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object:1.51 - How to Recognise Masters, Angels, etc., and how they Work
book class:Magick Without Tears
author class:Aleister Crowley
subject class:Occultism

Chapter LI
How to Recognise Masters, Angels, etc., and how they Work

Cara Soror,

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

I have been thinking over what I wrote in my last letter with regard to the verification of appearances in the Astral Plane.[99]

I did not mention a parallel question of even greater immediate practical importance: that of one's relations with Astral or discarnate intelligences or with Those whom we call "The Masters" or "The Gods": the messages of gestures which reach us through the normal physical channels. The importance is that they actually determine one's line of conduct in critical situations.

It seemed therefore a good idea to give you three examples from The Spirit of Solitude:[100] and here they are!

The first extract refers to the "miraculous" discovery of the MS of Liber AL some years after I had deliberately "lost" it.

The second, to the finding of a villa suited to the Work.

The third to my rescue from a state of despair.

Love is the law, love under will.

Yours fraternally,


[The following is from Vol. 4 of The Confessions, pp. 369 - 371.[101]]

It was part of my plan for the Equinox to prepare a final edition of the work of Dr. Dee and Sir Edward Kelly. I had a good many of the data and promised myself to complete them by studying the manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which, incidentally, I did in the autumn; but it struck me that it would be useful to get my large paintings of the four Elemental Watch Towers which I had made in Mexico. I thought these were probably in Boleskine. I decided to go up there for a fortnight or so. Incidentally, I had the conveniences for conferring upon Neuberg the degree of Neophyte, he having passed brilliantly through this year as a Probationer.

I consequently asked him and an Emmanuel man named Kenneth Ward, to come and stay with me. I had met Ward at Wastdale Head shortly before, having gone there to renew my ancient loves with the creeds of the gullies. It happened that Ward was very keen on skiing. I had several pairs and offered to give him some. This casual circumstance proved an essential part of the chain by which I was ultimately dragged behind the chariot of the Secret Chiefs. At least I thought it was a chain. I did not realize that steel of such exquisite temper might be beaten into a sword fit for the hand of a free man.

To my annoyance, I could not find the Elemental Watch Towers anywhere in the house. I daresay I gave up looking rather easily. I had got into a state of disgusted indifference about such things. Rose might have destroyed them in a drunken fit, just as she might have pawned them if they had possessed any commercial value. I shrugged my shoulders accordingly, and gave up the search. The skis that I had promised Ward were not to be found any more than the Watch Towers. After putting Neuburg through his initiation,*[AC46] we prepared to go to London. I had let the house, and my tenant was coming in on the first of July. We had four days in which to amuse ourselves; and we let ourselves go for a thorough good time. Thus like a thunderbolt comes the incident of June 28, thus described in my diary:

  Glory be to Nuit, Hadit, Ra-Hoor-Khuit in the Highest! A little before midday I was impelled mysteriously (though exhausted by playing fives, billiards, etc. till nearly six this morning) to make a final search for the Elemental Tablets. And lo! when I had at last abandoned the search, I cast mine eyes upon a hole in the loft where were ski, etc., and there, O Holy, Holy, Holy! were not only all that I sought, but the manuscript of Liber Legis.[102]

The ground was completely cut away from under my feet. I remained for two whole days meditating on the situation in performing, in fact, a sort of supplementary Sammasati to that of 1905. Having the knack of it, I reached a very clear conclusion without too much difficulty. The essence of the situation was that the Secret Chiefs meant to hold me to my obligation. I understood that the disaster and misery of the last three years was due to my attempt to evade my duty. I surrendered unconditionally, as appears from the entry of July 1.

  I once more solemnly renounced all that I have or am. On departing (at midnight from the topmost point of the hill which crowns my estate) instantly shone the moon, two days before her fullness, over the hills among the clouds.

This record is couched in very general terms, but it was intended to cover the practical point of my resuming the task laid upon me in Cairo exactly as I might be directed to do by my superiors.

Instantly my burden fell from my back. The long crucifixion of home life came to a crisis, immediately on my return to London. At the same time every other inhibition was automatically removed. For the first time since the spring of 1904 I felt myself free to do my Will. That, of course, was because I had at last understood what my Will was. My aspiration to be the means of emancipating humanity was perfectly fulfilled. I had merely to establish in the world the Law which had been given me to proclaim: "...thou hast no right but to do thy will." Had I bent my energies from the first to proclaiming the Law of Thelema I should doubtless have found no obstacle in my path. Those which naturally arise in the course of any work soever, would have been quietly removed by the Secret Chiefs. But I had chosen to fight against myself for five years, and "If Satan shall be divided against Satan, how shall his kingdom stand?" The more I strove, the more I encouraged an internal conflict, and stultified myself. I had been permitted to complete my initiation, for the reason that by doing so I was fitting myself for the fight; but all my other efforts had met with a derisory disaster. More, one does not wipe out a lustre of lunacy by a moment of sanity. I am suffering to this day from the effects of having wasted some of the best years of my life in the stupid and stubborn struggle to set up my conscious self against its silent sovereign, my true Soul. 'Had Zimri peace who slew his master?'

[The following is from Vol. 4 of The Confessions, pp. 590 - 598.[103]]

A boisterous party was in progress. The dancer's lifelong friend, whom I will call by the name she afterwards adopted, Soror Virakam,[104] was celebrating her birthday. This lady, a magnificent specimen of mingled Irish and Italian blood, possessed a most powerful personality and a terrific magnetism which instantly attracted my own. I forgot everything. I sat on the floor like a Chinese God, exchanging electricity with her.

After some weeks' preliminary skirmishing, we joined battle along the whole front; that is to say, I crossed to Paris, where she had a flat, and carried her off to Switzerl and to spend the winter skating. Arrived at Interlaken, we found that Murren was not open, so we went on to St. Moritz, breaking the journey at Zurich. This town is so hideous and depressing that we felt that our only chance of living through the night was to get superbly drunk, which we did . . .

(Let me emphasize that this wild adventure had not the remotest connection with Magick. Virakam was utterly ignorant of the subject. She had hardly so much as a smattering of Christian Science. She had never attended a sance or played Planchette.)

... Lassati sed non Satiati[105] by midnight, I expected to sleep; but was aroused by Virakam being apparently seized with a violent attack of hysteria, in which she poured forth a frantic torrent of senseless hallucination. I was irritated and tried to calm her. But she insisted that her experience was real; that she bore an important message to me from some invisible individual. Such nonsense increased my irritation. But after about an hour of it my jaw fell with astonishment. I became suddenly aware of a coherence in her ravings, and further that they were couched in my own language of symbols. My attention being thus awakened, I listened to what she was saying. A few minutes convinced me that she was actually in communication with some Intelligence who had a message for me.

Let me briefly explain the grounds for this belief. I have already set forth, in connection with the Cairo Working, some of the safeguards which I habitually employ. Virakam's vision contained elements perfectly familiar to me. This was clear proof that the man in her vision, whom she called Ab-ul-Diz, was acquainted with my system of hieroglyphics, literal and numerical, and also with some incidents in my Magical Career. Virakam herself certainly knew nothing of any of these. Ab-ul-Diz told us to call him a week later, when he would give further information. We arrived at St. Moritz and engaged a suite in the Palace Hotel.

My first surprise was to find that I had brought with me exactly those Magical Weapons which were suitable for the work proposed, and no others. But a yet more startling circumstance was to come. For the purpose of the Cairo Working, Ouarda[106] and I had bought two abbai; one, scarlet, for me; one, blue, for her. I had brought mine to St. Moritz; the other was of course in the possession of Ouarda. Imagine my amazement when Virakam produced from her trunk a blue abbai so like Ouarda's that the only difference were minute details of the gold embroidery! The suggestion was that the Secret Chiefs, having chosen Ouarda as their messenger, could not use any one else until she had become irrevocably disqualified by insanity. Not till now could her place be taken by another; and that Virakam should possess a duplicate of her Magical Robe seemed a strong argument that she had been consecrated by Them to take the place of her unhappy predecessor.

She was very unsatisfactory as a clairvoyant; she resented these precautions. She was a quick-tempered and impulsive woman, always eager to act with reckless enthusiasm. My cold scepticism no doubt prevented her from doing her best. Ab-ul-Diz himself constantly demanded that I should show "faith," and warned me that I was wrecking my chances by my attitude. I prevailed upon him, however, to give adequate proof of his existence, and his claim to speak with authority. The main purport of his message was to instruct me to write a book on my system of Mysticism and Magick, to be called Book 4, and told me that by means of this book, I should prevail against public neglect. I saw no objection to writing such a book; on quite rational grounds, it was a proper course of action. I therefore agreed to do so. But Ab-ul-Diz was determined to dictate the conditions in which the book should be written; and this was a difficult matter. He wanted us to travel to an appropriate place. On this point I was not wholly satisfied with the result of my cross-examination. I know now that I was much to blame throughout. I was not honest either with him, myself, or Virakam. I allowed material considerations to influence me, and I clung oh triple fool! to my sentimental obligations towards Laylah.[107]

We finally decided to do what he asked, though part of my objection was founded on his refusal to give us absolutely definite instruction. However, we crossed the Passes in a sleigh to Chiavenna, whence we took the train to Milan. In this city we had a final conversation with Ab-ul-Diz. I had exhausted his patience, as he mine, and he told us that he would not visit us any more. He gave us his final instructions. We were to go to Rome, though he refused to name the exact spot. We were to take a villa and there write Book 4. I asked him how we might recognize the right Villa. I forget what answer he gave through her, but for the first time he flashed a message directly into my own consciousness. "You will recognize it beyond the possibility of doubt or error," he told me. With this a picture came into my mind of a hillside on which were a house and garden marked by two tall Persian Nuts.

The next day we went on to Rome. Owing to my own Ananias-like attempt to "keep back part of the price," my relations with Virakam had become strained. We reached Naples after two or three quarrelsome days in Rome and began house-hunting. I imagined that we should find dozens of suitable places to choose from, but we spent day after day scouring the city and suburbs in an automobile, without finding a single place to let that corresponded in the smallest degree with our ideas.

Virakam's brat a most god-forsaken lout was to join us for the Christmas holidays, and on the day he was due to arrive we motored out as a forlorn hope to Posilippo before meeting him at the station at 4 o'clock or thereabouts. But the previous night Virakam had a dream in which she saw the desired villa with absolute clearness. (I had been careful to say nothing to her about the Persian Nuts, so as to have a weapon against her in case she insisted that such and such a place was the one intended.)

After a fruitless search we turned our automobile towards Naples, along the crest of Posilippo. At one point there is a small side lane scarcely negotiable by motor, and indeed hardly perceptible, as it branches from the main road so as to form an acute-angled "Y" with the foot towards Naples. But Virakam sprang excitedly to her feet, and told the chauffeur to drive down it. I was astonished, she being hysterically anxious to meet the train, and our time being already almost too short. But she swore passionately that the villa was down that lane. The road became constantly rougher and narrower. After some time, it came out on the open slope; a low stone parapet of the left protecting it. Again she sprang to her feet. "There," she cried, pointing with her finger, "is the Villa I saw in my dream!" I looked. No villa was visible. I said so. She had to agree; yet stuck to her point that she saw it. I subsequently returned to that spot and found that a short section of wall, perhaps 15 feet of narrow edge of masonry, is just perceptible through a gap in the vegetation.

We drove on; we came to a tiny piazza, on one side of which was a church. "That is the square and the Church," she exclaimed, "that I saw in my dream!"

We drove on. The lane became narrower, rougher and steeper. Little more than 100 yards ahead it was completely "up," blocked with heaps of broken stone. The chauffeur protested that he would be able neither to turn the car nor to back it up to the square. Virakam, in a violent rage, insisted on proceeding. I shrugged my shoulders. I had got accustomed to these typhoons.

We drove on a few yards. Then the chauffeur made up him mind to revolt, and stopped the car. On the left was a wide open gate through which we could see a gang of workmen engaged in pretending to repair a ramshackle villa. Virakam called the foreman and asked in broken Italian if the place was to let. He told her no; it was under repair. With crazy confidence she dragged him within and forced him to show her over the house. I sat in resigned disgust, not deigning to follow. Then my eyes suddenly saw down the garden, two trees close together. I stooped. Their tops appeared. They were Persian Nuts! The stupid coincidence angered me, and yet some irresistible instinct compelled me to take out my note book and pencil and jot down the name written over the gate Villa Caldarazzo. Idly I added up the letters.[108] Their sum struck me like a bullet in my brain. It was 418, the number of the Magical Formula of the Aeon, a numerical hieroglyph of the Great Work. Ab-ul-Diz had made no mistake. My recognition of the right place was not to depend on a mere matter of trees, which might be found almost anywhere. Recognition beyond all possibility of doubt was what he promised. He had been as good as his word.

I was entirely overwhelmed. I jumped out of the car and ran up to the house. I found Virakam in the main room. The instant I entered I understood that it was entirely suited for a temple. The walls were decorated with crude frescoes which somehow suggested the exact atmosphere proper to the Work. The very shape of the room seemed somehow significant. Further, it seemed as if it were filled with a peculiar emanation. This impression must not be dismissed as sheer fancy. Few men but are sufficiently sensitive to distinguish the spiritual aura of certain buildings. It is impossible not to feel reverence in certain cathedrals and temples. The most ordinary dwelling houses often possess an atmosphere of their own; some depress, some cheer; some disgust, others strike chill to the heart.

Virakam of course was entirely certain that this was the Villa for us. Against this was the positive statement of the people in charge that it was not to be let. We refused to accept this assertion. We took the name and address of the owner, dug him out, and found him willing to give us immediate possession at a small rent. We went in on the following day, and settled down almost at once to consecrate the Temple and begin the book.

[The following is from The Confessions, Vol. 4, pp. 379 - 384.[109]]

I knew in myself from the first that the revelation in Cairo was the real thing. I have proved with infinite pains that this was the case; yet the proof has not streng thened my faith, and disproof would do nothing to shake it. I knew in myself that the Secret Chiefs had arranged that the manuscript of The Book of the Law should have been hidden under the Watch Towers and the Watch Towers under the ski; that they had driven me to make the key to my position the absence of the manuscript; that they had directed Kenneth Ward's actions for years that he might be the means of the discovery, and arranged every detail of the incident in such a way that I should understand it as I did.

Yes; this involves a theory of the powers of the Secret Chiefs so romantic and unreasonable that it seems hardly worth a smile of contempt. As it happens, an almost parallel phenomenon came to pass ten years later. I propose to quote it here in order to show that the most ordinary events, apparently disconnected, are in fact only intelligible by postulating some such people as the Secret Chiefs of the AA in possession of some such prevision and power as I ascribe to them. When I returned to England at Christmas, 1919, all my plans had gone to pieces owing to the dishonesty and treachery of a gang which was bullying into insanity my publisher in Detroit. I was pledged in honour to look after a certain person; but I was practically penniless. I could not see any possible way of carrying on my work. (It will be related in due course how this condition of things came about, and why it was necessary for me to undergo it.)

I found myself at Mort, on the edge of the Forest of Fontainebleau, with nothing to do but wait. I did not throw up the sponge in passionate despair as I had done once before to my shame I had been rapped sufficiently hard on the knuckles to cure me of that but I said to the Gods "Observe, I have done my damnedest, and here I am at a dead centre. I am not going on muddling through: I demand a definite sign from you that I am still your chosen prophet." I therefore note in my diary, on January 12, 1920, as follows:

  I am inclined to make my Silence include all forms of personal work, and this is very hard to give up, if only because I am still afraid of 'failure,' which is absurd. I ought evidently to be non-attached, even to avoiding the Woes-Attendant-Upon-Refusing-The-Curse-Of-My-Grade, if I may be pardoned the expression.

  And why should I leave my efficacious Tortoise and look at people till my lower jaw hangs down? Shall I see what the Yi says? Ay. Question: Shall I abandon all magical work soever until the appearance of a manifest sign?


  No symbol could be more definite and unambiguous.

  I have invoked Aiwass to manipulate the Sticks; and, wishing to ask "What shall be the Sign?" got instantly the reference in CCXX to our Lady Babalon: "the omnipresence of my body." But this is not quite clear; I took it mentally as referring to the expected arrival of Our Lady, but it might mean a trance, or almost anything. So I will ask Yi, as my last magical act for the time being.

  I think this means the arrival of Our Lady. I have serious doubts whether the hexagram should not have been:

  Which would have certainly meant that. That I should doubt anything is absurd: I shall know the Sign, without fail. And herewith I close the Record, and await that Sign.

The next entry is dated Sunday, February 1.

  Kindly read over the entry of January 12 with care exceeding. Now then: On Friday, January 30, I went to Paris, to buy pencils, Mandarin, a palette, Napoleon Brandy, canvases and other appurtenances of the artist's dismal trade. I took occasion to call upon an old mistress of mine, Jane Chron, concerning who see Equinox Vol. I, "Three Poems." She has never had the slightest interest in occult matters, and she has never done any work in her life, even of the needlework order. I had seen her once before since my escape from America, and she said she had something to show me, but I took no particular notice, and she did not insist. My object in calling on this second occasion was multiple: I wanted to see the man with whom she is living, who has not yet returned from Russia; I wanted to make love to her; and wanted to smoke a few pipes of opium with her, she being a devotee of that great and terrible God.

  Consider now: the Work whereby I am a Magus began in Cairo (1904) with the discovery of the Stl of Ankh-f-n-Khonsu, in which the principal object is the Body of our Lady Nuit. It is reproduced in colours in the Equinox, Vol. I, No. 7. Jane Chron has a copy of this book. On Friday afternoon, then, I was in her apartment. I had attained none of my objectives in calling on her, and was about to depart. She detained me to show me this "something." She went and took a folded cloth from a drawer. "Shut your eyes," she said.

  When I opened them they saw a cloth four feet or more in length, on which was a magnificent copy, mostly in applique silk, of the Stl. She then told me that in February 1917, she and her young man had gone to the South of France to get cured of the opium habit. In such cases insomnia is frequent. One night, however, he had gone to sleep, and on waking in the morning found the she, wakeful, had drawn a copy of the Stl on a great sheet of paper.

  It is very remarkable that so large a sheet of paper should have been at hand; also that they should have taken that special book on such a journey; but still more that she should have chosen that picture, nay that she, who had never done anything of the sort before, should have done it at all. More yet, that she should have spent three months in making a permanent thing of it. Most of all, that she should have shown it to me at the very moment when I was awaiting an "unmistakable" sign.

  For observe, how closely the Words of my Entry of January 12 describe the sign, "the omnipresence of my body." And there She was in the last place in the world where one would have sought Her.

  Note, too, the accuracy of the Yi King symbol

  for Khwan trigram (three broken lines) is of course the Symbol of our Lady, and the God below Her in the Stl is Li trigram (upper and lower lines solid, middle broken) the Sun.

  All this is clear proof of the unspeakable power and wisdom of Those who have sent me to proclaim the Law.

  I observe, after a talk with M. Jules Courtier yesterday, that all their S.P.R.*[AC47] work is proof only of extra-human Forces. We knew about them all along; the universe is full of obscure and subtle manifestation of energy; we are constantly advancing in our knowledge and control of them. Telekinesis is of the same order of Nature as the Hertz Rays or the Radium emanations. But what nobody before me has done is to prove the existence of extra-human Intelligence, and my magical Record does this. I err in the interpretation, of course; but it is impossible to doubt that there is a Somebody there, a Somebody capable of combining events as a Napoleon forms his plans of campaign, and possessed of powers unthinkably vast.

If these events be indeed the result of calculation and control on the part of the Secret Chiefs, it seems at first sight as if the people involved had been prepared to play their parts from the beginning. Our previous relations, the girl's to opium, my friendship with her lover, and his interest in my work; omit any item and the whole plan fails. But this assumption is unnecessary. The actual preparation need not go back further than three years, when the Stl was embroidered. We may allow the Secret Chiefs considerable option, just as a chess player is not confined to one special combination for his attack. We may suppose that had these people not been available, the sign which I demanded might have been given me in some other equally striking way. We are not obliged to make extravagant assumptions in order to maintain that the evidence of purpose is irresistibly strong.

To dismiss this intricate concatenation of circumstances, culminating as they do in the showing forth of the exact sign which I had demanded, is simply to strain the theory of probabilities beyond the breaking point. Here then are two complicated episodes which do to prove that I am walking, not by faith but by sight, in my relations with the Secret Chiefs; and these are but two links in a very long chain. This account of my career will describe many others equally striking. I might, perhaps, deny my inmost instinct the right to testify were any one case of this kind in question; but when, year after year, the same sort of thing keeps on happening, and, when, furthermore, I find myself able to predict, as experience has taught me to do in the last three years, that they will happen, and even how the pieces will fit into the puzzle, I am justified in assuming a causal connection.


* [AC46] The preparation for this was in some ways trying to the candidate. For instance, he had to sleep naked for seven nights on a litter of gorse.

* [AC47] Society for Psychical Research.

