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object:1956-05-23 - Yoga and religion - Story of two clergymen on a boat - The Buddha and the Supramental - Hieroglyphs and phonetic alphabets - A vision of ancient Egypt - Memory for sounds
book class:Questions And Answers 1956
author class:The Mother
subject class:Integral Yoga

Sweet Mother, what is the difference between yoga and religion?

Ah! my child it is as though you were asking me the difference between a dog and a cat!

(Long silence)

Imagine someone who, in some way or other, has heard of something like the Divine or has a personal feeling that something of the kind exists, and begins to make all sorts of efforts: efforts of will, of discipline, efforts of concentration, all sorts of efforts to find this Divine, to discover what He is, to become acquainted with Him and unite with Him. Then this person is doing yoga.

Now, if this person has noted down all the processes he has used and constructs a fixed system, and sets up all that he has discovered as absolute laws for example, he says: the Divine is like this, to find the Divine you must do this, make this particular gesture, take this attitude, perform this ceremony, and you must admit that this is the truth, you must say, I accept that this is the Truth and I fully adhere to it; and your method is the only right one, the only one which exists if all that is written down, organised, arranged into fixed laws and ceremonies, it becomes a religion.

Can one realise the Divine by this method [of religion]?

Those who carry within themselves a spiritual destiny and are born to realise the Divine, to become conscious in Him and live Him, will arrive, no matter what path, what way they follow. That is to say, even in religion there are people who have had the spiritual experience and found the Divinenot because of the religion, usually in spite of it, notwithstanding itbecause they had the inner urge and this urge led them there despite all obstacles and through them. Everything served their purpose.

But if these very people want to express their experience, they naturally use the terms of the religion in which they were brought up, so they restrict their experience and inevitably limit it very much, they make it sectarian, so to say. But they themselves may very well have gone beyond all the forms and all the limitations and all the conventions and may have had the true experience in its pure simplicity.

Sweet Mother, in the world today most people follow some sort of religion. Are they helped?

Not much.

Perhaps they are taking it up again now, but for a very long time, towards the beginning of this century, they had repudiated religion as something opposed to knowledgeat least all intellectual people had. And it is only recently that a movement of return to something other than a thorough-going positivism has begun.

People follow religion by social habit, in order not to get into the bad books of others. For instance, in a village it is difficult not to go to religious ceremonies, for all your neighbours will point at you. But that has absolutely nothing to do with spiritual life, nothing at all.


The first time I came to India I came on a Japanese boat. And on this Japanese boat there were two clergymen, that is, Protestant priests, of different sects. I dont remember exactly which sects, but they were both English; I think one was an Anglican and the other a Presbyterian.

Now, Sunday came. There had to be a religious ceremony on the boat, or else we would have looked like hea thens, like the Japanese! There had to be a ceremony, but who should perform it? Should it be the Anglican or should it be the Presbyterian? They just missed quarrelling. Finally, one of them withdrew with dignity I dont remember now which one, I think it was the Anglican and the Presbyterian performed his ceremony.

It took place in the lounge of the ship. We had to go down a few steps to this lounge. And that day, all the men had put on their jacketit was hot, I think we were in the Red Seathey put on their jackets, stiff collars, leather shoes; neckties well set, hats on their heads, and they went with a book under their arm, almost in a procession from the deck to the lounge. The ladies wore their hats, some carried even a parasol, and they too had their book under the arm, a prayer-book.

And so they all crowded down into the lounge, and the Presbyterian made a speech, that is to say, preached his sermon, and everybody listened very religiously. And then, when it was over, they all came up again with the satisfied air of someone who has done his duty. And, of course, five minutes later they were in the bar drinking and playing cards, and their religious ceremony was forgotten. They had done their duty, it was over, there was nothing more to be said about it.

And the clergyman came and asked me, more or less politely, why I had not attended. I told him, Sir, I am sorry, but I dont believe in religion.

Oh! oh! you are a materialist?

No, not at all.

Ah! then why?

Oh! I said, if I were to tell you, you would be quite displeased, perhaps it is better for me not to say anything.

But he insisted so much that at last I said, Just try to see, I dont feel that you are sincere, neither you nor your flock. You all went there to fulfil a social duty and a social custom, but not at all because you really wanted to enter into communion with God.

Enter into communion with God! But we cant do that! All that we can do is to say some good words, but we have no capacity to enter into communion with God.

Then I said, But it was just because of that I didnt go, for it doesnt interest me.

After that he asked me many questions and admitted to me that he was going to China to convert the hea thens. At that I became serious and told him, Listen, even before your religion was bornnot even two thousand years ago the Chinese had a very high philosophy and knew a path leading them to the Divine; and when they think of Westerners, they think of them as barbarians. And so you are going there to convert those who know more about it than you? What are you going to teach them? To be insincere, to perform hollow ceremonies instead of following a profound philosophy and a detachment from life which lead them to a more spiritual consciousness? I dont think its a very good thing you are going to do.

Then he felt so suffocated, the poor man; he said to me, Eh, I fear I cant be convinced by your words!

Oh! I said, I am not trying to convince you, I only described the situation to you, and how I dont quite see why barbarians should want to go and teach civilised people what they have known long before you. Thats all.

And there, that was the end of it.

Mother, in the Buddhist traditions it is said

Oh! Oh! you are becoming a Buddhist. Its the fashion.


It is said that two thousand five hundred years after his birth

Yes, he will return to earth to preach a new Buddhism, is that it?

It seems his teaching will come to an end, and will be replaced by something new.

Yes, it is that gentleman, what is his name X, who told you that?

But that is his theory. He told me also that he thought that it was Sri Aurobindo who had realised the teachings of the Buddha. Is that it? You didnt go to his lecture? No, then what did you want to ask?

Because it is nowtomorrow is the day the two thousand five hundred years will be overdoes this correspond to the new thing?

What new thing?

The new Supramental Manifestation.

Oh! Listen, this seems to me just the kind of discovery one makes when one wants something sensational.

There are always many ways of interpreting texts, and one does it according to what one likes them to say.


That reminds me of something: (turning to a teacher) have they found the sounds with which hieroglyphs are to be read?


Yes, hieroglyphs are Egyptian!

I think so.

That means they have found the spoken language of five thousand years ago?

I think so. And there are hieroglyphs which are also phonetic.

Phonetic! Where can we get this information from?

In the library, Mother, there is something.

Oh! Because I was wondering how they had restored the names of the pharaohs and gods. Naturally, more recent peoples have spoken about them, the Greeks mention them, the Phoenicians speak of them; they had phonetic writing. But earlier than that? The first pharaohs and all those names of the gods, who discovered these?

According to tradition it is Champollion, with the Rosetta Stone; they found a stone with inscriptions in Egyptian, Greek and Coptic, which enabled them to solve the problem.

He was sure it was the same thing written in Egyptian and in Greek? How was he sure of that?

There was a vague idea, there were some points of reference and cross-checking.

But that was for the meaning, not for the sounds.


What language was spoken in the Schools of Initiation? How did they express themselves, those people?

I know that sounds are given for the words. Now, whether they know the exact pronunciation or not is another matter. They dont even know the pronunciation of ancient Greek.

Greek? They dont know the pronunciation?

They dont know how it used to be pronounced.

Is the language of ancient Egypt contemporaneous with the earliest Sanskrit, or is it earlier still? And then, something else: was the cuneiform script of Assyria phonetic or hieroglyphic?

I believe that there too it is possible to read the sounds, for quite a number of names given in the Bible have been set right and it has been found that there were deformations: Nabuchodonsor, for example.

Yes. Oh! that has been changed.

Now, whether they are absolutely sure of having found the sounds

Yes, that seems strange to me. For a book came to my hands in which the names had been restored, and had become a little queer! But still, there must have been a certain way of pronouncing them. I mean, does any other human language go back further than the earliest Sanskrit?

I dont know the dates of the earliest language.

And one last thing: is this hieroglyphic Egyptian language related to the Chaldean line or to the Aryan? There are Sanskrit roots in all the languages. That was precisely what I wanted to ask.

I read somewhere that the priests of Egypt used to give initiation with mantras.

Sanskrit mantras? But that must be in a novel, surely!

A few Sanskrit words.

There are Sanskrit rootswith some distortionsin all languages. And there is a very old tradition claiming to be older than the two bifurcating lines, Aryan and Chaldean. But Greek, for instance, which is relatively recent, is it a language of Aryan or Chaldean origin?

Greek is entirely Aryan.

Entirely Aryan.

Egyptian is of Chaldean origin.

Chaldean, yes. But everywhere there was an intermixture of Egyptian and Greek.

The Phoenician language was older. From the point of view of the written language, it was earlier than Greek.

But Phoenician is phonetic, it is a phonetic language.

And hieroglyphs were written from top to bottom and from right to left, or was it from left to right?

From right to left.

From right to left. Chaldean languages are written like that. Chinese and Japanese also. Only Aryan languages are written from left to right.


Much later, when this talk was first published, a disciple asked Mother what gave rise to these questions on hieroglyphs.

It used to interest me very much once, to know about them. I tried to recall the memory of the elements which existed at that time, but I could not get any answer. There was a complete blank.

Did you hear any sounds?

(After a silence) Look, Ill give you an instance. About two years ago, I had a vision about Zs son. She had brought him to me, he was not quite one year old, and I had just seen him there, in the room where I receive people. He gave me the impression of someone I knew very well, but I didnt know who. And then, in the afternoon of the same day, I had a vision. A vision of ancient Egypt, that is to say, I was someone there, the great priestess or somebody I dont know who, for one doesnt tell oneself I am so and so: the identification is complete, there is no objectifying, so I dont know. I was in a wonderful building, immense! so high! but quite bare, there was nothing, except a place where there were magnificent paintings. So there I recognised the paintings of ancient Egypt. And I was coming out of my apartments and was entering a kind of large hall. There was a sort of gutter running all round the base of the walls, for collecting water. And then I saw the child, who was half naked, playing in it. And I was quite shocked, I said, What! this is disgusting!but the feelings, ideas, all that was translated into French in my consciousness. There was the tutor who came, I had him called. I scolded him. I heard sounds. Well, I dont know what I said, I dont remember the sounds at all now. I heard the sounds I was articulating, I knew what they meant, but the translation was in French, and the sounds I could not remember. I spoke to him, told him, How can you let the child play in there? And he answered meand I woke up with his replysaying I did not hear the first words, but in my thought it wasAmenhotep likes it. I heard Amenhotep, I remembered. Then I knew the child was Amenhotep.

So I know that I spoke: I spoke a language but I dont remember it now. I remembered Amenhotep because I know it in my waking consciousness: Amenhotep. But otherwise, the other sounds did not remain. I have no memory for sounds.

And I know I was his mother; at that moment I knew who I was, for I know Amenhotep is the son of so-and-sobesides, I looked up the history. Otherwise there is no connection: a blank.

I always admire those mediumsusually very simple peoplewho have the exact memory of the sound, who can tell you, Look, I said this and this. In that way one would have the phonetic notation. If I could remember the sounds I pronounced, we would have the notation, but I dont.

I remember this conversation; suddenly I said to myself, It would be so interesting if one could hear that language, and then, from curiosity, How did they discover the pronunciation? How? Besides, all the names we were taught as children, in ancient history, have been changed today. They say they have discovered the sounds, or at least they claim to have discovered them. But I dont know.

It is the same thing for ancient Babylon: I have extremely precise memories, completely objective, but when I speak I dont remember the sounds I utter, there is only the mental translation.

I have no memory for sounds.

I was wondering what had prompted all your questions.

Its just that, it is that I am aware I have no memory for sounds. There are people who have a memory for sounds, I dont have that memory. So I would be interested to know that. Otherwise I have always been ablewhen there was something of the past which was doubtful for me, or interesting or incomplete I have always found the means of making it come back to my consciousness. But sounds dont come. It comes as a state of consciousness which is translated mentally, and so it is translated mentally into words which I know. So it is not at all interesting.

Even now, while I was playing music, the memory of the sounds was vague and in complete. I had the memory of the sounds I heard in the source of music (with an upward gesture), and then, when the material music reproduced something of these sounds, I recognised them; but there is not that precision, that exactness which would make it possible for me to reproduce with the voice or with an instrument the exact sound. That is not there, that is missing. While the memory of the eyes was it was stupefying. A thing I had seen just onceit was fixed, never forgotten.

Several times in this way, in visionsvisions, actually memories: memories relived I have spoken the language of that time, spoken it, heard myself speaking, but the sound has not remained. The sense of what I said has remained but the sound hasnt.

It is a pity.

