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object:1.39 - Prophecy
book class:Magick Without Tears
author class:Aleister Crowley
subject class:Occultism

Chapter XXXIX

Cara Soror,

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Now, now, now! I really had hoped that this at least you might have spared me. Still, I have to admit that your reason for asking me to go all pontifical about Prophecy is a good one; you want a chucker-out for the loafers that come cadging into your Taverne de la Belle Sibylle, and waste your time with piffle about Pyramids.

What a game!

So naturally you need a Book of the Rules, and a list of the classes of offensive people, whether prostitutes, policemen, or verminous persons. (I quote from the Regulations for secular Pubs!) who think the easiest of all possible refuges from their Fear (see other letters!) is reliance upon the mouldy mumblings of moth-eater mountebanks.

Perhaps it will be best to begin by setting down the necessary conditions for a genuine prophecy. We shall find that most of the famous predictions are excluded without need of more specific examination.

But priority, please, as usual, for the etymology. Prophesy means "forth-speaking," more or less equal to "inspired." It has nothing to do with foretelling the future, though it may do so, as it may do anything, being only the ravings of a poet, drunkard, or madman. (You remember how Saul came upon a company of youths all prophesying away together to beat the hand, and joined the merry throng. So people said, "Is Saul also among the Prophets?" meaning a man capable of the "divine" intoxication of love, song, eloquence, or whatever else enthusiastic might possess him. Men seized by the afflatus were found to be capable of extraordinary exploits; hence the condition was admired and envied by the average clod. Also, imitated by the average crook!)

For all that, I am going for once to yield to popular clamour, and use words in their popular sense. That seems to me, roughly this: Prediction is a forecast based on reason, prophecy one which claims the warrant of "magical" powers. You agree? Then we can get on.

1. The prophecy must announce itself as such. We cannot have people picking up odds and ends which may be perfectly irrelevant, and insisting that they conceal forecasts. This excludes Great Pyramid lunatics; it would be quite simple to do the same sham calculations with the Empire State Building; when the architects protested, it is simple to reply: why, but of course! God was most careful not to let them know what they were really doing, or they would have died of fright!

This argument was actually put forward by the Spiritists when Zancig confessed that his music-hall exploits*[AC38] were accomplished by means of a code. It is quite useless to get any sense whatever into the heads of these bigoted imbeciles. Here, A.C! don't forget your best-beloved Browning! In Mr. Sludge the Medium, the detected cheat it was D.D. Home in real life offers this silly subterfuge:

  Why, when I cheat
  Mean to cheat, do cheat, and am caught in the act,
  Are you, or rather, am I sure o' the fact?
  (There's verse again, but I'm inspired somehow)
  Well then I'm not sure! I may be perhaps,
  Free as a babe from cheating; how it began,
  My gift, no matter; what 'tis got to be
  In the end now, that's the question; answer that!
  Had I seen, perhaps, what hand was holding mine,
  Leading me whither, I had died of fright
  So, I was made believe I led myself.

2. The date of the prophecy must antecede that of its fulfilment. The very greatest care must be taken to insure this. When both dates are remote, as in the case of "fulfilled" Biblical prophecies, this is often impossible.

3. The prophecy must be precise. This rules out cases where alternative verifications are possible.

4. The prophecy must be more than a reasonable calculation of probability. This rules out stuff like "The Burden of Nineveh"[71] and the like. Incidentally, "The Burden of Damascus" does not seem to have had much luck so far! By latest accounts, the old burg wasn't feeling too badly.

We may also refer to the Second Advent: "Behold! I come quickly."[72]

There have been quite a few false alarms to date. (It began with Jesus himself, snapping off the disciple's head: "If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?" Well, somebody was disappointed.)

5. The verification must be simple, natural, unique and unmistakable. Forced and far-fetched explanations, distortions of Qabalistic or other mathematical reasoning, are barred.

6. The prophecy itself must possess the complement of this precision.
It must be so perfectly unintelligible at the time that the elucidation of the answer makes it certain that the prophet knew precisely the whole riddle.

I feel that this condition is itself expressed in a somewhat oracular form; I will try to clarify by citing what I consider a perfect example. Perfect, I say, because the "must" is a little too strong; there are degrees of excellence.

"That stele they shall call the Abomination of Desolation; count well its name, & it shall be to you as 718." (AL III, 19)

(The Stl is that whose discovery culminated in the writing of The Book of the Law.)

Here the first part is still quite unintelligible to me: I have tried analysis of the original phrase in "Scripture,"[73] and nearly everything else: entirely in vain: One can see dimly how people, recognizing that Stl as the Talisman responsible for reducing half the cities of Europe to rubble, might very well make reference to those original prophecies. But, at the best, that's nothing to cable to Otaheite about!

