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object:1.550 - 1.600 Talks
book class:Talks

Talk 550.

Somerset Maugham, a well-known English author, was on a visit to
Sri Bhagavan. He also went to see Maj. Chadwick in his room and there he suddenly became unconscious. Maj. Chadwick requested Sri
Bhagavan to see him. Sri Bhagavan went into the room, took a seat and gazed on Mr. Maugham. He regained his senses and saluted Sri

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Bhagavan. They remained silent and sat facing each other for nearly an hour. The author attempted to ask questions but did not speak. Maj.

Chadwick encouraged him to ask. Sri Bhagavan said, "All finished.

Heart-talk is all talk. All talk must end in silence only." They smiled and Sri Bhagavan left the room.

Talk 551.

A man asked Sri Bhagavan: "How is it that Atma vidya is said to be the easiest?"
M.: Any other vidya requires a knower, knowledge and the object to be known, whereas this does not require any of them. It is the Self.

Can anything be so obvious as that? Hence it is the easiest. All that you need do is to enquire, "Who am I?"
A man's true name is mukti (liberation)
Talk 552.

There are some buildings in the Asramam. They used to have some plan which somehow could not be followed in entirety. Therefore 'A' and the
Sarvadhikari did not agree on many details and there used to be trouble between them. 'A' was once highly disgusted with the state of affairs. He asked Sri Bhagavan what could be done under the circumstances.

Sri Bhagavan said: "Which of the buildings was according to a plan made by these people here? God has His own plans and all these go on according to that. No one need worry as to what happens."
Talk 553.

The Asramites once asked Sri Bhagavan, "How were we all in our previous births? Why do we not know our own past?"
M.: God in His mercy has withheld this knowledge from people.

If they knew that they were virtuous, they will grow proud; contrariwise they will be depressed. Both are bad. It is enough that one knows the Self.

Talk 554.

M.: Just as a river does not continue its flow after its discharge into the ocean, so also a person loses all movements after he merges in the Self.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Talk 555.

Sri Bhagavan once recounted how Kavyakantha Ganapathi Muni asked Him: My own opinion is that a man can live on Rs. 3 a month.

What is Sri Bhagavan's opinion in the matter?
M.: A man can live happily only if he knows that he requires nothing wherewith to live.

Talk 556.

Maj. Chadwick asked Sri Bhagavan one night: The world is said to become manifest after the mind becomes manifest. There is no mind when I sleep. Is the world not existent to others at that time? Does it not show that the world is the product of a universal mind? How then shall we say that the world is not material but only dream-like?
M.: The world does not tell you that it is of the individual mind or of the universal mind. It is only the individual mind that sees the world. When this mind disappears the world also disappears.

There was a man who saw in his dream his father who had died thirty years earlier. Furthermore he dreamt that he had four more brothers and that his father divided his property among them. A quarrel ensued, the brothers assaulted the man and he woke up in a fright.

Then he remembered that he was all alone, he had no brothers and the father was dead long ago. His fright gave place to contentment.

So you see - when we see our Self there is no world, and when we lose sight of the Self we get ourselves bound in the world.

Talk 557.

A visitor asked: "We are advised to concentrate on the spot in the forehead between the eyebrows. Is it right?"
M.: Everyone is aware, 'I am'. Leaving aside that awareness one goes about in search of God. What is the use of fixing one's attention between the eyebrows? It is mere folly to say that God is between the eyebrows.

The aim of such advice is to help the mind to concentrate. It is one of the forcible methods to check the mind and prevent its dissipation. It is forcibly directed into one channel. It is a help to concentration.

But the best means of realisation is the enquiry "Who am I?" The present trouble is to the mind and it must be removed by the mind only.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
D.: Are there restrictions to be observed in food?
M.: Sattva food taken in moderation.

D.: There are several asanas mentioned. Which of them is the best?
M.: Nididhyasana (one-pointedness of the mind) is the best.

Talk 558.

A visitor asked: "Sri Bhagavan! When I heard of you, a strong desire arose in me to see you. Why should it be so?"
M.: The desire arose in the same way as the body arises to the Self.

D.: What is the purpose of life?
M.: To seek to know the significance of life is itself the result of good karma in past births. Those who do not seek such knowledge are simply wasting their lives.

Talk 559.

A man asked Sri Bhagavan: "Sri Bhagavan can know when I shall become a Jnani. Please tell me when it will be."
M.: If I am Bhagavan then there is no one apart from me to whom jnana should arise or to whom I should speak. If I am an ordinary man like others then I am as ignorant as the rest. Either way your question cannot be answered.

Talk 560.

When Sri Bhagavan was taking His bath a few bhaktas were around
Him, speaking to themselves. Then they asked Him about the use of ganja (hashish). Sri Bhagavan had finished His bath by that time. He said: "Oh ganja! The users feel immensely happy when they are under its influence. How shall I describe their happiness! They simply shout ananda! ananda ..." Saying so, He walked as if tipsy. The bhaktas laughed. He appeared as if He stumbled, placed His hands round 'A' and cried "ananda! ananda!"
'A' records that his very being was transformed from that time. He had remained an inmate for the past eight years. He further says that his mind now remains at peace.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Talk 561.

D.: What is svarupa (form) and arupa (formless) of the mind?
M.: When you wake up from sleep a light appears, that is the light of the Self passing through Mahat tattva. It is called cosmic consciousness. That is arupa. The light falls on the ego and is reflected therefrom. Then the body and the world are seen. This mind is svarupa. The objects appear in the light of this reflected consciousness. This light is called jyoti.

21st October, 1938
Talk 562.

There is a statement in the book Vichara Sangraha that though a person realises the Self once, he cannot, for that simple reason alone, become a mukta. He continues to remain a victim of vasanas (latencies). Sri
Bhagavan was asked whether the realisation referred to was the same as the jnani's, and if so why there should be a difference in their effects.

M.: The experience is the same. Every person experiences the Self consciously or unconsciously. The ajnani's experience is clouded by his latencies whereas the jnani's is not so. The jnani's experience of the Self is therefore distinct and permanent.

A practiser may by long practice gain a glimpse of the Reality. This experience may be vivid for the time being. And yet he will be distracted by the old vasanas and so his experience will not avail him. Such a man must continue his manana and nididhyasana so that all the obstacles may be destroyed. He will then be able to remain permanently in the Real State.

D.: What is the difference between a man who makes no attempts and remains an ajnani, and another who gains a glimpse and returns to ajnana?
M.: In the latter case a stimulus is always present to goad him on to further efforts until the realisation is perfect.

D.: The Srutis say: Sakrit vibhatoyam brahmaloka (This knowledge of Brahman shines forth once and forever).

M.: They refer to the permanent realisation and not to the glimpse.

D.: How is it possible that a man forgets his very experience and falls back into ignorance?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Sri Bhagavan illustrated it with the following story:
There was a king who treated his subjects well. One of his ministers gained his confidence and misused the influence. All the other ministers and officers were adversely affected and they hit upon a plan to get rid of him. They instructed the guards not to let the man enter the palace. The king noted his absence and enquired after him.

He was informed that the man was taken ill and could not therefore come to the palace. The king deputed his physician to attend on the minister. False reports were conveyed to the king that the minister was sometimes improving and at other times collapsing. The king desired to see the patient. But the pandits said that such an action was against dharma. Later the minister was reported to have died.

The king was very sorry when he heard the news.

The arrogant minister was kept informed of all the happenings by spies of his own. He tried to foil the other ministers. He waited for the king to come out of the palace so that he might report himself to the king. On one occasion he climbed up a tree, hid himself among the branches and awaited the king. The king came out that night in the palanquin and the man in hiding jumped down in front of the palanquin and shouted his identity. The companion of the king was equally resourceful. He at once took out a handful of sacred ashes (vibhuti) from his pocket and scattered it in the air so that the king was obliged to close his eyes. The companion shouted victory ('jai') to the king and ordered the band to play so that the other man's shout was drowned in the noise. He also ordered the palanquin-bearers to move fast and he himself sang incantations to keep off evil spirits. The king was thus left under the impression that the dead man's ghost was playing pranks with him.

The disappointed man became desperate and retired into the forest for tapasya (austerities). After a long time the king happened to go hunting. He came across the former minister seated in deep contemplation. But he hastened away from the spot lest the ghost should molest him.

The moral of the story is that even though the man was seen in flesh and blood, yet the wrong notion that he was a ghost prevented right values being taken. So it is with a forced realisation of the Self.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi

22nd October, 1938
Talk 563.

A group of people came on a visit to Sri Bhagavan. One of them asked: "How can I keep my mind aright?"
M.: A refractory bull is lured to the stall by means of grass. Similarly the mind must be lured by good thoughts.

D.: But it does not remain steady.

M.: The bull accustomed to stray takes delight in going astray.

However he must be lured with luscious grass to the stall. Even so he will continue to trespass into the neighbour's fields. He must gradually be made to realise that the same kind of good grass can be had in his own place. After a time he will remain in the stall without straying. Later a time will come when, even if driven out of the stall, he will return to the stall without going into the neighbouring fields. So also the mind must be trained to take to right ways. It will gradually grow accustomed to good ways and will not return to wrong ways.

D.: What are the good ways to be shown to the mind?
M.: Thought of God.

23rd to 26th October, 1938
Talk 564.

Pandit Bala Kak Dhar, a jagirdar from Kashmir, had come all the way from Srinagar to have darshan of Sri Bhagavan on Deepavali Day. He gave a bundle of papers to Sri Bhagavan containing an account of his life and position. His talks with Sri Bhagavan were all of them personal.

One of his questions was: "Now that I have had the darshan of Sri
Bhagavan and it is enough for me, may I throw away all the charms, tantras and pujas into the river?"
M.: Daily puja as prescribed in the Dharma sastras is always good. It is for the purification of the mind. Even if one feels oneself too advanced to need such puja, still it must be performed for the sake of others. Such action will be an example to one's children and other dependents.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Talk 565.

A gentleman from Mysore asked: How is the mind to be kept in the right way?
M.: By practice. Give it good thoughts. The mind must be trained in good ways.

D.: But it is not steady.

M.: The Bhagavad Gita says: Sanaissanairuparamet (The mind must gradually be brought to a standstill); Atma samstham manah krtva
(making the mind inhere in the Self); Abhyasa-vairagyabhyam (by practice and dispassion).

Practice is necessary. Progress will be slow.

D.: What is the Self referred to in Atma samstham (fixing it in the Self)?
M.: Do you not know your Self? You certainly exist. Or do you deny your existence? The question may arise "Who is this Self", only if you do not exist, but you cannot ask anything unless you exist at the same time. Your question shows that you exist. Find out who you are. That is all.

D.: I have read many books. But my mind does not turn to the Self.

M.: Because the Self is not in the books; but it is in you. Reading books makes one learned. That is its purpose and it is fulfilled.

D.: What is Atma sakshatkara (Self-Realisation)?
M.: You are the Atma (Self) and that sakshat (here and now) also.

Where is the place for kara (accomplishment) in it? This question shows that you think you are the non-Self. Or you think that there are two selves, the one to realise the other. It is absurd.

That you identify yourself with the gross body lies at the root of this question. Well, this question arises now. Did it arise in your sleep? Did you not exist then? Certainly you did exist in sleep.

What is the difference between these two states that the question should arise now but not in sleep? Now you think that you are the body. You see things around you and you want to see the Self in a similar manner. Such is the force of habit. The senses are mere instruments of perception. You are the seer. Remain as the seer only.

What else is there to see? Such is the state in deep sleep.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Therefore this question does not arise then.

Atma sakshatkara (Self-Realisation) is thus only anatma nirasana
(giving up the non-Self).

D.: Is there only one Self or are there more selves?
M.: This is again due to confusion; you identify the body with the
Self. You think: "Here I am; here he is, there is another; and so on". You find many bodies and think they are so many selves.

But did you ask in your sleep "I am sleeping here, how many are there who are awake?" Does any question arise, for the matter of that? Why does it not arise? Because you are only one and there are not many.

D.: What is my tattva (truth)?
M.: You are yourself the tattva. Is there a different one to know the tattva of another? How can you exist apart from the tattva? The very fact of your existence makes you ask this question. Your very existence is the tattva. Give up the habiliments of the tattva and remain in your essential nature. All the Scriptures tell you only not to waste your efforts in non-truth - non-tattva. Give up the nontattva. Then tattva remains always shining pure and single.

D.: I want to know my tattva and my duties.

M.: Know your tattva first and then you may ask what your duties are. You must exist in order to know and do your duty. Realise your existence and then enquire of your duties.

26th October, 1938
Talk 566.

There is a Tamil paper Arya Dharmam. An article on Vairagyam appeared in it. Sri Bhagavan read it out in answer to a question. The article was briefly as follows: vairagya = vi + raga = vigataraga (non-attachment).

Vairagya is possible only for the wise. However, it is often misapplied by the common folk. For instance, a man often says "I have determined not to go to cinema shows." He calls it vairagya. Such wrong interpretation of the words and old sayings are not uncommon.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Again we often hear, "Dog seen, stone is not seen; stone seen, dog is not seen." It is ordinarily understood to mean that one cannot find a brickbat to throw at a stray dog. But this popular saying has a much deeper significance. It is based on a story:
A certain wealthy man's house was closely guarded. It had also a ferocious dog chained to a pillar at the gate. The dog and the chain were however very skilful pieces of art. They were sculptured in stone but appeared life-like. A pedestrian on the road once took fright at the sight of the ferocious animal and hurt himself in his attempt to dodge it. A kindly neighbour took pity on him and showed him that it was not a living dog. When the man passed by it the next time he admired the skill of the sculptor and forgot his old experience. Thus when he found it to be a dog, he could not see the stone of which it was made; and again when he found it a piece of sculpture he did not see any dog to hurt him. Hence the proverb. Compare it with 'The elephant hides the wood and the wood hides the elephant.' Here it is a wooden elephant.

Atma is always Sat-Chit-Ananda. Of these, the first two are experienced in all the states, whereas the last one is said to be experienced in sleep only.

The question arises how the true nature of the Self can be lost in the waking and dream states. It is, really speaking, not lost. In sleep there is no mind and the Self shines as Itself, whereas in the other two states what shines forth is the reflected light of the Self. Ananda is felt after the cessation of thoughts in sleep. It is also manifest on other occasions as love, joy, etc., priya, moda and pramoda. But they are all chitta vrittis (modes of mind).

When a man is walking in the street his mind is full of fleeting thoughts. Suppose he passes a bazaar where some fine mangoes are for sale. He likes the mangoes and purchases them. He is next anxious to taste them. So he hastens home and eats them and feels happy.

When the fleeting thoughts give way to the pleasure at the sight of mangoes, it is priya, when he gets them as his own, the pleasure is moda; lastly, when he eats them, the pleasure is pramoda.

All the three kinds of pleasure are owing to the disappearance of other thoughts.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi

3rd to 6th November, 1938
Talk 567.

Sri Bhagavan explained to Mr. Mac Iver the first few stanzas of Sad
Vidya as follows:
1. The first stanza is the auspicious beginning. Why should the subjectmatter of the piece be brought in here? Can knowledge be other than
Being? Being is the core - the Heart. How then is the Supreme Being to be contemplated and glorified? Only to remain as the Pure Self is the auspicious beginning. This speaks of attri buteless Brahman according to the jnana marga (method of knowledge).

2. The second stanza is in praise of God with attri butes. In the foregoing, to be as one Self is mentioned; in the present one, surrender to the Lord of all.

Furthermore the second indicates (1) the fit reader (2) the subjectmatter (3) the relationship and (4) the fruit. The fit reader is the one who is competent for it. Competence consists in non-attachment to the world and desire to be liberated.

All know that they must die some time or other; but they do not think deeply of the matter. All have a fear of death: such fear is momentary.

Why fear death? Because of the 'I-am-the-body' idea. All are fully aware of the death of the body and its cremation. That the body is lost in death is well-known. Owing to the I-am-the-body notion, death is feared as being the loss of Oneself. Birth and death pertain to the body only; but they are superimposed on the Self, giving rise to the delusion that birth and death relate to the Self.

In the effort to overcome birth and death man looks up to the Supreme
Being to save him. Thus are born faith and devotion to the Lord. How to worship Him? The creature is powerless and the Creator is Allpowerful. How to approach Him? To entrust oneself to His care is the only thing left for him; total surrender is the only way. Therefore he surrenders himself to God. Surrender consists in giving up oneself and one's possessions to the Lord of Mercy. Then what is left over for the man? Nothing - neither himself nor his possessions. The body liable to be born and to die having been made over to the Lord, the man need

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi no longer worry about it. Then birth and death cannot strike terror. The cause of fear was the body; it is no longer his; why should he fear now?
Or where is the identity of the individual to be frightened?
Thus the Self is realised and Bliss results. This is then the subject-matter: freedom from misery and gain of Happiness. This is the highest good to be gained. Surrender is synonymous with Bliss itself. This is the relationship.

Fruit is to reflect on the subject-matter and gain Knowledge which is ever-present, here and now. The stanza ends with "the immortal ones."
3. The five senses mean the subtle functions (tanmatras), namely, hearing, touch, seeing, taste and smell. Variations of these form the whole universe; they vary according to the three gunas as follows: by tamas (dullness) the gross elements; by rajas (activity) the instruments for knowing objects; by sattva (clearness) the different kinds of knowledge of the senses; also: by tamas - the gross objects i.e., the world; by rajas - the vital airs and the karmendriyas by sattva - the sense organs of perception (jnanendriyas).

Karmendriyas are organs of holding, walking, speech, evacuation and reproduction.

Now consider the ringing of the bell; the sound is related to hearing; the bell is the object, the modification of tamoguna. The rajasic tanmatras, changing as the vibrations of sound, extend round the bell, then as ether get connected with the ear in order to be felt as sound.

The knowledge recognising it as sound is the sattva tanmatra.

So also the other senses: Touch (vayu) - air tanmatra; form (rupa) - tejas tanmatra; taste (ap) - water tanmatra; smell (prithvi) - earth tanmatra.

To understand the tanmatras as the subtlest particles of matter is not right, for it is incomplete. They are only the subtle forms of sound, touch, sight, taste and smell, which form the whole components of the universe. Such is the creation of the world.

For want of proper terminology these ideas cannot be rightly expressed in foreign languages.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
4. This stanza says that all are agreed on one point. What is it? The state beyond duality and non-duality, beyond subject and object, beyond jiva and God, in short, beyond all differences. It is free from ego. "How to reach it?" is the question. By giving up the world, it says. Here "the world" stands for thoughts relating to it. If such thoughts do not arise, the ego does not rise up. There will be no subject nor object. Such is the state.

Talk 568.

Mr. V. G. Sastri showed a cutting to Sri Bhagavan. It contained some prophecy of Sri Rama Tirtha that India would reach the full height of her former glory before 1950 AD
Sri Bhagavan said: Why should we think that India is not already in the height of her glory? The glory is in your thought.

7th November, 1938
Talk 569.

In reply to Sri K. L. Sarma, Sri Bhagavan spoke about Dakshinamurti stotra as follows:
I originally intended to write a commentary on it. Mr. Ranganatha Iyer took away my Tamil version of the stotra and printed it along with
Appalapattu. He later asked me to enlarge it. I had the introduction ready. He saw it and took it away for printing. I did not proceed with the work. As for the stotra:
Brahma, the creator, created four sons from his mind. They were Sanaka,
Sanandana, Sanathkumara and Sanatsujata. They asked their creator why they were brought into existence. Brahma said: "I must create the universe. But I want to go to do tapas for realising the Self. You are brought forth in order that you may create the universe. That will be by multiplying yourselves." They did not like the idea. They wondered why they should take the trouble on themselves. It is natural for one to seek the source. They therefore wanted to regain their source and be happy. So they did not obey the commands of Brahma but left him. They desired guidance for realisation of the Self. They were the best equipped individuals for Self-Realisation. Guidance should be only from the best of Masters. Who could it be but Siva - the yogiraja. Siva appeared before them sitting under the sacred banyan tree. Being yogiraja should

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
He practise yoga? He went into samadhi as He sat; He was in Perfect
Repose. Silence prevailed. They saw Him. The effect was immediate.

They fell into samadhi and their doubts were at an end.

Silence is the true upadesa. It is the perfect upadesa. It is suited only for the most advanced seeker. The others are unable to draw full inspiration from it. Therefore they require words to explain the Truth.

But Truth is beyond words. It does not admit of explanation. All that is possible to do is only to indicate It. How is that to be done?
The people are under an illusion. If the spell is removed they will realise the Truth. They must be told to realise the falsity of the illusion. Then they will try to escape its snares. Vairagya will result. They will enquire into the Truth, i.e., seek the Self. That will make them abide as the Self. Sri
Sankara, being the avatar of Siva, was full of compassion for fallen beings.

He wanted all of them to realise their blissful Self. He could not reach them all with His Silence. So he composed the Dakshinamurti stotra in the form of a hymn so that people might read it and understand the Truth.

What is the nature of the illusion? All are in the grip of enjoyment, i.e., bhokta, bhogyam, bhoga. This is due to the wrong notion that bhogya vastu (the objects) are real. The ego, the world and the creator are the fundamentals underlying the illusion. If they are known to be not apart from the Self there will be no more illusion.

The first four stanzas deal with the world. It is shown to be the same as the Master whose Self is that of the seeker also, or the Master to whom the seeker surrenders himself. The second four stanzas deal with the individual whose Self is shown to be the Self of the Master.

The ninth stanza deals with Isvara and the tenth with the siddhi or
Realisation. Such is the scheme of the stotra.

Which is the darpana (mirror) here? A mirror, as we know it, is an insentient object which reflects light. What corresponds to a mirror in an individual? The light of the Self-luminous Self is reflected on the
Mahatattva. The reflected light is the mind-ether or the pure mind. This illumines the vasanas (latencies) of the individual and hence the sense of 'I' and 'this' arises.

Again, a superficial reading of the slokas makes one believe that the bondage, liberation, etc., are all related to the Master i.e., Sri
Dakshinamurti. It is absurd. Surrender to Him is meant.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Talk 570.

A visitor: Nirguna upasana is said to be difficult and risky. He quoted the verse from Sri Bhagavad Gita, avyaktahi etc. (the manifest, etc.)
M.: What is manifest is considered to be unmanifest and doubt is created. Can anything be more immediate and intimate than the
Self? Can anything be more plain?
D.: Saguna upasana seems easier.

M.: Do what is easy for you.

Talk 571.

Multiplicity of individuals is a moot point with most persons. A jiva is only the light reflected on the ego. The person identifies himself with the ego and argues that there must be more like him. He is not easily convinced of the absurdity of his position. Does a man who sees many individuals in his dream persist in believing them to be real and enquire after them when he wakes up?
This argument does not convince the disputant.

Again, there is the moon. Let anyone look at her from any place at any time; she is the same moon. Everyone knows it. Now suppose that there are several receptacles of water reflecting the moon. The images are all different from one another and from the moon herself. If one of the receptacles falls to pieces, that reflection disappears. Its disappearance does not affect the real moon or the other reflections. It is similar with an individual attaining Liberation. He alone is liberated.

The sectarian of multiplicity makes this his argument against non-duality.

"If the Self is single, if one man is liberated, that means that all souls are liberated. In practice it is not so. Therefore Advaita is not correct."
The weakness in the argument is that the reflected light of the Self is mistaken for the original Light of the Self. The ego, the world and the individuals are all due to the person's vasanas. When they perish, that person's hallucinations disappear, that is to say one pitcher is broken and the relative reflection is at an end.

The fact is that the Self is never bound. There can therefore be no
Release for It. All the troubles are for the ego only.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi

10th November, 1938
A question was asked why it was wrong to say that there is a multiplicity of jivas. Jivas are certainly many. For a jiva is only the ego and forms the reflected light of the Self. Multiplicity of selves may be wrong but not of jivas.

M.: Jiva is called so because he sees the world. A dreamer sees many jivas in a dream but all of them are not real. The dreamer alone exists and he sees all. So it is with the individual and the world.

There is the creed of only one Self which is also called the creed of only one jiva. It says that the jiva is only one who sees the whole world and the jivas therein.

D.: Then jiva means the Self here.

M.: So it is. But the Self is not a seer. But here he is said to see the world. So he is differentiated as the Jiva.

Talk 572.

D.: Of what use is the fear of death which is common to all?
M.: True, it is common to all. Such fear serves no useful purpose because being overpowered by the latent tendencies of the mind the man dies a natural death. It does not lead him to non-attachment and he cannot investigate the matter.

D.: How then are you giving the same instruction without distinction to visitors?
M.: What do I say? The ego in each one must die. Let him reflect on it. Is there this ego or is there not? By repeated reflection one becomes more and more fit.

11th November, 1938
Talk 573.

Mr. Ranganatha Ayyar, a devotee of fourteen years' standing, is on a visit here. He asked: How long is the interval between one's death and reincarnation?
M.: It may be long or short. But a Jnani does not have any such changes; he merges into the universal Being, so says the
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Some say that those who after death pass into the path of light are not reborn, whereas those who after death take the path of darkness are reborn after they have enjoyed the fruits of karma in their subtle bodies.

If one's merits and demerits are equal, they are directly reborn here.

Merits outweighing demerits, the subtle bodies go to heavens and are then reborn here; demerits outweighing merits, they go to hells and are afterwards reborn here.

A yogabrashta is said to fare in the same manner. All these are described in the sastras. But in fact, there is neither birth nor death.

One remains only as what one really is. This is the only Truth.

Talk 574.

D.: What are asanas (postures or seats)? Are they necessary?
M.: Many asanas with their effects are mentioned in the Yoga sastras.

The seats are the tiger-skin, grass, etc.; the postures are the 'lotus posture', the 'easy posture' and so on.

Why all these - only to know oneself? "I am the body; the body requires a seat; it is the earth," thinking thus, he seeks seats. But in sleep did he think of the support or the bed: the bed on the cot and the cot on the earth? Did he not exist in sleep too? How was he then?
The truth is - Being the Self, the ego rising up, confusing himself with the body, mistaking the world to be real, differentiating the objects, covered by the ignorance of the 'I'-conceit, he thinks wildly and also looks for seats. He does not understand that he himself is the Centre of all and thus forms the basis for all.

If questioned he talks of the effects of seats and footwear in terms of gravitation, magnetism and so on. Without them he imagines that the power of his austerities will dwindle away.

Wherefrom do they all derive their power? He looks to the effects, seeks their causes and imagines them to be the power of seats and of footwear. A stone thrown up falls back to the ground. Why? Owing to the gravitation, says he. Well - are all these different from his thoughts?
Think and say if the stone, the earth and gravity are different from his thoughts. They are all in his mind only. He is the Power and the wielder of it. He is the Centre of all and their support. He is also the Seat.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
The seat is meant to make him sit firm. Where and how can he remain firm except in his own real state? This is the Seat.

Talk 575.

D.: How to conquer desire, anger, etc.?
M.: Desire or lust, anger, etc., give you pain. Why? Because of the 'I'conceit; this 'I'-conceit is from ignorance; ignorance from differentiation; differentiation from the notion of the reality of the world and this again from 'I-am-the-body' idea. The last can be only after the rise of the ego.

The ego not arising, the whole chain of mishaps disappears. Therefore prevent the rise of the ego. This can be done by remaining in your own real nature; then lust, anger, etc., are conquered.

D.: So then all these have their root in ignorance.

M.: Quite so. Ignorance gives rise to error, error to conceit, etc. What is ignorance? Can it be of Pure Brahman which is only the Self or
Pure Knowledge? Only let the questioner know his own Self, i.e., be the Knowledge; this question will not arise. Because of ignorance he raises the question. Such ignorance is of the questioner and not of the Self. The sun seen, no darkness persists.

There is hoarded wealth in an iron safe. The man says it is his own; the safe does not say so. It is the ownership-conceit that is responsible for the claim.

Nothing is independent of the Self, not even ignorance; for ignorance is only the power of the Self, remaining there without affecting It. However it affects the 'I'-conceit, i.e., the jiva.

Therefore ignorance is of the jiva.

How? The man says, "I do not know myself." Are there then two selves - one the subject and the other the object? He cannot admit it. Is then ignorance at an end for him? No. The rise of the ego is itself the ignorance and nothing more.

Talk 576.

Sutra Bhashya:-
The sutras are meant to elucidate and establish the meanings of the texts. The commentaries try to do so by bringing in the opponent's views, refuting them and arriving at conclusions after long discussions; there are also differences of opinion in the same school of thought;

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi again protagonists and antagonists. Also different schools of thought interpret the same text in different ways and arrive at different conclusions, contrary to each other.

How then is the purpose of the sutras served?

15th November, 1938
Talk 577.

Pure Being

Supreme Being (This shines forth)
Pure Mind - Sattva mind - Isvara
Rajas the ego (Aham)

Tamas the world (Idam)

All these are Vedantic terminology

Talk 578.

Coming here, some people do not ask about themselves. They ask:
"Does the sage, liberated while alive (Jivanmukta), see the world? Is he affected by Karma?
What is liberation after being disembodied? Is one liberated only after being disembodied or even while alive in the body? Should the body of the sage resolve itself in light or disappear from view in any other manner? Can he be liberated though the body is left behind as a corpse?"
Their questions are endless. Why worry oneself in so many ways?
Does liberation consist in knowing these?
Therefore I say to them, "Leave liberation alone. Is there bondage?
Know this. See yourself first and foremost."
Talk 579.

Avarana (veiling) does not hide the jiva in entirety; he knows that he is; only he does not know who he is. He sees the world; but not that it is only Brahman. It is light in darkness (or knowledge in ignorance).


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
In a cinema show the room is first darkened, artificial light is introduced; only in this light are the pictures projected.

For differentiation a reflected light is thus necessary. A sleeper dreams, he is not out of sleep: only in the darkness or ignorance of sleep can he see the unreal dream objects.

Similarly the darkness of ignorance gives rise to the knowledge of the perceptions of the world.



This veiling is a characteristic of ignorance; it is not of the Self: it cannot affect the Self in any manner; it can veil only the jiva.

The ego is insentient: united with the light from the Self, it is called jiva. But the ego and the light cannot be seen distinct from each other; they are always united together. The mixed product is the jiva, the root of all differentiation. All these are spoken of to satisfy the questioners.



Ether = Jnana



Air = Mind



Light = Intellect



Water = Memory

(Solar plexus)


Earth = The Ego


Such is the representation of the subtle body. The senses and other organs act separately, whereas the inner organs and the vital airs can work only in unison. Therefore the former are vyashti (individualistic) and the latter are samashti

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Avarana (veiling) gives rise to two kinds of veiling.

Avarana within veils drik (the seer) and drisya (the seen)
outside veils the
Lord's Creation

'I-am-the-body idea'


Jiva is not independent of Isvara; nor ignorance of maya. Only on waking up from sleep, the man perceives the body and the world, but not in sleep.

On the strength of the present knowledge he understands that he remained in deep sleep also. Therefore in sleep jiva must be concluded to be in pure state in which the body and the world are not perceived.

D.: Is not jiva the reflected light, the 'I-thought'?
M.: He is also a jiva; before it also he is jiva; the one of them is related to the other as cause and effect. The sleeper jiva cannot be independent of Isvara. On waking he says "I am the body". If all the worlds together form virat, the body is a tiny dot in it. Thus the body is in and of virat. What belongs to the jiva then? Only the conceit makes him claim the body as himself but not the others.

He cannot be independent of virat. Similarly,
(1) Isvara
(Causal Cosmic Being) Prajna (individual being in deep sleep)
(2) Hiranyagarbha
(Causal Subtle Being) Taijasa (individual subtle being)
(3) Virat
(Causal gross Being) Visva (individual gross being)
(4) Maya
(Causal Ignorance adjunct to Isvara) Ignorance adjunct to
(5) Brahman
(Cause) Jiva (Effect)
They say that all these five groups should be unified. This they call the unity of the Five. All these are only polemics!

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi

17th November, 1938
Talk 580.

A party from Rajkot came in a bus. They consisted of four chiefs and four ladies with attendants and a bodyguard. They arrived at 11 a.m.

After lunch in their room, they had a short conversation at 12-45 p.m. and left at 1-5 p.m.

One of them said: Here is the mother of the Thakore Saheb. We have come a long distance for the darshan of Sri Maharshi. Will He kindly give us some instructions?
Sri Bhagavan smiled and answered: Good that they have come such a long distance for the sake of darshan. It is enough that they have said it. What is there for me to say? (Lunch bell).

At 12-45 p.m.

D.: Is a Jnani different from a yogi? What is the difference?
M.: Srimad Bhagavad Gita says that a Jnani is the true yogi and also a true bhakta. Yoga is only a sadhana and jnana is the siddhi.

D.: Is yoga necessary?
M.: It is a sadhana. It will not be necessary after jnana is attained.

All the sadhanas are called yogas, e.g., Karma yoga; Bhakti yoga;
Jnana yoga; Ashtanga yoga. What is yoga? Yoga means 'union'.

Yoga is possible only when there is 'viyoga' (separation). The person is now under the delusion of viyoga. This delusion must be removed. The method of removing it is called yoga.

D.: Which method is the best?
M.: It depends upon the temperament of the individual. Every person is born with the samskaras of past lives. One of the methods will be found easy for one person and another method for another. There is no definiteness about it.

D.: How is one to meditate?
M.: What is meditation? It is commonly understood to be concentration on a single thought. Other thoughts are kept out at that time. The single thought also must vanish at the right time. Thought-free consciousness is the goal.

D.: How is the ego to be got rid of?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: The ego must be held in order to get rid of it. Hold it first and the rest will be easy.

D.: How is that to be held?
M.: Do you mean to say that there is one ego to hold another ego or to eliminate the other? Are there two egos?
D.: How shall I pray to God?
M.: There-must be 'I' who prays to God. 'I' is certainly immediate and intimate, whereas God is not thought so. Find out that which is more intimate and then the other may be ascertained and prayed to if necessary.

19th November, 1938
Talk 581.

When a child held something to be offered to Sri Bhagavan by the parents, they cajoled the child to offer it to Sri Bhagavan. The child did so gladly. Sri Bhagavan remarked: Look at this! When the child can give a thing away to Jeja it is tyaga. ( Jeja -God). See what influence Jeja has on children also! Every gift implies unselfishness.

That is the whole content of nishkama Karma (unselfish action). It means true renunciation. If the giving nature is developed it becomes tyaga. If anything is willingly given away it is a delight to the giver and to the receiver. If the same is stolen it is misery to both. Dana, dharma, nishkama Karma are all tyaga only. When 'mine' is given up it is chitta suddhi (purified mind). When 'I' is given up it is jnana.

When the nature to give away is developed it results in jnana.

Again a little later, a young boy came all alone, unescorted by his parents.

He had come from Chengam in a bus. Sri Bhagavan remarked, "The boy has left his parents to come here. This is also an instance of tyaga."

21st. 22nd November, 1938
Talk 582.

To an Andhra gentleman Sri Bhagavan said: If one goes on wanting, one's wants cannot be fulfilled. Whereas if one remains desireless anything will be forthcoming. We are not in the wife, children, profession, etc.; but they are in us; they appear and disappear according to one's prarabdha.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
The mind remaining still is samadhi, no matter whether the world is perceived or not.

Environment, time and objects are all in me. How can they be independent of me? They may change, but I remain unchanging, always the same. The objects can be differentiated by means of their names and forms, whereas each one's name is only one and that is 'I'. Ask anyone, he says 'I' and speaks of himself as 'I', even if He is Isvara. His name too is 'I' only.

So also of a locality. As long as I am identified with the body so long a locality is distinguishable; otherwise not. Am I the body?
Does the body announce itself as 'I'?
Clearly all these are in me. All these wiped out entirely, the residual
Peace is 'I'. This is samadhi, this is 'I'.

Talk 583.

Mr. V. Ganapati Sastri showed Sri Bhagavan a letter from a Spanish lady,
Mercedes De Acosta, saying she would be coming here the next day. Sri
Bhagavan remarked: "See the trouble to so many because I am here."

23rd November, 1938
Talk 584.

A certain visitor began to pull the pankah. Sri Bhagavan said: "Because it is cold, they have placed fire by my side. Why should the pankah be pulled?"
Then he continued: "On a cold morning, when I was in Virupaksha cave, I was sitting in the open. I was feeling cold. People used to come, see me and go back. A group of Andhra visitors had come. I did not notice what they were doing. They were behind me. Suddenly a noise 'tak' - and water over my head! I shivered with cold. I looked back. They had broken a coconut and poured the water on me. They thought that it was worship. They took me for a stone image."
Talk 585.

Sri Bhagavan said that this town is peculiar in that there are nine roads leading to it, not counting the railroad; navadware pure dehe (in the body - the city of nine gates).


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Talk 586.

An Andhra visitor asked: How is one to be quiet? It is so difficult to be so.

Should we practise yoga for it? Or is there any other means for it?
M.: What is not difficult looks difficult. A man is prone to wander about. He is told to stay quiet at home, but finds it difficult to do so because he wants to wander about.

D.: Is there any particular upasana which is more efficacious than others?
M.: All upasanas are equally efficacious. But each one takes easily to one kind of upasana which suits his previous vasanas.

24th November, 1938
Talk 587.

The Spanish lady and her lady friend have come. They asked: You say the Heart is on the right. Can you explain how it is so?
Sri Bhagavan handed over the extract from the Psychological Review of Philadelphia for her to read. He also added. The Heart is the place wherefrom the 'I-thought' arises.

D.: So you mean the spiritual Heart as distinguished from the physical heart?
M.: Yes. It is explained in Ch. V of Sri Ramana Gita.

D.: Is there any stage when one might feel the Heart?
M.: It is within the experience of everyone. Everyone touches the right side of his chest when he says 'I'.

Both the ladies kneeled before Sri Bhagavan one after another and asked for blessings. Then they left for Pondicherry on their way to Colombo.

25th November, 1938
Talk 588.

To an Andhra seeker, Sri Bhagavan said: Sannyasa is mentioned for one who is fit. It consists in renunciation not of material objects but of attachment to them. Sannyasa can be practised by anyone even at home. Only one must be fit for it. Again.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
A Kutichaka is one who takes sannyasa and lives in a hermitage;
A Bahudaka is one who takes sannyasa and goes to places of pilgrimage;
A Hamsa is an upasaka sannyasi;
A Paramahamsa is a realised sannyasi.

27th November, 1938
Talk 589.

Somasundara Swami, a long standing devotee, asked: There is akasa in a mirror and it reflects images. How are these contained in the mirror?
M.: Objects remain in space. Objects and space are together reflected in the mirror. Just as the things are found in space, so they are in the reflection also. The mirror is itself thin. How can these objects be contained in its compass?
D.: How does the akasa in a pot illustrate this point?
M.: There is no reflection in the akasa of the pot. The reflection is only in the water in it. Keeping several pots filled with water in a tank, the akasa is reflected equally in the water in each of the pots and in the water of the tank. Similarly the whole universe is reflected in each individual.

D.: The mouths of the pots must be above the surface of the water in the tank.

M.: Yes, it must be so. Otherwise can the pots be recognised if sunk in the tank?
D.: How does the reflection take place there?
M.: Pure ether cannot take reflections; only the ether of water can do so. Glass cannot reflect objects; only a plate of glass with an opaque lining on its back can reflect the objects in front of it. Similarly Pure
Knowledge does not contain objects in it nor reflect objects. Only with the limiting adjunct, the mind, it reflects the world.

Neither in samadhi nor in deep sleep does the world remain. There cannot be illusion either in bright light or in total darkness. Only in dim light a rope seems a snake. Similarly Pure Consciousness remains light only; it is pure knowledge. The mind rising from it is deluded that the objects remain apart.

D.: So then the mind is the mirror.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: Mind - mind what is it? It is a mixture of Chit (intelligence) and sankalpas (thoughts). Therefore it forms all these - the mirror, light, darkness and the reflections.

D.: But I do not see it.

M.: Chidakasa (chit-ether) is Pure Knowledge only, It is the source of mind. Just at the moment of rising up, the mind is only light; only afterwards the thought "I am this" rises up; this 'I-thought' forms the jiva and the world.

The first light is the pure mind, the mind ether or Isvara. Its modes manifest as objects. Because it contains all these objects within itself it is called the mind-ether. Why ether? Like ether containing objects it contains the thoughts, therefore it is the mind-ether.

Again, just as the physical ether though accommodating all the gross objects
(the whole universe) is itself the content of the mind-ether, so also the latter is itself the content of Chit-ether. The last one is Chit Itself. There are no things contained in it. It remains as Pure Knowledge only.

D.: Why call it ether? Physical ether is not sentient.

M.: Ether denotes not only the insentient physical ether but also Pure
Knowledge. Knowledge does not consist in knowing objects: this is relative knowledge. But Knowledge in its purity remains all alone,
One, unique, transcendent Light!
D.: Well - should we be imagining it in our meditation?
M.: Why imagine? We can think of another only if we are independent of it, whereas here we cannot remain independent of this Pure
Knowledge. Rather, only IT is! How can It be imagined to be so and so or such and such?
D.: How are we to proceed?
M.: Only get rid of the non-self.

D.: It looks all right now; but later it is all forgotten.

M.: Your forgetfulness implies knowledge, for you know you forgot; otherwise how can you speak of forgetting it? So forgetfulness also is Chit-akasa (Chit-ether) only.

D.: How then is it not clear to me?
M.: Chit is knowledge pure and simple. The mind proceeds from it; the mind is made up of thoughts. Darkness or ignorance interposing.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Pure Knowledge seems different from what It really is; the same is seen as 'I' and the 'world' which are full of desire, attachment, hatred, etc. Therefore desire, etc., are said to veil the Reality.

D.: How to be rid of thoughts? Is it as said in the Atma-Vidya - the eye of the mental eye, etc.?
M.: There the mind stands for ether, Being (sat); and the eye for knowledge (chit); both sat and chit together form the universe.

D.: How to realise the same?
M.: As pointed out in the Atma Vidya "being the eye of the mental eye, the ether of the mental ether.....", meaning, the Knowledge behind the relative knowledge, the Chit-Ether containing the mental ether, remains as the Only One always shining bright.

D.: Still I do not understand. How shall I realise it?
M.: It is also said, "Remain free from thoughts," and "It is realised only in the mind drawn within." Therefore, the mind made free from thoughts, and merged in the Heart. is Chit Itself.

D.: Is the aforesaid mental ether Isvara or Hiranyagarbha?
M.: Can the latter remain independent of the former? The same is
Isvara and Hiranyagarbha.

D.: How do they differ from each other?
M.: The Immanent Being is called Isvara.

D.: Is not the Immanent Being Chit-akasa only?
M.: Immanence can only be with Maya. It is the Knowledge of Being along with Maya; from this subtle conceit Hiranyagarbha; from the latter the gross conceit virat. Chit-atma is Pure Being only.

13th December, 1938
Talk 590.

Two ladies, one Swiss and the other French, visited Maharshi. The younger of the ladies asked several questions, of which the most important was: "Brahman is the same as jiva. If the jiva be under illusion it amounts to saying that Brahman is under illusion. How is that possible?"
M.: If Brahman be under illusion and wants disillusionment let Him raise the question.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi

14th December, 1938
Talk 591.

D.: Seekers who are in immediate proximity of the Master can get grace by darsana, sparsana, etc. (look, touch, etc.). But how does one get the same grace when the person is at a distance?
M.: By yoga drishti (yogic look).

Mr. Chopra, a Punjabi employed in Singapore, is on a visit here and raised a few questions.

D.: What is the efficacy of the name?
Sri Bhagavan read out the extract from the Vision. It was a translation of Namdev's stanzas.

D.: How does the name help Realisation?
M.: The original name is always going on spontaneously without any effort on the part of the individual. That name is aham - 'I'. But when it becomes manifest it manifests as ahamkara - the ego. The oral repetition of nama leads one to mental repetition which finally resolves itself into the eternal vibration.

D.: But these are all mental or physical.

M.: The mind or the mouth cannot act without the Self. Tukaram, the great Maharashtra Saint, used to remain in samadhi in the day and sing and dance at night with large crowds of people. He always used to utter the name of Sri Rama.

Once he was answering calls of nature and also saying "Ram,
Ram". An orthodox priest was shocked at the unholy mention of the sacred name and so reprimanded him and ordered him to be silent when he answered calls of nature.

Tukaram said, "All right!" and remained mute. But at once there arose the name of Rama from every pore of Tukaram and the priest was horrified by the din. He then prayed to Tukaram
"Restrictions are only for the common people and not for saints like you."
D.: It is said that Sri Ramakrishna saw life in the image of Kali which he worshipped. Can it be true?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: The life was perceptible to Sri Ramakrishna and not to all. The vital force was due to himself. It was his own vital force which manifested as if it were outside and drew him in. Were the image full of life it must have been found so by all. But everything is full of life. That is the fact. Many devotees have had experiences similar to those of Sri Ramakrishna.

D.: How can there be life in stone? It is unconscious.

M.: The whole universe is full of life. You say the stone is unconscious.

It is your self-consciousness which now speaks of unconsciousness.

When a person wants to see if there is an article in a dark room he takes a lamp to look for it. The light is useful for detecting the presence and the absence of the thing. Consciousness is necessary for discovering if a thing is conscious or not. If a man remains in a dark room one need not take a lamp to find him. If called, he answers. He does not require a lamp to announce his presence.

Consciousness is thus self-shining.

Now you say you were unconscious in sleep and self-conscious in the wakeful state. Which is the Reality? The Reality must be continuous and eternal. Neither the unconsciousness nor the self-consciousness of the present is the Reality. But you admit your existence all through. The pure Being is the reality. The others are mere associations. The pure
Being cannot be otherwise than consciousness. Otherwise you cannot say that you exist. Therefore consciousness is the reality. When that consciousness is associated with upadhis you speak of self-consciousness, unconsciousness, sub-consciousness, super-consciousness, humanconsciousness, dog-consciousness, tree-consciousness and so on. The unaltering common factor in all of them is consciousness.

Therefore the stone is as much unconscious as you are in sleep. Is that totally devoid of consciousness?
D.: But a dog-consciousness is different from my consciousness. I cannot read the Bible to the dog. The tree again does not move whereas I move and act.

M.: Call the tree a standing man; and call the man a moving tree.

An American gentleman who also took part in the conversation would not allow Sri Bhagavan to explain and so it stopped here.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Talk 592.

The Punjabi gentleman referred to the popular belief of a worm being metamorphosed to a wasp (bhramarakita nyaya) which Sri Bhagavan had mentioned to the ladies in the course of conversation yesterday.

Sri Bhagavan recalled some interesting reminiscences:
1. "I had previously heard of this bhramarakita nyaya. After I came to
Tiruvannamalai, when I was staying in Gurumoortham, I noticed a red wasp construct a hive in which it placed five or six grubs and then flew away. My curiosity was roused and I wanted to test the truth of the oftquoted nyaya. I waited some days, maybe ten days. I then tapped the hive. It broke and there I found that all the five or six grubs had united together and taken the shape of a wasp, but it was white.

2. Later when I was in Virupaksha Cave, I saw a red wasp construct five or six hives in each of which it placed five or six grubs and flew away. After about ten days, a black beetle, smaller than the wasp, buzzed round the hives and closed each of then, with a little black mud and flew away. I was wondering at the intrusion of the beetle on the hive of the wasp. I waited a few days and then gently opened one of the hives. Five or six black bodies came out and each of them was a black beetle. I thought it strange.

3. Again when I was in Pachyamman Temple, I saw a red wasp constructing five or six hives on a pillar in the temple. It placed five or six grubs in each of them and buzzed away. I watched it for several days. The wasp did not return. There was no black beetle also.

After about fifteen days, I opened one of the hives. All the grubs had united into a white mass of wasp-like form. It dropped down and was stunned by the fall. After a few minutes, it began to crawl. Its colour was gradually changing. In a short time, there were two little specks on its sides which grew into wings as I watched and the full-grown wasp flew away from the ground.

4. When I was in the Mango-Tree Cave I noticed a caterpillar-like worm crawl up a wall. It stopped in one place and fixed two spots which it later connected up with a thin filament from its body. It held the filament with its mouth and rested its tail end on the wall. It remained so several days. I was watching it. It shrivelled up in course of time. I wondered if

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi there was life in it. So I gently tickled it with a thin stalk. There was no life within. I left it there. But in a few days more I found that there was only a thin dry skin left behind and the inner thing had flown away.

5. I had also seen the flies carrying tiny grubs on their legs which they deposited on offal. The grubs later flew away as flies."
D.: They may be eggs laid by the flies.

M.: But they move and struggle and then shape themselves as flies.

Talk 593.

Sri Bhagavan mentioned another interesting reminiscence. "When I was a boy I had seen the fishermen divert water from its main course and keep a pot through which the diverted water flowed. The artificial way was spread with tobacco stems. Strangely enough the larger fishes always took the new way and fell into the pot. The fishermen who were simply sitting quiet used to take the fish out from the pot and throw them into their baskets. I thought at the time it was strange.

Later, when I was staying here I heard some man recite a piece from
Thayumanavar which mentioned the same trick of the fishermen."

15th December, 1938
Talk 594.

The Spanish lady, Madam Mercedes De Acorta, has written a letter to
Mr. Hague, the American mining engineer who is here as a temporary resident for the last two months. She has raised a few questions there:
"If the individual Self merges into the universal Self, how can one pray to God for the uplift of humanity?" The question seems to be common among the thinkers of the West.

Sri Bhagavan said: They pray to God and finish with "Thy Will be done!" If His Will be done why do they pray at all? It is true that the
Divine Will prevails at all times and under all circumstances. The individuals cannot act of their own accord. Recognise the force of the Divine Will and keep quiet. Each one is looked after by God.

He has created all. You are one among 2,000 millions. When He looks after so many will He omit you? Even common sense dictates that one should abide by His Will.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Again there is no need to let Him know your needs. He knows them
Himself and will look after them.

Still more, why do you pray? Because you are helpless yourself and you want the Higher Power to help you. Well, does not your
Creator and Protector know your weakness? Should you parade your weakness in order to make Him know it?
D.: But God helps those who help themselves.

M.: Certainly. Help yourself and that is itself according to God's Will.

Every action is prompted by Him only. As for prayer for the sake of others, it looks so unselfish on the surface of it. But analyse the feeling and you will detect selfishness there also. You desire others' happiness so that you may be happy. Or you want the credit for having interceded on others' behalf. God does not require an intermediary. Mind your business and all will be well.

D.: Does not God work His Will through some chosen person?
M.: God is in all and works through all. But His presence is better recognised in purified minds. The pure ones reflect God's actions more clearly than the impure minds. Therefore people say that they are the chosen ones. But the 'chosen' man does not himself say so.

If he thinks that he is the intermediary then it is clear that he retains his individuality and that there is no complete surrender.

D.: Are not the Brahmins considered to be the priests or intermediaries between God and others?
M.: Yes. But who is a Brahmin? A Brahmin is one who has realised
Brahman. Such a one has no sense of individuality in him. He cannot think that he acts as an intermediary.

Again, as for prayer, a realised man does not see others as different from oneself. How can he pray at all, and to whom and for what?
His very presence is the consummation of happiness for all. So long as you think that there are others different from you, you pray for them. But the sense of separateness is ignorance. This ignorance is again the cause of feeling helplessness. You know that you are weak and helpless. How then can you help others? If you say, "By prayer to God", God knows His business and does not require your intercession for others.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Help yourself so that you may become strong. That is done by complete surrender. That means you offer yourself to Him. So you cannot retain your individuality after surrender. You then abide by
His Will. Thus Silence is the Highest of all achievements.

Silence is the ocean in which all the rivers of all the religions discharge themselves. So says Thayumanavar. He also adds that the Vedic religion is the only one which combines both philosophy and religion.

16th December, 1938
Talk 595.

The two lady visitors returned in the morning and the younger one asked:
"Is the experience of the Highest State the same to all? Or is there any difference?"
M.: The Highest State is the same and the experience is also the same.

D.: But I find some difference in the interpretations put on the Highest

M.: The interpretations are made with the mind. The minds are different and so the interpretations are different.

D.: I mean to ask if the seers express themselves differently?
M.: The expressions may differ according to the nature of the seekers.

They are meant to guide the seekers.

One seer speaks in the terms of Christianity, another in those of Islam, a third of Buddhism, etc. Is that due to their upbringing?
M.: Whatever may be their upbringing, their experience is the same.

But the modes of expression differ according to circumstances.

Talk 596.

A visitor asked: Sri Bhagavan said last night that God is guiding us.

Then why should we make an effort to do anything?
M.: Who asks you to do so? If there was that faith in the guidance of
God this question would not have arisen.

D.: The fact is that God guides us. Then what is the use of these instructions to people?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: They are for those who seek instructions. If you are firm in your belief in the guidance of God, stick to it, and do not concern yourself with what happens around you.

Furthermore, there may be happiness or misery. Be equally indifferent to both and abide in the faith of God. That will be so only when one's faith is strong that God looks after all of us.

Mr. Chopra asked: "How shall I secure that firm faith?"
M.: Exactly. It is for such as these who want instructions. There are persons who seek freedom from misery. They are told that God guides all and so there need not be any concern about what happens.

If they are of the best type they at once believe it and firmly abide by faith in God.

But there are others who are not so easily convinced of the truth of the bare statement. They ask: "Who is God? What is His nature?
Where is He? How can He be realised?" and so on.

In order to satisfy them intellectual discussion is found necessary.

Statements are made, their pros and cons are argued, and the truth is thus made clear to the intellect.

When the matter is understood intellectually the earnest seeker begins to apply it practically. He argues at every moment, "For whom are these thoughts? Who am I?" and so forth, until he is well-established in the conviction that a Higher Power guides us.

That is firmness of faith. Then all his doubts are cleared and he needs no further instructions.

D.: We also have faith in God.

M.: If it had been firm no questions would have arisen. The person will remain perfectly happy in his Faith in the Omnipotent.

D.: Is the enquiry into the Self the same as the above mentioned faith?
M.: The enquiry into the Self is inclusive of all, faith, devotion, jnana, yoga and all.

D.: A man sometimes finds that the physical body does not permit steady meditation. Should he practise yoga for training the body for the purpose?

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
M.: It is according to one's samskaras (predispositions). One man will practise hatha yoga for curing his bodily ills; another man will trust to God to cure them; a third man will use his will-power for it and a fourth man may be totally indifferent to them. But all of them will persist in meditation. The quest for the Self is the essential factor and all the rest are mere accessories.

A man may have mastered the Vedanta philosophy and yet remain unable to control his thoughts. He may have a predisposition
(purva samskara) which takes him to practise hatha yoga. He will believe that the mind can be controlled only by yoga and so he will practise it.

D.: What is most suitable for gaining facilities for steady dhyana?
M.: It depends on one's samskara. One may find hatha yoga suitable and another man nama japa, and so on. The essential point is the atma-vichara - enquiry into the Self.

D.: Is it enough if I spend some time in the mornings and some time in the evenings for this atma-vichara? Or should I do it always
- say, even when I am writing or walking?
M.: Now what is your real nature? Is it writing, walking, or being? The one unalterable reality is Being. Until you realise that state of pure being you should pursue the enquiry. If once you are established in it there will be no further worry.

No one will enquire into the source of thoughts unless thoughts arise. So long as you think "I am walking," "I am writing," enquire who does it.

These actions will however go on when one is firmly established in the Self. Does a man always say, "I am a man, I am a man, I am a man," every moment of his life? He does not say so and yet all his actions are going on.

D.: Is an intellectual understanding of the Truth necessary?
M.: Yes. Otherwise why does not the person realise God or the Self at once, i.e., as soon as he is told that God is all or the Self is all? That shows some wavering on his part. He must argue with himself and gradually convince himself of the Truth before his faith becomes firm.


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi

20th December, 1938
Talk 597.

A Swiss lady, Mrs. J. C. S. Hick-Riddingh, asked: "Does SelfRealisation imply occult powers also?"
M.: The Self is the most intimate and eternal Being whereas the siddhis are foreign. The one requires effort to acquire and the other does not.

The powers are sought by the mind which must be kept alert whereas the Self is realised when the mind is destroyed. The powers manifest only when there is the ego. The ego makes you aware of others and in its absence there are no others to be seen. The Self is beyond the ego and is realised after the ego is eliminated. The elimination of the ego makes one unaware of others. How can the question of others arise and where is the use of occult powers for a Self-Realised Being?
Self-Realisation may be accompanied by occult powers or it may not be. If the person had sought such powers before Realisation, he may get the powers after Realisation. There are others who had not sought such powers and had attempted only Self-Realisation.

They do not manifest such powers.

These powers may also be sought and gained even after SelfRealisation. But then they are used for a definite purpose, i.e. the benefit of others as in the case of Chudala.

Sikhidhvaja was a pious king. His spouse was Chudala. They received instructions from a sage. The king, being busy with the administration of his kingdom, could not put the instructions into practice, whereas Chudala put them into practice and gained
Self-Realisation. Consequently she appeared more charming than before. The king was struck by her growing charm and asked her about it. She said that all charm was due to the Self and he was only noting the charm of Self-Realisation in her. He said that she was silly. There were great tapasvis who could not realise the Self even after long periods of tapas and what about a silly woman who was all along in the family and in the worldly life?
However, Chudala was not offended because she was firm in the
Self and only wished that her husb and should realise the Self and

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi be happy. She then thought that unless she could prove her worth by manifesting some extraordinary powers he could not be convinced and she began to seek occult powers and gained them. But she did not betray them just then. Constant association with her made the king dispassionate. He began to dislike the worldly life and desired to retire into the forest for performing tapasya. So he told his wife that he wanted to leave the world for the forest. She was delighted at the development, but pretended to be very much concerned with his unkind decision. He hesitated out of consideration for her. In the meantime, his dispassion gained in force and he decided to leave home even without her consent.

When the queen was sleeping one night he suddenly left the palace by stealth and retired into the forest. He was seeking some solitary spot where he could perform his tapas. When the queen woke up she did not find her husb and and immediately found out by her occult powers what had really happened. She rejoiced in her husband's determination. She called the ministers and said that the king had gone on some important business and that the administration should be carried on as efficiently as ever. She herself administered the state in the absence of the king.

Eighteen years passed. She then knew that the king was fit for
Self-Realisation. So she appeared to him disguised as Kumbha and so on. He then realised the Self and returned to rule the kingdom with the queen.

The point is that occult powers are sought and gained for the benefit of others by Self-Realised persons also. But the sages are not deluded by the possession of such powers.

D.: Does the sage use occult powers for making others realise the Self or is the mere fact of his Self-Realisation enough for it?
M.: The force of his Self-Realisation is far more powerful than the use of all other powers.

Inasmuch as there is no ego in him, there are not others for him.

What is the highest benefit that can be conferred on others? It is happiness. Happiness is born of Peace. Peace can reign only when there is no disturbance. Disturbance is due to thoughts which arise in the mind. When the mind itself is absent there will be perfect

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Peace. Unless a person had annihilated his mind he cannot gain peace and be happy. Unless he himself is happy he cannot bestow happiness on others.

When there is no mind he cannot be aware of others. So the mere fact of his Self-Realisation is itself enough to make all others happy.

D.: Can samadhi come and go?
M.: What is samadhi? Samadhi is one's essential nature. How then can it come or go?
If you do not realise your essential nature, your sight remains obstructed. What is the obstruction? Find it and remove it. So one's efforts are meant only for the removal of obstructions which hide the true vision. The real nature remains the same. When once it is realised it is permanent.

D.: But Mr. Brunton says that he had one hour's samadhi. Therefore
I asked the question.

M.: A practiser gains peace of mind and is happy. That peace is the result of his efforts. But the real state must be effortless.

The effortless samadhi is the true one and the perfect state. It is permanent. The efforts are spasmodic and so also their results.

When the real, effortless, permanent, happy nature is realised it will be found to be not inconsistent with the ordinary activities of life. The samadhi reached after efforts looks like abstraction from the external activities. A person might be so abstracted or live freely among people without detriment to his Peace and Happiness because that is his true nature or the Self.

21st December, 1938
Talk 598.

Sri Bhagavan shows great humour at times: He read Upamanya Bhakta
Vilas which contains a passage where Arunachalesvara is said to have robbed Tirujnanasambandar and his group of followers of all their possessions by His bhutaganas disguised as dacoits. Sri Bhagavan remarked: "Siva Himself was waylaid in Tiruvudal Utsava and He practised the same trick on His devotees. Can it be so?"

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Talk 599.

A saying of Laotze from Tao Teh Ch'ing was read out in the hall: "By his non-action the sage governs all."
Sri Bhagavan remarked: Non-action is unceasing activity. The sage is characterised by eternal and intense activity. His stillness is like the apparent stillness of a fast rotating top (gyroscope). Its very speed cannot be followed by the eye and so it appears to be still. Yet it is rotating. So is the apparent inaction of the sage.

This must be explained because the people generally mistake stillness to be inertness. It is not so.

