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object:1f.lovecraft - The Electric Executioner
author class:H P Lovecraft
subject class:Fiction
genre class:Horror

with Adolphe de Castro
For one who has never faced the danger of legal execution, I have a
rather queer horror of the electric chair as a subject. Indeed, I think
the topic gives me more of a shudder than it gives many a man who has
been on trial for his life. The reason is that I associate the thing
with an incident of forty years ago—a very strange incident which
brought me close to the edge of the unknown’s black abyss.
In 1889 I was an auditor and investigator connected with the Tlaxcala
Mining Company of San Francisco, which operated several small silver
and copper properties in the San Mateo Mountains in Mexico. There had
been some trouble at Mine No. 3, which had a surly, furtive assistant
superintendent named Arthur Feldon; and on August 6th the firm received
a telegram saying that Feldon had decamped, taking with him all the
stock records, securities, and private papers, and leaving the whole
clerical and financial situation in dire confusion.
This development was a severe blow to the company, and late in the
afternoon President McComb called me into his office to give orders for
the recovery of the papers at any cost. There were, he knew, grave
drawbacks. I had never seen Feldon, and there were only very
indifferent photographs to go by. Moreover, my own wedding was set for
Thursday of the following week—only nine days ahead—so that I was
naturally not eager to be hurried off to Mexico on a man-hunt of
indefinite length. The need, however, was so great that McComb felt
justified in asking me to go at once; and I for my part decided that
the effect on my status with the company would make ready acquiescence
eminently worth while.
I was to start that night, using the president’s private car as far as
Mexico City, after which I would have to take a narrow-gauge railway to
the mines. Jackson, the superintendent of No. 3, would give me all
details and any possible clues upon my arrival; and then the search
would begin in earnest—through the mountains, down to the coast, or
among the byways of Mexico City, as the case might be. I set out with a
grim determination to get the matter done—and successfully done—as
swiftly as possible; and tempered my discontent with pictures of an
early return with papers and culprit, and of a wedding which would be
almost a triumphal ceremony.
Having notified my family, fiancée, and principal friends, and made
hasty preparations for the trip, I met President McComb at eight p.m.
at the Southern Pacific depot, received from him some written
instructions and a check-book, and left in his car attached to the 8:15
eastbound transcontinental train. The journey that followed seemed
destined for uneventfulness, and after a good night’s sleep I revelled
in the ease of the private car so thoughtfully assigned me; reading my
instructions with care, and formulating plans for the capture of Feldon
and the recovery of the documents. I knew the Tlaxcala country quite
well—probably much better than the missing man—hence had a certain
amount of advantage in my search unless he had already used the
According to the instructions, Feldon had been a subject of worry to
Superintendent Jackson for some time; acting secretively, and working
unaccountably in the company’s laboratory at odd hours. That he was
implicated with a Mexican boss and several peons in some thefts of ore
was strongly suspected; but though the natives had been discharged,
there was not enough evidence to warrant any positive step regarding
the subtle official. Indeed, despite his furtiveness, there seemed to
be more of defiance than of guilt in the man’s bearing. He wore a chip
on his shoulder, and talked as if the company were cheating him instead
of his cheating the company. The obvious surveillance of his
colleagues, Jackson wrote, appeared to irritate him increasingly; and
now he had gone with everything of importance in the office. Of his
possible whereabouts no guess could be made; though Jackson’s final
telegram suggested the wild slopes of the Sierra de Malinche, that
tall, myth-surrounded peak with the corpse-shaped silhouette, from
whose neighbourhood the thieving natives were said to have come.
At El Paso, which we reached at two a.m. of the night following our
start, my private car was detached from the transcontinental train and
joined to an engine specially ordered by telegraph to take it southward
to Mexico City. I continued to drowse till dawn, and all the next day
grew bored on the flat, desert Chihuahua landscape. The crew had told
me we were due in Mexico City at noon Friday, but I soon saw that
countless delays were wasting precious hours. There were waits on
sidings all along the single-tracked route, and now and then a hot-box
or other difficulty would further complicate the schedule.
At Torreón we were six hours late, and it was almost eight o’clock on
Friday evening—fully twelve hours behind schedule—when the conductor
consented to do some speeding in an effort to make up time. My nerves
were on edge, and I could do nothing but pace the car in desperation.
In the end I found that the speeding had been purchased at a high cost
indeed, for within a half-hour the symptoms of a hot-box had developed
in my car itself; so that after a maddening wait the crew decided that
all the bearings would have to be overhauled after a quarter-speed limp
ahead to the next station with shops—the factory town of Querétaro.
This was the last straw, and I almost stamped like a child. Actually I
sometimes caught myself pushing at my chair-arm as if trying to urge
the train forward at a less snail-like pace.
