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2019 (dy)
Mortal Kombat (1995)
Mortimers Reading list (1972 edition)
private journal entry - 2022-02-19 - A.
Questions And Answers 1929-1931
Questions And Answers 1950-1951
Questions And Answers 1953
Questions And Answers 1954
Questions And Answers 1955
Questions And Answers 1956
Questions And Answers 1957-1958



1900. Includes portions of Martyrdom of Isaiah and The




1909. Reissued as Origins of Christianity. New Hyde





1917. "networking" The default {IP address} used to connect to many brands of {router} to set them up. It can be used from a {web browser} in the {URL} {(}. This URL, and the necessary default login details, are often printed on the router. The same address may also be accessible via a {telnet} {command line interface}. This is a {private address} that is only visible when connected directly to the router, i.e. it will not be routed by other network hardware. { (}. (2012-09-20)


19, 22. [Rf. Forlong, Encyclopedia of Religions .]


1924. New Hyde Park, N.Y.: University Books, 1962.







1938. Earlier editions: Leipzig, 1853-1859; Vienna,



1940. Subsequently issued as The Book of Ceremonial














1959. An edition ed. by Buber, pub. in Wilna,






1965. According to Kircher, Ecstatic Voyage (to



199. Hajoth Hakados is also referred to as one of

19. Amutiel

19. Atarculph

19. At the Exodus and in the Wilderness, God also spoke Hamitic. He did this, it is said, in order to make Him¬

19. Chinese sāstra commentaries (vols. 40-44)

19. cleansed body (S. mṛstagātraḥ; T. sku byi dor byas pa; C. shen guangze ru diaozhuo/guangze ming ligou 身光澤如彫琢/光澤明離垢)

19. Dahariel

19. his body and limbs are perfectly proportionate and thus shaped like a fig tree (S. nyagrodhaparimandala; T. shing nya gro dha ltar chu zheng gab pa; C. shenxiang yuanman runuojutuo 身相圓滿如諾瞿陀)

19. Khye'u chung lo (Khye'u Chunglo)

19. lack of circumspection (S. asaMprajanya; T. shes bzhin ma yin pa; C. bu zhengzhi 不正知)

19. Lilith*

19. One who is liberated through wisdom (PRAJNĀVIMUKTA)

19. one who is liberated through wisdom (S. prajNāvimukta; T. shes rab kyis rnam par grol ba; C. hui jietuo 慧解)

19. order (S. anukrama; T. go rim; C. cidi 次第)

19. Rachmiah

19. Raziel (Galizur)

19. rectitude of consciousness (P. cittujjukatā)

19. Thagnapa (T. Rdzun smra ba)

19th century.

19. wieldiness (P. kammaNNatā)


27 November 1959 page 235, Some Answers from the Mother—Vol -16

(2) The predominantly naturalistic and positivistic period coincides roughly with the nineteenth century. The wars of independence were accompanied by revolt from scholasticism. In the early part of the century, liberal eclectics like Cousin and P. Janet were popular in South America, but French eighteenth century materialism exerted an increasing influence. Later, the thought of Auguste Comte and of Herbert Spencer came to be dominant especially in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. Even an idealistically inclined social and educational philosopher like Eugenio Maria de Hostos (1839-1903), although rejecting naturalistic ethics, maintains a positivistic attitude toward metaphysics.

(3) The predominantly idealistic period of the twentieth century was initiated by the work of the Argentine Alejandro Korn (1860-1936), who introduced modern German philosophy to his fellow-countrymen. Francisco Romero, also an Argentine, has brought about the translation of many European philosophical classics into Spanish. Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, and the more recent neo-Kantians and phenomcnologists have exerted wide influence in Latin America. North American personalism has also attracted attention. In Mexico, Jose Vasconcelos and Pedro Gringoire reflect in their own syntheses the main streams of idealistic metaphysics, ethics, esthetics. Puerto Rico, with its recent publication of the writings of Hostes, is also a center of philosophic activity. There are signs of growing philosophical independence throughout Latin America. -- J.F., E.S.B.

A. Church, A formulation of the simple theory of types, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 5 (1940), pp. 56-68.

A. Church, review of the preceding, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 4l (1935), pp. 498-603.

Adler, Alfred: (1870-1937) Originally a follower of Freud (see Psychoanalysis; Freud), he founded his own school in Vienna about 1912. In contrast to Freud, he tended to minimize the role of sexuality and to place greater emphasis on the ego. He investigated the feelings of inferiority resulting from organic abnormality and deficiency and described the unconscious attempt of the ego to compensate for such defects. (Study of Organic Inferiority and its Psychical Compensations, 1907). He extended the concept of the "inferiority complex" to include psychical as well as physical deficiencies and stressed the tendency of "compensation" to lead to over-correction. (The Neurotic Constitution, 1912; Problems of Neurosis, 1930.) -- L.W.

A. Fraenkel, Einleitung in die Mengenlehre, 3rd edn., Berlin, 1928.

A. Heyting, Mathematische Grundlagen-forschung, Intuitionismus, Beweistheorie, Berlin, 1934. Intuitionism (philosophical):

A History of Jewish Literature, Vols. I, II, Chapters on Jewish Philosophy, New York, 1930, 1933;

"Ah! Since India is the cradle of religion and since so many gods preside over her destiny, who among them will accomplish the miracle of resuscitating the city?" A. Choumel (in an article on Pondicherry in 1928) Follows response by the Mother: "Blinded by false appearances, deceived by calumnies, held back by fear and prejudice, he has passed by the side of the god whose intervention he implores and saw him not; he has walked near to the forces which will accomplish the miracle he demands and had no will to recognise them. Thus has he lost the greatest opportunity of his life—a unique opportunity of entering into contact with the mysteries and marvelswhose existence his brain has divined and to which his heart obscurely aspires. In all times the aspirant, before receiving initiation, had to pass through tests. In the schools of antiquity these tests were artificial and by that they lost the greater part of their value. But it is no longer so now. The test hides behind some very ordinary every-day circumstance and wears an innocent air of coincidence and chance which makes it still more difficult and dangerous.It is only to those who can conquer the mind’s
   references and prejudices of race and education that India reveals the mystery of her treasures. Others depart disappointed, failing to find what they seek; for they have sought it in the wrong way and would not agree to pay the price of the Divine Discovery."
   Ref: CWM Vol. 13, Page: 372-373

Albertus, Magnus: St., O.P. (1193-1280) Count of Bollstädt, Bishop of Ratisbon, Doctor Universalis, was born at Lauingen, Bavaria, studied at Padua and Bologna, entered the Dominican Order in 1223. He taught theology at the Univ. of Paris from 1245-48, when he was sent to Cologne to organize a new course of studies for his Order; St. Thomas Aquinas was his student and assistant at this time. Later his time was given over to administrative duties and he was made Bishop of Ratisbon in 1260. In 1262 he gave up his bishopric and returned to a life of writing, teaching and controversy. Of very broad interests in science, philosophy and theology, Albert popularized a great part of the corpus of Aristotelian and Arabic philosophic writings in the 13th century. His thought incorporates elements of Augustinism, Aristotelianism, Neoplatonism, Avicennism, Boethianism into a vast synthesis which is not without internal inconsistencies. Due to the lack of critical editions of his works, a true estimate of the value of his philosophy is impossible at present. However, he must have had some influence on St. Thomas, and there was a lively Albertinian school lasting into the Renaissance. Chief works: Summa de Creaturis, Comment, in IV Lib. Sent., Philos, Commentaries on nearly all works of Aristotle, De Causis, De intellectu et intellig., Summa Theologiae (Opera Omnia, ed. Borgnet, 38 vol., Paris, 1890-99). -- V.J.B.

Alexander, Samuel: (1859-1938) English thinker who developed a non-psychic, neo-realistic metaphysics and synthesis. He makes the process of emergence a metaphysical principle. Although his inquiry is essentially a priori, his method is empirical. Realism at his hands becomes a quasi-materialism, an alternative to absolute idealism and ordinary materialism. It alms to combine the absoluteness of law in physics with the absolute unpredictability of emergent qualities. Whereas to the ancients and in the modern classical conception of physical science, the original stuff was matter and motion, after Minkowski, Einstein, Lorenz and others, it became indivisible space-time, instead of space and time.

Al Farabi: Died 950, introduced Aristotelian logic into the world of Islam. He was known to posterity as the "second Aristotle". He continued the encyclopedic tradition inaugurated by Al Kindi. His metaphysical speculation influenced Avicenna who found in the works of his predecessor the fundamental notion of a distinction between existence and essence, the latter not implying necessarily in a contingent being the former which therefore has to be given by God. He also emphasizes the Aristotelian notion of the "first mover". The concretization of the universal nature in particular things points to a creative power which has endowed being with such a nature. Al Farabi's philosophy is dependent in certain parts on Neo-Platonism. Creation is emanation. There is an anima mundi the images of which become corporeal beings. Logic is considered as the preamble to all science. Physics comprises all factual knowledge, including psychology; metaphysics and ethics are the other parts of philosophy. Cl. Baeumker, Alfarabi, Ueber den Vrsprung der Wissensehaften, Beitr. z. Gesch. d. Philos. d. MA. 1916. Vol. XIX. M. Horten, Das Buch der Ringsteine Farabis. ibid. 1906. Vol. V. -- R.A. Al

Alfred Forke, Geschichte der neueren chinesischen Philosophie, De Gruyter & Co., Hamburg, 1938;

All evolution is the progressive self-revelation of the One to himself in the terms of the Many out of the Inconscience through the Ignorance towards self-conscient perfection.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 12, Page: 219

…all our spiritual and psychic experience bears affirmative witness, brings us always a constant and, in its main principles, an invariable evidence of the existence of higher worlds, freer planes of existence. Not having bound ourselves down, like so much of modern thought, to the dogma that only physical experience or experience based upon the physical sense is true, the analysis of physical experience by the reason alone verifiable, and all else only result of physical experience and physical existence and anything beyond this an error, self-delusion and hallucination, we are free to accept this evidence and to admit the reality of these planes.We see that they are, practically, different harmonies from the harmony of the physical universe; they occupy, as the word "plane" suggests, a different level in the scale of being and adopt a different system and ordering of its principles.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 818-19

Als Ob: (Ger. as if) Fictional; hypothetical; postulated; pragmatic. The term was given currency by Hans Vaihinger's Die Philosophic des Als Ob (1911), which developed the thesis that our knowledge rests on a network of artfully contrived fictions which are not verifiable but pragmatically justifiable. While such fictions, employed in all fields of human knowledge and endeavor, deliberately falsify or circumvent the stream of immediate impressions, they greatly enhance reality. -- O.F.K.

amber room ::: --> A room formerly in the Czar&

ana ::: a term used in the last dated entry of 1920 for a plane of consciousness whose arrangement "on the lower levels of the ideal thought-powers" had then begun; in view of evidence for the connection of the term imperative with revelation or dr.s.t.i, imperative vijñana is perhaps the same as the earlier seer ideality, whose "deputed power" in the logistic ideality was mentioned in 1919.

ana [Greek and Sanskrit] ::: a term used in October 1920 for three levels encompassing much of what was formerly called logistic ideality; applied more specifically to the highest of these levels, also termed highest representative ideality, which corresponds to full revelatory ideality and "has to deal with three movements": actualities, potentialities and the "imperatives of the infinite".

ana ::: (in 1914) same as inspirational vijñana; (in 1920) the second plane of ideality, previously called the hermetic ideality, whose essence is sruti or "inspired interpretation". It enters into the lower plane, the logistic ideality or luminous reason, "attended by a diviner splendour of light and blaze of fiery effulgence". The "illumined" level of higher mind in the diagram on page 1360 (c. 1931) may be correlated with the hermetic ideality or srauta vijñana of 1919-20. srauta vyapti srauta

ana ::: (in 1920) the highest form of intuitive revelatory logistis. representative vij ñana

ana ::: (in 1920) the highest, most revelatory form of inspired revelatory logistis.

anamaya (vijnanamaya; vijnanamay) ::: supra-intellectual; having the nature of vijñana, the principle that links saccidananda to mind, life and matter and is revealed through the faculties of smr.ti, sruti and dr.s.t.i; expressing the principle of vijñana involved in or subordinated to the principle of another plane, such as the physical or mental. The terms ideal, gnostic and supramental are almost interchangeable with vijñanamaya in the Record of Yoga up to 1920; in 1927, the word vijñanamaya does not occur, while "supramental" and "gnostic" refer to planes higher than ideality.

Ananda ::: Ananda is the secret delight from which all things are born, by which all is sustained in existence and to which all can rise in the spiritual culmination.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 506

ana ::: same as representative revelatory vijñana or (in October 1920) highest representative ideality.

A. O. Lovejoy, The Revolt against Dualism, 1930.

Applied Hegel's idealism to literary criticism. Gave a new interpretation to poets' sentiments and ideals, and linked them to the civil history of Italy. New Italian idealism of about 1900 was based on his thought. -- L.V.

Ardigo, Roberto: (1828-1920) Was the leader in the Italian positivistic movement in philosophy. He was born in Padua and educated as a Catholic priest, but he became interested in the views of Comte, abandoned the ministry and became a professor at the Univ. of Padua. His emphasis on psychology differentiates his thought from Comtism. Chief works: La psicologia come scienze positive (1870), La morale dei positivisti (1885). -- V.J.B.

are ::: --> The present indicative plural of the substantive verb to be; but etymologically a different word from be, or was. Am, art, are, and is, all come from the root as. ::: n. --> The unit of superficial measure, being a square of which each side is ten meters in length; 100 square meters, or about 119.6 square

Ars Combinatoria: (Leibniz) An art or technique of deriving or inventing complex concepts by a combination of a relatively few simple ones taken as primitive. This technique was proposed as a valuable subject for study by Leibniz in De Arte Combinatoria (1666) but was never greatly developed by him. Leibniz's program for logic consisted of two main projects: (1) the development of a universal characteristic (characteristica universalis), and (2) the development of a universal mathematics (mathesis universalis (q.v.). The universal characteristic was to be a universal language for scientists and philosophers. With a relatively few basic symbols for the ultimately simple ideas, and a suitable technique for constructing compound ideas out of the simple ones, Leibniz thought that a language could be constructed which would be much more efficient for reasoning and for communication than the vague, complicated, and more or less parochial languages then available. This language would be completely universal in the sense that all scientific and philosophical concepts could be expressed in it, and also in that it would enable scholars m all countries to communicate over the barriers of their vernacular tongues. Leibniz's proposals in this matter, and what work he did on it, are the grand predecessors of a vast amount of research which has been done in the last hundred years on the techniques of language construction, and specifically on the invention of formal rules and procedures for introducing new terms into a language on the basis of terms already present, the general project of constructing a unified language for science and philosophy. L. Couturat, La Logique de Leibniz, Paris, 1901; C. I. Lewis, A Survey of Symbolic Logic, Berkeley, 1918. -- F.L.W.

As an emergent materialist, he holds that everything happens by the blind combination of the elements of matter or energy, without any guidance, excluding the assumption of a non-material component. While he regards primary qualities as physical emergents, he yet considers secondary qualities, such as color, taste, and smell, as transphysical emergents. He favors the emergence of laws, qualities and classes. Psyche, physical in nature, combines with other material factors to make the life of the mind. Broad holds to a generative view of consciousness. Psyche persists after death for some time, floats about in cosmic space indefinitely, ready to combine with a material body under suitable conditions. He calls this theory the "compound theory of materialistic emergency." Sensa, he holds, are real, particular, short-lived existents. They are exclusively neither physical nor mental. He replaces the neo-realistic contrast between existents and subsistents, by a contrast between existents and substracta. Main works: Scientific Thought, 1923; The Mind and Its Place in Nature, 1925; Five Types of Ethical Theory, 1930. -- H.H.

asurisu ::: into Asuric (births). [Gita 16.19]

asya ::: (also called quaternary dasya in a classification used in January 1913) the highest degree of dasya, in which the "gulf or distance which necessitates an obscure process of transit . . . between the divine Origin and the emerging human current . . . is removed; all in the individual becomes the divine working".

asya (dasya; dasyam) ::: (corresponding in July 1912 to the later tertiary dasya) the highest of three forms of dasya, that in which the "potential freedom" of double dasya disappears; this loss of apparent freedom of the will gives the "true freedom" that is attained only when "we surrender our conscious will and allow it to be made one with the will of the Eternal", for then, "living in the divine liberty, we shall no longer cling to this shackled so-called free-will, a puppet freedom ignorant, illusory, relative, bound to the error of its own inadequate vital motives and mental figures".

asya (dasya; dasyam) ::: (in January 1913) the third of four degrees of dasya, "the dasya of the yantra [instrument], which cannot disobey, but is worked mechanically through an intermediate impulsion of Prakriti", this indirectness being what distinguishes it from quaternary dasya; (from September 1913 onwards, corresponding to the earlier triple dasya) the highest of three forms of dasya, "a complete subjection" to the isvara, with prakr.ti "only as a channel", a state resulting from the loss of the illusory "relative freedom which by us is ignorantly called free-will", in which "at each moment and in each movement the absolute freedom of the Supreme handles the perfect plasticity of our conscious and liberated nature"; it has three stages, one in which volition is "dominant in the consciousness not as free, but as accompanying & approving the movement", a second in which the control of prakr.ti is "dominant though as a compelled & compulsory agent of a remote or veiled Ishwara" and a third in which prakr.ti is purely a channel and "the compulsion from the Ishwara direct, omnipresent and immanent".

asya ::: (in January 1913) the highest of four degrees of dasya, also called supreme dasya or "the dasya of the supreme degree which obeys helplessly the direct impulse of the Master", corresponding to the third stage of tertiary dasya in the classification used from September 1913 onwards. quaternary d dasyabuddhi

A. Tarski, Einige Betrachtungen uber die Begriffe der ω-Widerspruchsfreiheit und der ω-Vollstandigkeit, Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik, vol. 40 (1933), pp. 97-112.

A. Tarski, Introduction to Logic and to the Methodology of Deductive Sciences, New York, 1941.

A. Tarski, On the calculus of relations, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 6 (1941), pp. 73-. 9. ZERMELO SET THEORY. The attempt to devise a system which deals with the logic of classes in a more comprehensive way than is done by the algebra of classes (§ 7), and which, in particular, takes account of the relation e between classes (see the article class), must be carried out with caution in order to avoid the Russell paradox and similar logical paradoxes (q. v.).

  At times he calls himself the ‘Lord of Nations." It is he who sets all wars in motion and only by thwarting his plans could the last war be won . . . This one does not want to be converted, not at all. He wants neither the physical transformation not the supramental world, for that would spell his end. The Mother"s talk of 26 March 1959.

At times he calls himself the ‘Lord of Nations.’ It is he who sets all wars in motion and only by thwarting his plans could the last war be won . . . This one does not want to be converted, not at all. He wants neither the physical transformation not the supramental world, for that would spell his end. The Mother’s talk of 26 March 1959.

Aufklärung: In general, this German word and its English equivalent Enlightenment denote the self-emancipation of man from mere authority, prejudice, convention and tradition, with an insistence on freer thinking about problems uncritically referred to these other agencies. According to Kant's famous definition "Enlightenment is the liberation of man from his self-caused state of minority, which is the incapacity of using one's understanding without the direction of another. This state of minority is caused when its source lies not in the lack of understanding, but in the lack of determination and courage to use it without the assistance of another" (Was ist Aufklärung? 1784). In its historical perspective, the Aufklärung refers to the cultural atmosphere and contrlbutions of the 18th century, especially in Germany, France and England [which affected also American thought with B. Franklin, T. Paine and the leaders of the Revolution]. It crystallized tendencies emphasized by the Renaissance, and quickened by modern scepticism and empiricism, and by the great scientific discoveries of the 17th century. This movement, which was represented by men of varying tendencies, gave an impetus to general learning, a more popular philosophy, empirical science, scriptural criticism, social and political thought. More especially, the word Aufklärung is applied to the German contributions to 18th century culture. In philosophy, its principal representatives are G. E. Lessing (1729-81) who believed in free speech and in a methodical criticism of religion, without being a free-thinker; H. S. Reimarus (1694-1768) who expounded a naturalistic philosophy and denied the supernatural origin of Christianity; Moses Mendelssohn (1729-86) who endeavoured to mitigate prejudices and developed a popular common-sense philosophy; Chr. Wolff (1679-1754), J. A. Eberhard (1739-1809) who followed the Leibnizian rationalism and criticized unsuccessfully Kant and Fichte; and J. G. Herder (1744-1803) who was best as an interpreter of others, but whose intuitional suggestions have borne fruit in the organic correlation of the sciences, and in questions of language in relation to human nature and to national character. The works of Kant and Goethe mark the culmination of the German Enlightenment. Cf. J. G. Hibben, Philosophy of the Enlightenment, 1910. --T.G. Augustinianism: The thought of St. Augustine of Hippo, and of his followers. Born in 354 at Tagaste in N. Africa, A. studied rhetoric in Carthage, taught that subject there and in Rome and Milan. Attracted successively to Manicheanism, Scepticism, and Neo-Platontsm, A. eventually found intellectual and moral peace with his conversion to Christianity in his thirty-fourth year. Returning to Africa, he established numerous monasteries, became a priest in 391, Bishop of Hippo in 395. Augustine wrote much: On Free Choice, Confessions, Literal Commentary on Genesis, On the Trinity, and City of God, are his most noted works. He died in 430.   St. Augustine's characteristic method, an inward empiricism which has little in common with later variants, starts from things without, proceeds within to the self, and moves upwards to God. These three poles of the Augustinian dialectic are polarized by his doctrine of moderate illuminism. An ontological illumination is required to explain the metaphysical structure of things. The truth of judgment demands a noetic illumination. A moral illumination is necessary in the order of willing; and so, too, an lllumination of art in the aesthetic order. Other illuminations which transcend the natural order do not come within the scope of philosophy; they provide the wisdoms of theology and mysticism. Every being is illuminated ontologically by number, form, unity and its derivatives, and order. A thing is what it is, in so far as it is more or less flooded by the light of these ontological constituents.   Sensation is necessary in order to know material substances. There is certainly an action of the external object on the body and a corresponding passion of the body, but, as the soul is superior to the body and can suffer nothing from its inferior, sensation must be an action, not a passion, of the soul. Sensation takes place only when the observing soul, dynamically on guard throughout the body, is vitally attentive to the changes suffered by the body. However, an adequate basis for the knowledge of intellectual truth is not found in sensation alone. In order to know, for example, that a body is multiple, the idea of unity must be present already, otherwise its multiplicity could not be recognized. If numbers are not drawn in by the bodily senses which perceive only the contingent and passing, is the mind the source of the unchanging and necessary truth of numbers? The mind of man is also contingent and mutable, and cannot give what it does not possess. As ideas are not innate, nor remembered from a previous existence of the soul, they can be accounted for only by an immutable source higher than the soul. In so far as man is endowed with an intellect, he is a being naturally illuminated by God, Who may be compared to an intelligible sun. The human intellect does not create the laws of thought; it finds them and submits to them. The immediate intuition of these normative rules does not carry any content, thus any trace of ontologism is avoided.   Things have forms because they have numbers, and they have being in so far as they possess form. The sufficient explanation of all formable, and hence changeable, things is an immutable and eternal form which is unrestricted in time and space. The forms or ideas of all things actually existing in the world are in the things themselves (as rationes seminales) and in the Divine Mind (as rationes aeternae). Nothing could exist without unity, for to be is no other than to be one. There is a unity proper to each level of being, a unity of the material individual and species, of the soul, and of that union of souls in the love of the same good, which union constitutes the city. Order, also, is ontologically imbibed by all beings. To tend to being is to tend to order; order secures being, disorder leads to non-being. Order is the distribution which allots things equal and unequal each to its own place and integrates an ensemble of parts in accordance with an end. Hence, peace is defined as the tranquillity of order. Just as things have their being from their forms, the order of parts, and their numerical relations, so too their beauty is not something superadded, but the shining out of all their intelligible co-ingredients.   S. Aurelii Augustini, Opera Omnia, Migne, PL 32-47; (a critical edition of some works will be found in the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Vienna). Gilson, E., Introd. a l'etude de s. Augustin, (Paris, 1931) contains very good bibliography up to 1927, pp. 309-331. Pope, H., St. Augustine of Hippo, (London, 1937). Chapman, E., St. Augustine's Philos. of Beauty, (N. Y., 1939). Figgis, J. N., The Political Aspects of St. Augustine's "City of God", (London, 1921). --E.C. Authenticity: In a general sense, genuineness, truth according to its title. It involves sometimes a direct and personal characteristic (Whitehead speaks of "authentic feelings").   This word also refers to problems of fundamental criticism involving title, tradition, authorship and evidence. These problems are vital in theology, and basic in scholarship with regard to the interpretation of texts and doctrines. --T.G. Authoritarianism: That theory of knowledge which maintains that the truth of any proposition is determined by the fact of its having been asserted by a certain esteemed individual or group of individuals. Cf. H. Newman, Grammar of Assent; C. S. Peirce, "Fixation of Belief," in Chance, Love and Logic, ed. M. R. Cohen. --A.C.B. Autistic thinking: Absorption in fanciful or wishful thinking without proper control by objective or factual material; day dreaming; undisciplined imagination. --A.C.B. Automaton Theory: Theory that a living organism may be considered a mere machine. See Automatism. Automatism: (Gr. automatos, self-moving) (a) In metaphysics: Theory that animal and human organisms are automata, that is to say, are machines governed by the laws of physics and mechanics. Automatism, as propounded by Descartes, considered the lower animals to be pure automata (Letter to Henry More, 1649) and man a machine controlled by a rational soul (Treatise on Man). Pure automatism for man as well as animals is advocated by La Mettrie (Man, a Machine, 1748). During the Nineteenth century, automatism, combined with epiphenomenalism, was advanced by Hodgson, Huxley and Clifford. (Cf. W. James, The Principles of Psychology, Vol. I, ch. V.) Behaviorism, of the extreme sort, is the most recent version of automatism (See Behaviorism).   (b) In psychology: Psychological automatism is the performance of apparently purposeful actions, like automatic writing without the superintendence of the conscious mind. L. C. Rosenfield, From Beast Machine to Man Machine, N. Y., 1941. --L.W. Automatism, Conscious: The automatism of Hodgson, Huxley, and Clifford which considers man a machine to which mind or consciousness is superadded; the mind of man is, however, causally ineffectual. See Automatism; Epiphenomenalism. --L.W. Autonomy: (Gr. autonomia, independence) Freedom consisting in self-determination and independence of all external constraint. See Freedom. Kant defines autonomy of the will as subjection of the will to its own law, the categorical imperative, in contrast to heteronomy, its subjection to a law or end outside the rational will. (Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals, § 2.) --L.W. Autonomy of ethics: A doctrine, usually propounded by intuitionists, that ethics is not a part of, and cannot be derived from, either metaphysics or any of the natural or social sciences. See Intuitionism, Metaphysical ethics, Naturalistic ethics. --W.K.F. Autonomy of the will: (in Kant's ethics) The freedom of the rational will to legislate to itself, which constitutes the basis for the autonomy of the moral law. --P.A.S. Autonymy: In the terminology introduced by Carnap, a word (phrase, symbol, expression) is autonymous if it is used as a name for itself --for the geometric shape, sound, etc. which it exemplifies, or for the word as a historical and grammatical unit. Autonymy is thus the same as the Scholastic suppositio matertalis (q. v.), although the viewpoint is different. --A.C. Autotelic: (from Gr. autos, self, and telos, end) Said of any absorbing activity engaged in for its own sake (cf. German Selbstzweck), such as higher mathematics, chess, etc. In aesthetics, applied to creative art and play which lack any conscious reference to the accomplishment of something useful. In the view of some, it may constitute something beneficent in itself of which the person following his art impulse (q.v.) or playing is unaware, thus approaching a heterotelic (q.v.) conception. --K.F.L. Avenarius, Richard: (1843-1896) German philosopher who expressed his thought in an elaborate and novel terminology in the hope of constructing a symbolic language for philosophy, like that of mathematics --the consequence of his Spinoza studies. As the most influential apostle of pure experience, the posltivistic motive reaches in him an extreme position. Insisting on the biologic and economic function of thought, he thought the true method of science is to cure speculative excesses by a return to pure experience devoid of all assumptions. Philosophy is the scientific effort to exclude from knowledge all ideas not included in the given. Its task is to expel all extraneous elements in the given. His uncritical use of the category of the given and the nominalistic view that logical relations are created rather than discovered by thought, leads him to banish not only animism but also all of the categories, substance, causality, etc., as inventions of the mind. Explaining the evolution and devolution of the problematization and deproblematization of numerous ideas, and aiming to give the natural history of problems, Avenarius sought to show physiologically, psychologically and historically under what conditions they emerge, are challenged and are solved. He hypothesized a System C, a bodily and central nervous system upon which consciousness depends. R-values are the stimuli received from the world of objects. E-values are the statements of experience. The brain changes that continually oscillate about an ideal point of balance are termed Vitalerhaltungsmaximum. The E-values are differentiated into elements, to which the sense-perceptions or the content of experience belong, and characters, to which belongs everything which psychology describes as feelings and attitudes. Avenarius describes in symbolic form a series of states from balance to balance, termed vital series, all describing a series of changes in System C. Inequalities in the vital balance give rise to vital differences. According to his theory there are two vital series. It assumes a series of brain changes because parallel series of conscious states can be observed. The independent vital series are physical, and the dependent vital series are psychological. The two together are practically covariants. In the case of a process as a dependent vital series three stages can be noted: first, the appearance of the problem, expressed as strain, restlessness, desire, fear, doubt, pain, repentance, delusion; the second, the continued effort and struggle to solve the problem; and finally, the appearance of the solution, characterized by abating anxiety, a feeling of triumph and enjoyment.   Corresponding to these three stages of the dependent series are three stages of the independent series: the appearance of the vital difference and a departure from balance in the System C, the continuance with an approximate vital difference, and lastly, the reduction of the vital difference to zero, the return to stability. By making room for dependent and independent experiences, he showed that physics regards experience as independent of the experiencing indlvidual, and psychology views experience as dependent upon the individual. He greatly influenced Mach and James (q.v.). See Avenarius, Empirio-criticism, Experience, pure. Main works: Kritik der reinen Erfahrung; Der menschliche Weltbegriff. --H.H. Averroes: (Mohammed ibn Roshd) Known to the Scholastics as The Commentator, and mentioned as the author of il gran commento by Dante (Inf. IV. 68) he was born 1126 at Cordova (Spain), studied theology, law, medicine, mathematics, and philosophy, became after having been judge in Sevilla and Cordova, physician to the khalifah Jaqub Jusuf, and charged with writing a commentary on the works of Aristotle. Al-mansur, Jusuf's successor, deprived him of his place because of accusations of unorthodoxy. He died 1198 in Morocco. Averroes is not so much an original philosopher as the author of a minute commentary on the whole works of Aristotle. His procedure was imitated later by Aquinas. In his interpretation of Aristotelian metaphysics Averroes teaches the coeternity of a universe created ex nihilo. This doctrine formed together with the notion of a numerical unity of the active intellect became one of the controversial points in the discussions between the followers of Albert-Thomas and the Latin Averroists. Averroes assumed that man possesses only a disposition for receiving the intellect coming from without; he identifies this disposition with the possible intellect which thus is not truly intellectual by nature. The notion of one intellect common to all men does away with the doctrine of personal immortality. Another doctrine which probably was emphasized more by the Latin Averroists (and by the adversaries among Averroes' contemporaries) is the famous statement about "two-fold truth", viz. that a proposition may be theologically true and philosophically false and vice versa. Averroes taught that religion expresses the (higher) philosophical truth by means of religious imagery; the "two-truth notion" came apparently into the Latin text through a misinterpretation on the part of the translators. The works of Averroes were one of the main sources of medieval Aristotelianlsm, before and even after the original texts had been translated. The interpretation the Latin Averroists found in their texts of the "Commentator" spread in spite of opposition and condemnation. See Averroism, Latin. Averroes, Opera, Venetiis, 1553. M. Horten, Die Metaphysik des Averroes, 1912. P. Mandonnet, Siger de Brabant et l'Averroisme Latin, 2d ed., Louvain, 1911. --R.A. Averroism, Latin: The commentaries on Aristotle written by Averroes (Ibn Roshd) in the 12th century became known to the Western scholars in translations by Michael Scottus, Hermannus Alemannus, and others at the beginning of the 13th century. Many works of Aristotle were also known first by such translations from Arabian texts, though there existed translations from the Greek originals at the same time (Grabmann). The Averroistic interpretation of Aristotle was held to be the true one by many; but already Albert the Great pointed out several notions which he felt to be incompatible with the principles of Christian philosophy, although he relied for the rest on the "Commentator" and apparently hardly used any other text. Aquinas, basing his studies mostly on a translation from the Greek texts, procured for him by William of Moerbecke, criticized the Averroistic interpretation in many points. But the teachings of the Commentator became the foundation for a whole school of philosophers, represented first by the Faculty of Arts at Paris. The most prominent of these scholars was Siger of Brabant. The philosophy of these men was condemned on March 7th, 1277 by Stephen Tempier, Bishop of Paris, after a first condemnation of Aristotelianism in 1210 had gradually come to be neglected. The 219 theses condemned in 1277, however, contain also some of Aquinas which later were generally recognized an orthodox. The Averroistic propositions which aroused the criticism of the ecclesiastic authorities and which had been opposed with great energy by Albert and Thomas refer mostly to the following points: The co-eternity of the created word; the numerical identity of the intellect in all men, the so-called two-fold-truth theory stating that a proposition may be philosophically true although theologically false. Regarding the first point Thomas argued that there is no philosophical proof, either for the co-eternity or against it; creation is an article of faith. The unity of intellect was rejected as incompatible with the true notion of person and with personal immortality. It is doubtful whether Averroes himself held the two-truths theory; it was, however, taught by the Latin Averroists who, notwithstanding the opposition of the Church and the Thomistic philosophers, gained a great influence and soon dominated many universities, especially in Italy. Thomas and his followers were convinced that they interpreted Aristotle correctly and that the Averroists were wrong; one has, however, to admit that certain passages in Aristotle allow for the Averroistic interpretation, especially in regard to the theory of intellect.   Lit.: P. Mandonnet, Siger de Brabant et l'Averroisme Latin au XIIIe Siecle, 2d. ed. Louvain, 1911; M. Grabmann, Forschungen über die lateinischen Aristotelesübersetzungen des XIII. Jahrhunderts, Münster 1916 (Beitr. z. Gesch. Phil. d. MA. Vol. 17, H. 5-6). --R.A. Avesta: See Zendavesta. Avicehron: (or Avencebrol, Salomon ibn Gabirol) The first Jewish philosopher in Spain, born in Malaga 1020, died about 1070, poet, philosopher, and moralist. His main work, Fons vitae, became influential and was much quoted by the Scholastics. It has been preserved only in the Latin translation by Gundissalinus. His doctrine of a spiritual substance individualizing also the pure spirits or separate forms was opposed by Aquinas already in his first treatise De ente, but found favor with the medieval Augustinians also later in the 13th century. He also teaches the necessity of a mediator between God and the created world; such a mediator he finds in the Divine Will proceeding from God and creating, conserving, and moving the world. His cosmogony shows a definitely Neo-Platonic shade and assumes a series of emanations. Cl. Baeumker, Avencebrolis Fons vitae. Beitr. z. Gesch. d. Philos. d. MA. 1892-1895, Vol. I. Joh. Wittman, Die Stellung des hl. Thomas von Aquino zu Avencebrol, ibid. 1900. Vol. III. --R.A. Avicenna: (Abu Ali al Hosain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina) Born 980 in the country of Bocchara, began to write in young years, left more than 100 works, taught in Ispahan, was physician to several Persian princes, and died at Hamadan in 1037. His fame as physician survived his influence as philosopher in the Occident. His medical works were printed still in the 17th century. His philosophy is contained in 18 vols. of a comprehensive encyclopedia, following the tradition of Al Kindi and Al Farabi. Logic, Physics, Mathematics and Metaphysics form the parts of this work. His philosophy is Aristotelian with noticeable Neo-Platonic influences. His doctrine of the universal existing ante res in God, in rebus as the universal nature of the particulars, and post res in the human mind by way of abstraction became a fundamental thesis of medieval Aristotelianism. He sharply distinguished between the logical and the ontological universal, denying to the latter the true nature of form in the composite. The principle of individuation is matter, eternally existent. Latin translations attributed to Avicenna the notion that existence is an accident to essence (see e.g. Guilelmus Parisiensis, De Universo). The process adopted by Avicenna was one of paraphrasis of the Aristotelian texts with many original thoughts interspersed. His works were translated into Latin by Dominicus Gundissalinus (Gondisalvi) with the assistance of Avendeath ibn Daud. This translation started, when it became more generally known, the "revival of Aristotle" at the end of the 12th and the beginning of the 13th century. Albert the Great and Aquinas professed, notwithstanding their critical attitude, a great admiration for Avicenna whom the Arabs used to call the "third Aristotle". But in the Orient, Avicenna's influence declined soon, overcome by the opposition of the orthodox theologians. Avicenna, Opera, Venetiis, 1495; l508; 1546. M. Horten, Das Buch der Genesung der Seele, eine philosophische Enzyklopaedie Avicenna's; XIII. Teil: Die Metaphysik. Halle a. S. 1907-1909. R. de Vaux, Notes et textes sur l'Avicennisme Latin, Bibl. Thomiste XX, Paris, 1934. --R.A. Avidya: (Skr.) Nescience; ignorance; the state of mind unaware of true reality; an equivalent of maya (q.v.); also a condition of pure awareness prior to the universal process of evolution through gradual differentiation into the elements and factors of knowledge. --K.F.L. Avyakta: (Skr.) "Unmanifest", descriptive of or standing for brahman (q.v.) in one of its or "his" aspects, symbolizing the superabundance of the creative principle, or designating the condition of the universe not yet become phenomenal (aja, unborn). --K.F.L. Awareness: Consciousness considered in its aspect of act; an act of attentive awareness such as the sensing of a color patch or the feeling of pain is distinguished from the content attended to, the sensed color patch, the felt pain. The psychologlcal theory of intentional act was advanced by F. Brentano (Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkte) and received its epistemological development by Meinong, Husserl, Moore, Laird and Broad. See Intentionalism. --L.W. Axiological: (Ger. axiologisch) In Husserl: Of or pertaining to value or theory of value (the latter term understood as including disvalue and value-indifference). --D.C. Axiological ethics: Any ethics which makes the theory of obligation entirely dependent on the theory of value, by making the determination of the rightness of an action wholly dependent on a consideration of the value or goodness of something, e.g. the action itself, its motive, or its consequences, actual or probable. Opposed to deontological ethics. See also teleological ethics. --W.K.F. Axiologic Realism: In metaphysics, theory that value as well as logic, qualities as well as relations, have their being and exist external to the mind and independently of it. Applicable to the philosophy of many though not all realists in the history of philosophy, from Plato to G. E. Moore, A. N. Whitehead, and N, Hartmann. --J.K.F. Axiology: (Gr. axios, of like value, worthy, and logos, account, reason, theory). Modern term for theory of value (the desired, preferred, good), investigation of its nature, criteria, and metaphysical status. Had its rise in Plato's theory of Forms or Ideas (Idea of the Good); was developed in Aristotle's Organon, Ethics, Poetics, and Metaphysics (Book Lambda). Stoics and Epicureans investigated the summum bonum. Christian philosophy (St. Thomas) built on Aristotle's identification of highest value with final cause in God as "a living being, eternal, most good."   In modern thought, apart from scholasticism and the system of Spinoza (Ethica, 1677), in which values are metaphysically grounded, the various values were investigated in separate sciences, until Kant's Critiques, in which the relations of knowledge to moral, aesthetic, and religious values were examined. In Hegel's idealism, morality, art, religion, and philosophy were made the capstone of his dialectic. R. H. Lotze "sought in that which should be the ground of that which is" (Metaphysik, 1879). Nineteenth century evolutionary theory, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and economics subjected value experience to empirical analysis, and stress was again laid on the diversity and relativity of value phenomena rather than on their unity and metaphysical nature. F. Nietzsche's Also Sprach Zarathustra (1883-1885) and Zur Genealogie der Moral (1887) aroused new interest in the nature of value. F. Brentano, Vom Ursprung sittlicher Erkenntnis (1889), identified value with love.   In the twentieth century the term axiology was apparently first applied by Paul Lapie (Logique de la volonte, 1902) and E. von Hartmann (Grundriss der Axiologie, 1908). Stimulated by Ehrenfels (System der Werttheorie, 1897), Meinong (Psychologisch-ethische Untersuchungen zur Werttheorie, 1894-1899), and Simmel (Philosophie des Geldes, 1900). W. M. Urban wrote the first systematic treatment of axiology in English (Valuation, 1909), phenomenological in method under J. M. Baldwin's influence. Meanwhile H. Münsterberg wrote a neo-Fichtean system of values (The Eternal Values, 1909).   Among important recent contributions are: B. Bosanquet, The Principle of Individuality and Value (1912), a free reinterpretation of Hegelianism; W. R. Sorley, Moral Values and the Idea of God (1918, 1921), defending a metaphysical theism; S. Alexander, Space, Time, and Deity (1920), realistic and naturalistic; N. Hartmann, Ethik (1926), detailed analysis of types and laws of value; R. B. Perry's magnum opus, General Theory of Value (1926), "its meaning and basic principles construed in terms of interest"; and J. Laird, The Idea of Value (1929), noteworthy for historical exposition. A naturalistic theory has been developed by J. Dewey (Theory of Valuation, 1939), for which "not only is science itself a value . . . but it is the supreme means of the valid determination of all valuations." A. J. Ayer, Language, Truth and Logic (1936) expounds the view of logical positivism that value is "nonsense." J. Hessen, Wertphilosophie (1937), provides an account of recent German axiology from a neo-scholastic standpoint.   The problems of axiology fall into four main groups, namely, those concerning (1) the nature of value, (2) the types of value, (3) the criterion of value, and (4) the metaphysical status of value.   (1) The nature of value experience. Is valuation fulfillment of desire (voluntarism: Spinoza, Ehrenfels), pleasure (hedonism: Epicurus, Bentham, Meinong), interest (Perry), preference (Martineau), pure rational will (formalism: Stoics, Kant, Royce), apprehension of tertiary qualities (Santayana), synoptic experience of the unity of personality (personalism: T. H. Green, Bowne), any experience that contributes to enhanced life (evolutionism: Nietzsche), or "the relation of things as means to the end or consequence actually reached" (pragmatism, instrumentalism: Dewey).   (2) The types of value. Most axiologists distinguish between intrinsic (consummatory) values (ends), prized for their own sake, and instrumental (contributory) values (means), which are causes (whether as economic goods or as natural events) of intrinsic values. Most intrinsic values are also instrumental to further value experience; some instrumental values are neutral or even disvaluable intrinsically. Commonly recognized as intrinsic values are the (morally) good, the true, the beautiful, and the holy. Values of play, of work, of association, and of bodily well-being are also acknowledged. Some (with Montague) question whether the true is properly to be regarded as a value, since some truth is disvaluable, some neutral; but love of truth, regardless of consequences, seems to establish the value of truth. There is disagreement about whether the holy (religious value) is a unique type (Schleiermacher, Otto), or an attitude toward other values (Kant, Höffding), or a combination of the two (Hocking). There is also disagreement about whether the variety of values is irreducible (pluralism) or whether all values are rationally related in a hierarchy or system (Plato, Hegel, Sorley), in which values interpenetrate or coalesce into a total experience.   (3) The criterion of value. The standard for testing values is influenced by both psychological and logical theory. Hedonists find the standard in the quantity of pleasure derived by the individual (Aristippus) or society (Bentham). Intuitionists appeal to an ultimate insight into preference (Martineau, Brentano). Some idealists recognize an objective system of rational norms or ideals as criterion (Plato, Windelband), while others lay more stress on rational wholeness and coherence (Hegel, Bosanquet, Paton) or inclusiveness (T. H. Green). Naturalists find biological survival or adjustment (Dewey) to be the standard. Despite differences, there is much in common in the results of the application of these criteria.   (4) The metaphysical status of value. What is the relation of values to the facts investigated by natural science (Koehler), of Sein to Sollen (Lotze, Rickert), of human experience of value to reality independent of man (Hegel, Pringle-Pattlson, Spaulding)? There are three main answers:   subjectivism (value is entirely dependent on and relative to human experience of it: so most hedonists, naturalists, positivists);   logical objectivism (values are logical essences or subsistences, independent of their being known, yet with no existential status or action in reality);   metaphysical objectivism (values   --or norms or ideals   --are integral, objective, and active constituents of the metaphysically real: so theists, absolutists, and certain realists and naturalists like S. Alexander and Wieman). --E.S.B. Axiom: See Mathematics. Axiomatic method: That method of constructing a deductive system consisting of deducing by specified rules all statements of the system save a given few from those given few, which are regarded as axioms or postulates of the system. See Mathematics. --C.A.B. Ayam atma brahma: (Skr.) "This self is brahman", famous quotation from Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 2.5.19, one of many alluding to the central theme of the Upanishads, i.e., the identity of the human and divine or cosmic. --K.F.L.

Avatar ::: We have to remark c
   refully that the upholding of Dharma in the world is not the only object of the descent of the Avatar, that great mystery of the Divine manifest in humanity; for the upholding of the Dharma is not an all-sufficient object in itself, not the supreme possible aim for the manifestation of a Christ, a Krishna, a Buddha, but is only the general condition of a higher aim and a more supreme and divine utility. For there are two aspects of the divine birth; one is a descent, the birth of God in humanity, the Godhead manifesting itself in the human form and nature, the eternal Avatar; the other is an ascent, the birth of man into the Godhead, man rising into the divine nature and consciousness, madbhavam agatah. ; it is the being born anew in a second birth of the soul. It is that new birth which Avatarhood and the upholding of the Dharma are intended to serve.
   Ref: CWSA Vol.19 , Page: 147-48

aya ::: (c. 1931, in the diagram on page 1360) overmind in its fundamental power of measuring and limiting consciousness (maya), regarded as the essential form of overmind proper (see overmind system); "the original cosmic Maya, not a Maya of Ignorance but a Maya of Knowledge, yet a Power which has made the Ignorance possible, even inevitable".

aztec ::: a. --> Of or relating to one of the early races in Mexico that inhabited the great plateau of that country at the time of the Spanish conquest in 1519. ::: n. --> One of the Aztec race or people.

azymous ::: a. --> Unleavened; unfermented. B () is the second letter of the English alphabet. (See Guide to Pronunciation, // 196, 220.) It is etymologically related to p, v, f, w and m , letters representing sounds having a close organic affinity to its own sound; as in Eng. bursar and purser; Eng. bear and Lat. ferre; Eng. silver and Ger. silber; Lat. cubitum and It. gomito; Eng. seven, Anglo-Saxon seofon, Ger. sieben, Lat. septem, Gr."epta`, Sanskrit saptan. The form of letter B is Roman, from Greek B (Beta), of Semitic

barrel ::: n. --> A round vessel or cask, of greater length than breadth, and bulging in the middle, made of staves bound with hoops, and having flat ends or heads.
The quantity which constitutes a full barrel. This varies for different articles and also in different places for the same article, being regulated by custom or by law. A barrel of wine is 31/ gallons; a barrel of flour is 196 pounds.
A solid drum, or a hollow cylinder or case; as, the barrel

barrowist ::: n. --> A follower of Henry Barrowe, one of the founders of Independency or Congregationalism in England. Barrowe was executed for nonconformity in 1953.

Barth, Karl: (1886-1968) Swiss theologian, widely influential among current social pessimists. God, he holds, is wholly other than man, not apprehensible by man's reason nor attainable by human endeavor. Christianity is a revealed and supernatural religion. Man must trust God's plan of salvation or be doomed to utter ruin. God is the sole judge and his judgments are beyond man's attainments. The Barthian position is called "crisis theology" (crisis, the Greek word for judgment) and "dialectical theology" (because of the emphasis upon the contradict on between God and this world). For a summary of Barth's position see The Knowledge of God and the Service of God (1939). -- V.F.

B. Croce, Estetica, 1902; Logica, 1905-1909; Filosofia della prattica (1909) ; Teoria e storia della storiografia, 1917; What is Living and What is Dead of Hegel (tr. 1915); Historical Materialism and Econ. of K. Marx (tr. 1922); History as the Story of Liberty (tr. 1941).

B. Croce, What is Living and What is Dead of Hegel, 1915;

Behaviorism: The contemporary American School of psychology which abandons the concepts of mind and consciousness, and restricts both animal and human psychology to the study of behavior. The impetus to behaviorism was given by the Russian physiologist, Pavlov, who through his investigation of the salivary reflex in dogs, developed the concept of the conditioned reflex. See Conditioned Reflex. The founder of American behaviorism is J.B. Watson, who formulated a program for psychology excluding all reference to consciousness and confining itself to behavioral responses. (Behavior: An Introduction to Comparative Psychology, 1914.) Thinking and emotion are interpreted as implicit behavior: the former is implicit or subvocal speech; the latter implicit visceral reactions. A distinction has been drawn between methodological and dogmatic behaviorism: the former ignores "consciousness" and advocates, in psychology, the objective study of behaviour; the latter denies consciousness entirely, and is, therefore, a form of metaphysical materialism. See Automatism. -- L.W.

Beneke, Friedrich Eduard: (1798-1854) A German thinker of Kantian tradition modified by empiricism; his doctrines exerted considerable influence upon the psychology and educational theory of the 19th century. Main works: Erfahrungseelenlehre, 1820; Physik d. Sitten, 1822; Metaphysik, 1822; Logik als Kunstlehre des Denkens, 1832; Lehrbuch d. Psych. als Naturwiss., 1833; Erziehungslehre, 1833; Pragmatische Psychol., 1850. -- R.B.W.

Bennett and Baylis, Formal Logic, New York. 1937: 6. THEORY OF TYPES. In the functional calculus of first order, variables which appear as arguments of propositional functions or which are bound by quantifiers must be variables which are restricted to a certain limited range, the kinds of propositions about propositional functions which cannot be expressed in the calculus. The uncritical attempt to remove this restriction, by introducing variables of unlimited range (the range covering both non-functions and functions of whatever kind) and modifying accordingly the definition of a formula and the lists of primitive formulas and primitive rules of inference, leads to a system which is formally inconsistent through the possibility of deriving in it certain of the logical paradoxes (q. v.). The functional calculus of first order may, however, be extended in another way, which involves separating propositional functions into a certain array of categories (the hierarchy of types), excluding. propositional functions which do not fall into one of these categories, and -- besides propositional and individual variables -- admitting only variables having a particular one of these categories as range.

Bennett and Baylis, Formal Logic, New York, 1939. 5. CATEGORICAL SYLLOGISM is the name given to certain forms of valid inference (of the functional calculus of first order) which involve as premisses two (formulas representing) categorical propositions, having a term in common -- the middle term. Using S, M, P as minor term, middle term, and major term, respectively, we give the traditional classification into figures and moods. In each case we give the major premiss first, the minor premiss immediately after it, and the conclusion last; in some cases we give a third (existential) premiss which is suppressed in the traditional account. Because of the admission of singular propositions under the heads A, E, two different forms of valid inference appear in some cases under the same figure and mood -- these singular forms are separately listed.

Berdyayev, Nikolai Alexandrovitch: (1874-1948) Is a contemporary Russian teacher and writer on the philosophy of religion. He was born in Kiev, exiled to Vologda when twenty-five; threatened with expulsion from the Russian Orthodox Church in 1917, he became professor of philosophy at the University of Moscow. In 1922, he was expelled from the Soviet Union and he went to Berlin, where he established his Academy of Religious Philosophy. He moved his school to Paris and established a Russian review called Putj (The Way). His thought resembles that of the Christian Gnostics (see Gnosticism), and it owes a good deal to German idealism and mysticism (Boehme). He is a trenchant critic of systems as diverse as Communism and Thomistic Scholasticism. His most noted works are: Smyisl Istorii (The Meaning of History), Berlin, 1923; Novoye Srednevyekovye (transl. as The End of Our Time, N.Y., 1933), Berlin, 1924; Freedom and the Spirit, N. Y., 1935. V. J. Bourke, "The Gnosticism of N. Berdyaev", Thought, XI (1936), 409-22. -- VJ.B.

Bergson, Henri: (1859-1941) As the most influential of modern temporalistic, anti-mechanistic and spiritualistic metaphysics, Bergson's writings (Les donnees immediates de l'experience, Matiere et Memoire, L'evolution creatrtce, Le rire, Introduction a la metaphysique, Les deux sources de la morale et de la religion, etc.) were aimed against the dogmatic and crude naturalism, and the mechanistic and static materialism which reached their heights in the second half of the last century.

Bernard of Chartres: (died c. 1130) Has been called the "most perfect Platonist of his century'" by John of Salisbury (Metalogicus, IV, 35, PL 199, 938) but he is known only at second-hand now. He taught in the school of Chartres from 1114-1119 and was Chancellor of Chartres from 1119-1124. According to John of Salisbury, Bernard was an extreme realist in his theory of universals, but he taught that the forms of things (formae nativae) are distinct from the exemplary Ideas in the Divine Mind. A treatise, De expositione Porphyrii has been attributed to him. He is not to be confused with Bernard Silvestris of Chartres, nor with Bernard of Tours. E. Gilson. "Le platonisme de Bernard de C.", Revue Neoscolastique, XXV (1923) 5-19. -- V.J.B.

Besides the Zermelo set theory and the functional calculus (theory of types), there is a third method of obtaining a system adequate for mathematics and at the same time -- it is hoped -- consistent, proposed by Quine in his book cited below (1940). -- The last word on these matters has almost certainly not yet been said.

bhajati ::: adores (Me), has bhakti (for Me). [Gita 15.19]

bhautasiddhi (bhautasiddhi; bhauta-siddhi; bhauta siddhi) ::: a term that occurs in 1912-13 in connection with utthapana, also associated with the vijñana catus.t.aya; it is perhaps a collective term for the siddhis of the body, which are the basis of utthapana and form part of as.t.asiddhi in the vijñana catus.t.aya.

bhutva bhutva ::: having come into the becoming again and again. [Gita 8.19]

Blondel, Maurice: (1861-1939) A philosopher in the French "spiritualistic" tradition of Maine de Biran and Boutroux, who in his essays L'action (1893), and Le Proces de l'Intelligence (1922), defended an activistic psychology and metaphysics. "The Philosophy of Action" is a voluntaristic and idealistic philosophy which, as regards the relation of thought to action, seeks to compromise between the extremes of intellectualism and pragmatism. In his more recent book La Pensee (1934), Blondel retains his earlier activistic philosophy combined with a stronger theological emphasis. -- L.W.

bodhi-sattva (Bodhi-sattwa) ::: in Mahayana Buddhism,"a being who, though having the right to enter Nirvana, deliberately renounces it, electing to work under the conditions and possibly renewed temptations of the world, for the love of one"s fellow man or of the whole sentient world" (The Theosophical Path, March 1915, p. 160).

Body ::: Body is only a massed motion of force of conscious being employed as a starting-point for the variable relations of consciousness working through its power of sense.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 153

Bonaventure, St.: (1221 -1274) Was born at Bagnorea, near Viterbo, and his name originally was John of Fidanza. He joined the Franciscans in 1238, studied at the Univ. of Paris under Alexander of Hales, and took his licentiate in 1248. He taught theology in Paris for seven years and received his doctorate in 1257. In this year he was made Superior-General of his Order and he taught no more. His chief works are Commentaria in IV L. Sententiarum, Itinerarium mentis in Deum, Quaestiones Disputatae (Opera Omnia, ed crit., 10 vol. Quaracchi, 1882-1902). His philosophy is Augustinian, with some Aristotelian modifications in his theory of intellection and matter and form. But his Divine Exemplarism, Illumination theory, and tendency to stress the psychological importance of the human will, derive from St Augustine. E. Gilson, La philosophie de S. Bonaventure (Paris, 1924-). -- V.J.B.

Boodin, John Elof: American philosopher born in Sweden in 1869 who emigrated in 1886 to the United States. Studied at the Universities of Colorado, Minnesota, Brown and especially Harvard under Royce with whom he kept a life-long friendship though he was opposed to his idealism. His works (Time and Reality, 1904 -- Truth and Reality, 1912 -- A Realistic Universe, 1916 -- Cosmic Evolution, 1925 -- Three Interpretations of the Universe, 1934 -- God, 1935 -- The Social Mind, 1940) form practically a complete system. His philosophy takes the form of a cosmic idealism, though he was interested for a time in certain aspects of pragmatism. It grew gradually from his early studies when he developed a new concept of a real and non-serial time. The structure of the cosmos is that of a hierarchy of fields, as exemplified in physics, in organisms, in consciousness and in society. The interpenetration of the mental fields makes possible human knowledge and social intercourse. Reality as such possesses five attributes: being (the dynamic stuff of all complexes, the active energy), time (the ground of change and transformation), space (which accounts for extension), consciousness (active awareness which lights up reality in spots; it becomes the self when conative tendencies cooperate as one active group), and form (the ground of organization and structure which conditions selective direction). God is the spirit of the whole. -- T.G.J Boole, George: (1815-1864) English mathematician. Professor of mathematics at Queen's College, Cork, 1849-1864. While he made contributions to other branches of mathematics, he is now remembered primarily as the founder of the Nineteenth Century algebra of logic and through it of modern symbolic logic. His Mathematical Analysis of Logic appeared in 1847 and the fuller Laws of Thought in 1854. -- A.C.

Boolean algebra: See Logic, Formal, §7. Bosanquet, Bernard: (1848-1923) Neo-Hegelian idealist, regards Reality as a single individual all-embracing, completely rational experience, combining universality and concreteness. It alone exists. All other particulars -- minds or things -- are only partially concrete, individual and real. The incidental, incomplete, dependent and only partially existent character of finite consciousness is shown by the reaching, seeking character of all its activities, sense-perceptions, thought, moral action, and even aesthetic contemplation -- all of which indicate that self-realization means self-abandonment to something larger than the self.

boomeritis ::: A dysfunction whose name originates from its first and most famous victim: the Boomer generation (those born roughly between 1940-1960). The pathological combination of Green and Red altitude in any of the self-related lines of development. Also known as the “Mean Green Meme” (MGM) when used in reference to the Spiral Dynamics model of value memes.

Boutroux, E.: (1845-1921) Teacher of Bergson and M. Blondel, is best known for his defense of radical contingency and indeterminacy in metaphysics. Influenced by French "spiritualism" stemming from Maine de Biran, Boutroux was critical of the current psychological and sociological treatment of religious experience. Main works: Contingency of the Laws of Nature (tr. 1920); Philosophy and War (tr. 1916); Science et religion, 1908. -- L.W.

Bowne, Borden Parker: (1847-1910) His influence was not merely confined to the theological world of his religious communion as a teacher of philosophy at Boston University. His philosophy was conspicuous for the combination of theism with an idealistic view which he termed "Personalism" (q.v.). He mainly discussed issues of philosophy which had a bearing on religion, ethics, and epistemology. Main works: Metaphysics, 1882; Philosophy of Theism, 1887; Theory of Thought and Knowledge, 1897; Personalism, 1908; Kant and Spencer, 1912. -- H.H.

Bradley, Francis Herbert: (1846-1924) Dialectician extraordinary of British philosophy, Bradley sought to purge contemporary thought of the extremely sensationalistic and utilitarian elements embodied in the tradition of empiricism. Though owing much to Hegel, he early repudiated the Hegelian system as such, and his own variety of Absolute Idealism bases itself upon no scheme of categories. His brilliant attack upon the inadequate assumptions of hedonistic ethics (Ethical Studies, 1877) was followed in 1883 by The Principles of Logic in which his dialectic analysis was applied to the problems of inference and judgment. It was, however, his Appearance and Reality (1893) with its famous theory of "the degrees of truth" which first disturbed the somnambulism of modern metaphysics, and led Caird to remark upon "the greatest thing since Kant". In later years Bradley's growing realization of ultimate difficulties in his version of the coherence theory led him to modify his doctrines in the direction of a Platonic mysticism. See Essays on Truth and Reality, the second edition of the Logic Collected Essays, etc. -- W.S.W.

Brentano, Franz: (1838-1917) Who had originally been a Roman Catholic priest may be described as an unorthodox neo-scholastic. According to him the only three forms of psychic activity, representation, judgment and "phenomena of love and hate", are just three modes of "intentionality", i.e., of referring to an object intended. Judgments may be self-evident and thereby characterized as true and in an analogous way love and hate may be characterized as "right". It is on these characterizations that a dogmatic theory of truth and value may be based. In any mental experience the content is merely a "physical phenomenon" (real or imaginary) intended to be referred to, what is psychic is merely the "act" of representing, judging (viz. affirming or denying) and valuing (i.e. loving or hating). Since such "acts" are evidently immaterial, the soul by which they are performed may be proved to be a purely spiritual and imperishable substance and from these and other considerations the existence, spirituality, as also the infinite wisdom, goodness and justice of God may also be demonstrated. It is most of all by his classification of psychic phenomena, his psychology of "acts" and "intentions" and by his doctrine concerning self-evident truths and values that Brentano, who considered himself an Aristotelian, exercised a profound influence on subsequent German philosophers: not only on those who accepted his entire system (such as A. Marty and C. Stumpf) but also those who were somewhat more independent and original and whom he influenced either directly (as A. Meinong and E. Husserl) or indirectly (as M. Scheler and Nik. Hartmann). Main works: Psychologie des Aristoteles, 1867; Vom Dasein Gottes, 1868; Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkt, 1874; Vom Ursprung sittliches Erkenntnis, 1884; Ueber die Zukunft der Philosophie, 1893; Die vier Phasen der Philos., 1895. -- H.Go. Broad, C.D.: (1887) As a realistic critical thinker Broad takes over from the sciences the methods that are fruitful there, classifies the various propositions used in all the sciences, and defines basic scientific concepts. In going beyond science, he seeks to reach a total view of the world by bringing in the facts and principles of aesthetic, religious, ethical and political experience. In trying to work out a much more general method which attacks the problem of the connection between mathematical concepts and sense-data better than the method of analysis in situ, he gives a simple exposition of the method of extensive abstraction, which applies the mutual relations of objects, first recognized in pure mathematics, to physics. Moreover, a great deal can be learned from Broad on the relation of the principle of relativity to measurement.

Brentano (Psychologie, 1874) takes an existential proposition (Existentialsatz) to be one that directly affirms or denies existence, and shows that each of the four traditional kinds of categorical propositions is reducible (i.e., equivalent) to an existential proposition in this sense; thus, e.g., "all men are mortal" becomes "immortal men do not exist." This definition of an existential proposition and the reduction of categorical propositions to existential appears also in Keynes's Formal Logic, 4th edn. (1906). -- A.C.

Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus Jan: (1881-) Dutch mathematician. Professor of mathematics at the University of Amsterdam, 1912-. Besides his work in topology, he is known for important contributions to the philosophy and foundations of mathematics. See Mathematics and Intuitionism (mathematical)). -- A.C.

Bruno, Giordano: (1548-1600) A Dominican monk, eventually burned at the stake because of his opinions, he was converted from Christianity to a naturalistic and mystical pantheism by the Renaissance and particularly by the new Copernican astronomy. For him God and the universe were two names for one and the same Reality considered now as the creative essence of all things, now as the manifold of realized possibilities in which that essence manifests itself. As God, natura naturans, the Real is the whole, the one transcendent and ineffable. As the Real is the infinity of worlds and objects and events into which the whole divides itself and in which the one displays the infinite potentialities latent within it. The world-process is an ever-lasting going forth from itself and return into itself of the divine nature. The culmination of the outgoing creative activity is reached in the human mind, whose rational, philosophic search for the one in the many, simplicity in variety, and the changeless and eternal in the changing and temporal, marks also the reverse movement of the divine nature re-entering itself and regaining its primordial unity, homogeneity, and changelessness. The human soul, being as it were a kind of boomerang partaking of the ingrowing as well as the outgrowing process, may hope at death, not to be dissolved with the body, which is borne wholly upon the outgoing stream, but to return to God whence it came and to be reabsorbed in him. Cf. Rand, Modern Classical Philosophers, selection from Bruno's On Cause, The Principle and the One. G. Bruno: De l'infinito, universo e mundo, 1584; Spaccio della bestia trionfante, 1584; La cena delta ceneri, 1584; Deglieroici furori, 1585; De Monade, 1591. Cf. R. Honigswald, Giordano Bruno; G. Gentile, Bruno nella storia della cultura, 1907. -- B.A.G.F. Brunschvicg, Leon: (1869-) Professor of Philosophy at the Ecole Normale in Paris. Dismissed by the Nazis (1941). His philosophy is an idealistic synthesis of Spinoza, Kant and Schelling with special stress on the creative role of thought in cultural history as well as in sciences. Main works: Les etapes de la philosophie mathematique, 1913; L'experience humaine et la causalite physique, 1921; De la connaissance de soi, 1931. Buddhism: The multifarious forms, philosophic, religious, ethical and sociological, which the teachings of Gautama Buddha (q.v.) have produced. They centre around the main doctrine of the catvari arya-satyani(q.v.), the four noble truths, the last of which enables one in eight stages to reach nirvana (q.v.): Right views, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. In the absence of contemporary records of Buddha and Buddhistic teachings, much value was formerly attached to the palm leaf manuscripts in Pali, a Sanskrit dialect; but recently a good deal of weight has been given also the Buddhist tradition in Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Chinese. Buddhism split into Mahayanism and Hinayanism (q.v.), each of which, but particularly the former, blossomed into a variety of teachings and practices. The main philosophic schools are the Madhyamaka or Sunyavada, Yogacara, Sautrantika, and Vaibhasika (q.v.). The basic assumptions in philosophy are a causal nexus in nature and man, of which the law of karma (q.v.) is but a specific application; the impermanence of things, and the illusory notion of substance and soul. Man is viewed realistically as a conglomeration of bodily forms (rupa), sensations (vedana), ideas (sanjna), latent karma (sanskaras), and consciousness (vijnana). The basic assumptions in ethics are the universality of suffering and the belief in a remedy. There is no god; each one may become a Buddha, an enlightened one. Also in art and esthetics Buddhism has contributed much throughout the Far East. -- K.F.L.

B. Russell, Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, London, 1919.

B. Russell, On some difficulties in the theory of transfinite numbers and order types. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, ser 2. vol. 4 (1906), pp 29-53.

B. Russell, Scientific Method in Philosophy, 1914.

B. Russell, The Analysis of Mind, 1921.

B. Russell, The Problems of Philosophy, 1912.

By prakamya is meant the full prakasha of the senses and the manas, by which they surpass the ordinary limits of the body.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 10-11, Page: 19

Calkins, Mary Whiton: (1863-1930) Professor of Philosophy at Wellesley College with which institution she was associated from 1891. She advanced an objective idealism of the Roycean character, styling her views as absolutistic personalism. She endeavored to find psychological justification for her views in the gestalt theory. Her works were in both fields of her interest: An Introduction to Psychology, The Persistent Problems of Philosophy, The Good Man and the Good, among others. -- L.E.D.

Cambridge School: A term loosely applied to English philosophers who have been influenced by the teachings of Professor G. E. Moore (mainly in unpublished lectures delivered at the Cambridge University, 1911-1939). In earlier years Moore stressed the need to accept the judgments of "common sense" on such matters as the existence of other persons, of an "external world", etc. The business of the analytical philosopher was not to criticise such judgments but to display the structure of the facts to which they referred. (Cf. "A defense of common-sense in philosophy," Contemporary British Philosophy, 2 (1925) -- Moore's only discussion of the method.) Such analysis would be directional, terminating in basic or atomic facts, all of whose constituents might be known by acquaintance. The examples discussed were taken largely from the field of epistemology, turning often about the problem of the relation of material objects to sense-data, and of indirect to direct knowledge. In this earlier period problems were often suggested by Russell's discussion of descriptions and logical constructions. The inconclusiveness of such specific discussions and an increasingly critical awareness of the functions of language in philosophical analysis has in later years tended to favor more flexible interpretations of the nature of analysis. (Cf. M. Black, "Relations Between Logical Positivism and the Cambridge School of Analysis", Journal of Unified Science (Erkenntnis), 8, 24-35 for a bibliography and list of philosophers who have been most influenced by emphasis on directional analysis.) -- M.B.

Cantor, Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Trasfinite Numbers, translated and with an introduction bv P.E.B. Jourdain, Chicago and London, 1915. Whitehead and Russell, Principia Mathematica, vol. 2.

Cantor, Georg (Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp), 1845-1918, (Russian born) German mathematician. Professor of mathematics at Halle, 1872-1913. He is known for contributions to the foundations of (mathematical) analysis, and as the founder of the theory of transfinite cardinal numbers (q.v.) and ordinal numbers (q.v.). See Infinite. -- A.C.

Carnap, Rudolf: (1891-) successively Privatdozent at the University of Vienna, Professor of Philosophy at the German University of Prague, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Chicago (since 1936); one of the leading representatives of the positivism of the Vienna Circle and subsequently of Scientific Empiricism (q.v.); co-editor of The Journal of Unified Science (previously: Erkenntnis).

Carnap's contributions to the study of epistemological and philosophical problems may be characterized as applications of the methods of logical analysis to the languages of everyday life and of science. His books contain applications to the fundamental problems of epistemology, expound the principles of physicalism (q.v.) which was developed by Carnap and Neurath and which offers, amongst others, a basis for a more cautious version of the ideas of older behaviorism and for the construction of one common unified language for all branches of empirical science (see Unity of Science). Main works: Logische Aufblou der Welt; Abriss der Logistik; Logische Syntax der Sprache "Testability and Meaning," Phil. of Sci. (1916). -- C.G.H. (charshanipra) ::: "filling the actions" (see the sortilege of carsanipra 13 December 1912 from R . g Veda 1.177.1).

(c) A special school called "Critical Realists" arose as a reactionary movement against the alleged extravagant views of another school of realists called the "New Realists" (q.v.). According to the "Critical Realists" the objective world, existing independently of the subject, is separated in the knowledge-relation by media or vehicles or essences. These intermediaries are not objects but conveyances of knowledge. The mind knows the objective world not directly (epistemological monism) but by means of a vehicle through which we perceive and think (epistemological dualism). For some, this vehicle is an immediate mental essence referring to existences, for some a datum, for some a subsistent realm mediating knowledge, and for one there is not so much a vehicle as there is a peculiar transcendental giasping of objects in cognition. In 1920 Essays in Critical Realism was published as the manifesto, the platform of this school. Its collaborators were D. Drake, A. O. Lovejoy, J. B. Pratt, A. K. Rogers, G. Santayana, R. W. Sellars, and C A. Strong. -- V.F.

Cassirer, Ernst: (1874-) Has been chiefly interested in developing the position of the neo-Kantian Philosophy of the Marburg School as it relates to scientific knowledge. Looking at the history of modern philosophy as a progressive formulation of this position, he has sought to extend it by detailed analyses of contemporary scientific developments. Of note are Cassirer's investigations in mathematics, his early consideration of chemical knowledge, and his treatment of Einstein's relativity theory. Main works: Das Erkenntntsprobleme, 3 vols. (1906); Substanz-u-Funktionsbegriff, 1910 (tr. Substance and Function); Philosophie der Symbolischen Forme (1923); Phanom. der Erkenntnis, 1929; Descartes; Leibniz. -- C.K.D.

C. D. Broad, Mind and its Place in Nature, 1925.

C. D. Broad, Perception, Physics, and Reality, 1914.

C. D. Broad, Scientific Thought, 1923.

Cf. E. Cassirer, Das Erkenntnisprobleme, 1906. -- J.K.F.

Choice, axiom of, or Zermelo's axiom, is the name given to an assumption of logical or logico-mathematical character which may be stated as follows: Given a class K whose members are non-empty classes, there exists a (one-valued) monadic function f whose range is K, such that f(x) &isin: x for all members x of K. This had often been employed unconsciously or tacitly by mathematicians -- and is apparently necessary for the proofs of certain important mathematical theorems -- but was first made explicit by Zermelo in 1904, who used it in a proof that every class can be well-ordered. Once explicitly stated the assumption was attacked by many mathematicians as lacking in validity or as not of legitimately mathematical character, but was defended by others, including Zermelo.

Chrematistiscs: (Gr. chrematistike, the art of the use of money) A term insisted upon by Ingram (1823-1900) and others in a restricted sense to that portion of the science of political economy which relates to the management and regulation of wealth and property, one of the efforts to indicate more clearly the content of classical economics. -- H.H.

C. I. Lewis, A Survey of Symbolic Logic, Berkeley, Cal., 1918.

C. I. Lewis, Mind and the World Order, 1929.

cinchonidine ::: n. --> One of the quinine group of alkaloids, found especially in red cinchona bark. It is a white crystalline substance, C19H22N2O, with a bitter taste and qualities similar to, but weaker than, quinine; -- sometimes called also cinchonidia.

Cohen, Hermann: (1842-1918) and Paul Natorp (1854-1924) were the chief leaders of the "Marburg School" which formed a definite branch of the Neo-Kantian movement. Whereas the original founders of this movement, O. Liebmann and Fr. A. Lange, had reacted to scientific empiricism by again calling attention to the a priori elements of cognition, the Marburg school contended that all cognition was exclusively a priori. They definitely rejected not only the notion of "things-in-themselves" but even that of anything immediately "given" in experience. There is no other reality than one posited by thought and this holds good equally for the object, the subject and God. Nor is thought in its effort to "determine the object = x" limited by any empirical data but solely by the laws of thought. Since in Ethics Kant himself had already endeavored to eliminate all empirical elements, the Marburg school was perhaps closer to him in this field than in epistemology. The sole goal of conduct is fulfillment of duty, i.e., the achievement of a society organized according to moral principles and satisfying the postulates of personal dignity. The Marburg school was probably the most influential philosophic trend in Germany in the last 25 years before the First World War. The most outstanding present-day champion of their tradition is Ernst Cassirer (born 1874). Cohen and Natorp tried to re-interpret Plato as well as Kant. Following up a suggestion first made by Lotze they contended that the Ideas ought to be understood as laws or methods of thought and that the current view ascribing any kind of existence to them was based on a misunderstanding of Aristotle's. -- H.G.

colchicine ::: n. --> A powerful vegetable alkaloid, C17H19NO5, extracted from the Colchicum autumnale, or meadow saffron, as a white or yellowish amorphous powder, with a harsh, bitter taste; -- called also colchicia.

Consciousness: (Lat. conscire, to know, to be cognizant of) A designation applied to conscious mind as opposed to a supposedly unconscious or subconscious mind (See Subconscious Mind; Unconscious Mind), and to the whole domain of the physical and non-mental. Consciousness is generally considered an indefinable term or rather a term definable only by direct introspective appeal to conscious experiences. The indefinability of consciousness is expressed by Sir William Hamilton: "Consciousness cannot be defined: we may be ourselves fully aware what consciousness is, but we cannot without confusion convey to others a definition of what we ourselves clearly apprehend. The reason is plain: consciousness lies at the root of all knowledge." (Lectures on Metaphysics, I, 191.) Ladd's frequently quoted definition of consciousness succeeds only in indicating the circumstances under which it is directly observable: "Whatever we are when we are awake, as contrasted with what we are when we sink into a profound and dreamless sleep, that is to be conscious."

Continuant: ''That which continues to exist while its states or relations may be changing" (Johnson, Logic I, p. 199). The continuant is in Johnson's metaphysics a revised and somewhat more precise form of the traditional conception of substance; it includes, according to him, that residuum from the traditional conception of substance which is both philosophically justifiable and indispensable.

Contradiction, law of, is given by traditional logicians as "A is B and A is not B cannot both be true." It is usually taken to be the theorem of the propositional calculus, ∼[p∼p]. In use, however, the name often seems to refer to the syntactical principle or precept which may be formulated as follows: A logical discipline containing (an applied) propositional calculus, or a set of hypotheses or postulates to be added to such a discipline, shall not lead to two theorems or consequences of the forms A and ∼A. The law is explicitly stated in a syntactical form, e.g. by Ledger Wood in his The Analysis of Knowledge (1940). -- A.C.

Contrasted with the Coherence Theory of Truth. Cf. B. Russell, An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth, 1941, for defence, and F. H. Bradley, Essays on Truth and Reality, for criticisms of the theory. -- M.B.

Creighton, James Edwin: (1861-1924) Professor of Logic and Metaphysics at Cornell University. He was one of the founders and a president of the American Philosophical Association, American editor of Kant-Studien and editor of The Philosophical Review. He was greatly influenced by Bosanquet. His Introductory Logic had long been a standard text. His basic ideas as expressed in articles published at various times were posthumously published in a volume entitled Studies in Speculative Philosophy, a term expressive of his intellectualistic form of objective idealism. -- L.E.D.

Crescas, Don Hasdai: (1340-1410) Jewish philosopher and theologian. He was the first European thinker to criticize Aristotelian cosmology and establish the probability of the existence of an infinite magnitude and of infinite space, thus paving the way for the modern conception of the universe. He also took exception to the entire trend of the philosophy of Maimonides, namely its extreme rationalism, and endeavored to inject the emotional element into religious contemplation, and make love an attribute of God and the source of His creative activity. He also expressed original views on the problems of freedom and creation. He undoubtedly exerted influence on Spinoza who quotes him by name in the formulation of some of his theories. See Jewish Philosophy. Cf. H. A. Wolfson, Crescas' Critique of Aristotle, 1929. -- M.W.

Critical Monism: (a) In ontology: The view of reality which holds that it is one in number but that the unity embraces real multiplicity. Harald Höffding (1843-1931) gave the title of critical monism to the theory that reality, like conscious experience, is one although there are many items within that experience. Another example: both the One and the Many exist and in the closest relation without either merging or cancelling the other. The One is immanent in the Many although transcendent; the Many are immanent in the One although in a sense beyond it.

crownpiece ::: n. --> A piece or part which passes over the head, as in a bridle.
A coin [In sense (b) properly crown piece.] See Crown, 19.

Cusa. Nicholas of: (1401-1464) Born in Cusa (family name: Krebs), educated in the mystical school of Deventer, and at the Universities of Heidelberg, Padua and Cologne. He became a Cardinal in 1448, Bishop of Brixen in 1450, and died at Todi. He was interested in mathematics, astronomy, philosophy and ecclesiastical policy. His thought is Neo-Platonic and mystical, he is critical of Aristotelian Scholasticism. His theories of "learned ignorance" and the "concordance of contraries" have been historically influential. Chief works: De concordantia Catholica, De docta ignorantia, De conjecturis (Opera, Paris, 1514). E. Van Steenberghe, Le Card. N. de Cuse,l'action, la pensee (Paris, 1920). -- V.J.B.

D. Drake and others, Essays in Critical Realism, 1920.

Dedekind, (Julius Wilhelm) Richard: (1831-1916) German mathematician. Professor of mathematics at Brunswick, 1862-1894. His contributions to the foundations of arithmetic and analysis are contained in his Stetigkeit und Irrationale Zahlen (1st edn., 1872, 5th edn., 1927) and Was Sind und Was Sollen die Zahlen? (1st edn., 1888, 6th edn., 1930). -- A.C.

De Faye, E., Gnostiques et Gnosticisme, 2me. ed., (Paris, 1925). -- V.J.B.

Destiny: (Fr. destiner. to be intended) Future necessity; the legal outcome of actuality. Divine foreordainment, or the predetermined and unalterable course of events. Defined by Peirce (1839-1914) as the embodiment of generals in existence. -- J.K.F.

Dewey, John: (1859-) Leading American philosopher. The spirit of democracy and an abiding faith in the efficacy of human intelligence run through the many pages he has presented in the diverse fields of metaphysics, epistemology, logic, psychology, aesthetics, religion, ethics, politics and education, in all of which he has spoken with authority. Progressive education owes its impetus to his guidance and its tenets largely to his formulation. He is the chief exponent of that branch of pragmatism known as instrumentalism. Among his main works are Psychology, 1886; Outline of Ethics, 1891; Studies in Logical Theory, 1903; Ethics (Dewey and Tufts), 1908; How We Think, 1910; Influence of Darwin on German Philosophy, 1910; Democracy and Education, 1916; Essays in Experimental Logic, 1916; Reconstruction in Philosophy, 1920; Human Nature and Conduct, 1922; Experience and Nature, 1925; The Quest for Certainty, 1929; Art as Experience, 1933; Logic: The Theory of Inquiry, 1939.   Cf. J. Ratner, The Philosophy of John Dewey, 1940, M. H. Thomas, A Bibliography of John Dewey, 1882-1939, The Philosophy of John Dewey, ed. P. A. Schilpp (Evanston, 1940). Dharma: (Skr.) Right, virtue, duty, usage, law, social as well as cosmic. -- K.F.L.

Dharma ::: Dharma means literally that which one lays hold of and which holds things together, the law, the norm, the rule of nature, action and life.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 25

Dilthey, Wilhelm: (1833-1911) A devoted student of biography, he constructed a new methodology and a new interpretation of the study of society and culture. He formulated the doctrine of Verstehungs-psychologie, which is basic to the study of social ends and values. He was the founder of Lebensphilosophie. Being the first humanistic philosopher historian of his age, he led in the comprehensive research in the history of intellectual development. Main works: Einlettung in die Geisteswessenschaften, 1883; Der Erlebnis und die Dtchtung, 1905; Das Wesen der Philosophie, 1907, Der Aufbau der geschichtlichen Welt in der Geisteswissenschaften, 1910, Die Typen der Weltanschauung, 1911; Gesammelte Schriften, 9 vols., 1922-35. --H.H. Dimension: (scientific) 1. Any linear series or order of elements. 2. Any quantity of a given kind, capable of increase or decrease over a certain range, a variable. 3. In the physical system: mass, length and time. -- A.C.B.

dives ::: n. --> The name popularly given to the rich man in our Lord&

divine gnosis ::: the highest form of gnosis, the "invincible Gnosis of the Divine", also called (from 29 October 1927 onwards) supermind gnosis or supermind, "the secret Wisdom which upholds both our Knowledge and our Ignorance" and "which creates, governs and upholds the worlds". divine h hasya

D. Neumark, Geschichte der Judischen Philosophie, Vols. I, II, Berlin, 1907, 1910;

drachma ::: n. --> A silver coin among the ancient Greeks, having a different value in different States and at different periods. The average value of the Attic drachma is computed to have been about 19 cents.
A gold and silver coin of modern Greece worth 19.3 cents.
Among the ancient Greeks, a weight of about 66.5 grains; among the modern Greeks, a weight equal to a gram.

Driesch, Hans Adolf Eduard: (1867-1940) An experimental biologist turned philosopher, he as a rationalist became the most prominent defender of a renovated vitalism. He excludes the physical-chemical level of reality from his vitalism. He asserts that every organism has its own entelechy. For what he terms phylogenetic development, a more inclusive vitalism of the whole evolutionary process, he postulates a super-personal phylogenetic entelechy. He offers an a priori justification of his vitalistic theory, and treats incisively the logic of the psychological. Main works: Philosophy of the Organism; Ordnungslehre, 1912; Wirklichkeitslehre, 1917; Alltagsrätsel des Seelenlebens, 1938; "Kausalität und Vitalismus" in Jahrbuch der Schopenhauer Gesellschaft, XVI, 1939.

dr.s.t.i (drishti; dristi) ::: vision; subtle sight, including rūpadr.s.t.i and sometimes lipidr.s.t.i; subtle sense-perception (vis.ayadr.s.t.i) in general; trikaladr.s.t.i, the knowledge of the past, present and future; perception of brahman or isvara in things and beings (same as darsana); revelation, the truth-seeing faculty of jñana whose nature is "a direct inner seizing or a penetrating and enveloping luminous contact of the spiritual consciousness with its object". In the last sense, dr.s.t.i is the essence of the seer ideality and present in all forms of logistic ideality with a revelatory element; in 1920 it often means revelatory logistis or full revelatory ideality.

Dühring, Eugen Karl: (1813-1901) Dühring, a German economist and philosopher, started on a legal career which lasted until 1859. He became docent at the University of Berlin and taught there until he lost his license in 1874. He was editor of Der moderne Volkergeist and of Personalist und Emancipator. Philosophically he belonged to the positivistic school. Dühring advocated not the elimination of capitalism, but of its abuses through the medium of a strong labor movement. His literary work is strongly tinged with anti-semitism, and he is probably better known for the attack which Marx and Engels made upon him than for his own work.

Durkheim, Emile: (1858-1917) A French sociological positivist. He stressed the group mind, which for him is the point of reference for all human knowledge. The group mind has an impersonal, non-subjective character that is superior to the individual mind, and acts as a directive force for the individual agents that comprise society. He studied both religion and ethics from his positivistic point of view.

dynamic ::: same as tapomaya; (in 1919) having the nature of dynamic gnosis or pragmatic ideality, which gives "the tapas of the future, the will at work now and hereafter for effectuation".

E. B. Holt, The Concept of Consciousness, 1914

E. B. Titchener, Experimental Psychology, 1905.

Eckhart, Meister: (1260-1327) Was born in Hochheim (Gotha), may have studied with St. Albert in Cologne, received his doctorate at Paris in 1302. He taught theology at various times, devoted much time to preaching in the vernacular, and filled various administrative posts in the Dominican Order. Mystical, difficult in terminology, his thought appears to contain elements of Aristotelianism, Augustinism, Neoplatonism and Avicennism. Accused of Pantheism and other theological errors, he was the subject of a famous trial in 1326; he abjured publicly any possible religious errors which he may have made. Chief works Opus Tripartitum, Quaestiones Parisienses, Deutsche Predigten. (Pfeiffer, F., Deutsche Mystiker des 14 Jahrh., Bd. II, Leipzig, 1857; tr. Evans, London, 1924.) B. J. Muller-Thym, University of Being in M. Eckhart (N. Y., 1939). -- V.J.B.

Economy: An aspect of the scientific methodology of Ernst Mach (Die Analyse der Empfindungen, 5th ed., Jena, 1906); science and philosophy utilize ideas and laws which are not reproductive of sense data as such, but are simplified expressions of the functional relations discovered in the manifold of sense perceptions. -- V.J.B.

E. Durkheim: De la division du travail sociale, 1893; Les regles de la methode sociologique; Les formes elementaires de la vie religieuse, 1912; Le Socialisme, L'Education morale.

E. G. Boring, History of Experimental Psychology, 1929.

E. G. Spaulding, The New Rationalism, 1918.

Ehrenfels, Maria Christian Julius Leopold Karl, Freiherr von: (1859-1932) As one of the leaders of the "Brentano School", he affirmed that the fundamental factor in valuation was desire. His principal interest was to trace the way in which desires and motives generate values. He described for the most part the development, the conflict, the hierarchy, and the obsolescence of values. Having a major influence upon the analytic approach to value theory, his outlook was relativistic and evolutionary. Main works: Uber Gestaltqualitäten (1890), System der Werttheorie (1897); Sexualethik (1907). -- H.H.

Eidetic Imagery: Expression used by the German psychologist E. R. Jaensch, (Ueber den Aufbau der Wahrnehmungswelt und ihre Struktur im Jugendalter, 1923) to designate images usually visual which are almost photographic in their fidelity. Eidetic imagery differs from hallucination in that the former are usually recognized by the subject to be "subjective." -- L.W.

Elementary Texts: T. Dewey and J. H. Tufts, Ethics, Rev. Ed. 1932. W. M. Urban, Fundamentals of Ethics, 1930.

E. L. Post, Introduction to a general theory of elementary propositions, American Journal of Mathematics, vol. 43 (1921), pp. 163-181.

Enlightenment: When Kant, carried by the cultural enthusiasm of his time, explained "enlightenment" as man's coming of age from the state of infancy which rendered him incapable of using his reason without the aid of others, he gave only the subjective meaning of the term. Objectively, enlightenment is a cultural period distinguished by the fervent efforts of leading personalities to make reason the absolute ruler of human life, and to shed the light of knowledge upon the mind and conscience of any individual. Such attempts are not confined to a particular time, or nation, as history teaches; but the term is generally applied to the European enlightenment stretching from the early 17th to the beginning of the 19th century, especially fostered by English, Dutch, French, and German philosophers. It took its start in England from the empiricism of F. Bacon, Th. Hobbes, J. Locke, it found a religious version in the naturalism of Edw. H. Cherbury, J. Toland, M. Tindal, H. Bolingbroke, and the host of "freethinkers", while the Earl of Shaftesbury imparted to it a moral on the "light of reason". Not so constructive but radical in their sarcastic criticism of the past were the French enlighteners, showing that their philosophy got its momentum from the moral corruption at the royal court and abuse of kinglv power in France. Descartes' doctrine of the "clear and perspicuous ideas," Spinoza's critical attitude towards religion, and Leibniz-Wolff's "reasonable thinking" prepared the philosophy of P. Bayle, Ch. Montesquieu, F. M. Voltaire, and J. J. Rousseau. The French positive contribution to the subject was the "Encyclopedie ou Dictionaire raisonne des sciences, arts et metiers", 1751-72, in 28 volumes, edited by Diderot, D'Alembert, Helvetius, Holbach, J. L. Lagrane, etc. What, in England and France, remained on the stage of mere ideas and utopic dreams became reality in the new commonwealth of the U.S.A. The "fathers of the constitution" were enlightened, outstanding among them B. Franklin, Th. Jefferson, J. Adams, A. Hamilton, and Th. Paine their foremost literary propagandist.

Eriugena, Joannes Scottus: (800/815 - c. 800) Was of Irish birth and early education. He came to the Court of Charles the Bald, son of Charlemagne, as a teacher c. 845. A good linguist, he translated works of Maximus, Gregory of Nyssa and the Pseudo-Dionysius from Greek to Latin. His thought is partly Augustinian, partly a personal development inspired by the Greek Fathers. He has been accused of Pantheism. Chief works: De Praedestinatione, De divisione Naturae (PL 122). M. Cippuyns, Jean S.. Erigene, sa vie, son oevre, sa pensee (Louvain-Paris, 1933). -- V.J.B.

E. Schröder, Algebra der Logik, vol. 1, vol. 2 part 1, and vol. 2 part 2, Leipzig, 1890, 1891, 1905.

Essentially, Yoga is a generic name for the processes and the result of processes by which we transcend or shred off our present modes of being and rise to a new, a higher, a wider mode of consciousness which is not that of the ordinary animal and intellectual man. Yoga is the exchange of an egoistic for a universal or cosmic consciousness lifted towards or informed by the supra-cosmic, transcendent Unnameable who is the source and support of all things. Yoga is the passage of the human thinking animal towards the God-consciousness from which he has descended.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 13, Page: 119

Eucken, Rudolf: (1846-1926) Being a writer of wide popularity, winner of the Nobel Prize for literature in 1908, Eucken defends a spiritualistic-idealistic metaphysics against materialistic naturalism, positivism and mechanism. Spiritual life, not being an oppositionless experience, is a struggle, a self-asserting action by resistance, a matter of great alternatives, either-ors between the natural and the spiritual, a matter of vital choice. Thus all significant oppositions are, within spiritual life itself, at once created and overcome. Immanence and transcendence, personalism and absolutism are the two native spiritual oppositions that agitate Eucken's system. Reconciliation between the vital dualities therefore depends not on mere intellectual insight, but on personal effort, courageous, heroic, militant and devoted action. He handles the basic oppositions of experience in harmony with the activist tenor of liberal Protestantism. Eucken sought to replace the prevailing intellectualistic idealism by an activistic idealism, founded on a comprehensive and historical consideration of culture at large. He sought to interpret the spiritual content of historical movements. He conceived of historical facts as being so many systematized wholes of life, for which he coined the term syntagma. His distinctive historical method consists of the reductive and the noological aspects. The former considers the parts directly in relation to an inward whole. The latter is an inner dialectic and immanent criticism of the inward principles of great minds, embracing the cosmologicnl and psychological ways of philosophical construction and transcending by the concept of spiritual life the opposition of the world and the individual soul. Preaching the need of a cultural renewal, not a few of his popularized ideas found their more articulated form in the philosophical sociology of his most eminent pupil, Max Scheler, in the cultural psychology of both Spranger and Spengler. His philosophy is essentially a call to arms against the deadening influences of modern life. -- H.H.

Eusebius of Caesarea: (265-340) Is one of the first great historians of the Christian Church. He was born at Caesarea, in Palestine, studied at the school of Pamphilus, became Bishop of Caesarea in 313. His works are in Greek and include a Chronicle, Ecclesiastical History, and a treatise On Theophanies (PG 19-24). His philosophical views are those of a Christian Platonist and he contributed to the development of the allegorical method of Scriptural exegesis. -- V.J. B.

E. V. Huntington, Sets of independent postulates for the algebra of logic, Transactions ot the American Mathematical Societv. vol. 5 (1904), pp. 288-309.

E. V. Huntington, The Continuum, Cambridge, Mass., 1917.

Evolutionism: This is the view that the universe and life in all of its manifestations and nature in all of their aspects are the product of development. Apart from the religious ideas of initial creation by fiat, this doctrine finds variety of species to be the result of change and modification and growth and adaptation rather than from some form of special creation of each of the myriads of organic types and even of much in the inorganic realm. Contrary to the popular notion, evolution is not a product of modern thought. There has been an evolution of evolutionary hypotheses from earliest Indian and Greek speculation down to the latest pronouncement of scientific theory. Thales believed all life to have had a marine origin and Anaximander, Anaximenes, Empedocles, the Atomists and Aristotle all spoke in terms of development and served to lay a foundation for a true theory of evolution. It is in the work of Charles Darwin, however, that clarity and proof is presented for the explanation of his notion of natural selection and for the crystallization of evolution as a prime factor in man's explanation of all phases of his mundane existence. The chief criticism leveled at the evolutionists, aside from the attacks of the religionists, is based upon their tendency to forget that not all evolution means progress. See Charles Darwin, Herbert Spencer, Thomas Hemy Huxley, Natural Selection, Evolutionary Ethics. Cf. A. Lalande, L'Idee de dissolution opposee a celle de l'evolution (1899), revised ed. (1930): Les Illusions evolutionistes. -- L.E.D.

E. von Hartmann, Philos. des Unbewussten, 3 vol. 1869 (Eng. tr. Philosophy of the Unconscious, 1931); Die Religion des Geistes, 1882; Aesthetik, 1886; Kategorienlehre, 1897; Geschichte der Metaphysik, 1900; Das Problem des Lebens, 1906; System der Philosophie in Grundriss, 1906-10. -- K.F.L.

Existence ::: Existence is not merely a glorious or a vain, a wonderful or a dismal panorama of a constant mutation of becoming. There is something eternal, immutable, imperishable, a timeless self-existence; that is not affected by the mutations of Nature. It is their impartial witness, neither affecting nor affected, neither acting nor acted upon, neither virtuous nor sinful, but always pure, complete, great and unwounded. Neither grieving nor rejoicing at all that afflicts and attracts the egoistic being, it is the friend of none, the enemy of none, but one equal self of all.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 303

Existential Psychology: A school of introspective psychology represented in America by E. B. Titchener (1867-1927) which conceived the task of psychology to be the description, analysis and classification of the experiences of an individual mind considered as existences. Also called Existentialism. A characteristic doctrine of the school is the denial of imageless thought. -- L.M . Existential quantifier: See Quantifier. Exoteric: External; belonging to or suited for those who are not initiates or experts. The exoterikoi logoi referred to in Aristotle are popular arguments or treatises, as contrasted with strictly scientific expositions. -- G.R.M.

External: (Fr. externe, outer) Outside a thing. Independent of opinion. Capable of pressure or resistance. Used by Peirce (1839-1914) in contradistinction to mental. -- J.K.F.

E. Zermelo, Beweis, dass jede Menge wohlgeord net werden kann, Mathematische Annalen, vol. 59 (1904), pp. 514-516.

E. Zermelo, Neuer Beweis fur die Moglichkeit einer Wohlordnung, Mathematische Annalen, vol. 65 (1908), pp. 107-128.

Factual: See Meaning, Kinds of, 2. Faculty: (Scholastic) Medieval psychology distinguishes several faculties of the soul which are said to be really distinct from each other and from the substance of the soul. According to Aquinas the distinction is based on objects and operations. The faculties are conceived as accidents of the soul's substance, but as pertaining essentially to its nature, therefore "proper accidents". The soul operates by means of the faculties. Much misunderstood and deteriorated, this theory remained alive until recent times and is still maintained, in its original and pure form, by Neo-Scholasticism. A certain rapprochement to the older notion may he observed in the modern theory of "general factors". Most of the criticisms directed against the faculty-psychology are based on modern experimental and nominalistic approaches. The faculties listed by Aquinas are: The sensory faculties, which to operate need a bodily organ;   The external senses,   The internal senses, sensus communis, memory, imagination, vis aestimativa (in animals) or cogitativa (in man),   The sensory appetites, subdivided in the concupiscible appetite aiming at the attainable good or fleeing the avoidable evil, the irascible appetite related to good and evil whose attainment or avoidance encounters obstacles. The vegetative faculties, comprising the achievements of nutrition, growth and procreation. While the sensory appetites are common sto man and animals, the vegetative are observed also in plants. The locomotive faculty, characteristic of animals and, therefore, also of man. The rational faculties, found with man alone;   Intellect, whose proper object is the universal nature of things and whose achievements are abstraction, reasoning, judging, syllogistic thought,   Rational Will, directed towards the good as such and relying in its operation on particulars on the co-operation of the appetites, just as intellect needs for the formation of its abstract notions the phantasm, derived from sense impressions and presented to the intellect by imagination. The vis cogitativa forms a link between rational universal will and particular strivings; it is therefore also called ratio particularis.   Ch. A. Hart, The Thomisttc Theory of Mental Faculties, Washington, D. C, 1930. -- R.A.

Faith ::: Faith is a necessary means for arriving at realisation because we are ignorant and do not yet know that which we are seeking to realise; faith is indeed knowledge giving the ignorance an intimation of itself previous to its own manifestation, it is the gleam sent before by the yet unrisen Sun.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 35, Page: 191

Feuerbach. Ludwig Andreas: (1804-1872) Was one of the earliest thinkers manifesting the trend toward the German materialism of the 19th century. Like so many other thinkers of that period, he started with the acceptance of Hegel's objective idealism, but soon he attempted to resolve the opposition of spiritualism and materialism. His main contributions lay in the field of the philosophy of religion interpreted by him as "the dream of the human spirit" essentially an earthly dream. He publicly acknowledged his utter disbelief in immortality, which act did not fail to provoke the ire of the authorities and terminated his academic career.

Fictionism: An extreme form of pragmatism or instrumentalism according to which the basic concepts and principles of natural science, mathematics, philosophy, ethics, religion and jurisprudence are pure fictions which, though lacking objective truth, are useful instruments of action. The theory is advanced under the influence of Kant, by the German philosopher H. Vaihinger in his Philosophie des Als Ob, 1911. Philosophv of the "As If." English translation by C. K. Ogden.) See Fiction, Construction. -- L. W.

First published on August IS, 1966

Fischer, Kuno: (1824-1907) Is one of the series of eminent German historians of philosophy, inspired by the impetus which Hegel gave to the study of history. He personally joined in the revival of Kantianism in opposition to rationalistic, speculative metaphysics and the progress of materialism.

Fiske, John: (1842-1901) Harvard librarian and philosopher. He is best known as an historian of the colonial period. He was a voluminous writer in many fields. His Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy is his best known work as a pioneer in America of the evolutionary theories. He claimed an original contribution to these speculations in his studies of the period of infancy. His works on God and on immortality were widely read in his day although he later expressed doubts about them. Nevertheless his constant emphasis on the theistic as opposed to the positivistic implications of evolution served to influence the current theories of creative and emergent evolution. See Evolutionism. -- L.E.D.

floreal ::: n. --> The eight month of the French republican calendar. It began April 20, and ended May 19. See Vendemiare.

fluorine ::: n. --> A non-metallic, gaseous element, strongly acid or negative, or associated with chlorine, bromine, and iodine, in the halogen group of which it is the first member. It always occurs combined, is very active chemically, and possesses such an avidity for most elements, and silicon especially, that it can neither be prepared nor kept in glass vessels. If set free it immediately attacks the containing material, so that it was not isolated until 1886. It is a pungent, corrosive, colorless gas. Symbol F. Atomic weight 19.

fodder ::: n. --> A weight by which lead and some other metals were formerly sold, in England, varying from 19/ to 24 cwt.; a fother.
That which is fed out to cattle horses, and sheep, as hay, cornstalks, vegetables, etc. ::: v.t. --> To feed, as cattle, with dry food or cut grass, etc.;to

Foerster, Friedrich Wilhelm: (1869) Is a German ethicist and pedagogical authority. He was born in Berlin and taught at the Universities of Vienna and Munich. In 1927 he went to Paris and has recently been living in Zurich. He is most noted for his forthright criticism of the moral tenets of German National Socialism. His principal work are: Jugendlehre (1904), Schule und Charakter, 14th ed. (1930), Politische Ethik und Padagogik, 4th ed. (1920). -- V.J.B.

For the opposing, more empirical approach and criticisms of the idealistic, organismic philosophies of history, see M. Mandelbaum, The Problem of Historical Knowledge, 1939; F. J. E. Teggart, The Method of History; Ph. P. Wiener, "Methodology in the Phtlos. of Hist.", Jour. of Philos. (June 5, 1941).

Frege, (Friedrich Ludwig) Gottlob, 1848-1925, German mathematician and logician. Professor of mathematics at the University of Jena, 1879-1918. Largely unknown to, or misunderstood by, his contemporaries, he is now regarded by many as "beyond question the greatest logician of the Nineteenth Century" (quotation from Tarski). He must be regarded -- after Boole (q. v.) -- as the second founder of symbolic logic, the essential steps in the passage from the algebra of logic to the logistic method (see the article Logistic system) having been taken in his Begriffsschrift of 1879. In this work there appear tor the first time the propositional calculus in substantially its modern form, the notion of propositional function, the use of quantifiers, the explicit statement of primitive rules of inference, the notion of an hereditary property and the logical analysis of proof by mathematical induction or recursion (q. v.). This last is perhaps the most important element in the definition of an inductive cardinal number (q.v.) and provided the basis for Frege's derivation of arithmetic from logic in his Grundlagen der Anthmetik (1884) and Grundgesetze der Arithmetik, vol. 1 (1893), and vol. 2 (1903). The first volume of Grundgesetze der Arithmetik is the culmination of Frege's work, and we find here many important further ideas. In particular, there is a careful distinction between using a formula to express something else and naming a formula in order to make a syntactical statement about it, quotation marks being used in order to distinguish the name of a formula from the formula itself. In an appendix to the second volume of Grundgesetze , Frege acknowledges the presence of an inconsistency in his system through what is now known as the Russel paradox (see Paradoxes , logical), as had been called to his attention by Russell when the book was nearly through the press. -- A.C.

Freud's writings in addition to those already include: Wit and its Relation to the Unconscious, 1905; General Introduction to Psycho-Analysis, Eng. trans., 1920-1 -- L.W.

Frobes, Lehrbuch der Experrmentellen Psychologic, 3rd ed., 1923.

Functionalism ::: The school of thought popular in the 19th century emphasizing conscious experiences as a precursor to behavior

Fung Yu-lan, A History of Chinese Philosophy (ancient period), tr. by D. Bodde, Henri Vetch, Peiping, 1937;

fytte ::: n. --> See Fit a song. G () G is the seventh letter of the English alphabet, and a vocal consonant. It has two sounds; one simple, as in gave, go, gull; the other compound (like that of j), as in gem, gin, dingy. See Guide to Pronunciation, // 231-6, 155, 176, 178, 179, 196, 211, 246.

Gazali: Born 1059 in Tus, in the country of Chorasan, taught at Bagdad, lived for a time in Syria, died in his home town 1111. He started as a sceptic in philosophy and became a mystic and orthodox afterwards. Philosophy is meaningful only as introduction to theology. His attitude resembles Neo-Platonic mysticism and is anti-Aristotelian. He wrote a detailed report on the doctrines of Farabi and Avicenna only to subject them to a scathing criticism in Destructio philosophorum where he points out the self-contradictions of philosophers. His main works are theological. In his writings on logic he wants to ensure to theology a reliable method of procedure. His metaphysics also is mainly based on theology: creation of the world out of nothing, resurrection, and so forth. Cf. H. Bauer, Die Dogmatik Al-Ghazalis, 1912. -- R.A.

G. E. Moore, Philosophical Studies, 1922.

G. E. Müller, Die Gesichtspunkte und die Tatsachen der Psychophysichen Methodik, 1904.

Gentile, Giovanni: Born in Castelvetrano (Sicily) 1875. Professor of Philosophy and History of Philosophy at universities in Palermo, Pisa, and Rome. Minister of Public Education 1922-1924. Senator since 1922. Reformed the school system of Italy.

germinal ::: a. --> Pertaining or belonging to a germ; as, the germinal vesicle. ::: n. --> The seventh month of the French republican calendar [1792 -- 1806]. It began March 21 and ended April 19. See VendEmiaire.

Gesammelte Abhandlungen Mathematischen und Philosophischen Inhalts, edited by E. Zermelo, and with a life by A. Fraenkel, Berlin, 1932.

Gesammelte Abhandlungen. three volumes, with an account of his work in mathematical logic by P. Bernays, and a life by O. Blumenthal, Berlin, 1932-1935.

Gesammelte Mathematische Werke, three volumes, Brunswick, 1930-1932.

Gestalt Psychology: (German, Gestalt, shape or form) A school of German psychology, founded about 1912 by M. Wertheimer, K. Koffka and W. Köhler. Gestalt psychology reacted against the psychic elements of analytic or associationist psychology (see Associationism) and substituted the concept of Gestalt or organized whole. The parts do not exist prior to the whole but derive their character from the structure of the whole. The Gestalt concept is applied at the physical and physiological as well as the psychological levels and in psychology both to the original sensory organization and to the higher intellectual and associative processes of mind. Configuration has been suggested as an English equivalent for Gestalt and the school is accordingly referred to as Configurationism. -- L.W.

Geyser, Joseph: (1863-) Is a leader of Catholic psychological and metaphysical thought in present-day Germany. Born in Erkelenz, he has taught at the Universities of Freiburg, Müster and Munich (1924-). His criticism of materialistic tendencies in modern psychology, his Aristotelian views on causality, and his espousal of a semi-Cartesian position in epistemology, art noteworthy. He has written: Lehrbuch der allgem. Psychologie, 3rd ed. (1920); Erkenntnistheorie d. Anstoteles (1917); Das Prinzip vom zurelchenden Grunde (1930). See Philosophia Perennis (Geyser Festg.), II vol. (Regensbuig, 1930). -- V.J.B.

G. Frege, Über Sinn und Bedeutung. Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik, n. s., vol. 100 (1892), pp. 25-50. B. Russell, On denoting, Mind, n. s.. vol. 14 (1905). pp. 479-493.

G. Gentile, La filosofia di Marx, 1899; Il concetto della storia della fiosofia, 1908; L'atto del pensare como atto pure, 1912; Sistema di logica come teoria del conoscere, 1917; Discorsi di Religione, 1920; La filosofia dell'Arte, 1931; Introd. alla filosofia, 1933.

G. Gentzen, Die Widerspruchsfreiheit der Stufenlogik, Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 4l (1936), pp. 357-366.

G. Lasson, Hegel als Geschichtsphilosoph, 1920;

gnosis ::: "a power above mind working in its own law, out of the direct identity of the supreme Self", a faculty superior to buddhi or intellect, possessing not only the "concentrated consciousness of the infinite Essence", but "also and at the same time an infinite knowledge of the myriad play of the Infinite"; (in 1919-20) the supra-intellectual consciousness (also called ideality or vijñana) with its three planes of logistic, hermetic and seer gnosis, each successive level being more "intense and large in light, imperative, instantaneous, the scope of the active knowledge larger, the way nearer to the knowledge by identity, the thought more packed with the luminous substance of self-awareness and all-vision"; (in most of 1927 before 29 October) a plane of consciousness usually referred to as above the supreme ...64 supermind and descending into it to form supreme supermind gnosis, also rising to the "invincible Gnosis of the Divine"; (in April 1927) a term encompassing three degrees of supramental gnosis (corresponding to planes later redefined as parts of the overmind system) and a fourth degree of divine gnosis; (from 29 October 1927 onwards) equivalent to "divine gnosis", a grade of consciousness above overmind (but sometimes distinguished from supermind, which occupies a similar position) and descending into it to form gnostic overmind or gnosis in overmind.

gnosis in overmind ::: (in late 1927 or 1928) the highest plane in the series of planes at the summit of the overmind system later called overmind gnosis, where overmind borders on supermind or divine gnosis.

gnostic ::: (in 1919) same as vijñanamaya or ideal; (c. 1927-28) having the nature of gnosis, in various senses according to the date; sometimes regarded as higher than supramental.

gnostic intuition ::: (in 1919) same as ideal intuition; (in April 1927) intuition as the first degree of supramental gnosis, probably corresponding to the later intuitive overmind.

gnostic overmind ::: (in late 1927 or 1928) the highest series of planes in the overmind system, where overmind is filled with divine gnosis; one of the higher planes in this series.

gnostic supermind ::: (in April 1927) the highest degree of supramental gnosis; it corresponds apparently to gnosis (above the supreme supermind) in the terminology of January 1927 and gnostic overmind (in the sense of the later overmind gnosis) in the terminology adopted by the end of 1927.

gnostic T2 ::: (in early 1927) T2 in the gnosis above or in the supreme supermind.

gnostic tapas ::: (in 1919) same as ideal tapas.

gnostic thought ::: (in 1919) same as ideal thought; (in early 1927) thought in the gnosis above or in the supreme supermind

gnostic T ::: (in January 1927) same as T (which is evidently possible only in the unitary consciousness of the gnosis), a fusion of the elements of T3 and T2 into a faculty which "when it acts . . . is of the nature of omniscience and omnipotence".

Gödel, Kurt, 1906-, Austrian mathematician and logician -- educated at Vienna, and now located (1941) at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N. J. -- is best known for his important incompleteness theorem, the closely related theorem on the impossibility (under certain circumstances) of formalizing a consistency proof for a logistic system within that system, and the essentially simple but far-reaching device of arithmetization of syntax which is emploved in the proof of these theorems (see Logic, formal, § 6). Also of importance are his proof of the completeness of the functional calculus of first order (see Logic, formal, § 3), and his recent work on the consistency of the axiom of choice (q. v.) and of Cantor's continuum hypothesis. -- A.C.

gold ::: n. --> Alt. of Goolde ::: v. t. --> A metallic element, constituting the most precious metal used as a common commercial medium of exchange. It has a characteristic yellow color, is one of the heaviest substances known (specific gravity 19.32), is soft, and very malleable and ductile. It is quite

Grabmann, Martin: (1875-) Is one of the most capable historians of medieval philosophy. Born in Wintershofen (Oberpfalz), he was ordained in 1898. He his taught philosophy and theology at Eichstätt (1906), Vienna (1913), and Munich (1918-). An acknowledged authority on the chronology and authenticity of the works of St. Thomas, he is equally capable in dealing with the thought of St. Augustine, or of many minor writers in philosophy and theology up to the Renaissance, Aus d. Geisteswelt d. Mittelalters (Festg. Grabmann) Münster i. W. 1935, lists more than 200 of his articles and books, published before 1934. Chief works Die Geschichte der scholastischen Methods (1909), Mittelalterliches Geistesleben (1926), Werke des hl. Thomas v. Aq. (1931). -- V.J.B.

grandiose ::: Amal: “I believe that ‘grandiose’ was a frequent usage in the 19th century and stresses being ‘grand’.”

Guna (Qualities, Modes of Nature) ::: The modes of Nature are all qualitative in their essence and are called for that reason its gunas or qualities.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 425

Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich: (1834-1919) Was a German biologist whose early espousal of Darwinism led him to found upon the evolutionary hypothesis a thoroughgoing materialistic monism which he advanced in his numerous writings particularly in his popular The Riddle of the Universe. Believing in the essential unity of the organic and the inorganic, he was opposed to revealed religions and their ideals of God, freedom and immortality and offered a monistic religion of nature based on the true, the good and the beautiful. See Darwin, Evolutionism, Monism. -- L.E.D.

Hartmann, Eduard von: (1842-1906) Hybridizing Schopenhauer's voluntarism with Hegel's intellectualism, and stimulated by Schelling, the eclectic v.H. sought to overcome irrationalism and rationalism by postulating the Unconscious, raised into a neutral absolute which has in it both will and idea in co-ordination. Backed by an encyclopaedic knowledge he showed, allegedly inductively, how this generates all values in a conformism or correlationism which circumvents a subjective monistic idealism no less than a phenomenalism by means of a transcendental realism. Writing at a time when vitalists were hard put to be endeavored to synthesize the new natural sciences and teleology by assigning to mechanistic causility a special function in the natural process under a more generalized and deeper purposiveness. Dispensing with a pure rationalism, but without taking refuge in a vital force, v.H. was then able to establish a neo-vitalism. In ethics he transcended an original pessimism, flowing from the admittance of the alogical and dis-teleological, in a qualified optimism founded upon an evolutionary hypothesis which regards nature with its laws subservient to the logical, as a species of the teleological, and to reason which, as product of development, redeems the irrational will once it has been permitted to create a world in which existence means unhappiness.

H. A. Wolfson, Crescas' Critique of Aristotle, Cambridge, 1929.

H. B. Curry, A mathematical treatment of the rules of the syllogism, Mind, vol. 45 (1936), pp. 209-216, 416.

H. B. Curry, Apparent variables from the standpoint of combinatory logic, Annals of Mathematics, ser. 2, vol 34 (1933), pp. 381-404.

H. B. Curry, A revision of the fundamental rules of combinatory logic, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 6 (1941), pp. 41-53.

H. B. Curry, Functionality in combinatory logic, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 20 (1934), pp. 584-590.

H. B. Curry, Grundlagen der kombmatorischen Logik, American Journal of Mathematics, vol. 52 (1930), pp. 509-536, 789-834.

H. B. Curry, The universal quantifier in combinatory logic, Annals of Mathematics, ser. 2, vol. 32 (1931), pp. 154-180.

H. Bergson, Introduction to Metaphysics, Eng. trans., 1912.

Herbartianism: The philosophical, but particularly the psychological and pedagogical doctrines of Johann Friedrich Herbart (q.v.) as expounded in modified and developed form by his disciples, notably M. Lazarus and H. Steinthal in psychology, T. Zillcr and W. Rein in pedagogy, M. Drobisch in religious philosophy and ethics. In America, the movement was vigorous and influential, but shortlived (about 1890-1910) and confined mainly to education (Charles De-Garmo and Charles A. McMurry). Like Herbart, his disciples strove for a clarification of concepts with special emphasis on scientific method, the doctrine of apperception, and the efficacy of a mathematical approach even in their psychology which was dominated by associational thinking; yet they discarded more or less the master's doctrine of reals. -- K.F.L.

hermetic ideality ::: (in 1919) the second of the three planes of ideality, the plane whose essence is sruti (inspiration), later called srauta vijñana. Whereas the logistic ideality "remembers at a second remove the knowledge secret in the being but lost by the mind in the oblivion of the ignorance", the hermetic ideality "divines at a first remove a greater power of that knowledge". The first "resembles the reason, is a divine reason", the second is said to be of the nature of "inspired interpretation".

hermetic logistic ideality ::: (in 1919) a high level of logistic ideality suffused by the light of the hermetic ideality; perhaps the same as the later interpretative revelatory vijñana.

Heterogeneity: (Lat. Heterogeneitas) The condition of having different parts; diversity of composition; distinction of kind. Hamilton's law: "that every concept contains other concepts under it; and therefore, when divided proximately, we descend always to other concepts, but never to individuals; in other words, things the most homogeneous -- similar -- must in certain respects be heterogeneous -- dissimilar." Employed by H. Spencer (1820-1903) to denote the presence of differentiation in the cosmic material. Opposite of: homogeneity (q- v.). -- J.K.F.

H. G. Forder, The Foundations of Euclidean Geometry, Cambridge, England, 1927.

H. H. Price, Perception, 1933.

Hierarchy of types: See Logic, formal, § 6. Hilbert, David, 1862-, German mathematician. Professor of mathematics at the University of Göttingen, 1895-. A major contributor to many branches of mathematics, he is regarded by many as the greatest mathematician of his generation. His work on the foundations of Euclidean geometry is contained in his Grundlagen der Geometrie (1st edn., 1899, 7th edn., 1930). Concerning his contributions to mathematical logic and mathematical philosophy, see the articles mathematics, and proof theory. -- A. C.

higher mind ::: (c. 1931, in the diagram on page 1360) a plane of consciousness with three levels: "liberated intelligence", "intuitive [higher mind]" and "illumined [higher mind]" (in ascending order). The first level may correspond to vijñanabuddhi in the earlier terminology of the Record of Yoga. The "intuitive" and "illumined" levels may be what Sri Aurobindo soon after making the diagram began to refer to as "higher mind" (defined as "a luminous thought-mind, a mind of spiritborn conceptual knowledge") and "illumined mind" (characterised by "an intense lustre, a splendour and illumination of the spirit"); cf. logistic ideality (also called luminous reason) and hermetic ideality or srauta vijñana (distinguished by "a diviner splendour of light and blaze of fiery effulgence") in the terminology of 1919-20.

higher revelatory ::: (in 1920) same as full revelatory. higher trik trikaladrsti

highest mind ::: (c. 1931, in the diagram on page 1360) the plane of intuitive consciousness below overmind, possibly corresponding to seer ideality in entries of 1919.

highest representative ideality ::: in October 1920, equivalent to logos vijñana in the sense of full revelatory ideality; also called representative vijñana, which is said to have three elements: representative, interpretative and imperative. The meaning of "representative" earlier . 68 in 1920, when it referred to the highest intuitive revelatory logistis, was preserved at this time in the definition of logos reason as the "lower representative idea".

Hilbert and Ackermann, Grundzuge der theoretischen Logik, 2nd edn., Berlin, 1938.

Hilbert and Ackermann, Grundzüge der theoretischen Logik, 2nd edn., Berlin, 1938.

Hilbert and Bernays, Grundlagen der Mathematik, vol. 1, Berlin, 1934; also Supplement III to vol. 2. Berlin. 1939. 2. HYPOTHETICAL SYLLOGISM, DISJUNCTIVE SYLLOGISM, DILEMMA are names traditionally given to certain, forms of inference, which may be identified as follows with certain particular forms of valid inference of the propositional calculus (see § 1).

Hilbert and Bernays, Grundlagen der Mathematik, vol. 1, Berlin, 1934, and vol. 2, Berlin, 1939.

Hilbert and Bernays, Grundlagen der mathematik, vol. 2, Berlin, 1939. 7. ALGEBRA OF CLASSES deals with classes (q. v.) whose members are from a fixed non-empty class called the universe of discourse, and with the operations of complementation, logical sum, and logical product upon such classes. (The classes are to be thought of as determined by propositional functions having the universe of discourse as the range of the independent variable.) The universal class ∨ comprises the entire universe of discourse. The null (or empty) class ∧ has no members. The complement −a of a class a has as members all those elements of the universe of discourse which are not members of a (and those only). In particular the null class and the universal class are each the complement of the other. The logical sum a ∪ b of two classes a and b has as members all those elements which are members either of a or of b, not excluding elements which are members of both a and b (and those only). The logical product a ∩ b of two classes a and b has as members all those elements which are members of both a and b (and those only) -- in other words the logical product of two classes is their common part. The expressions of the algebra of classes are built up out of class variables a, b, c, . . . and the symbols for the universal class and the null class by means of the notations for complementation, logical sum, and logical product (with parentheses). A formula of the algebra of classes consists of two expressions with one of the symbols = or ≠ between. (a = b means that a and b are the same class, a ≠ b that a and b are not the same class.)

Historically, philosophers have, in the main, taken the latter approach in both parts of ethics, and we may confine our remaining space to it. On this approach a theory of value is a theorv as to what is to be pursued or sought, and a theory of obligation, a theory as to what is to be done. Now, of these two parts of ethic, philosophers have generally been concerned primarily with the latter, busying themselves with the former only secondarily, usually because it seemed to them that one must know what ends are good before one can know what acts are tn be performed. They all offer both a theory of value and a theory of obligition, but it was not until the 19th and 20th centuries that value-theory became a separate discipline studied for its own sake -- a development in which important roles were played by Kant, Lotze, Ritschl, certain European economists, Brentano, Meinong, von Ehrenfels, W. M. Urban, R. B. Perry, and others.

Histories of Ethics: H. Sidgwick, Outlines of the History of Ethics, Rev. Ed. 1931. Gives titles of the classical works in ethics in passing. C. D. Broad, Five Types of Ethical Theory, 1930.

Hodgson, Shadworth: (1852-1913) English writer who had no profession and who held no public office. He displayed throughout a long life a keen devotion to philosophy. He was among the founders of the Aristotelian Society and served as its president for fourteen years. His earlier work was reshaped in a monumental four volume treatise called The Metaphysic of Experience. He viewed himself as correcting and completing the Kantian position in his comparatively materialistic approach to reality with a recognition of the unseen world prompted by a practical, moral compulsion rather than speculative conviction. -- L.E.D.

Höffding, Harald: (1843-1931) Danish philosopher at the University of Copenhagen and brilliant author of texts in psychology, history of philosophy and the philosophy of religion. He held that the world of reality as a whole is unknowable although we may believe that conscious experience and its unity afford the best keys to unlock the metaphysical riddle. His svstem of thought is classified on the positive side as a cautious idealistic monism (his own term is "critical monism").

Homogeneity: (Lat. homogeneitas) The condition of having similar parts; uniformity of composition; identity of kind. Hamilton's Law of, "that however different any two concepts may be, they both are subordinate to some higher concept -- things most unlike must in some respects be like". Employed by H. Spencer (1820-1903) to denote the absence of differentiation in the cosmic material. Opposite of heterogeneity (q.v.). -- J.K.F.

Homotheism: (Lat. homo, man; Gr. theos, god) another name for anthropomorphism (q.v.) coined by Ernst Häekel. Howison, George Holmes: (1834-1916) A teacher at the University of California. He regarded the tendency of monistic thinking as the most vicious in contemporary philosophy. Opposed absolute idealism or cosmic theism for its thoroughgoing monism because of its destruction of the implications of experience, its reduction to solipsism and its resolution into pantheism. His "personalistic idealism", unlike absolute idealism, did not negate the uniqueness and the moral nature of finite selves. Moreover, a priori consciousness is a human, not a divine original consciousness within the individuil mind. -- H.H.

H. Poincare, Les mathematiques et la logique. Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale, vol. 14 (1906), pp. 294-317. R. Carnap, The Logical Syntax of Language, New York and London, 1937.

H Scholz, Was ist ein Kalkul und was hat Frege fur eine punktliche Beantwortung dieser Frage geleistet?, Semester-Berichte (Münster i. W.), summer 1935, pp. 16-47.

Hsin: Heart; mind. The original or intuitive mind of man which is good (Mencius). Human desires (the hsin of man as different from the hsin of the Confucian Moral Law or tao). The Mind which is identical with the Great Ultimate (T'ai Chi). (Shao K'ang-chieh, 1011-1077.) One aspect of the Nature (hsing). "When the Nature is viewed from its goodness, it is the Moral Law (tao); when it is viewed from its essence, it is the Destiny (ming) ; when it is viewed from its natural state or spontaneity, it is Heaven (T'ien); and when it is viewed from its manifestations, it is the Mind (hsin)." (Ch'eng I-ch'uan( 1033-1107.) "The pure and refined portion of the vital force, ch'i." Being such it "has the Great Ultimate as its Reason (li) and Yin and Yang as its passivity and activity." It is the spiritual faculty or consciousness of man. (Chu Hsi, 1130-1200.) The mind conceived as identical with the Universe and Reason (li). (Lu Hsiang-shan, 1139-1193.) The mind conceived as identical with Reason (li) and intuition. (Wang Yang-ming, 14-73-1529.)

Humanism: (Lat. humanus, human) Any view in which interest in human welfare is central. Renaissance revival of classical learning as opposed to merely ecclesiastical studies. An ethical and religious movement culminating in Auguste Comte's "Worship of Humanity," better known as Humanitarianism. Philosophical movement represented by F. C. S. Schiller in England, better known as Pragmatism. See Pragmatism. Literary Humanism, movement led in America by Irving Babbit, Paul Elmer More, Norman Foerster protesting against extreme emphasis on vocational education and recommending return to a classical type of liberal education or study of "the Humanities." Sociological term for tendency to extend ideals, such as love, loyalty, kindness, service, honesty, which normally prevail in primary or intimate groups to guide conduct in non-primary or impersonal groups. Religious Humanism is any view which does not consider belief in a deity vital to religion, though not necessarily denying its existence and not necessarily denying practical value to such belief. Represented by a group of left-wing Unitarian ministers and university professors who, in May, 1933, published "The Humanist Manifesto," wherein religion is broadly viewed as a "shared quest for the good life" and social justice and social reform are stressed as important in religious endeavor.

Humanity is not the last rung of the terrestrial creation. Evolution continues and man will be surpassed.
   Ref: CWM Vol. 13 Page: 191

Hu Shih, The Development of the Logical Method in Ancient China, The Oriental Book Co., Shanghai, 1922. Ching: (a) The classics, whether Confucian or Taoist. Formerly spelled king.

Husserl, Edmund: 1859-1938. See Phenomenology.

H. Vaihinger, The Philosophy of "As If", Eng. trans., 1924.

H, W. B. Joseph, An Introduction to Logic, 2nd edn., Oxford, 1916.

H. W. B. Joseph, An Introduction to Logic, 2nd edn., Oxford, 1916.

H. Weyl, Consistency in mathematics. The Rice Institute Pamphlet, vol 16 (1929), pp 245-265.

ideality ::: the supra-intellectual faculty (vijñana) with its powers of smr.ti (consisting of intuition and discrimination), sruti (or inspiration) and dr.s.t.i (or revelation), usually distinguished from (but sometimes including) vijñanabuddhi or intuitive mind. The plane of ideality or vijñana generally referred to in the early period of the Record of Yoga appears to be what in 1918 was designated primary / inferior ideality, above which Sri Aurobindo then distinguished a secondary / superior ideality. In 1919, the lower plane came to be called logistic ideality in a scheme of three planes, of which the higher two were termed hermetic ideality (later srauta vijñana) and seer ideality. Up to 1920, "ideality" by itself continued to refer mainly to the first of these planes.

Ideological: Pertaining to the school of Condidillac and his French followers of the early 19th century. Pertaining to theories determined by cultural environment or non-rational interests. Idle, unrealistic, fanciful.

I. Herbrand, Recherches sur la Theorie de la Demonstration, Warsaw, 1930.

I. Husik, A History of Jewish Philosophy, New York, 1918;

illumined higher mind ::: (c. 1931, in the diagram on page 1360) the third ("illumined") level of higher mind, perhaps corresponding to hermetic ideality or srauta vijñana in the terminology of 1919-20.

Imageless Thought: Conceptual meanings not embodied in sensuous imagery. The existence of imageless thought was a subject of controversy among American and German psychologists about 1910; imageless thought was affirmed by Kulpe, and Bühler, but was rejected by Titchener. -- L.W.

Immanence philosophy: In Germany an idealistic type of philosophy represented by Wilhelm Schuppe (1836-1913), which combines elements of British empiricism, Kant, and Fichte. It rejects any non-conscious thing-in-itself, and identifies the Real with consciousness considered as an inseparable union of the "I" and its objects. The categories are restricted to identity-difference and causality. To the extent that the content of finite consciousness is common to all or "trans-subjective" it is posited as the object of a World Consciousness or Bewusstsein Ueberhaupt. Consequently the World is "immanent" in each finite consciousness rather than essentially transcendent. -- W.L.

imperative ::: (in 1920) being of the nature of a "revealingly imperative power of the spirit"s knowledge by identity", the element in the logos vijñana or highest representative ideality (see full revelatory ideality) that deals with "the imperatives of the infinite", connected with revelation in much the same way as representative with intuition and interpretative with inspiration, and evidently entering into the logistic ideality from a higher plane of imperative vijñana; (in early 1927) a plane related to, but higher than, the imperative vijñana of 1920, apparently occupying a position between the supreme supramental and the supreme supermind, for one of its forms "acts as an intermediary force, lifting the former into the latter". The forms of "the imperative" in 1927 are perhaps the "intuitive forms" which by January of that year had been arranged "in the gnosis", making them part of what at the end of October is called the overmind system. imperative vij ñana

Impersonally, the manifest power of his quality, it is his outflowing, in whatever form, of Knowledge, Energy, Love, Strength and the rest; personally, it is the mental form and the animate being in whom this power is achieved and does its great works. A pre-eminence in this inner and outer achievement, a greater power of divine quality, an effective energy is always the sign. The human vibhuti is the hero of the race’s struggle towards divine achievement, the hero in the Carlylean sense of heroism, a power of God in man.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 160

Impredicative definition: Poincare in a proposed resolution (1906) of the paradoxes of Burali-Forti and Richard (see Paradoxes, logical), introduced the principle thnt, in making a definition of a particular member of any class, no reference should be allowed to the totality of members of that class. Definitions in violation of this principle were called impredicative (non predicatives) and were held to involve a vicious circle.

incertitude ::: absence of confidence; doubt; uncertainty. incertitudes. ::: Sri Aurobindo: [referring to the line] "The incertitude of man"s proud confident thought.” ::: "‘Uncertainty" would mean that the thought was confident but uncertain of itself, which would be a contradiction. ‘Incertitude" means that its truth is uncertain in spite of its proud confidence in itself.” Letters on Savitri — 1936

Index: (Lat. indicare, to indicate) A directing sign; that which indicates. Employed by C. S. Peirce (1839-1914) in logic, or semiotic, as that sign which refers to an object by virtue of being affected by it. See Sign. -- J.K.F.

Individual Psychology: (a) In the widest sense, individual psychology is one of the major departments of psychology, comparable to such other major subdivisions as experimental psychology, abnormal psychology, comparative psychology, etc. It is the branch of psychology devoted to the investigation of mental variations among individuals and includes such topics as: character and temperament (see Characterology) mental types, genius, criminality, intelligence, testing, etc. Attention was frst directed to individual differences by Francis Galton (Hereditary Genius, 1869). Galton's method was applied to mental deficiency by Dugdale (The Jukes, 1877) and Galton himself extended the same type of inquiry to free association and imagery in Inquiries into Human Faculty, 1883. A more recent contribution to individual psychology is Cattell's American Men of Science (1906).

In Epistemology (See his Mind and the World-Order) Lewis has presented a "conceptualistic pragmatism" based on these theses: "A priori truth is definitive in nature and rises exclusively from the analysis of concepts." "The choice of conceptual systems for . . . application [to particular given experiences] is . . . pragmatic." "That experience in general is such as to be capable of conceptual interpretation . . . could not conceivably be otherwise." --C.A.B. Li: Reason; Law; the Rational Principle. This is the basic concept of modern Chinese philosophy. To the Neo-Confucians, especially Ch'eng I-ch'uan (1033-1107), Ch'eng Ming-tao (1032-1086) and Chu Hsi (1130-1200), Reason is the rational principle of existence whereas the vital force (ch'i) is the material principle. All things have the same Reason in them, making them one reality. By virtue of their Reason, Heaven and Earth and all things are not isolated. The Reason of a thing is one with the Reason of all things. A thing can function easily if it follows its own Reason. Everything can be understood by its Reason. This Reason of a thing is the same as its nature (hsingj. Subjectively it is the nature, objectively it is Reason. Lu Hsiang-shan (1139-1193) said that there is only one mind and there is only one Reason, which are identical. It fills the universe, manifesting itself everywhere. To Wang Yang-ming (1473-1529), the mind itself is the embodiment of Reason. To say that there is nothing existing independent of Reason is to say that there is nothing apart from the mind. See Li hsueh, Chinese philosophy, and ch'i. -- W.T.C.

inferior ideality ::: a term used mainly in May-June 1918 for the lower plane of ideality, that which "takes up the whole intellectual action and transforms it into vijnana"; cf. the logistic ideality of 1919-20.

In Germany, the movement was initiated by G. W. Leibniz whose writings reveal another motive for the cult of pure reason, i.e. the deep disappointment with the Reformation and the bloody religious wars among Christians who were accused of having forfeited the confidence of man in revealed religion. Hence the outstanding part played by the philosophers of ''natural law", Grotius, S. Pufendorf, and Chr. Thomasius, their theme being advanced by the contributions to a "natural religion" and tolerance by Chr. Wolff, G. E. Lessing, G. Herder, and the Prussian king Frederik II. Fr. v. Schiller's lyric and dramas served as a powerful commendation of ideal freedom, liberty, justice, and humanity. A group of educators (philanthropists) designed new methods and curricula for the advancement of public education, many of them, eg. Pestalozzi, Basedow, Cooper, A. H. Francke, and Fr. A. Wolf, the father of classic humanism, having achieved international recognition. Although in general agreement with th philosophical axioms of foreign enlighteners, the German philosophy decidedly opposed the English sensism (Hume) and French scepticism, and reached its height in Kant's Critiques. The radical rationalism, however, combined with its animosity against religion, brought about strong philosophical, theological, and literal opposition (Hamann, Jacobi, Lavater) which eventually led to its defeat. The ideals of the enlightenment period, the impassioned zeal for the materialization of the ideal man in an ideal society show clearly that it was basically related to the Renaissance and its continuation. See Aufklärung. Cf. J. G. Hibben, The Philosophy of the Enlightenment, 1910. -- S.v.F.

In his economic and political writings, Lenin extended and developed the doctrines of Marx and Engels especially in their application to a phase of capitalism which emerged fully only after their death -- imperialism. In the same fashion Lenin built upon and further extended the Marxist doctrine of the state in his "State and Revolution", written just before the revolution of 1917. In this work Lenin develops a concept like the dictatorship of the proletariat which Marx treated only briefly and generally, elaborates a distinction like that between socialism and communism, only implicit in Marx's work, and asserts a thesis like the possibility of socialism in one country, towards which Marx was negative in the light of conditions as he knew them. After the Bolsheviks came to power, Lenin headed the government until his death on January 21, 1924. In Russian, Lenin's "Collected Works" comprise thirty volumes, with about thirty additional volumes of miscellaneous writings ("Leninskie Sborniki"). The principal English translations are the "Collected Works", to comprise thirty volumes (of which five in eight books have been published to date), the "Selected Works" comprising twelve volumes (for philosophical materials, see especially Volume XI, "Theoretical Principles of Marxism"), and the Little Lenin Library, made up mostly of shorter works, comprising 27 volumes to date. -- J.M.S.

…in Nature each of us has a principle and will of our own becoming; each soul is a force of self-consciousness that formulates an idea of the Divine in it and guides by that its action and evolution, its progressive self-finding, its constant varying self-expression, its apparently uncertain but secretly inevitable growth to fullness. That is our Swabhava.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 519

" . . . insincerity is always an open door for the adversary. That means there is some secret sympathy with what is perverse. And that is what is serious.” Questions and Answers 1957-58, MCW Vol. 9.

“… insincerity is always an open door for the adversary. That means there is some secret sympathy with what is perverse. And that is what is serious.” Questions and Answers 1957-58, MCW Vol. 9*

inspirational ideality ::: (in 1918-19) same as inspired logistis; (in 1920) same as srauta vijñana (hermetic ideality).

inspirational revelation ::: revelation with an element of inspiration;(in 1919) same as inspired revelatory logistis.

Integral Yoga ::: The integral Yoga is that which, having found the Transcendent, can return upon the universe and possess it, retaining the power freely to descend as well as ascend the great stair of existence.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 23-24, Page: 18-19

interpretative imperative ::: (c. 1920) a form of logos vijñana formed by a combination of its interpretative and imperative elements; (in early 1927) an intermediate form of "the imperative", evidently interpretative ideality taken up into imperative vijñana and that again elevated to one of the lower planes of what by the end of 1927 was called overmind. interpretative logistical vijñana

interpretative ::: (in 1920) being of the nature of an "ideative vision and thought" that "interpret . . . the illimitable unity and variety of the Infinite", the characteristic of the hermetic ideality or srauta vijñana, the plane of vijñana whose essence is sruti, also attributed to the highest forms of logistic ideality containing an element of inspiration; specifically, pertaining to the highest form of inspired revelatory logistis, called interpretative revelatory vijñana, to the second element in the highest representative ideality or to the srauta vijñana itself, from which these derive; (in 1927) short for interpretative imperative. interpretative dr drsti

intuition ::: the faculty of jñana that "suggests a direct and illumining inner idea of the truth, an idea that is its true image and index, . . . a representation, but a living representation"; one of the two components of smr.ti, it "does the work of reasoning without the necessity of reasoning to arrive at a conclusion"; also, an instance of the working of this faculty; sometimes equivalent to intuitional ideality, the lowest level of logistic ideality; (in 1927) same as gnostic intuition.

intuitive consciousness ::: (c. 1931, in the diagram on page 1360) the plane of highest mind below overmind; evidently equivalent to "Intuition" in the sense in which Sri Aurobindo used this word in his later writings, where it is "a power of consciousness nearer and more intimate [than Higher Mind or Illumined Mind] to the original knowledge by identity", differing from Overmind in that it "sees in flashes" and combines them, while Overmind "sees calmly, steadily, in great masses and large extensions of space and time and relation, globally".

intuitive higher mind ::: (c. 1931, in the diagram on page 1360) the second ("intuitive") level of higher mind, perhaps corresponding to logistic ideality in the terminology of 1919-20.

intuitive overmind ::: (c. 1931, in the diagram on page 1360) intuitive consciousness taken up into overmind, where its "movement is more comprehensive, global, many-faceted, more wide and potent in its truth-force".

intuitivity ::: (in 1919-20) a term for intuitive mind (also called intuivity), used especially with reference to three levels ("mechanical","pragmatic" and "truth-reflecting") regarded as higher counterparts of levels of the intellectual reason; (in April 1927) apparently the same as gnostic intuition, the first degree of supramental gnosis.

intuivity ::: (in 1919-20) same as intuitivity.

iridium ::: n. --> A rare metallic element, of the same group as platinum, which it much resembles, being silver-white, but harder, and brittle, and indifferent to most corrosive agents. With the exception of osmium, it is the heaviest substance known, its specific gravity being 22.4. Symbol Ir. Atomic weight 192.5.

Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich: (1743-1819) German philosopher of "feeling" who opposed the Kantian tradition. He held that the system of absolute subjective idealism, to which he reduced Kant, could not grasp ultimate reality. He was equally opposed to a dogmatic rationalism such as the Spinozistic. He based his view upon feeling, belief or faith by which he purported to find truth as immediately revealed in consciousness. Main works: Ueber die Lehre des Spinoza in Briefen an Moses Mendelsohn, 1785; David Hume über den Glauben, 1787; Sendschreiben an Fichte, 1799. -- L.E.D.

James, William: (1842-1910) Unquestionably one of the most influential of American thinkers, William James began his career as a teacher shortly after graduation (MD, 1870) from Harvard University. He became widely known as a brilliant and original lecturer, and his already considerable reputation was greatly enhanced in 1890 when his Principles of Psychology made its appearance. Had James written no other work, his position in American philosophy and psychology would be secure; the vividness and clarity of his style no less than the keenness of his analysis roused the imagination of a public in this country which had long been apathetic to the more abstract problems of technical philosophy. Nor did James allow this rising interest to flag. Turning to religious and moral problems, and later to metaphysics, he produced a large number of writings which gave ample evidence of his amazing ability to cut through the cumbersome terminology of traditional statement and to lay bare the essential character of the matter in hand. In this sense, James was able to revivify philosophical issues long buried from any save the classical scholars. Such oversimplifications as exist, for example, in his own "pragmatism" and "radical empiricism" must be weighed against his great accomplishment in clearing such problems as that of the One and the Many from the dry rot of centuries, and in rendering such problems immediately relevant to practical and personal difficulties. -- W.S.W.

J. B. Kosser, An informal exposition of proofs of Gödel's theorems and Church's theorem, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 4 (1939), pp. 53-60.

J. B. Rosser, A mathematical logic without variables, Annals of Mathematics, ser. 2, vol. 36 (1935), pp 127-150, and Duke Mathematical Journal, vol. 1 (1935), pp. 328-355.

J. B. Rosser, Extensions of some theorems of Gödel and Church, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 1 (1936), pp. 87-91.

J. Dewey, The Quest for Certainty, 1929.

J. F. Herbart, Hauptpunkte d. Logik, 1808; Hauptpunkte d. Metaphysik, 1806-1808; Allgem. prakt. Philos., 1808; Lehrb. z. Psychologie, 1816; Psychol. als Wissensch. neu gegründet auf Erfahrung, Metaphysik u. Mathematik, 1824; Allgemeine Metaphysik, 1828-9. See Sämmtliche Werke, 19 vols. (ed. Fluegel, 1887-1912). -- H.H.

J. G. Sickes, Peter Abaelard (Cambridge, Eng., 1932). -- V.J.B.

J. Herbrand, Recherches sur la Theorie de la Demonstration, Warsaw, 1930.

jitah sargah ::: conquered the creation. [Gita 5.19]

J. Laird, A Study in Realism, 1920.

Jodl, Friedrich: (1848-1914) His central interest was research in the field of ethics; engaged in developing a humanistic and naturalistic ethic. Made his most notable contribution in the history of ethical theories. Following the positivists Feuerbach, Comte and Mill, he projected a new religion of national culture. Main works: Gesch. der Ethik, 1906; Wissensch u. Religion, 1909; Der Monismus u.d. Kulturprobleme, 1911. -- H.H.

Julius Guttmann, Philosophie des Judentums, Berlin, 1935;

K. Fischer, Hegel's Leben, Ukrke und L'ehre, 2 vols. (1901, 1911);

K. Gödel, Die Vollständigkeit der Axiome des logiscben Funktionen-kalküls, Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik, vol. 37 (1930), pp. 349-360.

K. Gödel, The Consistency of the Axiom of Choice and of the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis with the Axioms of Set Theory. Princeton, N.J., 1940. Chou Tun-i: (Chou Lien-hsi, Chou Mao-shu, 1017-1073) Was active in government and was a renowned judge. He was the pioneer of Neo-Confucianism (li hsueh), anticipating the Ch'eng brothers. He wrote the T'ung-shu (explanation of the Book of Changes) and the T'aichi T'u-shu (explanation of the diagram of the Great Ultimate), fundamental texts of Neo-Confucian philosophy. -- W.T.C.

K. Gödel, Uber formal unenscheidbare Sätze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter Systeme, Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik, vol. 38 (1931), pp. 173-198.

Kierkegaard, Sören: (1813-1855) Danish religious thinker whose influence was largely limited to Scandinavian and German circles until recently. His works are now translated into English and his thought revived by contemporary social pessimists. Eternity, he held, is more important than time; sin is worse than suffering ; man is an egotist and must experience despair; God is beyond reason and man; Christianity stands opposed to this world and time and to man's reason; paradoxes are the inevitable result of man's reflections; Christian ethics realizable only in eternity. Kierkegaard was raised in a stern Christian environment; he reacted against orthodox religion and official philosophies (especially Hegelianism). An individualist, a sensitive, melancholic personality suffering intense frustrations. Cf. German ed. of K's writings: Sämmtliche Werke (1909-), and Eng. translations of Swenson (Post-Scientific Philosophy, etc.). -- V.F.

Koffka, Kurt: (1896) Along with Wertheimer and Köhler, one of the original triumvirate of Gestalt psychologists. See Gestalt Psychology. Koffka, relying on the results of Köhler's study of learning in apes, has, in opposition to the current attempts to treat learning exclusively in terms of trial and error, emphasized the essential role of insight in learning. See The Growth of the Mind, 1925, pp. 153-230. -- L.W.

Köhler, Wolfgang: (1887-) An associate of Wertheimer and Koffka at Frankfort, was one of the co-founders of Gestalt psychology. He was later Professor of Psychology at the University of Berlin and is now Professor of Psychology at Swarthmore College. His Gestalt Psychology (1929), contains an excellent statement in English of the theoretical foundations of Gestalt. -- L.W.

Korn, Alejandro: Born in San Vicente, Buenos Aires in 1860. Died in Buenos Aires, 1936. Psychiatrist in charge of Melchor Romero Hospital for the Insane and Professor of Anatomy at the National College of La Plata. Professor of Ethics and Metaphysics in the Universities of Buenos Aires and La Plata, from 1906-1930, and one time Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of Buenos Aires. Director of his own review, Valoraciones, and patriarch of the modern philosophical tradition of Argentine. The following may be considered his most important works: Influencias Filosoficas en la Evolucion Nacional, 1919; La Libertad Creadora, 1922; Esquema Gnoseologico, 1924; El Concepto de Ciencia, 1926; Axiologia, 1930; Apuntes Filosoficos, 1935.

ksipamyajasram asubhan asurisveva yonisu ::: [I cast the evil ones continually into Asuric births]. [Gita 16.19]

Kulpe, Oswald: (1862-1915) Opposing idealistic Neo-Kantianism, he is the most typical pioneer of philosophical realism in Germany. He characterized the method of the sciences, himself a leading psychologist, as a procedure which he terms Realizierung. He affirms the existence of the real in sharp contrast to every conscientialism and objective idealism. He defends the possibility and justification of physical realism. He recognizes neither purely rational nor purely empirical arguments for the existence of the external world in itself. Main works: Grundriss d. Psychol., 1893; Einleitung i.d. Philos., 1895 (Eng. tr. Introd. to Philosophy); Kant, 1907; Erkenntnistheorie u. Wissensch., 1910; Die Realisierung, 3 vols. 1912-1922; Vorlesungen über Logik, 1921.

Lachelier, J.: (1831-1918) A French philosopher who, though he wrote little, exerted a considerable direct personal influence on his students at the Ecole Normale Superieure; he was the teacher of both E. Boutroux and H. Bergson. His philosophical position was a Kantian idealism modified by the French "spiritualism" of Maine de Biran and Ravaisson.

lamboys ::: n. pl. --> Same as Base, n., 19.

laurel ::: n. --> An evergreen shrub, of the genus Laurus (L. nobilis), having aromatic leaves of a lanceolate shape, with clusters of small, yellowish white flowers in their axils; -- called also sweet bay.
A crown of laurel; hence, honor; distinction; fame; -- especially in the plural; as, to win laurels.
An English gold coin made in 1619, and so called because the king&

L. Couturat, La Logique de Leibniz (1901).

L. E. J. Brouwer, De onbetrnuwhaarheid der logische principes, Tijdsdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, vol 2 (1908), pp 152-158; reprinted in Brouwer's Wiskunde. Waarheid, Werketijkhetd. Groningen, 1919.

L. E. J. Brouwer, Intuitionism and formalism. English translation by A. Dresden. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 20 (1913), pp 81-96.

Lenin, V. I.: (Ulianov, Vladimir Ilyich) Lenin is generally regarded as the chief exponent of dialectical materialism (q.v.) after Marx and Engels. He was born April 22, 1870, in Simbirsk, Russia, and received the professional training of a lawyer. A Marxist from his student days onward, he lived many years outside of Russia as a political refugee, and read widely in the social sciences and philosophy. In the latter field his "Philosophical Note Books" (as yet untranslated into English) containing detailed critical comments on the works of many leading philosophers, ancient and modern, and in particular on Hegel, indicate his close study of texts. In 1909, Lenin published his best known philosophic work "Materialism and Empirio-Cnticism" which was directed against "a number of writers, would-be Marxists" including Bazarov, Bogdanov, Lunacharsky, Berman, Helfond, Yushkevich, Suvorov and Valentinov, and especially against a symposium of this group published under the title, "Studies in the Philosophy of Marxism" which in general adopted the "positivistic" position of Mach and Avenanus.

Levy-Bruhl, Lucien: (1857-1939) Professor of Philosophy at the Sorbonne 1899-1939, represents a sociological and anthropological approach to philosophy; his chief contribution is an anthropological study of primitive religion which emphasizes the "prelogical" or mystical character of the thinking of primitive peoples. La Mentalite primitive (1922), Eng. trans., 1923; L'Ame Primitive (1927). His other writings include: History of Modern Philosophy in France (Eng. trans., 1899); The Philosophy of Auguste Comte (1900, Eng. trans., 1903). -- L.W.

Lewis and Langford, Symbolic Logic, New York and London, 1932.

Lewis and Langford, Symbolic Logic, New York and London, 1952. R. Carnap, The Logical Syntax of Language, New York and London, 1937.

Life then reveals itself as essentially the same everywhere from the atom to man, the atom containing the subconscious stuff and movement of being which are released into consciousness in the animal, with plant life as a midway stage in the evolution. Life is really a universal operation of Conscious-Force acting subconsciously on and in Matter; it is the operation that creates, maintains, destroys and re-creates forms or bodies and attempts by play of nerve-force, that is to say, by currents of interchange of stimulating energy to awake conscious sensation in those bodies. In this operation there are three stages; the lowest is that in which the vibration is still in the sleep of Matter, entirely subconscious so as to seem wholly mechanical; the middle stage is that in which it becomes capable of a response still submental but on the verge of what we know as consciousness; the highest is that in which life develops conscious mentality in the form of a mentally perceptible sensation which in this transition becomes the basis for the development of sense-mind and intelligence. It is in the middle stage that we catch the idea of Life as distinguished from Matter and Mind, but in reality it is the same in all the stages and always a middle term between Mind and Matter, constituent of the latter and instinct with the former. It is an operation of Conscious-Force which is neither the mere formation of substance nor the operation of mind with substance and form as its object of apprehension; it is rather an energising of conscious being which is a cause and support of the formation of substance and an intermediate source and support of conscious mental apprehension. Life, as this intermediate energising of conscious being, liberates into sensitive action and reaction a form of the creative force of existence which was working subconsciently or inconsciently, absorbed in its own substance; it supports and liberates into action the apprehensive consciousness of existence called mind and gives it a dynamic instrumentation so that it can work not only on its own forms but on forms of life and matter; it connects, too, and supports, as a middle term between them, the mutual commerce of the two, mind and matter. This means of commerce Life provides in the continual currents of her pulsating nerve-energy which carry force of the form as a sensation to modify Mind and bring back force of Mind as will to modify Matter. It is th
   refore this nerve-energy which we usually mean when we talk of Life; it is the Prana or Life-force of the Indian system. But nerve-energy is only the form it takes in the animal being; the same Pranic energy is present in all forms down to the atom, since everywhere it is the same in essence and everywhere it is the same operation of Conscious-Force,—Force supporting and modifying the substantial existence of its own forms, Force with sense and mind secretly active but at first involved in the form and preparing to emerge, then finally emerging from their involution. This is the whole significance of the omnipresent Life that has manifested and inhabits the material universe.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 198-199

Li hsueh: The Rational Philosophy or the Reason School of the Sung dynasty (960-1279) which insisted on Reason or Law (li) as the basis of reality, including such philosophers as Chou Lien-hsi (1017-1073), Shao K'ang-chieh (1011-1077), Chang Heng-ch'u (1020-1077), Ch'eng I-ch'uan (1033-1107), Ch'eng Ming-tao (1032-1086), Chu Hsi (1130-1200), and Lu Hsiang-shan (1139-1193). It is also called Hsing-li Hsueh (Philosophy of the Nature and Reason) and Sung Hsueh (Philosophy of the Sung Dynasty). Often the term includes the idealistic philosophy of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), including Wang Yang-ming (1473-1529), sometimes called Hsin Hsueh (Philosophy of Mind). Often it also includes the philosophy of the Ch'ing dynasty (1644-1911), called Tao Hsueh, including such philosophers as Yen Hsi-chai (1635-1704) and Tai Tung-yuan (1723-1777). For a summary of the Rational Philosophy, see Chinese philosophy. For its philosophy of Reason (li), vital force (ch'i), the Great Ultimate (T'ai Chi), the passive and active principles (yin yang), the nature of man and things (hsing), the investigation of things to the utmost (ch'iung li), the extension of knowledge (chih chih), and its ethics of true manhood or love (jen), seriousness (ching) and sincerity (ch'eng), see articles on these topics. -- W.T.C.

Lipps, Theodor: (1851-1914) Eminent German philosopher and psychologist. The study of optical illusions led him to his theory of empathy. Starts with the presupposition that every aesthetic object represents a living being, and calls the psychic state which we experience when we project ourselves into the life of such an object, an empathy (Einfühlung) or "fellow-feeling". He applied this principle consistently to all the arts. The empathic act is not simply kinaesthetic inference but has exclusively objective reference. Being a peculiar source of knowledge about other egos, it is a blend of inference and intuition. Main works: Psychol. Studien, 1885; Grundzüge d. Logik, 1893; Die ethische Grundfragen, 1899; Aesthetik, 2 vols., 1903-06; Philos. u. Wirklichkeit, 1908; Psychol. Untersuch., 2 vols., 1907-12. -- H.H.

logistic ideality ::: the plane of luminous reason, the lowest of the three planes of ideality; its essence is smr.ti (intuition and discrimination, the latter often regarded as inherent in the former) and it has three levels ... with three or more forms of each, based on various combinations of intuition with inspiration and revelation, the higher faculties of jñana. On each successive level, "the lower first calls down into itself and is then taken up into the higher, so that on each level all the three elevations are reproduced, but always there predominates in the thought essence the character that belongs to that level"s proper form of consciousness". The logistic ideality of 1919-20 may be correlated with the "intuitive" level of higher mind in the diagram on page 1(c. 1931).

logistic revelation ::: revelation on the plane of logistic ideality; same as revelatory logistis or (in 1920) intuitive revelatory logistis.

logistis ::: same as logistic ideality; in October 1920, restricted to intuitive ideality as the lowest level of logos vijñana.

. . logos (drashta logos) [Sanskrit and Greek] ::: a term used in 1920, equivalent to the seer logistis of the previous year; same as revelatory logistis or full revelatory ideality.

logos reason ::: a term used in October 1920 for the second level of logos vijñana; it is defined as "the lower representative idea", apparently referring to the form of intuitive revelatory logistis previously called representative revelatory vijñana. logos vij ñana

lower representative ::: in October 1920, equivalent to what representative had meant earlier in that year, when it referred to a form of intuitive revelatory logistis; this came to be described as "lower representative" when representative vijñana came to mean highest representative ideality.

lower revelatory ::: (in 1920) a term used for a form or forms of logistic ideality other than the highest kinds of revelatory logistis, but containing an element of revelation, such as revelatory intuition, revelatory inspired logistis or the lower forms of intuitive revelatory logistis.

L. P. Eisenhart, Coordinate Geometry, 1939.

lyrid ::: n. --> One of the group of shooting stars which come into the air in certain years on or about the 19th of April; -- so called because the apparent path among the stars the stars if produced back wards crosses the constellation Lyra.

madbhava ::: My [i.e. Krsna's, the Divine's] nature and status of being. ::: madbhavam [accusative] ::: madbhavaya [dative] [Gita 13.19]

mahad brahma ::: (c. December 1926) the world of "Divine Truth and Vastness", containing seven planes where brahman is manifest in terms of satyam r.taṁ br.hat; same as vijñana loka.

Mahesvari (Maheshwari; Maheswari) ::: one of the four personalities Mahesvari of the sakti or devi: the goddess of wideness and calm, whose manifestation in the temperament (Mahesvari bhava) is the pratis.t.ha or basis for the combination of the aspects of daivi prakr.ti; sometimes short for Mahesvari bhava. According to an entry on 18 March 1917, until then there had been only one very early manifestation of "Maheshwari herself"; what was referred to as Mahesvari was usually her manifestation in another sakti as part of the preparation of the pratis.t.ha for the full daivi prakr.ti.MahesvariMahesvari bhava

Main works: Allgem. Psychopath., 1913; Psych, d. Weltan., 1919; Die geistige Situation d. Zeit, 1931; Vernunft u. Existenz, 1935; Nietzsche, 1936; Descartes, 1937; Existenzphilosophie, 1938.

Main works: De arte combinatoria, 1666 ; Theoria motus concreti et abstracti, 1671 ; Discours de la metaphysique, 1686; Systeme nouveau de la nature, 1695; Nouveaux Essais sur l'entendement humain, 1701 (publ. 1765, criticism of Locke's Essay); Theodicee, 1710; Monadologie, 1714 (letter to Prince Eugene of Savoy). No complete edition of L. exists, but the Prussian Academy of Sciences began one and issued 4 vols. to date. Cf. Gerhardt's edition of L's philosophical works (7 vols., 1875-90) and mathematical works (1849-63), Foucher de Careil's edition, 7 vols. (1859-75), O. Klopp's edition of L.'s historico-political works, 10 vols. (1864-77), L. Couturat's Opuscules et fragments inedits de L., 1903. -- K.F.L.

Main works: Die Philosophie Herakleitos d. Dunklen, 1858; System d. Eruorbenen Rechte, 1861; and political speeches and pamphlets in Collected Works (Leipzig, 1899-1901). -- R.B.W.

Main works: Kategorien --u. Bedentungslehre d. Duns Scotus, 1916; Sein u. Zeit, 1927; Was ist Metaphysik?; Kant u. d. Probl. d. Meta., 1929; Vom Wesen des Grundes, 1929. See J. Kraft, Von Husserl zu H., 1932. -- H.H.

Main works: Le fondemcnt de l'induction, 187; Psychologie et metaphysique, 1885; Etudes sur le syllogisme, 1907; Note sur le pari de Pascal. --L.W. Lamaism: (from Tibetan b La-ma, honorable title of a monk) The religious beliefs and institutions of Tibet, derived from Mahayana Buddhism (q.v.) which was first introduced in the 7th century by the chieftain Sron-tsan-gampo, superimposed on the native Shamaistic Bon religion, resuscitated and mixed with Tantric (q.v.) elements by the mythic Hindu Padmasambhava, and reformed by the Bengalese Atisa in the 11th and Tsong-kha-pa at the turn of the 14th century. The strong admixture of elements of the exorcismal, highly magically charged and priest-ridden original Bon, has given Buddhism a turn away from its philosophic orientation and produced in Lamaism a form that places great emphasis on mantras (q.v.) -- the most famous one being om mani padme hum) -- elaborate ritual, and the worship of subsidiary tutelary deities, high dignitaries, and living incarnations of the Buddha. This worship is institutionalized, with a semblance of the papacy, in the double incarnation of the Bodhisattva (q.v.) in the Dalai-Lama who resides with political powers at the capital Lhasa, and the more spiritual head Tashi-Lama who rules at Tashi-Ihum-po. Contacts with Indian and Chinese traditions have been maintained for centuries and the two canons of Lamaism, the Kan-jur of 108 books and the Tan-jur of 225 books represent many translations as well as original works, some of great philosophical value. -- K.F.L.

Main works of Husserl: Philosophie der Anthmetik, 1891; Logische Untersuchungen, 1900; Ideen z. e. reinen Phänomenologie u. Phenomologische Philos., 1913; Vorlesungen z. Phanom. d. inneren Bewusstseine, 1928; Formale u. transz. Logik, 1929; Meditations Cartesiennes Introd. a la Phenomenologie, 1931; Die Krisis der europäischen Wissensch u.d. transz. Phanomenologie, I, 1936; Erfahrung u. Urteil. Untersuch. u. Genealogie der Logik, 1939. Hussism: The Reformatory views of John Hus (1370-1415). A popular agitator and finally martyr, Hus stood between Wycliffe and Luther in the line of continental Protestant Reformers. He rested authority upon Scripture and defied ecclesiastical bans. The Hussite wars (1419-1432) following his death epitomized the growing nationalism and desire for religious reform. -- V.F.

Main works: Philosophy of Religion, 1901; Kierkegaard; Rousseau; History of Modern Phtlosophy. -- V.F.

mata devanam aditer anikam ::: Mother of the gods, force of the Infinite. [RV 1.113.19]

M. Eaton, General Logic, New York, 1931.

mercury ::: n. --> A Latin god of commerce and gain; -- treated by the poets as identical with the Greek Hermes, messenger of the gods, conductor of souls to the lower world, and god of eloquence.
A metallic element mostly obtained by reduction from cinnabar, one of its ores. It is a heavy, opaque, glistening liquid (commonly called quicksilver), and is used in barometers, thermometers, ect. Specific gravity 13.6. Symbol Hg (Hydrargyrum). Atomic weight 199.8. Mercury has a molecule which consists of only one atom. It was

messidor ::: n. --> The tenth month of the French republican calendar dating from September 22, 1792. It began June 19, and ended July 18. See VendEmiaire.

M. H. Stone, The representation of Boolean algebras, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. vol. 44 (1938), pp. 807-816.

mind ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The ‘Mind" in the ordinary use of the word covers indiscriminately the whole consciousness, for man is a mental being and mentalises everything; but in the language of this yoga the words ‘mind" and ‘mental" are used to connote specially the part of the nature which has to do with cognition and intelligence, with ideas, with mental or thought perceptions, the reactions of thought to things, with the truly mental movements and formations, mental vision and will, etc., that are part of his intelligence.” *Letters on Yoga

"Mind in its essence is a consciousness which measures, limits, cuts out forms of things from the indivisible whole and contains them as if each were a separate integer.” The Life Divine

"Mind is an instrument of analysis and synthesis, but not of essential knowledge. Its function is to cut out something vaguely from the unknown Thing in itself and call this measurement or delimitation of it the whole, and again to analyse the whole into its parts which it regards as separate mental objects.” The Life Divine

"The mind proper is divided into three parts — thinking Mind, dynamic Mind, externalising Mind — the former concerned with ideas and knowledge in their own right, the second with the putting out of mental forces for realisation of the idea, the third with the expression of them in life (not only by speech, but by any form it can give).” Letters on Yoga

"The difference between the ordinary mind and the intuitive is that the former, seeking in the darkness or at most by its own unsteady torchlight, first, sees things only as they are presented in that light and, secondly, where it does not know, constructs by imagination, by uncertain inference, by others of its aids and makeshifts things which it readily takes for truth, shadow projections, cloud edifices, unreal prolongations, deceptive anticipations, possibilities and probabilities which do duty for certitudes. The intuitive mind constructs nothing in this artificial fashion, but makes itself a receiver of the light and allows the truth to manifest in it and organise its own constructions.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"He [man] has in him not a single mentality, but a double and a triple, the mind material and nervous, the pure intellectual mind which liberates itself from the illusions of the body and the senses, and a divine mind above intellect which in its turn liberates itself from the imperfect modes of the logically discriminative and imaginative reason.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"Our mind is an observer of actuals, an inventor or discoverer of possibilities, but not a seer of the occult imperatives that necessitate the movements and forms of a creation. . . .” *The Life Divine

"The human mind is an instrument not of truth but of ignorance and error.” Letters on Yoga

"For Mind as we know it is a power of the Ignorance seeking for Truth, groping with difficulty to find it, reaching only mental constructions and representations of it in word and idea, in mind formations, sense formations, — as if bright or shadowy photographs or films of a distant Reality were all that it could achieve.” The Life Divine

The Mother: "The true role of the mind is the formation and organization of action. The mind has a formative and organizing power, and it is that which puts the different elements of inspiration in order for action, for organizing action. And if it would only confine itself to that role, receiving inspirations — whether from above or from the mystic centre of the soul — and simply formulating the plan of action — in broad outline or in minute detail, for the smallest things of life or the great terrestrial organizations — it would amply fulfil its function. It is not an instrument of knowledge. But is can use knowledge for action, to organize action. It is an instrument of organization and formation, very powerful and very capable when it is well developed.” Questions and Answers 1956, MCW Vol. 8.*

mine ::: n. --> See Mien. ::: pron. & a. --> Belonging to me; my. Used as a pronominal to me; my. Used as a pronominal adjective in the predicate; as, "Vengeance is mine; I will repay." Rom. xii. 19. Also, in the old style, used attributively, instead of my, before a noun beginning with a vowel.

Modern Period. In the 17th century the move towards scientific materialism was tempered by a general reliance on Christian or liberal theism (Galileo, Bacon, Descartes, Hobbes, Gassendi, Toland, Hartley, Priestley, Boyle, Newton). The principle of gravitation was regarded by Newton, Boyle, and others, as an indication of the incompleteness of the mechanistic and materialistic account of the World, and as a direct proof of the existence of God. For Newton Space was the "divine sensorium". The road to pure modern idealism was laid by the epistemological idealism (epistemological subjectivism) of Campanella and Descartes. The theoretical basis of Descartes' system was God, upon whose moral perfection reliance must be placed ("God will not deceive us") to insure the reality of the physical world. Spinoza's impersonalistic pantheism is idealistic to the extent that space or extension (with modes of Body and Motion) is merely one of the infinity of attributes of Being. Leibniz founded pure modern idealism by his doctrine of the immateriality and self-active character of metaphysical individual substances (monads, souls), whose source and ground is God. Locke, a theist, gave chief impetus to the modern theory of the purely subjective character of ideas. The founder of pure objective idealism in Europe was Berkeley, who shares with Leibniz the creation of European immaterialism. According to him perception is due to the direct action of God on finite persons or souls. Nature consists of (a) the totality of percepts and their order, (b) the activity and thought of God. Hume later an implicit Naturalist, earlier subscribed ambiguously to pure idealistic phenomenalism or scepticism. Kant's epistemological, logical idealism (Transcendental or Critical Idealism) inspired the systems of pure speculative idealism of the 19th century. Knowledge, he held, is essentially logical and relational, a product of the synthetic activity of the logical self-consciousness. He also taught the ideality of space and time. Theism, logically undemonstrable, remains the choice of pure speculative reason, although beyond the province of science. It is also a practical implication of the moral life. In the Critique of Judgment Kant, marshalled facts from natural beauty and the apparent teleological character of the physical and biological world, to leave a stronger hint in favor of the theistic hypothesis. His suggestion thit reality, as well as Mind, is organic in character is reflected in the idealistic pantheisms of his followers: Fichte (abstract personalism or "Subjective Idealism"), Schellmg (aesthetic idealism, theism, "Objective Idealism"), Hegel (Absolute or logical Idealism), Schopenhauer (voluntaristic idealism), Schleiermacher (spiritual pantheism), Lotze ("Teleological Idealism"). 19th century French thought was grounder in the psychological idealism of Condillac and the voluntaristic personalism of Biran. Throughout the century it was essentially "spiritualistic" or personalistic (Cousin, Renouvier, Ravaisson, Boutroux, Lachelier, Bergson). British thought after Hume was largely theistic (A. Smith, Paley, J. S. Mill, Reid, Hamilton). In the latter 19th century, inspired largely by Kant and his metaphysical followers, it leaned heavily towards semi-monistic personalism (E. Caird, Green, Webb, Pringle-Pattison) or impersonalistic monism (Bradley, Bosanquet). Recently a more pluralistic personalism has developed (F. C. S. Schiller, A. E. Taylor, McTaggart, Ward, Sorley). Recent American idealism is represented by McCosh, Howison, Bowne, Royce, Wm. James (before 1904), Baldwin. German idealists of the past century include Fechner, Krause, von Hartmann, H. Cohen, Natorp, Windelband, Rickert, Dilthey, Brentano, Eucken. In Italy idealism is represented by Croce and Gentile, in Spain, by Unamuno and Ortega e Gasset; in Russia, by Lossky, in Sweden, by Boström; in Argentina, by Aznar. (For other representatives of recent or contemporary personalism, see Personalism.) -- W.L.

momier ::: n. --> A name given in contempt to strict Calvinists in Switzerland, France, and some parts of Germany, in the early part of the 19th century.

(Mother’s Agenda, Vol. 05, 08-01-1964)If we are to attempt an integral Yoga, it will be as well to start with an idea of the Divine that is itself integral. There should be an aspiration in the heart wide enough for a realisation without any narrow limits. Not only should we avoid a sectarian religious outlook, but also all one-sided philosophical conceptions which try to shut up the Ineffable in a restricting mental formula.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 23-24, Page: 82

  Mother"s Agenda, Volume 10, 1969.

mr.tyur va prabhavati (mrityur va prabhavati) ::: death has power.(This phrase, forming the first sortilege of 9 October 1914, occurs in a sentence in Shankara"s commentary on Śvetasvatara 2.12 which is part of the second sortilege of the same date. The complete sentence means: "Over that Yogi neither disease nor old age nor death has power.")

M. Schönfinkel, Über die Bausteine der mathematischen Logik, Mathematische Annalen, vol. 92 (1924), pp. 305-316.

M. Waxman, The Philosophy of Don Hasdai Crescas, New York, 1920;

namadr.s.t.i (namadrishti) ::: subtle vision (sū dr.s.t.i) of nama or namadrsti name (i.e., written or printed words), as opposed to vision of rūpa or form (i.e., images), a term used by Sri Aurobindo in 1909 for what he later called lipi.

nastyanto (nasti anto) vistarasya me ::: there is no end to My self-extension. [Gita 10.19]

Neo-Confucianism developed in three phases, namely the Reason school in the Sung period (960-1279), the Mind school in the Ming period (1388-1644) and the Moral-Law school in the Ch-ing period (1644-1911). The central idea of the movement is focused on the Great Ultimate (T'ai Chi) and Reason (li). The Great Ultimate moves and generates the active principle, yang, when its activity reaches its limit, and engenders the passive principle, yin, when it becomes tranquil. The eternal oscillation of yin and yang gives rise to the material universe through their Five Agents of Water, Fire, Wood, Metal and Earth. Thus, reality is a progressively evolved and a well-coordinated system.

N. Hartmann, Platos Lehre vom Sein, 1909; Grundzüge einer Metaphysik der Erkenntnis, 1921; Ethik, 1926 (Eng. tr. 1932); Die Philosophie des Deutschen Idealismus I, 1923; II, 1929; Zur Grundlegung der Ontologie, 1935; Möglichkeit u. Wirklichkeit, 1938. See his own exposition of his views in Deutsch Syst. Philos. nach ihr. Gestalten, 1931. -- H.H.

nineteen ::: a. --> Nine and ten; eighteen and one more; one less than twenty; as, nineteen months. ::: n. --> The number greater than eighteen by a unit; the sum of ten and nine; nineteen units or objects.
A symbol for nineteen units, as 19 or xix.

nirdosam hi samam brahma ::: the equal brahman is faultless. [Gita 5.19]

nirvises.a (nirvisesha) ::: unqualified; undifferentiated; associated with nirvisesa no specific object or stimulus; used in July 1912 for various forms of physical and subjective ananda in a sense similar to ahaituka.

nivose ::: n. --> The fourth month of the French republican calendar [1792-1806]. It commenced December 21, and ended January 19. See VendEmiaire.

nizam ::: n. --> The title of the native sovereigns of Hyderabad, in India, since 1719.

N. K. Smith, Prolegomena to an Idealist Theory of Knowledge, 1924.

nondecane ::: n. --> A hydrocarbon of the paraffin series, a white waxy substance, C19H40; -- so called from the number of carbon atoms in the molecule.

nonyl ::: n. --> The hydrocarbon radical, C9H19, derived from nonane and forming many compounds. Used also adjectively; as, nonyl alcohol.

Oeuvres completes, ed. C. Adam et P. Tannery, 13 vols. (Paris, 1896-1911). The Philos. Works of Descartes, transl. by Haldane and Ross, 2 vols. (Cambridge, 1911-12). Fischer, K., Descartes and his School (London, 1887). Gilson, E., Le role de la pensee medievale dans la formation du systeme cartesien (Paris, 1930). Maritain, J., Le songe de Descartes (Paris, 1932). Gemelli, A. (ed.), Cartesio (symposium) (Milan, 1937). -- V.J.B.

Oh, a tremendous power—tremendous. The first time I heard it … The first time I heard it … There was a certain Bernard who had spent a year in India, in the Himalayas, and he was visited by yogis whom he didn’t know (he lived in a hut in the Himalayas, all alone). One yogi came to see him; he didn’t say anything, he just sat by his side and then left. And that yogi simply told him,”Om …” Then he came back to France, recounted his experiences in India, and he said that. Me, I knew absolutely nothing of India at the time, and when he uttered the word OM … (Mother brings her arms down), it came: a Force like this, my whole, entire body, everything vibrated in an extraordinary way! It was like a revelation—everything, but everything started vibrating. Then I said,”At last, here’s the true sound!” Yet I knew nothing, absolutely nothing, neither what it meant nor anything. Mother’s Agenda, Volume 10, 1969.

OM is the one universal formulation of the energy of sound and speech, that which contains and sums up, synthetises and releases all the spiritual power and all the potentiality of Vak and Shabda and of which the other sounds, out of whose stuff words of speech are woven, are supposed to be the developed evolutions.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 273

OM is the symbol of the triple Brahman, the outward-looking, the inward or subtle and the superconscient causal Purusha. Each letter A, U, M indicates one of these three in ascending order and the syllable as a whole brings out the fourth state, Turiya, which rises to the Absolute. OM is the initiating syllable pronounced at the outset as a benedictory prelude and sanction to all act of sacrifice, all act of giving and all act of askesis; it is a reminder that our work should be made an expression of the triple Divine in our inner being and turned towards him in the idea and motive.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 491

osmium ::: n. --> A rare metallic element of the platinum group, found native as an alloy in platinum ore, and in iridosmine. It is a hard, infusible, bluish or grayish white metal, and the heaviest substance known. Its tetroxide is used in histological experiments to stain tissues. Symbol Os. Atomic weight 191.1. Specific gravity 22.477.

Other main works: The Will to Believe and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy, 1897; Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature, 1902; Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking, 1907; A Pluralistic Universe, 1909; Some Problems of Philosophy, 1911; Essays in Radical Empiricism, 1912. Cf. R. B. Perry, Thought and Character of William. James, 2 vols., 1935. Jansenism: The teaching of Cornelius Jansen, latinized Jansenius (1585-1638), Bishop of Ypres, and his followers in France and Holland. Its most significant doctrines were the total corruption of human nature owing to original sin, man's inability to resist either concupiscence or grace implying the denial of free will, predestination, and the denial that Christ died for all men without exception. The Jansenists were characterized by an unusual harshness, severity of manners, and moral rigorism. The doctrine was condemned by the Church. -- J.J.R.

overmind ::: (from 29 October 1927 onwards) the highest plane or system of planes of consciousness below supermind or divine gnosis; especially the principal plane in the overmind system, apparently corresponding to what earlier in 1927 was referred to as supreme supermind. Possessing "an illimitable capacity of separation and combination of the powers and aspects of the integral and indivisible all-comprehending Unity", the overmind "takes up all that is in the three steps below it and raises their characteristic workings to their highest and largest power, adding to them a universal wideness of consciousness and force"

overmind gnosis ::: (c. 1931, in the diagram on page 1360) the highest plane of overmind, defined as "supermind subdued to the overmind play" (see supermind); it may also be regarded as a series of planes.

overmind logos ::: (c. 1931, in the diagram on page 1360) the logos or universal reason in its highest form on the plane of overmind below formative maya (see overmind system), described as "determinative of relations" in the worlds derived from it.

overmind system ::: a term used on 29 October 1927 (when the word "overmind" first occurs) for what earlier in that year had consisted of a series of planes, divisible into four groups, rising from supramentality to gnostic supermind. In 1933, Sri Aurobindo wrote that the overmind "can for convenience be divided into four planes", which he called mental overmind, intuitive overmind or overmind intuition, true overmind, and supramental overmind or overmind gnosis, "but there are many layers in each and each of these can be regarded as a plane in itself". In the diagram of overmind gradations on page 1360 (c. 1931), mental overmind seems to be missing, but overmind logos is listed between intuitive overmind and formative maya, the latter evidently designating the principal plane of true overmind. Overmind logos may represent mental overmind; its position in the diagram could be explained if its highest level is assumed to be a form of mental overmind taken up into true overmind and constituting a plane of overmind proper, like the supramentalised mind in overmind of 1927-28.P

pacinian ::: a. --> Of, pertaining to, or discovered by, Filippo Pacini, an Italian physician of the 19th century.

parabrahmadarsana (parabrahmadarshana) ::: vision (darsana) of the supreme Reality (parabrahman); the "renewal of the Parabrahmadarshana of two years ago" recorded on 16 April 1914 was a revival of what Sri Aurobindo had experienced on 15 August 1912 when, according to a letter, his "subjective sadhana" had "received its final seal and something like its consummation by a prolonged realisation & dwelling in Parabrahman for many hours".

param apnoti purusah ::: man attains to the Highest. [Gita 3.19]

Paul Bernays, A system of axiomatic set theory, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 2 (1937), pp. 65-77, and vol. 6 (1941), pp. 1-17.

P.E.B. Jourdain, Gottlob Frege, The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 43 (1912), pp. 237-269.

Perfection (Siddhi) ::: "Not by abstention from works does a man enjoy actionlessness, nor by mere renunciation (of works) does he attain to his perfection,"—to siddhi, the accomplishment of the aims of his self-discipline by Yoga.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 106

Ph. Frank, Between Physics and Philosophy (Harvard, 1941). -- R.B.W.

Philosophy is only a way of formulating to ourselves intellectually in their essential significance the psychological and physical facts of existence and their relation to any ultimate reality that may exist.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 253

platinum ::: n. --> A metallic element, intermediate in value between silver and gold, occurring native or alloyed with other metals, also as the platinum arsenide (sperrylite). It is heavy tin-white metal which is ductile and malleable, but very infusible, and characterized by its resistance to strong chemical reagents. It is used for crucibles, for stills for sulphuric acid, rarely for coin, and in the form of foil and wire for many purposes. Specific gravity 21.5. Atomic weight 194.3. Symbol Pt. Formerly called platina.

pradhanyatah ::: in some of (My) principal pre-eminences. [Gita 10.19]

pragmatic ::: (in 1919) having the nature of pragmatic reason, pragmatic intuitivity or pragmatic ideality.

premonstratensian ::: n. --> One of a religious order of regular canons founded by St. Norbert at Premontre, in France, in 1119. The members of the order are called also White Canons, Norbertines, and Premonstrants.

primary ideality ::: in May-June 1918, the same as inferior ideality during the same period; cf. the logistic ideality of 1919-20.

R. Carnap, Abriss der Logistik, Vienna, 1929.

Real-Idea ::: "is a truth-perception which is self-effective; for it is the idea and will of the Spirit in direct action..." [S19:986]

rechabite ::: n. --> One of the descendants of Jonadab, the son of Rechab, all of whom by his injunction abstained from the use of intoxicating drinks and even from planting the vine. Jer. xxxv. 2-19. Also, in modern times, a member of a certain society of abstainers from alcoholic liquors.

redemptionist ::: n. --> A monk of an order founded in 1197; -- so called because the order was especially devoted to the redemption of Christians held in captivity by the Mohammedans. Called also Trinitarian.

representative imperative ::: (c. 1920) a form of logos vijñana formed by a combination of its representative and imperative elements; (in early 1927) the lowest form of "the imperative", evidently representative vijñana taken up into imperative vijñana and that again elevated to one of the lower planes of what by the end of 1927 was called overmind.

representative ::: (in 1920) being of the nature of a luminous thoughtrepresentation of truth which is "a partial manifestation of a greater knowledge existing in the self but not at the time present to the immediately active consciousness", related to smr.ti and its faculty of intuition in its power of "recalling as it were to the spirit"s knowledge the truth that is called out more directly by the higher powers" of interpretative and purely revelatory vision; specifically, pertaining to the highest form of intuitive revelatory logistis, called representative revelatory vijñana, or to the lowest element in the highest representative ideality; (in 1927) short for representative imperative. representative highest vijñana

Resuming certain ideas of Locke and Berkeley, it was first propounded by the physicist Kirchhoff, and found its best representation by Richard Avenarius (1843-96) in Menschlicher Welthegriff, and, independently, by Ernst Mach (1838-1916) in Anal, d. Empfindungen. Many psychologists (Wm. Wundt, 0. Kuelpe, Harold Hoeffding, E. B. Titchener) approved of it, while H. Rickert and W. Moog discredited it forcefully. Charles Peirce (Popular Science Monthly, Jan. 1878) and Wm. James (Principles of Psych. 1898) applied Avenarius' ideas, somewhat roughly though, for the foundation of ''Pragmatism". John Dewey (Reconstruction in Philos.) used it in his "Instrumentalism", while F. C. S. Schiller (Humanism) based his ethical theory on it. -- S.v.F.

revelatory ::: having the nature of revelation (dr.s.t.i), as it acts on the level of revelatory logistis or another level of ideality or intuitive mind, often in combination with intuition or inspiration; (in 1920) sometimes equivalent to full revelatory, sometimes to lower revelatory.

R. Harlev, George Boole, F.R.S., The British Quarterly Review, vol. 44 (1866). pp 141-181 Anon., George Boole, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, vol. 15 (1867). Obituary notices of fellows deceased, pp. vi-xi. P.E.B. Jourdain, George Boole, The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 41 (1910), pp. 332-352.

R. M. Eaton, General Logic, New York, 1931.

rūpadr.sya (rupadrishya; rupa-drishya; rupa drishya) ::: (in 1917) virupadrsya sion of images in samadhi; same as rūpadr.s.t.i.

R. W. Emerson: Complete Works, 12 vols. (Boston, 1903-4). -- L.E.D.

S. Alexander, Space, Time, and Deity, 2nd ed., 1928.

samam brahm ::: the equal brahman. [Gita 5.19]

samye sthitam manah ::: the mind established in equality. [Gita 5.19]

Sanctis, Francesco: Born at Morra Irpina (Avellino), March 28, 1817. Died at Naples, December 19, 1883. Imprisoned and exiled because liberal, 1848. Professor in Zurich and later in Naples. Minister of Public Education. His History of Italian Literature (1870) is still considered fundamental.

sarvabhavena ::: in every way of his being. [Gita 15.19]

sarvavid ::: all-knowing, a whole-knower. [Gita 15.19]

sarvavit sarvabhavena ::: that whole-knower ... with his whole being (in every way of his nature). [Gita 15.19]

sarve samarambhah kamasamkalpa-varjitah ::: [all inceptions and undertakings free from the will of desire]. [Gita 4.19]

Sattwa ::: Sattwa, the seed of intelligence, conserves the workings of energy.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 71

Scholz and Bachmann, Der wissenschaftliche Nachlass von Gottlob Frege, Actes du Congres International de Philosophie Scientifique (Pans, 1936), section VIII, pp. 24-30. Freud. Sigmund: (1856-1940) Founder of the Psvcho-analytic school (see Psycho-Analysis), studied medicine at the University of Vienna, and becoming interested in the treatment of neuroses, went to Paris in 1885 to study under Charcot and later examined the methods employed by the Nancy school. In his own practice, he employed hypnotic methods of treatment (see Hypnosis, Hypnotism) in combination with his own techniques of free association and dream interpretation. (The Interpretation of Dreams, German ed., 1900.) Psychopathology of Everyday Life, German ed., 1901.) Freud not only developed a therapeutic technique for the treatment of hysteria and neuroses but advanced an elaborate psychological theory of which the main tenets are the predominance of sex and the doctrine of the subconscious.

Scholz and Schweitzer, Die sogenannten Definitionen durch Abstraktion, Leipzig, 1935.

secondary ideality ::: (in 1918) same as superior ideality; (in 1919) same as secondary logistic gnosis or inspired logistis).

seer ideality ::: the highest of the three planes of ideality, evidently the plane whose essence is dr.s.t.i or revelation, as the essence of the logistic ideality is smr.ti and the essence of the hermetic ideality is sruti; the seer logistis, in which the action of the seer ideality is "modified to suit the lower key of the logistis", is sometimes referred to by the same name. If the plane of highest mind or intuitive consciousness in the diagram on page 1360 (c. 1931) is correlated with the seer ideality of 1919, this plane would seem to correspond to what Sri Aurobindo in his later writings called "Intuition", about which he explained: "what is thought-knowledge in the Higher Mind becomes illumination in the Illumined Mind and direct intimate vision in the Intuition".

seer logistis ::: (in 1919) a high level of logistic ideality full of the influence of the seer ideality; same as revelatory logistis or full revelatory ideality.

shana; Krishnadarshan) ::: the vision of Kr.s.n.a, the para purus.a or purus.ottama, seen in relation to the world as the transcendent and universal anandamaya purus.a and isvara who is "not only the origin and spiritual container, but the spiritual inhabitant in all forces, in all things and in all beings, and not only the inhabitant but . . . himself all energies and forces, all things and all beings", a form of darsana regarded as the highest bhava of brahmadarsana or as . a distinct darsana related to isvaradarsana. The three intensities of Kr.s.n.adarsana in human beings (applicable with modifications to all things and beings) are described in the entry of 30 May 1915 as (1) "Krishna seen behind the human mask" (distinguished from the preliminary stage, "Krishna sensed behind the disguise"), (2)"Krishna seen in the human being", and (3) "The human being seen in Krishna" (with three degrees of the third intensity, the vision of sarvamaya, anantagun.amaya and anandamaya Kr.s.n.a), leading to the consummation: "The human being = Krishna".

S. Hook, From Hegel to Marx, 1938.

sicca ::: n. --> A seal; a coining die; -- used adjectively to designate the silver currency of the Mogul emperors, or the Indian rupee of 192 grains.

