer and Royal Navy sailor
Wikipedia - John Vidler -- English cricketer and prison governor
Wikipedia - John Villers -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Waddon (Parliamentarian) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Waite -- English musician
Wikipedia - John Walley -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Walshe (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Walwyn -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Ward (composer) -- English composer
Wikipedia - John Warden (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Warren (Dover MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Washington -- English planter, soldier, politician, and the great-grandfather of George Washington
Wikipedia - John Watson (16th-century MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Watts (British politician) -- English politician (1947-2016)
Wikipedia - John Webb Dillion -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Webbe (died 1557) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Webbe (died 1571) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Webb (paediatrician) -- English cricketer and paediatrician
Wikipedia - John Webster -- 16th/17th-century English playwright
Wikipedia - John Welles (MP for Windsor) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Wells (satirist) -- English actor and satirist
Wikipedia - John Welshot -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Westbrook (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - John West (cricketer, born 1861) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - John Weston (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - John Whitbourn -- English author
Wikipedia - John White (bishop) -- English bishop
Wikipedia - John White (colonist and artist) -- English artist, and an early settler in the New World
Wikipedia - John Whitty (cricketer) -- Australian-born English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - John Wicks (singer) -- English singer-songwriter producer
Wikipedia - John Wilbye -- 16th/17th-century English composer
Wikipedia - John Wilcox (cricketer) -- English cricketer and headmaster
Wikipedia - John Wildegryse -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Wilkes -- 18th-century English radical, journalist, and politician
Wikipedia - John Wilkinson (chemist) -- English chemist (born 1961)
Wikipedia - John William Draper -- English-born American scientist, philosopher, physician, chemist, historian and photographer
Wikipedia - John William Polidori -- English writer and physician
Wikipedia - John Williams (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Williams (cricketer, born 1911) -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - John Williams (missionary) -- English missionary
Wikipedia - John Williams (MP for Bedford) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh -- English physicist
Wikipedia - John William Waterhouse -- 19th and 20th-century English painter
Wikipedia - John Wimpenny -- English aeronautical engineer
Wikipedia - John Winchcombe (died 1557) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Winston (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Wisker -- English chess player
Wikipedia - John Withypoll -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Wogan (MP died 1557) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Wolcot -- 18th/19th-century English satirist
Wikipedia - John Wolley (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Woodcock Graves -- English-born Australian poet and composer
Wikipedia - John Wood (English actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - John Wood, the Younger -- English architect, son of John Wood the elder
Wikipedia - John Wotton -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Wright Guise -- English army officer
Wikipedia - John Wycliffe -- English theologian
Wikipedia - John Wycombe -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Wygryme -- English priest
Wikipedia - John Wyndham (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - John Wynne (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - John Young (architect) -- English architect and surveyor
Wikipedia - John Young (died 1589) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Young (MP for Marlborough) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Young (MP for New Shoreham) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Zouche (died 1585) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Jo King -- English cricketer scorer
Wikipedia - Jon Amiel -- English film and television director
Wikipedia - Jonas Blue -- English DJ and producer
Wikipedia - Jonas Hanway -- English traveller and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Jonas Moore (died 1682) -- English surveyor
Wikipedia - Jonathan Adams (British actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jonathan Battishill -- English composer, keyboardist and singer (1738-1801)
Wikipedia - Jonathan Cecil -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jonathan Coe -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Jonathan Davies (athlete) -- English athlete
Wikipedia - Jonathan Dove -- English composer (b1959)
Wikipedia - Jonathan Goddard -- English physician
Wikipedia - Jonathan Hanmer -- English clergyman and ejected minister
Wikipedia - Jonathan Harvey (cricketer) -- English cricketer and barrister
Wikipedia - Jonathan Hyde -- Australian-born English actor
Wikipedia - Jonathan Kelly (oboist) -- English oboist
Wikipedia - Jonathan Lomas -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jonathan Ross -- English television and radio presenter
Wikipedia - Jonathan Stenner -- English cricketer and gastroenterologist
Wikipedia - Jonathan Wilkes -- English actor and singer
Wikipedia - Jon Bevan -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jon Canter -- English television comedy writer
Wikipedia - Jon Carter -- English DJ
Wikipedia - Jon English -- singer, songwriter, musician and actor
Wikipedia - Jon Godden -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Jon Hare -- English computer game designer
Wikipedia - Jon Hopkins -- English electronic musician and producer
Wikipedia - Jon Lewis (cricketer, born 1970) -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Jon Lewis (cricketer) -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Jonny Fines -- English actor, singer and dancer
Wikipedia - Jonny Hurst -- English chant laureate
Wikipedia - Jon Pertwee -- English actor (1919-1996)
Wikipedia - Jon Richardson -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Jon Wynne-Tyson -- English author and publisher
Wikipedia - Jony Ive -- English designer
Wikipedia - Jools Holland -- English musician and television personality
Wikipedia - Jordan Houlden -- English diver
Wikipedia - Jordan Metcalfe -- English actor
Wikipedia - Jordan North -- English radio DJ
Wikipedia - Jordan Smith (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jorgie Porter -- English actress and model
Wikipedia - Jorja Smith -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Joseph A. Bennett -- English actor
Wikipedia - Joseph Addison -- English essayist, poet, playwright and politician (1672-1719)
Wikipedia - Joseph Bamford -- English businessman
Wikipedia - Joseph Bancroft Reade -- English cleric, scientist and photographer
Wikipedia - Joseph Banks -- English naturalist and botanist
Wikipedia - Joseph Barnby -- English composer and conductor
Wikipedia - Joseph Barnett (Jack the Ripper suspect) -- English murder suspect
Wikipedia - Joseph Bazalgette -- 19th-century English civil engineer
Wikipedia - Joseph Bennett (billiards player) -- Champion player of English billiards
Wikipedia - Joseph Beverley (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Joseph Brand (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Joseph Caley -- English ballet dancer
Wikipedia - Joseph Chambers (politician) -- English-born Australian politician
Wikipedia - Joseph Chitty -- English lawyer and writer
Wikipedia - Joseph Clark (painter) -- English painter
Wikipedia - Joseph Creswell -- English Jesuit
Wikipedia - Joseph Cross (cartographer) -- English cartographer
Wikipedia - Joseph Damer (1676-1737) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Joseph Fiennes -- English actor
Wikipedia - Joseph Finch Fenn -- English clergyman
Wikipedia - Joseph Garrett -- English YouTube presenter
Wikipedia - Joseph Grimaldi -- English actor, comedian and dancer
Wikipedia - Joseph Harris (organist) -- English composer and organist, died 1814
Wikipedia - Joseph Henry Shorthouse -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Joseph Hill (violin maker) -- English violin maker
Wikipedia - Josephine English -- American gynecologist
Wikipedia - Joseph Jane -- English politician
Wikipedia - Joseph Jordan -- 17th century English admiral
Wikipedia - Joseph Joseph -- English houseware manufacturer founded in 2003
Wikipedia - Joseph Kloska -- English actor
Wikipedia - Joseph Leaney -- English cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Joseph Littledale -- English judge
Wikipedia - Joseph Marlow -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Joseph Mortimer Granville -- English physician and inventor
Wikipedia - Joseph Mottershead -- English minister
Wikipedia - Joseph Paxton -- English gardener, architect and Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - Joseph Petavel -- English physicist and engineer (1873-1936)
Wikipedia - Joseph Phillimore -- English lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Joseph Power -- English librarian
Wikipedia - Joseph Priestley -- English chemist, theologian, educator, and political theorist
Wikipedia - Joseph Ritson -- English antiquarian and writer
Wikipedia - Joseph Rowbotham -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Joseph Rowntree (philanthropist) -- English philanthropist and businessman
Wikipedia - Joseph Rowntree (Senior) -- English shopkeeper and educationalist
Wikipedia - Joseph Rutter -- 17th-century English poet and dramatist
Wikipedia - Joseph Spence (author) -- 18th-century English historian
Wikipedia - Joseph Spencer (cricketer) -- English cricketer, British Army officer, engineer and inventor
Wikipedia - Joseph Stannard -- English artist
Wikipedia - Joseph Sturge -- English Quaker, abolitionist and activist
Wikipedia - Joseph Thewlis -- English diver
Wikipedia - Joseph Thurston (poet) -- English poet
Wikipedia - Joseph Warton -- 18th-century English literary critic
Wikipedia - Joseph Whitaker (naturalist) -- English naturalist (1850-1932)
Wikipedia - Joseph William Chitty -- English cricketer, rower, and judge
Wikipedia - Joseph Williams (composer) -- English coal-miner and composer
Wikipedia - Joseph Wood (schoolmaster) -- English clergyman and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Joseph Wright of Derby -- 18th-century English painter
Wikipedia - Joseph Yates (cricketer) -- English cricketer, barrister, and magistrate
Wikipedia - Josh Gare -- English computer programmer
Wikipedia - Josh Ibuanokpe -- English rugby union prop
Wikipedia - Josh McNally -- English rugby union lock
Wikipedia - Josh Phillips (musician) -- English musician
Wikipedia - Josh Taylor (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Joshua Hatton -- English writer and poet
Wikipedia - Joshua Reynolds -- 18th-century English painter, specialising in portraits
Wikipedia - Josh Widdicombe -- English stand-up comedian and radio host
Wikipedia - Josiah Child -- English merchant and politician
Wikipedia - Josiah Oldfield -- English lawyer, physician, and writer on health
Wikipedia - Josiah Wedgwood -- English potter and founder of the Wedgwood company (1730-1795)
Wikipedia - Josiah Wood Whymper -- English wood-engraver, book illustrator and watercolourist.
Wikipedia - Josie Gibson -- English television personality
Wikipedia - Joss Stone -- English singer and actress
Wikipedia - Jourdan Dunn -- English model and actress
Wikipedia - Journal of English Linguistics -- Academic journal of linguistics
Wikipedia - Journal of the American Society of Naval Engineers -- Defunct English-language engineering journal
Wikipedia - Jovanka Houska -- English chess player
Wikipedia - Jo Whiley -- English television and radio personality
Wikipedia - Joy Allen -- English actress
Wikipedia - Joyce Blair -- English actress and dancer
Wikipedia - Joyce Gardner -- Player of English billiards, several times world champion
Wikipedia - Joyce Lee -- English writer and performer
Wikipedia - Joy Division -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Joy Ellis -- English writer
Wikipedia - J. Pat O'Malley -- English actor
Wikipedia - J. Peter Robinson -- English film and television score composer
Wikipedia - J. R. Ackerley -- English writer and editor
Wikipedia - J. R. Eccles -- English schoolmaster and author
Wikipedia - J. Roy Taylor -- English professor of Physics (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Judas (ballad) -- English ballad
Wikipedia - Jude Law -- English actor
Wikipedia - Judith Kingston -- English paediatric oncologist
Wikipedia - Judith Lady Montefiore College -- English Jewish theological seminary
Wikipedia - Judith Tonhauser -- Professor of English Linguistics
Wikipedia - Judy Campbell -- English actress, playwright
Wikipedia - Judy Cornwell -- English actress
Wikipedia - Judy Craymer -- English musical theatre producer
Wikipedia - Judy Finnigan -- English television presenter and writer
Wikipedia - Judy Geeson -- English actress
Wikipedia - Judy Oakes -- English shot putter
Wikipedia - Julia Bradbury -- English television presenter (b1970)
Wikipedia - Julia Foster -- English actress
Wikipedia - Julia Goulding -- English actress
Wikipedia - Julia Haworth -- English actress
Wikipedia - Julia Hills -- English actress
Wikipedia - Julia Mallam -- English actress
Wikipedia - Julia McKenzie -- English actress, presenter, director, writer
Wikipedia - Julia M. Wright -- Canadian professor of English
Wikipedia - Juliana Berners -- English prioress and author
Wikipedia - Juliana Horatia Ewing -- English writer of children's stories
Wikipedia - Julian Baggini -- English philosopher, author and journalist
Wikipedia - Julian Barnes -- English writer
Wikipedia - Julian Bleach -- English actor
Wikipedia - Julian Bream -- English classical guitarist and lutenist
Wikipedia - Julian Clary -- English comedian, actor, presenter and novelist
Wikipedia - Julian Cope -- English musician and author
Wikipedia - Julian Curry -- English actor
Wikipedia - Julian Egerton -- English musician
Wikipedia - Julia Neilson -- 19th/20th-century English actress
Wikipedia - Julian Fellowes -- English actor, writer, producer and politician
Wikipedia - Julian Jefferson -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Julian Lennon -- English musician, photographer, and philanthropist; son of John Lennon
Wikipedia - Julian of Norwich -- English theologian and anchoress
Wikipedia - Julian Page -- English cricketer and cricket administrator
Wikipedia - Julian Richings -- English Canadian actor
Wikipedia - Julian Sands -- United States-based English actor
Wikipedia - Julian Thompson (cricketer) -- South African/English cricketer and physician
Wikipedia - Julie Dunkley -- English female athlete
Wikipedia - Julie Goodyear -- English actress
Wikipedia - Julie Hesmondhalgh -- English actress
Wikipedia - Julie Hollman -- English heptathlete
Wikipedia - Julien Temple -- English film and music video director
Wikipedia - Julie Pratt -- English female athlete
Wikipedia - Julie Walters -- English actress and author
Wikipedia - Julius Michael Millingen -- English physician and archaeologist
Wikipedia - Julliet Toney -- English kareteka
Wikipedia - Jumping the shark -- English idiom
Wikipedia - June Brown -- English actress
Wikipedia - June Chadwick -- English actress
Wikipedia - June Goodfield -- English writer
Wikipedia - June Gordon, Marchioness of Aberdeen and Temair -- English pianist and conductor
Wikipedia - June Whitfield -- English actress
Wikipedia - Junior Cottonmouth -- English pop rock band
Wikipedia - Junior English -- Jamaican-born reggae singer
Wikipedia - Juno Reactor -- English musical and performing group
Wikipedia - Juno Temple -- English actress
Wikipedia - Justice itinerant -- 12th century English noble
Wikipedia - Justin Fletcher -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Justin King (businessman) -- English businessman
Wikipedia - Justin Lanning -- English ice dancer
Wikipedia - Justin Rose -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - J. W. Swanston -- English printer, publisher
Wikipedia - J. W. T. Redfearn -- English Jungian psychologist
Wikipedia - Kae Tempest -- English poet, musical artist, novelist and playwright
Wikipedia - Kai Alexander -- English actor
Wikipedia - Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji -- English composer, music critic, pianist and writer
Wikipedia - Kaleidoscope (British band) -- English psychedelic rock band
Wikipedia - Kangol -- English clothing company
Wikipedia - Karen Barber -- English ice dancer
Wikipedia - Karen (pejorative) -- Pejorative term used in several English-speaking countries
Wikipedia - Karen Robinson -- English-born Canadian actress
Wikipedia - Karen Taylor (comedian) -- English actress and comedian
Wikipedia - Karla-Simone Spence -- English actor
Wikipedia - Karl Davies -- English actor
Wikipedia - Karl Grant -- English weightlifter
Wikipedia - Karl Johnston -- English bobsledder
Wikipedia - Karl Mah -- English chess player
Wikipedia - Karl Pearson -- English mathematician and biometrician
Wikipedia - Karl Pilkington -- English comedian and television personality
Wikipedia - Kasab: The Face of 26/11 -- English crime novel
Wikipedia - Kashmir Reader -- English daily newspaper published from Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir
Wikipedia - Kat Alano -- English-Filipino model, actress and television presenter.