It was almost ten in the evening when we drew into Querétaro, and I
spent a fretful hour on the station platform while my car was
sidetracked and tinkered at by a dozen native mechanics. At last they
told me the job was too much for them, since the forward truck needed
new parts which could not be obtained nearer than Mexico City.
Everything indeed seemed against me, and I gritted my teeth when I
thought of Feldon getting farther and farther away—perhaps to the easy
cover of Vera Cruz with its shipping or Mexico City with its varied
rail facilities—while fresh delays kept me tied and helpless. Of course
Jackson had notified the police in all the cities around, but I knew
with sorrow what their efficiency amounted to.
The best I could do, I soon found out, was to take the regular night
express for Mexico City, which ran from Aguas Calientes and made a
five-minute stop at Querétaro. It would be along at one a.m. if on
time, and was due in Mexico City at five o’clock Saturday morning. When
I purchased my ticket I found that the train would be made up of
European compartment carriages instead of long American cars with rows
of two-seat chairs. These had been much used in the early days of
Mexican railroading, owing to the European construction interests back
of the first lines; and in 1889 the Mexican Central was still running a
fair number of them on its shorter trips. Ordinarily I prefer the
American coaches, since I hate to have people facing me; but for this
once I was glad of the foreign carriage. At such a time of night I
stood a good chance of having a whole compartment to myself, and in my
tired, nervously hypersensitive state I welcomed the solitude—as well
as the comfortably upholstered seat with soft arm-rests and
head-cushion, running the whole width of the vehicle. I bought a
first-class ticket, obtained my valise from the sidetracked private
car, telegraphed both President McComb and Jackson of what had
happened, and settled down in the station to wait for the night express
as patiently as my strained nerves would let me.
For a wonder, the train was only half an hour late; though even so, the
solitary station vigil had about finished my endurance. The conductor,
shewing me into a compartment, told me he expected to make up the delay
and reach the capital on time; and I stretched myself comfortably on
the forward-facing seat in the expectation of a quiet
three-and-a-half-hour run. The light from the overhead oil lamp was
soothingly dim, and I wondered whether I could snatch some much-needed
sleep in spite of my anxiety and nerve-tension. It seemed, as the train
jolted into motion, that I was alone; and I was heartily glad of it. My
thoughts leaped ahead to my quest, and I nodded with the accelerating
rhythm of the speeding string of carriages.
Then suddenly I perceived that I was not alone after all. In the corner
diagonally opposite me, slumped down so that his face was invisible,
sat a roughly clad man of unusual size, whom the feeble light had
failed to reveal before. Beside him on the seat was a huge valise,
battered and bulging, and tightly gripped even in his sleep by one of
his incongruously slender hands. As the engine whistled sharply at some
curve or crossing, the sleeper started nervously into a kind of
watchful half-awakening; raising his head and disclosing a handsome
face, bearded and clearly Anglo-Saxon, with dark, lustrous eyes. At
sight of me his wakefulness became complete, and I wondered at the
rather hostile wildness of his glance. No doubt, I thought, he resented
my presence when he had hoped to have the compartment alone all the
way; just as I was myself disappointed to find strange company in the
half-lighted carriage. The best we could do, however, was to accept the
situation gracefully; so I began apologising to the man for my
intrusion. He seemed to be a fellow-American, and we could both feel
more at ease after a few civilities. Then we could leave each other in
peace for the balance of the journey.
To my surprise, the stranger did not respond to my courtesies with so
much as a word. Instead, he kept staring at me fiercely and almost
appraisingly, and brushed aside my embarrassed proffer of a cigar with
a nervous lateral movement of his disengaged hand. His other hand still
tensely clutched the great, worn valise, and his whole person seemed to
radiate some obscure malignity. After a time he abruptly turned his
face toward the window, though there was nothing to see in the dense
blackness outside. Oddly, he appeared to be looking at something as
intently as if there really were something to look at. I decided to
leave him to his own curious devices and meditations without further
annoyance; so settled back in my seat, drew the brim of my soft hat
over my face, and closed my eyes in an effort to snatch the sleep I had
half counted on.
I could not have dozed very long or very fully when my eyes fell open
as if in response to some external force. Closing them again with some
determination, I renewed my quest of a nap, yet wholly without avail.
An intangible influence seemed bent on keeping me awake; so raising my
head, I looked about the dimly lighted compartment to see if anything
were amiss. All appeared normal, but I noticed that the stranger in the
opposite corner was looking at me very intently—intently, though
without any of the geniality or friendliness which would have implied a
change from his former surly attitude. I did not attempt conversation
this time, but leaned back in my previous sleepy posture; half closing
my eyes as if I had dozed off once more, yet continuing to watch him
curiously from beneath my down-turned hat brim.
As the train rattled onward through the night I saw a subtle and
gradual metamorphosis come over the expression of the staring man.