24th December, 1938

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Wikipedia - Alena Reichova -- Czech gymnast
Wikipedia - Alena Schillerova -- Czech politician and lawyer
Wikipedia - Alena Sharp -- Canadian professional golfer
Wikipedia - Alena Tseliapushkina -- Belarusian equestrian
Wikipedia - Alena Vinnitskaya -- Ukrainian singer
Wikipedia - Alena Vranova -- Czech actress
Wikipedia - Alena VrzaM-EM-^Hova -- Czech figure skater
Wikipedia - Alena Zavarzina -- Russian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Alessandro Scatena -- Italian hurdler
Wikipedia - Alexander Botkin -- 19th century American Democratic politician, member of the Wisconsin Senate, last Treasurer of the Wisconsin Territory
Wikipedia - Alexander Gomelsky Universal Sports Hall CSKA -- An indoor sporting arena located in Russia
Wikipedia - Alexander Gordon of Earlston -- Scottish covenanter and conspirator (1650-1726)
Wikipedia - Alexander Lenard
Wikipedia - Alexander Mack -- Co-founder and first pastor of the Schwarzenau Brethren
Wikipedia - Alexandra Cardenas -- Colombian composer
Wikipedia - Alexandre-Antoine Hureau de Senarmont -- French army commander
Wikipedia - Alexandru Obedenaru -- Romanian poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Alexa PenaVega -- American actress and singer
Wikipedia - Alexey Gamen -- Russian lieutenant general and commander
Wikipedia - Alexis Dziena -- American actress
Wikipedia - Alex Padilla -- U.S. senator-designate from California
Wikipedia - Alfei Menashe -- Israeli settlement in the West Bank
Wikipedia - Alfena (gens) -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Alfonso Lacadena -- Spanish archaeologist
Wikipedia - Alfred Grenander -- Swedish architect
Wikipedia - Alfred Renall -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - Al-Hamadaniah Sports Arena
Wikipedia - Ali Aliyev Sport Complex -- An indoor sporting arena located in Russia
Wikipedia - Ali Bin Hamad al-Attiyah Arena -- Sports arena in Qatar
Wikipedia - Ali Cenani -- Turkish politician
Wikipedia - Aliena gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Alien Arena (video game)
Wikipedia - Alienation (speech) -- Speech by Jimmy Reid
Wikipedia - Alienation (video game) -- Shooter video game
Wikipedia - Alien: Covenant -- 2017 film by Ridley Scott
Wikipedia - Ali Haghshenas -- Iranian journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Ali Mohammad Haghshenas -- Iranian linguist
Wikipedia - Ali-Mohammad Khademi -- Iranian lieutenant general and business executive (b. 1913, d. 1978)
Wikipedia - Ali Naghiyev -- Azerbaijani lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Ali Pasha Tepelena
Wikipedia - Allenay -- Commune in Hauts-de-France, France
Wikipedia - All Saints Episcopal Church (Pasadena, California) -- church in Pasadena, California
Wikipedia - Allstate Arena -- Arena in Rosemont , Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Almadena Chtchelkanova -- Russian scientist
Wikipedia - Alma en pena -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Almudena Cathedral -- Roman Catholic cathedral in Madrid, Spain
Wikipedia - Almudena Cid
Wikipedia - Almudena de Arteaga, 20th Duchess of the Infantado -- Spanish writer
Wikipedia - Almudena Gallardo -- Spanish archer
Wikipedia - Almudena Grandes
Wikipedia - Almudena MuM-CM-1oz -- Spanish judoka
Wikipedia - Alonso de Benavides -- Portuguese missionary
Wikipedia - Alonso de Orozco Mena
Wikipedia - Alonzo de Barcena
Wikipedia - Aloysia -- Genus of flowering plants in the vervain family Verbenaceae
Wikipedia - Aloysius Akpan Etok -- Nigerian senator
Wikipedia - Alpena County Library -- Public library in Michigan
Wikipedia - Alpha2 Canum Venaticorum variable -- Variable star type
Wikipedia - Alphonse Francois Renard
Wikipedia - Alpine A110 (2017) -- sports car produced by Renault as the spiritual successor to the Alpine A110
Wikipedia - Alpine Arena -- Building in Swissvale, Pennsylvania, US
Wikipedia - Alraune, die Henkerstochter, genannt die rote Hanne -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Altadena, California
Wikipedia - Altenach -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Altenau (Alme) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Altenau, Lower Saxony -- Stadtteil of Clausthal-Zellerfeld in Lower Saxony, Germany
Wikipedia - Altenau (Oker) -- River in Lower Saxony, Germany
Wikipedia - Alternative Girlfriend -- 1994 single by Barenaked Ladies
Wikipedia - Alto del Arenal (Madrid Metro) -- Madrid Metro station
Wikipedia - Alucita abenahoensis -- Many-plumed moth species of genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alucita helena -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alucita montigena -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alucita wamenaensis -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alumni Arena (University at Buffalo) -- Multi-purpose arena
Wikipedia - Alumni Hall (DePaul University) -- Multi-purpose arena in Chicago on DePaul's Lincoln Park campus
Wikipedia - Alun Davies (politician) -- Welsh Labour politician and Senedd (Welsh Parliament) Minister for Blaenau Gwent
Wikipedia - Alvin Devane -- American singer and police lieutenant
Wikipedia - Alyce Chenault Gullattee -- American physician
Wikipedia - Alzenau dialect
Wikipedia - Amadeu Teixeira Arena -- Indoor sporting arena in Manaus, Brazil
Wikipedia - Amalie Arena -- multiuse arena in Tampa, Florida, USA
Wikipedia - Amalric of Bena
Wikipedia - Amanda Stoker -- Australian Federal Senator for Queensland
Wikipedia - Amanirenas -- Queen of Kush from c. 40 BC to c. 10 BC
Wikipedia - Ambrose of Siena
Wikipedia - Ambrosio de Benavides -- Spanish colonial governor
Wikipedia - Ameena Ahmad Ahuja -- Indian painter, calligrapher, writer and linguist
Wikipedia - Ameena Begum (politician) -- Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami politician
Wikipedia - Ameena Begum
Wikipedia - Ameenah Gurib-Fakim -- Scientist and president of Mauritius
Wikipedia - Ameenah Kaplan -- American actress
Wikipedia - Amelogenesis imperfecta -- Genetic disorder resulting in abnormal enamel
Wikipedia - Amelogenin -- Group of protein isoforms involved in enamel development
Wikipedia - Amenable group
Wikipedia - Amenazzy -- Dominican urban music artist
Wikipedia - American Airlines Arena -- Arena in Miami, Florida, United States
Wikipedia - American Bank Center -- Arena in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - American Civil War reenactment
Wikipedia - American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association -- North American railway industry group
Wikipedia - American Renaissance (magazine) -- Scientific racism magazine of Jared Taylor
Wikipedia - American Renaissance
Wikipedia - American Service-Members' Protection Act -- United States federal law enacted 2 August 2002
Wikipedia - Amer M-DM-^Fenanovic -- Bosnian politician
Wikipedia - Ames/ISU Ice Arena
Wikipedia - Amherst Stadium -- Canadian arena
Wikipedia - Aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase -- Protein-coding gene in humans
Wikipedia - Amiphenazole
Wikipedia - Amir Benayoun -- Israeli singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Amir Meenai
Wikipedia - Ammonium lactate -- Pair of enantiomers
Wikipedia - Amo - Capitolo I -- 2013 studio album by Renato Zero
Wikipedia - A Moonlight Serenade -- 1903 film by Georges Melies
Wikipedia - Amor Prohibido (song) -- Title song of American Tejano singer Selena's fourth studio album
Wikipedia - Amor Prohibido -- 1994 studio album by Selena
Wikipedia - Amparo Arozamena -- Mexican actress
Wikipedia - Amphisbaena caeca -- Species of reptile
Wikipedia - Amphisbaena caetitensis -- Species of lizard
Wikipedia - Amphisbaena (Dungeons > Dragons)
Wikipedia - Amphisbaena maranhensis -- Species of reptile
Wikipedia - Amphisbaena schmidti -- Species of reptile
Wikipedia - Amphisbaena xera -- Species of reptile
Wikipedia - Amplirhagada herbertena -- species of land snail
Wikipedia - Amway Arena -- Former indoor arena in Orlando, Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Amway Center -- Arena in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Amy Klobuchar -- United States Senator from Minnesota
Wikipedia - Anacaena -- Genus of water scavenger beetles
Wikipedia - Anadenanthera colubrina -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Anadenanthera peregrina
Wikipedia - Anadenanthera -- Genus of plants
Wikipedia - Anagignoskomena
Wikipedia - Anaheim Convention Center -- Arena in California, United States
Wikipedia - Anahuac (automobile) -- Short-lived United States automobile styled after a contemporary Polish car and manufactured in 1922 in Indianapolis by the Frontenac Motor Corporation Intended for the export market
Wikipedia - Analena Jentsch -- German curler
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Flores -- Bolivian engineer, businesswoman, ex-senator
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Penas -- Spanish canoeist
Wikipedia - Anambra Central Senatorial District -- |Senatorial District in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Anambra North Senatorial District -- |Senatorial District In Nigeria
Wikipedia - Ana Paula Renault -- Brazilian journalist and television personality
Wikipedia - Ana Thea Cenarosa -- Filipino netballer
Wikipedia - Anatoly Sharpenak
Wikipedia - Ancient universities of Scotland -- Medieval or renaissance universities still in existence in Scotland
Wikipedia - Ancylandrena atoposoma -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ancylandrena -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Ancylis selenana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ancylostoma duodenale -- species of the roundworm genus Ancylostoma
Wikipedia - Andrea Fulvio -- Italian Renaissance humanist, poet and antiquarian
Wikipedia - Andrea Mantegna -- Italian Renaissance painter (1431-1506)
Wikipedia - Andreas Oschkenat -- East German hurdler
Wikipedia - Andrea St. Bernard -- Grenadian taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Andre Benard -- French industrialist
Wikipedia - Andre Massena -- French Marshal
Wikipedia - Andre Menard -- French colonial governor
Wikipedia - Andrena algida -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena aliciae -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena amphibola -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena andrenoides -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena angustitarsata -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena arabis -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena asteris -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena carolina -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena ceanothifloris -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena ceanothi -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena chapmanae -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena chlorogaster -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena chromotricha -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena cleodora -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Andrena colletina -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena columbiana -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena commoda -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena costillensis -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena cristata -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena cuneilabris -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena cupreotincta -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena cyanophila -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena distans -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena edwardsi -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena evoluta -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena fulgida -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena gibberis -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena hemileuca -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena illinoiensis -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena kalmiae -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena knuthiana -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena laminibucca -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena lawrencei -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena lupinorum -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena macoupinensis -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena mandibularis -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena mariae -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena medionitens -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena melanochroa -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena merriami -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena microchlora -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena miranda -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena morrisonella -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena nevadensis -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena nigrae -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena nigrihirta -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena nothocalaidis -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena nubecula -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Andrena peckhami -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena perplexa -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena persimulata -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena placata -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena platyparia -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena porterae -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena quintiliformis -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena quintilis -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena rehni -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena robertsonii -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena runcinatae -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena saccata -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena salictaria -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena schuhi -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena scurra -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena scutellinitens -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena simplex -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena sladeni -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena spiraeana -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena striatifrons -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena subaustralis -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena subtilis -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andrena vaga -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Andre Renard -- Belgian activist
Wikipedia - Andres Garchitorena -- Philippine Governor
Wikipedia - Andrew B. Willison -- Sergeant at Arms of the U.S. Senate
Wikipedia - Andrew Gurr -- English literary scholar specialising in Shakespeare and English Renaissance theatre
Wikipedia - Andrew J. Fenady -- American actor
Wikipedia - Andrew Keenan-Bolger -- American actor, writer and director
Wikipedia - Anentome helena -- Species of Gastropoda
Wikipedia - Angela Dwamena-Aboagye -- Ghanaian lawyer, gender activist, and an Executive Director of The Ark Foundation Ghana.
Wikipedia - Angela McLean -- 35th Lieutenant Governor of Montana
Wikipedia - Angel of the Winds Arena -- Indoor arena in Everett, Washington, U.S.
Wikipedia - Angus King -- United States Senator from Maine
Wikipedia - Anicius Faustus Paulinus (suffect consul) -- 3rd century Roman military officer and senator
Wikipedia - Anicius Probinus -- Roman senator
Wikipedia - Anila Denaj -- Albanian politician
Wikipedia - Anisostena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Anisota senatoria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aniversario de Arena Mexico -- List of Mexican Professional wrestling shows
Wikipedia - Anjena Kirti -- Indian film actress and model
Wikipedia - Ankhesenamun -- Royal Wife of Tutankhamun
Wikipedia - Anna Comnena
Wikipedia - Anna Galiena -- Italian actress
Wikipedia - Anna Komnena Angelina
Wikipedia - Anna-Leena HM-CM-$rkonen -- Finnish writer and actress
Wikipedia - Annalena Baerbock -- German politician
Wikipedia - Anna-Lena Laurin -- Swedish composer and pianist
Wikipedia - Anna-Lena Lofgren -- Swedish singer
Wikipedia - Anna-Lena Schwing -- German actress
Wikipedia - Anna-Lena Strindlund -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Annalena Tonelli
Wikipedia - Anne Lena Hansen -- Norwegian model, actress, presenter, and beauty queen
Wikipedia - Anne Renaud (athlete) -- French hurdler
Wikipedia - Ann-Helena Schluter -- German pianist
Wikipedia - Annunziata, Venafro -- Roman Catholic church in Venafro, Italy
Wikipedia - Anny Cazenave -- French space geodesist
Wikipedia - Ano Liosia Olympic Hall -- Sporting arena
Wikipedia - Ansena
Wikipedia - Antel Arena -- A multipurpose indoor arena in Villa EspaM-CM-1ola, Montevideo, Uruguay
Wikipedia - Antena 1 (Romania) -- Television network in Romania
Wikipedia - Antena 3 Noticias -- Spanish news brand
Wikipedia - Antena 3 (Spanish TV channel) -- Private Spanish generalist television network
Wikipedia - Antena de Oro -- Spanish TV awards
Wikipedia - Antena TV -- Regional television network in Peru
Wikipedia - Anthaenantia -- Genus of plants
Wikipedia - Anthony Enahoro -- Adolor of Uromi
Wikipedia - Anthony Van Wyck -- 19th century American lawyer, judge, and politician, member of the Wisconsin Senate, county judge.
Wikipedia - Antilegomena -- Written texts whose authenticity or value is disputed
Wikipedia - Anti-miscegenation laws in the United States
Wikipedia - Anti-miscegenation laws -- Legislation prohibiting inter-racial relationships
Wikipedia - Anti-miscegenation law
Wikipedia - Anti-terrorism legislation -- Laws enacted against terrorism
Wikipedia - Antitheseis -- 2005 single by Elena Paparizou
Wikipedia - Antoine Menard, dit Lafontaine -- Canadian politician and building contractor
Wikipedia - Antoine Rene Thevenard -- French Navy officer of the French Revolutionary Wars
Wikipedia - Antoine River (Grenada) -- River in Grenada
Wikipedia - Antoine Rufenacht -- French politician
Wikipedia - Antoine Senard -- French politician and lawyer
Wikipedia - Antonia Tryphaena -- Roman Client Queen of Thrace (10 BC - AD 55)
Wikipedia - Antoni Kenar -- Polish sculptor
Wikipedia - Antonio Arnaiz-Villena -- Spanish immunologist
Wikipedia - Antonio Cardenas Guillen -- Mexican drug lord
Wikipedia - Antonio da Correggio -- Italian painter of the Parma school of the Italian Renaissance (1489-1534)
Wikipedia - Antonio de Benavides y Bazan -- 17th-century Roman Catholic patriarch
Wikipedia - Antonio Jose Benavides -- Venezuelan Major General
Wikipedia - Antonio Luis Baena Tocon -- Spanish civil servant and military officer
Wikipedia - Antonio Menardi -- Italian male curler and coach
Wikipedia - Antonio Pena -- Uruguayan sculptor
Wikipedia - Antonio Solario -- Italian Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - Antonis Balomenakis -- Greek politician
Wikipedia - Anuj Saxena -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Apache Jena
Wikipedia - Apenas o Fim -- 2008 film directed by Matheus Souza
Wikipedia - Aphaenandra -- Genus of plants
Wikipedia - Apolinere Enameled -- Assisted Readymade by Marcel Duchamp
Wikipedia - Apollonia, Cyrenaica
Wikipedia - Apoplania penai -- Species of archaic bell moth
Wikipedia - Appias cardena -- Species of butterfly
Wikipedia - Appius Annius Gallus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Appius Junius Silanus -- First century Roman senator, consul and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Aprominta xena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aptenopedes sphenarioides -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Arabis armena -- Species of rockcress
Wikipedia - Aralia leschenaultii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Arancibia District -- district in Puntarenas canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - ARA Piedrabuena (P-52) -- Bouchard-class offshore patrol vessel of the Argentinian Navy
Wikipedia - Arcade du Cinquantenaire -- Triumphal arch in Brussels, Belgium
Wikipedia - ARCA Menards Series East
Wikipedia - Arcesilaus III of Cyrene -- Battiad dynasty Cyrenaean King (r. c.530 BC - c.515 BC)
Wikipedia - Archie Renaux -- English actor and model
Wikipedia - ARCO Arena (1985) -- Temporary indoor arena in Sacramento, California
Wikipedia - Ardisia crenata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Area code 473 -- Area code for Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique
Wikipedia - Area code 784 -- Local telephone area code of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Arena (1953 film) -- 1953 film by Richard Fleischer
Wikipedia - Arena (2009 film) -- 2009 film
Wikipedia - ArenaBG -- Bulgarian BitTorrent tracker
Wikipedia - Arena Birmingham -- Sports arena
Wikipedia - Arena Coliseo 70th Anniversary Show -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Arena Coliseo -- Arena in Mexico City, Mexico
Wikipedia - Arena Flowers -- British flower and gift retailer
Wikipedia - Arena Football League
Wikipedia - Arena (G4 TV series)
Wikipedia - Arena Gripe -- Indoor arena in Croatia
Wikipedia - Arena, Guanica, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Arena Hash (album) -- 1998 album by Arena Hash
Wikipedia - Arena Homme + -- Fashion magazine published in the U.K.
Wikipedia - Arena ITSON -- Arena in Sonora
Wikipedia - Arenal District, Tilaran -- district in Tilaran canton, Guanacaste province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Arenalejos, Arecibo, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Arenales, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Arenales Altos -- Barrio of Isabela, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Arenales Bajos -- Barrio of Isabela, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Arenal-Monteverde Protected Zone -- Protected area in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Arenal Prehistory Project -- Studies of prehistory done during the 1980s
Wikipedia - Arenal Tempisque Conservation Area -- Costa Rican conservation area
Wikipedia - Arena Mexico 57th Anniversary Show -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Arena Mexico 60th Anniversary Show -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Arena Mexico -- Arena in Mexico City, Mexico
Wikipedia - Arena Monterrey -- Indoor arena in Monterrey, Mexico
Wikipedia - Arena Motorsport -- British auto racing team
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 15th Anniversary Show -- 1992 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 21st Anniversary Show -- 1998 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 22nd Anniversary Show -- 1999 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 23rd Anniversary Show -- 2000 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 24th Anniversary Show -- 2001 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 25th Anniversary Show -- 2002 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 26th Anniversary Show -- 2003 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 27th Anniversary Show -- 2004 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 29th Anniversary Show -- 2006 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 30th Anniversary Show -- 2007 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 31st Anniversary Show -- 2008 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 32nd Anniversary Show -- 2009 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 33rd Anniversary Show -- 2010 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 34th Anniversary Show -- 2011 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 35th Anniversary Show -- 2012 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 36th Anniversary Show -- 2013 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 37th Anniversary Show -- 2014 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 38th Anniversary Show -- 2015 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 39th Anniversary Show -- 2016 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 40th Anniversary Show -- 2017 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 41st Anniversary Show -- 2018 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan 5th Anniversary Show -- 1982 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Arena Naucalpan -- Arena in Mexico
Wikipedia - ArenaNet -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Arena Nurnberger Versicherung -- A multi-use indoor arena that is located in Nuremberg, Germany
Wikipedia - Arena of Death -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Arena of Fear -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Arena of Valor -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Arena Racing USA -- Motorsports series
Wikipedia - Arenaria aculeata -- Species of flowering plants within the family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Arenaria bryophylla -- Species of flowering plants within the family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Arenaria ciliata -- Species of flowering plants within the family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Arenaria congesta -- Species of flowering plants within the family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Arenaria fendleri -- Species of flowering plants within the family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Arenaria leptoclados -- Species of flowering plants within the family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Arenaria libanotica -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Arenaria (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the pink family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Arenaria serpyllifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Caryophyllaceae
Wikipedia - Arena rock -- Genre of rock played in arena
Wikipedia - Arenas Blancas Lighthouse -- Lighthouse on La Palma, Spain
Wikipedia - Arenas Bridge -- Historic bridge in Cayey and Cidra municipalities, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Arenas, Cidra, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Arena Sever -- Sports venue in Russia
Wikipedia - Arena Sport -- Pay television sports network
Wikipedia - Arenas River (Las Marias, Puerto Rico) -- River of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Arenas River (Yabucoa, Puerto Rico) -- River of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Arenas, Utuado, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Arena (swimwear) -- swimwear company
Wikipedia - Arena (UK TV series)
Wikipedia - Arena, Vienna -- Cultural centre in Austria
Wikipedia - Arenavirus -- Family of RNA viruses
Wikipedia - Arena (web browser) -- Web browser and Web authoring tool for Unix
Wikipedia - Arena -- Enclosed area designed to host theater, musical performances and sporting events
Wikipedia - Arena Williams -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - Arena Zagreb
Wikipedia - Ares (Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess) -- Character on the television shows Xena: Warrior Princess, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Young Hercules
Wikipedia - Argentine Senate -- Upper house of the National Congress of Argentina
Wikipedia - Argumentum ad crumenam
Wikipedia - Ariake Arena -- Multi-sport venue located in Tokyo, Japan.
Wikipedia - Ariake Coliseum -- An indoor sporting arena in Japan
Wikipedia - Arilena Ara
Wikipedia - Aristippus -- Ancient Greek philosopher, founder of Cyrenaicism
Wikipedia - Arizona Senate -- Part of the Arizona Legislature, the state legislature of the US state of Arizona
Wikipedia - Arizona Tenants Advocates -- Non-profit organization located in Tempe, Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - Arjun Bhati -- Indian teenage golfer
Wikipedia - Arjunlal Meena -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Arkansas Senate -- Upper house of the Arkansas General Assembly
Wikipedia - Ark of the Covenant
Wikipedia - ARkStorm -- Hypothetical but scientifically realistic megastorm scenario
Wikipedia - Armando Goyena -- Philippine actor
Wikipedia - Armeena Khan -- Pakistani Canadian film and television actress and model
Wikipedia - Armenakan Party -- Armenian political party in the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Armenak Khanperyants Military Aviation University -- Armenia air force university
Wikipedia - Arnauld de Oihenart
Wikipedia - Arne Osland -- North Dakota senator
Wikipedia - Arquelio Torres Ramirez Coliseum -- Sports arena in San German, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Arrhenatherum elatius -- species of flowering plant in the grass family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Arrigo Renato Marzola -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Arsch huh, ZM-CM-$ng ussenander -- campaign against right-wing extremist violence in Cologne, Germany
Wikipedia - Arsenal (American band) -- Chicago band
Wikipedia - Arsenal (Belgian band) -- Belgian musical duo
Wikipedia - Arsenal (Marvel Comics)
Wikipedia - Arsenalna (Kyiv Metro) -- Kyiv Metro Station
Wikipedia - Arsenal Street Bridge -- Bridge in Watertown, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Arsenal submachine gun -- Weapon from Estonia
Wikipedia - Arsenal/Surrealist Subversion -- Magazine
Wikipedia - Arsenal tube station -- London Underground station
Wikipedia - Arsenal
Wikipedia - Arsenal Women 11-1 Bristol City Women -- Notable FA Women's Super League (FA WSL) match
Wikipedia - Arsenije Plamenac
Wikipedia - Arsenals - Fine Arts Museum -- Latvian art museum
Wikipedia - Artak Davtyan -- Armenian Lieutenant-General
Wikipedia - ArtCenter College of Design -- College in Pasadena, California, United States
Wikipedia - Art Hauser Centre -- Arena in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
Wikipedia - Arthur Maria Rabenalt -- Austrian film director
Wikipedia - Arthur McAleenan -- American diver
Wikipedia - Arthur P. Bagby -- Democratic Governor of Alabama and U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Article 299 (Turkish Penal Code) -- Article concerning the prohibition to insult the Turkish President
Wikipedia - Article 301 (Turkish Penal Code)
Wikipedia - Artturi Tienari -- Finnish politician
Wikipedia - Arvind Saxena -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Arya Penangsang -- King of the Sultanate of Demak
Wikipedia - Asahel Farr -- 19th century American frontier doctor, and pioneer of Kenosha County, Wisconsin. Member of the Wisconsin Senate and Assembly.
Wikipedia - Ascotis selenaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Asenaca Lesivakaruakitotoiya -- Fijian judoka
Wikipedia - Asenapine -- medication to treat schizophrenia
Wikipedia - Asenath Bole Odaga -- Kenyan publisher and author
Wikipedia - Asenathi Jim -- South African sailor
Wikipedia - Asenath -- Biblical figure
Wikipedia - Asena TuM-DM-^_al -- Turkish actress
Wikipedia - A. Shipena Secondary School -- High school in Windhoek, Namibia
Wikipedia - Ashkenaz (film) -- 2007 documentary film
Wikipedia - Ashkenazic Jewish
Wikipedia - Ashkenazi cuisine
Wikipedia - Ashkenazi Hebrew
Wikipedia - Ashkenazi Jews
Wikipedia - Ashkenazi
Wikipedia - Ashkenazum -- Organised crime group in Argentina
Wikipedia - Ashkenaz
Wikipedia - Ashtiname of Muhammad -- Covenant of Muhammad with the monks of Saint Catherine's Monastery
Wikipedia - AsiaWorld-Arena -- Venue in Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Askenazy school -- Informal group of Polish historians
Wikipedia - Aslan Mercenary Ships -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Asphalt 6: Adrenaline -- 2010 racing video game
Wikipedia - Asprenas Calpurnius Serranus -- first century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Assassination of Huey Long -- 1935 murder of the US Senator
Wikipedia - Assassination of Juvenal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira -- 1994 shooting down of a plane carrying the Rwandan and Burundian presidents
Wikipedia - Assenay -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Assist (ice hockey) -- Point awarded to players whose passes enabled a goal
Wikipedia - Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena
Wikipedia - Astana Arena -- Sports venue in Kazakhstan
Wikipedia - Asthena albulata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Asthena anseraria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Asthena lactularia -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Astra RM-DM-+bena -- Latvian luger
Wikipedia - AstroMenace
Wikipedia - Astronomica (Manilius) -- 1st century AD Latin didactic poem about celestial phenomena written by Marcus Manilius
Wikipedia - Astronomy -- Scientific study of celestial objects and phenomena
Wikipedia - As You Like It (Barenaked Ladies album) -- 2005 album
Wikipedia - AT&T Center -- Arena in San Antonio, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Atari Teenage Riot -- German digital hardcore band
Wikipedia - A Teenager in Love -- 1959 single by Dion and the Belmonts
Wikipedia - A Teenager's Romance -- 1957 song performed by Ricky Nelson
Wikipedia - Atena Daemi -- Iranian civil rights activist, children's rights activist, human rights activist and political prisoner
Wikipedia - Atena Farghadani -- Iranian artist and political activist
Wikipedia - Atenas (canton) -- canton in Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Atenas Hill Protected Zone -- Protected area in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Atenas -- district in Atenas canton, Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Athena Aktipis
Wikipedia - Athena Cage -- American singer, producer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Athena Chu -- Hong Kong actress
Wikipedia - Athena Cinema -- Movie theater in Athens, Ohio
Wikipedia - ATHENA computer
Wikipedia - Athena Coustenis -- Astrophysicist
Wikipedia - Athenaeum (British magazine)
Wikipedia - Athenaeum Club, London -- Club and Grade I listed building in United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Athenaeum Portrait -- 1796 unfinished portrait of George Washington by Gilbert Stuart
Wikipedia - ATHENA (European cultural heritage project) -- European Union funded project which aims to provide content to Europeana
Wikipedia - Athenaeus of Attalia -- 1st-century AD Greek physician
Wikipedia - Athenaeus of Seleucia
Wikipedia - Athenaeus
Wikipedia - Athena: Goddess of War -- 2010-2011 South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - Athenagoras I of Constantinople
Wikipedia - Athenagoras of Athens
Wikipedia - Athenahealth -- American healthcare company
Wikipedia - Athena Lee Yen -- Taiwanese actress
Wikipedia - Athena (Marvel Comics) -- A fictional deity
Wikipedia - Athena Papas -- American dentist
Wikipedia - Athena (retailer) -- vendor of posters and prints
Wikipedia - Athena (rocket family) -- Lockheed Martin expendable launch system
Wikipedia - Athena (Saint Seiya) -- Fictional character from Saint Seiya
Wikipedia - Athena Salman -- American politician
Wikipedia - Athena Sefat -- American physicist
Wikipedia - Athena (song) -- song by The Who
Wikipedia - Athena (spacecraft) -- Proposed Pallas flyby probe
Wikipedia - Athena Starwoman -- Australian astrologer
Wikipedia - Athena SWAN -- British university accreditation scheme promoting gender equality
Wikipedia - Athena Tibi -- Japan-based singer from The Philippines
Wikipedia - Athena -- Ancient Greek goddess of wisdom and battle strategy
Wikipedia - Athena with cross-strapped aegis -- Statue of the Greek goddess Athena
Wikipedia - Atishi Marlena -- Indian politician (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Atomu Shigenaga -- Japanese golfer
Wikipedia - Atreus -- King of Mycenae, father of Agamemnon and Menelaus
Wikipedia - Attack on Saint Menas church -- Terrorist attack at the Coptic Orthodox Church of Saint Menas in Helwan, Cairo, Egypt in 2017
Wikipedia - Attainder -- Penalty of loss of life, property and titles following a serious capital crime
Wikipedia - Audi Arena -- Arena in Hungary
Wikipedia - Auditorio Benito Juarez (Los Mochis) -- Arena in Sinaloa, Mexico
Wikipedia - Auditorio Benito Juarez -- Arena in Veracruz, Mexico
Wikipedia - Auditorio del Estado -- An indoor arena in Mexicali, Mexico
Wikipedia - Auditorio Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez -- Arena in Queretaro, Mexico
Wikipedia - Auditorio Miguel Barragan -- Arena in Coahuila y Tejas, Mexico
Wikipedia - Auditorio Tresguerras -- Arena in Guanajuato, Mexico
Wikipedia - Augmented renal clearance -- Change in kidney function during illness
Wikipedia - Augusta Civic Center -- Multi purpose arena in Maine
Wikipedia - Augusta M-CM-^Vhrstrom-Renard -- Swedish operatic mezzosoprano
Wikipedia - Auguste Denayrouze -- French inventor of a demand air supply regulator for underwater diving
Wikipedia - Augusto Rodriguez (soldier) -- United States Army Lieutenant
Wikipedia - Augustus Octavius Bacon -- Member of the U.S. Senate from Georgia
Wikipedia - Aulus Caecina Paetus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Aulus Ducenius Geminus -- First century AD Roman senator and prefect of Rome
Wikipedia - Aulus Gabinius Secundus (consul 35) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Aulus Licinius Nerva Silianus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and moneyer
Wikipedia - Aulus Marius Celsus -- 1st century Roman senator, military officer and governor
Wikipedia - Aulus Vicirius Proculus -- 1st century Roman senator, consul and governor of Roman Britain
Wikipedia - Aurelie Malaussena -- French artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Aurus Senat -- A full-size luxury car and limousine manufactured by NAMI in Russia
Wikipedia - Austinite -- Arsenate mineral
Wikipedia - Austin Menaul -- American athlete
Wikipedia - Australian Anarchist Centenary Celebrations
Wikipedia - Australian Senate
Wikipedia - Autaritus -- 3rd-century BCE Gallic chieftain and mercenary
Wikipedia - Authenticity (reenactment)
Wikipedia - Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 -- Joint resolution of the United States House of Representatives and Senate
Wikipedia - Autopoiesis -- Systems concept which entails automatic reproduction and maintenance
Wikipedia - Avadh Saxena -- Indian Physicist
Wikipedia - Avataars: Covenant of the Shield
Wikipedia - Avengers Arena -- Marvel comic book series
Wikipedia - Avenir Centre -- Indoor multi sports arena in Moncton, Canada
Wikipedia - Avianca Services -- Columbian aircraft maintenance company
Wikipedia - Aviator Sports and Events Center -- Arena in Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - Avilenasului -- 2020 Sri Lankan road thriller film
Wikipedia - Avraham Ashkenazi
Wikipedia - Axel en Helena van der Kraan -- Dutch artist
Wikipedia - A Year Without Rain -- 2010 studio album by Selena Gomez & the Scene
Wikipedia - A Zed & Two Noughts -- 1985 film by Peter Greenaway
Wikipedia - Azerin -- Azerbaijani singer and senior lieutenant
Wikipedia - Azienda Rilievo Alienazione Residuati -- Italian state enterprise
Wikipedia - Aziz Beishenaliev -- Kyrgyz actor from Russia
Wikipedia - Azucena Arbeleche -- Uruguayan economist, professor, and civil servant
Wikipedia - Azucena Berrutti -- Uruguayan politician and lawyer
Wikipedia - Azucena Hernandez -- Spanish actress
Wikipedia - Baba Keenaram -- Aghori ascetic born in Chandauli, India
Wikipedia - Babruysk Arena -- Indoor sporting arena in Babruysk, Belarus
Wikipedia - Baby It's Over -- 2011 single by Elena Paparizou
Wikipedia - Baby shower -- Prenatal celebration
Wikipedia - Babysitting (film) -- 2014 French film by Nicolas Benamou, Philippe Lacheau
Wikipedia - Back to the Yokohama Arena -- 2014 New Japan Pro-Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Back to You (Selena Gomez song) -- 2018 single by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Bad Liar (Selena Gomez song) -- 2017 single by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Bad Lieutenant -- 1992 crime-drama film directed by Abel Ferrara
Wikipedia - Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
Wikipedia - Baebius Massa -- 1st century AD Roman senator and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Bagenal Harvey -- Barrister and United Irishman commander
Wikipedia - Bahia Ballena -- district in Osa canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Bahia Drake District -- district in Osa canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Bairoa, Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Bajro Cenanovic -- Bosnia and Herzegovina speed skater
Wikipedia - Baker Phillips -- Royal Navy lieutenant
Wikipedia - Baku Sports Palace -- Indoor sports arena in Baku, Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - Balabusta -- A good homemaker among Ashkenazi Jews
Wikipedia - Balbuena metro station -- Mexico City metro station
Wikipedia - Ball Arena -- Multi-purpose arena architectural structure
Wikipedia - Ballerup Super Arena -- Multi-purpose indoor arena, in Ballerup, Denmark
Wikipedia - Ballymena Borough Council -- Former local authority of Ballymena, Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Ballymena -- a town in County Antrim, Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Baltasar Mena Iniesta
Wikipedia - Baluan Sholak Sports Palace -- Sport arena
Wikipedia - Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena -- Italian bank
Wikipedia - BancorpSouth Arena -- Arena and conference center in Tupelo, Mississippi
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Islami Chattra Sena -- Bangladeshi political party
Wikipedia - Banja Stijena -- Cave in Rogatica Municipality
Wikipedia - Bankers Life Fieldhouse -- Indoor arena in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - Bank of Maine Ice Vault -- American ice hockey arena
Wikipedia - Bank of Springfield Center -- Arena in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - BanM-DM-+ Kenanah -- governorate of Jordan
Wikipedia - Banqiao Dam -- Dam in Zhumadian, Henan, China
Wikipedia - Banterra Center -- Arena in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Barakat syndrome -- Disease characterized by hypoparathyroidism, sensorineural deafness and renal disease
Wikipedia - Barbara Benary -- American musician
Wikipedia - Barbara Boxer -- Former United States Senator from California
Wikipedia - Barbara Goenaga
Wikipedia - Barcenas B-01 -- low-wing monoplane agricultural
Wikipedia - Barclays Center -- Arena in New York, United States
Wikipedia - Barea Soranus -- 1st century AD Roman senator, consul and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Barenaked in America -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Barenaked Ladies -- Canadian band
Wikipedia - BareNaked (song) -- 2002 single by Jennifer Love Hewitt
Wikipedia - Barlow Planetarium -- Planetarium in Menasha, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Barranca District -- district in Puntarenas canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Barry Goldwater -- Republican nominee for President, 1964; U.S. Senator from Arizona
Wikipedia - Baruj Benacerraf -- American immunologist
Wikipedia - Barys Arena -- Sports venue in Kazakhstan
Wikipedia - Basename
Wikipedia - Basilica of San Domenico (Siena)
Wikipedia - Basilica of San Domenico, Siena
Wikipedia - Basket-Hall Krasnodar -- An indoor sporting arena located in Russia
Wikipedia - Bastion Promenade -- a promenade in the Castle Quarter in the 1st District of Budapest, capital of Hungary
Wikipedia - Batadombalena -- Archaeological site in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Bathtubs Over Broadway -- 2018 American documentary film directed by Dava Whisenant
Wikipedia - Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -- 2019 animated crossover superhero film
Wikipedia - Batomena multispinis -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Battle Arena Toshinden (anime) -- Two-part original video animation based on the video game series of the same name
Wikipedia - Battle Arena Toshinden
Wikipedia - Battle of Almansa reenactment -- Annual event in Almansa, Spain
Wikipedia - Battle of Cartagena de Indias -- Battle during the War of Jenkins' Ear
Wikipedia - Battle of Hastings reenactment -- Battle reenactment
Wikipedia - Battle of Helena -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Jena
Wikipedia - Battle of Laguna Sirena -- Part of the Paraguayan War
Wikipedia - Battle of Lena -- Medieval battle over the throne of Sweden
Wikipedia - Battle of Leptis Parva -- Battle of 238 BC during the Mercenary War
Wikipedia - Battle of Montenaken -- Battle of the First Liege War in 1465
Wikipedia - Battle of San Romano -- 1432 battle between Florence and Siena
Wikipedia - Battle of the Bagradas River (c. 240 BC) -- Battle of 240 BC during the Mercenary War
Wikipedia - Battle of the Tenaru -- 1942 battle of World War II
Wikipedia - Baudouin de Courtenay
Wikipedia - Bayamoncito, Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Bayfront Center -- Arena in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - BB&T Center (Sunrise, Florida) -- Arena in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - B. B. Comer -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama; Governor of Alabama
Wikipedia - Bea Benaderet -- American actress
Wikipedia - Beasley Coliseum -- Arena on the campus of Washington State University in Pullman
Wikipedia - Beatus Rhenanus -- German humanist, religious reformer, classical scholar and book collector (1485-1547)
Wikipedia - Becky Bell -- American teenage girl
Wikipedia - Bedard River -- River in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Beeghly Center -- Sports arena at Youngstown State University
Wikipedia - Beena Antony -- Indian Malayalam actress
Wikipedia - Beena (film) -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Beerenauslese -- German term for late harvest wine
Wikipedia - Beida Mosque -- Mosque in Qinyang, Henan, China
Wikipedia - Bela Khotenashvili -- Georgian chess player
Wikipedia - Belgrade Arena
Wikipedia - Belilena -- Cave and archaeological site in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Belliena gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Bell MTS Place -- Multi-purpose arena and sports venue in Winnipeg
Wikipedia - Bembidarenas -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Bena bicolorana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Benac, Ariege -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Benacerraf's epistemological problem
Wikipedia - Benacerraf's identification problem
Wikipedia - Benactyzine
Wikipedia - Benagues -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Benaix -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Benaja Creek (Haw River tributary) -- Stream in North Carolina, USA
Wikipedia - Benaki Museum
Wikipedia - Benalla affair -- French political and judicial case
Wikipedia - Benaloh cryptosystem
Wikipedia - Benamar Kachkouche -- Algerian racewalker
Wikipedia - Bena, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Benanain River -- Benanain River
Wikipedia - Benandanti
Wikipedia - Benandsebastian -- Visual artist group
Wikipedia - Benapur railway station -- Railway Station in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Benard Otieno Okoth -- Kenyan politician
Wikipedia - Benares State -- Former country in what is today India
Wikipedia - Benares
Wikipedia - Benash -- French rapper
Wikipedia - Bena Tsemay
Wikipedia - Benaulim
Wikipedia - Benavente, Hormigueros, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Benavente, Zamora
Wikipedia - Benavides (singer) -- Venezuelan singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Benazet-Rennen -- Listed flat horse race in Germany
Wikipedia - Benazir Bhutto -- Former Prime Minister of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Benazir (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Ben Cardin -- United States Senator from Maryland
Wikipedia - Bengali Renaissance -- Socio-cultural and religious reform movement in Bengal, in the 19th and early 20th centuries
Wikipedia - Bengal Renaissance
Wikipedia - Bengal renaissance
Wikipedia - Bengt Fredman -- Swedish Army lieutenant colonel
Wikipedia - Benita Sena Okity-Duah -- Ghanaian member of parliament for Ledzokuku constituency in the Greater Accra Region
Wikipedia - Benjamin Allen (Wisconsin politician) -- 19th century American lawyer, politician, and Union Army officer. Member of the Wisconsin Senate.
Wikipedia - Benjamin Ferguson (politician) -- 19th century American Democratic politician, Member of the Wisconsin Senate
Wikipedia - Benjamin Fitzpatrick -- Democratic governor of and U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Benny Benassi -- Italian DJ, record producer and remixer
Wikipedia - Ben Sasse -- United States Senator from Nebraska
Wikipedia - Benue North-East Senatorial District -- |Senatorial Districts in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Benue North-West Senatorial District -- |Senatorial District in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Benue South Senatorial District -- |Senatorial District in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Benz(e)acephenanthrylene -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Benzo(c)phenanthrene -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Bequia -- Island in the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Bercenay-en-Othe -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Bercenay-le-Hayer -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Bergen Corpus of London Teenage Language
Wikipedia - Berkshire Athenaeum
Wikipedia - Bernabe Piedrabuena (bishop) -- Argentine bishop
Wikipedia - Bernard Cadenat -- French politician
Wikipedia - Bernard Coard -- Grenadian politician
Wikipedia - Bernardine of Siena
Wikipedia - Bernardino of Siena -- Christian saint
Wikipedia - Bernardo Daddi -- 14th-century Italian Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - Bernardo de Balbuena
Wikipedia - Bernard Renault
Wikipedia - Bernart de Rovenac -- French troubadour and poet
Wikipedia - Bern Felsenau railway station -- Swiss railway station
Wikipedia - Bernice Madigan -- American supercentenarian
Wikipedia - Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign -- campaign by the Vermont Senator to become the 45th President of the United States
Wikipedia - Bernie Sanders -- U.S. Senator from Vermont and former presidential candidate
Wikipedia - Bernile Nienau -- German draftswoman
Wikipedia - Berno of Reichenau
Wikipedia - Bern Tiefenau railway station -- Swiss railway station
Wikipedia - Bertha C. Boschulte -- US Virgin Islands educator, senator, and women's rights advocate
Wikipedia - Bert Ogden Arena -- Indoor arena in Edinburg, Texas
Wikipedia - Bethena -- 1905 waltz by Scott Joplin
Wikipedia - Bheru Lal Meena -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Bhisenagar -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bhumi Sena -- Private army in India (1970s-1990s)
Wikipedia - Bibliography of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Bienal de Arte de Ponce -- International art exhibition that takes place in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Big Crunch -- Theoretical scenario for the ultimate fate of the universe
Wikipedia - Bill Frist -- Former United States Senator from Tennessee
Wikipedia - Bill Graham Civic Auditorium -- A multi-purpose arena in San Francisco, California
Wikipedia - Bill Gray's Regional Iceplex -- Ice rink and arena in Brighton, New York
Wikipedia - Bill Nelson -- Former United States Senator from Florida
Wikipedia - Billy Mitts -- Former Mississippi state senator
Wikipedia - Billy Sanchez -- Former sergeant-at-arms of the Senate of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Biolley -- district in Buenos Aires canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Biological phenomena
Wikipedia - Bio Menace
Wikipedia - Biophysical profile -- Prenatal ultrasound evaluation of fetal well-being
Wikipedia - Bipunctiphorus euctimena -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Birthday (Selena Gomez song) -- 2012 song by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Bishop of Cartagena
Wikipedia - Bishop of Modena
Wikipedia - Bishop of Siena
Wikipedia - Bishopric of Siena
Wikipedia - Bitena -- town in Wolaita, Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Black Athena -- Book by Martin Bernal
Wikipedia - Black hole starship -- An idea for enabling interstellar travel
Wikipedia - Black Renaissance in D.C. -- African-American cultural movement in Washington DC
Wikipedia - Black Sea deluge hypothesis -- Hypothetical flood scenario
Wikipedia - Black Widow (Yelena Belova)
Wikipedia - Blaenau Gwent People's Voice -- Welsh political party
Wikipedia - Blaenau Gwent -- County borough in Wales, UK
Wikipedia - Blaenavon Ironworks -- Former ironworks transformed into a museum
Wikipedia - BlaM-EM->ena HoliM-EM-!ova -- Czech actress
Wikipedia - BlaM-EM->ena Knittlova -- Czechoslovak figure skater
Wikipedia - Blanca Fernandez Morena -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Blanche Baughan -- Poet, writer, penal reformer
Wikipedia - Blas Avena -- American mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Blast ball -- Less-lethal hand grenade
Wikipedia - Blastema -- Mass of cells capable of enacting growth and regeneration
Wikipedia - Blethisa catenaria -- Species of ground beetle
Wikipedia - Blue Cross Arena -- Multi-purpose indoor arena located in Rochester, New York.
Wikipedia - Bluejacking -- Sending of unsolicited messages over Bluetooth to Bluetooth-enabled devices
Wikipedia - Blumenauer Bridge -- Proposed bridge
Wikipedia - Blumenau Futsal -- Brazilian futsal club
Wikipedia - BMO Harris Bank Center -- Arena in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Bnei Menashe -- Group of Jews from India
Wikipedia - Boardwalk Hall -- Arena in Atlantic City, Atlantic County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Bob Altena -- Dutch decathlete
Wikipedia - Bob Bartlett -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alaska
Wikipedia - Bobby Heenan -- American professional wrestler, professional wrestling commentator and manager
Wikipedia - Bobby Singleton -- Democratic member of the Alabama Senate
Wikipedia - Bob Carpenter Center -- Arena in Delaware, United States
Wikipedia - Bob Casey Jr. -- United States Senator from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Bob Dole -- Former United States Senator from Kansas
Wikipedia - Bob Menendez -- United States Senator from New Jersey
Wikipedia - Bob Nwannunu -- Nigerian Senator from 1999 to 2003
Wikipedia - Bodo Bockenauer -- German figure skater
Wikipedia - Body Gossip -- English teenage body image charity
Wikipedia - Boenasa tricolor -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Boethius -- Roman senator, magister officiorum and philosopher of the early 6th century
Wikipedia - Boies Penrose -- United States Senator from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Bojangles' Coliseum -- Arena in North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Bojhena Se Bojhena (TV series) -- 2013 Bengali television series
Wikipedia - BOK Center -- Multi-purpose arena in Tulsa Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Bolgenach -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Bolivarian missions -- Venezuelan social programs enacted by Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro
Wikipedia - BoM-EM->ena Angelova -- Slovenian violinist
Wikipedia - BoM-EM->ena Bohmova -- Czech actress
Wikipedia - BoM-EM- -- Polish speed skater
Wikipedia - BoM-EM- -- Polish handball coach
Wikipedia - BoM-EM- -- Polish canoeist
Wikipedia - BoM-EM- -- Polish hurdler
Wikipedia - BoM-EM- -- Polish chess player
Wikipedia - BoM-EM- -- Polish chess player
Wikipedia - BoM-EM->ena Srncova -- Czech gymnast
Wikipedia - BoM-EM- -- Polish athlete
Wikipedia - Bonville-Courtenay feud -- English feud
Wikipedia - Boomerang (Barenaked Ladies song) -- 2013 single by Barenaked Ladies
Wikipedia - Boom for Real: The Late Teenage Years of Jean-Michel Basquiat -- 2017 American documentary film
Wikipedia - Borana calendar -- Calendar supposed to be used by Borena people who live in southern Ethiopia and northern Kenya
Wikipedia - Boris Porena
Wikipedia - Boruca District -- district in Buenos Aires canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Bosch-Halle -- indoor sporting arena
Wikipedia - Boston Garden -- Indoor arena in Boston, Massachusetts, US between 1928-1997
Wikipedia - Boundary Stelae of Akhenaten -- Group of royal monuments in Upper Egypt
Wikipedia - Bourdenay -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Boussenac -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Boutenac -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Boutwell Memorial Auditorium -- Multi-purpose arena in Alabama, United States
Wikipedia - Boxhalle -- Sporting arena Munich, Upper Bavaria, Germany
Wikipedia - Boyle's Thirty Acres -- Arena in New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Bradenton Area Convention Center -- Arena in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Bradley Center -- Former arena in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Brad Owen -- 15th Lieutenant Governor of Washington
Wikipedia - Brad Pfaff -- American Democratic politician, Wisconsin state senator.
Wikipedia - Braehead Arena
Wikipedia - Brahmoism -- Religious movement from mid-19th century Bengal originating the Bengali Renaissance
Wikipedia - Brajanath Badajena
Wikipedia - Bralon Taplin -- Grenadian athlete
Wikipedia - Bramlage Coliseum -- Multi-purpose arena in Manhattan, Kansas, United States
Wikipedia - Bram Moolenaar -- Dutch computer programmer
Wikipedia - Brandon Teena -- American murder victim
Wikipedia - Brandt Centre -- Multi-use indoor arena in Regina, Saskatchewan
Wikipedia - Brannon Run (Allegheny River tributary) -- Waterway in Venango County, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Bras du Nord (Valin River tributary) -- River in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Brazilian hemorrhagic fever -- Infectious disease caused by Brazilian mammarenavirus
Wikipedia - Bremen City Hall -- Historical building, instance of Brick Gothic and Weser Renaissance architecture
Wikipedia - Brenac -- Part of Quillan in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Brenandendron frondosum -- species of plant in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Brenandendron -- genus of plant in the family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Brenan Espartinez -- Filipino singer
Wikipedia - Brenaz -- Part of Arviere-en-Valromey in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Brenden Adams -- Formerly the tallest teenager in the world
Wikipedia - Bren Events Center -- Arena in California, United States
Wikipedia - Brenthia catenata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Brest Arena -- Multi-purpose arena in Brest, France
Wikipedia - Brian Heenan -- Australian Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Brian Keenan (Irish republican) -- Irish republican
Wikipedia - Brick Renaissance
Wikipedia - Bridgestone Arena -- Arena in Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Bridget Benenate -- American songwriter
Wikipedia - Bridgewater Triangle -- An area in southeastern Massachusetts claimed to be the site of paranormal phenomena
Wikipedia - Brigitte Kienast -- Swiss female curler
Wikipedia - Brigittenau
Wikipedia - Brisbane Entertainment Centre -- Multi-purpose arena located in the Brisbane, Australia
Wikipedia - Brisbane Festival Hall -- Multi-purpose arena located in the Brisbane, Australia
Wikipedia - Bristol Arena -- Planned indoor arena
Wikipedia - Britannia Bridge -- Road-rail bridge over the Menai Strait
Wikipedia - British Columbia Highway 93 -- Provincial highway in East Kootenay Regional District and Kootenay National Park in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - British Columbia Highway 95 -- Provincial highway in Central Kootenay, East Kootenay, and Columbia-Shuswap regional districts in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Broadspectrum -- Australian infrastructure maintenance services company
Wikipedia - Broadway Serenade -- 1939 film by Robert Zigler Leonard
Wikipedia - Brockway Mountain Drive -- County road in Keweenaw County, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Bronze Horseman -- Monument for Peter I at the Senate Square in Saint Petersburg
Wikipedia - Brooklyn Heights Promenade -- New York City walkway
Wikipedia - Brotenaubach -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Brothers and Sisters of Penance of Saint Francis
Wikipedia - Brown County Veterans Memorial Arena -- Former entertainment venue in Ashwaubenon, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Bruce Arena -- American soccer coach
Wikipedia - Brunka District -- district in Buenos Aires canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Bruno Genard -- French modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Bruno Ramos -- Senator of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Bryan Barberena -- American mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Bryan Llenas -- American television news correspondent
Wikipedia - Bryce Courtenay -- South African-Australian novelist
Wikipedia - Bryce Jordan Center -- Arena in University Park, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - B-stage -- Secondary stage in an arena or stadium
Wikipedia - Bubusara Beyshenalieva -- Kyrgyzstani ballet dancer
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix benacicolella -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix clavenae -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix pyrenaica -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix ulocarena -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix xenaula -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Buchenavia capitata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Buckongahelas -- Lenape chief
Wikipedia - Bud and Lou -- Fictional spotted hyenas from DC comics
Wikipedia - Bud Walton Arena -- Indoor arena at the University of Arkansas
Wikipedia - Buel Hutchinson -- American lawyer and politician, former member of the Wisconsin State Senate and Assembly
Wikipedia - Buena Familia -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Buena, New Jersey -- Borough in Atlantic County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Buena Park High School -- American public high school
Wikipedia - Buena Regional High School -- High school in Atlantic County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Buenas noches, Buenos Aires -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Buenaventura Bagaria -- Spanish sports shooter
Wikipedia - Buenaventura, Colombia
Wikipedia - Buenaventura Durruti -- Spanish anarchist
Wikipedia - Buenaventura Rodriguez -- Filipino Visayan playwright, legislator, and politician
Wikipedia - Buenaventura Villamayor -- Filipino chess player
Wikipedia - Buena Vista, Bayamon, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Buenavista, Bohol -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Bohol
Wikipedia - Buena Vista (brand) -- Brand name historically used for divisions of the Walt Disney Company
Wikipedia - Buena Vista, Carolina, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Buena Vista, Colorado
Wikipedia - Buenavista District, Guatuso -- district in Guatuso canton, Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Buenavista, Guimaras -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Guimaras
Wikipedia - Buena Vista, Hatillo, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Buena Vista High School (Michigan) -- former public high school in Buena Vista Charter Township, Michigan
Wikipedia - Buena Vista, Humacao, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Buena Vista, Las Marias, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Buenavista Lighthouse -- Lighthouse on Tenerife, Spain
Wikipedia - Buenavista, Marinduque -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Marinduque
Wikipedia - Buenavista metro station -- Mexico City metro station
Wikipedia - Buena Vista Museum of Natural History & Science -- Natural history museum in California
Wikipedia - Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians of California
Wikipedia - Buenavista, San Carlos -- district in San Carlos canton, Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Buena Vista Social Club: Adios -- 2017 film by Lucy Walker
Wikipedia - Buena Vista Social Club -- Ensemble of Cuban musicians
Wikipedia - Buena Vista Theatrical
Wikipedia - Buena Vista Township, New Jersey -- Township in Atlantic County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Buena Vista Winery -- Winery in California
Wikipedia - Buenos Aires (canton) -- canton in Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Buenos Aires (Costa Rica) -- district in Buenos Aires canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Buffalo Broadway Auditorium -- Multi-purpose arena in New York
Wikipedia - Buffalo Memorial Auditorium -- Arena in New York, United States
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum catenarium -- Species of orchid
Wikipedia - Bullring -- Arena where bullfighting is performed
Wikipedia - Burgena -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Bus garage -- Storage and maintenance facility
Wikipedia - Bush's Beans 200 -- ARCA Menards Series at Bristol Motor Speedway
Wikipedia - Butenafine -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Butler Noble -- 19th century American Republican politician, 7th Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin
Wikipedia - By Touch -- 1986 film by Magdalena M-EM-^Aazarkiewicz
Wikipedia - Byzantine enamel
Wikipedia - Byzantine scholars in Renaissance
Wikipedia - Byzantine Senate
Wikipedia - Cabarrus Arena -- Arena in North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Cadarena -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Cadena 94.9 -- Radio station in Pilar, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Wikipedia - Cadena COPE -- Spanish national radio station
Wikipedia - Cadena Salsoul -- Radio station in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Cadena SER -- Spanish national radio network
Wikipedia - Cadenatres -- Former Mexican television network
Wikipedia - Caer -- A placename element in Welsh meaning "stronghold", "fortress", or "citadel".
Wikipedia - Caguitas, Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Cairns Pop-Up Arena -- Sports arena in Cairns, Australia
Wikipedia - Cajundome -- Arena in Louisiana, United States
Wikipedia - Calceolaria crenata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Caldera District, Esparza -- district in Esparza canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - California's 11th State Senate district -- Californian State Senate district
Wikipedia - California Senate Bill 277 -- Removed personal belief as exemption from vaccination requirements for entry to schools
Wikipedia - California Senate Bill 27 -- State law of California
Wikipedia - California Senate Bill 54 (2017) -- 2017 California state law
Wikipedia - California Senate
Wikipedia - California State Senate -- Upper house of the California State Legislature
Wikipedia - Calilena angelena -- Species of spider
Wikipedia - Callidrepana serena -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Caloenas -- Genus of pigeons
Wikipedia - Calophaena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Camenabologue -- Mountain in Wicklow, Ireland
Wikipedia - Camerinus Antistius Vetus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Cameroon Renaissance Movement -- Political party in Cameroon
Wikipedia - Camille Dagenais -- Canadian engineer
Wikipedia - Camille Lienard -- Belgian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Caminho de Ferro de Penafiel a Lixa e Entre-os-Rios -- Portuguese railway line
Wikipedia - Camp Jordan Arena -- Sports arena near Chattanooga, Tennessee, U.S.
Wikipedia - Canadian Centenary Series -- Canadian history series
Wikipedia - Canadian Senators Group -- Parliamentary group in the Senate of Canada
Wikipedia - Canadian Tire Centre -- Multipurpose arena in Ottawa
Wikipedia - Canal 8 UCV TV -- Former TV station in La Serena, Chile
Wikipedia - CancelYale -- Movement demanding renaming Yale University
Wikipedia - Cancha Wilfredo Toro -- Arena in Hormigueros, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Cancho Roano -- Cultural property in Zalamea de la Serena, Spain
Wikipedia - Candy Desk -- United States Senate tradition since 1968
Wikipedia - Canes Venatici -- Constellation in the northern celestial hemisphere
Wikipedia - Caning of Charles Sumner -- Attack of US Senator by a Representative
Wikipedia - Cannabis in Grenada -- Use of cannabis in Grenada
Wikipedia - Cannabis in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Use of cannabis in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Canoas District -- district in Corredores canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Canton of ChM-CM-"teau-Renault -- Canton of France
Wikipedia - Caparmena adlbaueri -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Capdenac-Gare -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - CapeNature -- Organisation responsible for managing wilderness areas and public nature reserves in Western Cape Province, South Africa
Wikipedia - Capital Centre (Landover, Maryland) -- Demolished arena in Landover, Maryland
Wikipedia - Capital One Arena -- Multi-purpose arena in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in Alabama -- Legal penalty
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in Lebanon -- Legal penalty in Lebanon, though it has not been used since 2004
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in the United States -- Abolished or a Legal penalty in some parts of the United States
Wikipedia - Capital punishment -- Death penalty as punishment for a crime
Wikipedia - Cap of maintenance -- Ceremonial cap of crimson velvet lined with ermine
Wikipedia - Cappella San Donato, Venafro -- Roman Catholic church in Venafro, Italy
Wikipedia - Captain lieutenant
Wikipedia - Captain Pipe -- An 18th-century chief of the Algonquian-speaking Lenape (Delaware)
Wikipedia - Captive Heart (song) -- 1995 song performed by Selena
Wikipedia - Caracas helicopter incident -- A police helicopter attacks supreme court with grenades
Wikipedia - Caradrina flavirena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Carbapenam -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase
Wikipedia - Cardiff International Arena
Wikipedia - Cardiff South and Penarth (UK Parliament constituency) -- Parliamentary constituency in the United Kingdom, 1983 onwards
Wikipedia - Cardinal Marquis of Almenara -- Spanish Roman Catholic cardinal
Wikipedia - Carioca Arena 3 -- Indoor stadium in Barra da Tijuca in the west zone of Rio de Janeiro
Wikipedia - Carl Curtis -- Former United States Senator from Nebraska
Wikipedia - Carl Hatch -- United States Senator and judge
Wikipedia - Carl Hayden -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Arizona
Wikipedia - Carlie's Law -- A bill introduced to amend title 18, to protect children from criminal recidivists; following the 2004 abduction, rape and murder of 11-year-old Carlie Brucia by paroled Joseph P. Smith, the bill failed to be enacted
Wikipedia - Carl Keenan Seyfert
Wikipedia - Carlo Acutis -- Italian beatified teenager
Wikipedia - Carlo Beenakker
Wikipedia - Carlo Crivelli -- Italian Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - Carl-Olof Wrang -- Swedish Army lieutenant colonel
Wikipedia - Carlos de Cardenas Jr. -- Cuban sailor
Wikipedia - Carlos de Cardenas -- Cuban sailor
Wikipedia - Carlos Ghosn -- French-Brazilian-Lebanese businessman, former chairman of Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance
Wikipedia - Carlos Huertas (vallenato composer) -- Colombian musician
Wikipedia - Carlos Lopez-Cantera -- 19th Lieutenant Governor of Florida
Wikipedia - Carlos Medina Plascencia -- Mexican senator and Governor of Guanajuato
Wikipedia - Carlos Mena -- Countertenor opera singer
Wikipedia - Carlos Mercenario -- Mexican race walker
Wikipedia - Carlos PenaVega -- American actor and singer
Wikipedia - Carlyle Glean -- Grenadian politician
Wikipedia - Carmen de Mairena -- Spanish television personality
Wikipedia - Carmen Miranda: Bananas is My Business -- 1995 film directed by Helena Solberg
Wikipedia - Carmen Perez Camarena -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Carola Baleztena -- Spanish actress
Wikipedia - Carol Ap Rhys Pryce -- British mercenary
Wikipedia - Carol Bachofner -- American poet of Abenaki descent
Wikipedia - Carole Bienaime -- French film producer
Wikipedia - Carolena Carstens -- Panamanian taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Carolina Coliseum -- Arena in Columbia, South Carolina
Wikipedia - Caroline Dinenage -- British Conservative politician
Wikipedia - Carolingian Renaissance
Wikipedia - Carolingian renaissance
Wikipedia - Carswell Medieval House -- a 15th century modest medieval home which is a rare remaining example of tenant farm life
Wikipedia - Cartagena, Colombia -- City in Bolivar, Colombia
Wikipedia - Cartagena de Indias
Wikipedia - Cartagena District -- district in Santa Cruz canton, Guanacaste province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Cartagena (Madrid Metro) -- Madrid Metro station
Wikipedia - Cartagena (Spain)
Wikipedia - Cartagena, Spain
Wikipedia - Carthagena, Ohio
Wikipedia - Casa de Shenandoah -- House in Las Vegas, Nevada
Wikipedia - Casal EspaM-CM-1a Arena -- Multipurpose venue in Madrid
Wikipedia - Casanova (Benatzky) -- Operetta by Ralph Benatzky
Wikipedia - Casino Miami -- Multi purpose arena in Florida
Wikipedia - Casmenae
Wikipedia - Cassandra Trenary -- American ballet dancer
Wikipedia - Cassius Apronianus -- 2nd century Roman senator and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Casten Warberg -- Swedish Army lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Castiglion del Bosco -- Estate in Siena, Tuscany, Italy
Wikipedia - Castle Ground -- Former sports arena in England
Wikipedia - Castle Romeo -- Codename for one of the first thermonuclear bomb tests
Wikipedia - Catabena -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Catalepsy -- Psychomotor symptom of catatonia, abnormal maintenance of postures
Wikipedia - Catallena -- 2014 single by Orange Caramel
Wikipedia - Catarina Zenab
Wikipedia - Catechumenate
Wikipedia - Category:American centenarians
Wikipedia - Category:Animated television series about teenagers
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with multiple maintenance issues
Wikipedia - Category:Ashkenazi Jews
Wikipedia - Category:Austrian Ashkenazi Jews
Wikipedia - Category:Bishops of Siena
Wikipedia - Category:Brigittenau
Wikipedia - Category:British Ashkenazi Jews
Wikipedia - Category:British centenarians
Wikipedia - Category:Buena Vista University alumni
Wikipedia - Category:Burials at Vadstena Abbey
Wikipedia - Category:Byzantine centenarians
Wikipedia - Category:Canadian centenarians
Wikipedia - Category:Citation and verifiability maintenance templates
Wikipedia - Category:Commons category link is defined as the pagename
Wikipedia - Category:Commons link is defined as the pagename
Wikipedia - Category:Concatenative programming languages
Wikipedia - Category:Cyrenaic school
Wikipedia - Category:Deputy Lieutenants of Surrey
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Rafael Carrasco Garrorena
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Tenagra II Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Doomsday scenarios
Wikipedia - Category:Egyptian centenarians
Wikipedia - Category:Enactive cognition
Wikipedia - Category:English centenarians
Wikipedia - Category:English Renaissance dramatists
Wikipedia - Category:English Renaissance humanists
Wikipedia - Category:Evolutionarily significant biological phenomena
Wikipedia - Category:Filename extensions
Wikipedia - Category:French Senators of the Third Republic
Wikipedia - Category:German centenarians
Wikipedia - Category:Grand Order of Queen Jelena recipients
Wikipedia - Category:Greek centenarians
Wikipedia - Category:Greek Renaissance humanists
Wikipedia - Category:Grenadier Guards officers
Wikipedia - Category:Helena Blavatsky
Wikipedia - Category:Holy Unmercenaries
Wikipedia - Category:Iranian centenarians
Wikipedia - Category:Italian Renaissance architects
Wikipedia - Category:Italian Renaissance humanists
Wikipedia - Category:Italian Renaissance painters
Wikipedia - Category:Italian Renaissance
Wikipedia - Category:Italian Renaissance writers
Wikipedia - Category:Members of the Athenaeum Club, London
Wikipedia - Category:Mercenary units and formations
Wikipedia - Category:Nenang Pawo
Wikipedia - Category:Pasadena High School (California) alumni
Wikipedia - Category:Penal systems by country
Wikipedia - Category:People from Benaulim
Wikipedia - Category:People from Cartagena, Spain
Wikipedia - Category:People from Genazzano
Wikipedia - Category:People from Prienai
Wikipedia - Category:People from Siena
Wikipedia - Category:People from the Province of Siena
Wikipedia - Category:Phenomena
Wikipedia - Category:Renaissance humanism
Wikipedia - Category:Renaissance Papacy
Wikipedia - Category:Renaissance philosophy
Wikipedia - Category:Renaissance
Wikipedia - Category:Senators of Seine (department)
Wikipedia - Category:Software maintenance
Wikipedia - Category:Spanish centenarians
Wikipedia - Category talk:Nenang Pawo
Wikipedia - Category:Tibetan centenarians
Wikipedia - Category:University of Jena alumni
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia maintenance
Wikipedia - Category:Women centenarians
Wikipedia - Catena Artamonov -- Impact craters on the Moon
Wikipedia - Catena (biblical commentary)
Wikipedia - Catena (cryptography)
Wikipedia - Catenary -- Plane curve formed by a hanging cable
Wikipedia - Catenative verb
Wikipedia - Catherine Cortez Masto -- United States Senator from Nevada
Wikipedia - Catherine de Parthenay -- French noblewoman and mathematician
Wikipedia - Catherine Eleonore Benard -- French lady-in-waiting
Wikipedia - Catherine of Siena -- 14th-century Italian Dominican saint
Wikipedia - Catherine of Vadstena
Wikipedia - Catherine of Valois-Courtenay -- Princess consort of Taranto, Princess consort of Achaea, and Queen consort of Albania
Wikipedia - Catherine Uhlmyer -- American centenarian
Wikipedia - Cathetopteron amoena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Catholic Church in Grenada
Wikipedia - Catholic Church in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Catiline Orations -- Set of speeches to the Roman Senate given by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Wikipedia - Catiline -- Ancient Roman Senator who attempted to overthrow the Republic
Wikipedia - Cave-In! -- 1983 television film by Georg Fenady
Wikipedia - Cazenave-Serres-et-Allens -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - CBJX-FM -- Ici Musique station in Saguenay, Quebec
Wikipedia - Cecile La Grenade -- Governor-General of Grenada
Wikipedia - Cecile Renault -- French royalist
Wikipedia - Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa -- Spanish economist
Wikipedia - Cedric Enard -- French volleyball coach
Wikipedia - Celaena haworthii -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Celestino Rodriguez -- Filipino Visayan Senator, Deputy of the Philippine Assembly, and member of National Assembly and 1st Congress
Wikipedia - Celia Barquin Arozamena -- Spanish golfer
Wikipedia - Celia Keenan-Bolger -- American actress and singer
Wikipedia - Cementerio de la Almudena -- Cemetery in Madrid, Spain
Wikipedia - Cena Parish -- Administrative unit in Latvia
Wikipedia - Cenarchis -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Cenarrhenes -- Monotypic genus of plants in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Cenarth -- Village in Carmarthenshire, Wales
Wikipedia - Centenarian -- Person who lives to or beyond the age of 100 years
Wikipedia - Centenario Bridge -- Bridge in Spain
Wikipedia - Centenary City
Wikipedia - Centenary Medal -- Australian commemorative medal
Wikipedia - Centenary Novices' Handicap Chase -- Steeplechase horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Centenary of National Independence Commemorative Medal -- Medal
Wikipedia - Central Energy Trust Arena -- Stadium in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Centre Pierre Charbonneau -- Sports arena located at Olympic Park in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Centro de Conveniciones Arena Saltillo -- Arena in Saltilo, Coahuila
Wikipedia - Centrum Arena (Prestwick) -- Former ice hockey arena in South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - Cephalotes crenaticeps -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Cepphis advenaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cera Care -- UK technology-enabled home care company
Wikipedia - Cercospora melongenae -- Species of fungus
Wikipedia - Ceremonial counties of England -- Collective name for areas, in England, to which a Lord Lieutenant is appointed
Wikipedia - Cerro Ballena -- A Chilean Late Miocene palaeontological site
Wikipedia - Cerro del Judio -- Mountain in Magdalena Contreras, Mexico City, Mexico
Wikipedia - Cesar Menacho -- Bolivian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Cesena
Wikipedia - Cessna Denali -- Light aeroplane by Textron Aviation
Wikipedia - Cestius Gallus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Ceylanoparmena loebli -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - CFCP-FM -- Radio station in Courtenay, British Columbia
Wikipedia - CFIX-FM -- Radio station in Saguenay, Quebec
Wikipedia - CFRS-DT -- Noovo television station in Saguenay, Quebec
Wikipedia - Chabad messianism -- Belief that Menachem Mendel Schneerson is the Messiah
Wikipedia - Chacarita District -- district in Puntarenas canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Chacenay -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Chad Bryant Racing -- ARCA Menards Series team
Wikipedia - Chaifetz Arena -- Arena in Missouri
Wikipedia - Chains (Tina Arena song) -- 1994 single by Tina Arena
Wikipedia - Chairman of the Senate of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Chalenata -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Chalkiopoulio Sports Hall -- Sports arena in Lamia, Greece
Wikipedia - Chamber of Senators (Bolivia) -- Upper house of the Plurinational Legislative Assembly of Bolivia
Wikipedia - Champerty and maintenance -- Doctrines in common law jurisdictions that aim to preclude frivolous litigation
Wikipedia - Chanalert Meenayothin -- Thai Muay Thai fighter
Wikipedia - Chandragiri hill -- Hill on which Chandragupta Maurya performed penance in last life
Wikipedia - Chandrasena (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Chandrasena Wijesinghe -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Chandrika Siriwardena -- Sri Lankan songstress
Wikipedia - Changuena -- district in Buenos Aires canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Chanoz-ChM-CM-"tenay -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Chapare mammarenavirus -- Species of the virus family Arenaviridae that causes Chapare hemorrhagic fever
Wikipedia - Charge card -- A card that enables the cardholder to make purchases
Wikipedia - Charles Athanase Walckenaer
Wikipedia - Charles Durkee -- 19th century American pioneer, Congressman, U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, 6th Governor of the Utah Territory.
Wikipedia - Charles E. Smith Center -- a multipurpose arena in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Charles Heywood (1803-1853) -- U.S. Navy lieutenant
Wikipedia - Charles H. Percy -- Businessman and U.S. senator
Wikipedia - Charles H. Pitman -- American Hero, USMC Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Charles Kofi Agbenaza -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - Charles Menart -- Belgian architect
Wikipedia - Charles O'Hara Booth -- Commandant-in-chief of Port Arthur penal colony
Wikipedia - Charles Penaud -- French naval officer
Wikipedia - Charles R. Gill -- 19th century American politician, 9th Attorney General of Wisconsin, Civil War Union officer, Member of the Wisconsin Senate
Wikipedia - Charles S. Kelsey -- 19th century American politician, member of the Wisconsin State Senate and Assembly
Wikipedia - Charley Run (Allegheny River tributary) -- Waterway in Venango County, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Charlie Benante -- American musician
Wikipedia - Charlotte Coliseum -- Former sports arena in Charlotte, North Carolina
Wikipedia - Chase Center -- Indoor arena in San Francisco
Wikipedia - Chassidei Ashkenaz
Wikipedia - Chathura Senaratne -- Sri Lankan politician (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Chattanooga Choo Choo -- Original song composed by Harry Warren with lyrics by Mack Gordon; from the 1941 film M-bM-^@M-^\Sun Valley SerenadeM-bM-^@M-^]
Wikipedia - Chaussenac -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Chaussenans -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, France
Wikipedia - Chaux-des-Crotenay -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, France
Wikipedia - Cheel Arena -- College sports arean in Potsdam, New York, U.S.
Wikipedia - Cheena Kottaram -- Building in India
Wikipedia - Cheenavala -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Chemical bond -- Lasting attraction between atoms that enables the formation of chemical compounds
Wikipedia - Chemin des Canots River -- Tributary of Saguenay, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Chena Achena (1983 film) -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Chena Achena (1999 film) -- 1999 Bengali film
Wikipedia - Chenab River
Wikipedia - Chena Hot Springs (thermal mineral springs) -- Thermal springs
Wikipedia - Chenal de l'M-CM-^Nle d'Orleans -- Channel in La Cote-de-Beaupre Regional County Municipality, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Chenal des Grands Voiliers -- Channel in L'M-CM-^Nle-d'Orleans Regional County Municipality, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Chenal du Four -- Channel in France
Wikipedia - Chenango County, New York
Wikipedia - Chena River State Recreation Area -- State park in Alaska, United States
Wikipedia - Chen Prefecture (Henan) -- Prefecture of imperial China
Wikipedia - Chesapeake Energy Arena -- Arena in downtown Oklahoma City
Wikipedia - Cheshire Domesday Book tenants-in-chief -- List of Cheshire land owners in the Domesday Book
Wikipedia - Chhena gaja -- Odia sweet dish
Wikipedia - Chhena Jhili -- Odia sweet dish
Wikipedia - Chhena kheeri -- sweet dish originally from Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Chhena poda -- Cheese dessert from Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Chhena -- Type of cheese curds originating in India
Wikipedia - Chiara Benati -- Italian composer
Wikipedia - Chicago Athenaeum -- Museum of architecture and design in Galena, Illinois, USA
Wikipedia - Chicago Coliseum -- Arena in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Chief William Anderson -- An 18th-century chief of the Algonquian-speaking Lenape (Delaware)
Wikipedia - Chiesa del Cristo, Venafro -- Roman Catholic church in Venafro, Italy
Wikipedia - CHI Health Center Omaha -- Indoor arena in Omaha, Nebraska
Wikipedia - Child with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park -- Photograph by Diane Arbus
Wikipedia - Chillegorism -- Millenarian doctrine the opposite of Chiliasm
Wikipedia - Chinese famine of 1942-43 -- 1942-1943 famine in Henan, China
Wikipedia - Chinese sexagenary cycle
Wikipedia - Chira Island -- island and district in Puntarenas canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Chitrasena (Mahabharata)
Wikipedia - Chitrasena -- Dancer, actor
Wikipedia - Chlorphenamine
Wikipedia - ChM-CM-"teau de Verteuil (Lot-et-Garonne) -- ChM-CM-"teau in Verteuil-d'Agenais, France
Wikipedia - ChM-CM-"teaurenard -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - ChM-CM-"tenay, Ain -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Chomes -- district in Puntarenas canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Chondrina avenacea -- Species of Gastropoda
Wikipedia - Chorizomena -- Genus of geometer moths (Geometridae) in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Chris A. Brown -- Member of the New Jersey Senate
Wikipedia - Chris Benard -- American track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Chris Coons -- United States Senator from Delaware
Wikipedia - Chris Dodd -- Former United States Senator from Connecticut
Wikipedia - Chris Larson -- 21st century American politician, Wisconsin Senator
Wikipedia - Chris Renaud -- American illustrator, film director, storyboard artist, graphic designer, and voice actor
Wikipedia - Chris Scalena -- Canadian curler
Wikipedia - Christadelphians -- Millenarian Christian group
Wikipedia - Christchurch Arena -- Sporting arena in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Christianity in Grenada
Wikipedia - Christianity in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Christian Kwabena Andrews -- Ghanaian Priest & Politician
Wikipedia - Christian Mortensen -- Danish supercentenarian and second-longest-lived man
Wikipedia - Christian Munsee -- Group of Lenape Indians
Wikipedia - Christian Pena -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Christian views on the Old Covenant
Wikipedia - Christian views on the old covenant
Wikipedia - Christina of Bolsena
Wikipedia - Christine Gouze-Renal -- French film and television producer
Wikipedia - Christopher Maitland Stocken -- English Lieutenant Commander of Royal Navy
Wikipedia - Christopher Sena -- convicted
Wikipedia - Chromolaena borinquensis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Chuck Schumer -- U.S. Democratic Senator from the State of New York, Senate Minority Leader
Wikipedia - Church covenant -- Declaration in which their duties as church members towards God and their fellow believers are outlined
Wikipedia - Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion -- Ancient church in Axum, claimed location of the Ark of the Covenant
Wikipedia - Church of Saint Menas (Cairo) -- One of the oldest Coptic churches in Egypt
Wikipedia - Church of the Brethren -- Anabaptist denomination in the United States, descended from the Schwarzenau Brethren.
Wikipedia - Ciaran McMenamin -- Northern Irish actor
Wikipedia - Ciena Alipio -- American artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Cienaga Alta -- Barrio of Rio Grande, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Cienaga Baja -- Barrio of Rio Grande, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Cienaga, Guanica, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Cienagas, Camuy, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Ciena -- Telecommunications company
Wikipedia - CILM-FM -- Radio station in Saguenay, Quebec
Wikipedia - Cincuentenario (Panama Metro) -- Panama metro station
Wikipedia - Cinema (Benny Benassi song) -- 2011 single by Benny Benassi
Wikipedia - Cinquantenaire -- Park in Brussels, Belgium
Wikipedia - Cithrinchen -- Distinctively shaped cittern of the Renaissance and Baroque periods
Wikipedia - Citrix XenApp
Wikipedia - City National Arena -- Ice hockey arena in Summerlin, Nevada.
Wikipedia - City of Ember -- 2008 film by Gil Kenan
Wikipedia - City Sports Complex -- An indoor sporting arena located in Islamabad, Pakistan
Wikipedia - Civic Arena (Pittsburgh) -- Arena in Pittsburgh
Wikipedia - Civil liberties in the United States -- Unalienable rights
Wikipedia - Civil penalty -- Financial penalty imposed by a government agency as restitution for wrongdoing
Wikipedia - CJAB-FM -- Radio station in Saguenay, Quebec
Wikipedia - CKAJ-FM -- Radio station in Saguenay, Quebec
Wikipedia - CKAU-FM -- First Nations community radio station in Maliotenam, Quebec
Wikipedia - CKGS-FM -- Radio station in Saguenay, Quebec
Wikipedia - CKLR-FM -- Radio station in Courtenay, British Columbia
Wikipedia - CKTV-DT -- Ici Radio-Canada Tele station in Saguenay,
Wikipedia - CKYK-FM -- Radio station in Alma-Saguenay, Quebec
Wikipedia - Claire Chandler -- Australian federal senator
Wikipedia - Claire McCaskill -- Former United States senator from Missouri
Wikipedia - Clara Elena Ciocan -- Romanian diver
Wikipedia - Claremont-Mudd-Scripps Stags and Athenas -- Joint athletic program of three of the Claremont Colleges
Wikipedia - Clarence Wijewardena -- Sri Lankan singer and musician (1943-1996)
Wikipedia - Claude-Francois Renart d'Amblimont -- French Navy officer of the War of American Independence
Wikipedia - Claudelands Arena -- Sporting arena in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Claude Rijmenans -- Belgian ambassador
Wikipedia - Claudia Elena Aguila -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Clayton C. Jerome -- Marine Lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Clazomenae
Wikipedia - Clement Claiborne Clay -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama; Confederate States Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Client to Authenticator Protocol -- Enables a roaming, user-controlled cryptographic authenticator to interoperate with a client platform.
Wikipedia - Climate apocalypse -- Scenario in which human civilization experiences catastrophic events due to climate change
Wikipedia - Climate change mitigation scenarios
Wikipedia - Climate Pledge Arena -- Sports arena in Seattle, Washington, United States
Wikipedia - Clio Renault Sport -- Hot hatch produced since 1998 by Renault Sport
Wikipedia - Clock drift -- Refers to several related phenomena
Wikipedia - Cloisonne -- Enamelling technique used on metal
Wikipedia - Closed sessions of the United States Senate -- Secret meetings of the United States Senate
Wikipedia - Club Renaissance -- Proposed residential tower in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.
Wikipedia - CNA Arena Akita -- An arena in Akita, Japan
Wikipedia - CN Centre -- Multi-use indoor arena in Prince George, British Columbia
Wikipedia - Cobano -- district in Puntarenas canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Coca-Cola Arena -- Indoor arena located in Dubai, UAE
Wikipedia - Cochin Shipyard -- Shipbuilding and maintenance facility in India
Wikipedia - Cockburn Ice Arena -- Ice sports arena in Perth
Wikipedia - Coconut Grove Convention Center -- Indoor arena and exhibition hall in Miami
Wikipedia - Codename: Asero -- 2008 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Codename: Dustsucker -- 2004 album by Bark Psychosis
Wikipedia - Codename: Kids Next Door - Operation: S.O.D.A. -- American platformer video game
Wikipedia - Codename: Kids Next Door -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - Codename: Knockout -- Comic
Wikipedia - Codename: Sailor V -- Manga created by Naoko Takeuchi, Predescesor to Sailor Moon
Wikipedia - Codenames (board game) -- 2015 spy-themed board game
Wikipedia - Codename Villanelle -- Novella series
Wikipedia - Codename
Wikipedia - CodeRED: Alien Arena
Wikipedia - Coeligena -- Genus of birds
Wikipedia - Coenagrion ornatum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Cold Fish (song) -- Single by Queenadreena
Wikipedia - Coleophora aliena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora lenae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora peribenanderi -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora pyrenaica -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleorozena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Colinas District -- district in Buenos Aires canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Colin Blumenau -- British writer and theatre director
Wikipedia - Colin's Crest -- A jumping arena in Sweden
Wikipedia - Coliseo Hector Sola Bezares -- Indoor sporting arena located in Caguas, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Coliseo Ivan de Bedout -- Sports arena in Medellin, Colombia
Wikipedia - Coliseo La Tortuga -- Indoor sporting arena in Talcahuano, Chile
Wikipedia - Coliseo Manuel Iguina -- Indoor sporting arena located in Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Coliseo Municipal Antonio Azurmendy Riveros -- Indoor arena in Valdivia, Chile
Wikipedia - Coliseo Rebekah Colberg Cabrera -- Indoor arena in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Coliseo Ruben Rodriguez -- Multi-purpose arena in Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Coliseum Arena -- Former arena in New Orleans, Louisiana
Wikipedia - Collagenase clostridium histolyticum -- Pharmaceutical drug
Wikipedia - Colleen Felix -- Grenadian former track and field athlete
Wikipedia - College Park Center -- Arena in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Collema tenax -- Species of lichenised fungi in the family Collemataceae
Wikipedia - Colonel Thomas Hoyer Monstery -- American mercenary (1824-1901)
Wikipedia - Colonialism -- Creation and maintenance of colonies by people from another area
Wikipedia - Colonus (person) -- Tenant farmer in the late Roman Empire and the Early Middle Ages
Wikipedia - Colossus of the Arena -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Columbus Quincentenary -- 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus' arrival in America
Wikipedia - Combe Grenal -- Cave and archaeological site in France
Wikipedia - Come & Get It (Selena Gomez song) -- 2013 single by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Comedy of menace
Wikipedia - Commenailles -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, France
Wikipedia - Commercial credit reporting -- maintenance and reporting of credit histories and risks for commercial companies
Wikipedia - Committee of Privileges (Malaysian Senate) -- Select committee of the Senate in the Parliament of Malaysia
Wikipedia - Commonwealth War Graves Commission -- Organisation responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of Commonwealth war graves
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes de Parthenay-GM-CM-"tine -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Community First Champion Center -- Arena located in Grand Chute, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Commutation (law) -- Substitution of a lesser penalty after the conviction for a crime
Wikipedia - Comtat Venaissin
Wikipedia - Conan of Venarium -- Novel by Harry Turtledove
Wikipedia - Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo -- Fraternal order
Wikipedia - Concatenation
Wikipedia - Concatenative programming language -- Type of programming language
Wikipedia - Concatenative synthesis
Wikipedia - Concavenator -- Carcharodontosaurid dinosaur genus from the early Cretaceous period
Wikipedia - Concepcion District, Atenas -- district in Atenas canton, Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Concerto delle donne -- Group of professional female singers in the late Renaissance court of Ferrara, Italy
Wikipedia - Conchita Dapena -- First Lady of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Condottiero -- Mercenary soldier leader in medieval Italy
Wikipedia - Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Nation
Wikipedia - Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen -- 2004 film
Wikipedia - Congostinas -- Parish (parroquia) in Lena, Asturias, Spain
Wikipedia - Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena
Wikipedia - Connecticut Tercentenary half dollar -- US commemorative fifty-cent piece
Wikipedia - Connectionism -- Approach in cognitive science that hopes to explain mental phenomena using artificial neural networks
Wikipedia - Conrad Bussow -- German writer and mercenary
Wikipedia - Constance of Aragon, Lady of Villena
Wikipedia - Constantin Xenakis -- Greek artist
Wikipedia - Consuelo Camarena -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Contenance angloise
Wikipedia - Contributor Covenant -- Code of conduct for contributors to free and open source software projects
Wikipedia - Conus arenatus -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus athenae -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus hyaena -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus infrenatus -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus lenavati -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus lienardi -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus nielsenae -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus thevenardensis -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Convocation Center (Ohio University) -- Arena in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Coomera Indoor Sports Centre -- Arena in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Co-op Place -- Multi-use indoor arena in Medicine Hat, Alberta
Wikipedia - Copa America Centenario squads -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Copper Box Arena -- Indoor sporting arena located in United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Copper Island -- Northern part of the Keweenaw Peninsula in Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Coptic placenames
Wikipedia - Cor Caroli -- Star in Canes Venatici
Wikipedia - Cornelia Oschkenat -- German track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Cornel Vena -- Romanian modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Corner Brook Civic Centre -- Arena in Corner Brook, Canada.
Wikipedia - Cornwall Domesday Book tenants-in-chief -- List of those holding land in 1086 directly from the king
Wikipedia - Cornwallite -- Copper arsenate mineral
Wikipedia - Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020 -- Act of the US Congress enacted on March 6, 2020
Wikipedia - Corrective maintenance -- Maintenance task performed to identify, isolate, and rectify a fault so that the failed equipment, machine, or system can be restored to an operational condition
Wikipedia - Corredor District -- district in Corredores canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Corredores (canton) -- canton in Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Corseque -- Renaissance pole weapon
Wikipedia - Cory Booker -- U.S. Senator from New Jersey
Wikipedia - Cory Gardner -- Outgoing United States Senator from Colorado
Wikipedia - Cosmic ray visual phenomena
Wikipedia - Cosmic Thrill Seekers -- 2019 sophomore album by Prince Daddy & the Hyena
Wikipedia - Cossus Cornelius Lentulus (consul 25) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Cossus Cornelius Lentulus (consul 60) -- 1st century Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Cotachena -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Cotai Arena -- An indoor arena, located in Macao
Wikipedia - Coto Brus (canton) -- canton in Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Cotterell Court -- Arena at Colgate University in Hamilton, New York
Wikipedia - Council of Siena
Wikipedia - Courtenay Becker-Dey -- American sailor
Wikipedia - Courtenay Boyle (civil servant) -- English cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - Courtenay Crickmer -- English architect
Wikipedia - Courtenay Foote -- English actor
Wikipedia - Courtenay Reece -- Barbadian cricketer and cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Courtenay Warner -- British politician
Wikipedia - Covelli Centre -- Arena in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Covenant (biblical) -- A religious covenant that is described in the Bible.
Wikipedia - Covenant Christian High School (Indianapolis) -- Private Christian high school in Indianapolis, founded in 1996
Wikipedia - Covenant Code -- The name given by academics to a text appearing in the Torah, at Exodus 20:22-23:19
Wikipedia - Covenanters -- Scottish religious movement
Wikipedia - Covenanter
Wikipedia - Covenant (Halo) -- Fictional alliance of alien races from the Halo video game series
Wikipedia - Covenant (Israel)
Wikipedia - Covenant (law)
Wikipedia - Covenant marriage -- A legally distinct kind of marriage in three states of the United States
Wikipedia - Covenant Network -- Catholic radio network in the United States
Wikipedia - Covenant of BahaM-JM- -- Primary principle in the Baha'i Faith
Wikipedia - Covenant of the Goddess -- A cross-traditional Wiccan group
Wikipedia - Covenant of the League of Nations
Wikipedia - Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans
Wikipedia - Covenant Renewal Service
Wikipedia - Covenant School (Texas) -- A private Christian K-12 school in Dallas, Texas (USA)
Wikipedia - Covenant theology -- Protestant biblical interpretive framework for understanding the overall structure of the Bible
Wikipedia - Covenant University -- Nigerian private university
Wikipedia - Covenant Voices -- African gospel choir
Wikipedia - Coventry Arena railway station -- Railway station in the West Midlands, England
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic in Grenada -- Ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic in Grenada
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic in Henan -- Ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic in Henan Province, China
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic in Saint Helena -- Details of ongoing viral pandemic in Saint Helena
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Cov-lite -- Loan agreements without protective covenants for the lending party
Wikipedia - Cowboy Serenade -- 1942 film with Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette, Fay McKenzie
Wikipedia - Cow Palace -- Arena in California, United States
Wikipedia - Craig Agena -- American Olympic judoka
Wikipedia - Crank machine -- Device for penal labour
Wikipedia - Crassagena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Credit Union 1 Arena -- Arena in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Credit Union iPlex -- Multi-use indoor arena in Swift Current, Saskatchewan
Wikipedia - Crenadactylus horni -- Species of gecko
Wikipedia - Crenadactylus occidentalis -- Species of gecko
Wikipedia - Crenadactylus pilbarensis -- Species of gecko
Wikipedia - Crenae -- Town in ancient Acarnania
Wikipedia - Crenans -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, France
Wikipedia - Crenatocetus -- Genus of mammals
Wikipedia - Crenatosiren -- Extinct genus of dugongid sirenian
Wikipedia - Crepidozaena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Crete and Cyrenaica -- Province of the Roman Empire (67 BC - c. 297 AD)
Wikipedia - Criminal justice -- System of governments directed at mitigating crime, or sanctioning those who violate laws with criminal penalties and rehabilitation efforts
Wikipedia - Crispin Duenas -- Canadian recurve archer
Wikipedia - Cristina Elena Grigoras -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Critical phenomena
Wikipedia - Criticism of the Bible -- Field of study concerning the factual accuracy of the claims and the moral tenability of the commandments made in the Bible
Wikipedia - Cross Insurance Arena -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - Cross River Central Senatorial District -- Senatorial District in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Cross River South Senatorial District -- Senatorial District in Cross River State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Crotenay -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, France
Wikipedia - Crown Coliseum -- Arena in North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Crown Heights Tenant Union -- Tenants' rights organization in New York City
Wikipedia - Crown Point TMD -- Train maintenance depot in Norwich, England
Wikipedia - CRS Hall Zielona Gora -- Sports arena in Poland
Wikipedia - Cruising Bar 2 -- 2008 film by Robert Menard
Wikipedia - Cruising Bar -- 1989 film by Robert Menard
Wikipedia - Cryphioxena notosema -- Australian species of moth
Wikipedia - CSKA Arena -- An indoor sporting arena located in Russia
Wikipedia - Ctenacodon -- Extinct genus of rodent-like mammals from the Upper Jurassic period
Wikipedia - Cuauhtemoc Cardenas -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Cuelenaere -- Surname list
Wikipedia - CU Events Center -- Arena in Boulder
Wikipedia - Cuisenaire rods -- Learning aids
Wikipedia - Cui Yi (general) -- Chinese lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Cultural bias -- Interpretation and judgement of phenomena by the standards of one's culture
Wikipedia - CURE Insurance Arena -- Arena in New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Currambena School
Wikipedia - Cyclooxygenase
Wikipedia - Cymindis avenae -- Species of ground beetle
Wikipedia - Cynthia Girard-Renard -- Canadian artist
Wikipedia - Cynthia Hughes -- Grenadian journalist
Wikipedia - Cypenamine
Wikipedia - Cyprodenate
Wikipedia - Cyrenaica -- The eastern coastal region of Libya
Wikipedia - Cyrenaics
Wikipedia - Cyrenaic
Wikipedia - Dacia Logan -- Subcompact car produced by Renault and Dacia
Wikipedia - Dacia Sandero -- Subcompact car produced by Renault and Dacia
Wikipedia - Daena -- Zoroastrian concept representing insight and revelation
Wikipedia - Dalai Lama Renaissance
Wikipedia - Dalda -- Hydrogenated vegetable oil popular in South Asia
Wikipedia - Dallas Sportatorium -- Arena in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Damien Arsenault -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Damien Renard -- French orienteering competitor
Wikipedia - Dana Marilena Ionescu -- Romanian speed skater
Wikipedia - Dance Again (Selena Gomez song) -- 2020 song by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Dan Coats -- Former United States Senator from Indiana; 5th Director of National Intelligence
Wikipedia - Dan Duffy -- Republican member of the Illinois Senate
Wikipedia - Dan Forest -- 34th Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina
Wikipedia - Daniel Arsenault -- American photographer
Wikipedia - Daniel Christmas -- Canadian Senator
Wikipedia - Danielle Cadena Deulen -- American poet, essayist, and academic
Wikipedia - Danielle Laraque-Arena -- An American pediatrician, academician and administrator.
Wikipedia - Daniello Porri -- Italian painter of the Renaissance from Parma
Wikipedia - Daniel Menaker -- American writer
Wikipedia - Daniel Williams (governor-general) -- 4th Governor-General of Grenada
Wikipedia - Danillo Sena -- Massachusetts politician
Wikipedia - Dan Pienaar -- South African Army general
Wikipedia - Dansa i neon (song) -- 1987 single by Lena Philipsson and Dead by April
Wikipedia - Dan Sullivan (U.S. senator) -- United States Senator from Alaska
Wikipedia - Danube Promenade -- Promenade in Budapest, Hungary
Wikipedia - Daphnephila sueyenae -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Dariga Nazarbayeva -- Kazakhstani politician who is the Chairwoman of the Senate of Kazakhstan
Wikipedia - Dark Arena -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Darlena Cunha -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Daud Khan Achakzai -- Pakistani Senator from Baluchistan
Wikipedia - DauniM-EM-!kis -- Lake in DauniM-EM-!kis park, Utena city, Lithuania
Wikipedia - Dave Min -- California State Senator from the 37th district
Wikipedia - Dave Oehlke -- North Dakota senator
Wikipedia - Daverpenah -- Village in Iran
Wikipedia - David A. Reed -- American senator from Pennsylvania (1880-1953)
Wikipedia - David Barcena Rios -- Mexican equestrian
Wikipedia - David Bell (Irish Republican) -- Irish tenant-right activist
Wikipedia - David Benatar
Wikipedia - David Bena -- American Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - David Boren -- Former U.S. Senator; University President
Wikipedia - David Collins (lieutenant governor) -- British colonial administrator
Wikipedia - David Hollamby -- Governor of Saint Helena
Wikipedia - David Keenan (musician) -- Irish singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - David Leslie Smallman -- Governor of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Wikipedia - David Levy Yulee -- American senator
Wikipedia - David McCorkell -- British businessman and Lord Lieutenant
Wikipedia - David Mitrani Arenal -- Cuban writer
Wikipedia - David Perdue -- United States Senator from Georgia
Wikipedia - David Renaud Boullier
Wikipedia - David Smith (Canadian senator) -- Canadian senator
Wikipedia - David Stewart (Maryland politician) -- U.S. Senator from Maryland
Wikipedia - David Venable -- Cyber security professional
Wikipedia - Dawn Addiego -- Member of the New Jersey Senate
Wikipedia - Dawn: Portrait of a Teenage Runaway -- 1976 television film directed by Randal Kleiser
Wikipedia - Dayana Colmenares -- Venezuelan beauty pageant titleholder
Wikipedia - Day of the Covenant (BahaM-JM- -- Baha'i religious observance commemorating appointment of 'Abdu'l-Baha
Wikipedia - D.C. Armory -- A multipurpose arena in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - DCU Center -- Indoor arena in Worcester, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Dean Heller -- Former U.S. Senator from Nevada
Wikipedia - Deathbed phenomena
Wikipedia - Death of Kenneka Jenkins -- Death of an American teenager that occurred on September 8, 2017
Wikipedia - Death penalty in the Bible
Wikipedia - Death penalty
Wikipedia - Death-penalty
Wikipedia - Death-qualified jury -- Jury in a criminal law case in the United States in which the death penalty is a prospective sentence
Wikipedia - Debbie Stabenow -- United States Senator from Michigan
Wikipedia - Deb Fischer -- United States Senator from Nebraska
Wikipedia - Deboleena Roy -- Canadian-born behavioural scientist
Wikipedia - Debra Lafave -- American former teacher known for sexual battery against a teenager
Wikipedia - De Buitenmolen, Zevenaar -- Tower mill in Zevenaar, Netherlands
Wikipedia - Decimus Junius Silanus Torquatus -- Roman Senator, consul AD 53
Wikipedia - Decimus Laelius Balbus (consul 46) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and delator (informer)
Wikipedia - Decimus Valerius Asiaticus (Legatus of Gallia Belgica) -- 1st century AD Roman Senator who served as a Legatus of Gallia Belgica
Wikipedia - Decoration Day (Appalachia and Liberia) -- A living tradition of group ancestor veneration observances focused on the maintenance and decoration of cemeteries and grave markers in Appalachia, Liberia, and other areas where Appalachian people migrated
Wikipedia - Dee Molenaar -- American mountain climber
Wikipedia - Deena Aljuhani Abdulaziz -- Saudi-American businesswoman, editor, and member of the Saudi royal family
Wikipedia - Deena Errampalli -- Canadian plant pathologist
Wikipedia - Deena Hinshaw -- Canadian physician and health official
Wikipedia - Deena Kaye Rose -- American country musician and songwriter
Wikipedia - Deena Larsen
Wikipedia - Deena Lynch -- Taiwanese-Australian singer
Wikipedia - Deenanath Mangeshkar -- Indian theatre actor, musician and vocalist
Wikipedia - Deena Nicole Cortese -- American reality television personality
Wikipedia - Deena Wigger -- American sport shooter
Wikipedia - DeFRaG -- Mod for Quake III Arena
Wikipedia - De Gerlache Seamounts -- Seamounts in Antarctica, named for Lieutenant Adrien Victor Joseph de Gerlache
Wikipedia - Dehalococcoides -- Genus of bacteria within class Dehalococcoidia that obtain energy via the oxidation of hydrogen and subsequent reductive dehalogenation of halogenated organic compounds in a mode of anaerobic respiration called organohalide respiration
Wikipedia - De Hoop, Oud-Zevenaar -- Dutch windmill
Wikipedia - Dehydrogenase -- Class of enzymes
Wikipedia - Deipnosophistae -- Work by Athenaeus
Wikipedia - Dejen Aviation Engineering Industry -- Military aircraft maintenance facility
Wikipedia - Delaware Senate -- Upper house of the Delaware General Assembly
Wikipedia - Delay of game -- Time-based penalty in sports
Wikipedia - Delbert Hosemann -- 33rd Lieutenant Governor of Mississippi
Wikipedia - DeLena Johnson -- American politician
Wikipedia - Delhi Community Arena -- Recreation centre in Delhi, Ontario
Wikipedia - Delirium (Lena Philipsson song) -- 2004 song by Lena Philipsson
Wikipedia - Delta Central Senatorial District -- |Senatorial District in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Delta North Senatorial District -- |Senatorial District in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Delta South Senatorial District -- |Senatorial District in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Delvenau -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Delvim Fabiola Barcenas -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Democratic Movement for the Renaissance and Evolution of Central Africa -- Political party in the Central African Republic
Wikipedia - Demographics of Grenada -- National demographics
Wikipedia - Demographics of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Wikipedia - Denaby Main -- Village in South Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Dena Coward -- Canadian sports event coordinator
Wikipedia - Dena Dietrich -- American actress
Wikipedia - Dena Dubal -- American neurodegenerative disease researcher
Wikipedia - Dena Grayson -- American medical doctor and biochemist
Wikipedia - Dena Higley -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Denair Unified School District -- School district in California
Wikipedia - Denali Commission -- US federal agency operating in Alaska
Wikipedia - Denali Highway -- Highway in Alaska
Wikipedia - Denali -- highest mountain in North America
Wikipedia - Dena Paona -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Denapaona -- Short story by Rabindranath Tagore
Wikipedia - Denardo Coleman -- American jazz drummer
Wikipedia - Denarius -- Ancient Roman coin
Wikipedia - Denatured alcohol -- Ethanol with additives to discourage recreational consumption
Wikipedia - Denaun Porter -- American rapper
Wikipedia - Dena Vane-Kirkman -- British magazine editor
Wikipedia - Denawaka Hamine -- Sri Lankan actress
Wikipedia - Dena -- Sub-range within the Zagros Mountains
Wikipedia - Denay Jock Chagor -- South Sudanese politician
Wikipedia - Denazification -- Process carried out after World War II
Wikipedia - Dendrobaena veneta -- Species of annelid
Wikipedia - Denise Barbacena -- Filipino rapper and actress
Wikipedia - Denise Domenach-Lallich -- French resistance member
Wikipedia - Denise Guenard -- French track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Denis Godwin Antoine -- Grenadian diplomat
Wikipedia - Dennis DeConcini -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Arizona
Wikipedia - Dennis the Menace (1993 film) -- 1993 live-action American family film directed by Nick Castle
Wikipedia - Dennis the Menace and Gnasher -- British comic strip
Wikipedia - Dennis the Menace Strikes Again -- 1998 direct-to-video sequel to 1993 cinema release Dennis the Menace
Wikipedia - Denny Sanford Premier Center -- Arena located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Wikipedia - Denver Auditorium Arena -- Indoor arena in Denver, Colorado, U.S.
Wikipedia - Denzil Onslow (British Army officer) -- English cricketer and Grenadier Guards general
Wikipedia - Dependability -- Measure of a system's availability, reliability, and its maintainability, and maintenance support performance
Wikipedia - Depinder Singh -- Lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Depressaria pyrenaella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Deputy Lieutenant
Wikipedia - Deputy Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland -- Position in the upper house of Polish parliament
Wikipedia - Derbyshire Domesday Book tenants-in-chief -- List of Derbyshire land owners in the Domesday Book
Wikipedia - Derek Derenalagi -- British Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Derek Klena -- American actor and singer
Wikipedia - Deroxena venosulella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Derrick Tenai -- Solomon Islands archer
Wikipedia - Despicable Me 2 -- 2013 animated film directed by Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud
Wikipedia - Despicable Me (film) -- 2010 animated film directed by Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud
Wikipedia - Detroit Olympia -- Multi purpose arena in Michigan
Wikipedia - Deuane Sunnalath -- lieutenant and colonel in Laos
Wikipedia - Deutetrabenazine -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Devasena -- Hindu goddess
Wikipedia - Devoleena Bhattacharjee -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Dev Prasad Timilsena -- Nepali politician
Wikipedia - Dez Cadena -- American punk rock singer and guitarist
Wikipedia - D-glycerate dehydrogenase deficiency -- Rare autosomal recessive human diseases
Wikipedia - Dhananjaya Siriwardena -- Sri Lankan actor and presenter
Wikipedia - Dharasena
Wikipedia - Dharmasena Pathiraja -- Sri Lankan film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dheena (actor) -- Indian film actor
Wikipedia - Dheena -- 2001 film by A. R. Murugadoss
Wikipedia - Dhuleshwar Meena -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Diamena -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Dianne Feinstein -- United States Senator from California
Wikipedia - Dianthus arenarius -- Species of plant in the genus Dianthus
Wikipedia - Dichloralphenazone
Wikipedia - Dick Clark (senator) -- American politician
Wikipedia - Dick Durbin -- United States Democratic Senator from Illinois
Wikipedia - Dickies Arena -- Multi-purpose arena in Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.A.
Wikipedia - Dick Matena -- Dutch comics writer and cartoonist
Wikipedia - Diclofenac
Wikipedia - Diderik Wagenaar -- Dutch composer and musical theorist
Wikipedia - Didier Bienaime -- French actor
Wikipedia - Diego Benavente -- Northern Mariana Islands politician
Wikipedia - Diego Henao (diver) -- Colombian diver
Wikipedia - Diena, Mali -- | small town and commune in southern-central Mali
Wikipedia - Diestrammena japanica -- Species of cricket native to Japan
Wikipedia - Diestrammena -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Differ Ariake -- Arena in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase -- Protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens
Wikipedia - Dindica polyphaenaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Dinesh Gunawardena -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Dingzhai -- Village in Henan, People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Dinosaur Renaissance
Wikipedia - Diospyros pilosanthera -- species of plant in the family Ebenaceae
Wikipedia - Dipaenae eucera -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Di Penates
Wikipedia - Diplolaena andrewsii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Diplolaena cinerea -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Diplolaena dampieri -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Diplolaena microcephala -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Dipoena santacatarinae -- Species of spider
Wikipedia - Dipoena sertata -- Species of spider
Wikipedia - Disappearance of Evelyn Hartley -- Teenage girl from Wisconsin who disappeared on October 24, 1953
Wikipedia - Disappearance of Laureen Rahn -- American teenager who vanished from her home inM-BM- Manchester,M-BM- New Hampshire Apr 26 or 27, 1980 her fate remains unknown
Wikipedia - Disappearance of Mirella Gregori -- Italian missing teenager
Wikipedia - Disappearance of Nyleen Marshall -- American girl who disappeared under mysterious circumstances in theM-BM- Elkhorn MountainsM-BM- in theM-BM- Helena National Forest
Wikipedia - Disappearance of Patricia Spencer and Pamela Hobley -- Two American teenagers who went missing on Halloween in 1969
Wikipedia - Disneyland with the Death Penalty -- Article about Singapore by William Gibson
Wikipedia - Disney Renaissance -- Period of highly successful animated feature films released by Walt Disney Feature Animation from 1989 to 1999
Wikipedia - Distributed ray tracing -- Refinement of ray tracing that allows for the rendering of "soft" phenomena
Wikipedia - District Shaheed Benazir Abad
Wikipedia - Ditriaena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Ditrigona pomenaria -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Diva (Jelena KarleuM-EM-!a album) -- 2012 album by Jelena KarleuM-EM-!a
Wikipedia - Divination by Astrological and Meteorological Phenomena -- Ancient Chinese astronomy manuscript
Wikipedia - Divine Mercy novena
Wikipedia - Dixie Bibb Graves -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama; the first female Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Dixon Hall Lewis -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - D. L. Menard -- American Cajun musician and songwriter
Wikipedia - DM-DM-^Ybowiec Sports Arena -- Polish sports facility
Wikipedia - Doc (computing) -- Filename extension
Wikipedia - Doctrine and Covenants
Wikipedia - Docudrama -- Documentary genre that features dramatized re-enactments of actual events
Wikipedia - Dolichoderus baenae -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Dollar for Dollar -- 1920 film directed by Frank Keenan
Wikipedia - Dollarman -- Grenadan singer, songwriter, producer and musician
Wikipedia - Dolores Gangotena -- Ecuadorian First Lady
Wikipedia - DoM-CM-1a Elena, Comerio, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Domenico Ghirlandaio -- Italian Renaissance painter from Florence (1448-1494)
Wikipedia - Domenico Veneziano -- Italian Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - Domingo Perurena
Wikipedia - Dominicae cenae
Wikipedia - Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena
Wikipedia - Dommie Jayawardena -- Sri Lankan actor and singer
Wikipedia - Domo de la Feria -- Arena in Guanajuato
Wikipedia - Domo del Mar -- Arena in Campeche
Wikipedia - Donald L. Tucker Civic Center -- Arena in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Donald Stewart (Alabama politician) -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Donal Henahan -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Don Haskins Center -- Arena in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Donna Dasko -- Canadian senator from Ontario
Wikipedia - Don Sirisena -- Sri Lankan actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood -- 1996 film directed by Paris Barclay
Wikipedia - Doolittle Maintenance and Storage Facility -- Cable car maintenance facility and proposed station in Oakland, California
Wikipedia - Doomsday Cult: A Study of Conversion, Proselytization, and Maintenance of Faith -- 1966 sociological book by John Lofland
Wikipedia - Doomsday cult -- Cult that believes in apocalypticism and millenarianism
Wikipedia - Dorilus Morrison -- 19th century American businessman and politician. 1st and 3rd Mayor of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Member of the Minnesota Senate.
Wikipedia - Dorstenia drakena -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Dort Federal Credit Union Event Center -- Hockey arena in Flint, Michigan
Wikipedia - Dota 2 -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Doug Jones (politician) -- United States Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Douglas Lenat
Wikipedia - Doug Lenat
Wikipedia - Doyle Kenady -- American powerlifter and strongman
Wikipedia - Dracaena cinnabari -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Dracaena deremensis
Wikipedia - Dracaena fragrans
Wikipedia - Dracaena marginata
Wikipedia - Dracaena reflexa
Wikipedia - Dracaena trifasciata
Wikipedia - Dracovenator -- Extinct genus of dinosaur from the Jurassic of South Africa
Wikipedia - Dradenau -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Draft:79 Days Report -- series of political scenario exercises
Wikipedia - Draft:Anshul Saxena -- Social Media Activist
Wikipedia - Draft:Arena Polivalenta -- Arena in Bucharest, Romania
Wikipedia - Draft:Catalyst Black -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Draft:Chief Nutimus -- chief of the Lenape (Delaware)
Wikipedia - Draft:Diane Schenandoah -- American artist
Wikipedia - Draft:Isabelle Vandenabeele -- Belgian illustrator
Wikipedia - Draft:John Michael Bauer -- Former LASD Captain, 2020 [[Kootenai County]] Sheriff nominee
Wikipedia - Draft:Kertomenanggal railway station -- railway station in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Draft:List of Teenage Adults episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Draft:Lorena Gonzalez Guerrero -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Draft:Menam Residences -- Skyscraper in Bangkok, Thailand
Wikipedia - Draft:Milena Pavlovic -- Serbian actor
Wikipedia - Draft:Mukul Saxena -- Indian Chief technical officer and Engineer
Wikipedia - Draft:Petersburg Area Tenants Union -- Tenants' rights organization in the Petersburg, VA area
Wikipedia - Draft:Rerum Germanicarum libri tres -- Historical treatise by Beatus Rhenanus
Wikipedia - Draft:Sala Polivalenta Regina Maria -- Arena in Iasi, Romania
Wikipedia - Draft:Sala Polivalenta (Timisoara) -- Arena in Timisoara, Romania
Wikipedia - Draft:Sala Sporturilor (Mioveni) -- Arena in Mioveni, Romania
Wikipedia - Draft:Serena Crook -- New Zealand Artist and Business Woman
Wikipedia - Draft:Shabeena Adeeb -- Indian Poet and Writer
Wikipedia - Draft:The Centenarian Clock -- 2012 film by ShM-EM-+suke Kaneko
Wikipedia - Draft:Untitled Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles CGI Film -- Upcoming CGI animated action adventure film
Wikipedia - Draft:Vaibhav Saxena -- Indian composer, music director, rapper, singer and music producer
Wikipedia - Draft:Wikpedia:project wenard -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Drain Cosmetics -- album by Serena-Maneesh
Wikipedia - Drena De Niro -- American actress
Wikipedia - DRFG Arena -- Ice hockey stadium in the Czech Republic
Wikipedia - Dr. Juan Sanchez Acevedo Coliseum -- Sports arena in Moca, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Dr. Renault's Secret -- 1942 film by Harry Lachman
Wikipedia - Druzhba Arena -- Indoor sports arena in Donetsk, Ukraine
Wikipedia - D. S. Senanayake -- Prime Minister of Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Duchy of Modena and Reggio -- Former country
Wikipedia - Dudley Bagenal -- Irish landowner and soldier (1554-1587)
Wikipedia - Duke of Ferrara and of Modena -- Ducal office
Wikipedia - Dulcian -- Renaissance predecessor of the bassoon
Wikipedia - Dundalk Ice Dome -- Irish ice hockey arena
Wikipedia - Dupenau -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Durmenach -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Dutch Renaissance and Golden Age literature
Wikipedia - Dwamena Bekoe -- Ghanaian Politician
Wikipedia - DWVM -- Radio station in Lucena, Philippines
Wikipedia - DYLY-TV -- Television station in San Jose de Buenavista, Antique, now inactive
Wikipedia - Dysidea arenaria -- Species of sponge
Wikipedia - DZLQ -- Radio station in Lucena, Philippines
Wikipedia - EagleBank Arena -- Multi-purpose complex
Wikipedia - Eagle Medallion -- Car model produced Renault and marketed by American Motors Corporation
Wikipedia - Eagle's Nest Arena -- Sporting arena
Wikipedia - Earl Ravenal
Wikipedia - Earl's Palace, Kirkwall -- Ruined Renaissance-style palace near St Magnus's Cathedral in the centre of Kirkwall, Orkney, Scotland.
Wikipedia - Early Netherlandish painting -- Work of artists active in the Low Countries during the 15th- and 16th-century Northern Renaissance
Wikipedia - Early Renaissance
Wikipedia - Eastern Parkway Arena -- Former arena in Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - East Kingstown -- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Parliamentary Constituency
Wikipedia - Ebenaceae -- Family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Ebenalp -- Northernmost mountain of the Appenzell Alps, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Ebenator Ozulogu -- Town in Anambra State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Ebenezer Joshua -- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines politician (1908-1991)
Wikipedia - Echeveria amoena
Wikipedia - ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians -- Protestant denomination
Wikipedia - Economic sociology -- Study of the social cause and effect of various economic phenomena
Wikipedia - Economy of Grenada
Wikipedia - Economy of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Ectoedemia similigena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras I
Wikipedia - Eddie Arenas -- Filipino actor
Wikipedia - Edgar C. Whisenant -- American apocalyptist
Wikipedia - Edgar Dewdney -- Canadian politician and lieutenant governor
Wikipedia - Edirisinghe Senanayake -- Sri Lankan sport shooter
Wikipedia - Edmonton Gardens -- Indoor hockey arena built in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Edmund Pettus -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon (1821-1907)
Wikipedia - Edmund Venables -- British priest, writer, and antiquary
Wikipedia - Edmund Walsingham -- Lieutenant of Tower of London
Wikipedia - Edo Central Senatorial District -- |Senatorial District in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Edo North Senatorial District -- |Senatorial District in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Edo South Senatorial District -- Senatorial District in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Eduardo Arozamena -- Mexican actor
Wikipedia - Eduardo Bhatia -- 15th President of the Senate of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Education in Grenada
Wikipedia - Education in Saint Helena
Wikipedia - Education in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Edward J. O'Neill (Rhode Island politician) -- Independent member of the Rhode Island Senate
Wikipedia - Edward L. Keenan -- American historian
Wikipedia - Edward L. R. Elson -- American clergyman and Chaplain of the US Senate (1906-1993)
Wikipedia - Edward Rowny -- US Army Lieutenant General. Commands Held: 24 Inf Div 1964
Wikipedia - Edward Short, Baron Glenamara -- British politician and life peer
Wikipedia - Edwards v Canada (AG) -- 1929 Canadian court case about women's eligibility as senators
Wikipedia - Edward Venables-Vernon-Harcourt
Wikipedia - Edward W. Snedeker -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Edwin Grienauer -- Austrian sculptor
Wikipedia - Edwin "Puruco" Nolasco Coliseum -- Indoor sporting arena located in Coamo, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Eelke Bakker -- Dutch centenarian
Wikipedia - Effenaar -- Dutch music venue
Wikipedia - Eggplant -- Plant species, Solanum melongena
Wikipedia - Egyptian Renaissance Party -- Political party in Egypt
Wikipedia - Ehenas -- Maldivian drama web television series
Wikipedia - Eileen Flynn (politician) -- Irish activist and senator
Wikipedia - Eirenaeus Philalethes
Wikipedia - Eisenacher Motorenwerk -- German automobile manufacturer and Formula One constructor
Wikipedia - Eisenach
Wikipedia - Eissportzentrum Chemnitz -- Sports arena and indoor ice hockey venue
Wikipedia - Eissportzentrum Westfalenhallen -- Indoor sporting arena in Dortmund, Germany
Wikipedia - Ekeberghallen -- An indoor sports arena located at Ekebergsletta in Nordstrand, Oslo, Norw
Wikipedia - Ek Haseena Thi Ek Deewana Tha -- 2017 Indian Hindi-language romantic musical drama film
Wikipedia - Elachista irenae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Elasmotena insulana -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - El Bienamado -- Mexican telenovela produced by Televisa, based on the Dias Gomes work
Wikipedia - El buena suerte -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Eldena Abbey -- former Cistercian monastery in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
Wikipedia - Eldena Bear Don't Walk -- American politician and judge
Wikipedia - El Domo -- Arena in San Luis Potosi City
Wikipedia - Electoral district of Menai -- Former state electoral district of New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Electoral history of Eugene McCarthy -- US Senator 1959-1971
Wikipedia - Electrical phenomena
Wikipedia - Electricity -- Physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electric charge
Wikipedia - Electromagnetism -- Branch of science concerned with the phenomena of electricity and magnetism
Wikipedia - Elena (2011 film) -- 2011 film
Wikipedia - Elena (2012 film) -- 2012 film directed by Petra Costa
Wikipedia - Elena Aida Fernicola -- Argentine politician
Wikipedia - Elena Aiello
Wikipedia - Elena Albu -- Romanian actress
Wikipedia - Elena Alexieva -- Bulgarian writer
Wikipedia - Elena Allen -- British sports shooter
Wikipedia - Elena Altieri -- Italian actress
Wikipedia - Elena Altsjoel -- Belarusian draughts player
Wikipedia - Elena Anagnostopoulou -- Greek theoretical linguist and syntactician
Wikipedia - Elena Anaya -- Spanish actress
Wikipedia - Elena and Her Men -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Elena Andries -- Romanian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Elena Aniushina -- Russian canoeist
Wikipedia - Elena Aprile -- Italian experimental particle physicist
Wikipedia - Elena Arenas -- American artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Artamendi -- Spanish gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Arzak -- Spanish chef
Wikipedia - Elena Ballesteros -- Spanish actress
Wikipedia - Elena Balletti -- Italian actress, poet, woman of letters, playwright and writer.
Wikipedia - Elena Balmori -- Filipino actress
Wikipedia - Elena Barolo -- Italian actress, showgirl and blogger
Wikipedia - Elena Barulina -- Russian botanist and geneticist
Wikipedia - Elena Basescu -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Elena Bashir -- Linguist
Wikipedia - Elena Bechke -- Russian pair skater
Wikipedia - Elena Belci -- Italian speed skater
Wikipedia - Elena Benarroch -- Spanish fashion designer
Wikipedia - Elena Benitez -- Spanish taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Elena Bennett -- Systems ecologist
Wikipedia - Elena Berezhnaya -- Russian pair skater
Wikipedia - Elena Berezovich -- Russian linguist
Wikipedia - Elena Berkova -- Russian ex-model, television presenter, singer and actress
Wikipedia - Elena Berta -- Italian sailor
Wikipedia - Elena Bertocchi -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Elena Besley -- Computational chemist, researcher
Wikipedia - Elena Besova -- Russian judoka
Wikipedia - Elena Bineva -- Bulgarian group rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Blasco -- Spanish multidisciplinary artist
Wikipedia - Elena Bobrovskaya -- Kyrgyzstani athlete
Wikipedia - Elena Boeva -- Bulgarian model and actress based in New York, USA
Wikipedia - Elena Boldyreva -- Russian chemist
Wikipedia - Elena Bolotina -- Belarusian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Bonetti -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Elena Bouryka -- Russian-Italian actress
Wikipedia - Elena Braslavsky -- American pianist of Russian birth
Wikipedia - Elena Braverman -- Russian, Israeli, and Canadian mathematician
Wikipedia - Elena Brockmann -- Spanish painter
Wikipedia - Elena Carapetis -- Australian actress and writer
Wikipedia - Elena Catena -- Spanish academic
Wikipedia - Elena Cattaneo -- Italian academic
Wikipedia - Elena Ceampelea -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Ceausescu -- 20th-century Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Elena Celledoni -- Italian mathematician
Wikipedia - Elena Chiozza -- Argentinian geographer
Wikipedia - Elena Chistilina -- Russian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Elena Congost -- Spanish Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Elena Conti -- Italian biochemist
Wikipedia - Elena Cornaro Piscopia -- Italian philosopher
Wikipedia - Elena Corregido -- Argentine politician
Wikipedia - Elena Dahl -- Russian-Swedish author and translator
Wikipedia - Elena D'Angri -- Greek opera singer 1821-86
Wikipedia - Elena de' Grimani -- Italian comics illustrator (b. 1975)
Wikipedia - Elena Dimitrakopoulou -- Greek sailor
Wikipedia - Elena Dobronravova -- Russian actress
Wikipedia - Elena Dolgopolova -- Russian gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Donaldson-Akhmilovskaya -- Soviet-born American chess player
Wikipedia - Elena Donazzan -- Italian politician from Veneto
Wikipedia - Elena Dorfman -- American fine art photographer
Wikipedia - Elena D'Orgaz -- Mexican actress
Wikipedia - Elena Doronina -- Russian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Elena Dostay -- Russian archer
Wikipedia - Elena Duggan -- Australian cook
Wikipedia - Elena Duglioli
Wikipedia - Elena Efaieva -- Russian former pair skater
Wikipedia - Elena Efimovna Kuzmina -- Russian archaeologist
Wikipedia - Elena Eremina -- Russian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Espinosa -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Elena Esposito -- Italian sociologist
Wikipedia - Elena-Evgenia, wife of Ivan Asen I
Wikipedia - Elena Fanailova -- Russian poet
Wikipedia - Elena Fatalibekova -- Russian chess player
Wikipedia - Elena Fattori -- Italian politician from Rimini
Wikipedia - Elena Favilli -- Italian author, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Elena Fernandez -- Spanish operations researcher
Wikipedia - Elena Ferrari -- Professor at the University of Insurbia in Italy
Wikipedia - Elena Firsova -- Russian composer
Wikipedia - Elena Flerova -- Russian artist
Wikipedia - Elena Forbes -- English writer
Wikipedia - Elena Ford -- American businesswoman
Wikipedia - Elena Frolova
Wikipedia - Elena Furiase -- Spanish actress
Wikipedia - Elena Galiabovitch -- Australian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Elena Gatti Caporaso -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Elena Georgieva (gymnast) -- Bulgarian gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Georgieva -- Bulgarian linguist
Wikipedia - Elena Georgievskaya -- Russian author and political activist
Wikipedia - Elena Gerasimova -- Russian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Ghica Elementary School -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Elena Gilbert -- Fictional character from The Vampire Diaries television series
Wikipedia - Elena Gilels -- Russian pianist
Wikipedia - Elena Ginko -- Belarusian race walker
Wikipedia - Elena Goh Ling Yin -- Malaysian race walker
Wikipedia - Elena Gomez -- Spanish gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Gonzalez-MoM-CM-1ux -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Elena Gorohova -- Moldovan biathlete
Wikipedia - Elena Grigorenko -- American clinical psychologist
Wikipedia - Elena Grosheva -- Russian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Grushina -- Ukrainian ice dancer
Wikipedia - Elena Guerra
Wikipedia - Elena Hight -- American snowboarder
Wikipedia - Elena Hila -- Romanian shot putter
Wikipedia - Elena Hrenova -- Moldavian politician
Wikipedia - Elena Ilinykh -- Russian ice dancer
Wikipedia - Elena Ivanova -- Russian figure skater
Wikipedia - Elena Ivashchenko -- Russian judoka
Wikipedia - Elena Kagan -- Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court
Wikipedia - Elena Kaliska -- Slovak canoeist
Wikipedia - Elena Kampouris -- American actress
Wikipedia - Elena Karpukhina -- Soviet rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Kazimirtchak-PolonskaM-CM-/a -- Ukrainian astronomer
Wikipedia - Elena Khalyavina -- Russian ice dancer
Wikipedia - Elena Kitic -- Serbian singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Elena Konz -- Swiss snowboarder
Wikipedia - Elena Kopke -- German chess player
Wikipedia - Elena Korosteleva -- Political Scientist
Wikipedia - Elena KubiliM-EM-+naitM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian athletics competitor and sports journalist
Wikipedia - Elena Kurbakova -- Israeli snooker and pool player
Wikipedia - Elena Kuschnerova
Wikipedia - Elena Kustarova -- Russian ice dancer and coach
Wikipedia - Elena Kuznetsova -- Uzbekistani sport shooter
Wikipedia - Elena Lagadinova -- Bulgarian agronomist, genetic engineer, and politician
Wikipedia - Elena Lagorara -- Italian gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Lashmanova -- Russian race walker
Wikipedia - Elena Leeve -- Finnish actress
Wikipedia - Elena Leusteanu -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Liashenko -- Ukrainian figure skater
Wikipedia - Elena Lipalit -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Elena Lizzi -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Elena Long -- Physicist
Wikipedia - Elena Lopez -- Spanish rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Lucena -- Argentine actress
Wikipedia - Elena LukauskienM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian chess player
Wikipedia - Elena-Luminita Cosma -- Romanian chess player
Wikipedia - Elena Lunda -- Italian actress
Wikipedia - Elena Macovei -- Romanian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Elena Maganini -- Film editor
Wikipedia - Elena Maksimova -- Belarusian chess player
Wikipedia - Elena Manferdini -- Italian architect
Wikipedia - Elena Marchisotto -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Elena Margarit -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Maria Petrini -- Italian female triathlete
Wikipedia - Elena Mestergazi -- Russian academic
Wikipedia - Elena Micheli -- Italian modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Elena Milashina -- Russian journalist (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Elena Miller -- Soviet spy
Wikipedia - Elena Moldovan Popoviciu -- Romanian mathematician
Wikipedia - Elena Moretti -- Italian judoka
Wikipedia - Elena Mousikou -- Cypriot archer
Wikipedia - Elena Murzina -- Russian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Myers -- American motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Elena Nasturel -- Romanian princess consort
Wikipedia - Elena Nathanael -- Greek actress
Wikipedia - Elena Nikitina -- Russian skeleton racer
Wikipedia - Elena Nikonova -- Russian pair skater
Wikipedia - Elena NM-CM-$sM-CM-$nen -- Finnish visual artist
Wikipedia - Elena Oana Antonescu -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Elena of Avalor -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - Elena of Moldavia
Wikipedia - Elena of Montenegro
Wikipedia - Elena Panaritis -- Greek economist, Member of the Hellenic Parliament from 2009 to 2012
Wikipedia - Elena Partac -- Moldovan chess player
Wikipedia - Elena Pautova -- Russian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Elena Pingacheva -- Russian figure skater
Wikipedia - Elena Piskun -- Belarusian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Podzamska -- Slovak actress
Wikipedia - Elena Poniatowska -- Mexican journalist and author
Wikipedia - Elena Pop-Hossu-Longin -- Austro-Hungarian-born Romanian writer, journalist, socialist, suffragist and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Elena Proskurakova -- Kyrgyzstani judoka
Wikipedia - Elena Quirici -- Swiss karateka
Wikipedia - Elena Radionova -- Russian figure skater
Wikipedia - Elena Radu -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Elena Ramirez Parra -- Spanish scientist and molecular biologist
Wikipedia - Elena Reiche -- German modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Elena Reid -- American martial artist
Wikipedia - Elena Reynaga -- Activist for sex workers rights in Latin America
Wikipedia - Elena Richter -- German archer
Wikipedia - Elena Rigas -- Danish inline and speed skater
Wikipedia - Elena Risteska
Wikipedia - Elena Rodriguez-Falcon -- Mexican--born academic
Wikipedia - Elena Romanovskaya -- Russian ice dancer
Wikipedia - Elena Rosell -- Spanish motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Elena Rose -- American singer
Wikipedia - Elena Sacalici -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Salgado -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Elena Sanchez Valenzuela -- Mexican silent film actress
Wikipedia - Elena Santiago -- Spanish author
Wikipedia - Elena Santoni -- Italian gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Santonja -- Spanish television presenter and actress
Wikipedia - Elena Sazhina -- Russian TV host, blogger and actress
Wikipedia - Elena Sazonenkova -- Soviet artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Scarpellini -- Italian pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Elena Sedina -- Ukrainian-Italian chess player
Wikipedia - Elena Semino -- British linguist
Wikipedia - Elena Shadrina -- Russian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Elena Shcheglova -- Russian figure skater
Wikipedia - Elena Sidneva -- Russian dressage rider
Wikipedia - Elena Smolyanova -- Uzbekistani shot putter
Wikipedia - Elena Sofia Ricci -- Italian actress
Wikipedia - Elena Sokolova -- Russian figure skater
Wikipedia - Elena Solovey -- Soviet-American actress
Wikipedia - Elena Stan -- Romanian luger
Wikipedia - Elena Stern -- Swiss curler
Wikipedia - Elena Stoyanova -- Bulgarian shot putter
Wikipedia - Elena Sviridova -- Russian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Elena Teplitskaya -- Ukrainian psychologist
Wikipedia - Elena Tice -- Irish sportswoman
Wikipedia - Elena Tkachenko -- Belarusian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Tkach -- Russian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Elena Todorova -- Bulgarian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Tomas -- Soviet rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Tonetta -- Italian archer
Wikipedia - Elena Tsagrinou -- Greek singer
Wikipedia - Elena Udrea -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Elena Undone -- 2010 film by Nicole Conn
Wikipedia - Elena Usievich -- Russian writer and literary critic (1893-1968)
Wikipedia - Elena Valenciano -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Elena Valentinis
Wikipedia - Elena Valova -- Russian pair skater
Wikipedia - Elena Vaytsekhovskaya -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Elena Velez -- American fashion designer and artist
Wikipedia - Elena Verdugo -- American actress
Wikipedia - Elena Vintila -- Romanian athlete
Wikipedia - Elena Viviani -- Italian short track speed skater
Wikipedia - Elena Votsi -- Greek jewelry designer
Wikipedia - Elena V. Pitjeva -- Russian astronomer
Wikipedia - Elena Wassen -- German diver
Wikipedia - Elena Wexler-Kreindler -- Romanian mathematician
Wikipedia - Elena Yoncheva -- Bulgarian journalist
Wikipedia - Elena Zamolodchikova -- Russian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Elena Zareschi
Wikipedia - Elena Zharkova -- Russian ice dancer
Wikipedia - Elena Zhdanova -- Russian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Elena Zhosul -- Russian journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - El Greco -- Greek painter, sculptor and architect of the Spanish Renaissance (1541-1614)
Wikipedia - El Guero Y Su Banda Centenario -- Duranguense band (2004-)
Wikipedia - Elia Levita -- Renaissance Hebrew grammarian, scholar and poet
Wikipedia - Eli Ben-Menachem -- Israeli politician
Wikipedia - Eliezer ben Elijah Ashkenazi
Wikipedia - Elijah Benamozegh
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Trissenaar -- Austrian actress
Wikipedia - Elisabetta Benato-Beltrami -- 19th-century Italian painter and sculptor
Wikipedia - Eli (Xena: Warrior Princess) -- Fictional character
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Turnbull -- New Zealand woollen mill worker and centenarian
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Warren -- United States Democratic Senator from Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Elle Greenaway -- Character in American television series Criminal Minds
Wikipedia - Ellenabad railway station -- Railway station in Sirsa district, Haryana, India
Wikipedia - Ellerbach (Altenau) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Ellis Gibbons -- English Renaissance composer
Wikipedia - El Paso County Coliseum -- Arena in El Paso, Texas
Wikipedia - El Roble District -- district in Puntarenas canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Elsa Cardenas -- Mexican actress
Wikipedia - Elsie Surena -- Haitian writer
Wikipedia - Elymnias penanga -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Embryology -- Branch of biology studying prenatal biology
Wikipedia - Emerson Obiena -- Filipino pole vaulter and coach
Wikipedia - Emile BienaimM-CM-) -- French composer
Wikipedia - Emiliano Mercado del Toro -- Puerto Rican supercentenarian
Wikipedia - Emilio E. Huyke Coliseum -- Indoor sporting arena located in Humacao, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Emilio M-CM-^Alvarez Icaza -- Mexican senator and sociologist
Wikipedia - Emil Knoevenagel
Wikipedia - Emma Morano -- Italian supercentenarian
Wikipedia - Emmanuel Lenain -- French Ambassador
Wikipedia - Emmenanthe -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Emmett Hanger -- American senator
Wikipedia - Empis morenae -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Enaaya -- 2019 web series
Wikipedia - Ena Begovic -- Croatian actress
Wikipedia - Enabling Act of 1933 -- Transfer of the Reichstag's power to the government under Hitler
Wikipedia - Enabling act -- Act of law enabling an agency such as an executive branch to take actions
Wikipedia - Enabling Grids for E-sciencE
Wikipedia - Enabling technology
Wikipedia - Enabling -- Psychological intervention
Wikipedia - ENA Channel -- TV channel in Greece
Wikipedia - Ena Cremona -- Maltese judge
Wikipedia - Enactivism (psychology)
Wikipedia - Enactivism
Wikipedia - Enadoline
Wikipedia - ENAER M-CM-^Qamcu -- Chilean light aircraft design
Wikipedia - Ena Fujita -- Japanese musician and model
Wikipedia - Enagas -- Company
Wikipedia - Ena Gregory -- Australian actress
Wikipedia - Enai Noki Paayum Thota -- 2019 film directed by Gautham Menon
Wikipedia - Enai Station -- Railway station in Kotohira, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Ena Kadic -- Bosnian-Austrian model
Wikipedia - Enakalle
Wikipedia - Enakku Innoru Per Irukku -- 2016 Indian Tamil-language action comedy film by Sam Anton
Wikipedia - Enakkul Oruvan (1984 film) -- 1984 film by S. P. Muthuraman
Wikipedia - Enakku Vaaitha Adimaigal -- A 2017 Tamil film by Mahendran Rajamani
Wikipedia - Enakta Leiringei -- 2017 Manipuri film, India
Wikipedia - Enaliarctos -- Genus of pinniped
Wikipedia - Enalus -- Man in Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Enamel fracture
Wikipedia - Enamel lamellae -- Type of structure in teeth
Wikipedia - Enamelled glass -- Glass which has been decorated with vitreous enamel
Wikipedia - Enam Medical College and Hospital -- Private medical school in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Enamorada de Ti (song) -- 1990 song recorded by Selena
Wikipedia - Enamorada (film) -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Enamul Haque Chowdhury -- Bangladeshi politician
Wikipedia - Enamul Haque (engineer) -- Bangladeshi Politician
Wikipedia - Enamul Haque (politician) -- Bangladeshi politician
Wikipedia - Enamul Hossain -- Bangladeshi chess player
Wikipedia - Enannatum II
Wikipedia - Enannatum I
Wikipedia - Enantiodrilus -- genus of earthworms
Wikipedia - Enantiodromia
Wikipedia - Enantiola -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Enantiomeric excess
Wikipedia - Enantiomer -- Stereoisomers which are non-superposable mirror images of each other
Wikipedia - Enantiophanes -- Byzantine jurist of uncertain date
Wikipedia - Enantioselective synthesis
Wikipedia - Enaphalodes -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Enard River -- a tributary of Lac Chibougamau (Nottaway Slope), Northern Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Enar Edberg -- Swedish weightlifter
Wikipedia - Enaretta -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Enargia paleacea -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ena Saha -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Ena Sandra Causevic -- Danish model from Sonderborg, Denmark
Wikipedia - Enasa -- Spanish vehicle manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Ena Sendijarevic -- Bosnian film director
Wikipedia - Enase Okonedo -- Nigerian business academic
Wikipedia - Ena Station -- Railway station in Ena, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Ena Thomas -- Welsh cook
Wikipedia - Enathu Bailey bridge -- Bridge in India
Wikipedia - Enathu Bridge -- Bridge in India
Wikipedia - Enation -- Scaly leaflike structures, differing from leaves in their lack of vascular tissue
Wikipedia - Enaton
Wikipedia - Ena Twigg
Wikipedia - Enayat Ahmad -- Indian geographer
Wikipedia - Enayat Allah Ibrahim -- Egyptian painter
Wikipedia - Enayatollah Bakhshi -- Iranian veteran actor
Wikipedia - Enchylaena tomentosa -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Enduring Stockpile -- United States' arsenal of nuclear weapons post Cold War
Wikipedia - Endynomena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - English Renaissance theatre -- theatre of England between 1562 and 1642
Wikipedia - English renaissance
Wikipedia - English Renaissance -- Cultural and artistic movement in England dating from the late 15th century to the early 17th century
Wikipedia - Enid (song) -- 1992 single by Barenaked Ladies
Wikipedia - ENMAX Centre -- Multi-use indoor arena in Lethbridge, Alberta
Wikipedia - Enrique Alcatena -- Argentine comic book artist
Wikipedia - Enrique Camarena (sport shooter) -- Spanish sports shooter
Wikipedia - Enrique Cardenas del Avellano -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Enrique Rodriguez Negron -- Member of Senate of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Enrique Sapena Granell -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Ensemble Weser-Renaissance Bremen -- German instrumental ensemble
Wikipedia - Ensenada Airport -- Commercial airport serving Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
Wikipedia - Ensenada, Baja California -- City in Baja California, Mexico
Wikipedia - Ensenada, Guanica, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Ensenada Honda (Ceiba, Puerto Rico) -- Inlet on Puerto Rico's northeastern coast
Wikipedia - Ensenada Honda (Culebra, Puerto Rico) -- Beach in Culebra Island, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Ensenada, Rincon, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Entemena
Wikipedia - Enterprise Center -- Arena in St. Louis, Missouri, United States
Wikipedia - Enugu North Senatorial District -- |Senatorial District in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Environmental chemistry -- The scientific study of the chemical and phenomena that occur in natural places
Wikipedia - Enyinnaya Abaribe -- Nigerian Senate member
Wikipedia - Epiphenomenal ectoplasm
Wikipedia - Epiphenomenalism
Wikipedia - Epiphenomenal
Wikipedia - Epiphenomena
Wikipedia - Epipsestis renalis -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Erasmus D. Campbell -- 19th century American Democratic politician, 6th Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Erasmus -- Dutch Renaissance humanist, philosopher, Catholic priest and theologian (1466-1536)
Wikipedia - Eremophila arenaria -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Erica de Sena -- Brazilian race walker
Wikipedia - Eric Arenas -- Peruvian canoeist
Wikipedia - Erica Tietze-Conrat -- Austrian art historian, one of the first women to study art history, a strong supporter of contemporary art in Vienna and an art historian specializing in Renaissance art and the Venetian school drawings.
Wikipedia - Eric Morena -- French singer
Wikipedia - Eric Renaud -- French canoeist
Wikipedia - Eric Wimberger -- American Republican politician, Member-elect of the Wisconsin State Senate.
Wikipedia - Erigena
Wikipedia - Eristena straminealis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eriugena
Wikipedia - Erna Morena -- German actress
Wikipedia - Ernest Cady -- 65th Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut
Wikipedia - Ernest Gruening -- Governor of the Alaska Territory and U.S. Senator
Wikipedia - Ernest McFarland -- Democratic governor of and U.S. Senator from Arizona; Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court
Wikipedia - Ernest Menault
Wikipedia - Ernest Obiena -- Filipino pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Ernesto Cardenal -- Nicaraguan priest and politician
Wikipedia - Ernest Renan -- French philosopher, biblical scholar, orientalist and historian of religion
Wikipedia - Ernst van Altena -- Dutch poet
Wikipedia - Error detection and correction -- Techniques that enable reliable delivery of digital data over unreliable communication channels
Wikipedia - Error-tolerant design -- Design that does not penalize user errors
Wikipedia - Erythrovenator -- A genus of basal theropod dinosaurs
Wikipedia - Esbjerg Stadionhal -- Former indoor arena in Esbjerg, Denmark
Wikipedia - Escobal District -- district in Atenas canton, Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Eselsbach (Warmenau) -- River in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Wikipedia - Esmeralda Cardenas Sanchez -- Mexican lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Esparza (canton) -- canton in Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Espiritu Santo District -- district in Esparza canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Essena O'Neill
Wikipedia - Estadio Jesus Martinez "Palillo" -- Multi-use stadium in the Magdalena Mixhuca Sports City in Mexico City
Wikipedia - Estadio Jose Gregorio Martinez -- Stadium in Chalatenango, El Salvador
Wikipedia - Estadio Luna Park -- Sports and events arena in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Wikipedia - Estadio Municipal Aderito Sena -- Sports stadium in Mindelo, Cape Verde
Wikipedia - Estadio Osvaldo Casanova -- Sports arena in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Wikipedia - Estadio Universidad del Mar -- Tennis court in La Serena, Chile
Wikipedia - Esta historia me suena (season 1) -- 2019 Mexican television season
Wikipedia - Esta historia me suena -- Mexican anthology television series
Wikipedia - Esther Carena -- German actress
Wikipedia - Esthlogena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Eternal Filena -- Media franchise
Wikipedia - Ethan Lindenberger -- Teenager who received vaccinations against his parents will
Wikipedia - Ethmia cyrenaicella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ethnic penalty
Wikipedia - Etienne Pierre Ventenat -- Late 18th century French botanist and taxonomist (1757-1808)