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Wikipedia - Code page 310 -- Set of APL symbols invoked with the EBCDIC "Graphic Escape" (single shift) control code
Wikipedia - Collapse (medical) -- Medical symptom, a sudden and often unannounced loss of postural tone
Wikipedia - Colorado Symphony -- American symphony orchestra located in Denver, Colorado
Wikipedia - Color symbolism
Wikipedia - Columbia Symphony Orchestra -- American orchestra
Wikipedia - Combinatorial design -- Symmetric arrangement of finite sets
Wikipedia - Communist chic -- Elements of popular culture based on Communist symbols
Wikipedia - Communist symbolism -- Symbols central to communist imagery
Wikipedia - Concise Encyclopedia of Supersymmetry and Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics -- Mathematics and physics encyclopedia
Wikipedia - Connor Syme -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - Connotations (Copland) -- Classical music composition for symphony orchestra written by American composer Aaron Copland
Wikipedia - Contact type -- Symplectic manifold hypersurface
Wikipedia - Control character -- Code point in a character set, that does not represent a written symbol
Wikipedia - Conus symmetricus -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Cool S -- Graffiti symbol
Wikipedia - Copper deficiency -- Insufficient level of copper in the body, leading to anaemia and nervous symptoms
Wikipedia - Copyright symbol -- Copyright symbol - the symbol used in copyright notices for works other than sound recordings
Wikipedia - Cornish symbols
Wikipedia - Cornucopia -- Mythological symbol of abundance, also called the horn of plenty
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix asymmetrella -- Species of moth from Russia
Wikipedia - COVID Symptom Study -- COVID-19 mobile research app
Wikipedia - CPT symmetry -- Invariance under simultaneous charge conjugation, parity transformation and time reversal
Wikipedia - CP violation -- Violation of charge-parity symmetry in particle physics and cosmology
Wikipedia - Craig Symonette -- Bahamian sailor
Wikipedia - Creation myth -- Symbolic narrative of how the world began and how people first came to inhabit it
Wikipedia - Crosses in heraldry -- Cross symbols used in heraldry
Wikipedia - Cross of Camargue -- Symbol of the French region: cross, heart, anchor
Wikipedia - Cross of Saint James -- Heraldic symbol, emblem of the Spanish Order of Santiago
Wikipedia - Crown -- Form of headwear, symbolizing the power of a ruler
Wikipedia - Cruiser 'Varyag' -- 1946 film by Viktor Eisymont
Wikipedia - Culture of France -- Pattern of human activity and symbolism associated with France and its people
Wikipedia - Culture of Germany -- Pattern of human activity and symbolism associated with Germany and its people
Wikipedia - Culture of Latvia -- Pattern of human activity and symbolism associated with Latvia and its people
Wikipedia - Culture of the Native Hawaiians -- Pattern of human activity and symbolism associated with Hawaii and its people
Wikipedia - Culture of the United States -- Pattern of human activity and symbolism associated with the United States and its people
Wikipedia - Culture of Turkmenistan -- Pattern of human activity and symbolism associated with Turkmenistan and its people
Wikipedia - Currency symbol -- Symbol used to represent a monetary currency's name
Wikipedia - Cushing's syndrome -- Symptoms from excessive exposure to glucocorticoids such as cortisol
Wikipedia - Cyclic symmetries
Wikipedia - Cyrillic Supplement -- Group of Unicode symbols
Wikipedia - Czech Philharmonic -- Czech symphony orchestra based in Prague
Wikipedia - Dagger (typography) -- Symbol indicating a footnote, typically after an asterisk has already been used
Wikipedia - Dallas Symphony Orchestra -- Orchestra
Wikipedia - Danish National Symphony Orchestra -- Danish orchestra
Wikipedia - Dante Symphony -- Symphony by Franz Liszt
Wikipedia - Darboux's theorem -- Foundational result in symplectic geometry
Wikipedia - Das Lied von der Erde -- Symphonic song cycle by Gustav Mahler
Wikipedia - Data3-Symantec Racing Team p/b Scody -- Australian cycling team
Wikipedia - Data (computing) -- Quantities, characters, or symbols on which operations are performed by a computer
Wikipedia - Data Encryption Standard -- Early unclassified symmetric-key block cipher
Wikipedia - Day and Night (cellular automaton) -- 2D cellular automaton with black/white reversal symmetry
Wikipedia - Day-year principle -- Method of interpretation of Bible prophecy in which the word day in prophecy is considered to be symbolic of a year of actual time
Wikipedia - Deathgarden -- 2018 asymmetrical multiplayer first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Degree symbol -- Typographical symbol used to represent different physical quantities
Wikipedia - Delzant's theorem -- Classifies Hamiltonian actions of a torus on a symplectic manifold of twice the dimension
Wikipedia - Denotation -- Literal meaning of a word or symbol
Wikipedia - Diagnostic delay -- Time interval between the onset of symptoms and confirmed diagnosis of a disease
Wikipedia - Diameter symbol
Wikipedia - Digital encoding of APL symbols -- Code pages used specifically to write programs in the APL programming language
Wikipedia - Dihedral group -- Group of symmetries of a regular polygon
Wikipedia - Dihedral symmetry
Wikipedia - Dimples of Venus -- Sagitically symmetrical depression over the gluteal fold
Wikipedia - Dingbat -- Typographic symbol
Wikipedia - Division sign -- Mathematical symbol for division: M-CM-7
Wikipedia - Division symbol
Wikipedia - Dogcow -- Symbol on early Apple operating systems
Wikipedia - Dold-Thom theorem -- On the homotopy groups of the infinite symmetric product of a connected CW complex
Wikipedia - Donald Symington -- American actor (1925-2013)
Wikipedia - Donald Symons
Wikipedia - Donkey orchid symptomless virus -- Species of virus
Wikipedia - Don Syme
Wikipedia - Doomsday Clock -- Symbol which represents the likelihood of a man-made global catastrophe
Wikipedia - Double prime (symbol)
Wikipedia - Draft:Flag of the President of Israel -- Official symbol of the president of Israel
Wikipedia - Draft:Maksym Botviniev -- Game Developer and Software Engineer
Wikipedia - Draft:Symbiote Spider-Man -- Limited Marvel Comics series
Wikipedia - Draft:Symone Baptiste {{DISPLAYTITLE:Symone Baptiste -- Draft:Symone Baptiste {{DISPLAYTITLE:Symone Baptiste
Wikipedia - Dragonlord (band) -- American symphonic black metal band
Wikipedia - Dunedin Symphony Orchestra -- | Professional orchestra in Dunedin, New Zealand
Wikipedia - Dyad (symbol)
Wikipedia - EAN-8 -- EAN/UPC symbology barcode
Wikipedia - Earth symbol -- Astronomical symbols for the planet Earth, alchemical symbol for the element Earth
Wikipedia - Easter Bunny -- Folkloric figure and symbol of Easter
Wikipedia - EasyMile EZ10 -- Battery-powered autonomous electric bus
Wikipedia - Echinoderm -- Exclusively marine phylum of animals with generally 5-point radial symmetry
Wikipedia - Ecology Flag -- American cultural symbol.
Wikipedia - Ectosymbiosis -- Symbiosis in which the symbiont lives on the body surface of the host
Wikipedia - Edward Fitz-Symon -- Irish judge
Wikipedia - Eight minutes 46 seconds -- Symbol of police brutality associated with George Floyd's death
Wikipedia - Eine Symphonie des Kampfwillens -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Einstein's Unfinished Symphony -- Book by Marcia Bartusiak
Wikipedia - Eleanor Cross Marquand -- American art historian, with a particular focus on the representation and symbolism of flowers and trees in art
Wikipedia - EMC Symmetrix
Wikipedia - Eminence Symphony Orchestra -- Australian symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - Emotional symbiosis
Wikipedia - Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement -- Group of Unicode symbols
Wikipedia - Enclosed CJK Letters and Months -- Group of Unicode symbols
Wikipedia - Endosymbiont -- Organism that lives within the body or cells of another organism
Wikipedia - Endosymbiosis
Wikipedia - Endosymbiotic
Wikipedia - Entertain You -- Single from Dutch symphonic metal and rock band Within Temptation
Wikipedia - Epica (band) -- Dutch symphonic metal band
Wikipedia - Epigenetic valley -- Valley created by erosion and with little or no sympathy for bedrock structure
Wikipedia - Epulopiscium -- Genus of giant Gram-positive bacteria that have a symbiotic relationship with surgeonfish
Wikipedia - Equal Pay Day -- Symbolic day dedicated to raising awareness of the gender pay gap
Wikipedia - Equivalence relation -- Reflexive, symmetric and transitive relation
Wikipedia - Ethnosymbolism
Wikipedia - EURion constellation -- Pattern of symbols incorporated into a number of banknote designs
Wikipedia - European Symposium on Algorithms
Wikipedia - Evangelist symbols
Wikipedia - Event symmetry
Wikipedia - Extensions to the International Phonetic Alphabet -- Set of symbols
Wikipedia - Eye of Horus -- Ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power and good health
Wikipedia - Eye of Providence -- Symbol of all-seeing eye (usually shown in triangle and/or surrounded by rays )
Wikipedia - Factitious disorder -- Disease of mental health where symptoms are deliberately produced, feigned or exaggerated
Wikipedia - Fall Breaks and Back to Winter (W. Woodpecker Symphony) -- Instrumental composition by Brian Wilson
Wikipedia - Falstaff (Elgar) -- Symphonic work by Elgar
Wikipedia - Family symmetries
Wikipedia - Far-right subcultures -- The symbolism, ideology and traits that hold relevance to various politically extreme right-wing groups and organisations
Wikipedia - Fascist symbolism -- Use of certain images and symbols which are designed to represent aspects of fascism
Wikipedia - Fatal Symphony -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Fearful Symmetry (book)
Wikipedia - Fearful Symmetry (Frye)
Wikipedia - Featural writing system -- Writing system whose symbols encode phonological features of the phonemes that they represent
Wikipedia - Feline hyperesthesia syndrome -- Collection of OCD or epilepsy-like symptoms in housecats
Wikipedia - Fellow traveller -- One who sympathizes and co-operates with an organization, without being a member
Wikipedia - Female hysteria -- Outdated diagnosis and treatment for patients with multiple symptoms of a neurological condition
Wikipedia - Festival Star -- Graphic symbol for 1951 Festival of Berlin
Wikipedia - Festive ecology -- Study of the relationships between the symbolism and the ecology of the plants, fungi and animals associated with cultural events
Wikipedia - Fife Symington -- American politician
Wikipedia - Flag and coat of arms of Normandy -- The regional flag and the heraldic visual design symbolising Normandy, France
Wikipedia - Flag of Europe -- Flag of Europe at large created by the Council of Europe, then adopted as one of the official symbols of the European Communities and later of the European Union
Wikipedia - Flag of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship -- Official symbol of the Malopolska Region
Wikipedia - Flavour symmetry
Wikipedia - Fleshgod Apocalypse -- | Italian symphonic death metal band
Wikipedia - Fleur-de-lis -- Stylized lily, heraldic symbol
Wikipedia - Floral formula -- Floral formula is a means to represent the structure of a flower using numbers, letters and various symbols, presenting substantial information about the flower in a compact form.
Wikipedia - Floral symmetry -- Shape of flowers
Wikipedia - Flowers and Trees -- 1932 Silly Symphony cartoon
Wikipedia - Folie a deux -- Shared psychosis, a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief are transmitted from one individual to another
Wikipedia - FORM (symbolic manipulation system)
Wikipedia - Formula -- concise way of expressing information symbolically
Wikipedia - Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra -- American symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - Four-square cipher -- Symmetric encryption cipher
Wikipedia - Four Symbols -- Mythological creatures in Chinese constellations
Wikipedia - Francesca da Rimini (Tchaikovsky) -- Symphonic poem
Wikipedia - Francis Symes-Thompson -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Francis Viele-Griffin -- French symbolist poet
Wikipedia - Free Speech Flag -- A banner to symbolize free expression by encoding an illegal number
Wikipedia - French heraldry -- The use of heraldic symbols in France
Wikipedia - Functional symptom
Wikipedia - Gaddafi loyalism -- sympathetic sentiment towards the overthrown government of Muammar Gaddafi
Wikipedia - Gani Qasymov -- Kazakh politician
Wikipedia - Generalized symmetric group -- Wreath product of cyclic group m and symetrical group n
Wikipedia - Geometric Shapes -- Block of Unicode symbols
Wikipedia - George James Symons -- British meteorologist
Wikipedia - George Symons (VC) -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Glide reflection -- Symmetry operation combining reflection across and translation along an axis
Wikipedia - Globus cruciger -- Globular object sometimes topped with a cross; Christian symbol of authority
Wikipedia - Glossary of symplectic geometry -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - God-fearer -- Greco-Roman sympathizers to Hellenistic Judaism
Wikipedia - Gompertz function -- Asymmetric sigmoid function
Wikipedia - Grantchester knot -- Self-releasing, asymmetric way of tying a necktie
Wikipedia - Graveworm -- Italian gothic-symphonic black metal band
Wikipedia - Greater-than sign -- Mathematical symbol representing the relation "greater than"
Wikipedia - Greeking -- Style of displaying or rendering text or symbols
Wikipedia - Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra -- National youth orchestra of the Greece
Wikipedia - Green ribbon -- Symbol of different advocacy campaigns.
Wikipedia - Guild (ecology) -- Group of sympatric species with similar ecological function
Wikipedia - Gustave Moreau -- 19th century French Symbolist painter
Wikipedia - Gustav Klimt -- Austrian symbolist painter
Wikipedia - Halo (religious iconography) -- Religious symbol representing a ring of light
Wikipedia - Halo (religious symbol)
Wikipedia - Hamlet (Liszt) -- Symphonic poem, composed by Franz Liszt
Wikipedia - Hammer and sickle -- Communist symbol
Wikipedia - Hamsa -- symbol (often worn as an amulet) found in pre-columbian America, the Middle East, and Africa
Wikipedia - Harbin Symphony Orchestra -- Chinese Symphony Orchestra
Wikipedia - Haskell Symposium
Wikipedia - Havana syndrome -- Set of medical signs and symptoms experienced by U.S. and Canadian embassy staff, reported in Cuba and China.
Wikipedia - Haydn Symphonies (album) -- Album by the Oregon Symphony
Wikipedia - Heart symbol -- Symbol representing the heart
Wikipedia - Heartwork: Symphony of Destruction -- Japanese hentai anime
Wikipedia - Heat intolerance -- Symptom characterized by feeling overheated in warm environments
Wikipedia - Help:Musical symbols
Wikipedia - Hemoptysis -- Medical symptom: bloody mucus from coughing
Wikipedia - Hennu -- Egyptian symbol
Wikipedia - Hexacorallia -- A class of cnidarians with 6-fold symmetry
Wikipedia - Hex sign -- Pennsylvania Dutch folk art symbol
Wikipedia - Hierarchical modulation -- Signal processing technique for multiplexing/modulating multiple data streams into one stream, where base- and enhancement-layer symbols are synchronously overplayed before transmission; used in digital TV broadcast for graceful degradation
Wikipedia - Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation
Wikipedia - High-field asymmetric-waveform ion-mobility spectrometry -- chemical analysis technique
Wikipedia - Higman-Sims asymptotic formula -- An asymptotic estimate in group theory
Wikipedia - Hindu iconography -- Iconic symbols with spiritual meaning in Hinduism
Wikipedia - Historicism (Christianity) -- Method of interpretation of biblical prophecies which associates symbols with historical persons, nations or events.
Wikipedia - Hologenome theory of evolution -- Evolutionary view of an individual multicellular organism as a community of the host plus all of its symbiotic microbes
Wikipedia - Holy Fire -- Eastern Orthodox symbol of Resurrection
Wikipedia - Horseshoe (symbol)
Wikipedia - Hot Chips -- Annual technological symposium held in Silicon Valley
Wikipedia - HSBC lions -- Sculptures of lions, symbolic of HSBC
Wikipedia - Hugh Syme (GC) -- Recipient of the George Cross
Wikipedia - Hugh Syme -- Canadian graphic designer
Wikipedia - Hull classification symbol -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Human skull symbolism
Wikipedia - I. A. R. Wylie -- Australian-British novelist, screenwriter, poet, and suffragette sympathizer
Wikipedia - IBM Lotus Symphony
Wikipedia - Icosahedral symmetry
Wikipedia - Icosian -- Specific set of Hamiltonian quaternions with the same symmetry as the 600-cell
Wikipedia - Ideogram -- Graphic symbol that represents an idea or concept
Wikipedia - IEEE Std 260.1-2004 -- Standardized letter symbols for units of measurement
Wikipedia - IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
Wikipedia - IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
Wikipedia - Ignaz Holzbauer -- German composer of symphonies, concertos, operas, and chamber music (1711-1783)
Wikipedia - Inada SyM-EM-+ichi -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Incubation period -- Time between infection and the onset of disease symptoms
Wikipedia - Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra -- Symphonic orchestra based in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - Indus script -- Short strings of symbols associated with the Indus Valley Civilization
Wikipedia - Inequality (mathematics) -- Mathematical relation expressed by symbols < or M-bM-^IM-$
Wikipedia - Infinite symmetric group
Wikipedia - Information asymmetry
Wikipedia - In Memoriam to the Martyrs of Babi Yar -- 1945 symphony by Dmitri Klebanov
Wikipedia - Input symbol
Wikipedia - Instruction set architecture -- Set of abstract symbols which describe a computer program's operations to a processor
Wikipedia - Integral symbol -- Mathematical symbol used to denote integrals and antiderivatives
Wikipedia - International Civil Engineering Symposium -- annual technical symposium
Wikipedia - International Symbol of Access
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Computer Architecture
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Distributed Computing
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Graph Drawing -- Annual academic conference
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Memory Management
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Microarchitecture
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Physical Design
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration
Wikipedia - International Wittgenstein Symposium
Wikipedia - Interpretation (logic) -- Assignment of meaning to the symbols of a formal language
Wikipedia - Intersymbol interference -- A form of distortion affecting communication reliability
Wikipedia - In the Steppes of Central Asia -- Symphonic poem by Alexander Borodin
Wikipedia - In Vain (Within Temptation song) -- Single from Dutch symphonic metal and rock band Within Temptation
Wikipedia - Invocation: Jazz Meets the Symphony No. 7 -- Studio album by Lalo Schifrin
Wikipedia - Involuntary commitment -- Legal process through which an individual who is deemed to have symptoms of severe mental disorder is involuntarily hospitalized
Wikipedia - ISO 5776 -- Standard symbols for proofreading
Wikipedia - ISO 7010 -- Technical standard for safety symbols
Wikipedia - ISO-IR-169 -- Character encoding for Blissymbolic text
Wikipedia - Ivan Maksymov -- Ukrainian biathlete
Wikipedia - Jacksonville Symphony -- Non-profit organization in the USA
Wikipedia - Jacobi symbol
Wikipedia - Jain symbols
Wikipedia - James Syme -- Scottish surgeon
Wikipedia - Janusz Maksymiuk -- Polish politician
Wikipedia - Janusz Symonides -- Polish diplomat
Wikipedia - Japanese typographic symbols
Wikipedia - Jeff Symonds -- Canadian triathlete
Wikipedia - Jennifer Syme -- American actress, production assistant
Wikipedia - Jewish symbolism
Wikipedia - J. Fife Symington Jr. -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - Johannes Symonis Hasprois -- French composer
Wikipedia - John Addington Symonds -- 19th-century English poet and literary critic
Wikipedia - John FitzSymond -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Philip Sousa Baton -- traditional symbol of the authority of the directorate of the United States Marine Band "The President's Own"
Wikipedia - John Symonds
Wikipedia - John Wilson Orchestra -- British symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall -- Music venue in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.
Wikipedia - Journal of Symbolic Computation
Wikipedia - Journal of Symbolic Logic
Wikipedia - Julian Symons
Wikipedia - Jumping Frenchmen of Maine -- group of men with unusual behavioral symptoms
Wikipedia - Jungian archetypes -- Universal, archaic symbols and images that derive from the collective unconscious
Wikipedia - Kagome crest -- Symbol in Shintoism
Wikipedia - Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra -- Taiwanese symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - Kassym-Jomart Tokayev -- Kazakhstani politician and diplomat
Wikipedia - Kasymguly Babaev -- Turkmen politician
Wikipedia - Kasym Khan -- Khan of the Khazakh Khanate (16th century)
Wikipedia - Katie Daffan -- American author and Confederate sympathizer
Wikipedia - Kernohan's notch -- Brain injury symptom
Wikipedia - Khanda (religious symbol)
Wikipedia - Khanda (Sikh symbol) -- Sikh symbol depicting Deg Tegh Fateh doctrine
Wikipedia - Kolovrat (symbol)
Wikipedia - Konohanasakuya-hime -- in Japanese mythology, is the blossom-princess and symbol of delicate earthly life
Wikipedia - Konzerthausorchester Berlin -- symphony orchestra based in Berlin, Germany
Wikipedia - Kostiantyn Tsymbal -- Ukrainian karateka
Wikipedia - Koundinyasana -- Asymmetric balancing posture in yoga as exercise
Wikipedia - Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra -- Symphonic orchestra
Wikipedia - KSYM-FM -- Radio station at San Antonio College in San Antonio, Texas
Wikipedia - Kunstformen der Natur -- Book of stylised symmetrical illustrations of animals by German biologist Ernst Haeckel.
Wikipedia - Kurds'komu bratovi -- Poem by Ukrainian Vasyl Symonenko
Wikipedia - Landau prime ideal theorem -- Provides an asymptotic formula for counting the number of prime ideals of a number field
Wikipedia - Language code -- Symbol to identify a language, dialect or a group of languages
Wikipedia - Last Year: The Nightmare -- Asymmetric survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Latin square -- Square array with symbols that each occur once per row and column
Wikipedia - Latvian National Symphony Orchestra -- Latvian symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - LaVeyan Satanism -- Atheistic religion founded by Anton LaVey, in which Satan is a symbol of human freedom, but not believed to be a separately existing supernatural being
Wikipedia - Leather Pride flag -- Symbol used by the leather subculture
Wikipedia - Leaves' Eyes -- German symphonic metal band
Wikipedia - Lecithocera symptomatica -- Species of moth in the genus Lecithocera
Wikipedia - Leeds Symphony Orchestra -- Symphony orchestra in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Leningrad Symphony (film) -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Leptogenesis -- Hypothetical processes that could produce the observed asymmetry favoring leptons over antileptons
Wikipedia - Less-than sign -- Mathematical symbol representing the relation "less than"
Wikipedia - Letterlike Symbols -- Unicode block
Wikipedia - Levi-Civita symbol
Wikipedia - LGBT symbols -- flags and symbols used by the LGBT community
Wikipedia - Lianhua Symphony -- 1937 film by Fei Mu
Wikipedia - Liberty Bell -- A bell that serves as a symbol of American independence and liberty
Wikipedia - Lichen -- Symbiosis of fungi with algae or cyanobacteria
Wikipedia - L'Imagination symbolique
Wikipedia - Limburgs Symfonie Orkest -- Dutch orchestra
Wikipedia - Limp -- Type of asymmetric abnormality of the gait
Wikipedia - Lina Herasymenko -- Ukrainian archer
Wikipedia - Lion of Babylon -- Ancient Babylonian symbol
Wikipedia - Lion of Judah -- National and cultural symbol
Wikipedia - Lisp and Symbolic Computation
Wikipedia - List of Alabama state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Alaska state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of American Samoa territorial symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of animal and plant symbols of the Canary Islands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of animals featuring external asymmetry -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arizona state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arkansas state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Assam state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bohol provincial symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of California state symbols -- Official flag, motto, animals and so on
Wikipedia - List of Canadian provincial and territorial symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of changes made due to the George Floyd protests -- Names and symbols changed due to the George Floyd protests
Wikipedia - List of choral symphonies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Colorado state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of common astronomy symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Connecticut state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cotabato provincial symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries with the Islamic symbols displayed on their flag -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Delaware state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of District of Columbia symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of elements by symbol
Wikipedia - List of finite spherical symmetry groups -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Florida state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of foods with religious symbolism -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Georgia state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Guam territorial symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hawaii state symbols -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Idaho state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ideological symbols -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Illinois state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Indiana state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Indian state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Iowa state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Japanese map symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Japanese typographic symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kansas state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Karnataka state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kentucky state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kerala state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of logic symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Louisiana state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lucky symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maine state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maryland state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Massachusetts state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mathematical symbols by subject -- Wikipedia list of math symbols organized by subject
Wikipedia - List of mathematical symbols
Wikipedia - List of mathematical symbols -- -- List of mathematical symbols --
Wikipedia - List of medical symptoms -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mergers and acquisitions by Symantec
Wikipedia - List of Michigan state symbols -- list article
Wikipedia - List of Minnesota state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mississippi state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Missouri state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Montana state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of musical symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of national symbols of Iran -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of national symbols of Israel -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of national symbols of Palestine -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of national symbols of the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nebraska state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nevada state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New Hampshire state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New Jersey state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New Mexico state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New York state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of North Carolina state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of North Dakota state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Northern Mariana Islands territorial symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of occult symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of official symbols of Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ohio state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Oklahoma state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Oregon state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of organ symphonies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of participants in the Evolving Genes and Proteins symposium -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pennsylvania state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of planar symmetry groups -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rhode Island state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of signs and symptoms of diving disorders -- The signs and symptoms of physiological disorders resulting from underwater diving
Wikipedia - List of South Carolina state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of South Dakota state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Space Symphony Maetel episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sports team names and symbols derived from Greek and Roman antiquity -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symbols designated by the Anti-Defamation League as hate symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symbols of Scientology -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symbols of states and territories of Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symbols
Wikipedia - List of Symphogear episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonic poems -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies by Anton Bruckner -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies by Christoph Graupner -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies by Joseph Haydn -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies by key -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies by Leif Segerstam -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies by number -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in A-flat major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in A-flat minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in A major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in A minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in B-flat major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in B-flat minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in B major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in B minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in C major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in C minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in C-sharp minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in D-flat major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in D major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in D minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in E-flat major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in E-flat minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in E minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in F major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in F minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in F-sharp major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in F-sharp minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in G major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in G-sharp minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies
Wikipedia - List of symphonies with names -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphony composers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphony orchestras in Europe -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphony orchestras in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphony orchestras -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Symphyotrichum novae-angliae cultivars -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Symphyotrichum species -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Symphytognathidae species -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tales of Symphonia characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tamil Nadu state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tennessee state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Texas state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of typographical symbols and punctuation marks -- Most common typographical symbols and punctuation marks used in western European languages
Wikipedia - List of U.S. Virgin Islands territorial symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Utah state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Uttarakhand state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Vermont state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Virginia state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Washington state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of West Virginia state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wisconsin state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wyoming state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of Indian state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of national symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of United States state symbols -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lithuanian Rhapsody -- Symphonic poem by Mieczyslaw Karlowicz (1906)
Wikipedia - Live at the Symphony Hall -- album by Magnum
Wikipedia - Livermorium -- Synthetic radioactive chemical element with atomic number 116 and symbol Lv
Wikipedia - LM-CM-)on Degrelle -- Belgian Nazi sympathizer
Wikipedia - London Symphony Orchestra
Wikipedia - Long COVID -- Long-term symptoms and/or sequelae of COVID-19
Wikipedia - Looped square -- Symbol
Wikipedia - Loop quantum cosmology -- A finite, symmetry-reduced model of loop quantum gravity
Wikipedia - Lorenz asymmetry coefficient -- Summary statistic of the Lorenz curve
Wikipedia - Loschmidt's paradox -- the objection that it should not be possible to deduce an irreversible process from time-symmetric dynamics
Wikipedia - Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall -- Concert hall in San Francisco
Wikipedia - Luneburg lens -- Spherically symmetric gradient-index lens
Wikipedia - Macbeth (Strauss) -- 1886-1888 symphonic poem by Richard Strauss
Wikipedia - Macsyma
Wikipedia - Maksym Dolhov -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Maksymilian Faktorowicz
Wikipedia - Maksymilian Gierymski -- Polish painter
Wikipedia - Maksymilian Grecki -- Polish pianist
Wikipedia - Maksymilian Jackowski -- Polish activist
Wikipedia - Maksym Ivko -- Ukrainian biathlete
Wikipedia - Maksym Korotun -- Ukrainian judoka
Wikipedia - Maksym Kutsyi -- Ukrainian politician
Wikipedia - Maksym Lapyn -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Maksym Mazuryk -- Ukrainian pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Maksym Semiankiv -- Ukrainian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Maksym Spodyriev -- Polish ice dancer
Wikipedia - Maksym Stepanov -- Ukrainian politician
Wikipedia - Man and His Symbols
Wikipedia - Man-Computer Symbiosis
Wikipedia - Mandala -- Spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism
Wikipedia - Mandarin Phonetic Symbols II
Wikipedia - Manfred Symphony -- Symphony by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Wikipedia - Map symbol
Wikipedia - Map -- A symbolic depiction of relationships between elements of some space
Wikipedia - Maria Syms -- American politician
Wikipedia - Maroon beret -- International symbol of airborne forces
Wikipedia - Martha, mother of Symeon Stylites the Younger
Wikipedia - Mary Mallon -- Irish cook who was an asymptomatic carrier of typhoid fever in New York
Wikipedia - Mass psychogenic illness -- Spread of illness symptoms through a population where there is no viral or bacterial agent responsible for contagion
Wikipedia - Ma vlast -- Set of symphonic poems composed by BedM-EM-^Yich Smetana
Wikipedia - MaxiCode -- Machine-readable symbol system
Wikipedia - M-bM-^HM-^B -- The mathematical symbol "M-bM-^HM-^B", used for partial derivatives and other concepts
Wikipedia - Medical diagnosis -- Process to determine or identify a disease or disorder, which would account for a person's symptoms and signs
Wikipedia - Medical explanations of bewitchment -- Reported symptom of bewitchment
Wikipedia - Megachile asymmetrica -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megalomyrmex symmetochus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Melancholia -- Mental condition characterized by extreme depression and other symptoms
Wikipedia - Meningism -- Symptoms similar to meningitis but not caused by meningitis
Wikipedia - Mental representation -- Hypothetical internal cognitive symbol that represents external reality
Wikipedia - Mermin-Wagner theorem -- No spontaneous symmetry breaking in two-dimensional systems at finite temperature
Wikipedia - Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods -- Park in Columbia, Maryland, U.S.
Wikipedia - Metacognitive training -- Approach for treating the symptoms of psychosis in schizophrenia
Wikipedia - Metalanguage -- Is language or symbols used when language itself is being discussed or examined.
Wikipedia - Mike Symons -- British canoeist
Wikipedia - Mike Symon -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Mimpathy -- philosophical concept related to empathy and sympathy
Wikipedia - Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