Evidently satisfied that I was asleep, he allowed his face to reflect a
curious jumble of emotions, the nature of which seemed anything but
reassuring. Hatred, fear, triumph, and fanaticism flickered compositely
over the lines of his lips and the angles of his eyes, while his gaze
became a glare of really alarming greed and ferocity. Suddenly it
dawned upon me that this man was mad, and dangerously so.
I will not pretend that I was anything but deeply and thoroughly
frightened when I saw how things stood. Perspiration started out all
over me, and I had hard work to maintain my attitude of relaxation and
slumber. Life had many attractions for me just then, and the thought of
dealing with a homicidal maniac—possibly armed and certainly powerful
to a marvellous degree—was a dismaying and terrifying one. My
disadvantage in any sort of struggle was enormous; for the man was a
virtual giant, evidently in the best of athletic trim, while I have
always been rather frail, and was then almost worn out with anxiety,
sleeplessness, and nervous tension. It was undeniably a bad moment for
me, and I felt pretty close to a horrible death as I recognised the
fury of madness in the stranger’s eyes. Events from the past came up
into my consciousness as if for a farewell—just as a drowning man’s
whole life is said to resurrect itself before him at the last moment.
Of course I had my revolver in my coat pocket, but any motion of mine
to reach and draw it would be instantly obvious. Moreover, if I did
secure it, there was no telling what effect it would have on the
maniac. Even if I shot him once or twice he might have enough remaining
strength to get the gun from me and deal with me in his own way; or if
he were armed himself he might shoot or stab without trying to disarm
me. One can cow a sane man by covering him with a pistol, but an insane
man’s complete indifference to consequences gives him a strength and
menace quite superhuman for the time being. Even in those pre-Freudian
days I had a common-sense realisation of the dangerous power of a
person without normal inhibitions. That the stranger in the corner was
indeed about to start some murderous action, his burning eyes and
twitching facial muscles did not permit me to doubt for a moment.
Suddenly I heard his breath begin to come in excited gasps, and saw his
chest heaving with mounting excitement. The time for a showdown was
close, and I tried desperately to think of the best thing to do.
Without interrupting my pretence of sleep, I began to slide my right
hand gradually and inconspicuously toward the pocket containing my
pistol; watching the madman closely as I did so, to see if he would
detect any move. Unfortunately he did—almost before he had time to
register the fact in his expression. With a bound so agile and abrupt
as to be almost incredible in a man of his size, he was upon me before
I knew what had happened; looming up and swaying forward like a giant
ogre of legend, and pinioning me with one powerful hand while with the
other he forestalled me in reaching the revolver. Taking it from my
pocket and placing it in his own, he released me contemptuously, well
knowing how fully his physique placed me at his mercy. Then he stood up
at his full height—his head almost touching the roof of the
carriage—and stared down at me with eyes whose fury had quickly turned
to a look of pitying scorn and ghoulish calculation.
I did not move, and after a moment the man resumed his seat opposite
me; smiling a ghastly smile as he opened his great bulging valise and
extracted an article of peculiar appearance—a rather large cage of
semi-flexible wire, woven somewhat like a baseball catcher’s mask, but
shaped more like the helmet of a diving-suit. Its top was connected
with a cord whose other end remained in the valise. This device he
fondled with obvious affection, cradling it in his lap as he looked at
me afresh and licked his bearded lips with an almost feline motion of
the tongue. Then, for the first time, he spoke—in a deep, mellow voice
of softness and cultivation startlingly at variance with his rough
corduroy clothes and unkempt aspect.
“You are fortunate, sir. I shall use you first of all. You shall go
into history as the first fruits of a remarkable invention. Vast
sociological consequences—I shall let my light shine, as it were. I’m
radiating all the time, but nobody knows it. Now you shall know.
Intelligent guinea-pig. Cats and burros—it worked even with a
burro. . . .”
He paused, while his bearded features underwent a convulsive motion
closely synchronised with a vigorous gyratory shaking of the whole
head. It was as though he were shaking clear of some nebulous
obstructing medium, for the gesture was followed by a clarification or
subtilisation of expression which hid the more obvious madness in a
look of suave composure through which the craftiness gleamed only
dimly. I glimpsed the difference at once, and put in a word to see if I
could lead his mind into harmless channels.
“You seem to have a marvellously fine instrument, if I’m any judge.
Won’t you tell me how you came to invent it?”
He nodded.
“Mere logical reflection, dear sir. I consulted the needs of the age
and acted upon them. Others might have done the same had their minds
been as powerful—that is, as capable of sustained concentration—as
mine. I had the sense of conviction—the available will power—that is
all. I realised, as no one else has yet realised, how imperative it is
to remove everybody from the earth before Quetzalcoatl comes back, and
realised also that it must be done elegantly. I hate butchery of any
kind, and hanging is barbarously crude. You know last year the New York
legislature voted to adopt electric execution for condemned men—but all
the apparatus they have in mind is as primitive as Stephenson’s
‘Rocket’ or Davenport’s first electric engine. I knew of a better way,
and told them so, but they paid no attention to me. God, the fools! As
if I didn’t know all there is to know about men and death and
electricity—student, man, and boy—technologist and engineer—soldier of
fortune. . . .”