Wikipedia - Eucalyptus phenax -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Eucrostes indigenata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eudaldo Baez Galib -- Senator of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Eugenio Fernandez Cerra -- Senator of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Eupithecia aliena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia arenaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia aysenae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia casmena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia crenata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia egenaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia helenaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia helena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia jefrenata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia karenae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia maenamiella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia molybdaena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia niveivena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia rufivenata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia rulena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia serenata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia serpentigena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia silenata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia terrenata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia turkmena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia vallenarensis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupterote amaena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eurema irena -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Euryxaenapta -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Euskotren Trena -- Train operating company in the Basque Country, Spain
Wikipedia - Eva-Lena Jansson -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Evan Bayh -- 46th Governor of Indiana, former United States Senator from Indiana
Wikipedia - Evangelical Association of the Israelite Mission of the New Universal Covenant -- Religious organization in Peru
Wikipedia - Eva Sykova -- Czech senator of Czech Parliament, doctor, professor and scientist
Wikipedia - Eve Polastri -- Fictional character from the 2018 novel Codename Villanelle
Wikipedia - Eve (Xena: Warrior Princess) -- Character in Xena
Wikipedia - Evita Griskenas -- American individual rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Evolutionary ideas of the Renaissance and Enlightenment -- Changes in thinking about evolution from religious and spiritual to more mechanistic and biological over the 17th and 18th centuries
Wikipedia - Evolution of hyenas
Wikipedia - Evylena Nunn Miller -- American painter
Wikipedia - Exclusion of the null hypothesis -- Position that there is no relationship between two phenomena
Wikipedia - Executed Renaissance -- Ukrainian cultural figures persecuted, executed or repressed during the Stalinist regime
Wikipedia - Expert wizard amendment -- Proposed amendment by New Mexico state senator Duncan Scott
Wikipedia - Expo Forum -- Arena in Sonora, Mexico
Wikipedia - Expo Square Pavilion -- Multi-purpose arena
Wikipedia - Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation -- Technique of providing both cardiac and respiratory support
Wikipedia - Eye-Fi -- Company producing WiFi enabled memory cards
Wikipedia - Eymard Corbin -- Canadian retired Senator
Wikipedia - Fabrica ecclesiae -- Latin term describing the construction and maintenance of a church
Wikipedia - Fabritio Caroso -- Italian Renaissance dancing master
Wikipedia - Faena Hotel Buenos Aires -- Hotel in Buenos Aires
Wikipedia - Fagivorina arenaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Faith School Menace? -- 2010 film
Wikipedia - Fakir Mohan Senapati
Wikipedia - FaleM-EM-!na koM-DM-^MiM-DM-^Mka aneb KdyM-EM-> si M-EM->ena umini -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Faliro Sports Pavilion Arena -- Sports stadium in Athens, Greece
Wikipedia - Fallin' (Adrenaline) -- 2020 single by Why Don't We
Wikipedia - Falling for the First Time -- 2001 single by Barenaked Ladies
Wikipedia - Falsoparmena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Family Arena -- Multi-purpose arena in Missouri, United States
Wikipedia - Fana Mokoena -- South African actor and politician
Wikipedia - Fang Dianrong -- Retired lieutenant general from China
Wikipedia - Farm Credit Dairy Center -- Arena in California, United States
Wikipedia - Farum Arena -- Sports venue in Denmark
Wikipedia - Fastenal -- American industrial supply company based in Winona, Minnesota
Wikipedia - Father and Sons -- 2003 film by Michel Boujenah
Wikipedia - Fat Man -- Codename for the type of atomic bomb that was detonated over the Japanese city of Nagasaki on 9 August 1945
Wikipedia - Faustus Cornelius Sulla (consul 31) -- 1st century AD Roman senator
Wikipedia - Faustus Cornelius Sulla (quaestor 54 BC) -- Roman senator
Wikipedia - Fawang Temple -- Buddhist temple near Dengfeng, Henan, China
Wikipedia - Federal Firearms License -- US license to enable an individual or a company to be in the firearms business
Wikipedia - Federico Luigi Menabrea
Wikipedia - Feel Me (Selena Gomez song) -- 2020 song by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Felice Benasedo -- Italian motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Felice Carena -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Felipe Arturo Camarena -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Felipe Pena -- Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioner
Wikipedia - Felix Arenas Gaspar -- Puerto Rican Spanish Army captain
Wikipedia - Felix Cardenas -- Colombian road bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Felix de Muelenaere -- Belgian politician
Wikipedia - Felix Senac -- Confederate States Navy agent to Europe
Wikipedia - FeMoco -- Cofactor of nitrogenase
Wikipedia - Fenadiazole
Wikipedia - Fenagh, County Leitrim
Wikipedia - Fena: Pirate Princess -- 2021 Japanese anime series
Wikipedia - Fenar Ahmad -- Danish filmmaker of Iraqi origin
Wikipedia - Fenleuton -- 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor
Wikipedia - Ferenc Lenart -- Hungarian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Fernando Robles -- A Portuguese former Second Lieutenant
Wikipedia - Fernando Trexo y Senabria -- 17th-century Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Ferreria/Arena Ciudad de Mexico metro station -- Mexico City metro station
Wikipedia - Festival de Bomba y Plena de San Anton -- Annual celebration held in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Fetish (song) -- 2017 single by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Feudal maintenance -- Money payment to soldiers who fought in the interest and at the command of their lord
Wikipedia - Fiat Siena -- Compact car produced by Fiat
Wikipedia - Fifth Third Arena -- Multi-purpose arena in Cincinnati, Ohio
Wikipedia - Filemon Sotto -- Filipino Visayan Senator, Congressman, and Constitutional Convention delegate from Cebu, Philippines
Wikipedia - Filename extension -- Filename suffix that indicates the file's type
Wikipedia - Filename mangling
Wikipedia - Filename -- Text string used to uniquely identify a computer file
Wikipedia - Filibuster in the United States Senate -- method of legislative obstruction in the US senate
Wikipedia - Filicerozaena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Filipe de Brito e Nicote -- Portuguese mercenary in southeastern Asia
Wikipedia - Filippo Lippi -- 15th-century Italian Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - Filippo Maria Renazzi -- Italian writer
Wikipedia - Filippo Penati -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Filomena Barros Dos Reis -- East Timorese peace and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Filomena Costa -- Portuguese athlete
Wikipedia - Filomena Delli Castelli -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Filomena LinM-DM-^MiM-EM-+tM-DM-^W-VaitiekM-EM-+nienM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian set designer and painter
Wikipedia - Findlay Toyota Center -- Multi-purpose arena in Prescott Valley, Arizona
Wikipedia - Fine (penalty) -- Financial penalty
Wikipedia - Fintan of Clonenagh
Wikipedia - First Fleet -- 11 ships that left Great Britain to found the penal colony in Australia
Wikipedia - First Lieutenant
Wikipedia - First lieutenant -- Military rank
Wikipedia - FirstOntario Centre -- sports and entertainment arena
Wikipedia - Fiserv Forum -- Indoor arena in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Fixed penalty notice -- Financial penalty issued for a minor offence
Wikipedia - Flag of Grenada -- National flag
Wikipedia - Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- National flag
Wikipedia - Flavin containing monooxygenase 1 -- Protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens
Wikipedia - Flight Lieutenant (film) -- 1942 film by Sidney Salkow
Wikipedia - Flight lieutenant -- Junior commissioned rank
Wikipedia - Flipside (fanzine) -- Fanzine based in Pasadena
Wikipedia - FloM-CM-^_bach (Isenach) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Flora & Ulysses (film) -- Upcoming 2021 family comedy film directed by Lena Khan
Wikipedia - Flora Azcuenaga -- Argentinian philanthropist
Wikipedia - Florence Aubenas -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Florence Center -- Multipurpose arena in Florence, South Carolina
Wikipedia - Florencio Harmodio Arosemena -- President of Panama from 1928 to 1931
Wikipedia - Florian Enache -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Florida Senate -- Upper house of the Florida Legislature
Wikipedia - Florine Valdenaire -- French snowboarder
Wikipedia - Flufenamic acid
Wikipedia - Fluphenazine
Wikipedia - Focko Ukena -- 14th and 15th-century East Frisian chieftain
Wikipedia - Fondation Barbier-Mueller pour l'etude de la poesie italienne de la Renaissance -- Swiss organization
Wikipedia - Fonteius Capito (consul 67) -- 1st century Roman senator, consul and governor
Wikipedia - Fontenay Abbey
Wikipedia - Fontenay-de-Bossery -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Fontenay-le-Pesnel War Cemetery -- Military cemetery in Normandy
Wikipedia - Fontenay-les-Briis -- Commune in M-CM-^Nle-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Fontenay-le-Vicomte -- Commune in M-CM-^Nle-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Fontenay-sous-Bois
Wikipedia - Footlight Serenade -- 1942 film by Gregory Ratoff
Wikipedia - Forlivese school of art -- Renaissance art movement
Wikipedia - Formica polyctena -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Foro Penal -- Venezuelan NGO focused on human rights
Wikipedia - Fort Cornwallis -- Bastion fort in George Town, Penang, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Fort Denaud Bridge -- Bridge in Florida, United States of America
Wikipedia - Fortezza Medicea (Siena)
Wikipedia - Fort of Almadena -- 17th Century fort in Portugal
Wikipedia - Fort Worth Convention Center -- Arena in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Forum Copenhagen -- Indoor arena
Wikipedia - For You (Selena Gomez album) -- 2014 compilation album by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Foster C. LaHue -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Fouad Bouzenada -- Algerian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Foulenay -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, France
Wikipedia - Four Seasons Arena -- Multi purpose arena in Montana
Wikipedia - Fra Angelico -- 15th-century early Italian Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - Fra Bartolomeo -- Italian Renaissance painter (1472-1517)
Wikipedia - Franca Viola -- Kidnap and rape victim. Successfully challenged Italy's marry-your-rapist law (Penal Code art. 544) in court in 1966.
Wikipedia - Frances Bagenal -- Planetary scientist
Wikipedia - Francis Alimikhena -- Nigerian politician
Wikipedia - Francis Bond Head -- British soldier and Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada
Wikipedia - Francis Briquemont -- Belgian lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Francisca Elena Corrales -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Francisco Benante -- Bissau-Guinean politician
Wikipedia - Francisco de Ceballos -- Spanish Renaissance composer
Wikipedia - Francisco Urena -- Massachusetts Secretary of Veterans' Affairs
Wikipedia - Francis Eustace Baker -- British diplomat, Governor of St. Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha (born 1933)
Wikipedia - Francis Huebschmann -- American Civil War surgeon, member of the Wisconsin State Senate, German American immigrant
Wikipedia - Francis H. West -- American politician, Civil War Union Army Colonel, Member of the Wisconsin Senate and Assembly
Wikipedia - Francis Light -- Founder of the British colony on Penang in 1786
Wikipedia - Francis Preston Venable
Wikipedia - Francis S. White -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Francois-Xavier Menage -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Frank Buckles -- United States Army soldier and centenarian
Wikipedia - Frank Crane Arena -- Multi-purpose arena in Nanaimo, British Columbia.
Wikipedia - Frank Erwin Center -- Arena in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Frank E. Shipley -- Maryland Senator
Wikipedia - Frankford Arsenal
Wikipedia - Frank J. Cannon -- United States Senator from Utah
Wikipedia - Frank J. Larkin -- Sergeant at Arms U.S. Senate
Wikipedia - Frank Keenan -- American actor
Wikipedia - Frank Marsh (Nebraska politician) -- 29th Lieutenant Governor of Nebraska
Wikipedia - Frank Murkowski -- Republican governor of and U.S. Senator from Alaska
Wikipedia - Frank Murphy (lieutenant governor) -- Michigan politician
Wikipedia - Frans Molenaar -- Dutch fashion designer
Wikipedia - Franz Borkenau -- Austrian writer
Wikipedia - Frauenarzt -- German rapper from Berlin
Wikipedia - Freak Out! (Teenage Bottlerocket album) -- album
Wikipedia - Freddy Cadena -- Ecuadorian orchestra conductor
Wikipedia - Frederic Cumenal -- French entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Frederick Courtenay Morgan -- British politician
Wikipedia - Frederick L. Wieseman -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Frederick Russell -- Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland
Wikipedia - Frederick Schwatka -- American Army lieutenant and writer
Wikipedia - Fred Espenak -- Astrophysicist from the United States
Wikipedia - Fred H. Madden -- Member of the New Jersey Senate
Wikipedia - Fredie Blom -- South African alleged supercentenarian
Wikipedia - Fred Ohene-Kena -- Ghanaian politician (1936-2019)
Wikipedia - Fredrick C. Hobdy Assembly Center -- American university sports arena
Wikipedia - Fred Rust Ice Arena -- Multi-purpose arena at the University of Delaware
Wikipedia - Fred Travalena -- American comedian
Wikipedia - Freedom Hall Civic Center -- Arena in Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Freedom Hall -- Arena in Kentucky, United States
Wikipedia - Free migration -- Inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled
Wikipedia - FreeNAS
Wikipedia - Free tenant -- Social class in the Middle Ages
Wikipedia - French battleship Iena -- French Navy pre-dreadnought battleship
Wikipedia - French cruiser ChM-CM-"teaurenault (1868) -- Steam corvette of the French Navy
Wikipedia - French cruiser ChM-CM-"teaurenault (1898) -- French protected cruiser
Wikipedia - French domains of St Helena -- Parts of Saint Helena owned by France
Wikipedia - French Renaissance architecture -- Style of French architecture
Wikipedia - French Renaissance literature
Wikipedia - French Renaissance -- Cultural and artistic movement in France dating from the 15th century to the early 17th century
Wikipedia - French ship Iena -- List of ships with the same or similar names
Wikipedia - Friedenau Dam -- Dam in Khomas Region, Namibia
Wikipedia - Friedrich von Rabenau -- German general
Wikipedia - Friedrich Wilhelm von Rauch (born 1790) -- Lieutenant general in the Prussian Army
Wikipedia - Friedrich Wilhelm von Rauch (born 1827) -- Lieutenant general in the Prussian Army
Wikipedia - Frontenac, Minnesota -- Unincorporated community in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Frontenac (Ontario electoral district) -- Former federal electoral district, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Frontenac (Ontario provincial electoral district) -- Former Ontario provincial electoral district
Wikipedia - Frontenac (Province of Canada electoral district) -- Province of Canada electoral district
Wikipedia - Frontenay -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, France
Wikipedia - FSO Syrena 110 -- Polish automobile prototype
Wikipedia - Fuck Her Gently -- Song performed by Tenacious D
Wikipedia - Fuirena -- Genus of Cyperaceae plants
Wikipedia - Fulgentius of Cartagena
Wikipedia - Fumio Ryosenan -- Japanese sports shooter
Wikipedia - FunM-EM-^M dewa Irarenai -- 2019 single by Yoshimotozaka46
Wikipedia - Furkan Asena Aydin -- Turkish taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Furnifold McLendel Simmons -- American senator for North Carolina
Wikipedia - Fusion Arena -- Planned esports arena in south Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Future of an expanding universe -- Future scenario assuming that the expansion of the universe will continue forever
Wikipedia - Fy Antenaina Rakotomaharo -- Malagasy chess player
Wikipedia - Gabapentin enacarbil
Wikipedia - Gabi Ashkenazi -- Israeli politician and former military leader
Wikipedia - Gabriel Davidovich -- Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Argentina
Wikipedia - Gabrielle Renaudot Flammarion
Wikipedia - Gabrielle (Xena: Warrior Princess) -- Fictional human female
Wikipedia - Gaesatae -- Gallic mercenary warriors
Wikipedia - Gaius Asinius Pollio (consul 23) -- 1st century AD senator and consul of the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Gaius Asinius Protimus Quadratus -- Roman senator and governor during the Severan dynasty
Wikipedia - Gaius Caesonius Macer Rufinianus -- Roman military officer, senator, governor and consul (c.157-c. 237)
Wikipedia - Gaius Calpetanus Rantius Quirinalis Valerius Festus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Gaius Calpetanus Rantius Sedatus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Gaius Calpurnius Aviola -- 1st century Roman senator and consul suffectus
Wikipedia - Gaius Calpurnius Piso -- 1st century Roman senator and conspirator
Wikipedia - Gaius Calvisius Sabinus (consul 26) -- First century Roman senator, consul, and governor of Pannonia
Wikipedia - Gaius Caninius Rebilus (consul 12 BC) -- Roman senator
Wikipedia - Gaius Cassius Longinus (consul 73 BC) -- Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Gaius Cassius Longinus -- Roman senator, assassin of Caesar
Wikipedia - Gaius Cassius Regallianus -- Roman senator active around AD 200
Wikipedia - Gaius Catellius Celer -- 1st century Roman senator and suffect consul
Wikipedia - Gaius Cestius Gallus (consul 35) -- Roman senator and consul active during the mid-first century AD
Wikipedia - Gaius Cilnius Maecenas
Wikipedia - Gaius Claudius Marcellus (consul 49 BC) -- Senator of the Roman Republic
Wikipedia - Gaius Fonteius Capito (consul 59) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Gaius Fonteius Capito (consul AD 12) -- Roman senator during the Principate and consul with Germanicus
Wikipedia - Gaius Fufius Geminus (consul 29) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and ally of the empress Livia, the mother of Tiberius
Wikipedia - Gaius Fufius Geminus (consul 2 BC) -- Roman senator and consul during the rule of Augustus
Wikipedia - Gaius Fulvius Plautianus -- Friend of Emperor Septimius Severus, prefect of the Praetorian Guard, senator and consul (c.150-205)
Wikipedia - Gaius Horatius Pulvillus -- Senator and consul of the early Roman Republic
Wikipedia - Gaius Julius Agrippa -- 1st/2nd century Cilician prince and Roman senator
Wikipedia - Gaius Julius Caesar (proconsul of Asia) -- Roman senator and father of Julius Caesar (c.140 BC - 85 BC)
Wikipedia - Gaius Julius Caesar Strabo Vopiscus -- Roman senator, orator and poet
Wikipedia - Gaius Julius Quadratus Bassus -- Roman senator, general and governor (70 - 117)
Wikipedia - Gaius Julius Vindex -- Roman senator and governor (AD c.25-68)
Wikipedia - Gaius Laecanius Bassus Caecina Paetus -- 1st century AD Roman senator, consul and governor
Wikipedia - Gaius Laecanius Bassus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Gaius Maecenas
Wikipedia - Gaius Manlius Valens -- Roman senator, general and consul (AD 6-96)
Wikipedia - Gaius Memmius Regulus -- First century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Gaius Octavius Laenas -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Gaius Octavius Tidius Tossianus Lucius Javolenus Priscus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and jurist
Wikipedia - Gaius Oppius Sabinus Julius Nepos Manius Vibius Sollemnis Severus -- Roman senator
Wikipedia - Gaius Paccius Africanus -- 1st century AD Roman senator, consul and delator (informer)
Wikipedia - Gaius Petronius (consul 25) -- 1st century Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Gaius Pomponius Graecinus -- Roman senator and consul active during the reign of Tiberius
Wikipedia - Gaius Poppaeus Sabinus -- First century Roman senator, consul, and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Gaius Porcius Cato (consul 114 BC) -- Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Gaius Rubellius Blandus -- 1st century AD Roman politician and senator
Wikipedia - Gaius Sallustius Crispus Passienus -- First century Roman senator, consul, and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Gaius Silius (lover of Messalina) -- Roman senator executed by the emperor Claudius for his affair with Valeria Messalina
Wikipedia - Gaius Sulpicius Galba (consul AD 22) -- 1st century AD Roman senator active during the reign of Tiberius
Wikipedia - Gaius Terentius Tullius Geminus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Gaius Ummidius Durmius Quadratus -- 1st century Roman senator, consul and proconsul
Wikipedia - Gaius Vellaeus Tutor -- Roman senator and suffect consul during the reign of Tiberius
Wikipedia - Gaius Vettulenus Civica Cerealis -- 1st century Roman senator and governor
Wikipedia - Gaius Vibius Marsus -- 1st century Roman senator, consul and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Gaius Vibius Postumus -- Roman senator, suffect consul and proconsular governor of Asia during the reign of Augustus
Wikipedia - Gaius Vibius Rufus -- Roman senator, consul and orator active during the reign of Tiberius
Wikipedia - Gaius Vipstanus Apronianus -- 1st century Roman senator and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Gaius Vipstanus Messalla Gallus -- 1st century AD Roman senator, consul and proconsul
Wikipedia - Galena Creek Bridge -- Highway bridge in Nevada
Wikipedia - Galena Park Independent School District
Wikipedia - Galena (singer)
Wikipedia - Galena -- natural mineral form of lead sulfide
Wikipedia - Galen Center -- A multipurpose indoor arena in California
Wikipedia - Galeo Tettienus Severus Marcus Eppuleius Proculus Tiberius Caepio Hispo -- Roman senator
Wikipedia - Galliard -- Form of Renaissance dance
Wikipedia - Gallowglass -- Class of elite mercenary warriors
Wikipedia - Gallt y Wenallt -- Mountain in North Wales
Wikipedia - Gangraena
Wikipedia - Gaokerena
Wikipedia - Garabito (canton) -- canton in Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Garagos, Egypt -- Place in Qena Governorate, Egypt
Wikipedia - Gardena Valley News -- Weekly newspaper in Gardena, California
Wikipedia - Garena Free Fire -- 2017 multiplayer online battle royale game
Wikipedia - Garena -- Digital entertainment platform
Wikipedia - Garlin Gilchrist -- Lieutenant governor of Michigan
Wikipedia - Garmisch Olympia Stadium -- Arena in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Wikipedia - Gas Attack -- 2001 film by Kenny Glenaan
Wikipedia - Gateshead International Stadium -- Arena in Felling, Tyne and Wear, England
Wikipedia - Gaurena albifasciata -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Gaurena argentisparsa -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Gaurena aurofasciata -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Gaurena delattini -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Gaurena florens -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Gaurena florescens -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Gaurena forsteri -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Gaurena gemella -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Gaurena grisescens -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Gaurena margaritha -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Gaurena nigrescens -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Gaurena olivacea -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Gaurena pretiosa -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Gaurena roesleri -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Gaurena sinuata -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Gaurena watsoni -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Gauthier Destenay -- Belgian architect
Wikipedia - Gavin Greenaway -- English music composer, conductor
Wikipedia - GCU Arena -- Entertainment facility in Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - Geena Davis -- American actress, advocate, and executive producer
Wikipedia - GEICO advertising campaigns -- Campaigns known for using surreal scenarios which attempt to be humorous and satirical
Wikipedia - Gelechia stenacma -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Genadendal Residence -- Official Cape Town residence of the President of South Africa
Wikipedia - Genair da Silva -- Brazilian mixed martial artist
Wikipedia - Genan Wakil -- Author
Wikipedia - Genaro Saavedra -- Filipino track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Genat -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Gena-Waugla Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Genazzano
Wikipedia - General Tire AnywhereIsPossible 200 -- ARCA Menards Series race
Wikipedia - Generic programming -- Way of designing and writing programs where algorithms are written in terms of parametric types enabling easy reuse
Wikipedia - Geoff Duncan -- Lieutenant governor of Georgia
Wikipedia - Geographical renaming -- Change of name of a geographical entity
Wikipedia - Geography -- The science that studies the lands, the features, the inhabitants and the phenomena of the Earth
Wikipedia - George Allen (American politician) -- 67th Governor of Virginia (1994-1998), U.S. Senator (2001-2007)
Wikipedia - George Bennett (Wisconsin politician) -- 19th century American merchant, and pioneer of Kenosha, Wisconsin. Member of the Wisconsin Senate and Assembly.
Wikipedia - George Cardenas -- American politician
Wikipedia - George Dawson Flinter -- Irish mercenary
Wikipedia - George DeGraw Moore -- 18th century American politician, Member of the Wisconsin Senate
Wikipedia - George E. Spencer -- Republican U.S. Senator from Alabama; Officer in the Union Army
Wikipedia - George F. Good Jr. -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - George Gale (Wisconsin politician) -- 19th century American lawyer, politician, and judge. Wisconsin Circuit Court Judge, member of the Wisconsin Senate, founder of Galesville, Wisconsin, organizer of Trempealeau County.
Wikipedia - George Goldthwaite -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - George Johnston (British Marines officer) -- British Marines officer and Lieutenant-Governor of New South Wales (1764 - 1823)
Wikipedia - George LeMieux -- Former United States Senator from Florida
Wikipedia - Georgena Terry -- American bicycle designer
Wikipedia - George Rendall -- Lieutenant Governor of the Gambia
Wikipedia - George R. Swift -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Georges Destenave -- French explorer and general
Wikipedia - George Skalenakis -- Film director
Wikipedia - George Town CBD, Penang -- Central business district of George Town, Penang, Malaysia
Wikipedia - George W. Cate -- 18th century American congressman, judge, and member of the Wisconsin Senate
Wikipedia - Georgia's 36th Senate district -- State senate district in Georgia, US
Wikipedia - Georg Wilhelm von Driesen -- German lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Geraldine Thompson -- Florida State Senator
Wikipedia - Gerard Luz James -- 8th Lieutenant Governor of the United States Virgin Islands
Wikipedia - Gerard Rennick -- Australian Senator
Wikipedia - German battleship Gneisenau -- Scharnhorst-class battleship
Wikipedia - Germani cisrhenani -- Group of tribes west of the Rhine river during classical times
Wikipedia - German Renaissance -- Cultural movement from the 15th to 16th century
Wikipedia - German War Graves Commission -- Organisation responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of German war graves
Wikipedia - Gerolamo Cardano -- Italian Renaissance mathematician, physician, astrologer
Wikipedia - Gerrie Pienaar -- Cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Gerrit Kouwenaar -- Dutch writer and poet
Wikipedia - Gersten Pavilion -- Sports arena at Loyola Marymount University
Wikipedia - Gertrude Helena Bone -- Edwardian writer
Wikipedia - Get in Line -- 1999 single by Barenaked Ladies
Wikipedia - Geza Szenasi -- Hungarian jurist
Wikipedia - Ghazanfar Abbas Cheena -- Pakistani politician
Wikipedia - Ghenadie Dudoglo -- Moldovan weightlifter
Wikipedia - Ghenadie Lisoconi -- Moldovan sports shooter
Wikipedia - Gheorghe Enache -- Romanian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Ghezaal Enayat -- Afghan singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Gianfranco Folena -- Italian linguist and philologist
Wikipedia - Gianni Pettenati -- Italian singer
Wikipedia - Giant Center -- Arena in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Giardia duodenalis -- Parasitic microorganism that causes giardiasis
Wikipedia - Gibbozaena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Gila River Arena -- Multi purpose arena in Arizona
Wikipedia - Gilbert Greenall, 1st Baron Daresbury -- British Baron
Wikipedia - Gilberto Garcia Mena -- Mexican drug lord
Wikipedia - Gilbert Renault -- French resistance member
Wikipedia - Gilet Velut -- French Renaissance composer
Wikipedia - Gimena Accardi -- Argentine actress
Wikipedia - Gimnasio Manuel Bernardo Aguirre -- Arena in Chihuahua, Mexico
Wikipedia - Gimnasio Miguel Hidalgo (Poza Rica) -- Arena in Veracruz, Mexico
Wikipedia - Gimnasio Miguel Hidalgo -- Arena in Puebla, Mexico
Wikipedia - Gimnasio Universitario UACJ -- Arena in Chihuahua, Mexico
Wikipedia - Ginasio do Maracanazinho -- Indoor arena in Brazil
Wikipedia - Giomar Helena Borrero-Perez -- Colombian marine biologist
Wikipedia - Giorgi Tenadze -- Georgian judoka
Wikipedia - Giovanni Arena (politician) -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Giovanni Battista Benaschi -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Giovanni da Siena -- Italian military engineer
Wikipedia - Giovanni de Torrecilla y Cardenas -- 17th-century Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Giovanni Maria Galli da Bibiena -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Giovanni Modena -- Italian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Giovanni Pico della Mirandola -- Italian Renaissance philosopher
Wikipedia - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina -- Italian Renaissance composer
Wikipedia - Gips (song) -- 2000 single by Ringo Sheena
Wikipedia - Girish Chandra Saxena
Wikipedia - Girolamo Comi -- Italian Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - Girolamo Grimaldi (died 1543) -- Cardinal and senator of Genoa, died 1543
Wikipedia - Gitanjana Gunawardena -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Giulia della Rena
Wikipedia - Giuliano l'Apostata -- 1919 film directed by Ugo Falena
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Arcimboldo -- 16th-century Italian painter of the late Renaissance
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Fenaroli Avogadro -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Renato Imperiali -- Italian cardinal
Wikipedia - Glaciology -- Scientific study of ice and natural phenomena involving ice
Wikipedia - Gladys Abena Nsoah -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - Glaspalast Sindelfingen -- Sports arena in Sindelfingen, Germany
Wikipedia - Glena (film) -- Mixed martial arts documentary
Wikipedia - Glenamoy River -- River in County Mayo, Ireland
Wikipedia - Glenanne gang -- Secret informal alliance of Ulster loyalists active in the 1970s
Wikipedia - Glenard Estate, Eaglemont -- Residential estate in Melbourne, Victoria
Wikipedia - Glenard P. Lipscomb -- American politician
Wikipedia - Glenat, Cantal -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Glomerular filtration rate -- Renal function test
Wikipedia - Glucksburg Castle -- Renaissance castle in Germany
Wikipedia - Gluphisia crenata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Glutamate dehydrogenase
Wikipedia - Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase -- Enzyme of the glycolysis metabolic pathway
Wikipedia - Glycerol 2-dehydrogenase (NADP+) -- Class of enzymes
Wikipedia - Gnaeus Arrius Antoninus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Gnaeus Arulenus Caelius Sabinus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Gnaeus Caecilius Simplex -- 1st century AD Roman senator
Wikipedia - Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Gaetulicus (consul 26) -- 1st century AD Roman senator, general and governor of Germania Superior
Wikipedia - Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Gaetulicus (consul 55) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus -- Roman general, senator and consul
Wikipedia - Gnaeus Domitius Lucanus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Gnaeus Domitius Tullus -- 1st century Roman senator and military commander
Wikipedia - Gnaeus Hosidius Geta -- 1st century AD Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator (consul 61) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and suffect consul
Wikipedia - Gnaeus Pompeius Collega -- 1st century Roman senator, consul and legate
Wikipedia - Gnathaena -- Athenian hetaira
Wikipedia - Gnome -- Diminutive spirit in Renaissance magic and alchemy
Wikipedia - Godfrey Khotso Mokoena -- South African athlete
Wikipedia - God's New Covenant: A New Testament Translation -- Modern English translation of the Greek New Testament
Wikipedia - Goga Ashkenazi -- Kazakh businesswoman and socialite
Wikipedia - Going steady -- Teenage dating pattern
Wikipedia - Gokuraku Station -- Railway station in Ena, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Golden Dome (Monaca) -- Multipurpose arena in Monaca, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Gold grave goods at Grave Circles A and B -- Gold grave goods in the Bronze Age city of Mycenae, Greece
Wikipedia - Golfito (canton) -- canton in Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Golfito -- district in Golfito canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Golovec Hall -- Indoor sporting arena located in Celje, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Gomphrena canescens -- Species of plant from Australia
Wikipedia - Gone in 60 Seconds (2000 film) -- 2000 American action film directed by Dominic Sena
Wikipedia - Gonioctena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Gonzalo Himiob -- Venezuelan lawyer, writer and human rights activist. He is a founding member of the non-governmental organization Foro Penal
Wikipedia - Good Design Award (Chicago Athenaeum)
Wikipedia - Good for You (song) -- 2015 single by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Google Nest (smart speakers) -- Line of voice-enabled smart speakers and displays by Google
Wikipedia - Gopal Meena -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Gordon Arnaud Winter -- Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador
Wikipedia - Gorgona Agricultural Penal Colony -- Prison farm located on the island of Gorgona, Italy
Wikipedia - Gottfried von Hagenau -- Medieval priest, physician, theologian and poet from Alsace, France
Wikipedia - Graciano Lopez Jaena -- Filipino journalist, orator, and reformist
Wikipedia - Grady Cole Center -- Arena in North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Graiguenamanagh
Wikipedia - Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna of Russia
Wikipedia - Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna of Russia
Wikipedia - Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
Wikipedia - Grand Masters and Lieutenancies of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre
Wikipedia - Grand Olympic Auditorium -- Multi-purpose arena in California, United States
Wikipedia - Grand Portage South-East River -- River in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Grand Portage South-West River -- River in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Grand Promenade -- Housing estate in Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Grao Vasco -- Portuguese Renaissance painter (c. 1475-c. 1542)
Wikipedia - Gray goo -- Hypothetical end-of-the-world scenario
Wikipedia - Greatest Hits & More (Helena Paparizou album) -- 2011 compilation albumby Elena Paparizou
Wikipedia - Great Menaion Reader
Wikipedia - Great Oxygenation Event
Wikipedia - Greek scholars in the Renaissance
Wikipedia - Greena Park -- South Korean actress
Wikipedia - Green Christmas (Barenaked Ladies song) -- 200 song performed by Barenaked Ladies
Wikipedia - Green Mountain Arena -- Hokey arean in Vermont, U.S.
Wikipedia - Greenpoint Renaissance Enterprise Corporation -- Community organization
Wikipedia - Greensboro Coliseum Complex -- Arena in North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Greenwood Cemetery (Galena, Illinois) -- Public cemetery in Galena, Illinois
Wikipedia - Grenache -- Red wine grape
Wikipedia - Grenada at the Pan American Games -- Pan American Game
Wikipedia - Grenada dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Grenada (horse) -- American Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Grenada -- Country in the Caribbean
Wikipedia - Grenade (song) -- 2010 song performed by Bruno Mars
Wikipedia - Grenade -- Small bomb that can be thrown by hand
Wikipedia - Grenadian Americans -- Americans of Grenadian birth or descent
Wikipedia - Grenadian Creole French -- Variety of Antillean Creole
Wikipedia - Grenadian Permanent Representative to the United Nations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Grenadier Models Inc.
Wikipedia - Grenadier -- Type of infantry soldier
Wikipedia - Grevena
Wikipedia - Grevillea arenaria -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae endemic to the east of New South Wales in Australia
Wikipedia - Grevillea bronwenae -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae endemic to the south-west of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Grevillea callichlaena -- Species of shrub n the family Proteaceae endemic to eastern Victoria in Australia
Wikipedia - GroM-CM-^_e Schmalenau -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Grupo Santa Helena -- Brazilian painters
Wikipedia - Guacimal District -- district in Puntarenas canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Guaycara -- district in Golfito canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Guess What (song) -- 2002 single by Syleena Johnson
Wikipedia - Guevenatten -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Guido of Siena -- 13th-century Italian painter
Wikipedia - Guido Terrena
Wikipedia - Guillaume Du Fay -- Franco-Flemish Renaissance composer
Wikipedia - Guillermina Lopez Balbuena -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Guillermo Carlos Cazenave -- Argentine musician
Wikipedia - Guillermo Luca de Tena, 1st Marquis of the Tena Valley -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Guiomar Madalena de Sa e Vilhena -- Portuguese businessperson
Wikipedia - Gulag -- Government agency in charge of the Soviet forced penal labour camp system
Wikipedia - Gul Muhammad Lot -- A former member of the Senate of Pakistan.
Wikipedia - Gunapala Piyasena Malalasekera
Wikipedia - Gunga Din (motorcycle) -- Motorcycle built in Stevenage, England
Wikipedia - Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl -- 2020 Indian biographical film by Sharan Sharma
Wikipedia - Gunjan Saxena -- Indian Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Gurney Paragon -- Shopping mall in George Town, Penang, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Gustav Klemperer von Klemenau -- German banker
Wikipedia - Gustavo Cardenas Gutierrez -- Mexican businessman and politician
Wikipedia - Gustavo Serena -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Gutierrez Braun -- district in Coto Brus canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Guy Renard -- Belgian sports shooter
Wikipedia - GwenaM-CM-+l Berthet -- French yacht racer
Wikipedia - GwenaM-CM-+lle Jullien -- French figure skater
Wikipedia - Gwen Benaway -- Canadian writer
Wikipedia - Gyrophaena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Haas Pavilion -- Arena in Berkeley, California
Wikipedia - Habenaria aberrans -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Habenaria floribunda -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Hacienda Buena Vista -- Museum and historic coffee plantation in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Hadena adriana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hadena albimacula -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hadena caesia -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hadena capsincola -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hadena clara -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hadena compta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hadena confusa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hadena drenowskii -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hadena filograna -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hadena gueneei -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hadena irregularis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hadena magnolii -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hadena perplexa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hadena persimilis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hadena pumila -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hadena sancta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hadena silenes -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hadena silenides -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hadena syriaca -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hagan Arena -- Arena at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia
Wikipedia - Haguenau
Wikipedia - Haidenaab -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Hala Arena -- Indoor sports arena in Poznan, Poland
Wikipedia - Hala Azoty -- Indoor arena in Poland
Wikipedia - Half-Way Covenant -- a historical form of church membership in American Christianity
Wikipedia - Halichondria arenacea -- Species of sponge
Wikipedia - Halifax Forum -- Arena and multi-purpose facility in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Wikipedia - Hall Road TMD -- Railway maintenance depot in Merseyside, England
Wikipedia - Halohydrin dehalogenase -- Enzyme
Wikipedia - Hamdan Sports Complex -- Multi-purpose sports arena in Dubai, U.A.E.
Wikipedia - Hamdi Benani -- Algerian singer
Wikipedia - Hamer Bena
Wikipedia - Hamid Benani -- Moroccan filmmaker
Wikipedia - Hamilton Community Center & Ice Arena -- Sports facility in Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - Hammond Civic Center -- Arena in Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - Hanashiroonsen Station -- Railway station in Ena, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hand grenades
Wikipedia - Hands to Myself -- 2016 single by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Hangnail -- Torn piece of skin next to a fingernail or toenail
Wikipedia - Hanna Helena Chrzanowska
Wikipedia - Hanna-Leena Mattila -- Finnish politician
Wikipedia - Hans Donauer -- German Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - Hantavirus hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome -- Group of clinically similar illnesses caused by species of hantaviruses
Wikipedia - Hapax legomena
Wikipedia - Haploparmena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Hara Arena -- Multi-purpose arena in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Hard Rock Live (Atlantic City) -- Arena in Atlantic City, New Jersey
Wikipedia - Hard Rock Live -- Multi-purpose arena
Wikipedia - Harisena (Jain monk)
Wikipedia - Harlem Renaissance -- African-American cultural movement in New York City in the 1920s
Wikipedia - Harman Blennerhassett -- Anglo-Irish lawyer/adventurer and Aaron Burr's chief lieutenant (1765-1831)
Wikipedia - Harmony (Serena Ryder album) -- 2012 album by Serena Ryder
Wikipedia - Harrison HPER Complex -- Arena in Itta Bena, Mississippi, US
Wikipedia - Harry A. Gampel Pavilion -- Indoor arena at the University of Connecticut
Wikipedia - Harry Reid -- American politician, former Senate Majority Leader
Wikipedia - Har Senaim -- Mountain and archaeological site in the Golan Heights
Wikipedia - Harumi Futo -- Residential area rejuvenated for the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Harunobu Yonenaga -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Haseenabanu Ismail -- South African politician
Wikipedia - Haseena Begum -- Pakistani politician
Wikipedia - Haseena Parkar -- 2017 film directed by Apoorva Lakhia
Wikipedia - Hasekura Tsunenaga -- Japanese Samurai and diplomat
Wikipedia - Hastings-Frontenac -- Federal electoral district in Ontario
Wikipedia - Hayom Yom -- Book by Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Wikipedia - Hazel Monteith -- Jamaican senator, radio personality and social worker
Wikipedia - Health Care Service Corporation -- major American multistate health insurer and health maintenance organization
Wikipedia - Health maintenance
Wikipedia - Health promotion -- Process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health
Wikipedia - Heartbreaker (Pat Benatar song) -- Song recorded by Pat Benatar on her 1979 debut album "In the Heat of the Night".
Wikipedia - Heber Ansorena -- Olympic sailor from Uruguay
Wikipedia - Hebi East railway station -- Railway station located in Hebi City, Henan Province, People's Republic of China.
Wikipedia - Hebraization of Palestinian place names -- The renaming of geographical sites in Palestine/Israel
Wikipedia - He Cheng -- People's Liberation Army lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Hector Arenas Sanchez -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Hector Benapres -- Chilean athlete
Wikipedia - Heena Gavit -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Heena Panchal -- Indian actress and model
Wikipedia - Heena Sidhu -- Indian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Heidi Arena -- Australian actress
Wikipedia - Heidi Heitkamp -- Former United States Senator from North Dakota
Wikipedia - Heinrich I von Mllenark
Wikipedia - Heinrich von Rbenach
Wikipedia - HeizM-EM-^M Takenaka -- Japanese economist
Wikipedia - Helena (1924 film) -- 1924 film by Manfred Noa
Wikipedia - Helena (1950 novel)
Wikipedia - Helena af Sandeberg -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Helena Aksela -- Finnish physicist
Wikipedia - Helena Alexandrovna Timofeeff-Ressovsky -- Russian biologist
Wikipedia - Helena Amelia Oehler Stemmer -- Brazilian civil engineer
Wikipedia - Helena (A Midsummer Night's Dream) -- character in A Midsummer Night's Dream
Wikipedia - Helena Antipoff -- Brazilian psychologist
Wikipedia - Helena Araujo -- Colombian writer (1934-2015)
Wikipedia - Helena Asamoah-Hassan -- Ghanaian librarian
Wikipedia - Helena Bargholtz -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Helena Barlow -- British actress
Wikipedia - Helena Bechlerowa -- Polish writer and translator
Wikipedia - Helena Bergman -- Swedish orienteer
Wikipedia - Helena Bergstrom -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Helena Blach Lavrsen -- Danish curler
Wikipedia - Helena Blackman -- British musical theatre actress (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Helena BlaM-EM- -- Polish WWII prisoner
Wikipedia - Helena Blavatsky -- Russian occult writer
Wikipedia - Helena Boettcher -- Polish luger
Wikipedia - Helena Bonet Rosado -- Spanish archaeologist
Wikipedia - Helena Bonham Carter -- British actress
Wikipedia - Helena Bouveng -- Swedish politician of the Moderate Party
Wikipedia - Helena Breck -- British actor
Wikipedia - Helena Brodin (sailor) -- Swedish sailor
Wikipedia - Helena Brodin -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Helena Bukowska-Szlekys -- Polish sculptor
Wikipedia - Helena Buljan -- Croatian actress
Wikipedia - Helena Carrion -- Spanish actress
Wikipedia - Helena Carroll -- Scottish-born U.S. based stage/film and television actress
Wikipedia - Helena Catt -- UK-born New Zealand public servant
Wikipedia - Helena Cernohorska -- Czech biathlete
Wikipedia - Helena Chmura Kraemer -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Helena Christensen -- Danish model and photographer
Wikipedia - Helena Christina van de Pavord Smits -- Dutch Artist
Wikipedia - Helena Corbellini -- Uruguayan writer and professor
Wikipedia - Helena Cronin
Wikipedia - Helena DahlbM-CM-$ck -- Swedish author
Wikipedia - Helena Dalli -- Maltese politician
Wikipedia - Helena Dorothea von Schonberg -- German business person
Wikipedia - Helena Doukaina Angelina
Wikipedia - Helena Duailibe -- Brazilian physician and politician
Wikipedia - Helena DvoM-EM-^Yakova -- Czech actress
Wikipedia - Helena Dyrssen -- Swedish jurist and politician
Wikipedia - Helenaea -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Helena Eldrup -- Swedish educator
Wikipedia - Helena (empress)
Wikipedia - Helena Engman -- Swedish shot putter
Wikipedia - Helena Eriksson -- Swedish poet
Wikipedia - Helena Espvall -- Swedish-American musician
Wikipedia - Helena Faucit -- 19th-century English actress
Wikipedia - Helena Fernandes -- Brazilian actress
Wikipedia - Helena Flam -- Polish-born sociologist
Wikipedia - Helena Frisk -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Helena Fromm -- German taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Helena Grossowna -- Polish actress and dancer
Wikipedia - Helena Grundberg -- Swedish figure skater
Wikipedia - Helena Gualinga -- Human rights activist
Wikipedia - Helena Guergis -- Canadian politician, businessperson
Wikipedia - Helena Hamerow -- British archaeologist
Wikipedia - Helena Heuser -- Danish model
Wikipedia - Helena Hillar Rosenqvist -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Helena Hoij -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Helena Iren Michaelsen -- Norwegian singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Helena Jaczek -- Canadian politician and physician
Wikipedia - Helena Jaklitsch -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Helena Jiranova -- Czech athletics competitor
Wikipedia - Helena J. Nussenzveig Lopes -- Brazilian mathematician
Wikipedia - Helena Johansson -- Swedish singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Helena KallenbM-CM-$ck -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Helena Kara -- Finnish actress
Wikipedia - Helena KrajM-DM-^Miova -- Slovak actress and singer
Wikipedia - Helena Kuusisto -- Finnish karateka
Wikipedia - Helena Leander -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Helena Legido-Quigley -- Spanish public health researcher
Wikipedia - Helena Lekapene -- Empress consort of Constantine VII
Wikipedia - Helena Lingham -- Swedish curler
Wikipedia - Helena Lucas -- British Paralympic sailor
Wikipedia - Helena Lumbreras -- Spanish filmmaker and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Helena LundbM-CM-$ck -- Swedish equestrian
Wikipedia - Helena Macher -- Polish luger
Wikipedia - Helena Magenbuch -- German pharmacist
Wikipedia - Helena Makowska -- Polish actress
Wikipedia - Helena Mannervesi -- Finnish orienteering competitor
Wikipedia - Helena Manson -- French actress
Wikipedia - Helena Maria EhrenstrM-CM-%hle -- Swedish noblewoman and poet
Wikipedia - Helena Mattsson -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Helena Miagian Papilaya -- Indonesian judoka
Wikipedia - Helena Mikolajczyk -- Polish biathlete
Wikipedia - Helena Minic -- Croatian actress
Wikipedia - Helena, Montana -- State capital city in Montana, United States
Wikipedia - Helena Moreno -- American politician
Wikipedia - Helena, mother of Constantine I -- Mother of Roman emperor Constantine I
Wikipedia - Helena (mother of Constantine)
Wikipedia - Helena (My Chemical Romance song) -- 2005 single by My Chemical Romance
Wikipedia - Helena Nader -- Brazilian biomedical scientist
Wikipedia - Helena Norberg-Hodge -- Swedish activist and documentary director
Wikipedia - Helena Nordheim -- Dutch artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Helena of Adiabene -- 1st century AD queen of Adiabene and consort of Abgar V, King of Osrhoene
Wikipedia - Helena of Bulgaria, Empress of Serbia
Wikipedia - Helena of Bulgaria
Wikipedia - Helena of Constantinople
Wikipedia - Helena of Hungary, Queen of Croatia
Wikipedia - Helena of Skvde
Wikipedia - Helena (packet sailboat) -- Packet ship
Wikipedia - Helena Paparizou -- Greek-Swedish singer
Wikipedia - Helena Parente Cunha -- Brazilian educator and writer
Wikipedia - Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Wikipedia - Helena Pilejczyk -- Polish speed skater
Wikipedia - Helena Pycior -- American historian
Wikipedia - Helena Rakoczy -- Polish gymnast
Wikipedia - Helena Rasiowa -- Polish mathematician
Wikipedia - Helena RM-EM-/M-EM->iM-DM-^Mkova -- Czech actress
Wikipedia - Helena Rodrigues -- Portuguese canoeist
Wikipedia - Helena Roerich
Wikipedia - Helena Romanelli -- Brazilian judoka
Wikipedia - Helena Roque Gameiro -- Portuguese watercolorist (1895-1986)
Wikipedia - Helena Rubinstein
Wikipedia - Helena Scott (politician) -- Member of Michigan House of Representatives
Wikipedia - Helena Scutt -- American sailor
Wikipedia - Helena Shearer -- Irish socialist and suffragist
Wikipedia - Helena Slizynska -- Polish geneticist (b. 1908, d. 1977)
Wikipedia - Helena Stollenwerk
Wikipedia - Helena Sturtevant -- American artist
Wikipedia - Helena, Texas -- Human settlement in Texas, United States of America
Wikipedia - Helena van der Meulen -- Dutch screenwriter, film critic and TV writer
Wikipedia - Helena Vatanen -- Finnish politician
Wikipedia - Helena Vierikko -- Finnish actress
Wikipedia - Helena von Lahnstein -- Fictional character
Wikipedia - Helena Vukovic -- Croatian judoka
Wikipedia - Helena (Waugh novel)
Wikipedia - Helena, wife of Julian
Wikipedia - Helena (wife of Julian) -- Wife of Roman emperor Julian
Wikipedia - Helena WiM-EM-^[niewska -- Polish canoeist
Wikipedia - Helena Winkelman -- Swiss composer
Wikipedia - Helena Wong (politician) -- Hong Kong politician (born 1959)
Wikipedia - Helena Wong (weightlifter) -- Singaporean weightlifter
Wikipedia - Helena Wulff -- Anthropologist
Wikipedia - Helena Zachos -- College professor and elocutionist
Wikipedia - Helena Zengel -- German actress
Wikipedia - Helena Znaniecki Lopata -- Polish American sociologist
Wikipedia - Hellinikon Fencing Hall -- Sports arena in Athens, Greece
Wikipedia - Hellinikon Olympic Arena -- Sports arena in Athens, Greece
Wikipedia - Hellinsia benalcazari -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Hell Is For Children -- Song by American rock singer Pat Benatar
Wikipedia - Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky halogenation
Wikipedia - Helmuth von Glasenapp
Wikipedia - Help:Magic words -- Features of wiki markup that enable various instructions to be given to MediaWiki software
Wikipedia - Help:Maintenance template removal -- How-to-guide on addressing and removing maintenance templates
Wikipedia - Help:Menu/Account settings and maintenance
Wikipedia - Hemilienardia lynx -- Species of sea snai
Wikipedia - Hemilienardia obesa -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Hemilienardia pardus -- Species of gastropod
Wikipedia - HemisFair Arena -- Arena in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Henadzi Aliashchuk -- Soviet weightlifter
Wikipedia - Henadzi Makhveyenia -- Belarusian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Henadz Laptseu -- Belarusian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Henagar, Alabama -- City in Alabama, United States
Wikipedia - Henan Commandery -- A commandery in China from Han dynasty to Tang dynasty
Wikipedia - Henan cuisine -- Native cooking styles of the Henan province in China
Wikipedia - Henan Jiangbei province -- Province of the Yuan dynasty
Wikipedia - Henan Television -- Chinese provincial television broadcaster
Wikipedia - Henan
Wikipedia - Henares (Madrid Metro) -- Madrid Metro station
Wikipedia - Henare Wepiha Te Wainohu -- New Zealand tribal leader
Wikipedia - Henashi Station -- Railway station in Fukaura, Aomori Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Hendrikje van Andel-Schipper -- Dutch supercentenarian
Wikipedia - Henning Grenander -- Swedish figure skater
Wikipedia - Henri Tezenas du Montcel -- French economist
Wikipedia - Henry Allingham -- British supercentenarian,who lived to age 113
Wikipedia - Henry & Marie Harnischfeger House -- German Renaissance Revival style home
Wikipedia - Henry D. Barron -- 19th century American lawyer, politician and judge. 17th and 23rd Speaker of the Wisconsin Assembly, Wisconsin Circuit Court Judge, member of the Wisconsin Senate.
Wikipedia - Henry F. Ashurst -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Arizona
Wikipedia - Henry Gassaway Davis -- American senator from West Virginia
Wikipedia - Henry Hall (Covenanter) -- Scottish Presbyterian elder (d1680)
Wikipedia - Henry Hope (Quebec lieutenant governor) -- British soldier and colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Henry Jenkins (longevity claimant) -- British supercentenarian
Wikipedia - Henry Kwabena Kokofu -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - Henry Margenau
Wikipedia - Henry Merrill -- American politician, member of the first Wisconsin State Senate
Wikipedia - Henry of Castile the Senator
Wikipedia - Henry Pownall -- British Lieutenant-General
Wikipedia - Henry W. Buse Jr. -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Henry William Menard -- American geologist
Wikipedia - Hepatorenal recess of subhepatic space -- Area between liver and right kidney
Wikipedia - Hepatorenal syndrome -- Human disease
Wikipedia - Heraklion Indoor Sports Arena -- Sports arena in Heraklion, Crete Region, Greece
Wikipedia - Heraklion University Sports Hall -- Indoor arena in Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Wikipedia - Herbert Blaize -- Grenadian politician
Wikipedia - Herb Kohl -- Former United States Senator from Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Hercules & Xena Roleplaying Game -- Tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Heritage Bank Center -- Arena in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Hermann Blumenau
Wikipedia - Herman Nickerson Jr. -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Hermann of Reichenau
Wikipedia - Herma -- Sculpture with a head and often a torso above a plain lower section, often with male genitals at the appropriate height; originated in Ancient Greece, adopted by the Romans, and revived in the Renaissance
Wikipedia - Hermes & Renato -- Brazilian surreal comedy group
Wikipedia - Hermotimus of Clazomenae
Wikipedia - Heroes (Helena Paparizou song) -- 2006 Elena Paparizou song
Wikipedia - Heroes of Newerth -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Heroes of the Storm -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Her Own Money -- 1922 film by Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - Her Penalty -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Hersheypark Arena -- Multi-purpose indoor arena located in Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA
Wikipedia - Hertz Arena -- Multi-Purpose Arena in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Hewitt Peak -- Mountain peak in Kootenay NP, Canada
Wikipedia - Hibiscus stenanthus -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Hideaway (U.S. Senate) -- secret offices used by members of the United States Senate
Wikipedia - Hidenari Kanayama -- Japanese luger
Wikipedia - Hidenari Ugaki -- Japanese actor and voice actor
Wikipedia - Higashino Station (Gifu) -- Railway station in Ena, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Highbridge Facility -- Railroad maintenance facility in the Bronx, New York
Wikipedia - Highland Clearances -- The eviction of tenants from the Scottish Highlands in the 18th and 19th centuries
Wikipedia - High Renaissance -- Short period of the most exceptional artistic production during the Italian Renaissance.
Wikipedia - Hilda Keenan -- American actress and vaudeville performer
Wikipedia - Hilda Spellman -- Fictional character from Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Wikipedia - Hillary Clinton -- 67th U.S. Secretary of State, former New York senator and First Lady
Wikipedia - Hillie Molenaar -- Dutch documentary film director
Wikipedia - Hillside Facility -- Railroad maintenance facility in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - Hilmi Senalp -- Turkish architect
Wikipedia - Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista -- Hotel in Walt Disney World, Lake Buena Vista, Florida
Wikipedia - Himali Siriwardena -- Sri Lankan actress and dancer
Wikipedia - Hindu Sena
Wikipedia - Hiroshima Prefectural Sports Center -- An indoor arena located in Hiroshima, Japan
Wikipedia - Hiroshima Sun Plaza -- Arena in Hiroshima, Japan
Wikipedia - Hiroshi Nemoto -- Japanese lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Hirsch Memorial Coliseum -- Arena in Louisiana, United States
Wikipedia - His Majesty's Lieutenant -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Historian of the United States Senate -- Historian position in the U.S. Senate
Wikipedia - Historical reenactment
Wikipedia - History of Grenada -- Historical development of Grenada
Wikipedia - History of Italian Renaissance domes
Wikipedia - History of science in the Renaissance
Wikipedia - History of the Jews in DM-DM-^Yblin and Irena during World War II -- Ghetto in Poland
Wikipedia - History of the Jews in Malaysia -- History of Jewish community in Penang, Malacca and Singapore
Wikipedia - Hit Me with Your Best Shot -- 1980 single by Pat Benatar
Wikipedia - HMCS Saguenay (D79) -- Canadian River-class destroyer
Wikipedia - HMCS Saguenay (DDH 206) -- Destroyer of the Royal Canadian Navy
Wikipedia - HMCS Skeena (D59) -- Canadian River-class destroyer
Wikipedia - H. M. Jayawardena -- Sri Lankan composer and musician (1950-2020)
Wikipedia - HMS St. Helena (K590) -- Colony-class frigate
Wikipedia - Hobart Arena -- Multi-purpose arena in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Ho Chi Minh City Metro (Earlier proposals) -- Metro train plans that were never enacted, Vietnam
Wikipedia - Hohlbach (Haidenaab) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Holger Lowenadler -- Swedish actor
Wikipedia - Holm O. Bursum -- United States Senator from New Mexico
Wikipedia - Holy Unmercenaries
Wikipedia - Homalomena wallisii
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas (2005) -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas (2006) -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas (2007) -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas (2008) -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas (2010) -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas (2011) -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas (2012) -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas (2013) -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas (2014) -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas (2015) -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas (2016) -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas (2017) -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas (2018) -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas (2019) -- 2019 Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre event
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas (2020) -- 2020 professional wrestling show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas: El Santo y Salvador Lutteroth (1999) -- Mexican Professional wrestling show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas: El Santo y Salvador Lutteroth (2002) -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas: El Santo y Salvador Lutteroth (2003) -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas: El Santo y Salvador Lutteroth (2004) -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Dos Leyendas -- Mexican professional wrestling supercard show series
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Salvador Lutteroth (1996) -- Mexican Professional wrestling show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Salvador Lutteroth (1997) -- Mexican Professional wrestling show
Wikipedia - Homenaje a Salvador Lutteroth (1998) -- Mexican Professional wrestling show
Wikipedia - Homero Carpena -- Argentine actor
Wikipedia - Honda Center -- Arena in California, United States
Wikipedia - Hong Kong Coliseum -- Multi-purpose indoor arena
Wikipedia - Honor of Kings -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Hootenanny (The Country Gentlemen album) -- an album by the bluegrass band Country Gentlemen
Wikipedia - Hootenanny (The Replacements album) -- 1983 album by the Replacements
Wikipedia - Hoplodrina octogenaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Horacena Tate -- American politician
Wikipedia - Horacio Jaunarena -- Argentine politician
Wikipedia - Horatio N. Smith -- American politician, former member of the Wisconsin State Senate and Assembly
Wikipedia - Horatius Cocles -- late 6th century BC Roman army officer who defended the Pons Sublicius against Lars Porsena's Etruscan army
Wikipedia - Hordeonius Flaccus -- 1st century AD Roman soldier, senator and consul
Wikipedia - Horse Girl -- 2020 film by Jeff Baena
Wikipedia - Hospital del Henares (Madrid Metro) -- Madrid Metro station
Wikipedia - Hossein Mortezaeian Abkenar -- Iranian writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hotel Constance -- Historic hotel in Pasadena, California, U.S.
Wikipedia - Houma Terrebonne Civic Center -- Arena in Louisiana, United States
Wikipedia - House Me Teenage Rave -- 1993 single by Green JellM-CM-?
Wikipedia - House of Borgia -- Italo-Spanish Renaissance noble family
Wikipedia - House of correction -- Penal facility
Wikipedia - House of Medici -- Renaissance Italian, banker family
Wikipedia - House of Sforza -- Noble family of the Italian Renaissance, dukes of Milan
Wikipedia - House of the Centenary
Wikipedia - Howard Athenaeum -- Former theater in Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - Howard Baker -- United States Republican Senator from Tennessee
Wikipedia - Howard Ramsey -- American centenarian and United States Army soldier
Wikipedia - Howell Heflin -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Hubert Chevis -- Lieutenant in the Royal Artillery of the British Army
Wikipedia - Huey Long -- American politician, Governor of Louisiana, and United States Senator
Wikipedia - Hugh A. Butler -- United States Senator from Nebraska
Wikipedia - Hugh Lawson White -- American judge and Senator from Tennessee
Wikipedia - Hugh M. Elwood -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Hugo Margenat -- Puerto Rican politician and independence advocate
Wikipedia - Huize Ivicke -- Monumental building in Wassenaar
Wikipedia - Human rights -- Inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled
Wikipedia - Humberto Bandenay -- Peruvian MMA fighter
Wikipedia - Humberto Lopez Lena -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Huntington Center (Toledo, Ohio) -- Arena in Toledo, Ohio
Wikipedia - Huntress (Helena Bertinelli) -- Fictional character
Wikipedia - Huntress (Helena Wayne)
Wikipedia - Hurricane Elena -- Category 3 Atlantic hurricane in 1985
Wikipedia - Hurricane Lorena (2019) -- Category 1 hurricane that made landfall on Mexico
Wikipedia - Husbandman -- Free tenant farmer or a small landowner in the Middle Ages
Wikipedia - Huseyin Kenan Aydin -- German politician
Wikipedia - Hutena -- Three goddesses of fate in Hurrian mythology
Wikipedia - Hydraena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Hydriomena furcata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hydriomena ruberata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hydrogenation -- Chemical reaction between molecular hydrogen and another compound or element
Wikipedia - Hydrogenaudio -- Online community of audio enthusiasts
Wikipedia - Hyena butter -- Secretion from the anal gland of hyenas used to mark territory and identify other animals
Wikipedia - Hyena (film) -- 2014 British neo-noir crime thriller film
Wikipedia - Hyena Road -- 2015 film
Wikipedia - Hyenas (1992 film) -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Hyena (TV series) -- South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Hyena
Wikipedia - Hylaeogena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Hymenachne amplexicaulis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Hymenaea courbaril -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Hymenaei -- Play written by Ben Jonson
Wikipedia - Hymenaeus (biblical figure)
Wikipedia - Hymenopenaeus furici -- Species of prawn
Wikipedia - Hymenopenaeus methalli -- Species of crustacean
Wikipedia - Hypatopa gena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hypena crassalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hypena lividalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hypena munitalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hypena obesalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hypena obsitalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hypena proboscidalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hypena rostralis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hypena scabra -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hypena sordidula -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hyphenated ethnicity -- Term combining an ethnicity with a country of residence
Wikipedia - Hyphenation algorithm
Wikipedia - Hypocoena inquinata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hypolaena fastigiata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Hypolycaena dubia -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hyposmocoma advena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis -- Set of physiological feedback interactions
Wikipedia - Hypothenar eminence -- Group of three muscles of the palm
Wikipedia - Hypothetical Axis victory in World War II -- Alternate history scenario
Wikipedia - Hyrcanypena -- Genus of moth
Wikipedia - Hy-Vee Arena -- Arena in Missouri, United States
Wikipedia - I Adore You (song) -- 2000 single by Queenadreena
Wikipedia - I Am Your Woman -- 2001 single by Syleena Johnson
Wikipedia - Ian Cushenan -- Canadian ice hockey defenceman
Wikipedia - Iannis Xenakis -- Greek composer
Wikipedia - Ibrahim Mohammed Bomai -- Nigerian senator
Wikipedia - Ice Arena Wales -- Ice hockey venue in Cardiff, Wales
Wikipedia - Ice class -- A notation assigned by a classification society or a national authority to denote the additional level of strengthening and other arrangements that enable a ship to navigate through sea ice
Wikipedia - Ice Cream (Blackpink and Selena Gomez song) -- 2020 single by Blackpink and Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Ice Line Quad Rinks -- Ice arena in Pennsylvania, U.S.
Wikipedia - Ice Vault Arena -- Multi-purpose arena in Wayne, New Jersey
Wikipedia - Ichthyovenator -- Genus of dinosaur
Wikipedia - I Could Fall in Love -- 1995 single by Selena
Wikipedia - Idaho Senate -- Upper state chamber of a state of the United-States of America
Wikipedia - Idaho State Highway 54 -- State highway in Kootenai County, Idaho, United States
Wikipedia - I'd Receive the Worst News from Your Beautiful Lips -- 2011 film directed by Beto Brant, Renato Ciasca
Wikipedia - IEEE 1905 -- Multi-mode network enabler for home networking
Wikipedia - Ienaka Station -- Railway station in Tochigi, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - If I Had $1000000 -- 1992 single by Barenaked Ladies
Wikipedia - If Your Memory Serves You Well -- album by Serena Ryder
Wikipedia - Iglesia de San Pedro Claver, Cartagena
Wikipedia - Ignace Baguibassa Sambar-Talkena -- Togolese catholic priest (1935-2013)
Wikipedia - Ignacio Pena Del Rio -- Cat burglar, scam artist, forger, identity thief, disguise expert and martial artist.
Wikipedia - Ignota Plautia -- Roman woman of senatorial rank
Wikipedia - Igrot Kodesh -- Book with letters by Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Wikipedia - Iibama Station -- Railway station in Ena, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - IKCO Dena -- Iran Khodro automobile
Wikipedia - Ikeda City Satsukiyama Gymnasium -- Sports arena in Osaka, Japan
Wikipedia - Illaena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Ilmenau (river) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Il Messaggiere -- Newspaper published in Modena, Italy
Wikipedia - Imperial Apartments -- Renaissance style building in Brooklyn, NY
Wikipedia - Impossible world -- Term used to model certain phenomena that cannot be adequately handled using ordinary possible worlds
Wikipedia - Inalienable possessions
Wikipedia - Inalienable possession
Wikipedia - Inalienable rights
Wikipedia - Inanidrilus renaudae -- Species of annelid
Wikipedia - In Coena Domini
Wikipedia - Independent Senators Group -- Parliamentary group in the Senate of Canada
Wikipedia - Index of Grenada-related articles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Index of Renaissance articles -- Wikipedia index
Wikipedia - Index of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines-related articles -- Wikipedia index
Wikipedia - Indiana Farmers Coliseum -- Indoor arena in Indianapolis, Indiana
Wikipedia - Indira Gandhi Arena -- Indoor arena in India
Wikipedia - Indoor Stadium Huamark -- Multi-purpose indoor arena in Bangkok, Thailand
Wikipedia - Indorenate
Wikipedia - Industrial society -- Society driven by the use of technology to enable mass production, supporting a large population with a high capacity for division of labour
Wikipedia - Ineos Grenadiers -- British professional cycling team
Wikipedia - Inermoparmena besucheti -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Infinite Energy Arena -- Arena in Georgia, United States
Wikipedia - Infrastructure asset management -- Maintenance of public infrastructure assets
Wikipedia - Inger-Lena Hultberg -- Pioneering Swedish Air Force trainee
Wikipedia - Innogy Sporthalle -- Indoor sports arena in Mulheim, Germany
Wikipedia - Insurgentes Ice Rink -- Arena in Mexico City, Mexico
Wikipedia - International Amphitheatre -- Arena in Chicago, Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights -- Covenant adopted in 1966 by United Nations General Assembly resolution
Wikipedia - International Nuclear Event Scale -- Scale to enable communication of safety information in nuclear accidents
Wikipedia - International Press Institute World Press Freedom Heroes -- Individuals who have been recognized by the Vienna-based International Press Institute for "significant contributions to the maintenance of press freedom and freedom of expression
Wikipedia - Internet bench -- Internet-enabled bench
Wikipedia - In the Arena -- Television series
Wikipedia - Intu Mintu Londonma -- 2018 Nepali film directed by Renasha Bantawa Rai
Wikipedia - Invincible (Pat Benatar song) -- Pat Benatar song
Wikipedia - Iparhi Logos -- 2006 album by Helena Paparizou
Wikipedia - Irakli Menagarishvili -- Georgian politician
Wikipedia - Irena AndriukaitienM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian politician
Wikipedia - Irena Belohorska -- Slovak politician
Wikipedia - Irena Cesnekova -- Czech biathlete
Wikipedia - Irena Creed -- Canadian hydrologists
Wikipedia - Irena DegutienM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian politician
Wikipedia - Irena Douskova -- Czech writer and poet
Wikipedia - Irena Dubiska -- Polish violinist
Wikipedia - Irenaean theodicy -- Christian theodicy
Wikipedia - Irena Eichlerowna -- Polish actress
Wikipedia - Irenaeus of Lyon
Wikipedia - Irenaeus of Sirmium
Wikipedia - Irenaeus -- 2nd-century Greek bishop and saint
Wikipedia - Irena Jarocka -- Polish singer (1946-2012)
Wikipedia - Irena Jordanova -- Macedonian writer
Wikipedia - Irena Joveva -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Irena Klepfisz -- Polish-American author, activist (born 1941)
Wikipedia - Irena Lasiecka -- Polish American mathematician
Wikipedia - Irena Laskowska -- Polish actress
Wikipedia - Irena Latinik-Vetulani -- Polish biologist
Wikipedia - Irena Lichnerowicz-Augustyn -- Polish diplomat
Wikipedia - Irena Malkiewicz -- Polish actress
Wikipedia - Irena M-EM- iaulienM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian politician
Wikipedia - Irena Milovan -- Yugoslav ballet dancer
Wikipedia - Irena Nalepa -- Polish neuroscientist
Wikipedia - Irena Pantelic -- Dutch model
Wikipedia - Irena Pawelczyk -- Polish luger
Wikipedia - Irena Peeva -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Irena Popiel
Wikipedia - Irena Radovic -- Montenegrin diplomat
Wikipedia - Irenarch of Rostov
Wikipedia - Irenarch
Wikipedia - Irena Sawicka -- Polish archaeologist and ethnographer
Wikipedia - Irena Sedlecka -- Czech sculptor
Wikipedia - Irena Sendler
Wikipedia - Irena Stankiewicz -- Polish graphic artist
Wikipedia - Irena Swanson -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Irena Szydlowska -- Polish archer
Wikipedia - Irena Tanova -- Bulgarian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Irena Tuwim -- Polish poet and translator
Wikipedia - Irena VeisaitM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian academic
Wikipedia - Irena Vujovic -- Serbian politician
Wikipedia - Irena Yebuah Tiran -- Slovene singer
Wikipedia - Iris and the Lieutenant -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Iris arenaria -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Iris benacensis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Irisbus Agora -- Low-floor bus designed and built by Renault
Wikipedia - Iris damascena -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Iris Mittenaere -- French beauty pageant contestant
Wikipedia - Iron-sulfur world hypothesis -- Hypothetical scenario for the origin of life
Wikipedia - Isaac Brock -- British army officer and administrator, Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada
Wikipedia - Isabelle Renauld -- French actress
Wikipedia - Isabel Marie Keenan Patelunas -- American intelligence official
Wikipedia - Isenach -- Left tributary of the Rhine
Wikipedia - Ishida Shigenari -- Japanese samurai
Wikipedia - Is Homosexuality a Menace? -- 1957 book by Arthur Guy Mathews
Wikipedia - Ishq-e-Benaam (TV series) -- 2015 Pakistani television series
Wikipedia - Isiaka Adeleke -- Nigerian senator
Wikipedia - Islamic Renaissance Movement -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - Island gigantism -- Evolutionary phenomena leading to an increase of the size of species with insularity
Wikipedia - Isopogon adenanthoides -- Species of shrub endemic to the south-west of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Isoprenaline
Wikipedia - Israel Pickens -- Democratic governor of and U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - ISS Dome -- Sports arena in Dusseldorf, Germany
Wikipedia - Isturgia arenacearia -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - It Ain't Me -- 2017 single by Kygo and Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Italian Renaissance garden
Wikipedia - Italian Renaissance painting -- Art movement
Wikipedia - Italian Renaissance -- Cultural movement from the 14th to 17th century
Wikipedia - Iterator -- In computing, an object that enables a programmer to traverse a container, particularly lists
Wikipedia - Itte Detenamo -- Nauruan weightlifter
Wikipedia - Itzamar PeM-CM-1a Ramirez -- Senator of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Ivan Baudouin de Courtenay
Wikipedia - Iwamura Station -- Railway station in Ena, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Izenave -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - I Zw 36 -- Galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici
Wikipedia - J-14 (magazine) -- American magazine targeted at preteen and teenaged girls
Wikipedia - Jacinto Benavente
Wikipedia - Jack Arena -- American ice hockey coach
Wikipedia - Jack Blumenau -- British actor
Wikipedia - Jack Creek Fire -- 2017 wildfire in Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, Washington, US
Wikipedia - Jack DeSena -- American actor (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Jack Reed (Rhode Island politician) -- American politician and U.S. Senator from Rhode Island
Wikipedia - Jack Rose (cocktail) -- Cocktail of applejack, grenadine and citrus juice popular in the 1920s and 1930s
Wikipedia - Jacksonville Coliseum -- Arena in Jacksonville, Florida, United States from 1960 to 2003
Wikipedia - Jacky Rosen -- United States Senator from Nevada
Wikipedia - Jacob Pettersson Degenaar -- Swedish pirate
Wikipedia - Jaco, Costa Rica -- district in Garabito canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Jacqueline Creft -- Grenadian politician
Wikipedia - Jacqueline Hautenauve -- Belgian heptathlete
Wikipedia - Jacques Senard -- French diplomat
Wikipedia - Jadwin Gymnasium -- Multi-purpose arena at Princeton University
Wikipedia - Jaffe family -- Ashkenazi Jewish Rabbinic family
Wikipedia - Jag M-CM-%ngrar ingenting (song) -- 2005 Lena Philipsson song
Wikipedia - Jagueyes, Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Jakov of Kamena Reka
Wikipedia - Jalan Jenagur -- Road in Malaysia
Wikipedia - James A. Bradley -- Manhattan brush manufacturer, financier, member of the New Jersey Senate, philanthropist, and real estate developer.
Wikipedia - James Allen (Alabama politician) -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - James Bartholomew Blackwell -- Irish born mercenary and French Army officer
Wikipedia - James Benamor -- British businessman
Wikipedia - James B. Pearson -- United States Senator from Kansas (1962-1978)
Wikipedia - James Brown Arena -- Multi-purpose complex located in Augusta, GA, US
Wikipedia - James Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan -- British Crimean War Lieutenant-General (1797-1868)
Wikipedia - James Campbell, 1st Baron Glenavy -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - James C. Dawkins Jr. -- U.S. Air Force lieutenant general
Wikipedia - James C. Eisenach -- American anesthesiologist
Wikipedia - James D. Phelan -- Former United States Senator
Wikipedia - James Dubik -- American Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - James Flynn (politician) -- American politician, 40th Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin
Wikipedia - James Harlan (senator)
Wikipedia - James Hawley (Lord Lieutenant) -- British businessman
Wikipedia - James Lankford -- United States Senator from Oklahoma
Wikipedia - James L. Pugh -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama; member of the Confederate Congress
Wikipedia - James L. Seward (New York politician) -- New York state senator from Leatherstocking region
Wikipedia - James McMenamin -- Australian cricket umpire
Wikipedia - James Patrick Mahon -- Irish nationalist journalist, barrister, parliamentarian and mercenary
Wikipedia - James P. Berkeley -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - James Rattray -- Lieutenant and War (Artist) in the British Army, serving in Afghanistan
Wikipedia - James Rood Doolittle -- American lawyer and politician, United States Senator from Wisconsin
Wikipedia - James R. Venable -- White supremacist Georgia lawyer and Mayor of Stone Mountain
Wikipedia - James S. Alban -- Civil War Union Army Colonel killed in the Battle of Shiloh, Member of the Wisconsin Senate
Wikipedia - James Seveney -- US Senator for Rhode Island
Wikipedia - James Thomas Heflin -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Jamestown, Saint Helena -- Capital and chief port of Saint Helena
Wikipedia - Jamsil Arena -- Sports venue
Wikipedia - Jamsilsaenae station -- Train station in South Korea
Wikipedia - Jamsil Students' Gymnasium -- Indoor sporting arena located in Seoul, South Korea
Wikipedia - Jana JuM-EM-^YenM-DM-^Makova -- Czech senator of Czech Parliament and mayor
Wikipedia - Jana Sena Party -- Indian political party
Wikipedia - Jan Baudouin de Courtenay
Wikipedia - Jane (Barenaked Ladies song) -- 1994 single by Barenaked Ladies
Wikipedia - Janet Bewley (Wisconsin politician) -- American politician, Minority Leader of the Wisconsin Senate
Wikipedia - Janez LenarM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian diplomat
Wikipedia - Jangala (charity) -- British charity enabling internet access
Wikipedia - Jangchung Arena -- Sports arena in Seoul, South Korea
Wikipedia - Jan Mostaert -- Dutch Renaissance painter (c. 1475-1552/53)
Wikipedia - Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck -- Dutch Renaissance composer
Wikipedia - Jan Rombouts the Elder -- 16th century Flemish Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - Jan Uvena -- American drummer
Wikipedia - Jan Vencalek -- Bohemian Renaissance-era composer
Wikipedia - Japanese warship San Buena Ventura -- 17th c. Japanese warship
Wikipedia - Jarena Lee
Wikipedia - Jarl Lundqvist -- Finnish lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Jaskaur Meena -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Jason Carter (politician) -- Member of the Georgia State Senate
Wikipedia - Jason Sklenar -- British biathlete
Wikipedia - Javed Iqbal Abbasi -- Pakistani politician and former senator
Wikipedia - Javiera Mena -- Chilean indie electropop musician
Wikipedia - Javier Arenas (politician) -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Javier Camarena -- Mexican operatic tenor
Wikipedia - Javier Valdez Cardenas -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Jayani Senanayake -- Sri Lankan actress
Wikipedia - Jayasena Dissanayake -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Jayasena
Wikipedia - Jay B. Silveria -- US Air Force lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Jay Paul Gumm -- Senator of Oklahoma 2002-2010
Wikipedia - Jean Baptiste Leschenault de la Tour
Wikipedia - Jean Charles Pallavicini -- Lieutenant of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Wikipedia - Jean de Menasce
Wikipedia - Jeanette NuM-CM-1ez -- 20th Lieutenant Governor of Florida
Wikipedia - Jean Forest -- Canadian retired Senator
Wikipedia - Jean-Francois Dagenais -- Canadian musician
Wikipedia - Jean-Francois Senault -- French Augustinian philosopher
Wikipedia - Jean-Louis Haguenauer -- French pianist
Wikipedia - Jean-Marie Domenach
Wikipedia - Jean Marie Ralph Fethiere -- Haitian senator
Wikipedia - Jean-Michel Menard -- Canadian curler
Wikipedia - Jeanne Benameur -- French woman writer
Wikipedia - Jeanne Calment -- French supercentenarian with the longest documented human lifespan in history
Wikipedia - Jeanne Razafiangy Dina Fotomanantena -- Malagasy politician
Wikipedia - Jeanne Renaud-Mornant -- French biologist
Wikipedia - Jeanne Renaud
Wikipedia - Jeanne Shaheen -- United States Senator from New Hampshire
Wikipedia - Jean-Paul Denanot -- French politician
Wikipedia - Jean Renaud Adde -- French equestrian
Wikipedia - Jean Renaux -- French sports shooter
Wikipedia - Jean Schramme -- Belgian mercenary
Wikipedia - Jean Toutin -- French enamelworker
Wikipedia - Jean Venables -- British civil engineer and professor
Wikipedia - Jebena -- Traditional Ethiopian coffee pot
Wikipedia - Jedenacte pM-EM-^Yikazani -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Jeena Jeena -- 2015 Hindi song
Wikipedia - Jeena Sirf Merre Liye -- 2002 film directed by Talat Jani
Wikipedia - Jeff Baena -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Jeff Bingaman -- Former United States Senator from New Mexico
Wikipedia - Jeff Flake -- Former United States Senator from Arizona
Wikipedia - Jeff Merkley -- United States Senator from Oregon
Wikipedia - Jeff Penalty -- American musician
Wikipedia - Jelena Adzic -- Canadian on-air personality
Wikipedia - Jelena de Belder-KovaM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian-Belgian botanist and horticulturist
Wikipedia - Jelena Dimitrijevic -- Serbian writer
Wikipedia - Jelena DM-EM->ankic -- Political scientist
Wikipedia - Jelena Gavrilovic -- Serbian actress
Wikipedia - Jelena Jensen -- American pornographic actress and model (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Jelena Jovanova -- Macedonian actress
Wikipedia - Jelena KarleuM-EM-!a -- Serbian singer (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Jelena KovaM-DM-^Mevic -- Serbian American engineering professor
Wikipedia - Jelena Lengold
Wikipedia - Jelena M-DM-^Fetkovic -- National Hero of Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - Jelena M-DM-^Pokic -- Serbian actress
Wikipedia - Jelena Miholjevic -- Croatian actress
Wikipedia - Jelena Mijatovic -- Serbian politician
Wikipedia - Jelena Muhhina -- Estonian figure skater
Wikipedia - Jelena Obradovic -- Developmental psychologist
Wikipedia - Jelena Obradovic -- Serbian politician
Wikipedia - Jelena Peeters -- Belgian speed skater
Wikipedia - Jelena Poljakova-VM-EM-!ivtseva -- Estonian biathlete
Wikipedia - Jelena Porsanger -- Russian-born Norwegian Sami ethnographer and university rector
Wikipedia - Jelena Rozga -- Croatian pop singer
Wikipedia - Jelena TomaM-EM-!evic -- Serbian pop singer
Wikipedia - Jelena Tripolski -- Israeli sports shooter
Wikipedia - Jelena Vukovic -- Croatian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Jelena VuM-DM-^Mkovic -- Serbian-born American physicist
Wikipedia - JeM-DM-eviM-DM-^Ma -- Latvian athlete
Wikipedia - JeM-DM- -- Latvian modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Jenae Leles -- American softball player
Wikipedia - Jenae Neiderhiser -- American behavior geneticist
Wikipedia - Jena Engstrom -- American former television actress
Wikipedia - Jena Friedman -- American comedian, actress, writer and director
Wikipedia - Jena Hansen -- Danish sailor
Wikipedia - Jena Malone -- American actress, musician, and photographer
Wikipedia - Jenan Boushehri -- Kuwaiti politician
Wikipedia - Jenan Moussa -- Lebanese journalist
Wikipedia - Jenann Ismael
Wikipedia - Jenapur railway station -- Railway station in Odisha
Wikipedia - Jenara Vicenta Arnal Yarza -- First woman Ph.D. in Chemistry from Spain
Wikipedia - Jenaro de Urrutia Olaran -- Spanish painter
Wikipedia - Jena Romanticism
Wikipedia - Jena Six -- Six black teenagers in Louisiana, convicted in a 2006 beating
Wikipedia - Jenatsch (film) -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Jena
Wikipedia - Jenay -- Puerto Rican reggaeton artist
Wikipedia - Jennifer Gretton, Baroness Gretton -- Former Lord Lieutenant of Leicestershire
Wikipedia - Jennifer Shilling -- American politician, Wisconsin Senator
Wikipedia - Jeralean Talley -- American supercentenarian
Wikipedia - Jeremiah Clemens -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Jeremy Ashkenas -- Computer programmer
Wikipedia - Jeremy Cooney -- New York senator
Wikipedia - Jeroen Lenaers -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Jerry Avenaim -- American photographer
Wikipedia - Jerry Moran -- United States Senator from Kansas
Wikipedia - Jessica Keenan Wynn -- American actress and singer
Wikipedia - Jesus District, Atenas -- district in Atenas canton, Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Jesus DueM-CM-1as Llerenas -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Jesus Mena -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Jeunesse Arena -- Indoor multi-purpose arena in Brazil
Wikipedia - Jewish apple cake -- Cake made with apples traditional to Ashkenazi Jewish cuisine
Wikipedia - Jhenaidah-1 -- Constituency of Bangladesh's Jatiya Sangsad
Wikipedia - Jhenaidah-2 -- Constituency of Bangladesh's Jatiya Sangsad
Wikipedia - Jhenaidah-3 -- Constituency of Bangladesh's Jatiya Sangsad
Wikipedia - Jhenaidah-4 -- Constituency of Bangladesh's Jatiya Sangsad
Wikipedia - Jhenaidah Government High School -- School in Jhenaidah district, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Jhenaidah -- City and District headquarter of Jhenaidah District
Wikipedia - Jillian Armenante -- American television and film actress
Wikipedia - Jillian Camarena-Williams -- American shot putter
Wikipedia - Jimena Canales -- Mexican-American historian of science
Wikipedia - Jimena Lindo -- Peruvian actress
Wikipedia - Jim Inhofe -- United States Senator from Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Jim Risch -- United States Senator from Idaho
Wikipedia - Jinasena
Wikipedia - Jiroemon Kimura -- Japanese supercentenarian, verified oldest living man in history
Wikipedia - JJ Rendon -- Venezuelan Political mercenary
Wikipedia - J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu -- Ghanaian scholar of African Pentecostalism
Wikipedia - J. Lister Hill -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - J. N. Saksena -- Indian police officer
Wikipedia - Joachimites -- Millenarian group
Wikipedia - Joanne Barker -- Lenape academic focusing on indigenous peoples' studies
Wikipedia - Jo-Anne L. Coe -- American Senate official
Wikipedia - Joao Caeiro -- Portuguese mercenary
Wikipedia - Joao Clemente Baena Soares -- Brazilian diplomat
Wikipedia - Joao de Deus Mena Barreto (1874-1933) -- Former Brazilian general
Wikipedia - Joao Rodrigues de Sa -- Count of Penaguiao
Wikipedia - Joaquin Diaz Mena -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Joaquin Garcia Benavides -- Costa Rican canoeist
Wikipedia - Jocelyne Roy-Vienneau -- Canadian lieutenant governor
Wikipedia - Jody J. Daniels -- U.S. Army Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Joe Biden 1988 presidential campaign -- 1988 presidential campaign of Delaware Senator Joe Biden
Wikipedia - Joe Biden 2008 presidential campaign -- 2008 presidential campaign of Delaware Senator Joe Biden
Wikipedia - Joe Donnelly -- Former United States Senator from Indiana
Wikipedia - Joe Lieberman -- Former United States Senator from Connecticut
Wikipedia - Joe Manchin -- United States Senator from West Virginia
Wikipedia - Joe Mavrinac Community Complex -- Arena in Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Joe McMenamin -- Irish sailor
Wikipedia - Johan Arnt Wenaas -- Norwegian priest
Wikipedia - Johannes Leimena -- Indonesian politician
Wikipedia - Johannes Ockeghem -- Franco-Flemish Renaissance composer
Wikipedia - Johannes Salat -- Swiss writer and mercenary
Wikipedia - Johannes Scotus Eriugena
Wikipedia - Johann von Klenau -- Austrian General of Cavalry in Napoleonic Wars
Wikipedia - John A. Bentley -- 19th century American politician, 12th U.S. Commissioner of Pensions, member of the Wisconsin Senate
Wikipedia - John Adair -- Governor, Senator, Representative, and pioneer from Kentucky
Wikipedia - John Anderson (Wisconsin senator) -- American politician from Wisconsin
Wikipedia - John and Lorena Bobbitt -- American couple
Wikipedia - John Arena -- American politician
Wikipedia - John Barrasso -- United States Senator from Wyoming
Wikipedia - John Bohlinger -- 33rd Lieutenant Governor of Montana
Wikipedia - John Boozman -- United States Senator from Arkansas
Wikipedia - John Brown Gordon -- Confederate Lieutienant general
Wikipedia - John Cain Arena -- Stadium in Melbourne Park, Melbourne CBD, Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - John Cena filmography -- Filmography list of WWE wrestler John Cena
Wikipedia - John Cena (song) -- Song by Sho Madjozi
Wikipedia - John Cena -- American professional wrestler, actor, and television presenter
Wikipedia - John Condit -- American politician and senator from New Jersey (1755-1834)
Wikipedia - John Courtenay (1738-1816) -- 18th/19th-century Irish officer in the British Army and politician
Wikipedia - John Courtenay of Tremere -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Cranfield -- Saint Helena politician
Wikipedia - John Curran (Illinois politician) -- Republican member of the Illinois Senate
Wikipedia - John Dabney Terrell Sr. -- Alabama planter, senator and representative
Wikipedia - John Davenant -- 17th-century Anglican Bishop of Salisbury
Wikipedia - John Edwin Holmes -- 19th century American lawyer, minister, politician, and Wisconsin pioneer, 1st Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin
Wikipedia - John Ena Jr. -- Hawaiian business magnate and politician (1845-1906)
Wikipedia - John E. Nelson (Nebraska politician) -- 40th Lieutenant Governor of Nebraska
Wikipedia - John Ensign -- Former United States Senator from Nevada
Wikipedia - John Eustace Vesey, 6th Viscount de Vesci -- Peer, Lieutenant
Wikipedia - John Fetterman -- 34th Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - John H. Bankhead II -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - John H. Bankhead -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - John Henry (Maryland politician) -- Politician, eighth Governor of Maryland, member of US Senate. 1750-1798
Wikipedia - John Hickenlooper -- U.S. Senator-elect from Colorado
Wikipedia - John H. Miller -- United States Marine Corps Lieutenant general
Wikipedia - John James Grant -- Canadian general and Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia
Wikipedia - John J. Maurer -- American Democratic politician, WWII veteran, retired Airline pilot, former member of the Wisconsin Senate from Kenosha
Wikipedia - John J. McClure -- Pennsylvania State Senator
Wikipedia - John Juvenal Ancina
Wikipedia - John Kennedy (Louisiana politician) -- United States Senator from Louisiana
Wikipedia - John King (Covenanter) -- Scottish Presbyterian chaplain (d. 1679)
Wikipedia - John Lance Arena -- Arena
Wikipedia - John Langdon (politician) -- New Hampshire Founding Father, governor, and senator (1741-1819)
Wikipedia - John L. McClellan -- American lawyer, Racist politician, and U.S. Senator from Arkansas
Wikipedia - John L. Mitchell -- 19th century United States Senator, Congressman, and philanthropist from Wisconsin.
Wikipedia - John L. Pickitt -- American lieutenant general
Wikipedia - John Menard Jr. -- American businessman
Wikipedia - John M. Parker Agricultural Coliseum -- A multipurpose indoor arena in Louisiana
Wikipedia - John N. Brandenburg -- American lieutenant general
Wikipedia - John N. McLaughlin -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Johnny Isakson -- Former United States Senator from Georgia
Wikipedia - John Painter (supercentenarian) -- supercentenarian
Wikipedia - John Paton (Covenanter) -- Scottish Presbyterian soldier (d.1684)
Wikipedia - John Plamenatz
Wikipedia - John R. Bohan -- 19th century Irish American immigrant, newspaper publisher, politician. Member of the Wisconsin Senate and Assembly.
Wikipedia - John Scott (Lord Lieutenant) -- Scottish farmer and public servant
Wikipedia - John Scotus Eriugena -- medieval Irish philosopher
Wikipedia - John S. Glas Field House -- American university ice hockey arena
Wikipedia - John Sparkman -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama; Democratic nominee for Vice President in 1952
Wikipedia - John Spreul (apothecary) -- 17th c. apothecary and Covenanter
Wikipedia - John Tenaglia -- American opera singer
Wikipedia - John Thune -- United States Republican Senator from South Dakota
Wikipedia - John Trevena (lawyer) -- [[lawyer]]
Wikipedia - John Walsh (Montana politician) -- Former United States Senator from Montana
Wikipedia - Joint Support and Enabling Command
Wikipedia - Jondon Trevena -- American speed skater
Wikipedia - Jon Kortajarena -- Spanish model and actor
Wikipedia - Jon Kyl -- Former United States Senator from Arizona
Wikipedia - Jon M. Huntsman Center -- Arena at the University of Utah
Wikipedia - Jon Tester -- United States Senator from Montana
Wikipedia - Jools' Annual Hootenanny -- New Year's Eve music show presented by Jools Holland
Wikipedia - Jordan Kannianen -- North Dakota Senate member
Wikipedia - Jorge de Cardenas -- Cuban sailor
Wikipedia - Jorge Godoy Cardenas -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Jorge Henao (sport shooter) -- Colombian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Jorge Llerena -- Uruguayan Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Jorge Luis Mendoza Cardenas -- Mexican gangster
Wikipedia - Jorge Triana Tena -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Jose Antonio Garcia Mena -- Spanish equestrian
Wikipedia - Jose Antonio Vivo Undabarrena -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Jose Aragon Escacena -- Spanish writer
Wikipedia - Jose Ascension Orihuela Barcenas -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Jose Benardete -- American philosopher
Wikipedia - Jose Dapena Laguna -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - Jose Dapena Thompson -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - Jose Emilio Gonzalez Velazquez -- Puerto Rican politician and senator
Wikipedia - Jose Etxenagusia
Wikipedia - Jose Garriga Pico -- Senator of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Jose Gerena Polanco -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - Jose Guillermo Izquierdo Stella -- Puerto Rican politician, senator, lawyer
Wikipedia - Jose Ignacio Iruretagoyena -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Jose Jacques Pena -- Portuguese sports shooter
Wikipedia - Jose Juan Barcenas -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Jose LarraM-CM-1aga Arenas -- Spanish politician (b. 1927, d. 1984)
Wikipedia - Jose Leandro Montalvo Guenard -- Puerto Rican historian
Wikipedia - Jose Maria Benavides -- Spanish sailor
Wikipedia - Jose Maria Martin Carpena -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Jose Miguel Agrelot Coliseum -- The biggest indoor arena in Puerto Rico dedicated to entertainment
Wikipedia - Jose Ortiz Daliot -- Former member of the Senate of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Jose Perurena Lopez -- Spanish canoeist
Wikipedia - Joseph Barcroft -- Physiologist, studied the oxygenation of blood
Wikipedia - Joseph Benavidez -- American MMA fighter
Wikipedia - Joseph C. Burger -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Joseph C. Fegan Jr. -- American Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Joseph F. Andrea -- American Democratic politician, former member of the Wisconsin Senate from Kenosha
Wikipedia - Joseph F. Johnston -- Democratic governor of and U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Joseph Hanson Kwabena Nketia -- Ghanaian ethnomusicologist and composer
Wikipedia - Joseph H. Burchenal -- American oncologist
Wikipedia - Joseph Henabery -- American actor
Wikipedia - Joseph McCarthy -- 20th-century American politician, United States Senator
Wikipedia - Joseph Stevenart -- Belgian equestrian
Wikipedia - Joseph Vilas -- 19th century American businessman, public administrator, and politician. Member of the Wisconsin Senate from Manitowoc County
Wikipedia - Joseph V. Quarles -- Wisconsin senator
Wikipedia - Jose Ruiz de Arana y Saavedra, Duke of Baena -- Spanish aristocrat and politician
Wikipedia - Jose Venancio Lopez -- Guatemalan politician
Wikipedia - Jose Vilardebo Picurena -- Spanish chess player
Wikipedia - Josh Green (politician) -- 14th Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii
Wikipedia - Josh Hawley -- Junior United States Senator from Missouri
Wikipedia - Josiah Harlan -- American mercenary
Wikipedia - Josquin des Prez -- Franco-Flemish composer of the Renaissance
Wikipedia - Jos van Kemenade -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice
Wikipedia - Jovan Andrevski -- Macedonian lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Joy Denalane -- German singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Joy San Buenaventura -- American politician
Wikipedia - Jozo Penava -- Bosnia and Herzegovina musician
Wikipedia - Juan Asencio, Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Juan Ballester Carmenates -- Juan Ballester Carmenates
Wikipedia - Juan Benavides (weightlifter) -- Cuban weightlifter
Wikipedia - Juan Castellon Larenas -- Chilean lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Juan Eugenio Hernandez Mayoral -- Senator of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Juan Jose Cartagena -- Mayor of Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Juan Luis de Camarena -- Spanish colonial governor
Wikipedia - Juan Maldacena
Wikipedia - Juan Manuel, Prince of Villena
Wikipedia - Juan Martin Maldacena -- Argentine physicist
Wikipedia - Juan Pablo Cardenal -- Spanish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Juan ZariM-CM-1ena -- Spanish painter
Wikipedia - Judah ben Joseph ibn Ezra -- Grenadian court noble
Wikipedia - Judah P. Benjamin -- American secessionist politician and lawyer, first Jewish U.S. Senator who served without renouncing his faith, first Jewish Cabinet member.
Wikipedia - Judith Clarke -- Australian writer for children and teenagers
Wikipedia - Judith Whitworth -- Australian renal medical researcher and Chief Medical Officer
Wikipedia - Judit Magdalena Guerrero -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Jugular vein -- Veins that bring deoxygenated blood from the head back to the heart
Wikipedia - Julena Steinheider Duncombe -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Jules Michelet -- French historian; popularized the historical concept of the Renaissance
Wikipedia - Julia Elena Fortun -- Bolivian historian
Wikipedia - Julia Grenan -- Irish nationalist, suffragette and socialist
Wikipedia - Julian Bradley (politician) -- American Republican politician, Member-elect of the Wisconsin State Senate.
Wikipedia - Julian Marchena -- Costa Rican poet
Wikipedia - Julio Requena -- Spanish Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Julius Ailio -- Finnish senator
Wikipedia - Julius Avitus -- Syrian-born Roman military commander, senator and governor (c. 155-217)
Wikipedia - Julius Genachowski
Wikipedia - Jun Aristorenas -- Filipino actor
Wikipedia - June Bride ~Anata shika Mienai~ -- 2005 single by U-ka Saegusa in dB
Wikipedia - Junellia -- Genus of Verbenaceae plants
Wikipedia - June Paterson-Brown -- British medical doctor, first female Lord Lieutenant in Scotland
Wikipedia - Jungle Menace -- 1937 film by George Melford, Harry L. Fraser
Wikipedia - Juraj Cervenak -- Slovak fantasy writer
Wikipedia - Jury -- Sworn body of people convened to render a verdict officially submitted to them by a court, or to set a penalty or judgment
Wikipedia - Justin Andriamanantena -- Malagasy judoka
Wikipedia - Justin Fairfax -- 41st Lieutenant Governor of Virginia
Wikipedia - Justo Arosemena Lacayo -- Colombian sculptor
Wikipedia - Juvenal de Araujo -- Madeiran politician
Wikipedia - Juvenal of Benevento
Wikipedia - Juvenal of Jerusalem -- Bishop of Jerusalem
Wikipedia - Juvenal of Narni
Wikipedia - Juvenal -- ancient Roman poet
Wikipedia - Juvenaly of Alaska
Wikipedia - K-25 -- Manhattan Project codename for a program to produce enriched uranium
Wikipedia - Kabenau River -- river in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kabir Garba Marafa -- Member of the Senate of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Kachemak Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve -- Marine reserve off the Kenai Peninsula, southern Alaska, US
Wikipedia - Kachemak Bay -- Bay in the southwestern Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, United States
Wikipedia - Kadeena Cox -- British Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Kadena Air Base -- U.S. Air Force base in Japan
Wikipedia - Kadenang Kristal -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Kaena Ridge -- A submerged remnant of an ancient shield volcano to the north of the Hawaiian Island of OM-JM-;ahu
Wikipedia - Kahena Kunze -- Brazilian sailor
Wikipedia - Kaleena Kiff -- American actress, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Kalena Bovell -- American conductor
Wikipedia - Kalevankankaan jM-CM-$M-CM-$halli -- Indoor arena in Mikkeli, Finland
Wikipedia - Kal Tire Place -- multi-use arena in Vernon, British Columbia
Wikipedia - Kamala and Maya's Big Idea -- 2020 picture book written by Meena Harris and illustrated by Ana Ramirez Gonzalez
Wikipedia - Kamaloddin Jenab
Wikipedia - Kambal Sirena -- 2014 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Kamei Arena Sendai -- An indoor sporting arena inJapan
Wikipedia - Kamel Kardjena -- Algerian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Kamiukena District, Ehime -- District in Ehime prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Kanikanum Neram -- 1987 film by Rajasenan
Wikipedia - Kansas Expocentre -- Arena in Topeka, Kansas
Wikipedia - Kanze Dena -- Kenyan journalist
Wikipedia - Karaikudi S. Subramanian -- Indian Veena player
Wikipedia - Kareena Kapoor filmography -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Kareena Kapoor -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Karena Ng -- Hong Kong actress and model
Wikipedia - Karenanne Gussgard -- Norwegian judge
Wikipedia - Karenaxia -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Karl Frenademez -- Italian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Karni Sena -- organisation based in Rajasthan, India
Wikipedia - Karriena Shah -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Kartena Hillfort -- Fort in Lithuania
Wikipedia - Karunasena Kodituwakku -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Kate Greenaway -- British artist
Wikipedia - Katharine Newlin Burt -- American novelist and film scenarist (b. 1882, d. 1977)
Wikipedia - Katie Heenan -- American artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Kayleigh McEnany -- White House Press Secretary
Wikipedia - Kazan Gymnastics Center -- Indoor sports arena in Kazan, Russia
Wikipedia - KAZN -- Chinese-language radio station in Pasadena, California
Wikipedia - KBPK -- Radio station in Buena Park, California
Wikipedia - KCWT -- Former television station in Wenatchee, Washington, United States
Wikipedia - KDLL -- Public radio station in Kenai, Alaska
Wikipedia - Keating Five -- US Senators accused of corruption in 1989
Wikipedia - Keenan Cornelius -- American practitioner of Brazilian jiu-jitsu
Wikipedia - Keenan Kampa -- American actress and dancer
Wikipedia - Keenan Prochnow -- American figure skater
Wikipedia - Keenan Simpson -- Canadian slalom kayaker
Wikipedia - Keenan Stadium -- Cricket stadium
Wikipedia - Keenan Wynn -- American actor
Wikipedia - Keiko Agena -- American actress
Wikipedia - Keith Mitchell -- Prime Minister of Grenada (1995-2008, 2013-present)
Wikipedia - Keith Pickard -- Republican member of the Nevada Senate
Wikipedia - Kelda Roys -- 21st century American Democratic politician from Wisconsin, member-elect of the Wisconsin Senate.
Wikipedia - Kellogg Arena -- Arena in Battle Creek, Michigan, USA
Wikipedia - Kellon Alexis -- Grenadian athlete
Wikipedia - Kelly Ayotte -- Former United States Senator from New Hampshire
Wikipedia - Kelly Loeffler -- United States Senator from Georgia
Wikipedia - Kena: Bridge of Spirits -- 2021 video game
Wikipedia - Kenai, Alaska -- City in Alaska, United States
Wikipedia - Kenai Fjords National Park -- National park in Alaska, United States
Wikipedia - Kenai Peninsula College -- Unit of the University of Alaska Anchorage
Wikipedia - Kenai Peninsula -- Large peninsula in south central Alaska, United States
Wikipedia - Kenai River -- River in Alaska
Wikipedia - Kena Lorenzini -- Chilean psychologist, photographer, and activist
Wikipedia - Kenan & Kel -- American sitcom
Wikipedia - Kenan Erim
Wikipedia - Kenan M-CM-^Goban -- Turkish actor
Wikipedia - Kenan M-DM-0mirzalioM-DM-^_lu -- Turkish actor and model
Wikipedia - Kenan Thompson -- American actor, singer, comedian
Wikipedia - Kenas-unarpe -- Ainu god
Wikipedia - Kena Upanishad -- One of the ancient Sanskrit scriptures of Hinduism
Wikipedia - Kenau -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - Ken Bruzenak -- American comic book letterer
Wikipedia - Kenneth Chenault -- American business executive
Wikipedia - Kenneth L. Greenquist -- American machinist, lawyer, and politician, World War II Naval officer, member of the Wisconsin State Senate
Wikipedia - Kenny Arena -- American former soccer defender
Wikipedia - Kerguelenatica delicatula -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Kernowite -- Copper iron arsenate mineral
Wikipedia - Kerry Roberts -- Tennessee State Senator
Wikipedia - Keshena
Wikipedia - Kessleria pyrenaea -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Kevin Benavides -- Argentine motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Kevin Cramer -- United States Senator from North Dakota
Wikipedia - Kevin Greenaugh -- American nuclear engineer
Wikipedia - Kevin Menaldo -- French pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Keweenaw National Historical Park -- U.S. national park in Michigan
Wikipedia - Keweenaw Peninsula -- Northernmost part of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Keyakitte, Kakenai? -- Japanese variety show
Wikipedia - Key Arena
Wikipedia - KeyBank Center -- Multipurpose indoor arena located in downtown Buffalo, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Keystone Centre -- Multi-use indoor arena in Brandon, Manitoba
Wikipedia - Kezar Pavilion -- Arena in California, United States
Wikipedia - KFC Yum! Center -- multi-purpose sports arena in Louisville, Kentucky
Wikipedia - Khairul Enam -- Bangladesh Nationalist Party politician
Wikipedia - Khalili Collection of Enamels of the World -- Private art collection
Wikipedia - Khalili Imperial Garniture -- Trio of enamel artworks
Wikipedia - Khazar hypothesis of Ashkenazi ancestry -- Fringe scientific hypothesis that Ashkenazi Jews are descended from the Khazars
Wikipedia - Kh. Momota Hena Lovely -- Bangladeshi politician
Wikipedia - Khulta Kali Khulena -- Marathi-language television program
Wikipedia - Khvarenah -- Divine mystical power in Zoroastrianism
Wikipedia - KIAM (AM) -- Radio station in Nenana, Alaska
Wikipedia - Kiel Auditorium -- Arena in Missouri, United States
Wikipedia - Kiki Camarena -- DEA agent murdered by drug traffickers
Wikipedia - KIKK -- CBS Sports Radio station in Pasadena, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Kill Em with Kindness (song) -- 2016 single by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Kimena Brog-Meier -- Swiss figure skater
Wikipedia - Kim Guadagno -- First Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey
Wikipedia - Kimi to Koi no Mama de Owarenai Itsumo Yume no Mama ja Irarenai -- 2019 song by Mai Kuraki
Wikipedia - Kimmel Arena -- Arena at UNC Asheville in Asheville, North Carolina
Wikipedia - Kingdom (Covenant Worship album)
Wikipedia - Kingmaker scenario
Wikipedia - King of the Arena -- 1933 film by Alan James
Wikipedia - Kings Cross Top Shed -- Steam locomotive maintenance and stabling depot
Wikipedia - Kingstown -- Capital and chief port of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Kirk Schuring -- Republican member of the Ohio Senate
Wikipedia - Kirsten Gillibrand -- United States Senator from New York
Wikipedia - Kiss & Tell (Selena Gomez & the Scene album) -- 2009 studio album by Selena Gomez & the Scene
Wikipedia - Kissena Boulevard -- Boulevard in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - Kissena Creek -- Buried stream in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - Kissena Park -- Public park in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - Kitakyushu City General Gymnasium -- Arena in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan
Wikipedia - Kitniyot -- Category of food that some Ashkenazi Jews do not eat on Passover
Wikipedia - KIYU-FM -- Public radio station in Galena, Alaska
Wikipedia - KK Crvena Zvezda all-time roster -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Klazomenai
Wikipedia - Kleine Schmalenau -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Klepetan and Malena -- Croatian storks
Wikipedia - KLVL -- Radio station in Pasadena-Houston, Texas
Wikipedia - K. M. Beenamol -- Indian athlete
Wikipedia - KM-EM-^Mme Station -- Railway station in Kumenan, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - KMRB -- Radio station in Pasadena, California
Wikipedia - KMTX (FM) -- Radio station in Helena, Montana
Wikipedia - KMXM -- Radio station in Helena Valley Northeast, Montana
Wikipedia - KNEH-LP -- Radio station in Helena, Montana
Wikipedia - Knish -- Ashkenazi Jewish baked or fried snack food consisting of a filling covered with dough
Wikipedia - Knott's Berry Farm -- Amusement park in Buena Park, California, United States
Wikipedia - Know Your Meme -- Website and video series documenting Internet memes and online phenomena
Wikipedia - Knoxville Civic Coliseum -- Arena in Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Kodjo Menan -- Togolese diplomat
Wikipedia - Kogi West Senatorial District -- |Senate district in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Kojarena Sandstone -- Geologic formation in Australia
Wikipedia - Kojarena, Western Australia
Wikipedia - Kokenawa Station -- Railway station in KamigM-EM-^Mri, HyM-EM-^Mgo Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Kokila Gunawardena -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Koldo Mitxelena
Wikipedia - Komazawa Gymnasium -- Arena in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Kondratiev wave -- Hypothesized cycle-like phenomena in the modern world economy
Wikipedia - Kong Kenan
Wikipedia - Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Wikipedia - Konrad Adenauer -- German statesman, Federal Chancellor of Germany, politician (CDU)
Wikipedia - Konstantinos Ventiris -- Greek lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Konstantin Tserpitsky -- Russian commander, lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Kootenai County, Idaho -- County in Idaho, US
Wikipedia - Kootenay Loop -- Public transit exchange in Vancouver, Canada
Wikipedia - Kootenay Ranges -- Subrange of the Continental Ranges in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Kopernio -- Technology company which aims to enable easy access to journal articles
Wikipedia - Korakuen Hall -- Arena in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Korat Chatchai Hall -- An indoor sporting arena located in Thailand
Wikipedia - Korean Attack Submarine program -- A three-phased project to build up the Republic of Korea Navy attack submarine arsenal.
Wikipedia - Korenande Shoukai -- Japanese children's TV series
Wikipedia - KorvettenkapitM-CM-$n -- Military rank in the navy-lieutenant commander
Wikipedia - Korydallos Sports Hall -- Sports arena in Athens, Greece
Wikipedia - Kostrena
Wikipedia - Kotahena
Wikipedia - Kouami Sacha Denanyoh -- Togolese judoka
Wikipedia - KPCC -- Public radio station in Pasadena, California
Wikipedia - KPPC (AM) -- Defunct radio station in Pasadena, California
Wikipedia - KPQ (AM) -- Radio station in Wenatchee, Washington
Wikipedia - K. P. Saxena -- Indian satirist and writer
Wikipedia - Krachtsportgebouw -- A multi-purpose sports arena located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wikipedia - KRename -- Software
Wikipedia - Kris Jordan -- State Senator, Ohio's 19th District
Wikipedia - Krylatskoye Sports Palace -- An indoor sporting arena located in Russia
Wikipedia - KTVH-DT -- NBC/CW affiliate in Helena, Montana
Wikipedia - KUHM-TV -- PBS member station in Helena, Montana
Wikipedia - Kumar Dharmasena -- Sri Lankan cricketer & umpire
Wikipedia - Kunabi Sena -- Political party in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Kunlun Fight World Combat Sports Center -- an indoor arena and a large gym in Beijing, Chin
Wikipedia - Kuno von Eltz-Rubenach -- German politician
Wikipedia - Kurt Felix (athlete) -- Grenadian athlete
Wikipedia - Kusal Goonewardena -- Australian physical therapist
Wikipedia - Kusumasiri Gunawardena -- Ceylonese politician
Wikipedia - Kuteena -- Village in Rajasthan, India
Wikipedia - Kutenai -- Ethnic group; an indigenous people of Canada and the US
Wikipedia - Kwabena Agyapong -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - Kwabena Amankwa Asiamah -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - Kwabena Appiah-Pinkrah -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - Kwabena Bediako -- African-American chemist
Wikipedia - Kwabena Boahen
Wikipedia - Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng -- Ghanaian physician and cardiothoracic surgeon
Wikipedia - Kwabena Kwakye Anti -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - Kwabena Mintah Akandoh -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - Kwabena Ohemeng-Tinyase -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - Kwabena Okyere Darko-Mensah -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - Kwabena Opuni Frimpong -- Ghanaian academic and minister
Wikipedia - Kwabena Sarfo -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - Kwabena Twum-Nuamah -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - KWAD -- Classic country radio station in Wadena, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Kwadzo Senanu -- Ghanaian academic
Wikipedia - Kwamena Ahwoi -- Politician
Wikipedia - Kwamena Bartels -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - Kwamena Bentsi-Enchill -- Supreme Court Judge
Wikipedia - Kwamena Duncan -- Ghanaian educationist and politician
Wikipedia - Kwamena Tuffuor Ampem -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - Kwara Central Senatorial District -- |Senatorial District in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Kwara North Senatorial District -- |Senatorial District in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Kwara South Senatorial District -- |Senatorial District in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Kwena Bellemare-Boivin -- Canadian actress
Wikipedia - KYAR -- Radio station in Lorena, Texas
Wikipedia - Kym Tollenaere -- Australian softball player
Wikipedia - Kynan Chenai -- Indian shooter in the Trap discipline
Wikipedia - Kyoko Enami -- Japanese actress
Wikipedia - Kyrsten Sinema -- United States Senator from Arizona
Wikipedia - La Almudena (Madrid Metro) -- Madrid Metro station
Wikipedia - La Buena Dicha -- Cultural property in Madrid, Spain
Wikipedia - La Cadena -- Mountain in Spain
Wikipedia - Lacena Golding-Clarke -- Jamaican athlete
Wikipedia - La Chaussee River -- River in Grenada
Wikipedia - La cienaga (film) -- 2001 film by Lucrecia Martel
Wikipedia - La Concha Renaissance San Juan Resort -- Luxury resort located on the beach in Condado, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Lactate dehydrogenase
Wikipedia - La Cuesta -- district in Corredores canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - La Ensenada Mixed Wildlife Refuge -- Protected area in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - La falena (film) -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - La feria de las flores -- 1943 film directed by JosM-CM-) Benavides
Wikipedia - La grenade -- 2018 song by Clara Luciani
Wikipedia - La Grenadiere -- Short story by HonorM-CM-) de Balzac
Wikipedia - Lagu Kenangan -- 1953 film by L. Inata
Wikipedia - Laguna Cartagena National Wildlife Refuge -- In the Puerto Rico archipelago
Wikipedia - LaHaye Ice Center -- Ice arena in Lynchburg, Virginia
Wikipedia - Lake Arenal -- Artificial lake in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Lake Bolsena -- Crater lake in Italy
Wikipedia - Lake Fanny Hooe -- Lake in Keweenaw County, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Lakefront Arena -- Multi-purpose arena in New Orleans, Louisiana
Wikipedia - Lake Gratiot -- Lake in Keweenaw County, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Lake Ha! Ha! -- Lake in Saguenay, in Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Lake Wenatchee State Park -- State park in Washington, United States
Wikipedia - Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Lamborghini Centenario -- Limited edition sports car produced by Italian automobile manufacturer Lamborghini based on the Aventador
Wikipedia - Lamiaa Alzenan -- Egyptian judoka
Wikipedia - La Musica Negra -- 2003 studio album by Verbena
Wikipedia - Lancashire Domesday Book tenants-in-chief -- List of Lancashire land owners in the Domesday Book
Wikipedia - Landers Center -- Arena in Mississippi, United States
Wikipedia - Land law -- Form of law that deals with the rights to use, alienate, or exclude others from land
Wikipedia - Landscape maintenance
Wikipedia - Landsknecht -- Mercenary footsoldiers in 16th century Europe
Wikipedia - Lantenay, Ain -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Lappawinsoe -- Lenape Chief
Wikipedia - Lara Elena Donnelly -- American author of speculative fiction
Wikipedia - LaRena Clark -- Folk singer from Ontario, Canada (1904-1991)
Wikipedia - Larena -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Siquijor
Wikipedia - Larissa Neapolis Indoor Arena -- Sports arena in Larissa, Thessaly Region, Greece
Wikipedia - Larry Seilhamer Rodriguez -- Member of the Senate of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Larsenaikia -- Genus of flowering plants in the coffee family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Lars Porsena -- Late 6th century BC Etruscan king of Clusium involved in wars against the city of Rome
Wikipedia - La Salle Coliseum -- A multi-purpose indoor sport arena in Philippines
Wikipedia - Laticlave -- Broad stripe or band of purple on the fore part of the tunic, worn by Ancient Roman senators as an emblem of office
Wikipedia - Laudenauer Bach -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - La Union District, Montes de Oro -- district in Montes de Oro canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Laura Benanti -- American actress and singer
Wikipedia - Laura Elena Estrada Rodriguez -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Laura of Saint Catherine of Siena
Wikipedia - Laura's Ghost -- 2020 book written by Courtenay Stalling
Wikipedia - Laurel District -- district in Corredores canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Laurent BenaM-CM-/m -- French photographer
Wikipedia - Laurent-Emmanuel de Renaud d'Aleins -- French Navy officer of the War of American Independence
Wikipedia - Lavender Menace -- Lesbian radical feminist advocacy group
Wikipedia - La Vida Lena -- Philippine streaming television series
Wikipedia - Lavon Heidemann -- 39th Lieutenant Governor of Nebraska
Wikipedia - Law of Guarantees -- Law passed by the senate and chamber of the Italian parliament, 13 May, 1871, concerning the prerogatives of the Holy See
Wikipedia - Lawrence Dena -- Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - Lawrence J. DeNardis -- American politician
Wikipedia - Lawrence Wetherby -- American politician; Lieutenant Governor and Governor of Kentucky
Wikipedia - Lazaro Cardenas metro station -- Mexico City metro station
Wikipedia - Lazaro Cardenas -- 44th president of Mexico
Wikipedia - Lazarus Averbuch -- Teenaged immigrant victim of a 1908 police shooting
Wikipedia - Leaena -- Hetaera (0600-0500)
Wikipedia - League of Legends -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - League of Legends: Wild Rift -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Leandro Estebecorena -- American special effects director
Wikipedia - Lechenaultia -- Genus of plants
Wikipedia - Lecithocera metopaena -- Species of moth in genus Lecithocera
Wikipedia - Lecithocera paroena -- Species of moth in the genus Lecithocera
Wikipedia - Lecithocera serena -- Species of moth in genus Lecithocera
Wikipedia - Lecithocera terrena -- Species of moth in genus Lecithocera
Wikipedia - Lecithocera terrigena -- Species of moth in the genus Lecithocera
Wikipedia - Lee Christmas -- American mercenary
Wikipedia - Leena Ala-Kokko -- Finnish professor
Wikipedia - Leena Alam -- Afghani actress (1978- )
Wikipedia - Leena Chandavarkar -- 20th and 21st-century Indian actress
Wikipedia - Leena de Silva -- Sri Lankan actress and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Leena Dhingra -- British Asian actress
Wikipedia - Leena Gangopadhyay -- Indian writer, producer, and director.
Wikipedia - Leena HM-CM-$kinen -- Finnish actress
Wikipedia - Leena HM-CM-$met-Ahti -- Finnish botanist (1931-)
Wikipedia - Leena Krohn -- Finnish author
Wikipedia - Leena Luhtanen -- Finnish politician
Wikipedia - Leena Manimekalai -- Film maker, poet, and actor
Wikipedia - Leena Meri -- Finnish politician
Wikipedia - Leena Nair -- 21st-century Indian businesswoman
Wikipedia - Leena Peltonen-Palotie -- Finnish geneticist
Wikipedia - Leena PietilM-CM-$ -- Finnish figure skater
Wikipedia - Leena Rauhala -- Finnish politician
Wikipedia - Leenaun Hill -- Mountain in Galway, Ireland
Wikipedia - Leena Uotila -- Finnish actress
Wikipedia - Legio III Cyrenaica -- Roman legion
Wikipedia - Legislative Council of Saint Helena -- Legislative body
Wikipedia - Lei tai -- Elevated fighting arena
Wikipedia - Leland Yee -- American criminal and former Democratic California State Senator
Wikipedia - Lello Arena -- Italian actor and comics writer
Wikipedia - Lemuel Goodell -- American pioneer and politician, former member of the Wisconsin State Senate and Assembly
Wikipedia - Lena 20 M-CM-%r -- 2007 Lena Philipsson compilation album
Wikipedia - Lena (actress) -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Lena Adomat -- Swedish gymnast
Wikipedia - Lena Amsel -- German dancer and actor
Wikipedia - Lena Andersson (singer) -- Swedish singer
Wikipedia - Lena Andersson (speed skater, born 1954) -- Swedish speed skater
Wikipedia - Lena Andersson (speed skater, born 1961) -- Swedish speed skater
Wikipedia - Lena Anthem -- 2004 song by Swedish singer Lena Philipsson
Wikipedia - Lena Ashwell -- British actress and acting manager
Wikipedia - Lena Beatrice Morton -- Educator and literary scholar
Wikipedia - Lena Belkina -- Ukrainian mezzo-soprano
Wikipedia - Lena Berntsson -- Swedish athlete
Wikipedia - Lena Bogdanovic -- Serbian actress
Wikipedia - Lena Brogren -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Lena B. Smithers Hughes -- American botanist
Wikipedia - Lena Carlsson -- Swedish sailor
Wikipedia - Lena Chettiar -- Indian film producer
Wikipedia - Lena Conradson -- Swedish singer
Wikipedia - Lena Diab -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Lena DM-DM-^Ebkowska-Cichocka -- Polish politician
Wikipedia - Lena Dunham -- American actress, television producer and writer
Wikipedia - Lena Dupont -- German politician
Wikipedia - Lenaea
Wikipedia - Lena Einhorn -- Swedish director, writer and physician
Wikipedia - Lena Ek -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Lena Endre -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Lena Erdil -- Turkish windsurfer
Wikipedia - Lena Fayre -- Dutch-American singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Lena Frances Edwards -- American doctor
Wikipedia - Lena Ganschow -- German journalist and television moderator
Wikipedia - Lena Glaz -- Israeli chess player
Wikipedia - Lena Goldi -- Swiss judoka
Wikipedia - Lena Granhagen -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Lena Hades
Wikipedia - Lena Hallengren -- Swedish Social Democratic politician
Wikipedia - Lena Hall -- American actress
Wikipedia - Lena Hasselstrom -- Swedish ski-orienteering competitor
Wikipedia - Lena Headey -- English actress and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Lena Henke -- German artist
Wikipedia - Lena Hentschel -- German diver
Wikipedia - Lena Himmelstein -- American clothing designer and retailer
Wikipedia - Lena HM-CM-$cki -- Swiss biathlete
Wikipedia - Lena Horne -- American singer, actress, civil rights activist and dancer
Wikipedia - Lenaia
Wikipedia - Lena Jensen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Lena Jordan -- Russian gymnast
Wikipedia - Lena Katina -- Russian singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Lenakel language -- Austronesian language spoken in Vanuatu
Wikipedia - Lena Kennedy -- English author
Wikipedia - Lena King Lee
Wikipedia - Lena Kleinschmidt -- American thief
Wikipedia - Lena Lauzemis -- German actress
Wikipedia - Lena Liepe -- Swedish art historian
Wikipedia - Lena Lowis -- British author and scientific illustrator
Wikipedia - Lena Luthor
Wikipedia - Lena Maryana -- Indonesian politician
Wikipedia - Lena Ma -- Chinese-born Canadian beauty queen
Wikipedia - Lena Meyer-Landrut -- German singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Lena Micko -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Lena MM-CM-%rdberg -- Swedish female curler
Wikipedia - Lena Neudauer -- German violinist
Wikipedia - Lena Nilsson -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Lena Nyman -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Lena Olin -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Lena Olsson -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Lena Ovchynnikova -- Ukrainian kickboxer and MMA fighter
Wikipedia - Lena Park -- American-born South Korean singer
Wikipedia - Lenape High School -- High school in Burlington County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Lenapehoking -- Lands traditionally inhabited by the Lenape people
Wikipedia - Lenape mythology
Wikipedia - Lenape potato -- Potato cultivar
Wikipedia - Lenape Regional High School District -- School district in Burlington County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Lenape Valley Regional High School -- School district in Sussex County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Lenape -- Indigenous people originally from Lenapehoking, now the Mid-Atlantic United States
Wikipedia - Lenard Moore -- American writer
Wikipedia - Lena Richard -- American chef
Wikipedia - Lena Rivers (1910 film) -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - Lena Rivers (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Lena Rivers (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Lena (river) -- River in Russia
Wikipedia - Lenart Oblak -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Lena Saradnik -- American politician
Wikipedia - Lena Schoneborn -- German modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Lena Sjoholm -- Swedish archer
Wikipedia - Lena Smedsaas -- Swedish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Lena Soderblom -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Lena Solli-Reimann -- Norwegian hurdler
Wikipedia - Lena Stocklin -- German canoeist
Wikipedia - Lena Stromdahl -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Lena Sundstrom -- Swedish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Lena Taylor -- American politician
Wikipedia - Lena T. Hansson -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Lena Tillqvist -- Swedish speed skater
Wikipedia - Lena Tracy Hanks -- Botanist (1879-1944)
Wikipedia - Lena Urbaniak -- German shot putter
Wikipedia - Lena Waithe -- American actress, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lena Warnstetten -- 1925 film by Erich Eriksen
Wikipedia - Lenax (beetle) -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Lena Zavaroni -- Scottish Singer
Wikipedia - Lenny Letter -- Feminist newsletter founded by Lena Dunham and Jenni Konner
Wikipedia - Lenormant Athena -- Greek statuette of the goddess Athena..
Wikipedia - Leo de Gale -- 1st Governor-General of Grenada
Wikipedia - Leo D. Hermle -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Leo Menardi -- Italian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Leonardo da Vinci: The Mind of the Renaissance -- 1996 book by Alessandro Vezzosi
Wikipedia - Leonardo da Vinci -- Italian Renaissance polymath
Wikipedia - Leonce-und-Lena-Preis -- German literary prize
Wikipedia - Leonid Efros -- Russian oil painter and enamellist
Wikipedia - Leon Modena
Wikipedia - Leon of Modena
Wikipedia - Lepa Brena: Godine Slatkog greha -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Lepa Brena
Wikipedia - Lepanto District -- district in Puntarenas canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Le Petit Chenail (Yamaska River tributary) -- River in MontM-CM-)rM-CM-)gie, Quebec (Canada)
Wikipedia - Lepturoschema penardi -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Leschenaultia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Le silence de la forM-CM-*t -- 2003 Central African Republican drama film by Bassek Ba Kobhio and Didier Ouenangare
Wikipedia - Leucaena salvadorensis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Leucochlaena oditis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Leucospermum arenarium -- Species of srub in the family Proteaceae from the Western Cape province of South Africa
Wikipedia - Leumit Health Care Services -- Israeli health maintenance organization
Wikipedia - Leutra (Jena) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Levien Gymnasium -- Columbia University arena
Wikipedia - Lewis J. Fields -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Lex Manciana -- Roman law dealing with tenancy agreements of Imperial estates in Roman North Africa
Wikipedia - Leymus arenarius -- Species of flowering plant in the grass family Poaceae
Wikipedia - LGBT rights in Grenada -- Rights of LGBT people in Grenada
Wikipedia - Liacouras Center -- Arena in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Liaena Hernandez Martinez -- Cuban politician
Wikipedia - Liaquat Gymnasium -- An indoor sporting arena located in Islamabad, Pakistan
Wikipedia - Libor Michalek -- Czech senator and whistle blower
Wikipedia - Libo Rupilius Frugi -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Lichenase -- type of enzyme
Wikipedia - Lichenaula mochlias -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Lichenaula petulans -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Lidia Menapace -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Liebenau monastery
Wikipedia - Liena Vayzman -- American photographer
Wikipedia - Lieutenancy area -- Separate areas of the United Kingdom appointed a lord-lieutenant
Wikipedia - Lieutenant colonel general -- Military rank in a number of Balkan armed forces
Wikipedia - Lieutenant colonel (United Kingdom) -- Rank in the British Army and Royal Marines
Wikipedia - Lieutenant colonel (United States) -- Officer rank of the United States military
Wikipedia - Lieutenant colonel -- Rank of commissioned officer in the armies and most marine forces and some air forces of the world
Wikipedia - Lieutenant commander (Royal Navy) -- British military rank
Wikipedia - Lieutenant commander (United States)
Wikipedia - Lieutenant general (Pakistan) -- Rank in Pakistan Army
Wikipedia - Lieutenant-general (United Kingdom) -- Senior rank in the British Army and the Royal Marines
Wikipedia - Lieutenant general (United States) -- Military rank of the United States
Wikipedia - Lieutenant governor of British Columbia -- Viceregal representative of the Canadian Queen
Wikipedia - Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii -- Assistant chief executive of the U.S. state of Hawaii
Wikipedia - Lieutenant Governor of Mississippi -- statewide vice-executive officer of the U.S. state of Mississippi
Wikipedia - Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey -- Elected US official
Wikipedia - Lieutenant-Governor of New South Wales -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lieutenant governor -- General title for high officer of state
Wikipedia - Lieutenant (junior grade) -- Junior commissioned officer rank in the United States
Wikipedia - Lieutenant KijM-CM-) (Prokofiev) -- 1934 film music and orchestral suite
Wikipedia - Lieutenant KijM-CM-) -- Fictional character
Wikipedia - Lieutenant (navy) -- Commissioned officer rank in many nations' navies
Wikipedia - Lieutenant Starbuck -- Fictional science fiction TV character
Wikipedia - Lieutenant, Were You Once a Hussar? -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Lieutenant -- Junior commissioned officer in many nations' armed forces
Wikipedia - Life of prayer and penance -- Penalty imposed on clergy by the Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Li Jue (Kuomintang) -- Chinese lieutenant-general
Wikipedia - Lili Blumenau -- American Fiber Artist
Wikipedia - Lillian Dyck -- retired Canadian senator
Wikipedia - Lilly TM-CM-)llez -- Mexican journalist and senator
Wikipedia - LiM-CM-)dena -- Human settlement in Spain
Wikipedia - Limoncito District -- district in Coto Brus canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Lindon Victor -- Grenadian athletics competitor
Wikipedia - Lindsey Graham -- United States Senator from South Carolina
Wikipedia - Linear B -- Syllabic script that was used for writing Mycenaean Greek
Wikipedia - Linesville Creek (Shenango River tributary) -- Tributary to Shenango River in Crawford County, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Linnean Tercentenary Medal
Wikipedia - Linos Benakis
Wikipedia - Liometopum rhenana -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Lior Ashkenazi -- Israeli actor
Wikipedia - Lipoxin -- Acronym for lipoxygenase interaction product
Wikipedia - Liptapanlop Hall -- An indoor sporting arena located in Thailand
Wikipedia - Liptena albomacula -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Liptena hapale -- A butterfly in the family Lycaenidae from east Africa
Wikipedia - Liptena lualaba -- Species of butterfly
Wikipedia - Liroconite -- Copper aluminium arsenate mineral
Wikipedia - Lisa and Lena -- German social media personalities
Wikipedia - Lisa Murkowski -- U.S. Senator from Alaska
Wikipedia - Lise Arsenault -- Canadian gymnast
Wikipedia - Lise Autogena -- Danish artist living in the UK
Wikipedia - Listenable Records -- French independent record label
Wikipedia - Listen Lena -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - List of 3D-enabled mobile phones -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of accolades received by Philomena -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of accolades received by The Revenant -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Adenanthos species -- Adenanthos species, subspecies and named hybrids
Wikipedia - List of administrative divisions of Henan -- Administrative divisions of Henan, a province of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - List of airlines of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of airports in Grenada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of airports in Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of airports in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Alberta senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of American collegiate athletic stadiums and arenas -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of American supercentenarians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of amphibians and reptiles of Grenada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of amphibians and reptiles of the Grenadines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of amphibians of Shenandoah National Park -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Andrena species -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Apple codenames -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of appointed United States senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ArenaBowl broadcasters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Argentine senators, 2015-2017 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Argentine senators, 2017-2019 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Argentine senators, 2019-2021 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arsenal F.C. managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arsenal F.C. players (1-24 appearances) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arsenal F.C. players (25-99 appearances) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arsenal F.C. players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arsenal F.C. records and statistics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arsenal F.C. seasons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of awards and nominations received by Helena Paparizou -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of awards and nominations received by Kareena Kapoor -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of awards and nominations received by Selena Gomez -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of battles involving France in the Renaissance -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Belgian supercentenarians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bergen, New Netherland placename etymologies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of birds of Denali National Park and Preserve -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of birds of Grenada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of birds of Kenai Fjords National Park -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of birds of Saint Helena -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of birds of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of birds of Shenandoah National Park -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of books written by children or teenagers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of books written by teenagers
Wikipedia - List of British Columbia senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of British supercentenarians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Buena Familia episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of buildings in Pasadena, California -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of bus routes in Penang -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Canadian supercentenarians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Canadian territorial senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of catenae on Mars
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (activists, non-profit leaders and philanthropists) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (actors, filmmakers and entertainers) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (artists, painters and sculptors) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (authors, editors, poets and journalists) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (businesspeople) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (educators, school administrators, social scientists and linguists) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (explorers) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (jurists and practitioners of law) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (medical professionals) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (military commanders and soldiers) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (miscellaneous) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (musicians, composers and music patrons) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (philosophers and theologians) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (politicians and civil servants) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (religious figures) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (scientists and mathematicians) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (sportspeople) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chairmen of the Senate of Czechoslovakia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chairmen of the Senate of Turkey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chalatenango managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chicago placename etymologies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chinese national-type primary schools in Penang -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Codename: Asero characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Codename: Kids Next Door episodes -- List of episodes of the American animated television series Codename: Kids Next Door
Wikipedia - List of colonial governors and administrators of Grenada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of committees of the Senate of Pakistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compositions by Iannis Xenakis -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Confederate arsenals and armories -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Copa AmM-CM-)rica penalty shoot-outs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Kootenay River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of current Indian lieutenant governors and administrators -- current Indian lieutenant governors and administrators
Wikipedia - List of current members of the Maryland Senate -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of current members of the Senate of Colombia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of current senators of Canada by age -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of current senators of Canada -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of current United States lieutenant governors by age -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of current United States lieutenant governors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of current United States senators -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Danish supercentenarians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Grenada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Delaware State Senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of denaturalized former citizens of the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dennis the Menace (1959 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of deputy lieutenants of Durham -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Deputy Lieutenants of Wiltshire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Deputy Prime Ministers of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of diplomatic missions in Grenada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of diplomatic missions in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of diplomatic missions of Grenada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of diplomatic missions of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ECHL arenas -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Elena of Avalor characters -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Elena of Avalor episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English Renaissance composers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English Renaissance theatres -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of entertainment events at Civic Arena (Pittsburgh, PA) -- List of events
Wikipedia - List of entertainment events at Liverpool Arena -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of entertainment events at Spark Arena -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of entertainment events at the O2 Arena -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Esta historia me suena episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Etosha National Park placename etymologies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of events at JosM-CM-) Miguel Agrelot Coliseum -- List of events at indoor arena in Hato Rey, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - List of events at the Mercedes-Benz Arena (Shanghai) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of female entertainers of the Harlem Renaissance -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of female Indian governors and lieutenant governors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of female lieutenant governors in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of female senators of the Philippines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of filename extensions (A-E) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of filename extensions (F-L) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of filename extensions (M-R) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of filename extensions (S-Z) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of filename extensions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Finnish supercentenarians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of fishes in the Magdalena River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of flag bearers for Grenada at the Olympics -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of flag bearers for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines at the Olympics -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of former and renamed Canada's Wonderland attractions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of former Argentine senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of former districts of the Massachusetts Senate -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of former toponyms in Grevena Prefecture -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of former United States senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Formula Renault 2.0 champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Formula Renault 3.5 Series drivers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Formula Renault cars -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of French supercentenarians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of German supercentenarians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of glaciers in Denali National Park and Preserve -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of governors of Penang -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of governors of Siena -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Governors of the Province of Cartagena -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of grenade attacks in Sweden -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Grenadian records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Grenadian records in swimming -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Grenadian writers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Guarenas / Guatire metro stations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gyrophaena species -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Habenaria species -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of heads of government of Grenada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Helena Bonham Carter performances -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Henan Airlines destinations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of High Commissioners of Grenada to the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of High Maintenance episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of historic places in the Central Kootenay Regional District -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of historic places in the East Kootenay Regional District -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of historic places in the Kootenay Boundary Regional District -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of honours of Penang awarded to heads of state and royalty -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of hospitals in Grenada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hudson County, New Jersey placename etymologies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hydraena species -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ice hockey arenas by capacity -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas by capacity -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Africa -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Albania -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Argentina -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Australia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Belgium -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Brazil -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Bulgaria -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Canada -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in China -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Croatia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Denmark -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Estonia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Europe -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Germany -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Greece -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Hungary -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in India -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Israel -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Italy -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Japan -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Kosovo -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Lithuania -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Morocco -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Nordic countries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in North Macedonia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Poland -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Portugal -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Russia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Serbia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Slovenia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in South Korea -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Spain -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Sweden -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in the Philippines -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in the United Kingdom -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in the United States -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Tunisia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Turkey -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Yugoslavia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ineos Grenadiers rosters -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Intel codenames -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of International Congresses of Mathematicians Plenary and Invited Speakers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international cricket centuries at Grenada National Cricket Stadium -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international presidential trips made by Maithripala Sirisena -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Internet phenomena
Wikipedia - List of Iranian senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Irish supercentenarians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Italian supercentenarians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Japanese supercentenarians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Jelena episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kadenang Ginto episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kangchu system placename etymologies -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kenan & Kel characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kenan & Kel episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of KK Crvena zvezda head coaches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of KK Crvena zvezda players with 100 games played -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Korean placename etymologies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Lepidoptera of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Alabama -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Alaska -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Alberta -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of British Columbia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of California -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Colorado -- Second-highest-ranking member of the executive department of the Government of Colorado
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Connecticut -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Delaware -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Delhi -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Idaho -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Illinois -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Iowa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Ladakh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Manitoba -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Michigan -- list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Minnesota -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Mississippi -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Missouri -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Montana -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Nevada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of New Brunswick -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Nova Scotia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Ohio -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Ontario -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Prince Edward Island -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Puducherry -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Quebec -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Rhode Island -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Saskatchewan -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of South Carolina -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Tennessee -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Texas -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of the Northwest Territories -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Vermont -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Wisconsin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Lieutenants of Hampton Court Chase, Rangers of Bushy Park -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lighthouses in Grenada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lighthouses in Saint Helena -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lighthouses in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of living centenarians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of living former United States senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of longest-living United States senators -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Lords Lieutenant of County Dublin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Lords Lieutenant of Dublin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Los Angeles placename etymologies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of magazines of anomalous phenomena