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Wikipedia - 2020 Romans-sur-Isere knife attack -- Stabbing attack in France
Wikipedia - 2021 AG2R CitroM-CM-+n Team season -- Cycling team season
Wikipedia - 2021 G20 Rome summit -- Summit of the leaders of all G20 member nations in Rome, Italy.
Wikipedia - 2021 in Romania -- History of events in 2021 in Romania
Wikipedia - 20-30 Bromfield Street
Wikipedia - 2046 (film) -- 2004 Hong Kong romantic drama film
Wikipedia - 20 Feet from Stardom -- 2013 US documentary film by Morgan Neville
Wikipedia - 20th Saskatchewan Legislature -- Provincial legislature of Saskatchewan from 1982 to 1986
Wikipedia - 21 Jump Street -- American TV crime series from 1987 to 1991
Wikipedia - 21 Savage -- English-American rapper from Georgia
Wikipedia - 22q13 deletion syndrome -- Rare genetic syndrome
Wikipedia - 2,4,6-Tribromoaniline -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - 2,4,6-Tris(trinitromethyl)-1,3,5-triazine -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - 24hrs (rapper) -- |American singer-songwriter, rapper, and DJ from Georgia
Wikipedia - 24kGoldn -- American rapper, singer, and songwriter from California
Wikipedia - 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-bromoamphetamine
Wikipedia - 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-trifluoromethylamphetamine
Wikipedia - 27P/Crommelin -- Periodic comet with 28 year orbit
Wikipedia - 2A28 Grom -- Main armament of the BMP-1 and BMD-1 infantry fighting vehicles
Wikipedia - 2-Bromobutyric acid -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - 2-Bromo-LSD
Wikipedia - 2-Bromomescaline
Wikipedia - 2 Chainz -- American rapper from Georgia
Wikipedia - 2 Days in New York -- 2012 European romantic comedy
Wikipedia - 2MASS J11263991M-bM-^HM-^R5003550 -- Brown dwarf 53 light years from Earth
Wikipedia - 2 on 2 Open Ice Challenge -- Ice hockey arcade game by Midway Games from 1995
Wikipedia - 30 for 30 -- Series of documentary films airing on ESPN from 2009
Wikipedia - 31st Delaware General Assembly -- Legislature of Delaware, United States, from 1807-1808
Wikipedia - 3,4-Dichloromethylphenidate
Wikipedia - 3C 273 -- Brightest quasar from Earth
Wikipedia - 3-Fluoromethcathinone
Wikipedia - 3-M syndrome -- Autosomal recessive disease characterized by dwarfism, facial dysmorphia and skeletal abnormalities
Wikipedia - 3pol Trobol: Huli Ka Balbon! -- Philippine action-comedy-romance film
Wikipedia - 3rd Rock from the Sun -- American sitcom
Wikipedia - 42 Dugg -- American rapper from Michigan
Wikipedia - 441-line television system -- Early electronic monochrome television system
Wikipedia - 4.50 from Paddington -- 1957 Miss Marple novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - 45 Minutes from Hollywood -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - 45 (The Gaslight Anthem song) -- 2012 song from The Gaslight Anthem
Wikipedia - 49 Andromedae -- Star in the constellation Andromeda
Wikipedia - 49,XXXXY -- Chromosomal anomaly
Wikipedia - 4-Bromomethcathinone
Wikipedia - 4-Chloromethcathinone
Wikipedia - 4-Fluoromethamphetamine
Wikipedia - 4-Fluoromethylphenidate
Wikipedia - 4imprint -- London-based direct marketer of promotional merchandise
Wikipedia - 4 Play (film) -- 2010 Nigerian romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - 4-Trifluoromethylamphetamine
Wikipedia - 501(c)(3) organization -- Type of nonprofit organization in the United States exempt from federal income tax
Wikipedia - 50 Cent -- American rapper, television producer, actor, and businessman from New York
Wikipedia - 55th Aeromedical Airlift Squadron -- Aeromedical Airlift Squadron i
Wikipedia - 56 Andromedae -- Star in the constellation Andromeda
Wikipedia - 5-Bromo-DMT
Wikipedia - 5 to 7 -- 2014 American romantic film
Wikipedia - 5TV (Russian TV channel) -- Russian TV channel from Saint Petersburg
Wikipedia - 6805 Abstracta -- carbonaceous Themistian asteroid and slow rotator from the outer region of the asteroid belt
Wikipedia - 6ix9ine -- American rapper from New York
Wikipedia - 6ix (record producer) -- American record producer from Maryland
Wikipedia - 6lack -- American singer, rapper, and songwriter from Georgia
Wikipedia - 6PPD -- Organic antioxidant protecting rubber tires from ozonisation and cracking
Wikipedia - 7th century in Ireland -- Events from the 7th century in Ireland
Wikipedia - 80 Blocks from Tiffany's -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - 89mm from Europe -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - 90ML (2019 Telugu film) -- 2019 Indian Telugu-language romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - 99 Percent -- American hip hop duo from the Bay Area, San Francisco, California, US
Wikipedia - 99 Songs -- Indian musical romance film by A R Rahman
Wikipedia - 9M-BM-= Weeks -- 1986 American erotic romantic drama film directed by Adrian Lyne
Wikipedia - 9th Parliament of British Columbia -- Legislative assembly of British Columbia from 1900 to 1903
Wikipedia - 9th Wonder -- American record producer from North Carolina
Wikipedia - 9 to 5 (Dolly Parton song) -- Original song written and composed by Dolly Parton; theme song from the film "9 to 5"
Wikipedia - Aadi Lakshmi Puraana -- 2019 Kannada-language romantic film
Wikipedia - Aa Jaane Jaan -- Song from the 1969 Hindi film Intaqam
Wikipedia - Aandavan (2008 film) -- 2008 Malayalam-language film from India directed by Akbar Jose
Wikipedia - Aang -- fictional character from Avatar: The Last Airbender
Wikipedia - Aardonyx -- Extinct genus of dinosaur of the Jurassic from South Africa
Wikipedia - Aaron Brennan -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Aaron Harding -- American politician from Kentucky
Wikipedia - Aaron Livesy -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Emmerdale
Wikipedia - Aaron Pilkington -- American politician from Arkansas
Wikipedia - Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick -- 1952 film by Claude Binyon
Wikipedia - Aase syndrome
Wikipedia - Aashiq Banaya Aapne -- 2005 Indian Hindi-language romantic thriller film
Wikipedia - Aatagara -- 2015 Indian Kannada romantic thriller film
Wikipedia - Aatpadi Nights -- 2019 Indian Marathi language romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Aavakaaya -- Mango pickle from Andhra Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Aayiram Porkasugal -- 2019 Indian Tamil romantic comedy drama film
Wikipedia - Abaca slippers -- Traditional footwear of the Philippines, made from the Abaca plant
Wikipedia - Abaid Ullah Baig -- | Pakistani politician from Gilgit-Baltistan
Wikipedia - ABBA: The Movie -- 1977 film by Lasse Hallstrom
Wikipedia - Abbaye de la Fille-Dieu -- Cistercian monastery in Romont, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Abbaye de Tamie -- A soft cheese made from unpasteurised cow's milk by the monks of Tamie Abbey
Wikipedia - Abbie Conant -- American trombonist
Wikipedia - Abbott Records -- American record label operated by producer Fabor Robison from 1951 to about 1958
Wikipedia - Abby Finkenauer -- U.S. Representative from Iowa
Wikipedia - Abby Gaines -- New Zealand romance novelist
Wikipedia - Abby Lee (politician) -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - ABC Radio and Regional Content -- Radio output from Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Wikipedia - Abd al-Karim Qasim -- Iraqi Army brigadier, nationalist and Prime Minister of Iraq from 1958 to 1963
Wikipedia - Abd Allah ibn Hasan -- Emir of Mecca and ruler of the Hejaz from 1630 to 1631
Wikipedia - Abdallah ibn Muhammad al-Khaqani -- Abbasid vizier (from 924-925)
Wikipedia - Abdallah ibn Tahir al-Khurasani -- Governor of Khorasan from 828 to 845
Wikipedia - Abd al-Majid ibn Abdun -- Poet from Al-Andalus
Wikipedia - Abdication of Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor
Wikipedia - Abdul Gafur Khatri -- Rogan artist from Kutch, Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Abdul Hameed (Pakistani politician) -- | Pakistani politician from Gilgit-Baltistan
Wikipedia - Abdul Jabbar Jahanabadi -- Mawlana from bangladesh
Wikipedia - Abdul Khaleque (Assamese politician) -- Indian politician, Member of Parliament from Barpeta constituency
Wikipedia - Abdullah Hammoud -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Abdul Latif Romly -- Malaysian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Abdusalam Abubakar -- Somali-born Irish scientist from Dublin
Wikipedia - Abdus Shakoor (painter) -- painter from Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Abeele Aerodrome Military Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery -- Cemetery in West Flanders, Belgium
Wikipedia - Abe Lincoln in Illinois (film) -- 1940 film by John Cromwell
Wikipedia - Abella -- 14th century Roman physician
Wikipedia - Abelox -- 3rd-century BC noble from Hispania
Wikipedia - Abeni (film) -- 2006 Nigerian romance film
Wikipedia - Abercrombie & Fitch -- American retail company
Wikipedia - Aberdeen Promenade -- Waterfront park in Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Abgar VIII -- King of Osroene from 177 to 212
Wikipedia - Abi Branning -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - A Bid for Fortune -- British crime film from 1917
Wikipedia - Abi foq al-Shagara -- 1969 Egyptian drama romantic film
Wikipedia - Abigail Spanberger -- U.S. Representative from Virginia
Wikipedia - Abigail Thernstrom -- American political scientist
Wikipedia - Abigail Whelan -- American politician from Minnesota
Wikipedia - Abiogenesis -- Natural process by which life arises from non-living matter
Wikipedia - Ablation -- Removal of material from the surface of an object by vaporization, chipping, or other erosive processes
Wikipedia - ABL (gene) -- Human protein-coding gene on chromosome 9
Wikipedia - Abner M. Bradbury -- American politician from Indiana
Wikipedia - Abnormal posturing -- Strange posture from brain injury
Wikipedia - Abode of Chaos -- Museum in Saint-Romain-au-Mont-d'Or, France, created by Thierry Ehrmann
Wikipedia - Abolla -- Long cloak or mantle of Ancient Rome, based on a wool cloak of Ancient Greece
Wikipedia - A Boogie wit da Hoodie -- American rapper from New York
Wikipedia - About Time (2013 film) -- 2013 British romantic comedy-drama film by Richard Curtis
Wikipedia - Abraham Baratz -- Romanian-French chess player
Wikipedia - Abraham-Minkowski controversy -- In physics: electromagnetic momentum within dielectric media
Wikipedia - Abraham Mutholath -- Multi-talented Catholic priest from India serving in the United States
Wikipedia - Abraham Trommius -- Dutch theologian (b. 1633, d. 1719)
Wikipedia - Abram C. Shortridge -- American educator from Indiana
Wikipedia - Abram Petrovich Gannibal -- Russian general, military engineer and nobleman originally from Africa
Wikipedia - Abram W. Hendricks -- American attorney and politician from Indiana
Wikipedia - A Brewerytown Romance -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Abrictosaurus -- Extinct genus of dinosaur from the early Jurassic of southern Africa
Wikipedia - Abronia (gens) -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Abrud (river) -- river in Romania
Wikipedia - Abs Denham -- Fictional character from the BBC medical drama Casualty
Wikipedia - Absement -- Measure of sustained displacement of an object from its initial position
Wikipedia - Absorption band -- Range on the electromagnetic spectrum which are characteristic of a certain transition from initial to final state in a substance
Wikipedia - Absorption (electromagnetic radiation)
Wikipedia - Ab-Soul -- American hip hop recording artist from California
Wikipedia - Abstract art -- Art with a degree of independence from visual references in the world
Wikipedia - Abstraction (linguistics) -- Use of terms for concepts removed from the objects to which they were originally attached
Wikipedia - Abstraction -- Conceptual process where general rules and concepts are derived from the usage and classification of specific examples
Wikipedia - Abu Abdullah Ja'far ibn al-Aswad ibn al-Haytham -- Da'i from Shia Islam
Wikipedia - Abu Bakr Lawik -- Ruler of Ghazna from the historical Lawik dynasty
Wikipedia - Abu Dhabi Investment Office -- Investment promotion agency in UAE
Wikipedia - Abundantia -- Roman personification of abundance
Wikipedia - Ab Urbe Condita Libri -- 1st-century BC Roman history by Livy
Wikipedia - Ab urbe condita -- Ancient Roman year-numbering system
Wikipedia - Aburia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Abu Sa'd al-Hasan -- Emir of Mecca from 1250 to 1253
Wikipedia - Abyssal hill -- A small hill that rises from the floor of an abyssal plain
Wikipedia - Abyss (Thelema) -- Concept from Thelemic mysticism
Wikipedia - Academia EspaM-CM-1ola de la Radio -- Spanish institution with aims of promoting Spanish radio
Wikipedia - Acai na tigela -- Brazilian dessert made from acai palm fruit
Wikipedia - A California Romance -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Acamas (son of Antenor) -- Ancient Greek mythological figure from the Trojan War
Wikipedia - Acamptonectes -- Extinct genus of ophthalmosaurid ichthyosaur known from England and Germany
Wikipedia - Acanthocalycium -- Genus of plants from Argentina
Wikipedia - Acanthoclita acrocroca -- A moth of the family Tortricidae from Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - A Caribbean Dream -- Romantic comedy film from 2017
Wikipedia - Acaromimus americanus -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Acaromimus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Acathius of Melitene -- 3rd-century bishop and saint from Armenia
Wikipedia - Acca Larentia -- Ancient Roman mythological figure
Wikipedia - Accelerometers
Wikipedia - Accelerometer -- Device that measures proper acceleration
Wikipedia - Acceleromyograph -- Used to measure the force produced by a muscle
Wikipedia - Accessory spleen -- Small nodule found apart from the main body of the spleen
Wikipedia - Accidental viewpoint -- Singular position from which an image can be perceived creating either an ambiguous image or an illusion
Wikipedia - Acclamatio -- An expression of enthusiasm in Ancient Roman and Byzantine tradition
Wikipedia - Accokeek tribe -- Native Americans from Maryland during English colonization
Wikipedia - Accounting scandals -- Scandal arising from the disclosure of financial misdeeds
Wikipedia - A. C. Crombie
Wikipedia - Acecarbromal
Wikipedia - Ace Hood -- American rapper from Florida
Wikipedia - Acerbas -- Ancient Roman mythological figure
Wikipedia - Acerronia (gens) -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Acerronia Polla -- Roman servant and friend of Agrippina the Younger
Wikipedia - Acestes -- Ancient Roman mythological figure from the Aeneid
Wikipedia - Achaean War -- War in 146 BC between Rome and the Achaean League
Wikipedia - Achaemenid Empire -- First Iranian empire, founded by Cyrus the Great from c. 550-330 BC
Wikipedia - Achaia (Roman province)
Wikipedia - Achelousaurus -- Genus of ceratopsid dinosaur from North America
Wikipedia - Achillobator -- Extinct dromaeosaurid genus from the Late Cretaceous
Wikipedia - A Chinese Ghost Story -- 1987 Hong Kong romantic comedy horror film by Ching Siu-tung
Wikipedia - Achmet (oneiromancer)
Wikipedia - Acholius -- 3rd-century Roman historian and official
Wikipedia - Achromatic lens
Wikipedia - Achromatopsia -- total color blindness
Wikipedia - Achromobacter denitrificans -- Species of bacterium
Wikipedia - Acidinus (cognomen) -- Ancient Roman cognomen
Wikipedia - Acidinus -- 1st-century BC Ancient Roman
Wikipedia - Acid mine drainage -- Outflow of acidic water produced by sulfide oxidation from metal mines or coal mines
Wikipedia - A Cinema Girl's Romance -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Acinteyya -- Four issues that should not be thought about, since this distracts from practice, and hinders the attainment of liberation
Wikipedia - Acionna -- Gallo-Roman water goddess in the Orleanais region
Wikipedia - Ackling Dyke -- Section of Roman road in England
Wikipedia - Acleris tremewani -- Species of moth from Myanmar
Wikipedia - A Collection of original local songs -- Folk songs from the Geordie area of England
Wikipedia - A Common Word Between Us and You -- Open letter, dated 13 October 2007, from leaders of the Islamic religion to leaders of the Christian religion
Wikipedia - A Cool Sound from Hell -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Acoustic fingerprint -- Condensed digital summary generated from an audio signal
Wikipedia - Acoustic release -- An oceanographic device for the deployment and subsequent recovery of instrumentation from the sea floor, in which the recovery is triggered remotely by an acoustic command signal
Wikipedia - Acraea simulata -- A butterfly in the family Nymphalidae from Uganda
Wikipedia - Acragas (silversmith) -- Ancient silversmith in the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - A Creampuff Romance -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Acrobasis romanella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Acrocanthosaurus -- Cacharodontosaurid theropod dinosaur genus from the Early Cretaceous period
Wikipedia - Acro-dermato-ungual-lacrimal-tooth syndrome -- Rare human genetic disease
Wikipedia - Acromacer -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Acromegalomma interruptum -- Species of annelid
Wikipedia - Acromegaly -- Human disease that results in excess growth of certain parts of the body
Wikipedia - Acromioclavicular joint -- Shoulder junction between the scapula and the clavicle
Wikipedia - Acromion -- Bony process on the scapula (shoulder blade)
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex ambiguus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex ameliae -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex aspersus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex balzani -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex biscutatus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex coronatus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex crassispinus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex diasi -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex disciger -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex evenkul -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex fracticornis -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex heyeri -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex hispidus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex hystrix -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex insinuator -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex landolti -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex laticeps -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex lobicornis -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex lundii -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex mesopotamicus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex niger -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex nigrosetosus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex nobilis -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex octospinosus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex pubescens -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex pulvereus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex rugosus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex silvestrii -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex striatus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex subterraneus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex versicolor -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex volcanus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acromyrmex -- Genus of ants
Wikipedia - Across the Alley from the Alamo -- 1946 jazz standard
Wikipedia - Acrostolium -- Decorative feature on early Greek and Roman ships
Wikipedia - A Cry from the Streets -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Acrylic fiber -- synthetic fiber made from polymer
Wikipedia - Active Advance Pro Wrestling -- Japanese professional wrestling promotion and training facility
Wikipedia - Active Travel England -- Organisation from UK
Wikipedia - Act of Independence of Central America -- Declaration of independence from Spain
Wikipedia - Actoria gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - A Cumberland Romance -- 1920 film directed by Charles Maigne
Wikipedia - Acute chest syndrome -- Potentially lethal blockage of lung vasculature in sickle cell anaemia
Wikipedia - Acute promyelocytic leukaemia
Wikipedia - Acute promyelocytic leukemia -- Subtype of acute myeloid leukaemia characterised by accumulation of promyelocytes
Wikipedia - Acute radiation syndrome -- Health problems caused by exposure to high levels of ionizing radiation
Wikipedia - Acute respiratory distress syndrome -- Human disease
Wikipedia - Acute toxicity -- Adverse effects of a substance that result either from a single exposure
Wikipedia - Ada and Minna Everleigh -- Sisters who ran the Everleigh Club brothel in Chicago from 1900 to 1911
Wikipedia - Adalbert Covacs -- Romanian modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Adalbert Oster -- Romanian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Adam Barlow -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Adam Bromberg -- Polish publisher
Wikipedia - Adam ChromM-CM-= -- Czech orienteering competitor
Wikipedia - Adam Cruz -- American jazz drummer from New York City
Wikipedia - Adam Hattersley -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Adam Levine -- American singer-songwriter from California, lead singer of the band Maroon 5
Wikipedia - Adam Nowodworski -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Adam-ondi-Ahman -- Historic site in Daviess County, Missouri, U.S.; according to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), the site where Adam and Eve lived after being expelled from the Garden of Eden
Wikipedia - Adam Schiff -- U.S. Representative from California
Wikipedia - Adam Schnelting -- U.S. politician from Missouri
Wikipedia - Adam Smith (politician) -- U.S. Representative from Washington
Wikipedia - Adam Tihany -- Romanian-born American architect
Wikipedia - Adana YeM-EM-^_iloba Hippodrome -- Horse racing track in Adana, Turkey
Wikipedia - Adapromine
Wikipedia - Addicted to Love (film) -- 1997 romantic comedy film directed by Griffin Dunne
Wikipedia - Adducted thumb syndrome -- Rare genetic disease affecting palate, thumbs, and upper limbs
Wikipedia - Adelaide of Italy -- 10th century Empress of the Holy Roman Empire and Saint of the Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Adela Popescu -- Romanian actress and singer
Wikipedia - Adelbert L. Utt -- American politician from Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Adele Romanski -- American film producer
Wikipedia - Adenanthos cacomorphus -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae from southwest Western Australia
Wikipedia - Adenanthos dobsonii -- Species of flowering plant from the family Proteaceae endemic to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Adenanthos ellipticus -- Flowering plant from the family Proteaceae endemic to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Adenanthos forrestii -- Species of flowering plant from the family Proteaceae from Western Australia
Wikipedia - Adenanthos ileticos -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae from the south-west of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Adenanthos venosus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae from Western Australia
Wikipedia - A Descent into the Maelstrom -- Short story by Edgar Allan Poe
Wikipedia - Adib Taherzadeh -- Prominent Iranian BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities -- English language encyclopedia
Wikipedia - Adi Dharm -- Religious movement from mid-19th century Bengal
Wikipedia - Adie syndrome
Wikipedia - Adina-Ioana Valean -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Adina M-HM-^Zutulan-M-HM-^Xotropa -- Romanian biathlete
Wikipedia - A Dispatch from Reuters -- 1940 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - Aditya Vikram Birla -- Industrialist from India
Wikipedia - Adlai Stevenson I -- 19th-century U.S. Vice President and Congressman from Illinois
Wikipedia - Adlet -- Mythological creature from Inuit mythology
Wikipedia - Adlocutio -- Address given by a Roman general or emperor to his massed army and legions
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Romania
Wikipedia - Administrative leave -- Temporary leave of an employee from a job
Wikipedia - Administrative Palace, Satu Mare -- Building in Romania
Wikipedia - Adne Sadeh -- humanoid from Jewish folklore
Wikipedia - Adobe Creative Cloud -- Software as a service offering from Adobe Inc.
Wikipedia - Adobe -- Building material made from earth and organic materials
Wikipedia - A Dog in Space -- 1966 film by Antonio Roman, Antonio del Amo
Wikipedia - A Dog's Purpose (film) -- 2017 film by Lasse Hallstrom
Wikipedia - Adolescence of Cain -- 1959 film by Roman Chalbaud
Wikipedia - Adolf Bertram -- German Roman Catholic cardinal
Wikipedia - Adolf Hitler and vegetarianism -- Adolf Hitler's abstention from the consumption of meat
Wikipedia - Adolf, King of the Romans -- Late 13th century King of the Romans
Wikipedia - Adolfo Nicolas -- Spanish Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Adolfo Romero Lainas -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Adolph Cederstrom -- Swedish sport shooter
Wikipedia - Adopt-a-Highway -- Environmental and promotional campaign
Wikipedia - Adopted as Holograph -- Band from Glasgow, Scotland
Wikipedia - Adoption in ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Adoration of the Christ Child with Saint Jerome, Saint Mary Magdalene and Saint Eustace -- c. 1436 panel painting by Paolo Uccello
Wikipedia - Adosinda -- Queen of Asturias from 774 to 783
Wikipedia - A Dream Is What You Wake Up From -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Adrenaline MMA -- Mixed martial arts promoter based in North America
Wikipedia - Adrenochrome -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Adriana La Cerva -- Fictional character from The Sopranos
Wikipedia - Adriana Lita -- Romanian materials scientist
Wikipedia - Adrian Arendt -- Romanian sailor
Wikipedia - Adriana Turea -- Romanian luger
Wikipedia - Adrian Bejan -- Romanian-American professor
Wikipedia - Adrian Bucur -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Adrian Croitoru -- Romanian judoka
Wikipedia - Adrian Curaj -- Romanian electrical engineer
Wikipedia - Adrian Dulcea -- Romanian former striker
Wikipedia - Adrian Duminicel -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Adrian Dvir -- Romanian medium
Wikipedia - Adrian Gal -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Adrian Ianculescu -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Adrian Ioana -- Romanian mathematician
Wikipedia - Adrian Jigau -- Romanian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Adrian Matei -- Romanian figure skater
Wikipedia - Adriano Fuscone -- 16th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Adrian Pennino -- Fictional character from Rocky series
Wikipedia - Adrian Pintea -- Romanian actor
Wikipedia - Adrian "Fletch" Fletcher -- Fictional character from the BBC medical dramas Casualty and Holby City
Wikipedia - Adrian Sandu -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Adrian Smith (politician) -- U.S. Representative from Nebraska
Wikipedia - Adrian Stead -- Olympic sailor from Great Britain
Wikipedia - Adrian Toader (pentathlete) -- Romanian modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Adriean Videanu -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Adrien Atiman -- Roman Catholic catechist and medical doctor
Wikipedia - Adsorption chromatography
Wikipedia - Adsorption -- Process resulting from the attraction of atoms, ions, or molecules from a gas, liquid, or solution sticking to a surface
Wikipedia - Adult development -- Changes that occur in biological and psychological domains of human life from adolescence
Wikipedia - Advaita Parivara -- succession of disciples descending from SrM-DM-+ Advaita M-DM-^@carya
Wikipedia - Advanced SEAL Delivery System -- Former Navy SEAL mini-sub deployed from submarines
Wikipedia - Advanced Vector Extensions -- Extensions to the x86 instruction set architecture for microprocessors from Intel and AMD
Wikipedia - Adventure (1945 film) -- 1945 American romantic drama film
Wikipedia - Adventure (1980 video game) -- Landmark Atari video game from 1980
Wikipedia - Adventure Island (water park) -- Water park located northeast of Tampa, Florida from Busch Gardens Tampa
Wikipedia - Adverse effect -- Undesired harmful effect resulting from a medication or other medical intervention
Wikipedia - Advertising revenue -- Income from displaying online ads
Wikipedia - Advice from a Caterpillar -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Advocates of Roman congregations
Wikipedia - A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field
Wikipedia - Aebutia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Aechmea bromeliifolia -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Aechmea 'Hellfire' -- Hybrid cultivar of the genus Aechmea in the Bromeliad family
Wikipedia - Aedemon -- 1st century Berber freedman from Mauretania
Wikipedia - Aedicula -- Small shrine in ancient Roman religion
Wikipedia - Aedile -- Office of the Roman Republic
Wikipedia - Aegyptosaurus -- Titanosaurid sauropod dinosaur genus from late Cretaceous Period
Wikipedia - Aegyptus (Roman province)
Wikipedia - AEK (men's water polo) -- Greek water polo club from Athens
Wikipedia - AEK (women's water polo) -- Greek water polo club from Athens
Wikipedia - Aelia Capitolina -- Former Roman colony
Wikipedia - Aelia Eudocia -- Greek Eastern Roman Empress by marriage to Byzantine emperor Theodosius II (c.401-460)
Wikipedia - Aelia Flaccilla -- Wife of Roman emperor Theodosius I
Wikipedia - Aelia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Aelia Paetina -- Second wife of Roman emperor Claudius
Wikipedia - Aelius Gallus -- 1st-century BC Roman governor and general
Wikipedia - Aelius Herodianus -- 3rd-century Roman-Egyptian grammarian and writer
Wikipedia - Aelius Lampridius -- Historical Roman pseudo-author
Wikipedia - Aelius Marcianus -- 3rd-century Roman jurist
Wikipedia - Aemilia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Aemilia Hilaria -- Gallo-Roman physician
Wikipedia - Aemilia Lepida (fiancee of Claudius) -- Noble Roman woman
Wikipedia - Aemilia Lepida -- The name of several Roman women belonging to the gens Aemilia
Wikipedia - Aemilianus -- Roman emperor in 253
Wikipedia - Aemilius Sura -- Ancient Roman writer
Wikipedia - Aeneads -- In Roman mythology, the friends, family and companions of Aeneas
Wikipedia - Aeneas Silvius -- Ancient Roman mythological figure
Wikipedia - Aeneas -- Trojan hero in Greco-Roman mythology
Wikipedia - Aeolochroma mniaria -- Moth species found in Australia
Wikipedia - Aequorivita -- Gram-negative aerobic bacterial genus from the family Flavobacteriaceae
Wikipedia - Aerial application -- Dispersal of chemicals from aircraft or helicopters
Wikipedia - Aerial archaeology -- The study of archaeological remains by examining them from altitude.
Wikipedia - Aerial photography -- Taking images of the ground from the air
Wikipedia - Aerial refueling -- Procedure in which flying aircraft receive fuel from another aircraft
Wikipedia - Aer Lingus Flight 712 -- Flight which crashed en route from Cork to London on 24 March 1968
Wikipedia - Aerodrome -- Location from which aircraft flight operations take place
Wikipedia - Aerodrom Municipality, Skopje -- Municipality of Northern Macedonia
Wikipedia - Aeromancy -- Divination conducted by interpreting atmospheric conditions
Wikipedia - Aeromar -- Mexican airline
Wikipedia - Aeromexico Connect Flight 2431 -- Aircraft that crashed in Mexico, July 2018
Wikipedia - Aeromexico Flight 229 -- 1973 aviation accident in Mexico
Wikipedia - Aeromexico Flight 498 -- Scheduled commercial flight from Mexico City, Mexico, U.S. to Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Wikipedia - Aeromexico -- Mexican airline
Wikipedia - Aeromicrobium marinum -- Species of bacterium
Wikipedia - Aeromicrobium -- Genus of bacteria
Wikipedia - Aeromonas bivalvium -- Species of bacterium
Wikipedia - Aeromonas hydrophila -- Species of heterotrophic, Gram-negative, bacterium
Wikipedia - Aeronor Chile -- Former airline from Chile
Wikipedia - Aerosol mass spectrometry -- Application of mass spectrometry to aerosol particles
Wikipedia - Aerotoxic syndrome -- Fake syndrome supposed to be due to breathing air in an airplane
Wikipedia - Afansie Butelchin -- Romanian sprint canoer
Wikipedia - Affairs of the Heart (film) -- 2017 Nigerian Romance film
Wikipedia - Affirmative action -- Policy of promoting members of groups that have previously suffered from discrimination
Wikipedia - Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise
Wikipedia - Affliction Entertainment -- Defunct US-based MMA promotion company
Wikipedia - Afia Masood -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - A Fine Romance (film) -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Afrania gens -- Families in ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Afranius Syagrius -- Roman politician
Wikipedia - A Fresh Air Romance -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - African-American studies -- Study of the history, culture, and politics of black people from the United States
Wikipedia - African art -- Art from indigenous Africans or the African continent
Wikipedia - Africanaspis -- Extinct genus of placoderm from Late Devonian South Africa
Wikipedia - African Congress of Democrats -- Political party from South Africa
Wikipedia - African Content Movement -- Political party from South Africa
Wikipedia - African Covenant -- Political party from South Africa
Wikipedia - African Democratic Change -- Political party from South Africa
Wikipedia - African diaspora -- People descending from native sub-Saharan Africans living outside Africa
Wikipedia - African Independent Congress -- Political party from South Africa
Wikipedia - African iron overload -- Hemochromatosis characterized by a predisposition to iron loading that is exacerbated by excessive intake of dietary iron, commonly related to consumption of tradition beer brewed in non-galvanized steel drums
Wikipedia - African Renaissance Unity Party -- Political party from South Africa
Wikipedia - African socialism -- Belief in sharing economic resources in a traditional African way, as distinct from classical socialism
Wikipedia - African theology -- Christian theology from an African cultural perspective
Wikipedia - Africa Province, Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Africa (Roman province) -- Roman province in Northern Africa
Wikipedia - Afrighids -- Khwarezmian Iranian dynasty that ruled over Khwarezm from 305-995 CE
Wikipedia - Afrikan Alliance of Social Democrats -- Political party from South Africa
Wikipedia - Afrikaners -- Southern African ethnic group descended from predominantly Dutch settlers
Wikipedia - Afrobarometer
Wikipedia - Afrobeats -- Umbrella term for contemporary West African pop music, distinct from Afrobeat
Wikipedia - Afrobeat -- West African music genre, distinct from Afrobeats
Wikipedia - Afrocylindromorphus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Afrodromia montana -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Afrodromius -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Afroeurydemus -- Genus of leaf beetles from Africa
Wikipedia - Afroman -- American rapper and musician
Wikipedia - Afromizonus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Afromontane -- Subregion of the Afrotropical realm
Wikipedia - Afterdamp -- Toxic gas mixture resulting from coal mining explosions.
Wikipedia - After Hours (The Weeknd song) -- 2020 promotional single by the Weeknd
Wikipedia - After Romeo -- American band
Wikipedia - After the Promise -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - A Fugitive from Matrimony -- 1919 film by Henry King
Wikipedia - Afzal-ud-Daulah -- The Nizam of Hyderabad, India, from 1857 to 1869
Wikipedia - AG2R CitroM-CM-+n Team -- Cycling team
Wikipedia - Agamemnon -- Figure from Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Agapenor -- Ancient Greek mythological figure from the Iliad
Wikipedia - Agaporomorphus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Agathangelus of Rome
Wikipedia - Agathon (mythology) -- Figure from Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Agathosma crenulata -- Species of plant in the family Rutaceae from southwestern South Africa
Wikipedia - Agent 47 -- Fictional assassin from the Hitman game franchise
Wikipedia - Age of Discovery -- Period of European global exploration from early 15th century to 17th century
Wikipedia - Agera (festival) -- Roman Catholic festival celebrated in Mumbai
Wikipedia - Ages and Ages -- US rock band from Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - Agharia -- Hindu caste from India
Wikipedia - A Gift from Bob -- 2020 film by Charles Martin Smith
Wikipedia - A Gift from the Culture
Wikipedia - A Girl from Hunan -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - A Girl from Paris -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - A Girl from the Chorus -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - A Girl from the Reeperbahn -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Aglaja (dance company) -- Dance company and academy from Bruges, Belgium
Wikipedia - Aglianico del Vulture -- DOC wine from Potenza, Basilicata, Italy
Wikipedia - Agnes Dobronski -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Agnes of Poitou -- 11th century empress of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Agnes of Rome
Wikipedia - Agnes Romilly White -- Irish novelist
Wikipedia - Agneta Engstrom -- Swedish sailor
Wikipedia - Agnita railway line -- Railway line in Romania
Wikipedia - A Google A Day -- Online game from Google
Wikipedia - Agostinho Barbosa -- Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Agostino Cassandra -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Agostino da Siena (bishop) -- 15th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Agostino Ernesto Castrillo -- Italian Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Agostino Priuli -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Agrarian Union Party -- Defunct Romanian political party
Wikipedia - Agricultural marketing -- The entire process of moving agricultural products from the farm to the consumer
Wikipedia - Agricultural value chain -- The whole range of goods and services necessary for an agricultural product to move from the farm to the final customer
Wikipedia - Agricultural wastewater treatment -- Farm management agenda for controlling pollution from surface runoff in agriculture
Wikipedia - Agriculture in Romania
Wikipedia - Agrippa Menenius Lanatus (consul 503 BC) -- Late 6th century and early 5th century Roman general and consul
Wikipedia - Agrippa (mythology) -- King of Alba Longa in Greco-Roman mythology
Wikipedia - Agrippina the Elder -- Roman woman of the Julio-Claudian dynasty
Wikipedia - Agrippina the Younger -- Roman empress and member of the Julio-Claudian dynasty
Wikipedia - Agristeu -- river in Romania
Wikipedia - Agromyza pseudoreptans -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Agropelter -- Mythical creature from American folklore
Wikipedia - Agrotis dissociata -- A moth of the Noctuidae from Chile and Argentina
Wikipedia - Aguadilla Divas -- Former female professional volleyball team from Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Aguila (film) -- 1980 Filipino film directed by Eddie Romero
Wikipedia - Agulhas Return Current -- An ocean current in the South Indian Ocean flowing from the Agulhas retroflection along the subtropical front
Wikipedia - Agun -- vocalist and actor from Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Agustin de Spinola Basadone -- 17th-century Roman Catholic cardinal
Wikipedia - Agustin Jose Bernaus y Serra -- Roman-catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Agustin Kintanar -- Filipino lawyer from d Congressman
Wikipedia - Ahala -- Ancient Roman cognomen
Wikipedia - A Heidelberg Romance -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Ahenobarbus -- Ancient Roman cognomen meaning "red-beard"
Wikipedia - A Hidden Treasure -- Prominent Hadith in Islamic mysticism and philosophy
Wikipedia - A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity -- Series of three books by E. T. Whittaker on the history of electromagnetic theory
Wikipedia - Ahmed Hassan Awke -- Somali journalist from 1972 to 2015
Wikipedia - Ahmed III -- Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1703 to 1730
Wikipedia - Ahmed II -- Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1691 to 1695
Wikipedia - Ahmed Khan Bahadur -- Pakistani politician from Mardan
Wikipedia - Ahom people -- Indian ethnic group from Assam
Wikipedia - Aicardi syndrome -- X-linked dominant condition characterised by neurological and retinal abnormalities
Wikipedia - Aidan Brosnan -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Aidan Coffey -- Irish traditional accordionist from Co
Wikipedia - Aidan Troy -- Irish Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Aida Roman -- Mexican archer
Wikipedia - Aida Tomescu -- Romanian-born Australian contemporary artist
Wikipedia - Aiden Ford -- Fictional character from Stargate Atlantis
Wikipedia - Aid -- Voluntary transfer of resources from one country to another
Wikipedia - Ailsa Stewart -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Home and Away
Wikipedia - Ailuromancy
Wikipedia - Aimee Iacobescu -- Romanian actress
Wikipedia - Ainbusk -- Pop/folk vocal group from Gotland, Sweden
Wikipedia - Ain Diwar Bridge -- Ruined Roman bridge in Syria
Wikipedia - Ainur (Middle-earth) -- Divine race from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium
Wikipedia - Air America (airline) -- CIA covert airline from 1950 to 1976
Wikipedia - Air base -- Aerodrome used by a military force for the operation of military aircraft
Wikipedia - Air Bucharest -- Romanian charter airline
Wikipedia - Airbus A330neo -- Wide-body jet airliner developed from Airbus A330
Wikipedia - Air changes per hour -- Measure of the air volume added to or removed from a space
Wikipedia - Aircraft catapult -- Device used to launch aircraft from ships
Wikipedia - Aircraft -- Vehicle that is able to fly by gaining support from the air
Wikipedia - Air draft -- Distance from water to the highest point on a vessel or lowest point on a bridge span
Wikipedia - Air filter -- Device composed of fibrous or porous materials which removes solid particulates from the air
Wikipedia - Airjet Exploracao Aerea de Carga -- Cargo airline from Angola, Africa
Wikipedia - Air Kazakhstan -- Flag carrier from 1991 to 2004
Wikipedia - Air-launch-to-orbit -- Method of launching rockets at altitude from a conventional horizontal-takeoff aircraft
Wikipedia - Air Mail scandal -- Political scandal resulting from a 1934 congressional investigation of the awarding of contracts to certain airlines to carry airmail
Wikipedia - Air pirate -- Type of stock character from science fiction and fantasy
Wikipedia - Airport bus -- Transport people to and from, or within airports
Wikipedia - Airport rail link -- Passenger rail transport from airport to nearby city
Wikipedia - Air-Sea Battle -- Video game for the Atari VCS/2600 from 1977
Wikipedia - Airwolf -- American television series that ran from 1984 until 1987
Wikipedia - Aisha (2010 film) -- 2010 Indian romantic comedy-drama film
Wikipedia - Aitraaz -- 2004 Hindi romantic thriller courtroom drama film
Wikipedia - Aiud Prison -- Romanian prison complex
Wikipedia - Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani -- 2009 romantic comedy film directed by Rajkumar Santoshi
Wikipedia - Aja (song) -- Steely Dan's longest song, from album of same name
Wikipedia - Ajeet Sharma -- Business-man turned politician from Bihar, India
Wikipedia - Ajoblanco -- Type of cold soup from Andalusia
Wikipedia - AJ Tracey -- British rapper from London
Wikipedia - Akae Beka -- Roots reggae band from Saint Croix
Wikipedia - Akali Phula Singh -- Prominent Sikh leader
Wikipedia - Akcaabat meatballs -- Kofte dish from Turkish cuisine
Wikipedia - Akech (queen) -- De facto ruler in East Africa who flourished from 1760 until 1787
Wikipedia - Akihito -- Emperor of Japan from 1989 to 2019
Wikipedia - Akira Maeda -- Japanese combat sport event promoter, professional wrestler, MMA fighter
Wikipedia - Akira Nishikiyama -- Fictional character from the Yakuza series
Wikipedia - A Kiss from the Stadium -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Akkorokamui -- Gigantic octopus-like monster from Ainu folklore
Wikipedia - A Klingon Christmas Carol -- Klingon adaptation of the story from Charles Dickens
Wikipedia - Akon -- Senegalese-American singer, songwriter, record producer, and philanthropist from New Jersey
Wikipedia - Akram Hamid Begzadeh Jaff -- Kurdish politician from Iraq
Wikipedia - Akrom YoM-JM-;ldoshev -- Uzbekistani terrorist
Wikipedia - AkubM-EM-^Mzu -- AkubM-EM-^Mzu, are Yokai from Akita and Iwate prefectures. They are said to live in the ashes of the hearth.
Wikipedia - Aladdin (franchise) -- Disney media franchise based on the folk tale of the same name from One Thousand and One Nights
Wikipedia - Alain Deneault -- French Canadian author from Quebec
Wikipedia - Alain Pointet -- Olympic sailor from France
Wikipedia - ALA-LC romanization -- American set of romanization standards
Wikipedia - Alan-a-Dale -- Character from the Robin Hood legend
Wikipedia - Alana Henderson -- Musician, singer and songwriter from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Alan Doane -- American politician from Montana
Wikipedia - Alan Jackson (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Alan Jackson (The Sarah Jane Adventures) -- Fictional character from the television series The Sarah Jane Adventures
Wikipedia - Alan Jones (architect) -- Architect and academic from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Alan Mcilwraith -- Wikipedia hoaxer from Scotland
Wikipedia - Alanna Arrington -- American model from Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Wikipedia - Alan Rees (racing driver) -- British former racing driver from Wales
Wikipedia - Alan Tracy -- Fictional character from the Thunderbirds franchise
Wikipedia - Alan Tudyk -- Actor from the United States
Wikipedia - ALA Promotions -- Philippine boxing promotion company
Wikipedia - Alarm Clock Andy -- 1920 film by Jerome Storm
Wikipedia - Ala (Roman military)
Wikipedia - Alaska Highway -- Historic highway from British Columbia to Alaska
Wikipedia - Alauddin Khalji -- Sultan of Delhi from 1296-1316
Wikipedia - Alba Cathedral -- Romanesque cathedral in Alba, Piedmont, Italy
Wikipedia - Alba County -- County of Romania
Wikipedia - Alba Iulia -- City and county capital in Alba County, Romania
Wikipedia - Al Baldasaro -- American politician from New Hampshire
Wikipedia - Alban Butler -- English Roman Catholic priest and hagiographer (1710-1773)
Wikipedia - Albaniana (Roman fort) -- Former Roman fort in The Netherlands
Wikipedia - Albanian-Romanian linguistic relationship -- Study of the similarities of the Albanian and Romanian languages
Wikipedia - Alberta separatism -- Advocacy for Alberta seceding from Canada
Wikipedia - Alberta Tinsley-Talabi -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Albert Gore Sr. -- American politician from Tennessee
Wikipedia - Albert Kwesi Ocran -- Soldier and politician from Ghana
Wikipedia - Alberto Ablondi -- Italian Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Alberto Arturo Figueroa Morales -- Puerto Rican Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Alberto Llorens -- Olympic sailor from Argentina
Wikipedia - Albert Olszewski -- American politician from Montana
Wikipedia - Albert Thomas DeRome -- American painter
Wikipedia - Albert Volpe -- Fictional character from The Godfather series
Wikipedia - Albucia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Albucilla -- 1st-century Roman noblewoman
Wikipedia - Albus Dumbledore -- Fictional character from Harry Potter
Wikipedia - Alcantara, Romblon -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Romblon
Wikipedia - Alcapurria -- Fritter dish from Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Alcee Hastings -- U.S. Representative from Florida; former federal judge
Wikipedia - Alcman -- Ancient Greek lyric poet from Sparta
Wikipedia - Alcohol and Drug Foundation -- Australian not-for-profit organisation aiming to minimise harms from alcohol and other drugs
Wikipedia - Alcohol dehydrogenase (cytochrome c) -- Class of enzymes
Wikipedia - Alcoholic drink -- Drink containing alcohol (ethanol) derived from fermentation of sugars
Wikipedia - Alcove (architecture) -- Recessed area open from a larger room but enclosed by architectural elements
Wikipedia - Alcyone (Pleiad) -- One of the Pleiades sisters, daughters of Atlas from Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Al Dhafra FC (futsal) -- Futsal cluub from Madinat Zayed, UAE
Wikipedia - Alec Garnett -- American politician from Colorado
Wikipedia - Alec Secareanu -- Romanian actor (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Alecto (SPG) -- British self propelled gun from WWII
Wikipedia - Aleix Segura -- Freediver from Barcelona
Wikipedia - Alejandro Ferreiro -- Olympic sailor from Uruguay
Wikipedia - Alejandro Roman -- Spanish composer and pianist
Wikipedia - Aleksa M-EM- antic -- Poet from Bosnia and Herzegovina (1868-1924)
Wikipedia - Aleksandra Romanova -- Kazakhstani hurdler
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Promptov
Wikipedia - Aleksandrs Romans -- Latvian artist
Wikipedia - Alessandrino (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Alessandro del Caccia -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Alessandro Filarete -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Alessandro Filonardi -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Alessandro Gavazzi -- Italian Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Alessandro Numai -- 15th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Alessandro Porro -- 1xth-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Alessandro Sibilia -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Alessandro Sperelli -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - A Lesson from Aloes -- 1978 play by South African playwright Athol Fugard
Wikipedia - A Letter from Home (film) -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - A Letter to a Hindu -- Letter from Leo Tolstoy about the Indian independence movement in 1908
Wikipedia - Aleuron prominens -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aleutian subduction zone -- Convergence boundary between the North American Plate and the Pacific Plate, that extends from the Alaska Range to the Kamchatka Peninsula.
Wikipedia - Alexamenos graffito -- Roman graffito
Wikipedia - Alexander Amini -- American scientist from Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Alexander Attinger -- Swiss curler from Dubendorf
Wikipedia - Alexander Lindstrom -- Swedish-Norwegian curler
Wikipedia - Alexander McFarland -- American politician and businessman from Michigan
Wikipedia - Alexander M. Zaleski -- 20th-century American Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Alexander of Judaea -- 1st-century BC Jewish noble and rebel against Rome
Wikipedia - Alexander Ratiu -- 20th and 21st-century Romanian Greek-Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Alexander's kusimanse -- species of mongoose from Central Africa
Wikipedia - Alexander the Alabarch -- 1st century AD Alexandrian Jewish aristocrat and Roman citizen
Wikipedia - Alexander Thomson (pioneer) -- doctor, pastoralist & politician from Victoria Australia born 1800
Wikipedia - Alexander Throm -- German politician
Wikipedia - Alexandra Aerodrome -- Airport in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Alexandra Bellow -- Romanian-American mathematician
Wikipedia - Alexandra Botez -- American-Romanian chess player
Wikipedia - Alexandra Croitoru -- Romanian photographer
Wikipedia - Alexandra Dahlstrom -- Swedish actress and film director
Wikipedia - Alex Andrade (politician) -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Alexandra Eremia -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Alexandra Micu -- Romanian fashion model
Wikipedia - Alexandra of Rome
Wikipedia - Alexandra Piscupescu -- Romanian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Alexandra Stan -- Romanian singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Alexandra Stoian -- Romanian biathlete
Wikipedia - Alexandra W. Busch -- German Roman archaeologist, Prof. and museum director
Wikipedia - Alexandre Delgado -- Portuguese composer from Lisbon
Wikipedia - Alexandre Franchi -- Canadian film director from Quebec
Wikipedia - Alexandre Mihalesco -- Romanian actor
Wikipedia - Alexandrian riots (38) -- Attacks directed against Jews in Roman Alexandria, Egypt in the year 38 CE
Wikipedia - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -- U.S. Representative from New York's 14th congressional district
Wikipedia - Alexandria "Blue Boy" Postmaster's Provisional -- Unique stamp from Alexandria
Wikipedia - Alexandria riot (66) -- Riots in Roman Alexandria, Egypt in the year 66 CE
Wikipedia - Alexandru Al. Ioan Cuza -- Romanian pretender and newspaperman
Wikipedia - Alexandru Andritoiu -- Romanian poet
Wikipedia - Alexandru Antemireanu -- Romanian poet
Wikipedia - Alexandru Berlescu -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Alexandru Bodnar -- Romanian archer
Wikipedia - Alexandru Bozan -- Romanian equestrian
Wikipedia - Alexandru Budisteanu -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Alexandru Ceausu -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Alexandru Cernat -- Romanian general
Wikipedia - Alexandru Ciupe -- Romanian judoka
Wikipedia - Alexandru Cosma -- Romanian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Alexandru Cotoi -- Romanian composer, producer and disc jockey
Wikipedia - Alexandru Dan (gymnast) -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Alexandru Dimca -- Romanian mathematician
Wikipedia - Alexandru Dobrogeanu-Gherea -- Romanian academic
Wikipedia - Alexandru Dumitrescu -- Romanian sprint canoeist
Wikipedia - Alexandru Frim -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Alexandru Fritz -- Romanian shot putter
Wikipedia - Alexandru Giugaru -- Romanian actor
Wikipedia - Alexandru Giura -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Alexandru Hrisanide -- Romanian pianist and composer
Wikipedia - Alexandru Ioan Cuza University -- University in Iasi, Romania
Wikipedia - Alexandru Ioan Lupas -- Romanian mathematician
Wikipedia - Alexandru Ionescu (bobsledder) -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Alexandru Lambrior -- Romanian philologist
Wikipedia - Alexandru Lungu (fighter) -- Romanian martial artist
Wikipedia - Alexandru Mihailescu -- Romanian hurdler
Wikipedia - Alexandru Oancea (bobsleigh) -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Alexandru Obedenaru -- Romanian poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Alexandru Paleologu -- Romanian politician, diplomat and writer
Wikipedia - Alexandru Papadopol -- Romanian actor
Wikipedia - Alexandru Papana -- Romanian bobsledder and aviator
Wikipedia - Alexandru Pastia -- Romanian military officer
Wikipedia - Alexandru Plagino -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Alexandru Potocean -- Romanian actor
Wikipedia - Alexandru Repan -- Romanian actor
Wikipedia - Alexandru Roman -- Romanian academic
Wikipedia - Alexandru Rosu -- Romanian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Alexandru Sahia -- Romanian writer
Wikipedia - Alexandru Szilaghi -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Alexandru Tautu -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Alexandru Tomescu -- Romanian violinist
Wikipedia - Alexandru Vatamanu -- Romanian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Alexandru Zaharescu -- Romanian-American mathematician
Wikipedia - Alex Bagiu -- Romanian diver
Wikipedia - Alex Bellemare -- Canadian skier from St-Boniface, Quebec
Wikipedia - Alex Bologa -- Romanian judoka
Wikipedia - Alexe Gheorghe Tanasescu -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Alexe Iacovici -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov
Wikipedia - Alex Florea -- Romanian singer
Wikipedia - Alex Garza -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Alex Healy (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Alexis Bachelot -- 19th century French missionary Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Alexis Daria -- American romance writer
Wikipedia - Alexis Rose -- Fictional character from Canadian television
Wikipedia - Alexius of Rome
Wikipedia - Alex Mullen (academic) -- Sociolinguist and Roman archaeologist
Wikipedia - Alex Padilla -- U.S. senator-designate from California
Wikipedia - Alex Romano -- Australian-Argentinian actor
Wikipedia - Alex Strangelove -- 2018 American romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Alex Valdez -- American politician from Colorado
Wikipedia - Alex Vause -- Character from Orange is the New Black
Wikipedia - Alex Winston -- American singer and song writer from Michigan
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo 145 and 146 -- Small family cars produced by Alfa Romeo
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo 156 -- Compact executive car
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo 158/159 Alfetta -- Racing automobile
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo 166 -- Executive car produced by Alfa Romeo
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo 33 -- A small family car produced by the Italian automaker Alfa Romeo
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo 430A -- Bus produced from 1949 to 1953 by Italian automotive manufacturer Alfa Romeo
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo 75 -- Compact executive car
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo 900A -- Bus produced by Alfa Romeo from 1952 to 1956
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo 902A -- Bus produced by Alfa Romeo between 1957 and 1959
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo 90 -- An executive car produced by Italian car manufacturer Alfa Romeo
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo Alfetta -- Sedan and fastback coupe
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo Arna -- A hatchback produced by the Italian manufacturer Alfa Romeo Nissan Autoveicoli S.p.A.
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo BAT -- Series of concept cars designed by Bertone in collaboration with Alfa Romeo
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo Caimano -- Concept car designed by Italdesign
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo Carabo -- Concept car designed by Bertone
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo Eagle -- Concept car built by Pininfarina
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo Giulia (952) -- Compact executive saloon manufactured by Alfa Romeo
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo Giulia TZ -- Italian sports car
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo Giulietta (116) -- Small executive saloon car
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo Iguana -- Concept car designed by Italdesign
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo in Formula One -- Formula One activities of Alfa Romeo
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo Pandion -- Concept car designed by Bertone to celebrate Alfa Romeo's 100 year anniversary
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo Racing C39 -- Alfa Romeo Racing car for the 2020 Formula One season
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo Sportut -- Concept car designed by Bertone
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo -- Italian automotive manufacturer
Wikipedia - Alfena (gens) -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Alfenus Varus -- 1st-century BC Roman jurist and writer
Wikipedia - Alfie Moon -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Alfonso Guerra (bishop) -- Spanish Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Alfonso Romero Holmes -- Spanish chess player
Wikipedia - Alfonso Romo -- Mexican businessman
Wikipedia - Alfonso V of Leon -- King of Leon from 999-1028
Wikipedia - Alfred C. Grosvenor -- American politician from Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Alfred McWaters -- Australian politician from Queensland
Wikipedia - Alfredo Cristiani -- Salvadoran politician, President of El Salvador from 1989 to 1994
Wikipedia - Alfredo Romero (activist) -- Venezuelan activist and lawyer
Wikipedia - Alfredo Vazquez -- Olympic sailor from Spain
Wikipedia - Alfred Romer
Wikipedia - Alf Stewart -- Fictional character from Home and Away
Wikipedia - Algae scrubber -- A biological water filter that uses light to grow algae which removes undesirable chemicals from aquarium water
Wikipedia - Algerian War -- War between France and the Algerian independence movement from 1954 to 1962
Wikipedia - Algie's Romance -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board -- Roman Catholic school board in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Al Green (politician) -- U.S. Representative from Texas
Wikipedia - Al-Hafez -- Salafi Islamist channel from Egypt
Wikipedia - Alhambra Decree -- 1492 decree expulsion of Jews from Spain
Wikipedia - Alicanto -- Bird from Chilean mythology
Wikipedia - Alice (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) -- Fictional character from Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"
Wikipedia - Alice Artzt -- American guitarist from New York City
Wikipedia - Alice Branning -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Alice Calugaru -- Romanian poet
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland syndrome
Wikipedia - Alice Madden -- American politician from Colorado
Wikipedia - Alice M-CM-^Estrom -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Alice Oldham -- Irish suffragette and promoter of women's education
Wikipedia - Alice Roosevelt Longworth -- American writer and prominent socialite
Wikipedia - Alice Savulescu -- Romanian botanist
Wikipedia - Alicia Munroe -- Fictional character from the BBC medical drama Casualty
Wikipedia - Ali Eisami -- Kanuri man liberated from slavery by the British Navy
Wikipedia - Aliena gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Alien (creature in Alien franchise) -- Fictional extraterrestrial species from the Alien film series
Wikipedia - Alien hand syndrome -- Neuropsychiatric disorder
Wikipedia - Ali EroM-DM-^_lu -- Turkish weightlifter
Wikipedia - Alif Laila -- Indian television series from 1993 to 2001
Wikipedia - Ali Mills (character) -- Fictional character from the Karate Kid franchise
Wikipedia - Alina Astafei -- Romanian-German track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Alina Bucur -- Romanian-American mathematician
Wikipedia - Alina Carmen Cojocaru -- Romanian mathematician
Wikipedia - Alina Cojocaru -- Romanian ballet dancer
Wikipedia - Alina Dragan -- Romanian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Alina Dumitru -- Romanian judoka
Wikipedia - Alina Goreac -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Ali Nakhjavani -- Prominent Iranian BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Alina l'Ami -- Romanian chess player
Wikipedia - Alin Alexandru Firfirica -- Romanian athlete
Wikipedia - Alina Platon -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Alina Plugaru -- Romanian pornographic actress (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Alina Romanowski -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - Alina Stanculescu -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Alina Stoica -- Romanian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Alina Vera Savin -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Alina von Davier -- Romanian-American psychometrician
Wikipedia - Aline Davis Hays -- American clothing designer, textile manufacturer, and arts promoter
Wikipedia - Aline Griffith, Countess of Romanones -- American-born Spanish aristocrat, socialite, spy, and writer
Wikipedia - A Line (Los Angeles Metro) -- Los Angeles Metro light rail line from Los Angeles to Long Beach
Wikipedia - Alin Jivan -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Alin Moldoveanu -- Romanian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Ali Riza M-CM-^VreroM-DM-^_lu -- Turkish/Persian Plastic Surgeon
Wikipedia - Alison E. Cooley -- British historian of the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Alison Rodger -- Chemist specialising in biomacromolecular structures
Wikipedia - Alison Roman -- American chef and food writer
Wikipedia - Alison Whittaker -- Gomeroi poet and academic from Australia
Wikipedia - Alistair Cameron Crombie
Wikipedia - A Little Bit (Nina M-CM-^Estrom song) -- Finnish entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 2000
Wikipedia - A little sheikh from the land of Meknes
Wikipedia - Alive from Off Center -- Television series
Wikipedia - Aliyah -- Immigration of Jews from the diaspora to the Land of Israel
Wikipedia - Al Jenkins -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Alkylation -- Transfer of an alkyl group from one molecule to another
Wikipedia - Alkyl -- Univalent group derived from alkanes
Wikipedia - All About My Romance -- 2013 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Allan Bromley (historian)
Wikipedia - Allan Fjeldheim -- Olympic figure skater from Norway
Wikipedia - Allan G. Bromley
Wikipedia - Allan H. Kittleman -- U.S. politician from Maryland
Wikipedia - Allan Larsen -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - All Elite Wrestling -- American professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - Allen James Fromherz -- American historian
Wikipedia - Allen J. Payton -- American farmer and politician from Indiana
Wikipedia - Allen M. Christensen -- American politician from Utah
Wikipedia - All Ghillied Up -- Level from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Wikipedia - All horses are the same color -- Paradox arising from an incorrect proof by mathematical induction
Wikipedia - Alliance for Labor Action -- An American and Canadian national trade union center from 1968 to 1972
Wikipedia - Alliance for the Unity of Romanians -- Romanian political party
Wikipedia - Alliance for Transformation for All -- Political party from South Africa
Wikipedia - Alliance MMA -- Mixed martial arts promoter based in New York City
Wikipedia - Allied Electronics -- US-based distributor of electronic components and electromechanical products
Wikipedia - Allied health professions -- Health care professions distinct from dentistry, nursing, medicine, and pharmacy
Wikipedia - Alligator meat -- Meat from alligators that is for consumption
Wikipedia - All India Muhammadan Educational Conference -- Organisation promoting modern, liberal education for the Muslim community in India
Wikipedia - All I Need to Know About Filmmaking I Learned from The Toxic Avenger -- Semi-fictional autobiography of Lloyd Kaufman
Wikipedia - All-in-Wonder -- Family of combination graphics/TV tuner cards from ATI Technologies
Wikipedia - Allison Russo -- American politician from Ohio
Wikipedia - All Japan Pro Wrestling -- Japanese professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling -- Japanese professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - All Night Long (All Night) -- 1983 Lionel Richie single from the album Can't Slow Down
Wikipedia - Allochromatium humboldtianum -- Genus of bacteria
Wikipedia - Allochromatium phaeobacterium -- Genus of bacteria
Wikipedia - Allochromatium renukae -- Genus of bacteria
Wikipedia - Allochronic speciation -- Speciation arising from change in breeding time
Wikipedia - Alloxylon brachycarpum -- Species of plant in the family Proteaceae from Indonesia and Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Alloxylon flammeum -- Medium-sized tree of the family Proteaceae from Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - All Pro Wrestling -- American professional wrestling promotion and training school
Wikipedia - All-Star Superman -- Twelve-issue comic book series featuring Superman that ran from November 2005 to October 2008
Wikipedia - All the Things You Are -- Original show tune composed by Jerome Kern, lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II; from the 1939 musical "Very Warm for May"
Wikipedia - All-time Commonwealth Games medal table -- ranking of participants by medal total from all past competitions
Wikipedia - All Wrestling Organization -- Israeli professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - Ally Blake -- Australian writer of romance novels
Wikipedia - Ally Lundstrom -- Swedish figure skater
Wikipedia - Almaden Resident -- defunct newspaper from California, US
Wikipedia - Alma Fohstrom -- Finnish operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Alma G. Stallworth -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Al-Malikiyah Municipal Airfield -- Aerodrome in Syria
Wikipedia - Almas (Barcau) -- Tributary of the river Barcau in Romania
Wikipedia - Almendres Cromlech -- stone circle in Evora, Portugal
Wikipedia - Almond milk -- plant milk manufactured from almonds
Wikipedia - Almudena Cathedral -- Roman Catholic cathedral in Madrid, Spain
Wikipedia - Al-Mutairi (tribe) -- A prominent tribe of Northern Nejd in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Almut Brommel -- German athlete
Wikipedia - Al Neri -- Fictional character from The Godfather series
Wikipedia - Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite -- 1973 film by Marty Pasetta
Wikipedia - Alojs Andritzki -- German Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Alone Against Rome -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - A Long Way from Nowhere -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Alonso Manso -- Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Aloo Chaat (film) -- 2009 Indian Hindi-language romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Aloo paratha -- bread dish from the Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - Aloor Chop -- A snack originating from the Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - Aloo tikki -- snack originating from the Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - Alopecia areata -- Condition in which hair is lost from some or all areas of the body
Wikipedia - Alopecognathus -- Extinct genus of therapsids from the Late Permian of South Africa
Wikipedia - A Lord from Planet Earth -- Book trilogy by Sergej Loekjanenko
Wikipedia - Alors on danse -- 2009 single by Stromae
Wikipedia - A Love So Beautiful (2020 TV series) -- 2020 South Korean romantic web series
Wikipedia - Aloysius Bevilacqua -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Aloysius Paul D'Souza -- Indian Roman Catholic Bishop
Wikipedia - Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer -- Particle detector on the International Space Station
Wikipedia - Alpha (motorcycle) -- Motorcycle brand from Spain
Wikipedia - Alpha Squadron (comics) -- Fictional team from Marvel Comics
Wikipedia - Alphius Avitus -- Ancient Roman poet
Wikipedia - Alphonse-Osias Gagnon -- Canadian Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Alpina B10 Bi-Turbo -- High performance executive car manufactured by German automobile manufacturer Alpina from 1989–1994
Wikipedia - Alpina B12 -- High performance automobiles manufactured by German automobile manufacturer Alpina from 1988–2001
Wikipedia - Alpine chough -- A bird in the crow family which breeds in high mountains from Spain eastwards through southern Europe and North Africa to Central Asia and Nepal
Wikipedia - Alport syndrome
Wikipedia - Alpujarra cheese -- Spanish cheese from the eastern region of Andalusia
Wikipedia - Al-Qatt Al-Asiri -- Traditional art style from Saudi Arabia and Yemen
Wikipedia - ALS Gold Medal -- Annual literary award from the Association for the Study of Australian Literature
Wikipedia - Al Snow -- American professional wrestler, promoter, trainer and actor
Wikipedia - Alstrm syndrome
Wikipedia - Alstrom syndrome -- Rare genetic disorder involving childhood obesity and multiple organ dysfunction
Wikipedia - Altered state of consciousness -- Any condition which is significantly different from a normal waking state
Wikipedia - Alter ego -- alternative self or personality distinct from the actual identity
Wikipedia - Alternating electric field therapy -- Type of electromagnetic field therapy
Wikipedia - Alternative periodic tables -- Tabulations of chemical elements differing from the traditional layout of the periodic system
Wikipedia - Alternative vaccination schedule -- Vaccine schedule different from that which is officially recommended
Wikipedia - Alternator -- Electromechanical device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy in the form of alternating current
Wikipedia - Alternobaric vertigo -- Dizziness resulting from unequal pressures in the middle ears
Wikipedia - Althiburos -- Ancient Berber, Carthaginian, and Roman settlement
Wikipedia - Aluminium bromide -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Alvastra pile-dwelling -- Dwelling from about 3000 BC in M-CM-^Vstergotland County, Sweden
Wikipedia - Alvin Brown -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Always (1989 film) -- 1989 romantic drama film directed by Steven Spielberg
Wikipedia - Always Be My Maybe (2019 film) -- 2019 romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life -- 1979 song from Monty Python's Life of Brian
Wikipedia - Alxasaurus -- Therizinosauroid dinosaur genus from the Early Cretaceous
Wikipedia - Aly & Fila -- Egyptian trance music production duo from Cairo
Wikipedia - Alyssa Cole -- American romance writer
Wikipedia - Amable Aristy -- Politician and businessman from the Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Amadeus Cho -- Fictional character from Marvel Comics
Wikipedia - Amaesia Sentia -- 1st-century BC Roman woman
Wikipedia - Amafufunyana -- Culture-bound syndrome
Wikipedia - Amanda Claridge -- Emerita professor of Roman archaeology