He leaned back and narrowed his eyes.
“I was in Maximilian’s army twenty years and more ago. They were going
to make me a nobleman. Then those damned greasers killed him and I had
to go home. But I came back—back and forth, back and forth. I live in
Rochester, N.Y. . . .”
His eyes grew deeply crafty, and he leaned forward, touching me on the
knee with the fingers of a paradoxically delicate hand.
“I came back, I say, and I went deeper than any of them. I hate
greasers, but I like Mexicans! A puzzle? Listen to me, young fellow—you
don’t think Mexico is really Spanish, do you? God, if you knew the
tribes I know! In the mountains—in the
mountains—Anahuac—Tenochtitlan—the old ones. . . .”
His voice changed to a chanting and not unmelodious howl.
“Iä! Huitzilopotchli! . . . Nahuatlacatl! Seven, seven, seven . . .
Xochimilca, Chalca, Tepaneca, Acolhua, Tlahuica, Tlascalteca,
Azteca! . . . Iä! Iä! I have been to the Seven Caves of Chicomoztoc,
but no one shall ever know! I tell you because you will never repeat
He subsided, and resumed a conversational tone.
“It would surprise you to know what things are told in the mountains.
Huitzilopotchli is coming back . . . of that there can be no doubt. Any
peon south of Mexico City can tell you that. But I meant to do nothing
about it. I went home, as I tell you, again and again, and was going to
benefit society with my electric executioner when that cursed Albany
legislature adopted the other way. A joke, sir, a joke! Grandfather’s
chair—sit by the fireside—Hawthorne—“
The man was chuckling with a morbid parody of good nature.
“Why, sir, I’d like to be the first man to sit in their damned chair
and feel their little two-bit battery current! It wouldn’t make a
frog’s legs dance! And they expect to kill murderers with it—reward of
merit—everything! But then, young man, I saw the uselessness—the
pointless illogicality, as it were—of killing just a few. Everybody is
a murderer—they murder ideas—steal inventions—stole mine by watching,
and watching, and watching—“
The man choked and paused, and I spoke soothingly.
“I’m sure your invention was much the better, and probably they’ll come
to use it in the end.”
Evidently my tact was not great enough, for his response shewed fresh
“‘Sure,’ are you? Nice, mild, conservative assurance! Cursed lot you
care—but you’ll soon know! Why, damn you, all the good there ever will
be in that electric chair will have been stolen from me. The ghost of
Nezahualpilli told me that on the sacred mountain. They watched, and
watched, and watched—”
He choked again, then gave another of those gestures in which he seemed
to shake both his head and his facial expression. That seemed
temporarily to steady him.
“What my invention needs is testing. That is it—here. The wire hood or
head-net is flexible, and slips on easily. Neckpiece binds but doesn’t
choke. Electrodes touch forehead and base of cerebellum—all that’s
necessary. Stop the head, and what else can go? The fools up at Albany,
with their carved oak easy-chair, think they’ve got to make it a
head-to-foot affair. Idiots!—don’t they know that you don’t need to
shoot a man through the body after you’ve plugged him through the
brain? I’ve seen men die in battle—I know better. And then their silly
high-power circuit—dynamos—all that. Why didn’t they see what I’ve done
with the storage-battery? Not a hearing—nobody knows—I alone have the
secret—that’s why I and Quetzalcoatl and Huitzilopotchli will rule the
world alone—I and they, if I choose to let them. . . . But I must have
experimental subjects—subjects—do you know whom I’ve chosen for the
I tried jocoseness, quickly merging into friendly seriousness, as a
sedative. Quick thought and apt words might save me yet.
“Well, there are lots of fine subjects among the politicians of San
Francisco, where I come from! They need your treatment, and I’d like to
help you introduce it! But really, I think I can help you in all truth.
I have some influence in Sacramento, and if you’ll go back to the
States with me after I’m through with my business in Mexico, I’ll see
that you get a hearing.”
He answered soberly and civilly.
“No—I can’t go back. I swore not to when those criminals at Albany
turned down my invention and set spies to watch me and steal from me.
But I must have American subjects. Those greasers are under a curse,
and would be too easy; and the full-blood Indians—the real children of
the feathered serpent—are sacred and inviolate except for proper
sacrificial victims . . . and even those must be slain according to
ceremony. I must have Americans without going back—and the first man I
choose will be signally honoured. Do you know who he is?”
I temporised desperately.