Wikipedia - Kat Ashley -- English noble
Wikipedia - Kate Anthony -- English actress
Wikipedia - Kate Ashfield -- English actress
Wikipedia - Kate Barry (photographer) -- English photographer
Wikipedia - Kate Board -- English pilot, the world's first female qualified Zeppelin pilot
Wikipedia - Kate Bunce -- 19th and 20th-century English artist
Wikipedia - Kate Bush -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Kate Dimbleby -- English cabaret singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Kate Eadie -- English artist
Wikipedia - Kate Fenton -- English novelist and former BBC radio producer
Wikipedia - Kate Figes -- English author
Wikipedia - Kate Firth -- English actress and vocal coach
Wikipedia - Kate Long -- English novelist (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Kate Mosse -- English writer
Wikipedia - Kate Moss -- English model and businesswoman
Wikipedia - Kate Nash -- English singer-songwriter and actress
Wikipedia - Kate Nation -- English experimental psychologist
Wikipedia - Kate O'Mara -- English actress
Wikipedia - Kate Perugini -- English Victorian-era painter and child of Charles Dickens
Wikipedia - Kate Raworth -- English economist
Wikipedia - Kate Rooney -- English pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Kate Saunders -- English author, actress and journalist
Wikipedia - Kate Tchanturia -- English psychologist and eating disorders researcher
Wikipedia - Kate Winslet -- English actress
Wikipedia - Katharine Banham -- English clinical psychologist
Wikipedia - Katharine Barker (actress) -- English actress
Wikipedia - Katharine Dormandy -- English haematologist
Wikipedia - Katharine Fremantle -- English art historian, architectural historian and academic
Wikipedia - Katherine Bacon -- English pianist
Wikipedia - Katherine Bennett (comedian) -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Katherine Chidley -- English Puritan activist and religious controversialist (fl. 1616-1653)
Wikipedia - Katherine Group -- Group of Middle English texts
Wikipedia - Katherine Hawes -- English female lawn and indoor bowler
Wikipedia - Katherine Kelly (actress) -- English actress
Wikipedia - Katherine Neville, Duchess of Norfolk -- English duchess
Wikipedia - Katherine Pierpoint -- English poet
Wikipedia - Katherine Rose Morley -- English actress
Wikipedia - Kathleen Breck -- English actress
Wikipedia - Kathleen Byron -- English actress
Wikipedia - Kathleen Ferrier -- English contralto (1912-1953)
Wikipedia - Kathleen Harrison -- English actress
Wikipedia - Kathleen Lockhart -- English actress
Wikipedia - Kathleen Lovett -- English figure skater
Wikipedia - Kathleen Manners, Duchess of Rutland -- English aristocrat
Wikipedia - Kathleen Ollerenshaw -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Kathryn Prescott -- English actress
Wikipedia - Kathy Jamieson -- English actress
Wikipedia - Katie Carr -- English actress
Wikipedia - Katie Hopkins -- English media personality
Wikipedia - KatieJane Garside -- English singer
Wikipedia - Katie Jarvis -- English actress
Wikipedia - Katie Kittermaster -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Katie Lawrence -- English singer
Wikipedia - Katie Piper -- English philanthropist, television presenter and former model
Wikipedia - Katie Price -- English television personality, businesswoman, model, and singer
Wikipedia - Katie Waissel -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Katrina Kaif filmography -- Filmography of English actress Katrina Kaif
Wikipedia - Katrine Boorman -- English actress
Wikipedia - Katy Brand -- English actress, comedian and writer
Wikipedia - Katy Cavanagh -- English actress
Wikipedia - Kaya Scodelario -- English actress
Wikipedia - Kaye Wragg -- English actress
Wikipedia - Kay Kendall -- English actress and comedienne
Wikipedia - Kay Smallshaw -- English writer
Wikipedia - Kay Walsh -- English actress and dancer
Wikipedia - Kazoops! -- 2016 British-Australian english-language children's show on Netflix
Wikipedia - Keane (band) -- English alternative rock band
Wikipedia - Keble Howard -- English comic writer
Wikipedia - Kedar Williams-Stirling -- English actor
Wikipedia - Keep Our NHS Public -- English lobbying organisation that opposes privatisation of the National Health Service
Wikipedia - Keighley RUFC -- English Rugby club
Wikipedia - Keith Barlow -- English cricketer and businessman
Wikipedia - Keith Downes -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Keith Emerson -- English keyboardist, songwriter, and composer
Wikipedia - Keith Flint -- English dancer and vocalist
Wikipedia - Keith Greenfield -- English cricketer and Director of Cricket
Wikipedia - Keith Moon -- English rock musician, drummer of The Who
Wikipedia - Keith Robinson (cricketer) -- English cricketer (b1933)
Wikipedia - Keith West -- English rock singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Keith Wiggins -- English motor racing team owner
Wikipedia - Keith Wrightson -- English historian
Wikipedia - Kelle Bryan -- English singer and actress
Wikipedia - Kellie Bright -- English actress
Wikipedia - Kelly Erez -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Kelly Hunter -- English actress
Wikipedia - Kelly Johnson (guitarist) -- English musician
Wikipedia - Kelly Osbourne -- English actress, singer, model and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Kelvin MacKenzie -- English media executive
Wikipedia - Kemble family -- Family of English actors
Wikipedia - Kem Cetinay -- English television personality
Wikipedia - Ken Annakin -- English film director
Wikipedia - Kenelm Digby (Rutland MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Kenelm Edward Digby -- English lawyer and civil servant
Wikipedia - Kenelm McCloughin -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Ken Jones (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Ken Lewis (songwriter) -- English singer
Wikipedia - Ken Livingstone -- English politician, former Mayor of London
Wikipedia - Ken McDonald (weightlifter) -- English weightlifter
Wikipedia - Kenneth Armitage -- English sculptor
Wikipedia - Kenneth Briggs -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Kenneth Came -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Kenneth Clark -- English art historian, museum director, and broadcaster (1903-1983)
Wikipedia - Kenneth Connor -- English actor
Wikipedia - Kenneth David Keele -- English physician
Wikipedia - Kenneth Harper -- English film producer
Wikipedia - Kenneth H. Jackson -- English linguist and a translator who specialised in the Celtic languages (1909-1991)
Wikipedia - Kenneth Horne -- English comedian and businessman
Wikipedia - Kenneth Hyde -- English historian
Wikipedia - Kenneth Jackson (sportsman) -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Kenneth J. Alford -- English composer
Wikipedia - Kenneth Martin -- English painter
Wikipedia - Kenneth McAlpine (cricketer) -- English cricketer, local government representative, and wine merchant
Wikipedia - Kenneth More -- English film, television and stage actor
Wikipedia - Kenneth Muir (scholar) -- 20th-century English literary scholar and author
Wikipedia - Kenneth Noye -- English criminal
Wikipedia - Kenneth Robinson (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Kenneth Sellar -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Kenneth Williams -- English actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Kenneth Woodroffe -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Kenny Baker (English actor) -- British actor and musician
Wikipedia - Kenny Doughty -- English actor
Wikipedia - Ken Palmer -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Kentchurch Court -- Grade I listed English country house in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Kent County Cricket Club -- English cricket club
Wikipedia - Ken Thomas (record producer) -- English record producer
Wikipedia - Kentish dialect (Old English)
Wikipedia - Kentish Old English -- Dialect of Old English
Wikipedia - Kent Vase -- English rugby union competition
Wikipedia - Kenyan English -- local dialect of English spoken in Kenya
Wikipedia - Keren Woodward -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Keri Lees -- English hurdler
Wikipedia - Kerry Andrew -- English composer, performer and author (b1978)
Wikipedia - Kerry Ellis -- English stage actress and singer
Wikipedia - Kerry Godliman -- English comedian and actress
Wikipedia - Kerry Ingram -- English actress
Wikipedia - Kerry Katona -- English media personality and singer
Wikipedia - Keswick, Cumbria -- Town and parish in the English Lake District National Park
Wikipedia - Kevin Bishop -- English actor, comedian, and writer
Wikipedia - Kevin Brownlow -- English filmmaker and film historian
Wikipedia - Kevin Kennedy (actor) -- English actor, writer, producer, singer and guitarist
Wikipedia - Kevin McCarey -- English filmmaker and author
Wikipedia - Kevin McNally -- English actor
Wikipedia - Kevin Myers -- English-born Irish journalist, writer and quiz host
Wikipedia - Kevin Shine -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Kevin Whately -- English actor
Wikipedia - Khaleej Times -- English language newspaper in Dubai, UAE
Wikipedia - Khawar Qureshi -- English barrister, Queen's Counsel and international lawyer
Wikipedia - Khyber Mail (newspaper) -- English language newspaper in Peshawar, Pakistan
Wikipedia - Kia Pegg -- English actress
Wikipedia - Kid British -- English 6-piece music group
Wikipedia - Kiki Dee -- English pop singer
Wikipedia - Killing Joke discography -- List of recordings by English band, Killing Joke
Wikipedia - Killing Joke -- English post-punk band
Wikipedia - Kill It Kid -- English alternative rock band
Wikipedia - Kim Appleby -- English singer, songwriter, and actress
Wikipedia - Kimberley Walsh -- English singer, model, television presenter, actress and dancer
Wikipedia - Kim Pearce -- English theatre director
Wikipedia - Kim Wilde -- English pop singer
Wikipedia - King and Queen's Young Company -- 17th century English acting troupe
Wikipedia - King James Version -- 1611 English translation of the Christian Bible
Wikipedia - King of the English
Wikipedia - King of the Texas Rangers -- 1941 film by John English, William Witney
Wikipedia - King's Head Inn, Aylesbury -- English public house
Wikipedia - Kingsley Amis -- English novelist, poet, critic, teacher
Wikipedia - Kingsley Ben-Adir -- English actor
Wikipedia - King's Men (playing company) -- 17th-century English playing company associated with William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Kip Sabian -- English professional wrestler (born 1992)
Wikipedia - Kiran Matharu -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Kirchner v. Venus (1859) -- English law case on the nature of freight
Wikipedia - Kirsten Penny -- English ten-pin bowler
Wikipedia - Kirsty MacColl -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Kirsty Taylor -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Kit Barker -- English painter
Wikipedia - Kitchens of Distinction -- English alternative rock band
Wikipedia - Kit Harington -- English actor and producer
Wikipedia - Kitrina Douglas -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Kitty Brucknell -- English singer
Wikipedia - Kitty Clive -- 18th-century English actress
Wikipedia - Kitty Hunter -- English noblewoman (1740-1795)
Wikipedia - Kitty Lee Jenner -- English author and artist
Wikipedia - Kitty McGeever -- English actress and comedian
Wikipedia - Kit Young -- English actor
Wikipedia - Kizzy Matiakis -- English ballet dancer
Wikipedia - Klein (musician) -- English musician
Wikipedia - Kling v Keston Properties -- English land law case
Wikipedia - KMFM (radio network) -- English radio station
Wikipedia - Kneesworth Hall -- Historic English mansion
Wikipedia - Knepp Wildland -- English rewilding project
Wikipedia - Knole -- Historic English country house
Wikipedia - Knyghthode and Bataile -- Fifteenth-century English poem
Wikipedia - Konggangxinchenglishui station -- Nanjing Metro station
Wikipedia - Konglish -- Korean-style English
Wikipedia - Korea Biomedical Review -- South Korean English-language newspaper
Wikipedia - Korea TESOL -- Multicultural English teachers association in South Korea
Wikipedia - Kosmopolan -- Defunct Volapuk and English gazette
Wikipedia - Kris Marshall -- English actor
Wikipedia - Kristian Callaghan -- English sport shooter
Wikipedia - Kristian Ealey -- English actor
Wikipedia - Kristin Scott Thomas -- English actress
Wikipedia - KTM Class 22 -- Class of English Electric diesel electric locomotives
Wikipedia - Kula Shaker -- English psychedelic rock band, 1995-1999, 2004-
Wikipedia - Kym Marsh -- English actress and former singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Kyril Bonfiglioli -- English cult novelist
Wikipedia - Kyrle Bellew -- 19th/20th-century English actor
Wikipedia - Lack of Afro -- English musician
Wikipedia - Lacy Ryan -- 18th-century English actor
Wikipedia - Lady Alice Manners -- 21st-century English socialite and model
Wikipedia - Lady Amelia Windsor -- English fashion model and member of the extended Royal family
Wikipedia - Lady Anne Monson -- English botanist and collector of plants and insects
Wikipedia - Lady Blanche Arundell -- English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Lady Charlotte Wellesley -- English socialite
Wikipedia - Lady Dorothy Macmillan -- English socialite, wife of Harold Macmillan
Wikipedia - Lady Eleanor Talbot -- 15th-century English noble
Wikipedia - Lady Eliza Manners -- 21st-century English noblewoman and singer
Wikipedia - Lady Gabriella Kingston -- 21st-century English freelance feature writer
Wikipedia - Lady Gerald Fitzalan-Howard -- English aristocrat
Wikipedia - Lady Henrietta Berkeley -- English aristocrat
Wikipedia - Lady Henry Somerset -- English temperance leader and women's rights activist, editor
Wikipedia - Lady Jane Seymour -- English writer
Wikipedia - Lady Katie Percy -- 21st-century English gunsmith and mechanic
Wikipedia - Lady Kitty Spencer -- 21st-century English noblewoman and model
Wikipedia - Lady Lettice Lygon -- English socialite
Wikipedia - Lady Mary Trefusis -- English hymnwriter and courtier
Wikipedia - Lady Mary Tudor -- Illegitimate child of English king
Wikipedia - Lady Rachel Simon -- English author
Wikipedia - Lady Rosemary Spencer-Churchill -- 20th and 21st-century English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Ladytron -- English band
Wikipedia - Lady Violet Benson -- English artist and aristocrat
Wikipedia - Lady Violet Manners -- 21st-century English model and businesswoman
Wikipedia - Lalla Ward -- English actress, author
Wikipedia - Lambert Denne -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Lancashire County Cricket Club -- English cricket club
Wikipedia - Lancashire Evening Post -- English regional newspaper
Wikipedia - Lancashire hotpot -- English stew from Lancashire, England
Wikipedia - Lance Knowles -- English cricketer and cricket administrator
Wikipedia - Lancelot Alexander Borradaile -- English zoologist
Wikipedia - Lancelot Andrewes -- English bishop and scholar
Wikipedia - Lancelot Grove -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Lancelot Threlkeld -- English missionary, primarily based in Australia
Wikipedia - Lancs/Cheshire Division One -- English Rugby Union league
Wikipedia - Lancs/Cheshire Division Two -- English rugby league
Wikipedia - Land of Hope and Glory -- English patriotic song composed by music by Edward Elgar with lyrics by A. C. Benson
Wikipedia - Langton Dennis -- English architect
Wikipedia - Lansdown Cricket Club Ground -- English cricket ground
Wikipedia - Lara Goodison -- English actress
Wikipedia - Lara Jean Marshall -- English-born Australian actress, singer, and dancer
Wikipedia - Lara Jones -- English artist
Wikipedia - Lara Peake -- English actress
Wikipedia - Lara Pulver -- English actress
Wikipedia - Lara Wollington -- English actress
Wikipedia - Larks of Dean -- English musicians (circa 1750 to 1850)
Wikipedia - La Roux -- English synth-pop act
Wikipedia - Larry Achike -- English track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Larry Lamb -- English actor
Wikipedia - Lasting power of attorney -- Authorisation under English law to act on someone else's behalf
Wikipedia - Latin influence in English
Wikipedia - Lauderdale Beckett -- English film and stage actor
Wikipedia - Laura Barton -- English journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Laura Carmichael -- English actress
Wikipedia - Laura Carter (actress) -- English actress
Wikipedia - Laura Checkley -- English actress
Wikipedia - Laura Davies -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Laura Hamilton -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Laura Jackson (presenter) -- English TV presenter
Wikipedia - Laura Keene -- English actress
Wikipedia - Laura Knight -- English artist
Wikipedia - Laura Sadler -- English actress
Wikipedia - Laura Tobin -- English weather presenter
Wikipedia - Laura Valentine -- English author of children's books
Wikipedia - Laura White -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Laura Whittingham -- English female athlete
Wikipedia - Lauren Bowker -- English designer
Wikipedia - Laurence Eusden -- English actor-manager, playwright, and poet laureate
Wikipedia - Laurence Kelly (writer) -- English writer
Wikipedia - Laurence Naismith -- English actor (1908-1992)
Wikipedia - Laurence Olivier -- 20th-century English actor, director and producer
Wikipedia - Laurence Sterne -- Irish/English writer
Wikipedia - Laurence Stoughton -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Lauren Crace -- English actress
Wikipedia - Lauren Goodger -- English television personality, glamour model, media personality
Wikipedia - Lauren Laverne -- English radio DJ, model, television presenter
Wikipedia - Lauren Luke -- English make-up artist (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Lauren Taylor (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Laurie Canter -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Laurie Gray -- English cricketer and Test match umpire
Wikipedia - Laurie Lee -- English writer
Wikipedia - Laurie Penny -- English journalist, columnist and author
Wikipedia - Lauriston Elgie Shaw -- English physician
Wikipedia - Lavender's Blue -- English folk song and nursery rhyme dating to the 17th century
Wikipedia - Law French -- Archaic linguistic form used in English courts after 1066
Wikipedia - Lawrence Adams -- 17th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Lawrence Ardren -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Lawrence de Schepey -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Lawrence English -- Australian composer, artist, and curator
Wikipedia - Lawrence Hyde (died 1590) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Lawrence Le Fleming -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Lawrence Squier -- English choirmaster and cleric
Wikipedia - Lawrence Wright (cricketer) -- English cricket
Wikipedia - Lawson Wood -- English painter, illustrator, and joke cartoonist
Wikipedia - Laya Lewis -- English actress
Wikipedia - Layla Anna-Lee -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Layla Moran -- English Liberal Democrat politician
Wikipedia - LazyTown -- English-Icelandic children's television program
Wikipedia - LDShadowLady -- English YouTuber
Wikipedia - Leadcutter sword -- Broad English sword
Wikipedia - Leadley -- English singer-songwriter, YouTuber, and actress
Wikipedia - Leah Bracknell -- English actress
Wikipedia - Leal Douglas -- English-Australian silent film actress
Wikipedia - Leandra English -- American government official
Wikipedia - Leanne Best -- English actress
Wikipedia - Leanne Ganney -- English ice hockey forward
Wikipedia - Learning English (version of English) -- Simplified English in Voice of America
Wikipedia - Lea Rowing Club -- English Rowing club
Wikipedia - Led Zeppelin (album) -- debut album by English rock band Led Zeppelin
Wikipedia - Led Zeppelin -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Lee Cooper (cricketer) -- English cricketer and cricket administrator
Wikipedia - Lee Cooper -- English-American clothing and footwear manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Lee Evans (comedian) -- English stand-up comedian and actor
Wikipedia - Lee Hasdell -- English kickboxer, combat sport promoter and mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Lee Hutton -- English singer
Wikipedia - Lee Johnston -- English bobsledder
Wikipedia - Lee MacDonald -- English actor
Wikipedia - Lee Morris (musician) -- English drummer
Wikipedia - Lee Murray -- English convicted bank robber, British mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Lee S. James -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Lee-Steve Jackson -- English biathlete
Wikipedia - Leeward Caribbean Creole English -- English-based creole language
Wikipedia - Leicester Mercury -- English daily newspaper
Wikipedia - Leicestershire and Rutland Cricket League -- English cricket league
Wikipedia - Leicestershire County Cricket Club -- English cricket club
Wikipedia - Leighton Lucas -- English composer and conductor
Wikipedia - Leland Ryken -- Professor of English emeritus at Wheaton College
Wikipedia - Lena Headey -- English actress and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Lena Kennedy -- English author
Wikipedia - Len Clark (countryside campaigner) -- English civil servant
Wikipedia - Len Holland -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Lennard Pearce -- English actor
Wikipedia - Lennox Berkeley -- English composer (1903-1989)
Wikipedia - Lennox Hastie -- English chef
Wikipedia - Leo Abrahams -- English record producer and musician
Wikipedia - Leo Avery -- English abbot
Wikipedia - Leo Blair -- English barrister and father of Tony Blair
Wikipedia - Leo G. Carroll -- English actor
Wikipedia - Leo Genn -- English actor
Wikipedia - Leonard Ashton -- English Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - Leonard Bairstow -- English aeronautical engineer
Wikipedia - Leonard Barden -- English international chess player, columnist, author, and promoter
Wikipedia - Leonard Bilson (1616-1695) -- English Member of Parliament (1616-1695)
Wikipedia - Leonard Borwick -- English concert pianist
Wikipedia - Leonard Crosse -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Leonard Dacre -- English gentry and rebel
Wikipedia - Leonard Dannett -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Leonard Darr -- English politician
Wikipedia - Leonard Digges (writer) -- 16th-/17th-century English Hispanist and poet
Wikipedia - Leonard Guttridge -- English historian
Wikipedia - Leonard Hamilton (cricketer) -- Indian-born English Cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Leonard Jennings -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Leonard Jenyns -- English clergyman and naturalist
Wikipedia - Leonard Salzedo -- English composer and conductor
Wikipedia - Leonard Sharp -- English actor
Wikipedia - Leonard Slater -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Leonard Ward (English cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Leonard West -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Leonard Willoughby -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Leonard Yeo (English politician) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Leon Garfield -- English children's writer
Wikipedia - Leon Patitsas -- English born Greek shipowner
Wikipedia - Leon Vincent Rapkin -- English philatelist
Wikipedia - Leon Vitali -- English actor
Wikipedia - Leopold Stokowski -- English conductor and orchestra director
Wikipedia - Leo Price -- English sportsman and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Leo Staar -- English actor
Wikipedia - Les Chadwick -- English bassist
Wikipedia - Les Dawson -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Lesley Nicol (actress) -- English actress
Wikipedia - Leslie Austin -- English actor
Wikipedia - Leslie Bean -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Leslie Butler (athlete) -- English athlete
Wikipedia - Leslie Charlotte Benenson -- An English artist who worked in sculpture, oils, watercolours, ceramics and calligraphy
Wikipedia - Leslie Driffield -- English world champion billiards player
Wikipedia - Leslie Dwyer -- English actor
Wikipedia - Leslie Fleetwood Bates -- English physicist (1897-1978)
Wikipedia - Leslie Goodwins -- English film director
Wikipedia - Leslie Grantham -- English actor
Wikipedia - Leslie Green -- English architect
Wikipedia - Leslie Harris (motorcyclist) -- English motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Leslie Henson -- English actor, producer and comedian (1891-1957)
Wikipedia - Leslie Martin -- English architect
Wikipedia - Leslie Mathews -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Leslie Peter Johnson -- English Germanist
Wikipedia - Leslie Phillips -- English actor
Wikipedia - Leslie R. H. Willis -- English engineer and archaeologist
Wikipedia - Leslie Thomas -- Welsh writer who wrote in English
Wikipedia - Leslie Tomkins -- English art director
Wikipedia - Lester Matthews -- English movie and TV actor (1900-1975)
Wikipedia - Letitia Elizabeth Landon -- English poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Letters on the English -- Literary work by Voltaire
Wikipedia - Lettice Cooper -- English writer
Wikipedia - Lettice Curtis -- English female aviator; Air Transport Auxiliary pilot
Wikipedia - Letting the cat out of the bag -- English idiom
Wikipedia - Levellers (band) -- English folk rock band
Wikipedia - Levellers -- Political movement during the English Civil War, committed to popular sovereignty, extended suffrage, equality before the law and religious tolerance
Wikipedia - Leveson Randolph -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Levitation (band) -- English psychedelic rock band
Wikipedia - Lewis Baumer -- English caricaturist
Wikipedia - Lewis Carroll -- English writer, logician, Anglican deacon and photographer
Wikipedia - Lewis Collins -- English actor (1946-2013)