Wikipedia - A Man from Wyoming -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Amanirenas -- Queen of Kush from c. 40 BC to c. 10 BC
Wikipedia - Amargasaurus -- Dicraeosaurid sauropod dinosaur genus from the Early Cretaceous period
Wikipedia - A. Maria Irudayam -- Indian carrom player
Wikipedia - Amata -- Ancient Roman mythological figure
Wikipedia - Amazake -- Japanese drink made from fermented rice
Wikipedia - Amazon Echo -- Voice command device from
Wikipedia - Amazons of Rome -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Amazons -- Warlike all-female tribe from Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Ambassador of Italy to Romania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Ambassadors of Harmony -- U.S. barbershop chorus from Missouri
Wikipedia - Amber D -- British hard dance DJ from Bromsgrove, Worcestershire but started her DJ career in Staffordshire.
Wikipedia - Amber (song) -- Single from the band 311
Wikipedia - Amblyopia -- Failure of the brain to process input from one eye
Wikipedia - Ambondro mahabo -- Species of small mammal from the middle Jurassic of Madagascar
Wikipedia - Ambrogio Torriano -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Ambrose Burnside -- Soldier, railroad executive, inventor, industrialist, and politician from Rhode Island, United States
Wikipedia - Ambrose Kelly -- Roman Catholic archbishop
Wikipedia - Ambrose Mendy -- British boxing promoter
Wikipedia - Ambrosia (fruit salad) -- Fruit salad from American cuisine
Wikipedia - Ambrosian hymns -- Latin hymnody in from the 4th century. Contained in the Old and New Hymnals.
Wikipedia - Ambrosiu Dimitrovici -- Romanian publisher
Wikipedia - Ambum stone -- Ancient stone sculpture from Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ambush -- Military attack from concealed positions
Wikipedia - Ambustus -- Ancient Roman cognomen
Wikipedia - Amco -- American car produced from 1917 to 1922
Wikipedia - Amelia Racea -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Amemasu -- Mythological creature from Ainu folklore
Wikipedia - American Association for the Advancement of Science -- International non-profit organization promoting science
Wikipedia - American Civil War: From Sumter to Appomattox -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - American Family Association -- American nonprofit organization promoting fundamentalist Christian values
Wikipedia - American folk music -- Roots and traditional music from the United States
Wikipedia - American poetry -- Poetry from the United States of America
Wikipedia - American Prometheus -- Biography of J. Robert Oppenheimer
Wikipedia - American Wrestling Association -- American professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - American Wrestling Federation -- Professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - America's College Promise -- 2015 Obama administration proposal for free community college tuition
Wikipedia - America (West Side Story song) -- Song from the musical West Side Story
Wikipedia - A Message from Earth
Wikipedia - A Message from Mars (1921 film) -- 1921 film directed by Maxwell Karger
Wikipedia - Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld -- Fictional character from Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld
Wikipedia - Ami Bera -- U.S. Representative from California
Wikipedia - Amicii URSS -- 1934 Romanian cultural organisation
Wikipedia - Amida (Roman city)
Wikipedia - A Midnight Romance -- 1919 film directed by Lois Weber
Wikipedia - Amie Street -- Online music store from 2006-2010
Wikipedia - Amin Ahmed Chowdhury -- Army officer from bangladesh
Wikipedia - Amine (rapper) -- American rapper from Oregon
Wikipedia - A Miner's Romance -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Amish friendship bread -- A bread or cake made from a sourdough starter that is often shared in a manner similar to a chain letter
Wikipedia - Amish romance -- Literary subgenre of Christian fiction
Wikipedia - Amjad Hussain Azar -- | Pakistani politician from Gilgit-Baltistan
Wikipedia - Amleth -- figure in Scandinavian romance
Wikipedia - Amnesic shellfish poisoning -- Syndrome of shellfish poisoning
Wikipedia - Amniocentesis -- Sampling of amniotic fluid to detect mostly fetal chromosomal abnormalities
Wikipedia - Amos Brearly -- Fictional character from the ITV soap opera Emmerdale
Wikipedia - Amotivational syndrome -- Impairments primarily associated with cannabis use
Wikipedia - Amparo Acker-Palmer -- Molecular biologist from Spain
Wikipedia - Amphibious warfare -- military operation attacking from sea to land
Wikipedia - Amphidromic point -- point of zero amplitude of one harmonic constituent of the tide
Wikipedia - Amphidromus abbasorum -- Species of tree snail
Wikipedia - Amphidromus alicetandiasae -- Species of snail
Wikipedia - Amphidromus anhdaoorum -- Species of medium-sized air-breathing tree snail
Wikipedia - Amphidromus baoi -- Species of snail in the family Camaenidae
Wikipedia - Amphidromus bernardfamyi -- Species of tree snail
Wikipedia - Amphidromus cambojiensis -- Species of snail in the family Camaenidae
Wikipedia - Amphidromus comes -- Species of snail
Wikipedia - Amphidromus costifer -- Species of large-sized air-breathing tree snail
Wikipedia - Amphidromus cruentatus -- Species of air-breathing tree snail
Wikipedia - Amphidromus daoae -- Species of snail in the family Camaenidae
Wikipedia - Amphidromus djajasasmitai -- Species of snail
Wikipedia - Amphidromus elvinae -- Species of snail in the family Camaenidae
Wikipedia - Amphidromus inversus -- Species of mollusc
Wikipedia - Amphidromus iunior -- Species of tree snail
Wikipedia - Amphidromus jacobsoni -- Species of snail in the family Camaenidae
Wikipedia - Amphidromus javanicus -- Species of large-sized air-breathing tree snail
Wikipedia - Amphidromus latestrigatus -- Species of snail
Wikipedia - Amphidromus mariae -- Species of air-breathing tree snail
Wikipedia - Amphidromus mouhoti -- Species of snail
Wikipedia - Amphidromus naggsi -- Species of snail in the family Camaenidae
Wikipedia - Amphidromus phamanhi -- Species of snail in the family Camaenidae
Wikipedia - Amphidromus sekincauensis -- Species of mollusc
Wikipedia - Amphidromus sumatranus -- Species of snail in the family Camaenidae
Wikipedia - Amphidromus thachi -- Species of medium-sized air-breathing tree snail
Wikipedia - Amphithalassius -- Genus of Dolichopodid flies from South Africa
Wikipedia - Amphitheatre of Pompeii -- Roman amphitheatre in Pompeii, Italy
Wikipedia - Ampia (gens) -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Ampliatus -- Roman Christian mentioned by Paul in one of his letters
Wikipedia - Amrom Harry Katz
Wikipedia - Amulet (film) -- 2020 film directed by Romola Garai
Wikipedia - Amundsen (film) -- Norwegian movie from 2019
Wikipedia - Amu Nowruz -- Character from Iranian folklore
Wikipedia - Amy Barlow -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Amy Catanzano -- American poet from Boulder, CO
Wikipedia - Amygdalopita -- Almond cake from Greek cuisine
Wikipedia - Amygdalota -- Almond cookie from Greece
Wikipedia - Amy Klobuchar -- United States Senator from Minnesota
Wikipedia - Amylie -- Canadian singer-songwriter from Quebec
Wikipedia - Amyntas (son of Andromenes) -- 4th-century BC Macedonian general
Wikipedia - Amy Walen -- American politician from Washington state
Wikipedia - Amza Pellea -- Romanian actor
Wikipedia - Ana Aslan -- Romanian biologist and physician of Armenian origin
Wikipedia - Ana Barbosu -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Anabolism -- Set of metabolic pathways that construct molecules from smaller units
Wikipedia - Anabranch -- A section of a river or stream that diverts from the main channel and rejoins it downstream.
Wikipedia - Anacaona -- Female cacique from Hispaniola
Wikipedia - Ana Caraiani -- Romanian-American mathematician
Wikipedia - Ana Cumpanas -- Romanian-American prostitute and brothel owner
Wikipedia - Anadrome -- Word whose spelling is derived by reversing the spelling of another word
Wikipedia - Anagnina (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Ana Irma Rivera Lassen -- Afro-Puerto Rican attorney who was the head of the Bar Association of Puerto Rico from 2012-2014
Wikipedia - Ana Janer -- First from Puerto Rico to earn a medical degree
Wikipedia - Analgesic -- Any member of the group of drugs used to achieve analgesia, relief from pain
Wikipedia - Analogy -- cognitive process of transferring information or meaning from a particular subject to another
Wikipedia - Ana Lucia Cortez -- Character from the American mystery fiction television series Lost
Wikipedia - Ana Luiza Filiorianu -- Romanian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Ana Lupas -- Romanian artist
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Bamberger -- Romanian physician and playwright
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Groza -- Romanian race walker
Wikipedia - Anamaria Ionita -- Romanian athletics competitor
Wikipedia - Anamaria Marinca -- Romanian actress
Wikipedia - Anamaria Nesteriuc -- Romanian hurdler
Wikipedia - Anamaria Ocolisan -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Rodriguez (politician) -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Anamaria TamM-CM-"rjan -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - An American in Buenos Aires -- 1961 Argentine romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - An American Romance -- 1944 film
Wikipedia - Anameromorpha -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Ananda Mahidol -- Eighth monarch of Siam from the Chakri dynasty as Rama VIII
Wikipedia - An Angel from Texas -- 1940 film by Ray Enright
Wikipedia - Ananta Dasa -- 15th century saint-poet from Odisha
Wikipedia - Ana Pauker -- Romanian politician (1893-1960)
Wikipedia - Ana Porgras -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - A. Narayanaswamy -- Politician from Karnataka, India
Wikipedia - Anarchism in Romania
Wikipedia - Anarchist Seeds Beneath the Snow: Left-Libertarian Thought and British Writers from William Morris to Colin Ward
Wikipedia - Ana Roman -- Romanian biathlete
Wikipedia - Ana RoM-EM-! -- Slovenian cook
Wikipedia - Ana Romero Masia -- Spanish historian and archaeologist
Wikipedia - Ana Romero Reguera -- Spanish fighting bull rancher
Wikipedia - Anarsia lineatella -- A moth of the family Gelechiidae from Europe
Wikipedia - Ana Salagean -- Romanian athlete
Wikipedia - Anastasia Romanova (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Anastasia Romanova (weightlifter) -- Russian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Anastasius Germonius -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop and canon lawyer
Wikipedia - Anastasius I Dicorus -- Roman emperor in the East from 491 to 518
Wikipedia - Anatolius (consul) -- 5th century Eastern Roman Empire consul, diplomat and general
Wikipedia - Anatoly Gromyko
Wikipedia - Anatoly Rubin -- Israeli holocaust survivor from Belarus
Wikipedia - Ana Ularu -- Romanian actress
Wikipedia - Ana Veronica Rodean -- Romanian athlete
Wikipedia - Anbe Aaruyire (2005 film) -- 2005 Indian Tamil language romantic drama film
Wikipedia - Anca Dragu -- Romanian economist and politician
Wikipedia - Anca Grigoras -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Anca Heltne -- Romanian shot putter
Wikipedia - Ancestor -- Person from whom another person is descended
Wikipedia - Ancharia gens -- Family in ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Ancho Reyes -- A brand of ancho chile liqueur from Puebla City, Mexico
Wikipedia - Anchor -- Device used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the craft from drifting
Wikipedia - Ancien Regime -- Monarchic, aristocratic, social and political system established in the Kingdom of France from approximately the 15th century until the later 18th century
Wikipedia - Ancient Church of the East -- Ancient Christian religious body from Assyria
Wikipedia - Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Ancient Diocese of Carpentras -- Former diocese of the Roman Catholic Church in Provence
Wikipedia - Ancient Egyptian literature -- Literature of Egypt from pharaonic period to the end of Roman domination
Wikipedia - Ancient Estonia -- Historic Estonia from the mid-8th century to early 13th century
Wikipedia - Ancient Greece -- Greek civilization from the 12th-century BC to the 2nd-century BC
Wikipedia - Ancient Greek -- Forms of Greek used from around the 9th century BC to the 6th century AD
Wikipedia - Ancient Israelite cuisine -- Cuisine of the ancient Israelite from the Iron Age to the Roman period
Wikipedia - Ancient Macedonians -- Ancient ethnic group from the northeastern part of mainland Greece
Wikipedia - Ancient Roman architecture -- Ancient architecture
Wikipedia - Ancient Roman bathing
Wikipedia - Ancient Roman cuisine
Wikipedia - Ancient Roman philosophy
Wikipedia - Ancient Roman religion
Wikipedia - Ancient Roman sarcophagi
Wikipedia - Ancient Romans
Wikipedia - Ancient Roman technology
Wikipedia - Ancient Roman
Wikipedia - Ancient Rome and wine
Wikipedia - Ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Ancient technology -- Technological results from advances in engineering in ancient civilizations
Wikipedia - An Claidheamh Soluis -- Irish-speaking weekly newspaper from 1899 to 1931
Wikipedia - Ancyromonadida -- Group of protists
Wikipedia - Anda Adam -- Romanian singer
Wikipedia - Anda Butuc -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Andalusian horse -- Horse breed from the Iberian Peninsula
Wikipedia - Andaman serpent eagle -- Eagle species (Spilornis elgini) from the Andaman Islands
Wikipedia - Anda Pa'l Cara -- Late-night talk and variety show from Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Andarta -- Celtic goddess from Gaul
Wikipedia - Andean-Saharan glaciation -- Glaciation occurred during the Paleozoic from 450 Ma to 420 Ma,
Wikipedia - Anders Arborelius -- Swedish Roman Catholic cardinal
Wikipedia - Anders Baasmo Christiansen -- Norwegian actor originally from Hamar
Wikipedia - Anders Bergstrom (weightlifter) -- Swedish weightlifter
Wikipedia - Anders Ekstrom -- Swedish sailor
Wikipedia - Andersen-Tawil syndrome -- Rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder
Wikipedia - Anders Jonas M-CM-^Engstrom -- Swedish physicist
Wikipedia - Anders NM-CM-$sstrom -- Swedish luger
Wikipedia - Anderson Creek Fire -- Anderson Creek Fire was a 2016 wildfire that originated from Woods County, Oklahoma, that spread to Kansas.
Wikipedia - Anderson's squirrel -- Species of "beautiful" squirrel from Asia
Wikipedia - Anders Uppstrom -- Swedish philologist
Wikipedia - Andi Vasluianu -- Romanian actor
Wikipedia - Andong soju -- A traditional type of soju from Andong, Korea
Wikipedia - Andorian -- Extraterrestrial from Star Trek
Wikipedia - Andras Kun -- Hungarian Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Andraya Yearwood -- Student athlete from Connecticut
Wikipedia - AN/DRC-8 Emergency Rocket Communications System -- US Strategic Forces system to communication with ballistic missiles in use from 1963-1991
Wikipedia - Andrea Baroni Peretti Montalto -- 17th-century Roman Catholic cardinal
Wikipedia - Andrea Causin -- Italian politician from Veneto
Wikipedia - Andrea de Franchis -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Andrea Faciu -- Romanian artist
Wikipedia - Andrea Francolisio d'Aquino -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Andrea Frome -- American computer scientist
Wikipedia - Andrea Jakab -- Romanian speed skater
Wikipedia - Andrea Massa -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Andrea Olsen -- American politician from Montana
Wikipedia - Andrea Riggio -- 18th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Andrea Romeo -- Italian canoeist
Wikipedia - Andrea Romero -- American politician
Wikipedia - Andrea Santoro -- Roman Catholic Priest murdered in Turkey
Wikipedia - Andreas Borgeas -- American politician from California
Wikipedia - Andreas Choi Chang-mou -- South Korean Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Andreas Prommegger -- Austrian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Andrea Tafi (artist) -- Artist from Italy
Wikipedia - Andrea Veggio -- Roman Catholic Bishop
Wikipedia - Andre Bationo -- Soil scientist from Burkina Faso
Wikipedia - Andre Carson -- U.S. Representative from Indiana
Wikipedia - Andreea Aanei -- Romanian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Andreea Acatrinei -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Andreea Arsine -- Romanian athlete
Wikipedia - Andreea Cacovean -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Andreea Chitu -- Romanian judoka
Wikipedia - Andreea Ciurusniuc -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Andreea Diaconu -- Romanian model
Wikipedia - Andreea Enescu -- Romanian handballer
Wikipedia - Andreea Grigore -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Andreea Iridon -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Andreea Isarescu -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Andreea Munteanu -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Andreea Raducan -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Andreea Ulmeanu -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Andre Gretry -- Composer from present-day Belgium (1741-1813)
Wikipedia - Andrei Abraham -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Andrei Anghel -- Romanian luger
Wikipedia - Andrei Berki -- Romanian archer
Wikipedia - Andrei Cadar -- Romanian equestrian
Wikipedia - Andrei Chiliman -- Romanian sailor
Wikipedia - Andrei Cuculici -- Romanian sprint canoer
Wikipedia - Andrei Erdely -- Romanian speed skater
Wikipedia - Andrei Feher -- Romanian-Canadian conductor
Wikipedia - Andrei Gag -- Romanian athlete
Wikipedia - Andrei Gromyko -- Soviet diplomat
Wikipedia - Andrei Gutu -- Moldovan-Romanian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Andrei Igorov -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Andrei Istratescu -- Romanian chess player
Wikipedia - Andrei KerekeM-EM-^_ -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Andrei Muntean -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Andrei Nezezon -- Romanian aerobic gymnast
Wikipedia - Andrei Socaci -- Romanian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Andrei Stoica -- Romanian kickboxer and wushu practitioner
Wikipedia - Andrei Toader -- Romanian shot putter
Wikipedia - Andrei Turea -- Romanian luger
Wikipedia - Andrei Ujica -- Romanian film director
Wikipedia - Andrejs KoroM-DM- -- Polish speedway rider
Wikipedia - Andrena chromotricha -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andres Aguado de Valdes -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Andres Aguirre Romero -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Andres Pacheco -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Andres Robinson -- Olympic Sailor from Argentina
Wikipedia - Andres Romero -- Argentine golfer
Wikipedia - Andres Velencoso -- Spanish model and actor from Catalonia
Wikipedia - Andrew Abercromby -- Biomedical engineer
Wikipedia - Andrew Calimach -- Romanian-American author
Wikipedia - Andrew Claude de la Cherois Crommelin
Wikipedia - Andrew C. Love -- NBC Radio executive, director, producer, in Hollywood, from the 1930s through the 1970s.
Wikipedia - Andrew Collins (politician) -- American politician from Arkansas
Wikipedia - Andrew Crombie Ramsay
Wikipedia - Andrew Fox (author) -- American author from New Orleans
Wikipedia - Andrew Jackson Barchfeld -- American politician from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Andrew Jackson Poppleton -- American politician from Nebraska
Wikipedia - Andrew J. Lewis (politician) -- American politician from Seattle
Wikipedia - Andrew Kandrevas -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Andrew Lysaght Jr. -- Politician and Attorney General from NSW, Australia (1873-1933)
Wikipedia - Andrew Lysaght Sr. -- Politician from NSW, Australia (1832-1906)
Wikipedia - Andrew Peter Mackenzie -- Physicist and educator from Scotland
Wikipedia - Andrew Richner -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Andrew Romanoff -- American politician
Wikipedia - Andrewsarchus -- Extinct genus of carnivorous ungulate from Eocene epoch
Wikipedia - Andrew Simpson (actor) -- Actor from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Andrew Strominger -- American physicist
Wikipedia - Andrew Turnbull, Baron Turnbull -- Life peer from Enfield Town, England
Wikipedia - Andrew Wells -- Fictional character from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Wikipedia - Andrew Young -- American politician, diplomat, activist and pastor from Georgia
Wikipedia - Andrey Drozdov -- Russian curler from Zelenograd
Wikipedia - Andrey Kirilyuk -- Olympic sailor from the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Andries Stockenstrom (judge) -- South African lawyer in the Cape Colony
Wikipedia - Androgen -- Any steroid hormone that promotes male characteristics
Wikipedia - Andromache Karakatsanis -- Canadian jurist
Wikipedia - Andromache (play)
Wikipedia - Andromache -- Woman in Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Andromachi Papanikolaou -- Greek-Bolivian laboratory technician
Wikipedia - Andromaque
Wikipedia - Andromeda: A Space-Age Tale
Wikipedia - Andromeda (constellation) -- Constellation in the northern celestial hemisphere
Wikipedia - Andromeda Galaxy
Wikipedia - Andromeda Gardens -- Botanical garden in St Joseph, Barbados
Wikipedia - Andromeda (Marvel Comics) -- Character from Marvel Comics
Wikipedia - Andromeda (mythology) -- Ethiopian princess in Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Andromeda (play)
Wikipedia - Andromeda (radio show) -- Croatian radio show
Wikipedia - Andromeda (song) -- 2017 single by Gorillaz and DRAM
Wikipedia - Andromeda (TV series)
Wikipedia - Andru Bemis -- American musician from New Mexico
Wikipedia - Andrzej Boryszewski -- Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Andrzej Leszczynski (1608-1658) -- Roman Catholic archbishop (1608-1658)
Wikipedia - And This Is My Beloved -- Song from the 1953 musical Kismet
Wikipedia - Andy Barr (American politician) -- U.S. Representative from Kentucky
Wikipedia - Andy Beadsworth -- Olympic sailor from Great Britain
Wikipedia - Andy Biggs -- U.S. Representative from Arizona
Wikipedia - Andy Dillon -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Andy Hunter (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Andy Meisner -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Andy O'Brien (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Anelace -- Type of dagger from 14th century England
Wikipedia - An Essay on Abstinence from Animal Food, as a Moral Duty
Wikipedia - Aneuploidy -- Presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes in a cell
Wikipedia - Angalo -- legendary creation giant from Ilocano mythology
Wikipedia - Angela Alsobrooks -- American politician from Maryland
Wikipedia - Angela Gibson -- American politician from Maryland
Wikipedia - Angela Martin -- Fictional character from The Office (US)
Wikipedia - Angela Morosanu -- Romanian athlete
Wikipedia - Angela Nicole Walker -- American activist from Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Angela Romei -- Italian curler
Wikipedia - Angela Russell (politician) -- American politician from Montana
Wikipedia - Angela Similea -- Romanian singer
Wikipedia - Angela Williams (politician) -- American politician from Colorado
Wikipedia - Angeles (band) -- American rock band from Los Angeles, United States, formed in 1977 by Dale Lytle
Wikipedia - Angel from Montgomery -- 1971 John Prine song
Wikipedia - Angel Gonzalez Roman -- Puerto Rican judge
Wikipedia - Angel Has Fallen -- 2019 American action film directed by Ric Roman Waugh
Wikipedia - Angelica Pozo -- Clay artist from Cleveland
Wikipedia - Angelin Velea -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Angelo Marcuzzi -- Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Anghei Coman -- Romanian sprint canoer
Wikipedia - Anghelache Donescu -- Romanian equestrian
Wikipedia - Anghel Demetriescu -- Romanian historian and writer
Wikipedia - Anghel Saligny Bridge -- Heritage site in Constanta County, Romania
Wikipedia - Angie Craig -- U.S. Representative from Minnesota
Wikipedia - Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission -- Organisation created in 1969
Wikipedia - Anglicism -- Word or construction peculiar to or borrowed from the English language
Wikipedia - Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain -- The process which changed the language and culture of most of what became England from Romano-British to Germanic
Wikipedia - Anglo-Saxons -- Germanic tribes who started to inhabit parts of Great Britain from the 5th century onwards
Wikipedia - Anglo-Spanish War (1654-1660) -- 1654-1660 war between the English Protectorate under Oliver Cromwell and Spain
Wikipedia - Angolan kusimanse -- Species of mongoose from Africa
Wikipedia - Angolan slender mongoose -- Species of mongoose from Africa
Wikipedia - Ang Pambansang Third Wheel -- Filipino romance film
Wikipedia - Angstrom -- Unit of length; equals 0.1 nanometre
Wikipedia - Angus King -- United States Senator from Maine
Wikipedia - Angu -- Tribal peoples from Papa New Guinea
Wikipedia - Anicetus Bongsu Antonius Sinaga -- Indonesian Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Anicetus (freedman) -- Freedman and tutor of the Roman emperor Nero
Wikipedia - Anicetus (pirate) -- leader of anti-Roman uprising in Colchis (AD 69)
Wikipedia - Anicia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Anicius Faustus Paulinus (suffect consul) -- 3rd century Roman military officer and senator
Wikipedia - Anicius Probinus -- Roman senator
Wikipedia - Aniela Kupiec -- Polish poet from the Czech Republic (1920-2019
Wikipedia - Aniello Campagna -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - A Nigger in the Woodpile -- 1904 blackface minstrel silent short comedy film from the United States
Wikipedia - A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors -- American nightmare-themed slasher film from 1987
Wikipedia - Anika Omphroy -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Animal fat -- Fats and oils which are derived from animals
Wikipedia - Animals Drawn from Nature and Engraved in Aqua-tinta -- Illustrated book of animals (1788)
Wikipedia - AniM-EM-^_oara Matei -- Romanian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Anisoara Oprea -- Romanian diver
Wikipedia - Anita Ekstrom -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Anita Hartig -- Romanian operatic soprano
Wikipedia - An Italian Romance -- 2004 film
Wikipedia - Anitha Jepchumba Kiptum -- Living people from Kenya
Wikipedia - Aniversario: Never Compromise -- 2013 Chikara internet pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Anja Reinke -- Lawyer, businesswoman, and politician from California
Wikipedia - Ankh-Morpork City Watch -- Fictional organization from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novel series
Wikipedia - Ankistrorhynchus -- Cretaceous Sclerorhynchid from Belgium
Wikipedia - Ankylorhiza -- Extinct genus of dolphin from the Oligocene epoch
Wikipedia - Ankylosaurus -- Ankylosaurid dinosaur genus from the Late Cretaceous Period
Wikipedia - Anna Anderson -- Romanov impostor
Wikipedia - Anna and the King of Siam (film) -- 1946 drama film directed by John Cromwell
Wikipedia - Anna Bansode -- Indian politician from Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Anna Carlstrom -- Swedish brothel owner
Wikipedia - Anna ChromM-CM-= -- Czech painter and sculptor
Wikipedia - Annaea gens -- Ancient Roman family.
Wikipedia - Anna Ekstrom -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Anna Eshoo -- American politician from California
Wikipedia - Anna Eskamani -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Anna Friederike of Promnitz-Pless -- German princess
Wikipedia - Anna (Frozen) -- Fictional character from the Frozen franchise
Wikipedia - Annaji Datto Sachiv -- Indian Historical Figure from 1700s
Wikipedia - Anna Lundstrom -- Swedish figure skater
Wikipedia - Annamari Dancs -- Romanian-Hungarian singer
Wikipedia - Anna-Marie Landstrom -- Swedish speed skater
Wikipedia - Anna M-CM-^Estrom -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Anna of Tyrol -- 17th century Holy Roman Empress and Archduchess of Austria
Wikipedia - Anna Ronstrom -- Swedish educator
Wikipedia - Annas -- 1st century CE High Priest of the Roman province of Iudaea
Wikipedia - Annatto -- Orange-red condiment and food coloring derived from the seeds of the achiote tree
Wikipedia - Anna von Schweidnitz -- 14th century Holy Roman Empress
Wikipedia - Anna Windass -- Fictional character from the ITV soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Anne Elizabeth -- American romance novel writer
Wikipedia - Anne Emery (young adult author) -- American author of popular teen romance novels from 1946 to 1980.
Wikipedia - Anne K. Batten -- American politician from Vermont
Wikipedia - Anneli NM-CM-$sstrom -- Swedish luger
Wikipedia - Anneli Ute Gabanyi -- Romanian-born German political scientist, literary critic, journalist, and philologist
Wikipedia - Anne-Madeleine Remuzat -- French Roman Catholic nun
Wikipedia - Anne-Marie Ekstrom -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Anne McGihon -- American attorney and politician from Colorado
Wikipedia - Anne McKnight -- Operatic singer from the US
Wikipedia - Anne Meiman Hughes -- American politician from Connecticut
Wikipedia - Anne Thayer -- American politician from South Carolina
Wikipedia - Annette Strauss -- American politician from Texas
Wikipedia - Anne Ward (suffragist) -- Prominent member of women's temperance movement in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Anne Wilkinson -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation -- 2014 annexation of Crimea by Russia from Ukraine
Wikipedia - Annia gens -- Families from Ancient Rome who shared the Annius nomen
Wikipedia - Annie Dale Biddle Andrews -- (1885-1940) first woman to earn a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley
Wikipedia - Annie from Tharau -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Annie Palmer -- Fictional character from BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Annie Romein-Verschoor -- Dutch author and historian
Wikipedia - Annie Zaidi -- English-language writer from India
Wikipedia - Annika Lemstrom -- Finnish sailor
Wikipedia - Annika Strom -- Artist from Sweden
Wikipedia - Ann Kirkpatrick -- U.S. Representative from Arizona
Wikipedia - Ann-Mari Thomassen -- Sami politician from the Norwegian side of Sapmi
Wikipedia - Ann McLane Kuster -- U.S. Representative from New Hampshire
Wikipedia - Ann-Sofie JM-CM-$rnstrom -- Swedish speed skater
Wikipedia - Annunziata, Venafro -- Roman Catholic church in Venafro, Italy
Wikipedia - Annupamaa -- Indian playback singer from Tamil Nadu
Wikipedia - Ann Vickers (film) -- 1933 film by John Cromwell
Wikipedia - Ann Wagner -- U.S. Representative from Missouri
Wikipedia - Ann Williams (politician) -- American politician from Illinois (born 1968)
Wikipedia - An Officer and a Gentleman -- 1982 US romantic drama film by Taylor Hackford
Wikipedia - An Officer and a Spy (film) -- 2019 film by Roman Polanski
Wikipedia - Anogenital distance -- Distance from midpoint of the anus to the genitalia
Wikipedia - Anoiapithecus -- Extinct genus of ape from the Miocene
Wikipedia - Anointing -- Ritual act of putting aromatic oil on a person
Wikipedia - An Old Fashioned Boy -- 1920 film by Jerome Storm
Wikipedia - Anonymous (Stray from the Path album) -- Stray from the Path album
Wikipedia - An Ozark Romance -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Anqa -- Legendary bird from Arabian mythology
Wikipedia - Ansar Ahmad (Indian politician) -- Indian politician from Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Anson Phelps Stokes -- Philanthropist from the United States
Wikipedia - Answers in Genesis -- Nonprofit promoting Young Earth creationism
Wikipedia - Antal Both -- Hungarian teacher, pedagogue and Roman Catholic theologian
Wikipedia - Antanas JaroM-EM-!eviM-DM-^Mius -- Lithuanian painter
Wikipedia - Antarctic Circumpolar Current -- Ocean current that flows clockwise from west to east around Antarctica
Wikipedia - Antarctosaurus -- Sauropod dinosaur genus from Late Cretaceous
Wikipedia - Antares (rocket) -- Launch vehicle produced by Orbital Sciences Corporation from the United States
Wikipedia - Antaroma Station -- Railway station in Aibetsu, Hokkaido, Japan
Wikipedia - Ante Anin -- German architect originally from Croatia
Wikipedia - Ante Kotromanovic -- Croatian politician and army officer
Wikipedia - Antena 1 (Romania) -- Television network in Romania
Wikipedia - Anterior intermuscular septum of leg -- A band of fascia which separates the lateral from the anterior compartment of leg
Wikipedia - Anterior spinal artery syndrome -- Human spinal cord disorder
Wikipedia - Antetonitrus -- Sauropod dinosaur genus from Early Jurassic South Africa
Wikipedia - Anthelmintic -- Antiparasitic drugs that expel parasitic worms (helminths) from the body
Wikipedia - Anthemius -- Roman emperor from 467 to 472
Wikipedia - Anthimus of Rome
Wikipedia - Anthony Andrezeski -- American politician from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Anthony Brindisi -- U.S. Representative from New York
Wikipedia - Anthony Corleone -- Fictional character from The Godfather series
Wikipedia - Anthony DiNozzo -- fictional character from television series NCIS
Wikipedia - Anthony D. Romero -- American activist
Wikipedia - Anthony Eden -- Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1955 to 1957
Wikipedia - Anthony Enahoro -- Adolor of Uromi
Wikipedia - Anthony (film editor) -- Indian film editor from Tamil Nadu
Wikipedia - Anthony G. Forlini -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Anthony Joseph Tromba -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Anthony Kern -- American politician from Arizona
Wikipedia - Anthony M. DeLuca -- American politician from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Anthony Moon -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders, played by Matt Lapinskas
Wikipedia - Anthony Muheria -- Kenyan Roman Catholic prelate
Wikipedia - Anthony Pilla -- Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States
Wikipedia - Anthony Rodriguez (politician) -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Anthony Sabatini -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Anthony Shaffer (writer) -- Writer, barrister and advertising executive from England
Wikipedia - Anthony Trueman -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Anthropic Bias (book) -- 2002 book by Nick Bostrom
Wikipedia - Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View
Wikipedia - Anthropomorphism -- Attribution of human form given from other characteristics to anything other than a human being
Wikipedia - Antia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Anti-Corruption General Directorate -- Romanian law enforcement agency
Wikipedia - Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome
Wikipedia - Antiferromagnetism -- A regular pattern of magnetic moment ordering
Wikipedia - Anti-flash white -- Paint designed to reflect some of the thermal radiation from a nuclear explosion
Wikipedia - Anti-gravity -- Idea of creating a place or object that is free from the force of gravity
Wikipedia - Anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Antinous -- Lover of Roman emperor Hadrian
Wikipedia - Antiochus III of Commagene -- King of Commagene from 12 BC to 17 AD
Wikipedia - Antipope Benedict XIII -- Antipope from 1328 to 1423
Wikipedia - Anti-religious campaign during the Russian Civil War -- Religious repression in Russia from 1917 to 1922
Wikipedia - Anti-Romanian sentiment -- Hostility toward or prejudice against Romanians
Wikipedia - Anti-Romani sentiment
Wikipedia - Antistia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Antithrombotic -- Drug that reduces the formation of blood clots
Wikipedia - Antiziganism -- Racism against Romani people
Wikipedia - Antoine de Romanet -- French Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antoine Romagnesi -- French composer
Wikipedia - Anton Anton -- Romanian engineer and politician
Wikipedia - Anton-Babinski syndrome -- Rare symptom of brain damage where sufferers deny being blind
Wikipedia - Anton Bacalbasa -- Romanian writer and politician
Wikipedia - Anton Cadar -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Anton Calenic -- Romanian sprint canoeist
Wikipedia - Anton Davidoglu -- Romanian mathematician
Wikipedia - Antonel Borsan -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Anton Golopentia -- Romanian sociologist
Wikipedia - Anton Holban -- Romanian writer
Wikipedia - Antonia (aunt of Mark Antony) -- Roman kidnapping victim
Wikipedia - Antonia Duta -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Antonia gens -- Family in ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Antonia Minor -- Roman noblewoman (36 BC- AD 37)
Wikipedia - Anton I. Arion -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Antonia the Elder -- 1st century BC Roman noblewoman
Wikipedia - Antonia Tryphaena -- Roman Client Queen of Thrace (10 BC - AD 55)
Wikipedia - Antoniazzo Romano
Wikipedia - Antoni Beszta-Borowski -- Polish Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Antonin BroM-EM-> -- Czech luger
Wikipedia - Antonine Itinerary -- Imperial Roman register of roads and stations
Wikipedia - Antonine Wall -- Defensive fortification in Roman Britain
Wikipedia - Antoninianus -- Coin used during the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Antonin LiM-EM-!ka -- Czech Roman Catholic clergyman
Wikipedia - Antonino Maria Stromillo -- Italian Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antoninus of Rome
Wikipedia - Antoninus Pius -- Roman emperor from 138 to 161
Wikipedia - Antoninus (turncoat) -- Roman soldier and turncoat
Wikipedia - Antonio AvendaM-CM-1o y Paz -- Spanish Roman Catholic prelate
Wikipedia - Antonio Bello -- Italian Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antonio Claudio M-CM-^Alvarez de QuiM-CM-1ones -- Spanish-born prelate of the Roman Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Antonio Corrionero -- Roman Catholic prelate
Wikipedia - Antonio de Benavides y Bazan -- 17th-century Roman Catholic patriarch
Wikipedia - Antonio F. Coronel -- Mexican-American politician from California
Wikipedia - Antonio Fioribello -- Roman Catholic prelate (died 1574)
Wikipedia - Antonio Forteguerra -- 18th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antonio Guerra (bishop) -- 16th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antonio IbaM-CM-1ez de la Riva Herrera -- 18th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antonio Leoncillo -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antonio Lopez Portillo de Guadalupe -- Roman-catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antonio Lupi -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antonio Maria Camalda -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antonio Maria Gianelli -- Italian Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antonio Maria Graziani -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antonio Maria Romeu -- Cuban musician (1876-1955)
Wikipedia - Antonio Marullo -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antonio Pavonelli -- 1xth-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antonio Ricciulli (iuniore) -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antonio Romero (canoeist) -- Mexican canoeist
Wikipedia - Antonio Ruiz de Morales y Molina -- Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antonios Bountouris -- Olympic sailor from Greece
Wikipedia - Antonio Spinelli -- 18th-century Italian Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antonio Tanger -- Olympic sailor from Portugal
Wikipedia - Antonio Toro -- Mayor of Ponce, Puerto Rico, from 1833 to 1836
Wikipedia - Antonio Trivulzio (bishop) -- 16th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antoni Pacyfik Dydycz -- Roman catholic bishop emeritus of Drohiczyn, Poland
Wikipedia - Antoni Roman -- Polish politician
Wikipedia - Antoniu Buci -- Romanian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Antonius Felix -- 1st century Roman politician and procurator of the Judea Province
Wikipedia - Antonius Natalis -- 1st century AD Roman equestrian
Wikipedia - Anton Ivanescu -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Anton KroM-EM-!l -- Slovenian writer
Wikipedia - Anton Raphael Mengs -- German-Bohemian painter active in Dresden, Rome and Madrid (1728-1779)
Wikipedia - Anton Romanovich Zhebrak -- Soviet botanist
Wikipedia - Anton Sandstrom -- Swedish male curler
Wikipedia - Antons Justs -- Latvian Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Anton Strom -- Swedish sailor
Wikipedia - Antony Deschamps -- Writer and poet from France
Wikipedia - Antony Devotta -- Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Antonysamy Savarimuthu -- Roman Catholic priest in Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Antrop Varabiev -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Anubanini rock relief -- Rock relief from the Isin-Larsa period
Wikipedia - An Unfinished Life -- 2005 film by Lasse Hallstrom
Wikipedia - Anuraag Singhal -- American judge from the state of Florida
Wikipedia - Anvil (band) -- Canadian heavy metal band from Toronto, Ontario, formed in 1978
Wikipedia - Anya Amasova -- Character from James Bond
Wikipedia - AnyDecentMusic? -- Website collating music album reviews from magazines, websites, and newspapers
Wikipedia - Any key -- From "Press any key to continue" prompts
Wikipedia - Aon (mythology) -- Figure from Greek mythology
Wikipedia - AONTAS -- Non-governmental organisation promoting adult education in Ireland
Wikipedia - Apache Pro-Wrestling Army -- Japanese professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - Apadana hoard -- Hoard of coins from Persepolis
Wikipedia - A Parisian Romance (film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Apart from Life -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Apart from You -- 1933 Japanese drama film
Wikipedia - Apartheid -- System of institutionalised racial segregation that existed in South Africa and South West Africa (Namibia) from 1948 until the early 1990s
Wikipedia - Apartment Wife: Moans from Next Door -- 2001 film by Toshiki SatM-EM-^M
Wikipedia - Apatosaurus -- Sauropod dinosaur genus from Late Jurassic period
Wikipedia - Apert syndrome -- Congenital disorder of the skull and digits
Wikipedia - Aperture synthesis -- Mixing signals from many telescopes to produce images with high angular resolution
Wikipedia - Apicata -- Wife of Sejanus, friend and confidant of the Roman Emperor Tiberius
Wikipedia - Apicius (1st century BC) -- Ancient Roman
Wikipedia - Apicius -- Roman-era cookbook
Wikipedia - Apkhyarta -- Bowed long-neck lute from Abkhazia
Wikipedia - Apocalypse (comics) -- Fictional character from the X-Men franchise
Wikipedia - A Poet from the Sea -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Apollo and Daphne -- Story from ancient Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Apollodorus of Damascus -- Roman architect, 2nd century
Wikipedia - Apollo Kids (song) -- song by Ghostface Killah from Supreme Clientele
Wikipedia - Aponia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Apostasy -- Formal disaffiliation from or abandonment or renunciation of a religion
Wikipedia - Apothem -- Segment from the center of a polygon to the midpoint of one of its sides
Wikipedia - Apotomops texasana -- A species of moth of the family Tortricidae from Arizona and Texas in the United States
Wikipedia - Appalachia (landmass) -- A Mesozoic land mass separated from Laramidia to the west by the Western Interior Seaway
Wikipedia - Apparent magnitude -- brightness of a celestial object observed from the Earth
Wikipedia - Appeal as from an abuse
Wikipedia - Appendage -- External body part or natural prolongation, that protrudes from an organism's body
Wikipedia - Appendix (anatomy) -- Blind-ended tube connected to the cecum, from which it develops embryologically
Wikipedia - Appian Way Regional Park -- large archaeological park to the southeast of Rome, considered to be the largest urban park in Europe
Wikipedia - Appian Way -- Roman road
Wikipedia - Appian -- Roman-era Greek historian
Wikipedia - Appius Annius Gallus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Appius Claudius Crassus (consular tribune 424 BC) -- Roman Republican consular tribune
Wikipedia - Appius Claudius Pulcher (consul 143 BC) -- Roman politician and general
Wikipedia - Appius Claudius Pulcher (triumvir monetalis 8 BC) -- 1st century BC Roman patrician and moneyer
Wikipedia - Appius Junius Silanus -- First century Roman senator, consul and provincial governor
Wikipedia - AppleCD -- Line of CD-ROM drives by Apple Computer
Wikipedia - Apple juice -- Juice produced from apples
Wikipedia - Apple Monitor III -- Monochrome computer monitor from Apple Computer, Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple Music Up Next -- Monthly promotion program and web series
Wikipedia - Apple Qmaster -- Video effects processing software from Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - AppleWorks -- Office software suite from Apple
Wikipedia - Appuleia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - A Present from Margate -- 1933 British comedy play by Ian Hay and AEW Mason
Wikipedia - April Branning -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - April Kepner -- Fictional Character from Grey's Anatomy
Wikipedia - A Problem from Hell -- Book by Samantha Power
Wikipedia - A Prominent Patient -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Aprominta aga -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aprominta aperitta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aprominta argonauta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aprominta atricanella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aprominta bifasciata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aprominta cryptogamarum -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aprominta designatella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aprominta gloriosa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aprominta pannosella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aprominta reisseri -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aprominta separata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aprominta tectaphella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aprominta xena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - A Promise (1986 film) -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - A Promise (2014 film) -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - A Promised Land -- 2020 memoir by Barack Obama
Wikipedia - A Promise of Bed -- 1969 film by Derek Ford
Wikipedia - Apronia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Apterodina -- Genus of leaf beetles from South America
Wikipedia - Apterodromites -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Apteromechus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Apu Nahasapeemapetilon -- Character from The Simpsons
Wikipedia - Apuseni Mountains -- Mountains in Romania
Wikipedia - Apuseni Natural Park -- Romanian protected area
Wikipedia - A. Q. M. Badruddoza Chowdhury -- President of Bangladesh from 2001 to 2002
Wikipedia - Aqua Alexandrina -- Roman aqueduct in the city of Rome
Wikipedia - Aqua Anio Novus -- Roman aqueduct
Wikipedia - Aqua Claudia -- aqueduct designed to supply water to the city of Rome, built at the time of the Emperor Claudius
Wikipedia - Aquae Arnemetiae -- Town in Roman Britain on the site of Buxton, England
Wikipedia - Aquafaba -- Residual water from cooking legumes, used in recipes to substitute egg whites
Wikipedia - Aquatic respiration -- Process whereby an aquatic animal obtains oxygen from water
Wikipedia - Aquilaria banaensae -- Species of agarwood tree from Vietnam
Wikipedia - Aquilaria beccariana -- Species of agarwood tree from Southeast Asia
Wikipedia - Aquilaria crassna -- Species of agarwood tree from Southeast Asia
Wikipedia - Aquilaria cumingiana -- Species of agarwood tree from Southeast Asia
Wikipedia - Aquilaria hirta -- Species of agarwood tree from Southeast Asia
Wikipedia - Aquilaria malaccensis -- Species of agarwood tree from Asia
Wikipedia - Aquilaria microcarpa -- Species of agarwood plant from Southeast Asia
Wikipedia - Aquilaria rostrata -- Species of agarwood tree from Peninsular Malaysia
Wikipedia - Aquilaria sinensis -- Species of agarwood tree from China
Wikipedia - Aquilia Severa -- Vestal Virgin, wife of Roman emperor Elagabalus
Wikipedia - Aquiline nose -- Human nose with a prominent bridge
Wikipedia - Aquillia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Aquincum -- Historical Roman settlement on site of Budapest
Wikipedia - Arab Australians -- Australian citizens or residents with ancestry from the Arab world
Wikipedia - Arabber -- Street vendor (hawker) selling fruits and vegetables from a colorful, horse-drawn cart
Wikipedia - Arabia Deserta -- Roman name for the desert interior of the Arabian peninsula
Wikipedia - Arabian Love -- 1922 film by Jerome Storm
Wikipedia - Arab raid against Rome
Wikipedia - Arab separatism in Khuzestan -- Arab nationalist movement in Khuzestan advocating for Arab separatism from Iran
Wikipedia - A Racing Romeo -- 1927 film by Sam Wood
Wikipedia - Arad County -- County of Romania
Wikipedia - Arad International Airport -- Airport in Romania
Wikipedia - Aragonese language -- Romance language
Wikipedia - Aragorn -- Heroic character from The Lord of the Rings
Wikipedia - A Rake's Progress, 3: The Tavern Scene -- Painting by William Hogarth from the series A Rake's Progress
Wikipedia - Aramid -- Heat-resistant and strong aromatic polyamide
Wikipedia - Ara Najarian -- American politician from California
Wikipedia - A Ranch Romance -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Aran Hansen -- Olympic sailor from New Zealand
Wikipedia - Arat (The Walking Dead) -- Fictional character from The Walking Dead television series
Wikipedia - Arbitio -- Roman general
Wikipedia - Arbogast (magister militum) -- Roman army officer
Wikipedia - Arcade Fire -- Indie rock band from Canada
Wikipedia - Arcadius -- Roman emperor from 383 to 408
Wikipedia - Arcasio Ricci -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Archaeoceti -- Paraphyletic group of primitive cetaceans from Early Eocene to Late Oligocene
Wikipedia - Archaeological culture -- Recurring assemblage of artifacts from a specific time and place that may constitute the material culture remains of a particular past human society
Wikipedia - Archaeological Review from Cambridge -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Archaeology of the Romani people -- Archaeology as applied to Romani peoples
Wikipedia - Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province
Wikipedia - Archbishop of Armagh (Roman Catholic)
Wikipedia - Archbishop of Dublin (Roman Catholic) -- Presiding over the Archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Archcathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Andrew, Frombork -- Cathedral in Frombork, Poland
Wikipedia - Archchancellor -- Title given to the highest dignitary of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Archdiocesan Shrine of Santa Teresa de Avila -- Roman Catholic church in Graeco-Roman architectural style located in Talisay City, Cebu
Wikipedia - Archdiocese of Carthage -- Former Latin Catholic diocese established in Roman Carthage, now a titular see
Wikipedia - Archdiocese of Vad, Feleac and Cluj -- Archdiocese of the Romanian Orthodox Church
Wikipedia - Archduchy of Austria -- Fief of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Archduke -- Title of nobility in the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Archelaus of Cappadocia -- a Roman client prince and the last king of Cappadocia
Wikipedia - Archelaus of Cilicia -- 1st century AD Roman client king of Cilicia Trachea and Eastern Lycaonia
Wikipedia - Archers of Loaf -- Indie rock band from Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Wikipedia - Archibald B. Darragh -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Archibald Thomas Pechey -- Crime fiction writer and lyricist from England
Wikipedia - Archie Mitchell -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Architecture 101 -- 2012 South Korean romance film written and directed by Lee Yong-ju
Wikipedia - Architecture of ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Architecture of Rome -- Overview of the architecture in Rome
Wikipedia - Archive site -- Website that stores information on webpages from the past
Wikipedia - Arch of Caracalla (Djemila) -- 3rd-century Roman triumphal arch at Djemila in Algeria (Cuicul)
Wikipedia - Arch of Drusus -- ancient arch at the beginning of the Appian Way in Rome
Wikipedia - Arch of Germanicus -- Ancient Roman arch in Saintes, Charente-Maritime, France
Wikipedia - Arch of Janus -- Ancient building in Rome
Wikipedia - Arch of Titus -- Triumphal arch in Rome (constructed c. 81 AD)
Wikipedia - Arch of Trajan (Canosa) -- Ancient Roman triumphal arch
Wikipedia - Archosauromorpha -- Infraclass of reptiles
Wikipedia - Arcinazzo Romano -- Comune in Latium, Italy
Wikipedia - Arcisate Treasure -- Roman silver hoard
Wikipedia - Arclight (comics) -- Mutant super-villain character from Marvel Comics
Wikipedia - Arco dei Gavi, Verona -- Ancient Roman triumphal arch
Wikipedia - Arco di Travertino (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Arctic Air -- Drama television series from Canada
Wikipedia - Arctic Watch Lodge Aerodrome -- Aerodrome in Nunavut, Canada
Wikipedia - Arcusaurus -- Extinct genus of dinosaur from early Jurassic South Africa
Wikipedia - Arcwelder -- Punk rock band from Minnesota formed in 1988
Wikipedia - Arc welding -- Process used to fuse metal by using heat from an electrical arc
Wikipedia - Ardab Mutiyaran -- 2019 Punjabi language romantic drama film
Wikipedia - Ardennais -- breed of draught horse from Belgium, France and Luxembourg
Wikipedia - Ardian Zika -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Ardipithecus ramidus -- Extinct hominin from Early Pliocene Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Ardoch Roman Fort -- Archaeological site in Scotland
Wikipedia - Ardotalia -- Roman fort in Gamesley, near Glossop in Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Arecibo message -- 1974 message into space from the Arecibo Observatory
Wikipedia - A Reckless Romeo -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - A Record of Buddhist Practices Sent Home from the Southern Sea -- Buddhist travelogue by the Tang Chinese monk Yijing
Wikipedia - Arellius Fuscus -- 1st century BC Roman orator and teacher
Wikipedia - Arenes de Lutece -- Ancient Roman amphitheatre in Paris
Wikipedia - Arennia (gens) -- Ancient Roman plebeian family
Wikipedia - Arepa -- Typical food from Colombia and Venezuela
Wikipedia - Arester Earl -- African-American quilter from Covington, GA
Wikipedia - Argentine Revolution -- Military junta that ruled Argentina from 1966 to 1973
Wikipedia - Argentines in Spain -- Immigration from Argentina to Spain
Wikipedia - Arges County -- County of Romania
Wikipedia - Argova -- River in Romania
Wikipedia - Argumentation ethics -- Argument deriving the private property ethics from the fact of rational discourse
Wikipedia - Argument from analogy
Wikipedia - Argument from a proper basis
Wikipedia - Argument from authority -- Logical fallacy of using a high-status figure's belief as evidence in an argument
Wikipedia - Argument from beauty -- Argument for the existence of a realm of immaterial ideas or, most commonly, for the existence of God
Wikipedia - Argument from consciousness
Wikipedia - Argument from degree
Wikipedia - Argument from desire
Wikipedia - Argument from fallacy -- The fallacy that, since an argument contains a logical fallacy, its conclusion must be false
Wikipedia - Argument from free will -- Contention that omniscience is incompatible with free will
Wikipedia - Argument from ignorance -- Logical fallacy that, since proposition has not yet been proven false, it must be true
Wikipedia - Argument from illusion
Wikipedia - Argument from inconsistent revelations
Wikipedia - Argument from incredulity -- Informal logical fallacy
Wikipedia - Argument from love
Wikipedia - Argument from miracles
Wikipedia - Argument from morality
Wikipedia - Argument from motion
Wikipedia - Argument from nonbelief -- Argument for atheism, articulating an incompatibility between the existence of a god and a world which has unbelievers
Wikipedia - Argument from poor design
Wikipedia - Argument from queerness
Wikipedia - Argument from Reason
Wikipedia - Argument from reason
Wikipedia - Argument from religious experience
Wikipedia - Argument from silence -- Argument based on the absence of statements in historical documents, rather than their presence
Wikipedia - Argument to moderation -- Informal fallacy which asserts that the truth can be found as a compromise between two opposite positions
Wikipedia - Argus (Argonaut) -- Character from Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Argyrotaenia ljungiana -- Species of moth from Europe
Wikipedia - Ariadna Romero -- Cuban actress
Wikipedia - Ariana Brown -- American spoken word poet from Texas
Wikipedia - Arianna Hernandez -- Fictional character from Days of Our Lives
Wikipedia - Ariel G. Loewy -- Romanian biochemist.
Wikipedia - Ariel's Song -- Song from The Tempest by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Ariel Vromen -- Israeli director
Wikipedia - Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest -- Japanese light novel series and its adaptations
Wikipedia - Arikura-no-baba -- Character from Japanese folklore
Wikipedia - Ari Lennox -- American singer-songwriter from Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Arimaspi -- Legendary tribe from the classical antiquity
Wikipedia - Arinthaeus -- Roman general and consul
Wikipedia - Arising from the Surface -- 1980 film
Wikipedia - Aristaloe -- Monotypic genus of flowering perennial plant from southern Africa
Wikipedia - Aristide Gromer -- French chess player
Wikipedia - Aristobulus Minor -- 1st century prince from the Herodian Dynasty
Wikipedia - Aristonicus of Alexandria -- Ancient Greek writer of the Roman era
Wikipedia - Arkansas Territory -- Territory of the United States of America from 1819 to 1836
Wikipedia - Armand David -- Lazarist missionary Roman Catholic priest, zoologist, and botanist from the Basque Country, France
Wikipedia - Armand Hammer (music group) -- American hip hop group from New York City
Wikipedia - Armando Romero (equestrian) -- Mexican equestrian
Wikipedia - Armchair warrior -- A pejorative term that alludes to verbally fighting from the comfort of one's living room
Wikipedia - Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia -- Armenian militant organization that operated from 1975 to the early 1990s
Wikipedia - Armenians in Romania
Wikipedia - Armen Vardanyan -- Armenian-Ukrainian Greco-Roman wrestler (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Arm (geography) -- A narrow extension of water extending out from a much larger body of water
Wikipedia - Armorican terrane -- A microcontinent or group of continental fragments rifted away from Gondwana
Wikipedia - Armour -- Covering to protect from damage
Wikipedia - Arms Export Control Act -- United States law preventing exported weapons from being used for aggressive warfare
Wikipedia - Armstrong/Waweig Lake Water Aerodrome -- Former airport in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Army of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Arnald de Arceto -- Roman Catholic prelate
Wikipedia - Arne Broman -- Swedish mathematician
Wikipedia - Arne Stromberg -- Swedish ice hockey coach
Wikipedia - Arne Torolf Strom -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Arne Zetterstrom -- Diver involved in experimental work with Hydrox breathing gas
Wikipedia - Arnold Houbraken -- Painter from the Northern Netherlands
Wikipedia - Arnold Janssen -- German-Dutch Roman Catholic priest and missionary and founder of the Society of the Divine Word in Steyl, Netherlands
Wikipedia - Arnold Muller -- Romanian entomologist
Wikipedia - Arnold's cat map -- Chaotic map from the torus into itself
Wikipedia - Arnulfo Arias -- President of Panama from 1940 to 1941, 1949 to 1951 and in 1968
Wikipedia - Arnulf of Carinthia -- 9th century disputed Holy Roman Emperor
Wikipedia - A Robust Romeo -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Rogue's Romance -- 1919 film by James Young
Wikipedia - Aroma compound -- Chemical compound that has a smell or odor
Wikipedia - Aromalunni -- 1972 film by Kunchacko
Wikipedia - A Romance of Happy Valley -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - A Romance of Mayfair -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Romance of Old Baghdad -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A Romance of Seville -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - A Romance of the Redwoods -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - A Romance of the Western Hills -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - A Romance of Wastdale (novel) -- 1895 novel by A.E.W. Mason
Wikipedia - A Romance of Wastdale -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Aromanian alphabet -- Variant of the Latin script used for writing the Aromanian language
Wikipedia - Aromanian language -- Eastern Romance language spoken in Southeastern Europe
Wikipedia - Aromanian National Day -- National day of the Aromanian ethnic group
Wikipedia - Aromanians in North Macedonia -- Recognised minority ethnic group
Wikipedia - Aromanians -- Romance ethnic group native to the Balkans
Wikipedia - A Romantic Adventuress -- 1920 film by Harley Knoles
Wikipedia - Aroma of Tacoma -- Odor associated with Tacoma, Washington, US
Wikipedia - Aroma Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Aromas, Jura -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, France
Wikipedia - Aromatherapy -- Usage of aromatic materials for improving well-being
Wikipedia - Aromatic amino acid decarboxylase
Wikipedia - Aromatic compound -- Compound containing rings with delocalized pi electrons
Wikipedia - Aromatic hydrocarbon
Wikipedia - Aromaticity -- Phenomenon providing chemical stability in resonating hybrids of cyclic organic compounds
Wikipedia - Aromatic
Wikipedia - Aromia -- Genus of beetle
Wikipedia - Aromitalia-Basso Bikes-Vaiano -- Italian cycling team
Wikipedia - Aron Cotrus -- Romanian poet and diplomat
Wikipedia - A Room with a View (1985 film) -- 1985 British romance drama film by James Ivory, based on the novel
Wikipedia - A Rowboat Romance -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - A Royal Romance -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Arracacha -- Root vegetable originally from the Andes
Wikipedia - Arrecina Tertulla -- 1st century AD wife of Roman emperor Titus
Wikipedia - Arria gens -- Families from Ancient Rome who shared the Arrius nomen
Wikipedia - Arria -- 1st-century Roman woman
Wikipedia - Arrietty -- 2010 Japanese animated film directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi
Wikipedia - Arruntia gens -- Family in ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Arsames II -- King of Sophene, a province of the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Arsenal submachine gun -- Weapon from Estonia
Wikipedia - Arsenic and Old Lace (cocktail) -- Classic cocktail from the 1940s
Wikipedia - Arsenio Climaco -- Governor of the province of Cebu, Philippines from 1923-1930
Wikipedia - Art and Design University of Cluj-Napoca -- Art university in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Wikipedia - Artane Band -- Irish marching band from northern Dublin
Wikipedia - Artaxiad dynasty of Iberia -- Armenian dynasty which ruled Iberia (ancient Georgia) from c. 90 BC to 30 AD
Wikipedia - Artaxias III -- Roman Client King of Armenia (13 BC-34 AD) (r. 18 AD-34 AD)
Wikipedia - Art Baron -- American jazz trombonist
Wikipedia - Artemis Jegart -- Painter from Florida USA
Wikipedia - Arterial blood gas test -- A test of blood taken from an artery that measures the amounts of certain dissolved gases
Wikipedia - Artery -- Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
Wikipedia - Art Fierro -- American politician from Texas
Wikipedia - Artful Dodger -- Fictional character from the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist
Wikipedia - Arthur (2011 film) -- 2011 romantic comedy film directed by Jason Winer
Wikipedia - Arthur Balfour -- Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1902 to 1905
Wikipedia - Arthur Bostrom -- British actor
Wikipedia - Arthur C. Logan -- African-American surgeon from famous family/youngest of nine
Wikipedia - Arthur Colgan -- American Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Arthur Fowler -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Arthur Frederick Bettinson -- Manager and promoter of the National Sporting Club
Wikipedia - Arthur Hays Sulzberger -- Publisher of The New York Times from 1935 to 1961
Wikipedia - Arthur Hervet -- French Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Arthur P. Bagby -- Democratic Governor of Alabama and U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Arthur Rydstrom -- Norwegian gymnast
Wikipedia - Arthur Sephton -- Archdeacon of Craven from 1956 to 1972.
Wikipedia - Arthur South -- Politician from Norfolk, England
Wikipedia - Artie Abrams -- Fictional character from the Fox series Glee
Wikipedia - Artificial gills (human) -- Hypothetical devices to allow a human to take in oxygen from surrounding water
Wikipedia - Artificial reef -- A human-created underwater structure, typically built to promote marine life, control erosion, block ship passage, block the use of trawling nets, or improve surfing
Wikipedia - Art of Romania
Wikipedia - Artsakh (historic province) -- Province in Armenia from 189BC to 387AD
Wikipedia - Arts council -- Non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the arts
Wikipedia - ArtScroll -- Translations, books and commentaries from an Orthodox Jewish perspective
Wikipedia - Arturo Fajardo -- Uruguayan Roman Catholic cleric
Wikipedia - Arturo Roman -- Character in M-BM-+ Money Heist M-BM-;, a hostage and the Director of the Royal Mint of Spain.
Wikipedia - Aruna Narayan -- Sarangi player from India
Wikipedia - Arundinaria gigantea -- Species of bamboo from North America known as river cane
Wikipedia - Arval Brethren -- ancient Roman college of priests
Wikipedia - Arvid E. Gillstrom -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Arvid KM-CM-$llstrom -- Swedish sculptor
Wikipedia - Arviere-en-Valromey -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Arx (Roman)
Wikipedia - Aryandra Sharma -- Indian politician from Uttarakhand
Wikipedia - Ary Chalus -- French politician from Guadeloupe
Wikipedia - Asafoetida -- Indian spice; dried latex from the rhizome or root of several Ferula spp.
Wikipedia - Asaka (musician) -- Japanese singer from Nagoya
Wikipedia - Asanbosam -- Vampire-like folkloric being from the Akan people
Wikipedia - ASAP Ferg -- American rapper from New York
Wikipedia - ASAP Rocky -- American rapper, singer, record producer, and music video director from New York
Wikipedia - Ascanio Maffei -- 1xth-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Ascanio Trombetti -- Italian composer
Wikipedia - Ascension of Jesus -- The departure of Christ from Earth into the presence of God
Wikipedia - Ascoli Piceno Baptistery -- Roman Catholic church in Ascoli Piceno, Italy
Wikipedia - Ascoli Piceno Cathedral -- Roman Catholic church in Ascoli Piceno, Italy
Wikipedia - Asconius Pedianus -- 1st century AD Roman writer and historian
Wikipedia - A Scream from Silence -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - As Farpas -- monthly magazine published in Portugal from 1871 to 1882
Wikipedia - As Good as It Gets -- 1997 American romantic comedy film directed by James L. Brooks
Wikipedia - Ashanti (Crown Colony) -- Former British [[Crown Colony]] from 1901 until 1957, now part of Ghana
Wikipedia - Ashanti to Zulu -- Children's book from 1976
Wikipedia - Ashcan comic -- Comic book produced only for legal or promotional reasons
Wikipedia - Asher Roth -- American rapper from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Ash glaze -- Ceramic glazes made from wood-ash
Wikipedia - Ashihara kaikan -- Modern full contact street karate developed from Kyokushin
Wikipedia - Ashish Butail -- Indian Politician from Palampur
Wikipedia - Ashlee Matthews -- American Democratic politician from Utah
Wikipedia - Ashley Cotton -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Ashley Irwin -- Film score composer from Australia
Wikipedia - Ashley Thomas -- Character from the British soap opera Emmerdale
Wikipedia - A Show from Two Cities -- Television series
Wikipedia - Ashwani Kumar (military officer) -- Adjutant General of Indian Army from 2018 to 2019
Wikipedia - Ashwin Jerome -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Asiamerica -- Large island formed from Laurasia, separated by shallow continental seas from Eurasia to the West and eastern North America to the East
Wikipedia - Asian Barometer Survey
Wikipedia - Asian Doll -- American rapper from Chicago
Wikipedia - Asian Hispanic and Latino Americans -- Americans of Asian ancestry that speak the Spanish language natively and are/or from Latin America
Wikipedia - Asia (Roman province) -- Roman province
Wikipedia - A Silent Agreement -- 2017 Australian romantic drama film
Wikipedia - A Simple Wedding -- Iranian-American romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Asinia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Asit Kumar Mal -- Politician from West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - A Six Shootin' Romance -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Asli BekiroM-DM-^_lu -- Turkish actress
Wikipedia - Asmita Gardens -- Residential complex in Bucharest, Romania
Wikipedia - Asmodeus -- King of demons from the deuterocanonical Book of Tobit
Wikipedia - A Son from America (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - A Son from America (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A Song for Summer -- 1997 romance novel by Eva Ibbotson
Wikipedia - A Song from Days of Youth -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Aspendos -- Ancient Greco-Roman city
Wikipedia - Asperger syndrome -- Neurodevelopmental disorder affecting social interaction
Wikipedia - Asprenas Calpurnius Serranus -- first century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Asrar (musician) -- Pakistani singer-songwriter from Lahore
Wikipedia - Assassination -- Murder of a prominent person, often a political leader or ruler
Wikipedia - Assembly of Captive European Nations -- Coalition of representatives from nations in Central and Eastern Europe under Soviet domination (1954-1972)
Wikipedia - Asset -- Economic resource, from which future economic benefits are expected
Wikipedia - Assignment: Underwater -- American adventure television series from 1960 to 1961
Wikipedia - Assisted suicide -- Suicide committed by someone with assistance from another person or persons, typically in regard to people suffering from a severe physical illness
Wikipedia - Association of Catholics in Ireland -- Association of Roman Catholic laity
Wikipedia - Association of European Journalists -- Organisation promoting interests of journalists
Wikipedia - Ass to mouth -- Withdrawal of a penis from the receptive partner's anus followed by the immediate insertion into the receptive partner's mouth
Wikipedia - Assyria and Germany in Anglo-Israelism -- Fringe theory that Germans descend from the ancient Assyrians
Wikipedia - Assyrian Church of the East -- Ancient Christian religious body from Assyria
Wikipedia - A Stage Romance -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Astarte -- Middle Eastern goddess, worshipped from the Bronze Age through classical antiquity
Wikipedia - Asteriornis -- Fossil bird genus from Belgium
Wikipedia - Asteroma coryli -- Species of fungus
Wikipedia - Asteromyia carbonifera -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Asteromyia euthamiae -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Asteromyia gutierreziae -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Asteromyia modesta -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Asteromyia tumifica -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Asteromyia -- Genus of flies
Wikipedia - Aston Martin DB7 -- Grand Tourer produced by British automobile manufacturer Aston Martin as a successor to the DB6 from 1994-2004
Wikipedia - Aston Martin DB9 -- Grand Tourer produced by the British manufacturer Aston Martin as the successor to the DB7 from 2004-2016
Wikipedia - Astorga Cathedral -- Roman Catholic church in Astorga, Spain
Wikipedia - Astoria Fan -- A submarine fan radiating asymmetrically southward from the mouth of the Astoria Canyon
Wikipedia - Astraeus hygrometricus -- Cosmopolitan species of fungus in the family Diplocystaceae.
Wikipedia - Astrid Fodor -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Astrid Ljungstrom -- Swedish journalist
Wikipedia - Astrocladus euryale -- A brittlestar of the family Gorgonocephalidae from South Africa
Wikipedia - Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Directorate -- Physical science research facility at NASA's Johnson Space Center
Wikipedia - AstroMenace
Wikipedia - Astrometry -- Branch of astronomy involving positioning and movements of celestial bodies
Wikipedia - Astromula -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Astronomical interferometer -- Array used for astronomical observations
Wikipedia - Astrosmash -- Video game from 1981 for the Intellivision console
Wikipedia - Asturian language -- Romance language of the West Iberian group
Wikipedia - Asturians -- People from Asturias, Spain
Wikipedia - Atala Kisfaludy -- Poet, writer from Hungary
Wikipedia - Atanase Sciotnic -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Atanasia Ionescu -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Ataque de nervios -- Psychological syndrome
Wikipedia - Atari ST -- Line of home computers from Atari Corporation
Wikipedia - Ataur Rahman Khan Angur -- Bangladeshi politician from Narayanganj