Now the second part. This was even more baffling than the other. "Count well its name"? how can I? it never had a name! So I tried all sorts of experiments with 718. Shin, 300, the letter of Spirit, with our key-number 418, looks promising. Only one more pie-crust! I kept attacking, off and on, for many a long year, got out all sorts of fantastic solutions, complex and confused; they simply shouted their derision at me.

It was one glorious night in Cefal, too utterly superb to waste in sleep; I got up; I adored the Stars and the Moon; I revelled in the Universe. Yet there was something pulling at me. It pulled eftsoons my body into my chair, and I found myself at this old riddle of 718. Half-a dozen comic failures. But I felt that there was something on the way. Idly, I put down Stl in the Greek, 52,[74] and said, "Perhaps we can make a 'name' out of the difference between that and 718."

I jumped.

718 - 52 = 666

My own name!

Why, of course, quoth he, in glee; it is in fact the Stl of 666; for it is the Stl of Ankh-f-n-khonsu, my name in those past days.

Oh, no! said Something, that's not good enough! "Count well its name" the Stl of Ankh-f-n-khonsu: a name is something to which it answers, quite different from a title. That solution is clever, but it just won't do, because that Stl never had a name!

You lie! I shouted, as the full light broke through the mists of my mind: In these three Thousand years it has once, if only once, had a name, by invoking which you could bring it up before you; its name is "Stl 666" in the Catalogue of the Museum at Boulak!

A single simple hammerstroke, and the nail is driven home to the head!

Compare this with the chaotic devices of the "bilateral-cipher" maniacs, by the application of which it is easy to prove that Bernard Shaw wrote Rudyard Kipling. Or anything else! you pay your money, and you take your choice.

7. Another strong point is that the prophecy should on the surface mean something vague and plausible, and, interpreted, possess this same quality of unique accuracy.

For instance (although it is not prediction) consider "Love is the law, love under will." Yes, that sounds very well; I dare say that is an excellent point of philosophy. But! well, anyone might say that. Oh, no! For when we use the Greek of the technical terms, we find , Love, and & Alpha, Will, both of the value of 93 and these only two blossoms of the Tree whose root is 31, and the entire numerical-verbal system based thereupon organized with incredibly simple intricacy; well, that is an Eohippus of an entirely different tint! It is no more the chance (if happy) statement of any smooth-tongued philosopher, but the evidence of, and the key to, an incalculably vast design. As well attri bute the Riemann-Christoffel Tensor to the "happy thought" of some post-prandial mathematician.

Here is another case.

  Now then this two-in-One letter Moon symbol = old style capital SigmaSun symbol = capital Theta, is the third Key to this Law; and on the discovery of that fact, after years of constant seeking, what sudden splendours of Truth, sacred as secret, blazed in the midnight of my mind! Observe now; "...this circle squared in its failure is a key also."[75] Now I knew that in the value of the letters ALHIM,[76] 'the Gods', the Jews had concealed a not quite correct value of , the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, to 4 places of decimals: 3.1415; nearer would be 3.1416. If I prefix our Key, 31 putting Sun and Moon conjoined, Set or Satan, before the old Gods, I get 3.141593, correct to six places, Six being my own number and that of Horus the Sun.[77]

And one more, this time an actual prediction.

Here again is what might at first seem almost an evasion! " commeth after him,..." indeed! I suppose so. It fits anybody who discovers it or claims to have done so.

Not one little bit!

For when the time came, and the Key was found, the finder's name in the Order was and had been from the moment of his admission as a probationer Achad, the Hebrew word for "One." And he came "after him" in the precise technical sense, that he was in fact the next person to undertake the Adventure of the Abyss.

I hope you are not getting the idea that my Prophetic ambit is limited to these high-falutin' metaphysical masterpieces of Runic Lore. In case you do, I now propose to break your "seven green withs that were never dried" altogether, Delilah; for I shall keep my hair on. I shall go forth to war! From 1920 to 1923 my abode for a season was the house called the Horsel of the Abbey of Thelema that lieth upon Santa Barbara, overlooking the town of Telepylus see Homer and Samuel Butler II, but called later by the Romans Cephaloedium, and now Cefal. There did I toil to expand my little Part III of Book 4 to the portentous volume now more generally known as Magick in Theory and Practice. After numerous misadventures, it was published in 1928.[78]

I refer you to that book, page 96.

  One last word on this subject. There is a Magical Operation of maximum importance: the Initiation of a New Aeon. When it becomes necessary to utter a Word, the whole Planet must be bathed in blood. Before man is ready to accept the Law of Thelema, the Great War must be fought. This Bloody Sacrifice is the critical point of the World-Ceremony of the Proclamation of Horus, the Crowned and Conquering Child, as Lord of the Aeon.*[AC39]

  The whole matter is prophesied in The Book of the Law itself; let the student take note, and enter the ranks of the Host of the Sun.