Siddhi ::: "Not by abstention from works does a man enjoy actionlessness, nor by mere renunciation (of works) does he attain to his perfection," — to siddhi, the accomplishment of the aims of his self-discipline by Yoga.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 106

S. K. Lahger, An Introduction to Symbolic Logic. 1937.

S. K. Langer, An Introduction to Symbolic Logic, 1937. Appendix A. 3. THE FUNCTIONAL CALCULUS OF FIRST ORDER is the next discipline beyond the propositional calculus, according to the usual treatment. It is the first step towards the hierarchy of types (§ 6) and deals, in addition to unanalyzed propositions, with propositional functions (q. v.) of the lowest order. It employs the sentential connectives of § 1, and in addition the universal quantifier (q. v.), written (X) where X is any individual variable, and the existential quantifier, written (EX) where X is any individual variable. (The E denoting existential quantification is more often written inverted, as by Peano and Whitehead-Russell, but we here adopt the typographically more convenient usage, which also has sanction.)

S. K. Langer, An Introduction to Symbolic Logic, Boston and New York, or London, 1937.

soil ::: “I think you said in a letter that in the line light falling upon the lower levels of the earth, not on the soul. No doubt, the whole thing is symbolic, but the symbol has to be kept in the front and the thing symbolised has to be concealed or only peep out from behind, it cannot come openly into the front and push aside the symbol.” Letters on Savitri—1946

‘soil" was an error for ‘soul". But ‘soil" is correct; for I am describing the revealing light falling upon the lower levels of the earth, not on the soul. No doubt, the whole thing is symbolic, but the symbol has to be kept in the front and the thing symbolised has to be concealed or only peep out from behind, it cannot come openly into the front and push aside the symbol.” Letters on Savitri — 1946

spirant ::: n. --> A term used differently by different authorities; -- by some as equivalent to fricative, -- that is, as including all the continuous consonants, except the nasals m, n, ng; with the further exception, by others, of the liquids r, l, and the semivowels w, y; by others limited to f, v, th surd and sonant, and the sound of German ch, -- thus excluding the sibilants, as well as the nasals, liquids, and semivowels. See Guide to Pronunciation, // 197-208.

Spirit is a final evolutionary emergence because it is the original involutionary element and factor. Evolution is an inverse action of the involution: what is an ultimate and last derivation in the involution is the first to appear in the evolution; what was original and primal in the involution is in the evolution the last and supreme emergence.
   Ref: The Life Divine, SABCL, Vol. 19, pp. 852 – 53

spirituality ::: "an awakening to the inner reality of our being, to a spirit, self, soul which is other than our mind, life, and body" [S19:857]

Spirit ::: What we mean by Spirit is self-existent being with an infinite power of consciousness and unconditioned delight in its being.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 153

*Sri Aurobindo: "The Mask is mentioned not twice but four times in this opening passage and it is purposely done to keep up the central connection of the idea running through the whole. The ambassadors wear this grey Mask, so your criticism cannot stand since there is no separate mask coming as part of a new idea but a very pointed return to the principal note indicating the identity of the influence throughout. It is not a random recurrence but a purposeful touch carrying a psychological meaning.” — 1948 Letters on Savitri*

Structuralism ::: School of thought from the 19th century focused on the gathering of psychological information through the examination of the structure of the mind.

superior ideality ::: (in 1918) the plane of ideality that takes up the inferior ideality into its "greater range", from which the inferior ideality "is only a selection".

supermind ::: "a principle superior to mentality", which "has the knowledge of the One, but is able to draw out of the One its hidden multitudes" and "manifests the Many, but does not lose itself in their differentiations", forming a link between "the unitarian or indivisible consciousness of pure Sachchidananda in which there are no separating distinctions" and "the analytic or dividing consciousness of Mind which can only know by separation and distinction" and making it "possible for us to realise the one Existence, Consciousness,Delight in the mould of the mind, life and body"; (up to 1920) a general term for the supra-intellectual faculty or plane (vijñana); (c.December 1926) the "Truth-Mind" or plane of "luminous DivineMind-Existence" below the "Divine Truth and Vastness" of mahad . brahma; (in 1927 before 29 October) same as supreme supermind, one of a series of planes above ideality which seem to correspond to those later included in the overmind system, a series that also included other planes sometimes designated as forms of "supermind", such as supreme supramental supermind and gnostic supermind; (from 29October 1927 onwards) equivalent to divine gnosis, the plane of "selfdetermining infinite consciousness" above overmind, from which it differs in that "the overmind knows the One as the support, essence, fundamental power of all things, but in the dynamic play proper to it it lays emphasis on its divisional power of multiplicity", while in the supermind all is "held together as a harmonised play of the one Existence" even in its "working out of the diversity of the Infinite".

supermind in overmind ::: (in late 1927 or 1928) supermind manifesting in the higher ranges of the overmind system, a plane of what is later called overmind gnosis.

supramental ::: (before 1920) same as vijñanamaya or ideal (sometimes restricted to the lower levels of vijñana); (in 1926-27 before 29October 1927) having the nature of supermind and related planes as defined before the introduction of the term overmind and the elevation of "supermind" above "overmind", sometimes applied especially to the planes below supreme supermind; ("the supramental" in some entries of January 1927) the next plane of consciousness above supramentality; (after 29 October 1927) expressing the working of supermind (in the latest sense) on its own plane or in the overmind, where "supramental" movements are sometimes regarded as higher than supramentalised and lower than gnostic.

supramental gnosis ::: (in April 1927) a term comprising the planes called (gnostic) intuition, supermind and gnostic supermind as defined before the introduction of the term overmind and the redefinition of these planes as parts of the overmind system.

supramentalised ::: (in late 1927 or 1928) under the influence of the supermind; having a partly supramental character.

supramentalised mind ::: (in late 1927 or 1928) a supramentalised form of mind, one of the lower gradations of the overmind system, mentioned along with supramentality and perhaps corresponding to the supramental or supreme supramental referred to in the earlier terminology of January 1927.

supramentalised mind in overmind ::: (in late 1927 or 1928) an inferior form of the third plane of the overmind system, evidently the result of supramentalised mind being lifted into the true overmind; perhaps a later term for what in January 1927 was referred to as supreme supramental mind in the supreme supermind.

supramentalised overmind ::: (in late 1927 or 1928) a plane or planes of overmind connected with supermind and having a partly supramental character; when distinguished from supramental overmind, the term seems to refer to the higher ranges of true overmind below the line where overmind gnosis begins.

supramentality ::: (in 1927-28) the first plane above the highest ideality, evidently the beginning of what came to be called the overmind system; its levels are referred to as "the supramentalities".

supramental overmind ::: (in late 1927 or 1928) a form of overmind in which the element of supermind is prominent; when distinguished from supramentalised overmind, which seems to be a lower plane, and from the higher plane of gnostic overmind, supramental overmind may be regarded as the beginning of the highest series of overmind planes.Later it is equivalent to overmind gnosis.

supramental reason ::: a term used in April 1927 for some parts of what later in the year came to be called the overmind system; it seems to include grades up to supreme supermind other than gnostic intuition and is possibly related to overmind logos in the diagram on page 1(c. 1931). supreme d dasya

supreme supermind gnosis ::: (in January 1927) gnosis manifesting in the supreme supermind and forming its highest plane, later called supramentalised overmind.

supreme supermind ::: (in 1927 before 29 October) the highest plane below gnosis in the series of planes above ideality, corresponding to true overmind in the later terminology of the overmind system.

supreme supramental mind in the supreme supermind ::: (in January 1927) a grade of consciousness apparently experienced as a result of the supreme supramental being lifted into the supreme supermind by a form of the imperative acting "as an intermediary force", a process also described as "the supreme supermind taking up the supreme supramental supermind"; perhaps equivalent to supramentalised mind in overmind in the terminology adopted for the overmind system later in the same year.

Swabhava ::: Swabhava means one thing in the highest spiritual nature and takes quite another form and significance in the lower nature of the three gunas. There too it acts, but is not in full possession of itself, is seeking as it were for its own true law in a half light or a darkness and goes on its way through many lower forms, many false forms, endless imperfections, perversions, self-losings, self-findings, seekings after norm and rule before it arrives at self-discovery and perfection. Our nature here is amixed weft of knowledge and ignorance, of truth and falsehood, of success and failure, of right and wrong, of finding and losing, of sin and virtue.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 520-21

Swadharma ::: ...our own real nature; that is our truth of being which is finding now only a constant partial expression in our various becoming in the world. The law of action determined by this Swabhava is our right law of self-shaping, function, working, our Swadharma.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 519 ::: .Swapna ::: The dream-state is a consciousness corresponding to the subtler life-plane and mind-plane behind, which to us, even when we get intimations of them, have not the same concrete reality as the things of the physical existence.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 23-24, Page: 520

T2 ::: a union of two of the three elements of T3; (in 1914) abbreviation of telepathy-trikaladr.s.t.i, a combination of the knowledge faculties of T3; (usually, from 1917 onwards) abbreviation of trikaladr.s.t.itapassiddhi, representing a united action of the higher faculties of knowledge and will, with telepathy included in or replaced by trikaladr.s.t.i; in the last entries of 1927, this is associated with a "passive-active attitude . . . in which the Ishwara determines and the Powers [of the Overmind] may for a time resist and even modify temporarily what he has determined, but must now or in the end help to carry out his will".

T3 ::: abbreviation of telepathy-trikaladr.s.t.i-tapassiddhi, these three elements "acting separately and not taken up into the union in duality" of T2; in the last entries of 1927, associated with a "passive attitude . . . in which the nature is the plaything of the powers of the Overmind".

. t.a (drashta) luminous reason ::: a term used in 1920, equivalent to the highest seer logistis of the previous year; same as full revelatory ideality.

tair jitah sargah ::: they have conquered the creation. [Gita 5.19]

tapatya ::: (in 1913-16) a form of tapas, sometimes associated with Mahakali bhava and with a "higher rudra intensity of knowledge, action, ananda", described in its true form as sasraddha sakti, a "selffulfilling force which is sure beforehand of its result", though there is also a "disinterested and instrumental Tapatya not depending on faith in the results"; an instance of the use of such a force; (in 1917-19) a form of intellectual / mental tapas intermediate between tapastya and tapata, defined as "the straining to know and fulfil" which, when desire is eliminated, remains "as an illegitimate prolongation and stress of what is received in the ideality . . . bringing false stress and falsification . of values".

Tat (That) ::: Tat, That, indicates the Absolute
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 491

"The Adversary will disappear only when he is no longer necessary in the world. And we know very well that he is necessary, as the touch-stone for gold: to know if it is pure. But if one is really sincere, the Adversary can"t even approach him any longer; and he doesn"t try it, because that would be courting his own destruction.” Questions and Answers 1955, MCW Vol. 7.

“The Adversary will disappear only when he is no longer necessary in the world. And we know very well that he is necessary, as the touch-stone for gold: to know if it is pure. But if one is really sincere, the Adversary can’t even approach him any longer; and he doesn’t try it, because that would be courting his own destruction.” Questions and Answers 1955, MCW Vol. 7**

thebaine ::: n. --> A poisonous alkaloid, C19H21NO3, found in opium in small quantities, having a sharp, astringent taste, and a tetanic action resembling that of strychnine.

The Divine is supracosmic, the eternal Parabrahman who supports with his timeless and spaceless existence all this cosmic manifestation of his own being and nature in Space and Time.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 322

The gods are the great undying Powers and immortal Personalities who consciously inform, constitute, preside over the subjective and objective forces of the cosmos.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 346

…the heart of the subtle being, the nodus of the emotions, sensations, mental consciousness, where the individual Purusha also is seated.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, , Page: 162

The importance of Arab philosophy has to be evaluated both in regard to the Oriental and the Western world. The latter was influenced, naturally, not by the originals but by the translations which do not always render exactly the spirit of the authors. In the East, theology remained victorious, but incorporated in its own teachings much of the philosophies it condemned. M. Horten, in Ueberweg-Heinze, Geschichte der Philosophie, 3d ed., Berlin, 1928, pp. 287-342. Geschichte der Arabischen Litteratur, Vol. I, II, Weimar, 1898-1902, Vol. III-VI, Leiden, 1936-1941. The Encyclopedia of Islam, Leiden, 1913-1918. -- R.A.

The Mother: "And this Vibration (which I feel and see) gives the feeling of a fire. That"s probably what the Vedic Rishis translated as the "Flame” – in the human consciousness, in man, in Matter. They always spoke of a "Flame.” It is indeed a vibration with the intensity of a higher fire. Mother"s Agenda 25 March 1964.

The Mother: “And this Vibration (which I feel and see) gives the feeling of a fire. That’s probably what the Vedic Rishis translated as the”Flame”—in the human consciousness, in man, in Matter. They always spoke of a”Flame.” It is indeed a vibration with the intensity of a higher fire. Mother’s Agenda 25 March 1964.

The Mother: “The true role of the mind is the formation and organization of action. The mind has a formative and organizing power, and it is that which puts the different elements of inspiration in order for action, for organizing action. And if it would only confine itself to that role, receiving inspirations—whether from above or from the mystic centre of the soul—and simply formulating the plan of action—in broad outline or in minute detail, for the smallest things of life or the great terrestrial organizations—it would amply fulfil its function. It is not an instrument of knowledge. But is can use knowledge for action, to organize action. It is an instrument of organization and formation, very powerful and very capable when it is well developed.” Questions and Answers 1956, MCW Vol. 8.

The prohibition against impredicative definition was incorporated by Russell into his ramified theory of types (1908) and is now usually identified with the restriction to the ramified theorv of types without the axiom of reducibility. (Poincare, however, never made his principle exact and may have intended, vaguely, a less severe restriction than this -- as indeed some passages in later writings would indicate.) -- A. C.

The psychic has indeed the quality of peace—but that is not its main character as it is of the Self or Atman. The psychic is the divine element in the individual being and its characteristic power is to turn everything towards the Divine, to bring a fire of purification, aspiration, devotion, true light of discernment, feeling, will, an action which transforms by degrees the whole nature. Quietude, peace and silence in the heart and th
   refore in the vital part of the being are necessary to reach the psychic, to plunge in it, for the perturbations of the vital nature, desire, emotion turned ego-wards or world-wards are the main part of the screen that hides the soul from the nature. It is better, th
   refore, to be free from the mental constructions when you take the plunge and to have only the sense of aspiration, of devotion, of self-giving to the Divine.
   Ref: SABCL Vol. 22-23-24, Page 1197

…there are three, the Kshara, the Akshara, the Uttama. Kshara, the mobile, the mutable is Nature, svabhava, it is the various becoming of the soul; the Purusha here is the multiplicity of the divine Being; it is the Purusha multiple not apart from, but in Prakriti. Akshara, the immobile, the immutable, is the silent and inactive self, it is the unity of the divine Being, Witness of Nature, but not involved in its movement; it is the inactive Purusha free from Prakriti and her works. The Uttama is the Lord, the supreme Brahman, the supreme Self, who possesses both the immutable unity and the mobile multiplicity.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 79

thermidor ::: n. --> The eleventh month of the French republican calendar, -- commencing July 19, and ending August 17. See the Note under Vendemiaire.

The standard edition of the Greek text is that of Bekker (5 vols. Berlin, 1831-1870). A complete English translation of the works included in the Berlin edition has recently been published (Oxford, 1908-1931) under the editorship of W. D. Ross.

"They” means nobody in particular but corresponds to the French "On dit” meaning vaguely "people in general”. This is a use permissible in English; for instance, "They say you are not so scrupulous as you should be.” Letters on Savitri— 1948

“They” means nobody in particular but corresponds to the French”On dit” meaning vaguely”people in general”. This is a use permissible in English; for instance,”They say you are not so scrupulous as you should be.” Letters on Savitri—1948

Th. Haering, Hegel sein Wollen u. s. Werk, I (1929); II (1939);

This opposition of natural sciences (Naturwissenschaften) and cultural or socio-historical sciences (Geistestvtssenschaften) is characteristic of idealistic philosophies of history, especially of the modern German variety. See Max Weber, Gesamm. Aufrätze z. Sozio u. Sozialpolitik, 1922; W. Windelband, Geschichte u. Naturwissenschaft, 1894; H. Rickert, Die Grenzen d. Naturwiss. Begriffsbildung, eine logische Einleitung i. d. histor. Wissenschaften, 1899; Dilthey (q.v.); E. Troeltsch, Der Histortsmus u. s. Probleme, 1922; E. Spranger, Die Grundlagen d. Geschichteswissensch., 1905.

This something larger is the cosmic drama written, staged, and acted by the Absolute, who is artist and actor as well as a rational intelligence, intent no less upon dramatic than upon intelligible unity and self-expression. The world-process is tragic, witness the sin and suffering and imperfection with which it is fraught. But in the infinite tragedy, as well as in the tragedies composed by men, evil is contributory to the perfection of the whole, and, when seen and accepted as such by the finite individual, not only loses its sting but produces a "catharsis" of his attitude towards it, in which he cheerfully accepts it, battles with it, and finds his triumph over it in nobly enduring it. This "catharsis," identifying him as it does with the meaning of the life of the Absolute, is his peace and his salvation. Main works: Logic, 1888; The Philosophical Theory of the State, 1899; Value and Destiny of the Individual, 1913. -- B.A.G.F.

Thus nature begins as a four-dimensional matrix in which it is the moving principle. Materiality, secondary qualities, life, mentality are all emergent modifications of proto-space-time. Mind is the nervous system blossoming out into the capacity of awareness. Contemplative knowledge, where the object is set over against the mind, and the actual being, or experiencing, or enjoying of reality, where there is no inner duplicity of subject and object, constitute the two forms of knowledge. Alexander conceives the deity as the next highest level to be emerged out of any given level. Thus for beings on the level of life mind is deity, but for beings possessing minds there is a nisus or urge toward a still higher quality. To such beings that dimly felt quality is deity. The quality next above any given level is deity to the beings on that level. For men deity has not yet emerged, but there is a nisus towards its emergence. S. Alexander, Space, Time and Deity (1920). -- H.H.

.T ::: (in January 1927) the highest stage in the unification of the el- ements of T3 and T2, evidently representing a complete identity of knowledge and will.

T. L. Heath, The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements, translated from the text of Heiberg, with introduction and commentary, 3 vols., Cambridge, England, 1908. Gerbert of Aurillac: (Pope Sylvester II, died 1003) Was one of the greatest scholars of the 10th century. He studied at Aurillac with Odo of Cluny, learned something of Arabian science during three years spent in Spain. He taught at the school of Rheims, became Abbot of Bobbio (982), Archbishop of Rheims (991), Archbishop of Ravenna (998), Pope in 999. A master of the seven liberal aits, he excelled in his knowledge of the quadrivium, i.e. logic, math., astron. and music. His works, the most important of which are on mathematics, are printed in PL 139, 57-338. -- V.J.B.

To Kao Tzu, contemporary of Mencius, human nature is capable of being good or evil; to Mencius (371-289 B.C.), good; to Hsi'm Tzu (c 355-c 238 B.C.), evil; to Tung Cchung-shu (177-104 B.C.), potentially good; to Yang Hsiung (d. 18 B.C.), both good and evil; to Han Yu (676-82+ A.D.), good in some people, mixed in some, and evil in others; to Li Ao (d. c 844), capable of being "reverted" to its original goodness. To the whole Neo-Confucian movement, what is inborn is good, but due to external influence, there is both goodness and evil. Chang Heng-ch'u (1020-1077) said that human nature is good in all men. The difference between them lies in their skill or lack of skill in returning to accord with their original nature. To Ch'eng I-ch'uan (1033-1107) and Ch'eng Ming-tao (1032-1193), man's nature is the same as his vital force (ch'i). They arc both the principle of life. In principle there are both good and evil in the vital force with which man is involved. Man is not born with these opposing elements in his nature. Due to the vital force man may become good or evil. Chu Hsi (1130-1200) regarded the nature as identical with Reason (li). Subjectively it is the nature; objectively it is Reason. It is the framework of the moral order (tao), with benevolence, righteousness, propriety, and wisdom (ssu tuan) inherent in it. Evil is due to man's failure to preserve a harmonious relation between his nature-principles. Wang Yang-ming (1473-1529) identified the nature with the mind, which is Reason and originally good. -- W.T.C.

Trance ::: Yogic trance cannot be an aim, as in so many Yogic systems, but only a means, and a means not of escape from the waking existence, but to enlarge and raise the whole seeing, living and active consciousness.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 23-24, Page: 519

Treatises: H. Sidgwick, Methods of Ethics, 7th Ed. 1907. G. E. Moore, Principia Ethica, 1903. W. D. Ross, Foundations of Ethics, 19^9 N. Hartmann, Ethics, 3 vol., trans. 1932. M. Schlick, Problems of Ethics, trans. 1939. R. B. Perry, General Theory of Value, 1926. -- W.K.F.

trinitarian ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to the Trinity, the doctrine of the Trinity, or believers in that doctrine. ::: n. --> One who believes in the doctrine of the Trinity.
One of a monastic order founded in Rome in 1198 by St. John of Matha, and an old French hermit, Felix of Valois, for the

triple ideal supermind ::: (in 1920) the first three supra-intellectual . planes, called logistic, hermetic and seer ideality. Cf. intuitive higher mind, illumined higher mind and highest mind in the terminology of c. 1931. triple sam samadhi

turn ::: v. **1. To cause to move around an axis or center; cause to rotate or revolve. 2. To direct or set one"s course toward, away from, or in a particular direction. 3. To change direction, as at a bend or curve. 4. To direct the face or gaze toward or away from someone or something. 5. To channel one"s attention, interest, or thought toward or away from something. 6. To direct one"s thought, attention, interest, desire, effort, etc. toward or away from someone or something. 7. To change the position (esp. the body) from side to side or back and forth. 8. To change or cause to change one"s attitude so as to become hostile or to retaliate. 9. To direct or bring to bear in the way of opposition; to proceed to use against. 10. To cause to go in a specific direction; direct. 11. To change or convert or be changed or converted to change or convert or be changed or converted; transform. 12. To apply to some use or purpose; to make use of, employ. 13. To twist, bend, or distort in shape. turns, turned, turning, fate-turned.* *n. 14. The act of turning or the condition of being turned; rotation or revolution. 15. An act or instance of changing or reversing the course or direction, or a place or point at which such a change occurs. 16. Course; direction. 17. Requirement, need, exigency; purpose, use, convenience. 18. A change in affairs, conditions, or circumstances; vicissitude; revolution; esp. a change for better or worse, or the like, at a crisis; hence, sometimes, the time at which such a change takes place. Often fig. 19. A propensity or adeptness. 20. The place, point, or time or occasion at which a deviation or change occurs. turns.

“‘Uncertainty’ would mean that the thought was confident but uncertain of itself, which would be a contradiction. ‘Incertitude’ means that its truth is uncertain in spite of its proud confidence in itself.” Letters on Savitri—1936

valeridine ::: n. --> A base, C10H19N, produced by heating valeric aldehyde with ammonia. It is probably related to the conine alkaloids.

vasudevah sarvam iti sa mahatma sudurlabhah ::: very rare is the great soul who knows that Vasudeva, the omnipresent being, is all that is. [Gita 7.19]

ventose ::: n. --> A ventouse. ::: a. --> Windy; flatulent.
The sixth month of the calendar adopted by the first French republic. It began February 19, and ended March 20. See Vend/miaire.

Vibhuti ::: There are some men who are self-evidently superhuman, great spirits who are only using the human body. Europe calls them supermen,we call them vibhutis. They are manifestations of Nature, of divine power presided over by a spirit commissioned for the purpose, and that spirit is an emanation from the Almighty, who accepts human strength and weakness but is not bound by them. They are above morality and ordinarily without a conscience, acting according to their own nature. For they are not men developing upwards from the animal to the divine and struggling against their lower natures, but beings already fulfilled and satisfied with themselves.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 01, Page: 519

viridine ::: n. --> A greenish, oily, nitrogenous hydrocarbon, C12H19N7, obtained from coal tar, and probably consisting of a mixture of several metameric compounds which are higher derivatives of the base pyridine.

W. Dubislav, Bolzano als Vorlaufer der mathematischen Logik, Philosophisches Jahrbuch der Gorres-Gesellschaft, vol 44 (1931), pp. 448-456. H. Scholz, Die Wissenschaftslehre Bolzanos, Abhandlungen der Frieds'schen Schule , n. s. vol. 6 (1937), pp 399-472.

Whitehead and Russell, Princibia Mathematica. 2nd edn., vol. 1. Cambridge. England, 1925.

Whitehead and Russell, Principia Matbematica, 2nd edn., vol. 1, Cambridge, England, 1925.

Whitehead and Russell, Principia Mathematica, 3 vols., Cambridge England, 1st edn. 1910-13, 2nd edn. 1925-27.

Wilhelm Ackermann, Mengentheorettsche Begründung der Logik, Mathematische Annalen, vol. 115 (1937), pp. 1 -22.

W. James, Essays in Radical Empiricism, 1912.

W. James, The Meaning of Truth, 1909.

W. P. Montague, Ways of Knowing, 1925.

W. T. Stace, The Theory of Knowledge and Existence, 1932.

W. V. Quine, A System of Logistic, Cambridge, Mass., 1934.

W. V. Quine, Elementary Logic, Boston and New York. 1941.

W. V. Quine, Mathematical Logic, New York, 1940. In psychology: the mental operation by which we proceed from individuals to concepts of classes, from individual dogs to the notion of "the dog." We abstract features common to several individuals, grouping them thus together under one name.

W. V. Quine, Mathematical Logic, New York, 1940. Logic, symbolic, or mathematical logic, or logistic, is the name given to the treatment of formal logic by means of a formalized logical language or calculus whose purpose is to avoid the ambiguities and logical inadequacy of ordinary language. It is best characterized, not as a separate subject, but as a new and powerful method in formal logic. Foreshadowed by ideas of Leibniz, J. H. Lambert, and others, it had its substantial historical beginning in the Nineteenth Century algebra of logic (q. v.), and received its contemporary form at the hands of Frege, Peano, Russell, Hilbert, and others. Advantages of the symbolic method are greater exactness of formulation, and power to deal with formally more complex material. See also logistic system. -- A. C.

W. V. Quine, Mathematical Logic, New York, 1940.

W. V. Quine, Set-theoretic foundations for logic, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 1 (1936), pp. 45-57.

QUOTES [59 / 59 - 1500 / 1982]

KEYS (10k)

   7 Anonymous
   4 Santoka Taneda
   2 Yamamura Bocho
   2 Taneda Santoka 1882-1940
   2 Red Hawk
   2 Ma Jaya
   2 The Mother
   2 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   1 Zenkei Shibayama 1894-1974
   1 Yoshino Yoshiko
   1 T. S. Eliot
   1 Tao Te Ching
   1 Shuson kato 1905-1993
   1 Sam Keen
   1 Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
   1 Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity
   1 Saint Avitus of Vienna
   1 Robert Heinlein
   1 Paul Reps 1895-1990
   1 Natsume Soseki
   1 Muro Saisei 1889-1962
   1 Mitsuhashi Takajo
   1 Matthew XV. 19
   1 Masaoka Shiki 1867-1902
   1 Manly P Hall
   1 Luke XXI. 19
   1 Laws of Manu. II. 193
   1 Larry Wall
   1 Krishna Prem
   1 Kodo sawaki
   1 I Thessalonians V. 19
   1 Ishikawa Takuboku
   1 Ibn El-Jalali. Source: Idries Shah
   1 Hakushu Kitahara
   1 George Orwell
   1 Genesis III.19
   1 Fumoto Oka 1877-1951
   1 Franz Kafka
   1 Dakotsu Lida
   1 Dakotsu Iida 1883-196
   1 C S Lewis
   1 Anthony de Mello
   1 Anonymous Proverb
   1 Saint Thomas Aquinas


  151 Anonymous
   33 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints
   21 Walter Isaacson
   17 Stephen Cope
   12 Beth Moore
   10 Stephen King
   7 The Mother
   7 Rhonda Byrne
   7 Bill Bryson
   6 Erik Brynjolfsson
   6 Alfred North Whitehead
   6 Alan Perlis
   5 Timothy Ferriss
   5 Martin Ryle
   5 Maimonides
   5 George Stigler
   4 Thomas Sowell
   4 John Langdon Davies
   4 Jill Lepore
   4 Hillary Clinton

1:Just stay at the center of the circle and let all things take their course. ~ Tao Te Ching, ch.19,
2:Quench not the spirit. ~ I Thessalonians V. 19, the Eternal Wisdom
3:I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Luke, 19:40,
4:Man's salvation is from grace ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 3.19.4ad3).,
5:Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out,
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Acts, 3:19,
6:In perseverance ye shall possess your souls. ~ Luke XXI. 19, the Eternal Wisdom
7:or out of the heart proceed evil thoughts. ~ Matthew XV. 19, the Eternal Wisdom
8:Dust thou art and unto dust shall thou return. ~ Genesis III.19, the Eternal Wisdom
9:You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder! ~ Anonymous, The Bible, James, 2:19,
10:You, Lord, reign forever; your throne endures from generation to generation
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Lamentations, 5:19,
11:I approve the better way, but I follow the worse. ~ Romans. VII. 19. 21, the Eternal Wisdom
12:The violent is opposed to what is according to nature ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (SG 1.19).,
13:God wills no good more than He wills His own goodness ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1.19.9).,
14:And he entered the synagogue and for three months spoke boldly, arguing and pleading about the kingdom of God. ~ Acts 19:16-18,
15:But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Philippians, 4:19,
16:Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true. ~ Demosthenes, Third Olynthiac, sec. 19,
17:As righteousness tendeth to life, so he that pursueth evil, pursueth it to his own death. ~ Proverbs XI.19, the Eternal Wisdom
18:When waking up every morning, let us pray for a day of complete consecration. With my blessings
   ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother, 19 June,
19:Approach unto wisdom like one who tilleth and soweth and await in peace its excellent fruits. ~ Ecolesiasticus VI. 19, the Eternal Wisdom
20:Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Corinthians, 6:19 ESV,
21:Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace and the things wherewith one may edify another. ~ Romans XIV. 19, the Eternal Wisdom
22:Offer, first, all your actions as a sacrifice to the Highest and the One in you and to the Highest and the One in the world; ~ Sri Aurobindo, (CWSA 19),
23:Some say that knowledge is the road that leads towards love; others, that love and knowledge are interdependent. ~ Narada Sutra 18-19, the Eternal Wisdom
24:As long as they have the bridegroom with them they cannot fast. But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast in those days. ~ Mark 2:19-20,
25:They went out from us, but they were not really of our number; if they had been, they would have remained with us. Their desertion shows that none of them was of our number." ~ 1 John 2:18-19,
26:We must aid our parents, love and revere them, according to their human nature, but hate their moral vices and what in them turns us away from God (Commentary on John 19). ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas,
27:Nature is a habit already put in motion, but the soul is a habit which has taken to itself, in addition, imagination and impetuosity…. ~ Philo of Alexandria, Allegorical Interpretations II. vii (19),
28:My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth. And hereby we know that we are of the truth. ~ John III. 18, 19, the Eternal Wisdom
29:What the pure intellect sees naturally through reverent knowledge it can also passively experience, becoming, through its habit of virtue, the very thing it sees. ~ Maximus the Confessor, Amb. 10.19 [1133b],
30:If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, John, 15:19,
31:The love for all living creatures is the most notable attribute of man." ~ Charles Darwin, (1809 - 19 April 1882) English naturalist, geologist and biologist, best known for his contributions to the science of evolution, Wikipedia,
32:To waste one's time seeking the satisfaction of one's petty desires is sheer folly. True happiness is possible only when one has found the Divine. 19 February 1972 ~ The Mother, Some Answers From The Mother,
33:The soul fills the body and is contained because it is circumscribable. God fills the world but is not enclosed by the world, because being present everywhere He can nowhere be enclosed. ~ Hugh of Saint Victor, De Tribus Diebus 19.9,
34:The captain had answered the man of God, "If the Lord himself should make windows in heaven, could such a thing be?" And he had said, "You shall see it with your own eyes, but you shall not eat of it." ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 2 Kings, 7:19,
35:"Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Isaiah, 43:18-19,
36:Grace was in Christ not merely as in an individual, but also as in the Head of the whole Church, to Whom all are united, as members to a head, who constitute one mystical person ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 3.19.4).,
37:Nicodemus did not yet have true faith in the resurrection because he brought myrrh and aloes, thinking that the body of Christ would soon corrupt without them ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (Commentary on John 19, lect. 6).,
38:Accordingly, those who do not come to Christ because of the power they see in him, but because they eat his bread, are not serving Christ but their own stomachs, as we see from Philippians ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (3:19),
39:If Lisp is a 'programmable programming language,' then Scheme is an assemble-it-at-home kit for making yourself a programmable programming language. JavaScript does not have this quality AT ALL.
   ~ ?,,
40:To whom will you compare God? What image will you compare him to? As for an idol, a craftsman casts it, and a goldsmith overlays it with gold and fashions silver chains for it. A man too poor to present such an offering selects wood that will not rot ~ Is. 40:18-19).,
41:You are no longer aliens or foreign visitors: you are citizens like all the saints, and part of God's household. You are part of a building that has the apostles and prophets for its foundations, and Christ Jesus himself for its main cornerstone ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ephesians, 2:19-20).,
42:19. Ever dost thou crush the demon-sorcerer, O Fire, never have the Rakshasas conquered thee in the battles; burn one by one from their roots the eaters of raw flesh, may they find no release from thy divine missile. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Hymns To The Mystic Fire, 2 - Other Hymns,
43:If everything that is comprehended by knowledge is rendered finite by the comprehension of the knower, then, in some inexpressible way, all infinity is rendered finite to God because it is certainly not incomprehensible to his knowledge. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo, City of God xii.19(18),
44:By attaining to the Unborn beyond all becoming we are liberated from this lower birth and death;
   by accepting the Becoming freely as the Divine, we invade mortality with the immortal beatitude and become luminous centres of its conscious self-expression in humanity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.5-19,
45:Sometimes I think that the Agni You have kindled in me is going to burn up everything that separates me from You. What should I do to contribute to its fulfilment?

   Each time that you discover in yourself something that denies or resists, throw it into the flame of Agni, which is the fire of aspiration. 19 May 1967
   ~ The Mother, Some Answers From The Mother,
46:Christ said to Peter before His ascension: "Feed My sheep" ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (John 21:17); and before His passion: "You being once converted confirm your brethren" ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (Luke 22:32); and to him alone did He promise: "I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven" ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (Mat. 16:19).,
47:The glory he had glimpsed must be his home. ||19.2||

A brighter heavenlier sun must soon illume
This dusk room with its dark internal stair,
The infant soul in its small nursery school
Mid objects meant for a lesson hardly learned
Outgrow its early grammar of intellect
And its imitation of Earth-Nature’s art,
Its earthly dialect to God-language change,
In living symbols study Reality
And learn the logic of the Infinite. ||19.3||

The Ideal must be Nature’s common truth,
The body illumined with the indwelling God,
The heart and mind feel one with all that is,
A conscious soul live in a conscious world. ||19.4|| ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, 1:5, || 19.2 - 19.4 ||,
48:reading :::
   50 Philosophy Classics: List of Books Covered:
   1. Hannah Arendt - The Human Condition (1958)
   2. Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics (4th century BC)
   3. AJ Ayer - Language, Truth and Logic (1936)
   4. Julian Baggini - The Ego Trick (2011)
   5. Jean Baudrillard - Simulacra and Simulation (1981)
   6. Simone de Beauvoir - The Second Sex (1952)
   7. Jeremy Bentham - Principles of Morals and Legislation (1789)
   8. Henri Bergson - Creative Evolution (1911)
   9. David Bohm - Wholeness and the Implicate Order (1980)
   10. Noam Chomsky - Understanding Power (2002)
   11. Cicero - On Duties (44 BC)
   12. Confucius - Analects (5th century BC)
   13. Rene Descartes - Meditations (1641)
   14. Ralph Waldo Emerson - Fate (1860)
   15. Epicurus - Letters (3rd century BC)
   16. Michel Foucault - The Order of Things (1966)
   17. Harry Frankfurt - On Bullshit (2005)
   18. Sam Harris - Free Will (2012)
   19. GWF Hegel - Phenomenology of Spirit (1803)
   20. Martin Heidegger - Being and Time (1927)
   21. Heraclitus - Fragments
49:When one goes out of the body, one must try to rush towards you I think everybody does that, dont they?

Not one in a hundred!

If you did that, very interesting things would happen to you. I knew someone in France who used to come to me every evening in order that I might show him some unknown region and take him for a ramble in the vital or mental world, and actually I used to take him there. At times there were others also, at times this person was alone. I showed him how to go out of the body, how to get back into it, how to keep the consciousness, etc., I showed him many places telling him There you must take this precaution, here you must do such and such a thing. And this continued for a long time.

I do not mean that no one among you comes to me in the night, but there are very few who do it consciously. Generally (you will tell me if I am wrong, but that is my impression), when you go to sleep and have decided to remember me before going to sleep, it is rather a call than a will to rush to me, as you say. You are there on your bed, you want to rest, to have a good sleep, remain in a good consciousness; then you call me rather than have the idea of going out of the body and coming to see me. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1950-1951, 1951-02-19,
50:In the Judeo-Christian tradition, it is called 'the resurrection body ' and 'the glorified body.' The prophet Isaiah said, 'The dead shall live, their bodies shall rise' (Isa. 26:19). St. Paul called it 'the celestial body' or 'spiritual body ' (soma pneumatikon) (I Corinthians 15:40). In Sufism it is called 'the most sacred body ' (wujud al-aqdas) and 'supracelestial body ' (jism asli haqiqi). In Taoism, it is called 'the diamond body,' and those who have attained it are called 'the immortals' and 'the cloudwalkers.' In Tibetan Buddhism it is called 'the light body.' In Tantrism and some schools of yoga, it is called 'the vajra body,' 'the adamantine body,' and 'the divine body.' In Kriya yoga it is called 'the body of bliss.' In Vedanta it is called 'the superconductive body.' In Gnosticism and Neoplatonism, it is called 'the radiant body.' In the alchemical tradition, the Emerald Tablet calls it 'the Glory of the Whole Universe' and 'the golden body.' The alchemist Paracelsus called it 'the astral body.' In the Hermetic Corpus, it is called 'the immortal body ' (soma athanaton). In some mystery schools, it is called 'the solar body.' In Rosicrucianism, it is called 'the diamond body of the temple of God.' In ancient Egypt it was called 'the luminous body or being' (akh). In Old Persia it was called 'the indwelling divine potential' (fravashi or fravarti). In the Mithraic liturgy it was called 'the perfect body ' (soma teilion). In the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, it is called 'the divine body,' composed of supramental substance. In the philosophy of Teilhard de Chardin, it is called 'the ultrahuman'.
   ~ ?,,
51:There is in her an overwhelming intensity, a mighty passion of force to achieve, a divine violence rushing to shatter every limit and obstacle. All her divinity leaps out in a splendour of tempestuous action; she is there for swiftness, for the immediately effective process, the rapid and direct stroke, the frontal assault that carries everything before it. Terrible is her face to the Asura, dangerous and ruthless her mood against the haters of the Divine; for she is the Warrior of the Worlds who never shrinks from the battle. Intolerant of imperfection, she deals roughly with all in man that is unwilling and she is severe to all that is obstinately ignorant and obscure; her wrath is immediate and dire against treachery and falsehood and malignity, ill-will is smitten at once by her scourge. Indifference, negligence and sloth in the divine work she cannot bear and she smites awake at once with sharp pain, if need be, the untimely slumberer and the loiterer. The impulses that are swift and straight and frank, the movements that are unreserved and absolute, the aspiration that mounts in flame are the motion of Mahakali. Her spirit is tameless, her vision and will are high and far-reaching like the flight of an eagle, her feet are rapid on the upward way and her hands are outstretched to strike and to succour. For she too is the Mother and her love is as intense as her wrath and she has a deep and passionate kindness. When she is allowed to intervene in her strength, then in one moment are broken like things without consistence the obstacles that immobilise or the enemies that assail the seeker
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother, [19],
52:science reading list :::
   1. and 2. The Voyage of the Beagle (1845) and The Origin of Species (1859) by Charles Darwin [tie
   3. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) by Isaac Newton (1687)
   4. Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems by Galileo Galilei (1632)
   5. De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres) by Nicolaus Copernicus (1543)
   6. Physica (Physics) by Aristotle (circa 330 B.C.)
   7. De Humani Corporis Fabrica (On the Fabric of the Human Body) by Andreas Vesalius (1543)
   8. Relativity: The Special and General Theory by Albert Einstein (1916)
   9. The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins (1976)
   10. One Two Three . . . Infinity by George Gamow (1947)
   11. The Double Helix by James D. Watson (1968)
   12. What Is Life? by Erwin Schrodinger (1944)
   13. The Cosmic Connection by Carl Sagan (1973)
   14. The Insect Societies by Edward O. Wilson (1971)
   15. The First Three Minutes by Steven Weinberg (1977)
   16. Silent Spring by Rachel Carson (1962)
   17. The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen Jay Gould (1981)
   18. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales by Oliver Sacks (1985)
   19. The Journals of Lewis and Clark by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark (1814)
   20. The Feynman Lectures on Physics by Richard P Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, and Matthew Sands (1963)
   21. Sexual Behavior in the Human Male by Alfred C. Kinsey et al. (1948)
   22. Gorillas in the Mist by Dian Fossey (1983)
   23. Under a Lucky Star by Roy Chapman Andrews (1943)
   24. Micrographia by Robert Hooke (1665)
   25. Gaia by James Lovelock (1979)
   ~ Editors of Discovery Magazine, Website,
53:19 - When I had the dividing reason, I shrank from many things; after I had lost it in sight, I hunted through the world for the ugly and the repellent, but I could no longer find them. - Sri Aurobindo

Is there really nothing ugly and repellent in the world? Is it our reason alone that sees things in that way?

To understand truly what Sri Aurobindo means here, you must yourself have had the experience of transcending reason and establishing your consciousness in a world higher than the mental intelligence. For from up there you can see, firstly, that everything that exists in the universe is an expression of Sachchidananda (Being-Consciousness-Bliss) and therefore behind any appearance whatever, if you go deeply enough, you can perceive Sachchidananda, which is the principle of Supreme Beauty.

Secondly, you see that everything in the manifested universe is relative, so much so that there is no beauty which may not appear ugly in comparison with a greater beauty, no ugliness which may not appear beautiful in comparison with a yet uglier ugliness.

When you can see and feel in this way, you immediately become aware of the extreme relativity of these impressions and their unreality from the absolute point of view. However, so long as we dwell in the rational consciousness, it is, in a way, natural that everything that offends our aspiration for perfection, our will for progress, everything we seek to transcend and surmount, should seem ugly and repellent to us, since we are in search of a greater ideal and we want to rise higher.

And yet it is still only a half-wisdom which is very far from the true wisdom, a wisdom that appears wise only in the midst of ignorance and unconsciousness.

In the Truth everything is different, and the Divine shines in all things. 17 February 1960 ~ The Mother, On Thoughts And Aphorisms,
54:True love has no need of reciprocation; there can be no reciprocation because there is only one Love, the Love, which has no other aim than to love. It is in the world of division that one feels the need of reciprocation - because one lives in the illusion of the multiplicity of Love; but in fact there is only One Love and it is always this sole love which, so to say, responds to itself. 19 April 1967
Indeed, there is only one Love, universal and eternal, as there is only one Consciousness, universal and eternal.
All the apparent differences are colorations given by individualisation and personification. But these alterations are purely superficial. And the "nature" of Love, as of Consciousness, is unalterable. 20 April 1967
When one has found divine Love, it is the Divine that one loves in all beings. There is no longer any division. 1 May 1967
Once one has found divine Love, all other loves, which are nothing but disguises, can lose their deformities and become pure - then it is the Divine that one loves in everyone and everything. 6 May 1967
True love, that which fulfils and illumines, is not the love one receives but the love one gives.
And the supreme Love is a love without any definite object - the love which loves because it cannot do other than to love. 15 May 1968
There is only one love - the Divine's Love; and without that Love there would be no creation. All exists because of that Love and it is when we try to find our own love which does not exist that we do not feel the Love, the only Love, the Divine's Love which permeates all existence. 5 March 1970
When the psychic loves it loves with the Divine Love.
When you love, you love with the Divine's love diminished and distorted by your ego, but in its essence still the Divine's love.
It is for the facility of the language that you say the love of this one or that one, but it is all the same one Love manifested ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
55:Disciple : What part does breathing exercise - Pranayama - play in bringing about the higher consciousness?

Sri Aurobindo : It sets the Pranic - vital - currents free and removes dullness of the brain so that the higher consciousness can come down. Pranayama does not bring dullness in the brain. My own experience, on the contrary, is that brain becomes illumined. When I was practising Pranayama at Baroda, I used to do it for about five hours in the day, - three hours in the morning and two in the evening. I found that the mind began to work with great illumination and power. I used to write poetry in those days. Before the Pranayama practice, usually I wrote five to eight lines per day; and about two hundred lines in a month. After the practice I could write 200 lines within half an hour. That was not the only result. Formerly my memory was dull. But after this practice I found that when the inspiration came I could remember all the lines in their order and write them down correctly at any time. Along with these enhanced functionings I could see an electrical activity all round the brain, and I could feel that it was made up of a subtle substance. I could feel everything as the working of that substance. That was far from your carbon-dioxide!

Disciple : How is it that Pranayama develops mental capacities? What part does it play in bringing about the higher consciousness?

Sri Aurobindo : It is the Pranic - vital - currents which sustain mental activity. When these currents are changed by Pranayama, they bring about a change in the brain. The cause of dullness of the brain is some obstruction in it which does not allow the higher thought to be communicated to it. When this obstruction is removed the higher mental being is able to communicate its action easily to the brain. When the higher consciousness is attained the brain does not become dull. My experience is that it becomes illumined.

~ Sri Aurobindo, A B Purani, Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, 19-9-1926,
56:Apotheosis ::: One of the most powerful and beloved of the Bodhisattvas of the Mahayana Buddhism of Tibet, China, and Japan is the Lotus Bearer, Avalokiteshvara, "The Lord Looking Down in Pity," so called because he regards with compassion all sentient creatures suffering the evils of existence. To him goes the millionfold repeated prayer of the prayer wheels and temple gongs of Tibet: Om mani padme hum, "The jewel is in the lotus." To him go perhaps more prayers per minute than to any single divinity known to man; for when, during his final life on earth as a human being, he shattered for himself the bounds of the last threshold (which moment opened to him the timelessness of the void beyond the frustrating mirage-enigmas of the named and bounded cosmos), he paused: he made a vow that before entering the void he would bring all creatures without exception to enlightenment; and since then he has permeated the whole texture of existence with the divine grace of his assisting presence, so that the least prayer addressed to him, throughout the vast spiritual empire of the Buddha, is graciously heard. Under differing forms he traverses the ten thousand worlds, and appears in the hour of need and prayer. He reveals himself in human form with two arms, in superhuman forms with four arms, or with six, or twelve, or a thousand, and he holds in one of his left hands the lotus of the world.

Like the Buddha himself, this godlike being is a pattern of the divine state to which the human hero attains who has gone beyond the last terrors of ignorance. "When the envelopment of consciousness has been annihilated, then he becomes free of all fear, beyond the reach of change." This is the release potential within us all, and which anyone can attain-through herohood; for, as we read: "All things are Buddha-things"; or again (and this is the other way of making the same statement) : "All beings are without self."

The world is filled and illumined by, but does not hold, the Bodhisattva ("he whose being is enlightenment"); rather, it is he who holds the world, the lotus. Pain and pleasure do not enclose him, he encloses them-and with profound repose. And since he is what all of us may be, his presence, his image, the mere naming of him, helps. "He wears a garland of eight thousand rays, in which is seen fully reflected a state of perfect beauty.

The color of his body is purple gold. His palms have the mixed color of five hundred lotuses, while each finger tip has eighty-four thousand signet-marks, and each mark eighty-four thousand colors; each color has eighty-four thousand rays which are soft and mild and shine over all things that exist. With these jewel hands he draws and embraces all beings. The halo surrounding his head is studded with five hundred Buddhas, miraculously transformed, each attended by five hundred Bodhisattvas, who are attended, in turn, by numberless gods. And when he puts his feet down to the ground, the flowers of diamonds and jewels that are scattered cover everything in all directions. The color of his face is gold. While in his towering crown of gems stands a Buddha, two hundred and fifty miles high." - Amitayur-Dhyana Sutra, 19; ibid., pp. 182-183. ~ Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Apotheosis,
57:Reading list (1972 edition)[edit]
1. Homer - Iliad, Odyssey
2. The Old Testament
3. Aeschylus - Tragedies
4. Sophocles - Tragedies
5. Herodotus - Histories
6. Euripides - Tragedies
7. Thucydides - History of the Peloponnesian War
8. Hippocrates - Medical Writings
9. Aristophanes - Comedies
10. Plato - Dialogues
11. Aristotle - Works
12. Epicurus - Letter to Herodotus; Letter to Menoecus
13. Euclid - Elements
14.Archimedes - Works
15. Apollonius of Perga - Conic Sections
16. Cicero - Works
17. Lucretius - On the Nature of Things
18. Virgil - Works
19. Horace - Works
20. Livy - History of Rome
21. Ovid - Works
22. Plutarch - Parallel Lives; Moralia
23. Tacitus - Histories; Annals; Agricola Germania
24. Nicomachus of Gerasa - Introduction to Arithmetic
25. Epictetus - Discourses; Encheiridion
26. Ptolemy - Almagest
27. Lucian - Works
28. Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
29. Galen - On the Natural Faculties
30. The New Testament
31. Plotinus - The Enneads
32. St. Augustine - On the Teacher; Confessions; City of God; On Christian Doctrine
33. The Song of Roland
34. The Nibelungenlied
35. The Saga of Burnt Njal
36. St. Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica
37. Dante Alighieri - The Divine Comedy;The New Life; On Monarchy
38. Geoffrey Chaucer - Troilus and Criseyde; The Canterbury Tales
39. Leonardo da Vinci - Notebooks
40. Niccolò Machiavelli - The Prince; Discourses on the First Ten Books of Livy
41. Desiderius Erasmus - The Praise of Folly
42. Nicolaus Copernicus - On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
43. Thomas More - Utopia
44. Martin Luther - Table Talk; Three Treatises
45. François Rabelais - Gargantua and Pantagruel
46. John Calvin - Institutes of the Christian Religion
47. Michel de Montaigne - Essays
48. William Gilbert - On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies
49. Miguel de Cervantes - Don Quixote
50. Edmund Spenser - Prothalamion; The Faerie Queene
51. Francis Bacon - Essays; Advancement of Learning; Novum Organum, New Atlantis
52. William Shakespeare - Poetry and Plays
53. Galileo Galilei - Starry Messenger; Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences
54. Johannes Kepler - Epitome of Copernican Astronomy; Concerning the Harmonies of the World
55. William Harvey - On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals; On the Circulation of the Blood; On the Generation of Animals
56. Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan
57. René Descartes - Rules for the Direction of the Mind; Discourse on the Method; Geometry; Meditations on First Philosophy
58. John Milton - Works
59. Molière - Comedies
60. Blaise Pascal - The Provincial Letters; Pensees; Scientific Treatises
61. Christiaan Huygens - Treatise on Light
62. Benedict de Spinoza - Ethics
63. John Locke - Letter Concerning Toleration; Of Civil Government; Essay Concerning Human Understanding;Thoughts Concerning Education
64. Jean Baptiste Racine - Tragedies
65. Isaac Newton - Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy; Optics
66. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - Discourse on Metaphysics; New Essays Concerning Human Understanding;Monadology
67.Daniel Defoe - Robinson Crusoe
68. Jonathan Swift - A Tale of a Tub; Journal to Stella; Gulliver's Travels; A Modest Proposal
69. William Congreve - The Way of the World
70. George Berkeley - Principles of Human Knowledge
71. Alexander Pope - Essay on Criticism; Rape of the Lock; Essay on Man
72. Charles de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu - Persian Letters; Spirit of Laws
73. Voltaire - Letters on the English; Candide; Philosophical Dictionary
74. Henry Fielding - Joseph Andrews; Tom Jones
75. Samuel Johnson - The Vanity of Human Wishes; Dictionary; Rasselas; The Lives of the Poets
   ~ Mortimer J Adler,
58:64 Arts
   1. Geet vidya: art of singing.
   2. Vadya vidya: art of playing on musical instruments.
   3. Nritya vidya: art of dancing.
   4. Natya vidya: art of theatricals.
   5. Alekhya vidya: art of painting.
   6. Viseshakacchedya vidya: art of painting the face and body with color
   7. Tandula­kusuma­bali­vikara: art of preparing offerings from rice and flowers.
   8. Pushpastarana: art of making a covering of flowers for a bed.
   9. Dasana­vasananga­raga: art of applying preparations for cleansing the teeth, cloths and painting the body.
   10. Mani­bhumika­karma: art of making the groundwork of jewels.
   11. Aayya­racana: art of covering the bed.
   12. Udaka­vadya: art of playing on music in water.
   13. Udaka­ghata: art of splashing with water.
   14. Citra­yoga: art of practically applying an admixture of colors.
   15. Malya­grathana­vikalpa: art of designing a preparation of wreaths.
   16. Sekharapida­yojana: art of practically setting the coronet on the head.
   17. Nepathya­yoga: art of practically dressing in the tiring room.
   18. Karnapatra­bhanga: art of decorating the tragus of the ear.
   19. Sugandha­yukti: art of practical application of aromatics.
   20. Bhushana­yojana: art of applying or setting ornaments.
   21. Aindra­jala: art of juggling.
   22. Kaucumara: a kind of art.
   23. Hasta­laghava: art of sleight of hand.
   24. Citra­sakapupa­bhakshya­vikara­kriya: art of preparing varieties of delicious food.
   25. Panaka­rasa­ragasava­yojana: art of practically preparing palatable drinks and tinging draughts with red color.
   26. Suci­vaya­karma: art of needleworks and weaving.
   27. Sutra­krida: art of playing with thread.
   28. Vina­damuraka­vadya: art of playing on lute and small drum.
   29. Prahelika: art of making and solving riddles.
   30. Durvacaka­yoga: art of practicing language difficult to be answered by others.
   31. Pustaka­vacana: art of reciting books.
   32. Natikakhyayika­darsana: art of enacting short plays and anecdotes.
   33. Kavya­samasya­purana: art of solving enigmatic verses.
   34. Pattika­vetra­bana­vikalpa: art of designing preparation of shield, cane and arrows.
   35. Tarku­karma: art of spinning by spindle.
   36. Takshana: art of carpentry.
   37. Vastu­vidya: art of engineering.
   38. Raupya­ratna­pariksha: art of testing silver and jewels.
   39. Dhatu­vada: art of metallurgy.
   40. Mani­raga jnana: art of tinging jewels.
   41. Akara jnana: art of mineralogy.
   42. Vrikshayur­veda­yoga: art of practicing medicine or medical treatment, by herbs.
   43. Mesha­kukkuta­lavaka­yuddha­vidhi: art of knowing the mode of fighting of lambs, cocks and birds.
   44. Suka­sarika­pralapana: art of maintaining or knowing conversation between male and female cockatoos.
   45. Utsadana: art of healing or cleaning a person with perfumes.
   46. Kesa­marjana­kausala: art of combing hair.
   47. Akshara­mushtika­kathana: art of talking with fingers.
   48. Dharana­matrika: art of the use of amulets.
   49. Desa­bhasha­jnana: art of knowing provincial dialects.
   50. Nirmiti­jnana: art of knowing prediction by heavenly voice.
   51. Yantra­matrika: art of mechanics.
   52. Mlecchita­kutarka­vikalpa: art of fabricating barbarous or foreign sophistry.
   53. Samvacya: art of conversation.
   54. Manasi kavya­kriya: art of composing verse
   55. Kriya­vikalpa: art of designing a literary work or a medical remedy.
   56. Chalitaka­yoga: art of practicing as a builder of shrines called after him.
   57. Abhidhana­kosha­cchando­jnana: art of the use of lexicography and meters.
   58. Vastra­gopana: art of concealment of cloths.
   59. Dyuta­visesha: art of knowing specific gambling.
   60. Akarsha­krida: art of playing with dice or magnet.
   61. Balaka­kridanaka: art of using children's toys.
   62. Vainayiki vidya: art of enforcing discipline.
   63. Vaijayiki vidya: art of gaining victory.
   64. Vaitaliki vidya: art of awakening master with music at dawn.
   ~ Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger, Sexual Secrets,
59:Death & Fame

When I die

I don't care what happens to my body throw ashes in the air, scatter 'em in East River bury an urn in Elizabeth New Jersey, B'nai Israel Cemetery

But I want a big funeral St. Patrick's Cathedral, St. Mark's Church, the largest synagogue in Manhattan

First, there's family, brother, nephews, spry aged Edith stepmother 96, Aunt Honey from old Newark,

Doctor Joel, cousin Mindy, brother Gene one eyed one ear'd, sister-in-law blonde Connie, five nephews, stepbrothers & sisters their grandchildren, companion Peter Orlovsky, caretakers Rosenthal & Hale, Bill Morgan--

Next, teacher Trungpa Vajracharya's ghost mind, Gelek Rinpoche, there Sakyong Mipham, Dalai Lama alert, chance visiting America, Satchitananda Swami Shivananda, Dehorahava Baba, Karmapa XVI, Dudjom Rinpoche, Katagiri & Suzuki Roshi's phantoms Baker, Whalen, Daido Loorie, Qwong, Frail White-haired Kapleau Roshis, Lama Tarchen --

Then, most important, lovers over half-century Dozens, a hundred, more, older fellows bald & rich young boys met naked recently in bed, crowds surprised to see each other, innumerable, intimate, exchanging memories

"He taught me to meditate, now I'm an old veteran of the thousandday retreat --"

"I played music on subway platforms, I'm straight but loved him he loved me"

"I felt more love from him at 19 than ever from anyone"

"We'd lie under covers gossip, read my poetry, hug & kiss belly to belly arms round each other"

"I'd always get into his bed with underwear on & by morning my skivvies would be on the floor"

"Japanese, always wanted take it up my bum with a master"

"We'd talk all night about Kerouac & Cassady sit Buddhalike then sleep in his captain's bed."

"He seemed to need so much affection, a shame not to make him happy"

"I was lonely never in bed nude with anyone before, he was so gentle my stomach shuddered when he traced his finger along my abdomen nipple to hips-- "

"All I did was lay back eyes closed, he'd bring me to come with mouth & fingers along my waist"

"He gave great head"

So there be gossip from loves of 1948, ghost of Neal Cassady commin-gling with flesh and youthful blood of 1997 and surprise -- "You too? But I thought you were straight!"

"I am but Ginsberg an exception, for some reason he pleased me."

"I forgot whether I was straight gay queer or funny, was myself, tender and affectionate to be kissed on the top of my head, my forehead throat heart & solar plexus, mid-belly. on my prick, tickled with his tongue my behind"

"I loved the way he'd recite 'But at my back allways hear/ time's winged chariot hurrying near,' heads together, eye to eye, on a pillow --"

Among lovers one handsome youth straggling the rear

"I studied his poetry class, 17 year-old kid, ran some errands to his walk-up flat, seduced me didn't want to, made me come, went home, never saw him again never wanted to... "

"He couldn't get it up but loved me," "A clean old man." "He made sure I came first"

This the crowd most surprised proud at ceremonial place of honor--

Then poets & musicians -- college boys' grunge bands -- age-old rock star Beatles, faithful guitar accompanists, gay classical con-ductors, unknown high Jazz music composers, funky trum-peters, bowed bass & french horn black geniuses, folksinger fiddlers with dobro tamborine harmonica mandolin auto-harp pennywhistles & kazoos

Next, artist Italian romantic realists schooled in mystic 60's India, Late fauve Tuscan painter-poets, Classic draftsman Massa-chusets surreal jackanapes with continental wives, poverty sketchbook gesso oil watercolor masters from American provinces

Then highschool teachers, lonely Irish librarians, delicate biblio-philes, sex liberation troops nay armies, ladies of either sex

"I met him dozens of times he never remembered my name I loved him anyway, true artist"

"Nervous breakdown after menopause, his poetry humor saved me from suicide hospitals"

"Charmant, genius with modest manners, washed sink, dishes my studio guest a week in Budapest"

Thousands of readers, "Howl changed my life in Libertyville Illinois"

"I saw him read Montclair State Teachers College decided be a poet-- "

"He turned me on, I started with garage rock sang my songs in Kansas City"

"Kaddish made me weep for myself & father alive in Nevada City"

"Father Death comforted me when my sister died Boston l982"

"I read what he said in a newsmagazine, blew my mind, realized others like me out there"

Deaf & Dumb bards with hand signing quick brilliant gestures

Then Journalists, editors's secretaries, agents, portraitists & photo-graphy aficionados, rock critics, cultured laborors, cultural historians come to witness the historic funeral Super-fans, poetasters, aging Beatnicks & Deadheads, autograph-hunters, distinguished paparazzi, intelligent gawkers

Everyone knew they were part of 'History" except the deceased who never knew exactly what was happening even when I was alive
February 22, 1997
~ Allen Ginsberg,


1:CNN Live Today with Daryn Kagan, April 19, 2006. ~ steven-wright, @wisdomtrove
2:I was initiated as a Buddhist monk at the age of 19, but I think that initiation is simply a starting point. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
3:God is everywhere but He is most manifest in man. So serve man as God. That is as good as worshipping God.”19 likesLike ~ sri-ramakrishna, @wisdomtrove
4:Adam Ferguson, David Hume, David R. Raynor (1982). “Sister Peg: A Pamphlet Hitherto Unknown by David Hume”, p.19, Cambridge University Press ~ david-hume, @wisdomtrove
5:Annual income is £ 20, the cost is 19, you will feel happiness. If annual income of £ 20, the cost is £ 20.6, you will see suffering ~ charles-dickens, @wisdomtrove
6:The peace of the celestial city is the perfectly ordered and harmonious enjoyment of God, and of one another in God. (City of God, Book 19) ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
7:My public is growing up just as I am. After all, I'm not 19 anymore and if I stick with the sex bit, who will be paying to see me when I'm 50? ~ marilyn-monroe, @wisdomtrove
8:I wish to God I knew as much about writing as I did when I was 19. I was absolutely certain about most things then. Also, I suspect, more accurate. ~ john-steinbeck, @wisdomtrove
9:At age 19, I read a book [The Intelligent Investor] and what I'm doing today, at age 76, is running things through the same thought process I learned from the book I read at 19. ~ warren-buffet, @wisdomtrove
10:New York to Tokyo could be less than an hour. You could be traveling at 19,000 miles per hour orbitally. After we've done the space program, we will be producing supersonic planes, which will go far, far, faster than Concorde. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
11:I first went into samadhi when I was 19. I was meditating in the mountains and had been meditating on a daily basis for several years. Suddenly there was no time or space or life or death or myself or the Universe. I was absorbed in light. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
12:A little arrogance (or even a lot) isn't such a bad thing, although your mother undoubtedly told you different. Mine did. "Pride goeth before a fall, Stephen", she said... and then I found out - right around the age that is 19 x 2 - that eventually you fall down, anyway. ~ stephen-king, @wisdomtrove
13:I was the kind of entrepreneur that never really felt I made it. When Mike Olefield's "Tubular Bells" [Virgin Records' first release] sold 8 or 10 million copies, I suppose, at age 19, I could've possibly retired on the money. Instead, I immediately pushed the boat and took that risk again. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
14:Kilimanjaro is a snow-covered mountain 19,710 feet high, and is said to be the highest mountain in Africa. Its western summit is called the Masai &
15:He talks about God, and loving God. he says that when we open to loving a person, whether that person is a spouse, friend, or child, we open our hearts to loving God. He says when we let someone love us, we're opening our hearts to god's love. he says the acts are the same. p 19 I decide loving isn't for the fain. Its for the courageous. p 19 ~ melody-beattie, @wisdomtrove
16:Directly down the lawn and accross the Ellipse from the White House are those ordered, classic lines of the Jefferson Memorial and the eyes of the 19-foot statue that gaze directly into the White House, a reminder to any of us who might occupy that mansion of the quality of mind and generosity of heart that once abided there and has been so rarely seen there again. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
17:Writing is not like dancing or modeling; it's not something where-if you missed it by age 19-you're finished. It's never too late. Your writing will only get better as you get older and wiser. If you write something beautiful and important, and the right person somehow discovers it, they will clear room for you on the bookshelves of the world-at any age. At least try. ~ elizabeth-gilbert, @wisdomtrove
18:This product that was on TV was available for four easy payments of $19.95. I would like a product that was available for three easy payments and one complicated payment. We can't tell you which payment it is, but one of these payments is going to be hard. The mailman will get shot, the envelope will not seal, the stamp will be in the wrong denomination. The final payment must be made in wampum. ~ mitch-hedberg, @wisdomtrove
19:In his address of 19 September 1796, given as he prepared to leave office, President George Washington spoke about the importance of morality to the country's well-being: Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports. . . . And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. . . . Can it be that Providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a Nation with its virtue? ~ george-washington, @wisdomtrove
20:We are for aiding our allies by sharing of our material blessings with those nations which share in our fundamental beliefs, but we're against doling out money government to government, creating bureaucracy, if not socialism, all over the world. We set out to help 19 countries. We're helping 107. We've spent 146 billion dollars. With that money, we bought a 2 million dollar yacht for Haile Selassie. We bought dress suits for Greek undertakers, extra wives for Kenya[n] government officials. We bought a thousand TV sets for a place where they have no electricity. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:Dzhokhar, 19 at the time, ~ Anonymous,
2:Best before: 19 March 2007 ~ Jojo Moyes,
3:DEUTERONOMY 30:19: Choose to live ~ Anonymous,
4:I'm only 19 but my mind is older... ~ Prodigy,
5:Quench not the spirit. ~ I Thessalonians V. 19,
6:JUN 19 - A SOUND HEART ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon,
7:Thursday, December 19, 2013 8:18:08 PM ~ Anonymous,
8:How the mighty have fallen (2 Sam 1.19) ~ Anonymous,
9:There is no god but The God. ~ Sūrat Muḥammad 47:19,
10:I've been a vegetarian since I was 19. ~ Erykah Badu,
11:I've known Johnny Depp since I was 19. ~ Marilyn Manson,
12:We'll just play it cool, like Elvis at 19. ~ Pat Benatar,
13:I still feel like I'm 19. We're old now! ~ Francois Arnaud,
14:19. We love him, because he first loved us. 20. ~ Anonymous,
15:6.2 MM State/Sub: (19,8)IDLE/NORMAL SERVICE 6.3 ~ Anonymous,
16:I didn't read a serious book until I was 19. ~ Richard Ford,
17:In perseverance ye shall possess your souls. ~ Luke XXI. 19,
18:The best things in life are free - and $19.95. ~ Billy Mays,
19:For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts. ~ Matthew XV. 19,
20:I've been driving since I was 19 years old. ~ Kathleen Wynne,
21:When I was wrestling, I was 19, I was young. ~ Stacy Keibler,
22:I started acting professionally at age 19. ~ Bruce Boxleitner,
23:When you're 19, a threesome is normal. It's fun. ~ Nate Parker,
24:Dust thou art and unto dust shall thou return. ~ Genesis III.19,
25:1974, November 19 ~ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints,
26:Proverbs 15:18-19 18 A hot-tempered person starts fights; ~ Anonymous,
27:19 Husbands, love your wives and never treat them harshly. ~ Anonymous,
28:Then you will become a man of firm will (note 19). ~ Swami Vivekananda,
29:At 19, I was still figuring out how to throw a fastball. ~ Gio Gonzalez,
30:I approve the better way, but I follow the worse. ~ Romans. VII. 19. 21,
31:What a man desires is unfailing love. Proverbs 19:22 (NIV) ~ Beth Moore,
32:Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th. ~ Julie Andrews,
33:for December 19 and for a day or two bracketing the ~ William F Buckley Jr,
34:I wanted to be a ballerina. I studied ballet for 19 years. ~ Stella Soleil,
35:Una Salus Victis Nullam Sperare Salutem - (Latin - written 19 BC) ~ Virgil,
36:Well, unbeknownst to everybody, I did a movie when I was 19. ~ Trevor Rabin,
37:Ab uno disce omnes. - From one learn all. ~ Virgil, Æneid (29-19 BC), II. 65.,
38:A girl of 19 doesn't react towards things. She explodes. ~ Christopher Morley,
39:And she’s got her old number. 19. We saved it for her special. ~ Stephen King,
40:I didnt have a computer until I was 19 - but I did have an abacus. ~ Jan Koum,
41:"Abandon knowledge and your worries are over." ~ Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, Ch. 19,
42:When you lose your reputation at 19, you lose everything. ~ Marianne Faithfull,
43:15 of the 19 [September 11th] hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. ~ Michael Moore,
44:New Orleans. Born and raised. I lived there until I was 19. ~ Patricia Clarkson,
45:10-5 space 16-5-14-19-5 space 17-21-5 space 10-5 space 20-1-9-13-5. ~ John Green,
46:Many a Man would have been worse, if his Estate had been better.19 ~ Jill Lepore,
47:Bookmark on Location 118 | Added on Tuesday, August 19, 2014 11:45:00 ~ Anonymous,
48:I took acting lessons when I was 19, 20, and I had my writing. ~ Michael Ironside,
49:Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th. ~ Julie Andrews Edwards,
50:Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return. Genesis 3:19 ~ Anonymous,
51:Fights don't solve matters, they just make things worse. (Diary 19) ~ Erin Gruwell,
52:19 “Do you give the horse his might? Do you clothe his neck with a mane? ~ Anonymous,
53:Fear may be an effective motivator, but it's a terrible master." pg 19 ~ Chris Hogan,
54:For every one that doeth evil hateth the light." (John 3:19-20.) ~ Spencer W Kimball,
55:Steadiness is coming up short 19 times and succeeding the twentieth. ~ Julie Andrews,
56:We see that they were unable to enter because of unbelief. Hebrews 3:19 ~ Beth Moore,
57:Having been a father for 19 years I realise fatherhood has changed me. ~ Nicolas Cage,
58:My power of speech, unimpeachable. Only 19 but my mind is older. ~ Lin Manuel Miranda,
59:We are in bondage to that which overcomes us. See also 2 Peter 2:19. ~ Neal A Maxwell,
60:19 Too much talk leads to sin.       Be sensible and keep your mouth shut. ~ Anonymous,
61:He who sows discord in his own house will inherit the wind. Proverbs 11:19 ~ Anonymous,
62:Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th time. ~ Julie Andrews Edwards,
63:Most human beings, in other words, would rather fight than starve.19 ~ Francis Fukuyama,
64:I feel for those 19-year-olds who get thrust into the limelight that young. ~ Clive Owen,
65:If I had 20 days to solve a problem, I would take 19 days to define it ~ Albert Einstein,
66:I have four kids - they're 19 to 33 - that I love more than anything. ~ Melanie Griffith,
67:men and women desperate enough to risk death to express their wishes.19 ~ Marilyn French,
68:The accusation is always on the first page, and the retraction on page 19. ~ Paul Newman,
69:We counted 19 missiles that landed in a small area of Baghdad. ~ Mohammed Saeed al Sahaf,
70:A better hope is introduced, through which we draw near to God. Hebrews 7:19 ~ Beth Moore,
71:But many who are first will be last; and the last, first” (Matthew 19:30). ~ John Herrick,
72:REVIEW 1 John 1:9 Ephesians 2:8–9 1 John 4:7 Psalm 34:19 Jeremiah 33:3 ~ Pamela L McQuade,
73:Romans 5:19—If all are made righteous by Christ, why aren’t all saved? ~ Norman L Geisler,
74:would very much like to see you. We await your company at supper on May 19. ~ Orhan Pamuk,
75:Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” LUKE 2:19 ~ Beth Moore,
76:That feeling of being 19 or 20 and 'hot' in Hollywood was so intense. ~ Elizabeth McGovern,
77:I met John when I was 18 and I was in my first John Waters film when I was 19. ~ Mink Stole,
78:I was advised by an American agent when I was about 19 to change my surname. ~ Rachel Weisz,
79:19 As a face is reflected in water,       so the heart reflects the real person. ~ Anonymous,
80:19 Such is the fate of all who are greedy for money;       it robs them of life. ~ Anonymous,
81:My idol, Gary Payton, played 19 years. I definitely want to try to reach that. ~ Jason Terry,
82:The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork. ~ Psalms 19:1,
83:When you're 18, 19, you want to live fast and leave a beautiful corpse behind. ~ Shane Smith,
84:(Matt. 28:19, 20) Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, ~ Anonymous,
85:over 19,000 haiku about Spam—“Spamku”—have to this date been posted online. ~ Jane Hirshfield,
86:Sir 19:4 He that is hasty to give credit, is light of heart, and shall be lessened: ~ Various,
87:The world wasn't safe today. The truth was, this world was never safe. (19) ~ Monica Holloway,
88:Proverbs 27:19 19As in water face reflects face, So a man’s heart reveals the man. ~ Anonymous,
89:Well, you know, my wife and I have eight children. We have now 19 grandchildren. ~ Mike DeWine,
90:«Esposos, amen a sus esposas, y no sean duros con ellas» (Colosenses 3.19). ~ Emerson Eggerichs,
91:They say men have a sexual thought every 20 seconds. The other 19 are shame. ~ Greg Fitzsimmons,
92:[T]o scorn the dictate of reason is to scorn the commandment of God (I-II,19,5). ~ Peter Kreeft,
93: Vulgar mispronunciations of everyday words will not be tolerated. ~ Jasper Fforde,
94:At 17, I dreamed of seeing the world. At 19, I had been around the world and back. ~ Tony Curtis,
95:I listened to 19 guilty verdicts for my wife and me. And all I could do was sob. ~ Bob McDonnell,
96:I realized my father's sister Joanne, who died at 19 had instilled her spirit in me. ~ Lady Gaga,
97:I started the site when I was 19. I didn't know much about business back then. ~ Mark Zuckerberg,
98:I think I might've turned 39, look like I turned 29, feel like I turned about 19. ~ Roy Jones Jr,
99:Proverbs 10:19 19 Too much talk leads to sin.        Be sensible and keep your mouth ~ Anonymous,
100:I didn't start singing with my eyes open until I was 19 - that's how shy I was! ~ Jennifer Hudson,
101:And here's Moses Kiptanui - the 19 year old Kenyan, who turned 20 a few weeks ago. ~ David Coleman,
102:ROM7.19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. ~ Anonymous,
103:The marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has prepared herself. Revelation 19:7 ~ Beth Moore,
104:19 “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
105:19 That thy trust may be in the LORD, I have made known to thee this day, even to thee. ~ Anonymous,
106:19. the LORD* has established His throne in the heavens, and His kingdom rules over all. ~ Anonymous,
107:which the sovereign state finds in its interest.19 The nature of the acts themselves ~ James C Scott,
108:I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out ~ Anonymous, The Bible, (Lk. 19:40).,
109:Thou art a little soul bearing about a corpse, as Epictetus used to say (I. C. 19). ~ Marcus Aurelius,
110:19. A servant will not be corrected by words: for though he understand he will not answer. ~ Anonymous,
111:I ran my own business when I was 19, buying condos and renovating apartment buildings. ~ Jared Kushner,
112:Proverbs 10:19 19 Too much talk leads to sin.        Be sensible and keep your mouth shut. ~ Anonymous,
113:I started skateboarding when I was 12, and I broke my leg when I was 19 so... seven years. ~ Matt Costa,
114:You did not abandon them in the wilderness because of Your great compassion. Nehemiah 9:19 ~ Beth Moore,
115:19.—We have all sufficient strength to support the misfortunes of others. ~ Fran ois de La Rochefoucauld,
116:PSA80.19 Turn us again, O LORD God of hosts, cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved. ~ Anonymous,
117:Chapter 19 Where are you, Aeney? You slip away from me as you always did. Where are you? ~ Niall Williams,
118:He wears jeans, untucked shirts, and a Glock 19, and he has a big shaggy dog named Bob. ~ Janet Evanovich,
119:PRO21.19 It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman. ~ Anonymous,
120:Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out,
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Acts 3:19,
121:19     m Behold, I am doing a new thing;         now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? ~ Anonymous,
122:A man’s wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offence’ (Prov. 19:11). ~ R T Kendall,
123:As righteousness tendeth to life, so he that pursueth evil, pursueth it to his own death. ~ Proverbs XI.19,
124:I've made a living out of music since I was 19, which is something I'm really happy about. ~ Roddy Woomble,
125:See Bible verse 1 Kings 19:7 in reference to the HOUSE OF HOPE INTERNATIONAL COOKBOOK project. ~ Anonymous,
126:19. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. 20. ~ Anonymous,
127:Batizando’ e ‘ensinando’ são os meios pelos quais os discípulos devem ser feitos” (pp. 19) ~ Colin Marshall,
128:Einstein once said, “If I had 20 days to solve a problem, I would take 19 days to define it, ~ Scott Berkun,
129:19 A hard worker has plenty of food,       but a person who chases fantasies ends up in poverty. ~ Anonymous,
130:Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus.—Heb. 10:19 ~ A W Tozer,
131:I'm only 19. It's kinda crazy if you're older and putting expectations on a poor 19-year-old. ~ Simone Biles,
132:Join our weekly twitter chat - Sunday, July 19 at 9amET ~ “On Healing with Play” ~ w/@AjmaniK in #SpiritChat,
133:Of every 200 atoms in your body, 126 are hydrogen, 51 are oxygen, and just 19 are carbon32.fn3 ~ Bill Bryson,
134:PSA68.19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. ~ Anonymous,
135:You must first have Christ himself, before you can partake of those benefits by him.19 ~ Sinclair B Ferguson,
136:19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah. ~ Anonymous,
137:And the fact that Haiti was occupied for 19 years by the United States, from 1915 to 1934. ~ Edwidge Danticat,
138:Every time I see something terrible, it's like I see it at age 19. I keep a freshness that way. ~ Ralph Nader,
139:I feel closer to the artist I was when I was 19 now then I have done in other stages of my career. ~ Ben Watt,
140:Meditation on Savitri, September 19, 2018 WednesdayThis is our doom until our souls are free. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
141:I don't let myself get carried away by my own ideas; I abandon 19 out of 20 of them every day. ~ Gustav Mahler,
142:Jesus said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). ~ Rick Warren,
143:obtruded on us by the Scottish historians.      [* Chron. Sax. p. 19.]      [** W. Malms, p. 19.] ~ David Hume,
144:It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman. Proverbs 21:19 ~ Anonymous,
145:Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails. PROVERBS 19 : 21 ~ Sarah Young,
146:Storm Legion, killed by friendly fire, body cremated. November 19, 297 NE. Pace Gardner, Red ~ Victoria Aveyard,
147:Chapter 19 Want to piss off a woman? Just open your mouth. That usually works. -Words of wisdom ~ Lani Lynn Vale,
148:Elvis was just like a big old kid. It was like he never got past 19, I don't think, in a lotta ways. ~ Mac Davis,
149:I just starred at him like he was trying to sell me the Sham-wow and the Slapchop for only $19.99 ~ Kevin Hearne,
150:Speaking of palms, your right hand shares just a sixth of its microbial species with your left hand.19 ~ Ed Yong,
151:19. The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul: but it is abomination to fools to depart from evil. ~ Anonymous,
152:«El que mucho habla, mucho yerra; el que es sabio refrena su lengua» (Proverbios 10.19, NVI). ~ Emerson Eggerichs,
153:Ever wonder why the media never refers to 18 or 19 year old American soldiers as "armed teens"? ~ Stefan Molyneux,
154:JAM1.19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: ~ Anonymous,
155:My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 ~ Beth Moore,
156:Tarantino's movies, I really enjoy, certainly, and when I was 19 and 20, I was really into them. ~ Ryan Phillippe,
157:The age thing really bugs me. Do people have more of a right to not like what I say because I'm 19? ~ Fiona Apple,
158:the Mach3—leaving hundreds of millions of people to a more painful daily battle with stubble.19 ~ James C Collins,
159:The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed. June 19, 1970–April 7, 2004: ~ Stephen King,
160:When a man’s folly brings his way to ruin, his heart rages against the Lord” (Proverbs 19: 3). ~ David A Powlison,
161:My cousin just died. He was only 19. He got stung by a bee - the natural enemy of a tightrope walker. ~ Dan Rather,
162:Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law. ~ Paul of Tarsus, Romans 3:19-31,
163:I don't paint anymore. I haven't since I abandoned it at 19, in order to begin writing seriously. ~ Jonathan Lethem,
164:And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. PHILIPPIANS 4:19 ~ Sarah Young,
165:Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents…and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19 ~ Paulo Coelho,
166:This country right now owes $19 trillion. And they need somebody like me to straighten out that mess. ~ Donald Trump,
167:( and the author of “7 Steps to Becoming Financially Free” (OSV, $19.95). ~ Anonymous,
168:We have sworn an oath to them by the LORD, the God of Israel, and now we cannot touch them. Joshua 9:19 ~ Beth Moore,
169:19    By mere words a servant is not disciplined,         for though he understands, he will not respond. ~ Anonymous,
170:Approach unto wisdom like one who tilleth and soweth and await in peace its excellent fruits. ~ Ecolesiasticus VI. 19,
171:God and all attributes of God are eternal. ~ Baruch Spinoza, in Ethica Ordine Geometrico Demonstrata (1677), Prop. 19,
172:I heard that your brain stops growing when you start doing drugs. Let's see, I guess that makes me 19. ~ Steven Tyler,
173:The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment. PROVERBS 12:19 14 ~ Anonymous,
174:The Word frees us from smallness of mind (1 Kings 4:29) and from threatening confinements (Psalm 18:19). ~ John Piper,
175:Dante 19 had it wrong. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here leads to awakening, not to the realms of hell. ~ Ken McLeod,
176:19“I am telling you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe that I am who I am. ~ Anonymous,
177:Ecstasy is a glass full of tea and a piece of sugar in the mouth."

[From: 19 Lessons On Tea] ~ Alexander Pushkin,
178:EPUB Edition JUNE 2015 ISBN 9780062363251 Version 060815 15 16 17 18 19   OV/RRD   10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ~ Paul Tremblay,
179:He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done. PROVERBS 19:17 ~ Joel Osteen,
180:How about that McDonald's two blocks from Ground Zero? That's killed more people than the 19 hijackers. ~ Michael Moore,
181:Ish #19 "If your diet soda has zero calories, zero sugar and zero fat, what the hell are you drinking? ~ Regina Griffin,
182:no extinctions from this point onward are inevitable (this has always been true, however) 19,340 ~ Kim Stanley Robinson,
183:I am the LORD, and there is no other… . I, the LORD, speak truthfully; I say what is right. Isaiah 45:18–19 ~ Beth Moore,
184:The law perfected nothing, but a better hope is introduced, through which we draw near to God. Hebrews 7:19 ~ Beth Moore,
185:The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all. PSALM 34:19 NIV ~ Pamela L McQuade,
186:You, Lord, reign forever; your throne endures from generation to generation
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Lamentations 5:19,
187:(Cease, my son, to hear the teaching that induces one to deviate from the reasons of wisdom. – Prov. 19:27) ~ John Bunyan,
188:I'm from Texas. I hitchhiked to Tennessee when I was 19 years old, and it is really beautiful in Tennessee. ~ Steve Earle,
189:I never learned anything at all in school and didn't read a book for pleasure until I was 19 years old. ~ Stanley Kubrick,
190:A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.BibleEccl.x. 19.8. To ~ Samuel Johnson,
191:Lead with your ears, follow up with your tongue, and let anger straggle along in the rear. (James 1:19) ~ Paul David Tripp,
192:[Donald Trump] gets a 19 percent higher approval rating than [Hillary Clinton] does ,among military members. ~ Eric Bolling,
193:I drank my lifetime supply of alcohol and I took my lifetime supply of drugs between the ages of 15 and 19. ~ Fran Lebowitz,
194:I stopped taking drugs when I was 19, and who wants to drive a cab around New York with drugs in their car? ~ Fran Lebowitz,
195:I used to wear different rings when I first got called Ringo in about 19, about, umm, '59 I got called Ringo. ~ Ringo Starr,
196:swift in running to mischief, 19 a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. ~ Anonymous,
197:God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains."
quote read 3/23/19 ~ C S Lewis,
198:I started as a model in Holland and Chanel took me to New York when I was 19, after which I decided to stay. ~ Famke Janssen,
199:I was like a docile lamb led to slaughter. I didn't know that they had devised plots against me. Jeremiah 11:19 ~ Beth Moore,
200:older generation accounts for only 19 percent of the national church, they give 46 percent of the donations. ~ Mark Driscoll,
201:On October 19, 2009, my sixteenth birthday, Wild Eyes officially became mine! Now it was really happening. ~ Abby Sunderland,
202:they do him wrong who take God just in one particular way. They take the way rather than God’ (Sermon 19). ~ Meister Eckhart,
203:19     e When words are many, transgression is not lacking,          f but whoever restrains his lips is prudent. ~ Anonymous,
204:Christ said: ‘Whoever leaves anything for my sake will receive again a hundredfold in return’ (Matt 19:29). ~ Meister Eckhart,
205:I was initiated as a Buddhist monk at the age of 19, but I think that initiation is simply a starting point. ~ Frederick Lenz,
206:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. 20 Now unto God and our ~ Anonymous,
207:God, on the other hand, has every right to show mercy and compassion to whomever He chooses (Ex. 33:19). ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
208:Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace and the things wherewith one may edify another. ~ Romans XIV. 19,
209:Some things are worse than death,’ Wright told Brown. ‘If a man lives, he must still live with himself.’ ”19 ~ Timothy B Tyson,
210:It requires moral courage to grieve; it requires religious courage to rejoice. ~ Søren Kierkegaard, Journal entry, 19 July 1840,
211:ROM14.19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. ~ Anonymous,
212:What masters us has become our god; and Paul warns us about those whose “god is their belly” (Philippi- ans 3:19). ~ John Piper,
213:19 We have this hope as an anchor for our lives, safe and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.  ~ Anonymous,
214:It is in the dark times that the light of friendship shines brightest.
(The Walk - Chapter 19, Page 122 ~ Richard Paul Evans,
215:Know the Messiah's love that surpasses knowledge, so you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:19 ~ Beth Moore,
216:Una Salus Victis Nullam Sperare Salutem - (Latin - written 19 BC)
The only hope for the doomed, is no hope at all... ~ Virgil,
217:We are a debtor nation, and we owe now $19 trillion and it's going to go up very fast by the way from this point. ~ Donald Trump,
218:19 “You shall not charge interest to your brother—interest on money or food or anything that is lent out at interest. ~ Anonymous,
219:Sir 19:25 And if he be hindered from sinning for want of power, if he shall find opportunity to do evil, he will do it. ~ Various,
220:For whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven. (Matt. 16:19.) ~ Charles Capps,
221:Unlocking the Bible (Pawson, David) - Your Bookmark on page 44 | location 785 | Added on Friday, 19 June 2015 21:17:37 ~ Anonymous,
222:When people say "How dumb do you think I am?" I answer "You can't possibly be as dumb as I think you are." 09-19-2014 ~ Jan Thomas,
223:But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Philippians 4:19,
224:I wanted to be in Jim Carrey comedy movies before I met him. I wanted to be a comedian on Stage 19, yukking it up. ~ Jenny McCarthy,
225:Me, I was waiting tables of 13 and married at 19. I graduated from public schools, and taught elementary school. ~ Elizabeth Warren,
226:There's no limit to what you can accomplish in the world of entertainment. It's all I've ever known since I was 19. ~ Chris Jericho,
227:To correspond to; to suit with. In water face answereth to face: so the heart of man to man.BibleProv.xxvii. 19.7. ~ Samuel Johnson,
228:A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city, and contentions are like the bars of a castle. —PROVERBS 18:19 ~ John Bevere,
229:GOD’S WORD IS TRUTH. “But my God shall supply all your need according to his Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:19). ~ Charles Capps,
230:I started writing about New York as soon as I arrived. I was 19. I used to write short stories and send them out. ~ Candace Bushnell,
231:19 And I would exhort you, my beloved brethren, that ye remember that he is the same yesterday, today, and forever, ~ Joseph Smith Jr,
232:God's written Word is the plumb line for our lives as we walk daily with him (Amos 7:7; Rev. 22:18–19; Deut. 4:2). ~ Henry T Blackaby,
233:How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live. ~ Henry David Thoreau, Journals (1838-1859), August 19, 1851.,
234:My daughter's 19. I'm not asking her to develop as an artist. I'm just asking her to develop as a full person, human being. ~ Chuck D,
235:Some say that knowledge is the road that leads towards love; others, that love and knowledge are interdependent. ~ Narada Sutra 18-19,
236:Good sense makes a man restrain his anger, and it is his glory to overlook a transgression or an offense. PROVERBS 19:11 ~ Joyce Meyer,
237:In 2011, he said that Donald Trump would run for the Republican nomination—and had a “damn good” chance of winning it.19 ~ Nate Silver,
238:Perhaps why I am so uniquely terrible is simply that I represent total Dissent. Total Dissent. T.D. 19 + 4 = 23. ~ William S Burroughs,
239:even when the covenant community is obeying the Lord and enjoying blessing, there will still be unexpected deaths (19:4–5). ~ Anonymous,
240:From 8 to 19, I was skateboarding every single day. That was my life. I worked at a skate shop. I watched skate videos. ~ Ryan McGinley,
241:I don't remember, at 19, someone giving me a golden key and saying, 'Welcome to Hollywood; which job would you like?' ~ Jessica Capshaw,
242:Recall that FLOPS are floating-point operations per second, say, how many 19-digit numbers can be multiplied each second. ~ Max Tegmark,
243:The overall population of the German Democratic Republic had declined, since 1949, from 19 million to 17 million.51 ~ John Lewis Gaddis,
244: Team sports are mandatory in order to build character. Character is there to give purpose to team sports. ~ Jasper Fforde,
245:Dad's romances could last anywhere between a platypus egg incubation (19-21 days) and a squirrel pregnancy (24-45 days). ~ Marisha Pessl,
246:Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true. ~ Demosthenes, Third Olynthiac, sec. 19,
247:When I turned 19 I kinda realized that I needed to write my own songs instead of singing songs written by other people. ~ Colbie Caillat,
248:In 19 years Stockton never once lost a suicide drill in practice. Well, there was one day. He was sick. But he still ran it ~ Jerry Sloan,
249:19: A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming, is not worth knowing. ~ Alan Perlis, Epigrams on Programming, 1982,
250:Comedy is commitment and playing a character and falling into the role, and I've been doing that since I was 19 years old. ~ Chris Jericho,
251:Global warming has already triggered a sea level rise that could reach from 6 metres (19.69 ft) to 25 metres (27.34 yards). ~ James Hansen,
252:le.19.31 Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God. ~ Anonymous,
253:80% of Canadian culture is just French-Canadian culture, 19% is being annoyed at Americans, and the remaining 1% is regional beer. ~ Unknown,
254:A belief in invisible cats cannot be logically disproved,” although it does “tell us a good deal about those who hold it.”19 ~ Naomi Oreskes,
255:Don’t do that! I am a fellow slave with you and your brothers who have the testimony about Jesus. Worship God. Revelation 19:10 ~ Beth Moore,
256:I think I was about 18 before I decided I wanted to pursue acting. I went to drama school in Western Australia when I was 19. ~ Dustin Clare,
257:How great is Your goodness that You have stored up for those who fear You and accomplished in the sight of everyone. Psalm 31:19 ~ Beth Moore,
258:I am a man without a furnace. My windows are insulated by 19 sheets of glass which cost less than installing a heating system. ~ Amory Lovins,
259:Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” —MATTHEW 19:26 NKJV ~ Sarah Young,
260:MAT28.19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: ~ Anonymous,
261:May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. (Ps. 19:14) ~ Beth Moore,
262:The LORD will strike Egypt, striking and healing. Then they will return to the LORD and He will hear their prayers. Isaiah 19:22 ~ Beth Moore,
263:This man Paul has persuaded and misled a considerable number of people by saying that gods made by hand are not gods! Acts 19:26 ~ Beth Moore,
264:40 percent of arrests for drug possession in this country are for a drug that 19.8 million of us have used in the past month. ~ Ayelet Waldman,
265:A Standish Group study found that 45 percent of features in a typical system are never used and 19 percent are rarely used. ~ Mary Poppendieck,
266:Proverbs 19:26 26 Children who mistreat their father or chase away their mother        are an embarrassment and a public disgrace. ~ Anonymous,
267:Supremely blest. ~ Alexander Pope, Essay on Man, Epistle II, line 269, reported in Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922), p. 19,
268:Whatever you bind on earth is already bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth is already loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:19 ~ Beth Moore,
269:Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 ~ R R Banks,
270:I've had watermelon hair where I had pink with green tips. From the age of 13 to about 19 or 20, I never had my real hair color. ~ Natalia Tena,
271:I was 19 when I recorded my first album, and I've been exposed to many things during these last few years; all the baby fat is gone. ~ Lykke Li,
272:When waking up every morning, let us pray for a day of complete consecration. With my blessings
   ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother, 19 June,
273:At the age of 19, you always think you are prepared for everything and you think you have the knowledge of what?s coming ahead. ~ Princess Diana,
274:Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reprint the following images: Image on page 19 courtesy of Paul Ekman Group. ~ Daniel Kahneman,
275:Once I became a professional, maybe 19 or 20, I really started to try to figure out who I was, as a woman and as an individual. ~ Misty Copeland,
276:The devotee of myth is in a way a philosopher, for myth is made up of things that cause wonder.

(Metaphysics, I, 982b 18–19) ~ Aristotle,
277:I had a brother who died early on - he was 23 when I was 19. And, boy, I certainly didn't expect that. That was utterly shocking. ~ Jeff Goldblum,
278:The terrorism danger to the United States "is even worse than September 11th, when 19 hijackers murdered almost 3,000 Americans." ~ Newt Gingrich,
279:19. I wrote in my notebook that even if all the possible scientific questions are answered, our problem is still not touched at all. ~ E L Doctorow,
280:At around 19 I realized that I really didn't have any skills other than making people laugh, so I should probably pursue it full-time. ~ Adam Pally,
281:An aphorism is the last link in a long chain of thought. ~ Marie Freifrau von Ebner-Eschenbach (1830-1916), Austrian writer. Aphorisms (1890), p. 19,
282:Dancing in Tijuana when I was 13 — that was my 'summer camp.' How else do you think I could keep up with Fred Astaire when I was 19? ~ Rita Hayworth,
283:JER1.19 And they shall fight against thee; but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, saith the LORD, to deliver thee. ~ Anonymous,
284:May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14) ~ Lysa TerKeurst,
285:...remember what it says in Proverbs 19:21, “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. ~ Annalisa Daughety,
286:Y ese era el problema. Odiaba que yo quisiera algo que no podía tener, y ¿Saylor? La quería mucho, muchísimo.

•capítulo 19 ~ Rachel Van Dyken,
287:I didn't start playing music really until I was 18/19, so it was a relatively new thing. I didn't play much music in school. ~ James Vincent McMorrow,
288:Peter and John answered them, “Whether it’s right in the sight of God for us to listen to you rather than to God, you decide.” Acts 4:19 ~ Beth Moore,
289:Annual income is £ 20, the cost is 19, you will feel happiness. If annual income of £ 20, the cost is £ 20.6, you will see suffering ~ Charles Dickens,
290:Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Epilogue Glossary ~ Anonymous,
291:No matter what you may lose in this life, you can never lose your relationship with Me. ISAIAH 54:10; GENESIS 28:15;
MATTHEW 28:19–20 ~ Sarah Young,
292:Reading one book is like eating one potato chip. ~ Diane Duane, So You Want to Be a Wizard (fiction). p. 19, paperback version. Spoken by Mrs. Lesser.,
293:The casualties were beyond comprehension with 57,470 British casualties on the first day alone. Of these a staggering 19,240 were killed. ~ Peter Hart,
294:I'm a nervous wreck. If it's a 20-day shoot, at lunchtime on the first day, I'm thinking "Only 19 and a half days to go... I can make it!" ~ Guy Maddin,
295:I'm trying to transform behaviors and ideas that have never been challenged in certain ways in my life. I'm not the kid that I was at 19. ~ Nate Parker,
296:Let us be glad, rejoice, and give Him glory, because the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has prepared herself. Revelation 19:7 ~ Beth Moore,
297:18. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. 19. ~ Anonymous,
298:Offer, first, all your actions as a sacrifice to the Highest and the One in you and to the Highest and the One in the world; ~ Sri Aurobindo, (CWSA 19),
299:How, in looser language, does the part of the probability wave in Andromeda, and everywhere else, “know” to drop to zero simultaneously?19 ~ Brian Greene,
300:I don't need to be 19 years old or starve myself for some weight or turn men's heads down that road. And thank God I finally know that. ~ Trisha Yearwood,
301:Irish gardens beat all for horror. With 19 gardeners, Lord Talbot of Malahide has produced an affair exactly like a suburban golf course. ~ Nancy Mitford,
302:Keep Your servant from willful sins; do not let them rule over me. Then I will be innocent, and cleansed from blatant rebellion. Psalm 19:13 ~ Beth Moore,
303:My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth. And hereby we know that we are of the truth. ~ John III. 18, 19,
304:Some miners would have 20 pints after a hard day in the mine. Now that we sit behind computers all day, this is down to 18 or 19 pints. ~ Michael Jackson,
305:19 Pero Jesús le dijo: «No. Ve a tu casa y a tu familia y diles todo lo que el Señor ha hecho por ti y lo misericordioso que ha sido contigo». ~ Anonymous,
306:Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 ~ R R Banks,
307:The flaming sword guarding the way to the presence of God came down on Jesus, and now the way is open (Genesis 3:24; Hebrews 10:19–22). ~ Timothy J Keller,
308:Its a rare thing when a father and son can share the same experience. My father and I have seen all 19 Bond films together, two or three times. ~ Rick Yune,
309:On the flip side, those who profess salvation but later fall away, demonstrate that their profession was never genuine (1 John 2:19). ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
310:Pneumonia, a disease we’ve been able to treat for almost a century, still accounts for 19 percent of all deaths in children under five. ~ Peter H Diamandis,
311:In a man's world, I am a woman by birth and after 19 times around I have found - they will stop at nothing once they know what you are worth. ~ Ani DiFranco,
312:I was 17, certainly by the time I was 19, I knew that show business was where I was going to end up, and I had my sights on being a director. ~ Brian Henson,
313:4.19 เหตุฉะนั้น ขอให้คนทั้งหลายที่ทนทุกข์ทรมานตามพระประสงค์ของพระเจ้า จงประพฤติชอบและฝากวิญญาณจิตของตนไว้กับองค์พระผู้สร้าง ผู้เที่ยงธรรมนั้นเถิด ~ Anonymous,
314:Do not forget the lives of Your poor people forever. Consider the covenant, for the dark places of the land are full of violence. Psalm 74:19–20 ~ Beth Moore,
315:It is not enough to maintain physical purity alone. One must also guard against mental acts of unfaithfulness (see Ex. 20:17; compare Ps. 19:14). ~ Anonymous,
316:I was born on the same day as Edgar Allan Poe and Dolly Parton: January 19. I am absolutely certain that this affects my writing in some way. ~ Eden Robinson,
317:That's what they do to whatever I was - 19 or something. You're the baby hooker. You can ask any woman my age and we've all played baby hookers. ~ Lori Petty,
318:The peace of the celestial city is the perfectly ordered and harmonious enjoyment of God, and of one another in God. (City of God, Book 19) ~ Saint Augustine,
319:19“And this is the condemnation, †that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. ~ Anonymous,
320:[Carter] shook it off. "Don't worry about it. We all have moments of weakness. It's how we recover from them that really counts." (Chapter 19) ~ Richelle Mead,
321:My public is growing up just as I am. After all, I'm not 19 anymore and if I stick with the sex bit, who will be paying to see me when I'm 50? ~ Marilyn Monroe,
322:There was a time when I was 19 when I really, really, really thought I was going crazy. I was exhausted and going through a terrible depression. ~ Winona Ryder,
323:In another book, entitled The War of 19--, Douhet told of a fictional attack by Germany on French and Belgian cities which reduced them to ashes. ~ Ryan Jenkins,
324:When I was 19 years old, I came down with anorexia. I had it for about a year before it became public. And it had a lot to do with my self-esteem. ~ Tracey Gold,
325:We found that American women spent about 19% of the time in an unpleasant state, somewhat higher than French women (16%) or Danish women (14%). ~ Daniel Kahneman,
326:EDGAR ALLAN POE was born on January 19, 1809, in Boston, the second of three children born to actors David Poe Jr. and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins. ~ Edgar Allan Poe,
327:I am delighted to be back home in Galway, the place I first came to as a 19-year-old in 1960. It's here where my heart is and will forever be. ~ Michael D Higgins,
328:I grew up in Texas, eating meat five times a day, and I liked meat. But I began being a vegetarian when I was 19 because I found that I felt better. ~ Dean Ornish,
329:Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us … did not become “Yes and no.”… For every one of God’s promises is “Yes” in Him. 2 Corinthians 1:19–20 ~ Beth Moore,
330:My brother Cody is 19. He wants to stay out of the limelight and become a lawyer. I want him to be an entertainment lawyer, so he can help me out! ~ Lindsay Lohan,
331:At my second record label, they told me and other female artists that some of us were going on the chopping block. I was 19... and it was devastating. ~ Katy Perry,
332:Every square inch of skin on your face contains about 65 hairs, 100 oil glands, 650 sweat glands, 78 yards of nerves, and 19 yards of blood vessels. ~ Howard Murad,
333:When my brother, Todd [Fisher], was born my father was already with Elizabeth [Taylor]. I was 19 or 20 when I first spent a block of time with him. ~ Carrie Fisher,
334:ACT3.19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. ~ Anonymous,
"He's mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf, a horse's health,
a boy's love, or a whore's oath."
King Lear (III, vi, 19-21) ~ William Shakespeare,
336:I don't have any regrets. If I could have talked to my 19- or 20-year-old self, I would have said, 'You're going to be fine. It ain't that serious!' ~ Queen Latifah,
337:I think one travels more usefully when they travel alone, because they reflect more."

(Letter to John Banister, Jr., June 19, 1787) ~ Thomas Jefferson,
338:I wish to God I knew as much about writing as I did when I was 19. I was absolutely certain about most things then. Also, I suspect, more accurate. ~ John Steinbeck,
339:When I had to fill in my immigration papers, I gave my age as 19, and my profession as genius; I added that I had nothing to declare except my talent. ~ Oscar Wilde,
340:THEIR VOICE [that of creation bearing God’s message] HAS GONE OUT TO ALL THE EARTH, AND THEIR WORDS TO THE [farthest] ENDS OF THE WORLD.” [Ps 19:4, 7–11] ~ Anonymous,
341:Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. —1 CORINTHIANS 6:19 ~ Sarah Young,
342:El Instituto Estadounidense de Bancarrotas revela que 19% de las personas que se declararon en bancarrota el año pasado eran estudiantes universitarios. ~ Dave Ramsey,
343:The peace of the celestial city is the perfectly ordered and harmonious enjoyment of God, and of one another in God. (City of God, Book 19) ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
344:What, gone without a word?
Ay, so true love should do. It cannot speak,
For truth hath better deeds than words to grace it." (2.2.17-19) ~ William Shakespeare,
345:19. Create large chunks of time: Organize your days around large blocks of time so you can concentrate for extended periods on your most important tasks. ~ Brian Tracy,
346:Apparently, I get facials and manicures all the time. I read this and think, 'Oh, I wish I did that!' I don't think I've had a facial since I was 19. ~ Kate Beckinsale,
347:Like Buddhists, Stoics advise us to contemplate the world’s impermanence. “All things human,” Seneca reminds us, “are short-lived and perishable.”19 ~ William B Irvine,
348:Men have no excuse for not knowing about God because He has revealed Himself in man’s conscience and in the physical world (Rom. 1:19, 20; 2:15). ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
349:Nocturna (JUAN) - Your Highlight on Location 1409-1410 | Added on Friday, November 28, 2014 11:19:11 AM Para mí, el primer nombre de todos aquí es Doctor. ~ Anonymous,
350:The bare edge of freedom is insured and preserved inside us by God, and no matter what forces oppress us from without or within, it is indestructible.19 ~ Gerald G May,
351:Contraception really shouldn't be all that controversial because it's a tool a woman can use to delay her first birth until she's, say, 18 or 19 years old. ~ Bill Gates,
352:Earth, for example, is made up of oxygen (almost 50 percent) and smaller amounts of iron (19 percent), silicon (14 percent), magnesium (12.5 percent), ~ David Christian,
353:In worship, the church, mysteriously and spiritually, ascends to the heavenly Mount Zion, joining an already existing worship service (Heb. 12:18–19). ~ Russell D Moore,
354:It's not getting any better, is it? I don't want my 19-year-old boy going into the army. I love these little kids. They understand how passionate I am. ~ Burt Bacharach,
355:I was very attached to my family when my father died. I was 19. I was about to go live with my father right when he died, so it was very intense. ~ Charlotte Gainsbourg,
356:MAR4.19 And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful. ~ Anonymous,
357:Not what you think once in a while when you are in church, or have just read a good book, but your predominant mental attitude is what counts.    19. ~ Charles F Haanel,
358:Actually, 19 is in charge of our career at that point. FOX publicity is in charge of the publicity that we get. I'm fine with it, it is really organized. ~ LaToya London,
359:On May 19, Representative Elias Boudinot of New Jersey, Hamilton’s old patron from Elizabethtown, proposed that Congress establish a department of finance. ~ Ron Chernow,
360:When I was 19 years old, I wrote my first book. I took a computer science class, and the book was garbage. I thought I could write a better one, so I did. ~ Jim McKelvey,
361:When we affirm that philosophy begins with wonder, we are affirming in effect that sentiment is prior to reason. ~ Richard Weaver, Ideas have Consequences (1948), p. 19.,
362:How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you. Psalm 31:19 ~ Anonymous,
363:When I think about 1999, I think about being a 19-year-old kid, and I think about my attitude and behavior just toward women with respect objectifying them. ~ Nate Parker,
364:A Best Yes is a wise yes. The Bible reminds us, “Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life” (Prov. 19:20 NLT). ~ Lysa TerKeurst,
365:Currently, Boston has only nine percent of the state's population - but we provide more than 16 percent of the jobs and 19 percent of the state's revenues. ~ Thomas Menino,
366:I had used eclectic therapy and behavior therapy on myself at the age of 19 to get over my fear of public speaking and of approaching young women in public. ~ Albert Ellis,
367:Job will declare outright that God has wronged him (19:6–7). At the same time, Job is certain that his “enemy” is actually his advocate and will vindicate him. ~ Anonymous,
368:Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Corinthians 6:19 ESV,
369:Always remember that we were innocent and could not wrong our conscience. -- Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, in their last letter to their sons, June 19, 1953. ~ Jillian Cantor,
370:Being a kid, by the time I was three years old, my mom was married, divorced and had three kids; she was 19 - so, my brother's just older than my mom. ~ Diamond Dallas Page,
371:The victory of the Prussians over the Austrians was a victory of the Prussian over the Austrian schoolmaster. ~ Privy Councillor Peschel, in Ausland, No. 19. July 17, 1866.,
372:19 It will be like a man who flees from a lion  only to have a bear confront him. He goes home and rests his hand against the wall only to have a snake bite him. ~ Anonymous,
373:happiness raises nearly every business and educational outcome: raising sales by 37 percent, productivity by 31 percent, and accuracy on tasks by 19 percent, ~ Steven Kotler,
374:In the early stages of development, growth is constrained by number of potential new ideas, but later on it is constrained only by the ability to process them.19 ~ Anonymous,
375:Metals of drossiest ore to perfect gold. ~ John Milton, Paradise Lost (1667; 1674), Book V, line 439, reported in Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922), p. 19,
376:If you make problem solving secondary to the goal of living close to Me, you can find Joy even in your most difficult days. HABAKKUK 3:17–19; 1 CHRONICLES 16:27 ~ Sarah Young,
377:19 de enero: hermosa carta a su maestro Simón Rodríguez: «Usted formó mi corazón para la libertad, para la justicia, para lo grande, para lo hermoso.» ~ Gabriel Garc a M rquez,
378:I have almost no capacity for worship. What I have is the knowledge that it is my duty to worship and worship only what I believe to be true.” May 19, 1962 ~ Flannery O Connor,
379:I went on to Cincinnati. I had got a taste of the big cities and them bright lights. I stayed there until I was about 18 or 19 and then I went on to Detroit. ~ John Lee Hooker,
380:I went to Goucher College in Maryland for the best possible reasons - to learn - but then I dropped out at 19 for the best possible reasons - to become a writer. ~ Anne Lamott,
381:Well, we certainly need to raise the retirement age. I've told my 19-year-old and my 22-year-old that they're not going to be getting retirement benefits at age 62. ~ Ken Buck,
382:Disce, puer, virtutem ex me, verumque laborem;  Fortunam ex aliis. - Learn, O youth, virtue from me and true labor; fortune from others. ~ Virgil, Æneid (29-19 BC), XII. 435.,
383:The 1993 National Household Survey10 on Drug Abuse found that 19 percent of drug dealers were African American, but they made up 64 percent of the arrests for it. ~ Johann Hari,
384:1 Corinthians 6:19
You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God. You are no longer your own ~ Anonymous,
385:[Chuck's wife] was standing behind me at the time and she said, 'Chuck hasn't fed himself in 19 years. So, you've got a choice: We keep the arm, or you keep Chuck.' ~ Dean Kamen,
386:He's 19 years of age, ... He's a fiery character and competitive. I think maybe when he sees things that are a bit of an injustice against him then he reacts like that. ~ Fergie,
387:I can do one of two things. I can be President of the United States or I can control Alice Roosevelt. (His 19-year-old daughter.) I cannot possibly do both. ~ Theodore Roosevelt,
388:I have so much empathy for these young actors that are 19 and all of a sudden they're beautiful and famous and rich. I'm like, 'Oh my God, I'd be dead.' ~ Philip Seymour Hoffman,
389:I've been around since I was 19, I won the Oscar when I was 21, I've had a couple of TV series. I've continued to work despite the predictions of some naysayers. ~ Marlee Matlin,
390:We will be confident when we stand before the Lord, even if our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. —1 JOHN 3:19-20 0 NLT ~ Anonymous,
391:If you had of told me age 10 that in 19 years time I would be on a stage in Salford performing with Les Dennis in a sitcom I had written, I would have believed you. ~ Pippa Evans,

Nel tuo modo di vivere non devi distinguerti troppo dagli altri, ma neppure devi rimanere nella completa oscurità. ~ Seneca,
393:My favourite definition of an intellectual: 'Someone who has been educated beyond his/her intelligence.

[Sources and Acknowledgements: Chapter 19] ~ Arthur C Clarke,
394:The human spirit body and its mind begins to dissolve when your soul enters the Seventh Sphere, and begins the New Birth Process into The Divine Soul.19 Love ~ Padma Aon Prakasha,
395:Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. James 1:19–20 ~ Anonymous,
396:You see people who are 19 or 20 years old and they don't even know who The Who is. It's like, where have you been? Justin Timberlake? C'mon. Where are the roots? ~ Dustin Diamond,
397:Every constitution..., and every law, naturally expires at the end of 19 years [a generation]. If it be enforced longer, it is anact of force, and not of right. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
398:I met my wife when we were both 19 or 20, at a music school where she was taking voice and piano lessons and I was doing classes in music theory and composition. ~ Rohinton Mistry,
399:no man is the slave either of another man or of sin”: Augustine, City of God 19.15, ed. and trans. R. W. Dyson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998), p. 943. ~ Andy Crouch,
400:When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul. (PSALM 94:18 – 19) ~ Lysa TerKeurst,
401:19 世纪下半叶俄罗斯文学的“黄金时代”好的作品从来都 是思想性高于艺术性,它们都体现着社会使命、哲学深度、历史 思考、人道主义关怀和道德觉醒的探索精神,作品的生动与否、 可读性的高低都退居次要的地位。所以在那个时候,文学家也就 是思想家、哲学家和“启蒙者”。在托尔斯泰之后,俄罗斯作家 对俄国历史命运思考的小说“历史化”也一发不可收拾 ~ Anonymous,
402:Leo Tolstoy wrote: “One can live magnificently in this world, if one knows how to work and how to love, to work for the person one loves and to love one’s work.”19 ~ Jonathan Haidt,
403:Proverbs 19:21 is a foundational Scripture in regard to understanding God’s purpose: “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. ~ Myles Munroe,
404:When I started writing at 18 or 19, I had a fear of anything autobiographical, but I've come to realise that my writing is very autobiographical at the emotional level. ~ Ben Marcus,
405:16 v Rejoice always, 17 w pray without ceasing, 18 x give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 19 y Do not quench the Spirit. ~ Anonymous,
406:I have almost no capacity for worship. What I have is the knowledge that it is my duty to worship and worship only what I believe to be true.”

May 19, 1962 ~ Flannery O Connor,
407:Proverbs 19:15-16 15 Lazy people sleep soundly,        but idleness leaves them hungry. 16 Keep the commandments and keep your life;        despising them leads to death. ~ Anonymous,
408:The first time I cut all my hair off was when I was 19. I just got fed up going to the salon every week. I'd had enough! On a whim, it was off. It's low-maintenance. ~ Lupita Nyong o,
409:At 19, I basically held the position that if you were intellectually honest and really wanted to get in touch with political reality then you had to smell tear-gas. ~ Thomas Metzinger,
410:Girls are complicated. The instruction manual that comes with girls is 800 pages, with chapters 14, 19, 26 and 32 missing, and it's badly translated, hard to figure out. ~ Hugh Laurie,
411:If some unemployed punk in New Jersey, can get a cassette to make love to Elle McPherson for $19.95, this virtual reality stuff is going to make crack look like Sanka. ~ Dennis Miller,
412:The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. Psalm 145:18-19 ~ Anonymous,
413:Whatever the law says it speaks to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be stopped, and the whole world may be held accountable to God” (Rom. 3:9–10, 19). ~ John Piper,
414:And therefore, Tranio, for the time I study 17 Virtue, and that part of philosophy 18 Will I apply that treats of happiness 19 By virtue specially to be achieved. ~ William Shakespeare,
415:How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you. Psalm 31:19

There ~ Anonymous,
416:I joined Genesis when I was 19. I've earned the right to actually do nothing. I don't want to be a shadow of what I was, so I've kind of just quite willingly stood back. ~ Phil Collins,
417:NOVEMBER 19 LEAVE OUTCOMES UP TO ME. Follow Me wherever I lead, without worrying about how it will all turn out. Think of your life as an adventure, with Me as your Guide ~ Sarah Young,
418:19†“And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth hwill be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. ~ Anonymous,
419:And he took BREAD, and when he had given thanks he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” Luke 22:19 ~ Amor Towles,
420:GOD’S CHARACTER IN JOSHUA God is holy —24:19 God is jealous —24:19 God is a promise keeper —22:4; 23:14 God is provident —7:14; 21:45 God is wrathful —10:25; 23:16 ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
421:NADÈGE | 19 | FRENCH
REBEL HEART ~ Moira Young,
422:Ninety-nine people out of a hundred, receiving a telegram reading /all is discovered: fly/, will snatch a toothbrush and make for the garage. (p. 227 of 300, chapter 19) ~ Josephine Tey,
423:I started working as an actor, semi-professionally, when I was 16, and got my first professional gig at 19. I guess I've kind of worked pretty consistently since then. ~ Chiwetel Ejiofor,
424:And he blessed him and said: “Blessed [favored with blessings, made blissful, joyful] be Abram of God Most High, Possessor [and Maker] of heaven and earth” (Genesis 14:19). ~ John Crowder,
425:From October 17 to 19, 2017, the U.S. Air Force ran an elaborate series of simulated air strikes in the Missouri Ozarks. The region has a similar topography to North Korea. ~ Bob Woodward,
426:Judgment begins with the people of God, not with the godless pagans (1 Peter 4:17-19), and it behooves believers and congregations today to walk in the fear of the Lord ~ Warren W Wiersbe,
427:When you're 19, getting a girl to say yes, or being a dog, or being a player, cheating. Consent is all about - for me, back then - if you can get a girl to say yes, you win. ~ Nate Parker,
428:18 Then I hated all my labor in which I had toiled under the sun, because I must leave it to the man who will come after me. 19 And who knows whether he will be wise or a fool? ~ Anonymous,
429:I pray that you … grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ … that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. (EPHESIANS 3:17 – 19) ~ Lysa TerKeurst,
430:I was very depressed after breaking off my engagement with Johnny ten years ago. I was embarrassingly dramatic at the time, but you have to remember I was only 19 years old. ~ Winona Ryder,
431:James 2:19- 'You believe there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that- and shudder.' God doesn't just want us to have good theology; He wants us to know and love Him. ~ Francis Chan,
432:When I was 19, I made my first good week's pay as a club musician. It was enough money for me to quit my job at the factory and still pay the rent and buy some food. I freaked. ~ Billy Joel,
433:I got sick when I was 19, and I'd been a really healthy 19-year-old, so I don't have a lot to compare it to. Does it feel like the pain after you give birth? I don't know ~ Laura Hillenbrand,
434:The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. PSALM 19 : 1 – 2 ~ Sarah Young,
435:19. May I be an isle for those who yearn for land, A lamp for those who long for light; For all who need a resting place, a bed; For those who need a servant, may I be their slave. ~ ntideva,
436:On August 19, 1418, a competition was announced in Florence, where the city's magnificent new cathedral, Santa Maria del Fiore, had been under construction for more than a century ~ Ross King,
437:If you don’t have strength, read Psalm 73:26. If you need help with forgiveness, try Acts 3:19. If you need to see a way out of no way, try First Corinthians 10:13. ~ ReShonda Tate Billingsley,
438:Jesus said, “For the one who is least among all of you, this is the one who is great” (Luke 9:48) and “But many who are first will be last; and the last, first” (Matthew 19:30). ~ John Herrick,
439:Ending a novel is almost like putting a child to sleep – it can't be done abruptly."

[Colm Tóibín, Novelist – Portrait of the Artist, The Guardian, 19 February 2013] ~ Colm T ib n,
440:If I ran into a 19-year-old version of myself, I'd just tell her to live, full out. I might also tell her to go ahead and have a few babies and not worry about the timing of it. ~ Queen Latifah,
441:I grabbed 19 rebounds in my first professional game, and somehow found a way to score 20 points. I felt real good about it. I felt that this was the beginning of something good. ~ Julius Erving,
442:No Christian ought to think of himself as his own master, but each should rather so think and act as though given by God to be slave to his like minded brethren (cf. I Cor. 9:19)? ~ Saint Basil,
443:At age 19, I read a book [The Intelligent Investor] and what I'm doing today, at age 76, is running things through the same thought process I learned from the book I read at 19. ~ Warren Buffett,
444:I was drafted into the Army when I was 19 and came out at age 22. Most people that I knew didn't think they'd come home alive. I didn't think I would either, so I was happy when I did. ~ Ed Koch,
445:Cupcakes (Cupcake And Frosting Recipes) (Winlet, Sara) - Your Highlight on Location 81-89 | Added on Friday, October 24, 2014 5:00:19 PM Chocolate Pumpkin Cupcakes Ingredients: 2 cups ~ Anonymous,
446:In the words of the English philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, “Civilization advances by extending the number of operations which we can perform without thinking about them.”19 ~ Gerd Gigerenzer,
447:I'm 19, and, being a public figure, I'm supposed to present myself in a certain way, but it's hard and you're never going to be able to tell people who you are through the media. ~ Kristen Stewart,
448:I started my ministry when I was 19, I was pastoring at 22 and I got married when I was 24, so I was building at such a young age and that fight, that dream and tenacity is still in me. ~ T D Jakes,
449:Man’s wisdom comes from reason, while God’s wisdom comes from revelation. Man’s worldly wisdom will come to nothing (1 Cor. 1:19), while God’s wisdom will endure forever. Because ~ Warren W Wiersbe,
451:Proverbs 19:20-21 20 Get all the advice and instruction you can,        so you will be wise the rest of your life. 21 You can make many plans,        but the LORD’s purpose will prevail. ~ Anonymous,
452:[Eph. 6:23, 24] Peace to the brothers and sisters,18 and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.19 ~ Anonymous,
453:The LORD knows the days of the blameless,         and their heritage will remain forever; 19    they are not put to shame in evil times;         in the days of famine they have abundance. ~ Anonymous,
454:And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you . . .” —Leviticus 19:33-34 ~ Michael Z Williamson,
455:I wanted to put jazz on the record, all the loves of music that I had on the record, so I could show people I was ahead of my 19 years. It may have been over the heads of some people. ~ Brian McKnight,
456:They cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses. He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. PSALM 107:19-20 ~ Stormie Omartian,
457:6and formed us into a kingdom [as His subjects], jpriests to His God and Father—to Him be the glory and the power and the majesty and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. [Ex 19:6; Is 61:6] ~ Anonymous,
458:Every culture is to be transformed and made subject to Christ through redeemed men, all for the glory of God. Matt. 28:18-20; 1 Cor. 9:19-23; 1 Cor. 10: 32-33; Rev. 21:24, 26; Ps. 72:10-11. ~ Anonymous,
459:Proverbs 12:19-20 19 Truthful words stand the test of time,        but lies are soon exposed. 20 Deceit fills hearts that are plotting evil;        joy fills hearts that are planning peace! ~ Anonymous,
460:Proverbs 19:8-9 8 To acquire wisdom is to love yourself;        people who cherish understanding will prosper. 9 A false witness will not go unpunished,        and a liar will be destroyed. ~ Anonymous,
461:When I was 19 I went to art school. I had six months of teaching myself to play baritone ukulele under my belt so I was sort of a novice folkie... I was singing folk songs at that time. ~ Joni Mitchell,
462:Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear him,         on those who hope in his steadfast love,     19 that he may deliver their soul from death         and keep them alive in famine. ~ Anonymous,
463:The National Socialist Movement will in the future ruthlessly prevent—if necessary by force—all meetings or lectures that are likely to distract the minds of our fellow countrymen.”19 ~ William L Shirer,
464:Well, I am not really a conventional mom at all. Like, I had my kids really young. I had Danny when I was 18 or 19 and then Liam when I was 23 and Molly, I had when I was a little older. ~ Monica Potter,
465:My mom cooked pot roast with noodles and frozen vegetables. Or she'd make spaghetti or hot dogs, or heat up TV dinners. Before I started modeling at age 19, I was 5'8" and weighed 165 pounds. ~ Carol Alt,
466:I mean I grew up in Ireland, so one would have to be consciously blinkered not to have reflected on the issue of political violence because that was the story since I was 19 years old or 20. ~ Neil Jordan,
467:Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel,         who alone does wondrous things.     19 Blessed be his glorious name forever;         may the whole earth be filled with his glory! Amen and Amen! ~ Anonymous,
468:8:20 no place to lay his head. The proper response to a leader’s warning about difficulty ahead (as in 2Sa 15:19–20) was to follow him anyway (2Sa 15:21–22). 8:21 bury my father. Many considered ~ Anonymous,
469:ACT19.19 Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. ~ Anonymous,
470:We will be producing supersonic planes which will go far, far faster than Concordes. New York to Tokyo could be less than an hour. You could be traveling at 19,000 miles an hour orbitally. ~ Richard Branson,
471:19 Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, 20 By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; ~ Anonymous,
472:I didn't have a cell phone because I never needed to play video games or surf the Net, or exchange nude photos with a congressman. - Odd Thomas - Odd Apocalypse by Dean Koontz pg 137 chapter 19 ~ Dean Koontz,
473:I joined the Army at 19 as a soldier and spent about four and a half years with them. Then I broke my back in a freefall parachuting accident and spent a year in rehabilitation back in the U.K. ~ Bear Grylls,
474:To waste one's time seeking the satisfaction of one's petty desires is sheer folly. True happiness is possible only when one has found the Divine. 19 February 1972 ~ The Mother, Some Answers From The Mother,
475:We may have more control, but my point is that, strictly speaking, Rosneft is not a state company. I think that this is an obvious fact, as a foreign investor has a 19.7 percent stake in it. ~ Vladimir Putin,
476:When I was about, I'd say, 18 or 19 years old, I wanted to be a part of the CIA just because they know those intimate secrets... So I was just always into knowing. I like to know things. ~ Michelle Rodriguez,
477:Since I was 19, I've had the most fun possible every single day, even when I had a rough life. It was the army which taught me about life, and the theater which taught me how good it could be. ~ Michael Caine,
478:18    The LORD is near to  q the brokenhearted         and saves  r the crushed in spirit.     19  s Many are the afflictions of the righteous,          t but the LORD delivers him out of them all. ~ Anonymous,
479:I don't want to give advice to a 19-year-old, because I want a 19-year-old to make mistakes and learn from them. Make mistakes, make mistakes, make mistakes. Just make sure they're your mistakes. ~ Fiona Apple,
480:I was the youngest kid. When I was five, my sisters were 17, 19, and 21, already becoming women. I would see how different they would be around one another and around men, even my father. ~ Christian Louboutin,
481:The First Day of Summer according to the Old Icelandic Calendar is observed on a Thursday from April 19-25 in any given year. The old calendar had only two seasons, winter and summer. The ~ Alda Sigmundsd ttir,
482:14:17–18 God often used what people had to perform wonders (Ex 4:1–3; 14:16; 2Ki 4:1–7). 14:19 The feeding miracle resembles those of Moses, Elijah, and in this case especially Elisha (2Ki 4:42–44). ~ Anonymous,
483:God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? ~ Balaam, son of Beor in Numbers 23:19,
484:If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, John 15:19,
485:Levántate, da voces en la noche, al comenzar las vigilias; derrama como agua tu corazón ante la presencia del Señor; alza tus manos a él implorando la vida de tus pequeñitos. Lamentaciones 2:19 ~ Stormie Omartian,
486:I don't want to give any advice to a 19-year-old, because I want a 19-year-old to make mistakes and learn from them. Make mistakes, make mistakes, make mistakes. Just make sure they're your mistakes. ~ Fiona Apple,
487:pit. For the prevalence of pits, see note on 12:11; for falling into a pit as a metaphor of judgment, see, e.g., Ps 7:15; Pr 26:27; Isa 24:18; Jer 48:43–44; Eze 19:4. 15:15 Disciples could ask teachers ~ Anonymous,
488:. . . so many physicians dismiss statements by hysterical patients as utter lies. Such persons certainly produce more untruths than most of us, but "lie" is scarcely the right word to use. P. 19 ~ Carl Gustav Jung,
489:Well, I was lucky enough to be involved in about 19 failures at an early age, so I'm realistic about the success I'm having and how quickly it can go away. What's important is to be smart about it. ~ Matthew Perry,
490:I started riding bikes when I was really young, but I stopped when I was 19 because my mother asked me too, so I stopped riding for 35 years and now I'm just addicted. It is my only addiction... ~ Mark Boone Junior,
491:Of course subjects are changing, and since I started so early in filmmaking, I did my first film at age 19, of course you grow up with your films and you are not trotting the same path all the time. ~ Werner Herzog,
492:When I was 19, I picked up an old, tiny, automatic Yashica camera and I just started shooting. We didn't have iPhones back then, we didn't even have cell phones. I loved having a camera in my hand. ~ Drew Barrymore,
493:Alpert (1, 39) applied a variation of Kohler's stick and box-building devices to children aged 19-49 months with confirmatory results, but added the important modification of partial and gradual insight. ~ Anonymous,
494:47The king answered Daniel and said, “Most certainly your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, since you have been able to reveal this mystery!” [Prov 3:32; Rev 19:16] ~ Anonymous,
495:We are shrinking the size of the federal government as a percent of our economy from over 21 percent of the economy to 19 percent of the economy. At the same time, we're growing the private economy. ~ Franklin Raines,
496:When I enrolled in college at age 19, I had a total of eight years of formal classroom education. As a result, I was not comfortable with formal lectures and receiving regular homework assignments. ~ Philip Emeagwali,
497:I believe that at birth everyone gets the capacity for a certain amount of drugs and alcohol, everyone the same, you can do it all between 15 and 19 like I did, or you can stretch it out over 70 years. ~ Fran Lebowitz,
498:There is a . . . position that considers the moral complications of pollution not in terms of doing harm, but in terms of trespassing ["Poisoning the Well," High Country News, January 19, 2015]. ~ Benjamin Hale,
499:We thus become temples of God whenever earthly cares cease to interrupt the continuity of our memory of Him. ~ Basil of Caesarea, Letter to Gregory, Saint Basil: The Letters, R. Deferrari, trans. (1926), vol. 1, p. 19,
500:1 故妄語學處 2 毀呰語學處 3 離間語學處 4 發舉學處 5 獨與女人說法過五六語學處 6 與未圓具人同句讀誦學處 7 向未圓具人說麤罪學處 8 實得上人法向未圓具人說學處 9 謗迴眾利物學處 10 輕呵戒學處 11 壞生種學處 12 嫌毀輕賤學處 13 違惱言教學處 14 在露地安僧敷具學處 15 不舉草敷具學處 16 強牽苾芻出僧房學處 17 強惱觸他學處 18 故放身坐臥脫腳床學處 19 用蟲水學處 ~ Anonymous,
501:El domingo 24 de mayo de 1863, mi tío, el profesor Lidenbrock, regresó precipitadamente a su casa, situada en el número 19 de la König-strasse, una de las calles más antiguas del barrio viejo de Hamburgo. ~ Jules Verne,
502:I never boxed until 17 and a half, I was in the Olympics at 19, and I was world champion when I was 20. I never watched a boxing match life in my life. The only boxer I had ever heard of was Muhammad Ali. ~ Jeff Fenech,
503:More recently, the intellectual historian Gertrude Himmelfarb has maintained that justice, reason, and the love of humanity “are, in fact, predominantly, perhaps even uniquely, Western values.”19 ~ Kwame Anthony Appiah,
504:the Son of God told his disciples to baptize “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). “Name,” note, not “names”: the three persons together constitute the one God. ~ J I Packer,
505:Go to Part IV of Schedule I to figure line 52 if the estate or trust has qualified dividends or has a gain on lines 18a and 19 of column (2) of Schedule D (Form 1041) (as refigured for the AMT, if necessary). ~ T R Reid,
506:Herodotus, the ‘Father of History’, records the moment – and you can hear the emotion in his voice as he does so, a mixture of horror and awe: Then Kleisthenes took into his faction the common people.19 ~ Bettany Hughes,
507:19 And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the place of God? 20 But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. ~ Anonymous,
508:By the end of 2012, the price of gold reached $1,675 per ounce, and $1 of gold bullion purchased in 1802 was worth $86.40 at the end of 2012, while the price level itself increased by a factor of 19.12. ~ Jeremy J Siegel,
509:Do not rescue an angry man, lest you have to do it again tomorrow” (Proverbs 19:19, my paraphrase). In other words, if you give in once to someone’s anger, get ready to do it again the next time you say no. ~ Henry Cloud,
510:My dad? He died when I was 19, which is a bad time for your dad to die, because there's an awful lot of things you have to resolve with your parents past your teens if you've been a difficult teenager. ~ Robbie Coltraine,
511:Pollution, by its nature, engenders a kind of trespass: It violates the moral space of people without their authorization or good reason ["Poisoning the Well," High Country News, January 19, 2015]. ~ Benjamin Hale,
512:Bertie Wooster was rather less keen on tying the knot. Despite 19 engagements and many near misses Wodehouse's most eligible bachelor never married, thanks mainly to the genius of his redoubtable valet Jeeves. ~ Anonymous,
513:Er lächelte wie ein vielbeschäftigter Mann, der am Ende eines arbeitsreichen Tages folgenden Eintrag in seinem Terminkalender findet: 19.00 Uhr bis 19.05 Uhr: fröhlich, entspannt und allgemein nett sein. ~ Terry Pratchett,
514:For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God. Ephesians 2:18,19 ~ Charles Capps,
515:Read I Corinthians 6: 13 and II Timothy 1: 9, 10. Also I Peter 1: 2, 19, 20 and Romans 11: 7. There you have it. It was good for Paul and Silas and it is good enough for me. It is good enough for you too. ~ Charles Portis,
516:We can no longer waste time and money. Every day, more than 2,000 girls in America, age 15-19, give birth - in the wealthiest, most educated nation in the world! Neither you nor I should accept this statistic. ~ Jane Fonda,
517:Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. —ISAIAH 43:18–19 NIV ~ Lara Casey,
518:I was in Washington, D.C., on the morning show, by the time I was 18, programming a station by 19, No. 1 in the mornings. I think I was making, I don't know, a quarter of a million dollars by the time I was 25. ~ Glenn Beck,
519:By keeping the Commandments the soul is purified and the mind too is enlightened, and starts to function as nature intended it to. 'The command of the Lord gives light and enlightens the eyes' (Ps. 19:8). ~ Dorotheus of Gaza,
520:El to lapidari, definitiu, d'aquesta fórmula m'encisà. Per a mi, hi ha certes frases que traspuen un clima intel•lectual, subtil, que em subjuga, tot i que a vegades no acabo de penetrar-les del tot. (p.19) ~ Fran oise Sagan,
521:It never occurred to me that I was a leading man until I was 19 years old. I had been acting since I was 10, so that's nine years and 30 or 40 plays, in school and summer stock, professional theater, too. ~ Christopher Reeve,
522:I wouldn't have been able to go to drama school when I was 19. I don't think I was even conscious of life... I was like a zombie. But when I finished uni' I just realized... just go and do it, stop being a knob. ~ Claire Foy,
523:Philip’s local squabble with Plymouth Colony had mutated into a regionwide war that, on a percentage basis, had done nearly as much as the plagues of 1616–19 to decimate New England’s Native population. ~ Nathaniel Philbrick,
524:The Bible says there is a time for peace and a time for war. Now is the time for war. I cannot wait to say it is now a time for peace." — MAJ James Brisson, Chaplain, 1-160th SOAR, 19 October 2001, Afghanistan ~ Oliver North,
525:What is the kingdom of God like? . . . It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air perched in its branches.” LUKE 13:18–19 ~ Norman Vincent Peale,
526:stumble. The law forbade placing stumbling blocks in front of those who might be hurt by them (Lev 19:14); by Jesus’ day, many used the expression figuratively for what would cause someone to sin or turn from God. ~ Anonymous,
527:I did a lot of acting, funnily enough, unprofessionally, as a kid. From when I was 10 years old until I was about 19, I was always doing little sketches with my friends, and doing different accents and voices. ~ Sharlto Copley,
528:With our job, you often meet people through work. I've had two long-term relationships, from 14 to 18 and 19 to 21. One I met at school and the other I met on a job so who knows where I'll meet the next person. ~ Douglas Booth,
529:13 過分數作敷具學處 14 作減六年敷具學處 15 作新敷具不為壞色學處 16 自擔負羊毛學處 17 使非親尼治羊毛學處 18 捉金銀等學處 19 出納求利學處 20 販賣學處 21 得長缽過十日不分別學處 22 乞缽學處 23 自乞縷使非親族織師織作衣學處 24 勸織師學處 25 奪衣學處 26 急難施衣學處 27 阿蘭若六夜學處 28 預前求過後用雨浴衣學處 29 迴眾物入己學處 30 服過七日藥學處 5 九十波逸底迦法 ~ Anonymous,
530:* Gen. 19:1–11; Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Rom. 1:26–28; 1 Cor. 6:9–10; 1 Tim. 1:9–10 are known as the “clobber verses” of Scripture, used by nonaffirming Christians to justify prohibitions against the LGBTQ community. ~ John Pavlovitz,
531:I live in L.A. and I do have wonderful friends; I moved there when I was 19 so I developed a close knit group of friends, none of whom are actors, none of which are Australian, but I couldn't do it long term. ~ Adelaide Clemens,
532:Innovation doesn't come from the big company. It never has and never will. Innovation is something new that looks crazy at first glance. It comes from the 19-year-olds and the start-ups that no one's heard of. ~ Marc Andreessen,
533:On 19 November, the Maharaja and his army entered Peshawar. The next day he rode on an elephant through its bazaars—‘the first time in 700 years that the city saw an Indian conqueror ride through its streets’. ~ Rajmohan Gandhi,
534:I don’t care whether there seems to be a way or not. Jesus is the Way; His Spirit lives in me; and I will find a way!” God promised He would make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert (see Isaiah 43:19). ~ Joyce Meyer,
535:I don't think that we have to look like the models in the magazines because they are 19 year olds and they have been photo shopped extensively, not but given what I, we have as the raw material, take care of it. ~ Isabel Allende,
536:Micah 7:19 ... "You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea." The picture is of God vigorously disposing of our sins by hurling them overboard. He doesn't just drop them over the side; He hurls them ... ~ Jerry Bridges,
537:So we can go deeper than Mather’s point. Behind God’s commitment to reign as king is the deeper foundational commitment that his glory will one day fill the earth (Num. 14:21; Ps. 57:5; 72:19; Isa. 11:9; Hab. 2:14). ~ John Piper,
538:He stopped, finally, and smiled. “Honestly? With this thing I think I could get my jerk-off muscles so well-developed that I could rub out a spooge with one pump! If that’s not worth $19.95, I don’t know what is. ~ Debra Anastasia,
539:My friends have forgotten me, My dependents and maidservants respond to me as a stranger. Summon my servant but he does not respond … My odor is repulsive to my wife, I am loathsome to my children. (19:15–17) He ~ Harold S Kushner,
540:O conhecimento bíblico é necessário para que os cristãos compreendam sua identidade em Cristo (i.e., o que significa ser santo) e para que sejam melhores cidadãos do céu aqui na Terra (Ef 2.19; Fp 3.20). p. 152 ~ Kevin J Vanhoozer,
541:I'm sure if you see things you wrote when you were 19, you cringe. I saw stuff like angry poetry that I wrote when I was mad at my father, or photos I took where I smeared period blood on myself. It's embarrassing. ~ Kathleen Hanna,
542:One of the joys of being an actor is that you're always learning new things. And I've been doing this since I was 19, so there's been a lot of new things I have learned for each part. I always assume that I can do it. ~ Richard Gere,
543:Give a Little Bit has a wonderful message and makes people light up and I get them to sing with me. It really has a message that is very eternal and is needed even more today than it was when I wrote it when I was 19. ~ Roger Hodgson,
544:Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. 19. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. ~ Anonymous,
545:Wayne Grudem, my friend and seminary professor, put it well: “God does not have size or spatial dimensions and is present at every point of space with His whole being, yet God acts differently in different places.”19 ~ James MacDonald,
546:Osama bin laden organized an attack that was carried out against the United States, New York, Pentagon, and the other aircraft, with 19 attackers, 19 guys with box cutters. An attack that's probably cost almost nothing. ~ Richard Engel,
547:When you're filming, you work 19-hour days and you know more about what's going on with your crew and co-workers than you do with your husband. You're away, you miss things. It's taxing. Relationships fail because of it. ~ Kim Cattrall,
548:Elantris (Sanderson, Brandon) - Your Highlight on page 74 | Location 1453-1453 | Added on Thursday, March 20, 2014 1:19:01 AM You will find that hate can unify people more quickly and more fervently than devotion ever could. ~ Anonymous,
549:he would have repeatedly encountered irresistible words such as “freedom,” “liberty,” “tyranny,” and the “rights of man.” 19 Well before he read any serious history, he garnered and cherished a vocabulary of liberation. ~ David W Blight,
550:The years 19 and 20 are a crucial stage in the maturation of character, and if you allow yourself to become warped when you’re that age, it will cause you pain when you’re older. It’s true. So think about it carefully. ~ Haruki Murakami,
551:April 19, 1943, issue of Life magazine. “. . . In dry states and in states where there is local option, the military faces the problem of bootleg liquor. Bootleggers cannot be regulated; legal dispenses can be regulated. ~ Denise Kiernan,
552:Table of Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 ~ Michael G Manning,
553:Owe zapiski zaczął prowadzić 19 marca 1879, w wieku szesnastu lat, a ostatni fragment zaledwie o dwa dni poprzedza jego śmierć. Całość liczy sobie prawie osiem tysięcy stron, nie jest to więc lektura na nasze rozpędzone czasy. ~ Anonymous,
554:A Sepal, Petal, And A Thorn
A sepal, petal, and a thorn
Upon a common summer's morn—
A flask of Dew—A Bee or two—
A Breeze—a caper in the trees—
And I'm a Rose!
~ Emily Dickinson,
555:In 1969, at the age of 19, I was lucky enough to work with George C. Scott in the definitive portrayal of his career over a period of many months and several countries on the definitive film version of Patton's WWII career. ~ Edward Albert,
556:Pain is inevitable; lives come with pain. Suffering is not inevitable. If suffering is what happens when we struggle with our experience because of our inability to accept it, then suffering is an optional extra [p. 19]. ~ Sylvia Boorstein,
557:God’s true people will become a multinational community of worship and peace forever (2:2–4; 19:19–25; 25:6–9; 56:3–8; 66:18–23), and the predominant culture of a new world (14:1–2; 41:8–16; 43:3–7; 45:14–17; 49:19–26; 60:1–22). ~ Anonymous,
558:I understand the rock star deal having been one and still going out strapping my guitar on and performing. Now, I probably do 30 or 40 dates a year and I get to relive how I felt at 19 when I played in some really bad bands. ~ David Cassidy,
559:When God desires to do “a new thing” (Isa. 43:19), He purposely seeks out a few righteous renegades who don't have a problem breaking the mold! Mold-breakers are usually people who don't care much about popularity or tradition. ~ Beth Moore,
560:I don't speak anything fluently, but I love picking up languages and I do this Duolingo app. I started when I moved to Sweden, when I was about 19, 20. I really loved the language; it was super melodic and really sexy. ~ Eliot Paulina Sumner,
561:18»No dejes con vida a ninguna hechicera. 19»Todo el que tenga relaciones sexuales con un animal será condenado a muerte. 20»Todo el que ofrezca sacrificios a otros dioses, en vez de ofrecérselos al SEÑOR, será condenado a muerte. ~ Anonymous,
562:18    They  j tested God in their heart         by demanding the food they craved. 19    They spoke against God, saying,          k “Can God  l spread a table in the wilderness? 20     m He struck the rock so that water gushed out ~ Anonymous,
563:El toque más erótico que un hombre pueda experimentar es el de una mujer clavándole
las uñas en el cuero cabelludo y dar un pequeño tirón. —Gabe H, Wes M, y todos los
hombres… de cualquier lugar.

•capítulo 19 ~ Rachel Van Dyken,
564:In ten years I’d never had an interesting teacher. I was beginning to think they were myths, like unicorns and comfortable high heels.

Eve, Jaymin (2014-01-15). First World (A Walker Saga Book 1) (p. 19). . Kindle Edition. ~ Jaymin Eve,
565:19 Also thou shalt lie down, and none shall make thee afraid; Yea, many shall make suit unto thee. 11:20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, And they shall have no way to flee; And their hope shall be the giving up of the ghost. ~ Anonymous,
566:I hope you guys are up for a fight. I hope you guys are game because I haven't been putting up with 19 months of airplanes and hotel food and missing my babies and my wife - I didn't put up for that stuff just to come in second. ~ Barack Obama,
567:I think there is having a behavior that is disrespectful to women that goes unchecked, where your manhood is defined by sexual conquests, where you trade stories with your friends and no one checks anyone. At 19, that was normal. ~ Nate Parker,
568:Q: What's the biggest myth about writing?
A: That there's any wildness attached to it. Writing tends to be very deliberate."

[Colm Tóibín, novelist – portrait of the artist (The Guardian, 19 February 2013) ~ Colm T ib n,
569:Si genus humanum et mortalia temnitis arma,  At sperate deos memores fandi atque nefandi. ~ If ye despise the human race, and mortal arms, yet remember that there is a God who is mindful of right and wrong. ~ Virgil, Æneid (29-19 BC), I. 542,
570:La mejor venganza (Joe Abercrombie) - Tu subrayado en la página 351 | posición 5370-5371 | Añadido el jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015 1:08:13 Me gusta ser buena persona, es cierto. Pero ahora sé que no se debe renegar de lo contrario. ~ Anonymous,
571:1 Corinthians 3:18-19

Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become 'fools' so that you may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight. ~ Anonymous,
572:EXO15.19 For the horse of Pharaoh went in with his chariots and with his horsemen into the sea, and the LORD brought again the waters of the sea upon them; but the children of Israel went on dry land in the midst of the sea. EXO15.20 ~ Anonymous,
573:I conducted a bunch of interviews for Interview magazine. They actually paid me. I think I was probably 18 or 19. I was in college and I remember feeling, like, "Wow." I had a real job, and they paid me money, and it was exciting. ~ Jodie Foster,
574:If I had not confessed the sin in my heart,        the Lord would not have listened. 19 But God did listen!        He paid attention to my prayer. 20 Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer        or withdraw his unfailing love from ~ Anonymous,
575:In terms of writing about horses, I fell backwards into that. I was intent on getting a Ph.D., becoming a professor, and writing on history but I got sick 14 years ago when I was 19. Getting sick derailed that plan completely ~ Laura Hillenbrand,
576:Special revelation: The things that God makes known about Himself apart from nature and conscience (general revelation; cf. Rom. 1:19–21). These things, having to do with Christ and the plan of salvation, are found only in the Bible. ~ Anonymous,
577:When I hit my 20s, I struggled to make it. I got married at 19, and my daughter, Je'Niece, was born a year later. I worked blue collar jobs during the day and comedy clubs at night, and I was earning about $25 a year doing stand-up. ~ Bernie Mac,
578:Have we forgotten our calling? (2 Cor. 5:19-20) Remember that your first and foremost calling is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, and that gospel is a twofold message: His death for our sins and His resurrection for our lives. ~ Kay Arthur,
579:[People] want to see great trade deals, they want to see a strong military. They want to see reduced debt, because we are at a point where we are going to be soon at $19 trillion and they just, you know, they can't stand seeing it. ~ Donald Trump,
580:There was something strange about her becoming 20. I felt as if the only thing that made sense, whether for Naoko or for me, was to keep going back and forth between 18 and 19. After 18 would come 19, and after 19, 18, of course. ~ Haruki Murakami,
581:ISA43.18 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. ISA43.19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. ~ Anonymous,
582:The innocent brightness of a new-born day Is lovely yet: The clouds that gather round the setting sun 19 Do take a sober coloring from an eye That hath kept watch o'er man's mortality; Another race hath been, and other palms are won. ~ James Baldwin,
583:When predicting homosexual prejudice from fundamentalism and the full RWA scale, both predictors have positive beta weights (each is associated with increasing homosexual prejudice), but fundamentalism is the weaker predictor (.19 vs. 43 ~ Anonymous,
584:Divine power does not travel in words but in a personal relationship (John 5:19; 15:5). We cannot simply go around saying the right words and shouting the right commands and expect results. Jesus had to be led by his Father, and so do we. ~ Anonymous,
585:Dune was really my first Hollywood job. It was such a small part, but I opened the movie. I was about 19 years old and I had to make this speech, and I didn't understand most of the words because they were, you know, words from Dune. ~ Virginia Madsen,
586:I was 19 when I first auditioned for 'American Idol.' I'd never been on an airplane; I'd never been outside of my hometown, except to go to Myrtle Beach. I'm 22 now. I'm learning a lot about life, and it's all in front of the cameras. ~ Kellie Pickler,
587:Mortification of any sin must be by a supply of grace. Of ourselves we cannot do it. Now, "it hath pleased the Father that in Christ should all fullness dwell," Col. 1:19; that "of his fullness we might receive grace for grace," John 1:16. ~ John Owen,
588:My brethren, if any one among you wanders from the truth and some one brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins. JAMES 5:19–20 ~ Anonymous,
589:si conocen a Dios no lo glorifican como a Dios ni le dan gracias, sino que se desvanecen en sus propios pensamientos y se les oscurece el corazón; mientras dicen ser sabios, se convierten en necios (Mt 11, 19 y Rm 1, 21-22). ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
590:the best imagery used to depict the theological enterprise is that of pilgrimage. Biblically we read of Christians described as those who belong to “the Way” (e.g., Acts 9:2; 19:19, 23; 24:14, 22), for they are “sojourners” (1 Pet 2:11) ~ Kelly M Kapic,
591:When I was in high school, I was the guy directing plays after class. I started my first theater company at 19, and my second theater company at 21. I've always been a guy who doesn't do well with the passive nature of being an actor. ~ Matthew Lillard,
592:18    Let your  o fountain be blessed,         and  s rejoice in  t the wife of your youth, 19        a lovely  u deer, a graceful doe.     Let her breasts  v fill you at all times with delight;         be intoxicated [4] always in her love. ~ Anonymous,
593:After my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God. I myself will see him with my own eyes...[on] a white horse whose rider is called Faithful and True….How my heart yearns within me!” JOB 19:26-27; REVELATION 19:11; JOB 19:27 ~ Beth Moore,
594:Hope is not a sedative; it is a shot of adrenaline, a blood transfusion. Like an anchor, our hope in Christ stabilizes us in the storms of life (Heb. 6:18–19), but unlike an anchor, our hope moves us forward, it does not hold us back. ~ Warren W Wiersbe,
595:I started doing martial arts when I was about 7, and I got my second degree black belt when I was 19. So I have my second degree black belt, but I've never used it and I had to stop when I got "Instant Star" because I couldn't train. ~ Laura Vandervoort,
596:Apart from the light brought by the Messiah, the incarnate Word, people love darkness because their deeds are evil (3:19), and when the light does put in an appearance, they hate it, because they do not want their deeds to be exposed (3:20). ~ D A Carson,
597:Can a free government possibly exist with the Roman Catholic religion?

{Letter to Thomas Jefferson, May 19, 1821} ~ John Adams,
598:In Britain, what we've done is say to 485 million people, 'You can all come, every one of you. You're unemployed? You've got a criminal record? Please come. You've got 19 children? Please come.' We've lost any sense of perspective on this. ~ Nigel Farage,
599:México compra pescados y mariscos, pero sólo tres concentran 87 por ciento de las importaciones: China encabeza la lista con 37 por ciento del total, Vietnam tiene 31 por ciento y Estados Unidos 19 por ciento” ( La Jornada , Susana González). ~ Anonymous,
600:The LORD says, “Forget what happened before, and do not think about the past. Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don’t you see it? I will make a road in the desert and rivers in the dry land.” ISAIAH 43:18–19 NCV ~ Anonymous,
601:26.2              Chicken (light meat, roasted, 3 oz.) 21.6              Salmon (Atlantic, wild, broiled, 3 oz.) 19.8           Beef short loin (Porterhouse, ⅛-in. fat, broiled, 3 oz.) 12.6           Eggs (2)  8.2           Milk, 1% (1 cup) ~ Joel Fuhrman,
602:. . . that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
- President Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg address, November 19, 1863 ~ Abraham Lincoln,
603:I first went into samadhi when I was 19. I was meditating in the mountains and had been meditating on a daily basis for several years. Suddenly there was no time or space or life or death or myself or the Universe. I was absorbed in light. ~ Frederick Lenz,
604:One who understands the limits of the good life knows that what eliminates the pains brought on by need and what makes the whole of life perfect is easily obtained, so that there is no need for enterprises that entail the struggle for success.19 ~ Epicurus,
605:total spent on Defense-related activities is close to $1 trillion a year.19 Even in this era of fiscal austerity, proposing significant cuts to military compensation and benefits is still considered political suicide for national politicians. ~ Rosa Brooks,
606:We Have Always Lived in the Castle (Shirley Jackson) - Your Highlight on page 19 | Location 284-284 | Added on Saturday, January 24, 2015 3:56:38 AM I hated them anyway, and wondered why it had been worth while creating them in the first place. ~ Anonymous,
607:19:9 commits adultery. Viewing remarriage as adultery treats a first marriage as indissoluble in God’s sight. This was shocking hyperbole, however, since Jesus’ point is that marriage should not be broken, not that it never is broken (see v. 6). ~ Anonymous,
608:5:19 quench. The fire of God’s Spirit is not to be doused with sin. Believers are also instructed to not grieve the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:30) but to be controlled by the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:18) and to walk by the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:16). ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
609:I got very lucky to work with Wes Craven, very early on in my career, and continued to work with Wes for almost 19 years. I learned so much from him, and about his sense of story and his sense of horror, and that was great to be a part of. ~ Patrick Lussier,
610:Do Over The LORD says, “Forget what happened before, and do not think about the past. Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don’t you see it? I will make a road in the desert and rivers in the dry land.” ISAIAH 43:18–19 ~ Anonymous,
611:He didn’t turn to look at his home or family behind him (Escape; for thy soul, do not look behind thee, neither stop thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. – Gen. 19:17b), but fled towards the middle of the plain. ~ John Bunyan,
612:If you were a young kid, 19, 20 years old who has two children and a third one on the way and refuses to leave them. A kid who was on welfare, because he refused to steal anybody's property or take anybody's money. You found life a lot tougher. ~ Barry White,
613:One of the remarkable things about being 19 is that you can break open a case of warm beer at midnight and still be wide-eyed and alert for your eight-a.m. class. And that gave me the false impression that my life would always be like that. ~ David Letterman,
614:The person who knew you best when you were seventeen will always have a claim on you, no matter how much you change. There's something seductive and magnetic about it, the feeling of being understood like that. I suppose it goes both ways." (19) ~ Lauren Fox,
615:2:19 Destroy this temple. Already in Jesus’ day some Jews expected God to replace the current temple with a purer one. By the time John wrote this gospel, after the temple was destroyed in AD 70, Jewish people prayed regularly for its restoration. ~ Anonymous,
616:I love playing music as much as if not more so than I did when I was 19; that compared to most of my peers is pretty surprising. I wake up every day and get really excited about doing stuff that I have been doing for the last 30 years. I just love it. ~ Slash,
617:In 2004 there were only 5,116.19 Why? Because they have been replaced by Latin Americans! In many Latin American nations today, native-born evangelical Protestant clergy far outnumber both foreign missionaries as well as local Catholic priests. ~ Rodney Stark,
618:Proposition 19 already is a winner no matter what happens on election day. The mere fact of its being on the ballot has elevated and legitimized public discourse about marijuana and marijuana policy in ways I could not have imagined a year ago. ~ George Soros,
619:For three years between 16 and 19 I was the opening-act-for-the-opening-act-for-the-opening-act, you know? And then I was on tour with Ice-T, Stetsasonic, EPMD, Sir Mix-a-Lot--legends--and went on to sell 160 million records. It still baffles me. ~ Vanilla Ice,
620:If Lisp is a 'programmable programming language,' then Scheme is an assemble-it-at-home kit for making yourself a programmable programming language. JavaScript does not have this quality AT ALL.
   ~ ?,,
621:Proverbs 19:1-3 1 Better to be poor and honest        than to be dishonest and a fool. 2 Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good;        haste makes mistakes. 3 People ruin their lives by their own foolishness        and then are angry at the LORD. ~ Anonymous,
622:When I left my parents' home when I was 19, I went to the University of Florida, and within 24 hours was in the mental health department. And within 20 minutes, I was being told by the director there that they didn't have what I needed there. ~ Darrell Hammond,
623:When you are 18, 19, 20, you're used to being photographed all the time, in a certain way. So, the narcissism becomes almost out of control. And the way that young women are photographed, they become addicted to this feedback of the image. ~ Marianne Faithfull,
624:Adele Adkins' retro-soul debut, '19', was striking less for her songs than for that voice: a voluptuous, slightly parched alto that swooped and fluttered like a Dusty Springfield student trying to upstage her teacher, or at least update the rules. ~ Will Hermes,
625:…/BECKETT’le gezmek/yalnız kendime saklamak değil onu/hayır/başkalarıyla da paylaşmak isterim/Beckett’le sinemaya gitmek/O’nu sinema kalabalığının arasında görmek isterim/başka erkeklerin başka kadınların arasında görmek isterim/…”

sayfa 19 ~ Sevim Burak,
626:The Tokyo Dome Big Air contest (in 2003) was my first trip to Japan. I think I won it with a double back or something. Those events were fun. I was underaged, like 19 or 20, and going over to Japan in the very beginning was insane. It was amazing. ~ Travis Rice,
627:Do Over The LORD says, “Forget what happened before, and do not think about the past. Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don’t you see it? I will make a road in the desert and rivers in the dry land.” ISAIAH 43:18–19 NCV ~ Anonymous,
628:Q: The Mother can know our thoughts, but can she know also the exact words in the thoughts?A: If the mind of the person is very clear, yes; otherwise it may be only the substance that comes or a part of the thought or some general idea. ~ Sri Aurobindo, 19-5-1933,
629:Ask of the Learn'd the way? The Learn'd are blind;  This bids to serve, and that to shun mankind;  Some place the bliss in action, some in ease,  Those call it Pleasure, and Contentment these. ~ Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man (1733-34), Epistle IV, line 19.,
630:he was the most gifted English scientist of his age, but also the strangest. He suffered, in the words of one of his few biographers, from shyness to a ‘degree bordering on disease’19. Any human contact was for him a source of the deepest discomfort. ~ Bill Bryson,
631:I will do nothing to superinduce sleep by putting myself at ease, or making myself more comfortable; if, however, in spite of my resistance I yield to my infirmity, then I deserve to be laughed at, and accept as punishment the mortification I feel.”19 ~ S C Gwynne,
632:Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. (Genesis 2:19 NIV) ~ Henry Cloud,
633:For the art-historically informed, no art has truly shocked since November 19, 1971, when Chris Burden had himself shot in the arm by a friend, at F-Space in Santa Ana, California. Sliced cows and surgically altering one's own face is aftershock art. ~ Mark Kostabi,
634:The spiritual blessings that we need are not abstractions that elude our grasp; they are all in a person, Jesus Christ. He is our wisdom (Col. 2:3), our righteousness (2 Cor. 5:21), our sanctification (John 17:19), and our redemption (Rom. 3:24). ~ Warren W Wiersbe,
635:White camels, though highly prized in some areas, remain rare.18 One discovered in Rajasthan, India, was the first in living memory for that area. On the Arabian Peninsula, where white camels are actively bred for, they are more common but still rare.19 ~ Anonymous,
636:He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He also will hear their cry and save them. PSALM 145:19 Where there is no vision, the people perish. PROVERBS 29:18 KJV You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. PSALM 145:16 ~ Stormie Omartian,
637:I was scouted when I was like sixteen and I hated it. I wasn’t ready to work. When I turned 19, I decided to move to Paris to pursue modeling for myself there. It was kind of a way to get out of the house and discover something for myself, in a way. ~ Dree Hemingway,
638:Peter (Parker) is not that evolved. Peter wants to tell the world he's a good guy: ' Like me, I'm nice.' He's a 19 year-old kid. He's a kid struggling with being misunderstood. We've all been misunderstood. That's universal too. I like being Peter. ~ Andrew Garfield,
639:After 19 years of experimenting, a thousand mistakes, over 400 books, at least 200 bad diets... and a partridge in a pear tree, I have found what I believe are the best answers this planet has to offer about living a healthy, happy, and balanced life. ~ Marilu Henner,
640:Arf, arf, arf.” I yipped back at it. “Princess,” Victor grumbled behind me. “Please stop barking at the neighbors.”

Stone, C. L. (2014-01-19). Drop of Doubt: The Ghost Bird Series: #5 (Kindle Locations 1721-1722). Arcato Publishing. Kindle Edition. ~ C L Stone,
641:I'm a girl from Sweden. I took a lot of risks and went to New York by myself when I was 19 just because I read about it in a few books. I came here knowing nobody, having no money, and now I'm doing all these things like making records and videos every day. ~ Lykke Li,
642:I've done a fair amount of that stuff... when we did 'Lord of the Rings' the transformation sequence from Smeagol to Gollum was a 19-hour make-up job. You have to have a kind of zen button that you press and allow the mind to be focused in a certain way. ~ Andy Serkis,
643:I worked for Jeff Kelin. He was a marketing genius before his time. Coupons, car rebates and the value meal (as we know it today) all came from his marketing genius. At 19 years old, I had two jobs, one with Andy Warhol, and the second with Jeff Kelin. ~ Steve Kaufman,
644:Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Cor. 6:19-20). ~ Beni Johnson,
645:to all who call on him,         to all who call on him  i in truth.     19 He  j fulfills the desire of those who fear him;         he also  k hears their cry and saves them.     20 The LORD  l preserves all who love him,         but all the wicked he will ~ Anonymous,
646:Diego, estoy sola.
- Frida Kahlo en su diario, 1955.
Diego, ya no estoy sola.
- Frida Kahlo, 3 días después.

Mundo, estoy solo.
- México, 19 de septiembre de 1985.
Mundo, ya no estoy solo.
- México, 21 de septiembre de 1985. ~ Elena Poniatowska,
647:When you think about it finding the perfect partner is a bit like a game of pontoon. I mean, you get your cards and you make your decision, do you stick or twist? do you play safe and settle for 19 or do you go all out for 21 even if you might end up bust? ~ Mike Gayle,
648:I've been doing stand-up for so long, I think 19 years, that I love topics I can also expand on. Once I identify a topic like, say, seafood, which is a big one right now, it's like there are different kinds of tangents I can go on to build a larger chunk. ~ Jim Gaffigan,
649:Those who are unconcerned in the affairs of their brethren, and take no care, when they have opportunity, to prevent their hurt in their bodies, goods, or good name, especially in their souls, do, in effect, speak Cain's language. See Lev 19:17; Phi 2:4. ~ Matthew Henry,
650:At 19, your brain hasn't finished wiring itself. So the first time you have a good friend die, most people don't go through that at 19. Soldiers do. They're facing life in this accelerated, compressed form, and a lot of times, they're not ready for it. ~ Sebastian Junger,
651:Francis Huntrodds and his wife Mary died within five hours of one another on their 80th birthday – their joint 80th birthday. They were both born on 19 September 1600, and both died on 19 September 1680. For completeness, they got married on 19 September too. ~ Anonymous,
652:I just thought everybody lived around abandoned buildings and crack-heads, ... I lived in the ghetto until I was like 19. I came to Los Angeles, stayed at hotels and stuff. When I got back and I saw what my neighborhood looked like, I started getting scared. ~ Chris Rock,
653:I have a membership to Planet Fitness, though I have never visited the local facility. Basically, I donate $19.99 a month to their corporate existence and the idea that I can walk into a Planet Fitness, anywhere in the country, should I feel like working out. ~ Roxane Gay,
654:Ive been a radio and television news person since I was 19 years old. Im 57 years old now. But the advantage is that I have studied, investigated, and reported over those years on nearly every major story from wars and recessions to grass roots local issues. ~ George Noory,
655:We have parties at my house. My girlfriends and I play our iPods, with all of our favorite songs. We pick our songs and jump up on the counter and dance, and do runway stuff, and we take video with my camera. When I'm with my girlfriends, I act like I'm 19. ~ Avril Lavigne,
656:When I was 19, I got a job at Payless shoes with some friends. It was easy work. You didn’t actually have to help anyone, that was the beauty of it. The customers help themselves and you ring them up, so basically you can fuck around all day and get paid. ~ Gabrielle Union,
657:Between 18 and 19 years old [in the 1950s] I came to Paris. I studied art. And that experience really did change my life. I was living hand to mouth. I walked everywhere. I thought, this city is incredible but you really have to experience it by walking it. ~ Robert Redford,
658:Footfalls fell heavy behind us, like someone giving chase.
“Run,” Volto said.
He didn’t have to tell me that part.

Stone, C. L. (2014-01-19). Drop of Doubt: The Ghost Bird Series: #5 (Kindle Locations 4860-4861). Arcato Publishing. Kindle Edition. ~ C L Stone,
659:It just so happens that when I was, like, 19 or 20, I got a couple of auditions and got a couple parts with good people. Of the thousands of auditions where you don't get the part, I've done a couple of jobs where you do it and you're like, "Okay, this is good." ~ Paul Dano,
660:I will give them one heart [a new heart] and I will put a new spirit within them; and I will take the stony [unnaturally hardened] heart out of their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh [sensitive and responsive to the touch of their God]… EZEKIEL 11:19 ~ Joyce Meyer,
661:The Holy Spirit is not a heavenly agent that we can dispatch to accomplish our missions in life. He functions through us as believers. We are His temple today.1Cor.3:16-17; 6:19 He moves among people when we do. He accomplishes His mission in us and through us. ~ T L Osborn,
662:19. Everything is here for a purpose, from horses to vine shoots. What’s surprising about that? Even the sun will tell you, “I have a purpose,” and the other gods as well. And why were you born? For pleasure? See if that answer will stand up to questioning. ~ Marcus Aurelius,
663:19. Ever dost thou crush the demon-sorcerer, O Fire, never have the Rakshasas conquered thee in the battles; burn one by one from their roots the eaters of raw flesh, may they find no release from thy divine missile. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Hymns To The Mystic Fire, 2 - Other Hymns,
664:Again, [amen,] I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
(Matthew 18:19-20) ~ Anonymous,
665:As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.”18 For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”19 ~ Anonymous,
666:Paul stated that there are three evidences of the fullness of the Spirit in the life of the believer: he is joyful (Eph. 5:19), thankful (Eph. 5:20), and submissive (Eph. 5:21–33). Paul said nothing about miracles or tongues or other special manifestations. ~ Warren W Wiersbe,
667:your God. JOH20.18 Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the LORD, and that he had spoken these things unto her. JOH20.19 Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled ~ Anonymous,
668:Such people, and their faithful ministers, shall be each other’s crown of rejoicing: 1 Thess. ii. 19, 20, “For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? For ye are our glory and joy. ~ Jonathan Edwards,
669:APRIL 19 I LOVE YOU regardless of how well you are performing. Sometimes you feel uneasy, wondering if you are doing enough to be worthy of My Love. No matter how exemplary your behavior, the answer to that question will always be no. Your performance and My Love are ~ Sarah Young,
670:For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round" - 1 Nephi 10:19 ~ Joseph Smith Jr,
671:... it is better to believe even what is impossible to our own nature and to men, than to be unbelieving like the rest of the world, we have learned; for we know that our Master Jesus Christ said, that 'what is impossible with men is possible with God' (Mt. 19:26)? ~ Justin Martyr,
672:On April 19 1943, the Bermuda conference gathered, with the participation of representatives from Britain and the United States, in order to discuss saving the Jews of Europe. In fact, the participants did everything in their power to avoid dealing with the problem. ~ Ariel Sharon,
673:The gospel that day (Matthew 4:19) described Jesus’s recruitment of his first disciples from among the Galilean fishermen and concluded with the line, “at once they left their nets and followed him.” The monk merely commented, “Would that we might do the same. ~ Cynthia Bourgeault,
674:ACT22.19 And I said, Lord, they know that I imprisoned and beat in every synagogue them that believed on thee:  ACT22.20 And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing by, and consenting unto his death, and kept the raiment of them that slew him. ~ Anonymous,
675:ROM4.19 And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb: ROM4.20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; ~ Anonymous,
676:Table of Contents Copyright and Disclaimer Title Page Book Description Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 ~ R R Banks,
677:19 Why, then, was the law given? It was given alongside the promise to show people their sins. But the law was designed to last only until the coming of the child who was promised. God gave his law through angels to Moses, who was the mediator between God and the people. ~ Anonymous,
678:Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails (Proverbs 19:21). Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed (Proverbs 16:3). In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps (Proverbs 16:9). ~ Lysa TerKeurst,
679:President Obama has almost doubled our national debt to more than $19 trillion, and growing. And yet, what do we have to show for it? Our roads and bridges are falling apart, our airports are Third World condition, and forty-three million Americans are on food stamps. ~ Donald Trump,
680:The company with the widest pay gap on the list was Walt Disney, whose chief executive, Robert Iger, received $43.7 million last year. Given Mr. Baker’s estimate that Disney’s median worker received $19,530 last year, that translates to a C.E.O. multiple of 2,238 to one. ~ Anonymous,
681:I basically modeled my way through college, doing local runway shows in L.A. that don't pay a lot and a couple of shows in N.Y. and S.F., and I probably made the same as the average 19-year-old waiter; I just worked less and was around beautiful girls, so it was nice. ~ Mehcad Brooks,
682:If the state polls are right, then Mr. Obama will win the Electoral College. If you can't acknowledge that after a day when Mr. Obama leads 19 out of 20 swing-state polls, then you should abandon the pretense that your goal is to inform rather than entertain the public. ~ Nate Silver,
683:LYNCHING STATES Mississippi, 15; Arkansas, 8; Virginia, 5; Tennessee, 15; Alabama, 12; Kentucky, 12; Texas, 9; Georgia, 19; South Carolina, 5; Florida, 7; Louisiana, 15; Missouri, 4; Ohio, 2; Maryland, 1; West Virginia, 2; Indiana, 1; Kansas, 1; Pennsylvania, 1. ~ Ida B Wells Barnett,
684:Augustine's final verdict on the philosophers of Greece
and Rome was that, although they had made various mistakes, "nature itself has not permitted them to wander too far from the path of truth" in their judgments about the supreme good (De Civitate Dei 19.1). ~ Alasdair MacIntyre,
685:If you observe . . . a neurotic person, you can see him doing many things that he appears to be doing consciously and purposefully. Yet if you ask him about them, you will discover that he is either unconscious of them or has something quite different in mind. P. 19 ~ Carl Gustav Jung,
686:Mary and Joseph, then, would have been the guests of family or friends, but their home would have been so overcrowded that the baby was placed in a feeding trough.”36 One apocryphal tradition even speaks of Jesus being born in a cave (Protevangelium of James 18-19). ~ Craig L Blomberg,
687:We have a Calvinistic creed, a Popish liturgy, and an Arminian clergy. ~ William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham, speech in the House of Lords (19 May 1772) The exact text was unrecorded, Edmund Burke reported this version in a speech (2 March, 1790) see Prior's Life of Burke. Ch. X. (1824),
688:Where does Christ rule as king? His kingdom is spiritual. He rules in the hearts of men. He sets up his throne where no other king does; he rules the will and affections; his power binds the conscience; he subdues men's lusts. "He will subdue our iniquities." Mic 7:19. ~ Thomas Watson,
689:19. My brothers, if any among you would be deceived from the truth and someone would turn him around bringing him back to the Lord, 20. he must know that the one who converts a sinner from his way of error has rescued his life out from death and covered a multitude of sins. ~ Anonymous,
690:A little arrogance (or even a lot) isn't such a bad thing, although your mother undoubtedly told you different. Mine did. "Pride goeth before a fall, Stephen", she said... and then I found out - right around the age that is 19 x 2 - that eventually you fall down, anyway. ~ Stephen King,
691:Gone are the days when 19-inch biceps would once command respect. A Jedi doesn’t walk around with their arms flexed and with a thousand yard stare in their eyes. They walk with a good posture, their head held high and with a serious, yet friendly, look on their face. ~ Stephen Richards,
692:Walking is Zen, sitting is Zen; Speaking or silent, active or quiet, the essence is at peace. Even facing the sword of death, our mind is unmoved; Even drinking poison, our mind is quiet.

~ Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia, 19 - Walking is Zen, sitting is Zen (from The Shodoka)
693:How sweetly we relish the opportunity to speak critically of someone else—even when we are unsure of our facts. We forget that “a man who stirs up dissension among brothers” by criticizing one to another is one of the “six things which the Lord hates” (Proverbs 6:16-19). ~ Jerry Bridges,
694:Every time I think I have something under control, it changes and I don't have it under control. I think it takes several years to get there. Jade is 19 months old, so right now I'm on alert all the time. And as a mom I think you're constantly worrying about things. ~ Giada De Laurentiis,
695:For the statement of Isaiah (28:19) is true: “Trouble gives understanding”; likewise, hunger is the best condiment. For those who are afflicted have a better understanding of the Holy Scriptures; the smug and prosperous read them as if they were some poem written by Ovid. ~ Martin Luther,
696:Job’s disease included all of these symptoms: boils (2:7), itching (2:8), loss of appetite (3:24), severe depression (3:24-25), broken skin (7:5), red eyes (16:16), bad breath (19:17), constant pain (30:17), discoloration and fever (30:30), and an emaciated appearance (2:12). ~ Anonymous,
697:I think the major event that shaped my life was being a Naval aviator. I got my commission and wings at 18 years old, and then I went into combat at 19. And I think, as I look back on it, that whole experience probably shaped my life more than any incident, or any event. ~ George H W Bush,
698:Perceiving the order of nature to be that individual happiness shall be inseparable from the practice of virtue, I am willing to hope it may have ordained that the fall of the wicked shall be the rise of the good.

To J. Correa de Serra, Monticello, Apr. 19, 1814 ~ Thomas Jefferson,
699:19 And the words which he shall write shall be the words which are expedient in my wisdom should go forth unto the afruit of thy loins. And it shall be as if the fruit of thy loins had cried unto them bfrom the dust; for I know their faith. ~ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints,
700:Archiwum burzowego światła #01 - Droga Królów (Brandon Sanderson) - Your Highlight on page 960 | location 13084-13085 | Added on Saturday, 3 January 2015 19:22:47 Filozofia? A do czego się to przyda? – Czy to nie sztuka mówienia o niczym przy użyciu jak największej liczby słów? ~ Anonymous,
701:But I had to think to myself that this was normal, because that was the attitude. I was 19 when I went to see my doctor and I was told it was all in the mind.

[Author Hilary Mantel on being told her endometriosis was imagined pain, From Oct 2009 Daily Mail interview] ~ Hilary Mantel,
702:That was a tremendous learning experience,” said McCarthy. “Never judge a book by its cover; open it up. If you treat a kid who is buying a $19.95 belt the same as a businessman buying a $1,995 Oxford suit, you will be successful. That kid might become a customer for life. ~ Robert Spector,
703:there is a distinctive emphasis by Jesus on loving your neighbor, your “near dweller,” not upon loving “humanity” or “everyone.”19 What this means is that our duty and our virtue is to love those with whom we are in effectual contact—those we can really do something about. ~ Dallas Willard,
704:And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.' Matthew 19:24. This verse has always rather worried rich men who tend to ask themselves how much a really damned big needle would cost. ~ Mark Forsyth,
705:The concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide has changed greatly since fossilized life began on Earth nearly 600 million years ago. In fact, there is only 1/19 as much CO2 in the air today as there was 520 million years ago. That high CO2 was hardly the recipe for disaster. ~ Greg Benson,
706:Understand at last that you have something in you more powerful and divine than what causes the bodily passions and pulls you like a mere puppet. What thoughts now occupy my mind? Is it not fear, suspicion, desire, or something like that?” —MARCUS AURELIUS, MEDITATIONS, 12.19 ~ Ryan Holiday,
707:Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."7-19 He lists hope at the end, instead of where I would normally expect it, at the beginning, as the fuel that keeps a person going. No, hope emerges from the struggle, a byproduct of faithfulness. ~ Philip Yancey,
708:Moral sentiments derive from empathy, and moral reflections take thinking and focus. One cost of the frenetic stream of distractions we face today, some fear, is an erosion of empathy and compassion.19 The more distracted we are, the less we can exhibit attunement and caring. ~ Daniel Goleman,
709:So what happens when your universe begins to get off balance, and you don’t have any experience with bringing it back to center? All you can do is fight a losing battle, waiting for those walls to collapse, and your life to become one huge mystery ashtray. 19. Deconstructing ~ Neal Shusterman,
710:The private detective of fiction is a fantastic creation who acts and speaks like a real man. He can be completely realistic in every sense but one, that one sense being that in life as we know it such a man would not be a private detective."

(Letter, April 19, 1951) ~ Raymond Chandler,
711:Abraham was the first to teach the Unity of God, to establish the faith, to cause it to remain among coming generations, and to win his fellow-men to his doctrine; as Scripture says of him: "I know him, that he will command," &c. (Gen. xviii. 19) ~ Maimonides, Guide for the Perplexed (c. 1190),
712:How do they and their fellows, the Jesuits,19 exclaim upon poor Calvin, for sometimes using the hard word of compulsion, describing the effectual, powerful working of the providence of God in the actions of men; but they can fasten the same term on the will of God, and no harm done! ~ John Owen,
713:When I was a kid, I would watch the grands prix. Everyone dreamt of becoming a race driver, while I only started thinking about it when I was 18 or 19. Only at that age did I seriously start thinking about this job. Before then, I would change ideas from one second to the next. ~ Kimi Raikkonen,
714:By the time I was 19, my parents weren't very authoritative over my life.I didn't have any doubt about that - at that time about what I was going to do or where I was going. I was a musician. I was going to play. I had a band. We were going to make enough money to survive on. ~ Bruce Springsteen,
715:Când au ieşit preoţii care duceau chivotul legământului Domnului din mijlocul Iordanului şi când au călcat cu talpa picioarelor pe uscat, apele Iordanului s-au întors la locul lor şi s-au revărsat ca mai înainte peste toate malurile lui. 19. Poporul a ieşit din Iordan în ziua a zecea ~ Anonymous,
716:Even more striking and revealing is how he interweaves “sons of God” twice in Romans 8:14, 19 with “children of God” twice in Romans 8:16, 21—and again in Romans 9:8. It is, for Paul, all about family values—but divine family values, and that is what makes him very, very radical. ~ Marcus J Borg,
717:I was captain in Atletico at 19, playing in the same team as Demetrio Albertini, who won three Champions Leagues, and Sergi Barjuan from Barcelona, who had won everything, and they were 32, 33. I was a kid as captain, so I wasn't the real captain, just a kid learning from them. ~ Fernando Torres,
718:Mohr quoted Westmoreland, after the general had toured the bullet-riddled embassy grounds in Saigon, saying the enemy’s efforts had failed, and that they had sought “to cause maximum consternation in South Vietnam.” “It was clear that consternation had been achieved,” Mohr wrote.19 ~ Mark Bowden,
719:Yes, but what good will all this do me when a child of mine dies, or if my brother, or I myself, have to die or be tortured?’ [19] Nothing. Because that’s not why you came, not why you took your seat in front of me, not the reason you sometimes sacrificed sleep to study by lamplight. ~ Epictetus,
720:Motherhood has never been an ambition. I don't think like that. I never have expectations like, 'When I'm 19 I'm going to do this, and by the time I've hit 25 I'm going to do that'. I just take things as they come, each day at a time, and if things happen then all well and good. ~ Renee Zellweger,
721:Telling lies about others        is as harmful as hitting them with an ax,    wounding them with a sword,        or shooting them with a sharp arrow. 19 Putting confidence in an unreliable person in times of trouble        is like chewing with a broken tooth or walking on a lame foot. ~ Anonymous,
722:The thing about Hemingway that people forget is that all the stuff he did was at a time where people weren't traveling that much. At 19 he travels to Italy. He goes to the Spanish Civil War. He goes to China, he goes to Africa so at that time to travel that much is really incredible. ~ Clive Owen,
723:18 Yes, Adam’s one sin brings condemnation for everyone, but Christ’s one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone. 19 Because one person disobeyed God, many became sinners. But because one other person obeyed God, many will be made righteous. ~ Anonymous,
724:The Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds’ feet and will make me to walk [not to stand still in terror, but to walk] and make [spiritual] progress upon my high places [of trouble, suffering, or responsibility]! HABAKKUK 3:19 ~ Joyce Meyer,
725:WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1 NEW YEAR’S DAY Do Over The LORD says, “Forget what happened before, and do not think about the past. Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don’t you see it? I will make a road in the desert and rivers in the dry land.” ISAIAH 43:18–19 NCV ~ Anonymous,
726:Do not [earnestly] remember the former things; neither consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18,19 ~ Joyce Meyer,
727:Of course most people underestimate the warrior characteristics of the Anglo-Saxon and Norman peoples anyway. It takes a heap of piety to keep a Viking from wanting to go sack a city.” —Jerry Pournelle, in a reply to reader e-mail, in Chaos Manor Mail 141, February 19-25, 2001 ~ James Wesley Rawles,
728:Proverbs 19:10-12 10 It isn’t right for a fool to live in luxury        or for a slave to rule over princes! 11 Sensible people control their temper;        they earn respect by overlooking wrongs. 12 The king’s anger is like a lion’s roar,        but his favor is like dew on the grass. ~ Anonymous,
729:Your circumstances will lie to you. Your emotions will lie to you. Even other people will lie to you. But not God. And because of this, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” (Hebrews 6:19). Your identity is secure. Nothing going on in your life can change it. ~ Holley Gerth,
730:I guess as long as people think of me for different ages, I'll trust their opinion. I remember noticing one year that Michelle Monaghan played 34 and 19, so I've kind of clung to that as my justification that I can be Jake Gyllenhaal's wife and a freshman in college in the same year. ~ Anna Kendrick,
731:Brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus…let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Hebrews 10:19, 22 ~ Anonymous,
732:But with respect to future debt; would it not be wise and just for that nation to declare in the constitution they are forming that neither the legislature, nor the nation itself can validly contract more debt, than they may pay within their own age, or within the term of 19 years. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
733:18 Little children, we must not love with word or speech, but with truth and action. 19 This is how we will know we belong to the truth and will convince our conscience in His presence, 20 even if our conscience condemns us, that God is greater than our conscience, and He knows all things.  ~ Anonymous,
734:Mithradates began minting beautiful silver tetradrachms with his portrait in Pergamon, and the city of Smyrna also stamped bronze coins with his likeness. Other cities, including Ephesus, Miletus, Tralles, and Erythrae, issued new gold staters to trumpet their independence from Rome.19 ~ Adrienne Mayor,
735:The first time I ever saw snow skis was when I was 62 years old and that was 19 years ago and I'm still skiing. So, we'll be skiing with some very close friends of the Carter Center letting them know what the Carter Center is doing around the world. We have programs in over 65 countries. ~ Jimmy Carter,
736:Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us . . . and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith. HEBREWS 10:19–22 ~ Andrew Murray,
737:But the context of religion is a great background for doing science. In the words of Psalm 19, 'The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork'. Thus scientific research is a worshipful act, in that it reveals more of the wonders of God's creation. ~ Arthur Leonard Schawlow,
738:En esta época del año nos enfocamos en el significado de la venida del Hijo de Dios al mundo. Y la intención de nuestra celebración debería ser la misma intención por la que Él vino, la cual está resumida en Lucas 19:10: “El Hijo del hombre vino a buscar y a salvar lo que se había perdido”. ~ John Piper,
739:Peace be with you” (John 20:19–21). Peace is the first word of a new world. Having absorbed the sin and death of Cain’s violent civilization into his own body, Jesus carried it away to Hades and on the third day rose again to speak a fresh new word to the world of humankind—the word peace! ~ Brian Zahnd,
740:During Clinton’s tenure, Washington slashed funding for public housing by $17 billion (a reduction of 61 percent) and boosted corrections by $19 billion (an increase of 171 percent), “effectively making the construction of prisons the nation’s main housing program for the urban poor. ~ Michelle Alexander,
741:In the fifteen years before Marvin Miller came to the players union in 1966, the average big-league salary had crept from $12,000 to $19,000. Fifteen years later it was $325,000. The game’s economic transformation changed everything, just as the Phillies were finally figuring out how to win. ~ Kevin Cook,
742:JOSHUA—NOTE ON 24:15 choose this day whom you will serve. Joshua’s fatherly model (reminiscent of Abraham’s, Gen. 18:19) was for himself and his family to serve the Lord, not false gods. He called others in Israel to this, and they committed themselves to serve the Lord also (Josh. 24:21–24). ~ Anonymous,
743:Most hotbeds of innovation have similar physical spaces associated with them: the Homebrew Computing Club in Silicon Valley; Freud’s Wednesday salon at 19 Berggasse; the eighteenth-century English coffeehouse. All these spaces were, in their own smaller-scale fashion, emergent platforms. ~ Steven Johnson,
744:Porque Jesús era el rey que se hizo siervo, vemos una inversión de valores en la administración de su reino (Lc 6:20-26). En el reino de Jesús, el pobre, triste y perseguido está por encima del rico, reconocido y satisfecho. Los primeros serán los últimos (Mt 19:30). ¿Por qué será así? ~ Timothy J Keller,
745:Proverbs 17:19-21 19 Anyone who loves to quarrel loves sin;       anyone who trusts in high walls invites disaster. 20 The crooked heart will not prosper;       the lying tongue tumbles into trouble. 21 It is painful to be the parent of a fool;       there is no joy for the father of a rebel. ~ Anonymous,
746:Se nosso alvo final é a glória de Deus, não podemos apenas contentar-nos com ganhar um debate. Nosso desejo é ganhar os perdidos (1 Co 9.20-23). Como disse com acerto John Piper: “O alvo final da igreja não é missões. A adoração de Deus é. Missões existem porque não há adoração”.[19 ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
747:I was very depressed when I was 19... I would go back to my apartment every day and I would just sit there. It was quiet and it was lonely. It was still. It was just my piano and myself. I had a television and I would leave it on all the time just to feel like somebody was hanging out with me. ~ Lady Gaga,
748:...the passage of time, which transformed the volatile present into that finished, unalterable painting called the past, a canvas man always executed blindly, with erratic brushstrokes that only made sense when one stepped far enough away from it to be able to admire it as a whole. -pg. 19 ~ F lix J Palma,
749:18 aAsk the Father in my bname in faith, believing that you shall receive, and you shall have the Holy Ghost, which manifesteth all things which are cexpedient unto the children of men. 19 And if you have not afaith, bhope, and ccharity, you can do nothing. ~ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints,
750:But the true emperor, Luke insists, is not the one who feeds himself but who is willing to offer his life as food for the other. At the climax of his life, this child, come of age, would say to his friends, "This is my body, which will be given for you' do this in memory of me" (Lk 22:19). ~ Robert E Barron,
751:I've started late, I was 19 years old. I've trained with Victor Zilberman - he's a Russian-Jewish from Moldova. His son David who is coaching me represented Canada in the Olympic games. There were a lot of very good wrestlers there and they took me underneath their wing when I was young. ~ Georges St Pierre,
752:18 So that day Jehovah made this covenant with Abram: “I have given this land to your descendants from the Wadi-el-Arish[*] to the Euphrates River. 19-21 And I give to them these nations: Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaim, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites, Jebusites. ~ Anonymous,
753:By attaining to the Unborn beyond all becoming we are liberated from this lower birth and death;
   by accepting the Becoming freely as the Divine, we invade mortality with the immortal beatitude and become luminous centres of its conscious self-expression in humanity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.5-19,
754:During Clinton’s tenure, Washington slashed funding for public housing by $17 billion (a reduction of 61 percent) and boosted corrections by $19 billion (an increase of 171 percent), “effectively making the construction of prisons the nation’s main housing program for the urban poor.”101 ~ Michelle Alexander,
755:I was the kind of entrepreneur that never really felt I made it. When Mike Olefield's "Tubular Bells" [Virgin Records' first release] sold 8 or 10 million copies, I suppose, at age 19, I could've possibly retired on the money. Instead, I immediately pushed the boat and took that risk again. ~ Richard Branson,
756:Oh ! Les vieilleries ! Vieilles lettres, vieux vêtements, vieux objets dont on ne veut pas se débarrasser. Comme la Nature a bien compris que, tous les ans, elle doit changer de feuilles, de fleurs, de fruits et de légumes, et faire du fumier avec les souvenirs de son année ! (19 octobre 1906) ~ Jules Renard,
757:redeems my soul in safety         from the battle that I wage,         for  b many are arrayed against me. 19    God will give ear and humble them,         he who is  c enthroned from of old, Selah     because they do not  d change         and do not fear God.     20 My companion [2]  e stretched ~ Anonymous,
758:We live in a culture that embraces pluralism and relativism, and we are told every (lay that proselytizing people or trying to convert people to Christianity is taboo. But the Lord Himself was sent by the Father to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10), and He passed the baton to His disciples. ~ R C Sproul,
759:I didn't hit one three-pointer in college, and a couple of those were right on the college three line. I didn't feel comfortable much outside of 12 to 15 feet. Now, I really feel comfortable from the wing and the corner area out to 18, 19 feet. I'm going to keep working and continue to improve it. ~ David Lee,
760:People assume Wall Street is a certain culture and tech is a certain culture. But if you look at the (gender) numbers at the top of (those) industries, they don't vary very much. I think in finance, women hold 19 percent of the top jobs, and women are 21 percent of the leaders in nonprofits. ~ Sheryl Sandberg,
761:So speak that I may hear, Lord, my heart is listening; open it that it may hear Thee say to my soul I am Thy salvation. Hearing that word, let me come in haste to lay hold upon Thee. Hide not Thy face from me.19 Let me see Thy face even if I die,20 lest I die with longing to see it. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
762:That's very cool. Absolutely! You want to know where this guy came from, but you also want to know about the relationship between him and Quill, and how they ended up living together, for the last 18 or 19 years, without killing one another. He's a strong young man, and it's because of Yondu. ~ Michael Rooker,
763:I started drinking when I was like 15, and by the time I was 19 everybody knew I was an alcoholic. So I would start five fights every weekend and lose terribly. First you start off fighting with one person and then he beats you up; and then one guy would be laughing, so you would hit him, too. ~ Felipe Esparza,
764:When I first learned to drive and I bought petrol I went to great lengths to trickle the final drops into the petrol tank so it cost a round amount of money like £10. Now I try and spend £19.87 or £20.04 or some other amount that I hope will disturb the cashier’s sense of neatness and uniformity. ~ Helen Smith,
765:1Q84 (Murakami, Haruki;Jay Rubin;Philip Gabriel) - Your Highlight on Location 16644-16646 | Added on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:01:22 PM Ushikawa had skillfully tied topics together and teased out the details from her. This was his forte—to let the other person do the talking, as much as possible. ~ Anonymous,
766:Adultery: A Novel (Paulo Coelho) - Your Highlight on page 96 | Location 1461-1462 | Added on Friday, September 19, 2014 9:18:17 AM I take the iPad from the nightstand. I multiply 365 by 70. The answer is 25,550. That’s the average number of days a normal person lives. How many have I already wasted? ~ Anonymous,
767:My very first acting job ever, the first time I got paid to be an actress, was in 2001, right between my sophomore and junior year in college, when I was just 19 years old. I got paid $250 every two weeks, 10 shows a week, to be in the Utah Shakespearean Festival. I was Calpurnia in 'Julius Caesar.' ~ Katy Mixon,
768:As CNN recently reported: “A decade of research in the business world proves happiness raises nearly every business and educational outcome: raising sales by 37 percent, productivity by 31 percent, and accuracy on tasks by 19 percent, as well as a myriad of health and quality-of-life improvements. ~ Steven Kotler,
769:The page on which I wrote is the second page in section 19 of the Doctrine and Covenants, in the old edition of the triple combination. On the bottom of the page, in capital letters, is written the word REPENTANCE. And then an arrow leads to a notation that reads: "Greek word. To have a new mind. ~ Henry B Eyring,
770:Using data gathered in 2011, the CDC study estimated that across all age groups, 19.3 percent of American women “have been raped in their lifetimes” and that 1.6 percent of American women—nearly two and a half million individuals—“reported that they were raped in the 12 months preceding the survey. ~ Jon Krakauer,
771:I remember being in Atlantic City once when I was 18 or 19, and a sea of people were screaming and pulling their hair because I was there. It was weird. Nobody deserves adulation like that. I tried to explain it to my kids once. I said, 'Mommy used to be kind of cool, kind of like a Britney Spears. ~ Genie Francis,
772:You know, the age thing really bugs me. Do people have more of a right to not like what I say because I'm 19? I'm up here because of what I write. Obviously, I must know something, or I wouldn't have been nominated for Best New Artist. Sometimes it's like, "You're right. My mother wrote these songs." ~ Fiona Apple,
773:All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19aGo therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you balways, even to the end of the age.” [19 ~ Anonymous,
774:I went through a phase when I was 13 where I would only fall in love with people over the age of 19 or 20. I never had a real relationship with any of these people, but it was definitely the guy I wanted to hang out with and wanted to go on trips with. I would be like, 'But, Daddy, he's a musician!'. ~ Olivia Wilde,
775:Anyway, we don’t need to get into all that. My point is simply, no, King David, the heavens are not telling the glory of God (Ps. 19:1)—at least not without a lot of heavy theological lifting and perhaps a double bourbon. The heavens actually freak me out and make me wonder whether there is a God at all ~ Peter Enns,
776:I take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the curse; and you must choose life so that you may live, you and your descendants, by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice, and by sticking to him.. Deuteronomy 30:19 ~ Anonymous,
777:I was living as a young single mom. I was 19 when I was divorced, and my daughter was a year old, and I waited tables here three to four nights a week for several years while I was trying to support myself and my daughter and the day I got that acceptance at Harvard Law School was an unforgettable day. ~ Wendy Davis,
778:Now a work of art is a work of nature, but it is a work of human nature. It is a work of the mind: and it's a work of the mind in circumstances for an occasion which, to which, for which, and which it may be supremely natural and simple and effective.