“Oh, if that’s all the trouble, I’ll find you a dozen first-rate Yankee
specimens as soon as we get to Mexico City! I know where there are lots
of small mining men who wouldn’t be missed for days—”
But he cut me short with a new and sudden air of authority which had a
touch of real dignity in it.
“That’ll do—we’ve trifled long enough. Get up and stand erect like a
man. You’re the subject I’ve chosen, and you’ll thank me for the honour
in the other world, just as the sacrificial victim thanks the priest
for transferring him to eternal glory. A new principle—no other man
alive has dreamed of such a battery, and it might never again be hit on
if the world experimented a thousand years. Do you know that atoms
aren’t what they seem? Fools! A century after this some dolt would be
guessing if I were to let the world live!”
As I arose at his command, he drew additional feet of cord from the
valise and stood erect beside me; the wire helmet outstretched toward
me in both hands, and a look of real exaltation on his tanned and
bearded face. For an instant he seemed like a radiant Hellenic
mystagogue or hierophant.
“Here, O Youth—a libation! Wine of the cosmos—nectar of the starry
spaces—Linos—Iacchus—Ialmenos—Zagreus—Dionysos—Atys—Hylas—sprung from
Apollo and slain by the hounds of Argos—seed of Psamathe—child of the
sun—Evoë! Evoë!”
He was chanting again, and this time his mind seemed far back amongst
the classic memories of his college days. In my erect posture I noticed
the nearness of the signal cord overhead, and wondered whether I could
reach it through some gesture of ostensible response to his ceremonial
mood. It was worth trying, so with an antiphonal cry of “Evoë!” I put
my arms forward and upward toward him in a ritualistic fashion, hoping
to give the cord a tug before he could notice the act. But it was
useless. He saw my purpose, and moved one hand toward the right-hand
coat pocket where my revolver lay. No words were needed, and we stood
for a moment like carven figures. Then he quietly said, “Make haste!”
Again my mind rushed frantically about seeking avenues of escape. The
doors, I knew, were not locked on Mexican trains; but my companion
could easily forestall me if I tried to unlatch one and jump out.
Besides, our speed was so great that success in that direction would
probably be as fatal as failure. The only thing to do was to play for
time. Of the three-and-a-half-hour trip a good slice was already worn
away, and once we got to Mexico City the guards and police in the
station would provide instant safety.
There would, I thought, be two distinct times for diplomatic stalling.
If I could get him to postpone the slipping on of the hood, that much
time would be gained. Of course I had no belief that the thing was
really deadly; but I knew enough of madmen to understand what would
happen when it failed to work. To his disappointment would be added a
mad sense of my responsibility for the failure, and the result would be
a red chaos of murderous rage. Therefore the experiment must be
postponed as long as possible. Yet the second opportunity did exist,
for if I planned cleverly I might devise explanations for the failure
which would hold his attention and lead him into more or less extended
searches for corrective influences. I wondered just how far his
credulity went, and whether I could prepare in advance a prophecy of
failure which would make the failure itself stamp me as a seer or
initiate, or perhaps a god. I had enough of a smattering of Mexican
mythology to make it worth trying; though I would try other delaying
influences first and let the prophecy come as a sudden revelation.
Would he spare me in the end if I could make him think me a prophet or
divinity? Could I “get by” as Quetzalcoatl or Huitzilopotchli? Anything
to drag matters out till five o’clock, when we were due in Mexico City.
But my opening “stall” was the veteran will-making ruse. As the maniac
repeated his command for haste, I told him of my family and intended
marriage, and asked for the privilege of leaving a message and
disposing of my money and effects. If, I said, he would lend me some
paper and agree to mail what I should write, I could die more
peacefully and willingly. After some cogitation he gave a favourable
verdict and fished in his valise for a pad, which he handed me solemnly
as I resumed my seat. I produced a pencil, artfully breaking the point
at the outset and causing some delay while he searched for one of his
own. When he gave me this, he took my broken pencil and proceeded to
sharpen it with a large, horn-handled knife which had been in his belt
under his coat. Evidently a second pencil-breaking would not profit me
What I wrote, I can hardly recall at this date. It was largely
gibberish, and composed of random scraps of memorised literature when I
could think of nothing else to set down. I made my handwriting as
illegible as I could without destroying its nature as writing; for I
knew he would be likely to look at the result before commencing his
experiment, and realised how he would react to the sight of obvious
nonsense. The ordeal was a terrible one, and I chafed each second at
the slowness of the train. In the past I had often whistled a brisk
gallop to the sprightly “tac” of wheels on rails, but now the tempo
seemed slowed down to that of a funeral march—my funeral march, I
grimly reflected.