(It is a pity that I cannot prove my footnote, but this Chapter XII was part of the original MS, advertised as to be published in 1912. You may take my word for it, for once. And in any case we have the prophecy of Bartzabel, the Spirit of Mars, in the early summer of 1910 that wars involving the disaster of (a) Turkey and (b) Germany would be fought within 5 years.[80] See the New York World, December, 1914.)

We now proceed to Magick, page 112.

  But now observe how the question of the Magical Link arises! No matter how mighty the truth of Thelema, it cannot prevail unless it is applied to and by mankind. As long as The Book of the Law was in Manuscript, it could only affect the small group amongst whom it was circulated. It had to be put into action by the Magical Operation of publishing it. When this was done, it was done without proper perfection. Its commands as to how the work ought to be done were not wholly obeyed. There were doubt and repugnance in FRATER PERDURABO's mind, and they hampered His work. He was half-hearted. Yet, even so, the intrinsic power of the truth of the Law and the impact of the publication were sufficient to shake the world so that a critical war broke out, and the minds of men were moved in a mysterious manner. The second blow was struck by the re-publication of the Book in September 1913, and this time the might of this Magick burst out and caused a catastrophe to civilization. At this hour, the MASTER THERION is concealed, collecting his forces for a final blow. When The Book of the Law and its Comment is published with the forces of His whole Will in perfect obedience to the instructions which have up to now been misunderstood or neglected, the result will be incalculably effective. The event will establish the kingdom of the Crowned and Conquering Child over the whole earth, and all men shall bow to the Law, which is "love under will."

This should be plain enough, and satisfactory. However, I thought it was time to draw public attention to these matters more emphatically.

In fulfillment of my pledge given above, and of the instructions originally given to me by the Masters, I got out The Equinox of the Gods at 6:22 a.m., Dec. 22. 1937, e.v.; and, to fulfill my condition No. 1 (above) of a Prophecy, as well as to establish the date, I got a reporter on the spot, with the result following:

  These Names Make News.
  Mixed Bag of Early Birds.

  An Englishman, a Jew, an Indian, a Negro, a Malayan no, it's not one of those saloon-bar jokes assembled on the Embankment, by Cleopatra's Needle, soon after 6 a.m. yesterday.

  They were there to assist at the publication of a book by 62 year-old magician, ALEISTER CROWLEY.

  Publication occurred at 6:22 sharp, when the Sun entered Capricornus.

  Crowley make a short speech; as "the Priest of the Princes" proclaimed the Law of Thelema; handed copies of book to white, red, brown, black, yellow representatives.

  Representative of the "black" race was a dancing-girl. Indian was a non-English speaking Bengali Muslim, who seemed rather puzzled by the whole business.

  Book contains message dictated to Crowley at Cairo in 1904 "by Aiwass, a Being whose nature he does not fully understand but who described Himself as 'The Minister of Hoor-Paar-Kraat' (the Lord of Silence)."

  Prospectus of book says it's been published three times before; adds, sinisterly, that first publication was nine months before outbreak of Balkan war, second, nine months before outbreak of world war, third, nine months before outbreak of Sino-Japanese war.

  No coincidence, it says: "the might of this Magick burst out and caused a catastrophe to civilisation."

  Well, we'll see next September . . . .

  "It's a bit hard of you to wish another war on us," I said to Crowley.

  "Oh, but if everyone will only do as I tell them to," he replied, "the catastrophe can be averted."

  "Somehow I fear they won't."

. . . .

. . . .

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

Then I issued a prospectus for the book, giving the facts as to previous publications and their results, and leaving blank a space after "The Fourth Publication" to wait the event.


  nine months before the outbreak of the Balkan War, which broke up the Near East.

  When this was done it was done without proper perfection. Its commands as to how the work ought to be done were not wholly obeyed . . . Yet, even so, the intrinsic power of the truth of the Law and the impact of publication were sufficient to shake the world, so that a critical war broke out, and the minds of men were moved in a mysterious manner."

  nine months before the outbreak of the World War, which broke up the West.

  "The second blow was struck by the re-publication of the Book in September, 1913, and this time . . . caused a catastrophe to civilisation. At this hour, the Master Therion is concealed, collecting his forces for a final blow. When The Book of the Law and its Comment is published . . . in perfect obedience to the instruction . . . the result will be incalculably effective. The event will establish the Kingdom of the Crowned and Conquering Child over the whole earth, and all men shall bow to the Law, which is love under will."

  nine months before the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese war, which is breaking up the Far East.

  6:22 a.m., December 22, 1937, e.v.

This series of actions complies perfectly with the condition of Prophecy.

Nine months elapsed, and I was able to overprint, also to reprint, enlarged to four pages my remaining prospectuses in red ink. As follows:

  nine months before the Betrayal, which stripped Britain of the last rags of honour, prestige and security, and will break up civilisation.

I have always maintained that Munich marked the true outbreak of the war, because Hitler's rape of Czecho-Slovakia, however justifiable, was irreconcilably incompatible with our Foreign Policy; and Munich is Nine Months to a day after my Gesture.