"The Nature of Art" December 19, 1954 ~ Frank Lloyd Wright,
779:62“And I will establish My covenant with you, and you will know [without any doubt] that I am the LORD, [Hos 2:19, 20] 63so that you may remember [in detail] and be ashamed and never open your mouth again because of your humiliation, when I have forgiven you for all that you have done,” says the Lord GOD. ~ Anonymous,
780:Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy; 19 To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. 20 Our soul waiteth for the LORD: he is our help and our shield. 21 For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name. ~ Anonymous,
781:The stakes are high. What God said to the ancient Hebrews is just as true today: “I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live” (Deut. 30:19). Christianity is either true or false, but it cannot be dismissed as inconsequential. ~ Nancy R Pearcey,
782:This period of fasting before Jesus’ ministry recalls Moses fasting 40 days and nights before receiving the law (Ex 24:18; 34:28; cf. 2:20); Elijah also followed the same example (1Ki 19:8). Jesus being tested in the wilderness 40 days also likely recalls Israel being tested in the wilderness for 40 years ~ Anonymous,
783:19. And whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it, with the necessary effort due for it (i.e. do righteous deeds of Allaah's Obedience) while he is a believer (in the Oneness of Allaah Islaamic Monotheism), then such are the ones whose striving shall be appreciated, thanked and rewarded (by Allaah). ~ Anonymous,
784:Paul says in Philippians 4:19, 'And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.' Our needs won't be met according to the destitution of the world or to the poverty of our own faith in the moment but according to the riches in Jesus. There's no one richer than him! ~ Stasi Eldredge,
785:The boat kept chugging along. Being the son of Poseidon and all, I have perfect bearings at sea. Don’t ask me how, but I could tell we were at 40.19˚ north, 71.90˚ west, making eighteen knots an hour, which meant the ship would arrive in New York Harbor by dawn. This would be our only chance to stop it. ~ Rick Riordan,
786:go to the land of Israel . . . those who were trying to take the child’s life are dead. The angel’s promise here evokes Ex 4:19: Moses can return to Egypt because those who sought his life have died. Jesus here is thus like Moses, Israel’s deliverer—and, ominously, Judea has become like Egypt in Moses’ day. ~ Anonymous,
787:It is clear I was never the Pretty Girl. I had my two front teeth knocked out when I was 10 and didn't fix them until I was 19. I have a crooked smile and a nose that looks like it's been broken 12 times but never has been. My nose was always red, so people called me Rudolph. My whole face is off-center. ~ Ellen Barkin,
788:La mejor venganza (Joe Abercrombie) - Tu subrayado en la página 149 | posición 2273-2274 | Añadido el lunes, 16 de febrero de 2015 22:53:19 No quería que siquiera sospechase el sentimiento que encerraba su mirada, porque siempre que había expresado sus auténticos sentimientos, la gente le había traicionado. ~ Anonymous,
789:Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of   the sea. (Micah 7:18–19) ~ Beth Moore,
790:19“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. ~ Anonymous,
791:19. Those who are the happiest are not necessarily those for whom life has been easiest. Emotional stability results from an attitude. It is refusing to yield to depression and fear, even when black clouds float overhead. It is improving that which can be improved and accepting that which is inevitable. ~ James C Dobson,
792:Candide drew near and saw his benefactor, who rose above the water one moment and was then swallowed up for ever. He was just going to jump after him, but was prevented by the philosopher Pangloss, who[Pg 19] demonstrated to him that the Bay of Lisbon had been made on purpose for the Anabaptist to be drowned. ~ Voltaire,
793:For sin is ‘an implicitly aggressive quality – a ruthlessness, a hurting, a breaking away from God and from the rest of humanity, a partial alienation, or act of rebellion....Sin has a willful, defiant or disloyal quality: someone is defied or offended or hurt’ (p.19). To ignore this would be dishonest. ~ John R W Stott,
794:I wanted to just get a job so I could have enough money for my own apartment and be able to get drunk. And I did. Back then, on $125, you could do that in Manhattan. I was 19 years old the first time I got published and paid. I think it was a hundred bucks. I stared at my name on the check for 20 minutes. ~ Nick Tosches,
795:More importantly, as a major public figure it pays to be vigilant around suspect packages. This comes from personal experience. When North Norfolk Digital was sent a box of heavy metal CDs,19 muggins here was about to open it when fellow DJ Rudy Gibson shouted over, ‘Careful, Alan. That contains anthrax. ~ Alan Partridge,
796:When I was 19, I thought [Brokeback Mountain] was going to be the best movie ever made. And everyone was going to see it and it was just going to be incredible. And then nobody saw it and it didn't get bought at Sundance. And it was a really great experience. Humbling. And then it's since found its way. ~ Jake Gyllenhaal,
797:Job 3:10. Because it shut not up the doors of my mother's womb, nor hid sorrow from mine eyes. Job 3:12. Why did the knees prevent me? or why the breasts that I should suck? Job 10:18. Wherefore then hast thou brought me forth out of the womb? Oh that I had given up the ghost, and no eye had seen me! Job 10:19 ~ Anonymous,
798:Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Epilogue A Note from the Author Exclusive Accidentally in Love Exclusive –Holiday Collection ~ R R Banks,
799:If I understand balance, I will eat to live — not live to eat. I will enjoy nourishment, not gorge on empty calories. I will eat until satisfied, not eat to be satisfied. As Romans 6:19 says, I will make right choices that honor God and lead to holiness rather than constant indulgences that lead to defeat. ~ Lysa TerKeurst,
800:students who were told to think about the happiest day of their lives right before taking a standardized math test outperformed their peers.19 And people who expressed more positive emotions while negotiating business deals did so more efficiently and successfully than those who were more neutral or negative. ~ Shawn Achor,
801:The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language Where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world. (PSALM 19:1–4) ~ John Hagee,
802:The problem with the alphabet is that it bears no relation to anything at all, and when words are arranged alphabetically they are uselessly separated. In the OED, for example, aardvarks are 19 volumes away from the zoo, yachts are 18 volumes from the beach, and wine is 17 volumes from the nearest corkscrew. ~ Mark Forsyth,
803:19“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust [5] destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. ~ Anonymous,
804:19“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be ~ Anonymous,
805:Finally the kitchen clock said 5:17. It was time to roll out. I shouted for my mom, woke Jeffrey up, ran upstairs, changed into my concert clothes, put on my shoes, and was standing by the door to the garage by 5:19—chanting “Let’s go! Come on!” (Feel free to try that at home, by the way; moms love it!) ~ Jordan Sonnenblick,
806:My whole thing is that often times when teenagers are about 18, 19, 20, 21, they get this mentality that they have to be old, they have to appear older, they can no longer be seen as a high schooler, they need to be seen as mid-20s all of a sudden even though they're only, like, 20. I'm the opposite of that. ~ Kay Panabaker,
807:What destroyed the Indian was not primarily political greed, land hunger, or military power, not the white man’s germs or the white man’s rum. What destroyed him was the manufactured products of a culture, iron and steel, guns, needles, woolen cloth, things that once possessed could not be done without.”19 ~ Robert D Kaplan,
808:I grew up a PK ("preacher's kid"). Emma, the heroine of this book, is a vicar's daughter. I want to make clear that Emma's father is nothing like my own. My father was - and is - loving, patient, supportive, and understanding.
Thanks, Dad. This book's for you. Please don't read chapters 7,9,11,17,19,21 or 28. ~ Tessa Dare,
809:Children from low-income families are four times as likely as privately insured children to receive antipsychotic medicines. These medications often are used to make abused and neglected children more tractable. In 2008 19,045 children age five and under were prescribed antipsychotics through Medicaid. ~ Bessel A van der Kolk,
810:It is my PRIDE, my damned, native, unconquerable Pride, that plunges me into Distraction. You must know that 19 - 20th of my Composition is Pride. I must either live a Slave, a Servant; to have no Will of my own, no Sentiments of my own which I may freely declare as such; --or DIE --perplexing alternative! ~ Thomas Chatterton,
811:Once I was in the Blink-182, going to Iraq was really touching. It was kind of emo for me, going and meeting soldiers who were, like, 19 and hadn't even met their kids... Or dealing with depression. Just being with those soldiers and traveling with them in helicopters and people with M-16s. It was an eye-opener. ~ Mark Hoppus,
812:Spending $1 for a brand new house would feel very, very good. Spending $1,000 for a ham sandwich would feel very, very bad. Spending $19,000 for a small family car would feel, well, more or less right. But as with physical pain, fiscal pain can depend on the individual, and everyone has a different threshold. ~ Jeffrey Kluger,
813:What the Lord Hates 16 The Lord hates six things; in fact, seven are detestable to Him: 17 arrogant eyes, a lying tongue,  hands that shed innocent blood,  18 a heart that plots wicked schemes,  feet eager to run to evil,  19 a lying witness who gives false testimony,  and one who stirs up trouble among brothers.  ~ Anonymous,
814:For the men that history enshrines on her immortal pages, the men whose memories are embalmed in the hearts of their fellows for all ages, were men who placed unfaltering trust in the loftiest convictions of the soul, and consecrated life and death to their realization. ~ Isaac Hecker, Aspirations of Nature (1857) ch. 2, p. 19,
815:19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust [24] destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. ~ Anonymous,
816:I always say this to people: 'If Shaq can be in the NBA for 19 years and dominate for 19 years using his body, why can't I be in the music industry for 50 years using my brain when my brain is way stronger than anyone's body?' I have to have a successful record company, more hit records. I want to dominate the game. ~ Rico Love,
817:Something more than impeccable logic is required in mathematics. An expert logician will not necessarily be a passable mathematician for all his skill in logic, any more than a scholarly prosodist will be a respectable poet for all his mastery of meter. ~ Eric Temple Bell, Mathematics, Queen and Servant of Science (1952) p. 19.,
818:Varones y mujeres deben respetarse y amarse mutuamente. Jesús reforzó este principio cuando dijo que uno de los mandamientos más grandes era: “Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo” (Mateo 19:19). Si realmente comprendiéramos esta verdad, habría más paciencia, entendimiento y perdón entre los hombres y las mujeres. ~ Myles Munroe,
819:Warlord 1 Winter king (Bernard Cornwell) - Your Highlight on Location 18-19 | Added on Thursday, May 15, 2014 1:40:04 AM These are the tales of Arthur, the Warlord, the King that Never Was, the Enemy of God and, may the living Christ and Bishop Sansum forgive me, the best man I ever knew. How I have wept for Arthur. ~ Anonymous,
820:2COR 5.19. To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 2COR 5.20. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. ~ Anonymous,
821:========== ABBYY Lingvo Большой Англо-Русский Словарь – Ваш выделенный отрывок в месте 45–49 | Добавлено: среда, 17 июня 2015 г. в 17:56:53 сельскохозяйственный и машинный a. около, приблизительно, примерно a. ежегодный, ========== Мои вырезки – Ваша заметка в месте 35 | Добавлено: четверг, 18 июня 2015 г. в 11:19:12 ~ Anonymous,
822:ANNOYANCE. Conflict (Hebrew madon) in Proverbs does not refer to principled disagreements or respectful arguments. It is something God hates (6: 19) and at the heart of conflict is annoyance, a word that means contempt and disdain between people. Everything said in conflict is to belittle rather than convince. ~ Timothy J Keller,
823:Another 12 ISIS terrorists were killed in the hill and inside the village and their bodies were seized by our YPG fighters besides of big amount of ammunition including 3000 bullets, 17 magazine, 2 BKC, 5 RPG launchers with 17 missiles, 7 grenades, 3 wireless devices, 1 night binocular, 19 AK47 and 1 armored vehicle. ~ Anonymous,
824:But royalism, even if you stick a “neo-” on the front, is just too old-fashioned to appeal to some. So we also offer an extra decorative touch, available for a mere $ 19.95, in which the customer can fill her cyst’s void with our own synthetic organ of government. We call it neocameralism, and it is very fresh. ~ Mencius Moldbug,
825:You shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Lev. 19:18) ; that is, you shall love your neighbor neither more nor less than yourself. The rivalries of desires tend to become exasperated, and as they do, they tend to contaminate third parties who are just as addicted as we are to the entanglements of mimetic rivalries. ~ Ren Girard,
826:17 For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 18 If you serve Christ with this attitude, you will please God, and others will approve of you, too. 19 So then, let us aim for harmony in the church and try to build each other up. ~ Anonymous,
827:There is a thing where I get scared watching other people, and really realize, My God, their happy lives are going to stop. Sometimes you feel that people have 19 jokers in their back pocket and, because of the way they're living, you're like, Do you know that this is not going to happen over and over again forever? ~ Lou Doillon,
828:We think it hugely important to support young artists, there is a war against that kind of artistry, that kind of creation...When somebody is 19 years old, they're gonna do what they're gonna do just like we did... For me the most important thing was for him to know anytime he can call and I'll come whatever happens. ~ Will Smith,
829:Fairly apolitical. Kind of aspiring to participate in life. I'm 18-19 years old. Wanting to dive into the world and finding the world opening for me in ways that were unimaginable. I didn't sleep for the whole first year at university because it was too much going on. Too many films to see, too many concerts to go to. ~ Bill Ayers,
830:The all-knowing Self was never born, Nor will it die. Beyond cause and effect, This Self is eternal and immutable. When the body dies, the Self does not die. 19 If the slayer believes that he can kill Or the slain believes that he can be killed, Neither knows the truth. The eternal Self Slays not, nor is ever slain. 20 ~ Anonymous,
831:When we adopt—and when we encourage a culture of adoption in our churches and communities—we’re picturing something that’s true about our God. We, like Jesus, see what our Father is doing and do likewise (John 5:19). And what our Father is doing, it turns out, is fighting for orphans, making them sons and daughters. ~ Russell D Moore,
832:19 g Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person  h be quick to hear,  i slow to speak,  j slow to anger; 20for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. 21Therefore  k put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with  l meekness the implanted word,  m which is able to save your souls. ~ Anonymous,
833:Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matt. 6:19–21) ~ Jen Hatmaker,
834:Punching - 2 shillings
Both eyes blacked - 4 shillings
Nose and jaw broke - 10 shillings
Jacked out (knocked out with a blackjack) - 15 shillings
Ear chewed off - same as previous
Leg or arm broke - 19 shillings
Shot in leg - 25 shillings
Stab - same as previous
Doing the Big Job - 3 pounds and up ~ Eoin Colfer,
835:Conduct a study for yourself of the personal prophecies found in the New Testament. You will find only a few, and most dealt with chains, tribulations, and death that awaited those who would bring glory to God. (See John 21:18–19; Acts 20:22–23; Acts 21:10–11.) Quite different from many of the personal prophecies of today! ~ John Bevere,
836:happy a child ultimately becomes. This chapter is all about why some kids, like Baby 19, are so unhappy—and other kids are not. (Indeed, most kids are just the opposite. Baby 19 is so named because babies 1 through 18 in Kagan’s study were comparatively pretty jolly.) We will discuss the biological basis of happy children, ~ John Medina,
837:I played upright bass. I wanted to write great tunes, play the bass, be a band leader, and smoke a big funny pipe like Charlie Mingus. So I went out and bought the pipe when I was around 18 or 19 years old. You know even women smoke a pipe in Glasgow. I worked with Carla Bley and she smoked a pipe, which I find fascinating. ~ Jack Bruce,
838:[19] ‘My brother shouldn’t have treated me in this way.’ Indeed he shouldn’t, but it’s for him to see to that. For my part, however he treats me, I should conduct myself towards him as I ought. For that is my business, and the rest is not my concern. In this no one can hinder me, while everything else is subject to hindrance. ~ Epictetus,
839:AN ESTIMATED 1,100 Londoners were killed during the April 16 raids—the most devastating night of the Blitz thus far. But it held that distinction for only three days; on April 19, German bombers hit London again, killing more than 1,200 persons. Almost half a million London residents lost their homes in the two attacks. The ~ Lynne Olson,
840:I confess [Election] is a hard doctrine, running contrary to our earthly ideas of fair play, but I can see no way around it. Read I Corinthians 6:13 and II Timothy 1:9,10. Also I Peter 1:2,19,20 and Romans 11:7. There you have it. It was good for Paul and Silas and it is good enough for me. It is good enough for you too. ~ Charles Portis,
841:Biblical birth announcements sometimes included these elements: a woman “will bear a son” (Ge 16:11; 17:19, 21; Jdg 13:3, 5) “and you will call his name” (Ge 16:11; 17:19; Isa 7:14; 8:3). Jesus is the same name in Greek as Joshua, which in its earliest form (Yehoshua) means “God is salvation” (eventually contracted to Yeshua). ~ Anonymous,
842:Government has the role of suiting people for freedom. People aren't made for freedom spontaneously. There's sort of a 19-year race between when people are born and when they become adults. And government has a role in making them, at the end of 19 years, suited to be upright, trustworthy repositories of popular sovereignty. ~ George Will,
843:Happy is he who looks only into his work to know if it will succeed, never into the times or the public opinion; and who writes from the love of imparting certain thoughts and not from the necessity of sale—who writes always to the unknown friend. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Journal entry dated April 19, 1848, Journals (1911), Volume 7, p. 440,
844:In 1945, out of 52 million American adult women only 19.5 million held jobs. Among married women, only a quarter did.[364] Though the image of Rosie the Riveter dominated propaganda, its link to reality was tenuous. In metal-working plants of all types, male workers outnumbered female ones more than three to one.[365] ~ Martin van Creveld,
845:Of all the things that are, some are good, others bad, and yet others indifferent. The good are virtues and all that share in them; the bad are the vices and all that indulge them; the indifferent lie in between virtue and vice and include wealth, health, life, death, pleasure, and pain.” —EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 2.19.12b–13 ~ Ryan Holiday,
846:When I was 19 years old, both of my parents died in the same year; my mom of cancer and my dad in a car accident. Through the next two or three years and a series of bad decisions - all my own, I might add - I ended up literally homeless, before that was even a word. I even slept occasionally under a pier on the Gulf Coast. ~ Andy Andrews,
847:19 “You shall not charge interest to your brother—interest on money or food or anything that is lent out at interest. 20 To a foreigner you may charge interest, but to your brother you shall not charge interest, that the LORD your God may bless you in all to which you set your hand in the land which you are entering to possess. ~ Anonymous,
848:Kilimanjaro is a snow-covered mountain 19,710 feet high, and is said to be the highest mountain in Africa. Its western summit is called the Masai 'Ngaje Ngai', the House of God. Close to the western summit there is a dried and frozen carcas of a leopard. No one has explained what the leopard was seeking at that altitude. ~ Ernest Hemingway,
849:Hebrews 3:19 supplies the one-word explanation: “So we see that they were not able to enter, because of their unbelief.” Unbelief. Oh, they believed in God. Their oversight was that they simply didn’t believe the God they believed in. They talked a good talk, but their walk did nothing but tread sandal tracks in desert circles. ~ Beth Moore,
850:Just as we find it hard to see beyond the event horizon of a black hole, we also find it difficult to see beyond the event horizon of the historical Singularity. How can we, with our brains each limited to 10^16 to 10^19 cps, imagine what our future civilization in 2099 with its 10^60 cps will be capable of thinking and doing? ~ Ray Kurzweil,
851:That’s a cool trick,” Vee shouted at him over the music.
He gave her the finger and moved down the bar to the next customer. “He was too short for me anyway,” she said.

Fitzpatrick, Becca (2010-10-19). Crescendo (The Hush, Hush Saga Book 2) (p. 166). Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers. Kindle Edition. ~ Becca Fitzpatrick,
852:Well, because the Arabs who were involved in 9/11 cooperated with the Zionists, actually. It was a cooperation. They gave them the perfect excuse to denounce all Arabs. It's a racist sort of thing, really racist - you know, picking out these 19 or 20 terrorists - they were terrorists - and saying all the Arabs are like them. ~ James Abourezk,
853:...we must all offer up a hymn of praise to the God... who is 'Lord of lords' (Deut. 10:17, Ps. 136:1, I Tim. 6:15, Rev. 17:14, 19:16)... Lordship is not simply a matter of being superior with respect to inferiors but a complete possession of all that is beautiful and good, and is furthermore a true and unshakable stability. ~ Pope Dionysius,
854:Kilimanjaro is a snow-covered mountain 19,710 feet high, and is said to be the highest mountain in Africa. Its western summit is called the Masai “Ngàje Ngài,” the House of God. Close to the western summit there is the dried and frozen carcass of a leopard. No one has explained what the leopard was seeking at that altitude. ~ Ernest Hemingway,
855:The great thing, if one can, is to stop regarding all the unpleasant things as interruptions of one’s “own,” or “real” life. The truth is of course that what one calls the interruptions are precisely one’s real life—the life God is sending one day by day; what one calls one’s “real life” is a phantom of one’s own imagination.19 ~ Tim Challies,
856:Efforts to establish local cohesion and community investment are thwarted in neighborhoods with high turnover rates. In this way, eviction can unravel the fabric of a community, helping to ensure that neighbors remain strangers and that their collective capacity to combat crime and promote civic engagement remains untapped.19 ~ Matthew Desmond,
857:Love has been perfected in me in this: that I may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so am I in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. I love Him because He first loved me. —1 JOHN 4:17-19 (NKJV) ~ Joyce Meyer,
858:Should have made you a bet, because, hey, guess what, got a loaded gun in my underwear so it tuns out I was right. Not that I can complain. Had some good years. My life, in a nutshell: 0-8 yrs. happy, no reason; 9-19 happy, wrong reasons; 20-33 unhappy for all the right reasons, 34 to present moment, unhappy, looking for a reason. ~ Charles Yu,
859:The so-called mahatmas and saints are all cowards. I have never come across a single mahatma—Hindu, Mohammedan, Christian, Buddhist—who can be said to be really a rebellious spirit. Unless one is rebellious, one is not religious. Rebellion is the very foundation of religion. ~ Osho, Autobiography of a Spiritually Incorrect Mystic (2000), p. 19,
860:18For I know that nothing good dwells a in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. 19 b For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. 20Now if I do what I do not want, c it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. ~ Anonymous,
861:19 世纪 70 年代这种形式 日趋完善。民粹主义的代表人物涅恰耶夫和特卡乔夫在这一方面 与车尔尼雪夫斯基是有继承关系的,而革命民主主义与布尔什维 克又是一脉相承的。 与禁欲主义共生的是崇拜苦难、反智主义以及对财富恐惧的 倾向:“60 年代人”不断批判贵族知识分子的“无病呻吟”,指 责“多余的人”空虚无聊的享乐生活,说他们即便到乡村,也“只 是寻找另一个寻乐的舞台”。他们憎恨任何与欧洲文化、贵族身 份有关的东西。19 世纪官方宫廷的“法国化”和下层知识分子 的“草根化”分离以后,民间便对“文化”和形而上思维有一种 心理的距离感和敌视。高雅和不能容忍的贵族习气缠绕在一起, 思想和坐而论道的泛泛空谈可以划等号。民粹派的名言是:“只 有一种状态比贫穷更坏,那就是富有 ~ Anonymous,
862:closed at $1.19 per share. Weighing the evidence objectively, the intelligent investor should conclude that IPO does not stand only for “initial public offering.” More accurately, it is also shorthand for: It’s Probably Overpriced, Imaginary Profits Only, Insiders’ Private Opportunity, or Idiotic, Preposterous, and Outrageous. ~ Benjamin Graham,
863:Si peccasse negamus, fallimur, et nulla est in nobis veritas; If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and there's no truth in us. Why, then, belike we must sin, and so consequently die: Ay, we must die an everlasting death. What doctrine call you this, Che sera, sera,19 What will be, shall be? Divinity, adieu! ~ Christopher Marlowe,
864:Concerning Treasures 19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust o consume and where thieves break in and steal, 20but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust o consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ~ Anonymous,
865:When we submit to the Word of God as our authority, we are submitting to the Spirit Himself, since He inspired every word it contains. No true work of the Spirit will contradict, devalue, or add new revelation to the Scriptures (cf. Rev. 22:17–19). Instead it will elevate biblical truth in the hearts and minds of believers. ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
866:18  But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God. 19  And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to do good—to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted. ~ Joseph Smith Jr,
867:authority  i in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 j Go therefore and  k make disciples of  l all nations,  j baptizing them  m in [2]  n the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them  o to observe all that  p I have commanded you. And behold,  q I am with you always, to  r the end of the age. ~ Anonymous,
868:People are in flow relatively rarely in daily life.19 Sampling people’s moods at random reveals that most of the time people are either stressed or bored, with only occasional periods of flow; only about 20 percent of people have flow moments at least once a day. Around 15 percent of people never enter a flow state during a typical day. ~ Anonymous,
869:12:21 Those quoting a passage might end on a point they did not want to omit—here concern for the Gentiles (cf. 4:15; 28:19). The Hebrew text speaks of “coasts” or “islands,” giving an example of distant peoples, but Matthew follows here the common Greek translation that captures the text’s theological sense, applying it to all Gentiles. ~ Anonymous,
870:16 ‡ He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.† 17He rescued me from my powerful enemy,† from my foes, who were too strong for me.† 18They confronted me in the day of my disaster,† but the LORD was my support.† 19 ‡ He brought me out into a spacious place;† he rescued me because he delighted in me.† ~ Anonymous,
871:EXO8.18 And the magicians did so with their enchantments to bring forth lice, but they could not: so there were lice upon man, and upon beast. EXO8.19 Then the magicians said unto Pharaoh, This is the finger of God: and Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said. EXO8.20 And the LORD said unto Moses, ~ Anonymous,
872:I have a Ph.D. in philosophy and sports science. At 14, I went through this really tough Soviet training system. A lot of my roommates got psychologically broken or physically injured. Either you came through, or you were out. I made my Ph.D. work in the field of young athletes aged 14-19 because at this age any human is changing. ~ Wladimir Klitschko,
873:18 percent of respondents clearly rejected the so-called superstitious beliefs ( mixin) (see Table 4). Perhaps more surprisingly, this proportion is not really different from that in the U.S. population. For example, the 1994 General Social Survey included a question on astrology, and only 19 percent of Americans definitely rejected it (see ~ Anonymous,
874:]19 世纪文艺批评的主流是别、车、杜等人为代表 的革命民主主义,这种文学批评始终带有以下层人自居的正义色 彩,从文学批判到批判文学,写作日益成为表达正义的直接手段, 作家不仅靠文字来控诉专制和黑暗,而且要求创作本身就是区分 正义和邪恶、黑暗与光明的行动,建立在唯物主义、理性主义思 想上的文学暴力一直延续到 1909 年的《路标》才得到扭转,流 亡在美国的纳博科夫(1899-1977)对这种现象依然耿耿于怀, 他在给埃德蒙·威尔逊(1895-1972)的信中说:“谈到恐怖的 话,您是否知道,俄国革命前很长一段时期内,激进思想在俄国 出版业中如此强大,以至于勒诺特尔(法国保守派史学家,著有 《法兰西历史逸闻》等作品)作品无法出现在俄国,我们事实上 有 两 种 书 刊 检 查 ! ~ Anonymous,
875:Ascend, my brothers, ascend eagerly. Let your hearts' resolve be to climb. Listen to the voice of the one who says: 'Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of our God' (Isa. 2:3), Who makes our feet to be like the feet of the deer, 'Who sets us on the high places, that we may be triumphant on His road' (Hab. 3:19). ~ John Climacus,
876:Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:19–21 ~ Anonymous,
877:I used to be really nervous when I sang. Like, when I was a kid starting young, 18 and 19, and my dad really had to sort of push me to start singing in front of people. Ever since I got out there and really started doing it, the only thing I've ever tried to do is just sort of is be myself, you know, never put on a voice. Sing naturally. ~ Dan Auerbach,
878:pr.6.16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:† pr.6.17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,† pr.6.18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, pr.6.19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. ~ Anonymous,
879:The enemy uses lies to confuse people and fill them with anxiety and fear. The apostle John said, “We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one” (1 John 5:19). The enemy’s lies completely mess up our thinking and weaken us if we believe them. Every day we must combat his lies with God’s truth. ~ Stormie Omartian,
880:One of the statistics that always amazes me is the approval of the Chinese government, not elected, is over 80 percent. The approval of the U.S. government, fully elected, is 19 percent. Well, we elected these people and they didn't elect those people. Isn't it supposed to be different? Aren't we supposed to like the people that we elected? ~ Bill Gates,
881:Words are an extension of our thoughts, but we are our thoughts. Proverbs 23:7 says, “As [a man] thinks in his heart, so is he” (nkjv). God desires not to talk to you, but to “think” to you. This is what Jesus meant when He said, “I do what I see My Father doing” (John 5:19). The text implies, “I do what I mentally see My Father thinking. ~ Myles Munroe,
882:Leaders select noble objectives and pursue them with such intensity that others join them. ... The greatest of all leaders from this perspective was Jesus Christ. ....May your choices be so powerful and magnetic that you'll draw people toward life (Duet. 30:19, ...therefore choose life.-) rather than death, blessing rather than cursing. ~ John Ashcroft,
883:When Christ died on the cross for us, he said, "It is finished" (John 19:30). The Greek word translated "it is finished" was commonly written across certificates of debt when they were canceled. It meant "paid in full". Christ died so that the certificate of debt, consisting of all our sins, could once and for all be marked "paid in full". ~ Randy Alcorn,
884:DEU8.19 And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the LORD thy God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish. DEU8.20 As the nations which the LORD destroyeth before your face, so shall ye perish; because ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the LORD your God. ~ Anonymous,
885:I watched John Frusciante of the Red Hot Chili Peppers play it acoustically at their gig at the MEN Arena. I think I can safely say that, of the 19,000 people there, 18,950 didn’t know what it was—but I did, and it brought a tear to my eye, definitely. Monster bass line. A bass line that every bass player dreams of and I got it, so thank you. ~ Peter Hook,
886:Of the 53 central banks tracked by Bloomberg, 19 have dropped their benchmark interest rates in the past three months. Low rates encourage consumers to borrow and spend, increasing domestic consumption. They also devalue currencies, making exports cheaper. That's good for the countries selling but hard on countries flooded with cheap products. ~ Anonymous,
887:Christians walk together, never far from our Good Shepherd who leads and guides us in even the darkest nights in the desert. Left to ourselves we wander off into thistles and danger. In the wilderness of these years on earth, our Good Shepherd sustains us, tames the ravens (provides necessities), and tames the lions (protects from dangers).19 ~ Tony Reinke,
888:/Farsi And this delightful Herb whose tender Green Fledges the River's Lip on which we lean -- Ah, lean upon it lightly! for who knows From what once lovely Lip it springs unseen! [bk1sm.gif] -- from The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, by Omar Khayyam / Translated by Edward FitzGerald

~ Omar Khayyam, 19 - And this delightful Herb whose tender Green
889:Hebrews 3:19 tells us why the children of Israel did not enter into the promised land. Their problem was the same thing that keeps children of God today from enjoying the full benefits of their salvation: UNBELIEF I point this out not to condemn; rather, my desire is to see the children of God fully possess all of their benefits in Christ. ~ Brian Williams,
890:The pain of our past makes it hard to believe God’s promise of hope for our future. It’s easy to lose confidence in Him and in ourselves. My prayer for you right now is that God would open the eyes of your heart so that “you may know the hope to which he has called you . . . and his incomparably great power for us who believe” (Eph. 1:18–19). ~ Renee Swope,
891:God says you may not have anything you want. Why is this so? Answer #19: Because the mere act of wanting something tells the Universe that you don’t have it, and the Universe has no choice but to reflect that back in your reality. You end up getting more “wanting what you want,” because God always says “yes” to your Sponsoring Thought. ~ Neale Donald Walsch,
892:People must realize that the Christian begins from the finish line. Robert Capon says brilliantly, “the flat announcement of the Gospel turned out to be that the saints were home before they started. God saves us single-handedly!”19 We are already inner healed. Just turns out that most folks don’t know it. It is all a completed work of grace. ~ John Crowder,
893:According to analyses conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 100 grams of fresh tomato today has 30 percent less vitamin C, 30 percent less thiamin, 19 percent less niacin, and 62 percent less calcium than it did in the 1960s. But the modern tomato does shame it's counterpart in one area: It contains fourteen times as much sodium. ~ Barry Estabrook,
894:I came to New York for the first time with Peter Buck at age 19. We spent a week living out of a van on the street in front of a club in the West 60s called Hurrah. It's where Pylon played. I saw Klaus Nomi play there. And Michael Gira's band before he did Swans-they all wore cowboy boots and were so cool and had great hair. I was so jealous. ~ Michael Stipe,
895:If you can't spontaneously detect (without analyzing) the difference between the sacred and profane, you'll never know what religion means. You will also never figure out what we commonly call art. You will never understand anything. ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms (2010) The Sacred and the Profane, p.19.,
896:no one deceive himself. If anyone among you thinks that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. 19‡For the wisdom of this world is folly with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their craftiness,” 20and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile.” 21†So let no one boast in men. ~ Anonymous,
897:He talks about God, and loving God. he says that when we open to loving a person, whether that person is a spouse, friend, or child, we open our hearts to loving God. He says when we let someone love us, we're opening our hearts to god's love. he says the acts are the same. p 19 I decide loving isn't for the fain. Its for the courageous. p 19 ~ Melody Beattie,
898:The murder rate in Chicago is skyrocketing, and you see who's doing it and perpetrating it - they all look like Chief Keef. When it comes to the point that, you know, that kids who are doing the killings, and they're kids 13 to 19 years old, and you can replicate that in New Orleans, you can replicate that in Oakland. All the kids look the same. ~ Lupe Fiasco,
899:The Future of Humanity Institute conducted a poll of academic experts on global risks. They gave an estimate of 19 percent probability that the human species will go extinct before the end of this century. The Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change factored a 9.5 percent risk of extinction within the next century into its calculations. ~ George Marshall,
900:The nerve agent VX is one of the most toxic ever developed. 13,000 chemical bombs were dropped by the Iraqi Air Force between 1983 and 1988, while Iraq has declared that 19,500 bombs were consumed during this period. Thus, there is a discrepancy of 6,500 bombs. The amount of chemical agent in these bombs would be in the order of about 1,000 tonnes. ~ Hans Blix,
901:19 And they taught, and did aminister one to another; and they had ball things ccommon among them, every man dealing justly, one with another. 20 And it came to pass that they did do all things even as Jesus had commanded them. 21 And they who were baptized in the name of Jesus were called the achurch of Christ. ~ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints,
902:Britain is not part of the single currency. That is a decision we have taken, a voluntary decision of this country, but as a result are part of a European Union 19 of whose members are rapidly integrating, creating political, fiscal, monetary, economic union to make their currency work. And that is increasingly rubbing up against the operation. ~ George Osborne,
903:Do we dust for fingerprints now?” I asked.
He swiveled his head back around until he was gazing at me. “Who do we look like? The Hardy Boys?”
Silas chuckled at us without looking up from the laptop screen.

Stone, C. L. (2014-01-19). Drop of Doubt: The Ghost Bird Series: #5 (Kindle Locations 945-947). Arcato Publishing. Kindle Edition. ~ C L Stone,
904:Show me someone sick and happy, in danger and happy, dying and happy, exiled and happy, disgraced and happy. Show me! By God, how much I’d like to see a Stoic. But since you can’t show me someone that perfectly formed, at least show me someone actively forming themselves so, inclined in this way…. Show me!” —EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 2.19.24–25a, 28 ~ Ryan Holiday,
905:WHAT WE HAVE AS GOD’S CHILDREN Romans 5:8-20 What we have as Adam’s children What we have as God’s children Ruin 5:9 Rescue 5:8 Sin 5:12, 15, 21 Righteousness 5:18 Death 5:12, 16, 21 Eternal life 5:17, 21 Separation from God 5:18 Relationship with God 5:11, 19 Disobedience 5:12, 19 Obedience 5:19 Judgment 5:18 Deliverance 5:10-11 Law 5:20 Grace 5:20 ~ Anonymous,
906:He talks about God, and loving God. he says that when we open to loving a person, whether that person is a spouse, friend, or child, we open our hearts to loving God. He says when we let someone love us, we're opening our hearts to god's love. he says the acts are the same. p 19
I decide loving isn't for the fain. Its for the courageous. p 19 ~ Melody Beattie,
907:Deniz ve arkadaşları suç işlemişlerdir.
Ve bunun cezasını göze almışlardır.
Ne var ki, asıl suç onlarda değil, onları bu yollara iten namussuzlar koalisyonundadır. Üniversiteli gençlerin devrimci dinamizmini, Türkiye'nin yükselişi için itici güç olarak değerlendiremeyen her siyasi iktidar, suçlu olacaktır. İlhan Selçuk, Cumhuriyet, 19 Mart 1971 ~ Can D ndar,
908:mic.7.18 Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? he retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy. mic.7.19 He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. ~ Matthew Henry,
909:Sometimes I think that the Agni You have kindled in me is going to burn up everything that separates me from You. What should I do to contribute to its fulfilment?

   Each time that you discover in yourself something that denies or resists, throw it into the flame of Agni, which is the fire of aspiration. 19 May 1967
   ~ The Mother, Some Answers From The Mother,
910:Do not say that faith in Christ alone can save you, for this is not possible if you do not attain love for Him, which is demonstrated by deeds. As for mere faith: "The demons also believe and tremble" (James, 2:19). The action of love consists in heartfelt good deeds toward one's neighbor, magnanimity, patience, and sober use of things. ~ Saint Maximus the Confessor,
911:Wason called this phenomenon the confirmation bias, the tendency to seek out and interpret new evidence in ways that confirm what you already think. People are quite good at challenging statements made by other people, but if it’s your belief, then it’s your possession—your child, almost—and you want to protect it, not challenge it and risk losing it.19 ~ Jonathan Haidt,
912:KitKat 13:18:45: Who would your ideal prince be? Your childhood friend, Prince Charming, or a strong warrior?

Gallows Humor 13:19:10: I don’t want to know which Disney Princess I am. I’ve told you before, stop doing online quizzes. Leave it.

Gallows Humor 13:22:19: He would love me for myself.

KitKat 13:22:57: Tell me about your dress. ~ Lauren James,
913:The Bible soundly condemns every form of occult practice (Deuteronomy 18:9-14), which includes modern practices such as fortune-telling, Eastern meditation, reading palms and tarot cards, channeling, astral projection, astrology, Ouija boards, séances, crystal balls, or any other similar activities. Acts 16:16-18 and 19:11-20 link the occult to demonism. ~ Mark Hitchcock,
914:The dire poverty of the early nineteenth century Irish may be indicated by their average life expectancy of 19 years-compared to 36 years for contemporary American slaves-and the fact that slaves in the United States typically lived in houses a little larger than the unventilated huts of the Irish and slept on mattresses, while the Irish slept in piles of ~ Thomas Sowell,
915:Give yourself time and quietness in this Advent season and seek this experience. Pray for yourself the prayer of Paul in Ephesians 3:14–19—“that you may be filled with all the fullness of God”—that you may have power “to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge. ~ John Piper,
916:A Gallup poll of Muslims in the UK found that not a single Muslim in the 1,001 people polled thought that homosexuality was morally acceptable. The same poll found that 35% of French Muslims and 19% of German Muslims thought homosexuals were morally acceptable. These polls were taken before Europe’s importation of hordes of young Muslim “rapefugees.” As ~ Milo Yiannopoulos,
917:To me the art of the Counter Reformation was a pure joy and I loved the churches of Bernini and Borromini no less than the ancient basilicas. And this in turn led me to the literature of the Counter Reformation, and I came to know St Theresa and St John of the Cross, compared to whom even the greatest of non-Catholic religious writers seem pale and unreal.19 ~ Joseph Pearce,
918:From: Anastasia Steele
Subject: Moaning
Date: May 31 2011 19:39 EST
To: Christian Grey
Gotta go.
Laters, baby.


From: Christian Grey
Subject: Plagiarism
Date: May 31 2011 16:41
To: Anastasia Steele
You stole my line.
And left me hanging.
Enjoy your dinner.
Christian Grey
CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc. ~ E L James,
919:I used to play my records aloud until one night my mother was like, "This is too loud. I'm not having it," and so I put on headphones. But the headphones didn't stretch all the way to my bed from the record player, so I had to sleep on the floor in order to hear the records. I slept on the floor right next to the record player until I was probably 19 years old. ~ Lauryn Hill,
920:On Wednesday, July 19, the Council, having gleaned and discerned, released its official verdict: the fall of the tile bearing the letter "Z" constitutes the terrestrial manifestation of an empyrean Nollopian desire, that desire most surely being that the letter "Z" should be utterly excised--fully extirpated--absolutively heave-ho'ed from our communal vocabulary! ~ Mark Dunn,
921:Do you ever wonder whether people would like you more or less if they could see inside you? I mean, I’ve always felt like the Katherines dump me right when they start to see what I look like from the inside—well, except K-19. But I always wonder about that. If people could see me the way I see myself—if they could live in my memories—would anyone, anyone, love me? ~ John Green,
922:I know it's different today than when I was growing up, and that's fine. But I have never been somebody, even when I was earning $19,000 a year, I never ran around whining and moaning about what things cost. What they cost was what they cost. And if I couldn't afford it, then I had to find a way to afford it or forget about it for now. It's just the way it was. ~ Rush Limbaugh,
923:19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live, 20 love the LORD your God, obey Him, and remain faithful to Him. For He is your life, and He will prolong your life in the land the LORD swore to give to your fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. ~ Anonymous,
924:La razón principal por la cual la fe nos ha sido dada es a fin de que veamos la gloria de Dios en Cristo y meditando en ella seamos afectados. Si no poseemos este entendimiento (el cual es dado por el poder de Dios a todos aquellos que creen), no conoceremos cosa alguna del misterio del evangelio. (Vea Ef.l:17-19; 2 Cor.4:3-6) ========== La Gloria de Cristo John Owen ~ Anonymous,
925:Repentance means turning away from one’s own work to the mercy of God. The whole Bible calls to us and cheers us: Turn back, turn back! Return—where to? To the everlasting grace of God, who does not leave us…. God will be merciful—so come, judgment day! Lord Jesus, make us ready. We rejoice. Amen.7 Bonhoeffer’s sermon for Repentance Sunday, November 19, 1933 ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
926:Directly down the lawn and accross the Ellipse from the White House are those ordered, classic lines of the Jefferson Memorial and the eyes of the 19-foot statue that gaze directly into the White House, a reminder to any of us who might occupy that mansion of the quality of mind and generosity of heart that once abided there and has been so rarely seen there again. ~ Ronald Reagan,
927:emotional, motivational, and ethical characteristics.19 The common strands that seemed to transcend all creative fields was an openness to one’s inner life, a preference for complexity and ambiguity, an unusually high tolerance for disorder and disarray, the ability to extract order from chaos, independence, unconventionality, and a willingness to take risks. ~ Scott Barry Kaufman,
928:Throughout the biblical narrative what sets humans apart from all animals is that humans alone possess a soul and therefore live eternally, reason, have moral capabilities, and can love. Unlike humans, nowhere are animals offered eternal life (John 3:15), commanded to think (Luke 10:27), held morally accountable (Ezek. 33:18–19), or commanded to love (John 15:17). ~ Gregory A Boyd,
929:You hear a lot of people, they turn 40 and it really bugs them and they get depressed or whatever. I don't know - I just don't feel that way. I feel 19 years old all the time. I mean, it's not a lie. I could easily say, God, I feel 70. Or maybe I seem like I'm 70 or 200 or something to other people, I don't know. My brain feels 19 all the time. And that's a good spot. ~ Jack White,
930:19†“Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, 20“and that He may send cJesus Christ, who was dpreached to you before, 21†“whom heaven must receive until the times of †restoration of all things, †which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since ethe world began. ~ Anonymous,
931:Trajan became commander of the world's largest army. It was a tradition for any new emperor to kick-start his reign with a little military adventure – and Trajan especially wasn't going to be left out. Kicking ass on the frontiers helped an emperor to stamp his authority on the Empire, built his reputation and kept the army busy. Besides, Trajan took 'delight in war'.19 ~ Terry Jones,
932:Remember that Jesus only did what he saw his Father doing (John 5:19). The miraculous ministry of Jesus was absolutely dependent on his intimacy with his Father. Likewise, the ministry of the apostles was absolutely dependent on their intimacy with Jesus, for without him they could do nothing (John 15:5). Therefore, the loss of intimacy means the loss of power for ministry. ~ Anonymous,
933:The profession of faith that never evidences itself in righteous behavior is a “dead” faith ( James 2:17), being no better than that of the demons (v. 19). This is not to say that true believers never stumble. Certainly they do. Yet the pattern of their lives is one of continual repentance and increasing godliness as they grow in sanctification and Christlikeness. ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
934:When we filter everything through past hurts, rejections, and experiences, we find it impossible to believe God. We cannot believe He means what He says. We doubt His goodness and faithfulness since we judge Him by the standards set by man in our lives. But God is not a man! He cannot lie (Num. 23:19). His ways are not like ours, and His thoughts are not ours (Isa. 55:8–9). ~ John Bevere,
935:Writing is not like dancing or modeling; it's not something where-if you missed it by age 19-you're finished. It's never too late. Your writing will only get better as you get older and wiser. If you write something beautiful and important, and the right person somehow discovers it, they will clear room for you on the bookshelves of the world-at any age. At least try. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
936:17 The wicked will go down to the grave.[*]        This is the fate of all the nations who ignore God. 18 But the needy will not be ignored forever;        the hopes of the poor will not always be crushed. 19 Arise, O LORD!        Do not let mere mortals defy you!        Judge the nations! 20 Make them tremble in fear, O LORD.        Let the nations know they are merely human. ~ Anonymous,
937:For this purpose we will benefit most from the great passages of scripture that clearly show us our Father in relation to his creation and his earthly family. These are passages such as Genesis 1 or 15; Exodus 19; 1 Kings 8; 2 Chronicles 16 and 19; Nehemiah 9; many of the psalms (34, 37, 91, and 103, for example); Isaiah 30, 44, and 56–66; Luke 11; Romans 8; Philippians 4. ~ Dallas Willard,
938:General international law’ refers to rules and principles that are applicable to a large number of states, on the basis of either customary international law or multilateral treaties.19 If they become binding upon all states, they are often referred to as ‘universal international law’. But there is also regional international law, which applies only to certain groups of states, ~ Anonymous,
939:I'm able to laugh now, because I've gone through a lot of mental and physical therapy to heal over the years, my music's been wonderful for me. But I was a shell of my former self at one point. I was not myself. To be fair, I was about 19, so ... I went to Catholic school and all this crazy stuff happened, and I was going, 'Oh, is this just the way adults are?' I was very naive. ~ Lady Gaga,
940:Just then, the music stopped. The band needed a break from Mike’s requests. As they were exiting the stage, a sudden uproar--an explosion--erupted from the first floor of the country club.
ASU had shocked the world by beating Nebraska. The final score: 19--0.
September twenty-first was about to go down in history as the most memorable date of Marlboro Man’s life. ~ Ree Drummond,
941:Think bigger than society lets you think. And find mentors. My life is filled with people who knew me when I was 19 and had a horrible South African accent and bleach-blond hair and who believed in me in a way that was brutal. They were just unbelievable and consistent and smart. Find mentors who, every time you're with them, you're being schooled. Just absolutely schooled. ~ Charlize Theron,
942:All a gun does is focus an explosion in one direction. You have a class of young strong men and women, and they want to give their lives to something. Advertising has these people chasing cars and clothes they don't need. Generations have been working in jobs they hate, just so they can buy what they don't really need. ~ Chuck PalahniukChuck Palahniuk, Fight Club, Chapter 19 ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
943:To obey God, is not so much our duty—as our privilege; his commands carry food in the mouth of them. He bids us repent—and why? That our sins may be blotted out. Acts 3:19. He commands us to believe—and why? That we may be saved. Acts 16:31. There is love in every command. It is as if a king should bid one of his subjects dig in a gold mine, and then keep the gold for himself. ~ Thomas Watson,
944:At 19, if a woman said no, no meant no. If she didn't say anything and she was open, and she was down, it was like how far can I go? If I touch her breast and she's down for me to touch her breast, cool. If I touch her lower, and she's down and she's not stopping me, cool. I'm going to kiss her or whatever. It was simply if a woman said no or pushed you away that was non-consent. ~ Nate Parker,
945:Calvin Morett, a 19 year old Saratoga Springs, NY, high school student was cited for disorderly conduct. His  conduct?  He showed up at his high school graduation dressed as a 6 foot penis.  Officials report that Morett went to court where he stood erect, manned up and pleaded guilty to the charge. For his punishment he was ordered to write a letter of apology to his school. ~ Leonard Birdsong,
946:Seely shows how the modern scientific bias has guided the translators to render the word for “firmament” (raqia) as “expanse.” Raqia in the Bible consistently means a solid material such as a metal that is hammered out by a craftsman (Ex. 39:3; Isa. 40:19). And when raqia is used elsewhere in the Bible for the heavens, it clearly refers to a solid material, sometimes even metal! ~ Brian Godawa,
947:Elantris (Sanderson, Brandon) - Your Highlight on page 237 | Location 4560-4562 | Added on Friday, March 21, 2014 2:19:28 AM Sometimes we must fall, sometimes we will rise—some must be hurt while others have fortune, for that is the only way we can learn to rely on one another. As one is blessed, it is his privilege to help those whose lives are not as easy. Unity comes from strife, ~ Anonymous,
948:But, the skeptic asks, what about the person who never hears the gospel? The apostle Paul tells us that all are without excuse because "what may be known about God is plain to them" (Rom. 1:19-20). We are accountable for what we know (and by implication not for what we don't know). And when we rebel against what we know to be right and true, we eventually pay the consequences. ~ Charles W Colson,
949:God helps those who help themselves. ~ Algernon Sidney, Discourse Concerning Government, Chapter II. Ovid—Metamorphoses. X. 586. Pliny the Elder, viewing the Eruption of Vesuvius, Aug., 79. Friedrich Schiller, William Tell, I. 2. Simonides is quoted as author by Claudian. Sophocles, Fragments. Terence, Phormio. I. 4. Vergil, Æneid (29-19 BC), X, 284. Quoted as a proverb by old and modern writers,
950:Their revered minister John Cotton had instructed them that they could attack the natives “without provocation”—a procedure normally unlawful—because they had not only a natural right to their territory, but “a special Commission from God” to take their land.19 Already there were signs of the exceptionalist thinking that would in the future often characterize American politics. ~ Karen Armstrong,
951:When you pray either aloud or to yourself for others ? for instance, for the members of your household or for strangers, even though they may not have asked you to do so ? pray for them with the same ardor and zeal as you would pray for yourself. Remember the commandment of the law: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself' (Lev. 19:18). Observe this rule upon all occasions. ~ John of Kronstadt,
952:Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance. (Proverbs 1:5, NIV) The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice. (Proverbs 12:15, NIV) Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. (Proverbs 15:22, NIV) Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise. (Proverbs 19:20, NIV) ~ Andy Stanley,
953:apa bezanya kezaliman dan kekejaman
antara atas nama raja dan atas nama rakyat
kedua-duanya adalah pembunuhan
apa bezanya gulotin para raja dan gulitin para rakyat
kedua-duanya adalah taring-taring setan
yang mengangkat pembunuhan dan kezaliman
lalu apa bezanya kerosakan yang dibuat atas nama rakyat
dan kerosakan yang dibuat atas nama negara.

(Perjalanan 19) ~ S M Zakir,
954:Pius XII was known for his outspoken warnings to the faithful against the "abuse of human rights,"19 yet he was silent about the Holocaust. He never spoke a public word against Hitler's systematic extermination of the Jews, because to do so would have condemned his own Church for its similar deeds. This silence, historians agree, encouraged Hitler and added to the unspeakable genocide. ~ Dave Hunt,
955:Romans 3:10-11 says, “As it is written: ‘There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.” Sin affects man in such a way that he will not seek God. He will not come after him. God had to take the initiative. Christ came to seek and to save those who were lost (Luke 19:10). We cannot seek him and couldn’t find him if we did—we are lost. ~ Gregory Brown,
956:Woody sat on the edge of the table and looked intently at one of his goons. “Ray, what do you do when your tooth hurts real bad? “I use a spanner, and yank it out real hard. The big ones you get at Walmart for $19.99 work really well.” Woody shook his head in despair. Ray wasn’t exactly a top contender for Mensa membership. This was going to be more difficult than Woody had thought. ~ Sameer Kamat,
957:A Call to Remain Faithful 17 But you, my dear friends, must remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ said. 18 They told you that in the last times there would be scoffers whose purpose in life is to satisfy their ungodly desires. 19 These people are the ones who are creating divisions among you. They follow their natural instincts because they do not have God’s Spirit in them. ~ Anonymous,
958:EXO14.19 And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them: EXO14.20 And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these: so that the one came not near the other all the night. ~ Anonymous,
959:Though the fig tree does not bud and there is no fruit on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, 18 yet I will triumph in •Yahweh; I will rejoice in the God of my salvation!  19 Yahweh my Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like those of a deer  and enables me to walk on mountain heights!  ~ Anonymous,
960:love is not an emotion; it’s a policy and a commitment that we choose to keep in the harshest of circumstances. It’s something that can be learned and that we can grow in. Biblical love is not based on the worthiness of the person being loved—none of us deserves Christ’s sacrifice—but on the worthiness of the One who calls us to love: “We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19). ~ Gary L Thomas,
961:May your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love; 18-19 and may you be able to feel and understand, as all God’s children should, how long, how wide, how deep, and how high his love really is; and to experience this love for yourselves, though it is so great that you will never see the end of it or fully know or understand it. And so at last you will be filled up with God ~ Anonymous,
962:Winners require innovation and discipline, the imagination to see the big picture and the focus to perceive the very small. “The great task, rarely achieved, is to blend creative intensity with relentless discipline so as to amplify the creativity rather than destroy it,” Collins writes. “When you marry operating excellence with innovation, you multiply the value of your creativity.”19 ~ Matthew Syed,
963:Within five years, the effects of the civil rights revolution were undeniable. Between 1964 and 1969, the percentage of African American adults registered to vote in the South soared. In Alabama the rate leaped from 19.3 percent to 61.3 percent; in Georgia, 27.4 percent to 60.4 percent; in Louisiana, 31.6 percent to 60.8 percent; and in Mississippi, 6.7 percent to 66.5 percent.33 ~ Michelle Alexander,
964:And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written,  LUK4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,  LUK4:19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. ~ Anonymous,
965:The writer C. S. Lewis once characterized this style of argument: “The very lack of evidence is thus treated as evidence; the absence of smoke proves that the fire is very carefully hidden.”18 Such arguments are effectively impossible to refute, as Lewis noted. “A belief in invisible cats cannot be logically disproved,” although it does “tell us a good deal about those who hold it.”19 The ~ Naomi Oreskes,
966:My soul’s house is too meager for you to visit; enlarge it. It is falling down; rebuild it. Inside it are things that would disgust you to see: I confess this, and I know it. But who’s going to clean it? Or rather, to whom else am I going to shout, “Clean away from me, Master, the hidden things that are my own, and spare your slave from the hidden things coming from others!”?*19 ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
967:I love what Jesus said in Luke 19:29-30: “Everyone who has given up house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the Kingdom of God, will be repaid many times over in this life” (NLT). Notice it doesn’t say when you get to heaven God will bless you. It says, right here on the earth, if you give up anything for God’s sake, He will reward you more than you can even imagine. ~ Joel Osteen,
968:I'm trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief... I'm not in the business of offending people. I find the books upholding certain values that I think are important, such as life is immensely valuable and this world is an extraordinarily beautiful place. We should do what we can to increase the amount of wisdom in the world.

[Washington Post interview, 19 February 2001] ~ Philip Pullman,
969:I set before you life or death, blessing or curse. Therefore, choose life" (Deuteronomy 30:19). Why, I wondered, would God waste precious breath on saying something so obvious? I had failed to understand the
perverse comfort we sometimes get from choosing death in life, exempting ourselves from the challenge of using our gifts, of living our lives in authentic relationship with others. ~ Parker J Palmer,
970:Jesus himself used the term Hades as the location of damned spirits in contrast with heaven as the location of redeemed spirits when he talked of Capernaum rejecting miracles, “And you, Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven? You will be brought down to Hades” (Matt. 11:23). Hades was also the location of departed spirits in his parable of Lazarus and the rich man in Hades (Luke 16:19-31). ~ Brian Godawa,
971:Since we all have blind spots, you may need to ask a third party to help you evaluate your own actions before meeting with the person with whom you have a conflict. Also ask God to show you how much of the problem is your fault. Ask, “Am I the problem? Am I being unrealistic, insensitive, or too sensitive?” The Bible says, “If we claim that we’re free of sin, we’re only fooling ourselves.” 19 ~ Rick Warren,
972:When Christianity was born, it was the only religion on the planet that had no sacred objects, no sacred persons, and no sacred spaces.'8 Although surrounded by Jewish synagogues and pagan temples, the early Christians were the only religious people on earth who did not erect sacred buildings for their worship.19 The Christian faith was born in homes, out in courtyards, and along roadsides.20 ~ Frank Viola,
973:[A] family with two kids that earns the minimum wage still lives below the poverty line. That's wrong. That's why, since the last time this Congress raised the minimum wage, 19 states have chosen to bump theirs even higher. Tonight, let's declare that in the wealthiest nation on Earth, no one who works full-time should have to live in poverty, and raise the federal minimum wage to $9 an hour. ~ Barack Obama,
974:15See that  t no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always  u seek to do good to one another and to everyone. 16 v Rejoice always, 17 w pray without ceasing, 18 x give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 19 y Do not quench the Spirit. 20Do not despise  z prophecies, 21but  a test everything; hold fast what is good. 22Abstain from every form of evil. ~ Anonymous,
975:Another visitor described them as “midget hells, where one lies awake and sweats the first half of the night, and frequently between midnight and dawn undergoes a fierce siege of heat-provoking nightmares.” They seemed to be “designed by Detroit architects who probably couldn’t envision a land without snow.”19 Ford managers, said the priest, “never really figured out what country they were in. ~ Greg Grandin,
976:4. There is a text that looms in resilient power. There is a waiting congregation, perhaps not tired out, but too sure of self, pretending buoyancy where there might have been transformation. There is the voice that takes the old script and renders it to evoke a new world we had not yet witnessed (cf. Isa. 43:19). The fourth and final partner is this better world given as fresh revelation. ~ Walter Brueggemann,
977:I'm very comfortable with what I do, but it just seems like yesterday that I just started, at 19, and it's been like a whirlwind ever since. I've gotten to travel all over the world and meet all kinds of people and do all kinds of great things, so it's, like, surreal. It just lets you know how time flies, especially when you're having fun. It seems like time keeps going by faster as I get older. ~ Mekhi Phifer,
978:You are not disappointing him now. You may be disappointed, but he is not. Jesus knew what he was in for when he came “to seek and to save what was lost” (Luke 19:10). He came to seek and to save all that was lost—in our loving and living and dreaming and longing. He has saved us, and he is saving us still. We are being transformed into the very image of Christ. Whether we feel like it or not. ~ Stasi Eldredge,
979:18    Draw near to my soul, redeem me;         ransom me because of my enemies!     19 You know my  b reproach,         and my shame and my dishonor;         my foes are all known to you. 20     b Reproaches have broken my heart,         so that I am in  c despair.     I  d looked for  e pity, but there was none,         and for  f comforters, but I found none. 21    They gave me  g poison for food, ~ Anonymous,
980:Far from hiding Black Jack, the irascible John Custis doted on him, and when the little boy was five, he submitted a petition to the governor to free the boy “christened John but commonly called Jack, born of the body of his Negro wench young Alice.”19 To celebrate his emancipation, the boy was given four slaves as playmates.20 Obviously John Custis didn’t rate very highly as a child psychologist. ~ Ron Chernow,
981:This product that was on TV was available for four easy payments of $19.95. I would like a product that was available for three easy payments and one complicated payment. We can't tell you which payment it is, but one of these payments is going to be hard. The mailman will get shot, the envelope will not seal, the stamp will be in the wrong denomination. The final payment must be made in wampum. ~ Mitch Hedberg,
982:When Peter speaks of spiritual gifts he uses two very general terms.3 The first is the word for speaking: lalein. In the rest of the New Testament this word can denote simple daily speech between anyone (Matthew 12:36; Ephesians 4:25; James 1:19). It can also refer to a preaching ministry, as with Jesus (Matthew 12:46 and 13:10) or Paul (2 Corinthians 12:19). What is Peter talking about here? ~ Timothy J Keller,
983:Working a model liberated me from ever having to hold a day job. I transitioned from doing that to working full-time as an artist. If you're 19 and living cheap, being an artist model can sustain you. I dropped out of college at 21 and my illustration hadn't yet taken off. It is more than working in a store. It is a hard way to make a living but you earn more than in a similarly unskilled job. ~ Molly Crabapple,
984:It is necessary to baptize little children, that the promise of salvation may be applied to them, according to Christ’s command to baptize all nations (Matthew 28:19). Just as in this passage salvation is offered to all, so Baptism is offered to all, to men, women, children, infants. It clearly follows, therefore, that infants are to be baptized, because salvation is offered with Baptism” (Ap IX 52). ~ Anonymous,
985:When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. 19 Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. ~ Anonymous,
986:A lot of us pray as if prayer is really twisting the arm of God or convincing God to do something. We think by saying more words we’ll talk God into it. We think, “If I say it one more time, God will agree with me.” That very attitude is an alienating attitude. It keeps us in the role of doing it “right” or often enough to convince an unready or unwilling God. Wrong, wrong, wrong!
19 minutes ago ~ Richard Rohr,
987:I have four daughters, the eldest is 19, the youngest is 12, and I watched all of them journey into motherhood. Motherhood is very deep. It starts when you're very, very young. Now, my 12 year old comes in, wants to put me to bed. And she'll, you know, put her hand on my forehead and say the prayer with me. As for years I've done for her! It's almost like a very beautiful, natural transition. ~ Giancarlo Esposito,
988:Possess patience to such an extent that you can suffer anything for the church, for your friends, for your neighbors, or for anyone. Remember this: we build character in others as our character is built. As we are pure in our thoughts, are tender and gracious to other people, and possess our souls in patience (Luke 21:19), then people have a great desire for our fellowship in the Holy Spirit. ~ Smith Wigglesworth,
989:All nuts are high in protein and monounsaturated fat. But almonds are the Usain Bolt of nuts: They’re undeniably nutty, but they still manage to finish well ahead of the pack. A handful of almonds provides half the amount of vitamin E you need in a day and 8 percent of the calcium. This handful also contains 19 percent of your daily requirement of magnesium—a key component for muscle building. In ~ David Zinczenko,
990:Saturday 18th July 19:02
Great. Will see you tomorrow. I am just going home for a bit of anal.

Saturday 18th July 19:04
That was the auto correct! Not me! My email was meant to read ‘I am just going home for a bit of a nap!’
I am tired, I am not, and I never have…
Anyway. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Coco. ~ Robert Bryndza,
991:Thou art a little soul bearing about a corpse, as Epictetus used to say (I. C. 19). 42. It is no evil for things to undergo change, and no good for things to subsist in consequence of change. 43. Time is like a river made up of the events which happen, and a violent stream; for as soon as a thing has been seen, it is carried away, and another comes in its place, and this will be carried away too. ~ Marcus Aurelius,
992:I always tried to be open-minded, but not so open-minded that my brains would fall out. As G. K. Chesterton says, "The purpose of opening the mind, as of opening the mouth, is to close it again on something solid." I opened my mind, and I finally closed it on the most solid reality I had ever experienced. On December 19, 1959, at 8:30PM, during my second year at the university, I became a Christian. ~ Josh McDowell,
993:Manson came up for parole and was denied a total of 12 times. The last time Manson was denied parole was in April 2012 at which time he was 77 years old. Charles Manson died on November 19, 2017 from cardiac arrest resulting from respiratory failure due to colon cancer. Manson died ten years before his next parole hearing, which was scheduled for 2027, by which time he would have been 92 years old. ~ Hourly History,
994:Paul declared, “There is none who seeks after God” (Rom. 3:11). The unbeliever never seeks God. The unbeliever is a fugitive from God. The natural pattern for humanity is to run from Him, to hide from Him. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). He is the Seeker; we are the ones who are running. In humanity’s sinful state, we may look for answers to life’s puzzles, but we do not seek God. ~ R C Sproul,
995:Published in 1829, The Young Lady’s Book asserted that “Whatever situation of life a woman is placed, from her cradle to her grave, a spirit of obedience and submission, pliability of temper, and humility of mind, are required from her.”19 Everyday tasks were made more time-consuming and taxing, so as to better fill the days of women who might otherwise grow restive and attempt to leave the house. ~ Rebecca Traister,
996:The use of depleted uranium in the Gulf War has been particularly effective. Radiation levels in Iraq are appallingly high. Babies are born with no brain, no eyes, no genitals. Where they do have ears, mouths or rectums, all that issues from these orifices is blood.' - HAROLD PINTER A $19 trillion price tag since 1940 for past, present, and future wars reveals our addiction to war and bloodshed. ~ Philip Berrigan,
997:26:31 In its context Zec 13:7 speaks of false prophets, but the principle of sheep scattering without a shepherd is a wider one (cf. the probable allusion to Eze 34:5 in Mt 9:36), and Matthew may also be thinking of the faithful shepherd in Zec 11:9–13 (to which he alludes in Mt 26:15 [see note there]). The Dead Sea Scrolls also seem to apply Zec 13:7 in a more positive way (see Damascus Document 19.5–9). ~ Anonymous,
998:For Thy mercies’ sake, O Lord my God, tell me what Thou art to me. Say unto my soul, I am Thy salvation. 18 So speak that I may hear, Lord, my heart is listening; open it that it may hear Thee say to my soul I am Thy salvation. Hearing that word, let me come in haste to lay hold upon Thee. Hide not Thy face from me. 19 Let me see Thy face even if I die, 20 lest I die with longing to see it. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
999:lo que los juicios apremian- los afectos los abrazan. El que valora el oro, se deleitará en él. Tenemos la tendencia, por incredulidad, de entretener leves pensamientos de piedad, por lo tanto, nuestros afectos son tan leves. David apreciaba los estatutos de Dios a un ritmo elevado; “Más que desear son que el oro, y más que mucho oro fino,” Salmo 19.10. y por lo tanto creció que el amor se inflama por ~ Thomas Watson,
1000:When it comes to girls (and in Colin's case, it so often did), everyone has a type. Colin Singleton's type was not physical but linguistic: he liked Katherines. And not Katies or Kats or Kitties or Cathys or Rynns or Trinas or Kays or Kates or, god forbid, Catherines. K-A-T-H-E-R-I-N-E. He had dated 19 girls. All of them had been named Katherine. And all of them- every single solitary one- had dumped him. ~ John Green,
1001:Complaints: McKinsey and Company found: • customers who have major problems but don’t complain about them have a purchase intention rate of about 9% • those who do complain, regardless of the outcome, have a repurchase rate of about 19% • customers who have their complain resolved have a repurchase intention rate of 54% • customers who have complaints quickly resolved have a repurchase intention rate of 82% ~ Anonymous,
1002:It is all of our jobs to make sure that women's rights are human rights, and that they do have a place at the table, and we all push toward equality. The leadership numbers for women in business really haven't changed since I began as CEO. There are only 21 female CEOs at Fortune 500 companies, there is only 17 to 19 percent of female representatives in Congress, there are only eight female governors. ~ Julie Smolyansky,
1003:But Jesus said, “Not everyone is mature enough to live a married life. It requires a certain aptitude and grace. Marriage isn’t for everyone. Some, from birth seemingly, never give marriage a thought. Others never get asked—or accepted. And some decide not to get married for kingdom reasons. But if you’re capable of growing into the largeness of marriage, do it.” (Matthew 19:11-12 The Message, emphasis added) ~ John Bevere,
1004:I do very little on-camera acting, so within a phrase as a voice actor you have to know how to convey when someone is 95 years old or 19 years old. . . When I was the lead singer of the California Raisins commercials there was a traditional actor there as well and he would do all these body movements without saying anything because he was "acting." And the only acting the microphone picked up on was silence. ~ Jim Cummings,
1005:Since Oliver Cowdery was born in 1806 and was in Poultney from 1809 to 1825, he was resident in Poultney from 3 years of age until he was 19 years of age - 16 years in all. And these years encompassed the publication of View of the Hebrews, in 1822 [1823] and 1825. His three little half sisters, born in Poultney, were all baptized in Ethan Smith's church. Thus, the family had a close tie with Ethan Smith. ~ Thomas Ferguson,
1006:If you walk along the street you will encounter a number of scientific problems. Of these, about 80 per cent are insoluble, while 19½ per cent are trivial. There is then perhaps half a per cent where skill, persistence, courage, creativity and originality can make a difference. It is always the task of the academic to swim in that half a per cent, asking the questions through which some progress can be made. ~ Hermann Bondi,
1007:It seems to me that at 19 or 20, a young man is burning to be great at something. I was. You have a vision that's beyond the neighborhood. You want to make a mark while you're alive. You don't know exactly your future, but you want to be great at it. And greatness is an important word. And you dare not tell anybody how extreme and how burning are your visions, because you don't want anybody to mess with them ~ Art Garfunkel,
1008:The symbol of the anchor is powerful because of what it stands for: hope. The book of Hebrews speaks of “this hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast” (Hebrews 6:19). That’s a game changer. A boat that is anchored can be battered, but it won’t be moved. Because of Jesus, we have hope. And because of hope, even in the midst of the worst storms of this life, we have an anchor for our souls. ~ Levi Lusko,
1009:This principle is taught in Scripture: "We love because he first loved us" (1 John 4:19). In other words, we learn to be loving because we are loved. Grace must come from the outside for us to be able to develop it inside. The opposite side of this truth is that we can't love when we aren't loved. And, taking the thinking further, we can't value or treasure our souls when they haven't been valued or treasured. ~ Henry Cloud,
1010:The most difficult thing about writing, I'm discovering, is not the act of constructing the sentences themselves. It's deciding what to put in, and where, and what to leave out. I'm constantly second-guessing myself. I chose the accident, but I could just as easily have started with any point during my thirty-five years of life before that. Why not start with: " I was born in the year 19-, in the city of -? ~ Andrew Davidson,
1011:The other study examined the effect of awe. Awe lives “in the upper reaches of pleasure and on the boundary of fear,” as two scholars put it. It “is a little studied emotion . . . central to the experience of religion, politics, nature, and art.”19 It has two key attributes: vastness (the experience of something larger than ourselves) and accommodation (the vastness forces us to adjust our mental structures). ~ Daniel H Pink,
1012:There’s a passage in John Steinbeck’s “East of Eden” that does a pretty good job describing California’s rainfall patterns:

The water came in a 30-year cycle. There would be five to six wet and wonderful years when there might be 19 to 25 inches of rain, and the land would shout with grass. Then would come six or seven pretty good years of 12 to 16 inches of rain. And then the dry years would come ... ~ John Steinbeck,
1013:GASTRIC BYPASS SURGERY COMPLICATIONS: 14-YEAR FOLLOW-UP11 Vitamin B12 deficiency 239 39.9 percent Readmit for various reasons 229 38.2 percent Incisional hernia 143 23.9 percent Depression 142 23.7 percent Staple line failure   90 15.0 percent Gastritis   79 13.2 percent Cholecystitis   68 11.4 percent Anastomotic problems   59 9.8 percent Dehydration, malnutrition   35 5.8 percent Dilated pouch   19 3.2 percent ~ Joel Fuhrman,
1014:Matthew 28:19–20: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” The imperative in those verses is “go.” But as we go, there are several sub-commands. We are to make disciples. We are to baptize. We are to teach. ~ Thom S Rainer,
1015:high he led a multitude of captives." It is immediately added that He had previously "descended first into the lower parts of the earth," i.e. the paradise division of Hades. during the present church-age the saved who died are "absent from the body, at home with the Lord." The wicked dead in hades, and the righteous dead "at home with the Lord," alike await the resurrection # Job 19:25 1Co 15:52 ¯ See Note "Mt 5:22 ~ Anonymous,
1016:People may "resort to [empty] idols" for security (Is 19:3), but such idols will "vanish" and be "cast away" to the trash because they are worthless and cannot provide any security at all, except false security (Is 2:18-20).42 We may commit ourselves to some earthly idol for fulfillment, but there will be none, since such idols are truly empty and have no spiritual reality except a demonic one (see also Is 41:29).43 ~ G K Beale,
1017:As the sociologist Diana C. Mutz discovered in her book Hearing the Other Side (2006), those with the highest levels of education have the lowest exposure to people with conflicting points of view, while those who have not graduated from high school can claim the most diverse discussion mates.19 In other words, those most likely to live in the tightest echo chambers are those with the highest level of education. ~ Greg Lukianoff,
1018:No siempre sabrás leer bajo el maquillaje de la gente que conoces. He decidido que una buena idea sería preguntar hacia dónde se dirigen antes de ir con ellos. Si no van hacia el destino donde tú quieres llegar, espera un poco más en la escarchada junto a la autopista. CAPÍTULO 19 JEEPOLOGÍA Solía pensar que los mejores maestros vestían chaquetas de lana y fumaban pipa, pero ahora sé que pueden volcarse y gotear aceite. ~ Bob Goff,
1019:She is more precious than rubies; Nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life ( Immortals ) is in her right hand; In her left hand are riches ( Ghanaian ) and honor ( El: Azmah ) her ways are pleasant ways and all her paths are peace ( Sablul Salem of Qur‘an). She is a Tree of Life ( Shajrah Khuld of holy Qur‘an), to those who embrace her, those who lay hold of her will be blessed.

Proverbs : 3 : 15 – 19. ~ Anonymous,
1020:Government may not interfere with individual liberty in order to protect a person from himself, or to impose the majority’s beliefs about how best to live. The only actions for which a person is accountable to society, Mill argues, are those that affect others. As long as I am not harming anyone else, my “independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.”19 ~ Michael J Sandel,
1021:I'm pleased that I've balanced budgets. I was on the world of business for 25 years. If you didn't balance your budget, you went out of business. I went into the Olympics that was out of balance, and we got it on balance, and made a success there. I had the chance to be governor of a state. Four years in a row, Democrats and Republicans came together to balance the budget. We cut taxes 19 times and balanced our budget. ~ Mitt Romney,
1022:Psalm 31:19 reads, "How great is Your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, . . . those who take refuge in you. . . ." That is what God does for those who fear him. He sets aside and stores up goodness for His children, to be given at appropriate times in the future. What this goodness is, and when it will be bestowed, is unique to each individual according to God's plan and purpose for that person. ~ Beth Moore,
1023:Science is a magnificent material force, but it is not a teacher of morals. It can perfect machinery, but it adds no moral restraints to protect society from the misuse of the machine. . . . Science does not [and cannot] teach brotherly love.”19 Secular, scientific reason is a great good, but if taken as the sole basis for human life, it will be discovered that there are too many things we need that it is missing. ~ Timothy J Keller,
1024:17 Even though the fig trees have no blossoms,        and there are no grapes on the vines;    even though the olive crop fails,        and the fields lie empty and barren;    even though the flocks die in the fields,        and the cattle barns are empty, 18 yet I will rejoice in the LORD!        I will be joyful in the God of my salvation! 19 The Sovereign LORD is my strength!        He makes me as surefooted as a deer, ~ Anonymous,
1025:We have to die, and the choice is ours. If we don’t, we are still holding on to something. And if we are holding on, we aren’t really following. Just sort of following. Standing around. [Oh God, what did I sign up for? This Christianity thing is hard. Deep breath . . .] The apostle Paul chimes in, too: I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. (Galatians 2:19–20) ~ Peter Enns,
1026:When we wrap God’s truth around us, it protects us by strengthening our core being. The enemy uses lies to confuse people and fill them with anxiety and fear. The apostle John said, “We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one” (1 John 5:19). The enemy’s lies completely mess up our thinking and weaken us if we believe them. Every day we must combat his lies with God’s truth. ~ Stormie Omartian,
1027:18 Let this be recorded for future generations, so that a people not yet born will praise the Lord. 19 Tell them the Lord looked down from his heavenly sanctuary. He looked down to earth from heaven 20 to hear the groans of the prisoners, to release those condemned to die. 21 And so the Lord’s fame will be celebrated in Zion, his praises in Jerusalem, 22 when multitudes gather together and kingdoms come to worship the Lord. ~ Anonymous,
1028:Are you in here for an actual reason?

CARTER Pretty much. I don’t remember what it is, but I’m sure I had one when I started down the hall …

TOM Perfect.

CARTER Oh, yeah, now I recall . Because I was bored in my office … (Beat.) Plus, you have nicer windows.

TOM Feel free to open one and jump …

LaBute, Neil (2004-11-29). Fat Pig: A Play (pp. 18-19). Faber & Faber. Kindle Edition. ~ Neil LaBute,
1029:I grew up with an absolutely horrible, debilitating stutter, and it was what caused me to retreat into myself and caused me to have very few friends and not want to socialize, and it made me absolutely terrified of giving reports in school. It was awful. It wasn't until I was 19 that I had intensive speech therapy. I had it for two years and it really helped, though I will say when I'm tired, the stutter comes out, even now. ~ Tim Gunn,
1030:It’s the same as I said before: if it’s predetermined it’s predeterminable. If I’m ‘fated’ to die in a car accident when I’m 19 and I find out about that ‘fate,’ I can change it. I can spend the whole year away from cars in some remote village in Africa, or I could even kill myself ahead of time. The point being, either way, the fated event doesn’t happen. Fate loses.” I shrug. “I mean, that’s just my opinion. ~ Madeline Claire Franklin,
1031:I am a new creation in Christ (see 2 Corinthians 5:17). I can live in perfect peace (see Isaiah 26:3). I am slow to speak, quick to hear, and slow to anger (see James 1:19). I can do all things through Christ, Who strengthens me (see Philippians 4:13). I am more than a conqueror in Christ (see Romans 8:37). I can have the mind of Christ (see 1 Corinthians 2:16). I am dead to sin and alive to righteousness (see Romans 6:11). ~ Joyce Meyer,
1032:Interviewer: So. Tell me about your mother.
Ezra: You're taping this, right?
Interviewer: Audio only. Camera is faulty.
Ezra: Okay, well for the benefit of the sight-impaired, I am now raising my… oh, dear… yes, it's my MIDDLE finger at Mr. Postgrad here.
Interviewer: Mr. Mason...
Ezra: Now I'm wiggling it.
Interviewer: Terminating interview at 13:58 on 03/19/75.
Ezra: Look at it wiggl-
-audio ends- ~ Amie Kaufman,
1033:Many OT passages speak of similar hardness of heart (e.g., Dt 29:4; Isa 42:19–20; 43:8; 44:18; Jer 5:21; Eze 12:2), but Jesus condenses a text in Isaiah in this parable. In Isaiah 6:9–10, God calls Isaiah to reveal truth to Israel that Israel will not receive, until the impending judgment (Isa 6:11). Their spiritual blindness increased as punishment for their refusal to heed what they had already heard from God (Isa 29:9–10). ~ Anonymous,
1034:18. A sovereign cannot raise an army because he is enraged, nor can a general fight because he is resentful. For while an angered man may again be happy, and resentful man again be pleased, a state that has perished cannot be restored, nor can the dead be brought back to life. 19. Therefore, the enlightened ruler is prudent and the good general is warned against rash action. Thus, the state is kept secure and the army preserved. ~ Sun Tzu,
1035:General international law’ refers to rules and principles that are applicable to a large number of states, on the basis of either customary international law or multilateral treaties.19 If they become binding upon all states, they are often referred to as ‘universal international law’. But there is also regional international law, which applies only to certain groups of states, such as, for example, certain rules on diplomatic ~ Anonymous,
1036:This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20 (NIV) ~ Anonymous,
1037:While the three in the pinnace debated what to do, the Ring sent a second bitmap to the pinnace: 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 1, 4, 2, 1, 5, 9. Then a third bitmap: 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 16, 6, 10, 10, 4, 7. A fourth: 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 19, 5, 1, 15, 4, 8. A fifth: 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 7, 2, 16, 4, 1, 14. The bitmaps came one after another. The first six numbers in each consisted of the six prime numbers sent by the pinnace as a greeting. ~ Liu Cixin,
1038:Gabrielle reached into her bottom drawer and took out a Glock 19 Gen4 and laid it on the bed. Merton had given it to her, claiming it was the perfect handgun for women. He’d taken her out to a firing range in Randolph and taught her how to use it. It was loaded and ready to go. She’d been worried at first about keeping a loaded gun in the house with young children, but the possible threats had trumped standard home safety. So ~ Harlan Coben,
1039:The most basic barrier was language itself, very few Americans in Iraq whether soldiers or diplomats or news paper reporters could speak more than a few words of Arabic. A remarkable number of them didn't even have translators. That meant for many Iraqis the typical 19 year old army corporal from South Dakota was not a youthful innocent carrying Americas good will, he was a terrifying combination of firepower and ignorance. ~ Dexter Filkins,
1040:Contrary to popular belief, we are all called to pastor (a word that simply means “shepherd”). Older women are to shepherd the younger (Titus 2:3–5). Parents are to shepherd their children (Eph. 6:4). Timothy was told to teach others what he himself had been taught (2 Tim. 2:2). We’re all called to be making disciples (Matt. 28:19–20). If you can’t find a single person who looks to you as a mentor, something is wrong with you. ~ Francis Chan,
1041:Last year we had over 21,000 handgun-related deaths in this country. If we take away the suicides and the deaths ruled accidental, that still leaves us with over 19,000 handgun deaths. We have around 65 million handguns in this country, with a death rate of 13.7 per 100,000. That’s three times the rate of Canada. On top of the homicides, this also shows that handguns are used nine out of ten times in robbery, assault and rape. ~ Randall Wood,
1042:Sie schlug den Katalog zu und gähnte. »Ich kann ja die Weih- nachtszeitung der Familie nehmen«, sagte sie. »Die schenk ich Klara zu Weihnachten.« Joel streckte sich nach dem Katalog und holte einen Stift her- vor. »Dann schreib ich den Namen auf«, sagte er. » Klara Ehnström.« Joel war verwirrt. »Wenn du die Zeitung bestellst, muss ich deinen Namen aufschreiben«, sagte er. »Sonja Mattsson«, sagte sie. »Svensvallsweg 19. Reicht das ~ Anonymous,
1043:Doth God exact day-labor, light denied,'
I fondly ask; but patience to prevent
That murmur, soon replies, 'God doth not need
Either man's work or his own gifts, who best
Bear His mild yoke, they serve Him best, his state
Is kingly. Thousands at His bidding speed
And post o'er land and ocean without rest:
They also serve who only stand and wait.' ~ John MiltonSonnet 19: On His Blindness (1655)~ John Milton ~ John Milton,
1044:Marlena's body was found on November 19, and so I consider that the anniversary of her death, though she almost certainly died on the eighteenth. Because for me, that day, she was still fully, hugely, annoyingly alive--deliberately ignoring my phone calls, up to something she'd no doubt tell me all about soon.

Twelve days after November 19, I turned sixteen. Every year, it happens the same way: Marlena dies, I get older. ~ Julie Buntin,
1045:Presently, Mary Mac—that’s what we call her for short—has churned out more kids than I can count. It’s like she’s a hoarder, only for children. In terms of personal achievement, she’s pretty much the patron saint of minivans and stretch marks. What is that meme I’ve seen about the prolific 19 Kids and Counting mother? Ah, yes, “It’s a vagina, not a clown car.” Add one persecution complex, stir, and, boom! Meet my older sister. ~ Jen Lancaster,
1046:16 So then, because of them, he handed Him over to be crucified. The Crucifixion Therefore they took Jesus away. 17 Carrying His own cross, He went out to what is called Skull Place, which in Hebrew is called Golgotha. 18 There they crucified Him and two others with Him, one on either side, with Jesus in the middle. 19 Pilate also had a sign lettered and put on the cross. The inscription was: JESUS THE NAZARENE THE KING OF THE JEWS ~ Anonymous,
1047:CONTENTS FIRE MAGE 1. The Hunt 2. A Feather for a Friend 3. A Demon's Eyes 4. The Order of the Dawn 5. The Blood Dagger 6. The Ancient Struggle 7. Jiserian Invasion 8. The Surineda Map 9. The Sej Elders 10. The Fire Sword 11. The Nalgoran Desert 12. The Northlands 13. Assault in the Forest 14. The Inn at Blansko 15. The Edge of the Storm 16. Ashtera Summons the Darkness 17. Aurellia 18. Intrigue in Khael 19. Passage to Lorello ~ John Forrester,
1048:13For you, my brothers, were called to freedom; only do not let your freedom become an opportunity for the esinful nature (worldliness, selfishness), but through flove serve and seek the best for one another. 14For the whole Law [concerning human relationships] is fulfilled in one precept, “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF [that is, you shall have an unselfish concern for others and do things for their benefit].” [Lev 19:18] ~ Anonymous,
1049:Because Jesus' blood continually cleanses you, you cannot bounce in and out of the light of Christ, in and out of being seated in the heavenly places in Christ, in and out of being forgiven, justified, and made righteous, or in and out of fellowship with God. It is not a sometimes-yes-sometimes-no salvation, but a salvation that has secured a YES to all of God's promises because of the blood of Jesus (see 2 Corinthians 1:19-20)! ~ Joseph Prince,
1050:I changed my major to English and I went off to Fort Collins. And within the first couple of weeks, I noticed that they were having auditions for a production in their theater department. They were going to stage Jean Anouilh's Becket, which was a film I loved, with Peter O'Toole and Richard Burton. So I went down and auditioned, and I got the role. I got the Peter O'Toole part. So here I was, a 19-year-old playing King Henry. ~ Keith Carradine,
1051:Romans 1:18-32 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.[*] 19 They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. 20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. ~ Anonymous,
1052:that the convention in national accounting is not to count any remuneration for public capital such as hospital buildings and equipment or schools and universities.18 The consequence of this is that a country that privatized its health and education services would see its GDP rise artificially, even if the services produced and the wages paid to employees remained exactly the same.19 It may be that this method of accounting by costs ~ Anonymous,
1053:The awareness that we stand in the presence of the Living God is one of the most important realizations we can install in our operative consciousness. God is always present. The question is, how present are we? We want to stand in that Presence without opacity. Our work is to penetrate, in meditation and in action, to the very heart of being nokhach penei ha-Shem (Lamentations 2:19), of being truly present before God. ~ Zalman Schachter Shalomi,
1054:18 자녀들아 우리가 말과 혀로만 사랑하지 말고 행함과 진실함으로 하자 18 Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 19 이로써 우리가 진리에 속한 줄을 알고 또 우리 마음을 주 앞에서 굳세게 하리니 19 This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence 20 이는 우리 마음이 혹 우리를 책망할 일이 있어도 하나님은 우리 마음보다 크시고 모든 것을 아시기 때문이라 20 whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. ~ Anonymous,
1055:[The educated differ from the uneducated] as much as the living from the dead. ~ Attributed to Aristotle; reported in Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers, trans. R. D. Hicks (1942), vol. 1, book 5, section 19, p. 463. Diogenes also credits Aristotle with saying: "Teachers who educated children deserved more honour than parents who merely gave them birth; for bare life is furnished by the one, the other ensures a good life" (p. 463).,
1056:We are on the eve of a new approach to and reconstruction of the entire school education... The quantity and speed of new discoveries in all domains of science grow so rapidly that soon contemporary school education will not be able to walk in step with and respond to the new attainments and demands of the time; new methods in the entire system of education will have to be devised... ~ Helena Roerich Letters of Helena Roerich II, (19 April 1938),
1057:A. Salvation requires not only the forgiveness of sin but also justification. And justification, adequate to the situation in which lost mankind is, demands a righteousness such as belongs to no other than the incarnate Son of God, a righteousness undefiled and undefilable, a righteousness with divine property and quality (cf. Rom 1:17; 3:21-22; 10:3; 2Co 5:21; Phi 3:9). It is the righteousness of the obedience of Christ (Rom 5:19). ~ John Murray,
1058:When your 18th, 19, 20 years old like we were at that time, its just like anyone else, you look at like Silverchair and bands like that that are super young and sound extremely derivative of bands that were out at that current moment. As they sounded like 'Nirvana in pajamas' as we called them, we sounded like Bon Jovi and Skid Row and Motley Crue, because we were only influenced by what was out at the time because we were so young ~ Butch Walker,
1059:Pasaban junto al convento de San Isidro y don Felipe se entretuvo en relatar el origen de las estancias del lugar, que habían pertenecido a la Compañía de Jesús hasta su expulsión, en 1767. —El nombre indígena del lugar era Guanasacate. Todavía quedan viñedos plantados por ========== 02 - El Tiempo De Laura Osorio (Cristina Bajo) - Tu marcador en la página 429 | posición 6565 | Añadido el viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015 13:19:56 ========== ~ Anonymous,
1060:Among the unique features of Acts are the frequent summaries, where Luke provides a broad generalization about the life of the church at a particular time or place, such as the common life after Pentecost (2:42–47), the early Christian sharing of goods (4:32–35), and the apostolic miracles (5:12–16). Sometimes the summaries are much briefer, such as the single verse that sums up Paul’s ministry of more than two years in Ephesus (19:10). ~ Anonymous,
1061:Cyrus wanted a woman to take care of Adam. He needed someone to keep house and cook, and a servant cost money. He was a vigorous man and needed the body of a woman, and that too cost money- unless you were married to it. Within two weeks Cyrus had wooed, wedded, bedded, and impregnated her. His neighbors did not find his action hasty. It was quite normal in that day for a man to use up three or four wives in a normal lifetime. p.19 ~ John Steinbeck,
1062:In 1952 NBC put on its early morning "Today Show" featuring Dave Garroway. Before then the networks had assumed that few people would tune in at an early hour of day: many channels had been blank. At first the show did not do well, but Garroway then brought on stage a chimpanzee, J. Fred Muggs. The chimp excited children, then adults, and "The Today Show" became a popular fixture. Cartoons soon dominated morning TV on weekends.19 ~ James T Patterson,
1063:It's never been about trying to look well-behaved. It's just how I am. I guess it's a weird thing to be 19 and not ever have been drunk, but for me, it just feels normal because I don't really know any other way. I don't know if I'd be comfortable getting wasted and not knowing what I've said. That doesn't mean when I'm older I won't have a glass of wine. I just don't think it's such a strange thing for me not to be wasted all the time. ~ Taylor Swift,
1064:Revelation 21 [BACK TO †] 21:1: S 2Pe 3:13 [BACK TO †] 21:1: S Rev 6:14 [BACK TO †] 21:2: ver 10; Ne 11:18; Isa 52:1; Rev 11:2; 22:19 [BACK TO †] 21:2: ver 10; Heb 11:10; 12:22; Rev 3:12 [BACK TO †] 21:2: S Rev 19:7 [BACK TO †] 21:3: Ex 25:8; 2Ch 6:18; Eze 48:35; Zec 2:10 [BACK TO †] 21:3: S 2Co 6:16 [BACK TO †] 21:4: S Rev 7:17 [BACK TO †] 21:4: Isa 25:8; 1Co 15:26; Rev 20:14 [BACK TO †] 21:4: Isa 35:10; 65:19 [BACK TO †] 21:4: S 2Co 5:17 ~ Anonymous,
1065:ISAIAH 19 An  a oracle concerning  b Egypt.     Behold, the LORD  c is riding on a swift cloud         and comes to Egypt;     and  d the idols of Egypt will tremble at his presence,         and the heart of the Egyptians will  e melt within them.     2 And I will stir up Egyptians against Egyptians,          f and they will fight, each against another         and each against his neighbor,         city against city, kingdom against kingdom; ~ Anonymous,
1066:18 If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave the way open for [God’s] wrath; for it is written, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay (requite), says the Lord. 20 But if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals upon his head. 21 Do not let yourself be overcome by evil, but overcome (master) evil with good. ~ Anonymous,
1067:The big thing is, everybody says it's being in the right place at the right time. But it's more than that, it's being in the right place all the time. Because if I make 20 runs to the near post and each time I lose my defender, and 19 times the ball goes over my head or behind me - then one time I'm three yards out, the ball comes to the right place and I tap it in - then people say, right place, right time. And I was there *all* the time. ~ Gary Lineker,
1068:The terminology used by Paul in the first passage contrasting the many gods and lords with the one God and Lord of Christianity reflects the client-patron relationship that ANE cultures shared. As K.L. Noll explains in his text on ancient Canaan and Israel, “Lord” was the proper designation for a patron in a patron-client relationship. There may have been many gods, but for ancient Israel, there was only one Lord, and that was Yahweh.”[19] ~ Brian Godawa,
1069:Twenty times in the course of my late reading have I been on the point of breaking out,"This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it!!!" But in this exclamation I should have been as fanatical as Bryant or Cleverly. Without religion the world would be something not fit to be mentioned in polite society, I mean Hell. ~ John Adams, letter (original manuscript at the Library of Congress) to Thomas Jefferson, 19 April 1817. ,
1070:In this story the father represents the Heavenly Father Jesus knew so well. St. Paul writes: “God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not reckoning to them their trespasses” (2 Corinthians 5:19—American Standard Version). Jesus is showing us the God of Great Expenditure, who is nothing if not prodigal toward us, his children. God’s reckless grace is our greatest hope, a life-changing experience, and the subject of this book. ~ Timothy J Keller,
1071:19 世纪 70 年代,俄国以平民知识分子为主的“行动者”曾 试图发动农民掀起反沙皇的“直接革命行动”,他们动员数以千 计的大学生、医务人员、教师、经济学家和统计工作者纷纷离开 城市“到民间去”,从事民粹主义的革命宣传。然而农民对他们 的热情报之以冷淡甚至仇视,很多人在农民的检举下被捕。仅 1873-1879 年间,因“社会革命宣传”案件而受审判的人就有 2500 人。在“上层黑暗、下层愚昧”的夹击下, “到民间去”运 动遂告失败。19 世纪 80 年代初“民意党”被镇压后,俄国知识 分子迅速发生分化,一部分接受马克思主义,寄希望于城市无产 阶级,成了后来的社会民主党人,但是因为他们大多流亡在外, 对国内的影响日渐减少,而在国内活动的主要是“民意党”的敢 死队员,他们把暗杀“反动的”政府要员的恐怖活动作为“必要 的和必然的”斗争手段,公开提出为了应对残酷镇压,要以自我 牺牲的暗杀来唤起“周围人眼中的革命政党的威信”,以“杀人 犯”就是“民族英雄”[БудницкийО.В.Терро ~ Anonymous,
1072:I meant run out the front door. The dude had a gun.” I threw my hands up. I couldn’t believe him. I turned around, ready to walk out the door and make him drive back. It was late. I was a mess. I wanted to be between the sheets next to Kota and Nathan and not getting shot at while stealing a digital camera.

Stone, C. L. (2014-01-19). Drop of Doubt: The Ghost Bird Series: #5 (Kindle Locations 3840-3843). Arcato Publishing. Kindle Edition. ~ C L Stone,
1073:Habakkuk 3:19 says that the way we develop hind’s feet (a hind is an animal that can climb mountains swiftly) is “to walk [not to stand still in terror, but to walk] and make [spiritual] progress upon” the “high places [of trouble, suffering or responsibility]!” The way God helps us make spiritual progress is by being with us to strengthen and encourage us to “keep on keeping on” in rough times. It’s easy to quit; it takes faith to go through. ~ Joyce Meyer,
1074:145:17 Yahweh is righteous in all his ways, and gracious in all his works. 145:18 Yahweh is near to all those who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. 145:19 He will fulfill the desire of those who fear him. He also will hear their cry, and will save them. 145:20 Yahweh preserves all those who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy. 145:21 My mouth will speak the praise of Yahweh. Let all flesh bless his holy name forever and ever. ~ Anonymous,
1075:Forgotten is the first duty of love: to speak the truth (Ephesians 4:15). Real love does not flatter or soothe when correction is needed but points out the error which is blinding and harming the loved one. Christ said, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten; be zealous, therefore, and repent" (Revelation 3:19). Instead, the idea is now current that love excludes rebuke, ignores the truth, and seeks unity at any price. Only disaster can result. ~ Dave Hunt,
1076:God gets us through stuff. Through the Red Sea onto dry ground (Ex. 14:22), through the wilderness (Deut. 29:5), through the valley of the shadow of death (Ps. 23:4), and through the deep sea (Ps. 77:19). Through is a favorite word of God’s: When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you. (Isa. 43:2)1 ~ Max Lucado,
1077:As I travel through my country, people often ask me how it feels to have been imprisoned in my home -first for six years, then for 19 months. How could I stand the separation from family and friends? It is ironic, I say, that in an authoritarian state it is only the prisoner of conscience who is genuinely free. Yes, we have given up our right to a normal life. But we have stayed true to that most precious part of our humanity-our conscience. ~ Aung San Suu Kyi,
1078:To suffer as a Christian carries no shame. Peter concludes: "Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator" (1 Peter 4:19). Here, Peter erases all
doubt about the question of whether it is ever the will of God that we should suffer. He speaks of those who suffer "according to the will of God." This text means that suffering itself is part of the sovereign will of God. ~ R C Sproul,
1079:The 16 years have gone so fast. I came to Minnesota as a 19-year-old kid. Marv Grissom was the pitching coach, an old-timer who taught me quite a bit. Marv didn't like the way I stepped toward the plate. I had a tendency to throw across my body. So, he took me off to the side at Met Stadium and put a chair on the mound. If I threw across my body, I would step on the chair. Marv was trying to hurt me. I fooled him. I started stepping the right way. ~ Bert Blyleven,
1080:What are all these people, by the way?” “They’re people whose gardens verge on or touch the garden of the house where the murder was committed.” “Sounds like a French exercise,” said Beck. “Where is the dead body of my uncle? In the garden of the cousin of my aunt. What about Number 19 itself?” “A blind woman, a former school teacher, lives there. She works in an institute for the blind and she’s been thoroughly investigated by the local police. ~ Agatha Christie,
1081:Ian Brady was born Ian Duncan Stewart on 2 January 1938 in Glasgow, Scotland, he’s responsible for a series of murders that took place from 1962 until 1965 in Greater Manchester. Brady and Myra Hindley met in 1961, she was a 19-year-old typist, he was a 23-year-old stock clerk. By 1966, both were tried at Chester Assizes for multiple murder. The trial lasted 15 days; Brady and Hindley were convicted on 6 May 1966, sentenced to life imprisonment. ~ Stephen Richards,
1082:European states began to turn to territorial conquest to resolve their economic crisis and wealthy financiers invested in it. Military campaigns became much longer. grew tenfold, and they became permanent and professionalized. 19 Mercenaries well hired who had no attachment to the local population; and the goal of warfare bec .. the elimination of the enemy, so that war left in its wake deserted viUages, fields ered with corpses, faJnines, and epidemics ~ Anonymous,
1083:short for POET LAUREATE. ■ adj. POETIC/LITERARY wreathed with laurel as a mark of honor. (of a crown or wreath) consisting of laurel. lau·re·ate·ship n. late Middle English (as an adjective): from Latin laureatus, from laurea 'laurel wreath', from laurus 'laurel'. Linked entries: POET LAUREATE ■ Lau·rel a city in central Maryland, between Washington, DC, and Baltimore; pop. 19,960. lau·rel n. 1 any of a number of shrubs and other plants with dark green ~ Erin McKean,
1084:Amusingly, Christopher Columbus totally bungled this by relying on subsequent less-accurate calculations and confusing Arabic miles with Italian miles, concluding that he needed to sail only 3,700 km to reach the Orient when the true value was 19,600 km. He clearly wouldn’t have gotten his trip funded if he’d done his math right, and he clearly wouldn’t have survived if America hadn’t existed, so sometimes being lucky is more important than being right. ~ Max Tegmark,
1085:No es lo que quieran los enemigos, ni lo que hayan decidido hacer, sino lo que quiera Dios y lo que decida Dios; eso es lo que se hará… Ningún enemigo puede hacer sufrir a un hombre, cuando la voluntad de Dios es otra, de igual forma que ningún hombre se puede salvar de sus manos cuando Dios lo entregue a ellas para su gloria… [así como Jesús le mostró a Pedro «con qué muerte había de glorificar a Dios», Juan 21:19]. Sufriremos o no, a discreción suya64. ~ John Piper,
1086:In the old days, a child might pay for the sins of the father, or indeed mother. Nowadays, in the most advanced society on earth, the parents might pay for the sins of the child, along with uncles, aunts, cousins, in-laws, colleagues, friends, and even the man who unthinkingly smiled at you as he came out of the lift at three in the morning. The system of retribution had been greatly improved, and was so much more inclusive than it used to be." (p. 19) ~ Julian Barnes,
1087:A native of America who cannot read and write is as rare an appearance as a Jacobite or a Roman Catholic, that is, as rare as a comet or an earthquake. ~ John Adams, “A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law” Boston Gazette (published in parts, Aug. 12, 19, Sept. 30, Oct. 2, 1765). The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States: with a Life of the Author, Charles Francis Adams, editor, Vol. III, Boston, Charles C. Little and James Brown (1851), p. 456,
1088:You  d open your hand;         you  e satisfy the desire of every living thing.     17 The LORD is  f righteous in all his ways         and  g kind in all his works.     18 The LORD is  h near to all who call on him,         to all who call on him  i in truth.     19 He  j fulfills the desire of those who fear him;         he also  k hears their cry and saves them.     20[†] The LORD  l preserves all who love him,         but all the wicked he will destroy. ~ Anonymous,
1089:Speaking about our largest oil company Rosneft, and I recalled in the beginning that almost 20 percent of it [19.7] belongs to BP. Who's company is that? British Petroleum, isn't it? I suppose that is not bad. I have to tell that British Petroleum's capitalization is significantly related to the fact that it owns more than 19 percent of Rosneft, which has vast oil reserves both in Russia and abroad. This has its impact on the company's stability as well. ~ Vladimir Putin,
1090:What is bad luck? Opinion. What are conflict, dispute, blame, accusation, irreverence, and frivolity? They are all opinions, and more than that, they are opinions that lie outside of our own reasoned choice, presented as if they were good or evil. Let a person shift their opinions only to what belongs in the field of their own choice, and I guarantee that person will have peace of mind, whatever is happening around them.” —EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 3.3.18b–19 ~ Ryan Holiday,
1091:todo el que pertenece a Cristo se ha convertido en una persona nueva. La vida antigua ha pasado, ¡una nueva vida ha comenzado! 18 Y todo esto es un regalo de Dios, quien nos trajo de vuelta a sí mismo por medio de Cristo. Y Dios nos ha dado la tarea de reconciliar a la gente con él. 19 Pues Dios estaba en Cristo reconciliando al mundo consigo mismo, no tomando más en cuenta el pecado de la gente. Y nos dio a nosotros este maravilloso mensaje de reconciliación. ~ Anonymous,
1092:19-21 “This is the crisis we’re in: God-light streamed into the world, but men and women everywhere ran for the darkness. They went for the darkness because they were not really interested in pleasing God. Everyone who makes a practice of doing evil, addicted to denial and illusion, hates God-light and won’t come near it, fearing a painful exposure. But anyone working and living in truth and reality welcomes God-light so the work can be seen for the God-work it ~ Anonymous,
1093:The notion that most illegal drug use and sales happens in the ghetto is pure fiction. Drug trafficking occurs there, but it occurs everywhere else in America as well. Nevertheless, black men have been admitted to state prison on drug charges at a rate that is more than thirteen times higher than white men.19 The racial bias inherent in the drug war is a major reason that 1 in every 14 black men was behind bars in 2006, compared with 1 in 106 white men. ~ Michelle Alexander,
La Biblia no titubea en condenar la mundanalidad por ser un pecado serio. La mundanalidad es cualquier preocupación por el sistema de vida material, que pone algo del mundo antes de lo que es eterno. Como los creyentes no somos parte del sistema del mundo (Jn. 15:19), no debemos actuar como si lo fuéramos. Pablo escribió: "No os conforméis a este siglo, sino transformaos por medio de la renovación de vuestro entendimiento, ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
1095:Nestled in the tropics of the Coral Sea, New Caledonia was a French territory and where Julie and Marc had just sold the sailboat that took them 15,000 miles around the world. Of course, recouping their initial investment had been part of the plan. All said and done, their 15-month exploration of the globe, from the gondola-rich waterways of Venice to the tribal shores of Polynesia, had cost between $18,000 and $19,000. Less than rent and baguettes in Paris. ~ Timothy Ferriss,
1096:September 11 definitely opened our eyes, but when I was 19 or whatever on the last record, we just didn't care about anything. We were too young to care about anything. And then as you get older, you don't really have any excuse to be stupid anymore, to be in the dark. That just kind of opened everyone's eyes (which I probably wish it did to more people) that there's obviously something wrong, to try and figure out what it is and what's going on in the world. ~ Deryck Whibley,
1097:ELECTRICAL KITE To Peter Collinson [Philadelphia], Oct. 19, 1752. Sir, As frequent mention is made in public papers from Europe of the success of the Philadelphia experiment for drawing the electric fire from clouds by means of pointed rods of iron erected on high buildings, &c., it may be agreeable to the curious to be informed, that the same experiment has succeeded in Philadelphia, though made in a different and more easy manner, which is as follows: ~ Benjamin Franklin,
1098:When you let your attention slide for a bit, don’t think you will get back a grip on it whenever you wish—instead, bear in mind that because of today’s mistake everything that follows will be necessarily worse…. Is it possible to be free from error? Not by any means, but it is possible to be a person always stretching to avoid error. For we must be content to at least escape a few mistakes by never letting our attention slide.” —EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 4.12.1; 19 ~ Ryan Holiday,
1099:I love comedy. I suppose comedy is my first love, in a way. I did a lot of acting, funnily enough, unprofessionally, as a kid. From when I was 10 years old until I was about 19, I was always doing little sketches with my friends, and doing different accents and voices. Probably about 3/4 of those were comedic, in some way, and the other 1/4 was more serious stuff or more action or more dramatic little pieces that I would make. But, I tend to lean towards comedy. ~ Sharlto Copley,
1100:And these are the ones sown on rocky ground: when they hear the word, immediately they receive it with joy. 17 But they have no root in themselves; they are short-lived. When pressure or persecution comes because of the word, they immediately •stumble. 18 Others are sown among thorns; these are the ones who hear the word, 19 but the worries of this age, the seduction of wealth, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. 20 ~ Anonymous,
1101:Too many readers regularly overestimate Augustine’s affirmation here and seem to regularly ignore his persistent affirmation that “justice is found where God, the one supreme God, rules an obedient City according to his grace, forbidding sacrifice to any being save himself alone” (19.23). Because this is de facto ruled out as a possibility in the earthly city (whose very origin is the misdirection of the fall), the earthly city can never be home to “true justice ~ James K A Smith,
1102:In the Catholic Church, there are many other things which most justly keep me in her bosom. The consent of peoples and nations keeps me in the Church; so does her authority, inaugurated by miracles, nourished by hope, enlarged by love, established by age. The succession of priests keeps me, beginning from the very seat of the Apostle Peter, to whom the Lord, after His resurrection, gave it in charge to feed His sheep (Jn 21:15-19), down to the present episcopate. ~ Saint Augustine,
1103:This is the way you begin to change the seen and shape the unseen. Abraham called things which were not manifest in the natural realm as though they were until they were! Abraham was the man who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken (v. 18). He was 99 years old, and his wife was 90; but he was not weak in faith (v. 19). He would not consider any thing that contradicted what God had spoken. ~ Charles Capps,
1104:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: 20 that thou mayest love the LORD thy God, and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for he is thy life, and the length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them. ~ Anonymous,
1105:retired Harrisburg, PA, police chief said he was held up by "'the dumbest criminal in Pennsylvania," which may be an understatement.  A 19 year old man is under arrest for allegedly robbing John Comparetto at gunpoint -- while the victim was attending a convention of narcotics cops  in Harrisburg.  After Comparetto gave up his money and cell phone, he and fellow conventioneers chased down the petty hood as he tried to escape in a taxi. He was placed under arrest. ~ Leonard Birdsong,
1106:Your circumstances will lie to you. Your emotions will lie to you. Even other people will lie to you. But not God. And because of this, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” (6:19). Your identity is secure. Nothing going on in your life can change it. So how does God answer that question? What does he say to us about who we truly are? Let’s look at what he says is true of you, no matter what you are going through today. You Are Loved Worrying ~ Holley Gerth,
1107:I had serious reservations about putting my son in the public schools in my area. I have a tremendous amount of fear for the future of my boy. He's nine-and- a-half and dark-skinned. By the time he's 12 or 13, who knows who he's going to be identifying with in these days when you get shot down for wearing expensive Nikes to school...I've heard that if a Latino makes it to 19 years of age, he has a good chance of surviving into adulthood. Up until then, you don't know. ~ Ana Castillo,
1108:As for 'story' I never yet did enjoy a novel or play in which someone didn't tell me afterward that there was something wrong with the story, so that's going to be no drawback as far as I'm concerned. "Good Lord, why am I so bored"—"I know; it must be the plot developing harmoniously." So I often reply to myself, and there rises before me my special nightmare—that of the writer as craftsman, natty and deft. ~ E. M. Forster, Selected Letters: Letter 104, to Forrest Reid, 19 June 1912.,
1109:Granted, it's a long time ago, it's in the 1940s, and, granted, it's warfare that we hopefully will not conduct in a similar fashion ever again, but it is crucially important. And that act, the storming of the Normandy beaches, coupled with the Battle of the Bulge, ending the spread of Nazism throughout Europe, saved the world and it saved the world for freedom. And it was the United States that did it. And it was a bunch of 19- and 20- and 21-year-old people who did it. ~ Rush Limbaugh,
1110:They kept moving past the racks of the Night Vale Daily Journal by the windows. Due to spiraling printing costs and the necessary layoff of nearly its entire staff, the Journal had long ago moved to an imagination-based format. The racks were empty except for a small note reminding you that if you imagined what a hypothetical Night Vale newspaper might look like, then you needed to send a check for $19.95 to the Daily Journal to cover your monthly Imagination Subscription. ~ Joseph Fink,
1111:17 Hearken ye, for, behold, the agreat bday of the Lord is nigh at hand. 18 For the day cometh that the Lord shall utter his avoice out of heaven; the heavens shall bshake and the earth shall ctremble, and the dtrump of God shall sound both long and loud, and shall say to the sleeping nations: Ye saints earise and live; ye sinners fstay and gsleep until I shall call again. 19 Wherefore gird up your loins lest ye be found among the wicked. ~ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints,

Sometimes pages of the dictionaries come loose and gather at her feet, shallon, shalop, shallot, shallow, shalom, sham, shaman, shamble, like the petals of an immense flower. When I was little, I thought that the pages on the floor were words she would never be able to use again, and I tried to tape them back in where they belonged, out of fear that one day she would be left silent. ~ Nicole Krauss,
1113:[A comic book writers' union] will never happen. Someone will always be willing to write Batman for free. ... You sit at a bar with an editor at a show and you see 19 people come up and pitch ideas at them. If everybody writing the top 20 books all quit and demanded, 'Union now, union forever,' those 19 guys would be getting phone calls. There will never be a union. I think things are getting better - I bet things have never been so good - but there will never be a union. ~ Matt Fraction,
1114:Chronic threat and stress damage regions of the brain that are involved in planning and the pursuit of goals. The principle is clear: powerlessness undermines the individual’s ability to contribute to society (Principle 19). On Kayo Drive, this could be seen in the difficulties kids had sitting still and concentrating, in their bad grades, and in the depressions so common among their parents. Powerlessness robs people of their promise for making a difference in the world. ~ Dacher Keltner,
1115:Years later, I read that someone had found genetic components to good motherhood. The Mest and the Peg3 genes occur on chromosome 19, and, ironically, they only work if they’re inherited from the father. Imprinting like this usually occurs in evolution because of a genetic battle of the sexes; it’s in the best interests of the female to have more litters, but it’s in the best interests of the male to protect the child that’s already been born. The jury is still out on these ~ Jodi Picoult,
1116:A final question: what can I, a weak fragile sinner, do? God says to you, Do not be afraid of holiness; do not be afraid to aim high, to let yourself be loved and purified by God; do not be afraid to let yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit. Let us be infected by the holiness of God. Every Christian is called to sanctity (see Dogmatic Constitution, Lumen gentium, nos. 19–42); and sanctity does not consist especially in doing extraordinary things, but in allowing God to act. ~ Pope Francis,
1117:In fact, the killer looked a lot like . . . “You killed him,” I whispered. “It was you. You were wearing Patch’s hat.” The shock of the moment was quickly being eaten up by abhorrence and ice-cold fear.

“You killed my dad.” Any trace of kindness or sympathy vanished from Rixon’s eyes. “Well, this is awkward.”

Fitzpatrick, Becca (2010-10-19). Crescendo (The Hush, Hush Saga Book 2) (pp. 393-394). Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers. Kindle Edition. ~ Becca Fitzpatrick,
1118:It's illegal for God to come to earth and destroy the work of the devil with His divine Godhead powers. He delivered the authority of this earth to man and has never taken it back. It's still in the hands of man. Adam turned it over to Satan, but Jesus took it from the devil and gave it back to the believer before He ascended to heaven. He said, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore.... (Matt. 28:18,19). He delivered that authority back to man.* ~ Charles Capps,
1119:Psa. 19:4 He has set a tent for the sun.   Psa. 104:2 Stretching out the heavens like a tent.   Isa. 45:12 It was my hands that stretched out the heavens,   Isa. 51:13 The LORD... who stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth.   Jer. 10:12 It is he who established the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding stretched out the heavens.   Jer. 51:15 “It is he who established the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding stretched out the heavens. ~ Brian Godawa,
1120:ELIZABETH SIROIS WHARTON, 87, passed away peacefully on May 29, 2010, at Warsaw County Memorial Hospital. She was born on January 19, 1923, the son of Marcel and Catherine Sirois. She is survived by her brother, Henry Sirois, her sister, Charlotte Gibney, her niece, Holly Gibney, and her daughter, Janelle Patterson. Elizabeth was predeceased by her husband, Alvin Wharton, and her beloved daughter, Olivia. Private visitation will be held from 10 AM to 1 PM at Soames Funeral Home ~ Stephen King,
1121:Believers in Jesus Christ are “not guilty” by virtue of Jesus’ death and resurrection (Rom 4:25). Since they are “in Christ” (Eph 1:3 – 14) and united to him by faith, they are no longer in Adam (Rom 5:12 – 19; 1 Cor 15:21 – 22). Hence, Jesus’ vindication at his resurrection is their vindication, his status is their status. Believers, even now, enjoy by faith the status of the resurrected one. In other words, in the resurrection of Jesus the last times have invaded history. ~ Thomas R Schreiner,
1122:Then Peter said to Jesus, “Explain to us the parable that says people aren’t defiled by what they eat.” 16 “Don’t you understand yet?” Jesus asked. 17 “Anything you eat passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer. 18 But the words you speak come from the heart—that’s what defiles you. 19 For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander. 20 These are what defile you. Eating with unwashed hands will never defile you. ~ Anonymous,
1123:John’s journey with his Lord took a different turn from that of the others. He laid his head on the chest of the Creator of the universe. He saw the excruciating ordeal of the criminal death of an innocent Man. He was also given an amazing stewardship—the ongoing care of Jesus’ mother, Mary (see John 19:27). I would give over the care of my mother only into the very best hands. I wonder what Jesus saw in John. What was different in him? Did he have an uncommon love for his Master? ~ James W Goll,
1124:The repentance accepted by Allah is only for those who do wrong in ignorance [or carelessness] and then repent soon after. It is those to whom Allah will turn in forgiveness, and Allah is ever Knowing and Wise.But repentance is not [accepted] of those who [continue to] do evil deeds up until, when death comes to one of them, he says, "Indeed, I have repented now," or of those who die while they are disbelievers. For them We have prepared a painful punishment. Quran The Women 4 :18-19 ~ Anonymous,
1125:what god is there who can rescue you out of my hands?” 16Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego answered the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to answer you on this point. 17“If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to rescue us from the furnace of blazing fire, and He will rescue us from your hand, O king. 18“But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up!” [Job 13:15; Acts 4:19, 20] ~ Anonymous,
1126:When Joseph leaves home on this simple fact-finding mission, he leaves for the last time. Joseph will never return to live in the land until his bones are brought back after the Exodus (Ex. 13:19). In fact, it is this aspect of Joseph’s story that warranted mention in the “Faith Hall of Fame” (Heb. 11:22). This is not a feel-good story wherein the hero returns victorious. This is a tale of redemption in which Joseph pays an unthinkable price for a purpose much greater than he. ~ Voddie T Baucham Jr,
1127:Jesus Again Predicts His Death 17 As Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside privately and told them what was going to happen to him. 18 “Listen,” he said, “we’re going up to Jerusalem, where the Son of Man* will be betrayed to the leading priests and the teachers of religious law. They will sentence him to die. 19 Then they will hand him over to the Romans* to be mocked, flogged with a whip, and crucified. But on the third day he will be raised from the dead. ~ Anonymous,
1128:27:9–10 Jewish teachers linked texts based on shared key words or phrases, and sometimes conflated similar texts so that one would read one text in light of the other. By using words from Zechariah but the name of Jeremiah, Matthew may want Biblically literate hearers to link the passages (cf. Jer 32:6–14, which is similar to Zec 11:12–13; perhaps also Jer 19:10–13). Zec 11:13 adds that the money was thrown to the potter “at the house of the LORD,” as Matthew’s audience may have realized. ~ Anonymous,
1129:Katherine Mansfield Beauchamp Murry (1888–1923) was a prominent modernist writer of short fiction who was born and brought up in colonial New Zealand and wrote under the pen name of Katherine Mansfield. When she was 19, Mansfield left New Zealand and settled in the United Kingdom, where she became a friend of modernist writers such as D.H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf. During the First World War, she contracted extrapulmonary tuberculosis, which led to her death at the age of 34. ~ Katherine Mansfield,
1130:So when people ask me about why we’re suffering from what appears to be an epidemic of depression despite the number of people taking antidepressants, I don’t think about brain chemistry. I turn to the impact of our sedentary lifestyles, processed food diets, and unrelenting stress. I turn to the medical literature that says a typical Western diet—high in refined carbs, unnatural fats, and foods that create chaos in our blood sugar balance—contribute to higher levels of inflammation.19 ~ Kelly Brogan,
1131:neglected.Locke.2. Reformation of life. Our Lord and Saviour was of opinion, that they which would not be drawn to amendment of life, by the testimony which Moses and the prophets have given, concerning the miseries that follow sinners after death, were not likely to be persuaded by other means, although God from the dead should have raised them up preachers.Hooker,b. v. ¶ 22. Behold! famine and plague, tribulation and anguish, are sent as scourges for amendment.Bible2 Esdras,xvi. 19. ~ Samuel Johnson,
1132:One half of the trouble in the assemblies is the people’s murmuring over the conditions they are in. The Bible teaches us not to murmur. If you reach that standard, you will never murmur anymore. You will be above murmuring. You will be in the place where God is absolutely the exchanger of thought, the exchanger of actions, and the exchanger of your inward purity. He will be purifying you all the time and lifting you higher, and you will know you are not of this world (John 15:19). ~ Smith Wigglesworth,
1133:19 For when I tried to keep the law, it condemned me. So I died to the law—I stopped trying to meet all its requirements—so that I might live for God. 20 My old self has been crucified with Christ.* It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. 21 I do not treat the grace of God as meaningless. For if keeping the law could make us right with God, then there was no need for Christ to die. ~ Anonymous,
1134:He was a man of profound contradictions, one day preaching a message of racial exclusion (“I was sent solely to the lost sheep of Israel”; Matthew 15:24), the next, of benevolent universalism (“Go and make disciples of all nations”; Matthew 28:19); sometimes calling for unconditional peace (“Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God”; Matthew 5:9), sometimes promoting violence and conflict (“If you do not have a sword, go sell your cloak and buy one”; Luke 22:36). ~ Reza Aslan,
1135:New Heavens and a New Earth     17 “For behold,  k I create new heavens         and a new earth,     and the former things shall not be remembered         or come into mind. 18    But be glad and rejoice forever         in that which I create;     for behold,  l I create Jerusalem to be a joy,         and her people to be a gladness. 19     m I will rejoice in Jerusalem         and be glad in my people;      n no more shall be heard in it the sound of weeping         and the cry of distress. ~ Anonymous,
1136:Unbelievers, those who believe with difficulty, or believe in part, are those who do not show their faith through works. Apart from works the demons also believe (cf. Jms. 2:19) and confess Christ to be God and Master. 'We know Who You are' (Mk. 1:24), they say, 'You are the Son of God' (Mt. 8:29), and elsewhere, 'These men are the servants of the Most High God' (Acts 16:17). Yet such faith will not benefit the demons, nor even humans. This faith is of no use, for it is dead. ~ Symeon the New Theologian,
1137:Matthew quotes from Jer 31:15; Matthew undoubtedly knew that the context calls Israel God’s “son” (Jer 31:20) and goes on to promise a new covenant (Jer 31:31–34). Jer 31:15 depicts Rachel weeping as her descendants are carried into captivity in the exile. Matthew would have known that Rachel’s tomb was near Bethlehem (Ge 35:19); like Israel’s exile, the slaughter of Bethlehem’s infants is a tragedy, but one that could not prevent the ultimate promise of God’s restoration in the new covenant. ~ Anonymous,
1138:In Matthew 16:19, Jesus said that He would give us the keys to the Kingdom. Faith is the major key that opens every door in the Kingdom. It is a master key. Therefore it is imperative that we understand the ways of faith. Because these keys are the ways of God the natural man cannot receive them. They are spiritually understood. They are foolishness to the natural man. When a gift of the Spirit operates. Then we are able to impart that gift to others and teach them how to function in it also. ~ Phil Pringle,
1139:[of 1933] will be fully justified if it drives the government into the investment banking business. (William 0. Douglas)'
' In correspondence to Felix Frankfurter on February 19, 1934, quoted in Skeel (2001: 123).
Justice Harold R. Medina stated in 1954 that 'it would be difficult to exaggerate the importance of investment banking to the national econ- omy.'2 This remark remains true today. Investment banks lie at the heart of the capital allocation process in both America and England, and ~ Anonymous,
1140:18-19 “What’s the use of a carved god so skillfully carved by its sculptor? What good is a fancy cast god when all it tells is lies? What sense does it make to be a pious god-maker who makes gods that can’t even talk? Who do you think you are— saying to a stick of wood, ‘Wake up,’ Or to a dumb stone, ‘Get up’? Can they teach you anything about anything? There’s nothing to them but surface. There’s nothing on the inside. 20 “But oh! GOD is in his holy Temple! Quiet everyone—a holy silence. Listen! ~ Anonymous,
1141:mountain: NUM13.18 And see the land, what it is, and the people that dwelleth therein, whether they be strong or weak, few or many; NUM13.19 And what the land is that they dwell in, whether it be good or bad; and what cities they be that they dwell in, whether in tents, or in strong holds; NUM13.20 And what the land is, whether it be fat or lean, whether there be wood therein, or not. And be ye of good courage, and bring of the fruit of the land. Now the time was the time of the firstripe grapes. ~ Anonymous,
1142:4 ‡ what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?[19]† 5 ‡ You have made them[20] a little lower than the angels[21]† and crowned them[22] with glory and honor.† 6 ‡ You made them rulers† over the works of your hands;† you put everything under their[23] feet:† 7all flocks and herds,† and the animals of the wild,† 8the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea,† all that swim the paths of the seas. 9 ‡ LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!† ~ Anonymous,
1143:Since ... 'the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force' (Mt. 11:12), and it is impossible for the faithful to enter it by any other way, unless they come through the narrow gate of trials and tribulations, the divine oracle rightly commands us, saying: 'Strive to enter by the narrow door' (Lk. 13:24). Again He says, 'By your endurance you will gain your souls' (Lk. 21:19), and, 'Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of heaven' (Acts 14:22). ~ Symeon the New Theologian,
1144:El texto más contundente que habla del canon cerrado es las Escrituras a las que nada ha sido añadido por 1.900 años: Yo testifico a todo aquel que oye las palabras de la profecía de este libro: Si alguno añadiere a estas cosas, Dios traerá sobre él las plagas que están escritas en este libro. Y si alguno quitare de las palabras del libro de esta profecía, Dios quitará su parte del libro de la vida, y de la santa ciudad y de las cosas que están escritas en este libro. APOCALIPSIS 22.18, 19 ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
1145:========== Alemdağ'da Var Bir Yılan (Sait Faik Abasıyanık) - Your Highlight at location 810-816 | Added on Monday, 19 May 2014 01:01:34 — Şartsız şurtsuz yaşayanlar da var. — Var, var ama... — Ölüm de var arkadaş, ölüm. Şu köşkün sahibi de ölecek. Şu horoz da. Göğsüne vurdu: — Şu ben de. Yüzüme baktı: — Şu sen de... — Doğru, doğru ama, dedim, yine de fark var. — Nede? Ölüden ölüye mi? Dedi. Şaşkınlığıma geldi. — Öyle ya, dedim. — Yok, dedi, yok. Ölüden ölüye fark yok; canlıdan canlıya var. ========== ~ Anonymous,
1146:In his address of 19 September 1796, given as he prepared to leave office, President George Washington spoke about the importance of morality to the country's well-being: Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports. . . . And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. . . . Can it be that Providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a Nation with its virtue? ~ George Washington,
1147:Joseph Smith was able to convince his faithful followers that he was even greater than Jesus Christ. He said:
I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam. A large majority of the whole have stood by me.
Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such a work as I!
The followers of Jesus ran away from Him; but the Latter-day Saints never ran away from me yet.19 ~ Ed Decker,
1148:Los siete locos (Roberto Arlt) - Tu subrayado en la posición 1320-1323 | Añadido el martes, 12 de mayo de 2015 18:19:02 Porque yo soy como un muerto. No existo ni para el capitán ni para Elsa, ni para Barsut. Ellos si quieren pueden hacerme meter preso, Barsut abofetearme otra vez, Elsa irse con otro en mis barbas, el capitán llevársela nuevamente. Para todos soy la negación de la vida. Soy algo así como el no ser. Un hombre no es como acción, luego no existe. ¿O existe a pesar de no ser? Es y no es. ~ Anonymous,
1149:4:14) Holy One in your midst (Hos. 11:9) righteous Judge (2 Tim. 4:8) King of kings (1 Tim. 6:15) our life (Col. 3:4) light of life (John 8:12) Lord of lords (1 Tim. 6:15) Lord of the harvest (Matt. 9:38) mediator (1 Tim. 2:5) our peace (Eph. 2:14) Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6) my Redeemer (Ps. 19:14) refuge and strength (Ps. 46:1) my salvation (Exod. 15:2) my help (Ps. 42:5) the Good Shepherd (John 10:11) Lord (Luke 2:29) my stronghold (Ps. 18:2) my support (2 Sam. 22:19) Good Teacher (Mark 10:17) ~ Henry T Blackaby,
1150:When Joseph received the message, he broke down and wept. 18 Then his brothers came and threw themselves down before Joseph. “Look, we are your slaves!” they said. 19 But Joseph replied, “Don’t be afraid of me. Am I God, that I can punish you? 20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. 21 No, don’t be afraid. I will continue to take care of you and your children.” So he reassured them by speaking kindly to them. ~ Anonymous,
1151:On the SAT exam, boys who took the test during 1988–89 at Permian had a combined average score of 915 (433 verbal, 482 mathematical), 19 points below the national average for boys. Girls had a combined score of 840 (404 verbal, 436 mathematical), 75 points below their male counterparts at Permian and 35 points below the national average for girls. Of the 132 girls who took the test during the 1988–89 school year, there wasn’t one who got above a 650 in either the math or verbal portions of the exam. ~ H G Bissinger,
1152:1920 yılı Kasım ayıydı.
Soğuk bir gece yarısı Sirkeci Rıhtımı'ndan köhne bir şilebe bindim ve işgal gemilerinin arasından süzülerek İstanbul'dan kaçtım.
Şilepte benim gibi gizlice Anadolu'ya geçip, Kuvayı Milliye'ye katılmak isteyen gençler vardı.
Paşam 1 yıl önce çıkmıştı Samsun'a...
Şimdi ben de O'nun gibi, gizlice Karadeniz'e açılan bir vapurla açılıyordum Anadolu'ya...
Henüz 24 yaşındaydım.
Tarih 10 Kasımdı...
Ankara'ya Paşamı bulmaya gidiyordum."

Sayfa:19 - Fikriye Hanım ~ Can D ndar,
1153:Some of the Scriptures you may want to include in your study are: Matt. 5:13–16; 9:35; 11:28–30; 16:15–19; 18:19–20; 22:36–40; 24:14; 25:34–40; 28:18–20; Mark 10:43–45; Luke 4:18–19; 4:43–45; John 4:23; 10:14–18; 13:34–35; 20:21; Acts 1:8; 2:41–47; 4:32–35; 5:42; 6:1–7; Rom. 12:1–8; 15:1–7; 1 Cor. 12:12–31; 2 Cor. 5:17–6:1; Gal. 5:13–15; 6:1–2; Eph. 1:22–23; 2:19–22; 3:6; 3:14–21; 4:11–16; 5:23–24; Col. 1:24–28; 3:15–16; 1 Thess. 1:3; 5:11; Heb. 10:24–25; 13:7, 17; 1 Peter 2:9–10; 1 John 1:5–7; 4:7–21. ~ Rick Warren,
1154:Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. . . . And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
PHILIPPIANS 4 : 6 – 7, 19 Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. HEBREWS 4 : 16 ~ Sarah Young,
1155:I was always pretty broad. I've had a couple bad experiences. One time, I showed up late for a gig in Brooklyn at an Italian restaurant. I ran on stage, did my show, and then some guy in the audience threatened to kill me because he didn't like my joke. Instead of talking to him, I just ran off stage. And then, because I was late, the owner of the restaurant threatened to kill me. And I was 19 years old and so scared that I almost started crying. But, I've done every gig you can imagine, in every state. ~ Nick Swardson,
1156:About 90 percent of those sentenced to prison for a drug offense in Illinois are African American.18 White drug offenders are rarely arrested, and when they are, they are treated more favorably at every stage of the criminal justice process, including plea bargaining and sentencing.19 Whites are consistently more likely to avoid prison and felony charges, even when they are repeat offenders.20 Black offenders, by contrast, are routinely labeled felons and released into a permanent racial undercaste. ~ Michelle Alexander,
1157:I have serious problems with fundamentalist Christians and their creationist theories. Although I believe that scripture is divinely inspired and infallible, I have a hard time going along with the belief that the whole creation process occurred in six twenty-four hour days. My skepticism is due, in part, to the fact that the Bible says that the sun wasn’t created until the fourth day of creation (Genesis 1:16-19). I have a hard time figuring how twenty-four hour days could have been measured before that. ~ Tony Campolo,
1158:That Jesus’ task “is consummated” must be true, because he says so (John 19:30). Yet what a spectacle of failure! His word rejected, his message misunderstood, his commands ignored. None the less, his appointed task is accomplished, through obedience to the death—that obedience whose purity counterbalances the sins of a world. That Jesus delivered his message is what counts—not the world’s reaction; and once proclaimed, that message can never be silenced, but will knock on men’s hearts to the last day. ~ Romano Guardini,
1159:though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel! 17. For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward: but if against my will, a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me. 18. What is my reward then? Verily that, when I preach the gospel, I may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not my power in the gospel. 19. For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might ~ Anonymous,
1160:Pain offers an arresting context that humbles and deepens our perspective. In a society that holds up doing an achieving as primary, we all need to take a cue from Emily [Dickinson] to withdraw in moments when we feel anguished. Her existence, characterized by quiet patience and self-possession, expresses the Scripture in Luke 21:19: "In you patience, you possess your soul." We are all the richer when we stop, like Emily, to find a quiet place to explore the layered life that lies beneath the surface. ~ Helen LaKelly Hunt,
1161:The terrible state of public education has paid huge dividends in ignorance. Huge. We now have a country that can be told blatant lies - easily checkable, blatant lies - and I'm not talking about the covert workings of the CIA. When we have a terrorist attack, on September 11, 2001 with 19 men - 15 of them are Saudis - and five minutes later the whole country thinks they're from Iraq - how can you have faith in the public? This is an easily checkable fact. The whole country is like the O.J. Simpson jurors. ~ Fran Lebowitz,
1162:He magnifies your insecurities, leading you to doubt what God says about you and to disregard what He’s given you (Eph. 1:17–19). Strategy 4—Against Your Family He wants to disintegrate your family, dividing your home, rendering it chaotic, restless, and unfruitful (Gen. 3:1–7). Strategy 5—Against Your Confidence He constantly reminds you of your past mistakes and bad choices, hoping to convince you that you’re under God’s judgment rather than under the blood (Rev. 12:10). Strategy 6—Against Your Calling ~ Priscilla Shirer,
1163:I don't believe in God because I don't believe in Mother Goose. ~ Speech in Toronto (1930); as quoted in "Breaking the Last Taboo" (1996) by James A. Haught. ~ Variant: I believe that religion is the belief in future life and in God. I don’t believe in either. I don’t believe in God as I don’t believe in Mother Goose. ~   As quoted in Jesus: Myth Or Reality? (2006) by Ian Curtis ~ Religion is the belief in future life and in God. I don't believe in either. ~   Clarence Darrow as quoted in The New York Times (19 April 1936),
1164:Ephesians 3:16–19 (NIV), which is really the charter of contemplative prayer: I pray that out of his glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled with the very nature of God. ~ Cynthia Bourgeault,
1165:--From "A Familiar Preface", 1912(PR,pp,19-20):
“At a time when nothing which is not revolutionary in some way or other can expect to attract much attention I have not been revolutionary in my writings. The revolutionary spirit is mighty convenient in this, that it frees one from all scruples as regards ideas. Its hard, absolute optimism is repulsive to my mind by the menace of fanaticism and intolerance it contains. No doubt one should smile at these things;but, imperfect Esthete, I am no better Philosopher. ~ Joseph Conrad,
1166:One of the most robust sex differences in personality research is the finding that women are higher in Agreeableness than men are. The difference is over half a standard deviation, which means that although there is plenty of overlap between the sexes, the average man scores lower than 70 per cent of women. Women have an advantage on theory of mind tasks too. Moreover, there is evidence that the difference is deep in our biology. When women are given testosterone experimentally, it reduces empathetic behaviour.19 ~ Daniel Nettle,
1167:sn The reader knows this is a theophany. The three visitors are probably the LORD and two angels (see Gen 19:1). It is not certain how soon Abraham recognized the true identity of the visitors. His actions suggest he suspected this was something out of the ordinary, though it is possible that his lavish treatment of the visitors was done quite unwittingly. Bowing down to the ground would be reserved for obeisance of kings or worship of the LORD. Whether he was aware of it or not, Abraham’s action was most appropriate. ~ Anonymous,
1168:In other words, contrary to what many people assume, we don't fall from a state of complete innocence into sin individually, on our own. But Adam, who in effect was acting as an agent and proxy for the entire human race, plunged all of humanity at once into sin. In the words of Romans 5:19, By one man's disobedience many were made sinners".Every one of Adam's progeny was condemned by his actions. And that is why the whole human race is said to be guilty because of what he did, and not because of what Eve did. ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
1169:) The following balances appear in the books of a holding Co. and its subsidiary on the dates stated: Jan. 1 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 2009 2009 2010 2011 Holding Company ` ` ` ` Investments in Subsidiary 1,28,000 1,28,000 1,19,000 1,40,000 Profit & Loss Account (Balance) 1,35,000 1,60,000 1,48,000 1,55,000 Subsidiary Company Share Capital 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 Profit & Loss Account (Balance before providing for dividend ) 50,000 62,000 70,000 80,000 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ~ Anonymous,
1170:When I see the blind and wretched state of men, when I survey the whole universe in its deadness and man left to himself with no light, as though lost in this corner of the universe without knowing who put him there, what he has to do, what will become of him when he dies, incapable of knowing anything, I am moved to terror, like a man transported in his sleep to some terrifying desert island, who wakes up quite lost with no means of escape. Then I marvel that so wretched a state does not drive people to despair.19 ~ Karen Armstrong,
1171:When I was 17 until, I don't know, 20, I had this massive, baseless confidence. This very clear idea of myself and how I would achieve success, which involved making decisions. I saw myself picking up the phone and saying 'Absolutely not' or 'Definitely yes.' Having control. Except you have to figure out whether the way you think at 19 or 20 has any value. And eventually I understood, with all that control, which was probably illusory, I wasn't progressing. So now I'm relinquishing a bit. I'll be a tiny bit naked. ~ Robert Pattinson,
1172:I have lived 19 years but … amount to very little more than when I was a baby,” he told his father as Thanksgiving approached. “I am fare in every thing but good in nothing. It seems to be that for a person to amount to some thing they should be good in at least one thing. I some times fear that I am one of these darned dreamers … who is always going to succeed but never does,” adding that if that were the case “it would have been far more merciful if I had died ten years ago than to be forced to live—a failure.”27 At ~ Winston Groom,
1173:By these things we aknow that there is a bGod in heaven, who is infinite and ceternal, from everlasting to everlasting the same dunchangeable God, the framer of heaven and earth, and all things which are in them; 18 And that he acreated man, male and female, after his own bimage and in his own likeness, created he them; 19 And gave unto them commandments that they should alove and bserve him, the only cliving and true dGod, and that he should be the only being whom they should worship. ~ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints,
1174:The conception of list processing as an abstraction created a new world in which designation and dynamic symbolic structure were the defining characteristics. The embedding of the early list processing systems in languages (the IPLs, LISP) is often decried as having been a barrier to the diffusion of list processing techniques throughout programming practice; but it was the vehicle that held the abstraction together. ~ Allen Newell and Herbert Simon, 1975 Turing Award Lecture[2], Communications of the ACM 19 (3), (March 1976): p. 118.,
1175:Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory” (Rev. 19:6–7). On into eternity the song echoes. It is the celebration chant of the redeemed. And one day we will join that multitude, no longer looking forward in hope but looking back with the security of redemption accomplished, and with the angels and the saints of old we too will sing glory songs about Jesus forever and ever and ever. Yes, it is true: that night the angels began a song that will never ever end. ~ Paul David Tripp,
1176:Politicians and some of the scientists like to say that there's a consensus now on global warming or the science has been settled, but you have to ask them, what is there a consensus on? Because it really makes a difference. What are you talking about? The only consensus I`m aware of is that it's warmed in the last century. They completely ignore the fact that there's this thing called the Oregon petition that was signed by 19,000 professionals and scientists who don't agree with the idea that we are causing climate change. ~ Roy Spencer,
1177:Value innovation places equal emphasis on value and innovation. Value without innovation tends to focus on value creation on an incremental scale, something that improves value but is not sufficient to make you stand out in the marketplace.18 Innovation without value tends to be technology-driven, market pioneering, or futuristic, often shooting beyond what buyers are ready to accept and pay for.19 In this sense, it is important to distinguish between value innovation as opposed to technology innovation and market pioneering. ~ W Chan Kim,
1178:An official government study18 found that before drug prohibition properly kicked in, three quarters of self-described addicts (not just users—addicts) had steady and respectable jobs. Some 22 percent of addicts were wealthy,19 while only 6 percent were poor. They were more sedate as a result of their addiction, and although it would have been better for them to stop, they were rarely out of control or criminal.20 But in 1914, the Harrison Act was passed, and then Anslinger arrived sixteen years later to rapidly ratchet it up. ~ Johann Hari,
1179:I decide that society is right, that some people are too far gone, that sometimes you can't turn back, that there are people in this world who don't deserve a second chance and I can't I can't I can't
I can't help but disagree.
I can't help but think that 19 is too young to give up on someone, that 19 years old is just the beginning, that it's too soon to tell anyone they will never amount to anything but evil in this world.
I can't help but wonder what my life would've been like if someone had taken a chance on me. ~ Tahereh Mafi,
1180:The models that have been constructed agree that when, as has been predicted, the level of carbon dioxide or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases doubles from pre-Industrial Revolution concentrations, the global average temperature will increase, and that the increase will be 1.5 to 4.5 degrees Celsius or 3 to 8 degrees Fahrenheit... In Dallas, for instance, a doubled level of carbon dioxide and other gases like methane, would increase the number of days a year with temperatures above 100 degrees from 19 to 78 each year. ~ Bill McKibben,
1181:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; 18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; 19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. ~ Joseph Smith Jr,
1182:Do you remember those times as a kid when you could hardly sleep on Christmas Eve because you were so excited about opening presents in the morning? That anticipation showed that you had no doubt. We should have an even greater anticipation of Jesus. If you are not “eagerly waiting for Him” (Heb. 9:28), something is off. Ask God to restore hope in your life. Not the kind of “hope” where you vaguely wish something would happen, but the kind of hope that anchors your soul (Heb. 6:19). Meditate on His promises and pray for faith. ~ Francis Chan,
1183:¿Cuál es la responsabilidad del predicador? Primero, el predicador necesita percatarse de que la Palabra de Dios no es la palabra del predicador. Sino más bien, euaggelizo]). Es un mensajero, no el creador (eu,aggeli,zo [euaggelizo Es un sembrador, no la fuente (Mt 13.3, 19). Es un sembrador, no la fuente (Mt 13.3, 19). Es un heraldo, no la autoridad (khru,ssw [kerusso]). Es un mayordomo, no el propietario (Col 100.25). Es la guía, no el autor (Hch 8.31). Es el servidor de comida espiritual, no el cocinero Jn 21.15, 17). ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
1184:For behold, I, God, have asuffered these things for all, that they bmight not suffer if they would crepent; 17 But if they would not repent they must asuffer even as I; 18 Which asuffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit—and would that I might bnot drink the bitter cup, and shrink— 19 Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and afinished my preparations unto the children of men. ~ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints,
1185:If old people be found in the way of righteousness, their age will be their honour. Old age, as such, is honourable, and commands respect (Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, Lev. 19:32); but, if it be found in the way of wickedness, its honour is forfeited, its crown profaned and laid in the dust, Isa. 65:20. Old people therefore, if they would preserve their honour, must still hold fast their integrity, and then their gray hairs are indeed a crown to them; they are worthy of double honour. Grace is the glory of old age. ~ Matthew Henry,
1186:Motivated thus by their beliefs in God and their lust for gold—as dangerous a cocktail today as then—the Spanish Christians ravaged Latin America, as did their Portuguese counterparts. Bartolomé concludes, “We can estimate very truly and truthfully that in the forty years that have passed, with the infernal actions of the Christians, there have been unjustly slain more than twelve million men, women, and children. In truth, I believe without trying to deceive myself that the number of the slain is more like fifteen million.”19 ~ Brian D McLaren,
1187:[Philip's death was] beyond comparison the most afflicting of my life.... He was truly a fine youth. But why should I repine? It was the will of heaven and he is now out of the reach of the seductions and calamities of a world full of folly, full of vice, full of danger, of least value in proportion as it is best known. I firmly trust also that he has safely reached the haven of eternal repose and felicity. (Alexander Hamilton letter to Benjamin Rush about the death of his 19-year old son from mortal wounds inflicted from a duel.) ~ Ron Chernow,
1188:The principle which gives the thought the dynamic power to correlate with its object, and therefore to master every adverse human experience, is the law of attraction, which is another name for love. This is an eternal and fundamental principle, inherent in all things, in every system of Philosophy, in every Religion, and in every Science. There is no getting away from the law of love. It is feeling that imparts vitality to thought. Feeling is desire, and desire is love. Thought impregnated with love becomes invincible.    19. ~ Charles F Haanel,
1189:In the Bible we find examples of fasts that lasted one day or part of a day (see Judges 20:26; 1 Samuel 7:6; 2 Samuel 1:12; 3:35; Nehemiah 9:1; Jeremiah 36:6), a one-night fast (see Daniel 6:18-24), three-day fasts (see Esther 4:16; Acts 9:9), seven-day fasts (see 1 Samuel 31:13; 2 Samuel 12:16-23), a fourteen-day fast (see Acts 27:33-34), a twenty-one-day fast (see Daniel 10:3-13), forty-day fasts (see Deuteronomy 9:9; 1 Kings 19:8; Matthew 4:2), and fasts of unspecified lengths (see Matthew 9:14; Luke 2:37; Acts 13:2; 14:23). ~ Donald S Whitney,
1190:I was in Korea. I've noticed all my life I see elderly people who have been close to death in an illness and they're absolutely cured and they say, now I know how to live my life. I've seen death. That happened to me when I was 19. It was a terrible, terrifying thing. And I live my life like those people decided to do when they were old. So, since I was 19, I've had the most fun possible every single day, even when I had a rough life. It was the army which taught me about life, and the theater which taught me how good it could be. ~ Michael Caine,
1191:We have something to hide. We have secrets, worries, thoughts, hopes, desires, passions which no one else gets to know. We are sensitive when people get near those domains with their questions. And now, against all rules of tact the Bible speaks of the truth that in the end we will appear before Christ with everything we are and were…. And we all know that we could justify ourselves before any human court, but not before this one. Lord, who can justify themselves?1 Bonhoeffer’s sermon for Repentance sunday, November 19, 1933 ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
1192:Lord, I need courage and strength to overcome insecurities from my past so they don’t hold me back anymore. Help me trust You with my heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen. When I say: I can’t get past my past. God says: Let Me help you heal from your past so it doesn’t hinder the plans I have for your future. I want to do a new thing in you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. (Isa. 43:18–19) ~ Renee Swope,
1193:They were “galvanized iron bake ovens,” said Carl LaRue, commenting on Fordlandia’s foibles years later. “It is incredible that anyone should build a house like that in the tropics.” Another visitor described them as “midget hells, where one lies awake and sweats the first half of the night, and frequently between midnight and dawn undergoes a fierce siege of heat-provoking nightmares.” They seemed to be “designed by Detroit architects who probably couldn’t envision a land without snow.”19 Ford managers, said the priest, “never really ~ Greg Grandin,
1194:I was blessed enough to meet Pope John Paul when I was about 19 or 20 years old in the Vatican; I had that privilege, .. My mother took me to visit him and I remember distinctly his incredible charisma and personal charm and his warmth and compassion. You felt it immediately the minute you met him, and that spirit I came away with, having met the man, is something that I've been constantly working on to infuse the character with, so that we can have his spirit and his love and his compassion, because that's really the essence of the man. ~ Cary Elwes,
1195:25:40 brothers and sisters of mine. For the meaning of Jesus’ brothers and sisters, see 12:50; 23:8; for its range of meaning, see note on Ac 9:17. Some see the siblings here as the poor; the idea that how one treats the poor is how one treats God has Biblical warrant (Pr 19:17). Others see the siblings here as Jesus’ agents who bring the gospel; the idea that how one treats agents of God’s message is how one treats God also has Biblical warrant (see notes on 10:40–42). The latter view fits the use of similar language elsewhere in Matthew. ~ Anonymous,
1196:If we remain surrendered to God, we’ve already died to everything decay and death could ever threaten to take away. Our treasure is no longer in things that moths can eat and thieves can steal (Matthew 6:19-20). Our heart is no longer set on things that aging and misfortune can affect. Our life is securely hidden in Christ, whose love never changes (Colossians 3:1-3). In fact, to the extent that we’re surrendered to God every moment, we’ve “been crucified with Christ and [we] no longer live, but Christ lives in [us]” (Galatians 2:20). ~ Gregory A Boyd,
1197:In the Bible (Hebrews, 6:19), hope is ‘an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil.’ Here [in Watts painting], Hope is blindfolded, seated on a globe and playing a lyre of which all but one of the strings are broken . . . Hope’s attempts to make music appear futile and several critics argued that the work might have been more appropriately titledDespair. Watts explained that ‘Hopeneed not mean expectancy. It suggests here, rather, the music which can come from the remaining cord’. ~ George Frederic Watts,
1198:The late Rev. Peter Gomes at The Memorial Church at Harvard was a true mentor to me when I was in college. He instilled in me a commitment to service, saying that it's not enough to believe in service, or support those who serve - you ought to find a way yourself to serve. When I looked at different options after college, nobody inspired me more than the 18- and 19-year-olds who serve on the front lines of our nation's military. Serving with them in the Marines as we together served our country was the greatest honor of my life to date. ~ Seth Moulton,
1199:Paul also said, “being rooted and grounded in love, that you may have power to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God” (Eph 3.17–19). For the Word unfolded himself everywhere, above and below and in the depths and in the breadth: above, in creation; below, in the incarnation; in the depths, in hell; in breadth, in the world. Everything is filled with the knowledge of God. ~ Saint Athanasius of Alexandria,
1200:The Afghansti have caused a great many people a great deal of grief and have themselves suffered - for a lie, let us not forget - the same ways we in the United States have caused much suffering in Southeast Asia, and have also suffered much in return, also for a lie. It was no small betrayal, no small lesson for a man to learn at the age of 19. Any soldier returning home must rediscover his humanity and establish a livable peace with the discovered, liberated, permanently dark places in his own heart -the darkness that is always with us. ~ Larry Heinemann,
1201:When one has looked upon Jesus, though he be of little stature like Zacchaeus of old (cf. Lk. 19:3), and climb up on the top of the sycamore tree by mortifying his members which are upon the earth (cf. Col. 3:5), and having risen above the body of humiliation, then he shall receive the Word, and it shall be said to him, This day has salvation come to this house (cf. Lk. 19:9). Then let him lay hold on the salvation, and bring forth fruit more perfectly, scattering and pouring forth rightly that which as a publican he wrongly gathered. ~ Gregory of Nazianzus,
1202:Sono stato cieco per quasi 19 anni..." si bloccò. "E?" "Voglio dire, ho sempre voluto riavere la vista, ma ci sono state solo una manciata di occasioni in cui avrei seriamente ucciso per riuscire a vedere"
Oh, Isaac.
Lo strinsi ancora più forte e gli bacia il lato della testa "E oggi è stato uno di questi giorni" non era una domanda
Annuì appoggiato a me e la sua voce era pacata "Solo per una volta sai? Se potessi vederla solo per una volta" Non ero sicuro di cosa avrei potuto dire per farlo sentire meglio, così mi limitai a stringerlo. ~ N R Walker,
1203:The motion of the stars calculated by the Hindus before some 4500 years vary not even a single minute from the tables of Cassine and Meyer (used in the 19-th century). The Indian tables give the same annual variation of the moon as the discovered by Tycho Brahe - a variation unknown to the school of Alexandria and also to the Arabs who followed the calculations of the school ... The Hindu systems of astronomy are by far the oldest and that from which the Egyptians, Greek, Romans and - even the Jews derived from the Hindus their knowledge. ~ Jean Sylvain Bailly,
1204:Where I grew up, we spent a lot of time outside. I moved to Paris when I was 19, and from then on, it was exactly the opposite. On the weekend, you go to the galleries, the museums, the movies. And I thought, "I'm not going to be like all of these friends I've had who are now at this certain stage in their lives, and they are all unhappy with themselves because they never get out in the fresh air or the sun, and they get so disconnected from their bodies that they have to just layer and layer and layer like onions. I am not getting old like that." ~ Tomas Maier,
1205:ROMANS—NOTE ON 4:17 as it is written. Quoted from Gen. 17:5. gives life to the dead. Abraham had experienced this firsthand (Heb. 11:11–12; cf. Rom. 4:19). calls into existence the things that do not exist. This is another reference to the forensic nature of justification. God can declare believing sinners to be righteous even though they are not, by imputing his righteousness to them, just as God made or declared Jesus “sin” and punished him, though he was not a sinner. Those whom he justifies, he will conform to the image of his Son (Rom. 8:29–30). ~ Anonymous,
1206:Gabriel started to open his mouth, but Luke was on top of him quickly, cupping his hand over his face. Gabriel glared at him. Luke signed to me one-handed, “See why I brought you along last time?” I signed back.
“You never taught him sign language?” Gabriel grunted, impatient. Luke grinned. He started signing.
“We should pretend we’re talking about him.”
“Stop talking about me,” Gabriel whisper-whined.

Stone, C. L. (2014-01-19). Drop of Doubt: The Ghost Bird Series: #5 (Kindle Locations 5133-5136). Arcato Publishing. Kindle Edition. ~ C L Stone,
1207:Between 1929 and 1933, the public succeeded in increasing its cash holdings by 31 per cent; commercial bank reserves were scarcely altered (indeed, surviving banks built up excess reserves); but commercial bank deposits decreased by 37 per cent and loans by 47 per cent. The absolute numbers reveal the lethal dynamic of the ‘great contraction’. An increase of cash in public hands of $1.2 billion was achieved at the cost of a decline in bank deposits of $15.6 billion and a decline in bank loans of $19.6 billion, equivalent to 19 per cent of 1929 GDP.91 ~ Niall Ferguson,
1208:Even where, because of the hostility to God’s existence caused by human sin, faith is not exercised, still those who do not believe are inexcusable, because of the powerful, inescapable evidence they wilfully and irrationally reject. As Paul states in Romans 1:19, 20: ‘Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse... ~ Anonymous,
1209:The Devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape. —William Shakespeare, Hamlet How are you fallen from Heaven, Lucifer! Son of the Dawn! Cut down to the ground! And once you dominated the peoples! Didn’t you say to yourself: I will be as high as Heaven! I will be more exalted than the stars of God! I will, indeed, be the supreme leader! In the privileged places! I will be higher than the Skies! I will be the same as the Most High God! But you shall be brought down to Hell, to the bottom of its pit. And all who see you, will despise you... —Isaiah 14: 12-19 ~ Ed Warren,
1210:CHART 11.2: NUTRIENT COMPOSITION OF PLANT AND ANIMAL-BASED FOODS (PER 500 CALORIES OF ENERGY) Nutrient Plant-Based Foods* Animal-Based Foods** Cholesterol (mg) — 137 Fat (g) 4 36 Protein (g) 33 34 Beta-carotene (mcg) 29,919 17 Dietary Fiber (g) 31 — Vitamin C (mg) 293 4 Folate (mcg) 1168 19 Vitamin E (mg ATE) 11 0.5 Iron (mg) 20 2 Magnesium (mg) 548 51 Calcium (mg) 545 252 * Equal parts of tomatoes, spinach, lima beans, peas, potatoes ** Equal parts of beef, pork, chicken, whole milk   As you can see, plant foods have dramatically more antioxidants, ~ T Colin Campbell,
1211:Precisely when we should be shouldering the historic task of investing this rich, safe, and healthy existence with meaning, we’ve buried utopia instead. There’s no new dream to replace it because we can’t imagine a better world than the one we’ve got. In fact, most people in wealthy countries believe children will actually be worse off than their parents.19 But the real crisis of our times, of my generation, is not that we don’t have it good, or even that we might be worse off later on. No, the real crisis is that we can’t come up with anything better. ~ Rutger Bregman,
1212:Washington’s style of interracial engagement has been all but forgotten, and when remembered, usually disparaged: he put a premium on finding consensus and empathizing with other groups, and by his example encouraged dominant groups to do the same,” wrote Norrell. “He cautioned that when people protest constantly about their mistreatment, they soon get a reputation as complainers, and others stop listening to their grievances. Blacks needed a reputation for being hard-working, intelligent, and patriotic, Washington taught, and not for being aggrieved.”19 ~ Jason L Riley,
1213:5:33 Do not break your oath. An oath invoked a deity’s witness that one was telling the truth. Here Jesus alludes to texts such as Lev 19:12; Nu 30:2; Dt 23:21–22. 5:34–35 do not swear an oath at all. A few radical sages and sects forbade oaths, demanding that one’s integrity be so great that oaths were unnecessary. Other Jewish people sometimes tried to evade the curse incurred in broken oaths by swearing by something less than God. heaven. “Heaven” is God’s throne and “earth” his footstool in Isa 66:1; “Jerusalem” is “the city of the Great King” in Ps 48:2. ~ Anonymous,
1214:18  To another is given the word of knowledge, that all may be taught to be wise and to have knowledge. 19  And again, to some it is given to have faith to be healed; 20  And to others it is given to have faith to heal. 21  And again, to some is given the working of miracles; 22  And to others it is given to prophesy; 23  And to others the discerning of spirits. 24  And again, it is given to some to speak with tongues; 25  And to another is given the interpretation of tongues. 26  And all these gifts come from God, for the benefit of the children of God. ~ Joseph Smith Jr,
1215:shrink." (D&C 19:18.) It was about there that I wrote these words: "Teach the people repentance hurts." You must never believe the lie that there is no pain from sin. You can be forgiven; the Atonement is real. But President Kimball taught that "if a person hasn't suffered, he hasn't repented." (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, ed. Edward L. Kimball [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1982], p. 99.) So true faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ, rather than leading you to try a little sin, will lead you to stay as far away from it as you can. That brings ~ Henry B Eyring,
1216:There are two kinds of truth: the truth that lights the way and the truth that warms the heart. The first of these is science, and the second is art. Neither is independent of the other or more important than the other. Without art science would be as useless as a pair of high forceps in the hands of a plumber. Without science art would become a crude mess of folklore and emotional quackery. The truth of art keeps science from becoming inhuman, and the truth of science keeps art from becoming ridiculous."

(Great Thought, February 19, 1938) ~ Raymond Chandler,
1217:The fear of the Lord is “the beginning of wisdom,” not because a person immediately understands archaic Latin phrases and complex mathematics, but because the worshiper no longer sees only a fragmented world, but stands before the One who holds all things together (see Prov 1:7; 2:1-6; 9:10; Ps 19:9; 111:10). Fearing the Lord means that we are not left to our own resources to control and survive the elements of creation, but that we can trust the Creator who sustains that creation, controls the future and has our best interests at heart (e.g., Prov 23:17-18). ~ Kelly M Kapic,
1218:No te imaginás el miedo que tengo de que se pierda el paquete con Rayuela. Tengo una copia, pero sería trágico tener que volver a sacar otra copia de ésa. Estoy averiguando si algún conocido va en estos días para confiarle el paquete, pero me temo que habrá que mandarlo por avión. Se me ha ocurrido que con los líos que hay en la Argentina el correo podría andar medio dislocado. ¿Qué te parece a vos? A lo mejor se te ocurre algún procedimiento; en ese caso escribime en seguida, aunque no sean más que dos líneas.   De una carta a Paco Porrúa, 19 de mayo de 1962 ~ Julio Cort zar,
1219:We are for aiding our allies by sharing of our material blessings with those nations which share in our fundamental beliefs, but we're against doling out money government to government, creating bureaucracy, if not socialism, all over the world. We set out to help 19 countries. We're helping 107. We've spent 146 billion dollars. With that money, we bought a 2 million dollar yacht for Haile Selassie. We bought dress suits for Greek undertakers, extra wives for Kenya[n] government officials. We bought a thousand TV sets for a place where they have no electricity. ~ Ronald Reagan,
1220:Law 6: When forced to compromise, ask for more. Law 7: If you can’t win, change the rules. Law 8: If you can’t change the rules, then ignore them. Law 11: “No” simply means begin again at one level higher. Law 13: When in doubt: THINK. Law 16: The faster you move, the slower time passes, the longer you live. Law 17: The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself. (adopted from Alan Kay) Law 19: You get what you incentivize. Law 22: The day before something is a breakthrough, it’s a crazy idea. Law 26: If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it. ~ Timothy Ferriss,
1221:My mistakes made were learning how to work with different groups of people. I mean, I went to school at Berkeley, which is a pretty diverse group, but working in a professional setting, I hadn't really done that before and learning about office politics, learning about interactions between different people and I made a lot of mistakes there during my time as a young person. I was 19 or 20 at the time. So, I would say those were my biggest career mistakes, but fortunately they were made in the context of an engineering co-op program and not in a professional field. ~ Leroy Chiao,
1222:The rules in this new 'post-partisan' era are pretty simple: If the Democratic Party wants it, it's 'stimulus.' If the Republican Party opposes it, it's 'politics' - as in headlines like this: 'Obama Urges GOP To Keep Politics To A Minimum On Stimulus.' These are serious times: As the president says, it's the worst economic crisis since the Thirties. So politicians need to put politics behind them and immediately lavish $4.19 billion on his community-organizing pals at the highly inventive 'voter registration' group ACORN for 'neighborhood stabilization activities. ~ Mark Steyn,
1223:The man therefore read it, and looking upon Evangelist very carefully, said, Whither must I fly? Then said Evangelist, pointing with his finger over a very wide field, Do you see yonder wicket-gate? [Matt. 7:13,14] The man said, No. Then said the other, Do you see yonder shining light? [Ps. 119:105; 2 Pet. 1:19] He said, I think I do. Then said Evangelist, Keep that light in your eye, and go up directly thereto: so shalt thou see the gate; at which, when thou knockest, it shall be told thee what thou shalt do.
{18} So I saw in my dream that the man began to run. ~ John Bunyan,
1224:And Scripture often says that God changes his mind in response to new circumstances or the prayers of his people (e.g., Exod. 32:14; Num. 11:1–2; 14:12–20; 16:20–35, 41–48; Deut. 9:13–14, 18–20, 25; Judg. 10:13–15; 2 Sam. 24:17–25; 1 Kings 21:27–29; 2 Kings 13:3–5; 20:1–6; 1 Chron. 21:15; Jer. 18:7–10; 26:2–3, 19). Indeed, God’s willingness to adjust his plans in light of new circumstances is described as one of God’s attributes of greatness (Joel 2:12–13; Jon. 3:10). It’s hard to understand what these passages mean if God faces an exhaustively settled future. The ~ Gregory A Boyd,
1225:In Ephesians 1, Paul named specific blessings that can come through prayer. He prayed that his spiritual offspring would receive “the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better” (v. 17). He asked God to open the eyes of their hearts so they could “know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe” (vv. 18–19). The better we know God (v. 17), the more we trust Him. The more we trust Him, the more we sense His peace when the wintry winds blow against us. ~ Beth Moore,
1226:18 But behold, this was an advantage to the Nephites; for it was impossible for the robbers to lay siege sufficiently long to have any effect upon the Nephites, because of their amuch bprovision which they had laid up in store, 19 And because of the scantiness of provisions among the robbers; for behold, they had nothing save it were meat for their subsistence, which meat they did obtain in the wilderness; 20 And it came to pass that the awild game became scarce in the wilderness insomuch that the robbers were about to perish with hunger. ~ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints,
1227:1jn.5.17 All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death. 1jn.5.18 We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not. 1jn.5.19 And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness. 1jn.5.20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. 1jn.5.21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. ~ Anonymous,
1228:Things are so busy and so quick, and there’s so much going on, you have to realise the time when you have to take a step back, take a breath and really think back to where you come from. I’m from a very, very rural place. There’s really nobody out there, just roads and farms. I had a long transition to get to where I am now. I moved away when I was young, when I was about 19. I’d literally come from an area with dirt roads and stuff like that, right to the centre of a city of about five million people. It’s been great. I’m based in New York and every day it's amazing. ~ Diego Klattenhoff,
1229:III. He exhorts to holy joy and delight in God: Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, Rejoice, v. 4. All our joy must terminate in God; and our thoughts of God must be delightful thoughts. Delight thyself in the Lord (Ps. 37:4), in the multitude of our thoughts within us (grievous and afflicting thoughts) his comforts delight our souls (Ps. 94:19), and our meditation of him is sweet, Ps. 104:34. Observe, It is our duty and privilege to rejoice in God, and to rejoice in him always; at all times, in all conditions; even when we suffer for him, or are afflicted by him. ~ Matthew Henry,
1230:From modest origins, the Treasury offices proliferated until they occupied the entire block. The 1791 city directory gives an anatomy of this burgeoning department, with 8 employees in Hamilton’s office, 13 in the comptroller’s, 15 in the auditor’s, 19 in the register’s, 3 in the treasurer’s, 14 in the office for settling accounts between the federal government and the states, and 21 in the customs office on Second Street, with an additional 122 customs collectors and surveyors scattered in various ports. By the standards of the day, this represented a prodigious bureaucracy. ~ Ron Chernow,
1231:Our disagreement rises with the timing of the formation of these rock layers! Where the evolutionists say the fossiliferous rock layers “were laid down slowly over millions of years without any major catastrophes,” the creationists say that “most of these rock layers were deposited by the Flood of Noah’s day.” So it is the same evidence based on the same observations, but we simply have two different interpretations of that evidence. Creationists start with God’s Word, which informs us of the global Flood (e.g., Genesis 7:19–201) that was a major catastrophe about 4,300 years ago ~ Ken Ham,
1232:In every Magical, or similar system, it is invariably the first condition which the Aspirant must fulfill: he must once and for all and for ever put his family outside his magical circle.Even the Gospels insist clearly and weightily on this.Christ himself (i.e. whoever is meant by this name in this passage) callously disowns his mother and his brethren (Luke VIII, 19). And he repeatedly makes discipleship contingent on the total renunciation of all family ties. He would not even allow a man to attend his father's funeral!Is the magical tradition less rigid?Not on your life! ~ Aleister Crowley,
1233:The earthly form of Christ is the form that died on the cross. The image of God is the image of Christ crucified. It is to this image that the life of the disciples must be conformed; in other words, they must be conformed to his death (Phil 3.10, Rom 6.4) The Christian life is a life of crucifixion (Gal 2.19) In baptism the form of Christ's death is impressed upon his own. They are dead to the flesh and to sin, they are dead to the world, and the world is dead to them (Gal 6.14). Anybody living in the strength of Christ's baptism lives in the strength of Christ's death. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
1234:n When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears         and delivers them out of all their troubles. 18    The LORD is near to  q the brokenhearted         and saves  r the crushed in spirit.     19  s Many are the afflictions of the righteous,          t but the LORD delivers him out of them all. 20    He keeps all his bones;          u not one of them is broken. 21     v Affliction will slay the wicked,         and those who hate the righteous will be condemned. 22    The LORD  w redeems the life of his servants;         none of those who take refuge in him will be  x condemned. ~ Anonymous,
1235:Scripture describes God’s character as unchanging (Mal. 3:6), but it never teaches that God is unable to change in any respect (e.g., his intentions, experiences). It teaches that the future is settled to the extent God wills it, but it never teaches that the future is exhaustively settled. And it teaches that God sometimes chooses not to change his mind (Num. 23:19; 1 Sam. 15:29; Ezek. 24:14; Zech. 8:14) but never that he cannot change his mind. Indeed, passages that reveal God choosing not to change his mind only make sense if God can change his mind when he chooses. Further, ~ Gregory A Boyd,
1236:the firing of nerves in the amygdala, thereby dampening fear. Laughter, then, can help to temper negative emotions. And while all this might seem of purely academic interest, it could prove helpful when your partner breaks his leg at 19,000 feet in a blizzard on a Peruvian mountain. It is not a lack of fear that separates elite performers from the rest of us. They’re afraid, too, but they’re not overwhelmed by it. They manage fear. They use it to focus on taking correct action. Mike Tyson’s trainer, Cus D’Amato, said, “Fear is like fire. It can cook for you. It can heat your ~ Laurence Gonzales,
1237:An aide for Gov. Cuomo slammed State Controller Thomas DiNapoli’s office Friday for getting its numbers wrong. "You would think basic arithmetic would be a qualification to work in the controller’s office," the aide said. His caustic comment came after the controller’s office released overtime data Thursday that smeared a state worker. The data showed that Janet Johnson, a nurse at Franklin Correctional Facility near the Canadian border, was paid for an incredible 5,076 hours of overtime in 2014 — meaning she worked an unbelievable 19.6 hours a day, seven days a week for a full year. ~ Anonymous,
1238:Labor Day. We could hear their bellow and grind from the Route 19 overpass. Below, the river gleamed like a flaw in metal. Leaving the parking lot behind, we billy-goated down the fisherman's trail, one by one, the way all mountain people do. Loud clumps of bees clustered in the fireweed and boneset, and the trail underfoot crunched with cans, condom wrappers, worm containers. A half-buried coal bucket rose from the dirt with a galvanized grin. The laurel hell wove itself into a tunnel, hazy with gnats. There, a busted railroad spike. The smell of river water filled our noses. ~ Matthew Neill Null,
1239:That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; GEN22.18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice. GEN22.19 So Abraham returned unto his young men, and they rose up and went together to Beersheba; and Abraham dwelt at Beersheba. GEN22.20 And it came to pass after these things, that it was told Abraham, saying, Behold, Milcah, she hath also born children unto thy brother Nahor; ~ Anonymous,
1240:Sexual intercourse was taboo on the Lord’s Day. The Puritans believed that children were born on the same day of the week as when they had been conceived. Unlucky infants who entered the world on the Sabbath were sometimes denied baptism because of their parents’ presumed sin in copulating on a Sunday. For many years Sudbury’s minister Israel Loring sternly refused to baptize children born on Sunday, until one terrible Sabbath when his own wife gave birth to twins!18 Altogether, the Puritans created a sabbatical rhythm of unique intensity in the time ways of their culture.19 ~ David Hackett Fischer,
1241:With his work of redemption Christ has made believers his own possession and now gives them the goals that shape their lives. This new commitment, which is a commitment to righteousness (Rom. 6:19), holiness (1 Thess. 3:13), and newness of life (Rom. 6:4), finds expression in the description of Christians as Christ’s doúloi [slaves] (1 Cor. 7:22; Eph. 6:6).”13 Slaves of Christ are to be “always abounding in the work of the Lord” (1 Cor. 15:58), “trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord” (Eph. 5:10), and ever seeking to “understand what the will of the Lord is” (Eph. 5:17). ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
1242:I wanted to be a playwright in college. That's what I was interested in and that's what I was moving toward, and then I had the lucky accident of falling in love with film. I was 19 or 20 that I realized films are made by people. Shooting digitally became cheaper and better. You couldn't make something that looked like a Hollywood film, but you could make something through which you could work out ideas. I was acting, but I was also conceiving the plots and operating the camera when I wasn't onscreen. I got very unvain about film acting, and it became a sort of graduate school for me. ~ Greta Gerwig,
1243:these are ten manifestations of demon possession in the New Testament. 1. superhuman physical strength (Mark 5:3; Acts 19:16) 2. fits of rage and ferocious behavior (Mark 5:4) 3. high pain tolerance (Mark 5:5) 4. self-mutilation (Mark 5:5) 5. foaming at the mouth (Luke 9:39) 6. seizures or convulsions (Luke 9:42) 7. divided personality (Mark 5:6-7) (The demoniac ran to Jesus yet at the same time cried out in fear.) 8. resistance to spiritual things, especially the name of Jesus (Mark 5:7) 9. clairvoyance or supernatural knowledge (Mark 5:7; Acts 16:16) 10. change in voice (Mark 5:9) ~ Mark Hitchcock,
1244:Work isn’t a curse; it’s an opportunity to use our abilities and opportunities in cooperating with God and being faithful stewards of His creation. After man sinned, work became toil (Gen. 3:17–19), but that wasn’t God’s original intention. We all have different abilities and opportunities, and we must discover what God wants us to do with our lives in this world, for the good of others and the glory of God. Someday, we want to be able to stand before God and say with Jesus, “I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do” (John 17:4 NKJV). ~ Warren W Wiersbe,
1245:19 murder . . . slander. Lists of vices are common in ancient literature. Two thirds of the offenses listed here are violations of the Ten Commandments (see 19:18, in the same order as here and as in Ex 20:13–16). 15:21 Tyre and Sidon. Leading cities of Phoenicia. Jezebel was from Sidonian territory, but so were a widow and her child who received healing through the ministry of Elijah (1Ki 17:8–24). Many dispossessed Canaanites from the Israelite conquest had moved north into Phoenician territory. 15:22 Son of David. Implies this Gentile’s recognition that Jesus is rightful ruler of Israel. ~ Anonymous,
1246:Each incident of sexual harassment of woman at workplace results in violation of the fundamental rights of “Gender Equality” and the “Right to Life and Liberty”. It is a clear violation of the rights under Articles 14, 15 and 21 of the Constitution. One of the logical consequences of such an incident is also the violation of the victim's fundamental right under Article 19(1)(g). The meaning and content of the fundamental rights guaranteed in the Constitution of India are of sufficient amplitude to encompass all the facets of gender equality including prevention of sexual harassment or abuse ~ Anonymous,
1247:Halakhic man, well furnished with rules, judgments, and fundamental principles, draws near the world with an a priori relation. His approach begins with an ideal creation and concludes with a real one. To whom may he be compared? To a mathematician who fashions an ideal world and then uses it for the purpose of establishing a relationship between it and the real world. ... The essence of the Halakhah, which was received from God, consists in creating an ideal world and cognizing the relationship between that ideal world and our concrete environment. ~ Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Halakhic Man (1983), p. 19.,
1248:If... God highly exalted Christ because He humbled Himself, suffered dishonour, was tempted and endured a shameful cross and death for our sake, how will He save, glorify and raise us up if we neither choose humility, nor show love to our fellows, nor gain our souls by enduring temptation (cf. Lk. 21:19), nor follow the saving Guide through the 'strait gate' and along the 'narrow way' leading to eternal life (Mt. 7:14)? To this end we were called, says Peter, the chief Apostle, ' Because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example that we should follow His steps' (I Pet. 2:21). ~ Gregory Palamas,
1249:The idea of Yahweh “allotting” geographical territories to these sons of God who really existed and were worshipped as gods (idols) shows up again in several places in Deuteronomy:   Deut. 4:19-20 And beware lest you raise your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, you be drawn away and bow down to them and serve them, things that the Lord your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven.   Deut. 29:26 They went and served other gods and worshiped them, gods whom they have not known and whom He had not allotted to them. ~ Brian Godawa,
1250:Consider the following: More than 40 percent of women in the United States have likely been the victim of violence, including childhood sexual abuse (almost 18 percent), physical assault (more than 19 percent), rape (more than 20 percent), and intimate partner violence (almost 35 percent).4 Some 6 percent of all pregnant women experienced violence during their pregnancies as well.5 Despite the widespread violence against women, less than 10 percent of primary care physicians normally screen for domestic violence during routine office visits.6 Yet if the violence is not addressed, it ~ Christiane Northrup,
1251:God’s glory, His tangible, manifest presence, will only be experienced to the degree we can recognize His sheer, fifteen-billion-volt goodness. Any area in which we have not seen that God is truly good – in the deepest, fullest, richest, realistic sense of the word – we will miss His glory. Moses prayed, “Now show me Your glory.” And the scriptures tell us that it was the “goodness” of God that passed in front of Him (Exod. 33:18-19). God’s glory is His goodness. His presence is goodness itself. Jesus Christ is pure pleasure incarnate. To miss His goodness is to experience a glory deficit. ~ John Crowder,
1252:The Savior… endured the agony [of Gethsemane], of inquisition, cruel beatings, and death by crucifixion on the cross at Calvary. Recently, there has been a great deal of commentary about this, none of which has made clear the singular point that no one had the power to take the Savior’s life from Him. He gave it as a ransom for us all. As the Son of God, He had the power to alter the situation. Yet the scriptures clearly state that He yielded Himself to scourging, humiliation, suffering, and finally crucifixion because of His great love towards the children of men (see 1 Ne. 19:9–10). ~ M Russell Ballard,
1253:12:18–21 Matthew cites Isa 42:1–4. As elsewhere in this section of Isaiah (Isa 41:8; 44:1–2, 21; 45:4; 49:3), the “servant” in Isa 42:1–4 is Israel; but because the servant fails in his mission (Isa 42:18–19), God raises up one within Israel to fulfill the mission and suffer on behalf of Israel (Isa 49:5–7; 52:13–53:12, especially 53:4–6, 9). Jesus fulfilled this mission, though in ways that his contemporaries did not expect. Matthew translates the wording in a way that brings it into alignment with the heavenly proclamation in Mt 3:17, so that the heavenly proclamation evokes Isaiah’s servant. ~ Anonymous,
1254:Sessizliği Dinlemek (Osho) - Your Highlight at location 27-30 | Added on Friday, 23 May 2014 22:46:19 Yaşam devinim demektir. Olduğumuz yerde kalmamız imkansızdır. Ya daha yüksek bir bilinç düzeyine doğru evrim geçiririz ya da gerileriz. Seçim bizimdir. Seçmememiz söz konusu değildir, seçmemek bile bir seçimdir. Çoğu insan hiçliği seçer. Bu, bilinçsizliğe dönüştür. Bunu alkol ve uyuşturucular, aşırı çalışma, seks ya da duyuların uyarılması yoluyla yaparlar. Pek az kişi daha yüksek bir bilinç düzeyine doğru yolculuk yapmayı seçer. İşte Osho'nun bu kitabında hitap ettiği kişiler bunlar. ========== ~ Anonymous,
1255:The highest good is like water, for the good of water is that it nourishes everything without striving. It occupies the place which all men think bad [i.e., the lowest level].17 [102d] It is thus that Tao in the world is like a river going down the valley to the ocean.18 [102e] The most gentle thing in the world overrides the most hard.19 [102g] How do coves and oceans become kings of a hundred rivers? Because they are good at keeping low— That is how they are kings of the hundred rivers.20 [102f] Nothing in the world is weaker than water, But it has no better in overcoming the hard.21 [101a] ~ Alan W Watts,
1256:You got guys that are so old, you see them eating lunch, the drool's just coming from their mouth, and they're sending around memos about 10 percent crosscuts. If I had one tenth of their money, I would be free. They don't know what freedom is. It's a disease. You're one of the rare people that is given freedom, and what do you do with it? You don't live. You choose to be dead in life. Money buys freedom. I mean why is this guy with the slobber worried about taking food off other people's tables? His $19 billion won't get him from where he is to the grave comfortably? That to me is a disease. ~ Nick Tosches,
1257:Radha’s elevated status, her role as a cosmic queen equal to or superior Krishna giving her a central role in the cosmogony in the Brahma Vivarta Purana...As creator of the universe we find Radha playing a role that is extremely atypical of her earlier history, the role of a mother. In the Brahma Vaivarta Purana, however, she is often called by names that suggest that her motherly role, vis-à-vis the created world. She is called mother of Vishnu, mother of the world, and mother of all. ~ David R. Kinsley, in Hindu Goddesses: Visions of the Divine Feminine in the Hindu Religious Tradition (19 June 1988), p. 93,
1258:I would normally have scheduled my driving time according to published studies on fatigue and booked accommodation accordingly. But I had been too busy to plan. Nevertheless, I stopped for rest breaks every two hours and found myself able to maintain concentration. At 11.43 p.m., I detected tiredness, but rather than sleep I stopped at a service station, refuelled, and ordered four double espressos. I opened the sunroof and turned up the CD player volume to combat fatigue, and at 7.19 a.m. on Saturday, with the caffeine still running all around my brain, Jackson Browne and I pulled into Moree. ~ Graeme Simsion,
1259:Jesus says to Nicodemus, “though the light has come into the world, people have preferred darkness to the light” (John 3:19). In me I can feel this strange preference for the darkness. It seems as if I resist coming into the light and enjoy staying in my self-made darkness. Jesus offers the light, the truth, the life coming from above. He makes it clear that God wants to pull me away from the darkness; he wants to offer me a solid love to dwell in, a firm ground to stand on, a faithful presence to trust in. But I have to look upward instead of inward, and embrace the gifts that are given. Yet ~ Henri J M Nouwen,
1260:Man’s conscious state is an awareness of body and breath. His subconscious state, active in sleep, is associated with his mental, and temporary, separation from body and breath. His superconscious state is a freedom from the delusion that “existence” depends on body and breath.19 God lives without breath; the soul made in His image becomes conscious of itself, for the first time, only during the breathless state. When the breath-link between soul and body is severed by evolutionary karma, the abrupt transition called “death” ensues; the physical cells revert to their natural powerlessness. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda,
1261:Demons in the New Testament The New Testament demonstrates two realities about evil spirits: • Jesus has absolute power over them; this was a matter of divine authority, not magic or sorcery. • The New Testament mocks the claims of magicians by describing their inability to deal with real spirits. The failed efforts of Simon the sorcerer (Ac 8:9–24) and the sons of Sceva (Ac 19:13–16) to obtain apostolic authority illustrate the point that the miracles of the New Testament had nothing in common with ancient magic. Jesus had no use for demonic spirits and did not seek to employ them to do his bidding. ◆ ~ Anonymous,
1262:If you recognize, however, that the physical may be partly responsible for your spiritual condition and make allowances for that, you will be better able to deal with the spiritual. Another frequent cause of spiritual depression is what we may describe as a reaction—a reaction after a great blessing, a reaction after some unusual and exceptional experience. I hope to call attention sometime to the case of Elijah under the juniper tree. There is no doubt in my mind that his main trouble was that he was suffering from a reaction, a reaction after what had happened on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 19). ~ D Martyn Lloyd Jones,
1263:In their time of crisis, instead of turning to God for wisdom, the people consulted demons (Isa. 8:19; Deut. 18:10–12), and this only increased their moral and spiritual darkness. The increase of the occult in our own day is evidence that people are deliberately rejecting God’s Word and turning to Satan’s lies. “If they do not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn” (Isa. 8:20 NIV). Judah’s leaders anxiously looked for the dawning of a new day, but they saw only a deepening darkness. God’s Word is our only dependable light in this world’s darkness (Ps. 119:105; 2 Peter 1:19–21). ~ Warren W Wiersbe,
1264:For if you keep my commandments you shall receive of his fulness, and be glorified in me as I am in the Father; therefore, I say unto you, you shall receive grace for grace" (D&C 93:19–20). And then a few verses later the Lord says: And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come; And whatsoever is more or less than this is the spirit of that wicked one who was a liar from the beginning. The Spirit of truth is of God. I am the Spirit of truth, and John bore record of me, saying: He received a fulness of truth, yea, even of all truth; And no man receiveth... ~ Henry B Eyring,
1265:It is difficult to place Jesus of Nazareth squarely within any of the known religiopolitical movements of his time. He was a man of profound contradictions, one day preaching a message of racial exclusion (“I was sent solely to the lost sheep of Israel”; Matthew 15:24), the next, of benevolent universalism (“Go and make disciples of all nations”; Matthew 28:19); sometimes calling for unconditional peace (“Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God”; Matthew 5:9), sometimes promoting violence and conflict (“If you do not have a sword, go sell your cloak and buy one”; Luke 22:36). ~ Reza Aslan,
1266:Well, what is keeping the Antichrist from putting in his appearance on the world stage? You are! You and every other member of the body of Christ on earth. The presence of the church of Jesus Christ is the restraining force that refuses to allow the man of lawlessness to be revealed. True, it is the Holy Spirit who is the real restrainer. But as both 1 Corinthians 3:16 and 6:19 teach, the Holy Spirit indwells the believer. The believer’s body is the temple of the Spirit of God. Put all believers together then, with the Holy Spirit indwelling each of us, and you have a formidable restraining force.108 ~ Mark Hitchcock,
1267:May 16, 1998: Rumor’s going around that a researcher who tried to escape the estate last night was shot. My entire body feels hot and itchy and I’m sweating all the time now. I scratched the swelling on my arm and a piece of rotten flesh just dropped off. Wasn’t until I realized the smell was making me hungry that I got violently sick. The writing had become shaky. Chris turned the page, and could barely read the last few lines, the words scrawled haphazardly across the paper. May 19. Fever gone but itchy. Hungry and eat doggie food. Itchy itchy Scott came ugly face so killed him. Tasty. 4 // Itchy. Tasty. ~ S D Perry,
1268:Biblical repentance, then, is not merely a sense of regret that leaves us where it found us. It is a radical reversal that takes us back along the road of our sinful wanderings, creating in us a completely different mind-set. We come to our senses spiritually (Luke 15:17). Thus the prodigal son’s life was no longer characterized by the demand “give me” (v. 12) but now by the request “make me . . .” (v. 19). This lies on the surface of the New Testament’s teaching. Regret there will be, but the heart of repentance is the lifelong moral and spiritual turnaround of our lives as we submit to the Lord. ~ Sinclair B Ferguson,
1269:For part of his Parisian stay, Jefferson was joined by his two daughters. The younger one, Polly, arrived in 1787 in the company of his light-skinned fourteen-year-old slave, Sally Hemings, who was called “Dashing Sally” at Monticello and was later described by another slave as “mighty near white” and “very handsome” with “long straight hair down her back.”19 Jefferson had inherited the Hemings family via his wife, and it is now presumed that Sally Hemings was her half sister. We do not know for certain whether Jefferson’s apparent romance with Sally Hemings began at this time or after he returned to America. ~ Ron Chernow,
1270:Mersenne en una carta de 1643 a Fermat le preguntó la insólita cuestión de cuál debía ser la razón entre el curioso numerito: 236 38 x 55 x 11 x 132 x 19 x 312 x 43 x 61 x 83 x 223 x 331 x 379 x 601 x 757 x 1.201 x 7.019 x 823.543 x 616.318.777 x 100.895.598.169 y la suma de los divisores propios de dicho monstruo. Fermat contestó que los divisores suman 6 veces el numerito de partida y que los factores primos del último multiplicando eran 112.203 y 899.423… y todo esto hecho con cálculo mental y manual. Aún hoy nadie se explica cómo tales cuestiones pudieron ser resueltas sin la tecnología adecuada. ========== ~ Anonymous,
1271:19 And I will cause wonders in the heavens above    and signs on the earth below—    blood and fire and clouds of smoke. 19 Y haré maravillas arriba en los cielos    y señales abajo en la tierra:    sangre, fuego y nubes de humo. 20 The sun will become dark,    and the moon will turn blood red    before that great and glorious day of the LORD arrives. 20 El sol se oscurecerá,    y la luna se pondrá roja como la sangre    antes de que llegue el grande y glorioso día del SEÑOR. 21 But everyone who calls on the name of the LORD    will be saved.’[*] 21 Pero todo el que invoque el nombre del SEÑOR    será salvo”[*]. ~ Anonymous,
1272:Paul prays in Ephesians 3:19 that we may “know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge.” And he says in Philippians 3:8, “I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” This knowing is no mere intellectual knowledge. The devils have such knowledge and tremble (Jas. 2:19). This knowing “surpasses knowledge.” This knowing includes tasting and seeing. It is the knowledge of honey that you have only when you put it on your tongue and taste that it is sweet. Therefore, knowing Christ in this way means seeing him for who he really is and enjoying him above all things. ~ John Piper,
1273:In a penetrating insight, Bauckham writes that belief in the story of salvation “also breaks the cycle by which the oppressed become oppressors in their turn.”47 In the Old Testament the Israelites are constantly warned not to oppress immigrants and racial outsiders “because you were foreigners in Egypt” (Leviticus 19:33–34). The memory of their salvation from slavery not by their own power but by God’s grace was to radically undermine their natural human inclination to domination. But, Bauckham writes, “the cross is the event in which the cycle [of the oppressed becoming oppressor] is definitively broken. ~ Timothy J Keller,
1274:Greatest engineering achievements of 20th century ranked by National Academy of Engineering:
1. Electrification
2. Automobile
3. Airplane
4. Water supply and distribution
5. Electronics
6. Radio and Television
7. Mechanization of agriculture
8. Computers
9. The telephone system
10. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration
11. Highways
12. Spacecraft
13. The Internet
14. Imaging
15. Household appliances
16. Health technologies
17. Petroleum and Petrochemical Technologies
18. Lasers and Fiber-optics
19. Nuclear technologies
20. High performance materials ~ Henry Petroski,
1275:The third way Jesus will put things right is through the eventual restoration of all that has gone wrong with the world. The first time Jesus came from heaven to earth, he came in weakness to suffer for our sins. But the second time he comes, he will judge the world, putting a final end to all evil, suffering, decay, and death (Rom 8:19 – 21; 2 Pet 3:13). This means that Christ’s salvation does not merely save our souls so we can escape the pain of the curse on the physical world. Rather, the final goal is the renewal and restoration of the material world, and the redemption of both our souls and our bodies. ~ Timothy J Keller,
1276:Paul prays in Ephesians 3:19 that we may “know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge.” And he says in Philippians 3:8, “I count everything as loss because of the sur- passing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” This knowing is no mere intellectual knowledge. The devils have such knowledge and trem- ble (Jas. 2:19). This knowing “surpasses knowledge.” This knowing includes tasting and seeing. It is the knowledge of honey that you have only when you put it on your tongue and taste that it is sweet. Therefore, knowing Christ in this way means seeing him for who he really is and enjoying him above all things. ~ John Piper,
1277:The Dead Sea Scrolls of Qumran  evidence a preoccupation with demonology that includes reference to this very Isaianic passage. In The Songs of the Sage, we read an exorcism incantation,   “And I, the Instructor, proclaim His glorious splendor so as to frighten and to terrify all the spirits of the destroying angels, spirits of the bastards, demons, Lilith, howlers, and [desert dwellers…] and those which fall upon men without warning to lead them astray[18]   Note the reference to “spirits of the bastards,” a euphemism for demons as the spirits of dead Nephilim who were not born of human fathers, but of angels.[19] ~ Brian Godawa,
1278:Jesus said marriage was from the beginning (Matt. 19:4–6). So neither we nor LGBT “Christian” activists have the authority to redefine marriage, or the biblical bounds of sexual relationships, or anything else that hits a cultural pressure point, any more than pseudo-evangelicals have the authority to redefine what the Evangel—the gospel—really is, which is what this is about. The Evangel isn’t a message where people write their own script. The “Evangel” of evangelicalism offers new life, but also demands repentance. How is the Evangel good news if it doesn’t offer freedom from sexual sin but instead baptizes it? ~ Russell D Moore,
1279:The light over the whole hill was pure, pale, of an exaggerated clarity, as if all the good days of his youth had been distilled down into this one day, and the whole coltish ascendant time when he was 18, 19, 20, had been handed back to him briefly, intact and precious. That was the time when there had been more hours in the day, and every hour precious enough so that it could be fooled away. By the time a man got into the high 30s, the hours became more frantic and less precious, more needed and more carefully hoarded and more fully used, but less loved and less enjoyed. -Beyond the Glass Mountain (short story) ~ Wallace Stegner,
1280:But it was not merely the pagans who made this connection of heavenly physical bodies with heavenly spiritual powers. The Old Testament itself equates the sun, moon, and stars with the angelic “sons of God” who surround God’s throne, calling them both the “host of heaven” (Deut. 4:19; 32:8-9).[10] Jewish commentator Jeffrey Tigay writes, “[These passages] seem to reflect a Biblical view that… as punishment for man’s repeated spurning of His authority in primordial times (Gen. 3-11), God deprived mankind at large of true knowledge of Himself and ordained that it should worship idols and subordinate celestial beings.”[11] ~ Brian Godawa,
1281:There’s an old play on the word justified: “just-as-if-I’d never sinned.” But here’s another way of saying it: “just-as-if-I’d always obeyed.” Both are true. The first refers to the transfer of our moral debt to Christ so we’re left with a “clean” ledger, just as if we’d never sinned. The second tells us our ledger is now filled with the perfect righteousness of Christ, so it’s just as if we’d always obeyed. That’s why we can come confidently into the very presence of God (Hebrews 4:16; 10:19) even though we’re still sinners—saved sinners to be sure, but still practicing sinners every day in thought, word, deed, and motive. ~ Anonymous,
1282:The divine reproach Jesus felt so exquisitely, because of His meekly standing in
for us, fulfilled yet another prophecy: ‘Reproach hath broken my heart; and I am full
of heaviness: and I looked for some to take pity, but there was none; and for
comforters, but I found none’ (Ps. 69:20). His heart was broken, as He did ‘suffer
both body and spirit’ (D&C 19:18). He trembled because of pain, and yet He,
amidst profound aloneness, finished His preparations, bringing to pass the
unconditional immortality of all mankind and ‘eternal life for all those who would
keep His commandments (Moses 1:39). ~ Neal A Maxwell,
1283:Matisse bir zamanlar bir santimetre kare mavi ile aynı mavinin bir metre karesinin aynı şey olmadığını söylemişti. Alanın yaygınlığı tonu değiştirir. Aynı şekilde, mavi bir daire aynı maviden bir kareyle aynı şey değildir. Sınırların şekli de tonu değiştirir. Ama bu yalnızca başlangıç. Her ton doku tarafından, çevresindeki diğer tonlarla görüntünün yarattığı uzam tarafından, resmin içindeki ve üzerindeki ışık tarafından ve görüntünün çekim alanı demek olan o tuhaf olgu –asla hareket etmeyen bu sessiz sanatın çerçevesi içinde, nesnelerin düşme ve gerileme oranlarını belirleyen şey– tarafından farklılaştırılır.”

sayfa 19 ~ John Berger,
1284:Six decades of study, however, have revealed conflicting, confusing, and inconclusive data.17 That’s right: there has never been a human study that successfully links low serotonin levels and depression. Imaging studies, blood and urine tests, postmortem suicide assessments, and even animal research have never validated the link between neurotransmitter levels and depression.18 In other words, the serotonin theory of depression is a total myth that has been unjustly supported by the manipulation of data. Much to the contrary, high serotonin levels have been linked to a range of problems, including schizophrenia and autism.19 ~ Kelly Brogan,
1285:All pedagogy, when it matters, is contextual. Different kids come from different neighborhoods, they come from different experiences, they come from different classes, and they come from different backgrounds. Context always matters in an educational setting and matters of difference have to be addressed if you are going to connect with young people. In order for education to work, you have to make it meaningful, to make it critical, to make it transformative. ~ Henry Giroux, as quoted in Henry Giroux on His Latest Book — The Terror of the Unforeseen — and How Neoliberal Capitalism Sets the Stage for Fascism (August 19, 2019), Media For Us.,
1286:Many people have got caught up in the belief known as the “Law of Attraction.” They believe that by their thoughts, affirmations, and other “attraction” exercises they will become wealthy. However, the Tanakh wisely says, “In all work there is profit, but mere talk produces only poverty.” (CJB, Proverbs 14:23). Only through work it is possible to produce results that create wealth and simply talking about wealth will not produce any results. The idea that wealth can come through thoughts or affirmations is a fantasy. “A hard worker has plenty of food, but a person who chases fantasies ends up in poverty” (CJB, Proverbs 28:19). ~ H W Charles,
1287:This then contributes to the formation of an experience in which these static and fragmented features are often so intense that the more transitory and subtle features of the unbroken flow (e.g., the ‘transformations’ of musical notes) generally tend to pale into such seeming insignificance that one is, at best, only dimly conscious of them. Thus, an illusion may arise in which the manifest static and fragmented content of consciousness is experienced as the very basis of reality and from this illusion one may apparently obtain a proof of the correctness of that mode of thought in which this content is taken to be fundamental.19 ~ David Bohm,
1288:If he could track your cell phone, wouldn’t he already know where you live?” Silas and Victor laughed. “He won’t be able to get through security,” Victor said.
“What security? We got in without anyone seeing us.”
“There’s security. Trust me.”
“Couldn’t someone just scale the wall and walk in the front door?”
“They wouldn’t make it over the wall. The only reason you got in was because you were with me.”
“What if I scale the wall?”
“Please don’t scale the wall, Princess.”