Wikipedia - List of Majority Leaders of the Michigan Senate -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of major power stations in Henan province -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mammals of Grenada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mammals of Saint Helena -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mammals of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Manitoba senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Massachusetts Senate delegations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of members of the United States Senate
Wikipedia - List of meteorological phenomena
Wikipedia - List of Metro Manila placename etymologies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Microsoft codenames -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Microsoft Office filename extensions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of minority governors and lieutenant governors in the United States -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Minority Leaders of the Georgia State Senate -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Minority Leaders of the Minnesota Senate -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Montana State Senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mountains and hills of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mountains and mountain ranges of Denali National Park and Preserve -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mulawin vs. Ravena episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of multiplayer online battle arena games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mycenaean deities -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of My Life as a Teenage Robot characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of My Life as a Teenage Robot episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of natural phenomena -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nepal placename etymologies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New Brunswick senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Newfoundland and Labrador senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New Netherland placename etymologies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of newspapers in Grenada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of newspapers in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New York State Senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of NFC-enabled mobile devices -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Norwegian supercentenarians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nova Scotia senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Frontenac County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Old Covenant saints in the Roman Martyrology
Wikipedia - List of Ontario senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ottawa Senators award winners -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ottawa Senators broadcasters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ottawa Senators draft picks -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ottawa Senators general managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ottawa Senators head coaches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ottawa Senators (original) head coaches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ottawa Senators (original) players -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ottawa Senators (original) seasons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ottawa Senators players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ottawa Senators records -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ottawa Senators seasons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of people educated at Glenalmond College -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Phenacoccus species -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of placenames of indigenous origin in the Americas -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of places in Blaenau Gwent -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political parties in Grenada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political parties in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Portuguese supercentenarians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of positions filled by presidential appointment with Senate confirmation -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the American Samoa Senate -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Florida Senate -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the Georgia State Senate -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Hawaii Senate -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Maine Senate -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the New Hampshire Senate -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Oregon State Senate -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate (Belgium) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate (Italy) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate (Netherlands) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of Barbados -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of Belize -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the Senate of Bermuda -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of Cambodia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the Senate of Colombia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of Eswatini -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of Gabon -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of Grenada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of Jamaica -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of Jordan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of Lesotho -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of Madagascar -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of Mauritania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of Paraguay -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of Saint Lucia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the Senate of Senegal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the Senate of Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of Thailand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of the Bahamas -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the Senate of the Czech Republic -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the Senate of the Democratic Republic of the Congo -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the Senate of the Northern Mariana Islands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of the Republic of the Congo -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of Uruguay -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Senate of Zimbabwe -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents pro tempore of the North Dakota Senate -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents pro tempore of the Senate of Liberia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents pro tempore of the United States Senate -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of prime ministers of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Prince Edward Island senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of programs broadcast by Antena 3 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of provincial parks of the Kootenays -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of provisional presidents of the Argentine Senate -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public art in Blaenau Gwent -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pultenaea species -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Quebec senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rampage killers (mass murders committed using grenades) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Renaissance and Medieval fairs -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Renaissance commentators on Aristotle -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Renaissance composers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Renaissance figures -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Renaissance humanists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Renaissance structures
Wikipedia - List of renamed cities and towns in Russia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed cities in Armenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed cities in Azerbaijan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed cities in Belarus -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed cities in Estonia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed cities in Georgia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed cities in Iran -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed cities in Kazakhstan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed cities in Kyrgyzstan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed cities in Latvia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed cities in Lithuania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed cities in Tajikistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed cities in Turkmenistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed cities in Ukraine -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed cities in Uzbekistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed cities, towns and regions in Turkey -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed municipalities in Italy
Wikipedia - List of renamed places in India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed places in Myanmar -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed places in Pakistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed populated places in Moldova -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed products -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of renamed streets in Metro Manila -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Renault engines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Renault vehicles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Representatives and Senators of Arizona Legislature by Districts (2003-2013) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Representatives and Senators of Arizona Legislature by Districts (2013-2023) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Revolutionary Girl Utena characters -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Revolutionary Girl Utena episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rhithrogena species -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Riverside County, California, placename etymologies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Roller Hockey International arenas -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Royal Air Force Maintenance units -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sabena destinations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996 TV series) characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sabrina the Teenage Witch books, CDs and DVDs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of San Francisco placename etymologies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Saskatchewan senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of SATENA destinations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled monuments in Blaenau Gwent -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of schools in Blaenau Gwent -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of schools in Cardenal Caro -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of schools in Penang -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Senate of Canada appointments by prime minister -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators for Ariege -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Senators from New South Wales -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Senators from Queensland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Senators from South Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Senators from Tasmania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Senators from the Australian Capital Territory -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Senators from Victoria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Senators from Western Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in Brazil -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 14th Parliament of Pakistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 1st Parliament of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 26th Parliament of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 27th Parliament of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 28th Parliament of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 29th Parliament of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 30th Parliament of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 31st Parliament of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 32nd Parliament of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 33rd Parliament of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 34th Parliament of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 35th Parliament of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 36th Parliament of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 37th Parliament of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 38th Parliament of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 39th Parliament of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 40th Parliament of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 41st Parliament of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators in the 42nd Parliament of Canada -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Ain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Aisne -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Allier -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Alpes-Maritimes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Ardeche -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Ardennes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Aube -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Aude -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Aveyron -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Bas-Rhin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Bouches-du-Rhone -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Calvados -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Cantal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Charente-Maritime -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Charente -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Cher -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Correze -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Corse-du-Sud -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Cote-d'Or -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Cotes-d'Armor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Creuse -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Deux-Sevres -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Dordogne -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Doubs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Drome -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Essonne -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Eure-et-Loir -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Eure -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Finistere -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of France by department -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of French Algeria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of French citizens living abroad -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of French East Africa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of French Equatorial Africa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of French Guiana -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of French India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of French Polynesia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of French West Africa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Gard -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Gers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Gironde -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Guadeloupe -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Haute-Corse -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Haute-Garonne -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Haute-Loire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Haute-Marne -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Hautes-Alpes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Haute-Saone -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Haute-Savoie -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Hautes-PyrM-CM-)nM-CM-)es -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Haute-Vienne -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Haut-Rhin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Hauts-de-Seine -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of HM-CM-)rault -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Ille-et-Vilaine -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Indre-et-Loire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Indre -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Isere -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Jura -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Landes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Loire-Atlantique -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Loir-et-Cher -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Loiret -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Loire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Lot-et-Garonne -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Lot -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Lozere -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Maine-et-Loire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Manche -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Marne -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Martinique -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Mayenne -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Mayotte -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Meurthe-et-Moselle -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Meuse -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Morbihan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Moselle -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of New Caledonia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Nievre -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Nord -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Oise -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Orne -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Pakistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Paris -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Pas-de-Calais -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Puy-de-Dome -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of PyrM-CM-)nM-CM-)es-Atlantiques -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of PyrM-CM-)nM-CM-)es-Orientales -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Rhone -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of RM-CM-)union -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Saint BarthM-CM-)lemy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Saint Martin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Saint Pierre and Miquelon -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Saone-et-Loire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Senators of Sao Paulo -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Sarthe -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Savoie -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Seine-et-Marne -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Seine-Maritime -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Seine-Saint-Denis -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Somme -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Tarn-et-Garonne -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Tarn -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Territoire de Belfort -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of the Philippines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Val-de-Marne -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Val-d'Oise -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Var -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Vaucluse -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of VendM-CM-)e -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Vienne -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Vosges -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Wallis and Futuna -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Yonne -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of senators of Yvelines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Serbian centenarians -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of severe weather phenomena -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ships named City of Benares -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Siena College alumni -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sites of Special Scientific Interest in Blaenau Gwent -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Spanish supercentenarians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Speakers of the House of Assembly of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Speakers of the House of Representatives of Grenada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Speakers of the Senate of Northern Ireland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sports events in Tauron Arena Krakow -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of stars in Canes Venatici -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Stevenage F.C. managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Stevenage F.C. players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of supercentenarians by continent -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Swedish supercentenarians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tamil national-type primary schools in Penang -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987 TV series) episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 TV series) home video releases -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 TV series) characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tenants in 5 World Trade Center -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tenants in One World Trade Center -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tenants in Six World Trade Center -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tenants in Two World Trade Center -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tenants of Jethou -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Secret Life of the American Teenager characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Secret Life of the American Teenager episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Henan -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of towns in Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of United States senators from California
Wikipedia - List of United States senators from Minnesota
Wikipedia - List of United States senators from New Jersey
Wikipedia - List of United States senators from New York
Wikipedia - List of United States senators from Vermont
Wikipedia - List of universities and colleges in Henan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of universities in Grenada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of universities in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of U.S. state senators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of verbena diseases -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Washington Senators (1891-1899) managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Washington Senators Opening Day starting pitchers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of whips in the Australian Senate -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of women Senators of the College of Justice -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of XiamenAir destinations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of centenarians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of members of the Senate of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of renamed places -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of tenants in the World Trade Center (1973-2001) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Literal Standard Version -- A formal equivalence English translation of the Bible published in 2020 by Covenant Press.
Wikipedia - LiteratM-EM-+ra ir menas -- Lithuanian magazine
Wikipedia - Little Boy -- Codename for the type of atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
Wikipedia - Little Caesars Arena -- Indoor arena in Detroit, Michigan
Wikipedia - Liu Faqing -- Chinese lieutenant general of the People's Liberation Army
Wikipedia - Live at Wembley Arena -- 2014 live album by ABBA
Wikipedia - Liverpool Athenaeum -- Private member club in Liverpool, England
Wikipedia - Liverpool Stadium -- Indoor sporting arena located in United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Liza Lorena -- Filipino actress
Wikipedia - Lizbeth Benacquisto -- Republican politician
Wikipedia - Liz Renay -- American actress and dancer
Wikipedia - Ljubomir Nenadovic -- Serbian writer, diplomat
Wikipedia - Llan (placename) -- placename element in Brythonic languages
Wikipedia - Lloyd Cadena -- Filipino YouTuber
Wikipedia - Lloyd H. Kincaid -- 20th century American politician, former member of the Wisconsin State Assembly and Senate.
Wikipedia - LM-CM-)on Renard -- French politician (1836-1916)
Wikipedia - Lobogenesis magdalenana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Lobogenesis penai -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - LoJack -- Device that enables tracking of stolen vehicles
Wikipedia - Lokenath Brahmachari -- Saint and philosopher in Bengal
Wikipedia - Lokenath Debnath -- Indian American mathematician
Wikipedia - London Ice House -- Indoor arena now a velodrome in London, Ontario
Wikipedia - Long-chain-aldehyde dehydrogenase -- Protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens
Wikipedia - Long filenames
Wikipedia - Long filename
Wikipedia - Longicatena -- Genus of bacteria
Wikipedia - Long Island Tercentenary half dollar -- Commemorative half dollar in 1936
Wikipedia - Longwood House -- Residence of Napoleon Bonaparte on Saint Helena
Wikipedia - Look at Her Now -- 2019 single by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
Wikipedia - Lord Lieutenant of Kerry -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lord Lieutenants of Donegal -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Loreena McKennitt -- Canadian musician
Wikipedia - Lorena Beaurregard -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Lorena Benites -- Ecuadorian taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Lorena Bernal -- Argentine-Spanish actress, television host, and model
Wikipedia - Lorena Borjas -- Mexican-American activist
Wikipedia - Lorena BriceM-CM-1o -- Argentine judoka
Wikipedia - Lorena Bucan -- Croatian singer
Wikipedia - Lorena Corona ValdM-CM-)s -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Lorena CuM-CM-)llar Cisneros -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Lorena Ermocida -- Argentine tango dancer
Wikipedia - Lorena Forteza -- Colombian model and actress
Wikipedia - Lorena Franco -- Spanish model, actress, and writer
Wikipedia - Lorena Gale -- Canadian actress, playwright and theatre director
Wikipedia - Lorena Garcia -- Venezuelan chef
Wikipedia - Lorena Gonzalez (Seattle politician) -- Member of Seattle City Council
Wikipedia - Lorena Gonzalez -- American politician
Wikipedia - Lorena Guado -- Argentine sports shooter
Wikipedia - Lorena GurM-CM-)ndez -- Spanish rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Lorena Hickok -- 20th-century American journalist
Wikipedia - Lorena, Light-Footed Woman -- 2019 documentary film
Wikipedia - Lorena MM-CM-)ndez Denis -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Lorena Ochoa -- Mexican professional golfer
Wikipedia - Lorena Parini -- Swiss political scientist
Wikipedia - Lorena Pierce -- American Paralympic judoka
Wikipedia - Lorena QuiM-CM-1ones -- Puerto Rican artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Lorena Ruiz-Huerta -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Lorena S. Beese -- American biochemist
Wikipedia - Lorena Torres Ramos -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Lorena Xtravaganza -- Puerto Rican model and sex worker and murder victim
Wikipedia - Lorenzo Ghiberti -- Italian Early Renaissance artist (1378-1455)
Wikipedia - Lorenzo Menakaya -- Nigerian actor, talk show host and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Lorenzo Senatore -- Italian cinematographer
Wikipedia - L-ornithine N5 monooxygenase -- Enzyme
Wikipedia - Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena -- Former arena in California, United States
Wikipedia - Los Angeles Tribune (1941-1960) -- Newspaper published from 1941 to 1960 by Almena Lomax
Wikipedia - Lose You to Love Me -- 2019 single by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Los Mercenarios -- Professional wrestling stable
Wikipedia - Lotto Arena -- Sport arena in Antwerp, Belgium
Wikipedia - Louis de Buade de Frontenac -- Soldier and Governor of New France
Wikipedia - Louise Renaud -- Canadian painter
Wikipedia - Louisiana State Senate
Wikipedia - Louis Lachenal -- 20th-century French mountain climber
Wikipedia - Louis Menand -- American critic, essayist, and professor
Wikipedia - Louis Miehe-Renard -- Danish actor
Wikipedia - Louis Renault (jurist)
Wikipedia - Louis Scutenaire -- Belgian poet (1905-1987)
Wikipedia - Louisville Gardens -- Arena in Kentucky, United States
Wikipedia - Lou Wangberg -- American politician and former lieutenant governor of Minnesota
Wikipedia - Love Is a Battlefield -- 1983 single by Pat Benatar
Wikipedia - Love Renaissance -- American record label and management company
Wikipedia - Love Scenario -- Song by iKon
Wikipedia - Love's Penalty -- 1921 film directed by John Gilbert
Wikipedia - Love You like a Love Song -- 2011 single by Selena Gomez & the Scene
Wikipedia - L-rhamnose 1-dehydrogenase -- Enzyme
Wikipedia - Lucas Cranach the Elder -- 16th-century German Renaissance painter and printmaker
Wikipedia - Lucas Cranach the Younger -- German Renaissance artist (1515-1586)
Wikipedia - Lucas Dekena -- Papua New Guinean politician
Wikipedia - Luca Signorelli -- Italian Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - Luc de Clapiers, marquis de Vauvenargues
Wikipedia - Lucena, Crdoba
Wikipedia - Lucena position -- Position in rook and pawn versus rook chess endgame
Wikipedia - Lucie Boujenah -- French actress
Wikipedia - Lucila Gallegos Camarena -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Lucille Tenazas -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Lucius Aelius Lamia (consul 3) -- Roman Senator who held a number of offices under Augustus and Tiberius
Wikipedia - Lucius Afinius Gallus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Lucius Annius Bassus -- 1st century Roman senator and governor
Wikipedia - Lucius Annius Fabianus -- 3rd century Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Lucius Annius Vinicianus (son-in-law of Cn. Domitius Corbulo) -- Roman Senator (AD 36-66)
Wikipedia - Lucius Annius Vinicianus -- 1st century Roman senator and consul suffectus
Wikipedia - Lucius Antistius Vetus (consul 55) -- 1st century Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Lucius Apronius -- Roman senator, suffect consul in 8 AD, and military commander active during the reign of Tiberius
Wikipedia - Lucius Arruntius Camillus Scribonianus -- First century Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Lucius Arruntius (consul 6) -- 1st century AD Roman senator, consul and governor of Hispania Tarraconensis
Wikipedia - Lucius Caesennius Paetus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and governor
Wikipedia - Lucius Calpurnius Bestia (consul) -- Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Lucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus (consul 15 BC) -- Prominent Roman senator and confidant of the emperors Augustus and Tiberius (48 BC - AD 32)
Wikipedia - Lucius Calpurnius Piso (consul 1 BC) -- Roman senator, consul and augur (priest) during the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius.
Wikipedia - Lucius Calpurnius Piso (consul 57) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Lucius Calpurnius Piso Licinianus -- Roman senator (38-69)
Wikipedia - Lucius Caninius Gallus (consul 2 BC) -- Roman senator and consul during the reigns of emperors Augustus and Tiberius
Wikipedia - Lucius Cassius Longinus (consul 30) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Lucius Cornelius Sulla (consul 5 BC) -- 1st century BC Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix (consul 33) -- First century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus (consul 16 BC) -- Roman senator, consul and governor (c.49 BC-25 AD)
Wikipedia - Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus (consul 54 BC) -- Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Lucius Duvius Avitus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Lucius Fabius Gallus -- Roman senator during the first half of the second century AD
Wikipedia - Lucius Flavius Silva -- 1st century AD Roman senator, commander and politician
Wikipedia - Lucius Fulcinius Trio -- Early 1st century AD Roman senator, consul and prosecutor
Wikipedia - Lucius Fundanius Lamia Aelianus -- 2nd century Roman senator, consul and governor
Wikipedia - Lucius Funisulanus Vettonianus -- Late 1st century Roman general and senator
Wikipedia - Lucius Herennius Saturninus -- Roman senator
Wikipedia - Lucius Junius Quintus Vibius Crispus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Lucius Nonius Asprenas (consul 29) -- early 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Lucius Nonius Asprenas (consul 6) -- Roman Senator active in the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius
Wikipedia - Lucius Norbanus Balbus -- 1st century Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Lucius Plautius Lamia Silvanus -- 2nd century Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Lucius Pomponius Flaccus -- 1st century Roman senator, consul and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Lucius Seius Tubero -- Roman senator who flourished under the reign of Tiberius
Wikipedia - Lucius Tampius Flavianus -- 1st century Roman senator, consul and governor
Wikipedia - Lucius Valerius Flaccus (consul 100 BC) -- Roman senator during the civil wars of the 80s BC
Wikipedia - Lucius Valerius Flaccus (consul 86 BC) -- Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Lucius Vipstanus Gallus -- Early 1st century AD Roman senator
Wikipedia - Lucius Vipstanus Messalla (orator) -- Roman military officer, senator and noted orator (c.45-c.80 AD)
Wikipedia - Lucius Vipstanus Poplicola Messalla -- 2nd century Roman patrician senator and tresviri monetalis
Wikipedia - Lucius Vipstanus Poplicola -- 1st century AD Roman senator, consul and governor
Wikipedia - Lucius Visellius Varro -- Roman senator active during the reign of Tiberius
Wikipedia - Lucius Vitellius (consul 48) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Lucius Volusius Saturninus (consul 12 BC) -- Roman senator, proconsular governor of Africa and governor of Syria
Wikipedia - Lucius Volusius Saturninus (consul 3) -- Late 1st century BC and early 1st century AD Roman senator
Wikipedia - Lucius Volusius Saturninus (consul 87) -- 1st century Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Lucius Volusius Saturninus (pontiff) -- 1st century AD Roman senator
Wikipedia - Lucky Jayawardena -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Luc MenaM-EM-!e -- Slovenian art historian
Wikipedia - Lucrezia Borgia -- Spanish-Italian duchess-consort of Ferrara, Modena and Reggio (1480-1519)
Wikipedia - Lucrezia Elena Cevoli -- 18th-century Italian Catholic abbess
Wikipedia - Lucy Mapena -- South African politician
Wikipedia - Luhe (Ilmenau) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Luigi Federico Menabrea
Wikipedia - Luigi Menabrea
Wikipedia - Luisa Elena Contreras Mattera -- Pioneering Venezuelan female aviator
Wikipedia - Luis Cadena -- Ecuadorian painter
Wikipedia - Luis Felipe Bravo Mena -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Luis Mena Arroyo -- Mexican catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Luis Mena e Silva -- Portuguese equestrian
Wikipedia - Luis Monge (mass murderer) -- Puerto Rican murderer who received the death penalty in the U.S.
Wikipedia - Luis Ramirez de Lucena -- Chess player and theorist
Wikipedia - Luis T. Diaz Coliseum -- Arena in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Luis Valbuena (gymnast) -- Spanish gymnast
Wikipedia - Luiza Helena de Bairros -- Brazilian politician
Wikipedia - Luke Pryor -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Luo River (Henan)
Wikipedia - Lustenau railway station -- Austrian railway station
Wikipedia - Lust's Dominion -- English Renaissance stage play
Wikipedia - Luther Hanchett -- 19th century American lawyer, politician, and Wisconsin pioneer, member of Congress and the Wisconsin Senate
Wikipedia - Luther Strange -- Former United States Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Luvena Vysekal -- American painter
Wikipedia - Luzenac -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Luzhniki Palace of Sports -- Sporting arena in Moscow
Wikipedia - Lynwood E. Clark -- American Air Force lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Lypsimena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Lyusyena Ovchinnikova -- Soviet actress
Wikipedia - M-132 (Michigan highway) -- Former state highway in Washtenaw County, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - M-153 (Michigan highway) -- State highway in Washtenaw and Wayne counties in Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - M-156 (Michigan highway) -- State highway in Lenawee County, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - M17 rifle grenade -- Rifle grenade used by the United States in World War II
Wikipedia - M-34 (Michigan highway) -- State highway in Hillsdale and Lenawee counties in Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Macacona -- district in Esparza canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Macarena Alexanderson -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Macarena Garcia -- Spanish actress and singer
Wikipedia - Macarena Gomez -- Spanish actress
Wikipedia - Macarena Olona Choclan -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Macarena -- 1993 single by Los del Rio
Wikipedia - Macedonian Renaissance
Wikipedia - Macroscopic quantum phenomena -- Processes showing quantum behavior at the macroscopic scale, rather than at the atomic scale where quantum effects are prevalent; macroscopic scale quantum coherence leads to macroscopic quantum phenomena
Wikipedia - Madalena (film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Madalena IglM-CM-)sias -- Portuguese actress and singer
Wikipedia - Madalena Islets -- islets in the Azores, Portugal
Wikipedia - Maddalena (1954 film) -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Maddalena Buonsignori -- 14th-century law professor
Wikipedia - Maddalena Caterina Morano
Wikipedia - Maddalena Ferat -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Maddalena Laura Sirmen -- Italian composer
Wikipedia - Maddalena Panattieri
Wikipedia - Maddalena, Zero for Conduct -- 1940 film by Vittorio De Sica
Wikipedia - Madhu Mantena -- Indian film producer
Wikipedia - Madison Square Garden (1879) -- Former arena in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Madison Square Garden (1890) -- Former arena in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Madison Square Garden (1925) -- Arena in New York, United States
Wikipedia - Madison Square Garden Bowl -- Former outdoor arena in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - Madison Square Garden -- Multi-purpose indoor arena in New York City, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Mad Mike Hoare -- British mercenary leader
Wikipedia - Madrigal -- Secular vocal music composition of the Renaissance and early Baroque eras
Wikipedia - Maecenas Eason Benton -- American politician
Wikipedia - Maecenas
Wikipedia - Maenad -- Female follower of Dionysus
Wikipedia - Maenami Station -- Railway station in Ishikawa, Japan
Wikipedia - Maenam Wildlife Sanctuary -- Wildlife reserve in Sikkim, India
Wikipedia - Maesta (Duccio) -- Altarpiece by Duccio for Siena Cathedral, dismembered and partially lost
Wikipedia - Magdalena Abakanowicz -- Polish sculptor
Wikipedia - Magdalena Aebi -- Swiss philosopher (1898-1980)
Wikipedia - Magdalena Amo -- Spanish Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Magdalena Andersson (Social Democrat) -- Swedish Social Democratic politician
Wikipedia - Magdalena Ansue -- Equatoguinean athlete
Wikipedia - Magdalena Antonelli Moreno -- Uruguayan politician
Wikipedia - Magdalena Balazinska -- Computer scientist
Wikipedia - Magdalena Bermejo -- Spanish scientist
Wikipedia - Magdalena Bidau Soares -- East Timorese peace and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Magdalena Boczarska -- Polish actress
Wikipedia - Magdalena Bogdziewicz -- Polish politician
Wikipedia - Magdalena Borsuk-Bialynicka -- Polish paleontologist and phylogeneticist
Wikipedia - Magdalena Bregula -- Polish shot putter
Wikipedia - Magdalena Brzeska -- German rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Magdalena campaign -- 1812-1813 military operation in New Granada
Wikipedia - Magdalena Cielecka -- Polish film and theatre actress
Wikipedia - Magdalena Czyszczon -- Polish speed skater
Wikipedia - Magdalena de Kino
Wikipedia - Magdalena de Pazzi
Wikipedia - Magdalena Falewicz -- Polish opertaic soprano
Wikipedia - Magdalena Fransson -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Magdalena Fr
Wikipedia - Magdalena Furstin -- German artist and hand-colourist
Wikipedia - Magdalena Garro -- Argentine canoeist
Wikipedia - Magdalena Gessler -- Polish artist
Wikipedia - Magdalena Gonzalez Sanchez -- Mexican astrophysicist and nuclear physicist
Wikipedia - Magdalena Gotz -- German neuroscientist
Wikipedia - Magdalena Grzywa -- Polish biathlete
Wikipedia - Magdalena GuM-EM- -- Polish chess player
Wikipedia - Magdalena Gwizdon -- Polish biathlete
Wikipedia - Magdalena Heymair
Wikipedia - Magdalena Hlengwa -- South African politician
Wikipedia - Magdalena Jasek -- Polish fashion model
Wikipedia - Magdalena Klatka -- Polish pair skater
Wikipedia - Magdalena Kochan -- Polish politician
Wikipedia - Magdalena Koziol -- Polish judoka
Wikipedia - Magdalena K. P. Smith Meyer -- South African acarologist
Wikipedia - Magdalena Krssakova -- Austrian judoka
Wikipedia - Magdalena Krukowska -- Polish canoeist
Wikipedia - Magdalena Leska -- Polish-American figure skater
Wikipedia - Magdalena Luther
Wikipedia - Magdalena Matte -- Chilean businesswoman and politician
Wikipedia - Magdalena M-CM-^Alvarez -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Magdalena Sniadecka-Kotarska -- Polish, professor, ethno-political researcher and diplomat
Wikipedia - Magdalena Midgley -- British archaeologist
Wikipedia - Magdalena Mira -- Chilean painter and sculptor
Wikipedia - Magdalena Moujan -- Mathematician and author
Wikipedia - Magdalena Neuner -- German biathlete
Wikipedia - Magdalena Nykiel -- Polish biathlete
Wikipedia - Magdalena of Canossa
Wikipedia - Magdalena Olsson -- Swedish orienteer
Wikipedia - Magdalena (Philippine TV series) -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Magdalena Pulido -- Spanish film editor
Wikipedia - Magdalena Ridge Observatory -- American astronomical observatory
Wikipedia - Magdalena River -- river in Colombia
Wikipedia - Magdalenasaura leurosquama -- Species of lizard
Wikipedia - Magdalena Schmidt -- East German artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Magdalena Shauri -- Tanzanian athlete
Wikipedia - Magdalena Skipper -- Editor-in-Chief of Nature
Wikipedia - Magdalena Smoczynska -- Polish psycholinguist
Wikipedia - Magdalena Spinola -- Guatemalan teacher, poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Magdalena Sroczynska -- Polish pair skater
Wikipedia - Magdalena Streijffert -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Magdalena Swanepoel -- South African track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Magdalena Szczepanska -- Polish heptathlete
Wikipedia - Magdalena Tasheva -- Bulgarian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Magdalena tinamou -- Subspecies of bird
Wikipedia - Magdalena Titirici -- Romanian chemist
Wikipedia - Magdalena Treitschke -- Austrian ballet dancer
Wikipedia - Magdalena Walach -- Polish actress
Wikipedia - Magdalena Warakomska -- Polish short track speed skater
Wikipedia - Magdalena Wunderlich -- German canoeist
Wikipedia - Magdalena Zawadzka -- Polish actress
Wikipedia - Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz -- Bristish biologist of Polish descent
Wikipedia - Maggie Lena Mitchell Walker
Wikipedia - Magical Battle Arena -- Third-person shooter game
Wikipedia - Magic: The Gathering Arena
Wikipedia - Magnetism -- Class of physical phenomena
Wikipedia - Maharashtra Navnirman Sena -- Political party in India
Wikipedia - Mahesh Senanayake -- Sri Lankan army officer
Wikipedia - Mahonia leschenaultii -- Species of plant in the Indian sub-continent
Wikipedia - Maintenance actions
Wikipedia - Maintenance cost
Wikipedia - Maintenance mode
Wikipedia - Maintenance of an organism -- Collection of processes to stay alive, excluding production processes
Wikipedia - Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act -- Statute of the Parliament of Singapore
Wikipedia - Maintenance release
Wikipedia - Maintenance, repair, and operations
Wikipedia - Maintenance respiration -- The amount of cellular respiration required for an organism to maintain itself in a constant state
Wikipedia - Maintenance (technical) -- Operational and functional checks, servicing, repair or replacing of a product or technical system or parts thereof in order to keep their necessary technical condition
Wikipedia - Maintenance therapy -- Medical treatment
Wikipedia - Mairia crenata -- A perennial plant in the daisy family from South Africa
Wikipedia - Maisie Renault -- French Resistance fighter, deportee
Wikipedia - Maite Arruabarrena -- Spanish-Basque opera singer
Wikipedia - Maithripala Sirisena -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Maj-Lena Lundstrom -- Swedish athletics competitor
Wikipedia - Major Arena Soccer League 2 -- A North American indoor soccer league
Wikipedia - Makena Onjerika -- Kenyan writer
Wikipedia - Making a Man -- 1922 film by Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - Maksud Alikhanov -- Russian Lieutenant-General (b. 1846, d. 1907)
Wikipedia - Malawati Stadium -- An indoor arena located in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
Wikipedia - Malena Alterio -- Argentine-born Spanish actress
Wikipedia - Malena Engstrom -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Malena Ernman -- Swedish opera singer and musical artist
Wikipedia - Malena Gracia -- Spanish singer
Wikipedia - Malena -- 2000 film directed by Giuseppe Tornatore
Wikipedia - Malevolence (film) -- 2003 film by Stevan Mena
Wikipedia - Maliotenam -- Indian reserve in Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Mall of Asia Arena -- Indoor arena in Bay City, Philippines
Wikipedia - Malotigena -- Genus of Aizoaceae plants
Wikipedia - Mamercus Aemilius Scaurus -- Roman rhetorician, poet and senator
Wikipedia - Mamluk -- Muslim slave warriors, soldiers, or mercenaries of the Islamic world from the 9th century AD to the 19th century AD
Wikipedia - Mamta Meena -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Manchester Arena bombing -- 2017 suicide bombing
Wikipedia - Manchester Arena -- Event arena in Manchester, England
Wikipedia - Mani Charenamei -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Manisha Saxena -- Indian model, actress, and television presenter
Wikipedia - Manius Sergius Fidenas -- Roman Republican consular tribune
Wikipedia - Manley Field House -- Syracuse University Sports Arena
Wikipedia - Man-Made -- album by Teenage Fanclub
Wikipedia - Manoj Pande (general) -- Lieutenant General in the Indian Army
Wikipedia - Manoj Sinha -- 2nd Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir
Wikipedia - Manolo Badrena -- Puerto Rican musician
Wikipedia - Manolo Cadenas -- Spanish handball coach
Wikipedia - Mantenay-Montlin -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Manuel Cadena Morales -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Manuel do Cenaculo -- 18th-century Portuguese prelate and antiquarian
Wikipedia - Manzanillo District -- district in Puntarenas canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Maple Leaf Gardens -- Former indoor arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, later re-built into grocery store and athletic centre
Wikipedia - Mara Serena Airport -- Airport in Kenya
Wikipedia - Marc Benardout -- British film director and film producer
Wikipedia - Marcela Carena
Wikipedia - Marcel Renaud (canoeist) -- French canoeist
Wikipedia - Marcenat, Cantal -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Marcia Servilia Sorana -- Daughter of Roman Senator Quintus Marcius Barea Soranus
Wikipedia - Marco Antonio Mena Rodriguez -- Governor of Tlaxcala, Mexico
Wikipedia - Marco Rubio -- United States Senator from Florida
Wikipedia - Marcos Francisco Duenas -- Spanish Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Marc Serena -- Spanish journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Marcus Aemilius Lepidus (consul 6) -- Roman senator, politician and general (c. 30 BC-33 AD)
Wikipedia - Marcus Aemilius Scaurus (consul 115 BC) -- Roman senator
Wikipedia - Marcus Annius Afrinus -- 1st century Roman senator, consul and governor
Wikipedia - Marcus Antonius (orator) -- Roman senator and renowned orator
Wikipedia - Marcus Antonius Primus -- First century Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Marcus Aquilius Regulus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and delator (informer)
Wikipedia - Marcus Arruntius Aquila (consul 66) -- 1st century Roman senator and suffect consul
Wikipedia - Marcus Arruntius Aquila (consul 77) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Marcus Asinius Agrippa -- 1st-century BC Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Marcus Asinius Marcellus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Marcus A. Smith -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Arizona
Wikipedia - Marcus Aurelius Cotta Maximus Messalinus -- Roman Senator and consul who was a friend of the Roman emperors Augustus and Tiberius
Wikipedia - Marcus Caecilius Metellus (consul 115 BC) -- Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Marcus Cluvius Rufus -- 1st century Roman consul, senator, governor, and historian
Wikipedia - Marcus Cominius Secundus -- 2nd century AD senator, suffect consul and governor
Wikipedia - Marcus Furius Camillus (consul AD 8) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Marcus Julius Vestinus Atticus -- 1st century Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Marcus Junius Silanus (consul 15) -- Roman senator and consul (c.26 BC-37 AD)
Wikipedia - Marcus Junius Silanus Torquatus (consul 19) -- First century Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Marcus Licinius Crassus Frugi -- 1st century AD Roman senator, consul and governor of Mauretania
Wikipedia - Marcus Licinius Scribonianus Camerinus -- Roman senator of the 1st century
Wikipedia - Marcus Lollius Paulinus Decimus Valerius Asiaticus Saturninus -- Roman Senator and powerful figure during the late 1st century and early 2nd century
Wikipedia - Marcus Ostorius Scapula (consul 59) -- 1st century Roman soldier, senator and consul
Wikipedia - Marcus Plancius Varus -- 1st century Anatolian Roman, senator and governor
Wikipedia - Marcus Plautius Silvanus (praetor 24) -- 1st century AD Roman senator
Wikipedia - Marcus Pompeius Silvanus Staberius Flavianus -- 1st century Roman senator, consul, proconsul and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Marcus Porcius Cato (consul 36) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Marcus Scribonius Libo Drusus -- Roman senator accused of conspiring against the Roman Emperor Tiberius
Wikipedia - Marcus Servilius -- Roman senator active during the reigns of emperors Augustus and Tiberius
Wikipedia - Marcus Suillius Nerullinus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Marcus Trebellius Maximus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Marcus Ulpius Traianus (father of Trajan) -- 1st century Roman senator, general and governor
Wikipedia - Marcus Valerius Messala Barbatus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Marcus Valerius Messalla Messallinus -- Roman senator, consul and governor during the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius
Wikipedia - Marcus Vettius Bolanus -- Roman senator and governor (AD c. 33-76)
Wikipedia - Marcus Vinicius (consul 30) -- Roman senator and consul (c. 5 BC- AD 46)
Wikipedia - Margaret Matzenauer
Wikipedia - Margaret Trevena Martin -- British botanist
Wikipedia - Margarita Arenas Guzman -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Margarita Colmenares -- American environmental engineer
Wikipedia - Margerie Venables Taylor -- British archaeologist
Wikipedia - Margherita Occhiena
Wikipedia - Marguerite Yourcenar
Wikipedia - Maria Cantwell -- United States Senator from Washington
Wikipedia - Maria Capovilla -- Ecuadorian supercentenarian
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Arpon -- Spanish actress
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Barrera -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Batista -- Puerto Rican sports area administrator
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Berini -- Roman Catholic missionary
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Boschi -- Italian lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Bottazzi -- American microbiologist
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Cano Ayala -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Carballo -- Costa Rican politician and government minister
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Chavez Palacios -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Delgado -- Mexican sculptor
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Holly -- Puerto Rican businesswoman
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Kyriakou
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Martinez -- Historian of colonial Mexico
Wikipedia - Maria Elena M-CM-^Alvarez Bernal -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Maria Elena nitrate works -- National monument of Chile
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Orantes Lopez -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Ramirez -- Mexican gymnast
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Romero -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Salinas -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Sarria -- Cuban shot putter
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Torres Baltazar -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Zavala -- American plant biologist
Wikipedia - Maria Helena AndrM-CM-)s -- Brazilian artist
Wikipedia - Maria Helena Cunha -- Portuguese gymnast
Wikipedia - Maria Helena Taipo -- Mozambican politician
Wikipedia - Maria Ladvenant -- Spanish stage actress
Wikipedia - Maria Luisa Cicci -- Italian woman of letters and 18th century poet, a member of the Arcadian colony of Pisa, one of the Intronati of Siena, and a salon holder.
Wikipedia - Maria Maddalena Baldacci -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Maria Maddalena Martinengo -- Italian Roman Catholic nun
Wikipedia - Maria Maddalena Rossi -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Maria Magdalena (film) -- 1954 film directed by Carlos Hugo Christensen
Wikipedia - Maria Magdalena Merten -- German Roman Catholic nun
Wikipedia - Maria Mena -- Norwegian musician
Wikipedia - Maria Morena (actress) -- Brazilian actress
Wikipedia - Maria Morena -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Maria Rachel Arenas -- Maria Rachel Arenas
Wikipedia - Maria Renata Saenger von Mossau -- Bavarian nun executed for witchcraft
Wikipedia - Maria Roszak -- Polish nun and supercentenarian
Wikipedia - Maria Selena Nurcahya -- Miss Universe Indonesia 2012, Indonesian actress
Wikipedia - Marie Arena -- Belgian politician
Wikipedia - Marie Denarnaud -- French actress
Wikipedia - Marielena Davila -- Venezuelan actress and singer
Wikipedia - Marie-Louise Meilleur -- French Canadian supercentenarian
Wikipedia - Marie Magdalena Rustad -- Norwegian court official
Wikipedia - Marie Menage -- Mauritian windsurfer
Wikipedia - Marie van Regteren Altena -- Dutch Artist
Wikipedia - Mari-Leena Talvitie -- Finnish politician
Wikipedia - Marilena de Souza Chaui
Wikipedia - Marilena Neacsu -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Marilena Vladarau -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - MariM-CM-1elarena -- Basque surname.
Wikipedia - Marino Vanhoenacker -- Belgian triathlete
Wikipedia - Mario Alejandro Cuevas Mena -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Mario Morales Coliseum -- Indoor sports arena located in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Mario Renato Capecchi
Wikipedia - Marisa Baena -- Colombian professional golfer
Wikipedia - Marisa Serrano -- Brazilian senator
Wikipedia - Mar John Menachery
Wikipedia - Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer -- South African naturalist
Wikipedia - Mark Cardenas -- American politician
Wikipedia - Mark Dayton -- 40th Governor of Minnesota; former United States Senator from Minnesota
Wikipedia - Markella Kavenagh -- Australian actress
Wikipedia - Market Square Arena -- Arena in Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - Mark F. Miller -- American politician, Wisconsin State Senator
Wikipedia - Mark Hanna -- Republican United States Senator from Ohio
Wikipedia - Mark Henaghan -- New Zealand legal scholar
Wikipedia - Mark Kelly -- United States Senator from Arizona
Wikipedia - Mark McMenamin
Wikipedia - Markos Drakos (general) -- Lieutenant General of the Hellenic Army
Wikipedia - Mark Pryor -- Former United States Senator from Arkansas
Wikipedia - Mark Vanhoenacker -- Belgian American Pilot and Author
Wikipedia - Mark Warner -- United States Senator
Wikipedia - Marlena Evans -- Fictional character from Days of Our Lives
Wikipedia - Marlena Fejzo -- American medical scientist
Wikipedia - Marlena Jansson -- Swedish orienteering competitor
Wikipedia - Marlena MalM-DM-^Eg -- Polish politician
Wikipedia - Marlena Novak -- American artist
Wikipedia - Marnix ten Kortenaar -- Austrian speed skater
Wikipedia - Maroon (Barenaked Ladies album)
Wikipedia - Marovatolena -- Town and commune in Sofia, Madagascar
Wikipedia - Marrakesh Menara Airport -- Airport in Morocco
Wikipedia - Marriott Mena House Hotel -- Hotel located just outside Cairo, Egypt
Wikipedia - Marsena E. Cutts -- American politician
Wikipedia - Marsha Blackburn -- United States Senator from Tennessee
Wikipedia - Marsh Aviation -- US aircraft engineering, design, maintenance and re-manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Marsilea crenata -- Species of fern found in Southeast Asia
Wikipedia - Marta Benavides -- Salvadoran activist
Wikipedia - Martha Elena Garcia Gomez -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Martha Elena Ruiz Sevilla -- Nicaraguan politician
Wikipedia - Martha McSally -- Former United States Senator from Arizona
Wikipedia - Martial Borye Desrenaudes -- French politician
Wikipedia - Martin Cardenas (motorcyclist) -- Colombian motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Martine Patenaude -- Canadian ice dancer
Wikipedia - Martin Fourcade -- French biathlete and sous-lieutenant
Wikipedia - Martin le Franc -- Medieval and Renaissance French poet
Wikipedia - Martin McAleese -- Irish senator and university leader
Wikipedia - Martin OtM-DM-^MenaM-EM-! -- Slovak biathlete
Wikipedia - Martins Pena -- Brazilian playwright
Wikipedia - Marx's Theory of Alienation (book) -- 1970 book by Istvan MM-CM-)szaros
Wikipedia - Marx's theory of alienation
Wikipedia - Mary-Anne Arsenault -- Canadian curler
Wikipedia - Maryland Renaissance Festival -- Located in Crownsville, Maryland
Wikipedia - Maryland Tercentenary half dollar -- US commemorative fifty-cent piece (1934)
Wikipedia - Mary Lena Faulk -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Mary of Modena
Wikipedia - Maryon Pittman Allen -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Mary Renault -- English novelist
Wikipedia - Mary Taylor (politician) -- American politician and businesswoman, incumbent Lieutenant Governor of Ohio, former Director of the Ohio Department of Insurance, former Auditor of Ohio
Wikipedia - Marzena Karpinska -- Polish weightlifter
Wikipedia - Marzena Machalek -- Polish politician
Wikipedia - Marzena Trybala -- Polish actress
Wikipedia - Marzena ZiM-DM-^Yba -- Polish Paralympic powerlifter
Wikipedia - Masaccio -- 15th-century Italian Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - Mashiur Rahman (politician from Jhenaidah) -- Bangladeshi politician
Wikipedia - Massena, New York -- Town of Massena, New York
Wikipedia - Massive resistance -- Strategy declared by U.S. Senator Harry F. Byrd to resist public school desegregation in Virginia
Wikipedia - Mass stabbing -- Knife-enabled crime harming multiple victims
Wikipedia - Master of the Maddalena -- Anonymous 13th c. Italian painter
Wikipedia - Matenadaran MS 7117 -- 15th-century manuscript
Wikipedia - Mathenauts: Tales of Mathematical Wonder
Wikipedia - Mathenay -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-ComtM-CM-), France
Wikipedia - Mathieu Tenant de la Tour -- French WWI flying ace (1883-1917)
Wikipedia - Mathilde Valdenaire -- French canoeist
Wikipedia - Matleena Kuusniemi -- Finnish actress
Wikipedia - Matrena Vakhrusheva -- Mansi linguist and poet
Wikipedia - Matteo Senarega -- Doge of the Republic of Genoa
Wikipedia - Matthew Knight Arena -- Multi-purpose arena
Wikipedia - Matthias Grunewald -- German Renaissance painter (c.1470-1528)
Wikipedia - Matthias Schoenaerts -- Belgian actor
Wikipedia - Matthieu Boujenah -- French comedian
Wikipedia - Matt Michels -- 38th Lieutenant Governor of South Dakota
Wikipedia - Maureen Walsh -- Washington State Senator
Wikipedia - Maurice Anderson -- British lieutenant-Colonel/195th Field Ambulance
Wikipedia - Maurice Benard -- American actor
Wikipedia - Maurice Benayoun -- French visual artist and theorist
Wikipedia - Maurice Destenay -- Belgian politician
Wikipedia - Maurice Richard Arena -- Multi-purpose arena at Olympic Park in Montreal, Quebec
Wikipedia - Mauricio Henao -- Colombian actor
Wikipedia - Mauricio Hernandez Norambuena -- Chilean revolutionary.
Wikipedia - Maurizio Arena -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Mauro Javier Cardenas -- Ecuadorian writer
Wikipedia - Mausoleum of Helena
Wikipedia - Maverik Center -- Multi-purpose arena
Wikipedia - Maximilian Benassi -- Italian canoeist
Wikipedia - Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry -- Institute in the Max Planck Society located in Jena, Germany
Wikipedia - Mayan Renaissance -- 2012 film by Dawn Engle
Wikipedia - May Harena -- River in the Tembien highlands of Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Maynard James Keenan -- American musician
Wikipedia - Mayo Clinic Health System Event Center -- Multi-purpose arena in Mankato, Minnesota
Wikipedia - Mayor Meenakshi -- 1976 film by Madurai Thirumaran
Wikipedia - Mayor Vitaliano D. Agan Coliseum -- A multi-purpose indoor sport arena in Philippines
Wikipedia - Ma Yu Ching -- Historic restaurant in Kaifeng, Henan, China
Wikipedia - McCann Arena -- College sports arena in, New York, U.S.
Wikipedia - McDougald-McLendon Arena -- Arean in North Carolina
Wikipedia - McKale Center -- Athletic arena
Wikipedia - McKenzie Arena -- Arena in Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Alex MariM-CM-1elarena -- Spanish motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - McMenamins -- Oregon company
Wikipedia - McMenamin
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Sscar Jaenada -- Spanish actor
Wikipedia - M-DM-0zmir Halkapinar Sport Hall -- Turkish indoor multi-purpose sports arena
Wikipedia - Meadowlands Arena -- Arena in New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Me & the Rhythm -- 2015 song by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Meaza Ashenafi -- Ethiopian lawyer and judge
Wikipedia - Meclofenamic acid
Wikipedia - Mecodema crenaticolle -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Medical Renaissance
Wikipedia - Medieval reenactment
Wikipedia - Medieval renaissances
Wikipedia - Meena Alexander -- Indian poet, scholar, and writer
Wikipedia - Meena (film) -- 2014 documentary film about sex trafficking in India
Wikipedia - Meena Gokuldas -- Indian voice actress
Wikipedia - Meena Harris -- American attorney and author
Wikipedia - Meena Hazara -- Bangladeshi karateka
Wikipedia - Meena Kanwar -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Meena Keshwar Kamal -- Afghan activist
Wikipedia - Meenakshi Anoop -- Indian actress (born 2005)
Wikipedia - Meenakshi Banerjee -- Indian cyanobacteriologist
Wikipedia - Meenakshi Chaudhary -- Indian model and beauty pageant titleholder
Wikipedia - Meenakshi Goswami -- Indian film actress
Wikipedia - Meenakshi Jain -- Indian historian
Wikipedia - Meenakshi Lekhi -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Meenakshi Madan Rai -- Judge of Sikkim High Court
Wikipedia - Meenakshi Raveendran -- Indian television presenter
Wikipedia - Meenakshi Seshadri -- Indian film actress, model and dancer
Wikipedia - Meenakshi Srinivasan -- Indian dancer and architect
Wikipedia - Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College -- Indian engineering college in Tamil Nadu
Wikipedia - Meenakshi Temple -- Historic Hindu temple in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Meenakshi Wadhwa -- Planetary scientist
Wikipedia - Meenakshi -- Hindu goddess, avatar of Parvati
Wikipedia - Meena Kumari (sport shooter) -- Indian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Meena Kumari (weightlifter) -- Indian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Meena Lee -- South Korean golfer
Wikipedia - Meenal -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Meena (Malayalam actress)
Wikipedia - Meena Menon -- Indian voice-dubbing artist
Wikipedia - Meena Seshu -- Activist for sex workers' rights
Wikipedia - Meena Singh (Manpur politician) -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Meena Upadhyaya -- Indian-born Welsh medical geneticist
Wikipedia - Meenavar -- Caste
Wikipedia - Meena -- Asian sub-continent tribal name
Wikipedia - Mefenamic acid -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Megachile alpigena -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile amoena -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile genalis -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile gomphrenae -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile holomelaena -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile phenacopyga -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile pyrenaea -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile pyrenaica -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile rubrigena -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile sphenapis -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megasandesam -- 2001 film by Rajasenan
Wikipedia - Megasport Sport Palace -- An indoor sporting arena located in Russia
Wikipedia - Meglena Kuneva -- Bulgarian politician
Wikipedia - MEI Mercury -- Type of grenade
Wikipedia - Melanoplus magdalenae -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Meles Zenawi -- Ethiopian politician; Prime Minister of Ethiopia
Wikipedia - M-EM-^Auczniczka -- Arena in Bydgoszcz, Poland
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1901-1903 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1904-1906 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1907-1910 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1910-1913 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1913-1914 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1914-1917 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1917-1920 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1920-1923 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1923-1926 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1926-1929 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1929-1932 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1932-1935 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1935-1938 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1938-1941 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1941-1944 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1944-1947 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1947-1950 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1950-1951 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1951-1953 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1953-1956 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1956-1959 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1959-1962 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1962-1965 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1965-1968 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1968-1971 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1971-1974 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1974-1975 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1975-1978 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1978-1981 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1981-1983 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1983-1985 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1985-1987 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1987-1990 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1990-1993 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1993-1996 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1996-1999 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 1999-2002 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 2002-2005 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 2005-2008 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 2008-2011 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 2011-2014 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 2014-2016 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 2016-2019 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Senate, 2019-2022 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Covenant
Wikipedia - Members of the covenant
Wikipedia - Members of the Senate of Southern Ireland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Memorial Coliseum (University of Kentucky) -- Indoor arena at the University of Kentucky
Wikipedia - Memorias de Helena -- 1969 film directed by David Neves
Wikipedia - Memphis Pyramid -- Arena in Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Menabilly -- Estate in Cornwall, England
Wikipedia - MENA (cable system) -- Cable system
Wikipedia - Menace (1934 American film) -- 1934 film by Ralph Murphy
Wikipedia - Menace II Society -- 1993 film directed by Albert and Allen Hughes
Wikipedia - Menace (Marvel Comics)
Wikipedia - Menacer -- Video game accessory
Wikipedia - Menachem Begin -- Israeli politician and former Prime Minister
Wikipedia - Menachem Cohen (architect) -- Israeli architect
Wikipedia - Menachem Cohen (scholar) -- Israeli scholar
Wikipedia - Menachem Elimelech
Wikipedia - Menachem Fisch -- Israeli philosopher
Wikipedia - Menachem Friedman -- Israeli Emeritus Professor
Wikipedia - Menachem Froman -- Israeli Orthodox Jewish rabbi
Wikipedia - Menachem Ilan -- Israeli sports shooter
Wikipedia - Menachem Mazuz -- Justice of the Supreme Court of Israel
Wikipedia - Menachem Mendel Lefin
Wikipedia - Menachem Mendel of Kotzk
Wikipedia - Menachem Mendel Schneersohn -- Third Chabad Rebbe
Wikipedia - Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Wikipedia - Menachem Porush
Wikipedia - Menachot -- Mishnah and Talmud tractate
Wikipedia - Menach -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Menacing -- Criminal offense in many U.S. states
Wikipedia - Mena Cleary -- Canadian-born American actress and singer
Wikipedia - Menaechmi -- play by Plautus
Wikipedia - Menaechmus
Wikipedia - Menagerie -- Form of keeping common and exotic animals in captivity that preceded the modern zoological garden
Wikipedia - Menagh Military Airbase -- Airbase in Syria
Wikipedia - Menahem ben Judah -- 1st century CE Jewish Messiah claimant
Wikipedia - Menahem Ben-Sasson
Wikipedia - Menahem Ben -- Israeli poet
Wikipedia - Menahem Golan -- Israeli film director and producer
Wikipedia - Menahem Lonzano -- 16th-century scholar and rabbi
Wikipedia - Menahem Max Schiffer -- German-born American mathematician
Wikipedia - Menahem Mendel Auerbach -- Austrian banker and rabbi
Wikipedia - Menahem Mendel Beilis -- Russian Jew accused of ritual murder
Wikipedia - Menahem Recanati -- Italian rabbi
Wikipedia - Menahem the Essene -- Jewish Tanna sage living during the era of the Zugot
Wikipedia - Menahem
Wikipedia - Menahem Yaari -- Israeli economist
Wikipedia - Menahga, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Menaion
Wikipedia - Menaka (1935 film) -- 1935 film by P. K. Raja Sandow
Wikipedia - Menaka (actress) -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Menaka -- Beauty from Hindu scriptures
Wikipedia - Mena Massoud -- Egyptian-Canadian actor
Wikipedia - Menander (gnostic)
Wikipedia - Menander I
Wikipedia - Menander Protector
Wikipedia - Menander -- ancient Athenian comic playwright
Wikipedia - Menan Du Plessis -- South African novelist and linguist
Wikipedia - Menang -- Traditional dance of Cameroon
Wikipedia - Menapii -- Belgic tribe
Wikipedia - Menara Kudus Mosque -- Mosque in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Menard, Illinois -- Unincorporated community in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Mena Report -- Middle Eastern business news source
Wikipedia - Menarus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - MENASA
Wikipedia - Menas (freedman)
Wikipedia - Menasha High School -- Public secondary school in Menasha, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Menas Kafatos
Wikipedia - Menas of Constantinople
Wikipedia - Menassa Youhanna
Wikipedia - Menasseh Ben Israel -- Portuguese rabbi, kabbalist, writer, diplomat, printer and publisher
Wikipedia - Mena Station -- Railway station in Rankoshi, Hokkaido, Japan
Wikipedia - Mena Suvari -- American actress
Wikipedia - Menatalla Karim -- Egyptian canoeist
Wikipedia - MENA Tour -- Professional golf tour
Wikipedia - Menat
Wikipedia - Menauhant, Massachusetts -- Human settlement in United States of America
Wikipedia - Menaulion -- Byzantine pole weapon
Wikipedia - Menawali -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - MENA
Wikipedia - Menaye Donkor -- Ghanaian-Canadian businesswoman
Wikipedia - Menominee Nation Arena -- Small arena in Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Mercedes Castellanos de Anchorena -- Argentine philanthropist and papal marchioness
Wikipedia - Mercedes District, Atenas -- district in Atenas canton, Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Mercedes Elena Gonzalez -- Artist (b. 1952)
Wikipedia - Mercenac -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Mercenaries
Wikipedia - Mercenary (2016 film) -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - Mercenary Technology -- Video game developer company
Wikipedia - Mercenary War -- Carthaginian mutiny, 242 BC
Wikipedia - Mercenary -- Soldier who fights for hire
Wikipedia - Mercer Arena -- Demolished entertainment venue in Seattle, Washington
Wikipedia - Mercy seat -- Gold lid placed on the Ark of the Covenant
Wikipedia - Mereka Bilang, Saya Monyet! -- 2008 Indonesian film directed by Djenar Maesa Ayu
Wikipedia - Merizomena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Merle Collins -- Grenadian writer
Wikipedia - Merlis Belsher Place -- Hockey arena in Saskatoon, Canada
Wikipedia - Metachanda brachychlaena -- Species of moth in genus Metachanda
Wikipedia - Metasia hymenalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Metastaseis (Xenakis) -- Orchestral work by Iannis Xenakis
Wikipedia - Methadone maintenance
Wikipedia - Methoxyphenamine
Wikipedia - Metropolitan Organizing Strategy Enabling Strength -- Interfaith group based in Detroit, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Metti, una sera a cena -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Meu Passado Me Condena 2 -- 2015 film directed by Julia Rezende
Wikipedia - Meu Passado Me Condena -- 2013 film directed by Julia Rezende
Wikipedia - MGM Grand Garden Arena -- Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Wikipedia - M'hammed Abdenabaoui -- Moroccan magistrate
Wikipedia - Miami Arena -- Arena in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Micaela Lara Cadena -- American politician
Wikipedia - Michael Avenatti -- American convicted felon and former attorney
Wikipedia - Michael Benabib -- American portrait photographer
Wikipedia - Michael Benaroya -- American film producer
Wikipedia - Michael Bennet -- Democratic United States Senator from Colorado
Wikipedia - Michael Cardenas -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Michael Church -- Grenadian politician
Wikipedia - Michael D. Lett -- Grenadian politician
Wikipedia - Michael Hastings (politician) -- Illinois State Senator
Wikipedia - Michael of Cesena
Wikipedia - Michael Roberson -- Minority Leader of the Nevada Senate
Wikipedia - Michael S. Hopkins -- NASA astronaut, and Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Space Force
Wikipedia - Michael Tarchaniota Marullus -- 15th-century Greek Renaissance scholar, poet of Neolatin, humanist and soldier
Wikipedia - Michel Biron -- Canadian former Senator
Wikipedia - Michel B. Menard House -- Historic house in Galveston, Texas
Wikipedia - Michel Boujenah -- French-Tunisian actor and director
Wikipedia - Michel Branamour Menard -- Canadian-born trader, merchant, and co-founder of Galveston, Texas
Wikipedia - Michele Godena -- Italian chess player
Wikipedia - Michele Rufenacht -- Swiss decathlete
Wikipedia - Michelle Benson -- American accountant and politician, Republican member of the Minnesota State Senate
Wikipedia - Michigan Senate -- Upper state chamber of Michigan
Wikipedia - Microlaena -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Micropardalis doroxena -- Moth species in family Micropterigidae
Wikipedia - Micropterix renatae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Microzaena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Mid-South Coliseum -- Arena in Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Miguel Benasayag -- Argentinian philosopher
Wikipedia - Miguel Benavides -- Cuban actor
Wikipedia - Miguel de Benavides Library
Wikipedia - Miguel M-CM-^Angel Barberena Vega -- Mexican Naval officer and politician (1928-1999)
Wikipedia - Miguel Tabuena -- Filipino professional golfer
Wikipedia - Miho Takenaka -- Japanese artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Mike Braun -- United States Senator from Indiana
Wikipedia - Mike Cierpiot -- Republican member of the Missouri Senate
Wikipedia - Mike Cooney -- 36th Lieutenant Governor of Montana
Wikipedia - Mike Crapo -- American politician and senator
Wikipedia - Mike Enzi -- United States Senator from Wyoming
Wikipedia - Mike Foley (Nebraska politician) -- 41st Lieutenant Governor of Nebraska
Wikipedia - Mike Gravel -- Former United States Senator from Alaska
Wikipedia - Mike Kapur -- Lord Lieutenant of Leicestershire
Wikipedia - Mike Kehoe -- 48th lieutenant governor of Missouri
Wikipedia - Mike Lee (American politician) -- United States Senator from Utah
Wikipedia - Mike Rounds -- U.S. Senator from South Dakota
Wikipedia - Miknasa -- Zenata Berber tribe
Wikipedia - Milena Agudelo -- Colombian pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Milena Agus -- Italian author from Sardinia
Wikipedia - Milena Andonova -- Bulgarian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Milena Apostolaki -- Greek politician
Wikipedia - Milena Baldassarri -- Italian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Milena Benini -- Croatian writer
Wikipedia - Milena Bykova -- Russian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Milena Dravic -- Serbian actress
Wikipedia - Milena Duchkova -- Czech diver
Wikipedia - Milena Dvorska -- Czech actress
Wikipedia - Milena Glimbovski -- German entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Milena Govich -- American actress
Wikipedia - Milena Harito -- Albanian politician
Wikipedia - Milena Hubschmannova -- Czech linguist and Romani scholar
Wikipedia - Milena Mavrodieva -- Bulgarian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Milena Meisser -- Swiss snowboarder
Wikipedia - Milena M-EM- oltM-CM-)szova -- Czech printmaker
Wikipedia - Milena Mullerova -- Czech gymnast
Wikipedia - Milena Olszewska -- Polish Paralympic archer
Wikipedia - Milena Pavlovic-Barili -- Serbian painter and poet
Wikipedia - Milena Penkowa -- Danish physician and former neuroscientist
Wikipedia - Milena Titoneli -- Brazilian taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Milena Todorova -- Bulgarian biathlete
Wikipedia - Milena Trendafilova -- Bulgarian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Milena Usenik -- Slovenian shot putter
Wikipedia - Milena Vukotic -- Italian actress
Wikipedia - Mile One Centre -- Arena and entertainment venue in St. John's, Canada
Wikipedia - Military logistics -- Military supply and maintenance
Wikipedia - Milkshake Duck -- Internet meme describing phenomena that go from being seen as positive to deeply flawed
Wikipedia - Millard Tydings -- Politician and United States Army officer, former Senator of Maryland
Wikipedia - Millenarianism in colonial societies -- Millenarianism in colonial societies
Wikipedia - Millenarianism -- Belief in a coming fundamental transformation of society
Wikipedia - Millenarian
Wikipedia - Millenary Petition -- A list of requests given to James I by Puritans in 1603
Wikipedia - Millenary -- British Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Millennium Centar -- Indoor arena in VrM-EM-!ac, Serbia
Wikipedia - Mille Soya -- 2004 film by Boodee Keerthisena
Wikipedia - Millett Hall -- Multipurpose arena in Oxford, OH, USA
Wikipedia - Millie Bailey -- United States Army officer and centenarian
Wikipedia - Miloud Mourad Benamara -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Milton J. Rosenau -- American public health official
Wikipedia - Milton Pettit -- 19th century American politician and businessman. 11th Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin, 8th, 11th, 13th, and 16th Mayor of Kenosha, Wisconsin, and member of the Wisconsin Senate.
Wikipedia - Mimana -- Placename used in Japanese text Nihon Shoki
Wikipedia - Mima Renard -- Executed for witchcraft
Wikipedia - Mimeryssamena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Mimillaena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Mimoparmena murina -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Mimozaena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Mind-body dualism -- Philosophical theory that mental phenomena are non-physical and that matter exists independently of mind
Wikipedia - Minenabwurfvorrichtung -- German WWII anti-personnel mine launcher
Wikipedia - Minerva Mena -- Mexican actress and university professor
Wikipedia - Minimax -- Decision rule used for minimizing the possible loss for a worst case scenario
Wikipedia - Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation -- Government ministry of India
Wikipedia - Minnesota Renaissance Festival -- A Renaissance fair
Wikipedia - Miramar District -- district in Montes de Oro canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Miriam Bannister -- British supercentenarian
Wikipedia - Miriam Cardenas Cantu -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Miriam Cardenas de la Torre -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Miriam Ramirez -- Former member of the Senate of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Miroslav Kenanov -- Bulgarian biathlete
Wikipedia - Miscegenation -- Pejorative term referring to reproduction by people considered to be of different racial types
Wikipedia - Misi Kardia -- 2016 single by Elena Paparizou
Wikipedia - Missing My Baby -- 1992 song performed by Selena
Wikipedia - Mission Basilica San Buenaventura -- 18th-century Spanish mission in Ventura, California
Wikipedia - Mission de PhM-CM-)nicie -- Book by Ernest Renan
Wikipedia - Mission San Buenaventura
Wikipedia - Miss St. Vincent and the Grenadines -- Beauty pageant
Wikipedia - Miss Teenage America -- Beauty pageant
Wikipedia - Mitch McConnell -- U.S. Senator from Kentucky, Senate Majority Leader
Wikipedia - Mitrephora polypyrena -- species of plant in the family Annonaceae
Wikipedia - Miyamayomena koraiensis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - MK3 grenade -- Weapon
Wikipedia - Mnesictena -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Mobala mammarenavirus -- Species of virus
Wikipedia - Mobile Civic Center -- Arena in Alabama, United States
Wikipedia - Mobile Legends: Bang Bang -- Multiplayer online battle arena mobile game
Wikipedia - Mobile virtual network enabler -- |Provider of services for mobile virtual network operators
Wikipedia - Mo Cowan -- 29th United States Senator from Massachusetts (Class 2)
Wikipedia - Moda Center -- Sports arena in Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - Model Tenancy Act, 2019 -- Proposed tenancy law
Wikipedia - Modena (racing team) -- Formula 1 racing team
Wikipedia - Modenas KR3 -- Racing motorcycle
Wikipedia - Modena
Wikipedia - Mo Denis -- President pro tempore of the Nevada Senate
Wikipedia - Modesto Cartagena -- Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - Modona (newspaper) -- Gazette printed in Modena
Wikipedia - Moduin -- 9th century Frankish churchman and Latin poet of the Carolingian Renaissance
Wikipedia - Mohamed Benaissa -- Moroccan politician
Wikipedia - Mohamed-Iqbal Ravalia -- Canadian senator
Wikipedia - Mohammed Balarabe Haladu -- Nigerian Army lieutenant
Wikipedia - Mohammed Kabiru Jibril -- Nigerian senator
Wikipedia - Mohegan Sun Arena -- Multi-purpose arena in Connecticut, United States
Wikipedia - Mohsenabad, Tehran -- village in Tehran, Iran
Wikipedia - Moira Keenan -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Molinere Underwater Sculpture Park -- Collection of underwater contemporary art off Grenada in the Caribbean
Wikipedia - Mona Lena Krook -- American political scientist
Wikipedia - Moneenabrone -- Townland in County Cavan, Ireland
Wikipedia - Monique Marie Chouraeshkenazi -- American-Jewish author, professor, researcher, and homeland/national security expert
Wikipedia - Monroe Civic Center -- Arena in Louisiana, United States
Wikipedia - Monroe Fein -- American mercenary
Wikipedia - Monster House (film) -- 2006 film by Gil Kenan
Wikipedia - Montana State Capitol -- State capitol located in Helena, MT
Wikipedia - Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Wikipedia - Montes de Oro (canton) -- canton in Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Monte Senario
Wikipedia - Montreal Arena -- Building in Montreal
Wikipedia - Montreal Biodome -- Sporting arena
Wikipedia - Montreal Forum -- Former arena in Montreal, QuM-CM-)bec Province, Canada; now an entertainment complex
Wikipedia - Monument to Concepcion Arenal (Madrid) -- Monument in Madrid
Wikipedia - Moody Center -- Arena in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Moonhole -- Grenadine private community
Wikipedia - Moonlight Serenade (1997 film) -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Morecambe Promenade railway station -- Former railway station in Lancashire, England
Wikipedia - Morehu Flutey-Henare -- New Zealand Maori weaver
Wikipedia - Morena Baccarin -- Brazilian-American actress
Wikipedia - Morena Makar -- Croatian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Morning business -- United States Senate procedure
Wikipedia - Morris Park Facility -- Railroad maintenance facility in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - Mortimer Lichtenauer -- American painter
Wikipedia - Mosaic covenant
Wikipedia - Mosaic Place -- Multi-use indoor arena in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
Wikipedia - Moses Hardy -- American Supercentenarian
Wikipedia - Moses-Saunders Power Dam -- Dam in Massena, New York/Cornwall, Ontario
Wikipedia - Mosibudi Mangena -- South African politician
Wikipedia - Motena Cave Natural Monument -- Cave in Georgia
Wikipedia - Motherhood penalty -- Impact on working mothers
Wikipedia - Motorpoint Arena Nottingham -- Indoor multi use events arena
Wikipedia - Mouldy Old Dough -- Instrumental single; hit for Lieutenant Pigeon
Wikipedia - Mouna Benabderrassoul -- Moroccan taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Mounir Benamadi -- Algerian Olympic judoka
Wikipedia - Mount Chenaillet -- Mountain in France
Wikipedia - Mount Gray (Vermilion Range) -- Mountain in Kootenay NP, British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Mount Magdalena -- Mountina in Sabah, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Mount Saint Helena -- Mountain in California, United States
Wikipedia - Mount Song -- Mountain in central China's Henan Province, along the southern bank of the Yellow River
Wikipedia - Movement for the Independence, Renaissance, and Integration of Africa -- Political party in Mali
Wikipedia - Movieland Wax Museum -- Former tourist attraction in Buena Park, California
Wikipedia - Movistar Arena (Bogota) -- Indoor sporting arena in Bogota, Colombia
Wikipedia - Movses Khorenatsi
Wikipedia - MS Silja Serenade -- Cruiseferry of Finland
Wikipedia - MS Stena Europe -- Vehicle and passenger ferry operated by Stena Line
Wikipedia - MS Stena Lagan -- Ferry serving Northern Ireland and England
Wikipedia - MTV Generation -- Teenagers and young adults during 1980s and mid-1990s
Wikipedia - Muhammad Bima Enagi -- Nigerian politician
Wikipedia - Muhammad Enam-Ul Haque -- Bangladeshi historian, writer and academician
Wikipedia - Muhammad Enamul Haq -- Bangladeshi scholar
Wikipedia - Muhammad Enamul Huq -- Bangladeshi politician
Wikipedia - Muhammad Khalid Bizenjo -- | Pakistani senator from Balochistan
Wikipedia - Muhammad XII of Granada -- Last Nasrid ruler of Grenada
Wikipedia - Mula, Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Mulawin vs. Ravena -- 2017 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Mulita, Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Multiplayer online battle arena
Wikipedia - Multitenancy -- A single instance of a software that serves multiple tenants
Wikipedia - Municipal Auditorium (New Orleans) -- Arena in Louisiana, United States
Wikipedia - Municipality of Lenart -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Munire Sultan (daughter of Abdulmejid I) -- Ottoman princess, Daughter of Abdulmejid I and Verdicenan Kadin
Wikipedia - Muralidhar Jena -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Murder of Bianca Devins -- An American teenager who was murdered in Utica, New York on July 14, 2019
Wikipedia - Murder of Ebby Steppach -- Murder of teenager in Little Rock, Arkansas
Wikipedia - Murder of Laquan McDonald -- 2014 police shooting of a black teenager in Chicago, Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Murder of Lesandro Guzman-Feliz -- 2018 murder of a teenager in the Bronx, New York City, United States
Wikipedia - Murder of Lieutenant Alfred Lyth -- USAAF second lieutenant murdered in 1945
Wikipedia - Murder of Louise Smith -- 2020 murder of a teenager in Hampshire, England
Wikipedia - Murder of Mary-Ann Leneghan -- Murder of British teenager in drug- and gang-related circumstances
Wikipedia - Murder of Stephen Lawrence -- Racially motivated murder of black British teenager in Southeast London in 1993
Wikipedia - Murder of Sylvia Likens -- Murder of American teenager in Indianapolis, United States
Wikipedia - Murders of Sumarti Ningsih and Jesse Lorena -- 2014 double murder in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Murrumbeena railway station -- Railway station in Melbourne, Australia
Wikipedia - Museo dell'Opera del Duomo (Siena) -- Museum of Siena cathedral, Italy
Wikipedia - Museo Hacienda Buena Vista -- Farm museum in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Music of Grenada
Wikipedia - Music of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Mustafa DaM-DM-^_istanli Sports Hall -- indoor sporting arena located in Turkey
Wikipedia - Mutafukaz -- 2017 animated film directed by ShM-EM-^MjirM-EM-^M Nishimi and Guillaume "Run" Renard
Wikipedia - Mutya Buena -- British singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Muzeyyen Senar -- Turkish musician
Wikipedia - MV Bianca C. -- Passenger ship sunk off Grenada
Wikipedia - Mycena adonis -- Species of fungus
Wikipedia - Mycena aurantiomarginata -- Species of fungus in the family Mycenaceae common in Europe and North America
Wikipedia - Mycena chlorophos -- Species of agaric fungus in the family Mycenaceae
Wikipedia - Mycenaean Greece -- Late Bronze Age Greek civilization
Wikipedia - Mycenaean Greek -- Most ancient attested form of the Greek language from the 16th to 12th centuries BC
Wikipedia - Mycenaean language
Wikipedia - Mycenae -- Archaeological site in Greece
Wikipedia - Mycena galopus -- Species of fungus
Wikipedia - Mycena haematopus -- Fungus species in the family Mycenaceae widespread and common in Europe and North America
Wikipedia - Mycena mustea -- Species of mushroom in the family Mycenaceae
Wikipedia - My Life as a Teenage Robot -- American animated science fantasy television series
Wikipedia - Myllaena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Mynoparmena dilatata -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - My Number One -- 2005 Helena Paparizou song
Wikipedia - Myripristis amaena -- Species of fish
Wikipedia - Myrmeparmena sudrei -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Myrsina, Grevena -- Village in Greece
Wikipedia - My Teenage Daughter -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Mytesim KM-CM-+llici -- Albanian mufti, qadi, and senator
Wikipedia - Mytishchi Arena -- An indoor sporting arena located in Russia
Wikipedia - Naata (film) -- 1955 film by Deena Nath Madhok
Wikipedia - Nabil Benabdallah -- Moroccan politician
Wikipedia - Nadia Magnenat Thalmann -- Computer scientist
Wikipedia - Nadine El-Enany -- English legal scholar
Wikipedia - NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone 1) -- Protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens
Wikipedia - Na'eem Jeenah -- South African journalist
Wikipedia - Nafaa Benami -- Algerian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Nagasena
Wikipedia - Nakshathrakkannulla Rajakumaran Avanundoru Rajakumari -- 2002 film by Rajasenan
Wikipedia - Nali Sopat-Penabu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nandasena Pathirana -- Sri Lankan cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Nandasena Perera -- Sri Lankan golfer
Wikipedia - Nanogeoscience -- The study of nanoscale phenomena related to geological systems
Wikipedia - Nanotribology -- Study of friction, wear, adhesion and lubrication phenomena at the nanoscale
Wikipedia - Nanyang Jiangying Airport -- Airport serving Nanyang. Henan Province, China
Wikipedia - Naomi Benaron -- American author
Wikipedia - Napoleon at Saint Helena -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Naranjito District -- district in Quepos canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Narcissistic supply -- Type of admiration, interpersonal support or sustenance drawn by an individual from his or her environment and essential to their self-esteem.
Wikipedia - Nashville Municipal Auditorium -- Arena in Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Nassau Coliseum -- Arena in New York, United States
Wikipedia - Natalia Aszkenazy -- Polish diplomat and writer
Wikipedia - Natalia Tena -- British actress
Wikipedia - Nathan Smith (senator) -- American politician
Wikipedia - National Covenant -- 1638 document adopted in defence of the Scottish Church
Wikipedia - National Cricket Stadium (Grenada) -- Cricket stadium
Wikipedia - National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena -- U.S. based civilian UFO research group
Wikipedia - National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association
Wikipedia - National Register of Historic Places listings in Keweenaw County, Michigan -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - National Renaissance Party (United States) -- American neo-fascist group founded in 1949 by James Harting Madole
Wikipedia - National United Renaissance -- Political party in Peru
Wikipedia - Nationwide Arena -- Arena in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Nativity Fast -- Period of abstinence and penance practiced by the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Eastern Catholic Churches
Wikipedia - Naturally (Selena Gomez & the Scene song) -- 2009 single by Selena Gomez & the Scene
Wikipedia - Natural phenomena
Wikipedia - Nature -- Natural, physical, or material world and its phenomena
Wikipedia - Naustathmus (Cyrenaica) -- Town in ancient Cyrenaica
Wikipedia - Nazarena of Jesus
Wikipedia - N. C. Saxena -- Indian civil servant
Wikipedia - N'Djamena -- Capital of Chad
Wikipedia - Ndonga Linena Constituency -- Electoral constituency in the Kavango East region of north-eastern Namibia
Wikipedia - Neal S. Blaisdell Center -- Arena in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Wikipedia - Neapolitan Novels -- four-part series of novels by Elena Ferrante
Wikipedia - Necker cube -- Form of perceptual phenomena
Wikipedia - Neelam Saxena Chandra -- Indian poet and author
Wikipedia - Neena Cheema -- Indian TV and film actress
Wikipedia - Neena Gupta (mathematician) -- Indian mathematician
Wikipedia - Neena Gupta -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Neena Kulkarni -- Indian theater and film actress
Wikipedia - Neena Kurup -- Indian actress (born 1967)
Wikipedia - Neena Malhotra -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Neena Modi -- President of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Wikipedia - Neena Prasad -- Indian dancer
Wikipedia - Neena Schwartz -- American biology researcher (1926-2018)
Wikipedia - Neena (Tamil actress) -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Nee Varuvai Ena -- 1999 film by Rajakumaran
Wikipedia - Nefertiti -- Egyptian queen and Great Royal Wife (chief consort) of Akhenaten, an Egyptian Pharaoh
Wikipedia - Negasonic Teenage Warhead -- Character from Marvel Comics
Wikipedia - Neha Saxena (film actress) -- Film Actress
Wikipedia - Neha Saxena (TV actress) -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Nelson's taxonomic arrangement of Adenanthos -- First modern arrangement of the plant genus
Wikipedia - Nena Cardenas -- Filipino actress
Wikipedia - Nena Daconte -- Band
Wikipedia - Nenad Ban -- Croatian biochemist
Wikipedia - Nenad BaroM-EM-! -- Serbian politician
Wikipedia - Nenad BoM-EM->ic -- Serbian politician
Wikipedia - Nenad Filipovic (racewalker) -- Serbian racewalker
Wikipedia - Nenad Jezdic -- Serbian actor
Wikipedia - Nenad Joldeski -- Macedonian writer
Wikipedia - Nenad Krstic (politician) -- Serbian politician
Wikipedia - Nenad Medvidovic -- American entrepreneur and software engineer.
Wikipedia - Nenad M-EM- oM-EM-!taric -- Croatian handball coach
Wikipedia - Nenad Polimac -- Croatian film critic
Wikipedia - Nenad Prodanovic -- Bosnian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Nenad Stevovic -- Serbian economist
Wikipedia - Nenad Trajkovic (poet) -- Serbian poet
Wikipedia - Nenad Vasilic -- Austrian composer
Wikipedia - Nenad Vidovic -- Yugoslav gymnast
Wikipedia - Nenad Vukasovic -- Serbian politician
Wikipedia - Nenad Zvanut -- Croatian speed skater
Wikipedia - Nenagh Kemp -- Australian psychologist
Wikipedia - Nenagh River -- Tributary of the Shannon in County Tipperary, Ireland
Wikipedia - Nenagh
Wikipedia - Nena Lekovic -- Serbian singer
Wikipedia - Nenang Monastery
Wikipedia - Nenang Pawo
Wikipedia - Nenano
Wikipedia - Nenante Nene -- 1968 film by V. Ramachandra Rao
Wikipedia - Nena Saguil -- Filipino abstract artist
Wikipedia - Nena (supercontinent) -- Early Proterozoic supercontinent
Wikipedia - Nena von Schlebrgge
Wikipedia - Nena von Schlebrugge -- Swedish-German fashion model
Wikipedia - Nena -- German singer and actress
Wikipedia - Neocatechumenal Way
Wikipedia - Neolipoptena -- Genus of louse flies
Wikipedia - Neomordellistena (subgenus) -- Subgenus of beetles
Wikipedia - Neomordellistena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Neopseustis archiphenax -- Species of archaic bell moth
Wikipedia - Nepal Bhasa renaissance -- Movement to revive and modernize the Nepal Bhasa language
Wikipedia - Nepenthes tenax -- Species of pitcher plant from Australia
Wikipedia - Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus -- Impaired renal function disease characterized by a complete or partial resistance of the kidneys to vasopressin (ADH)
Wikipedia - Nerf Arena Blast -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Nesoenas -- Genus of birds
Wikipedia - Network administrator -- Individual that is responsible for the maintenance of computer hardware and software systems that make up a computer network
Wikipedia - Neurotransmitter -- Chemical substance that enables neurotransmission
Wikipedia - Neuroxena flammea -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Neutrogena -- American cosmetics company
Wikipedia - Nevada Senate -- Upper house of the Nevada Legislature
Wikipedia - Nevena Bridgen -- Serbian opera singer and blogger
Wikipedia - Nevena Georgieva -- Macedonian partisan fighter
Wikipedia - Nevena Kokanova -- Bulgarian actress
Wikipedia - Nevena Lukic -- Austrian taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Nevena M-DM-^Puric -- Serbian politician
Wikipedia - Nevena Veinovic -- Serbian politician
Wikipedia - Neville Cenac -- Governor-General of Saint Lucia (2018-present)
Wikipedia - New Budapest Arena -- Sports facility in Budapest, Hungary
Wikipedia - Newcastle Entertainment Centre -- A multi-purpose Australian arena
Wikipedia - New Covenant theology
Wikipedia - New Covenant -- Christians believe that the promised New Covenant was instituted at the Last Supper
Wikipedia - New Haven Arena -- Defunct American indoor ice hockey arena
Wikipedia - New Haven Coliseum -- Sports and entertainment arena in Connecticut, U.S.
Wikipedia - New Lucena -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Iloilo
Wikipedia - New York Coliseum (1928) -- Former arena in the Bronx, New York
Wikipedia - New York's 1st State Senate district -- American political district
Wikipedia - New York's 20th State Senate district -- District of the New York State Senate
Wikipedia - New York State Senate -- Upper state chamber of New York State
Wikipedia - NFTA Rail Maintenance Yard -- Maintenance facility for the Buffalo Metro Rail and former intermodal facility
Wikipedia - NGC 4138 -- Galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici
Wikipedia - Nibbinda Forest Monastery -- Theravada forest monastery in Balik Pulau, Penang, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Nichts versM-CM-$umt -- live album by Nena
Wikipedia - Nicolae Bejenaru -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Nicolas Arrossamena -- French professional ice hockey forward
Wikipedia - Nicolas Nogueras -- Member of the Senate of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Nicole Arsenault Bishop -- Canadian curler
Wikipedia - NiFe hydrogenase -- Type of hydrogenase
Wikipedia - Niger East Senatorial District -- Senatorial district in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Nigerian Senators of the 8th National Assembly -- Senators of the 8th National Assembly
Wikipedia - Nigerian Senators of the 9th National Assembly -- Senators of the 9th National Assembly of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Niger North Senatorial District -- Senatorial district in Nigetia
Wikipedia - Nikolaus Lenau -- Austrian poet
Wikipedia - Nikolay Benardos
Wikipedia - Nilsa Cruz-Perez -- Member of the New Jersey Senate
Wikipedia - NiM-CM-1os HM-CM-)roes -- Six Mexican teenage military cadets who died defending Mexico City in the Battle of Chapultepec
Wikipedia - Nina Arsenault -- Canadian actress
Wikipedia - Ninja -- Type of covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan
Wikipedia - Niphoparmena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Nippon Budokan -- Sporting arena in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Nippon Gaishi Hall -- An indoor sports arena in Japan
Wikipedia - Nippon Menard Cosmetic Co. -- Japanese company
Wikipedia - Nissan Serena -- Minivan
Wikipedia - Nitin Saxena -- Indian mathematician and computer scientist
Wikipedia - Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology -- Engineering college in Bangalore, India
Wikipedia - NjM-CM-%rdhallen -- An indoor sports arena located in Vestre Aker, Oslo, Norway
Wikipedia - Njuh Venatius -- Cameroonian weightlifter
Wikipedia - No. 1 Aircraft Depot RAAF -- Royal Australian Air Force maintenance unit
Wikipedia - Nochebuena
Wikipedia - No-deal Brexit -- Scenario in which the UK leaves the EU without an agreement
Wikipedia - Noel Cazenave -- American sociologist
Wikipedia - No fault found -- Term used in technical maintenance
Wikipedia - No Me Queda Mas -- 1994 single by Selena
Wikipedia - Noorena Shams -- Pakistani sportsperson
Wikipedia - Noradrenaline
Wikipedia - Nora Ikstena -- Latvian writer
Wikipedia - Norbert Keenan -- Australian lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Noreena Hertz -- British economist
Wikipedia - Norfolk Scope -- Multi-function arena in Norfolk, Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Norrisanima miocaena -- Extinct species of whale
Wikipedia - North American Under 21 World Qualifier -- Motorcycle speedway competition for teenagers and young adults
Wikipedia - North Central Windward -- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Parliamentary Constituency
Wikipedia - North Charleston Coliseum -- Multi-purpose arena in North Charleston, South Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Northern Renaissance
Wikipedia - Northlands Coliseum -- Indoor arena in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - North Side Gymnasium -- Arena in Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - Northtown Center -- Ice rink and arena in Amherst, New York
Wikipedia - Noshi Station -- Railway station in Ena, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Nothing Feels Good: Punk Rock, Teenagers, and Emo -- Book by Andy Greenwald
Wikipedia - Notion (philosophy) -- Reflection in the mind of real objects and phenomena in their essential features and relations
Wikipedia - Not That Kind of Girl -- Book by Lena Dunham
Wikipedia - Nottinghamshire Domesday Book tenants-in-chief -- List of Nottinghamshire land owners in the Domesday Book
Wikipedia - Noumenal
Wikipedia - Noumena
Wikipedia - Novena (computing platform)
Wikipedia - Novena MRT station -- MRT station in Singapore
Wikipedia - Novena of aguinaldos -- Christmas season novena
Wikipedia - Novena of Grace
Wikipedia - Novena, Singapore -- Planning Area the Central Region of Singapore
Wikipedia - Novenas
Wikipedia - Novena to Saint Michael -- Novena prayed to Saint Michael the Archangel.
Wikipedia - Novena University -- Nigerian university
Wikipedia - Novena -- Devotional prayer in Christianity lasting nine days or weeks
Wikipedia - Now Arena -- Arena in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - NRG Arena -- Arena in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Nuclear holocaust -- |Theoretical scenario of human extinction caused by nuclear weapons
Wikipedia - N. U. Jayawardena -- Sri Lankan economist and former Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Nuneham Courtenay
Wikipedia - Nu nM-CM-$r du gM-CM-%tt -- 2008 song by Swedish duo Lena + Orup
Wikipedia - Nur (biology) -- Family of orphan nuclear receptors which act as transcription factors in neuron development and maintenance.
Wikipedia - Nusach Ashkenaz
Wikipedia - Nutter Center -- Multi-purpose arena at Wright State University, Fairborn, OH, US
Wikipedia - Oachirakali -- Battle reenactment in Kerala
Wikipedia - Oakland Arena -- Arena in California, United States
Wikipedia - Oberfrankenhalle -- A multi-purpose indoor sporting arena that is located in Bayreuth, Germany
Wikipedia - Oberon -- the king of the fairies in medieval, Renaissance literature
Wikipedia - Ocean Center -- Arena in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Oclemena nemoralis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Octonaire -- French music during the Renaissance
Wikipedia - OD 82/SE -- Type of Hand Grenade
Wikipedia - Odaenathus -- 3rd-century King of Palmyra
Wikipedia - Odiseja ljubavi -- 2019 single by Lepa Brena
Wikipedia - Odziena Manor -- Manor house in Latvia
Wikipedia - Oenanthe crocata
Wikipedia - Oenanthe javanica -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Oenas -- genus of beetle
Wikipedia - Ohio's 12th senatorial district -- State senate district in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Ohio's 1st senatorial district -- State senate district in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Ohio's 2nd senatorial district -- State senate district in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Ohio's 3rd senatorial district -- State senate district in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Ohio's 4th senatorial district -- State senate district in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Ohio's 5th senatorial district -- State senate district in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Ohio's 6th senatorial district -- State senate district in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Ohio's 9th senatorial district -- Legislative district in Ohio, U.S.A.
Wikipedia - Ohio Senate -- Upper house of the Ohio legislature
Wikipedia - Oh Shenandoah -- American folk song
Wikipedia - Okabena, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Okho -- 1989 composition by Iannis Xenakis
Wikipedia - Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex -- US Air Force maintenance and logistics center in Oklahoma City, OK
Wikipedia - Okouzlena -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Ola Herje Hovdenak -- Norwegian ski mountaineer
Wikipedia - Old Wadena Historic District -- Historical archaeology sites in Wadena County, Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Olena Bilousivska -- Ukrainian former pair skater
Wikipedia - Olena Borysenko -- Ukrainian archer
Wikipedia - Olena Boytsun -- Ukrainian chess player
Wikipedia - Olena Cherevatova -- Ukrainian sprint canoer
Wikipedia - Olena Diachenko -- Ukrainian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Olena Dmytrash -- Ukrainian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Olena Dvornichenko -- Israeli rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Olena Fedorova -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Olena Gliebova -- Ukrainian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Olena Golub -- Ukrainian contemporary artist (born 1951)
Wikipedia - Olena Iurkovska -- Ukrainian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Olena Kalytiak Davis -- American poet
Wikipedia - Olena Karakuts -- Ukrainian acrobatic gymnast
Wikipedia - Olena Kiseolar -- Ukrainian Paralympic powerlifter
Wikipedia - Olena Kolesnichenko -- Ukrainian hurdler
Wikipedia - Olena Koppel -- Ukraining political scientist
Wikipedia - Olena Kostevych -- Ukrainian pistol shooter
Wikipedia - Olena Krasovska -- Ukrainian hurdler
Wikipedia - Olena Lavrenyuk -- Ukrainian television presenter
Wikipedia - Olena Movchan -- Ukrainian trampoline gymnast
Wikipedia - Olena Myahkikh -- Ukrainian speed skater
Wikipedia - Olena Oliinyk -- Ukrainian bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Olena Pakholchyk -- Ukrainian sailor
Wikipedia - Olena Papuga -- Serbian politician
Wikipedia - Olena Parkhomchuk -- Ukrainian political scientist
Wikipedia - Olena Pazderska -- Ukrainian female curler
Wikipedia - Olena Petrova -- Ukrainian biathlete
Wikipedia - Olena Pidhrushna -- Ukrainian biathlete
Wikipedia - Olena Sadovnycha -- Ukrainian archer
Wikipedia - Olena Shaparna -- Ukrainian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Olena Shkhumova -- Ukrainian luger
Wikipedia - Olena Shumkina -- Ukrainian racewalker
Wikipedia - Olena Sobchuk -- Ukrainian racewalker
Wikipedia - Olena Stetskiv -- Ukrainian luger
Wikipedia - Olena Vasylivna Tsvek -- Ukrainian archaeologist
Wikipedia - Olena Vitrychenko -- Ukrainian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Olena Yanovska -- Ukrainian hurdler
Wikipedia - Olena Zelenska -- Ukrainian First Lady
Wikipedia - Olena Zhupina -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Olga Benario Prestes -- German Brazilian Communist militant
Wikipedia - Olga Elena Mattei -- Colombian poet
Wikipedia - Oliver North -- US Marine Corps lieutenant colonel, claimed partial responsibility for clandestinely selling weapons to Iran and channeling profits to Contras in Nicaragua
Wikipedia - Olu Oyenakpagha (Olu Obanighenren) -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Olympiahalle -- Multi-purpose arena in Munich
Wikipedia - Olympian spirits -- spiritual beings appearing in Renaissance and post-Renaissance grimiores
Wikipedia - Olympia Snowe -- Former United States Senator from Maine
Wikipedia - Olympic Gymnastics Arena -- Indoor sports arena in Seoul, South Korea
Wikipedia - Olympic Stadium (Moscow) -- Indoor arena located in Moscow, Russia
Wikipedia - Oma Irama Penasaran -- 1976 film by A. Harris
Wikipedia - Omni Coliseum -- Arena in Georgia, United States
Wikipedia - OMOTENASHI -- Small spacecraft and semi-hard lander of the 6U CubeSat format
Wikipedia - Ondrej Lenard -- Slovak conductor
Wikipedia - O'Neill Center -- Multi-purpose arena in Connecticut, United States
Wikipedia - One Week (song) -- 1998 single by Barenaked Ladies
Wikipedia - Onnenai Station -- Railway station in Bifuka, Hokkaido, Japan
Wikipedia - On the Mindless Menace of Violence -- Speech by Robert F. Kennedy
Wikipedia - Onygenales -- Order of fungi
Wikipedia - Opel Senator -- An executive car produced by the German automaker Opel
Wikipedia - OpenACC
Wikipedia - OpenACS
Wikipedia - OpenAFS
Wikipedia - OpenAI Five -- Dota 2 bots trained with deep neural networks
Wikipedia - OpenAirPhilosophy -- Open Air Philosophy Project
Wikipedia - OpenAIR
Wikipedia - OpenAI -- Artificial intelligence research laboratory
Wikipedia - OpenAL
Wikipedia - OpenArena
Wikipedia - Open Your Eyes (1997 film) -- 1997 film by Alejandro Amenabar
Wikipedia - Operation Dropshot -- US Department of Defense codename
Wikipedia - Operation Telic -- United Kingdom operations codename
Wikipedia - Opigena polygona -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Oplenac
Wikipedia - Optimal maintenance
Wikipedia - Orange Pavilion -- Multi-purpose arena in California
Wikipedia - Oratory of the Compagnia di San Bernardino -- Ex oratory and now Museum in Siena, Italy
Wikipedia - Orciprenaline
Wikipedia - Oregon State Senate -- Upper house of Oregon's legislature
Wikipedia - Orelena Hawks Puckett
Wikipedia - Orenaia alpestralis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Orenaia andereggialis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Orenaia helveticalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Orenaia lugubralis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Orfeo Superdomo -- An indoor sports arena that is located in Cordoba, Argentina
Wikipedia - Oriental carpets in Renaissance painting -- Aspect of art history
Wikipedia - Orlando Sports Stadium -- Arena in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Orleans Arena -- A multipurpose indoor arena in Nevada
Wikipedia - OrM-CM-)ane Lechenault -- French artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Ormond R. Simpson -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Orphenadrine
Wikipedia - Orrin Hatch -- United States Senator from Utah
Wikipedia - Osa (canton) -- canton in Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Osaka Municipal Central Gymnasium -- Indoor arena Minato-ku, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium -- Indoor sporting arena in Japan
Wikipedia - Osananajimi ga Zettai ni Makenai Love Comedy -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - Osbern Bokenam -- English friar and poet
Wikipedia - Osbern fitzRichard -- 11th-century English tenant-in-chief
Wikipedia - Oscar Bartlett -- 19th century American physician, politician, and Union Army surgeon during the American Civil War. Member of the Wisconsin Senate and Assembly.
Wikipedia - Oscar Cardenas Monroy -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Oscar Cardenas -- Cuban judoka
Wikipedia - Oscar Penagos -- Colombian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Oscar Underwood -- Democratic U.S. Senator and Representative from Alabama
Wikipedia - Osiel Cardenas GuillM-CM-)n -- Mexican drug lord incarcerated in a US federal prison
Wikipedia - Oskar Engelhard von Lwis of Menar
Wikipedia - Ostenaco -- Cherokee Indian warrior
Wikipedia - Osvaldo Benavides -- Mexican actor and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Osvaldo Genazzani -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Otan Aggeli Klene -- 2015 single by Elena Paparizou
Wikipedia - Otocinclus juruenae -- Species of Actinopterygii
Wikipedia - Ottawa Senators (original) -- Ice hockey team in Ottawa, Canada, from 1883 to 1954
Wikipedia - Oudenaarde (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Oudenaarde -- Municipality in Flemish Community, Belgium
Wikipedia - Outlying Areas Senate Presidents Caucus -- Informal legislative body created in 2007
Wikipedia - Ovaloparmena affinis -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Overman Committee -- US Senate Committee on the Judiciary subcommittee (1918-1919)
Wikipedia - Oxygenate
Wikipedia - Ozaena (genus) -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Ozone depletion -- Stratospheric phenomena of Earth
Wikipedia - P-9 Project -- Codename given during World War II to the Manhattan Project's heavy water production program
Wikipedia - Pabellon Don Vasco -- Arena in Michoacan, Mexico
Wikipedia - Pabellon Principe Felipe -- An indoor sporting arena located in Spain
Wikipedia - Pachena Bay -- A small bay on Vancouver island
Wikipedia - Pachena Point Light -- Lighthouse in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Pacific Coliseum -- Indoor arena in Vancouver, Canada
Wikipedia - Pact of Cartagena -- Agreement between Spain, Britain and France
Wikipedia - Padman Surasena -- Sri Lanka supreme court judge
Wikipedia - Pagoda Forest at Shaolin Temple -- Number of stone or brick pagodas in Henan province, China
Wikipedia - Pakistan Penal Code
Wikipedia - Palacio de Deportes de Gijon -- An indoor sporting arena located in Spain
Wikipedia - Palacio de los Deportes de Oviedo -- An indoor sporting arena located in Spain
Wikipedia - Palacio de los Deportes -- Arena in Mexico City, Mexico
Wikipedia - PalaFantozzi -- Sports arena in Italy
Wikipedia - Palaghiaccio di Marino -- Former multi-purpose arena in Marino, Italy
Wikipedia - Palais des Sports de Beaublanc -- Indoor sporting arena in France
Wikipedia - Palais des Sports de Treichville -- An indoor sporting arena located in Treichville, Abidjan, Ivory Coas
Wikipedia - PalaLido -- Indoor arena, Milan, Italy
Wikipedia - PalaLottomatica -- Multi-purpose sports and entertainment arena in Rome, Italy
Wikipedia - Palau Blaugrana -- Sporting arena in Barcelona
Wikipedia - Palau dels Esports de Barcelona -- Multi-purpose indoor arena in Barcelona Province, Spain
Wikipedia - Palau Municipal d'Esports de Badalona -- Arena in Badalona, Catalonia
Wikipedia - Palazzo Magnani, Bologna -- Renaissance palace in central Bologna
Wikipedia - Palazzo Pitti -- Renaissance palace and museum in Florence, Italy
Wikipedia - Palencia (Senate constituency) -- Constituency of the Senate of Spain
Wikipedia - Palestra -- Arena and gymnasium in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Pallas Athena (song) -- 1997 David Bowie single
Wikipedia - Pallas Athena
Wikipedia - Palmar District -- district in Osa canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Palm Island Aboriginal Settlement -- Australian aboriginal reserve, penal colony
Wikipedia - Pamela Wallin -- Canadian senator and television journalist
Wikipedia - Pamenar Mosque, Kerman -- Mosque in Kerman, Iran
Wikipedia - Pamenar Mosque, Sabzevar -- Mosque in Sabzevar, Iran
Wikipedia - P&J Live -- Arena in Bucksburn, Scotland
Wikipedia - Panacea Society -- Millenarian religious group in Bedford, England
Wikipedia - Panathenaic amphora -- Special shape of attic amphoras
Wikipedia - Panathenaic Games
Wikipedia - Panathenaic Stadium
Wikipedia - Panellus stipticus -- Species of fungus in the family Mycenaceae found in Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America
Wikipedia - Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration -- A genetic neurodegenerative disease with brain iron accumulation
Wikipedia - Panzergrenadier -- German mechanized infantry
Wikipedia - Paola Renata Carboni
Wikipedia - Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli -- Italian Renaissance astronomer
Wikipedia - Paolo De Poli -- Italian enameller and painter
Wikipedia - Paolo Veronese -- Italian Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - Papa rellena -- Traditional dish in South American cuisine
Wikipedia - Paquera -- district in Puntarenas canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Para llenarme de ti -- Single by Ramon
Wikipedia - Paranormal phenomena
Wikipedia - Parapsychology -- Study of paranormal and psychic phenomena
Wikipedia - Parasite Eve (novel) -- 1995 novel by Hideaki Sena
Wikipedia - Pardon -- Forgiveness of a crime and the cancellation of the relevant penalty
Wikipedia - Parena (beetle) -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Parental alienation
Wikipedia - Parerga and Paralipomena
Wikipedia - Parishes of Grenada
Wikipedia - Parishes of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Parmenas
Wikipedia - Parmena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Parque de Bombas Maximiliano Merced -- Historic building in Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Parque de los Venados metro station -- Mexico City metro station
Wikipedia - Parque del Tricentenario (Ponce, Puerto Rico) -- Passive urban park in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Parrita (canton) -- canton in Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Parrita -- district in Parrita canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Parsadi Lal Meena -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Partenavia P.68 -- Small twin engines transport aircraft
Wikipedia - Parthenaise -- French breed of cattle
Wikipedia - Parthena Sarafidis -- Austrian figure skater
Wikipedia - Party leaders of the United States Senate -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Party of Renaissance and Virtue -- Political party in Morocco
Wikipedia - Parvesh Cheena -- American actor
Wikipedia - Pasadena, California
Wikipedia - Pasadena High School (Pasadena, California)
Wikipedia - Pasadena Independent School District
Wikipedia - Pasadena Police Department (California) -- Police force in California (USA)
Wikipedia - Pasadena Refining System -- American refinery company
Wikipedia - Pasadena
Wikipedia - Pasenadi -- ruler of Kosala
Wikipedia - Paseo Atocha -- Historic commercial street turned promenade in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Paseo del Prado, Havana -- Promenade in Havana, Cuba
Wikipedia - Pasidiena gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Passenans -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-ComtM-CM-), France
Wikipedia - Past Life (Trevor Daniel song) -- 2020 single by Trevor Daniel and Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Patagioenas -- Genus of pigeons
Wikipedia - Pat Benatar -- American singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Pathological (mathematics) -- Mathematical phenomena whose properties are counterintuitive
Wikipedia - Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute
Wikipedia - Patriarch Irenaios
Wikipedia - Patricia Akwashiki -- Nigerian senator
Wikipedia - Patricia Balbuena -- Peruvian lawyer and public servant
Wikipedia - Patricia Yurena Rodriguez -- Spanish actress and model, Miss Spain 2008, Miss Universe Spain 2013
Wikipedia - Patrick Brazeau -- Canadian senator from Quebec
Wikipedia - Patrick Leahy -- United States Senator from Vermont
Wikipedia - Patrick Stanley Vaughan Heenan -- British Indian Army officer and espionage agent
Wikipedia - Pat Roberts -- United States Senator from Kansas
Wikipedia - Pat Toomey -- United States Senator from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Patty Murray -- United States senator from Washington
Wikipedia - Paula Arenas -- Colombian pop singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Paul Bakker -- controversial professor in medieval and renaissance philosophy
Wikipedia - Paul Barnard (politician) -- Republican member of the Wyoming Senate
Wikipedia - Paul Benacerraf
Wikipedia - Paul Benavides -- Mexican pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Paul Boujenah -- French-Tunisian film director
Wikipedia - Pauley Pavilion -- Sporting arena in Los Angeles
Wikipedia - Paul Fannin -- Republican governor of and U.S. Senator from Arizona
Wikipedia - Paullus Aemilius Regillus -- Roman senator
Wikipedia - Paul SauvM-CM-) Arena -- An indoor arena located in Montreal, Quebec
Wikipedia - Paul Scoon -- 2nd Governor-General of Grenada
Wikipedia - Paul Shenar -- American actor
Wikipedia - Paul Skalich -- Renaissance humanist and encyclopedist from Croatia
Wikipedia - Paulus Catena -- Ancient Roman notary
Wikipedia - Pavello Club Joventut Badalona -- Indoor arena located in Badalona, Catalonia, Spain
Wikipedia - Pavon, Costa Rica -- district in Golfito canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Payne Arena -- Multi-purpose arena in Hildago, Texas
Wikipedia - Peace and Friendship Stadium -- Multi-purpose indoor arena in Piraeus, Greece
Wikipedia - Pearl Doles Bell -- American novelist, silent film scenarist, and editor
Wikipedia - Pechanga Arena -- Arena in San Diego, California, United States
Wikipedia - Pedro Joaquin Chamorro Cardenal -- Nicaraguan journalist
Wikipedia - Pedro Pacheco de Villena -- Spanish cardinal
Wikipedia - Peeni Henare -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - Peire Cardenal
Wikipedia - Pemena
Wikipedia - Penaea -- Genus of Penaeaceae plants
Wikipedia - Penaeidae -- Family of crustaceans
Wikipedia - Penaeus monodon -- Species of crustacean
Wikipedia - Penafirme Convent -- Ruined monastery in Portugal
Wikipedia - Penaherreraus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Penaia Ganilau -- President of Fiji
Wikipedia - PenAir -- U.S.-based regional airline
Wikipedia - Penait Calcai -- Romanian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Penal Code (Singapore) -- Criminal code of Singapore
Wikipedia - Penal colony
Wikipedia - Penal labor in the United States
Wikipedia - Penal labour
Wikipedia - Penal law (Britain)
Wikipedia - Penal law (British) -- Laws against Catholics and other nonconformists
Wikipedia - Penal Laws
Wikipedia - Penallt Halt railway station -- Disused railway station on the Wye Valley Railway
Wikipedia - Penally Abbey -- An old rectory hotel in Pembrokeshire, Wales
Wikipedia - Penal reform
Wikipedia - Penal Servitude Act -- British statute
Wikipedia - Penal Servitude (film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Penal substitution
Wikipedia - Penal system in China -- Penal system in the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Penal system of Japan
Wikipedia - Penal system
Wikipedia - Penal transportation -- Relocation of convicted criminals to a distant place
Wikipedia - Penal treadmill -- Device in Victorian British prisons
Wikipedia - Penalty (2019 film) -- 2019 Indian sports film
Wikipedia - Penalty card -- Reprimands issued during various sports matches
Wikipedia - Penalty fare
Wikipedia - Penalty (ice hockey) -- Punishment for breaking the rules in ice hockey
Wikipedia - Penalty method
Wikipedia - Pena (musical instrument) -- Traditional musical instrument of Kangleipak
Wikipedia - Penances
Wikipedia - Penance (TV series) -- 2012 Japanese TV Series
Wikipedia - Penance -- Repentance of sins
Wikipedia - Penance (X-Men)
Wikipedia - Penang Botanic Gardens -- Public park in George Town, Penang, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Penang Bridge International Marathon -- Annual race in Malaysia held since the 1980s
Wikipedia - Penang Sentral
Wikipedia - Penang -- State of Malaysia
Wikipedia - Penarth Dock -- Port and harbour in Wales 1865-1963
Wikipedia - Penates
Wikipedia - Penawar (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Penitenziagite -- Medieval slogan meaning "Do penance".
Wikipedia - Pennsylvania State Senate -- Upper house of the Pennsylvania state legislature
Wikipedia - Penny Penates -- Penny Penates postcard used in a public postal system
Wikipedia - Pensacola Bay Center -- Arena in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Pen-y-wenallt -- Hamlet located in Ceredigion County, Wales
Wikipedia - Penzance Promenade (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - People's Revolutionary Government (Grenada) -- Government of Grenada 1979-1983
Wikipedia - Peralena Iranama -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Perceptions of religious imagery in natural phenomena
Wikipedia - Peristeri Olympic Boxing Hall -- Sports arena in Peristeri, west Athens, Greece
Wikipedia - Perla Barcenas -- Mexican Paralympic powerlifter
Wikipedia - Pernando Barrena -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Perphenazine
Wikipedia - Perseus (spy) -- Codename of a possible Soviet spy
Wikipedia - Perseus -- Ancient Greek hero and founder of Mycenae
Wikipedia - Pershing Center -- Arena in Lincoln, Nebraska USA
Wikipedia - Persona 4 Arena -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Petalism -- Penalty of exile from the ancient Greek city of Syracuse
Wikipedia - Petasites pyrenaicus -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Pete Goicoechea -- Nevada State Senator
Wikipedia - Peter Anim Newman -- Ghanaian evenagelical pastor
Wikipedia - Peter Courtenay
Wikipedia - Peter David (politician) -- Grenadian politician
Wikipedia - Peter Greenaway -- British film director
Wikipedia - Peter II of Courtenay
Wikipedia - Peter I of Courtenay
Wikipedia - Peter Kienast -- Austrian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Peter Molenaar
Wikipedia - Peter of Siena (died 1321)
Wikipedia - Peter Venables (MP) -- 17th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Peter Venables -- Psychologist
Wikipedia - Pete T. Cenarrusa
Wikipedia - Petit lac Ha! Ha! -- Lake in Saguenay, in Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Pezzata MM-CM-2chena -- Italian breed of goat
Wikipedia - Phaenagrotis hecateia -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Phaenagrotis -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Phaenarete -- Mother of Socrates
Wikipedia - Phaenaulax -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Pharmacis pyrenaicus -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena -- 20-volume series of books on physics
Wikipedia - Pheidole uncagena -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Phenacodus -- Genus of mammals (fossil)
Wikipedia - Phenacolepadidae -- Family of molluscs
Wikipedia - Phenacovolva lahainaensis -- Species of mollusc
Wikipedia - Phenacyl chloride
Wikipedia - Phenaglycodol
Wikipedia - Phenakistiscope -- First widespread animation device that created a fluid illusion of motion
Wikipedia - Phenallymal
Wikipedia - Phenanthrene -- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon composed of three fused benzene rings
Wikipedia - Phenazepam -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Phenazocine
Wikipedia - Phenazone -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Phenomenal concept strategy
Wikipedia - Phenomenal consciousness
Wikipedia - Phenomenal conservatism
Wikipedia - Phenomenal field theory -- Theory in psychology
Wikipedia - Phenomenalism -- Philosophical concept
Wikipedia - Phenomenalistic idealism
Wikipedia - Phenomenalist
Wikipedia - Phenomenal
Wikipedia - Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems Celebrating Women -- Book by Maya Angelou
Wikipedia - Phenomena (philosophy)
Wikipedia - Phenomena
Wikipedia - Pheretima (Cyrenaean queen) -- Spouse of 6th century BC Greek Cyrenaean King Battus III
Wikipedia - Philadelphia Arena -- Arena in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Philadelphia Convention Hall and Civic Center -- Indoor arena in Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Philadelphia Flyers-Ottawa Senators brawl -- Hockey game
Wikipedia - Philena McKeen -- 19th century American educator
Wikipedia - Phil Gramm -- Former United States Senator from Texas
Wikipedia - Philip Childs Keenan -- American astronomer
Wikipedia - Philip Courtenay (died 1406) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Philippe Capdenat -- French composer and academic teacher
Wikipedia - Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard
Wikipedia - Philippe Jaenada -- French writer
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Accounts -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Agriculture, Food and Agrarian Reform -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Banks, Financial Institutions and Currencies -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Basic Education, Arts and Culture -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Civil Service, Government Reorganization and Professional Regulation -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Constitutional Amendments and Revision of Codes -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Cooperatives -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Cultural Communities -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Economic Affairs -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Electoral Reforms and People's Participation -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Energy -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Ethics and Privileges -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Finance -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Foreign Relations -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Games and Amusement -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Government Corporations and Public Enterprises -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Health and Demography -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Higher, Technical and Vocational Education -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Justice and Human Rights -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Labor, Employment and Human Resources Development -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Local Government -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on National Defense and Security, Peace, Unification and Reconciliation -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Public Information and Mass Media -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Public Order and Dangerous Drugs -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Public Services -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Public Works -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Rules -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Science and Technology -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Social Justice, Welfare and Rural Development -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Sports -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Sustainable Development Goals, Innovation and Futures Thinking -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Tourism -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Trade, Commerce and Entrepreneurship -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Urban Planning, Housing and Resettlement -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Ways and Means -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Women, Children, Family Relations and Gender Equality -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Youth -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philipp Lenard -- Hungarian-German physicist and Nobel laureate
Wikipedia - Philip Wroughton (insurance executive) -- Lord Lieutenant of Berkshire
Wikipedia - Philleo Nash -- 20th century American politician, U.S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 33rd Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin.
Wikipedia - Philomena, Countess of Paris -- Aristocrat of Hispanic-Austrian descent
Wikipedia - Philomena (film) -- 2013 film
Wikipedia - Philomena (given name)
Wikipedia - Philomena Lynott -- Irish author and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Philomena
Wikipedia - Phloeoxena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Phoenix Suns Arena -- Arena in Phoenix, Arizona
Wikipedia - Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase -- Metabolic enzyme
Wikipedia - Photorejuvenation -- Skin treatment
Wikipedia - Phu ThM-aM-;M-^M Indoor Stadium -- Multi-purpose indoor arena in Ho Chin Minh City, Vietname
Wikipedia - Phuwaryne Keenan -- Thai actor, singer, and model
Wikipedia - Phyla (genus) -- Genus of plants in the verbena family
Wikipedia - Phyllis Greenacre
Wikipedia - Physical chemistry -- Study of macroscopic, atomic, subatomic, and particulate phenomena in chemical systems in terms of laws and concepts of physics
Wikipedia - Phytomyza stolonigena -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pico Almenara -- Mountain in Spain
Wikipedia - Pico Rivera Sports Arena -- Arena in California, United States
Wikipedia - Piedras Blancas District -- district in Osa canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Pierre Dalphond -- Canadian senator from Quebec
Wikipedia - Pierre de Manchicourt -- French renaissance composer
Wikipedia - Pierre Encrenaz -- French astronomer
Wikipedia - Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote
Wikipedia - Pierre Menard -- Fur trader and US political figure (1766-1844)
Wikipedia - Pierre River (BrM-CM-)beuf Lake) -- River in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean (Quebec, Canada)
Wikipedia - Pieter Bruegel the Elder -- Flemish Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - Pieter Pourbus -- Dutch-born Flemish Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - Pika River -- River in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Pi Kogi Enavot
Wikipedia - Pilas District -- district in Buenos Aires canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Pilgrim Tercentenary half dollar -- US commemorative coin
Wikipedia - Pilostenaspis -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Pil (placename) -- placename element in Brythonic languages
Wikipedia - Pinacoteca Nazionale (Siena)
Wikipedia - Pink and blue ribbon -- Pink and blue ribbon for prenatal and infant loss
Wikipedia - Pinnacle Bank Arena -- Arena in Lincoln, Nebraska
Wikipedia - Pinnacle Hills Promenade -- Retail lifestyle center, Rogers, Arkansas, U.S.
Wikipedia - Pirani Ameena Begum
Wikipedia - Pirenaica -- Spanish breed of cattle
Wikipedia - Pitahaya District -- district in Puntarenas canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Pitch Dark -- Novel by Renata Adler, published in 1983
Wikipedia - Pit stop -- Mid race maintenance stops in autosport
Wikipedia - Pittier District -- district in Coto Brus canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Piyasena Gamage -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Piyasiri Wijenayake -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Piz Jenatsch -- Mountain in Switzerland
Wikipedia - P. K. Dave (lieutenant governor) -- 15th lieutenant governor of Delhi
Wikipedia - Placenames Database of Ireland -- Also known as,
Wikipedia - Planchonella crenata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Planet Ice Skating and Hockey Arena -- Recreational facility in Lafayette, Louisiana
Wikipedia - Plant evolution -- subset of evolutionary phenomena that concern plants
Wikipedia - Plateau Central Senatorial District -- |Senatorial District in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Plateau North Senatorial District -- |Senatorial District in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Platonism in the Renaissance
Wikipedia - Platycerozaena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Platyptilia enargota -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Plautius Lateranus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and politician
Wikipedia - PlayNow Arena
Wikipedia - Play Safe -- 1927 film by Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - Plectroctena mandibularis -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Plectroctena -- Genus of ants
Wikipedia - Plena Ilustrita Vortaro de Esperanto -- Esperanto dictionary
Wikipedia - Plena Libre -- Puerto Rican folk music group
Wikipedia - Plenary indulgence
Wikipedia - Plenary power -- Power to act without limitations
Wikipedia - Plenary session
Wikipedia - Plena -- Genre of music and dance native to Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - PM-EM-^MniuaM-JM-;ena -- Quasar at redshift 7.52
Wikipedia - PNC Arena -- Arena in Raleigh, North Carolina
Wikipedia - PNE Agrodome -- Sports arena in British Columbia
Wikipedia - PN Saxena -- Indian pharmacologist
Wikipedia - Podmoskovie Ice Palace -- ice hockey arena in Voskresensk, Moscow Oblast
Wikipedia - Podostena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Poil de carotte -- Book by Jules Renard
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon Unite -- upcoming multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Polideportivo Carlos Martinez Balmori -- Arena in Mineral de la Reforma, Mexico
Wikipedia - Polideportivo El Plantio -- An indoor sporting arena located in Spain
Wikipedia - Polideportivo UAS -- Arena in Sinaloa
Wikipedia - Polidesportivo do Pedrocao -- indoor sporting arena
Wikipedia - Poliedro de Caracas -- Indoor sporting arena located in Venezuela
Wikipedia - Polish Renaissance
Wikipedia - Political positions of Lisa Murkowski -- Full coverage of the policies of a US senator
Wikipedia - Political positions of Susan Collins -- Full coverage of the policies of a US senator
Wikipedia - Poliziano -- Renaissance scholar and poet
Wikipedia - PO Lorena -- Organization
Wikipedia - Poltergeist (2015 film) -- 2015 film by Gil Kenan
Wikipedia - Polydiketoenamine -- Class of polymers
Wikipedia - Polygonum arenastrum -- Species of flowering plant in the knotweed family Polygonaceae
Wikipedia - Polyxena of Hesse-Rotenburg -- Sardinian queen consort
Wikipedia - Polyxena sarcophagus -- 6th century BC sarcophagus from Hellespontine Phrygia
Wikipedia - Pomeroon-Supenaam -- Region of Guyana
Wikipedia - Pompeius Paullinus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and governor of Germania Inferior
Wikipedia - Pompiliodes aliena -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pomponianus -- 1st century AD Roman senator
Wikipedia - Pontchartrain Center -- Arena in Louisiana, United States
Wikipedia - Pontiliena gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Poor Valbuena -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Popillii Laenates -- Branch of the gens Popillia
Wikipedia - Popular (TV series) -- American teenage comedy-drama television series
Wikipedia - Porta Tufi, Siena
Wikipedia - Portrait of Elena Anguissola (Southampton) -- Painting by Sofonisba Aguissola
Wikipedia - Portraits of Odaenathus -- Artwork identified by modern scholars as representing king Odaenathus of Palmyra
Wikipedia - Portuguese Renaissance
Wikipedia - Post-Apocalypto Tour -- 2018-2019 concert tour by Tenacious D
Wikipedia - Postplatyptilia camptosphena -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Postumulena gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Potenza Picena -- Comune in Marche, Italy
Wikipedia - Potrero Grande District -- district in Buenos Aires canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - PPG Paints Arena -- Multi-purpose indoor arena in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Prafulla Kumar Jena
Wikipedia - Prasanna Jayawardena -- Sri Lankan judge
Wikipedia - Prasenajit
Wikipedia - Prasterone enanthate -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Praveena Bhagyaraj -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Praveena Solomon -- Indian businesswoman
Wikipedia - Predictive maintenance -- Determining the condition of in-service equipment in order to estimate when maintenance should be performed
Wikipedia - Premio Regina Elena -- Flat horse race in Italy
Wikipedia - Prenatal and perinatal psychology -- Psychology of the effects from pre-birth, during birth, and post-birth and events
Wikipedia - Prenatal care in the United States -- Overview of the prenatal care system in the United States of America
Wikipedia - Prenatal care -- Regular check-ups that allow doctors or midwives to treat and prevent potential health problems throughout the course of the pregnancy
Wikipedia - Prenatal dental care -- Care of the oral cavity during fetal development
Wikipedia - Prenatal development -- Process in which an embryo and later fetus develops during gestation
Wikipedia - Prenatal diagnosis
Wikipedia - Prenatal memory
Wikipedia - Prenatal sex discernment -- Prenatal testing for discerning the sex of a fetus before birth
Wikipedia - Prenatal testing -- Testing for diseases or conditions in a fetus
Wikipedia - Prenatal vitamins -- Vitamin and mineral supplements
Wikipedia - Prenatal
Wikipedia - Prescott Bush -- U.S. Senator
Wikipedia - Preserved counties of Wales -- Ceremonial divisions of Wales for lieutenancy and shrievalty purposes
Wikipedia - President of the Illinois Senate -- Illinois Senate head
Wikipedia - President of the Senate of Nigeria -- Nigerian president of the senate body
Wikipedia - President of the Senate of Puerto Rico -- Highest-ranking officer and the presiding officer of the Senate of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - President of the Senate of Spain -- Presiding officer of the Spanish Senate
Wikipedia - President of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - President of the Senate of Trinidad and Tobago -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - President pro tempore of the Senate of Puerto Rico -- Vice President of the Senate of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - President pro tempore of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - President pro tempore of the United States Senate -- Second-highest-ranking official of the US Senate
Wikipedia - Preureteric vena cava -- Congenital disorder of urinary system
Wikipedia - Prienai
Wikipedia - Priestly Code -- Body of laws expressed in the Torah which do not form part of the Holiness Code, the Covenant Code, the Ritual Decalogue, or the Ethical Decalogue
Wikipedia - Prince of Wales Rink -- Canadian ice arena (1898 - 1941)
Wikipedia - Princeps senatus
Wikipedia - Princess Anne de Bauffremont-Courtenay -- French noble
Wikipedia - Princess Helena of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Princess Helena of Waldeck and Pyrmont
Wikipedia - Princess Helena Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein -- British princess
Wikipedia - Prishantha Gunawardena
Wikipedia - Prison farm -- Large correctional facility where penal labor convicts are forced to work on a farm
Wikipedia - Prix Chaudenay -- Flat horse race in France
Wikipedia - Priya Suriyasena -- Sri Lankan singer
Wikipedia - Prizrenac (fortress)
Wikipedia - Progressive Senate Group -- Parliamentary group in the Senate of Canada
Wikipedia - Project Athena
Wikipedia - Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics
Wikipedia - Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics
Wikipedia - Prolegomena
Wikipedia - Promenade architecturale -- Architectural concept
Wikipedia - Promenade Beach
Wikipedia - Promenade des Anglais -- Beach boulevard in Nice, France
Wikipedia - Promenade MRT station -- MRT station in Singapore
Wikipedia - Promenade Park -- Park in Maldon, England
Wikipedia - Promenade Temecula -- Regional shopping mall in Temecula, California, United States
Wikipedia - Promenade Towers -- High-rise apartment complex in Los Angeles, California, United States
Wikipedia - Proozaena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Property maintenance -- Upkeep of a home, apartment, rental property or building
Wikipedia - Proposed 2013 Australian constitutional referendum -- Proposed Australian referendum to change the constitution to enable direct funding of local councils, 2013
Wikipedia - Propyphenazone -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Prospera Place -- Multi-use indoor arena in Kelowna, British Columbia
Wikipedia - Protea nubigena -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Protective laws -- Laws enacted to protect women from hazards or difficulties of paid work
Wikipedia - Protereotita -- 2004 album by Elena Paparizou
Wikipedia - Provenance (novel) -- Novel by Ann Leckie
Wikipedia - Provenance -- Chronology of the ownership, custody or location of a historical object
Wikipedia - Providence Athenaeum -- Public library in Rhode Island, US
Wikipedia - Provident Credit Union Event Center -- Arena in California, United States
Wikipedia - Province of ForlM-CM-,-Cesena -- Province of Italy
Wikipedia - Province of Modena -- Province of Italy
Wikipedia - Province of Siena -- Province of Italy
Wikipedia - Proximity effect (superconductivity) -- Phenomena that occur when a superconductor is in contact with a non-superconductor
Wikipedia - Prudence Mabhena -- Zimbabwean singer
Wikipedia - Prudential Center -- Multi-purpose arena in Newark, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - PS Alpena -- American steamship
Wikipedia - Pseudo-Kufic -- Imitations of Arabic in European Middle Ages and Renaissance art
Wikipedia - Pseudomenarus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Pseudoparmena borchmanni -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Pseudostenaspis -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Pseudoxytenanthera ritcheyi -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Pseudozaena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Psionics -- Portmanteau of psychic phenomena and electronics
Wikipedia - Ptolemais, Cyrenaica
Wikipedia - Puakena Boreham -- Tuvaluan politician
Wikipedia - Public holidays in Grenada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Public holidays in Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Public holidays in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Public Safety Realignment initiative -- California state penal system reform program
Wikipedia - Publius Antistius -- Roman orator and senator
Wikipedia - Publius Clodius Thrasea Paetus -- 1st century AD Roman senator
Wikipedia - Publius Cornelius Dolabella (consul 10) -- Roman general and senator active during the reigns of Emperors Augustus and Tiberius
Wikipedia - Publius Cornelius Dolabella (consul 55) -- Roman senator active during the reign of Nero
Wikipedia - Publius Cornelius Lentulus Scipio (consul 2) -- Roman senator active during the reign of the emperor Augustus
Wikipedia - Publius Cornelius Lentulus Scipio -- 1st century AD Roman senator, consul and provincial governor (c.15 BC - 52 AD)
Wikipedia - Publius Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and suffect consul
Wikipedia - Publius Cornelius Scipio (consul 56) -- 1st century Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica Corculum -- Roman consul in 155 BC, pontifex maximus and princeps senatus
Wikipedia - Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus
Wikipedia - Publius Galerius Trachalus -- First century AD Roman senator, consul and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Publius Marius -- 1st century AD Roman senator and ordinary consul
Wikipedia - Publius Memmius Regulus -- First century Roman senator, consul, and prefect of Macedonia and Achaea
Wikipedia - Publius Nonius Asprenas Caesius Cassianus -- First century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Publius Pasidienus Firmus -- 1st century AD senator and consul
Wikipedia - Publius Petronius -- 1st century AD Roman senator, consul and governor
Wikipedia - Publius Quinctilius Varus the Younger -- 1st century Roman senator
Wikipedia - Publius Servilius Priscus Structus (consul 495 BC) -- Roman statesman and senator who was consul in 495 BC
Wikipedia - Publius Silius -- Roman senator active during the reign of the emperor Augustus
Wikipedia - Publius Suillius Rufus -- 1st century AD Roman senator, consul and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Publius Sulpicius Scribonius Proculus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and governor
Wikipedia - Puerto CortM-CM-)s District -- district in Osa canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Puerto JimM-CM-)nez -- district in Golfito canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico senatorial districts -- Electoral districts for electing senators of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Pula Arena
Wikipedia - Pulmonary artery -- Artery in the pulmonary circulation that carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs
Wikipedia - Pulmonary vein -- The veins that transfer oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart
Wikipedia - Pultenaea daphnoides -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Pundit Arena -- Irish sports website
Wikipedia - Punta Arenas, Vieques, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Punta de Melenara Lighthouse -- Lighthouse on Gran Canaria, Spain
Wikipedia - Puntarenas (canton) -- canton in Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Puntarenas District -- district in Puntarenas canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Puntarenas Estuary and Associated Mangrove Swamps Wetland -- Protected area in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Puntarenas Province -- Province of Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Pura Penataran Agung Lempuyang -- Balinese Hindu temple in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Pura Penataran Sasih -- Balinese Hindu temple in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Purple grenadier -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Pyractomena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Pyrenaearia cotiellae -- Species of mollusc
Wikipedia - Pyrenae -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Pyropteron leucomelaena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Pyruvate dehydrogenase -- Class of enzymes
Wikipedia - Qena Governorate -- Governorate of Egypt
Wikipedia - Qena
Wikipedia - Quake III Arena
Wikipedia - Quake III: Team Arena
Wikipedia - Quantum cryptography -- Cryptography based on quantum mechanical phenomena
Wikipedia - Quasiparticle -- Emergent phenomena
Wikipedia - Quatre -- Island in Grenadines Parish, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Quattrocento -- Italian Renaissance
Wikipedia - Quebrada Arenas, Las Piedras, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Quebrada Arenas, Maunabo, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Quebrada Arenas, San Juan, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Quebrada Arenas, San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Quebrada Arenas, Toa Alta, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Quebrada Arenas, Vega Baja, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Queena Stovall
Wikipedia - Queen Elizabeth Stadium -- Arena in Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Queen of the Arena -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Queensbay Mall -- Shopping mall in Penang, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Quepos (canton) -- canton in Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Quepos -- district in Quepos canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Quercus M-CM-^W crenata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Quinate dehydrogenase (quinone) -- Enzyme
Wikipedia - Quincy Detenamo -- Nauruan weightlifter
Wikipedia - Quintom scenario
Wikipedia - Quintus Anicius Faustus -- Late 2nd / early 3rd century Roman military officer and senator
Wikipedia - Quintus Caecilius Metellus Creticus Silanus -- 1st century Roman senator, consul and governor of Syria
Wikipedia - Quintus Cornelius Pudens -- 1st century Roman senator and early Christian
Wikipedia - Quintus Cornelius Quadratus -- Roman senator and suffect consul in 147
Wikipedia - Quintus Futius Lusius Saturninus -- Roman senator and suffect consul of AD 41
Wikipedia - Quintus Julius Cordinus Gaius Rutilius Gallicus -- 1st century Roman senator, consul and governor
Wikipedia - Quintus Lutatius Catulus Capitolinus -- Senator of the Roman Republic
Wikipedia - Quintus Marcius Barea Soranus (consul 34) -- 1st century AD Roman senator
Wikipedia - Quintus Plautius -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Quintus Sanquinius Maximus -- 1st century AD Roman senator, consul, urban prefect and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Quintus Sulpicius Camerinus Peticus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Quintus Sulpicius Camerinus -- Roman senator and poet who served as consul in AD 9
Wikipedia - Quintus Volusius Saturninus (consul 92) -- Roman Senator during the second half of the 1st century and the first half of the 2nd century AD
Wikipedia - Quintus Volusius Saturninus -- 1st century Roman Senator and consul
Wikipedia - QuM-CM-) pena tu vida (2016 film) -- 2016 Mexican film
Wikipedia - QuM-CM-) Pena -- 2019 song by Colombian singers Maluma and J Balvin
Wikipedia - Rabacca Dry River -- river in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Rabbeinu Tam -- Renowned Ashkenazi Jewish rabbi, leading French Tosafist, leading halakhic authority
Wikipedia - Rackett -- Renaissance predecessor of the bassoon
Wikipedia - Radhames Aracena -- Radio host, music producer, businessman
Wikipedia - Radio Antena M -- Radio station in Montenegro
Wikipedia - Radio Renascenca -- Portuguese radio station
Wikipedia - RadoM-EM-! Bajic -- Serbian actor and scenarist
Wikipedia - Rafael A. Mangual Coliseum -- Sports arena in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Rafael Buenaventura -- Philippine central bank governor
Wikipedia - Rafael Cardenas Vela -- Mexican drug lord
Wikipedia - Rafael Pico Santiago -- Geographer, educator, politician, senator of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Rafael Yerena Zambrano -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Raguf Orujov -- Lieutenant-colonel of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces (1972-2016)
Wikipedia - Raid on Cartagena (1683) -- 17th century pirate raid in Colombia
Wikipedia - Raid on Cartagena (1697) -- French attack during the War of the Grand Alliance
Wikipedia - Rainy in Glenageary -- Irish documentary
Wikipedia - Raising Cane's River Center Arena -- Arena in Louisiana, United States
Wikipedia - Rajma Chawal -- 2018 film directed by Leena Yadav
Wikipedia - Raj Shukla -- Lieutenant General in the Indian Army
Wikipedia - Ralf Wienand -- German canoeist
Wikipedia - Ralph Gonsalves -- Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (2001-present)
Wikipedia - Ralph H. Cameron -- Republican U.S. Senator from Arizona
Wikipedia - Ralph K. Rottet -- American Lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary College
Wikipedia - Ramesh Chand Meena -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Ramil Safarov -- Azerbaijani officer who was convicted of the murder of an Armenian lieutenant
Wikipedia - Raminta Elena KupreviM-DM-^MienM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian paper restorer
Wikipedia - Ramlila -- Folk re-enactment of the life of Hindu deity Rama
Wikipedia - Ramsgate EMU Depot -- Traction Maintenance Depot located in Ramsgate, Kent, UK
Wikipedia - Rancho Cueros de Venado -- 19th-century land grant in Baja California, Mexico
Wikipedia - Rancho Llano de Buena Vista -- Former Mexican land grant in the Salinas Valley, California
Wikipedia - Randall Dale Adams -- American wrongfully convicted of murder and anti-death penalty activist
Wikipedia - Randall Kenan -- American writer
Wikipedia - Rand Paul -- American politician, ophthalmologist, and United States Senator from Kentucky
Wikipedia - Randy Krummenacher -- Swiss motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Range concatenation grammars
Wikipedia - Range concatenation language
Wikipedia - Ranil Jayawardena -- British Conservative politician
Wikipedia - Ranvir Sena -- Upper-caste landlord militia group in India
Wikipedia - Raoul Lachenal -- French potter
Wikipedia - Rape and murder of Nirmala Panta -- 2018 rape and murder of a teenager in Kanchanpur District, Nepal
Wikipedia - Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) -- fictional superhero
Wikipedia - Rapides Parish Coliseum -- Arena in Louisiana, United States