Wikipedia - Minkowski's theorem -- Every symmetric convex set in Rn with volume > 2^n contains a non-zero integer point
Wikipedia - Mirror symmetry (string theory) -- In physics and geometry: conjectured relation between pairs of Calabi-Yau manifolds
Wikipedia - Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows -- Unicode block
Wikipedia - Miscellaneous Symbols -- Unicode block
Wikipedia - M-jM-,M-6 -- Letter of the Latin alphabet, a phonetic symbol
Wikipedia - M-JM-^Y -- Letter of the Latin alphabet, an IPA symbol
Wikipedia - MM-CM-)ringue -- Music genre and national symbol in Haiti
Wikipedia - Monas Hieroglyphica -- Esoteric symbol and explanatory text
Wikipedia - Mongolian Symphony Orchestra -- Mongolian orchestra
Wikipedia - Monsoon -- Seasonal changes in atmospheric circulation and precipitation associated with the asymmetric heating of land and sea
Wikipedia - Mons pubis -- Rounded mass of fatty tissue found over the pubic symphysis
Wikipedia - Mother Goose Goes Hollywood -- 1938 Silly Symphony cartoon
Wikipedia - Moyal bracket -- Suitably normalized antisymmetrization of the phase-space star product
Wikipedia - Mr. Ouch -- Symbol indicating electrical hazards
Wikipedia - Mudita -- Sympathetic or vicarious joy in Sanskrit and Pali
Wikipedia - Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia -- An osteochondrodysplasia that has material basis in defective cartilage mineralization into bone which results in irregular ossification centers of the located in hip or located in knee. The disease has symptom fatigue, has symptom joint pain.
Wikipedia - Multiplication sign -- Mathematical symbol: M-CM-^W
Wikipedia - Murti -- A statue, idol, symbol or icon
Wikipedia - Mushaira -- Poetic symposium in the Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - Music for a Time of War -- 2011 album by Oregon Symphony
Wikipedia - Myco-heterotrophy -- Symbiotism between certain parasitic plants and fungi
Wikipedia - Mycorrhizae and changing climate -- Effects of changing climates on mycorrhizae, the symbiotic association between a fungus and the roots of a vascular host plant
Wikipedia - Mycorrhiza -- Symbiotic association between a fungus and the roots of a vascular plant
Wikipedia - Nabla symbol
Wikipedia - National symbols of Bangladesh -- Paragraph about the national bird of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - National symbols of Bosnia and Herzegovina -- National symbols of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - National symbols of France
Wikipedia - National symbols of Hungary
Wikipedia - National symbols of Iran
Wikipedia - National symbols of Italy
Wikipedia - National symbols of New Zealand -- Overview of the national symbols of New Zealand
Wikipedia - National symbols of North Korea
Wikipedia - National symbols of Pakistan -- National symbols
Wikipedia - National symbols of Poland
Wikipedia - National symbols of Romania
Wikipedia - National symbols of Scotland
Wikipedia - National symbols of Serbia -- Emblematic, representative or otherwise characteristic of Serbia and the Serbian people or Serbian culture
Wikipedia - National symbols of South Africa
Wikipedia - National symbols of South Korea
Wikipedia - National symbols of Tajikistan -- Flag, coat of arms and national anthem of Tajikistan
Wikipedia - National symbols of the Philippines
Wikipedia - National symbols of the United States
Wikipedia - National symbols of Ukraine
Wikipedia - National symbols
Wikipedia - National Youth Symphony Orchestra of the Dominican Republic -- National youth orchestra of the Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - NATO Joint Military Symbology -- NATO standard for military map marking symbols
Wikipedia - Nausea -- Medical symptom or condition
Wikipedia - Nazi symbolism -- Symbols used by Nazi ideologues
Wikipedia - NBC Symphony Orchestra -- Radio orchestra
Wikipedia - Negative symptoms
Wikipedia - Nelson Symonds -- Canadian musician
Wikipedia - Neurosymploca? oligocenica -- Extinct species of moth
Wikipedia - New York Philharmonic -- American symphony orchestra in New York, NY
Wikipedia - Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
Wikipedia - NHK Symphony Orchestra -- Japanese broadcast orchestra
Wikipedia - Nicholas Kalmakoff -- Russian symbolic artist
Wikipedia - Nick Thomas-Symonds -- Shadow Home Secretary
Wikipedia - NiedersM-CM-$chsisches Staatsorchester Hannover -- German symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - NiedersM-CM-$chsisches Symphonie-Orchester -- German symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - Nightqueen -- Belgian symphonic metal band
Wikipedia - Nightride and Sunrise -- Finnish symphonic poem
Wikipedia - Nightwish -- Finnish symphonic metal band
Wikipedia - Nikki Symmons -- Ireland women's cricket and field hockey international
Wikipedia - Nikolai Anosov -- Conductor of the Moscow State Symphony Orchestra
Wikipedia - Nikolai Ge -- Ukrainian-Russian realist painter and an early Ukrainian-Russian symbolist (1831-1894)
Wikipedia - Nikolai Tsymbal -- Soviet and Russian air force officer
Wikipedia - N. K. Symi (Sponge Diving Boat) -- Historic vessel at Tarpon Springs, Florida
Wikipedia - Noether's theorem -- Statement relating differentiable symmetries to conserved quantities
Wikipedia - Nokia Browser for Symbian
Wikipedia - Nonterminal symbol
Wikipedia - North State Symphony -- Orchestra
Wikipedia - No symbol -- Red circle with a red diagonal line, indicating something is not permitted
Wikipedia - NTFS symbolic link
Wikipedia - Number sign -- Typographic symbol
Wikipedia - Obelus -- Historical typographic symbol with modern descendants including the division symbol and the dagger mark.
Wikipedia - Obsolete and nonstandard symbols in the International Phonetic Alphabet -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Octahedral symmetry
Wikipedia - Octocorallia -- A subclass of Anthozoa with 8-fold symmetry
Wikipedia - Ofo in Igboland -- Ofo (or Ofor) is the staff carried by Igbo leaders - it is the symbol of their power and status.
Wikipedia - Oganesson -- Synthetic radioactive chemical element with atomic number 118 and symbol Og
Wikipedia - Old sergeant's syndrome -- Symptoms of psychological disturbance exhibited by officers in military units that suffer heavy casualties
Wikipedia - Oleksandr Maksymchuk -- Ukrainian canoeist
Wikipedia - Om -- Sacred sound and spiritual symbol in Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism
Wikipedia - OpenSym -- Conference dedicated to wiki and open collaboration research
Wikipedia - Opioid withdrawal -- Withdrawal symptoms of opiates
Wikipedia - Optical axis -- Line along which there is some degree of rotational symmetry in an optical system
Wikipedia - Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding
Wikipedia - Optimal asymmetric encryption padding
Wikipedia - Order of the German Eagle -- Nazi German award given to sympathetic foreigners.
Wikipedia - Ouroboros -- Symbolic snake or serpent with its tail in its mouth
Wikipedia - Overdiagnosis -- Diagnosis of "disease" that will never cause symptoms or death during a patient's lifetime
Wikipedia - Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing
Wikipedia - Pages that link to "Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol"
Wikipedia - Pain asymbolia
Wikipedia - Pakudos -- Symbol of the Mangyan peoples
Wikipedia - Palm branch (symbol)
Wikipedia - Papal cross -- Heraldic symbol
Wikipedia - Parasympathetic nervous system -- A division of the autonomic nervous system
Wikipedia - Parity (physics) -- Symmetry of physical systems under mirror reflections.
Wikipedia - Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity -- Syndrome that causes episodes of increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system
Wikipedia - Parsing -- Analysing a string of symbols, according to the rules of a formal grammar
Wikipedia - Parterre -- Formal garden feature of symmetrical and level plant beds with gravel paths laid between
Wikipedia - Partially ordered set -- Set ordered by a transitive, antisymmetric, and reflexive binary relation
Wikipedia - Pasigraphy -- Writing system wherein each symbol represents a concept
Wikipedia - Passover Seder plate -- A plate of symbolic food for Passover
Wikipedia - Pastoral Symphony (film) -- 1946 film by Jean Delannoy
Wikipedia - Peace symbols -- Symbol to promote peace
Wikipedia - Pediatric Symptom Checklist
Wikipedia - Pennales -- An order of bilaterally symmetrical diatoms
Wikipedia - Percent sign -- Mathematical symbol used to indicate a percentage
Wikipedia - Percival Symonds -- American educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Peter Symonds -- British merchant
Wikipedia - Petro Symonenko -- Ukrainian politician
Wikipedia - Pfaffian -- The square root of the determinant of a skew-symmetric square matrix
Wikipedia - Pheidole symbiotica -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Philadelphia Orchestra -- American symphony orchestra in Philadelphia, PA
Wikipedia - Philharmonisches Orchester Freiburg -- German symphonic orchestra
Wikipedia - Philippine peso sign -- Currency symbol
Wikipedia - Philosophy of Symbolic Forms
Wikipedia - Physical symbol systems hypothesis
Wikipedia - Physical symbol system -- System that takes physical patterns and combines them into structures and manipulates them
Wikipedia - Pink ribbon -- Symbol of breast cancer awareness
Wikipedia - Pinning ceremony (nursing) -- Symbolic welcoming of newly graduated or soon-to-be graduated nurses into the nursing profession
Wikipedia - P.I.P.S. -- A term for Symbian software libraries
Wikipedia - Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
Wikipedia - Pity -- Sympathetic sorrow evoked by the suffering of others
Wikipedia - Planet of the Symbiotes -- Marvel Comics story arc
Wikipedia - Planet symbols -- Graphical symbols used in astrology and astronomy
Wikipedia - Plesiomorphy and symplesiomorphy -- An ancestral character or trait state shared by two or more taxa
Wikipedia - Plus-minus sign -- Mathematical symbol: M-BM-1
Wikipedia - Pochhammer k-symbol -- Term in the mathematical theory of special functions
Wikipedia - Polycystic ovary syndrome -- Set of symptoms caused by elevated androgens in females
Wikipedia - Pope Symmachus -- Pope from 498 to 514
Wikipedia - Postcholecystectomy syndrome -- Long-term abdominal symptoms after gall bladder removal
Wikipedia - Post-exertional malaise -- Symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome
Wikipedia - POWER9 -- 2017 family of symmetric multiprocessors by IBM
Wikipedia - Power Symphony -- Heavy metal band from Italy
Wikipedia - Premenstrual syndrome -- Emotional and physical symptoms that occur in the one to two weeks before a menstrual period.
Wikipedia - Pride flag -- Symbol of pride representing sexual minorities
Wikipedia - Prime (symbol) -- Character (M-bM-^@M-2), used to designate units and for other purposes
Wikipedia - Primitive cell -- Minimum volume cell (a unit cell) corresponding to a single lattice point of a structure with discrete translational symmetry
Wikipedia - Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics
Wikipedia - Prodrome -- Premonitory signs or symptoms of disease
Wikipedia - Progressive symmetric erythrokeratodermia -- Rare, genetic skin condition
Wikipedia - Proto-mitochondrion -- Hypothetical endosymbiont ancestor of all mitochondria
Wikipedia - Proton -- Nucleon (constituent of the nucleus of the atom) that has positive electric charge; symbol p or p+
Wikipedia - Proto-writing -- Symbol system that conveys information, but does not record language
Wikipedia - Pubic symphysis -- Cartilaginous joint that sits between and joins the left and right superior rami of the pubic bones
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra -- Musical ensemble sponsored by the Government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Purple poppy -- UK symbol of remembrance for animals that served during wartime
Wikipedia - Q-Pochhammer symbol -- A q-analog of the Pochhammer symbol
Wikipedia - QS World University Rankings -- University rankings published annually by Quacquarelli Symonds
Wikipedia - Quintus Aurelius Symmachus
Wikipedia - Radiata -- Taxonomic rank that has been used to classify radially symmetric animals
Wikipedia - Radiate crown -- Crown, wreath, diadem, or other headgear symbolizing the sun or more generally powers associated with the sun
Wikipedia - Rainbow flag (LGBT) -- Symbol of LGBTQ movement
Wikipedia - Rani of Jhansi -- Queen of the Indian princely state of Jhansi, symbol of resistance to British Raj
Wikipedia - Raquel Welch -- American actress and international sex symbol
Wikipedia - Raven-SymonM-CM-) -- American actress and singer
Wikipedia - Real presence of Christ in the Eucharist -- Doctrine that Jesus is present in the Eucharist, not merely symbolically or metaphorically
Wikipedia - Rectangular hyperbola -- Hyperbola with perpendicular asymptotes
Wikipedia - Recycling symbol -- Symbol used to designate recyclable materials
Wikipedia - Red flag (politics) -- Symbol of Socialism and left-wing politics
Wikipedia - Red star -- Symbol often historically associated with communist ideology and more recently with socialism
Wikipedia - Red Triangle (family planning) -- Symbol for contraceptive services, particularly in developing countries
Wikipedia - Referent -- Person or thing to which a linguistic expression or other symbol refers
Wikipedia - Reflection symmetry
Wikipedia - Reformed Church of Saint-Symphorien -- Reformed church building in Saint-Saphorin, Vaud, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Registered trademark symbol
Wikipedia - Regular map (graph theory) -- Symmetric tessellation of a closed surface
Wikipedia - Reichsadler -- Heraldic symbol used by various German polities
Wikipedia - Relapse -- The return of a sign, symptom, or disease after a remission
Wikipedia - Religious symbolism
Wikipedia - Religious symbol -- Icon representing a particular religion
Wikipedia - Religious Technology Center -- Organization operated by the Church of Scientology which oversees the use of all the trademarks, symbols and texts of Scientology and Dianetics
Wikipedia - Resin identification code -- Set of symbols appearing onM-BM- plasticM-BM- products that identify the plastic resin out of which the product is made
Wikipedia - Rest (music) -- Interval of silence in a piece of music, marked by a rest symbol indicating the length of the pause
Wikipedia - Rhinorrhea -- Type of medical symptom where the nasal cavity is filled with fluid mucus
Wikipedia - Ribbon of Saint George -- Russian military and patriotic symbol
Wikipedia - Richard Eaton Singers -- Symphonic chorus in Edmonton, Alberta
Wikipedia - Ritual -- Set of actions, performed mainly for their symbolic value
Wikipedia - Robert Symonds -- American actor
Wikipedia - Robert Symonette -- Bahamian sailor
Wikipedia - Robert Syms -- British Conservative politician
Wikipedia - Rod of Asclepius -- Symbol of medicine
Wikipedia - Roman numeral analysis -- Use of Roman numeral symbols in the musical analysis of chords
Wikipedia - RomM-CM-)o et Juliette (Berlioz) -- 1839 choral symphony by Hector Berlioz
Wikipedia - Ronald Syme -- New Zealand born British historian and classicist (1903-1989)
Wikipedia - Rose Cross -- Mystical symbol
Wikipedia - Rosette (schizont appearance) -- General symptoms and signs in medicine
Wikipedia - Ross' syndrome -- Symptoms of Adie syndrome plus segmental anhidrosis
Wikipedia - Rota Fortunae -- Symbol of fate in medieval and ancient philosophy
Wikipedia - Rotational symmetry
Wikipedia - Roundel -- Identification symbol, commonly used in aircraft insignia and heraldry, usually of circular design
Wikipedia - Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra -- Symphony orchestra of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Royal Scottish National Orchestra -- Scotland's national symphony orchestra based in Glasgow
Wikipedia - Russian National Youth Symphony Orchestra -- Russian National Youth Symphony Orchestra
Wikipedia - Russian Symbolism
Wikipedia - Russian symbolism -- activities and events of the Symbolist movement in 19th-century Russia
Wikipedia - Sacred geometry -- Symbolic and sacred meanings ascibed to certain geometric shapes
Wikipedia - Sacred Heart -- Christian devotion symbolising the love of Jesus Christ
Wikipedia - Sadistic Symphony -- Album by Vicious Rumors
Wikipedia - Saint symbolism
Wikipedia - Saint symbology
Wikipedia - Saint Symeon the New Theologian
Wikipedia - Saint-Symphorien-de-ThM-CM-)nieres -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Saint-Symphorien, Ille-et-Vilaine -- Commune in Brittany, France
Wikipedia - Salting the earth -- Ancient symbolic practice of cursing conquered cities
Wikipedia - San Diego Symphony
Wikipedia - San Francisco Symphony -- Symphonic orchestra
Wikipedia - Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol
Wikipedia - Sceptre -- Staff held by a ruler to symbolize authority
Wikipedia - Schizophreniform disorder -- |Schizophrenia symptoms for at least one month, but not more than six
Wikipedia - Scholz's reciprocity law -- A reciprocity law for quadratic residue symbols of real quadratic number fields
Wikipedia - Schrodinger group -- Symmetry group
Wikipedia - Science & Religion: A Symposium -- Book by Michael Pupin
Wikipedia - SCOBY -- symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast
Wikipedia - Scopula asymmetrica -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scott Syme -- American farmer and politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpomima symmetrischemoides -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Secret Sphere -- Italian symphonic power metal band
Wikipedia - Seizure -- Period of symptoms due to abnormally excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain
Wikipedia - Self-adjoint operator -- Densely defined operator on a Hilbert space whose domain coincides with that of its adjoint and which equals its adjoint; symmetric operator whose adjoint's domain equals its own domain
Wikipedia - Senyera -- Catalan and Aragonese vexillogical symbol
Wikipedia - Sequence of symbols
Wikipedia - Serge Koussevitzky -- Russian-born conductor, composer and double-bassist and music director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra (1874-1951)
Wikipedia - Series 30+ -- Symbian series 30+
Wikipedia - Serif -- Small line or stroke attached to the end of a larger stroke in a letter or symbol
Wikipedia - Serpent (symbolism) -- Mythological symbol
Wikipedia - Service mark symbol
Wikipedia - Sex symbol -- Famous person or fictional character widely regarded to be very sexually attractive
Wikipedia - Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation -- Chemical reaction
Wikipedia - Shen ring -- Ancient Egyptian symbol
Wikipedia - Shorthand -- Abbreviated symbolic writing method
Wikipedia - Sick building syndrome -- A health concern, where people in a building suffer from symptoms of illness or become infected with chronic disease from the building in which they work or reside
Wikipedia - SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
Wikipedia - Sigil (computer programming) -- Symbol affixed to a variable name
Wikipedia - Signage -- Design or use of signs and symbols to communicate a message
Wikipedia - Signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS -- The signs and symptoms of Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Wikipedia - Silly Symphonies
Wikipedia - Silly Symphony (comic strip) -- 1932-1945 Disney comic strip
Wikipedia - Silly Symphony -- Series of animated short films produced by Walt Disney Productions from 1929 to 1939
Wikipedia - Simple Symmetric Transport Protocol -- Protocol for delivering messages between clients and servers
Wikipedia - Sinfonieorchester Aachen -- German symphonic orchestra
Wikipedia - Sipapu -- Hopi word for a symbolic small hole in the floor of a pithouse, through which their ancient ancestors first emerged to enter the present world
Wikipedia - Sisymbriopsis -- Genus of Brassicaceae plants
Wikipedia - Skew-symmetric matrix
Wikipedia - Skull and crossbones (symbol) -- Poison warning sign
Wikipedia - Skull (symbolism)
Wikipedia - Sodium:dicarboxylate symporter -- Protein family
Wikipedia - Sokuon -- Japanese symbol
Wikipedia - Solar symbol -- Symbol representing the Sun
Wikipedia - Solution brand -- Symbol-intensive brand
Wikipedia - Somatic symptom disorder
Wikipedia - Somatization disorder -- Mental disorder characterized by recurring, multiple, and current, clinically significant complaints about somatic symptoms
Wikipedia - Sound recording copyright symbol
Wikipedia - Sound symbolism
Wikipedia - South Korean order of precedence -- Symbolic hierarchy of officials in S. Korea
Wikipedia - Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation -- |Biennial conference
Wikipedia - Spacetime symmetries
Wikipedia - Spinal muscular atrophy with progressive myoclonic epilepsy -- Rare neurodegenerative disease whose symptoms include slowly progressive muscle wasting
Wikipedia - Spontaneous symmetry breaking
Wikipedia - Spring Symphony (film) -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Square and Compasses -- Symbol of Freemasonry and other fraternal bodies
Wikipedia - Stafford knot -- Three-looped overhand knot that is the traditional symbol of Staffordshire
Wikipedia - Star and crescent -- Symbol
Wikipedia - Star of David -- Jewish cultural and religious symbol
Wikipedia - Star of Lakshmi -- Octagram and symbol in Hinduism
Wikipedia - Star of Life -- Medical symbol
Wikipedia - State Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Russian Federation -- Russian symphonic orchestra based in Moscow
Wikipedia - State microbe -- Microorganisms used as an official U.S. state symbol
Wikipedia - State symbols of the President of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Stefan George -- German symbolist poet and translator
Wikipedia - StM-CM-)phane MallarmM-CM-) -- French Symbolist poet
Wikipedia - Strawberry Tree (national symbol of Italy)
Wikipedia - Stream cipher -- Type of symmetric key cipher
Wikipedia - String section -- Section of a larger symphony orchestra composed of string musicians
Wikipedia - St Symphorian's Church, Durrington -- Church in West Sussex, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - St. Symphorian
Wikipedia - Subclinical seizure -- Seizure without clinical signs or symptoms
Wikipedia - Substance dependence -- Need for a drug, whose discontinuation results in withdrawal symptoms
Wikipedia - Sub-symbolic
Wikipedia - Superior vena cava syndrome -- Group of symptoms caused by obstruction of the superior vena cava
Wikipedia - Superstring theory -- Theory of strings with supersymmetry
Wikipedia - Superstripes -- Broken symmetry phase favoring onset of superconducting or superfluid order
Wikipedia - Supersymmetry breaking
Wikipedia - Supersymmetry
Wikipedia - Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs -- Unicode block containing emoji
Wikipedia - Survival (band) -- Dutch Progressive / Symphonic rock band
Wikipedia - Suspensory ligament of clitoris -- Fibrous band anchoring the clitoris to the pubic symphysis
Wikipedia - Suzana Alves -- Brazilian model and sex symbol (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Swagger stick -- Short stick or riding crop usually carried by a uniformed person as a symbol of authority
Wikipedia - Swastika -- Ancient religious icon in Eurasian cultures, later symbol of Nazism
Wikipedia - Syllabary -- Set of written symbols that represent the syllables or moras which make up spoken words.
Wikipedia - Sylvia Syms -- English actress
Wikipedia - Symantec Workspace Virtualization -- Application virtualization software
Wikipedia - Symbaloo -- Web application
Wikipedia - Symbel -- A feast in Germanic paganism
Wikipedia - Symbian OS
Wikipedia - SymbianOS
Wikipedia - Symbian -- Discontinued mobile operating system
Wikipedia - Symbiodinium -- Genus of dinoflagellates (algae)
Wikipedia - Symbiogenesis
Wikipedia - Sym-Bionic Titan
Wikipedia - Symbiopsychotaxiplasm -- 1968 film by William Greaves
Wikipedia - Symbiosis (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Symbiosis in fiction
Wikipedia - Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Bengaluru -- Indian business school
Wikipedia - Symbiosis International University -- Private higher-education institute in Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia - Symbiosis Law School -- law school in Pune, India
Wikipedia - Symbiosism
Wikipedia - Symbiosis Society -- family of educational institutions in India
Wikipedia - Symbiosis -- Type of a close and long-term biological interaction between two different biological organisms
Wikipedia - Symbiote (comics)
Wikipedia - Symbiotic intelligence
Wikipedia - Symbiotic
Wikipedia - Symbolanthus -- Genus of Gentianaceae plants
Wikipedia - Symbol (formal)
Wikipedia - Symbol grounding problem
Wikipedia - Symbol grounding
Wikipedia - Symbol group -- Retail business model
Wikipedia - Symbolic AI
Wikipedia - Symbolic algebra
Wikipedia - Symbolic animal
Wikipedia - Symbolic anthropology
Wikipedia - Symbolic artificial intelligence
Wikipedia - Symbolic Assembly Program
Wikipedia - Symbolic boundaries
Wikipedia - Symbolic communication
Wikipedia - Symbolic computation
Wikipedia - Symbolic computing
Wikipedia - Symbolic convergence theory -- Communication theory
Wikipedia - Symbolic (Death album) -- |1995 studio album by Death
Wikipedia - Symbolic debugger
Wikipedia - Symbolic debugging
Wikipedia - Symbolic dynamics
Wikipedia - Symbolic equation
Wikipedia - Symbolic ethnicity
Wikipedia - Symbolic execution
Wikipedia - Symbolic integration -- In mathematics, computation of an antiderivative in a closed form
Wikipedia - Symbolic interactionism -- A sociological theory focused on cultural symbols exchanged during interpersonal interactions
Wikipedia - Symbolic interactionist
Wikipedia - Symbolic Interaction (journal)
Wikipedia - Symbolic language (art) -- The use of characters or images to represent concepts
Wikipedia - Symbolic language (literature)
Wikipedia - Symbolic language (programming)
Wikipedia - Symbolic link
Wikipedia - Symbolic Logic
Wikipedia - Symbolic logic
Wikipedia - Symbolic Manipulation Program
Wikipedia - Symbolic mathematics
Wikipedia - Symbolic model checking
Wikipedia - Symbolic-numeric computation
Wikipedia - Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program
Wikipedia - Symbolic processing
Wikipedia - Symbolic programming
Wikipedia - Symbolic racism
Wikipedia - Symbolic regression
Wikipedia - Symbolics Genera
Wikipedia - Symbolic simulation -- Form of simulation where many possible executions of a system are considered simultaneously
Wikipedia - Symbolics
Wikipedia - Symbolic system
Wikipedia - Symbolic violence
Wikipedia - Symbolism (arts) -- Late nineteenth-century art movement of French, Russian and Belgian origin
Wikipedia - Symbolism in the French Revolution
Wikipedia - Symbolist painter
Wikipedia - Symbolist
Wikipedia - Symbol (Lisp)
Wikipedia - Symbol of chaos
Wikipedia - Symbol of the Apostles
Wikipedia - Symbolon -- Composition for orchestra
Wikipedia - Symbol (programming)
Wikipedia - Symbols of France
Wikipedia - Symbols of Islam
Wikipedia - Symbols of Power -- Book about British archaeology
Wikipedia - Symbols of the Federal Bureau of Investigation -- Symbol of the FBI
Wikipedia - Symbols of the Rurikids
Wikipedia - Symbols of Transformation
Wikipedia - Symbols of Ukrainian people
Wikipedia - Symbols
Wikipedia - Symbol tables
Wikipedia - Symbol table -- Data structure used by a language translator such as a compiler or Interpreter
Wikipedia - Symbol Technologies
Wikipedia - Symbol (typeface) -- Typeface
Wikipedia - Symbol -- Something that represents an idea, a process, or a physical entity
Wikipedia - Symbolyc One -- Music producer
Wikipedia - Symbrion
Wikipedia - Symeon I of Constantinople
Wikipedia - Symeon Logothete
Wikipedia - Symeon Lukach -- Ukrainian Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Symeon Metaphrastes
Wikipedia - Symeon of Durham
Wikipedia - Symeon of Thessalonica
Wikipedia - Symeon of Trier
Wikipedia - Symeon Seth
Wikipedia - Symeon Stylites of Lesbos
Wikipedia - Symeon the Logothete
Wikipedia - Symeon the Metaphrast -- 10th century Byzantine historian and hagiographer
Wikipedia - Symeon the New Theologian -- 10th and 11th-century Christian saint, monk, and theologian
Wikipedia - Symeon the Studite
Wikipedia - Symeon
Wikipedia - Symetra -- American financial services company
Wikipedia - Symfonia -- Finnish power metal supergroup
Wikipedia - Symfony
Wikipedia - Symington Yard -- Rail yard in St. Boniface (Winnipeg), Canada
Wikipedia - Symlink
Wikipedia - Symmachian forgeries
Wikipedia - Symmastia -- Connection of tissue between both breasts
Wikipedia - Symmerus annulatus -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Symmerus lautus -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Symmerus vockerothi -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Symmerus -- Genus of flies
Wikipedia - Symmetra -- Fictional character in the 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Symmetric algebra -- "Smallest" commutative algebra that contains a vector space
Wikipedia - Symmetric bilinear form
Wikipedia - Symmetric cipher
Wikipedia - Symmetric difference -- Subset of the elements that belong to exactly one among two sets
Wikipedia - SymmetricDS
Wikipedia - Symmetric function
Wikipedia - Symmetric game
Wikipedia - Symmetric graph
Wikipedia - Symmetric group
Wikipedia - Symmetric-key algorithm
Wikipedia - Symmetric key
Wikipedia - Symmetric level-index arithmetic
Wikipedia - Symmetric matrix
Wikipedia - Symmetric multiprocessing
Wikipedia - Symmetric multiprocessor system
Wikipedia - Symmetric rank-one
Wikipedia - Symmetric tensor
Wikipedia - Symmetric Turing machine
Wikipedia - Symmetric
Wikipedia - Symmetries
Wikipedia - Symmetrocapulidae -- Extinct family of snails
Wikipedia - Symmetry454 -- Proposal for calendar reform
Wikipedia - Symmetry breaking of escaping ants
Wikipedia - Symmetry breaking
Wikipedia - Symmetry group
Wikipedia - Symmetry in biology
Wikipedia - Symmetry in physics
Wikipedia - Symmetry in quantum mechanics
Wikipedia - Symmetry (physics)
Wikipedia - Symmetry
Wikipedia - Symmoca calidella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Symmoca caliginella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symmoca cinerariella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symmoca oenophila -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symmoca orphnella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symmoca signatella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symmoca signella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symmocinae -- Family of moths
Wikipedia - Symmocoides ferreirae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symmocoides oxybiella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symmorphosis -- Physiological concept
Wikipedia - Symona Boniface -- American actress
Wikipedia - Symon Budny
Wikipedia - Symone D. Sanders -- American political strategist and commentator
Wikipedia - Sympagus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Sympathetic magic -- Type of magic based on imitation or correspondence
Wikipedia - Sympathetic nervous system -- Term in biology
Wikipedia - Sympatholytic drug
Wikipedia - Sympathomimetic drug
Wikipedia - Sympathy for the Devil (2019 film) -- 2019 Canadian drama film
Wikipedia - Sympathy -- Perception, understanding, and reaction to the distress or need of another human being
Wikipedia - Sympatico
Wikipedia - Sympatric speciation -- A process through which new species evolve from a single ancestral species while inhabiting the same geographic region
Wikipedia - Sympecma -- Genus of damselfly
Wikipedia - Sympegma -- Genus of Amaranthaceae plants
Wikipedia - Symperasmus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Symperga -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Sympergoides -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Sympetalae -- Historical subclass of flowering plants with fused petals
Wikipedia - Sympetrum depressiusculum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Symphionema montanum -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Symphionema paludosum -- Species of plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Symphionema -- Genus of small shrubs in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Symphlebia abdominalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Symphlebia catenata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symphogear -- Japanese anime television franchise
Wikipedia - Symphonia (theology)
Wikipedia - Symphonic black metal -- Subgenre of black metal music
Wikipedia - Symphonic Choirs
Wikipedia - Symphonic metal -- Music genre that blends heavy metal with classical music
Wikipedia - Symphonic poems (Liszt) -- Group of 13 orchestral works
Wikipedia - Symphonic poem
Wikipedia - Symphonic Songs for Band -- Composition for concert band by Robert Russell Bennett
Wikipedia - Symphonie diagonale -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Symphonie fantastique -- Program symphony by Hector Berlioz
Wikipedia - Symphonie pour un homme seul
Wikipedia - Symphony for Organ and Orchestra (Copland) -- Symphony for Organ and Orchestra written by American composer Aaron Copland
Wikipedia - Symphony Hall (Sirius XM) -- Classical music Sirius XM Radio station
Wikipedia - Symphony Hour -- 1942 Mickey Mouse cartoon
Wikipedia - Symphony in C major (Wagner)
Wikipedia - Symphony in C (Stravinsky)
Wikipedia - Symphony in E-flat (Eberl) -- Symphony by Anton Eberl
Wikipedia - Symphony in E-flat (Stravinsky) -- Symphony by Igor Stravinsky
Wikipedia - Symphony in Three Movements (Stravinsky)
Wikipedia - Symphony in Two Flats -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Symphony: Live in Vienna -- 2008 live video album
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 15 (Mozart) -- Symphony by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 1 (Balada) -- Composition by Lenoardo Balada in 1968
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 1 (G. English) -- 1932 musical composition
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 1 (Hartmann) -- Symphony by Karl Amadeus Hartmann
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 1 (Kalinnikov) -- Symphony by Vasily Kalinnikov
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 1 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 1 (Szymanowski) -- 1906-1907 symphony by Karol Szymanowski
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 1 (Ustvolskaya) -- 1955 symphony by Galina Ustvolskaya
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 28 (Michael Haydn) -- Symphony by Michael Haydn
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 2 (Bernstein) -- Piece by Leonard Bernstein
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 2 (Henze) -- 1949 symphony by Hans Werner Henze
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 2 (Kalinnikov) -- Symphony by Vasily Kalinnikov
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 2 (Liebermann) -- Symphony by Lowell Liebermann
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 2 (Mahler) -- Symphony by Gustav Mahler
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 2 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 2 (Tchaikovsky) -- Symphony by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 39 (Mozart) -- Work by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Beethoven) -- Work by Ludwig van Beethoven
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Copland) -- Symphonic composition by American composer Aaron Copland
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Gorecki) -- Symphony by Henryk Gorecki
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Kilar) -- Symphony by Wojciech Kilar from 2003
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Mahler)
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Popov) -- Symphony by Gavriil Popov
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Price) -- Symphony by Florence Price
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Szymanowski)
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 41 (Mozart) -- Last symphony by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 45 (Haydn) -- Symphony by Joseph Haydn
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 4 (Brahms) -- Symphony by Johannes Brahms
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 4 (Mendelssohn) -- Symphony by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 4 (Rouse) -- Orchestral composition by American composer Christopher Rouse
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 4 (Szymanowski) -- 1932 symphony by Karol Szymanowski
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 5 (Beethoven) -- Musical composition by Ludwig van Beethoven
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 5 (Harbison) -- Composition by John Harbison
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 65 (Haydn)
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 6 (Bruckner) -- Symphony by Anton Bruckner
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 6 (Schnittke) -- 1992 symphony by Alfred Schnittke
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 6 (Tchaikovsky) -- Tchaikovsky's final completed symphony
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 7 (Beethoven) -- Symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 7 (Henze) -- Symphony by Hans Werner Henze
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 8 (Henze) -- 1992-93 symphony by Hans Werner Henze
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 8 (Mahler) -- Symphony by Gustav Mahler
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 8 (Sibelius) -- Symphony by Jean Sibelius
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 8 (Simpson) -- Symphony by Robert Simpson
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 9 (Beethoven) -- is less descriptive than the article name, it's best not to have one. -->
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 9 (film) -- 2019 Iranian film
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 9 (Mahler) -- Symphony by Gustav Mahler
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 9 (Shostakovich) -- Symphony by Dmitri Shostakovich
Wikipedia - Symphony of a City -- 1947 film
Wikipedia - Symphony of Death (film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Symphony of Living -- 1935 film by Frank R. Strayer
Wikipedia - Symphony of Psalms -- Choral symphony composed by Igor Stravinsky
Wikipedia - Symphony of Silence -- 2001 film by Vigen Chaldranyan
Wikipedia - Symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - Symphony Space -- Performing arts organization in New York City, USA
Wikipedia - Symphony (Vierne) -- Symphony by Louis Vierne
Wikipedia - Symphony -- Type of extended musical composition
Wikipedia - Symphorematoideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Symphorian and Timotheus
Wikipedia - Symphoricarpos -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Symphorosa