Wikipedia - Lewis Jarvis -- English banker and all-around athlete
Wikipedia - Lewis Montgomery -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Lewis Mordaunt, 3rd Baron Mordaunt -- 16th-century English politician and peer
Wikipedia - Lex and Davey -- English radio show hosts
Wikipedia - Liam Botham -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Liam Gillick -- English artist
Wikipedia - Liam Grimwood -- English archer
Wikipedia - Liam Payne -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Lia Williams -- English actress
Wikipedia - Liber Cure Cocorum -- 1430 English cookbook
Wikipedia - Liber Eliensis -- 12th century English chronicle
Wikipedia - Liberian English
Wikipedia - Liberty (division) -- Former English division
Wikipedia - Life and Letters -- Former English literary journal
Wikipedia - Lift High the Cross -- 19th-century English Christian hymn
Wikipedia - Like -- English word
Wikipedia - Lilah Parsons -- English radio and TV presenter (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Lil' Chris -- English pop-rock singer and television presenter
Wikipedia - Lilian Lenton -- English suffragette
Wikipedia - Lilian Passmore Sanderson -- English teacher and activist against female genital mutilation
Wikipedia - Lillian Beckwith -- English writer
Wikipedia - Lillian Hall-Davis -- English actress
Wikipedia - Lillian Rich -- English actress
Wikipedia - Lily Brayton -- 19th/20th-century English actor and singer
Wikipedia - Lily Collins -- English actress and model
Wikipedia - Lily James -- English actress
Wikipedia - Lily Powell -- English author
Wikipedia - Lin Blakley -- English actress
Wikipedia - Lincoln Birch -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Lincolnshire Poacher cheese -- English cow's milk cheese
Wikipedia - Linda Barker -- English interior designer and television presenter
Wikipedia - Linda Bassett -- English actress
Wikipedia - Linda de Cossart -- English vascular surgeon
Wikipedia - Linda Grant -- English novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Linda Kelly (author) -- English historian
Wikipedia - Linda Lusardi -- English model and actress
Wikipedia - Linda M. Haines -- English and South African statistician
Wikipedia - Linda Riordan -- English Labour Co-op politician
Wikipedia - Linda Robson -- English actress and presenter
Wikipedia - Linda Smith (comedian) -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Lindisfarne (band) -- English folk rock band
Wikipedia - Lindsay Cooper -- English musician, composer and activist
Wikipedia - Lindsey Davis -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Lines (poem) -- 1837 English poem by Emily BrontM-CM-+
Wikipedia - LinguaLeo -- English language learning service
Wikipedia - Linguistic purism in English
Wikipedia - Lingwood and Burlingham -- Civil parish in the English county of Norfolk
Wikipedia - Linton Vassell -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Linus (band) -- English indie band
Wikipedia - Linus Roache -- English actor
Wikipedia - Lionel Atwill -- English and American actor
Wikipedia - Lionel Belmore -- English actor
Wikipedia - Lionel Bostock -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Lionel Charles Knights -- 20th-century English literary critic
Wikipedia - Lionel Collins -- English cricketer and British Indian Army officer
Wikipedia - Lionel Cranfield, 1st Earl of Middlesex -- 16th/17th-century English merchant and politician
Wikipedia - Lionel Jeffries -- English actor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Lionel Marson -- English cricketer, British Army officer, and actor
Wikipedia - Lionel Martin -- English businessman
Wikipedia - Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence -- 14th-century English prince and nobleman
Wikipedia - Lionel Platts -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Lipkin Gorman v Karpnale Ltd -- English case
Wikipedia - Lisa Davis (actress) -- English and American former child and adult actress
Wikipedia - Lisa Hall (musician) -- English singer
Wikipedia - Lisa Hall -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Lisa Hammond (actress) -- English actress
Wikipedia - Lisa John -- English ten-pin bowler
Wikipedia - Lisa Kehler -- English racewalker
Wikipedia - Lisa Stanley -- English/Irish singer and television presenter
Wikipedia - Lisa Stansfield -- English singer, songwriter and actress
Wikipedia - List of accidents and incidents involving the English Electric Lightning -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of actors nominated for Academy Awards for non-English performances -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Americans of English descent -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arabic-English translators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of artworks known in English by a foreign title -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of biographical dictionaries of women writers in English -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Calderon's plays in English translation -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Canadian English dictionaries
Wikipedia - List of Catholic martyrs of the English Reformation
Wikipedia - List of caves in the Peak District -- List of caves in the English Peak District
Wikipedia - List of churches preserved by the Churches Conservation Trust in the English Midlands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of closed pairs of English rhyming words -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of concertos for English horn -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by English-speaking population -- List of English speaking populations by country
Wikipedia - List of countries where English is an official language
Wikipedia - List of county exclaves in England and Wales 1844-1974 -- Post-1844 exclaves of English and Welsh counties
Wikipedia - List of dales in the Peak District -- List of valleys in the English Peak District
Wikipedia - List of defunct English women's cricket teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of dialects of English -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of dialects of the English language
Wikipedia - List of downloadable English songs for the SingStar series -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of earliest references in English cricket -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of early English cricketers to 1771 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of early warships of the English navy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English and Welsh cricket league clubs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English and Welsh endowed schools (19th century) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English apocopations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English back-formations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English Baroque composers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English Bible translations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English Channel crossings by air -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English cheeses -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English College Johore Bahru alumni -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English copulae -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English cricketers (1772-1786) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English cricketers (1787-1825) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English cricketers (1826-1840) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English cricketers (1841-1850) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English cricketers (1851-1860) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English cricketers (1861-1863) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English dishes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English districts by area -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English districts by population density -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English districts by population -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English exonyms for German toponyms -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English flags -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English Heritage blue plaques in London -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English Heritage blue plaques in the City of Westminster -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English Heritage blue plaques in the London Borough of Camden -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English Heritage blue plaques in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English Heritage properties -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English international cricketers born outside of England -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English inventions and discoveries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English inventors and designers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English irregular verbs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-language 20th-century general encyclopedias -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-language book publishing companies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-language Canadian game shows -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-language Canadian television series -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-language educational institutions in Quebec -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-language euphemisms for death -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-language films with previous foreign-language film versions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-language hymnals by denomination -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-language idioms of the 19th century -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-language literary presses -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-language poets -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-language pop songs based on French-language songs -- English-language pop songs based on French-language songs
Wikipedia - List of English-language small presses -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-language television channels in India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-language television channels in Pakistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English Latinates of Germanic origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-medium schools in Bangladesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English monarchs -- list article
Wikipedia - List of English people -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English philosophers
Wikipedia - List of English prepositions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English Renaissance composers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English Renaissance theatres -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English royal consorts -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English royal mistresses -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English rugby league stadiums by capacity -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English rugby union stadiums by capacity -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English rugby union teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English Schools Foundation schools -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English settings of Magnificats and Nunc dimittis -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-Spanish interlingual homographs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English-speaking Quebecers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English statutes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English translations of De rerum natura -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English Twenty20 cricket champions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English Victoria Cross recipients -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English women artists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words containing Q not followed by U
Wikipedia - List of English words from indigenous languages of the Americas -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Anglo-Saxon origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Arabic origin (A-B) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Arabic origin (C-F) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Arabic origin (G-J) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Arabic origin (K-M) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Arabic origin (N-S) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Arabic origin (T-Z) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Arabic origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Australian Aboriginal origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Brittonic origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Chinese origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Czech origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Dravidian origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Dutch origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Etruscan origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Finnish origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of French origin (A-C) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of French origin (D-I) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of French origin (J-R) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of French origin (S-Z) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of French origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Gaulish origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Hawaiian origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Hebrew origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Hindi or Urdu origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Hungarian origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Indian origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Indonesian origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Irish origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Italian origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Japanese origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Korean origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Malay origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Maori origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Niger-Congo origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Old Norse origin -- list
Wikipedia - List of English words of Persian origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Philippine origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Polish origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Polynesian origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Portuguese origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Romanian origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Romani origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Russian origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Sami origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Sanskrit origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Scandinavian origin -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Scots origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Scottish Gaelic origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Semitic origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Spanish origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Swedish origin -- list
Wikipedia - List of English words of Turkic origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Ukrainian origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Welsh origin -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Yiddish origin -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words of Zulu origin -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words with disputed usage -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words with dual French and Anglo-Saxon variations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English words without rhymes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English writers (A-C) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English writers (D-J) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English writers (K-Q) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English writers (R-Z) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English writers
Wikipedia - List of eponymous adjectives in English -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of films based on English-language comics -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of flags with English-language text -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of founders of English schools and colleges -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of French words and phrases used by English speakers
Wikipedia - List of French words of English origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of German expressions in English -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Germanic and Latinate equivalents in English -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Greek and Latin roots in English/H -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Greek and Latin roots in English/L -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Greek and Latin roots in English/M -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Greek and Latin roots in English/N -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Greek and Latin roots in English/R -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Greek and Latin roots in English -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Greek and Latin roots in English/X -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Greek morphemes used in English -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of heirs to the English throne -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of highest-grossing non-English films -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of historically significant English cricket teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international cricket five-wicket hauls on English cricket grounds -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Irish words used in the English language -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of irregularly spelled English names -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Italian musical terms used in English -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of language reforms of English -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Latin words with English derivatives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of locations in Australia with an English name -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of locations in Barbados with an English name -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of locations in Canada with an English name -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of locations in the world with an English name -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of manga licensed in English -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs elected to the English parliament in 1593 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs elected to the English parliament in 1597 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs elected to the English parliament in 1601 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs elected to the English parliament in 1604 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs elected to the English parliament in 1614 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs elected to the English parliament in 1621 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs elected to the English parliament in 1624 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs elected to the English parliament in 1625 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs elected to the English parliament in 1626 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs elected to the English parliament in 1628 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs elected to the English parliament in 1654 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs elected to the English parliament in 1656 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs elected to the English parliament in 1659 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs elected to the English Parliament in 1660 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs elected to the English Parliament in 1661 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs elected to the English Parliament in 1689 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs elected to the English parliament in April 1640 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs elected to the English parliament in November 1640 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs in the English parliament in 1645 and after -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MPs not excluded from the English parliament in 1648 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of musicians at English cathedrals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New Testament verses not included in modern English translations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of non-English-language newspapers in New South Wales -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of non-English-language newspapers in Western Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of non-English-language newspapers with English-language subsections -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Oh My English! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Philippine place names of English origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of plants in The English Physitian -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Protestant martyrs of the English Reformation
Wikipedia - List of pseudo-French words in English -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of pseudo-German words in English -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of reservoirs in the Peak District -- List of reservoirs in the English Peak District
Wikipedia - List of Sinhala words of English origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of South African English regionalisms -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of statues of English and British royalty in London -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Status Quo members -- List of members in the English rock band Status Quo
Wikipedia - List of Swedish-language novels translated into English -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of territorial entities where English is an official language -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of the longest English words with one syllable -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Who tours and performances -- List of tours and performances by The Who, an English rock band
Wikipedia - List of translators into English -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of words having different meanings in American and British English (A-L) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of words having different meanings in American and British English (M-Z) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of works by Dornford Yates -- Works by the English novelist Cecil William Mercer
Wikipedia - Lists of English loanwords by country or language of origin
Wikipedia - Lists of English words by country or language of origin
Wikipedia - Lists of English words of Celtic origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of English words -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of words having different meanings in American and British English -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Literal English Version -- A translation of the Bible based on the World English Bible
Wikipedia - Literal Standard Version -- A formal equivalence English translation of the Bible published in 2020 by Covenant Press.
Wikipedia - Little Arabella Miller -- English nursery rhyme
Wikipedia - Little Bo-Peep -- English folk song
Wikipedia - Little Tich -- English music hall comedian
Wikipedia - Liverpool Echo -- English daily tabloid newspaper
Wikipedia - Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets -- 1779-81 book by Samuel Johnson
Wikipedia - Liza Cody -- English crime fiction writer
Wikipedia - Liz Ham -- English-born Australian photographer
Wikipedia - Liz Jensen -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Liz May Brice -- English actress
Wikipedia - Lizo Mzimba -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Lizzie Allen Harker -- English author
Wikipedia - Llewelyn Davies boys -- English siblings that served as inspiration for Peter Pan
Wikipedia - Llewelyn Powys -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Lloyd Budd -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Lloyd George Knew My Father (song) -- English folk song
Wikipedia - Lloyd Watson -- English guitarist
Wikipedia - Loaded Pistols -- 1948 film by John English
Wikipedia - Loanwords in English
Wikipedia - Localism Act 2011 -- Legislation concerning English local government
Wikipedia - Lode Heath School -- An English academy.
Wikipedia - Lodowick Carlell -- 17th-century English playwright
Wikipedia - Loick Essien -- English singer
Wikipedia - Lois Rosindale -- English triathlete
Wikipedia - Lola Kirke -- English-born American actress and singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Lol Coxhill -- English free improvising saxophonist and raconteur