Wikipedia - Rare (Selena Gomez album) -- 2020 studio album by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Rare (Selena Gomez song) -- 2020 single by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Rathenau Institute -- Institute for technology assessment in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Raul Alberto Trejo Benavides -- Mexican drug lord
Wikipedia - Raul Gandara Cartagena -- Puerto Rican fire chief
Wikipedia - Raul Lena -- Olympic sailor from Argentina
Wikipedia - Raveena Ravi -- Indian voice actress
Wikipedia - Raveena Tandon -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Ravendra Pal Singh -- Lieutenant General in the Indian Army
Wikipedia - Ravisena
Wikipedia - Ravyn Lenae -- American singer
Wikipedia - Ray Grenald -- American architect
Wikipedia - Raymond McLenaghan -- Canadian theoretical physicist and mathematician
Wikipedia - Raymond Neenan -- British judoka
Wikipedia - Raymond of Penafort
Wikipedia - Raymond Renard -- Belgian linguist
Wikipedia - Raymond Squires -- Canadian senator
Wikipedia - Raymundo Cardenas -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - RC Aubenas Vals -- French rugby union club
Wikipedia - Real Girl (song) -- 2007 single by Mutya Buena
Wikipedia - Rebecca Mpagi -- Ugandan military aircraft maintenance engineer
Wikipedia - Rebirth of Soul -- Syleena Johnson album
Wikipedia - Rebonds (Xenakis) -- 1980s composition by Iannis Xenakis
Wikipedia - Recess appointment -- An appointment by the President of a federal official when the U.S. Senate is in recess
Wikipedia - Redbird Arena -- Arena in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Red Hood/Arsenal -- 2015 comic book series
Wikipedia - Redstone Arsenal -- United States Army post
Wikipedia - Redwood Library and Athenaeum -- Subscription library in Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Wikipedia - Reena (actress) -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Reena Aggarwal -- Indian actress and model
Wikipedia - Reena Basheer -- Indian film actress and dancer
Wikipedia - Reena Devi Alias Reena Yadav -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Reena Esmail -- American pianist and composer
Wikipedia - Reena Kaushal Dharmshaktu -- Indian explorer
Wikipedia - Reena Koll -- Estonian pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Reena Kumari -- Indian archer
Wikipedia - Reena Parveen -- Bangladeshi politician
Wikipedia - Reena PM-CM-$rnat -- Estonian archer
Wikipedia - Reena Ranger -- British Conservative politician
Wikipedia - Reena Roy -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Reform and Renaissance Party -- Political party in Egypt
Wikipedia - Regents Center -- Arena at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa
Wikipedia - Regina Benavente -- Argentine composer
Wikipedia - Regina Exhibition Stadium -- An indoor arena at Evraz Place in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Wikipedia - Regina Fleszarowa -- Polish geologist, librarian and Senator
Wikipedia - Reginald Benade -- Namibian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Reginald Palmer -- 3rd Governor-General of Grenada
Wikipedia - Regio I Porta Capena -- Historical region of Rome
Wikipedia - Regi Siriwardena -- Sri Lankan writer, novelist and politician
Wikipedia - Register renaming
Wikipedia - Regression (film) -- 2015 film by Alejandro Amenabar
Wikipedia - Rehimena surusalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Rehimena -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Reichenau Island
Wikipedia - Reichenau Primer
Wikipedia - Reid Genauer -- American musician
Wikipedia - Reid Venable Moran -- U.S. botanist (1916-2010)
Wikipedia - Reinaldo Arenas -- Cuban poet/novelist/playwright
Wikipedia - Reinmar von Hagenau
Wikipedia - Reinwardtoena -- Genus of birds
Wikipedia - Reitz Arena -- Sports arena at Loyola University, Baltimore, Maryland
Wikipedia - Rejuvenation (aging)
Wikipedia - Rejuvenation -- Medical discipline focused on the practical reversal of the aging process
Wikipedia - Rena A. S. Robinson -- Chemist
Wikipedia - Renaat Landuyt -- Belgian politician
Wikipedia - Rena Bitter -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - Rena Bizios -- American bioengineer
Wikipedia - Rena boettgeri -- Species of reptile
Wikipedia - Rena Dardis -- Publisher and founder of Anvil Press
Wikipedia - Renado Song -- Taiwanese weightlifter
Wikipedia - Rena D'Souza -- Clinician-scientist
Wikipedia - Rena Effendi -- Azerbaijani freelance photographer
Wikipedia - Renae Maihi -- New Zealand film director
Wikipedia - Renae Ryan -- Australian neuroscientist
Wikipedia - Rena Galibova -- Tajikistani actor
Wikipedia - Rena Gasimova -- Azerbaijani computer scientist
Wikipedia - Rena Hasegawa -- Japanese voice actress and a former singer
Wikipedia - Renai Caruso -- Australian actress
Wikipedia - Rena Inoue -- Japanese-born American pair skater
Wikipedia - Renaissance (2006 film) -- 2006 film by Christian Volckman
Wikipedia - Renaissance architecture in Central and Eastern Europe
Wikipedia - Renaissance architecture in Portugal
Wikipedia - Renaissance architecture -- Style of architecture
Wikipedia - Renaissance art -- Visual arts produced during the European Renaissance
Wikipedia - Renaissance Ballroom & Casino -- A bygone Harlem music venue
Wikipedia - Renaissance Broadcasting -- American television broadcasting company
Wikipedia - Renaissance Center station -- Detroit People Mover station
Wikipedia - Renaissance Center -- Group of interconnected skyscrapers in Detroit, Michigan, U.S.
Wikipedia - Renaissance Cruises -- A former cruise ship company
Wikipedia - Renaissance dance
Wikipedia - Renaissance era
Wikipedia - Renaissance exploration
Wikipedia - Renaissance (FabergM-CM-) egg) -- 1894 Imperial FabergM-CM-) egg
Wikipedia - Renaissance fair -- Outdoor weekend gathering which emulates a historical period
Wikipedia - Renaissance humanism in Northern Europe
Wikipedia - Renaissance Humanism
Wikipedia - Renaissance humanism -- Revival in the study of classical antiquity
Wikipedia - Renaissance humanists
Wikipedia - Renaissance humanist
Wikipedia - Renaissance in Poland
Wikipedia - Renaissance in Scotland
Wikipedia - Renaissance in the Low Countries
Wikipedia - Renaissance Italy
Wikipedia - Renaissance Latin
Wikipedia - Renaissance (Lionel Richie album) -- Lionel Richie album
Wikipedia - Renaissance literature
Wikipedia - Renaissance Magazine -- American magazine about renaissance related topics
Wikipedia - Renaissance magic
Wikipedia - Renaissance Man (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Renaissance Man (film)
Wikipedia - Renaissance man
Wikipedia - Renaissance (Marcus Miller album) -- 2012 album by Marcus Miller
Wikipedia - Renaissance medicine
Wikipedia - Renaissance (Monegasque political party) -- Political party in Monaco
Wikipedia - Renaissance music -- Western musical period between the 15th and 17th centuries
Wikipedia - Renaissance Nashville Hotel -- Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee, US
Wikipedia - Renaissance Neo-Platonism
Wikipedia - Renaissance Neoplatonism
Wikipedia - Renaissance of the 12th century -- Era in European history
Wikipedia - Renaissance Papacy
Wikipedia - Renaissance Party (Egypt) -- Political party in Egypt
Wikipedia - Renaissance philosophy
Wikipedia - Renaissance Pictures -- Film production company
Wikipedia - Renaissance reenactment
Wikipedia - Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University -- Medical school in Stony Brook, Long Island, NY
Wikipedia - Renaissance science
Wikipedia - Renaissance (song) -- 1994 single by M People
Wikipedia - Renaissance Stakes -- Flat horse race in Ireland
Wikipedia - Renaissance studies
Wikipedia - Renaissance Technologies -- American hedge fund firm
Wikipedia - Renaissance technology
Wikipedia - Renaissance Theatre Company -- A London theatre company founded in 1987
Wikipedia - Renaissance Tower (Dallas) -- Skyscraper in Dallas, Texas, U.S.
Wikipedia - Renaissance University -- |Private university in Enugu State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Renaissance -- European cultural period, 14th to 17th century
Wikipedia - Renaissance Youth Center -- Nonprofit in New York City, New York, US
Wikipedia - Rena Joshita -- Japanese hurdler
Wikipedia - Rena Kanokogi -- Martial artist
Wikipedia - Rena Koh -- Fashion designer
Wikipedia - Renalase
Wikipedia - Renald Castillon -- French motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Renaldo and Clara -- 1978 film by Bob Dylan
Wikipedia - Renaldo Benson -- American musician
Wikipedia - Renaldo Gouws -- South African politician
Wikipedia - Renaldo Lapuz -- Filipino musician
Wikipedia - Renaldo Rijkhoff -- Dutch mixed martial artist
Wikipedia - Renal Physicians Association -- American nephrology association
Wikipedia - Renal physiology -- Study of the physiology of the kidney
Wikipedia - Renal replacement therapy -- Blood treatment used in kidney failure
Wikipedia - Renal
Wikipedia - Rename (relational algebra)
Wikipedia - Renaming of Turkmen months and days of week, 2002
Wikipedia - Rena Molho -- Greek historian
Wikipedia - Renamo-UE -- Political coalition in Mozambique
Wikipedia - RENAMO -- Mozambican political party
Wikipedia - Renana Jhabvala
Wikipedia - Renan Almendarez Coello -- Honduran journalist
Wikipedia - Renan Barao -- Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Renan Demirkan -- Turkish-German writer and actress
Wikipedia - Renan Faccini -- Brazilian bodyboarder
Wikipedia - Rena Niehaus -- German actress
Wikipedia - Renan Larue
Wikipedia - Renan Torres -- Brazilian judoka
Wikipedia - Rena Priest
Wikipedia - Renapur -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Renard diamond mine -- Diamond mine in Canada
Wikipedia - Renardia -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Renard (motorcycle) -- Estonian motorcycle brand
Wikipedia - Renard series
Wikipedia - Rena Riffel -- American actress
Wikipedia - Renart Suleymanov -- Soviet sport shooter
Wikipedia - Renasant Bank -- Regional bank based in Tupelo, Mississippi
Wikipedia - Renascence (journal)
Wikipedia - Rena Small -- American conceptual artist
Wikipedia - Rena Sofer -- American actor
Wikipedia - Rena Stratigou -- Greek actress
Wikipedia - Renata Abreu -- Brazilian politician
Wikipedia - Renata Adler -- American author, journalist, and film critic
Wikipedia - Renata Alt -- German politician
Wikipedia - Renata Babak -- Ukrainian/American opera singer (1934-2003)
Wikipedia - Renata Basto -- Researcher
Wikipedia - Renata Baudouin de Courtenay -- Polish speed skater
Wikipedia - Renata Berkova -- Czech triathlete
Wikipedia - Renata Bernal -- American artist
Wikipedia - Renata Bianchi -- Italian gymnast
Wikipedia - Renata Borgatti -- Italian musician
Wikipedia - Renata Chilewska -- Polish Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Renata Chlumska -- Swedish mountain climber (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Renata Forste -- American sociologist
Wikipedia - Renata Gomes -- Portuguese cardiovascular specialist
Wikipedia - Renata Hernandez -- Mexican canoeist
Wikipedia - Renata Holod -- Historian of art and architecture and archaeologist of the Islamic world
Wikipedia - Renata Kallosh -- Theoretical physicist
Wikipedia - Renata Khuzina -- Russian skeleton racer
Wikipedia - Renata Kubik -- Serbian canoeist
Wikipedia - Renata Kuerten -- Brazilian model and actress
Wikipedia - Renata Kunkel -- Polish composer
Wikipedia - Renata Kusmanto -- Indonesian actress and model
Wikipedia - Renata Mauer -- Polish sport shooter
Wikipedia - Renata Sliwinska -- Polish Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Renata Muller -- Spanish gymnast
Wikipedia - Renata Notni -- Mexican actress and model
Wikipedia - Renata Przemyk -- Polish singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Renata Reisfeld -- Israeli chemist
Wikipedia - Renata Rochnowska -- Polish politician
Wikipedia - Renata Salecl -- Slovene philosopher
Wikipedia - Renata Scotto
Wikipedia - Renata Srbova -- Czech sailor
Wikipedia - Renata Tebaldi -- Italian opera singer
Wikipedia - Renata Tobai-Sike -- Hungarian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Renata Ulmanski -- Serbian actress
Wikipedia - Renata ViganM-CM-2 -- Italian writer
Wikipedia - Renata von Scheliha -- German classical philologist
Wikipedia - Renata Wielgosz -- Canadian ambassador
Wikipedia - Renate Aichinger -- Austrian playwright and theatre director
Wikipedia - Renate Bartsch -- German philosopher of language
Wikipedia - Renate Blank -- German politician
Wikipedia - Renate Blume -- German actress
Wikipedia - Renate Boy -- German shot putter
Wikipedia - Renate Breuer -- German canoeist
Wikipedia - Renate BrockpM-CM-$hler -- German folklorist
Wikipedia - Renate Brummer -- Swiss-born German meteorological scientist and astronaut
Wikipedia - Renate Chasman
Wikipedia - Renate Diemers -- German politician
Wikipedia - Renate Dodell -- German politician
Wikipedia - Renate Drucker -- German historian and archivist
Wikipedia - Renate Eggebrecht -- German violinist and record producer
Wikipedia - Renate Ewert -- German actress
Wikipedia - Renate Gietl -- Italian luger
Wikipedia - Renate Howe -- Australian historian
Wikipedia - Renate in the Quartet -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - Renate KaschM-CM-) -- German actress
Wikipedia - Renate Kasslatter -- Italian luger
Wikipedia - Renate Keller -- Swiss snowboarder
Wikipedia - Renate Kretschmar-Fischer -- German classical pianist
Wikipedia - Renate KroM-CM-^_ner -- German actress
Wikipedia - Renate Kuin -- Dutch Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Renate Kunast -- German politician
Wikipedia - Renate Loll
Wikipedia - Renate Mannhardt -- German actress
Wikipedia - Renate Muller -- German actress
Wikipedia - Renate Pickardt -- German Endocrinologist
Wikipedia - Renate Piotraschke -- German diver
Wikipedia - Renate Radek -- Protistologist and professor at the Freie UniversitM-CM-$t Berlin
Wikipedia - Renate Rubinstein -- Dutch journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Renate Schneider -- German artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Renate Solversen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Renate Soulen -- American physician (b. 1933)
Wikipedia - Renate Tobies -- German mathematician and historian of mathematics
Wikipedia - Renate Verbaan -- Dutch television presenter
Wikipedia - Renate Voglsang -- Austrian dressage rider
Wikipedia - Renate von Natzmer -- German noble
Wikipedia - Renate Zimmermann -- German organist
Wikipedia - Renatha Francis -- American judge, Justice-Designate of the Florida Supreme Court
Wikipedia - Renat Mirzaliyev -- Ukrainian judoka
Wikipedia - Renato Abibico -- 20th and 21st-century Filipino Episcopal bishop
Wikipedia - Renato Accorinti -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Renato Alessandrini -- Italian explorer
Wikipedia - Renato Altissimo -- Italian former politician
Wikipedia - Renato Baldini -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Renato Balduzzi -- Italian academic and politician
Wikipedia - Renato Balestra -- Italian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Renato Beghe -- American judge
Wikipedia - Renato Benedetti -- Canadian born and educated architect
Wikipedia - Renato Berta -- Swiss cinematographer and film director
Wikipedia - Renato Borghetti -- Brazilian folk musician and composer
Wikipedia - Renato Brunetta -- Italian economist and politician
Wikipedia - Renato Bruson -- Italian operatic baritone
Wikipedia - Renato Caccioppoli -- 20th century Italian mathematician
Wikipedia - Renato Campagnoli -- Italian professional golfer
Wikipedia - Renato Canova -- Italian athletics coach
Wikipedia - Renato Casaro -- Italian illustrator
Wikipedia - Renato Castellani -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Renato Cecchetto -- Italian actor and voice actor
Wikipedia - Renato Cestie -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Renato Chiantoni -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Renato Chisso -- Italian politician from Veneto
Wikipedia - Renato Cialente -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Renato Corsetti -- Italian Esperantist
Wikipedia - Renato Corti -- Italian cardinal
Wikipedia - Renato Cosentino -- Italian sailor
Wikipedia - Renato Cuellar -- American politician
Wikipedia - Renato D'Agostin -- Italian photographer
Wikipedia - Renato De Carmine -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Renato de Grandis -- Italian composer
Wikipedia - Renato de Jesus -- Brazilian politician
Wikipedia - Renato del Prado -- Filipino film actor
Wikipedia - Renato De Maria -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Renato de Monti -- Italian canoeist
Wikipedia - Renato De Riva -- Italian speed skater
Wikipedia - Renato Dionisi -- Italian pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Renato Dulbecco -- Italian-born American virologist
Wikipedia - Renato Feder -- Brazilian businessman
Wikipedia - Renato Fondi -- Italian poet
Wikipedia - Renato Fucini -- Italian writer and poet
Wikipedia - Renato Galeazzi -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Renato Giovanelli -- Italian architect
Wikipedia - Renato Malavasi -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Renato Mannheimer
Wikipedia - Renato Marazzi -- Swiss sailor
Wikipedia - Renato Mizoguchi -- Brazilian luger
Wikipedia - Renato Mocellini -- Italian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Renato Moicano -- Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Renato Molinari -- Italian powerboat racer
Wikipedia - Renato Montalbano -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Renato Natali -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Renato Navarrini -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Renato Ongari -- Italian canoeist
Wikipedia - Renato Paratore -- Italian professional golfer
Wikipedia - Renato Portella -- Brazilian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Renato Rascel -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Renato Repuyan -- Filipino judoka
Wikipedia - Renato Sacchi -- Italian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Renato Sandoval Franco -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Renato Santos (judoka) -- Portuguese judoka
Wikipedia - Renato Scarpa -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Renato Schifani -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Renato Scrollavezza -- Italian luthier
Wikipedia - Renato Sellani -- Italian musician
Wikipedia - Renato Sobral -- Brazilian kickboxer and mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Renato Talamini -- Italian epidemiologist
Wikipedia - Renato Teixeira -- Brazilian singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Renato Turi -- Italian actor and voice actor
Wikipedia - Renato Verissimo -- Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Renato Zangheri -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Renato Zenobi -- Swiss chemist
Wikipedia - Renato Ziggiotti
Wikipedia - Renat Saidov -- Russian judoka
Wikipedia - Renatus Andrieux -- French Jesuit
Wikipedia - Renatus Bellott -- Politician and business person
Wikipedia - Renaud Barbaras -- French contemporary philosopher
Wikipedia - Renaud-Bray -- Canadian bookstore chain
Wikipedia - Renaud de Montauban
Wikipedia - Renaud Hardy -- Belgian serial killer
Wikipedia - Renaud Hoffman -- German-American film producer and director
Wikipedia - Renaud Laplanche -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Renaud Lavillenie -- French pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Renault 19 -- Automobile model
Wikipedia - Renault 24CV -- car models
Wikipedia - Renault 4CV -- Rear-engined, rear-wheel-drive, 4-door economy supermini car model
Wikipedia - Renault 80 hp -- V-8 piston aircraft engine
Wikipedia - Renault Alpine A442 -- Former French racing car prototype
Wikipedia - Renault CH-Type engine -- Former French racing engine
Wikipedia - Renault City K-ZE -- Battery electric city car
Wikipedia - Renault Clio -- supermini car produced by Renault
Wikipedia - Renault Express -- Panel van built by Renault
Wikipedia - Renault Frendzy -- Concept leisure activity vehicle designed by Renault
Wikipedia - Renault in Formula One -- Formula One activities of Renault
Wikipedia - Renault Kangoo -- A range of multi purpose vehicles
Wikipedia - Renault Kiger -- Subcompact crossover SUV
Wikipedia - Renault Kwid -- Entry-level crossover produced by the French car manufacturer Renault
Wikipedia - Renault Master -- Series of vans
Wikipedia - Renault Midlum -- Range of trucks
Wikipedia - Renault MM-CM-)gane RS -- High performance version of the Renault MM-CM-)gane
Wikipedia - Renault MM-CM-)gane -- Car model manufactured by Renault
Wikipedia - Renault PR180.2 -- Bus
Wikipedia - Renault R24 -- Formula One racing car
Wikipedia - Renault R.S.20 -- Renault F1 Team's 2020 Formula One racing car
Wikipedia - Renault Samsung Motors -- South Korean car manufacturer
Wikipedia - Renault ScM-CM-)nic -- Compact multi-purpose vehicle (MPV manufactured by Renault)
Wikipedia - Renault Sport R.S. 01 -- Sports racing car
Wikipedia - Renault Talisman -- Large family car manufactured by Renault
Wikipedia - Renault Trafic -- light commercial van
Wikipedia - Renault Trezor -- Two-seater electric concept car built by Renault
Wikipedia - Renault Twingo -- Four passenger city car manufactured by Renault
Wikipedia - Renault Twizy -- Two-seat electric car
Wikipedia - Renault Type MT -- Car manufactured by Renault
Wikipedia - Renault VH -- Renault Diesel railcar
Wikipedia - Renault -- French automobile manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Renau (river) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Renavi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Renfrewshire (historic) -- Historic county and lieutenancy area of western Scotland
Wikipedia - Renny Arozarena -- Cuban actor
Wikipedia - Republic of Siena
Wikipedia - Resch Center -- Arena located in Ashwaubenon, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Revenant Records -- Record label set up by John Fahey
Wikipedia - Revenant
Wikipedia - Revival (Selena Gomez album) -- 2015 studio album by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Revolutionary Girl Utena -- 1997 television anime
Wikipedia - Rezazadeh Stadium -- Sports arena in Ardabil, Iran
Wikipedia - RGD-5 -- Soviet anti-personnel fragmentation grenade
Wikipedia - Rhena (Neerdar) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Rhenanorallus -- Extinct genus of birds
Wikipedia - Rhode Island Tercentenary half dollar -- 1936 commemorative U.S. coin
Wikipedia - Rhys McClenaghan -- Irish artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Ribena -- Blackcurrant-based drink
Wikipedia - Ricardo Martinez Menanteau -- Chilean military officer
Wikipedia - Ricardo Sanchez -- United States Army Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Richard Avenarius
Wikipedia - Richard Blumenthal -- United States Senator from Connecticut
Wikipedia - Richard Burr -- Sales executive, Senator from North Carolina
Wikipedia - Richard C. Adams -- Lenape poet and legal representative (b. 1864, d. 1921)
Wikipedia - Richard Clement Moody -- founder and first Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia
Wikipedia - Richard Courtenay (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Richard Courtenay
Wikipedia - Richard Lindsay -- Senator of the West Virginia Legislature
Wikipedia - Richard Loqueville -- Medieval and Renaissance French composer
Wikipedia - Richard Marriott (Lord Lieutenant) -- retired British banker, stockbroker, company director, and public administrator
Wikipedia - Richard Odabashian Bridge -- Highway bridge in Wenatchee, Washington, US
Wikipedia - Richard Russell Jr. -- 66th Governor of Georgia (1931-1933), U.S. Senator from Georgia (1933-1971)
Wikipedia - Richard Shelby -- Republican U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Richard T. Tryon -- U.S. Marine lieutenant general.
Wikipedia - Rick Billinger -- Republican member of the Kansas Senate
Wikipedia - Rick Scott -- United States Senator from Florida
Wikipedia - Rick Sheehy -- 38th Lieutenant Governor of Nebraska
Wikipedia - Rinaldo d'Este, Duke of Modena
Wikipedia - Rio Rancho Events Center -- Arena in New Mexico, United States
Wikipedia - Risenga Ishall -- Norwegian ice hockey arena
Wikipedia - Ritz-Epps Fitness Center -- Multi-purpose arena in Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Wikipedia - River Owenabue -- River in County Cork, Ireland, flowing to Cork Harbour
Wikipedia - Riverside Stadium (Washington, D.C.) -- A multi-purpose sports arena (demolished)
Wikipedia - Rivers South East -- Senatorial district in Nigeria
Wikipedia - River valley civilization -- Agricultural nation or civilization situated beside and drawing sustenance from a river
Wikipedia - Riviere a la PM-CM-*che (Chigoubiche River tributary) -- River in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Riviere de la Licorne -- River in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Riviere des Aulnaies (Saguenay River) -- Watercourse in Canada
Wikipedia - Riviere des Chenaux -- River in Charlevoix and La Cote-de-BeauprM-CM-), Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Riviere du Grand Portage -- River in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - R. Kent Greenawalt -- American legal scholar
Wikipedia - R. K. Mathur -- 1st Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh
Wikipedia - RM-EM-+jiena Municipality -- Municipality of Latvia
Wikipedia - RM-EM-/M-EM->ena M-EM- lemrova -- Czech actress
Wikipedia - RM-EM-/M-EM->ena Naskova -- Czech actress
Wikipedia - RMS St Helena (1989) -- British cargo liner in service 1990-2018
Wikipedia - Robert Black (Canadian politician) -- Canadian Senator from Ontario
Wikipedia - Robert B. Luckey -- American Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Robert C. MacKenzie -- American professional soldier and mercenary
Wikipedia - Robert Gunawardena -- Sri Lankan politician and diplomat
Wikipedia - Robert H. Pepper -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Robert Mayer (politician) -- Missouri State Senator
Wikipedia - Roberto Benamati -- Italian yacht racer
Wikipedia - Roberto Gerlein Echeverria -- Senator of Colombia
Wikipedia - Roberto Roena -- Puerto Rican musician
Wikipedia - Robert P. Keller -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Robert Rayford -- American teenager who died in 1969, thought to be the first death from AIDS in North America
Wikipedia - Robert Venables -- English Civil War soldier and noted angler/author (1613-1687)
Wikipedia - Robert Wirch -- American Democratic politician, member of the Wisconsin Senate from Kenosha
Wikipedia - Robert Wodrow -- Scottish minister and Covenanter historian
Wikipedia - Robin Aristorenas -- Filipino actor
Wikipedia - Robotic sensors -- Sensors providing analogs to human senses and for phenomena which humans cannot sense
Wikipedia - Rob Portman -- United States Senator from Ohio
Wikipedia - Rob Stafsholt -- American Republican politician, Wisconsin state senator, former member, Wisconsin Assembly.
Wikipedia - Rocca Barbena -- Mountain in Italy
Wikipedia - Roccaporena
Wikipedia - Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse -- Arena in downtown Cleveland Ohio
Wikipedia - Rocket-propelled grenade -- Shoulder-launched anti-tank weapon
Wikipedia - Rocky Mountain Arsenal -- Former U.S. Army chemical weapons manufacturing site
Wikipedia - Rod Laver Arena -- Tennis stadium in Melbourne, Australia
Wikipedia - Rodolfo Arena -- Brazilian actor
Wikipedia - Rodrigo de la Cadena -- Mexican singer, performer, songwriter, radio host and musician
Wikipedia - Roger Fuckebythenavele -- 14th-century Englishman who was cited in court records of 1310-11
Wikipedia - Roger Marshall (politician) -- U.S. Senator-elect from Kansas
Wikipedia - Roger Renaux -- French sports shooter
Wikipedia - Rogers Arena -- Sports arena in Vancouver, Canada
Wikipedia - Rogers Place -- Multi-use indoor arena in Edmonton, Alberta
Wikipedia - Rogiera amoena -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Rohitha Abeygunawardena -- Sri Lankan politician, economist and businessman
Wikipedia - Roland E. Chase -- Member of the Senate of Virginia
Wikipedia - Roland Magnenat -- Swiss weightlifter
Wikipedia - Roman Catholic Diocese of Ensenada
Wikipedia - Roman Catholic Diocese of Helena
Wikipedia - Roman Catholic Diocese of Lucena
Wikipedia - Roman Catholicism in Grenada
Wikipedia - Roman Catholicism in Saint Helena
Wikipedia - Roman Catholicism in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Romanian Athenaeum -- Concert hall in Bucharest, Romania
Wikipedia - Romanian lexis -- Provenance of the words of the Romanian language.
Wikipedia - Romano Fenati -- Italian motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Romanov Tercentenary (FabergM-CM-) egg) -- 1913 Imperial FabergM-CM-) egg
Wikipedia - Romanov Tercentenary
Wikipedia - Roman Renaissance
Wikipedia - Roman senate
Wikipedia - Roman Senate -- Political institution in ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Roman senator
Wikipedia - Romina Belluscio -- Argentine TV presenter for Antena 3
Wikipedia - Romorantin-Lanthenay
Wikipedia - Rona Kenan -- Israeli singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Ronan Keenan -- American sportswriter
Wikipedia - Ron Buckmire -- Grenadian-born mathematician (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Roncenay -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Ron Johnson (Wisconsin politician) -- United States Senator from Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Ron Muzzall -- State Senator and Farmer from Washington (state)
Wikipedia - Ronnie Lee Gardner -- American criminal who received the death penalty for murder in 1985
Wikipedia - Roque Benavides -- Peruvian businessman
Wikipedia - Rosa Elena Egipciaco -- Puerto Rican artist
Wikipedia - Rosa Elena Galvan Valles -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Rosa Grena Kliass -- Brazilian architect
Wikipedia - Rosalba de la Cruz Requena -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Rosalind Ambrose -- St. Vincent and the Grenadines radiologist
Wikipedia - Rosa M-CM-^W damascena -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Rosa Morena (film) -- 2010 film directed by Carlos Augusto de Oliveira
Wikipedia - Rosa Morena -- Spanish singer
Wikipedia - Rose Bowl (stadium) -- Outdoor athletic stadium, in Pasadena, California, United States
Wikipedia - Rose (EP) -- 2001 EP by Menomena
Wikipedia - Rosena Allin-Khan -- British Labour politician and doctor
Wikipedia - Rosenaue -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Rosenau, Haut-Rhin -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Rose Parade floats -- Flower-covered parade floats used in the annual New Year's Day Parade held in Pasadena, California, US
Wikipedia - Rose Parade -- Annual parade in Pasadena, California
Wikipedia - Rosita Arenas -- Mexican actress
Wikipedia - Roskilde Hallerne -- Indoor arena in Roskilde, Denmark
Wikipedia - Rossello di Jacopo Franchi -- Florentine Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - Rotatin -- Protein involved in cellular cilia maintenance and neuronal migration
Wikipedia - Rotterdam Ahoy -- Event arena
Wikipedia - Rouvenac -- Part of Val-du-Faby in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Rowena Allen -- Australian LGBTIQ advocate
Wikipedia - Rowena Bali -- Mexican writer
Wikipedia - Rowena Cooper -- Southern Rhodesian actress
Wikipedia - Rowena Cory Daniells -- Australian children's and Science Fiction writer
Wikipedia - Rowena Green Matthews -- Professor, biochemist
Wikipedia - Rowena (horse) -- British Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Rowena Mary Bruce -- English chess player
Wikipedia - Rowena Roberts -- British artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Rowena Sweatman -- British judoka
Wikipedia - Royal Arsenal
Wikipedia - Royal Farms Arena -- Arena located in Baltimore, Maryland
Wikipedia - Royal Gold Cup -- Gold cup decorated with enamel and pearls made for the French royal family at the end of the 14th century
Wikipedia - Roy Blunt -- United States Senator from Missouri
Wikipedia - Roy Rogers (drink) -- Non-alcoholic mixed drink of cola and grenadine syrup
Wikipedia - Roy Wilkins Auditorium -- Multi-purpose arena in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - RP Funding Center -- Arena in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - RPG-7 -- Portable rocket propelled grenade launcher
Wikipedia - RS Canum Venaticorum -- Binary star in the constellation Canes Venatici
Wikipedia - RubM-CM-)n Medinaceli -- Bolivian senator
Wikipedia - Rubrena gens -- Family in ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Rudi-Sedlmayer-Halle -- Indoor arena located in Sendling-Westpark, Munich, Germany
Wikipedia - Rudrasena II (Western Satrap) -- Third-century king in the Indian sub-continent
Wikipedia - Rudraveena (film) -- 1988 film directed by K. Balachander
Wikipedia - Rudraveena (teleserial) -- 2002 Tamil television series
Wikipedia - Rudy Pevenage -- Belgian cyclist and coach
Wikipedia - Rufrius Crispinus -- 1st century AD Roman equestrian, commander of the Praetorian Guard and senator
Wikipedia - Ruins of Eldena Abbey in the Riesengebirge -- Painting by Caspar David Friedrich
Wikipedia - Runestone Community Center -- A multi purpose ice arena and recreational facility in Alexandria, Minnesota
Wikipedia - Rupp Arena -- Indoor arena in Lexington, Kentucky
Wikipedia - Rusena Gelanteh -- Indonesian archer
Wikipedia - Rusk County Expo Center -- Arena in Henderson, Texas, U.S.
Wikipedia - Russell Senate Office Building -- American government building
Wikipedia - Russ Feingold -- Wisconsin politician; three-term U.S. Senator
Wikipedia - Russian battleship Dvenadsat Apostolov -- 1893 Russian battleship
Wikipedia - Ruth Hassell-Thompson -- New York State Senator
Wikipedia - Ruth Meena -- Tanzanian feminist activist and educator
Wikipedia - Ruyi Lake -- Lake in Zhengzhou, Henan, China
Wikipedia - Ruzena Bajcsy -- American computer scientist
Wikipedia - RWJBarnabas Health Arena -- Arena in Toms River, New Jersey
Wikipedia - Ryde Arena -- former ice rink in Ryde, Isle of Wight
Wikipedia - RyM-EM-^Mgoku Kokugikan -- Arena in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Rywka Lipszyc -- Polish concentration teenage camp survivor
Wikipedia - Saarlandhalle -- Indoor sports arena in Saarbrucken, Germany
Wikipedia - Sabaash Meena -- 1958 film by B. R. Panthulu
Wikipedia - Sabalito -- district in Coto Brus canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Sabeena Syed -- Pakistani actress
Wikipedia - Sabena Flight 548 -- Fatal crash of Boeing 707 in Belgium, 15th Feb 1961
Wikipedia - Sabena Flight 571 -- 1972 aircraft hijacking in Lod, Israel
Wikipedia - Sabi Marwah -- Canadian Senator and former Canadian bank executive
Wikipedia - Sabrina Benaim -- Canadian poet
Wikipedia - Sabrina Sena -- Italian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996 TV series) -- American sitcom
Wikipedia - Sacrament of Penance (Catholic Church)
Wikipedia - Sacrament of penance
Wikipedia - Sacrament of Penance -- One of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Sacred mysteries -- Inexplicable or secret religious phenomena
Wikipedia - Sadena Parks -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Saenamteo
Wikipedia - Safeena Husain -- Indian social worker
Wikipedia - Saga Sunrise Park General Gymnasium -- Sports arena in Saga, Japan
Wikipedia - Saguenay Fire -- Saguenay Fire was a forest fire in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean area, Quebec, Canada, in 1870
Wikipedia - Saguenay flood -- 1996 flash flood that hit Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region of Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Saguenay Graben -- A rift valley in the geological Grenville Province of southern Quebec, Canada.
Wikipedia - Sailors' Wives -- 1923 film by Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - Saint Catherine of Siena Receiving the Stigmata -- Painting by Domenico Beccafumi
Wikipedia - Saint Catherine of Siena
Wikipedia - Saint Christina of Bolsena
Wikipedia - Saint Fulgentius of Cartagena
Wikipedia - Saint Helena Airport -- Airport in the British Overseas Territory of Saint Helena
Wikipedia - Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Wikipedia - Saint Helena crake -- Extinct species of bird
Wikipedia - Saint Helena cuckoo -- Extinct species of bird
Wikipedia - Saint Helena dove -- Extinct species of bird
Wikipedia - Saint Helena Island (South Carolina) -- Island in South Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Saint Helena of Serbia
Wikipedia - Saint Helena plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Saint Helena pound -- Currency of the Atlantic islands of Saint Helena and Ascension
Wikipedia - Saint Helena
Wikipedia - Saint-Jean Bay (Saguenay River) -- Cove in L'Anse-Saint-Jean, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Saint-Martin-de-Bossenay -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Saint Menas church attack
Wikipedia - Saint Menas
Wikipedia - Saint Philomena
Wikipedia - Saint Renatus
Wikipedia - Saint Senan
Wikipedia - Saint Senara -- Legendary Cornish saint
Wikipedia - Saint Trofimena
Wikipedia - Saint-Venant's compatibility condition
Wikipedia - Saint-Venant's principle
Wikipedia - Saint-Venant's theorem
Wikipedia - Saint-Venant
Wikipedia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines at the 2003 Pan American Games -- Pan American Game
Wikipedia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Island state in the Windward Islands in the Caribbean
Wikipedia - Saitama Super Arena -- A multi-purpose indoor arena in Saitama, Japan
Wikipedia - Saizenay -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-ComtM-CM-), France
Wikipedia - Sakena Yacoobi -- Afghan activist
Wikipedia - Sala Lancisiana of Saint James in Augusta -- Renaissance building in Rome, Italy
Wikipedia - Sala Polivalenta (Bistrita) -- Arena in Bistrita, Romania
Wikipedia - Sala Polivalenta (Constanta) -- Arena in Constanta, Romania
Wikipedia - Sala Polivalenta (Oradea) -- Arena in Oradea, Romania
Wikipedia - Sala Polivalenta (Pitesti) -- Arena in Pitesti, Romania
Wikipedia - Sala Polivalenta (Turda) -- Arena in Turda, Romania
Wikipedia - Sala Sporturilor (Constanta) -- Arena in Constanta, Romania
Wikipedia - Salem Saberhagen -- Fictional character from Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Wikipedia - Salix anticecrenata -- Salix anticecrenata common name
Wikipedia - Salix crenata -- Salix crenata common name
Wikipedia - Salle Gaston MM-CM-)decin -- Sports arena in Monaco
Wikipedia - Salle Marcel Cerdan -- An indoor sporting arena located in Brest, France
Wikipedia - Salome Sellers -- American centenarian
Wikipedia - Salomon Trismosin -- Legendary Renaissance alchemist and teacher of Paracelsus
Wikipedia - Salon Teotihuacan -- Arena in Guerrero
Wikipedia - Salvador Balbuena -- Spanish golfer
Wikipedia - Salvatoria pilkena -- Species of annelid
Wikipedia - Salvidiena gens -- Family in ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Same Old Love -- 2015 single by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Sam Fifield -- 19th century American businessman and politician, 14th Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin, 26th Speaker of the Wisconsin State Assembly
Wikipedia - Sam Houston Coliseum -- Arena in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Sampford Courtenay railway station -- Railway station in Devon, England
Wikipedia - Samrath Lal Meena -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Samsung DeX -- Feature that enables users to extend their phone to a desktop-like experience
Wikipedia - Samuel Beall -- American land surveyor, politician, and Union Army Lieutenant Colonel
Wikipedia - Samuel Colmenares -- Venezuelan Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Samuel Enander -- Swedish priest
Wikipedia - Samuel Hoare, 1st Viscount Templewood -- British Conservative politician and Lieutenant Colonel of the British Army
Wikipedia - Samuel L. Southard -- American Senator, Secretary of the Navy, and governor of New Jersey (1787-1842)
Wikipedia - Samuel Menashe
Wikipedia - Samuel Whitbread (Lord Lieutenant) -- British businessman
Wikipedia - San Buenaventura, Chihuahua
Wikipedia - San Buenaventura, Coahuila
Wikipedia - San Buenaventura de Guadalquini -- Spanish mission in Georgia, US, moved to Florida
Wikipedia - San Buenaventura de Potano -- Archaeological site in Florida, US
Wikipedia - San Buenaventura, State of Mexico
Wikipedia - Sanctuary of Saint Philomena
Wikipedia - Sandman Centre -- Multi-use indoor arena in Kamloops, British Columbia
Wikipedia - Sandra Arenas -- Colombian race walker
Wikipedia - Sandra Destenave -- Mexican actress, model and hostess
Wikipedia - Sandra Escacena -- Spanish actress
Wikipedia - Sandra-Helena Tavares -- Portuguese pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Sandro Botticelli -- 15th and 16th-century Italian Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - Sandy Mokwena -- South African actor
Wikipedia - San Fernando de Henares
Wikipedia - Sanford Pentagon -- Multi-purpose arena in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Wikipedia - San Francisco Renaissance
Wikipedia - Sanguis Venenatus -- Elegy for strings by Andrew March in memory of haemophiliacs who lost their lives due to tainted blood
Wikipedia - San Isidro District, Atenas -- district in Atenas canton, Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - San Isidro District, Montes de Oro -- district in Montes de Oro canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - San Jeronimo District, Esparza -- district in Esparza canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - San JosM-CM-) District, Atenas -- district in Atenas canton, Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - San Juan Grande -- district in Esparza canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Sanna-Leena Perunka -- Finnish biathlete
Wikipedia - San Rafael District, Esparza -- district in Esparza canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Santa Elena Bay Management Marine Area -- Protected area in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Santa Elena District, La Cruz -- district in La Cruz canton, Guanacaste province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Santa Eulalia District, Atenas -- district in Atenas canton, Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Santa Maria della Scala (Siena)
Wikipedia - Santa Maria Maddalena, Lodi -- Church building in Lodi, Italy
Wikipedia - Santa Maria Maddalena
Wikipedia - Santa Maria Magdalena de Pazzis Cemetery -- Colonial-era cemetery located in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Sant Antoni de Benaixeve -- Village in Spain
Wikipedia - Sant'Elena
Wikipedia - Santena
Wikipedia - San Vito (Costa Rica) -- district in Coto Brus canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - San Vito de Java Airport -- Airport in San Vito, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Sara Al Senaani -- United Arab Emirati Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Sarah Knauss -- American supercentenarian
Wikipedia - Sarah T. - Portrait of a Teenage Alcoholic -- 1975 film by Richard Donner
Wikipedia - Sarah Troughton -- Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire
Wikipedia - Sarana Gunawardena -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Saraswati veena -- Plucked string instrument
Wikipedia - Sarcophagi of Helena and Constantina
Wikipedia - Sasebo Naval Arsenal -- Shipyard of the Imperial Japanese Navy
Wikipedia - SaskTel Centre -- Multi-use indoor arena in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Wikipedia - Satellite (Lena Meyer-Landrut song) -- 2010 song by Lena Meyer-Landrut
Wikipedia - Satire VI -- Satire against women by Roman author Juvenal.
Wikipedia - Satisfaction (Benny Benassi song) -- 2002 single by Benny Benassi
Wikipedia - Satyricon -- Latin work of fiction possibly written by 1st century Roman senator Gaius Petronius
Wikipedia - Sauer (Altenau) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Savegre -- district in Quepos canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Save Mart Center -- Arena in California, United States
Wikipedia - Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre -- Multi-use indoor arena in Victoria, British Columbia
Wikipedia - Saving the phenomena
Wikipedia - Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
Wikipedia - S. Balachander -- Indian veena player and filmmaker (1927-1990)
Wikipedia - S. B. Woo -- Lieutenant Governor of Delaware
Wikipedia - Scenario building
Wikipedia - Scenario optimization
Wikipedia - Scenario planning
Wikipedia - Scenario test
Wikipedia - Scenario
Wikipedia - Scenes from the Heart -- 2018 autobiographic book by Malena Ernman and Svante Thunberg
Wikipedia - Schiffermuelleria imogena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Schlock Mercenary -- Comedic science fiction webcomic
Wikipedia - Schoepfia arenaria -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Schwarzenau Brethren
Wikipedia - Schwienau (river) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Scientific phenomena named after people
Wikipedia - Scioto Mile Promenade -- Park in Columbus, Ohio
Wikipedia - Scopula mesophaena -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula plantagenaria -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula serena -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula subserena -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula xanthomelaena -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scorpaena brasiliensis -- Species of fish
Wikipedia - Scotiabank Arena -- Indoor arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Scotiabank Saddledome -- Multi-use indoor arena in Calgary
Wikipedia - Scottish Renaissance
Wikipedia - Scott L. Fitzgerald -- American politician, Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader
Wikipedia - Scottsboro Boys -- Nine African American teenagers falsely accused of rape in 1931
Wikipedia - Scribblenauts Showdown -- 2018 party game
Wikipedia - Scribblenauts -- Puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Scripturae sacrae affectus -- Apostolic letter from Pope Francis published on 30 September 2020 to celebrate the 16th centenary of the death of Jerome
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpomima serena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Seacoast defense in the United States -- Coastal forts construction and maintenance in the U.S.
Wikipedia - SeaDataNet -- An international project of oceanography to enable the scientific community to access historical datasets owned by national data centers
Wikipedia - Seahorse ROUV -- A Chinese scientific and maintenance remotely operated underwater vehicle
Wikipedia - Seal of the United States Senate -- Emblem used to authenticate official U.S. Senate documents
Wikipedia - Sean Barrett (economist) -- Irish economist and former senator
Wikipedia - Sean Keenan (actor) -- Australian actor
Wikipedia - Seattle Ice Arena -- Demolished sports venue in Seattle, Washington
Wikipedia - Sebastian Amigorena -- Argentinian-French immunologist
Wikipedia - Second lieutenant -- A junior commissioned officer military rank in many armed forces
Wikipedia - Secret Menace -- 1931 directed by Richard C. Kahn
Wikipedia - Section 420 of the Indian Penal Code -- Indian law
Wikipedia - Security and Maintenance -- Microsoft Windows software
Wikipedia - Seena Owen -- American actress
Wikipedia - Selena + Chef -- 2020 unscripted web series starring Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Selena (Dutch singer) -- Dutch singer
Wikipedia - Selena Forrest -- American fashion model
Wikipedia - Selena Fox
Wikipedia - Selena Gomez & the Scene discography -- Discography
Wikipedia - Selena Gomez & the Scene: Live in Concert -- Concert tour
Wikipedia - Selena Gomez discography -- Selena Gomez discography
Wikipedia - Selena Gomez -- American singer, actress, and producer
Wikipedia - Selena Njegovan -- Canadian curler
Wikipedia - Selena O'Hanlon -- Canadian equestrian
Wikipedia - Selena Rocky Malone -- Australian LGBTI activist
Wikipedia - Selenaspidus articulatus -- Species of scale insect
Wikipedia - Selena: The Series -- American biographical drama streaming television series
Wikipedia - Selena -- Mexican-American singer, songwriter, actress, and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Semenawi Bahri National Park -- National park in Eritrea
Wikipedia - Semenawi Keyih Bahri
Wikipedia - Semicircular potential well -- Elementary example of quantum phenomena and the applications of quantum mechanics
Wikipedia - Senach
Wikipedia - Senachwine Lake -- Lake in Illinois, U.S.
Wikipedia - Senad HadM-EM->ifejzovic -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Senad Merdanovic -- Bosnian footabller
Wikipedia - Sena dynasty -- Dynasty in the Indian subcontinent, 11th and 12th centuries AD, based in Bengal
Wikipedia - Senai (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Senait Fisseha -- Ethiopian endocrinologist
Wikipedia - Sena Kana -- Japanese pop singer
Wikipedia - Senaling (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Sena Miyake -- Japanese figure skater
Wikipedia - Senan Allen -- Irish barrister, High Court judge since 2018
Wikipedia - Sena Nikhom BTS station -- BTS Skytrain station in Bangkok
Wikipedia - Senan Louis O'Donnell -- Irish priest
Wikipedia - Senapati -- Ancient Indian military title
Wikipedia - Senapura Rehabilitation Centre -- Rehabilitation centre in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Senarath Paranavithana
Wikipedia - Senary -- positional number system with base 6
Wikipedia - Sena Takano -- Japanese sailor
Wikipedia - Senate Committee on Forest Reservations and the Protection of Game -- Defunct committee of the United States Senate
Wikipedia - Senate (Egypt) -- Upper house of the bicameral Parliament of Egypt
Wikipedia - Senate (France) -- Upper house of the French Parliament
Wikipedia - Senate House Libraries -- Former library system of the University of London
Wikipedia - Senate Intelligence Committee
Wikipedia - Senate (Ivory Coast) -- Upper house of the Ivory Coast Parliament
Wikipedia - Senate of Bermuda -- Upper house of the Parliament of Bermuda
Wikipedia - Senate of Canada -- Upper house of the Parliament of Canada
Wikipedia - Senate of Pakistan -- Legislative Assembly in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Senate of Paraguay -- Upper house of Paraguay's Parliament
Wikipedia - Senate of Poland
Wikipedia - Senate of the Free City of Danzig -- Government of the Free City of Danzig
Wikipedia - Senate of the Philippines -- Upper house of the Congress of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Senate of the Republic (Italy) -- Upper house of the Italian Parliament
Wikipedia - Senate of the Republic of Poland
Wikipedia - Senate of Virginia -- Upper house of the Virginia General Assembly
Wikipedia - Senathipathi -- 1996 film by M. Rathnakumar
Wikipedia - Sena Tomita -- Japanese snowboarder
Wikipedia - Senator (bishop of Milan)
Wikipedia - Senator Daniel Inouye
Wikipedia - Senator Joseph A. Sullivan Trophy -- Award presented to the Player of the Year in U Sports
Wikipedia - Senator of Rome
Wikipedia - Senator
Wikipedia - Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy -- Remark made by Lloyd Bentsen in 1988
Wikipedia - Senatus consultum de Bacchanalibus -- Old Latin inscription dating to 186 BC
Wikipedia - Senaya language
Wikipedia - Sena Yamada -- Japanese motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Senayan MRT station -- MRT station in Jakarta, Indonesia
Wikipedia - Senay Gurler -- Turkish actress
Wikipedia - Send It On (Disney song) -- 2009 single by Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Sensory phenomena
Wikipedia - Sentenac-de-SM-CM-)rou -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Sentenac-d'Oust -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Sentetsu Purena-class locomotives -- 2-6-2 steam locomotive
Wikipedia - Sepsi Arena -- Arena in SfM-CM-"ntu Gheorghe, Romania
Wikipedia - Septenary (Theosophy)
Wikipedia - Serena (2014 film) -- American-French drama film
Wikipedia - Serena Altschul -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Serena Amato -- Argentine sailor
Wikipedia - Serena Armitage -- UK-born Irish film producer
Wikipedia - Serena AuM-CM-1on-Chancellor -- American physician, engineer, and NASA astronaut
Wikipedia - Serena Autieri -- Italian singer and actress
Wikipedia - Serena Berman -- American actress, singer, and writer
Wikipedia - Serena Campbell -- Fictional surgeon in BBC drama Holby City
Wikipedia - Serena Capponcelli -- Italian athlete
Wikipedia - Serena Chen -- American social psychologist
Wikipedia - Serena Clerici -- Italian voice actress
Wikipedia - Serena Corr -- Irish chemist
Wikipedia - Serena Dalrymple -- Filipino actress
Wikipedia - Serena Daolio -- Italian soprano singer
Wikipedia - Serenade (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Serenade (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Serenade (1956 film) -- 1956 film by Anthony Mann
Wikipedia - Serenade (ballet) -- ballet by George Balanchine to Tchaikovsky's 1880 Serenade for Strings in C, Op. 48
Wikipedia - Serena DeBeer -- American-born chemist
Wikipedia - Serenade Cove -- Housing estate in Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Serenade for Strings (DvoM-EM-^Yak) -- orchestral work by Antonin DvoM-EM-^Yak
Wikipedia - Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings -- 1943 song cycle by Benjamin Britten
Wikipedia - Serenade for Tenor, Saxophone and Orchestra (M-bM-^@M-^\My Dear BenjaminM-bM-^@M-^]) -- 2016 musical composition by Lyle Chan
Wikipedia - Serena de la Hey -- Kenyan-British sculptor
Wikipedia - Serenade (Leyster) -- 1629 painting by Judith Leyster
Wikipedia - Serenade No. 10 (Mozart) -- serenade by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wikipedia - Serenade of Peaceful Joy -- 2020 Chinese period drama series
Wikipedia - Serenade to Music -- Music based on The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Serenade -- musical performance delivered in honor of someone or something
Wikipedia - Serena Evans -- British actress
Wikipedia - Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez -- American politician from Colorado
Wikipedia - Serena Gordon -- British actress
Wikipedia - Serena Liu -- Taiwanese actress
Wikipedia - Serena Mackesy -- British novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Serena Nanda -- American author and anthropologist
Wikipedia - Serena Perrone -- American artist
Wikipedia - Serena Rigacci -- Italian singer
Wikipedia - Serena Ryder -- Canadian musician
Wikipedia - Serena's Song -- American Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Serenata a Maria -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Serena Vitale
Wikipedia - Serena Viti -- Astrophysicist
Wikipedia - Serena (wife of Stilicho) -- Roman woman
Wikipedia - Serenay Sarikaya -- Turkish actress
Wikipedia - Sergey Glazenap -- Russian astronomer
Wikipedia - Sergey Kislyak -- Russian diplomat and senator
Wikipedia - Sergio Esquenazi -- Argentine filmmaker
Wikipedia - Sergio PeM-CM-1a Clos -- Puerto Rican politician and senator
Wikipedia - Sergius Octavius Laenas Pontianus -- Roman senator
Wikipedia - Seri Menanti (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Serine 2-dehydrogenase -- Enzyme
Wikipedia - Serratozaena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Service (motor vehicle) -- Periodic maintenance of a motor vehicle
Wikipedia - Servius Asinius Celer -- 1st century AD Roman senator and suffect consul
Wikipedia - Servius Cornelius Cethegus -- Roman senator and consul active during the reign of Tiberius
Wikipedia - Servius Cornelius Scipio Salvidienus Orfitus (consul 51) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Servius Sulpicius Galba (praetor 54 BC) -- Roman senator and assassin of Julius Caesar
Wikipedia - Sete Benavides -- Spanish canoeist
Wikipedia - Seth Benardete
Wikipedia - Sevenair Air Services -- Portuguese airline
Wikipedia - Seventeen (American magazine) -- American magazine for teenagers
Wikipedia - Sewer diving -- Diving for maintenance work in sewers
Wikipedia - Sexagenary cycle -- Historical method for reckoning time in China
Wikipedia - Sextus Cocceius Severianus -- Roman senator
Wikipedia - Sextus Nonius Quinctilianus (consul 38) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Sextus Palpellius Hister -- 1st century AD Roman senator, consul and general
Wikipedia - Sextus Papinius Allenius -- 1st century Roman senator, general and consul
Wikipedia - Sextus Vettulenus Cerialis -- 1st century Roman senator and military commander
Wikipedia - Sextus Vettulenus Civica Cerialis -- Early second century Roman senator
Wikipedia - Sezgi Sena Akay -- Turkish actress, presenter and model
Wikipedia - Shabeena Zikria Butt -- Pakistani politician
Wikipedia - Shaheed Mohtarama Benazir Bhutto International Cricket Stadium -- Cricket ground in Sindh
Wikipedia - Shaheena Sher Ali -- Pakistani politician
Wikipedia - Shamrocks and Shenanigans (Boom Shalock Lock Boom) -- 1992 single by House Of Pain
Wikipedia - Shane Charles -- Grenadian retired athlete
Wikipedia - Shanghai Tang -- Hong Kong luxury fashion brand intended to rejuvenate 1920s and 1930s Chinese fashion
Wikipedia - Shangqiu East railway station -- Railway station in Shangqiu, Henan
Wikipedia - Shaolin Monastery -- Chan Buddhist temple in Dengfeng County, Henan Province, China
Wikipedia - Shao Wenkai -- Chinese army general and Governor of Henan
Wikipedia - Sharat Saxena -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Sharecropping -- use of land by a tenant in return for a share of the crops produced
Wikipedia - Shareena Clanton -- Australian actress
Wikipedia - Shargacucullia prenanthis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Sharifah Czarena -- Aviator
Wikipedia - Sharing economy -- Economic and social systems that enable shared access to goods, services, data and talent
Wikipedia - Sharon Carstairs -- Canadian politician and former Senator
Wikipedia - Shea's Amphitheatre -- Former indoor arena in Manitoba, Canada
Wikipedia - Sheena Bajaj -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Sheena Chestnut Greitens -- American political scientist
Wikipedia - Sheena Chohan -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Sheena Colette -- American actress
Wikipedia - Sheena Cruickshank -- Immunologist
Wikipedia - Sheena Easton -- Scottish singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Sheena Halili -- Filipino actress
Wikipedia - Sheena Is a Punk Rocker -- 1977 song by Ramones
Wikipedia - Sheena Josselyn -- Canadian neuroscientist
Wikipedia - Sheena Knowles -- Australian children's book author
Wikipedia - Sheena Lawrick -- Canadian softball player
Wikipedia - Sheena, Queen of the Jungle -- Comic-book heroine
Wikipedia - Sheena Radford -- British biophysicist
Wikipedia - Sheena Sharp -- British sport shooter
Wikipedia - Sheena Tosta -- American hurdler
Wikipedia - Sheffield Arena -- Arena in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Sheikh Rahman -- American senator
Wikipedia - Shekhar Saxena -- Indian psychiatrist
Wikipedia - Sheldon Whitehouse -- United States Senator from Rhode Island
Wikipedia - Sheleena -- 2020 Sri Lankan mystery thriller film
Wikipedia - Shell City, Minnesota -- Ghost town in Wadena County, United States
Wikipedia - Shelley Moore Capito -- United States Senator from West Virginia
Wikipedia - Shenae Grimes -- Canadian actress
Wikipedia - Shenandoah 1862 -- 2008 book by Peter Cozzens
Wikipedia - Shenandoah (film) -- 1965 American Civil War film directed by Andrew V. McLaglen
Wikipedia - Shenandoah, Houston
Wikipedia - Shenandoah National Park -- 195,000 acres in Virginia (US) maintained by the National Park Service
Wikipedia - Shenandoah River -- River in Virginia and West Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Shenandoah Subdivision -- Railroad line between U.S. states of West Virginia and Virginia.
Wikipedia - Shenandoah University -- Private university in Winchester, Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Shenango River -- Stream in Pennsylvania, USA
Wikipedia - Shenaphaenops -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Sherrod Brown -- United States Senator from Ohio
Wikipedia - Shiena Nishizawa -- Japanese singer
Wikipedia - Shigechiyo Izumi -- Japanese supercentenarian
Wikipedia - Shigeru Sawada -- Japanese lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Shimenawa -- Lengths of laid rice straw or hemp rope used for ritual purification in Shinto
Wikipedia - Shin-Kiba 1st Ring -- Arena in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Ships husbandry diving -- Diving related to the maintenance and upkeep of ships
Wikipedia - Ships husbandry -- Maintenance and upkeep of ships
Wikipedia - Shlomo Benartzi -- American behavioral economist
Wikipedia - Shmuel Ashkenasi -- Israeli violinist and teacher
Wikipedia - Short-handed -- In team sports (esp. hockey and water polo), the situation of having fewer players in play as a result of a penalty
Wikipedia - Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) -- Fictional villain in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise
Wikipedia - Shreenarayan Yadav -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Shubenacadie Canal -- Manmade watercourse in Canada
Wikipedia - Shukurbek Beyshenaliev -- Russian writer
Wikipedia - Shyam Lal Meena -- Indian archer
Wikipedia - Siarhei Laurenau -- Belarusian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Siddhasena
Wikipedia - Siege of Menagh Air Base
Wikipedia - Siena Agudong -- American actress
Wikipedia - Siena Blaze
Wikipedia - Siena Cathedral -- Medieval church in Tuscany, Italy
Wikipedia - Siena Christen -- German Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Siena College (Camberwell)
Wikipedia - Siena College of Quezon City
Wikipedia - Siena College of Taytay
Wikipedia - Siena College
Wikipedia - Siena Heights University
Wikipedia - Siena, Italy
Wikipedia - Siena -- Comune in Tuscany, Italy
Wikipedia - Sierpe -- district in Osa canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Sierra Morena
Wikipedia - Sigolena of Albi -- French deaconess and saint
Wikipedia - Sigurd Zienau
Wikipedia - Sildenafil
Wikipedia - Silvia Zenari -- Italian botanist
Wikipedia - Sima Nenadovic -- Serbian revolutionary leader
Wikipedia - Simeon Mills -- 19th century American Democratic politician, member of the Wisconsin Senate, last Treasurer of the Wisconsin Territory
Wikipedia - Simon Bolivar Buckner Jr. -- American lieutenant general during World War II
Wikipedia - Simon Cameron -- American politician and senator from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Simone Renant -- French actress
Wikipedia - Simon Kun Puoch -- South Sudanese Lieutenant General and politician
Wikipedia - Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome -- X-linked disease characterized by pre- and postnatal overgrowth and craniofacial, skeletal, cardiac and renal abnormalities
Wikipedia - Sineenat -- Thai Royal Noble Consort
Wikipedia - Singapore Indoor Stadium -- Sports arena and performance venue in Singapore
Wikipedia - Siphoneugena densiflora -- Tree in the family Myrtaceae
Wikipedia - Sir Donald Campbell, 1st Baronet -- Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island
Wikipedia - Sirena (Gloc-9 song) -- Single by Gloc-9
Wikipedia - Sirhan Sirhan -- Palestinian convicted of the assassination of United States Senator Robert F. Kennedy
Wikipedia - Sirisena Cooray -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Sisenna Statilius Taurus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Sisira Senaratne -- Sri Lankan singer and playback singer
Wikipedia - Sistema de Radiodifusoras Culturales Indigenas -- System of indigenous radio stations in Mexico
Wikipedia - Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity
Wikipedia - Sistine Chapel ceiling -- Display of Renaissance art in Vatican City
Wikipedia - Si Una Vez -- 1995 single by Selena
Wikipedia - Sixty Cents an Hour -- 1923 film by Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - Skeena cherry -- Late season cherry cultivar from Canada
Wikipedia - Skeptical scenario
Wikipedia - Skjern Bank Arena -- Danish indoor sports arena
Wikipedia - Skyline Drive -- National Scenic Byway in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, USA
Wikipedia - Slavujev Venac -- Neighbourhood of Belgrade in Serbia
Wikipedia - Sleepover -- A party most commonly held by children or teenagers, where a guest or guests are invited to stay overnight at the home of a friend
Wikipedia - Sleep Train Arena -- Arena in Sacramento, California, United States
Wikipedia - Slievenamon -- Mountain in Tipperary, Ireland
Wikipedia - Slow Down (Selena Gomez song) -- 2013 single by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Slow Grenade -- 2020 single by Ellie Goulding featuring Lauv
Wikipedia - Smart Araneta Coliseum -- A multi-purpose indoor sport arena in Philippines
Wikipedia - Smartass -- 2017 drama film directed by Jena Serbu
Wikipedia - Smederevo Hall -- Indoor arena in Smederevo, Serbia
Wikipedia - Smena (camera) -- Soviet series of 35 mm film cameras
Wikipedia - Smite (video game) -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Smoothie King Center -- Multi-purpose indoor arena in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Wikipedia - SMS Gneisenau (1879) -- Bismarck-class corvette of the German Imperial Navy (1879-1900)
Wikipedia - SMS Gneisenau -- Armored cruiser of the German navy
Wikipedia - SND Arena -- Indoor multi-use sport and event venue in Asuncion, Paraguay.
Wikipedia - Snow Arena -- Indoor ski park
Wikipedia - Soban Singh Jeena University -- State university in Uttarakhand, India
Wikipedia - Social alienation -- Condition in social relationships
Wikipedia - Social phenomena
Wikipedia - Societal effects of negligible senescence -- Hypothetical scenario of minimal mortality in humans
Wikipedia - Sofia Befon Palaio Faliro Indoor Hall -- Indoor sporting arena in Athens, Greece
Wikipedia - Soft Focus with Jena Friedman -- Series of TV specials on Adult Swim
Wikipedia - Soft skills -- Combination of skills that enable people to navigate their environment
Wikipedia - Software maintenance -- Modification of a software product after delivery
Wikipedia - Solar phenomena -- Natural phenomena occurring within the magnetically heated outer atmospheres in the Sun
Wikipedia - Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Coliseum -- Arena in Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - Soldotna Regional Sports Complex -- Sports arena in Soldotna, Alaska, U.S.
Wikipedia - Solenanthus -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Solomon (Boyce) -- 1712 serenata by Willkiam Boyce
Wikipedia - Solomon Kwabena Sarfoh -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - Solomon Olamilekan Adeola -- Nigerian chartered accountant and senator
Wikipedia - Solothurn-Arsenal -- Estonian copy of the Swiss S-18/100 anti-tank rifle, manufactured 1937-1940
Wikipedia - Somaweera Senanayake -- Sri Lankan screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - Somenath Maity -- Indian artist
Wikipedia - Sonadora, Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Song 4 Mutya (Out of Control) -- 2007 single by Groove Armada and Mutya Buena
Wikipedia - Song Kenan -- Chinese mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Sonia Furstenau -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Sonics Arena -- Proposed arena in Seattle
Wikipedia - Sonnenallee -- 1999 German comedy film by Leander HauM-CM-^_mann
Wikipedia - Sophia Magdalena of Denmark
Wikipedia - Sorel Jacinthe -- Haitian senator
Wikipedia - Sormarka Arena -- Indoor multi-purpose ice rink in Stavanger, Norway
Wikipedia - Soul Serenade (King Curtis song) -- 1968 song by Willie Mitchell
Wikipedia - South African Maintenance and Estate Beneficiaries Association -- Political party in South Africa
Wikipedia - Southall DMU Depot -- Traction Maintenance Depot located in Southall, London, England
Wikipedia - South Carolina Senate -- House of legislature for the US state of South Carolina
Wikipedia - South Dakota Senate -- Upper house of the South Dakota State Legislature
Wikipedia - South Frontenac -- Township in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - South Korean Patent Act -- South Korean enactment
Wikipedia - South Philadelphia Athenaeum -- former not-for-profit venue in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Spadena House -- historic building in Beverly Hills, California
Wikipedia - Spandau Citadel -- Well-preserved Renaissance military structure in Berlin
Wikipedia - Spanish Renaissance architecture -- Style of architecture
Wikipedia - Spanish Renaissance literature
Wikipedia - Spanish Renaissance
Wikipedia - Spanish Serenade -- 1952 film by Ladislao Vajda
Wikipedia - Spartan Events Center -- Multipurpose arena in Elgin, Illinois
Wikipedia - Spectrum (arena) -- Former indoor arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Spectrum Center (arena) -- Entertainment and sports venue located in center city Charlotte, North Carolina
Wikipedia - Speculative evolution -- science fiction genre exploring hypothetical scenarios in the evolution of life
Wikipedia - Speech and Phenomena -- 1967 book by Jacques Derrida
Wikipedia - Speedboat (novel) -- Novel by Renata Adler, published in 1976
Wikipedia - Spenard, Anchorage -- Human settlement in Anchorage, Alaska, United States of America
Wikipedia - Spencer Cox (politician) -- Eighth Lieutenant Governor of Utah
Wikipedia - Spent enactment -- An enactment that has been exhausted in operation
Wikipedia - Sphenacodontidae -- Family of tetrapods
Wikipedia - Sphenarches anisodactylus -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Sphenarches bifurcatus -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Sphenarches bilineatus -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Sphenarches cafferoides -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Sphenarches caffer -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Sphenarches nanellus -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Sphenarches ontario -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Sphenarches -- Plume moth genus
Wikipedia - Sphenarches zanclistes -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Sphenarium purpurascens -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Sphenarium -- Genus of grasshoppers
Wikipedia - Spherical cow -- A humorous metaphor for highly simplified scientific models of complex real life phenomena
Wikipedia - Spikenard -- Type of essential oil
Wikipedia - Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) -- Fictional mutant rat and martial arts instructor of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise
Wikipedia - Spokane Arena -- Multi-use indoor arena in Spokane, Washington
Wikipedia - Spore Hero Arena
Wikipedia - Sportzentrum Kapfenberg -- indoor sporting arena
Wikipedia - Spotted hyena -- Species of hyena
Wikipedia - SPQR -- Latin initialism for "The Senate and People of Rome"
Wikipedia - Spreading (debate) -- Speaking extremely fast during a competitive debating event, with the intent that one's opponent will be penalised for failing to respond to all arguments raised
Wikipedia - Spring Temple Buddha -- Statue of Vairocana Buddha in Zhaocun township, Lushan County, Henan, China
Wikipedia - Sreekrishnapurathe Nakshathrathilakkam -- 1998 film by Rajasenan
Wikipedia - Sreenath Aravind -- Indian cricketer (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Sreenath Bhasi -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Sri Pravarasena -- Alchon Huns King
Wikipedia - Sriyani Amarasena -- Sri Lankan actress and director
Wikipedia - SSE Hydro -- Multipurpose indoor arena in Glasgow, Scotland
Wikipedia - Stachytarpheta -- Genus of flowering plants in the vervain family Verbenaceae
Wikipedia - Stade Pierre de Coubertin (Paris) -- Sports arena in Paris, France
Wikipedia - Stadium Negara -- Indoor arena in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Stanislav Petrov -- Lieutenant colonel of the Soviet Air Defence Forces
Wikipedia - Stan Sheriff Center -- Arena in Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Staples Center -- Multi-purpose Arena in Los Angeles, California, United States
Wikipedia - Stargate Project -- U.S. Army investigations of psychic phenomena
Wikipedia - Stars Dance -- 2013 studio album by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Wikipedia - Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace -- 1999 American epic space-opera film directed by George Lucas
Wikipedia - State Farm Arena -- Arena located in Atlanta, Georgia
Wikipedia - State Farm Center -- Arena in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - State House (Pennsylvania) -- Official residence of the Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - State Sports Centre -- Multi-use indoor arena in Sydney, New South Wales
Wikipedia - Statue of Lazaro Cardenas (Madrid) -- Statue in Spain
Wikipedia - Stavanger Idrettshall -- Indoor arena in Norway
Wikipedia - St. Bernardine of Siena
Wikipedia - St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church -- Catholic church in Wake Forest, North Carolina
Wikipedia - St. Catherine of Siena Church (New York City)
Wikipedia - St. Catherine of Siena's Church (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - St. Catherine of Siena
Wikipedia - Stefania Menardi -- Italian curler
Wikipedia - Stefano Catenacci -- Swedish chef
Wikipedia - Stefano di Giovanni -- 15th-century Italian Renaissance painter
Wikipedia - Stegenagapanthia -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Stelios Benardis -- Greek decathlete
Wikipedia - St. Elizabeths East Entertainment and Sports Arena -- A multipurpose arena in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Stenacris vitreipennis -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Stenacris -- Genus of grasshoppers
Wikipedia - Stenaelurillus modestus -- Jumping spider in the family Salticidae from South Africa
Wikipedia - Stena Estrid -- Ferry
Wikipedia - Stena Line
Wikipedia - Stenamma brevicorne -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Stenamma chiricahua -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Stenamma diecki -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Stenamma expolitum -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Stenamma impar -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Stenamma meridionale -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Stenamma schmitti -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Stenamma snellingi -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Stenamma -- Genus of ants
Wikipedia - Stenammini -- Tribe of ants
Wikipedia - Stenancylus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Stenandrium -- Genus of flowering plants in the acanthus family
Wikipedia - Stenanthera conostephioides -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Stenanthium densum -- Species of wildflower
Wikipedia - Stenarctia rothi -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Stena Seaspread diving accident {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Stena Seaspread'' diving accident -- Stena Seaspread diving accident {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Stena Seaspread'' diving accident
Wikipedia - Stena Seaspread diving accident
Wikipedia - Stenasodelphis -- Extinct genus of dolphin
Wikipedia - Stenaspis -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Stenauxa -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Stenay
Wikipedia - Stenoparmena -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Stephen A. Douglas -- American politician/Senator
Wikipedia - Stephen Benatar -- English author
Wikipedia - Stephen C. Johnson (state senator)
Wikipedia - Stephen G. Olmstead -- American Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Stephen M. Sweeney -- President of the New Jersey Senate
Wikipedia - Stephen Steps Out -- 1923 film by Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - Stephen Venables
Wikipedia - Steroid 11beta-monooxygenase -- Enzyme
Wikipedia - Steve Daines -- United States Senator from Montana
Wikipedia - Steven Menashi -- United States federal judge
Wikipedia - Steven Skiena
Wikipedia - St. George's, Grenada -- Capital of Grenada
Wikipedia - St. Gerard Majella Annual Novena
Wikipedia - St. Helena's Church (Bronx)
Wikipedia - St. Helena Seamount chain -- An underwater chain of seamounts in the southern Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - St Helena Secondary College -- State secondary school in Australia
Wikipedia - Stigmella benanderella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Stigmella magdalenae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Stimulant maintenance
Wikipedia - Stine Renate HM-CM-%heim -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - St. James' Episcopal Church (South Pasadena, California) -- church in South Pasadena, California
Wikipedia - St. John Arena (Steubenville) -- Arena in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - St. Louis Arena -- Indoor arena in St. Louis, MO 1929 - 1999
Wikipedia - StM-CM-$ndchen, D 889 (Schubert) -- Lied for solo voice and piano by Franz Schubert, known in English by its first line Hark, hark, the lark or Serenade
Wikipedia - Stameriena Palace -- Palace in Latvia
Wikipedia - St. Michel Arena -- Sports arena
Wikipedia - St. Nicholas Rink -- Former arena in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Stockton Arena -- Arena in California, United States
Wikipedia - Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act -- U.S. Senate and House bills that clarify the country's sex trafficking law
Wikipedia - Storage effect -- Ecological mechanism enabling species to coexist
Wikipedia - Stork enamine alkylation -- Reaction sequence in organic chemistry
Wikipedia - Story of Wenamun
Wikipedia - St. Paul Civic Center -- An indoor arena in Saint Paul, Minnesota demolished in 1998
Wikipedia - St. Peter's Basilica -- Italian Renaissance church in Vatican City
Wikipedia - St. Philomena's Church (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Wikipedia - St. Philomena's Church, Mysore
Wikipedia - St. Philomena's Church (Pittsburgh, PA)
Wikipedia - St. Philomena's Church (Pittsburgh)
Wikipedia - St.Philomena's Forane Church, Koonammavu
Wikipedia - St. Philomena's Roman Catholic Church
Wikipedia - St. Philomena
Wikipedia - Strafgesetzbuch -- German penal code
Wikipedia - Stratford Market Depot -- London Underground maintenance depot
Wikipedia - St. Raymond of Penafort
Wikipedia - Streaming current -- Electrokinetic phenomena produced by an electrolyte solution passing through a porous material with charged walls
Wikipedia - Street Serenade -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Striae of Retzius -- Incremental growth lines or bands seen in tooth enamel
Wikipedia - Strife (2015 video game) -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Striped hyena -- Species of hyena
Wikipedia - Strom Thurmond filibuster of the Civil Rights Act of 1957 -- Longest U.S. Senate filibuster
Wikipedia - Strom Thurmond -- Governor of South Carolina, United States Senator
Wikipedia - Struthers Fieldhouse -- Arena in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Student Senators Council of New York University
Wikipedia - Stychoparmena spinipennis -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Stylenanda -- South Korea-based make-up and fashion brand
Wikipedia - Subbaraman Meenakshi -- Indian chess woman grandmaster
Wikipedia - Sub-lieutenant -- Naval officer, NATO rank OF-1
Wikipedia - Subpoena -- Writ to compel testimony or the yielding of evidence
Wikipedia - Suc-et-Sentenac -- Part of Val-de-Sos in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Sudbury Community Arena -- Multi-purpose arena in Greater Sudbury, Canada
Wikipedia - Sudduth Coliseum -- Arena in Louisiana, United States
Wikipedia - Sue Courtenay -- Belizean architect
Wikipedia - Sugathapala Senarath Yapa -- Sri Lankan lyricist and director
Wikipedia - Suicide of Kenneth Weishuhn -- American teenager who is known for his suicide as a result of bullying for being a gay youth
Wikipedia - Suitport -- alternative technology to enable extravehicular activity
Wikipedia - Sujani Menaka -- Sri Lankan actress and model
Wikipedia - Sukenari Yokoyama -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Suleiman Sadiq Umar -- Nigerian senator
Wikipedia - Sullivan Arena -- Arena in Alaska, United States
Wikipedia - Sultan Ali Lakhani -- Pakistnai businessman and former senator
Wikipedia - Sumedha Jayasena -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Sumidero, Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Suminda Sirisena -- Sri Lankan actor
Wikipedia - Summer camp -- Supervised program for children or teenagers conducted during the summer months
Wikipedia - Sumo Bruno -- 2000 film by Lenard Fritz Krawinkel
Wikipedia - Sunao ni Narenakute -- Japanese television series
Wikipedia - Sunnyside Garden Arena -- Former arena in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - Sun Valley Serenade -- 1941 film by H. Bruce Humberstone
Wikipedia - Supercentenarian -- Someone who has lived to or passed their 110th birthday
Wikipedia - Superior vena cava syndrome -- Group of symptoms caused by obstruction of the superior vena cava
Wikipedia - Supersessionism -- Christian doctrine which asserts that the New Covenant through Jesus Christ supersedes the Old Covenant
Wikipedia - Surendra Singh Jeena -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Suresh Venapally
Wikipedia - Surface science -- Study of physical and chemical phenomena that occur at the interface of two phases
Wikipedia - Sursee Stadthalle -- indoor sporting arena
Wikipedia - Susana Carrasco Cardenas -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Susana Harp -- Mexican singer and Senator
Wikipedia - Susan Collins -- United States Republican Senator from Maine
Wikipedia - Susan Dougan -- Governor-General of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (2019-present)
Wikipedia - Susan Enan -- British singer
Wikipedia - Sushil Kumar Saxena
Wikipedia - Swiss dagger -- Dagger used by Swiss mercenaries, 16th century
Wikipedia - Swiss mercenaries -- Valued early Renaissance infantry
Wikipedia - Swordfish (film) -- 2001 thriller movie directed by Dominic Sena
Wikipedia - Sylvester Ayodele Arise -- Nigerian senator
Wikipedia - Symphlebia catenata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum prenanthoides -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to northcentral and northeastern North America
Wikipedia - Synanthedon andrenaeformis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Synchronistic Wanderings -- 1999 compilation album by Pat Benatar
Wikipedia - Tabot -- Replica of the Tablets of Law or the Ark of the Covenant in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church
Wikipedia - Tacitus on Christ -- References by Roman historian and senator Tacitus to Christ
Wikipedia - Tacitus -- Roman historian and senator (c. 56 - c. 120)
Wikipedia - Tacloban City Convention Center -- A multi-purpose indoor sport arena in Philippines
Wikipedia - Taenarthrus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Taeniarchis catenata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Taipei Arena -- Sports arena in Taipei, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Takeda Teva Ocean Arena -- Futsal arena in Japan
Wikipedia - Takenaga incident -- Group surrender by a Japanese Army battalion in World War II
Wikipedia - Takenaka Station -- Railway station in M-EM-^Lita, M-EM-^Lita Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Takenami Station -- Railway station in Ena, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Taki Taki (song) -- 2018 single by DJ Snake featuring Selena Gomez, Ozuna and Cardi B
Wikipedia - Talbot Gardens -- Ice hockey arena in Simcoe, Ontario
Wikipedia - Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -- US comic book series
Wikipedia - Tallette Creek -- A river in Chenango County and Madison County in New York
Wikipedia - T.A. Marryshow -- Radical politician from Grenada
Wikipedia - Tammy Duckworth -- United States Senator from Illinois
Wikipedia - Tampere Deck Arena -- Finnish ice hockey arena
Wikipedia - Tangena -- Madagascan tree species whose toxic nuts were used for trials by ordeal
Wikipedia - TanjM-EM-^Mji Station -- Railway station in Kumenan, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Tapenade -- French Provencal dish
Wikipedia - Tap O Lena -- Champion cutting horse mare.
Wikipedia - Tarcoles -- district in Garabito canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Target Center -- Arena in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Tarsus Arena -- Indoor sporting arena located in Turkey
Wikipedia - Tau Henare -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - Taxonomy of Adenanthos -- Genus in plant family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - TaxSlayer Center -- Arena in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Tbilisi Sports Palace -- An indoor sports arena situated in Tbilisi, Georgia
Wikipedia - TD Garden -- Multi-purpose arena in Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - Teaching method -- The principles and methods used by teachers to enable student learning
Wikipedia - Team Menard -- IndyCar Series team
Wikipedia - Technical University of Ilmenau
Wikipedia - Ted Cruz -- United States Republican Senator from Texas
Wikipedia - Teddy Benavidez -- Filipino actor
Wikipedia - Ted Makalena -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Ted Reeve Community Arena -- Multi-purpose arena in Toronto
Wikipedia - Ted Stevens -- Republican U.S. Senator from Alaska
Wikipedia - Teenaa Kaur Pasricha -- Indian Filmmaker
Wikipedia - Teenage Badass -- 2020 American comedy film
Wikipedia - Teenage Bounty Hunters -- 2020 American teen dramedy streaming television series
Wikipedia - Teenage Catgirls in Heat -- 1997 film by Scott Perry
Wikipedia - Teenage Dream (Katy Perry song) -- 2010 single by Katy Perry
Wikipedia - Teenage Fanclub -- Scottish alternative rock band
Wikipedia - Teenage Father -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Teenage Filmstars -- music band
Wikipedia - Teenage Lesbian -- 2019 film directed by Bree Mills
Wikipedia - Teenage Millionaire -- 1961 film directed by Lawrence Doheny
Wikipedia - Teenage Mom: The Series -- 2017 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987 TV series) -- US animated television series produced by Murakami-Wolf-Swenson, running from 1987 to 1996
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990 film) -- 1990 American live-action film adaptation of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise directed by Steve Barron
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 TV series) -- American animated television series from 2003-2009, mainly set in New York City
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014 film) -- 2014 US science fiction/martial arts film directed by Jonathan Liebesman
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures -- US comic book series published by Archie Comics between August 1988 and March 1996
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (arcade game) -- Konami as a 1989 coin-operated video game
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Dreamwave Productions) -- Canadian comic book published by Dreamwave Productions between June-December 2003
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (IDW Publishing) -- Ongoing American comic book series published by IDW Publishing, beginning in August 2011
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue -- 1993 Game Boy video game
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III -- 1993 American science fiction/martial arts live-action film directed by Stuart Gillard
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze -- 1991 US science fiction/martial arts live-action film directed by Michael Pressman
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in film -- Film franchise based on the comic book series of the same name by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Legends -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Mirage Studios) -- American comic book published by Mirage Studios, started in May 1984
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES video game) -- 1989 platform beat-em-up game
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows -- 2016 American 3D science fiction action comedy film directed by Dave Green
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -- Fictional team of four teenage anthropomorphic turtles, trained in the ancient art of ninjutsu
Wikipedia - Teenage pregnancy in the United States -- Females in the US under the age of 20 who become pregnant
Wikipedia - Teenage pregnancy -- Pregnancy in human females under the age of 20
Wikipedia - Teenage Rebel -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Teenagers (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Teenage suicide in the United States
Wikipedia - Teenage Wolfpack -- 1956 film by Georg Tressler
Wikipedia - Teena Willoughby -- Canadian developmental psychologist
Wikipedia - Teen Vogue -- American fashion and culture magazine targeted at teenage girls
Wikipedia - Tegenaria croatica -- Species of spider
Wikipedia - Tekena Tamuno
Wikipedia - Teldenia helena -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - TeleNav -- Location services company
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Saint Helena and Tristan da Cunha -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Tell Me Something I Don't Know (Selena Gomez song) -- Song performed by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Tell Them of Battles, Kings, and Elephants -- Novel by Mathias Enard
Wikipedia - Tempest (codename)
Wikipedia - Template:Decadebox/sandbox -- {{{1|{{PAGENAME
Wikipedia - Template:IPA key -- Wikipedia key to pronunciation of {{{language|{{SUBPAGENAME
Wikipedia - Template talk:Bengal Renaissance
Wikipedia - Template talk:Genarch
Wikipedia - Template talk:Renaissance navbox
Wikipedia - Template talk:Renaissance
Wikipedia - Template talk:Self-driving cars and enabling technologies
Wikipedia - Template talk:Visual phenomena
Wikipedia - Temple of Athena Nike
Wikipedia - Tenable, Inc. -- Cybersecurity company
Wikipedia - Tenable -- British game show
Wikipedia - Tenacibaculum agarivorans -- Species of bacteria
Wikipedia - Tenacibaculum amylolyticum -- Species of bacterium
Wikipedia - Tenafly High School -- High school in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Tenafly, New Jersey -- Borough in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Tenagra II Observatory
Wikipedia - Tena JapundM-EM->a -- Croatian handballer
Wikipedia - Tenali Ramakrishna (film) -- 1956 film by B. S. Ranga
Wikipedia - Tenali Ramakrishna -- Telugu poet and court advisor, noted for his brilliance and wit
Wikipedia - Tenali Raman (film) -- 1956 film by B. S. Ranga
Wikipedia - Tenali Rama
Wikipedia - Tena M-EM- tiviM-DM-^Mic -- Croatian playwright
Wikipedia - Tenang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Tenant-in-chief -- Medieval term for an landholder who held his land directly from the king
Wikipedia - Tenant Services Authority -- British regulatory body
Wikipedia - Tenants Harbor, Maine
Wikipedia - Tenaspis -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Tenaya Darlington -- American writer
Wikipedia - Tenaya Peak -- Mountain in the Yosemite above Tenaya Lake
Wikipedia - Tenaya -- Chief of the Ahwahnechee people in Yosemite in 1851
Wikipedia - Tenay -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Tennity Ice Skating Pavilion -- Ice arena in Syracuse, New York, U.S.
Wikipedia - Teofilo Enamorado -- Honduran politician
Wikipedia - TeraScale (microarchitecture) -- Codename for a family of graphics processing unit microarchitectures
Wikipedia - Teresa Garcia Sena -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Te Rina Keenan -- New Zealander athlete
Wikipedia - Testosterone enanthate -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Tethea punctorenalia -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 2 -- TET2 encodes a protein that catalyzes the conversion of the modified DNA base methylcytosine to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine.
Wikipedia - Tetrabenazine -- Medication for hyperkinetic movement disorders
Wikipedia - Tetraena qatarensis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Tetraena simplex -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Tetraena stapfii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Teucrium pyrenaicum -- A species of plant in the family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Tewodros Ashenafi -- Ethiopian entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Texas Renaissance Festival -- An annual Renaissance fair in Texas
Wikipedia - Text-to-9-1-1 -- Technology that enables 9-1-1 dispatchers to receive text messages
Wikipedia - T. Garry Buckley -- American politician and 73rd Lieutenant Governor of Vermont
Wikipedia - T. Geenakumari -- Indian political activist
Wikipedia - The American Senator -- book by Anthony Trollope
Wikipedia - The Arena (1974 film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - The Arena (2001 film) -- 2001 film by Timur Bekmambetov
Wikipedia - The Arena (novel) -- 1961 novel
Wikipedia - The Arsenal Stadium Mystery -- 1939 film by Thorold Dickinson
Wikipedia - The Athenaeum (British magazine) -- British literary magazine published from 1828 to 1921
Wikipedia - The Athenaeum (South Africa) -- Historical South African building in Nelson Mandela Bay, built in 1896
Wikipedia - The Awakening of Helena Richie (film) -- 1916 silent film directed by John W. Noble
Wikipedia - The Bold Ones: The Senator -- American television series (1970-1971)
Wikipedia - The boy Jones -- teenage intruder into Buckingham Palace
Wikipedia - The BritAma Arena -- An indoor sporting arena located in Jakarta, Indonesia
Wikipedia - The British Grenadiers -- Commonwealth musical composition
Wikipedia - The Case of Lena Smith -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach
Wikipedia - The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy
Wikipedia - The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover -- 1989 film by Peter Greenaway
Wikipedia - The Diary of a Teenage Girl: An Account in Words and Pictures -- 2002 book by Phoebe Gloeckner
Wikipedia - The Duchess of Benameji (film) -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - The Early Music Shop -- retailer of reproduction medieval, renaissance and baroque musical instruments
Wikipedia - The Elder Scrolls: Arena
Wikipedia - The Esoteric Character of the Gospels -- Article written by Helena Blavatsky
Wikipedia - The Fate of Renate Langen -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Flag Lieutenant (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - The Flag Lieutenant (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - The Fontenay -- Hotel in Hamburg, Germany
Wikipedia - The Ford (painting) -- 1644 painting by Claudio de Lorena
Wikipedia - The Forum (Inglewood, California) -- Arena in California, United States
Wikipedia - The Fourteenth Man -- 1920 film by Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - The Fox of Glenarvon -- 1940 film by Max W. Kimmich
Wikipedia - The French Lieutenant's Woman (film)
Wikipedia - The French Lieutenant's Woman -- 1969 novel by John Fowles
Wikipedia - The Further Adventures of the Flag Lieutenant -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Game of Love (album) -- 2006 album of Elena Paparizou
Wikipedia - The Girl Guides Association of Grenada -- Organization
Wikipedia - The Glass Menagerie (1950 film) -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - The Glass Menagerie -- Play by Tennessee Williams
Wikipedia - The Goalkeeper's Fear of the Penalty -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - The Greatest Menace -- 1923 silent film
Wikipedia - The Guilty One -- 1924 film by Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - The Heart Wants What It Wants -- 2014 single by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - The Heenan Family -- Professional wrestling stable
Wikipedia - The Honourable Tenant -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - The Horizontal Lieutenant -- 1962 film by Richard Thorpe
Wikipedia - The Humorous Lieutenant
Wikipedia - The Inferior Sex -- 1920 film by Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - The Internet Must Go -- 2013 film by Gena Konstantinakos
Wikipedia - The Invisible Menace -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - The I Tatti Renaissance Library
Wikipedia - The Knights Abisai, Sibbechai and Benaja Bring King David Water -- Painting by Konrad Witz
Wikipedia - The Lady of the Camellias (1915 Serena film) -- 1915 film by Gustavo Serena
Wikipedia - The Last Turning -- 1939 film by Pierre Chenal
Wikipedia - The Lena Baker Story -- 2008 film by Ralph Wilcox
Wikipedia - The Lolita Effect -- Book by Meenakshi Gigi Durham
Wikipedia - The Lorax (film) -- 2012 animated film directed by Chris Renaud
Wikipedia - The Lover in Me (song) -- 1988 single by Sheena Easton
Wikipedia - The Lying Life of Adults -- Novel by Elena Ferrante
Wikipedia - The Making of Maddalena -- 1916 film by Frank Lloyd
Wikipedia - The Man Unconquerable -- 1922 film by Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - The Masked Menace -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Menace (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Menace (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - The Menaced Assassin -- Painting by RenM-CM-) Magritte
Wikipedia - The Menace (newspaper) -- Anti-Catholic newspaper published in Aurora, Missouri
Wikipedia - The Menace to Carlotta -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - The Menagerie (professional wrestling) -- Professional wrestling stable
Wikipedia - The Mercenary (film) -- 1968 film directed by Sergio Corbucci
Wikipedia - The Metaphysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America -- 2001 book by Louis Menand
Wikipedia - The Model of Poesy -- Renaissance English treatise about the art of poetry
Wikipedia - The Mollycoddle -- 1920 film by Victor Fleming, Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - The Mysteries of Verbena House -- Pornographic novel of flagellation erotica
Wikipedia - Thenailles -- Commune in Hauts-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Thenali -- 2000 film by K. S. Ravikumar
Wikipedia - Thena Mae Farr -- American equestrian
Wikipedia - Thena
Wikipedia - The Next Tenants -- Short story by Arthur C. Clarke
Wikipedia - The O2 Arena -- Multi-purpose indoor arena located in The O2 in London
Wikipedia - Theodora Llewelyn Davies -- British barrister and penal reform campaigner
Wikipedia - Theodora (senatrix)
Wikipedia - Theodor Creizenach -- German poet
Wikipedia - Theodoros Manetas -- Greek Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Theodrenaline
Wikipedia - Theosophical Society Pasadena
Wikipedia - Theosophy -- Religion established in the U. S. by Helena Blavatsky
Wikipedia - The Others (2001 film) -- 2001 film directed by Alejandro Amenabar
Wikipedia - The Palace of Auburn Hills -- Arena in Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - The Paper Menagerie -- 2011 fantasy/magical realism short story by Ken Liu
Wikipedia - The Pavilion at ARC -- Arena in California, United States
Wikipedia - The Penal Code -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - The Penal Colony (film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - The Penalty (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - The Penalty (1941 film) -- 1941 film by Harold S. Bucquet
Wikipedia - The Phenomenauts -- Science band from Oakland, California, USA
Wikipedia - The Pinch Hitter (1925 film) -- 1925 film by Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - The Poppy Fields -- Fictitious teenage group
Wikipedia - The Power of One (novel) -- 1989 novel by Bryce Courtenay
Wikipedia - The Preaching of the Antichrist -- Fresco by the Italian Renaissance painter Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - The Public Menace -- 1935 film by Erle C. Kenton
Wikipedia - The Q Centre -- Arena in Colwood, British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary -- 1927 film by Erle C. Kenton
Wikipedia - The Renaissance
Wikipedia - The Revenant (2015 film) -- 2015 film directed by Alejandro Gonzalez IM-CM-1arritu
Wikipedia - The Revenants -- Audio drama
Wikipedia - The River Woman -- 1928 film by Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - The Royal Grenadiers -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Secret Life of Pets 2 -- 2019 film by Chris Renaud
Wikipedia - The Serenad3 -- Operatic pop trio
Wikipedia - The Serenade (film) -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - The Singing Senators -- Barbershop quartet
Wikipedia - The sixteen dreams of King Pasenadi -- Story in post-canonical Buddhist texts
Wikipedia - The Smiling Lieutenant -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Stranger (1924 film) -- 1924 film by Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - The Teenage Liberation Handbook
Wikipedia - The Teenagers -- American doo wop group
Wikipedia - The Tempest (Dryden and D'Avenant play)
Wikipedia - The Tenants (2009 film) -- 2009 film directed by SM-DM-^Wrgio Bianchi
Wikipedia - The Tiger's Claw -- 1923 film by Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - The Tor Project -- Free and open-source software project for enabling anonymous communication
Wikipedia - The Transexual Menace -- Trans rights organization
Wikipedia - The Trusts Arena -- An indoor arena located in Henderson, Auckland, New Zealand.
Wikipedia - The Umariyya Covenant
Wikipedia - The Unknown Soldier (1926 film) -- 1926 film by Renaud Hoffman
Wikipedia - The Wall of Mexico -- 2019 film directed by Zachary Cotler and Magdalena Zyzak
Wikipedia - The Witcher Battle Arena -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Thierry Carcenac -- French politician
Wikipedia - Thierry Venant -- French archer
Wikipedia - Third Order Regular of Saint Francis of Penance -- Franciscan mendicant order
Wikipedia - Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Penance
Wikipedia - Third Street Promenade -- Pedestrian mall shopping complex
Wikipedia - Thomas & Mack Center -- Multi-purpose arena
Wikipedia - Thomas A. Wornham -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Thomas-Claude Renart de Fuchsamberg Amblimont -- A French naval officer and governor general of the French Antilles
Wikipedia - Thomas Cushing -- First Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor, briefly acting governor
Wikipedia - Thomas Davey (governor) -- Lieutenant Governor of Tasmania
Wikipedia - Thomas Day (musician) -- English Renaissance choirmaster, singer and lutenist
Wikipedia - Thomas Edgeworth Courtenay -- Confederate spy
Wikipedia - Thomas Hart Benton (politician) -- Senator from Missouri
Wikipedia - Thomas H. Miller -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Thomas Rivera Schatz -- President of the Senate of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Thomas S. James Jr. -- United States Army Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Thomas Trevenant
Wikipedia - Thomas Xenakis -- Greek gymnast
Wikipedia - Thompson-Boling Arena -- Arena in Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Thor-Agena -- Rocket developed in the USA
Wikipedia - Thousand Islands - Frontenac Arch -- Geologic region in North America
Wikipedia - Three Marlenas -- 1997 single by The Wallflowers
Wikipedia - Three-strikes law -- Law providing more severe penalties for repeat offenders
Wikipedia - Thurman Adams Jr. -- Senator of Delaware, United States
Wikipedia - Tianhenan station -- Guangzhou Metro station
Wikipedia - Tiberius Claudius Nero (grandfather of Tiberius Caesar) -- 1st century BC Roman Senator and grandfather of emperor Tiberius
Wikipedia - Tiberius Plautius Silvanus Aelianus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Ticking time bomb scenario -- Hypothetical scenario debating the justifications of torture
Wikipedia - Tielenau -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Tierras Morenas -- district in Tilaran canton, Guanacaste province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Tight hymenal ring -- Human disease
Wikipedia - Timeline of Pasadena, Texas -- Timeline of the history of Pasadena, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Times Union Center -- Arena in New York, United States
Wikipedia - Tim Griffin -- 20th Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas
Wikipedia - Tim Kaine -- United States Senator from Virginia
Wikipedia - Timothy R. Ferguson -- Republican State Senator in Maryland
Wikipedia - Tim Scott -- United States Senator from South Carolina
Wikipedia - Timurid Renaissance -- Cultural movement from the 14th to 17th century
Wikipedia - Tina Smith -- United States Senator from Minnesota
Wikipedia - Tingena armigerella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Tingena loxotis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Tingena marcida -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Tingena -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Tintoretto -- 16th-century Italian painter of the Renaissance
Wikipedia - Titianus -- 1st century Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Tito Sena -- Brazilian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Titus Clodius Eprius Marcellus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Titus Curtilius Mancia -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Titus Flavius Sabinus (consul AD 69) -- 1st century AD Roman senator, general and consul
Wikipedia - Titus Haterius Nepos (consul) -- Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Titus Sextius Africanus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Titus Statilius Taurus -- Name of a line of Roman senators and soldiers during the late Republic and early Empire
Wikipedia - Tiziano Thomas Dossena -- Italian American author and art critic
Wikipedia - Tloquenahuaque -- One of the epithets of Tezcatlipoca, a central deity in Aztec religion
Wikipedia - TM-CM-)lM-CM-)sphore Arsenault -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - T-Mobile Center -- Arena in Missouri, United States
Wikipedia - Tobago Cays -- Archipelago in the Southern Grenadines of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Tobias Leenaert -- Belgian writer
Wikipedia - Todd Young -- United States Senator from Indiana
Wikipedia - Tokamak de Fontenay aux Roses -- tokamak in Fontenay-aux-Roses, Paris, France
Wikipedia - Tolfenamic acid
Wikipedia - Tomas de Herrera -- President of New Grenada
Wikipedia - Tom Catena -- American physician
Wikipedia - Tom Cotton -- United States Senator from Arkansas
Wikipedia - Tom Courtenay -- English actor
Wikipedia - Tommaso da Modena
Wikipedia - Tommaso Ugi di Siena
Wikipedia - Tommy Denander -- Swedish musician
Wikipedia - Tondiraba Ice Hall -- Multi-purpose indoor arena complex in Tallinn, Estonia
Wikipedia - Tongoenas -- Extinct genus of giant pigeon from Tonga
Wikipedia - Tony Jayawardena -- British actor
Wikipedia - Tony Luetkemeyer -- State senator for the 34th Senatorial District of the Missouri Senate
Wikipedia - Tooth enamel
Wikipedia - To Party Arhizei -- 2008 concert tour by Helena Paparizou
Wikipedia - Toribio de Benavente Motolinia
Wikipedia - Torsten Friis -- Swedish lieutenant-general and commander of the air force
Wikipedia - Tosena melanoptera -- Species of cicada
Wikipedia - Total productive maintenance -- Maintenance management methodology
Wikipedia - Toupta Boguena -- Chadian scientist and administrator
Wikipedia - Townsville Entertainment and Convention Centre -- An indoor sports arena located in Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Toyama Seibu Sports Center -- Sports arena in Tonami, Japan
Wikipedia - Toyota Arena -- Arena in Ontario, California, United States
Wikipedia - Toyota Center (Kennewick, Washington) -- Multi-use indoor arena in Kennewick, Washington
Wikipedia - Toyota Center -- Arena in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Trachylepis volamenaloha -- Species of reptile
Wikipedia - Tracy Keenan Wynn -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Trade Union Sport Palace -- indoor sporting arena in Nizhny Novgorod
Wikipedia - Traffic Penalty Tribunal -- Tribunal in the United Kingdom which manages appeals against penalty charge notices
Wikipedia - Traktor Ice Arena -- Indoor sporting arena
Wikipedia - Transition Integrity Project -- series of political scenario exercises
Wikipedia - Transport phenomena -- Exchange of mass, energy, and momentum between observed and studied systems
Wikipedia - Transposition of the great vessels -- Group of congenital heart defects involving an abnormal spatial arrangement of any of the great vessels: superior and/or inferior venae cavae, pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins, and aorta
Wikipedia - Traveller Book 4: Mercenary -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Trayvon Martin -- 21st-century American teenager
Wikipedia - Treasure of Villena -- Archaeological treasure trove found in 1963
Wikipedia - Treaty of Ripon -- 1640 treaty between Charles I and the Scottish Covenanters
Wikipedia - Treenail -- Wooden fastener
Wikipedia - Treena Livingston Arinzeh -- American biomedical engineer
Wikipedia - Trena Wilkerson -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Trent Lott -- Former United States Senator from Mississippi
Wikipedia - Triaenops menamena -- A bat from Madagascar
Wikipedia - Trial and execution of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu -- 1989 trial in Romania of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu
Wikipedia - Tribute Communities Centre -- Multi-purpose arena located in Oshawa
Wikipedia - Tricentenario station -- Medellin metro station
Wikipedia - Trilicia Gunawardena -- Sri Lankan actress and singer
Wikipedia - Trimerotropis arenacea -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Trkmenabat
Wikipedia - Troadio Galicano -- Filipino Visayan Senator, Congressman, and General in Philippine-American War
Wikipedia - Trogia venenata -- Species of toxic fungus in the family Marasmiaceae indigenous to Yunnan province
Wikipedia - Troorkh -- Composition by Iannis Xenakis
Wikipedia - Trose Emmett Donaldson -- Naval lieutenant and recipient of the Navy Cross
Wikipedia - TrueNAS -- An open-source operating system deisgned for file sharing
Wikipedia - Truppenamt -- German General Staff, 1919-1935
Wikipedia - Trusty system (prison) -- Penal security system
Wikipedia - Truth maintenance systems
Wikipedia - Truth maintenance system
Wikipedia - Tryphena and Tryphosa
Wikipedia - Tsenacommacah -- Native homeland of the Powhatan people
Wikipedia - Tsing Yi Promenade -- Promenade in Tsing Yi, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Tsuneo Enari -- Japanese photographer
Wikipedia - Tu cara me suena (American TV series) -- American television show
Wikipedia - Tumbes-Choco-Magdalena -- Biodiversity hotspot region on Pacific coast of South America
Wikipedia - Tumbling Peak -- Mountain in Kootenay NP, British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Tumidagena minuta -- species of insect
Wikipedia - Turacoena -- Genus of birds
Wikipedia - Turner's Arena -- Arena in Washington DC, United States
Wikipedia - Tustumena Lake -- Lake in Alaska, USA
Wikipedia - Twitch gameplay -- type of video gameplay scenario that tests a player's response time
Wikipedia - Two Cents Worth of Hope -- 1952 film by Renato Castellani
Wikipedia - Type 10 grenade discharger -- Japanese WWII grenade launcher
Wikipedia - Typename -- C++ keyword
Wikipedia - Tyson Events Center -- Multi-purpose arena in Sioux City, Iowa
Wikipedia - Tzena, Tzena, Tzena -- Song in Hebrew
Wikipedia - Tzvi Ashkenazi
Wikipedia - UBS Arena -- Planned indoor arena on Long Island
Wikipedia - UD Arena -- Multi-purpose arena located in Dayton, Ohio
Wikipedia - Udenafil
Wikipedia - Uenae Station -- Railway station in Tomakomai, Hokkaido, Japan
Wikipedia - UFC Fight Night: Benavidez vs. Figueiredo -- UFC mixed martial arts event in 2020
Wikipedia - UFC Fight Night: Figueiredo vs. Benavidez 2 -- UFC mixed martial arts event in 2020
Wikipedia - UFC on Fox: Johnson vs. Benavidez 2 -- UFC mixed martial arts event in 2013
Wikipedia - Ugo Benassi -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Ugrasena
Wikipedia - Uktenadactylus -- Genus of pterosaurs (fossil)
Wikipedia - Ulf Grenander -- Swedish American mathematician
Wikipedia - Uline Arena -- Indoor arena in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Ulmus glabra 'Pyrenaica' -- Cultivar of the Wych Elm tree
Wikipedia - Ulochlaena hirta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ulster Scots dialect -- Dialect of Ballymena
Wikipedia - Ultimate fate of the universe -- Range of cosmological hypotheses and scenarios describing the eventual fate of the universe as we know it
Wikipedia - Umberto Zanotti Bianco -- Italian archaeologist, environmentalist and lifetime senator
Wikipedia - Unalienable rights
Wikipedia - Under the Feet of Jesus (novel) -- 1995 book by Helena Maria Viramontes
Wikipedia - Unga pojkar & M-CM-$ldre mM-CM-$n -- 2005 song by Swedish singer Lena Philipsson
Wikipedia - United Center -- Large indoor arena in Chicago, Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - United Nations moratorium on the death penalty -- United Nations General Assembly resolution adopted in 2007
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council -- One of the six principal organs of the UN, charged with the maintenance of international security
Wikipedia - United Progressive Party (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) -- Political party in Saint Vincent and the Greandines
Wikipedia - United Renaissance Party -- Political party in Ghana
Wikipedia - United States invasion of Grenada -- 1983 invasion of Grenada by the United States
Wikipedia - United States national arena soccer team -- Indoor soccer team that represents the United States at international level
Wikipedia - United States Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies
Wikipedia - United States Senate career of Barack Obama -- Overview of Barack Obama's United States Senate career
Wikipedia - United States Senate career of Hillary Clinton -- Overview of Hillary Clinton's United States Senate career
Wikipedia - United States Senate career of Joe Biden -- Career of Joe Biden in the United States Senate
Wikipedia - United States Senate career of John McCain, 2001-2014 -- American politician's partial career timeline
Wikipedia - United States Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry -- Standing committee of the United States Senate
Wikipedia - United States Senate Committee on Armed Services -- Committee of the United States Senate
Wikipedia - United States Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs -- Standing committee of the United States Senate
Wikipedia - United States Senate Committee on Civil Service
Wikipedia - United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs -- Standing committee of the United States Senate
Wikipedia - United States Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
Wikipedia - United States Senate Journal -- Written record of proceedings within the US Senate
Wikipedia - United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Wikipedia - United States Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security -- Former U.S. Senate subcommittee
Wikipedia - United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency -- U.S. Senate subcommittee to investigate juvenile delinquency
Wikipedia - United States Senate Watergate Committee -- 1973 US Senate committee to investigate the Watergate scandal
Wikipedia - United States Senate -- Upper house of the United States Congress
Wikipedia - United States Senate Youth Program -- American scholarship competition
Wikipedia - United States Senator
Wikipedia - United Supermarkets Arena -- Arena in Lubbock, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Unity Labour Party -- Political party in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Universiade Pavilion -- Multi-purpose indoor arena in Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Universidad de Zamboanga Summit Centre -- A multi-purpose indoor sport arena in Philippines
Wikipedia - Universidad Estatal Peninsula de Santa Elena -- Public university of Ecuador
Wikipedia - Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa -- Public, coeducational university located in the city of Cardenas, Tabasco, Mexico
Wikipedia - University of Arkansas Rich Mountain -- Public community college in Mena, Arkansas
Wikipedia - University of Benares
Wikipedia - University of Jena
Wikipedia - University of Magallanes -- University in Punta Arenas, Chile
Wikipedia - University of Siena -- Italian university
Wikipedia - Unmercenaries
Wikipedia - Upeka Chitrasena -- Sri Lankan dancer
Wikipedia - Uppena -- Indian Telugu-language film by Bucchi Babu Sana
Wikipedia - Urban Menace -- 1999 film by Albert Pyun
Wikipedia - Urena lobata -- Species of plant from Brazil and some islands of South America
Wikipedia - Urequena language -- Extinct language of South America
Wikipedia - USA Hockey Arena -- Arena in Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce
Wikipedia - U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Wikipedia - U.S. senator bibliography (congressional memoirs) -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - US Senator
Wikipedia - USS Glenard P. Lipscomb (SSN-685) -- Unique nuclear attack submarine
Wikipedia - USS Helena (CL-50) -- Brooklyn-class light cruiser
Wikipedia - USS Shenandoah (ZR-1) -- United States Navy rigid airship
Wikipedia - Utena County -- County of Lithuania
Wikipedia - Utenos pramogM-EM-3 arena -- Indoor arena in Vilnius, Lithuania
Wikipedia - Utica City FC -- Arena soccer team
Wikipedia - Utility submeter -- Tenant utility billing system
Wikipedia - UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena -- Arena in Wisconsin, United States
Wikipedia - Uzzah -- Biblical figure who died from touching the Ark of the Covenant
Wikipedia - Vaasa Arena -- arena in Vaasa, Finland
Wikipedia - Vadstena Abbey
Wikipedia - Vadstena Municipality
Wikipedia - Vadstena -- Place in M-CM-^Vstergotland, Sweden
Wikipedia - Vainglory (video game) -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Vajira Abeywardena -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Valena Valentina -- Indian karateka
Wikipedia - Valerie Saena Tuia -- Samoan biologist
Wikipedia - Valerius Fabianus -- Ancient Roman senator (fl. 62 AD)
Wikipedia - Val Gardena -- Valley in the Dolomites, South Tyrol, Italy
Wikipedia - Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Vallenato -- Colombian music genre
Wikipedia - Valley Arena Gardens -- Arena in Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Value City Arena -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - Van Andel Arena -- Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan
Wikipedia - Vancouver Forum -- An indoor arena in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Vanesa Arenas -- Spanish judoka
Wikipedia - Van H. Wanggaard -- American Republican politician, member of the Wisconsin Senate
Wikipedia - Van Wassenaer -- Noble family
Wikipedia - Vapor Menay -- British steamer
Wikipedia - Vardenafil
Wikipedia - Vaudoise ArM-CM-)na -- Indoor arena in Prilly, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Vaughan Gething -- Welsh Labour politician and Member of the Senedd for Cardiff South and Penarth
Wikipedia - Vauvenargues, Bouches-du-Rhone -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Vayu Sena Medal -- Military medal from India
Wikipedia - Vecsaliena Manor -- Manor house in Latvia
Wikipedia - Vectaerovenator -- Genus of reptiles (fossil)
Wikipedia - Vector Arena
Wikipedia - Veena Bharti -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Veena Birbal -- Indian jurist
Wikipedia - Veena Das -- Indian anthropologist
Wikipedia - Veena Devi -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Veena Jayakody -- Sri Lankan actress
Wikipedia - Veena Kumaravel -- Indian entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Veena Malik -- Pakistani actress
Wikipedia - Veena Pandey -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Veena Parnaik -- Indian cell biologist
Wikipedia - Veena Rawat -- Indian-born Canadian electrical engineer
Wikipedia - Veena Sahajwalla -- Australian scientist
Wikipedia - Veena Sood -- Canadian actress of Indian descent
Wikipedia - Veena Sundar -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Veena Talwar Oldenburg -- American historian
Wikipedia - Veena Tandon -- Indian parasitologist
Wikipedia - Veenavaadanam -- 2008 film directed by Sathish Kalathil
Wikipedia - Veena -- family of chordophone instruments from the Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - Vehicle registration plates of Grenada -- Grenada vehicle license plates
Wikipedia - Vehicle registration plates of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines vehicle license plates
Wikipedia - Velda Gonzalez -- Member of the Senate of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Velleius Paterculus -- Roman historian, soldier and senator (c.19 BC - c. AD 31)
Wikipedia - Velodrome -- Arena for track cycling
Wikipedia - Veluthu Kattu -- 2010 film by Senapathi Magan
Wikipedia - Venable LLP -- American law firm
Wikipedia - Venable Mound -- Archaeological site
Wikipedia - Venado Formation -- Geological formation in the Colombian Andes
Wikipedia - Venado, San Carlos -- district in San Carlos canton, Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Venad -- Medieval feudal kingdom in south India
Wikipedia - Vena (group) -- American bachata group
Wikipedia - Venalil Oru Mazha -- 1979 film by Sreekumaran Thampi
Wikipedia - Venance Salvatory Mabeyo -- Chief of the defence staff of Tanzania
Wikipedia - Venancio Antonio Morin -- Venezuelan politician and military man
Wikipedia - Venancio Shinki -- Peruvian painter
Wikipedia - Venansius Baryamureeba
Wikipedia - Venanson -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Venantino Venantini -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Venantius Fortunatus -- Italian saint-bishop, poet and hymnwriter (c. 530-c. 600/609)
Wikipedia - Venantius of Camerino
Wikipedia - Venanzio da Camerino -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Venanzo Crocetti -- Italian sculptor
Wikipedia - Venard Poslusney
Wikipedia - Venetian Arsenal -- Shipbuilding factory of the Republic of Venice
Wikipedia - Venetian painting -- Art from Renaissance Venice
Wikipedia - Venetian polychoral style -- Type of music of the late Renaissance and early Baroque eras which involved spatially separate choirs singing in alternation
Wikipedia - Venetian Renaissance architecture
Wikipedia - Venetian Renaissance
Wikipedia - Venetian School (music) -- Group of composers working in Venice during the Renaissance
Wikipedia - Venetian Senate -- Main legislative body of Venice
Wikipedia - Venous blood -- Deoxygenated blood
Wikipedia - Ventenac-Cabardes -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Ventenac-en-Minervois -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Ventenac -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Verbal plenary preservation -- The whole of Scripture with all its words even to the jot and tittle is perfectly preserved by God in the apographs
Wikipedia - Verbenaceae -- Family of flowering plants comprising vervains
Wikipedia - Verbena halei -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Verbena litoralis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Verbena -- Genus of plants
Wikipedia - Verena Bentele -- Paralympic biathlete of Germany
Wikipedia - Verena Diener -- Swiss politician
Wikipedia - Verena Hartmann -- German politician
Wikipedia - Verena Hoehne -- Swiss journalist and author
Wikipedia - Verena Huber-Dyson -- Swiss-American mathematician (1923-2016)
Wikipedia - Verena Keller -- Swiss actress and writer
Wikipedia - Verena Metze-Mangold -- German political scientist and journalist
Wikipedia - Verena Osgyan -- German politician
Wikipedia - Verena Peter -- German actress
Wikipedia - Verena Preiner -- Austrian athlete
Wikipedia - Verena Rieser -- German computer scientist
Wikipedia - Verena Rohrer -- Swiss snowboarder
Wikipedia - Verena Ruegg -- American painter
Wikipedia - Verena Tunnicliffe -- Canadian marine biologist
Wikipedia - Verena -- Egyptian saint
Wikipedia - Vermillon River (Chigoubiche River tributary) -- River in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Veronica arenaria -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Vestiena Manor -- Manor house in Latvia
Wikipedia - Veterans Memorial Coliseum (Portland, Oregon) -- Multi-use indoor arena in Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - Vexatorella amoena -- The Swartruggens vexator is a shrub in the family Proteaceae from the Western Cape, South Africa
Wikipedia - Vezzena -- Italian cheese
Wikipedia - Viaer Marchi -- Annual market fair reenactment in Guernsey
Wikipedia - Viaero Center -- Sports arena in Nebraska, U.S.
Wikipedia - Via Francigena -- Ancient road
Wikipedia - Vibhuti Narayan Singh -- Indian scholar, Maharaja of Benares, Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Vicenta Arenas Mayor -- Spanish goalball player
Wikipedia - Vicente Requena the Elder -- Spanish painter
Wikipedia - Victor AndrM-CM-)s Catena -- Spanish screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Victor Garcia Garzena -- Chilean lawyer
Wikipedia - Victoria Cartagena -- American actress
Wikipedia - Victor Manuel Gerena -- American bank robber and fugitive
Wikipedia - Victor Penalber -- Brazilian judoka
Wikipedia - Vida de Menina -- 2003 film directed by Helena Solberg
Wikipedia - Vidal Llerenas Morales -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Viejas Arena -- Arena in California, United States
Wikipedia - Viena expedition -- Attempt by Finnish volunteers to annex White Karelia in 1918
Wikipedia - Vieu-d'Izenave -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Vila Madalena (Sao Paulo Metro) -- Metro station in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Wikipedia - Villafranca Tirrena
Wikipedia - Villa Rendena -- Italian comune
Wikipedia - Villenauxe-la-Grande -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Vincent Kwabena Damuah -- Ghanaian Catholic priest and politician
Wikipedia - Vinson Detenamo -- Nauruan politician
Wikipedia - Vintage base ball -- Sport or reenactment of base ball as it existed in the mid to late 1800s
Wikipedia - Violet Brown -- Jamaican supercentenarian
Wikipedia - Virasena
Wikipedia - Virginia Beach Arena -- Proposed sports arena in Virginia, U.S.
Wikipedia - Virginie Dechenaud -- French beauty pageant titleholder
Wikipedia - Visa policy of Grenada -- Policy on permits required to enter Grenada
Wikipedia - Visa policy of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Policy on permits required to enter Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Visitation (Ghirlandaio) -- Painting by the Italian Renaissance painter Domenico Ghirlandaio
Wikipedia - Vitreous enamel -- Material made by fusing powdered glass to a substrate by firing
Wikipedia - Vivian Dsena -- Indian television actor
Wikipedia - Vivica Genaux -- American coloratura mezzo-soprano (b1969)
Wikipedia - Vivint Smart Home Arena -- Arena in Salt Lake City
Wikipedia - Vladimir Ashkenazy
Wikipedia - Vladlena Priestman -- British archer
Wikipedia - Vocea Ta -- album by Elena Gheorghe
Wikipedia - Volcan District -- district in Buenos Aires canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Volcanology -- The study of volcanoes, lava, magma and associated phenomena
Wikipedia - Von Braun Center -- Arena in Alabama, United States
Wikipedia - Vopiscus (praenomen) -- Latin forename
Wikipedia - Vortigern and Rowena -- Play written by William Henry Ireland
Wikipedia - Vrishasena -- son of Karna and Vrushali in Mahabharata
Wikipedia - VSCO girl -- teenage subculture
Wikipedia - Vulnerable (Selena Gomez song) -- 2020 song by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena -- Arena in Jacksonville, Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Waddesdon Bequest -- An ex-Rothschild collection of Renaissance art in the British Museum
Wikipedia - Wahnena, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Cass County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Waldo McBurney -- American centenarian
Wikipedia - Wallace Samuel Bird -- Canadian businessman and Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick
Wikipedia - Walter Arena -- Italian racewalker
Wikipedia - Walter Pyramid -- Arena at California State University, Long Beach
Wikipedia - Walter Rathenau
Wikipedia - Walter Samuel Goodland -- American politician, 31st Governor of Wisconsin, 29th Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin, 40th Mayor of Racine, Wisconsin, member of the Wisconsin Senate.
Wikipedia - Walter W. Wensinger -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - Walther Rathenau -- German businessman and politician (1867-1922)
Wikipedia - Wanda Thomas Bernard -- Canadian senator
Wikipedia - Wang Kenan -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Wapenamanda Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - War Memorial Fieldhouse -- Multi-purpose arena in Wyoming, USA
Wikipedia - Warmenau -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - War of the Bucket -- War between two Italian city states (Bologna and Modena) in 1325.
Wikipedia - Warrant canary -- Method of indirect notification of a subpoena
Wikipedia - Warren Chase -- American politician, senator of Wisconsin and California
Wikipedia - Warren J. Harang Jr. Municipal Auditorium -- Arena in Louisiana, United States
Wikipedia - Warsaw Arsenal
Wikipedia - Wartburg -- Castle in Eisenach, Germany
Wikipedia - Washington Avenue Armory -- Arena in New York
Wikipedia - Washington Hilton -- A multipurpose arena in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Washington State Senate -- Upper house of the Washington State Legislature
Wikipedia - Wassenaar Arrangement
Wikipedia - Wassenaar
Wikipedia - Watsco Center -- Arena in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - WATZ (AM) -- Former radio station in Alpena, Michigan
Wikipedia - WATZ-FM -- Radio station in Alpena, Michigan
Wikipedia - Waukenabo, Minnesota -- Unincorporated community in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Waukenabo Township, Aitkin County, Minnesota -- Township in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Wayne Allard -- Republican United States Senator from Colorado
Wikipedia - Wayne Duvenage -- South African businessman, entrepreneur and civil activist
Wikipedia - WBCX -- Radio station at Brenau University
Wikipedia - WBKB-TV -- CBS/Fox/ABC affiliate in Alpena, Michigan
Wikipedia - Weather pains -- Claims of pain associated with changes in barometric pressure, humidity or other weather phenomena
Wikipedia - Web design -- Creation and maintenance of websites
Wikipedia - Webster-Hayne debate -- A famous debate in the United States between Senators Daniel Webster and Robert Y. Hayne
Wikipedia - We Don't Talk Anymore (Charlie Puth song) -- 2016 single by Charlie Puth featuring Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Weird menace
Wikipedia - Weis Earth Science Museum -- Museum in Menasha, Wisconsin, US
Wikipedia - Well-posed problem -- Term regarding the properties that mathematical models of physical phenomena should have
Wikipedia - Wells Fargo Center (Philadelphia) -- Multi-purpose indoor arena located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Welshman Mabhena -- Governor of Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
Wikipedia - Wembley Arena -- Indoor arena in Wembley, London
Wikipedia - Wenatchee Mountains -- Mountain in Washington, USA
Wikipedia - Wenatchee National Forest -- Protected area in the United States
Wikipedia - WENA -- Radio station in Yauco, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Wendy Makkena -- American actress
Wikipedia - Wentzville Ice Arena -- Arena and recreational sport facility located in Wentzville, Missouri
Wikipedia - Werehyena
Wikipedia - Werk Arena -- Czech indoor hockey arena
Wikipedia - Wernya solena -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Weser Renaissance
Wikipedia - Westchester County Center -- Arena in New York, United States
Wikipedia - Western alienation -- Phenomenon in Canadian politics
Wikipedia - Westerner Park Centrium -- Multi-use indoor arena in Red Deer, Alberta
Wikipedia - West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade -- Promenade in Kowloon, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - West Palm Beach Christian Convention Center -- Arena in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - West Quarter Dome -- West Quarter Dome is a granodiorite dome, in Yosemite National Park, in the Tenaya Canyon area
Wikipedia - West Virginia Senate -- upper house of the West Virginia Legislature
Wikipedia - Wes Westmoreland -- American printer, entrepreneur, businessman and former state senator
Wikipedia - Wewelsburg -- Renaissance castle located in the village of Wewelsburg
Wikipedia - WFCU Centre -- Arena and entertainment centre in Windsor, Canada
Wikipedia - Whatcom Pavilion -- Sports arena in Bellingham, Washington
Wikipedia - What Is a Nation? -- 1882 lecture by French historian Ernest Renan
Wikipedia - Wheatena -- High-fiber cereal
Wikipedia - When the Sun Goes Down (Selena Gomez & the Scene album) -- 2011 studio album by Selena Gomez & the Scene
Wikipedia - Where Did the Feeling Go? -- 1985 single by Jill Michaels / 1997 single by Selena
Wikipedia - WHFV -- Radio station in Shenandoah, Virginia
Wikipedia - While Satan Sleeps -- 1922 film by Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - White City Depot -- London Underground traction maintenance depot
Wikipedia - Whiteout (2009 film) -- 2009 film by Len Wiseman, Dominic Sena, Stuart Baird
Wikipedia - W. H. M. Dharmasena -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Who Says (Selena Gomez & the Scene song) -- 2011 single by Selena Gomez & the Scene
Wikipedia - WHSB -- Radio station in Alpena, Michigan
Wikipedia - Why Do Fools Fall in Love (song) -- 1956 single by Frankie Lymon and The Teenagers
Wikipedia - Wie is de Mol? Renaissance -- Dutch reality television season
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/Template redirects -- Documentation of AWB about template renaming
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Cleanup -- Wikimedia maintenance collaboration Project
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Maintenance -- Wikipedia project page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:RedWarn -- JavaScript anti-vandalism and maintenance tool
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Template index/Maintenance -- Wikipedia project page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Twinkle -- Wikipedia maintenance tool
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Abandoned Drafts -- Wikimedia maintenance collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Articles for creation -- Wikimedia maintenance collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Check Wikipedia -- Wikimedia maintenance project
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Contributor clean-up -- Wikimedia maintenance collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Disambiguation -- Wikimedia maintenance project
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Infoboxes -- Wikimedia maintenance project
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Laundromat -- Wikimedia maintenance collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Orphanage -- Maintenance collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Stub sorting -- Wikimedia internal-maintenance collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Trivia Cleanup -- Wikimedia maintenance collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WPCleaner -- Tool designed to help with various maintenance tasks
Wikipedia - Wilco Nienaber -- South African professional golfer
Wikipedia - Wild Africa Trek -- Experience at Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Wilhelm Creizenach -- 19th/20th-century German historian
Wikipedia - Wilhelm Gottlieb Tilesius von Tilenau
Wikipedia - Wilhelm Graf von Hohenau -- German equestrian
Wikipedia - Willard Warner -- U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - William Abbe -- Iowa state senator
Wikipedia - William Bentvena -- American mobster (1921-1970)
Wikipedia - William Bromley-Davenport (Lord Lieutenant) -- British landowner
Wikipedia - William Byrd -- English Renaissance composer
Wikipedia - William Coates (longevity claimant) -- American claimant as a supercentenarian
Wikipedia - William Courtenay, 10th Earl of Devon -- British politician and aristocrat
Wikipedia - William Courtenay -- 14th-century Archbishop of Canterbury and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - William C. Smith Jr. -- American politician in the Maryland State Senate
Wikipedia - William Culkin -- Minnesota state senator
Wikipedia - William Davenant -- 17th-century English poet and playwright
Wikipedia - William Edward Phillips -- Governor of Penang
Wikipedia - William E. Riley -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - William Frankena
Wikipedia - William Frenaye -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Hall (Lord Lieutenant) -- Northern Irish businessman
Wikipedia - William H. Amoss -- American politician, Maryland State Senator
Wikipedia - William Hiseland -- British soldier and supercentenarian
Wikipedia - William J. Ihlenfeld II -- American lawyer, West Virginia state senator
Wikipedia - William J. Van Ryzin -- US Marine Corps lieutenant general
Wikipedia - William Kelly Harrison Jr. -- U.S. Army Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - William K. Frankena
Wikipedia - William Kwabena Aduhene -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - William L. Armstrong -- Republican United States Senator from Colorado
Wikipedia - William L. Utley -- American politician, Civil War Union Army Colonel, Member of the Wisconsin State Senate and Assembly
Wikipedia - William Maclay (Pennsylvania senator) -- United States Senator from Pennsylvania (1737-1804)
Wikipedia - William Orfeur Cavenagh -- Colonial Administrator
Wikipedia - William Pinckney Mason -- Confederate States Navy lieutenant (1843-1922)
Wikipedia - William Pitt Kellogg -- United States Senator and Governor of Louisiana
Wikipedia - William R. Kenan Jr.
Wikipedia - Williams Arena at Minges Coliseum -- Arena in North Carolina, USA
Wikipedia - Williams Arena -- Multi-purpose arena in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Wikipedia - William Tighe -- Lord Lieutenant of Kilkenny from 1847 to 1878
Wikipedia - William Walker (filibuster) -- 19th-century American filibuster, physician, lawyer, journalist, and mercenary
Wikipedia - William W. "Bill" Kirtley -- American anti-death penalty activist
Wikipedia - Windows Neptune -- Codename for a version of Microsoft Windows under development in 1999
Wikipedia - Windsor Arena -- Indoor arena in Windsor, Ontario
Wikipedia - Winnipeg Arena -- Arena located in Winnipeg
Wikipedia - Winthrop Coliseum -- Arena in Rock Hill, South Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Wintrust Arena -- Indoor arena in Chicago
Wikipedia - Wisconsin Senate, District 21 -- Legislative District of the Wisconsin Senate for rural and suburban portions of Racine and Kenosha Counties
Wikipedia - Wisconsin Senate, District 22 -- Legislative District of the Wisconsin Senate for urban portions of Racine and Kenosha Counties
Wikipedia - Wisconsin Senate, District 28 -- Organization
Wikipedia - Wisconsin Senate, District 5 -- Legislative District of the Wisconsin Senate for southeastern Milwaukee County
Wikipedia - Wisconsin Senate, District 7 -- Legislative District of the Wisconsin Senate for southeastern Milwaukee County
Wikipedia - Witenagemot -- Historical council in Anglo-Saxon England
Wikipedia - WNBD-LD -- NBC affiliate in Grenada, Mississippi
Wikipedia - WOHT -- Radio station in Grenada, Mississippi
Wikipedia - Wolstein Center -- Arena in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Wolverton railway works -- Railway carriage construction and maintenance facility in Wolverton, Milton Keynes in England
Wikipedia - Wolves (Selena Gomez and Marshmello song) -- 2017 single by Selena Gomez and Marshmello
Wikipedia - Women in the United States Senate -- History of female representation in the US Senate
Wikipedia - Women Who Ruled: Queens, Goddesses, Amazons, 1500-1650 -- 2002 exhibition of Renaissance and baroque art
Wikipedia - Woollen Gymnasium -- Former arena in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Woolwich Arsenal station -- Docklands Light Railway and National Rail station
Wikipedia - Workers Indoor Arena -- Indoor arena located at Workers' Stadium in Beijing, China
Wikipedia - Work It Baby -- German record label owned by Kris Menace
Wikipedia - World Day Against the Death Penalty -- Internationally observed day on 10 October
Wikipedia - World Memorial Hall -- Multi-purpose arena in Kobe, Japan
Wikipedia - Worthen Arena -- University sports arena in Indiana, U.S.
Wikipedia - WWZW -- Radio station in Buena Vista, Virginia
Wikipedia - WXXM (data model) -- Markup language which enables the management and distribution of weather data
Wikipedia - Wyatt Cenac -- American actor and comedian
Wikipedia - WYKV -- K-Love radio station in Ravena, New York, United States
Wikipedia - WZTK -- Radio station in Alpena, Michigan
Wikipedia - X Athena Widgets
Wikipedia - Xavier Chamorro Cardenal -- Nicaraguan newspaper editor
Wikipedia - Xcel Energy Center -- Multi-purpose arena in St. Paul, MN
Wikipedia - Xebio Arena Sendai -- N arena in Sendai, Miyagi, Japa
Wikipedia - XECSAC-AM -- Radio station in El Arenal, Jalisco
Wikipedia - XEDJ-AM -- Former radio station in Magdalena de Kino, Sonora
Wikipedia - Xenambulacraria -- Animal clade containing xenoturbellids, acoelomorphs, echinoderms and hemichordates
Wikipedia - Xenambyx -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Xenarchus (comic poet) -- Greek comic poet of the Middle Comedy
Wikipedia - Xenarchus of Seleucia -- 1st century BC Greek Peripatetic philosopher and grammarian
Wikipedia - Xenaroswellianinae -- Subfamily of beetles
Wikipedia - Xenarthra -- Superorder of mammals including anteaters, sloths, and armadillos
Wikipedia - Xena: Warrior Princess (season 1) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Xena: Warrior Princess -- American-New Zealand fantasy series (1995-2001)
Wikipedia - Xena -- Fictional character from the TV series "Xena: Warrior Princess"
Wikipedia - Xena Workwear -- Women's protective footwear company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - XESTRC-AM -- Public radio station in Tenabo, Campeche
Wikipedia - XHACM-FM -- Radio station in Cardenas, Tabasco
Wikipedia - XHADA-FM -- Radio station in Ensenada, Baja California
Wikipedia - XHAT-FM -- Radio station in Ensenada, Baja California
Wikipedia - XHDX-FM -- Radio station in Ensenada, Baja California
Wikipedia - XHEBC-FM -- Radio station in Ensenada, Baja California
Wikipedia - XHEOJ-FM -- Radio station in Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan
Wikipedia - XHEPF-FM -- Radio station in Ensenada, Baja California
Wikipedia - XHFZO-FM -- Radio station in Ensenada, Baja California
Wikipedia - XHHC-FM -- Radio station in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
Wikipedia - XHLAC-FM -- IMER radio station in Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan
Wikipedia - XHLCM-FM -- Radio station in Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan
Wikipedia - XHLDC-FM -- Radio station in Magdalena de Kino, Sonora
Wikipedia - XHLZ-FM (Michoacan) -- Radio station in Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan
Wikipedia - XHMLO-FM -- Radio station in Malinalco-Tenancingo, State of Mexico
Wikipedia - XHPENS-FM -- Radio station in Ensenada, Baja California
Wikipedia - XHPSEN-FM -- Radio station in Ensenada, Baja California
Wikipedia - XHSBT-FM -- Radio station in San Buenaventura, Chihuahua
Wikipedia - XiamenAir -- Airline in the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Ximena Abarca -- Chilean pop singer and actress
Wikipedia - Ximena Ayala -- Mexican actress
Wikipedia - Ximena Duque -- Colombian actress and model and a star
Wikipedia - Ximena Escalante -- Mexican dramatist
Wikipedia - Ximena LondoM-CM-1o -- Colombian botanist
Wikipedia - Ximena McGlashan -- Entomologist, and a "butterfly farmer"
Wikipedia - Ximena Navarrete -- Mexican model
Wikipedia - Ximena SariM-CM-1ana -- Mexican singer-songwriter and actress
Wikipedia - Ximena Valero -- Mexican fashion designer
Wikipedia - Xinzhuang Gymnasium -- Indoor sports arena in New Taipei City, Taiwan
Wikipedia - XL Center -- Multi-purpose arena and convention center located in downtown Hartford, Connecticut
Wikipedia - Xylena exsoleta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Xylena vetusta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Yahan Ameena Bikti Hai -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - Yaima Mena -- Cuban diver
Wikipedia - Yamaoka Station -- Railway station in Ena, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Yamdena language -- Austronesian language spoken in Maluku, Indonesia
Wikipedia - YaM-EM-^_ar DoM-DM-^_u Sport Hall -- indoor sporting arena located in Turkey
Wikipedia - Yantarny Sports Palace -- An indoor sporting arena located in Russia
Wikipedia - Yardena Arazi -- Israeli singer and entertainer
Wikipedia - Yaser Abdel Said -- man accused of murdering his two teenage daughters
Wikipedia - Yasmine Boudjenah -- French politician
Wikipedia - Yasmin Mejias -- Former member of Puerto Rico Senate
Wikipedia - Yehoshua Kenaz -- Israeli novelist
Wikipedia - Yelena Anokhina -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Yelena Arshintseva -- Russian racewalker
Wikipedia - Yelena Baltabayeva -- Kazakhstani shot putter
Wikipedia - Yelena Banadysenko-Mamayeva -- Soviet speed skater
Wikipedia - Yelena Belyakova -- Russian pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Yelena Bet -- Belarusian sprint canoer
Wikipedia - Yelena Bonner
Wikipedia - Yelena Churakova -- Russian track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Yelena Dembo -- Greek International Master of chess
Wikipedia - Yelena Donskaya -- Soviet sport shooter
Wikipedia - Yelena Drapeko -- Soviet and Russian actress
Wikipedia - Yelena Dubok -- Kazakhstani biathlete
Wikipedia - Yelena Dudina -- Soviet canoeist
Wikipedia - Yelena Dudnik -- Russian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Yelena Gagarina -- Russian art historian
Wikipedia - Yelena Grigoryeva (figure skater) -- Belarusian figure skater
Wikipedia - Yelena Grigoryeva -- Russian LGBT rights activist
Wikipedia - Yelena Gruzinova -- Russian racewalker
Wikipedia - Yelena Ilyina -- Soviet speed skater
Wikipedia - Yelena Ivanova (diver) -- Kazakhstani diver
Wikipedia - Yelena Kosolapova -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Yelena Kotelnikova -- Russian judoka
Wikipedia - Yelena Krivoshey -- Russian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Yelena Kurzina -- Belarusian canoeist
Wikipedia - Yelena Kuzmina (actress) -- Soviet actress
Wikipedia - Yelena Kuznetsova -- Kazakhstani racewalker
Wikipedia - Yelena Lapuga -- Soviet speed skater
Wikipedia - Yelena Lebedeva -- Uzbekistani canoeist
Wikipedia - Yelena Matyushenko -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Yelena Melnikova -- Russian biathlete
Wikipedia - Yelena Miroshina -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Yelena Naimushina -- Soviet artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Yelena Nikolayeva (racewalker) -- Russian race walker
Wikipedia - Yelena Oblova -- Russian sailor
Wikipedia - Yelena Panova (actress) -- Russian actress
Wikipedia - Yelena Panova (bodybuilder) -- Russian bodybuilder
Wikipedia - Yelena Petrova -- Russian judoka
Wikipedia - Yelena Petushkova -- Russian equestrian
Wikipedia - Yelena Plotnikova (archer) -- Kazakhstani archer
Wikipedia - Yelena Posevina -- Russian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Yelena Potapenko -- Kazakhstani modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Yelena Produnova -- Russian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Yelena Prokhorova -- Russian heptathlete
Wikipedia - Yelena Rabaya -- Russian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Yelena Sayko -- Russian racewalker
Wikipedia - Yelena Serova -- Russian cosmonaut
Wikipedia - Yelena Shalamova -- Russian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Yelena Shatkovskaya -- Soviet and Russian scientist
Wikipedia - Yelena Shidyanskaya -- Military commander
Wikipedia - Yelena Sinitsina -- Kazakhstani speed skater
Wikipedia - Yelena Stepanenko -- Russian stand-up comic and actor
Wikipedia - Yelena Struchayeva -- Kazakhstani sport shooter
Wikipedia - Yelena Syuzeva -- Russian sailor
Wikipedia - Yelena Taranova -- Azerbaijani Paralympic shooter
Wikipedia - Yelena Tikhonova -- Russian speed skater
Wikipedia - Yelena Tissina -- Russian canoeist
Wikipedia - Yelena Tumanova -- Soviet speed skater
Wikipedia - Yelena Tyushnyakova -- Russian speed skater
Wikipedia - Yelena Zakharova -- Russian actress
Wikipedia - Yellow trap -- Traffic scenario
Wikipedia - Yemima Ben-Menahem -- Israeli Philosopher
Wikipedia - Yengus Azenaw -- Ethiopian female para athlete
Wikipedia - Yerba Buena Island -- Neighborhood of San Francisco, California, US
Wikipedia - Yiddish -- High German-derived language used by Ashkenazi Jews
Wikipedia - Yilmaz Guney -- Kurdish film director, scenarist, novelist and actor
Wikipedia - Ynskje Wagenaar -- Dutch speed skater
Wikipedia - Yokohama Arena -- Indoor arena in Yokohama, Japan
Wikipedia - Yokohama Cultural Gymnasium -- Indoor sports arena in Yokohama, Japan
Wikipedia - Yokosuka Naval Arsenal -- Japanese shipyard
Wikipedia - Yolanda Arenas -- Cuban actress
Wikipedia - Yoni Ben-Menachem -- Israeli journalist
Wikipedia - York City Ice Arena -- Ice rink in York, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Wikipedia - York Hall -- Indoor sporting arena located in United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Yost Ice Arena -- Hockey arena in Ann Arbor, Michigan
Wikipedia - Youth Indigenize the Senate of Canada -- Indigenous youth of Canada
Wikipedia - Yoyogi National Gymnasium -- arena located at Yoyogi Park in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Yuengling Center -- Arena in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Yuge Station -- Railway station in Kumenan, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Yuriko Renardy -- Japanese-American mathematician
Wikipedia - Yusuf Kenan Sonmez -- Turkish politician
Wikipedia - Zabranjena ljubav -- Croatian television soap opera
Wikipedia - Zdena DorM-EM-^Hakova -- Czech gymnast
Wikipedia - Zdena Herfortova -- Czech actress
Wikipedia - Zdena Studenkova -- Slovak actress, singer, and writer
Wikipedia - Zdena Tominova -- Czech novelist
Wikipedia - Zeena Parkins -- American musician
Wikipedia - Zeenat Abdullah Channa -- Pakistani educationist and writer
Wikipedia - Zeenat Aman -- Indian actress and model
Wikipedia - Zeenat Begum -- Indian singer
Wikipedia - Zeenat Bibi -- Pakistani politician
Wikipedia - Zeenath Abbas -- Maldivian actress
Wikipedia - Zeenat Mosharraf -- Bangladeshi politician
Wikipedia - Zeenat-un-Nissa
Wikipedia - Zelda Spellman -- Fictional character from Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Wikipedia - Zena Abbott -- New Zealand weaver and teacher
Wikipedia - Zenab Issa Oki SoumaM-CM-/ne -- Chadian aviator
Wikipedia - Zena Brody -- American editor
Wikipedia - Zena Cardman -- US astronaut candidate
Wikipedia - Zena Dare -- English actress, singer
Wikipedia - Zena Daysh -- New Zealand human ecologist
Wikipedia - Zenaida Alexandrovna Minkwitz -- Russian botanist (1878-1918)
Wikipedia - Zenaida and Philonella
Wikipedia - Zenaida doves -- Genus of birds
Wikipedia - Zenaida dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Zenaida Monsada -- Filipino chemist and cabinet member
Wikipedia - Zenaida Moya -- Belizean mayor
Wikipedia - Zenaida Yanowsky -- Spanish ballet dancer
Wikipedia - Zenaide Maia -- Brazilian politician
Wikipedia - Zena Kamash -- Archaeologist
Wikipedia - Zena Keefe -- American actress
Wikipedia - Zena Marshall -- British actress
Wikipedia - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance -- book by Robert M. Pirsig
Wikipedia - Zenas Coffin -- American shipowner and whale oil merchant
Wikipedia - Zenas H. Gurley Sr. -- Leader in the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Zenas King -- American bridge builder
Wikipedia - Zena Stein -- South African epidemiologist
Wikipedia - Zenas the Lawyer
Wikipedia - Zenas Work Bliss -- American politician
Wikipedia - Zena Tooze -- Canadian conservationist
Wikipedia - Zena Werb -- German-born cell biologist
Wikipedia - Zeresenay Berhane Mehari -- Ethiopian filmmaker
Wikipedia - Zersenay Tadese -- Eritrean long-distance runner and Olympic medallist
Wikipedia - Zevenaar railway station -- Railway station located in Zevenaar, Netherlands
Wikipedia - Zheldorremmash -- Russian locomotive repair and maintenance company
Wikipedia - Zhenan Bao -- Chemical engineer
Wikipedia - Zhengzhou South railway station -- Railway station under construction in Zhengzhou, Henan, China
Wikipedia - Ziggo Dome -- Multi-use indoor arena in Amsterdam
Wikipedia - Zinthia Benavides -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Zombie Auto 150 -- ARCA Menards Series East race at Bristol Motor Speedway
Wikipedia - Zoonavena -- Genus of birds
Wikipedia - Zulay Henao -- Colombian-American actor
Wikipedia - Zygaena angelicae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena anthyllidis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena aurata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena brizae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena cacuminum -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena carniolica -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena centaureae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena contaminei -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena corsica -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena cuvieri -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena cynarae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena dorycnii -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena ecki -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena ephialtes -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena erythrus -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena escalerai -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena exulans -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena fausta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena favonia -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena felix -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena formosa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena haberhaueri -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena haematina -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena hilaris -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena ignifera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena kavrigini -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena laeta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena lavandulae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena lonicerae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena loyselis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena lydia -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena magiana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena mana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena manlia -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena minos -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena nevadensis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena niphona -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena occitanica -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena olivieri -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena orana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena osterodensis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena oxytropis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena punctum -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena purpuralis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena rhadamanthus -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena romeo -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena rubicundus -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena sarpedon -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena sedi -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena separata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena sogdiana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena tamara -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena transalpina -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena trifolii -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena truchmena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Zygaena viciae -- Species of moth
Barbara Mikulski ::: Born: July 20, 1936; Occupation: United States Senator;
Jerry Moran ::: Born: May 29, 1954; Occupation: United States Senator;
Constance Baker Motley ::: Born: September 14, 1921; Died: September 28, 2005; Occupation: Former New York State Senator;
Daniel Patrick Moynihan ::: Born: March 16, 1927; Died: March 26, 2003; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Patty Murray ::: Born: October 11, 1950; Occupation: United States Senator;
Birch Bayh ::: Born: January 22, 1928; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Pablo Neruda ::: Born: July 12, 1904; Died: September 23, 1973; Occupation: Senator of Chile;
Gavin Newsom ::: Born: October 10, 1967; Occupation: Lieutenant Governor of California;
Bob Ney ::: Born: July 5, 1954; Occupation: Ohio State Senator;
Major Owens ::: Born: June 28, 1936; Died: October 21, 2013; Occupation: New York State Senator;
Konrad Adenauer ::: Born: January 5, 1876; Died: April 19, 1967; Occupation: Former Chancellor of Germany;
Rand Paul ::: Born: January 7, 1963; Occupation: United States Senator;
Rob Portman ::: Born: December 19, 1955; Occupation: United States Senator;
Pat Benatar ::: Born: January 10, 1953; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Richie Benaud ::: Born: October 6, 1930; Died: April 10, 2015; Occupation: Cricketer;
Harry Reid ::: Born: December 2, 1939; Occupation: United States Senator;
Ernest Renan ::: Born: February 28, 1823; Died: October 12, 1892; Occupation: Philosopher;
Jules Renard ::: Born: January 22, 1864; Died: May 22, 1910; Occupation: Author;
Mary Renault ::: Born: September 4, 1905; Died: December 13, 1983; Occupation: Writer;
Robert Foster Bennett ::: Born: September 18, 1933; Died: May 4, 2016; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Renata Adler ::: Born: October 19, 1938; Occupation: Author;
Marco Rubio ::: Born: May 28, 1971; Occupation: United States Senator;
Bernie Sanders ::: Born: September 8, 1941; Occupation: United States Senator;
Rick Santorum ::: Born: May 10, 1958; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Menachem Mendel Schneerson ::: Born: April 18, 1902; Died: June 12, 1994; Occupation: Rabbi;
Charles Schumer ::: Born: November 23, 1950; Occupation: United States Senator;
Carl Schurz ::: Born: March 2, 1829; Died: May 14, 1906; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Tim Scott ::: Born: September 19, 1965; Occupation: United States Senator;
Jeff Sessions ::: Born: December 24, 1946; Occupation: United States Senator;
Benazir Bhutto ::: Born: June 21, 1953; Died: December 27, 2007; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Pakistan;
Gordon Smith ::: Born: May 25, 1952; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Margaret Chase Smith ::: Born: December 14, 1897; Died: May 29, 1995; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Olympia Snowe ::: Born: February 21, 1947; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Arlen Specter ::: Born: February 12, 1930; Died: October 14, 2012; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Debbie Stabenow ::: Born: April 29, 1950; Occupation: United States Senator;
Jeff Bingaman ::: Born: October 3, 1943; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Augustine Birrell ::: Born: January 19, 1850; Died: November 20, 1933; Occupation: Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland;
Mena Suvari ::: Born: February 13, 1979; Occupation: Actress;
Jim Talent ::: Born: October 18, 1956; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Fred Thompson ::: Born: August 19, 1942; Died: November 1, 2015; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
John Thune ::: Born: January 7, 1961; Occupation: United States Senator;
Strom Thurmond ::: Born: December 5, 1902; Died: June 26, 2003; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Robert Toombs ::: Born: July 2, 1810; Died: December 15, 1885; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Paul Tsongas ::: Born: February 14, 1941; Died: January 18, 1997; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Boss Tweed ::: Born: April 3, 1823; Died: April 12, 1878; Occupation: New York State Senator;
Mark Udall ::: Born: July 18, 1950; Occupation: United States Senator;
Tom Udall ::: Born: May 18, 1948; Occupation: United States Senator;
Elizabeth Warren ::: Born: June 22, 1949; Occupation: United States Senator;
Daniel Webster ::: Born: January 18, 1782; Died: October 24, 1852; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Earl Blumenauer ::: Born: August 16, 1948; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Paul Wellstone ::: Born: July 21, 1944; Died: October 25, 2002; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Sheldon Whitehouse ::: Born: October 20, 1955; Occupation: United States Senator;
Prince William ::: Born: June 21, 1982; Occupation: Lieutenant;
Serena Williams ::: Born: September 26, 1981; Occupation: Tennis player;
Ron Wyden ::: Born: May 3, 1949; Occupation: United States Senator;
Marguerite Yourcenar ::: Born: June 8, 1903; Died: December 17, 1987; Occupation: Novelist;
Christopher Bond ::: Born: March 6, 1939; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Cory Booker ::: Born: April 27, 1969; Occupation: United States Senator;
Barbara Boxer ::: Born: November 11, 1940; Occupation: United States Senator;