Wikipedia - Symphyletes nodosus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum ascendens -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to western North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum boreale -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum campestre -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to western North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum chilense -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to the west coast of North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum ciliolatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to Canada and the northern United States
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum cordifolium -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum defoliatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to southern California
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum depauperatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Carolina, USA
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum dumosum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to parts of North America, Haiti, and Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum eatonii -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to western and central North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum ericoides -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to central and eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum estesii -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae endemic to Coffee County, Tennessee, USA
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum falcatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to western and central North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum firmum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum frondosum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to western North America and Mexico
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum georgianum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to the southeastern United States
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum grandiflorum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae endemic to the southeastern USA
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum greatae -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to California
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum laeve -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to central and eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum lanceolatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to much of North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum lateriflorum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern and central North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum lentum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to California
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum novae-angliae -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum novi-belgii -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to northeastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum oblongifolium -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern and central United States
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum ontarionis -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern and central North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum oolentangiense -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern and central North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum patens -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to the United States
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum pilosum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to central and eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum praealtum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to central and eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum prenanthoides -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to northcentral and northeastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum puniceum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum racemosum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum rhiannon -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae endemic to North Carolina, USA
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum robynsianum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to northeastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum sericeum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to the central plains of North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum shortii -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum subulatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to parts of Mexico, Caribbean, and North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum urophyllum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphysis -- Fibrocartilaginous fusion between two bones
Wikipedia - Symphytognathidae -- Family of spiders
Wikipedia - Symphytum officinale -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Symphytum tuberosum -- species of plant
Wikipedia - Symphytum -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Sympistis confusa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Sympistis funebris -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Sympistis nigrita -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Sympistis wilsoni -- Moth native to Canada
Wikipedia - Symplectic geometry -- Branch of differential geometry and differential topology
Wikipedia - Symplectic group
Wikipedia - Symplectic manifold
Wikipedia - Symplectomorphism
Wikipedia - Symplesiomorphies
Wikipedia - Symplesiomorphy -- An ancestral character or trait state shared by two or more taxa
Wikipedia - Sympleurotis -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Symplocos baehnii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Symplocos lugubris -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Symplocos mezii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Symplocos peruviana -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Symplocos rayae -- Flowering plant
Wikipedia - Symplocos tinctoria -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - SYMPL
Wikipedia - Symposium (band) -- English punk pop band
Wikipedia - Symposium Cafe -- Canadian restaurant franchise
Wikipedia - Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar -- Agency of the Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Symposium on Computational Geometry
Wikipedia - Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
Wikipedia - Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
Wikipedia - Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
Wikipedia - Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
Wikipedia - Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures
Wikipedia - Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures
Wikipedia - Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
Wikipedia - Symposium on Principles of Database Systems
Wikipedia - Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
Wikipedia - Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
Wikipedia - Symposium on Switching and Automata Theory
Wikipedia - Symposium on Switching Circuit Theory and Logical Design
Wikipedia - Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
Wikipedia - Symposium on Theory of Computing
Wikipedia - Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming
Wikipedia - Symposium (Plato dialogue)
Wikipedia - Symposium (Plato) -- Philosophical text by Plato
Wikipedia - Symposium -- Part of a banquet in Greek and Etruscan art
Wikipedia - Symposium (Xenophon)
Wikipedia - Sympson the Joiner -- British furniture designer
Wikipedia - Symptomatic treatment -- Medical treatment that only affects a condition's symptoms
Wikipedia - Symptomatology
Wikipedia - Symptom Checklist 90
Wikipedia - Symptoms (film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Symptoms of COVID-19 -- Overview of the symptoms of COVID-19
Wikipedia - Symptoms
Wikipedia - Symptom -- Departure from normal function or feeling which is noticed by a patient
Wikipedia - Sympycnodes tripartita -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - SymPy
Wikipedia - Symyx Technologies
Wikipedia - Syntax (logic) -- Rules used for constructing, or transforming the symbols and words of a language
Wikipedia - Table of logic symbols
Wikipedia - Taegeuk -- Traditional Korean symbol
Wikipedia - Tafl games -- A group of asymmetric boardgames
Wikipedia - Taijitu -- Symbol representing two opposites combined as one
Wikipedia - Tamga -- A symbol representing a group of Eurasian nomads.
Wikipedia - Tarja Turunen -- Finnish opera/symphonic metal singer
Wikipedia - Tee (symbol)
Wikipedia - Template talk:Common logical symbols
Wikipedia - Template talk:National symbols of Poland
Wikipedia - Template talk:National symbols of Serbia
Wikipedia - Template talk:National symbols of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Template talk:Symbols of Georgia (country)
Wikipedia - Template talk:Symbols of the French Republic
Wikipedia - Tennessine -- Synthetic radioactive chemical element with atomic number&nbsp;117 and symbol Ts
Wikipedia - TepM-DM-^SyM-EM-^MllM-EM-^Mtl -- Aztec god
Wikipedia - Terminal and nonterminal symbols -- Categories of symbols in formal grammars
Wikipedia - Terminal symbol
Wikipedia - Term symbol
Wikipedia - Tetrad (symbol)
Wikipedia - Tetrahedral symmetry
Wikipedia - That's So Raven (soundtrack) -- 2004 soundtrack album by Raven-SymonM-CM-)
Wikipedia - The Black Knight (Elgar) -- Symphony/cantata written by Edward Elgar in 1889-1893
Wikipedia - The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic
Wikipedia - The Divine Comedy (Smith) -- Symphony by Robert W. Smith
Wikipedia - The Evolution of Human Sexuality -- 1979 book by Donald Symons
Wikipedia - Theistic Satanism -- Religion which worships Satan as an actual deity (as opposed to a mere symbol of human freedom)
Wikipedia - The Journal of Symbolic Logic
Wikipedia - The Lion and the Unicorn -- Symbols of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - The Lost Symbol -- novel by Dan Brown
Wikipedia - The Martyrdom of Saint Symphorian -- Painting by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
Wikipedia - The Noon Witch -- Symphonic poem by Antonin DvoM-EM-^Yak
Wikipedia - The Olympic Symphonium -- Canadian indie folk trio
Wikipedia - The Power of Sympathy -- 1789 American novel by William Hill Brown
Wikipedia - There's No Sympathy for the Dead -- extended play by Escape the Fate
Wikipedia - The Sigismund Bell -- large bell located in Wawel Cathedral, Krakow. Major Polish national symbol.
Wikipedia - The Six Arrows -- Symbol of the Turkish Republican People's Party
Wikipedia - The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Dukas) -- Symphonic poem by the French composer Paul Dukas
Wikipedia - The Symbolic Species
Wikipedia - The Symbolic
Wikipedia - The Symbolist Movement in Literature
Wikipedia - The Symbol of the Unconquered -- 1920 film by Oscar Micheaux
Wikipedia - The Sympathizer
Wikipedia - The Symphonic Ellington -- 1964 album by Duke Ellington
Wikipedia - The Tempest (Tchaikovsky) -- symphonic poem in F minor by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Wikipedia - The Tenth Symphony -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - The Wise Little Hen -- 1934 Silly Symphony cartoon
Wikipedia - The Wood Nymph -- Symphonic poem
Wikipedia - The Works of William Blake: Poetic, Symbolic and Critical
Wikipedia - Thomas B. Symons -- American academic (1980-1970)
Wikipedia - Thomas Copinger-Symes -- British Army officer (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Thomas Symonds -- British naval captain
Wikipedia - Thrasymachus of Corinth
Wikipedia - Thrasymachus
Wikipedia - Three Arrows -- Socialist political symbol
Wikipedia - Three hares -- Motif of three hares in threefold rotational symmetry
Wikipedia - Three Songs to Poems by Arthur Symons -- Song by John Ireland
Wikipedia - Ticker symbol -- Abbreviation used to uniquely identify publicly traded shares or cryptocurrencies
Wikipedia - Tidal diamond -- Symbols on British admiralty charts that indicate the direction and speed of tidal streams
Wikipedia - Time reversal symmetry
Wikipedia - Time translation symmetry
Wikipedia - Tombstone (typography) -- Symbol used in mathematics and typography
Wikipedia - Tomoe -- Japanese comma-like swirl symbol
Wikipedia - Tracing board -- Painted or printed illustrations depicting the various emblems and symbols of Freemasonry
Wikipedia - Trademark symbol
Wikipedia - Translational symmetry
Wikipedia - Tressym
Wikipedia - Triple parentheses -- Anti-semitic symbol
Wikipedia - Triskelion -- Various symbols with three-fold rotational symmetry
Wikipedia - Trotter's syndrome -- Cluster of cancer-related symptoms
Wikipedia - Truncal ataxia -- Wide-based "drunken sailor" gait symptom
Wikipedia - T-symmetry
Wikipedia - Tucson Symphony Orchestra -- American symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - -- Musical work by Olivier Messiaen
Wikipedia - Turnstile (symbol)
Wikipedia - TursaansydM-CM-$n -- Ancient symbol used in Northern Europe
Wikipedia - Turul -- Mythological bird of prey in Hungarian tradition and a national symbol of Hungarians
Wikipedia - Two Trees of Valinor -- Fictional symbols of divine light in J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium
Wikipedia - UC Berkeley Symphony Orchestra
Wikipedia - Uhthoff's phenomenon -- Worsening of neurologic symptoms in multiple sclerosis
Wikipedia - Under a Blanket of Blue -- 1933 song by Jerry Livingston, Marty Symes, and Al J. Neiburg
Wikipedia - Unfinished Sympathy -- 1991 single by Massive Attack
Wikipedia - Unfinished Symphony: Democracy and Dissent -- 2001 film
Wikipedia - Ungdomssymfonikerne -- Ungdomssymfonikerne
Wikipedia - Unicode symbols -- Wikimedia-Liste
Wikipedia - Union mark of Norway and Sweden -- 1844-1905 symbol and diplomatic flag of the union between Sweden and Norway
Wikipedia - United Nations Honour Flag -- Flag symbolizing the Allies of World War II and their goal of world peace
Wikipedia - Universal Product Code -- Barcode symbology used for tracking trade items in stores
Wikipedia - University City Symphony Orchestra -- Community orchestra in Missouri, US
Wikipedia - Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine -- Rocket fuel
Wikipedia - Ursula Andress -- Swiss-American actress and sex symbol of the 1960s
Wikipedia - Use of the Jolly Roger by submarines -- Naval symbol
Wikipedia - Vajra -- Weapon &/or symbol of pure, irresistible spiritual power in Dharmic religions
Wikipedia - Valknut -- Germanic multi-triangular symbol, occurs in several forms
Wikipedia - Vanda Symon -- New Zealand writer
Wikipedia - Variable (mathematics) -- Symbol that represents an indeterminate value
Wikipedia - Variant symlinks
Wikipedia - Variations of the ichthys symbol -- Variation or parody of the Christian ichthys symbol
Wikipedia - Vegetarian and vegan symbolism
Wikipedia - Vel (symbol)
Wikipedia - Vergina Sun -- Rayed solar symbol
Wikipedia - Vermilion Bird -- One of Four Symbols of Chinese mythology
Wikipedia - Vesy -- Russian symbolist magazine
Wikipedia - Vexillological symbol -- Ideogram used to indicate certain characteristics of national flags
Wikipedia - Vexillology -- Study of the history, symbolism and usage of flags
Wikipedia - Vienna Philharmonic -- Symphonic orchestra
Wikipedia - Vinculum (symbol)
Wikipedia - VinM-DM-^Ma symbols -- Symbols found upon VinM-DM-^Ma culture artifacts
Wikipedia - Wadjet -- Ancient Egyptian snake-headed goddess, symbolizing Lower Egypt
Wikipedia - Was-sceptre -- Ancient Egyptian religious symbol
Wikipedia - Weakly symmetric space -- geometry notion in mathematics
Wikipedia - Weakness -- Physical symptom
Wikipedia - Wedge (symbol)
Wikipedia - Weitzenbock identity -- Relates 2 second-order elliptic operators on a manifold with the same principal symbol
Wikipedia - Well-formed formula -- Finite sequence of symbols from a given alphabet that is part of a formal language
Wikipedia - WFF 'N PROOF -- Dice game, intended to teach symbollic logic
Wikipedia - White Horse of Kent -- Symbol of Kent, England
Wikipedia - White Rose of York -- Symbol of the House of York and Yorkshire
Wikipedia - White Tiger (mythology) -- One of Four Symbols of Chinese mythology
Wikipedia - Wigner 3-j symbols
Wikipedia - William Cornwallis Symonds -- New Zealand public servant
Wikipedia - Willie Wolfe -- Founding member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
Wikipedia - Wind Horse -- Symbol of the human soul in East Asian and Central Asian traditions
Wikipedia - Winged wheel -- Symbol
Wikipedia - Withdrawal symptoms
Wikipedia - WM-bM-^@M-2 and ZM-bM-^@M-2 bosons -- Hypothetical gauge bosons that arise from extensions of the electroweak symmetry of the Standard Model
Wikipedia - Wolfram's 2-state 3-symbol Turing machine
Wikipedia - Women's School of Planning and Architecture -- The Women's School of Planning and Architecture (WSPA) was an educational program for women interested in architecture, planning, and environmental design that presented sessions and symposia based on principles of the women's liberation movement between 1976 and 1981
Wikipedia - World Peace Gong -- Indonesian symbol of world peace
Wikipedia - Wrapped asymmetric Laplace distribution
Wikipedia - WSYM-TV -- Fox affiliate in Lansing, Michigan
Wikipedia - X mark -- Symbol denoting 'no' or 'incorrect'
Wikipedia - Yakuza ZessyM-EM-^M -- 1970 film directed by Yasuzo Masumura
Wikipedia - Yale Symphony Orchestra
Wikipedia - Yellow ribbon -- Symbol of various causes
Wikipedia - YouTube Symphony Orchestra
Wikipedia - Yuriy Tsymbalyuk -- Soviet figure skater
Wikipedia - Zimmer's conjecture -- Conjecture that symmetries exist in higher dimensions that cannot exist in lower dimensions
Wikipedia - Zolotarev's lemma -- Ties Legendre symbols to permutation signatures
Michael Symon ::: Born: September 19, 1969; Occupation: Chef;
Arthur Symons ::: Born: February 28, 1865; Died: January 22, 1945; Occupation: Poet;
Symeon the New Theologian ::: Born: 949; Died: March 12, 1022; Occupation: Poet;
Steve Symms ::: Born: April 23, 1938; Occupation: Former U.S. senator;
Raven-Symone ::: Born: December 10, 1985; Occupation: Actress;
John Addington Symonds ::: Born: October 5, 1840; Died: April 19, 1893; Occupation: Poet;
Ronald Syme ::: Born: March 11, 1903; Died: September 4, 1989;
Andrew Symonds ::: Born: June 9, 1975; Occupation: Cricketer;\
Goodreads author - Michael_Symmons_Roberts
Goodreads author - Symone_Craven
Goodreads author - Symphony_Space!xlMedium.jpg'%C3%AD_symbols,_rituals,_and_symbolism
Kheper - symmetry_breaks -- 43
auromere - symbols-seen-during-spiritual-experiences
auromere - symbols-seen-during-spiritual-experiences
Integral World - Nexus between Astrobiology and Integrative Thinking, A Philosophical Search Motivated by a Key Symposium at the Library of Congress, Giorgio Piacenza
selforum - savitri symbol and quest
selforum - symbol of victory of death
selforum - seers hid mysteries in symbolic
selforum - symbols in ancient cultures
selforum - cow in veda is pre eminently symbolical
selforum - immanent frame symbolizes sea change in
selforum - patients symptoms are answers in search
selforum - hyderabad symposium on innovation in
selforum - inability to prove something is symptom
selforum - auroville symbolises love and peace
selforum - urvasie is brilliant symbolic love poem
dedroidify.blogspot - language-subliminal-symbolism
dedroidify.blogspot - symbolism-swastikas-and-borg
dedroidify.blogspot - coming-eventually-symbolist-tour-of-my
dedroidify.blogspot - engines-of-symbols
dedroidify.blogspot - symbolism-of-naruto_07
dedroidify.blogspot - open-letter-to-barack-obama-symbolism
dedroidify.blogspot - all-hail-symbol
dedroidify.blogspot - william-henry-interview-lost-symbols
dedroidify.blogspot - symphony-of-science-ode-to-brain
dedroidify.blogspot - interconnected-symbols
dedroidify.blogspot - illuminatus-excerpt-illuminati-symbol
dedroidify.blogspot - symbolism-of-world-of-warcraft
dedroidify.blogspot - bit-overly-overt-symbolism-right-here
dedroidify.blogspot - symbols
dedroidify.blogspot - symbolism-of-hermit-tarot-card
dedroidify.blogspot - symbolism-of-strength-tarot-card
wiki.auroville - Auroville_symbol
wiki.auroville - Loretta_reads_Savitri:One.I_"The_Symbol_Dawn"_part_1
wiki.auroville - Loretta_reads_Savitri:One.I_"The_Symbol_Dawn"_part_2
wiki.auroville - Name_and_Symbol_of_Auroville_Protection_Group
wiki.auroville - Savitri_%E2%80%94_A_Legend_and_a_Symbol
wiki.auroville - Savitri_M-bM-^@M-^T_A_Legend_and_a_Symbol
wiki.auroville - Sri_Aurobindo's_symbol
wiki.auroville - The_Mother's_symbol
Dharmapedia - Bindu_(symbol
Dharmapedia - File:AUM_symbol,_the_primary_(highest)_name_of_the_God_as_per_the_Vedas.svg
Dharmapedia - Symptoms_of_Fascism
Psychology Wiki - Category:Symptoms
Psychology Wiki - Skumin_syndrome#Signs_and_symptoms
Psychology Wiki - Symbol
Psychology Wiki - Symbol_grounding
Psychology Wiki - Symbolic
Psychology Wiki - Sympathy
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - callicles-thrasymachus
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - symmetry-breaking
Occultopedia - chinese_symbolic_animals
Occultopedia - sympathetic_magic
Sesame Street (1969 - Current) - First conceived by a group of children's education researchers in 1965, Sesame Street grew to more than just a children's show--it became one of the most famous and well-known shows of all time and a symbol of American pop-culture. A show so well-known, there is nearly not one person who did not gro...
Ben Casey (1961 - 1966) - Ben Casey is an American medical drama series which ran on ABC from 1961 to 1966. The show was known for its opening titles, which consisted of a hand drawing the symbols ", , , , " on a chalkboard, as cast member Sam Jaffe intoned, "Man, woman, birth, death, infinity." Neurosurgeon Joseph Rans...
That's So Raven (2003 - 2007) - an American supernatural sitcom that originally ran on Disney Channel from January 17, 2003 to November 10, 2007. Set in San Francisco, the series starred Raven-Symon as Raven Baxter, a teenager with psychic abilities who draws on her ingenuity, talent as a fashion designer, and a variety of disgui...
Evening at Pops (1970 - 2005) - Evening at Pops was an American concert television series produced by WGBH-TV. It is one of the longest-running programs on PBS, airing from 1970 to 2005. The program was a public television version of a variety show, featuring performances by the Boston Pops Orchestra. It was taped at Symphony Hall...
Tales of Symphonia (2007 - 2012) - Tales of Symphonia The Animation ( The Animation Teiruzu Obu Shinfonia The Animation) was an OVA series animated by Ufotable and produced by Geneon Universal Entertainment and Frontier Works.[41] It consists of four episodes which were released direct-to-video on four separate DVDs on...
Eureka Seven (2005 - 2006) - known in Japan as Psalms of Planets Eureka Seven (Japanese: Hepburn: Kkyshihen Eureka Sebun, lit. "Symphonic Psalms Eureka Seven") a 2005 Japanese anime series created by Bones. The series was directed by Tomoki Kyoda, with series composition by Dai Sat and music by Naoki Sat. Eureka...
Symphogear (2012 - 2018) - Senki Zessh Shinfogia, lit. Superb Song of the Valkyries: Symphogear) is a Japanese anime television franchise animated by Satelight. The original season aired on Tokyo MX between January 6, 2012 and March 30, 2012.[1] A second season entitled Symphogear G aired between July 4, 2013 and September 2...
Brain Damage(1988) - Basket Case director Frank Henenlotter explores another bizarre symbiotic human-monster relationship in this surreal horror-comedy about a young man named Brian (Rick Herbst) who emerges from a night of bizarre hallucinations to find a jovial talking slug attached to his body. The creature, a brain-...
The Long Riders(1980) - The origins, exploits and the ultimate fate of the Jesse James gang is told in a sympathetic portrayal of the bank robbers made up of brothers who begin their legendary bank raids because of revenge.
The Night Stalker(1987) - Sergeant J.J. Striker (Charles Napier) is a hard-drinking cop who tracks down a serial killer that can seemingly repel bullets in this routine crime drama made in 1985. Sommers (Robert Zdar) kills prostitutes and paints Chinese symbols on his victims. Rene (Michelle Reese) is the hooker who teems up...
Gamera(1966) - A nuclear explosion in the far north unleashes Gamera, the legendary flying turtle, from his sleep under the ice. In his search for energy, Gamera wreaks havoc over the entire world, and it's up to the scientists, assisted by a young boy with a strange sympathic link to the monster, to put a stop to...
A Warm Summer Rain(1990) - When a suicidal woman meets up with a wayward young man, the two develop a strong relationship as they find comfort and sympathy in one another.
Fair Game(1995) - Supermodel and sex symbol Cindy Crawford made her acting debut in this high-decibel thriller. Kate McQuean (Crawford) is a lawyer who in the course of a divorce proceeding attempts to seize a 157-foot freighter docked off the Florida coast in lieu of unpaid alimony. It turns out that the freig...
Dust to Dust(1994) - When a power struggle between a greedy Texas mayor and a sympathetic lawyer threatens to render a band of desperate orphans homeless, a notorious gunslinger is called in to resolve the matter in this Western starring Robert Vaughn and Willie Nelson. As a powerful railroad company sets its sights on...
Sextette(1978) - On the day of her wedding,to her sixth husband(Timothy Dalton),a glamorous movie star/sex symbol(Mae West in her final film)is asked to intervene in a political dispute between nations.
Pokmon 3: The Movie(2000) - Originally released in Japan in 2000 then in the U.S. in 2001, the movie focuses on a researcher named Spencer Hale, who lives in the town of Greenfield and studies the elusive Unown, symbolic Pokemon. His daughter Molly hears a story about the legendary Pokemon Entei, who she claims is strong and n...
Cross Of Iron(1977) - A squad of German soldiers fighting on the Eastern Front during WWII led by a battle-hardened sergeant fight to survive Soviet attacks and dogmatic commanders in a chaotic and lethal environment in this sympathetic portrayal of another side of the war not commonly portrayed in Hollywood film.
Heroes(1977) - A Vietnam veteran suffering from post traumatic stress disorder breaks out of a VA hospital and goes on a road trip with a sympathetic traveler to find out what became of the other men in his unit.
Choke(2008) - A sex-addicted con-man pays for his mother's hospital bills by playing on the sympathies of those who rescue him from choking to death.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen(2009) - Sam Witwicky is caught in the war between two factions of alien robots, the Autobots and the Decepticons. Sam is having hallucinatory episodes of Cybertronian symbols, and is being hunted by the Decepticons under the orders of their long-trapped leader, The Fallen, who seeks to get revenge on Earth...
The Da Vinci Code(2006) - Based on the 2003 novel. Robert Langdon, a professor of religious iconography and symbology from Harvard University is the prime suspect in the grisly and unusual murder of Louvre curator Jacques Saunire. He escapes with the assistance of a police cryptologist, Sophie Neveu, and they are embroiled...
That's Life!(1986) - A wealthy yet depressed architect and his sympathetic wife strive to conquer their life issues in anticipation of his 60th birthday.
Quentin Blakes Clown(2020) - Channel 4's animated short, based on Quentin Blake's illustrated book and narrated by Helena Bonham Carter ("The Toy Symphony"). -- Harem, Drama, Romance, School -- Action, Sci-Fi, Music -- Comedy -- Harem, Romance, Drama -- Harem, Romance -- Action, Music, Sci-Fi -- Action, Adventure, Magic, Martial Arts, Fantasy -- -- -- Sci-Fi, Music, Slice of Life, Comedy -- Action, Music, Sci-Fi -- Action, Music, Sci-Fi -- Sci-Fi, Music, Slice of Life, Comedy -- Comedy, School -- Slice of Life, Comedy -- Action, Adventure, Magic, Martial Arts, Fantasy -- Music -- Comedy, School -- Comedy -- Action, Adventure, Magic, Martial Arts, Fantasy
Angels & Demons (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 18min | Action, Mystery, Thriller | 15 May 2009 (USA) -- Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon works with a nuclear physicist to solve a murder and prevent a terrorist act against the Vatican during one of the significant events within the church. Director: Ron Howard Writers:
A Touch of Frost ::: TV-MA | 1h 45min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (19922010) -- DI Jack Frost is an unconventional policeman with sympathy for the underdog and an instinct for moral justice. Sloppy, disorganized and disrespectful, he attracts trouble like a magnet. Stars:
Cheyenne Autumn (1964) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 2h 34min | Drama, History, Western | 22 December 1964 (USA) -- The Cheyenne, tired of broken U.S. government promises, head for their ancestral lands but a sympathetic cavalry officer is tasked to bring them back to their reservation. Director: John Ford Writers:
Choke (2008) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy, Drama | 30 October 2008 (Australia) -- A sex-addicted con-man pays for his mother's hospital bills by playing on the sympathies of those who rescue him from choking to death. Director: Clark Gregg Writers: Clark Gregg (screenplay), Chuck Palahniuk (novel)
Ghost in the Shell Arise: Border 3 - Ghost Tears (2014) ::: 7.2/10 -- TV-MA | 55min | Animation, Action, Sci-Fi | 28 June 2014 (Japan) -- Motoko and Batou work to try to stop a terrorist organization whose symbol is the Scylla. Meanwhile, Togusa investigates a murder of a man who possessed a prosthetic leg manufactured by the Mermaid's Leg corporation. Director: Kazuchika Kise Writers: Shirow Masamune (manga) (as Masamune Shirow), Tow Ubukata (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Grand Canyon (1991) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 2h 14min | Crime, Drama | 17 January 1992 (USA) -- The fates of several people are intertwining randomly. Their sympathy of each other faces multiple differences in their lifestyles. Director: Lawrence Kasdan Writers: Lawrence Kasdan, Meg Kasdan
High Society (1956) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 51min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 17 July 1956 (USA) -- With socialite Tracy Lord about to remarry, her ex-husband - with the help of a sympathetic reporter - has 48 hours to convince her that she really still loves him. Director: Charles Walters Writers:
Mozart in the Jungle ::: TV-MA | 29min | Comedy, Drama, Music | TV Series (20142018) -- Love, money, ambition and music intertwine in Mozart in the Jungle, a half hour comedic drama that looks at finding yourself and finding love while conquering New York City. A brash new maestro Rodrigo stirs up the New York Symphony as young oboist Hailey hopes for her big chance. Creators:
Nocturnal Animals (2016) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Drama, Thriller | 9 December 2016 (USA) -- A wealthy art gallery owner is haunted by her ex-husband's novel, a violent thriller she interprets as a symbolic revenge tale. Director: Tom Ford Writers: Tom Ford (screenplay by), Austin Wright (novel)
Nosferatu (1922) ::: 7.9/10 -- Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (original title) -- Nosferatu Poster -- Vampire Count Orlok expresses interest in a new residence and real estate agent Hutter's wife. Director: F.W. Murnau Writers:
Parasite (2019) ::: 8.6/10 -- Gisaengchung (original title) -- Parasite Poster -- Greed and class discrimination threaten the newly formed symbiotic relationship between the wealthy Park family and the destitute Kim clan. Director: Bong Joon Ho Writers:
Planet of the Apes ::: 47min | Adventure, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Series (1974) Two astronauts and a sympathetic chimp friend are fugitives in a future Earth dominated by a civilization of humanoid apes. Creator: Anthony Wilson Stars:
Remember the Night (1940) ::: 7.6/10 -- Passed | 1h 34min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 19 January 1940 (USA) -- Love blooms between a sympathetic attorney and the comely shoplifter he has taken home for the Christmas holiday. Director: Mitchell Leisen Writer: Preston Sturges (original screenplay)
Requiem for a Heavyweight (1962) ::: 7.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 35min | Drama, Sport | 16 November 1962 (West Germany) -- Mountain Rivera, a punchy has-been managed by the unprincipled Maish, is mauled in a fight and forced to quit boxing. Can his devoted cutman and a sympathetic social worker help him find a ... S Director: Ralph Nelson Writers:
Senki Zessho Symphogear ::: Animation, Action, Music | TV Series (2012- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes Senki Zessho Symphogear Poster Tsubasa Kazanari and Kanade Amou-the idol duo known as Zwei Wing-use their songs to power ancient weapons known as "symphogears" to combat a deadly alien race called the "Noise." While the ... S Stars: Yuka Iguchi, Nana Mizuki, Miyuki Sawashiro
Stronger (2017) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Biography, Drama | 29 September 2017 (USA) -- Stronger is the inspiring real life story of Jeff Bauman, an ordinary man who captured the hearts of his city and the world to become a symbol of hope after surviving the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. Director: David Gordon Green Writers:
Symbol (2009) ::: 7.1/10 -- Shinboru (original title) -- (USA) Symbol Poster A man wakes up in a white room empty other than buttons on the walls, he must find out which button to push to get what he wants. Director: Hitoshi Matsumoto Writers: Hitoshi Matsumoto (screenplay), Mitsuyoshi Takasu (screenplay)
The Four Feathers (2002) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 12min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 20 September 2002 (USA) -- A British officer resigns his post just before battle and subsequently receives four white feathers from his friends and fiancee as symbols of what they believe to be his cowardice. Director: Shekhar Kapur Writers:
The Four Feathers (2002) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 12min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 20 September 2002 (USA) -- A British officer resigns his post just before battle and subsequently receives four white feathers from his friends and fiancee as symbols of what they believe to be his cowardice.
The Long Riders (1980) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Biography, Crime, Western | 16 May 1980 (USA) -- The origins, exploits and the ultimate fate of the Jesse James gang is told in a sympathetic portrayal of the bank robbers made up of brothers who begin their legendary bank raids because of revenge. Director: Walter Hill Writers:
The Power of One (1992) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 7min | Drama, Sport | 27 March 1992 (USA) -- An English boy, living in Africa during World War II, through his boxing prowess, becomes a symbol of hope, in a time of war. Director: John G. Avildsen Writers: Bryce Courtenay (novel), Robert Mark Kamen (screenplay)
The Way of the Gun (2000) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Action, Crime, Drama | 8 September 2000 (USA) -- Two criminal drifters without sympathy get more than they bargained for after kidnapping and holding for ransom the surrogate mother of a powerful and shady man. Director: Christopher McQuarrie Writer:
The Way of the Gun (2000) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Action, Crime, Drama | 8 September 2000 (USA) -- Two criminal drifters without sympathy get more than they bargained for after kidnapping and holding for ransom the surrogate mother of a powerful and shady man.
Time to Leave (2005) ::: 7.1/10 -- Le temps qui reste (original title) -- Time to Leave Poster -- A fashion photographer with terminal cancer elects to die alone, preparing others to live past him rather than prolong the inevitable with chemotherapy or be smothered in sympathy by those who know him. Director: Franois Ozon Writer:
Venom (2018) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 52min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 5 October 2018 (USA) -- A failed reporter is bonded to an alien entity, one of many symbiotes who have invaded Earth. But the being takes a liking to Earth and decides to protect it. Director: Ruben Fleischer Writers:'s_symbol's_Edge_Symphonic_Overture_Suite!'s_Palace's_Fifth_Symphony's_TARDIS_(Sympathy_for_the_Devil)'s_TARDIS_(Sympathy_for_the_Devil)!_(webcast)'t_Break_Up_On_Account_Of_Murder_-_It's_Just_A_Symptom_That_Something_Else_Is_Wrong
Aftermath -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military Music Drama -- Aftermath Aftermath -- The video is the result of Muse’s on-going creative collaborations with Japanese director Tekken, who previously delivered eye-catching, flipbook-style animated videos for the band’s tracks “Follow Me” and “Exogenesis: Symphony Part 3 (Redemption)”. -- -- (Source: Muse) -- Music - May 12, 2016 -- 1,216 6.02
Air Gear -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Shounen Sports -- Air Gear Air Gear -- Air Trecks, also known as AT, are motorized and futuristic inline skates that are the new craze taking the nation by storm. Although each AT comes with a speed limiter, a community of daredevils known as the "Storm Riders" are brave enough to tamper with the device. Utilizing AT's in underground battles, individual teams wager valuable AT parts or team emblems—their symbol of pride—to dominate the streets. -- -- Living in this era is Itsuki Minami, a middle school student notorious for engaging in street fights. Always wanting to reach heights no one else is able to, the reckless punk will break through any obstacle that stands in his way, alongside his best friends Kazuma Mikura and Onigiri. However, it is when he discovers a pair of Air Trecks in his house that the path to his true desire finally opens: to rule the skies. -- -- 303,417 7.52
Air Gear -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Shounen Sports -- Air Gear Air Gear -- Air Trecks, also known as AT, are motorized and futuristic inline skates that are the new craze taking the nation by storm. Although each AT comes with a speed limiter, a community of daredevils known as the "Storm Riders" are brave enough to tamper with the device. Utilizing AT's in underground battles, individual teams wager valuable AT parts or team emblems—their symbol of pride—to dominate the streets. -- -- Living in this era is Itsuki Minami, a middle school student notorious for engaging in street fights. Always wanting to reach heights no one else is able to, the reckless punk will break through any obstacle that stands in his way, alongside his best friends Kazuma Mikura and Onigiri. However, it is when he discovers a pair of Air Trecks in his house that the path to his true desire finally opens: to rule the skies. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 303,417 7.52