Wikipedia - Lol Crawley -- English cinematographer
Wikipedia - London 3 Essex -- English rugby union league
Wikipedia - London Company -- 17th-century English joint-stock company
Wikipedia - London Evening Post -- English newspaper from 1727 to 1797
Wikipedia - London Irish -- Professional English rugby union club
Wikipedia - London New Zealand Cricket Club -- English cricket club
Wikipedia - London's Burning (TV series) -- English television drama series
Wikipedia - Lonely the Brave -- English alternative rock band from Cambridge
Wikipedia - Longest word in English -- Longest words
Wikipedia - Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Wikipedia - Long Parliament -- English Parliament which lasted from 1640 until 1660
Wikipedia - Look Japan -- English language magazine published in Japan
Wikipedia - Lora Fairclough -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Lord Alfred Douglas -- English poet, translator and prose writer (1870-1945)
Wikipedia - Lord Byron -- English poet and a leading figure in the Romantic movement (1788-1824)
Wikipedia - Lord Edmund Howard -- 16th-century English nobleman
Wikipedia - Lord High Treasurer -- English government position
Wikipedia - Lording Barry -- 16th/17th-century English pirate and playwright
Wikipedia - Lord Strange's Men -- 16th/17th-century English playing company
Wikipedia - Lord Thomas Howard -- English duke (1511-1537)
Wikipedia - Lorna Boothe -- English hurdler
Wikipedia - Lorna Hill -- English author
Wikipedia - Lorna Hutson -- Ninth Merton Professor of English Literature
Wikipedia - Lorna Laidlaw -- English actress
Wikipedia - Lorna Mainwaring -- English gymnast
Wikipedia - Lorne Blair -- English film director and producer
Wikipedia - Lorraine Janzen Kooistra -- Canadian professor of English
Wikipedia - Lorraine Stanley -- English actress
Wikipedia - Lorraine Winstanley -- English dart player
Wikipedia - Lorrie Dunington-Grubb -- English landscape architect
Wikipedia - Lothingland -- An area in the English counties of Suffolk and Norfolk on the North Sea coast
Wikipedia - Lottie Blackford -- English actress
Wikipedia - Lottie Moggach -- English journalist and author
Wikipedia - Lottie Tomlinson -- English businesswoman
Wikipedia - Loughborough Lightning (women's cricket) -- English women's cricket team
Wikipedia - Louisa Fontenelle -- English actress
Wikipedia - Louisa Henrietta Sheridan -- English writer and illustrator
Wikipedia - Louis Ashbourne Serkis -- English actor
Wikipedia - Louis Barfe -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Louis Barnett Abrahams -- Welsh-born, English Jewish educator
Wikipedia - Louis Cockerell -- English cricketer and clegyman
Wikipedia - Louise Butterworth -- English pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Louise Distras -- English musician
Wikipedia - Louise Gullifer -- Rouse Ball Professor of English Law at the University of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Louise Jameson -- English actress
Wikipedia - Louise Lombard -- English actress
Wikipedia - Louise Pentland -- English YouTuber, blogger and author
Wikipedia - Louis Essen -- English physicist who invented the caesium atomic clock and determined the speed of light
Wikipedia - Louis Hynes -- English actor
Wikipedia - Louis Selwyn -- English actor and producer
Wikipedia - Louis Weigall -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Love Brewster -- Early English colonist in North America
Wikipedia - Love Nature -- Canadian-based English language television channel
Wikipedia - Lowell E. English -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Lowgold -- English indie rock band
Wikipedia - Loyle Carner -- English hip hop musician
Wikipedia - L. S. Hearnshaw -- English psychologist and historian
Wikipedia - Lucas Cleeve -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Lucinda Dryzek -- English actress
Wikipedia - Lucy Alexander -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Lucy Brown -- English actress
Wikipedia - Lucy Bryan -- English pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Lucy Clifford -- English novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Lucy Dixon -- English actress,
Wikipedia - Lucy Hall -- English triathlete
Wikipedia - Lucy Hutchinson (actress) -- English child actress
Wikipedia - Lucy Locket -- English language nursery rhyme
Wikipedia - Lucy Mecklenburgh -- English television personality, model and businesswoman
Wikipedia - Lucy Pargeter -- English actress
Wikipedia - Lucy Pinder -- English glamour model
Wikipedia - Lucy Porter -- English actress and comedian
Wikipedia - Lucy R. Wyatt -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Lucy's Law -- English law regulating the sale of pets
Wikipedia - Lucy Spraggan -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Lucy Stanhope -- English artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Luddite -- Organisation of English workers in the 19th century protesting adoption of textile machinery
Wikipedia - Ludford Docker -- English cricketer and businessman
Wikipedia - Ludovic Heathcoat-Amory -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Luisa Zissman -- English retail
Wikipedia - Luke Abbott -- English electronic music producer
Wikipedia - Luke Barnatt -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Luke Donald -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Luke Goddard -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Luke Goss -- English singer and actor
Wikipedia - Luke Jennings -- English author
Wikipedia - Luke Scott (director) -- English film director
Wikipedia - Luke Swann -- English professional cricket coach
Wikipedia - Luke Tittensor -- English actor
Wikipedia - Luke White (English politician) -- British politician
Wikipedia - Luke Worrall -- English model
Wikipedia - Lulu Garcia-Navarro -- English-born American journalist
Wikipedia - Lundy -- English island in the Bristol Channel
Wikipedia - Lunenburg English
Wikipedia - Lupo (dog) -- British celebrity English Cocker Spaniel
Wikipedia - Lupton family -- Prominent English 16th century family
Wikipedia - Lust's Dominion -- English Renaissance stage play
Wikipedia - Lydia Rose Bewley -- English actress
Wikipedia - Lyke-Wake Dirge -- Traditional Yorkshire-dialect English song
Wikipedia - Lynda Bellingham -- English actress, broadcaster, and author
Wikipedia - Lynn Barber -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Lynn Fontanne -- English actress
Wikipedia - Lynsey de Paul -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Lynton Lamb -- English artist and illustrator (1907-1977)
Wikipedia - Lyonel Tollemache -- English Baronet
Wikipedia - Mabel Annesley -- English painter
Wikipedia - Mabel Darlington -- Canadian-born English lawn bowls player
Wikipedia - Mabel Hokin -- English Biochemist
Wikipedia - Mabel Poulton -- English actress
Wikipedia - Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners
Wikipedia - Macquarie Dictionary -- Dictionary of Australian English
Wikipedia - Mad Cows and Englishmen -- 1996 albu by Captain Sensible
Wikipedia - Maddison Jaizani -- English actress
Wikipedia - Mad Dogs and Englishmen (novel) -- Doctor Who novel by Paul Magrs
Wikipedia - Maddy Hill -- English actress
Wikipedia - Madeleine Carroll -- English actress
Wikipedia - Madeline Montalban -- English occultist (1910-1982)
Wikipedia - Madeline Smith -- English actress
Wikipedia - Madge Adam -- English Astronomer
Wikipedia - Madge Kendal -- 19th/20th-century English actress and theatre manager
Wikipedia - Madura English-Sinhala Dictionary -- Sri Lankan free electronic dictionary service
Wikipedia - Magdalen Dacre -- 16th and 17th-century English noblewoman and Catholic recusant
Wikipedia - Maggie Boyle -- English singer
Wikipedia - Maggie Browne -- English writer (b. 1864, d. 1937)
Wikipedia - Maggs Bros Ltd -- English antiquarian booksellers
Wikipedia - Magna Carta -- English charter of rights, first agreed in 1215
Wikipedia - Magnus Pyke -- English nutritional scientist
Wikipedia - Mahalia Belo -- English film and television director
Wikipedia - Maid Marian -- Love interest of the legendary outlaw Robin Hood in English folklore
Wikipedia - Main Plot -- Alleged conspiracy of English courtiers, 1603
Wikipedia - Maisie Adam -- English stand-up comedian (b. 1994)
Wikipedia - Maisie Gay -- English actress and singer
Wikipedia - Maisie Peters -- English musician
Wikipedia - Maisie Richardson-Sellers -- English actress
Wikipedia - Maisie Williams -- English actress and internet entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Malawian English
Wikipedia - Malaysian English
Wikipedia - Malcolm Campbell -- English racing driver and speed record holder
Wikipedia - Malcolm Dixon (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Malcolm Drummond -- English artist
Wikipedia - Malcolm Gregson -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Malcolm Laycock -- English radio presenter, radio producer (1938-2009)
Wikipedia - Malcolm MacKenzie -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Malcolm Maclagan -- English cricketer and military engineer
Wikipedia - Malcolm McDowell -- English actor
Wikipedia - Malcolm Muggeridge -- English journalist, author, media personality, and satirist
Wikipedia - Malcolm Stevens -- English chemist and professor
Wikipedia - Mal Evans -- English road manager
Wikipedia - Malta Today -- English newspaper in Malta
Wikipedia - Manalapan-Englishtown Regional School District -- School district in Monmouth County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Manchester Camerata -- English chamber orchestra
Wikipedia - Manchester Mark 1 -- English stored-program computer, 1949
Wikipedia - Manchester Opera House -- English commercial touring theatre
Wikipedia - Mandip Gill -- English actor
Wikipedia - Manfred Palmes -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Manifold Way -- Bridlepath in the English Peak District
Wikipedia - Manley Kemp -- English schoolmaster and sportsman
Wikipedia - Manpreet Bambra -- English actress
Wikipedia - Manually coded English
Wikipedia - Man (word) -- English word
Wikipedia - Manx English
Wikipedia - Mapledurham House -- Elizabethan stately home located in the civil parish of Mapledurham in the English county of Oxfordshire
Wikipedia - Marcia Wilkinson -- English neurologist and researcher
Wikipedia - Marc Scott -- English long-distance runner (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Marc Sylvan -- English composer and sound designer
Wikipedia - Marcus Armitage -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Marcus Berkmann -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Marcus Brigstocke -- English comedian, actor, and satirist
Wikipedia - Marcus Higley -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Marcus Mumford -- English musician
Wikipedia - Marcus O'Dair -- English writer, musician and academic
Wikipedia - Marcus Patrick -- English actor (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Margaret Ascham -- Sixteenth century English writer
Wikipedia - Margaret Austen -- English diver
Wikipedia - Margaret Bromhall -- English radiotherapist
Wikipedia - Margaret Bryan -- English noble
Wikipedia - Margaret Campbell Barnes -- English writer
Wikipedia - Margaret Catchpole (opera) -- 1979 English chamber opera
Wikipedia - Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne -- 17th-century English aristocrat, writer, and scientist
Wikipedia - Margaret Child Villiers, Countess of Jersey -- English political hostess and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Margaret Clement -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Margaret Cookhorn -- English contrabassoonist
Wikipedia - Margaret, Countess of Pembroke -- 14th-century English princess
Wikipedia - Margaret Davies (conservationist) -- English conservationist and archaeologist
Wikipedia - Margaret de Vere -- English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Margaret Dryburgh -- English educator
Wikipedia - Margaret Eliot -- English music teacher and musician
Wikipedia - Margaret Fernseed -- English prostitute, brothel-keeper, and murderer
Wikipedia - Margaret Flamsteed -- English astronomer
Wikipedia - Margaret Gowing -- 20th-century English historian
Wikipedia - Margaret Greig -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Margaret Guido -- English archaeologist (1912-1994)
Wikipedia - Margaret Holford (the elder) -- English novelist, playwright and poet (1757-1834)
Wikipedia - Margaret Holford -- English poet and translator (1778-1852)
Wikipedia - Margaret Huxley -- English nurse
Wikipedia - Margaret Irwin -- English historical novelist
Wikipedia - Margaret Jane Benson -- English botanist
Wikipedia - Margaret Jepson -- English author
Wikipedia - Margaret Leahy -- English actress
Wikipedia - Margaret Lee (English actress) -- British actress
Wikipedia - Margaret Leigh -- English writer
Wikipedia - Margaret Louisa Woods -- English writer
Wikipedia - Margaret Marrs -- English computer programmer
Wikipedia - Margaret M'Avoy -- English impostor
Wikipedia - Margaret Nolan -- English actress
Wikipedia - Margaret of England, Duchess of Brabant -- 14th-century English princess and French noblewoman
Wikipedia - Margaret of England -- 13th-century English princess and Queen of Scotland
Wikipedia - Margaret Owen (plantswoman) -- English farmer and gardener (1930-2014)
Wikipedia - Margaret Plues -- English botanist
Wikipedia - Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury -- 16th-century English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Margaret Puxon -- English gynaecologist, obstetrician and barrister
Wikipedia - Margaret Rawlings -- English actress
Wikipedia - Margaret Read (anthropologist) -- English social anthropologist and colonial educationist
Wikipedia - Margaret Roscoe -- English botanical illustrator and author
Wikipedia - Margaret Stanley, Countess of Derby -- 16th-century English countess
Wikipedia - Margaret Verrall -- English parapsychologist (1857-1916)
Wikipedia - Margaret Wake, 3rd Baroness Wake of Liddell -- 14th-century English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Margaret Wake Tryon -- English heiress and wife of William Tryon
Wikipedia - Margaret Wycherly -- English stage and film actress
Wikipedia - Margaret Yorke -- English crime fiction writer
Wikipedia - Margery Fee -- Professor emeritus of English at the University of British Columbia
Wikipedia - Margery Fry -- English prison reformer and Principal of Somerville College, Oxford
Wikipedia - Margery Sharp -- English author
Wikipedia - Marghanita Laski -- English journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Margi Clarke -- English actress
Wikipedia - Margo Gunn -- English actress
Wikipedia - Margot Bryant -- English actress
Wikipedia - Maria Abdy -- English poet
Wikipedia - Maria Elizabetha Jacson -- Early 19thC English botanist and author
Wikipedia - Maria Fowler -- English television personality
Wikipedia - Maria Howard, Duchess of Norfolk -- English Catholic noblewoman
Wikipedia - Maria Jane Jewsbury -- English writer and literary reviewer
Wikipedia - Maria Margaret Pollen -- English writer on lace
Wikipedia - Marian Gamwell -- English nurse, ambulance driver, and farmer
Wikipedia - Marianne Dew -- English athlete
Wikipedia - Marianne Faithfull -- English singer, songwriter, and actress
Wikipedia - Marianne North -- English biologist and botanical artist
Wikipedia - Maria Polack -- English novelist and educator
Wikipedia - Maria Susanna Cooper -- English writer and poet
Wikipedia - Marie Belloc Lowndes -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Marie Burke -- English actress
Wikipedia - Marie Corelli -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Marie-Elsa Bragg -- English priest and writer
Wikipedia - Marie Fox -- French-born English writer
Wikipedia - Marie I, Countess of Boulogne -- 12th-century English princess and abbess
Wikipedia - Marie Lloyd -- English singer, comedian and actress (1870-1922)
Wikipedia - Marion Bidder -- English physiologist and writer
Wikipedia - Marion Coakes -- English equestrian
Wikipedia - Marion Hartog -- English poet, author, and educator
Wikipedia - Mariquita Jenny Moberly -- English artist, working in oil and watercolour
Wikipedia - Marius Goring -- English actor
Wikipedia - Marjorie Elizabeth Jane Chandler -- English palaeobotanist
Wikipedia - Marjorie Hume -- English actress
Wikipedia - Marjorie Ziff -- English philanthropist
Wikipedia - Marjory, Countess of Buchan -- 13th century English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Mark Addy -- English actor
Wikipedia - Mark Adlard -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Mark Alban -- English cricketer and medical doctor
Wikipedia - Mark Allbrook -- English cricketer and school headmaster
Wikipedia - Mark Benson -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Mark Birch (musician) -- English guitarist
Wikipedia - Mark Burns (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Mark Clarke -- English guitarist
Wikipedia - Mark Davis (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Mark Easton (athlete) -- English racewalker
Wikipedia - Mark Eggleston -- English cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Mark English (illustrator) -- American illustrator and painter
Wikipedia - Mark E. Smith -- English singer
Wikipedia - Mark Feltham (musician) -- English musician
Wikipedia - Mark Fleischmann -- English actor
Wikipedia - Mark Garnett -- English academic
Wikipedia - Mark Gilliver -- English cricketer.
Wikipedia - Mark Heap -- English actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Mark Hovell -- English historian
Wikipedia - Mark Jackson (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Mark Lane (cricketer, born 1968) -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Mark Lewisohn -- English author and historian
Wikipedia - Mark Nichols (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Mark Ormrod (historian) -- English historian
Wikipedia - Mark O'Toole (bishop) -- 21st-century English Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Mark O'Toole (musician) -- English musician; bassist and founding member of Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Wikipedia - Mark Owen -- English singer-songwriter (born 1972)
Wikipedia - Mark Phillips -- English equestrian
Wikipedia - Mark Proctor (shot putter) -- English athlete
Wikipedia - Mark Ryan (actor) -- English actor, author, action director and voice actor
Wikipedia - Mark Rylance -- English actor, theatre director, and playwright
Wikipedia - Mark Seymour (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Mark Steel -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Mark Stephens (solicitor) -- English solicitor
Wikipedia - Mark Strong -- English actor
Wikipedia - Mark Thomas -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Mark Tout -- English bobsledder
Wikipedia - Mark Walden -- English writer
Wikipedia - Mark Walport -- English medical scientist and immunologist
Wikipedia - Mark Walton (bowls) -- English bowls player
Wikipedia - Mark Weir -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Mark Williams (actor) -- English actor, comedian, screenwriter and presenter
Wikipedia - Mark Wynter -- English singer
Wikipedia - Marmaduke Constable (died 1545) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Marmaduke Stone -- English Jesuit during the Suppression
Wikipedia - Marmaduke Wyvill (MP for Ripon) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Marmozets -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Marnie Simpson -- English television personality
Wikipedia - Marshall Bus -- English bus body manufacturer
Wikipedia - Marshalsea Court -- English court
Wikipedia - Marsupilami (band) -- English progressive rock band
Wikipedia - Martha Annie Whiteley -- English chemist
Wikipedia - Martin Aitchison -- English illustrator
Wikipedia - Martin Atkins -- English musician
Wikipedia - Martina Topley-Bird -- English vocalist and musician
Wikipedia - Martin B-57 Canberra -- American built bomber license-built version of the British English Electric Canberra
Wikipedia - Martin Birkhead -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Martin Bott -- English geologist
Wikipedia - Martin Ditcham -- English drummer, percussionist and songwriter
Wikipedia - Martin Droeshout -- 17th-century English engraver of Flemish descent
Wikipedia - Martin Dyson -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Martineau family -- English family of Huguenot background
Wikipedia - Martine Beswick -- English actress and model
Wikipedia - Martine McCutcheon -- English actress, singer
Wikipedia - Martin Evans (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Martin Fisk -- English actor
Wikipedia - Martin Foster (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Martin Freeman -- English actor
Wikipedia - Martin Hawtree -- English golf course architect
Wikipedia - Martin Honeysett -- English cartoonist and illustrator
Wikipedia - Martin Joseph Freeman -- American scholar of English literature
Wikipedia - Martin Leman -- English artist
Wikipedia - Martin Lovett -- English cellist
Wikipedia - Martin Newell (musician) -- English singer-songwriter, poet, columnist, and author
Wikipedia - Martin Riley (cricketer) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Martin Rushent -- English record producer
Wikipedia - Martin Ryle -- English radio astronomer
Wikipedia - Martin Sherson -- English priest
Wikipedia - Martin Snape -- English painter
Wikipedia - Martin Stapleton -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Marti Webb -- English singer
Wikipedia - Martyn Green -- English singer and actor
Wikipedia - Martyn Ware -- English music producer (born 1956)
Wikipedia - Marty Wilde -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Marty Willson-Piper -- English guitarist and singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Marx/Engels Collected Works -- English edition of the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 50 volumes
Wikipedia - Mary Almond -- English physicist and radio astronomer
Wikipedia - Mary and Matthew Darly -- English printsellers and caricaturists
Wikipedia - Mary Ann Cotton -- 19th-century English serial killer
Wikipedia - Mary Anne a Beckett -- English composer
Wikipedia - Mary Anne Clarke -- English courtesan and diarist (1776-1852)
Wikipedia - Mary Anne Hardy -- English novelist and travel writer
Wikipedia - Mary Anne Stebbing -- English botanist, botanical illustrator
Wikipedia - Mary Anne Stirling -- 19th-century English actress
Wikipedia - Mary Anne Whitby -- English women scientist
Wikipedia - Mary Armine -- Learned English gentlewoman and benefactor
Wikipedia - Mary Astell -- English feminist writer
Wikipedia - Mary Bathurst Deane -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Mary Baylis Barnard -- English painter
Wikipedia - Mary Beard (classicist) -- English classicist
Wikipedia - Mary Boleyn -- Sister of English queen consort Anne Boleyn
Wikipedia - Mary Bownes -- English molecular and developmental biologist
Wikipedia - Mary Brewster -- Early English colonist in North America
Wikipedia - Mary Bulkley -- English dancer and comedy stage actress
Wikipedia - Mary Caesar -- English writer and Jacobite activist
Wikipedia - Mary Cannell -- English historian of mathematical physics
Wikipedia - Mary Carbery -- English writer
Wikipedia - Mary Cary (prophetess) -- Pamphleteer during the English Civil War
Wikipedia - Mary Cheke -- English courtier and epigramatist
Wikipedia - Mary Cholmondeley -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Mary Clarke (letter writer) -- 17th-century English letter writer
Wikipedia - Mary, Countess of Harold -- English noble
Wikipedia - Mary de Bohun -- 14th-century English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Mary Delany -- English Bluestocking, artist, and letter-writer
Wikipedia - Mary E. Gladwin -- English-American nurse
Wikipedia - Mary Elizabeth Braddon -- English author
Wikipedia - Mary Fairburn -- English artist
Wikipedia - Mary Fielding Smith -- English member of the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Mary Fitton -- 16th/17th-century English gentlewoman and maid of honour to Elizabeth I of England
Wikipedia - Mary F. Lyon -- English geneticist
Wikipedia - Mary Fox-Strangways, Countess of Ilchester -- English noblewoman,1852-1935
Wikipedia - Mary Frampton -- English diarist and botanist
Wikipedia - Mary Frances Heaton -- Englishwoman (1801 - 1878) unjustly imprisoned in lunatic asylum
Wikipedia - Mary Harcourt, Viscountess Harcourt -- American-English aristocrat and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Mary Hervey -- English courtier
Wikipedia - Mary Howitt -- English poet, and author, editor
Wikipedia - Mary Kingsley -- English ethnographer, scientific writer and explorer
Wikipedia - Mary Kitson Clark -- English archaeologist
Wikipedia - Marylebone Cricket Club -- English cricket club and former governing body
Wikipedia - Mary Margaret Busk -- English writer, historian and translator
Wikipedia - Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary -- Popular English nursery rhyme
Wikipedia - Mary Maud Page -- English born botanical illustrator based in South Africa
Wikipedia - Mary McCrossan -- English artist (1865-1934)
Wikipedia - Mary Mendum (botanist) -- English woman botanist (1945-2004)
Wikipedia - Mary Morton Allport -- English-Australian artist
Wikipedia - Mary Moser -- 18th and 19th-century English artist
Wikipedia - Mary of Waltham -- 14th-century English princess and duchess
Wikipedia - Mary of Woodstock -- 14th-century English princess and nun
Wikipedia - Mary Pannal -- English herbalist and cunning woman accused of witchcraft
Wikipedia - Mary Renault -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Mary Robinson (poet) -- English poet, novelist, dramatist, actress (1758-1800)
Wikipedia - Mary Rose -- Carrack-type warship of the English Tudor navy
Wikipedia - Mary Russell Mitford -- English author and dramatist (1787-1855)
Wikipedia - Mary Saunderson -- 17th-century English actress and singer
Wikipedia - Mary Shelley -- English novelist, short story writer, dramatist, essayist, biographer, travel writer