My ruse worked till I had covered over four pages, six by nine; when at
last the madman drew out his watch and told me I could have but five
minutes more. What should I do next? I was hastily going through the
form of concluding the will when a new idea struck me. Ending with a
flourish and handing him the finished sheets, which he thrust
carelessly into his left-hand coat pocket, I reminded him of my
influential Sacramento friends who would be so much interested in his
“Oughtn’t I to give you a letter of introduction to them?” I said
“Oughtn’t I to make a signed sketch and description of your executioner
so that they’ll grant you a cordial hearing? They can make you famous,
you know—and there’s no question at all but that they’ll adopt your
method for the state of California if they hear of it through someone
like me, whom they know and trust.”
I was taking this tack on the chance that his thoughts as a
disappointed inventor would let him forget the Aztec-religious side of
his mania for a while. When he veered to the latter again, I reflected,
I would spring the “revelation” and “prophecy”. The scheme worked, for
his eyes glowed an eager assent, though he brusquely told me to be
quick. He further emptied the valise, lifting out a queer-looking
congeries of glass cells and coils to which the wire from the helmet
was attached, and delivering a fire of running comment too technical
for me to follow yet apparently quite plausible and straightforward. I
pretended to note down all he said, wondering as I did so whether the
queer apparatus was really a battery after all. Would I get a slight
shock when he applied the device? The man surely talked as if he were a
genuine electrician. Description of his own invention was clearly a
congenial task for him, and I saw he was not as impatient as before.
The hopeful grey of dawn glimmered red through the windows before he
wound up, and I felt at last that my chance of escape had really become
But he, too, saw the dawn, and began glaring wildly again. He knew the
train was due in Mexico City at five, and would certainly force quick
action unless I could override all his judgment with engrossing ideas.
As he rose with a determined air, setting the battery on the seat
beside the open valise, I reminded him that I had not made the needed
sketch; and asked him to hold the headpiece so that I could draw it
near the battery. He complied and resumed his seat, with many
admonitions to me to hurry. After another moment I paused for some
information, asking him how the victim was placed for execution, and
how his presumable struggles were overcome.
“Why,” he replied, “the criminal is securely strapped to a post. It
does not matter how much he tosses his head, for the helmet fits
tightly and draws even closer when the current comes on. We turn the
switch gradually—you see it here, a carefully arranged affair with a
A new idea for delay occurred to me as the tilled fields and
increasingly frequent houses in the dawnlight outside told of our
approach to the capital at last.
“But,” I said, “I must draw the helmet in place on a human head as well
as beside the battery. Can’t you slip it on yourself a moment so that I
can sketch you with it? The papers as well as the officials will want
all this, and they are strong on completeness.”
I had, by chance, made a better shot than I had planned; for at my
mention of the press the madman’s eyes lit up afresh.
“The papers? Yes—damn them, you can make even the papers give me a
hearing! They all laughed at me and wouldn’t print a word. Here, you,
hurry up! We’ve not a second to lose!”
He had slipped the headpiece on and was watching my flying pencil
avidly. The wire mesh gave him a grotesque, comic look as he sat there
with nervously twitching hands.
“Now, curse ’em, they’ll print pictures! I’ll revise your sketch if you
make any blunders—must be accurate at any cost. Police will find you
afterward—they’ll tell how it works. Associated Press item—back up your
letter—immortal fame. . . . Hurry, I say—hurry, confound you!”
The train was lurching over the poorer roadbed near the city and we
swayed disconcertingly now and then. With this excuse I managed to
break the pencil again, but of course the maniac at once handed me my
own which he had sharpened. My first batch of ruses was about used up,
and I felt that I should have to submit to the headpiece in a moment.
We were still a good quarter-hour from the terminal, and it was about
time for me to divert my companion to his religious side and spring the
divine prophecy.
Mustering up my scraps of Nahuan-Aztec mythology, I suddenly threw down
pencil and paper and commenced to chant.
“Iä! Iä! Tloquenahuaque, Thou Who Art All In Thyself! Thou too,
Ipalnemoan, By Whom We Live! I hear, I hear! I see, I see!
Serpent-bearing Eagle, hail! A message! A message! Huitzilopotchli, in
my soul echoes thy thunder!”
At my intonations the maniac stared incredulously through his odd mask,
his handsome face shewn in a surprise and perplexity which quickly
changed to alarm. His mind seemed to go blank a moment, and then to
recrystallise in another pattern. Raising his hands aloft, he chanted
as if in a dream.
“Mictlanteuctli, Great Lord, a sign! A sign from within thy black cave!
Iä! Tonatiuh-Metztli! Cthulhutl! Command, and I serve!”