Wikipedia - Atchara -- A pickle made from grated unripe papaya popular in the Philippines
Wikipedia - A Teenager's Romance -- 1957 song performed by Ricky Nelson
Wikipedia - Ateia (gens) -- Ancient Roman plebeian family
Wikipedia - Atenism -- Monotheistic religion from ancient egypt
Wikipedia - Athanasius Rethna Swamy Swamiadian -- Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Athena (Saint Seiya) -- Fictional character from Saint Seiya
Wikipedia - Athena SWAN -- British university accreditation scheme promoting gender equality
Wikipedia - Athena Tibi -- Japan-based singer from The Philippines
Wikipedia - Atheroma -- Accumulation of degenerative material in the inner layer of artery walls
Wikipedia - Athertonia -- Monotypic genus of trees in the family Proteaceae from north-eastern Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Athrips flavida -- Species of moth in the family Gelechiidae from southern Africa
Wikipedia - Athronges -- Jewish leader during Roman occupation of Judea
Wikipedia - Athymhormic syndrome -- Rare psychological or neurological condition
Wikipedia - Atia (gens) -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Atif Afzal -- Music composer from India
Wikipedia - Atilia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Atinia (gens) -- Ancient Roman plebeian family
Wikipedia - Atkarsky Uyezd -- Places from Russia
Wikipedia - Atlanta compromise -- Agreement between B.T. Washington, other Afro-American leaders, and Southern white leaders
Wikipedia - Atlantea -- A genus of butterflies from the Caribbean
Wikipedia - Atlantic slave trade -- Slave trade across the Atlantic Ocean from the 16th to the 19th centuries
Wikipedia - Atlantic yellow-nosed albatross -- A large seabird from the south Atlantic
Wikipedia - Atlantis ROV Team -- A high-school underwater robotics team from Whidbey Island, Washington, United States
Wikipedia - Atlantis Sand Fynbos -- Vegetation type from north of Cape Town, in the Western Cape, South Africa
Wikipedia - ATLAS-I -- US Air Force electromagnetic pulse generation and testing apparatus in use from 1972-1980 at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM, US
Wikipedia - Atlas linguistique de la France -- Pioneering dialect atlas of Romance varieties in France
Wikipedia - Atmospheric entry -- Passage of an object through the gases of an atmosphere from outer space
Wikipedia - Atom (character) -- Name shared by several fictional comic book superheroes from the DC Comics universe
Wikipedia - Atomic Age (design) -- Design style from the approximate period 1940-1960, when concerns of nuclear war dominated the West during the Cold War
Wikipedia - Atrium (architecture) -- Open air or skylight; architectural feature, courtyard in a Roman domus
Wikipedia - ATS Euromaster -- British affiliate of the European tyre service provider Euromaster
Wikipedia - Attack from Atlantis -- Science fiction novel by Lester del Rey
Wikipedia - Attack from Space -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Attack of the Flesh Devouring Space Worms from Outer Space -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Attalus (son of Andromenes) -- 4th-century BC Macedonian general
Wikipedia - Attempted assassination of Gerald Ford in Sacramento -- 1975 assassination attempt by Lynette Fromme
Wikipedia - Attention seeking -- To act in a way that is likely to elicit attention, usually to elicit validation from others.
Wikipedia - Attieke -- Ivory Coast side dish made from cassava
Wikipedia - Attila Cseke -- Romanian lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Attila Czanka -- Romanian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Attila Feri -- Romanian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Attilio Fontana -- Italian politician from Varese, Lombardy
Wikipedia - Atuatuca -- Roman-era oppidum in modern Belgium
Wikipedia - Aubrey Baartman -- South African politician from the Northern Cape
Wikipedia - Aubyn Curtiss -- American politician from Montana
Wikipedia - Auction -- Process of offerings goods or services up for bid, and either selling to the highest bidder or buying from the lowest bidder
Wikipedia - Audi R8 (Type 42) -- First generation of the R8 sports car manufactured by German automobile manufacturer Audi from 2006-2015
Wikipedia - Audrey Moores -- Romanian chemist
Wikipedia - Audrey Roberts -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Aufidia (gens) -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Aufidius Bassus -- Roman historian who lived in the reign of Tiberius
Wikipedia - Augur -- Priest in the classical Roman world, whose main role was the practice of augury
Wikipedia - Augusta M-CM-^Vhrstrom-Renard -- Swedish operatic mezzosoprano
Wikipedia - Augustan literature (ancient Rome) -- Period in Latin literature
Wikipedia - Augusta Viromanduorum -- Ancient Gallo-Roman settlement
Wikipedia - August Czartoryski -- Polish Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - August Friedrich Wilhelm Crome
Wikipedia - Augustin Cupsa -- Romanian writer
Wikipedia - Augustinus Kim Jong-soo -- South Korean Roman Catholic prelate
Wikipedia - August Natterer -- German painter who suffered from schizophrenia
Wikipedia - Augustus FitzRoy, 3rd Duke of Grafton -- Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1768 to 1770
Wikipedia - Augustus Haynes -- Character from The Wire
Wikipedia - Augustus Octavius Bacon -- Member of the U.S. Senate from Georgia
Wikipedia - Augustus (title) -- Ancient Roman title
Wikipedia - Augustus -- First Roman emperor, from 27 BC to AD 14
Wikipedia - August Wikstrom -- Swedish sports shooter
Wikipedia - August Wilhelm Holmstrom -- Faberge workmaster
Wikipedia - Au jus -- Gravy made from the juices given off by the meat as it is cooked
Wikipedia - Auktyon -- Russian alternative rock band from Saint Petersburg
Wikipedia - Aulus Aternius Varus -- 5th-century BC Roman consul
Wikipedia - Aulus Atilius Calatinus -- 3rd-century BC Roman dictator and politician
Wikipedia - Aulus Avilius Flaccus -- Imperial Roman prefect of Alexandria
Wikipedia - Aulus Caecina Alienus -- 1st century AD Roman general
Wikipedia - Aulus Caecina Paetus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Aulus Caecina Severus (consul 1 BC) -- Roman politician and general during the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius
Wikipedia - Aulus Cornelius Celsus -- Roman physician and encyclopaedist (c. 25 BC - c. 50 AD)
Wikipedia - Aulus Cremutius Cordus -- Early 1st century AD Roman historian
Wikipedia - Aulus Didius Gallus -- 1st century AD Roman general and politician
Wikipedia - Aulus Ducenius Geminus -- First century AD Roman senator and prefect of Rome
Wikipedia - Aulus Gabinius Secundus (consul 35) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Aulus Gabinius -- Roman politician and general
Wikipedia - Aulus Licinius Nerva Silianus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and moneyer
Wikipedia - Aulus Manlius Capitolinus -- Roman consul
Wikipedia - Aulus Manlius Torquatus Atticus -- Roman Republican politician and general
Wikipedia - Aulus Manlius Vulso Capitolinus -- Roman Republican consular tribune
Wikipedia - Aulus Marius Celsus -- 1st century Roman senator, military officer and governor
Wikipedia - Aulus Plautius -- 1st century AD Roman politician and general, provincial governor and suffect consul
Wikipedia - Aulus Postumius Albus Regillensis (consul 464 BC) -- Consul of the Roman Republic
Wikipedia - Aulus Postumius Albus Regillensis (consul 496 BC) -- Early 5th century BC Roman dictator and consul
Wikipedia - Aulus (praenomen) -- Roman personal name
Wikipedia - Aulus Pudens -- Centurion in the Roman army in the late 1st century
Wikipedia - Aulus Verginius Tricostus Caeliomontanus (consul 494 BC) -- Early 5th century BC Roman politician, general and consul
Wikipedia - Aulus Verginius Tricostus Rutilus -- Roman Consul in 476 AD
Wikipedia - Aulus Vicirius Proculus -- 1st century Roman senator, consul and governor of Roman Britain
Wikipedia - A Universe from Nothing: Why There is Something Rather than Nothing
Wikipedia - A Universe from Nothing -- Book by Lawrence Krauss
Wikipedia - Aunt Sal -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Aura Andreea Munteanu -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Aura K. Dunn -- American Republican politician from New Jersey
Wikipedia - Aura (mythology) -- Divine personification of the breeze in Greek and Roman mythology
Wikipedia - Aurel Baesu -- Romanian artist
Wikipedia - Aurel Ciupe -- Romanian painter
Wikipedia - Aurel Cosma -- Romanian lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Aurel-Dragos Munteanu -- Ambassador of Romania
Wikipedia - Aurelia Ciurea -- Romanian aerobic gymnast
Wikipedia - Aurelia Dobre -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Aurelia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Aurelia (mother of Caesar) -- Mother of Roman dictator Julius Caesar
Wikipedia - Aurelian Georgescu -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Aurelianus (Gallo-Roman) -- Gallo-Roman statesman
Wikipedia - Aurelian -- Roman emperor from 270 to 275
Wikipedia - Aurelio Dalla Vecchia -- Olympic sailor from Italy
Wikipedia - Aureliu Manea -- Romanian theater director
Wikipedia - Aurel LoM-EM-^_nita -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Aurel Macarencu -- Romanian sprint canoer
Wikipedia - Aurel SM-CM-.rbu -- Romanian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Aureochromes
Wikipedia - Auria (gens) -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Auriscalpium vulgare -- Species of fungus in the family Auriscalpiaceae from Europe, Central America, North America, and temperate Asia
Wikipedia - Aurora Chin -- Romanian archer
Wikipedia - Aurora (Disney) -- Title character from Disney's 1959 animated film Sleeping Beauty
Wikipedia - Aurora (mythology) -- Goddess of dawn in Roman mythology
Wikipedia - Aurunculeia gens -- Ancient Roman plebeian family
Wikipedia - Ausflag -- Organisation promoting a new flag for Australia
Wikipedia - Ausonius -- Late Roman poet
Wikipedia - Austin Brown -- American singer-songwriter from California
Wikipedia - Austin-Healey 3000 -- British sports car built from 1959 to 1967
Wikipedia - Austin Leslie -- Chef from New Orleans, Louisiana, US
Wikipedia - Australian country music -- Genre of popular music from Australia
Wikipedia - Australian feral camel -- Feral camels in Australia, descended from animals imported in 19th century
Wikipedia - Australian Monarchist League -- Non-profit organisation promoting the monarchy of Australia
Wikipedia - Australian Shepherd -- Shepherding dog breed from the USA
Wikipedia - Australopithecus afarensis -- Extinct hominid from the Pliocene of East Africa
Wikipedia - Australopithecus africanus -- Extinct hominid from South Africa
Wikipedia - Australopithecus anamensis -- Extinct hominin from Pliocene east Africa
Wikipedia - Australopithecus bahrelghazali -- Extinct species of hominin of Chad from 3.5 mya
Wikipedia - Australopithecus deyiremeda -- Proposed extinct species of hominin of Ethiopia from 3.5 to 3.3 mya
Wikipedia - Australopithecus garhi -- Extinct hominid from the Afar Region of Ethiopia 2.6-2.5 million years ago
Wikipedia - Australopithecus sediba -- Two-million-year-old hominin from the Cradle of Humankind
Wikipedia - Austrian Circle -- Imperial circle of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Austrian Empire -- Central European multinational great power from 1804 to 1867
Wikipedia - Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 -- Establishment of Austria-Hungary
Wikipedia - Austromartyria porphyrodes -- Moth species in family Micropterigidae
Wikipedia - Austromartyria -- Monotypic genus of moths in family Micropterigidae
Wikipedia - Austromarxism
Wikipedia - Austromoine
Wikipedia - Austromorium flavigaster -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Austromorium hetericki -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Austromorium -- Genus of ants
Wikipedia - Austromuellera trinervia -- Species of tree in the family Proteaceae from north-eastern Queensland
Wikipedia - Austromuellera -- Genus of trees in the family Proteaceae from north eastern Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Autarchism -- Political philosophy that promotes the principles of individualism, the moral ideology of individual liberty and self-reliance.
Wikipedia - Autobot -- Faction of sentient robots from the Transformers universe
Wikipedia - Auto Boy - Carl from Mobile Land -- 2020 anime television series
Wikipedia - Autochthon (ancient Greece) -- Original inhabitant of a country free from admixture of foreign peoples
Wikipedia - Autodelta -- The name of Alfa Romeo's competition department
Wikipedia - Autodrome Chaudiere -- Race track
Wikipedia - Autodrom Most -- Racetrack
Wikipedia - Autodromo di Pergusa -- Motorsport venue in Italy
Wikipedia - Autodromo Miguel E. Abed -- Race track
Wikipedia - Autogamy -- Fusion of gametes from the same individual
Wikipedia - Automated mining -- Removal of human labor from the mining industry
Wikipedia - Automatic meter reading -- Transmitting consumption data from a utility meter to the utility provider
Wikipedia - Automatic taxonomy construction -- The use of software programs to generate taxonomical classifications from a body of texts
Wikipedia - Automobile Dacia -- Romanian car manufacturer.
Wikipedia - Automorphism group -- Mathematical group formed from the automorphisms of an object
Wikipedia - Automotive head-up display -- Any transparent display that presents data in the automobile without requiring users to look away from their usual viewpoints
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Romania
Wikipedia - Autonomous building -- Building designed to be independent from public infrastructure
Wikipedia - Autoramas -- Brazilian rock band from Rio de Janeiro
Wikipedia - Autosome -- Any chromosome other than a sex chromosome
Wikipedia - Autostrada A2 (Italy, 1962-1988) -- A highway between Rome and Naples
Wikipedia - Autotroph -- Any organism that produces complex organic compounds from simple substances present in its surroundings
Wikipedia - Autronia (gens) -- Ancient Roman plebeian family
Wikipedia - Auxilia -- Non-citizen troops in the Imperial Roman army
Wikipedia - Auxochrome
Wikipedia - Auxois -- Horse breed from eastern France
Wikipedia - A/UX -- Early Unix-based operating system from Apple Computer
Wikipedia - Avaaz -- Nonprofit organization to promote global activism
Wikipedia - Avant-pop -- Popular music that is experimental, new and distinct from previous styles while retaining an immediate accessibility for the listener
Wikipedia - Avargalum Ivargalum -- 2011 Indian Tamil language romantic drama film directed by Veerapandian.
Wikipedia - Avelar Brandao Vilela -- Brazilian Roman Catholic cardinal
Wikipedia - Avelia Liberty -- High-speed train from Alstom for North America
Wikipedia - Ave Maryam -- 2019 Indonesian romance drama film
Wikipedia - Avenging Spider-Man -- American comic book series from Marvel Comics
Wikipedia - Aventine Hill -- One of the seven hills of Rome, Italy
Wikipedia - Averil Power -- Former Irish politician from Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Avidius Cassius -- Roman general and usurper (c.130-175)
Wikipedia - Avignon Papacy -- period during which the pope decided to live in Avignon, France rather than in Rome
Wikipedia - A Village Romeo and Juliet
Wikipedia - A Visit from St. Nicholas -- 1823 poem attributed to Clement Clarke Moore
Wikipedia - A Visit from the Goon Squad -- Book by Jennifer Egan
Wikipedia - A Visit from the Old Mistress -- Painting by Winslow Homer
Wikipedia - Avitus -- Roman emperor from 455 to 456
Wikipedia - Avocado oil -- Edible oil pressed from the pulp of avocados
Wikipedia - A Voice from the Deep -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - Avraham Mattisyahu Friedman -- Hasidic rabbi from Romania (1848-1933)
Wikipedia - Avram Iancu Square, Cluj-Napoca -- Square in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Wikipedia - Awaken (TV series) -- 2020 South Korean romantic mystery TV series
Wikipedia - Awaking from a Dream -- 2008 film
Wikipedia - Away from Home (film) -- 2001 film by Semih Kapanoglu
Wikipedia - A Whole New World -- Song from Disney's 1992 animated film Aladdin
Wikipedia - A Wife's Romance -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens -- American comedy television series
Wikipedia - Awkwafina -- Actress and rapper from New York
Wikipedia - Axehandle hound -- Mythical creature from American folklore
Wikipedia - Axel Fredrik Bjurstrom -- Swedish newspaper publisher
Wikipedia - Ax-Grothendieck theorem -- An injective polynomial function from an n-dim complex vector space to itself is bijective
Wikipedia - Axial Age -- Pivotal age characterizing history and philosophy from the 8th to 3rd centuries BCE
Wikipedia - Axiall -- A major manufacturer and marketer of chlorovinyls and aromatics
Wikipedia - Axiomatic system -- Mathematical term; any set of axioms from which some or all axioms can be used in conjunction to logically derive theorems
Wikipedia - Axon hillock -- Part of the neuronal cell soma from which the axon originates
Wikipedia - Ayanga -- Chinese musical theater actor and singer from Inner Mongolia
Wikipedia - A Yank in Rome -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Ayanna Jolivet McCloud -- Artist from Houston, Texas, US (b. 1978)
Wikipedia - Ayanna Pressley -- U.S. Representative from Massachusetts
Wikipedia - A Year from Monday -- Book by John Cage
Wikipedia - Ayesha Patricia Rekhi -- Canadian diplomat, from 2019 Ambassador to the Czech Republic
Wikipedia - AyM-EM-^_e M-DM-0mrohoroM-DM-^_lu -- Turkish economist
Wikipedia - Ayumi EndM-EM-^M -- Japanese visual artist from Tokyo
Wikipedia - Azaxia dyari -- Species of moth from Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Azazil -- The name of Iblis before he was expelled from heaven
Wikipedia - Azealia Banks -- American rapper, singer, and songwriter from New York
Wikipedia - Azerbaijani rug -- Rugs from Azeri culture
Wikipedia - Azithromycin -- Antibiotic
Wikipedia - Aziz Beishenaliev -- Kyrgyz actor from Russia
Wikipedia - Azores Current -- A generally eastward to southeastward-flowing current in the North Atlantic, originating near the Grand Banks of Newfoundland where it splits from Gulf Stream
Wikipedia - Aztarac -- Color vector arcade shooter game from 1983
Wikipedia - Azurophilic granule -- Cellular object readily stainable with a Romanowsky stain.
Wikipedia - Baal keriah -- Synagogue member who reads from the Sefer Torah
Wikipedia - Baal Shem Tov -- Jewish mystical rabbi from Poland, founder of Hasidic Judaism
Wikipedia - Ba'athist Iraq -- Covers the history of the Republic of Iraq from 1968 to 2003
Wikipedia - Baba Dochia -- Romanian mythical figure
Wikipedia - Babalon -- Goddess from Thelema
Wikipedia - Baba Mast Nath -- Saint from Haryana, India
Wikipedia - Babe Smith -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Baburao Pacharne -- Indian politician from Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Baby Bonnie Hood -- Character from the Darkstalkers video game series
Wikipedia - Baby boomers -- Generation born during the post-World War II baby boom, with birth dates generally from 1946 to 1964
Wikipedia - Babylonian captivity -- Period in Jewish history, during which a number of people from the ancient Kingdom of Judah were captives in Babylon
Wikipedia - Babylon -- Kingdom in ancient Mesopotamia from the 18th to 6th centuries BC
Wikipedia - Bacau County -- County of Romania
Wikipedia - Bachata (dance) -- Social dance from the Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Bachata (music) -- Music genre from the Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Bachelor (2004 film) -- Bangladeshi film from 2004
Wikipedia - Bachelorette -- American English, from bachelor with French ending -ette
Wikipedia - Bacino di San Marco from the Puntana della Dogana -- Painting by Canaletto (Pinacoteca di Brera)
Wikipedia - Back from Eternity -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Backup Exec -- Backup and recovery software from Veritas Software
Wikipedia - BAC One-Eleven -- British short-range jet airliner used from the 1960s to the 1990s
Wikipedia - Bacup railway station -- English railway station from 1852 to 1966
Wikipedia - Bad Boys (1995 film) -- Based on a book from the 1995 action film directed by Michael Bay
Wikipedia - Bad Boy (upcoming film) -- Indian Hindi-language romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - BadiM-JM-; -- Prominent BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Bad Man from Red Butte -- 1940 film directed by Ray Taylor
Wikipedia - Badri (2000 film) -- 2000 Telugu-language romantic drama film
Wikipedia - Bad Romance -- 2009 single by Lady Gaga
Wikipedia - Baebia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Baebius Massa -- 1st century AD Roman senator and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Baghdadi Jews -- Jewish ethnic group from the Middle East
Wikipedia - Bagheera -- Fictional panther from Kipling's Jungle Book
Wikipedia - BahaM-JM- -- Central doctrine of the BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - BahaM-JM- -- Romanization scheme for Arabic and Persian words, used in Baha'i literature
Wikipedia - Bahu Begum (2019 TV series) -- Indian romantic drama television series
Wikipedia - Baikonur Cosmodrome Site 200 -- Launch site at Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan
Wikipedia - Baikonur Cosmodrome -- Rocket launch complex in Kazakhstan, used by Russia
Wikipedia - Bailey Turner -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Bail -- Conditional release of a defendant with the promise to appear in court
Wikipedia - Baisoara mine -- Iron ore mine in Cluj County, Romania
Wikipedia - Bajirao Mastani -- 2015 Indian epic historical romance film
Wikipedia - Baked milk -- Beverage derived from milk
Wikipedia - Bakumatsu Gijinden Roman
Wikipedia - Baku pogrom -- 1990 pogrom against ethnic Armenian inhabitants of Baku, Azerbaijan SSR
Wikipedia - Bala (Medora Lake) Aerodrome -- Aerodrome in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Balangiga bells -- Church bells that had been taken by the United States Army from the Philippines
Wikipedia - Balaria -- River in Romania
Wikipedia - Balbina of Rome
Wikipedia - Balbinus -- Roman emperor in 238
Wikipedia - Balconing -- Jumping into a swimming pool from a balcony
Wikipedia - Baldo degli Ubaldi (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Baldwin of Alna -- Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Balearic donkey -- Breed of domestic donkey from the Balearic Islands
Wikipedia - Baleen whale -- Whales that strain food from the water using baleen
Wikipedia - Balinese cuisine -- Cuisine tradition from the Island of Bali
Wikipedia - Balint Miklos -- Romanian figure skater
Wikipedia - Balitora annamitica -- Species of freshwater fish from south-east Asia
Wikipedia - Balkan Romance languages -- Language group
Wikipedia - BalkanskM-CM-= sM-CM-=r -- A white brined cheese from Czechia and Slovakia
Wikipedia - Balkenkreuz -- Bar cross that was the symbol of German armed forces from 1935-1945
Wikipedia - Ballistic eyewear -- Form of glasses or goggles that protect from small projectiles and fragments
Wikipedia - Ballistik Boyz from Exile Tribe -- J-pop group
Wikipedia - Ballistite -- Smokeless propellant made from two high explosives
Wikipedia - Balloon syndrome -- Rare condition in hedgehogs
Wikipedia - Ball-tailed cat -- Mythical creature from American folklore
Wikipedia - Balram Singh Yadav -- Indian politician from Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Balseros -- Illegal emigrants from Cuba floating in rafts to neighboring countries.
Wikipedia - Balsu -- Hazelnut producer from Turkey
Wikipedia - Baltal (art form) -- Form of puppet theatre from Korea
Wikipedia - Baltar (Battlestar Galactica) -- Fictional characters from Battlestar Galactica
Wikipedia - Balta (Topolnita) -- River in Romania
Wikipedia - Balthasar Miaskowski -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Baltic amber -- Type of amber from the Baltic area
Wikipedia - Baltic Ice Lake -- Prehistoric freshwater lake in the Baltic Sea basin formed from receding glaciers
Wikipedia - Baltic mythology -- Mythology of the Baltic people stemming from Baltic paganism
Wikipedia - Baltic Plate -- An ancient tectonic plate from the Cambrian to the Carboniferous Period
Wikipedia - Balut (food) -- A developing bird embryo steamed and eaten from the shell
Wikipedia - Bambolinetta -- Fossil genus of waterfowl from the Late Miocene of Italy
Wikipedia - Bamboo Annals -- Chronicle of ancient China from the earliest legendary time, the age of the Yellow Emperor, to 299 BC
Wikipedia - Bamboo textile -- Textile made from various parts of the bamboo plant
Wikipedia - Bamfaad -- Indian Hindi Language Romantic Action film
Wikipedia - BAMMA -- MMA promoter based in UK
Wikipedia - Banach-Tarski paradox -- Taking apart an object and constructing two identical copies of it from the pieces
Wikipedia - Banamali Maharana -- Percussionist from Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Banana beer -- Alcoholic beverage made from fermentation of mashed bananas
Wikipedia - Banana bread -- Bread made from mashed bananas
Wikipedia - Banana cake -- Cake made from banana
Wikipedia - Banana cue -- Banana dish from Philippines
Wikipedia - Banana ketchup -- Sauce made from bananas
Wikipedia - Banana paper -- Paper made from banana fiber or bark
Wikipedia - Banana powder -- Powder made from processed bananas
Wikipedia - Banana pudding -- Dessert made from banana
Wikipedia - Bananas Foster -- Fried dessert made from bananas, dough, a buttery sauce, and ice cream.
Wikipedia - Banat Romanian dialect -- Type of dialects
Wikipedia - Banda Mole -- Carnival block from Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Wikipedia - Bandeau -- Bust-wrap, a simple strapless form of brassiere or swimsuit top, or a similar garment worn in Ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Banded mongoose -- Species of mongoose from Africa
Wikipedia - Bandersnatch -- Fictional creature from Lewis Carroll's M-bM-^@M-^\Through the Looking-GlassM-bM-^@M-^]
Wikipedia - Band from TV -- American band
Wikipedia - Bandhay Aik Dor Say -- 2020 Pakistani romantic television series
Wikipedia - Band of Gold (TV series) -- British television crime drama series aired on ITV from 1995 to 1997
Wikipedia - Banerjee -- Brahmin surname from the Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - Bangalore Days -- 2014 Malayalam romantic comedy movie
Wikipedia - Bangiya Bijnan Parishad -- An organization to promote science
Wikipedia - -- Online news portal published from Dhaka, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Banished from the Heroes' Party -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - Banishment of Buddhist monks from Nepal
Wikipedia - Banjara -- Nomadic community from the Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - Bankim Chandra Chatterjee -- Indian writer, poet and journalist from Bengal
Wikipedia - Banknotes of the New Zealand dollar -- Promissory notes denominated in the New Zealand dollar
Wikipedia - Banknotes of the pound sterling -- Promissory notes denominated in pounds sterling
Wikipedia - Bank robbery -- Crime of stealing from a bank using violence
Wikipedia - Bank run -- Mass withdrawal of money from banks
Wikipedia - Banksia archaeocarpa -- Proteaceae species described from fossils
Wikipedia - Banksia ashbyi subsp. boreoscaia -- Subspecies of shrub in thefamily Proteaceae from the north-west coast of Western Australia,
Wikipedia - Banksia blechnifolia -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae from Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia dryandroides -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae from the south coast of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia integrifolia subsp. compar -- Subspecies of plant in the family Proteaceae from eastern Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia integrifolia subsp. integrifolia -- Subspecies of plant in the family Proteaceae from eastern Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia quercifolia -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae from the south coast of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia robur -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae from the east coast of Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia scabrella -- A species of woody shrub in the family Proteaceae from Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia sceptrum -- flowering shrub in the family Proteaceae from Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia sessilis var. cordata -- Variety of plant in the family Proteaceae from the extreme south-west corner of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia sessilis var. cygnorum -- Variety of plant in the family Proteaceae from the coast of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia sessilis var. flabellifolia -- Variety of plant in the family Proteaceae from the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia sessilis var. sessilis -- Variety of plant in the family Proteaceae from Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia solandri -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae from southwest Western Australia.
Wikipedia - Banksia spinulosa var. cunninghamii -- Variety of shrub in the family Proteaceae from the east coast of Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia strahanensis -- Extinct species of tree or shrub in the family Proteaceae known from western Tasmania
Wikipedia - Banksia viscida -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae from semi-arid inland Western Australia
Wikipedia - Bankura horse -- Horse made from terracotta or clay in Panchmura Village, West Bengal, India. Originally used for ritual purposes, now used for decoration.
Wikipedia - Banku -- A Ghanaian meal made from maize and cassava dough
Wikipedia - Banna (Birdoswald) -- Roman archelogical site in Cumbria, England
Wikipedia - Bantam Books -- Publisher from the USA
Wikipedia - Banton Church -- Roman Catholic church in Banton, Philippines
Wikipedia - Banton, Romblon -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Romblon
Wikipedia - Bantowbol -- Style of music from Cameroon
Wikipedia - Barachois -- A coastal lagoon partially or totally separated from the ocean by a sand or shingle bar
Wikipedia - Barakat syndrome -- Disease characterized by hypoparathyroidism, sensorineural deafness and renal disease
Wikipedia - Barbara Boxer -- Former United States Senator from California
Wikipedia - Barbara Daly -- American author of romance novels
Wikipedia - Barbara Degani -- Italian politician from Veneto
Wikipedia - Barbara Goleman -- American teacher from Florida
Wikipedia - Barbara Mikulski -- American politician from Maryland
Wikipedia - Barbara of Cilli -- 15th century Holy Roman Empress
Wikipedia - Barbara Palmer, 1st Duchess of Cleveland -- English royal mistress from the Villiers family
Wikipedia - Barbara Romack -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Barbara Romagnan -- French politician
Wikipedia - Barbara Romanowicz -- French-American physicist and seismologist
Wikipedia - Barbara Wasinger -- American politician from Kansas
Wikipedia - Barbas (Charmed) -- fictional character from the American television supernatural drama Charmed
Wikipedia - Barberini - Fontana di Trevi (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Barbershop Harmony Society -- Barbershop music promotional organization
Wikipedia - Barbu Nemteanu -- Romanian poet
Wikipedia - Barchiz oil field -- Oil field in Neamt County, Romania
Wikipedia - Barea Soranus -- 1st century AD Roman senator, consul and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Barents Sea Opening -- The sea between Bear Island in the south of Svalbard and the north of Norway through which water flows from the Atlantic into the Arctic Ocean
Wikipedia - Bareto -- Music group from Peru
Wikipedia - Bar Island -- A tidal island across from Bar Harbor on Mount Desert Island, Maine, United States
Wikipedia - Barjo -- 1992 film by Jerome Boivin
Wikipedia - Bar Kokhba revolt -- rebellion led by Simon bar Kokhba against the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Bark spud (tool) -- Implement used to remove bark from felled timber
Wikipedia - Barley tea -- Infusion made from roasted barley grains
Wikipedia - Barmanou -- Humanoid cryptid from northern Pakistan and Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Barnard's Star -- Low mass red dwarf star about six light-years from Earth
Wikipedia - Barney Augustus Eaton -- American politician from Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Barney Eastwood -- Irish boxing promoter
Wikipedia - Barney Gumble -- Fictional character from The Simpsons franchise
Wikipedia - Barney Stinson -- Fictional character from How I Met Your Mother
Wikipedia - Barometer -- Scientific instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure
Wikipedia - Barometric formula -- Formula used to model how air pressure varies with altitude
Wikipedia - Barom Reachea III -- King of Cambodia
Wikipedia - Barom Reachea II -- King of Cambodia
Wikipedia - Baron Cromwell -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Barosaurus -- Diplodocid sauropod dinosaur genus from Upper Jurrasic Period
Wikipedia - Barquillo -- Biscuit snack originating from Spain
Wikipedia - Barracks emperor -- Roman emperors who seized power through command of an army
Wikipedia - Barr body -- Form taken by the inactive X chromosome in a female somatic cell
Wikipedia - Barrel barbecue -- Type of barbecue made from a 55-gallon barrel.
Wikipedia - Barrier layer (oceanography) -- A layer of water separating the well-mixed surface layer from the thermocline
Wikipedia - Barry Clark (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Barry Fey -- American rock promoter
Wikipedia - Barry Goldwater -- Republican nominee for President, 1964; U.S. Senator from Arizona
Wikipedia - Barry Parkin -- Olympic sailor from Great Britain
Wikipedia - Bartizan -- Small turret projecting from the top of towers or parapets
Wikipedia - Bartolomeo Carlo Romilli
Wikipedia - Bartolomeo Cesi (bishop) -- 16th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Bartolomeo Olivieri -- 18th-century Italian Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Bart Simpson -- fictional character from The Simpsons franchise animated series
Wikipedia - Barylambda -- Pantodont mammal genus from the Paleocene epoch
Wikipedia - Basal ganglia disease -- Group of physical problems resulting from basal ganglia dysfunction
Wikipedia - Basalt fiber -- Strucural fibres spun from melted basalt
Wikipedia - Basanta Kumar Panda -- Politician from Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Basarabia ReM-CM-.nnoita -- defunct newspaper from IaM-EM-^_i, Romania
Wikipedia - Basavaraj Horatti -- Indian politician from Karnataka
Wikipedia - BASE jumping -- Sport of jumping from fixed objects using a parachute
Wikipedia - Basel Action Network -- Organization working to combat the export of toxic e-waste from industrialized societies to developing countries
Wikipedia - Basel Convention -- International treaty to prevent transfer of hazardous waste from developed to less developed countries
Wikipedia - Basement Revolver -- Indie rock band from Hamilton, Ontario in Canada.
Wikipedia - Bashi-Bazouk (Jean-Leon Gerome) -- 1869 painting by Jean-Leon Gerome
Wikipedia - Basil Brush -- Fox puppet from UK children's TV programme
Wikipedia - Basile M. Missir -- Romanian lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Basilica di San Marco (Rome)
Wikipedia - Basilica of Maxentius -- Ancient building in the Roman Forum, Rome
Wikipedia - Basilica of San Frediano -- Romanesque church in Lucca, Italy
Wikipedia - Basilica of San Vitale (Rome)
Wikipedia - Basilica San Paolo (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Basil II -- Byzantine Emperor from the Macedonian dynasty
Wikipedia - Basilio Santiago Romero -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - Basiliscus -- Roman emperor in the East from 475 to 476
Wikipedia - Basil I -- Byzantine emperor from 867 to 886
Wikipedia - Basil Meeking -- Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Basil of Seleucia -- 5th century Roman bishop and ecclesiastical writer
Wikipedia - Basilosaurus -- Prehistoric cetacean genus from the Late Eocene epoch
Wikipedia - Basil Salvadore D'Souza -- Indian Roman Catholic Bishop
Wikipedia - Basingstoke Bison -- Ice Hockey club from Basingstoke, England
Wikipedia - Basket -- Container which is traditionally constructed from stiff fibres
Wikipedia - Bassianae -- Ancient Roman town
Wikipedia - Bastion Promenade -- a promenade in the Castle Quarter in the 1st District of Budapest, capital of Hungary
Wikipedia - Bataireacht -- Stick-fighting form from Ireland
Wikipedia - Batata vada -- Indian vegetarian fast food from Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bath curse tablets -- Collection of Roman era curse tablets
Wikipedia - Bathia Howie Stuart -- New Zealand actor, singer, journalist, lecturer, film-maker, and tourism promoter
Wikipedia - Bath stone -- An oolitic limestone from Somerset used as a building material
Wikipedia - Bathyal zone -- Part of the pelagic zone that extends from a depth of 1000 to 4000 meters (3300 to 13000 feet) below the ocean surface
Wikipedia - Bathytheristes -- Extinct Chimaera genus from the Jurassic
Wikipedia - Batriana -- Town in Roman North Africa
Wikipedia - BatrM-CM-"nesti gas field -- Gas field in Neamt County, Romania
Wikipedia - Battered woman syndrome -- Condition resulting from emotional, physical, or sexual abuse
Wikipedia - Battery electric bus -- Electric bus which obtains energy from on-board batteries
Wikipedia - Battistini (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Battle at Pontes Longi -- Inconclusive battle in Germania between the Romans and Germanic tribes
Wikipedia - Battlecade Extreme Fighting -- Mixed martial arts promoter based in New York City
Wikipedia - Battle for Andromeda -- 1976 board wargame
Wikipedia - Battle of Abritus -- Roman battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Actium -- decisive confrontation of the Final War of the Roman Republic
Wikipedia - Battle of Adrianople -- Battle between Roman empire and Goths 378 AD
Wikipedia - Battle of Agrigentum -- Naval battle between Carthage and Rome in 262 BC
Wikipedia - Battle of Alcatraz -- unsuccessful escape attempt from Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary in 1946
Wikipedia - Battle of Arausio -- Battle between the ancient Roman Republic and several German tribes
Wikipedia - Battle of Arbalo -- Battle between the Romans and the Germanii in 11 BC
Wikipedia - Battle of Asculum (89 BC) -- Roman battle of the Social War
Wikipedia - Battle of Baduhenna Wood -- Battle in 28 AD between the Frisii and the Romans led by Lucius Apronius
Wikipedia - Battle of Beth Horon (66) -- Battle between Judean rebels and the Syrian Legion of the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Battle of Bibracte -- Helvetii v. Rome, Gallic Wars, 58 BC
Wikipedia - Battle of Brody (1941) -- World War II tank battle between the Wehrmacht and the Red Army from 23 to 30 June 1941
Wikipedia - Battle of Bucharest -- 1916 battle in Bucharest, Romania
Wikipedia - Battle of Carei -- 1944 WWII battle in Romania
Wikipedia - Battle of Carrhae -- Parthians annihilate Roman army 53 BC
Wikipedia - Battle of Cephalonia -- Medieval naval battle between the Eastern Roman Empire and the Aghlabids; Roman victory
Wikipedia - Battle of Corinth (146 BC) -- Battle between the Roman Republic and Corinth and its allies in 146 BC
Wikipedia - Battle of Corycus -- Naval battle where Rome and Pergamon defeat the Seleucids
Wikipedia - Battle of Edessa -- 260 battle at which Shapur I of Persia defeats and captures the entire Roman army, including Augustus Valerian
Wikipedia - Battle of Forum Julii -- Battle between the forces of rival Roman emperors Otho and Vitellius (69 AD)
Wikipedia - Battle of Groningen -- Second World War battle from April 14-18, 1945
Wikipedia - Battle of Heraclea -- battle in 280 BC between the Romans and Greeks commanded by Pyrrhus
Wikipedia - Battle of Idistaviso -- Battle between Roman legions and Germanic peoples in 16 AD
Wikipedia - Battle of Lake Regillus -- A legendary Roman victory over the Latin League and as part of a wider Latin War (c. 496 BC)
Wikipedia - Battle of Legnano -- Middle ages battle; Lombard League decisively defeats the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Battle of Locus Castorum -- Battle between the forces of rival Roman emperors Otho and Vitellius (69 AD)
Wikipedia - Battle of Macroom -- Battle during Cromwell's conquest of Ireland in 1650
Wikipedia - Battle of Magnesia -- Battle where Rome and Pergamon defeat the Seleucids
Wikipedia - Battle of Marasti -- First World War battle in Romania
Wikipedia - Battle of Mons Graupius -- Battle that was part of the Roman conquest of Britain
Wikipedia - Battle of Myonessus -- Naval battle where Rome and Rhodes defeat the Seleucids
Wikipedia - Battle of Nicopolis (48 BC) -- 48 BC battle between the Kingdom of Pontus and the Roman Republic
Wikipedia - Battle of Nicopolis ad Istrum -- 250 CE battle of the Roman-Gothic and Roman-Germanic wars
Wikipedia - Battle of Oldendorf -- Battle (1633) during the Thirty Years' War which resulted in a decisive victory for the Swedish army over the Holy Roman Empire army
Wikipedia - Battle of Panormus -- Roman victory over Carthage during the 1st Punic War in 250 BC
Wikipedia - Battle of Pelekanon -- Battle between the Eastern Roman Empire and the Ottoman Beylik
Wikipedia - Battle of Pliska -- Battle between the First Bulgarian Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire; decisive Bulgarian victory
Wikipedia - Battle of Pollentia -- 402 battle between Romans and Visigoths
Wikipedia - Battle of Pometia -- Roman forces defeat revolt by two Latin towns, Pometia and Cora (c.502 BC)
Wikipedia - Battle of Prunaru -- 1916 battle in Romania
Wikipedia - Battle of Pydna -- Battle of the Third Macedonian War, where the Romans cripple Macedon
Wikipedia - Battle of Ramadi (2013-2014) -- Battle from late 2013 to early 2014 during the War in Iraq (2013-2017)
Wikipedia - Battle of San Juan (1598) -- English force of 20 ships took San Juan from Spain for 65 days
Wikipedia - Battle of San Romano -- 1432 battle between Florence and Siena
Wikipedia - Battle of Scotch Corner -- 1st century AD battle between the British Brigantes and the Romans
Wikipedia - Battle of Silva Arsia -- Battle in c.509 BC between the Roman Republic and Etruscan Tarquinii and Veii forces
Wikipedia - Battle of Suceava (1595) -- 1595 battle in Romania
Wikipedia - Battle of Taenum -- Roman battle of the Social War
Wikipedia - Battle of Tecroghan -- Battle during Cromwell's conquest of Ireland in 1650
Wikipedia - Battle of Telamon -- Battle between the Roman Republic and a Celtic alliance
Wikipedia - Battle of Tenedos (73 BC) -- Battle between the fleets of Rome and Pontus in the Third Mithridatic War
Wikipedia - Battle of Tenedos (86 BC) -- A naval battle between the forces of Mithridates VI of Pontus and the Roman Republic
Wikipedia - Battle of the Aegates -- Naval battle between Carthage and Rome in 241 BC
Wikipedia - Battle of the Allia -- Battle fought c.M-bM-^@M-^I390 BC between the Gallic Senones and the Roman Republic.
Wikipedia - Battle of the Angrivarian Wall -- Battle between the Roman general Germanicus and an alliance of Germanic tribes commanded by Arminius in 16 AD
Wikipedia - Battle of the Catalaunian Plains -- Battle 451 AD in Gaul, between forces led by the Western Roman Empire and Attila the Hun
Wikipedia - Battle of the Cilician Gates -- Roman victory over Parthian army in 39BC
Wikipedia - Battle of the Gates of Trajan -- A battle where First Bulgarian Empire defeats the Eastern Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Battle of the Great Plains -- Battle between Rome and Carthagie late in the Second Punic War
Wikipedia - Battle of the Lupia River -- Battle between the Romans and the Sicambri in the Ruhr Valley in 11 BC
Wikipedia - Battle of the Medway -- Battle between British tribes and Roman invaders (43 AD)
Wikipedia - Battle of Thermopylae (191 BC) -- Battle where Rome defeat the Seleucids and the Aetolian League
Wikipedia - Battle of the Silarius River -- Last battle of the Roman Servile War, 71 BC
Wikipedia - Battle of the Teutoburg Forest -- Military battle between Germanic and Roman forces in 9 CE
Wikipedia - Battle of Ticinus -- Battle between Carthaginian and Romans forces in 218 BC
Wikipedia - Battlezone (1980 video game) -- Atari tank combat vector arcade game from 1980
Wikipedia - Bat virome -- Group of viruses associated with bats
Wikipedia - Bauria -- Genus of therapsids from the Earlt Triassic of South Africa
Wikipedia - Bavaria-Ingolstadt -- Duchy in the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Bavaria-Landshut -- Duchy in the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Bavaria-Munich -- Duchy part of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Bavariscyllium -- Extinct catshark from the Jurassic
Wikipedia - Baxenden railway station -- English railway station from 1848 to 1961
Wikipedia - Bayezid II -- Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1481 to 1512
Wikipedia - Bay leaf -- Aromatic leaf
Wikipedia - Bazzi (singer) -- Arab-American singer from Michigan
Wikipedia - BBC Home Service -- British radio broadcasting service from 1939 to 1967
Wikipedia - BBC Jam -- Former online educational service from 2006 to 2007
Wikipedia - B. B. Comer -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama; Governor of Alabama
Wikipedia - Bdale Garbee -- Computer scientist from the United States
Wikipedia - Beachy Head Lady -- The skeleton of a woman from Roman Sussex, dating to the 3rd century
Wikipedia - Beads from a Petal -- 1972 film by Noboru Tanaka
Wikipedia - Bea Duran -- American politician from Nevada
Wikipedia - Beagles & Ramsay -- Art duo from Glasgow, Scotland
Wikipedia - Beal Wong -- American actor from California
Wikipedia - Beam crossing -- particle collision from opposite directions
Wikipedia - Beam me up, Scotty -- Quotation from Star Trek
Wikipedia - Beast Busters -- Rail shooter arcade video game from 1989
Wikipedia - Beast from Haunted Cave -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Beast Man -- Fictional character from the Masters of the Universe franchise
Wikipedia - Beast of Blood (film) -- 1970 film by Eddie Romero
Wikipedia - Beast of Buchan -- Cryptid from Scotland
Wikipedia - Beatrice Hicks -- Early woman engineer from the United States
Wikipedia - Beatrice Hustiu -- Romanian figure skater
Wikipedia - Beatrice I, Countess of Burgundy -- 12th century empress of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Beatrice of Swabia -- 13th century empress of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Beau Baird -- American politician from Indiana
Wikipedia - Beau Brady -- Australian actor from Sydney, Australia
Wikipedia - Beau Bridges -- Actor and director from the United States
Wikipedia - Beaufort cheese -- A firm, raw cow's milk cheese from the Savoie region of the French Alps
Wikipedia - Beaurains Treasure -- Roman hoard
Wikipedia - Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare -- 1907 book by E. Nesbit
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) -- 1991 American animated musical fantasy romance film
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Beast (franchise) -- Disney media franchise spun off from the 1991 animated film based on the French fairy tale of the same name
Wikipedia - Beavis -- A fictional character from the animated series Beavis and Butt-Head
Wikipedia - Be Back Soon -- Song from the musical 'Oliver!'
Wikipedia - Bebe Bratianu -- Romanian politician (b.1887, d. 195X)
Wikipedia - Because I Got High -- 2001 single by Afroman
Wikipedia - Becherovka -- Herbal bitters from the Czech Republic
Wikipedia - Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome -- Syndrome characterized by overgrowth (macrosomia), an increased risk of childhood cancer and congenital malformations
Wikipedia - Becky Sundstrom -- American speed skater
Wikipedia - Becky Wahlstrom -- American actress
Wikipedia - Bedil tombak -- Early firearm from Nusantara archipelago
Wikipedia - Bee Card -- ROM cartridge medium for MSX computer software
Wikipedia - Beef tongue -- Food made from cow tongue
Wikipedia - Beef -- Meat from cattle
Wikipedia - Beer -- Alcoholic drink made from fermented cereal grains
Wikipedia - Beethoven's Ninth Symphony CD-ROM
Wikipedia - Before Midnight (2013 film) -- 2013 American romantic drama film directed by Richard Linklater
Wikipedia - Before Sunset -- 2004 American romantic drama film directed by Richard Linklater
Wikipedia - Beggar's chicken -- Chicken dish from China
Wikipedia - Begonia aequilateralis -- Species of flowering plant from Selangor, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Begonia eiromischa -- Species of flowering plant from Peninsular Malaysia
Wikipedia - Behavioral sink -- Conceptual collapse in behavior which can result from overcrowding
Wikipedia - Beheading game -- A motif of medieval romance
Wikipedia - Beiste (Glee) -- Fictional character from the Fox series Glee
Wikipedia - Beit Shearim -- Roman-era ruin in Lower Galilee
Wikipedia - Beji Caid Essebsi -- President of Tunisia from 2014 to his death in 2019
Wikipedia - Bekasang -- Fermented food from Indonesia
Wikipedia - Bekkhan Ozdoev -- Russian Greco-Roman wrestler (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Bela Karolyi -- Romanian-American gymnastics coach
Wikipedia - Belayet Hossain -- Freedom fighters from bangladesh
Wikipedia - Belfast Borough Police -- Police force for Belfast from 1800 to 1865
Wikipedia - Belgian franc -- Currency of Belgium from 1832 until 2002
Wikipedia - Belgium in "the long nineteenth century" -- History of Belgium from 1789 to 1914
Wikipedia - Belina (virgin) -- Roman Catholic martyr
Wikipedia - Belinda Bromilow -- Australian actress
Wikipedia - Belinda Chang -- Chinese-language author from Taiwan
Wikipedia - Belisarius -- 6th century Byzantine general instrumental in reconquest of much of the former Roman Mediterranean territories
Wikipedia - Bella Abzug -- American politician from New York
Wikipedia - Bella Galhos -- Translator, presidential advisor and human rights activist from East Timorese
Wikipedia - Bellana Chandra Sekhar -- Politician from Andhra Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Bellator Kickboxing -- American kickboxing promotion company
Wikipedia - Bellator MMA -- American mixed martial arts promoter
Wikipedia - Belle Dingle -- Fictional character from Emmerdale
Wikipedia - Belle nuit, o nuit d'amour -- Duet from the opera The Tales of Hoffmann
Wikipedia - Bellia gens -- Families from Ancient Rome who shared the Bellius nomen
Wikipedia - Bellicia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Belliena gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Bellman (diver) -- Diver working as standby diver and umbilical attendant from a diving bell
Wikipedia - Bellman's lost in a forest problem -- What is the best path for a lost hiker to follow to escape from a forest of known shape?
Wikipedia - Bellona (goddess) -- Roman goddess of war
Wikipedia - Bells from the Deep -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Bell's palsy -- Facial paralysis resulting from dysfunction in the cranial nerve VII (facial nerve)
Wikipedia - Bellville Velodrome -- Multi-purpose indoor velodrome in Bellville, Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Belmont-Luthezieu -- Part of Valromey-sur-Seran in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Belwe Roman -- Typeface
Wikipedia - Bembecia abromeiti -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ben Bostrom -- American motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Ben Bradlee -- Executive editor of The Washington Post from 1968 to 1991
Wikipedia - Ben Briley -- American singer from Gallatin, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Ben Cardin -- United States Senator from Maryland
Wikipedia - Ben Chipman -- American politician from Maine
Wikipedia - Beneath a Steel Sky -- Cyberpunk science-fiction point-and-click adventure from 1994
Wikipedia - Benedetto Ala -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Benedetto Geraci -- 1xth-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Benedictines -- Roman Catholic monastic order
Wikipedia - Benedictine Vulgate -- Critical edition of the Vulgate version of the Old Testament, Catholic deuterocanonicals included, mainly done by the Benedictine monks of the pontifical Abbey of St Jerome-in-the-City and published progressively from 1926 to 1995 in 18 volumes
Wikipedia - Beneficiary -- Person or other legal entity who receives money or other benefits from a benefactor
Wikipedia - Ben Ferguson (snowboarder) -- American snowboarder from Bend, Oregon
Wikipedia - Bengal Film Journalists' Association - Most Promising Actor Award -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Bengali Brahmins -- Hindu caste originating from the Bengal region of the Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - Bengal Nights -- 1933 Romanian novel by Mircea Eliade
Wikipedia - Bengt Holmstrom -- Finnish economist and Nobel laureate (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Beniami Borbandi -- Romanian sprint canoer
Wikipedia - Benigno Aquino Sr. -- Filipino politician who served as Speaker of the National Assembly of the Second Philippine Republic from 1943 to 1944
Wikipedia - Benin ivory mask -- miniature historical sculptural portrait in ivory from the Benin Empire
Wikipedia - Benito Romano -- Puerto Rican lawyer
Wikipedia - Benjamen Chinn -- American photographer from California
Wikipedia - Benjamin Brooks (politician) -- American politician from Maryland
Wikipedia - Benjamin Burombo -- Labor union leader (b. 1909, d. 1959)
Wikipedia - Benjamin Clapp -- American musician from Boise, Idaho
Wikipedia - Benjamin Collings -- American politician from Maine
Wikipedia - Benjamin Davis Wilson -- American politician from California
Wikipedia - Benjamin Fitzpatrick -- Democratic governor of and U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Benjamin Fondane -- Romanian-French writer
Wikipedia - Benjamin F. White (Montana politician) -- American lawyer, banker, and politician from Montana
Wikipedia - Benjamin Sisko -- Character from TV series ''Star Trek: DS9''
Wikipedia - Ben Johnson (politician) -- American lawyer and politician from Kentucky
Wikipedia - Ben McAdams -- U.S. Representative from Utah
Wikipedia - Ben Mitchell (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Bennie Thompson -- U.S. Representative from Mississippi
Wikipedia - Benno GroM-CM-^_ -- German gymnast
Wikipedia - Benno Straucher -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Benny Blanco -- American record producer from Virginia
Wikipedia - Ben Peel -- Irish actor from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Ben Ray Lujan -- U.S. Representative from New Mexico
Wikipedia - Ben Sandstrom -- Australian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Ben Sasse -- United States Senator from Nebraska
Wikipedia - Ben Smaltz -- American politician from Indiana
Wikipedia - Benson Taylor -- Composer and music producer from the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Bentley Arnage -- Full size luxury car manufactured by British automobile manufacturer Bentley Motors from 1998-2009 as a successor to the Turbo R and Brooklands
Wikipedia - Bentley Continental R -- Grand tourer manufactured by British automobile manufacturer Bentley Motors from 1991 to 2003
Wikipedia - Benue Trough -- A major geological structure underlying a large part of Nigeria and extending from the Bight of Benin to Lake Chad
Wikipedia - Benumb -- Grindcore band from Millbrae, California
Wikipedia - Benvolio -- character in Romeo and Juliet
Wikipedia - Ben Wyatt (Parks and Recreation) -- Fictional character from Parks and Recreation
Wikipedia - Benzaiten -- A Japanese Buddhist goddess who originated from the Hindu goddess Saraswati
Wikipedia - Benzene -- Aromatic Hydrocarbon
Wikipedia - Benzino -- American media proprietor, television personality, and rapper from Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome -- Signs and symptoms due to benzodiazepines discontinuation in physically dependent persons
Wikipedia - Benzothiophene -- aromatic organic compound
Wikipedia - Ben Zuckerman -- Romanian-born American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Be Our Guest -- Song from Disney's Beauty and the Beast
Wikipedia - Beppe di Marco -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Be Prepared (song) -- Song from Disney's Lion King
Wikipedia - Beractant -- Drug for neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
Wikipedia - Berber kings of Roman-era Tunisia -- History of the Berber kings of the House of Masinissa who ruled in Numidia
Wikipedia - Berenice (daughter of Herod Agrippa) -- 1st century CE member of the Herodian Dynasty that ruled the Roman province of Judaea
Wikipedia - Bergitka Roma
Wikipedia - Berlin, I Love You -- 2019 anthology romantic drama film
Wikipedia - Bernadette Collins -- British strategy engineer from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Bernadette Romulo-Puyat -- Filipino government official
Wikipedia - Bernadette Soubirous -- French Roman Catholic saint
Wikipedia - Bernarda Heimgartner -- Swiss Roman Catholic nun
Wikipedia - Bernard Alvarez -- Racecar driver from Florida
Wikipedia - Bernard Ayotte -- American politician from Maine
Wikipedia - Bernard Gui -- French Roman Catholic bishop (1260s-1331)
Wikipedia - Bernardino Buratti -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Bernardino Plastina -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Bernardino Visconti -- 16th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Bernard Louis Marie Charrier -- French Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Bernard Mohlalisi -- Mosotho Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Bernard Natan -- Franco-Romanian film director and actor (1886-1942)
Wikipedia - Bernardo Antonio de' Medici -- 16th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Bernardo de' Medici -- 16th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Bernard O'Kane -- Irish Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Bernardo Margarit -- 15th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Bernardo Zambernelli -- 15th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Bernard Woolley -- Fictional character from the British sitcom Yes Minister
Wikipedia - Bernd Knuppel -- Olympic sailor from Uruguay
Wikipedia - Berner (rapper) -- American rapper and entrepreneur from California
Wikipedia - Bernie Olson -- American educator, businessman, and politician from Montana
Wikipedia - Bernie Omann -- American politician from Minnesota
Wikipedia - Bernie Papy -- politician from Florida, US
Wikipedia - Bernie Sanders -- U.S. Senator from Vermont and former presidential candidate
Wikipedia - Bernt Strom -- Swedish actor
Wikipedia - Beromic languages -- branch of the Plateau languages spoken in central Nigeria
Wikipedia - Berom language -- language spoken by the Berom people of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Beromunster -- municipality in Lucerne, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Bersabe -- Roman-era ruin between Upper and Lower Galilee
Wikipedia - Berta Bock -- Romanian composer
Wikipedia - Bert Boeren -- Dutch jazz trombonist and educator
Wikipedia - Bert Brackett -- American politician and rancher from Idaho
Wikipedia - Bertel Broman -- Finnish sailer
Wikipedia - Bertha of Savoy -- 11th century empress of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Berthouville Treasure -- Hoard of Roman silver
Wikipedia - Bertille Ali -- Judoka from the Central African Republic
Wikipedia - Bertil Norstrom -- Swedish actor
Wikipedia - Bertil Sandstrom -- Swedish equestrian
Wikipedia - Bertil Strom -- Swedish judoka
Wikipedia - Bert Johnson (Michigan politician) -- American politician and criminal from Michigan
Wikipedia - Bert Marley -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Berto Romero -- Spanish comedian
Wikipedia - Bertrand-Diguet-Puiseux theorem -- Gives the Gaussian curvature of a surface from the length of a geodesic circle or its area
Wikipedia - Bertrand Lacaste -- French Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Bert Romp -- Dutch equestrian
Wikipedia - Bert Stevenson -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Beside Me -- 2018 Romanian drama film
Wikipedia - Besouro Manganga -- Capoeirista from Bahia
Wikipedia - Besseres Hannover -- Besseres Hannover ("Better Hanover") was a right-wing extremist group from Lower Saxony.
Wikipedia - Best Coast -- American surf pop band from Los Angeles, California, formed in 2009
Wikipedia - Beta Andromedae -- Star in the constellation Andromeda
Wikipedia - Beta-propeller -- Toroid protein structure formed from beta sheets
Wikipedia - Beth Anderson (composer) -- American neo-romantic composer
Wikipedia - Bethany Alvord -- American judge from Connecticut
Wikipedia - Bethany Bryan -- British rower from Teesside
Wikipedia - Bethany Platt -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Beth Bye -- American politician from Connecticut
Wikipedia - Beth Chapman -- American politician from Alabama
Wikipedia - Beth Gaines -- American business woman and politician from California
Wikipedia - Beth Hamidras Temple -- Synagogue in Bucharest, Romania.
Wikipedia - Beth Krommes -- American children's illustrator (born 1956)
Wikipedia - Beth Liston -- American politician from Ohio
Wikipedia - Beth McCann -- American lawyer and politician from Colorado
Wikipedia - Beth Tinker -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Bet Lynch -- Fictional character from the ITV soap Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Betrayal (1993 film) -- 1993 Romanian film directed by RaduMihaileanu
Wikipedia - Bettie Cook Scott -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Bettina Lemstrom -- Finnish sailor
Wikipedia - Betty Draper -- Fictional character from Mad Men
Wikipedia - Betty Loh Ti -- |Chinese actress from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Betty McCollum -- U.S. Representative from Minnesota
Wikipedia - Betty Workman -- American politician from Maryland
Wikipedia - Between Maybes -- 2019 Philippine romance drama
Wikipedia - Between Scylla and Charybdis -- Idiom deriving from Greek mythology, "to choose the lesser of two evils"
Wikipedia - Beverly Barton -- American writer of romantic suspense novels
Wikipedia - Beverly Montgomery -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Beyond the Clouds (1995 film) -- 1995 Italian-French-German romance film
Wikipedia - BGN/PCGN romanization -- Systems for transliteration of non-Latin text into the Latin script
Wikipedia - B.G. (rapper) -- American rapper from Louisiana
Wikipedia - Bhaag Beanie Bhaag -- Indian romantic comedy web series
Wikipedia - Bhadawari -- Improved water buffalo breed from Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Bhad Bhabie -- American rapper and media personality from Florida
Wikipedia - Bhagabat Behera -- Indian politician from Odisha (1940-2002)
Wikipedia - Bhagirath Choudhary -- Politician from Rajasthan, India
Wikipedia - Bhangra (dance) -- Several types of dance originating from the Punjab region
Wikipedia - Bhanu Lal Saha -- Politician from Tripura
Wikipedia - Bhanumathi & Ramakrishna -- 2020 romantic drama directed by Srikanth Nagothi
Wikipedia - Bharati Pawar -- Politician from Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia - Bharati Shelat -- Indian archaeologist from Gujarat
Wikipedia - Bharattherium -- Early mammal known from Cretaceous fossils in India
Wikipedia - Bharti Shiyal -- Indian politician from Gujarat state
Wikipedia - Bhaskaravarman -- Ruler of Kamarupa kingdom in ancient India from 600-650 CE
Wikipedia - Bhima -- Powerful warrior from epic Mahabharata; second Pandava
Wikipedia - Bhoja -- Paramara monarch from India and author
Wikipedia - Bhola Singh (Uttar Pradesh politician) -- Politician from India
Wikipedia - Bhuj (weapon) -- Dagger originating from Gujarat
Wikipedia - Bhurit Bhirombhakdi -- Fourth-generation businessman of Singha Corporation
Wikipedia - Bhutan Airlines -- Airline from Bhutan
Wikipedia - Bi Academic Intervention -- A group of bisexual academics, researchers, scholars and writers active in the UK from 1993 - 1997.
Wikipedia - Biagio Antonacci -- Italian singer-songwriter from Milan
Wikipedia - Biagio Mazzella -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Bianca Anghel -- Romanian long track speed skater
Wikipedia - Bianca Ferguson -- American actress from Gary, Indiana
Wikipedia - Bianca Jackson -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Bianca Lancia -- 13th century mistress of Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II
Wikipedia - Bianca Maria Sforza -- 16th century empress of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Bianca Ryan -- Pop singer-songwriter from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Bianca Scott -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Home and Away
Wikipedia - Bibbiano -- municipality in Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Wikipedia - Bible Black -- 2000 eroge video game from Japan
Wikipedia - Bibliography of the Russian Revolution and Civil War -- Bibliography of the Russian Revolution and Civil War from 1905-1922
Wikipedia - Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma -- National library in Rome
Wikipedia - Bici Bici -- A light summer dessert from Southern Turkey, especially Adana and Mersin provinces.
Wikipedia - Bidai -- Tribe of Atakapa Indians from eastern Texas
Wikipedia - Bidayuh -- Ethnic group from Borneo
Wikipedia - Bidipta Chakraborty -- Indian actress from Kolkata
Wikipedia - Bidni -- Olive cultivar from Malta
Wikipedia - Biedermeier -- 19th century art movement from Central Europe
Wikipedia - Bierzo Edict -- The Edict of Augustus from El Bierzo is a controversial document dated to 15 BC found in Spain in 1000 AD
Wikipedia - Biff Tannen -- Fictional character from the American sci-fi film trilogy Back to the Future
Wikipedia - Big Bad Voodoo Daddy -- Contemporary swing revival band from Southern California, US
Wikipedia - Big Boi -- American rapper, record producer, and actor from Georgia
Wikipedia - Big Boss (Metal Gear) -- Fictional character from the Metal Gear series
Wikipedia - Big Herk -- American rapper from Detroit, Michigan
Wikipedia - Big K.R.I.T. -- American rapper and record producer from Mississippi
Wikipedia - Big Lean -- Canadian rapper from Ontario
Wikipedia - Big Man from the North -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Bigos -- Meat and cabbage stew from Poland
Wikipedia - Big Sean -- American rapper from Michigan
Wikipedia - Bihari Lal Bishnoi -- Indian politician from Rajasthan
Wikipedia - Bihor County -- County of Romania
Wikipedia - Bihor Mountains -- Mountains in Apuseni from Romania
Wikipedia - Bike path -- Bikeway separated from motorized traffic and dedicated to cycling or shared with pedestrians or other non-motorized users
Wikipedia - Biker Boy -- Fictional character to promote bicycling
Wikipedia - Biker Mice from Mars -- American animated television series from 1993
Wikipedia - Bilal (American singer) -- American singer, songwriter, and record producer from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Bildungsroman -- Literary genre that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood (coming of age)
Wikipedia - Bilingual dictionary -- Specialized dictionary used to translate words or phrases from one language to another
Wikipedia - Bilious vomiting syndrome -- Condition in dogs due to not eating at night
Wikipedia - Bill Bowman (racing driver) -- Racecar driver from Maryland
Wikipedia - Bill Brown (American politician) -- Republican politician from Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Bill Buchanan -- Character from the television series 24
Wikipedia - Bill Clay -- American politician from Missouri
Wikipedia - Bill Crommelin -- Australian businessman and politician
Wikipedia - Bill Diessner -- American politician from Minnesota
Wikipedia - Bill Donohue -- American Roman Catholic
Wikipedia - Bill Emmerson -- American orthodontist and politician from California
Wikipedia - Bill Ervin -- Racecar driver from Tennessee
Wikipedia - Bill Frist -- Former United States Senator from Tennessee
Wikipedia - Bill Goesling -- American politician and pilot from Idaho
Wikipedia - Bill Graham (promoter) -- German-American impresario and rock concert promoter
Wikipedia - Bill Henry (film) -- 1919 film by Jerome Storm
Wikipedia - Bill Hollar -- Racecar driver from North Carolina
Wikipedia - Bill Huizenga -- U.S. Representative from Michigan
Wikipedia - Billie Jackson -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Billie Jenkins -- Fictional character from the American television supernatural drama Charmed
Wikipedia - Bill Killen -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Bill LaVoy -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Bill Lyall -- Canadian politician from the Northwest Territories
Wikipedia - Bill Maher: Live from D.C. -- 2014 stand-up comedy special by Bill Maher
Wikipedia - Bill Maher: Live from Oklahoma -- 2018 stand-up comedy special by Bill Maher
Wikipedia - Bill M-CM-^Vhrstrom -- Swedish musician, singer, actor and former model
Wikipedia - Bill Nelson -- Former United States Senator from Florida
Wikipedia - Bill Richardson -- Politician and governor from the United States
Wikipedia - Bill Sali -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Bill Shirey -- Racecar driver from Michigan
Wikipedia - Bill Taylor (South Carolina politician) -- American Politician from South Carolina
Wikipedia - Bill Thomas -- American politician from California
Wikipedia - Bill Watts -- American professional wrestler and wrestling promoter
Wikipedia - Billy Abercromby
Wikipedia - Billy Adams (politician) -- American politician from Colorado
Wikipedia - Billy Corgan -- American musician, songwriter, producer, author, and professional wrestling promoter
Wikipedia - Billy Long -- Republican Congressman from Missouri
Wikipedia - Billy Mitchell (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Billy Van Arsdale -- Fictional character from The Godfather series
Wikipedia - Bimodal volcanism -- The eruption of both mafic and felsic lavas from a single volcanic centre
Wikipedia - Binders full of women -- Phrase used by U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney in 2012
Wikipedia - Bing-yee Yam -- |Chinese opera singer and actress from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Binnie Roberts -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Bin Roye (TV series) -- 2016 Pakistani romantic television series
Wikipedia - Bio-Cancer -- Thrash metal band from Athens, Greece
Wikipedia - Bioelectromagnetics
Wikipedia - Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage -- Removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by growing plants, and then putting it permanently underground
Wikipedia - Biofuel in Sweden -- Use of renewable fuels from living organisms in Sweden
Wikipedia - Biofuel -- Type of biological fuel from which energy is derived
Wikipedia - Biogasoline -- gasoline produced from biomass
Wikipedia - Biographical evaluation -- Islamic religious studies to distinguish reliable from unreliable hadith
Wikipedia - Biollante -- Kaiju or monster from Godzilla films
Wikipedia - Biological immortality -- State in which the rate of mortality from senescence is stable or decreasing
Wikipedia - Biological pump -- The ocean's biologically driven sequestration of carbon from the atmosphere to the ocean interior and seafloor
Wikipedia - Biomining -- Technique of extracting metals from ores using prokaryotes or fungi
Wikipedia - Biophysics -- Study of biological systems using methods from the physical sciences
Wikipedia - Bioretention -- Process in which contaminants and sedimentation are removed from stormwater runoff
Wikipedia - Biotic material -- Any material that originates from living organisms
Wikipedia - Bipolar outflow -- Two continuous flows of gas from the poles of a star
Wikipedia - Birbal Singh -- Indian freedom fighter from Raisinghnagar, India
Wikipedia - Bir Bikram 2 -- 2019 Nepali romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Bir Bikrom -- Third highest gallantry award in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Birdman (rapper) -- American rapper, record executive, and entrepreneur from Louisiana
Wikipedia - Bird's-eye view -- Elevated view of an object from above
Wikipedia - Birds of Chicago -- Americana/folk band from Chicago, IL
Wikipedia - Birger Stromsheim -- Norwegian resistance fighter in World War II
Wikipedia - Birger Vikstrom -- Swedish writer
Wikipedia - Birgit Kronstrom -- Finnish actress and singer
Wikipedia - Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome -- Rare autosomal dominant cancer syndrome
Wikipedia - Biryani -- Rice dish from the Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - Bisbee Blue -- Turquoise from copper mines near Bisbee, Arizona
Wikipedia - Biserica Neagra -- Cathedral in Transylvania, Romania
Wikipedia - Bishnu Prasad Rabha -- Indian cultural figure from Assam, musician and songwriter, activist
Wikipedia - Bishop-Gromov inequality -- On volumes in complete Riemannian n-manifolds whose Ricci curvature has a lower bound
Wikipedia - Bishop Jerome Nagar -- Shopping complex in the city of Kollam, Kerala
Wikipedia - Bishop of Portsmouth (Catholic) -- Ordinary of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth
Wikipedia - Bishop of Rome
Wikipedia - Bishopric of M-CM-^Vsel-Wiek -- Semi-independent Roman Catholic prince-bishopric
Wikipedia - Bishopric of Metz -- Prince-bishopric of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Bishopric of Verdun -- Former state of the Holy Roman Empire ruled by the Bishop of Verdun
Wikipedia - Bishops of Rome under Constantine the Great
Wikipedia - Bishweswar Tudu -- Politician from Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Bissektipelta -- Ankylosaur genus from the Late Cretaceous
Wikipedia - Bistra Marului -- River in Romania
Wikipedia - Bistrita-Nasaud County -- County of Romania
Wikipedia - Biswajit Mohapatra -- Indian Playback Singer from Odisha
Wikipedia - Bitch from da Souf -- 2019 song by Mulatto