Wikipedia - Mary Sidney -- 16th/17th-century English noble, poet, playwright, and literary patron
Wikipedia - Mary Spry -- English cricketer (1922-2002)
Wikipedia - Mary Toft -- English medical hoaxer
Wikipedia - Mary Townley (architect) -- English architect
Wikipedia - Mary Warnock, Baroness Warnock -- English philosopher of morality, education, and mind, and a writer on existentialism
Wikipedia - Mary Wibberley -- English romantic fiction writer
Wikipedia - Mary Wilde, Baroness Penzance -- English gardener
Wikipedia - Mary Wilson, Baroness Wilson of Rievaulx -- English poet, wife of Harold Wilson
Wikipedia - Mary Wollstonecraft -- English writer and intellectual (1759-1797)
Wikipedia - Massachusetts Bay Colony -- English possession in North America between 1628 and 1684
Wikipedia - Master Grossmith -- 19th-century English actor
Wikipedia - Master Herbert -- 19th-century English actor
Wikipedia - Matador (English musical) -- 1991 musical
Wikipedia - Mat Fraser -- English actor
Wikipedia - Mathew Baynton -- English actor, writer, comedian, singer, and musician
Wikipedia - Mathew de Redman -- English politician
Wikipedia - Mathew de Sechnan -- 13th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Mathew Horne -- English actor
Wikipedia - Matilda Betham-Edwards -- English novelist, travel writer, poet and children's writer
Wikipedia - Matilda Chaplin Ayrton -- English physician
Wikipedia - Matilda of England, Duchess of Saxony -- 12th-century English princess and duchess
Wikipedia - Matilda Ramsay -- English television presenter and chef (born 2001)
Wikipedia - Mat Kirkby -- English filmmaker
Wikipedia - Matrix & Futurebound -- English drum and bass duo
Wikipedia - Matsue English Garden Mae Station -- Railway station in Matsue, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Matt Bellamy -- English singer, musician, and songwriter
Wikipedia - Matt Calland -- English Rugby League coach
Wikipedia - Matt Cardle -- English singer
Wikipedia - Matt Colton -- English mastering engineer
Wikipedia - Matt Edwards -- English electronic music producer and DJ
Wikipedia - Matt Ford (golfer) -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Matt Goss -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Matt Green (actor) -- English actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Matt Haines -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Matthew Appleyard (died 1700) -- 17th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Matthew Arnold -- English poet and cultural critic
Wikipedia - Matthew Arundell -- English gentleman
Wikipedia - Matthew Baldwin -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Matthew Bible -- English Bible
Wikipedia - Matthew Booth (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Matthew Boulton -- English industrialist, business partner of James Watt
Wikipedia - Matthew Brettingham -- English architect (1699-1769)
Wikipedia - Matthew Bridges -- English businessman
Wikipedia - Matthew Colthurst -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Matthew Elliott (political strategist) -- English political strategist
Wikipedia - Matthew Falder -- English serial sex offender and blackmailer
Wikipedia - Matthew Fitzpatrick -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Matthew Flinders -- English navigator and cartographer
Wikipedia - Matthew French -- English sport shooter
Wikipedia - Matthew Goode -- English actor
Wikipedia - Matthew Hale (jurist) -- English barrister
Wikipedia - Matthew Herbert (died 1603) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Matthew Hopkins -- English witch hunter
Wikipedia - Matthew James Thomas -- English actor
Wikipedia - Matthew Jordan -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Matthew King (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Matthew Lewis (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Matthew Liard -- English engraver
Wikipedia - Matthew Locke (composer) -- English Baroque composer
Wikipedia - Matthew Maynard -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Matthew Newcomen -- English minister
Wikipedia - Matthew Nixon -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Matthew Poole -- English Nonconformist theologian and biblical commentator (1624-1679)
Wikipedia - Matthew Prior -- 17th/18th-century English diplomat and poet
Wikipedia - Matthew Richardson (golfer) -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Matthew Simms -- English guitarist
Wikipedia - Matthew Smith Anderson -- English educator
Wikipedia - Matthew Southgate -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Matthew Waterhouse -- English actor and writer
Wikipedia - Matt Lucas -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Matt McManamon -- English musician
Wikipedia - Matt Milne -- English actor and director
Wikipedia - Matt Redman -- English worship leader, singer, songwriter and author
Wikipedia - Matt Skelton -- English kickboxer, boxer and mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Matt Smith (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Matt Terry -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Matt Wallace (golfer) -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Matt Willis -- English singer
Wikipedia - Maud Cunard -- American-born English socialite
Wikipedia - Maud de Braose -- English noblewoman
Wikipedia - Maud FitzJohn, Countess of Warwick -- English countess (c. 1238-1301)
Wikipedia - Maud Norris -- English entomologist
Wikipedia - Maud of Gloucester, Countess of Chester -- English noble
Wikipedia - Maureen Ruttle Garrett -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Maurice Beddow Bayly -- English physician and anti-vivisection activist
Wikipedia - Maurice Berkeley (died 1581) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Maurice Bruyn -- English knight
Wikipedia - Maurice Colbourne -- English stage and television actor
Wikipedia - Maurice Conde-Williams -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Maurice Dodd -- English cartoonist
Wikipedia - Maurice Evans (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Maurice Fenner -- English cricketer and military airman
Wikipedia - Maurice Gibb -- English singer and musician
Wikipedia - Maurice Greene (composer) -- English composer and organist
Wikipedia - Maurice Hommedieux -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Maurice Kaufmann -- English actor
Wikipedia - Maurice Keen -- English historian
Wikipedia - Maurice McCanlis -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Maurice Roberts (minister) -- English minister
Wikipedia - Maurice Tompkin -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Maurice Webb (architect) -- English architect
Wikipedia - Maurice Wiggin -- English author and journalist
Wikipedia - Maurice Wilkins -- New Zealand-born English biophysicist
Wikipedia - Mavis Hinds -- English meteorologist
Wikipedia - Max Agnese -- English sailor
Wikipedia - Max Beerbohm -- English writer
Wikipedia - Max Brick -- English diver
Wikipedia - Max Brown (English actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Max Bygraves -- English entertainer
Wikipedia - Max Eaves -- English pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Max Harris (golfer) -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Maximum Joy -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Maxine Audley -- English actress
Wikipedia - Max Irons -- English actor and model
Wikipedia - Max Miller (comedian) -- English music hall comedian, actor
Wikipedia - Max Orrin -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Max Wall -- English music hall artist/actor
Wikipedia - Maxwell Blacker -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - May AimM-CM-)e Smith -- English painter and engraver
Wikipedia - May de Montravel Edwardes -- English artist (1887-1967)
Wikipedia - Maynard Ashcroft -- English cricketer and doctor
Wikipedia - May Warden -- English actress (1891-1978)
Wikipedia - May Whitty -- English actress
Wikipedia - McFly -- English band
Wikipedia - McGill University -- English-language university in Montreal, Quebec
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Flfric of Eynsham -- English abbot and prolific writer in Old English of hagiography, homilies and biblical commentaries (c.955-c.1010)
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Fthelstan -- 10th-century King of the Anglo-Saxons, King of the English
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Nlot Saint-Michel -- An uninhabited island in the English Channel off the coast of Brittany in Cotes-d'Armor, France,
Wikipedia - Mechanisms of the English common law -- Legal mechanisms
Wikipedia - Meera Syal -- English author and actress
Wikipedia - Megan Lear -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Megan Povey -- English food physicist
Wikipedia - Megan Prescott -- English actress
Wikipedia - Meghan Beesley -- English hurdler
Wikipedia - Meghan MacLaren -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Meg Shelton -- Alleged English witch
Wikipedia - Meinhardt Schomberg, 3rd Duke of Schomberg -- English general
Wikipedia - Mel and Sue -- English comedy duo
Wikipedia - Melanie Blatt -- English singer-songwriter and actress
Wikipedia - Melanie Bruce -- English ice dancer
Wikipedia - Melanie Buckley -- English chess player
Wikipedia - Melanie C -- English singer, songwriter, entrepreneur, actress, fitness model and television personality
Wikipedia - Melbourne Inman -- English snooker and billiards player
Wikipedia - Melford Stevenson -- English High Court judge (1902-1987)
Wikipedia - Melissa Johns -- English actress
Wikipedia - Melissa Suffield -- English actress
Wikipedia - Mel Reid -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Melville Guest -- English cricketer and diplomat
Wikipedia - Mercian dialect -- Dialect of Old English
Wikipedia - Mercian (Old English)
Wikipedia - Merciless Parliament -- English parliamentary session
Wikipedia - Mercy Brown (weightlifter) -- English weightlifter
Wikipedia - Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
Wikipedia - Merrick Elderton -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Merry England -- Idealistic vision of a lost English way of life
Wikipedia - Mersey Beat -- English music publication
Wikipedia - Mervyn Brooker -- English cricketer and school headmaster
Wikipedia - Mervyn Etienne -- English kareteka
Wikipedia - Mervyn Tuchet, 2nd Earl of Castlehaven -- English nobleman
Wikipedia - Messiah (English poem)
Wikipedia - Metronomy -- English electronic music group
Wikipedia - Mez Packer -- English novelist
Wikipedia - M. H. Horsley -- English timber merchant, shipowner, and philatelist
Wikipedia - Mia Goth -- English actress and model
Wikipedia - Miako (barque) -- English composite barque
Wikipedia - M.I.A. (rapper) -- English rapper, singer, record producer and activist
Wikipedia - Mia Rose -- English-born singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Micaiah John Muller Hill -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Michaela Coel -- English actress, screenwriter, director, producer, and singer
Wikipedia - Michael Aldridge -- English actor
Wikipedia - Michael Anderson (director) -- English film director
Wikipedia - Michael Anderson Jr. -- English actor
Wikipedia - Michael Apted -- English film director
Wikipedia - Michael Aris -- English historian
Wikipedia - Michael Aspel -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Michael Atherton -- English cricketer, broadcaster, and journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Attenborough -- English theatre director
Wikipedia - Michael Ayrton -- English artist, writer
Wikipedia - Michael Baines -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Michael Bentine -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Michael Blount -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Michael Bond -- English author
Wikipedia - Michael Brennan (actor) -- English actor (1912-1982)
Wikipedia - Michael Bucks -- English priest
Wikipedia - Michael Bunney -- English architect
Wikipedia - Michael Caine -- English actor
Wikipedia - Michael Cavendish -- English composer
Wikipedia - Michael Chappell -- English writer and historian
Wikipedia - Michael Cochrane -- English actor
Wikipedia - Michael Collins (English actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Michael Crawford (cricketer) -- English cricketer and administrator
Wikipedia - Michael Culver -- English actor
Wikipedia - Michael Des Barres -- English actor and rock singer
Wikipedia - Michael Dixon (umpire) -- English cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Michael Drayton -- 16th/17th-century English poet and playwright
Wikipedia - Michael Drury -- English architect
Wikipedia - Michael Dunning (cricketer) -- English cricketer and army officer
Wikipedia - Michael Eaton -- English playwright and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Michael English (Irish singer) -- Irish country singer
Wikipedia - Michael Faraday -- English scientist (1791-1867)
Wikipedia - Michael French -- English actor
Wikipedia - Michael Gilbert -- English solicitor and crime fiction writer (1912-2006)
Wikipedia - Michael Gill -- English television producer
Wikipedia - Michael Gothard -- English actor
Wikipedia - Michael Gough (cricketer) -- English Cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Michael Green (cricketer, born 1891) -- English sportsman and cricket administrator
Wikipedia - Michael Gwynn -- English actor
Wikipedia - Michael Heneage -- 16th-century English politician and antiquary
Wikipedia - Michael Hirst (writer) -- English screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Michael Hopkins (architect) -- English architect
Wikipedia - Michael Hordern -- English actor, radio personality
Wikipedia - Michael Howard (historian) -- English military historian
Wikipedia - Michael Jayston -- English actor (b1935)
Wikipedia - Michael Kaye -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Michael Keating (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Michael Keeling -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Michael King (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Michael Lee (musician) -- English rock drummer
Wikipedia - Michael Lunt -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Michael Magill -- English first-class cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Michael Maw -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Michael McLean (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Michael McMaster -- English cricketer, naval officer, and businessman
Wikipedia - Michael Molyns -- English politician
Wikipedia - Michael Moorcock -- English writer, editor, critic
Wikipedia - Michael Morgan (cricketer, born 1932) -- English cricketer and medical doctor
Wikipedia - Michael Nicholson -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Nyman -- English composer of minimalist music, pianist, librettist and musicologist
Wikipedia - Michael Page (fighter) -- English fighter
Wikipedia - Michael Palin -- English comedian, actor, writer and television presenter
Wikipedia - Michael Parkinson -- English television and radio personality
Wikipedia - Michael Price (composer) -- English composer and pianist
Wikipedia - Michael Radford -- English film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Randle -- English peace campaigner
Wikipedia - Michael Raven (author) -- English writer and musician
Wikipedia - Michael Redfern -- English actor
Wikipedia - Michael Redgrave -- English actor
Wikipedia - Michael Ricketts (cricketer) -- English cricketer, British Army officer, and educator
Wikipedia - Michael Rosen -- English children's author
Wikipedia - Michael Schenker Group -- English hard rock band
Wikipedia - Michael Scott-Joynt -- English bishop
Wikipedia - Michael Shrimpton -- English barrister
Wikipedia - Michael Smurfit -- English-born Irish businessman
Wikipedia - Michael Spender -- English explorer
Wikipedia - Michael Stanhope (died 1552) -- English knight
Wikipedia - Michael Stevenson (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Michael Sturt -- English cricketer and businessman
Wikipedia - Michael Thomas (academic) -- English linguist and professor
Wikipedia - Michael Thomas Bass (1760-1827) -- English brewer
Wikipedia - Michael Thomas Bass -- English brewer and politician
Wikipedia - Michael Tippett -- English composer (1905-1998)
Wikipedia - Michael Walford -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Michael Walker (mathematician) -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Michael Ward (actor) -- English character actor
Wikipedia - Michael Wilding -- English actor
Wikipedia - Michael Williams (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Michael Winner -- English film director, writer & producer
Wikipedia - Michael Woodruff -- English surgeon and biologist; transplantation and cancer researcher
Wikipedia - Michael Wrigley -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Michael Xavier -- English actor and singer
Wikipedia - Micheal Ward -- English actor
Wikipedia - Michelene Wandor -- English dramatist
Wikipedia - Michelle Dockery -- English actress
Wikipedia - Michelle Dunkley -- English female athlete
Wikipedia - Michelle Paver -- English children's fiction writer
Wikipedia - Mick Abrahams -- English guitarist and band leader
Wikipedia - Mickey O'Brien -- English musician
Wikipedia - Mickey Walker (golfer) -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Mick Farren -- English journalist, author and singer
Wikipedia - Mick Gault -- English sport shooter
Wikipedia - Mick Gillies -- English medical entomologist
Wikipedia - Mick Hucknall -- English singer, songwriter and lead singer of Simply Red
Wikipedia - Mick Jagger -- English songwriter, singer of The Rolling Stones
Wikipedia - Mick Newell -- English cricketer and director
Wikipedia - Mick Ronson -- English guitarist, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, arranger and record producer
Wikipedia - Micky Flanagan -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Mid-Atlantic American English -- Dialect of U.S. English
Wikipedia - Mid-Atlantic English
Wikipedia - Middle English creole hypothesis
Wikipedia - Middle English Dictionary -- Dictionary of Middle English published by the University of Michigan
Wikipedia - Middle English literature
Wikipedia - Middle English phonology
Wikipedia - Middle English -- Stage of the English language from about the 12th through 15th centuries
Wikipedia - Middlesbrough Council -- English unitary authority council
Wikipedia - Middlesex 1 -- English Rugby Union league
Wikipedia - Middlesex 2 -- English rugby union league
Wikipedia - Middlesex 3 -- English rugby union league
Wikipedia - Middlesex 4 -- English rugby union league
Wikipedia - Middlesex County Cricket Club -- English cricket club
Wikipedia - Midland American English -- Variety of English spoken in the United States
Wikipedia - Midlands Microcraton -- A block of late Neoproterozoic crust which underlies the English Midlands
Wikipedia - Mid-Ulster English
Wikipedia - Mike Bailey (actor) -- English actor and singer
Wikipedia - Mike Bernard (painter) -- English painter
Wikipedia - Mike Bullen -- English TV screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mike Christie (director) -- English TV director and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Mike d'Abo -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Mike Dawes -- English fingerstyle guitar player
Wikipedia - Mike Edwards (pole vaulter) -- English pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Mike Exeter -- English sound engineer
Wikipedia - Mike Figgis -- 20th and 21st-century English composer, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mike Grundy -- English freestyle wrestler and MMA fighter
Wikipedia - Mike Hazlewood -- English singer, composer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Mike Le Han -- English filmmaker
Wikipedia - Mike Little -- English web developer (born 1962)
Wikipedia - Mike Melluish -- English cricketer and cricket administrator
Wikipedia - Mike Mitchell (cricketer) -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Mike Murray (cricketer) -- English cricketer, banker, and administrator
Wikipedia - Mike Powell (English cricketer) -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Mike Sammes -- English musician and vocal session arranger
Wikipedia - Mike Selvey -- English cricketer, writer, and commentator
Wikipedia - Mike Skinner (musician) -- English rapper
Wikipedia - Mike Smith (Dave Clark Five) -- English singer
Wikipedia - Mike Smith (saxophonist) -- English musician
Wikipedia - Mike Stock (musician) -- English songwriter, record producer and musician
Wikipedia - Mike Stone (record producer) -- English record producer
Wikipedia - Mike Wilkinson (fighter) -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Mike Winters (comedian) -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Mike Woodin -- English politician
Wikipedia - Mildred Cooke -- English noblewoman and translator
Wikipedia - Mildred May Gostling -- English chemist
Wikipedia - Miles Higson -- English actor
Wikipedia - Miles Mander -- English actor
Wikipedia - Miles Sandys (died 1636) -- English politician and author
Wikipedia - Miles Tunnicliff -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Miles Welles -- English priest
Wikipedia - Millicent Fawcett -- English suffragist
Wikipedia - Millicent Martin -- English actress
Wikipedia - Millie Brady -- English actress
Wikipedia - Million Pound Menu -- English game-show reality television series
Wikipedia - Milly Childers -- English painter (1866-1922)
Wikipedia - Mince pie -- English-originating sweet pie, traditionally eaten at Christmas
Wikipedia - Mind your own business -- English saying often abbreviated as MYOB
Wikipedia - Mind your Ps and Qs -- English-language idiom used to encourage (one) to be polite, presentable, and proper in a certain setting or context
Wikipedia - Mining in Cornwall and Devon -- Mining in the English counties of Cornwall and Devon
Wikipedia - Minor Counties of English and Welsh cricket -- Counties in English or Welsh cricket without first-class status
Wikipedia - Minotaur Shock -- English electronic musician
Wikipedia - Miranda Fricker -- English feminist philosopher
Wikipedia - Miranda Richardson -- English actress
Wikipedia - Miriam Mendes Belisario -- English writer and educator
Wikipedia - Mischief rule -- Traditional rule of statutory interpretation in English law
Wikipedia - Mission to Zyxx -- Improvised space opera podcast in English
Wikipedia - Miss James -- English philanthropist
Wikipedia - Miss Read -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Mitch Benn -- English comedian, author, and musician
Wikipedia - Mitch Murray -- English songwriter, record producer, and author
Wikipedia - Mixmaster Morris -- English DJ and musician
Wikipedia - M. J. B. Baddeley -- Distinguished English guidebook writer/late 19th/early 20th century
Wikipedia - M. John Harrison -- English author and critic
Wikipedia - Mobile Warfare -- English phrase for Mao Zedong's main military methods
Wikipedia - Modern Cookery for Private Families -- Bestselling 1845 English cookbook by Eliza Acton
Wikipedia - Modern English -- Stage of the English language from the contemporary period
Wikipedia - Modernist poetry in English
Wikipedia - Moetan -- Series ofM-BM- English-language study aids for Japanese-speakers
Wikipedia - Moira Redmond -- English actress (1928-2006)
Wikipedia - Moira Roth -- English feminist art historian
Wikipedia - Moll Davis -- English singer, actress and royal mistress
Wikipedia - Mollie King -- English singer-songwriter, television and radio presenter and model
Wikipedia - Mollie Sugden -- English comedy actress
Wikipedia - Moll King (coffee house proprietor) -- English prostitute, pickpocket, and thief
Wikipedia - Molly Caudery -- English pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Molly Conlin -- English actress
Wikipedia - Molly Drake -- English poet and musician
Wikipedia - Molly Hocking -- English singer
Wikipedia - Moment in Peking -- Novel written in English by Chinese author Lin Yutang
Wikipedia - Mona Best -- English club owner
Wikipedia - Mona Washbourne -- English stage, film and television actress
Wikipedia - Monica Coghlan -- English prostitute
Wikipedia - Monica Harrison -- English mezzo-soprano
Wikipedia - Monkton Bluefriars -- English boating club
Wikipedia - Monmouth Rebellion -- 1685 English rebellion against James II
Wikipedia - Monsal Trail -- Bridleway in the English Peak District
Wikipedia - Montague Ainslie -- English forester and businessman
Wikipedia - Montagu Love -- English actor
Wikipedia - Montagu Sharpe -- English politician, lawyer, amateur archaeologist, antiquarian, and ornithologist
Wikipedia - Monthly Review (London) -- English periodical
Wikipedia - Montreal English Theatre Award -- Canadian theatre award ceremony
Wikipedia - Montreal Gazette -- English-language newspaper in Montreal, Canada
Wikipedia - Moore Marriott -- English character actor
Wikipedia - Moore (surname) -- English-language family name
Wikipedia - Moray Macpherson -- English cricketer, clergyman
Wikipedia - Morcar -- 11th-century English earl
Wikipedia - Morcheeba -- English electronic band
Wikipedia - Morgan Aero 8 -- English sports car model
Wikipedia - Morlands -- English clothing manufacturer
Wikipedia - Morris dance -- English performance folk dance
Wikipedia - Morris Llewellyn -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Morrissey -- English singer
Wikipedia - Mortimer Grimshaw -- English political activist, strike leader and cotton weaver
Wikipedia - Morton Betts -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Morton Shapcott -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Mortons House Hotel, Corfe Castle -- English heritage building
Wikipedia - Moses da Costa -- English banker
Wikipedia - Moses Pitt -- English bookseller
Wikipedia - Moses supposes his toeses are roses -- English-language nonsense verse
Wikipedia - Most common words in English -- 100 most common words in English.