This then I consider a completely documented case of Prophecy.

And I shall be a completely documented case of Brain-Fag unless I shut up NOW.

Love is the law, love under will.

Yours fraternally,



* [AC38] Mrs. Zancig sat on the stage, blindfolded. Her husb and wandered about the audience, taking one object or another from one or another of them, and asking her "Ready?" "What is this?" "And this?" "This now?" "Right, what's this?" and so on. They had worked out a list of some hundreds of questions to cover any probable article, or to spell its name, or give a number, as when asked the number of a watch or 'bus ticket and so on. One evening at Cambridge, I was explaining this to a group of undergraduates; being doubted, I offered to do the same trick with the help of one of them a complete stranger. I only stipulated to ten minutes alone with him "to hypnotize him."

Of course I won easily. They cut out one possible way of communication after another; but I always managed to exchange a few words with my "medium" or slip him a note, so as to have a new code not excluded by the latest precaution.

* [AC39] Note: This paragraph was written in the summer 1911, e.v., just three years before its fulfilment. Second innings '38 e.v., sqq.[79]

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Wikipedia - Snowdrift -- Snow deposit sculpted by wind into a mound during a snowstorm
Wikipedia - Souls Adrift -- 1917 film directed by Harley Knoles
Wikipedia - Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen -- A failed rift in the western and southern US of the triple junction that became the Iapetus Ocean
Wikipedia - Spendthrift (film) -- 1936 film by Raoul Walsh
Wikipedia - Spindrift 13 -- Sailboat class
Wikipedia - Spindrift 22 -- Sailboat class
Wikipedia - Spindrift Beverage Co. -- American beverage company
Wikipedia - Spindrift -- The spray foam blown from cresting waves
Wikipedia - Spit (landform) -- Coastal bar or beach landform deposited by longshore drift
Wikipedia - Stamukha -- A grounded pressure ridge that typically develops along the boundary between fast ice and the drifting pack ice
Wikipedia - Stochastic drift
Wikipedia - Stokes drift -- Average velocity of a fluid parcel in a gravity wave
Wikipedia - Sweets for My Sweet -- 1961 single by The Drifters
Wikipedia - SY Aurora's drift -- 1915 event during Shackleton's antarctic expedition
Wikipedia - Terceira Rift -- Geological plate boundary
Wikipedia - The Broadway Drifter -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Drift (band) -- Post-rock band
Wikipedia - The Drifter (1917 film) -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - The Drifter (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Drifter (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - The Drifters (film) -- 1919 silent film
Wikipedia - The Drifters -- American doo-wop and R&B/soul vocal group
Wikipedia - The Driftin' Kid (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Driftin' Kid (1941 film) -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift -- 2006 film directed by Justin Lin
Wikipedia - The House in the Snow-Drifts -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Killings at Badger's Drift -- Book by Caroline Graham
Wikipedia - The Rift (Allan novel) -- 2017 novel by Nina Allan
Wikipedia - The Riftwar Saga
Wikipedia - The Thrifty Pig -- 1941 film by Ford Beebe
Wikipedia - ThriftBooks -- Web-based used bookseller headquartered near Seattle, Washington
Wikipedia - Thrift Shop -- 2012 single by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz
Wikipedia - Tideline -- Surface border where two currents in the ocean converge. Driftwood, floating seaweed, foam, and other floating debris may accumulate
Wikipedia - Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-IndiM-CM-+ -- Dutch magazine
Wikipedia - Transpolar Drift Stream -- An ocean current of the Arctic Ocean
Wikipedia - Trift Glacier
Wikipedia - Tripping the Rift -- Television series
Wikipedia - Two Drifters -- 2005 film
Wikipedia - Under the Boardwalk -- 1964 single by The Drifters
Wikipedia - USS Vandegrift (FFG-48) -- Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate
Wikipedia - VDrift
Wikipedia - Vereinfachte Ausgangsschrift -- Writing system
Wikipedia - Vine-Matthews-Morley hypothesis -- The first key scientific test of the seafloor spreading theory of continental drift and plate tectonics.
Wikipedia - Waimangu Volcanic Rift Valley -- Volcanic Valley in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Wilson Cycle -- Geophysical model of the opening and closing of rifts
Wikipedia - Wolf Valley -- Graben rift valley in Riverside County, California, United States
Wikipedia - Zeitschrift der Deutschen MorgenlM-CM-$ndischen Gesellschaft -- Academic journal about Asian studies
Wikipedia - Zeitschrift fr die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
Wikipedia - Zeitschrift fr Physik
Wikipedia - Zeitschrift fur Physik -- Scientific journal
selforum - rift in hindutva camp over nazi history
Dharmapedia - Lucifer_(Zeitschrift
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - genetic-drift
Land of the Lost (1974 - 1977) - This show was about a father and his son and daughter who get sucked into a rift in the earth. Their jeep lands in "The Land of the Lost", a pre-historic time period, and they need to learn how to survive so they can find a way back home. They meet some dangerous creatures along the way, but they al...