Bill Bradley ::: Born: July 28, 1943; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
St. Catherine of Siena ::: Born: March 17, 1347; Died: April 29, 1380; Occupation: Saint;
Roméo Dallaire ::: Born: June 25, 1946; Occupation: Canadian Senator;
Gena Showalter ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Author;
Irenaeus of Lyons ::: Born: 130; Died: 202; Occupation: Saint;
Deena Metzger ::: Born: September 17, 1936; Occupation: Writer;
Carol Moseley Braun ::: Born: August 16, 1947; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Gerald Brenan ::: Born: April 7, 1894; Died: January 19, 1987; Occupation: Writer;
Elena Ferrante ::: Born: 1943; Occupation: Novelist;
Matt de la Pena ::: Born: September 9, 1951; Occupation: Writer;
Jacinto Benavente ::: Born: August 12, 1866; Died: July 14, 1954; Occupation: Dramatist;
David Benatar ::: Born: December 8, 1966; Occupation: Professor;
Joe Queenan ::: Born: November 3, 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
Bob Packwood ::: Born: September 11, 1932; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
William Samuel Johnson ::: Born: October 7, 1727; Died: November 14, 1819; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Sherrod Brown ::: Born: November 9, 1952; Occupation: United States Senator;
Eugene McCarthy ::: Born: March 29, 1916; Died: December 10, 2005; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Charles Sumner ::: Born: January 6, 1811; Died: March 11, 1874; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Orrin Hatch ::: Born: March 22, 1934; Occupation: United States Senator;
Johannes Scotus Eriugena ::: Born: 815; Died: 877; Occupation: Philosopher;
Elihu Root ::: Born: February 15, 1845; Died: February 7, 1937; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Mark Hatfield ::: Born: July 12, 1922; Died: August 7, 2011; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
James L. Buckley ::: Born: March 9, 1923; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Spark Matsunaga ::: Born: October 8, 1916; Died: April 15, 1990; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Menachem Begin ::: Born: August 16, 1913; Died: March 9, 1992; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Israel;
Russ Feingold ::: Born: March 2, 1953; Occupation: Former U.S. Senate member;
Conrad Burns ::: Born: January 25, 1935; Died: April 28, 2016; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Richard Burr ::: Born: November 30, 1955; Occupation: United States Senator;
Daniel Kahikina Akaka ::: Born: September 11, 1924; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Lawton Chiles ::: Born: April 3, 1930; Died: December 12, 1998; Occupation: Former American Senate member;
Robert Byrd ::: Born: November 20, 1917; Died: June 28, 2010; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Jon Corzine ::: Born: January 1, 1947; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Ben Nighthorse Campbell ::: Born: April 13, 1933; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Elizabeth Dole ::: Born: July 29, 1936; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Phil Gramm ::: Born: July 8, 1942; Occupation: Former American senator;
Gaylord Nelson ::: Born: June 4, 1916; Died: July 3, 2005; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Richard Lugar ::: Born: April 4, 1932; Occupation: Former member of the United States Senate;
Susan Collins ::: Born: December 7, 1952; Occupation: United States Senator;
Michael Bennet ::: Born: November 28, 1964; Occupation: United States Senator;
Saxby Chambliss ::: Born: November 10, 1943; Occupation: United States Senator;
Jeff Flake ::: Born: December 31, 1962; Occupation: United States Senator;
Bob Menendez ::: Born: January 1, 1954; Occupation: United States Senator;
Roger Wicker ::: Born: July 5, 1951; Occupation: United States Senator;
Mike Lee ::: Born: June 4, 1971; Occupation: United States Senator;
David Vitter ::: Born: May 3, 1961; Occupation: United States Senator;
Joe Lieberman ::: Born: February 24, 1942; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Maria Cantwell ::: Born: October 13, 1958; Occupation: United States Senator;
Sam Nunn ::: Born: September 8, 1938; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Nancy Kassebaum ::: Born: July 29, 1932; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Thomas Carper ::: Born: January 23, 1947; Occupation: United States Senator;
Jim Webb ::: Born: February 9, 1946; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Robert M. La Follette, Sr. ::: Born: June 14, 1855; Died: June 18, 1925; Occupation: Former member of the U.S. Senate;
Helena Bonham Carter ::: Born: May 26, 1966; Occupation: Actress;
Bob Casey, Jr. ::: Born: April 13, 1960; Occupation: United States Senator;
Tim Wirth ::: Born: September 22, 1939; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Juan Manuel, Prince of Villena ::: Born: May 5, 1282; Died: June 13, 1348; Occupation: Writer;
George J. Mitchell ::: Born: August 20, 1933; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Iannis Xenakis ::: Born: May 29, 1922; Died: February 4, 2001; Occupation: Composer;
John Cena ::: Born: April 23, 1977; Occupation: Professional Wrestler;
Roy Blunt ::: Born: January 10, 1950; Occupation: United States Senator;
Charles Mathias ::: Born: July 24, 1922; Died: January 25, 2010; Occupation: Former member of the United States Senate;
Terry Venables ::: Born: January 6, 1943; Occupation: Football player;
Ernesto Cardenal ::: Born: January 20, 1925; Occupation: Priest;
Tim Kaine ::: Born: February 26, 1958; Occupation: United States Senator;
Chris Murphy ::: Born: August 3, 1973; Occupation: United States Senator;
Salmon P. Chase ::: Born: January 13, 1808; Died: May 7, 1873; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Nancy Keenan ::: Born: February 14, 1952;
Magdalena de Pazzi ::: Born: April 2, 1566; Died: May 25, 1607; Occupation: Saint;
Anne-Therese de Marguenat de Courcelles ::: Born: 1647; Died: July 12, 1733; Occupation: Writer;
Helena Christensen ::: Born: December 25, 1968; Occupation: Fashion model;
William Borah ::: Born: June 29, 1865; Died: January 19, 1940; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
William Cohen ::: Born: August 28, 1940; Occupation: Former member of the United States Senate;
Russell B. Long ::: Born: November 3, 1918; Died: May 9, 2003; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Henry Margenau ::: Born: April 30, 1901; Died: February 8, 1997; Occupation: Physicist;
Oliver Ellsworth ::: Born: April 29, 1745; Died: November 26, 1807; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Teena Marie ::: Born: March 5, 1956; Died: December 26, 2010; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Frank Lautenberg ::: Born: January 23, 1924; Died: June 3, 2013; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Lamar Alexander ::: Born: July 3, 1940; Occupation: United States Senator;
Tom Coburn ::: Born: March 14, 1948; Occupation: United States Senator;
Thad Cochran ::: Born: December 7, 1937; Occupation: United States Senator;
Irena Sendler ::: Born: February 15, 1910; Died: May 12, 2008; Occupation: Nurse;
Lisa Murkowski ::: Born: May 22, 1957; Occupation: United States Senator;
Pat Roberts ::: Born: April 20, 1936; Occupation: United States Senator;
Carlos Pena, Jr. ::: Born: August 15, 1989; Occupation: Actor;
Theodore Stevens ::: Born: November 18, 1923; Died: August 9, 2010; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Norm Coleman ::: Born: August 17, 1949; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Lloyd Bentsen ::: Born: February 11, 1921; Died: May 23, 2006; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Ezra Cornell ::: Born: January 11, 1807; Died: December 9, 1874; Occupation: New York State Senator;
Barber Conable ::: Born: November 2, 1922; Died: November 30, 2003; Occupation: New York State Senator;
Virgil Goode ::: Born: October 17, 1946; Occupation: Virginia State Senator;
Steve Symms ::: Born: April 23, 1938; Occupation: Former U.S. senator;
Albert J. Beveridge ::: Born: October 6, 1862; Died: April 27, 1927; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Joseph McCarthy ::: Born: November 14, 1908; Died: May 2, 1957; Occupation: Former American senator;
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. ::: Born: July 5, 1902; Died: February 27, 1985; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Jeremiah Denton ::: Born: July 15, 1924; Died: March 28, 2014; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
John Cornyn ::: Born: February 2, 1952; Occupation: United States Senator;
Bryce Courtenay ::: Born: August 14, 1933; Died: November 22, 2012; Occupation: Novelist;
Natalia Tena ::: Born: November 1, 1984; Occupation: Film actress;
Jelena Jankovic ::: Born: February 28, 1985; Occupation: Tennis player;
Larry Craig ::: Born: July 20, 1945; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Wyatt Cenac ::: Born: April 19, 1976; Occupation: Stand-up comedian;
Elizabeth Pena ::: Born: September 23, 1959; Died: October 14, 2014; Occupation: Actress;
Tom Courtenay ::: Born: February 25, 1937; Occupation: Actor;
Ted Cruz ::: Born: December 22, 1970; Occupation: United States Senator;
Lena Olin ::: Born: March 22, 1955; Occupation: Film actress;
Kenan Thompson ::: Born: May 10, 1978; Occupation: Actor;
Mazie Hirono ::: Born: November 3, 1947; Occupation: United States Senator;
Cruz Bustamante ::: Born: January 4, 1953; Occupation: Former Lieutenant Governor of California;
Kristen McMenamy ::: Born: December 13, 1964; Occupation: Model;
John C. Danforth ::: Born: September 5, 1936; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Selena ::: Born: April 16, 1971; Died: March 31, 1995; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Tom Daschle ::: Born: December 9, 1947; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Elena Anaya ::: Born: July 17, 1975; Occupation: Actress;
Helena Maria Viramontes ::: Born: February 26, 1954; Occupation: Fiction writer;
Mike Mansfield ::: Born: March 16, 1903; Died: October 5, 2001; Occupation: Former member of the U.S. Senate;
Alejandro Amenabar ::: Born: March 31, 1972; Occupation: Composer;
Geena Davis ::: Born: January 21, 1956; Occupation: Actress;
Al D'Amato ::: Born: August 1, 1937; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Jim DeMint ::: Born: September 2, 1951; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Helena ::: Born: 245 BC; Died: August 18, 330; Occupation: Saint;
William Davenant ::: Born: March 3, 1606; Died: April 7, 1668; Occupation: Poet;