Al Caral no Isan -- -- animate Film, Visual 80 -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Space Seinen -- Al Caral no Isan Al Caral no Isan -- In the 26th century, humans discover a humanoid race living on the distant world GO/7498/2, a dark-skinned, golden-eyed people who seem to eke out a primitive, carefree existence. However, a scout team from Earth discovers that there is more to them than meets the eye--they live in symbiosis with vicious reptilian parasites, and the Terran scientists have upset the delicate natural balance. -- -- (Source: The Anime Encyclopedia) -- OVA - Feb 25, 1993 -- 989 5.43
An Expression -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- An Expression An Expression -- Symbolized an urban man with a triangle figure, a country woman with a circle, and represented the encounter between the two by movement. -- -- Director Shigenji Ogino tried to naturally color the movie via the kinema color technique. Due to being an early work, the technique isn't smooth. Because of this the film has a photosensitive epileptic seizure warning as there are high frequency flashes of red and green frames for the duration of the entire film. -- -- Please be careful while viewing. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1935 -- 615 4.41
Aragne no Mushikago -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Fantasy Horror Mystery -- Aragne no Mushikago Aragne no Mushikago -- Life could be better for shy, anxious university student Rin. The apartment she has rented is hardly the sunny palace the rental listings suggested. The housing complex is rundown, grim and haunted by troubled souls lurking in dark corners. Ghastly crimes are occurring in the vicinity. And a grinning stranger makes his unsettling presence known. -- -- Beyond all this, Rin is coming to realize that something even more sinister is manifesting itself, something at the cursed crossroads of mythology, monstrosity and medical science. Determined to find out more, Rin visits the library, where she meets a sympathetic young staffer. But what she learns does not begin to put her mind at ease. -- -- (Source: Fantasia) -- Movie - Aug 18, 2018 -- 2,910 5.13
Big Wars: Kami Utsu Akaki Kouya ni -- -- Magic Bus -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space -- Big Wars: Kami Utsu Akaki Kouya ni Big Wars: Kami Utsu Akaki Kouya ni -- It is the dawn of the 21st century. Mankind has terraformed and colonized Mars. But we are not alone in the universe. An ancient race of alien beings, known only as "The Gods," has been watching mankind's progress ...and waiting. Now, these mysterious aliens have returned to halt mankind's expansion into space force. -- -- Now, the planet named after the God of War will become our final battlefield, as mankind fights a desperate battle with the latest in high-tech, military hardware: hyper-advanced aircraft, orbital fighters, and gigantic, desert battleships brimming with the most advanced weaponry. -- -- But will it be enough? The aliens have awesome, incredibly destructive weapons at their disposal—including "Hell"—an unstoppable stealth carrier. But the alien's primary weapon is insidiously quiet and invisible—a mind control plaque. Incurable. Inevitable. Contagious. Humans are powerless to resist its effects, which transforms even the most loyal soldiers into dangerous subversives. -- -- Our last hope lies with Captain Akuh and the crew of the Battleship Aoba. If his top-secret mission is successful, mankind will deal a decisive blow to the alien armada. But Akuh's girlfriend is showing signs of nymphomania—the first symptom of alien subversion! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Sep 25, 1993 -- 2,482 5.45
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next -- -- AIC Build -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Slice of Life Comedy Romance School -- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next -- The Neighbor's Club—a club founded for the purpose of making friends, where misfortunate boys and girls with few friends live out their regrettable lives. -- -- Although Yozora Mikazuki faced a certain incident at the end of summer, the daily life of the Neighbor's Club goes on as usual. A strange nun, members of the student council and other new faces make an appearance, causing Kodaka Hasegawa's life to grow even busier. -- -- While they all enjoy going to the amusement park, playing games, celebrating birthdays, and challenging the "school festival"—a symbol of the school life normal people live—the relations amongst the members slowly begins to change... -- -- Let the next stage begin, on this unfortunate coming-of-age love comedy!! -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jan 11, 2013 -- 440,043 7.38
Brain Powerd -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi -- Brain Powerd Brain Powerd -- In the not so distant future much of the earth has been submerged under the sea or destroyed by earthquakes. At the center of the turmoil is the mysterious Orphan. Orphan may or may not be the original cause of the cataclysms. Orphan`s goal is to raise a ship hidden deep beneath the sea to the surface, but doing so would result in the destruction of all humans except for the small number which are loyal to Orphan. -- -- Orphan`s agents pilot mysterious mecha known as Grand Cheres, and search the world for mysterious, giant disks which occasionally appear, flying at high speeds and wrecking much of the countryside, or cities, when they hit the ground. After a dying disc almost kills Hime, a Brain Powerd is born from the disc. Brain Powerds are another type of Mecha, similar to but not the same as Grand Cheres. -- -- Hime becomes the Brain Powerd`s pilot, forming a symbiotic relationship with the living mecha and joins an International Organization dedicated to stopping Orphan, or at the very least saving humanity should Orphan succeed. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 8, 1998 -- 8,146 6.09
Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism -- -- Connect, SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy School Shounen -- Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism -- The Private Aichi Symbiosis Academy was originally a high school for high-class girls. When it became co-ed, the girls, out of fear, asked to be permitted to bring weapons to school. When that was enforced, a five-member vigilante corps-like organization called the "Supreme Five Swords" was also formed. -- -- After many generations, the five swords eventually became a group which corrected problematic students, and the academy started proactively accepting such students in order to correct them. -- -- Nomura Fudou was sent to this school after being part of a huge brawl. What will he do when the only options he has after enrolling are being expelled from that school or being corrected the way the rest of the male students there being forced to dress and act like a girl! -- -- (Source: Batoto, edited) -- 275,576 6.94
Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism -- -- Connect, SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy School Shounen -- Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism -- The Private Aichi Symbiosis Academy was originally a high school for high-class girls. When it became co-ed, the girls, out of fear, asked to be permitted to bring weapons to school. When that was enforced, a five-member vigilante corps-like organization called the "Supreme Five Swords" was also formed. -- -- After many generations, the five swords eventually became a group which corrected problematic students, and the academy started proactively accepting such students in order to correct them. -- -- Nomura Fudou was sent to this school after being part of a huge brawl. What will he do when the only options he has after enrolling are being expelled from that school or being corrected the way the rest of the male students there being forced to dress and act like a girl! -- -- (Source: Batoto, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 275,576 6.94
Chihayafuru 3 -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Game Slice of Life Sports Drama School Josei -- Chihayafuru 3 Chihayafuru 3 -- Winning the high school team tournament was a great accomplishment for the Mizusawa members. Each of them has made great strides in improving themselves, and the victory symbolizes how far they've come. But after accomplishing one goal, their individual aims are within reach. Chihaya Ayase has her sights set on Wakamiya Shinobu and the title of Queen, and now that Taichi Mashima has made it into Class A, he can finally compete against Arata Wataya. Everyone in Mizusawa wants to get better, and there's no telling what the future holds if they keep trying. -- -- 94,380 8.50
Chihayafuru 3 -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Game Slice of Life Sports Drama School Josei -- Chihayafuru 3 Chihayafuru 3 -- Winning the high school team tournament was a great accomplishment for the Mizusawa members. Each of them has made great strides in improving themselves, and the victory symbolizes how far they've come. But after accomplishing one goal, their individual aims are within reach. Chihaya Ayase has her sights set on Wakamiya Shinobu and the title of Queen, and now that Taichi Mashima has made it into Class A, he can finally compete against Arata Wataya. Everyone in Mizusawa wants to get better, and there's no telling what the future holds if they keep trying. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 94,380 8.50
Commercial War -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Commercial War Commercial War -- In a mixture of cut-out and hand-drawn animation techniques, Tanaami jumbles together symbols of American consumer culture –such as Coca Cola, Superman, Space Age astronauts and hamburgers– with occasional Japanese iconography, such as the squat toilet. The frenetic pace of the animation, the catchphrases and songs on the soundtrack as well as the hand-drawn CRT television monitor that occasionally frames the images makes reference to television commercials. -- -- (Source: Collaborative Cataloging Japan) -- Movie - ??? ??, 1971 -- 422 4.83
Detective Conan Movie 14: The Lost Ship in the Sky -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mystery Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 14: The Lost Ship in the Sky Detective Conan Movie 14: The Lost Ship in the Sky -- One night, the Tokyo National Institute of Microorganisms is attacked by a mysterious organization calling themselves the "Red Siamese Cats." The group causes the explosion of a high-security lab storing a virus—said to have a mortality rate of 80% with no known cure. This act of terror dominates the headlines, overshadowing the unveiling of the world's biggest airship developed under Jirokichi Suzuki. Peculiarly, the unveiling has a note attached for Kaito "Kaitou Kid" Kuroba, challenging him to steal the jewel on display—the illustrious Lady Sky. -- -- Conan Edogawa is permitted to board the airship along with Kogorou Mouri, Ran Mouri, Sonoko Suzuki, Professor Agasa, and the Detective Boys. However, their fun comes to a halt when an unknown caller contacts Jirokichi and declares that they have released a certain virus in the smoking room. Soon after, symptoms begin to appear among the passengers and chaos ensues. Seizing the opportunity, the Red Siamese Cats suddenly appear and hijack the airship! -- -- To stop the assailants, Conan and Kaitou Kid, along with their allies, must work together to decipher the clues and discover the Red Siamese Cats' real objective before time runs out. -- -- Movie - Apr 17, 2010 -- 44,019 8.14
Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku -- The Chosen Children are in shock after the betrayal of Meicoomon, the digital monster who had recently joined their group alongside her human partner, Meiko Mochizuki. Koushirou Izumi is determined to diagnose the infection that took control of Meicoomon. Meanwhile, Takeru Takaishi realizes that his own partner, Patamon, is starting to exhibit alarming symptoms similar to that of other infected Digimon, like Meicoomon. -- -- Just then, the Chosen Children receive a message from the mysterious entity Homeostasis, who informs them that their world is in danger of total destruction—and the Digital World, the home of the Digimon, is too. Homeostasis plans to enact a "Reboot," which will reset all the data that makes up the Digital World and eradicate the infection. However, the Reboot will also erase the memories of all Digimon, including the Childrens' partners. Can the Chosen Children stop Meicoomon before the Reboot becomes necessary, or is this the end of their time together with their Digimon? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Shout! Factory -- Movie - Sep 24, 2016 -- 62,313 7.69
Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku -- The Chosen Children are in shock after the betrayal of Meicoomon, the digital monster who had recently joined their group alongside her human partner, Meiko Mochizuki. Koushirou Izumi is determined to diagnose the infection that took control of Meicoomon. Meanwhile, Takeru Takaishi realizes that his own partner, Patamon, is starting to exhibit alarming symptoms similar to that of other infected Digimon, like Meicoomon. -- -- Just then, the Chosen Children receive a message from the mysterious entity Homeostasis, who informs them that their world is in danger of total destruction—and the Digital World, the home of the Digimon, is too. Homeostasis plans to enact a "Reboot," which will reset all the data that makes up the Digital World and eradicate the infection. However, the Reboot will also erase the memories of all Digimon, including the Childrens' partners. Can the Chosen Children stop Meicoomon before the Reboot becomes necessary, or is this the end of their time together with their Digimon? -- -- Movie - Sep 24, 2016 -- 62,313 7.69
Flag -- -- The Answer Studio -- 13 eps -- Original -- Mecha Military -- Flag Flag -- In 20xx, a civil war broke out in a small country in Asia in spite of the dispatch of UN forces. But a picture taken by accident in the battlefield accelerates the peace process: a photograph of a flag, which became the symbol of peace. However, just before the peace agreement is finalized, the flag is stolen by an armed extremist group in order to obstruct the truce. To rescue the flag, the UN sends the Special Development Command (SDC, which is armed with the High Agility Versatile Weapon Carrier (HAVWC)), along with an embedded photojournalist to record their activities. That photojournalist is Saeko Shirasu—the young camerawoman who took the picture of the flag. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- ONA - Jun 16, 2006 -- 17,237 7.20
Grancrest Senki -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Drama Fantasy Romance -- Grancrest Senki Grancrest Senki -- The continent of Atlatan once again finds itself devoured by the flames of war after a horrific event known as the Great Hall Tragedy. What was supposed to be a joyful occasion that would establish peace between the Fantasia Union and the Factory Alliance, the marriage of Sir Alexis Douse and Lady Marrine Kreische, was instead a tragedy. As the bride and groom walked down the aisle, the ceremony was suddenly interrupted by a powerful convergence of "Chaos," a dark energy from another dimension that corrupts the land and brings forth monsters and demons into the world. From within that energy appeared the Demon Lord of Diabolos, an evil being who instantly murdered the archdukes of both factions, shattering any hope for peace between them. -- -- Having failed to prevent this disaster, Siluca Meletes, an Alliance mage, is traveling through the Chaos-infested countryside to study under a master magician. When she is intercepted by a group of soldiers working with the Federation, Siluca is rescued by Theo Cornaro, a young warrior carrying a mysterious "Crest," a magical symbol that gives its wielder the ability to banish Chaos. Bearing no allegiance to a specific domain, Theo hopes to attain the rank of Lord so that he can liberate his home town of Sistina from its tyrannical ruler and the Chaos spreading within it. Impressed by his noble goal, Siluca enters into a magical contract with Theo, and the two embark on a journey to restore balance to their war-torn land. -- -- 221,418 7.24
Grancrest Senki -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Drama Fantasy Romance -- Grancrest Senki Grancrest Senki -- The continent of Atlatan once again finds itself devoured by the flames of war after a horrific event known as the Great Hall Tragedy. What was supposed to be a joyful occasion that would establish peace between the Fantasia Union and the Factory Alliance, the marriage of Sir Alexis Douse and Lady Marrine Kreische, was instead a tragedy. As the bride and groom walked down the aisle, the ceremony was suddenly interrupted by a powerful convergence of "Chaos," a dark energy from another dimension that corrupts the land and brings forth monsters and demons into the world. From within that energy appeared the Demon Lord of Diabolos, an evil being who instantly murdered the archdukes of both factions, shattering any hope for peace between them. -- -- Having failed to prevent this disaster, Siluca Meletes, an Alliance mage, is traveling through the Chaos-infested countryside to study under a master magician. When she is intercepted by a group of soldiers working with the Federation, Siluca is rescued by Theo Cornaro, a young warrior carrying a mysterious "Crest," a magical symbol that gives its wielder the ability to banish Chaos. Bearing no allegiance to a specific domain, Theo hopes to attain the rank of Lord so that he can liberate his home town of Sistina from its tyrannical ruler and the Chaos spreading within it. Impressed by his noble goal, Siluca enters into a magical contract with Theo, and the two embark on a journey to restore balance to their war-torn land. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 221,418 7.24
Juuou Mujin no Fafnir -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy Harem Romance School -- Juuou Mujin no Fafnir Juuou Mujin no Fafnir -- Midgar, all-girl academy, would have been notable just for the action of accepting its first and only male student, Yuu Mononobe. But Midgar stands out for much more than that: it's a school exclusive to a group of girls known as D's. Each of them have extremely powerful abilities in generating dark matter and manipulating it into powerful weaponry. -- -- The D's didn't exist twenty-five years ago, and only appeared after a number of mysterious, destructive monsters known as "Dragons" started appearing around the world. Strangely, just as suddenly as they appeared, they vanished. In their destructive wake, some girls started being born with symbols on their bodies and powers similar in nature to those wielded by the Dragons themselves. -- -- Now the D's attend this school, hoping to harness and utilize their powers against the Dragons. Yuu is their latest member and is extraordinary for being the only known male D in existence. Now he must forge relationships with the girls around him, including his long separated sister who attends the school as well, and work with them to investigate and eliminate the threat of the powerful Dragons. -- 129,172 6.23
Kanashimi no Belladonna -- -- Mushi Production -- 1 ep -- Book -- Dementia Drama Hentai Historical -- Kanashimi no Belladonna Kanashimi no Belladonna -- The beautiful Jeanne marries a man named Jean, and the happy newlyweds make their way to the Lord's castle with a cow's worth of money for his blessings. However, the demonic Lord is unmoved by their offering, ignoring their desperate, impoverished pleas. The Lord's wife offers an alternative: Jeanne must become the Lord's conquest for the night in a ritual deflowering. -- -- Scarred by the experience, the shaken Jeanne receives no sympathy from her husband. Instead, she is neglected. But as Jeanne drifts off to sleep, she is met by a strange spirit that encourages her to deliver retribution to those who wronged her. And with a mysterious surge of pleasure and an unquenching libido, Jeanne agrees. -- -- Kanashimi no Belladonna is a captivating, psychosexual adventure that tells a story of cunning witchcraft and deceitful superstition in a poor, rural village of medieval France. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Cinelicious Pics -- Movie - Jun 30, 1973 -- 25,287 7.12
Kanashimi no Belladonna -- -- Mushi Production -- 1 ep -- Book -- Dementia Drama Hentai Historical -- Kanashimi no Belladonna Kanashimi no Belladonna -- The beautiful Jeanne marries a man named Jean, and the happy newlyweds make their way to the Lord's castle with a cow's worth of money for his blessings. However, the demonic Lord is unmoved by their offering, ignoring their desperate, impoverished pleas. The Lord's wife offers an alternative: Jeanne must become the Lord's conquest for the night in a ritual deflowering. -- -- Scarred by the experience, the shaken Jeanne receives no sympathy from her husband. Instead, she is neglected. But as Jeanne drifts off to sleep, she is met by a strange spirit that encourages her to deliver retribution to those who wronged her. And with a mysterious surge of pleasure and an unquenching libido, Jeanne agrees. -- -- Kanashimi no Belladonna is a captivating, psychosexual adventure that tells a story of cunning witchcraft and deceitful superstition in a poor, rural village of medieval France. -- -- Movie - Jun 30, 1973 -- 25,287 7.12
Kenju Giga -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Parody Psychological -- Kenju Giga Kenju Giga -- A dog race is interrupted by a ringmaster, who attaches fish to the dog’s collars and makes them run in circles. The crowd is incensed, but the ringmaster insists that the audience is no better off than the dogs. In the end the ringmaster is assassinated and the race continues, but a single red rose sprouts from the ringmaster’s blood; a symbol of truth in a crazy world? -- -- -AniDB -- Movie - ??? ??, 1970 -- 902 4.98
Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai -- -- Studio VOLN -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Slice of Life Drama Romance -- Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai -- The aloof protagonist: a bookworm who is deeply detached from the world he resides in. He has no interest in others and is firmly convinced that nobody has any interest in him either. His story begins when he stumbles across a handwritten book, titled "Living with Dying." He soon identifies it as a secret diary belonging to his popular, bubbly classmate Sakura Yamauchi. She then confides in him about the pancreatic disease she is suffering from and that her time left is finite. Only her family knows about her terminal illness; not even her best friends are aware. Despite this revelation, he shows zero sympathy for her plight, but caught in the waves of Sakura's persistent buoyancy, he eventually concedes to accompanying her for her remaining days. -- -- As the pair of polar opposites interact, their connection strengthens, interweaving through their choices made with each passing day. Her apparent nonchalance and unpredictability disrupts the protagonist's impassive flow of life, gradually opening his heart as he discovers and embraces the true meaning of living. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Sep 1, 2018 -- 499,135 8.59
Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya -- -- Toei Animation -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya -- Zeus had a daughter named Athena, the goddess of war. A group of youths flocked to Athena fighting to protect her amidst heroic battles as her "Saints". Their proof of being a Saint laid with the battle protector known as Sacred Cloth. -- -- After a virtual eternity, a new struggle is about to unfold now again over the Cloth. A boy named Seiya has crossed way over to Greece to undergo the training to become a Saint and obtained the Cloth, Bronze cloth, the lowest position among Saints. Every Saint takes a constellation as their tutelary god. And Seiya's guardian star is Pegasus. Now, the saints gather together from all over the world to participate in the "Galatic War" - championship of Saints, aiming at the Gold Cloth, the symbol of ruler of the Saints. The curtain for Galatic War has been cut open. During the death battle between the Saints, Phoenix, the Black Saint, suddenly appeared on the scene and runs off with Gold Cloth in front of a full house in his ambition to become ruler of the world. Seiya and his fellow bronze cloth warriors go after Phoenix and his "Shadow Army" to retrieve the lost Gold Cloth... -- -- The battles waged among the saints, the strongest young men on earth, begin now! -- -- (Source: Toei Animation) -- ONA - Jul 19, 2019 -- 13,627 5.11
Koihime†Musou -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Adventure Historical Ecchi Martial Arts Fantasy -- Koihime†Musou Koihime†Musou -- After witnessing the death of her family at the hands of bandits, Unchou Kan'u has devoted her life to protecting the innocent by exterminating any group of bandits she comes across. Over time, Kan'u's deeds become famous throughout the land—even if she herself remains unknown. During her travels, she runs across a young girl, Chouhi Yokutoku, whose parents suffered a similar fate as Kan'u's. Finding companionship through their similar pasts, the two girls take a vow of sisterhood and continue to wander the land, determined to bring peace to wherever their journey takes them. -- -- During Kan'u and Chouhi's journey, they meet and travel with several people who are sympathetic to their cause, such as the noble Chouun Shiryuu, the headstrong Bachou Mouki, and the calculating Shokatsuryou Koumei. From problems with local lords to groups of ravaging bandits, Kan'u and her friends do what they can to make life a little easier for those in need, wherever they may be. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 42,705 6.75
Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:3 Ghost Tears -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Police Psychological Mecha -- Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:3 Ghost Tears Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:3 Ghost Tears -- Third movie of Ghost in the Shell: Arise. -- -- Motoko and Batou work to try to stop a terrorist organization whose symbol is the Scylla. Meanwhile, Togusa investigates a murder of a man who possessed a prosthetic leg manufactured by the Mermaid's Leg corporation. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jun 28, 2014 -- 38,366 7.37
Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic -- The young Earl Ciel Phantomhive—the Queen's Guard Dog—is once again called to investigate seemingly supernatural phenomena when news of miraculous resurrections begins to surface in Victorian London. Along with Sebastian Michaelis, his demon butler, they board the luxury cruise liner Campania to investigate rumors of the Aurora Society—a medical organization suspected of experimenting on the dead. -- -- Grim reapers begin to appear on the ship, and it becomes apparent that the ship is about to be overrun with the undead as a devious plan is put into motion. Ciel and Sebastian must now uncover the secrets that lie behind the Aurora Society's phoenix symbol, and with the help of some old acquaintances, return the undead to their coffins or share a watery grave. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jan 21, 2017 -- 141,317 8.26
Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic -- The young Earl Ciel Phantomhive—the Queen's Guard Dog—is once again called to investigate seemingly supernatural phenomena when news of miraculous resurrections begins to surface in Victorian London. Along with Sebastian Michaelis, his demon butler, they board the luxury cruise liner Campania to investigate rumors of the Aurora Society—a medical organization suspected of experimenting on the dead. -- -- Grim reapers begin to appear on the ship, and it becomes apparent that the ship is about to be overrun with the undead as a devious plan is put into motion. Ciel and Sebastian must now uncover the secrets that lie behind the Aurora Society's phoenix symbol, and with the help of some old acquaintances, return the undead to their coffins or share a watery grave. -- -- Movie - Jan 21, 2017 -- 141,317 8.26
Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora -- -- TNK -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Magic Romance Shounen -- Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora -- Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora revolves around the life of Kuu Shiratori, a seemingly normal high school girl who enjoys her school life in the giant city Academia, which is thought of as a symbol of recovery for humanity since already ten years have passed since the greatest disaster mankind had ever seen, occurred. Kuu has recently been having a recurring dream where a prince meets her and takes her away. One day, while all the students at her school are preparing for the upcoming school festival, the prince, whom she has met several times in her dreams, appears. The prince, Kyoshiro Ayanokoji, requests of her just as he had done in Kuu's dreams, "Let's go... together..." -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 38,528 6.47
Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora -- -- TNK -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Magic Romance Shounen -- Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora -- Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora revolves around the life of Kuu Shiratori, a seemingly normal high school girl who enjoys her school life in the giant city Academia, which is thought of as a symbol of recovery for humanity since already ten years have passed since the greatest disaster mankind had ever seen, occurred. Kuu has recently been having a recurring dream where a prince meets her and takes her away. One day, while all the students at her school are preparing for the upcoming school festival, the prince, whom she has met several times in her dreams, appears. The prince, Kyoshiro Ayanokoji, requests of her just as he had done in Kuu's dreams, "Let's go... together..." -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 38,528 6.47
Love Lab -- -- Doga Kobo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School -- Love Lab Love Lab -- At Fujisaki Girls Academy, student council president Natsuo Maki is the epitome of grace and perfection, admired by all the young girls who attend the school. One day, Riko Kurahashi walks into the student council room on an errand, only to discover Natsuo practicing her kissing techniques on a pillow, an act that is neither graceful nor elegant. Riko soon discovers that Natsuo desires more romance in her life, leading her to practice "romantic situations" in secret. -- -- Sympathizing with her, Riko agrees to help Natsuo with her love research. Named "Love Lab," the project practices the essentials of love and romance, such as bumping into each other "accidentally" and holding hands. Soon, the entire student council joins in on the fun in the Love Lab too! Through their research and real life encounters, what will they learn about romance? -- -- Weaving together funny characters and comedic situations, Love Lab builds a story of friendship and romance, while never missing a beat with the laughter. -- -- 164,263 7.35
Loveless -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama Romance Fantasy Josei Shounen Ai -- Loveless Loveless -- In the world of Loveless, each person is born with cat ears and a tail, which disappear only if that person engages in a sexual intercourse. Because of this, they have come to symbolize virginity and innocence. Additionally, fighting is only done by "fighting pairs" or couples, where one is known as the Sacrifice and the other as the Fighter. The first receives the damage while the latter attacks. -- -- Ritsuka Aoyagi is a 12-year-old boy, who for some unknown reason suffers from amnesia. His brother got killed recently, and as if his life has not been hard enough lately, on his first day at the new school he gets approached by a stranger called Agatsuma Soubi, who claims to have known his late brother. Ritsuka finds out that Agatsuma and his brother used to be a fighting pair, and that Agatsuma has inherited Ritsuga now that his brother is gone. Together, they try to find the truth behind his brother's death and the organization known as the "Seven Moons," which may have been responsible for it. All the while, it seems that Ritsuka and Agatsuma are becoming closer than they intended to be… -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Apr 7, 2005 -- 123,001 6.84
Loveless -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama Romance Fantasy Josei Shounen Ai -- Loveless Loveless -- In the world of Loveless, each person is born with cat ears and a tail, which disappear only if that person engages in a sexual intercourse. Because of this, they have come to symbolize virginity and innocence. Additionally, fighting is only done by "fighting pairs" or couples, where one is known as the Sacrifice and the other as the Fighter. The first receives the damage while the latter attacks. -- -- Ritsuka Aoyagi is a 12-year-old boy, who for some unknown reason suffers from amnesia. His brother got killed recently, and as if his life has not been hard enough lately, on his first day at the new school he gets approached by a stranger called Agatsuma Soubi, who claims to have known his late brother. Ritsuka finds out that Agatsuma and his brother used to be a fighting pair, and that Agatsuma has inherited Ritsuga now that his brother is gone. Together, they try to find the truth behind his brother's death and the organization known as the "Seven Moons," which may have been responsible for it. All the while, it seems that Ritsuka and Agatsuma are becoming closer than they intended to be… -- TV - Apr 7, 2005 -- 123,001 6.84
Manyuu Hikenchou -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Historical Ecchi Samurai Seinen -- Manyuu Hikenchou Manyuu Hikenchou -- The Edo period of Japan gave rise to a clan of warriors with a very specialized, magical skill. The clan was known as the Manyuu, and the skill was the ability to administer a sword strike that could shrink the size of a woman's breasts. This might not seem like an ability that could exert power over a land, but in Manyuu Hikenchou, large breasts denote status, wealth, fame, and influence. -- -- Grave concern has arisen in the Manyuu clan due to the actions of their chosen successor, Chifusa. Disgusted with the breast obsessed society that the Manyuu have created and perpetuated, Chifusa has not only deserted the clan, but also stolen the sacred scroll that details their techniques to growing and severing breasts. -- -- Fortunately, Chifusa is not completely alone. Her fellow warrior Kaede is sympathetic to her cause; a sympathy that could place her in considerable danger. Now wanted by the very clan that raised her, Chifusa must defend her life and Kaede's while seeking to undo the damage their brethren have done to the land. Along the way, Chifusa will discover that she harbors a power that goes far beyond the scope of her training, one that could help shape and change the land that she seeks to bring equality to. -- 61,109 6.22
Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Drama Romance School -- Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers -- When boys suddenly get into places where they've never been allowed before, some girls tend to get upset. So when the decision is made to merge the elite Yuihime Girls' Private Academy and the coeducational Kagamidai Private Academy, everyone wants to take extra care in avoiding trouble while bringing the two Privates together. Therefore, rather than just bringing the Kagamidai boys into the Yuihime girls' school all at once, a plan is concocted in which a group of test males will be inserted into the Girls' Private Academy first. -- -- Thus, poor young Shingo finds himself being thrown as a sacrificial lamb to the lionesses of Yuihime, who aren't exactly waiting for him with open arms. Will Shingo manage to survive the estrogen soaked death pit that is Yuihime? Can the girls learn to be more receptive to the boys? And just how long until something involving panties will cause emotions to flare, sparks to fly and the battle of the sexes to explode? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 132,505 7.09
Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Historical Mystery Seinen Slice of Life Supernatural -- Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season -- Ghostly, primordial beings known as Mushi continue to cause mysterious changes in the lives of humans. The travelling Mushishi, Ginko, persists in trying to set right the strange and unsettling situations he encounters. Time loops, living shadows, and telepathy are among the overt effects of interference from Mushi, but more subtle symptoms that take years to be noticed also rouse Ginko's concern as he passes from village to village. -- -- Through circumstance, Ginko has become an arbiter, determining which Mushi are blessings and which are curses. But the lines that he seeks to draw are subjective. Some of his patients would rather exercise their new powers until they are utterly consumed by them; others desperately strive to rid themselves of afflictions which are in fact protecting their lives from devastation. Those who cross paths with Mushi must learn to accept seemingly impossible consequences for their actions, and heal wounds they did not know they had. Otherwise, they risk meeting with fates beyond their comprehension. -- -- 206,606 8.76
Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Historical Mystery Seinen Slice of Life Supernatural -- Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season -- Ghostly, primordial beings known as Mushi continue to cause mysterious changes in the lives of humans. The travelling Mushishi, Ginko, persists in trying to set right the strange and unsettling situations he encounters. Time loops, living shadows, and telepathy are among the overt effects of interference from Mushi, but more subtle symptoms that take years to be noticed also rouse Ginko's concern as he passes from village to village. -- -- Through circumstance, Ginko has become an arbiter, determining which Mushi are blessings and which are curses. But the lines that he seeks to draw are subjective. Some of his patients would rather exercise their new powers until they are utterly consumed by them; others desperately strive to rid themselves of afflictions which are in fact protecting their lives from devastation. Those who cross paths with Mushi must learn to accept seemingly impossible consequences for their actions, and heal wounds they did not know they had. Otherwise, they risk meeting with fates beyond their comprehension. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 206,606 8.76