Trigun (1998 - 1998) - Trigun is not your normal western. A man named Vash the Stampede is a careless drifter, roaming the desert planet, Gunsmoke. He believes in the power of love and peace. Vash, along with his friends Nick D. Wolfwood, Milly Thompson, and Meryl Stryfe, travels the planet hunting for peace and chasing t...
Land of the Giants (1968 - 1970) - The Spindrift, a commercial spaceship on a flight from New York City to London, became lost when it passed through a time warp in the ship's orbit around Earth. It landed on an alternate Earth-type planet, where the inhabitants were roughly twelve times the size of the ship's passengers.
Route 66 (1960 - 1964) - The adventures of two young drifters across America on Highway Route 66.
Galactic Drifter Vifam (1983 - 1984) - Set far in the future, a mysterious alien race attacks a new colony light years from Earth. A number of children ranging in ages from 4 to 15 are among the survivors that evacuate from the fallen colony. Due to attacks by the aliens on the escaping freighter, the number of adults left dwindles. Over...
Delta State (2004 - 2005) - Four people all become aware that they each possess a superhuman ability of the mind and that theyve been charged with saving the world from Rifter forces according to their friend and mentor Professor Brodie. Brodie trains them to battle Rifters in the Delta State, a reference to the brain wave pa...
Ginga Hyry Vifam (1983 - 1998) - also known as Galactic Drifter Vifam or Round Vernian Vifam) is a 1983 Mecha anime television series produced by Sunrise. It was officially drafted by Yoshiyuki Tomino, the creator of Mobile Suit Gundam and planned by both Takeyuki Kanda (who also serves as its director) and Hiroyuki Hoshiyama. It a...
Drifters (2016 - 2016) - At the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Toyohisa Shimazu is the rearguard for his retreating troops, and is critically wounded when he suddenly finds himself in a modern, gleaming white hallway. Faced with only a stoic man named Murasaki and hundreds of doors on both sides, Toyohisa is pulled into the...
The Neverending Story(1984) - A young boy drifts off into his own depression after dealing with his mothers death. His father tries to raise him right but the boy needs his own answers. He finds these answers after running into a strange book store to escape some bullies. And the book that he "borrows" would lead him into a myst...
The Black Hole(1979) - For five years the crew of the PALOMINO has ranged through deep space, searching for evidence of alien life--with no result. Then, their mission almost at an end, they discover a giant collapsar--the largest black hole ever encountered--and, drifting perilously near it, is the long-lost legendary st...
They Live(1988) - John Carpenter wrote and directed this science fiction thriller about a group of aliens who try to take over the world by disguising themselves as Young Republicans. Wrestler Roddy Piper stars as John Nada, a drifted who makes his way into an immense encampment for the homeless. There he stumbles up...
Taxi Driver(1976) - Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro) is an ex-Marine lost and adrift in 1970's Manhatta when he finds a job driving a taxi through the hellish streets of the city. One night he encounters a young prostitute (Jodie Foster) and a phoney politician and his life shifts into a new direction. He wants to save t...
First Blood(1982) - John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Ram...
Apollo 13(1995) - Technical troubles scuttle the Apollo 13 lunar mission in 1971, risking the lives of astronaut Jim Lovell and his crew in director Ron Howard's chronicle of this true-life story, which turns a failed journey into a thrilling saga of heroism. Drifting more than 200,000 miles from Earth, the astronau...
Three Wishes(1995) - In this offbeat comedy set in the 1950s, Patrick Swayze plays Jack McCloud, a drifter and beatnik who enters the conservative suburban life of the Holman family after Jeanne Holman (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio) accidentally hits him with her car. Jeanne takes Jack into her home while he recovers fro...
U-Turn(1997) - Oliver Stone directed this John Ridley screenplay adapted from Ridley's novel Stray Dogs. A drifter (Sean Penn) eludes Las Vegas collection agents and arrives in a small town where he decides to linger after his car has a breakdown. Here he gets involved with the locals, including an unhappily marri...
Desert Heat(1999) - A group of bullies terrorizing a small town meet their match in the Muscles From Brussels in this action drama. Eddie Lomax (Jean-Claude Van Damme) is a drifter who has been in a suicidal funk since the death of his close friend Johnny (Danny Trejo). Riding his motorcycle into a small desert town wh...
Godzilla VS. Spacegodzilla(1994) - In this movie, Godzilla teams up with the military robot M.O.G.U.E.R.A. to fight SpaceGodzilla! SpaceGodzilla was created by stray Godzilla cells drifting through a black hole, and coming out a whit
Buffalo '66(1998) - Actor Vincent Gallo (The Funeral, Palookaville) made his feature directorial debut with this drama about convict Billy Brown (Gallo), released after half a decade spent behind bars. Drifting into downtown Buffalo, Billy kidnaps teen Layla (Christina Ricci) and has her pose as his loving wife when he...