Wikipedia - Motorhead -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Mr Methane -- English entertainer
Wikipedia - Mrs Gardner -- English actress and playwright.
Wikipedia - Mrs Markham -- English writer
Wikipedia - Ms. -- English honorific
Wikipedia - Mugstar -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Mu Kuang English School -- Secondary school in Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Mule Train (film) -- 1950 film by John English
Wikipedia - Multicultural London English
Wikipedia - Multitran -- Russian and English online dictionary
Wikipedia - Munna Mitra -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Murder of Alice Gross -- English girl murdered in London
Wikipedia - Murder of Deborah Linsley -- 1988 English murder victim
Wikipedia - Murder of Linda Agostini -- English Australian homicide victim
Wikipedia - Murder of Mark Tildesley -- Murder of an English schoolboy.
Wikipedia - Murder of Pamela Werner -- Unsolved murder of young Englishwoman in 1937 Beijing
Wikipedia - Muriel Aked -- English film actress
Wikipedia - Muriel Bristol -- English phycologist (1888-1950)
Wikipedia - Muriel Chapman -- English chemist
Wikipedia - Muriel Dodd -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Muriel Forbes -- English politician and magistrate
Wikipedia - Muriel Hazeldene -- English snooker and billiards player
Wikipedia - Muriel Wheldale Onslow -- English biochemist
Wikipedia - Murray Stuart-Smith -- English judge
Wikipedia - Muse (band) -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Musidora: The Bather 'At the Doubtful Breeze Alarmed' -- Four nearly identical oil paintings on canvas by English artist William Etty
Wikipedia - Mya-Lecia Naylor -- English actress
Wikipedia - MyAnimeList -- English-language anime and manga database website
Wikipedia - Myanmar English
Wikipedia - Myles Birket Foster -- English illustrator, watercolour artist and engraver (1825-1899)
Wikipedia - Myles Boddington -- English cricketer, racehorse breeder, and president of the English Golf Union
Wikipedia - Myles Rudge -- English songwriter and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Myles Standish -- English military officer hired by the Pilgrims (1584-1656)
Wikipedia - Mysterious Doctor Satan -- 1940 film by John English, William Witney
Wikipedia - Nadia Essex -- English media personality
Wikipedia - Nadia Waloff -- English entomologist of Russian descent
Wikipedia - Nadine El-Enany -- English legal scholar
Wikipedia - Nadine Rose Mulkerrin -- English actress
Wikipedia - Nad Narimani -- English MMA fighter
Wikipedia - Names for the number 0 in English
Wikipedia - Namlish -- Macaronic form of English spoken in Namibia
Wikipedia - Nancy Cunard -- English writer, heiress and political activist
Wikipedia - Nancy Mitford -- English novelist, biographer and journalist
Wikipedia - Nancy Osbaldeston -- English ballet dancer
Wikipedia - Nancy Storace -- English operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Naomi Chance -- English actress
Wikipedia - Naomie Harris -- English actress
Wikipedia - Naomi Scott -- English actress and singer
Wikipedia - Naomi Watts -- English actress and film producer
Wikipedia - Narayan Murlidhar Gupte -- Indian poet and scholar of English, Sanskrit and Marathi literature
Wikipedia - Narrowboat -- Type of English canal boat
Wikipedia - Natalie Casey -- English actress
Wikipedia - Natalie Cassidy -- English actress
Wikipedia - Natalie Ceeney -- English businessperson and civil servant
Wikipedia - Natalie Dormer -- English actress
Wikipedia - Natalie Gavin -- English actress
Wikipedia - Natasha Bedingfield -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Natasha Cooper -- English crime fiction writer
Wikipedia - Natasha Ngan -- English fiction writer
Wikipedia - Natasha Parry -- English actress
Wikipedia - Natasha Richardson -- English actress (1963-2009)
Wikipedia - Nathalie Emmanuel -- English actress
Wikipedia - Nathalie Lunghi -- English actress
Wikipedia - Nathanael Richards -- 17th century English dramatist and poet
Wikipedia - Nathan Drake (essayist) -- 18th/19th-century English essayist and physician
Wikipedia - Nathan Field -- 16th/17th-century English actor and dramatist
Wikipedia - Nathaniel Bacon of Stiffkey -- English lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Nathaniel Barnardiston -- English politician
Wikipedia - Nathaniel Bland -- English cricketer and orientalist
Wikipedia - Nathaniel Bousfield -- English politician
Wikipedia - Nathaniel Fiennes, 21st Baron Saye and Sele -- English peer, businessman, and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Nathaniel Fiennes -- 17th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nathaniel George Philips -- English painter and etcher
Wikipedia - Nathaniel Hedge -- English clockmaker
Wikipedia - Nathaniel Wraxall -- 18th/19th-century English politician and Baronet
Wikipedia - Nathan Stewart-Jarrett -- English film, television, and theater actor
Wikipedia - Nathan Sykes -- English singer, songwriter and record producer
Wikipedia - Nathan Walsh -- English painter
Wikipedia - Nathan Wetherell -- English theologian and academic administrator
Wikipedia - National Council of Teachers of English -- American teaching organization
Wikipedia - National Tramway Museum -- English museum
Wikipedia - Navigator Records -- English independent record label
Wikipedia - Nazli Tabatabai-Khatambakhsh -- English founder and Artistic director
Wikipedia - NDTV 24x7 -- 24-hour English-language news and current affairs television channel based in New Delhi, India
Wikipedia - Nehemiah Grew -- English plant anatomist and physiologist (1641-1712)
Wikipedia - Neil Bainton -- English cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Neil Burgess (neuroscientist) -- English Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Neil Carmichael (English politician) -- Former Conservative MP for Stroud
Wikipedia - Neil Gaiman -- English fantasy writer
Wikipedia - Neil Hancock -- English cricketer (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Neil Hardie -- English male curler
Wikipedia - Neil Harrison (umpire) -- English cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Neil Mallender -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Neil Martin (motorsport) -- English Formula One strategist
Wikipedia - Neil Maskell -- English actor, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Neil McCarthy (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Neil Salvi -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Neil Tennant -- English musician, singer, songwriter and journalist
Wikipedia - Nektar -- English progressive rock band
Wikipedia - Nell Hudson -- English actress
Wikipedia - Nellie Halstead -- English track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Nell Tiger Free -- English actress
Wikipedia - Nelly Erichsen -- English painter and illustrator
Wikipedia - Neon Hitch -- English singer
Wikipedia - Nepalese English
Wikipedia - Nepali Times -- Nepali English newspaper
Wikipedia - Netta Rheinberg -- English cricketer, administrator, and journalist
Wikipedia - Nevile Lubbock -- English cricketer and President of the West India Committee
Wikipedia - Neville Cardus -- English writer (1888-1975)
Wikipedia - Neville-Neville feud -- Fifteenth-century feud within an English noble family
Wikipedia - Neville Robinson -- English physicist
Wikipedia - Neville Wanless -- English broadcaster
Wikipedia - Nevill Francis Mott -- English physicist, Nobel prize winner
Wikipedia - Nevil Shute -- 20th-century English novelist also connected with Australia
Wikipedia - New Age (Bangladesh) -- Bangladeshi English-language daily
Wikipedia - New American Bible -- English-language Catholic Bible translation
Wikipedia - New American Standard Bible -- English Bible translation
Wikipedia - Newbury Weekly News -- English local weekly newspaper
Wikipedia - New England English
Wikipedia - New English Hymnal
Wikipedia - Newfoundland and Labrador English School District -- English-language school district for all of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Wikipedia - Newfoundland English
Wikipedia - New International Version -- English translation of the Bible
Wikipedia - New Jerusalem Bible -- 1985 Catholic English translation of the Bible
Wikipedia - New King James Version -- English translation of the Bible first published in 1982 by Thomas Nelson
Wikipedia - New Kituwah Academy -- Bilingual Cherokee- and English-language immersion school in North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - New Living Translation -- Translation of the Bible into modern English
Wikipedia - New Model Army (band) -- English rock band
Wikipedia - New Model Army -- English Civil War army (1645-60)
Wikipedia - New Orleans English
Wikipedia - New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition -- English translation of the Bible
Wikipedia - New Revised Standard Version -- Modern English translation of the Bible
Wikipedia - News9 (Karnataka) -- Indian English-language television news channel in Karnataka
Wikipedia - New Straits Times -- English-language newspaper published in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Newton Wethered -- English non-fiction writer (1870-1957)
Wikipedia - New York City English
Wikipedia - New York Latino English
Wikipedia - New Zealand English phonology
Wikipedia - New Zealand English -- Dialect within the English language
Wikipedia - Niall Flannery -- English hurdler
Wikipedia - Niamh Emerson -- English heptathlete
Wikipedia - NIBS Buses -- English bus and coach operator
Wikipedia - Nichola Burley -- English actress
Wikipedia - Nicholas Adams (died 1584) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Allen (anthropologist) -- English anthropologist
Wikipedia - Nicholas Amer -- English stage, film and television actor
Wikipedia - Nicholas Arnold (1507-1580) -- English courtier and politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Bacon (Ipswich MP) -- 17th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Ball (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Barbon -- English economist, physician, property developer and financial speculator
Wikipedia - Nicholas Barham -- English lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Beaumont -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Carew (courtier) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Carlisle -- English antiquary and librarian
Wikipedia - Nicholas Carminow -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Clerk -- English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Crispe (died 1564) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Cristesham -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Culpeper -- English botanist, herbalist, physician, and astrologer
Wikipedia - Nicholas Darnell (cricketer) -- English cricketer, barrister and Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Nicholas de Balscote -- English-born Irish judge
Wikipedia - Nicholas de Hunt -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Fairfax -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Faunt -- English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Ferrar -- English scholar and courtier
Wikipedia - Nicholas Fish (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Foulkes -- English historian, author, and journalist
Wikipedia - Nicholas Frankau -- English actor
Wikipedia - Nicholas Frayling -- 21st-century English Anglican Dean of Chichester
Wikipedia - Nicholas Fuller (lawyer) -- 16th and 17th-century English barrister and Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - Nicholas Galitzine (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Nicholas Grimald -- 16th-century English poet and dramatist
Wikipedia - Nicholas Hare -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Hayman -- English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Hilliard -- 16th and 17th-century English artist
Wikipedia - Nicholas HM-CM-)roys -- English cricketer and chartered accountant
Wikipedia - Nicholas Hoult -- English actor
Wikipedia - Nicholas Hurleston -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Hytner -- English film and theatre director
Wikipedia - Nicholas I de Stuteville -- 12th-13th century English noble
Wikipedia - Nicholas Jones (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Nicholas Lane Jackson -- English sports administrator and author
Wikipedia - Nicholas Lanier -- English musician, scenographer and painter
Wikipedia - Nicholas L'Estrange -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Mynn -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Paget-Brown -- English conservative politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Pelham (died 1560) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Pelham -- English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Pinnock -- English actor
Wikipedia - Nicholas Poyntz (MP died 1585) -- English politician (1528-1585)
Wikipedia - Nicholas Poyntz -- English politician, courtier and landowner
Wikipedia - Nicholas Purcell (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Purslow -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Randall -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Robinson-Baker -- English diver
Wikipedia - Nicholas Rowe (writer) -- English poet, writer
Wikipedia - Nicholas Smith (actor) -- English comedy actor of film and TV active 1960-2010
Wikipedia - Nicholas Snell (died 1577) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Stewart -- English lawyer
Wikipedia - Nicholas St. John -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas St. Leger -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Templeman -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Throckmorton -- 16th-century English diplomat and politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Trefusis -- English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Vere-Hodge -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Nicholas Wadham (1472-1542) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholas Wilcox Cundy -- English architect and engineer
Wikipedia - Nicholas Wisdom -- English cricketer and businessman
Wikipedia - Nicholas Wykes -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicholson & Co Ltd -- English pipe organ manufacturer
Wikipedia - Nick Abbot -- English radio presenter (born 1960)
Wikipedia - Nick Buchanan (English cricketer) -- English cricketer and schoolteacher
Wikipedia - Nick Cook (cricketer) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Nick Dougherty -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Nick Faldo -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Nick Hendrix -- English actor (born 1985)
Wikipedia - Nick Hewer -- English television presenter and former public relations consultant
Wikipedia - Nick Leslau -- English commercial property investor
Wikipedia - Nick Majendie -- English cricketer and investment manager
Wikipedia - Nick Mason -- English drummer, co-founder of Pink Floyd
Wikipedia - Nick Osipczak -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Nick Papadopulos -- English priest of Greek descent
Wikipedia - Nick Parker (journalist) -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Nick Robinson (English actor) -- English actor born 1986
Wikipedia - Nick Warren -- English record producer
Wikipedia - Nick Wilton -- English actor and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Nick Wrenn -- English businessman and journalist
Wikipedia - Nicky Best -- English statistician
Wikipedia - Nicky Evans -- English actor
Wikipedia - Nicky Gumbel -- English Anglican priest
Wikipedia - Nicky Hirst -- English sculptress and installation artist
Wikipedia - Nicky Hopkins -- English pianist and organist
Wikipedia - Nicola Bryant -- English actress
Wikipedia - Nicolas Coldstream -- English archaeologist and academic
Wikipedia - Nicolas Langmede -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Nicolas Roeg -- English film director and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Nicola Stapleton -- English actress
Wikipedia - Nicolas Woodman -- English actor
Wikipedia - Nicola Tappenden -- English model
Wikipedia - Nico Mirallegro -- English actor
Wikipedia - Nico Parker -- English actress
Wikipedia - Nigel Barker (photographer) -- English reality TV show personality, photographer, author, and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Nigel (bishop of Ely) -- 12th-century English Treasurer and Bishop of Ely
Wikipedia - Nigel Bloy -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Nigel Clark -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Nigel De Brulier -- English actor
Wikipedia - Nigel Draffan -- English cricketer and cricket administrator
Wikipedia - Nigel Godrich -- English record producer
Wikipedia - Nigel Hawthorne -- English actor
Wikipedia - Nigel Jerram -- English cricketer, medical doctor, and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Nigel Kennedy -- English violinist
Wikipedia - Nigella Lawson -- English food writer and cooking show host
Wikipedia - Nigel Laughton -- English cricketer and sports consultant
Wikipedia - Nigel Paneth -- English pediatrician and epidemiologist
Wikipedia - Nigel Patrick -- English actor and stage director
Wikipedia - Nigel Planer -- English actor, comedian and writer
Wikipedia - Nigel Playfair -- 19th/20th-century English actor-manager
Wikipedia - Nigel Plews -- English cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Nigel Popplewell -- English cricketer and solicitor
Wikipedia - Nigel Spratley -- English male athlete
Wikipedia - Nigel Terry -- English actor
Wikipedia - Nigerian English
Wikipedia - Nigerian Pidgin -- English-based creole languages
Wikipedia - Nightmares on Wax -- English DJ
Wikipedia - Night Time Stories -- English independent record label
Wikipedia - Nik Carter -- English musician
Wikipedia - Nik Kershaw -- English musician (born 1958)
Wikipedia - Nina Bawden -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Nina Coote -- English-born Irish croquet player
Wikipedia - Nina Hossain -- English journalist and presenter
Wikipedia - Nina Stanger -- English barrister
Wikipedia - Nine Sisters (1785 ship) -- English merchant ships
Wikipedia - Noah Huntley -- English actor
Wikipedia - Noah Webster -- American lexicographer, textbook pioneer, English-language spelling reformer, writer, editor, and author
Wikipedia - Noah Williams (diver) -- English diver
Wikipedia - Noble Automotive -- English automotive company
Wikipedia - Noble (English coin) -- 14th/15th-century English gold coin
Wikipedia - Nocturnal Emissions -- English industrial music band
Wikipedia - Noel Atherton -- English cartographer
Wikipedia - Noel Dyson -- English actress
Wikipedia - Noel Edmonds -- English television presenter and executive
Wikipedia - Noel Gallagher -- English singer, songwriter and guitarist
Wikipedia - Noel Myles -- English artist
Wikipedia - Noel Redding -- English musician
Wikipedia - Noel Stanton -- English religious leader
Wikipedia - Noel Thomas (curler) -- English wheelchair curler
Wikipedia - Noire River (English River tributary) -- River in Le Haut-Saint-Laurent, MontM-CM-)rM-CM-)gie, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - NoM-CM-+l Coward -- English playwright, composer, director, actor and singer
Wikipedia - Non-English-based programming languages -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Non-native pronunciations of English
Wikipedia - No problem -- English expression, used as a response to thanks
Wikipedia - Norah Baring -- English actress
Wikipedia - Norma Izard -- English cricketer and manager
Wikipedia - Norma May -- English bowls player
Wikipedia - Norman Beaker -- English blues musician
Wikipedia - Norman Bennett -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Norman Chapman -- English musician
Wikipedia - Norman Cooper (sportsman) -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Norman Dagley -- English world champion billiards player
Wikipedia - Norman Evill -- English architect and draughtsman (1873-1958)
Wikipedia - Norman Foster, Baron Foster of Thames Bank -- English architect
Wikipedia - Norman Garwood -- English production designer
Wikipedia - Norman Gavin -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Norman Grace -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Norman Haggett -- English cricketer, Royal Air Force officer, and educator
Wikipedia - Norman Harvey -- English soldier
Wikipedia - Norman Knight (English cricketer) -- English cricketer and colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Norman MacLachlan -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Norman Pickavance -- English advisor, author, activist
Wikipedia - Norman Pounds -- English geographer and historian
Wikipedia - Norman Preston -- English cricket journalist
Wikipedia - Norman Routledge -- English mathematician and schoolteacher
Wikipedia - Norman St. Clair -- English-born American painter and architect
Wikipedia - Norman Sutton -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Norman Tebbit -- English politician
Wikipedia - Norman Whatley -- English educationalist
Wikipedia - Norman Wisdom -- English actor, comedian and singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Norman yoke -- Alleged oppression of the English by the Normans
Wikipedia - Norma Varden -- English actress
Wikipedia - North American English regional phonology
Wikipedia - North American English
Wikipedia - Northampton High School, England -- English secondary school
Wikipedia - Northamptonshire County Cricket Club -- English cricket club
Wikipedia - North-Central American English
Wikipedia - North East Autism Society -- English public service organisation
Wikipedia - Northern American English
Wikipedia - Northern England English
Wikipedia - Northern Ireland Billiards and Snooker Association -- National governing body for snooker and English billiards
Wikipedia - Northern Textile and Allied Workers' Union -- English trade union
Wikipedia - North London Railway -- Defunct English railroad company
Wikipedia - Northumbrian Old English -- Dialect of Old English