Wikipedia - Bitdefender -- Romanian cybersecurity technology company
Wikipedia - Bitmap -- Data structure for mapping from some domain (for example, a range of integers) to bits
Wikipedia - Bit time -- time it takes to send a bit from one network host to another
Wikipedia - Biyer Phool -- 1996 Bengali romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Bizdidel -- River in Romania
Wikipedia - Bjerrum plot -- Graph of the concentrations of the different species from the dissociation of a polyprotic acid, as a function of pH, when the solution is at equilibrium
Wikipedia - Bjorn Alm -- Olympic sailor from Sweden
Wikipedia - Bjorn Rudstrom -- Swedish male curler and coach
Wikipedia - Bjorn Vikstrom -- Finnish Lutheran bishop
Wikipedia - Bjorn Weckstrom -- Finnish sculptor and jewelry designer
Wikipedia - Black and White Lodges -- Fictional setting from Twin Peaks
Wikipedia - Black and white -- Monochrome form in visual arts
Wikipedia - Blackbear (musician) -- American singer, songwriter, and record producer from Florida
Wikipedia - Black-billed hanging parrot -- Parrot species from the Philippines
Wikipedia - Black-body radiation -- Thermal electromagnetic radiation
Wikipedia - Black body -- idealized physical body that absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation
Wikipedia - Black Crypt -- Role-playing video game for the Commodore Amiga from 1992
Wikipedia - Black Dagger Brotherhood -- Paranormal romance series by J. R. Ward
Wikipedia - Black-footed mongoose -- Species of mongoose from Central Africa
Wikipedia - Black Forest Railway (Baden) -- Railway line in southern Germany from Offenburg to Singen
Wikipedia - Black Girl Hockey Club -- non-profit organization promoting inclusivity in ice hockey
Wikipedia - Black Hippy -- American hip hop supergroup from California
Wikipedia - Black Lens News -- Monthly African-American newspaper from Spokane Washington USA
Wikipedia - Black Mass Lucifer -- Electronic instrumental album by Mort Garson from 1971
Wikipedia - Black mongoose -- Species of mongoose from Africa
Wikipedia - Black-necked crane -- Species of large bird from Asia
Wikipedia - Black-necked grebe -- A water bird from parts of Africa, Eurasia, and the Americas.
Wikipedia - Black Nova Scotians -- Black Canadians descended from American slaves or freemen
Wikipedia - Black people in ancient Roman history -- Black people in the Roman empire
Wikipedia - Black-striped squirrel -- Species of "beautiful" squirrel from Southeast Asia
Wikipedia - Black Velvet (beer cocktail) -- Beer cocktail made from stout beer and white sparkling wine
Wikipedia - Blackwater (waste) -- Wastewater from toilets
Wikipedia - Black Widow (Natalia Romanova)
Wikipedia - Black Widow (Natasha Romanova) -- Fictional superhero
Wikipedia - Black -- Darkest color, resulting from the absence or complete absorption of light
Wikipedia - Black-winged red bishop -- Species of bird from tropical Africa
Wikipedia - Blaesilla -- Roman saint
Wikipedia - Blahnita (Gilort) -- Tributary of the river Gilort in Romania
Wikipedia - Blaine Anderson -- Fictional character from the Fox series Glee
Wikipedia - Blake Farenthold -- Republican Congressman from Texas
Wikipedia - Blake Filippi -- American politician from Rhode Island
Wikipedia - Blas Jacobo Beltran -- Roman-catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Blaster (Star Wars) -- Fictional type of personal laser weapon from Star Wars
Wikipedia - Blast from the Past (film) -- 1999 romantic comedy film directed by Hugh Wilson
Wikipedia - Blast shelter -- Place where people can go to protect themselves from blasts and explosions
Wikipedia - Blattoidealestes -- Extinct genus of therapsid from middle Permian South Africa
Wikipedia - Bleasdalea bleasdalei -- Species of tree in the family Proteaceae from far north Queensland
Wikipedia - Bleasdalea papuana -- Species of plant in the family Proteaceae from West Papua in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bleed from Within -- Scottish heavy metal band
Wikipedia - Bleeding -- Loss of blood escaping from the circulatory system
Wikipedia - Blephariceromorpha -- Infraorder of flies
Wikipedia - Blepharomastix caulealis -- species of moth
Wikipedia - Blepharomastix -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Blepharophimosis, ptosis, epicanthus inversus syndrome -- Rare genetic condition involving underdeveloped eyelids
Wikipedia - Blessed Virgin Mary (Roman Catholic)
Wikipedia - Blikanasaurus -- Extinct genus of dinosaur from the late Triassic of South Africa
Wikipedia - Blind carbon copy -- Allows the sender of a message to conceal the person entered in the BCC field from the other recipients
Wikipedia - Blind men and an elephant -- Parable from the ancient Indian subcontinent, from where it has been widely diffused
Wikipedia - B Line (Los Angeles Metro) -- Metro line from Los Angeles to North Hollywood
Wikipedia - Blink (browser engine) -- Free and open-source browser engine of the Chromium project
Wikipedia - Blitzkrieg -- German-style armoured warfare from WWII
Wikipedia - BlocBoy JB -- American rapper from Tennessee
Wikipedia - Blockade -- Effort to cut off supplies from a particular area by force
Wikipedia - Blockbuster Entertainment Awards -- Film awards ceremony which ran from 1995 to 2001
Wikipedia - Block Island Sound -- A strait in the Atlantic Ocean separating Block Island from the coast of mainland Rhode Island in the United States
Wikipedia - Block of Wikipedia in Turkey -- Turkey's blockage of access to Wikipedia from 2017-2020
Wikipedia - Blonde on Blonde (rock group) -- Rock group from South Wales
Wikipedia - Blood-air barrier -- Membrane separating alveolar air from blood in lung capillaries
Wikipedia - Blood & Honour -- Neo-Nazi music promotion network
Wikipedia - Blood from the Mummy's Tomb -- 1971 film by Michael Carreras, Seth Holt
Wikipedia - BloodHag -- Death metal band from Seattle, Washington
Wikipedia - Blood-retinal barrier -- Part of the blood-ocular barrier that prevents certain substances from entering the retina
Wikipedia - Bloodshot (comics) -- Fictional superhero from Valiant Comics
Wikipedia - Blood, Sweat & Tears (Ava Max song) -- 2019 promotional single by Ava Max
Wikipedia - Bloody Code -- English criminal law from around 1700 to 1823
Wikipedia - Bloody Sunday: Scenes from the Saville Inquiry -- Play written by Richard Norton-Taylor
Wikipedia - Bloomery -- Type of furnace once used widely for smelting iron from its oxides
Wikipedia - Bloom syndrome protein -- Mammalian protein found in humans
Wikipedia - Bloom syndrome
Wikipedia - Bloop -- Sound detected in 1997 from a non-tectonic cryoseism (ice quake)
Wikipedia - Blossom Jackson -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Blow (Kesha song) -- 2011 song from Kesha
Wikipedia - Blowout (well drilling) -- Uncontrolled release of crude oil and/or natural gas from a well
Wikipedia - Blow (Straitjacket Fits album) -- 1983 album from the New Zealand band Straitjacket Fits
Wikipedia - Blue baby syndrome -- Two situations that lead to cyanosis in infants
Wikipedia - Blue Beanie Day -- Holiday created in 2007 to promote web standards
Wikipedia - Blue crane -- Species of large bird from southern Africa also known as Stanley crane and paradise crane
Wikipedia - Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation -- Non-profit organization promoting health access in Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Blue discharge -- Form of administrative discharge from the US military, often issued to gay service members and African-Americans
Wikipedia - Blue dwarf (red-dwarf stage) -- Hypothetical class of star that develops from a red dwarf
Wikipedia - Blue-faced honeyeater -- A passerine bird of the family Meliphagidae from northern and eastern Australia, and southern New Guinea.
Wikipedia - Blueface -- American rapper from California
Wikipedia - Blue mass -- Mercury-based medicine common from the 17th to the 19th centuries
Wikipedia - Blue Moon (2006 film) -- 2006 Philippine romantic drama film directed by Joel Lamangan
Wikipedia - Blue October -- Rock band from Houston, Texas USA
Wikipedia - Blue Scapular of the Immaculate Conception -- Roman Catholic devotional garment
Wikipedia - Blue's Clues & You! -- Television series from Nickelodeon
Wikipedia - Blueshift -- Decrease in wavelength of electromagnetic radiation
Wikipedia - Blue State (film) -- 2007 Canadian/American romantic comedy film by Marshall Lewy
Wikipedia - Blue Valentine (film) -- 2010 US romantic drama film by Derek Cianfrance
Wikipedia - Blythe Masters -- Economist, blockchain promoter
Wikipedia - BM-CM-"rladel -- River in Romania
Wikipedia - BMW 5 Series (E60) -- Fifth generation of the 5 Series executive car manufactured by German automobile manufacturer BMW from 2003 to 2010
Wikipedia - BMW 5 Series (F10) -- Sixth generation of the executive car manufactured by German automobile manufacturer BMW from 2010-2017
Wikipedia - BMW M1 -- Sports car manufactured by German automobile manufacturer BMW from 1978-1981
Wikipedia - B. N. Bache Gowda -- Politician from Karnataka, India
Wikipedia - Bnei Menashe -- Group of Jews from India
Wikipedia - B. N. K. Sharma -- Sanskrit writer from India
Wikipedia - Boarding stirrup -- A suspended foot support allowing divers to use a leg to help lift themselves from the water into the boat
Wikipedia - Board mix -- recording from mixing console with real-time audio/sound mixing
Wikipedia - Boat diving -- Procedures specific to diving from boats
Wikipedia - Bob Arum -- American attorney and boxing promoter
Wikipedia - Bob Bartlett -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alaska
Wikipedia - Bob Bromley (Missouri politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - Bob Bromley -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Bob Burcham -- Racecar driver from Georgia
Wikipedia - Bobby Beale (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Bobby Brackins -- American singer, songwriter, and record producer from California
Wikipedia - Bobby Donnell -- Fictional character from the TV series The Practice
Wikipedia - Bobby Jones (singer) -- Gospel music singer and television host from Nashville, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Bobby Keck -- Racecar driver from North Carolina
Wikipedia - Bobby Payne -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Bobby Schostak -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Bobby Shmurda -- American rapper from New York
Wikipedia - Bobby V -- American singer from Georgia
Wikipedia - Bob Casey Jr. -- United States Senator from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Bob Cherry (politician) -- American politician from Indiana
Wikipedia - Bob Constan -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Bob Cooper (racing driver) -- Racecar driver from North Carolina
Wikipedia - Bob Derrington -- Racecar driver from Texas
Wikipedia - Bob Dole -- Former United States Senator from Kansas
Wikipedia - Bob Filner -- American politician from California
Wikipedia - Bob Glanzer -- American politician from South Dakota
Wikipedia - Bob Golub -- Comedian from the United States
Wikipedia - Bob Heaton -- American politician from Indiana
Wikipedia - Bob Iger <!-- PLEASE READ: If you came to add that Iger took the role of CEO back Please DO NOT. Chapek STILL retains his CEO title and Iger STILL remains Executive Chairman. Just Because Iger took some CEO duties from Chapek DOES NOT mean that Iger TOOK the CEO TITLE BACK !--> -- American businessman and former CEO of The Walt Disney Company
Wikipedia - Bob Leonard (wrestling) -- Canadian professional wrestling promoter and historian
Wikipedia - Bob Menendez -- United States Senator from New Jersey
Wikipedia - Bob Nwannunu -- Nigerian Senator from 1999 to 2003
Wikipedia - Bobo Bergstrom -- Swedish chef
Wikipedia - Bo Brady -- Fictional character from Days of Our Lives
Wikipedia - Bo Broman -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Bob Ryan -- Sportswriter from the United States
Wikipedia - Bob Shoudt -- American competitive eater from Royersford, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Bob Wilmot -- Olympic sailor from Australia
Wikipedia - Bock (Luxembourg) -- Promontory in Luxembourg City
Wikipedia - Bodeasa (river) -- River in Romania
Wikipedia - Bodega Head -- Promontory in California, United States
Wikipedia - Bodil Holmstrom -- Finnish orienteering competitor
Wikipedia - Bodmer Papyri -- A collection of ancient manuscripts from 200 AD until the 6th century
Wikipedia - Bodyguard (2011 Kannada film) -- 2011 Kannada romantic comedy film directed by Isaiah Gama
Wikipedia - Body Language (2011 film) -- 2011 Dutch [[Romance film|romance]]-[[dance film]]
Wikipedia - Boeing 717 -- Jet airliner, final series derived from the DC-9 family
Wikipedia - Boeing C-137 Stratoliner -- VIP transport aircraft derived from the Boeing 707
Wikipedia - Boeing P-8 Poseidon -- Maritime patrol aircraft derived from 737-800
Wikipedia - Boeing T-43 -- US Air Force aircraft used for navigator training, derived from 737-200
Wikipedia - Boethius -- Roman senator, magister officiorum and philosopher of the early 6th century
Wikipedia - Bogatyr battalion -- 19th-century Iranian battalion made up of deserters from the Russian army
Wikipedia - Bogdan Aurescu -- Romanian diplomat
Wikipedia - Bogdan Laurentiu Otava -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Bogdan Macovei (handball coach) -- Romanian handball coach
Wikipedia - Bogdan Macovei -- Romanian-born Moldovan luger
Wikipedia - Bogdan Mada -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Bogdan Niculescu-Duvaz -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Bogdan Popa -- Romanian aerobic gymnast
Wikipedia - Bogdan Suceava -- Romanian mathematician and writer
Wikipedia - Bogovarovo -- Rural locality in Kostroma Oblast, Russia
Wikipedia - Bohemian Rhapsody: The Original Soundtrack -- Soundtrack from the 2018 film, Bohemian Rhapsody
Wikipedia - Bohemian waxwing -- A passerine bird from Eurasia and North America
Wikipedia - Bo Holmstrom -- Swedish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Boies Penrose -- United States Senator from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Boiled Beef and Carrots -- Music hall song from England
Wikipedia - Boiled in Lead -- Celtic-rock/worldbeat band from Minneapolis, founded 1983
Wikipedia - Boilerplate (robot) -- Fictional robot from the 19th century
Wikipedia - Boiling point -- Temperature at which a substance changes from liquid into vapor
Wikipedia - Boilo -- Spiced honey and water drink from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Bojan Aleksandrovic -- Romanian priest
Wikipedia - Bojana (river) -- River in Albania and Montenegro, flows from Lake ShkodM-CM-+r to the Adriatic Sea
Wikipedia - Bokerley Dyke -- Romano-British defensive dyke
Wikipedia - Bolillo -- Small baguette-like bread from Mexico
Wikipedia - Bolo de rolo -- A Brazilian cake dessert from Pernambuco state
Wikipedia - Bologna (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Bolognetta (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Bomba (tribe) -- Tribe from Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Wikipedia - Bombhaat -- Telugu-language romantic comedy and sci-fi film
Wikipedia - Bombshell (Smash album) -- Soundtrack album from the American series Smash
Wikipedia - Bomb suit -- Specialized body armor for protection from explosions
Wikipedia - Bona Dea -- Roman deity
Wikipedia - Bonar Law -- Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1922 to 1923
Wikipedia - Bonaventura Poerio -- 1xth-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Bone ash -- Material formed from calcination of bones
Wikipedia - Bongfish -- Video game developer from Austria
Wikipedia - Bonifacio Lopez Pulido -- Spanish priest of the Roman Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Bonne Maison Aerodrome -- World War I airfield in France
Wikipedia - Bonnie Crombie -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Bonnie Dumanis -- American lawyer from California
Wikipedia - Bonnie Raitt -- Blues singer-songwriter and slide guitar player from the United States
Wikipedia - Book:Holy Roman Emperors
Wikipedia - Book of Divine Worship -- Adaptation of the Book of Common Prayer for Roman Catholic use
Wikipedia - Book:Romeo and Juliet
Wikipedia - Boone Carlyle -- Fictional character from the TV series Lost
Wikipedia - Boosie Badazz -- American rapper from Louisiana
Wikipedia - Boosterism -- Promoting a town or organization, with the goal of improving public perception of it
Wikipedia - Boot disk -- Removable disk from which a computer can boot an operating system
Wikipedia - Borana Oromo people -- subbranch of Oromo ethnic group in Ethiopia and Kenya
Wikipedia - Bordaia furva -- Species of moth of the family Hepialidae from Western Australia
Wikipedia - Border ballad -- Song genre from the Anglo-Scottish border
Wikipedia - Border Morris -- A collection of individual local dances from Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Shropshire
Wikipedia - Border Romance -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Borders of the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Border states (American Civil War) -- Slave states that did not officially secede from the Union during the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Boreopricea -- Extinct genus of archosauromorph reptile
Wikipedia - Borghese Collection -- Art collection owned by the Roman Borghese family
Wikipedia - Borghesiana (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Borgo (rione of Rome)
Wikipedia - Borinquen Air -- Charter airline from Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Boris Romanovich Rotenberg -- Russian businessman
Wikipedia - Boris Stefanov -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Boris Yeltsin -- First President of Russia from 1991 to 1999
Wikipedia - Bornean tiger -- Tiger population from Sunda island
Wikipedia - Borneo black-banded squirrel -- Species of "beautiful" squirrel from Borneo
Wikipedia - Bornfree Technologies Network -- Private television broadcaster from West Nile, Uganda
Wikipedia - Born on Instagram -- An Initiative from Instagram
Wikipedia - Born Romantic -- 2000 film by David Kane
Wikipedia - Boromir -- Fictional character
Wikipedia - Borommarachathirat II -- King of Ayutthaya
Wikipedia - Borommaratchachonnani Road -- Road in Thailand
Wikipedia - Boron tribromide -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Borromean clinic
Wikipedia - Borromean rings -- Mathematical concept
Wikipedia - Boruca -- Group of indigenous people from Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Borzontul Mic -- River in Romania
Wikipedia - Boshin War -- Civil war in Japan, fought from 1868 to 1869
Wikipedia - Boston marriage -- The cohabitation of two women, independent of financial support from a man
Wikipedia - Botanischer Garten Rombergpark -- Park in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Wikipedia - Bothromegalopus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Botosani County -- County of Romania
Wikipedia - Bottom time -- The elapsed time of a dive from starting the descent to starting the final ascent to the surface
Wikipedia - Boudu Saved from Drowning -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Boulder clay -- A deposit of clay, often full of boulders, formed from the ground moraine material of glaciers and ice-sheets
Wikipedia - Boulevardier from the Bronx -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Bounce (film) -- 2000 American romantic drama film directed by Don Roos
Wikipedia - Bounce message -- Automated message from an email system
Wikipedia - Bounlap Keokangna -- Heritage conservationist architect from Laos.
Wikipedia - Bourbon Reforms -- Set of economic and political legislation promulgated by the Spanish Crown under various kings of the House of Bourbon, mainly in the 18th century
Wikipedia - Bourbon whiskey -- Type of American whiskey, a barrel-aged distilled spirit made primarily from corn
Wikipedia - Bouvrage -- Soft drink from Scotland
Wikipedia - Bovine serum albumin -- Serum albumin protein derived from cows
Wikipedia - Bowling (video game) -- Video game for the Atari 2600 from 1979
Wikipedia - Bowser (character) -- Video game character from the Mario franchise
Wikipedia - Bowser Jr. -- Fictional character from the Mario franchise
Wikipedia - Bowsprit -- Spar extending forward from a sailing vessel's prow
Wikipedia - Bow Wow (rapper) -- American rapper, actor, presenter, and broadcaster from Ohio
Wikipedia - Boxer (2018 film) -- Indian Bengali sports drama romantic film
Wikipedia - Box score -- Structured summary of the results from a sport competition
Wikipedia - Boycotts of Chinese products -- Campaigns that advocates a boycott of products sourced from China
Wikipedia - Boycotts of Japanese products -- movements when Chinese or Korean consumers have stopped buying from Japan
Wikipedia - Boyeux-Saint-Jerome -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Bo-Ying Lee -- |Chinese actress and Cantonese opera performer from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Boy Meets Girl (1998 film) -- 1998 romantic comedy fantasy film directed by Jerry Ciccoritti
Wikipedia - B. Patrick Bauer -- American politician from Indiana
Wikipedia - Brabejum -- Monotypic genus of trees in the family Proteaceae from the Western Cape of South Africa
Wikipedia - Brace (MMA) -- Australian mixed martial arts (MMA) promotion based in Sydney
Wikipedia - Brachiosaurus -- Sauropod dinosaur genus from the late Jurassic Period
Wikipedia - Brachypterodina -- Genus of leaf beetles from Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Bradlees -- Defunct discount retailer from the United States
Wikipedia - Bradley Branning -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Bradley Stephens -- American politician from Illinois
Wikipedia - Brad Noffsinger -- Racecar driver from California
Wikipedia - Brad Schneider -- U.S. Representative from Illinois
Wikipedia - Brad Sherman -- American politician from California
Wikipedia - Brad Willis (Neighbours) -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Brahma from Mirpur-Khas -- A famous bronze image of Brahma made in Sindh
Wikipedia - Brahmoism -- Religious movement from mid-19th century Bengal originating the Bengali Renaissance
Wikipedia - Braila Bridge -- Bridge over Danube River, Romania
Wikipedia - Braila County -- County of Romania
Wikipedia - Brainstem death -- Clinical syndrome
Wikipedia - Brand 5 -- Carbonated flavoured soft drink from Gibraltar
Wikipedia - Branden Durst -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Brandi Worley -- Murderer from Indiana, USA
Wikipedia - Brandon Hixon -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Brandon Woodard -- American politician from Kansas
Wikipedia - Branislav BogaroM-EM-!ki -- Serbian politician
Wikipedia - Branka Raunig -- Archaeologist from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Brasov County -- County of Romania
Wikipedia - Brasse BrM-CM-$nnstrom -- Swedish actor
Wikipedia - Brave Combat Federation -- MMA promoter based in Bahrain
Wikipedia - Brave (web browser) -- Free and open-source web browser based on Chromium
Wikipedia - Brazza's martin -- A passerine bird of the swallow family from central Africa
Wikipedia - Breach of Promise (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Breach of Promise (1942 film) -- 1942 film by Harold Huth
Wikipedia - Bread dildo -- Dildo prepared using bread, allegedly made in the Greco-Roman era around 2,000 years ago
Wikipedia - Breadth-first search -- Algorithm for searching the nodes of a graph in order by their hop count from a starting node
Wikipedia - Bread -- Staple food prepared from a dough of flour and water
Wikipedia - Breakfast at Tiffany's (film) -- 1961 romantic comedy movie directed by Blake Edwards
Wikipedia - Breakfast cereal -- Food made from grain
Wikipedia - Breaking Free -- Song from Disney's 2006 film High School Musical
Wikipedia - B-Real -- American rapper from California
Wikipedia - Breastfeeding -- Feeding of babies or young children with milk from a woman's breast
Wikipedia - Breast mass -- Localized swellings that feel different from the surrounding tissue
Wikipedia - Breazova (RM-CM-"ul Galben) -- River in Romania
Wikipedia - Breite Oak Tree Reserve -- Nature reserve in Sighisoara, Romania
Wikipedia - Bremer wall -- Type of barrier used to protect structures against damage from explosions
Wikipedia - Bremsstrahlung -- Electromagnetic radiation produced by the deceleration of a charged particle when deflected by another charged particle
Wikipedia - Brenaz -- Part of Arviere-en-Valromey in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Brenda Carter -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Brenda Jones (politician) -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Brenda Lopez Romero -- American politician
Wikipedia - Brendan Mullen -- nightclub owner, music promoter and writer
Wikipedia - Brenda Romero -- American video game designer and developer
Wikipedia - Brent Crane -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Brethren of the Common Life -- 14th century Roman Catholic community
Wikipedia - Brett Hage -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Brett Hillyer -- American politician from Ohio
Wikipedia - Breviary of Alaric -- 6th-century collection of Roman law
Wikipedia - Brexit negotiations -- Negotiations for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union
Wikipedia - Brexit -- The United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union
Wikipedia - Brian Banks (politician) -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Brian Boquist -- Republican politician from Oregon
Wikipedia - Brian Cronin -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Brian Dubie -- American politician from Vermont
Wikipedia - Brian Fair -- American musician from Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Brian Griffin -- Fictional character from the Family Guy franchise
Wikipedia - Brian Heenan -- Australian Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Brian Kelsey -- American politician from Tennessee (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Brian Klaas -- Political scientist and journalist from the United States
Wikipedia - Brian Mast -- U.S. Representative from Florida
Wikipedia - Brian Milligan -- Irish actor from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Brian Moore (novelist) -- Novelist and screenwriter from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Brianna Buentello -- American politician from Colorado
Wikipedia - Brianna Perry -- Rapper and actress from Miami-Dade County, Florida
Wikipedia - Brian P. Roman
Wikipedia - Brian Sun -- American lawyer from California (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Brian Turner (politician) -- American politician from North Carolina
Wikipedia - Brian Wilson is a genius -- Promotional campaign for the Beach Boys' leader
Wikipedia - Bricolage -- Creation of an artwork from a diverse range of things that happen to be available
Wikipedia - BRICS Games -- Multi-sport event involving athletes from the BRICS Nations
Wikipedia - Bridal Chorus -- Wedding march from Richard Wagner's 1850 opera Lohengrin
Wikipedia - Bridelia micrantha -- Species of tree from tropical and southern Africa
Wikipedia - Bride Rose Sweeney -- American politician from Ohio
Wikipedia - Bridge (nautical) -- Room or platform from which a ship can be commanded
Wikipedia - Bridget Bendish -- Oliver Cromwell's grand daughter
Wikipedia - Bridget Jones's Baby -- 2016 romantic comedy film directed by Sharon Maguire
Wikipedia - Bridget Jones's Diary (film) -- 2001 English romantic comedy film directed by Sharon Maguire
Wikipedia - Brief Messages from the Heart Museum -- Museum of letters in Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart -- Fictional character from Doctor Who
Wikipedia - Brigantes -- British tribe of the Iron Age and Roman era
Wikipedia - Briginshaw v Briginshaw -- Prominent Australian High Court case decided in 1938
Wikipedia - Brij Behari Lal Butail -- Indian Politician from Palampur
Wikipedia - Brillo Pad -- Trade name for a scouring pad made from soap-impregnated steel wool
Wikipedia - Brine rejection -- Process by which salts are expelled from freezing water
Wikipedia - Brink's robbery (1981) -- 1981 robbery of $1.6 million from a Brink's armored car
Wikipedia - Brishaketu Debbarma -- Politician from Tripura
Wikipedia - Britannia railway station -- English railway station from 1881 to 1917
Wikipedia - Britannicus -- Son of Roman emperor Claudius and his third wife Valeria Messalina (AD 41-55)
Wikipedia - British commando frogmen -- The Special Boat Service, whose members are drawn largely from the Royal Marines
Wikipedia - British Expeditionary Force (World War II) -- British Army in Western Europe from 1939 to 1940
Wikipedia - British flag theorem -- On distances from opposite corners to a point inside a rectangle
Wikipedia - British Free Corps -- Nazi Germany military unit recruited from British soldiers during WW2
Wikipedia - British Indian Army -- 1858-1947 land warfare branch of British India's military, distinct from the British Army in India
Wikipedia - British Latin -- An extinct Romance language
Wikipedia - British National (Overseas) passport -- British passport for persons with British National (Overseas) status, first issued in 1987 after the Hong Kong Act 1985, from which this new class of British nationality was created
Wikipedia - British Satellite Broadcasting -- Defunct British satellite television company from 1986 to 1990
Wikipedia - British School at Rome -- Interdisciplinary research centre
Wikipedia - British Summer Time -- Identifier for a time offset from UTC of +1
Wikipedia - British United Air Ferries -- British car and passenger ferry airline from 1963 to 2001
Wikipedia - Britta Bystrom -- Swedish classical composer
Wikipedia - Britta Lindstrom -- Swedish speed skater
Wikipedia - Brittany B. -- American songwriter from California
Wikipedia - Brittany Pierce -- Fictional character from the Fox series Glee
Wikipedia - Britta RM-CM-%dstrom -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Brittenburg -- Roman fort west of Leiden (now in the sea)
Wikipedia - Brittleness -- Liability of breakage from stress without significant plastic deformation
Wikipedia - BrM-CM-$us -- Old Swedish card game from the island of Gotland
Wikipedia - Broken But Beautiful -- 2018 Hindi romantic web series created by Ekta Kapoor
Wikipedia - Brokkr -- Dwarf smith from Norse mythology
Wikipedia - Bromance -- Close but non-sexual relationship between two or more men
Wikipedia - Bromantane
Wikipedia - Bromantic comedy
Wikipedia - Broma process -- Method of extracting cocoa butter from roasted cocoa beans
Wikipedia - Brombach (Mumling) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Brombach (Swabian Rezat) -- River of Bavaria
Wikipedia - Bromborough (ward) -- Political subdivision in Merseyside, England
Wikipedia - Bromelain -- Class of enzymes derived from pineapples
Wikipedia - Bromeliaceae -- Family of monocot flowering plants
Wikipedia - Bromeliad tree frog -- Species of amphibian
Wikipedia - Bromelioideae -- Subfamily of bromeliad flowering plants
Wikipedia - Bromhexine -- Chemical compound (mucolytic drug)
Wikipedia - Bromiades -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Bromide (language)
Wikipedia - Bromide
Wikipedia - Brominated flame retardant
Wikipedia - Bromine -- chemical element with atomic number 35
Wikipedia - Bromion
Wikipedia - Bromisoval
Wikipedia - Bromley and Chislehurst (UK Parliament constituency) -- Parliamentary constituency in the United Kingdom, 1997 onwards
Wikipedia - Bromley Armstrong -- Canadian civil rights leader
Wikipedia - Bromley-by-Bow tube station -- London Underground station
Wikipedia - Bromley Cemetery -- Cemetery in Christchurch, New Zealand
Wikipedia - Bromley House Library -- Subscription library in Nottingham
Wikipedia - Brommaplan metro station -- Stockholm Metro station
Wikipedia - Brommat -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Bromo and Juliet -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Bromocriptine
Wikipedia - Bromodeoxyuridine -- Synthetic nucleoside that is an analog of thymidine. BrdU is commonly used in the detection of proliferating cells in living tissues
Wikipedia - Bromo-DragonFLY
Wikipedia - Bromomethane -- Organobromine chemical compound
Wikipedia - Bromotrifluoromethane -- Organic halide used for fire suppression
Wikipedia - Brompheniramine -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Brompton railway station -- Disused railway station in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Brompton Road Halt railway station -- Disused railway station in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Brompton Road tube station -- Closed London Underground station
Wikipedia - Brompton Road -- Street in Knightsbridge district in West London
Wikipedia - Bromserburg -- Stone castle in Germany
Wikipedia - Bromus interruptus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Bromyard -- Market town in Herefordshire, England
Wikipedia - Bronislaw Markiewicz -- Polish Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Bronshtein and Semendyayev -- handbook of mathematics and table of formulas originating from Russia
Wikipedia - Brontosaurus -- Diplodocid sauropod dinosaur genus from Late Jurassic Period
Wikipedia - Bronwyn McGahan -- Politician from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Bronze Age Britain -- period of British history from c. 2500 until c. 800 BC
Wikipedia - Bronze Head from Ife -- Sculpture from Ife
Wikipedia - Brooke Greenberg -- American Syndrome X patient
Wikipedia - Brooklyn Bridge (software) -- for transfering or transforming data from here to there
Wikipedia - Brooklyn Heights Promenade -- New York City walkway
Wikipedia - Brooks Firestone -- American businessman and politician from California
Wikipedia - Broomistega -- Extinct genus of temnospondyl amphibian from the early Triassic
Wikipedia - Bror Mannstrom -- Swedish modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Bror Nystrom -- Finnish sports shooter
Wikipedia - Brostrommen -- River in Sweden
Wikipedia - Brownimecia -- Cretaceous ant genus described from amber fossils
Wikipedia - Brownist -- Group of English Dissenters or early Separatists from the Church of England
Wikipedia - Brown-Sequard syndrome -- Human spinal cord disorder
Wikipedia - Bruce Borders -- American politician from Indiana
Wikipedia - Bruce Carlson (composer) -- Canadian composer from Manitoba
Wikipedia - Bruce Delaney -- Canadian curler from Ottawa
Wikipedia - Bruce Fowler -- American trombonist and composer
Wikipedia - Bruce Hart (wrestler) -- Canadian professional wrestler, promoter, booker, trainer, and school teacher
Wikipedia - Bruce H. McMillan -- American politician from Wyoming
Wikipedia - Bruce Norris (ice hockey) -- owner of the Detroit Red Wings from 1952 to 1983
Wikipedia - Bruce Savage (sailor) -- Olympic sailor from South Africa
Wikipedia - Bruce Talamon -- R&B and soul photographer from the 1970s and 1980s
Wikipedia - Brudet -- Fish stew from Croatia
Wikipedia - Brugada syndrome
Wikipedia - Bruhathkayosaurus -- Sauropod dinosaur genus from India
Wikipedia - Bruna Pellesi -- Italian Roman Catholic nun
Wikipedia - Bruneian Empire -- Malay sultanate centred in Brunei from 1368 to 1888
Wikipedia - Brunner syndrome -- X-linked recessive disorder characterised by impulsive behaviour
Wikipedia - Bruno and Luisa di Marco -- Fictional characters from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Bruno Foresti -- Italian Prelate of Roman Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Bruno Poromaa -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Bruno Soderstrom -- Swedish track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Bruttia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Bryan Cochrane -- Canadian curler from Russell, Ontario
Wikipedia - Bryan Cutler -- American politician from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Bryan Fury -- Video game character from the Tekken series
Wikipedia - Bryan Shupe -- American politician from Delaware
Wikipedia - Bryan Zollinger -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Bryce Bennett -- American politician from Montana
Wikipedia - Bryson Tiller -- American singer-songwriter from Kentucky
Wikipedia - BSA Gold Star -- Motorcycle made by BSA from 1938 to 1963.
Wikipedia - BSE Pro -- Professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - BT Sport ESPN -- Sports tv channel from BT Consumer under licence from ESPN
Wikipedia - Bubba Sparxxx -- American rapper from Georgia
Wikipedia - Bubbles (Trailer Park Boys) -- Fictional character from the television series Trailer Park Boys
Wikipedia - Bubona -- Roman goddess of cattle
Wikipedia - Bub Strickler -- Racecar driver from Virginia
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix ochromeris -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucegi Mountains -- Mountain range in Romania
Wikipedia - Bucharest Bible -- First complete translation of the Bible into the Romanian language; patronized by M-HM-^Xerban Cantacuzino, overseen by Constantin BrM-CM-"ncoveanu
Wikipedia - Bucharest Marathon -- Annual race in Romania held since 2008
Wikipedia - Bucharest -- Capital of Romania
Wikipedia - Buck McKeon -- American politician from California
Wikipedia - Bucura Dumbrava -- Romanian writer
Wikipedia - Bud and Lou -- Fictional spotted hyenas from DC comics
Wikipedia - Buddhism and romantic relationships -- Perspective of Buddhism on romantic relationships
Wikipedia - Buddhism and the Roman world
Wikipedia - Buddleja davidii 'Fromow's Purple' -- British shrub cultivar
Wikipedia - Buddy breathing -- Technique for sharing breathing gas from a single mouthpiece
Wikipedia - Buddy Carter -- U.S. Representative from Georgia
Wikipedia - Buddy film -- Film genre in which two people of the same sex (historically men) are non-romantically paired.
Wikipedia - Budu (sauce) -- Fish sauce originating from east coast of Peninsular Malaysia
Wikipedia - Buffalo Bill (character) -- Fictional character from The Silence of the Lambs
Wikipedia - Buffalo Bisons (IHL) -- Former professional ice hockey team in Buffalo, New York from 1928-1936
Wikipedia - Buffalo burger -- Hamburgers made with meat from the American bison
Wikipedia - Buffer stop -- Device to prevent railway vehicles from going past the end of a physical section of track
Wikipedia - Buffy laughingthrush -- Bird in the family Leiothrichidae from China
Wikipedia - Bugatti Veyron -- Sports car manufactured by Bugatti from 2005-2015 as a successor to the EB 110
Wikipedia - Bugles -- corn snack food originally from General Mills
Wikipedia - Buick Skyhawk -- American automobile built by Buick from 1974 to 1989
Wikipedia - Bukovina Day -- Holiday celebrating the union of Bukovina with Romania
Wikipedia - Bukovina Governorate -- Romanian autonomous province during World War II
Wikipedia - Bulbil -- A small young plant that grows from the parent plant's stem
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum abbreviatum -- Species of orchid from Madagascar
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum abbrevilabium -- Species of orchid from Southeast Asia
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum aberrans -- Species of orchid from Southeast Asia
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum acuminatum -- Species of orchid from Southeast Asia known as the tapering flower bulbophyllum
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum aemulum -- Species of orchid from New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum algidum -- Species of orchid from New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum arfakianum -- Species of orchid from New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum argyropus -- Species of orchid from Australia
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum auricomum -- Species of orchid from Southeast Asia
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum baileyi -- Species of orchid from Australia and New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum barbigerum -- Species of orchid from Africa
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum beccarii -- Species of orchid from Borneo
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum bicolor -- Species of orchid from Asia
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum bifarium -- Species of orchid from Cameroon
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum biflorum -- Species of orchid from Southeast Asia
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum bonaccordense -- Species of orchid from India
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum boonjee -- Species of orchid from Australia
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum bowkettiae -- Species of orchid from Australia known as the striped snake orchid
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum bracteatum -- Species of orchid from Australia known as the blotched pineapple orchid
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum caecilii -- Species of orchid from Sumatra
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum calceolus -- Species of orchid from Borneo
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum caldericola -- Species of orchid from Australia
Wikipedia - Bulbophyllum callichroma -- Species of orchid
Wikipedia - Bulgarian Handball Federation -- Handball Federation from Bulgaria
Wikipedia - Bulgur -- cereal food made from the groats of several different wheat species
Wikipedia - Bullbar -- Device fitted to the front of a vehicle to protect it and its passengers from damage in a collision with an animal
Wikipedia - Bullet Jalosjos -- Filipino politician from the province of Zamboanga del Norte
Wikipedia - Bullock family -- Family name from Southern England
Wikipedia - BuM-DM-^_u kebabi -- Lamb stew from the Turkish cuisine
Wikipedia - Bungee jumping -- Activity that involves jumping from a tall structure while connected to a large elastic cord
Wikipedia - Bunkhouse Stampede (1988) -- 1988 Jim Crockett Promotions pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bunyip -- Mythical creature from Aboriginal mythology
Wikipedia - Burayu massacre -- series civil unrest in Burayu, Oromia Region, Ethiopia in September 2018
Wikipedia - Burckhardt -- Family from Basel, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Burglary -- Crime of entering someone's property, often with the intent to steal from them or commit another offence
Wikipedia - Burgundian Netherlands -- The Netherlands from 1384 to 1482
Wikipedia - Buridda -- Seafood soup or stew from Liguria, in Italy
Wikipedia - Burila Mare -- place in Romania
Wikipedia - Burmese amber -- Late Cretaceous amber from Northern Myanmar
Wikipedia - Burmese rupee -- Former Burmese currency used from 1852-1952
Wikipedia - Burning Chrome
Wikipedia - Burning Heart Records -- Independent record label from Sweden
Wikipedia - Burning mouth syndrome -- Human disease
Wikipedia - Burnswark Hill -- Battle fought between the defending Caledonian Selgovae tribe and Roman legions
Wikipedia - Burn Syndrome
Wikipedia - Burping -- Release of gas from the upper digestive tract through the mouth
Wikipedia - Bursa Treasure -- Roman silver hoard
Wikipedia - Burt Hummel -- Fictional character from the Fox series Glee
Wikipedia - Burton Leland -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Bush family -- American family prominent in the fields of politics, news, sports, entertainment, and business
Wikipedia - Bushy-tailed mongoose -- Species of mongoose from central Africa
Wikipedia - Business magnate -- Entrepreneur who has achieved wealth and prominence from a particular industry (or industries)
Wikipedia - Buskin -- Laced half-boot of Ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Bussard ramjet -- Spacecraft propulsion method that collects its fuel from interstellar dust
Wikipedia - Bus Stop (band) -- British dance music group from 1998 to 2002
Wikipedia - Bustan (organization) -- Joint Israeli-Palestinian non-profit organization of eco-builders, architects, academics, and farmers who promote environmental and social justice in Israel/Palestine
Wikipedia - Busta Rhymes -- American rapper, actor, and record producer from New York
Wikipedia - Buster Cooper -- American jazz trombonist
Wikipedia - Buta Kola -- Ritual folk dance from India
Wikipedia - Butter churning in Nepal -- The separation of butter from curd
Wikipedia - Buttery (bread) -- Savoury bread roll originating from Aberdeen, Scotland.
Wikipedia - Butyl bromide -- bromide name
Wikipedia - Buzau County -- County of Romania
Wikipedia - Byakuya Kuchiki -- Fictional character from Bleach
Wikipedia - Byblian royal inscriptions -- Five inscriptions from Byblos written in an early type of Phoenician script
Wikipedia - Bye, Felicia -- Phrase from the movie Friday
Wikipedia - Byron E. Hyatt -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Byzantine army (Komnenian era) -- Period of the Byzantine Empire that created a new army that served from 1081 AD - 1204 AD
Wikipedia - Byzantine calendar -- The calendar used by the Eastern Orthodox Church from c. 691 to 1728
Wikipedia - Byzantine Empire -- Roman Empire during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Wikipedia - Byzantine Papacy -- Byzantine domination of the Roman papacy, 537 to 752
Wikipedia - Byzantine-Sasanian War of 572-591 -- War between the Sasanian Empire of Persia and the Eastern Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Byz -- Swedish hip-hop musician from Sala
Wikipedia - C0 and C1 control codes -- Control characters, ranging from U+0000 to U+001F (C0) and U+0080 to U+009F (C1) in Unicode
Wikipedia - C-3PO -- Robot character from the Star Wars universe
Wikipedia - C4 (rapper) -- Grime MC from Birmingham, England
Wikipedia - C7orf26 -- Human protein-encoding gene on chromosome 7
Wikipedia - Cabiria Andreian Cazacu -- Romanian mathematician
Wikipedia - Cabossed -- Heraldic term used where a beast's head is cleanly separated from the neck so that only the face shows
Wikipedia - Cactus cat -- Mythical creature from American folklore
Wikipedia - Caduceus Cellars -- winery in Jerome, Arizona, USA
Wikipedia - Cadwallader Wolseley -- An Irish Anglican priest: Archdeacon of Glendalough from 1862 until his death
Wikipedia - Caecilia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Caecilia Metella (daughter of Balearicus) -- Mother of Roman Tribune Clodius Pulcher
Wikipedia - Caecilii Metelli family tree -- Family tree of a late Roman Republic family
Wikipedia - Caecina gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius. -- Latin phrase from the Albigensian Crusade
Wikipedia - Caelia gens -- Family in ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Caelian Hill -- One of the seven hills of Rome, Italy
Wikipedia - Caesarea in Mauretania -- ancient city and bishopric in Roman North Africa
Wikipedia - Caesar salad -- Green salad of romaine lettuce and croutons
Wikipedia - Caesar's Rhine bridges -- Roman construction, Gallic Wars
Wikipedia - Caesar (title) -- Imperial title of the Roman empire
Wikipedia - Caesennia gens -- Etruscan and Roman family
Wikipedia - Caesia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Caesius Bassus -- 1st century Roman lyric poet
Wikipedia - Caesius Nasica -- 1st century AD Roman military officer
Wikipedia - Caeso Fabius Vibulanus (consul) -- Roman consul
Wikipedia - Caesonia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Caetronia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Cafe con aroma de mujer (Colombian TV series) -- Colombian telenovela of 1994, created by Fernando Gaitan.
Wikipedia - Cafe con aroma de mujer (upcoming TV series) -- Upcoming American television series
Wikipedia - Cage Contender -- Mixed martial arts promoter based in Belfast
Wikipedia - Cage Force -- Mixed martial arts promoter based in Japan
Wikipedia - Cage the Elephant -- American rock band from Kentucky
Wikipedia - Cage Warriors -- Mixed martial arts promotion, based in London, UK.
Wikipedia - Cagliarese -- Coins from Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
Wikipedia - Cahal Carvill -- Hurler from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Caile Ferate RomM-CM-"ne Line 800 -- Romanian railway line
Wikipedia - Cainan -- Biblical figure omitted from the Masoretic genealogies
Wikipedia - Cairbre Drom Cliabh
Wikipedia - Caister Roman Site -- Roman Saxon Shore fort, located in Caister-on-Sea, Norfolk
Wikipedia - Caitlin Romain -- Canadian curler
Wikipedia - Caius Iacob -- Romanian mathematician and politician
Wikipedia - Cajeta de piM-CM-1a y platano -- Fruit paste from Mexican cuisine
Wikipedia - Cajidiocan -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Romblon
Wikipedia - Calamus bousigonii -- Species of climbing palm from Asia
Wikipedia - Calarasi County -- County of Romania
Wikipedia - Calatrava, Romblon -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Romblon
Wikipedia - Calavia (gens) -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Calceus -- Footwear secured by straps worn in Ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Caldo galego -- Soup dish from Galicia, Spain
Wikipedia - Calea Victoriei -- Thoroughfare in Bucharest, Romania
Wikipedia - Caleb Flaxey -- Canadian curler from Caledon, Ontario
Wikipedia - Caleb Knight -- Fictional character from the BBC medical drama Casualty
Wikipedia - Calendar of saints (Roman Catholic)
Wikipedia - Cal Hobson -- American politician from Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Calidia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - California condor -- Large New World vulture from western North America
Wikipedia - California Current -- A Pacific Ocean current that flows southward along the western coast of North America from southern British Columbia to the southern Baja California Peninsula
Wikipedia - California Gold Rush -- Gold rush from 1848 until 1855 in California
Wikipedia - California Republic -- Unrecognized breakaway state from Mexico
Wikipedia - California Senate Bill 277 -- Removed personal belief as exemption from vaccination requirements for entry to schools
Wikipedia - California State Route 128 -- Highway in California from the Mendocino coast to the Sacramento Valley
Wikipedia - California Western Railroad -- A heritage railroad in Mendocino County, California (USA), running from Fort Bragg to Willits
Wikipedia - Caligula -- Third Roman emperor from AD 37 to 41
Wikipedia - Callalily -- Pop rock band from the Philippines
Wikipedia - Callatis Theoretical High School -- High school in Mangalia, Romania
Wikipedia - Callichromatini -- Tribe of beetle
Wikipedia - Callichroma -- Genus of beetle
Wikipedia - Callopatiria formosa -- A species of starfish in the family Asterinidae from South Africa
Wikipedia - Callosamia promethea -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Callosciurus -- Genus of "beautiful" squirrels from Asia
Wikipedia - Calls from the Message of Fatima
Wikipedia - Callum "Halfway" Highway -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Callum Rebecchi -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Callum Stone -- Fictional character from British police procedural television series The Bill
Wikipedia - Calochrominae -- Subfamily of beetles
Wikipedia - Calochromus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Calodromius -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Calostoma cinnabarinum -- Species of fungus in the family Sclerodermataceae from eastern North America, Central America, northeastern South America, and East Asia
Wikipedia - Calpurnia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Caltadria -- Suppressed and titular see of the Roman Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Calunium -- Roman fort in Lancaster, England
Wikipedia - Calutron -- Mass spectrometer
Wikipedia - Calvary Cemetery (St. Louis) -- Roman Catholic cemetery located in St. Louis, Missouri
Wikipedia - Calvisia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Calycomyza promissa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Calzone -- Oven-baked folded pizza from Naples
Wikipedia - Camarasaurus -- Camarasaurid sauropod dinosaur genus from Late Jurassic Period
Wikipedia - Camas pocket gopher -- Small species of burrowing rodent from Oregon
Wikipedia - Camauro -- Cap worn by the pope of the Roman Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Camboglanna -- Roman auxiliary troop fort in the north west of England
Wikipedia - Cambridge Blue (colour) -- Colour commonly used by sports teams from the University of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Camelia Voinea -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Camerinus Antistius Vetus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church -- Office of the Papal household
Wikipedia - Cameron Crombie -- Australian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Cami Bradley -- Pop music vocalist from Spokane, Washington
Wikipedia - Camille Bordey -- Fictional character from the television series Death in Paradise
Wikipedia - Camille Ournac -- French politician from Toulouse
Wikipedia - Cam O'bi -- Record producer from Chicago, Illinois
Wikipedia - Campaign for Real Ale -- British consumer organisation promoting traditional pubs, real ale and real cider
Wikipedia - Campaign history of the Roman military
Wikipedia - Camper Van Beethoven -- American rock band from Redlands, California
Wikipedia - Camphor -- waxy transparent aromatic organic compound
Wikipedia - Campo de Montalban -- Spanish cheese made from a blend of cows', sheep's and goats' milk in La Mancha
Wikipedia - Camponotus chromaiodes -- Red carpenter ant
Wikipedia - Camptodactyly-arthropathy-coxa vara-pericarditis syndrome -- Autosomal recessive genetic condition
Wikipedia - Campus Esquilinus -- area on the Esquiline Hill in Ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Cam timer -- Electromechanical system for controlling events
Wikipedia - Camulodunum -- Roman castrum where Colchester, England now stands
Wikipedia - Canada-China Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments Agreement -- Canada China FIPA is 2014 Foreign Investment Protection Agreement between Canada and China
Wikipedia - Canada jay -- A passerine bird of the family Corvidae from North America
Wikipedia - Canadian allocations changes under NARBA -- Changes in radio station allotments in Canada resulting from the North American Regional Broadcasting Agreement
Wikipedia - Canadian Caper -- Rescue of US diplomats from Iran, 1980
Wikipedia - Canadian Corps -- Canadian armed forces from World War I
Wikipedia - Canadian Electronic Ensemble -- Music group from Toronto
Wikipedia - Canadian Motor -- Canadian electric car manufactured from 1900 until 1902
Wikipedia - Cancer syndrome -- Genetic condition that predisposes a person to cancer
Wikipedia - Candace Chong Mui Ngam -- Chinese playwright from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Candace Flynn -- Fictional character from the animated television show Phineas and Ferb
Wikipedia - Candace Newell -- American politician from Louisiana
Wikipedia - Candombe -- style of music and dance from Uruguay
Wikipedia - Candy Jar -- 2018 American romantic comedy film by Ben Shelton
Wikipedia - Candy (LL Cool J song) -- Song from LL Cool J
Wikipedia - Candy (Malaysian band) -- All-female rock band from Malaysia
Wikipedia - Caning (furniture) -- Craft of weaving seats for chairs and other wood-framed furniture from rattan or similar materials
Wikipedia - Caninia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Cannabichromene
Wikipedia - Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome -- Nausea and vomiting resulting from cannabis use
Wikipedia - Cannabis (drug) -- Psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant
Wikipedia - Cannabis in Romania -- Use of cannabis in Romania
Wikipedia - Canoe and kayak diving -- Recreational diving from a canoe or kayak
Wikipedia - Canoe diving -- Recreational diving from a canoe
Wikipedia - Canola oil -- Oil derived from canola, a low erucic acid cultivar of rapeseed
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 5D Mark II -- Digital single-lens reflex camera from Canon
Wikipedia - Canonization of the Romanovs -- Elevation to sainthood of the last Imperial Family of Russia
Wikipedia - Canons regular -- Roman Catholic priests living in community under a religious rule
Wikipedia - Canovium -- Roman fort in Conwy, North Wales
Wikipedia - Cantabrian cream cheese -- Cheese made from the milk of Friesian cows in Cantabria, in northern Spain
Wikipedia - Cantabrian mythology -- Myths, teachings, and legends of the Cantabri, a pre-Roman Celtic people
Wikipedia - Cante Alentejano -- Polyphonic singing from Alentejo, southern Portugal
Wikipedia - Canterbury Treasure -- Roman hoard
Wikipedia - Cant Get There from Here -- 1985 single by R.E.M.
Wikipedia - Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man -- Song by Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II, from the 1927 musical play Show Boat
Wikipedia - Canticle -- Christian song of praise with lyrics from biblical or holy texts other than the Psalms
Wikipedia - Canto de amor -- 1940 Argentine romantic musical drama film by Julio Irigoyen
Wikipedia - Can You Feel the Love Tonight -- Song from Disney's The Lion King
Wikipedia - Caodeyao -- Genus of therapsid from Permian China
Wikipedia - Caoimhe Archibald -- Politician from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Capannelle Racecourse -- Horse racing venue in Rome
Wikipedia - Cape gray mongoose -- Species of mongoose from southern Africa
Wikipedia - Capela Hill -- hill in Romania
Wikipedia - Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge -- Wildlife refuge located in South Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Cape Verde (Mars) -- A promontory and extremity on the rim of Victoria Crater in the planet Mars
Wikipedia - CAPEX (cooperative) -- Kerala organization promoting cashew industry
Wikipedia - Capheaton Treasure -- Roman hoard
Wikipedia - Capillary fringe -- The subsurface layer in which groundwater seeps up from a water table by capillary action
Wikipedia - Capitalist realism -- German term for commodity-based art, from Pop Art in the 1950s and 1960s to the commodity art of the 1980s and 1990s
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in Romania -- Early punishments in Romania
Wikipedia - Capite censi -- The lowest class of citizens of ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Capitoline Games -- Ancient Roman games
Wikipedia - Capitoline Hill -- One of the seven hills of Rome, Italy
Wikipedia - Capitol Theatre (Rome, New York) -- Theater in Rome, New York
Wikipedia - Capitol Wrestling Corporation -- American professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - Capo di Bove -- ancient Roman thermal baths on the Appian Way outside Rome
Wikipedia - Cappella della Beata Vergine di Lourdes -- Roman Catholic chapel in Cortina d'Ampezzo's Grava di Sotto neighborhood
Wikipedia - Cappella Romana
Wikipedia - Cappella San Donato, Venafro -- Roman Catholic church in Venafro, Italy
Wikipedia - Captain Ahab -- Fictional character from the novel Moby-Dick
Wikipedia - Captain Battle -- Fictional superhero from the Golden Age of Comics
Wikipedia - Captain Mainwaring -- Fictional character from the sitcom Dad's Army
Wikipedia - Captain Underpants and the Invasion of the Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies from Outer Space (and the Subsequent Assault of the Equally-Evil Lunchroom Zombie Nerds) {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Captain Underpants and the Invasion of the Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies from Outer Space (and the Subsequent Assault of the Equally-Evil Lunchroom Zombie Nerds)'' -- Captain Underpants and the Invasion of the Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies from Outer Space (and the Subsequent Assault of the Equally-Evil Lunchroom Zombie Nerds) {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Captain Underpants and the Invasion of the Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies from Outer Space (and the Subsequent Assault of the Equally-Evil Lunchroom Zombie Nerds)''
Wikipedia - CAPTCHA -- Computer test to discriminate human users from spambots
Wikipedia - Captive odorant -- Odorant used to protect perfumes from imitation
Wikipedia - Capture of Carthage (439) -- Vandal capture of a Roman North African city
Wikipedia - Capture of Rome -- Final event of Italian unification
Wikipedia - Capuns -- Stuffed chard leaves from Swiss cuisine
Wikipedia - Caracalla -- Roman emperor from 198 to 217
Wikipedia - Cara Clemente -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Caras-Severin County -- County of Romania
Wikipedia - Caratacus's last battle -- Battle of Caer Caradoc was the final battle in Caratacus's resistance to Roman rule (50 AD)
Wikipedia - Carausian revolt -- Revolt by Roman naval commander, Carausius (286-296)
Wikipedia - Carausius II -- Possible Roman usurper in Roman Britain between the years 354 and 358
Wikipedia - Carbon capture and storage -- Process of capturing and storing waste carbon dioxide from point sources
Wikipedia - Carbon Copy (horse) -- Australian horse winning Comic Court, Foxzami Vagabond and Bernbrook from 1948 to 1949
Wikipedia - Carbon dioxide scrubber -- Device which absorbs carbon dioxide from circulated gas
Wikipedia - Carbon fixation -- Conversion of carbon from CO2 to organic compounds
Wikipedia - Carbon sink -- reservoir absorbing more carbon from than emitting to the air, storing carbon over the long term
Wikipedia - Carbromal
Wikipedia - Carcharodontosaurus -- Genus of carcharodontosaurid dinosaur from the Cretaceous period
Wikipedia - Cardassian -- Fictional extraterrestrial species from Star Trek
Wikipedia - Cardiff Roman Fort -- Coastal fort in the Roman province of Britannia Superior
Wikipedia - Cardinal de Soubise -- French Roman Catholic cardinal
Wikipedia - Cardinal Lamberto -- Fictional character from The Godfather series
Wikipedia - Cardinal Marquis of Almenara -- Spanish Roman Catholic cardinal
Wikipedia - Cardinal protector of England -- Roman Catholic Church title for a particular Cardinal representative of England
Wikipedia - Cardinal protector -- Roman Catholic Church title confirmed upon a particular Cardinal
Wikipedia - Cardiogenic shock -- Medical emergency resulting from inadequate blood flow due to dysfunction of heart ventricles
Wikipedia - Cardiss Collins -- American Democratic politician from Illinois
Wikipedia - Cardo (record producer) -- American record producer and rapper from Minnesota
Wikipedia - Cardo -- One of the main streets of the Roman cities
Wikipedia - Career Transition For Dancers -- nonprofit organization helping dancers establish new careers after retiring from performing careers
Wikipedia - Carel Fabritius -- Painter from the Northern Netherlands
Wikipedia - Carey Hamilton -- American politician from Indiana
Wikipedia - Car-Free Days -- Day promoting car-free travel
Wikipedia - Caribbean Current -- A warm ocean current that flows northwestward through the Caribbean from the east along the coast of South America into the Gulf of Mexico
Wikipedia - Caribbean poetry -- Poem, rhyme, or lyric that derives from the Caribbean region
Wikipedia - Carinus -- Roman emperor from 283 to 285
Wikipedia - Carita Nystrom -- Finnish writer and feminist
Wikipedia - Caritas Romana (de Crayer, 1645) -- Painting by Gaspar de Crayer
Wikipedia - Caritas Romana (de Crayer) -- Painting by Gaspar de Crayer
Wikipedia - Carjacking -- Crime of stealing a car from a victim by force
Wikipedia - Carla Connor -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Carla Lockhart -- Politician from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Carl August Lundstrom -- Finnish entomologist
Wikipedia - Carl Cederstrom -- Swedish aviator
Wikipedia - Carl Crabtree -- American politician and rancher from Idaho
Wikipedia - Carl Curtis -- Former United States Senator from Nebraska
Wikipedia - Carles Puigdemont -- Politician from Catalonia, Spain
Wikipedia - Carl Glimm -- American politician from Montana
Wikipedia - Carl Gustaf Lindstrom -- Swedish opera singer
Wikipedia - Carl Hayden -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Arizona
Wikipedia - Carlie's Law -- A bill introduced to amend title 18, to protect children from criminal recidivists; following the 2004 abduction, rape and murder of 11-year-old Carlie Brucia by paroled Joseph P. Smith, the bill failed to be enacted
Wikipedia - Carling Brewery -- alcoholic beverage brand from Canada
Wikipedia - Carlin Romano
Wikipedia - Carlito Joaquin Cenzon -- Filipino Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Carl Lindstrom Company -- German record company founded by Swedish industrialist Carl Lindstrom
Wikipedia - Carl Lundstrom -- Swedish businessman
Wikipedia - Carl-Magnus Stromberg -- Swedish professional golfer
Wikipedia - Carl Maria von Weber -- German Romantic composer
Wikipedia - Carl Ng -- |Chinese actor and model from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Carlo Antonio Ripa -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Carlo Azzolini -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Carlo Berlingeri -- Roman Catholic Archbishop of Santa Severina
Wikipedia - Carlo Rizzi (The Godfather) -- Fictional character from The Godfather series
Wikipedia - Carlo Romagnoli -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Carlo Romano -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Carlos Alberto Guajardo Romero -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Carlos Bilbao -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Carlos Colon Sr. -- Puerto Rican professional wrestler and promoter
Wikipedia - Carlos de Haes -- Spanish painter from Belgium
Wikipedia - Carlo Setari -- 15th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Carlos Guillermo Smith -- Politician from Orlando, Florida, U.S.
Wikipedia - Carlos NoroM-CM-1a -- Cuban athlete
Wikipedia - Carlos Parteli -- Roman Catholic archbishop
Wikipedia - Carlos P. Romulo -- Filipino politician and diplomat
Wikipedia - Carlos Rigby -- Black Nicaribean poet from the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua
Wikipedia - Carlos Romero Barcelo -- Governor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Carlos Sanguinetti -- Olympic sailor from Argentina
Wikipedia - Carlo Trotti -- Roman catholic
Wikipedia - Carl Romme -- Dutch lawyer, jurist and politician
Wikipedia - Carl Schenstrom -- Danish actor
Wikipedia - Carlsfelder concertina -- Free-reed musical instrument from Germany
Wikipedia - Carlstrom Foothills -- Mountain in Ross Dependency, Antarctica
Wikipedia - Carl Strom -- Swedish actor
Wikipedia - Carl Walker Metzgar -- American politician from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Carl White -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Carly Wicks -- fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Carmela Corleone -- Fictional character from The Godfather series
Wikipedia - Carmelites -- Roman Catholic religious order
Wikipedia - Carmen Avram -- Romanian politician (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Carmen Balthrop -- American opera singer from Maryland
Wikipedia - Carmen Ghiciuc -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Carmen Ionescu (gymnast) -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Carmen Romero Lopez -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Carmen Stanescu -- Romanian actress
Wikipedia - Carmen Tanase -- Romanian actress
Wikipedia - Carmen Tronescu -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Carnage (2011 film) -- 2011 film by Roman Polanski
Wikipedia - Carnauba wax -- Natural plant wax from leaves of the carnauba palm
Wikipedia - Carne-de-sol -- Beef dish from northeastern Brazil
Wikipedia - Carnotaurus -- Abelisaurid theropod dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous period
Wikipedia - Carnot's theorem (inradius, circumradius) -- Gives the sum of the distances from the circumcenter to the sides of an arbitrary triangle
Wikipedia - Carol Ardeleanu -- Romanian writer
Wikipedia - Carol Bedo -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Carol Carr -- American woman from the state of Georgia
Wikipedia - Carol Davila -- Romanian physician
Wikipedia - Carole Facal -- Canadian singer-songwriter from Quebec
Wikipedia - Carol II of Romania
Wikipedia - Carolina terrane -- exotic terrane from central Georgia to central Virginia in the United States
Wikipedia - Carolina Vera -- Meteorologist from Argentina
Wikipedia - Caroline Hagstrom -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Carol I of Romania
Wikipedia - Carol Jackson -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Carol PartoM-EM-^_ -- Romanian chess player
Wikipedia - Carol Romano -- US public health official
Wikipedia - Carol van Driel-Murray -- Roman archaeologist
Wikipedia - Carol Williams (politician) -- American politician from Montana
Wikipedia - Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Carolyn Goodman -- American politician from Nevada
Wikipedia - Carolyn Maloney -- U.S. Representative from New York
Wikipedia - Carolyn Meline -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Carom3D -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Carom Shots -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - Carpal tunnel syndrome
Wikipedia - Carpet cleaning -- Process of removing dirt and stains from carpets
Wikipedia - Carpi, Emilia-Romagna
Wikipedia - Carpophthoromyia tessmanni -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Carport -- Covered structure used to offer limited protection to vehicles, primarily cars, from rain and snow
Wikipedia - Carrefour du Nord -- Shopping mall in Saint-Jerome, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Carrie Brady -- Fictional character from Days of Our Lives
Wikipedia - Carrie Meek -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Carrier-based aircraft -- Military aircraft designed specifically for operations from aircraft carriers
Wikipedia - Carrinatia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Carrom -- Table game
Wikipedia - Carter Manasco -- American politician from Alabama
Wikipedia - Carthage Treasure -- Important Roman silver hoard found in Carthage
Wikipedia - Carus -- Roman emperor from 282 to 283
Wikipedia - Carved stone balls -- Petrospheres from late Neolithic Scotland
Wikipedia - Carving -- Act of using tools to shape something from a material by scraping away portions of that material
Wikipedia - Cary's Rebellion -- Rebellion resulting from a long-standing tension between religious and political groups in northern Carolina
Wikipedia - Casale Monferrato Cathedral -- Roman Catholic church in Casale Monferrato, Italy
Wikipedia - Casal Rotondo -- ancient tomb on the Appian Way outside Rome, Italy
Wikipedia - Casa Na Bolom -- Hotel in Mexico promoting the Lacandon Maya
Wikipedia - Casa Presei Libere -- Building in Bucharest, Romania
Wikipedia - Cascadia subduction zone -- Convergent plate boundary that stretches from northern Vancouver Island to Northern California
Wikipedia - Casely -- American singer from Miami, Florida
Wikipedia - Casey McQuiston -- American romance author
Wikipedia - Casey Veggies -- |American rapper from California
Wikipedia - Casey Weinstein -- American politician from Ohio
Wikipedia - Cashmere wool -- Fiber obtained from cashmere goats and other types of goat
Wikipedia - Casimir effect -- Force resulting from the quantification of a field
Wikipedia - Casmer P. Ogonowski -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Caspar David Friedrich -- German Romantic landscape painter (1774-1840)
Wikipedia - Casper (cat) -- Cat from Plymouth that commuted by bus
Wikipedia - Casper D. Waller -- American politician from Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Casperius Aelianus -- Praetorian Prefect under the Roman emperors Domitian and Nerva (13-98 AD)
Wikipedia - Cassandra (metaphor) -- |Metaphor originating from Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Cassian Andor -- character from 2016 film 'Rogue One'
Wikipedia - Cassie Ventura -- American singer, dancer, actress, and model from Connecticut
Wikipedia - Cassiodorus -- Consul of the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Cassiopeia (mother of Andromeda)
Wikipedia - Cassius Apronianus -- 2nd century Roman senator and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Cassius Chaerea -- 1st-century Roman army soldier and officer in the Paetorian Guard and assassin of emperor Caligula
Wikipedia - Cassius Dio -- Greco-Roman statesman and historian (c.M-bM-^@M-^I155 - c.M-bM-^@M-^I235)
Wikipedia - Cassius Ionescu-Tulcea -- Romanian American mathematician
Wikipedia - Cassius Severus -- Roman orator and teacher of rhetoric who was active during the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius
Wikipedia - Castelfranco Emilia -- town in Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Wikipedia - Castellum -- Small tower or a aqueduct tank in ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Caster angle -- Angular displacement of the steering axis from the vertical axis of a steered wheel in a car, motorcycle, bicycle or other vehicle, measured in the longitudinal direction / the angle between the pivot line and vertical
Wikipedia - Castleguard Cave Stygobromid -- Species of Amphipod of the Crangonyctidae family
Wikipedia - Castle Romeo -- Codename for one of the first thermonuclear bomb tests
Wikipedia - Castorocauda -- A Jurassic beaver-like animal from China
Wikipedia - Castor Paul Msemwa -- Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Castro of Chibanes -- Chalcolithic and Roman site in Portugal
Wikipedia - Castro Pretorio (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Casual sex -- Certain types of human sexual activity outside the context of a romantic relationship
Wikipedia - Catacombs of Rome -- Church building in Rome, Italy
Wikipedia - Catadromus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Catalan declaration of independence -- Internationally unrecognised October 2017 announcement by which the Parliament of Catalonia unilaterally declared the independence of Catalonia from Spain
Wikipedia - Catalan language -- Romance language
Wikipedia - Catalan rumba -- Spanish music genre originating among Barcelona Romani.
Wikipedia - Catalans -- People from Catalonia, Spain
Wikipedia - Catalina Curceanu -- Romanian physicist
Wikipedia - Catalina Ponor -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Catalin Costache -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Catalin Ivan -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Catalin Luchian -- Romanian sailor