Stone, C. L. (2014-01-19). Drop of Doubt: The Ghost Bird Series: #5 (Kindle Locations 1557-1562). Arcato Publishing. Kindle Edition. ~ C L Stone,
1289:On May 19, Malcolm X’s birthday, two police had been machine-gunned on Riverside Drive. I felt sorry for their families, sorry for their children, but i was relieved to see that somebody else besides Black folks and Puerto Ricans and Chicanos was being shot at. I was sick and tired of us being the only victims, and i didn’t care who knew it. As far as i was concerned, the police in the Black communities were nothing but a foreign, occupying army, beating, torturing, and murdering people at whim and without restraint. I despise violence, but i despise it even more when it’s one-sided and used to oppress and repress poor people. ~ Assata Shakur,
1290:He that aspeaketh, whose spirit is contrite, whose language is meek and bedifieth, the same is of God if he obey mine ordinances. 17 And again, he that trembleth under my power shall be made astrong, and shall bring forth fruits of praise and bwisdom, according to the revelations and truths which I have given you. 18 And again, he that is overcome and abringeth not forth fruits, even according to this pattern, is not of me. 19 Wherefore, by this pattern ye shall aknow the spirits in all cases under the whole heavens. 20 And the days have come; according to men’s faith it shall be adone unto them. ~ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints,
1291:Andy: ugh I’ve never felt so old and slimy.
Sinter: You’re 25. That isn’t old to a 19 year old
Andy: Old. And slimy. Slimy like a slug. Like seaweed.
Sinter: Are you done with your metaphors
Andy: I think these are similes

Though he’d been a computer science major, he’d also been, like me, an English minor. It made him remarkably hot at moments such as this.

Sinter: Right, you’re right
Andy: And no. There are many slimy things and I’m like them all. Slimy like mayo
Sinter: Gross
Andy: Exactly, I am gross
Sinter: Ha no, mayo is gross
Andy: Slimy like a dog’s tongue.
Sinter: Seriously stop. ~ Molly Ringle, beloved Eudosia [a member of Buckley's household staff], who is Cuban, very large, quite old, and altogether superstitious, and speaks only a word or two of English (even though she has been with us for 19 years), is quite certain that the gentleman who raped the 16-year-old girl in New Caanan three years ago and escaped has successfully eluded the police only because of his resourceful determination to ravage Eudosia before he dies. Accordingly she demanded, and I gave her, a shotgun, into which I have inserted two empty shells. Still, Eudosia with blank cartridges is more formidable than Eugene McCarthy with The Bomb. ~ William F Buckley Jr,
1293:Within five years, the effects of the civil rights revolution were undeniable. Between 1964 and 1969, the percentage of African American adults registered to vote in the South soared. In Alabama the rate leaped from 19.3 percent to 61.3 percent; in Georgia, 27.4 percent to 60.4 percent; in Louisiana, 31.6 percent to 60.8 percent; and in Mississippi, 6.7 percent to 66.5 percent. Suddenly black children could shop in department stores, eat at restaurants, drink from water fountains, and go to amusement parks that were once off-limits. Miscegenation laws were declared unconstitutional, and the rate of interracial marriage climbed. ~ Michelle Alexander,
1294:Those who still defend cessationism risk quenching the Spirit (contra 1 Thess. 5:19) and inappropriately closing themselves and others off from the full range of blessings God might have for them and from potentially the greatest amount of effective service for his kingdom. Without swinging the pendulum to the opposite extreme and embracing the various abuses of the charismata or trying to imitate the Spirit’s work in one’s own strength, cessationists really should cease trying to limit God in how he chooses to work in his world today. It is, in essence, a form of antisupernaturalism for all the postapostolic eras of Christianity. ~ Craig L Blomberg,
1295:If outrage were a sign of godliness, then the devil would be the godliest soul in the cosmos. He, after all, rages and roars “because he knows his time is short” (Rev. 12:12). Contrast that with the Lord Jesus who does not “quarrel or cry aloud” (Matt. 12:19). Why is this so? It’s because the devil has no mission apart from killing and destroying and accusing and slandering. And it’s because the devil is on the losing side of history. The challenge of the next generation is to cultivate a convictional kindness in our witness as we address the outside world. This kindness is not weak or passive. In fact, kindness is an act of warfare. ~ Russell D Moore,
1296:Paul once wrote, “Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known” (1 Cor. 13:12). The partial knowledge of Christ Paul had acquired in his lifetime was the same knowledge he claimed to be worth every loss (see Phil. 3:8–10). Oh, my friend, if partial knowledge of the Lord Jesus is worth every loss, what will full knowledge be like? “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!” (Rom. 11:33). One day the prayer of the apostle will be answered for all of us. We will indeed “grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,...and know this love that surpasses knowledge” (Eph. 3:18–19). ~ Beth Moore,
1297:This is a law of the universe. Frustration and painful moments of discipline help a child learn to delay gratification, one of the most important character traits a person can have. If you are able to hold the limit and empathize with the pain, then character (the “harvest of righteousness”) will develop. But if you don’t, you will have the same battle tomorrow: “A hot-tempered man must pay the penalty; if you rescue him, you will have to do it again” (Proverbs 19:19). If you rescue your children from their anger at your boundary, you can plan on more anger at later limits. Remember, their protest or pain does not determine what is good. ~ Henry Cloud,
1298:It would be one hell of a coincidence if private and public universities responded to entirely different sets of cost pressures in the same way over the course of three decades. The most obvious explanation is that nonprofit higher education has become a single industry with premium and generic brands. If you don’t believe me, then at least believe the financial services agency Moody’s, whose 2013 report describes the distinction in the clear and unashamed language of unaccountable finance professionals: “Public universities are now as market driven as private universities, but remain a lower cost option with stronger pricing power.” 19 ~ Malcolm Harris,
1299:N'en déplaise aux bêtifications des nouveaux adultes occidentaux, n'en déplaise à cette nouvelle religion - la seule, au fond, qui tienne et fasse même l'unanimité - selon laquelle l'enfance, en tant que telle, serait pure, sainte, source de vérité, de beauté, de morale, on peut être un enfant et être un monstre. Alors, d'accord pour la cause des enfants suppliciés. D'accord pour, à l'Onu et ailleurs, lancer des actions en vue de tirer le maximum d'enfants de cet enfer que sont les guerres. Mais pas d'accord pour alimenter à travers ces actions le vieux préjugé de l'enfance innocente et sacrés.
(ch. 19 La nuit des enfants-soldats ~ Bernard Henri L vy,
1300:İstanbul bilhassa 19. Yüzyılda göçmen İtalyanlarla doluydu. Beyoğlu'nun birçok binası İtalyan ustaların ve onların yetiştirdiği Rumların eseridir. Şehirde bu maddi kalıntıları dışında birçok dil ve adet kalıntısı da vardır. Gemicilik terimleri dışında, İstanbul ve İzmir argosu da İtalyanca deyimlerle doludur. "Mantenuta" kelimesi, kapatma-metres karşılığı olarak "montinata" veya "manita" diyr geçer. "Alırım façanı aşağı" diyen adamların bu kelimenin "faccia"dan geldiğini bildiklerini sanmayız. "Bu işin raconu böyledir" diyenler, kelimenin İtalyanca "raggione" den geldiğini belki bilmezler. Zaten argoda kaynağı bilmek diye bir sorun yoktur. ~ lber Ortayl,
1301:PSA103.17 But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children; PSA103.18 To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them. PSA103.19 The LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all. PSA103.20 Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word. PSA103.21 Bless ye the LORD, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure. PSA103.22 Bless the LORD, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the LORD, O my soul. ~ Anonymous,
1302:We can choose to resist these messages—but it will be easier if we mindfully choose to limit our exposure to such messages. Turn off the television. Stop mindlessly reading glossy magazines. Children especially need protection from the media, since their minds simply are not mature enough to understand that advertisers are deliberately trying to influence them.19 We also need to shield ourselves and our children from unwholesome films, TV programs, and video games, in addition to advertisements, because they can fill us with anxiety, violence, and craving. They can also fill us with stress, and stress may, in turn, contribute to weight gain. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1303:The limitation on this system was simply that the Exchange Bank maintained something close to a 100 per cent ratio between its deposits and its reserves of precious metal and coin. As late as 1760, when its deposits stood at just under 19 million florins, its metallic reserve was over 16 million. A run on the bank was therefore a virtual impossibility, since it had enough cash on hand to satisfy nearly all of its depositors if, for some reason, they all wanted to liquidate their deposits at once. This made the bank secure, no doubt, but it prevented it performing what would now be seen as the defining characteristic of a bank, credit creation. ~ Niall Ferguson,
1304:Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord” (Eph. 5:19).94 The new song is sung first in the heart. It cannot be sung at all in any other way. The heart sings because it is filled with Christ. That is why all singing in the congregation is a spiritual thing. Devotion to the Word, incorporation into the community, great humility, and much discipline—these are the prerequisites of all singing together. Wherever the heart does not join in the singing, there is only the dreadful muddle of human self-praise. Wherever the singing is not to the Lord, it is singing to the honor of the self or the music, and the new song becomes a song to idols. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
1305:18 And they did prosper aexceedingly, and they became exceedingly rich; yea, and they did multiply and wax strong in the land. 19 And thus we see how merciful and just are all the dealings of the Lord, to the fulfilling of all his words unto the children of men; yea, we can behold that his words are verified, even at this time, which he spake unto Lehi, saying: 20 Blessed art thou and thy children; and they shall be blessed, inasmuch as they shall keep my acommandments they shall prosper in the land. But remember, inasmuch as they will not keep my commandments they shall be bcut off from the presence of the Lord. ~ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints,
1306:in general, religiously observant people were offended by Jesus, but those estranged from religious and moral observance were intrigued and attracted to him. We see this throughout the New Testament accounts of Jesus’s life. In every case where Jesus meets a religious person and a sexual outcast (as in Luke 7) or a religious person and a racial outcast (as in John 3-4) or a religious person and a political outcast (as in Luke 19), the outcast is the one who connects with Jesus and the elder-brother type does not. Jesus says to the respectable religious leaders “the tax collectors and the prostitutes enter the kingdom before you” (Matthew 21:31). ~ Timothy J Keller,
1307:How about we just cut the waffle into the shape of a heart instead?”
“That would look so cheap,” I scoff. But she’s right. There’s no sense in buying something we’d only ever use once a year, even if it only costs $19.99. As Kitty gets older, I see that she is far more like Margot than me.
But then she says, “What if we use our cookie cutter to make heart-shaped pancakes instead? And put in red food coloring?”
I beam at her. “Attagirl!” So maybe she’s got a little bit of me in her after all.
Kitty continues. “We could put red food coloring in the syrup, too, to make it look like blood. A bloody heart!”
No, never mind. Kitty is all her own. ~ Jenny Han,
1308:relationship with an Aryan worker; a Jewish housepainter who made jokes about Hitler was informed on by his neighbour; a chauffeur sent a letter to the authorities saying his Jewish boss had smuggled illegal publications into the country from the Netherlands. Of all the Gestapo cases against Jews, Johnson’s research showed that no less than 41 per cent started with an informant or a complaint. Only 19 per cent were uncovered by the activities of the Gestapo itself, and 8 per cent came from other Nazi organisations. (Similar research into dossiers in Würzburg showed that no fewer than 57 per cent of the Jews arrested had been turned in by German citizens.) ~ Geert Mak,
1309:physically present to have their feet washed and even eat food with Abraham and with Lot (Gen. 18:1-8; 19:3). Bible students know that the men in Sodom were seeking to engage in sexual penetration of these same angels who visited Lot in his home. So here, men seeking sex with angels is not merely a homosexual act, it is a violation of the heavenly and earthly flesh distinction that the Scriptures seem to reinforce. So Peter and Jude link the angels sinning before the flood to the violation of a sexual separation of angels and humankind. The New Testament commentary on Genesis 6:1 affirms the supernatural view of the sons of God as having sex with humans. ~ Brian Godawa,
1310:Racetams are some of the best studied and the oldest cognitive-enhancing pharmaceuticals on the planet, and they have very few side effects. The first of this class of very safe drugs is called piracetam, and I took it for a few years before switching to more recently evolved versions. Four different well-constructed studies show that piracetam improves mitochondrial function.19 In fact, I believe this may be one of its important mechanisms of action, one that is overlooked in most of its descriptions. This is one of the safest pharmaceuticals on the market, and it makes your brain and your mitochondria work better. I recommend two forms of this drug that ~ Dave Asprey,
1311:Because what is at stake for Jesus is not the proclamation and realization of new ethical ideals, and thus also not his own goodness (Matt. 19:17), but solely his love for real human beings, he can enter into the communication of their guilt; he can be loaded down with their guilt…. It is his love alone that lets him become guilty. Out of his selfless love, out of his sinless nature, Jesus enters into the guilt of human beings; he takes it upon himself. A sinless nature and guilt bearing are bound together in him indissolubly. As the sinless one Jesus takes guilt upon himself, and under the burden of this guilt, he shows that he is the sinless one. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
1312:Often we are preoccupied with the question “How can we be witnesses in the Name of Jesus? What are we supposed to say or do to make people accept the love that God offers them?” These questions are expressions more of our fear than of our love. Jesus shows us the way of being witnesses. He was so full of God’s love, so connected with God’s will, so burning with zeal for God’s Kingdom, that he couldn’t do other than witness. Wherever he went and whomever he met, a power went out from him that healed everyone who touched him (see Luke 6:19). If we want to be witnesses like Jesus, our only concern should be to be as alive with the love of God as Jesus was. ~ Henri J M Nouwen,
1313:tax collector’s booth. Most people in the Roman Empire did not like tax collectors; Jewish people viewed them as traitors. Their job affected the poor most dramatically. In fact, when harvests were bad in Egypt, it was not unheard of for the population of an entire village to leave town and start a village somewhere else when they heard that a tax collector was coming. Some consider Matthew a customs officer charging tariffs on goods passing through. Like other tax collectors, customs officers could search possessions; customs income normally went to local governments run by elites who were cooperative with Rome. See note on Mk 2:14. Follow me. See note on 4:19. ~ Anonymous,
1314:When words fail, haunting images capture the experience and return as nightmares and flashbacks. In contrast to the deactivation of Broca’s area, another region, Brodmann’s area 19, lit up in our participants. This is a region in the visual cortex that registers images when they first enter the brain. We were surprised to see brain activation in this area so long after the original experience of the trauma. Under ordinary conditions raw images registered in area 19 are rapidly diffused to other brain areas that interpret the meaning of what has been seen. Once again, we were witnessing a brain region rekindled as if the trauma were actually occurring. ~ Bessel A van der Kolk,
1315:I have had the experience over and over again that the quieter it is around me, the clearer do I feel the connection to you. It is as though in solitude the soul develops senses which we hardly know in everyday life. Therefore I have not felt lonely or abandoned for one moment. You, the parents, all of you, the friends and students of mine at the front, all are constantly present to me…. Therefore you must not think me unhappy. What is happiness and unhappiness? It depends so little on the circumstances; it depends really only on that which happens inside a person.8 Bonhoeffer’s final Christmastime letter to fiancée Maria von Wedemeyer, December 19, 1944 ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
1316:19. The Mind is not self-luminous, since it can be seen as an object. This is a further step toward overthrowing the tyranny of the "mind": the psychic nature of emotion and mental measuring. This psychic self, the personality, claims to be absolute, asserting that life is for it and through it; it seeks to impose on the whole being of man its narrow, materialistic, faithless view of life and the universe; it would clip the wings of the soaring Soul. But the Soul dethrones the tyrant, by perceiving and steadily affirming that the psychic self is no true self at all, not self-luminous, but only an object of observation, watched by the serene eyes of the Spiritual Man. ~ Pata jali,
1317:Jonathan Swift (November 30, 1667 – October 19, 1745) was an Irish cleric, satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer (first for Whigs then for Tories), and poet, famous for works like Gulliver's Travels, A Modest Proposal, A Journal to Stella, The Drapier's Letters, The Battle of the Books, and A Tale of a Tub. Swift is probably the foremost prose satirist in the English language, although he is less well known for his poetry. Swift published all of his works under pseudonyms — such as Lemuel Gulliver, Isaac Bickerstaff, M.B. Drapier — or anonymously. He is also known for being a master of 2 styles of satire; the Horatian and Juvenalian styles. Source: Wikipedia ~ Jonathan Swift,
1318:El apóstol Pablo expuso las obvias e irrefutables consecuencias de un cristianismo sin resurrección. Si Cristo no resucitó, argumentaba él, nos quedamos con la siguiente lista de conclusiones (1 Corintios 15:13-19): Nuestra predicación es en vano. Nuestra fe es ilusoria. Somos testigos falsos de Dios. Continuamos en nuestros pecados. Nuestros seres queridos que han muerto están perdidos. Somos los más desdichados de todos los hombres. Estas seis consecuencias revelan claramente la conexión interna de la resurrección con la esencia del cristianismo. La resurrección de Jesús es el sine qua non de la fe cristiana. Eliminemos la resurrección y eliminaremos el cristianismo. ~ R C Sproul,
1319:Hamilton’s critics seriously underrated his superhuman stamina. He enjoyed beating his enemies at their own game, and the resolutions roused his fighting spirit. By February 19, in a staggering display of diligence, he delivered to the House several copious reports, garlanded with tables, lists, and statistics that gave a comprehensive overview of his work as treasury secretary. In the finale of one twenty-thousand-word report, Hamilton intimated that he had risked a physical breakdown to complete this heroic labor: “It is certain that I have made every exertion in my power, at the hazard of my health, to comply with the requisitions of the House as early as possible. ~ Ron Chernow,
1320:arguing for a new trial, Hamilton highlighted the principle at stake, the protection of a free press: “The liberty of the press consists, in my idea, in publishing the truth from good motives and for justifiable ends, [even] though it reflect on the government, on magistrates, or individuals.”18 As a victim of repeated press abuse, Hamilton did not endorse a completely unfettered press: “I consider this spirit of abuse and calumny as the pest of society. I know the best of men are not exempt from attacks of slander. . . . Drops of water in long and continued succession will wear out adamant.”19 Hence the importance of truth, fairness, and absence of malice in reportage. ~ Ron Chernow,
1321:Grief The LORD hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. The righteous person faces many troubles, but the LORD comes to the rescue each time. PSALM 34:17–19 May God himself surround you with tender mercies and divine strength. May He heal your broken heart and restore your sense of hope. May He give you precious times of rest while you work through your grief. And may He show you that He’s not finished with you yet. He has a beautiful plan that will bless your heart. He’ll restore and redeem every lost thing! Rest in Him today. Bless you. ~ Susie Larson,
1322:Christ Came to Fulfill the Law 17 p “Do not think that I have come to abolish  q the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but  r to fulfill them. 18For truly, I say to you,  s until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 t Therefore whoever relaxes  u one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least  v in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great  v in the kingdom of heaven. 20For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds  w that of the scribes and Pharisees, you  x will never enter the kingdom of heaven. ~ Anonymous,
1323:Jesus’ life and ministry consistently reveal the humble character of a servant. Though he rightfully owned the entire cosmos, he, by choice, had no place to lay his head (Matt. 8:20). Though he rightfully should have been honored by the world’s most esteemed dignitaries, he chose to fellowship with tax collectors, drunkards, prostitutes, and other socially unacceptable sinners (Matt. 11:19; Mark 2:15; Luke 5:29–30; 15:1; cf. Luke 7:31–50). Though he rightfully could have demanded service and worship from all, he served the lame and the sick by healing them, the demonized by delivering them, and the outcasts by befriending them. This is what the kingdom of God looks like. ~ Gregory A Boyd,
1324:They passed several sleazy motels and a potpourri of gas stations on Route 4. No-tell motels in New Jersey always gave themselves lofty names that belied their social station. Right now, for example, they were driving past the “Courtesy Inn.” This fine establishment not only gave you courteous attention, but they gave it to you by the hour at a rate, according to the sign, of $19.82. Not twenty dollars, mind you, but $19.82—so priced, Myron guessed, because it was also the year they last changed sheets. The CHEAP BEER DEPOT, according to another sign, was the next building on Myron’s right. Truth in advertising. Nice to see. The Courtesy Inn could learn a lesson from them. ~ Harlan Coben,
1325:To live only in the unconditional, to breathe only the unconditional – the human being cannot do this; he perishes like a fish that must live in the air. But on the other hand a human being cannot in the deeper sense live without relating himself to the unconditional; he expires, that is, perhaps goes on living, but spiritlessly. Thus the single individual must personally relate himself to the unconditional. I believed, and do believe, that this is Christianity and love for “the neighbor.” ~ The Point of View On My Work As An Author by Soren Kierkegaard (finished 1848) published by Peter Christian Kierkegaard 1859 translated by Howard and Edna Hong 1998 Princeton University Press P. 19-20,
1326:by the prophet Joel: 17 ‘In the last days,’ God says,        ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.   Your sons and daughters will prophesy.        Your young men will see visions,        and your old men will dream dreams. 18 In those days I will pour out my Spirit        even on my servants—men and women alike—        and they will prophesy. 19 And I will cause wonders in the heavens above        and signs on the earth below—        blood and fire and clouds of smoke. 20 The sun will become dark,        and the moon will turn blood red        before that great and glorious day of the LORD arrives. 21 But everyone who calls on the name of the LORD        will be saved.’[*] ~ Anonymous,
1327:Una estrategia de ganador Por ejemplo, tengo un amigo que usa su propia estrategia sencilla de riesgo-recompensa para hacer transacciones diarias en la bolsa. Sabe que las posibilidades indican que encontrará un movimiento del mercado en uno de cada 20 tratos. Por eso, establece lo que llama una estrategia de administración del dinero. Si tiene 20 mil dólares para meterlos en la bolsa, lo cual es la décima parte de los 200 mil dólares de efectivo total que tiene, sólo arriesga mil dólares en cada transacción. En otras palabras, su estrategia es tener siempre suficiente dinero para perder 19 de cada 20 veces. Lo he visto perder 14 mil dólares en 14 transacciones seguidas y ~ Robert T Kiyosaki,
1328:Ebert’s achievement in steering the Weimar Republic into being was undeniable. Yet he made many hasty compromises that were to return to haunt the Republic in different ways later on. His concern for a smooth transition from war to peace led him to collaborate closely with the army without demanding any changes in its fiercely monarchist and ultra-conservative officer corps, which he was certainly in a position to do in 1918-19. Yet Ebert’s willingness to compromise with the old order did not do anything to endear him to those who regretted its passing. Throughout the years of his Presidency, he was subjected to a remorseless campaign of vilification in the right-wing press. ~ Richard J Evans,
1329:PROVERBS—NOTE ON 3:5 Trust in the LORD is necessary for fulfilling any of the wise ways of life taught in Proverbs; trusting the Lord is closely connected to “fearing” him (cf. 1:7; 2:5; 9:10; 15:33; 19:23; etc.). With all your heart indicates that trust goes beyond intellectual assent to a deep reliance on the Lord, a settled confidence in his care and his faithfulness to his Word. Do not lean on your own understanding further explains trusting in the Lord. One’s “understanding” in Proverbs is his perception of the right course of action. The wise will govern themselves by what the Lord himself declares, and will not set their own finite and often-mistaken understanding against his. ~ Anonymous,
1330:In the eighteenth century the extreme expense of highly professionalized armies made them far too precious to be risked in battle once technological innovations in warfare made actual fighting so lethal; advantages accruing to the defense imperiled any army that actually sought battle.19 * Battles became actions of maneuver, culminating in the tactical withdrawal of one party once it was forced into an untenable position. Similarly, in the second half of the twentieth century, nuclear weapons—which, once mutual and secure against pre-emption, gave to the defense an asset of infinite value—made the hot battles of the First and Second World Wars too risky for the U.S. and the USSR. ~ Philip Bobbitt,
1331:16 “Wash yourselves. Make yourselves clean. Take your sinful actions from My eyes. Stop doing sinful things. 17 Learn to do good. Look for what is right and fair. Speak strong words to those who make it hard for people. Stand up for the rights of those who have no parents. Help the woman whose husband has died. 18 “Come now, let us think about this together,” says the Lord. “Even though your sins are bright red, they will be as white as snow. Even though they are dark red, they will be like wool. 19 If you are willing and obey, you will eat the best of the land. 20 But if you are not willing and turn against Me, you will be destroyed by the sword.” For the mouth of the Lord has spoken. ~ Anonymous,
1332:On Jan. 30, a Japanese-American college student named George Miller, posted a three-and-a-half minute compilation of comedy on YouTube. Miller has been posting videos since 2008 and had developed an absurd comic style and an audience of tens of thousands. Miller’s movie began with 19 seconds of “Pink Guy,” (a character where he plays a mime in a pink body suit who dances and pratfalls) and three friends dancing in Miller’s bedroom to an obscure piece of electronic dance music: “Harlem Shake” by a little-known DJ called Harry Rodrigues, or “Baauer.” Miller’s audience loved the dance. Within hours, one fan had posted a video that looped the 19-second sequence for three and a half minutes. ~ Anonymous,
1333:Gregory of Nyssa, in contrast, tries to advance philosophical and theological arguments to prove that the pains of hell cannot be co-eternal with God. His main argument is based on the essential superiority of good over evil; for evil, in its essence, can never be absolute and unlimited. The sinner inevitably reaches a limit when all his evil is done and he cannot go farther, just as the night, after having reached its peak, turns toward the day.18 This reasoning corresponds to the example of a physician who allows a boil to mature until it can be lanced. Thus the Incarnation, too, occurred only when evil had reached its climax.19 Gregory’s position has never been condemned. ~ Hans Urs von Balthasar,
1334:EPH3.16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;  EPH3.17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,  EPH3.18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;  EPH3.19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. EPH3.20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,  EPH3.21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. ~ Anonymous,
1335:A.D. 19—?
AS in some quiet city bathed in sleep,
Where like a kiss the twilight lingereth,
When suddenly the earth stirs far beneath—
Just moves, then pauses—and a silence deep
Falls on all ere the second shock should sweep
Spire, column, pinnacle to shapeless death!
And white face peers at white face, and no breath
Is drawn, and every heart forgets to leap!
So now across this quiet, dreaming world
The first faint shock has thrilled; and men, aghast,
Wait for the second, whose blind forces pent
Shall in one last convulsion find their vent;
And all the builded fabrics of the past
Shall be in ruins on their builders hurled.
~ Arthur Henry Adams,
1336:The only time I've ever learned anything from a review was when John Lanchester wrote a piece in the Guardian about my second novel, The Heather Blazing. He said that, together with the previous novel, it represented a diptych about the aftermath of Irish independence. I simply hadn't known that – and I loved the grandeur of the word "diptych". I went around quite snooty for a few days, thinking: "I wrote a diptych."

[Colm Tóibín, Novelist – Portrait of the Artist, The Guardian, 19 February 2013] ~ Colm T ib n,
1337:shining example of perseverance is renowned pastor John Wesley. Let’s take a peek into his diary . . .   Sunday, A.M. May 5 Preached in St. Anne’s. Was asked not to come back anymore. Sunday, P.M. May 5 Preached in St. Jude’s. Can’t go back there, either. Sunday, A.M. May 19 Preached in St. Somebody Else’s. Deacons called special meeting and said I couldn’t return. Sunday, P.M. May 19 Preached on street. Kicked off street. Sunday, A.M. May 26 Preached in meadow. Chased out of meadow as bull was turned loose during service. Sunday, A.M. June 2 Preached out at the edge of town. Kicked off the highway. Sunday, P.M. June 2 Afternoon, preached in a pasture. Ten thousand people came out to hear me.6 ~ Joyce Meyer,
1338:was Sharon Tate’s maid, Winifred Chapman, arriving to work at 8 am on August 9, who found the bodies and alerted the police. Police booked the house’s 19-year-old caretaker, William Garretson, immediately. No one believed that Garretson could have been in the guesthouse the entire time and not have heard anything. Garretson was booked on five counts of murder and taken to the police station. This was a disaster for Manson. No one had put together the pieces that Manson thought he had clearly laid, linking this murder with that of Gary Hinman and to the Black Panthers. The whole thing had been a failure, Manson said. The group was going to have to out a second night and do it all over again. ~ Hourly History,
1339:decisive feature. Tank divisions or brigades, and still more smaller units, could form fronts in any direction so swiftly that the perils of being outflanked or taken in rear or cut off had a greatly lessened significance. On the other hand, all depended from moment to moment upon fuel and ammunition, and the supply of both was far more complicated for armoured forces than for the self-contained ships and squadrons at sea. The principles on which the art of war is founded expressed themselves therefore in novel terms, and every encounter taught lessons of its own. ENEMY DISPOSITIONS Nov. 18. OPENING PHASE Nov. 18–19 The magnitude of the war effort involved in these Desert struggles must ~ Winston S Churchill,
1340:GHOST  I am thy father’s spirit, 14 Doomed for a certain term to walk the night 15 And for the day confined to fast in fires 16 Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature 17 Are burnt and purged away. But that I am forbid 18 To tell the secrets of my prison house, 19 I could a tale unfold whose lightest word 20 Would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood, 21 Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their 22 spheres, 23 Thy knotted and combinèd locks to part, 24 And each particular hair to stand an end, 25 Like quills upon the fearful porpentine. 26 But this eternal blazon must not be 27 To ears of flesh and blood. List, list, O list! 28 If thou didst ever thy dear father love— ~ William Shakespeare,
1341:On Saturday 10 of 1917, and at the age of 19, Maria Orsic fell in a trance (or perhaps in a coma, for no apparent reasons) which lasted several hours. As soon as she came out of her coma and began to regain her senses, Maria Orsic told her mother that she saw tall beings of lights not from this world who came to her and said that they will be back once she starts to feel better.   During her state of trance, two tall beings talked to her in a language she could not understand. Her mother thought that Maria was deeply affected by what had happened to her, and made no remarks. But Maria Orsic was absolutely convinced that something extraordinary has entered her life. ~ Jean Maximillien De La Croix de Lafayette,
1342:Quando os graduados [das] famosas escolas inglesas saíam com 18 ou 19 anos para Oxford ou Cambridge, possuíam uma segunda personalidade: normalizada, não sem atrativos, mas artificial - semelhante às árvores podadas dos jardins barrocos franceses.
O sistema educativo está mais do que testado e raramente falha. Exerce forças poderosas e terríveis, e o seu poder de sugestão é quase irresistível. Um ou outro poderá quebrar perante a sua força, mas a maioria sobrevive à sua dureza e torna-se mais ou menos solícito, mais ou menos completo, formado e marcado pelo sistema. Anos mais tarde olham em retrospectiva para os anos de escola como se tivessem sido os mais felizes da sua vida. ~ Sebastian Haffner,
1343:16 gave orders to kill all the boys. Herod acts here in keeping with what we know of his character from other sources (see the article “Herod the Great”). The actual size of ancient Bethlehem is unclear, but some estimate perhaps 20 boys under the age of two were killed. Jewish people considered abandoning or killing babies a pagan practice, conspicuously associated with evil kings such as Antiochus IV Epiphanes. The most widely known example, however, was Pharaoh in the OT (Ex 1:16, 22). In this narrative, the pagan Magi worship the true king, whereas the Jewish ruler acts like a pagan one. (For Matthew’s interest in Gentiles, see the Introduction to Matthew: Provenance and Date; see also 28:19.) ~ Anonymous,
1344:Interviewer: Is studying computer science the best way to prepare to be a programmer? Bill Gates: No. the best way to prepare is to write programs, and to study great programs that other people have written. In my case, I went to the garbage cans at the Computer Science Center and I fished out listings of their operating system. You got to be willing to read other people's code, then write your own, then have other people review your code. You've got to want to be in this incredible feedback loop where you get the world-class people to tell you what you're doing wrong. ~ Bill Gates cited in: "Programmers at Work: Interviews With 19 Programmers Who Shaped the Computer Industry", Tempus, by Susan Lammers (Editor),
1345:The godly are the bulwark of a nation The godly are the pillars to keep a city and nation from falling; they stave off judgment from a land. It was said of old, that so long as Hector lived, Troy could not be demolished. God could do nothing to Sodom until Lot had gone out of it (Gen. 19:22). Golden Christians are bronze walls. The Lord would soon execute judgment in the world were it not for the sake of a few pious people. Would God preserve the world only for drunkards and swearers? He would soon sink the ship but for the fact that some of his elect are in it. Yet such is the indiscretion of men that they injure the saints and count as burdens, those who are the chief blessings (Isaiah 19:24). ~ Thomas Watson,
1346:YOUR NEEDS AND MY RICHES are a perfect fit. I never meant for you to be self-sufficient. Instead, I designed you to need Me not only for daily bread but also for fulfillment of deep yearnings. I carefully crafted your longings and feelings of incompleteness to point you to Me. Therefore, do not try to bury or deny these feelings. Beware also of trying to pacify these longings with lesser gods: people, possessions, power. Come to Me in all your neediness, with defenses down and with desire to be blessed. As you spend time in My Presence, your deepest longings are fulfilled. Rejoice in your neediness, which enables you to find intimate completion in Me. PHILIPPIANS 4:19; COLOSSIANS 2:2–3; PSALM 84:11–12 ~ Sarah Young,
1347:Trying to clothe ourselves in the virtues outside of the fitting room of being chosen, holy, and loved will prove a maddening endeavor of dress-up. We may look the part in the moment, but inevitably the tight collars of moralism and crooked hems of behavior management will eventually give us away. There is no need for such striving when words like “I have also loved you” have already been spoken. It’s this love of Christ that lets us out of the suffocating garments of do-goodism for approval, giving us the grace to obey God’s commands while we revel in His affection. Keeping His commands is not grievous; it’s a delightful expression of our love for God, because He has first loved us (1 John 4:19; 5:3). ~ Kelly Minter,
1348:I have attempted to draw an accurate and unexaggerated picture of my family in the following pages; they appear as I saw them. To explain some of their more curious ways, however, I feel that I should state that at the time we were in Corfu the family were all quite young: Larry, the eldest, was 23; Leslie was 19; Margo was 18; while I was the youngest, being of the tender and impressionble age of 10. We had never been certain of my mother's age for the simple reason she could never remember her date of birth; all I can say is she was old enough to have four children. My mother also insists that I explain that she is a widow for, as she so penetratingly observed, you never know what people might think. ~ Gerald Durrell,
1349:Now things have changed. In our day, evangelicals almost yearn to be described as "sour, gloomy, and severe," as we grovel in our self-centered pietism and political campaigns for external morality. What a different world we would live in if Christians were characterized, not as those calling for Federal prohibitions on this and that, but for the right to celebrate? What if we were known by our enemies, not for our shallow sentimentalism and indifference to beauty, but as that community most exuberantly living life to the fullest, full of eating, drinking, and merriment (Eccl. 8:15)? Perhaps then we could be slandered like our Lord for being gluttons, winebibbers, and friends of sinners (Matt. I I:19). ~ Douglas Wilson,
1350:19 Food doesn’t go into your heart, but only passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer.” (By saying this, he declared that every kind of food is acceptable in God’s eyes.) 17 Luego Jesús entró en una casa para alejarse de la multitud, y sus discípulos le preguntaron qué quiso decir con la parábola que acababa de emplear. 18 «¿Ustedes tampoco entienden? —preguntó—. ¿No se dan cuenta de que la comida que introducen en su cuerpo no puede contaminarlos? 19 La comida no entra en su corazón, solo pasa a través del estómago y luego termina en la cloaca». (Al decir eso, declaró que toda clase de comida es aceptable a los ojos de Dios). 20 And then he added, “It is what comes from inside that defiles you. ~ Anonymous,
1351:My grandmother always told me that she loved my prayers. She believed my prayers were more powerful, because I prayed in English. Everyone knows that Jesus, who's white, speaks English. The Bible is in English. Yes, the Bible was not written in English, but the Bible came to South Africa in English so to us it's English. Which made my prayers the best prayers because English prayers get answered first. How do we know this? Look at white people. Clearly they're getting through to the right person. Add to that Matthew 19:14. "Suffer little children to come unto me," Jesus said, "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." So if a child is praying in English? To White Jesus? That's a powerful combination right there. ~ Trevor Noah,
1352:But it is John who stresses most explicitly that Jesus’ death did not come as an accident but was fully willed and anticipated by our Lord. In a saying found only in John’s Gospel, Jesus is recorded as saying, “The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again” (10:17-18). At his own arrest, Jesus is shown to take the initiative, “knowing all that was going to happen to him” (18:4; cf. 13:1-3). And in another saying unique to John’s Gospel, Jesus reminds Pilate, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above” (19:11). ~ Andreas J K stenberger,
1353:Let’s Pray Together Heavenly Father, You have said, “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails” (Prov. 19:21). We ask you to fulfill Your word and make Your purpose reign in our lives. We all have plans and goals that we are pursuing. We ask you to establish whatever is from You—whatever is in line with Your purpose—and cause to fade away whatever is not from You. We honor you as our Creator and as our loving heavenly Father. We affirm that it is You who work in us to will and to act according to Your good purpose (Phil. 2:13). Renew our minds so we may understand Your ways and Your plans more fully. We pray this in the name of Jesus, who is our Way, Truth, and Life. Amen. ~ Myles Munroe,
1354:But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:19 Mary focused on caring for her baby while she stored all she’d seen and done “like a secret treasure in her heart” (NIrV). Some women like to talk their way through experiences; others prefer the Mary approach: “weighing and pondering” (AMP), “mulling them over” (CJB), and “trying to understand them” (ERV). Sometimes the Lord does such a profound work in us and through us that sharing it with others would sound like bragging. Even if we say, “Look what God has done,” others may perceive it as “Look what I’ve done” or “Look how special I am!” God, as always, knows best. The shepherds were noisy, yet the mother of Jesus was quiet. ~ Liz Curtis Higgs,
1355:For Stokley and Esmé How well I remember When it came as a visitor on foot And dwelt a while amongst us A melody in the semblance of a mountain cat. Well, where is our purpose now? Like so many questions I answer this one With the eye-averted peeling of a pear. With a bow I bid goodnight And pass through terrace doors Into the simple splendors Of another temperate spring; But this much I know: It is not lost among the autumn leaves on Peter’s Square. It is not among the ashes in the Athenaeum ash cans. It is not inside the blue pagodas of your fine Chinoiserie. It is not in Vronsky’s saddlebags; Not in Sonnet XXX, stanza one; Not on twenty-seven red . . . Where Is It Now? (Lines 1–19) Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov 1913 ~ Amor Towles,
1356:In every task of the church, the ministry of the Word of God is central. It is the Word that calls us to worship, addresses us in worship, teaches us how to worship and enables us to praise God and to encourage one another. By the Word we are given life and nurtured to maturity in Christ: the Word is the sword of the Spirit to correct us and the bread of the Spirit to feed us. In the mission of the church, it is the Word of God that calls the nations to the Lord: in the teaching of the Word we make disciples of the nations. The growth of the church is the growth of the Word (Acts 6:7, 12:24, 19:20): where there is a famine of the Word, no expertise in business administration or group dynamics will build Christ’s church.2 ~ Anonymous,
1357:God Will Change You Many plans are in a man’s mind, but it is the Lord’s purpose for him that will stand. PROVERBS 19:21 Even though you may still be operating in old habits, you still have hope of change, but you can’t change yourself. God will change you, if you seek Him with your whole heart. Don’t be in a hurry for God to finish working in your life. We want everything to be done instantly, but God is not interested in our schedule. The enemy may thwart your plans, but God’s plans don’t get thwarted, and He has a unique plan for you. Seek God’s plan for your life. Stay on fire, red hot, zealous. Pursue His purpose for you with every ounce of energy you have. There is nothing in this world that is worth seeking more. ~ Joyce Meyer,
1358:Yankees also combined what you might call social conservatism with political liberalism. Traditional and stern in their private lives, they believed in communal compassion and government action. They believed that individuals have a collective responsibility to preserve the “good order.” Even in the mid-eighteenth century, the New England colonies had levels of taxation for state and local governments that were twice as high as the levels in colonies such as Pennsylvania and Virginia. They also put tremendous faith in education. For the past 350 years, New England schools have been among the best in the United States. New Englanders have, to this day, some of the highest levels of educational attainment in the nation.19 ~ David Brooks,
1359:18 Wives, be submissive to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.  19 Husbands, love your wives and don't be bitter toward them. 20 Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. 21 Fathers, do not exasperate your children, so they won't become discouraged. 22 Slaves, obey your human masters in everything. Don't work only while being watched, in order to please men, but work wholeheartedly, fearing the Lord.  23 Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men, 24 knowing that you will receive the reward of an inheritance from the Lord. You serve the Lord Christ. 25 For the wrongdoer will be paid back for whatever wrong he has done, and there is no favoritism. ~ Anonymous,
1360:O Lord our God, under the covering of your wings (Exod. 19: 4) we set our hope. Protect us and bear us up. It is you who will carry us; you will bear us up from our infancy until old age (Isa. 46: 4). When you are our firm support, then it is firm indeed. But when our support rests on our own strength, it is infirmity. Our good is life with you for ever, and because we turned away from that, we became twisted. Let us now return to you that we may not be overturned. Our good is life with you and suffers no deficiency (Ps. 101: 28); for you yourself are that good. We have no fear that there is no home to which we may return because we fell from it. During our absence our house suffers no ruin; it is your eternity. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
1361:The logic of the Bible says: Act according to God's "will of command," not according to his "will of decree." God's "will of decree" is whatever comes to pass. "If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that" (James 4:15). God's "will of decree" ordained that his Son be betrayed (Luke 22:22), ridiculed (Isaiah 53:3), mocked (Luke 18:32), flogged (Matthew 20:19), forsaken (Matthew 26:31), pierced (John 19:37), and killed (Mark 9:31). But the Bible teaches us plainly that we should not betray, ridicule, mock, flog, forsake, pierce, or kill innocent people. That is God's "will of command." We do not look at the death of Jesus, clearly willed by God, and conclude that killing Jesus is good and that we should join the mockers. ~ John Piper,
1362:As a Christian, I'm not a physical unit in a religious organization. I'm a living part of a miraculous spiritual unity in Christ-a member of one body (1 Cor. 12:12-14), a stone in one temple (Eph. 2:19-22; 1 Peter 2:4-7), a branch in one vine (John 15:1-9), to name but a few of the New Testament images of the church. All Christians are different, and yet we are all united in Christ. Regardless of race, color, gender, political or economic status, believers are "all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal. 3:26-29). Unity without diversity is uniformity, and diversity without unity is anarchy; but unity and diversity combined by the Holy Spirit in the church will produce a dynamic life of sacrifice and service that can change the world. ~ Warren W Wiersbe,
1363:Social scientist Sandra L. Hofferth studies how American children pass their days, using twenty-four-hour diaries completed by kids and their parents between 1981 and 2003. When it comes to school, technological advances haven’t freed up any time for American kids. Between 1981 and 1997, elementary schoolers between the ages of six and eight recorded a whopping 146 percent gain in time spent studying, and another 32 percent between 1997 and 2003, making it a threefold increase over the time surveyed, in addition to a 19 percent increase in time at school. 8, 9 Kids age nine to twelve, like Danny, have sustained near 30 percent growth in homework, while their class time has increased by 14 percent. Because of all the changes ~ Malcolm Harris,
1364:The more things improve the more pessimistic we become. Violence-related deaths at the nation’s schools dropped to a record low during the 1996—97 academic year (19 deaths out of 54 million children), and only one in ten public schools reported any serious crime. Yet Time and U.S. News & World Report both ran headlines in 1996 referring to “Teenage Time Bombs.” In a nation of “Children Without Souls” (another Time headline that year), “America’s beleaguered cities are about to be victimized by a paradigm shattering wave of ultraviolent, morally vacuous young people some call ‘the superpredators,’” William Bennett, the former Secretary of Education, and John Dilulio, a criminologist, forecast in a book published in 1996.11 ~ Barry Glassner,
1365:26:61 rebuild it in three days. Some Jewish people expected God to provide a new temple. It is clear, however, that the testimony here rests on a misinterpretation of Jesus (see Jn 2:19). 26:63 I charge you under oath. This was a regular formula requiring people to testify. the Messiah. He would also be the king of the Jews; hence, Jesus’ response to the high priest’s question would prove useful in a charge of treason (27:11). Son of God. A Messianic title. 26:64 the Son of Man . . . coming on the clouds of heaven. Recalls Da 7:13. sitting at the right hand. Recalls Ps 110:1. Jesus used both of these passages earlier (22:44; 24:30). Mighty One. Here is literally “power,” sometimes used in Jewish sources as a circumlocution for God. ~ Anonymous,
1366:The face that Moses had begged to see—was forbidden to see—was slapped bloody (Exodus 33:19–20). The thorns that God had sent to curse the earth’s rebellion now twisted around his own brow.… “On your back with you!” One raises a mallet to sink in the spike. But the soldier’s heart must continue pumping as he readies the prisoner’s wrist. Someone must sustain the soldier’s life minute by minute, for no man has this power on his own. Who supplies breath to his lungs? Who gives energy to his cells? Who holds his molecules together? Only by the Son do “all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17). The victim wills that the soldier live on—he grants the warriors continued existence. The man swings. As the man swings, the Son recalls how ~ Joshua Harris,
1367:August 19 Godly grief produces a repentance not to be regretted and leading to salvation, but worldly grief produces death. 2 Corinthians 7:10 I remember a time in my college years when I was deeply puzzled over ongoing feelings of guilt concerning a sin for which I had asked forgiveness many, many times. I never felt like I was out from under the weight and burden of it. Years later, God pried open my eyes to the verse above. Suddenly I realized that I had never developed a godly sorrow over that sin. I regretted it because I knew it wasn't God's will for my life, but I had no real sorrow over it. I had hung on to it emotionally even though I had let go of it physically. I had done the right things, but I still felt the wrong things. ~ Beth Moore,
1368:In his very first encyclical Pius X had uttered a warning: ...We shall take the greatest care to see that the members of the clergy do not allow themselves to be taken in by the insidious maneuvers of a certain new science which dons the mask of truth and from which one does not discern the fragrance of Jesus Christ; it is a mendacious science which, using fallacious and perfidious arguments, tries to beat a path to the errors of rationalism and semi-rationalism, and against which the Apostle was already warning his beloved Timothy when he wrote: “Guard the deposit, avoiding profane novelties in language as well as in the arguments of a knowledge falsely so-called, whose enthusiasts, with all their promises, have failed in the faith.19 ~ Anonymous,
1369:What Kinds of Circumstances Called for Courage in Paton’s Life? He had courage to overcome the criticism he received from respected elders for going to the New Hebrides. A Mr. Dickson exploded, “The cannibals! You will be eaten by cannibals!” The memory of Williams and Harris on Erromanga was only 19 years old. But to this Paton responded: Mr. Dickson, you are advanced in years now, and your own prospect is soon to be laid in the grave, there to be eaten by worms; I confess to you, that if I can but live and die serving and honoring the Lord Jesus, it will make no difference to me whether I am eaten by Cannibals or by worms; and in the Great Day my Resurrection body will rise as fair as yours in the likeness of our risen Redeemer (56). ~ Anonymous,
1370:But before we can even address the mistreatment that occurs once a woman is interacting with the health-care system, we have to address the fact that some women never get that far. We won’t get a true picture of the incidence of endometriosis until we specifically look for it in marginalized communities. And before we can do that, we have to address the disparity in access. Social epidemiologist Jhumka Gupta has said that endometriosis is a social justice issue. In her speech at the Worldwide Endo March in Washington, DC, on March 19, 2016, she said that endometriosis is a social pathology, which she defined as “gender inequality, social injustice, and attitudes of society that keep women and girls from fully reaching their potential. ~ Abby Norman,
1371:molecularly targeted agents into the treatment of early-stage NSCLC. At this time, however, such an approach cannot be recommended outside a clinical trial. In the NCI-C JBR.19 trial, which was terminated early when gefitinib lost its U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval, administration of the EGFR inhibitor gefitinib after resection of stage I to III NSCLC did not improve OS. Surprisingly, a subset analysis of patients with tumors harboring activating EGFR mutations, a population expected to derive particular benefit from such an approach, suggested the possibility of a detrimental effect from gefitinib. Similarly, the use of antiangiogenic agents and ALK inhibitors after surgery for advanced disease remains investigational. ~ Anonymous,
1372:The practice of silent reading would not become common until almost the modern period, and some linguists argue that while most modern Western languages are easy to read silently, the ancient Semitic languages, particularly vowel-less Hebrew, could not be read silently, a contention that most bar and bat mitzvah boys and girls would surely agree with.19 In the words of biblical scholar David Carr, When you list those people who are depicted as writing in ancient Israel, it quickly becomes evident that virtually all are some sort of official. Aside from God, who is one of the Bible’s most prolific writers, virtually all writers and readers in the Bible are officials of some kind: scribes, kings, priests, and other bureaucrats.20 ~ William J Bernstein,
1373:Sonnet 19 - The Soul's Rialto Hath Its Merchandise
The soul's Rialto hath its merchandise;
I barter curl for curl upon that mart,
And from my poet's forehead to my heart
Receive this lock which outweighs argosies,—
As purply black, as erst to Pindar's eyes
The dim purpureal tresses gloomed athwart
The nine white Muse-brows. For this counterpart, . . .
The bay-crown's shade, Beloved, I surmise,
Still lingers on thy curl, it is so black!
Thus, with a fillet of smooth-kissing breath,
I tie the shadows safe from gliding back,
And lay the gift where nothing hindereth;
Here on my heart, as on thy brow, to lack
No natural heat till mine grows cold in death.
~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning,
1374:God the Father (who now pleads with mankind to accept the reconciliation that Christ’s death secured for all) and God the Son (our appointed Judge, who wept over Jerusalem) will in a final judgment express wrath and administer justice against rebellious humans. God’s holy righteousness will hereby be revealed; God will be doing the right thing, vindicating himself at last against all who have defied him. . . . (Read through Matt. 25; John 5:22-29; Rom. 2:5-16, 12:19; 2 Thess. 1:7-9; Rev. 18:1–19:3, 20:11-15, and you will see that clearly.) God will judge justly, and all angels, saints, and martyrs will praise him for it. So it seems inescapable that we shall, with them, approve the judgment of persons—rebels—whom we have known and loved. ~ Randy Alcorn,
1375:Preparatory faith is formed by experiences in the past—by the known, which provides a basis for belief. But redemptive faith must often be exercised toward experiences in the future—the unknown, which provides an opportunity for the miraculous. Exacting faith, mountain-moving faith, faith like that of the brother of Jared, precedes the miracle and the knowledge. He had to believe before God spoke. He had to act before the ability to complete that action was apparent. He had to commit to the complete experience in advance of even the first segment of its realization. Faith is to agree unconditionally—and in advance—to whatever conditions God may require in both the near and distant future” (Christ and the New Covenant [1997], 18–19). ~ Jeffrey R Holland,
1376:PSA145.14 Jehovah upholdeth all that fall, And raiseth up all those that are bowed down. PSA145.15 The eyes of all wait for thee; And thou givest them their food in due season. PSA145.16 Thou openest thy hand, And satisfiest the desire of every living thing. PSA145.17 Jehovah is righteous in all his ways, And gracious in all his works. PSA145.18 Jehovah is nigh unto all them that call upon him, To all that call upon him in truth. PSA145.19 He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him; He also will hear their cry and will save them. PSA145.20 Jehovah preserveth all them that love him; But all the wicked will he destroy. PSA145.21 My mouth shall speak the praise of Jehovah; And let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever. Psalm 146 ~ Anonymous,
1377:THE MENTAL LINK - What the skin tells us about the world around us.(9) The skin is richly provided with nerve-endings. Apart from the sense organs, such as the eye and ear, the skin has a more intensive system of detection than any other structure of the body. We have already seen that the ability to maintain a uniform temperature within the body depends upon the skin's alertness to changes, both in the body itself and in the outer world. Our civilised clothing deprives us of much of the sensation we should otherwise experience. Only our faces and hands are really in contact with the atmosphere, and only through them do we appreciate the tingle of the sun's warmth, the patter of raindrops and the cutting bite of a chill wind. The greatly 19 ~ Anonymous,
1378:The gospel is the announcement that God has fulfilled the promise of Scriptures to make the world right in Jesus Christ (1 Cor 15:1-11). Christ has died for our sins. By his death and resurrection (and ascension), he has defeated the effects of our sins, including death itself. He now sits at the right hand of the Father ruling over the world. In Christ the new creation has begun. Old things are passing away. Behold, the new has begun (2 Cor 5:17). All who respond to this good news repent of the old ways, and make Jesus their Lord and Savior, enter in and become part of what God is doing to reconcile the whole world to himself (2 Cor 5:18-19), and receive power to become the children of God (Jn 1:12). This in one paragraph is the gospel. ~ David E Fitch,
1379:In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian will come into Egypt and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians will serve with the Assyrians. In that day Israel will be one of three with Egypt and Assyria—a blessing in the midst of the land, whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, ‘Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance’” (Isaiah 19:23-25). “Can you imagine a thing like that?” W. A. Criswell writes. “Think of the years of hatred ever since Ishmael and Isaac grew to despise one another. From that day until this has there ever not been war between Israel and the Arabs? But there is coming a time, says the Lord when the Lord of hosts will bless them all. ~ David Jeremiah,
1380:Katy's Answer
My mither's ay glowran o'er me,
Tho she did the same before me,
I canna get leave
To look to my loove,
Or else she'll be like to devour me.
Right fain wad I take ye'r offer,
Sweet Sir, but I'll tine my tocher,
Then, Sandy, ye'll fret,
And wyt ye'r poor Kate,
When e'er ye keek in your toom coffer.
For tho my father has plenty
Of siller and plenishing dainty,
Yet he's unco sweer
To twin wi' his gear,
And sae we had need to be tenty.
Tutor my parents wi' caution,
Be wylie in ilka motion,
Brag well o' ye'r land,
And there's my leal hand,
Win them, I'll be at your devotion.
~ Allan Ramsay,
1381:18 Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body. 19 Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, 20 for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body. 18 ¡Huyan del pecado sexual! Ningún otro pecado afecta tanto el cuerpo como este, porque la inmoralidad sexual es un pecado contra el propio cuerpo. 19 ¿No se dan cuenta de que su cuerpo es el templo del Espíritu Santo, quien vive en ustedes y les fue dado por Dios? Ustedes no se pertenecen a sí mismos, 20 porque Dios los compró a un alto precio. Por lo tanto, honren a Dios con su cuerpo. ~ Anonymous,
1382:The architecture of the Colisseum and other places of Roman entertainment are difficult to judge without recalling what purpose they served. It was here that gladiators fought to the death; that prisoners of war, convicts and Christians were devoured by as many as 5,000 wild beasts at a time; and that voctims were crucified or burned alive for the entertainment of Roman civilization. When the Romans screamed for ever more blood, artificial lakes were dug and naval battles of as many as 19,000 gladiators were staged until the water turned red with blood. The only emperors who did not throw Christians to the lions were the Christian emperors: They threw pagans to the lions with the same gusto and for the same crime-having a different religion. ~ Petr Beckmann,
1383:The House Of The Life: 19. Silent Noon
Your hands lie open in the long fresh grass,-The finger-points look through like rosy blooms:
Your eyes smile peace. The pasture gleams and glooms
'Neath billowing skies that scatter and amass.
All round our nest, far as the eye can pass,
Are golden kingcup-fields with silver edge
Where the cow-parsley skirts the hawthorn-hedge.
'Tis visible silence, still as the hour-glass.
Deep in the sun-search'd growths the dragon-fiy
Hangs like a blue thread loosen'd from the sky:-So this wing'd hour is dropt to us from above.
Oh! clasp we to our hearts, for deathless dower,
This close-companion'd inarticulate hour
When twofold silence was the song of love.
~ Dante Gabriel Rossetti,
1384:Las personas no regeneradas son, en el mejor de los casos, indiferentes a las cosas de Dios. Más a menudo son abiertamente hostiles hacia él. Ah, sí, puede parecer que algunos están buscando a Dios, pero Romanos 3:11 nos dice que no es así. La persona no regenerada jamás busca a Dios; es un fugitivo de Dios. Jesús vino a buscar y salvar al perdido (Lucas 19:10). Él es el Buscador; nosotros somos los que huimos. Los no regenerados están buscando felicidad, paz mental, alivio de la culpa, una vida con sentido, y un sinnúmero de otras cosas que nosotros sabemos que solo Dios puede darles. Pero no están buscando a Dios. Están buscando los beneficios de Dios. El pecado del hombre natural es eso precisamente: quiere los beneficios de Dios pero sin Dios. ~ R C Sproul,
1385:The House Of The Life (19): Silent Noon
Your hands lie open in the long fresh grass,-The finger-points look through like rosy blooms:
Your eyes smile peace. The pasture gleams and glooms
'Neath billowing skies that scatter and amass.
All round our nest, far as the eye can pass,
Are golden kingcup-fields with silver edge
Where the cow-parsley skirts the hawthorn-hedge.
'Tis visible silence, still as the hour-glass.
Deep in the sun-search'd growths the dragon-fiy
Hangs like a blue thread loosen'd from the sky:-So this wing'd hour is dropt to us from above.
Oh! clasp we to our hearts, for deathless dower,
This close-companion'd inarticulate hour
When twofold silence was the song of love.
~ Dante Gabriel Rossetti,
1386:One of the most difficult defilements of the spirit to deal with is the critical spirit. A critical spirit has its root in pride. Because of the 'plank' of pride in our own eye we are not capable of dealing with the 'speck' of need in someone else. We are often like the Pharisee who, completely unconscious of his own need prayed "God, I thank you that I am not like other men" (Luke 18:11). We are quick to see - and to speak of - the faults of others, but slow to see our own needs. How sweetly we relish the opportunity to speak critically of someone else - even when we are unsure of the facts. We forge that "a man who stirs up dissension among brothers" by criticizing one to another is one of the "six thing which the Lord hates" (Proverbs 6:16-19) ~ Jerry Bridges,
1387:To add to the muddle, it seems that Americans are as ignorant and poorly educated about the particulars of religion as they are about science. A majority of adults, in what is supposedly the most religious nation in the developed world, cannot name the four Gospels or identify Genesis as the first book of the Bible.19 How can citizens understand what creationism means, or make an informed decision about whether it belongs in classrooms, if they cannot even locate the source of the creation story? And how can they be expected to understand any definition of evolution if they were once among millions of children attending classes in which the word “evolution” was taboo and in which teachers suggested that dinosaurs and humans roamed the earth together? ~ Susan Jacoby,
1388:You need to have an “I am” and an “I can” attitude. Fill your thoughts and your words with these confessions daily, and then you will bring more joy into your life!    I am a new creation in Christ (see 2 Corinthians 5:17).    I can live in perfect peace (see Isaiah 26:3).    I am slow to speak, quick to hear, and slow to anger (see James 1:19).    I can do all things through Christ, Who strengthens me (see Philippians 4:13).    I am more than a conqueror in Christ (see Romans 8:37).    I can have the mind of Christ (see 1 Corinthians 2:16).    I am dead to sin and alive to righteousness (see Romans 6:11).    I can overcome evil with good (see Romans 12:21). Power Thought: All efforts to train my mind and my mouth to think and speak more like God work ~ Joyce Meyer,
1389:Have a look at the results when Australians are asked if they agree or disagree with the statement: ‘It is better for the family if the husband is the principal breadwinner outside the home and the wife has primary responsibility for the home and children.’ In 1986, just over 55 per cent of men agreed with that proposition. That proportion swan-dived down to about 30 per cent by 2001, but by 2005, it had gone up again, to 41.4 per cent. Women subscribe to that view less enthusiastically than men on the whole, but they too have waxed and waned over the last 30 years. In 1986, 33 per cent of them thought it was better for men to work and women to keep house. By 2001, that had dipped to 19 per cent. But by 2005, it had bobbed back up to 36.4 per cent.17 ~ Annabel Crabb,
1390:14 ¶ And as Moses lifted up the aserpent in the wilderness, even so must the bSon of man be lifted up: 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 ¶ For aGod so bloved the cworld, that he dgave his eonly begotten fSon, that whosoever gbelieveth in him should not perish, but have heverlasting ilife. 17 For God asent not his Son into the world to bcondemn the world; but that the world through him might be csaved. 18 ¶ He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that abelieveth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the bname of the only begotten cSon of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that alight is come into the world, and men loved bdarkness rather than light, because their cdeeds were evil. ~ Anonymous,
1391:JANUARY 19 Expect the Blessings of God Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. PSALM 27:14 Sometimes you may feel discouraged, miserable, and depressed. In those times you need to take a close look at what’s been going on in your mind. Isaiah 26:3 tells you when you keep your mind on the Lord you will have “perfect and constant peace.” By focusing on the goodness of God and waiting, hoping, and expecting Him to encourage you and fill you with His peace and joy, you can overcome negative thoughts that drag you down. Think and speak positively. Begin believing right now that you are about to see God’s goodness in your life. Wait, hope, and expect His blessings to be abundant in your life. ~ Joyce Meyer,
1392:The principle of priestly absolution was not a major issue. The Roman Catholic Church has always taught that the priestly words Te absolvo (“I absolve you”) find their strength in the promise of Jesus to the church that “whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Matt. 16:19), granting the spokesmen of the church a right to speak the pardon of Christ to penitent people. The Roman Catholic Church understands that the power to forgive sins does not reside ultimately in the priest. The priest is merely a spokesman for Christ. In practice, the priestly absolution differs very little from the Protestant minister’s “assurance of pardon,” which is given from pulpits across the land every Sunday. ~ R C Sproul,
1393:19-21 “Don’t hoard treasure down here where it gets eaten by moths and corroded by rust or — worse! — stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where it’s safe from moth and rust and burglars. It’s obvious, isn’t it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being. 22-23 “Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. If you live squinty-eyed in greed and distrust, your body is a dank cellar. If you pull the blinds on your windows, what a dark life you will have! 24 “You can’t worship two gods at once. Loving one god, you’ll end up hating the other. Adoration of one feeds contempt for the other. You can’t worship God and Money both. ~ Eugene H Peterson,
1394:Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another (Galatians 5:19-26). ~ Kay Arthur,
1395:What’s worse for you young people is that the unemployment rate isn’t even what you should really be worried about. What you should really be concerned about is the UNDERemployment rate as it speaks to precisely why you went to college. The underemployment rate is the percent of people who are not working at their full potential. So, if you went to college for accounting, but end up working as a bartender you are considered “underemployed.” The statistics vary, but the best official estimate (called U6) shows an underemployment rate considerably higher than the simple unemployment rate. Even worse than that, underemployment is typically higher in the 19-29 year old range, which means it’s even more likely you will not realize the full benefit of your degree. ~ Aaron Clarey,
1396:Perhaps one of the most well-known, and indeed controversial, examples of the global impact of food production is the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). NAFTA opened the trade borders between the United States and Mexico, making American corn, subsidized by the US government, cheaper to purchase. Subsequently, many Mexican farmers lost their farms (since they could not compete with the low price of corn grown in the United States), compelling these individuals to find work elsewhere and contributing to the rise of illegal immigrants in the United States.19 Likewise, labels such as “Fair Trade” or “Whole Trade” on many foods today highlight the fact that what we choose to eat can and does impact the people and communities that produce our foods. ~ Caroline Leaf,
1397:This shriveled conception of democracy has solid roots. The founding fathers were much concerned about the hazards of democracy. In the debates of the Constitutional Convention, the main framer, James Madison, warned of these hazards. Naturally taking England as his model, he observed that “in England, at this day, if elections were open to all classes of people, the property of landed proprietors would be insecure. An agrarian law would soon take place,” undermining the right to property. To ward off such injustice, “our government ought to secure the permanent interests of the country against innovation,” arranging voting patterns and checks and balances so as “to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority,” a prime task of decent government.19 ~ Noam Chomsky,
1398:With over a 10th of the users from the country, India is one of the biggest markets for WhatsApp, he said, adding connecting billions of people in markets like India and Brazil is the aim of the company. Arora, an alumnus of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Delhi and ISB Hyderabad, said WhatsApp will continue to hold a distinct identity even after the takeover by Facebook and will not get merged with the social networking giant. He said WhatsApp, which has only 80 employees, will benefit through learnings from the social networking giant. Arora, who first heard of WhatsApp as a business development executive for the Internet search firm Google Inc. and later joined as its business head, said it took two years to stitch the $19 billion deal announced this April. ~ Anonymous,
1399:I would think if you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees, that we would someday become communists." -Jane Fonda speech at Michigan State University to raise money for the Black Panthers, Detroit Free Press, 22 November 1969   "My position on the POW issue has been widely misquoted and taken out of context. What I originally said and have continued to say is that the POW's are lying if they assert it was North Vietnamese policy to torture American prisoners." -Jane Fonda, "Who is Being Brainwashed?" An Indochina Peace Campaign Report Santa Monica: Indochina Peace Campaign 1973   "We have no reason to believe that U.S Air Force officers tell the truth. They are professional killers." -Jane Fonda, Washington Star, April 19, 1973 ~ Mark Berent,
1400:Apart from the light brought by the Messiah, the incarnate Word, people love darkness because their deeds are evil (3:19), and when the light does put in an appearance, they hate it, because they do not want their deeds to be exposed (3:20). In fact, wherever it is true that the light shines in the darkness, it is also true that the darkness has not understood it (taking katelaben as in the NIV). Reading v. 5 this way anticipates the rejection theme that becomes explicit in vv. 10–11. Alternatively, even if katelaben means something like ‘did not overcome it’ (see Additional Note), it is quite possible that John, subtle writer that he is, wants his readers to see in the Word both the light of creation and the light of the redemption the Word brings in his incarnation. ~ D A Carson,
1401:1 Corinthians 9:19-24
19 - For though I am free from all, I made myself a servant to all in order to win more.
20 - and to the Jew I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the Torah (Law), as under Torah, so as to win those who are under Torah;
21 - to those without Torah, as without Torah - not being without Torah toward Elohim, but under Torah of Messiah - so as to win those who are without Torah.
22 - To the weak I became as weak, so as to win the weak. To all men I have become all, so as to save some, by all means.
23 - And I do this because of the Good News, so as to become a fellow-partaker with it.
24 - Do you not know that those who run in a race indeed all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way as to obtain it. ~ Anonymous,
1402:Introdu o An lise da Imagem Martine Joly (Unknown author) - Seu destaque na página 19 | posição 205-211 | Adicionado: terça-feira, 10 de março de 2015 07:52:58 Platão e Aristóteles, em especial, combateram-na ou defenderam-na pelas mesmas razoes. Imitadora, para um ela engana, para o outro ela educa. Desvia da verdade ou, pelo contrario, conduz ao conhecimento. Para o primeiro, seduz as partes mais fracas da nossa alma, para o segundo, é eficaz pelo próprio prazer que nos proporciona. A única imagem graciosa aos olhos de Platão é a natural (reflexo ou sombra), a única que se pode tornar num instrumento filosófico. Instrumento de comunicação, divindade, a imagem assemelha-se ou confunde-se com aquilo que ela representa. Visualmente imitadora, pode tanto enganar como educar. ~ Anonymous,
1403:Perhaps an illustration here will help. Imagine you’re in an orchestra and you begin to play, but the sound is horrific because the instruments are out of tune. The problem can’t be fixed by simply tuning them to each other. It won’t help for each person to get in tune to the person next to her because each person will be tuning to something different. No, they will all need to be tuned properly to one source of pitch. Often we go about trying to tune ourselves to the sound of everything else in our lives. We often hear this described as “getting balance.” But the questions that need to be asked are these: “Balanced to what?” “Tuned to what?” The gospel does not begin by tuning us in relation to our particular problems and surroundings; it first re-tunes us to God.19 ~ Timothy J Keller,
1404:And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.

Living never wore one out so much as the effort not to live.

Life is truly known only to those who suffer, lose, endure adversity and stumble from defeat to defeat.

Perfection is static, and I am in full progress.

Abnormal pleasures kill the taste for normal ones.

-Anais Nin

"Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." -Bible-Genesis 3:19

"While I thought that I was learning to live, I have been learning how to die" - Leonardo da Vinci ~ Ana s Nin,
1405:and the simple faith of Yahweh. In the Book of Amos we hear God’s terrifying judgment on Israel, and foresee its destruction by fire and famine if its people do not repent. “There will be wailing and cries of sorrow in the city streets. Even farmers will be called to mourn the dead along with those who are paid to mourn. There will be wailing in all the vineyards. All this will take place because I am coming to punish you.” The Lord has spoken. . . . For you it will be a day of darkness and not of light. It will be like a man who runs from a lion and meets a bear! Or like a man who comes home and puts his hand on the wall—only to be bitten by a snake! (Amos 5:16-19) The people of Israel must choose their way. “Make it your aim to do what is right, not what is evil, so ~ Daniel J Boorstin,
1406:Here’s what you need to understand: only two types of glory exist—sign glory and ultimate glory. Sign glory is all the wondrous display of sights, sounds, colors, textures, tastes, smells, and experiences of the physical world that God created. These glories were not designed to satisfy your heart. They were not made to give you contentment, peace, meaning, and purpose. They have no capacity to give you life. Earth will never be your savior. Rather, all of creation was designed to be one big sign that points you to the One of ultimate glory who alone has the power to give you life and to satisfy your heart. God alone is able to give you life. He alone is able to give rest to your searching heart. He designed his world to point to him, not to replace him (see Psalm 19). ~ Paul David Tripp,
1407:The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution had abolished slavery but allowed one major exception: slavery remained appropriate as punishment for a crime. In a landmark decision by the Virginia Supreme Court, Ruffin v. Commonwealth, issued at the height of Southern Redemption, the court put to rest any notion that convicts were legally distinguishable from slaves: For a time, during his service in the penitentiary, he is in a state of penal servitude to the State. He has, as a consequence of his crime, not only forfeited his liberty, but all his personal rights except those which the law in its humanity accords to him. He is for the time being a slave of the State. He is civiliter mortus; and his estate, if he has any, is administered like that of a dead man.19 ~ Michelle Alexander,
1408:Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Who is talking in verse 24? The writer of Genesis is talking. And what did Jesus believe about the writer of Genesis? He believed it was Moses (Luke 24:44). He also believed that Moses was inspired by God, so that what Moses was saying, God was saying. We can see this if we look carefully at Matthew 19:4–5: “[Jesus] answered, ‘Have you not read that he [God] who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said [Note: God said!], “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh”’?” Jesus said that the words of Genesis 2:24 are God’s words, even though they were written by Moses. ~ John Piper,
1409:Have patience . . .

It is difficult to get people to understand that the ideal doesn't exist, that personal equilibrium and the harmony they dream of comes only after years and years of struggle, and even then only as flashes of grace and peace.

Loving is not only a voluntary act which involves controlling and overcoming our own sensibilities - that is just the beginning. It also demands a purified heart and feelings which go out spontaneously to the other. These deep purifications can only come through a gift of God, a grace which springs from the deepest part of ourselves, where the Holy Spirit lives. "I will give them a new heart, and put a new spirit within them; I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh" (Ezekiel 11:19). ~ Jean Vanier,
1410:In the world of the Bible, one’s identity and one’s vocation are all bound up in who one’s father is. Men are called “son of” all of their lives (for instance, “the sons of Zebedee” or “Joshua, the son of Nun”). There are no guidance counselors in ancient Canaan or first-century Capernaum, helping “teenagers” decide what they want “to be” when they “grow up.” A young man watches his father, learns from him, and follows in his vocational steps. This is why “the sons of Zebedee” are right there with their father when Jesus finds them, “in their boat mending the nets” (Mark 1:19-20).

The inheritance was the engine of survival, passed from father to son, an economic pact between generations. To lose one’s inheritance was to pilfer for survival, to become someone’s slave. ~ Russell D Moore,
1411:14 "To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation. 15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17 You say, `I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. 19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent. (Revelation 3:14-19) (NIV) ~ Michael D Fortner,
1412:In 1900 there were 500,000 women office workers—in 1870 there had been 19,000. Women were switchboard operators, store workers, nurses. Half a million were teachers. The teachers formed a Teachers League that fought against the automatic firing of women who became pregnant. The following “Rules for Female Teachers” were posted by the school board of one town in Massachusetts: Do not get married. Do not leave town at any time without permission of the school board. Do not keep company with men. Be home between the hours of 8 P.M. and 6 A.M. Do not loiter downtown in ice cream stores. Do not smoke. Do not get into a carriage with any man except your father or brother. Do not dress in bright colors. Do not dye your hair. Do not wear any dress more than two inches above the ankle. The ~ Howard Zinn,
1413:In Ephesians 3:14 – 21, Paul prays that the Spirit will strengthen his readers with power in their inner being. For what? “So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith” and so we may know the love of Christ “that surpasses knowledge — that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” But elsewhere Paul states that Christians already have Christ dwelling in them (Eph 2:22) and already have come to fullness in him (Col 2:9 – 10). Taken together, these passages must mean that while these things are objectively true of Christians, the Spirit can make the love of God so spiritually real and affecting that it changes how we live. He wants us not just to know the fact of Christ’s love but to have power to grasp the infinity and wonder of it (Eph 3:18 – 19). ~ Timothy J Keller,
1414:roads and consume more carbon than urbanites (though perhaps not as much as distant commuters forced out by green belts). But this damage can be alleviated by a carbon tax, by toll roads and by charging for parking. Many cities in the emerging world have followed the barmy American practice of requiring property developers to provide a certain number of parking spaces for every building—something that makes commuting by car much more attractive than it would be otherwise. Scrapping them would give public transport a chance. The second is that it is foolish to try to stop the spread of suburbs. Green belts, the most effective method for doing this, push up property prices and encourage long-distance commuting. The cost of housing in London, already astronomical, went up by 19% in the ~ Anonymous,
1415:This tragic sequence helps explain the fearful loss of cognition in coronary artery bypass patients.3 But neuroradiologists also report that using magnetic resonance imaging, they can detect little white spots in the brains of Americans starting at about age fifty. These spots represent small, asymptomatic strokes (see Figures 18 and 19 in insert). The brain has so much reserve capacity that at first these tiny strokes cause no trouble. But, if they continue, they begin to cause memory loss and, ultimately, crippling dementia. In fact, one recently reported study found that the presence of these “silent brain infarcts” more than doubles the risk of dementia.4 We now believe, in fact, that at least half of all senile mental impairment is caused by vascular injury to the brain. ~ Caldwell B Esselstyn Jr,
1416:I looked above the jeans. Vintage Fugazi concert tee. Green flannel shirt. 10. I looked above the flannel. Two weeks’ worth of shaggy blond beard. Mmm. Country hipster. 11. I looked above the beard. Lips. 12. I looked at the lips. 13. I looked at the lips. 14. I looked at the lips. 15. COME ON. 16. I looked above the lips. 17. I was glad I looked above the lips. 18. The eyes and the hair were a package deal, the hair was falling across his eyes in a careless way that said “Hey, girl. I’ve got peas on my shoes, but who cares, because I’ve got these eyes and this hair, and it’s pretty fucking great.” 19. The hair was the color of tabbouleh. 20. His eyes were the color of . . . 21. Pickles? 22. Green beans? 23. No. Broccoli that had been steamed for exactly sixty seconds. Vibrant. Piercing. ~ Alice Clayton,
1417:Prayer COME TO ME WITH A THANKFUL HEART, SO THAT YOU CAN ENJOY MY PRESENCE. This is the day that I have made. I want you to rejoice today, refusing to worry about tomorrow. Search for all that I have prepared for you, anticipating abundant blessings and accepting difficulties as they come. I can weave miracles into the most mundane day if you keep your focus on Me. Come to Me with all your needs, knowing that My glorious riches are a more-than-adequate supply. Stay in continual communication with Me, so that you can live above your circumstances even while you are in the midst of them. Present your requests to Me with thanksgiving, and My Peace, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your heart and mind. See also Psalm 118:24; Philippians 4:19, 6, 7 (From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young) ~ Anonymous,
1418:So I asked your disciples to cast out the evil spirit, but they couldn’t do it.” 19 Jesus said to them,[*] “You faithless people! How long must I be with you? How long must I put up with you? Bring the boy to me.” 20 So they brought the boy. But when the evil spirit saw Jesus, it threw the child into a violent convulsion, and he fell to the ground, writhing and foaming at the mouth. 21 “How long has this been happening?” Jesus asked the boy’s father. He replied, “Since he was a little boy. 22 The spirit often throws him into the fire or into water, trying to kill him. Have mercy on us and help us, if you can.” 23 “What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” 24 The father instantly cried out, “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” 25 When ~ Anonymous,
1419:When the Bible gives descriptions, I immediately get an image in my mind of who I would cast for that role. I was thinking Joe Pesci would be a good Zacchaeus, right? Pesci’s this little guy known for having a high, annoying voice who dresses really well. Picture Zacchaeus in this crowd. He was shorter than most, so elbows were flying near his face as all these rubberneckers jockeyed for a view of Jesus. Zacchaeus finally gave up trying to compete with the crowd and climbed up a sycamore tree. He was perched in the tree when Jesus arrived. Here’s what we read in Luke 19:5–7: When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. All the people saw this and began to mutter. ~ Kyle Idleman,
1420:Psa. 19:4-6 Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun, which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy. Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them.   Psa. 50:1 The Mighty One, God, the LORD, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting.   Eccl. 1:5 The sun rises, and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it rises.   Josh. 10:13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, until the nation took vengeance on their enemies… The sun stopped in the midst of heaven and did not hurry to set for about a whole day.   Matt. 5:45 Jesus said, “For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good. ~ Brian Godawa,
1421:Ik zal u een geheim verklappen. de werkelijke boodschap van mijn filosofie, als je het filosofie magnoemen, past op één A4'tje. Wat zeg ik? Een half A4'tje. De inhoud staat in feite in de inhoudsopgave. Het gaat erom dit alles uit te smeren over een boek van krap driehonderd pagina's. En ik bedoel dit uitsmeren niet eens in negatieve zin. Die driehonderd pagina's dienen een doel: mensen zijn eerder bereid om €19,99 neer te tellen voor een boek dan voor een A4'tje. Dat heet 'waar voor je geld'. Maar de meeste mensen zijn ook traag van begrip. In 'Makkelijk leven' hamer ik mijn boodschap erin. In de eerste plaats door meer voorbeelden te geven. Maar wie het hele boek uit heeft (en dus kennelijk traag van begrip is), kan daarna terugvallen op de vijf à tien hoofdpunten: het hele of het halve A4'tje. ~ Herman Koch,
1422:Forsake All I ask you to remember that the disciples were men who had forsaken all to follow Jesus. The Lord Jesus went to a fisherman and said, “Leave your net behind and follow Me.” To another man He said, “Leave your position as a tax collector and come and follow Me.” They did it. They left those things behind and followed Jesus. They could later say by the mouth of Peter, We have forsaken all and followed thee (Matthew 19:27). They left their homes, their families, and their good names. Men mocked and laughed at them. Men called them the disciples of Jesus, and when He was despised and hated, they were hated too. They identified themselves with Him and gave themselves up entirely to follow Him. This is the first step to being filled with the Holy Spirit. We must forsake all to follow Christ. ~ Andrew Murray,
1423:JANUARY 24 He Will Reward You So repent (change your mind and purpose); turn around and return [to God], that your sins may be erased (blotted out, wiped clean), that times of refreshing (of recovering from the effects of heat, of reviving with fresh air) may come from the presence of the Lord. ACTS 3:19 Success principles alone will not work in your life if you don’t spend time with God, allowing His Holy Spirit to be your Counselor and to give you revelation and understanding of what to do each day. But if you flow in God’s plan, you will learn to stop trying to figure out how everything will work together for your good. Learn to seek God’s face and not His hand all the time. Then keep your hands open and be ready to receive from Him. God is good; you can trust what He speaks to your heart to do. ~ Joyce Meyer,
1424:Ingredient 2: Sorrow for Sin “I will be sorry for my sin” (Psa 38:18). Ambrose calls sorrow the embittering of the soul. The Hebrew word “to be sorrowful” signifies “to have the soul, as it were, crucified.” This must be in true repentance: “They shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn” (Zec 12:10), as if they did feel the nails of the cross sticking in their sides. A woman may as well expect to have a child without pangs as one can have repentance without sorrow. He that can believe without doubting, suspect his faith; and he that can repent without sorrowing, suspect his repentance. Martyrs shed blood for Christ, and penitents shed tears for sin: “she…stood at his [Jesus’] feet…weeping” (Luk 7:38). See how this limbeck[19] dropped. The sorrow of her heart ran out at her eye… ~ Thomas Watson,
1425:research suggests that in areas near the U.S.-Mexico border, only one-tenth of paid domestic labor is on the books. The BLS puts the yearly average housekeeping wage at $19,570, which is both below the poverty line for a family of three and no doubt inflated by underreporting. Domestic workers without immigration papers not only lack the so-called protection of the law; they’re constantly vulnerable to deportation. So much for Lyotard’s “doing away with all privileges of place.” As Evan Calder Williams writes, “the days and bodies of humans are still far cheaper than any automation, provided money knows where to look. And it always has.” White supremacy and the gender division aren’t archaisms that capital will puree into a flow of neutered beige singularities; they’re labor relations, and integral ones. ~ Anonymous,
1426:Proverbs offer a few clarifications: • How we treat our parents displays our values and attitudes (19:26). • Disrespecting our parents can have terrible implications for our own life (20:20). • Children have a significant impact on how parents view their lives and evaluate their significance (10:1; 15:20; 17:25; 23:24). • As our parents grow older, we should give them the gifts of listening and caring (23:22). • By pursuing wisdom, we benefit ourselves and bring our parents joy (23:25; 29:3). • By pursuing evil and folly, we can be a destructive force in our parents’ lives (28:24; 29:15). • We will suffer if we lack respect for our parents (30:11, 17). More: Proverbs says that parents are meant to offer more to children than practical care. They are to impart wisdom. See “Learning at Home” at Prov. 4:3, 4. ~ Anonymous,
1427:USE WORDS IF NECESSARY The popular saying “Preach the gospel; use words if necessary” is helpful but also misleading. If the gospel were primarily about what we must do to be saved, it could be communicated as well by actions (to be imitated) as by words. But if the gospel is primarily about what God has done to save us, and how we can receive it through faith, it can only be expressed through words. Faith cannot come without hearing. This is why we read in Galatians 2:5 that heresy endangers the truth of the gospel, and why Philippians 1:16 declares that a person’s mind must be persuaded of the truth of the gospel. Ephesians 1:13 also asserts that the gospel is the word of truth. Ephesians 6:19 and Colossians 1:23 teach that we advance the gospel through verbal communication, particularly preaching. ~ Timothy J Keller,
1428:NEAR THE BASILICA OF ST. ANTHONY Antica Trattoria dei Paccagnella, the most serious restaurant near the basilica, serves up nicely presented, seasonal local dishes with modern flair and an impressive attention to ingredients. The place has friendly service, modern art on the walls, and no pretense. It’s thoughtfully run by two brothers, Raffaele and Cesare, who happily explain why they are so excited about local hens (€9-12 pastas, €14-18 secondi, Mon 19:00-22:00, Tue-Sat 12:00-14:00 & 19:00-22:00, closed Sun, Via del Santo 113, tel. 049-875-0549). Pizzeria Pago Pago dishes up wood-fired Neapolitan pizzas (a local favorite) and daily specials depending on what’s in season. Get there early for dinner or wait (€5-8 pizzas, €9 salads, Wed-Mon 12:00-14:00 & 19:00-24:00, closed Tue; 2 blocks from Basilica ~ Rick Steves,
1429:Week, July 31, 2000; Tim Cook, Auburn commencement address, May 14, 2010; Adam Lashinsky, “The Genius behind Steve,” Fortune, Nov. 10, 2008; Nick Wingfield, “Apple’s No. 2 Has Low Profile,” Wall Street Journal, Oct. 16, 2006. Mock Turtlenecks and Teamwork: Interviews with Steve Jobs, James Vincent, Jony Ive, Lee Clow, Avie Tevanian, Jon Rubinstein. Lev Grossman, “How Apple Does It,” Time, Oct. 16, 2005; Leander Kahney, “How Apple Got Everything Right by Doing Everything Wrong,” Wired, Mar. 18, 2008. From iCEO to CEO: Interviews with Ed Woolard, Larry Ellison, Steve Jobs. Apple proxy statement, Mar. 12, 2001. CHAPTER 29: APPLE STORES The Customer Experience: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Ron Johnson. Jerry Useem, “America’s Best Retailer,” Fortune, Mar. 19, 2007; Gary Allen, “Apple Stores,” ~ Walter Isaacson,
1430:...Yakın tarihimizde Japonya ve Türkiye örnekleri bu hususta klasik durum arz ederler.

19. asrın sonu 20. asrın başında bu iki ülke benzer ve kıyaslanabilir durum arz ediyorlardı.İkisi de eski birer imparatorluk,kendine ait yapıları ve tarih içinde kendi yerleri belli olan ülkelerdi.İkisi de gelişmişlik bakımından birbirine yakın ve hem imtiyaz hem de yük olabilecek muhteşem bir tarihe sahip idiler.Tek kelimeyle bu ikili gelecek için hemen hemen aynı fırsatlara sahipti.

Ondan sonra iki ülkede de bilinen reformlar gerçekleşti.Başkasının değil, kendi hayatını yaşamak için Japonya ilerlemeyi ve geleneği birleştirmeye çalıştı.Türkiye ile alakalı olarak,onun modernistleri tam tersi bir yol seçmişlerdi.Bu gün Türkiye üçüncü sınıf bir ülke iken,Japonya ise dünya milletlerinin zirvesine çıkmıştır... ~ Alija Izetbegovi,
1431:And he had a couple of Bibles in need of customized repair, and those were an easy fifty dollars apiece – just brace the page against a piece of plywood in a frame and scorch out the verses the customers found intolerable, with a wood-burning stylus; a plain old razor wouldn’t have the authority that hot iron did. And then of course drench the defaced book in holy water to validate the edited text. Matthew 19:5-6 and Mark 10:7-12 were bits he was often asked to burn out, since they condemned re-marriage after divorce, but he also got a lot of requests to lose Matthew 25:41 through 46, with Jesus’s promise of Hell to stingy people. And he offered a special deal to eradicate all thirty or so mentions of adultery. Some of these customized Bibles ended up after a few years with hardly any weight besides the binding. ~ Tim Powers,
1432:The nobleman wanted to see the fulfillment of his prayer before he should believe; but he had to accept the word of Jesus that his request was heard and the blessing granted. This lesson we also have to learn. Not because we see or feel that God hears us are we to believe. We are to trust in His promises. When we come to Him in faith, every petition enters the heart of God. When we have asked for His blessing, we should believe that we receive it, and thank Him that we have received it. Then we are to go about our duties, assured that the blessing will be realized when we need it most. When we have learned to do this, we shall know that our prayers are answered. God will do for us “exceeding abundantly,” “according to the riches of His glory,” and “the working of His mighty power.” Ephesians 3:20, 16; 1:19. [201] ~ Anonymous,
1433:First, ’Tis scriptural. My text is not only full to the purpose, but ’tis a doctrine that the Scripture abounds in. We are there abundantly taught that the saints differ from the ungodly in this, that they have the knowledge of God, and a sight of God, and of Jesus Christ. I shall mention but few texts of many. 1 John iii. 6, “Whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, nor known him.” 3 John 11, “He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.” John xiv. 19, “The world seeth me no more; but ye see me.” John xvii. 3, “And this is eternal life, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” This knowledge, or sight of God and Christ, can’t be a mere speculative knowledge; because it is spoken of as a seeing and knowing wherein they differ from the ungodly. ~ Jonathan Edwards,
1434:The often-told tale was that the remarkable awakening of antigovernment rage that spread across the country in 2009 was triggered by an unplanned outburst on live television from Rick Santelli, a former futures trader, who was a regular on-air contributor to the CNBC business news network. The date of Santelli’s tirade was notably early in Obama’s presidency, February 19, 2009, less than one month after Obama was sworn in as president. At the time, Obama enjoyed approval ratings of over 60 percent. A year later, a congressman championing Obama’s health-care proposal would be spat on, and two years later his party would lose control of the House of Representatives, effectively ending his ability to enact “change you can believe in,” as promised in his campaign. Arguably, the precipitous downhill slide began that day. ~ Jane Mayer,
1435:Another reason for lying is simply to mess with surveys. This is a huge problem for any research regarding teenagers, fundamentally complicating our ability to understand this age group. Researchers originally found a correlation between a teenager’s being adopted and a variety of negative behaviors, such as using drugs, drinking alcohol, and skipping school. In subsequent research, they found this correlation was entirely explained by the 19 percent of self-reported adopted teenagers who weren’t actually adopted. Follow-up research has found that a meaningful percent of teenagers tell surveys they are more than seven feet tall, weigh more than four hundred pounds, or have three children. One survey found 99 percent of students who reported having an artificial limb to academic researchers were kidding. ~ Seth Stephens Davidowitz,
1436:On May 19, Representative Elias Boudinot of New Jersey, Hamilton’s old patron from Elizabethtown, proposed that Congress establish a department of finance. From the clamor that arose over what would become the Treasury Department, it was clear this would be the real flash point of controversy in the new government, the place where critics feared that European-style despotism could take root. Legislators recalled that British tax abuses had spawned the Revolution and that chancellors of the exchequer had directed huge armies of customs collectors to levy onerous duties. To guard against such concentrated power, Elbridge Gerry wanted to invest the Treasury leadership in a board, not an individual. It was Madison who insisted that a single secretary, equipped with all necessary powers, should superintend the department. ~ Ron Chernow,
1437:To be sure, social scientists, going back at least to the turn-of-the-century anthropologist Edward Westermarck, have recognized that reciprocal altruism is fundamental to life in all cultures. There is a whole literature on “social exchange theory,” in which the everyday swapping of sometimes intangible resources— information, social support—is gauged with care.19 But because so many social scientists have resisted the very idea of an inherent human nature, reciprocation has often been seen as a cultural “norm” that just happens to be universal (presumably because distinct peoples independently discovered its utility). Few have noted that the daily life of every human society rests not just on reciprocity, but on a common foundation of feelings—sympathy, gratitude, affection, obligation, guilt, dislike, and so on. ~ Robert Wright,
1438:Where once there were 6,380 burglaries in Fairfax in 1980, there were only 912 last year, statistics show, an all-time low for the county. Roessler attributed that to "community engagement" by officers, reminding citizens to "reduce opportunity for criminals by locking doors, windows and garages." He said a diversity council he formed had helped police involvement in immigrant communities that formerly distrusted the police. In Arlington, more serious crimes dropped 8.9 percent in 2014, with burglaries down 14.2 percent and aggravated assaults down 19.4 percent. Former police chief M. Douglas Scott, who stepped down last month, also credited "the partnership among the community and police department. We will continue to make these partnerships even stronger, as it has made our community safer." ~ Anonymous,
1439:19. Before the divine fire is introduced into the substance of the soul and united with it through perfect and complete purgation and purity, its flame, which is the Holy Spirit, wounds the soul by destroying and consuming the imperfections of its bad habits. And this is the work of the Holy Spirit, in which he disposes it for divine union and transformation in God through love. The very fire of love that afterward is united with the soul, glorifying it, is what previously assailed it by purging it, just as the fire that penetrates a log of wood is the same that first makes an assault on the wood, wounding it with the flame, drying it out, and stripping it of its unsightly qualities until it is so disposed that it can be penetrated and transformed into the fire. Spiritual writers call this activity the purgative way. ~ Juan de la Cruz,
1440:On the contrary, the Roman pontiffs, who originated and directed the Inquisitions, threatened excommunication against any who failed to carry out the inquisitors' decrees. Today's Catholic apologists deny the facts of history and accuse those who present the truth of being "unscholarly." D. Antonio Gavin, a Catholic priest and eyewitness to the Spanish Inquisition, tells us:       The Roman Catholics believe there is a Purgatory, and that the souls suffer more pains in it than in Hell: But I think that the Inquisition is the only Purgatory on earth, and the holy Fathers [priests/popes] are the judges and executioners in it. The reader may form a dreadful idea of the barbarity of that tribunal by what I have already said, but I am sure it never will come up to what it is in reality, for it passeth all understanding. . . .19 ~ Dave Hunt,
1441:Mary is a woman who loves. How could it be otherwise? As a believer who in faith thinks with God's thoughts and wills with God's will, she cannot fail to be a woman who loves. We sense this in her quiet gestures, as recounted by the infancy narratives in the Gospel. We see it in the delicacy with which she recognizes the need of the spouses at Cana and makes it known to Jesus. We see it in the humility with which she recedes into the background during Jesus' public life, knowing that the Son must establish a new family and that the Mother's hour will come only with the Cross, which will be Jesus' true hour (cf. Jn 2:4; 13:1). When the disciples flee, Mary will remain beneath the Cross (cf. Jn 19:25-27); later, at the hour of Pentecost, it will be they who gather around her as they wait for the Holy Spirit (cf. Acts 1:14). ~ Benedict XVI,
1442:the causes of poverty as put forth in the Bible are remarkably balanced. The Bible gives us a matrix of causes. One factor is oppression, which includes a judicial system weighted in favor of the powerful (Leviticus 19:15), or loans with excessive interest (Exodus 22:25-27), or unjustly low wages (Jeremiah 22:13; James 5:1-6). Ultimately, however, the prophets blame the rich when extremes of wealth and poverty in society appear (Amos 5:11-12; Ezekiel 22:29; Micah 2:2; Isaiah 5:8). As we have seen, a great deal of the Mosaic legislation was designed to keep the ordinary disparities between the wealthy and the poor from becoming aggravated and extreme. Therefore, whenever great disparities arose, the prophets assumed that to some degree it was the result of selfish individualism rather than concern with the common good. ~ Timothy J Keller,
1443:Truly, O God of Israel, our Savior,        you work in mysterious ways. 16 All craftsmen who make idols will be humiliated.        They will all be disgraced together. 17 But the LORD will save the people of Israel        with eternal salvation.   Throughout everlasting ages,        they will never again be humiliated and disgraced. 18 For the LORD is God,        and he created the heavens and earth        and put everything in place.   He made the world to be lived in,        not to be a place of empty chaos.   “I am the LORD,” he says,        “and there is no other. 19 I publicly proclaim bold promises.        I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner.   I would not have told the people of Israel[*] to seek me        if I could not be found.   I, the LORD, speak only what is true        and declare only what is right. ~ Anonymous,
1444:Even as the apostle Paul described his mission to unbelievers, so it is the primary task of all Christians to reach out to the lost “to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in [Christ]” (Acts 26:18; see also Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:5, 9). If we do not evangelize the lost and make disciples of new converts, nothing else we do for people—no matter how beneficial it seems—is of any eternal consequence. Whether a person is an atheist or a theist, a criminal or a model citizen, sexually promiscuous and perverse or strictly moral and virtuous, a greedy materialist or a gracious philanthropist—if he does not have a saving relationship with Christ, he is going to hell. ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
1445:When you think of investments and returns, call Mark 10. If you are depressed, call Psalm 27. If your pocketbook is empty, call Psalm 37. If people seem unkind, call John 15. If discouraged about your work, call Psalm 126. If you find the world growing small and yourself great, call Psalm 19. —AUTHOR UNKNOWN Emergency numbers may be dialed direct. No operator assistance is necessary. All lines to heaven are open 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Prayer: Father God, You say to call on You, that You will never forsake me. Thank You for giving me the Bible so I can be encouraged in times of emergency. Amen.   Action: Call one of the emergency phone numbers today to see what information you receive.   Today’s Wisdom: Without wise leadership, a nation is in trouble; but with good counselors there is safety. —PROVERBS 11:14 TLB ~ Emilie Barnes,
1446:14. The imperfect health [of soul], that is to say, the imperfect love, of the dying brings with it, of necessity, great fear; and the smaller the love, the greater is the fear. 15. This fear and horror is sufficient of itself alone (to say nothing of other things) to constitute the penalty of purgatory, since it is very near to the horror of despair. 16. Hell, purgatory, and heaven seem to differ as do despair, almost-despair, and the assurance of safety. 17. With souls in purgatory it seems necessary that horror should grow less and love increase. 18. It seems unproved, either by reason or Scripture, that they are outside the state of merit, that is to say, of increasing love. 19. Again, it seems unproved that they, or at least that all of them, are certain or assured of their own blessedness, though we may be quite certain of it. ~ Martin Luther,
1447:Although suffering is negative, it is part of life—especially the growth part of life. No one grows to maturity who does not understand suffering. (We say more about suffering in chapter 11.) For example, dealing with our hurts, sins, and failures involves pain, both within us and in our relationships with others. Many times people see Jesus’ example as a way to avoid suffering. They focus on his power, glory, and majesty in his role as King of kings (Rev. 19:16). They identify with his victory over sin and darkness. At the same time, even though we are “in Christ” and we know that everything will ultimately be okay, here on earth today things aren’t yet okay. Remember that Israel was given the Promised Land, but they had to wait forty years to possess it. In the same way, we have much work to do before we celebrate the final victory. ~ Henry Cloud,
1448:Geoff Wade, pointed out that China is ‘openly utilising its financial clout globally to facilitate expanded strategic leverage. Chinese capital is, without doubt, being employed as a strategic tool.’19 British, American and Japanese investors do not hail from one-party states that habitually use overseas trade and investment to pressure and coerce other countries into policy positions sympathetic to their strategic interests. For them the guiding principle is not ‘economic ties serve political goals’. Nor do they bring modes of operating that are secretive, deceptive and frequently corrupt, and whose important decisions are often made by political cadres embedded in companies and answerable to a totalitarian party at home. Only when the Chinese state no longer operates in these ways should we treat Chinese investment like any other. ~ Clive Hamilton,
1449:It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry; for this delicate little plant, aside from stimulation, stands mainly in need of freedom; without this it goes to wreck and ruin without fail. It is a very grave mistake to think that the enjoyment of seeing and searching can be promoted by means of coercion and a sense of duty. To the contrary, I believe it would be possible to rob even a healthy beast of prey of its voraciousness, if it were possible, with the aid of a whip, to force the beast to devour continuously, even when not hungry, especially if the food, handed out under such coercion, were to be selected accordingly. ~ Albert Einstein; quoted in "Autobiographical Notes", Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, Paul Schilpp, ed. (1951), pp. 17-19.,
1450:Everything in the Book of the Revelation relates to the Lamb. The throne is the throne of the Lamb (22:1) and the heavenly city is the temple of the Lamb (21:22). The light in the city is the Lamb: “The Lamb is its light” (21:23). The marriage is the marriage of the Lamb (19:7) and the bride is the wife of the Lamb (21:9). The book that has the names of the saved in it is the Lamb’s Book of Life (21:27), and the song that is sung by the victors is the song of Moses and the Lamb (15:3). When we get to heaven, we will not be able to escape the fact that Jesus Christ is God’s Lamb! What a tragedy that many religious people today don’t want to hear about Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. They want Jesus the Teacher, Jesus the Healer, Jesus the Example; but they don’t want Jesus the Savior who shed his precious blood to save a sinful world. ~ Warren W Wiersbe,
1451:By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April's breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world.

The foe long since in silence slept;
Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;
And Time the ruined bridge has swept
Down the dark stream which seaward creeps.

On this green bank, by this soft stream,
We set today a votive stone;
That memory may their deed redeem,
When, like our sires, our sons are gone.

Spirit, that made those heroes dare
To die, and leave their children free,
Bid Time and Nature gently spare
The shaft we raise to them and thee.
This poem was written to be sung at the completion of the Concord Monument, April 19, 1836
by owner. provided at no charge for educational purposes

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Concord Hymn
1452:Weiss shows that the U.S. approach generates far more social wealth. True, the information is initially provided for free, but a thriving private weather industry has sprung up which takes the publicly funded data as its raw material and then adds value to it. The U.S. weather risk management industry, for example, is more than ten times bigger than the European one, employing more people, producing more valuable products, generating more social wealth. Another study estimates that Europe invests 9.5 billion Euros in weather data and gets approximately 68 billion back in economic value—in everything from more efficient farming and construction decisions to better holiday planning—a sevenfold multiplier. The United States, by contrast, invests twice as much—19 billion—but gets back a return of 750 billion Euros, a thirty-nine-fold multiplier. ~ Anonymous,
1453:16“For  h God so loved  i the world, [9]  j that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not  k perish but have eternal life. 17For  l God did not send his Son into the world  m to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. 18 n Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not  o believed in the name of the only Son of God. 19 p And this is the judgment:  q the light has come into the world, and  r people loved the darkness rather than the light because  s their works were evil. 20 t For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light,  u lest his works should be exposed. 21But whoever  v does what is true  w comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God. ~ Anonymous,
1454:19 For God in all his fullness       was pleased to live in Christ, 20 and through him God reconciled       everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth       by means of Christ’s blood on the cross. 21 This includes you who were once far away from God. You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions. 22 Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault. 23 But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it. Don’t drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News. The Good News has been preached all over the world, and I, Paul, have been appointed as God’s servant to proclaim it. ~ Anonymous,
1455:War Music [down On Your Knees, Achilles]
An account of books 16-19 of the Iliad by Homer.
Down on your knees, Achilles. Farther down.
Now forward on your hands and put your face into the dirt,
And scrub it to and fro.
Grief has you by the hair with one
And with the forceps of its other hand
Uses your mouth to trowel the dogshit up;
Watches you lift your arms to Heaven; and then
Pounces and screws your nose into the filth.
Gods have plucked drawstrings from your head,
And from the templates of your upper lip
Modelled their bows.
Not now. Not since
Your grieving reaches out and pistol-whips
That envied face, until
Frightened to bear your black, backbreaking agony alone,
You sank, throat back, thrown back, your voice
Thrown out across the sea to reach your Source.
~ Christopher Logue,
1456:LISTEN TO ME CONTINUALLY. I have much to communicate to you, so many people and situations in need of prayer. I am training you to set your mind on Me more and more, tuning out distractions through the help of My Spirit. Walk with Me in holy trust, responding to My initiatives rather than trying to make things fit your plans. I died to set you free, and that includes freedom from compulsive planning. When your mind spins with a multitude of thoughts, you cannot hear My voice. A mind preoccupied with planning pays homage to the idol of control. Turn from this idolatry back to Me. Listen to Me and live abundantly! So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. JOHN 8 : 36 Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails. PROVERBS 19 : 21 “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” JOHN 10 : 27 ~ Sarah Young,
1457:Actually, the great traveler is usually a small, mussy person in a faded, green, fuzzy hat, inconspicuous in a corner of the steamer bar. He speaks only one language, and that gloomily. He knows all the facts about 19 countries except the home lives, wage scales, exports, religions, politics, agriculture, history and languages of those countries. He is as valuable as Baedeker in regard to hotels and railroads, only not so accurate. He who has seen one cathedral ten times has seen something. He who has seen ten cathedrals once has seen but little, and he who has spent half an hour in each of a hundred cathedrals has seen nothing at all. Four hundred pictures on a wall are four hundred times less interesting than one picture, and no one knows a cafe until he has gone there often enough to know the names of the waiters. These are the laws of travel. ~ Sinclair Lewis,
1458:GARDENS OR FIELDS? Craig Blomberg points out that in Matthew’s parable of the mustard seed, the sower sows his seed in a “field” (agros, Matt 13:31), while in Luke the sowing is in a “garden” (kepos, Luke 13:19). Jews never grew mustard plants in gardens, but always out on farms, while Greeks in the Mediterranean basin did the opposite. It appears that each gospel writer was changing the word that Jesus used in Mark—the word for “earth” or “ground” (ge, Mark 4:31) — for the sake of his hearers. There is a technical contradiction between the Matthean and Lukan terms, states Blomberg, “but not a material one. Luke changes the wording precisely so that his audience is not distracted from… the lesson by puzzling over an… improbable practice.” The result is that Luke’s audience “receives his teaching with the same impact as the original audience.”22 ~ Timothy J Keller,
1459:Thus, in the Kali age will decay constantly proceed, until the human race approaches its annihilation (pralaya). . . . When the close of the Kali age shall be nigh, a portion of that divine being which exists, if its own spiritual nature . . . shall descend on Earth . . . as Kalki (Avatar) endowed with the eight superhuman faculties. . . . He will re-establish righteousness on Earth, and the minds of those who live at the end of Kali-Yuga shall be awakened and become as pellucid as crystal. The men who are thus changed. . . shall be the seeds of human beings, and shall give birth to a race who shall follow the laws of the Krita age, (the age of purity). As it is said, 'When the sun and moon and the lunar asterism Tishya and the planet Jupiter are in one mansion the Krita (or Satya) age shall return.' ~ Helena Roerich, Letters of Helena Roerich II, 19 March 1936 »,
1460:ECC10.14 A fool also is full of words: a man cannot tell what shall be; and what shall be after him, who can tell him?  ECC10.15 The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knoweth not how to go to the city. ECC10.16 Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes eat in the morning!  ECC10.17 Blessed art thou, O land, when thy king is the son of nobles, and thy princes eat in due season, for strength, and not for drunkenness!  ECC10.18 By much slothfulness the building decayeth; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through. ECC10.19 A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things. ECC10.20 Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter. ~ Anonymous,
1461:Use the Keys They who seek (inquire of and require) the Lord [by right of their need and on the authority of His Word], none of them shall lack any beneficial thing. PSALM 34:10 Jesus said, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind (declare to be improper and unlawful) on earth must be what is already bound in heaven; and whatever you loose (declare lawful) on earth must be what is already loosed in heaven” (Matthew 16:19). As a believer, you have authority to live a life of victory and to forbid the devil to torment you. It is not lawful for him to destroy you in heaven, so it is not lawful for him to destroy you during your days on earth. Use the keys of the kingdom of heaven that Jesus has passed to you. Loose God’s blessings upon your efforts and bind the evil works that come against the fruit of your labors today. ~ Joyce Meyer,
1462:Si bien Estados Unidos puede tolerar la desobediencia de Turquía —aunque con disgusto—, China es más difícil de pasar por alto. La prensa advierte que «los inversores y comerciantes de China están ahora llenando un vacío en Irán en un momento en el que empresas de otras muchas naciones, sobre todo de Europa, se retiran» y, en particular, que China está expandiendo su papel dominante en las industrias de energía de Irán.19 Washington está reaccionando con un punto de desesperación. El Departamento de Estado advirtió a China que si quiere ser aceptada en la «comunidad internacional» —un término técnico para referirse a Estados Unidos y quien esté de acuerdo con él— no debe «esquivar y evadir las responsabilidades internacionales, [que] son claras», a saber: seguir las órdenes de Estados Unidos.20 Es poco probable que eso impresione mucho a China. También ~ Noam Chomsky,
1463:On July 1, everyone wakes up to the news that nineteen firefighters have been killed in the Yarnell Hill Fire in Arizona. The Granite Mountain Hotshots are one of the most storied and highly trained groups of firefighting professionals in the world, and yet a fast-growing fire started by lightning overran nineteen of its members. When they realized the fire was upon them, the firefighters deployed their safety shelters, but the shelters were not protective enough to withstand the intense heat of the blaze. The Yarnell Hill Fire has the highest death toll of any U.S. wildfire since the 1991 East Bay Hills fire killed twenty-five people. It is the sixth deadliest American wildfire and the deadliest wildfire ever in the state of Arizona. Starting today, the Colorado Rockies baseball team will wear 19 on all of their jerseys to honor the fallen firefighters. ~ Pam Houston,
1464:5. But – and this is the final ‘do’ – a successful innovation aims at leadership. It does not aim necessarily at becoming eventually a ‘big business’; in fact, no one can foretell whether a given innovation will end up as a big business or a modest achievement. But if an innovation does not aim at leadership from the beginning, it is unlikely to be innovative enough, and therefore unlikely to be capable of establishing itself. Strategies (to be discussed in Chapters 16 to 19) vary greatly, from those that aim at dominance in an industry or a market to those that aim at finding and occupying a small ‘ecological niche’ in a process or market. But all entrepreneurial strategies, that is, all strategies aimed at exploiting an innovation, must achieve leadership within a given environment. Otherwise they will simply create an opportunity for the competition. ~ Peter F Drucker,
1465:From modest origins, the Treasury offices proliferated until they occupied the entire block. The 1791 city directory gives an anatomy of this burgeoning department, with 8 employees in Hamilton’s office, 13 in the comptroller’s, 15 in the auditor’s, 19 in the register’s, 3 in the treasurer’s, 14 in the office for settling accounts between the federal government and the states, and 21 in the customs office on Second Street, with an additional 122 customs collectors and surveyors scattered in various ports. By the standards of the day, this represented a prodigious bureaucracy. For its critics, it was a monster in the making, inciting fears that the department would become the Treasury secretary’s personal spy force and military machine. Swollen by the Customs Service, the Treasury Department payroll ballooned to more than five hundred employees under Hamilton, ~ Ron Chernow,
1466:STRUCTURAL CHANGE: NETWORK EFFECTS TURN FIRMS INSIDE OUT As we’ve seen, in the industrial era, giant companies relied on supply-side economies of scale. By contrast, most Internet era giants rely on demand-side economies of scale. Firms such as Airbnb, Uber, Dropbox, Threadless, Upwork, Google, and Facebook are not valuable because of their cost structures: the capital they employ, the machinery they run, or the human resources they command. They are valuable because of the communities that participate in their platforms. The reason Instagram sold for $1 billion is not its thirteen employees; the reason WhatsApp sold for $19 billion wasn’t its fifty employees. The reasons were the same: the network effects both organizations had created. Standard accounting practices might not factor the value of communities into the value of a firm, but stock markets do. ~ Geoffrey G Parker,
1467:• At 1 A.M. I'd pull on my coat, my boots. Walk down the stairway, out the door, down the long driveway to the road. Sometimes, I'd go to the stoned boy's house. We'd sit and watch TV. We'd have sex, sometimes. I remember only that the bedroom had two windows through which blue light spilled, and it smelled sticky sweet. His guitar leaned against the wall. Sometimes, I'd just walk. Down roads and up roads, through hills, through the neighborhoods, cold. Counting the small squares of lamplight in the houses where someone was still awake. I wondered who they were, and what kept them up. I went down to the little strip mall, the all-night 7-Elevena single glow beside the dark bluegrass bar, the dark deli, the dark beauty salon, Acrylic's Only $19. I bought a thirty-two-ounce cup of coffee, black. I sat outside on the bench, smoking, holding the cup in both hands. ~ Marya Hornbacher,
1468:MAT13.19 When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side. MAT13.20 But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it; MAT13.21 Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended. MAT13.22 He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful. MAT13.23 But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. ~ Anonymous,
1469:If I were to ask you, “What does the fine linen the bride is wearing stand for?” you might be inclined to say, “The righteousness of Christ that covers us.” Significantly, however, the text says something different: “Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints” (Revelation 19:8). It’s only because of the Bridegroom’s work that the chosen princess, the church, can enter the presence of her Lord. Yet her wedding dress is woven through her many acts of faithfulness while away from her Bridegroom on the fallen Earth. The picture is compelling. Each prayer, each gift, each hour of fasting, each kindness to the needy, all of these are the threads that have been woven together into this wedding dress. Her works have been empowered by the Spirit, and she has spent her life on Earth sewing her wedding dress for the day when she will be joined to her beloved Bridegroom. ~ Randy Alcorn,
1470:With extraordinary prescience, Churchill then made another point, full of foreboding. ‘There is a danger,’ he warned, ‘of the odious conditions now ruling in Germany being extended by conquest to Poland, and another persecution and pogrom of Jews being begun in this new area.’6 There were six hundred thousand Jews in Germany in 1933, and more than three million in Poland. At a time when most British politicians doubted Germany’s aggressive intentions, Churchill’s forecast seemed far-fetched. Within ten years it had come to pass. The Nazis, who were assiduously courting Western opinion, were angered by Churchill’s speech, especially his censure of their anti-Jewish measures. On 19 April a correspondent of the Birmingham Post reported from Berlin: ‘Today newspapers are full with “sharp warnings” for England.’ One headline referred to ‘Mr Winston Churchill’s “impudence”’. ~ Martin Gilbert,
1471:Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bow from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrow may go swift and far. Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness; For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.19 ~ M Scott Peck,
1472:A model for visual recall tasks was presented in terms of visual information storage (VIS), scanning, rehearsal, and auditory information storage (AIS). It was shown first that brief visual stimuli are stored in VIS in a form similar to the sensory input. These visual “images” contain considerably more information than is transmitted later. They can be sampled by scanning for items at high rates of about 10 msec per letter. Recall is based on a verbal receding of the stimulus (rehearsal), which is remembered in AIS. The items retained in AIS are usually rehearsed again to prevent them from decaying. The human limits in immediate-memory (reproduction) tasks are inherent in the AIS-Rehearsal loop. The main implication of the model for human factors is the importance of the auditory coding in visual tasks. ~ Sperling, G (1963). "A Model for Visual Memory Tasks". 5 (1): 19–31.,
1473:There is a somewhat surprising source of cyclic groups: if p is prime, the group ((Z/pZ) ! , ·) is cyclic. We will prove a more general statement when we have accumulated more machinery (Theorem IV.6.10), but the adventurous reader can already enjoy a proof by working out Exercise 4.11. This is a relatively deep fact; note that, for example, (Z/12Z) ! is not cyclic (cf. Exercise 2.19, and Exercise 4.10). The fact that (Z/pZ) ! is cyclic for p prime means that there must be integers a such that every non-multiple of p is congruent to a power of a; the usual proofs of this fact are not constructive, that is, they do not explicitly produce an integer with this property. There is a very pretty connection between the order of an element of the cyclic group (Z/pZ) ! and the so-called ‘cyclotomic polynomials’; but that will have to wait for a little field theory (cf. Exercise VII.5.15 ~ Anonymous,
1474:In the 1930s hourly wages for the majority of Germans were counted not in Reichsmarks, let alone PPP-adjusted dollars of 1990, but in Pfennigs. Only the most highly paid workers such as skilled machinists or typesetters earned more than one Reichsmark per hour. At the other end of the scale, the lowest-paid male workers in sawmills and textile factories were on hourly rates of 59 Pfennigs.19 Unskilled women workers in textiles or the food industries could expect no more than 42-5 Pfennigs. In 1936, with the German economy at full employment, 14.5 million people, 62 per cent of all German taxpayers, reported annual incomes of less than 1,500 Reichsmarks, corresponding to weekly earnings of just over 30 Reichsmarks and hourly rates of about 141 60 Pfennigs.20 A further 21 per cent, or 5 million white-collar and blue-collar workers, reported annual incomes of between 1,500 and 2,400 ~ Anonymous,
1475:Os anéis, como se sabia desde o século 19, não eram sólidos; isso era uma impossibilidade mecânica. Eles consistiam em incontáveis miríades de fragmentos, talvez os restos de uma lua que havia se aproximado demais e sido despedaçada pela grande força de maré do planeta. Qualquer que fosse sua origem, a raça humana teve a sorte de ter visto tal maravilha; ela só poderia existir por um breve momento na história do Sistema Solar.
Há muito tempo, em 1945, um astrônomo britânico havia enfatizado que os anéis eram efêmeros; havia forças gravitacionais em ação que em breve os destruiriam. Recuando esse argumento no tempo, deduziu-se que eles haviam sido criados apenas recentemente - uns meros dois ou três milhões de anos atrás.
Mas ninguém jamais pensará minimamente na curiosa coincidência de que os anéis de Saturno haviam nascido ao mesmo ao mesmo tempo que a raça humana. ~ Arthur C Clarke,
1476:The Pessimist
Nothing to do but work,
Nothing to eat but food,
Nothing to wear but clothes
To keep one from going nude.
Nothing to breathe but air
Quick as a flash 't is gone;
Nowhere to fall but off,
Nowhere to stand but on.
Nothing to comb but hair,
Nowhere to sleep but in bed,
Nothing to weep but tears,
Nothing to bury but dead.
Nothing to sing but songs,
Ah, well, alas! alack!
Nowhere to go but out,
Nowhere to come but back.
Nothing to see but sights,
Nothing to quench but thirst,
Nothing to have but what we've got;
Thus thro' life we are cursed.
Nothing to strike but a gait;
Everything moves that goes.
Nothing at all but common sense
Can ever withstand these woes.
~ Benjamin Franklin King,
1477:Barabbas (“Son of the Father”) is a kind of Messianic figure. Two interpretations of Messianic hope are juxtaposed here in the offer of the Passover amnesty. In terms of Roman law, it is a case of two criminals convicted of the same offense—two rebels against the Pax Romana. It is clear that Pilate prefers the nonviolent “fanatic” that he sees in Jesus. Yet the crowd and the Temple authorities have different categories. If the Temple aristocracy felt constrained to declare: “We have no king but Caesar” (Jn 19:15), this only appears to be a renunciation of Israel’s Messianic hope: “We do not want this king” is what they mean. They would like to see a different solution to the problem. Again and again, mankind will be faced with this same choice: to say yes to the God who works only through the power of truth and love, or to build on something tangible and concrete—on violence. Jesus ~ Benedict XVI,
1478:Cuento de viejas (Arnold Bennett) - Tu subrayado en la página 33 | Location 496-501 | Añadido el martes, 24 de marzo de 2015 16:24:19 «Esa mujer fue una vez joven y delgada, quizá bella; desde luego no tenía ese ridículo amaneramiento. Es muy probable que no se dé cuenta de sus rarezas. Su caso es una tragedia. La historia de una mujer como ella da materia para una novela desgarradora». No es que todas las mujeres gordas y viejas sean grotescas, ¡nada de eso!, pero hay un extremado patetismo en el simple hecho de que todas las mujeres gordas y viejas fueron una vez muchachas con el singular encanto de la juventud en su figura y sus movimientos y en su espíritu. Y el hecho de que el paso de la muchacha a la mujer gorda y vieja esté compuesto por un número infinito de cambios infinitesimales, ninguno de los cuales ella llega a percibir, no hace sino intensificar ese patetismo. ========== ~ Anonymous,
1479:Being traumatized is not just an issue of being stuck in the past; it is just as much a problem of not being fully alive in the present. One form of exposure treatment is virtual-reality therapy in which veterans wear high-tech goggles that make it possible to refight the battle of Fallujah in lifelike detail. As far as I know, the US Marines performed very well in combat. The problem is that they cannot tolerate being home. Recent studies of Australian combat veterans show that their brains are rewired to be alert for emergencies, at the expense of being focused on the small details of everyday life.43 (We’ll learn more about this in chapter 19, on neurofeedback.) More than virtual-reality therapy, traumatized patients need “real world” therapy, which helps them to feel as alive when walking through the local supermarket or playing with their kids as they did in the streets of Baghdad. ~ Bessel A van der Kolk,
1480:The Beatitudes of Revelation 1. Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it. (Revelation 1:3) 2. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. (Revelation 14:13) 3. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame. (Revelation 16:15) 4. Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb! (Revelation 19:9) 5. Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years. (Revelation 20:6) 6. Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book. (Revelation 22:7) 7. Blessed are those who do His commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. (Revelation 22:14) ~ David Jeremiah,
1481:In an egalitarian and democraticised society (in the broader sense of the term); in a society in which there are no longer any casts, functional organic classes or Orders; in a society in which ‘culture’ is standardised, extrinsic, utilitarian, and tradition is no longer a living, forming force; in a society in which Pindar’s ‘be thyself’ has become but a meaningless phrase;19 in a society in which character amounts to a luxury that only fools can afford, whereas inner weakness is the norm; in a society, finally, in which whatever lies above racial, ethnic and national difference has been replaced by what effectively lies below all this and which, therefore, has a shapeless and hybrid character — in such a society, forces are at work that in the long run are bound to influence the very constitution of individuals, thus affecting everything typical and differentiated, even in the psycho-physical field. ~ Julius Evola,
1482:PEACE BE WITH YOU! Ever since the resurrection, this has been My watchword to those who yearn for Me. As you sit quietly, let My Peace settle over you and enfold you in My loving Presence. To provide this radiant Peace for you, I died a criminal’s death. Receive My Peace abundantly and thankfully. It is a rare treasure, dazzling in delicate beauty yet strong enough to withstand all onslaughts. Wear My Peace with regal dignity. It will keep your heart and mind close to Mine. On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” . . . Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” JOHN 20 : 19, 21 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. ~ Sarah Young,
1483:THE INCARNATION AND THE “UPSIDE-DOWN” ASPECT OF THE GOSPEL Because Jesus was the king who became a servant, we see a reversal of values in his kingdom administration (Luke 6:20 – 26). In Jesus’ kingdom, the poor, sorrowful, and persecuted are above the rich, recognized, and satisfied. The first shall be last (Matt 19:30). Why would this be? This reversal is a way of imitating the pattern of Christ’s salvation (Phil 2:1–11). Though Jesus was rich, he became poor. Though he was a king, he served. Though he was the greatest, he made himself the servant of all. He triumphed over sin not by taking up power but by serving sacrificially. He “won” through losing everything. This is a complete reversal of the world’s way of thinking, which values power, recognition, wealth, and status. The gospel, then, creates a new kind of servant community, with people who live out an entirely alternate way of being human. ~ Timothy J Keller,
1484:FEBRUARY 3 MY FIRE WILL CONSUME THE WORKS OF WITCHCRAFT AND OCCULTISM DO NOT TURN away from Me to serve other gods, for if you turn your children away from Me to serve other gods, My anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you. Break down the altars of witchcraft and burn any occultic idols in the fire. For you are a people holy to Me. I have chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be My people, My treasured possession. Do not test My promises to you and turn to witchcraft and idols, for I will cause a fire to consume your wickedness just as I did with the children of Israel. ACTS 19:18–20; DEUTERONOMY 7:3–6; PSALM 106:16–23 Prayer Declaration Lord, release Your fire and burn up the idols of this land. Let the works of witchcraft and occultism be burned in Your fire. Let Your flame be kindled against wicked spirits, and let demons be exposed and cast out with Your fire. ~ John Eckhardt,
1485:Paul’s Prayer for Spiritual Growth 14 When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father,[*] 15 the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth.[*] 16 I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. 17 Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. 18 And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. 19 May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. 20 Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. 21 Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all ~ Anonymous,
1486:If Peter and Paul, in seeking to find justification in Christ, are found to be sinners outside the covenant just like the Gentiles, then is Christ responsible for their sin? Paul dismisses such an idea as nonsense (2:17). On the contrary, restoring the law as the basis of one’s relationship with God (2:18) would indict them as sinners, for the new age of salvation has arrived and with it the dissolution of the old covenant. Now all believers have died to the law and live to God. In other words, Paul (along with all believers) has now been crucified with Christ (2:19). His new life is lived in faith in the Christ who gave himself for him on the cross (2:20). It follows, therefore, that if Paul (or any other person) required the Gentiles to keep the food laws, he would be rejecting the grace of God. In returning to the righteousness of the law, he would be teaching that Christ died for nothing (2:21).7 ~ Thomas R Schreiner,
1487:Despite claims that these radical policy changes were driven by fiscal conservatism—i.e., the desire to end big government and slash budget deficits—the reality is that government was not reducing the amount of money devoted to the management of the urban poor. It was radically altering what the funds would be used for. The dramatic shift toward punitiveness resulted in a massive reallocation of public resources. By 1996, the penal budget doubled the amount that had been allocated to AFDC or food stamps.100 Similarly, funding that had once been used for public housing was being redirected to prison construction. During Clinton’s tenure, Washington slashed funding for public housing by $17 billion (a reduction of 61 percent) and boosted corrections by $19 billion (an increase of 171 percent), “effectively making the construction of prisons the nation’s main housing program for the urban poor.”101 Clinton ~ Michelle Alexander,
1488:1:8 The apostles’ mission of spreading the gospel was the major reason the Holy Spirit empowered them. This event dramatically altered world history, and the gospel message eventually reached all parts of the earth (Matt. 28:19, 20). receive power. The apostles had already experienced the Holy Spirit’s saving, guiding, teaching, and miracle-working power. Soon they would receive His indwelling presence and a new dimension of power for witness (2:4; 1 Cor. 6:19, 20; Eph. 3:16, 20). witnesses. People who tell the truth about Jesus Christ (John 14:26; 1 Pet. 3:15). The Greek word means “one who dies for his faith” because that was commonly the price of witnessing. Judea. The region in which Jerusalem was located. Samaria. The region immediately to the north of Judea. Jesus Ascends to Heaven 9Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
1489:Poem 19
LEt no lamenting cryes, nor dolefull teares,
Be heard all night within nor yet without:
Ne let false whispers breeding hidden feares,
Breake gentle sleepe with misconceiued dout.
Let no deluding dreames, nor dreadful sights
Make sudden sad affrights;
Ne let housefyres, nor lightnings helpelesse harmes,
Ne led the Ponke, nor other euill sprights,
Ne let mischiuous witches with theyr charmes,
Ne let hob Goblins, names whose sence we see not,
Fray vs with things that be not.
Let not the shriech Oule, nor the Storke be heard:
Nor the night Rauen that still deadly yels,
Nor damned ghosts cald vp with mighty spels,
Nor griefly vultures make vs once affeard:
Ne let th'unpleasant Quyre of Frogs still croking
Make vs to wish theyr choking.
Let none of these theyr drery accents sing;
Ne let the woods them answer, nor theyr eccho ring.
~ Edmund Spenser,
1490:19 For God is pleased with you when you do what you know is right and patiently endure unfair treatment. 20 Of course, you get no credit for being patient if you are beaten for doing wrong. But if you suffer for doing good and endure it patiently, God is pleased with you. 21 For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered* for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps. 22 He never sinned,       nor ever deceived anyone.* 23 He did not retaliate when he was insulted,       nor threaten revenge when he suffered. He left his case in the hands of God,       who always judges fairly. 24 He personally carried our sins       in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin       and live for what is right. By his wounds       you are healed. 25 Once you were like sheep       who wandered away. But now you have turned to your Shepherd,       the Guardian of your souls. ~ Anonymous,
1491:With modern Western diets, the body must work hard to keep the blood from becoming overly acidic from the excess animal protein being eaten. To do this, it uses alkaline bone tissue substances such as bicarbonates and calcium. This can lead to the loss of bone density and helps explain the high rates of osteoporosis in cultures where people eat large quantities of acidifying animal foods. Osteoporosis rates among the Eskimo people, who eat an almost completely flesh-based diet, are among the highest in the world.18 Next are northern Europeans and North Americans, who eat high quantities of flesh, eggs, and dairy products.19 While there are other factors that may affect bone health, such as vitamin and mineral intake, levels of loadbearing exercise, and mental and emotional factors, there is evidence that brittle bones and osteoporosis are correlated with eating the large amounts of animal protein typical of our meals. ~ Will Tuttle,
1492:APRIL 15 Peculiar Treasure Now therefore, if you will obey My voice in truth and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own peculiar possession and treasure from among and above all peoples; for all the earth is Mine. And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests, a holy nation [consecrated, set apart to the worship of God]. EXODUS 19:5-6 Self-rejection and self-hatred can almost seem pious in a sense. They can become a way of punishing yourself for your mistakes, failures, and inabilities. People cannot be perfect, so they sometimes reject and despise themselves. Do you lack appreciation for your own worth and value? You may not feel treasured or even acceptable, but you are. In Ephesians 1:6, Paul says that all who believe in Christ have been “accepted in the beloved.” What joyous and amazing affirmation! Surely you are valuable; otherwise your heavenly Father would not have paid such a heavy price for your redemption. ~ Joyce Meyer,
1493:Because Jewish thinking took many forms in different parts of the ancient world, it is valuable to be more precise in this case. Whereas Jewish people who liked apocalyptic literature would particularly appreciate Revelation, Jews in the Diaspora would appreciate Hebrews, and groups such as the Essenes might appreciate John’s Gospel, Matthew often moves in a more “rabbinic” world. That is, the views and arguments of teachers and interpreters of the law, who came to be called rabbis, are very relevant to Matthew’s Gospel. Most of the sources from which we know rabbinic thought are later, but they offer numerous parallels to Matthew’s ways of handling Scripture and intimate understanding of Pharisaic debates with Jesus (e.g., see notes on 19:3; 23:25–26). Because Jesus was himself a sage and engaged in discussion, and often debate, with Pharisaic teachers, Matthew continues to engage a world within which Jesus himself moved. ◆ ~ Anonymous,
1494:Had the cold war gone hot, there’s no question but that religious fervor would have played a role in the battle against “godless Communism.” Not “brutal” communism, not “economically suicidal” communism, not “anti-democratic” communism. Godless. In 1957, midway between McCarthyism and the Cuban Missile Crisis, the words “In God We Trust” were added to U.S. paper currency. In 1954, “under God” was added to the Pledge of Allegiance that had previously said, “one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”19 Note that “In God We Trust” had been added to U.S. coins by the Union during the Civil War.20 Abraham Lincoln himself said, “Both (sides) read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid against the other.”21 But it was the Union that stamped its claim to God’s allegiance on the coins.22 Warring parties want strong allies, and God is one ally who can be recruited simply by declaration. ~ Valerie Tarico,
1495:What is fatah? We can easily see and resist the effects of jihad in militant terrorism, but we have trouble seeing and resisting the more subtle strategy that the Muslims call fatah. Fatah is infiltration, moving into a country in numbers large enough to affect the culture. It means taking advantage of tolerant laws and accommodative policies to insert the influence of Islam. In places where a military invasion will not succeed, the slow, systematic, and unrelenting methods of fatah are conquering whole nations. An illustration is: A demographic revolution is taking place today in France. Some experts are projecting that by the year 2040, 80 percent of the population of France will be Muslim. At that point the Muslim majority will control commerce, industry, education, and religion. They will also control the government, as well, and occupy all the key positions in the French Parliament. And a Muslim will be president.19 ~ David Jeremiah,
1496:Two experiments demonstrated that subvocalization is of value in reading for certain types of meaning. Blocking subvocalization by requiring subjects to count or say “cola-colacola …” aloud impaired their reading comprehension but generally not their listening comprehension. The effect of blocking subvocalization was found to be specific to tests that required integration of concepts within or across sentences, as contrasted with tests that required only memory of individual word concepts. Two hypotheses were offered: first, that subvocalization results in a more durable memory representation needed for integration of concepts; and second, that subvocalization enables a prosodic restructuring that makes information needed for sentence comprehension accessible. ~ Maria L. Slowiaczek, Charles Clifton Jr., “Subvocalization and reading for meaning”,Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, Volume 19, Issue 5, October 1980, Pages 573-582,
1497:18 Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping—believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, “That’s how many descendants you will have!”* 19 And Abraham’s faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead—and so was Sarah’s womb. 20 Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. 21 He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises. 22 And because of Abraham’s faith, God counted him as righteous. 23 And when God counted him as righteous, it wasn’t just for Abraham’s benefit. It was recorded 24 for our benefit, too, assuring us that God will also count us as righteous if we believe in him, the one who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. 25 He was handed over to die because of our sins, and he was raised to life to make us right with God. ~ Anonymous,
1498:Hanging Fire
I am fourteen
and my skin has betrayed me
the boy I cannot live without
still sucks his thumb
in secret
how come my knees are
always so ashy
what if I die
before morning
and momma's in the bedroom
with the door closed.
I have to learn how to dance
in time for the next party
my room is too small for me
suppose I die before graduation
they will sing sad melodies
but finally
tell the truth about me
There is nothing I want to do
and too much
that has to be done
and momma's in the bedroom
with the door closed.
Nobody even stops to think
about my side of it
I should have been on Math Team
my marks were better than his
why do I have to be
the one
wearing braces
I have nothing to wear tomorrow
will I live long enough
to grow up
and momma's in the bedroom
with the door closed.
~ Audre Lorde,
1499:Like my aunt, alexithymics substitute the language of action for that of emotion. When asked, “How would you feel if you saw a truck coming at you at eighty miles per hour?” most people would say, “I’d be terrified” or “I’d be frozen with fear.” An alexithymic might reply, “How would I feel? I don’t know. . . . I’d get out of the way.”18 They tend to register emotions as physical problems rather than as signals that something deserves their attention. Instead of feeling angry or sad, they experience muscle pain, bowel irregularities, or other symptoms for which no cause can be found. About three quarters of patients with anorexia nervosa, and more than half of all patients with bulimia, are bewildered by their emotional feelings and have great difficulty describing them.19 When researchers showed pictures of angry or distressed faces to people with alexithymia, they could not figure out what those people were feeling.20 ~ Bessel A van der Kolk,
1500:Beyler," dedi, "gidip şu kulübeyi ölçmenizi rica ediyorum. Tezgahın uzunluğunun 149 santimetre olduğunu göreceksiniz, yani Dünya ile Güneş arasındaki uzaklığın yüz milyarda biri. Kulübenin arka tarafının yüksekliğini, pencerelerin genişliğine bölerseniz 176:56=3,14 çıkar. Ön tarafın yüksekliği 19 desimetredir; bu da, Yunan aydönümü yıllarının sayısına eşittir. İki ön köşenin yüksekliği ile iki arka köşenin yüksekliğinin toplamı işe (190x2)+(176x2)=732'dir; bu da Poitiers zaferinin tarihidir. Tezgahın kalınlığı 3,10 santimetre, pencerenin kornişinin genişliği ise 8,8 santimetredir. Tam sayıların yerine onlara denk düşen alfebe harflerini (3 yerine C, 8 yerine H) koyarsak, C10H8'i elde ederiz. Bu da naftalinin formülüdür."

"Olağanüstü!" dedim, "Bütün bu ölçümleri yaptınız mı?"

"Hayır," dedi Aglié, "Jean-Pierre Adam diye biri, başka bir kulübe üstünde yaptı. Sanırım piyango bileti satılan kulübelerin boyutları az çok aynıdır. ~ Umberto Eco,

IN CHAPTERS [300/4093]

3563 Integral Yoga
   79 Poetry
   73 Christianity
   63 Occultism
   51 Fiction
   32 Psychology
   28 Science
   23 Education
   16 Mysticism
   11 Philosophy
   9 Mythology
   8 Yoga
   6 Integral Theory
   3 Theosophy
   3 Buddhism
   3 Baha i Faith
   2 Cybernetics
   1 Thelema
   1 Philsophy
   1 Kabbalah
   1 Alchemy

2360 The Mother
1383 Satprem
1118 Sri Aurobindo
   98 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   45 H P Lovecraft
   43 Aleister Crowley
   37 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   32 A B Purani
   31 Carl Jung
   18 Anonymous
   16 William Butler Yeats
   14 Nirodbaran
   13 Jorge Luis Borges
   11 George Van Vrekhem
   10 Percy Bysshe Shelley
   10 Paul Richard
   9 Li Bai
   8 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   8 Sri Ramakrishna
   8 Joseph Campbell
   7 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   7 Rudolf Steiner
   6 Saint John of Climacus
   5 Saint Teresa of Avila
   4 Plotinus
   4 Jordan Peterson
   4 John Keats
   3 R Buckminster Fuller
   3 Plato
   3 Bokar Rinpoche
   3 Baha u llah
   2 William Wordsworth
   2 Walt Whitman
   2 Thubten Chodron
   2 Norbert Wiener
   2 Jorge Luis Borges
   2 Jean Gebser
   2 Genpo Roshi
   2 Edgar Allan Poe

1011 Record of Yoga
  315 Prayers And Meditations
  271 On Thoughts And Aphorisms
  184 Agenda Vol 01
  169 Agenda Vol 13
  112 Agenda Vol 12
  104 Agenda Vol 08
   98 Agenda Vol 09
   97 Questions And Answers 1957-1958
   96 Agenda Vol 10
   91 Agenda Vol 06
   90 Agenda Vol 11
   89 Agenda Vol 03
   87 Agenda Vol 07
   86 Agenda Vol 04
   83 Agenda Vol 05
   79 Agenda Vol 02
   56 Questions And Answers 1950-1951
   54 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02
   52 Questions And Answers 1956
   47 Letters On Poetry And Art
   45 Lovecraft - Poems
   41 Questions And Answers 1953
   37 Questions And Answers 1955
   36 Questions And Answers 1929-1931
   35 Questions And Answers 1954
   32 Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo
   28 Words Of The Mother II
   27 Magick Without Tears
   24 The Bible
   21 On Education
   19 The Future of Man
   18 Collected Poems
   17 Words Of Long Ago
   16 Yeats - Poems
   14 Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo
   14 Some Answers From The Mother
   14 Liber ABA
   13 Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness
   12 Talks
   12 Labyrinths
   11 Preparing for the Miraculous
   11 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07
   11 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05
   11 Aion
   10 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
   10 Shelley - Poems
   9 Li Bai - Poems
   9 Let Me Explain
   8 Words Of The Mother III
   8 The Mother With Letters On The Mother
   8 The Hero with a Thousand Faces
   7 Words Of The Mother I
   7 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
   7 City of God
   6 The Secret Doctrine
   6 The Red Book Liber Novus
   6 The Ladder of Divine Ascent
   6 Mysterium Coniunctionis
   5 Hymns to the Mystic Fire
   5 Hymn of the Universe
   5 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03
   5 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01
   4 The Synthesis Of Yoga
   4 The Practice of Psycho therapy
   4 The Phenomenon of Man
   4 The Interior Castle or The Mansions
   4 Maps of Meaning
   4 Keats - Poems
   4 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 08
   3 Theosophy
   3 The Life Divine
   3 Tara - The Feminine Divine
   3 Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking
   3 Letters On Yoga II
   3 Letters On Yoga I
   3 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 06
   3 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04
   3 Agenda Vol 1
   3 A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah
   2 Wordsworth - Poems
   2 Whitman - Poems
   2 The Ever-Present Origin
   2 The Essentials of Education
   2 The Book of Certitude
   2 Symposium
   2 Selected Fictions
   2 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 01
   2 On the Way to Supermanhood
   2 Notes On The Way
   2 Letters On Yoga IV
   2 Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
   2 Kena and Other Upanishads
   2 How to Free Your Mind - Tara the Liberator
   2 Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
   2 Cybernetics
   2 Crowley - Poems
   2 Anonymous - Poems

00.00 - Publishers Note A, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The present volume consists of the first seven parts of the book The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo which has run into twelve parts, as it stands now; of these twelve, parts five to nine are based upon talks of the Mother (given by Her to the children of the Ashram). In this volume the later parts of the Talks (8 and 9) could not be included: they are to wait for a subsequent volume. The talks, originally in French, were spread over a number of years, ending in about 1960. We are pleased to note that the Government of India have given us a grant to meet the cost of publication of this volume.
   13 January 1972

00.00 - Publishers Note B, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   13 January 1973

00.00 - Publishers Note, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   13 January 1971

0 0.01 - Introduction, #Agenda Vol 1, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  We landed there, one day in February 1954, having emerged from our Guianese forest and a certain number of dead-end peripluses; we had knocked upon all the doors of the old world before reaching that point of absolute impossibility where it was truly necessary to embark into something else or once and for all put a bullet through the brain of this slightly superior ape. The first thing that struck us was this exotic Notre Dame with its burning incense sticks, its effigies and its prostrations in immaculate white: a Church. We nearly jumped into the first train out that very evening, bound straight for the Himalayas, or the devil. But we remained near Mother for nineteen years. What was it, then, that could have held us there? We had not left Guiana to become a little saint in white or to enter some new religion. 'I did not come upon earth to found an ashram; that would have been a poor aim indeed,' She wrote in 1934. What did all this mean, then, this 'Ashram' that was already registered as the owner of a great spiritual business, and this fragile, little silhouette at the center of all these zealous worshippers? In truth, there is no better way to smother someone than to worship him: he chokes beneath the weight of worship, which moreover gives the worshipper claim to ownership. 'Why do you want to worship?' She exclaimed. 'You have but to become! It is the laziness to become that makes one worship.' She wanted so much to make them
   become this 'something else,' but it was far easier to worship and quiescently remain what one was.
  August 19, 1977

00.01 - The Mother on Savitri, #Sweet Mother - Harmonies of Light, #unset, #Zen
   On the 18th January 1960; when a young sadhak met the Mother for a personal interview, She said to him: "I shall give you something special; be prepared." The next day, when he again met Her, She spoke in French first about how to kindle the psychic Flame and then in this connection started speaking about Sri Aurobindo`s great epic Savitri and continued to speak at length.
  The sadhak, after returning from the Mother, wanted to note down immediately what She had said, but he could not do so because he felt a great hesitation due to his sense of incapacity to transcribe exactly the Mother`s own words.
  After nearly seven years, however, he felt a strong urge to note down what the Mother had spoken; so in 1967 he wrote down from memory a report in French. The report was seen by the Mother and a few corrections were made by her. To another sadhak who asked Her permission to read this report She wrote: "Years ago I have spoken at length about it [Savitri] to Mona Sarkar and he has noted in French what I said. Some time back I have seen what he has written and found it correct on the whole."(4.12. 1967)
  On a few other occasion also, the Mother had spoken to the same sadhak on the value of reading Savitri which he had noted down afterwards. These notes have been added at the end of the main report. A few members of the Ashram had privately read this report in French, but afterwards there were many requests for its English version. A translation was therefore made in November 1967. A proposal was made to the Mother in 1972 for its publication and it was submitted to Her for approval. The Mother wanted to check the translation before permitting its publication but could check only a portion of it.
  Do you read Savitri?
  Indeed, Savitri is something concrete, living, it is all replete, packed with consciousness, it is the supreme knowledge above all human philosophies and religions. It is the spiritual path, it is Yoga, Tapasya, Sadhana, everything, in its single body. Savitri has an extraordinary power, it gives out vibrations for him who can receive them, the true vibrations of each stage of consciousness. It is incomparable, it is truth in its plenitude, the Truth Sri Aurobindo brought down on the earth. My child, one must try to find the secret that Savitri represents, the prophetic message Sri Aurobindo reveals there for us. This is the work before you, it is hard but it is worth the trouble. - 5 November 1967
  ~ The Mother Sweet Mother The Mother to Mona Sarkar, [T0]

0 0.02 - Topographical Note, #Agenda Vol 1, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  From the time of Sri Aurobindo's departure ( 1950) until 1957, we have only a few notes and fragments or rare statements noted from memory. These are the only landmarks of this period, along with Mother's Questions and Answers from her talks at the Ashram Playground. A few of these conversations have been reproduced here insofar as they mark stages of the Supramental
  From 1957, Mother received us twice a week in the office of Pavitra, the most senior of the
  French disciples, on the second floor of the main Ashram building, on some pretext of work or other. She listened to our queries, spoke to us at length of yoga, occultism, her past experiences in
  It was only in 1958 that we began having the first tape-recorded conversations, which, properly speaking, constitute Mother's Agenda. But even then, many of these conversations were lost or only partly noted down. Or else we considered that our own words should not figure in these notes and we carefully omitted all our questions - which was absurd. At that time, no one - neither Mother, nor ourself - knew that this was 'the Agenda' and that we were out to explore the 'Great Passage.'
  Only gradually did we become aware of the true nature of these meetings. Furthermore, we were constantly on the road, so much so that there are sizable gaps in the text. In fact, for seven years,
  From 1960, the Agenda took its final shape arid grew for thirteen years, until May 1973, filling thirteen volumes in all (some six thousand pages), with a change of setting in March 1962 at the time of the Great Turning in Mother's yoga when She permanently retired to her room upstairs, as had Sri Aurobindo in 1926. The interviews then took place high up in this large room carpeted in golden wool, like a ship's stateroom, amidst the rustling of the Copper Pod tree and the cawing of crows. Mother would sit in a low rosewood chair, her face turned towards Sri Aurobindo's tomb, as though She were wearing down the distance separating that world from our own. Her voice had become like that of a child, one could hear her laughter. She always laughed, this Mother. And then her long silences. Until the day the disciples closed her door on us. It was May 19, 1973. We did not want to believe it. She was alone, just as we were suddenly alone. Slowly, painfully, we had to discover the why of this rupture. We understood nothing of the jealousies of the old species, we did not yet realize that they were becoming the 'owners' of Mother - of the Ashram, of Auroville, of
  Sri Aurobindo, of everything - and that the new world was going to be denatured into a new

0 0.03 - 1951-1957. Notes and Fragments, #Agenda Vol 1, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  object:0_0.03 - 1951- 1957. Notes and Fragments
  February 1951
  (Note written by hand two months after Sri Aurobindo's departure)

0.00a - Introduction, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  I began the study of the Qabalah at an early age. Two books I read then have played unconsciously a prominent part in the writing of my own book. One of these was "Q.B.L. or the Bride's Reception" by Frater Achad (Charles Stansfeld Jones), which I must have first read around 1926. The other was "An Introduction to the Tarot" by Paul Foster Case, published in the early 1920's. It is now out of print, superseded by later versions of the same topic. But as I now glance through this slender book, I perceive how profoundly even the format of his book had influenced me, though in these two instances there was not a trace of plagiarism. It had not consciously occurred to me until recently that I owed so much to them. Since Paul Case passed away about a decade or so ago, this gives me the opportunity to thank him, overtly, wherever he may now be.
  By the middle of 1926 I had become aware of the work of Aleister Crowley, for whom I have a tremendous respect. I studied as many of his writings as I could gain access to, making copious notes, and later acted for several years as his secretary, having joined him in Paris on October 12, 1928, a memorable day in my life.
  All sorts of books have been written on the Qabalah, some poor, some few others extremely good. But I came to feel the need for what might be called a sort of Berlitz handbook, a concise but comprehensive introduction, studded with diagrams and tables of easily understood definitions and correspondences to simplify the student's grasp of so complicated and abstruse a subject.
  During a short retirement in North Devon in 1931, I began to amalgamate my notes. It was out of these that A Garden of Pomegranates gradually emerged. I unashamedly admit that my book contains many direct plagiarisms from Crowley, Waite, Eliphas Levi, and D. H. Lawrence. I had incorporated numerous fragments from their works into my notebooks without citing individual references to the various sources from which I condensed my notes.
  Prior to the closing down of the Mandrake Press in London about 1930-31, I was employed as company secretary for a while. Along with several Crowley books, the Mandrake Press published a lovely little monogram by D. H. Lawrence entitled "Apropos of Lady Chatterley's Lover." My own copy accompanied me on my travels for long years. Only recently did I discover that it had been lost. I hope that any one of my former patients who had borrowed it will see fit to return it to me forthwith.
  The last chapter of A Garden deals with the Way of Return. It used almost entirely Crowley's concept of the Path as described in his superb essay "One Star in Sight." In addition to this, I borrowed extensively from Lawrence's Apropos. Somehow, they all fitted together very nicely. In time, all these variegated notes were incorporated into the text without acknowledgment, an oversight which I now feel sure would be forgiven, since I was only twenty-four at the time.
  In 1932, at the suggestion of Thomas Burke, the novelist, I submitted my manuscript to one of his publishers, Messrs. Constable in London. They were unable to use it, but made some encouraging comments and advised me to submit it to Riders. To my delight and surprise, Riders published it, and throughout the years the reaction it has had indicated other students found it also fulfilled their need for a condensed and simplified survey of such a vast subject as the Qabalah.
  The importance of the book to me was and is five-fold. 1) It provided a yardstick by which to measure my personal progress in the understanding of the Qabalah. 2) Therefore it can have an equivalent value to the modern student. 3) It serves as a theoretical introduction to the Qabalistic foundation of the magical work of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. 4) It throws considerable light on the occasionally obscure writings of Aleister Crowley. 5) It is dedicated to Crowley, who was the Ankh-af-na-Khonsu mentioned in The Book of the Law -a dedication which served both as a token of personal loyalty and devotion to Crowley, but was also a gesture of my spiritual independence from him.

0.00a - Participants in the Evening Talks, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   1923- 1926
   Regular participants Occasional participants
   1938- 1943
   Regular participants Occasional participants

000 - Humans in Universe, #Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, #R Buckminster Fuller, #Science
  handsome campus are still in operation as of 1979. The British Empire became the
  first in history of which it could be said that the Sun never set.
  opening of the 20th century-and aluminum alloys and stainless steel by the 1930s.
  These new materials made it possible to design and build engine-powered all-metal
  000.118 As of the 1970s the human mind has developed a practical tensile
  structuring capability of 600,000 p.s.i. The means of accomplishing this new and
  000.120 Now in the 1970s we can state an indisputable proposition of abundance
  of which the world power structures do not yet have dawning awareness. We can
  money with money by making it scarce. As of the 1970s muscle, guns, and
  intellectual cunning are ruling world affairs and keeping them competitive by

0.00 - Publishers Note C, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   31 March 1974

0.00 - The Book of Lies Text, #The Book of Lies, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
    March 21st, 1992 e.v. key entry by Frater E.A.D.N., San Diego,
    in 1913, Aleister Crowley's little master work, has
    long been out of print. Its re-issue with the author's
    ably around 1921. The student will find it very
    helpful for the light it throws on many of its passages.
       {Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Alpha-Lambda-Eta Iota-Theta}
     19 is the last Trump, "The Sun', which is the
    representative of god in the Macrocosm, as the Phallus
    which was conferred upon Frater P. in the year 1900
    of the vulgar era by Don Jesus de Medina-Sidonia in
      March 22, 1912. E. V.
     I, v. Reprint, Barstow, Cal., 1952, with Com-
    The Book of Thoth (The Tarot). London, 1944.
    AHA! The Eqx., I, iii.
    Household Gods. Pallanza, 1912.
    Liber LXI vel Causae. The Eqx., III, i.
    The World's Tragedy. Paris, 1910.
    The Scorpion. The Eqx., I, vi.
    The God-Eater. London, 1903.
    Liber XVI. The Eqx., I, vi.
    777, London 1909. Reprint with Commentary,
      London, 1955.
    Liber LXV. The Eqx., III, i.
    Konx Om Pax. London, 1907.
    Book 4, part III, same as Magick in Theory and
     Practice. Paris, 1929.
                  [ 193]
     19. The Leopard and the Deer.
    20. Samson.

0.00 - THE GOSPEL PREFACE, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna is the English translation of the Sri Sri Rmakrishna Kathmrita, the conversations of Sri Ramakrishna with his disciples, devotees, and visitors, recorded by Mahendranth Gupta, who wrote the book under the pseudonym of "M." The conversations in Bengali fill five volumes, the first of which was published in 1897 and the last shortly after M.'s death in 1932. Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras, has published in two volumes an English translation of selected chapters from the monumental Bengali work. I have consulted these while preparing my translation.
  M., one of the intimate disciples of Sri Ramakrishna, was present during all the conversations recorded in the main body of the book and noted them down in his diary.
  February 1942
  He was an educationist all his life both in a spiritual and in a secular sense. After he passed out of College, he took up work as headmaster in a number of schools in succession Narail High School, City School, Ripon College School, Metropolitan School, Aryan School, Oriental School, Oriental Seminary and Model School. The causes of his migration from school to school were that he could not get on with some of the managements on grounds of principles and that often his spiritual mood drew him away to places of pilgrimage for long periods. He worked with some of the most noted public men of the time like Iswar Chandra Vidysgar and Surendranath Banerjee. The latter appointed him as a professor in the City and Ripon Colleges where he taught subjects like English, philosophy, history and economics. In his later days he took over the Morton School, and he spent his time in the staircase room of the third floor of it, administering the school and preaching the message of the Master. He was much respected in educational circles where he was usually referred to as Rector Mahashay. A teacher who had worked under him writes thus in warm appreciation of his teaching methods: "Only when I worked with him in school could I appreciate what a great educationist he was. He would come down to the level of his students when teaching, though he himself was so learned, so talented. Ordinarily teachers confine their instruction to what is given in books without much thought as to whether the student can accept it or not. But M., would first of all gauge how much the student could take in and by what means. He would employ aids to teaching like maps, pictures and diagrams, so that his students could learn by seeing. Thirty years ago (from 1953) when the question of imparting education through the medium of the mother tongue was being discussed, M. had already employed Bengali as the medium of instruction in the Morton School." (M The Apostle and the Evangelist by Swami Nityatmananda Part I. P. 15.)
  Imparting secular education was, however, only his profession ; his main concern was with the spiritual regeneration of man a calling for which Destiny seems to have chosen him. From his childhood he was deeply pious, and he used to be moved very much by Sdhus, temples and Durga Puja celebrations. The piety and eloquence of the great Brahmo leader of the times, Keshab Chander Sen, elicited a powerful response from the impressionable mind of Mahendra Nath, as it did in the case of many an idealistic young man of Calcutta, and prepared him to receive the great Light that was to dawn on him with the coming of Sri Ramakrishna into his life.
  After the Master's demise, M. went on pilgrimage several times. He visited Banras, Vrindvan, Ayodhy and other places. At Banras he visited the famous Trailinga Swmi and fed him with sweets, and he had long conversations with Swami Bhaskarananda, one of the noted saintly and scholarly Sannysins of the time. In 1912 he went with the Holy Mother to Banras, and spent about a year in the company of Sannysins at Banras, Vrindvan, Hardwar, Hrishikesh and Swargashram. But he returned to Calcutta, as that city offered him the unique opportunity of associating himself with the places hallowed by the Master in his lifetime. Afterwards he does not seem to have gone to any far-off place, but stayed on in his room in the Morton School carrying on his spiritual ministry, speaking on the Master and his teachings to the large number of people who flocked to him after having read his famous Kathmrita known to English readers as The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.
  This brings us to the circumstances that led to the writing and publication of this monumental work, which has made M. one of the immortals in hagiographic literature.
  I now understand why none of us attempted His life before. It has been reserved for you, this great work. He is with you evidently." ( Vednta Kesari Vol. XIX P. 141. Also given in the first edition of the Gospel published from Ramakrishna Math, Madras in 1911.)
  And Swamiji added a post script to the letter: "Socratic dialogues are Plato all over you are entirely hidden. Moreover, the dramatic part is infinitely beautiful. Everybody likes it here or in the West." Indeed, in order to be unknown, Mahendranath had used the pen-name M., under which the book has been appearing till now. But so great a book cannot remain obscure for long, nor can its author remain unrecognised by the large public in these modern times. M. and his book came to be widely known very soon and to meet the growing demand, a full-sized book, Vol. I of the Gospel, translated by the author himself, was published in 1907 by the Brahmavadin Office, Madras. A second edition of it, revised by the author, was brought out by the Ramakrishna Math, Madras in December 1911, and subsequently a second part, containing new chapters from the original Bengali, was published by the same Math in 1922. The full English translation of the Gospel by Swami Nikhilananda appeared first in 1942.
  In Bengali the book is published in five volumes, the first part having appeared in 1902
  and the others in 1905, 1907, 1910 and 1932 respectively.
  It looks as if M. was brought to the world by the Great Master to record his words and transmit them to posterity. Swami Sivananda, a direct disciple of the Master and the second President of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission, says on this topic: "Whenever there was an interesting talk, the Master would call Master Mahashay if he was not in the room, and then draw his attention to the holy words spoken. We did not know then why the Master did so. Now we can realise that this action of the Master had an important significance, for it was reserved for Master Mahashay to give to the world at large the sayings of the Master." ( Vednta Kesari Vol. XIX P 141.) Thanks to M., we get, unlike in the case of the great teachers of the past, a faithful record with date, time, exact report of conversations, description of concerned men and places, references to contemporary events and personalities and a hundred other details for the last four years of the Master's life (1882-'86), so that no one can doubt the historicity of the Master and his teachings at any time in the future.
  In 1905 he retired from the active life of a Professor and devoted his remaining twenty-seven years exclusively to the preaching of the life and message of the Great Master. He bought the Morton Institution from its original proprietors and shifted it to a commodious four-storeyed house at 50 Amherst Street, where it flourished under his management as one of the most efficient educational institutions in Calcutta. He generally occupied a staircase room at the top of it, cooking his own meal which consisted only of milk and rice without variation, and attended to all his personal needs himself. His dress also was the simplest possible. It was his conviction that limitation of personal wants to the minimum is an important aid to holy living. About one hour in the morning he would spend in inspecting the classes of the school, and then retire to his staircase room to pour over his diary and live in the divine atmosphere of the earthly days of the Great Master, unless devotees and admirers had already gathered in his room seeking his holy company.
  In appearance, M. looked a Vedic Rishi. Tall and stately in bearing, he had a strong and well-built body, an unusually broad chest, high forehead and arms extending to the knees. His complexion was fair and his prominent eyes were always tinged with the expression of the divine love that filled his heart. Adorned with a silvery beard that flowed luxuriantly down his chest, and a shining face radiating the serenity and gravity of holiness, M. was as imposing and majestic as he was handsome and engaging in appearance. Humorous, sweet-tongued and eloquent when situations required, this great Maharishi of our age lived only to sing the glory of Sri Ramakrishna day and night.
  About twenty-seven years of his life he spent in this way in the heart of the great city of Calcutta, radiating the Master's thoughts and ideals to countless devotees who flocked to him, and to still larger numbers who read his Kathmrita (English Edition : The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna), the last part of which he had completed before June 1932 and given to the press. And miraculously, as it were, his end also came immediately after he had completed his life's mission. About three months earlier he had come to stay at his home at 13/2 Gurdasprasad Chaudhuary Lane at Thakur Bari, where the Holy Mother had herself installed the Master and where His regular worship was being conducted for the previous 40 years. The night of 3rd June being the Phalahrini Kli Pooja day, M.
  had sent his devotees who used to keep company with him, to attend the special worship at Belur Math at night. After attending the service at the home shrine, he went through the proof of the Kathmrita for an hour. Suddenly he got a severe attack of neuralgic pain, from which he had been suffering now and then, of late. Before 6 a.m. in the early hours of 4th June 1932 he passed away, fully conscious and chanting: 'Gurudeva-Ma, Kole tule na-o (Take me in your arms! O Master! O Mother!!)'
  March 1974.

0.00 - The Wellspring of Reality, #Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, #R Buckminster Fuller, #Science
  The overconcentration on details of hyperspecialization has also been responsible for the lack of recognition by science of its inherently mandatory responsibility to reorient all our educational curricula because of the synergetically disclosed, but popularly uncomprehended, significance of the 1956 Nobel Prize-winning discovery in physics of the experimental invalidation of the concept of "parity" by which science previously had misassumed that positive-negative complementations consisted exclusively of mirror-imaged behaviors of physical phenomena.
  Science's self-assumed responsibility has been self-limited to disclosure to society only of the separate, supposedly physical (because separately weighable) atomic component isolations data. Synergetic integrity would require the scientists to announce that in reality what had been identified heretofore as physical is entirely metaphysical-because synergetically weightless. Metaphysical has been science's designation for all weightless phenomena such as thought. But science has made no experimental finding of any phenomena that can be described as a solid, or as continuous, or as a straight surface plane, or as a straight line, or as infinite anything. We are now synergetically forced to conclude that all phenomena are metaphysical; wherefore, as many have long suspected-like it or not-life is but a dream.Science has found no up or down directions of Universe, yet scientists are personally so ill-coordinated that they all still personally and sensorially see "solids" going up or down-as, for instance, they see the Sun "going down." Sensorially disconnected from their theoretically evolved information, scientists discern no need on their part to suggest any educational reforms to correct the misconceiving that science has tolerated for half a millennium.

0.01 - I - Sri Aurobindos personality, his outer retirement - outside contacts after 1910 - spiritual personalities- Vibhutis and Avatars - transformtion of human personality, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
  object:0.01 - I - Sri Aurobindos personality, his outer retirement - outside contacts after 1910 - spiritual personalities- Vibhutis and Avatars - transformtion of human personality
  author class:A B Purani
   The Evening Talks collected here may afford to the outside world a glimpse of his external personality and give the seeker some idea of its richness, its many-sidedness, its uniqueness. One can also form some notion of Sri Aurobindo's personality from the books in which the height, the universal sweep and clear vision of his integral ideal and thought can be seen. His writings are, in a sense, the best representative of his mental personality. The versatile nature of his genius, the penetrating power of his intellect, his extraordinary power of expression, his intense sincerity, his utter singleness of purpose all these can be easily felt by any earnest student of his works. He may discover even in the realm of mind that Sri Aurobindo brings the unlimited into the limited. Another side of his dynamic personality is represented by the Ashram as an institution. But the outer, if one may use the phrase, the human side of his personality, is unknown to the outside world because from 1910 to 1950 a span of forty years he led a life of outer retirement. No doubt, many knew about his staying at Pondicherry and practising some kind of very special Yoga to the mystery of which they had no access. To some, perhaps, he was living a life of enviable solitude enjoying the luxury of a spiritual endeavour. Many regretted his retirement as a great loss to the world because they could not see any external activity on his part which could be regarded as 'public', 'altruistic' or 'beneficial'. Even some of his admirers thought that he was after some kind of personal salvation which would have very little significance for mankind in general. His outward non-participation in public life was construed by many as lack of love for humanity.
   But those who knew him during the days of the national awakening from 1900 to 1910 could not have these doubts. And even these initial misunderstandings and false notions of others began to evaporate with the growth of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram from 1927 onwards. The large number of books published by the Ashram also tended to remove the idea of the other-worldliness of his Yoga and the absence of any good by it to mankind.
   This period of outer retirement was one of intense Sadhana and of intellectual activity it was also one during which he acted on external events, though he was not dedicated outwardly to a public cause. About his own retirement he writes: "But this did not mean, as most people supposed, that he [Sri Aurobindo] had retired into some height of spiritual experience devoid of any further interest in the world or in the fate of India. It could not mean that, for the very principle of his Yoga was not only to realise the Divine and attain to a complete spiritual consciousness, but also to take all life and all world activity into the scope of this spiritual consciousness and action and to base life on the Spirit and give it a spiritual meaning. In his retirement Sri Aurobindo kept a close watch on all that was happening in the world and in India and actively intervened, whenever necessary, but solely with a spiritual force and silent spiritual action; for it is part of the experience of those who have advanced in yoga that besides the ordinary forces and activities of the mind and life and body in Matter, there are other forces and powers that can and do act from behind and from above; there is also a spiritual dynamic power which can be possessed by those who are advanced in spiritual consciousness, though all do not care to possess or, possessing, to use it and this power is greater than any other and more effective. It was this force which, as soon as he attained to it, he used at first only in a limited field of personal work, but afterwards in a constant action upon the world forces."[1]

0.01 - Letters from the Mother to Her Son, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  16 January 1927
  I think I told you about our five houses; four of them are joined in
  16 February 1927
  It is true that for a long time I have not slept in the usual
  3 July 1927
  In this letter I am sending you a few photographs of the Ashram
  25 August 1929
  I shall not endeavour to reply to your opinion on the "conversations" although there are certain points which you do not seem
  These fifteen "conversations" are published in Questions and Answers 1929 - 1931,
  CWM, Vol. 3, pp. 1 - 120.
  21 October 1929
  The Ashram is becoming a more and more interesting institution. We have now acquired our twenty-first house; the number
  23 August 1930
  I have also received the Grande Revue3 and I read the article you
  A literary monthly published in France until 1939.
  outside India (in America, I believe) and has become completely
  4 August 1931
  Just a word about your remark that having children is the only
  28 September 1931
  The things that are awaited... they alone can remedy the sorry
  3 November 1931
  After a very long time I was happy to receive your letter of
  10 February 1933
  Your last letter refers to current events and betrays some anxiety
  23 August 1936
  A small booklet is being published in Geneva, containing a talk
  I gave in 1912, I think. It is a bit out-of-date, but I did not
  want to dampen their enthusiasm. I had entitled it "The Central
  24 April 1937
  Speaking of recent events, you ask me "whether it was a dangerous bluff" or whether we "narrowly escaped disaster". To
  22 October 1938

0.02 - II - The Home of the Guru, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   The Master, the Guru, set at rest the puzzled human mind by his illuminating answers, perhaps even more by his silent consciousness, so that it might be able to pursue unhampered the path of realisation of the Truth. Those ancient discourses answer the mind of man today even across the ages. They have rightly acquired as everything of the past does a certain sanctity. But sometimes that very reverence prevents men from properly evaluating, and living in, the present. This happens when the mind instead of seeking the Spirit looks at the form. For instance, it is not necessary for such discourses that they take place in forest-groves in order to be highly spiritual. Wherever the Master is, there is Light. And guru-griha the house of the Master can be his private dwelling place. So much was this feeling a part of Sri Aurobindo's nature and so particular was he to maintain the personal character of his work that during the first few years after 1923 he did not like his house to be called an 'Ashram', as the word had acquired the sense of a public institution to the modern mind. But there was no doubt that the flower of Divinity had blossomed in him; and disciples, like bees seeking honey, came to him. It is no exaggeration to say that these Evening Talks were to the small company of disciples what the Aranyakas were to the ancient seekers. Seeking the Light, they came to the dwelling place of their Guru, the greatest seer of the age, and found it their spiritual home the home of their parents, for the Mother, his companion in the great mission, had come. And these spiritual parents bestowed upon the disciples freely of their Light, their Consciousness, their Power and their Grace. The modern reader may find that the form of these discourses differs from those of the past but it was bound to be so for the simple reason that the times have changed and the problems that puzzle the modern mind are so different. Even though the disciples may be very imperfect representations of what he aimed at in them, still they are his creations. It is in order to repay, in however infinitesimal a degree, the debt which we owe to him that the effort is made to partake of the joy of his company the Evening Talks with a larger public.