Wikipedia - North Walsham & Dilham Canal -- waterway in the English county of Norfolk
Wikipedia - North West Air Ambulance -- English air ambulance service
Wikipedia - North-West East 3 -- English Rugby Union league
Wikipedia - North-West North 1 -- English Rugby Union league
Wikipedia - North-West North 2 -- English Rugby Union league
Wikipedia - North West Thunder -- English women's cricket team
Wikipedia - Norwich CEYMS F.C. -- English foot ball club based in Swardeston, Norfolk
Wikipedia - No Search, No Rescue -- English-language poem Palestinian poet Jehan Bseiso
Wikipedia - Nosferatu D2 -- English indie rock band
Wikipedia - Notability in English Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Notability in the English Wikipedia -- criterion for topic in Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Nothing but Thieves -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club -- English cricket club
Wikipedia - Nottinghamshire Pride -- Registered charity that organises an LGBT festival in the English city of Nottingham each July
Wikipedia - Novator Partners -- English private equity investment firm
Wikipedia - Nova Twins -- English rock duo
Wikipedia - Nowell Sotherton -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Oasis (band) -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Oath of Salisbury -- 1086 event in English history
Wikipedia - Obadiah Wills -- English clergyman and theologian
Wikipedia - Oblivion (2013 film) -- 2013 English post-apocalyptic action-adventure film directed by Joseph Kosinski
Wikipedia - Obscured by Clouds -- Soundtrack album by the English rock band Pink Floyd
Wikipedia - Observance of 5th November Act 1605 -- 1606 Act of the English Parliament
Wikipedia - Ocean Colour Scene -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Octavia Wilberforce -- English physician
Wikipedia - Octopus (English band) -- English band
Wikipedia - Official bilingualism in Canada -- Policy that the English and French languages have equal status and usage in Canadian government
Wikipedia - O Heraldo -- English-language daily newspaper from Goa
Wikipedia - OK -- Word from the English language
Wikipedia - Old Dalby Test Track -- English railway used for testing trains
Wikipedia - Old English Cemetery, Livorno
Wikipedia - Old English Dicts of Cato
Wikipedia - Old English (film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Old English Game -- British breed of domestic chicken
Wikipedia - Old English Gospel of Nicodemus
Wikipedia - Old English grammar
Wikipedia - Old English Hexateuch
Wikipedia - Old English language
Wikipedia - Old English Lapidary
Wikipedia - Old English Latin alphabet
Wikipedia - Old English literature
Wikipedia - Old English Martyrology
Wikipedia - Old English Orosius
Wikipedia - Old English Pheasant Fowl -- British breed of chicken
Wikipedia - Old English phonology
Wikipedia - Old English poetry
Wikipedia - Old English -- Earliest historical form of English
Wikipedia - Older Southern American English
Wikipedia - Old Tom Parr -- Englishman who was said to have lived for 152 years
Wikipedia - Olga FitzGeorge -- English socialite, businessperson, and granddaughter of Prince George, Duke of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Olga Hudlicka -- Czech-born English physiologist (1926-2014)
Wikipedia - Olga Koch -- English stand-up comedian
Wikipedia - Oli Thompson -- English strongman and mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Olive (band) -- English breakbeat/trip hop group
Wikipedia - Oliver Almond -- English writer
Wikipedia - Oliver Boot -- English actor
Wikipedia - Oliver Carminow -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Oliver Cheshire -- English fashion model
Wikipedia - Oliver Cromwell's head -- Decapitated head of English revolutionary leader Oliver Cromwell
Wikipedia - Oliver Cromwell -- 17th-century English military and political leader
Wikipedia - Oliver Davis (composer) -- English composer (born 1972)
Wikipedia - Oliver Heaviside -- English electrical engineer, mathematician and physicist (1850-1925)
Wikipedia - Oliver Jackson-Cohen -- English film actor and model
Wikipedia - Oliver James (actor) -- English musician, singer, songwriter, and actor
Wikipedia - Oliver Maltman -- English actor
Wikipedia - Oliver Manners -- English politician
Wikipedia - Oliver Vachell -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Oliver Weeks -- English composer
Wikipedia - Oliver! -- English musical by Lionel Bart based upon Charles Dickens' novel 'Oliver Twist'
Wikipedia - Oliver Wilson -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Olivia Broadfield -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Olivia Colman -- English actress
Wikipedia - Olivia Cooke -- English actress
Wikipedia - Olivia Hussey -- English actress
Wikipedia - Olivia Vinall -- English/Belgian actress
Wikipedia - Olly Blackburn -- English movie director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Olly Murs -- English singer, songwriter, presenter, and director
Wikipedia - Ol Parker -- English film director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Olwen Brookes -- English actress
Wikipedia - Onan (film) -- 2009 film in Tamil and English from India Shyam Madhavan Sarada
Wikipedia - One Direction -- English-Irish boy band
Wikipedia - One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme) -- Traditional English divination nursery rhyme about magpies
Wikipedia - One (pronoun) -- English language, gender-neutral, indefinite pronoun
Wikipedia - One, Two, Buckle My Shoe -- English-language nursery rhyme
Wikipedia - Onslow Whiting -- English sculptor
Wikipedia - On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth -- 1823 essay in Shakespearean criticism by the English author Thomas De Quincey
Wikipedia - Onward, Christian Soldiers -- 19th-century English hymn
Wikipedia - Open (Indian magazine) -- Indian magazine in English language featuring current affairs
Wikipedia - Ophelia Lovibond -- English actress
Wikipedia - Orange (word) -- Word in the English language
Wikipedia - Origin Unknown -- English electronic music duo
Wikipedia - OritsM-CM-) Williams -- English singer and dancer
Wikipedia - Orlando Bloom -- English actor
Wikipedia - Orlando Gibbons -- English composer, virginalist and organist (1583-1625)
Wikipedia - Orlando le Fleming -- English cricketer and jazz musician
Wikipedia - Orme Bristowe -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Ormulum -- 12th century English book of homilies
Wikipedia - Osaka (barque) -- English composite barque
Wikipedia - Osbern Bokenam -- English friar and poet
Wikipedia - Osbern fitzRichard -- 11th-century English tenant-in-chief
Wikipedia - Osbert de Bayeux -- 12th-century English priest
Wikipedia - Osbert fitzHervey -- 12th and 13th-century English royal justice
Wikipedia - Osbert Lancaster -- English cartoonist, historian, stage designer and author (1908-1986)
Wikipedia - Osbert Salvin -- English naturalist, ornithologist (1835-1898)
Wikipedia - Osborne William Tancock -- English clergyman, headmaster, and author
Wikipedia - Osh (singer) -- English singer and rapper
Wikipedia - Osmund Scott -- English cricketer and golfer
Wikipedia - O. Spurgeon English -- American psychiatrist and psychoanalyst
Wikipedia - Oswald Cornwallis -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Oswald Norris -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - O. T. Fagbenle -- English actor
Wikipedia - Otie Chew Becker -- English violinist and music educator
Wikipedia - Otm Shank -- English music producer
Wikipedia - Ottawa Valley English
Wikipedia - Otter Gallery -- English art gallery
Wikipedia - Ough (orthography) -- Tetragraph in English
Wikipedia - Overfinch -- English business customising Land and Range Rovers
Wikipedia - Ovingdean Grange -- English manor house
Wikipedia - Owen Aaronovitch -- English actor
Wikipedia - Owen Brenman -- English actor
Wikipedia - Owen Frampton -- English art teacher
Wikipedia - Owen Hayman -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Owen Hopton -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Owen Jones -- English columnist, author, political commentator
Wikipedia - Oxford Blades -- Former English ice hockey team
Wikipedia - Oxford Book of English Madrigals
Wikipedia - Oxford Dictionary of English -- A single-volume completely new dictionary first published in 1998
Wikipedia - Oxford English Corpus -- Is a text corpus and database of 21st century English
Wikipedia - Oxford English Dictionary -- Premier historical dictionary of the English language
Wikipedia - Oxford Test of English
Wikipedia - Oyez -- English-language interjection announcing the opening of a legal court
Wikipedia - Ozias Humphry -- 18th/19th-century English painter
Wikipedia - Ozzy Osbourne -- English heavy metal vocalist and songwriter
Wikipedia - Pacific Northwest English
Wikipedia - Pacificus Baker -- English Franciscan friar and spiritual writer
Wikipedia - Paddy Considine -- English actor
Wikipedia - Paddy McGuinness -- English comedian, comedy actor, television personality and presenter
Wikipedia - Pakistani English
Wikipedia - Palace of Placentia -- English royal palace at Greenwich
Wikipedia - Palauan English
Wikipedia - Paleologus of Pesaro -- English-Italian noble family of Greek descent
Wikipedia - Palgrave Macmillan -- English publishing house
Wikipedia - Paloma Faith -- English singer, songwriter, and actress
Wikipedia - Pam Ayres -- English poet, songwriter and presenter (born 1947)
Wikipedia - Pamela Barton -- English amateur golfer
Wikipedia - Pam St Clement -- English actress
Wikipedia - Panshanger -- English manor in Hertfordshire, UK
Wikipedia - Paparao Public School -- English medium school at Koru Uppalapadu, Andhra Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Paper Lace -- English pop group
Wikipedia - Parade (band) -- English pop music girl group (2009-2013)
Wikipedia - PARCC -- Consortium for K-12 assessments in Mathematics and English
Wikipedia - Parish councils in England -- Elected corporate bodies responsible for local government in English civil parishes
Wikipedia - Paris Is Out! -- 1970 comedic play in English
Wikipedia - Parliament of 1327 -- English parliament
Wikipedia - Parliament of Great Britain -- United English and Scottish parliament 1707-1800
Wikipedia - Parmo -- English take-away dish
Wikipedia - Parry Glasspool -- English actor
Wikipedia - Pat Booth -- English novelist, model, photographer and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Pat Fillingham -- English test pilot for the de Havilland company
Wikipedia - Pat Fothergill -- English roboticist
Wikipedia - Pat Pryce -- English hurdler
Wikipedia - Patric Doonan -- English actor
Wikipedia - Patricia Duggin -- English kareteka
Wikipedia - Patricia Howlin -- English psychiatrist
Wikipedia - Patricia Medina -- English-American actress (1919-2012)
Wikipedia - Patricia Routledge -- English actress and singer
Wikipedia - Patrick Gowers -- English composer (1936-2014)
Wikipedia - Patrick Kennedy (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Patrick Kidd -- English journalist and blogger
Wikipedia - Patrick Linstead -- English chemist
Wikipedia - Patrick MacLarnon -- English cricketer and educator
Wikipedia - Patrick Marber -- English comedian, playwright, director, actor, and screenwriter.
Wikipedia - Patrick Mermagen -- English cricketer and school teacher
Wikipedia - Patrick Michael Grundy -- English mathematician and statistician
Wikipedia - Patrick Moore -- English astronomer, broadcaster and writer
Wikipedia - Patrick O'Brian -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Patrick Robinson (cyclist) -- English mountain biker
Wikipedia - Patrick Rucker -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Patrick Stewart -- English film, television and stage actor
Wikipedia - Patrick Whitehouse -- English railway preservation pioneer
Wikipedia - Patrick White -- English-born Australian writer
Wikipedia - Patrick Williams (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Patrick Woodroffe -- English artist
Wikipedia - Patrick Wymark -- English actor
Wikipedia - Pat Sharp -- English broadcaster (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Paul Abbott -- English writer and producer
Wikipedia - Paul Antony-Barber -- English actor
Wikipedia - Paula Rae Gibson -- English photographer and singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Paul Atherton -- English producer
Wikipedia - Paul Baldwin -- English cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Paul Bettany -- English actor
Wikipedia - Paul Bhattacharjee -- English actor
Wikipedia - Paul Blagg -- English racewalker
Wikipedia - Paul Broadhurst -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Paul Casey -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Paul Cavanagh -- English actor
Wikipedia - Paul Chart -- English film director
Wikipedia - Paul Collins (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Paul Cook -- English drummer for the Sex Pistols
Wikipedia - Paul Crarey -- English rugby league coach
Wikipedia - Paul Curry (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Paul Dacre -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Daley -- English mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Paul Di'Anno -- English heavy metal singer
Wikipedia - Paul Dirac -- English theoretical physicist
Wikipedia - Paul Draper (musician) -- English musician (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Paul Dunkels -- English cricketer and barrister
Wikipedia - Paul Eales -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Paul Eddington -- English actor
Wikipedia - Paul English (drummer) -- American musician
Wikipedia - Paul Falconer Poole -- English painter
Wikipedia - Paul Ferguson -- English drummer
Wikipedia - Paul Field (bobsledder) -- English bobsledder
Wikipedia - Paul Foley (cricketer) -- English cricketer, cricket administrator, barrister
Wikipedia - Paul Frampton -- English physicist (born 1943)
Wikipedia - Paul Goodison -- English sailor
Wikipedia - Paul Graham (photographer) -- English photographer
Wikipedia - Paul Graham (programmer) -- English programmer, venture capitalist, and essayist
Wikipedia - Paul Gray (English musician) -- British musician
Wikipedia - Paul Grayson (cricketer) -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Paul Harvey (artist) -- English musician and artist
Wikipedia - Paul Hockings -- English anthropologist
Wikipedia - Paul Hollywood's Big Continental Road Trip -- English television documentary series
Wikipedia - Paul Hollywood -- English baker and chef
Wikipedia - Paul Howard (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Paul Hutchison (English cricketer) -- Paul Hutchison (English cricketer)
Wikipedia - Pauline Baynes -- English illustrator of children's books
Wikipedia - Pauline Black -- English singer, actress, and author
Wikipedia - Pauline Clarke -- English children's writer
Wikipedia - Pauline Johnson (actress) -- English film actress
Wikipedia - Pauline Johnson (immunologist) -- English immunologist and microbiologist
Wikipedia - Pauline Quirke -- English actress
Wikipedia - Paul Joseph Watson -- English YouTuber, radio host, writer, editor, and conspiracy theorist
Wikipedia - Paul Kelly (fighter) -- English mixed martial artist
Wikipedia - Paul Kerensa -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Paul King (Mungo Jerry) -- English musician
Wikipedia - Paul Kossoff -- English musician
Wikipedia - Paul Massey (sound engineer) -- English sound engineer
Wikipedia - Paul McCartney -- English singer-songwriter and musician, bass guitarist of the Beatles
Wikipedia - Paul Medati -- English snooker and pool player
Wikipedia - Paul Merton -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Paul Miller (radio presenter) -- English radio presenter (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Paul Morrell -- English chartered quantity surveyor
Wikipedia - Paul Newby (karateka) -- English kareteka
Wikipedia - Paul Nicholls (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Paul Nicholls (horse racing) -- English horse trainer
Wikipedia - Paul Parker (cricketer) -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Paul Prichard -- English cricketer and coach
Wikipedia - Paul Ramage -- English cricketer and headmaster
Wikipedia - Paul Rapsey Hodge -- English-American inventor and mechanical engineer
Wikipedia - Paul Raven (musician) -- English musician
Wikipedia - Paul Ritter (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Paul Rodgers -- English-Canadian singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Paul Romaines -- English cricketer and teacher
Wikipedia - Paul Sandby -- English map-maker and painter
Wikipedia - Paul Sass -- English martial artist
Wikipedia - Paul Scofield -- English actor
Wikipedia - Paul Shane -- English comedian and actor
Wikipedia - Paul Simonon -- English musician and artist
Wikipedia - Paul Sussman -- English writer, archaeologist and journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Taylor (fighter) -- English mixed martial artist, born 1979
Wikipedia - Paul Usher -- English actor
Wikipedia - Paul Way -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Paul Wentworth -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Paul Wesselingh -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Paul Winterton -- English writer
Wikipedia - Paul Young -- English pop musician
Wikipedia - Paul Zenon -- English entertainer
Wikipedia - P. D. James -- English crime writer
Wikipedia - Pearl Carr & Teddy Johnson -- English husband-and-wife team of entertainers
Wikipedia - Peerage of Ireland -- Titles of nobility created by the English monarchs in their capacity as Lord or King of Ireland, or later by monarchs of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Wikipedia - Peggy Ashcroft -- English actress (1907-1991)
Wikipedia - Peggy Bryan -- English actress
Wikipedia - Peggy Robertson -- English personal assistant and script supervisor for Albert Hitchcock
Wikipedia - Pelham Humfrey -- English composer (1647-1674)
Wikipedia - Peltro William Tomkins -- English engraver and draughtsman
Wikipedia - Pembroke's Men -- late-16th-century English playing company
Wikipedia - Pendle witches -- English witch hunt and trial in 1612
Wikipedia - Penelope Wilton -- English actress
Wikipedia - Penguin English Dictionary
Wikipedia - Penneech -- English card game
Wikipedia - Pennsylvania Dutch English
Wikipedia - Penny Coomes -- English ice dancer
Wikipedia - Penny gaff -- 19th-century English variety show
Wikipedia - Penny Grice-Whittaker -- English golfer and singer
Wikipedia - Penny Mountbatten -- English philanthropist
Wikipedia - Pentateuch with Rashi's Commentary Translated into English -- Translation into English of Rashi's commentary on the Torah
Wikipedia - Pen Tennyson -- English film director
Wikipedia - Pepper (Inspector of Taxes) v Hart -- Leading English case on statutory interpretation
Wikipedia - Percelle Ascott -- Puerto Rican Born English actor
Wikipedia - Percival Coles -- English sportsman and sporting administrator
Wikipedia - Percival Guildhouse -- English adult education centre
Wikipedia - Percy Alliss -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Percy Boomer -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Percy Bysshe Shelley -- English Romantic poet
Wikipedia - Percy Davis (Kent cricketer) -- English cricketer and aviator
Wikipedia - Percy Ebdon -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Percy Folio -- Folio book of English ballads
Wikipedia - Percy Glading -- English co-founder of the CPGB and Soviet spy
Wikipedia - Percy H. Grimshaw -- English entomologist and zoogeographer
Wikipedia - Percy Ireland Lathy -- English entomologist (1874-1943)
Wikipedia - Percy Kidd -- English doctor
Wikipedia - Percy Kirke -- English general
Wikipedia - Percy Marmont -- English actor
Wikipedia - Percy Shakespeare -- English painter
Wikipedia - Percy Standing -- English actor
Wikipedia - Perdita Barran -- English chemist
Wikipedia - Peregrine Cavendish, 12th Duke of Devonshire -- English non-royal duke, horse racing administrator, landowner and farmer
Wikipedia - Peregrine Ilbert -- Early 19th century English Archdeacon
Wikipedia - Peregrine Pollen -- English auctioneer
Wikipedia - Perlita Neilson -- English actress
Wikipedia - Pernell (healer) -- English healer and doctor of the 14th century
Wikipedia - Perpendicular Gothic -- Third historical division of English Gothic architecture
Wikipedia - Peta Todd -- English glamour model
Wikipedia - Pete Burns -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Pete Cowen -- English golfer and coach
Wikipedia - Pete Doherty -- English musician, writer, actor, poet and artist
Wikipedia - Pete Postlethwaite -- English character actor
Wikipedia - Pete Quaife -- English musician, artist and author
Wikipedia - Peter, Abbot of Vale Royal -- Medieval English Cistercian abbot
Wikipedia - Peter Abbs -- English poet and academic
Wikipedia - Peter Adamson (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Peter Ady -- English economist
Wikipedia - Peter Alliss -- English golfer and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Peter Armitage (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Peter Ashby -- English musician and composer
Wikipedia - Peter Asher -- English guitarist, singer, manager and record producer
Wikipedia - Peter Ashton (translator) -- English translator
Wikipedia - Peter Banner -- English-born American architect
Wikipedia - Peter Bardens -- English keyboardist
Wikipedia - Peter Baron (MP) -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Peter B. Best -- (1939-2015) English marine biologist and whale researcher in Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Peter Beck (schoolmaster) -- English soldier and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Peter Bellamy -- English singer
Wikipedia - Peter Berresford Ellis -- English historian, biographer, and novelist (born 1943)
Wikipedia - Peter Bishop (artist) -- English painter
Wikipedia - Peter Blagg -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Peter Blake (artist) -- English artist