Wikipedia - Catalin Maruta -- Romanian television host
Wikipedia - Catalin Predoiu -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Catalin Tanase -- Romanian biologist (b. 1962)
Wikipedia - Catastrophic failure -- Sudden and total failure from which recovery is impossible
Wikipedia - Cat B25 -- Mobile phone licensed from Caterpillar, Inc.
Wikipedia - Catcheside-Warrington's Tyneside Songs -- Folk songs from the Geordie area of England
Wikipedia - Catcheside-Warrington's Tyneside Stories & Recitations -- Folk songs from the Geordie area of England
Wikipedia - Catchy Song -- Theme song from "The Lego Movie 2"
Wikipedia - Category:0s establishments in the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Category:10th-century people from West Francia
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century English Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century English Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century French Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century Holy Roman Emperors
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century Italian Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century Italian Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century Roman Catholic theologians
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century women of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century English Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century English Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century French Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century German Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century Italian Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century Italian Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century people from Len and Castile
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century Roman Catholic bishops in Denmark
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century Roman Catholic bishops in Iceland
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century Roman Catholic bishops in Ireland
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century Roman Catholic bishops in Sweden
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century Roman Catholic clergy
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century Roman Catholic martyrs
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century Roman Catholic theologians
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century women of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century deaths from tuberculosis
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century English Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century English Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century French Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century German Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century Italian Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century Italian Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century Italian Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century people from the Kingdom of Aragon
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century Roman Catholic martyrs
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century Roman Catholic theologians
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century Scottish Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century women of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Category:14th-century deaths from plague (disease)
Wikipedia - Category:14th-century French Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:14th-century French Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:14th-century Italian Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:14th-century people from the Kingdom of Aragon
Wikipedia - Category:14th-century Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:14th-century Roman Catholic martyrs
Wikipedia - Category:14th-century Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:14th-century Roman Catholic theologians
Wikipedia - Category:1521 in Romania
Wikipedia - Category:15th-century deaths from plague (disease)
Wikipedia - Category:15th-century deaths from tuberculosis
Wikipedia - Category:15th-century Italian Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:15th-century Italian Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:15th-century Italian Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:15th-century people from the Kingdom of Aragon
Wikipedia - Category:15th-century Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:15th-century Roman Catholic martyrs
Wikipedia - Category:15th-century Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:15th-century Romanian people
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century Dutch Roman Catholic theologians
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century English Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century English Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century Italian Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century Italian Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century Italian Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century Roman Catholic martyrs
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century Romanian people
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century English Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century French Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century Italian Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century Italian Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century Italian Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century Italian Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century Roman Catholic martyrs
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:17th-century Roman Catholic theologians
Wikipedia - Category:1806 disestablishments in the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Category:18th-century deaths from tuberculosis
Wikipedia - Category:18th-century French Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:18th-century Italian Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:18th-century Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:18th-century Roman Catholic martyrs
Wikipedia - Category:18th-century Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:18th-century Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:18th-century Roman Catholic theologians
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century deaths from tuberculosis
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century English Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century French Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century Italian Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century Italian Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century Italian Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century Roman Catholic martyrs
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC Gallo-Roman people
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC Roman emperors
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC Roman governors of Egypt
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC Roman governors of Syria
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC Roman poets
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC Romans
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC Roman women
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century establishments in Roman Britain
Wikipedia - Category:1st century in Roman Gaul
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century Romans
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century Roman women
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century deaths from tuberculosis
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century Italian Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century Roman Catholic martyrs
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century Romanian poets
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century scientists from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Category:21st century in Romania
Wikipedia - Category:21st-century Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:21st-century scientists from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Category:2nd-century BC Romans
Wikipedia - Category:2nd-century Romans
Wikipedia - Category:3rd-century BC Romans
Wikipedia - Category:3rd-century Romans
Wikipedia - Category:3rd-century Roman women
Wikipedia - Category:4th-century bishops in Roman Anatolia
Wikipedia - Category:4th-century Roman emperors
Wikipedia - Category:4th-century Romans
Wikipedia - Category:4th-century Roman women
Wikipedia - Category:5th-century BC Romans
Wikipedia - Category:5th-century Gallo-Roman people
Wikipedia - Category:5th-century Gallo-Roman women
Wikipedia - Category:5th-century Italo-Roman people
Wikipedia - Category:5th-century Roman poets
Wikipedia - Category:5th-century Romans
Wikipedia - Category:5th-century Roman women
Wikipedia - Category:6th-century Gallo-Roman people
Wikipedia - Category:6th-century Italian Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:6th-century Italo-Roman people
Wikipedia - Category:7th-century deaths from plague (disease)
Wikipedia - Category:7th-century Gallo-Roman people
Wikipedia - Category:960s establishments in the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Category:9th-century people from East Francia
Wikipedia - Category:9th-century people from West Francia
Wikipedia - Category:Abolitionists from Boston
Wikipedia - Category:Academics from London
Wikipedia - Category:Academics from Montreal
Wikipedia - Category:Accidental deaths from falls
Wikipedia - Category:Accuracy disputes from March 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Accuracy disputes from October 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Accuracy disputes from October 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Activists from New York City
Wikipedia - Category:Actors from Reno, Nevada
Wikipedia - Category:African-American Roman Catholicism
Wikipedia - Category:Albanian Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:Albanian Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:All articles with a promotional tone
Wikipedia - Category:American people of Romanian-Jewish descent
Wikipedia - Category:American Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:American Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:American Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:American Roman Catholics
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Wikipedia - Category:Ancient Romans in Britain
Wikipedia - Category:Ancient Roman slaves and freedmen
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Wikipedia - Category:Ancient Roman tragic dramatists
Wikipedia - Category:Ancient Roman writers
Wikipedia - Category:Ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Category:Anglican clergy from London
Wikipedia - Category:Anglican priest converts to Roman Catholicism
Wikipedia - Category:Architects from New Mexico
Wikipedia - Category:Articles containing potentially dated statements from 1994
Wikipedia - Category:Articles containing potentially dated statements from 1997
Wikipedia - Category:Articles containing potentially dated statements from 1998
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing additional references from July 2009
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing additional references from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing additional references from October 2007
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing additional references from October 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing additional references from October 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing additional references from October 2010
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing additional references from October 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing additional references from October 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing additional references from September 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing additional references from September 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing additional references from September 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing additional references from September 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing additional references from September 2013
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing additional references from September 2015
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing additional references from September 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing additional references from September 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing additional references from September 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing cleanup from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing cleanup from October 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing cleanup from September 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing cleanup from September 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing examples from December 2018
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing examples from October 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing examples from October 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing expert attention from April 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing expert attention from April 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing expert attention from August 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing expert attention from August 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing expert attention from December 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing expert attention from February 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing expert attention from January 2015
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing expert attention from July 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing expert attention from June 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing expert attention from May 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing expert attention from November 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing expert attention from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing expert attention from October 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing expert attention from September 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing expert attention from September 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing more viewpoints from April 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing more viewpoints from April 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing more viewpoints from August 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing more viewpoints from December 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing more viewpoints from January 2021
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing more viewpoints from March 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing more viewpoints from May 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing more viewpoints from September 2018
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing POV-check from July 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing POV-check from July 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing POV-check from March 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing POV-check from October 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing the year an event occurred from August 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing the year an event occurred from September 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing translation from Arabic Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing translation from Chinese Wikipedia
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles needing translation from Serbian Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Category:Articles prone to spam from April 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles prone to spam from April 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Articles prone to spam from December 2014
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles requiring tables from December 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles slanted towards recent events from March 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles tagged with the inline citation overkill template from July 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles tagged with the inline citation overkill template from June 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles tagged with the inline citation overkill template from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may be too long from February 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may be too long from January 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may be too long from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from April 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from April 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from April 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from April 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from April 2020
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from August 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from August 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from August 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from December 2007
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from December 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from December 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from December 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from December 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from December 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from December 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from December 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from February 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from February 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from January 2013
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from January 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from January 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from January 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from July 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from July 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from July 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from July 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from July 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from July 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from July 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from June 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from June 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from June 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from June 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from June 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from March 2018
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from March 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from March 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from May 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from May 2011
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from May 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from November 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from November 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from November 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from November 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from October 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from October 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from October 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from October 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from September 2007
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from September 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from September 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from September 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from September 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from September 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that may contain original research from September 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction from March 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction from May 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from April 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from April 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from April 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from April 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from April 2018
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from August 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from August 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from December 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from December 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from December 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from December 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from December 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from February 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from February 2014
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from January 2011
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from July 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from July 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from July 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from July 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from July 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from June 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from June 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from June 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from June 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from June 2018
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from March 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from March 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from March 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from March 2017
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from May 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from May 2012
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from May 2017
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from November 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from November 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from October 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from October 2014
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from October 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from October 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from October 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from September 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be expanded from September 2016
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be merged from August 2020
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be split from August 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be split from January 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be split from March 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be split from November 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles to be split from September 2020
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with infoboxes completely from Wikidata
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with Romanian-language sources (ro)
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with sections that need to be turned into prose from April 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with sections that need to be turned into prose from April 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with sections that need to be turned into prose from August 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with sections that need to be turned into prose from August 2020
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with sections that need to be turned into prose from March 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with sections that need to be turned into prose from March 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with sections that need to be turned into prose from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with sections that need to be turned into prose from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with sections that need to be turned into prose from October 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with self-published sources from August 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with self-published sources from August 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with self-published sources from August 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with self-published sources from December 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with self-published sources from December 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with self-published sources from December 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with self-published sources from February 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with self-published sources from February 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with self-published sources from June 2014
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with self-published sources from November 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with self-published sources from November 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with self-published sources from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with self-published sources from October 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from April 2010
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from October 2011
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from October 2014
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from October 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from October 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from October 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from October 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from September 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from September 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from September 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from September 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from September 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from September 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from September 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with too few wikilinks from December 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with too many examples from January 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with too many examples from May 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from August 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from August 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from December 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from December 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from February 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from February 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from January 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from January 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from January 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from June 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from March 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from March 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from November 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from November 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from October 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from October 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from September 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from September 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from September 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with trivia sections from June 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with trivia sections from May 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with trivia sections from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with trivia sections from October 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with trivia sections from October 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unidentified words from January 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unidentified words from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from April 2007
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from April 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from April 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from April 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from April 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from April 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from August 2007
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from August 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from August 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from August 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from August 2011
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from August 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from August 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from August 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from December 2007
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from February 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from February 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from January 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from January 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from January 2010
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from July 2007
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from June 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from June 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from June 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from June 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from June 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from March 2007
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from March 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from March 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from March 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from March 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from March 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from March 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from March 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from March 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from March 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from March 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from March 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from March 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from March 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from March 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from May 2007
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from May 2008
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from May 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from May 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from May 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from November 2007
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from November 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from November 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from November 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from November 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from November 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from November 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from November 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from November 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from November 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from November 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from November 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from October 2007
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from October 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from October 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from October 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from October 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from October 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from October 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from October 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from October 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from October 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from October 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from October 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from October 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from September 2007
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from September 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from September 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from September 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from September 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from September 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from September 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from September 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from September 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from September 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from September 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from September 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from September 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with unsourced statements from September 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with weasel words from December 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with weasel words from October 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with weasel words from October 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Artists from Bologna
Wikipedia - Category:Artists from Colorado Springs, Colorado
Wikipedia - Category:Artists from London
Wikipedia - Category:Artists from Niigata Prefecture
Wikipedia - Category:Australian Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:Australian Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Austrian Roman Catholic missionaries
Wikipedia - Category:Austrian Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:Austrian Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Autobiographical articles from November 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Autobiographical articles from October 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Autobiographical articles from October 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Baptists from Missouri
Wikipedia - Category:Baptists from Ohio
Wikipedia - Category:Barom Kagyu
Wikipedia - Category:Basque Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:Belgian Roman Catholic missionaries
Wikipedia - Category:Belgian Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:Belgian Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Belgian Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:Blind people from Argentina
Wikipedia - Category:Blind people from England
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from April 2009
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from April 2010
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from April 2011
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from April 2012
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Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from December 2014
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Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from December 2017
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from December 2019
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from December 2020
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from February 2008
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from February 2009
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from February 2011
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from February 2012
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from February 2013
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from February 2014
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from February 2018
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from February 2019
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from January 2008
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Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from January 2021
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Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from July 2014
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Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from July 2017
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from July 2018
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Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from October 2012
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from October 2013
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from October 2018
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from September 2008
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from September 2009
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from September 2010
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from September 2011
Wikipedia - Category:BLP articles lacking sources from September 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Book promotion
Wikipedia - Category:Brazilian Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:Brazilian Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Breton Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:Buddhist monks from Tibet
Wikipedia - Category:Buddhist scholars from Tibet
Wikipedia - Category:Burials at Sant'Ignazio, Rome
Wikipedia - Category:Burials in the Protestant Cemetery, Rome
Wikipedia - Category:Businesspeople from Berlin
Wikipedia - Category:Businesspeople from Buffalo, New York
Wikipedia - Category:Businesspeople from California
Wikipedia - Category:Businesspeople from Chicago
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Wikipedia - Category:Businesspeople from Cremona
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Wikipedia - Category:Businesspeople from Mysore
Wikipedia - Category:Businesspeople from Nanjing
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Wikipedia - Category:Businesspeople from San Francisco
Wikipedia - Category:Businesspeople from San Jose, California
Wikipedia - Category:Businesspeople from Seattle
Wikipedia - Category:Businesspeople from Texas
Wikipedia - Category:Businesspeople from the San Francisco Bay Area
Wikipedia - Category:Businesspeople from Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Category:Camerlengos of the Holy Roman Church
Wikipedia - Category:Canadian people of Romanian-Jewish descent
Wikipedia - Category:Canadian Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:Canadian Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Canonized Roman Catholic religious brothers
Wikipedia - Category:Catalan Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:Catalan Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Catholic saints who converted from Protestantism
Wikipedia - Category:Catholics from California
Wikipedia - Category:Catholics from Connecticut
Wikipedia - Category:Catholics from Hawaii
Wikipedia - Category:Catholics from Maryland
Wikipedia - Category:Catholics from New York (state)
Wikipedia - Category:Catholics from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Category:Censorship in Romania
Wikipedia - Category:Chilean Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:Chilean Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Chinese Roman Catholic missionaries
Wikipedia - Category:Chinese Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Christian clergy from Kochi
Wikipedia - Category:Christian clergy from Kottayam
Wikipedia - Category:Christian clergy from Thrissur
Wikipedia - Category:Christianity in Roman Achaea
Wikipedia - Category:Christianity in Roman Corinth
Wikipedia - Category:Christianity in the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Category:Christian saints from the New Testament
Wikipedia - Category:Christians from Alaska
Wikipedia - Category:Clean-up categories from February 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Clean-up categories from February 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Clean-up categories from July 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Clean-up categories from March 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Clean-up categories from November 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from April 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from August 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from August 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from December 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from February 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from February 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from February 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from January 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from July 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from June 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from March 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from March 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from May 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from September 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from September 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles without a reason field from April 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles without a reason field from February 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles without a reason field from January 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Cleanup tagged articles without a reason field from March 2011
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Wikipedia - Category:Clergy from Cologne
Wikipedia - Category:Clergy from Genoa
Wikipedia - Category:Clergy from Mantua
Wikipedia - Category:Clergy from Milan
Wikipedia - Category:Clergy from Naples
Wikipedia - Category:Clergy from Palermo
Wikipedia - Category:Clergy from Paris
Wikipedia - Category:Clergy from Rome
Wikipedia - Category:Clergy from Salzburg
Wikipedia - Category:Clergy from Turin
Wikipedia - Category:Clergy from Tuscany
Wikipedia - Category:Clergy from Valjevo
Wikipedia - Category:Clergy from Vilnius
Wikipedia - Category:Clergy removed from office
Wikipedia - Category:Colombian Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:Colombian Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Commons category link from Wikidata
Wikipedia - Category:Commons link from Wikidata
Wikipedia - Category:Converts from Presbyterianism
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Anglicanism from Methodism
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Buddhism from Christianity
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Buddhism from Protestantism
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Christianity from atheism or agnosticism
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Christianity from Islam
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Christianity from Judaism
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Christianity from pagan religions
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Eastern Catholicism from Eastern Orthodoxy
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Eastern Orthodoxy from Catholicism
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Eastern Orthodoxy from Lutheranism
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Hinduism from Judaism
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Islam from Christianity
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Islam from Zoroastrianism
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Oriental Orthodoxy from Islam
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Roman Catholicism from Anglicanism
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Roman Catholicism from atheism or agnosticism
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Roman Catholicism from Calvinism
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Roman Catholicism from Islam
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Roman Catholicism from Judaism
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Roman Catholicism from pagan religions
Wikipedia - Category:Converts to Roman Catholicism
Wikipedia - Category:Copied and pasted articles and sections with url provided from August 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Coptic Orthodox Christians from Egypt
Wikipedia - Category:Croatian Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:Croatian Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:CS1 Romanian-language sources (ro)
Wikipedia - Category:Czech Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:Czech Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Danish Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Danish Roman Catholics
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Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from cancer in Arizona
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from cancer in California
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from cancer in Chile
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from cancer in England
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from cancer in Hawaii
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from cancer in Israel
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from cancer in Lazio
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from cancer in Massachusetts
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Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from cancer in New York (state)
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from cancer in Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from cancer in Russia
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Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from cancer in Thailand
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Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from cancer in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from cancer in Vatican City
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from cancer in Virginia
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from cancer in Washington, D.C.
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Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from liver cancer
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from lung cancer
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from malaria
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from melanoma
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Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic in New Jersey
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic in Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from typhus
Wikipedia - Category:Deaths from uterine cancer
Wikipedia - Category:Deified Roman emperors
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Brian P. Roman
Wikipedia - Category:Dutch Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:Dutch Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Dutch Roman Catholic theologians
Wikipedia - Category:Early Modern Romanian writers
Wikipedia - Category:Eastern Orthodox Christians from France
Wikipedia - Category:Eastern Orthodox Christians from Germany
Wikipedia - Category:Eastern Orthodox Christians from Hungary
Wikipedia - Category:Eastern Orthodox Christians from Romania
Wikipedia - Category:Eastern Orthodox Christians from Serbia
Wikipedia - Category:Eastern Orthodox monks from Ukraine
Wikipedia - Category:Eastern Orthodox saints from Belarus
Wikipedia - Category:Eastern Orthodox saints from Ukraine
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Wikipedia - Category:Economists from Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Category:Ecuadorian Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Ecuadorian Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:Educators from Gansu
Wikipedia - Category:Educators from Hartford, Connecticut
Wikipedia - Category:Educators from Kerala
Wikipedia - Category:Educators from Missouri
Wikipedia - Category:Educators from New York City
Wikipedia - Category:Educators from New York (state)
Wikipedia - Category:Educators from Ohio
Wikipedia - Category:Educators from Philadelphia
Wikipedia - Category:Educators from Puducherry
Wikipedia - Category:Educators from Rajasthan
Wikipedia - Category:Educators from Shandong
Wikipedia - Category:Educators from Shanghai
Wikipedia - Category:Electromagnetism
Wikipedia - Category:Electromechanical calculator companies
Wikipedia - Category:Electromechanical engineering
Wikipedia - Category:Emigrants from the Russian Empire to France
Wikipedia - Category:Emigrants from the Russian Empire to Germany
Wikipedia - Category:Emigrants from the Russian Empire to the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Category:Emigrants from the Russian Empire to the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Category:Emigrants from the Russian Empire to the United States
Wikipedia - Category:Engineers from Alabama
Wikipedia - Category:Engineers from Athens
Wikipedia - Category:Engineers from Berlin
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Wikipedia - Category:Engineers from Hawaii
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Wikipedia - Category:Engineers from Kyiv
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Wikipedia - Category:Engineers from New York (state)
Wikipedia - Category:Engineers from Ohio
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Wikipedia - Category:Engineers from the West Midlands (county)
Wikipedia - Category:Engineers from Turin
Wikipedia - Category:Engineers from Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Category:Engineers from Washington (state)
Wikipedia - Category:Engineers from Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Category:English College, Rome alumni
Wikipedia - Category:English-language poets from India
Wikipedia - Category:English-language writers from India
Wikipedia - Category:English people of Romanian-Jewish descent
Wikipedia - Category:English Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:English Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:English Roman Catholic theologians
Wikipedia - Category:English Roman Catholic writers
Wikipedia - Category:English romantic painters
Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from April 2013
Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from April 2014
Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from April 2015
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Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from July 2017
Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from July 2019
Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from June 2017
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Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from March 2014
Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from March 2015
Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from March 2018
Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from March 2020
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Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from May 2015
Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from May 2017
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Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from November 2015
Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from November 2017
Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from November 2018
Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from November 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from October 2017
Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from October 2018
Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from October 2020
Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from September 2013
Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from September 2014
Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from September 2015
Wikipedia - Category:EngvarB from September 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Ethiopian Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Ethnic groups in Romania
Wikipedia - Category:European Roman Catholic bishop stubs
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Alaska
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Berkshire
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Buckinghamshire
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Cheshire
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Derbyshire
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Devon
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Essex
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Georgia (country)
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Hesse
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Lancashire
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Limousin
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from London
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Lorraine
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Lower Silesian Voivodeship
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Merseyside
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from North Yorkshire
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Orenburg Oblast
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Oxfordshire
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Provence-Alpes-Cte d'Azur
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Saint Petersburg
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Sichuan
Wikipedia - Category:Executed people from Sverdlovsk Oblast
Wikipedia - Category:Executed Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:Execution of the Romanov family
Wikipedia - Category:Existential risk from artificial general intelligence
Wikipedia - Category:Female Roman Catholic missionaries
Wikipedia - Category:Festivals in Romania
Wikipedia - Category:Fictional characters from New York City
Wikipedia - Category:Filipino Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Filmed deaths from natural causes
Wikipedia - Category:Films shot from the first-person perspective
Wikipedia - Category:Finnish Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:Former Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:Free content from
Wikipedia - Category:Free content from UNESCO
Wikipedia - Category:French Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:French Roman Catholic bishops in Asia
Wikipedia - Category:French Roman Catholic bishop stubs
Wikipedia - Category:French Roman Catholic missionaries
Wikipedia - Category:French Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:French Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Gallo-Roman saints
Wikipedia - Category:Geneticists from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Category:German Roman Catholic abbesses
Wikipedia - Category:German Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:German Roman Catholic bishop stubs
Wikipedia - Category:German Roman Catholic hymnwriters
Wikipedia - Category:German Roman Catholic missionaries
Wikipedia - Category:German Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:German Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:German Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:German Romantic composers
Wikipedia - Category:German romantic painters
Wikipedia - Category:Grand Crosses of the Order of the Star of Romania
Wikipedia - Category:Greek Orthodox Christians from Lebanon
Wikipedia - Category:Groups of Christian martyrs of the Roman era
Wikipedia - Category:Groups of Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor
Wikipedia - Category:Historians from Shandong
Wikipedia - Category:History of Eastern Romance people
Wikipedia - Category:Holy Roman Emperors
Wikipedia - Category:Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Category:Holy Roman Empresses
Wikipedia - Category:House of Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov
Wikipedia - Category:House of Romanov
Wikipedia - Category:Hungarian Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:Hungarian Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Hungarian Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:Icelandic Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Imperial Roman consuls
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from April 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from April 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from April 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from April 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from April 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from April 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from August 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from August 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from August 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from August 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from December 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from December 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from February 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from February 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from January 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from January 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from January 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from January 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from March 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from May 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from November 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from October 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from October 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from October 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from October 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from September 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Incomplete lists from September 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Indian independence activists from Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Category:Indian Roman Catholic missionaries
Wikipedia - Category:Indian Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:Indian Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:Indian Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Indigenous Roman Catholic saints of the Americas
Wikipedia - Category:Inuit from the Northwest Territories
Wikipedia - Category:Irish Roman Catholic abbesses
Wikipedia - Category:Irish Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:Irish Roman Catholic saint stubs
Wikipedia - Category:Irish Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Italian Roman Catholic abbesses
Wikipedia - Category:Italian Roman Catholic bishops in Africa
Wikipedia - Category:Italian Roman Catholic hymnwriters
Wikipedia - Category:Italian Roman Catholic missionaries
Wikipedia - Category:Italian Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Italian Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:Italian Roman Catholic theologians
Wikipedia - Category:Italian Roman Catholic writers
Wikipedia - Category:Japanese Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:Japanese Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Japanese Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:Jesuits from London
Wikipedia - Category:Jewish emigrants from Austria after the Anschluss
Wikipedia - Category:Jewish emigrants from Austria to the United Kingdom after the Anschluss
Wikipedia - Category:Jewish emigrants from Austria to the United States after the Anschluss
Wikipedia - Category:Jewish emigrants from Nazi Germany to France
Wikipedia - Category:Jewish emigrants from Nazi Germany to Mandatory Palestine
Wikipedia - Category:Jewish emigrants from Nazi Germany to the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Category:Jewish emigrants from Nazi Germany to the United States
Wikipedia - Category:Jews from Galicia (Eastern Europe)
Wikipedia - Category:Journalists from New York City
Wikipedia - Category:Jurists from Cologne
Wikipedia - Category:Korean Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Lamas from Tibet
Wikipedia - Category:Lang and lang-xx code promoted to ISO 639-1
Wikipedia - Category:Languages attested from the 7th century BC
Wikipedia - Category:Languages of Romania
Wikipedia - Category:Last of the Romans
Wikipedia - Category:Latter Day Saints from California
Wikipedia - Category:Latter Day Saints from Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Category:Latter Day Saints from Utah
Wikipedia - Category:Latter Day Saints from West Virginia
Wikipedia - Category:Lawyers from New York City
Wikipedia - Category:Legendary Romans
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Wikipedia - Category:LGBT artists from the United States
Wikipedia - Category:LGBT musicians from the United States
Wikipedia - Category:LGBT people from California
Wikipedia - Category:LGBT people from Delaware
Wikipedia - Category:LGBT people from England
Wikipedia - Category:LGBT people from Michigan
Wikipedia - Category:LGBT people from New York (state)
Wikipedia - Category:LGBT rights activists from England
Wikipedia - Category:LGBT rights activists from Germany
Wikipedia - Category:LGBT scientists from Germany
Wikipedia - Category:LGBT scientists from the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Category:LGBT scientists from the United States
Wikipedia - Category:LGBT sportspeople from England
Wikipedia - Category:LGBT writers from Austria
Wikipedia - Category:LGBT writers from England
Wikipedia - Category:LGBT writers from Germany
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Wikipedia - Category:Linguists from Canada
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Wikipedia - Category:Linguists from the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Category:Linguists from the United States
Wikipedia - Category:Lists having no precise inclusion criteria from October 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of people from New York (state)
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Romanian people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Lithuanian Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:Lithuanian Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Male actors from Burbank, California
Wikipedia - Category:Male actors from New York (state)
Wikipedia - Category:Male actors from Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Category:Maltese Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:Maltese Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Maltese Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:Married Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:Martyred Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:Martyred Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:Mathematicians from Alabama
Wikipedia - Category:Mathematicians from Budapest
Wikipedia - Category:Mathematicians from California
Wikipedia - Category:Mathematicians from Illinois
Wikipedia - Category:Mathematicians from Iowa
Wikipedia - Category:Mathematicians from Jiangsu
Wikipedia - Category:Mathematicians from London
Wikipedia - Category:Mathematicians from Louisiana
Wikipedia - Category:Mathematicians from Missouri
Wikipedia - Category:Mathematicians from New York (state)
Wikipedia - Category:Mathematicians from Nishapur
Wikipedia - Category:Mathematicians from Philadelphia
Wikipedia - Category:Mathematicians from Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Category:Mathematicians from West Virginia
Wikipedia - Category:Mathematicians from Wyoming
Wikipedia - Category:Medieval Gaels from Ireland
Wikipedia - Category:Medieval Gaels from Scotland
Wikipedia - Category:Medieval Roman consuls
Wikipedia - Category:Members of Christian religious orders from Rome
Wikipedia - Category:Mexican Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Military personnel from Liverpool
Wikipedia - Category:Military personnel from Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Category:Military personnel from New York City
Wikipedia - Category:Military personnel from Pittsburgh
Wikipedia - Category:Models from London
Wikipedia - Category:Morganatic issue of Romanovs
Wikipedia - Category:Musicians from Anhui
Wikipedia - Category:Musicians from Auckland
Wikipedia - Category:Musicians from Brighton and Hove
Wikipedia - Category:Musicians from Kolkata
Wikipedia - Category:Musicians from Los Angeles
Wikipedia - Category:Musicians from Montreal
Wikipedia - Category:Musicians from Moscow
Wikipedia - Category:Musicians from Naples
Wikipedia - Category:Musicians from Paris
Wikipedia - Category:Musicians from Shanxi
Wikipedia - Category:Musicians from Toronto
Wikipedia - Category:Nobility from Athens
Wikipedia - Category:Nobility from Bologna
Wikipedia - Category:Nobility from Krakw
Wikipedia - Category:Nobility from Riga
Wikipedia - Category:Norwegian Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:Norwegian Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Novelists from California
Wikipedia - Category:Novelists from Illinois
Wikipedia - Category:Novelists from Kentucky
Wikipedia - Category:Novelists from Maine
Wikipedia - Category:Novelists from Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Category:Novelists from New Jersey
Wikipedia - Category:Novelists from New York (state)
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Wikipedia - Category:NPOV disputes from December 2012
Wikipedia - Category:NPOV disputes from December 2013
Wikipedia - Category:NPOV disputes from December 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:NPOV disputes from January 2018
Wikipedia - Category:NPOV disputes from January 2020
Wikipedia - Category:NPOV disputes from January 2021
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Wikipedia - Category:NPOV disputes from July 2018
Wikipedia - Category:NPOV disputes from July 2019
Wikipedia - Category:NPOV disputes from June 2017
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Wikipedia - Category:NPOV disputes from October 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Orphaned articles from December 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Orphaned articles from December 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Orphaned articles from February 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Orphaned articles from January 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Orphaned articles from January 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Orphaned articles from January 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Orphaned articles from January 2021
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Wikipedia - Category:Orphaned articles from November 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Orphaned articles from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Orphaned articles from October 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Czernihow Voivodeship
Wikipedia - Category:People from Dakahlia Governorate
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Wikipedia - Category:People from El Mahalla El Kubra
Wikipedia - Category:People from El Paso, Texas
Wikipedia - Category:People from Emmitsburg, Maryland
Wikipedia - Category:People from Epsom
Wikipedia - Category:People from Erivan Governorate
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Farrukhabad district
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Gagauzia
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Garze
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Geneva
Wikipedia - Category:People from Gentry County, Missouri
Wikipedia - Category:People from Georgetown (Washington, D.C.)
Wikipedia - Category:People from Gironde
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Janina Vilayet
Wikipedia - Category:People from Jarrow
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Jhelum District
Wikipedia - Category:People from Jodhpur
Wikipedia - Category:People from Johnson County, Kansas
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Kalimpong district
Wikipedia - Category:People from Kalisz Governorate
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Kent
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Oakland, California
Wikipedia - Category:People from Obernai
Wikipedia - Category:People from Oberndorf am Neckar
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Odense
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Oise
Wikipedia - Category:People from Okara District
Wikipedia - Category:People from Okayama
Wikipedia - Category:People from Orange, New Jersey
Wikipedia - Category:People from Orbe
Wikipedia - Category:People from Orenburg
Wikipedia - Category:People from Orshansky Uyezd
Wikipedia - Category:People from Orsha
Wikipedia - Category:People from Oryol Governorate
Wikipedia - Category:People from Osaka Prefecture
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Painesville, Ohio
Wikipedia - Category:People from Pakpattan
Wikipedia - Category:People from Palatine, Illinois
Wikipedia - Category:People from Palo Alto, California
Wikipedia - Category:People from Paola, Calabria
Wikipedia - Category:People from Paoli, Indiana
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Paris
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Pas-de-Calais
Wikipedia - Category:People from Pavlovsk, Saint Petersburg
Wikipedia - Category:People from Pechory
Wikipedia - Category:People from Pembrokeshire
Wikipedia - Category:People from Penza Oblast
Wikipedia - Category:People from Perth, Scotland
Wikipedia - Category:People from Peru, New York
Wikipedia - Category:People from Pest, Hungary
Wikipedia - Category:People from Peterborough, Ontario
Wikipedia - Category:People from Petergofsky Uyezd
Wikipedia - Category:People from Petergof
Wikipedia - Category:People from Petoskey, Michigan
Wikipedia - Category:People from Philadelphia
Wikipedia - Category:People from Piacenza
Wikipedia - Category:People from Pisa
Wikipedia - Category:People from Pittsburgh
Wikipedia - Category:People from Plattsburgh, New York
Wikipedia - Category:People from Plymouth
Wikipedia - Category:People from Pochayiv
Wikipedia - Category:People from Poissy
Wikipedia - Category:People from Poitou-Charentes
Wikipedia - Category:People from Polotsk
Wikipedia - Category:People from Pomona, California
Wikipedia - Category:People from Poplar, London
Wikipedia - Category:People from Port Chalmers
Wikipedia - Category:People from Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - Category:People from Port Shepstone
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Potenza
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Powys
Wikipedia - Category:People from Prachatice
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Qaasuitsup
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Wikipedia - Category:People from Saginaw, Michigan
Wikipedia - Category:People from Saint-Gilles, Gard
Wikipedia - Category:People from Saint Petersburg
Wikipedia - Category:People from Salamis Island
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Wikipedia - Category:People of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York
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Wikipedia - Category:People with chronic fatigue syndrome
Wikipedia - Category:Persecution of pagans in the late Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Category:Peruvian Roman Catholic saints
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Wikipedia - Category:Polish Roman Catholic missionaries
Wikipedia - Category:Polish Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:Polish Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:Polish Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Polish Roman Catholics
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Wikipedia - Category:Politicians from Florence
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Wikipedia - Category:Pontifical Roman Seminary alumni