0.02 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Department during the 1930s and early 1940s.
  Sin belongs to the world and not to yoga.
  14 December 1931
  At Cycle House a teakwood bench broke, bringing
  9 June 1932
  Four bats were found in the north end of the west
  14 June 1932
  During the spraying of solignum the mason got a jet of
  15 June 1932
  Series Two - To a Sadhak in the Building Department
  25 June 1932
  For the last few days, my mind has dwelt upon the scenes
  Extract from the Mother's Prayers and Meditations, 18 June 1913.
  It is good sometimes to look backwards for a confirmation of
  27 June 1932
  On the outside cover of a notebook used by X, there
  1 July 1932
  "Every moment all the unforeseen, the unexpected, the
  18 July 1932
  By the way, I have seen the painter sand-papering the salon table
  20 July 1932
  Prayers and Meditations, 11 January 1914.
  Series Two - To a Sadhak in the Building Department
  20 July 1932
  I am weeping without knowing why.
  Prayers and Meditations,: paragraph one, 29 November 1913; two, 7 January 1914;
  four, 8 March 1914; five, 7 April 1914 and 18 April 1914.
  But what was this darkness? I could not recognise myself
  21 July 1932
  "O Love, Divine Love, in a fecund silence I bow to
  28 July 1932
  Prayers and Meditations,: first phrases, 16 August 1913; last phrase, 17 August 1913.
  Series Two - To a Sadhak in the Building Department
  29 July 1932
  It is always better not to show too much what I have written,
  30 July 1932
  "To Thee all the fervour of my adoration."7
  31 July 1932
  I thirst for Thy consciousness, O Sweet Mother, I become
  2 August 1932
  This evening when Y informed me that Z was ill, I exclaimed that she must have revolted against Mother. He
  Prayers and Meditations, 29 January 1914.
  which led to a subdued revolt in me and consequent
  6 August 1932
  There was lightness, mirth and joy in Your expressions
  10 August 1932
  Series Two - To a Sadhak in the Building Department
  13 August 1932
  Beloved Mother,
  15 August 1932
  Why do I do something in dream which I would not do
  Prayers and Meditations, 19 June 1914.
  No true and constant control is established in that part as yet.
  16 August 1932
  Which activity will most fully utilise all the energies?
  20 August 1932
  A reservation: Mother said this morning that it would
  25 August 1932
  5 September 1932
  Mother divine,
  26 September 1932
  It is better simply to be sincere than to be clever.
  31 October 1932
  To love the Divine is to be loved by Him.
  2 November 1932
  Because of the sudden rain we wanted to close the windows and
  9 November 1932
  Sweet Mother,
  3 December 1932
  Sweet Mother,
  9 December 1932
  If you try to hide something from the Divine, you are sure to fall
  10 December 1932
  Prayers and Meditations, 15 June 1914.
  Joy lies in having absolute trust in the Divine.
  2 January 1933
  Why, when you get into trouble, do you no longer ask for the
  16 January 1933
  Sweet Mother,
  26 March 1933
  Series Two - To a Sadhak in the Building Department
  5 April 1933
  Because others are mean is no reason to be mean yourself.
  24 April 1933
  Sweet Mother,
  9 June 1933
  We want to be faithful workers for the Great Victory.
  26 June 1933
  On the first of the month, the sadhaks received from the Ashram stores the material
  6 July 1933
  Sweet Mother,
  12 September 1933
  Series Two - To a Sadhak in the Building Department
  13 September 1933
  (About constructing a braced frame to support a swinging sieve)
   19 September 1933
  O Mother divine,
  22 September 1933
  Sweet Mother,
  30 October 1933
  Series Two - To a Sadhak in the Building Department
  3 November 1933
  Sweet Mother,
  13 November 1933
  Important - Aroumé (the Kitchen)
  5 December 1933
  (The sadhak outlined his work-schedule.) All this leaves
  12 December 1933
  Sweet Mother,
  9 February 1934
  "Attila, King of the Huns in 434, devastated the cities of
  11 February 1934
  Sweet Mother,
  13 February 1934
  (The sadhak recounted his conversation with Mr. Z, a
  27 March 1934
  Sweet Mother,
  2 April 1934
  Sweet Mother,
  16 April 1934
  Sweet Mother,
  20 April 1934
  It seems that the notice about the holidays has been circulated
  4 May 1934
  Z has asked whether we could give double pay for the extra
  4 May 1934
  Sweet Mother,
  5 June 1934
  Sweet Mother,
  7 June 1934
  O Sweet Mother,
  3 July 1934
  Sleep well and rest yourself beneath the protective shade of my
  11 July 1934
  Sweet Mother,
  22 August 1934
  Sweet Mother,
  20 September 1934
  Sweet Mother,
  24 October 1934
  Sweet Mother,
  November 1934
  O Sweet Mother,
  15 December 1934
  Series Two - To a Sadhak in the Building Department
  25 December 1934
  Sweet Mother,
  12 January 1935
  Sweet Mother,
  26 February 1935
  (The sadhak suffered a headache after contact with a
  3 May 1935
  (A fellow-worker violated the established work-procedure.) When I saw Y coming out of the workshop I was
  15 May 1935
  Sweet Mother,
  23 May 1935
  Sweet Mother,
  6 June 1935
  Sweet Mother,
  16 July 1935
  (The sadhak refused to remove some nails in the wall
  17 July 1935
  Sweet Mother,
  18 July 1935
  Sweet Mother,
  20 July 1935
  When someone makes a remark, why does Sweet Mother
  1 September 1936
  In the case of the Arogya House cupboard, when Y told
  11 December 1936
  O Sweet Mother,
  1 April 1936
  Prayers and Meditations, 7 March 1914. The sadhak has substituted "my" for "our".
  X has just written that he has recognised his mistake in having
  23 September 1936
  Perhaps Sweet Mother is displeased with me about something? I have no peace.
  8 July 1937
  Sweet Mother,
   19 October 1938
  Sweet Mother,
  6 December 1938
  Sweet Mother,
  March 1939
  O Sweet Mother,
  10 October 1939
  A year of silence and expectation... let us find, O Lord, our entire
  5 March 1940
  I am happy that you have seen the light, but it doesn't surprise
  5 June 1940
  It is very good, my child; I was quite sure that it would end this
  15 October 1940

0.03 - III - The Evening Sittings, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   After Sri Aurobindo had come to Pondicherry from Chandernagore, he entered upon an intense period of Sadhana and for a few months he refused to receive anyone. After a time he used to sit down to talk in the evening and on some days tried automatic writing. Yogic Sadhan, a small book, was the result. In 1913 Sri Aurobindo moved to Rue Franois Martin No. 41 where he used to receive visitors at fixed times. This was generally in the morning between 9 and 10.30.
   But, over and above newcomers, some local people and the few inmates of the house used to have informal talks with Sri Aurobindo in the evening. In the beginning the inmates used to go out for playing football, and during their absence known local individuals would come in and wait for Sri Aurobindo. Afterwards regular meditations began at about 4 p.m. in which practically all the inmates participated. After the meditation all of the members and those who were permitted shared in the evening sitting. This was a very informal gathering depending entirely upon Sri Aurobindo's leisure.
   When Sri Aurobindo and the Mother moved to No. 9 Rue de la Marine in 1922 the same routine of informal evening sittings after meditation continued. I came to Pondicherry for Sadhana in the beginning of 1923. I kept notes of the important talks I had with the four or five disciples who were already there. Besides, I used to take detailed notes of the Evening Talks which we all had with the Master. They were not intended by him to be noted down. I took them down because of the importance I felt about everything connected with him, no matter how insignificant to the outer view. I also felt that everything he did would acquire for those who would come to know his mission a very great significance.
   As years passed the evening sittings went on changing their time and often those disciples who came from outside for a temporary stay for Sadhana were allowed to join them. And, as the number of sadhaks practising the Yoga increased, the evening sittings also became more full, and the small verandah upstairs in the main building was found insufficient. Members of the household would gather every day at the fixed time with some sense of expectancy and start chatting in low tones. Sri Aurobindo used to come last and it was after his coming that the session would really commence.
   From 1918 to 1922, we gathered at No. 41, Rue Franois Martin, called the Guest House, upstairs, on a broad verandah into which four rooms opened and whose main piece of furniture was a small table 3' x 1' covered with a blue cotton cloth. That is where Sri Aurobindo used to sit in a hard wooden chair behind the table with a few chairs in front for the visitors or for the disciples.
   From 1922 to 1926, No. 9, Rue de la Marine, where he and the Mother had shifted, was the place where the sittings were held. There, also upstairs, was a less broad verandah than at the Guest House, a little bigger table in front of the central door out of three, and a broad Japanese chair, the table covered with a better cloth than the one in the Guest House, a small flower vase, an ash-tray, a block calendar indicating the date and an ordinary time-piece, and a number of chairs in front in a line. The evening sittings used to be after meditation at 4 or 4.30 p.m. After 24 November 1926, the sittings began to get later and later, till the limit of 1 o'clock at night was reached. Then the curtain fell. Sri Aurobindo retired completely after December 1926, and the evening sittings came to a close.
   On 8 February 1927, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother moved to No. 28, Rue Franois Martin, a house on the north-east of the same block as No. 9, Rue de la Marine.
   Then, on 23 November 1938, I got up at 2 o'clock to prepare hot water for the Mother's early bath because the 24th was Darshan day. Between 2.20 and 2.30 the Mother rang the bell. I ran up the staircase to be told about an accident that had happened to Sri Aurobindo's thigh and to be asked to fetch the doctor. This accident brought about a change in his complete retirement, and rendered him available to those who had to attend on him. This opened out a long period of 12 years during which his retirement was modified owing to circumstances, inner and outer, that made it possible for him to have direct physical contacts with the world outside.
   The long period of the Second World War with all its vicissitudes passed through these years. It was a priceless experience to see how he devoted his energies to the task of saving humanity from the threatened reign of Nazism. It was a practical lesson of solid work done for humanity without any thought of return or reward, without even letting humanity know what he was doing for it! Thus he lived the Divine and showed us how the Divine cares for the world, how He comes down and works for man. I shall never forget how he who was at one time in his own words "not merely a non-co-operator but an enemy of British Imperialism" bestowed such anxious care on the health of Churchill, listening carefully to the health-bulletins! It was the work of the Divine, it was the Divine's work for the world.
   [1] Sri Aurobindo and His Ashram, 1985, p. 22.

0.03 - Letters to My little smile, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  10 May 1932
  Series Three - To "My little smile"
  1 August 1932
  Dear Mother,
  28 August 1932
  22 November 1932
  Dear Mother,
  23 November 1932
  Series Three - To "My little smile"
  26 November 1932
  Dear Mother,
  28 November 1932
  5 December 1932
  7 December 1932
  9 December 1932
  11 December 1932
  Dear Mother,
  12 December 1932
  Dear Mother,
  16 December 1932
  Dear Mother,
  18 December 1932
  Dear Mother,
  20 December 1932
  Dear Mother,
  25 December 1932
  Dear Mother,
  27 December 1932
  Dear Mother,
  28 December 1932
  Dear Mother,
  28 December 1932
  Dear Mother,
  29 December 1932
  Series Three - To "My little smile"
  5 January 1933
  Dear Mother,
  6 January 1933
  Dear Mother,
  7 January 1933
  Dear Mother,
  9 January 1933
  Dear Mother,
  11 January 1933
  Dear Mother,
  13 January 1933
  Dear Mother,
  14 January 1933
  Mother, I always write to You about the same things:
  25 January 1933
  My dear Mother,
  27 January 1933
  My dear Mother,
  13 February 1933
  To pray with the body: to do one's work as an offering to the Divine. The Mother has
  14 February 1933
  Dear Mother,
  27 February 1933
  Did you notice the date today - 3.3.33?
  Eleven years ago, in 1922, in the month of February, it was possible to write 2.2.22 and eleven years from now, in the month
  of April, it will be possible to write 4.4.44, and so on. It is
  3 March 1933
  My dear Mother,
  6 March 1933
  I am very happy when I wear your saris, but I also wish to keep
  9 March 1933
  My dear Mother,
  23 March 1933
  The Mother's name for a yellow-orange Sunflower (Helianthus).
  6 April 1933
  My dear Mother,
  13 April 1933
  My dear Mother,
  14 April 1933
  Emile Coué (1857 - 1926), French doctor of Nancy who developed a system of cure
  by auto-suggestion (Couéism).
  10 June 1933
  My dear Mother,
  11 June 1933
  My dear Mother,
  21 June 1933
  My dear Mother,
  26 June 1933
  27 June 1933
  Series Three - To "My little smile"
  26 July 1933
  My dear Mother,
  31 July 1933
  My dear Mother,
  15 August 1933
  My dear Mother,
  22 August 1933
  My dear Mother,
  24 August 1933
  Series Three - To "My little smile"
  1 September 1933
  My dear Mother,
  16 October 1933
  My dear Mother,
  13 November 1933
  25 November 1933
  My dear Mother,
  26 November 1933
  Poor little X has become very sad... Are you so serious with her?
  27 November 1933
  28 November 1933
  12 December 1933
  16 December 1933
  My dear Mother,
  18 December 1933
  "Good day", the customary French greeting.
   19 December 1933
  My dear Mother,
  23 December 1933
  29 December 1933
  3 January 1934
  My dear Mother,
  11 January 1934
  I shall always be with you, my dear little child, in the struggle
  13 January 1934
  18 January 1934
  My dear little child, why were you weeping so much this morning at Pranam? I was so sorry I could not comfort you. Won't you
  24 January 1934
  Series Three - To "My little smile"
  26 January 1934
  29 January 1934
  30 January 1934
  31 January 1934
  1 February 1934
  2 February 1934
  My beloved Mother,
  3 February 1934
  27 February 1934
  No, my dear child, I am sure I didn't tell you that you wanted
  7 July 1934
  My dear child, this is certainly a most unexpected way of interpreting this vision. I hadn't given it that meaning at all. The
  11 July 1934
  6 September 1934
  silver dragons, for 21 February 1935 - if You ask someone to do the drawing. Because the green cloth and the
  gold and silver thread are all ready.
  7 September 1934
  You are my little child and you will always be my little child -
  8 September 1934
  18 June 1935
  My dear little smile,
  10 July 1935
  My dear little smile,
  8 August 1935
  Series Three - To "My little smile"
  10 December 1935
  25 July 1936
  30 July 1936
  30 August 1936
  The period around August 15, Sri Aurobindo's birthday.
  31 August 1936
  My little "Eternal Smile"
  6 September 1936
  My child,
  6 September 1936
  Bonne Fête!
  6 January 1963

0.04 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  bullocks and carts during the 1930s.1
  Special new ropes for the bullocks have been prepared
  8 May 1932
  I beg to submit some facts for your gracious consideration. The weakest and smallest of the bullocks used by
  11 May 1932
  This correspondence was written entirely in English.
  13 July 1932
  The coolie did not come last night. He simply put the
  15 July 1932
  No wonder that Ojas2 gave some trouble. These bullocks are
  3 September 1932
  A bullock.
  14 September 1932
  It seems to me that, at least for a time, it would be better not to
  22 September 1932
  I think that Chakki work3 is very disgusting for the bullocks;
  11 January 1933
  Saturday the 14th is cattle festival day. Generally in all
  12 January 1933
  Is not 19 trips too much for the bullocks? It seems to me that
  they are not getting much rest.
  8 June 1933
  What is this? If the cart-man made a mistake or misbehaved
  7 August 1933
  Milling work.
  26 August 1933
  I am sorry to submit to Thee the following about X. For
  18 November 1933
  I find Tej5 very much reduced. He is certainly ill and needs some
  1 February 1934
  I thought there would be no objection from the Municipality or others to fixing rings on foot-path walls to tie
  10 March 1934
  The boy X who was working in the Building Department
  2 April 1934

0.05 - Letters to a Child, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  14 March 1932
  When you have a desire you are governed by the thing you
  22 August 1932
  My dear Mother,
  2 April 1933
  O Mother,
  18 December 1933
  Dearest Mother,
  6 March 1934
  Mother, O Mother,
  9 March 1934
  My little mother,
  15 March 1934
  My mother,
  15 March 1934
  My little mother,
  16 March 1934
  My little mother,
  17 March 1934
  My dear mother,
  29 March 1934
  Sweet mother,
  30 March 1934
  My dear little child,
  6 April 1934
  My sweet mother,
  9 April 1934
  My dear child,
  12 April 1934
  Dear little child,
  16 April 1934
  17 April 1934
  Series Five - To a Child
  21 April 1934
  My child, my child, why this great sadness? Is it because someone to whom you had given your friendship has withdrawn for
  28 April 1934
  30 April 1934
  My sweet mother,
  2 May 1934
  My sweet mother,
  4 May 1934
  My dear child,
  9 May 1934
  Series Five - To a Child
  14 May 1934
  You see, my child, the unfortunate thing is that you are too preoccupied with yourself. At your age I was exclusively occupied
  15 May 1934
  My dear little child,
  21 May 1934
  My dear child,
  22 May 1934
  My dear child,
  24 May 1934
  My dear child,
  25 May 1934
  My dear little child,
  2 June 1934
  My dear child,
  10 June 1934
  My sweet mother,
  12 June 1934
  23 June 1934
  Yes, my dear child,
  25 July 1934
  My dear mother,
  11 August 1934
  Series Five - To a Child
  16 August 1934
  My dear mother,
  21 August 1934
  My dear little child,
  21 August 1934
  My dear mother,
  30 August 1934
  1 September 1934
  My dear child,
  September 1934
  My dear mother,
  7 September 1934
  My dear mother,
  11 September 1934
  Dearest mother,
  20 September 1934
  My dear child,
  23 September 1934
  My dear little child,
  25 September 1934
  My dear mother,
  3 October 1934
  My little mother,
  25 October 1934
  My little mother,
  1 November 1934
  My dearest mother,
  2 November 1934
  My dear little mother,
  5 December 1934
  Dearest mother,
  22 December 1934
  My dear mother,
  1 February 1935
  My dear child,
  25 February 1935
  My sweet mother,
  27 February 1935
  My dear child,
  6 March 1935
  My sweet mother,
  16 March 1935
  My dear mother,
  23 March 1935
  Sweet mother,
  12 June 1935
  My sweet mother,
  4 August 1935
  Series Five - To a Child
  6 September 1935
  My sweet mother,
  16 December 1936
  Sweet mother,
  26 July 1937
  My dear mother,
  28 July 1937
  My sweet mother,
  28 August 1937
  The moon is the symbol of the spiritual light, one in its origin,
  9 September 1937
  What I meant yesterday is that all people very sensitive are
  13 September 1937
  My dear child,
  15 May 1938
  My sweet mother,
  29 May 1938
  My sweet mother,
  28 June 1938
  10 July 1938
  My sweet mother,
  17 July 1938
  You have my full consent to write poetry, and Sri Aurobindo
  20 July 1938
  My sweet mother,
  30 August 1938
  (In October 1938, at the age of eighteen, the sadhak left
  the Ashram for a period of eight years. The following
  30 March 1939
  My dear child,
  11 January 1940
  Series Five - To a Child
  10 April 1942
  (In April 1946, the sadhak returned to the Ashram,
  where he has remained ever since. The following letters
  4 June 1946
  My sweet mother,
  29 June 1946
  My sweet mother,
  25 September 1947
  Be sincere, always sincere, more and more sincere.
  26 January 1950
  The Mother underlined the words "all will be well" and wrote beside them: "This is
  12 December 1953
  Sweet Mother,
  23 March 1954
  My dear child,
  26 January 1956
  (The following letters are undated. Most were written
  between 1932 and 1938 during the sadhak's first stay in
  the Ashram.)

0.06 - Letters to a Young Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  chronologically. The replies here were written between 1933 and 1949 - most of them
  between 1933 and 1935.
  I believe a day will come when the Divine will be seen

0.07 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  during the 1930s and then served from 1938 to 1950 as one of
  Sri Aurobindo's personal attendants.1
  8 July 1935
  There is an old Hindu belief that one should not lie down
  24 March 1936
  This correspondence was written entirely in English.
  27 March 1936
  Has X spoken to you about some influence of Saturn he
  14 September 1936
  I know that the work I get nowadays is often very slight.
  5 December 1936
  I am getting tired of taking and taking, and giving nothing in return. It is almost indecent. But, then, I do not
  3 January 1937
  Series Seven - To a Sadhak
  13 November 1937
  What a letter you have written to Y, Mother! You will
  4 May 1938
  Eternal Mother,
  4 July 1938
  Z has told me that you have received complaints against
  9 October 1938
  (In his notebook the sadhak drew a simple pencil sketch
  14 October 1938
  Has the psychic flame any correspondence to the Vedic
  20 October 1938
  Series Seven - To a Sadhak
  22 October 1938
  Life of my life, I also want to come to you; for, in your
  25 October 1938
  How shall I ever repay you for your exquisite act of
  28 October 1938
  I am your child first and last and this work has no other
  31 October 1938
  On my last birthday, your parting words to me were:
  4 November 1938
  Dear, dear, dear Mother,
  6 November 1938
  You send me your love and blessings every day of late,
  9 November 1938
  I know your love and blessings are always with me and
  9 July 1939
  16 July 1939
  My dear child,
  17 July 1939
  There happen to be bad sons now and then, but a bad
  27 July 1939
  I know you mean well, but to be good, truly good, may
  28 July 1939
  (The sadhak received a jar of pickles from the Mother.)
  6 August 1939
  Dear, dear, dear Mother,
  8 August 1939
  O Devi, O Mother!
  10 August 1939
  Will you kindly tell me, dear Mother, if you love me
  12 August 1939
  Dear Mother,
  13 August 1939
  Series Seven - To a Sadhak
  17 August 1939
  Your love for me is my true refuge and sole strength.
   19 August 1939
  are always with you.
  20 August 1939
  Dearest Mama,
  24 August 1939
  You were asking me this morning what was the matter
  27 August 1939
  Life of my life! My own sweetest Mama!
  28 August 1939
  Let divine love be your goal.
  9 September 1939
  My dear loving Mother,
   19 October 1939
  28 October 1939
  Dear Mother,
  29 March 1940
  Series Seven - To a Sadhak
  29 June 1940
  Your answer to my letter of July 22, which you kindly
  25 July 1940
  My dear child,
  9 September 1941
  My dear child,
  9 September 1942
  My dear child, here is the programme for this year: Unify your
  9 September 1943
  The Divine's Grace is there - open your door and welcome it.
  9 September 1944

0.08 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  9 September 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  10 September 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  10 September 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  12 September 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  14 September 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  17 September 1959
  Sweet Mother,
   19 September 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  21 September 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  22 September 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  25 September 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  29 September 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  5 October 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  12 October 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, SABCL, Vol. 19, p. 906.
  This is why the first thing required when one wants to do
  15 October 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  20 October 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  2 November 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  2 November 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  4 November 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  5 November 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  7 November 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  15 November 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  27 November 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  28 November 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  15 December 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  SABCL, Vol. 19, p. 921.
  On 29 February 1956 there took place, in the Mother's words, "the manifestation of the Supramental upon earth"; "Then the supramental Light and Force and
  Consciousness rushed down upon earth in an uninterrupted flow."
  18 December 1959
  Sweet Mother,
  5 February 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  23 April 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  30 May 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  20 June 1960
  The Mother

0.09 - Letters to a Young Teacher, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  23 May 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  1 June 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  1 June 1960
  My dear child, I have just read your good letter. Fear nothing:
  5 June 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  13 June 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  13 June 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  3 July 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  3 July 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  16 July 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  16 July 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  28 July 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  28 July 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  31 July 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  12 August 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  26 September 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  26 September 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  17 October 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  17 October 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  29 October 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  29 October 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  12 November 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  26 November 1960
  Series Nine - To a Young Teacher
  26 November 1960
  Sweet Mother,
  26 April 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  In the New Year Message of 1961 You say: "This
  wonderful world of delight waiting at our gates for our
  26 April 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  26 April 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  26 April 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  2 June 1961
  Series Nine - To a Young Teacher
  June 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  27 May 1963

01.02 - Sri Aurobindo - Ahana and Other Poems, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   it cannot be said that Aurobindo shows any organic adaptation to music and melody. His thought is profound; his technical devices are commendable; but the music that enchants or disturbs is not there. Aurobindo is not another Tagore or Iqbal, or even Sarojini Naidu."The Times Literary Supplement, July 8, 1944.

01.09 - William Blake: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Times Literary Supplement, January 15, 1949

0.10 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  13 October 1954
  Sweet Mother,
  26 January 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  4 July 1961
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  12 July 1961
  (Regarding The Lost Footsteps by Silviu Craciunas) This
  14 July 1961
  (Regarding the Mother's message of March 1961 to the
  captains; in it she asks them to "be the elite") We are very
  15 July 1961
  Sweet Mother,
   19 July 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  1 August 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  6 August 1961
  On the first of each month, the sadhaks received "Prosperity" - their basic material
  13 August 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  3 September 1961
  Sweet Mother,
   19 September 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  27 September 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  4 October 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  8 October 1961
  I would like you to look attentively into yourself and try to
  16 October 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  16 October 1961
  (After seeing the Mother on Lakshmi Puja Day) I await
  23 October 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  4 November 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  6 November 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  14 November 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  20 November 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  2 December 1961
  Sweet Mother,
  21 January 1962
  Sweet Mother,
  6 February 1962
  Sweet Mother,
  6 March 1962
  Sweet Mother,
  2 September 1962
  Sweet Mother,
  20 September 1962
  Sweet Mother,
  27 September 1962
  Sweet Mother,
  29 September 1962
  A little sincere and regular practice is worth more than a lot of
  2 October 1962
  Sweet Mother,
  15 October 1962
  Sweet Mother,
   19 October 1962
  (Regarding a threat by China to occupy disputed borderland in northern Kashmir and northeastern India)
  24 October 1962
  (Regarding a prayer for Kali Puja Day)
  26 October 1962
  Sweet Mother,
  18 November 1962
  (Regarding the captain's estimate of someone)
  5 January 1963
  (Regarding a friend)
  27 January 1963
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  31 January 1963
  (Regarding a bad dream)
   19 March 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  12 April 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  4 May 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  10 May 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  11 May 1963
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  13 May 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  15 May 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  23 May 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  31 May 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  4 June 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  7 June 1963
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  10 June 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  12 June 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  25 June 1963
  (On reading novels)
  27 June 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  28 June 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  30 June 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  3 July 1963
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  4 July 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  5 July 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  6 July 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  7 July 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  8 July 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  11 July 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  15 July 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  17 July 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  21 July 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  24 July 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  27 July 1963
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  11 August 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  12 August 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  18 August 1963
  Sweet Mother,
   19 August 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  22 August 1963
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  27 August 1963
  (Regarding someone's observations on the captain's
  12 September 1963
  (Regarding X, who related her misfortunes to the captain, blaming herself for all her troubles) To console her,
  17 September 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  21 September 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  22 September 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  24 September 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  26 September 1963
  The annual cultural programme.
  29 September 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  13 October 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  14 October 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  12 November 1963
  (Written by the Mother at the beginning of a notebook
  27 November 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  27 December 1963
  Sweet Mother,
  2 January 1964
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  3 January 1964
  I have kept your notebook in the hope of finding time to read and
  17 February 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  29 April 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  6 May 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  7 May 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  13 May 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  13 May 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  20 May 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  27 May 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  3 June 1964
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  10 June 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  17 June 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  24 June 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  1 July 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  8 July 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  15 July 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  22 July 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  29 July 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  5 August 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  12 August 1964
  Sweet Mother,
   19 August 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  26 August 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  2 September 1964
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  9 September 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  16 September 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  23 September 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  30 September 1964
  Japa: continuous repetition of a mantra.
  7 October 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  14 October 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  27 October 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  28 October 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  4 November 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  11 November 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  18 November 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  25 November 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  2 December 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  9 December 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  16 December 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  23 December 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  Happy New Year for 1965.
  30 December 1964
  Sweet Mother,
  5 January 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  near? What must we do during 1965 to prepare ourselves
  to recognise it and receive it?
  13 January 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  21 January 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  17 February 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  24 February 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  3 March 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  10 March 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  17 March 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  24 March 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  31 March 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  7 April 1965
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  14 April 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  21 April 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  Questions and Answers 1929 - 1931, CWM, Vol. 3, p. 128.
  condition at present? When will she emerge from this
  28 April 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  Why did Sri Aurobindo advise India's leaders to accept the Cripps Proposal in 1942, when He knew fully
  well that they would not?21
  5 May 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  Questions and Answers 1929 - 1931, CWM, Vol. 3, p. 128.
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  12 May 1965
  Sweet Mother,
   19 May 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  26 May 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  The descent of the Supermind, which You announced on the 29th of February 1956, is still only
  "something one hears about" for most people here.
  2 June 1965
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  9 June 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  23 June 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  Questions and Answers 1929 - 1931, CWM, Vol. 3, p. 133.
  It is best for each person to find his own path, but for this
  30 June 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  7 July 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  14 July 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  21 July 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  28 July 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  11 August 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  25 August 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  1 September 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  8 September 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  29 September 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  6 October 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  13 October 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  20 October 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  27 October 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  3 November 1965
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  10 November 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  17 November 1965
  Questions and Answers 1929 - 1931, CWM, Vol. 3, p. 79.
  Sweet Mother,
  1 December 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  22 December 1965
  Sweet Mother,
  5 January 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  12 January 1966
  Sweet Mother,
   19 January 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  2 February 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  9 February 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  16 February 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  2 March 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  23 March 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  30 March 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  13 April 1966
  Sweet Mother,
   19 April 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  11 May 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  18 May 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  25 May 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  1 June 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  6 July 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  13 July 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  20 July 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  27 July 1966
  (Regarding an invitation to the captain to follow a course
  3 August 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  4 August 1966
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  22 August 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  23 August 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  7 September 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  14 September 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  8 October 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  12 October 1966
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  26 October 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  2 November 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  30 November 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  7 December 1966
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  14 December 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  21 December 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  28 December 1966
  Sweet Mother,
  1 February 1967
  Sweet Mother,
  8 February 1967
  Sweet Mother,
  15 February 1967
  Sweet Mother,
  22 March 1967
  Sweet Mother,
  12 April 1967
  Sweet Mother,
   19 April 1967
  Sweet Mother,
  26 April 1967
  Sweet Mother,
  21 June 1967
  Sweet Mother,
  year of complete realisation." (Letter of 2 February 1934)
  The Mother replied to this question orally; she was speaking to someone other than
  15 July 1967
  Sweet Mother,
   19 July 1967
  Sweet Mother,
  20 September 1967
  Sweet Mother,
  16 October 1967
  16 October 1967 - 25 July 1970
  After all these years I have found the forgotten notebook, and I
  25 July 1970
  Sweet Mother,
  5 August 1970
  Sweet Mother,
  7 November 1970
  Sweet Mother,
  14 November 1970
  Sweet Mother,
  28 November 1970

01.12 - Goethe, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The year 1949 has just celebrated the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great force of light that was Goethe. We too remember him on the occasion, and will try to present in a few words, as we see it, the fundamental experience, the major Intuition that stirred this human soul, the lesson he brought to mankind. Goe the was a great poet. He showed how a language, perhaps least poetical by nature, can be moulded to embody the great beauty of great poetry. He made the German language sing, even as the sun's ray made the stone of Memnon sing when falling upon it. Goe the was a man of consummate culture. Truly and almost literally it could be said of him that nothing human he considered foreign to his inquiring mind. And Goe the was a man of great wisdom. His observation and judgment on thingsno matter to whatever realm they belonghave an arresting appropriateness, a happy and revealing insight. But above all, he was an aspiring soulaspiring to know and be in touch with the hidden Divinity in man and the world.
   Goe the and the Problem of Evil

0.11 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  11 October 1966
  In 1958 the Mother said, "If things go on advancing at
  this speed, it seems more than possible, almost evident,
  announcement: The supramental consciousness will enter a phase of realising power in 1967."1
  Have things advanced at the required speed?
  2 January 1967
  May I try to make my nights conscious? I pray for
  Questions and Answers 1957 - 1958, CWM, Vol. 9, p. 315.
  2) When you wake up, do not make any sudden
  18 January 1967
  In the human being, is the psychic being the entire soul
  1 February 1967
  As soon as I meet or see certain people, certain lower
  this volume, the last paragraph of her reply of 20 September 1969.
  Series Eleven - To a Sadhak
  18 February 1967
  You have said: "The Divine is with you according to
  25 February 1967
  "The Dawn that does not pass away"3 - what spiritual
  6 March 1967
  The Mother, Prayers and Meditations, 24 August 1914.
  This is how I understand the Purusha:
  10 March 1967
  My body is very weak and full of unconsciousness and
  18 March 1967
  "To be aware of the consciousness of the soul" - is this
  25 March 1967
  Series Eleven - To a Sadhak
  7 April 1967
  Looking at the present state of the world, we can say
  12 April 1967
  Although there is a certain charm and poetry in the
  in 1926.
  17 April 1967
  The Lord told You: "One day thou wilt be my head but
  22 April 1967
  When I want to be closer to You, I see that I must overcome my ego. But when I think of overcoming my ego,
  1 May 1967
  How can I be Your good child?
  5 May 1967
  When I am able to offer You money or some object, it
  The Mother, Prayers and Meditations, 17 May 1914.
  Series Eleven - To a Sadhak
  10 May 1967
  How can I get rid of the habit of feeling that I own the
  16 May 1967
  Sometimes I think that the Agni You have kindled in me
   19 May 1967
  Is it possible to make my hands conscious so that they
  29 May 1967
  I want to overcome a difficulty: it is that when I perceive
  1 June 1967
  Please tell me how I can get rid of the past, which clings
  14 June 1967
  One morning as I was reading Your book Prayers and
  24 June 1967
  Your hands are open to give everything, but I can only
  6 July 1967
  I have begun to see that both the personal effort of the
  13 July 1967
  To establish the reign of the Divine on earth, who is
  20 July 1967
  May I know whether it is true that after death a dead
  30 July 1967
  I asked myself, "How can one express the inexpressible?" The reply came, "By living it, by becoming it, by
  7 August 1967
  One thing escapes my understanding: how can You find
  12 August 1967
  Series Eleven - To a Sadhak
  22 August 1967
  From what I understand, You said that the psychic beings
  24 August 1967
  How can one use shadow to realise the Light?
  4 September 1967
  It is said that there are certain methods in the Tantras
  20 September 1967
  In the message for the radio You substituted the word
  25 September 1967
  "O India, land of light and spiritual knowledge! Wake up to your true mission in the
  India Radio, Pondicherry, 23 September 1967. Words of the Mother - I, CWM, Vol. 13,
  p. 367.
  30 September 1967
  You have taught me the importance of awakening the
  21 October 1967
  I have heard about the aspiration to be simply what You
  26 October 1967
  Two extremely rich men who claim to be very religious
  8 November 1967
  Which is swifter for transformation: Divine Love or
  11 November 1967
  By Your Grace, my body is now collaborating to get rid
  29 November 1967
  Which came first in the manifestation, the god or the
  2 December 1967
  Series Eleven - To a Sadhak
  4 December 1967
  The fragrance of the flowers given by the Mother is often
  15 December 1967
  I have forgotten the Divine for so long in this life and in
   19 December 1967
  Can one's aspiration for the Divine have the required
  23 December 1967
  You put something into Your words which enables us to
  27 December 1967
  I think that always, at every moment, someone or other
  3 January 1968
  How is it that ordinarily the richer one is (materially),
  4 January 1968
  Series Eleven - To a Sadhak
  6 January 1968
  The disciples of the Ashram have a sure and easy way to
  8 January 1968
  The day before yesterday, as I was arranging my vase for
  27 January 1968
  A hibiscus gave me this experience.
  27 January 1968
  Is constant remembrance of the Divine the beginning of
  29 January 1968
  While speaking about the "Transcendent Mother" (and
  5 February 1968
  Last Monday You spoke to me about the Transcendent
  9 February 1968
  What is the difference between an emanation and a
  11 March 1968
  The path is long, very long, almost interminable.
  16 March 1968
  It seems to me that the very land of Auroville aspires. Is
  21 March 1968
  Today You have shown me the basic incompatibility between human law and the Truth. But this is a problem
  28 March 1968
  Can one say that all waste reflects a waste of consciousness?
  2 April 1968
  The Upanishad says that when one sleeps, one reaches
  8 April 1968
  Series Eleven - To a Sadhak
  16 April 1968
  In the quotation chosen for tomorrow6 Sri Aurobindo
  23 April 1968
  When I thought of writing to You this morning about
  13 May 1968
  How can one hasten the day when the whole being will
  20 May 1968
  Even "good and innocent movements" are said to take
  22 May 1968
  Series Eleven - To a Sadhak
  27 May 1968
  What is the most effective way to overcome the ego?
  28 May 1968
  To remain turned upwards and to live in the true consciousness - the two seem complementary to each other.
  3 June 1968
  Who should be put on guard to give the alert: "Be
  5 June 1968
  Savitri, Book VI, Canto 2.
  12 June 1968
  What is the origin of man's love for his own ignorance?
  15 June 1968
  Sri Aurobindo speaks of Savitri's firmness of purpose in
  17 June 1968
  Savitri says:
  24 June 1968
  Isn't the power of the Asuras as boundless as the power
  26 June 1968
  Can one say that total sincerity and the abolition of the
  28 June 1968
  In spiritual life, even to sit down is to fall back.
  2 July 1968
  Savitri, Book X, Canto 2.
  8 July 1968
  Can an individual achieve transformation even if the
  9 July 1968
  The Buddha said that Nirvana results in the cessation
  26 July 1968
  Series Eleven - To a Sadhak
  28 September 1968
  In 1953 Mother said: "Whatever the way one follows,
  whether it be the religious way, the philosophical way,
  30 September 1968
  How can one collaborate in the transformation?
  7 October 1968
  The Divine is the goal, the path and the one who treads
  Questions and Answers 1953, CWM, Vol. 5, p. 82.
  the long duration and difficulty of the creation if its goal is that
  14 October 1968
  One would like to have the fundamental realisation that
  16 October 1968
  Is immunity to the attack of adverse forces possible
  18 October 1968
  Is the Divine Love equal for all even in the manifestation?
  22 October 1968
  Series Eleven - To a Sadhak
  24 October 1968
  Does the subconscient go on recording during sleep?
  26 October 1968
  Aswapathy was very fortunate. For him,
  1 November 1968
  How can one keep what You give?
  3 November 1968
  Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga, SABCL, Vol. 20, p. 52.
  5 November 1968
  "A knowledge which became what it perceived,
  7 November 1968
  "A greater force than the earthly held his limbs,...
  9 November 1968
  Savitri, Book I, Canto 3.
  11 November 1968
  "A last high world was seen where all worlds meet;
  15 November 1968
  Through Krishna's Grace, Arjuna realised the cosmic
  17 November 1968
  "Our body's cells must hold the Immortal's flame."17
   19 November 1968
  Savitri, Book I, Canto 3.
  21 November 1968
  It seems to me, Mother, that the flame that calls and the
  25 November 1968
  Can one say, Mother, that perfect receptivity comes only
  27 November 1968
  "None can reach heaven who has not passed through
  29 November 1968
  "His failure is not failure whom God leads" 19
  3 December 1968
  "The one original transcendent Shakti, the Mother
  5 December 1968
  Savitri, Book III, Canto 4.
  7 December 1968
  The human pleasure of possessing is a perversion of
  11 December 1968
  "When we eat, we should be conscious that we are giving
  13 December 1968
  In order to be conscious of the constant Presence, is
  17 December 1968
  Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga, SABCL, Vol. 20, p. 103.
   19 December 1968
  "All things shall change in God's transfiguring hour."22
  21 December 1968
  The Upanishad says: "When That is known, all is
  23 December 1968
  Savitri, Book III, Canto 4.
  25 December 1968
  In fact, Mother, what is the yogi's attitude towards the
  27 December 1968
  Is the perception of the illusory appearance automatic
  29 December 1968
  Therefore, Mother, the transformation of the body is
  31 December 1968

0.12 - Letters to a Student, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  23 July 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  28 August 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  9 September 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  25 September 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  6 October 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  13 October 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  5 November 1969
  9 November 1969
  Love of Nature is usually the sign of a pure and healthy being uncorrupted by modern civilisation. It is in the silence of a
  13 November 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  16 November 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  29 November 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  1 December 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  9 December 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  11 December 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  13 December 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  21 December 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  25 December 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  30 December 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  13 January 1970
  Sweet Mother,
  14 January 1970
  Sweet Mother,
  1 February 1970
  Sweet Mother,
  5 February 1970

0.13 - Letters to a Student, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  8 July 1969
  There is no one for whom it is impossible to realise the Divine.
  22 July 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  23 July 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  1 August 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  11 August 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  22 August 1969
  There is only one love, the Divine Love, eternal, universal, equal
  6 September 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  14 September 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  20 September 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  20 October 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  28 October 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  8 November 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  16 November 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  8 December 1969
  Series Thirteen - To a Student
  13 December 1969
  (Regarding accidents in sports at the Ashram)
  22 December 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  23 December 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  25 December 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  29 December 1969
  SABCL, Vol. 17, p. 1.
  30 December 1969
  Sweet Mother,
  2 January 1970
  The Mother's New Year Message of 1970.
  Sweet Mother,
  16 January 1970
  Sweet Mother,
  30 January 1970
  Sweet Mother,
  4 February 1970
  Sweet Mother,
  5 February 1970

0.14 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  18 November 1971
  Those who want to progress now have an exceptional chance,
  20 November 1971
  The purpose of individual existence is the joy of discovering the
  22 November 1971
  A victory won over the lower nature gives a deeper and more
  24 November 1971
  Sri Aurobindo has revealed to us a few of the marvels that the
  27 November 1971
  Each one has his ego and all the egos are at odds with one
  3 December 1971
  In the difficult hours of life, the imperative duty of each one is
  4 December 1971
  Supreme Lord, Infinite Wisdom,
  5 December 1971
  Series Fourteen - To a Sadhak
  7 December 1971
  Our human consciousness has windows that open upon the
  8 December 1971
  The ego was necessary to form the individual being. Its destruction is therefore difficult. There is a much better, though more
  9 December 1971
  For you, the best way to begin is to find your psychic being,
  11 December 1971
  The psychic being is the individual sheath of the Divine Presence.
  11 December 1971
  Communications from the psychic do not come in a mental
  13 December 1971
  The psychic is conscious of its progressive formation during successive lives upon earth, so it has the memory of the important
  14 December 1971
  Feeling alone in the midst of human beings is the sign that you
  16 December 1971
  There comes a moment when life becomes intolerable without
  17 December 1971
  One moment of conscious communion with the Divine can
  18 December 1971
  In silence lies the greatest receptivity. And in an immobile silence
   19 December 1971
  We shall have made a great leap towards realisation when we
  20 December 1971
  Total union and the perfect manifestation of the Divine are the
  21 December 1971
  To know why we live: discovery of the Divine and conscious
  22 December 1971
  24 December 1971
  The best thing we can do to express our gratitude is to overcome all egoism in ourselves and make a constant effort towards this transformation. Human egoism refuses to abdicate
  25 December 1971
  Human beings could be classified under four principal categories
  26 December 1971
  Do not live to be happy, live to serve the Divine, and the
  28 December 1971
  We are at a decisive hour in the history of the earth. It is preparing for the coming of the superman and because of this the old
  29 December 1971
  The result of the creation is a detailed multiplication of consciousness.
  8 January 1972
  In time and space no two human beings have the same consciousness, and the sum of all these consciousnesses is but a partial
  9 January 1972
  The first condition is not to have one's own personal interest as
  11 January 1972
  Series Fourteen - To a Sadhak
  12 January 1972
  In this way the more one spends the more one receives, and
  13 January 1972
  Sincerity, humility, perseverance and an insatiable thirst for
  14 January 1972
  When the body has learned the art of constantly progressing
  16 January 1972
  If the growth of consciousness were considered as the principal
  18 January 1972
  To learn constantly, not just intellectually but psychologically,
  27 January 1972
  Sri Aurobindo came upon earth to announce the manifestation
  30 January 1972
  The energies that human beings use for reproduction and that
  31 January 1972
  Series Fourteen - To a Sadhak
  1 February 1972
  To want what the Divine wants, in all sincerity, is the essential
  4 February 1972
  The first necessity for each one is his own transformation, and
  5 February 1972
  In the depths of our being, in the silence of contemplation, a
  6 February 1972
  Thus, the purpose and goal of life is not suffering and struggle
  7 February 1972
  When humanity was first created, the ego was the unifying
  8 February 1972
  The first thing one learns on the way is that the joy of giving is
  9 February 1972
  Human consciousness is so corrupted that men prefer the miseries of the ego and its ignorance to the luminous joy that comes
  10 February 1972
  Supreme Lord, teach us to be silent, that in the silence we may
  11 February 1972
  We want to be true servitors of the Divine.
  14 February 1972
  For those who want always to progress, there are three major
  15 February 1972
  What is commonly called faithfulness is a scrupulous compliance
  17 February 1972
  Life on earth is essentially a field for progress. But how brief life
   19 February 1972
  Supreme Lord, Perfection that we must become, Perfection that
  23 February 1972
  Grant that I may become conscious of Your Presence.
  9 March 1972
  Lord, we implore You, grant that nothing in us may reject Your
  12 March 1972
  Lord, give us the silence of Your contemplation, the silence rich
  13 March 1972
  Grant that our silence may be filled with Your Presence and that
  14 March 1972
  Grant that we may identify ourselves with Your Eternal Consciousness so that we may know truly what Immortality is.
  16 March 1972
  To prepare for immortality, the consciousness of the body must
  17 March 1972
  A fifteen-year-old girl asked: "What is Truth?"
  18 March 1972
  This truth that man has vainly sought to know will be the
   19 March 1972

0 1951-09-21, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1951 Fri 21 September
   September 21, 1951
   mon doux Seigneur,
   November 25, 1959

0 1952-08-02, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
  August 2, 1952
  Only when it is no longer necessary for my body to resemble the bodies of men in order to make them progress will it be free to be supramentalized.1

0 1954-08-25 - what is this personality? and when will she come?, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1954 Wed 25 August
   August 25, 1954
   The following text is an extract from a 'Wednesday Class,' when every Wednesday Mother would answer questions raised by the disciples and children at the Ashram Playground.
   I think it was in 1946, Mother, because you told us so many things at that time.
   W.W. Pearson, a friend of Rabindranath Tagore, who had come from Tagore's Ashram in 1923; Mother had met him with Tagore in 1916 in Japan.

0 1955-03-26, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1955 Sat 26 March
   March 26, 1955
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, March 26, 1955
   Mother, once more I come to ask you for Mahakalis1 intervention. After a period when everything seemed much better, I again awake to impossible mornings when I live badly, very badly, far from you, incapable of calling you and, whats more, of feeling your Presence or your help.
   Such was our old, meaningless name (except for its Germanic root: 'hard bear') until a certain March 3, 1957, when Mother named us Sat-prem ('the one who loves truly').

0 1955-04-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1955 Mon 4 April
   April 4, 1955
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, April 4, 1955
   Mother, for more than a year now I have been near you and nothing, no really significant inner experience, no sign has come that allows me to feel I have progressed or merely to show me that I am on the right path. I cannot even say I am happy.

0 1955-06-09, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1955 Thu 9 June
   June 9, 1955
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, June 9, 1955
   Mother, I cannot say that it is a nostalgia for the outside world that is drawing me backwards nor some attachment to a personal form of life, nor even some vital desire seeking its own satisfaction. That old world no longer attracts me, and I do not see at all what I would do there. Yet something is standing in my way.
   June 11, 1955
   My dear child,

0 1955-09-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1955 Sat 3 September
   September 3, 1955
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, September 3, 1955
   Mother, it seems that for weeks I have been knocking against myself at every turn, as though I were in a prison, and I cannot get out of it. Mother, I need your Space, your Light, to get out of this walled-in night that is suffocating me.

0 1955-09-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1955 Thu 15 September
   September 15, 1955
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, September 15, 1955
   Mother suddenly everything seems to have crystallizedall the little revolts, the little tensions, the ill will and petty vital demandsforming a single block of open, determined resistance. I have become conscious that from the beginning of my sadhana, the mind has led the gamewith the psychic behind and has held me in leash, helped muzzle all contrary movements, but at no time, or only rarely, has the vital submitted or opened to the higher influence. The rare times when the vital participated, I felt a great progress. But now, I find myself in front of this solid mass that says No and is not at all convinced of what the mind has been imposing upon it for almost two years now.
   September 3, 1955

0 1955-10-19, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1955 Wed 19 October
   October 19, 1955
   Note written by Mother in French.
   September 15, 1955

0 1956-02-29 - First Supramental Manifestation - The Golden Hammer, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Wed 29 February
   February 29, 1956
   The following text was given by Mother in both French and English.
   (During the common meditation on Wednesday the 29th February 1956)
   This evening the Divine Presence, concrete and material, was there present amongst you. I had a form of living gold, bigger than the universe, and I was facing a huge and massive golden door which separated the world from the Divine.

0 1956-03-19, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Mon 19 March
   March 19, 1956
   Note written by Mother in French. At this period, Mother's back was already bent. This straightening of her back seems to be the first physiological effect of the 'Supramental Manifestation' of February 29, which is perhaps the reason why Mother noted down the experience under the name 'Agenda of the Supramental Action on Earth.' It was the first time Mother gave a title to what would become this fabulous document of 13 volumes. The experience took place during a 'translation class' when, twice a week, Mother would translate the works of Sri Aurobindo into French before a group of disciples.
   On March 19 during the translation class the inner voice said:
   Hold yourself straight
   February 29, 1956

0 1956-03-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Tue 20 March
   March 20, 1956
   Note written by Mother in French.

0 1956-03-21, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Wed 21 March
   March 21, 1956
   Note written by Mother in French.

0 1956-04-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Wed 4 April
   April 4, 1956
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, April 4, 1956
   Mother, two months ago I had a clear mental perception of what was asked of me: to spend the rest of my life here. This is the source of my difficulties and of the inner hell I have been living through ever since. Each time I try to emerge, there is this image that rises up in me: your-whole-life and this casts me into a violent conflict. When I came here, I thought of staying for two or three years; for me the Ashram was a means of realization, not an end.

0 1956-04-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Fri 20 April
   April 20, 1956
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, April 20, 1956
   Sweet Mother,

0 1956-04-23, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Mon 23 April
   April 23, 1956
   Mother takes a passage from Prayers and Meditations of September 25, 1914:
   The Lord hast willed, and Thou dost execute;

0 1956-04-24, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Tue 24 April
   April 24, 1956
   Original English.

0 1956-05-02, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Wed 2 May
   May 2, 1956
   (Extract from the Wednesday class)
   Mother is referring to the darshan of April 24, 1956. Four times a year, for 'darshan,' visitors increasingly poured into the Ashram to pass one by one before Mother (and formerly, Sri Aurobindo) to receive her look.

0 1956-07-29, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Sun 29 July
   July 29, 1956
   Note written by Mother in French.

0 1956-08-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Fri 10 August
   August 10, 1956
   Note written by Mother in English.
   In fact, following the 'Supramental Manifestation' of February 29, 1956, all of Mother's physical difficulties increased, as though all the obscurities in the physical consciousness were surging forth beneath the pressure of the new light. The same observation applies to the disciples who were around Mother and undoubtedly to the world as a whole. A strange 'mysterious acceleration' was beginning to take hold of the world.

0 1956-09-12, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Wed 12 September
   September 12, 1956
   This text was noted down by a disciple from memory. On the original manuscript submitted for her approval, Mother wrote, 'This account is quite correct,' and She signed the text. Words added or corrected by Mother are in italics.

0 1956-09-14, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Fri 14 September
   September 14, 1956
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Hyderabad, September 14, 1956
   Sweet Mother,
   September 12, 1956

0 1956-10-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Sun 7 October
   October 7, 1956
   I cried towards the Light
   September 14, 1956

0 1956-10-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Mon 8 October
   October 8, 1956
   (At about 6 a.m., before Mother appeared on the balcony)

0 1956-10-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Sun 28 October
   October 28, 1956
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, October 28, 1956
   Sweet Mother, my birthday is the day after tomorrow, the 30th. I come to place my inner situation before you so that you may help me take a decision.

0 1956-11-22, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Thu 22 November
   November 22, 1956
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, November 22, 1956
   Sweet Mother,
   October 28, 1956

0 1956-12-12, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Wed 12 December
   December 12, 1956
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, December 12, 1956
   Mother, a letter from W. He is leaving Brazil and retiring from business for good.
   November 22, 1956

0 1956-12-26, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1956 Wed 26 December
   December 26, 1956
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, December 26, 1956
   Mother, perhaps it would be good if I told you what is happening within me, as sincerely as I can:
   December 12, 1956

0 1957-01-01, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1957 Tue 1 January
   January 1, 1957
   A power greater than that of Evil
   December 26, 1956

0 1957-01-18, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1957 Fri 18 January
   January 18, 1957
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, January 18, 1957
   Sweet Mother,

0 1957-03-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1957 Sun 3 March
   March 3, 1957
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   January 18, 1957

0 1957-04-09, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1957 Tue 9 April
   April 9, 1957
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, April 9, 1957
   April 11, 1957
   My dear child,

0 1957-04-22, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1957 Mon 22 April
   April 22, 1957
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, April 22, 1957
   Sweet Mother,

0 1957-07-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1957 Wed 3 July
   July 3, 1957
   (Extract from the Wednesday class)

0 1957-07-18, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1957 Thu 18 July
   July 18, 1957
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, July 18, 1957
   Sweet Mother,

0 1957-09-27, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1957 Fri 27 September
   September 27, 1957
   (A child's question concerning a vision in which Mother had appeared to her in a luminous body)

0 1957-10-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1957 Tue 8 October
   October 8, 1957
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, October 8, 1957
   September 27, 1957

0 1957-10-17, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1957 Thu 17 October
   October 17, 1957
   (On freedom)

0 1957-10-18, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1957 Fri 18 October
   October 18, 1957
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, October 18, 1957
   Sweet Mother,
   October 17, 1957

0 1957-11-12, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1957 Tue 12 November
   November 12, 1957
   The integral yoga is made up of an uninterrupted series of tests that you must pass through without any advance notice, thereby forcing you to be always vigilant and attentive.
   October 18, 1957

0 1957-11-13, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1957 Wed 13 November
   November 13, 1957
   Widen yourself as far as the extreme bounds of the universe and beyond.
   November 12, 1957

0 1957-12-13, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1957 Fri 13 December
   December 13, 1957
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, December 13, 1957
   Sweet Mother, this is what is rising from my soul: I feel in me something unemployed, something seeking to express itself in life. I want to be like a knight, your knight, and go off in search of a treasure that I could bring back to you. The world has lost all sense of the wonderful, all beauty of Adventure, this quest known to the knights of the Middle Ages. It is this that calls so relentlessly within me, this need for a quest in the world and for a beautiful Adventure which at the same time would be an adventure of the soul. How I wish that the two things, inner and outer, be JOINED, that the joy of action, of the open road and the quest help the souls blossoming, that they be like a prayer of the soul expressed in life. The knights of the Middle Ages knew this. Perhaps it is all childish and absurd in the midst of this 20th century, but this is what I feel, this that is summoning me to leavenot anything base, not anything mediocre, only a need for something in me to be fulfilled. If only I could bring you back a beautiful treasure!

0 1957-12-21, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1957 Sat 21 December
   December 21, 1957
   The other day you told me that in order to know things, you plug into the subtle plane, and there it all unrolls as on a tape recorder. How does this work, exactly?
   (Note written by Mother in connection with the conversation of December 21, 1957)
   At the very top, a constant vision of the Supremes will.
   December 13, 1957

0 1958-01-01, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Wed 1 January
   January 1, 1958
   (Extract from the Wednesday class)
   (Message of January 1, 1958)
   Sweet Mother, will you explain this years message?
   During one of our classes (October 30, 1957), I spoke of the limitless abundance of Nature, this tireless Creatrice who takes the multitude of forms, mixes them together, separates them again and reforms them, again undoes them, again destroys them, in order to move on to ever new combinations. As I said, it is a huge cauldron. Things get churned up in it and somehow something emerges; if its defective, it is thrown back in and something else is taken out One form, two forms or a hundred forms make no difference to her, there are thousands upon thousands of formsand one year, a hundred years, a thousand years, millions of years, what difference does it make? Eternity lies before her! She quite obviously enjoys herself and is in no hurry. If you speak to her of pressing on or of rushing through some part of her work or other, her reply is always the same: But what for? Why? Arent you enjoying it?
   The evening I told you these things, I totally identified myself with Nature and I entered into her play. And this movement of identification brought forth a response, a new kind of intimacy between Nature and myself, a long movement of drawing ever nearer which culminated in an experience that came on November 8.

0 1958-01-22, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Wed 22 January
   January 22, 1958
   It is an error to confuse Joy and Felicity. They are two very different things. Not only are their vibrations different, but their colors are different. The color of Felicity is blue, a clear silvery blue (the blue of the Ashram flag), very luminous and transparent. And it has a passive and fresh quality that refreshes and rejuvenates.

0 1958-01-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sat 25 January
   January 25, 1958
   Note written by Mother in English (with a touch of irony so reminiscent of Sri Aurobindo).
   January 22, 1958

0 1958-02-03a, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Mon 3 February
   February 3, 1958
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, February 3, 1958
   Sweet Mother,

0 1958-02-03b - The Supramental Ship, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Mon 3 February
   February 3, 1958
   (The following experience was later read out to the Wednesday class on 2. 19.58)
   See Questions and Answers, (July 10, 1957).
   February 3, 1958

0 1958-02-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sat 15 February
   February 15, 1958
   Last night, I had the vision of what this supramental world could become if men were not sufficiently prepared. The confusion existing at present upon earth is nothing in comparison to what could take place. Imagine that every powerful will has the power to transform matter as it likes! If the sense of collective oneness did not grow in proportion to the development of power, the resulting conflict would be yet more acute and chaotic than our material conflicts.

0 1958-02-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Tue 25 February
   February 25, 1958
   (On suffering)
   February 15, 1958

0 1958-03-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Fri 7 March
   March 7, 1958
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Kataragama, March 7, 1958
   Sweet Mother,

0 1958-04-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Thu 3 April
   April 3, 1958
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Kataragama, April 3, 1958
   Sweet Mother,

0 1958-05-01, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Thu 1 May
   May 1, 1958
   These days I am having every possible experience in the body, one after the other. Yesterday and this morning oh, this morning!

0 1958-05-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sat 10 May
   May 10, 1958
   This morning, I suddenly looked at my body (usually, I dont look at it I am inside it, working), I looked at my body and said to myself, Lets see, what would a witness say about this body?the witness Sri Aurobindo speaks of in The Synthesis of Yoga. Nothing very remarkable. So I formulated it like this (Mother reads a written note):
   And this is what I have been doing for the last eight years, and even much more during the past two years, since 1956. Now it is the work of each day, each minute.
   Thats where I am. I have renounced the uncontested authority of a god, I have renounced the unshakable calm of the sage in order to become the superman. I have concentrated everything upon that.
   May 1, 1958.
   May 1, 1958.

0 1958-05-11 - the ship that said OM, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sun 11 May
   May 11, 1958
   One of the things that most gives me the feeling of the miraculous is when these obscure throngs1really tamasic2 beings, in fact, with children crying, people coughingwhen all that is gathered there, and then suddenly silence.
   During an Indian film on Dhruva in which this manna was chanted for a long time. This film was shown at the Ashram Playground on April 29, 1958.
   In the same film.

0 1958-05-17, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sat 17 May
   May 17, 1958
   Actually, when I myself am perfect, I believe that all the rest will become perfect automatically. But it does not seem possible to become perfect without there being a beginning of realization from the other side. So it proceeds like that, bumping from one side to the other, and we go stumbling along like a drunken man!

0 1958-05-30, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Fri 30 May
   May 30, 1958
   (On Hostile Forces)

0 1958-06-06 - Supramental Ship, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Fri 6 June
   June 6, 1958
   Its all the same thing, but the word realization can be reserved for something that is durable, that does not wear off. Because everything on earth fades awayeverything fades away, nothing remains. In this sense, there has never been any realization, for everything fades away. Nothing is ever permanent. And I know for myself: I am doing the sadhana at a gallop, as it were; never are two experiences identical nor do they recur in the same way. As soon as something is established, the next thing begins immediately. It may appear to fade away, but it doesnt fade away; rather, it is the basis upon which the next thing is built.
   It was in 1910 that I had this sort of reversal of consciousness about which I spoke the other evening that is, the first contact with the higher Divine and it completely changed my life.
   From that moment on, I was conscious that all one does is the expression of the indwelling Divine Will. But it is the Divine Will AT THE VERY CENTER of oneself, although for a while there remained an activity in the physical mind. But this was stilled two or three days after I saw Sri Aurobindo for the first time in 1914, and it never started up again. Silence settled. And the consciousness was established above the head.
   In the first experience [of 1910], the consciousness was established in the psychic depths of the being, and from that poise issued the feeling of no longer doing anything but what the Divine wantedit was the consciousness that the divine Will was all-powerful and that there was no longer any personal will, although there was still some mental activity and everything had to be made silent. In 1914, it was silenced, and the consciousness was established above the head. Here (the heart) and here (above the head), the connection is constant.
   Does one exclude the other?
   As it was the first experience, it started to fade slightly when I began having contact with people; but I really had the feeling that it was a first experience, new upon earth. For I have experienced an absolute identity of the will with the divine Will ever since 1910, it has never left me. It isnt that, its SOMETHING ELSE. It is MATTER BECOMING THE DIVINE. And it really came with the feeling that this thing was happening for the first time upon earth. It is difficult to say for sure, but Ramakrishna died of cancer, and now that I have had the experience, I know in an ABSOLUTE way that this is impossible. If he had decided to go because the Divine wanted him to go, it would have been an orderly departure, in total harmony and with a total will, whereas this illness is a means of disorder.
   Is this experience of May 1 related to the Supramental Manifestation of 1956? Is it a supramental experience?
   It is the result of the descent of the supramental substance into Matter. Only this substancewhat it has put into physical Mattercould have made it possible. It is a new ferment. From the material standpoint, it removes from physical Matter its tamas, the heaviness of its unconsciousness, and from the psychological standpoint, its ignorance and its falsehood. Matter is subtilized. But it has surely come only as a first experience to show how it will be.
   When you had this experience of February 3, 1958 [the supramental ship], the vision of your usual consciousness, which is nevertheless a Truth Consciousness, no longer seemed true to you at all. Did you see things you had never before seen, or did you see things in another way?
   Yes, one enters into another world.
   May 1, 1958.

0 1958-06-22, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sun 22 June
   June 22, 1958
   Note written by Mother in English.

0 1958-07-02, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Wed 2 July
   July 2, 1958
   Ramdas1 must be a continuation of the line of Chaitanya, Ramakrishna, etc .
   Ramdas: a yogi from Northwest India who followed the path of love (bhakti). His whole yoga consisted in repeating the name Ram. He founded the Anand-ashram in Kanhargad, Kerala. He was born in 1884 and died in 1963.
   Bishnupriya, a Bengali film.

0 1958-07-05, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sat 5 July
   July 5, 1958
   I have just explained to Z my program for getting out of the present difficulties,1 and I think if he has not concluded that I am totally mad, it is because he has an immense respect for me! But as always in these cases, there is such a joy in me, such an exultation: all the cells are dancing. I understand why people begin singing, dancing, etc. It takes a formidable power to remain like that (gesture of solidity): there is such a desire in the throat to sing!

0 1958-07-06, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sun 6 July
   July 6, 1958
   This morning I asked myself the question, is money truly under Natures control? I shall have to see Because for me personally, she always gives everything in abundance.
   The experience of Nature's collaboration (November 8, 1957).
   In effect, according to tradition, the first divine forces that emanated for the creation were the Asuras, who turned into demons. The gods were created later to repair the disorder engendered by the demons.

0 1958-07-19, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sat 19 July
   July 19, 1958
   A peach should ripen on the tree; its a fruit that should be picked when the sun is upon it. Just as the sun falls on it, you come along, pluck it and bite into it. Then it is absolute paradise.

0 1958-07-21, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Mon 21 July
   July 21, 1958
   Human beings dont know how to keep energy. When something happensan accident or an illness, for example and they ask for help, a double or a triple dose of energy is sent. If they happen to be receptive, they receive it. This energy is given for two reasons: to restore order out of the disorder caused by the accident or illness, and to impart a transformative force to repair or change the source of the illness or accident.

0 1958-07-23, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Wed 23 July
   July 23, 1958
   In the final analysis, seeing the world such as it is and seems meant to be irremediably, human intellect has decided that this universe must be an error of God and that the manifestation or creation is certainly the result of a desire, the desire to manifest, know oneself, enjoy oneself. So the only thing to do is to put an end to this error as soon as possible by refusing to cling to desire and its fatal consequences.

0 1958-07-25a, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Fri 25 July
   July 25, 1958
   O mon doux Matre,
   September 21, 1951

0 1958-07-25b, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Fri 25 July
   July 25, 1958
   O my Lord, my Lord!

0 1958-08-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Thu 7 August
   August 7, 1958
   It is very difficult to manage both at the same time: the transformation of the body and taking care of people. But what can I do? I told Sri Aurobindo I would do the work, and I am doing it I cannot just abandon everything.

0 1958-08-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Fri 8 August
   August 8, 1958
   Its remarkable that things you have understood in your consciousness reappear as problems to be solved in the cells of the body.

0 1958-08-09, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sat 9 August
   August 9, 1958
   If human love came forth unalloyed, it would be all-powerful. Unfortunately, in human love, there is as much SELF love as love for the beloved; it is not a love that makes you forget yourself.
   Anusuya: wife of the rishi Atri and endowed with a great inner force. In her husband's absence, three gods came (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) disguised as brahmins and asked her for something to eat. Then they refused to eat unless she served them naked. Since they were brahmins, she could not send them away without feeding them, so by her inner power, she changed them into babies and served them naked. This film was shown at the Ashram Playground on August 5, 1958.

0 1958-08-12, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Tue 12 August
   August 12, 1958
   (Letter from Mother to Satprem, travelling)

0 1958-08-29, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Fri 29 August
   August 29, 1958
   (Note written by Mother after an experience She had during a playground meditation when Swami J.J. was present. It was this swami with whom Satprem journeyed in the Himalayas to receive tantric initiation.)

0 1958-08-30, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sat 30 August
   August 30, 1958
   (In the presence of Pavitra and Abhay Singh, Mother recounts a vision she had during the night)

0 1958-09-16 - OM NAMO BHAGAVATEH, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Tue 16 September
   September 16, 1958
   I would very much like to have a true mantra.
   The different mantras or prayers that came to Mother and which She grouped under the heading Prayers of the Consciousness of the Cells, are included as an addendum to the Agenda of 1959.

0 1958-09-19, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Fri 19 September
   September 19, 1958
   Something the modern world has completely lost is the sense of the sacred.
   September 16, 1958

0 1958-10-01, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Wed 1 October
   October 1, 1958
   (Mother speaks of an experience She had during, the Wednesday class at the playground:)
   September 19, 1958

0 1958-10-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sat 4 October
   October 4, 1958
   Do all our vibrations reach you or must they have a special intensity?

0 1958-10-06, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Mon 6 October
   October 6, 1958
   When I am not in my body, I have all kinds of contacts with people, contacts of different types. And its not a thing decided in advance, it is not willed, it is not even thought out; it is simply observed.

0 1958-10-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Fri 10 October
   October 10, 1958
   (The disciple asks to know what he must do and what his place is in the universal manifestation)
   See Agenda 1957, p. 1 19
   Sadhana: yogic discipline. Sadhak: seeker.

0 1958-10-17, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Fri 17 October
   October 17, 1958
   (Mother brings with her the continuation of the first seven Sutras written by Her, probably in 1957.)
   [See p. 1 19]
   October 10, 1958

0 1958-10-25 - to go out of your body, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sat 25 October
   October 25, 1958
   (Concerning the disciple's tantric guru)
   October 17, 1958

0 1958-11-02, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sun 2 November
   November 2, 1958
   Last night, I thought, My god! If I have to Individually, with this one or that one, by selecting the best, I could get somewhere, but this this mass.1 Swami had told me sohe told me immediately after his first meditation (collective meditation at the Ashram playground), he told me, The stuff is not good! (Mother laughs)
   October 25, 1958

0 1958-11-04 - Myths are True and Gods exist - mental formation and occult faculties - exteriorization - work in dreams, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Tue 4 November
   November 4, 1958
   (Concerning; the Agenda of August 9, 1958, on the gods of the Puranas)
   The gods of the Puranas are merciless gods who respect only power and have nothing of the true love, charity or profound goodness that the Divine has put into the human consciousness and which compensate psychically for all the outer defects. They themselves have nothing of this, they have no psychic.1 The Puranic gods have no psychic, so they act according to their power. They are restrained only when their power is not all-powerful, thats all.
   November 2, 1958

0 1958-11-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sat 8 November
   November 8, 1958
   I found my message for the 1st of January It was quite unforeseen. Yesterday morning, I thought, All the same, I have to find my message, but what? I was absolutely like that, neutral, nothing. Then yesterday evening at the class (of Friday, November 7) I noticed that these children who had had a whole week to prepare their questions on the text had not found a single one! A terrible lethargy! A total lack of interest. And when I had finished speaking, I thought to myself, But what IS there in these people who are interested in nothing but their personal little affairs? So I began descending into their mental atmosphere, in search of the little light, of that which responds And it literally pulled me downwards as into a hole, but in such a material way; my hand, which was on the arm of the chair, began slipping down, my other hand went like this (to the ground), my head, too! I thought it was going to touch my knees!

0 1958-11-11, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Tue 11 November
   November 11, 1958
   (Mother arrives with a new change in her message for January 1, 1959: instead of 'an almighty spring that cast me up forthwith into a formless, limitless Vast, generator of the new world,' Mother puts 'a formless, limitless Vast vibrating with the seeds of a new world')
   The objectification of the experience came progressively, as always happens to me. When I have the experience, I am absolutely blank, like a newborn baby to whom things come just like that. I dont know what is happening, and I expect nothing. How much time it has taken me to learn this!
   November 8, 1958

0 1958-11-14, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Fri 14 November
   November 14, 1958
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, November 14, 1958
   Friday evening, November 14, 1958
   November 11, 1958

0 1958-11-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sat 15 November
   November 15, 1958
   (Concerning an experience Mother had on November 13 in regard to the disciple's difficulties)
   The link between the two worlds has not yet been built, but it is in the process of being built; this was the meaning of the experience of February 3 1958, 1: to build a link between the two worlds. For both worlds are indeed therenot one above the other, but within each other, in two different dimensions. Only, there is no communication between them; they overlap, as it were, without being connected. In the experience of February 3, I saw certain people from here (and from elsewhere) who already belong to the supramental world in a part of their being, but there is no connection, no link. But now the hour has come in universal history for this link to be built.
   What is the relationship between this experience of February 3 and that of November 7 (the almighty spring)? Is what you found in the depths of the Inconscient this same Supramental?
   November 14, 1958

0 1958-11-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Thu 20 November
   November 20, 1958
   (Mother tries to find the origin of the disciple's difficulties)
   November 15, 1958

0 1958-11-22, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sat 22 November
   November 22, 1958
   Even at a very young age, I had a kind of intuition of my destiny. I felt that something in me had to be exhausted, or that I had to exhaust myself. I dont know, as though I had to descend into the depths of the night to find the thing. I thought it was the concentration camps. Perhaps this was still not deep enough Do you see any meaning in all this?
   November 20, 1958

0 1958-11-26, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Wed 26 November
   November 26, 1958
   (Extract from the last Wednesday class)
   November 22, 1958

0 1958-11-27 - Intermediaries and Immediacy, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Thu 27 November
   November 27, 1958
   (Concerning the disciple's karma and the tantric discipline that he is following to dissolve this karma, Mother wonders why She herself had not been able to dissolve it directly and why it was necessary to resort to intermediaries)
   November 26, 1958

0 1958-11-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Fri 28 November
   November 28, 1958
   (Extract from the last Friday class)
   November 27, 1958

0 1958-11-30, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sun 30 November
   November 30, 1958
   (Letter from Mother to Satprem)
   November 28, 1958

0 1958-12-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Thu 4 December
   December 4, 1958
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Hyderabad, December 1958
   Sweet Mother,

0 1958-12-15 - tantric mantra - 125,000, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Mon 15 December
   December 15, 1958
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   December 4, 1958

0 1958-12-24, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Wed 24 December
   December 24, 1958
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Rameswaram, December 24, 1958
   Sweet Mother,
   December 15, 1958

0 1958-12-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1958 Sun 28 December
   December 28, 1958
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Rameswaram, December 28, 1958
   Sweet Mother,
   December 24, 1958

0 1958 12 - Floor 1, young girl, we shall kill the young princess - black tent, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   December 1958
   (This note was written by Mother in English. It concerns an attack of black magic that threatened her life and in the end completely changed her outer existence. A new stage begins.)
   November 30, 1958

0 1959-01-06, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Tue 6 January
   January 6, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Rameswaram, January 6, 1959
   Sweet Mother,
   December 28, 1958

0 1959-01-14, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Wed 14 January
   January 14, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Rameswaram, January 14, 1959
   Sweet Mother,

0 1959-01-21, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Wed 21 January
   January 21, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Rameswaram, January 21, 1959
   Sweet Mother,
   January 14, 1959

0 1959-01-27, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Tue 27 January
   January 27, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Rameswaram, January 27, 1959
   Sweet Mother,
   January 21, 1959

0 1959-01-31, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Sat 31 January
   January 31, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Rameswaram, January 31, 1959
   Sweet Mother,
   January 27, 1959

0 1959-03-10 - vital dagger, vital mass, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Tue 10 March
   March 10, 1959
   (The disciple returned to the Ashram, but as he was very quickly seized again by his mania for the road, the Agenda of 1959, alas, is strewn with great gaps and is almost nonexistent. The following conversation is in regard to one of Mother's commentaries on the Dhammapada: 'Evil')
   I spent a nighta night of battlewhen, for some reason or other, a multitude of vital formations of all kinds entered into the room: beings, things, embryos of beings, residues of beingsall kinds of things And it was a frightful assault, absolutely disgusting.
   January 31, 1959

0 1959-03-26 - Lord of Death, Lord of Falsehood, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Thu 26 March
   March 26, 1959
   (Concerning Satprem's most recent peregrinations and his fundamental rebelliousness, which periodically makes him take to the road)

0 1959-04-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Tue 7 April
   April 7, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, April 7, 1959
   Sweet Mother,
   End March (?) 1959

0 1959-04-13, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Mon 13 April
   April 13, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, April 13, 1959
   Sweet Mother

0 1959-04-21, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Tue 21 April
   April 21, 1959
   Above, beginning with the center between the eyebrows, the work has been done for a long time. There it is blank. For ages upon ages upon ages, the union with the Supreme has been realized and is constant.

0 1959-04-23, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Thu 23 April
   April 23, 1959
   (Letter from Mother to Satprem)

0 1959-04-24, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Fri 24 April
   April 24, 1959
   (Note sent by Mother to Satprem)
   24 April 1959
   The divine perfection is always there above us; but for man to become divine in consciousness and act and to live inwardly and outwardly the divine life is what is meant by spirituality; all lesser meanings given to the word are inadequate fumblings or impostures.1

0 1959-05-19 - Ascending and Descending paths, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Tue 19 May
   May 19, 1959
   When you follow the ascending path, the work is relatively easy. I had already covered this path by the beginning of the century and had established a constant relationship with the SupremeThat which is beyond the Personal and the gods and all the outward expressions of the Divine, but also beyond the Absolute Impersonal. Its something you cannot describe; you must experience it. And this is what must be brought down into Matter. Such is the descending path, the one I began with Sri Aurobindo; and there, the work is immense.
   In December 1958, when Mother stopped the Questions and Answers at the playground and thereafter left the Ashram building only rarely.
   May 7, 1959

0 1959-05-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Mon 25 May
   May 25, 1959
   (Letter from Mother to Satprem)
   May 27, 1959

0 1959-05-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Thu 28 May
   May 28, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, May 28, 1959

0 1959-06-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Wed 3 June
   June 3, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem, while travelling)
   Rameswaram, June 3, 1959
   Sweet Mother,

0 1959-06-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Thu 4 June
   June 4, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Rameswaram, June 4, 1959
   Sweet Mother,

0 1959-06-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Sun 7 June
   June 7, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Rameswaram, June 7, 1959
   Sweet Mother,
   1) X spoke to me of the Vedic times when a single emperor or sage ruled the entire world with the help of governors; then these governors gradually became independent kings, and conflicts were born. So I asked him what was going to happen after this next war and whether the world would be better. He replied as follows: Yes, great sages like Sri Aurobindo who are wandering now in their subtle bodies will appear. Some sages may take the physical body of political leaders in the West. It will be the end of ignorant atomic machines and the beginning of a new age with great sages leading the world. So it seems that Xs vision links up with Sri Aurobindos prediction for 1967.
   He did not give me any further details about this war, except to say that the countries which will suffer the most will be the countries of the North and the East, and he cited Burma, Japan, China and Russia. He said rather categorically that Russia would be swept away and that America would triumph.

0 1959-06-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Mon 8 June
   June 8, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Rameswaram, June 8, 1959
   Sweet Mother,

0 1959-06-09, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Tue 9 June
   June 9, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Rameswaram, June 9, 1959
   Sweet Mother,
   Thursday, June 11, 1959
   Satprem, my very dear child,

0 1959-06-11, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Thu 11 June
   June 11, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Rameswaram, June 11, 1959
   Sweet Mother

0 1959-06-13a, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Sat 13 June
   June 13, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Rameswaram, June 13, 1959
   Sweet Mother,
   Lele: the tantric guru whom Sri Aurobindo met in 1908 and who gave him mental silence and Nirvana.

0 1959-06-13b, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Sat 13 June
   June 13, 1959
   (Letter from Mother to Satprem)

0 1959-06-17, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Wed 17 June
   June 17, 1959
   (Letter from Mother to Satprem)
   Rameswaram, June 17, 1959
   Sweet Mother,

0 1959-06-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Thu 25 June
   June 25, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Rameswaram, June 25, 1959
   Sweet Mother,

0 1959-07-09, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Thu 9 July
   July 9, 1959
   This handwritten note bore only this word and the date. Kalki is the name of the last Avatar who comes on a white winged horse to destroy the 'barbarians' (yavan) at the end of the Iron Age or the Kali Yuga, which is the period we are now passing through. His appearance marks the return of the Age of Truth, or the Satya Yuga.

0 1959-07-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Fri 10 July
   July 10, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem, once again in Pondicherry)
   Pondicherry, July 10, 1959

0 1959-07-14, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Tue 14 July
   July 14, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, July 14, 1959
   Tuesday evening

0 1959-08-11, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Tue 11 August
   August 11, 1959
   (Letter from Mother to Satprem, on the road)
   Night of July 24-25, 1959

0 1959-08-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Sat 15 August
   August 15, 1959
   (Letter from Mother to Satprem)

0 1959-10-06 - Sri Aurobindos abode, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Tue 6 October
   October 6, 1959
   (Thus the bird flew back once more...)

0 1959-10-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Thu 15 October
   October 15, 1959
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Rameswaram, October 15, 1959
   Sweet Mother,
   7) X wants to send me back to Pondicherry this Sunday (Sunday the 18th, arriving Monday the 19th morning). He says it is useless for me now to remain here any longer since his house is not ready and he can do nothing. But, he said, I will have you come to my house for 3 months and I shall give you a training by which you can know Past, Present and Future, and have the same qualifications as me!
   8) He gave me certain methods to follow, about which I shall speak to you in person.

0 1959-11-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1959 Wed 25 November
   November 25, 1959
   There is a difference between immortality and the deathless state. Sri Aurobindo has described it very well in Savitri.
   October 15, 1959

0 1960-01-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Thu 28 January
   January 28, 1960
   All these repetitions of the mantra, these hours of japa I have to do every day, seem to have increased the difficulties, as if they were raising up or aggravating all the resistances.
   Experience of July 24-25, 1959, 'Sri Aurobindo's abode.'
   As a matter of fact, Mother had ended upon this sentence:

0 1960-01-31, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sun 31 January
   January 31, 1960
   (Letter from Mother to the disciple concerning her former commentaries on the 'Dhammapada' at the Playground)
   January 28, 1960

0 1960-03-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Thu 3 March
   March 3, 1960
   Experiences are coming at a furious pacefabulous experiences. If I were to speak now, its certain that I would not at all speak as I used to. Thats why we must date all these Questions and Answers, at least all which come before the [Supramental] Manifestation of February 1956, so that there will be a clear cut between those before and those after.
   Only a few days ago, on the morning of the 29th, I had one of those experiences that mark ones life. It happened upstairs in my room. I was doing my japa, walking up and down with my eyes wide open, when suddenly Krishna camea gold Krishna, all golden, in a golden light that filled the whole room. I was walking, but I could not even see the windows or the rug any longer, for this golden light was everywhere with Krishna at its center. And it must have lasted at least fifteen minutes. He was dressed in those same clothes in which he is normally portrayed when he dances. He was all light, all dancing: You see, I will be there this evening during the Darshan.1 And suddenly, the chair I use for darshan came into the room! Krishna climbed up onto it, and his eyes twinkled mischievously, as if to say, I will be there, you see, and therell be no room for you.
   The Darshan on February 29, 1960, the first anniversary of the Supramental Manifestation.
   On this first anniversary of the Supramental Manifestation, Mother distributed medals commemorating the occasion to the disciples filing past.
   January 31, 1960

0 1960-03-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Mon 7 March
   March 7, 1960
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, March 7, 1960
   Paris, March 1, 1960
   Dear Satprem,

0 1960-04-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Thu 7 April
   April 7, 1960
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Hyderabad, April 7, 1960
   Sweet Mother,

0 1960-04-13, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Wed 13 April
   April 13, 1960
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Hyderabad, April 13, 1960
   Sweet Mother,

0 1960-04-14, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Thu 14 April
   April 14, 1960
   (Letter to Pavitra from Satprem)
   Hyderabad, April 14, 1960
   Dear Pavitra,
   The following passage, taken from the Revue des Deux Mondes of March 1960, was part of a course taught by Dimitri Manowilski in 1931 at the Lenin School of Political Warfare in Moscow:
   Our turn will come in twenty to thirty years. To win, we need an element of surprise. The bourgeoisie should be lulled to sleep. Therefore, we must first launch the most spectacular peace movement that has ever existed, replete with inspiring proposals and extraordinary concessions. The stupid and decadent capitalist countries will cooperate joyfully in their own destruction. They will jump at this new opportunity for friendship. As soon as their guard is down, we shall crush them beneath our closed fist.
   (Quoted in the Revue Militaire d Information, December 1959.)
   What does Mother think of this?

0 1960-04-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Wed 20 April
   April 20, 1960
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Rameswaram, April 20, 1960
   Sweet Mother,

0 1960-04-24, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sun 24 April
   April 24, 1960
   (Letter from Mother to Satprem)

0 1960-04-26, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Tue 26 April
   April 26, 1960
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Rameswaram, April 26, 1960
   Sweet Mother,

0 1960-05-06, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Fri 6 May
   May 6, 1960
   At times I sense theres an extraordinary secret to discover, just there at my finger tips; I feel that I am going to catch the Thing, to know

0 1960-05-16, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Mon 16 May
   May 16, 1960
   If there is one fundamental necessity, it is humility. To be humble. Not humble as it is normally understood, such as merely saying, I am so small, Im nothing at allno, something else Because the pitfalls are innumerable, and the further you progress in yoga, the more subtle they become, and the more the ego masks itself behind marvelous and saintly appearances. So when somebody says, I no longer want to rely on anything but Him. I want to close my eyes and rest in Him alone, this comfortable Him, which is exactly what you want him to be, is the egoor a formidable Asura, or a Titan (depending on each ones capacity). Theyre all over the earth, the earth is their domain. So the first thing to do is to pocket your egonot preserve it, but get rid of it as soon as possible!

0 1960-05-21 - true purity - you have to be the Divine to overcome hostile forces, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sat 21 May
   May 21, 1960
   What I call purity, the true purity, is not all those things morality teaches: it is non-ego.

0 1960-05-24 - supramental flood, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Tue 24 May
   May 24, 1960
   It happened last night. For approximately three hours, the physical ego disintegrated for the first time in such a total way.

0 1960-05-28 - death of K - the death process- the subtle physical, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sat 28 May
   May 28, 1960
   K left his body. The operation had been extraordinarily, almost miraculously successfulone of those dreadful operations where they extract part of your body. He was quite all right for four days afterwards, then everything went wrong.

0 1960-06-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Fri 3 June
   June 3, 1960
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, June 3, 1960
   Sweet Mother,
   Undated May (?) 1960

0 1960-06-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sat 4 June
   June 4, 1960
   (The disciple complains of his bad nights)

0 1960-06-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Tue 7 June
   June 7, 1960
   I have to see some fellow again whom I saw yesterday. But I told him to come at 11 oclock. So if I leave here at 10:55, that will give me enough time.
   Undated June 1960

0 1960-06-11, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sat 11 June
   June 11, 1960
   When a question is put to me, the answer does not come from a will; what happens is that materials come which I then use to give shape to the answer, but its only a shape. The thing itself is there, but it needs to be shaped. The difference between one and the other is rather like the difference between a picture and an apparition.

0 1960-06-Undated, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Undated May (?) 1960
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)

0 1960-07-12 - Mothers Vision - the Voice, the ashram a tiny part of myself, the Mothers Force, sparkling white light compressed - enormous formation of negative vibrations - light in evil, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Tue 12 July
   July 12, 1960
   Last night something happened to me that I found quite amusing. I was awakened by a Voice, or rather it roused me from one trance to put me into another. It happened at about 11 oclock. Not a human Voice. I dont exactly recall its words any longer, but it had to do with the Ashramits protection, its success, its power. And what was interesting was that when I woke up, I was in a state in which this formation that is the Ashram and the Force that is condensed here to realize what this Voice wanted, seemed a very tiny, tiny part of myself.
   Undated, June 1960

0 1960-07-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Fri 15 July
   July 15, 1960
   (Letter from Mother to Satprem)

0 1960-07-18 - triple time vision, Questions and Answers is like circling around the Garden, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Mon 18 July
   July 18, 1960
   Of course, were dating all these old Questions and Answers, but not everyone pays attention to dates. How can those old ones be mixed with the present things which are on an altogether different plane?

0 1960-07-23 - The Flood and the race - turning back to guide and save amongst the torrents - sadhana vs tamas and destruction - power of giving and offering - Japa, 7 lakhs, 140000 per day, 1 crore takes 20 years, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sat 23 July
   July 23, 1960
   Something interesting happened last night exactly between ten and eleven. I was in some kind of vehicle. I didnt see the vehicle but I was in it. Someone in front of me was driving, though I could only see his back; I didnt bother about who it washe was simply the one meant to do it.
   Ah, that, weve already had some. From all around, people are proclaiming that in 1962, there will be some people have even foreseen the end of the earth, but thats foolish! For the earth was built with a certain purpose, and before things are done, it will not disappear.
   But there may be some changes.
   Mother means that the Ashramites themselves create the armor. See also X's reflections in an undated letter of May 1959.
   One lakh = 100,000.

0 1960-07-26 - Mothers vision - looking up words in the subconscient, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Tue 26 July
   July 26, 1960
   I woke up at three oclock (what I mean is, I came out of my nightly activities). I had an hour ahead of me before getting up. So I concentrated and went within.
   The vision of July 12, 1960.

0 1960-08-10 - questions from center of Education - reading Sri Aurobindo, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Wed 10 August
   August 10, 1960
   (Concerning two teachers at the Ashram's Center of Education who wrote Mother asking if 'only' Sri Aurobindo should be studied. Pavitra was present during this conversation.)

0 1960-08-16, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Tue 16 August
   August 16, 1960
   (Letter from Mother to Satprem regarding the first copy of his first book, L'Orpailleur)

0 1960-08-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sat 20 August
   August 20, 1960
   (While filing various old papers, notes, etc., Mother happens upon the plan for a film studio at the lake)
   (Mother pauses at a note from February 10, 19566
   It was in the beginning of February 56it was formidable. It was really formidable. All the asuric forces of destruction descended upon me They tried their best.

0 1960-08-27, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sat 27 August
   August 27, 1960
   I would like to see you much more often, perhaps three or four times a week, every other dayif people would

0 1960-09-02, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Fri 2 September
   September 2, 1960
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, September 2, 1960
   Sweet Mother,

0 1960-09-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Tue 20 September
   September 20, 1960
   X has spoken to me several times of his lack of esteem for most people in the Ashram: Why does Mother keep all these empty pots? he says.
   Sri Aurobindo and I had discussed the matter in 1914 (quite a long time ago), for we had seen two possibilities: what we are now doing, or to withdraw into solitude and isolation until we had not only attained the Supermind, but begun the material transformation as well. And Sri Aurobindo rightfully said that we could not isolate ourselves, for as you progress, you become more and more universalized, and consequently you take the burden upon yourself2 in any case.
   And life itself has responded by bringing people forward to form a nucleus. Of course, we clearly saw that this would make the work a bit more complex and difficult (it gives me a heavy responsibility, an enormous material work), but from the overall point of view for the Workits indispensable and even inevitable. And in any case, as we were later able to verify, each one represents simultaneously a possibility and a special difficulty to resolve. I have even said, I believe, that each one here is an impossibility.3
   Sri Aurobindo saw more clearly. He saidit was even the first thing he told the boys around him when I came in 1914 (he had only seen me once)he told them that I, Mirra (he immediately called me by my first name), was born free.
   And its true, I know it, I knew it then. In other words, all this work that usually has to be done to become free was done beforehand, long agoquite convenient!
   For years, from 1912 to 1914, I did endless exercises, all kinds of things, even pranayama8if it would only shut up! Really, if it would only be quiet! I was able to go out (that wasnt difficult), but inside it kept turning.
   This lasted about half an hour. I quietly remained there I heard the noise of their conversation, but I wasnt listening. And then when I got up, I no longer knew anything, I no longer thought anything, I no longer had any mental constructioneverything was gone, absolutely gone, blank!as if I had just been born.
   Words of the Mother, p. 14 (January 15, 1933).
   Traditional tantrism.
   September 2, 1960

0 1960-09-24, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sat 24 September
   September 24, 1960
   Imagine! I thought I had lost my hearing. But I just realized that when I dont hear its because Im elsewhere.
   September 20, 1960

0 1960-10-02a, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sun 2 October
   October 2, 1960
   Text written by Mother in French and English; it became the New Year's Message for 1961.
   A photograph of Mother that accompanied the 1961 New Year's Message.
   September 24, 1960

0 1960-10-02b, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sun 2 October
   October 2, 1960
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, October 2, 1960
   Sunday evening

0 1960-10-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sat 8 October
   October 8, 1960
   There are moments while reading the Synthesis of Yoga when I feel so clearly why he put this particular word in that particular place, and why it could not have been otherwise thats what makes the translation difficult.

0 1960-10-11, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Tue 11 October
   October 11, 1960
   Im just now finishing the Yoga of Self-Perfection When we see what human life is and, even in the best of cases, what it represents in the way of imbecility, stupidity, narrowness, meanness (not to mention ignorance because that is too flagrant) and even those who believe themselves to have generous heart, for example, or liberal ideas, a desire to do good! Each time the consciousness orients itself in one direction to attain some result, everything that was in existence (not just ones personal existence, but this sort of collectivity of existences that each being represents), everything that is contrary to this effort immediately presents itself in its crudest light.
   The mental silence Sri Aurobindo gave you in 1914, about which you were speaking the other day
   It has never left. I have always kept it. Like a smooth white surface turned upwards. And at any moment at all You see, we speak like a machine, but there nothing moves; at any moment at all it can turn towards the heights. Its ALWAYS turned like that, but we can become aware of it being like that. Then, if we listen, we can hear what comes from above. My active consciousness, which was here (Mother points to her forehead), has settled above, and it has never again moved from there.
   (Concerning an old Question and Answer of July 4, 1956 at the Playground in which Mother speaks of her first realization of the Divine, in Paris)
   Just as the shooting star flashed past, there sprang from my consciousness: To realize the divine union, for my body! And before twelve months were out, it was done.

0 1960-10-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sat 15 October
   October 15, 1960
   I see Z every day, yet he asked me, Why do you do nothing for me?!! Each time you come here, I told him, I am NECESSARILY doing something for you, it cannot be otherwise! But since its just a part of his work,1 it doesnt count!
   October 11, 1960

0 1960-10-19, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Wed 19 October
   October 19, 1960
   (The day before 'Kali Puja,' the ritual festival devoted each year in India to the goddess Kali, the warrior aspect of the universal Mother)
   Mother stopped all her activities for twelve days from December 5, 1950, the day Sri Aurobindo departed.
   October 15, 1960

0 1960-10-22, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sat 22 October
   October 22, 1960
   (Pavitra shows Mother a photograph of the house in which She lived in Paris, rue du Val de Grce)
   October 19, 1960

0 1960-10-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Tue 25 October
   October 25, 1960
   There is a black cloud over the ashram. Its origin is rather unique and very interesting.
   The attack of black magic in December 1958.
   Original English. This happened at the time of 'Deepavali,' the Festival of Light, when people throughout India set off all kinds of fireworks.
   October 22, 1960

0 1960-10-30, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sun 30 October
   October 30, 1960
   (After a meditation with Mother on the occasion of the disciple's birthday. At the outset of the conversation, Mother had given the disciple a small leather wallet with an Egyptian fresco depicted on it.)
   October 25, 1960

0 1960-11-05, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sat 5 November
   November 5, 1960
   These things from the past its rather oddnow, once they come and Ive spoken of them, they get erased. As if they were returning one last time to say goodbye before going for good.
   October 30, 1960

0 1960-11-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Tue 8 November
   November 8, 1960
   (After a conversation with Z, a distant 'disciple' reputed for his loose morals and the object of numerous 'moralistic' or even so-called 'yogic' criticisms among the 'true disciples' in the Ashram)
   November 5, 1960

0 1960-11-12, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sat 12 November
   November 12, 1960
   (It has not stopped raining for the last 20 days ... )
   He said only in 1962 or 1963 would Karachi totally disappear. And three-fourths of Bombay underwater!
   And just a while ago some volcanoes erupted, so the sea rose and swept away all kinds of things in Japan and all along its path, but it didnt come all the way to India. When I was in Japan, one island was swallowed up just like that, along with its 30,000 inhabitants, glub!
   Night of July 24, 1959.

0 1960-11-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Tue 15 November
   November 15, 1960
   I dont know if its due to Zs visit1 or simply if the time had come and things converged (because thats what generally happens), but a whole period of the past is coming up again and its not a purely personal past, for it includes all the acquaintances I used to have, a whole collection of things that represents not only my individual life but something rather collective (as it always is; each of us is always a collectivity but we arent aware of it, and if anything were taken away, it would unbalance the whole). A whole set of things that were absolutely wiped clean from the memory (it must have been buried somewhere in the subconscient or the semi-conscientin any case, something more unconscious than the subconscient), and it has all come back up. Oh, things such things If just two weeks ago someone had asked me, Do you remember that? I would have replied, No, not at all! And its coming from every side. Oh, such mediocrity! (mediocre in the way of consciousness, experiences and activities) and so gray, so dull, so flat! Only this morning, while getting ready for the balcony, I thought, Is it possible to live like that?!
   November 12, 1960

0 1960-11-26, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sat 26 November
   November 26, 1960
   (Mother had wanted this personal conversation to be erased and remain untranscribed, but considering its importance, we thought it better to preserve it.)
   After that (this took place early in 1950), he gradually You see, he let himself fall ill. For he knew quite well that should he say I must go,5 I would not have obeyed him, and I would have gone. For according to the way I felt, he was much more indispensable than I. But he saw the matter from the other side. And he knew that I had the power to leave my body at will. So he didnt say a thing, he didnt say a thing right to the very last minute
   November 15, 1960

0 1960-12-02, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Fri 2 December
   December 2, 1960
   (After meditating together)
   November 26, 1960

0 1960-12-13, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Tue 13 December
   December 13, 1960
   During these last days, I was face to face with a problem as old as the world which had taken on an extraordinary intensity.
   December 2, 1960

0 1960-12-17, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sat 17 December
   December 17, 1960
   (Mother gives the disciple a cadamba flower which she has named 'Supramental Sun'a striking orange ball consisting of innumerable stamens)
   December 13, 1960

0 1960-12-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Tue 20 December
   December 20, 1960
   Regarding Christmas, Ill tell you a curious story.
   December 17, 1960

0 1960-12-23, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Fri 23 December
   December 23, 1960
   (Mother arrives from a meditation with X, the tantric guru)
   December 20, 1960

0 1960-12-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sun 25 December
   December 25, 1960
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   Pondicherry, December 25, 1960
   Sweet Mother,
   December 23, 1960

0 1960-12-31, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1960 Sat 31 December
   December 31, 1960
   (Mother usually improvised on the harmonium the morning of January 1 before reading the New Year's Message. She has come the day before to try out the instrument.)
   December 25, 1960 View Similar

0 1961-01-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 7 January
   January 7, 1961
   I came down at 9:30 sharp, thinking half an hour would be enough to cross the corridor and get here. Apparently not!

0 1961-01-10, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 10 January
   January 10, 1961
   I have a stack of unread letters this high and an even bigger stack Ive read but havent answered. How can I work on the Aphorisms when I am constantly hounded by people pulling on me simply because they have written! If I dont answer immediately, they say (not in words, but ): So youre not answering my letter!
   (A little later, Mother made the following remark concerning the Agenda of December 13, 1960, where she speaks of the physical Minds. disbelief and defeatist reactions as intimately linked to the bodys illnesses.)
   This defeatist Mind is still functioning and in full swing!

0 1961-01-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Thu 12 January
   January 12, 1961
   What is the next aphorism?
   January 10, 1961

0 1961-01-17, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 17 January
   January 17, 1961
   51When I hear of a righteous wrath, I wonder at mans capacity for self-deception.

0 1961-01-19, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Thu 19 January
   January 19, 1961
   I am going to let you work. No work for me! Im a little. I havent eaten for two days, so not very bright.
   January 17, 1961

0 1961-01-22, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sun 22 January
   January 22, 1961
   (Mother had been unwell the past few days. She speaks here of the causes behind the physical disorder.)
   January 19, 1961

0 1961-01-24, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 24 January
   January 24, 1961
   I have something to tell you now. Well work later.
   January 22, 1961

0 1961-01-27, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Fri 27 January
   January 27, 1961
   (On the moralistic reactions of someone who thought that certain acts 'angered' God:)
   Balcony-darshan: up to 1962, Mother appeared every morning on the first-floor balcony to be seen by the disciples assembled on the street below.
   January 24, 1961

0 1961-01-29, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sun 29 January
   January 29, 1961
   My legs are tired.
   January 27, 1961

0 1961-01-31, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 31 January
   January 31, 1961
   (Concerning the experience related on January 24, of the supramental Force reorganizing the activity of each center of consciousness. The experience ended in a deep trance: 'I slipped into trance...')
   January 29, 1961

0 1961-01-Undated, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This fragment possibly dates from 1958.
   January 12, 1961

0 1961-02-04, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 4 February
   February 4, 1961
   Here, I have brought you two flowers. They have two different yet very typically Indian fragrances: this one is Straightforwardness,1 and this is Simplicity.2 I have always found that this one (Mother holds out the Simplicity) has a cleansing fragrance: when you brea the it, ah, everything becomes cleanits wonderful! (Mother breathes in the flowers fragrance.) Once I cured myself of the onset of a cold with itthis can be done when you catch it at the very beginning. It fills you completely, the nose, the throat. And this [Straightforwardness] is right at the other end of the spectrum. I find it very, very powerfulstrange, isnt it?
   January 31, 1961

0 1961-02-05, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sun 5 February
   February 5, 1961
   O my Lord,
   February 5, 1961
   February 4, 1961

0 1961-02-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 7 February
   February 7, 1961
   (Mother reads the following letter aloud in English, before sending it to a disciple.)
   February 5, 1961

0 1961-02-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 11 February
   February 11, 1961
   (Mother comes in with T.'s notebook of questions on Sri Aurobindo's Aphorisms.)
   But I have had no indication of this, neither by night nor by day, neither awake nor in tranceno indication. The indication rather points to all that must be clarified, purified so the physical may keep what it received from that experience [of January 24, 1961].
   From an ordinary standpoint, I believe the situation is dangerous, because (laughing) the doctor refuses to tell me what the consequences might be. I asked him but he wouldnt tell me, so thats what it must mean! But I really have no indications and I hope I wont be told, Now you must go, only at the very last minute!
   You see, theres a curious fluctuation possibly indicating that your dream is part of the present attack which continues with such violence. The night before last, between midnight and half-past, there was a formidable attack. When I emerged from it, I felt that something had lifted, a victory had been won and that the bodys condition had improved. It happens like that, the horizon clears and this Certainty comes with. (The presence is always hereSri Aurobindo and I are together almost every night but the night when I saw that formation, the illness spell over the Ashram, Sri Aurobindo was quite sick in his bed, just as I saw him in 1950.) So when it lifts, all is well: once again there is harmony, there is joy, there is force and again the whole thing continues, the effort continues, consciously. Yet there is a kind of fluctuation: it will go on like that for a few moments or a few hours and then suddenly everything becomes muddled again and I am beset by a fatigue. A fatigue which is I cant say almost unbearable, because nothing in the consciousness feels it to be unbearable but it makes me like this (Mother clenches her fist tightly in a tension to hold on).
   For example, at five-thirty in the evening, after Ive spent an hour and a half here with people, its a labor to climb the stairs; and by the time I get upstairs, I feel strained to the breaking point. Then I begin to walk (I dont stop, I dont rest), I immediately begin to walk with my japa, and within half an hour, pfft! it has lifted.
   I know for certain that if I can keep going until 1964, then. That isnt long, but it will be dangerous until 1964. Its these years in particular: 61, 62 63 is better, 64 is decidedly better, and from 1965, we should be on the safe side.
   But truly speaking, the minute one completely emerges from the ordinary mind, NO EXTERIOR SIGN IS A PROOF, absolutely none. There is absolutely no standard to go byneither splendid good health nor good equilibrium, nor an almost general disorganizationnone of these. All depends exclusivelyexclusivelyon what the Lord has decided. Exclusively. Consequently, if one remains very quiet, one is sure to know what He has decided.
   As a matter of fact, twelve years laterin May 1973we were indeed all forced to 'get out.'
   In 1956.
   The terminology used by Mother and Sri Aurobindo is distinct from the terminology of Western psychology. This is how Sri Aurobindo defines 'inconscient' and 'subconscient': 'All upon earth is based on the Inconscient, as it is called, though it is not really inconscient at all, but rather a complete "sub"-conscience, a suppressed or involved consciousness, in which there is everything but nothing is formulated or expressed. The subconscient lies between this Inconscient and the conscious mind, life and body.'
   Three years earlier, in 1958, Mother had told Satprem that February and March were 'bad months,' and she had spoken of cyclical movements in Nature like those in the individual consciousness, with alternating periods of difficulty and progress.
   Four times a year, for 'darshan,' visitors poured into the Ashram to pass one by one before Mother (and formerly Sri Aurobindo as well) to receive her look.
   February 7, 1961

0 1961-02-14, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 14 February
   February 14, 1961
   Sri Aurobindo speaks here of the higher soul.1 Yet we cant translate it by me suprieure, as if there were an inferior soul, can we?
   February 11, 1961

0 1961-02-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 18 February
   February 18, 1961
   (Mother gives Satprem a flower she has named 'Supramental Action.')
   To give a rather curious example, there was a kind of spell of illness over the Ashram, stemming mainly from peoples thoughts, from their way of thinking. It was quite widespread and it was horrible, gloomy, full of fear, pettiness, blind submission, oh! Everyone was in a state of expectation.1 In short, the atmosphere was such that there was an attempt to prevent me from leaving my room I had to sneak out! It was disgusting! Well, on the very night I saw the spell over the Ashram, Sri Aurobindo was lying sick in his bed, just as I had seen him in 1950. Normally, we spend almost every night together, doing this, seeing that, arranging things, talkingits a kind of second life behind this one, and it makes existence pleasant. But that night when I had to sneak out of my room (in my nightgown!), and people were trying to find me to (laughing) force me back into bed, he was lying sick in bedand this struck me hard, for it means these things still affect him in his consciousness. He was in a kind of trance and not at all well. It didnt last, but nonetheless.
   Oh, the things that can collect there,2 ugh!
   February 14, 1961

0 1961-02-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 25 February
   February 25, 1961
   (Mother gives Satprem some flowers.)
   February 18, 1961

0 1961-02-28, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 28 February
   February 28, 1961
   I have brought you the exact text of that sentence on Sri Aurobindo I told you about the other day.1 It was in reply to a letter.
   February 25, 1961

0 1961-03-04, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 4 March
   March 4, 1961
   (Mother gives Satprem a ruffled mauve petunia:)
   See conversation of February 18, 1961
   February 28, 1961

0 1961-03-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 7 March
   March 7, 1961
   (Mother arrives late ... as usual. Crossing the corridor was like crossing through a jungle and has taken her almost one hour.)
   Until 1958, Mother went daily to the Ashram Playground, from 5 p.m. to 9 or 10 in the evening, to see people and give her direct spiritual help to some 2,000 disciples who passed before her one by one.
   Mother is referring to the movements of consciousness, both good and bad, of those whom she has accepted as disciples and taken into her consciousness.

0 1961-03-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 11 March
   March 11, 1961
   Good morning!

0 1961-03-14, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 14 March
   March 14, 1961
   I havent done anything, havent worked, answered questions or prepared anything for the Bulletinnothing at all.
   Mother goes on to the work and listens to the reading of an old Talk of September 26, 1956, to be used in the Bulletin. In it she speaks of moments of opening in the yoga:
   Then there are days when you are in contact with the divine Consciousness, with the Grace, and all is tinged, colored by this Presence, and things which usually seem dull to you become charming and pleasant all is alive, all is vibrant. At other moments you are clouded, closed, you no longer feel anything, everything loses its flavor you are like a walking block of wood.

0 1961-03-17, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Fri 17 March
   March 17, 1961
   Aphorism 57Because the tiger acts according to his nature and knows not anything else, therefore he is divine and there is no evil in him. If he questioned himself, then he would be a criminal.

0 1961-03-21, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 21 March
   March 21, 1961
   Last night I had two consecutive experiences showing with extreme precision that black magic is at the root of all this (Mother is speaking of both general and personal difficulties, in the Ashram and in her body).
   X told me he has been doing something for me in his puja3since December, it seemsso this morning I thought he should know about the experience and I sent Amrita to tell him. He replied to Amrita that this confirmed his certainty that Z has been making black magic against me since December. He had been told that Z was practicing black magic in Kashmir. Could this be the same person I saw before [during the December 1958 attack]? Since it was someone who concealed his identity, I cant say but this form was robed as a sannyasi. Perhaps its he, I dont know. I reserve my judgment because I dont know personally. But this is what X said, and hes going to redouble his efforts.
   Thats the situation.

0 1961-03-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 25 March
   March 25, 1961
   (On the previous day, Satprem had written a letter to Mother complaining of never having any concrete experiences. After a meditation together, this is what Mother replied.)

0 1961-03-27, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Mon 27 March
   March 27, 1961
   (Mother brings along a note she had written the same morning concerning a meditation with X, the tantric 'guru':)
   I probably needed the experience. You remember that type of detachment I spoke of when I had that experiencewhen the BODY had that experience of January 24, 1961well, it has increased to such an extent that it now applies to anything and everything linked with action on earth. This detachment was probably necessary. It began with something like things dissolving (Mother makes a gesture of crumbling something between her fingers); certain kinds of links between my consciousness and the Work were dissolving (not links with me, because I dont have any, but with the body; the whole physical consciousness, all that attaches it to the things in its environment, to the Work and to the entourage I spoke to you about that in regard to physical immortality; well, thats what is happening now). Its like things dissolvingdissolving, dissolving, dissolving. And its more and more pronounced. During these last days, things have been becoming increasingly difficultdifficulties have been coming one after another, one after another. Formerly, I had the power to get a grip on them and hold them (Mother tightens her grip as though mastering circumstances); but now that this type of detachment has begun, things drift away everywhereeverywhere, everywhere.
   So this episode with X is probably part of the same process. What has been affected is a certain confidence in the REALITY of the Power, the REALITY of spiritual action; there seems to be no communication between here (above) and there (below).
   On March 29, 1914.
   In the occult sense, a 'formation' signifies a concentration of power or force directed towards a particular goal. it is like a bullet of force going inexorably to its target. In fact, all beings are constantly making 'formations' with their thoughts and desires, but these formations have scarcely any power other than that of clinging to the one who has made them or returning upon him like a boomerang.

0 1961-04-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Fri 7 April
   April 7, 1961
   X tells me youre feeling better now.

0 1961-04-08, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 8 April
   April 8, 1961
   After more than a month I have resumed my translation [of The Synthesis of Yoga], and I fell exactlyits splendid!exactly on the passage that helped me understand what has happened, why there are all these difficulties. And the Synthesis and the Veda go hand in hand, so reading that passage brought some improvement; its like being able to shift position, you know, so that now its a bit better. Anyway.
   (Then Mother listens to a reading from the 1960 Agenda. At the end, Satprem remarks, as though to excuse himself for noting some apparently irrelevant details.)
   All these things are interwoven, you seeeach time, you seem to be adding a touch. Even a detail that doesnt seem relevant by itself becomes part of a gradually emerging picture when seen with the whole.

0 1961-04-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Wed 12 April
   April 12, 1961
   (The disciple asks for permission to poison some cats who have been disturbing him every night. Mother replies:)
   The first was with a boy who was a Sanskritist and had wanted to come to India with us. He was the son of a French ambassadoran old, noble family. But he learned that his lungs were bad, and so he joined the Army; he enlisted as an officer, just at the start of the 1914 war. And he had the courage of those who no longer cling to life; when he received the order to advance on the enemy trenches (it was incredibly stupid, simply sending people to be slaughtered!), he didnt hesitate. He went. And he was hit between the two lines. For a long time, it was a no mans land; only after some days, when the other trench had been taken, could they go and collect the dead. All this came out in the newspapers AFTERWARDS. But on the day he was killed, of course, no one was aware of it.
   I had a nice photo of him with a Sanskrit dedication, placed on top of a kind of wardrobe in my bedroom. I open the door and the photo falls. (There was no draft or anything.) It fell and the glass broke into smithereens. Immediately I said, Oh! Something has happened to Fontenay. (That was his name: Charles de Fontenay.) After that I came back down from my room, and then I hear a miaowing at the door (the door opened onto a large garden courtyard1). I open the door: a cat bursts in and jumps on me, like that (Mother thumps her breast). I speak to him: What is it, whats the matter? He drops to the ground and looks at meFontenays eyes! Absolutely! No one elses. And he just stayed put, he didnt want to go. I said to myself, Fontenay is dead.

0 1961-04-15, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 15 April
   April 15, 1961
   I am in a state that is how can I put it? Non-existent.

0 1961-04-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 18 April
   April 18, 1961
   The subconscient is seething.
   Agenda I of December 31, 1960.
   Satprem remarked that this sentence might be interpreted in an 'illusionist' sense (i.e., that the objectification of the material world would be a falsehood), and Mother replied: 'No, it's not the objectification that is a falsehood, but our conception of the objectification as being something other than THAT. When we say that "He objectifies," well, we are thinking something that is not the truth-that is no longer the truth.'
   In 'Questions and Answers,' February 5, 1958 (the 'Great Voyage of the Supreme').
   Once again, Mother's experience coincides with modern science, which is beginning to discover that time and space are not fixed and INDEPENDENT quantitiesas, from the Greeks right up to Newton, we had been accustomed to believe but a four-dimensional system, with three coordinates of space and one of time, DEPENDENT UPON THE PHYSICAL PHENOMENA DEVELOPING THEREIN. Such is 'Riemann's Space,' used by Einstein in his General Theory of Relativity. Thus, a trajectoryi.e., in principle, a fixed distance, a quantity of space to be traversed-is a function of the time taken to traverse it: there is no straight line between two points, or rather the I straight' line is a function of the rate of speed. There is no 'fixed' quantity of space, but rather rates of speed which determine their own space (or their own measure of space). Space-time is thus no longer a fixed quantity, but, according to science, the PRODUCT ... of what? Of a certain rate of unfolding? But what is unfolding? A rocket, a train, muscles?... Or a certain brain which has generated increasingly perfected instruments adapted to its own mode of being, like a flying fish flying farther and farther (and faster and faster) but finally failing back into its own oceanic fishbowl. Yet what would this space-time be for another kind of fishbowl, another kind of consciousness: a supramental consciousness, for example, which can be instantaneously at any point in 'space'there is no more space! And no more time. There is no more 'trajectory': the trajectory is within itself. The fishbowl is shattered, and the whole evolutionary succession of little fishbowls as well. Thus, as Mother tells it, space and time are a 'PRODUCT Of the movement of consciousness.' A variable space-time, which not only changes according to our mechanical equipment, but according to the consciousness utilizing the equipment, and which ultimately utilizes only itself; consciousness, at the end of the evolutionary curve, has become its own equipment and the sole mechanism of the universe.

0 1961-04-22, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 22 April
   April 22, 1961
   I never manage to finish my mornings program. Things just keep piling up.

0 1961-04-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 25 April
   April 25, 1961
   (Mother comes in with a book by Alice Bailey, 'Discipleship in the New Age,' which had recently been sent to her. Pavitra is present and shows Mother a brochure he has received, 'World Goodwill Bulletin,' and protests against this proliferation of movements all claiming to work towards 'world union,' and proselytes making so-called 'spiritual' propaganda without having found, within and by themselves, the true spiritual foundation. Mother goes on.)

0 1961-04-29, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 29 April
   April 29, 1961
   (Some fragments of this conversation were originally published in Mother's 'Commentaries on the Aphorisms' of Sri Aurobindo. Considering it too personal, Mother had not wanted the unabridged text to appear even in her Agenda. However, we felt it should be kept. This conversation's starting point was the following aphorism:)
   Bulletin of April 1961: 'What Sri Aurobindo represents in the world's history is not a teaching, not even a revelation; it is a decisive action direct from the Supreme.'
   Ganesh (or Ganapati): The first son of the Supreme Mother, represented with an elephant trunk and an ample belly. Ganesh is the god who presides over material realizations (over money in particular). He is also known as the scribe of divine knowledge.

0 1961-05-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 2 May
   May 2, 1961
   There is obviously a force at work.

0 1961-05-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Fri 12 May
   May 12, 1961
   Aphorism 60There is no mortality. It is only the Immortal who can die; the mortal could neither be born nor perish.

0 1961-05-19, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Fri 19 May
   May 19, 1961
   (During the work, the difficulty of competently translating Sri Aurobindo comes up.)
   Experience of January 24, 1961.
   This refers to the Ashram dispensary, managed by Dr. Nripendra.

0 1961-05-23, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 23 May
   May 23, 1961
   (Satprem inquires about Mother's health.)
   (Mother reviews some earlier Questions and Answers. In one of themdated November 14, 1956someone had asked if mastery over circumstances depended on self-mastery, citing the case of Vivekananda, who was said to possess great mastery over circumstances even though he could not master his own anger.)
   I never knew Vivekananda. I only know what I have heard or read about him, but that isnt what I call knowing. So I cant say anything, and above all I dont want to seem to give credence to all the gossip that has been spread about him. I have had no personal contact with him, neither in the physical nor elsewherenot with him personally. Naturally I could if I made an effort, but.

0 1961-05-30, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 30 May
   May 30, 1961
   After working:

0 1961-06-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Fri 2 June
   June 2, 1961
   (Regarding an earlier 'Questions and Answers'March 13, 1957where Mother says: 'And finally, isn't the Divine the best friend one could have? The Divine to whom one can tell all, reveal all, because here is the source of all mercy, of all power to efface error when it no longer recurs....' Surprised, Satprem blurts out.)
   But theres no more problem when the error no longer recurs! Isnt it when the error recurs that it needs to be effaced?
   I know why I gave no explanations as I was speaking: because of the intensity of the experience. There is something like it in Prayers and Meditations. I remember an experience I had in Japan which is noted there. (Mother looks through Prayers and Meditations and reads a passage dated November 25, 1917:)2
   Thou art the sure friend who never fails,
   It was a series of experiences resulting from external circumstances. And then I speak of the tears shed, not for oneself but for others. (Mother reads a passage dated July 12, 1918:)
   But a few days ago did I know, did I hear:
   I was reliving this experience [during the Talks of March 13, 1957]that is why I didnt want to comment on it.
   Tragic circumstances?

0 1961-06-06, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 6 June
   June 6, 1961
   (Mother arrives looking weary. Satprem asks if she is tired.)
   Yes, I wasnt looking after anything when that was published [in 1953]. It has given me something like a malaise.
   Mother is alluding to two extracts from Questions and Answers (dated June 19 and July 17, 1957) which she has just reviewed for inclusion in the Bulletin. In them she speaks of the causes of illness and of using the conscious will for physical development.

0 1961-06-17, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 17 June
   June 17, 1961
   So far, the meditations with X are much better than last time. Today especially it was very good.

0 1961-06-20, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 20 June
   June 20, 1961
   (Following a meditation with X.)
   X's deceased guru. See Agenda I, October 4, 1958, pp. 200-201
   See the poem entitled Self
   The tantric guru Sri Aurobindo met in 1907 and from whom he received mental silence.

0 1961-06-24, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 24 June
   June 24, 1961
   I have received your note1 and it didnt surprise me, because just about a month ago I received what seemed like an SOS from your mother, telling me your father was rapidly declining. I have done what I could, mainly to bring in some tranquillity, some calm, some inner peace. But I havent done. You see, there are always two possibilities when people are so seriously ill: they can be helped to die quickly, or else made to linger on for a very long time. When I have no outer or inner indications, all I ever do is apply the consciousness for the best to happen to them (the best from the souls standpoint, of course).
   As soon as I came upon Theons teaching (even before meeting him personally), and read and understood all kinds of things which I hadnt known before, I began to work quite systematically. Every night, at the same hour, I was working to constructbetween the purely terrestrial atmosphere and the psychic atmospherea path of protection across the vital, so that people wouldnt have to pass through it (for those who are conscious but without knowledge its a very difficult passageinfernal.) I was preparing this path, doing this work (it must have been around 1903 or 1904, I dont remember exactly) for months and months and months. All sorts of extraordinary things happened during that timeextraordinary. I could tell long stories.
   Then, when I went to Tlemcen, I told Madame Theon about it. Yes, she told me, it is part of the work you have come on earth to do. Everyone with even a slightly awakened psychic being who can see your Light will go to your Light at the moment of dying, no matter where they die, and you will help them to pass through. And this work is constant. Constant. It has given me a considerable number of experiences concerning what happens to people when they leave their bodies. Ive had all sorts of experiences, all kinds of examplesits really very interesting.
   Agenda, June 17, 1961.
   Among Mother's papers we have found the following, which indicates that a state of dispersion after death is rather frequent (it concerns a disciple's mother who did not herself live at the Ashram): 'She has left her body without being at all prepared for the change of condition and has found herself disoriented and rather dispersed. She will need some time to recover from this dispersion before anything useful can be done for her.'
   May 17, 1959.
   In Sri Aurobindo's and Mother's terminology, 'psychic' or 'psychic being' means the soul or the portion of the Supreme in man which evolves from life to life until it becomes a fully self-conscious being. The soul is a capacity or grace particular to human beings on earth.
   Experience of July 24, 1959.
   Pranam: To bow down.

0 1961-06-27, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 27 June
   June 27, 1961
   Aphorism 62I heard a fool discoursing utter folly and wondered what God meant by it; then I considered and saw a distorted mask of truth and wisdom.

0 1961-07-04, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 4 July
   July 4, 1961
   (Mother remarks in passing that the inspiration coming to her from Sri Aurobindo when she writes is sometimes in French and sometimes in English, and adds:)

0 1961-07-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Fri 7 July
   July 7, 1961
   (Mother gives Satprem a white zinnia she has named 'Integral Endurance,' then an allamanda or 'Victory,' and finally a flower of 'Supramental Victory.')
   The experience I described the day I said I have something to tell you [January 24, 1961] was truly very pleasant and I did try to relive it but I never could. Whenever I try, whenever something in me insists on recapturing the experience, I always see a Smile and something tells me, No, no! Let go! Youll see, youll see. So I let go.
   All right, thats enough-enough for you!

0 1961-07-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Wed 12 July
   July 12, 1961
   (Regarding the last conversation, where Mother spoke of divine Perfection and of the series of invocations in her japa imploring the Lord to manifest his various aspects:)

0 1961-07-15, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 15 July
   July 15, 1961
   Before coming downstairs I felt like writing a few words. These words are the result of everything now being done. They almost expressed a protest. After all, I thought, to be a saint or a sage is not very difficult! (Mother laughs) But the supramental transformation is another affair. Oh!
   And it has become acute since.1 No, I dont read these days, because Ive had a hemorrhage in this eye. There have been too many letters, and its difficult for me to decipher handwriting the result is this hemorrhage. So I have gone on strike. All right, I said, I wont read any letters for a week. People can write as much as they please, its all the same to me Im not reading any more. But just before stopping (I stopped reading for only three days), I read a passage where Sri Aurobindo speaks of his own experience and his own work and explains in full what he means by the supramental transformation. This passage confirmed and made me understand many experiences I had after that experience of the bodys ascent [January 24, 1961] (the ascent of the body-consciousness, followed by the descent of the supramental force into the body); immediately afterwards, everything (how to put it?) outwardly, according to ordinary consciousness, I fell ill; but its stupid to speak this way I did not fall ill! All possible difficulties in the bodys subconscient rose up en masseit had to happen, and it surely happened to Sri Aurobindo, too. How well I understood! How well, indeed. And its no joke, you know! I had wondered why these difficulties had hounded him so ferociouslynow I understand, because I am being attacked in the same relentless fashion.
   Actually, it springs from everything in material consciousness that can still be touched by the adverse forces; that is, not exactly the body-consciousness itself but, one could say, material substance as it has been organized by the mind the initial mentalization of matter, the first stirrings of mind in life making the passage from animal to human. (The same complications would probably exist in animals, but as there is no question of trying to supramentalize animals, all goes well for them.) Well, something in there protests, and naturally this protest creates disorder. These past few days I have been seeing. No one has ever followed this path! Sri Aurobindo was the first, and he left without telling us what he was doing. I am literally hewing a path through a virgin forestits worse than a virgin forest.
   This was said in 1949, just a little more than a year before he left.
   Experience of November 8, 1957. Mother has commented on this experience in 'Questions and Answers' of January 1, 1958. See Agenda I, p. 131.
   End of 1958.
   If memory serves, it was a tin of foie gras!

0 1961-07-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 18 July
   July 18, 1961
   66Sin is that which was once in its place, persisting now it is out of place; there is no other sinfulness.

0 1961-07-26, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Wed 26 July
   July 26, 1961
   (Satprem reads several passages from the July 15th conversation where Mother says that Sri Aurobindo left before saying what he had been doing, and that it was a path through a virgin forest: 'Eyes blindfolded, knowing nothing, one plods on....')

0 1961-07-28, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Fri 28 July
   July 28, 1961
   Here is something important. Sri Aurobindo says that everything is involved down here the mind, the vital, the supermind and that what is involved evolves. But if everything is involved, including the supermind, what is the need for a descent? Cant things evolve by themselves?
   (Extract from the Cosmic Review of 1906)
   See the addendum following this conversation for a transcription of Mother's vision as she noted it down for publication in Theon's Cosmic Review in 1906.
   Cent. Ed., Vol. XVII, p. 28 ff.

0 1961-08-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Wed 2 August
   August 2, 1961
   When one descends into the subconscient, a time comes when its no longer personal the whole world is there! Then what can we do? Im not speaking of you, but what can people like us do to change it? Its a Sisyphean labor! Vibrations from the whole world keep coming in at each instant. How can we change it?
   Except for Krishna. In 1926, I had begun a sort of overmental creation, that is, I had brought the Overmind down into matter, here on earth (miracles and all kinds of things were beginning to happen). I asked all these gods to incarnate, to identify themselves with a body (some of them absolutely refused). Well, with my very own eyes I saw Krishna, who had always been in rapport with Sri Aurobindo, consent to come down into his body. It was on November 24th, and it was the beginning of Mother.8
   Yes, in fact I wanted to ask you what this realization of 1926 was.
   It was this: Krishna consented to descend into Sri Aurobindos bodyto be FIXED there; there is a great difference, you understand, between incarnating, being fixed in a body, and simply acting as an influence that comes and goes and moves about. The gods are always moving about, and its plain that we ourselves, in our inner beings, come and go and act in a hundred or a thousand places at once. There is a difference between just coming occasionally and accepting to be permanently tied to a bodybetween a permanent influence and a permanent presence.
   This was in 1926.
   It was only (how can I put it?) a participation from Krishna. It made no difference for Sri Aurobindo personally: it was a formation from the past that accepted to participate in the present creation, nothing more. It was a descent of the Supreme, from some time back, now consenting to participate in the new manifestation.
   After 1958.
   Each devotee of a particular cult knows perfectly well that his god is simply one way of representing something that is One.
   From 1926, Sri Aurobindo officially introduced Mother to the disciples as the 'Mother'; previously he often called her 'Mirra.'
   Evening Talks, noted by A.B. Purani.

0 1961-08-05, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 5 August
   August 5, 1961
   (Mother gives Satprem some flowers.)
   February 22, 1914.
   On another occasion, Mother told Sujata more about these three times her brother almost killed her: 'One day we were playing croquet, and either because he got beaten or for some other reason, he flew into a rage and struck me hard with his Mallet; fortunately I escaped with only a slight scratch. Another time, we were sitting in a room and he threw a big chair towards me I ducked just in time and the chair passed over my head. A third time, as we were descending from a carriage, he pushed me down under it; luckily the horse didn't move.'

0 1961-08-08, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 8 August
   August 8, 1961
   X has written expressing his gratitude for all the revelations OF THE SUPREME he has had during his meditations with me.

0 1961-08-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Fri 11 August
   August 11, 1961
   (Regarding the book on Sri Aurobindo that Satprem was preparing to write.)

0 1961-08-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Fri 18 August
   August 18, 1961
   (Satprem began his book on Sri Aurobindo on August 15.)

0 1961-08-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Fri 25 August
   August 25, 1961
   (Mother gives flowers) This is Alchemy.1 And here! (Mother hands Satprem some cheese)

0 1961-09-03, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sun 3 September
   September 3, 1961
   (The beginning of this conversation has unfortunately disappeared. It dealt with the book that Satprem was writing on Sri Aurobindo, and he spoke to Mother of his dream of writing automatically, without even needing to think, letting the writing flow along by itself.)

0 1961-09-10, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sun 10 September
   September 10, 1961
   (Concerning the tantric guru:)
   September 3, 1961

0 1961-09-16, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 16 September
   September 16, 1961
   (Satprem complains of his difficulties in writing the book on Sri Aurobindo. He says in particular that he has a feeling of being 'blocked'.)
   September 10, 1961

0 1961-09-23, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 23 September
   September 23, 1961
   I have the right to 150 pages! The publisher is giving me 150 pages in his collection. Terrible. But in this Sri Aurobindo, you understand, I would like to make his whole poetic aspect stand out, that poetry which is like the Veda, like a revelation, so a bit of space is required: it cant be squeezed into a few lines, or reduced to a skeleton.
   September 16, 1961

0 1961-09-28, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Thu 28 September
   September 28, 1961
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   September 23, 1961

0 1961-09-30, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 30 September
   September 30, 1961
  (Mother gives Satprem a flower she has recently named 'Unostentatious Certitude': Platycodon grandiflorum)
  1. This letter to Mother is, with a few others, the sole survivor of thirteen years of correspondence. All the rest, all Satprem's correspondence with Mother since 1960, was confiscated by the Ashram after the Mother's departure, for its own reasons. His letters of 1960, already published in Volume I, escaped the destruction because Mother herself had kept them. It makes a big hole in this Agenda, not only for himbecause he had poured out his heart, his questions and doubts and difficulties into these letters but also from an historical point of view, for many of these conversations with Mother were invisibly oriented by his own condition. In fact, he was intimately linked with the flow of this Agenda, which thus stands mutilated. Need we add that we had to prepare the first two volumes as fugitives, and it required Mother's miraculous help to avert even more serious mutilations than the auto-da-f of Satprem's correspondence.
   September 28, 1961

0 1961-10-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Mon 2 October
   October 2, 1961
   I was holding one of these flowers [Integral Generosity1] in my hand when I saw Z, and I explained to him what I meant by integral generosity. The effect of the ego, I told him, is to shrivel the being. Its the cause of aging, it dries you up the being shrivels under it like a withering flower. And as I was speaking to him, the experience came; all I remember now is the idea, but the idea is nothing the experience itself was there.
   September 30, 1961

0 1961-10-15, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sun 15 October
   October 15, 1961
   (During the two preceding meetings, Satprem read to Mother several fragments of his manuscript on Sri Aurobindo.)

0 1961-10-30, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Mon 30 October
   October 30, 1961
   (The day before and at the beginning of this conversation, Satprem read aloud some passages of his manuscript relating to the Veda. Then Mother chose the photograph of Sri Aurobindo for the frontispiece. She speaks slowly, as though from a great distance, in a semi-trance.)
   October 15, 1961

0 1961-11-05, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sun 5 November
   November 5, 1961
   (Mother would prefer Satprem not to mention Paul Richard by name in his book on Sri Aurobindo.)
   As a matter of fact, the books he wrote (especially the first one, The Living Ether) were based on my knowledge; he put my knowledge into French and beautiful French, I must say! I would tell him my experiences and he would write them down. Later he wrote The Gods (it was incomplete, one-sided). Then he became a lawyer and entered politics (he was a first-class orator and fired his audiences with enthusiasm) and was sent to Pondicherry to help a certain candidate who couldnt manage his election campaign single-handed. And since Richard was interested in occultism and spirituality, he took this opportunity to seek a Master, a yogi. When he arrived, instead of involving himself in politics, the first thing he did was announce, I am seeking a yogi. Someone said to him, Youre incredibly lucky! The yogi has just arrived. It was Sri Aurobindo, who was told, Theres a Frenchman asking to see you. Sri Aurobindo wasnt particularly pleased but he found the coincidence rather interesting and received him. This was in 1910.
   When Richard had finished his work, he returned to France with a poor photograph of Sri Aurobindo and a completely superficial impression of him, yet with the feeling that Sri Aurobindo KNEW (he hadnt at all understood the man that Sri Aurobindo was, he hadnt felt the presence of an Avatar, but he had sensed that he had knowledge). Moreover, I think he always held this opinion, because he used to say that Sri Aurobindo was a unique intellectual giant without many spiritual realizations! (The same type of stupidity as Romain Rollands.) Well, my relationship with Richard was on an occult plane, you see, and its difficult to touch upon. What happened was far more exciting than any novel imaginable.
   Ah, no! It must all be erased. Simply put a note in your book: Paul Richard, who met Sri Aurobindo for the first time in 1910. And you can mention that he was a theological writer or something of the sort to explain how he prompted Sri Aurobindo to write.
   When he returned, he told me he would take me there as soon as he could.
   The Arya began in June 1914, and the first issue was scheduled to come out on August 15, Sri Aurobindos birthday; and the war broke out before the first issue appearedon August 3, I believea very interesting point. June 21 was Paul Richards birthday,4 so on that day we announced the coming publication of the Arya and that the first issue would appear on August 15. Between June 21 and August 15, the war broke out. But since everything was ready we went ahead and published it.
   I wrote in my book that Paul Richard intended to bring out simultaneously in Paris a Review of the Great Synthesis. Is this true?5
   Sri Aurobindo said that if we can hold on until 1967, then it will be over. Could be.
   But the ifs. There is a domain where no more ifs exist, and when I am there, I still dont find any signs of inevitability. The place X looks from is all mixed up. I have had a certain number of visions, but not THE vision of inevitable war.
   Even when I had that experience [the first supramental manifestation of February 29, 1956], when the Lord said, The time has come, well, it was not a complete descent; it was the descent of the Consciousness, the Light, and a part, an aspect of the Power. It was immediately absorbed and swallowed up by the world of Inconscience, and from that moment on it began to work in the atmosphere. But it was not THE thing that comes and gets permanently established; when that happens, we wont need to speak of itit will be obvious!
   Although the experience of 56 was one more forward step, its not. Its not final.
   Richard died in the United States in 1967, then made a vain attempt to reincarnate in Auroville. Thus the danger of 'attracting him,' at least under this form, seems remote.
   On June 28, Archduke Ferdin and of Austria was assassinated at Sarajevo.
   October 30, 1961

0 1961-11-06, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Mon 6 November
   November 6, 1961
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   November 5, 1961

0 1961-11-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Tue 7 November
   November 7, 1961
   (Regarding Satprem's letter to Mother on the Veda:)
   I think I made this experiment in 1904, so when I arrived here it was all a work accomplished and a well-known domain; and when the question of finding the Supermind came up, I had only to resume an experience I was used to I had learned to repeat it at will, through successive exteriorizations. It was a voluntary process.
   When I returned from Japan and we began to work together, Sri Aurobindo had already brought the supramental light into the mental world and was trying to transform the Mind. Its strange, he said to me, its an endless work! Nothing seems to get doneeverything is done and then constantly has to be done all over again. Then I gave him my personal impression, which went back to the old days with Theon: It will be like that until we touch bottom. So instead of continuing to work in the Mind, both of us (I was the one who went through the experience how to put it? practically, objectively; he experienced it only in his consciousness, not in the body but my body has always participated), both of us descended almost immediately (it was done in a day or two) from the Mind into the Vital, and so on quite rapidly, leaving the Mind as it was, fully in the light but not permanently transformed.
   Pearson came to Pondicherry in April 1923.
   In January 1925, mother had an inflammation of the knee. On May 25 of the same year, Sri Aurobindo noted in a letter, 'The condition here is not very good. I am at present fighting the difficulties on the physical plane.' (Cited by A.B. Purani, Life of Sri Aurobindo, p. 203.) Note that in 1925 the Nazi Party was founded.
   We aren't sure, but this may refer to the experience of July 12, 1960, or to that of November 5, 1958, 'the almighty spring' (in fact, they are probably one and the same experience) which gave rise to the 1959 New Year Message: 'At the very bottom of the Inconscient, most hard and rigid and narrow and stifling, I struck upon an almighty spring that cast me up forthwith into a formless, limitless Vast, vibrating with the seeds of a new world.'
   Seconds that could last for half an hour!
   November 6, 1961

0 1961-11-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sun 12 November
   November 12, 1961
   (Mother improvises on the harmonium to 'say' something, or perhaps to calm Satprem's nerves, then continues:)
   November 7, 1961

0 1961-11-16a, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Thu 16 November
   November 16, 1961
   In the middle of my walk, I go into trance, something that has never happened to me before! I find myself standing, immobilized, entirely surrounded by white light, in total silence, with absolutely nothing in my headnothing.
   November 12, 1961

0 1961-11-16b, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Thu 16 November
   November 16, 1961
   (Letter from Mother to Satprem on the occasion of his manuscript being sent to Paris:)
   November 16, 1961

0 1961-11-23, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Thu 23 November
   November 23, 1961
   Im going to play you ten minutes of music.
   November 16, 1961

0 1961-12-16, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 16 December
   December 16, 1961
   (Mother comes in with a rolled-up paper.)
   Then Mother thought that this message might not be too comforting and she put it aside (after asking the opinion of two disciples). Finally she chose the text of the experience which is the subject of this conversation. But the coming year, 1962, would be marked by the first great turning-point in Mother's yoga and a rather calamitous ordeal for the body.
   November 23, 1961

0 1961-12-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Mon 18 December
   December 18, 1961
   (Letter to Mother from Satprem)
   December 16, 1961

0 1961-12-20, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Wed 20 December
   December 20, 1961
   (Satprem reads Mother some extracts from the letter he has just received from his publisher in Paris:)
   In 1915, when Mother left Pondicherry for France and later Japan.
   Actually, Satprem did see Sri Aurobindo in 1946 or 1947.
   Mother is probably alluding to this passage in Prayers and Meditations (September 3, 19 19): 'Since the man refused the meal I had prepared with so much love and care, I invoke the God to take it.'
   See conversation of November 5, 1961.
   Perhaps Mother is alluding to this passage from Prayers and Meditations (October 10, 1918): 'My Father smiled at me and gathered me into his powerful arms....'
   December 18, 1961

0 1961-12-23, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1961 Sat 23 December
   December 23, 1961
   (Concerning the Sri Aurobindo manuscript, Mother advises against replying to the publisher too hastily, because she sees a possibility that could change the situation.)
   (For the next Bulletin, Satprem reads to Mother from Questions and Answers, dated January 4, 1956.)
   And so a time comes when one would be incapable of saying, This is divine and that is not.
   (Satprem again reads from the same Questions and Answers of 1956:)
   All things are attracted to the Divine. Are the hostile forces also attracted to the Divine?
   See Agenda of March 26, 1959 (Vol. I, p. 288): the Titan sent especially to attack Mother's body, and who uses the people around her for this purpose.
   One of Mother's personalities.
   December 20, 1961 View Similar

0 1962-01-09, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1962 Tue 9 January
   January 9, 1962
   (Mother has been unwell the past few days and is receiving almost no one.)
   And that door was opened again only ten years later, in 1960. Even then, it was done with great careit was one of last years major difficulties.
   Up to March 1962, Mother came out every morning on the first floor balcony. The disciples were assembled on the street below.
   Mother frequently addressed Satprem as "mon petit" or "petit," terms of endearment she used for very few other people, which can be approximately rendered as "my little one" or "my child." Since no English phrase can capture the nuances of Mother's simple "petit" and "mon petit," we have decided to leave them in the original French wherever they occur.
   See experience of February 3, 1958: Agenda I, p. 137 ff.

0 1962-01-12, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1962 Fri 12 January
   January 12, 1962
   (Note from Mother to Satprem concerning his question of January 9, on the capacities required to gain access to the supramental world:)

0 1962-01-12 - supramental ship, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1962 Fri 12 January
   January 12, 1962
   (Concerning Satprem's question on the experience of the "supramental ship":)
   See Agenda II, February 25, 1961, p. 96 ff
   The faint: Mother spreading physically over the world.
   In December 1958.
   This is part of the lost treasures, never noted down, because at the time Satprem was not aware that the experiences Mother was relating to him were already part of the Agenda.
   This story is also part of the lost treasures of 1957 or 1958.
   January 12, 1962


--- Overview of noun 19

The noun 19 has 1 sense (first 1 from tagged texts)
1. (2) nineteen, 19, XIX ::: (the cardinal number that is the sum of eighteen and one)

--- Overview of adj 19

The adj 19 has 1 sense (first 1 from tagged texts)
1. (8) nineteen, 19, xix ::: (being one more than eighteen)

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun 19

1 sense of 19                            

Sense 1
nineteen, 19, XIX
   => large integer
     => integer, whole number
       => number
         => definite quantity
           => measure, quantity, amount
             => abstraction, abstract entity
               => entity

--- Hyponyms of noun 19

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun 19

1 sense of 19                            

Sense 1
nineteen, 19, XIX
   => large integer

--- Similarity of adj 19

1 sense of 19                            

Sense 1
nineteen, 19, xix
   => cardinal (vs. ordinal)

--- Antonyms of adj 19

1 sense of 19                            

Sense 1
nineteen, 19, xix

INDIRECT (VIA cardinal) -> ordinal

--- Coordinate Terms (sisters) of noun 19

1 sense of 19                            

Sense 1
nineteen, 19, XIX
  -> large integer
   => ten, 10, X, tenner, decade
   => eleven, 11, XI
   => twelve, 12, XII, dozen
   => teens
   => thirteen, 13, XIII, baker's dozen, long dozen
   => fourteen, 14, XIV
   => fifteen, 15, XV
   => sixteen, 16, XVI
   => seventeen, 17, XVII
   => eighteen, 18, XVIII
   => nineteen, 19, XIX
   => twenty, 20, XX
   => twenty-one, 21, XXI
   => twenty-two, 22, XXII
   => twenty-three, 23, XXIII
   => twenty-four, 24, XXIV, two dozen
   => twenty-five, 25, XXV
   => twenty-six, 26, XXVI
   => twenty-seven, 27, XXVII
   => twenty-eight, 28, XXVIII
   => twenty-nine, 29, XXIX
   => thirty, 30, XXX
   => forty, 40, XL
   => fifty, 50, L
   => sixty, 60, LX
   => seventy, 70, LXX
   => seventy-eight, 78, LXXVIII
   => eighty, 80, LXXX, fourscore
   => ninety, 90, XC
   => hundred, 100, C, century, one C
   => gross, 144
   => long hundred, great hundred, 120
   => five hundred, 500, D
   => thousand, one thousand, 1000, M, K, chiliad, G, grand, thou, yard
   => great gross, 1728
   => ten thousand, 10000, myriad
   => hundred thousand, 100000, lakh
   => million, 1000000, one thousand thousand, meg
   => crore
   => billion, one thousand million, 1000000000
   => billion, one million million, 1000000000000
   => trillion, one million million, 1000000000000
   => trillion, one million million million
   => quadrillion
   => quadrillion
   => quintillion
   => sextillion
   => septillion
   => octillion
   => aleph-null, aleph-nought, aleph-zero