Wikipedia - Peter Blundell -- English clothier
Wikipedia - Peter Blythe -- English actor
Wikipedia - Peter Brookes -- English cartoonist
Wikipedia - Peter Brook -- English theatre and film director and innovator
Wikipedia - Peter Brough -- English ventriloquist
Wikipedia - Peter Brown (music industry) -- American-based English businessman
Wikipedia - Peter Callander -- English songwriter and record producer
Wikipedia - Peter Cameron (entomologist) -- English amateur entomologist (1847-1912)
Wikipedia - Peter Cazalet (racehorse trainer) -- English cricketer, jockey, racehorse owner and trainer
Wikipedia - Peter Clarke (chess player) -- English chess player
Wikipedia - Peter Collingridge -- English Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Peter Cranmer -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Peter Crossley-Holland -- English musicologist and composer
Wikipedia - Peter Davison (professor) -- Professor of English
Wikipedia - Peter Davison -- English actor
Wikipedia - Peter Dawson (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Peter de Maulay -- 13th-century English baron and sheriff
Wikipedia - Peter Diamond (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Peter Doggett -- English music journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Edgcumbe -- English politician (1536-1608)
Wikipedia - Peter Elson -- English science fiction illustrator
Wikipedia - Peter Eyre -- American-born English actor
Wikipedia - Peter F. C. Gilbert -- English neuroscientist and businessman
Wikipedia - Peter Finch -- English-Australian actor
Wikipedia - Peter FitzReginald -- 13th-14th century English noble
Wikipedia - Peter Frampton -- English rock musician, singer, songwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Peter Gabriel -- English musician
Wikipedia - Peter G. Hartman -- English-German biochemist
Wikipedia - Peter Gibbs (cricketer) -- English cricketer and television script writer
Wikipedia - Peter Gill (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Peter Goodwright -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Peter Gracey -- English cricketer, soldier
Wikipedia - Peter Green (musician) -- English blues rock musician (1946-2020)
Wikipedia - Peter Gregory (doctor) -- English medical doctor and sports physician
Wikipedia - Peter Hall (director) -- English theatre and film director
Wikipedia - Peter Hammersley -- English Royal Navy officer (1928-2020)
Wikipedia - Peter Hartley (cricketer) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Peter Hatch (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Peter Hewitt (director) -- English film director
Wikipedia - Peter Hitchens -- English journalist and author
Wikipedia - Peter Hollins -- English sculptor
Wikipedia - Peter Hook -- English singer, composer, and musician
Wikipedia - Peter Howarth -- English musician
Wikipedia - Peter Howitt (set decorator) -- English set decorator
Wikipedia - Peter III de Brus -- 13th century English noble
Wikipedia - Peter James (set decorator) -- English set decorator
Wikipedia - Peter Johnson (cricketer, born 1926) -- English cricketer, Royal Navy officer, and colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Peter Kay -- English comedian and actor
Wikipedia - Peter Kemp (writer) -- English soldier and writer (1913-1993)
Wikipedia - Peter Kingston-Davey -- English cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Peter la Chapman -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Peter Laker -- English cricketer and journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Lawford -- English-American actor
Wikipedia - Peter Levens -- English lexicographer
Wikipedia - Peter Loader -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - Peter MacGregor-Scott -- English film producer
Wikipedia - Peter Manifold -- English pastoralist and politician
Wikipedia - Peter Mansfield -- English physicist known for magnetic resonance imaging
Wikipedia - Peter Martin (professor) -- American scholar of English literature
Wikipedia - Peter Matthews (artist) -- English artist (1978)
Wikipedia - Peter Maxwell Davies -- English composer and conductor (1934-2016)
Wikipedia - Peter Mayhew -- English-American actor
Wikipedia - Peter Mills (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Peter Mitchell (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Peter M. Neumann -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Peter Molyneux -- English video game designer and game programmer
Wikipedia - Peter Morwen -- English clergyman and translator
Wikipedia - Peter Nelson (cricketer, born 1913) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Peter Newton (winemaker) -- English-born American winemaker, the founder of Sterling Vineyards and Newton Vineyard
Wikipedia - Peter Noone -- English singer-songwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater -- English language nursery rhyme
Wikipedia - Peter Pickering -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - Peter Pritchard -- English-born American zoologist
Wikipedia - Peter Robinson (novelist) -- English-Canadian crime writer
Wikipedia - Peter Rogers -- English film producer
Wikipedia - Peter Rowell -- English radio and television presenter and convicted criminal
Wikipedia - Peter Sainthill (died 1571) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Peter Scott (cricketer, born 1912) -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Peter Sellers -- English film actor, comedian and singer
Wikipedia - Peter Sissons -- English journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Peter Small -- English rugby union
Wikipedia - Peter Smith (English cricketer, born 1944) -- English cricketer and school headmaster
Wikipedia - Peter Squires (diver) -- English diver
Wikipedia - Peter Stanley Lyons -- English chorister, musician, and educator
Wikipedia - Peter Stiff -- English author
Wikipedia - Peter Sutcliffe -- English serial killer (1946-2020)
Wikipedia - Peter Tilbury -- English actor and writer
Wikipedia - Peter Tolpat -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Peter Townsend (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Peter van Geersdaele -- English conservator
Wikipedia - Peter Vaughan -- English actor
Wikipedia - Peter Venables (MP) -- 17th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Peter Welch (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Peter Wentworth -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Peter Whitehouse -- English cricketer and British army officer
Wikipedia - Peter Wilcock -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Peter Wilfred James -- English botanist and lichenologist
Wikipedia - Peter Wilkins (rugby union) -- English rugby union coach
Wikipedia - Peter Wolfe (musician) -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Peter Wood (director) -- English theatre and film director
Wikipedia - Peter Woodward -- English actor, stuntman and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Peter Yorke (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Pete Townshend -- English musician
Wikipedia - Pete Way -- English musician
Wikipedia - Pete Williams (musician) -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Pete Wingfield -- English musician
Wikipedia - Petition of Right -- English/British Constitutional law document
Wikipedia - Pet Shop Boys -- English synth-pop duo
Wikipedia - Pew group -- 18th century English pottery figures
Wikipedia - Peyton Ventris -- English judge and politician
Wikipedia - P. G. Ashmore -- English chemist
Wikipedia - P. G. Wodehouse -- English author (1881-1975)
Wikipedia - Philadelphia English
Wikipedia - Phil Atherton -- English male curler
Wikipedia - Phil Collins -- English musician, singer, and songwriter
Wikipedia - Phil Cornwell -- English actor, comedian, impressionist and writer
Wikipedia - Phil Coy -- English artist and experimental filmmaker
Wikipedia - Phil De Fries -- English MMA fighter
Wikipedia - Phil Harris (fighter) -- English martial artist
Wikipedia - Phil Hayes -- English cricketer and businessman
Wikipedia - Phil Husbands -- English academic and computer scientist
Wikipedia - Philip Adrian Wright -- English musician
Wikipedia - Philip Astley -- English equestrian, circus owner, and inventor, regarded as being the "father of the modern circus"
Wikipedia - Philip Bailey (statistician) -- English cricket statistician
Wikipedia - Philip Barrow -- English medical writer
Wikipedia - Philip Bonham-Carter -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Philip Bowring -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Philip Butler -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Philip Chetwinde -- Seventeenth-century English bookseller
Wikipedia - Philip Chute -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Philip Courtenay (died 1406) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Philip Drew -- English diver
Wikipedia - Philip Egerton (priest) -- English priest and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Philip Francis Stephanoff -- English painter
Wikipedia - Philip George (DJ) -- English disc jockey and record producer
Wikipedia - Philip Godwyn -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Philip Golding -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Philip Gurdon -- English cricketer and priest
Wikipedia - Philip Hall -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Philip Henslowe -- 16th/17th-century English theatrical entrepreneur and impresario
Wikipedia - Philip Howard, 13th Earl of Arundel -- English nobleman and Catholic saint
Wikipedia - Philip Irwin -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Philip Jackson (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Philip Luty -- English gunsmith and gun rights activist
Wikipedia - Philip Martineau -- English cricketer and solicitor
Wikipedia - Philip Massinger -- 16th/17th-century English playwright
Wikipedia - Philip Metcalfe -- 18th/19th-century English politician, distiller, and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Philip Miles (cricketer) -- English cricketer and army officer
Wikipedia - Philip Moore (organist) -- English composer and organist
Wikipedia - Philip Morgan (cricketer) -- English cricketer, athlete, clergyman, educator
Wikipedia - Philip Morton -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Philippa Fawcett -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Philippa Gregory -- English historical novelist
Wikipedia - Philippa Marrack -- English biologist and immunologist based in the US
Wikipedia - Philippa of England -- 15th-century English princess and queen of Norway, Sweden and Denmark
Wikipedia - Philippine English -- dialect of English native to the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philip Pullman -- English author
Wikipedia - Philip Ridley -- English storyteller
Wikipedia - Philip Rodgers -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Philip Sankey -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Philip Selway -- English musician
Wikipedia - Philip Sidney Whitcombe -- English cricketer and British Army general
Wikipedia - Philip Sidney -- 16th-century English poet, courtier, and diplomat
Wikipedia - Philip Stanhope Worsley -- English poet
Wikipedia - Philip Stopford -- English choral composer and director (b1977)
Wikipedia - Philip Streatfeild -- English painter
Wikipedia - Philip Webb -- English architect
Wikipedia - Philip Williams (cricketer, born 1824) -- English cricketer and cleric
Wikipedia - Philip William Skinner Miles -- English Conservative politician
Wikipedia - Philip Williams (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Philip Williamson (historian) -- English historian
Wikipedia - Phil Lester -- English YouTuber and presenter (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Phillip Archer -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Phillip Hodson (cricketer) -- English cricketer and cricket administrator
Wikipedia - Phillip Schofield -- English broadcaster and television personality
Wikipedia - Phill Jupitus -- English comedian
Wikipedia - Phil May (caricaturist) -- English illustrator and caricaturist
Wikipedia - Phil Tufnell -- English cricketer and television personality
Wikipedia - Phipps Hornby (cricketer) -- English cricketer and army officer
Wikipedia - Phoebe Dynevor -- English actress
Wikipedia - Phoebe Nicholls -- English actress
Wikipedia - Phoenix (British automobile company) -- English manufacturer of automobiles, motorcycles and tricars
Wikipedia - Phonological history of English close back vowels
Wikipedia - Phonological history of English close front vowels
Wikipedia - Phonological history of English consonant clusters
Wikipedia - Phonological history of English consonants
Wikipedia - Phonological history of English diphthongs
Wikipedia - Phonological history of English low back vowels
Wikipedia - Phonological history of English open back vowels
Wikipedia - Phonological history of English short A
Wikipedia - Phonological history of English vowels
Wikipedia - Phonological history of English
Wikipedia - Phrases from Hamlet in common English
Wikipedia - Phyllis Barry -- English actress
Wikipedia - Phyllis Bentley -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Phyllis Dare -- English actress, singer
Wikipedia - Phyllis Goad -- English hurdler
Wikipedia - Phyllis Konstam -- English actress
Wikipedia - Pidgin English
Wikipedia - Pierrepont Mundy -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Piers Anthony -- English-American writer
Wikipedia - Piers Gaveston, 1st Earl of Cornwall -- 14th-century English noble and favourite of Edward II of England
Wikipedia - Piers Morgan -- English journalist and television host
Wikipedia - Piers O'Conor -- English rugby union fullback
Wikipedia - Piers Plowman -- Middle English allegorical narrative poem by William Langland
Wikipedia - Pink Floyd -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Pip Elson -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Pipe rolls -- Medieval and post-medieval English financial documents
Wikipedia - Pippa Bennett-Warner -- English actress
Wikipedia - Pippa Wilson -- English sailor
Wikipedia - Pirate attacks on Fuerteventura in 1740 -- Two attacks by English privateers on the Canary island
Wikipedia - Pitchblend -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Pitman shorthand -- System of shorthand for English, developed by Isaac Pitman
Wikipedia - Pixie Geldof -- English model and singer
Wikipedia - Pixie Lott -- English singer
Wikipedia - PJ Harvey -- English musician and singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Plain English
Wikipedia - Plain meaning rule -- Traditional rule of statutory interpretation in English law
Wikipedia - Planet 51 -- 2009 English-language Spanish/British animated science fiction/family comedy film directed by Jorge Blanco
Wikipedia - Planningtorock -- English musician and record producer
Wikipedia - Play 99.5 FM -- English-language music radio station in Jordan
Wikipedia - Playhouse Presents -- English anthology television series of one-off plays
Wikipedia - Please -- English word indicating politeness
Wikipedia - Plymouth Colony -- English colonial venture in America (1620-1691)
Wikipedia - Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis -- Longest word in the English language published in a dictionary
Wikipedia - Poetry Bookshop -- English bookshop which ran from 1913 to 1926; owned by author Harold Munro, best known for publishing works by several famous writers
Wikipedia - Pointer (dog breed) -- An English breed of gundog
Wikipedia - Politics and the English Language -- Essay by George Orwell
Wikipedia - Polly Adams -- English actress
Wikipedia - Polly Nor -- English artist
Wikipedia - Polly Stenham -- English playwright
Wikipedia - Polly Walker -- English actress
Wikipedia - Pooky Quesnel -- English actress, screenwriter and singer
Wikipedia - Pope Adrian IV -- The only English Pope
Wikipedia - Population without double counting -- English translation of a French phrase
Wikipedia - Porcupine Tree -- | English progressive rock band
Wikipedia - Portal:English football
Wikipedia - Port of Poole -- English cross channel port
Wikipedia - Port Talbot English
Wikipedia - Poundage -- English import and export duty
Wikipedia - Praise (band) -- English new age band
Wikipedia - Praise-God Barebone -- English radical puritan preacher (c.M-bM-^@M-^I1598-1679)
Wikipedia - Premiership Rugby -- Top division of the English rugby union system
Wikipedia - Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood -- Group of English painters, poets and critics, founded in 1848
Wikipedia - Press to Meco -- English band
Wikipedia - Press TV -- Iranian state-controlled English- and French-language news and documentary network
Wikipedia - Pretty Saro -- English folk ballad
Wikipedia - Pretty Things -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Pride's Purge -- Event in second English Civil War
Wikipedia - Priestley Riots -- English riots regarding Joseph Priestley
Wikipedia - Primrose Archer -- English fashion model
Wikipedia - Prince Littler -- 20th century English theatrical producer
Wikipedia - Princes in the Tower -- 15th-century English siblings who disappeared
Wikipedia - Priscilla Morgan -- English actress
Wikipedia - Privity in English law -- Legal doctrine holding contracts unenforceable by non-parties
Wikipedia - Pro Cantione Antiqua -- English early music group
Wikipedia - Proctor Burman -- English figure skater
Wikipedia - Professor Green -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Pronunciation respelling for English
Wikipedia - Province of Massachusetts Bay -- English/British possession in North America (1691-1780)
Wikipedia - Prudence Fitzgerald -- English television director and producer
Wikipedia - Pseudo-anglicism -- Word in a foreign language formed using English elements although not existing as a native English word
Wikipedia - Public Image Ltd -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Public service mutual -- English organisation that has left the public sector but continues delivering public services
Wikipedia - Puck (folklore) -- Fairy from English folklore; Robin Goodfellow
Wikipedia - Puddingstone Distillery -- English distillery
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Daily Sun -- Daily English-language newspaper
Wikipedia - Pui Fan Lee -- English actress
Wikipedia - Puppy (band) -- English alternative metal band
Wikipedia - Puritans -- Subclass of English Reformed Protestants
Wikipedia - Purveyance -- Ancient right of English monarchs to requisition goods
Wikipedia - P. W. Goldring -- English lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Qasim Akhtar -- English actor
Wikipedia - QB1: Beyond the Lights -- 2017 English-language television series
Wikipedia - Quantock Motor Services -- English bus operator
Wikipedia - Quebec English
Wikipedia - Queen Charlotte's Ball -- English debutante ball
Wikipedia - Quentin Lawrence -- English film and TV director
Wikipedia - Quia Emptores -- English statute of 1290
Wikipedia - Quick Gun Murugun -- 2009 Indian English-language action western film
Wikipedia - Quikscript -- Alternative English-language alphabet
Wikipedia - Quintin Hogg (merchant) -- English merchant and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Quintin Twiss -- English cricketer and actor
Wikipedia - Quotation marks in English -- Usage of punctuation
Wikipedia - Rabinder Singh (judge) -- English barrister
Wikipedia - Rachael English -- Irish broadcaster and writer
Wikipedia - Rachael Heyhoe Flint, Baroness Heyhoe-Flint -- English female cricketer, businesswoman and life peer
Wikipedia - Rachael Heyhoe Flint Trophy -- English cricket season
Wikipedia - Rachel Alcock -- English physiologist
Wikipedia - Rachel Fabri -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Rachel Ford Thompson -- English botanist and temperance activist
Wikipedia - Rachel Fury -- English singer/songwriter (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Rachel Gurney -- English actress
Wikipedia - Rachel Hurd-Wood -- English actress and model
Wikipedia - Rachel Joyce (triathlete) -- English triathlete
Wikipedia - Rachelle Booth -- English taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Rachel Stamp -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Rachel Wallader -- English shot putter
Wikipedia - Rachel Weisz -- English actress
Wikipedia - Radiator (band) -- English alternative rock/industrial band
Wikipedia - Radiohead -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Rae Earl -- English writer and broadcaster
Wikipedia - R. A. Foakes -- 20th/21st-century English author and Shakespeare scholar
Wikipedia - Rainbow (rock band) -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Raining cats and dogs -- Raining cats and dogs is an English idiom used to describe a heavy rain.
Wikipedia - Rain Rain Go Away -- English nursery rhyme
Wikipedia - Raissa -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Raleigh Chichester-Constable -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - Ralna English -- American-born singer in Haskell, Texas
Wikipedia - Ralph Allen -- 18th-century English businessman
Wikipedia - Ralph Ardern -- English politician
Wikipedia - Ralph Basset (died 1282) -- 13th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Ralph Bates -- English film and television actor (1940-1991)
Wikipedia - Ralph Bourchier -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Ralph Broome (pamphleteer) -- English pamphleteer
Wikipedia - Ralph Brown -- English actor
Wikipedia - Ralph Brydges -- English suspected serial killer
Wikipedia - Ralph Bulmer -- English ethnobiologist who worked in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ralph Cholmley -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Ralph Cockerell -- English politician and clergyman
Wikipedia - Ralph Dellor -- English sportswriter, journalist, and television/radio commentator

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last updated: 2022-02-02 19:13:12
293659 site hits