Wikipedia - Category:Popes from Venice
Wikipedia - Category:Portals with triaged subpages from June 2018
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Wikipedia - Category:Portuguese Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Portuguese Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:Prisoners who died in Romanian detention
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Wikipedia - Category:Roman Catholic missionaries in the United States
Wikipedia - Category:Roman Catholic missionaries in Turkey
Wikipedia - Category:Roman Catholic missionaries in Vietnam
Wikipedia - Category:Roman Catholic missionaries in Wallis and Futuna
Wikipedia - Category:Roman Catholic monks
Wikipedia - Category:Roman Catholic moral theologians
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Wikipedia - Category:Roman Catholic Prince-Bishops of Ratzeburg
Wikipedia - Category:Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:Roman Catholic royal saints
Wikipedia - Category:Roman Catholic saints by nationality
Wikipedia - Category:Roman Catholic saints by religious order
Wikipedia - Category:Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Roman Catholics in the German Resistance
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Wikipedia - Category:Roman encyclopedists
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era Alexandrians
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era Corinthians
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era Epicurean philosophers
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era geographers
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era Greeks
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era Jews
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era philosophers
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era poets
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era Sophists
Wikipedia - Category:Roman-era students in Athens
Wikipedia - Category:Romanesque artists
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian art critics
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian book and manuscript collectors
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Wikipedia - Category:Romanian columnists
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian computer scientists
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian emigrants to the United States
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian esotericists
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian essayists
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian Jews
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian Land Forces personnel
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian magazine editors
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian magazine founders
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Wikipedia - Category:Romanian newspaper founders
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian Orthodox monks
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Wikipedia - Category:Romanian patrons of the arts
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian people of Bulgarian descent
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Wikipedia - Category:Romanian people of Turkish descent
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian people who died in prison custody
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian philosophers
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian philosophy
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Wikipedia - Category:Romanian sailors
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian saints
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian schoolteachers
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian scientists
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian sculptors
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian Sephardi Jews
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian society
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian theologians
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian torture victims
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian travel writers
Wikipedia - Category:Romania
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Wikipedia - Category:Romulus Augustulus
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Wikipedia - Category:Saadi Researchers from Iran
Wikipedia - Category:Saints from Anatolia
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Wikipedia - Category:Sapienza University of Rome alumni
Wikipedia - Category:Sardinian Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:Schisms from the Catholic Church
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Wikipedia - Category:Scottish Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:Scottish Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Screenwriters from New York (state)
Wikipedia - Category:Sculptors from Indiana
Wikipedia - Category:Sculptors from New Mexico
Wikipedia - Category:Short description is different from Wikidata
Wikipedia - Category:Singers from London
Wikipedia - Category:Singers from Montreal
Wikipedia - Category:Singers from New York (state)
Wikipedia - Category:Singers from Sindh
Wikipedia - Category:Social workers from West Bengal
Wikipedia - Category:Software derived from or incorporating Wine
Wikipedia - Category:Spanish Roman Catholic archbishops
Wikipedia - Category:Spanish Roman Catholic bishop stubs
Wikipedia - Category:Spanish Roman Catholic missionaries
Wikipedia - Category:Spanish Roman Catholic priests
Wikipedia - Category:Spanish Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:Spanish Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Spanish Roman Catholic theologians
Wikipedia - Category:Sportspeople from Saint Petersburg
Wikipedia - Category:Sportspeople from Thunder Bay
Wikipedia - Category:Sub-Roman writers
Wikipedia - Category:Sudanese Roman Catholic religious sisters and nuns
Wikipedia - Category:Sudanese Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Sufis from Nishapur
Wikipedia - Category:Swedish Roman Catholics
Wikipedia - Category:Swiss Roman Catholic bishops
Wikipedia - Category:Swiss Roman Catholic saints
Wikipedia - Category:Syndromes
Wikipedia - Category:Taiwanese people from Qinghai
Wikipedia - Category talk:Short description is different from Wikidata
Wikipedia - Category:Tang dynasty politicians from Shanxi
Wikipedia - Category:Theatres in Romania
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Wikipedia - Category:Tourette syndrome
Wikipedia - Category:Translators from Aramaic
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Wikipedia - Category:Twitter username different from Wikidata
Wikipedia - Category:Ugandan Roman Catholic saints
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Wikipedia - Category:Urdu writers from Mughal India
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from April 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from April 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from April 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from August 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from August 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from August 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from December 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from December 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from December 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from December 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from February 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from February 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from February 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from February 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from January 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from January 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from January 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from July 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from July 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from July 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from July 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from June 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from June 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from March 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from March 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from March 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from March 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from March 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from March 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from May 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from May 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from November 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from November 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from November 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from October 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from October 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from October 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from September 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from September 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from September 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use American English from September 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from April 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from August 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from August 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from August 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from December 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from January 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from June 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from June 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from May 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use Australian English from October 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from April 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from April 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from April 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from August 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from August 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from August 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from August 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from August 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from August 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from August 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from August 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from August 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from December 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from December 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from February 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from February 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from February 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from January 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from January 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from January 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from January 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from January 2021
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Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from July 2013
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Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from July 2015
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Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from July 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from July 2020
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Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from June 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from June 2020
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Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from March 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from March 2021
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Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from May 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from May 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from November 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from November 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from November 2020
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Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from October 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from October 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from October 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from October 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from September 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from September 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from September 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use British English from September 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Canadian English from April 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Canadian English from April 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Use Canadian English from December 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Canadian English from February 2013
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Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from August 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from December 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from February 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from February 2021
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Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from January 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from January 2021
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Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from July 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from July 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from July 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from July 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from July 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from July 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from July 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from July 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from July 2020
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Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from June 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from June 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from June 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from June 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from June 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from June 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from June 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from June 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from June 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from March 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from March 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from March 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from March 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from March 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from March 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from March 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from March 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from March 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from March 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from March 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from May 2011
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Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from May 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from May 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from May 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from May 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from May 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from May 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from November 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from November 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from November 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from November 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from November 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from November 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from November 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from November 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from November 2020
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Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from October 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from October 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from October 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from October 2015
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Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from October 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use dmy dates from October 2018
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Wikipedia - Category:Use Hiberno-English from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from April 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from April 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from August 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from August 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from August 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from December 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from December 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from February 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from February 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from February 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from January 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from January 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from July 2017
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Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from June 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from June 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from June 2020
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Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from March 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from March 2015
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Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from November 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Indian English from October 2015
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Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from December 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from June 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from March 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from May 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from May 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from November 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from November 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from November 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from November 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from November 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from November 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from November 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from November 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from November 2020
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Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from October 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from October 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from October 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from October 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from October 2016
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Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from October 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from September 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use mdy dates from September 2020
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Wikipedia - Category:Use New Zealand English from February 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Use New Zealand English from June 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use New Zealand English from October 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Oxford spelling from August 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use Oxford spelling from December 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use Oxford spelling from February 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Oxford spelling from January 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Oxford spelling from January 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Oxford spelling from July 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Oxford spelling from June 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Oxford spelling from March 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Oxford spelling from May 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use Oxford spelling from May 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Oxford spelling from May 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Use Oxford spelling from May 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use Oxford spelling from October 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use Oxford spelling from October 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Use Oxford spelling from September 2017
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Wikipedia - Category:Use Pakistani English from February 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Pakistani English from March 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Pakistani English from November 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Use Pakistani English from November 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Use Philippine English from January 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Use shortened footnotes from December 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use shortened footnotes from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Use South African English from April 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Use South African English from September 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous geographic scope from August 2020
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Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous geographic scope from January 2021
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Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from April 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from April 2011
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Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from April 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from April 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from April 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from April 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from August 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from August 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from August 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from August 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from August 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from August 2013
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Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from August 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from August 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from August 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from August 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from August 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from December 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from December 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from December 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from December 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from December 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from December 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from December 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from December 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from December 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from December 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from December 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from December 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from December 2020
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Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from February 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from February 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from February 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from February 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from February 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from February 2014
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Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from February 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from February 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from February 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from February 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from February 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from February 2021
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Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from January 2010
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Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from January 2014
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Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from January 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from January 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from January 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from January 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from January 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from January 2021
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Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from July 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from July 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from July 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from July 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from July 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from June 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from June 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from June 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from June 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from June 2013
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Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from June 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from June 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from June 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from June 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from June 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from March 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from March 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from March 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from March 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from March 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from March 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from March 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from March 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from March 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from March 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from March 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from March 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from March 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from May 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from May 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from May 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from May 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from May 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from May 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from May 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from May 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from May 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from May 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from May 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from May 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from November 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from November 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from November 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from November 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from November 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from November 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from November 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from November 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from November 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from November 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from November 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from November 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from October 2008
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from October 2009
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from October 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from October 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from October 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from October 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from October 2014
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from October 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from October 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from October 2017
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Wikipedia - Category:Vague or ambiguous time from October 2019
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Wikipedia - Category:Women educators from Kerala
Wikipedia - Category:Women educators from Puducherry
Wikipedia - Category:Women educators from Rajasthan
Wikipedia - Category:Women from Kerala
Wikipedia - Category:Women writers from Puducherry
Wikipedia - Category:Women writers from Tamil Nadu
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Alberta
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Ashland, Oregon
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Baden-Wrttemberg
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Baltimore
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Berlin
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Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Brooklyn
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Buenos Aires
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Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Calgary
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from California
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Cambridge, Massachusetts
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Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Chicago
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Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Edmonton
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Florence
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Fort Collins, Colorado
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Frankfurt
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Gansu
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Georgia (U.S. state)
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Hawaii
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Helsinki
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Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Illinois
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Wikipedia - Category:Writers from London
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Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Moscow
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Nanjing
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Nevada
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Newark, New Jersey
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from New Haven, Connecticut
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from New Rochelle, New York
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Newton, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from New York City
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Niigata Prefecture
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Ontario
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Opava
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Ostrobothnia (region)
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Oxford
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Palo Alto, California
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Paris
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Peoria, Illinois
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Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Portland, Maine
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Prague
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Puducherry
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Puebla
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Wikipedia - Category:Writers from San Diego
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from San Francisco
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Saxony-Anhalt
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Schenectady, New York
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Seattle
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Shanghai
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Somerville, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Springfield, Illinois
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Springfield, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from St. Louis
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Stuttgart
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Sussex
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Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Taos, New Mexico
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Texas
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from the Bronx
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from the Province of Mantua
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from the San Francisco Bay Area
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Topeka, Kansas
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Toronto
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Tulsa, Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Turin
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Valjevo
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Varanasi
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Vienna
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from West Virginia
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Xi'an
Wikipedia - Category:Writers of the Romantic era
Wikipedia - Caterina Coromina i Agusti -- 19th-century Spanish Catholic nun and religious founder
Wikipedia - Cat eye syndrome
Wikipedia - Catfish stew -- Fish stew from the American South
Wikipedia - Catgut -- Type of cord made from refined natural fibres of animal intestines
Wikipedia - Cat hair mustache puzzle -- Puzzle from video game Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
Wikipedia - Cathedral of Brasilia -- Roman Catholic cathedral in Brazil
Wikipedia - Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption, Port-au-Prince -- Ruined Roman Catholic cathedral in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Wikipedia - Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Blaj -- Romanian Greek Catholic cathedral
Wikipedia - Cathedral of the Lord's Ascension, Bacau -- Church in Bacau, Romania
Wikipedia - Catherine Abercrombie -- American politician
Wikipedia - Catherine (Benzoni novel) -- A series of French historical romance novels by the author Juliette Benzoni
Wikipedia - Catherine Cortez Masto -- United States Senator from Nevada
Wikipedia - Catherine Coulter -- American romance novelist
Wikipedia - Catherine Romano -- French gymnast
Wikipedia - Catherine Seton -- American Roman Catholic religious sister
Wikipedia - Catherine the Great -- Empress of Russia from 1762 to 1796
Wikipedia - Catheryna Rombout Brett -- American landowner
Wikipedia - Cathie Wright -- American politician from California
Wikipedia - Catholic Church in Afghanistan -- Roman Catholicism in Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Catholic Church in France -- Roman Catholicism in France
Wikipedia - Catholic Church in Ireland -- Roman Catholic Church on the island of Ireland, including Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Catholic Church in Puerto Rico -- Part of the worldwide Catholic Church in communion with the Pope in Rome
Wikipedia - Catholic Church in Romania
Wikipedia - Catholic Herald -- London-based Roman Catholic monthly newspaper
Wikipedia - -- Online database of bishops and dioceses of the Roman & Eastern Catholic Churches
Wikipedia - Catholic League (German) -- Coalition of Catholic states of the Holy Roman Empire (1609-1635)
Wikipedia - Catholic schools in the United Kingdom -- Parochial educational institutions operated by Roman Catholic organisations in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Catholic Young Men's National Union -- Roman Catholic voluntary organisation set up in the USA in 1875
Wikipedia - Cathy Breen -- American politician from Falmouth, Maine
Wikipedia - Cathy Gale -- Fictional character from the Avengers television series
Wikipedia - Catiline Orations -- Set of speeches to the Roman Senate given by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Wikipedia - Catiline -- Ancient Roman Senator who attempted to overthrow the Republic
Wikipedia - Catocala promissa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Caton Theodorian -- Romanian writer
Wikipedia - Catoptromancy
Wikipedia - Cato the Elder -- Roman politician, soldier, writer and economist
Wikipedia - Cato the Younger -- Roman statesman, general and writer
Wikipedia - Cat S50 -- Mobile phone from Caterpillar Inc.
Wikipedia - Cat S60 -- Smartphone from Caterpillar Inc.
Wikipedia - Cats: Highlights from the Motion Picture Soundtrack -- 2019 soundtrack by various artists
Wikipedia - Catullus -- Latin poet of the late Roman Republic (c84-c54 BCE)
Wikipedia - Catus Decianus -- 1st century AD procurator of Roman Britain
Wikipedia - Caubiac Treasure -- Roman hoard
Wikipedia - Cauda equina syndrome -- Nerve damage at the end of the spinal cord
Wikipedia - Caught in that Feeling -- 2008 song performed by Daniel Lindstrom
Wikipedia - Cauliflory -- Botanical term referring to plants that flower from their main stems
Wikipedia - Causes and origins of Tourette syndrome
Wikipedia - Cavallo Romano della Maremma Laziale -- horse breed from the Lazio region of Italy
Wikipedia - Cavalry -- Soldiers or warriors fighting from horseback
Wikipedia - Caviar -- Food consisting of salt-cured, fully ripe internal egg masses of female wild sturgeon from the Caspian Sea and Black Sea
Wikipedia - Cavour (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Cazeresia -- Genus of leaf beetles from New Caledonia
Wikipedia - CBBC -- BBC children's television brand for children aged from 6 to 12
Wikipedia - CBF Malaga Costa del Sol -- Women's handball team from Malaga, Spain
Wikipedia - CCSDS File Delivery Protocol -- Protocol for transferring files from space to Earth
Wikipedia - C. Denise Marcelle -- American politician from Louisiana
Wikipedia - CDJ -- Line of CD players from Pioneer
Wikipedia - CD-ROM drive
Wikipedia - CD-ROM -- Pre-pressed compact disc containing computer data
Wikipedia - Cecilia Choi -- Chinese actress from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Cecilia Clare Bocard -- Musician and composer from the USA
Wikipedia - Cecilia Eusepi -- Italian Roman Catholic
Wikipedia - Cecilia Malmstrom -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Cecilia Romo -- Mexican actress
Wikipedia - Cecilia Suyat Marshall -- American civil rights activist and historian from Hawaii
Wikipedia - Cecilia, vergine romana -- A composition for mixed choir and orchestra by Estonian composer Arvo PM-CM-$rt
Wikipedia - Cecilia Wigstrom -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Cecilia Wikstrom -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Cecily Jordan v. Greville Pooley dispute -- Prosecution for breach of promise
Wikipedia - CEC Palace -- Heritage site in Bucharest, Romania
Wikipedia - Cedric Daniels -- Character from The Wire
Wikipedia - Cedric Diggory -- Fictional character from Harry Potter
Wikipedia - Cedric Kushner -- Boxing promoter
Wikipedia - CEFC China Energy -- Bankrupted private company from China
Wikipedia - Ceionia gens -- Families in ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Celebrity -- Prominent person or group who commands some degree of public fascination and appears in the media
Wikipedia - Celeste Bradley -- American author of romance novels
Wikipedia - Celeste De Blasis -- American historical romance writer
Wikipedia - Celestina Popa -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Celestine and Etta Tavernier -- Fictional characters from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Celia Gould -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Celia Grillo Borromeo -- Italian mathematician and scientist
Wikipedia - Celibacy syndrome
Wikipedia - Cellar Darling -- Folk metal band from Switzerland
Wikipedia - Cell Block Tango -- Song from the 1975 musical "Chicago"
Wikipedia - Cellchrome -- Japanese rock band under the Being label
Wikipedia - Cell membrane -- Biological membrane that separates the interior of a cell from its outside environment
Wikipedia - Cellophane noodles -- Transparent noodle made from starch
Wikipedia - Cellular respiration -- Metabolic reactions in the cells of organisms converting chemical energy from oxygen molecules or nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) while releasing waste byproducts.
Wikipedia - Cemetery Sunday -- Annual ancestor veneration observance of the Roman Catholic church
Wikipedia - C. E. Murphy -- American-Irish fantasy and romance writer
Wikipedia - Cencio la Parolaccia -- Restaurant in Rome
Wikipedia - CENPF -- Centromere- and microtubule-associated protein
Wikipedia - CENPJ -- Centromere- and microtubule-associated protein
Wikipedia - CENPT -- Centromere- and microtubule-associated protein
Wikipedia - Censorius -- Roman noble
Wikipedia - Censorship by Google -- Google's removal or omission of information from its services or those of its subsidiary companies
Wikipedia - Censorship in Communist Romania -- Communist Romania strict rules
Wikipedia - Center of curvature -- It is a center of sphere from which mirror had taken
Wikipedia - Central American Seaway -- A body of water that once separated North America from South America
Wikipedia - Central Australia (territory) -- Territory of Australia that existed from 1927 to 1931
Wikipedia - Central cord syndrome -- Human spinal cord disorder
Wikipedia - Central Eastern Marine Park -- Australian marine park offshore from the edge of the continental shelf off New South Wales
Wikipedia - Central hypoventilation syndrome
Wikipedia - Centralia (Essery Field) Aerodrome -- Airfield in Canada
Wikipedia - Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants -- Research institute
Wikipedia - Centre for Human Rights -- Organisation promoting human rights in Africa
Wikipedia - Centre for the Book -- Centre in Cape Town to promote literacy, reading, and publishing
Wikipedia - Centrifugal force -- An inertial force directed away from an axis passing through the origin of a coordinate system and parallel to an axis about which the coordinate system is rotating
Wikipedia - Centromere protein E -- Centromere- and microtubule-associated protein
Wikipedia - Centromeres
Wikipedia - Centromere
Wikipedia - Centromyrmex feae -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Centromyrmex -- Genus of ants
Wikipedia - Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia -- Italian national film school in Rome
Wikipedia - Centum Prata -- Former Roman Vicus in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Ceprano Man -- A prehistoric human skull cap from Italy.
Wikipedia - Ceramic art -- Decorative objects made from clay and other raw materials by the process of pottery
Wikipedia - Ceramic engineering -- The science and technology of creating objects from inorganic, non-metallic materials
Wikipedia - Cerasela Hordobetiu -- Romanian speed skater
Wikipedia - Cerasela Patrascu -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Ceratosaurus -- Genus of theropod dinosaur from the Late Jurassic period
Wikipedia - Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome
Wikipedia - Cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome -- Cognitive and affective symptoms of cerebellum damage
Wikipedia - Ceres (mythology) -- Roman goddess of agriculture
Wikipedia - Cernavoda Bridge -- Bridge in Romania
Wikipedia - CernM-CM-) oM-DM-^Mi, proM-DM-^M plaM-DM-^Mete...? -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Ceromitia arata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Cerquita De Mi -- 2019 song by Patrick Romantik
Wikipedia - Cerromaior -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - Certificate of occupancy -- Document issued by a government authority, usually from the local government, certifying that a property is fit for a specific use in accordance with the applicable regulations.
Wikipedia - Certificate of relief from disabilities -- U.S. legal document
Wikipedia - Certificate signing request -- Message from an applicant to a certificate authority to apply for a digital identity certificate; lists the public key the certificate should be issued for, identifying information (e.g. domain name) and integrity protection (e.g. digital signature)
Wikipedia - Cervical cancer -- Cancer arising from the cervix
Wikipedia - Ceryneian Hind -- Animal from Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Cesar Argelli -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Cesare Bartorelli -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Cesare Borgia -- Duke of Romagna and former Catholic cardinal
Wikipedia - Cesare Marullo -- Roman Catholic prelate
Wikipedia - Cesare Mazzolari -- Roman Catholic bishop in South Sudan
Wikipedia - Cesare Romiti -- Italian economist and businessman
Wikipedia - Cesare Sperelli -- 18th-century Italian Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Cesar Romero -- American actor
Wikipedia - CES MMA -- Mixed martial arts promoter based in Rhode Island
Wikipedia - Cessna T-41 Mescalero -- US built military training aircraft series developed from Cessna 172
Wikipedia - Cestia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Cestius Gallus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Cestvs: The Roman Fighter -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Cet mac Magach -- Mythological warrior from Ireland
Wikipedia - CET Pitesti -- Abandoned chimney in Pitesti, Romania
Wikipedia - Ceva's theorem -- On the ratios of lines segments from a triangle's vertices passing through a common point
Wikipedia - Cezar Raducanu -- Romanian modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Cezerye -- Semi-gelatinous Turkish sweet made from caramelised carrots
Wikipedia - CFND-FM -- Radio station in Saint-Jerome, Quebec
Wikipedia - CFTL (pirate radio) -- Former pirate radio station that operated in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from 1969 to 1971
Wikipedia - CGCG 049-033 -- Elliptical galaxy located 600 million light-years from Earth
Wikipedia - Chabad offshoot groups -- Religious groups spawned from the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic Jewish movement
Wikipedia - Chad Allen (curler) -- Canadian curler from Brantford, Ontario
Wikipedia - Chad Christensen (Idaho politician) -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Chad Christensen (Nevada politician) -- American politician from Nevada
Wikipedia - Chad Cromwell -- American rock drummer
Wikipedia - Chad Fincher -- American politician from Semmes, Alabama
Wikipedia - Chafika Meslem -- Politician from Algeria
Wikipedia - Chaitanya Mahaprabhu -- Indian Vaishnavite saint from Bengal
Wikipedia - Chakma people -- Ethnic group from the Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - Chakotay -- Character from Star Trek: Voyager
Wikipedia - Chakradhar Behera -- Revolutionary from Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Chalav Yisrael -- Dairy products, including cheese and non-fat dry milk powder, which derive from milk that has been milked under the supervision of a religiously observant Jew
Wikipedia - Chalbaaz -- 2018 Indian Bengali romantic comedy film by Joydip Mukherjee
Wikipedia - Chalcolithic Temple of Ein Gedi -- Public building in modern-day Israel, dating from about 3500 BCE
Wikipedia - Chamame -- Folk music genre from Northeast Argentina and Argentinian Mesopotamia
Wikipedia - Chamber of commerce -- Organization for the promotion of business interests
Wikipedia - Chamil Cooray -- Sri Lankan carrom player
Wikipedia - Chamillionaire -- American rapper, entrepreneur, and investor from Texas
Wikipedia - Champagne-en-Valromey -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Champfromier -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Chana masala -- Chickpea dish from the Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - Chance the Rapper -- American rapper from Illinois
Wikipedia - Chanda Romero -- Filipino television personality
Wikipedia - Chandigarh Amritsar Chandigarh -- 2019 Indian Punjabi-language romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Chandrakant Khaire -- Indian politician from Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Chandra Sekhar Sahu -- Politician from Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Chanel Oberlin -- Fictional character from the Fox series Scream Queens
Wikipedia - Changeable hawk-eagle -- Crested hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus) from South and Southeast Asia
Wikipedia - Chan Mou -- Chinese comic artist from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Channels TV -- 24-hour overseas news channel from Nigeria
Wikipedia - Chantelle (band) -- Merengue musical group from Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Chaourse Treasure -- Roman hoard found in France
Wikipedia - Chapalmalania -- Extinct genus of procyonid mammals from South America
Wikipedia - Chapel of the Blessed Virgin of Lujan, Antarctica -- Roman Catholic chapel on Seymour-Marambio Island, Antarctica
Wikipedia - Chaplain of His Holiness -- Ecclesiastical title in the Roman Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Chapman-Enskog theory -- Framework allowing the equations of hydrodynamics for a gas to be derived from the Boltzmann equation
Wikipedia - Characters in Romeo and Juliet -- none
Wikipedia - Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease -- Neuromuscular disease that is characterized by a slowly progressive degeneration of the muscles of the foot, lower leg, hand and forearm
Wikipedia - Charcuterie -- Branch of cooking of prepared meat products, primarily from pork
Wikipedia - Charing Cross -- The point from which distances from London are measured
Wikipedia - Chariot racing -- Ancient Greek, Roman, and Byzantine sport
Wikipedia - Charity Dingle -- fictional character from the ITV soap opera Emmerdale
Wikipedia - Charlemagne -- King of the Franks, King of Italy, and Holy Roman Emperor
Wikipedia - Charlene Robinson -- Fictional character from the soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Charles A. Beggs -- American politician from Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Charles A. Brown High School -- Charles A. Brown High School was a high school open from 1962 to 1982 in United States.
Wikipedia - Charles Albright -- American killer from Dallas, Texas
Wikipedia - Charles Allen (D.C. politician) -- American politician from Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Charles Bonnet syndrome
Wikipedia - Charles Borromeo
Wikipedia - Charles Brown (New Zealand politician, born 1820) -- New Zealand politician from the Taranaki area
Wikipedia - Charles Coiner -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Charles Cragin -- American politician from Maine
Wikipedia - Charles Crombie -- Australian Second World War flying ace
Wikipedia - Charles de CroM-CM-? -- Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Charles D. Luce -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Charles Durkee -- 19th century American pioneer, Congressman, U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, 6th Governor of the Utah Territory.
Wikipedia - Charles Eberle -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Charles Faroux -- Motorsport official, race director and french carom world champion, born 1872, died 1957
Wikipedia - Charles G. Bennett -- American politician from New York
Wikipedia - Charles G. Reavis -- American politician from North Carolina
Wikipedia - Charles Hamilton (rapper) -- American rapper, singer-songwriter, and record producer from New York
Wikipedia - Charles Hawksley -- Civil engineer from Nottingham, England
Wikipedia - Charles H. Barbour -- American politician from Virginia
Wikipedia - Charles III's Departure for Spain, Seen from the Land -- Painting by Antonio Joli in the National Museum of Capodimonte, Naples
Wikipedia - Charles III's Departure for Spain, Seen from the Sea -- Painting by Antonio Joli in the National Museum of Capodimonte, Naples
Wikipedia - Charles I Insulted by Cromwell's Soldiers -- 1836 painting by Paul Delaroche
Wikipedia - Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor -- 14th century Holy Roman Emperor of the House of Luxembourg
Wikipedia - Charles IV of Spain -- King of Spain and the Spanish Empire from 1788 to 1808
Wikipedia - Charles K. Field -- Poet and journalist from California
Wikipedia - Charles Knox -- American composer, educator and trombonist
Wikipedia - Charles Logan (24) -- Character from the television series 24
Wikipedia - Charles Mathias -- American politician from Maryland
Wikipedia - Charles Miller (American politician) -- American politician from North Carolina
Wikipedia - Charles Morgan Jr. -- American civil rights attorney from Alabama
Wikipedia - Charles Moseley -- American politician from Indiana
Wikipedia - Charles Postles Jr. -- American politician from Delaware
Wikipedia - Charles Rangel -- Former congressman from Harlem, New York, U.S.
Wikipedia - Charles R. Imbrecht -- American politician from southern California
Wikipedia - Charles Robin Britt -- American politician from North Carolina
Wikipedia - Charles Rogers (New York politician) -- U.S. Representative from New York
Wikipedia - Charles Romeyn Dake -- American writer and physician
Wikipedia - Charles Rothschild -- English entomologist and member of the prominent Rothschild family
Wikipedia - Charles Scott (governor) -- Governor of Kentucky from 1808 to 1812
Wikipedia - Charles the Bald -- 9th century Holy Roman Emperor
Wikipedia - Charles Upson Clark -- American classical and Romance philologist
Wikipedia - Charles Vannerom -- Belgian modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor -- 16th-century Holy Roman Emperor, King of Spain, Archduke of Austria, and Duke of Burgundy
Wikipedia - Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor -- 18th century Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor
Wikipedia - Charles VII, Holy Roman Emperor
Wikipedia - Charles Widmore -- Fictional character from the TV series Lost
Wikipedia - Charles Winston Thompson -- Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Alabama's 5th district
Wikipedia - Charles W. Romeyn -- American architect
Wikipedia - Charley Bates -- Character from Charles Dickens Oliver Twist
Wikipedia - Charley Lippincott -- Author, promoter and jazz fan.
Wikipedia - Charlie Blanton -- Racecar driver from South Carolina
Wikipedia - Charlie Brown (Indiana politician) -- American politician from Indiana
Wikipedia - Charlie Cotton (2014 character) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Charlie Cotton -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Charlie Eastwood -- Racing driver from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Charlie Fairhead -- Fictional character from the BBC medical dramas Casualty and Holby City
Wikipedia - Charlie Harper (Two and a Half Men) -- Fictional character from the television series Two and a Half Men
Wikipedia - Charlie Kelly (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia) -- Character from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Wikipedia - Charlie Pace -- Character from the American mystery fiction television series Lost
Wikipedia - Charlie Ringo -- American politician from Oregon
Wikipedia - Charlie Slater -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Charlie Spradling -- Actor from the United States
Wikipedia - Charlie Williams (pool player) -- Pool player and promoter
Wikipedia - Charlie Wilson (singer) -- American singer, songwriter and escort producer from Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Charlotte Aubin -- Canadian actress from Quebec
Wikipedia - Charlotte King -- Fictional character from the television series Private Practice
Wikipedia - Charlotte Lewis (Lost) -- Fictional character from the TV series Lost
Wikipedia - Charmin -- American toilet paper brand from Procter & Gamble
Wikipedia - Charodi (community) -- Community from Karnataka, India
Wikipedia - Charon -- Ferryman of Hades in Greek-Roman mythology
Wikipedia - Charta 77 (band) -- Punkrock band from Sweden
Wikipedia - Chart datum -- The level of water from which depths displayed on a nautical chart are measured
Wikipedia - Chartres Cathedral -- Medieval Roman Rite Catholic cathedral
Wikipedia - Chase Crawford -- American actor from Monroe, Ohio
Wikipedia - Chasing Amy -- 1997 American romantic comedy-drama film by Kevin Smith
Wikipedia - Chasles-Cayley-Brill formula -- On the number of united points of a correspondence from an algebraic curve to itself
Wikipedia - Chattanooga Choo Choo -- Original song composed by Harry Warren with lyrics by Mack Gordon; from the 1941 film M-bM-^@M-^\Sun Valley SerenadeM-bM-^@M-^]
Wikipedia - Chattanooga, Rome and Southern Railroad -- historical Georgia and Tennessee railroad
Wikipedia - Chatti pathiri -- Layered pastry from India
Wikipedia - Chatuzange Treasure -- Roman hoard
Wikipedia - Chaulukya dynasty -- Indian dynasty that ruled Gujarat from c. 940 to 1244
Wikipedia - Chavornay, Ain -- Part of Arviere-en-Valromey in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Checksum -- A small-size datum computed from digital data for detecting transmission errors
Wikipedia - Cheesehead -- Nickname for people from Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Chekannur Maulavi -- An secular Islamist from Kerala
Wikipedia - Chelation therapy -- Medical procedure to remove heavy metals from the body
Wikipedia - Chellie Pingree -- U.S. Representative from Maine
Wikipedia - Chelsea Fox -- Fictional character from EastEnders
Wikipedia - Chemical cartridge -- container that cleans pollution from air inhaled through it
Wikipedia - Chemical depilatory -- Cosmetic preparation used to remove hair from the skin
Wikipedia - Chemical Hearts -- American romantic drama film
Wikipedia - Chemorepulsion -- Directional movement of a cell away from a substance
Wikipedia - Chen Jiayong -- Chinese hydrometallurgist and chemical engineer
Wikipedia - Chennai 2 Singapore -- 2017 Tamil-language romantic comedy film directed by Abbas Akbar featuring Gokul Anand and Anju Kurian
Wikipedia - Chen Zhi (guitarist) -- Chinese guitar teacher and promoter
Wikipedia - Cherasim Munteanu -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Cheri Dennis -- American R&B singer from Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Cherie Buckner-Webb -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Cherie Chung -- |Chinese actress from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Cheri Jahn -- American politician from Colorado
Wikipedia - Chermoula -- Relish from Maghrebi cuisine
Wikipedia - Cherni Vit cheese -- A Bulgarian sheep milk cheese from the village of Cherni Vit
Wikipedia - Cherokee-American wars -- Series of battles lasting from 1776 to 1795
Wikipedia - Cherrish Pryor -- American politician from Indiana
Wikipedia - Cheshire Cat -- Character from Carrolls Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Wikipedia - Cheshire cheese -- Cheese from Cheshire, England
Wikipedia - Cheshire Lines Committee -- Railway in England: active from 1863 to 1947
Wikipedia - Chesney Brown -- Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Chess pie -- Pie from the American South
Wikipedia - Chess variant -- Games related to, derived from or inspired by chess
Wikipedia - Chester Brown -- Cartoonist from Canada
Wikipedia - Chetan Dudi -- Indian politician from Rajasthan
Wikipedia - Chet Helms -- American music promoter
Wikipedia - Chetta Chevalier -- Critical node in Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty's "Rome Escape Line" network operating in the Vatican during World War Two
Wikipedia - Chettiar -- A Hindu Vaishya title from Southern India
Wikipedia - Cheung Chung-kiu -- Chinese businessman from Chongqing
Wikipedia - Chevrolet Camaro (fourth generation) -- Fourth generation of the muscle/pony car manufactured by American automobile manufacturer Chevrolet from 1992&ndash;2002
Wikipedia - Chevrolet Cruze -- Compact car marketed by GM from 2008-2019
Wikipedia - Chevrotin -- A soft goat's milk based cheese from the historical region of Savoy, France
Wikipedia - Chevy Woods -- American rapper from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Chew Green -- Roman military installation in Northumberland, England
Wikipedia - Chewy: Esc from F5 -- 1995 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Chhayavaad -- Era of Neo-romanticism in Hindi literature
Wikipedia - Chhena kheeri -- sweet dish originally from Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Chhena poda -- Cheese dessert from Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Chhundo -- Kind of Indian pickle from Gujarat
Wikipedia - Chia (goddess) -- Triple goddess from the Muisca religion of South America
Wikipedia - Chi Andromedae -- Star in the constellation Andromeda
Wikipedia - Chiara Fancelli -- Prominent figure in Florentine history
Wikipedia - Chiasmal syndrome -- Set of signs and symptoms that are associated with lesions of the optic chiasm
Wikipedia - Chicago (2002 film) -- 2002 musical film directed by Rob Marshall adapted from the satirical stage musical of the same name
Wikipedia - Chicago (band) -- American rock band from Chicago
Wikipedia - Chicago Cares -- Nonprofit that promotes volunteering in Chicago, Illinois, US
Wikipedia - Chicha morada -- Prehispanic corn beverage from Peru
Wikipedia - Chicha -- Beverage from prehispanic Latin America
Wikipedia - Chickamauga Cherokee -- Group of Cherokee that separated from the greater tribal body
Wikipedia - Chicken lollipop -- Fried chicken appetizer from Indo-Chinese cuisine
Wikipedia - Chicken nugget -- Chicken product made from chicken meat that is breaded or battered, then deep-fried or baked
Wikipedia - Chicle -- Natural gum derived from trees of the genus Manilkara
Wikipedia - Chicoutimi/Saint-Honore Aerodrome -- Airport in Saint-Honore, Canada
Wikipedia - Chief Keef -- American rapper, singer, songwriter, and record producer from Illinois
Wikipedia - Chief Minister of Singapore -- Head of government of the Crown colony of Singapore from 1955 to 1959
Wikipedia - Chief Wiggum -- Fictional character from The Simpsons franchise
Wikipedia - Chiesa del Cristo, Venafro -- Roman Catholic church in Venafro, Italy
Wikipedia - Chiesa della Madonnalta, Acqui Terme -- Roman Catholic church in Acqui Terme, Italy
Wikipedia - Chie Satonaka -- Fictional character from the 2008 video game Persona 4
Wikipedia - Chikan (embroidery) -- Traditional embroidery style from Lucknow, India
Wikipedia - Chikara (professional wrestling) -- Professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - Chilantaisaurus -- Theropod dinosaur genus from the Late Cretaceous period
Wikipedia - Child abduction -- Unauthorized removal of a minor from the custody of the child's natural parents or legally appointed guardians
Wikipedia - Childbirth -- Expulsion of a fetus from the pregnant mother's uterus
Wikipedia - Childe Byron -- 1977 play by Romulus Linney
Wikipedia - Childhood -- Sociological term describing human age from birth to adolescence
Wikipedia - Child protection -- Protecting children from violence, exploitation and abuse
Wikipedia - Children of Chrome -- 2016 album by Void of Vision
Wikipedia - Children of Jazz -- 1923 film by Jerome Storm
Wikipedia - Children's Crusade -- Attempted crusade by European Christians to expel Muslims from the Holy Land
Wikipedia - Chilean wine -- Wine from Chile
Wikipedia - Chillwave -- Electronic pop genre from the late 2000s
Wikipedia - Chimaeromyrma -- Genus of ant
Wikipedia - Chim Chim Cher-ee -- Song from the 1964 Mary Poppins musical motion picture
Wikipedia - Chimera (molecular biology) -- A single nucleic acid sequence created from fragments that are normally separated
Wikipedia - Chimera (mythology) -- Mythical or fictional creature with parts taken from various animals
Wikipedia - China at the Olympics -- Participation of athletes from the People's Republic of China in the Olympic Games
Wikipedia - China chilo -- Mutton dish from Victorian cuisine
Wikipedia - China Railways ND2 -- Romanian diesel-electric locomotive used in China
Wikipedia - Chinatown (1974 film) -- 1974 film directed by Roman Polanski
Wikipedia - Chinese calendar -- Lunisolar calendar from China
Wikipedia - Chinese postal romanization -- System of romanization of Chinese place names
Wikipedia - Chinese Restaurant Syndrome
Wikipedia - Chinese Rites controversy -- 17th-18th-century dispute among Roman Catholic missionaries
Wikipedia - Chinese spoon -- A type of spoon used in Chinese cuisine with a short, thick handle extending directly from a deep, flat bowl
Wikipedia - Chingachgook, die groM-CM-^_e Schlange -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - Ching Miao -- |Chinese actor from Taiwan
Wikipedia - Chinx -- American rapper from New York
Wikipedia - Chip LaMarca -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Chip Roy -- U.S. Representative from Texas
Wikipedia - Chipzel -- musician from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Chirac Marcov -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Chiromancer
Wikipedia - Chiron -- Centaur, figure from Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Chithiram Pesuthadi -- 2006 Tamil romantic drama thriller film
Wikipedia - Chito Soganub -- Filipino Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Chito S. RoM-CM-1o -- Filipino writer, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Chitrabhanu -- Leader and prominent figure in American Jainism
Wikipedia - Chiung Yao -- Chinese romance novelist based in Taiwan
Wikipedia - Chivalric romance -- Type of prose and verse narrative
Wikipedia - Chivito (sandwich) -- Beef sandwich from Uruguay
Wikipedia - Chivu Stoica -- 48th Prime Minister of Romania
Wikipedia - Chloe Brennan (Neighbours) -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Chloe Maxmin -- American politician from Maine
Wikipedia - Chloe Sullivan -- Fictional character from Smallville
Wikipedia - Chlorpromazine -- Antipsychotic medication
Wikipedia - Chlynovia -- Extinct genus of therapsids from the Late Permian of Russia
Wikipedia - ChM-CM-"teau des Adhemar -- Castle in Montelimar, Drome, France
Wikipedia - Chng Seok Tin -- Visually-impaired artist from Singapore
Wikipedia - Choana -- Each of two openings from the nasal cavity to the throat
Wikipedia - Chocolat (2000 film) -- 2000 British-American romance film directed by Lasse Hallstrom
Wikipedia - Chocolate salami -- Dessert made from cocoa, broken biscuits, butter, eggs and a bit of port wine or rum
Wikipedia - Chocolate -- Food produced from the seed of Theobroma cacao
Wikipedia - Chocolatier -- Someone who makes confectionery from chocolate
Wikipedia - Choctaw -- Native American people originally from the Southeastern United States
Wikipedia - Choeromorpha -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Choerosaurus -- Genus of therapsids from the Late Permian of South Africa
Wikipedia - Choi Gyung-hwan -- Korean politician from South Korea
Wikipedia - Choking -- Mechanical obstruction of the flow of air from the environment into the lungs
Wikipedia - Chokwe Lumumba -- Lawyer and politician from the USA
Wikipedia - Chola art and architecture -- Art from the period of the imperial Cholas (c. 850 CE - 1250 CE) in South India
Wikipedia - Chole bhature -- Dish from the Delhi
Wikipedia - Chondrometopum -- Genus of picture-winged flies
Wikipedia - Chori Chori Chupke Chupke -- 2001 Indian Hindi-language romantic drama film by Abbas-Mustan
Wikipedia - Chororapithecus -- Extinct hominine genus from the Miocene
Wikipedia - Chorus of the Chesapeake -- American men's a cappella chorus from Maryland
Wikipedia - CHOY-TV -- Former TV station in Saint-Jerome, Quebec
Wikipedia - Chraime -- Spicy fish stew from Maghrebi cuisine
Wikipedia - Chris Abernathy -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Chris Barbosa -- American record producer from New York
Wikipedia - Chris Brown -- American singer, songwriter, and dancer from Virginia
Wikipedia - Chris Burke (actor) -- American Down syndrome advocate
Wikipedia - Chris Coons -- United States Senator from Delaware
Wikipedia - Chris Cwej -- Fictional character from Doctor Who spin off
Wikipedia - Chris Dodd -- Former United States Senator from Connecticut
Wikipedia - Chris Dold -- Canadian sailor from Oakville, Ontario
Wikipedia - Chris Griffin -- Fictional character from the Family Guy franchise
Wikipedia - Chris Hung (composer) -- Chris Hung is a music composer from Hong Kong.
Wikipedia - Chris Jacobs (politician) -- American politician from New York
Wikipedia - Chris King and Vicki Grant -- Characters from DC Comics
Wikipedia - Chris McAndrew -- Portrait photographer from West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Chris Pappas (politician) -- U.S. Representative from New Hampshire
Wikipedia - Chrissie Watts -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Chris Stewart (politician) -- U.S. Representative from Utah
Wikipedia - Chris Stokes (director) -- American record executive, talent manager, and film producer from California
Wikipedia - Christer Egerstrom -- Mexican equestrian
Wikipedia - Christian Borromeo -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Christian Clarke -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Christian demonology -- Study of demons from a Christian point of view
Wikipedia - Christian Farla -- Dutch magician from Rotterdam
Wikipedia - Christian Hebraist -- Scholar of Hebrew who comes from a Christian background
Wikipedia - Christian H. Kahl -- American politician from Maryland
Wikipedia - Christian Holler -- Olympic sailor from Austria
Wikipedia - Christian interpretations of Virgil's Eclogue 4 -- Reactions from Christians to the Eclogues
Wikipedia - Christianity in Ireland -- Largest religion in Ireland, Roman Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox and others
Wikipedia - Christianity in late antiquity -- Christianity in the Roman Empire (c.313 - c.476)
Wikipedia - Christianity in Romania
Wikipedia - Christian JaroM-EM-! -- Slovak professional ice hockey defenceman
Wikipedia - Christian Lindberg -- Swedish trombonist, conductor and composer (b1958)
Wikipedia - Christian Mann -- fictional character from a German TV program
Wikipedia - Christian philosophy -- Development in philosophy that is characterised by coming from a Christian tradition
Wikipedia - Christian Rudolph (billiards player) -- German carom billiards player
Wikipedia - Christian Strom -- Norwegian luger
Wikipedia - Christian Zimmerman -- American politician, pastor, and pilot from Idaho
Wikipedia - Christina GroM-CM-^_e -- German actress
Wikipedia - Christina Romer -- Economist
Wikipedia - Christine Barford -- Fictional character from BBC show The Archers
Wikipedia - Christine Davis (artist) -- Canadian artist from Vancouver
Wikipedia - Christine Drazan -- American politician from Oregon
Wikipedia - Christine Hewitt -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Christine Lee (actress) -- Film actress from Hong Kong, won award in 1987 for role in "Just Like Weather"
Wikipedia - Christine Pai -- |Chinese actress from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Christine Palm -- American politician from Connecticut