Gideon(1999) - In the comic fable Gideon, the residents of the Lakeview Retirement Home are drifting through their final years with quiet dissatisfaction. A former cook (Carrol O'Connor) can't stand the food, a former fighter (Mike Connors) wishes he could still box, a one-time philosophy professor (Charlton Hesto...
High Plains Drifter(1973) - A gunfighting stranger comes to the small settlement of Lago. After gunning down three gunmen who tried to kill him, the townsfolk decide to hire the Stranger to hold off three outlaws who are on their way.
This World, Then the Fireworks(1997) - Pulp fiction writer Jim Thompson's novels have been adapted into noirish movies such as The Grifters and this one, directed by Michael Oblowitz. This unusual dark tragedy is narrated by Marty (Billy Zane), a successful investigative reporter who is unhappy with his shy and sick wife. As children, Ma...
Sea Prince and the Fire Child(1981) - Long ago, spirits of fire and water lived as one. But jealous Algaroch, lord of the winds, drove a rift between King Oceanus and his sister Hyperia, queen of fire. Since then fire fairies and water sprites have been at war and forbidden from consorting, but when Prince Sirius, the kings chosen...
Two Moon Junction(1988) - A young Southern dbutante temporarily abandons her posh lifestyle and upcoming, semi-arranged marriage to have a lustful and erotic fling with a rugged drifter who works at a local carnival.
The Postman Always Rings Twice(1981) - Drifter Frank Chambers (Jack Nicholson) falls in love with Cora Papadakis (Jessica Lange), whose husband runs a restaurant. Together, they make plans to murder him.
The Grifters(1990) - Based on the pulp novel by Jim Thompson, this neo-noir film tells the story of Lilly Dillon, a long-time female con artist who begins to rethink her life when her son Roy, also a grifter, suffers an almost-fatal injury when he is beaten after a failed scam.
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer(1986) - HENRY PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER, loosely based on the case of Henry Lee Lucas, a confessed serial killer, is a terrifyingly intimate journey into the twisted life of a murderous psychotic. As the blank-eyed Henry (Michael Rooker) drifts from place to place, he selects victims at random, slaughters...
Foxfire(1996) - Based on the novel by Joyce Carol Oates, Foxfire tells the story of Legs (played by Angelina Jolie), a drifter who befriends four girls, each from different walks of life. All attitude and style, Legs shows them how to stand up to those who have hurt them in the past. A film about friendship, growin...
The Thin Blue Line(1988) - Errol Morris's unique documentary dramatically re-enacts the crime scene and investigation of a police officer's murder in Dallas. Briefly, a drifter (Randall Adams) ran out of gas in Texas and was picked up by a 16-year-old runaway (David Harris). Later that night, they drank some beer, smoked some...
There's Always Vanilla(1971) - A young drifter returns to his hometown of Pittsburgh, and moves in with an older woman(Judith Ridley) who supports him emotionally and financially.
Back Roads(1981) - A prostitute and a drifter find themselves bound together as they make their way through the rural South, doing what they have to do to survive.
Kansas(1988) - A young man returning home to attend a wedding hooks up with a drifter who turns out to be a violent bank robber. Before he knows it, the man finds himself involved in the robber's plans.
The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946)(1946) - A married woman and a drifter fall in love, then plot to murder her husband... but even once the deed is done, they must live with the consequences of their actions.
House Of Games(1987) - A psychiatrist comes to the aid of a compulsive gambler and is led by a smooth-talking grifter into the shadowy but compelling world of stings, scams, and con men.
Portrait Of Fear(1968) - A rich, lonely woman hires a drifter as a live-in handyman. The drifter turns out to be a psycho artist who has beautiful women model for him, then kills them.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(2004) - Harry Potter's (Daniel Radcliffe) third year at Hogwarts starts off badly when he learns deranged killer Sirius Black (Gary Oldman) has escaped from Azkaban prison and is bent on murdering the teenage wizard. While Hermione's (Emma Watson) cat torments Ron's (Rupert Grint) sickly rat, causing a rift...
The Ten Commandments(1956) - The Egyptian Pharaoh, Ramesses I has ordered the death of all firstborn Hebrew males, but a Hebrew woman sets her infant son adrift on the Nile in order to save him. The infant is rescued from the Nile by an Egyptian princess who decides to adopt the boy even though her servant recognizes that the c...
summer scars(2007) - brothers jonesy and paul are put to the ultimate test when a deranged drifter takes them and their si
Daddy Day Camp(2007) - Charlie and Phil take their kids to Camp Driftwood for summer vacation, but once there, they discover that Camp Driftwood is no longer the kindhearted camp site of its time. To save the site, Charlie and Phil buy it and turn it into Daddy Day Camp. They run into misadventures along the way, though t...
The Fast & the Furious: Tokyo Drift(2006) - After totaling his car in an illegal street race, Sean Boswell is sent to live with his father, who is stationed as a U.S. Navy officer in Tokyo, Japan, to avoid juvy or even jail. While in school, he befriends Twinkie, a "military brat", who introduces him to the world of racing in Japan. Though fo...