--- Pertainyms of adj 19

1 sense of 19                            

Sense 1
nineteen, 19, xix

--- Derived Forms of adj 19

--- Grep of noun 19
atomic number 19
january 19
march 19

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Wikipedia - 1919 New Year Honours -- Appointments by King George V to reward and highlight good works by citizens of the British Empire
Wikipedia - 1919 Preakness Stakes -- 44th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1919 South Wales race riots -- Outbreaks of violence in Newport, Cardiff and Barry in June 1919
Wikipedia - 1919 Standard Oil Company fire -- 1919 fire in New York City
Wikipedia - 1919 United States anarchist bombings -- Series of bombings in the US in 1919
Wikipedia - 191 North Wacker -- Skyscraper in Chicago, Illinois
Wikipedia - 191 (number)
Wikipedia - 191st Motorized Infantry Brigade (People's Republic of China) -- 191st Motorized Infantry Brigade (People's Republic of China)
Wikipedia - 1920 Belmont Stakes -- 52nd running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1920 Bolivian coup d'etat -- Bloodless takeover of power in Bolivia on July 12, 1920
Wikipedia - 1920 Democratic National Convention -- political meeting
Wikipedia - 1920 Epsom Derby -- 141st running of the Epsom Derby horse race
Wikipedia - 1920: Evil Returns -- 2012 film by Bhushan Patel
Wikipedia - 1920 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1920 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1920 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1920: London -- 2016 film by Vikram Bhatt
Wikipedia - 1920 Schleswig plebiscites -- 1920 plebiscite used to determine the border between Denmark and Germany
Wikipedia - 1920s in film
Wikipedia - 1920s Investigators' Companion -- Horror tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - 1920s in Western fashion -- Clothing in the 1920s
Wikipedia - 1920s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (1920-1929)
Wikipedia - 1921 (1988 film) -- 1988 film directed by I. V. Sasi
Wikipedia - 1921 (2018 film) -- 2018 Indian horror film directed and produced by Vikram Bhatt
Wikipedia - 1921 British Mount Everest reconnaissance expedition -- First attempt to find a route to climb Mount Everest
Wikipedia - 1921 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1921 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1921 in Russia -- Individuals and events related to 1921 in Soviet Russia
Wikipedia - 1921 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1921 NFL Championship controversy
Wikipedia - 1921 Tampa Bay hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1921
Wikipedia - 1922 (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - 1922 British Mount Everest expedition -- First attempt to reach summit of world's highest mountain
Wikipedia - 1922 confiscation of Russian Orthodox Church property
Wikipedia - 1922 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1922 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1922 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1922 Lupeni mine disaster -- Mine explosion disaster
Wikipedia - 1922 (novella) -- Novella by Stephen King
Wikipedia - 1923 Berkeley, California fire
Wikipedia - 1923 Bulgarian coup d'etat -- Coup d'etat
Wikipedia - 1923 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1923 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1923 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1923 Municipal Manager Law -- New Jersey law
Wikipedia - 1923 World Series
Wikipedia - 1924 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1924 British Mount Everest expedition -- Attempt at first ascent of Mount Everest in 1924
Wikipedia - 1924 Cuba hurricane -- Category 5 Atlantic hurricane in 1924
Wikipedia - 1924 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1924 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1924 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1924 Liechtenstein tax law referendum -- Referendum in Liechtenstein
Wikipedia - 1924 Winter Olympics -- 1st edition of Winter Olympics, held in Chamonix (France)
Wikipedia - 1925-26 Allsvenskan -- 1926-1926 season of Fotbollsallsvenskan
Wikipedia - 1925 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1925 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1925 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1925 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1925 Preakness Stakes -- 50th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1925 Report for Reform in the East (Turkey) -- Reform plan for the Kurdish territories in Turkey
Wikipedia - 1925 serum run to Nome
Wikipedia - 1926 Arkansas state highway numbering -- Highway renumbering
Wikipedia - 1926 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1926 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1926 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1926 Iowa highway renumbering -- Highway renumbering
Wikipedia - 1926 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1926 Preakness Stakes -- 51st running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1926 Simko Shikak revolt -- Kurdish uprising in Iran
Wikipedia - 1926 Slavery Convention
Wikipedia - 1926 United Kingdom general strike -- Coal miner strike in UK in 1926
Wikipedia - 1927 (band) -- Australian pop-rock band
Wikipedia - 1927 in American television -- Television-related events in the USA during the year of 1927
Wikipedia - 1927 Indiana bituminous strike -- Strike by American coal miners
Wikipedia - 1927 in film
Wikipedia - 1927 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1927 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1927 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1927 Lompoc earthquake -- Earthquake in California
Wikipedia - 1927 Pacific typhoon season -- Pacific typhoon season
Wikipedia - 1927 Preakness Stakes -- 52nd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1928 Great Barrier Reef expedition -- 1928 Australian Great Barrier Reef expedition
Wikipedia - 1928 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1928 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1928 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1928 Isle of Man TT -- Motorcycle race
Wikipedia - 1928 Okeechobee hurricane -- Category 5 Atlantic hurricane in 1928
Wikipedia - 1928 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1928 Preakness Stakes -- 53rd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1928 San Felipe hurricane
Wikipedia - 1928 Summer Olympics -- Games of the IX Olympiad, celebrated in Amsterdam in 1928
Wikipedia - 1928 Thames flood -- A combined storm surge and river flood of the River Thames
Wikipedia - 1928
Wikipedia - 1928 Winter Olympics -- 2nd edition of Winter Olympics, held in Sankt Moritz (Switzerland)
Wikipedia - 1929-1930 psittacosis pandemic -- Pandemic
Wikipedia - 1929 Bahamas hurricane -- 1929 Bahamas hurricane
Wikipedia - 1929 Hebron massacre -- Massacre of Jewish residents of Hebron by Arab residents in 1929 Arab riots in Mandatory Palestine
Wikipedia - 1929 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1929 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1929 in poetry
Wikipedia - 1929 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1929 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1929 Preakness Stakes -- 54th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1929 Ryder Cup -- 1929 edition of the Ryder Cup
Wikipedia - 1929 Soviet Union legislative election
Wikipedia - 1929 Swiss referendums -- Five referendums
Wikipedia - 192 Shoreham Street -- Building in Sheffield, England
Wikipedia - 1930-1945 in Western fashion -- Costume and fashion from the 1930s to the end of World War II
Wikipedia - 1930 Argentine coup d'etat -- September 1930 coup d' etat in Argentina
Wikipedia - 1930 Bago earthquake -- Earthquake in Myanmar
Wikipedia - 1930 Belmont Stakes -- 62nd running of an American Thoroughbred race
Wikipedia - 1930 British Empire Games -- 1st edition of the British Empire Games
Wikipedia - 1930 Dominican Republic hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1930
Wikipedia - 1930 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1930 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1930 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1930 International University Games -- Thirty nations competed in a programme of eight sports
Wikipedia - 1930s in film
Wikipedia - 1930s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (1930-1939)
Wikipedia - 1930 Western Wall Commission -- Commission appointed by the British government
Wikipedia - 1931 in aviation -- Aviation-related events in 1931
Wikipedia - 1931 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1931 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1931 in poetry
Wikipedia - 1931 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1931 Nicaragua earthquake -- March 1931 earthquake in Nicaragua
Wikipedia - 1931 Pacific typhoon season -- Pacific typhoon season
Wikipedia - 1931 Prussian Landtag referendum -- German referendum
Wikipedia - 1932 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1932 Cuba hurricane -- Category 5 Atlantic hurricane in 1932
Wikipedia - 1932 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1932 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1932 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1932 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1932 San Ciprian hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1932
Wikipedia - 1932 Winter Olympics -- 3rd edition of Winter Olympics, held in Lake Placid (NY)
Wikipedia - 1933 anti-Nazi boycott -- Boycott of German products by foreign critics of the Nazi Party
Wikipedia - 1933 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1933 Datsun Type 12 -- Car model
Wikipedia - 1933 double eagle -- Twenty-dollar American gold coin minted in 1933
Wikipedia - 1933 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1933 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1933 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1933 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1933 Romanian general election
Wikipedia - 1933 Treasure Coast hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1933
Wikipedia - 1933 Western Australian secession referendum -- Referendum on secession of Western Australia from Commonwealth of Australia
Wikipedia - 1934 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1934 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1934 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1934 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1934 Nepal-Bihar earthquake
Wikipedia - 1934 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1934 Thrace pogroms -- Pogroms against Jews in Turkey
Wikipedia - 1934
Wikipedia - 1935 Belmont Stakes -- 67th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1935 British Mount Everest reconnaissance expedition -- Mountaineering expedition led by Eric Shipton
Wikipedia - 1935 Erdek-Marmara Islands earthquake -- Erdek-Marmara Islands earthquake
Wikipedia - 1935 Greek coup d'etat attempt -- Attempted coup d'etat in Greece
Wikipedia - 1935 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1935 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1935 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1935 Labor Day hurricane -- Category 5 Atlantic hurricane in 1935
Wikipedia - 1935 Quetta earthquake -- Magnitude 7.7 earthquake in Quetta (now Pakistan)
Wikipedia - 1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine -- Nationalist uprising by Palestinian Arabs in Mandatory Palestine
Wikipedia - 1936 Birthday Honours -- King Edward VIII 1936 birthday honours
Wikipedia - 1936 British Mount Everest expedition -- Unsuccessful expedition led by Hugh Ruttledge
Wikipedia - 1936 Bundaberg distillery fire -- Fire in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - 1936 Constitution of the Soviet Union -- Led by Joseph Stalin, promising increased democracy
Wikipedia - 1936 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1936 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1936 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1936 Mid-Atlantic hurricane -- Category 3 Atlantic hurricane in 1936
Wikipedia - 1936 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1936 Soviet Constitution
Wikipedia - 1936 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XI Olympiad, celebrated in Berlin in 1936
Wikipedia - 1937 Belmont Stakes -- 69th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1937 Fox vault fire -- Fire at 20th Century-Fox film storage facility in Little Ferry, New Jersey
Wikipedia - 1937 Indian provincial elections
Wikipedia - 1937 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1937 in organized crime -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - 1937 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1937 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1937 Social Credit backbenchers' revolt -- Parliamentary revolt in Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - 1937 Soviet Union legislative election
Wikipedia - 1937 -- 1937
Wikipedia - 1938 American Karakoram expedition to K2 -- Failed attempt to climb second-highest mountain
Wikipedia - 1938 British Mount Everest expedition -- Low-cost, unsuccessful expedition led by Bill Tilman
Wikipedia - 1938 Changsha fire -- Fire during the Sino-Japanese War
Wikipedia - 1938 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1938 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1938 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1938 New England hurricane -- Category 5 Atlantic hurricane in 1938
Wikipedia - 1938 New Year Honours -- Honour
Wikipedia - 1938 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1938 USDA soil taxonomy
Wikipedia - 1938 Yellow River flood -- 1938 flood in China
Wikipedia - 1939-1945 Star -- United Kingdom military campaign medal for service in the Second World War
Wikipedia - 1939-40 Winter Offensive -- Military offensive
Wikipedia - 1939 American Karakoram expedition to K2 -- Failed attempt to climb second-highest mountain
Wikipedia - 1939 Erzincan earthquake -- Earthquake in Turkey in 1939
Wikipedia - 1939 (film) -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - 1939 Gent-Wevelgem -- Cycle race
Wikipedia - 1939 German ultimatum to Lithuania -- 1939 German diplomatic demand on Lithuania
Wikipedia - 1939 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1939 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1939 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1939 Japanese expedition to Tibet
Wikipedia - 1939 New York World's Fair -- Fair held at Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - 1939 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1939 Returning/Chicken vs. Macho -- 2000 song performed by The Crocketts
Wikipedia - 193 (number)
Wikipedia - 1940 Brocklesby mid-air collision -- Collision involving Royal Australian Air Force training aircraft
Wikipedia - 1940 Canberra air disaster -- Air crash in Australia
Wikipedia - 1940 Governor General's Awards
Wikipedia - 1940 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1940 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1940 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1940 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1940 Panamanian constitutional referendum -- Panama constitutional referendum
Wikipedia - 1940s in film
Wikipedia - 1940s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (1940-1949)
Wikipedia - 1941 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1941 Belmont Stakes -- 73rd running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1941 Cabo San Lucas hurricane -- Pacific hurricane in 1941
Wikipedia - 1941 (film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - 1941 Florida hurricane -- Category 3 Atlantic hurricane
Wikipedia - 1941 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1941 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1941 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1941 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1941 Pacific typhoon season -- Pacific typhoon season
Wikipedia - 1941 Paris synagogue attacks -- Synagogue attack
Wikipedia - 1941 Van-ErciM-EM-^_ earthquake -- Earthquake in. eastern Turkey
Wikipedia - 1941 VFL season -- Season of the Victorian Footbal League competition
Wikipedia - 1942: A Love Story -- 1994 film by Vidhu Vinod Chopra
Wikipedia - 1942 Design Light Fleet Carrier -- 1940s class of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy
Wikipedia - 1942 experimental cents -- United States pattern coins
Wikipedia - 1942 Indianapolis 500 -- Cancelled Indianapolis 500
Wikipedia - 1942 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1942 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1942 in poetry
Wikipedia - 1942 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1942 Pacific typhoon season -- Pacific typhoon season
Wikipedia - 1943 Adapazari-Hendek earthquake -- Earthquake in Turkey
Wikipedia - 1943 Belmont Stakes -- Horse race
Wikipedia - 1943 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1943 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1943 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1943 Pacific typhoon season -- Typhoon season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1943 Rolls-Royce strike -- Strike action over women's pay
Wikipedia - 1943 steel cent -- U.S. currency
Wikipedia - 1943 Surprise Hurricane -- Category 2 Atlantic hurricane in 1943
Wikipedia - 1943 University of Oslo fire
Wikipedia - 1944 Bolu-Gerede earthquake -- Earthquake in northwest Turkey
Wikipedia - 1944 Bombay explosion -- 1944 explosion in India
Wikipedia - 1944 Cuba-Florida hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1944
Wikipedia - 1944 (film) -- 2015 film
Wikipedia - 1944 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1944 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1944 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1944 Jamaica hurricane -- Category 3 Atlantic hurricane in 1944
Wikipedia - 1944 Pacific typhoon season -- Typhoon season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1944 United States presidential election
Wikipedia - 1945-1960 in Western fashion -- Costume and fashion in the Post-war years 1945-1960
Wikipedia - 1945 (2017 film) -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - 1945 Empire State Building B-25 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1945 Florida State Road renumbering -- Highway renumbering
Wikipedia - 1945 Homestead hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1945
Wikipedia - 1945 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1945 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1945 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1945 Katsuyama killing incident -- Killing of three American soldiers by Okinawans in 1945.
Wikipedia - 1945 Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church
Wikipedia - 1945 Norwegian parliamentary election
Wikipedia - 1945
Wikipedia - 1946 African Mine Workers' Union strike -- Strike by mine workers of Witwatersrand started on August 12, 1946
Wikipedia - 1946 American Overseas Airlines Douglas DC-4 crash -- 1946 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1946 Antarctica PBM Mariner crash -- 1946 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1946 Australian National Airways DC-3 crash -- Accident in Hobart
Wikipedia - 1946 Belmont Stakes -- 78th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1946 Bulgarian Cup Final -- Final of the Bulgarian Cup
Wikipedia - 1946 C-53 Skytrooper crash on the Gauli Glacier -- 1946 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1946 Cabinet Mission to India
Wikipedia - 1946 Florida hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1946
Wikipedia - 1946 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1946 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1946 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1946 Italian institutional referendum -- Referendum on abolishing the Italian monarchy.
Wikipedia - 1946 KLM Douglas DC-3 Amsterdam accident -- 1946 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1946 Pilbara strike -- Workers strike in Australia
Wikipedia - 1946 Railway Air Services Dakota crash
Wikipedia - 1946 Varto-Hinis earthquake -- Earthquake in Turkey
Wikipedia - 1947-48 Montenegrin Republic League -- Third season of the Montenegrin Republic League
Wikipedia - 1947 Amritsar train massacre -- Massacre of Indian refugees by Sikhs
Wikipedia - 1947 anti-Jewish riots in Aleppo
Wikipedia - 1947 Cape Sable hurricane -- Category 2 Atlantic hurricane in 1947
Wikipedia - 1947 Doncaster rail crash -- 1947 railway accident in Doncaster, England
Wikipedia - 1947 Fort Lauderdale hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1947
Wikipedia - 1947 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1947 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1947 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1947 New York City smallpox outbreak -- A smallpox outbreak occurred in New York City in 1947
Wikipedia - 1947 Preakness Stakes -- 57th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1947 Royal New Zealand Navy mutinies -- Series of mutinies in 1947 in the New Zealand navy
Wikipedia - 1947 Telephone strike -- 1947 labor strike across the United States
Wikipedia - 1948 Arab-Israeli War -- First Arab-Israeli war
Wikipedia - 1948 Ashes series -- Test cricket series between England and Australia
Wikipedia - 1948 Australian National Airways DC-3 crash -- Accident in New South Wales
Wikipedia - 1948 Belmont Stakes -- 80th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1948 Czechoslovak coup d'etat -- 1948 coup in Czechoslovakia
Wikipedia - 1948 Democratic National Convention -- US political convention in 1948
Wikipedia - 1948 Gozo luzzu disaster {{DISPLAYTITLE:1948 Gozo ''luzzu'' disaster -- 1948 Gozo luzzu disaster {{DISPLAYTITLE:1948 Gozo ''luzzu'' disaster
Wikipedia - 1948 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1948 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1948 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1948 South African general election
Wikipedia - 1948 United States presidential election
Wikipedia - 1949 Ambato earthquake -- Earthquake in Ecuador
Wikipedia - 1949 Belmont Stakes -- 81st running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1949 Florida hurricane -- Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 1949
Wikipedia - 1949 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1949 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1949 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1949 MacRobertson Miller Aviation DC-3 crash -- Accident in Western Australia
Wikipedia - 1949 Norwegian parliamentary election
Wikipedia - 1949 Olympia earthquake -- Earthquake in Washington state
Wikipedia - 1949 Queen Charlotte Islands earthquake -- Magnitude 8.1 Earthquake affecting Queen Charlotte Islands and Canadian Pacific Northwest (1949)
Wikipedia - 1949 Strato-Freight Curtiss C-46A crash -- Airplane crash in 1949 in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - 1950 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1950 Australian National Airways Douglas DC-4 crash -- Accident in Western Australia
Wikipedia - 1950 French Annapurna expedition -- First ascent by Maurice Herzog and Louis Lachenal
Wikipedia - 1950 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1950 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1950 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1950 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1950s in film
Wikipedia - 1950 (song) -- 2018 single by King Princess
Wikipedia - 1950s South-West Indian Ocean cyclone seasons -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1950s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (1950-1959)
Wikipedia - 1950 United States Census
Wikipedia - 1950 Wynder and Graham Study -- research connecting smoking with lung cancer
Wikipedia - 1951-1952 Massachusetts legislature -- Session of the legislature of Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - 1951 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1951 British Mount Everest reconnaissance expedition -- First major reconnaissance from Nepal
Wikipedia - 1951 English Greyhound Derby -- Greyhound racing event
Wikipedia - 1951 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1951 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1951 in science
Wikipedia - 1951 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1951 in spaceflight -- List of spaceflights in 1951
Wikipedia - 1951 Mediterranean Games -- First edition of the Mediterranean Games
Wikipedia - 1951 Pont-Saint-Esprit mass poisoning
Wikipedia - 1951 Preakness Stakes -- 76th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1952 Air France SNCASE Languedoc crash -- 1952 plane crash
Wikipedia - 1952 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1952 British Cho Oyu expedition -- Failed climbing expedition to Cho Oyu
Wikipedia - 1952 Farnborough Airshow crash -- Jet fighter crash in England
Wikipedia - 1952 Hasankale earthquake -- Earthquake in Erzurum Province, Turkey
Wikipedia - 1952 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1952 in organized crime -- organized crime year
Wikipedia - 1952 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1952 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1952 Puerto Rican constitutional referendum -- Referendum that passed a new Puerto Rico constitution
Wikipedia - 1952 Severo-Kurilsk earthquake -- Sixth most powerful on record; in Russia
Wikipedia - 1952 Summer Olympics torch relay -- Torch relay for 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki
Wikipedia - 1952 United States presidential election
Wikipedia - 1952 Washington, D.C. UFO incident
Wikipedia - 1952 Winter Olympics -- 6th Winter Olympics, held in Oslo, Norway
Wikipedia - 1953 Alcoa Aluminum advertisement
Wikipedia - 1953 American Karakoram expedition -- Attempt at first ascent of K2 in 1953
Wikipedia - 1953 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1953 Baltimore Colts season -- Inaugural season for the current Colts franchise
Wikipedia - 1953 British Mount Everest expedition -- First successful ascent of Mount Everest
Wikipedia - 1953 FAMAS Awards
Wikipedia - 1953 Flint-Beecher tornado -- U.S. natural disaster
Wikipedia - 1953 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1953 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1953 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1953 Iranian coup d'etat -- Overthrow of the democratically elected government of Iran
Wikipedia - 1953 London to Christchurch air race -- Last Great Air Race
Wikipedia - 1953 North Kyushu flood
Wikipedia - 1953 Pennsylvania Railroad train wreck -- Train wreck in Washington, D. C.
Wikipedia - 1953 Puerto Rico highway renumbering -- Insular highways renumbered
Wikipedia - 1953 Rupertwildt -- asteroid from the outer region of the asteroid belt
Wikipedia - 1953 Vicksburg, Mississippi tornado -- weather event affecting Mississippi
Wikipedia - 1953 Yenice-Gonen earthquake -- Earthquake in the Marmara region, Turkey
Wikipedia - 1954 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1954 Bilderberg Conference -- Conference
Wikipedia - 1954 Caribbean Series -- Sixth edition of The Caribbean Series
Wikipedia - 1954 Geneva Conference -- Conference among several nations that took place in Geneva from April 26->July 20, 1954; dealt with aftermath of Korean War and the First Indochina War, resulting in the partition of Vietnam-This conference 1954 divided Vietnam land into 2 countries
Wikipedia - 1954 Guatemalan coup d'etat -- Covert CIA operation in Guatemala
Wikipedia - 1954 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1954 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1954 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1954 Italian Karakoram expedition controversy -- Controversy following first successful attempt to climb second-highest mountain
Wikipedia - 1954 Italian Karakoram expedition to K2 -- First successful attempt to climb second-highest mountain
Wikipedia - 1954 National Service riots -- 1954 civil unrest in Singapore
Wikipedia - 1954 United States Capitol shooting -- Puerto Rican nationalists shot US Congressmen
Wikipedia - 1955 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1955 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1955 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1955 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1955 Le Mans disaster -- Motor racing crash
Wikipedia - 1955 MacArthur Airport United Airlines crash -- Airplane crash in New York
Wikipedia - 1955 Preakness Stakes -- 80th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1955 State of Vietnam referendum -- Referendum on the form of government
Wikipedia - 1956 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1956 B-47 disappearance -- A Boeing B-47 Stratojet disappeared in 1956
Wikipedia - 1956 Grand Canyon mid-air collision -- mid-air collision on June 30, 1956 over the Grand Canyon
Wikipedia - 1956 Hungarian Revolution
Wikipedia - 1956 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1956 in Michigan -- List of events which happened in Michigan, United States in 1956
Wikipedia - 1956 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1956 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1956 Preakness Stakes -- 81st running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1956 Treason Trial
Wikipedia - 1956 Winter Olympics -- 7th Winter Olympics, held in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy
Wikipedia - 1957 Alexandra bus boycott
Wikipedia - 1957 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1957 Chevrolet -- Make of US auto
Wikipedia - 1957 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1957 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1957 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1957 New Year Honours -- 1957 UK state honours list
Wikipedia - 1957 Pacoima mid-air collision -- Mid-air collision over Pacoima, California, United States
Wikipedia - 1957 Preakness Stakes -- 82nd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1957
Wikipedia - 1958 Asian Games -- Third edition of the Asian Games
Wikipedia - 1958 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1958 Aviaco SNCASE Languedoc crash -- Plane crash in the Guadarrama Mountains which killed 21
Wikipedia - 1958 BOAC Bristol Britannia crash -- 1958 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1958 Central African Airways plane crash -- 1958 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1958 Channel Airways de Havilland DH.104 Dove crash -- 1958 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1958 Dan-Air Avro York crash -- 1958 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1958 East River collision -- Collision between two ships and the subsequent fire and gasoline spill
Wikipedia - 1958 Huslia earthquake -- 1958 earthquake in Alaska
Wikipedia - 1958 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1958 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1958 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1958 Lebanon crisis
Wikipedia - 1958 London Vickers Viking accident -- 1958 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1958 Mars Bluff B-47 nuclear weapon loss incident -- Accidental release of a nuclear weapon in South Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - 1958 Pakistani coup d'etat -- Events surrounding the deposing of Pakistani President Iskander Mirza by Ayub Khan, Pakistani Army Commander-in-Chief
Wikipedia - 1958 papal conclave
Wikipedia - 1958 Preakness Stakes -- 83rd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1958 Syerston Avro Vulcan crash -- 1958 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1958
Wikipedia - 1959 Air Charter Turkey crash -- 1959 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1959 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1959 Curitiba riots -- Comb War was a protest that started in December 8th 1959 in the city of Curitiba
Wikipedia - 1959 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1959 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1959 in South African sport -- Sports-related events in South Africa during 1959
Wikipedia - 1959 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1959 Junior Springboks tour of South America -- A series of rugby union matches played in Argentina
Wikipedia - 1959 King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes -- Ninth running of the King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes
Wikipedia - 1959 Pacific hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1959 Preakness Stakes -- 84th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1959 San Diego F3H crash -- Aircraft accident
Wikipedia - 1959 Tibetan Rebellion
Wikipedia - 1959 Tibetan uprising
Wikipedia - 1959 Transair Douglas Dakota accident -- 1959 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1959 Turkish Airlines Gatwick crash -- 1959 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1959 Viqueque rebellion -- Uprising against Portuguese rule in East Timor
Wikipedia - 1959
Wikipedia - 195 Eurykleia -- Main-belt asteroid
Wikipedia - 1960 Agadir earthquake -- Earthquake in Morocco
Wikipedia - 1960 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1960 Ethiopian coup d'etat attempt -- attempted coups d'etat against Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie
Wikipedia - 1960 Guisan -- Asteroid
Wikipedia - 1960 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1960 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1960 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1960 Los Angeles Chargers season -- Inaugural season for the franchise in Los Angeles
Wikipedia - 1960 New York Titans season -- Inaugural season for New York's AFL franchise
Wikipedia - 1960 Preakness Stakes -- 85th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1960 RB-47 shootdown incident -- 1960 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1960 Rio de Janeiro mid-air collision -- 1960 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1960s Australian region cyclone seasons -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1960s Berkeley protests
Wikipedia - 1960s in fashion -- Costume and fashion in the 1960s
Wikipedia - 1960s in film
Wikipedia - 1960 South African republic referendum
Wikipedia - 1960 South Africa referendum
Wikipedia - 1960 South Vietnamese coup attempt -- Failed coup against President Ngo M-DM-^PM-CM-,nh DiM-aM-;M-^Gm
Wikipedia - 1960s South Pacific cyclone seasons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - 1960 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XVII Olympiad, celebrated in Rome in 1960
Wikipedia - 1960s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (1960-1969)
Wikipedia - 1960 U-2 incident -- Cold War aviation incident
Wikipedia - 1960 United States census -- 18th United States national census
Wikipedia - 1960 Valdivia earthquake -- May 1960 earthquake in Chile
Wikipedia - 1961-1975 cholera pandemic -- Seventh major cholera pandemic
Wikipedia - 1961-62 Allsvenskan (men's handball) -- Handball season
Wikipedia - 1961 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1961 Golden Helmet (Poland) -- Motorcycle speedway event
Wikipedia - 1961 in Ireland -- Events in 1961
Wikipedia - 1961 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1961 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1961 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1961 Intercontinental Cup -- 1961 edition of the FIFA Intercontinental Cup
Wikipedia - 1961 New York Titans season -- 1961 season of AFL team New York Titans
Wikipedia - 1961 Preakness Stakes -- 86th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1961 Puerto Rican financial referendum -- Referendum on financial-related amendments to Puerto Rican statute
Wikipedia - 1962 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1962 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1962 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1962 in South African sport -- Sports-related events in South Africa during 1962
Wikipedia - 1962 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1962 London smog -- 1962 air pollution event in London, England
Wikipedia - 1962 New Year Honours -- Commonwealth realms of Queen Elizabeth
Wikipedia - 1962 New York Titans season -- 1962 season of AFL team New York Titans
Wikipedia - 1962 Preakness Stakes -- 87th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1962 Roman Missal
Wikipedia - 1962 Seattle World's Fair
Wikipedia - 1962 Singaporean integration referendum -- Referendum on the terms of integration of Singapore into the Federation of Malaysia
Wikipedia - 1962 South Vietnamese Independence Palace bombing -- Aerial attack in Saigon
Wikipedia - 1962 World's Fair
Wikipedia - 1963 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1963 Camden PA-24 crash -- Aviation crash in 1963
Wikipedia - 1963 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1963 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1963 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1963 New York Jets season -- 1963 season of AFL team New York Jets
Wikipedia - 1963 papal conclave
Wikipedia - 1963 Preakness Stakes -- 88th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1963 Provincial Speedway League -- Speedway league season
Wikipedia - 1963 South Vietnamese coup
Wikipedia - 1963 Togolese coup d'etat -- 1963 coup in Togo
Wikipedia - 1964 Alaska earthquake
Wikipedia - 1964 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1964 Brazilian coup d'etat -- March-April 1964 coup d'etat in Brazil that ousted President Joao Goulart
Wikipedia - 1964 Brinks Hotel bombing -- Viet Cong bombing in Saigon
Wikipedia - 1964 European Nations' Cup -- 1964 edition of the UEFA European Nations' Cup
Wikipedia - 1964 (film) -- 2015 documentary film about the events of 1964
Wikipedia - 1964 in Israel -- article about events in a specific year or time period
Wikipedia - 1964 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1964 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1964 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1964 in sports -- Sports-related events of 1964
Wikipedia - 1964 Manyas earthquake -- Earthquake in Turkey
Wikipedia - 1964 New York Jets season -- 1964 season of AFL team New York Jets
Wikipedia - 1964 New York World's Fair -- Showcase of mid-20th-century American culture and technology fair
Wikipedia - 1964 Preakness Stakes -- 89th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1964 race riots in Singapore -- 1964 civil unrest in Singapore
Wikipedia - 1964 state highway renumbering (California) -- Highway renumbering
Wikipedia - 1964 state highway renumbering (Washington) -- Highway renumbering in Washington
Wikipedia - 1964 Summer Olympics
Wikipedia - 1964 T-39 shootdown incident -- Cold War incident involving an American T-39 being shot down by a Soviet MiG-19
Wikipedia - 1964 Ugandan lost counties referendum -- Ugandan referendum
Wikipedia - 1965 Argentine Air Force C-54 disappearance -- Argentine military flight that disappeared on 3 November 1965
Wikipedia - 1965 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1965 Chase -- Steeplechase horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - 1965 Indian Everest Expedition -- First successful Indian summit of Mount Everest
Wikipedia - 1965 in film
Wikipedia - 1965 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1965 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1965 in science
Wikipedia - 1965 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1965 MGM vault fire -- 1965 fire
Wikipedia - 1965 New York Jets season -- 1965 season of AFL team New York Jets
Wikipedia - 1965 Preakness Stakes -- 90th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1965 Saigon bombing -- Bombing in which 42 were killed
Wikipedia - 1965 Saint Louis Billikens men's soccer team -- U.S. soccer team
Wikipedia - 1965 South Vietnamese coup -- 1965 coup attempt in South Vietnam
Wikipedia - 1965 Soviet economic reform
Wikipedia - 1966-67 Czechoslovak Extraliga season -- Season of the Czechoslovak Extraliga
Wikipedia - 1966 anti-Igbo pogrom -- Series of massacres of Igbo people in Nigeria
Wikipedia - 1966 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1966 British Empire and Commonwealth Games -- 8th edition of the British Empire and Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - 1966 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Held in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - 1966 European Indoor Games - Women's 60 metres -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - 1966 Felthorpe Trident crash -- Crash of a Trident airliner in a pre-delivery flight in 1966
Wikipedia - 1966 flood of the Arno -- November 1966 flood of the Arno River in Tuscany, Italy
Wikipedia - 1966 in baseball
Wikipedia - 1966 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1966 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1966 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1966 Iraqi coup d'etat attempt -- 1966 coup d'etat attempt in Iraq
Wikipedia - 1966 Miami Dolphins season -- Inaugural season for Miami's AFL team
Wikipedia - 1966 New York City smog -- Air-pollution episode in New York City
Wikipedia - 1966 New York Jets season -- 1966 season of AFL team New York Jets
Wikipedia - 1966 Nigerian counter-coup -- 2nd Nigeria coup in 1966
Wikipedia - 1966 Preakness Stakes -- 91st running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1966 Spanish organic law referendum -- Referendum in Francoist Spain
Wikipedia - 1966 Varto earthquake -- Earthquake in eastern Turkey
Wikipedia - 1967-68 Irish League -- Irish League
Wikipedia - 1967 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1967 Australian referendum (Aboriginals) -- Question 2 of 1967 Australian referendum, about counting Indigenous people in the census and allowing the government to legislate separately for them
Wikipedia - 1967 Buffalo riot -- One of the many race riots that swept cities in the U.S. during the "Long Hot Summer of 1967"
Wikipedia - 1967 Grand National -- Horse race held in 1967
Wikipedia - 1967 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1967 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1967 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1967 Milwaukee riot -- One of the many race riots that swept cities in the U.S. during the "Long Hot Summer of 1967"
Wikipedia - 1967 Minneapolis Riot -- Minneapolis Riot
Wikipedia - 1967 Mudurnu earthquake -- Earthquake in western Turkey
Wikipedia - 1967 Newark riots -- One of the many race riots that swept cities in the U.S. during the "Long Hot Summer of 1967"
Wikipedia - 1967 New York Jets season -- 1967 season of AFL team New York Jets
Wikipedia - 1967 Palestinian exodus -- Flight of around 280,000 to 325,000 Palestinians out of the territories captured by Israel during and in the aftermath of the Six-Day War
Wikipedia - 1967 Plainfield riots -- One of the many race riots that swept cities in the U.S. during the "Long Hot Summer of 1967"
Wikipedia - 1967 Preakness Stakes -- 92nd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1967 Saginaw riot -- One of the many race riots that swept cities in the U.S. during the "Long Hot Summer of 1967"
Wikipedia - 1967 Togolese coup d'etat -- 1967 coup in Togo
Wikipedia - 1968-69 United States network television schedule -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1968 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1968 Belice earthquake -- Earthquake in Sicily, Italy
Wikipedia - 1968 Cannes Film Festival -- 21st film festival at Cannes; cut short due to protests
Wikipedia - 1968 Democratic National Convention protest activity
Wikipedia - 1968 Democratic National Convention protests
Wikipedia - 1968 Democratic National Convention
Wikipedia - 1968 Illinois earthquake -- Largest recorded earthquake in Illinois, US
Wikipedia - 1968 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1968 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1968 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1968 Israel Super Cup -- Sport competition
Wikipedia - 1968 Maryland Terrapins men's soccer team -- 19698 Maryland Terrapins men's soccer team
Wikipedia - 1968 Meckering earthquake -- Earthquake in 1968 in Western Australia
Wikipedia - 1968 New York Jets season -- 1968 season of AFL team New York Jets; first and to date only Super Bowl appearance and win
Wikipedia - 1968 Olympics Black Power salute -- Protest during 1968 Olympic Games
Wikipedia - 1968 Preakness Stakes -- 93rd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1968 Pulitzer Prize -- Awards given at the 1968 Pulitzer Prize
Wikipedia - 1968 student protests
Wikipedia - 1968 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XIX Olympiad, held in Mexico City in 1968
Wikipedia - 1968 Thule Air Base B-52 crash -- 1968 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1969 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1969 Birmingham Ladywood by-election
Wikipedia - 1969 Curacao uprising -- Series of riots and protests
Wikipedia - 1969 (film) -- 1988 drama film directed by Ernest Thompson
Wikipedia - 1969 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1969 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1969 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1969 Libyan coup d'etat -- Coup d'etat carried out by the Libyan Free Unionist Officers Movement (1969)
Wikipedia - 1969 Newton Cessna 172 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1969 New York Jets season -- 1969 season of AFL team New York Jets
Wikipedia - 1969 Preakness Stakes -- 94th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1969 race riots of Singapore -- 1969 civil unrest in Singapore
Wikipedia - 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill -- Oil platform blow-out fouled the coast of California resulting in environmental legislation
Wikipedia - 1969 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1969 Southeast Asian Peninsular Games -- Multi-sport event
Wikipedia - 1969 (TV series) -- 2019 television documentary series
Wikipedia - 1970 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1970 Atlantic Ocean Antonov An-22 crash -- 1970 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1970 Bhola cyclone -- Tropical cyclone that struck East Pakistan in 1970
Wikipedia - 1970 British Annapurna South Face expedition -- First ascent of Himalayan mountain face using rock climbing techniques
Wikipedia - 1970 Cambodian coup d'etat -- Coup d'etat in Cambodia
Wikipedia - 1970 Chilean presidential election
Wikipedia - 1970 Golden Helmet (Poland) -- Annual motorcycle speedway event
Wikipedia - 1970 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1970 in music
Wikipedia - 1970 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1970 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1970 La Fleche Wallonne -- Cycle race
Wikipedia - 1970 Lesotho coup d'etat -- Self-coup of Leabua Jonathan
Wikipedia - 1970 Preakness Stakes -- 95th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1970s energy crisis
Wikipedia - 1970s in fashion -- Costume and fashion in the 1970s
Wikipedia - 1970s in film
Wikipedia - 1970s in science and technology
Wikipedia - 1970s in video games
Wikipedia - 1970s operation in Balochistan
Wikipedia - 1970 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1970 Spantax CV-990 crash -- Aviation accident in Stockholm, Sweden
Wikipedia - 1970s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (1970-1979)
Wikipedia - 1970 United States gubernatorial elections
Wikipedia - 1971-72 Cypriot First Division -- The 33rd season of Cypriot First Division
Wikipedia - 1971 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1971 B-52C Lake Michigan crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1971 Balmoral Furniture Company bombing -- 1971 terrorist attack in Belfast, Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - 1971 Bangladesh genocide -- 1971 deportation, ethnic cleansing, mass murder and genocidal rape of Bengali people in East Pakistan
Wikipedia - 1971: Beyond Borders -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - 1971 College Football All-America Team
Wikipedia - 1971 Colorado Aviation Aero Commander 680 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1971 Indian Airlines hijacking -- Aviation incident
Wikipedia - 1971 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1971
Wikipedia - 1971 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1971 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1971 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1971 in video games
Wikipedia - 1971 January 22 Surgut Aeroflot Antonov An-12 crash -- Aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - 1971 January 31 Surgut Aeroflot Antonov An-12 crash -- Aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - 1971 JVP insurrection -- Attempted coup in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - 1971 KFK competitions (Ukraine) -- 1971 sporting event
Wikipedia - 1971 Krasnodar bus bombing -- Bus bombing in Krasnodar, Russia
Wikipedia - 1971 May Day Protests
Wikipedia - 1971 Odisha cyclone -- North Indian Ocean cyclone in 1971
Wikipedia - 1971 Preakness Stakes -- 96th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1971 RAF Hercules crash -- Aviation accident off the coast of Italy
Wikipedia - 1971 San Fernando earthquake -- Earthquake in California
Wikipedia - 1971 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1971 Swiss referendums -- Three referendums held in Switzerland in 1971
Wikipedia - 1971 Women's World Cup
Wikipedia - 1972 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1972 Bean Station, Tennessee bus crash -- Bus/semi-truck collision in Bean Station, Tennessee
Wikipedia - 1972 California Proposition 17 -- Measure enacted by California voters to reinstate the death penalty
Wikipedia - 1972 Cameroonian constitutional referendum -- referendum in Cameroon
Wikipedia - 1972 College Football All-America Team
Wikipedia - 1972 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1972
Wikipedia - 1972 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1972 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1972 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1972 in video games
Wikipedia - 1972 Iran blizzard -- Deadly snowstorm in Iran
Wikipedia - 1972 Montreal Museum of Fine Arts robbery -- Highest-value theft in Canadian history
Wikipedia - 1972 New Zealand eight -- rowing team
Wikipedia - 1972 Preakness Stakes -- 97th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1972 Puerto Rico DC-7 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1972 Qatari coup d'etat -- Palace overthrow of Ahmad bin Ali Al Thani
Wikipedia - 1972 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1972 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XX Olympiad, held in Munich in 1972
Wikipedia - 1972 Tour de Romandie -- Cycle race
Wikipedia - 1973-1975 recession -- Period of economic stagnation in the Western world
Wikipedia - 1973 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1973 Belmont Stakes -- 105th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1973 Canadian federal budget -- Canadian federal budget for fiscal year 1973-1974
Wikipedia - 1973 Chilean coup d'etat -- Coup d'etat in Chile on 11 September 1973
Wikipedia - 1973 College Football All-America Team
Wikipedia - 1973 DeKalb-Peachtree Airport Learjet crash -- Aviation accident in Georgia, United States
Wikipedia - 1973 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1973 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1973 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1973 in video games
Wikipedia - 1973 Luhuo earthquake -- 1973 earthquake in China
Wikipedia - 1973 Nantes mid-air collision -- Mid-air collision over France in 1973
Wikipedia - 1973 Nemzeti Bajnoksag I (women's handball) -- Hungary's premier Handball league
Wikipedia - 1973 Nepal plane hijack -- Plane hijacking in Nepal
Wikipedia - 1973 Northern Ireland border poll -- Referendum held in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - 1973 oil crisis -- 1973 petroleum shortage
Wikipedia - 1973 Paris Air Show Tu-144 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1973 Preakness Stakes -- 98th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1973 raid on Egyptian missile bases -- Israeli raid during the Yom Kippur War
Wikipedia - 1973 Rome airport attacks and hijacking -- Terrorist attacks
Wikipedia - 1973 (song) -- 2007 single by James Blunt
Wikipedia - 1973 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1973 Westminster bombing -- Car bomb explosion in Millbank, London
Wikipedia - 1974-75 FC Barcelona season -- FC Barcelona season
Wikipedia - 1974-75 Lancashire Cup -- Sixty-second occasion
Wikipedia - 1974 AD -- Nepalese Rock band
Wikipedia - 1974 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1974 FIFA World Cup
Wikipedia - 1974 FIVB Volleyball Men's World Championship
Wikipedia - 1974 Houses of Parliament bombing -- 1974 bombing of the British Houses of Parliament
Wikipedia - 1974 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1974 in Malaysia -- Malaysian related events in the year 1974
Wikipedia - 1974 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1974 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1974 in television
Wikipedia - 1974 in video games
Wikipedia - 1974 Lima earthquake -- 1974 earthquake in Peru
Wikipedia - 1974 Preakness Stakes -- 99th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1974 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1974 Suez Canal Clearance Operation -- Agreement to reopen the Suez Canal following the Yom Kippur War
Wikipedia - 1974 Super Outbreak -- April 1974, the 2nd-largest tornado outbreak ever in a 24-hour period
Wikipedia - 1974 Togo presidential C-47 crash -- 1974 aviation accident in Togo
Wikipedia - 1974 White House helicopter incident -- 1974 incident in which a U.S. Army pilot landed a stolen helicopter on the South Lawn of the White House
Wikipedia - 1975 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1975 Australian constitutional crisis -- Dismissal of Prime Minister Gough Whitlam by Governor-General John Kerr
Wikipedia - 1975 British Mount Everest Southwest Face expedition -- Himalayan ascent requiring rock climbing techniques
Wikipedia - 1975 Holton-Arms School senior prom -- 1975 high school dance held at the White House
Wikipedia - 1975 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1975
Wikipedia - 1975 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1975 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1975 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1975 in video games
Wikipedia - 1975 Kjalarnes helicopter crash -- Deadliest helicopter crash in Icelandic aviation history
Wikipedia - 1975 Ladbroke International (snooker) -- Professional invitational team snooker event
Wikipedia - 1975 LaGuardia Airport bombing -- Terrorist attack in New York City
Wikipedia - 1975 M-EM-;abbar Avro Vulcan crash -- Crash of a British jet bomber in eastern Malta
Wikipedia - 1975 New York Telephone exchange fire -- 1975 fire in New York City
Wikipedia - 1975 Nigerian coup d'etat -- 1975 coup in Nigeria led by General Yakubu Gowon
Wikipedia - 1975 Piccadilly bombing -- Bomb attack near Green Park Underground station, London
Wikipedia - 1975 Preakness Stakes -- 100th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1975 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1975 South Pacific Games -- Fifth edition of the South Pacific Games, held in Guam
Wikipedia - 1975 Spring Offensive -- The final North Vietnamese campaign in the Vietnam War that led to the capitulation of South Vietnam
Wikipedia - 1975 United Kingdom European Communities membership referendum -- British referendum of 1975
Wikipedia - 1976 African Cup of Nations squads -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1976 Argentine coup d'etat -- March 1976 military coup d'etat in Argentina
Wikipedia - 1976 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1976 British Isles heat wave -- Heat wave 1976
Wikipedia - 1976 Chowchilla kidnapping -- Mass kidnapping committed in California, US
Wikipedia - 1976 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1976
Wikipedia - 1976 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1976 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1976 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1976 in video games
Wikipedia - 1976 M-CM-^Galdiran-Muradiye earthquake -- November 1976 earthquake in eastern Turkey
Wikipedia - 1976 Nigerian coup d'etat attempt -- 1979 coup detat attempt by colonel Buka Suka Dimka
Wikipedia - 1976 Olympia bombing -- Bomb attack in West London
Wikipedia - 1976 Philadelphia Legionnaires' disease outbreak -- First occasion of a cluster of a pneumonia cases later identified as Legionnaires' disease
Wikipedia - 1976 Preakness Stakes -- 101st running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1976 Rotherham by-election
Wikipedia - 1976 Rothmans Sun-7 Series -- A motor racing competition for Touring Cars of under 3 litre capacity
Wikipedia - 1976 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1976 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XXI Olympiad, held in Montreal in 1976
Wikipedia - 1976 Tangshan earthquake -- Earthquake that occurred in 1976 in Tangshan, Hebei, China
Wikipedia - 1976 Tehran UFO incident -- Radar and visual sighting of a UFO over Tehran, Iran
Wikipedia - 1976 Wirral by-election
Wikipedia - 1977 Arizona armored car robbery -- 1977 robbery of an armored car
Wikipedia - 1977 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1977 Atocha massacre -- far-right massacre of five people in Madrid in 1977
Wikipedia - 1977 Australian plebiscite (National Song) -- Additional question in the 1977 Australian referendum
Wikipedia - 1977 Australian referendum -- Public vote in Australia containing a total of five questions
Wikipedia - 1977 Belmont Stakes -- 109th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1977 B.R.S.C.C. Trophy -- Formula Three race
Wikipedia - 1977 (film) -- 2009 film by G.N.Dinesh Kumar
Wikipedia - 1977 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1977
Wikipedia - 1977 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1977 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1977 in poetry
Wikipedia - 1977 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1977 in video games
Wikipedia - 1977 Preakness Stakes -- 102nd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1977 Silver Jubilee and Birthday Honours -- List of honours
Wikipedia - 1977 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1978-79 Bundesliga -- 16th season of the Bundesliga
Wikipedia - 1978-79 FA Trophy -- Tenth season of the FA Trophy
Wikipedia - 1978 Agoura-Malibu firestorm -- |Wildfire in Los Angeles county, California, U.S.
Wikipedia - 1978 American Soccer League -- American Soccer League
Wikipedia - 1978 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1978 Balkan Bulgarian Tupolev Tu-134 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1978 Belmont Stakes -- 110th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1978 British Army Gazelle downing -- Helicopter downed over Northern Ireland during an engagement between the Provisional IRA and the British Army
Wikipedia - 1978 California Proposition 13 -- A ballot initiative which capped property tax at 1% and yearly increases at 2%
Wikipedia - 1978 Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - 1978 Constitution of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - 1978 Epsom and Ewell by-election
Wikipedia - 1978 Georgian demonstrations -- 1978 protests in Tbilisi, Georgia
Wikipedia - 1978 Ghanaian governmental referendum -- Ghanaian referendum
Wikipedia - 1978 Hardy Cup
Wikipedia - 1978 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1978
Wikipedia - 1978 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1978 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1978 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1978 in video games
Wikipedia - 1978 in video gaming
Wikipedia - 1978 Iranian Chinook shootdown -- Helicopters shot down by Soviet air defense forces
Wikipedia - 1978 LAV HS 748 accident -- Aviation accident off the Venezuelan coast
Wikipedia - 1978 London bus attack -- Terrorist attack in which 2 people died
Wikipedia - 1978 Mauritanian coup d'etat -- Military overthrow of Moktar Ould Daddah
Wikipedia - 1978 North Sea storm surge -- A storm surge which occurred over 11-12 January causing extensive [[coastal flooding]] and considerable damage on the east coast of England between the Humber and Kent
Wikipedia - 1978 Palace of Versailles bombing -- Terrorist bombing in which one person was injured
Wikipedia - 1978 Preakness Stakes -- 103rd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1978 Singapore flood -- 1978 flood in Singapore
Wikipedia - 1978 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1979 Arizona Republic / Jimmy Bryan 150 -- First round of the 1979 IndyCar season
Wikipedia - 1979 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1979 Cannes Film Festival -- The 32nd Cannes Film Festival
Wikipedia - 1979 Imperial Valley earthquake -- Earthquake
Wikipedia - 1979 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1979
Wikipedia - 1979 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1979 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1979 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1979 in video games
Wikipedia - 1979 in video gaming
Wikipedia - 1979 Pan American Games -- Eighth edition of the Pan American Games
Wikipedia - 1979 Preakness Stakes -- 104th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1979 revolution
Wikipedia - 1979 (song) -- 1996 single by The Smashing Pumpkins
Wikipedia - 1979 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1979 vote of no confidence in the Callaghan ministry -- 1979 political event in the UK
Wikipedia - 1979 XB -- Risk-listed hazardous near-Earth asteroid
Wikipedia - 197 (number)
Wikipedia - 197 Yonge Street -- Canadian historical property
Wikipedia - 1980-1989 world oil market chronology -- 1980s economic history
Wikipedia - 1980 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1980 Azores Islands earthquake -- Earthquake on Azores Islands, Portugal
Wikipedia - 1980 Camarate air crash -- Air crash in Camarate, Portugal
Wikipedia - 1980 Canadian federal budget -- The Canadian federal budget for fiscal year 1980-1981
Wikipedia - 1980 Damascus Titan missile explosion -- Explosion of a US ICBM in Arkansas
Wikipedia - 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens -- Major volcanic eruption in Skamania County, Washington, U.S.
Wikipedia - 1980 in games -- Game-related events of 1980
Wikipedia - 1980 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1980
Wikipedia - 1980 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1980 in Pakistan -- Events happened in 1980 in Pakistan
Wikipedia - 1980 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1980 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1980 in video games
Wikipedia - 1980 in video gaming
Wikipedia - 1980 murders of U.S. missionaries in El Salvador -- Murders
Wikipedia - 1980 NHRA Winternationals -- Drag racing event
Wikipedia - 1980 Panorama Fire -- Wildfire in San Bernardino county, California, U.S.
Wikipedia - 1980 Plesetsk launch pad disaster -- Vostok-2M rocket explosion during refueling
Wikipedia - 1980 Preakness Stakes -- 105th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1980s in fashion -- Costume and fashion in the 1980s
Wikipedia - 1980s in film
Wikipedia - 1980s in Japan -- Economic boom period in Japanese history
Wikipedia - 1980s in Latin music -- Major events and trends in Latin music in the 1980s
Wikipedia - 1980s in science and technology
Wikipedia - 1980s in video games -- Aspect of history
Wikipedia - 1980s oil glut -- oversupply of oil in the 1980s
Wikipedia - 1980 (song)
Wikipedia - 1980 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1980s professional wrestling boom -- Era of professional wrestling
Wikipedia - 1980 St Pauls riot -- Occurred in St Pauls, Bristol, England on 2 April 1980
Wikipedia - 1980 Summer Olympics closing ceremony -- Olympics ceremony in Moscow, USSR
Wikipedia - 1980 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XXII Olympiad, held in Moscow in 1980
Wikipedia - 1980s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (1980-1989)
Wikipedia - 1980 United States Senate election in Oklahoma
Wikipedia - 1980 United States Senate elections
Wikipedia - 1980 Women's World Open (snooker) -- Women's snooker event, held May 1980
Wikipedia - 1981-82 Eredivisie -- Eredivisie
Wikipedia - 1981-82 South Pacific cyclone season -- South Pacific tropical cyclone season
Wikipedia - 1981 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1981 Brink's robbery
Wikipedia - 1981 Brixton riot -- Confrontation between police and protesters in London in 1981
Wikipedia - 1981 Emperor's Cup -- 1981 Emperor's Cup
Wikipedia - 1981 Epsom Derby -- 202nd annual running of the Derby horse race
Wikipedia - 1981 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1981
Wikipedia - 1981 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1981 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1981 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1981 in video games
Wikipedia - 1981 Iranian Air Force C-130 crash
Wikipedia - 1981 Irish hunger strike -- Protest by Irish republican prisoners in Northern Ireland, in which ten died
Wikipedia - 1981 Moroccan riots -- Uprising in Moroccan society
Wikipedia - 1981 Preakness Stakes -- 106th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1981 Quebec general election
Wikipedia - 1981 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1981 South Africa rugby union tour of New Zealand and the United States -- Controversial rugby tour of New Zealand and the US by the South African rugby team
Wikipedia - 1981 South Africa rugby union tour of New Zealand
Wikipedia - 1981 Spanish coup d'etat attempt -- February 1981 coup d'etat attempt in Spain
Wikipedia - 1981 Vienna synagogue attack -- Armed terrorist attacks in Vienna, Austria
Wikipedia - 1981 warning strike in Poland -- 1981 strike in Poland
Wikipedia - 1981 Westmorland earthquake -- Earthquake
Wikipedia - 1981 Women's World Open (snooker) -- Women's snooker event, held May 1981
Wikipedia - 1982-1992 (Europe album) -- compilation album by Europe
Wikipedia - 1982 (2019 film) -- 2019 Lebanese drama film
Wikipedia - 1982 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1982 Bass and Golden Leisure Classic -- Invitational professional snooker event, held 29 May 1982
Wikipedia - 1982 British Army Gazelle friendly fire incident -- Accidental downing of a helicopter in the Falklands War
Wikipedia - 1982 Chicago Tylenol murders
Wikipedia - 1982 Commonwealth Games opening ceremony -- Opening ceremony
Wikipedia - 1982 Commonwealth Games -- 12th edition of the Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - 1982 FIFA World Cup
Wikipedia - 1982 Gay Games -- International LGBT multi-sport and cultural event
Wikipedia - 1982 Hama massacre -- Suppression of the Islamic Uprising in Syria
Wikipedia - 1982 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1982
Wikipedia - 1982 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1982 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1982 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1982 in spaceflight -- Events of the year 1982 in spaceflight
Wikipedia - 1982 invasion of the Falkland Islands -- 1982 Argentine invasion of the Falklands
Wikipedia - 1982 in video games
Wikipedia - 1982, Janine -- Book by Alasdair Gray
Wikipedia - 1982 Lebanon War -- 1982 war between Israel and forces in Lebanon
Wikipedia - 1982 Peckham by-election
Wikipedia - 1982 Preakness Stakes -- 107th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1982 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1982 Wilkes-Barre shootings -- Spree killing in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - 1982 World's Fair -- 1982 international exposition in Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - 1982 World's Strongest Man -- 6th edition of the World's Strongest Man Contest held in California
Wikipedia - 1983-1985 famine in Ethiopia -- Widespread famine in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - 1983-1986 Kurdish rebellions in Iraq -- Kurdish rebellion against the Government of Saddam Hussein In Iraq
Wikipedia - 1983-84 NASL Indoor season -- Indoor soccer league history
Wikipedia - 1983... (A Merman I Should Turn to Be) -- 1968 song by the Jimi Hendrix Experience
Wikipedia - 1983 Atlantic hurricane season -- Summary of the relevant tropical storms
Wikipedia - 1983 Can-Am season -- 16th season of Sports Car Club of America series
Wikipedia - 1983 Code of Canon Law
Wikipedia - 1983 Erzurum earthquake -- Earthquake in eastern Turkey
Wikipedia - 1983 in American television -- Television-related events in the USA during 1983
Wikipedia - 1983 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1983
Wikipedia - 1983 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1983 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1983 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1983 in video games
Wikipedia - 1983 Kuwait bombings -- Attacks on six key foreign and Kuwaiti installations on 12 December 1983
Wikipedia - 1983 Lucanamarca massacre -- Massacre perpetrated by the Shining Path in 1983
Wikipedia - 1983 New York City Marathon -- Marathon held in New York City in 1983
Wikipedia - 1983 Orly Airport attack -- Bombing in Orly airport by ASALA
Wikipedia - 1983 Pan American Games -- Ninth edition of the Pan American Games
Wikipedia - 1983 Preakness Stakes -- 108th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1983 South African constitutional reform referendum
Wikipedia - 1983 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1983 United States Senate bombing
Wikipedia - 1984 (1956 film) -- 1956 film by Michael Anderson
Wikipedia - 1984 (advertisement) -- 1984 American television commercial directed by Ridley Scott
Wikipedia - 1984 Allsvenskan -- 1984 season of Fotbollsallsvenskan
Wikipedia - 1984 anti-Sikh riots -- 1984 series of organised pogroms against Sikhs in India
Wikipedia - 1984 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1984 Biman Bangladesh Airlines Fokker F27 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1984 (book)
Wikipedia - 1984 Can-Am season -- Racing season
Wikipedia - 1984 in American television -- Television-related events in the USA during 1984
Wikipedia - 1984 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1984
Wikipedia - 1984 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1984 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1984 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1984 in video games
Wikipedia - 1984 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1984 New York City Subway shooting -- Shooting committed on the New York City Subway
Wikipedia - 1984 Pacific typhoon season -- Typhoon season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1984 Preakness Stakes -- 109th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1984 Rajneeshee bioterror attack -- Deliberate Salmonella contamination in Oregon, US
Wikipedia - 1984 (song) -- David Bowie song
Wikipedia - 1984 South African Open (tennis)
Wikipedia - 1984 Summer Olympics closing ceremony -- Closing ceremony for the 1984 Summer Olympics
Wikipedia - 1984 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XXIII Olympiad, held in Los Angeles in 1984
Wikipedia - 1984 (television commercial)
Wikipedia - 1984 United States presidential election
Wikipedia - 1984 Winter Olympics -- 14th edition of Winter Olympics, held in Sarajevo (Yugoslavia) in 1984
Wikipedia - 1985-86 Scottish Premier Division -- Scottish Premier Division
Wikipedia - 1985 Athens bar bombing -- Far-right bombing aimed at Americans
Wikipedia - 1985 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1985 Brixton riot -- Confrontation between Police and protesters in London in 1985
Wikipedia - 1985 (film) -- 2018 film directed by Yen Tan
Wikipedia - 1985 Gujarat riots -- 1985 communal violence in Gujarat State
Wikipedia - 1985 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1985
Wikipedia - 1985 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1985 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1985 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1985 in video games
Wikipedia - 1985 Mexico City earthquake -- Earthquake in Mexico
Wikipedia - 1985 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1985 North American cold wave -- Meteorological event
Wikipedia - 1985 Northern Cypriot constitutional referendum -- Northern Cyprian constitutional referendum
Wikipedia - 1985 Polar Sea controversy
Wikipedia - 1985 Preakness Stakes -- 110th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1985 Puerto Rico floods -- Flood event that took place in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - 1985 Rajneeshee assassination plot -- Oregon assassination plot
Wikipedia - 1985 (SR-71 song) -- 2004 song by SR-71
Wikipedia - 1985: The Year of the Spy -- Year with most spies arrested in US
Wikipedia - 1985 World Snooker Championship final
Wikipedia - 1986 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing
Wikipedia - 1986 California Proposition 65 -- California law to protect drinking water from toxic substances
Wikipedia - 1986 Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - 1986 enlargement of the European Communities -- Accession of Spain and Portugal to the European Communities
Wikipedia - 1986 FBI Miami shootout -- Gun battle between eight FBI agents and two serial bank robbers and murderers in Miami in 1986
Wikipedia - 1986 Gay Games -- International LGBT multi-sport and cultural event
Wikipedia - 1986 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1986
Wikipedia - 1986 in Japanese television -- Television-related events in Japan in 1986
Wikipedia - 1986 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1986 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1986 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1986 in video games
Wikipedia - 1986 K2 disaster -- Five deaths in five days on the mountain K2
Wikipedia - 1986 Killing of Kekuojalie Sachu and Vikhozo Yhoshu -- 1986 killing of students by police forces in Kohima, Nagaland, India
Wikipedia - 1986 Lesotho coup d'etat -- Military overthrow of Leabua Jonathan
Wikipedia - 1986 Mozambican Tupolev Tu-134 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1986 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1986 Preakness Stakes -- 111th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1986 Togolese coup d'etat attempt -- 1986 coup attempt in Togo
Wikipedia - 1986 Turkish consulate bombing in Melbourne -- Terror attack in 1986 in Melbourne, Australia
Wikipedia - 1986 United States bombing of Libya -- US April 1986 military operation in Libya
Wikipedia - 1986
Wikipedia - 1987-1989 JVP insurrection -- Armed revolt in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - 1987 America's Cup -- 26th America's Cup yacht race
Wikipedia - 1987 (artist) -- Swedish producer, songwriter, and musician
Wikipedia - 1987 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1987 Black Dragon fire -- Major wildfire in China and the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - 1987 FA Cup Final
Wikipedia - 1987 Indianapolis Ramada Inn A-7D Corsair II crash -- Aircraft accident in Indianapolis, Indiana
Wikipedia - 1987 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1987
Wikipedia - 1987 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1987 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1987 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1987 in sports -- The year's events in world sport
Wikipedia - 1987 in the United States
Wikipedia - 1987 in video games
Wikipedia - 1987 Maryland train collision -- Train accident
Wikipedia - 1987 Mecca incident -- July 1987 clash between Shia pilgrims and Saudi Arabian security forces during the Islamic Hajj season
Wikipedia - 1987 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1987 Preakness Stakes -- 112th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1987 Ryder Cup
Wikipedia - 1987 (What the Fuck Is Going On?) -- Debut album of The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu
Wikipedia - 1988-89 Eintracht Frankfurt season -- Bundesliga season
Wikipedia - 1988-89 League Cup (rugby league) -- Rugby league season
Wikipedia - 1988-94 British broadcasting voice restrictions -- |Partial ban on radio and TV broadcast in the UK of voices of certain Republican and Loyalist figures
Wikipedia - 1988 African Cup of Nations squads -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1988 Amstel Gold Race -- Road bicycle race in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - 1988 Armenian earthquake -- December 1988 earthquake in Armenian SSR, USSR
Wikipedia - 1988 Atlantic hurricane season -- Summary of the relevant tropical storms
Wikipedia - 1988 British Army Lynx shootdown -- Helicopter downed by the Provisional IRA over Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - 1988 Cannes and Nice attacks -- Anti-immigrant attack
Wikipedia - 1988 Currie Cup Division B -- 49th season of the second division of the Rugby competition
Wikipedia - 1988 Czechoslovak - New Zealand Mount Everest Southwest Face Expedition -- Mount Everest expedition
Wikipedia - 1988 Democratic National Convention -- U.S. political event held in Atlanta, Georgia
Wikipedia - 1988 Gilgit massacre -- Major instance of Shia-Sunni sectarian violence in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Wikipedia - 1988 Hyderabad, Sindh massacre -- Communal mass shooting
Wikipedia - 1988 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1988
Wikipedia - 1988 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1988 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1988 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1988 in spaceflight -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1988 in the United States
Wikipedia - 1988 in video games
Wikipedia - 1988 La Fleche Wallonne -- Cycle race
Wikipedia - 1988 Lion Cup -- Premier domestic rugby union knock-out competition in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1988 Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church
Wikipedia - 1988 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1988 Naples bombing -- Terrorist attack against a United Service Organizations club
Wikipedia - 1988 October Riots
Wikipedia - 1988 Ordzhonikidze bus hijacking -- bus hijacking event in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - 1988 Preakness Stakes -- 113th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1988 Santam Bank Trophy Division A -- Third tier of domestic South African rugby
Wikipedia - 1988 Santam Bank Trophy Division B -- Fourth tier of domestic South African rugby season
Wikipedia - 1988 Soro derailment -- Danish rail disaster
Wikipedia - 1988 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XXIV Olympiad, celebrated in Seoul (South Korea) in 1988
Wikipedia - 1988 United States presidential election
Wikipedia - 1988
Wikipedia - 1989-90 Courage League National Division Three -- Rugby union league
Wikipedia - 1989 air battle near Tobruk -- 1989 air battle between Libyan and US aircraft
Wikipedia - 1989 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1989 Currie Cup Division A -- Premier domestic rugby union competition in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1989 Currie Cup Division B -- Second division of the Currie Cup Rugby competition in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1989 DC Prostitute Expulsion -- 1989 attempted expulsion of suspected sex workers from Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - 1989 Haitian coup d'etat attempt -- Attempted military overthrow of Prosper Avril
Wikipedia - 1989 Helena train wreck -- Train accident in Montana, U.S.
Wikipedia - 1989 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1989
Wikipedia - 1989 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1989 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1989 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1989 in the United States
Wikipedia - 1989 in video games
Wikipedia - 1989 Lion Cup -- Premier domestic rugby union knock-out competition in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake -- Major earthquake in northern California
Wikipedia - 1989 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1989 murders of Jesuits in El Salvador
Wikipedia - 1989 Newcastle earthquake -- 28 December 1989 earthquake in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - 1989 Nigerien constitutional referendum -- Constitutional referendum held in Niger
Wikipedia - 1989 Pepsi 300 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1989 Philippine coup d'etat attempt -- Attempted coup d'etat against the government of Corazon Aquino
Wikipedia - 1989 Preakness Stakes -- 114th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1989 Richmond (Yorks) by-election
Wikipedia - 1989 Santam Bank Trophy Division A -- Third tier of domestic South African rugby
Wikipedia - 1989 Santam Bank Trophy Division B -- Fourth tier of domestic South African rugby
Wikipedia - 1989 (Taylor Swift album) -- 2014 studio album by Taylor Swift
Wikipedia - 1989 Tiananmen Square protests -- 1989 Chinese pro-democracy movement
Wikipedia - 1989
Wikipedia - 1990 Armagh City roadside bomb -- Killing of four men by the Provisional IRA
Wikipedia - 1990 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1990 British Army Gazelle shootdown -- Helicopter downed by the Provisional IRA over Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - 1990 Channel 10 Challenge Cup -- Pre-season rugby league competition in the New South Wales Rugby League
Wikipedia - 1990 Commonwealth Games -- 14th edition of the Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - 1990 Currie Cup Division A -- Top division of the premier domestic rugby union competition in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1990 Dushanbe riots -- Anti-government unrest occurred in Dushanbe in February, 1990.
Wikipedia - 1990 Faucett Peru 727 disappearance -- Airliner disappearance
Wikipedia - 1990 IIHF Women's World Championship
Wikipedia - 1990 in American television -- Television-related events in the USA during 1990
Wikipedia - 1990 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1990
Wikipedia - 1990 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1990 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1990 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1990 in video games
Wikipedia - 1990 Italian Air Force MB-326 crash -- Air accident in Italy
Wikipedia - 1990 Kids' Choice Awards -- 4th Annual Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards
Wikipedia - 1990 Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church
Wikipedia - 1990 Lough Neagh ambush -- Killing of four men by the Provisional IRA
Wikipedia - 1990 Metro Manila Film Festival -- Philippine film festival
Wikipedia - 1990 Moscow Victory Day Parade -- Parade
Wikipedia - 1990 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1990 Nepalese revolution -- Restoration of democracy in Nepal
Wikipedia - 1990 Nigerian coup d'etat attempt -- 1990 coup attempt by Major Gideon Orkar in Nigeria
Wikipedia - 1990 Polish presidential election
Wikipedia - 1990 Preakness Stakes -- 115th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1990s in fashion -- Costume and fashion of the 1990s
Wikipedia - 1990s in film
Wikipedia - 1990s in science and technology
Wikipedia - 1990s in video games -- Video game-related events in 1990s
Wikipedia - 1990s post-Soviet aliyah -- Migration of Jews from the former USSR to Israel
Wikipedia - 1990s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (1990-1999)
Wikipedia - 1990: The Bronx Warriors -- 1982 film by Enzo G. Castellari
Wikipedia - 1990 United States census -- 21st United States national census
Wikipedia - 1990 Vrancea earthquakes -- Romanian powerful earthquake
Wikipedia - 1990
Wikipedia - 1991 Atlantic hurricane season -- Summary of the relevant tropical storms
Wikipedia - 1991 Bangladesh cyclone -- 1991 tropical cyclone
Wikipedia - 1991 Belmont Stakes -- 123rd running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo -- Volcanic eruption in the Philippines in 1991
Wikipedia - 1991 Haitian coup d'etat -- Overthrow of recently elected president Jean-Bertrand Aristide
Wikipedia - 1991 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1991
Wikipedia - 1991 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1991 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1991 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1991 in video games
Wikipedia - 1991 Lesotho coup d'etat -- Military overthrow of Justin Lekhanya
Wikipedia - 1991 Macedonian independence referendum -- Refendum
Wikipedia - 1991 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1991 Pacific hurricane season -- Period of formation of tropical cyclones in the Eastern Pacific Ocean in 1991
Wikipedia - 1991 Pacific typhoon season -- Typhoon season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1991 Perfect Storm -- Nor'easter and Category 1 Atlantic hurricane in 1991
Wikipedia - 1991 Preakness Stakes -- 116th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1991 Queensland four year terms referendum -- Maximum term of the Parliament of Queensland from three years to four years
Wikipedia - 1991 RTHK Top 10 Gold Songs Awards -- 1991 edition of a Hong Kong music award
Wikipedia - 1991 Ryder Cup -- 1991 edition of the Ryder Cup
Wikipedia - 1991 Sacramento hostage crisis -- A 1991 hostage crisis
Wikipedia - 1991 Sino-Soviet Border Agreement
Wikipedia - 1991 Soviet coup d'etat attempt -- Attempted coup d'etat against Mikhail Gorbachev's government
Wikipedia - 1991 uprisings in Iraq -- Anti-government uprisings in Ba'athist Iraq
Wikipedia - 1991 West Virginia derecho -- Weather event
Wikipedia - 1992 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1992 attack on Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires -- 1992 suicide bombing attack on the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires
Wikipedia - 1992 cageless shark-diving expedition -- First recorded cageless dive with great white sharks
Wikipedia - 1992 Deluxe -- album by Wavy Spice
Wikipedia - 1992 Democratic National Convention -- Political convention
Wikipedia - 1992 Detroit Drive season -- Arena footbal team season
Wikipedia - 1992 Erzincan earthquake -- Earthquake in Erzincan province, Turkey
Wikipedia - 1992 Federation Cup (tennis) -- Women's tennis competition
Wikipedia - 1992 Indian stock market scam -- Scam on the Bombay Stock Exchange
Wikipedia - 1992 India-Pakistan floods -- 1992 India-Pakistan floods
Wikipedia - 1992 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1992
Wikipedia - 1992 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1992 in music
Wikipedia - 1992 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1992 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1992 in South Korean music
Wikipedia - 1992 in the United States
Wikipedia - 1992 in video games
Wikipedia - 1992 Kids' Choice Awards -- 6th Annual Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards
Wikipedia - 1992 Landers earthquake -- Magnitude-7.3 tremor in California
Wikipedia - 1992 London Bridge bombing -- Provisional IRA attack in London
Wikipedia - 1992 Los Angeles riots
Wikipedia - 1992 Molson Indy Toronto -- 1992 CART World Series race held at Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - 1992 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1992 Nicaragua earthquake -- Earthquake in Nicaragua
Wikipedia - 1992 Oregon Ballot Measure 9 -- Ballot measure
Wikipedia - 1992 Peruvian constitutional crisis -- Constitutional crisis after the dissolution of the Peruvian legislature and judiciary
Wikipedia - 1992 Preakness Stakes -- 117th running of the Preakness Stakes thoroughbred horse race
Wikipedia - 1992 Republican National Convention -- Political convention of the Republican Party
Wikipedia - 1992 South African apartheid referendum
Wikipedia - 1992 South African Referendum
Wikipedia - 1992 South Africa vs New Zealand rugby union match -- South Africa's first rugby test match since being banned due to apartheid
Wikipedia - 1992 Staples Corner bombing -- Provisional IRA attack on London
Wikipedia - 1992 St. George earthquake -- 1992 earthquake
Wikipedia - 1992 Summer Olympics
Wikipedia - 1992 Tour of Flanders -- 1992 cycle race
Wikipedia - 1992 United States men's Olympic basketball team
Wikipedia - 1992 V-League -- Statistics of the V-League in the 1992 season.
Wikipedia - 1992
Wikipedia - 1992 Winnipeg municipal election
Wikipedia - 1992 Zangon Kataf crises -- Ethno-religious crises in Nigeria
Wikipedia - 1993-94 Elitserien season -- 1993-1994 season of the Swedish Elite League
Wikipedia - 1993-94 Pirveli Liga -- 5th season of the Georgian Pirveli Liga
Wikipedia - 1993 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1993 Aurora, Colorado shooting -- Mass shooting on December 14, 1993
Wikipedia - 1993 Bowbazar bombing -- bomb explosion in Kolkata
Wikipedia - 1993 Cannes Film Festival
Wikipedia - 1993 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Held in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - 1993 child sexual abuse accusations against Michael Jackson -- Evan Chandler's accusations of Michael Jackson sexually abusing Jordan Chandler
Wikipedia - 1993 Chretien attack ad -- Canadian campaign ad
Wikipedia - 1993 congressional hearings on video games -- USA video game industry lawmaking
Wikipedia - 1993 Copa America squads -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1993 India floods -- 1993 India floods
Wikipedia - 1993 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1993
Wikipedia - 1993 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1993 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1993 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1993 in video games
Wikipedia - 1993 Long Island Rail Road shooting -- Shooting in a train in Garden City, New York, US
Wikipedia - 1993 "Maize Blue" University of Michigan Solar Car
Wikipedia - 1993 Masters of Formula 3 -- Formula 3 race
Wikipedia - 1993 Molson Indy Toronto -- 1993 CART World Series race held at Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - 1993 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1993 National Art Museum of Azerbaijan theft -- Art theft in Baku, Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - 1993 Pacific typhoon season -- Typhoon season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1993 Preakness Stakes -- 118th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1993 Solingen arson attack -- Neo-nazi arson attack on Turkish home in Solingen
Wikipedia - 1993 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 1993
Wikipedia - 1993 Storm of the Century -- March 1993 snowstorm in the United States
Wikipedia - 1993 United States Virgin Islands status referendum -- Referendum in the U.S. Virgin Islands
Wikipedia - 1993 Volta a Catalunya -- Cycle race
Wikipedia - 1993 Welling riots -- English riots
Wikipedia - 1993 World Trade Center bombing -- Truck bomb detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City
Wikipedia - 1994-1996 United States broadcast television realignment -- Series of events between Fox Broadcasting Company and New World Communications
Wikipedia - 1994-95 Liga EBA season -- First season of the Liga EBA
Wikipedia - 1994-95 Regionalliga -- 1st season of the Regionalliga as a third-level league
Wikipedia - 1994 Atlantic hurricane season -- Summary of the relevant tropical storms
Wikipedia - 1994 Baker Street: Sherlock Holmes Returns -- 1993 television film directed by Kenneth Johnson
Wikipedia - 1994 Baku Metro bombings -- Series of terrorist incidents in 1994, in Baku
Wikipedia - 1994 Black Hawk shootdown incident -- US friendly fire incident over Iraq
Wikipedia - 1994 Bophuthatswana crisis
Wikipedia - 1994 British Army Lynx shootdown -- Helicopter downed by the Provisional IRA over Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - 1994 Chicago Marathon -- 17th running of the Chicago Marathon
Wikipedia - 1994 Currie Cup -- South African sporting competition
Wikipedia - 1994 Fairchild Air Force Base B-52 crash -- US aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1994 Guatemalan constitutional referendum -- Constitutional referendum
Wikipedia - 1994 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1994
Wikipedia - 1994 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1994 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1994 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1994 Interserie -- Motorsport competition
Wikipedia - 1994 in the United States
Wikipedia - 1994 in video games
Wikipedia - 1994 Italian general election
Wikipedia - 1994 Japanese electoral reform
Wikipedia - 1994 Kangaroo tour of Great Britain and France
Wikipedia - 1994 London Israeli Embassy bombing -- Car bomb attack on 26 July 1994 against the Israeli embassy building in London
Wikipedia - 1994 (Mexican TV series) -- Mexican Spanish-language docu-series on Netflix
Wikipedia - 1994 Moroccan census -- Census
Wikipedia - 1994 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1994 New Zealand Superclub League -- Sports league
Wikipedia - 1994 Northridge earthquake -- Earthquake
Wikipedia - 1994 Preakness Stakes -- 119th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1994 Quebec general election
Wikipedia - 1994 Sahara Airlines Boeing 737 crash -- Aviation accident in India
Wikipedia - 1994 Scotland RAF Chinook crash
Wikipedia - 1994 South African general election
Wikipedia - 1994 State of Origin series -- 1994 rugby game in the State of Origin series
Wikipedia - 1994 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 1994
Wikipedia - 1994 United States broadcast TV realignment
Wikipedia - 1994 Vuelta a EspaM-CM-1a, Stage 1 to Stage 11 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1994
Wikipedia - 1995-1997 Gujarat political crisis -- Political crisis in Indian state of Gujarat
Wikipedia - 1995-96 Liga EBA season -- 2nd season of the Liga EBA
Wikipedia - 1995-96 Regionalliga -- 2nd season of the Regionalliga as a third-level league
Wikipedia - 1995 America's Cup -- 29th America's Cup yacht race
Wikipedia - 1995 Atlantic hurricane season -- Period of formation of tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1995
Wikipedia - 1995 Benson and Hedges Open - Singles -- Tennis competition
Wikipedia - 1995 Dinar earthquake -- Earthquake in southwest Turkey
Wikipedia - 1995 French consulate bombing in Perth -- Terror attack in 1995 in Perth, Western Australia
Wikipedia - 1995 Great Britain and Ireland heat wave -- 1995 heat wave in the British Isles
Wikipedia - 1995 in Australian television -- television-related events in Australia during the year 1995
Wikipedia - 1995 in British television -- television-related events in the UK during 1995
Wikipedia - 1995 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1995
Wikipedia - 1995 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1995 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1995 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1995 in South Korean music
Wikipedia - 1995 in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - 1995 in the United States
Wikipedia - 1995 in video games
Wikipedia - 1995 Jacksonville Jaguars season -- Inaugural season for the franchise
Wikipedia - 1995 Kobe earthquake
Wikipedia - 1995 Moscow Victory Day Parades -- Victory day parades
Wikipedia - 1995 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1995 Pacific hurricane season -- Summary of the relevant tropical storms
Wikipedia - 1995 Preakness Stakes -- 120th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1995 Qatari coup d'etat -- Palace overthrow of Khalifa bin Hamad Al Thani
Wikipedia - 1995 Rijeka bombing -- Terrorist bombing in Rijeka, Croatia
Wikipedia - 1995 Rugby World Cup
Wikipedia - 1995 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 1995
Wikipedia - 1995 University of Maryland conference on crime and genetics -- Conference held by the University of Maryland about genetics and crime
Wikipedia - 1995 Vallecas bombing -- Car bomb attack by the Basque separatist organisation ETA
Wikipedia - 1995
Wikipedia - 1995 Williamsburg Bridge subway collision -- 1995 New York City subway crash
Wikipedia - 1995 Women's Field Hockey Olympic Qualifier -- Qualification for the 1996 Summer Olympics
Wikipedia - 1996-97 Regionalliga -- 3rd season of the Regionalliga as a third-level league
Wikipedia - 1996-97 strikes in South Korea -- Series of strikes in Asia
Wikipedia - 1996 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1996 Bangladesh coup d'etat attempt -- Attempted coup d'etat
Wikipedia - 1996 Bangladesh tornado -- 1996 tornado in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - 1996 Cannes Film Festival -- Film festival
Wikipedia - 1996 Chadian constitutional referendum -- Referendum held in Chad on 31 March 1996
Wikipedia - 1996 Charkhi Dadri mid-air collision -- November 1996 mid-air plane collision in northern India
Wikipedia - 1996 Copenhagen Airport shooting -- Gang-related shooting in Copenhagen, Denmark
Wikipedia - 1996 Copenhagen rocket attack -- Gang-related attack in Copenhagen, Denmark
Wikipedia - 1996 Democratic National Convention -- Political convention
Wikipedia - 1996 Epsom Derby -- 217th annual running of the Derby horse race
Wikipedia - 1996 Gangneung submarine infiltration incident -- Naval incident between North Korea and South Korea
Wikipedia - 1996 Golden Globes (Portugal) -- List of awards in arts and sport
Wikipedia - 1996 Indo-Tibetan Border Police expedition to Mount Everest -- Expedition to Mount Everest
Wikipedia - 1996 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1996
Wikipedia - 1996 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1996 in literature
Wikipedia - 1996 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1996 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1996 in South Korean music
Wikipedia - 1996 in video games
Wikipedia - 1996 Lake Huron cyclone -- Hurricane storm system in 1996
Wikipedia - 1996 Libertarian National Convention -- U.S. political event held in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - 1996 Maryland train collision -- 1996 train crash in the United States
Wikipedia - 1996 Men's Field Hockey Olympic Qualifier -- Qualification for the 1996 Summer Olympics
Wikipedia - 1996 Molson Indy Toronto -- 1996 CART race held at Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - 1996 Moscow-Constantinople schism -- Schism between the Eastern Orthodox Churches of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Ecumenical Patriarchate which started on 23 February 1996 and ended on 16 May 1996.
Wikipedia - 1996 Mount Everest disaster -- Events of 10-11 May 1996, when eight people were caught in a blizzard and died on Mount Everest
Wikipedia - 1996 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1996 Preakness Stakes -- 121st running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1996 Qatari coup d'etat attempt -- Attempted overthrow of Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani
Wikipedia - 1996 Republican National Convention -- U.S. political event held in San Diego, California
Wikipedia - 1996 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 1996
Wikipedia - 1996 Sulawesi earthquake -- Earthquake in Indonesia
Wikipedia - 1996 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XXVI Olympiad, in Atlanta
Wikipedia - 1996 United States presidential election
Wikipedia - 1996 Vuelta a EspaM-CM-1a -- 51st edition of the cycling Grand Tour
Wikipedia - 1996
Wikipedia - 1997-98 National League 2 South -- The eleventh season of rugby union
Wikipedia - 1997-98 Regionalliga -- 4th season of the Regionalliga as a third-level league
Wikipedia - 1997-98 Serie A (ice hockey) season -- Serie A season
Wikipedia - 1997 Argentina rugby union tour of New Zealand -- Series of sporting events
Wikipedia - 1997 Asian financial crisis -- Financial crisis of many Asian countries during the second half of 1997
Wikipedia - 1997 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1997 Belmont Stakes -- 129th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1997 Cannes Film Festival -- Awards gathering for films
Wikipedia - 1997 Central Texas tornado outbreak -- Tornado outbreak in Texas
Wikipedia - 1997 Constitution of Fiji -- 1997 constitution of Fiji
Wikipedia - 1997 Drammen bombing -- Gang-related bombing in Drammen, Norway
Wikipedia - 1997 Empire State Building shooting -- Shooting on the observation deck of the Empire State Building in Manhattan, New York City
Wikipedia - 1997 Fed Cup Asia/Oceania Zone Group II - Pool B -- Group B of the 1997 Fed Cup Asia/Oceania Zone Group II
Wikipedia - 1997 Fed Cup -- 1997 edition of the Fed Cup, competition between national teams in women's tennis
Wikipedia - 1997 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1997
Wikipedia - 1997 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1997 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1997 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1997 in South Korean music
Wikipedia - 1997 in video games
Wikipedia - 1997 Manyi earthquake -- November 1997 earthquake in Tibet, PR China
Wikipedia - 1997 Melavalavu massacre -- Caste related violence against Dalits
Wikipedia - 1997 Mozambique floods -- Floods caused by tropical cyclogenesis
Wikipedia - 1997 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1997 Namibia mid-air collision -- Collision between USAF C-141B and German Air Force Tu-154M
Wikipedia - 1997 Preakness Stakes -- 122nd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1997 Qayen earthquake -- Earthquake in Iran
Wikipedia - 1997 Raghopur Massacre -- An incident in a series of caste related violence in the Eastern Indian state of Bihar
Wikipedia - 1997 Red River flood -- Major flood on the Red River of the North
Wikipedia - 1997 Southeast Asian haze -- Haze over the Southeast Asia region in mid-1997
Wikipedia - 1997 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 1997
Wikipedia - 1997 Summer Deaflympics -- International sports competition
Wikipedia - 1997
Wikipedia - 1998-99 Ecuador financial crisis -- Period of economic instability
Wikipedia - 1998-99 Meistriliiga (ice hockey) season -- Ninth season of the Meistriliiga, the top level of ice hockey in Estonia
Wikipedia - 1998-99 Regionalliga -- 5th season of the Regionalliga as a third-level league
Wikipedia - 1998-99 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1998 abduction of foreign engineers in Chechnya -- Abductions and murders in Chechnya
Wikipedia - 1998 Adana-Ceyhan earthquake -- Earthquake in Turkey
Wikipedia - 1998 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1998 Australian waterfront dispute -- Event in Australian industrial relations history
Wikipedia - 1998 Bank of America robbery -- 1998 robbery in New York, U.S.A.
Wikipedia - 1998 Baseball World Cup
Wikipedia - 1998 Belmont Stakes -- 130th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1998 bombing of Iraq -- US and UK bombardment of Iraq in December 1998
Wikipedia - 1998 Coimbatore bombings -- Bombings in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - 1998 DK36 -- Asteroid
Wikipedia - 1998 FIFA World Cup
Wikipedia - 1998 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1998
Wikipedia - 1998 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1998 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1998 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1998 in South Korean music
Wikipedia - 1998 (instrumental) -- Instrumental song
Wikipedia - 1998 in video games
Wikipedia - 1998 kidnapping of Mormon missionaries in Saratov, Russia -- 1998 kidnapping case
Wikipedia - 1998 Klang Valley water crisis -- Water shortage in Malaysia
Wikipedia - 1998 Molson Indy Toronto -- 1998 CART Fed/Ex Champ Car World Series race held at Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - 1998 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1998 North Indian Ocean cyclone season -- Cyclone season in the North Indian ocean
Wikipedia - 1998 Pacific hurricane season -- Summary of the relevant tropical storms
Wikipedia - 1998 Preakness Stakes -- 123rd running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1998 Puerto Rican general strike -- Strike to protest government privatization
Wikipedia - 1998 Ramgiri-Udaygiri violence -- Violence in Odisha, India
Wikipedia - 1998 Sokcho submarine incident -- Combat incident between North Korea and South Korea
Wikipedia - 1998 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 1998
Wikipedia - 1998 Sydney water crisis -- Sydney water crisis 1998
Wikipedia - 1998 Tour de France -- 85th edition of cycling Grand Tour
Wikipedia - 1998 United States embassy bombings -- Attacks on the US Embassy
Wikipedia - 1998 U.S. Open Cup Final -- 1998 final of the Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup
Wikipedia - 1998
Wikipedia - 1998 Yeosu submersible incident -- 1998 naval skirmish between North Korea and South Korea
Wikipedia - 1999-2000 Regionalliga -- 6th season of the Regionalliga as a third-level league
Wikipedia - 1999-2000 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1999 Aggie Bonfire collapse -- Fatal accident at Texas A&M University
Wikipedia - 1999 Atlantic hurricane season -- Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - 1999 Belmont Stakes -- 131st running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 1999 Bridge Creek-Moore tornado -- 1999 tornado in Oklahoma, US
Wikipedia - 1999 Chamoli earthquake -- 1999 earthquake in India
Wikipedia - 1999 (Charli XCX and Troye Sivan song) -- 2018 single by Charli XCX and Troye Sivan
Wikipedia - 1999 East Timorese independence referendum -- Referendum
Wikipedia - 1999 F-117A shootdown -- 1999 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1999 Fed Cup Americas Zone Group I - Pool B -- Regional competition in the 1999 Fed Cup
Wikipedia - 1999 Fed Cup Americas Zone -- Regional competition in the 1999 Fed Cup
Wikipedia - 1999 Fed Cup -- 1999 edition of the Fed Cup
Wikipedia - 1999 (film) -- 2009 film by Lenin M. Sivam
Wikipedia - 1999 Hector Mine earthquake -- Magnitude 7.1 earthquake in California
Wikipedia - 1999 in film
Wikipedia - 1999 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1999
Wikipedia - 1999 in jazz
Wikipedia - 1999 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 1999 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1999 in South Korean music
Wikipedia - 1999 in the Bahamas -- None
Wikipedia - 1999 in the United States
Wikipedia - 1999 in video games
Wikipedia - 1999 Island Games -- 1999 Island Games in Gotland
Wikipedia - 1999 Istanbul summit -- intergovernmental meeting
Wikipedia - 1999 Kvalserien -- 25th edition of Kvalserien
Wikipedia - 1999 Kyrgyzstan League -- Statistics of Kyrgyzstan League for the 1999 season.
Wikipedia - 1999 Leeds Central by-election
Wikipedia - 1999 Loomis truck robbery -- Robbery of a semi-trailer truck transporting money in California, US
Wikipedia - 1999 Matamoros standoff -- Standoff in Matamoros, Mexico
Wikipedia - 1999 Molson Indy Toronto -- 1999 CART race held at Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - 1999 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1999 Oklahoma tornado outbreak -- Tornado outbreak in May 1999
Wikipedia - 1999 Pacific typhoon season -- Typhoon season in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - 1999 Pakistani coup d'etat -- October 1999 military coup in Pakistan
Wikipedia - 1999 Preakness Stakes -- 124th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 1999 Ranalai violence -- Anti-Christian violence
Wikipedia - 1999 Seattle WTO conference
Wikipedia - 1999 Seattle WTO protests -- Protests of the 1999 WTO conference in Seattle, Washington, US
Wikipedia - 1999 South Dakota Learjet crash -- 1999 plane crash in South Dakota
Wikipedia - 1999 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 2006
Wikipedia - 1999 Sydney hailstorm -- 1999 storm in Australia
Wikipedia - 1999 Washington summit -- NATO summit during the Yugoslav war
Wikipedia - 1999 Whites Drug Store Classic -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 1999
Wikipedia - 199 Lives: The Travis Pastrana Story -- 2008 film by Gregg Godfrey
Wikipedia - 199 (number)
Wikipedia - 19 (Adele album)
Wikipedia - 19 Dutch -- Residential skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - 19 (film) -- 2001 film by Kazushi Watanabe
Wikipedia - 19 Gramercy Park South
Wikipedia - 19-inch rack
Wikipedia - 19 Kids and Counting -- American reality television show
Wikipedia - 19 Kislev -- Chassidic holiday
Wikipedia - 19 Lyrae -- Star in the constellation Lyra
Wikipedia - 19-norandrosterone
Wikipedia - 19 (number)
Wikipedia - 19 October
Wikipedia - 19P/Borrelly -- Periodic comet with 6 year orbit
Wikipedia - 19 Red Roses -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - 19 South LaSalle Street
Wikipedia - 19 Squadron SAAF -- Squadron of the South African Air Force
Wikipedia - 19 Tauri -- Triple star system in the constellation Taurus
Wikipedia - 19th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1946
Wikipedia - 19th Arizona State Legislature -- Session of the Arizona Legislature
Wikipedia - 19th Arizona Territorial Legislature -- Session of the Arizona Territorial Legislature
Wikipedia - 19th Army Corps (Russian Empire) -- Army corps in the Imperial Russian Army
Wikipedia - 19th arrondissement
Wikipedia - 19th Battalion (Australia) -- Australian Army infantry battalion
Wikipedia - 19th Battalion (United States Marine Corps)
Wikipedia - 19th Berlin International Film Festival -- Film festival
Wikipedia - 19th Brigade (Australia) -- Infantry brigade of the Australian Army during World War II
Wikipedia - 19th-century Anglo-Saxonism -- Racial belief system developed by British and American individuals in the 19th century
Wikipedia - 19th century BC in architecture -- Building and structures in 19th century before Christ
Wikipedia - 19th-century French literature
Wikipedia - 19th century in LGBT rights
Wikipedia - 19th century in literature
Wikipedia - 19th century in philosophy
Wikipedia - 19th century in science
Wikipedia - 19th century philosophy
Wikipedia - 19th-century philosophy
Wikipedia - 19th Century Spring Hill Neighborhood Thematic Resource
Wikipedia - 19th-century turnpikes in Massachusetts -- Highway system
Wikipedia - 19th Century
Wikipedia - 19th century
Wikipedia - 19th European Film Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 19th Field Artillery Regiment -- US military unit
Wikipedia - 19th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation in 1998
Wikipedia - 19th Japan Film Professional Awards -- 19th edition of the Japan Film Professional Awards
Wikipedia - 19th Kushok Bakula Rinpoche
Wikipedia - 19th Moscow International Film Festival -- Film festival
Wikipedia - 19th Operations Group
Wikipedia - 19th Special Forces Group
Wikipedia - 19th Street Bridge
Wikipedia - 19th Street station (SEPTA) -- Subway station in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - 19th Venice International Film Festival
Wikipedia - 1. April 2000 -- 1952 film by Wolfgang Liebeneiner
Wikipedia - 1 Decembrie 1918 University, Alba Iulia
Wikipedia - 1 Is One -- 1957 Caldecott picture book
Wikipedia - 1 July 2019 Kabul attack -- Terrorist attack in Kabul
Wikipedia - 1 November 1944 reconnaissance sortie over Japan -- Sortie by US F-13 Superfortress aircraft
Wikipedia - 1 November 1954 Stadium (Batna) -- Multi-use stadium in Batna, Algeria
Wikipedia - 1 September 1939 Reichstag speech
Wikipedia - 1st Academy Awards -- Award ceremony for achievement in filmmaking in 1927 and 1928
Wikipedia - 1st Cavalry Division (United States) -- United States Army combat formation, active since 1921
Wikipedia - 1st Congress of the Comintern -- 1919 gathering which established the Comintern
Wikipedia - 1st Guards Special Rifle Corps -- Red Army blocking formation active briefly in 1941
Wikipedia - 1st Guards Tank Division -- 1942-1945 Red Army formation
Wikipedia - 1st November of 1954 Great Mosque
Wikipedia - 1st Primetime Emmy Awards -- 1949 television awards event
Wikipedia - 1st Rank Raju (2019 film) -- 2019 Telugu comedy film remake of Kannada movie by the same title
Wikipedia - 1st U-boat Flotilla -- 1935-1944 submarine unit of the German Navy
Wikipedia - 1st World Festival of Youth and Students -- Youth festival, 1947
Wikipedia - 20,000 Cheers for the Chain Gang -- 1933 film directed by Roy Mack
Wikipedia - 20,000 Eyes -- 1961 crime drama film directed by Jack Leewood
Wikipedia - 20,000 Leagues Across the Land -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1916 film) -- 1916 movie from Stuart Paton
Wikipedia - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954 film) -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - 20,000 Men a Year -- 1939 film by Alfred E. Green
Wikipedia - 20,000 Years in Sing Sing -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - 2000 Year Old Man -- Comedy sketch, originally created by Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner in 1950s
Wikipedia - 2001: A Space Odyssey (film) -- 1968 film by Stanley Kubrick
Wikipedia - 2001: A Space Odyssey -- 1968 science fiction novel written by Arthur C. Clarke
Wikipedia - 2001 (Dr. Dre album) -- 1999 studio album by Dr. Dre
Wikipedia - 2002 Winter Olympics -- 19th edition of Winter Olympics, held in Salt Lake City (United States) in 2002
Wikipedia - 2009 (album) -- 2019 studio album by Wiz Khalifa & Curren$y
Wikipedia - 200 Cigarettes -- 1999 American comedy and drama film by Risa Bramon Garcia
Wikipedia - 200 DKK (1997) -- Danish bank note
Wikipedia - 200 Motels -- 1971 American-British musical surrealist film
Wikipedia - 2010: Odyssey Two -- 1982 science fiction novel by Arthur C. Clarke
Wikipedia - 2010s -- Decade of the Gregorian calendar (2010-2019)
Wikipedia - 2010: The Year We Make Contact -- 1984 science fiction movie directed by Peter Hyams
Wikipedia - 2012-13 Liga EBA season -- 19th season of the Liga EBA
Wikipedia - 2012 (1982 album) -- album by Statik Selektah
Wikipedia - 2014 Farafra ambush -- Terrorist attack on 19 July 2014 in the Farafra Oasis Road in Egypt's New Valley Governorate
Wikipedia - 2015 Boston Marathon -- 119th edition of the Boston Marathon
Wikipedia - 2015 Webby Awards -- 19th annual edition of the Webby Awards
Wikipedia - 2017-19 ICC World Cricket League -- International cricket league
Wikipedia - 2017 Puebla earthquake -- 19 September 2017 earthquake in Mexico
Wikipedia - 2017 United Nations Climate Change Conference -- International climate change conference in Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany in November 1999
Wikipedia - 2018-19 2. Bundesliga -- 45th edition of 2. Bundesliga
Wikipedia - 2018-19 3. Liga -- 11th season of the 3. Liga
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Al Ittihad Alexandria Club season -- 104th season of Al Ittihad
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Barnsley F.C. season -- Barnsley F.C. season
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Biathlon IBU Cup -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Cairns Taipans season -- Cairns Taipans season
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Campeonato Nacional de Futebol Feminino -- The 34th edition of Campeonato Nacional de Futebol Feminino
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Connacht Rugby season -- Rugby Union Pro14 season
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Cypriot Cup -- The 77th season of Cypriot Cup
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Danish Superliga -- 29th season of the Danish Superliga
Wikipedia - 2018-19 education workers' strikes in the United States -- Withdrawal of labor by US teachers, 2018
Wikipedia - 2018-19 European winter -- Winter
Wikipedia - 2018-19 FIBA Europe Cup Play-offs -- Sport season
Wikipedia - 2018-19 figure skating season -- Competitive figure skating year, 2018/7/1 to 2019/6/30
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Gibraltar Intermediate Cup -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2018-19 I-League -- Twelfth season of I-League
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Indian Super League season -- Fifth season of ISL
Wikipedia - 2018-19 La Liga -- 88th La Liga season
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Liga EBA season -- 25th season of the Liga EBA
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Magyar Kupa (men's handball) -- 61st Hungarian men's handball competition
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Orszagos Bajnoksag I (women's water polo) -- 36th season of the Orszagos Bajnoksag I, Hungary's premier Water polo league
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Pro14 -- International rugby union competition season
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Regionalliga -- 11th season of the Regionalliga
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Sydney Sixers WBBL season -- Sydney Sixers Women's Season 2018-19
Wikipedia - 2018-19 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2018-19 USA Team Handball rankings -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2018-19 Vegas Golden Knights season -- 2nd season in team history
Wikipedia - 2018-19 V.League Division 1 Men's squads -- Japanese vollyball
Wikipedia - 2018-19 World Rugby Women's Sevens Series -- Seventh edition of the global circuit for women's national rugby sevens teams
Wikipedia - 2018-2019 Gaza border protests -- protest campaign for refugee rights in the Gaza Strip
Wikipedia - 2018-2019 Haitian protests -- Ongoing protests
Wikipedia - 2018-2019 student protest in Albania -- 2018 Albanian student protests against the Albanian government
Wikipedia - 2018-2019 Swedish government formation -- parliamentary government formation in Sweden
Wikipedia - 2018-2019 United States federal government shutdown -- Government shutdown from December 22, 2018, to January 25, 2019
Wikipedia - 2019-2020 Amaravati protests -- Ongoing protests against decentralisation in Amaravati
Wikipedia - 2019-2020 Maltese protests -- 2019 protest movement started in Malta
Wikipedia - 2019-2020 measles outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo -- Measles epidemic in the DRC in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019-2021 Persian Gulf crisis -- Period of military tensions between the US and Iran
Wikipedia - 2019-2023 structural changes to local government in England -- Planned changes to local government authorities in England
Wikipedia - 2019-20 2. Bundesliga -- 46th edition of 2. Bundesliga
Wikipedia - 2019-20 3. Liga -- 12th season of the 3. Liga
Wikipedia - 2019-20 ABA League First Division -- ABA League 19th season
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Algerian protests -- Protests against the government
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Aston Villa F.C. season -- 2019-20 Aston Villa F.C. season
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Atlanta SC season -- The club's inaugural season in the National Independent Soccer Association
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Australian bushfire season -- Bushfires in Australia
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Australian region cyclone season -- Period of tropical cyclone activity
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Buffalo Sabres season -- 50th season in team history
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Bundesliga -- 57th season of the Bundesliga
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Calcutta Premier Division -- 122nd season of Calcutta Premier Division
Wikipedia - 2019-20 California United Strikers FC season -- The club's inaugural season in the National Independent Soccer Association
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Campeonato Nacional Feminino -- The 35th edition of Campeonato Nacional de Futebol Feminino
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Canadian network television schedule -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Connacht Rugby season -- Rugby Union Pro14 season
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Copa MX -- The 82nd staging of the Copa MX
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Cyclo-cross Superprestige -- cyclo-cross competition held in Belgium and the Netherlands
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Cypriot Cup -- The 78th season of Cypriot Cup
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Danish Superliga -- The 30th season of the Danish Superliga
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Eredivisie -- The 64th season of the Eredivisie
Wikipedia - 2019-20 European windstorm season -- European windstorm season
Wikipedia - 2019-20 figure skating season -- Competitive figure skating year, 2019/7/1 to 2020/6/30
Wikipedia - 2019-20 I-League -- 13th season of I-League
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Indian cricket season -- 2019-20 Indian cricket season
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Indian Super League season -- Sixth season of the Indian Super League
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Iranian protests -- Protests against the Government of Iran
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Israeli political crisis -- Political crisis in Israel
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Ligue 1 -- 82nd season of Ligue 1 in 2019/20
Wikipedia - 2019-20 locust infestation -- Ongoing locust infestation in East Africa, Arabian peninsula and Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Naisten Liiga season -- 37th season of the Naisten Liiga
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Oakland Roots SC season -- The club's inaugural season in the National Independent Soccer Association
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Primeira Liga -- 28th season of the Primeira Liga
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Puerto Rico earthquakes -- Earthquakes that happened in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Qatar Stars League -- 47th season of the Qatar Stars League
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Regionalliga -- 12th season of the Regionalliga
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Rugby Africa Cup -- International rugby union competition Africa
Wikipedia - 2019-20 San Diego 1904 FC season -- The club's inaugural season in the National Independent Soccer Association
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Serie B -- The 88th season of the Serie B
Wikipedia - 2019-20 South Pacific cyclone season -- Period of tropical cyclone activity in the South Pacific Ocean.
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Stumptown Athletic season -- The club's inaugural season in the National Independent Soccer Association
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Super 6 -- Rugby union Super 6 season
Wikipedia - 2019-20 United Kingdom floods -- Severe flooding events in the United Kingdom over the winter of 2019-20
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Vegas Golden Knights season -- 3rd season in team history
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Western Libya campaign -- A Military Campaign in Western Libya
Wikipedia - 2019-20 West Region Premiership -- West Region Premiership 2019-2020
Wikipedia - 2019-20 World Rugby Women's Sevens Series -- The 8th edition of the global circuit for women's national rugby sevens teams
Wikipedia - 2019-21 Regionalliga Bayern -- 8th season of the Regionalliga Bayern
Wikipedia - 2019 24H GT Series -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Abqaiq-Khurais attack -- Drone attack on Saudi oil processing facilities
Wikipedia - 2019 AFC Asian Cup -- 17th edition of the AFC Asian Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 AFLHCC season -- -- 2019 AFLHCC season --
Wikipedia - 2019 Africa U-23 Cup of Nations -- The third edition of the Africa U-23 Cup of Nations
Wikipedia - 2019 Alaska Aces season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Albania earthquake -- Earthquake in Northwestern Albania
Wikipedia - 2019 Algarve Cup squads -- Lists of the squads for the 2019 Algarve Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 Algarve Cup -- The 26th edition of the Algarve Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 Altamira prison riot -- Brazilian prison riot
Wikipedia - 2019 Amazon rainforest wildfires -- Wildfires in Brazil
Wikipedia - 2019 AMJ Campbell Shorty Jenkins Classic -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 Antalya Open (pool) -- Professional pool competition, held November 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Antenna Awards -- Awards show honouring achievements in Australian community television
Wikipedia - 2019 anti-Muslim riots in Sri Lanka -- Series of religiously motivated riots targeting Muslims in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - 2019 ARCA Menards Series -- 67th season of the ARCA Menards Series
Wikipedia - 2019 Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay blackout -- Blackout affecting Argentina, Uruguay and parts of Paraguay
Wikipedia - 2019 Arnold Strongman Classic -- Arnold Strongman Classic event of 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Ashes series -- Test cricket series between Australia and England
Wikipedia - 2019 Atlantic hurricane season -- Period of formation of tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic Ocean in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Australia Day Honours -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Australian Open - Day-by-day summaries -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Bagram Airfield attack -- Taliban bombing and attack on an US airfield in Afghanistan
Wikipedia - 2019 Balakot airstrike -- Airstrike conducted by the Indian Air Force
Wikipedia - 2019 Baltimore ransomware attack -- Massive ransomware attack against the government of the City of Baltimore
Wikipedia - 2019 Barangay Ginebra San Miguel season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Belmont Stakes -- 151th running of the Belmont Stakes
Wikipedia - 2019 Berlin Marathon -- Marathon race
Wikipedia - 2019 Bihar encephalitis outbreak -- Outbreak of acute encephalitis syndrome in India
Wikipedia - 2019 Bihar floods -- Flood in Bihar, India.
Wikipedia - 2019 Billboard Music Awards -- Music award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2019 Birthday Honours -- Awards list for the Commonwealth
Wikipedia - 2019 Blancpain GT Sports Club -- Fifth season of the Blancpain GT Sports Club
Wikipedia - 2019 Blancpain GT World Challenge America -- Racing season
Wikipedia - 2019 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress crash -- Vintage World War II heavy bomber crash during tourist flight
Wikipedia - 2019 Boston Marathon -- 2019 running of the Boston Marathon
Wikipedia - 2019 Bougainvillean independence referendum -- Bougainville's referendum for independence from Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - 2019 British Academy Television Awards -- 2019 British Academy Television Awards
Wikipedia - 2019 British prorogation controversy -- Unlawful and voided suspension of Parliament
Wikipedia - 2019 Cameron's Brewing Oakville Fall Classic -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 Campeonato Paulista Serie A3 -- The 26th season of Campeonato Paulista Serie A3 under its current title and the 66th season under its current league division format
Wikipedia - 2019 Camp Shorabak attack -- Taliban attack
Wikipedia - 2019 Canada Winter Games -- Multi-sports competition
Wikipedia - 2019 Canad Inns Women's Classic -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 Canberra Rugby League -- Rugby League competition in Canberra, Australia
Wikipedia - 2019 Cannes Film Festival -- film festival
Wikipedia - 2019 Cargill Curling Training Centre Icebreaker -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 Cavalry FC season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 CCC Team season -- Cycling team season
Wikipedia - 2019 Changan Ford International Curling Elite -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 Chicago arson killings -- Arson by a nine-year-old child resulting in 5 deaths
Wikipedia - 2019 Chicago Public Schools Strike -- Labor strike
Wikipedia - 2019 Chilean Air Force C-130 crash -- Military aircraft accident
Wikipedia - 2019 college admissions bribery scandal -- Ongoing corruption scandal involving major universities in the U.S.
Wikipedia - 2019 Colombia DC-3 crash -- 2019 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 2019 Colonial Square Ladies Classic -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 Columbian Dyip season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 CONCACAF Gold Cup Final -- Final match of the 2019 edition of the CONCACAF Gold Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 CONCACAF Gold Cup -- The 15th edition of the CONCACAF Gold Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 Copa America squads -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Copa Libertadores Femenina -- The 11th edition of the CONMEBOL Libertadores Femenina
Wikipedia - 2019 Copa Paulino Alcantara -- 2nd season of the Copa Paulino Alcantara
Wikipedia - 2019 Cotabato earthquakes -- series of earthquakes in the Philippines
Wikipedia - 2019 Cyprus Women's Cup squads -- List of players competing at the 12th edition of the Cyprus Women's Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 D1NZ season -- Premier drifting series of New Zealand
Wikipedia - 2019 Dallas courthouse shooting -- shooting in Dallas, Texas
Wikipedia - 2019 Dally M Awards -- Official annual awards of the National Rugby League
Wikipedia - 2019 Dayton shooting -- Mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio, United States of America
Wikipedia - 2019 deaths in American television -- List of deaths of notable people in American television
Wikipedia - 2019 Deceuninck-Quick-Step season -- Cycling team season
Wikipedia - 2019 decisions of the Trademarks Opposition Board -- 2019 list of Trademarks Opposition Board decisions
Wikipedia - 2019 Dhamar Airstrike -- A Saudi-led airstrike on a detention centre
Wikipedia - 2019 Dow Tennis Classic -- ITF professional tennis competition, Midland, U.S.
Wikipedia - 2019 Durand Cup -- 129th edition of the Durand Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 Durban Easter floods -- 2019 flooding in Durban, South Africa
Wikipedia - 2019 Durham gas explosion -- 2019 gas explosion in Durham, North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - 2019 Ecuadorian protests -- Protests in Ecuador against austerity measures by President Lenin Moreno
Wikipedia - 2019 El Paso shooting -- Mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, United States of America
Wikipedia - 2019 Epsom Derby -- 240th running of the annual Derby horse race
Wikipedia - 2019 ESPY Awards -- The 27th annual ESPY Awards
Wikipedia - 2019 European Games -- The second edition of the European Games
Wikipedia - 2019 Euro Tour season -- Nine-ball pool season of events
Wikipedia - 2019 FAMAS Awards -- Awarding ceremony given by the Filipino Academy of Movie Arts and Sciences
Wikipedia - 2019 FC Edmonton season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Fed Cup Americas Zone Group I - Pool B -- 2019 Fed Cup Americas Zone
Wikipedia - 2019 FIVB Volleyball Men's Nations League -- The second edition of the FIVB Volleyball Men's Nations League
Wikipedia - 2019 FIVB Volleyball Women's Nations League -- The second edition of the FIVB Volleyball Women's Nations League
Wikipedia - 2019 French Open - Day-by-day summaries -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 General Motors strike -- Labor strike
Wikipedia - 2019 Georgia Swarm season -- National Lacrosse League season
Wikipedia - 2019 Giro di Sicilia -- 24th edition of the Giro di Sicilia
Wikipedia - 2019 Great Britain Lions tour -- Great Britain rugby league tour
Wikipedia - 2019 heat wave in India and Pakistan -- Severe heatwave in India
Wikipedia - 2019 HFX Wanderers FC season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Hokkaido Bank Curling Classic -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 Hong Kong extradition bill -- 2019 bill proposed by Hong Kong's government
Wikipedia - 2019 Hpakant jade mine collapse -- Mine collapse triggered by a landslide
Wikipedia - 2019 Hyderabad gang rape -- 2019 rape and murder of a woman in India
Wikipedia - 2019 IAAF World Challenge -- Track and field events
Wikipedia - 2019 Iditarod -- 2019 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race
Wikipedia - 2019 in American television -- Television-related events in the United States during 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 in archaeology -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 in baseball
Wikipedia - 2019 in climate change
Wikipedia - 2019 India doctors' strike -- Doctor's strike in India in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 India-Pakistan border skirmishes -- Series of armed skirmishes between India and Pakistan in Kashmir
Wikipedia - 2019 Indonesia Pro Futsal League -- Twelfth season of Indonesia Pro Futsal League
Wikipedia - 2019 in Indian sport -- Sports-related events in India during the year of 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 in K-1 -- K-1 martial arts events in 2018
Wikipedia - 2019 in Konfrontacja Sztuk Walki -- Mixed martial arts event
Wikipedia - 2019 in Papua New Guinea -- Papua New Guinea-related evens during the year of 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 in philosophy
Wikipedia - 2019 in public domain
Wikipedia - 2019 in Rizin Fighting Federation -- Rizin Fighting Federation in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 in RXF -- RXF mixed martial arts event in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 in Saudi Arabia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 in South Africa
Wikipedia - 2019 in television -- Television set index
Wikipedia - 2019 Internet blackout in Iran -- A week-long total internet blackout ordered by Supreme National Security Council
Wikipedia - 2019 in video games
Wikipedia - 2019 Iran floods -- 2019 flash floods across Iran
Wikipedia - 2019 Iranian shoot-down of American drone -- Military action in the Strait of Hormuz
Wikipedia - 2019 Israel State Cup Final -- 2018-19 Israel State Cup finale
Wikipedia - 2019 Istanbul earthquake -- Earthquake that happened in Turkey
Wikipedia - 2019 J3 League -- 6th season of the Japanese J3 League
Wikipedia - 2019 Jalalabad suicide bombing -- Suicide bombing
Wikipedia - 2019 Jamia Millia Islamia attack -- Attack on a University campus in India
Wikipedia - 2019 Japanese imperial transition -- Japanese imperial abdication and transition
Wikipedia - 2019 Japan Series -- 70th edition of the Japan Series
Wikipedia - 2019 Java blackout -- Power Outage in Java, Indonesia
Wikipedia - 2019 Jersey City shooting -- Mass shooting in Jersey City, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - 2019 Johannesburg riots
Wikipedia - 2019 Jolo Cathedral bombings
Wikipedia - 2019 Joox Thailand Music Awards -- Awarding ceremony given by JOOX Thailand
Wikipedia - 2019 Kaduna State massacre -- 2019 terrorist attack in Nigeria
Wikipedia - 2019 KBS Drama Awards -- 2019 KBS Drama Awards TV show
Wikipedia - 2019 KBS Entertainment Awards -- List of South Korean KBS Entertainment Awards
Wikipedia - 2019 Kentucky gubernatorial election
Wikipedia - 2019 Kerala floods -- Severe flooding due to heavy monsoon rainfall on 8 August 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 K League 2 -- Seventh season of the K League 2, the second tier South Korean professional league
Wikipedia - 2019 Kulgam massacre -- Terrorist attack
Wikipedia - 2019 Lahore bombing -- A suicide bomb attack on 8 May 2019 outside Data Darbar in Lahore, Pakistan
Wikipedia - 2019 League of Ireland Cup -- 46th season of the League of Ireland's secondary knockout competition
Wikipedia - 2019 Lebanese Challenge Cup -- 2019 edition of the Lebanese Challenge Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 Lebanese Elite Cup -- 2019 edition of the Lebanese Elite Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 Lebanese Super Cup -- 19th edition of the Lebanese Super Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 Legends Tour -- Women's golf series
Wikipedia - 2019 Liga 3 -- Third season of the Liga 3 in Indonesia
Wikipedia - 2019 Line TV Awards -- Awarding ceremony given by LINE TV Thailand
Wikipedia - 2019 Major League Lacrosse season -- 19th season of Major League Lacrosse
Wikipedia - 2019 Maya Awards -- Awarding ceremony given by Maya Channel Magazine
Wikipedia - 2019 MBC Drama Awards -- 2019 MBC Drama Awards TV show
Wikipedia - 2019 MBC Entertainment Awards -- List of South Korean MBC Entertainment Awards
Wikipedia - 2019 measles outbreaks -- Global measles outbreaks in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Medan suicide bombing -- terrorist attack in Indonesia
Wikipedia - 2019 Meistriliiga -- The 29th season of the Meistriliiga
Wikipedia - 2019 Melaka United season -- 3rd season in the Malaysia Super League
Wikipedia - 2019 Melon Music Awards -- Korean music award ceremony, 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 MENA Tour -- Professional golf tour
Wikipedia - 2019 Men's Oceania Cup -- Hockey competition
Wikipedia - 2019 Meralco Bolts season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 merger of CBS and Viacom {{DISPLAYTITLE:2019 merger of CBS and Viacom -- 2019 merger of CBS and Viacom {{DISPLAYTITLE:2019 merger of CBS and Viacom
Wikipedia - 2019 Mettupalayam wall collapse -- Collapse of a wall which killed 17 people and led to protests
Wikipedia - 2019 Midwestern U.S. floods -- 2019 disaster in the Midwestern United States
Wikipedia - 2019 Mini Challenge UK -- Eighteenth season of the Mini Challenge UK
Wikipedia - 2019 MLB London Series -- Two-game series between the Yankees and Red Sox in London in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Molucca Sea earthquakes -- July 7, 2019, earthquakes in Indonesia
Wikipedia - 2019 Monte Carlo Rally -- 87th edition of Rallye Automobile Monte-Carlo
Wikipedia - 2019 Montreal Impact season -- Canadian Major League Soccer team
Wikipedia - 2019 Monza Formula 2 round -- 2019 Monza Formula
Wikipedia - 2019 Mosul ferry sinking -- Multiple-fatalities disaster on the Tigris River
Wikipedia - 2019 MO -- Near-Earth asteroid discovered by ATLAS-MLO that impacted Earth's atmosphere on 22 June 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 MTV Movie & TV Awards -- The 28th edition of the MTV Movie & TV Awards
Wikipedia - 2019 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2019 National Amateur Cup -- 96th edition of cup competition in American soccer
Wikipedia - 2019 Nepal floods -- Devastating 2019 flood in Nepal
Wikipedia - 2019 New England Patriots season -- 60th season in Patriots franchise history
Wikipedia - 2019 New South Wales Waratahs season -- 2019 New South Wales Waratahs rugby union season
Wikipedia - 2019 New York Film Festival -- 2019 film festival edition
Wikipedia - 2019 New York measles outbreak -- Measles outbreak in New York state
Wikipedia - 2019 New Zealand Sevens -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 NLEX Road Warriors season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Nobel Peace Prize
Wikipedia - 2019 North Carolina FC season -- Second season in the USL
Wikipedia - 2019 Northeast Brazil oil spill -- Oil spill
Wikipedia - 2019 North Korea-United States Hanoi Summit -- Meeting between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump
Wikipedia - 2019 North Maluku earthquake -- July 7, 2019, earthquakes in Indonesia
Wikipedia - 2019 NPSL season -- 107th season of FIFA-sanctioned soccer in the United States
Wikipedia - 2019 NRL Women's season results -- Second season of professional women's rugby league in Australia
Wikipedia - 2019 OK -- Near-Earth asteroid
Wikipedia - 2019 Open Sud de France -- ATP tennis competition, France
Wikipedia - 2019 opinion polling on the Donald Trump administration -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Oracle Challenger Series - Indian Wells - Men's Singles -- Oracle Challenger Series
Wikipedia - 2019 Oregon Senate Republican walkouts -- 2019 protest by Oregon State Senators
Wikipedia - 2019 Pacific FC season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Pacific hurricane season -- Period of formation of tropical cyclones in the Eastern Pacific Ocean in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Pacific Northwest measles outbreak -- Measles outbreak in the Portland metropolitan area
Wikipedia - 2019 Pacific typhoon season -- Period of formation of tropical cyclones in the Western Pacific Ocean in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Pahang FA season -- 16th season in the Malaysian Super League
Wikipedia - 2019 Pan American Games -- 18th edition of the Pan American Games
Wikipedia - 2019 Papua protests -- series of protests by Papuans in Indonesian Papua
Wikipedia - 2019 Parapan American Games -- An international multi-sport event for athletes with disabilities
Wikipedia - 2019 Parramatta Eels season -- Australia Rugby League Parramatta Eels 2019 season
Wikipedia - 2019 PDC Calendar -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Philadelphia Freedoms season -- Tennis team season
Wikipedia - 2019 Philippine Super Liga season -- Volleyball league season in the Philippines
Wikipedia - 2019 PKNS F.C. season -- 6th season in the Malaysia Super League
Wikipedia - 2019 PNGNRL season -- Season of rugby league
Wikipedia - 2019 Polish parliamentary election
Wikipedia - 2019 Ponparappi violence -- Anti-Dalit violence in Ponparappi, Tamil Nadu
Wikipedia - 2019 Porsche Carrera Cup Australia -- Automobiles competition
Wikipedia - 2019 Portuguese fuel-tanker drivers' strike -- Strike action
Wikipedia - 2019 Prayag Kumbh Mela -- Ardh Kumbh Mela held in Allahabad from January to March 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Preakness Stakes -- 144th running of the Preakness Stakes
Wikipedia - 2019 Premier Lacrosse League season -- Inaugural season of the Premier Lacrosse League
Wikipedia - 2019 Prime Minister's Resignation Honours -- List
Wikipedia - 2019 Prince Edward station attack -- August 2019 incident in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - 2019 Pro Bowl -- Game
Wikipedia - 2019 PSA Annual Awards -- annual awarding ceremony
Wikipedia - 2019 Pulwama attack -- Terrorist attack
Wikipedia - 2019 Pune flood -- Flood in India
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Argentina -- 39th edition of Rally Argentina
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Australia -- 28th edition of Rally Australia
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Catalunya -- 55th edition of Rally de Catalunya
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Chile -- 1st edition of Rally Chile
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally de Portugal -- 53rd edition of Rally de Portugal
Wikipedia - 2019 Rallye Deutschland -- 37th edition of Rallye Deutschland
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Estonia -- The 9th edition of Rally Estonia
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Finland -- 69th edition of Rally Finland
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Italia Sardegna -- 16th edition of Rally Italia Sardegna
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Mexico -- 16th edition of Rally Mexico
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Sweden -- 67th edition of Rally Sweden
Wikipedia - 2019 Rally Turkey -- 12th edition of Rally Turkey
Wikipedia - 2019 redefinition of the SI base units
Wikipedia - 2019 RFL League 1 -- 2019 rugby league competition in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - 2019 RFL Women's Super League -- Women's rugby league competition in Great Britain
Wikipedia - 2019 Rio Piedras shooting -- On October 14, 2019 in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - 2019 Road to Le Mans -- Motor season
Wikipedia - 2019 Saha Airlines Boeing 707 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 2019 Samoa assassination plot -- Attempt to kill Prime Minister of Samoa
Wikipedia - 2019 Samoa measles outbreak -- Measles epidemic in Samoa in late 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 SBS Entertainment Awards -- List of South Korean SBS Entertainment Awards
Wikipedia - 2019 service delivery protests
Wikipedia - 2019 SheBelieves Cup squads -- List of players competing at the 4th edition of the SheBelieves Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 Shute Shield season -- 146th season of a premier rugby union competition in Sydney
Wikipedia - 2019 Siberia wildfires -- Spate of forest fires in Russia
Wikipedia - 2019 Sindh HIV outbreak -- In the Ratodero area in Sindh, Pakistan
Wikipedia - 2019 South Asian Games -- XIII South Asian Games
Wikipedia - 2019 Southeast Asian Games -- 30th edition of the Southeast Asian Games
Wikipedia - 2019 Southern Libya offensive
Wikipedia - 2019 Spa-Francorchamps Formula 2 round -- Formula 2 race
Wikipedia - 2019 Sports Car Challenge of Mid-Ohio -- Sports race
Wikipedia - 2019 Sri Lanka Easter bombings
Wikipedia - 2019 State of the Nation Address (Philippines) -- State of the Nation Address in the Philippines
Wikipedia - 2019 Stop & Shop strike -- Labor strike
Wikipedia - 2019 Sundance Film Festival -- Film festival
Wikipedia - 2019 Sunda Strait earthquake -- 7 July 2019, earthquakes in Indonesia
Wikipedia - 2019 Supreme Court verdict on Ayodhya dispute -- Indian land dispute ruling
Wikipedia - 2019 Tacoma attack -- Arson attempt in the U.S.
Wikipedia - 2019 Tajoura migrant center airstrike
Wikipedia - 2019 Tell Rifaat clashes -- Part of the Syrian Civil War
Wikipedia - 2019 Tezgam train fire -- 2019 train fire in Pakistan
Wikipedia - 2019 The Nationals -- Esports league season
Wikipedia - 2019 Tokyo car attack -- A terrorist attack in Tokyo
Wikipedia - 2019 Tonga measles outbreak -- Measles epidemic in Tonga in late 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Toronto International Film Festival -- 44th edition of the festival
Wikipedia - 2019 Tour de Corse -- 62nd edition of Rally Corsica
Wikipedia - 2019 Tour de France -- 106th edition of cycling Grand Tour
Wikipedia - 2019 Tour de l'Avenir -- 2019 edition of the Tour de l'Avenir
Wikipedia - 2019 Tour de Yorkshire -- 5th men's Tour de Yorkshire
Wikipedia - 2019 UCI America Tour -- Bicycle competition
Wikipedia - 2019 UCI Europe Tour -- Fifteenth season of the UCI Europe Tour
Wikipedia - 2019 UEFA Champions League Final -- The final of the 2018-19 edition of the UEFA Champions League
Wikipedia - 2019 UN13 -- 3rd closest non-impacting Earth approach
Wikipedia - 2019 UN Climate Action Summit
Wikipedia - 2019 United Kingdom general election
Wikipedia - 2019 United States Tri-Nation Series -- Cricket series
Wikipedia - 2019 USA Team Handball Nationals - Men's Elite Division -- Handball competition
Wikipedia - 2019 U.S. Open Cup Final -- 2019 final of the Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup
Wikipedia - 2019 U.S. Open Cup -- 106th edition of cup competition in American soccer
Wikipedia - 2019 Venezuelan blackouts -- Nationwide power outages
Wikipedia - 2019 Virginia Beach shooting -- Mass shooting in Virginia
Wikipedia - 2019 Virginia political crisis -- February 2019 Virginia political scandals
Wikipedia - 2019 Visayas earthquake -- 2019 earthquake in the Philippines
Wikipedia - 2019 VTV Awards -- Vietnamese Awards held in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Vuelta a EspaM-CM-1a, Stage 12 to Stage 21 -- Second half of the 2019 Grand Tour
Wikipedia - 2019 Vuelta a EspaM-CM-1a, Stage 1 to Stage 11 -- First half of the 2019 Grand Tour
Wikipedia - 2019 Wales Rally GB -- 75th edition of Wales Rally GB
Wikipedia - 2019 WCT Arctic Cup -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 WCT Uiseong International Curling Cup -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 Whakaari / White Island eruption -- Volcanic eruption which killed or injured 47 people
Wikipedia - 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 wildfire season -- Wildfire season in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Winter Deaflympics -- 19th Winter Deaflympics, Province of Sondrio 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 with the United Nations -- Overview of United Nations-related events in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Women's Tour de Yorkshire -- 5th women's Tour de Yorkshire
Wikipedia - 2019 World Beach Games -- The inaugural event of the World Beach Games
Wikipedia - 2019 World Pool Masters -- Professional 9-Ball Pool event
Wikipedia - 2019 World's Strongest Man -- World's Strongest Man event of 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 World Taekwondo Grand Slam -- Taekwondo international competition
Wikipedia - 2019 W Series -- 2019 women's-only Racing Event
Wikipedia - 2019 WWE Draft -- WWE's intra-brand draft
Wikipedia - 2019 WWE Superstar Shake-up -- WWE's intra-brand draft
Wikipedia - 2019 Xiangshui chemical plant explosion -- 21 March 2019 explosion in Jiangsu, China
Wikipedia - 2019 York9 FC season -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019 Yuen Long attack -- Mob attack in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - 2020-21 Eerste Divisie -- Sixty-fifth season of Eerste Divisie since its establishment in 1955
Wikipedia - 20/20 (Beach Boys album) -- 1969 studio album by US band The Beach Boys
Wikipedia - 2020 Irish education shutdown -- Irish school and university closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
Wikipedia - 2020 Monza Formula 2 round -- 2019 Monza Formula 2
Wikipedia - 2020 Mugello Formula 2 round -- 2019 Monza Formula 2
Wikipedia - 2020 Parramatta Eels season -- Australia Rugby League Parramatta Eels 2019 season
Wikipedia - 2020 Tablighi Jamaat COVID-19 hotspot in Delhi -- Virus super spreader event
Wikipedia - 2020 UEFA Champions League Final -- The final of the 2019-20 season of the UEFA Champions League
Wikipedia - 2020 United Kingdom education shutdown -- UK school and university closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
Wikipedia - 2021 Parramatta Eels season -- Australia Rugby League Parramatta Eels 2019 season
Wikipedia - 2061: Odyssey Three -- 1987 novel by British writer Arthur C. Clarke
Wikipedia - 20 Dates -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - 20 June 1981 Iranian protests -- Protests in Iran
Wikipedia - 20 Mule Team -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - 20 Stycznia 1920 Street in Bydgoszcz
Wikipedia - 20th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1947
Wikipedia - 20th Annie Awards -- Annual Annie Awards ceremony held in 1992
Wikipedia - 20th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation in 1999
Wikipedia - 20th Saskatchewan Legislature -- Provincial legislature of Saskatchewan from 1982 to 1986
Wikipedia - 21-87 -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - 2/19th Battalion (Australia) -- World War II Australian infantry battalion
Wikipedia - 21 Bridges -- 2019 US action thriller film by Brian Kirk
Wikipedia - 21 Days -- 1940 British drama film directed by Basil Dean
Wikipedia - 21 Hours at Munich -- 1976 television film by William A. Graham
Wikipedia - 21 Jump Street -- American TV crime series from 1987 to 1991
Wikipedia - 21st Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1948
Wikipedia - 21st Annie Awards -- Annual Annie Awards ceremony held in 1993
Wikipedia - 21st Century Boy -- 1986 single by Sigue Sigue Sputnik
Wikipedia - 21 Today -- 1961 studio album by Cliff Richard
Wikipedia - 220 (album) -- 1996 instrumental album by Phil Keaggy
Wikipedia - 22 June 1897 -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - 22nd Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1949
Wikipedia - 22nd Annie Awards -- Annual Annie Awards ceremony held in 1994
Wikipedia - 22nd New Brunswick Legislature -- 19th-century New Brunswick legislative assembly
Wikipedia - 22nd South African Parliament -- Parliament of South Africa, 1994-1999
Wikipedia - 22 Yards -- 2019 film by Mitali Ghoshal
Wikipedia - 23 1/2 Hours' Leave -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - 23 (film) -- 1998 German drama thriller film
Wikipedia - 23 Paces to Baker Street -- 1956 film by Henry Hathaway
Wikipedia - 23rd Annie Awards -- Annual Annie Awards ceremony held in 1995
Wikipedia - 23rd G8 summit -- 1997 G8 summit in Denver
Wikipedia - 23rd Street Fire -- 1966 major fire in New York City
Wikipedia - 23 Skidoo (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - 240 mm howitzer M1 -- 1940s United States 240 mm field howitzer
Wikipedia - 24 heures d'amant -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - 24 Horas de Sonho -- 1941 film directed by Chianca de Garcia
Wikipedia - 24 Horas (Mexican TV program) -- Mexican television newscast (1970-1998)
Wikipedia - 24 Hour Alert -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - 24 Hours (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - 24 Hours in the Life of a Woman (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - 24 Hours in the Life of a Woman (1968 film) -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - 24 Hours of a Woman's Life -- 1952 film by Victor Saville
Wikipedia - 24 Hours of Explicit Sex -- 1985 film by Jose Mojica Marins
Wikipedia - 24 Hours to Kill -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - 24 Hours to Midnight -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - 24th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1951
Wikipedia - 24th Annie Awards -- Annual Annie Awards ceremony held in 1996
Wikipedia - 24th Field Artillery Regiment (United States) -- Philippine Scouts unit in 1922-1942
Wikipedia - 25th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1952
Wikipedia - 25th Annie Awards -- Annual Annie Awards ceremony held in 1997
Wikipedia - 25 Words or Less -- 1996 board game
Wikipedia - 26th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1953
Wikipedia - 26th Annie Awards -- Annual Annie Awards ceremony held in 1998
Wikipedia - 26th Oregon Legislative Assembly -- Oregon legislature, 1911
Wikipedia - 26th Parliament of Ontario -- 1959-1963 legislature of Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - 27A -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - 27 Down -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - 27 Mavalli Circle -- 1986 film directed by T. N. Narasimhan
Wikipedia - 27 Rue de la Paix -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - 27th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1954
Wikipedia - 27th Annie Awards -- Annual Annie Awards ceremony held in 1999
Wikipedia - 27th Oregon Legislative Assembly -- Oregon legislature, 1913
Wikipedia - 280 mm mortar M1939 (Br-5)
Wikipedia - 28 (2019 film) -- Indian thriller film
Wikipedia - 28th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1955
Wikipedia - 28th National Film Awards -- Awards ceremony for Indian Cinema released in 1980
Wikipedia - 29 Acacia Avenue -- Play and 1945 film directed by Henry Cass
Wikipedia - 29 settembre -- 1966 song by Lucio Battisti and Mogol
Wikipedia - 29th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1956
Wikipedia - 2 A. M. in the Subway -- 1905 film
Wikipedia - 2 Become 1 -- 1996 single by Spice Girls
Wikipedia - 2 Brothers -- 2019 Thai television series
Wikipedia - 2channel -- Anonymous Japanese textboard founded in 1999
Wikipedia - 2C-T-19
Wikipedia - 2 Days in the Valley -- 1996 film by John Herzfeld
Wikipedia - 2I/Borisov -- Interstellar comet passing through the Solar System, discovered in 2019
Wikipedia - 2MASS J12195156+3128497
Wikipedia - 2nd Academy Awards -- Filmmaking award for 1928 and 1929
Wikipedia - 2nd Division (Imperial Japanese Army) -- 1888-1945 Imperial Japanese Army formation
Wikipedia - 2nd G7 summit -- Held in Puerto Rico in 1976
Wikipedia - 2nd Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1981
Wikipedia - 2nd Time Around (album) -- 1970 album by The Spinners
Wikipedia - 2 on 2 Open Ice Challenge -- Ice hockey arcade game by Midway Games from 1995
Wikipedia - 2 Times -- 1999 single by Ann Lee
Wikipedia - 30,000 Miles Under the Sea -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - 3001: The Final Odyssey -- 1997 science fiction novel by British writer Arthur C. Clarke
Wikipedia - 301, 302 -- 1995 film by Park Cheol-su
Wikipedia - 3022 -- 2019 American science fiction film
Wikipedia - 30 Below Zero -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - 30 karatow szczM-DM-^YM-EM-^[cia -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - 30 September Movement -- Military organization that attempted a coup d'etat in Indonesia in 1965
Wikipedia - 30th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1957
Wikipedia - 3:10 to Yuma (1957 film) -- 1957 film by Delmer Daves
Wikipedia - 31 June -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - 31st Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1958
Wikipedia - 32 Minutes and 17 Seconds with Cliff Richard -- 1962 studio album by Cliff Richard with The Shadows and Norrie Paramor and his Orchestra
Wikipedia - 32nd Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1959
Wikipedia - 32nd Oregon Legislative Assembly -- Oregon legislature, 1923
Wikipedia - 333 (album) -- 1994 studio album by Green JellM-CM-?
Wikipedia - 33rd Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1960
Wikipedia - 33rd Brigade (Australia) -- Infantry brigade of the Australian Army during 1945-46
Wikipedia - 34 (song) -- 1994 song by the Dave Matthews Band
Wikipedia - 34th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1961
Wikipedia - 34th Goya Awards -- 2019 annual Spanish film awards
Wikipedia - 35th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1962
Wikipedia - 365 (Loona song) -- 2019 single by Loona
Wikipedia - 365 Nights in Hollywood -- 1934 film by George Marshall
Wikipedia - 36 Ghante -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - 36 Hours (1965 film) -- 1965 film by George Seaton
Wikipedia - 36 Hours to Kill -- 1936 film by Eugene Forde
Wikipedia - 36th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1963
Wikipedia - 37 Seconds -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - 37th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1964
Wikipedia - 37th TVyNovelas Awards -- 2019 television award ceremony
Wikipedia - 38.1 cm /45 Model 1926 naval gun -- Type of coastal artillery
Wikipedia - 38 Parrots -- Film series (1976-1991)
Wikipedia - 38th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1965
Wikipedia - 39 East -- 1920 film by John S. Robertson
Wikipedia - 39P/Oterma -- Periodic comet with 19 year orbit
Wikipedia - 39th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1966
Wikipedia - 3 a.m. Eternal -- 1989 single by The KLF
Wikipedia - 3 Avengers -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - 3 Bad Men -- 1926 western film
Wikipedia - 3 Days of a Blind Girl -- 1993 film by Chan Wing-Chiu
Wikipedia - 3 Days to Go -- 2019 South African drama film
Wikipedia - 3 Day Weekend -- 2019 thriller film
Wikipedia - 3-D Docking Mission -- 1978 video game
Wikipedia - 3D Tetris -- 1996 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - 3 Dumb Clucks -- 1937 film by Del Lord
Wikipedia - 3 Feet High and Rising -- 1989 album by De La Soul
Wikipedia - 3 Godfathers (1948 film) -- 1948 film directed by John Ford
Wikipedia - 3 Gold Coins -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - 3 nach 9 -- German talk show produced and aired by Radio Bremen since 1974
Wikipedia - 3 Nuts in Search of a Bolt -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - 3rd Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1929 and 1930
Wikipedia - 3rd Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1982
Wikipedia - 3rd Legislative Assembly of Singapore -- Last legislative assembly of Singapore, 1963-1965
Wikipedia - 3 Will Be Free -- 2019 Thai television series
Wikipedia - 3 Women -- 1977 film by Robert Altman
Wikipedia - 40,000 Headmen -- 1968 song performed by Traffic
Wikipedia - 409 (song) -- 1962 single by The Beach Boys
Wikipedia - 40 Golden Greats (Cliff Richard album) -- 1977 compilation album by Cliff Richard
Wikipedia - 40-Horse Hawkins -- 1924 film by Edward Sedgwick
Wikipedia - 40-Hour Week -- 1985 album by Alabama
Wikipedia - 40 Pounds of Trouble -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - 40 Quadratmeter Deutschland -- 1985 film by Tevfik BaM-EM-^_er
Wikipedia - 40 Sticks -- 2019 Kenyan thriller film
Wikipedia - 40th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1967
Wikipedia - 40th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation in 2019
Wikipedia - 415 (group) -- American hip hop group formed in Oakland, California in 1988
Wikipedia - -- Scam baiting website
Wikipedia - 419 series -- Japanese train type
Wikipedia - 41st Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1968
Wikipedia - 42nd Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1969
Wikipedia - 42nd Street (film) -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - 43rd Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1970
Wikipedia - 44th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1971
Wikipedia - 44th Oregon Legislative Assembly -- Oregon legislature, 1947
Wikipedia - 4.50 from Paddington -- 1957 Miss Marple novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - 45 Calibre Echo -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - 45 Fathers -- 1937 film by James Tinling
Wikipedia - 45 Minutes from Hollywood -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - 45th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1972
Wikipedia - 45th People's Choice Awards -- 2019 popular culture award ceremony
Wikipedia - 45th Saturn Awards -- 2019 science fiction awards ceremony
Wikipedia - 469219 KamoM-JM-;oalewa -- asteroid
Wikipedia - 46th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1973
Wikipedia - 46th Annie Awards -- Annual Annie Awards ceremony held in 2019
Wikipedia - 47 Dhansukh Bhawan -- 2019 one shot Gujarati thriller film
Wikipedia - 47 Meters Down: Uncaged -- 2019 American survival horror film directed by Johannes Roberts
Wikipedia - 47 Natkal -- 1981 film by K. Balachander
Wikipedia - 47th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1974
Wikipedia - 47th Venice International Film Festival -- 1990 film festival edition
Wikipedia - 48 Hours of Hallucinatory Sex -- 1987 film directed by Jose Mojica Marins
Wikipedia - 48 Hours to Live -- 1959 film starring Anthony Steel
Wikipedia - 48th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1975
Wikipedia - 491 (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - 49ers (album) -- 1990 studio album by 49ers
Wikipedia - 49th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1976
Wikipedia - 49th Parallel (film) -- 1941 film by Michael Powell
Wikipedia - 4 da Fam -- 1999 single by Amil
Wikipedia - 4 Devils -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - 4D Man -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - 4 Dollars of Revenge -- 1965 film by Alfonso Balcazar
Wikipedia - 4 Latas -- Spanish 2019 comedy film on Netflix
Wikipedia - 4 Little Girls -- 1997 film by Spike Lee
Wikipedia - 4Real 4Real -- 2019 studio album by YG
Wikipedia - 4 Schlussel -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - 4 Seasons of Loneliness -- 1997 single by Boyz II Men
Wikipedia - 4th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1930/1931
Wikipedia - 4th AVN Awards -- 1987 American adult industry award ceremony
Wikipedia - 4th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1983
Wikipedia - 4th Golden Rooster Awards -- 1984 film awards
Wikipedia - 4th Republic -- 2019 Nigerian political drama film
Wikipedia - 4TP -- 1930s Polish light tank prototype.
Wikipedia - 4x4 (1965 film) -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - 4x4 (2019 film) -- 2019 Argentine-Spanish thriller crime film by Mariano Cohn
Wikipedia - 500 Miles -- 1961 song by Hedy West
Wikipedia - 50/50 (2019 film) -- 2019 film by Krishna Sai
Wikipedia - 50 ans -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - 50 DKK (1997) -- Danish bank note
Wikipedia - 50ft Queenie -- 1993 song by PJ Harvey
Wikipedia - 50 Million Frenchmen (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - 50th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1977
Wikipedia - 54th World Science Fiction Convention -- 1996 science fiction convention
Wikipedia - 55 Central Park West -- 19-floor housing cooperative located in Manhattan, New York City
Wikipedia - 55 Days at Peking -- 1963 American historical epic film directed by Nicholas Ray
Wikipedia - 55th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1982
Wikipedia - 5,6,7,8 -- 1997 single by Steps
Wikipedia - 56th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1983
Wikipedia - 56th United States Congress -- 1899-1901 legislative term
Wikipedia - 57th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1984
Wikipedia - 58th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1985
Wikipedia - 58th Venice Biennale -- 2019 international contemporary art exhibition
Wikipedia - 59th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1986
Wikipedia - 5 Card Stud -- 1968 film by Henry Hathaway
Wikipedia - 5 Fingers -- 1952 film by Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Wikipedia - 5 Is the Perfect Number -- 2019 film directed by Igort
Wikipedia - 5 June (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - 5 marines per 100 ragazze -- 1961 film by Mario Mattoli
Wikipedia - 5M-CM-^W5=25 -- 1921 exhibition of modern art which took place in Moscow, Russia
Wikipedia - 5 Miles to Empty -- 1997 single by Brownstone
Wikipedia - 5 October 1910 revolution -- October 1910 coup d'etat in Portugal; monarchy overthrown, republic established
Wikipedia - 5 raske piger -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - 5 Rifles -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - 5 Superfighters -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - 5th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1931/1932
Wikipedia - 5th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1984
Wikipedia - 600,000 Francs a Month (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - 6,000 Enemies -- 1939 film by George B. Seitz
Wikipedia - 60 metres at the Olympics -- Sprint event at the 1900 & 1904 Summer Olympics
Wikipedia - 60th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1987
Wikipedia - 61st Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1988
Wikipedia - 62nd Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1989
Wikipedia - 633 Squadron -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - 634-5789 (Soulsville, U.S.A.) -- 1966 single by Wilson Pickett
Wikipedia - 6:3 Play It Again Tutti -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - 63rd Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1990
Wikipedia - 64 de Hakken!! Tamagotchi: Minna de Tamagotchi World -- 1997 board video game published by Bandai
Wikipedia - 64th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1991
Wikipedia - 65th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1992
Wikipedia - 666 Ways to Love: Prologue -- EP by Finnish band HIM, released in 1996
Wikipedia - 66th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1993
Wikipedia - 67th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1994
Wikipedia - 6 February 1934 crisis -- French protest in Paris
Wikipedia - 6th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1932/1933
Wikipedia - 6th Avenue Heartache -- 1996 single by The Wallflowers
Wikipedia - 6th AVN Awards -- 1989 American adult industry award ceremony
Wikipedia - 6th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1985
Wikipedia - 6th Screen Actors Guild Awards -- Film award ceremony for films released in 1999
Wikipedia - 70,000 Witnesses -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - 70 mm Grandeur film -- Early yet successful Wide Screen Film format used in the late 1920s/early 1930s
Wikipedia - 70th Birthday Concert (Duke Ellington album) -- 1970 live album by Duke Ellington
Wikipedia - 7:11AM 11.20.1979 79M-BM-055'W 40M-BM-027'N (sculpture) -- Sculpture by Janet Zweig in Pittsburgh, United States
Wikipedia - 713 Requests Permission to Land -- 1962 film directed by Grigori Nikulin
Wikipedia - 719 series -- Japanese train type
Wikipedia - 7:19 -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - 71st Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1998
Wikipedia - 72 Hours: Martyr Who Never Died -- 2019 Indian biographical drama film directed by Avinash Dhyani
Wikipedia - 72nd Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1999
Wikipedia - 747 (song) -- 1998 single by Kent
Wikipedia - 7500 (film) -- 2019 action-thriller film
Wikipedia - 7.5 cm FK 18 -- 1930s towed 75 mm field gun of German origin
Wikipedia - 76th Golden Globe Awards -- 2019 film and television awards ceremony
Wikipedia - 7.7 cm Leichte Kraftwagengeschutze M1914 -- German anti-aircraft gun
Wikipedia - 77 Park Lane -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - 77 Rue Chalgrin -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - 79 A.D. -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - 7 August 2019 Kabul bombing -- Suicide car bomb attack in Kabul
Wikipedia - 7 chili in 7 giorni -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - 7 Days to Vegas -- 2019 American comedy film
Wikipedia - 7 Faces of Dr. Lao -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - 7 Grandmasters -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - 7M-CM-^W7 Tales of a Sevensleeper -- 1985 book by Hanna Johansen
Wikipedia - 7 Rings -- 2019 single by Ariana Grande
Wikipedia - 7 Seconds (song) -- 1994 single by Youssou N'Dour and Neneh Cherry
Wikipedia - 7th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1934
Wikipedia - 7th AVN Awards -- 1990 American adult industry award ceremony
Wikipedia - 7th Cavalry (film) -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - 7th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1986
Wikipedia - 7th Heaven (1927 film) -- 1927 film by Frank Borzage
Wikipedia - 7th Sea (collectible card game) -- 1999 collectible card game
Wikipedia - 7th World Scout Jamboree -- Reunion of scouts held in Austria in August, 1951
Wikipedia - 7 Women -- 1966 film directed by John Ford
Wikipedia - 80,000 Suspects -- 1963 film by Val Guest
Wikipedia - 80 Blocks from Tiffany's -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - 80 Micro -- Computer magazine published between 1980 and 1988
Wikipedia - 813 (film) -- 1920 film by Charles Christie
Wikipedia - 8:15 12:15 -- 1969 live comedy album by Bill Cosby
Wikipedia - 8192 (number)
Wikipedia - 84 Charing Cross Road (film) -- 1987 film by David Hugh Jones
Wikipedia - 84C MoPic -- 1989 film by Patrick Sheane Duncan
Wikipedia - 853-5937 -- 1988 single by Squeeze
Wikipedia - 867-5309/Jenny -- 1981 single by Tommy Tutone
Wikipedia - 89mm from Europe -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - 8BC -- 1980s Manhattan nightclub
Wikipedia - 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag -- 1997 black comedy film by Tom Schulman
Wikipedia - 8M-BM-= -- 1963 Italian comedy-drama film by Federico Fellini
Wikipedia - 8 Million Ways to Die -- 1986 film by Hal Ashby
Wikipedia - 8mm (film) -- 1999 film by Joel Schumacher
Wikipedia - 8th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1935
Wikipedia - 8th AVN Awards -- 1991 American adult industry award ceremony
Wikipedia - 8th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1987
Wikipedia - 8th World Science Fiction Convention -- Science fiction convention in 1950 in Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - 9012Live (video) -- 1985 live video album by Yes
Wikipedia - 90 Bristol Court -- 1960s American sitcom block
Wikipedia - 90 Days (film) -- 1985 film by Giles Walker
Wikipedia - 90 ML (2019 Tamil film) -- 2019 film directed by Anita Udeep
Wikipedia - 90ML (2019 Telugu film) -- 2019 Indian Telugu-language romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - 90th Guards Lvov Tank Division (1985-1997) -- Armored division of the Soviet Army
Wikipedia - 911 Is a Joke -- 1990 single by Public Enemy
Wikipedia - 9 (2019 film) -- 2019 film by Jenuse Mohamed
Wikipedia - 92 in the Shade -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - 92nd Academy Awards -- 2019 filmmaking award ceremony
Wikipedia - 96 Tears -- 1966 single by ? and the Mysterians
Wikipedia - 98.6 (song) -- 1966 song by Keith
Wikipedia - 99 (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - 99 (2019 film) -- 2019 film by Preetham Gubbi
Wikipedia - 99 and 44/100% Dead -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - 99 Luftballons -- 1983 single by Nena
Wikipedia - 99 (song) -- 1979 song by the band 99Toto
Wikipedia - 99 Women -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - 9M119 Svir/Refleks -- Gun-launched anti-tank missile
Wikipedia - 9M-BM-= Weeks -- 1986 American erotic romantic drama film directed by Adrian Lyne
Wikipedia - 9M-CM-^W19mm Parabellum -- Pistol cartridge designed by Georg Luger
Wikipedia - 9 PM (Till I Come) -- 1998 single by ATB
Wikipedia - 9th Academy Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for achievement in filmmaking in 1936
Wikipedia - 9th AVN Awards -- 1992 American adult industry award ceremony
Wikipedia - 9th G7 summit -- 1983 G7 summit in Williamsburg, Virginia, US
Wikipedia - 9th Golden Raspberry Awards -- Award for worst cinematic under-achievements in 1988
Wikipedia - 9th Parliament of British Columbia -- Legislative assembly of British Columbia from 1900 to 1903
Wikipedia - 9 to 5 (film) -- 1980 American comedy film directed by Colin Higgins
Wikipedia - 9X Generation -- Vietnamese demographic cohort born in the 1990s
Wikipedia - A1198 road -- Road in Cambridgeshire, England
Wikipedia - A119 road (England) -- Road in England
Wikipedia - A194 road -- Road in Tyne and Wear, England
Wikipedia - A197 road (England) -- Road in England
Wikipedia - A19 road -- Road in Northern England
Wikipedia - A 29-Cent Robbery -- 1910 film produced by the Thanhouser Company
Wikipedia - A 3 Minute Hug -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - A5199 road -- Road in England
Wikipedia - A719 road -- A road in South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - AAA Invading LA -- 2019 Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide event
Wikipedia - Aacharyan -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Aa Chithrashalabham Parannotte -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Aadai -- 2019 Indian film
Wikipedia - Aadamkhor -- 1986 film by Joginder Shelly
Wikipedia - Aada Pettanam -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Aadara Hasuna -- 1986 film directed by H.D. Premaratne
Wikipedia - Aadavantha Deivam -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Aadhyathe Katha -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Aadi Dampatulu -- 1986 film directed by Dasari Narayana Rao
Wikipedia - Aadi Lakshmi Puraana -- 2019 Kannada-language romantic film
Wikipedia - Aadipaapam -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Aadi Perukku (film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Aa Drushya -- 2019 Indian Kannada language crime film
Wikipedia - Aadu Puli Attam (film) -- 1977 film by S. P. Muthuraman
Wikipedia - Aadyakiranangal -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Aadyarathrikku Munbu -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aaganthuka -- 1987 Kannadian film in India
Wikipedia - Aag Aur Daag -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Aag Aur Shola -- 1986 film by Kovelamudi Bapayya
Wikipedia - Aagaya Thamaraigal -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aag Hi Aag -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aag Ka Darya -- 1959 novel by Qurratulain Hyder
Wikipedia - Aag Ke Sholay -- 1988 Hindi film
Wikipedia - Aahuti (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aahuti (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aai Bahar -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Aai Phirse Bahar -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Aa Jaane Jaan -- Song from the 1969 Hindi film Intaqam
Wikipedia - Aaj (film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aaj Ka Daur -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aaj Ka Hindustan -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Aaj Ke Angaare -- 1988 Hindi film
Wikipedia - Aaj Ke Sholey -- 1985 Indian Film
Wikipedia - Aaj Ki Dhara -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Aaj Ki Duniya -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Aakaashathekkoru Kilivaathil -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - Aakasha Ganga 2 -- 2019 Indian Malayalam-language horror-thriller film directed by Vinayan
Wikipedia - Aakhir Kyon? -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aakhree Raasta -- 1986 film by K. Bhagyaraj
Wikipedia - Aakhri Daao -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Aakhri Daku -- 1978 film by Prakash Mehra
Wikipedia - Aakhri Kasam -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Aakraman -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Aakrosh (1998 film) -- 1998 film by Lateef Binny
Wikipedia - Aalappirandhavan -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aalayamani -- 1962 film by K. Shankar
Wikipedia - Aalippazhangal -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - A. Ali -- Malaysian musician (b. 1949, d. 2020)
Wikipedia - Aalmaaraattam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aalorungi Arangorungi -- 1986 film by Chellappan
Wikipedia - Aalukkoru Veedu -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Aama (1964 film) -- 1964 Nepali film by Hira Singh Khatri
Wikipedia - Aamer Hameed -- Pakistani cricketer (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Aanakkalari -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aanakkorumma -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aanandham Paramaanandham -- 1977 film by I. V. Sasi
Wikipedia - Aanappaachan -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aana Valarthiya Vanampadi -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Aanayum Ambaariyum -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aan Baan (1972 film) -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Aan boord van de 'Sabina' -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Aanchal (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Aandavan Kattalai -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - A- and B-class destroyer -- 1929 class of British destroyers
Wikipedia - Aandhi-Toofan -- 1985 film by Babbar Subhash
Wikipedia - Aandhiyan (1952 film) -- 1952 film by Chetan Anand
Wikipedia - Aa Neram Alppa Dooram -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aangan Ki Kali -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Aangan (novel) -- 1962 Pakistani Urdu novel by Khadija Mastoor
Wikipedia - Aani Ver -- 1981 film directed by K. Vijayan
Wikipedia - Aankalai Nambathey -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aankhen (1950 film) -- 1950 Indian film
Wikipedia - Aankh Micholi -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Aankh Michouli -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Aankhon Aankhon Mein -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Aankiliyude Tharattu -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aan Milo Sajna -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Aan Paavam -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aan Pillai Singam -- 1975 film by S. P. Muthuraman
Wikipedia - Aansoo Aur Muskan -- 1970 film by P. Madhavan
Wikipedia - Aan -- 1952 film by Mehboob Khan
Wikipedia - Aap Ke Deewane -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Aap Ke Saath -- 1986 film by J. Om Prakash
Wikipedia - Aap Ki Kasam -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Aap Ki Parchhaiyan -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Aap Ki Sewa Mein -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Aaraam Jaalakam -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Aaraam Thampuran -- 1997 film by Shaji Kailas
Wikipedia - Aaradimanninte Janmi -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Aaranya Kandam -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Aarathi -- Indian actress (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Aarattu -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Aaravam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aarilirunthu Arubathu Varai -- 1979 film by S. P. Muthuraman
Wikipedia - Aarodum Parayaruthu -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aaron Aaronsohn -- Jewish agronomist, botanist, and Zionist activist (1876-1919)
Wikipedia - Aaron Bow -- American record producer (born 1992)
Wikipedia - Aaron Copland -- American composer and conductor (1900-1990)
Wikipedia - Aaron Hoffman -- American writer and lyricist for theatre and the screen (1880-1924)
Wikipedia - Aaron Loves Angela -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick -- 1952 film by Claude Binyon
Wikipedia - Aaron's Rod (novel) -- 1922 novel by D. H. Lawrence
Wikipedia - Aaro Oral -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aarop -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Aar Paar (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - A Arte de Amar Bem -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Aarti (film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Aarum Anyaralla -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aaru Mooru Ombhatthu -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Aarundivide Chodikkan -- 1986 film directed by Manoj Babu
Wikipedia - Aasai Thambi -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Aasai -- 1995 film directed by Vasanth
Wikipedia - Aaseya Bale -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aashachakram -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Aasha Sundari -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Aashiana -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Aashiq (1962 film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Aas Ka Panchhi -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Aasmaan Se Gira -- 1992 Hindi Children's Film
Wikipedia - Aasmund Frisak -- Norwegian politician (1852-1935)
Wikipedia - Aasramam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aatamin puvussa ja vM-CM-$hM-CM-$n Eevankin (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Aatamin puvussa ja vM-CM-$hM-CM-$n Eevankin (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Aatank -- 1996 Bollywood action thriller
Wikipedia - Aathi Parasakthi -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Aathma Balam -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Aathmasakhi -- 1952 film by G.R. Rao
Wikipedia - Aathmasanthi -- 1952 film by Joseph Thaliyath
Wikipedia - Aatish (film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Aatish Taseer -- British-Indian journalist and writer (born 1980)
Wikipedia - Aatmabalam -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aatma Bandhuvulu -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aatma Bandhuvu -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Aatpadi Nights -- 2019 Indian Marathi language romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Aattakatha (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aattukara Alamelu -- 1970 film by R. Thyagarajan
Wikipedia - Aat van Rhijn -- Dutch politician (1892-1986)
Wikipedia - A. Aubrey Bodine -- American photographer (1906-1970)
Wikipedia - Aavanazhi -- 1986 film by I. V. Sasi
Wikipedia - Aavarampoo -- 1992 film by Bharathan
Wikipedia - Aavesham -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Aayiram Jenmangal (2020 film) -- 2019 film by Ezhil
Wikipedia - Aayiram Jenmangal -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aayiram Kannudayaal -- 1980 film by K. Shankar
Wikipedia - Aayiram Kannukal -- 1986 film directed by Joshiy
Wikipedia - Aayiram Poi -- 1969 film by Muktha Srinivasan
Wikipedia - Aayiram Pookkal Malarattum -- 1980 film by E. Ramdoss
Wikipedia - Aayiram Porkasugal -- 2019 Indian Tamil romantic comedy drama film
Wikipedia - Aayiram Roobai -- 1964 film by K. S. Gopalakrishnan
Wikipedia - Aayirathil Oruthi -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Aayirathil Oruvan (1965 film) -- 1965 film by B. R. Panthulu
Wikipedia - Aayisha -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Aayusu Nooru -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aazhi Alayaazhi -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aazhi -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Abacab (song) -- 1981 single by Genesis
Wikipedia - A Bachelor Husband -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Bachelor's Baby -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Bachelor's Life Abroad -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Abak Prithibi -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Abalai Anjugam -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Ballad About Green Wood -- 1983 short film by JiM-EM-^Yi Barta
Wikipedia - A Baltic Tragedy -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A Banda das Velhas Virgens -- 1979 film directed by Amacio Mazzaropi
Wikipedia - A Bandit -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Abandoned (1949 film) -- 1949 film by Joseph M. Newman
Wikipedia - Abandoned (1955 film) -- 1955 film by Francesco Maselli
Wikipedia - Abandoned (2019 film) -- Philippine horror film
Wikipedia - Abandoned Luncheonette -- 1973 studio album by Hall & Oates
Wikipedia - Abandonment (film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Abanindranath Tagore -- Indian artist and writer (1871-1951)
Wikipedia - A Bankrupt Honeymoon -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Barnyard Frolic -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Barrel Full of Dollars -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Abar, the First Black Superman -- 1977 film by Frank Packard
Wikipedia - Abas Ermenji -- Albanian politician, historian and nationalist fighter (1913-2003)
Wikipedia - A Bashful Bigamist -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Bath House Beauty -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Abaz Kupi -- Albanian military officer, anti-communist politician and founder of the Legaility Movement (1892-1976)
Wikipedia - Abba Aa Hudugi -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - ABBA (album) -- 1975 studio album by ABBA
Wikipedia - Abba Eban -- Israeli diplomat and politician (1915-2002)
Wikipedia - Abbas al-Musawi -- Lebanese Shia cleric and co-founder and Secretary General of Hezbollah (1952-1992)
Wikipedia - Abbas II of Egypt -- Khedive of Egypt and Sudan (1874-1944) (r. 1892-1914)
Wikipedia - Abbas Shafiee -- Iranian pharmaceutical chemist (1937-2016)
Wikipedia - ABBA: The Album -- 1977 studio album by ABBA
Wikipedia - ABBA: The Movie -- 1977 film by Lasse Hallstrom
Wikipedia - Abbey Road -- 1969 studio album by the Beatles
Wikipedia - Abbie Hoffman -- American political and social activist (1936-1989)
Wikipedia - Abbot of Shaolin -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Abbott and Costello in Hollywood -- 1945 film
Wikipedia - Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd -- 1952 film by Charles Lamont
Wikipedia - Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde -- 1953 American film directed by Charles Lamont
Wikipedia - Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein -- 1948 American horror comedy film directed by Charles Barton
Wikipedia - Abbott Records -- American record label operated by producer Fabor Robison from 1951 to about 1958
Wikipedia - Abbuzze! Der Badesalz-Film -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - Abby (film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - AbC-19 rapid antibody test -- Immunological test for COVID-19 exposure
Wikipedia - ABC Bunny -- 1933 book by Wanda Gag
Wikipedia - ABCD: American Born Confused Desi (2019 film) -- 2019 film directed by Sanjeev Reddy
Wikipedia - ABCD line -- Series of embargoes against Japan beginning in 1940
Wikipedia - A, B, C... Manhattan -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - ABC (The Jackson 5 album) -- 1970 studio album by the Jackson 5
Wikipedia - ABC (The Jackson 5 song) -- 1970 single by The Jackson 5
Wikipedia - Abd al Aziz al-Amawi -- 19th-century Somali diplomat, poet, and scholar
Wikipedia - Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz -- Saudi Arabian Islamic studies scholar, mufti and cleric (1912-1999)
Wikipedia - Abd al-Karim al-Jundi -- Syrian military officer and founding member of the Ba'ath Party's Military Committee (1932-1969)
Wikipedia - Abd al-Karim Qasim -- Iraqi Army brigadier, nationalist and Prime Minister of Iraq from 1958 to 1963
Wikipedia - Abdallah Al-Jazi -- Jordanian politician (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Abdalla Hamdok -- Prime Minister of Sudan (2019-present)
Wikipedia - Abdallah Ougazzaden -- French scientist (born 1960)
Wikipedia - Abd al-Rahman al-Bazzaz -- Iraqi politician (1913-1973)
Wikipedia - Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi -- Imam of the Ansar and Sudanese politician (1885-1959)
Wikipedia - Abd el-Krim -- Riffian political and military leader (1882-1963)
Wikipedia - Abdelmadjid Tebboune -- President of Algeria since 2019
Wikipedia - Abd El-Razzak El-Sanhuri -- Egyptian legal scholar (1895-1971)
Wikipedia - Abderrahim Bouabid -- Moroccan politician (1922-1992)
Wikipedia - Abdication of Edward VIII -- 1936 constitutional crisis in Britain
Wikipedia - Abdillahi Mohammed Ahmed -- Somali politician (born 1923)
Wikipedia - Abduction (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Abduct Me -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Abdu Gusau -- Nigerian civil engineer (1918-1994)
Wikipedia - Abdulaziz bin Muhammad -- 18th and 19th-century ruler of the First Saudi State
Wikipedia - Abdul Caffoor Mohamad Ameer -- Sri Lankan lawyer (1914-1997)
Wikipedia - Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani -- Bangladeshi Islamic scholar and political leader (1880-1976)
Wikipedia - Abdulla (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Abdullah Mwinyi -- Tanzanian politician (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Abdullah Yusuf Ali -- British-Indian barrister and Shi'i scholar (1872-1953)
Wikipedia - Abdullah Zilkha -- Swiss investment banker (born 1913)
Wikipedia - Abdul Mannan (politician, born 1942) -- Bangladeshi politician
Wikipedia - Abdul Mannan (politician, born 1952) -- Bangladeshi politician
Wikipedia - Abdul Mannan (politician, born 1953) -- Bangladeshi politician
Wikipedia - Abdul Rahman Khan Yousuf Khan -- Indian politician (1925 - 2007)
Wikipedia - Abdul Rahman Munif -- Saudi writer (1933-2004)
Wikipedia - Abdulreza Shahlai -- Iranian militiar officer (born c. 1957)
Wikipedia - Abdul the Damned (film) -- 1935 British film directed by Karl Grune
Wikipedia - Abdur Rahim Khan -- Pakistan Air Force Officer (1925-1990)
Wikipedia - A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood -- 2019 film directed by Marielle Heller
Wikipedia - Abed Abest -- Iranian director, writer, and actor (born 1987)
Wikipedia - A Bedtime Story -- 1933 film by Norman Taurog
Wikipedia - Abe Gubegna -- Ethiopian novelist and playwright (1934-1980)
Wikipedia - Abel (1986 film) -- 1986 film by Alex van Warmerdam
Wikipedia - Abe Lincoln in Illinois (film) -- 1940 film by John Cromwell
Wikipedia - Abe Lincoln in Illinois (play) -- 1938 theater play
Wikipedia - Abel's Island -- 1976 children's book by William Steig
Wikipedia - Abenteuer in Bamsdorf -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Abercynon Colliery -- Welsh coal mine active 1889-1988
Wikipedia - A Berlin Republic -- 1997 book by Jurgen Habermas
Wikipedia - A Better Class of Person -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - A Better Master -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Better Tomorrow III: Love & Death in Saigon -- 1989 film by Tsui Hark
Wikipedia - A Better Tomorrow II -- 1987 Hong Kong action film
Wikipedia - A Better Tomorrow -- 1986 Hong Kong action film
Wikipedia - Abgehauen -- 1998 German documentary film
Wikipedia - Abha Narain Lambah -- Indian conservation architect (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Abhayam (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Abhayam Thedi -- 1986 film by I. V. Sasi
Wikipedia - Abhijan -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Abhilasha (1983 film) -- 1983 film by A. Kodandarami Reddy
Wikipedia - Abhilash Pillai -- Director (b. 1969)
Wikipedia - Abhimaanam -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Abhimanam (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Abhinavano Rasavichar -- 1969 book by [[Nagindas Parekh]]
Wikipedia - Abhinetri (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Abhinoy Noy -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Abhishek Agarwal -- Film producer (b. 1984)
Wikipedia - Abhisheka Wimalaweera -- Sri Lankan songstress (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Abi and Rabi -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Bid for Fortune -- British crime film from 1917
Wikipedia - Abid Hassan Minto -- Pakistani lawyer, politician, critic (born 1932)
Wikipedia - Abid Raza Naqvi -- Indian poet (born 1947)
Wikipedia - Abie Bain -- American boxer (1906-1993)
Wikipedia - Abie's Irish Rose (1928 film) -- 1928 film by Victor Fleming
Wikipedia - Abie's Irish Rose (1946 film) -- 1946 film by A. Edward Sutherland
Wikipedia - Abi foq al-Shagara -- 1969 Egyptian drama romantic film
Wikipedia - Abigail (2019 feature film) -- 2019 Russian fantasy adventure film
Wikipedia - Abigail Harrison -- American scientist and author (born 1997)
Wikipedia - Abigail Hing Wen -- American author (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Abigail Morris -- British museum director (b. 1964)
Wikipedia - Abigail Varela -- Venezuelan artist (b. 1948)
Wikipedia - A Big Family -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A Bigger Splash (1973 film) -- 1973/1974 film about David Hockney
Wikipedia - Abijeet -- Indian actor (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Abilene Town -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - A Bill of Divorcement (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Bill of Divorcement (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Bill of Divorcement (1940 film) -- 1940 film by John Farrow
Wikipedia - A Bird in a Bonnet -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Bird in the Head -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - A Bit of Heaven -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Bit of Jade -- 1918 film by Edward Sloman
Wikipedia - A Bit of Love -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Blackmailer's Trick -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Abla Ki Shakti -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - A Blaze in the Northern Sky -- | 1992 studio album by Darkthrone
Wikipedia - Able Archer 83 -- NATO command post exercise in 1983
Wikipedia - A Blind Bargain -- 1922 film by Wallace Worsley
Wikipedia - A Blonde Dream -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Blonde for a Night -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Abnormal Family: Older Brother's Bride -- 1984 film by Masayuki Suo
Wikipedia - Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Act, 1991
Wikipedia - Abolition of the Caliphate -- Event in Turkey in 1924
Wikipedia - Abolition of the Ottoman sultanate -- Abolition of the Ottoman Sultanate by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on 1 November 1922
Wikipedia - A Bomb Was Stolen -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Abominable (2019 film) -- 2019 computer-animated adventure film directed by Jill Culton and Todd Wilderman
Wikipedia - Abomination: The Nemesis Project -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - A Book of Giants -- 1963 fairy tale book by Ruth Manning-Sanders
Wikipedia - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act'' 1984 -- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act'' 1984
Wikipedia - Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 -- Law governing the protection of Aboriginal cultural sites in Western Australia
Wikipedia - Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 -- South Australian legislation
Wikipedia - Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1976 -- Act of the Parliament of Australia, first in the country to recognise the Aboriginal system of land ownership
Wikipedia - Aboriginal Lands Trust Act 1966 -- Act of the Parliament of South Australia, the first major recognition of Aboriginal land rights in Australia
Wikipedia - Abort (film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Abortion in Puerto Rico -- Legal since 1937
Wikipedia - Aboubacry Moussa Lam -- Senegalese historian (b. 1953)
Wikipedia - About an Inquest -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - About Endlessness -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - About Face (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - About Face (1952 film) -- 1952 film by Roy Del Ruth
Wikipedia - About Last Night (1986 film) -- 1986 film by Edward Zwick
Wikipedia - About Love (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - About Mrs. Leslie -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - About That Life (film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - About the Son -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - About Us (novel) -- 1967 book
Wikipedia - About Work the Dancefloor -- 2019 single by Georgia
Wikipedia - Above All Else in the World -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Above All Laws -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Above and Beyond (1952 film) -- 1952 film by Melvin Frank and Norman Panama
Wikipedia - Above Rubies -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Above Suspicion (1943 film) -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Above the Limit -- 1900 American short film directed by Frederick S. Armitage
Wikipedia - Above the Rim -- 1994 film directed by Jeff Pollack
Wikipedia - A Bowery Cinderella -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Boy, a Girl and a Dog -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - A Boy and His Dog (1946 film) -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - A Boy and His Dog (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - A Boy of Flanders -- 1924 film by Victor Schertzinger
Wikipedia - Abracadabra (1952 film) -- 1952 film by Max Neufeld
Wikipedia - Abraham Aiyash -- American politician (b. 1992)
Wikipedia - Abraham Chasanow -- United States government employee (1910-1989)
Wikipedia - Abraham Jacob Hollandersky -- American boxer (1887-1966)
Wikipedia - Abraham Lincoln (1924 film short) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Abraham Lincoln (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Abraham Lincoln (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Abraham, Martin and John -- 1968 song, a memorial for assassinated Americans
Wikipedia - Abraham's Gold -- 1990 film
Wikipedia - Abraham Trommius -- Dutch theologian (b. 1633, d. 1719)
Wikipedia - A Brand New Hero -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Breath of Scandal -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Brewerytown Romance -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Bride for Henry -- 1937 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - A Bridge Too Far (film) -- 1977 film by Richard Attenborough
Wikipedia - A Brief History of Blasphemy -- 1990 book by Richard Webster
Wikipedia - A Brief History of Time -- 1988 book by Stephen Hawking
Wikipedia - A Brief Vacation -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Abriendo Puertas (Jerry Rivera album) -- 1990 studio album by Jerry Rivera
Wikipedia - A Broadway Butterfly -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Broadway Cowboy -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Broadway Scandal -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - A Broken Doll -- 1921 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - A Broken Leghorn -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Bronx Morning -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Bronx Tale -- 1993 film directed by Robert De Niro
Wikipedia - A Brother's Love -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - A. Bruce Bielaski -- Director of the FBI (1883 - 1964)
Wikipedia - Abryanz Style and Fashion Awards 2019 -- Award Ceremony
Wikipedia - Abscam -- 1970s and 1980s FBI sting operation
Wikipedia - Abschied von den Wolken -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Absence of Malice -- 1981 film by Sydney Pollack
Wikipedia - Absence of the Good -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Absent (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Absent Without Leave (film) -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Absolute Beginners (film) -- 1986 film directed by Julien Temple
Wikipedia - Absolute Giganten -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Absolute Hangover -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Absolutely Fabulous (song) -- 1994 single by Pet Shop Boys
Wikipedia - Absolutely Seriously -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Absolute Power (film) -- 1997 American political thriller film directed by Clint Eastwood
Wikipedia - Absolute Quiet -- 1936 film by George B. Seitz
Wikipedia - Absolution (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Abstraktes Bild (809-1) -- 1994 painting by Gerhard Richter
Wikipedia - Abubakar Gumi -- Islamic scholar (1924-1992)
Wikipedia - Abubakar Shekau -- Nigerian militant and leader of Boko Haram (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Abubakar Suleiman -- Nigerian businessman (born 1973)
Wikipedia - A Bucket of Blood -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Abu Dhabi Islands Archaeological Survey -- 1992 archaeological survey mission
Wikipedia - A Bug's Life -- 1998 American computer-animated comedy adventure film produced by Pixar
Wikipedia - Abu Hussain Sarkar -- Bengali politician and Chief Minister of East Pakistan (1894-1969)
Wikipedia - Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi -- Leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant since 2019
Wikipedia - Abujh Mon -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Abulfaz Elchibey -- Azerbaijani statesman (1938-2000)
Wikipedia - Abulhassan Navab -- Iranian professor/cleric (born 1958)
Wikipedia - Abul Kalam Azad (politician, born 1950) -- Bangladesh Awami League politician
Wikipedia - A Bullet for Pretty Boy -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A Bullet in the Gun Barrel -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Bullet in the Head (1990 film) -- 1990 film
Wikipedia - Abu Mohammad al-Adnani -- Former official spokesman for ISIL (1977-2016)
Wikipedia - Abundance of Life -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Abu Nidal -- Palestinian militant, founder of Fatah (1937-2002)
Wikipedia - A Burglar's Mistake -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - Abused Confidence -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Abuse Me -- 1997 single by Silverchair
Wikipedia - Abuse of Power (film) -- 1971 film by Stavros Tsiolis
Wikipedia - Abu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalib -- leader of Banu Hashim, a clan of the Qurayshi tribe of Mecca (c.535-c.619)
Wikipedia - Abyssinia Crisis -- International crisis in 1935
Wikipedia - Abyss (TV series) -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Academia El Tango Argentino -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Academy (automobile) -- English dual-control car built by West of Coventry between 1906 and 1908
Wikipedia - Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union -- Highest scientific institution of the Soviet Union (1925-1991)
Wikipedia - Acadiana (film) -- 2019 Canadian film
Wikipedia - A Cafe in Cairo -- 1924 film by Chester Withey
Wikipedia - A Caixa -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - A Calamitous Elopement -- 1908 film
Wikipedia - A Calculated Risk -- 1992 financial thriller
Wikipedia - A California Romance -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Aca Lukas -- Serbian singer (born 1968)
Wikipedia - A Cancao da Primavera -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Cancao da Saudade -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - A Canine Sherlock Holmes -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Can of Bees -- 1979 album by the Soft Boys
Wikipedia - Acao Games -- Brazilian video game magazine (1991-2003)
Wikipedia - A Caprice of Pompadour -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Captain's Courage -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Acapulco (film) -- 1952 film by Emilio Fernandez
Wikipedia - A Caribbean Mystery -- 1964 Miss Marple novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - A Carol for Another Christmas -- 1964 television film directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Wikipedia - A Casa Assassinada -- 1971 Brazilian drama film
Wikipedia - A Case for PC 49 -- 1951 film by Francis Searle
Wikipedia - A Cat in the Brain -- 1990 film directed by Lucio Fulci
Wikipedia - A Cause to Kill -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A. C. Benson -- English essayist, poet, author and Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge (1862-1925)
Wikipedia - A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada -- Indian spiritual teacher and the founder-preceptor of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (1896-1977)
Wikipedia - Accattone -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Accent on Love -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Accent on Youth (film) -- 1935 film by Wesley Ruggles
Wikipedia - Acceptance and commitment therapy -- Counseling form developed by Steven Hayes in 1982
Wikipedia - Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator -- G20 COVID-19 global initiative
Wikipedia - Accident (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Accident (1976 film) -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Accident (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Accident 703 -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Accidental Meeting (1936 film) -- 1936 film by Igor Savchenko
Wikipedia - Accidents to the Taxes!! -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Accidents Will Happen (film) -- 1938 film by William Clemens
Wikipedia - Accion Comunal -- Panama political movement (1923-1932)
Wikipedia - Accommodation of Crews (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1970 -- International Labour Organization Convention
Wikipedia - Accommodations for Marriage -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Accordiana -- 1934 American musical radio series
Wikipedia - According to Hoyle (film) -- 1922 film by W. S. Van Dyke
Wikipedia - According to Law -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Account Rendered (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Accrington Stanley, Who Are They? -- UK 1980s milk advert
Wikipedia - Accroche-coeur -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Accurate News and Information Act -- A statute passed by the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, Canada, in 1937
Wikipedia - Accused (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Accused (1964 film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Accused of Murder -- 1956 film by Joseph Kane
Wikipedia - Accused, Stand Up! -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Accusing Evidence -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Ace Combat 2 -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Ace Eli and Rodger of the Skies -- 1973 film by John Erman
Wikipedia - Ace High (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Ace High (1919 film) -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Ace in the Hole (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Ace in the Hole (1951 film) -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - A Celebration -- 1982 single by U2
Wikipedia - Ace of Aces (1933 film) -- 1933 film by J. Walter Ruben
Wikipedia - Ace of Action -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Ace of Cactus Range -- 1924 film by Denver Dixon and Malon Andrus
Wikipedia - Ace of Spades (serial) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Ace of the Saddle -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Acerba animi -- 1932 encyclical on persecution of Catholics in Mexico
Wikipedia - A Certain Justice -- 1997 Dalgliesh novel by P. D. James
Wikipedia - A Certain Sacrifice -- 1985 film by Stephen Jon Lewicki
Wikipedia - A Certain Smile (film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Certain Young Man -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Aces and Eights (film) -- 1936 film by Sam Newfield
Wikipedia - Aces Go Places IV -- 1986 film by Ringo Lam
Wikipedia - Aces Wild -- 1936 film by Harry L. Fraser
Wikipedia - Ace Ventura: Pet Detective -- 1994 film by Tom Shadyac
Wikipedia - Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls -- 1995 American comedy film directed by Steve Oedekerk
Wikipedia - A. C. Graham -- British scholar and Sinologist and Professor of Classical Chinese at the University of London (1919-1991)
Wikipedia - A Chair for My Mother -- 1982 children's book by Vera Williams
Wikipedia - Achan (1952 film) -- 1952 film by M.R.S. Mani
Wikipedia - Achanak (1973 film) -- 1973 Hindi film directed by Gulzar
Wikipedia - A Chance Deception -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Chance to Live -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - A Change Is Gonna Come -- 1964 single by Sam Cooke
Wikipedia - A Change of Climate -- 1994 book by Hilary Mantel
Wikipedia - A Change of Spirit -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - Achanum Bappayum -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - A Chapter in Her Life -- 1923 film by Lois Weber
Wikipedia - A Charlie Brown Celebration -- 1982 television film
Wikipedia - A Charlie Brown Christmas -- 1965 television special directed by Bill Melendez
Wikipedia - A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving -- 1973 television special
Wikipedia - A Charming Man -- 1941 film by Martin FriM-DM-^M
Wikipedia - Acharya S -- American Christ myth theorist (1960-2015)
Wikipedia - Achchani -- 1978 film by Karaikudi Narayanan
Wikipedia - Achen Amar Muktar -- 1978 Dhallywood film song
Wikipedia - Acheron-class destroyer -- Class of twenty-three destroyers of the British Royal Navy, completed between 1911 and 1912
Wikipedia - A che servono questi quattrini? -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - A Chess Dispute -- 1903 film by Robert W. Paul
Wikipedia - Achhut Kannya -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Achhut -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Achieving Our Country -- 1998 book by Richard Rorty
Wikipedia - A Child for Sale -- 1920 silent film directed by Ivan Abramson
Wikipedia - A Child in the Crowd -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - A Child Is Born (film) -- 1939 film by Lloyd Bacon
Wikipedia - A Child's Good Night Book -- 1943 Picture book
Wikipedia - Achille De Bassini -- Italian opera singer 1819-1881
Wikipedia - Achille Lauro hijacking -- 1985 hijacking of Italian MS Achille Lauro by four Palestine Liberation Front members off the coast of Egypt
Wikipedia - A Chinese Ghost Story -- 1987 Hong Kong romantic comedy horror film by Ching Siu-tung
Wikipedia - A Chinese Torture Chamber Story -- 1994 film by Wong Jing
Wikipedia - A Choice Not an Echo -- 1964 non-fiction book by Phyllis Schlafly
Wikipedia - A Choice of Magic -- 1971 book by Ruth Manning-Sanders
Wikipedia - A Chorus Line (film) -- 1985 film by Richard Attenborough
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1908 film) -- 1908 film
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1910 film) -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1938 film) -- 1938 American Christmas film directed by Edwin L. Marin
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1982 film) -- 1982 Australian made-for-television animated film
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1984 film) -- 1984 US television film directed by Clive Donner
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1997 film) -- 1997 animated film
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1999 film) -- Television film directed by David Jones
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (2004 film) -- 2004 television film based on a 1994 stage musical
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (TV special) -- 1971 animated film
Wikipedia - A Christmas Story -- 1983 film by Bob Clark
Wikipedia - A Chronicle of Amorous Accidents -- 1986 film by Andrzej Wajda
Wikipedia - A Chrysanthemum Bursts in Cincoesquinas -- 1998 film directed by Daniel Burman
Wikipedia - Achtung! - Auto-Diebe! -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Achtung Baby -- 1991 studio album by U2
Wikipedia - Achtung Panzer: Kharkov 1943 -- 2010 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - A Chump at Oxford -- 1940 film by Alfred J. Goulding
Wikipedia - Achuvettante Veedu -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Acid Dreams (book) -- 1986 non-fiction book by Martin A. Lee and Bruce Shlain
Wikipedia - Acid for the Children -- 2019 memoir of Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea
Wikipedia - Acid house party -- Type of illegal party typically staged in warehouses in 1987-1989
Wikipedia - Acid Tests -- LSD experiments/parties in the 1960s
Wikipedia - Acif HadM-EM->iahmetovic -- Yugoslav politician (1887-1945)
Wikipedia - A Cinema Girl's Romance -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A City Called Copenhagen -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A City Decides -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - A City of Sadness -- 1989 film directed by Hou Hsiao-hsien
Wikipedia - A City Sparrow -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A City Upside Down -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - A Civil War (book) -- 1991 book by Claudio Pavone
Wikipedia - Aci Zafer -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - A-class destroyer (1913) -- 1913 class of British destroyers
Wikipedia - A Class to Remember -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm -- A policy report prepared for the Israeli prime minister in 1996
Wikipedia - A Clean Sweep -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Clean, Well-Lighted Place -- 1933 short story by Ernest Hemingway
Wikipedia - A Clever Dummy -- 1917 silent short film
Wikipedia - A Clockwork Orange (film) -- 1971 film directed by Stanley Kubrick
Wikipedia - A Clockwork Orange (novel) -- 1962 novel by Anthony Burgess
Wikipedia - A Close Call for Ellery Queen -- 1942 film by James P. Hogan
Wikipedia - A Close Call -- 1929 animated film
Wikipedia - A Close Shave -- 1995 animated short film directed by Nick Park
Wikipedia - A Clouded Name -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Acme motorcycle (1939-49) -- Defunct Australian motorcycle manufacturer
Wikipedia - Aconcagua (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - A Coney Island Princess -- 1916 film by Dell Henderson
Wikipedia - A Confucian Confusion -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - A Connecticut Yankee (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Cool Sound from Hell -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Cor do Seu Destino -- 1986 film by Jorge Duran
Wikipedia - A Corner in Cotton -- 1916 film by Fred J. Balshofer
Wikipedia - A Corny Concerto -- 1943 animated short film directed by Bob Clampett
Wikipedia - A Cottage on Dartmoor -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Country Cupid -- 1911 film
Wikipedia - A Country Hero -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - A Couple of Down and Outs -- 1923 film by Walter Summers
Wikipedia - A Course of Modern Analysis -- Landmark textbook in mathematical analysis by E. T. Whittaker, originally published in 1902 with four editions.
Wikipedia - Acoustically Navigated Geological Underwater Survey -- A deep-towed still-camera sled operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in the early 1970s
Wikipedia - Acoustic Dance Party -- 1994 album by Toad the Wet Sprocket
Wikipedia - A Cozy Cottage -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - Acquitted (1916 film) -- 1916 film by Paul Powell
Wikipedia - Acquitted (1929 film) -- 1929 film directed by Frank R. Strayer
Wikipedia - A Crazy Night -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Creampuff Romance -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Critique of Pure Tolerance -- 1965 book by Robert Paul Wolff, Barrington Moore Jr., and Herbert Marcuse
Wikipedia - Acrobatty Bunny -- 1946 Bugs Bunny cartoon
Wikipedia - Across 110th Street -- 1972 film by Barry Shear
Wikipedia - Across Ten Thousand Rivers and One Thousand Mountains -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Across the Alley from the Alamo -- 1946 jazz standard
Wikipedia - Across the Atlantic -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Across the Blue Sea -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Across the Border (film) -- 1922 silent film
Wikipedia - Across the Cemetery -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Across the Continent -- 1922 film by Phil Rosen
Wikipedia - Across the Dead-Line -- 1922 film by Jack Conway
Wikipedia - Across the Desert -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Across the Pacific (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Across the Pacific -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Across the Plains (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Across the Plains (1939 film) -- 1939 film by Spencer Gordon Bennet, Addison Randall
Wikipedia - Across the Rio Grande (film) -- 1949 film directed by Oliver Drake
Wikipedia - Across the Sierras -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Across to Singapore -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Cry for Help (1912 film) -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Cry from the Streets -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Acta General de Chile -- 1986 documentary film directed by Miguel Littin
Wikipedia - Acteon (film) -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - Acting Hamlet in the Village of Mrdusa Donja -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Action (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Action (2019 film) -- Tamil action film directed by Sundar C
Wikipedia - Action at Anguar -- 1945 short documentary film
Wikipedia - Action Front of National Socialists/National Activists -- German neo-Nazi organization banned in 1983
Wikipedia - Action in the North Atlantic -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Action Man (film) -- 1967 film by Jean Delannoy
Wikipedia - Action of 13 May 1944 -- Naval battle during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Action of 17 July 1944 -- Submarine engagement in World War II
Wikipedia - Action of 19 August 1916 -- North Sea naval battle between the UK and German fleets
Wikipedia - Action of 22 September 1914 -- German U-boat ambush of British cruisers
Wikipedia - Action of 26 April 1944 -- Naval battle during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Action of 27 March 1942 -- Naval battle during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Action of 4 April 1941 -- Naval battle during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Action of 6 June 1942 -- Naval battle during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Action of 9 January 1921 -- Short naval battle of the Russian Civil War
Wikipedia - Action Painting II -- 1984 painting by Mark Tansey
Wikipedia - Action Tae Kwon Do -- 1972 Hong Kong film
Wikipedia - Action Taimanin -- 2019 3D action role-playing mobile game
Wikipedia - Active Worlds -- Virtual world launched in 1995
Wikipedia - ActiveX -- Software framework by Microsoft introduced in 1996
Wikipedia - Act of Aggression (film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Act of Betrayal -- 1988 television film by Lawrence Gordon Clark
Wikipedia - Act of Murder (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Act of Reprisal -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Act of Vengeance (1974 film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Act of Violence (1959 film) -- 1958 Australian television film
Wikipedia - Act of Violence -- 1948 film by Fred Zinnemann
Wikipedia - Actor's and Sin -- 1952 film by Ben Hecht and Lee Garmes
Wikipedia - ActRaiser -- 1990 SNES video game
Wikipedia - Acts 19
Wikipedia - Act Zluky -- 1919 agreement
Wikipedia - A Cumberland Romance -- 1920 film directed by Charles Maigne
Wikipedia - A Cure for Pokeritis -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Cure for Suffragettes -- 1913 American silent comedy film
Wikipedia - A Current Affair (American TV program) -- American television newsmagazine program (1986-1996, 2005)
Wikipedia - AD 1319
Wikipedia - Ada (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Ada (2019 film) -- Canadian short film
Wikipedia - Ada Anderson -- 19th-century British athlete
Wikipedia - Ada and Minna Everleigh -- Sisters who ran the Everleigh Club brothel in Chicago from 1900 to 1911
Wikipedia - Adabel Guerrero -- Ukrainian-Argentine burlesque dancer and vedette (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Adada -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Ada Falcon -- Argentine actress (1905-2002)
Wikipedia - Ada I. Pastore -- Argentinian botanist (1906-1952)
Wikipedia - Adalat (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Adalat (1976 film) -- 1976 film directed by Narendra Bedi
Wikipedia - Adalbert Hamman -- French priest and translator (1910-2000)
Wikipedia - Adalu Badalu -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Adam-12 -- American television series 1968-1975
Wikipedia - Adam (2019 American film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Adam (2019 Moroccan film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Adam & Yves -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Adam and Eva -- 1923 film by Robert G. Vignola
Wikipedia - Adam and Eve (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Adam and Eve (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Adam and Eve (1949 film) -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Adam and Eve and Pinch-Me (Johnston novel) -- 1994 young adult novel by Julie Johnston
Wikipedia - Adam and Eve (Rodin) -- 1905 marble sculpture by Auguste Rodin
Wikipedia - Adam and Evil (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Adam and the Serpent -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Adam Apple -- 19th century German American politician and state legislator.
Wikipedia - Ada Mary a Beckett -- Australian educationist (1872-1948)
Wikipedia - Adam at 6 A.M. -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Adam Bede (film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Adam Clayton Powell (film) -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - Adam Clayton Powell Sr. -- American pastor in Harlem (1865-1953)
Wikipedia - Adam Cvijanovic -- American painter (born 1960)
Wikipedia - Adam Had Four Sons -- 1941 film by Gregory Ratoff
Wikipedia - Adam Hanuszkiewicz -- Polish actor (1924-2011)
Wikipedia - Adam Hargreaves -- English writer and illustrator (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Adam Marshall Diston -- Scottish journalist (1893 to 1956)
Wikipedia - Adam Ondra -- Czech climber (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Adam P. Symson -- American median executive (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Adam Ragusea -- American YouTuber (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Adam Rex -- American children's illustrator and writer (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Adam Saitiev -- Russian Olympic wrestler (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Adam's Apple (film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Adam Schlesinger -- American musician (1967-2020)
Wikipedia - A Damsel in Distress (1937 film) -- 1937 film by George Stevens
Wikipedia - A Damsel in Distress (novel) -- 1919 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Adam Sisman -- British writer, biographer, editor (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Adams-Onis Treaty -- Treaty between the United States and Spain, ceding Florida to the U.S. (1819)
Wikipedia - Adam's Rib (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Adam's Rib (TV series) -- American television series - 1973
Wikipedia - Adam's Rib -- 1949 film by George Cukor
Wikipedia - Adam Stewart (cyclist) -- New Zealand racing cyclist (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Adam's Tree -- 1936 film by Mario Bonnard
Wikipedia - Adam's Woman -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Adam von Trott zu Solz -- German noble and diplomat (1909-1944)
Wikipedia - Adana massacre of 1909
Wikipedia - A Dandy in Aspic -- 1968 British spy film directed by Anthony Mann
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Adventure (1937 film) -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Adventure (serial) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Affair (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Age -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Foe -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Game (1922 film) -- 1922 silent film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Game (1924 film) -- 1924 film by Harry Piel
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Game (1941 film) -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Game (novel) -- 1956 novel by Friedrich Durrenmatt
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Woman (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Dangerous Wooing -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Ada Prins -- Dutch chemist (1879-1977)
Wikipedia - Ada (programming language) -- High-level programming language first released in 1980
Wikipedia - Ada "Bricktop" Smith -- American entertainer (1894-1984)
Wikipedia - Ada Rehan -- 19th/20th-century American actress
Wikipedia - Adarer Bon -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - A Dark Lantern -- 1920 film by John S. Robertson
Wikipedia - Adaro Chirta -- 1935 Spanish trainer aircraft
Wikipedia - Adarsha Hindu Hotel (film) -- 1957 Bengali film
Wikipedia - A Darwinian Left -- 1999 book by Peter Singer
Wikipedia - Ada Sacchi Simonetta -- Librarian and women's rights activist (b. 1874, d. 1944)
Wikipedia - A Dash of Courage -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Ad Astra (film) -- 2019 science fiction film directed by James Gray
Wikipedia - A Date with the Falcon -- 1942 film by Irving Reis
Wikipedia - A Daughter in Revolt -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Daughter of Australia (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Daughter of Love -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Daughter of Luxury -- 1922 film by Paul Powell
Wikipedia - A Daughter of the Congo -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Daughter of the Gods -- 1916 film by Herbert Brenon
Wikipedia - A Daughter of the Law -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Daughter of the Poor -- 1917 silent film by Edward Dillon
Wikipedia - A Daughter of the Sioux -- 1925 film directed by Ben F. Wilson
Wikipedia - A Daughter of the Wolf -- 1919 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - A Daughter of Two Worlds -- 1920 film by James Young
Wikipedia - Adavi Donga -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Adavukal Pathinettu -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A Day at School -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Day at the Races (film) -- 1937 Marx Brothers film by Sam Wood
Wikipedia - A Day for Lionhearts -- 1961 Italian war - drama film
Wikipedia - A Day in Court -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - A Day in the Death of Joe Egg (film) -- 1972 film by Peter Medak
Wikipedia - A Day in the Death of Joe Egg -- 1967 play
Wikipedia - A Day of Roses in August -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Day on Mars -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Day's Adventure -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A Day's Pleasure -- 1919 short film by Charlie Chaplin
Wikipedia - A Day to Remember (1991 film) -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - A Day Will Come (1950 film) -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - A Day Will Come -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - A Day with the Devil -- 1945 film
Wikipedia - Ad beatissimi Apostolorum -- 1914 encyclical of Pope Benedict XV
Wikipedia - Addams Groove -- 1991 single by Hammer
Wikipedia - Addicted to Love (film) -- 1997 romantic comedy film directed by Griffin Dunne
Wikipedia - Addicted to Love (song) -- 1986 single by Robert Palmer
Wikipedia - Ad diem illum -- 1904 encyclical on Mariology
Wikipedia - Addio, figlio mio! -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Addis Abebe -- Ethiopian long-distance runner (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Addison Brown -- American judge, botanist, and amateur astronomer (1830-1913)
Wikipedia - Address to the Women of America -- 1971 speech by Gloria Steinem
Wikipedia - Address Unknown (1938 novel) -- Short novel by Kathrine Taylor
Wikipedia - Address Unknown (1944 film) -- 1944 film
Wikipedia - A Dead Certainty -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Deadly Game (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - A Deadly Secret (film) -- 1980 Hong Kong film
Wikipedia - A Dead Secret -- 1959 film directed by William Sterling
Wikipedia - A Dear Fool -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Adebayo Faleti -- Nigerian actor (1921-2017)
Wikipedia - A Debt of Honour (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Debt of Honour -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Debtor to the Law -- 1919 American motion picture
Wikipedia - A Decree of Destiny -- 1911 film
Wikipedia - A Deeper Love -- 1991 single by Clivilles & Cole
Wikipedia - A Defeated People -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - A Defence of Masochism -- 1998 non-fiction book on BDSM by Anita Phillips
Wikipedia - Adegoke Adelabu -- Nigerian politician (1915-1958)
Wikipedia - A Degree of Murder -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - Ade Kannu -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Adekunle Akinlade -- Nigerian politician (b. 1969)
Wikipedia - Adelaide Casely-Hayford -- 19th and 20th-century Sierra Leonean activist, educator, feminist and writer
Wikipedia - Adelaide Hawkins -- American cryptologist (b. 1914, d. 2008)
Wikipedia - Adelante (Sash! song) -- 1999 single by Sash!
Wikipedia - Adele Almati -- German-Swedish opera singer 1861-1919
Wikipedia - Adele and Co. -- 1931 novel by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - Adele (film) -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Adele Gerard Lewis Grant -- American botanist (1881-1969)
Wikipedia - Adele Hommaire de Hell -- 19th-century French explorer and writer
Wikipedia - Adelheid (film) -- 1970 Czechoslovak drama film
Wikipedia - Adelheid und ihre Morder -- 1993-2007 German comedy-drama television series
Wikipedia - Adelina Adalis -- Soviet poet (1900-1969)
Wikipedia - Adeline Ames -- American mycologist (1879-1976)
Wikipedia - Adem Demaci -- Albanian politician (1936-2018)
Wikipedia - Adentro Cojutepeque -- 1942 song by Francisco Palaviccini
Wikipedia - A Desert Hero -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - A Design for Life -- 1996 single by Manic Street Preachers
Wikipedia - A Desperate Adventure (film) -- 1938 film by John H. Auer
Wikipedia - A Desperate Adventure -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - A Desperate Chance for Ellery Queen -- 1942 film by James P. Hogan
Wikipedia - A Desperate Chance -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Desperate Moment -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Adetola Nola -- Entrepreneur (b. 1990)
Wikipedia - Adeva! -- 1989 studio album by Adeva
Wikipedia - A Devil of a Woman -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - A Devil with Women -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Adewale Ayuba -- Nigerian singer (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Ad Fundum -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - A. D. Godley -- British classical scholar and poet (1856-1925)
Wikipedia - Adharmam -- 1994 film by Ramesh Balakrishnan
Wikipedia - Adhikar (1986 film) -- 1986 film directed by Vijay Sadanah
Wikipedia - Adhithan Kanavu -- 1948 Tamil film directed by T. R. Sundaram
Wikipedia - Adhyarathri -- A 2019 Malayalam language comedy film
Wikipedia - Adhyayam Onnu Muthal -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - A Diary of Chuji's Travels -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Adia -- 1998 single by Sarah McLachlan
Wikipedia - A Dictionary of Musical Themes -- 1949 reference book by Morgenstern and Barlow
Wikipedia - Adicto (Tainy, Anuel AA and Ozuna song) -- 2019 song by Tainy
Wikipedia - Adi Dharm -- Religious movement from mid-19th century Bengal
Wikipedia - Adiemus (song) -- 1995 single by Karl Jenkins
Wikipedia - Adieu Blaireau -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Adieu Bonaparte -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Adieu Philippine -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - A Different Approach -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A Different Beat (song) -- 1996 single by Boyzone
Wikipedia - A Different Story -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Adimai Penn -- 1969 film by K. Shankar
Wikipedia - Adimakal Udamakal -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Adimakkachavadam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Adina Megha -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Adios Amigo -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Adios gringo -- 1965 film by Giorgio Stegani
Wikipedia - Adios pampa mia -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Adios, Roberto -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Adios, Sabata -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A Diplomatic Mission -- 1918 American silent comedy drama film
Wikipedia - A Diplomatic Wife -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Adirondack Fire -- U.S. wildfire in 1903
Wikipedia - A Dispatch from Reuters -- 1940 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - A Distant Mirror -- 1978 history book by Barbara Tuchman
Wikipedia - Adithya Varma -- 2019 film directed by Gireesaaya
Wikipedia - Aditi Sharma (actress, born 1983) -- Indian television and film actress
Wikipedia - Aditi Sharma (actress, born 1996) -- Indian television actress
Wikipedia - Aditi Singh (politician) -- Indian politician (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Aditya 369 -- 1991 film directed by Singeetam Srinivasa Rao
Wikipedia - Adiverukal -- 1986 film by P. Anil
Wikipedia - A Division of the Spoils -- 1975 book by Paul Scott
Wikipedia - Adlai Stevenson I -- 19th-century U.S. Vice President and Congressman from Illinois
Wikipedia - Adlan Varayev -- Russian Olympic wrestler (1962-2016)
Wikipedia - Adler (cars and motorcycle) -- 1900-1957 automobile and motorcycle manufacturer in Germany
Wikipedia - Adlerwerke vorm. Heinrich Kleyer -- 1930s aircraft manufacturer in Germany
Wikipedia - Administration of Estates Act 1925 -- UK statute
Wikipedia - Adnan al-Zurfi -- Iraqi faqih and politician (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Adnan Pachachi -- Iraqi politician, diplomat and Foreign Minister (1923-2019)
Wikipedia - Ado Ahmad Gidan Dabino -- Hausa writer and director (b. 1964)