Mushishi Zoku Shou -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Mystery Historical Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mushishi Zoku Shou Mushishi Zoku Shou -- Perceived as strange and feared by man, over time the misshapen ones came to be known as Mushi. Although they harbor no ill intentions towards humans, many suffer from the side effects of their existence and strange nature; exploiting the Mushi without understanding them, even unintentionally, can lead to disaster and strife for any involved. Mushishi Zoku Shou continues the story of Mushishi Ginko on his journey to help the visible world to coexist with the Mushi. -- -- During his travels, Ginko discovers various gifted individuals—those cursed by circumstance and those maintaining a fragile symbiosis with the Mushi—inevitably confronting the question of whether humanity, talented and tortured alike, can manage the responsibility of the unseen. Moreover, as a Mushishi, Ginko must learn more about these strange beings and decide if he has the right to interfere with the complex relationships between Mushi and mankind. -- -- 235,521 8.72
Mushishi Zoku Shou -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Mystery Historical Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mushishi Zoku Shou Mushishi Zoku Shou -- Perceived as strange and feared by man, over time the misshapen ones came to be known as Mushi. Although they harbor no ill intentions towards humans, many suffer from the side effects of their existence and strange nature; exploiting the Mushi without understanding them, even unintentionally, can lead to disaster and strife for any involved. Mushishi Zoku Shou continues the story of Mushishi Ginko on his journey to help the visible world to coexist with the Mushi. -- -- During his travels, Ginko discovers various gifted individuals—those cursed by circumstance and those maintaining a fragile symbiosis with the Mushi—inevitably confronting the question of whether humanity, talented and tortured alike, can manage the responsibility of the unseen. Moreover, as a Mushishi, Ginko must learn more about these strange beings and decide if he has the right to interfere with the complex relationships between Mushi and mankind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 235,521 8.72
Nodame Cantabile OVA -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Josei Music Romance Slice of Life -- Nodame Cantabile OVA Nodame Cantabile OVA -- Yukihisa Matsuda, principal conductor of the Rising Star Orchestra, arrives in Paris to perform Wagner's Tannhäuser Overture as a guest conductor for the Recyl Symphony Orchestra. When Matsuda overhears the orchestra members praising Shinichi Chiaki, the budding Japanese conductor of the Roux-Marlet Orchestra, he can barely contain his contempt at there being another "Black-Haired Noble" in the same city. Freshly dumped by his mistress following the performance, Matsuda catches Chiaki and takes him out to drink under the pretense of discussing career. But much to Chiaki's chagrin, the subject soon turns to Chiaki's own special someone. -- -- OVA - Aug 10, 2009 -- 24,910 7.47
Persona: Trinity Soul -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power -- Persona: Trinity Soul Persona: Trinity Soul -- The stage is Ayanagi City, a city near the Japan Sea. It is a futuristic city that was built to carry out the recovery from the calamity caused by the "Apathy Syndrome" ten years previous. High school student Shin Kanzato with his little brother Jun, meet with their elder brother Ryou, who is the chief of the Ayanagi City Police, again after ten years. At that time, a series of strange incidents happen in Ayanagi City such as the crew of a submarine that suddenly disappears while in their submarine, or a spiritless symptom which disturbs the world after ten years, or the case of the inside out corpse where a student took on a cruel appearance. Ryou tracks down the organization behind the string of incidents, and having become involved in the incidents, Shin awakens the "Persona." -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- TV - Jan 5, 2008 -- 71,854 6.57
Renmei Kuugun Koukuu Mahou Ongakutai Luminous Witches -- -- Shaft -- ? eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Music Magic Ecchi -- Renmei Kuugun Koukuu Mahou Ongakutai Luminous Witches Renmei Kuugun Koukuu Mahou Ongakutai Luminous Witches -- These are witches who defend everyone's smiles and fight enemies through the healing power of music. These witches, opposite of those in the defense fleet, are idols known as the Music Squadron. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 5,971 N/A -- -- Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi - Set a Thief to Catch a Thief -- -- M.S.C -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Military Harem Historical Romance Fantasy Josei -- Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi - Set a Thief to Catch a Thief Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi - Set a Thief to Catch a Thief -- It has been a month since London was struck with tragedy, and a ceremony symbolizing peace and restoration will soon be held. In light of these events, Arsène Lupin plans to throw a party for Cardia Beckford to honor the fulfillment of her wish. Lupin sets out on a search for the perfect gift to offer her; however, he finds himself caught up in the theft of a valuable jewel, and he is framed and believed to be the culprit. With Lupin locked behind bars, his friends work along with Cardia and an unexpected ally to clear Lupin's name and find the real perpetrators behind the heist. -- -- OVA - May 17, 2018 -- 5,867 6.74
Sakura Trick -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Seinen Shoujo Ai -- Sakura Trick Sakura Trick -- Having been best friends since middle school, Haruka Takayama and Yuu Sonoda plan to attend Misato West High School together. However, despite being assigned to the same class, a cruel twist of fate has them seated on the opposite ends of their classroom! To make matters worse, their school will shut down in three years, making them the final intake of first-year students. Undeterred by this chain of unfortunate events, Haruka is set on sticking with Yuu, striving to create many wonderful memories with her. -- -- Much to Haruka's jealousy however, Yuu's easygoing demeanor quickly attracts the attention of their female classmates. Sympathizing with her friend's growing insecurity, Yuu ends up sharing a deep, affectionate kiss with her in an empty classroom. The act intensifies their bond as "special friends," gradually revealing a different aspect to their unique friendship while also inviting new conflicts. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 10, 2014 -- 215,977 7.00
Sakura Trick -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Seinen Shoujo Ai -- Sakura Trick Sakura Trick -- Having been best friends since middle school, Haruka Takayama and Yuu Sonoda plan to attend Misato West High School together. However, despite being assigned to the same class, a cruel twist of fate has them seated on the opposite ends of their classroom! To make matters worse, their school will shut down in three years, making them the final intake of first-year students. Undeterred by this chain of unfortunate events, Haruka is set on sticking with Yuu, striving to create many wonderful memories with her. -- -- Much to Haruka's jealousy however, Yuu's easygoing demeanor quickly attracts the attention of their female classmates. Sympathizing with her friend's growing insecurity, Yuu ends up sharing a deep, affectionate kiss with her in an empty classroom. The act intensifies their bond as "special friends," gradually revealing a different aspect to their unique friendship while also inviting new conflicts. -- -- TV - Jan 10, 2014 -- 215,977 7.00
Scared Rider Xechs -- -- Satelight -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Adventure Harem Romance -- Scared Rider Xechs Scared Rider Xechs -- The Blue World, which symbolizes reason, is under constant attack by the creatures called the Nightfly O'Note originating from the Red World, symbolizing instinct. Akira Asagi, the 17-year-old protagonist who is a researcher at Blue World, is nominated to lead the war at Ryuukyuu LAG, a proud defense facility on the islands of Ishigaki and Iriomote. She meets the sixth combat unit "IS," which was formed four years after a fierce battle that annihilated the fifth unit. Akari must lead these six riders, also called the Scared Rider Xechs, to fight against the other world while at the same time deepening the relationship among them. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 18,649 5.27
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai -- -- CloverWorks -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Supernatural Drama Romance School -- Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai -- The rare and inexplicable Puberty Syndrome is thought of as a myth. It is a rare disease which only affects teenagers, and its symptoms are so supernatural that hardly anyone recognizes it as a legitimate occurrence. However, high school student Sakuta Azusagawa knows from personal experience that it is very much real, and happens to be quite prevalent in his school. -- -- Mai Sakurajima is a third-year high school student who gained fame in her youth as a child actress, but recently halted her promising career for reasons unknown to the public. With an air of unapproachability, she is well known throughout the school, but none dare interact with her—that is until Sakuta sees her wandering the library in a bunny girl costume. Despite the getup, no one seems to notice her, and after confronting her, he realizes that she is another victim of Puberty Syndrome. As Sakuta tries to help Mai through her predicament, his actions bring him into contact with more girls afflicted with the elusive disease. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,045,880 8.35
Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Music Sci-Fi -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ -- Hibiki Tachibana has defeated many powerful enemies, saved countless innocent lives, and escaped from numerous desperate situations, but she is currently finding herself unable to escape from her most desperate situation yet—summer homework! Although her high school life is relatively unremarkable, her career as a member of the military organization S.O.N.G. is anything but. Using powerful, ancient armor known as Symphogear, Hibiki and her teammates work with the United Nations to deal with international disputes and disasters. -- -- During a mission briefing at headquarters, Hibiki is made aware of a mysterious organization known as the Bavarian Illuminati, who has been responsible for several major disasters in the past and currently operate in the war-torn country Val Verde. Together, Hibiki and her team infiltrate one of the Bavarian Illuminati's manufacturing plants and free hundreds of slaves. Exposed, alchemists Saint-Germain, Cagliostro, and Prelati reveal themselves as the organization's top brass, and—using alchemical powers—declare a global revolution while sacrificing thousands of lives. Faced with yet another threat to the world's survival, Hibiki and her allies must confront the Bavarian Illuminati in their most difficult and destructive battle yet. -- -- 28,551 7.59
Senki Zesshou Symphogear -- -- Encourage Films, Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Music -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear Senki Zesshou Symphogear -- Tsubasa Kazanari and Kanade Amou—the idol duo known as Zwei Wing—use their songs to power ancient weapons known as "symphogears" to combat a deadly alien race called the "Noise." While the general public is aware of the Noise's existence, knowledge of the symphogears are kept a secret. When the Noise attack one of Zwei Wing's concerts, Kanade sacrifices herself to protect a young girl named Hibiki Tachibana, leaving Tsubasa devastated and a fragment of her symphogear embedded within Hibiki. -- -- Two years pass and Hibiki is once again dragged into a Noise attack. While rescuing a young girl who has been left behind during the evacuation, she awakens the power of Kanade's symphogear lying within her. Although Tsubasa still grieves over the loss of Kanade, both girls must now learn to work together using their powers to defend humanity against the Noise. -- -- 97,499 7.02
Senki Zesshou Symphogear -- -- Encourage Films, Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Music -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear Senki Zesshou Symphogear -- Tsubasa Kazanari and Kanade Amou—the idol duo known as Zwei Wing—use their songs to power ancient weapons known as "symphogears" to combat a deadly alien race called the "Noise." While the general public is aware of the Noise's existence, knowledge of the symphogears are kept a secret. When the Noise attack one of Zwei Wing's concerts, Kanade sacrifices herself to protect a young girl named Hibiki Tachibana, leaving Tsubasa devastated and a fragment of her symphogear embedded within Hibiki. -- -- Two years pass and Hibiki is once again dragged into a Noise attack. While rescuing a young girl who has been left behind during the evacuation, she awakens the power of Kanade's symphogear lying within her. Although Tsubasa still grieves over the loss of Kanade, both girls must now learn to work together using their powers to defend humanity against the Noise. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 97,499 7.02
Senki Zesshou Symphogear G -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Music Sci-Fi -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear G Senki Zesshou Symphogear G -- Three months after a Lunar Attack which nearly caused Earth's destruction, Hibiki Tachibana, Tsubasa Kazanari, and Chris Yukine continue to fight the Noise—a mysterious alien threat—using powerful armor known as Symphogear. After defending an American convoy from a Noise attack, Hibiki and Chris race toward the Queens of Music concert hall to attend one of Tsubasa's concerts. -- -- Meanwhile, Tsubasa and rising international superstar Maria Cadenzavna Eve deliver an amazing performance that is broadcast throughout the entire world. Just as the concert is about to conclude, a group of Noise suddenly appear, plunging the hall into chaos. Amidst the panic, Maria declares war against the world as the successor of Finé—Chris' former mistress—and her allies Kirika Akatsuki and Shirabe Tsukuyomi reveal Symphogear powers of their own. After initiating a skirmish with Tsubasa and her teammates, they retreat mysteriously, leaving the three friends bewildered as to what their true intentions could be. -- -- 50,142 7.46
Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Music Sci-Fi -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX -- Following the events of Senki Zesshou Symphogear G, Hibiki Tachibana, Tsubasa Kazanari, and Chris Yukine continue to operate under the command of Genjuurou Kazanari. Meanwhile, Maria Cadenzavna Eve, Kirika Akatsuki, and Shirabe Tsukuyomi are taken into protective custody. With peace restored, everyone returns to their daily lives; however, the appearance of the alchemist Carol Malus Dienheim and her subordinates—the "Autoscorers"—threatens to draw everyone back into a conflict. -- -- Armed with a strange and magical power, Carol wishes to initiate the apocalypse and bring destruction to the world... and she is willing to sacrifice everything to do so. Against this mysterious new foe, the six Symphogear wielders must rise to the challenge in order to protect what they hold dear. However, will Carol and her Autoscorers prove to be too much to handle in this fight to protect the fate of the world? -- -- 38,803 7.42
Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Music Sci-Fi -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV -- Humanity is finally confronted with the threat of the Custodians—the ancient, sentient species held responsible for cursing humanity to speak different languages thousands of years ago. The Symphogear wielders—Hibiki Tachibana, Tsubasa Kazanari, Chris Yukine, Maria Cadenzavna Eve, Kirika Akatsuki, and Shirabe Tsukuyomi—are sent to the Antarctic in order to retrieve an ancient relic. After securing it and rescuing the scientific staff present there from a Coffin, the automated defense mechanism protecting it, the relic is given to American researchers due to international agreements. -- -- The criminal organization Noble Red, a remnant of the previously fought Bavarian Illuminati, starts targeting the relic. Will the Symphogear wielders and their supporting organization S.O.N.G. be able to foil the plans of the organizations conspiring against them? -- -- 29,286 8.19
Sentou Mecha Xabungle -- -- Sunrise -- 50 eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Mecha Shounen -- Sentou Mecha Xabungle Sentou Mecha Xabungle -- On the planet Zora exist two societies: the Innocent, an advanced culture that lives in domed cities, and the Civilians, who are forced to live in the harsh desert wilderness. As dictated by the Innocent, any Civilian that commits a crime is forgiven if they are not brought to justice within three days. -- -- Civilian Jiron Amos seeks revenge on the villainous outlaw Timp Sharon who murdered his parents, despite the fact the three-day period has long since passed. Hoping to get his revenge by stealing the mecha Xabungle from the merchant Carrying Cargo, Jiron teams up with a group of bandits known as the Sandrats and kidnaps Cargo's daughter Elchi, who ends up being sympathetic to his cause. Jiron's quest for revenge soon grows into a conflict much bigger—one that will eventually see the Civilians rise up against the Innocents' rule. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- TV - Feb 6, 1982 -- 3,947 7.20
Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng -- -- - -- 13 eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi -- Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng -- In the year 2200, a new Cold War between two forces is set to end with a peace treaty. However, one side is hiding a dark secret, which results in numerous tragedies in the following months. In the wake of a crisis, a paramilitary team is founded to steal information at the center of the conflict. -- ONA - Mar 30, 2016 -- 553 N/A -- -- Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 -- -- I.Gzwei, Production I.G -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama Mecha -- Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 -- Episodes 10-12 of the Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond series. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 542 N/A -- -- Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 -- The doujin (self-published) creators of the Koutetsu no Vendetta (Iron Vendetta) military robot anime project released a preview DVD at Tokyo's Comic Market 75 convention. The DVD included the unedited versions of the project's pilot film, special supplemental videos, and a collection of key animation drawings. The running times of the pilot and the supplemental video collection are each under five minutes long. -- -- Note: The project is on hold due to the dissolution of the production division of its sponsor Ankama Japan. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- ONA - Feb 22, 2013 -- 509 N/A -- -- Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi -- -- - -- 32 eps -- - -- Military Historical -- Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi -- Squirrel and Hedgehog documents various animal communities warring and in conflict against one another, each animal being a symbolic representation of real life countries and sometimes political events. -- -- A North Korean propaganda anime that was developed and produced in North Korea to be aired on state television. -- TV - ??? ??, 1977 -- 475 N/AAoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Drama Historical Military -- Aoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi Aoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi -- A class of Japanese youths volunteer for the war effort during WWII, but then get stranded in Manchuria. -- Movie - Dec 18, 1993 -- 439 N/A -- -- Guan Hai Ce -- -- Tong Ming Xuan -- 16 eps -- Original -- Action Military Historical Martial Arts Fantasy -- Guan Hai Ce Guan Hai Ce -- (No synopsis yet.) -- ONA - Jun 17, 2018 -- 396 N/A -- -- Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- - -- Military Historical -- Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari -- A special which tells the story of the development of the japanese Sourai interceptor plane. -- Special - ??? ??, 1997 -- 392 N/AZhen Gyi Hong Shi -- -- - -- 52 eps -- - -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Mecha -- Zhen Gyi Hong Shi Zhen Gyi Hong Shi -- This series, which is set in the future, is about several events that break out after troops successfully rescued a teenager who was kidnapped by the mysterious Black Armors. -- Ever since Marty had his first contact with the Black Armors and was subsequently rescued, he has been found to possess mysterious prophetic abilities as he is able to see the future in fragmented visions portraying an avalanche, a tsunami, a storm and other catastrophes. These disasters will always come true after Marty experiences the prophetic visions, but he is unable to predict accurately when and where they will occur. -- When the government learns about this, a unit is sent to protect Marty, and World Peacekeepers, abbreviated as WPK, is established to fight against the Black Armors. In order to defeat the Black Armors, the government grants permission for World Peacekeepers to use Ammobots – mechanical armors which have been developed over many years. -- -- After several battles with the Black Armors, the World Peacekeepers realizes that they are actually linked to the unusual natural disasters and discovers that they originate from a small planet called Mirzam, which is outside the solar system. -- -- Their real intention is to seize the abundant ecological resources on Earth and when these resources are seized, the ecosystem will lose its balance, thus leading to natural disasters. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- TV - Oct 4, 2014 -- 389 N/A -- -- Spy Gekimetsu -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military Historical -- Spy Gekimetsu Spy Gekimetsu -- A war propaganda film which begins with Roosevelt and Churchill in a secret meeting preparing their spy plans. Western spies in fancy suits and top hats parachute into Japan, disturbing innocent farmers. The Japanese civilians manage to thwart the spy activities. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Jul 16, 1942 -- 351 N/A -- -- Malay Oki Kaisen -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Historical Military -- Malay Oki Kaisen Malay Oki Kaisen -- A war propaganda film by Oofuji Noburou. -- Movie - Nov 26, 1943 -- 345 5.42
Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru -- On a whim, first-year Ayumu Tanaka quits the Kendo Club to join the illegitimate Shogi Club. Urushi Yaotome, the president of the club and a master of shogi, is thrilled to finally have a playing partner. As Ayumu's upperclassman, Urushi endeavors to be his shogi mentor and student role model. Too often, however, she finds herself blushing with embarrassment! Stone-faced and honest, Ayumu sees no issue with calling Urushi "cute." Although Ayumu likes her, he refrains from confessing and promises himself to first beat her in a game of shogi. -- -- Through school life and shogi games, the two students have many hilarious and heart-warming adventures. Ayumu enjoys every second with Urushi, but he is still a long way from beating her in shogi. With the commitment he made to himself, will Ayumu ever get the chance to confess his feelings to Urushi? -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2022 -- 8,907 N/A -- -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear G: Senki Zesshou Shinai Symphogear -- -- Satelight -- 2 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear G: Senki Zesshou Shinai Symphogear Senki Zesshou Symphogear G: Senki Zesshou Shinai Symphogear -- Original short episodes featuring characters in super-deformed style. -- Special - Feb 5, 2014 -- 8,885 6.85
Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- "There's no way to beat this game. The only difference is when and where you die..." -- -- One month has passed since Akihiko Kayaba's deadly game began, and the body count continues to rise. Two thousand players are already dead. -- -- Kirito and Asuna are two very different people, but they both desire to fight alone. Nonetheless, they find themselves drawn together to face challenges from both within and without. Given that the entire virtual world they now live in has been created as a deathtrap, the surviving players of Sword Art Online are starting to get desperate, and desperation makes them dangerous to loners like Kirito and Asuna. As it becomes clear that solitude equals suicide, will the two be able to overcome their differences to find the strength to believe in each other, and in so doing survive? -- -- Sword Art Online: Progressive is a new version of the Sword Art Online tale that starts at the beginning of Kirito and Asuna's epic adventure—on the very first level of the deadly world of Aincrad! -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 94,949 N/A -- -- Chihayafuru 3 -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Game Slice of Life Sports Drama School Josei -- Chihayafuru 3 Chihayafuru 3 -- Winning the high school team tournament was a great accomplishment for the Mizusawa members. Each of them has made great strides in improving themselves, and the victory symbolizes how far they've come. But after accomplishing one goal, their individual aims are within reach. Chihaya Ayase has her sights set on Wakamiya Shinobu and the title of Queen, and now that Taichi Mashima has made it into Class A, he can finally compete against Arata Wataya. Everyone in Mizusawa wants to get better, and there's no telling what the future holds if they keep trying. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 94,380 8.50
Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sekai Tougou-hen -- -- ufotable -- 3 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Martial Arts Fantasy -- Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sekai Tougou-hen Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sekai Tougou-hen -- The third and final OVA series concluding the story of Tales of Symphonia: The Animation. -- OVA - Nov 23, 2011 -- 21,594 7.46
Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sylvarant-hen -- -- ufotable -- 4 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Martial Arts Fantasy -- Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sylvarant-hen Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sylvarant-hen -- Two worlds exist, both unaware of the existance of the other. In order for one world to flourish, the other will have to perish. On the perishing world, a Chosen one is sent on a journey to restore that world's mana by awakening the Spirits and becoming an angel. Colette Brunel, the Chosen of Sylvarant, sets out on her journey accompanied by her best friends Lloyd Irving and Genis Sage. As they travel further they meet more friends and even more enemies, while they learn more and more about the truth behind the World Regeneration. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Jun 8, 2007 -- 47,617 7.17
Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Tethe'alla-hen -- -- ufotable -- 4 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Martial Arts Fantasy -- Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Tethe'alla-hen Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Tethe'alla-hen -- The second arc of Tales of Symphonia that takes place in the flourishing world of Tethe'alla. This OVA takes place up to two-thirds of the game, prior to the Derris-Kharlan arc. -- OVA - Mar 25, 2010 -- 28,784 7.49
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken -- -- 8bit -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Magic Fantasy -- Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken -- Thirty-seven-year-old Satoru Mikami is a typical corporate worker, who is perfectly content with his monotonous lifestyle in Tokyo, other than failing to nail down a girlfriend even once throughout his life. In the midst of a casual encounter with his colleague, he falls victim to a random assailant on the streets and is stabbed. However, while succumbing to his injuries, a peculiar voice echoes in his mind, and recites a bunch of commands which the dying man cannot make sense of. -- -- When Satoru regains consciousness, he discovers that he has reincarnated as a goop of slime in an unfamiliar realm. In doing so, he acquires newfound skills—notably, the power to devour anything and mimic its appearance and abilities. He then stumbles upon the sealed Catastrophe-level monster "Storm Dragon" Veldora who had been sealed away for the past 300 years for devastating a town to ashes. Sympathetic to his predicament, Satoru befriends him, promising to assist in destroying the seal. In return, Veldora bestows upon him the name Rimuru Tempest to grant him divine protection. -- -- Now, liberated from the mundanities of his past life, Rimuru embarks on a fresh journey with a distinct goal in mind. As he grows accustomed to his new physique, his gooey antics ripple throughout the world, gradually altering his fate. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 823,286 8.08
TO -- -- - -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Space Drama Seinen -- TO TO -- Elliptical Orbit: -- Fifteen years after its last contact with our world, a space freighter known as the Flying Dutchman requests permission to dock at a remote moon base. This mysterious ship carries liquid protons: a power source essential to the survival of Earth’s population. But before the precious cargo can be delivered, the base is ambushed by galactic terrorists who seek to destroy the new form of energy and issue a death sentence to all of humanity. -- -- -- Symbiotic Planet: -- Against a backdrop of intergalactic colonization and bizarre alien life forms, Aon and Elena – star-crossed lovers from rival countries competing for valuable natural resources – struggle to build a life together despite the objections of their superiors. Their budding romance is thwarted by an outbreak of alien fungus and the interference of a cutthroat militaristic madman. To survive, the young couple must maintain their faith in each other and learn to trust the unique creatures which inhabit this strange and wondrous new world. -- -- (Source: Funimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Oct 2, 2009 -- 5,096 6.39
Uchi no Ko no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamo Shirenai. -- -- Maho Film -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy Slice of Life -- Uchi no Ko no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamo Shirenai. Uchi no Ko no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamo Shirenai. -- Eighteen-year-old Dale Reki is a skilled, kind, and respected traveller, acknowledged as one of the leading adventurers in the city of Kreuz. One day while on the hunt for magical beasts, he comes across a sweet devil girl named Latina. She is alone, dressed in rags, and bears the devils' symbol of a criminal: a broken horn. Concerned for her wellbeing, Dale decides to ensure Latina's safety by bringing her to his home, eventually leading to him adopting her. -- -- Latina is sweet, innocent and compassionate, charming Dale beyond his expectations. He begins to enjoy the life of parenthood— experiencing the trials that come with raising a child and coping with the heartache he feels whenever his busy lifestyle as an adventurer parts him from her. -- -- Although work and life as a new parent become reassuring constants for Dale, the mysteries surrounding the girl remain. Why was Latina alone in the forest, and why does she harbor the symbol of a criminal? At the same time, Latina also begins to learn about the world and herself as she adjusts to her new life with Dale. -- -- 138,657 7.05
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby (TV) Season 2 -- -- Studio Kai -- 13 eps -- Game -- Comedy Slice of Life Sports -- Uma Musume: Pretty Derby (TV) Season 2 Uma Musume: Pretty Derby (TV) Season 2 -- Within the horse-racing world, the horse girls of Team Spica have been gaining popularity as they continue to rack up victories. The one receiving the most attention in the group is Toukai Teiou, known for her cheerful personality and exceptional running skills. Teiou aims to become an undefeated Triple Crown horse girl by winning all three G1 races consecutively, a feat that has not been accomplished since the legendary Symbolic Rudolf managed to do so many years ago. -- -- On her path to obtaining the Triple Crown, Teiou is met with many challenges, encountering both old and new rivals. Amidst her fierce rivalries, however, Teiou is soon confronted with decisions that will leave a huge impact on her very own racing career. -- -- 21,627 7.91
Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone. -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Ecchi Harem Romance -- Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone. Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone. -- Haruka and Sora Kasugano are coming home, to a place filled with memories. -- -- Having lost their parents in a tragic car accident, the twins resolve to return to the countryside and start life anew at their grandfather's house, the haunt a constant reminder of moments from their past. Greeting them are childhood friends Nao Yorihime and Akira Amatsume, and newcomer Kazuha Migiwa. It is a warm welcome, symbolic of the days that should come. -- -- Their peace is merely ephemeral, however, as suppressed emotions, born from vows both newfound and forgotten, start exerting their influence on the twins' new lives. And deep down, a dark secret, only known to them, begins to unshackle. -- -- Based on the visual novel by Sphere, Yosuga no Sora not only explores the power of lost memories and true love when the bonds of many become intertwined, but also raises the questions of morality and social acceptance. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 373,767 6.22
Youjuu Sensen Adventure Kid -- -- - -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Hentai Demons Horror -- Youjuu Sensen Adventure Kid Youjuu Sensen Adventure Kid -- Episode 1: A young man named Norikazu finds a computer from World War II buried in his back garden. When he activates it, he and a girl named Midori are transported to Hell where erotic creatures and monsters of different kinds live. They meet some friends including a sexy elf type woman named Eganko who falls in love with Norikazu, and a perverted monster prince who is soon enslaved by Midori. Using their new friends the pair try to make the dangerous journey back home. -- -- Episode 2: Having made their way back home the adventure duo find the world they knew is gone, and is now ruled by the demonic computer which first sent them to Hell. They travel back in time to World War II Japan in an attempt to stop the world from being changed. Notably, in doing so they witness the atomic bomb being dropped on Hiroshima, and there is an appearance of the Enola Gay, as well as numerous symbols of Japanese culture at the time. -- -- Episode 3: This episode has a humorous love-quadrangle plot, where Eganko comes up with a plan to make Norikazu fall in love with her with a love potion, and simultaneously make Midori fall in love with an egotistical young man from her school. Unsurprisingly their plan backfires and everyone gets what they deserve. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Jul 21, 1992 -- 1,944 5.33
Yozakura Quartet -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Magic Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Yozakura Quartet Yozakura Quartet -- The world of Yozakura Quartet is actually not one, but two worlds: one of humans, and one of youkai. Despite appearing mostly human, youkai may have animal like physical traits, along with a number of special abilities. Normally youkai are confined to their world, but some have found their way into the realm of humanity. As a symbol of peace, and a bridge between the two realms, a city was constructed within the protective barrier of seven magical trees, otherwise known as the Seven Pillars. This city of Sakurashin is home to both humans and youkai, with the peace between them maintained by the Hizumi Life Counseling Office. -- -- The director of this office is Akina Hiizumi, a teenager with the inherited family ability to perform “tuning,” which can send harmful youkai back to their world permanently. He is aided by a group of girls, including the town’s 16 year old youkai mayor, Hime Yarizakura, their town’s announcer and resident telepath, Ao Nanami, and Kotoha Isone, a half-youkai who can summon objects just by stating the object’s name. -- -- As new residents enter and mysterious events begin to take place, this quartet of protectors and their closest friends must continue to guard the city of Sakurashin, and maintain the fragile balance of peace between humans and youkai. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 3, 2008 -- 122,344 6.83
Yozakura Quartet -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Magic Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Yozakura Quartet Yozakura Quartet -- The world of Yozakura Quartet is actually not one, but two worlds: one of humans, and one of youkai. Despite appearing mostly human, youkai may have animal like physical traits, along with a number of special abilities. Normally youkai are confined to their world, but some have found their way into the realm of humanity. As a symbol of peace, and a bridge between the two realms, a city was constructed within the protective barrier of seven magical trees, otherwise known as the Seven Pillars. This city of Sakurashin is home to both humans and youkai, with the peace between them maintained by the Hizumi Life Counseling Office. -- -- The director of this office is Akina Hiizumi, a teenager with the inherited family ability to perform “tuning,” which can send harmful youkai back to their world permanently. He is aided by a group of girls, including the town’s 16 year old youkai mayor, Hime Yarizakura, their town’s announcer and resident telepath, Ao Nanami, and Kotoha Isone, a half-youkai who can summon objects just by stating the object’s name. -- -- As new residents enter and mysterious events begin to take place, this quartet of protectors and their closest friends must continue to guard the city of Sakurashin, and maintain the fragile balance of peace between humans and youkai. -- TV - Oct 3, 2008 -- 122,344 6.83
Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho -- In a world of constant war between humans and witches, there exist the "beastfallen"—cursed humans born with the appearance and strength of an animal. Their physical prowess and bestial nature cause them to be feared and shunned by both humans and witches. As a result, many beastfallen become sellswords, making their living through hunting witches. -- -- Despite the enmity between the races, a lighthearted witch named Zero enlists a beastfallen whom she refers to as "Mercenary" to act as her protector. He travels with Zero and Albus, a young magician, on their search for the Grimoire of Zero: a powerful spell book that could be extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. During their journey, his inner kindness is revealed as he starts to show compassion and sympathy towards humans and witches alike, and the unlikely companions grow together. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 206,628 7.09
Zoids Genesis -- -- Shogakukan Music & Digital Entertainment -- 50 eps -- - -- Action Adventure Comedy Mecha Military -- Zoids Genesis Zoids Genesis -- Natural disasters have devastated planet Zi, killing off almost all life. A thousand years later humans have gradually re-established civilization, salvaging ancient Zoids through diving and mining efforts. In a village whose most previous item is a giant sword which they worship as a holy symbol. A teenage boy discovers an ancient Liger-type Zoid while on a deep water salvage operation. Suddenly the village is attacked by skeletal Bio-Zoids intent on stealing a powerful generator located in the village. Our teenage hero awakens the Liger and discovers that the town`s sacred sword is the Liger`s weapon, together they fight off the mysterious Bio-Zoids. At least for now... -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Apr 10, 2005 -- 13,965 7.23,_can_I_just_symlink_to_the_newer_version?"FAX"_symbol!_Ignore_(90_degrees_rotational_symmetry_-_animated).gif!_Ignore_(90_degrees_rotational_symmetry).png's-dictionary-(4th-edition)-1912-(excerpt).gif,_Wetherby_showing_a_rainbow,_a_symbol_used_by_children_in_self-isolation_during_the_2020_Coronavirus_pandemic_(8th_April_2020).jpg,_Storm_Large_(2013).jpeg""Shall_Nudes_be_Nude_in_Art?""_symposium,_Sunday,_April_20,_(1930)_(NBY_7085).jpg""Shall_Nudes_be_Nude_in_Art?""_symposium,_Sunday,_April_20,_(1930)_(NBY_7086).jpg,_WCTU,_1901-1911_-_Wisconsin_Historical_Museum_-_DSC03344.JPG,_2020_Zebeg"FAX"_symbol"FAX"_symbol"FAX"_symbol"FAX"+symbol"FAX"+symbol"FAX"+symbol
1964 PRL symmetry breaking papers
1995 Symmons Plains ATCC round
1st Imaginary Symphony for Nomad
3801 Thrasymedes
3-j symbol
6-j symbol
7th Symphony (album)
9-j symbol
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra
Aarhus Symphony Orchestra
Abbey of Saint-Symphorien, Autun
Abbott AxSYM
Abulkasym Madrassah
Acacia symonii
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
A Colour Symphony
Active object (Symbian OS)
Actorobserver asymmetry
Adam P. Symson
Adelaide Symphony Orchestra
Adelpha syma
Adinkra symbols
African Symposium
Afro-American Symphony
Agios Symeon
Agnes Syme Lister
Aish no Symphony
A. J. A. Symons
A Jazz Symphony
Akron Symphony Orchestra
Alan Symonds
Alchemical symbol
Alchemical Symbols (Unicode block)
Alexander Symonenko
Alexander Tsymbalyuk
Alexandr Syman
Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium
Alina Maksymenko
Allentown Symphony Orchestra
A London Symphony
Amata symphona
American Symphony Orchestra
American Wind Symphony Orchestra
American Youth Symphony
An Alpine Symphony
Anarchist symbolism
Ancient Symbols (Unicode block)
Andrew Symeou
Andrew Symonds
Andrzej Maksymilian Fredro
A Night at Red Rocks with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra
Animal symbolicum
Anima Symphonie phantastique
Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra
Anne Symonds
Ann Symonds
Anorexia (symptom)
Antisymmetric exchange
Antisymmetric relation
Antisymmetric tensor
Antwerp Symphony Orchestra
APL syntax and symbols
Apple Symbols
Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols
Archips symmetrus
Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism
Arcus II: Silent Symphony
Ardeadoris symmetrica
ARITH Symposium on Computer Arithmetic
Armageddon March Eternal Symphonies of Slit Wrists
Arm, cubit symbol (hieroglyph)
Arrow (symbol)
Arthur Symonds
Arthur Symons
A Sea Symphony
Asian Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Spices and Other Natural Products
Aspera Hiems Symfonia
Asrael Symphony
Association for Symbolic Logic
Association of California Symphony Orchestras
Asterivora symbolaea
Astragalus asymmetricus
Astrological symbols
Astronomical symbols
Asymblepharus himalayanus
Asymblepharus ladacensis
Asymblepharus mahabharatus
Asymblepharus nepalensis
A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits
Asymbolus parvus
Asymmetric addition of alkenylmetals to aldehydes
Asymmetric addition of alkynylzinc compounds to aldehydes
Asymmetrical aircraft
Asymmetrical spinnaker
Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex
Asymmetric carbon
Asymmetric cell division
Asymmetric counteranion directed catalysis
Asymmetric crying facies
Asymmetric cut
Asymmetric digital subscriber line
Asymmetric dimethylarginine
Asymmetric ester hydrolysis with pig-liver esterase
Asymmetric federalism
Asymmetric flow field flow fractionation
Asymmetric follow
Asymmetric hydrogenation
Asymmetric induction
Asymmetric Laplace distribution
Asymmetric multiprocessing
Asymmetric negotiation
Asymmetric numeral systems
Asymmetric periflexural exanthem of childhood
Asymmetric price transmission
Asymmetric Publications
Asymmetric relation
Asymmetric simple exclusion process
Asymmetric valley
Asymmetric warfare
Asymmetric Warfare Group
Asymmetry (novel)
Asymmetry (population ethics)
A Symphony: New England Holidays
A Symphony of British Music (album)
A Symphony of Hits
Asymphorodes acerba
Asymphorodes admirandus
Asymphorodes astathopis
Asymphorodes dimorpha
Asymphorodes flexa
Asymphorodes lucidus
Asymphorodes myronotus
Asymphorodes pollutus
Asymphorodes porphyrarcha
Asymphorodes semiluteus
Asymphorodes spintheropus
Asymphorodes triaula
Asymphorodes valligera
A Symposium on Popular Songs
Asymptomatic carrier
Asymptote Architecture
Asymptote (magazine)
Asymptote (vector graphics language)
Asymptotically flat spacetime
Asymptotically optimal algorithm
Asymptotic analysis
Asymptotic computational complexity
Asymptotic curve
Asymptotic decider
Asymptotic distribution
Asymptotic equipartition property
Asymptotic expansion
Asymptotic freedom
Asymptotic gain model
Asymptotic giant branch
Asymptotic homogenization
Asymptotic safety in quantum gravity
Asymptotic theory (statistics)
Athens Symphony Orchestra (USA)
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
Atlanta Symphony Youth Orchestra
Atrichozancla cosymbota
Aubrey Symonds
Augusta Symphony Orchestra (Augusta, Georgia)
Aura (symptom)
Aurelii Symmachi
Automorphisms of the symmetric and alternating groups
Autosticha symmetra
A Winter Symphony
Ayyavazhi symbolism
Backstreet Symphony
Bah symbols
Balance, Not Symmetry (album)
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
Bamberg Symphony
Bans on communist symbols
Barcelona Symphony Orchestra and National Orchestra of Catalonia
Baryon asymmetry
Basic symptoms of schizophrenia
Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra
Bat Out of Hell: Live with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
Battaristis symphora
Battle of Syme
Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra
BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
BBC Symphony Chorus
BBC Symphony Orchestra
BBQ Brawl: Flay v. Symon
Beata Maksymow
Beethoven Symphonies (Liszt)
Beethoven Symphony No. 3 discography
Beijing Symphony Orchestra
Beloit-Janesville Symphony Orchestra
Benign symmetric lipomatosis
Benjamin Parsons Symons
Benzoate:H symporter
Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra
Berlin: Symphony of a Metropolis
Berlin Symphony Orchestra
Bern Symphony Orchestra
Bill Evans Trio with Symphony Orchestra
Billings Symphony Orchestra
Birmingham Symphonic Winds
Bis(5'-nucleosyl)-tetraphosphatase (asymmetrical)
Bis(5'-nucleosyl)-tetraphosphatase (symmetrical)
Bitter Sweet Symphony
Bittersweet Symphony (album)
B. J. Symons
Black Hills Symphony Orchestra
Black panther (symbol)
Black rose (symbolism)
Black Sun (symbol)
Black Symphony
Bloomington Symphony Orchestra (Minnesota)
Blue Ash Montgomery Symphony Orchestra
Bone Symphony (EP)
Book:Concepts of symmetry
Borsonia symbiotes
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras
Bourbaki dangerous bend symbol
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
Brain asymmetry
Branched chain amino acidcation symporter
Brazilian Symphony Orchestra
Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra
Brian Symes
Brown Bag Software v. Symantec Corp.
B symptoms
Bubble Symphony
Bucharest Symphony Orchestra
Budapest Gypsy Symphony Orchestra
Budapest Symphony Orchestra
Buddhist symbolism
Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra
But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter?
Byzantine Musical Symbols
C2-Symmetric ligands
Cairo Symphony Orchestra
CallanSymanzik equation
Cancer signs and symptoms
Cantabile (symphonic suite)
Caravan and the New Symphonia
Carl, My Childhood Symphony
Carlson symmetric form
Castile and Len Symphony Orchestra
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Category:Military symbols
Cathy Symon
CB military symbol
Cello Symphony (Britten)
Celtic Symphony
Center for Asymmetric Warfare
Chai (symbol)
Chamartn Symphony Orchestra
Chamber Symphony
Chamber Symphony No. 1 (Schoenberg)
Chamber Symphony No. 2 (Schoenberg)
Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra
Character (symbol)
Charles Symmes
Charles Symmonds
Charles Symmons
Charles Symonds
Charles Symons
Charleston Symphony Orchestra
Charlotte Symphony Orchestra
Chattanooga Symphony and Opera
Cheesymite scroll
Chemical symbol
Chess annotation symbols
Chess Symbols
Chess symbols in Unicode
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras
China National Symphony Orchestra
Chiral symmetry breaking
Chloride potassium symporter
Chloride potassium symporter 4
Chloride potassium symporter 5
Choral Symphony (Holst)
Christchurch Symphony Orchestra
Christian symbolism
Christmas Symphony
Christoffel symbols
Church of St. Symeon, Mytilene
Chusquea asymmetrica
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
Cinematic Symphony
Circular symmetry
City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
City of Rochester Symphony Orchestra
CJK Symbols and Punctuation
Classic 100 Symphony
Cleaning symbiosis
Cleveland Youth Wind Symphony
Coenonympha symphita
Coleophora parasymi
Coleophora symmicta
Coleophora symphistropha
Colin Syme
Colorado Symphony
Color symbolism
Columbia Symphony Orchestra
Columbus Symphony Orchestra
Combinatorial mirror symmetry
Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols
Communist symbolism
Comparison of Symbian devices
Complete homogeneous symmetric polynomial
Concise Encyclopedia of Supersymmetry and Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics
Condensation symbol
Conditional symmetric instability
Conformal symmetry
Contou-Carrre symbol
Copley Symphony Hall
Copyright symbol
Coronis (textual symbol)
Cover symbols used in linguistics
COVID Symptom Study
CPT symmetry
Craig Symonds
Crumpet!: A Very British Sex Symbol
Crystal Symphony
Currency symbol
Cyclic symmetry in three dimensions
Cyclophora sympathica
Czech National Symphony Orchestra
Daily Assessment of Symptoms Anxiety
Dallas Symphony Orchestra
Danish National Symphony Orchestra
Dasymalla axillaris
Dasymalla chorisepala
Dasymalla glutinosa
Dasymalla teckiana
Dasymalla terminalis
Dasymetopa fenestrata
Dasymetric map
Dasymutilla occidentalis
Data compression symmetry
David Syme
David Syme Russell
David Symington
David Symon
David Symonds
Debug symbol
Definite symmetric matrix
Degree symbol
De La Salle Zobel Symphony Orchestra
Denver Symphony Orchestra
Des Moines Symphony
Destruction in Art Symposium
De Symons Honey
Detroit Symphony Orchestra
Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin
Diabolic Symphony
Diastasis symphysis pubis
Digital encoding of APL symbols
Digit symbol substitution test
Dihedral symmetry in three dimensions
Dioryctria symphoniella
Diple (textual symbol)
Directional symmetry
Discrete symmetry
Dissymmetry of lift
Divalent anionsodium symporter
DJ Symphony discography
Dongba symbols
Donkey orchid symptomless virus
Don Symon
Doridostoma symplecta
Doves as symbols
Draft:Antony Symons
Draft:Gaussian symbol
Draft:List of sex symbols
Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms
Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra
Dunedin Symphony Orchestra
Dynamic antisymmetry
Dynamic kinetic resolution in asymmetric synthesis
Dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria
Earth symbol
East Winds Symphonic Band
EasyMile EZ10
Edmonton Symphony Orchestra
Ehrman Syme Nadal
Einstein's Unfinished Symphony
Electoral symbol
Electronic symbol
Elect the Dead Symphony
Eleftherios Papasymeon
Elementary symmetric polynomial
Eleutherodactylus symingtoni
Elgin Symphony Orchestra
Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra
Elizabeth Symons, Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean
EMC Symmetrix
Emergence (Symphony Number One album)
Emily Symons
Eminence Symphony Orchestra
Enchiridion symbolorum, definitionum et declarationum de rebus fidei et morum
Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy
Engineering drawing abbreviations and symbols
English Symphony Orchestra
Enjoy Your Symptom!
Esperanto jubilee symbol
Esperanto symbols
Estonian National Symphony Orchestra
E.S.T. Symphony
Eucosma symploca
Eugene Symphony
Euphaedra symphona
European hazard symbols
European Patent Judges' Symposium
European Symposium on Algorithms
Eurydactylodes symmetricus
Eveline Winifred Syme
Event symmetry
Exogenesis: Symphony
Extinction symbol
Extrapyramidal symptoms
Facial symmetry
Fall Breaks and Back to Winter (W. Woodpecker Symphony)
Family symmetries
Farmyard Symphony (film)
Fascist symbolism
Fatal Symphony
Faust Symphony
Fearful Symmetries
Fearful Symmetry
Fearful Symmetry (book)
Fearful Symmetry (The X-Files)
Fife Symington
Film Symphony Orchestra
Final Symphony II
Finnish national symbols
Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Flags and symbols of Yorkshire
Floral symmetry
Florida Symphony Orchestra
Florida Symphony Youth Orchestras
FockLorentz symmetry
FORM (symbolic manipulation system)
Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra
Fountains of Rome (symphonic poem)
Four Symbols
Franciszek Maksymilian Ossoliski
Frankfurt Radio Symphony
Free Software and Open Source Symposium
Freiling's axiom of symmetry
Fulda Symphonic Orchestra
Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy
Functional symptom
Gaelic Symphony
Gaia Symphony
Gamer Symphony Orchestra at the University of Maryland
Gangsta for Life: The Symphony of David Brooks
Gateway Classic (Symetra Tour)
Gvle Symphony Orchestra
Gaye Symington
Gender symbol
Generalized Pochhammer symbol
Genesis Healthcare Corp. v. Symczyk
Geoffrey Symeon
George Gardner Symons
George G. Symes
George Symes
George Symons
George Symons (sailor)
Glossary of symplectic geometry
Glover Allen's dasymys
Gluconate-proton symporter
Gmina Pasym
Gold Symphony
Goose Creek Symphony
Gordon Symons
Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
Graded-symmetric algebra
Grande Pice Symphonique
Grande symphonie funbre et triomphale
Grand Mariscal of Ayacucho Symphony Orchestra
Grant Park Symphony Orchestra
Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies
Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra
Green Dot (symbol)
Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra
Guangzhou Symphony Youth Orchestra
Hacettepe Symphony Orchestra
Hamburger Symphoniker
Hartford Symphony Orchestra
Hawaii Symphony
Hazard symbol
Heart symbol
Heartwork: Symphony of Destruction
Heilbut, Symons & Co v Buckleton
Helically Symmetric Experiment
Help:Musical symbols
Helsinki University Symphony Orchestra
HennessyMilner logic
Henry Symes Lehr
Henry Symonds
Herbert James Symington
Hereford Symphony Orchestra
Hermitian symmetric space
Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation
High-field asymmetric-waveform ion-mobility spectrometry
HigmanSims asymptotic formula
Hilbert symbol
Hilde De Ridder-Symoens
Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra
Hofer Symphoniker
Hollywood Studio Symphony
Home Sweet Home/Bittersweet Symphony
Homoeoprepes sympatrica
Homological mirror symmetry
Houston Symphony
Houston We Have No Problem II Raumschiff Schlaf Symphonie
HughesIngold symbol
Hugh Syme (GC)
Hull classification symbol
Human skull symbolism
Hyalurga syma
Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus
I'd Rather Write a Symphony
IBM 1401 Symbolic Programming System
IBM Lotus Symphony
Iceland Symphony Orchestra
Icosahedral symmetry
Idaea sympractor
Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium
Igor Maksymenko
Igo Sym
I Hear a Symphony
I Hear a Symphony (The Supremes album)
Illusion of asymmetric insight
Ilya Tsymbalar
In Concert with The London Symphony Orchestra
Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra
Industrial symbiosis
Industrial Symphony No. 1
Infeldvan der Waerden symbols
Infinita Symphonia
Infinity symbol
Information asymmetry
Inquisition Symphony
Inquisition Symphony (album)
Integral symbol
International breastfeeding symbol
International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium
International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
International Sculpture Symposium
International Seapower Symposium
International Steel Sculpture Workshop and Symposium
International Symbol of Access
International Symposium for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight
International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
International Symposium on Computer Architecture
International Symposium on Distributed Computing
International Symposium on Endovascular Therapy
International Symposium on Graph Drawing
International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
International Symposium on Memory Management
International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
International Symposium on Physical Design
International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems
International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process
Internet Symphony No. 1
Intersymbol interference
Inverse Symbolic Calculator
Ioannis Symbonis
Iraqi National Symphony Orchestra
Ivan Gerasymov
Jackson Symphony Orchestra
Jacksonville Symphony
Jacksonville Symphony Youth Orchestra
Jain symbols
James Ayton Symington
James H. Symington
James Syme
James Symington
James Symonds
James W. Symington
Japanese recycling symbols
Japanese sound symbolism
Jean Symes
Jermyn Symonds
Jewish symbolism
J. Fife Symington Jr.
Jiahu symbols
Joe Symonds
Johannes Symonis Hasprois
John Addington Symonds
John Cleves Symmes
John Cleves Symmes Jr.
John FitzSymond
John Foster Symes
Johnny Symons
John Symank
John Syme
John Symes
John Symme
John Symmes
John Symond
John Symonds
Jordan's theorem (symmetric group)
Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall
Joseph Symonds
Josiah Symon
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Journal of Symbolic Computation
Journal of Symbolic Logic
Joyce Symons
Jzef Maksymilian Ossoliski
Julian Symonds
Kanata Symphony
Kansas City Symphony
Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra
Kashmir: Symphonic Led Zeppelin
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
Kasym Khan
Kato Symi
KBS Symphony Orchestra
Keck asymmetric allylation
Keith Symon
Khanda (Sikh symbol)
Khmer Symbols
Kinesthetic sympathy
Kiss Symphony: Alive IV
KitchenerWaterloo Symphony
Kit Symons
Knoxville Symphony Orchestra
Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra
Kseniia Tsymbalyuk
Kurt Symanzik
Kyokuto Symphony: The Five Stars Night @Budokan
Laban notation symbols
Labdia symbolias
Lahti Symphony Orchestra
Language as Symbolic Action
Lansdowne Symphony Orchestra
La Symphonie pastorale
LA Symphony
Laundry symbol
Lazer's Interactive Symbolic Assembler
Lecithocera symptomatica
Left-right asymmetry (biology)
Legendre symbol
Leningrad premire of Shostakovich's Symphony No. 7
Lesle Symes
Letterlike Symbols
Levi-Civita symbol
Lexington Symphony
LGBT symbols
Lidiya Tsymosh
Liepja Symphony Orchestra
Lightest supersymmetric particle
Limburgs Symfonie Orkest
Limnaecia symplecta
Linux Symposium
Lion head symbol of Singapore
List of American symphonic metal bands
List of awards and nominations received by Raven-Symon
List of Bohol provincial symbols
List of Canadian provincial and territorial symbols
List of Cotabato provincial symbols
List of District of Columbia symbols
List of finite spherical symmetry groups
List of Guam territorial symbols
List of ICD-9 codes 780799: symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions
List of ideological symbols
List of Japanese map symbols
List of Japanese typographic symbols
List of logic symbols
List of lucky symbols
List of mathematical symbols
List of musical symbols
List of national symbols of Iran
List of national symbols of Israel
List of national symbols of Palestine
List of national symbols of the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
List of Northern Mariana Islands territorial symbols
List of occult symbols
List of official symbols of Puerto Rico
List of organ symphonies
List of participants in the Evolving Genes and Proteins symposium
List of planar symmetry groups
List of songs recorded by Raven-Symon
List of symbols
List of symbols of Scientology
List of Sympathy for the Record Industry artists
List of Symphogear episodes
List of symphonies by Anton Bruckner
List of symphonies by Joseph Haydn
List of symphonies by key
List of symphonies by number
List of symphonies by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
List of symphonies in A-flat major
List of symphonies in A-flat minor
List of symphonies in A major
List of symphonies in A minor
List of symphonies in B-flat major
List of symphonies in B-flat minor
List of symphonies in B major
List of symphonies in B minor
List of symphonies in C major
List of symphonies in C minor
List of symphonies in C-sharp minor
List of symphonies in D-flat major
List of symphonies in D major
List of symphonies in D minor
List of symphonies in E-flat major
List of symphonies in E-flat minor
List of symphonies in E minor
List of symphonies in F major
List of symphonies in F minor
List of symphonies in F-sharp major
List of symphonies in F-sharp minor
List of symphonies in G major
List of symphonies in G minor
List of symphonies in G-sharp minor
List of symphonies with names
List of symphony orchestras
List of symphony orchestras in Europe
List of Symphyotrichum species
List of Tales of Symphonia characters
List of typographical symbols and punctuation marks
List of U.S. Virgin Islands territorial symbols
Lists of national symbols
Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra
Little Symphony No. 2 (Milhaud)
Little Symphony No. 4 (Milhaud)
Little Symphony No. 5 (Milhaud)
Little Symphony No. 6 (Milhaud)
Live in Australia with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
Live with the University of Colorado Symphony Orchestra
Local asymptotic normality
Local symbol
Local symmetry
London symphonies
London Symphony
London Symphony Orchestra
London Symphony Orchestra (Zappa albums)
Lonely Symphony (We Will Be Free)
Long Bay Symphony Orchestra
Long Beach Symphony Orchestra
Lotus Symphony
Lotus Symphony (MS-DOS)
Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall
Love and Peace and Sympathy
Love Symbol (Prince album)
Lower urinary tract symptoms
Lucerne Symphony Orchestra
Lumines: Electronic Symphony
Lyngby-Taarbk Symfoniorkester
Lyrical Sympathy Live
Lyric Symphony
Madeleine Symons
Magic Symphony
Mahler Symphony No. 8 discography
Maksym Banasevych
Maksym Biletskyi
Maksym Bilyi
Maksym Burbak
Maksym Dehtyarov
Maksym Dolhov
Maksym Feshchuk
Maksym Havrylenko
Maksymiliana Piotrowskiego Street in Bydgoszcz
Maksymilian Ciki
Maksymilian Horwitz
Maksymilian Makowiak
Maksymilian Ossoliski
Maksymilianw, Greater Poland Voivodeship
Maksymilianowo, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship
Maksymilianw, witokrzyskie Voivodeship
Maksymilian Rylo
Maksymilian Wgrzynek
Maksym Kalynychenko
Maksym Koval
Maksym Kovalenko
Maksym Kovalyov
Maksym Krypak
Maksym Kryvonis
Maksym Levytskyi
Maksym Mazuryk
Maksym Morozov
Maksymw, witokrzyskie Voivodeship
Maksym Pashayev
Maksym Prokopenko
Maksym Rylsky
Maksym Semiankiv
Maksym Shapoval
Maksym Shemberev
Maksym Spodyriev
Maksym Startsev
Maksym Trusevych
Maksym Tymchenko
Maksym Tymoshenko
Maksym Vasilyev
Maksym Zalizniak
Maksym Zaliznyak oak tree
Malassezia sympodialis
Malm Symphony Orchestra
Mandarin Phonetic Symbols II
Mandibular symphysis
Manfred Symphony
Manila Symphony Orchestra
Map symbol
Margaret Travers Symons
Maria Syms
Marine microbial symbiosis
Marty Symes
Mashiroiro Symphony
Masonic ritual and symbolism
Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
Mathematical operators and symbols in Unicode
Math symbol anglebracket
Math symbol braces
Math symbol fencedbrackets
Math symbol i
Math symbol parentheses
Math symbol squarebracket
Matt Symonds
Mazeppa (symphonic poem)
McMullen Naval History Symposium
MDR Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra
Measles virus encoding the human thyroidal sodium iodide symporter
Media control symbols
Medically unexplained physical symptoms
Megalithic graffiti symbols
Megalomyrmex symmetochus
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
Mel Symons
Memphis Symphony Orchestra
Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods
Metasymplectic space
Method of matched asymptotic expansions
Metropolis Symphony
Metropolitan Area Youth Symphony
Michael Symes
Michael Symes (diplomat)
Michael Symmons Roberts
Michael Symon
Michael Symons
Microbial symbiosis and immunity
Mike Symon
Miletus symethus
Miller Symphony Hall
Milton S. Eisenhower Symposium
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra
Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
Minnesota Youth Symphonies
Mirror symmetry conjecture
Mirror symmetry (disambiguation)
Mirror symmetry (string theory)
Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A
Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
Miscellaneous Symbols
Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
Mobile Symphony Orchestra
Molecular symmetry
Montreal Symphony House
Montreal Symphony Orchestra
Montreal Women's Symphony Orchestra
More (Symphony Number One album)
Morphological symptoms of plant diseases
Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center
Moscow City Symphony
Moscow Symphony Orchestra
MS Silja Symphony
Multiple sclerosis signs and symptoms
Multi-rate symmetric digital subscriber line
Munich Symphony Orchestra
Musical Symbols
Musical Symbols (Unicode block)
Mykhaylo Maksymovych
N = 4 supersymmetric YangMills theory
Nabla symbol
Nashville Symphony
National Air Pollution Symposium
National Deviancy Symposium
National Scout and Guide Symphony Orchestra
National symbol
National symbols of Albania
National symbols of Australia
National symbols of Azerbaijan
National symbols of Bangladesh
National symbols of Barbados
National symbols of Belarus
National symbols of Belgium
National symbols of Bosnia and Herzegovina
National symbols of Brazil
National symbols of Bulgaria
National symbols of Canada
National symbols of Cape Verde
National symbols of Catalonia
National symbols of China
National symbols of Colombia
National symbols of Croatia
National symbols of England
National symbols of Estonia
National symbols of France
National symbols of Germany
National symbols of Hungary
National symbols of India
National symbols of Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland
National symbols of Italy
National symbols of Japan
National symbols of Korea
National symbols of Latvia
National symbols of Lithuania
National symbols of Luxembourg
National symbols of Malta
National symbols of Mexico
National symbols of Moldova
National symbols of Montenegro
National symbols of Myanmar
National symbols of Nepal
National symbols of New Zealand
National symbols of Nicaragua
National symbols of North Korea
National symbols of North Macedonia
National symbols of Pakistan
National symbols of Peru
National symbols of Poland
National symbols of Portugal
National symbols of Romania
National symbols of Russia
National symbols of Saint Lucia
National symbols of Scotland
National symbols of Serbia
National symbols of Singapore
National symbols of Slovenia
National symbols of South Africa
National symbols of South Korea
National symbols of Switzerland
National symbols of Thailand
National symbols of the Czech Republic
National symbols of the Netherlands
National symbols of Ukraine
National symbols of Venezuela
National symbols of Wales
National Symphony Orchestra
National Symphony Orchestra (Dominican Republic)
National Symphony Orchestra Ghana
National Symphony Orchestra (Mexico)
National Symphony Orchestra of Colombia
National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba
National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine
National Symphony Orchestra (Peru)
National Symphony Orchestra (Taiwan)
National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra
National Youth Symphony Orchestra of the Dominican Republic
NATO Joint Military Symbology
Nazi symbolism
NBC Symphony Orchestra
Neil Symes
Netherlands Radio Symphony Orchestra
Netherlands Symphony Orchestra
Neurosymploca? oligocenica
Neurotransmitter sodium symporter
Newark Symphony Hall
New Haven Symphony Orchestra
New Jersey Symphony Orchestra
New Mexico Symphony Orchestra
New World Symphony (orchestra)
New York Military Affairs Symposium
New York Symphony Orchestra
New York Youth Symphony
New Zealand Symphony Orchestra
Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
NHH Symposium
NHK Symphony Orchestra
Nick Symmonds
Nick Thomas-Symonds
Nikki Symmons
Nikolai Tsymbal
Ni Symphony Orchestra
N. K. Symi (Sponge Diving Boat)
Nokia Browser for Symbian
Non-logical symbol
Nonsymmetric gravitational theory
Norrkping Symphony Orchestra
North Carolina Symphony
North Mississippi Symphony Orchestra
Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra
Northwest Symphony Orchestra
No symbol
Novosibirsk Youth Symphony Orchestra
Noyori asymmetric hydrogenation
Nucleobase cation symporter-1
Nucleobase cation symporter-2
Null symbol
Nuremberg Symphony Orchestra
Nusym Technology
Oakland East Bay Symphony
Obsolete and nonstandard symbols in the International Phonetic Alphabet
Ocala Symphony Orchestra
Octahedral symmetry
Odense Symphony Orchestra
Old Roman Symbol
Oleksandr Maksymov
Olympic symbols
Omaha Symphony Orchestra
One-dimensional symmetry group
Optimal asymmetric encryption padding
Option symbol
Orca Symphony No. 1
Orchestre symphonique de Paris
Orchestre Symphonique de Qubec
Orchestre Symphonique des tudiants de Louvain-la-Neuve
Oregon Symphony
Organ Symphony No. 3
Organ Symphony No. 3 (Vierne)
Origin of Symmetry
Orthogonal symmetric Lie algebra
Oruro Symphony Orchestra
Ottawa Symphony Orchestra
Oulu Symphony Orchestra
Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery
Pacific Symphony
Pacific Symphony Youth Orchestra
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing
Pain asymbolia
Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium
Paraburkholderia symbiotica
Paradise Lost (Symphony X album)
Paralympic symbols
Parasympathetic ganglion
Parasympathetic nervous system
Parasympathomimetic drug
Paris symphonies
Pasadena Symphony and Pops
Pasilalinic-sympathetic compass
Pastoral Symphony (film)
Pastoral Symphony (Vaughan Williams)
Patania symphonodes
Paul Symphor
Peace symbols
Peninsula Symphony Orchestra
Penn Symons
Peoria Symphony Orchestra
Percival Symonds
Perfect Symmetry
Perfect Symmetry (Keane album)
Period-after-opening symbol
Persymmetric matrix
Peter Symonds
Peter Symonds College
Petite symphonie concertante
Petro Symonenko
Philippine symbolism in archaeology
Phoenix Symphony
Phoenix Symphony Hall
Phonetic symbols in Unicode
Phyllonorycter symphoricarpaeella
Physical symbol system
Piano symphony
Picture communication symbols
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
Plane symmetry
Planet symbols
Plantation Crops Symposium
Plant symbolism
Play! A Video Game Symphony
Please Don't Sympathise
Plesiomorphy and symplesiomorphy
P (Nazi symbol)
Pocket Symphonies for Lonesome Subway Cars
Pocket Symphony
Pome symphonique
Pome symphonique (disambiguation)
Pokmon: Symphonic Evolutions
Polarity symbols
Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra
Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Political symbolism
Pontia sisymbrii
Pope Symmachus
Portland Columbia Symphony
Portland Symphony
Portland Symphony Orchestra
Port Saint Symeon
Powder of sympathy
Power residue symbol
Power sum symmetric polynomial
Power symbol
Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra
Prague Symphony Orchestra
Premiers Symptmes
Presidential Symphony Orchestra
Press Start: Symphony of Games
Prime (symbol)
Procol Harum Live: In Concert with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra
Progressive symmetric erythrokeratodermia
Protogobiesox asymmetricus
Pseudatteria symplacota
PTSD Symptom Scale Self-Report Version
Pubic symphysis
Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra
Q&A (Symantec)
Q-Pochhammer symbol
Quacquarelli Symonds
Quad City Symphony Orchestra
Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry
Quasisymmetric function
Quasisymmetric map
Quaternion-Khler symmetric space
Quebec ban on religious symbols
Queensland Symphony Orchestra
Quercus asymmetrica
Quintus Aurelius Symmachus
Radical symbol
RAI National Symphony Orchestra
Rajaton Sings ABBA with Lahti Symphony Orchestra
Raven-Symon (album)
Raven-Symon discography
RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra
Recycling symbol
Red (Symbion Project album)
Red Symons
Reflection symmetry
Regional indicator symbol
Registered trademark symbol
Religion in national symbols
Religious and political symbols in Unicode
Religious symbol
Remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema
Renal sympathetic denervation
Renault Symbol
Representation theory of the symmetric group
Rhopobota symbolias
Richard Symonds
Richard Symonds-Tayler
Richard Symons
Richmond Symphony Orchestra
Ring of symmetric functions
Robert Syme
Robert Symmer
Robert Symms
Robert Symonds
Robert Symonette
Robert Syms
Rockford Symphony Orchestra
Rod-and-ring symbol
Roland Theodore Symonette
Roman Maksymyuk
Romantic Symphony
Roma Symphony (Bizet)
Ronald Syme
Rose (symbolism)
Rotational symmetry
Royal Seville Symphony Orchestra
RT National Symphony Orchestra
RTVE Symphony Orchestra
RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra
Rumi Numeral Symbols
Russian National Youth Symphony Orchestra
Russian symbolism
Russian Symphony
Russian Symphony Orchestra Society
Rustic Wedding Symphony
Ruth Symes
R. W. Symonds
Sacrococcygeal symphysis
Sadistic Symphony
Sagebrush Symphony
Saint Petersburg Academic Symphony Orchestra
Saint symbolism
Saint-Symphorien, Belgium
Saint-Symphorien, Deux-Svres
Saint-Symphorien, Lozre
Salford Symphony Orchestra
Salt Lake Symphonic Winds
Smi institutional symbols
Samuel Symons Bassett
San Antonio Symphony
Sandham: Symphony Meets Classical Tamil
San Diego Symphony
San Francisco Symphony
San Jose Symphony
San Jose Youth Symphony
Santa Cruz Symphony
Santa Fe Symphony Orchestra and Chorus
Sarah Symmons
Sara Symington
Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra
Saturday at the Symphony
Sault Symphony Orchestra
Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol
Scar Symmetry
Schermerhorn Symphony Center
Schlfli symbol
Schubert's symphonies
Scot Symon
Searchable symmetric encryption
Seattle Symphony
Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestras
Secret Symphony
Semi-symmetric graph
Serenade after Plato's "Symposium"
Serpent (symbolism)
Service mark symbol
Seventh Army Symphony Orchestra
Sex symbol
Shadows and Symbols
Shanghai City Symphony Orchestra
Shanghai Symphony Orchestra
Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation
Shawn Syms
Shepherd's Symphony Hirtensymphonie
Shreveport Symphony Orchestra
Sibelius Symphony No. 7 discography
Significant symbols
Signs and Symbols
Signs and symptoms of Graves' disease
Signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS
Signs and symptoms of Parkinson's disease
Signs and symptoms of pregnancy
Sikh Youth Symposium
Silly Symphonies: The Complete Disney Classics
Silly Symphony
Silly Symphony (comic strip)
Silly Symphony Swings
Simn Bolvar Symphony Orchestra
Simn Bolvar Youth Symphonic Band
Simple Symmetric Transport Protocol
Simple Symphony
Simple Symphony (ballet)
Sinfonietta (symphony)
Singapore Symphony Orchestra
Singapore Wind Symphony's Percussion Ensemble
Sisymbrium altissimum
Sisymbrium irio
Sisymbrium loeselii
Sisymbrium officinale
Sisymbrium orientale
Skew-symmetric matrix
Skull and crossbones (symbol)
Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra
S. L. Wong (phonetic symbols)
Smiting-blade symbol (hieroglyph)
Sodium-chloride symporter
Sodium sulfate symporter
Solanum sisymbriifolium
Solar symbol
Somatic symptom disorder
Somatic Symptom Disorder - B Criteria Scale (SSD-12)
Somatic Symptom Scale - 8
SONAR (Symantec)
Soulful Symphony
Sound recording copyright symbol
Sound symbolism
South Dakota Symphony Orchestra
South Norfolk Youth Symphonic Band
Southwest German Radio Symphony Orchestra
Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation
Soyombo symbol
Space Symposium
Spacetime symmetries
Split supersymmetry
Spontaneous symmetry breaking
Spring Symphony (film)
SSK (hull classification symbol)
SSN (hull classification symbol)
Stade Saint-Symphorien
Stanley symmetric function
Starburst (symbol)
Status symbol
Stavanger Symphony Orchestra
Stenoma symposias
Stephen Symmes Jr. House
Stephen Symonds Foster
Steve Symms
Stewart Symes
St. Gallen Symposium
Stigmella symmora
Stiracolpus symmetricus
Stirling numbers and exponential generating functions in symbolic combinatorics
St. Louis Symphony Orchestra
St. Louis Symphony Youth Orchestra
Street Corner Symphony
Streetcorner Symphony
String symphonies (Mendelssohn)
Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology
St Symphorien Military Cemetery
Stuart Symington
Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra
Stylidium asymmetricum
Subversive Symmetry
Sugar Symphony
Suite of Symphonies for brass, strings and timpani No. 1
Sunderland Symphony Orchestra
Supersymmetric gauge theory
Supersymmetric quantum mechanics
Supersymmetric theory of stochastic dynamics
Supersymmetric WKB approximation
Supersymmetry algebra
Supersymmetry algebras in 1 + 1 dimensions
Supersymmetry (Angel)
Supersymmetry breaking
Supersymmetry nonrenormalization theorems
Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs
Susquehanna Symphony Orchestra
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Swing Symphony
Switchblade Symphony
SWR Symphonieorchester
Sydney Symphony Orchestra
Sydney University Symphony Orchestra