Wikipedia - Christmas in Romania -- Overview of the role and celebration of Christmas in Romania
Wikipedia - Christmas tree ladder -- Ladder with rungs cantilevered from a central rail
Wikipedia - Christoffel van den Berghe -- Painter from the Northern Netherlands (1590-1645)
Wikipedia - Christoph Bergmann -- Olympic sailor from Brazil
Wikipedia - Christophe Bernard -- Canadian writer from Quebec
Wikipedia - Christopher Crommett -- CNN's senior vice president in charge of CNN en EspaM-CM-1ol
Wikipedia - Christopher J. Coyne -- Roman Catholic bishop in the United States
Wikipedia - Christopher J. England -- American politician from Alabama, Chair of the Alabama Democratic Party
Wikipedia - Christopher Judy -- American politician from Indiana
Wikipedia - Christopher Kakooza -- Ugandan Roman Catholic prelate
Wikipedia - Christopher Moltisanti -- Fictional character from The Sopranos
Wikipedia - Christopher Prowse -- Roman Catholic archbishop (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Chris Traeger -- Fictional character from Parks and Recreation
Wikipedia - Christ's Resurrection Church, Kaunas -- Roman Catholic church in Kaunas, Lithuania
Wikipedia - Christuskirche, Rome
Wikipedia - Christy Carlson Romano -- American actress, comedian, voice actress and singer
Wikipedia - Christy Goldsmith Romero -- American lawyer and government official
Wikipedia - Christy Jenkins -- Fictional character from the American television supernatural drama Charmed
Wikipedia - Christy Perry -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Christy Zito -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Chris Walrus Dalzell -- Australian artist from Canberra
Wikipedia - Chris Webby -- American rapper from Connecticut
Wikipedia - Chris Wylde -- American actor from New Jersey
Wikipedia - Chromacilla -- Genus of beetle
Wikipedia - Chromaffin cell
Wikipedia - Chroma key -- Compositing technique
Wikipedia - Chromalizus -- Genus of beetle
Wikipedia - Chromalveolata -- Formerly classified as an eukaryote supergroup now as a megagroup including most photosynthetic eukaryotes
Wikipedia - Chroma subsampling
Wikipedia - Chromate ester -- Class of chemical compounds
Wikipedia - Chromatica -- 2020 studio album by Lady Gaga
Wikipedia - Chromatic circle -- Clock diagram for displaying relationships among pitch classes
Wikipedia - Chromatic Dark -- Finnish heavy metal band
Wikipedia - Chromaticism
Wikipedia - Chromaticity -- An objective specification of the quality of a color regardless of its luminance. A combination of hue and saturation.
Wikipedia - Chromatic (programmer) -- American computer programmer
Wikipedia - Chromatics (band) -- American electronic music band
Wikipedia - Chromatic scale -- Musical scale with twelve pitches, each a semitone, also known as a half-step, above or below another
Wikipedia - Chromatin immunoprecipitation
Wikipedia - Chromatin -- Complex of DNA and protein
Wikipedia - Chromatius
Wikipedia - Chromatography -- Set of physico-chemical techniques developed for the separation of mixtures
Wikipedia - Chromatophore -- Pigment-containing cells found in a wide range of animals
Wikipedia - Chrome Azurol S -- microbial stain
Wikipedia - Chromebit
Wikipedia - Chromebook Pixel
Wikipedia - Chromebooks
Wikipedia - Chromebook -- Laptop or tablet computer running Chrome OS
Wikipedia - Chromebox -- Small form-factor PC running Chrome OS
Wikipedia - Chrome browser
Wikipedia - Chromecast -- Line of digital media players developed by Google
Wikipedia - Chrome Engine
Wikipedia - Chrome Island Lighthouse -- Lighthouse in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Chrome OS -- Linux-based operating system developed by Google
Wikipedia - Chrome Peel -- Condition in automotive accessories
Wikipedia - Chrome programming language
Wikipedia - Chrome Remote Desktop -- Remote desktop software tool
Wikipedia - Chromesthesia
Wikipedia - Chrome V8
Wikipedia - Chrome Web Store
Wikipedia - Chromic acid
Wikipedia - Chrominance
Wikipedia - Chromis abyssus -- Species of fish
Wikipedia - Chromis (mythology) -- Mythological character
Wikipedia - Chromite
Wikipedia - Chromium browser
Wikipedia - Chromium B.S.U.
Wikipedia - Chromium (film) -- 2015 film
Wikipedia - Chromium(III) nitrate -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Chromium OS -- Linux distribution
Wikipedia - Chromium toxicity
Wikipedia - Chromium (web browser) -- Free and open-source cross-platform web browser
Wikipedia - Chromium -- Chemical element with atomic number 24
Wikipedia - Chromodoris strigata -- Species of mollusc
Wikipedia - Chromoeme -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Chromogen -- chemical compound that can be converted into a dye or pigment
Wikipedia - Chromolaena borinquensis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Chromolithography -- Method for making multi-colour prints
Wikipedia - Chromophobia (film) -- 2005 film by Martha Fiennes
Wikipedia - Chromophobia
Wikipedia - Chromophore -- the part of a molecule responsible for its color
Wikipedia - Chromoplast -- pigment-bearing organelle in plant cells
Wikipedia - Chromosomal crossover -- Cellular process
Wikipedia - Chromosomal inversion
Wikipedia - Chromosomal translocation
Wikipedia - Chromosomal
Wikipedia - Chromosome 12 -- One of the 23 pairs of chromosomes in Homo sapiens
Wikipedia - Chromosome 15 -- 101 million base pairs (the building material of DNA) and represents between 3% and 3.5% of the total DNA in cells. The human leukocyte antigen gene for M-NM-22-m
Wikipedia - Chromosome 19 open reading frame 33 -- Protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens
Wikipedia - Chromosome 1 open reading frame 194 -- Human gene
Wikipedia - Chromosome 5q deletion syndrome -- Human disease
Wikipedia - Chromosome 7 (human)
Wikipedia - Chromosome 8 -- Human chromosome
Wikipedia - Chromosome 9 -- Human chromosome
Wikipedia - Chromosome abnormality -- Abnormal number or structure of chromosomes
Wikipedia - Chromosome banding
Wikipedia - Chromosome conformation capture
Wikipedia - Chromosome (genetic algorithm)
Wikipedia - Chromosomes
Wikipedia - Chromosome -- DNA molecule containing genetic material of a cell
Wikipedia - Chromosphere -- A layer in the Sun's atmosphere above the photosphere
Wikipedia - Chromotherapy -- Alternative medicine method also known as color therapy
Wikipedia - Chronic fatigue syndrome -- Medical condition involving extreme fatigue among other symptoms
Wikipedia - Chronicon (Jerome)
Wikipedia - Chronology of warfare between the Romans and Germanic tribes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Chronospecies -- A species derived from a sequential development pattern which involves continual and uniform changes from an extinct ancestral form on an evolutionary scale
Wikipedia - Chthonosaurus -- Extinct genus of therapsids from the Late Permian of Russia
Wikipedia - Chuck Brannan -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Chuck Morse -- American politician from New Hampshire
Wikipedia - Chuck Schumer -- U.S. Democratic Senator from the State of New York, Senate Minority Leader
Wikipedia - Chullo -- Knitted cap with ear flaps from the Andes
Wikipedia - Chun Doo-hwan -- Korean army general and President from 1980 to 1988
Wikipedia - Chupke Se -- 2003 Bollywood Romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Churaman -- Ruler of Bharatpur India from 1695 to 1721
Wikipedia - Churches of Rome -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Churchill Craton -- The northwest section of the Canadian Shield from southern Saskatchewan and Alberta to northern Nunavut
Wikipedia - Churchill Theatre -- Theatre in Bromley, London, England
Wikipedia - Church of God (Jerusalem Acres) -- Holiness Pentecostal body that descends from the Christian Union movement of Richard Spurling, A. J. Tomlinson and others
Wikipedia - Church of Israel -- A denomination that emerged from the Church of Christ (Temple Lot)
Wikipedia - Church of Notre-Dame-des-Vertus, Aubervilliers -- Roman Catholic church in Aubervilliers, Seine-Saint-Denis, France
Wikipedia - Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, Stains -- Roman Catholic church in Stains, Seine-Saint-Denis, France
Wikipedia - Church of Saint Baudilus, Neuilly-sur-Marne -- Roman Catholic church in Neuilly-sur-Marne, Seine-Saint-Denis, France
Wikipedia - Church of Saint-Cyr-Sainte-Julitte, Villejuif -- Roman Catholic church in Villejuif, Val-de-Marne, France
Wikipedia - Church of Saint-Eusebe, Auxerre -- Roman Catholic church in Auxerre, France
Wikipedia - Church of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Rome
Wikipedia - Church of Saint-Julien-de-Brioude, Marolles-en-Brie -- Roman Catholic church in Marolles-en-Brie, Val-de-Marne, France
Wikipedia - Church of Saint Matthew of Zolna -- Roman Catholic church in Zvolen, Slovakia
Wikipedia - Church of Saint-Ouen-le-Vieux -- Roman Catholic church in Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis, France
Wikipedia - Church of San Agustin (Madrid) -- Roman Catholic church located in Madrid, Spain
Wikipedia - Church of San Roman (Sariego) -- Medieval church in Asturias, Spain
Wikipedia - Church of Sant'Anselmo all'Aventino, Rome
Wikipedia - Church of Science -- A fictional religion from Isaac Asimov's Foundation series
Wikipedia - Church of Scientology -- Organization devoted to the practice and the promotion of the Scientology belief system
Wikipedia - Church of St Cuthbert, Bellingham -- A stone church building in Northumberland, England that dates partially from the 13th century
Wikipedia - Church of St. Francis and St. Bernard, Vilnius -- Roman Catholic church in Vilnius, Lithuania
Wikipedia - Church of St. Nicholas, Saint-Maur-des-Fosses -- Roman Catholic church in Saint-Maur-des-Fosses, Val-de-Marne, France
Wikipedia - Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Vilnius -- Roman Catholic church in Vilnius, Lithuania
Wikipedia - Church of St. Peter, Chennevieres-sur-Marne -- Roman Catholic church in Chennevieres-sur-Marne, Val-de-Marne, France
Wikipedia - Church of St. Theodule, Sion -- Roman Catholic church in Sion, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Church of the Addolorata, Acqui Terme -- Roman Catholic church in Acqui Terme, Italy
Wikipedia - Church of the Ascension, Roman Catholic (Manhattan)
Wikipedia - Church of the Brethren -- Anabaptist denomination in the United States, descended from the Schwarzenau Brethren.
Wikipedia - Church of the Condemnation -- Roman Catholic church located within the Franciscan compound in the old city of Jerusalem
Wikipedia - Church of the East -- An Eastern Christian Church that in 410 organised itself within the Sasanid Empire and in 424 declared its leader independent of other Christian leaders; from the Persian Empire it spread to other parts of Asia in late antiquity and the Middle Ages
Wikipedia - Church of the Epiphany (Roman Catholic, Manhattan)
Wikipedia - Church of the Flagellation -- Roman Catholic church and Christian pilgrimage site located in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem
Wikipedia - Church of the Ges, Rome
Wikipedia - Church of the Great God -- Broke away in 1992 from the Worldwide Church of God
Wikipedia - Church of the Incarnation, Roman Catholic (Manhattan)
Wikipedia - Church of the Transfiguration, Roman Catholic (Manhattan)
Wikipedia - Chutia people -- Ethnic group from Assam, India
Wikipedia - Chutney -- Condiments associated with South Asian cuisine made from a highly variable mixture of spices, vegetables, or fruit
Wikipedia - Cibusoides elegans -- Species of benthonic foraminifera from the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - Cicero: The Philosophy of a Roman Sceptic -- 2015 book by Raphael Woolf
Wikipedia - Cicero -- Roman statesman, lawyer, orator and philosopher
Wikipedia - CID-201 -- Digital computer from Cuba
Wikipedia - Cidanghiang inscription -- An inscription from the Tarumanagara kingdom
Wikipedia - Cider -- Fermented alcoholic beverage from apple juice
Wikipedia - Cilibi Moise -- 19th-century Romanian folklorist
Wikipedia - Cilla Battersby-Brown -- Fictional character from the soap opera Coronation Street
Wikipedia - Cilurnum -- Roman calvary fort on Hadrian's wall
Wikipedia - CIME-FM -- Radio station in Saint-Jerome, Quebec
Wikipedia - Cimitero Flaminio (Rome) -- Cemetery in the periphery of Rome, largest in Italy
Wikipedia - Cimmeria (continent) -- An ancient string of microcontinents that rifted from Gondwana
Wikipedia - Cinderela Pop -- 2019 Brazilian romance film directed by Bruno Garotti
Wikipedia - Cinderella (2021 film) -- Upcoming American romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Cinderella (Filipino band) -- Filipino soft rock/pop band that rose to prominence in the 1970s
Wikipedia - Cindy Agidius -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Cindy Axne -- U.S. Representative from Iowa
Wikipedia - Cindy Beale -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Cindy Denby -- Republican politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Cindy Kirchhofer -- American politician from Indiana
Wikipedia - Cindy Polo -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Cindy Williams (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Cindy Ziemke -- American politician from Indiana
Wikipedia - Cinecitta (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Cinema of Romania
Wikipedia - Cinematic Symphony -- Musical ensemble from Austin, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Cinema Tools -- Discontinued film management software from Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Cingulum (brain) -- Nerve tract from the cingulate gyrus to the entorhinal cortex in the brain
Wikipedia - Cinnamomum aromaticum
Wikipedia - Cinnamoroll -- Japanese media franchise based on manga from Sanrio
Wikipedia - Ciobann Marian -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Ciobanus -- River in Romania
Wikipedia - Ciprian Foias -- Romanian mathematician
Wikipedia - Ciprian Manolescu -- Romanian-American mathematician
Wikipedia - Ciprian Sora -- Romanian kickboxer and Muay Thai practitioner
Wikipedia - Cipro (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Circhos -- Creature from Scandinavian folklore
Wikipedia - Circle of fifths -- Relationship among the 12 tones of the chromatic scale, their corresponding key signatures, and the associated major and minor keys;geometrical representation of relationships among the 12 pitch classes of the chromatic scale in pitch class space
Wikipedia - Circle of Life -- Song from Disney's 1994 animated film The Lion King
Wikipedia - Circo Massimo (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Circuit breaker -- Automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by excess current from an overload or short circuit
Wikipedia - Circulant matrix -- Matrix in which each row is rotated one position to the right from the previous row
Wikipedia - Circular reporting -- A problem where a source gets info from somewhere, that then uses that source as a reference
Wikipedia - Circumcision -- Removal of the foreskin from the human penis
Wikipedia - Circumzenithal arc -- Optical phenomenon arising from refraction of sunlight through ice crystals
Wikipedia - Circus Romanelli -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Cirromitra tetratherma -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cissie Caudeiron -- Folklorist from Roseau, Dominica
Wikipedia - CitroM-CM-+n 2CV -- Small car manufactured by CitroM-CM-+n from 1948 to 1990
Wikipedia - CitroM-CM-+n Ami (electric) -- Electric quadricycle
Wikipedia - CitroM-CM-+n C15 -- Panel van
Wikipedia - CitroM-CM-+n C3 R5 -- French rally car
Wikipedia - CitroM-CM-+n C3 -- Supermini car produced by CitroM-CM-+n
Wikipedia - CitroM-CM-+n C3 WRC -- CitroM-CM-+n World Rally Car
Wikipedia - CitroM-CM-+n C4 Picasso -- Compact multi-purpose vehicle manufactured by CitroM-CM-+n
Wikipedia - CitroM-CM-+n C-Elysee -- French compact car
Wikipedia - CitroM-CM-+n CX -- car model made by CitroM-CM-+n
Wikipedia - CitroM-CM-+n C-Zero -- French car model
Wikipedia - CitroM-CM-+n DS -- executive car produced by CitroM-CM-+n
Wikipedia - CitroM-CM-+n -- French automobile manufacturer
Wikipedia - CitroM-CM-+n World Rally Team results -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - CitroM-CM-+n Xantia -- large family car
Wikipedia - CitroM-CM-+n Xsara Picasso -- Five door compact MPV,
Wikipedia - CitroM-CM-+n Xsara WRC -- CitroM-CM-+n World Rally Car
Wikipedia - City in the World -- Book by Per Anders Fogelstrom
Wikipedia - City of Friends -- Children's animated series from Norway
Wikipedia - City of Timisoara Stadium -- Proposed stadium in Timisoara, Romania
Wikipedia - City of Washington from Beyond the Navy Yard -- 1833 painting by George Cooke
Wikipedia - City upon a Hill -- Phrase derived from the parable of Salt and Light
Wikipedia - Ciuc Mountains -- Mountain range in Romania
Wikipedia - Ciughes -- Romanian river
Wikipedia - Civic Crown -- Second-highest ancient Roman military decoration
Wikipedia - Civis romanus sum -- Phrase
Wikipedia - C. Jerome -- French singer
Wikipedia - CJRF-FM -- Catholic radio station in Brompton, Sherbrooke, Quebec
Wikipedia - Claes Borgstrom -- Swedish lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Claes-Goran Hederstrom -- Swedish singer
Wikipedia - Claire D. Ayer -- American politician from Vermont
Wikipedia - Claire E. Eyers -- British biological mass spectrometrist
Wikipedia - Claire McCaskill -- Former United States senator from Missouri
Wikipedia - Claire Rommer -- German actress
Wikipedia - Claire Underwood -- Fictional character from House of Cards
Wikipedia - Clan Bruce -- Scottish clan from Kincardine in Scotland; Royal House
Wikipedia - Clandestine (band) -- Celtic music group from Houston, Texas
Wikipedia - Clandestinity (canon law) -- Diriment impediment in the canon law of the Roman Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Claptrap -- Fictional robot from Borderlands
Wikipedia - Clara Elena Ciocan -- Romanian diver
Wikipedia - Clara (film) -- 2018 romantic science fiction film directed by Akash Sherman
Wikipedia - Clara Heyn -- Romanian-born Israeli botanist (1924-1998)
Wikipedia - Clara Voda -- Romanian actress
Wikipedia - Clare Bates -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Claremorris church -- Roman Catholic church in County Mayo, Ireland
Wikipedia - Clarence A. Winder -- American politician from California
Wikipedia - Clare Valley Aerodrome -- Airport in Australia
Wikipedia - Clark Boyd (politician) -- American politician from Tennessee
Wikipedia - Clark Kauffman -- American farmer and politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Clark Kent (Smallville) -- Fictional character from Smallville
Wikipedia - Classical antiquity -- Age of the ancient Greeks and Romans
Wikipedia - Classical compound -- Classical compounds and neoclassical compounds are compound words composed from combining forms (which act as affixes or stems) derived from classical Latin or ancient Greek roots
Wikipedia - Classical electromagnetism and special relativity
Wikipedia - Classical electromagnetism -- Branch of theoretical physics that studies consequences of the electromagnetic forces between electric charges and currents
Wikipedia - Classical Gaelic -- Shared literary form of Early Modern Irish used in Scotland and Ireland from the 13th to the 18th centuries
Wikipedia - Classical Latin -- Standard form of the Latin language in the Roman Republic and Empire
Wikipedia - Classical mythology -- Both the body of and the study of myths from the ancient Greeks and Romans as they are used or transformed by cultural reception
Wikipedia - Classics -- Study of the culture of (mainly) Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Classis Misenensis -- Senior fleet of the imperial Roman navy
Wikipedia - Claude Abromont -- French musicologist, essayist and writer
Wikipedia - Claude Charron -- Canadian politician from Quebec
Wikipedia - Claudia Acte -- Roman freedwoman and mistress of Emperor Nero
Wikipedia - Claudia Constantinescu -- Romanian handballer
Wikipedia - Claudia Dain -- American author of romance novels
Wikipedia - Claudia Felicitas of Austria -- 17th century Holy Roman Empress
Wikipedia - Claudia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Claudia M-HM-^Xtef -- Romanian racewalker
Wikipedia - Claudia M-HM-^Zapardel -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Claudia Mo -- Chinese journalist and politician from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Claudia Octavia -- Daughter of Roman Emperor Claudius and wife of Emperor Nero
Wikipedia - Claudia Presacan -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Claudia Pulchra (great-niece of Augustus) -- Patrician Roman woman who lived during the reigns of emperors Augustus and Tiberius (14 BC-AD 26)
Wikipedia - Claudia Rufina -- Woman of British descent who lived in Rome c. 90 AD
Wikipedia - Claudia Tenney -- Former U.S. Representative from New York
Wikipedia - Claudia (wife of Octavian) -- Ancient Roman woman, wife of Octavian
Wikipedia - Claudio Celon -- Olympic sailor from Italy
Wikipedia - Claudio Ciccolini -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Claudio Marescotti -- 16th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Claudiu Bastea -- Romanian judoka
Wikipedia - Claudiu Grozea -- Romanian speed skater
Wikipedia - Claudiu Manda -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Claudiu M. Florian -- Romanian writer
Wikipedia - Claudius Antonius -- Roman politician
Wikipedia - Claudius Drusus -- Eldest son of the future Roman Emperor Claudius
Wikipedia - Claudius' expulsion of Jews from Rome -- Mid-1st century AD expulsion of Jews from Rome by Emperor Claudius
Wikipedia - Claudius Gothicus -- Roman emperor from 268 to 270
Wikipedia - Claudius Silvanus -- General in the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Claudius -- 4th Roman emperor, from AD 41 to 54
Wikipedia - Claudius Xenophon -- Roman Governor of Britannica Inferior a province of Roman Britain
Wikipedia - Claudiu TM-CM-"rziu -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Claw the Unconquered -- Sword and sorcery character from DC Comics
Wikipedia - Clayton C. Jerome -- Marine Lieutenant general
Wikipedia - Cleaner fish -- Fish that remove parasites and dead tissue from other species
Wikipedia - Cleansing of the Temple -- Jesus expelling the merchants and the money changers from the Temple
Wikipedia - Clearchus (consul 384) -- Roman politician
Wikipedia - Clearing (finance) -- All activities from the time a commitment is made for a financial transaction until it is settled
Wikipedia - Clelia Barbieri -- Italian Roman Catholic saint
Wikipedia - Clemens Alois Baader -- German Roman Catholic theologian
Wikipedia - Clemens (impostor) -- Roman slave and imposter for Agrippa Postumus
Wikipedia - Clement Attlee -- Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1945 to 1951
Wikipedia - Clement Claiborne Clay -- Democratic U.S. Senator from Alabama; Confederate States Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Clemente Faccani -- Italian Roman Catholic prelate
Wikipedia - Clementine literature -- category of Christian religious romance
Wikipedia - Clement of Rome
Wikipedia - Cleo from 5 to 7 -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Clerambault (novel) -- Book by Romain Rolland
Wikipedia - Clerk baronets -- Baronetcy from Penicuik, Scotland
Wikipedia - Cleromancy
Wikipedia - Clete Edmunson -- American politician and educator from Idaho
Wikipedia - Cliche verre -- Photograph made from a hand-drawn negative
Wikipedia - Cliff Aldridge -- Republican politician from Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Cliff Bayer (politician) -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Clifford (character) -- Character from Clifford the Big Red Dog
Wikipedia - Cliffortia -- genus of shrubs in the rose family from southern Africa
Wikipedia - Cliffs of Freedom -- 2019 romance film directed by Van Ling
Wikipedia - Climate of ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Climate of Romania
Wikipedia - Climate of Rome -- Rome's Climate
Wikipedia - Climate risk -- Risk resulting from climate change and affecting natural and human systems and regions
Wikipedia - Clinker (waste) -- General name given to waste from industrial processes
Wikipedia - Clint Grant -- JFK-era photojournalist from Dallas, Texas
Wikipedia - Clinton Sparks -- American DJ, record producer, and songwriter from Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Clint Owlett -- American politician from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Clint Stennett -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Clipeus -- Type of shield used by Ancient Greek and Roman soldiers
Wikipedia - Clipper chip -- Encryption device promoted by the NSA in the 1990s
Wikipedia - Clipse -- American hip hip duo from Virginia
Wikipedia - Clip show -- Episode of a television series that consists primarily of excerpts from previous episodes
Wikipedia - Clisson et Eugenie -- Romantic novella written by Napoleon
Wikipedia - Clive Gibbons -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Clivus Scauri -- short road following the route of an ancient Roman road in the centre of Rome, Italy
Wikipedia - Clodius Aesopus -- 1st-century BC Roman actor
Wikipedia - Cloelia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Cloelia -- Semi-legendary woman from the early history of ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Clog dancing -- A type of folk dance from Wales and England danced in clogs
Wikipedia - Clontarf and Hill of Howth Tramroad -- Former light rail service from Dublin to Howth Harbour
Wikipedia - Closer (2004 film) -- 2004 romantic drama film by Mike Nichols
Wikipedia - Clothes steamer -- Device used to remove wrinkles from garments and fabrics
Wikipedia - Clothing in ancient Rome -- Clothing style in ancient Rome.
Wikipedia - Clothing in the ancient world -- What people wore in antiquity as inferred from archaeological and historical evidence
Wikipedia - Cloth menstrual pad -- Cloth pads to prevent menstrual fluid from leaking onto clothes
Wikipedia - Clotilde Armand -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Clough Fold railway station -- English railway station from 1871 to 1966
Wikipedia - Clout archery -- A form of archery involving shooting at flags from a distance
Wikipedia - Clove -- Spice, flower buds of Syzygium aromaticum
Wikipedia - Club of Rome -- Organisation of individuals who claim to share a common concern for the future of humanity and strive to make a difference
Wikipedia - Clueless CD-ROM -- 1997 CD-ROM tie-in product
Wikipedia - Cluj County -- County of Romania
Wikipedia - Cluj Expres -- Free daily newspaper in Romania
Wikipedia - Cluj-Napoca -- City and county seat of Cluj County, Romania
Wikipedia - Clurichaun -- Mischevious fairy from Irish folklore
Wikipedia - Clutorius Priscus -- Roman poet (c. 20 BC - AD 21)
Wikipedia - Cluvia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Clyde Carson -- American rapper from California
Wikipedia - Clynton Lehman -- Olympic sailor from South Africa
Wikipedia - Clytemnestra -- figure from Greek mythology
Wikipedia - C. Marcella Carollo -- Swiss astromoner
Wikipedia - CMAS* scuba diver -- Entry level recreational diving certification from CMAS
Wikipedia - CM Browser -- Chromium-based web browser with WebKit and Trident engines
Wikipedia - CM-FM-!m ga rau thM-FM-!m -- Chicken and rice dish from Vietnamese cuisine
Wikipedia - CM-FM-!m rM-FM-0M-aM-;M-#u -- Traditional Vietnamese dessert made from glutinous rice
Wikipedia - Cnemidochroma -- Genus of beetle
Wikipedia - C. N. Patel -- Indian writer from Gujarat
Wikipedia - COACH syndrome -- Autosomal recessive genetic condition
Wikipedia - Coagulation -- Process by which blood changes from a liquid to a gel, forming a blood clot
Wikipedia - Coal mining in the United Kingdom -- Fossil fuel from underground
Wikipedia - Coaltar of the Deepers -- Alternative rock band from Japan
Wikipedia - Coast to Coast Walk -- A walk from the west coast to the east coast of Britain
Wikipedia - Coat of arms of Romania -- Coat of arms
Wikipedia - Coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Coats of arms of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Coa vestis -- Wild silk textile from the island of Kos, used for clothing in Ancient Greece and Rome
Wikipedia - Cobi (musician) -- American musician from Minnesota
Wikipedia - Cob (material) -- Building material made from subsoil, water, and fibrous organic material
Wikipedia - Coca Andronescu -- Romanian actress
Wikipedia - Coca Bloos -- Romanian actress
Wikipedia - Coca (Slanic) -- River in Romania
Wikipedia - Co-Cathedral of LogroM-CM-1o -- Cathedral in LogroM-CM-1o, Spain
Wikipedia - Coccygeus muscle -- Muscle of the lower back arising by its apex from the spine of the ischium
Wikipedia - Cocoa bean -- Fatty seed of Theobroma cacao which is the basis of chocolate
Wikipedia - Cocoa butter -- Pale-yellow, edible fat extracted from the cocoa bean
Wikipedia - Cocoa solids -- A mixture of many substances remaining after cocoa butter is extracted from cacao beans
Wikipedia - Coconut jam -- Jam made from a base of coconut milk, eggs and sugar
Wikipedia - Coconut milk -- Liquid that comes from the grated meat of a coconut
Wikipedia - Coconut oil -- edible oil extracted from the kernel or meat of mature coconuts
Wikipedia - Coconut sugar -- Palm sugar produced from the sap of the flower bud stem of the coconut palm
Wikipedia - Codex canadensis -- Handwritten and hand-drawn document from c.M-bM-^@M-^I1700 that depicts the wildlife and native peoples of Canada
Wikipedia - Codex Gigas -- Manuscript compendium from the 13th century
Wikipedia - Codrut M-HM-^Xeres -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Cody Willis -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Coelacanth -- Order of lobe-finned fishes from the western Indian Ocean
Wikipedia - Coelia gens -- Family in ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Coelophysis -- Theropod dinosaur genus from late Triassic Period
Wikipedia - Coffee cupping -- Practice of observing the tastes and aromas of brewed coffee
Wikipedia - Coffin from Hong Kong (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Cogewea -- 1927 Western romance novel
Wikipedia - Cognitive bias -- Systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment
Wikipedia - Cognitive dissonance -- Psychological stress resulting from multiple contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values held at the same time
Wikipedia - Cognomen -- Third name of a citizen of Ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Cohen-Gibson syndrome -- Rare disorder linked to overgrowth and is characterized by dysmorphic facial features
Wikipedia - Cohesin -- A protein complex that regulates the separation of sister chromatids during cell division
Wikipedia - Cohors amicorum -- Roman Latin term meaning "cohort of friends"
Wikipedia - Cohortes urbanae -- Body of troops in ancient Roman
Wikipedia - Cointreau -- A brand of triple sec from Saint-Barthelemy-d'Anjou, France.
Wikipedia - Cojoba (band) -- Hardcore/punk band from Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Colatura di alici -- An Italian fish sauce made from anchovies fermented in brine
Wikipedia - Colby cheese -- Type of semi-hard cheese originating from the US
Wikipedia - Colby O'Donis -- American singer, songwriter, and record producer from Florida
Wikipedia - Cold boot attack -- a means of compromising computer security by restarting the computer
Wikipedia - Cold core ring -- A type of oceanic eddy, characterized as unstable, time-dependent swirling M-bM-^@M-^XcellsM-bM-^@M-^Y that separate from their respective ocean current and move into water bodies with different characteristics
Wikipedia - Colea Rautu -- Romanian actor
Wikipedia - Colegio PonceM-CM-1o -- Roman Catholic, Piarist, pre K-12 preparatory school located in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Coleman Young II -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Coleoptera paleobiota of Burmese amber -- Fossil resin from the Hukawng Valley, Myanmar
Wikipedia - Colera -- Brazilian punk rock band from Sao Paulo
Wikipedia - Coleta de Sabata -- Romanian engineer
Wikipedia - Coliboaia Cave -- Cave and archaeological site in Romania
Wikipedia - Colibrine Sandstrom -- Swedish writer
Wikipedia - Colin Dunlop (sailor) -- Olympic sailor from Fijie
Wikipedia - Colin Furze -- British YouTube personality from Stamford, Lincolnshire
Wikipedia - Collared mongoose -- Species of mongoose from Southeast Asia
Wikipedia - Collectieve Propaganda van het Nederlandse Boek -- Dutch organization promoting Dutch literature
Wikipedia - Colleen Faulkner -- American author of romance novels
Wikipedia - Colleen Hanabusa -- U.S. Representative from Hawaii
Wikipedia - College of Europe promotion -- List of College of Europe promotions
Wikipedia - College of Pontiffs -- High priests of ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Collegiate Church of Santa Maria della Scala, Chieri -- Roman Catholic church in Chieri, Italy
Wikipedia - Collegio Ghislieri (Rome) -- College grounded by Giuseppe Ghislieri
Wikipedia - Collet-Sicard syndrome
Wikipedia - Colli Albani (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Collin Peterson -- U.S. Representative from Minnesota
Wikipedia - Collision-induced dissociation -- A mass spectrometry technique to induce fragmentation of selected ions in the gas phase
Wikipedia - Colman of Dromore
Wikipedia - Colocation centre -- Data center where servers from multiple customers are located
Wikipedia - Cologne: From the Diary of Ray and Esther -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - Colonial American military history -- Military record of the Thirteen Colonies from their founding to the American Revolution in 1775
Wikipedia - Colonialism -- Creation and maintenance of colonies by people from another area
Wikipedia - Colonia (Roman)
Wikipedia - Colonus (person) -- Tenant farmer in the late Roman Empire and the Early Middle Ages
Wikipedia - Colorado State Highway 82 -- 85-mile road across mountains from Leadville through Aspen to Glenwood Springs
Wikipedia - Colosseo (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Colosseum -- Amphitheatre in Rome
Wikipedia - Colton Moore -- American politician from Georgia
Wikipedia - Columbiad -- Type of large-caliber cannon from the 19th century
Wikipedia - Columella -- 1st century AD Roman writer on agriculture
Wikipedia - Column of Leo -- Roman triumphal column in Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey)
Wikipedia - Column of the Goths -- Roman triumphal column in Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey)
Wikipedia - Column -- Structural element that transmits weight from above to below
Wikipedia - Combat (Atari 2600) -- Video game for the Atari VCS/2600 from 1977
Wikipedia - Combat search and rescue -- Military personnel recovery from battlefield and enemy occupied areas
Wikipedia - Combat Zone Wrestling -- American professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - Comb Ceramic -- Type of pottery subjected to geometric patterns from the comb-like tool
Wikipedia - Come from Away -- Canadian musical first produced in 2013
Wikipedia - COME FROM
Wikipedia - COMEFROM
Wikipedia - Come Live with Me (film) -- 1941 American romantic comedy film directed by Clarence Brown
Wikipedia - Comes -- Latin word for companion, Roman court title
Wikipedia - Comes with the Fall -- American rock band from Atlanta
Wikipedia - Comic Book Guy -- Fictional character from The Simpsons franchise
Wikipedia - Coming from Insanity -- 2019 Nigerian crime drama film
Wikipedia - Cominia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Commentarii de Bello Civili -- Discussion of the Roman civil war by Julius Caesar.
Wikipedia - Commentary on the Hexameron -- Written theological work from the 4th to 5th century AD
Wikipedia - Commercial Journal and Advertiser -- Defunct Australian newspaper, published in Sydney, New South Wales from the 1830s to the mid-1840s
Wikipedia - Commercial property -- Buildings or land intended to generate a profit, either from capital gain or rental income
Wikipedia - Commercial Resupply Services -- Series of contracts awarded by NASA from 2008-present for delivery of cargo and supplies to the ISS
Wikipedia - Commercial use of Wikimedia projects -- Any business or product selling content from Wikipedia or Wikimedia projects
Wikipedia - Commodus -- Roman emperor from 176 to 192
Wikipedia - Common Dead -- Band from Chicago, United States
Wikipedia - Common dwarf mongoose -- Species of mongoose from Africa
Wikipedia - Common firecrest -- A very small passerine bird from Europe and northwest Africa
Wikipedia - Common-interest development -- Form of housing from the US
Wikipedia - Common kusimanse -- Species of dwarf mongoose from West Africa
Wikipedia - Common (rapper) -- American rapper, actor, and writer from Illinois
Wikipedia - Common Romanian -- Hypothesis about an ancestor of Romanian language
Wikipedia - Commonwealth Games -- Multi-sport event involving athletes from the Commonwealth of Nations
Wikipedia - Commune of Rome
Wikipedia - Communes of Romania
Wikipedia - Communications media in Romania
Wikipedia - Communication -- Act of conveying intended meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood signs and rules
Wikipedia - Communipaw Ferry -- Major ferry service from New Jersey and New York
Wikipedia - Communist Party of Great Britain -- Communist party in Great Britain from 1920 to 1991
Wikipedia - Communist party -- Political party that promotes communist philosophy and values
Wikipedia - Communist Romania
Wikipedia - Commuter town -- Urban community that is primarily residential, from which most of the workforce commutes out
Wikipedia - Commuter worker -- Workers who commute from Mexico to the US
Wikipedia - Comparative mythology -- Comparison of myths from different cultures
Wikipedia - Competition law -- Law that promotes or seeks to maintain market competition by regulating anti-competitive conduct by companies
Wikipedia - Compilation film -- Film edited from previously released footage
Wikipedia - Compiler -- Computer program which translates code from one programming language to another
Wikipedia - Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome -- Intersex condition that results in a phenotypic female
Wikipedia - Composite bow -- Bow made from horn, wood, and sinew laminated together
Wikipedia - Composite material -- Material made from a combination of two or more unlike substances
Wikipedia - Compound chocolate -- A product made from a combination of cocoa, vegetable fat and sweeteners
Wikipedia - Compressibility factor -- Correction factor which describes the deviation of a real gas from ideal gas behavior
Wikipedia - Compression ratio -- The ratio of the volume of a combustion chamber from its largest capacity to its smallest capacity
Wikipedia - Compressor diving -- Crude surface-supplied diving using unregulated air through plastic hoses from an industrial low-pressure air compressor
Wikipedia - Compromised (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Compromise (film) -- 1925 film by Alan Crosland
Wikipedia - Compromise of Caspe
Wikipedia - Compromise of Thorn -- 1521 peace agreement between the Teutonic Order and the Kingdom of Poland.
Wikipedia - Compromise
Wikipedia - Compromising Daphne -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Compsodon -- Extinct genus of synapsid from Southern Africa
Wikipedia - Computational electromagnetics
Wikipedia - Computer programming -- Process that leads from an original formulation of a computing problem to executable computer programs
Wikipedia - Computer security compromised by hardware failure
Wikipedia - Computer security -- The protection of computer systems from theft or damage
Wikipedia - Computer terminal -- Computer input/output device; an electronic or electromechanical hardware device that is used for entering data into, and displaying data from, a computer or a computing system update programming
Wikipedia - Computer vision -- Computerized information extraction from images
Wikipedia - Comrade Detective -- American / Romanian TV series, 2017
Wikipedia - Comte cheese -- Cheese made from unpasteurized cow's milk in the Franche-Comte region of France
Wikipedia - Conca d'Oro (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Concanavalin A -- A lectin (carbohydrate-binding protein) originally extracted from the jack-bean,
Wikipedia - Concangis -- Roman fort in Duram, England
Wikipedia - Concavenator -- Carcharodontosaurid dinosaur genus from the early Cretaceous period
Wikipedia - Conceit (rapper) -- American rapper from San Francisco
Wikipedia - Concepcion, Romblon -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Romblon
Wikipedia - Conch (instrument) -- Musical instrument made from a seashell (conch)
Wikipedia - Concrete Roman
Wikipedia - Concubinatus -- Quasi-marital relationship involving Roman citizens
Wikipedia - Condensation -- Change of the physical state of matter from gas phase into liquid phase; reverse of evaporation
Wikipedia - Condensed milk -- cow's milk from which water has been removed
Wikipedia - Condercum -- Roman fort in England
Wikipedia - Conditional access -- System used to prevent non-paying customers from accessing content that requires payment
Wikipedia - Condorcet, Drome -- administrative division in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Confessions from a Holiday Camp -- 1977 film by Norman Cohen
Wikipedia - Confessions from the David Galaxy Affair -- 1979 British sexploitation comedy film directed by Willy Roe
Wikipedia - Confessions of a Queen -- 1925 film by Victor Sjostrom
Wikipedia - Confined liquid -- A liquid that is subject to geometric constraints on a nanoscopic scale so that most molecules are close enough to an interface to sense some difference from standard bulk conditions
Wikipedia - Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia -- Congenital hemolytic anemia characterized by ineffective erythropoiesis, and resulting from a decrease in the number of red blood cells (RBCs) in the body and a less than normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood
Wikipedia - Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith -- Roman congregation
Wikipedia - Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples -- one of the Congregations of Roman Curia
Wikipedia - Congregation (Roman Curia)
Wikipedia - Conimbriga -- Roman city in Lusitania
Wikipedia - Conistorgis -- Ancient city in pre-Roman Iberia
Wikipedia - Coniuratio Italiae -- Historical event in the final war of the Roman Republic (31 BCE)
Wikipedia - Conjugate transpose -- Complex matrix A* obtained from a matrix A by transposing it and conjugating each entry
Wikipedia - Connaught Engineering -- Formula One and sports car constructor from the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Connie Beauchamp -- Fictional character from the BBC medical dramas Casualty and Holby City
Wikipedia - Connie Briscoe -- American romantic fiction novelist
Wikipedia - Connie Corleone -- Fictional character from The Godfather series
Wikipedia - Connie Mack III -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Connor MacLeod -- Fictional character from The Highlander franchise
Wikipedia - Conophytum -- Genus of succulent plants from souhern Africa
Wikipedia - Conor Flaherty -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Conor Lamb -- U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Conrad Baker -- American lawyer and politician from Indiana
Wikipedia - Conradi-Hunermann syndrome -- Rare X-linked form of chondrodysplasia punctata
Wikipedia - Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor -- 11th century Holy Roman Emperor of the Salian dynasty
Wikipedia - Consanguinity -- Property of being from the same kinship as another person
Wikipedia - Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre -- Mexican professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - Consideration in English law -- Something of value promised by parties to a contract to each other
Wikipedia - Considia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Consilience -- The principle that evidence from independent, unrelated sources can "converge" on strong conclusions
Wikipedia - Consortium imperii -- The sharing of Roman imperial authority by two or more emperors.
Wikipedia - Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where It Comes From -- 1997 book by Daniel Pipes.
Wikipedia - Constance of Aragon -- 13th century empress of the Holy Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Constance, Queen of Sicily -- 12th century empress of the Holy Roman Emperor
Wikipedia - Constans II (son of Constantine III) -- Roman emperor from 409 to 411
Wikipedia - Constans -- Roman emperor from 337 to 350
Wikipedia - Constanta County -- County of Romania
Wikipedia - Constantin Angelescu -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Constantin Antonescu -- Romanian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Constantin Apostol -- Romanian equestrian
Wikipedia - Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici -- Romanian neurologist
Wikipedia - Constantin BrM-CM-"ncusi -- French-Romanian sculptor, photographer and painter
Wikipedia - Constantin Cantacuzino (aviator) -- Romanian aviator
Wikipedia - Constantin Carabela -- Romanian biathlete
Wikipedia - Constantin C. Giurescu -- Romanian historian
Wikipedia - Constantin Chiru -- Romanian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Constantin Codrescu -- Romanian actor
Wikipedia - Constantin Cojoc -- Romanian judoka
Wikipedia - Constantin Cotacu -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Constantin Dan Vasiliu -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Constantin Dimitriu-Dovlecel -- Romanian lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Constantin Draganescu -- Romanian actor
Wikipedia - Constantin Dragomir -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Constantin Dumitru -- Romanian athlete
Wikipedia - Constantin Eftimiu -- Romanian general
Wikipedia - Constantine II (emperor) -- Roman emperor from 337 to 340
Wikipedia - Constantine III (Western Roman emperor)
Wikipedia - Constantine III (Western Roman Emperor) -- Roman emperor from 407 to 411
Wikipedia - Constantine of Murom
Wikipedia - Constantine Scollen -- Irish Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Constantine the Great -- Roman emperor from 306 to 337
Wikipedia - Constantin Frosin -- Romanian-French writer
Wikipedia - Constantin Gane -- Romanian lawyer and writer (1885-1962)
Wikipedia - Constantin Gradisteanu -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Constantin Iancovescu -- Romanian politician and general
Wikipedia - Constantin Iancu (bobsleigh) -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Constantinian dynasty -- Roman imperial dynasty in Late Antiquity, r. 293-363
Wikipedia - Constantin I. Nicolaescu -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Constantin Ionescu (chess player) -- Romanian chess player
Wikipedia - Constantin Jude -- Romanian handball coach
Wikipedia - Constantin-Liviu Cepoi -- Romanian luger
Wikipedia - Constantin Lupulescu -- Romanian chess player
Wikipedia - Constantin Niculae -- Romanian judoka
Wikipedia - Constantin Noica -- Romanian philosopher, essayist and poet (1909-1987)
Wikipedia - Constantin Nour -- Romanian bocer
Wikipedia - Constantin Obreja -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Constantinople -- Capital city of the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire, the Latin and the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Constantin Petrescu -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Constantin Popescu (handball coach) -- Romanian handball coach
Wikipedia - Constantin Popovici -- Romanian diver
Wikipedia - Constantin Romaniuc -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Constantin Stan (sport shooter) -- Romanian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Constantin Tanase -- Romanian actor and writer
Wikipedia - Constantin Tarloiu -- Romanian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Constantin Titel Petrescu -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Constantin von Economo -- Romanian psychiatrist and neurologist
Wikipedia - Constantin Zahei -- Romanian equestrian
Wikipedia - Constantius Chlorus -- Roman emperor from 293 to 306
Wikipedia - Constantius Gallus -- Roman emperor from 351 to 354
Wikipedia - Constantius III -- Roman emperor in 421
Wikipedia - Constantius II -- Roman emperor from 337 to 361
Wikipedia - Constant of integration -- Constant expressing ambiguity from indefinite integrals
Wikipedia - Constitutionalism -- Belief that government authority derives from fundamental law
Wikipedia - Constitution of Romania -- Fundamental governing document of Romania
Wikipedia - Constitution of the Late Roman Empire -- Unwritten set of guidelines and principles passed down mainly through precedent
Wikipedia - Constitution of the Roman Empire -- Unwritten set of guidelines and principles of the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Constitution of the Roman Kingdom
Wikipedia - Constitution of the Roman Republic -- The norms, customs, and written laws, which guided the government of the Roman Republic
Wikipedia - Constitution of Uruguay of 1918 -- Supreme law of Uruguay from 1918 to 1933
Wikipedia - Constitution of Uruguay of 1934 -- Supreme law of Uruguay from 1934 to 1942
Wikipedia - Constitution of Uruguay of 1967 -- Sixth Uruguayan constitution, in force from 1967 to 1997
Wikipedia - Construction industry of Romania
Wikipedia - Consuelo N. Bailey -- American politician from Vermont
Wikipedia - Consultation (Texas) -- Provisional government of Mexican Texas from November 1835 through March 1836 during the Texas Revolution
Wikipedia - Consus -- Ancient Roman god of grains
Wikipedia - Contact from the Underworld of Redboy
Wikipedia - Contact immunity -- Gaining immunity due to contact with a recently vaccinated person rather than from getting a vaccine
Wikipedia - Contemporary history -- Era of history starting from 1945 up to the current age
Wikipedia - Contiguous gene syndrome -- Combined clinical phenotype caused by each gene involved in a chromosomal abnormality
Wikipedia - Continental Airlines -- Airline from the United States, now merged with United Airlines
Wikipedia - Continental currency banknotes -- List of United States banknotes issued from 1775-1779
Wikipedia - Continental philosophy -- Set of 19th- and 20th-century philosophical traditions from mainland Europe
Wikipedia - Continental shelf pump -- Hypothetical mechanism transporting carbon from shallow continental shelf waters to the adjacent deep ocean
Wikipedia - Continuity Irish Republican Army -- Irish republican paramilitary group split from the Provisional IRA in 1986
Wikipedia - Contract farming -- system of agricultural production involving a prior agreement between the buyer and producer that may specify quality and other criteria, input supply and technical support from the buyer and, often, an agreed price
Wikipedia - Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning)
Wikipedia - Control banding -- Qualitative or semi-quantitative risk assessment and management approach to promoting occupational health and safety
Wikipedia - Conus nigromaculatus -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Convair B-36 Peacemaker -- Large strategic bomber operated by US Air Force from 1949 to 1959
Wikipedia - Conversion syndrome
Wikipedia - Conviction and exoneration of Glenn Ford -- Convicted of murder in 1984 and released from Angola Prison in March 2014 after a full exoneration.
Wikipedia - Convoy GP55 -- Convoy of Allied ships that travelled from Sydney to Brisbane in June 1943
Wikipedia - Conway the Machine -- American rapper from New York
Wikipedia - Coogan's Bluff -- Promontory near the western shore of the Harlem River
Wikipedia - Cooke and Wheatstone telegraph -- Early electrical telegraph system dating from the 1830s
Wikipedia - Cookies and cream -- Variety of ice cream based on flavoring from chocolate cookies
Wikipedia - Cook Off (2017 film) -- 2017 Zimbabwean romantic comedy film by Tomas Brickhill
Wikipedia - Coolie -- Labourer from Asia
Wikipedia - Cooperative Societies Council -- Government organization which promotes the role of cooperative societies in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Copaiba -- Resin and essential oil from South American Copaifera trees
Wikipedia - COPI -- Protein complex coating vesicles transporting proteins from the Golgi complex to the rough endoplasmic reticulum
Wikipedia - Coponius -- Roman governor (prefect) of the Judaea province (6 CE to 9 CE)
Wikipedia - Copper Scroll -- First-century CE treasure scroll from the Judean desert
Wikipedia - Copturomorpha -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Coqui (NASA) -- NASA launched sounding rockets from the Puerto Rican coastal town of Vega Baja
Wikipedia - Cora Cross -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Coralia Cartis -- Romanian mathematician
Wikipedia - Cora (name) -- The name's history and a list of its prominent bearers
Wikipedia - Corbridge Lanx -- Roman silver dish
Wikipedia - Corcuera -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Romblon
Wikipedia - Cordae -- |American rapper from Maryland
Wikipedia - Cordel do Fogo Encantado -- Brazilian music group from Arcoverde
Wikipedia - Cordelia Chase -- Character from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel
Wikipedia - Cor Euser -- Dutch racing driver from Oss
Wikipedia - Corey Brooks -- Republican politician from Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Coria (Corbridge) -- Roman fort in Carlisle, England
Wikipedia - Corina Belcea -- Romanian violinist
Wikipedia - Corina Caprioriu -- Romanian judoka
Wikipedia - Corina Constantin -- Romanian aerobic gymnast
Wikipedia - Corina Cretu -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Corina Dragan-Terecoasa -- Romanian luger
Wikipedia - Corina Peptan -- Romanian chess player
Wikipedia - Corina Ungureanu -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Corin Braga -- Romanian scholar and prose writer
Wikipedia - Corinthian order -- Latest of the three principal classical orders of ancient Greek and Roman architecture
Wikipedia - Coriolis frequency -- Frequency of inertial oscillation at the Earth's surface resulting from the Coriolis effect
Wikipedia - Corky Romano -- 2001 film by Rob Pritts
Wikipedia - Corleggy Cheese -- Cheese from County Cavan, Ireland
Wikipedia - Corleone family -- Fictional family from The Godfather series
Wikipedia - Corn beer -- Beer style made from corn
Wikipedia - Cornel Gheorghe -- Romanian figure skater and coach
Wikipedia - Cornelia Drutu -- Romanian mathematician
Wikipedia - Cornelia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Cornelia Popa -- Romanian athlete
Wikipedia - Cornelia (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Cornelia (wife of Aemilius Paullus) -- Roman noble woman
Wikipedia - Cornelis Kick -- Painter from the Northern Netherlands
Wikipedia - Corneliu Chisu -- Romanian-born Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Corneliu Ciontu -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Corneliu Coposu -- Romanian politician (1914 - 1995)
Wikipedia - Corneliu Ion -- Romanian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Cornelius Fontem Esua -- 21st-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Cornelius Gallus -- 1st century BC Roman poet, orator and politician
Wikipedia - Cornelius Karlstrom -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Cornelius Laco -- Roman Praetorian prefect from 68 to 69
Wikipedia - Cornelius Lupus -- Roman consul in 42 AD
Wikipedia - Cornelius Repentinus -- A Roman politician
Wikipedia - Cornel Milan -- Romanian fencer and coach
Wikipedia - Cornel Popescu -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Cornel Puchianu -- Romanian biathlete
Wikipedia - Cornel Roman -- Romanian judoka
Wikipedia - Cornel Vena -- Romanian modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Corn oil -- Oil from the seeds of corn
Wikipedia - Cornstalk fiddle -- Rudimentary folk instrument fashioned from a cornstalk
Wikipedia - Cornwall Domesday Book tenants-in-chief -- List of those holding land in 1086 directly from the king
Wikipedia - Corollary -- Secondary statement which can be readily deduced from a previous, more notable statement
Wikipedia - Coromandel International -- Indian agricultural products company
Wikipedia - Coromandel (New Zealand electorate) -- Current New Zealand electorate
Wikipedia - Coromandel Peninsula -- Peninsula in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Coromandel railway station -- Railway station in Adelaide, South Australia
Wikipedia - Coromandel Watchdog -- Environmental organisation in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Coronal mass ejection -- Significant release of plasma and magnetic field from the solar corona
Wikipedia - Coronary thrombosis
Wikipedia - Coronation of the Holy Roman Emperor
Wikipedia - Coronavirus disease 2019 -- Disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Wikipedia - Corporate promoter
Wikipedia - Corporate synergy -- Financial benefit expected from corporate merger or acquisition
Wikipedia - Corpsing -- Slang for unintentional laughter from performers during a non-humorous performance
Wikipedia - Corrado Tartarini -- 16th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Correct name -- The one scientific name to be used (from a particular scientific point of view)
Wikipedia - Correio -- Defunct Portuguese-language newspaper from Luxembourg
Wikipedia - Correllengua -- Series of celebrations promoting the use of the Catalan language
Wikipedia - Corrin (Fire Emblem) -- a fictional character from the Fire Emblem series of video games
Wikipedia - Corruption in Romania -- Institutional corruption in the country
Wikipedia - Corryn Brown -- Canadian curler from British Columbia
Wikipedia - Cortes Gerais -- Legislature of the Kingdom of Portugal from 1822-1910
Wikipedia - Corticaromus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Coruncania gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Corvina -- Grape variety from the Veneto region of Italy
Wikipedia - Corvinone -- Grape variety from the Veneto region of Italy
Wikipedia - Corvin Radovici -- Romanian chess player
Wikipedia - Corvus (boarding device) -- Roman military boarding device
Wikipedia - Cory Booker -- U.S. Senator from New Jersey
Wikipedia - Cory Gardner -- Outgoing United States Senator from Colorado
Wikipedia - Corymbium -- Genus of perennial plants in the family Asteraceae from South Africa
Wikipedia - Coryphodon -- Pantodont mammal genus from the Paleocene epoch
Wikipedia - Cosma Spessotto -- 20th-century Italian Roman Catholic priest and Franciscan friar
Wikipedia - Cosmetics in ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Cosmic Avenger -- Sidescrolling shooter arcade game from 1981
Wikipedia - Cosmic microwave background -- Electromagnetic radiation as a remnant from an early stage of the universe in Big Bang cosmology
Wikipedia - Cosmic-ray observatory -- Installation built to detect high-energy-particles coming from space
Wikipedia - Cosmina Stratan -- Romanian actress
Wikipedia - Cosmin Atodiresei -- Romanian luger
Wikipedia - Cosmin Chetroiu -- Romanian luger
Wikipedia - Cosmin Muj -- Romanian aerobic gymnast
Wikipedia - Cosmin Pasca -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Cosmophasis baehrae -- A jumping spider from Australia
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix abnormalis -- Species of moth from the Caribbean
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix aculeata -- Species of moth from Asia and Australia
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix acutivalva -- Species of moth from Thailand
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix adrastea -- Species of moth from Cuba
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix albicaudis -- Species of moth from the Caribbean
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix amalthea -- Species of moth from Cuba
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix anadoxa -- Species of moth from India
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix ananke -- Species of moth from Brazil
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix ancalodes -- Species of moth from India
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix ancistraea -- Species of moth from South Africa
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix angoonae -- Species of moth from Thailand
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix antichorda -- Species of moth from South Africa
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix aphranassa -- Species of moth from French Polynesia
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix argentifera -- Species of moth from Jamaica
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix argentitegulella -- Species of moth from Russia and China
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix artifica -- Species of moth from Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix asiatica -- Species of moth from India
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix asignella -- Species of moth from Russia
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix astrapias -- Species of moth from the Americas
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix asymmetrella -- Species of moth from Russia
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix aurella -- Species of moth from the Solomon Islands
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix aurotegulae -- Species of moth from Mexico
Wikipedia - Cosmos Laundromat -- 2015 film directed by Mathieu Auvray
Wikipedia - Cossacks -- Mixed ethnic group from the territory of present-day Ukraine and Southern Russia
Wikipedia - Cossus Cornelius Lentulus (consul 25) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Cossus Cornelius Lentulus (consul 60) -- 1st century Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Cossutia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Costache Antoniu -- Romanian actor
Wikipedia - Costache Aristia -- Romanian writer, actor, soldier and translator
Wikipedia - Costantino Castriota -- 16th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Costa Rican cuisine -- Cuisine originating from Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Costa Ricans -- People from the country of Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Costel Busuioc -- Romanian tenor
Wikipedia - Costel Cosnita -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Costel Danculea -- Romanian judoka
Wikipedia - Costel Ionescu -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Costel Petrariu -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Costesti (river) -- River in Romania
Wikipedia - Costica Acsinte -- Romanian photographer
Wikipedia - Costica Balan -- Romanian racewalker
Wikipedia - Cotriade -- Fish stew from France
Wikipedia - Cotton gin -- Machine that separates cotton fibers from seeds
Wikipedia - Cotton mill -- Building producing yarn or cloth from cotton
Wikipedia - Cotton Priddy -- Racecar driver from Kentucky
Wikipedia - Cotton -- Plant fiber from the genus Gossypium
Wikipedia - Cotys III (Sapaean) -- Sapaean Roman client king of eastern Thrace from 12 to 18 AD
Wikipedia - Cotys I (Sapaean) -- Sapaean client king of the Odrysian kingdom of Thrace from c. 57 BC to c. 48 BC
Wikipedia - Cotys IX -- 1st century AD Thracian prince and Roman Client King of Lesser Armenia
Wikipedia - Coughs and sneezes spread diseases -- Slogan promoting public hygiene
Wikipedia - Cough -- Sudden expulsion of air from the lungs as a reflex to clear irritants
Wikipedia - Coumarin -- Aromatic chemical compound
Wikipedia - Council for National Academic Awards -- Former national degree-awarding authority in the United Kingdom from 1965 until 1993
Wikipedia - Council of Reims (1148) -- 12th-century Roman Catholic Church council at France starting in 1148
Wikipedia - Council of Rome
Wikipedia - Council of Toulouse -- Council of the Roman Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Counterculture -- Subculture whose values and norms of behavior deviate from those of mainstream society
Wikipedia - Counter-Earth -- Hypothetical planet on the other side of the Sun from Earth
Wikipedia - Counterurbanization -- Process whereby people move from urban areas to rural areas
Wikipedia - Counties of Romania -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Count Nefaria -- Fictional character from Marvel Comics
Wikipedia - Count of the Stable -- Roman military position
Wikipedia - Count Paris -- character in Romeo and Juliet
Wikipedia - Country Dance and Song Society -- Nonprofit organization seeking to promote participatory dance, music, and song with English and North American roots
Wikipedia - Country of origin -- Country of manufacture, production, or growth where an article or product comes from
Wikipedia - Country rock (geology) -- Rock types native to a specific area, as opposed to intrusions or sediments originating from other areas
Wikipedia - Count Your Lucky Stars -- 2020 Chinese romantic comedy TV series
Wikipedia - Couple of Days -- 2017 Nigerian Romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Couque de Dinant -- Very hard biscuit from the Belgian city of Dinant
Wikipedia - Courland Pocket -- An area of the Courland Peninsula containing German forces that was cut off and surrounded by the Red Army from 1944 to 1945
Wikipedia - Cour nationale du droit d'asile -- French administrative court that reviews appeals from decisions of the OFPRA
Wikipedia - Courtin' Wildcats -- 1929 film by Jerome Storm
Wikipedia - Courtney Matthews -- Fictional character from General Hospital, an American soap opera on ABC network
Wikipedia - Courtney Neron -- American politician from Oregon
Wikipedia - Court of Rome
Wikipedia - Courts in Romania
Wikipedia - Coutances Cathedral -- Gothic Roman Catholic cathedral in Normandy, France
Wikipedia - Covariant formulation of classical electromagnetism
Wikipedia - Covasna County -- County of Romania
Wikipedia - Covenant (Halo) -- Fictional alliance of alien races from the Halo video game series
Wikipedia - Cover Drive -- Band from Barbados
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic in Romania -- Ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic in Romania
Wikipedia - Cowboy from Brooklyn -- 1938 film by Lloyd Bacon
Wikipedia - Cowboy from Lonesome River -- 1944 film by Benjamin H. Kline
Wikipedia - Cowboys from Texas -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - Coxcomb prominent -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coya Knutson -- American congresswoman from Minnesota in early 1950s
Wikipedia - Coyote Ugly (film) -- 2000 romantic comedy drama movie directed by David McNally
Wikipedia - Cozonac -- Sweet leavened bread, traditional to Romania and Bulgaria
Wikipedia - C-pop -- Music genre by artists originating from mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan
Wikipedia - CQ (film) -- 2001 film by Roman Coppola
Wikipedia - Crab-eating mongoose -- Species of mongoose from Asia
Wikipedia - Cracaul Negru -- River in Romania
Wikipedia - Crack Fighter -- 2019 Indian Bhojpuri language action romance drama film
Wikipedia - Craggy Island -- Fictional Irish island from the Father Ted sitcom
Wikipedia - Craig Healy -- Olympic sailor from the United States
Wikipedia - Craig Joubert -- Rugby union referee from South Africa
Wikipedia - Craiova II Power Station -- Power station in Craiova, Romania
Wikipedia - Cramond Roman Fort -- Roman fort in Edinburgh, Scotland
Wikipedia - Cranial nerves -- Nerves that emerge directly from the brain and the brainstem
Wikipedia - Crank (mechanism) -- Simple machine transferring motion to or from a rotaing shaft at a distance from the centreline
Wikipedia - Crapartinella -- Extinct genus of therapsids from Permian South Africa
Wikipedia - Craterophorus -- Genus of Dolichopodid flies from the Afrotropical realm
Wikipedia - Crazy Rap -- 2001 single by Afroman
Wikipedia - Cream Box -- A Japanese sweet from Fukushima
Wikipedia - Cream City brick -- Distinctive type of brick from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Creation Museum -- Museum promoting a pseudoscientific creationist point of view
Wikipedia - Creation Seventh Day Adventist Church -- Small group that broke off from the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1988, and organized its own church in 1991
Wikipedia - Creature from the Black Lagoon
Wikipedia - Credit card -- card for financial transactions from a line of credit
Wikipedia - Creole language -- Stable natural languages that have developed from a pidgin
Wikipedia - Crescent honeyeater -- A passerine bird of the family Meliphagidae from southeastern Australia
Wikipedia - Crescentius of Rome
Wikipedia - Crested jay -- Species of bird from tropical east Asia
Wikipedia - Crested serpent eagle -- Bird of prey from tropical Asia (Spilornis cheela)
Wikipedia - Cretan wine -- Wine from the Greek island of Crete
Wikipedia - Crete and Cyrenaica -- Province of the Roman Empire (67 BC - c. 297 AD)
Wikipedia - C. R. formula -- Proposal formulated by Chakravarthi Rajagopalachari to solve the political deadlock between the All India Muslim League and Indian National Congress on independence of India from the British
Wikipedia - Crigler-Najjar syndrome -- a rare inherited disorder affecting the metabolism of bilirubin
Wikipedia - Crimean Tatar language -- East European Turkic language spoken in Crimea, and the Crimean Tatar diasporas in Turkey, Central Asia (mainly in Uzbekistan), Romania, Bulgaria
Wikipedia - Crime in Romania -- Ongoing crime in Romania
Wikipedia - Criminal (2016 film) -- 2016 film by Ariel Vromen
Wikipedia - Crimson Romance -- 1934 film by David Howard
Wikipedia - Crinoline and Romance -- 1923 film directed by Harry Beaumont
Wikipedia - Crips -- Street gang from Los Angeles, California
Wikipedia - Crisanta Duran -- American attorney and politician from Colorado
Wikipedia - Crisis of the Roman Republic -- 134 - 44 BC social unrest leading to the Roman transition from Republic to Empire
Wikipedia - Crisis of the Third Century -- 235-284 events; almost destroyed Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Crispus -- Roman emperor from 317 to 326
Wikipedia - Cristian Alexanda -- Australian R&B singer from Perth
Wikipedia - Cristiana Stancu -- Romanian martial artist
Wikipedia - Cristian Bataga -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Cristian Boureanu -- Romanian businessman and politician
Wikipedia - Cristian David -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Cristian Diaconescu -- Romanian jurist and politician
Wikipedia - Cristian Dumitru CriM-EM-^_an -- 21st-century Romanian Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Cristian Dumitru Popescu -- Romanian-American mathematician
Wikipedia - Cristian Ghinea -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Cristian Leric -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Cristian Mungiu -- Romanian filmmaker
Wikipedia - Cristian Paturca -- Romanian composer
Wikipedia - Cristian Terhes -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Cristina Adela Foisor -- Romanian chess player
Wikipedia - Cristina Antonescu -- Romanian aerobic gymnast
Wikipedia - Cristina Bontas -- Romanian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Cristina DoboM-EM-^_an -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Cristina Elena Grigoras -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Cristina Flutur -- Romanian film and theatre actress
Wikipedia - Cristina Garcia (politician) -- American politician from California
Wikipedia - Cristina Marin -- Romanian aerobic gymnast
Wikipedia - Cristina Nedelcu -- Romanian aerobic gymnast
Wikipedia - Cristina Nemerovschi -- Romanian writer
Wikipedia - Cristina Sandu -- Romanian athletics competitor
Wikipedia - Cristina Stamate -- Romanian actress
Wikipedia - Cristinel Piciorea -- Romanian luger
Wikipedia - Cristi Puiu -- Romanian film director
Wikipedia - Cristur gas field -- Gas field in Harghita County, Romania
Wikipedia - Crisul Alb -- River in Hungary and Romania
Wikipedia - Crochet -- Technique of creating lace or fabric from thread using a hook
Wikipedia - Crocodile skin -- Skin of a live crocodile or a leather made from dead crocodile hide
Wikipedia - Cromane
Wikipedia - Cromartie High School -- Manga and anime series
Wikipedia - Cromartie Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, 4th Duke of Sutherland -- Son of George Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, 3rd Duke of Sutherland
Wikipedia - Cromarty dialect -- Extinct dialect of Scots spoken in Cromarty
Wikipedia - Cromarty Firth -- An arm of the Moray Firth in Scotland.
Wikipedia - Cromartyshire (ship) -- Three masted iron sailing ship built in 1879
Wikipedia - Cromarty Tennis Club -- Tennis club in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada
Wikipedia - Crombrugghia distans -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Crombrugghia kollari -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Crombrugghia laetus -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Crombrugghia reichli -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Crombrugghia tristis -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Crombrugghia -- Plume moth genus
Wikipedia - Cromemco
Wikipedia - Cromer Campus -- Australian state school
Wikipedia - Cromer cycle -- Thermodynamic cycle
Wikipedia - Cromer railway station -- Railway station in Norfolk, England
Wikipedia - Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds -- A chalk reef off the coast of Cromer, Norfolk in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Cromer -- Coastal town in Norfolk, England
Wikipedia - Crome Yellow
Wikipedia - Cromford and High Peak Railway -- Early British railway company (1833-1871)
Wikipedia - Cromford railway station -- Railway station in Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Cromhouthuizen -- Group of canal houses in Amsterdam
Wikipedia - Cromie McCandless -- British motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Crommesteven -- Type of small warship
Wikipedia - Cromptodon -- Genus of cynodonts
Wikipedia - Crompton Hall -- Historic house in Crompton, Lancashire, England
Wikipedia - Crom Ua Donnubain -- Irish dynast
Wikipedia - Cromus -- Genus of trilobites

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