Wikipedia - A Doctor's Diary -- 1937 film by Charles Vidor
Wikipedia - A Dog in Space -- 1966 film by Antonio Roman, Antonio del Amo
Wikipedia - A Dog of Flanders (1935 film) -- 1935 film directed by Edward Sloman
Wikipedia - A Dog of the Regiment -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Dog on Barkham Street -- 1960 book by Mary Stolz
Wikipedia - A Dog's Best Friend -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Dog's Journey (film) -- 2019 film by Gail Mancuso
Wikipedia - A Dog's Life (1950 film) -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - A Dog's Life -- 1918 film by Charlie Chaplin
Wikipedia - A Dog's Way Home -- 2019 film directed by Charles Martin Smith
Wikipedia - Adolescence (film) -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - Adolescence of Cain -- 1959 film by Roman Chalbaud
Wikipedia - Adolescence of Utena -- 1999 film by Kunihiko Ikuhara
Wikipedia - Adolescencia -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Adolf Bottger -- German translator and poet (1815-1970)
Wikipedia - Adolf Butenandt -- German biochemist (1939 Nobel Prize)
Wikipedia - Adolf Engler -- German botanist (1844-1930)
Wikipedia - Adolf Klose -- German engineer and businessman (1844-1923)
Wikipedia - Adolf Muller (politician, born 1916) -- German politician
Wikipedia - Adolfo Suarez -- Prime Minister of Spain (1976-1981)
Wikipedia - Adolf von Harnack -- Baltic German theologian and Church historian (1851-1930)
Wikipedia - Adolf Wilbrandt -- German novelist and dramatist (1837-1911)
Wikipedia - A Doll's Dream -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - A Doll's House (1917 film) -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - A Doll's House (1922 film) -- 1922 film by Charles Bryant
Wikipedia - A Doll Wife -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Adolph Cornelis van Bruggen -- Dutch biologist (1929-2016)
Wikipedia - Adolphe (ship) -- Ship wrecked on Hunter River in New South Wales, Australia in 1904
Wikipedia - Adolph J. Sabath -- American politician (1866-1952)
Wikipedia - Adolph Medlycott -- Bishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Thrissur (1838-1918)
Wikipedia - Adoor Gopalakrishnan -- Indian film director (born 1941)
Wikipedia - A Door into Ocean -- 1986 feminist science fiction novel by Joan Slonczewski
Wikipedia - Adoption (film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Adorabili e bugiarde -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Adorable Creatures -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Adorable (film) -- 1933 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - Adorable Julia -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Adorable Liar -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Adorable Lies -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Adoration (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Adoration (2019 film) -- 2019 film directed by Fabrice Du Welz
Wikipedia - Adore You (Harry Styles song) -- 2019 single by Harry Styles
Wikipedia - Adoring -- 2019 film directed by Yang Zi
Wikipedia - A Double-Dyed Deceiver -- 1920 film by Alfred E. Green
Wikipedia - A Double Life (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - A Double Life (1947 film)
Wikipedia - A Double Winning -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Ad Petri Cathedram -- 1959 papal encyclical of pastoral character
Wikipedia - A Dream Is What You Wake Up From -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A Dream of Happiness -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - A Dream of Passion -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A Dream of Red Mansions (1988 film series) -- Serial feature film by Xie Tieli
Wikipedia - A Dream or Two Ago -- 1916 film by James Kirkwood
Wikipedia - Adriaan Diedericks -- Artist (b. 1990)
Wikipedia - Adriana Ambesi -- Italian film actress of the 1960s
Wikipedia - Adriana Chechik -- American pornographic actress (born 1991)
Wikipedia - Adriana Lecouvreur (film) -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Adrian Fortescue -- 19th and 20th-century English Catholic priest and scholar
Wikipedia - Adrian Hall (artist) -- Conceptual and performance artist (b. 1943)
Wikipedia - Adrian Juarez Jimenez -- Mexican politician (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Adrien Costa -- American cyclist (born 1997)
Wikipedia - Adrienne Lecouvreur (film) -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Adrienne Martyn -- New Zealand photographer (1950- )
Wikipedia - Adrienne Shelly -- American actress (1966-2006)
Wikipedia - Adrienn Toth -- Hungarian modern pentathlete (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Adrishtam -- 1939 film by S. D. S. Yogi
Wikipedia - Adri van Westerop -- Luxembourg chemist, author, and politician (1957-2009)
Wikipedia - A Drive into the Blue -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - A Drum for Ben Boyd -- 1948 book by Francis Webb
Wikipedia - A Drunkard's Reformation -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - Adua and Her Friends -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Ducking They Did Go -- 1939 film by Del Lord
Wikipedia - Adukkan Entheluppam -- 1986 film directed by Jeassy
Wikipedia - Adult Behavior -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Adult Children -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Adult Education (song) -- 1984 single by Hall & Oates
Wikipedia - Adultery: A User's Guide -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - Adultery Tree -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Adults in the Room -- 2019 film by Costa-Gavras
Wikipedia - Aduthathu Albert -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Adutha Varisu -- 1983 film by S. P. Muthuraman
Wikipedia - Adutha Veettu Penn -- 1960 film by Vedantam Raghavaiah
Wikipedia - Aduva Gombe -- 2019 film by S. K. Bhagavan
Wikipedia - Adva Cohen -- Israeli runner (born 1996)
Wikipedia - Advance Australia Fair -- Official national anthem of Australia since 1984
Wikipedia - Advanced Lawnmower Simulator -- 1988 video game
Wikipedia - Advance to the Rear -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Advantage (film) -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Adventure (1925 film) -- 1925 film by Victor Fleming
Wikipedia - Adventure (1926 schooner) -- 1926 schooner
Wikipedia - Adventure (1945 film) -- 1945 American romantic drama film
Wikipedia - Adventure (1980 video game) -- Landmark Atari video game from 1980
Wikipedia - Adventure Girl -- 1934 American adventure documentary directed by Herman C. Raymaker
Wikipedia - Adventure in Diamonds -- 1940 film by George Fitzmaurice
Wikipedia - Adventure in Manhattan -- 1936 film by Edward Ludwig
Wikipedia - Adventure in Paradise -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Adventure in Paris -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Adventure in Sahara -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Adventure in the Bronx -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Adventure in Warsaw -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Adventure in Washington -- 1941 film directed by Alfred Edward Green
Wikipedia - Adventure Island 3 -- 1992 NES game
Wikipedia - Adventure Island II -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Adventure on the Night Express -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Adventure on the Southern Express -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Adventurer at the Door -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Adventurer's Fate -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Adventure's End -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Adventures in a City that does not Exist -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Adventures in Babysitting -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Adventures in Perception -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Adventures in Silverado -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of a Brown Man in Search of Civilization -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of Aladdin -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of a Plumber's Mate -- 1978 film by Stanley Long
Wikipedia - Adventures of a Private Eye -- 1977 film by Stanley Long
Wikipedia - Adventures of a Taxi Driver -- 1976 film by Stanley Long
Wikipedia - Adventures of Carol -- 1917 US silent film directed by Harley Knoles
Wikipedia - Adventures of Joselito and Tom Thumb -- 1960 film by Rene Cardona
Wikipedia - Adventures of Juan Lucas -- 1949 film by Rafael Gil
Wikipedia - Adventures of Juku the Dog -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of Krosh -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of Nils Holgersson -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of Red Ryder -- 1940 film by John English, William Witney
Wikipedia - Adventures of Rusty -- 1945 film by Paul Burnford
Wikipedia - Adventures of Sherlock Holmes; or, Held for Ransom -- 1905 film by J. Stuart Blackton
Wikipedia - Adventures of Superman (TV series) -- US 1950s television series
Wikipedia - Adventures of Tarzan -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of the Barber of Seville -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of the Bengal Lancers -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of the Queen -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of Zatoichi -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Adventure Time (1959 TV series) -- 1959-1975 live-action television show for children on WTAE TV-4 in Pittsburgh
Wikipedia - Adventurous Youth -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Advice from a Caterpillar -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Advice to the Lovelorn -- 1933 film by Alfred L. Werker
Wikipedia - Advise & Consent -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Advise and Consent -- 1959 book by Allen Drury
Wikipedia - Advisory opinion on Western Sahara -- 1975 ICJ advisory body on Western Sahara
Wikipedia - Advocate (2019 film) -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - Adwa (film) -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Adweek -- Weekly American advertising trade publication that was first published in 1979
Wikipedia - A Dying Nation -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - AEC Renown -- Double decker bus manufactured by AEC (1952-1967)
Wikipedia - Aegean Goddess -- Cruise ship launched in 1994
Wikipedia - AEG -- 1883-1996 electrical equipment and aircraft manufacturer of Germany
Wikipedia - A. E. Housman -- British classical scholar and poet (1859-1936)
Wikipedia - AEIOU (film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Aelita -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Aenigma (film) -- 1987 Italian horror film by Lucio Fulci
Wikipedia - Aera! Aera! Aera! -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Aer Lingus Flight 712 -- Flight which crashed en route from Cork to London on 24 March 1968
Wikipedia - Aero A.24 -- 1920s prototype bomber aircraft by Aero Vodochody
Wikipedia - Aerocar Aero-Plane -- Light aircraft flown in 1964
Wikipedia - Aero Fighters -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Aero Flight 311 -- 1961 aviation accident in Kvevlax, Finland
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 101/435 -- 1985 aircraft hijacking
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 109 -- 1973 plane crash caused by hijacker with bomb
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 13 -- 1973 Antonov An-24 crash in Baku
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 141 -- 1973 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 1492 -- Aviation accident in Moscow on 5 May 2019
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 1661 -- 1970 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 1912 -- 1971 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 19 -- 1973 airliner hijacking in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 2022 -- Tupolev Tu-124 crash in 1973
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 2174 -- 1971 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 244 -- 1970 hijacking in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 315 (1960) -- 1960 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 3519 -- 1984 Russian aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 36 (1960) -- 1960 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 3630 -- 1970 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 3932 -- 1973 plane crash in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 6263 -- 1973 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 630 -- 1973 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 6551 -- 1973 Aeroflot Il-18 crash
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 6709 -- 1978 Russian aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 699 -- 1988 Russian aircraft accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 773 -- 1971 airliner bombing
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 7841 -- Soviet passenger flight involved in a 1985 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 964 -- October 1973 Tupolev Tu-104 crash in Moscow
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight U-45 -- 1970 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aerolineas Argentinas Flight 707 -- 1970 aviation accident in Argentina
Wikipedia - Aeromexico Flight 229 -- 1973 aviation accident in Mexico
Wikipedia - Aero NT-54 -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Aeropostal Alas de Venezuela Flight 108 -- 1991 aviation accident in Venezuela
Wikipedia - Aero Spacelines -- 1960s aircraft manufacturer in the United States
Wikipedia - Aerospatiale Gazelle -- Light helicopter, French, 1973-present
Wikipedia - AeroTech -- 1996 wargame
Wikipedia - Aesop's Fables (film series) -- Series of animated short films (1921-1933)
Wikipedia - A Esposa do Solteiro -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A. E. Sunderland -- American politician (1866-1940)
Wikipedia - Aeterna Dei sapientia -- 1961 encyclical on the unity of Christendom
Wikipedia - A. E. van Vogt -- Canadian science fiction author (1912-2000)
Wikipedia - A. E. W. Mason -- English novelist (1865-1948)
Wikipedia - A Face in the Crowd (film) -- 1957 American drama film by Elia Kazan
Wikipedia - A Face in the Fog -- 1936 film by Robert F. Hill
Wikipedia - A Faithful Soldier of Pancho Villa -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - A Fallen Idol -- 1919 film by Kenean Buel
Wikipedia - A False Student -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Family Affair (1937 film) -- 1937 film by George B. Seitz
Wikipedia - A Family Thing -- 1996 American film directed by Richard Pearce
Wikipedia - A Fan's Notes (film) -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - A Farewell to Arms (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Farewell to Arms (1957 film) -- 1957 American drama film by Charles Vidor
Wikipedia - A Farewell to Arms -- 1929 novel by Ernest Hemingway
Wikipedia - A Farewell to Kings (song) -- 1977 song by Rush
Wikipedia - A Farewell to the Woman Called My Sister -- 1957 film by IshirM-EM-^M Honda
Wikipedia - Afarit el-asphalt -- 1996 Egyptian action thriller film
Wikipedia - A Farmer's Life -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - A Farmyard Drama -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Father Without Knowing It -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Favor to a Friend -- 1919 film by John Ince
Wikipedia - A Feather in Her Hat -- 1935 film by Alfred Santell
Wikipedia - Afeez Oyetoro -- Nigerian comic actor (born 1963)
Wikipedia - A Feud in the Kentucky Hills -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Few Good Men -- 1992 American legal drama film by Rob Reiner
Wikipedia - A Few Moments with Eddie Cantor -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Few Notes on Our Food Problem -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - A Few Ole Country Boys -- 1990 single by Randy Travis
Wikipedia - A Few Quick Ones -- 1959 short story collection by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - A Few Words About Breasts -- May 1972 essay by Nora Ephron
Wikipedia - Affair at the Grand Hotel -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Affaire des Fiches -- 1904-1905 French political scandal
Wikipedia - Affair in Havana -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Affair in Trinidad -- 1952 film by Vincent Sherman
Wikipedia - Affairs of a Gentleman -- 1934 American drama film directed by Edwin L. Marin
Wikipedia - Affairs of Cappy Ricks -- 1937 film by Ralph Staub
Wikipedia - Affectionately Yours (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Affectionately Yours -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Affection (film) -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Affliction (1996 film) -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - AffM-CM-&ren Birte -- 1945 film
Wikipedia - Afghan cameleers in Australia -- Camel drivers in Australia (c.1860s-1930s)
Wikipedia - Afghan Girl -- 1985 cover photograph on National Geographic magazine
Wikipedia - Afida Turner -- French-American singer, actress (born 1976)
Wikipedia - A Fight for Love -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - A Fighting Colleen -- 1919 silent film by David Smith
Wikipedia - A Fight to the Finish (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Fight to the Finish -- 1937 film by Charles C. Coleman
Wikipedia - Afilando los cuchillos -- Puerto Rico 2019 protest song
Wikipedia - A Film for the Future -- 1998 single by Idlewild
Wikipedia - A Final Reckoning -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Fine Romance (film) -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - A Fire Upon the Deep -- 1992 science fiction novel by Vernor Vinge
Wikipedia - A Fistful of Death -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - A Fistful of Dollars -- 1964 film directed by Sergio Leone
Wikipedia - Aflame in the Sky -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Flash of Light -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - A Flea on the Scales -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - A Flintstones Christmas Carol -- 1994 Flintstones Christmas special
Wikipedia - A Flirt's Mistake -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Florida Feud -- 1909 film directed by Sidney Olcott
Wikipedia - A Flower Above the Clouds -- 2019 Burmese film
Wikipedia - A Flower in Hell -- 1958 Korean film directed by Shin Sang-ok
Wikipedia - A. F. M. Ahsanuddin Chowdhury -- Public servant, judge and President of Bangladesh (1915-2001)
Wikipedia - Afonya -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - A Fool and His Money (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Fool and His Money (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Foolish Maiden -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Fool's Advice -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Fool's Awakening -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - A Fool's Revenge -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - A Fool There Was (1914 film) -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Fool There Was (1915 film) -- 1915 American silent film
Wikipedia - A Fool There Was (1922 film) -- 1922 film by Emmett J. Flynn
Wikipedia - A Foozle at the Tee Party -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A for Apple -- 2019 Malayalam-language film
Wikipedia - A Foreign Affair (Gasolin' album) -- 1997 compilation album by Gasolin'
Wikipedia - A Forest -- 1980 song by The Cure
Wikipedia - A Forever Kind of Love -- 1962 single by Bobby Vee
Wikipedia - A Formula do Amor -- 1985 song performed by Kid Abelha
Wikipedia - A Fowl Proceeding -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A. F. P. Hulsewe -- Dutch Sinologist and scholar best known for his studies of ancient Chinese law (1910-1993)
Wikipedia - Afraid (Motley Crue song) -- 1997 single by Motley Crue
Wikipedia - Afraid of Love (film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Afraid to Die -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Afraid to Fight -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Afraid to Love -- 1927 film by Edward H. Griffith
Wikipedia - Afraid to Talk -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Free People -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Free Soul -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A French Woman -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - A Fresh Air Romance -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Fresh Start -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - Africa (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Africa (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Africa Adventure -- 1954 American documentary film directed by Robert C. Ruark
Wikipedia - Africa Before Dark -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Africa, Center of the World -- 1981 studio album by Roy Ayers
Wikipedia - Africadalli Sheela -- 1986 film by Dwarakish
Wikipedia - Africa Express (film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources -- Continent-wide agreement signed in 1968 in Algiers
Wikipedia - African reference alphabet -- Set of 60 letters (in the latter edition), used for writing various African languages; initially proposed in 1978 and revised in 1982
Wikipedia - African Transformation Movement -- South African political party (e. 2019)
Wikipedia - African Treasure -- 1952 film directed by Ford Beebe
Wikipedia - Africa, Prelude to Victory -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Africa Speaks! -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Africa Squeaks -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Africa (Toto song) -- 1981 Toto song
Wikipedia - Afric Simone -- Mozambican musician (born 1956)
Wikipedia - A Friendly Husband -- 1923 film by John G. Blystone
Wikipedia - A Friend of Cupid -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Friend of the Deceased -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - A Frightful Blunder -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Afrikan tM-CM-$hti -- 1951 Finnish board game
Wikipedia - Afrikanych -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Afrique-sur-Seine -- 1955 French film
Wikipedia - Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Conference, 1957 -- 1957 political conference in Cairo, Egypt
Wikipedia - Afro-Bossa -- 1963 album by Duke Ellington
Wikipedia - Afrojack -- Dutch record producer and DJ (born 1987)
Wikipedia - A Front Page Story -- 1922 film by Jess Robbins
Wikipedia - Afsporet -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - After All It's Only Life -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - After All (play) -- 1929 play
Wikipedia - After a Million -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - After Babel -- 1975 book by George Steiner
Wikipedia - After Business Hours -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - After Casanova's Fashion -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - After Darkness (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - After Darkness (2019 film) -- 2019 American-Mexican science fiction film by Batan Silva
Wikipedia - After Five in the Forest Primeval -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - After Five -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Afterglow (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - After His Own Heart -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - After Hours (1958 British TV series) -- 1958 British TV series
Wikipedia - After Hours (film) -- 1985 film directed by Martin Scorsese
Wikipedia - After Hours (novel) -- 1979 Edwin Torres crime novel
Wikipedia - After Jimmy -- 1996 CBS TV movie directed by Glenn Jordan
Wikipedia - Afterlife (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - After Many Days -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - After Many Years (1908 film) -- 1908 film
Wikipedia - After Many Years (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - After Maria -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - AfterMASH -- 1980s American comedy TV series; sequel to M*A*S*H
Wikipedia - Aftermath (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Aftermath of Battles Without Honor and Humanity -- 1979 film by Eiichi Kudo
Wikipedia - After Midnight (1927 film) -- 1927 film by Monta Bell
Wikipedia - After Midnight with Boston Blackie -- 1943 film by Lew Landers
Wikipedia - Afternoon Off -- 1979 film by Stephen Frears
Wikipedia - Afternoon of the Bulls -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - After Office Hours (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - After Office Hours -- 1935 film by Robert Zigler Leonard
Wikipedia - Afterparty (video game) -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Aftershock: Earthquake in New York -- 1999 miniseries directed by Mikael Salomon
Wikipedia - After the Axe -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - After the Ball (1914 film) -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - After the Ball (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - After the Ball (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - After the Ball (1957 film) -- 1957 film by Compton Bennett
Wikipedia - After the Dance (film) -- 1935 American drama film directed by Leo Bulgakov
Wikipedia - After the Earthquake -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - After the Fire Over Russia -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - After the Funeral -- 1953 Poirot novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - After the Love Has Gone (Steps song) -- 1999 single by Steps
Wikipedia - After the Lovin' (album) -- 1976 album by Engelbert Humperdinck
Wikipedia - After the Promise -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - After the Raid -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - After the Rain Comes Sunshine -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - After the Rain, on Thursday -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - After the Show (film) -- 1921 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - After the Storm (1915 film) -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - After the Storm (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - After the Thin Man -- 1936 film by W. S. Van Dyke
Wikipedia - After the Truth -- 1999 German film
Wikipedia - After the Verdict (novel) -- 1924 novel by Robert Hichens
Wikipedia - After the Verdict -- 1929 film by Henrik Galeen
Wikipedia - After the Wedding (1962 film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - After Tomorrow -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - After Virtue -- 1981 book by Alasdair MacIntyre
Wikipedia - Afterwards (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - After Winter: Sterling Brown -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - After You Duchess -- 1954 French comedy film
Wikipedia - After You've Gone (song) -- 1918 song
Wikipedia - A Fugitive from Matrimony -- 1919 film by Henry King
Wikipedia - A Full House -- 1920 film by James Cruze
Wikipedia - A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (film) -- 1966 film by Richard Lester
Wikipedia - Afzal Tauseef -- Pakistani writer, columnist (1936-2014)
Wikipedia - Afzal-ul Amin -- Indian politician and social worker (1915-1983)
Wikipedia - Agadadash Gurbanov -- Azerbaijani actor (1911-1965)
Wikipedia - Again (Alice in Chains song) -- 1996 single by Alice in Chains
Wikipedia - Again and Again (Status Quo song) -- 1978 single by Status Quo
Wikipedia - Against a Crooked Sky -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Against All Odds (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Against All Odds (1984 film) -- 1984 film directed by Taylor Hackford
Wikipedia - Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now) -- 1984 single by Phil Collins
Wikipedia - Against All -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Against Her Will: An Incident in Baltimore -- 1992 film directed by Delbert Mann
Wikipedia - Against Our Will -- 1975 book by Susan Brownmiller
Wikipedia - Against the Grain (Acoustic Alchemy album) -- 1994 studio album by Acoustic Alchemy
Wikipedia - Against the Law (1950 film) -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Against Wind and Tide: A Cuban Odyssey -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - A Gallery of Children -- 1925 book by A. A. Milne
Wikipedia - Agal Vilakku -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A Gamble in Lives -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Gambler's Honor -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Gamble with Death -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Gamble with Hearts -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Gamblin' Fool -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Game Chicken -- 1922 film by Chester M. Franklin
Wikipedia - A Game of Death -- 1945 film by Robert Wise
Wikipedia - A Game of Wits -- 1917 silent ilm by Henry King
Wikipedia - A Game with Stones -- 1965 film by Jan M-EM- vankmajer
Wikipedia - A Gangstergirl -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - A Garibaldian in the Convent -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - A Gasoline Wedding -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Agata Pyzik -- Polish journalist (born 1983)
Wikipedia - Agatha (film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Agatha, Stop That Murdering! -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Gathering of Days -- 1979 novel by Joan Blos
Wikipedia - A Gathering of Eagles -- 1963 film by Delbert Mann
Wikipedia - A Gathering of Old Men (film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Agathiyar -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - A. G. C. Bierer -- Oklahoma judge (b. 1862, d. 1951)
Wikipedia - Agda Meyerson -- 19th and 20th-century Swedish nurse and activist
Wikipedia - Age 13 -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Age 7 in America -- 1991 American documentary film
Wikipedia - Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 -- United States labor law
Wikipedia - Agee (film) -- 1980 film
Wikipedia - A-Ge-Man: Tales of a Golden Geisha -- 1990 Japanese comedy film by JM-EM-+zM-EM-^M Itami
Wikipedia - Agenda 21 -- Decision Taken Rio Summit, 1992
Wikipedia - A General Theory of Exploitation and Class -- 1982 book by John Roemer
Wikipedia - A Gentle Madness -- 1995 book
Wikipedia - A Gentleman After Dark -- 1942 film by Edwin L. Marin
Wikipedia - A Gentleman at Heart -- 1942 film by Ray McCarey
Wikipedia - A Gentleman in Tails -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of France -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of Leisure (1915 film) -- 1915 film by George Melford
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of Leisure (1923 film) -- 1923 film by Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of Leisure -- 1910 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of Paris (1927 film) -- 1927 film by Harry dM-bM-^@M-^YAbbadie dM-bM-^@M-^YArrast
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of Paris (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of Quality -- 1919 film by James Young
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of the Ring (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Gentleman of the Ring (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Gentleman Preferred -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Gentleman's Agreement -- 1918 film by David Smith
Wikipedia - A Gentle Woman -- 1969 film by Robert Bresson
Wikipedia - Agent Running in the Field -- 2019 novel by John le Carre
Wikipedia - Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya -- 2019 film directed by Swaroop RSJ
Wikipedia - Agent trouble -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Age of Apocalypse -- 1995-96 Marvel comic book crossover
Wikipedia - Age of Consent (film) -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition -- 2019 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Age of Empires II -- 1999 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Age of Enlightenment -- European cultural movement of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries
Wikipedia - Age of Indiscretion -- 1935 film by Edward Ludwig
Wikipedia - Age of X-Man -- 2019 crossover of Marvel Comics
Wikipedia - A German Robinson Crusoe -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Aggie Appleby, Maker of Men -- 1933 film by Mark Sandrich
Wikipedia - Aggi Pidugu -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Aggrey House -- Hostel in London in 1934 for African students and students of African descent
Wikipedia - Aggro Santos -- Brazilian-British rapper (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Aghaat -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - A Gift For Whom You Hate -- 2019 Thai television series
Wikipedia - A Gift of Magic -- 1971 young adult supernatural novel by Lois Duncan
Wikipedia - A Gipsy Cavalier -- 1922 film by J. Stuart Blackton
Wikipedia - A Girl, a Guy and a Gob -- 1941 film by Richard Wallace
Wikipedia - A Girl and a Dolphin -- 1979 Soviet/Russian animated film directed by Rozaliya Zelma
Wikipedia - A Girl... and a Million -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - A Girl at Bay -- 1919 film by Tom Mills
Wikipedia - A Girl Called Jules -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A Girl Called Rosemary -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - A Girl from Hunan -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - A Girl from Paris -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A Girl from the Chorus -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - A Girl from the Reeperbahn -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Girl Goes Ashore -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - A Girl in Australia -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - A Girl in Every Port (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Girl Like You (Edwyn Collins song) -- 1994 single by Edwyn Collins
Wikipedia - A Girl Missing -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - A Girl Must Live -- 1939 film by Carol Reed
Wikipedia - A Girl Named Mary -- 1919 film by Walter Edwards
Wikipedia - A Girl of London -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Girl of the Bush -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Girl of the Limberlost (1924 film) -- 1924 film directed by James Leo Meehan
Wikipedia - A Girl of the Limberlost (1934 film) -- 1934 film directed by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - A Girl of the People -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Girl of the Timber Claims -- 1917 film by Paul Powell
Wikipedia - A Girl of Yesterday -- 1915 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - A Girl's Own Story -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - A Girl's Stratagem -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Girl's Tears -- 1980 film
Wikipedia - A Girl with Guitar -- 1958 Soviet musical comedy film
Wikipedia - A Girl with Ideas -- 1937 film by S. Sylvan Simon
Wikipedia - A Girl with Temperament -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Agitated Women -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Glass Eye at a Keyhole -- 1938 book
Wikipedia - A Glass of Rage -- 1999 film directed by Aluizio Abranches
Wikipedia - A Glass of Water (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Glass of Water (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Global Affair -- 1964 film by Jack Arnold
Wikipedia - A Glove Shop in Vienna: And Other Stories -- 1984 short story collection by Eva Ibbotson
Wikipedia - Agnee Morcha -- 1997 film directed by Raju Chouhan
Wikipedia - Agnelli family -- Italian industrial family founded by Giovanni Agnelli (1866-1945)
Wikipedia - Agnes Arber -- British botanist (1879-1960)
Wikipedia - Agnes Arnau and Her Three Suitors -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Agnes Cecilia - en sM-CM-$llsam historia -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Agnes de Mille -- American dancer and choreographer (1905-1993)
Wikipedia - Agnes E. Wells -- American mathematician, educator and women's rights activist (1876-1959)
Wikipedia - Agnes Jones Adams -- African American activist and teacher (1858-1923)
Wikipedia - Agnes Joy -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Agnes J. Quirk -- American botanist (1884-1974)
Wikipedia - Agnes Larson -- American historian, 1892-1957
Wikipedia - Agnes Morgan -- American director, theatrical producer and actor (1879-1976)
Wikipedia - Agnes of God (film) -- 1985 film by Norman Jewison
Wikipedia - Agnes of God -- 1979 play by John Pielmeier
Wikipedia - Agnes Salm-Salm -- American wife of Prussian prince and soldier of fortune (1844-1912)
Wikipedia - Agni (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Agnichakra (film) -- 1997 Hindi film
Wikipedia - Agnieszka Arnold -- Polish documentary filmmaker born 1947
Wikipedia - Agnikankan: Branded Oath -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Agni Muhurtham -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Agni Natchathiram -- 1988 film by Mani Ratnam
Wikipedia - Agni Parvatam -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Agniparvatham -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Agni Putrudu -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Agni Sakshi (1996 film) -- 1996 film by Partho Ghosh
Wikipedia - Agnishwar -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Agnisnaan -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Agni Theertham -- 1990 film directed by Sree Bharathi
Wikipedia - Agni Vyooham -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - A Gnome Named Gnorm -- 1990 film directed by Stan Winston
Wikipedia - AGO Ao 192 -- Airliner by AGO
Wikipedia - Agony (film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - A Good Business Deal -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A Good Girl Keeps Herself in Good Order -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Good Time for a Dime -- 1941 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - Agostino (film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Agosto (film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Agraharathil Kazhutai -- 1977 film by John Abraham
Wikipedia - A Grand Day Out -- 1989 short film directed by Nick Park
Wikipedia - A Grande Arte -- 1991 film directed by Walter Salles
Wikipedia - Agra Road (1957 film) -- 1957 Bollywood film directed by Ravindra Dave
Wikipedia - A Great Big Bunch of You -- 1932 short film
Wikipedia - A Great Day in Harlem (film) -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Agreed Not to Separate -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Agreement on a Cease-fire and Separation of Forces -- 1994 ceasefire agreement after the War in Abkhazia
Wikipedia - A. G. Rigg -- British academic and medievalist (1937-2019)
Wikipedia - Agueda Martinez: Our People, Our Country -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - A Guide for the Married Man -- 1967 film by Gene Kelly
Wikipedia - Aguila (film) -- 1980 Filipino film directed by Eddie Romero
Wikipedia - Aguirre, the Wrath of God -- 1972 film by Werner Herzog
Wikipedia - A Gun Fightin' Gentleman -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - A Guru Comes -- 1980 film
Wikipedia - Agus Kuncoro -- Indonesian actor (b1972)
Wikipedia - AgustaWestland AW119 Koala -- Single-engine, eight-seat utility helicopter manufactured by Leonardo
Wikipedia - Agustina of Aragon (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Agustina of Aragon (1950 film) -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - A Gust of Wind -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - A Gutter Magdalene -- 1916 film by George Melford
Wikipedia - AH19 -- Asian Highway route in Thailand
Wikipedia - Ahaa Re -- 2019 film by Ranjan Ghosh
Wikipedia - Ahalya (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A Ham in a Role -- 1949 film by Robert McKimson
Wikipedia - Aha Naa-Pellanta! (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - A Handful of Darkness -- 1955 book by Philip K. Dick
Wikipedia - A Handful of Heroes -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - A Handful of Love (film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Ah, And We Do It Like This -- 1990 song by Onyx
Wikipedia - A Happy Divorce -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - A Happy Man (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Hard Day's Night (album) -- 1964 studio album by the Beatles
Wikipedia - A Hare Grows in Manhattan -- 1947 Warner Bros. cartoon film by Friz Freleng
Wikipedia - A Harp in Hock -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Ahas Gauwa -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - A Hatful of Rain -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - A-Haunting We Will Go (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Ahead by a Century -- 1996 single by The Tragically Hip
Wikipedia - A Heart Beats for You -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - A Heart in Pawn -- 1919 film by William Worthington
Wikipedia - A Heart Plays False -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - A Heart Returns Home -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - A Heart to Let -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Heidelberg Romance -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - A Heist with Markiplier -- 2019 interactive film directed by Mark Edward Fischbach
Wikipedia - A Hen in the Wind -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - A Heritage and Its History -- 1959 novel by Ivy Compton-Burnett
Wikipedia - A Hero Ain't Nothin' but a Sandwich -- 1973 young adult novel by Alice Childress
Wikipedia - A Hero for a Night -- 1927 film by William James Craft
Wikipedia - A Hero of Our Times -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - A Hero of the Big Snows -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Hero on Horseback -- 1927 film by Del Andrews
Wikipedia - A Hidden Life (2019 film) -- 2019 film by Terrence Malick
Wikipedia - A High Wind in Jamaica (film) -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - A High Wind in Jamaica (novel) -- 1929 novel by Richard Hughes
Wikipedia - A Hill on the Dark Side of the Moon -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Ahimsa (1981 film) -- 1981 film by I. V. Sasi
Wikipedia - Ahinsa (1979 film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - A History of Christianity (Johnson book) -- 1976 book by Paul Johnson
Wikipedia - A History of Embryology -- 1934 book by Joseph Needham
Wikipedia - A History of the American People -- 1997 book by Paul Johnson
Wikipedia - A History of the Birds of Europe -- Nine-volume, late 19th century book about the history of European birds
Wikipedia - A History of the Mind -- 1992 book by Nicholas Humphrey
Wikipedia - A History of US -- 1995 book by Joy Hakim
Wikipedia - A History of Venice -- 1982 book by John Julius Norwich
Wikipedia - A History of Violence (comics) -- 1997 graphic novel
Wikipedia - A History of Western Philosophy -- 1945 book by Bertrand Russell
Wikipedia - Ah! Kai na 'moun antras -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - Ah! La Barbe -- 1905 film by Segundo de Chomon
Wikipedia - Ahmad Afandi Abdulaev -- Mufti of Dagestan, Russia (b. 1959)
Wikipedia - Ahmad Albab -- 1968 film by P. Ramlee
Wikipedia - Ahmad Ali Barqi Azmi -- Indian poet (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Ahmad Hussain -- Politician in Pakistan (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Ahmad Keshvari -- Iranian aviator (1953-1980)
Wikipedia - Ahmad Massoud -- Afghan politician (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Ahmad Zohadi -- Iranian architecture scholar, publisher (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Ahmed Adeeb -- Maldivian politician (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Ahmed Al-Khabaz -- White hat hacker and entrepreneur (b. 1994)
Wikipedia - Ahmed Benjelloun -- Moroccan politician (1942 - 2015)
Wikipedia - Ahmed Hassan Awke -- Somali journalist from 1972 to 2015
Wikipedia - Ahmed Osman (author, born 1934) -- Egyptologist and essayist
Wikipedia - Ahmed Osman (author, born 1982) -- Egyptian author
Wikipedia - Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi -- 19th and 20th-century Indian scholar
Wikipedia - Ahmet Muhtar MollaoM-DM-^_lu -- Turkish politician (b. 1870, d. 1934)
Wikipedia - Ahn Doo-hee -- (1917-1996) Korean lieutenant and assassin of independence activist Kim Koo
Wikipedia - Ah Nerede -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Ahn Sang-soo (born May 1946) -- South Korean politician born May 1946
Wikipedia - A Hoax -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - A Hole in the Head -- 1959 film by Frank Capra
Wikipedia - A Hole in the Wall (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Holiday with Piroschka -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - A Holy Terror -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Homansu -- 1986 film by Yusaku Matsuda
Wikipedia - A Home for Tanya -- 1959 film by Lev Kulidzhanov
Wikipedia - A Homespun Vamp -- 1922 film by Frank O'Connor
Wikipedia - A Honeymoon Adventure -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Hopeless Case -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - A Horseman of the Plains -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Horse with No Name -- 1971 single by America
Wikipedia - A Hot Summer Night II -- 1986 National Wrestling Alliance supercard event
Wikipedia - A Hot Summer Night -- Wrestling event in Hawaii, 1985
Wikipedia - A House and Its Head -- 1935 novel by Ivy Compton-Burnett
Wikipedia - A House Divided (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A House for Mr Biswas -- 1961 book by V. S. Naipaul
Wikipedia - A House Full of Love -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A House Without Boundaries -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Ahsaas -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - A Hungry Heart -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - A Hunting Accident -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A Huntress of Men -- 1916 film by Lucius J. Henderson
Wikipedia - Ah, Wilderness! (film) -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Aichi Experimental Type 15-Ko Reconnaissance Seaplane (Mi-go) -- 1920s Japanese reconnaissance seaplane
Wikipedia - Aida (1911 film) -- 1911 film
Wikipedia - Aida (1953 film) -- 1953 film by Clemente Fracassi
Wikipedia - Aida (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aida Young -- British film producer (1920-2007)
Wikipedia - Aido: Slave of Love -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - AIDS amendments of 1988 -- US law
Wikipedia - Aids (film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Ai Giri Giri -- 1979 song performed by Pink Lady
Wikipedia - Ai Iijima -- Japanese television personality (1972-2008)
Wikipedia - Aikea-Guinea -- 1985 single and EP by the Cocteau Twins
Wikipedia - Aiko Sato (actress) -- Japanese actress (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Aileen Palmer -- (1915-1988) poet, translator and political activist
Wikipedia - Aileen Pringle -- American actress (1895-1989
Wikipedia - A Ilha dos Amores -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - Aiman Khan -- Pakistani actress (born 1998)
Wikipedia - Aimee & Jaguar -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Aimee Antoinette Camus -- French botanist (1879-1965)
Wikipedia - Aime Morot -- French painter (1850 - 1913)
Wikipedia - Aime Perpillou -- French geographer (1902 - 1976)
Wikipedia - Aimie Atkinson -- British actress (born 1987(
Wikipedia - Aimless Walk -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Aimo Koivunen -- Finnish soldier (1917-1989)
Wikipedia - Ain't 2 Proud 2 Beg -- 1991 single by TLC
Wikipedia - Ain't Gonna Hurt Nobody -- 1991 single by Kid 'n Play
Wikipedia - Ain't Misbehavin' (song) -- 1929 song
Wikipedia - Ain't Nature Grand! -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Ain't Nobody -- 1983 single by Rufus and Chaka Khan
Wikipedia - Ain't No Doubt -- 1992 single by Jimmy Nail
Wikipedia - Ain't No Love (Ain't No Use) -- 1993 single by Sub Sub
Wikipedia - Ain't No Pleasing You -- 1982 single by Chas & Dave
Wikipedia - Ain't No Sunshine -- 1971 single by Bill Withers
Wikipedia - Ain't No Trick (It Takes Magic) -- 1982 single by Lee Greenwood
Wikipedia - A Intrusa -- 1979 film directed by Carlos Hugo Christensen
Wikipedia - Ain't That a Shame -- 1955 single by Fats Domino
Wikipedia - Ain't That Just the Way -- 1975 single by Barbi Benton
Wikipedia - Airaa -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Air Afrique Flight 056 -- 1987 airplane hijacking
Wikipedia - Air America (airline) -- CIA covert airline from 1950 to 1976
Wikipedia - Air America (film) -- 1990 film by Roger Spottiswoode
Wikipedia - Airbag (film) -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Airborne (1962 film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Airborne (1993 film) -- 1993 American comedy-drama film directed by Rob Bowman
Wikipedia - Airborne Mine Countermeasures Weapon Systems Training School -- US military unit 1994 - 2015
Wikipedia - Air Bud: Golden Receiver -- 1998 film by Richard Martin
Wikipedia - Air Bud -- 1997 film directed by Charles Martin Smith
Wikipedia - Airbus A319 -- Airliner, shortened variant of the A320 family
Wikipedia - Airbus Industrie Flight 129 -- 1994 Aviation accident
Wikipedia - Air campaign of the Uganda-Tanzania War -- Part of the Uganda-Tanzania War of 1978-79
Wikipedia - Air Canada Flight 189 -- 1978 plane crash of an Air Canada DC-9-32
Wikipedia - Air Caribbean Flight 309 -- Fatal 1978 airliner crash in Barrio Obrero, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Airco DH.9A -- 1918 bomber aircraft by Airco
Wikipedia - Airco DH.9 -- 1917 bomber aircraft family by Airco
Wikipedia - Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion -- US project 1946-1961
Wikipedia - Air Cushion Restraint System -- 1970s General Motors airbag technology
Wikipedia - Air Devils -- 1938 film by John Rawlins
Wikipedia - Air Eagles -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Air Florida Flight 90 -- January 1982 airliner crash near Washington, D.C., US
Wikipedia - Air Force (film) -- 1943 film by Howard Hawks
Wikipedia - Air Force One (film) -- 1997 film by Wolfgang Petersen
Wikipedia - Air France Flight 1611 -- 1968 airliner crash in the Mediterranean off Nice
Wikipedia - Air France Flight 8969 -- 1994 aircraft hijacking
Wikipedia - Air Hawks -- 1935 film by Albert S. Rogell
Wikipedia - Airheads -- 1994 film by Michael Lehmann
Wikipedia - Air Hostess (1933 film) -- 1933 American film by Albert S. Rogell
Wikipedia - Air Hostess (1949 film) -- 1949 film by Lew Landers
Wikipedia - Air India Flight 101 -- 1966 plane crash of an Air India Boeing 707 into Mont Blanc, France
Wikipedia - Air India Flight 182 -- June 1985 aircraft bombing over the Atlantic Ocean near Ireland
Wikipedia - Air India Flight 245 -- 1950 plane crash of an Air India L-749A Constellation into Mont Blanc, France
Wikipedia - Airini Beautrais -- New Zealand poet (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Air Kazakhstan -- Flag carrier from 1991 to 2004
Wikipedia - Airline (1998 TV series) -- British television series
Wikipedia - Air Mail (film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Air Mail Pilot -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Air Mail scandal -- Political scandal resulting from a 1934 congressional investigation of the awarding of contracts to certain airlines to carry airmail
Wikipedia - Air Mata Iboe -- 1941 film by Njoo Cheong Seng
Wikipedia - Air Ontario Flight 1363 -- March 1989 plane crash in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Air Patrol (film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Airplane II: The Sequel -- 1982 American parody film by Ken Finkleman
Wikipedia - Airplane! -- 1980 American satirical comedy film
Wikipedia - Air Police (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Airport (1953 film) -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Airport (1970 film) -- 1970 film by George Seaton
Wikipedia - Airport 1975 -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Airport (1993 film) -- 1993 film directed by Joshi
Wikipedia - Airport '77 -- 1977 disaster film directed by Jerry Jameson
Wikipedia - Air Rhodesia Flight 825 -- passenger aircraft shot down in 1978
Wikipedia - Air Rhodesia Flight 827 -- 1979 aircraft incident in Zimbabwe
Wikipedia - Air-Sea Battle -- Video game for the Atari VCS/2600 from 1977
Wikipedia - Airspeed Oxford -- 1937 training aircraft by Airspeed
Wikipedia - Air Transport International Flight 805 -- Flight that crashed in Ohio on February 15, 1992
Wikipedia - AirUK -- Former British regional airline (1980-1998)
Wikipedia - Air Vanuatu -- National airline of Vanuatu, founded in 1981
Wikipedia - Air Warrior III -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Air Wisconsin Flight 965 -- 1980 plane crash in Nebraska
Wikipedia - Airwolf -- American television series that ran from 1984 until 1987
Wikipedia - Air Yugoslavia -- Yugoslavian airline (1969-2005)
Wikipedia - Aisa Pyaar Kahan -- 1986 Hindi-language film directed by Vijay Sadanah
Wikipedia - Aishah and The Fan Club -- New Zealand-based singing group in the late 1980s and early 1990s
Wikipedia - Aisha Muharrar -- American screenwriter (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Aishath Nahula -- Maldivian politician (b. 1981)
Wikipedia - Aishwarya Raj Bhakuni -- Indian TV actress (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Ai Siqi -- Yunnan Mongol Chinese philosopher and author (1910-1966)
Wikipedia - Ai Takabe -- Japanese actress (born 1988
Wikipedia - Aitare da Praia -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Aitbaar -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aitebar -- 1993 studio album by Vital Signs
Wikipedia - Aiyoku no ki -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Ajab Gayer Ajab Katha -- 1998 Bengali film
Wikipedia - Ajahn Sumedho -- American Buddhist philosopher (born 1934)
Wikipedia - Ajahn Viradhammo -- Theravada Buddhist monk (b. 1947)
Wikipedia - A. James Clark -- American business executive and philanthropist (1927-2015)
Wikipedia - Ajanabee (1974 film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - A. Jane Duncombe -- American architect (1925-2015)
Wikipedia - Ajanta Pharma -- Indian pharmaceutical company established in 1973
Wikipedia - Ajantha (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Ajantrik -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Jazzed Honeymoon -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - A Jewel in Pawn -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Ajeya -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Ajeyudu -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Ajitendu Chakraverti -- Indian navy admiral (1914-1995)
Wikipedia - Ajnaatha Theerangal -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - A Joke of Destiny -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - A Journey of Happiness -- 2019 Cantonese-language comedy film
Wikipedia - A Journey Through Filmland -- 1921 film by Beaumont Smith
Wikipedia - A. J. P. Taylor -- English historian (1906-1990)
Wikipedia - A.J. Saudin -- Canadian actor (born 1992)
Wikipedia - AK-47 -- 1940s rifle of Soviet origin
Wikipedia - A.k.a. Cassius Clay -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Akaflieg Karlsruhe AK-1 Mischl -- 1970s German aircraft
Wikipedia - Akaflieg Stuttgart fs31 -- Training sailplane designed and built by the Akaflieg Stuttgart in the 1980s.
Wikipedia - Akaflieg Stuttgart fs32 -- 1990s German aircraft
Wikipedia - Akaflieg Stuttgart fs33 -- Sailplane built by the Akaflieg Stuttgart in the 1990s.
Wikipedia - Akaki Khorava -- Georgian actor (1895-1972)
Wikipedia - Akaklike -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Akalabeth: World of Doom -- 1979 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Akalangalil -- 1986 film by J. Sasikumar
Wikipedia - Akalathe Ambili -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Akane Hotta -- Japanese model and actress (born 1992)
Wikipedia - Akanksha Sahai -- Indian Vovinam martial artist (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Akasen -- Historic slang term for red-light districts in 1940s-50s Japan
Wikipedia - A.K.A. Serial Killer -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Akash Ar Mati -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Akatsuki-class destroyer (1931) -- Destroyer class of the Imperial Japanese Navy
Wikipedia - Akazukin Chacha -- 1994 television anime
Wikipedia - Akbar Salim Anarkali -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Akcja pod Arsenalem -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Akelarre (film) -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - Akele Hum Akele Tum -- 1995 film by Mansoor Khan
Wikipedia - Akenfield -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - A Kentucky Cinderella -- 1917 American drama film directed by Rupert Julian
Wikipedia - Akerselvens Brugseierforening -- 19th-century industrial association
Wikipedia - Akeyuku Sora -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A. K. Faezul Huq -- Bangladeshi politician, lawyer and journalist (1945-2007)
Wikipedia - A. K. Fazlul Huq -- Bengali statesman and jurist, Prime Minister of Bengal and Governor of East Pakistan (1873-1962)
Wikipedia - A.K. (film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Akhepatar -- 1999 Gujarati novel by Bindu Bhatt
Wikipedia - Akh, kak khochetsya zhit -- 1985 studio album by Alla Pugacheva
Wikipedia - Akhmed Chakaev -- Russian freestyle wrestler (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Akhtar Aly Kureshy -- Pakistani lawyer (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Akidearest -- American YouTuber (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Akie Kotabe -- American actor (born 1980)
Wikipedia - Akihito -- Emperor of Japan from 1989 to 2019
Wikipedia - Akiko Abe -- Japanese free announcer and actress (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Akiko (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Akiko Yagi -- Japanese announcer (born 1965)
Wikipedia - A Killer Without a Grave -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - A Kind of Family -- 1992 film by Andrew Koster
Wikipedia - A Kind of Loving (film) -- 1962 film by John Schlesinger
Wikipedia - A Kind of Magic (song) -- 1986 single by Queen
Wikipedia - A Kingdom for a House -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - A King's Story -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - Akin Odebunmi -- Nigerian professor of pragmatics (born 1957)
Wikipedia - Akin "Ak" Reyes -- American radio personality (born 1979)
Wikipedia - Akio Sato (politician, born 1927) -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Akio Sato (politician, born 1943) -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Akira (1988 film) -- 1988 Japanese animated action film directed by Katsuhiro Otomo
Wikipedia - Akira (video game) -- 1988 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Akireta musume-tachi -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - A Kiss for Cinderella (film) -- 1925 film by Herbert Brenon
Wikipedia - A Kiss from the Stadium -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - A Kiss in a Taxi -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Kiss in the Dark (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Kiss in Time (film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Akitsu Springs -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Akizuki-class destroyer (1959) -- Destroyer class of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force
Wikipedia - Akka Chellelu -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Akkacheyude Kunjuvava -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Akka (film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Akkaldaama -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Akkarapacha -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Akkara Paha -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Akkare Ninnoru Maran -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Akka Thamudu -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - AkM-EM-^M RM-EM-^Mshi (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - A. K. Narain -- Indian historian, numismatist and archaeologist (1925-2013)
Wikipedia - A Knight in London -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Knight of the Range -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Akramana -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Akram Osman -- Afghan writer, intellectual and novelist (1937-2016)
Wikipedia - Akrebin YolculuM-DM-^_u -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Akri Shehzada -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Akropol -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - Akseli and Elina -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Aksharam -- 1995 film by Sibi Malayil
Wikipedia - Akshay Oberoi -- Indian actor (born 1985)
Wikipedia - Aktionsanalytische Organisation -- Friedrichshof Commune, 1972-1990
Wikipedia - Akuto -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - Akwaaba (film) -- 2019 Ghanaian film dir. Kobi Rana
Wikipedia - Akyat Bahay Gang -- 1988 Filipino film starring Lito Lapid
Wikipedia - Ala-Arriba! (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Alabama and Florida Railroad (1898-1900) -- Historic railroad in Alabama
Wikipedia - Alabama and Florida Railroad (1986-1992) -- Former short-line railroad in Alabama
Wikipedia - Alabama Live -- 1988 album by the American band, Alabama
Wikipedia - A La Cabaret -- 1916 short film
Wikipedia - Alacrity 19 -- Sailboat class
Wikipedia - A Lad an' a Lamp -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Aladdin (1979 musical) -- Musical/pantomime written by Sandy Wilson
Wikipedia - Aladdin (1992 Disney film) -- 1992 American animated musical fantasy film by Walt Disney Feature Animation
Wikipedia - Aladdin (1992 Golden Films film) -- 1992 US/Japanese short animated film directed by Masakazu Higuchi and Chinami Namba
Wikipedia - Aladdin (1992 soundtrack) -- 1992 soundtrack album by various artists
Wikipedia - Aladdin (2019 film) -- 2019 film by Walt Disney Pictures directed by Guy Ritchie
Wikipedia - Aladdin and His Magic Lamp (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp (Cliff Richard and the Shadows album) -- 1964 pantomime cast album by Cliff Richard and the Shadows
Wikipedia - A Lady Did It -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - A Lady in Love -- 1920 film by Walter Edwards
Wikipedia - A Lady of Chance -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Lady of Quality (1924 film) -- 1924 film by Hobart Henley
Wikipedia - A Lady's Morals -- 1930 film by Sidney Franklin
Wikipedia - A Lady's Name -- 1918 American comedy-drama film directed by Walter Edwards
Wikipedia - A Lady's Profession -- 1933 film by Norman Z. McLeod
Wikipedia - A Lady Surrenders -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Lady Takes a Chance -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - A Lady to Love -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Alag Alag -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Alai (author) -- Tibetan author (born 1959)
Wikipedia - Alaigal (film) -- 1973 film by C. V. Sridhar
Wikipedia - Alaigal Oivathillai -- 1981 film by P. Bharathiraja
Wikipedia - Alain Connes -- French mathematician (born 1947)
Wikipedia - Alain Nu -- American meantalist and personality (born1965)
Wikipedia - Alai Osai -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Alakal -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Alakazam the Great -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Alam Ara -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Alamgir Hashmi -- Anglo-Pakistani poet (born 1951)
Wikipedia - Alamo Bay -- 1985 film directed by Louis Malle
Wikipedia - A Lamusi -- Chinese Olympic judoka (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Alana Evans -- American pornographic actress (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Alan Ayckbourn -- English playwright (born 1939)
Wikipedia - Alan Badel -- British stage and screen actor (1923-1982)
Wikipedia - Alan Boyson -- English muralist of post-war public art 1930 - 2018
Wikipedia - Alan Burke (director) -- Australian writer, film director and producer (1923-2007)
Wikipedia - Alan Clark (keyboardist) -- English musician (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Alan Clutton-Brock -- British art critic and essayist (1904-1976)
Wikipedia - Alan Colmes -- American broadcaster (1950-2017)
Wikipedia - Alan Cowman -- Australian medical researcher (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Alan F. Segal -- American academic and scholar of ancient religions (1945-2011)
Wikipedia - Alan Garcia -- President of Peru (1985-1990 and 2006-2011)
Wikipedia - Alangkar -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Alan G. Poindexter -- American test pilot and astronaut (1961-2012)
Wikipedia - Alan Hale Jr. -- American actor (1921-1990)
Wikipedia - Alan Kay -- American computer scientist (born 1940)
Wikipedia - Alan Kirton -- New Zealand agricultural scientist (1933-2001)
Wikipedia - Alan Longmuir -- Scottish musician (1948-2018)
Wikipedia - Alan Marshall (Australian author) -- Australian writer (1902-1984)
Wikipedia - Alan M. Kriegsman -- American dance critic (1928-2012)
Wikipedia - Alan Moore -- English comic book author (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Alan Pritsker -- American engineer (1933-2000)
Wikipedia - Alan Rawsthorne -- British composer (1905-1971)
Wikipedia - Alan Rodger, Baron Rodger of Earlsferry -- Scottish judge (1944-2011)
Wikipedia - Alan Shepard -- American astronaut (1923-1998)
Wikipedia - Alan Thicke -- Canadian actor, songwriter, and television host (1947-2016)
Wikipedia - Alan Turing (sculpture) -- 1988 sculpture of Alan Turing by Wayne Chabre, installed in the University of Oregon campus.
Wikipedia - Alan Watts -- British writer and lecturer (1915-1973)
Wikipedia - Alan West, Baron West of Spithead -- Retired Royal Navy admiral (born 1948)
Wikipedia - Alan William James Cousins -- (1903-2001) South African astronomer
Wikipedia - Alan Wood (Australian politician) -- Australian politician, 1927-2005
Wikipedia - Alapalooza: The Videos -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Alarm (1938 film) -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Alarm (1941 film) -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Alarm at Midnight -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Alarm at Station III -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - Alarm Bells -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Alarm Call -- 1998 single by Bjork
Wikipedia - Alarm Clock Andy -- 1920 film by Jerome Storm
Wikipedia - Alarm in Peking -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Alarm in the Circus -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Alas and Alack -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Alaska Airlines Flight 1866 -- 1971 fatal jet airliner crash
Wikipedia - Alaskan Knights -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Alaska Passage -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Alaska Statehood Act -- 1958 United States law
Wikipedia - Alaska Wilderness Lake -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition -- 1909 exposition in Seattle, Washington
Wikipedia - Alas! Poor Yorick! -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Alastair Niven -- Literary scholar and author (b. 1944)
Wikipedia - Alaverdoba (film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - A Lawman Is Born -- 1937 film by Sam Newfield
Wikipedia - Alayaron -- 1986 Bodo language film directed by Jwngdao Bodosa
Wikipedia - Alban Berg -- Austrian composer (1885-1935)
Wikipedia - Albanian Airlines -- Albanian international airline (1991-2011)
Wikipedia - Albanian Civil War -- 1997 unrest in Albania
Wikipedia - Albanian revolt of 1910 -- First of a series of major uprisings
Wikipedia - Alba Regia (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Albatros C.I -- 1910s German aircraft
Wikipedia - Albatros L 76 -- 1927 German reconnaissance aircraft
Wikipedia - Albatross expedition -- A Swedish oceanographic expedition in 1947 and 1948
Wikipedia - Albatros W.4 -- 1916 fighter floatplane by Albatros
Wikipedia - Albedo One -- Irish speculative fiction magazine (1993-)
Wikipedia - Albeli -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Alberic Magnard -- French composer (1865-1914)
Wikipedia - Albert (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Alberta Views -- regional magazine published in Alberta, Canada since 1997
Wikipedia - Albert Ayler -- American jazz saxophonist (1936-1970)
Wikipedia - Albert Baker (cricketer) -- British cricketer (1872-1948)
Wikipedia - Albert Bernhard Frank -- German biologist and botanist (1839-1900)
Wikipedia - Albert Bierstadt -- 19th-century German-American landscape painter
Wikipedia - Albert Bruce Jackson -- British dendrologist (1876-1947)
Wikipedia - Albert Butz -- Swiss businessman (1849-1904)
Wikipedia - Albert Campbell (dogsled racer) -- Canadian musher and trapper (1894-1961)
Wikipedia - Albert Cassell -- American architect (1895-1969)
Wikipedia - Albert Charles Smith -- American botanist (1906-1999)
Wikipedia - Albert Curtis Clark -- British classical scholar (1859-1937)
Wikipedia - Albert Etter -- American plant breeder (1872-1950)
Wikipedia - Albert Fairfax, 12th Lord Fairfax of Cameron -- British noble (1870-1939)
Wikipedia - Albert Flasher -- 1971 single by The Guess Who
Wikipedia - Albert Flynn -- British civil servant and author (1863-1933)
Wikipedia - Albert Gillis von Baumhauer -- Dutch aviation pioneer (1891-1939)
Wikipedia - Albert Guille -- French opera singer 1854-1914
Wikipedia - Albert Hay Malotte -- American composer and keyboard player (1895-1964)
Wikipedia - Albert Herring -- 1947 opera by Benjamin Britten
Wikipedia - Albertina Carri -- Argentinian film director (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Albertina Martinez Burgos -- Chilean photojournalist (1981-2019)
Wikipedia - Albert John Hesse -- (1895-1987) South African entomologist
Wikipedia - Albert Joseph Moore -- 19th-century English artist
Wikipedia - Albert Kawal -- American athlete and coach (1912-1990)
Wikipedia - Albert Ketelbey -- English composer and pianist (1875-1959)
Wikipedia - Albert L. Lehninger -- American biochemist (1917-1986)
Wikipedia - Albert N. Jorgensen -- 7th President of the University of Connecticut (1935-1962)
Wikipedia - Alberto Acereda -- Professor and business leader (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Alberto Fujimori -- President of Peru (1990-2000)
Wikipedia - Alberto Giacometti -- Swiss sculptor and painter (1901-1966)
Wikipedia - Alberto Leoncini Bartoli -- Italian diplomat (b. 1932)
Wikipedia - Alberto Maria de Agostini -- Italian explorer (1883 - 1960)
Wikipedia - Alberto Rigoni -- Italian composer (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Alberto Rios -- American poet (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Alberto Terrile -- Italian photographer (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Albert Pinto Ko Gussa Kyun Aata Hai? -- 2019 film by Soumitra Ranade
Wikipedia - Albert Plecy -- French journalist, painter, photographer and filmmaker, semiotician (1914-1977)
Wikipedia - Albert Poulain -- French chocolatier (1851-1937)
Wikipedia - Albert, Prince Consort -- Husband of Queen Victoria (1819-1861)
Wikipedia - Albert Ritchie -- American politician (1876-1936)
Wikipedia - Albert Schweitzer (film) -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Albert Schweitzer -- French-German physician, theologian, musician and philosopher (1875-1965)
Wikipedia - Albert Speer (born 1934) -- German architect and urban planner
Wikipedia - Albert Thellung -- Swiss botanist (1881-1928)
Wikipedia - Albert T. Morgan -- American politician (unknown-1922)
Wikipedia - Albert Waugh -- American economist and academic administrator at the University of Connecticut (1903-1985)
Wikipedia - Albert Wilhelm Anton Brandon-Cremer -- Actor and theatre company manager (b. 1871, d. 1959)
Wikipedia - Albert Willemetz -- French librettist (1887-1964)
Wikipedia - Albina Riot of 1967 -- 1967 race riot in Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - Albino Ballerina -- 1992 single by Sweet Jesus
Wikipedia - Albino (film) -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Albin Ouschan -- Austrian pool player, two time world champion, born August 1990
Wikipedia - Albion Viking VK -- Bus chassis manufactured by Albion between 1963 and 1980
Wikipedia - Albrecht Graf von Bernstorff (1890-1945) -- German politician and diplomat
Wikipedia - Albrecht Hofmann -- German chemist (born 1939)
Wikipedia - Albuquerque (song) -- 1999 song performed by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Wikipedia - Al Capone (film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Alcatraz Island (film) -- 1937 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Alcofrisbas, the Master Magician -- 1903 film by Georges Melies
Wikipedia - Alcott Skei Gwentshe -- South African anti-Apartheid activist (d. 1966)
Wikipedia - Aldebaran (film) -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Alder & Derryberry A -- American 1930s light sport aircraft
Wikipedia - Alder Hey organs scandal -- 1988-1995 unauthorised removal, retention, and disposal of human tissue at Alder Hay Children's Hospital, Liverpool, England
Wikipedia - Aldous Huxley -- English writer and philosopher (1894-1963)
Wikipedia - Aldo Vera Serafin -- Cuban exile murdered in Puerto Rico in 1976
Wikipedia - Aldwych bus bombing -- 1996 IRA bomb in London
Wikipedia - A League of Their Own -- 1992 film by Penny Marshall
Wikipedia - Alec Beechman -- British politician (1896-1965)
Wikipedia - Alec Secareanu -- Romanian actor (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Alec Templeton -- British composer (1909/10-1963)
Wikipedia - Alega Gang: Public Enemy No.1 of Cebu -- 1988 film starring Ramon "Bong" Revilla and Robin Padilla
Wikipedia - A Legend of Montrose -- 1819 novel by Walter Scott
Wikipedia - Alegre ma non troppo -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Aleister Crowley -- English occultist (1875-1947)
Wikipedia - Alejandro Cercas -- Spanish politician (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Alejandro Finocchiaro -- Argentine politician (born 1967)
Wikipedia - Alejandro OrdoM-CM-1ez -- 19th century Spanish mayor of Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Aleksa M-EM- antic -- Poet from Bosnia and Herzegovina (1868-1924)
Wikipedia - Aleksander Krupa -- Polish actor (born 1947)
Wikipedia - AleksandM-CM-+r Moisiu -- Albanian born Austrian stage actor (1879-1935)
Wikipedia - Aleksandra Andreevna Antonova -- Russian Sami teacher, writer, poet, translator (1932- 2014)
Wikipedia - Aleksandra Troitskaya -- Russian microbiologist (1896-1979)
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Bogomoev -- Russian freestyle wrestler (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Konovalov (politician, born 1968) -- Russian politician; Minister of Justice (2008-2020)
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Nosatov -- Russian admiral (b. 1963)
Wikipedia - Aleksey Dmitrievich Popov -- Russian actor and film director (1892-1961)
Wikipedia - Aleli -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Alen BeM-EM-!ic -- Serbian writer (b. 1975)
Wikipedia - Alen Simonyan -- Armenian politician (born 1980)
Wikipedia - Alephonsion Deng -- South Sudanese author and speaker (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Alerion Express 19 -- Sailboat class
Wikipedia - Alessandro Bianchi (politician, born 1945) -- Italian academic and politician
Wikipedia - Alessandro Bianchi (politician, born 1965) -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - A Lesson Before Dying (film) -- 1999 film by Joseph Sargent
Wikipedia - A Lesson from Aloes -- 1978 play by South African playwright Athol Fugard
Wikipedia - A Lesson in Love (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Lesson in Love -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Al este del oeste -- 1984 film directed by Mariano Ozores
Wikipedia - Aletta Jacobs -- 19th and 20th-century Dutch physician and feminist
Wikipedia - A Letter for Evie -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - A Letter from Home (film) -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - A Letter to a Hindu -- Letter from Leo Tolstoy about the Indian independence movement in 1908
Wikipedia - A Letter to Elise -- 1992 single by The Cure
Wikipedia - A Letter to Freddy Buache -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - A Letter to Three Wives -- 1949 film by Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Wikipedia - A Letter to You -- 1984 single by Shakin' Stevens
Wikipedia - Alex & Amie -- 2019 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Alexander Aaronsohn -- Jewish author and activist (1888-1948)
Wikipedia - Alexander Bailey (Wisconsin politician) -- 19th century American educator, farmer, and postmaster.
Wikipedia - Alexander Bari -- Russian and American engineer and entrepreneur (1847-1913)
Wikipedia - Alexander Botkin -- 19th century American Democratic politician, member of the Wisconsin Senate, last Treasurer of the Wisconsin Territory
Wikipedia - Alexander Brown (mathematician) -- (1877 - 1948) Scottish Mathematician and educator in South Africa
Wikipedia - Alexander Buchan (mathematician) -- (1904 - 1976) Scottish mathematician
Wikipedia - Alexander Bullock -- 19th-century American politician
Wikipedia - Alexander Charles Garrett -- 19th and 20th-century Episcopal bishop and missionary
Wikipedia - Alexander Chayanov -- Soviet scholar (1888-1937)
Wikipedia - Alexander Contee Hanson -- American politician (1786-1819)
Wikipedia - Alexander Croft Shaw -- 19th-century Canadian Anglican missionary in Japan
Wikipedia - Alexander Dyce -- 19th-century literary editor and historian
Wikipedia - Alexander F. I. Forbes -- (1871- 1959) South African astronomer, architect and artist
Wikipedia - Alexander Flyabout D -- 1931 aircraft by Alexander Airplane Company
Wikipedia - Alexander G. Burgess -- (1872 - 1932) Scottish mathematician
Wikipedia - Alexander Glazunov -- Russian composer (1865-1936)
Wikipedia - Alexander Hamilton (film) -- 1931 American biographical film directed by John G. Adolfi
Wikipedia - Alexander III Commemorative (Faberge egg) -- 1909 Imperial Faberge egg
Wikipedia - Alexander III Equestrian (Faberge egg) -- 1910 Imperial Faberge egg
Wikipedia - Alexander I of Yugoslavia -- Prince regent of Kingdom of Serbia and later King of Yugoslavia 1921-34
Wikipedia - Alexander J. Dessler -- American astrophysicist (born 1928)
Wikipedia - Alexander Kellock Brown -- Scottish landscape painter (1849-1922)
Wikipedia - Alexander MacRobert (politician) -- Scottish lawyer and politician (1873-1930)
Wikipedia - Alexander Mar Thoma -- Indian bishop (1912-2000)
Wikipedia - Alexander Meiselman -- Russian writer and poet (1900-1938)
Wikipedia - Alexander Nevsky (film) -- 1938 film by Sergei Eisenstein
Wikipedia - Alexander Owens -- Irish barrister, High Court judge since 2019
Wikipedia - Alexander Palace (Faberge egg) -- 1908 Imperial Faberge egg
Wikipedia - Alexander Parkhomenko (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Alexander Penn -- Israeli poet (1906-1972)
Wikipedia - Alexander Pope Field -- 19th century American politician, 6th Illinois Secretary of State, 21st Attorney General of Louisiana, 4th Secretary of Wisconsin Territory
Wikipedia - Alexander Popov (film) -- 1949 film by Herbert Rappaport
Wikipedia - Alexander Roda Roda -- Austrian writer (1872-1945)
Wikipedia - Alexander Shulgin -- American medicinal chemist (1925-2014)
Wikipedia - Alexander Smith Cochran -- American manufacturer, sportsman, and philanthropist (1874-1929)
Wikipedia - Alexander's Ragtime Band -- 1911 song composed by Irving Berlin
Wikipedia - Alexander the Great (board game) -- 1971 wargame
Wikipedia - Alexander: The Other Side of Dawn -- 1977 television film directed by John Erman
Wikipedia - Alexander Vakhrameyev -- Russian painter (b. 1874, d. 1926)
Wikipedia - Alexander Viets Griswold -- 19th-century American Episcopal bishop
Wikipedia - Alexander Volkanovski -- Australian mixed martial arts fighter (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Alexander Wetmore -- American ornithologist and avian paleontologist (1886-1978)
Wikipedia - Alexander William Francis Banfield -- Canadian mammalogist and biologist (1918-1996)
Wikipedia - Alexandr Alexandrovich Fischer von Waldheim -- Russian botanist (1839-1920)
Wikipedia - Alexandra Nazarova (actress) -- Soviet actress (1940-2019)
Wikipedia - Alexandra Pelosi -- American journalist (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Alexandra Rozenman -- Russian-American artist (born 1971)
Wikipedia - Alexandra Silk -- American pornographic actress (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Alexandre Beljame -- 18th/19th-century French writer
Wikipedia - Alexandre Douala Manga Bell -- French politician (1897 - 1966)
Wikipedia - Alexandre Franquet -- French naval officer (1828-1907)
Wikipedia - Alexandre NoM-CM-+l Charles Acloque -- French botanist (1871-1941)
Wikipedia - Alexandria... Why? -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Alexandru PM-CM-.nzari -- Moldovan politician (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Alex Barclay -- Irish crime fiction writer, former journalist (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Alex Bavelas -- Psychosociologist (b. 1920)
Wikipedia - Alex Benoit -- American ice dancer (born 1995)
Wikipedia - Alex Brychta -- British illustrator (born 1956)
Wikipedia - Alex Chilton (song) -- 1987 single by the Replacements
Wikipedia - Alex Dixon (blues) -- American blues musician (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Alex Drum Hawkes -- British botanist (1927-1977)
Wikipedia - Alexei Barantsev -- Russian businessman (b. 1959)
Wikipedia - Alexei Kosygin -- Soviet politician (1904-1980)
Wikipedia - Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia -- Last heir apparent of the last imperial family of Russia (1904-1917)
Wikipedia - Alex Goyette -- American director, writer, producer, and actor (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Alex Holeh Ahavah -- 1986 film by Boaz Davidson
Wikipedia - Alex Honnold -- American rock climber (born 1985)
Wikipedia - Alex Hyndman -- British journalist (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Alex in Wonderland -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Alexis Alford -- American YouTuber (born 1998)
Wikipedia - Alexis Bachelot -- 19th century French missionary Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Alexis Carrel -- French surgeon and biologist (1873-1944)
Wikipedia - Alexis Fire -- American pornographic actress (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Alexis Stamatis -- Greek writer (born 1960)
Wikipedia - Alex Johnson (climber) -- American rock climber (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Alex La Guma -- South African novelist and politician (1925-1985)
Wikipedia - Alex Lowe -- American mountaineer (1958-1999)
Wikipedia - Alex Marshall (journalist) -- American journalist (born 1959)
Wikipedia - Alex McAleer -- British mentalist (b. 1986)
Wikipedia - Alex Michaelides -- author and screenwriter (b. 1977)
Wikipedia - Alex Milton -- English cricketer (born 1996)
Wikipedia - Alex Parks -- English singer-songwriter (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Alex Perry -- Australian fashion designer (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Alex Shigo -- American horticulturist (1930-2006)
Wikipedia - Alex the Astronaut -- Australian singer and songwriter (born 1995)
Wikipedia - Alex the Great -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Alex Trebek -- Canadian-American television personality (1940-2020)
Wikipedia - ALFA 15/20 HP -- Italian car model made- 1914-1920
Wikipedia - Alfalfa's Double -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo 430A -- Bus produced from 1949 to 1953 by Italian automotive manufacturer Alfa Romeo
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo 900A -- Bus produced by Alfa Romeo from 1952 to 1956
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo 902A -- Bus produced by Alfa Romeo between 1957 and 1959
Wikipedia - Alf, Bill and Fred -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Alfie (1966 film) -- 1966 film by Lewis Gilbert
Wikipedia - Alfie Kohn -- American author and lecturer (born 1957)
Wikipedia - Alfio Contini -- Italian cinematographer (1927-2020)
Wikipedia - Alfonso XII and Maria Cristina -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Alfonso XIII -- King of Spain (1886-1941) (ruled 1886-1931)
Wikipedia - Alfons Zitterbacke -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - Al Franken -- American comedian and politician (born 1951)
Wikipedia - Alfred Benzon (1855-1932) -- Danish businessman
Wikipedia - Alfred Butt -- British politician (1878-1962)
Wikipedia - Alfred Byrd Graf -- German-American botanist (1901-2001)
Wikipedia - Alfred Cellier -- 19th-century English composer and conductor
Wikipedia - Alfred Chicken -- 1993 platform video game
Wikipedia - Alfred Dampier -- Australian actor (circa 1843-1908)
Wikipedia - Alfred Dieudonne -- 19th-century French actor
Wikipedia - Alfred Douglas Hardy -- Australian botanist (1870-1958)
Wikipedia - Alfred Dreyfus -- French artillery officer (1859-1935)
Wikipedia - Alfred Escher -- 19th-century Swiss politician and railroad entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Alfred F. Beiter -- American politician (1894-1974)
Wikipedia - Alfred Gercke -- German classical philologist (1860-1922)
Wikipedia - Alfred Gurdon Gulley -- American horticulturist and educator (1848-1917)
Wikipedia - Alfred Harding (bishop) -- 19th and 20th-century American Episcopal bishop
Wikipedia - Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1985 TV series) -- American anthology series which started airing in 1985
Wikipedia - Alfred Jacob Miller -- 19th-century American painter
Wikipedia - Alfred Kinsey -- American scientist (1894-1956)
Wikipedia - Alfred L. Cary -- 19th century American lawyer and politician.
Wikipedia - Alfred Lee Loomis -- American attorney, investment banker, and scientist (1887-1975)
Wikipedia - Alfred Newman (composer) -- American composer (1901-1970)
Wikipedia - Alfredo, Alfredo -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Alfredo Cristiani -- Salvadoran politician, President of El Salvador from 1989 to 1994
Wikipedia - Alfredo Landa -- Spanish actor (1933-2013)
Wikipedia - Alfred Pippard -- British engineer (1891-1969)
Wikipedia - Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building -- Oklahoma, U.S., building bombed in 1995
Wikipedia - Alfred Rahlfs' edition of the Septuagint -- Edition of the Septuagint by Alfred Rahlfs published in 1935
Wikipedia - Alfred R. Conkling -- American lawyer (1850-1917)
Wikipedia - Alfred S. Alschuler -- American architect (1876 - 1940) in Chicago
Wikipedia - Alfred Schirokauer -- German novelist and screenwriter (1880-1934)
Wikipedia - Alfred Sisley -- 19th-century French painter
Wikipedia - Alfred Tucker -- 19th and 20th-century English Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - Alfred von Ingelheim's Dramatic Life -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Alfred W. Pollard -- 19th/20th-century English author and bibliographer
Wikipedia - Alf's Button (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Alf's Button (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Alf's Carpet -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - ALF: The First Adventure -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - ALF (video game) -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - Algerian Civil Concord referendum, 1999
Wikipedia - Algerian independence referendum, 1962
Wikipedia - Algerian War -- War between France and the Algerian independence movement from 1954 to 1962
Wikipedia - Algernon Freeman-Mitford, 1st Baron Redesdale -- British diplomat, collector, and writer (1837-1916)
Wikipedia - Algiers (film) -- 1938 American drama film
Wikipedia - Algiers putsch of 1961
Wikipedia - Algie's Romance -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Algol (film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Al Heagy -- Chemist and lacross coach (1906-1990)
Wikipedia - Alhierd Baharevich -- Belarusian writer and translator (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Ali Abdolrezaei -- British-Iranian poet (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Ali Akbar Abdolrashidi -- Iranian journalist, translator and writer (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Ali Al-Biladi -- 19th and 20th-century Bahraini cleric, historian, writer and poet
Wikipedia - Ali Aliyev (wrestler) -- Russian amateur wrestler (1937-1995)
Wikipedia - Alias Big Shot -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Alias Billy the Kid -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Alias Boston Blackie -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Alias Grace -- 1996 novel by Margaret Atwood
Wikipedia - Alias Jesse James -- 1959 film by Norman Z. McLeod
Wikipedia - Alias Jimmy Valentine (1915 film) -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Alias Jimmy Valentine (1920 film) -- 1920 American film
Wikipedia - Alias Jimmy Valentine (1928 film) -- 1928 film by Jack Conway
Wikipedia - Alias Julius Caesar -- 1922 film directed by Charles Ray
Wikipedia - Alias Ladyfingers -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Alias 'La Gringa' -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Alias Mary Brown -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Alias Mary Dow -- 1935 film by Kurt Neumann
Wikipedia - Alias Mary Flynn -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Alias Mike Moran -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Alias Miss Dodd -- 1920 film directed by Harry L. Franklin
Wikipedia - Alias Mrs. Jessop -- 1916 American silent comedy film directed by Will S. Davis
Wikipedia - Alias Nick Beal -- 1949 film by John Farrow
Wikipedia - Alias - the Bad Man -- 1931 film directed by Phil Rosen
Wikipedia - Alias the Deacon (1940 film) -- 1940 comedy film
Wikipedia - Alias the Deacon -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Alias the Doctor -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Alias the Lone Wolf -- 1927 mystery film
Wikipedia - Alias the Night Wind -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Ali Azam (politician, born 1972) -- Bangladeshi politician
Wikipedia - Ali Baba (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Ali Baba 40 Dongalu -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Ali Baba and the Seven Saracens -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Ali-Baba Bound -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Ali Baba Bujang Lapok -- 1960 film by P. Ramlee
Wikipedia - Ali Baba Goes to Town -- 1937 film by David Butler
Wikipedia - Alibabavum 40 Thirudargalum (1941 film) -- 1941 film by K. S. Mani
Wikipedia - Alibabavum 40 Thirudargalum (1956 film) -- 1956 film by T. R. Sundaram
Wikipedia - Alibabayum 41 Kallanmaarum -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Ali Baqar Najafi -- | Pakistani justice (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Alibi (1929 film) -- 1929 film by Roland West
Wikipedia - Alibi (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Alibi (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Alibi (1969 film) -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Alibi for Murder -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Alibi Ike -- 1935 film by Ray Enright, Ring Lardner
Wikipedia - Ali Bu'ul -- 19th century Somali poet and military leader
Wikipedia - Alice (1982 film)
Wikipedia - Alice (1988 film) -- 1988 film
Wikipedia - Alice Adams (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Alice Adams (1935 film) -- 1935 film by George Stevens
Wikipedia - Alice Adams (novel) -- 1921 Pulitzer Prize winning novel by Booth Tarkington
Wikipedia - Alice and the Mayor -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Alice Birney -- American educator (1858-1907)
Wikipedia - Alice Bruce -- (1867-1951), UK educationist
Wikipedia - Alice Carter Cook -- American horticulturist and author (1868-1943)
Wikipedia - Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore -- 1974 film directed by Martin Scorsese
Wikipedia - Alice Gets Stung -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Alice Glaser -- American writer and magazine editor( 1928-1970)
Wikipedia - Alice Greenwood -- 19th/20th-century British historian, teacher, and writer
Wikipedia - Alice Hamilton -- 19th and 20th-century American physician and toxicologist
Wikipedia - Alice Harris (linguist) -- American linguist and caucasologist (b. 1947)
Wikipedia - Alice in the Cities -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Alice in the Navy -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1903 film)
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1915 film)
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1933 film) -- 1933 film by Norman Z. McLeod
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1949 film)
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1951 film) -- 1951 American animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Productions
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1962 film)
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1966 TV play)
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1976 film) -- 1976 pornographic musical film directed by Bud Townsend
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1981 film) -- Soviet animated film
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1985 film) -- 1985 two-part film directed by Harry Harris
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1985 video game)
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1988 film) -- 1988 Australian 51-minute direct-to-video animated film
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1999 film) -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Alice K. Hartley -- American computer scientist (1937-2017)
Wikipedia - Alice Kuipers -- British writer (born 1979)
Wikipedia - Alice Larde de Venturino -- Salvadoran poet, scientist and composer (1895-1983)
Wikipedia - Alice Lucas (poet) -- British writer (1851-1935)
Wikipedia - Alice Maria Ottley -- American botanist (1882-1971)
Wikipedia - Alice McDermott -- American writer, novelist, essayist (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Alice Meredith Williams -- British sculptor and painter, 1877-1934
Wikipedia - Alice Motion -- British chemist and science communicator (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Alice Pestana -- Portuguese writer (1860 - 1929)
Wikipedia - Alice Piffer Canabrava -- Brazilian historian (1911-2003)
Wikipedia - Alice Rich Northrop -- American botanist (1864-1922)
Wikipedia - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1910 film)
Wikipedia - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1972 film)
Wikipedia - Alice's Day at Sea -- 1924 Walt Disney short
Wikipedia - Alice Solves the Puzzle -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Alice's Orphan -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Alice's Spooky Adventure -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Alice, Sweet Alice -- 1976 film by Alfred Sole
Wikipedia - Alice's Wonderland -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Alice the Toreador -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Alice Through the Looking Glass (1987 film) -- 1987 animated film directed by Andrea Bresciani
Wikipedia - Alice through the Looking Glass (1998 film)
Wikipedia - Alice to Nowhere -- 1986 film by John Power
Wikipedia - Alice von Hildebrand -- Belgian philosopher (born 1923)
Wikipedia - Alice Wilson -- Canadian geologist and paleontologist (1881-1964)
Wikipedia - Alicia Boyle -- Irish painter (1908-1997)
Wikipedia - Alicia Elliott -- Tuscarora writer and editor (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Alicia (film) -- 1974 film by Wim Verstappen
Wikipedia - Alicia Lourteig -- Argentine botanist (1913-2003)
Wikipedia - Alick Kalwihzi -- Zambian judoka (1960-)
Wikipedia - Alien (1984 video game) -- 1984 strategy/adventure video game
Wikipedia - Alien 2: On Earth -- 1980 Italian-British-American science fiction film
Wikipedia - Alien 3 -- 1992 American science-fiction horror film by David Fincher
Wikipedia - Alien 8 -- 1985 video game
Wikipedia - Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County -- 1998 television film
Wikipedia - Alien (Atlanta Rhythm Section song) -- 1981 single by Atlanta Rhythm Section
Wikipedia - Alien (film) -- 1979 science fiction horror film by Ridley Scott
Wikipedia - Alien Intruder -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Alien (Northlane album) -- 2019 album by Northlane
Wikipedia - Alien Resurrection -- 1997 American science-fiction film
Wikipedia - Aliens Control Act, 1973
Wikipedia - Aliens (film) -- 1986 science fiction film
Wikipedia - Aliens in the Wild, Wild West -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Alien Souls -- 1916 lost silent film directed by Frank Reicher
Wikipedia - Alien Thunder -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Ali Fadakar -- Iranian karateka (born 1991)
Wikipedia - Ali: Fear Eats the Soul -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - A Life at Stake -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A Life for Do -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A Life for the Taking -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - A Life Less Ordinary (song) -- 1997 single by Ash
Wikipedia - A Life of Her Own -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - A Life of Sundays -- 1990 song by The Waterboys
Wikipedia - Alif Laila -- Indian television series from 1993 to 2001
Wikipedia - Alif (TV series) -- 2019 Pakistani television series
Wikipedia - A Light Woman -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Ali in Wonderland -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - Ali Khamenei -- Supreme Leader of Iran since 1989
Wikipedia - Ali Khan Mahmudabad -- Indian academic (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Aliki Brandenberg -- American author and illustrator (born 1929)
Wikipedia - Ali KM-CM-+lcyra -- Albanian politician and co-founder of the Balli KombM-CM-+tar (1891-1963)
Wikipedia - Ali Lohrasbi -- Iranian singer (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Ali Modu Sheriff -- Nigerian politician (born 1956)
Wikipedia - A Limo for a Lame-O -- 1980 commentary by Al Franken on ''Saturday Night Live''
Wikipedia - Ali-Mohammad Khademi -- Iranian lieutenant general and business executive (b. 1913, d. 1978)
Wikipedia - Alina Plugaru -- Romanian pornographic actress (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Aline Charigot -- Wife and model of Auguste Renoir, 1859-1915
Wikipedia - Aline Chretien -- Canadian political spouse (1936-2020)
Wikipedia - Ali Nuhu -- Nigerian actor and director (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Ali of Hejaz -- King of Hejaz and Grand Sharif of Mecca (1879-1935) (ruled 1924-1925)
Wikipedia - A Lion Is in the Streets -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Aliovsat Guliyev -- Azerbaijani historian (b. 1922, d. 1969)
Wikipedia - Ali Pasha Mubarak -- Egyptian education reformer in 19th century
Wikipedia - Ali Sahin (politician, born 1934) -- Turkish politician
Wikipedia - Alisarda -- Italian airline (1963-1991)
Wikipedia - Alison Balsom -- English trumpet player (b1978)
Wikipedia - Alison R. H. Narayan -- American chemist (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Alison (song) -- 1977 song performed by Elvis Costello
Wikipedia - Alison Thornton -- Canadian-American actress (born 1999)
Wikipedia - Alistair Hicks -- Writer and art curator (born 1956)
Wikipedia - Alistair Milne -- British businessman (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Alita: Battle Angel -- 2019 film directed by Robert Rodriguez
Wikipedia - Ali, the Fighter -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - A Little Bit Alexis -- 2019 single by Annie Murphy
Wikipedia - A Little Bit More (Kym Sims song) -- 1992 song by Kym Sims
Wikipedia - A Little Bit More -- 1976 single by Dr. Hook
Wikipedia - A Little Bit of Fluff (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Little Bit of Luck -- 1999 single by DJ Luck & MC Neat
Wikipedia - A Little Bitty Tear -- 1961 single by Burl Ives
Wikipedia - A Little Boogie Woogie in the Back of My Mind -- 1977 single by Gary Glitter
Wikipedia - A Little Girl in a Big City -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Little Hero (film) -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Little Journey -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Little Less Conversation -- 1968 single by Elvis Presley
Wikipedia - A Little Princess (1917 film) -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - A Little Princess -- 1905 novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Wikipedia - A Little Sex -- 1982 film by Bruce Paltrow
Wikipedia - A Little Sister of Everybody -- 1918 silent film by Robert Thornby
Wikipedia - A Little Something for Us Tempunauts -- 1975 short story by Philip K. Dick
Wikipedia - A Little Soul -- 1998 single by Pulp
Wikipedia - A Little Vicious -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Alive: 20 Years Later -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Alive and Kicking (1959 film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Alive and Kicking (song) -- 1985 single by Simple Minds
Wikipedia - Alive II Tour -- 1977-78 concert tour by Kiss
Wikipedia - Alive in the Deep -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Ali Velshi -- Canadian journalist (born c. 1968)
Wikipedia - Alive (Pearl Jam song) -- 1991 single by Pearl Jam
Wikipedia - Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors -- 1974 non-fiction book
Wikipedia - Alixa Naff -- American historian (1919-2013)
Wikipedia - Aliya Alla Magala Ganda -- 1997 film directed by Y. Yesudas
Wikipedia - Aliya bint Ali -- Queen consort of Iraq (1911-1950)
Wikipedia - Ali Zand -- Iranian karateka (born 1999)
Wikipedia - A Lizard in a Woman's Skin -- 1971 giallo film directed by Lucio Fulci
Wikipedia - Alizee Dufraisse -- French rock climber (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Al Jean -- American television writer and producer (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Alka Kubal -- Indian actress (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Alkali Ike's Auto -- 1911 film
Wikipedia - Alkitrang Dugo -- 1976 Filipino film
Wikipedia - Alkohol -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Al-Kompars -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - All 4 Love -- 1991 single by Color Me Badd
Wikipedia - All Aboard (1917 film) -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - All Aboard (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - All Aboard, We Are Off -- 1944 children picture book
Wikipedia - All About Eve -- 1950 film by Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Wikipedia - All About Hash -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - All About Love (Joyce Sims album) -- 1989 studio album by Joyce Sims
Wikipedia - All About Loving -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - All About My Mother -- 1999 film by Pedro Almodovar
Wikipedia - All About Yves -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Alla en el Rancho Grande -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Alla en el trapiche -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Alla en el tropico -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Allah Rakha (film) -- 1986 film by Ketan Desai
Wikipedia - Allah Verdi Mirza Farman Farmaian -- Qajar prince (born 1929)
Wikipedia - All American Chump -- 1936 film by Edwin L. Marin
Wikipedia - All American (film) -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - All American High -- 1987 documentary directed by Keva Rosenfeld
Wikipedia - All American in Jazz -- 1962 album by Duke Ellington
Wikipedia - Alla mia cara mamma nel giorno del suo compleanno -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Allan Carlsson -- Swedish boxer (1910-1983)
Wikipedia - Allan Flanders -- British academic (1910-1973)
Wikipedia - Allan Hills 84001 -- Martian meteorite discovered in Antarctica in 1984
Wikipedia - Allan MacLeod Cormack -- South African American physicist (1924-1998)
Wikipedia - Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold -- 1986 film by Gary Nelson
Wikipedia - Allan Shivers -- American politician (1907-1985)
Wikipedia - Allari Mogudu -- 1992 film by K. Raghavendra Rao
Wikipedia - All Around Frying Pan -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - All Around the Town -- 1948 Caldecott picture book
Wikipedia - All at Sea (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - All at Sea (1935 film) -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - All at Sea (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Allauddinum Albhutha Vilakkum -- 1999 film by I. V. Sasi
Wikipedia - All Because of the Dog -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - All Clues Lead to Berlin -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - All Creatures Great and Small (film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - All Dat -- 2019 single by Moneybagg Yo featuring Megan Thee Stallion
Wikipedia - All Day and Night -- 2019 single by Europa and Madison Beer
Wikipedia - All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 -- 1996 American animated film
Wikipedia - All Dogs Go to Heaven -- 1989 animated film directed by Don Bluth
Wikipedia - All Dressed Up (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Alleged assault of Jussie Smollett -- 2019 fabricated hate crime
Wikipedia - Allegheny Airlines Flight 485 -- 1971 aviation accident in Connecticut, United States
Wikipedia - Allegheny Transportation Company -- 19th century American oil pipeline company
Wikipedia - Allegheny Uprising -- 1939 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Allegro barbaro (film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Allegro Con Brio (1979 film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Allemaal naar Bed -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Allen Beville Ramsay -- English academic and Latin poet (1872-1955)
Wikipedia - Allene Talmey -- American columnist, film critic (1903-1986)
Wikipedia - Allen M. Sumner-class destroyer -- 1943 class of destroyers of the United States Navy
Wikipedia - Allen Saunders -- American cartoonist, 1899-1986
Wikipedia - Allentown Jail -- 1963 single by The Lettermen
Wikipedia - Allen Webster M-bM-^@M-^\WebM-bM-^@M-^] Hawkins -- Newspaper editor (b. 1925, d. 2016)
Wikipedia - Allen Young (writer) -- American journalist (born 1941)
Wikipedia - Allergic (song) -- 2019 single by Post Malone
Wikipedia - Alles Bob! -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Alles Leben ist Kampf -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Alle tiders kupp -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Alley Cat (film) -- 1984 American action film
Wikipedia - Alleycat Rock: Female Boss -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Alleyway (video game) -- 1989 Breakout clone video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Allez Hopp -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Allez Oop -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - All Fall Down (1962 film) -- 1962 film by John Frankenheimer
Wikipedia - All Falling Down -- 1952 Caldecott picture book
Wikipedia - All for a Girl (1915 film) -- 1915 short film by Roy Applegate
Wikipedia - All for a Girl (1916 film) -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - All for Leyna -- 1980 single by Billy Joel
Wikipedia - All for Love (song) -- 1993 single by Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart and Sting
Wikipedia - All for Mary -- 1955 film by Wendy Toye
Wikipedia - All for Money -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - All for Nothing / Nothing for All -- 1997 compilation album by the Replacements
Wikipedia - All for Peggy -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - All for Science -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - All for Us -- 2019 single by Labrinth
Wikipedia - All God's Children (1996 film) -- 1996 film by Sylvia Rhue
Wikipedia - All Hands on Deck (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - All I Am (Lynsey de Paul and Susan Sheridan song) -- 1980 song performed by Lynsey de Paul
Wikipedia - Alliance for Labor Action -- An American and Canadian national trade union center from 1968 to 1972
Wikipedia - Alliance Francaise French Film Festival -- 2019 alliance french film festival brisbane program
Wikipedia - All I Ask of You -- 1986 single by Sarah Brightman and Cliff Richard
Wikipedia - Alli Darbar -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Allied invasion of Sicily -- 1943 military campaign of World War II on the island of Sicily, Italy
Wikipedia - Alli (film) -- 1964 film by S. S. Rajendran
Wikipedia - Alligator (film) -- 1980 film by Lewis Teague
Wikipedia - Alligator (novel) -- 1962 parody novel
Wikipedia - All I Have to Do Is Dream -- 1958 jangle pop single performed by the Everly Brothers, written and composed by Boudleaux Bryant
Wikipedia - All I Have to Give -- 1998 single by Backstreet Boys
Wikipedia - All in a Night's Work (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - All in a Nutshell -- 1949 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - All I Need (Air song) -- 1998 single by Air
Wikipedia - All I Need Is a Miracle -- 1986 single by Mike + The Mechanics
Wikipedia - All I Need (Jack Wagner song) -- 1984 single by Jack Wagner
Wikipedia - All I Need (Jesse Powell song) -- 1996 single by Jesse Powell
Wikipedia - All In (film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - All in Good Taste -- 1983 film by Anthony Kramreither
Wikipedia - All in Love Is Fair (album) -- 1974 album by Nancy Wilson
Wikipedia - All in My Family -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - All in One (film) -- 1938 short film
Wikipedia - All in the Family (film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Alli Petra Pillai -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - All I Really Want (Alanis Morissette song) -- 1996 single by Alanis Morissette
Wikipedia - All I Really Want (Kim Lukas song) -- 1999 single by Kim Lukas
Wikipedia - All Is at Stake -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - All Is Found -- 2019 song by Evan Rachel Wood
Wikipedia - All Is Full of Love -- 1999 single by Bjork
Wikipedia - Allison Holker -- American dancer (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Allison Krause -- Student killed at Kent State University in 1970
Wikipedia - Allison Road -- 1994 single by Gin Blossoms
Wikipedia - Allison Vest -- Canadian rock climber (born 1995)
Wikipedia - All Is Possible in Granada (1954 film) -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - All I Wanna Do (1998 film) -- 1998 Canadian-American comedy film by Sarah Kernochan
Wikipedia - All I Want for Christmas Is You -- 1994 single by Mariah Carey
Wikipedia - All I Want Is You (911 song) -- 1998 single by 911
Wikipedia - All I Want (Toad the Wet Sprocket song) -- 1992 single by Toad the Wet Sprocket
Wikipedia - All Ladies Do It -- 1992 film by Tinto Brass
Wikipedia - All Lies (film) -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - All Men Are Brothers (film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - All Men Are Enemies -- 1934 film by George Fitzmaurice
Wikipedia - All Men Are Liars (1919 film) -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - All Mixed Up (film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - All Monsters Attack -- 1969 film by IshirM-EM-^M Honda
Wikipedia - All My Babies -- 1953 film by George C. Stoney
Wikipedia - All My Compatriots -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - All My Friends Part 2 -- 1982 Italian film by Mario Monicelli
Wikipedia - All My Life (K-Ci & JoJo song) -- 1998 single by K-Ci & JoJo
Wikipedia - All My Loving (film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - All-Negro Comics -- 1947 American comic book
Wikipedia - All Night (film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - All Night Long (1962 film) -- 1962 film by Basil Dearden
Wikipedia - All Night Long (1981 film) -- 1981 film directed by Jean-Claude Tramont
Wikipedia - All Night Long (All Night) -- 1983 Lionel Richie single from the album Can't Slow Down
Wikipedia - All Night Long (Joe Walsh song) -- 1980 single by Joe Walsh
Wikipedia - All Night Long (Rainbow song) -- 1980 single by Rainbow
Wikipedia - All-Night Vigil (Rachmaninoff) -- 1915 a cappella choral composition by Sergei Rachmaninoff
Wikipedia - All Nippon Airways Flight 58 -- 1971 mid-air collision over Japan
Wikipedia - All n My Grill -- 1999 single by Missy Elliott, Big Boi, Nicole Wray
Wikipedia - All Nothing -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - All Nudity Shall Be Punished -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - All-of-a-Kind Family -- 1951 children's book by Sydney Taylor
Wikipedia - All of a Sudden Norma -- 1919 film directed by Howard Hickman
Wikipedia - All of a Sudden Peggy -- 1920 film by Walter Edwards
Wikipedia - All of Me (1934 film) -- 1934 drama film by James Flood
Wikipedia - All of Me (1984 film) -- 1984 American film by Carl Reiner
Wikipedia - All on Account of the Milk -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - Allos gia to ekatommyrio -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - All Out (2019) -- 2019 All Elite Wrestling event
Wikipedia - All Out of Love -- 1980 Air Supply song
Wikipedia - All Over Me (film) -- 1997 film by Alex Sichel
Wikipedia - All Over the World (Electric Light Orchestra song) -- 1980 single by Electric Light Orchestra
Wikipedia - All Over Town -- 1937 film by James W. Horne
Wikipedia - Allpakallpa -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - AllrakM-CM-$raste syster (film) -- 1988 Swedish film directed by Goran Carmback
Wikipedia - All Roads Lead Home (1957 film) -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - All Roads Lead to Calvary (film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - All Screwed Up -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - All's Fair at the Fair -- 1938 film by Dave Fleischer
Wikipedia - All's Fair -- American television series 1976-1977
Wikipedia - All Shook Down -- 1990 album by the Replacements
Wikipedia - All Sorts and Conditions of Men -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - All Souls' Day (film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - All Soul's Eve -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - All Souls (film) -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - All Star (song) -- 1999 single by Smash Mouth
Wikipedia - All Strung Out Over You -- 1966 song by The Chambers Brothers
Wikipedia - All That Glitters (film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - All That Jazz (film) -- 1979 film directed by Bob Fosse
Wikipedia - All That Matters (play) -- 1911 play by Charles McEvoy
Wikipedia - All That Really Matters -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - All That She Wants -- 1992 single by Ace of Base
Wikipedia - All That Swagger -- 1936 book by Miles Franklin
Wikipedia - All the Brothers Were Valiant (1923 film) -- 1923 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - All the Colors of the Dark -- 1972 film by Sergio Martino
Wikipedia - All the Fault of Paradise -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - All the Fine Young Cannibals -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - All the Freckles in the World -- 2019 Mexican film directed by Yibran Asuad
Wikipedia - All the Gold in the World -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - All the Good Girls Go to Hell -- 2019 single by Billie Eilish
Wikipedia - All the King's Horses (film) -- 1935 film by Frank Tuttle
Wikipedia - All the King's Men (1949 film)
Wikipedia - All the King's Men -- 1946 novel by Robert Penn Warren
Wikipedia - All the Love in the World (album) -- 1974 album by Mac Davis
Wikipedia - All the President's Men (film) -- 1976 film by Alan J. Pakula
Wikipedia - All the Right Moves (film) -- 1983 US sports drama film by Michael Chapman
Wikipedia - All the Right Noises -- 1971 film by Gerry O'Hara
Wikipedia - All the Sad World Needs -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - All These Small Moments -- 2019 film directed by Melissa Miller Costanzo
Wikipedia - All These Women -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - All the Sins of the Earth -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - All the Small Things -- 1999 single by Blink-182
Wikipedia - All the Things You Are -- Original show tune composed by Jerome Kern, lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II; from the 1939 musical "Very Warm for May"
Wikipedia - All the Things (Your Man Won't Do) -- 1996 single by Joe
Wikipedia - All the Way Up -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - All the Winners -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - All the World's a Stooge -- 1941 film by Del Lord
Wikipedia - All the World to Nothing -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - All the Young Dudes -- 1972 glam rock single by Mott the Hoople, written by David Bowie
Wikipedia - All the Young Men -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - All Things Fair -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - All This, and Heaven Too -- 1940 film by Anatole Litvak
Wikipedia - All This and Rabbit Stew -- 1941 Bugs Bunny cartoon
Wikipedia - All This and World War II -- 1976 film by Susan Winslow
Wikipedia - All This Is That -- 1972 song by the Beach Boys
Wikipedia - All Through the Night (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - All Together (1942 film) -- 1942 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - All Together Now -- 1969 song by The Beatles
Wikipedia - Alludugaaru Vachcharu -- 1999 film by Ravi Raja Pinisetty
Wikipedia - Allu Ramalingaiah -- Indian actor (1922-2004)
Wikipedia - Allu Ramendran -- 2019 Indian Malayalam-language film
Wikipedia - Allures (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Alluri Seetarama Raju (film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - All Woman (film) -- 1918 film by Hobart Henley
Wikipedia - All Wrong (film) -- 1919 film by Raymond B. West
Wikipedia - All You Need Is Cash -- 1978 television film
Wikipedia - All You Need to Know -- 2019 song by Gryffin
Wikipedia - Alma en pena -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Alma Gould Dale -- 19th and 20th-century Canadian Quaker minister
Wikipedia - Alma May Waterman -- American botanist (1893-1977)
Wikipedia - Almanac of Fall -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Al Martino -- American actor and singer (1927-2009)
Wikipedia - Alma Selimovic -- Queer human rights activist (b. 1981)
Wikipedia - Almenrausch and Edelweiss (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Almenrausch and Edelweiss (1957 film) -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - ALM Flight 980 -- Aviation accident in the Caribbean Sea on 2 May 1970
Wikipedia - Almirante Latorre-class battleship -- Two dreadnoughts built for Chile starting in 1911
Wikipedia - Almost a Divorce -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Almost a Gentleman (1938 film) -- 1938 film by Oswald Mitchell
Wikipedia - Almost a Gentleman (1939 film) -- 1939 film directed by Leslie Goodwins
Wikipedia - Almost a Honeymoon (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Almost a Husband -- 1919 film by Clarence G. Badger
Wikipedia - Almost a Lady -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Almost an Actress -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Almost Angels -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Almost a Rescue -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Almost a Wild Man -- 1913 film by Dell Henderson
Wikipedia - Almost Doesn't Count -- 1999 single by Brandy
Wikipedia - Almost Family -- 2019 American drama television series
Wikipedia - Almost Hear You Sigh -- 1990 song by The Rolling Stones
Wikipedia - Almost Human (1927 film) -- 1927 film by Frank John Urson
Wikipedia - Almost Human (1974 film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Almost Lost -- 1996 book by Beatrice Sparks
Wikipedia - Almost Married (1919 film) -- 1919 film by Charles Swickard
Wikipedia - Almost Married (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Almost Married (1942 film) -- 1942 film by Charles Lamont
Wikipedia - Almost Summer -- 1978 film by Martin Davidson
Wikipedia - Almost You -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Al-Mughamara -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Almut Gitter Jones -- German-American botanist (1923-2013)
Wikipedia - Al-Nour -- Lebanese pro-Hezbollah radio station established in 1988
Wikipedia - Alocao -- 2019 song by Omar Montes & Bad Gyal
Wikipedia - A Lodge in the Wilderness -- 1906 quasi-novel by John Buchan
Wikipedia - Aloha (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite -- 1973 film by Marty Pasetta
Wikipedia - Alois EliaM-EM-! -- Czechoslovak general and politician (1890-1942)
Wikipedia - Alois Mertes -- German politician (1921-1985)
Wikipedia - Alois Rainer (politician, born 1965) -- German politician
Wikipedia - Aloma of the South Seas (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Aloma of the South Seas (1941 film) -- 1941 film by Alfred Santell
Wikipedia - AloM-CM-/se Corbaz -- Swiss artist (1886-1964)
Wikipedia - AloM-CM-/se (film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Alone (1931 French film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Alone Across the Pacific -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - Alone Against Rome -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Alone (Chisato Moritaka song) -- 1988 song by Chisato Moritaka
Wikipedia - Alone in the Jungle -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Alone Too Long (song) -- 1975 single by Hall & Oates
Wikipedia - Along Came Auntie -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Along Came Love -- 1936 film by Bert Lytell
Wikipedia - Along Came Ruth -- 1924 film by Edward F. Cline
Wikipedia - Along Came Youth -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Long December -- 1996 single by Counting Crows
Wikipedia - A Long Journey -- 1967 film by Patricio Kaulen
Wikipedia - Along the Great Divide -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Along the Oregon Trail -- 1947 film by R. G. Springsteen
Wikipedia - Along the Red Ledge -- 1978 studio album by Hall & Oates
Wikipedia - Along the Rio Grande -- 1941 film by Edward Killy
Wikipedia - Along These Lines (film) -- 1974 Canadian film
Wikipedia - Along the Sundown Trail -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - A Long Way from Nowhere -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A Long Way Home (1981 film)
Wikipedia - Alootook Ipellie -- Inuk graphic artist, political and satirical cartoonist, writer, and photographer (1951-2007)
Wikipedia - Alor Michil -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - A Lost Lady (1924 film) -- 1924 film by Harry Beaumont
Wikipedia - A Lost Lady (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Alfred E. Green, Phil Rosen
Wikipedia - A Lost Leader -- 1922 silent film
Wikipedia - A Lost Life -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - A Love, A Thief, A Department Store -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Lovely Way to Die -- 1968 film by David Lowell Rich
Wikipedia - A Lover in Pawn -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Lover's Oath -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Lover's Return -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - A Love Song for Latasha -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - A Love Sublime -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - A Lowland Cinderella -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Aloys Lenz (politician, born 1910) -- German politician
Wikipedia - Alpha 1 (Robert Silverberg anthology) -- 1970 anthology edited by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - Alpha (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Alpha 2 (Robert Silverberg anthology) -- 1971 anthology edited by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - Alpha 3 (Robert Silverberg anthology) -- 1972 anthology edited by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - Alpha 4 (Robert Silverberg anthology) -- 1973 anthology edited by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - Alpha 5 (Robert Silverberg anthology) -- 1974 anthology edited by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - Alpha 6 (Robert Silverberg anthology) -- 1976 anthology edited by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - Alpha 7 (Robert Silverberg anthology) -- 1977 anthology edited by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - Alpha 8 (Robert Silverberg anthology) -- 1978 anthology edited by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - Alphabet City (film) -- 1984 film by Amos Poe
Wikipedia - Alphabet of Fear -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Alphee Saint-Amand -- Mayor of Quebec, Canada (1903-1983)
Wikipedia - Alphonse Chigot -- French artist known for painting (1824-1917)
Wikipedia - Alphonse Jette -- Canadian ice hockey defenceman (1887 - 1944)
Wikipedia - Alphonse Milne-Edwards -- Anglo-French zoologist (1835-1900)
Wikipedia - Alphonse W. Salomone Jr. -- Canadian-American hotelier (1919-1993)
Wikipedia - Alphons Timmerman -- Belgian spy for Nazi Germany (1904-1942)
Wikipedia - Alpina B10 Bi-Turbo -- High performance executive car manufactured by German automobile manufacturer Alpina from 1989–1994
Wikipedia - Alpina B12 -- High performance automobiles manufactured by German automobile manufacturer Alpina from 1988–2001
Wikipedia - Alpine Antics (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Alpine Antics -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Alpine Fire -- 1985 Swiss drama film
Wikipedia - Alpine Glow in Dirndlrock -- 1974 film by Sigi Rothemund
Wikipedia - Alpine Racer 2 -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Alpine skiing at the 1972 Winter Olympics -- 1972 edition of the ski jumping competitions during the Olympic Winter Games
Wikipedia - Alpine Tragedy -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Al Posen -- American cartoonist, 1894-1960
Wikipedia - Al Qadisiyya -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - Al-Qahir -- 19th Abbasid Caliph
Wikipedia - Alraune (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Alraune (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Alraune (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Alraune (1952 film) -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Alraune, die Henkerstochter, genannt die rote Hanne -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Al Reinert -- American film director (1947-2018)
Wikipedia - Al-RidaM-JM-< al-AbyaM-aM-8M-^M -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Alright (Cast song) -- 1995 single by Cast
Wikipedia - Alright (Janet Jackson song) -- 1990 single by Janet Jackson
Wikipedia - Alright (Supergrass song) -- 1995 single by Supergrass
Wikipedia - Al Scaduto -- American cartoonist, 1928-2007
Wikipedia - Al Schwimmer -- Israeli aerospace engineer and businessman (1917-2011)
Wikipedia - Al-Shams Fi Yawam Gha'em -- 1986 film directed by Muhammad Shahin
Wikipedia - Als in een Roes -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - Al Smith (cartoonist) -- American cartoonist, 1902-1986
Wikipedia - Al son del mambo -- 1950 film by Chano Urueta
Wikipedia - Also People -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Alsos Mission -- United States military operation of 1943-1945 to discover enemy scientific developments during World War II
Wikipedia - Altair 8800 -- Microcomputer designed in 1974
Wikipedia - Altamont Free Concert -- 1969 music festival in northern California
Wikipedia - Altars of Desire -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Alt dette og Island med -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Altered Beast -- 1988 beat 'em up arcade game
Wikipedia - Altered Space -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Altered States -- 1980 science-fiction horror film by Ken Russell
Wikipedia - Alternative Girlfriend -- 1994 single by Barenaked Ladies
Wikipedia - Alternative law in Ireland prior to 1921 -- Legal systems used by Irish nationalist organizations
Wikipedia - Althaara -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Althea Gyles -- Gyles, Margaret Alethea [known as Althea Gyles] (1867-1949), artist and poet
Wikipedia - Altid ballade -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Alto Parana (film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Altus Lacy Quaintance -- American naturalist (1870-1958)
Wikipedia - Alucita xanthozona (Clarke, 1986) -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alucita xanthozona (Diakonoff, 1954) -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - A Lucky Man -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Lucky Strike -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A Lucky Sweep -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Lume Spento -- 1908 self-published poetry collection by Ezra Pound
Wikipedia - Alun Michael -- Welsh politician (born 1943)
Wikipedia - Alvah Augustus Eaton -- U.S. botanist (1865-1908)
Wikipedia - Alvan Graham Clark -- 19th-century American astronomer
Wikipedia - Alvan S. Harper -- American photographer, 1847-1911
Wikipedia - Alvar Aalto -- Finnish architect and designer (1898-1976)
Wikipedia - Al Vermeer -- American cartoonist, 1911-1980
Wikipedia - Alvin Anthons -- Malaysian entertainer (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Alvin M. Johnston -- American test pilot (1914-1998)
Wikipedia - Alvin Purple -- 1972 Australian film directed by Tim Burstall
Wikipedia - Alvin Rides Again -- 1974 film by Robin Copping, David Bilcock
Wikipedia - Alvorada (film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Always (1989 film) -- 1989 romantic drama film directed by Steven Spielberg
Wikipedia - Always a Bride -- 1940 film by Noel M. Smith
Wikipedia - Always, Always -- 1969 Portner Wagoner and Dolly Parton album
Wikipedia - Always & Forever (film) -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Always a New Beginning -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Always Audacious -- 1920 film by James Cruze
Wikipedia - Always Be My Baby -- 1996 single by Mariah Carey
Wikipedia - Always Be My Maybe (2019 film) -- 2019 romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Always Be True and Faithful -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Always (Bon Jovi song) -- 1994 single by Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - Always Breaking My Heart -- 1996 single by Belinda Carlisle
Wikipedia - Always (Erasure song) -- 1994 single by Erasure
Wikipedia - Always Faithful -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Always for Pleasure -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Always Further On -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - Always Goodbye (1931 film) -- 1931 film by Kenneth MacKenna
Wikipedia - Always Goodbye (1938 film) -- 1938 film by Sidney Lanfield
Wikipedia - Always Guaranteed -- 1987 studio album by Cliff Richard
Wikipedia - Always Have, Always Will (Ace of Base song) -- 1998 single by Ace of Base
Wikipedia - Always in My Heart (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Always in Trouble -- 1938 film by Joseph Santley
Wikipedia - Always Kickin' -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Always Leave Them Laughing -- 1949 film by Roy Del Ruth
Wikipedia - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life -- 1979 song from Monty Python's Life of Brian
Wikipedia - Always on Duty -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Always on the Run -- 1991 single by Lenny Kravitz
Wikipedia - Always Tell Your Wife -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Always the Woman -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Always Trouble with the Teachers -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Al Wilson (pilot) -- American film actor, producer, and stunt pilot (1895-1932)
Wikipedia - Alwin Berger -- German botanist (1871-1931)
Wikipedia - Alwin der Letzte -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Alyam, Alyam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Alyas Pusa: Ang Taong May 13 Buhay -- 1988 Filipino film starring Ramon Revilla
Wikipedia - Alyonka -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Alyosha's Love -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Alyoshenka -- Putative premature baby corpse found in Russia in 1996
Wikipedia - Al-ZaylaM-JM-=i -- 19th-century Somali Islamic jurist
Wikipedia - A.M. 180 -- 1998 single by Grandaddy
Wikipedia - AM-919
Wikipedia - Am Abend -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - Amada Bata -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - A Madea Family Funeral -- 2019 American comedy film directed by Tyler Perry
Wikipedia - Amadeus (film) -- 1984 film by MiloM-EM-! Forman
Wikipedia - Amadeus (play) -- 1979 stage play
Wikipedia - A Mad Idea -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Amado Carrillo Fuentes -- Mexican drug lord (1956-1997)
Wikipedia - Amador Aguiar -- Brazilian banker (1904-1991)
Wikipedia - Amadou Toumani Toure -- Malian soldier and politician (1948-2020)
Wikipedia - Ama Girls -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Maid of the Silver Sea (film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Maid to Order -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Amalananda Ghosh -- Indian archaeologist (1910-1981)
Wikipedia - Amalgamation of Winnipeg -- Merger of the City of Winnipeg with other municipalities in 1972
Wikipedia - Amal Hamadeh -- Comedian (b. 1976, d. 2018)
Wikipedia - Amalia (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Amalia Puga de Losada -- Peruvian writer (1866-1963)
Wikipedia - Amalio Reyes, un hombre -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Amalric Walter -- French glass artist specializing in pM-CM-"te de verre (1870-1959)
Wikipedia - A Man About Town -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Man Alone (film) -- 1955 film by Ray Milland
Wikipedia - A Man and a Woman: 20 Years Later -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - A Man and a Woman -- 1966 film by Claude Lelouch
Wikipedia - A Man and His Money -- 1919 film directed by Harry Beaumont
Wikipedia - Amanat Ali (singer) -- Pakistani singer (born 1987)
Wikipedia - A Man, a Woman, and a Bank -- 1979 film by Noel Black
Wikipedia - A Man Betrayed (1936 film) -- 1936 American film by John H. Auer
Wikipedia - A Man Betrayed (1941 film) -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - A Man Called Horse (film) -- 1970 film by Elliot Silverstein
Wikipedia - A Man Called Peter -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - A Man Called Sledge -- 1970 film by Vic Morrow, Giorgio Gentili
Wikipedia - Amanda Cassatt -- American journalist and entrepreneur (born 1991)
Wikipedia - Amanda Fallon -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Amanda Marcotte -- American blogger (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Amanda Nunes -- Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Amanda Palmer -- American musician and songwriter (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Amanda Renteria -- American politicall aide (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Amandine Savary -- French pianist (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Amandote a la Italiana -- 1985 compilation album by Luis Miguel
Wikipedia - A Man for All Seasons (1966 film) -- 1966 film by Fred Zinnemann
Wikipedia - A Man for My Wife -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - A Man Four-Square -- 1926 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - A Man from Wyoming -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Amangeldy Muraliyev -- Kyrgyz politician (born 1947)
Wikipedia - A Manhattan Knight -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Man in Love (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - A Man Like Maximilian -- 1945 film
Wikipedia - A ManM-bM-^@M-2s World -- 1971 film directed by Yasuharu Hasebe
Wikipedia - A Man Must Live -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Man of Action (film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Man of Iron -- 1925 silent film
Wikipedia - A Man of Mayfair -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Man of Means -- 1991 short story collection by P.G. Wodehouse and C.H. Bovill
Wikipedia - A Man of Principle -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - A Man of Quality -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Man of Sentiment -- 1933 film by Richard Thorpe
Wikipedia - A Man of Sorrow -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Man of Straw -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Man on the Beach -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Aman Raj -- Indian golfer (1995-)
Wikipedia - A Man's Affair -- 1949 film by Jay Lewis
Wikipedia - A Man's Country -- 1919 film by Henry Kolker
Wikipedia - A Man's Fight -- 1919 film by Thomas N. Heffron
Wikipedia - A Man's Game -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - A Man's Land -- 1932 film directed by Phil Rosen
Wikipedia - A Man's Man (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Man's Mate -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - A Man's Neck (film) -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - A Man's Past -- 1927 film by George Melford
Wikipedia - A Man's Prerogative -- 1915 silent film by George Nichols
Wikipedia - A Man's Shadow -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Man's World (1918 film) -- 1918 silent film directed by Herbert Blache
Wikipedia - A Man's World (1942 film) -- 1942 film directed by Charles Barton
Wikipedia - A Man to Remember -- 1938 film by Garson Kanin
Wikipedia - Amanush -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - A Man Was Going Down the Road -- 1973 book by Otar Tschiladse
Wikipedia - A Man with Heart -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Man with Principles? -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Ama Qamata -- South African actress (born circa 1998)
Wikipedia - Amar (2019 film) -- 2019 film by Nagashekar
Wikipedia - Amara Deepam (1956 film) -- 1956 film by T. Prakash Rao
Wikipedia - Amar Akbar Anthony -- 1977 Indian Hindi film by Manmohan Desai
Wikipedia - Amaran (film) -- 1992 film directed by K. Rajeshwar
Wikipedia - Amaranta Kun -- Peruvian actress (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Amarashilpi Jakanachari (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Amar Bakshi -- Artist (b. 1984)
Wikipedia - Amar Bhoopali -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Amardeep (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Amar Deep (1979 film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Amarillo by Morning (film) -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Amarillo by Morning (song) -- 1973 country-western song written by Terry Stanford and made famous by George Strait
Wikipedia - Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley -- 1918 film directed by Marshall Neilan
Wikipedia - Amarjeet Kaur (politician) -- Indian politician (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Amarjit Chandan -- Punjabi poet (born 1946)
Wikipedia - Amar Jyoti -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Amarkalam -- 1999 film directed by Saran
Wikipedia - Amar Kantak -- 1986 film by Sukhen Das
Wikipedia - A Marked Man -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Amar Lenin -- 1970 film by Ritwik Ghatak
Wikipedia - Amarna Miller -- Spanish YouTuber (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Amarnath (film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Amar Rahe Yeh Pyar -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - A Married Couple -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Amar Sangi -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Amar Shakti -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Amarsham -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Amar Sindhu -- Pakistani writer (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Amar Sonar Bangla -- 1905 poem by Rabindranath Tagore and national anthem of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Amar Suhagin -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A Marvada Carne -- 1985 film directed by Andre Klotzel
Wikipedia - A Master of Craft -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Amateur (1994 film) -- 1994 film by Hal Hartley
Wikipedia - Amateur Crook -- 1937 film by Sam Katzman
Wikipedia - Amateur Daddy -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Mathematician's Apology -- 1940 essay by British mathematician G. H. Hardy
Wikipedia - A Matter of Dignity -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - A Matter of Earnestness -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - A Matter of Life and Death (film) -- 1946 film by Emeric Pressburger and Michael Powell
Wikipedia - A Matter of Morals -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - A Matter of Time (Deshpande novel) -- 1996 novel by Shashi Deshpande
Wikipedia - A Matter of Trust -- 1986 single by Billy Joel
Wikipedia - Amavas -- 2019 Bollywood horror film
Wikipedia - A Maze of Death -- 1970 novel by Philip K. Dick
Wikipedia - Amazing (Aerosmith song) -- 1993 single by Aerosmith
Wikipedia - Amazing Grace (1974 film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Amazing Grace and Chuck -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Amazing Spring -- 2019 Malaysian Cantonese-language comedy film
Wikipedia - Amazing Stories (1985 TV series) -- American anthology television series
Wikipedia - Amazon (1990 film) -- 1990 film
Wikipedia - Amazon (1997 film) -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Amazons (1986 film) -- 1986 Argentine film directed by Alejandro Sessa
Wikipedia - Amazons of Rome -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Amazon Symphony -- 1954 film directed by Anelio Latini Filho
Wikipedia - Amazon Women on the Moon -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Ambada Njaane! -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Ambadi Thannilorunni -- 1986 film directed by Alleppey Ranganath
Wikipedia - Amba (film) -- 1990 film directed by Mohan Kumar
Wikipedia - Ambalapravu -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Ambassador Bill -- 1931 film by Sam Taylor
Wikipedia - Ambassador Hotel (Los Angeles) -- US hotel in Los Angeles, CA (1921-2005)
Wikipedia - Ambassadors of Music -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Amber Gambler -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Amber Marshall -- Canadian actress (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Ambikapathy (1937 film)
Wikipedia - Ambikapathy (1957 film)
Wikipedia - Ambika Sharan Singh -- Indian government minister (1922-1977)
Wikipedia - Ambili Ammavan (film) -- 1986 film directed by KG Vijayakumar
Wikipedia - Ambili (film) -- 2019 film directed by Johnpaul George
Wikipedia - Ambition (1916 film) -- 1916 film by James Vincent
Wikipedia - Amblin' -- 1968 film by Steven Spielberg
Wikipedia - Amboy (ship) -- Wooden schooner-barge wrecked in the Mataafa Storm of 1905
Wikipedia - Ambroise Noumazalaye -- Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo (1933-2007)
Wikipedia - Ambrose Barker -- 19th-century British political activist
Wikipedia - Ambush (1939 film) -- 1939 film by Kurt Neumann
Wikipedia - Ambush (1988 film) -- 1988 Filipino film starring Ronnie Ricketts
Wikipedia - Ambush at Cimarron Pass -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Ambush at Iga Pass -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Ambushed (1998 film) -- 1998 film by Ernest Dickerson
Wikipedia - Ambush in Leopard Street -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Ambush Valley -- 1936 film by Bernard B. Ray
Wikipedia - A M-CM-^Arvore dos Sexos -- 1977 film by Silvio de Abreu
Wikipedia - Amco -- American car produced from 1917 to 1922
Wikipedia - Ame Badha -- 1935 Gujarati humorous novel by Dhansukhlal Mehta and Jyotindra Dave
Wikipedia - Amedee Bollee -- French bellfounder and inventor (1844-1917)
Wikipedia - Ameer Aadmi Gharib Aadmi -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Amelia and the Angel -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Amelia Lopes O'Neill -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Amelie or The Time to Love -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - AM-EM-^_iyan (magazine) -- Ottoman magazine (1908-1909)
Wikipedia - A Memory Called Empire -- 2019 novel by Arkady Martine
Wikipedia - A menesgazda -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Ameno (song) -- 1996 song performed by Era
Wikipedia - America (1924 film) -- 1924 film by D. W. Griffith
Wikipedia - America 3000 -- 1986 film directed by David Engelbach
Wikipedia - America Abbayi -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - America as Seen by a Frenchman -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - America Ferrera -- American actress (born 1984)
Wikipedia - America First Party (1943) -- American political party founded in 1943
Wikipedia - America Goes Over -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Americana (1992 TV series) -- 1992 documentary series by [[Jonathan Ross]]
Wikipedia - Americana (film) -- 1983 film directed by David Carradine
Wikipedia - American Airlines Flight 1420 -- June 1999 runway overrun and crash in Arkansas, US
Wikipedia - American Airlines Flight 191 -- May 1979 plane crash in Chicago, US
Wikipedia - American Airlines Flight 320 -- 1959 aviation accident
Wikipedia - American Airlines Flight 514 -- 1959 aviation accident
Wikipedia - American Airlines Flight 63 (Flagship Missouri) -- October 1943 plane crash in Tennessee, US
Wikipedia - American Airlines Flight 965 -- December 1995 plane crash in western Colombia
Wikipedia - American Anthem -- 1986 film by Albert Magnoli
Wikipedia - American Antiquities Act of 1906
Wikipedia - American Aristocracy -- 1916 comedy-drama film by Lloyd Ingraham
Wikipedia - American Arts Commemorative Series medallions -- Gold bullion medallions minted 1980-1984
Wikipedia - American Beauty (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - American Beauty (1999 film) -- 1999 film directed by Sam Mendes
Wikipedia - American Beauty (album) -- 1970 studio album by Grateful Dead
Wikipedia - American Boy: A Profile of Steven Prince -- 1978 film by Martin Scorsese
Wikipedia - American Boy (Eddie Rabbitt song) -- 1990 single by Eddie Rabbitt
Wikipedia - American Capitalism -- 1952 book by John Kenneth Galbraith
Wikipedia - American Challenge: A Sailing Simulation -- 1986 computer game
Wikipedia - American Civil War: From Sumter to Appomattox -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - American Collectors (Fred and Marcia Weisman) -- 1968 painting by David Hockney
Wikipedia - American Eagle Flight 4184 -- October 1994 plane crash in Indiana, US
Wikipedia - American Eagle Flight 5456 -- Accident in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico on June 7, 1992
Wikipedia - American Empire (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - American Enterprise Institute -- American conservative think tank founded in 1938
Wikipedia - American Equal Rights Association -- US 19th-century suffrage organization
Wikipedia - American Exit -- 2019 American drama thriller film
Wikipedia - American Factory -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - American Flyers -- 1985 American sports drama film
Wikipedia - American frontier -- Undeveloped territory of the United States, c. 1607-1912
Wikipedia - American Gigolo -- 1980 crime drama film by Paul Schrader
Wikipedia - American Girls (film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - American Gladiators (1989 TV series) -- Television program
Wikipedia - American Gladiators (video game) -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - American Graffiti -- 1973 US film directed by George Lucas
Wikipedia - American Heart (film) -- 1992 film by Martin Bell
Wikipedia - American History X -- 1998 drama film directed by Tony Kaye
Wikipedia - American Horror Story: 1984 -- Ninth season of American Horror Story
Wikipedia - American Hot Wax -- 1978 film by Floyd Mutrux
Wikipedia - American Juvenile Electric -- Electric automobile for children made in 1907
Wikipedia - American Love (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - American Madness -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - American Manners -- 1924 film by James W. Horne
Wikipedia - American Matchmaker -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - American Me -- 1992 film directed by Edward James Olmos
Wikipedia - American Motor Car Company -- Indianapolis, IN, automobile manufacturer, active 1906-1913
Wikipedia - American Music Awards of 2019
Wikipedia - American National Exhibition -- 1959 exhibition in Moscow
Wikipedia - American Ninja 2: The Confrontation -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - American Ninja -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - American Pastoral -- 1997 Book by Philip Roth
Wikipedia - American Peace Mobilization -- 1940-unknown, aka. National Committee to Win the Peace
Wikipedia - American Pimp -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - American Pluck -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - American Pop -- 1981 film by Ralph Bakshi
Wikipedia - American Pride (album) -- 1992 album by the American band, Alabama
Wikipedia - American proletarian poetry movement -- political poetry movement in the US-1920s and 1930s
Wikipedia - American Psycho -- 1991 novel by Bret Easton Ellis
Wikipedia - American Shoeshine -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Americans in Europe -- 1963 live jazz albums
Wikipedia - American Skin (film) -- 2019 film directed by Nate Parker
Wikipedia - American Son (2019 film) -- Drama film
Wikipedia - American Stories: Food, Family and Philosophy -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Wikipedia - American - That's All -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - American Theater Hall of Fame -- Hall of Fame in New York City founded in 1972
Wikipedia - American Tune -- 1973 single by Paul Simon
Wikipedia - American Typewriter -- Slab serif typeface created in 1974
Wikipedia - American Underslung -- Innovative automobile of 1905-1914 made in Indianapolis
Wikipedia - American Woman Suffrage Association -- US 19th-century suffrage organization
Wikipedia - America's Answer -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - America's Ethan Allen -- 1950 Caldecott picture book
Wikipedia - Americas in Transition -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - America the Beautiful (Disney film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Americathon -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - America Tropical: Oprimida y Destrozada por los Imperialismos -- 1932 mural by David Alfaro Siqueiros
Wikipedia - America, Why I Love Her -- 1973 spoken word album by John Wayne
Wikipedia - Amerika (miniseries) -- 1987 American television serial
Wikipedia - A Mero Hajur 3 -- 2019 Nepalese film directed by Jharana Thapa
Wikipedia - A Mesmerian Experiment -- 1905 film
Wikipedia - Ame (song) -- 1990 song by Chisato Moritaka
Wikipedia - A Message from Mars (1921 film) -- 1921 film directed by Maxwell Karger
Wikipedia - Amhara Region coup d'etat attempt -- 2019 assassinations and attempted coup in an Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Amhi Doghe Raja Rani -- 1986 film directed by Kamlakar Torne
Wikipedia - AMI-193
Wikipedia - Ami Ami -- 1985 single by Sandra Kim
Wikipedia - Am I Beautiful? -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Amicii URSS -- 1934 Romanian cultural organisation
Wikipedia - Amici miei - Atto III -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Amico (film) -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - A Midnight Bell -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Midnight Romance -- 1919 film directed by Lois Weber
Wikipedia - A Midsummer Night's Dream (1909 film) -- 1909 American film directed by Charles Kent and J. Stuart Blackton
Wikipedia - A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935 film) -- 1935 film by William Dieterle and Max Reinhardt
Wikipedia - A Midsummer Night's Dream (1959 film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Midsummer Night's Dream (1968 film) -- 1968 film by Peter Hall
Wikipedia - A Midsummer Night's Dream (1969 film)
Wikipedia - A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999 film) -- 1999 film by Michael Hoffman
Wikipedia - A Midsummer Night's Dream (ballet) -- 1962 ballet by George Balanchine
Wikipedia - A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy -- 1982 film by Woody Allen
Wikipedia - AMI Entertainment Network -- Jukebox and music video company (e. 1909)
Wikipedia - Amiga 1000 -- 1985 personal computer
Wikipedia - Amigo de nadie -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Amigomio -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Amigos para La Aventura -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Amii Stewart -- American singer, dancer and actress, most famous for her 1979 hit "Knock on Wood"
Wikipedia - A Million a Minute -- 1916 film by John W. Noble
Wikipedia - A Million Bid -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Million Love Songs -- 1992 single by Take That
Wikipedia - A Million to Burn -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Million to One (film) -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Amin al-Hafiz -- Syrian politician and army general (1921-2009)
Wikipedia - Amina Tailors -- 1991 film directed by Sajan
Wikipedia - A Mind to Murder -- 1963 Dalgliesh novel by P. D. James
Wikipedia - A Miner's Romance -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Amin Maher -- Iranian artist and filmmaker (born 1992)
Wikipedia - Amir Banoo Karimi -- Iranian academic (born 1931)
Wikipedia - Amir Dawud -- Singer and writer (b. 1977, d. 2019)
Wikipedia - Amir Garib -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Amiruddin Ahmad -- Bengali politician and Governor of East Pakistan (1955-56)
Wikipedia - A Misappropriated Turkey -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Amish Devgan -- Indian Journalist and television news anchor (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Amish Paradise -- 1996 single by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Wikipedia - Ami Sirajer Begam (Novel) -- 1960 novel by Sree Parabat
Wikipedia - Ami Sirajer Begam -- 1973 film directed by Sushil Mukhopadhyay
Wikipedia - A Misplaced Foot -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Mission for Mr. Dodd -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - A Missouri Outlaw -- 1941 film by George Sherman
Wikipedia - Amistad (film) -- 1997 historical drama film directed by Steven Spielberg
Wikipedia - A Misunderstood Boy -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Amit Bhadana -- Indian YouTuber, born 1994
Wikipedia - Amit Bhatt -- Indian television actor (born 1972)
Wikipedia - A. Mitchell Palmer -- 19th and 20th-century American politician
Wikipedia - Am I the Same Girl -- 1969 single by Barbara Acklin
Wikipedia - Amit Kumar (Bangladeshi cricketer) -- Bangladeshi cricketer, b. 1988
Wikipedia - Amit Sana -- Indian singer (Born 1983)
Wikipedia - Amityville: It's About Time -- 1992 American supernatural horror film
Wikipedia - A Mixup for Mazie -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A Mix Up in Hearts -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - A Mix-Up in Pedigrees -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Amjad Khan (actor) -- Indian actor (1940-1992)
Wikipedia - Amjad Nasser -- Jordanian writer (1955-2019)
Wikipedia - Amma (1986 film) -- 1986 film directed by Jiten
Wikipedia - Ammaa Ki Boli -- 2019 Hindi film
Wikipedia - Amma Ariyan -- 1986 film by John Abraham
Wikipedia - Amma Enge -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Ammaiyappan (film) -- 1954 film by A. Bhimsingh
Wikipedia - Amman Kovil Kizhakale -- 1986 film by R. Sundarrajan
Wikipedia - Ammayane Sathyam -- 1993 film by Balachandra Menon
Wikipedia - Ammayenna Sthree -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Ammayi Pelli -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Amme Bhagavathi -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Ammon Hennacy -- American Christian pacifist, anarchist and social activist (1893-1970)
Wikipedia - Ammonia Avenue -- 1984 album by The Alan Parsons Project
Wikipedia - Ammu Joseph -- Indian journalist (b. 1953)
Wikipedia - Ammuvinte Aattinkutty -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Amnesia (1994 film) -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Amnesty (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - A Modern Casanova -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Modern Cinderella -- 1917 film by John G. Adolfi
Wikipedia - A Modern Dubarry -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Modern Hero -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - A Modern Marriage -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - A Modern Musketeer -- 1917 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - A Modern Salome -- 1920 film by Leonce Perret
Wikipedia - A Modern Thelma -- 1916 film by John G. Adolfi
Wikipedia - A Modest Hero -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Mohawk's Way -- 1910 short film by D.W. Griffith
Wikipedia - Amok (1983 film) -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Amoklauf -- 1994 film by Uwe Boll
Wikipedia - Amok (novella) -- 1922 novella by Stefan Zweig
Wikipedia - Among Grey Stones -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Among the Irish Fisher Folk -- 1911 film by Sidney Olcott
Wikipedia - Among the Living (1941 film) -- 1941 film by Stuart Heisler
Wikipedia - Among the Mourners -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Among the Ruins -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Among Those Present -- 1921 film by Fred C. Newmeyer
Wikipedia - Among Vultures -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Among Wolves -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - A Month by the Lake -- 1995 film by John Irvin
Wikipedia - A Month in the Country (film) -- 1987 film by Pat O'Connor
Wikipedia - A Moonlight Serenade -- 1903 film by Georges Melies
Wikipedia - Amor a la Mexicana (song) -- 1997 single by Thalia
Wikipedia - Amor de otoM-CM-1o -- 1996 film directed by Jose Conrado Castelli
Wikipedia - Amor de Perdicao (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Amore amaro -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Amore libero - Free Love -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Amor (film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Amori miei -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Amorina (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Amori pericolosi -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - A Mormon Maid -- 1917 film by Robert Zigler Leonard
Wikipedia - Amorosa (1986 film) -- 1986 film by Mai Zetterling
Wikipedia - Amor prohibido (film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Amor Prohibido -- 1994 studio album by Selena
Wikipedia - Amor se dice cantando -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Morte Comanda o Cangaco -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Amor Towles -- American novelist (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Amor y sexo -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Amos Fortune, Free Man -- 1950 novel by Elizabeth Yates
Wikipedia - A Moslem -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - A Most Immoral Lady -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Mother's Atonement -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A Mother's Love (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Mother's Love (1939 film) -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - A Mother's Secret -- 1918 American drama film directed by Douglas Gerrard
Wikipedia - Amour (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Amourous Adventure -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Amparo MuM-CM-1oz -- Spanish actress and model, Miss Universe 1974 winner
Wikipedia - Ampera Cabinet -- Indonesian Cabinet between July 1966 and October 1967
Wikipedia - Amphibious Fighters -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Amphitryon (film) -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Amrapali (film) -- 1966 film by Lekh Tandon
Wikipedia - Amrita (Gujarati novel) -- 1965 Gujarati novel by Raghuveer Chaudhari
Wikipedia - Amrit (film) -- 1986 film by Mohan Kumar
Wikipedia - Amrit Kaur -- Indian politician (1889-1964)
Wikipedia - Amritsar 1919 -- Book by Kim A. Wagner (2019)
Wikipedia - Amrutha Chumbanam -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Amrutham Gamaya -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Amsterdamned -- 1988 Dutch horror film by Dick Maas
Wikipedia - Amsterdamse Joffers -- Group of 19th century Dutch women artists
Wikipedia - Amsterdam Vice -- 2019 Dutch film
Wikipedia - Amstrad CPC 464 -- 1984 home computer
Wikipedia - Amstrad -- 1968-2010 British electronics company
Wikipedia - Amudhavalli -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Amundsen (film) -- Norwegian movie from 2019
Wikipedia - A Murder Is Announced -- 1950 Miss Marple novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - A Murder of Quality -- 1962 novel by John le Carre
Wikipedia - A Murderous Girl -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Musical Monologue -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Musical War of Love -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Amy (1981 film) -- 1981 American family drama film by Vincent McEveety
Wikipedia - Amy-Eloise Markovc -- English long-distance runner (b. 1995)
Wikipedia - Amy Hill -- American character actress (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Amy Ignatow -- American cartoonist, illustrator and writer (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Amy Keating Rogers -- American screenwriter (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Amy Lalonde -- Canadian actress (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Amy Linker -- American actress (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Amy Mack -- Australian journalist, writer and editor (1876-1939)
Wikipedia - Amy Sherald -- American portrait painter (1973 - )
Wikipedia - Amy Siskind -- American activist and writer (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Amy Voce -- English radio broadcaster (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Ana Botin -- Spanish businesswoman, banker (born 1960)
Wikipedia - An Acceptable Time -- 1989 book by Madeleine L'Engle
Wikipedia - An account of Nepenthes in New Guinea -- 1991 article by Jebb
Wikipedia - An Ache in Every Stake -- 1941 short film directed by Del Lord
Wikipedia - Anaconda (film) -- 1997 film directed by Luis Llosa
Wikipedia - An Act of Murder -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - An Actress -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - An Act to amend the Criminal Code (peremptory challenges) -- A 2019 act of the Canadian Parliament
Wikipedia - An Act to extend the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 for 10 years -- US law
Wikipedia - Anadhai Anandhan -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Anadha -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - An Adventure in Hearts -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - An Adventure in the Autumn Woods -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - An Adventure of Salvator Rosa -- 1939 film by Alessandro Blasetti
Wikipedia - An Adventurous Automobile Trip -- 1905 film by Georges Melies
Wikipedia - An Aerial Joyride -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Ana Fernandez (actress, born 1963) -- Spanish actress
Wikipedia - An Affair of Honor -- 1901 silent film
Wikipedia - An Affair of the Follies -- 1927 film by Millard Webb
Wikipedia - An Affair to Die For -- 2019 film directed by Victor Garcia
Wikipedia - An Affair to Remember -- 1957 film by Leo McCarey
Wikipedia - Anagarika Dharmapala -- Sri Lankan Buddhist revivalist and writer (1864-1933)
Wikipedia - An Age of Kings -- 1960 British TV series
Wikipedia - Ana GradiM-EM-!nik -- Slovenian pool player, bown October 1996.
Wikipedia - Anahuac (automobile) -- Short-lived United States automobile styled after a contemporary Polish car and manufactured in 1922 in Indianapolis by the Frontenac Motor Corporation Intended for the export market
Wikipedia - Anak ni Palaris -- 1955 Filipino film directed by Mario Barri
Wikipedia - Anak Perawan di Sarang Penjamun -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn -- 1997 American mockumentary film
Wikipedia - An All Dogs Christmas Carol -- 1998 animated film
Wikipedia - An Alligator Named Daisy -- 1955 film by J. Lee Thompson
Wikipedia - An Almost Perfect Affair -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Analyze This -- 1999 film by Harold Ramis
Wikipedia - Analyzing Marx -- 1984 book by Richard W. Miller
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Micu -- Artist (b. 1979)
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Shua -- Argentine writer (born 1951)
Wikipedia - Anamaria Vartolomei -- Actress (b. 1999)
Wikipedia - Ana Mariscal -- Spanish actress, director, screenwriter, and producer (1923-1995)
Wikipedia - An Amateur Devil -- 1920 film by Maurice Campbell
Wikipedia - AnaM-CM-/s de Bassanville -- 19th-century French writer and journalist
Wikipedia - A Name for Evil -- 1973 film by Bernard Girard
Wikipedia - An American ABC -- 1941 Picture book
Wikipedia - An American Christmas Carol -- 1979 film directed by Eric Till
Wikipedia - An American Citizen -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - An American Girl Story - Maryellen 1955: Extraordinary Christmas -- 2016 film by Valerie Weiss
Wikipedia - An American in Buenos Aires -- 1961 Argentine romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - An American in Paris (film) -- 1951 film by Vincente Minnelli
Wikipedia - An American in Toledo -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - An American Romance -- 1944 film
Wikipedia - An American Tail -- 1986 animated film directed by Don Bluth
Wikipedia - An American Tragedy (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - An American Werewolf in Paris -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Anand (1986 film) -- 1986 film by Singeetam Srinivasa Rao
Wikipedia - Anand (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Ananda Aradhanai -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Anandha Kanneer -- 1980 film by K. Vijayan
Wikipedia - An Angel at My Table -- 1990 film by Jane Campion
Wikipedia - An Angel from Texas -- 1940 film by Ray Enright
Wikipedia - An Angel on Wheels -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - An Anglo-American Alliance -- 1906 lesbian science fiction novel
Wikipedia - An Annapolis Story -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Anantana Avantara -- 1989 film by Kashinath
Wikipedia - Anantaram -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Ananthasayanam (1942 film) -- 1942 film by K. Subramanyam
Wikipedia - An Anthology of Chance Operations -- 1963 American artist's book
Wikipedia - Ana Pauker -- Romanian politician (1893-1960)
Wikipedia - An Arabian Knight -- 1920 film by Charles Swickard
Wikipedia - Anarbala -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Anarchism (Eltzbacher book) -- 1900 book by Paul Eltzbacher
Wikipedia - Anarchism (Miller book) -- 1984 book-length survey of anarchism
Wikipedia - Anarchism or Socialism? -- 1906/1907 work by Joseph Stalin
Wikipedia - Anarchism (Ritter book) -- 1981 book
Wikipedia - Anarchist insurrection of Alt Llobregat -- 1932 Catalonian strike
Wikipedia - Anarchy, State, and Utopia -- 1974 book by Robert Nozick
Wikipedia - Anari (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Anari (1993 film) -- 1993 film by K. Murali Mohana Rao
Wikipedia - Ana Rich -- Serbian singer (born 1983)
Wikipedia - Anari -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Anarkali (1955 film) -- 1955 film by Vedantam Raghavaiah
Wikipedia - An Artist of Life -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Ana Shalikashvili -- Georgian painter (b. 1919, d. 2004)
Wikipedia - Ana's Song (Open Fire) -- 1999 single by Silverchair
Wikipedia - Anastasia (1956 film) -- 1956 American historical drama film directed by Anatole Litvak
Wikipedia - Anastasia (1997 film)
Wikipedia - Anastasia (soundtrack) -- Soundtrack for the 1997 Fox Animation Studios film Anastasia
Wikipedia - Anastasia, the False Czar's Daughter -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna -- 1986 TV film directed by Marvin J. Chomsky
Wikipedia - Anastasija Grigorjeva -- Latvian freestyle wrestler (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Anasuyamma Gari Alludu -- 1986 film by A. Kodandarami Reddy
Wikipedia - Ana Terra -- 1971 film directed by Durval Gomes Garcia
Wikipedia - Anatole and the Cat -- 1958 Caldecott picture book
Wikipedia - Anatole France -- French author and journalist (1844-1924)
Wikipedia - Anatole Kaletsky -- British economist and journalist (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Anatoly Liberman -- Russian-born American linguist and etymologist, 1937-
Wikipedia - Anatoly Nikolayevich Davidovich -- Decorated Azerbaijani soldier deceased in 1992
Wikipedia - Anatoly Petrov (animator) -- russian animator and director (1937-2010)
Wikipedia - Anatoly Smiranin -- Russian actor (1892-1971)
Wikipedia - Anatoly Volin -- The Chairman of the Supreme Court of the USSR in 1948 - 1957
Wikipedia - Anatomy of a Marriage: My Days with Francoise -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Anatomy of a Marriage: My Days with Jean-Marc -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Anatomy of a Murder -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Anatomy of a Psycho -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Anatopia -- 1990s protest occupation in northwest Germany
Wikipedia - A Natural History of the Senses -- 1990 book by Diane Ackerman
Wikipedia - An Australian by Marriage -- 1923 film by Raymond Longford
Wikipedia - An Autumn Afternoon -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - An Autumn's Tale -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Ana Voog -- American blogger and musician (born 1966)
Wikipedia - An Awful Moment -- 1908 film
Wikipedia - Anbe Aaruyire (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Anbe Vaa -- 1966 film by A. C. Tirulokchandar
Wikipedia - Anbu Engey -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Anbu Karangal -- 1965 film by K. Shankar
Wikipedia - Anbukku Naan Adimai -- 1980 film by R. Thyagarajan
Wikipedia - Anbulla Appa -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Anbulla Malare -- 1984 Tamil Indian feature film
Wikipedia - Anbulla Rajinikanth -- 1984 film by K. Natraj
Wikipedia - Anbu Magan -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Anbu Thangai -- 1974 film by S. P. Muthuraman
Wikipedia - Ancestors (Renee Rosnes album) -- 1996 album by Renee Rosnes
Wikipedia - Anchor Button (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Anchoress (film) -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Anchors Aweigh (film) -- 1945 film by George Sidney
Wikipedia - Ancient Chinese Whorehouse -- 1994 film by Kai Ming Lai
Wikipedia - Ancient Evenings -- 1983 novel by Norman Mailer
Wikipedia - Ancient God of Evil -- 1995 studio album by Unanimated
Wikipedia - Ancient Monuments Act 1931 -- Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 -- Law in the UK
Wikipedia - Ancient Monuments Consolidation and Amendment Act 1913 -- Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Ancient Monuments Preservation Act 1904 -- Act in British India
Wikipedia - Ancient Monuments Protection Act 1900 -- Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Ancient Monuments Protection Act 1910 -- Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - An Claidheamh Soluis -- Irish-speaking weekly newspaper from 1899 to 1931
Wikipedia - Andadu Aagadu -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - And a Little Child Shall Lead Them -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - Andaman Ammayi -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Andaman Kadhali -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Andaru Dongale -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Andata e ritorno -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Andaz (1971 film) -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Andaz Apna Apna -- 1994 Indian Hindi language comedy film
Wikipedia - And Berry Came Too -- 1936 short story collection by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - And death shall have no dominion -- 1933 poem by Dylan Thomas
Wikipedia - Anders Eriksson (ice hockey, born 1985) -- Swedish professional ice hockey forward
Wikipedia - Anders G. Aldrin -- American artist (1889-1970)
Wikipedia - Anders Zorn -- 19th and 20th-century Swedish painter and engraver
Wikipedia - An der Via Egnatia - Historisches und Heutiges uber Stadt und Messe -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - An der Zeitmauer -- 1959 book by Ernst Junger
Wikipedia - And Five Were Foolish -- 1924 short story collection by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - And God Said to Cain -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - And God Smiled at Me -- 1972 film by Mar S. Torres
Wikipedia - Andha Naal -- 1954 film by Sundaram Balachander
Wikipedia - Andha Oru Nimidam -- 1985 film by Major Sundarrajan
Wikipedia - Andharangam -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Andhare Alo (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Andhera -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Andheri Raat Mein Diya Tere Haath Mein -- 1986 film by Dada Kondke
Wikipedia - And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going -- 1982 single by Jennifer Holliday
Wikipedia - Andi Farid Izdihar -- Indonesian motorcycle racer (born 1997)
Wikipedia - And If We Should Meet Again -- 1947 film
Wikipedia - Andile Mbanjwa -- South African goalkeeper (born 1998)
Wikipedia - And Love Has Vanished -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - And No Birds Sing -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - And Now My Love -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - And On and On -- 1994 single by Janet Jackson
Wikipedia - And One Was Beautiful -- 1940 film directed by Robert B. Sinclair
Wikipedia - Andon Zlatarev -- Bulgarian Revolutionary(1872-1902)
Wikipedia - Andover tornado outbreak -- April 1991 tornado outbreak
Wikipedia - And Quiet Flows the Don (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - And Quiet Flows the Don (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Andras Pandy -- Belgian murderer (1927 - 2013)
Wikipedia - AN/DRC-8 Emergency Rocket Communications System -- US Strategic Forces system to communication with ballistic missiles in use from 1963-1991
Wikipedia - Andrea Cabral -- American lawyer (born 1959)
Wikipedia - Andrea Camilleri -- Italian writer (1925-2019)
Wikipedia - Andre, a Cara e a Coragem -- 1971 film directed by Xavier de Oliveira
Wikipedia - Andrea Coscelli -- British economist and businessman (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Andrea Crespo (writer) -- Ecuadorian writer, born 1983
Wikipedia - Andrea Crisanti -- Italian production designer and art director (1936-2012)
Wikipedia - Andrea Hah -- Australian rock climber (born c.1985)
Wikipedia - Andrea Luka Zimmerman -- Filmmaker and activist (b. 1969)
Wikipedia - Andre and Ursula -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Andrea Prat -- Italian economist (born 1967)
Wikipedia - Andrea Radrizzani -- Italian businessman (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Andreas Hofer (film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Andreas Paul Weber -- German lithographer , draftsman and painter (1893-1980)
Wikipedia - Andreas Schluter (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Andreas Voss (botanist) -- German botanist and horticulturist (1857-1924)
Wikipedia - Andre Birleanu -- Russian model (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Andre Cornelis (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Andre Cornelis (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Andrei Bely -- Russian poet, writer and critic (1880-1934)
Wikipedia - Andrei Rublev (film) -- 1966 film by Andrei Tarkovsky
Wikipedia - Andre Kertesz -- Hungarian photographer (1894 - 1985)
Wikipedia - Andre Knevel -- Canadian concert organist (born 1950)
Wikipedia - Andre Morell -- British actor (1909-1978)
Wikipedia - Andres Barbero -- Paraguayan botanist (1877-1951)
Wikipedia - Andres Saliquet -- Spanish military personnel (1877-1959)
Wikipedia - Andre Surmain -- Restaurateur (b. 1920, d. 2018)
Wikipedia - Andretti Racing -- 1996 racing video game
Wikipedia - Andreu Capdevila i Puig -- Spanish trade unionist (1894-1987)
Wikipedia - Andrew Bergman -- American film director and screenwriter (born 1945)
Wikipedia - Andrew Carrick Gow -- British artist (1848-1920)
Wikipedia - Andrew C. Love -- NBC Radio executive, director, producer, in Hollywood, from the 1930s through the 1970s.
Wikipedia - Andrew Davies (writer) -- British screenwriter and novelist (born 1936)
Wikipedia - Andrew Devane -- Irish architect (1917-2000)
Wikipedia - Andrew Firestone -- American TV reality show personality (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Andrew Forsyth -- 19th and 20th-century British mathematician
Wikipedia - Andrew Grant (writer) -- British writer (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Andrew H. J. Wang -- Taiwanese biochemist (born 1945)
Wikipedia - Andrew Houston -- Irish writer (1850-1920)
Wikipedia - Andrew Jackson Zilker -- American politician and philanthropist (1858 - 1934)
Wikipedia - Andrew Klavan -- American novelist (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Andrew Law (artist) -- British painter (1873-1967)
Wikipedia - Andrew Lownie -- British biographer and literary agent (b1961)
Wikipedia - Andrew Lysaght Jr. -- Politician and Attorney General from NSW, Australia (1873-1933)
Wikipedia - Andrew Lysaght Sr. -- Politician from NSW, Australia (1832-1906)
Wikipedia - Andrew Martin (novelist) -- British writer (born 1962)
Wikipedia - Andrew Mattison -- American medical psychologist (1948-2005)
Wikipedia - Andrew Mazzei -- British art director (1887-1975)
Wikipedia - Andrew McMillan (poet) -- English poet (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Andrew Mukooza -- Ugandan military officer (1944-1979)
Wikipedia - Andrew Pearson (director) -- British filmmaker, actor and producer born 1971
Wikipedia - Andrew Road triple murders -- 1983 high-profile triple murder case in Singapore
Wikipedia - Andrew Roe -- British Army officer (fl. 1992- )
Wikipedia - Andrew Sachs -- British actor (1930-2016)
Wikipedia - Andrew Solomon -- American writer (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Andrew Young (mathematician) -- (1891-1968) Scottish mathematician, natural scientist and lawyer
Wikipedia - Andrey Adamovskiy -- Businessman (b. 1962)
Wikipedia - Andrey Andreyevich Andreyev -- Soviet politician (1895-1971)
Wikipedia - Andrian Candu -- Moldovan politician (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Andrija Artukovic -- Convicted World War II war criminal (1899-1988)
Wikipedia - Andrina (film) -- 1981 television play
Wikipedia - Android (film) -- 1982 science fiction film directed by Aaron Lipstadt
Wikipedia - Android Nim -- 1978 video game
Wikipedia - Andry Rajoelina -- President of Madagascar (2009-2014; 2019-present)
Wikipedia - Andrzej Bryl -- Polish martial artist (b. 1957)
Wikipedia - And Satan Calls the Turns -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - And She Was -- 1985 single by Talking Heads
Wikipedia - And So Is Love -- 1994 Kate Bush Single
Wikipedia - And Soon the Darkness -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - And So They Were Married -- 1936 film directed by Elliott Nugent
Wikipedia - And So to Bath -- 1940 novel by Cecil Roberts
Wikipedia - And Sudden Death -- 1936 American film by Charles Barton
Wikipedia - And That on Monday Morning -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - And the Band Played On -- 1987 book by Randy Shilts
Wikipedia - And the Big Men Fly -- 1963 Australian play by Alan Hopgood
Wikipedia - And the Birds Rained Down -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - And the Crows Will Dig Your Grave -- 1971 Spanish film directed by Juan Bosch
Wikipedia - And the Devil is Their Third Accomplice -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - And the Heavens Above Us -- 1947 film
Wikipedia - And Then There Were None (1974 film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - And Then There Were None -- 1939 mystery novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - And Then We Danced -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - And the Plains Are Gleaming -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - And the Pursuit of Happiness -- 1986 film by Louis Malle
Wikipedia - And the Same to You -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - And This Is My Beloved -- Song from the 1953 musical Kismet
Wikipedia - And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street -- 1937 children's book by Dr. Seuss
Wikipedia - Andwella -- Northern Irish psychedelic rock band formed in 1968
Wikipedia - And Who Is Kissing Me? -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - And Women Shall Weep -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Andy Barker (philanthropist) -- American theme town founder (1924-2011)
Wikipedia - And Yet Luck Came -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - And Yet They Paused -- 1938 one-act play by Georgia Douglas Johnson
Wikipedia - Andy Frost (hammer thrower) -- British athlete (b. 1981)
Wikipedia - Andy Hardy Comes Home -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever -- 1939 film by W. S. Van Dyke
Wikipedia - Andy Hardy Meets Debutante -- 1940 film by George B. Seitz
Wikipedia - Andy Hardy's Double Life -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Andy Hardy's Private Secretary -- 1941 film by George B. Seitz
Wikipedia - Andy Mangels -- American science fiction writer (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Andy Nicholson -- English musician, DJ and producer (born 1986)
Wikipedia - Andy Nicolas -- Greek singer-songwriter (born 1991)
Wikipedia - Andy Nisbet -- Scottish mountaineer (1953-2019)
Wikipedia - And Your Bird Can Sing -- 1966 Beatles song
Wikipedia - Andy Riley -- British TV screenwriter, cartoonist (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Andy Warhol's Pork -- 1971 stage play by Andy Warhol
Wikipedia - Andy Weir -- American novelist (born 1972)
Wikipedia - A Nearly Decent Girl -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - An Eastern Westerner -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - An Easy Girl -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Aneesh Vidyashankar -- Indian violinist (born 1991)
Wikipedia - An Elastic Affair -- 1930 film by Alfred Hitchcock
Wikipedia - An Elephant on His Hands -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Anemic Cinema -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - An Enemy of Men -- 1925 film directed by Frank R. Strayer
Wikipedia - An Englishman in Moscow -- 1914 painting
Wikipedia - An Englishman's Castle -- 1978 British television series
Wikipedia - An Englishman's Home -- 1940 film by Albert de Courville
Wikipedia - An Essay on Liberation -- 1969 book by Herbert Marcuse
Wikipedia - An Essay on Marxian Economics -- 1942 book by Joan Robinson
Wikipedia - An Essay on Matisse -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - Anesthesia (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Nest Unfeathered -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - An Evening of Edgar Allan Poe -- 1970 television film directed by Kenneth Johnson
Wikipedia - An Evening Visit -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - An Evening with Elton John -- 1999 Elton John concert tour
Wikipedia - An Everyday Story -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - A New Day (song) -- 1984 single by Killing Jake
Wikipedia - A New England -- 1984 single by Billy Bragg
Wikipedia - A New Leaf (film) -- 1971 film directed by Elaine May
Wikipedia - A New System of Domestic Cookery -- 19th century British cookbook
Wikipedia - An Examined Life -- 2019 book by Karan Singh
Wikipedia - An Expensive Visit -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - An Experiment with Time -- 1927 book by J. W. Dunne
Wikipedia - An Eye for an Eye (1981 film) -- 1981 film by Steve Carver
Wikipedia - An Eye for a Tooth -- 1943 adventure novel by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - ANF Les Mureaux 160T -- 1932 design French touring monoplane
Wikipedia - Angaaray (1986 film) -- 1986 film directed by Rajesh Sethi
Wikipedia - Angadikkappurathu -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Angakkuri -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Angan Ke Par Dwar -- 1961 Hindi poetry collection by Agyeya
Wikipedia - Angara (film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Angarey -- 1932 Urdu short story collection
Wikipedia - Angathattu -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Ang Cheng Hock -- Singaporean judge (b. 1970)
Wikipedia - Ang Daigdig Ko'y Ikaw -- 1965 Filipino film directed by Efren Reyes Sr.
Wikipedia - Angel (1937 film) -- 1937 comedy-drama film by Ernst Lubitsch
Wikipedia - Angel (1966 film)
Wikipedia - Angel (1982 Greek film) -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - Angel (1984 film) -- 1984 American crime/sexploitation film directed by Tom DeSimone
Wikipedia - Angel (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Angel (1999 TV series) -- American television series (1999-2004)
Wikipedia - Angela (1978 film) -- 1978 film by Boris Sagal
Wikipedia - Angela Clayton -- Transgender rights activists and physicist (1959 - 2014)
Wikipedia - Angela Manalang-Gloria -- Filipino writer (1907-1995)
Wikipedia - Angel and Big Joe -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Angela Paton -- American actor, stage actor and television actor (1930-2016)
Wikipedia - Angel (Aretha Franklin song) -- 1973 single by Aretha Franklin
Wikipedia - Angela Thirkell -- British and Australian novelist (1890-1961)
Wikipedia - Angel Baby (1961 film) -- 1961 film by Paul Wendkos
Wikipedia - Angele (film) -- 1934 French film by Marcel Pagnol
Wikipedia - Angeles (band) -- American rock band from Los Angeles, United States, formed in 1977 by Dale Lytle
Wikipedia - Angel Esquire (novel) -- 1908 crime mystery novel
Wikipedia - Angel Esquire -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Angel Express -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Angel Eyes (The Jeff Healey Band song) -- 1989 single by The Jeff Healey Band
Wikipedia - Angel Face (1953 film) -- 1953 film by Otto Preminger
Wikipedia - Angelfist -- 1993 film by Cirio H. Santiago
Wikipedia - Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground -- 1981 single by Willie Nelson
Wikipedia - Angel from Montgomery -- 1971 John Prine song
Wikipedia - Angel Guts: Red Classroom (film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Angel Has Fallen -- 2019 American action film directed by Ric Roman Waugh
Wikipedia - Angel Heart -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Angelica Kauffman -- 18th/19th-century Swiss Neoclassical painter
Wikipedia - Angelica Panganiban -- Filipino actress and comedian (born 1986)
Wikipedia - Angel III: The Final Chapter -- 1988 film by Tom DeSimone
Wikipedia - Angelina Stepanova -- Soviet actor (1905-2000)
Wikipedia - Angel in a Taxi -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Angelina Valentijn -- 18/19th century Indigenous Indonesian woman, who, born a slave amassed a large colonial fortune
Wikipedia - Angeline Flor Pua -- Miss Universe Belgium 2019, beauty pageant titleholder, Belgian-Filipino model
Wikipedia - Angel in Exile -- 1948 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - Angel in My Pocket -- 1969 film by Alan Rafkin
Wikipedia - Angel in Separee -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Angel in the Wings -- Broadway musical revue 1947-1948
Wikipedia - Angelique, Marquise des Anges -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Angelique Morgan -- American pornographic actress (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Angeli senza paradiso -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Angelitos negros (1948 film) -- 1948 film by Joselito Rodriguez
Wikipedia - Angelitos negros (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Angel (Jon Secada song) -- 1993 single by Jon Secada
Wikipedia - Angel (Madonna song) -- 1985 single by Madonna
Wikipedia - Angel of H.E.A.T. -- 1983 film by Myrl A. Schreibman
Wikipedia - Angel of Mercy (1993 film) -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Angel of Mine (film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Angel of Mine -- 1997 single by Eternal
Wikipedia - Angelo My Love -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Angel on My Shoulder (film) -- 1946 film directed by Archie Mayo
Wikipedia - Angels (1990 film) -- 1990 film
Wikipedia - Angels' Alley -- 1948 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Angel's Dance -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Angel's Holiday -- 1937 film by James Tinling
Wikipedia - Angels in America -- 1993 Pulitzer Prize-winning play by Tony Kushner
Wikipedia - Angels in the Outfield (1951 film) -- 1951 American comedy film
Wikipedia - Angels of Darkness -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Angels of Iron -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - Angels of the Street -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Angels Over Broadway -- 1940 film by Ben Hecht, Lee Garmes
Wikipedia - Angels Revenge -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Angels (Robbie Williams song) -- 1997 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Angels with Broken Wings -- 1941 film by Bernard Vorhaus
Wikipedia - Angels with Dirty Faces -- 1938 American gangster film
Wikipedia - Angel (Tina Cousins song) -- 1997 single by Tina Cousins
Wikipedia - Angel Unchained -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Angel with the Sword -- 1985 novel by C. J. Cherryh
Wikipedia - Anger Management (mixtape) -- 2019 mixtape by Rico Nasty and Kenny Beats
Wikipedia - Angidi Chettiar -- Mauritian politician (1928 - 2010)
Wikipedia - Angie (1993 film) -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Angie Thomas -- American author (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Angi Vera -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Angkor: Cambodia Express -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - Angkor: Heart of an Asian Empire -- 1989 book by Bruno Dagens
Wikipedia - Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission -- Organisation created in 1969
Wikipedia - Anglo-Egyptian Sudan -- Joint British and Egyptian rule between 1899-1956
Wikipedia - Anglo-Irish Treaty -- 1921 agreement between the United Kingdom government and Irish republican leaders which ended the Irish War of Independence
Wikipedia - Anglo-Metis -- 19th century community of the Metis people of Canada
Wikipedia - Ang.: Lone -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Anglo-Ottoman Convention of 1913 -- Agreement between the Ottoman Empire and the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Anglo-Persian Oil Company -- English energy company founded in 1908
Wikipedia - Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907
Wikipedia - Anglo-Russian Convention -- 1907 treaty between the UK and Russia
Wikipedia - Angoor (1982 film)
Wikipedia - Angora Love -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Angoroj -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Ang Padrino -- 1984 Filipino film directed by Ronwaldo Reyes
Wikipedia - Ang Panday (1980 film) -- 1980 Filipino film directed by Ronwaldo Reyes
Wikipedia - Ang Probinsyano (film) -- 1997 Filipino film directed by Ronwaldo Reyes
Wikipedia - Angra dos Reis (song) -- 1988 song by Legiao Urbana
Wikipedia - Angrakshak -- 1995 film by Ravi Raja Pinisetty
Wikipedia - Angry Arts week -- 1967 event in New York City
Wikipedia - Angry Chair -- 1992 single by Alice in Chains
Wikipedia - Angry Harvest -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Angst (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Ang Tatlong Hambog -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Ang Tharkay -- Nepalese sherpa and sirdar (1907-1981)
Wikipedia - Anguish (1987 film) -- 1987 film by Bigas Luna
Wikipedia - Angulimaal (film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Angus Gill -- Australian singer-songwriter (born 1998)
Wikipedia - Angus Macfadyen -- Scottish actor (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Angus McLaren -- Australian actor (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Angus Robertson Fulton -- Scottish engineer (1871-1958)
Wikipedia - Angus Wilson -- British author (1913-1991)
Wikipedia - Anhedoniac -- 1998 album
Wikipedia - Anhonee (1952 film) -- 1952 Hindi film directed by Khwaja Ahmad Abbas
Wikipedia - Aniara -- 1956 poem by Harry Martinson
Wikipedia - Anibal Escalante -- Cuban communist and political organizer (1909-1977)
Wikipedia - Anice George -- Indian academic (born 1961)
Wikipedia - A Nice Neighbor -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - An Ideal Husband (1935 film) -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - An Ideal Husband (1999 film) -- 1999 film by Oliver Parker
Wikipedia - An Ideal Woman -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - An Idyll of the Hills -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Aniela Kupiec -- Polish poet from the Czech Republic (1920-2019
Wikipedia - A Nigger in the Woodpile -- 1904 blackface minstrel silent short comedy film from the United States
Wikipedia - A Night at Glimmingehus -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A Night at the Grand Hotel -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Night at the Opera (film) -- 1935 Marx Brothers film directed by Sam Wood
Wikipedia - A Night at the Opera (Queen album) -- 1975 studio album by Queen
Wikipedia - A Night at the Ritz -- 1935 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - A Night at the Roxbury -- 1998 film by John Fortenberry
Wikipedia - A Night in Dixie -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square (film) -- 1979 film by Ralph Thomas
Wikipedia - A Night in May -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - A Night in Montmartre -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Night in Paradise (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Night in Tunisia (1957 album) -- 1958 studio album by Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers
Wikipedia - A Night in Venice (1934 German film) -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - A Night in Venice (1934 Hungarian film) -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - A Night Like This (film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors -- American nightmare-themed slasher film from 1987
Wikipedia - A Night of Change -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - A Night of Fame -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - A Night of Horror -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Night of Love (film) -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - A Night of Mystery -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Night of Thrills -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Night on the Danube -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - A Night's Adventure -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Night to Remember (1942 film) -- 1942 film by Richard Wallace
Wikipedia - A Night to Remember (Shalamar song) -- 1982 single by Shalamar
Wikipedia - Ani Kavafian -- American musician (born 1948)
Wikipedia - Aniki-Bobo -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Anil K. Jain (computer scientist, born 1948)
Wikipedia - Anil K. Jain (electrical engineer, born 1946)
Wikipedia - Anil Kumar Yadav (politician, born 1960) -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Anil Nedumangad -- Indian actor (1972-2020)
Wikipedia - An Image of the Past -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Animal Crackers (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Animal (Def Leppard song) -- 1987 song by Def Leppard
Wikipedia - Animal Drug Availability Act 1996 -- US law
Wikipedia - Animal Farm (1954 film) -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Animal Health and Welfare Act 1984 -- leglislation of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Animal House -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Animal Husbandry (game) -- 1943 dice game
Wikipedia - Animal Instinct (The Cranberries song) -- 1999 single by The Cranberries
Wikipedia - Animalize World Tour -- 1984-1985 concert tour by Kiss
Wikipedia - Animal Liberation (book) -- 1975 book by Peter Singer
Wikipedia - Animal Olympic Games -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Animal Park (1991 TV series) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Animal (Pearl Jam song) -- 1994 single by Pearl Jam
Wikipedia - Animals (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Animals Are Beautiful People -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986
Wikipedia - Animal Treasure Island -- 1971 film by Hiroshi Ikeda
Wikipedia - Animal Welfare Act 1999
Wikipedia - Animal Welfare Act of 1966
Wikipedia - Animalympics -- 1980 animated film by Steven Lisberger
Wikipedia - Anima nera -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Animaniacs (2020 TV series) -- 2020 revival of the 1993 to 1998 animated series of the same name
Wikipedia - Anima - Symphonie phantastique -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - Animated series with LGBTQ characters: 1990s -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - An Impression of John Steinbeck: Writer -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - An Incompetent Hero -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - An Indian Love Story -- 1911 film by Fred J. Balshofer
Wikipedia - An Indian's Loyalty -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - An Inlet of Muddy Water -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - An Inn at Osaka -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - An Innocent Adventuress -- 1919 film by Robert G. Vignola
Wikipedia - An Innocent Affair -- 1948 film by Lloyd Bacon
Wikipedia - An Innocent Magdalene -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - An Innocent Man (film) -- 1989 film by Peter Yates
Wikipedia - An Inquiry into the Good -- 1911 book by Kitaro Nishida
Wikipedia - An Inspector Calls (TV series) -- 1982 television film by Michael Simpson
Wikipedia - An Inspector Calls -- 1945 play written by English dramatist J. B. Priestley
Wikipedia - An International Marriage -- 1916 film by Frank Lloyd
Wikipedia - An Introduction to Karl Marx -- 1986 book by Jon Elster
Wikipedia - An Irish Airman Foresees His Death -- 1919 poem by William Butler Yeats
Wikipedia - Anisa Wahab -- Afghan actor and singer (1957-2010)
Wikipedia - An Islamic Utopian: A Political Biography of Ali Shariati -- 1998 book by Ali Rahnema
Wikipedia - Anis Nagi -- Pakistani writer (1939-2010)
Wikipedia - Anita: Dances of Vice -- 1988 film
Wikipedia - Anita Ganeri -- British children's writer (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Anita Jo -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Anita Kurmann -- Swiss endocrinologist and thyroid surgeon (1976-2015)
Wikipedia - Anita Stukane -- Latvian high jumper (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Anita: Swedish Nymphet -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Aniyara -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Anjaam (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Anjada Gandu -- 1988 film by Renuka Sharma
Wikipedia - Anjali (1990 film) -- 1990 film by Mani Ratnam
Wikipedia - Anjali Nair -- Indian actor (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Anjane Mein -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Anjatha Singam -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Anja Thauer -- German cellist (1945-1973)
Wikipedia - Anjli Mohindra -- British actress (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Anjuman (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Anjuman (1986 film) -- 1986 Hindi drama film directed by Muzaffar Ali
Wikipedia - Ankahee (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Ankhiyon Ke Jharokhon Se -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Ankh Ka Tara -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Ankichi Arakaki -- Okinawan martial arts master(ShM-EM-^Mrin-ryM-EM-+ karate)despite dying at the age of 28/1927
Wikipedia - Ankles Preferred -- 1927 film by John G. Blystone
Wikipedia - Anksa Kara -- French/Cameroonian pornographic actress (born 1985)
Wikipedia - Ankur (film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Ankush -- 1986 film by N. Chandra
Wikipedia - An-Magritt -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Anmol K.C. -- Nepalese actor & producer (born 1994)
Wikipedia - Anmol Ratan -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Anmol Tasveer -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Anna (1964 film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Anna (1967 film) -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - Anna (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Anna (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Anna (2019 film) -- 2019 film by Luc Besson
Wikipedia - Anna Akhmatova -- Russian poet (1889-1966)
Wikipedia - Anna Alexander -- 19th and 20th-century American Episcopal deaconess and saint
Wikipedia - Anna Alt -- 1945 film
Wikipedia - Annaamalai -- 1992 film by Suresh Krissna
Wikipedia - Anna and Elizabeth -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - Anna and the King of Siam (film) -- 1946 drama film directed by John Cromwell
Wikipedia - Anna and the King -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Anna Apostolaki -- Greek archaeologist & museum curator (1880-1958)
Wikipedia - Anna Ascends -- 1922 film by Victor Fleming
Wikipedia - Anna Atkins -- 19th-century English botanist and photographer
Wikipedia - Anna Attige -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Anna B. Eckstein -- German pacifist (1868-1947)
Wikipedia - Annabelle Comes Home -- 2019 supernatural horror film
Wikipedia - Annabelle's Affairs -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Annabel Takes a Tour -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Anna Boleyn -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Anna Catherine Parnell -- 19th/20th-century Irish nationalist
Wikipedia - Anna Christie (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Anna Christie (1930 German-language film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Anna Crowe -- British poet and translator (born 1945)
Wikipedia - Annadammula Anubandham -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Annadammula Savaal -- 1978 Indian Telugu language drama film
Wikipedia - Anna D'Angeri -- Austrian-Italian opera singer 1853-1907
Wikipedia - Anna de Diesbach -- Rose breeder (1844-1929)
Wikipedia - Anna Favetti -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Anna Fifield -- New Zealand journalist (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Anna Fougez -- Italian singer and actress (1894-1966)
Wikipedia - Anna Gustafsson Chen -- Swedish literary translator and sinologist (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Anna Hirzel-Langenhan -- Swiss classical pianist (1874-1951)
Wikipedia - Annai (1962 film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Annai Bhoomi 3D -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Annai Oru Aalayam -- 1979 film by R. Thyagarajan
Wikipedia - Annai Poopathy -- Sri Lankan activist (1932-1988)
Wikipedia - Anna Isabel Mulford -- American botanist (1848-1943)
Wikipedia - Annaiyin Aanai -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Annaiyum Pithavum -- 1969 film by Krishnan-Panju
Wikipedia - Anna Jackson -- New Zealand writer (b.1967
Wikipedia - Anna Jelmini -- American athlete (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Anna Jens -- 18/19th century Dutch East Indies resident, convicted of abuse of slaves
Wikipedia - Anna Karamazoff -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina (1915 film) -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina (1935 film) -- 1935 film by Clarence Brown
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina (1948 film) -- 1948 film by Julien Duvivier
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina (1967 film) -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina (1996 TV series) -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Annakili -- 1976 film by Devaraj Mohan
Wikipedia - Anna Liberata de Souza -- 19th c. storyteller and maid
Wikipedia - Anna-Liisa -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Anna Lucasta (1949 film) -- 1949 film by Irving Rapper
Wikipedia - Anna Lucasta (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Annaluise & Anton -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Anna Maria Tobler -- Swiss artist (1882-1935)
Wikipedia - Anna Maurizio -- Swiss botanist (1900-1993)
Wikipedia - Anna May-Rychter -- German painter, watercolourist (1864-1955)
Wikipedia - Anna Mazhirina -- Russian pool, snooker and billiards player, born 1983
Wikipedia - Anna Minton -- British journalist and writer (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Ann and Eve -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Annan (film) -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Annan Thangachi -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Anna of Brooklyn -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Anna Ottosson -- Swedish alpine skier (birn 1976)
Wikipedia - Anna Pavlova (film) -- 1983 biographical film directed by Emil Loteanu
Wikipedia - Anna Petersen -- Danish painter (1845-1910)
Wikipedia - Anna Ploszajski -- Researcher (b. 1991)
Wikipedia - Anna Polina -- Russian/French pornographic actress (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Annapolis (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Annapolis Farewell -- 1935 film by Alexander Hall
Wikipedia - Annapolis Salute -- 1936 film by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - Anna Politkovskaya -- Russian journalist, writer, and activist (1958-2006)
Wikipedia - Annapoorna (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Annapurna (film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Anna Sharevich -- Belarusian chess player (born 1985)
Wikipedia - Anna Stohr -- Austrian rock climber (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Anna Susanna -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Anna SzelM-DM-^Egowska -- Polish feminist, union organizer (1879-1962)
Wikipedia - Anna Taylor (writer) -- New Zealand author (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Anna Thammudu (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Anna Thangi (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Anna the Adventuress -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Anna T. Litovkina -- (1963-) linguist, psychologist, coach
Wikipedia - AnnaTommy -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Anna Veronica Mautner -- Brazilian psychoanalyst, journalist, university teacher (1935-2019)
Wikipedia - Annavin Aasai -- 1966 film by Dada Mirasi
Wikipedia - Anna Zakrisson -- (b. 1980) Swedish science communicator and scientist
Wikipedia - Ann B. Davis -- American actress (1926-2014)
Wikipedia - Ann Carver's Profession -- 1933 film by Edward Buzzell
Wikipedia - Ann Cleeves -- British author (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Ann Compton (art historian) -- Art historian born 1956
Wikipedia - Anne Against the World -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Anne Anne Kindergarten stabbing -- 1982 mass murder in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Anne Archer -- American actress (born 1947)
Wikipedia - Anneaux d'or -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Anne Bishop (activist) -- Canadian activist and social justice advocate (1950-)
Wikipedia - Anne Blunt, 15th Baroness Wentworth -- Arabian horse breeder with her husband the poet Wilfrid Blunt (1837-1917)
Wikipedia - Anne Boden -- British entrepreneur (b. 1960)
Wikipedia - Anne Carleton -- American painter, 1878-1968
Wikipedia - Anne Catherine Hof Blinks -- Botanist, weaver and textile scholar (1903-1995)
Wikipedia - Anne Crone -- Irish novelist and teacher (1915-1972)
Wikipedia - Annecy Round -- International trade negotiation, adopted in 1949
Wikipedia - Anne Devlin (film) -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - Anne Emery (young adult author) -- American author of popular teen romance novels from 1946 to 1980.
Wikipedia - Anne Fine -- British children's and adult writer (born 1947)
Wikipedia - Anne Finlay -- Scottish painter (1898-1963)
Wikipedia - Anne Graham Lotz -- American evangelist (born 1948)
Wikipedia - Anne Helm -- American actress and author, born 1938
Wikipedia - Anne Jefferson -- American hydrologist (born 1979)
Wikipedia - Anne Kiguta -- Kenyan journalist, talkshow host and news anchor (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Anne Lawrence -- American psychologist (born 1950)
Wikipedia - Anne-Liese of Dessau -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Annelis Schreiber -- German botanist (1927-2010)
Wikipedia - Anne Lyon Haight -- American author, essayist, rare book collector (1891-1977)
Wikipedia - Anne Main -- UK politician (born 1957)
Wikipedia - Anne Marev -- Belgian actress (b. 1932, d. 2019)
Wikipedia - Anne-Marie Adiaffi -- Ivorian writer (1951-1994)
Wikipedia - Annemarie and Her Cavalryman -- 1926 film by Erich Eriksen
Wikipedia - Anne-Marie (film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Annemarie, the Bride of the Company -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Anne McAllister (speech therapist) -- (1892-1983), Scottish speech therapist and teacher
Wikipedia - Anne Meulendijks -- Dutch dressage rider (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Anne no Nikki -- 1995 film by Akinori Nagaoka
Wikipedia - Anne of Green Gables (1919 film) -- 1919 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - Anne of Green Gables (1934 film) -- 1934 film by George Nicholls, Jr.
Wikipedia - Anne of Green Gables (1956 film) -- 1956 television film by Don Harron
Wikipedia - Anne of Green Gables (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Anne of Green Gables -- 1908 novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery
Wikipedia - Anne of Little Smoky -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Anne of Windy Poplars (film) -- 1940 film by Jack Hively
Wikipedia - Anne Stevenson -- British-American poet (1933-2020)
Wikipedia - Anne Trister -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - Anne Truitt -- American artist (1921-2004)
Wikipedia - Annetta Mary Carter -- Botanist (1907-1991)
Wikipedia - Annette Aiello -- American entomologist, botanist (*1941)
Wikipedia - Annette and the Blonde Woman -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Annette Bezor -- Australian painter (1950-2020)
Wikipedia - Annette Carson -- British non-fiction writer and biographer (born 1940)
Wikipedia - Annette Clifford -- New Zealand landlord (1881-1968)
Wikipedia - Annette Eick -- Jewish lesbian writer (b. 1909, d. 2010)
Wikipedia - Annette Elizabeth Mahon -- Irish pilot (1918-2013)
Wikipedia - Annette in Paradise -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Annette Schwarz -- German pornographic actress and model (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Annexation of Goa -- Indian Army operation in December 1961 to annex Goa into Indian Republic
Wikipedia - Anngrove Stud -- Irish horse breeding stud (e. 1970)
Wikipedia - Anni (1948 film) -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Annie (1982 film) -- 1982 film by John Huston
Wikipedia - Annie (1999 film) -- 1999 American musical comedy-drama film by Rob Marshall
Wikipedia - Annie Armstrong -- Lay Southern Baptist denominational leader (1850-1938)
Wikipedia - Annie: A Royal Adventure! -- 1995 television film directed by Ian Toynton
Wikipedia - Annie Dale Biddle Andrews -- (1885-1940) first woman to earn a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley
Wikipedia - Annie Falconer -- Ship sunk in Lake Ontario in 1904
Wikipedia - Annie Finch -- American poet (born 1956)
Wikipedia - Annie from Tharau -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Annie Get Your Gun (musical) -- 1946 musical by Irving Berlin
Wikipedia - Annie Hall -- 1977 film by Woody Allen
Wikipedia - Annie Laurie (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Annie Laurie (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Annie Lederman -- American comedian (born 1983)
Wikipedia - Annie Leuch-Reineck -- Swiss mathematician (1880-1978)
Wikipedia - Annie Mack -- Irish-born American stage actress (1850-1935)
Wikipedia - Annie Oakley (1935 film) -- 1935 American biographical film directed by George Stevens
Wikipedia - Annie O'Meara de Vic Beamish -- Irish author (1883-1969)
Wikipedia - Annie Proulx -- American novelist, short story and non-fiction author (born 1935)
Wikipedia - Annie Rialland -- French linguist (b. 1948)
Wikipedia - Annie Rothwell -- Canadian novelist and poet (1837-1927)
Wikipedia - Annie's Song -- 1974 single by John Denver
Wikipedia - Annie Wilkes -- Fictional character in the 1987 novel Misery
Wikipedia - Annie Yeamans -- American actress (1835-1912)
Wikipedia - Anniversary - 10 Years of Hits -- 1982 compilation album by George Jones
Wikipedia - Ann Katharine Mitchell -- British cryptanalyst and psychologist (1922-2020)
Wikipedia - Ann Lewis (barrel racer) -- American barrel racer (b. 1968)
Wikipedia - Ann Lewis (musician) -- Japanese singer (born 1956)
Wikipedia - Ann Mercy Hunt -- (1938-2014), medical researcher and campaigner
Wikipedia - Anno Domini 1573 -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Ann Olivarius -- British lawyer (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Annoru Ravil -- 1986 film directed by M. R. Joseph
Wikipedia - Anno uno -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Ann Patchett -- American novelist and memoirist (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Ann Silver -- British physiologist (born 1929)
Wikipedia - Ann Spence Black -- Scottish artist (1861-1947)
Wikipedia - Annu Good Friday -- 1992 film by Beypore Mani
Wikipedia - Annushka (film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Annus Mirabilis papers -- Papers of Albert Einstein published in the scientific journal Annalen der Physik in 1905
Wikipedia - Ann Vickers (film) -- 1933 film by John Cromwell
Wikipedia - Ann Williams (politician) -- American politician from Illinois (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Annychka -- 1968 film by Borys Ivchenko
Wikipedia - Anny Robert -- Nigerian celebrity photographer (born 1990)
Wikipedia - An Obvious Situation -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - An Officer and a Gentleman -- 1982 US romantic drama film by Taylor Hackford
Wikipedia - An Officer and a Spy (film) -- 2019 film by Roman Polanski
Wikipedia - A Noise in Newboro -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Anokha Rishta -- 1986 film by I. V. Sasi
Wikipedia - Anokha -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - An Oklahoma Cowboy -- 1929 silent film
Wikipedia - An Old Fashioned Boy -- 1920 film by Jerome Storm
Wikipedia - An Old-Fashioned Girl (film) -- 1949 American film
Wikipedia - An Old Fashioned Love Song -- 1971 single by Three Dog Night
Wikipedia - An Old Love -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - An Old Master -- 1910 poem by C. J. Dennis
Wikipedia - An Old Sweetheart of Mine -- 1923 film directed by Harry Garson
Wikipedia - An Old-Time Nightmare (1911 film) -- 1911 film
Wikipedia - Anondo Osru -- 1997 film by Shibli Sadik
Wikipedia - Anonymous Bodies in an Empty Room -- 1990 album
Wikipedia - Anonymous Letters -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - An Orchestra of Minorities -- 2019 novel by Chigozie Obioma
Wikipedia - Another Dawn (1937 film) -- 1937 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - Another Day in Paradise -- 1989 single by Phil Collins
Wikipedia - Another Day (Whigfield song) -- 1994 single by Whigfield
Wikipedia - Another Face -- 1935 film by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - Another Fine Mess -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Another Kind of Monday -- 1996 book by William E. Coles, Jr.
Wikipedia - Another Language -- 1933 film by Edward H. Griffith
Wikipedia - Another Life (2019 TV series) -- American sci-fi television series
Wikipedia - Another Life (Motionless in White song) -- 2019 single by Motionless in White
Wikipedia - Another Man's Boots -- 1922 silent film
Wikipedia - Another Man's Shoes (film) -- 1922 film by Jack Conway
Wikipedia - Another Me (song) -- 2019 song by Seven Lions
Wikipedia - Another Night in London -- 1996 live album by Gene Harris
Wikipedia - Another Night (Real McCoy song) -- 1993 single by Real McCoy
Wikipedia - Another One Bites the Dust -- 1980 single by Queen
Wikipedia - Another One Down -- 2019 song by Richard Marx
Wikipedia - Another One Rides the Bus -- 1981 single by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Wikipedia - Another Part of the Forest (film) -- 1948 film by Michael Gordon
Wikipedia - Another Sad Love Song -- 1993 single by Toni Braxton
Wikipedia - Another Saturday Night -- 1963 Sam Cooke single
Wikipedia - Another Scandal -- 1924 film by Edward H. Griffith
Wikipedia - Another Shore -- 1948 film by Charles Crichton
Wikipedia - Another Stakeout -- 1993 buddy cop action comedy film by John Badham
Wikipedia - Another Suitcase in Another Hall -- 1977 single by Barbara Dickson
Wikipedia - Another Thin Man -- 1939 film by W. S. Van Dyke
Wikipedia - Another Time, Another Place (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Another Town, Another Train -- 1973 ABBA song
Wikipedia - Another Way (2015 film) -- 2019 South Korean drama film
Wikipedia - Another Woman (1988 film) -- 1988 American film
Wikipedia - Another World (1937 film) -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - A Notorious Affair -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Notorious Gentleman -- 1935 film by Edward Laemmle
Wikipedia - An Outcast Among Outcasts -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - An Ozark Romance -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Anpadh -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Ansaldo A.1 Balilla -- 1917 Italian fighter aircraft
Wikipedia - Anselm Weber -- American Franciscan missionary (b. 1862, d. 1921)
Wikipedia - Anselo Lee -- 1915 silent film
Wikipedia - Ansett New Zealand -- New Zealand domestic airline operating 1987-2001
Wikipedia - A. N. Sherwin-White -- British academic and ancient historian (1911-1993)
Wikipedia - ANSI C12.19 -- Standard for data tables used in automated meter reading
Wikipedia - Anslem de Silva -- 19th-century Sri Lankan naturalist
Wikipedia - Anstruther Davidson -- Botanist and naturalist (1860-1932)
Wikipedia - Answer for Heaven -- 2019 Thai-language television series
Wikipedia - -- Q&A site founded in 1999
Wikipedia - Answer to History -- 1980 memoir by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
Wikipedia - Antara Dua Darjat -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Antarctic Crossing -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Antardhan -- 1992 Indian Bengali-language thriller drama film directed by Tapan Sinha
Wikipedia - Antarjali Jatra -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Anteater (video game) -- Video game first released in 1982
Wikipedia - Antebellum architecture -- Neoclassical architectural style characteristic of the 19th-century Southern United States
Wikipedia - Antero Puranen -- Finnish javelin thrower (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Ante Up (film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Antha Ezhu Naatkal -- 1981 film by K. Bhagyaraj
Wikipedia - Antha (film) -- 1981 film by Rajendra Singh Babu
Wikipedia - Anthasthu -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Anthem for the Year 2000 -- 1999 single by Silverchair
Wikipedia - Anthony Ackroyd -- Australian comedian, speaker and writer (born 1958)
Wikipedia - Anthony Adverse -- 1936 film directed by Mervyn LeRoy
Wikipedia - Anthony Birley -- British ancient historian, archaeologist and academic (1937-2020)
Wikipedia - Anthony Bourdain -- American chef and travel documentarian (1956-2018)
Wikipedia - Anthony Brandon Wong -- Australian actor (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Anthony Eden -- Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1955 to 1957
Wikipedia - Anthony Eisley -- American actor (1925-2003)
Wikipedia - Anthony Forwood -- English actor (1915-1988)
Wikipedia - Anthony Hope -- English novelist (1863-1933)
Wikipedia - Anthony Horowitz -- English novelist and screenwriter (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Anthony Hurt Wolley-Dod -- English botanist (1861-1948)
Wikipedia - Anthony Lukeman -- American military officer (born 1933)
Wikipedia - Anthony Lyveden -- 1921 adventure novel by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - Anthony Marwood -- English classical violinist (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Anthony McAuliffe -- United States Army general (1898-1975)
Wikipedia - Anthony Oliver -- British actor (1922-1995)
Wikipedia - Anthony Powell -- English novelist (1905-2000)
Wikipedia - Anthony Quinn -- Mexican-American actor, painter, writer and film director (1915-2001)
Wikipedia - Anthony Radetic -- American paraplegic athlete (born 1979)
Wikipedia - Anthony Thwaite -- British poet and critic (b1930)
Wikipedia - Anthony Van Wyck -- 19th century American lawyer, judge, and politician, member of the Wisconsin Senate, county judge.
Wikipedia - Anthony Warde -- Actor (1908-1975)
Wikipedia - Anthony Warner (chef) -- British chef, food writer and author (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Anthropophagous 2000 -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Anticasanova -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Anti-cession movement of Sarawak -- Anti-colonial activism in Sarawak, 1946-1950
Wikipedia - Anti-Clock -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Anti-Comintern Pact -- Anti-Communist pact concluded between Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan in 1936
Wikipedia - Anti-Corruption (film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Anti-cosmopolitan campaign -- Thinly disguised antisemitic campaign in the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc, 1948-1953
Wikipedia - Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 -- US law
Wikipedia - Antigone (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Antigone (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Antigone oder die Stadt -- 1988 opera by Georg Katzer and Gerhard Muller
Wikipedia - Anti-Jewish violence in Czechoslovakia (1918-1920) -- Wave of anti-Jewish rioting and violence in Czechoslovakia
Wikipedia - Anti-Mask League of San Francisco -- 1919 San Francisco organization
Wikipedia - Anti-Oedipus -- 1972 book by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
Wikipedia - Anti-religious campaign during the Russian Civil War -- Religious repression in Russia from 1917 to 1922
Wikipedia - Anti-revisionism -- Marxist-Leninist position which emerged in the 1950s in opposition to the reforms of Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev
Wikipedia - Anti-Semite and Jew -- 1946 book by Jean-Paul Sartre
Wikipedia - Anti-Serb riots in Sarajevo -- Riots in response to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914
Wikipedia - Anti-Sixteenth Amendment Society -- USA 19th century organisation against votes for women
Wikipedia - Antisocial (Ed Sheeran and Travis Scott song) -- 2019 single by Ed Sheeran and Travis Scott
Wikipedia - Anti-Terror Law of Turkey -- Turkish Statutory Law 1991-Present
Wikipedia - Anti urination devices in Norwich -- Hostile architecture installed in the 19th century
Wikipedia - Antler Dance -- 1994 album by Boiled in Lead
Wikipedia - Antmusic -- 1980 single by Adam and the Ants
Wikipedia - Antoine and Antoinette -- 1947 film
Wikipedia - Antoine and Colette -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Antoine and Sebastian -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Antoine Griezmann: The Making of a Legend -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - Antoine Mariotte -- French composer, conductor and music administrator (1875-1944)
Wikipedia - Antoine Samuel Adam-Salomon -- 19th-century French sculptor and photographer
Wikipedia - Antoinette Sabrier -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Antoinette Tubman -- First Lady of Liberia (b. 1914, d. 2011)
Wikipedia - Anton Betz -- German journalist and publisher (1893-1984)
Wikipedia - Anton Christian Bang -- 19th and 20th-century Norwegian bishop, writer and politician
Wikipedia - Anton Dolin -- Ballet dancer and choreographer (1904-1983)
Wikipedia - Anton Fredrik Klaveness (1903-1981) -- Norwegian equestrian
Wikipedia - Anton Harber -- (b.1958) South African professor of journalism, columnist and author
Wikipedia - Antonia: A Portrait of the Woman -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Antonia Fraser -- British author and novelist (born 1932)
Wikipedia - Antonina Polozhy -- Russian botanist (1917-2003)
Wikipedia - Antonina Prikhot'ko -- Soviet physicist (1906-1995)
Wikipedia - Antonio Aliotta -- Italian philosopher (1881-1964)
Wikipedia - Antonio Cabral Bejarano -- 19th-century Spanish painter
Wikipedia - Antonio Cabreira -- Portuguese mathematician, polygraph and publicist (1868-1953)
Wikipedia - Antonio Corton -- Spanish journalist and literary critic (1854-1913)
Wikipedia - Antonio Costa (painter) -- Italian painter (1847-1915)
Wikipedia - Antonio Cotogni -- Italian opera singer 1831-1918
Wikipedia - Antonio das Mortes -- 1969 film directed by Glauber Rocha
Wikipedia - Antonio Escobar NuM-CM-1ez -- Spanish musical artist (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Antonio Gabica -- Philippine pool player, born October 1972
Wikipedia - Antonio Galassi -- Italian opera singer 1845-1904
Wikipedia - Antonio Garcia Birlan -- Spanish politician (1891-1984)
Wikipedia - Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna -- 19th-century Mexican politician general
Wikipedia - Antonio Magini-Coletti -- Italian opera singer 1855-1912
Wikipedia - Antonio Maria Romeu -- Cuban musician (1876-1955)
Wikipedia - Antonio Martins (sport shooter, born 1930) -- Portuguese sports shooter
Wikipedia - Antonio Meucci (film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Antonio Ortiz Ramirez -- Spanish anarcho-syndicalist and anarchist (1907-1996)
Wikipedia - Antonio Villas Boas -- Brazilian farmer who claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrials in 1957
Wikipedia - Antoni Palau i Dulcet -- Spanish writer (1867-1954)
Wikipedia - Antonius Robben -- Dutch cultural anthropologist (b. 1953)
Wikipedia - Anton Jones -- Sri Lankan singer and composer (1937-2016)
Wikipedia - Antonov An-3 -- 1990s utility transport aircraft by Antonov
Wikipedia - Anton Solomoukha -- Ukrainian-French artist (1945-2015)
Wikipedia - Anton Spelec, Sharp-Shooter -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Anton the Last -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - Anton the Magician -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Anton the Terrible -- 1916 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - Anton von Werner -- German painter (1843-1915)
Wikipedia - Anton Waisbecker -- Hungarian botanist (1835-1916)
Wikipedia - Anton Webern -- Austrian composer (1883-1945)
Wikipedia - Antony and Cleopatra (1908 film) -- 1908 silent short film
Wikipedia - Antony and Cleopatra (1913 film) -- 1913 film by Enrico Guazzoni
Wikipedia - Antony and Cleopatra (1959 film)
Wikipedia - Antony and Cleopatra (1972 film)
Wikipedia - Antony and Cleopatra (1974 TV drama)
Wikipedia - Antony Garrett Lisi -- American theoretical physicist (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Antony Higginbotham -- British Conservative politician (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Antoon Derkinderen -- Dutch painter and autobiographer (1859-1925)
Wikipedia - Antosha Rybkin -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Ants in the Pantry -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Ants in the Plants -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Ant Street -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - Antti the Treebranch -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Antz -- 1998 American animated film
Wikipedia - Anubandham (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Anubavam Pudhumai -- 1967 film by C. V. Rajendran
Wikipedia - Anubavi Raja Anubavi -- 1967 film by K. Balachander
Wikipedia - Anubhav (1986 film) -- 1985 film by Kashinath
Wikipedia - Anubhavangale Nanni -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Anubhoothikalude Nimisham -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Anumodhanam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - An Unmarried Woman -- 1978 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Paul Mazursky
Wikipedia - An Unquiet Mind -- 1995 memoir by Kay Redfield Jamison
Wikipedia - An Unsuitable Job for a Woman (film) -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - An Unsuitable Job for a Woman -- 1972 Cordelia Gray novel by P. D. James
Wikipedia - An Unwilling Hero -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Anupallavi (film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Anupriya Laxmi Katoch -- Indian actress (born 1995)
Wikipedia - Anup Shukla -- Indian TV anchor, actor and voice actor (born 1979)
Wikipedia - Anuradha (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Anuradha (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Anuraga Aralithu -- 1986 film by M.S. Rajashekar
Wikipedia - An Urchin in the Storm -- 1987 book by Stephen Jay Gould
Wikipedia - Anuschka (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Anusree -- Indian actress (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Anveshana (novel) -- 1976 book by Kannada author S. L. Bhyrappa
Wikipedia - Anveshana -- 1985 Telugu film
Wikipedia - Anvil (band) -- Canadian heavy metal band from Toronto, Ontario, formed in 1978
Wikipedia - Anxiety (1998 film) -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Anyarude Bhoomi -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Anya Seton -- American author of historical fiction (1904-1990)
Wikipedia - Anybody Here Seen Kelly? -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Anybody's Blonde -- 1931 film directed by Frank R. Strayer
Wikipedia - Anybody Seen My Baby? -- 1997 single by The Rolling Stones
Wikipedia - Anybody's Goat -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Anybody's War -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Anybody's Woman -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Any Day Now (1976 film) -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Any Dream Will Do (song) -- 1968 song written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice
Wikipedia - Any Given Sunday -- 1999 film by Oliver Stone
Wikipedia - Any Number Can Win (film) -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - Any Old Port! -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Anyone Can Play -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town (film) -- 1967 film by George Lucas
Wikipedia - Anyone Who Had a Heart (song) -- 1963 single by Dionne Warwick
Wikipedia - Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand) -- 1964 song written by Jeannie Seely and Randy Newman
Wikipedia - Any Rags? -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Anything but Down -- 1999 single by Sheryl Crow
Wikipedia - Anything (Culture Beat song) -- 1993 single by Culture Beat
Wikipedia - Anything for a Song -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Anything for a Thrill -- 1937 film directed by Leslie Goodwins
Wikipedia - Anything for Love -- 1993 film by Michael Keusch
Wikipedia - Anything for You (Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine song) -- 1988 single by Gloria Estefan
Wikipedia - Anything Goes (1936 film) -- 1936 American musical film
Wikipedia - Anything Once (1925 film) -- silent comedy film
Wikipedia - Anything Once -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Anything (SWV song) -- 1994 single by SWV
Wikipedia - Any Time, Any Place -- 1994 single by Janet Jackson
Wikipedia - Anytime You Need a Friend -- 1994 single by Mariah Carey
Wikipedia - Anywayawanna -- 1989 studio album by The Beatmasters
Wikipedia - Any Wednesday -- 1966 film by Robert Ellis Miller
Wikipedia - Anywhere but Here (film) -- 1999 drama film directed by Wayne Wang
Wikipedia - Anywhere for You (Backstreet Boys song) -- 1996 single by Backstreet Boys
Wikipedia - Any Which Way You Can -- 1980 film by Buddy Van Horn
Wikipedia - Any Wife -- 1922 film by Herbert Brenon
Wikipedia - Any Woman -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - An Zhisheng -- Chinese geographer (born 1941)
Wikipedia - Anzor Boltukaev -- Russian freestyle wrestler (born 1986)
Wikipedia - Anzor Urishev -- Russian wrestler (born 1987)
Wikipedia - A One Man Game -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Ostra e o Vento -- 1997 film by Walter Lima, Jr.
Wikipedia - Aozora (song) -- 1989 single by The Blue Hearts
Wikipedia - Apache Blood -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Apache (film) -- 1954 film by Robert Aldrich
Wikipedia - Apache Fury -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Apache Rifles -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Apaches of Paris -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Apache Territory -- 1958 film by Ray Nazarro
Wikipedia - Apache: The Life of Carlos Tevez -- 2019 Spanish-language television series
Wikipedia - Apache Trail (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - A Page of Madness -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Pair of Cupids -- 1918 silent film directed by Charles Brabin