Guillermo Gomez-Pena ::: Born: 1955; Occupation: Artist;
Gary Renard ::: Born: March 6, 1951; Occupation: Author;
Lena Headey ::: Born: October 3, 1973; Occupation: Actress;
Everett Dirksen ::: Born: January 4, 1896; Died: September 7, 1969; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Christopher Dodd ::: Born: May 27, 1944; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Geena Rocero ::: Born: 1984; Occupation: Model;
Byron Dorgan ::: Born: May 14, 1942; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Prescott Bush ::: Born: May 15, 1895; Died: October 8, 1972; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Ernest Gruening ::: Born: February 6, 1887; Died: June 26, 1974; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
George W. Plunkitt ::: Born: November 17, 1842; Died: November 19, 1924; Occupation: New York State Senator;
Lowell P. Weicker, Jr. ::: Born: May 16, 1931; Occupation: Former American senator;
Zeena Schreck ::: Born: November 19, 1963; Occupation: Artist;
Laura Benanti ::: Born: July 15, 1979; Occupation: Actress;
Michael Dean Crapo ::: Born: May 20, 1951; Occupation: United States Senator;
Alan Cranston ::: Born: June 19, 1914; Died: December 31, 2000; Occupation: Former American senator;
Kirsten Gillibrand ::: Born: December 9, 1966; Occupation: United States Senator;
Pat Toomey ::: Born: November 17, 1961; Occupation: United States Senator;
Mark Kirk ::: Born: September 15, 1959; Occupation: United States Senator;
Richard Shelby ::: Born: May 6, 1934; Occupation: United States Senator;
John Foster Dulles ::: Born: February 25, 1888; Died: May 24, 1959; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Lena Dunham ::: Born: May 13, 1986; Occupation: Filmmaker;
John Sherman ::: Born: May 10, 1823; Died: October 22, 1900; Occupation: Former American senator;
Dick Durbin ::: Born: November 21, 1944; Occupation: United States Senator;
Buenaventura Durruti ::: Born: July 14, 1896; Died: November 20, 1936;
Frank Murkowski ::: Born: March 28, 1933; Occupation: Former member of the United States Senate;
Pete Domenici ::: Born: May 7, 1932; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Robert M. T. Hunter ::: Born: April 21, 1809; Died: July 18, 1887; Occupation: Virginia State Senator;
Peter Greenaway ::: Born: April 5, 1942; Occupation: Film director;
Jay Rockefeller ::: Born: June 18, 1937; Occupation: United States Senator;
Dan Coats ::: Born: May 16, 1943; Occupation: United States Senator;
Sheena Easton ::: Born: April 27, 1959; Occupation: Film actress;
Selena Fox ::: Born: October 20, 1949;
Mark Hanna ::: Born: September 24, 1837; Died: February 15, 1904; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Bob Corker ::: Born: August 24, 1952; Occupation: United States Senator;
Roscoe Conkling ::: Born: October 30, 1829; Died: April 18, 1888; Occupation: Former member of the United States Senate;
Charles H. Percy ::: Born: September 27, 1919; Died: September 17, 2011; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Chuck Robb ::: Born: June 26, 1939; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Gilles Menage ::: Born: August 15, 1613; Died: July 23, 1692;
Mike Gravel ::: Born: May 13, 1930; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Loreena McKennitt ::: Born: February 17, 1957; Occupation: Musician;
John Barrasso ::: Born: July 21, 1952; Occupation: United States Senator;
Meles Zenawi ::: Born: May 8, 1955; Died: August 20, 2012; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Ethiopia;
Ernest Hollings ::: Born: January 1, 1922; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Enrique Pena Nieto ::: Born: July 20, 1966; Occupation: President of Mexico;
John Ensign ::: Born: March 25, 1958; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Michael Enzi ::: Born: February 1, 1944; Occupation: United States Senator;
John Boozman ::: Born: December 10, 1950; Occupation: United States Senator;
Vladimir Ashkenazy ::: Born: July 6, 1937; Occupation: Conductor;
Reinaldo Arenas ::: Born: July 16, 1943; Died: December 7, 1990; Occupation: Poet;
Bernardino of Siena ::: Born: September 8, 1380; Died: May 20, 1444; Occupation: Saint;
Edward Everett ::: Born: April 11, 1794; Died: January 15, 1865; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Kate Greenaway ::: Born: March 17, 1846; Died: November 6, 1901; Occupation: Children's book illustrator;
Julius Genachowski ::: Born: August 19, 1962; Occupation: Lawyer;
Dianne Feinstein ::: Born: June 22, 1933; Occupation: United States Senator;
Elena Vesnina ::: Born: August 1, 1986; Occupation: Tennis player;