Now in all this responsive gibberish there was one word which struck an
odd chord in my memory. Odd, because it never occurs in any printed
account of Mexican mythology, yet had been overheard by me more than
once as an awestruck whisper amongst the peons in my own firm’s
Tlaxcala mines. It seemed to be part of an exceedingly secret and
ancient ritual; for there were characteristic whispered responses which
I had caught now and then, and which were as unknown as itself to
academic scholarship. This maniac must have spent considerable time
with the hill peons and Indians, just as he had said; for surely such
unrecorded lore could have come from no mere book-learning. Realising
the importance he must attach to this doubly esoteric jargon, I
determined to strike at his most vulnerable spot and give him the
gibberish responses the natives used.
“Ya-R’lyeh! Ya-R’lyeh!” I shouted. “Cthulhutl fhtaghn! Niguratl-Yig!
But I never had a chance to finish. Galvanised into a religious
epilepsy by the exact response which his subconscious mind had probably
not really expected, the madman scrambled down to a kneeling posture on
the floor, bowing his wire-helmeted head again and again, and turning
it to the right and left as he did so. With each turn his obeisances
became more profound, and I could hear his foaming lips repeating the
syllable “kill, kill, kill,” in a rapidly swelling monotone. It
occurred to me that I had overreached myself, and that my response had
unloosed a mounting mania which would rouse him to the slaying-point
before the train reached the station.
As the arc of the madman’s turnings gradually increased, the slack in
the cord from his headpiece to the battery had naturally been taken up
more and more. Now, in an all-forgetting delirium of ecstasy, he began
to magnify his turns to complete circles, so that the cord wound round
his neck and began to tug at its moorings to the battery on the seat. I
wondered what he would do when the inevitable would happen, and the
battery would be dragged to presumable destruction on the floor.
Then came the sudden cataclysm. The battery, yanked over the seat’s
edge by the maniac’s last gesture of orgiastic frenzy, did indeed fall;
but it did not seem to have wholly broken. Instead, as my eye caught
the spectacle in one too-fleeting instant, the actual impact was borne
by the rheostat, so that the switch was jerked over instantly to full
current. And the marvellous thing is that there was a current. The
invention was no mere dream of insanity.
I saw a blinding blue auroral coruscation, heard an ululating shriek
more hideous than any of the previous cries of that mad, horrible
journey, and smelled the nauseous odour of burning flesh. That was all
my overwrought consciousness could bear, and I sank instantly into
When the train guard at Mexico City revived me, I found a crowd on the
station platform around my compartment door. At my involuntary cry the
pressing faces became curious and dubious, and I was glad when the
guard shut out all but the trim doctor who had pushed his way through
to me. My cry was a very natural thing, but it had been prompted by
something more than the shocking sight on the carriage floor which I
had expected to see. Or should say, by something less, because in truth
there was not anything on the floor at all.
Nor, said the guard, had there been when he opened the door and found
me unconscious within. My ticket was the only one sold for that
compartment, and I was the only person found within it. Just myself and
my valise, nothing more. I had been alone all the way from Querétaro.
Guard, doctor, and spectators alike tapped their foreheads
significantly at my frantic and insistent questions.
Had it all been a dream, or was I indeed mad? I recalled my anxiety and
overwrought nerves, and shuddered. Thanking the guard and doctor, and
shaking free of the curious crowd, I staggered into a cab and was taken
to the Fonda Nacional, where, after telegraphing Jackson at the mine, I
slept till afternoon in an effort to get a fresh grip on myself. I had
myself called at one o’clock, in time to catch the narrow-gauge for the
mining country, but when I got up I found a telegram under the door. It
was from Jackson, and said that Feldon had been found dead in the
mountains that morning, the news reaching the mine about ten o’clock.
The papers were all safe, and the San Francisco office had been duly
notified. So the whole trip, with its nervous haste and harrowing
mental ordeal, had been for nothing!
Knowing that McComb would expect a personal report despite the course
of events, I sent another wire ahead and took the narrow-gauge after
all. Four hours later I was rattled and jolted into the station of Mine
No. 3, where Jackson was waiting to give a cordial greeting. He was so
full of the affair at the mine that he did not notice my still shaken
and seedy appearance.
The superintendent’s story was brief, and he told me it as he led me
toward the shack up the hillside above the arrastre, where Feldon’s
body lay. Feldon, he said, had always been a queer, sullen character,
ever since he was hired the year before; working at some secret
mechanical device and complaining of constant espionage, and being
disgustingly familiar with the native workmen. But he certainly knew
the work, the country, and the people. He used to make long trips into
the hills where the peons lived, and even to take part in some of their
ancient, heathenish ceremonies. He hinted at odd secrets and strange
powers as often as he boasted of his mechanical skill. Of late he had
disintegrated rapidly; growing morbidly suspicious of his colleagues,
and undoubtedly joining his native friends in ore-thieving after his
cash got low. He needed unholy amounts of money for something or
other—was always having boxes come from laboratories and machine shops
in Mexico City or the States.