Wikipedia - A Pair of Hellions -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - A Pair of Kings (film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Apalachin meeting -- Large meeting of the American Mafia held in 1957
Wikipedia - A Pale -- 2019 single by Rosalia
Wikipedia - Apapacho -- 2019 Canadian drama film
Wikipedia - Aparichita -- 1978 film by Kashinath
Wikipedia - A Parisian Romance (film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Parisian Scandal -- 1921 film directed by George L. Cox
Wikipedia - Apart from Life -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Apart from You -- 1933 Japanese drama film
Wikipedia - Apartheid -- System of institutionalised racial segregation that existed in South Africa and South West Africa (Namibia) from 1948 until the early 1990s
Wikipedia - Apartment 3-G -- 1961-2015 American soap opera comic strip
Wikipedia - Apartment Eight -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Apartment for Ladies -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Apartmentzauber -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - Apartment Zero -- 1988 film by Martin Donovan
Wikipedia - A Passage to India (film) -- 1984 drama film directed by David Lean
Wikipedia - A Passage to India -- 1924 novel by E. M. Forster
Wikipedia - A Passion Play -- 1973 album by Jethro Tull
Wikipedia - A Passport to Hell -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Pasteboard Crown -- 1922 silent film
Wikipedia - A Patch of Blue -- 1965 film by Guy Green
Wikipedia - Ape and Super-Ape -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - A Peep Behind the Scenes (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - A Peep Behind the Scenes (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Ape in a Cape: An Alphabet of Odd Animals -- 1953 Caldecott picture book
Wikipedia - Apeksha -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Apel (film) -- 1970 film by Ryszard Czekala
Wikipedia - A Pelican at Blandings -- 1969 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - A People's History of the United States -- 1980 history book by Howard Zinn
Wikipedia - Ape Out -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - A Perfect Crime -- 1921 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - A Perfect Gentleman (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Perfect Gentleman (1928 film) -- 1928 film directed by Clyde Bruckman
Wikipedia - A Perfect World -- 1993 film by Clint Eastwood
Wikipedia - A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies -- 1995 film directed by Martin Scorsese and Michael Henry Wilson
Wikipedia - Aperuit illis -- 2019 Apostolic Letter by Pope Francis
Wikipedia - Apes of Wrath -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Petal -- 1996 South Korean film
Wikipedia - Apex Legends -- 2019 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - A Phoenix Too Frequent (1957 film) -- 1957 Australian TV play
Wikipedia - A Piece of the Action (film) -- 1977 film by Sidney Poitier
Wikipedia - A Pizza in Jordbro -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - A Place in the Land -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - A Place in the Sun (film) -- 1951 film by George Stevens
Wikipedia - A Place in the Sun (South Korean TV series) -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - A Place in the World (film) -- 1992 film by Adolfo Aristarain
Wikipedia - A Place to Call Home (1970 film) -- |1970 drama film directed by Wu Jiaxiang
Wikipedia - A Place to Live -- 1941 film by Irving Lerner
Wikipedia - A Plantation Act -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Play for a Passenger -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - A Pleasant Journey -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A. P. Lucas -- English first-class cricketer (1857-1923)
Wikipedia - A Plumbing We Will Go -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Apna Banake Dekho -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Apna Ghar -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Apna Khoon -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Apne Apne -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Apne Dushman -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Apne Huye Paraye -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Apne Rang Hazaar -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Apni Apni Love Story -- 2019 Pakistani television film
Wikipedia - Apni Nagariya -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Apocalypse Now -- 1979 epic war film directed by Francis Ford Coppola
Wikipedia - A Pocket Full of Rye -- 1953 Miss Marple novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - Apodaca prison riot -- Prison riot at a prison in Nuevo Leon, Mexico on 19 February 2012
Wikipedia - A Poet from the Sea -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Apokal -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Apokalypso - Bombenstimmung in Berlin -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Apolas Lermi -- Turkish singer (1986 - )
Wikipedia - A Policewoman in New York -- 1981 film by Michele Massimo Tarantini
Wikipedia - A Policewoman on the Porno Squad -- 1979 Italian sex comedy film directed by Michele Massimo Tarantini
Wikipedia - Apolinary Szeluto -- Polish pianist and composer (1884-1966)
Wikipedia - Apollo 11 (2019 film) -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - Apollo 13 (film) -- 1995 film by Ron Howard
Wikipedia - Apollo 15 postal covers incident -- 1972 NASA scandal
Wikipedia - Apollo Computer -- Manufacturer of Apollo/Domain workstations in the 1980s
Wikipedia - Apology (film) -- 1986 television film directed by Robert Bierman
Wikipedia - A Poor Relation -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Apoorvam Chilar -- 1991 Indian Malayalam film
Wikipedia - Apoorva Raagangal -- 1975 film by K. Balachander
Wikipedia - Apoorva Sagodharargal (1989 film) -- 1989 film by Singeetam Srinivasa Rao
Wikipedia - Apoorva Sahodarulu -- 1986 film by K. Raghavendra Rao
Wikipedia - A Poor Wife's Devotion -- 1909 film directed by Sidney Olcott
Wikipedia - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man -- 1916 novel by James Joyce
Wikipedia - Apostolopulo House -- 19th-century mansion in Taganrog, Russia
Wikipedia - Apotheosis (film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Apparao M Rao -- American physicist (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Apparatus and Hand -- 1927 painting by Salvador Dali
Wikipedia - Appassionata (1944 film) -- 1944 film
Wikipedia - Appassionata (1974 film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Appassionatamente -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Appeal of 18 June -- 1940 speech by Charles de Gaulle
Wikipedia - Appearances (film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Appears -- 1999 song by Ayumi Hamasaki
Wikipedia - Appetite for Destruction -- 1987 debut studio album by Guns NM-bM-^@M-^Y Roses
Wikipedia - Applause (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Apple Blossom (Faberge egg) -- 1901 Faberge Kelch Egg
Wikipedia - Applehead Man -- 1986 debut album by Trip Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Apple in the River -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Apple-Oids -- Video game clone of Asteroids made for the Apple II computer in 1980
Wikipedia - Apple Trees (film) -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Appointment for Love -- 1941 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Appointment in Berlin -- 1943 film by Alfred E. Green
Wikipedia - Appointment in Liverpool -- 1988 film by Marco Tullio Giordana
Wikipedia - Appointment in London -- 1953 film by Philip Leacock
Wikipedia - Appointment in Tokyo -- 1945 film by Jack Hively
Wikipedia - Appointment with Death -- 1938 Poirot novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - Appointment with Fear (film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Appointment with Happiness -- 1954 film by Ezzel Dine Zulficar
Wikipedia - Appu Chesi Pappu Koodu -- 1958 film by L. V. Prasad
Wikipedia - Appuntamento a Ischia -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Appuntamento in riviera -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Apradhi (1974 film) -- 1974 film by Jugal Kishore Sharma
Wikipedia - A Praga -- 1980 film by Jose Mojica Marins
Wikipedia - A Prayer for the Dying -- 1987 film by Mike Hodges
Wikipedia - A Prefect's Uncle -- 1903 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - A Preferred List -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - A Present from Margate -- 1933 British comedy play by Ian Hay and AEW Mason
Wikipedia - A Price Above Rubies -- 1998 film directed by Boaz Yakin
Wikipedia - April 1900 -- List of events that occurred in April 1900
Wikipedia - April 1901 -- List of events that occurred in April 1901
Wikipedia - April 1902 -- List of events that occurred in April 1902
Wikipedia - April 1903 -- List of events that occurred in April 1903
Wikipedia - April 1909 -- List of events that occurred in April 1909
Wikipedia - April 1910 -- Month of 1910
Wikipedia - April 1911 -- List of events which occurred during a month in 1911
Wikipedia - April 1912 -- Month of 1912
Wikipedia - April 1913 -- Month of 1913
Wikipedia - April 1914 -- Month of 1914
Wikipedia - April 1915 -- Month of 1915
Wikipedia - April 1916 -- Month in 1916
Wikipedia - April 1917 -- Month in 1917
Wikipedia - April 1918 -- Month in 1918
Wikipedia - April 1919 -- Month in 1919
Wikipedia - April 1920 -- Month in 1920
Wikipedia - April 1921 -- Month of 1921
Wikipedia - April 1922 -- Month of 1922
Wikipedia - April 1923 -- Month of 1923
Wikipedia - April 1924 -- Month of 1924
Wikipedia - April 1925 -- Month of 1925
Wikipedia - April 1926 -- Month of 1926
Wikipedia - April 1927 -- Month of 1927
Wikipedia - April 1928 -- Month of 1928
Wikipedia - April 1929 -- Month of 1929
Wikipedia - April 1930 -- Month of 1930
Wikipedia - April 1931 -- Month of 1931
Wikipedia - April 1932 -- Month of 1932
Wikipedia - April 1933 -- Month of 1933
Wikipedia - April 1934 -- Month of 1934
Wikipedia - April 1935 -- Month of 1935
Wikipedia - April 1936 -- Month of 1936
Wikipedia - April 1937 -- Month of 1937
Wikipedia - April 1938 -- Month of 1938
Wikipedia - April 1939 -- Month of 1939
Wikipedia - April 1940 -- Month of 1940
Wikipedia - April 1941 -- Month of 1941
Wikipedia - April 1942 -- Month of 1942
Wikipedia - April 1943 -- Month of 1943
Wikipedia - April 1944 -- Month of 1944
Wikipedia - April 1945 -- Month of 1945
Wikipedia - April 1946 -- Month of 1946
Wikipedia - April 1947 -- Month of 1947
Wikipedia - April 1948 -- Month of 1948
Wikipedia - April 1949 -- Month of 1949
Wikipedia - April 1950 -- Month of 1950
Wikipedia - April 1953 -- Month of 1953
Wikipedia - April 1954 -- Month of 1954
Wikipedia - April 1955 -- Month of 1955
Wikipedia - April 1956 -- Month of 1956
Wikipedia - April 1959 -- Month of 1959
Wikipedia - April 1960 -- Month of 1960
Wikipedia - April (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - April 1961 -- Month of 1961
Wikipedia - April 1962 -- Month of 1962
Wikipedia - April 1963 -- Month of 1963
Wikipedia - April 1964 -- Month of 1964
Wikipedia - April 1965 -- Month of 1965
Wikipedia - April 1966 -- Month of 1966
Wikipedia - April 1967 -- Month of 1967
Wikipedia - April 1968 -- Month of 1968
Wikipedia - April 1969 -- Month of 1969
Wikipedia - April 1970 -- Month of 1970
Wikipedia - April 1971 -- Month of 1971
Wikipedia - April 1972 -- Month of 1972
Wikipedia - April 1973 -- Month of 1973
Wikipedia - April 1980 -- Month of 1980
Wikipedia - April 19 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
Wikipedia - April 19 (film) -- 1996 film directed by Balachandra Menon
Wikipedia - April 19 University Movement -- Nicaraguan anti-Ortega student movement
Wikipedia - April 2019 Kalmunai shootout
Wikipedia - April, April! (1935 film) -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - April Flores -- American pornographic actress (born 1976)
Wikipedia - April Folly -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - April Fool (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - April Fool (1964 film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - April Fools' Day (1954 film) -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - April Fool's Day (1986 film) -- 1986 film by Fred Walton
Wikipedia - April Maze -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - April Revolution -- 1960 South Korean uprising that led to the resignation of President Syngman Rhee
Wikipedia - April Showers (1923 film) -- 1923 film by Tom Forman
Wikipedia - April's Kittens -- 1940 Picture book
Wikipedia - A Prince of Lovers -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Prince of the Captivity -- 1933 novel by John Buchan
Wikipedia - A Princesa e o Robo -- 1983 film directed by Mauricio de Sousa
Wikipedia - A Princesa Xuxa e os TrapalhM-CM-5es -- 1989 film directed by Jose Alvarenga Junior
Wikipedia - A Princess of Destiny -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Prince There Was -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Private Cosmos -- 1968 novel by Philip Jose Farmer
Wikipedia - A Private Enterprise -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - A Private Matter (book) -- 1963 novel by Beppe Fenoglio
Wikipedia - A Private Scandal -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Promise (1986 film) -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - A Promise of Bed -- 1969 film by Derek Ford
Wikipedia - A Prussian Love Story -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Apt Pupil (film) -- 1998 film by Bryan Singer
Wikipedia - Aquamania -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Aquamarine no Mama de Ite -- 1988 single by Omega Tribe
Wikipedia - Aquarium (video game) -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Aquathlon at the 2019 World Beach Games -- World Beach Games competitions
Wikipedia - Aquatic House Party -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Aquatics at the 1997 Southeast Asian Games -- Aquatic events held at the 1997 Southeast Asian Games
Wikipedia - A Queda -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A Queen Is Crowned -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Aquele Luxo! -- 1999 EP by Charlie Brown Jr.
Wikipedia - Aquello que Amamos -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Aquel Que Habia Muerto -- 1998 studio album by Vico C
Wikipedia - A Question of Adultery -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Question of Europe -- 1975 televised debate on the United Kingdoms membership in the European Economic Community
Wikipedia - A Question of Honor (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Question of Honor -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A Question of Silence -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - A Question of Trust -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Quiet Little Wedding -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Quiet Place in the Country -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - A Quiet Place to Kill -- 1970 film by Umberto Lenzi
Wikipedia - A Quiet Street -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Arab Blues -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Arabella (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Arabella Churchill (charity founder) -- English charity founder, festival co-founder, and fundraiser (1949-2007)
Wikipedia - Arabella Kenealy -- Kenealy, Arabella Madonna (1859-1938), writer and physician
Wikipedia - Arabesque (Coldplay song) -- 2019 song by Coldplay
Wikipedia - Arabian Love -- 1922 film by Jerome Storm
Wikipedia - Arabian Nights (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Arabian Nights (1974 film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Arabikkadal -- 1983 film by J. Sasikumar
Wikipedia - Arab Israeli Dialogue -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Arab Revolt -- Uprising in 1916 against the ruling Ottoman Turks during World War I
Wikipedia - A Race for Life -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Race of Noblemen -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Arachnophobia (film) -- 1990 film directed by Frank Marshall
Wikipedia - A Racing Romeo -- 1927 film by Sam Wood
Wikipedia - Arac (video game) -- 1986 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Aradhana (1962 film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Aradhana (1969 film) -- 1969 film by Shakti Samanta
Wikipedia - Aradhana (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 195 -- Prototype torpedo bomber by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 196 -- 1936 maritime reconnaissance floatplane family by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 197 -- Prototype fighter by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 198 -- Prototype reconnaissance aircraft by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 199 -- Prototype training floatplane by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 232 -- 1941 airlifter by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 234 -- 1943 bomber aircraft by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 240 -- 1940 fighter aircraft by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 64 -- 1930 fighter aircraft family
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 65 -- 1931 fighter aircraft family by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 68 -- 1934 fighter aircraft family by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 76 -- 1934 fighter aircraft series by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 79 -- 1938 sportplane by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 80 -- 1935 prototype fighter aircraft by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 95 -- 1937 reconnaissance floatplane by Arado
Wikipedia - Arado E.581-4 -- 1944 German flying wing bomber project
Wikipedia - ARA General Belgrano -- 1951-1982 Brooklyn class cruiser of the Argentine Navy, formerly the USS Phoenix
Wikipedia - Araichimani -- 1942 film by P. K. Raja Sandow
Wikipedia - A Rainy Day in New York -- 2019 film by Woody Allen
Wikipedia - A Rainy Night in Soho -- 1986 song by British punk band The Pogues
Wikipedia - A Raisin in the Sun (1961 film) -- 1961 film by Daniel Petrie
Wikipedia - Arakkallan Mukkalkkallan -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Aram + Aram = Kinnaram -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aram Khachaturian -- Armenian composer (1903-1978)
Wikipedia - Aranazhika Neram -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A Ranch Romance -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Random Walk Down Wall Street -- 1973 book by Burton Malkiel
Wikipedia - Arangetram (film) -- 1973 film by K. Balachander
Wikipedia - Arangetra Velai -- 1990 film directed by Fazil
Wikipedia - A Rank Outsider -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Aranmanai Kili -- 1993 film by Rajkiran
Wikipedia - Aranyakanda -- 1987 Telugu film directed by Kranthi Kumar
Wikipedia - Aranyer Din Ratri -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Arappatta Kettiya Gramathil -- 1986 film by P. Padmarajan
Wikipedia - Arappavan -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - A Rare Lover -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Arasa Kattalai -- 1967 film by M. G. Chakrapani
Wikipedia - Arashi (film) -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Arashi no naka o tsuppashire -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A-ra-shi: Reborn -- 2019 single by Arashi
Wikipedia - Arashi -- Japanese idol group (1999-)
Wikipedia - Arasilankumari -- 1961 film by A. S. A. Sami and A. Kasilingam
Wikipedia - Araya (film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Arbeiter-Zeitung (Luxembourg) -- Newspaper in Luxembourg (1924-27)
Wikipedia - Arbor Day (film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Arcade Records -- British record label (1972 - 2001)
Wikipedia - Arcadia (card game) -- 1996 collectible card game
Wikipedia - Arcadia of My Youth: Endless Orbit SSX -- 1982-1983 anime series by Leiji Matsumoto
Wikipedia - Arcadia of My Youth -- 1982 film by Tomoharu Katsumata
Wikipedia - Arcadia (play) -- 1993 play by Tom Stoppard
Wikipedia - Arcangel -- American reggaeton singer and songwriter (born 1985)
Wikipedia - Archana Aaradhana -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Archana Prajapati -- Indian actor (b. 1996)
Wikipedia - Archana Sharma (botanist) -- Indian geneticist (1932-2008)
Wikipedia - Archana Soreng -- Indian environment activist (born 1996)
Wikipedia - Archduchess Elisabeth of Austria (1922-1993) -- Archduchess of Austria (1922-1993)
Wikipedia - Archduchess Louise of Austria -- Crown Princess of Saxony (1870-1947)
Wikipedia - Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria -- Archduke of Austria-Este and heir presumptive to the throne of Austria-Hungary (1863-1914)
Wikipedia - Archduke John (film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Archer (1975 TV series) -- American television series
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Au Chapelet 33 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Au Chapelet 50 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Au Cordon Dore 33 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Au Cordon Dore 50 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Championnat du Monde -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Sur la Perche a la Herse -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Sur la Perche a la Pyramide -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1900 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1904 Summer Olympics - Men's double American round -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1904 Summer Olympics - Men's double York round -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1904 Summer Olympics - Men's team round -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1904 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1904 Summer Olympics - Women's double Columbia round -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1904 Summer Olympics - Women's team round -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1908 Summer Olympics - Men's Continental style -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1908 Summer Olympics - Men's double York round -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1908 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1908 Summer Olympics - Women's double National round -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual fixed large bird -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual fixed small bird -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual moving bird, 28 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual moving bird, 33 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual moving bird, 50 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Team fixed large bird -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Team fixed small bird -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Team moving bird, 28 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Team moving bird, 33 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Team moving bird, 50 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1972 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1972 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the 1972 Summer Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1972 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1976 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1976 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1976 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1980 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1980 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1980 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1984 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1984 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1984 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Men's team -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1988 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Women's team -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Men's team -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1992 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Women's team -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Men's team -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1996 Summer Olympics -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Women's team -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Archery competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery -- British Liberal politician and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1847-1929)
Wikipedia - Archibald Russell (ship) -- 1905 Scottish four-masted steel barque
Wikipedia - Archie Bunker's Place -- American television series 1979-1983
Wikipedia - Archie P. McKishnie -- Canadian author, 1875-1946
Wikipedia - Archie vs. Predator II -- 2019 American comic book
Wikipedia - Archimede-class submarine -- 1933 class of submarines of the Regia Marina
Wikipedia - Archimede le clochard -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Archmagic -- 1993 role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Arc Light (film) -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - ARCO Arena (1985) -- Temporary indoor arena in Sacramento, California
Wikipedia - Arcot N. Veeraswami -- Indian politician (born 1931)
Wikipedia - ARC Riders -- 1995 novel by David Drake and Janet Morris
Wikipedia - Arctic Antics -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Arctic Coal Company -- 1906-1916 American coal mining company operating in Svalbard, Norway
Wikipedia - Arctic Dogs -- 2019 film directed by Aaron Woodley
Wikipedia - Arctic Dreams -- 1986 book
Wikipedia - Arctic Ocean Hydrographic Expedition -- 1910s Russian sea expedion
Wikipedia - Arcwelder -- Punk rock band from Minnesota formed in 1988
Wikipedia - Ardaas Karaan (film) -- 2019 Indian Punjabi-language social drama film
Wikipedia - Ardab Mutiyaran -- 2019 Punjabi language romantic drama film
Wikipedia - Ardele ou la Marguerite -- 1948 play written by Jean Anouilh
Wikipedia - Ardhangini (film) -- 1959 film directed by Ajit Chakrabarty
Wikipedia - Ardha Raathri -- 1986 film directed by Asha Khan
Wikipedia - Ardharathiri -- 1969 film by P. Sambasiva Rao
Wikipedia - Ardie Clark Halyard -- American bankera and civil rights advocate (1896-1989)
Wikipedia - Area code 219 -- Area code that serves northwest Indiana
Wikipedia - Area code 719 -- Colorado telephone area code
Wikipedia - Area codes 619 and 858 -- Area codes serving San Diego County, California
Wikipedia - Area codes 919 and 984 -- Area codes in North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - A Real Bloke -- 1935 film by John Baxter
Wikipedia - A Real Girl -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Are All Men Alike? -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Area Redevelopment Administration -- American rural poverty program (1963-1965)
Wikipedia - Arecibo message -- 1974 message into space from the Arecibo Observatory
Wikipedia - A Reckless Gamble -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Reckless Romeo -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Are Crooks Dishonest? -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - A Red Letter Day -- 1997 single by Pet Shop Boys
Wikipedia - A-Reece -- South African rapper, songwriter, and record producer (born 1997)
Wikipedia - A Reformed Santa Claus -- 1911 American silent film
Wikipedia - A Regiseggyujto -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - A Regular Fellow (1919 film) -- 1919 film directed by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - A Regular Fellow (1925 film) -- 1925 film by A. Edward Sutherland
Wikipedia - A Regular Girl -- 1919 film by James Young
Wikipedia - A Regular Scout -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Regular Woman -- 2019 German biographical film
Wikipedia - Are Husbands Necessary? (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Arena (1953 film) -- 1953 film by Richard Fleischer
Wikipedia - Arena Hash (album) -- 1998 album by Arena Hash
Wikipedia - Arenal Prehistory Project -- Studies of prehistory done during the 1980s
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 15th Anniversary Show -- 1992 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 21st Anniversary Show -- 1998 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 22nd Anniversary Show -- 1999 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 5th Anniversary Show -- 1982 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena of Death -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Arena of Fear -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Arende (film) -- 1994 South African drama film
Wikipedia - A Reno Divorce -- 1927 film by Ralph Graves
Wikipedia - Aren't We All? (film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Are Parents People? -- 1925 film by Malcolm St. Clair
Wikipedia - A Report on the Party and the Guests -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - A Republic, Not an Empire -- 1999 book by Patrick J. Buchanan
Wikipedia - Aretha Sings the Blues -- 1980 compilation album by Aretha Franklin
Wikipedia - Are These Our Children -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Revolutionary Family -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Are We Civilized? -- 1934 film by Edwin Carewe
Wikipedia - Are We Men or Corporals? -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Are You Being Served? (film) -- 1977 film by Bob Kellett
Wikipedia - Are You Experienced -- 1967 album by The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Wikipedia - Are You Gonna Go My Way (song) -- 1993 single by Lenny Kravitz
Wikipedia - Are You in the House Alone? -- 1978 television film by Walter Grauman
Wikipedia - Are You Listening? (film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Are You Loathsome Tonight? -- 1998 collection of short stories by Poppy Z. Brite
Wikipedia - Are You Ready (Aaliyah song) -- 1996 single by Aaliyah
Wikipedia - Are You Ready for Love -- 1979 single by Elton John
Wikipedia - Are You Shakespearienced? -- 1989 album by Trip Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Are You That Somebody? -- 1998 single by Aaliyah
Wikipedia - Are You There? (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Argentina Fans Kaattoorkadavu -- 2019 Indian Malayalam film
Wikipedia - Argentine Love -- 1924 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - Argentine Nights -- 1940 film by Albert S. Rogell
Wikipedia - Argentine Revolution -- Military junta that ruled Argentina from 1966 to 1973
Wikipedia - Argila (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Argila (1969 film) -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Argo 16 -- Italian Air Force C-47 Dakota that crashed in 1973
Wikipedia - Argos-class patrol boat -- 1991 patrol boat class of the Portuguese Navy
Wikipedia - A Rhapsody in Black and Blue -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Ariadna Scriabina -- Russian poet and activist in the French Resistance (1905-1944)
Wikipedia - Ariadne in Hoppegarten -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Aria (film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aria Giovanni -- American model and erotic glamour actress (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Ariake-class destroyer (1959) -- Ariake-class destroyer
Wikipedia - Ariana Afghan Airlines Flight 202 -- 1959 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Ariana Jollee -- American pornographic actress and director (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Ariana Marie -- American pornographic actress (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Ariana Rockefeller -- American fashion designer and equestrian (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Ariane (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Ariane, jeune fille russe (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Ariane, jeune fille russe (novel) -- 1920 novel
Wikipedia - A Ride for a Bride -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Ari Eldjarn -- Icelandic stand-up comedian (b. 1981)
Wikipedia - Aries Susanti Rahayu -- Indonesian rock climber (born 1995)
Wikipedia - Arif Aajakia -- Pakistani-born human rights advocate (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Arif Abd ar-Razzaq -- Iraqi politician (1921-2007)
Wikipedia - ArijskM-CM-= boj -- Fascist Czech newspaper (1940-1945)
Wikipedia - Ari Melber -- American television journalist (born 1980)
Wikipedia - Arina Kachan -- Belarusian judoka (1994-)
Wikipedia - A Ring of Endless Light -- 1980 book by Madeleine L'Engle
Wikipedia - Arirang (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Arirang 3 -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Arirang geuhu iyagi -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Arise, My Love -- 1940 film by Mitchell Leisen
Wikipedia - Arishina Kumkuma -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Arising from the Surface -- 1980 film
Wikipedia - Ariyaatha Bandham -- 1986 film by J. Sasikumar
Wikipedia - Arizona (1918 film) -- 1918 silent film drama
Wikipedia - Arizona (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Arizona (1940 film) -- 1940 film by Wesley Ruggles
Wikipedia - Arizona Bad Man -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Arizona Bound (1927 film) -- 1927 film by John Waters
Wikipedia - Arizona Bound (1941 film) -- 1941 film by Spencer Gordon Bennet
Wikipedia - Arizona Bushwhackers -- 1968 film by Lesley Selander
Wikipedia - Arizona Colt Returns -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Arizona Cyclone -- 1941 film by Joseph H. Lewis
Wikipedia - Arizona Days (1928 film) -- 1928 film by J. P. McGowan
Wikipedia - Arizona Days (1937 film) -- 1937 film by John English
Wikipedia - Arizona Frontier -- 1940 western film by Albert Herman
Wikipedia - Arizona Gang Busters -- 1940 film directed by Sam Newfield
Wikipedia - Arizona Gunfighter -- 1937 film by Sam Newfield
Wikipedia - Arizona Legion -- 1939 American western film directed by David Howard
Wikipedia - Arizona Mahoney -- 1936 film by James P. Hogan
Wikipedia - Arizona Nights -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Arizona Roundup -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Arizona Slim -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Arizona Stage Coach -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Arizona Territory -- US 19th century-early 20th century territory
Wikipedia - Arizona Terrors -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Arizona Terror -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Arizona to Broadway -- 1933 film by James Tinling
Wikipedia - Arizona Trail (film) -- 1943 film by Vernon Keays
Wikipedia - Arjun (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Arjun Patiala -- 2019 Indian Hindi-language parody film
Wikipedia - Arjun Singh (politician, born 1930) -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Arjun Singh (politician, born 1962) -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Arkanoid -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Arkansas Highway 100 (1926-1960) -- Former highway in Arkansas
Wikipedia - Arkansas Highway 190 -- Highway in Arkansas
Wikipedia - Arkansas Judge -- 1941 film by Frank McDonald
Wikipedia - Arkansas Territory -- Territory of the United States of America from 1819 to 1836
Wikipedia - Ark Area -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth -- 1989 Batman graphic novel written by Grant Morrison and illustrated by Dave McKean
Wikipedia - Arktika (1972 icebreaker) -- Russian Arktika-class icebreaker
Wikipedia - Arleen Auger -- American coloratura soprano (1939-1993)
Wikipedia - Arlekino i drugiye -- 1979 studio album by Alla Pugacheva
Wikipedia - Arlekino -- 1975 song with lyrics by Emil Dimitrov, Boris Barkas performed by Alla Pugacheva
Wikipedia - Arlene Anderson Skutch -- American singer, actress, and artist (b. 1924, d. 2012)
Wikipedia - Arletty -- 1898-1992 French actress
Wikipedia - Armaan (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Armageddon (1998 film) -- 1998 science fiction film directed by Michael Bay
Wikipedia - Armageddon (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon It -- 1987 song by Def Leppard
Wikipedia - Armand Joubert -- South African singer-songwriter (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Armand Mijares -- Filipino archaeologist (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Armando Manzanero -- Mexican singer-songwriter and composer (1935-2020)
Wikipedia - Arma Senkrah -- 19th-century American violinist
Wikipedia - Armas Lindgren -- Finnish architect (1874-1929)
Wikipedia - Armed and Dangerous (1986 film) -- 1986 film by Mark L. Lester
Wikipedia - Armed Forces Ruling Council (Nigeria) -- Legal armed force council incharge during 1985 to 1983 in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Armed Forces Special Weapons Project -- U.S. nuclear weapons agency until 1947
Wikipedia - Armed Response (1986 film) -- 1986 film by Fred Olen Ray
Wikipedia - Armen Darbinyan -- Armenian politician (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Armenia City in the Sky -- 1967 song by The Who
Wikipedia - Armenian Genocide survivors -- Armenians who survived the 1915 genocide
Wikipedia - Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia -- Armenian militant organization that operated from 1975 to the early 1990s
Wikipedia - Armen Vardanyan -- Armenian-Ukrainian Greco-Roman wrestler (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Armero tragedy -- November 1985 volcanic eruption in Colombia
Wikipedia - Armin von Bogdandy -- German legal scholar (born 1960)
Wikipedia - Armistead Burwell (judge) -- American judge (1939-1913)
Wikipedia - Armistice of 11 November 1918 -- Armistice during First World War between Allies and Germany
Wikipedia - Armistice of 22 June 1940 -- Armistice between France and Nazi Germany in World War II
Wikipedia - Armon (film) -- 1986 film by Melis Abzalov
Wikipedia - Armor Attack -- 1980 video game
Wikipedia - Armored Car (film) -- 1937 film directed by Lewis R. Foster
Wikipedia - Armored Command -- 1961 film by Byron Haskin
Wikipedia - Armored cruiser -- Type of cruiser in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
Wikipedia - Arms and the Man (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Arms and the Man (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Arms and the Woman -- 1916 film by George Fitzmaurice
Wikipedia - Arms Around the World -- 1997 single by Louise
Wikipedia - Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines, and Parts) Amendment Act 2019 -- New Zealand bill
Wikipedia - Armstrong Gibbs -- English composer (1889-1960)
Wikipedia - Armstrong's Wife -- 1915 American drama silent film directed by George Melford
Wikipedia - Armstrong Whitworth Albemarle -- 1940 airlifter by Armstrong Whitworth
Wikipedia - Armstrong Whitworth Ape -- Experimental British aeroplane built in the 1920s
Wikipedia - Armstrong Whitworth A.W.19 -- British single-engine biplane
Wikipedia - Armstrong Whitworth AW.660 Argosy -- 1959 transport aircraft family by Armstrong Whitworth
Wikipedia - Army Bound -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Army Brats -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - Army Champions -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Army Girl -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Army Manoeuvres of 1912 -- Military exercise
Wikipedia - Army of Me -- 1995 single by Bjork
Wikipedia - Army of Shadows -- 1969 film by Jean-Pierre Melville
Wikipedia - Army Surgeon -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Arnhem post mill (1946) -- Dutch windmill
Wikipedia - Arnhem post mill (1989) -- Dutch windmill
Wikipedia - Arnhem smock mill (1960) -- Dutch windmill
Wikipedia - Arnold Bax -- English composer and poet (1883-1953)
Wikipedia - Arnold Bocklin -- Swiss artist (1827-1901)
Wikipedia - Arnold Cooke -- British composer (1906-2005)
Wikipedia - Arnold E. Bender -- British professor in nutrition and food toxicology (1918-1999)
Wikipedia - Arnold Edward Ortmann -- Prussian-born United States naturalist and zoologist (1863-1927)
Wikipedia - Arnold Layne -- 1967 Pink Floyd single
Wikipedia - Arnold Plant -- British economist (1898-1978)
Wikipedia - Arnold Roth -- American cartoonist, born 1929
Wikipedia - Arnold Schoenberg -- Austrian-American composer (1874-1951)
Wikipedia - Arnold Spielberg -- American electrical engineer (1917-2020)
Wikipedia - Arnold S. Relman -- American internist, professor and journal editor (1923-2014)
Wikipedia - Arnold Wall -- New Zealand university professor, philologist, poet, mountaineer, botanist, writer, radio broadcaster (1869-1966)
Wikipedia - Arnold Weiss -- American intelligence officer (1924-2010)
Wikipedia - Arnold Zwicky -- American linguist (born 1940)
Wikipedia - Arnulfo Arias -- President of Panama from 1940 to 1941, 1949 to 1951 and in 1968
Wikipedia - Arnulf Rainer (film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Roaring Adventure -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Robust Romeo -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Rogue in Love -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Rogue's Romance -- 1919 film by James Young
Wikipedia - Arogya Niketan -- 1953 Indian Bengali-language novel by Tarasankar Bandyopadhyay
Wikipedia - Aromalunni -- 1972 film by Kunchacko
Wikipedia - A Romance of Happy Valley -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - A Romance of Mayfair -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Romance of Old Baghdad -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Romance of Seville -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Romance of the Redwoods -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - A Romance of the Western Hills -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - A Romance of Wastdale -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Romantic Adventuress -- 1920 film by Harley Knoles
Wikipedia - A Room for Three -- 1952 film by Antonio Lara de Gavilan
Wikipedia - A Room with a View (1985 film) -- 1985 British romance drama film by James Ivory, based on the novel
Wikipedia - A Rough Passage -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Around a Million -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Around the Beatles -- 1964 television special featuring the Beatles, produced by Jack Good for ITV/Rediffusion London
Wikipedia - Around the Boree Log -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A-round the Corner (Beneath the Berry Tree) -- 1952 song
Wikipedia - Around the Corner -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Around the World (1943 film) -- 1943 American comedy film produced and directed by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - Around the World (East 17 song) -- 1994 single by East 17
Wikipedia - Around the World in 18 Days -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Around the World in 80 Days (1956 film) -- 1956 film by Michael Anderson
Wikipedia - Around the World in 80 Minutes with Douglas Fairbanks -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Around the World in Eighty Days (1919 film) -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Around the World (Red Hot Chili Peppers song) -- 1999 single by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Wikipedia - Around the World with Orson Welles -- 1955 television film by Orson Welles
Wikipedia - Around the World with Peynet's Lovers -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - A Rowboat Romance -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Royal Divorce (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Royal Family -- 1915 silent film
Wikipedia - A Royal Romance -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Arpad Miklos -- Hungarian gay male pornographic film actor (1967-2013)
Wikipedia - Arpege -- 1927 perfume made by Jeanne Lanvin
Wikipedia - Arpi Gabrielyan -- Amernian model, singer, actress (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Arrest Bulldog Drummond -- 1939 film by James P. Hogan
Wikipedia - Arrigo Boito -- Italian librettist and composer (1842-1918)
Wikipedia - Arrival (ABBA album) -- 1976 studio album by ABBA
Wikipedia - Arrivano i nostri -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Arron Blake -- British actor (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Arrondissement of Avelgem -- Early-19th century political unit in Belgium
Wikipedia - Arrondissement of Menen -- Early-19th century political unit in Belgium
Wikipedia - Arrow Air Flight 1285 -- December 1985 plane crash in Newfoundland, Canada
Wikipedia - Arrowhead (1953 film) -- 1953 film by Charles Marquis Warren
Wikipedia - Arrowsmith (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Arrows of Desire (novel) -- 1985 novel by Geoffrey Household
Wikipedia - Arsene Lupin (1917 film) -- 1917 film by Paul Scardon
Wikipedia - Arsene Lupin (1932 film) -- 1932 film by Jack Conway
Wikipedia - Arsene Lupin contra Sherlock Holmes -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - Arsene Lupin, Detective -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Arsene Lupin Returns -- 1938 film by George Fitzmaurice
Wikipedia - Arsenic and Old Lace (cocktail) -- Classic cocktail from the 1940s
Wikipedia - Arsenio Climaco -- Governor of the province of Cebu, Philippines from 1923-1930
Wikipedia - Ars (film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Arshad Madani -- Indian Muslim scholar (born 1941)
Wikipedia - Arshin Mal Alan (operetta) -- 1913 operetta by Uzeyir Hajibeyov
Wikipedia - Arson for Hire -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Arson Gang Busters -- 1938 film by Joseph Kane
Wikipedia - Artaballabha Mohanty -- Indian writer, literary critique (1887-1969)
Wikipedia - Art Alive! -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Art Almanac -- Australian monthly print and internet guide to galleries, art news and awards established 1974
Wikipedia - Art and Scholasticism -- 1920 book by Jacques Maritain
Wikipedia - Art competitions at the 1912 Summer Olympics -- Art competitions at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Art competitions at the 1920 Summer Olympics -- Art competitions at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Art competitions at the 1924 Summer Olympics -- Art competitions at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Art competitions at the 1928 Summer Olympics -- Art competitions at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Art competitions at the 1932 Summer Olympics -- Art competitions at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Art competitions at the 1936 Summer Olympics -- Art competitions at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Art competitions at the 1948 Summer Olympics -- Art competitions at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Art Decade -- 1977 song performed by David Bowie
Wikipedia - Artem Alikhanian -- Soviet Armenian physicist (1908-1978)
Wikipedia - Artemisia (film) -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Art et Liberte -- Egyptian artistic movement 1938-1948
Wikipedia - Art for Art's Sake (film) -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Arthamulla Aasaigal -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Arthdal Chronicles -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Arthur Alexander (album) -- 1972 studio album by Arthur Alexander
Wikipedia - Arthur Alexandrovich Rean -- Russian psychologist (born 1957)
Wikipedia - Arthur and Leontine -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Arthur and Lillie -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Arthur Andrew Hamilton -- Australian botanist (1855-1929)
Wikipedia - Arthur Balfour -- Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1902 to 1905
Wikipedia - Arthur Berger (composer) -- American composer and music critic (1912-2003)
Wikipedia - Arthur Bliss Seymour -- American botanist and mycologist (1859-1933)
Wikipedia - Arthur Bliss -- British composer (1891-1975)
Wikipedia - Arthur Carracher -- Australian cricketer (1867-1935)
Wikipedia - Arthur Cronquist -- American botanist (1919-1992)
Wikipedia - Arthur Cuming Ringland -- Conservationist and co-founder of CARE (1882 - 1981)
Wikipedia - Arthur E. Gordon -- American archaeologist and classical philologist (1902-1989)
Wikipedia - Arthur Ewert -- German communist political activist (1890-1959)
Wikipedia - Arthur Flower -- English cricket administrator (1920-1986)
Wikipedia - Arthur Hays Sulzberger -- Publisher of The New York Times from 1935 to 1961
Wikipedia - Arthur Henry White -- American businessman and humanitarian (1924-2014)
Wikipedia - Arthur Housman -- American actor in films during both the silent film era and the Golden Age of Hollywood (1889-1942)
Wikipedia - Arthur Humberstone -- British film animator (1912-1999)
Wikipedia - Arthur Hunter Palmer -- 19th-century Australian politician
Wikipedia - Arthur J. Cramp -- British-born American medical doctor, researcher, and writer (1872-1951)
Wikipedia - Arthur J. Elliot II -- American naval commander (1933 - 1968)
Wikipedia - Arthur Koestler (1984 book by Mark Levene)
Wikipedia - Arthur LeBlanc -- Canadian politician (born 1943)
Wikipedia - Arthur Lee Simpkins -- Singer (b. 1907, d. 1972)
Wikipedia - Arthur Lloyd (missionary) -- 19th and 20th-century Anglican priest, scholar, and missionary
Wikipedia - Arthur Machen -- Welsh author and mystic (1863-1947)
Wikipedia - Arthur Migliazza -- Jazz musician (b. 1980)
Wikipedia - Arthur Mole -- American photographer 1889-1983
Wikipedia - Arthur Mullard -- British actor (1910-1995)
Wikipedia - Arthur Murray -- American dance instructor (1895-1991)
Wikipedia - Arthur Pentelow -- British actor (1924-1991)
Wikipedia - Arthur Quiller-Couch -- 19th/20th-century British writer and literary critic
Wikipedia - Arthur Salter, 1st Baron Salter -- British politician and academic (1881-1975)
Wikipedia - Arthur's Desperate Resolve -- 1916 silent short film directed by William Garwood
Wikipedia - Arthur Sephton -- Archdeacon of Craven from 1956 to 1972.
Wikipedia - Arthur S. Moreau Jr. -- United States Navy admiral (1931-1986)
Wikipedia - Arthur Somervell -- British composer and art song writer (1863-1937)
Wikipedia - Arthur Sullivan -- English composer of Gilbert & Sullivan comic operas (1842-1900)
Wikipedia - Arthur Sze -- American poet (born 1950)
Wikipedia - Arthur W. Conway -- Irish physicist, President of University College Dublin 1940-1947
Wikipedia - Arthur W. French -- American journalist and popular-song writer (1846-1916)
Wikipedia - Arthur W. Hummel Jr. -- American diplomat (1920-2001)
Wikipedia - Arthur Wilkinson -- British composer (1919-1968)
Wikipedia - Arthur Williams (boxer) -- American boxer, born 1964
Wikipedia - Arthur William Turner -- Australian veterinary scientist and bacteriologist (1900-1989)
Wikipedia - Arthur Wilson (crystallographer) -- Canadian crystallographer (1914-1995)
Wikipedia - Article 15 (film) -- 2019 crime drama film by Anubhav Sinha
Wikipedia - Article 48 (Weimar Constitution) -- Article of the Weimar Constitution allowed Chancellor Adolf Hitler, with decrees issued by President Paul von Hindenburg, to create a totalitarian dictatorship after the Nazi Party's rise to power in the early 1930s.
Wikipedia - Artie Shaw: Time Is All You've Got -- 1986 film directed by Brigitte Berman
Wikipedia - Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans -- 2019 book by Melanie Mitchell
Wikipedia - Artificial Paradise (film) -- 1990 film
Wikipedia - Artik (film) -- A 2019 American horror film
Wikipedia - Artimes Farshad Yeganeh -- Iranian rock climber (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Artin billiard -- Type of a dynamical billiard first studied by Emil Artin in 1924
Wikipedia - Artistenrevue -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Artisten -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Artistic swimming at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Artistic swimming competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Artist Love -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Artists and Models (1937 film) -- 1937 film by Raoul Walsh
Wikipedia - Artists and Models Abroad -- 1938 film by Mitchell Leisen
Wikipedia - Artists' Blood -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Artists (film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Artists Under the Big Top: Perplexed -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Art Is... -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Art jove -- Catalan magazine (1905-1906)
Wikipedia - Art Monthly Australasia -- Australian visual arts periodical established 1987
Wikipedia - Art of the 2019-20 Hong Kong protests -- Artistic works created as part of the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Art (play) -- 1994 play by Yasmina Reza
Wikipedia - Arts and Crafts movement -- Design movement c. 1880-1920
Wikipedia - Artur Dinter -- German writer and Nazi politician (1876-1948)
Wikipedia - Artur Naifonov -- Russian freestyle wrestler (born 1997)
Wikipedia - Arturo Arias -- Guatemalan novelist and critic (born 1950)
Wikipedia - Arturo Lomibao -- Filipino police officer (b. 1950)
Wikipedia - Arturo's Island (film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Arturs KriM-EM-!janis KariM-EM-^FM-EM-! -- Prime Minister of Latvia (2019-present)
Wikipedia - Art Young -- American cartoonist and writer (1866-1943)
Wikipedia - Aruanda (film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Arube uprising -- 1974 Ugandan coup d'etat attempt against Idi Amin
Wikipedia - A Ruined Life -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - Arumai Magal Abirami -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Arunachalam (film) -- 1997 film by Sundar C.
Wikipedia - Arunagirinathar (film) -- 1964 film by T. R. Ramanna
Wikipedia - Aruna Raaga -- 1986 film directed by K. V. Jayaram
Wikipedia - Arun Barun O Kiranmala -- 1979 Bengali film
Wikipedia - Arundhati Roy -- Indian novelist, essayist, and activist (BORN 1961)
Wikipedia - Arun Kumar Sharma -- Indian botanist (1924-2017)
Wikipedia - A Rural Demon -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Rural Elopement -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - Arusha Accords (Rwanda) -- set of five accords (or protocols) signed in Arusha, Tanzania on 4 August 1993 to end the Rwandan Civil War
Wikipedia - A Rush and a Push and the Land Is Ours -- 1987 song by The Smiths
Wikipedia - Aruvadai Naal -- 1986 film by G. M. Kumar
Wikipedia - Aruva Velu -- 1996 film by Bharathi Kannan
Wikipedia - Arven (1979 film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Arvind Desai Ki Ajeeb Dastaan -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Arvind Singh Mewar -- Indian businessman (born 1944)
Wikipedia - Arvingen -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Aryamala -- 1941 film by Bomman Irani
Wikipedia - Arya Rajendran -- Indian politician (born 1999)
Wikipedia - Arya Vaiv -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Arzoo (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - AS-19 (drug)
Wikipedia - A sablazo limpio -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Asa Branca: Um Sonho Brasileiro -- 1981 film directed by Djalma Limongi Batista
Wikipedia - A Safe Affair -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Safe Proposition -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Asahel Farr -- 19th century American frontier doctor, and pioneer of Kenosha County, Wisconsin. Member of the Wisconsin Senate and Assembly.
Wikipedia - A Sailor-Made Man -- 1921 film by Fred C. Newmeyer
Wikipedia - A Sailor's Heart -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Sailor's Sweetheart -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Sailor Tramp -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Sainted Devil -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Asakaze-class destroyer (1954) -- Asakaze-class destroyer
Wikipedia - A Salzburg Comedy -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Asambhava -- 1986 film by D. Rajendra Babu
Wikipedia - A Sammy in Siberia -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - A Sand Book -- 2019 poetry collection
Wikipedia - A Sanitarium Scramble -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - ASAP Bari -- American fashion designer and businessman (born 1991)
Wikipedia - Asaram Tyagi -- Hero of 1965 India-Pakistan war
Wikipedia - A Saturday on Earth -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - As Aventuras da Turma da Monica -- 1982 film by Mauricio de Sousa
Wikipedia - As Aventuras de Gregorio -- 1920 film directed by Luiz de Barros
Wikipedia - A Sawmill Hazard -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - As Berry and I Were Saying -- 1952 fictionalised memoirs of Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - As Bodas de Deus -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - A. S. Byatt -- British writer, 1964-present
Wikipedia - Ascencion (album) -- 1974 studio album by Malo
Wikipedia - Ascending and Descending -- 1960 lithograph by M. C. Escher
Wikipedia - Ascensao e Queda de um Paquera -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Ascensor -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A School for Husbands -- 1917 film by George Melford
Wikipedia - A Score to Settle -- 2019 film by Shawn Ku
Wikipedia - A Scrap of Paper -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - A Scream from Silence -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - A Scream in the Dark -- 1943 film by George Sherman
Wikipedia - A Scream in the Night -- 1934 film by Fred C. Newmeyer
Wikipedia - A Screw -- 1986 EP
Wikipedia - A Season in Hakkari -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - A Secret Institution -- 19th-century American autobiography
Wikipedia - Asedillo -- 1971 Filipino film directed by Celso Advento Castillo
Wikipedia - A Self-Made Failure -- 1924 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - A Self Made Hero -- 1996 film by Jacques Audiard
Wikipedia - A Separate Creation -- 1996 book by Chandler Burr
Wikipedia - A Separate Peace -- 1959 novel by John Knowles
Wikipedia - Aserca Airlines -- Defunct Venezuelan airline (1968-2018)
Wikipedia - A Sereia de Pedra -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Serious Case -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Severa (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Severed Head -- 1961 novel by Iris Murdoch
Wikipedia - Asew -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - A. S. F. Gow -- British classical scholar and teacher (1886-1978)
Wikipedia - Asger Lund Christiansen -- Danish cellist (1927-1998)
Wikipedia - As God Made Her -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - As Good as It Gets -- 1997 American romantic comedy film directed by James L. Brooks
Wikipedia - As Good as Married -- 1937 film by Edward Buzzell
Wikipedia - As Good as New (film) -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - A Shadow at the Window -- 1944 film
Wikipedia - A Shadow You Soon Will Be -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Ashamed of Parents -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Ashanti (1979 film) -- 1979 action-adventure film by Richard Fleischer
Wikipedia - Ashanti (Crown Colony) -- Former British [[Crown Colony]] from 1901 until 1957, now part of Ghana
Wikipedia - Ashanti to Zulu -- Children's book from 1976
Wikipedia - Ash: A Secret History -- 1999-2000 fantasy novel by Mary Gentle
Wikipedia - A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon -- 2019 film directed by Will Becher and Richard Phelan
Wikipedia - Ashes and Diamonds (film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Ashes and Diamonds -- 1948 Polish novel
Wikipedia - Ashes of Embers -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Ashes of Love -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Ashes of Paradise -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Ashes of Vengeance -- 1923 film by Frank Lloyd
Wikipedia - Ashes to the Wind -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Ashgate Publishing -- 1967-2015 British academic publisher
Wikipedia - Ashik Kerib (film) -- 1988 film by Sergei Parajanov
Wikipedia - Ashikkhito -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - A Ship Bound for India -- 1947 film
Wikipedia - A Ship Comes In -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Ashita Dhawan -- Indian television actress (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Ashita wa Ashita no Kaze ga Fuku -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Ashley Horace Thorndike -- 19th/20th-century American educator and Shakespeare expert
Wikipedia - Ashley Thorpe -- Australian cricketer (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Ashlyn Gere -- American pornographic and TV actress (born 1959)
Wikipedia - Ashmita Karnani -- Indian actor (b. 1985)
Wikipedia - A Shocking Accident -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - A Shock to the System (1990 film) -- 1990 film by Jan Egleson
Wikipedia - Ashokavanam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Ashok Bhattacharya -- Indian politician (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Ashok Chavda -- Gujarati poet and writer (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Ashoke Pandit -- Indian filmmaker and social activist (b. 1966)
Wikipedia - Ashok Swain -- Indian-born Swedish professor (born 1965)
Wikipedia - A Short Vision -- 1956 animated horror film
Wikipedia - A Shot at Dawn -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Shot in the Dark (1935 film) -- 1935 film by Charles Lamont
Wikipedia - A Shot in the Dark (1941 film) -- 1941 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - A Shot in the Dark (1964 film) -- 1964 comedy film by Blake Edwards
Wikipedia - A Show of Force -- 1990 film by Bruno Barreto
Wikipedia - Ashraf Abbasov -- Soviet composer (1920-1992)
Wikipedia - Ashraf Hussain -- Bengali writer (1892-1965)
Wikipedia - Ashridge Dining Club -- The meetings of an English political club 1933-1938
Wikipedia - A Shriek in the Night -- 1933 film by Albert Ray
Wikipedia - Ashtabandham -- 1986 film directed by Askar
Wikipedia - Ashtamirohini -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Ashtamudikkaayal -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - As Husbands Go -- 1934 film directed by Hamilton MacFadden
Wikipedia - Ashutosh Mukherjee -- Bengali educator, jurist, barrister and mathematician (1864-1924)
Wikipedia - Ashwani Kumar (military officer) -- Adjutant General of Indian Army from 2018 to 2019
Wikipedia - Ash Wednesday (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Ash Wednesday (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Ash Wednesday (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Ash Wednesday bushfires -- 1983 brushfires in Australia
Wikipedia - Ashworth Improvement Plan -- Australian railway improvement plan 1940 - 1947
Wikipedia - Asiatic Land Tenure and Indian Representation Act, 1946
Wikipedia - Asif Shah -- Nepali TV presenter, actor, singer (born 1980)
Wikipedia - A Silent Witness -- 1912 Australian film by Franklyn Barrett
Wikipedia - Asima Chatterjee -- Indian chemist (1917-2006)
Wikipedia - A Simple Case -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Simple Death -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - A Simple Game -- 1968 song by the Moody Blues
Wikipedia - A Simple Story (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A Simple Twist of Fate -- 1994 film by Gillies MacKinnon
Wikipedia - As in a Looking Glass -- 1916 film by Frank Hall Crane
Wikipedia - A Single Man (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Single Man (album) -- 1978 album by Elton John
Wikipedia - As in Heaven -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Asi O De Otra Manera -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - A Sister of Six (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Sister of Six -- 1916 silent film by Chester M. and Sidney Franklin
Wikipedia - A Sister's Love -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Sister to Assist 'Er (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Sister to Assist 'Er (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Sister to Assist 'Er (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Asi te quiero -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - As It Happened -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Asit Kumar Haldar -- Indian painter of Bengal school (1890-1964)
Wikipedia - A Six Shootin' Romance -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Sixth Part of the World -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Asiya (film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Ask Ann Landers -- American daily advice column by Ann Landers (pseudonym), originated 1943 by Ruth Crowley
Wikipedia - Ask Any Girl (film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Ask a Policeman -- 1939 film by Marcel Varnel
Wikipedia - Askari Mohammadian -- Iranian wrestler (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Ask Dad -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Ask Dr. Ruth -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - Ask Father -- 1919 film by Hal Roach
Wikipedia - Ask for the Moon -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Ask Grandma -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Asking for Trouble -- 1942 film by Oswald Mitchell
Wikipedia - Ask Max -- 1986 television film directed by Vincent McEveety
Wikipedia - Ask Me (Elvis Presley song) -- 1964 single by Elvis Presley
Wikipedia - ASL Airlines Ireland -- Irish freight and passenger airline founded in 1972
Wikipedia - ASL Airlines Switzerland -- Defumct Swiss airline (1984-2018)
Wikipedia - Aslak Brekke -- Norwegian musician, vocalist (1901-1978)
Wikipedia - Aslan (band) -- Irish rock band formed in 1982
Wikipedia - A Slave of Fashion -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Slave of Vanity -- 1920 film by Henry Otto
Wikipedia - A Slice of Life (1954 film) -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A Slice of Life (short story) -- 1926 short story by P. G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - A Slight Case of Murder -- 1938 film by Lloyd Bacon
Wikipedia - A Slightly Pregnant Man -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Asli-Naqli -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Asli Naqli -- 1986 film directed by Sudarsan Nag
Wikipedia - As Long as It Matters -- 1996 single by Gin Blossoms
Wikipedia - As Long as the Roses Bloom -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - As Long as They're Happy -- 1955 film by J. Lee Thompson
Wikipedia - As Long as You Live -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - As Long as You Love Me (Backstreet Boys song) -- 1997 single by Backstreet Boys
Wikipedia - As Long as You're Near Me -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - A Small Circle of Friends -- 1980 film by Rob Cohen
Wikipedia - A Small Down Payment on Bliss -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Small Town Girl -- 1915 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - A Small Town Idol -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - As Man Desires -- 1925 film by Irving Cummings
Wikipedia - Asmara Moerni -- 1941 film by Rd Ariffien
Wikipedia - As Men Love -- 1917 film by E. Mason Hopper
Wikipedia - A Smoked Husband -- 1908 film
Wikipedia - A Social Celebrity -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - A Social Cub -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Society Exile -- 1919 film by George Fitzmaurice
Wikipedia - A Society Scandal -- 1924 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - A Society Sherlock -- 1916 film by William Garwood
Wikipedia - A Soldier's Duty -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Soldier's Oath -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A Soldier's Plaything -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Soldier's Story -- 1984 film by Norman Jewison
Wikipedia - A Son Comes Home -- 1936 film by Ewald Andre Dupont
Wikipedia - A Son from America (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Son from America (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Song About the Gray Pigeon -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - A Song for Mama -- 1997 single by Boyz II Men
Wikipedia - A Song for Summer -- 1997 romance novel by Eva Ibbotson
Wikipedia - A Song for You (film) -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - A Song from Days of Youth -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Song Goes Round the World (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Song Goes Round the World -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - A Song of Kentucky -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Son of David -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Son of Erin -- 1916 film by Julia Crawford Ivers
Wikipedia - A Son of His Father -- 1925 silent film by Victor Fleming
Wikipedia - A Son of Man -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - A Son of Satan -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - A Son of the Desert -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Son of the Plains -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Son of the Sahara -- 1924 film by Edwin Carewe
Wikipedia - As Other Men Are -- 1925 short story collection by Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - A Soul at Stake -- 1916 film by William Garwood
Wikipedia - A Soul Enslaved -- 1916 silent film directed by Cleo Madison
Wikipedia - A Soul's Awakening -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Soul to Devils -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - A South Sea Bubble -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Spaceman Came Travelling -- 1975 single by Chris de Burgh
Wikipedia - A Space to Grow -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - A Spaniard in the Works -- 1965 book by John Lennon
Wikipedia - A Special Delivery -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Spectre Haunts Europe -- 1923 film by Vladimir Gardin
Wikipedia - Aspects of Scientific Explanation -- 1965 book by Carl Gustav Hempel
Wikipedia - A Spell of Winter -- 1995 gothic novel by Helen Dunmore
Wikipedia - Asphalt (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Asphalt (1964 film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Asphalt Tango -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - A Spiritualistic Photographer -- 1903 film directed by Georges Melies
Wikipedia - A Splendid Hazard -- 1920 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - A Sporting Chance (1919 Paramount film) -- 1919 film by George Melford
Wikipedia - A Sporting Chance (1919 Pathe film) -- 1919 US silent film by Henry King
Wikipedia - A Sporting Double -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Sportsman's Wife -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Spray of Plum Blossoms -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Square Deal -- 1917 film directed by Harley Knoles
Wikipedia - A. Sreedhara Menon -- Indian historian (1925-2010)
Wikipedia - Assa (film) -- 1987 film directed by Sergei Solovyov
Wikipedia - Assassination (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Assassination (1964 film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Assassination (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Assassination in Davos -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Assassination of Benigno Aquino Jr. -- 1983 Philippine assassination
Wikipedia - Assassination of Huey Long -- 1935 murder of the US Senator
Wikipedia - Assassination of John F. Kennedy -- 1963 murder of the US President
Wikipedia - Assassination of Juvenal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira -- 1994 shooting down of a plane carrying the Rwandan and Burundian presidents
Wikipedia - Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi -- 1948 assassination of Indian nationalist
Wikipedia - Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. -- 1968 murder
Wikipedia - Assassination of Pawel Adamowicz -- Stabbing of Mayor of Gdansk during charity event in 2019
Wikipedia - Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi -- 1991 assassination of the 6th Prime Minister of India
Wikipedia - Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy -- 1968 assassination of an American politician
Wikipedia - Assassination of William McKinley -- 1901 murder of the 25th President of the United States
Wikipedia - Assassin of Youth -- 1937 film by Elmer Clifton
Wikipedia - Assassins (1995 film)
Wikipedia - Assassin(s) -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Assault (film) -- 1971 British film directed by Sidney Hayers
Wikipedia - Assault on Agathon -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Assault on Precinct 13 (1976 film) -- 1976 film by John Carpenter
Wikipedia - Assault on the State Treasure -- 1967 film by Piero Pierotti
Wikipedia - Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ -- Christian denomination formed in 1952
Wikipedia - Assembly of Captive European Nations -- Coalition of representatives from nations in Central and Eastern Europe under Soviet domination (1954-1972)
Wikipedia - Assia and the Hen with the Golden Eggs -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Assia Noris -- Russian-Italian actress (1912-1998)
Wikipedia - Assignment K -- 1968 film by Val Guest
Wikipedia - Assignment - Paris! -- 1952 film by Robert Parrish
Wikipedia - Assignment: Underwater -- American adventure television series from 1960 to 1961
Wikipedia - Assignment: Venezuela -- 1956 American oil industry propaganda film
Wikipedia - Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff (Home) -- British Navy post 1942-1945
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Navy -- Senior civilian official of the Department of the Navy, position abolished in 1954
Wikipedia - Associate international cricket in 2018-19 -- International cricket season
Wikipedia - Associate international cricket in 2019-20 -- International cricket season
Wikipedia - Associate international cricket in 2019 -- International cricket season
Wikipedia - Association of Independent Methodists -- Methodist Christian denomination founded in 1965
Wikipedia - Association of Wrongdoers -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Queensland) -- Act of the Parliament of Queensland
Wikipedia - Association to Unite the Democracies -- Organization founded 1939
Wikipedia - Assume Form -- 2019 studio album by James Blake
Wikipedia - Assunta Spina (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Assunta Spina (1948 film) -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - A Stab in the Dark (film) -- 1999 film dir. Veronica Quarshie
Wikipedia - A Stage Romance -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Astal -- 1995 2D side-scrolling platformer video game
Wikipedia - A Star Disappears -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Star Is Born (1937 film) -- 1937 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - A Star Is Born (1976 film) -- 1976 film by Frank Pierson
Wikipedia - As Tears Go By (film) -- 1988 film by Wong Kar-wai
Wikipedia - A Step Away -- 1980 documentary film
Wikipedia - A Step into the Darkness (1938 film) -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Asterix and Obelix vs. Caesar -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Asterix Conquers America -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Asterix Versus Caesar -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Asteroids (video game) -- 1979 video game
Wikipedia - Astero -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Asthamayam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - As the Earth Turns (1934 film) -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - As the Sea Rages -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - As the Sun Went Down -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - As the World Turns -- American television soap opera (1956-2010)
Wikipedia - A Sticky Affair -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Stitch for Time -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Aston Martin DB7 -- Grand Tourer produced by British automobile manufacturer Aston Martin as a successor to the DB6 from 1994-2004
Wikipedia - A Storm Over Zakopane -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Astor Place Riot -- 19th century theatre-related riot in Manhattan
Wikipedia - A Story a Story -- 1970 book by Gail E. Haley
Wikipedia - Astra Airlines -- Defunct Greek airline (2008-2019)
Wikipedia - Astra-Gnome -- Concept car by industrial designer Richard Arbib using a 1955 Nash Metropolitan chassis
Wikipedia - Astral Chain -- 2019 action-adventure hack and slash video game
Wikipedia - A Strange Adventure (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Strange Guest -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - A Strange Place to Meet -- 1988 film
Wikipedia - A Stranger in Town (1943 film) -- 1943 film by Roy Rowland
Wikipedia - A Strange Role -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - A Strange Transgressor -- 1917 film by Reginald Barker
Wikipedia - A Streetcar Named Desire (1951 film) -- 1951 drama film by Elia Kazan
Wikipedia - A Streetcar Named Desire -- 1947 play by Tennessee Williams
Wikipedia - Astrid Varnay -- American operatic soprano (1918-2006)
Wikipedia - A String of Pearls (film) -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - Astri Welhaven Heiberg -- Norwegian painter (1881-1967)
Wikipedia - AstroFlight Sunrise -- 1974 experimental aircraft
Wikipedia - Astronaut (film) -- 2019 film by Shelagh McLeod
Wikipedia - Astrosmash -- Video game from 1981 for the Intellivision console
Wikipedia - A Student's Song of Heidelberg -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Study in Reds -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Study in Scarlet (1914 American film) -- 1914 film by Francis Ford
Wikipedia - A Study in Scarlet (1914 British film) -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Study in Scarlet (1933 film) -- 1933 film by Edwin L. Marin
Wikipedia - A Study in Terror -- 1965 film by James Hill
Wikipedia - A Submarine Pirate -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A Successful Calamity -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Successful Failure -- 1934 film by Arthur Lubin
Wikipedia - A Successful Man -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - A Suitable Boy -- 1993 novel by Vikram Seth
Wikipedia - Asuman Baytop -- Turkish botanist (1920-2015)
Wikipedia - A Summer in La Goulette -- 1996 film by Ferid Boughedir
Wikipedia - A Summer Rain -- 1978 film directed by Carlos Diegues
Wikipedia - A Summer You Will Never Forget -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Summons to Memphis -- 1986 novel by Peter Taylor
Wikipedia - Asunto terminado -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - A Sun -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Asuran (2019 film) -- 2019 Indian Tamil-language film directed by Vetrimaaran
Wikipedia - Asuryalok -- 1987 Gujarati novel by Bhagwatikumar Sharma
Wikipedia - A Suspended Ordeal -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Asus ZenFone 6 -- 2019 Asus flagship smartphone with flip camera
Wikipedia - Aswathy -- 1974 Indian film directed by Jeassy
Wikipedia - A Sweeter Song -- 1976 film directed by Allan Eastman
Wikipedia - A Sweet Scent of Death -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - A Swiftly Tilting Planet -- 1978 science fiction novel by Madeleine L'Engle
Wikipedia - Asylums (book) -- 1961 book by Erving Goffman
Wikipedia - As You Desire Me (film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - As You Like It (1912 film) -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - As You Like It (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - As Young as We Are -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Atado a Tu Amor -- 1998 studio album by Chayanne
Wikipedia - At A French Fireside -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - A Tailored Gentleman -- 1954 film by Miguel M. Delgado
Wikipedia - A Tailor-Made Man (1922 film) -- 1922 film by Joe De Grasse
Wikipedia - A Tailor Made Man -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Adam Mickiewicz's 'Forefathers' Eve' -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Five Cities -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of the Wind -- 1988 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Three Sisters -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Two Cities (1911 film) -- 1911 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Two Cities (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Two Cities (1935 film) -- 1935 film by Robert Zigler Leonard, Jack Conway
Wikipedia - A Tale of Two Cities (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Two Kitchens -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Two Kitties -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - A Tale of Two Worlds -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Atal Jaler Ahwan -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - A Tango for You -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Tango Tragedy -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A TanitonM-EM-^Q -- 1945 film
Wikipedia - Atanu Bhuyan -- Indian journalist (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Atari Game Brain -- Unreleased dedicated first-generation home video game console that was supposed to be released by Atari in June 1978
Wikipedia - Atari video game burial -- 1983 mass burial of unsold video game cartridges in New Mexico
Wikipedia - A Taste for Death (James novel) -- 1986 Dalgliesh novel by P. D. James
Wikipedia - A Taste of Catnip -- 1966 film by Robert McKimson
Wikipedia - A Taxing Woman -- 1987 film by JM-EM-+zM-EM-^M Itami
Wikipedia - At Bertram's Hotel -- 1965 Miss Marple novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - At Close Range -- 1986 film by James Foley
Wikipedia - At Cooloolah -- 1954 poem by Judith Wright
Wikipedia - At Ease -- Alternative to the Macintosh desktop developed by Apple Computer in the early 1990s for the classic Mac OS
Wikipedia - A Teenager in Love -- 1959 single by Dion and the Belmonts
Wikipedia - A Teenager's Romance -- 1957 song performed by Ricky Nelson
Wikipedia - At Eighteen -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Atelier Double -- Video game studio (1996-2004)
Wikipedia - Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout -- 2019 video game by Gust Co. Ltd.
Wikipedia - Ateliosis -- Early-1900s term for proportional dwarfism
Wikipedia - Atem (album) -- 1973 album by Tangerine Dream
Wikipedia - AteM-EM-^_ten Gomlek -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Temperamental Wife -- 1919 American film directed by David Kirkland
Wikipedia - A Temporary Gentleman -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Temporary Truce -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Temporary Vagabond -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Tender-Hearted Crook -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Ateneo de El Salvador -- Cultural institution in El Salvador founded in 1912
Wikipedia - Atentat -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - A Terrible Tragedy -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Texas Steer -- 1927 film by Richard Wallace
Wikipedia - At First Sight (1917 film) -- 1917 American film directed by Robert Zigler Leonard
Wikipedia - At First Sight (1999 film) -- 1999 American film by Irwin Winkler
Wikipedia - At Five O'Clock in the Afternoon -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - At Freddie's -- 1982 novel by Penelope Fitzgerald
Wikipedia - At Full Gallop -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - ATF (video game) -- 1988 computer game
Wikipedia - Atham Chithira Chothy -- 1986 film directed by A. T. Abu
Wikipedia - Athanasios Elias -- Syriac Orthodox bishop (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Athanasius Paulose -- 19th and 20th-century Jacobite Syrian patriarch
Wikipedia - Atha Okinti Kodale -- 1958 film by K. B. Tilak
Wikipedia - Athens Classic Marathon -- Annual race in Greece held since 1972
Wikipedia - Athens, GA: Inside/Out -- 1987 film by Tony Gayton
Wikipedia - Athens Polytechnic uprising -- Student uprising against the Greek junta, 1973
Wikipedia - A Theory of Justice -- 1971 book by John Rawls
Wikipedia - Athey Kangal -- 1967 film by A. C. Tirulokchandar
Wikipedia - Athidhi (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - A Thief in Paradise -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Thief in the Dark -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Thief in the Night (film) -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - A Thing of Magic -- 2019 Marathi feature-film
Wikipedia - A Thin Line Between Love and Hate -- 1996 film by Martin Lawrence
Wikipedia - Athinumappuram -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Athiratha Maharatha -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Athiroopa Amaravathi -- 1935 film by C. V. Raman
Wikipedia - Athisaya Penn -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Athisaya Piravi -- 1990 film by S. P. Muthuraman
Wikipedia - Athisaya Thirudan -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Athlete (2019 film) -- 2019 film directed by Takamasa Oe
Wikipedia - Athletes (film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 100 metres -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 110 metres hurdles -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 1500 metres -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres hurdles -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 2500 metres steeplechase -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 4000 metres steeplechase -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 400 metres hurdles -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 400 metres -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 5000 metres team race -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 60 metres -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 800 metres -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's discus throw -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's hammer throw -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's high jump -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's long jump -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's marathon -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's pole vault -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's shot put -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's standing high jump -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's standing long jump -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's standing triple jump -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's triple jump -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1900 Summer Olympics -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1904 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1908 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1912 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Men's individual cross country -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1924 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1928 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1932 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1936 Summer Olympics - Men's 110 metres hurdles -- Held in Berlin, Germany
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1936 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1948 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1952 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1956 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1960 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1962 British Empire and Commonwealth Games - Men's 4 M-CM-^W 110 yards relay -- Commonwealth Games
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1962 British Empire and Commonwealth Games - Women's 100 yards -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1964 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1968 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1970 British Commonwealth Games - Women's 400 metres -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1975 South Pacific Games -- 1975 athletics competitions in Guam
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1976 Summer Olympics - Men's decathlon -- Track and field competition
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1977 Southeast Asian Games -- Medal results of sporting event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1981 Summer Universiade - Women's 100 metres -- Women's Athletic Universiade
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1983 Pan American Games - Men's 4 M-CM-^W 100 metres relay -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1983 Summer Universiade - Women's 200 metres -- Athletics at the 1983 Summer Universiade - Women's 200 metres
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1983 Summer Universiade - Women's discus throw -- Women's discus throw event at the 1983 Summer Universiade
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1983 Summer Universiade - Women's javelin throw -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1985 Bolivarian Games -- Bolivarian Games
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Men's 100 metres -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1991 Summer Universiade - Women's heptathlon -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Women's long jump -- Olympic athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1993 Summer Universiade - Men's 5000 metres -- Athletic event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1998 Asian Games - Women's 200 metres -- Athletics event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1998 Micronesian Games -- Game
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1999 Pan American Games - Women's triple jump -- Athletic event
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Athletics competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2019 Pan American Games - Women's javelin throw -- Athletics competition
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2019 Summer Universiade - Men's 400 metres hurdles -- Athletics competition
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 2019 Summer Universiade - Men's 5000 metres -- 2019 Men's 5000 metres for Summer Universiade
Wikipedia - Athma (film) -- 1993 film by Prathap K. Pothan
Wikipedia - At Home Among Strangers -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - A Thousand Little Kisses -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - A Thousand Melodies -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - A Thousand Red Roses Bloom -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - A Thousand Sisters -- 2019 book by Elizabeth Wein
Wikipedia - A Thousand Stars Aglitter -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - A Thousand to One -- 1920 film by Rowland V. Lee
Wikipedia - A Thousand Trees -- 1997 single by Stereophonics
Wikipedia - A Throw of Dice -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A. Thurairajah -- Sri Lankan Tamil Academic and vice-chancellor of the University of Jaffna (1934-1994)
Wikipedia - Athyra -- 1993 novel in the Vlad Taltos series by Steven Brust
Wikipedia - A Tiger's Tale -- 1987 film by Peter Douglas
Wikipedia - A Tight Corner -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Time for Burning -- 1966 documentary film
Wikipedia - A Time for Dying -- 1969 film by Budd Boetticher
Wikipedia - A Time for Justice -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - A Time for Killing -- 1967 film by Roger Corman, Phil Karlson
Wikipedia - A Timely Interception -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Time Out of War -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A Time to Kill (1996 film) -- 1996 film by Joel Schumacher
Wikipedia - A Time to Love and a Time to Die -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Atishi Marlena -- Indian politician (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Atithee -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Atlanta Millionaires Club -- 2019 studio album by Faye Webster
Wikipedia - Atlanta murders of 1979-1981 -- Series of at least 28 murders, mostly of children, in Atlanta, Georgia, US
Wikipedia - Atlanta prison riots -- 1987 prison riots at USP Atlanta
Wikipedia - Atlantic Adventure -- 1935 film directed by Albert S. Rogell
Wikipedia - Atlantic Bubble -- 2020 COVID-19 travel restrictions
Wikipedia - Atlantic Convoy -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Atlantic Council -- American Atlanticist think tank founded in 1961
Wikipedia - Atlantic Ferry -- 1941 film by Walter Forde
Wikipedia - Atlantic (film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Atlantic Flight (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Atlantic Flight (1937 film) -- 1937 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Atlantic Patrol -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Atlantic slave trade -- Slave trade across the Atlantic Ocean from the 16th to the 19th centuries
Wikipedia - Atlantics -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Atlantic Wall (film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Atlantik (film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Atlantis (1913 film) -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Atlantis (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Atlantis, the Lost Continent -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Atlantis: The Lost Tales -- 1997 fantasy adventure video game
Wikipedia - Atlas Alone -- 2019 novel by Emma Newman
Wikipedia - Atlas Autocode -- 1960s computer programming language
Wikipedia - Atlas Comics (1950s) -- 1950s comic book publishing company
Wikipedia - Atlas (computer) -- Supercomputer of the 1960s
Wikipedia - Atlas (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Atlas in the Land of the Cyclops -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - ATLAS-I -- US Air Force electromagnetic pulse generation and testing apparatus in use from 1972-1980 at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM, US
Wikipedia - Atlas/Seaboard Comics -- Term for line of 1970s comics
Wikipedia - Atlas Shrugged -- 1957 novel by Ayn Rand
Wikipedia - At Long Last Love -- 1975 film by Peter Bogdanovich
Wikipedia - Atmaram Sadashiv Jayakar -- Indian naturalist, military physician and surgeon (1844-1911)
Wikipedia - At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul -- 1964 film directed by Jose Mojica Marins
Wikipedia - Atmosfear (series) -- 1991 video board game
Wikipedia - At Night All Cats Are Crazy -- 1977 film by Gerard Zingg
Wikipedia - A Tokyo Siren -- 1920 film by Norman Dawn
Wikipedia - Atom Age Vampire -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Atom Bomb (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Atom Bomb (song) -- 1996 song performed by Fluke
Wikipedia - Atomic Age (design) -- Design style from the approximate period 1940-1960, when concerns of nuclear war dominated the West during the Cold War
Wikipedia - Atomic Age -- Period of history (1945-)
Wikipedia - Atomic Dog -- 1982 electronic funk single by George Clinton
Wikipedia - Atomic Energy Act of 1946 -- US law on the control and management of nuclear technology
Wikipedia - Atomic Power (film) -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Atomic Robo-Kid -- 1988 video game
Wikipedia - Atomic Rulers of the World -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Atomic Train -- 1999 American television miniseries
Wikipedia - Atomic War Bride -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Atomium -- Building in Brussels, Belgium built in 1958
Wikipedia - A Tornado in the Saddle -- 1942 film by William A. Berke
Wikipedia - Ator, the Fighting Eagle -- 1982 film by Joe D'Amato
Wikipedia - A Touch of Love (1969 film) -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - A Tough Winter -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Town of Love and Hope -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Atraco a las tres -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - A Train Leaves in Every Hour -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - A Trap -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945 film) -- 1945 American drama film by Elia Kazan
Wikipedia - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (novel) -- 1943 semi-autobiographical novel by Betty Smith
Wikipedia - A Tremendously Rich Man -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Trick of Fate -- 1919 film by Howard Hickman
Wikipedia - A Trick of Hearts -- 1928 film directed by B. Reeves Eason
Wikipedia - A Trick of Light -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - A Trick of the Tail (song) -- 1976 song by Genesis
Wikipedia - A Tricky Painter's Fate -- 1908 film by Georges Melies
Wikipedia - A Trip Down Memory Lane -- 1965 short film by Arthur Lipsett
Wikipedia - A Trip to Chinatown (film) -- 1926 film by Robert P. Kerr
Wikipedia - A Trip to Paradise -- 1921 film directed by Maxwell Karger
Wikipedia - A Trip to Paramountown -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Trip to Paris -- 1938 film by Malcolm St. Clair
Wikipedia - A Trip to the Moon -- 1902 film
Wikipedia - A Trip Without a Load -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - At Ruedesheimer Castle There Is a Lime Tree -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - At Sachem Farm -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Atsuko Sakuraba -- Japanese model and actor (born 1976)
Wikipedia - At Sword's Edge -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Atta Boy -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Attacked!! -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Attack from Space -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the 50 Foot Woman -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the Beast Creatures -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the Flesh Devouring Space Worms from Outer Space -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the Giant Leeches -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the Helping Hand -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the Killer Tomatoes -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the Moors -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the Normans -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the Puppet People -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Attack on Baku -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Attack on Reginald Denny -- Racially motivated attack during the 1992 L.A. riots
Wikipedia - Attack on Richard Nixon's motorcade -- Attack on the motorcade of US Vice President Richard Nixon in Caracas, Venezuela while he was visiting in 1958
Wikipedia - Attack on Terror: The FBI vs. the Ku Klux Klan -- 1975 American TV film
Wikipedia - Attack on the Dureenbee -- Attack of fishing trawler in 1942 by a Japanese submarine
Wikipedia - Attack on the Iron Coast -- 1967 film by Paul Wendkos
Wikipedia - Attaku Yamudu Ammayiki Mogudu -- 1989 film by A. Kodandarami Reddy
Wikipedia - Attempted assassination of Gerald Ford in Sacramento -- 1975 assassination attempt by Lynette Fromme
Wikipedia - Attempted assassination of Gerald Ford in San Francisco -- 1975 assassination attempt by Sara Jane Moore
Wikipedia - Attempted assassination of Harry S. Truman -- Assassination attempt on U.S. President Truman on 1 November 1950
Wikipedia - Attempted assassination of Leonid Brezhnev -- 1969 assassination attempt made upon Leonid Brezhnev
Wikipedia - Attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan -- 1981 shooting of US President Ronald Reagan
Wikipedia - Attempt to Kill -- 1961 film directed by Royston Morley
Wikipedia - Attentat 1942 -- 2017 Czech WWII video game
Wikipedia - Attention bandits! -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Attention (film) -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Attention, The Kids Are Watching -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Attention, Turtle! -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - At the Altar -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - At the Circus -- 1939 Marx Brothers film by Edward Buzzell
Wikipedia - At the Crossroads (film) -- 1943 film by Paul Guevremont
Wikipedia - At the Edge of Conquest: The Journey of Chief Wai-Wai -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - At the Edge of the Great City -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - At the Edge of the World (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - At the End of the World -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - At the Green Cockatoo by Night -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - At the Mercy of Men -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - At the Movies 1959-1974 -- 1996 compilation album by Cliff Richard
Wikipedia - At the Movies (1986 TV program) -- Movie review television program
Wikipedia - At the Old Stage Door -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - At the Stage Door -- 1921 film directed by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - At the Strasbourg -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - At the Stroke of the Angelus -- 1915 silent short starring Charles Clary
Wikipedia - At the Top of the Stairs -- 1983 film by Paul Vecchiali
Wikipedia - At the Villa Rose (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Maurice Elvey
Wikipedia - At the Villa Rose (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - At the Villa Rose (1940 film) -- 1940 film by Walter Summers
Wikipedia - At the Villa Rose (novel) -- 1910 detective novel by A.E.W. Mason
Wikipedia - At the Well in Front of the Gate -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - At the World's Limit -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Attica Prison riot -- 1971 prisoner riot at the Attica Correctional Facility in Attica, New York, USA
Wikipedia - Attila Bartis -- Hungarian writer and photographer (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Attila Demko -- Hungarian diplomat and writer (b. 1976)
Wikipedia - Attila flagello di Dio -- 1982 Italian film by Castellano e Pipolo
Wikipedia - Attitude Era -- World Wrestling Federation's increase in adult-oriented content in the late-1990s
Wikipedia - Attorney for the Defense -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Attorney for the Heart -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Twal A Tar -- 1972 Burmese film
Wikipedia - At War in the Diamond Fields -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - At War with the Army -- 1950 film by Hal Walker
Wikipedia - A Twist of Sand -- 1968 film by Don Chaffey
Wikipedia - At Your Orders, Madame -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - At Your Orders, Sergeant -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - At Your Threshold -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Auburn Speedster -- American automobile model (1925-1937)
Wikipedia - Auckland Marathon -- Annual race in New Zealand held since 1992
Wikipedia - Audace colpo dei soliti ignoti -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Audacia Ray -- American human sexuality writer (born 1980)
Wikipedia - Audacity (song) -- 2019 single by Stormzy
Wikipedia - Au-dela des lois humaines -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Audioscopiks -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Audio Visuals -- Unlicensed series of Doctor Who audio dramas made by British fans in the 1980s
Wikipedia - Audition (1999 film) -- 1999 film by Takashi Miike
Wikipedia - Auditions (film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Audrey (1916 film) -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Audrey Meadows -- Actress, banker (1922-1996)
Wikipedia - Audrey Niffenegger -- American writer, artist and academic (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Audrey Tang -- Taiwanese software programmer (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Audrius Nakas -- Lithuanian politician and actor (born 1967)
Wikipedia - Auf Wiedersehen (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Au grand balcon -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - August 1900 -- List of events that occurred in August 1900
Wikipedia - August 1901 -- List of events that occurred in August 1901
Wikipedia - August 1902 -- List of events that occurred in August 1902
Wikipedia - August 1903 -- List of events that occurred in August 1903
Wikipedia - August 1909 -- List of events that occurred in August 1909
Wikipedia - August 1910 -- Month of 1910
Wikipedia - August 1911 -- Month of 1911
Wikipedia - August 1912 -- Month of 1912
Wikipedia - August 1913 -- Month of 1913
Wikipedia - August 1914 -- Month of 1914
Wikipedia - August 1915 -- Month of 1915
Wikipedia - August 1916 -- Month in 1916
Wikipedia - August 1917 -- Month in 1917
Wikipedia - August 1918 -- Month in 1918
Wikipedia - August 1920 -- Month in 1920
Wikipedia - August 1921 -- Month of 1921
Wikipedia - August 1922 -- Month of 1922
Wikipedia - August 1923 -- Month of 1923
Wikipedia - August 1924 -- Month of 1924
Wikipedia - August 1925 -- Month of 1925
Wikipedia - August 1926 -- Month of 1926
Wikipedia - August 1927 -- Month of 1927
Wikipedia - August 1928 -- Month of 1928
Wikipedia - August 1929 -- Month of 1929
Wikipedia - August 1930 -- Month of 1930
Wikipedia - August 1931 -- Month of 1931
Wikipedia - August 1932 -- Month of 1932
Wikipedia - August 1933 -- Month of 1933
Wikipedia - August 1934 -- Month of 1934
Wikipedia - August 1935 -- Month of 1935
Wikipedia - August 1936 -- Month of 1936
Wikipedia - August 1937 -- Month of 1937
Wikipedia - August 1938 -- Month of 1938
Wikipedia - August 1939 -- Month of 1939
Wikipedia - August 1940 -- Month of 1940
Wikipedia - August 1941 -- Month of 1941
Wikipedia - August 1942 -- Month of 1942
Wikipedia - August 1943 -- Month of 1943
Wikipedia - August 1944 -- Month of 1944
Wikipedia - August 1945 -- Month of 1945
Wikipedia - August 1946 -- Month of 1946
Wikipedia - August 1947 -- Month of 1947
Wikipedia - August 1948 -- Month of 1948
Wikipedia - August 1949 -- Month of 1949
Wikipedia - August 1950 -- Month of 1950
Wikipedia - August 1953 -- Month of 1953
Wikipedia - August 1954 -- Month of 1954
Wikipedia - August 1955 -- Month of 1955
Wikipedia - August 1956 -- Month of 1956
Wikipedia - August 1959 -- Month of 1959
Wikipedia - August 1960 -- Month of 1960
Wikipedia - August 1961 -- Month of 1961
Wikipedia - August 1962 -- Month of 1962
Wikipedia - August 1963 -- Month of 1963
Wikipedia - August 1964 -- Month of 1964
Wikipedia - August 1965 -- Month of 1965
Wikipedia - August 1966 -- Month of 1966
Wikipedia - August 1967 -- Month of 1967
Wikipedia - August 1968 -- Month of 1968
Wikipedia - August 1969 -- Month of 1969
Wikipedia - August 1970 -- Month of 1970
Wikipedia - August 1971 -- Month of 1971
Wikipedia - August 1972 -- Month of 1972
Wikipedia - August 1973 -- Month of 1973
Wikipedia - August 1978 papal conclave
Wikipedia - August 1980 -- Month of 1980
Wikipedia - August 19 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
Wikipedia - August 32nd on Earth -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Augusta (album) -- 1995 album by Willie Nelson
Wikipedia - Augusta Bender -- German writer (1846-1924)
Wikipedia - Augusta Fox Bronner -- American Psychologist (1881-1966)
Wikipedia - Augusta Harvey Worthen -- American educator, author (1823-1910)
Wikipedia - August Bebel -- German social democrat politician (1840-1913)
Wikipedia - August C. Krey -- German-born American historian, 1887-1961
Wikipedia - Auguste Chevalier -- French botanist (1873-1956)
Wikipedia - Auguste Clesinger -- 19th-century French sculptor and painter
Wikipedia - Auguste (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Auguste Forel -- Swiss myrmecologist, neuroanatomist and psychiatrist (1848-1931)
Wikipedia - Auguste Groner -- 19th-century Austrian mystery and detective writer
Wikipedia - Auguste Lecerf -- French neo-Calvinist theologian (1872-1943)
Wikipedia - Auguste Marie Fabre -- (1839-1922)
Wikipedia - Augusten Burroughs -- American writer (born 1965)
Wikipedia - August Grisebach -- German botanist of the 19th century
Wikipedia - Augustin Bea -- German Jesuit priest and scholar and cardinal (1881-1968)
Wikipedia - Augustin Daly -- 19th-century American playwright and theatre impresario
Wikipedia - Augustin (film) -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - Augustin Pyramus de Candolle -- 19th-century Swiss botanist, noted for his contributions to taxonomy
Wikipedia - August Kalkmann -- German art historian and archaeologist (1853-1905)
Wikipedia - August Meyszner -- Austrian police officer, SS officer and Nazi politician (1886-1947)
Wikipedia - Augusto Anibal quer casar -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Augusto Barcia Trelles -- Spanish politician (1881-1961)
Wikipedia - Augusto B. Leguia -- Peruvian politician and President of Peru (1863-1932)
Wikipedia - Augusto Cabrita -- Portuguese film director and photographer (1923-1993)
Wikipedia - Augusto Conte Mac Donell -- Argentinian lawyer and politician (b. 1927, d. 1992)
Wikipedia - August Strindberg -- Swedish writer and painter (1849-1912)
Wikipedia - Augustus Franklin Crail -- American/Montana pioneer (1842-1924)
Wikipedia - Augustus the Strong (film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - August Weekend -- 1936 film by Charles Lamont
Wikipedia - August Weismann -- German evolutionary biologist (1834-1914)
Wikipedia - August Wilson -- American playwright (1945-2005)
Wikipedia - Aulad (1962 film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Aulad (1987 film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Auld Lang Syne (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Aunt Bill -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Aunt Clara (film) -- 1954 film by Anthony Kimmins
Wikipedia - Aunt Frieda -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - Auntie Fee -- YouTube cooking show star (1957-2017)
Wikipedia - Auntie Mame (film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Auntie's Fantasies -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Aunt Rachel -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Aunt Sally (film) -- 1933 film by Tim Whelan
Wikipedia - Aunts Aren't Gentlemen -- 1974 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Aunus expedition -- Attempt by Finnish volunteers to occupy East Karelia in 1919
Wikipedia - Au Pair Girls -- 1972 film by Val Guest
Wikipedia - Aurat (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Aurat Aurat Aurat -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - Aura (The Brave album) -- 2019 album by The Brave
Wikipedia - Aurat Pair Ki Juti Nahin Hai -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Aur Ek Prem Kahani -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - Aurel Dessewffy (1846-1928) -- Hungarian politician
Wikipedia - Aurelio Fernandez Sanchez -- Spanish politician (1897-1974)
Wikipedia - Aurelio Gonzales Jr. -- Filipino politician (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Au revoir les enfants -- 1987 autobiographical film directed by Louis Malle
Wikipedia - Aur Kaun? -- 1979 film directed by Tulsi and Shyam Ramsay
Wikipedia - Aurora (Disney) -- Title character from Disney's 1959 animated film Sleeping Beauty
Wikipedia - Aurora Snow -- American pornographic actress and writer (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Aur Pyaar Ho Gaya -- 1997 film by Rahul Rawail
Wikipedia - Au Secours! -- 1924 film by Abel Gance
Wikipedia - AuslM-CM-$nder (Rammstein song) -- 2019 song by Rammstein
Wikipedia - Auster AOP.6 -- 1945 reconnaissance aircraft by Auster Aircraft
Wikipedia - Austerlitz (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Austin 15/20 -- British car model of 1906
Wikipedia - Austin Gary -- American songwriter, novelist, and playwright (born 1947)
Wikipedia - Austin-Healey 3000 -- British sports car built from 1959 to 1967
Wikipedia - Austin Lane Crothers -- American politician (1860-1912)
Wikipedia - Austin Marathon -- Annual race in the United States held since 1992
Wikipedia - Austin Powers Collectible Card Game -- 1999 collectible card game
Wikipedia - Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery -- 1997 film by Jay Roach
Wikipedia - Austin Powers Operation: Trivia -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me -- 1999 film by Jay Roach
Wikipedia - Australasian Antarctic Expedition -- Expedition to Antarctica led by Douglas Mawson, 1911-1914
Wikipedia - Australia Act 1986 -- Legislation by the UK and Australian Parliaments
Wikipedia - Australia at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Australia at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Australia Calls (1913 film) -- 1913 film by Raymond Longford
Wikipedia - Australia Calls (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Australia (Manic Street Preachers song) -- 1996 single by Manic Street Preachers
Wikipedia - Australian Bank -- Australian retail bank (1981-1989)
Wikipedia - Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988 -- Act of the Parliament of Australia that established the Australian Capital Territory
Wikipedia - Australian Dream (1986 film) -- 1986 film by Jackie McKimmie
Wikipedia - Australian feral camel -- Feral camels in Australia, descended from animals imported in 19th century
Wikipedia - Australian Hymn Book -- Ecumenical collection of hymns published in Australia in 1977
Wikipedia - Australian Liberal Party (Victoria) -- 1920s political party in Australia
Wikipedia - Australian National Airways -- Australia's predominant carrier until the early 1950s
Wikipedia - Australia's Own -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Austral Lineas Aereas Flight 205 -- 1959 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Austria at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Austria at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Austrian Airlines Flight 901 -- 1960 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Austrian State Treaty -- 1955 multilateral treaty regarding the international status of Austria
Wikipedia - Austria victim theory -- Ideological basis for Austria under allied occupation and in the Second Austrian Republic until the 1980s
Wikipedia - Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina -- 1878-1918 period of rule over Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary
Wikipedia - Autar Singh Paintal -- Indian medical scientist (1925-2004)
Wikipedia - Authentic Science Fiction -- British science fiction magazine published in the 1950s
Wikipedia - Autobiography of a Princess -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Autobus Number Two -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Autobus S -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Autocine Mon Amour -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Autoestima -- 2019 song by Cupido, Lola Indigo and Alizzz
Wikipedia - Autographic film -- System for roll film launched by Kodak in 1914
Wikipedia - Automatic Lover (Call for Love) -- 1994 single by Real McCoy
Wikipedia - Autonomous Land of Slovakia -- 1938-39 autonomous republic within the Second Czechoslovak Republic
Wikipedia - Autonomous Municipalities Act of 1991 -- Puerto Rican law that regulates the local government of all the municipalities of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Autopsy (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Autostrada A19 (Italy) -- Controlled-access highway
Wikipedia - Autostrada A2 (Italy, 1962-1988) -- A highway between Rome and Naples
Wikipedia - Auto Test -- 1954 electro-mechanical game
Wikipedia - Autumn (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Autumn and Spring -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Autumn Harvest Uprising -- 1927 insurrection in China led by Mao Zedong
Wikipedia - Autumn Leaves (film) -- 1956 film by Robert Aldrich
Wikipedia - Autumn Marathon -- 1979 Russian film by Georgiy Daneliya
Wikipedia - Autumn Milk -- 1988 film
Wikipedia - Autumn: October in Algiers -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Autumn on the Rhine -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Autumn Roses (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Autumn Sonata -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Ava Adore -- 1998 single by The Smashing Pumpkins
Wikipedia - Avaete, Seed of Revenge -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Ava Gardner -- American actress and singer (1922-1990)
Wikipedia - Avakaasham -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Avalanche (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Avalanche (1952 film) -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Avalanche (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aval Appadithan -- 1978 film by C. Rudraiah
Wikipedia - Aval Kaathirunnu Avanum -- 1986 film by P. G. Viswambharan
Wikipedia - Aval Kanda Lokam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Avalku Maranamilla -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Avalon (1990 film) -- 1990 film directed by Barry Levinson
Wikipedia - Avalon (Al Jolson song) -- 1920 popular song written by Al Jolson, Buddy DeSylva and Vincent Rose
Wikipedia - Avalon (Roxy Music song) -- 1982 single by Roxy Music
Wikipedia - Aval Oru Thodar Kathai -- 1974 film by K. Balachander
Wikipedia - Aval Sumangalithan -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Avalude Katha -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Avalude Ravukal -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Avalukendru Oru Manam -- 1971 film by C. V. Sridhar
Wikipedia - Avalukku Aayiram Kangal -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Avalum Penn Thaane -- 1974 film by Durai
Wikipedia - Aval Varuvala -- 1998 film directed by Raj Kapoor
Wikipedia - Aval Viswasthayayirunnu -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Aval Yaar -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Avan (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Avana Ivan -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Avan Amaran -- 1958 film by Sundaram Balachander
Wikipedia - Avan Aval Adhu -- 1980 film by Muktha Srinivasan
Wikipedia - Avandhan Manidhan -- 1975 film by A. C. Tirulokchandar
Wikipedia - Avane Srimannarayana -- 2019 film directed by Sachin Ravi
Wikipedia - A Vanished World -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Avan Oru Sarithiram -- 1977 film by Kovelamudi Surya Prakash Rao
Wikipedia - Avanti Popolo (1986 film) -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - Avanti ragazzi di Buda -- Italian song about the Hungarian Revolution of 1956
Wikipedia - Avanti! -- 1972 comedy film by Billy Wilder
Wikipedia - Avargal -- 1977 film by K. Balachander
Wikipedia - Avar Jeevikkunnu -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Avar Khanate -- Muslim state 13th to 19th century
Wikipedia - Avasthe -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Avatar (1916 film) -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Avatar (1979 video game)
Wikipedia - Avdo Karabegovic Hasanbegov -- 19th-century Bosnian poet
Wikipedia - Ave Caesar! -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Ave Kallu -- 1967 film by A. C. Tirulokchandar
Wikipedia - Avelino Gonzalez Mallada -- Spanish politician and trade unionist (1894-1938)
Wikipedia - Ave Maria (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Ave Maria (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Ave Maria (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Ave Maria (1953 film) -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Ave Maryam -- 2019 Indonesian romance drama film
Wikipedia - Avenged (1910 film) -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - Avengement -- 2019 action film by Jesse V. Johnson
Wikipedia - Avenger of the Seven Seas -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Avengers 1959
Wikipedia - Avengers Assemble (TV series) -- Animated series (2013-2019)
Wikipedia - Avengers: Endgame -- 2019 superhero film produced by Marvel Studios
Wikipedia - Avenging Angel (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Avenging Angels (song) -- 1997 single by Space
Wikipedia - Avenging Bill -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Avenging Fangs -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Avenging Force -- 1986 film by Sam Firstenberg
Wikipedia - Avenging Waters -- 1936 film by Spencer Gordon Bennet
Wikipedia - Aventura en Rio -- 1953 film by Alberto Gout M-CM-^@brego
Wikipedia - Aventura (Lunay, Ozuna and Anuel AA song) -- 2019 song by Lunay, Anuel AA, and Ozuna
Wikipedia - Aventure Malgache -- 1944 film by Alfred Hitchcock
Wikipedia - Aventurera -- 1950 film by Alberto Gout M-CM-^@brego
Wikipedia - Avenues and Alleyways -- 1973 single by Tony Christie
Wikipedia - AverStar -- Software company in Cambridge, Massachusetts (founded as Intermetrics 1969)
Wikipedia - A Very Big Child -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - A Very Brady Sequel -- 1996 film by Arlene Sanford
Wikipedia - A Very Curious Girl -- 1969 French film directed by Nelly Kaplan
Wikipedia - A Very English Murder -- 1974 film by Samson Samsonov
Wikipedia - A Very Good Young Man -- 1919 film by Donald Crisp
Wikipedia - A Very Honorable Guy -- 1934 film by Lloyd Bacon
Wikipedia - A Very Merry Cricket -- 1973 animated television Christmas special
Wikipedia - A Very Moral Night -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - A Very Unlucky Leprechaun -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - A Very Young Lady -- 1941 film by Harold D. Schuster
Wikipedia - Aviaco Flight 118 -- 1973 plane crash in Spain
Wikipedia - Avianca Flight 671 -- 1960 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Avia S-199 -- Czechoslovak fighter aircraft
Wikipedia - Aviation (painting) -- 1934 painting by Rufino Tamayo
Wikipedia - Aviation Vacation -- 1941 film by Tex Avery
Wikipedia - AVICII Invector -- 2019 multi-player music video game
Wikipedia - Avidathe Pole Ivideyum -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - A View to a Kill (song) -- 1985 single by Duran Duran
Wikipedia - A View to a Kill -- 1985 James Bond film directed by John Glen
Wikipedia - A Village Scandal -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Avinash (film) -- 1986 film by Umesh Mehra
Wikipedia - Avinash Mukherjee -- Indian actor (born 1997)
Wikipedia - A. Vinod Bharathi -- Indian cinematographer (born 1983)
Wikipedia - Aviogenex Flight 130 -- 1971 aviation accident
Wikipedia - A Virgin Among the Living Dead -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - A Virginia Courtship -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Virgin Paradise -- 1921 film by J. Searle Dawley
Wikipedia - A Virtuous Vamp -- 1919 film by Sidney Franklin, David Kirkland
Wikipedia - Avis Acres -- New Zealand artist, writer, illustrator, conservationist (1910-1994)
Wikipedia - A Visitor to a Museum -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - A Visit to the Seaside -- 1908 short film by George Albert Smith
Wikipedia - A Viuvinha (film) -- 1914 film directed by Luiz de Barros
Wikipedia - Aviva Kempner -- American filmmaker (born 1946)
Wikipedia - A Voice from the Deep -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - A Voice in the Dark (film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Voice Said Goodnight -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Volta do Filho Prodigo -- 1978 film directed by Ipojuca Ponte
Wikipedia - Avonturen van een Zigeunerjongen -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Vow to Kill -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - A Voz do Carnaval -- 1933 film directed by Adhemar Gonzaga
Wikipedia - Avraham Abba Leifer -- American rabbi (1918-1990)
Wikipedia - Avraham Katznelson -- Zionist and Israeli politician (1888-1956)
Wikipedia - Avraham Mattisyahu Friedman -- Hasidic rabbi from Romania (1848-1933)
Wikipedia - Avro Anson -- 1935 multi-role military aircraft family by Avro
Wikipedia - Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck -- Interceptor aircraft in service 1952-1981
Wikipedia - Avro Lincoln -- British four-engined heavy bomber in service 1945-1963
Wikipedia - Avtaar -- 1983 film by Mohan Kumar
Wikipedia - Avurududa -- 1986 film directed by Wimal Saman Jayaweera
Wikipedia - Avvai Shanmughi -- 1996 film by K. S. Ravikumar
Wikipedia - A. V. Williams Jackson -- American specialist on Indo-Iranian languages (1862-1937)
Wikipedia - Awaargi -- 1990 Indian Hindi drama film by Mahesh Bhatt
Wikipedia - Awakening (1959 film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Awakening of the Beast -- 1970 film directed by Jose Mojica Marins
Wikipedia - Awakenings -- 1990 film by Penny Marshall, Alain Cuniot
Wikipedia - Awake: The Million Dollar Game -- 2019 American game show
Wikipedia - A Walk in the Sun (1945 film) -- 1945 film by Lewis Milestone
Wikipedia - A Wall Street Tragedy -- 1916 film by Lawrence Marston
Wikipedia - A Waltz by Strauss (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Waltz by Strauss (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Waltz Dream (film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Awam (film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Awara Baap -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Awara Badal -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Awara Zindagi -- 1989 film by Syed Ishrat Abbas
Wikipedia - A Warm Corner -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - A Warm December -- 1973 film by Sidney Poitier
Wikipedia - A Warm Reception -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Warning (book) -- 2019 book on the Trump administration
Wikipedia - Away All Boats -- 1956 film by Joseph Pevney
Wikipedia - Away Goes Prudence -- 1920 film by John S. Robertson
Wikipedia - A Way Out of the Wilderness -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - A Way Through the Wood -- 1951 novel by Nigel Balchin
Wikipedia - Awaz (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Aw Boon Haw -- Burmese Chinese businessman (1882-1954)
Wikipedia - A Week's Vacation -- 1980 film
Wikipedia - Awesome Again -- Canadian Thoroughbred racehorse (1994-2020)
Wikipedia - A Western Demon -- 1922 film directed by Robert McKenzie
Wikipedia - A Whiter Shade of Pale -- 1967 single by Procol Harum
Wikipedia - A White, White Day -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - A Whole New World -- Song from Disney's 1992 animated film Aladdin
Wikipedia - A Whore Like Me -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - A Wicked Woman -- 1934 film by Charles Brabin
Wikipedia - A Wife's Romance -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Wife's Sacrifice -- 1916 film by J. Gordon Edwards
Wikipedia - A Wild Goose Chase -- 1919 silent film
Wikipedia - A Wild Hare -- 1940 Bugs Bunny cartoon directed by Tex Avery
Wikipedia - A Will and a Way -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Window in Piccadilly -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Winnie the Pooh Thanksgiving -- 1998 film directed by Jun Falkenstein
Wikipedia - A Wise Fool -- 1921 film by George Melford
Wikipedia - A Wizard of Earthsea -- 1968 fantasy novel by Ursula K. Le Guin
Wikipedia - Awkward Hands -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Against the World -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Alone (1917 film) -- 1917 film directed by Harry Davenport
Wikipedia - A Woman Alone (1936 film) -- 1936 film by Eugene Frenke
Wikipedia - A Woman, an Animal, a Diamond -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - A Woman and a Man (film) -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Branded -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Commands -- 1932 film by Paul L. Stein
Wikipedia - A Woman for 24 Hours -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Woman for a Season -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - A Woman for Life -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Woman in Flames -- 1983 film by Robert van Ackeren
Wikipedia - A Woman in Pawn -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Woman in the Night -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - A Woman in the Ultimate -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Like You (1933 film) -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Misunderstood -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Woman, My Mother -- 2019 Canadian documentary film
Wikipedia - A Woman of Affairs -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Woman of Distinction -- 1950 film by Edward Buzzell
Wikipedia - A Woman of Experience -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A Woman of No Importance (1921 film) -- 1921 film by Denison Clift
Wikipedia - A Woman of No Importance (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - A Woman of Pleasure -- 1919 film by Wallace Worsley
Wikipedia - A Woman of the Sea -- 1926 film by Josef von Sternberg
Wikipedia - A Woman of the World -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Woman of Today -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Rebels -- 1936 film by Mark Sandrich
Wikipedia - A Woman Redeemed -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Business -- 1920 silent film
Wikipedia - A Woman Scorned (1911 film) -- 1911 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Devotion -- 1956 film by Paul Henreid
Wikipedia - A Woman's Eyes -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Face (1938 film) -- 1938 film by Gustaf Molander
Wikipedia - A Woman's Face -- 1941 film by George Cukor
Wikipedia - A Woman's Faith -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Fool -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Heart (film) -- 1926 film directed by Phil Rosen
Wikipedia - A Woman's Man -- 1934 film directed by Edward Ludwig
Wikipedia - A Woman's Resurrection -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Revenge (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Revenge (1990 film) -- 1990 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Secret -- 1949 film by Nicholas Ray
Wikipedia - A Woman's Story -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Testament -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Vengeance -- 1948 film by Zoltan Korda
Wikipedia - A Woman's Way (1908 film) -- 1908 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Way (1916 film) -- 1916 silent film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Way (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Woman's Woman -- 1922 silent film
Wikipedia - A Woman There Was -- 1919 film by J. Gordon Edwards
Wikipedia - A Woman Who Knows What She Wants (1958 film) -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Who Knows What She Wants (German version) -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Who Knows What She Wants -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - A Woman Who Understood -- 1920 film by William Parke
Wikipedia - A Woman with Style -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - A Wonderful Life (film) -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - A Wonderful Wife -- 1922 film directed by Paul Scardon
Wikipedia - A World Between -- 1979 novel by Norman Spinrad
Wikipedia - A World of Difference (novel) -- 1990 novel by Harry Turtledove
Wikipedia - A Wreath in Time -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - A Wrinkle in Time -- 1962 science fantasy novel by Madeleine L'Engle
Wikipedia - Awwad Eid Al-Aradi Al-Balawi -- Saudi Arabian Vice Admiral (b. 1955)
Wikipedia - Axe (film) -- 1977 film by Frederick R. Friedel
Wikipedia - Axegrinder -- 1989 single by Hoodoo Gurus
Wikipedia - Axel F -- 1984 single by Harold Faltermeyer
Wikipedia - Axel Munthe, The Doctor of San Michele -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Axel Zeebroek -- Belgian triathlete (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Axiliad -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - Axis & Allies: Europe 1940 -- 2010 board wargame
Wikipedia - Axis & Allies: Pacific 1940 -- 2010 board game
Wikipedia - Ayaash -- 1982 Indian Bollywood film
Wikipedia - Ayalvasi Oru Daridravasi -- 1986 film directed by Priyadarshan
Wikipedia - A Yank at Oxford -- 1938 film by Jack Conway
Wikipedia - A Yankee Go Getter -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Yankee Princess -- 1919 silent film by David Smith
Wikipedia - A Yank in Indo-China -- 1952 film by Wallace Grissell
Wikipedia - A Yank in Rome -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - A Yank in the R.A.F. -- 1941 American black-and-white war film directed by Henry King
Wikipedia - A Yank in Viet-Nam -- 1964 film by Marshall Thompson
Wikipedia - Ayanna Jolivet McCloud -- Artist from Houston, Texas, US (b. 1978)
Wikipedia - Ayano Kudo -- Japanese actress (born 1996)
Wikipedia - Ayanum -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Ayastefanos'taki Rus Abidesinin YikiliM-EM-^_i -- 1914 film by Fuat Uzkinay
Wikipedia - Aya Sugimoto -- Japanese TV personality, actress, model (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Aybak -- Sultan of Egypt (1197-1257)
Wikipedia - Aybuke Pusat -- Turkish actress, dancer, and model (born 1995)
Wikipedia - Aydar Aganin -- 19th and 20th-century American journalist
Wikipedia - Aydin Sayili -- Turkish historian of science (1913-1993)
Wikipedia - A Year in the Life -- 1980s American television series
Wikipedia - A Year of the Quiet Sun -- 1984 Polish film by Krzysztof Zanussi
Wikipedia - A Year Toward Tomorrow -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - Ayee Milan Ki Bela -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Ayer me echaron del pueblo -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - Ayesha Dutt -- Indian film producer, model and actress (born 1960)
Wikipedia - Ayesha Patricia Rekhi -- Canadian diplomat, from 2019 Ambassador to the Czech Republic
Wikipedia - Ayinde Barrister -- Nigerian musician (1948-2010)
Wikipedia - Ayitham -- 1988 film by Venu Nagavally
Wikipedia - Aylwin (film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Ayodele Awojobi -- Nigerian academic (1937-1984)
Wikipedia - Ayodele Olajide Falase -- Cardiologist and academic administrator (b. 1944)
Wikipedia - Ayodhya (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Ayodhyecha Raja -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Ayogya (2019 film) -- 2019 Indian Tamil-language action film
Wikipedia - A Yoke of Gold -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Ayub Ommaya -- American neurosurgeon (1930-2008)
Wikipedia - Ayudeme usted compadre -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Ayushman Bhava (2019 film) -- Kannada language film by P Vasu
Wikipedia - Ayyappanpillai Ajayaghosh -- Indian organic chemist (born 1962)
Wikipedia - Azaad (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Azadi-e-Watan -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Azadistan -- Short lived state in Iran in 1920
Wikipedia - Azamat Tuskaev -- Russian freestyle wrestler (born 1994)
Wikipedia - AZD1222 -- Vaccine against COVID-19
Wikipedia - A Zed & Two Noughts -- 1985 film by Peter Greenaway
Wikipedia - Az Eletbe tancoltatott leany -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Azhagarmalai Kalvan -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Azhage Unnai Aarathikkiren -- 1979 film by C. V. Sridhar
Wikipedia - Azhaggiye Thee -- 2019 Malaysian Tamil-language drama film
Wikipedia - Azhagu Nila -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Azhiyatha Bandhangal -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Azhiyatha Kolangal -- 1979 film by Balu Mahendra
Wikipedia - Azim Khamisa -- American writer (1959-)
Wikipedia - Azis -- Bulgarian singer (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Aztarac -- Color vector arcade shooter game from 1983
Wikipedia - Azubuko Udah -- Nigerian police inspector general (b. 1954)
Wikipedia - Azuki-chan -- 1995 television anime
Wikipedia - Azure Dreams -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Azure (painting) -- 1928 painting by Gustave Van De Woestyne
Wikipedia - Azurian Attack -- 1982 arcade game
Wikipedia - Azza El-Hassan -- Palestinian documentary filmmaker (b. 1971)
Wikipedia - Baadal (1951 film) -- 1951 film by Amiya Chakraborty
Wikipedia - Baadal -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Baaghi (1990 film) -- 1990 film by Deepak Shivdasani
Wikipedia - Baaghi- Ek Yoddha -- 2019 Indian Bhojpuri film
Wikipedia - Baaj Adebule -- Nigerian actor, model filmmaker (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Baaje Ghungroo -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Baal (film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Baal teshuva movement -- Return of secular Jews to religious Judaism since the 1960s
Wikipedia - Baalu Belagithu -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Baalu Jenu -- 1976 film directed by Balan and Kunigal Nagabhushan
Wikipedia - Baantjer, de film: De Cock en de wraak zonder einde -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Baap Re Baap (2019 film) -- 2019 Gujarati thriller comedy film
Wikipedia - Baashha -- 1995 action film by Suresh Krissna
Wikipedia - Baat Ban Jaye -- 1986 film by Bharat Rangachary
Wikipedia - Baat Ek Raat Ki -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Ba'athist Iraq -- Covers the history of the Republic of Iraq from 1968 to 2003
Wikipedia - Ba'ath Party (Iraqi-dominated faction) -- Iraqi political party (1963-2003)
Wikipedia - Ba'ath Party -- Syrian political party (1947-1966)
Wikipedia - Babai Abbai -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Babajide Sanwo-Olu -- Nigerian politician (born 1965)
Wikipedia - BabaKiueria -- 1986 film by Don Featherstone
Wikipedia - Babar: King of the Elephants -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Babatu -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Baba Yaga (film) -- 1973 Italian-French erotic thriller directed by Corrado Farina
Wikipedia - Baba Yaga is against! -- 1980 animated film directed by Vladimir Pekar
Wikipedia - Babayaran Mo ng Dugo -- 1989 Philippine action film
Wikipedia - Babbitt (1924 film) -- 1924 silent film
Wikipedia - Babbitt (1934 film) -- 1934 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Babe Comes Home -- 1927 film by Ted Wilde
Wikipedia - Babe (film) -- 1995 film by Chris Noonan
Wikipedia - Bab El-Oued City -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Babel (TV series) -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Babenco: Tell Me When I Die -- 2019 film directed by Barbara Paz
Wikipedia - Babe: Pig in the City -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Babe Rainbow -- 1992 studio album by The House of Love
Wikipedia - Babes in Arms (film) -- 1939 film by Busby Berkeley
Wikipedia - Babes in Arms -- 1937 musical by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart
Wikipedia - Babes in the Woods -- 1932 animated short film directed by Burt Gillett
Wikipedia - Babes in Toyland (1934 film) -- 1934 Laurel and Hardy film
Wikipedia - Babes in Toyland (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Babes in Toyland (1986 film) -- 1986 television film by Clive Donner
Wikipedia - Babes on Broadway -- 1941 film by Vincente Minnelli, Busby Berkeley
Wikipedia - Babe's School Days -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Babe (Take That song) -- 1993 single by Take That
Wikipedia - Babette Bomberling -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Babette Goes to War -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Babette's Feast -- 1987 film by Gabriel Axel
Wikipedia - Babies for Sale -- 1940 film by Charles Barton
Wikipedia - Babrak Karmal -- Afghan politician and President of Afghanistan (1929-1996)
Wikipedia - Babri Masjid -- Mosque in Ayodhya, India, destroyed in 1992
Wikipedia - Babruvahana (1964 film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Babs (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Edward H. Griffith
Wikipedia - Babu (1971 film) -- 1971 film directed by A. C. Tirulokchandar
Wikipedia - Babu (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Babu (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Babumon (film) -- 1975 film directed by Hariharan
Wikipedia - Babu Singh Kushwaha -- Indian politician (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Baby (1915 film) -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Baby & Me -- 1996 television anime
Wikipedia - Baby-Baby-Baby -- 1992 single by TLC
Wikipedia - Baby Baby (Corona song) -- 1995 single by Corona
Wikipedia - Baby Be Mine (Blackstreet song) -- 1993 single by Blackstreet
Wikipedia - Baby Blue (Badfinger song) -- 1972 song by Badfinger
Wikipedia - Baby Blue Marine -- 1976 film by John D. Hancock
Wikipedia - Baby Blues (1941 film) -- 1941 film by Edward L. Cahn
Wikipedia - Baby boomers -- Generation born during the post-World War II baby boom, with birth dates generally from 1946 to 1964
Wikipedia - Baby Bottleneck -- 1946 Daffy Duck and Porky Pig cartoon
Wikipedia - Baby Brother -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Baby Burlesks -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Baby Can I Hold You -- 1988 single by Tracy Chapman
Wikipedia - Baby Clothes -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Baby, Come Back (The Equals song) -- 1966 single by the Equals
Wikipedia - Baby Doll (1916 film) -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Baby Doll -- 1956 American black comedy drama film by Elia Kazan
Wikipedia - Baby Don't Cry (INXS song) -- 1992 single by INXS
Wikipedia - Baby Elephant Walk -- 1962 song performed by Nana Kinomi
Wikipedia - Baby Face (film) -- 1933 film by Alfred E. Green
Wikipedia - Baby Face Harrington -- 1935 film by Raoul Walsh
Wikipedia - Baby Face Morgan -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Baby Geniuses -- 1999 film by Bob Clark
Wikipedia - Baby Got Back -- 1992 single by Sir Mix-A-Lot
Wikipedia - Baby I'm Yours (Barbara Lewis song) -- 1965 single by Barbara Lewis
Wikipedia - Babylon 5: The Gathering -- 1993 pilot film of the science fiction television series Babylon 5 directed by Richard Compton
Wikipedia - Babylon (David Gray song) -- 1999 single by David Gray
Wikipedia - Babylon (film) -- 1980 film directed by Franco Rosso
Wikipedia - Baby Love (1968 film) -- 1969 film by Alastair Reid
Wikipedia - Baby Love -- 1964 single by The Supremes
Wikipedia - Baby Mine (1917 film) -- 1917 film by John S. Robertson, Hugo Ballin
Wikipedia - Baby Mine (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Baby Rani -- Child actor (b. 1966)
Wikipedia - Baby's Back Again -- 1967 single by Connie Smith
Wikipedia - Baby's Day Out -- 1994 film by Patrick Read Johnson
Wikipedia - Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Baby's Got a New Baby -- 1986 single by S-K-O
Wikipedia - Baby Sister -- 1985 single by La Toya Jackson
Wikipedia - Baby Snakes -- 1979 film by Frank Zappa
Wikipedia - Baby Take a Bow -- 1934 American comedy drama film directed by Harry Lachman
Wikipedia - Babyteeth (film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Baby, We're Really in Love -- 1951 Hank Williams song
Wikipedia - Baccara (film) -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Baccarat (film) -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Baccha Shoshur -- 2019 Bengali comedy film
Wikipedia - BAC Credomatic -- Central American financial institution founded in 1952
Wikipedia - Bach and Broccoli -- 1986 film directed by Andre Melancon
Wikipedia - Bachelor Apartment -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Bachelor Bait -- 1934 film by George Stevens
Wikipedia - Bachelor Brides -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Bachelor Daddy -- 1941 film by Harold Young
Wikipedia - Bachelorette (song) -- 1997 single by Bjork
Wikipedia - Bachelor Flat -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Bachelor in Paradise (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Bachelor Mother (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Bachelor Mother -- 1939 film by Garson Kanin
Wikipedia - Bachelor of Arts (film) -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Bachelor of Hearts -- 1958 film by Wolf Rilla
Wikipedia - Bachelor Party (1984 film) -- 1984 film by Neal Israel
Wikipedia - Bachelor's Affairs -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Bachelors Anonymous -- 1973 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Bachelor's Baby -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Bachelor's Paradise (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Bachelor's Paradise -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - Bachem Ba 349 -- 1945 prototype fighter aircraft by Bachem
Wikipedia - Bachir Gemayel -- Lebanese politician and a resistance commander and President of Lebanon (1947-1982)
Wikipedia - Bachpan -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Bach the Detective -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Back and Forth (Cameo song) -- 1987 single by Cameo
Wikipedia - Back and Forth (film) -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Back at One (song) -- 1999 single by Brian McKnight
Wikipedia - Back at the Front -- 1952 film by George Sherman
Wikipedia - Backbeat (film) -- 1994 film by Iain Softley
Wikipedia - Backbone (1923 film) -- 1923 film by Edward Sloman
Wikipedia - Backbone (1975 film) -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Back Door to Heaven -- 1939 film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - Back Door to Hell -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Backdraft 2 -- 2019 action thriller film
Wikipedia - Backdraft (film) -- 1991 movie by Ron Howard
Wikipedia - Backfire (1964 film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Back Fire -- 1922 silent film
Wikipedia - Back for Good (song) -- 1995 single by Take That
Wikipedia - Back from Eternity -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Backgammon (video game) -- 1979 video game
Wikipedia - Background (1953 film) -- 1953 film by Daniel Birt
Wikipedia - Background (1973 film) -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Back Home and Broke -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Back in Circulation -- 1937 film by Ray Enright
Wikipedia - Back in My Life -- 1999 single by Alice Deejay
Wikipedia - Back in the Day (Ahmad song) -- 1994 single by Ahmad
Wikipedia - Back in the Saddle (film) -- 1941 film by Lew Landers
Wikipedia - Back in the Saddle -- 1977 single by Aerosmith
Wikipedia - Back in Trouble -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Backlash (1947 film) -- American film noir starring Jean Rogers
Wikipedia - Backlash (1956 film) -- American Western starring Richard Widmark
Wikipedia - Backlash (1986 film) -- Australian drama directed by [[Bill Bennett]]
Wikipedia - Backlash (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women -- 1991 book by Susan Faludi
Wikipedia - Back Pay (1922 film) -- 1922 film by Frank Borzage
Wikipedia - Back Pay (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Back-Room Boy -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Back Stabbers (song) -- 1972 single by The O'Jays
Wikipedia - Back Stage (1917 film) -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Back Stage (1919 film) -- 1919 film by Roscoe Arbuckle
Wikipedia - Back Stage (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Back Street (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Back Street (1941 film) -- 1941 film by Robert Stevenson
Wikipedia - Back Street (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Backstreet Boys (1996 album) -- 1996 Backstreet Boys album
Wikipedia - Backstreet Boys (1997 album) -- 1997 Backstreet Boys album
Wikipedia - Back Street Pickup -- 1990 song performed by The Angels
Wikipedia - Backstreet's Back -- 1997 Backstreet Boys album
Wikipedia - Back Then (film) -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Back to Ararat -- 1988 film
Wikipedia - Back to Basics (Billy Bragg album) -- 1987 compilation album by Billy Bragg
Wikipedia - Back to Even -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Back to God's Country (1919 film) -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Back to God's Country (1927 film) -- 1927 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Back to Liberty -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Back to Life (1913 film) -- 1913 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - Back to Life (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Back to Life (However Do You Want Me) -- 1989 song by Soul II Soul
Wikipedia - Back to Love (Chris Brown song) -- 2019 song by Chris Brown
Wikipedia - Back to My Roots -- 1993 single by RuPaul
Wikipedia - Back to Nature -- 1936 film by James Tinling
Wikipedia - Back to Roots -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Back to School (2019 film) -- French comedy film
Wikipedia - Back to School -- 1986 American comedy film by Alan Metter
Wikipedia - Back to Square One (film) -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Back to the Door -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Back to the Farm -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Back to the Future (franchise) -- 1985-1990 trilogy of films directed by Robert Zemeckis
Wikipedia - Back to the Future Part III -- 1990 film by Robert Zemeckis
Wikipedia - Back to the Future Part II -- 1989 film by Robert Zemeckis
Wikipedia - Back to the Future (soundtrack) -- Album with the soundtrack of the 1985 film
Wikipedia - Back to the Future -- 1985 film by Robert Zemeckis
Wikipedia - Back to the Woods (1918 Goldwyn film) -- 1918 American silent comedy film
Wikipedia - Back to the Woods (1919 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Back Trail -- 1948 American western film, directed by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - Backwoods Bunny -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Backyard Soccer -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - BAC One-Eleven -- British short-range jet airliner used from the 1960s to the 1990s
Wikipedia - Bacon Grabbers -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Ba Congress -- 1944 Chetnik congress in Serbia
Wikipedia - Bacup railway station -- English railway station from 1852 to 1966
Wikipedia - Bacurau -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Badai-Selatan -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Bada Kabutar -- 1973 film by Deven Verma
Wikipedia - Badalte Rishtey -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Badarna -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Bad as the Boys -- 2019 single by Tove Lo featuring Alma
Wikipedia - Bad Boy (1935 film) -- 1935 film by John G. Blystone
Wikipedia - Bad Boy (1939 film) -- 1939 film by Herbert Meyer
Wikipedia - Bad Boys (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Bad Boys (1995 film) -- Based on a book from the 1995 action film directed by Michael Bay
Wikipedia - Bad Boys (Inner Circle song) -- 1987 single by Inner Circle
Wikipedia - Bad Boys (manga) -- 1993 manga series by Hiroshi Tanaka
Wikipedia - Bad City Blues -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Bad Company (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Bad Company (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Bad Company (1986 film) -- 1986 Argentine film directed by Jose Santiso
Wikipedia - Bad Company (1999 film) -- 1999 French film directed by Jean-Pierre Ameris starring Maud Forget and Lou Doillon
Wikipedia - Bad Company (manga) -- 1998 one volume prequel to Shonan Junai Gumi
Wikipedia - Bad Day (viral video) -- 1996 viral video
Wikipedia - Badd Blood: In Your House -- 1997 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bad Education (2019 film) -- 2019 film directed by Cory Finley
Wikipedia - Bade Miyan Chote Miyan -- 1998 film by David Dhawan
Wikipedia - Badge 373 -- 1973 film by Howard W. Koch
Wikipedia - Badge of the Assassin -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Badger (automobile company) -- Car company of Columbus, Wisconsin, United States,[1] was an automobile company founded in 1910.
Wikipedia - Badger's Green (1934 film) -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Bad Girl (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Bad Girl (1963 film) -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - Bad girl art -- Comic book trend of the 1980s/90s
Wikipedia - Bad Girl (La Toya Jackson song) -- 1989 single by La Toya Jackson
Wikipedia - Bad Girl (Madonna song) -- 1993 single by Madonna
Wikipedia - Bad Girls Don't Cry -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Bad Girls (Wilson novel) -- 1996 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - Bad Guy (1937 film) -- 1937 film by Edward L. Cahn
Wikipedia - Bad Guy (Billie Eilish song) -- 2019 single by Billie Eilish
Wikipedia - Bad Hair Day -- 1996 album by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Wikipedia - Badhti Ka Naam Dadhi -- 1974 film by Kishore Kumar
Wikipedia - Badhu Biday -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Bad Idea (song) -- 2019 song by Ariana Grande
Wikipedia - Badla (2019 film) -- 2019 Indian Hindi language film by Sujoy Ghosh
Wikipedia - Bad Lands (1939 film) -- 1939 film by Lew Landers
Wikipedia - Badlands (film) -- 1973 American crime film directed by Terrence Malick
Wikipedia - Badlands of Dakota -- 1941 film by Alfred E. Green
Wikipedia - Bad Lieutenant -- 1992 crime-drama film directed by Abel Ferrara
Wikipedia - Bad Little Angel -- 1939 film by Wilhelm Thiele
Wikipedia - Bad Luck (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Bad Man from Red Butte -- 1940 film directed by Ray Taylor
Wikipedia - Bad Man of Deadwood -- 1941 film by Joseph Kane
Wikipedia - Bad Man's Bluff -- 1926 film by Alan James
Wikipedia - Badman's Country -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Bad Man's River -- 1971 film by Eugenio Martin
Wikipedia - Bad Medicine (film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Bad Medicine (song) -- 1988 single by Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - Bad Men of Missouri -- 1941 film by Ray Enright
Wikipedia - Bad Men of the Hills -- 1942 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - Bad (Michael Jackson song) -- 1987 single by Michael Jackson
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Men's doubles -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Men's singles -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1992 Summer Olympics -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Women's doubles -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Women's singles -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Men's doubles -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Men's singles -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Mixed doubles -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1996 Summer Olympics -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Women's doubles -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Women's singles -- Badminton at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Badminton at the 2019 Pan American Games -- Badminton competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Bad Moon -- 1996 Canadian-American horror film
Wikipedia - Bad Mothers -- 2019 Australian television series
Wikipedia - Badnaam Gali -- 2019 web film by Ashwin Shetty
Wikipedia - Badnam Basti -- 1971 Indian neorealistic drama film by Prem Kapoor
Wikipedia - Bad of the Heart (song) -- 1990 single by George Lamond
Wikipedia - Badou Boy -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Bad Ronald -- 1974 television film directed by Buzz Kulik
Wikipedia - Bad Sister (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Bad Subject -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - Bad Taste -- 1987 film by Peter Jackson
Wikipedia - Bad Time -- 1975 song by Grand Funk Railroad
Wikipedia - Bad to the Bone (Kool G Rap & DJ Polo song) -- 1991 single by Kool G Rap
Wikipedia - Bad (U2 song) -- 1984 song by U2
Wikipedia - Bagaduce-class tugboat -- Class of United States Navy fleet tugs (1918)
Wikipedia - Bag and Baggage -- 1923 film directed by Finis Fox
Wikipedia - Bagdad (film) -- 1949 film by Charles Lamont
Wikipedia - Baggy Trousers -- 1980 single by Madness
Wikipedia - Bagh Bondi Khela -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Baghdad Pact -- Military alliance involving Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey and the United Kingdom (1955-1979)
Wikipedia - Baghini (2019 film) -- 2019 film by Nehal Dutt
Wikipedia - Baghi Sipahi -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Bag Kobenhavns kulisser -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Bagrat VII of Kartli -- King of Kartli (1569-1619) (r. c.1615-1619)
Wikipedia - Bags (song) -- 2019 song by Clairo
Wikipedia - Baguettes in the Face -- 2019 song by Mustard featuring Nav, Playboi Carti, and A Boogie wit da Hoodie
Wikipedia - Bahaghari -- 1940 Filipino film directed by Don Dano
Wikipedia - Bahama Passage -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Bahana (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Bahana (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Baharon Ke Sapne -- 1967 film by Nasir Hussain
Wikipedia - Baharon Ki Manzil (1968 film) -- Hindi film
Wikipedia - Baharon Phool Barsao -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Bahi Ladgham -- Prime Minister of Tunisia (1969-1970)
Wikipedia - Bahjat (singer) -- Libyan singer and songwriter (born 1995)
Wikipedia - Bahu Begum (2019 TV series) -- Indian romantic drama television series
Wikipedia - Bahu Beti -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - Bahurani (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Bahurani (1963 film) -- 1963 film by Tatineni Prakash Rao
Wikipedia - Bahut Din Huwe -- 1954 film by S. S. Vasan
Wikipedia - Bailamos -- 1999 single by Enrique Iglesias
Wikipedia - Bailando 2019 -- Fourteenth season of Bailando por un SueM-CM-1o
Wikipedia - Bailey-Morshead exploration of Tsangpo Gorge -- 1913 expedition that discovered route of Tsangpo River through Himalaya
Wikipedia - Bai Ling -- Chinese actress (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Bailout at 43,000 -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Bai Lu (actress) -- Chinese actress (born 1994)
Wikipedia - Bairavi -- 1978 film by M. Bhaskar
Wikipedia - Bairoletto, la aventura de un rebelde -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Bait (1950 film) -- 1950 film by Frank Richardson
Wikipedia - Bait (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Baixa de Cassanje revolt -- 1961 revolt against Portuguese rule of Angola
Wikipedia - Baja Buggies -- 1982 video game
Wikipedia - Baja Oklahoma -- 1988 television film directed by Bobby Roth
Wikipedia - Baji Rout -- Indian victim of British police violence (1926-1938)
Wikipedia - Bajo un angel del cielo -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Baker's Hawk -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Baker Street robbery -- Burglary of the safety deposit boxes in London in 1971
Wikipedia - Bakrid -- 2019 Indian drama film
Wikipedia - Baksa Badal -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - Bakul -- 1954 film directed by Bholanath Mitra
Wikipedia - Bakumatsu (film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Baku pogrom -- 1990 pogrom against ethnic Armenian inhabitants of Baku, Azerbaijan SSR
Wikipedia - Bala (2019 film) -- 2019 Hindi-language social problem comedy film
Wikipedia - Balaclava (film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Balad al-Shaykh massacre -- Massacre of Palestinian Arabs by Jewish militia in 1947-48
Wikipedia - Bala Ganapathi William -- Malaysian actor (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Balaji Sakthivel -- Indian film director (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Balak Aur Janwar -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Balala Hakkula Sangham -- Children's rights' organization (e. 1985)
Wikipedia - Balalaika (film) -- 1939 film by Reinhold Schunzel
Wikipedia - Balamangalam -- Malayalam comic magazine published between 1980 and 2012
Wikipedia - Balamut -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Bala Nagamma (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Bala Nagamma (1959 film) -- 1959 film directed by Vedantam Raghavaiah
Wikipedia - Balance (1983 film) -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Balance, Not Symmetry -- 2019 film directed by Jamie Adams
Wikipedia - Bala Panjara -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Balapareekshanam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Balaraju Katha -- 1970 film directed by Bapu
Wikipedia - Bal Bramhachari (1996 film) -- 1996 film by Prakash Mehra
Wikipedia - Balcones Fault (band) -- 1970s comedic Dixieland band
Wikipedia - Bald Eagle (clipper) -- 19th c. American clipper ship
Wikipedia - Baldevins bryllup -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Baldomero Argente -- Spanish politician (1877-1965)
Wikipedia - Balduin Groller -- Austrian author (1848-1916)
Wikipedia - Baldwin's Wedding -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Bale Pandiya (1962 film) -- 1962 film by B. R. Panthulu
Wikipedia - Balidaan (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Balidaan (1997 film) -- 1997 Nepali historical drama film, directed by Tulsi Ghimire
Wikipedia - Balidan -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Bali (film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Balina Guri -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Balipeetam -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Balkan Bulgarian Airlines Flight 307 -- 1973 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Balkan Wars -- Two wars on the Balkan Peninsula 1912-1913
Wikipedia - Balked at the Altar -- 1908 film
Wikipedia - Balkenkreuz -- Bar cross that was the symbol of German armed forces from 1935-1945
Wikipedia - Ballade pM-CM-% Christianshavn -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Ballad for One Gun -- 1963 Australian television film
Wikipedia - Ballad in Blue -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Ballad of a Gunman -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - Ballad of an Old Gun -- 1986 film directed by Gennadiy Voronin
Wikipedia - Ballad of a Soldier -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Ballad of Carl-Henning -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Ballad of Tara -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Ballad of the Masterthief Ole Hoiland -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Balla Linda -- 1968 song by Lucio Battisti
Wikipedia - Ball at Savoy (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Ball at the Savoy (1955 film) -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Ballerina (1956 film) -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Ballet Mecanique -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Ballettratten -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - B.A.L.L. Four: Hardball -- 1990 album by B.A.L.L.
Wikipedia - Ballin' (Mustard song) -- 2019 song by Mustard
Wikipedia - Ball Lightning (film) -- 1979 Czechoslovak comedy film directed by Ladislav Smoljak and ZdenM-DM-^[k PodskalskM-CM-=
Wikipedia - Ball of Fire -- 1941 film by Howard Hawks
Wikipedia - Balloon (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Ballyhooey -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Ballymurphy massacre -- 1971 massacre in Belfast, Northern Ireland, by the British Army
Wikipedia - Balraj Pasi -- Indian politician (born 1960)
Wikipedia - Balsamus, l'uomo di Satana -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Baltasar Sangchili -- Spanish boxer (1911-1992)
Wikipedia - Baltic Deputy -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Baltic Skies -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Baltic Way -- 1989 peaceful demonstration in the form of a human chain
Wikipedia - Baltimore riots of 1919 -- Series of riots connected to the Red Summer of 1919
Wikipedia - Balzaminov's Marriage -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Bamako Initiative -- Formal statement adopted by African health ministers in 1987 in Bamako, Mali, to implement strategies designed to increase the availability of essential drugs
Wikipedia - Bama Vijayam (1967 film) -- 1967 film by K. Balachander
Wikipedia - Bamba Qadin -- 19th century Walida Pasha of Egypt
Wikipedia - Bambaru Avith -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Bambino the Clown -- 1947 Picture book
Wikipedia - Bambi's Childhood -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Bambi -- 1942 American animated Disney drama film directed by David Hand
Wikipedia - Bambi Woods -- American pornographic actress (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Bamie Roosevelt -- Elder sister of Theodore Roosevelt (1855 - 1931)
Wikipedia - Bamlanivimab -- Experimental antibody treatment for COVID-19
Wikipedia - Banana da Terra -- 1939 film directed by Ruy Costa
Wikipedia - Banana Joe (film) -- 1982 film by Stefano Vanzina
Wikipedia - Banana Peel -- 1963 French-Italian-German comedy film by Marcel Ophuls
Wikipedia - Banana Republic (song) -- 1980 single by The Boomtown Rats
Wikipedia - Banana Ridge (film) -- 1942 film by Walter C. Mycroft
Wikipedia - Bananas (film) -- 1971 comedy film by Woody Allen
Wikipedia - Bananes mecaniques -- 1973 film by Jean-Francois Davy
Wikipedia - Banarasi Babu (1997 film)
Wikipedia - Banarsi Thug -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Band and Battalion of the U.S. Indian School -- 1901 silent film
Wikipedia - Banda Ramudu -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Bandham (1985 film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Bandhan (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Bandhanam -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Bandha Pasam -- 1962 film directed by A. Bhimsingh
Wikipedia - Bandhu (1992 film) -- 1992 Hindi film
Wikipedia - Bandidos (film) -- 1967 film by Massimo Dallamano
Wikipedia - Bandi Sanjay Kumar -- Indian politician (born 1971)
Wikipedia - Bandish (1996 film) -- 1996 film by Prakash Jha
Wikipedia - Bandi Theke Begum -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Banditi a Orgosolo -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Bandit Ranger -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Bandits (1997 film) -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Bandits Beware -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Bandits in Milan -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Bandits of Dark Canyon -- 1947 film by Philip Ford
Wikipedia - Bandits of El Dorado -- 1949 film by Ray Nazarro
Wikipedia - Bandits of the Autobahn -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Bandits of the Badlands -- 1945 film by Thomas Carr
Wikipedia - Bandits vs. Samurai Squadron -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Banditti of the Prairie -- A group of loose-knit outlaw gangs, during the early-mid-19th century
Wikipedia - Band of Angels -- 1957 film by Raoul Walsh
Wikipedia - Band of Gold (TV series) -- British television crime drama series aired on ITV from 1995 to 1997
Wikipedia - Band of the Hand -- 1986 film by Paul Michael Glaser
Wikipedia - Band of Thieves -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Bandolero! -- 1968 film by Andrew V. McLaglen
Wikipedia - Bandung Conference -- 1955 meeting of Asian and African states
Wikipedia - Bandung Sea of Fire -- Burning of Bandung, Indonesia, in 1946
Wikipedia - Band Waggon (film) -- 1940 film by Marcel Varnel
Wikipedia - Bandwagon (film) -- 1996 film by John Schultz
Wikipedia - Banesh Hoffmann -- American mathematician and physicist (1906-1986)
Wikipedia - Bang a Drum -- 1998 single by Jon Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - Bangaru Gaajulu -- 1968 film by C. S. Rao
Wikipedia - Bang Bang (BA Robertson song) -- 1979 single by BA Robertson
Wikipedia - Bang Bang (Danger Danger song) -- 1989 song by Danger Danger
Wikipedia - Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) -- 1966 song by Cher
Wikipedia - Bang Boom Bang -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Bang! (film) -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Bangkok Buddies -- 2019 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Bangkok Love Stories: Objects of Affection -- 2019 Thai-language television series
Wikipedia - Bangkok Love Stories: Plead -- 2019 Thai-language television series
Wikipedia - Bangkok Marathon -- Annual race in Thailand held since 1987
Wikipedia - Bangla Bhasha Procholon Ain, 1987 -- Bangladeshi law
Wikipedia - Banglar Badhu -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Banjo-Kazooie (video game) -- 1998 platform video game developed by Rare
Wikipedia - Banjo on My Knee (film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Bank Alarm -- 1937 film by Louis J. Gasnier
Wikipedia - Bank Ban (film) -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Bank Clerks -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Bankers Also Have Souls -- 1982 film by Michel Lang
Wikipedia - Banketten -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Bank Holiday (film) -- 1938 film by Carol Reed
Wikipedia - Banking Act of 1935 -- US banking legislation
Wikipedia - Banknotes of Kutch -- Series of specimen banknotes printed in 1946
Wikipedia - Bank of Crete (1980-1999) -- Defunct bank in Greece
Wikipedia - Bank of England Act 1946 -- Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom that nationalised the Bank of England
Wikipedia - Bank of Latvia -- The central bank of Latvia, established in 1922
Wikipedia - Bankomatt -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - Bankraub in der Rue Latour -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Bank Shot -- 1974 film by Gower Champion
Wikipedia - Bank War -- Political struggle in the 19th-century United States
Wikipedia - Ban Muang (newspaper) -- Thai newspaper (1972-2016)
Wikipedia - Banned Book: Flesh Futon -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Bano Qudsia -- Pakistani writer (1928-2017)
Wikipedia - Banque Misr -- Egyptian bank founded by industrialist Talaat Pasha Harb in 1920
Wikipedia - Bansari (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Bantu Authorities Act, 1951
Wikipedia - Bantu Education Act, 1953
Wikipedia - Bantu Homelands Citizenship Act, 1970
Wikipedia - Bantu Homelands Constitution Act, 1971
Wikipedia - Bantu Investment Corporation Act, 1959
Wikipedia - Banzai (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Banzai Runner -- 1986 film by John G. Thomas
Wikipedia - Banza Mukalay -- Congolese politician (1953-2016)
Wikipedia - B.A.P.S. -- 1997 comedy film by Robert Townsend
Wikipedia - Baptism of Fire -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Bar 20 Justice -- 1938 film by Lesley Selander
Wikipedia - Bar 20 Rides Again -- 1935 film by Howard Bretherton
Wikipedia - Barabbas (1953 film) -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Barabbas (1961 film) -- 1961 film by Richard Fleischer
Wikipedia - Barairo no Jinsei -- 2019 song by Mai Kuraki
Wikipedia - Baraka (film) -- 1992 documentary directed by Ron Fricke
Wikipedia - Barat (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Barbara Anderson (anti-tax activist) -- Activist (b. 1943, d. 2016)
Wikipedia - Barbara Ann DeBuono -- Health executive (b. 1955)
Wikipedia - Barbara Blackman O'Neil -- American suffragist (1880-1963)
Wikipedia - Barbara Bush (born 1981) -- American health care activist and daughter of George W. Bush
Wikipedia - Barbara Cartland -- English writer and media personality (1901-2000)
Wikipedia - Barbara ClaM-CM-^_en -- German judoka (1957-1990)
Wikipedia - Barbara Fallis -- American ballet dancer, born 1924
Wikipedia - Barbara Frietchie (film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Barbara Harris (actress) -- American actress born 1935
Wikipedia - Barbara Holland -- American writer (1933-2010)
Wikipedia - Barbara Lawrence (zoologist) -- American zoologist (1909-1997)
Wikipedia - Barbara L. Kelly -- Scottish-Irish musicologist (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Barbara Mandrell Live -- 1981 live album by Barbara Mandrell
Wikipedia - Barbara Marchisio -- Italian opera singer 1833-1919
Wikipedia - Barbara Murray -- British screen actress (1929-2014)
Wikipedia - Barbara Oteng Gyasi -- Ghanaian politician (b. 1964)
Wikipedia - Barbara Parker-Mallowan -- English archaeologist, Assyriologist, and epigraphist (1908-1993)
Wikipedia - Barbara Paz -- Brazilian actress (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Barbara Radziwillowna (film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Barbara the Fair with the Silken Hair -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Barbara Thiering -- Australian historian, theologian, and Biblical exegete (1930-2015)
Wikipedia - Barbara Woodell -- American actress (1910-1997)
Wikipedia - Barbara W. Tuchman -- American historian and author (1912-1989)
Wikipedia - Barbara Young, Baroness Young of Old Scone -- BBC Governor, Peer and Chancellor of Cranfield University (born 1948)
Wikipedia - Barbarella (film) -- 1968 film by Roger Vadim
Wikipedia - Barbarian Queen -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Barbarians at the Gate (film) -- 1993 television film by Glenn Jordan
Wikipedia - Barbarians at the Gate -- 1989 book by Bryan Burrough and John Helyar
Wikipedia - Barbarians of the Bay -- 2019 Canadian comedy-drama film
Wikipedia - Barbarians vs New Zealand, 1973 -- Rugby union match
Wikipedia - Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Barbary Coast (film) -- 1935 film by Howard Hawks
Wikipedia - Barbary Coast, San Francisco -- Red-light district in San Francisco (1849-1917)
Wikipedia - Barbary Sheep (film) -- 1917 film by Maurice Tourneur
Wikipedia - Barbed Wire (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Barbed Wire (1952 film) -- Western film starring Gene Autry
Wikipedia - Barbie and the Rockers: Out of This World -- 1987 direct to video film based on the toy line directed by Bernard Deyries
Wikipedia - Barbie and the Sensations: Rockin' Back to Earth -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Barbie Girl -- 1997 single by Aqua
Wikipedia - Barbora Hlavsova -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Barb Wire (1922 film) -- Western film
Wikipedia - Barb Wire (film) -- 1996 film by David Hogan
Wikipedia - Barca Nostra -- art project by Christoph Buchel at the 2019 Venice Biennale
Wikipedia - Barcelona Convention and Statute on Freedom of Transit -- 1921 international treaty
Wikipedia - Barcelona (Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballe song) -- 1987 single by Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballe
Wikipedia - Barcelona International Women's Film Festival -- Women's film festival in Barcelona, Catalunya, established in 1993
Wikipedia - Barcelona Marathon -- Annual race in Spain held since 1978
Wikipedia - Bardelys the Magnificent -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Bare Behind Bars -- 1980 film directed by Oswaldo de Oliveira
Wikipedia - Baree, Son of Kazan (1918 film) -- 1918 silent film by David Smith
Wikipedia - Baree, Son of Kazan (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Bare-Fisted Gallagher -- 1919 western film directed by Joseph Franz
Wikipedia - Bare Fists -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Barefoot Boy (film) -- 1938 film by Karl Brown
Wikipedia - Barefooted Youth -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Barefoot Gen (1983 film) -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Barefoot Gen 2 -- 1986 film directed by Toshio Hirata
Wikipedia - Barefoot in the Park (song) -- 2019 single
Wikipedia - Barefoot mailman -- 19th-century postal delivery route in Florida
Wikipedia - Barefoot Savage -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Bare Knees -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Barely Breathing -- 1996 single by Duncan Sheik
Wikipedia - Barenaked in America -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Barfly (film) -- 1987 film by Barbet Schroeder
Wikipedia - Bargain Day -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Barima Sidney -- Ghanaian musician and entrepreneur (b. 1977)
Wikipedia - Bari Theke Paliye -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Barjo -- 1992 film by Jerome Boivin
Wikipedia - Barkha (film) -- 1959 film by Krishnan-Panju
Wikipedia - Barkis (children's book) -- 1938 Picture book
Wikipedia - Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials -- 1979 book by Wayne Barlowe
Wikipedia - Barmaid (film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Barmat scandal -- 1920s political scandal in the Weimar Republic
Wikipedia - Barmy in Wonderland -- 1952 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Barnabas Geevarghese -- Syriac Orthodox bishop (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Barnabo of the Mountains -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Barnaby Jones -- American television series 1973-1980
Wikipedia - Barnaby Lee (film) -- 1917 silent film
Wikipedia - Barnaby Rudge (film) -- 1915 film by Cecil Hepworth, Thomas Bentley
Wikipedia - Barnacle Bill (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Barnacle Bill (1941 film) -- 1941 feature film directed by Richard Thorpe
Wikipedia - Barney and Betty Hill -- United States couple who said they were abducted by aliens in 1961
Wikipedia - Barney Harwood -- British television presenter (born 1979)
Wikipedia - Barney Live in New York City -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Barn the Spoon -- Spoon carver and author (b. 1981)
Wikipedia - Barnum & Ringling, Inc. -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Barnum Was Right -- 1929 American comedy film
Wikipedia - Barnyard Flirtations -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Barnyard Follies -- 1940 film by Frank McDonald
Wikipedia - Barocco (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Baron Bliss -- 19th and 20th-century British philanthropist
Wikipedia - Baronessen fra benzintanken -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Baron PraM-EM-!il (film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Baron Stalbridge -- UK peerage 1886 - 1949
Wikipedia - Baron Trump novels -- 19th century children's novels by Ingersoll Lockwood
Wikipedia - Barony A Frame -- Preserved headframe, built 1954, at an inactive Scottish colliery
Wikipedia - Baroque in Croatia -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Barotrauma (video game) -- 2019 side-scrolling role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Baroud -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Barouh Berkovits -- Czech-born American bioengineer (1926-2012)
Wikipedia - Barquero -- 1970 film by Gordon Douglas
Wikipedia - Barrabas (film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Barrel of a Gun (Depeche Mode song) -- 1997 single by Depeche Mode
Wikipedia - Barrett Warner -- American writer (born 1962)
Wikipedia - Barricade (1939 film) -- 1939 film by Gregory Ratoff
Wikipedia - Barrier (film) -- 1966 film by Jerzy Skolimowski
Wikipedia - Barrier of the Law -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Barrier of the Unknown -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Barriers Burned Away -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Barriers of Society -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Barrington King -- American diplomat (b. 1930, d. 2006)
Wikipedia - Barrister Parvateesam (film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Barro Humano -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Barrow Gang -- American gang active between 1932 and 1934
Wikipedia - Barrows: Freedom Fighter -- 2019 Barbados Documentary film
Wikipedia - Barry Beyerstein -- Canadian psychologist and scientific skeptic (1947-2007)
Wikipedia - Barry Dennen -- American actor, singer, voice actor and writer (1938-2017)
Wikipedia - Barry Desmond -- Irish politician (born 1935)
Wikipedia - Barry Goldwater -- Republican nominee for President, 1964; U.S. Senator from Arizona
Wikipedia - Barry Jones (actor) -- British stage and film actor (1893-1981)
Wikipedia - Barry Linton -- New Zealand cartoonist (b. 1947, d. 2018)
Wikipedia - Barry Locke -- American politician (1930-2007)
Wikipedia - Barry Lyndon -- 1975 film by Stanley Kubrick
Wikipedia - Barry Smith (ice hockey, born 1952) -- American ice hockey coach
Wikipedia - Barry Smolin -- American singer-songwriter (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Barry Sullivan (stage actor) -- 19th-century British actor
Wikipedia - Barsaat Ki Ek Raat -- 1981 Indian Hindi-Bengali film by Shakti Samanta
Wikipedia - Barsaat Ki Raat -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Bars and Stripes -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Bars of Hate -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Bars of Iron -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Bart Bok -- American astronomer and lecturer (1906-1983)
Wikipedia - Bartel Leendert van der Waerden -- Dutch mathematician and historian of mathematics (1903-1996)
Wikipedia - Bartholomew County Annex building -- 1928 former school building in Columbus, Indiana
Wikipedia - Bartholomew Versus the Wheel -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Bart Johnson -- American actor (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Bartle Bogle Hegarty -- British global advertising agency founded in 1982
Wikipedia - Bartleby (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Bartlett Adamson -- Australian journalist and poet (1884-1951)
Wikipedia - Bartolomeo Borghesi -- 19th century Italian numismatist and antiquarian
Wikipedia - Barton Fink -- 1991 film by Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Wikipedia - Barun Sobti -- Indian actor (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Bar-Z Bad Men -- 1937 film by Sam Newfield
Wikipedia - Basanta Regmi -- Nepalese cricketer (born 1986)
Wikipedia - Basant Bahar (film) -- 1956 film by Raja Nawathe
Wikipedia - Basant Bhatt -- Indian actor (b. 1994)
Wikipedia - Basant (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Basavaraj Kattimani -- Indian progressive writer, novelist, journalist (1919-1989)
Wikipedia - Basdeo Bissoondoyal -- Mauritian social worker (1906 - 1991)
Wikipedia - Based on the Novel -- 1999 film by Eddy Terstall
Wikipedia - BASEketball -- 1998 American sports comedy film directed by David Zucker
Wikipedia - Basem Naim -- Palestinian physician and politician(born 1963)
Wikipedia - Bashful Anton -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Bashful Buccaneer -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Bashful Felix -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Bashful (film) -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Bashu, the Little Stranger -- 1989 film by Bahram Bayzai
Wikipedia - Basic Instinct -- 1992 erotic thriller film by Paul Verhoeven
Wikipedia - Basic Training (1985 film) -- 1985 film by Andrew Sugerman
Wikipedia - Basie's in the Bag -- 1967 jazz album by Count Basie
Wikipedia - Basil Baker -- Justice of the Supreme Court of Arkansas (b. 1871, d. 1941)
Wikipedia - Basil Harwood -- English organist and composer (1859-1949)
Wikipedia - Basil Rathbone -- British stage and movie actor (1892-1967)
Wikipedia - Basil Zaharoff -- Greek-born arms dealer and industrialist (1849-1936)
Wikipedia - Basket Case 2 -- 1990 film by Frank Henenlotter
Wikipedia - Basket Case (film) -- 1982 film by Frank Henenlotter
Wikipedia - Basket Case (song) -- 1994 single by Green Day
Wikipedia - Basket of Flowers (Faberge egg) -- 1901 Imperial Faberge egg
Wikipedia - Basmachi movement -- Uprising against Russian Imperial and Soviet rule by the Muslim peoples of Central Asia (1916-1934)
Wikipedia - Basque pelota at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Basque pelota competition at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Bassey Dan-Abia -- Nigerian politician (b. 1957)
Wikipedia - Basta de mujeres -- 1977 film by Hugo Moser
Wikipedia - Basta guardarla -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Bastard (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Bastard (1997 film) -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Bastard, Go and Kill -- 1971 film by Gino Mangini
Wikipedia - Bastard Out of Carolina (film) -- 1996 film by Anjelica Huston
Wikipedia - Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash -- US band formed 1995
Wikipedia - Basudev -- 1984 Nepali film by Neer Shah
Wikipedia - Bat*21 -- 1988 film directed by Peter Markle
Wikipedia - Bataan Death March -- 1942 march moving prisoners of war during WWII
Wikipedia - Bataashi Kingyo -- 1990 film by Joji Matsuoka
Wikipedia - Batang Quiapo -- 1986 Filipino film directed by Pablo Santiago
Wikipedia - Batasari -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Batas ng .45 -- 1991 Filipino film directed by Ronwaldo Reyes
Wikipedia - Bates Motel (film) -- 1987 made-for-television film directed by Richard Rothstein
Wikipedia - Bathing machine -- Device used for sea bathing during the 19th century
Wikipedia - Bath School disaster -- 1927 bombing attacks in Bath Township, Michigan
Wikipedia - Batla House -- 2019 Indian Hindi-language action thriller film
Wikipedia - Batman (1966 film) -- 1966 film directed by Leslie H. Martinson
Wikipedia - Batman (1989 film) -- 1989 film directed by Tim Burton
Wikipedia - Batman: A Death in the Family -- 1988 Batman comic book storyline
Wikipedia - Batman & Robin (film) -- 1997 film directed by Joel Schumacher
Wikipedia - Batman Beyond -- 1999-2001 American television series
Wikipedia - Batman Dracula -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Batman Forever -- 1995 film directed by Joel Schumacher
Wikipedia - Batman: Hush (film) -- 2019 animated film directed by Justin Copeland
Wikipedia - Batman: Mask of the Phantasm -- 1993 film by Eric Radomski and Bruce Timm
Wikipedia - Batman Returns -- 1992 film directed by Tim Burton
Wikipedia - Batman: The Killing Joke -- 1988 graphic novel by Alan Moore
Wikipedia - Batman: The Long Halloween -- Limited comic book series by Jeph Loeb (1996-1997)
Wikipedia - Batman Theme -- 1966 single by Neal Hefti
Wikipedia - Batman (TV series) -- 1960s American television series
Wikipedia - Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -- 2019 animated crossover superhero film
Wikipedia - Batman: Year One -- 1987 story arc in Batman comic book series
Wikipedia - Baton Bunny -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Bato sa Buhangin -- 1976 Filipino film directed by Pablo Santiago
Wikipedia - Batouala (novel) -- 1921 novel by Guianan writer Rene Maran
Wikipedia - Bat Out of Hell (song) -- 1979 single by Meat Loaf
Wikipedia - Bat Pussy -- 1970s American pornographic film by an anonymous director, released in 1996
Wikipedia - Bats & Terry -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Bats in the Belfry (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Battalion (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Battle 7 -- 1995 New Japan Pro-Wrestling event
Wikipedia - Battle Angel (OVA) -- 1993 original video animation based on manga by Yukito Kishiro
Wikipedia - Battle at Bloody Beach -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Battle Bakraid -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Battle Beneath the Earth -- 1967 spy film by Montgomery Tully
Wikipedia - Battle Beyond the Sun -- 1959 science fiction film
Wikipedia - Battle Circus (film) -- 1953 film by Richard Brooks
Wikipedia - Battlefield 1942 -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Battle Flame -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Battle for Andromeda -- 1976 board wargame
Wikipedia - Battle for Baby 700 -- Battle of the Gallipoli campaign in May 1915
Wikipedia - BattleForce -- 1987 wargame
Wikipedia - Battle for Henderson Field -- Battle of the Pacific campaign of World War II (1942)
Wikipedia - Battle for the Planet of the Apes -- 1973 film directed by J. Lee Thompson
Wikipedia - Battlefront (1986 video game) -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Battleground (film) -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Battle in Outer Space -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Battlelords -- 1995 collectible card game
Wikipedia - Battle Master -- 1990 fantasy action adventure game
Wikipedia - Battlemorph -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Battle of 73 Easting -- Tank battle fought on 26 February 1991, during the Gulf War
Wikipedia - Battle of Albert (1914) -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Albert (1916) -- part of the Battle of the Somme
Wikipedia - Battle of Albert (1918) -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Alcatraz -- unsuccessful escape attempt from Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary in 1946
Wikipedia - Battle of al-Kafr -- Battle in 1925 during the Great Syrian Revolt against French rule
Wikipedia - Battle of Amgala (1989) -- Military operation in the Western Sahara War
Wikipedia - Battle of Amiens (1918) -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Anabta -- 1936 attack by Arab militants on a convoy of civilian buses escorted by British soldiers in Mandatory Palestine
Wikipedia - Battle of An Lao -- Battle during the Vietnam War (1964)
Wikipedia - Battle of An LM-aM-;M-^Yc -- Battle during the Vietnam War (1972)
Wikipedia - Battle of Anzio -- 1944 battle in Italy
Wikipedia - Battle of Aranzueque -- Battle of the First Carlist War on 19 September 1837
Wikipedia - Battle of Arras (1914) -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Arras (1915) -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Arras (1917) -- British offensive during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Arsuf -- Christian crusaders victory against Saladin, 1191
Wikipedia - Battle of Athens (1946) -- Civilian revolt against corrupt local government in McMinn County, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Battle of Balikpapan (1945) -- 1945 battle of World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Bamber Bridge -- 1943 mutiny of American servicemen
Wikipedia - Battle of Ban Me Thuot -- 1975 battle in the Vietnam War
Wikipedia - Battle of Barking Creek -- Friendly fire aviation incident in 1939
Wikipedia - Battle of Beaufort (1945) -- 1945 battle of World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Be'erot Yitzhak -- 1948 Arab-Israeli War battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Belleau Wood -- World War One battle in 1918
Wikipedia - Battle of Berlin (film) -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Battle of Berlin (RAF campaign) -- Bomber attacks, 1943-44, WWII
Wikipedia - Battle of Berlin -- 1945 last major offensive of the European theatre of World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Bizani -- 1913 battle between Greek and Ottoman forces
Wikipedia - Battle of Blood Island -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Battle of Bolimow -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Boulogne -- Battle for the port and town of Boulogne-sur-Mer during 1940
Wikipedia - Battle of Brasso (1916) -- World War I battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Bremule -- 1119 battle between Henry I of England and Louis VI the Fat of France
Wikipedia - Battle of Britain Day -- 15 September 1940
Wikipedia - Battle of Britain (film) -- 1969 film by Guy Hamilton
Wikipedia - Battle of Broadway -- 1938 film by George Marshall
Wikipedia - Battle of Brody (1941) -- World War II tank battle between the Wehrmacht and the Red Army from 23 to 30 June 1941
Wikipedia - Battle of Broodseinde -- Battle in Belgium in 1917 during World War I
Wikipedia - Battle of Bucharest -- 1916 battle in Bucharest, Romania
Wikipedia - Battle of Bunker Hill (1952) -- Battle of the Korean War
Wikipedia - Battle of Cable Street -- 1936 violent confrontation in the East End of London, England
Wikipedia - Battle of Carei -- 1944 WWII battle in Romania
Wikipedia - Battle of Cer -- Battle fought between Austria-Hungary and Serbia in August 1914
Wikipedia - Battle of Chamb -- Battle of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
Wikipedia - Battle of Chios (1319) -- Naval battle
Wikipedia - Battle of ChM-CM-"teau-Thierry (1918) -- 1918 World War I battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Christmas Island -- 1942 battle in the Pacific during WWII
Wikipedia - Battle of Ciudad Juarez (1913) -- Battle of the Mexican Revolution
Wikipedia - Battle of Coral-Balmoral -- 1968 battle during the Vietnam War
Wikipedia - Battle of Coronel -- Naval battle of 1 November 1914 near Chile in World War I
Wikipedia - Battle of Corregidor (1945) -- WWII battle in the Pacific Theater
Wikipedia - Battle of Courtrai (1918) -- battle of the Hundred Days Offensive of World War I
Wikipedia - Battle of Crete -- German invasion vs Allies, WWII, 1941
Wikipedia - Battle of Ctesiphon (1915) -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Damascus (1941) -- Second World War battle in Syria during 1941
Wikipedia - Battle of Dazhongji -- 1945 battle during the Chinese Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Delville Wood -- Series of engagements in the 1916 Battle of the Somme in the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Dogger Bank (1915) -- Naval battle fought in the North Sea on 24 January 1915
Wikipedia - Battle of Dublin -- A week of street battles in Dublin in 1922, beginning the Irish Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Dumlupinar -- 1922 battle during the Greco-Turkish War
Wikipedia - Battle of Dunkirk -- 1940 battle between the Allies and Germany in France
Wikipedia - Battle of Elands River (1900) -- Battle of the Second Boer War
Wikipedia - Battle of El Herri -- A battle against French protectorate of Morocco; Zaians defeat Fourth French Republic in 1914
Wikipedia - Battle of Fardykambos -- 1943 World War II battle in Italian-occupied Greece
Wikipedia - Battle of Fatehpur (1519)
Wikipedia - Battle of France -- Successful German invasion of France in 1940
Wikipedia - Battle of Gayaza Hills -- a battle fought in February 1979 during the Uganda-Tanzania War
Wikipedia - Battle of Goychay -- Battle in 1918 in the Caucasus that the Ottoman-Azeri force won decisively
Wikipedia - Battle of Grand Couronne -- 1914 battle between French and German armies in World War I
Wikipedia - Battle of Greed -- 1937 film by Howard Higgin
Wikipedia - Battle of Groningen -- Second World War battle from April 14-18, 1945
Wikipedia - Battle of Grozny (1994-95) -- Siege
Wikipedia - Battle of Guelta Zemmur (1989) -- Battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Guelta Zemmur (October 1981) -- Battle of the Western Sahara War
Wikipedia - Battle of Haifa (1918) -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Hartmannswillerkopf -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Heartbreak Ridge -- 1951 engagement of the Korean War
Wikipedia - Battle of Hill 60 (Gallipoli) -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Horten Harbour -- An engagement that occurred during the April 1940 German invasion of Norway
Wikipedia - Battle of Ichogil Bund -- Skirmish of the Indo-Pakistani war of 1965
Wikipedia - Battle of Issus (194) -- Septimius Severus defeats Pescennius Niger during the Year of the Four Emperors
Wikipedia - Battle of Jastkow -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Java (1942) -- A battle in the Pacific theatre of World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Jerusalem -- Battle between the British Empire and the Ottoman Empire in 1917
Wikipedia - Battle of Jutland -- 1916 naval battle during World War I
Wikipedia - Battle of Kaiapit -- 1943 engagement in New Guinea
Wikipedia - Battle of Kara Killisse (1915) -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Karbala (1991) -- Battle in 1991 between Iraqi forces and rebels
Wikipedia - Battle of Kendari -- 1942 battle of the Pacific War (WWII)
Wikipedia - Battle of Keren -- 1941 battle in Africa
Wikipedia - Battle of Khafji -- 1991 battle of the Gulf War
Wikipedia - Battle of Khorramshahr -- 1980 battle in the Iran-Iraq War
Wikipedia - Battle of Kock (1920) -- 1920 battle that was part of the Battle of Warsaw
Wikipedia - Battle of Kohima -- 1944 battle around Kohima, Nagaland, India
Wikipedia - Battle of Komarow (1914) -- Eastern front battle of World War I
Wikipedia - Battle of Kowang-san -- 1951 battle of the Korean War
Wikipedia - Battle of Labuan -- 1945 engagement in Borneo
Wikipedia - Battle of La Malmaison -- final French action of the 1917 campaign of the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Langemarck (1917) -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Leuwiliang -- Japanese victory over Allied forces, Java, 1942
Wikipedia - Battle of Magdhaba -- 1916 WWI battle on the Sinai peninsula
Wikipedia - Battle of Maleme -- World War II battle on Crete in 1941
Wikipedia - Battle of Manzikert (1915) -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Masaka -- a battle fought in February 1979 during the Uganda-Tanzania War
Wikipedia - Battle of Masaya (1912) -- 1912 battle in Nicaragua
Wikipedia - Battle of Massawa (1990) -- Battle of the Eritrean War of Independence
Wikipedia - Battle of Matewan -- 1920 shootout in Matewan, West Virginia
Wikipedia - Battle of May Island -- British naval disaster in 1918
Wikipedia - Battle of M-DM-^PM-aM-;M-^Sng M-DM-^Pang (1979) -- Initial phase of the Battle of LM-aM-:M-!ng SM-FM-!n during the Sino-Vietnamese War
Wikipedia - Battle of Megiddo (1918) -- Battle of the First World War which was fought in Ottoman Palestine
Wikipedia - Battle of M-EM-^AodM-EM-: (1914) -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Misrata (1912) -- Battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Mogadishu (1993) -- UN-Somali military incident, October 1993
Wikipedia - Battle of Moscow (film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Battle of Mouquet Farm -- Engagement in the Battle of the Somme, 1916
Wikipedia - Battle of Mukden -- Large 1905 fight in Russo-Japanese war
Wikipedia - Battle of Mutukula -- a battle fought in January 1979 during the Uganda-Tanzania War
Wikipedia - Battle of Nablus (1918) -- Middle Eastern battle of WWI
Wikipedia - Battle of Namdaemun -- Insurgency by the Korean army against Japanese forces in Korea, in reaction to the disbandment of the Korean army following the Japan-Korea Treaty of 1907, at Namdaemun, Seoul on 1 August 1907
Wikipedia - Battle of Nam River -- A 1950 battle during the Korean War
Wikipedia - Battle of Narva (1944) -- Battle of World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Neretva (film) -- 1969 film directed by Veljko Bulajic
Wikipedia - Battle of Neuve Chapelle -- 1915 battle in the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Newry Road -- Gun battle between British Army helicopters and Provisional IRA's armed trucks in 1993
Wikipedia - Battle of NghM-DM-)a LM-aM-;M-^Y (1951) -- battle of the First Indochina War
Wikipedia - Battle of North Borneo -- 1945 battle of World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Ortona -- World War II battle in Ortona, Italy in December 1943
Wikipedia - Battle of Otavi -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Paardeberg -- 1900 battle of the Second Boer War
Wikipedia - Battle of Pakoslaw -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Palmyra (1941) -- Battle in Syria during the Syria-Lebanon campaign in World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Pentemili beachhead -- Battle during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974
Wikipedia - Battle of Prunaru -- 1916 battle in Romania
Wikipedia - Battle of Rabaul (1942) -- WWII battle in the Pacific Theater
Wikipedia - Battle of Radzymin (1920) -- Battle during the Polish-Soviet War (1919-21)
Wikipedia - Battle of Rafa -- 1917 battle during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of World War I
Wikipedia - Battle of Ras al-Ayn (2019) -- Battle in the Syrian civil war
Wikipedia - Battle of Rennell Island -- 1943 battle in the Pacific during World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Rethymno -- World War II battle on Crete in 1941
Wikipedia - Battle of Rhodes (1912) -- 1912 battle in the Italo-Turkish War
Wikipedia - Battle of Rimini (1944) -- Part of the September 1944 battle during the Italian Campaign in the Second World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Sangshak -- Battle of the 1944 Burma campaign during World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Shanghai -- 1937 battle of the Second Sino-Japanese War
Wikipedia - Battle of Shusha (1992) -- Battle in 1992, during the First Nagorno-Karabakh War
Wikipedia - Battle of Simba Hills -- a battle fought in February 1979 during the Uganda-Tanzania War
Wikipedia - Battle of Soissons (1918) -- World War I battle in July 1918
Wikipedia - Battle of Sorovich -- First Balkan War 22-24 October 1912
Wikipedia - Battle of South Street -- 1934 violent confrontation in Worthing, England
Wikipedia - Battle of Stockton -- 1933 violent confrontation in Stockton-on-Tees, England
Wikipedia - Battle of St. Quentin (1914) -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Suez -- Battle fought in October, 1973
Wikipedia - Battle of Tanga -- 1914 battle of the German East African campaign at the African theatre of WW I
Wikipedia - Battle of Tannenberg (1914)
Wikipedia - Battle of the Bismarck Sea -- 1943 Allied attack on a Japanese convoy
Wikipedia - Battle of the Bulge (1965 film) -- 1965 film by Ken Annakin
Wikipedia - Battle of the Bulge (1991 film) -- 1991 Canadian short film
Wikipedia - Battle of the Butterflies -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Battle of the Caribbean -- 1941-1945 naval campaign between Allied and Axis forces in World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of the Coral Sea (film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Battle of the Crna Bend (1917) -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of the Eurymedon (190 BC) -- Naval battle where Rhodes defeat the Seleucids
Wikipedia - Battle of the Heligoland Bight (1939) -- First major aerial battle of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Battle of the Kerch Peninsula -- 1941 battle in the Crimea
Wikipedia - Battle of the Lys (1918) -- part of the 1918 German offensive in Flanders
Wikipedia - Battle of the Mona Passage -- On 19 April 1782
Wikipedia - Battle of the Planets -- 1978-1980 American adaptation of a Japanese anime series
Wikipedia - Battle of Thermopylae (191 BC) -- Battle where Rome defeat the Seleucids and the Aetolian League
Wikipedia - Battle of the Sexes (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Battle of the Sexes (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Battle of the Strait of Otranto (1917) -- Battle in World War I
Wikipedia - Battle of the Strait of Otranto (1940) -- Battle in World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of the Tenaru -- 1942 battle of World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of the Tennis Court -- Part of the Battle of Kohima in North East India in 1944
Wikipedia - Battle of the V-1 -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Battle of the Worlds -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Battle of the Yalu River (1904) -- 1904 battle in the Russo-Japanese War
Wikipedia - Battle of Tippecanoe -- 19th-century battle between US military and Indians in the Indiana territory
Wikipedia - Battle of Villers-Bocage -- 1944 battle in occupied France
Wikipedia - Battle of Vimy Ridge -- World War I battle (April 1917)
Wikipedia - Battle of Vrbanja Bridge -- 1995 confrontation between UN peacekeepers and Army of Republika Srpska
Wikipedia - Battle of Vukovar -- Siege in Croatia during the Croatian War of Independence (1991)
Wikipedia - Battle of Wakde -- 1944 battle in New Guinea during World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Warsaw (1920)
Wikipedia - Battle of Warsaw 1920 -- 2011 Polish historical film directed by Jerzy Hoffman
Wikipedia - Battle of Wurzburg (1945) -- Battle in World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Xuzhou -- 1938 battle between Japan and China
Wikipedia - Battle of Yad Mordechai -- 1948 battle in the Middle East
Wikipedia - Battle of Zacatecas (1914) -- Battle of the Mexican Revolution
Wikipedia - Battle Royal at the Albert Hall -- 1991 World Wrestling Federation event
Wikipedia - Battleship Potemkin -- 1925 film by Sergei Eisenstein
Wikipedia - Battle Soccer: Field no Hasha -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Battles of Latrun (1948) -- Battles during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War
Wikipedia - BattleSpace -- 1993 wargame
Wikipedia - Battlestar Galactica (1978 TV series) -- American science fiction television series of the 1970s
Wikipedia - Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series) -- 2004-2009 American science fiction television series, reimagining of a 1970s series
Wikipedia - Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Proxy War -- 1973 film by Kinji Fukasaku
Wikipedia - BattleTanx -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Battle Taxi -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Battletoads Arcade -- 1994 arcade game
Wikipedia - BattleTroops -- 1989 wargame
Wikipedia - Battlezone (1980 video game) -- Atari tank combat vector arcade game from 1980
Wikipedia - Battling Bosko -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Battling Buddy -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Battling Bunyan -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Battling Butler -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Battling Jane -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Battling with Buffalo Bill -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Batton Story -- 1976 film by Mario Landi
Wikipedia - Batuka (song) -- 2019 song by Madonna
Wikipedia - Bat Wings -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Batwoman (TV series) -- 2019 American superhero television series
Wikipedia - Batyrbek Tsakulov -- Russian freestyle wrestler (born 1998)
Wikipedia - Bauddhayan Mukherji -- Indian film director (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Bauern erfullen den Plan -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Bauernfeld Prize -- Austrian literary prize that was awarded between 1894 and 1921
Wikipedia - Bau Na Vichar -- 2019 Gujarati Movie
Wikipedia - Bavarian Soviet Republic -- Unrecognized socialist state in Bavaria, Germany in 1919
Wikipedia - Bavu -- 1923 film by Stuart Paton
Wikipedia - Bawa Than Tha Yar -- 1956 Burmese film
Wikipedia - Bawskee 3.5 -- 2019 mixtape by Comethazine
Wikipedia - Baxenden railway station -- English railway station from 1848 to 1961
Wikipedia - Bayalu Daari -- 1976 Kannada film by Dore Bhagawan duo
Wikipedia - Bayardo Bar attack -- 1975 terrorist attack in Belfast, Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Bayen Hath Ka Khel -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Bay of Angels -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - Bayo (film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Bay of Pigs Invasion -- Failed landing operation on the southwestern coast of Cuba, April 1961
Wikipedia - Bayonet (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Bay Tree (Faberge egg) -- 1911 Imperial Faberge egg
Wikipedia - Bay View incident -- 1917 violence between Milwaukee police and anarchists
Wikipedia - Bazaar (2019 film) -- 2019 Indian Kannada action crime film directed by Suni
Wikipedia - BBC Domesday Reloaded -- Local history web site for the digitised content of the BBC's 1986 Domesday Project
Wikipedia - BBC Home Service -- British radio broadcasting service from 1939 to 1967
Wikipedia - BBC Radio 5 (former) -- British national radio station (1990-1994)
Wikipedia - BBC Sessions (Cocteau Twins album) -- 1999 compilation album by the Cocteau Twins
Wikipedia - BBC Two 'Computer Generated 2' ident -- Ident used by BBC Two between 1979 and 1986
Wikipedia - BBC Worldwide -- 1979-2018 commercial subsidiary of the BBC
Wikipedia - B-Berry and I Look Back -- 1958 fictionalised memoirs of Dornford Yates
Wikipedia - B.B. King "Into the Night" -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - BBV152 -- Candidate vaccine against COVID-19
Wikipedia - BCPA Flight 304 -- 1953 aviation accident in California, United States
Wikipedia - B. D. Kulkarni -- Indian chemical engineer (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Bea Arthur -- American actress, singer, and comedian (1922-2009)
Wikipedia - Beach Blanket Babylon -- Longest running musical revue 1974-2019
Wikipedia - Beach Brawl -- 1991 Universal Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Beach Chair (film test) -- 1986 short computer animation by Eben Fiske Ostby
Wikipedia - Beach Combers -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Beaches (1988 film) -- 1988 American comedy-drama film
Wikipedia - Beach Fever -- 1987 film by Alexander Tabrizi
Wikipedia - Beach Guard in Winter -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Beach handball at the 2019 World Beach Games -- World Beach Games competitions
Wikipedia - Beach House (film) -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Beach Pajamas -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Beach Party -- 1963 film by William Asher
Wikipedia - Beach Patrol (film) -- 1979 film by Bob Kelljan
Wikipedia - Beach Picnic (film) -- 1939 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - Beach volleyball at the 2019 Pan American Games - Qualification -- Beach volleyball competition
Wikipedia - Beach volleyball at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The Beach volleyball competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Beads from a Petal -- 1972 film by Noboru Tanaka
Wikipedia - Beagle Aircraft -- British light aircraft manufacturer active 1960-1969
Wikipedia - Be Alright (Zapp song) -- 1981 single by Zapp
Wikipedia - Bean (film) -- 1997 British-American comedy film directed by Mel Smith
Wikipedia - Beanpole (film) -- 2019 film by Kantemir Balagov
Wikipedia - Beans in My Ears -- US folk song popular in the 1960s
Wikipedia - Bearcats! -- American television series (1971)
Wikipedia - Bear Country (film) -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Bear Facts (film) -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Bearly Asleep -- 1955 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - Bear Party -- 1952 Caldecott picture book
Wikipedia - Bears and Bad Men -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Bears and Man -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Bear Shooters -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Bearskin (film) -- 1986 film by Walter Beck
Wikipedia - Bear Ye One Another's Burden -- 1988 film
Wikipedia - Beast Busters -- Rail shooter arcade video game from 1989
Wikipedia - Beast from Haunted Cave -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Beastmaster III: The Eye of Braxus -- 1996 film directed by Gabrielle Beaumont
Wikipedia - Beast of Blood (film) -- 1970 film by Eddie Romero
Wikipedia - Beasts of Paradise -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Beasts of Prey -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Beast with a Gun -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Beat Girl -- 1960 film by Edmond T. Greville
Wikipedia - Beatification and canonization process in 1914
Wikipedia - Beating Heart (film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Beating the Game (1921 crime film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Beating the Game -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Beat It (film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Beat It -- 1983 single by Michael Jackson
Wikipedia - Beatles (novel) -- 1984 novel by Lars Saabye Christensen
Wikipedia - Beat Mama -- 1999 single by Cast
Wikipedia - Beatmania IIDX Club Version -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Beatmania IIDX (video game) -- 1999 music video game
Wikipedia - Beatrice (1987 film) -- 1987 film by Bertrand Tavernier
Wikipedia - Beatrice Burton -- American writer (1894-1983)
Wikipedia - Beatrice Cenci (1909 film) -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - Beatrice Cenci (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Beatrice Cenci (1956 film) -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Beatrice et Benedict -- 19th-century opera comique by Hector Berlioz
Wikipedia - Beatrice Faust -- Australian author and women's activist (1939-2019)
Wikipedia - Beatrice M. Sweeney -- American plant physiologist and circadian rhythms researcher (1914-1989)
Wikipedia - Beatrice Pons -- Actress (1906-1991)
Wikipedia - Beatrix of the Netherlands -- Queen of the Netherlands (1980-2013)
Wikipedia - Beatrix Potter -- British children's writer and illustrator (1866-1943)
Wikipedia - Beatriz Lucero Lhuillier -- Filipino taekwondo practitioner (born 1972)
Wikipedia - Beat the Devil (film) -- 1953 film by John Huston
Wikipedia - Beau Bandit -- 1930 film directed by Lambert Hillyer
Wikipedia - Beau Broadway -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Beau Brummel (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Beau Brummell (1954 film) -- 1954 film by Curtis Bernhardt
Wikipedia - Beau Geste (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Beau Geste (1939 film) -- 1939 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Beau Hunks -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Beau Ideal -- 1931 film by Herbert Brenon
Wikipedia - Beau James -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Beau Revel -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Beau Sabreur -- 1928 film by John Waters
Wikipedia - Beauties in Distress -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Beauties on Bicycles -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Beautiful as the Moon - Terrible as an Army with Banners -- 1975 song written by Fred Frith and Chris Cutler for Henry Cow
Wikipedia - Beautiful Bismark -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) -- 1981 single by John Lennon
Wikipedia - Beautiful but Broke -- 1944 film
Wikipedia - Beautiful Families -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Beautiful Ghosts -- 2019 single by Taylor Swift
Wikipedia - Beautiful Girls (film) -- 1996 film by Ted Demme
Wikipedia - Beautiful Kitty -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Beautiful Life (Ace of Base song) -- 1995 single by Ace of Base
Wikipedia - Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Beautiful Night (Paul McCartney song) -- 1997 single by Paul McCartney
Wikipedia - Beautiful Ones -- 1996 single by Suede
Wikipedia - Beautiful People (Ed Sheeran song) -- 2019 single by Ed Sheeran featuring Khalid
Wikipedia - Beautiful People (film) -- 1999 film by Jasmin Dizdar
Wikipedia - Beautiful Star -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare -- 1907 book by E. Nesbit
Wikipedia - Beautiful Stranger -- 1999 single by Madonna
Wikipedia - Beautiful Sunday (song) -- 1972 single by Daniel Boone
Wikipedia - Beautiful Thing (film) -- 1996 film by Hettie MacDonald
Wikipedia - Beautiful World (Devo song) -- 1981 single by Devo
Wikipedia - Beautiful World (TV series) -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Beauty and Bullets -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Bad Man -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Beach (film) -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Beast (1962 film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Beast (1978 film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) -- 1991 American animated musical fantasy romance film
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Beast (Disney song) -- 1991 Disney song
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Beast (franchise) -- Disney media franchise spun off from the 1991 animated film based on the French fairy tale of the same name
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Boss -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Rogue -- 1918 film by Henry King
Wikipedia - Beauty for Sale -- 1933 film by Richard Boleslawski
Wikipedia - Beauty for the Asking -- 1939 film by Glenn Tryon
Wikipedia - Beauty in Chains -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Beauty of the World -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Beauty on a Back Street -- 1977 studio album by Hall & Oates
Wikipedia - Beauty Parlor -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Beauty Spot -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Beauty's Worth -- 1922 film by Robert G. Vignola
Wikipedia - Beavis and Butt-Head Do America -- 1996 American animated film
Wikipedia - Be Beautiful But Shut Up -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Bebe Bratianu -- Romanian politician (b.1887, d. 195X)
Wikipedia - Bebe (Inna and Vinka song) -- 2019 song by Inna and Vinka
Wikipedia - Bebe's Kids -- 1992 film by Bruce W. Smith
Wikipedia - BeBe Zahara Benet -- Cameroonian-American entertainer (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Be Big! -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Bebop -- Subgenre of jazz music originated in the United States in mid-1940s
Wikipedia - BEC819 series -- Japanese battery electric multiple unit train type
Wikipedia - Be Careful, Grandma! -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Be Careful (Sparkle song) -- 1998 single by Sparkle
Wikipedia - Becassine (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Because, Because of a Woman -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - Because (film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Because I Love You (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Because of a Flower -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - Because of a Woman -- 1917 American silent drama film
Wikipedia - Because of Love -- 1994 single by Janet Jackson
Wikipedia - Because of You (98 Degrees song) -- 1998 single by 98 Degrees
Wikipedia - Because of You (Gabrielle song) -- 1994 single by Gabrielle
Wikipedia - Because (The Dave Clark Five song) -- 1964 single by The Dave Clark Five
Wikipedia - Because They're Young -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Because We Are Girls -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - Because We Want To -- 1998 single by Billie Piper
Wikipedia - Bechuanaland Protectorate -- British protectorate in southern Africa, became Botswana in 1966
Wikipedia - Beck - De gesloten kamer -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Beckenham (UK Parliament constituency) -- Parliamentary constituency in the United Kingdom, 1950 onwards
Wikipedia - Becket (1924 film) -- 1924 film by George Ridgwell
Wikipedia - Becket (1964 film) -- 1964 film by Peter Glenville
Wikipedia - Beck's Bolero -- Instrumental first recorded by Jeff Beck in 1966
Wikipedia - Becky (1927 film) -- 1927 film by John P. McCarthy
Wikipedia - Becky Sharp (film) -- 1935 film by Rouben Mamoulian, Lowell Sherman
Wikipedia - Becky Worley -- American journalist (born 1971)
Wikipedia - Bed and Board (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Bed and Breakfast (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Bedara Kannappa -- 1954 Kannada film by H. L. N. Simha
Wikipedia - Bedazzled (1967 film) -- 1967 film by Stanley Donen
Wikipedia - Bedevil -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Bedknobs and Broomsticks -- 1971 film by Robert Stevenson
Wikipedia - Bedlam (1946 film) -- 1946 film by Mark Robson
Wikipedia - Bedlam (2019 film) -- 2020 film
Wikipedia - Bed of Roses (1933 film) -- 1933 film by Gregory La Cava
Wikipedia - Bed of Roses (Bon Jovi song) -- 1993 single by Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - Bedrock Anthem -- 1993 single by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Wikipedia - Bedrock Vice -- 1987 studio album by Thrashing Doves
Wikipedia - Bedroom Mazurka -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Bedside -- 1934 film directed by Robert Florey
Wikipedia - Bedstemor gM-CM-%r amok -- 1944 film
Wikipedia - Bedtime for Bonzo -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Bedtime Stories (Madonna album) -- 1994 studio album by Madonna
Wikipedia - Bedtime Story (1941 film) -- 1941 film by Alexander Hall
Wikipedia - Bedtime Story (1964 film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Bedtime Story (Madonna song) -- 1995 single by Madonna
Wikipedia - Bedtime with Rosie -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Bedtime Worries -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - Beechcraft 1900 -- Commuter airliner and light transport aircraft
Wikipedia - Beechcraft Baron -- Light, twin-engined piston aircraft produced 1961-present
Wikipedia - Beechcraft Model 18 -- Twin-engine, low-wing, tailwheel light aircraft produced 1937-1970
Wikipedia - Beechcraft Travel Air -- Light, twin-engined piston aircraft produced 1958-1968
Wikipedia - Beechcraft Twin Bonanza -- Small twin-engined aircraft build 1951-1961
Wikipedia - Beechcraft XA-38 Grizzly -- 1944 prototype attack aircraft by Beechcraft
Wikipedia - Beeching cuts -- Plan to rationalise the British nationalised railway system to reduce losses (1963-1965)
Wikipedia - Beena (film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Been It -- 1996 single by The Cardigans
Wikipedia - Beep Prepared -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Beer (film) -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Beer Hall Putsch -- Failed coup attempt in Germany in 1923
Wikipedia - Beer Never Broke My Heart -- 2019 single by Luke Combs
Wikipedia - Bees in His Bonnet -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Bees Saal Baad (1962 film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Beethaeven Scottland -- American boxer (1975-2001)
Wikipedia - Beethoven Concerto -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Beetlebum -- 1997 single by Blur
Wikipedia - Beetlejuice (musical) -- 2018 Musical based on the 1988 film
Wikipedia - Beetlejuice -- 1988 film by Tim Burton
Wikipedia - Beezy Bear -- 1955 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - Be Faithful -- 1999 single by Fatman Scoop
Wikipedia - Before 1900s in comics -- Before 1900s in comics
Wikipedia - Before Breakfast -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Before Dawn (film) -- 1933 film by Irving Pichel
Wikipedia - Before Freedom: Nehru's Letters to His Sister 1909-1947 -- Collection of letters written by Jawaharlal Nehru
Wikipedia - Before I Hang -- 1940 film by Nick Grinde
Wikipedia - Before Midnight (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Before Morning -- 1933 film by Arthur Hoerl
Wikipedia - Before Novels -- 1990 book by J. Paul Hunter
Wikipedia - Before Pastoral -- 1983 book by David M. Halperin
Wikipedia - Before Present -- Calendar based on 1950 CE (around when radiocarbon dating was developed and nuclear weapons testing artificially altered the proportion of carbon isotopes)
Wikipedia - Before Stonewall -- 1984 documentary film by Greta Schiller and Robert Rosenberg
Wikipedia - Before Sundown -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Before Sunrise -- 1995 film by Richard Linklater
Wikipedia - Before the Bat's Flight Is Done -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - Before the Deluge -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Before the Hurricane -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Before the Jury -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Before the Lightning Strikes -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Before the Mountain Was Moved -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Before the Postman -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Before the Rain (1994 film) -- 1994 film by Milcho Manchevski
Wikipedia - Before the Revolution -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Be Forever Yamato -- 1980 film by Leiji Matsumoto, Toshio Masuda
Wikipedia - Before We Explode -- 2019 Canadian sex comedy film by Remi St-Michel
Wikipedia - Before Winter Comes -- 1969 film by J. Lee Thompson
Wikipedia - Before You Go (Lewis Capaldi song) -- 2019 single by Lewis Capaldi
Wikipedia - Before You Know It (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Begaana (1986 film) -- 1986 film directed by Ambrish Sangal
Wikipedia - Begadang -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Beg, Borrow or Steal -- 1937 film by Wilhelm Thiele
Wikipedia - Beggar on Horseback (film) -- 1925 film by James Cruze
Wikipedia - Beggars in Ermine -- 1934 film by Phil Rosen
Wikipedia - Beggars of Life -- 1928 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Begging (Prohibition) Act, 1962 -- Law in Nepal
Wikipedia - Beggin' -- 1967 single by The Four Seasons
Wikipedia - Begin Again (Norah Jones album) -- 2019 album by Norah Jones
Wikipedia - Begin Again (Space song) -- 1998 song by Britpop band Space
Wikipedia - Be Good Johnny -- 1982 single by Men at Work
Wikipedia - Begotten (film) -- 1989 experimental/horror film by E. Elias Merhige
Wikipedia - Begunah -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Behave Yourself (1962 film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Be Here Now (book) -- 1971 book by Richard Alpert
Wikipedia - Be Here Now Tour -- 1997-1998 concert tour by Oasis
Wikipedia - Behind a Long Wall -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Behind Closed Doors (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Behind Enemy Lines (1986 film) -- 1986 film directed by Gideon Amir
Wikipedia - Behind Enemy Lines (1997 film) -- 1997 film by Mark Griffiths
Wikipedia - Behind Jury Doors -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Behind Locked Doors (1991 film) -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Behind Masks -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Behind Monastery Walls (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Behind Monastery Walls (1952 film) -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Behind Office Doors -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Behind Prison Gates -- 1939 film directed by Charles Barton
Wikipedia - Behind Stone Walls -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Behind That Curtain (film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Behind the 1953 Coup in Iran -- 2014 book by Ali Rahnema
Wikipedia - Behind the Altar -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Burma Road -- 1963 book by William Peers & Dean Brelis
Wikipedia - Behind the Clouds the Sun Is Shining -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Crimson Blind -- 1952 novel by John Dickson Carr
Wikipedia - Behind the Door (film) -- 1919 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Behind the Eight Ball (film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Front (film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Green Door: the Sequel -- 1986 film by Mitchell brothers
Wikipedia - Behind the Green Lights -- 1935 film by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - Behind the Headlines (1937 film) -- 1937 American drama film directed by Richard Rosson
Wikipedia - Behind the Headlines (1956 film) -- 1956 film by Charles Saunders
Wikipedia - Behind the Lines (1916 film) -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Make-Up -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Mask (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Mask (1946 film) -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Mask (1958 film) -- 1958 film by Brian Desmond Hurst
Wikipedia - Behind the Mask (album) -- 1990 album by Fleetwood Mac
Wikipedia - Behind the Mask of Zorro -- 1965 Italian western film directed by Ricardo Blasco
Wikipedia - Behind the Mike (film) -- 1937 American comedy film directed by Sidney Salkow
Wikipedia - Behind the News (film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Nudist Curtain -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Rising Sun (film) -- 1943 film by Edward Dmytryk
Wikipedia - Behind the Scenes (1908 film) -- 1908 film
Wikipedia - Behind the Screen -- 1916 short film by Charlie Chaplin
Wikipedia - Behind the Shadows -- 1998 studio album by Silent Stream of Godless Elegy
Wikipedia - Behind the Sun (Red Hot Chili Peppers song) -- 1992 single by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Wikipedia - Behind Two Guns -- 1924 film by Robert North Bradbury
Wikipedia - Behold a Pale Horse (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Behold Homolka -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Behold My Wife! (1920 film) -- 1920 film by George Melford
Wikipedia - Behold My Wife! (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Mitchell Leisen
Wikipedia - Behold the Spirit -- Religious thesis published in 1947
Wikipedia - Behold This Woman -- 1924 film directed by J. Stuart Blackton
Wikipedia - Be Honest (song) -- 2019 single by Jorja Smith featuring Burna Boy
Wikipedia - Be Human (film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Beijing Marathon -- Annual race in China held since 1981
Wikipedia - Being and Nothingness -- 1943 book by Jean-Paul Sartre
Wikipedia - Being John Malkovich -- 1999 film by Spike Jonze
Wikipedia - Bein' Green -- 1970 song written by Joe Raposo, originally performed by Jim Henson as Kermit the Frog
Wikipedia - Being Respectable -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Being Twenty -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Being Two Isn't Easy -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Beji Caid Essebsi -- President of Tunisia from 2014 to his death in 2019
Wikipedia - Bejo Dohmen -- Actor (b. 1984)
Wikipedia - Beka Economopoulos -- American artist and activist (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Bek Air Flight 2100 -- 2019 plane crash
Wikipedia - Bekhayali -- 2019 Hindi film song
Wikipedia - Bekjon Rakhmonov -- Uzbek politician (b. 1887, d. 1929)
Wikipedia - Bekkhan Goygereyev -- Russian freestyle wrestler (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Bekkhan Ozdoev -- Russian Greco-Roman wrestler (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Bel-Air (film) -- 2019 short fan film
Wikipedia - Bela Kovacs (politician, 1908) -- Hungarian politician
Wikipedia - Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla -- 1952 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Bel Ami (1939 film) -- 1939 German film directed by Willi Forst
Wikipedia - Belarmino -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Belfast Morning News -- 19th-century Irish newspaper
Wikipedia - Belgarath the Sorcerer -- 1995 book by David Eddings
Wikipedia - Belgian Antarctic Expedition -- Late-19th century Antarctic expedition
Wikipedia - Belgian Railways Class 18 (Alsthom) -- Locomotive class of 6 Belgian electric locomotives built by Alsthom in 1973-1974
Wikipedia - Belgian Revenge -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Belgium at the 1906 Intercalated Games -- Belgium at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Belgium in "the long nineteenth century" -- History of Belgium from 1789 to 1914
Wikipedia - Belgo-Congolese Round Table Conference -- 1960 meeting between Belgian and Congolese leaders
Wikipedia - Belgrade Marathon -- Annual race in Serbia held since 1988
Wikipedia - Belgrade Offensive -- 1944 Second World War battle
Wikipedia - Believe (Cher song) -- 1998 single by Cher
Wikipedia - Believe (Goldie song) -- 1998 single by Goldie
Wikipedia - Believe (Lenny Kravitz song) -- 1993 single by Lenny Kravitz
Wikipedia - Believe Me, Xantippe -- 1918 film by Donald Crisp
Wikipedia - Be Like Me -- 2019 single by Lil Pump featuring Lil Wayne
Wikipedia - Belinda Lee -- English actress (1935-1961)
Wikipedia - Belinsky (film) -- 1953 film by Grigori Kozintsev
Wikipedia - Belizaire the Cajun -- 1986 film directed by Glen Pitre
Wikipedia - Bella Alten -- Polish opera singer 1877-1962
Wikipedia - Bella Bella (song) -- 2019 single by Luca HM-CM-$nni
Wikipedia - Bella Donna (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Bella Donna (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Robert Milton
Wikipedia - Bella Donna (1983 film) -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Bella Keyzer -- (1922-1992), Scottish textile and shipyard worker, and women's activist
Wikipedia - Bellamkonda Ramaraya Kavindrulu -- Indian poet, scholar, philosopher (1875-1914)
Wikipedia - Bellamy Road -- Improved 19th century road in Florida, USA
Wikipedia - Bellamy salute -- Palm-out salute accompanying American Pledge of Allegiance (1892-1942)
Wikipedia - Bella Notte -- US 1955 song
Wikipedia - Bellas de noche -- 1975 film by Miguel M. Delgado
Wikipedia - Bellator MMA in 2019 -- Bellator mixed martial arts event in 2019
Wikipedia - Bell, Book and Candle (play) -- 1950 Broadway play by John Van Druten
Wikipedia - Bell, Book and Candle -- 1958 film by Richard Quine
Wikipedia - Bell-Bottom George -- 1943 film by Marcel Varnel
Wikipedia - Bell Bottom -- 2019 Kannada film by Jayatheertha
Wikipedia - Bell Boy 13 -- 1923 film directed by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Bellboy Donald -- 1942 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - Belle (1973 film) -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Belle and Sebastian (1965 TV series) -- French television series
Wikipedia - Belle Davis -- American choreographer, dancer and singer (1874 - 1938)
Wikipedia - Belle de Jour (film) -- 1967 film by Luis BuM-CM-1uel
Wikipedia - Belle du Seigneur -- 1968 book by Albert Cohen
Wikipedia - Belle Epoque (film) -- 1992 film by Fernando Trueba
Wikipedia - Belle Epoque -- Period in European history, 1871 to 1914
Wikipedia - Belle Knox -- American pornographic actress (born 1995)
Wikipedia - Belle of the Nineties -- 1934 film by Leo McCarey
Wikipedia - Belle Starr (film) -- 1941 film by Irving Cummings
Wikipedia - Belli Moda -- 1967 Kannada film directed by Puttanna Kanagal
Wikipedia - Belli Naaga -- 1986 film directed by N. S. Dhananjaya
Wikipedia - Bellissima! -- 1988 album by Pizzicato Five
Wikipedia - Bell P-39 Airacobra -- 1938 fighter aircraft family by Bell
Wikipedia - Bell P-59 Airacomet -- 1942 fighter aircraft series by Bell
Wikipedia - Bell Records -- Record label active 1950s-1970s
Wikipedia - Bells Are Ringing (film) -- 1960 film directed by Vincente Minnelli
Wikipedia - Bells from the Deep -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Bells of Capistrano -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Bells of San Juan -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Bell System -- 1877-1980s American telephone service monopoly
Wikipedia - Bell Witch -- Legendary 19th century haunting in Middle Tennessee
Wikipedia - Belly (film) -- 1998 film directed by Hype Williams
Wikipedia - Belmond El Encanto -- Hotel in Santa Barbara, California established during the early 1900s
Wikipedia - Belonging (film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Belonningen -- 1980 film by Bjorn Lien
Wikipedia - Beloved (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Victor Schertzinger
Wikipedia - Beloved Augustin (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Augustin (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Beauty -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Corinna -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Enemy (1955 film) -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Enemy -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Imposter -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Impostor (1961 film) -- 1961 film

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