Sylvia Syms
Symantec Endpoint Protection
Symantec Operations Readiness Tools
Symantec Workspace Virtualization
SYMA Sports and Conference Centre
Symbian Ltd.
Symbionese Liberation Army
Sym-Bionic Titan
Symbion Power
Symbiosis (chemical)
Symbiosis (disambiguation)
Symbiosis (film)
Symbiosis Gathering
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Bengaluru
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune
Symbiosis International University
Symbiosis (musical ensemble)
Symbiosis (sculpture)
Symbiosis Society
Symbiosis (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences
Symbiote (comics)
Symbiotic binary
Symbiotic nova
Symbister House
Symbol (disambiguation)
Symbol (film)
Symbol (formal)
Symbol grounding problem
Symbolic anthropology
Symbolic artificial intelligence
Symbolic behavior
Symbolic capital
Symbolic circuit analysis
Symbolic convergence theory
Symbolic culture
Symbolic data analysis
Symbolic (Death album)
Symbolic execution
Symbolic interactionism
Symbolic Interaction (journal)
Symbolic language
Symbolic language (literature)
Symbolic link
Symbolic Link (SYLK)
Symbolic method
Symbolic method (combinatorics)
Symbolic power of an ideal
Symbolic racism
Symbolic regression
Symbolic representation
Symbolic self-completion theory
Symbolic Sound Corporation
Symbolic speech
Symbolic trajectory evaluation
Symbol-intensive brand
Symbolism (arts)
Symbolism in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Symbolism in the French Revolution
Symbolism of domes
Symbolism of terrorism
Symbolism of the number 7
Symbolist movement in Romania
Symbol Nomenclature For Glycans
Symbol (number theory)
Symbol of a differential operator
Symbol of Chaos
Symbol of Life
Symbol of medicine
Symbol of Salvation
Symbol (programming)
Symbol rate
Symbols (album)
Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A
Symbols and proto-writing of the CucuteniTrypillia culture
Symbols for Legacy Computing
Symbol Six
Symbols of Alberta
Symbols of British Columbia
Symbols of Brussels
Symbols of death
Symbols of Europe
Symbols of Francoism
Symbols of Guadalajara
Symbols of Islam
Symbols of Kavaj
Symbols of Krakw
Symbols of Kryvyi Rih
Symbols of leadership
Symbols of Manchester
Symbols of Manitoba
Symbols of North and East Syria
Symbols of Nunavut
Symbols of Queensland
Symbols of Springfield, Massachusetts
Symbols of Sussex
Symbols of Tamil Eelam
Symbols of the European Union
Symbols of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Symbols of the Head of the Sakha Republic
Symbols of the Northern Territory
Symbols of the Northwest Territories
Symbols of the Rurikids
Symbols of Tirana
Symbols of Tokyo
Symbols of Ukrainian people
Symbols of Victoria (Australia)
Symbols of Yukon
Symbol table
Symbol Technologies
Symbol theory of semiotics
Symbol (typeface)
Symbolyc One
Symbolyc One production discography
Symbrenthia hypatia
Symbrenthia hypselis
Symbrenthia lilaea
Symbrenthia niphanda
Symeon C. Symeonides
Symeon I of Constantinople
Symeon Lukach
Symeon of Durham
Symeon of Polotsk
Symeon of Rosemarkie
Symeon of Thessalonica
Symeon of Trier
Symeon Savvidis
Symeon (Shostatsky)
Symeon Stylites of Lesbos
Symeon the Metaphrast
Symeon the New Theologian
Symerton, Illinois
SymE-SymR toxin-antitoxin system
Symetra Classic
Symetra Tour
Symington family
Symington W. Smith
Symlink race
Symmachia basilissa
Symmachia calliste
Symmachia falcistriga
Symmachia menetas
Symmachian forgeries
SymmachiNicomachi diptych
Symmachus ben Joseph
Symmachus (translator)
Symmerista albifrons
Symmerista canicosta
Symmerista leucitys
Symmes Mission Chapel
Symmes Purchase
Symmes Township
Symmes Township, Ohio
Symmetrical Defense
Symmetrical double-sided two-way ranging
Symmetric algebra
Symmetrical inflation target
Symmetrically continuous function
Symmetrical tonic neck reflex
Symmetric bilinear form
Symmetric cone
Symmetric decreasing rearrangement
Symmetric derivative
Symmetric difference
Symmetric digital subscriber line
Symmetric federalism
Symmetric form
Symmetric function
Symmetric game
Symmetric graph
Symmetric group
Symmetric hash join
Symmetric hydrogen bond
Symmetric in Design
Symmetric inverse semigroup
Symmetric-key algorithm
Symmetric level-index arithmetic
Symmetric logarithmic derivative
Symmetric matrix
Symmetric mean absolute percentage error
Symmetric monoidal category
Symmetric multiprocessing
Symmetric polynomial
Symmetric probability distribution
Symmetric product
Symmetric product of an algebraic curve
Symmetric product (topology)
Symmetric rank-one
Symmetric scale
Symmetric space
Symmetric spectrum
Symmetric successive over-relaxation
Symmetric tensor
Symmetrischema alticolum
Symmetrischema altisona
Symmetrischema ardeola
Symmetrischema atrifascis
Symmetrischema borsaniella
Symmetrischema capsica
Symmetrischema cestrivora
Symmetrischema conifera
Symmetrischema dulce
Symmetrischema fercularia
Symmetrischema lavernella
Symmetrischema lectulifera
Symmetrischema loquax
Symmetrischema pallidochrella
Symmetrischema striatella
Symmetrischema tangolias
Symmetrischema ventralella
Symmetrization methods
Symmetrodes sciocosma
Symmetry-adapted linear combination
Symmetry (band)
Symmetry breaking
Symmetry breaking and cortical rotation
Symmetry-breaking constraints
Symmetry breaking (disambiguation)
Symmetry energy
Symmetry (film)
Symmetry (geometry)
Symmetry group
Symmetry in biology
Symmetry in mathematics
Symmetry in quantum mechanics
Symmetry number
Symmetry of second derivatives
Symmetry operation
Symmetry (physics)
Symmetry-preserving filter
Symmetry-protected topological order
Symmimetis confusa
Symmimetis cristata
Symmoca attalica
Symmoca cinerariella
Symmoca designella
Symmoca dodecatella
Symmoca latiusculella
Symmoca nigromaculella
Symmoca oenophila
Symmoca perobscurata
Symmoca petrogenes
Symmoca rifellus
Symmoca saharae
Symmoca secreta
Symmoca signatella
Symmoca signella
Symmocoides don
Symmocoides gozmanyi
Symmocoides marthae
Symmocoides oxybiella
Symmons Plains Raceway
Symmoria eraston
SYM Motors
Sym-norspermidine synthase
Symona Boniface
Symon Budny
Symonds Green
Symonds Street Cemetery
Symonds Yat
Symone D. Sanders
Symon Petliura
Symon Sadik
Symon Semeonis
Symonston, Australian Capital Territory
Symons Valley, Calgary
Sympagic ecology
Sympathetic character
Sympathetic detonation
Sympathetic ganglion
Sympathetic magic
Sympathetic nervous system
Sympathetic ophthalmia
Sympathetic resonance
Sympathetic string
Sympathetic trunk
Sympathoadrenal system
Sympathomimetic drug
Sympathy (band)
Sympathy (disambiguation)
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
Sympathy for the Devil
Sympathy for the Devil (album)
Sympathy for the Devil (audio drama)
Sympathy for the Devil (disambiguation)
Sympathy for the Devil (Supernatural)
Sympathy for the Lobster
Sympathy for the Record Industry
Sympathy for the Underdog
Sympathy (Hitomi Takahashi album)
Sympathy (music)
Sympathy (Uriah Heep song)
Sympatric speciation
Sympecma fusca
Symperasmus affinis
Symperasmus alboniger
Symperasmus thoracicus
Sympetrum ambiguum
Sympetrum costiferum
Sympetrum danae
Sympetrum dilatatum
Sympetrum illotum
Sympetrum internum
Sympetrum madidum
Sympetrum meridionale
Sympetrum navasi
Sympetrum pallipes
Sympetrum rubicundulum
Sympetrum signiferum
Sympetrum vicinum
Sympherobius barberi
Sympherobius elegans
Symphlebia abdominalis
Symphlebia affinis
Symphlebia alinda
Symphlebia angulifascia
Symphlebia catenata
Symphlebia citraria
Symphlebia costaricensis
Symphlebia dissimulata
Symphlebia distincta
Symphlebia doncasteri
Symphlebia dorisca
Symphlebia erratum
Symphlebia favillacea
Symphlebia foliosa
Symphlebia geertsi
Symphlebia haenkei
Symphlebia haxairei
Symphlebia herbosa
Symphlebia hyalina
Symphlebia ignipicta
Symphlebia indistincta
Symphlebia ipsea
Symphlebia jalapa
Symphlebia jamaicensis
Symphlebia lophocampoides
Symphlebia maculicincta
Symphlebia meridionalis
Symphlebia muscosa
Symphlebia neja
Symphlebia nigranalis
Symphlebia nigropunctata
Symphlebia obliquefasciatus
Symphlebia palmeri
Symphlebia panema
Symphlebia primulina
Symphlebia pyrgion
Symphlebia rosa
Symphlebia similis
Symphlebia suanoides
Symphlebia suanus
Symphlebia sulphurea
Symphlebia tessellata
Symphlebia tetrodonta
Symphlebia tolimensis
Symphlebia underwoodi
Symphlebia venusta
Symphonaire Infernus et Spera Empyrium
Symphonia (disambiguation)
Symphonia Domestica
Symphonia globulifera
Symphonica (game)
Symphonica in Rosso Live at Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam
Symphonica (Joe Lovano album)
Symphonic Band and Chorus of the Secretariat of the Navy of Mexico
Symphonic black metal
Symphonic Concerto (Furtwngler)
Symphonic Dances
Symphonic Dances (Rachmaninoff)
Symphonic (Falco album)
Symphonic Fantasies
Symphonic Game Music Concerts
Symphonic Legends Music from Nintendo
Symphonic metal
Symphonic Metamorphosis of Themes by Carl Maria von Weber
Symphonic music in Iran
Symphonic Odysseys
Symphonic poem
Symphonic poems (Liszt)
Symphonic Rain
Symphonic Shades Hlsbeck in Concert
Symphonic Shades Hlsbeck in Concert (album)
Symphonic Studies (Schumann)
Symphonic Variations
Symphonic Variations (Dvok)
Symphonic Variations (Franck)
Symphonie diagonale
Symphonie espagnole
Symphonie fantastique
Symphonie funbre
Symphonie Pastorale (film)
Symphonie pour le jour o brleront les cits
Symphonies by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Symphony 924
Symphony A (Haydn)
Symphony Aircraft Industries
Symphony (album)
Symphony B (Haydn)
Symphony (candy)
Symphony Center
Symphony (Clean Bandit song)
Symphony Communication
Symphony Concertante (Kubik)
Symphony-Concerto (Prokofiev)
Symphony, D 2B (Schubert)
Symphony, D 615 (Schubert)
Symphony, D 708A (Schubert)
Symphony (disambiguation)
Symphony for Classical Orchestra (Shapero)
Symphony for Improvisers
Symphony for Organ and Orchestra (Copland)
Symphony for Organ No. 5
Symphony for Organ No. 6
Symphony for Solo Piano (Alkan)
Symphony for the Devil
Symphony for the Devil (Type O Negative album)
Symphony Hall
Symphony Hall, Birmingham
Symphony Hall, Boston
Symphony Hall (Sirius XM)
Symphony in A major "Mannheim No. 2" (Stamitz)
Symphony in B
Symphony in B-flat (Chausson)
Symphony in B-flat for Band (Hindemith)
Symphony in B-flat major "Mannheim No. 3" (Stamitz)
Symphony in Blue
Symphony in C
Symphony in C (ballet)
Symphony in D
Symphony in D major, Op. 3, No. 2 (Stamitz)
Symphony in D minor (Bruckner)
Symphony in D minor (Franck)
Symphony in D (Voek)
Symphony in E-flat (ballet)
Symphony in E-flat major, Op. 11, No. 3 (Stamitz)
Symphony in E-flat (Tchaikovsky)
Symphony in E (Sullivan)
Symphony in F (Dohnnyi)
Symphony in F minor (Bruckner)
Symphony in F-sharp major (Korngold)
Symphony in G major "Mannheim No. 1" (Stamitz)
Symphony in G minor (Lalo)
Symphony in G minor ("Zwickau")
Symphony in One Movement (Barber)
Symphony in Peril
Symphony in Slang
Symphony in the Domain
Symphony in Three Movements
Symphony in Two Flats
Symphony in White, No. 1: The White Girl
Symphony in White, No. 2: The Little White Girl
Symphony in White, No. 3
Symphony in X Major
Symphony, K. 111+120 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 161 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 16a (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 196+121 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 19a (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 19b (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 208+102 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 45a (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 45b (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 74g (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 75 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 76 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 81 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 95 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 96 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 97 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 98 (Mozart)
Symphony Lake (Singapore)
Symphony Live in Istanbul
Symphony: Live in Vienna
Symphony Mall
Symphony Masses: Ho Drakon Ho Megas
Symphony: Mathis der Maler
Symphony New Brunswick
Symphony No. 0
Symphony No. 1
Symphony No. 10
Symphony No. 100 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 101 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 102 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 103 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 104 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 10 (Beethoven/Cooper)
Symphony No. 10 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 10 (Henze)
Symphony No. 10 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 10 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 10 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 10 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 10 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 11
Symphony No. 11 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 11 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 11 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 11 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 12
Symphony No. 12 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 12 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 12 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 12 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 13
Symphony No. 13 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 13 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 13 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 14
Symphony No. 14 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 14 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 14 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 14 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 15
Symphony No. 15 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 15 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 15 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 15 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 16
Symphony No. 16 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 16 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 16 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 17
Symphony No. 17 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 17 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 17 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 18
Symphony No. 18 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 18 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 18 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 19
Symphony No. 19 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 19 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 19 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 1 (Bax)
Symphony No. 1 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 1 (Bernstein)
Symphony No. 1 (Brahms)
Symphony No. 1 (Brian)
Symphony No. 1 (Bruckner)
Symphony No. 1 (Dohnnyi)
Symphony No. 1 (Dvok)
Symphony No. 1 (Elgar)
Symphony No. 1 (Furtwngler)
Symphony No. 1 (G. English)
Symphony No. 1 (Glass)
Symphony No. 1 (Hartmann)
Symphony No. 1 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 1 (Henze)
Symphony No. 1 in 20 keys ("Letter to the World")
Symphony No. 1 in C major
Symphony No. 1 in C minor
Symphony No. 1 in D major
Symphony No. 1 in D minor
Symphony No. 1 (Ives)
Symphony No. 1 (Kalinnikov)
Symphony No. 1 (Lutosawski)
Symphony No. 1 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 1 (Martin)
Symphony No. 1 (Mendelssohn)
Symphony No. 1 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 1 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 1 (Prokofiev)
Symphony No. 1 "The Lord of the Rings"
Symphony No. 1 (Rachmaninoff)
Symphony No. 1 (Schnittke)
Symphony No. 1 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 1 (Schumann)
Symphony No. 1 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 1 (Sibelius)
Symphony No. 1 (Stanford)
Symphony No. 1 (Tchaikovsky)
Symphony No. 1 (Williamson)
Symphony No. 1 (Zwilich)
Symphony No. 2
Symphony No. 20
Symphony No. 20 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 20 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 20 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 21
Symphony No. 21 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 21 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 21 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 22
Symphony No. 22 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 22 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 22 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 23
Symphony No. 23 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 23 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 23 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 24
Symphony No. 24 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 24 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 25
Symphony No. 25 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 25 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 25 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 26
Symphony No. 26 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 26 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 26 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 27
Symphony No. 27 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 27 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 27 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 28
Symphony No. 28 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 28 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 28 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 29
Symphony No. 29 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 29 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 29 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 2 (Barber)
Symphony No. 2 (Bax)
Symphony No. 2 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 2 (Bernstein)
Symphony No. 2 (Brahms)
Symphony No. 2 (Bruckner)
Symphony No. 2 (Corigliano)
Symphony No. 2 (Dohnnyi)
Symphony No. 2 (Dvok)
Symphony No. 2 (Furtwngler)
Symphony No. 2 (G. English)
Symphony No. 2 (Grecki)
Symphony No. 2 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 2 (Hovhaness)
Symphony No. 2 in D major
Symphony No. 2 (Ives)
Symphony No. 2 (Kabalevsky)
Symphony No. 2: Kleetden
Symphony No. 2 (Lutosawski)
Symphony No. 2 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 2 (Martin)
Symphony No. 2 (Moore)
Symphony No. 2 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 2 (Nielsen)
Symphony No. 2 (Paine)
Symphony No. 2, "The Imp of the Perverse"
Symphony No. 2 (Rachmaninoff)
Symphony No. 2 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 2 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 2 (Sibelius)
Symphony No. 2 (Tchaikovsky)
Symphony No. 3
Symphony No. 30
Symphony No. 30 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 30 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 30 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 31
Symphony No. 31 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 31 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 31 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 32
Symphony No. 32 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 32 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 32 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 33
Symphony No. 33 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 33 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 33 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 34
Symphony No. 34 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 34 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 35
Symphony No. 35 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 35 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 36
Symphony No. 36 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 36 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 36 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 37
Symphony No. 37 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 37 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 37 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 38
Symphony No. 38 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 38 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 38 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 39
Symphony No. 39 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 39 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 39 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 3 (Bax)
Symphony No. 3 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 3 (Bernstein)
Symphony No. 3 (Brahms)
Symphony No. 3 (Bruckner)
Symphony No. 3 (Chvez)
Symphony No. 3 (Copland)
Symphony No. 3 (Dvok)
Symphony No. 3 (Elgar/Payne)
Symphony No. 3 (Furtwngler)
Symphony No. 3 (Glire)
Symphony No. 3 (Grecki)
Symphony No. 3 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 3 in C minor
Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major
Symphony No. 3 (Ives)
Symphony No. 3 (Lutosawski)
Symphony No. 3 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 3 (Martin)
Symphony No. 3 (Mendelssohn)
Symphony No. 3 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 3 (Myaskovsky)
Symphony No. 3 (Nielsen)
Symphony No. 3 (Nrgrd)
Symphony No. 3 (Prokofiev)
Symphony No. 3, "Rituals"
Symphony No. 3 "Symphonie Liturgique" (Honegger)
Symphony No. 3 "Universe"
Symphony No. 3 (Saint-Sans)
Symphony No. 3 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 3 (Schuman)
Symphony No. 3 (Schumann)
Symphony No. 3 (Scriabin)
Symphony No. 3 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 3 (Tchaikovsky)
Symphony No. 4
Symphony No. 40
Symphony No. 40 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 40 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 40 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 41
Symphony No. 41 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 41 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 41 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 42
Symphony No. 42 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 43
Symphony No. 43 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 44
Symphony No. 44 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 45
Symphony No. 45 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 46
Symphony No. 46 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 47
Symphony No. 47 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 48
Symphony No. 48 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 49 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 4 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 4 (Boccherini)
Symphony No. 4 (Brahms)
Symphony No. 4 (Bruckner)
Symphony No. 4 (Chvez)
Symphony No. 4 (Dvok)
Symphony No. 4 (Glass)
Symphony No. 4 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 4 (Honegger)
Symphony No. 4 in E-flat major
Symphony No. 4 (Ives)
Symphony No. 4 (Lutosawski)
Symphony No. 4 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 4 (Martin)
Symphony No. 4 (Mendelssohn)
Symphony No. 4 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 4 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 4 (Nielsen)
Symphony No. 4 (Prt)
Symphony No. 4 (Prieto)
Symphony No. 4 (Prokofiev)
Symphony No. 4, "Souvenir des Ming"
Symphony No. 4 (Sallinen)
Symphony No. 4 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 4 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 4 (Tchaikovsky)
Symphony No. 4 (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony No. 5
Symphony No. 50
Symphony No. 5 (Gillis)
Symphony No. 50 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 51
Symphony No. 51 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 52
Symphony No. 52 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 53 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 54
Symphony No. 54 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 55 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 56
Symphony No. 56 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 57 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 58 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 59 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 5 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 5 (Bruckner)
Symphony No. 5 (Chvez)
Symphony No. 5 (Dvok)
Symphony No. 5 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 5 (Henze)
Symphony No. 5 in B-flat
Symphony No. 5 in D major
Symphony No. 5 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 5 (Martin)
Symphony No. 5 (Mendelssohn)
Symphony No. 5 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 5, "Kunstkammer"
Symphony No. 5 (Sallinen)
Symphony No. 5 (Schnittke)
Symphony No. 5 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 5 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 5 (Sibelius)
Symphony No. 5 (Tchaikovsky)
Symphony No. 5 (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony No. 6
Symphony No. 60
Symphony No. 60 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 61 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 62 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 63
Symphony No. 63 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 64 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 65 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 66
Symphony No. 66 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 67 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 68 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 69 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 6 (Bax)
Symphony No. 6 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 6 (Bruckner)
Symphony No. 6 (Chvez)
Symphony No. 6 (Dvok)
Symphony No. 6 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 6 (Henze)
Symphony No. 6 in B minor
Symphony No. 6 in F major
Symphony No. 6 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 6 (Martin)
Symphony No. 6 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 6 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 6 (Myaskovsky)
Symphony No. 6 (Nielsen)
Symphony No. 6 (Sallinen)
Symphony No. 6 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 6 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 6 (Tchaikovsky)
Symphony No. 6 (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony No. 7
Symphony No. 70 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 71 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 72 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 73 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 74 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 75 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 76 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 77 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 78 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 79 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 7 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 7 (Bruckner)
Symphony No. 7 (Dvok)
Symphony No. 7 (Glass)
Symphony No. 7 (Hanson)
Symphony No. 7 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 7 (Henze)
Symphony No. 7 in A major
Symphony No. 7 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 7 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 7 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 7 (Ries)
Symphony No. 7 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 7 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 7 (Sibelius)
Symphony No. 8
Symphony No. 80 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 81 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 82 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 83 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 84 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 85 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 86 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 87 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 88 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 89 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 8 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 8 (Bruckner)
Symphony No. 8 (Davies)
Symphony No. 8 (Dvok)
Symphony No. 8 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 8 (Kabel)
Symphony No. 8 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 8 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 8 (Penderecki)
Symphony No. 8 (Sallinen)
Symphony No. 8 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 8 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 8 (Sibelius)
Symphony No. 8 (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony No. 9
Symphony No. 90 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 91 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 92 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 93 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 94 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 95 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 96 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 97 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 98 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 99 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 9 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 9 (Bruckner)
Symphony No. 9 (Dvok)
Symphony No. 9 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 9 (Henze)
Symphony No. 9 in D minor
Symphony No. 9 in E minor
Symphony No. 9 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 9 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 9 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 9 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 9 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 9 (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony Nova Scotia
Symphony Number One
Symphony Number One (album)
Symphony of a City
Symphony of Ages
Symphony of Death
Symphony of Death (film)
Symphony of Destruction
Symphony of Enchanted Lands
Symphony of Enchanted Lands II The Dark Secret
Symphony of Illumination
Symphony of Life (album)
Symphony of Life (film)
Symphony of Love
Symphony of Psalms
Symphony of Science
Symphony of the Damned, Re-symphonised
Symphony of the Seas
Symphony on a French Mountain Air
Symphony Orchestra of India
Symphony Orchestra Vorarlberg
Symphony or Damn
Symphony OS
Symphony Park
Symphony SA-160
Symphony Services International
Symphony Sid
Symphony Silicon Valley
Symphony Six
Symphony (software)
Symphony song
Symphony Space
Symphony (Vierne)
Symphony Way Pavement Dwellers
Symphony X
Symphony (yacht)
Symphora Bhi
Symphorian and Timotheus
Symphorian Thomas Keeprath
Symphoricarpos acutus
Symphoricarpos albus
Symphoricarpos chenaultii
Symphoricarpos guadalupensis
Symphoricarpos hesperius
Symphoricarpos longiflorus
Symphoricarpos microphyllus
Symphoricarpos mollis
Symphoricarpos occidentalis
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus
Symphoricarpos oreophilus
Symphoricarpos palmeri
Symphoricarpos parishii
Symphoricarpos rotundifolius
Symphurus pusillus
Symphyletes nodosus
Symphyotrichum ascendens
Symphyotrichum boreale
Symphyotrichum campestre
Symphyotrichum chilense
Symphyotrichum ciliolatum
Symphyotrichum cordifolium
Symphyotrichum defoliatum
Symphyotrichum depauperatum
Symphyotrichum dumosum
Symphyotrichum eatonii
Symphyotrichum ericoides
Symphyotrichum estesii
Symphyotrichum falcatum
Symphyotrichum frondosum
Symphyotrichum georgianum
Symphyotrichum grandiflorum
Symphyotrichum greatae
Symphyotrichum laeve
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum
Symphyotrichum lentum
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii
Symphyotrichum oblongifolium
Symphyotrichum ontarionis
Symphyotrichum oolentangiense
Symphyotrichum patens
Symphyotrichum pilosum
Symphyotrichum praealtum
Symphyotrichum prenanthoides
Symphyotrichum puniceum
Symphyotrichum racemosum
Symphyotrichum rhiannon
Symphyotrichum robynsianum
Symphyotrichum sericeum
Symphyotrichum shortii
Symphyotrichum subulatum
Symphyotrichum urophyllum
Symphysa amoenalis
Symphysa lepidaria
Symphysis pubis dysfunction
Symphysodon aequifasciatus
Symphysodon discus
Symphysodon tarzoo
Symphyta (moth)
Symphytum asperum
Symphytum bulbosum
Symphytum caucasicum
Symphytum officinale
Symphytum tuberosum
Sympistis aqualis
Sympistis arizonensis
Sympistis aterrima
Sympistis chionanthi
Sympistis chorda
Sympistis columbia
Sympistis confusa
Sympistis dentata
Sympistis deserticola
Sympistis dinalda
Sympistis dunbari
Sympistis exacta
Sympistis extremis
Sympistis figurata
Sympistis funebris
Sympistis glennyi
Sympistis greyi
Sympistis hayesi
Sympistis infixa
Sympistis lapponica
Sympistis major
Sympistis nenum
Sympistis nigrita
Sympistis perscripta
Sympistis ragani
Sympistis sandaraca
Sympistis sectilis
Sympistis semicollaris
Sympistis strioligera
Sympistis subsimplex
Sympistis tenuifascia
Symplectic category
Symplectic cut
Symplectic filling
Symplectic geometry
Symplectic group
Symplectic integrator
Symplectic manifold
Symplectic matrix
Symplectic space
Symplectic sum
Symplectic vector space
Symplegma viride
Symplocamide A
Symplocarpus foetidus
Symplocos adenophylla
Symplocos anomala
Symplocos paniculata
Symplocos rayae
Symplocos stawellii
Symplocos tinctoria
Sympodial branching
Sympodium (coral)
Sympoliteia (municipality)
Symposia and workshops on opisthobranchs
Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits
Symposium (band)
Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy
Symposium (disambiguation)
Symposium (Feuerbach)
Symposium Hall
Symposium on Combinatorial Search
Symposium on Computational Geometry
Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures
Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
Symposium on Principles of Database Systems
Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
Symposium on Theory of Computing
Symposium on Turtle Evolution
Symposium (Plato)
Symposium (Xenophon)
Sympson the Joiner
Symptomatic treatment
Symptom (disambiguation)
Symptom of the Universe
Symptom of the Universe: The Original Black Sabbath 19701978
Symptoms (Ashley Tisdale album)
Symptoms + Cures
Symptoms of COVID-19
Symptoms of victimization
Symptom targeted intervention
Sympycnodes arachnophora
Sympycnodes epicycla
Sympycnodes tripartita
Symsagittifera roscoffensis
Syms Corporation
Symsonia, Kentucky
SYM Sport Rider 125i
Symvoulos Epicheiriseon
Symyx Technologies
Symzonia: A Voyage of Discovery
Syzygium symingtonianum
Table of vertex-symmetric digraphs
Tales of Symphonia
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
Talk:Sympson the Joiner
Tamara (symphonic poem)
Tampere Academic Symphony Orchestra
Tanglewood Symposium
Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra
Tea and Sympathy
Tea and Symphony
Tee (symbol)
Tehran Symphony Orchestra
Tenement Symphony (Marc Almond album)
Terminal and nonterminal symbols
Term symbol
Tetrahedral symmetry
Tetrarhanis symplocus
Texas A&M Wind Symphony
The 2nd Imaginary Symphony for Cloudmaking
The Airborne Symphony
The Ann Arbor Symposium
The Bells (symphony)
The Black Opera: Symphoni Mysteriorum in Laudem Tenebrarum
The Chelsea Symphony
The Cold Embrace of Fear A Dark Romantic Symphony
The Dresden Soul Symphony
The Dresden Soul Symphony (album)
The Ghost Note Symphonies, Vol. 1
The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses
The Longines Symphonette
The Lost Symbol
The Music of Styx Live with Symphony Orchestra
lesund Symposium
The Pinnacle at Symphony Place
There's No Sympathy for the Dead
The Rock, Rhosymedre
The Sound of Music (An Unfinished Symphony in 12 Parts)
The Sound of Symmetry
The Spoils of War (symposium)
The Symbolic
The Symbolic Species
The Symphony Sessions (The Manhattan Transfer album)
The Tenth Symphony
The War Symphonies: Shostakovich Against Stalin
The Whitlams & The Sydney Symphony Live in Concert
The Wicked Symphony
Thiruvasakam in Symphony
This Is My Time (Raven-Symon album)
Thomas Syme
Thomas Symes Warry
Thomas Symington
Thomas Symonds
Thomas Symonds (Royal Navy officer)
Thomas Symons
Three Pieces for Blues Band and Symphony Orchestra
Three Songs to Poems by Arthur Symons
Ticker symbol
Time symmetry
Time translation symmetry
Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra
Tokyo Symphony Orchestra
Toledo Symphony Orchestra
Tombstone Western Film Festival and Symposium
Tommy (London Symphony Orchestra album)
Toronto Symphony Orchestra
Toronto Symphony Orchestra (Welsman)
Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra
Toy Symphony
Trademark symbol
Translational symmetry
Transport and Map Symbols
Trapezites symmomus
Trees in Chinese mythology and cultural symbology
Tucson Symphony Orchestra
Tulsa Symphony
Turnstile (symbol)
Tytus Maksymilian Huber
Ukrainian Radio Symphony Orchestra
Undeniable (Raven-Symon album)
Underworld (Symphony X album)
Undulambia symphorasalis
Unfinished Sympathy
Unfinished Symphony: Democracy and Dissent
Unicode symbols
Unified Wine & Grape Symposium
Uniform Symbology
Uniform tiling symmetry mutations
Union of Nigerien Independents and Sympathisers
Union symbol (hieroglyph)
Universe Symphony (Ives)
University College Dublin Symphony Orchestra
University of North Texas Symphony Orchestra
University of Patras Poetry Symposium
Unrestricted (Symphorce album)
Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine
Urban Symphony
Us and Them: Symphonic Pink Floyd
User:Daniel Mietchen/Talks/Schloss Ringberg Symposium 2014
User:Symphonic Spenguin/UBX/anatidology
Usingeriessa symphonalis
USS Symbol (AM-123)
Utah Symphony
Valls Symphony Orchestra
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
Vanda Symon
Variational asymptotic method
Variations of the ichthys symbol
Vassilis Symtsak
Vasyl Herasymenko
Vasyl Symchych
Vasyl Symonenko
Vegetarian and vegan symbolism
Vegetative symptoms
Venezuela Symphony Orchestra
Versions and editions of Bruckner's symphonies
Vexillological symbol
Victoria Symphony
Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra
Vienna Symphony
Vietnam National Symphony Orchestra
Vina symbols
Voice Quality Symbols
Washington Chamber Symphony
WDR Symphony Orchestra Cologne
Weakly symmetric space
Weapons and armor in Chinese mythology, legend, cultural symbology, and fiction
Wedge (symbol)
West Australian Symphony Orchestra
Western Symphony
West Michigan Symphony Orchestra
Wheeling Symphony Orchestra
White power symbol
William R. Symonds
William Samuel Symonds
William Symington
William Symonds
William Symons
Wine Dark Sea (rock symphony)
Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra
Winter Symphony (Jennifer Thomas album)
With Sympathy
With the Sydney Symphony Live at the Sydney Opera House
Woman's Symphony Orchestra of Chicago
Wrapped asymmetric Laplace distribution
W. Stuart Symington (diplomat)
Wythoff symbol
Xalapa Symphony Orchestra
Yeah! Yeah! Die! Die! Death Metal Symphony in Deep C
Yijing Hexagram Symbols (Unicode block)
Young People's Symphony Orchestra
Youngstown Symphony Orchestra
Youth Symphony (Rachmaninoff)
YouTube Symphony Orchestra
Yucatn Symphony Orchestra
Yuriy Maksymov
Yuriy Tsymbalyuk
Zhenis Kassymbek
Zurich Symphony Orchestra

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last updated: 2022-02-04 12:10:47
256946 site hits