As for the final absconding with all the papers—it was only a crazy
gesture of revenge for what he called “spying”. He was certainly stark
mad, for he had gone across country to a hidden cave on the wild slope
of the haunted Sierra de Malinche, where no white men live, and had
done some amazingly queer things. The cave, which would never have been
found but for the final tragedy, was full of hideous old Aztec idols
and altars; the latter covered with the charred bones of recent
burnt-offerings of doubtful nature. The natives would tell
nothing—indeed, they swore they knew nothing—but it was easy to see
that the cave was an old rendezvous of theirs, and that Feldon had
shared their practices to the fullest extent.
The searchers had found the place only because of the chanting and the
final cry. It had been close to five that morning, and after an
all-night encampment the party had begun to pack up for its
empty-handed return to the mines. Then somebody had heard faint rhythms
in the distance, and knew that one of the noxious old native rituals
was being howled from some lonely spot up the slope of the
corpse-shaped mountain. They heard the same old names—Mictlanteuctli,
Tonatiuh-Metzli, Cthulhutl, Ya-R’lyeh, and all the rest—but the queer
thing was that some English words were mixed with them. Real white
man’s English, and no greaser patter. Guided by the sound, they had
hastened up the weed-entangled mountainside toward it, when after a
spell of quiet the shriek had burst upon them. It was a terrible
thing—a worse thing than any of them had ever heard before. There
seemed to be some smoke, too, and a morbid acrid smell.
Then they stumbled on the cave, its entrance screened by scrub
mesquites, but now emitting clouds of foetid smoke. It was lighted
within, the horrible altars and grotesque images revealed flickeringly
by candles which must have been changed less than a half-hour before;
and on the gravelly floor lay the horror that made all the crowd reel
backward. It was Feldon, head burned to a crisp by some odd device he
had slipped over it—a kind of wire cage connected with a rather
shaken-up battery which had evidently fallen to the floor from a nearby
altar-pot. When the men saw it they exchanged glances, thinking of the
“electric executioner” Feldon had always boasted of inventing—the thing
which everyone had rejected, but had tried to steal and copy. The
papers were safe in Feldon’s open portmanteau which stood close by, and
an hour later the column of searchers started back for No. 3 with a
grisly burden on an improvised stretcher.
That was all, but it was enough to make me turn pale and falter as
Jackson led me up past the arrastre to the shed where he said the body
lay. For I was not without imagination, and knew only too well into
what hellish nightmare this tragedy somehow supernaturally dovetailed.
I knew what I should see inside that gaping door around which the
curious miners clustered, and did not flinch when my eyes took in the
giant form, the rough corduroy clothes, the oddly delicate hands, the
wisps of burnt beard, and the hellish machine itself—battery slightly
broken, and headpiece blackened by the charring of what was inside. The
great, bulging portmanteau did not surprise me, and I quailed only at
two things—the folded sheets of paper sticking out of the left-hand
pocket, and the queer sagging of the corresponding right-hand pocket.
In a moment when no one was looking I reached out and seized the too
familiar sheets, crushing them in my hand without daring to look at
their penmanship. I ought to be sorry now that a kind of panic fear
made me burn them that night with averted eyes. They would have been a
positive proof or disproof of something—but for that matter I could
still have had proof by asking about the revolver the coroner afterward
took from that sagging right-hand coat pocket. I never had the courage
to ask about that—because my own revolver was missing after the night
on the train. My pocket pencil, too, shewed signs of a crude and hasty
sharpening unlike the precise pointing I had given it Friday afternoon
on the machine in President McComb’s private car.
So in the end I went home still puzzled—mercifully puzzled, perhaps.
The private car was repaired when I got back to Querétaro, but my
greatest relief was crossing the Rio Grande into El Paso and the
States. By the next Friday I was in San Francisco again, and the
postponed wedding came off the following week.
As to what really happened that night—as I’ve said, I simply don’t dare
to speculate. That chap Feldon was insane to start with, and on top of
his insanity he had piled a lot of prehistoric Aztec witch-lore that
nobody has any right to know. He was really an inventive genius, and
that battery must have been the genuine stuff. I heard later how he had
been brushed aside in former years by press, public, and potentates
alike. Too much disappointment isn’t good for men of a certain kind.
Anyhow, some unholy combination of influences was at work. He had
really, by the way, been a soldier of Maximilian’s.
When I tell my story most people call me a plain liar. Others lay it to
abnormal psychology—and heaven knows I was overwrought—while still
others talk of “astral projection” of some sort. My zeal to catch
Feldon certainly sent my thoughts ahead toward him, and with all his
Indian magic he’d be about the first one to recognise and meet them.
Was he in the railway carriage or was I in the cave on the
corpse-shaped haunted mountain? What would have happened to me, had I
not delayed him as I did? I’ll confess I don’t know, and I’m not sure
that I want to know. I’ve never been in Mexico since—and as I said at
the start, I don’t enjoy hearing about electric executions.
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