Kenneth I. Chenault ::: Born: June 2, 1951; Occupation: Executive;
Yelena Bonner ::: Born: February 15, 1923; Died: June 18, 2011; Occupation: Human rights activist;

Brock Adams ::: Born: January 13, 1927; Died: September 10, 2004; Occupation: Former member of the U.S. Senate;
Magdalena Frackowiak ::: Born: October 6, 1984; Occupation: Fashion Model;
Louis Menand ::: Born: January 21, 1952; Occupation: Writer;
Al Franken ::: Born: May 21, 1951; Occupation: United States Senator;
Joni Ernst ::: Born: July 1, 1970; Occupation: United States Senator;
Thomas Jordan Jarvis ::: Born: January 18, 1836; Died: June 17, 1915; Occupation: U.S. senator;
Bill Frist ::: Born: February 22, 1952; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Matthias Schoenaerts ::: Born: December 8, 1977; Occupation: Film actor;
Enrique Penalosa ::: Born: September 30, 1954; Occupation: Politician;
Michael Pena ::: Born: January 13, 1976; Occupation: Actor;
Ben Cardin ::: Born: October 5, 1943; Occupation: Member of the United States Senate;
John Glenn ::: Born: July 18, 1921; Died: December 8, 2016; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Barry Goldwater ::: Born: January 2, 1909; Died: May 29, 1998; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Selena Gomez ::: Born: July 22, 1992; Occupation: Actress;
Edward Brooke ::: Born: October 26, 1919; Died: January 3, 2015; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Lindsey Graham ::: Born: July 9, 1955; Occupation: United States Senator;
Chuck Grassley ::: Born: September 17, 1933; Occupation: United States Senator;
George W. Norris ::: Born: July 11, 1861; Died: September 2, 1944; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Gena Rowlands ::: Born: June 19, 1930; Occupation: Film actress;
Kay Hagan ::: Born: May 26, 1953; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
John Henninger Reagan ::: Born: October 8, 1818; Died: March 6, 1905; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Tom Harkin ::: Born: November 19, 1939; Occupation: United States Senator;
Angus King ::: Born: March 31, 1944; Occupation: United States Senator;
Judah P. Benjamin ::: Born: August 6, 1811; Died: May 6, 1884; Occupation: Former United States Senator;

S. I. Hayakawa ::: Born: July 18, 1906; Died: February 27, 1992; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Menander ::: Born: 342 BC; Died: 291 BC; Occupation: Dramatist;
Bobby Heenan ::: Born: November 1, 1944; Occupation: Professional Wrestling Manager;
Joe Donnelly ::: Born: September 29, 1955; Occupation: United States Senator;
Martin Heinrich ::: Born: October 17, 1971; Occupation: United States Senator;
Jesse Helms ::: Born: October 18, 1921; Died: July 4, 2008; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Elena Roger ::: Born: October 27, 1974; Occupation: Actress;
Renata Salecl ::: Born: 1962; Occupation: Philosopher;
John Hoeven ::: Born: March 13, 1957; Occupation: United States Senator;
Lena Horne ::: Born: June 30, 1917; Died: May 9, 2010; Occupation: Singer;
Sam Houston ::: Born: March 2, 1793; Died: July 26, 1863; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Lewis Henry Morgan ::: Born: November 21, 1818; Died: December 17, 1881; Occupation: Former Member of the New York State Senate;
Kelly Ayotte ::: Born: June 27, 1968; Occupation: United States Senator;
Jeff Baena ::: Born: June 29, 1977; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Kay Bailey Hutchison ::: Born: July 22, 1943; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
James Inhofe ::: Born: November 17, 1934; Occupation: United States Senator;
Daniel Inouye ::: Born: September 7, 1924; Died: December 17, 2012; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Johnny Isakson ::: Born: December 28, 1944; Occupation: United States Senator;
Elena Poniatowska ::: Born: May 19, 1932; Occupation: Journalist;
Kenan Malik ::: Born: January 26, 1960; Occupation: Writer;
Kenan Evren ::: Born: July 17, 1917; Died: May 9, 2015; Occupation: Former President of Turkey;
Morena Baccarin ::: Born: June 2, 1979; Occupation: Actress;
Jacob K. Javits ::: Born: May 18, 1904; Died: March 7, 1986; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Jim Jeffords ::: Born: May 11, 1934; Died: August 18, 2014; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Mike Johanns ::: Born: June 18, 1950; Occupation: United States Senator;
Dean Heller ::: Born: May 10, 1960; Occupation: United States Senator;
Jeff Merkley ::: Born: October 24, 1956; Occupation: United States Senator;
Tim Johnson ::: Born: December 28, 1946; Occupation: United States Senator;

Nina Turner ::: Born: December 7, 1967; Occupation: Ohio State Senator;
Elena Kagan ::: Born: April 28, 1960; Occupation: Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
Kareena Kapoor ::: Born: September 21, 1980; Occupation: Actress;
Maynard James Keenan ::: Born: April 17, 1964; Occupation: Singer;
Frank B. Kellogg ::: Born: December 22, 1856; Died: December 21, 1937; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Dirk Kempthorne ::: Born: October 29, 1951; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Edward Kennedy ::: Born: February 22, 1932; Died: August 25, 2009; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Robert Kennedy ::: Born: November 20, 1925; Died: June 6, 1968; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Amy Klobuchar ::: Born: May 25, 1960; Occupation: United States Senator;
Jon Kyl ::: Born: April 25, 1942; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Tammy Baldwin ::: Born: February 11, 1962; Occupation: United States Senator;
Mary Landrieu ::: Born: November 23, 1955; Occupation: United States Senator;
Benjamin E. Sasse ::: Born: February 22, 1972; Occupation: United States Senator;
Veena Sud ::: Born: June 25, 1967; Occupation: Television writer;
Patrick Leahy ::: Born: March 31, 1940; Occupation: United States Senator;
Carl Levin ::: Born: June 28, 1934; Occupation: United States Senator;
Blanche Lincoln ::: Born: September 30, 1960; Occupation: Former U.S. Senator;
Henry Cabot Lodge ::: Born: May 12, 1850; Died: November 9, 1924; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Trent Lott ::: Born: October 9, 1941; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
Zulay Henao ::: Born: May 29, 1979; Occupation: Film actress;
Zeena Parkins ::: Born: 1956; Occupation: Harpist;
Jena Malone ::: Born: November 21, 1984; Occupation: Actress;
Ed Markey ::: Born: July 11, 1946; Occupation: United States Senator;
John McCain ::: Born: August 29, 1936; Occupation: United States Senator;
Claire McCaskill ::: Born: July 24, 1953; Occupation: United States Senator;
Mitch McConnell ::: Born: February 20, 1942; Occupation: United States Senator;
John McCrae ::: Born: November 30, 1872; Died: January 28, 1918; Occupation: Lieutenant colonel;

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last updated: 2022-02-02 19:10:26
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