Like Mike(2002) - Teenage orphan Calvin Cambridge (Lil' Bow Wow) manages to get tickets to a home game for the struggling Los Angeles Knights from the team's coach. The next day, Calvin obtains a pair of old Nike Blazers sneakers from a Salvation Army thrift store that had reportedly been used by a great basketball p...
Ice Palace(1960) - After WW1, Zeb and Thor start a cannery business in Alaska but eventually they drift apart with Zeb becoming unscrupulous and Thor becoming involved in Alaskan politics.
Zulu(1964) - Outnumbered British soldiers do battle with Zulu warriors at Rorke's Drift.
Ice Age: Continental Drift(2012) - Sixteen years after the events of the third film, Manny and Ellie are forced to deal with the trials and tribulations of their daughter Peaches, who has trouble fitting in with her peers. Ellie tries to support her daughter, but Manny becomes exceedingly overprotective. Meanwhile, Sid's family retur...
Sweet Bird Of Youth(1962) - Drifter Chance Wayne returns to his hometown after many years of trying to make it in the movies. Arriving with him is a faded film star he picked up along the way, Alexandra Del Lago. While trying to get her help to make a screen test, he also finds the time to meet his former girlfriend Heavenly,...
The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos(2008) - The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos is a 2008 British-American nature documentary that explores the great gathering of lesser flamingos which occurs every year at Lake Natron in Tanzania and along the salt lakes of the African Rift Valley. It was the first movie released under the then-new Di... -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Historical, Samurai, Fantasy, Seinen -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Historical, Samurai, Seinen -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Historical, Samurai, Seinen -- Comedy, Parody -- Comedy, Parody -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Historical, Samurai, Fantasy, Seinen -- Comedy, Ecchi, Supernatural
Adrift (2018) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Action, Adventure, Biography | 1 June 2018 (USA) -- A true story of survival, as a young couple's chance encounter leads them first to love, and then on the adventure of a lifetime as they face one of the most catastrophic hurricanes in recorded history. Director: Baltasar Kormkur Writers:
A Face in the Crowd (1957) ::: 8.2/10 -- Approved | 2h 6min | Drama, Music | 1 June 1957 (USA) -- A female radio reporter turns a folk-singing drifter into a powerful media star. Director: Elia Kazan Writers: Budd Schulberg (story), Budd Schulberg (screenplay)
After Dark, My Sweet (1990) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 24 August 1990 (USA) -- An ex-boxer is drifting around after escaping from the mental hospital. He meets a widow who convinces him to help fix up the neglected estate her ex-husband left. Her Uncle talks them both... S Director: James Foley Writers:
Against the Sun (2014) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 40min | Biography, Drama, War | 23 January 2015 (USA) -- A WWII pilot, bombardier, and radioman find themselves adrift on a lifeboat without food or water after being forced to ditch their plane during a scouting mission. Director: Brian Peter Falk (as Brian Falk) Writers:
Apostle (2018) ::: 6.3/10 -- TV-MA | 2h 10min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 12 October 2018 (USA) -- In 1905, a drifter on a dangerous mission to rescue his kidnapped sister tangles with a sinister religious cult on an isolated island. Director: Gareth Evans Writer: Gareth Evans
Captain America: Civil War (2016) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 27min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 6 May 2016 (USA) -- Political involvement in the Avengers' affairs causes a rift between Captain America and Iron Man. Directors: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Writers: Christopher Markus (screenplay by), Stephen McFeely (screenplay by) | 2
Confidence (2003) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Crime, Thriller | 25 April 2003 (USA) -- Jake Vig is a consummate grifter about to pull his biggest con yet, one set to avenge his friend's murder. But his last scam backfired, leaving him indebted to a mob boss and his enforcer. Director: James Foley Writer:
Detachment (2011) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 38min | Drama | 1 February 2012 (France) -- A substitute teacher who drifts from classroom to classroom finds a connection to the students and teachers during his latest assignment. Director: Tony Kaye Writer: Carl Lund
Hard Times (1975) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 33min | Crime, Drama, Sport | 13 August 1975 (France) -- The adventures of a drifter turned illegal prize-fighter during the Depression Era in New Orleans. Director: Walter Hill Writers: Walter Hill (screenplay), Bryan Gindoff (screenplay) | 3 more credits
High Plains Drifter (1973) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Drama, Mystery, Western | 7 April 1973 (USA) -- A gun-fighting stranger comes to the small settlement of Lago and is hired to bring the townsfolk together in an attempt to hold off three outlaws who are on their way. Director: Clint Eastwood Writer:
House of Games (1987) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Crime, Thriller | 14 October 1987 (USA) -- A psychiatrist comes to the aid of a compulsive gambler and is led by a smooth-talking grifter into the shadowy but compelling world of stings, scams, and con men. Director: David Mamet Writers:
Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 28min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 13 July 2012 (USA) -- Manny, Diego, and Sid embark upon another adventure after their continent is set adrift. Using an iceberg as a ship, they encounter sea creatures and battle pirates as they explore a new world. Directors: Steve Martino, Mike Thurmeier (as Michael Thurmeier) Writers:
Ice Station Zebra (1968) ::: 6.6/10 -- G | 2h 28min | Adventure, Thriller | 23 October 1968 (USA) -- USN nuclear sub USS Tigerfish must rush to the North Pole to rescue the staff of Drift Ice Station Zebra weather station. Director: John Sturges Writers: Alistair MacLean (novel), Douglas Heyes (screenplay) | 1 more credit
In Cold Blood (1967) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 2h 14min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 15 December 1967 (USA) -- After a botched robbery results in the brutal murder of a rural family, two drifters elude police, in the end coming to terms with their own mortality and the repercussions of their vile atrocity. Director: Richard Brooks Writers:
Initial D (2005) ::: 6.4/10 -- Tau man ji D (original title) -- Initial D Poster After winning his first competition, Takumi focuses his attention on drift racing, a sport he has unknowingly perfected while delivering tofu in his father's Toyota AE86. Directors: Andrew Lau, Alan Mak | 1 more credit Writers: Shuichi Shigeno (comic books), Felix Chong (screenplay)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 1h 55min | Horror, Sci-Fi | 22 December 1978 (USA) -- When strange seeds drift to earth from space, mysterious pods begin to grow and invade San Francisco, California, where they replicate the residents into emotionless automatons one body at a time. Director: Philip Kaufman Writers:
Ironweed (1987) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 2h 23min | Drama | 12 February 1988 (USA) -- An alcoholic drifter spends Halloween in his home town of Albany, New York after returning there for the first time in decades. Director: Hector Babenco Writers: William Kennedy (novel), William Kennedy (screenplay)
Ladder 49 (2004) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 1 October 2004 (USA) -- A firefighter, injured and trapped in a burning building, has flashbacks of his life as he drifts in and out of consciousness. Meanwhile, fellow firefighters led by the Chief attempt to rescue him. Director: Jay Russell Writer:
Last Man Standing (1996) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Action, Crime, Drama | 20 September 1996 (USA) -- A drifting gunslinger-for-hire finds himself in the middle of an ongoing war between the Irish and Italian mafia in a Prohibition era ghost town. Director: Walter Hill Writers:
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) ::: 8.1/10 -- R | 2h | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 15 May 2015 (USA) -- In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, a woman rebels against a tyrannical ruler in search for her homeland with the aid of a group of female prisoners, a psychotic worshiper, and a drifter named Max. Director: George Miller Writers:
Man Without a Star (1955) ::: 6.9/10 -- Approved | 1h 29min | Western | 13 April 1955 (Belarus) -- A drifter working as foreman for an iron-fist female rancher must chose sides between his attractive employer and the other neighboring settlers who are mistreated by her. Director: King Vidor Writers: Borden Chase (screenplay), D.D. Beauchamp (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 32min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 7 March 2014 (USA) -- The time-travelling adventures of an advanced canine and his adopted son, as they endeavor to fix a time rift they created. Director: Rob Minkoff Writers: Jay Ward (based on the series produced by), Craig Wright (screenplay) |
Near Dark (1987) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Action, Crime, Drama | 1988 (Peru) -- A small-town farmer's son reluctantly joins a traveling group of vampires after he is bitten by a beautiful drifter. Director: Kathryn Bigelow Writers: Kathryn Bigelow, Eric Red
Night and the City (1950) ::: 7.9/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 36min | Crime, Film-Noir, Mystery | 28 June 1950 -- Night and the City Poster A small-time grifter and nightclub tout takes advantage of some fortuitous circumstances and tries to become a big-time player as a wrestling promoter. Director: Jules Dassin Writers: Jo Eisinger (screenplay), Gerald Kersh (novel)
Paris, Texas (1984) ::: 8.1/10 -- R | 2h 25min | Drama | 23 August 1984 (UK) -- Travis Henderson, an aimless drifter who has been missing for four years, wanders out of the desert and must reconnect with society, himself, his life, and his family. Director: Wim Wenders Writers:
Picnic (1955) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 55min | Drama, Romance | December 1955 (USA) -- Emotions are ignited amongst the complacent townsfolk when a handsome drifter arrives in a small Kansas community on the morning of the Labour Day picnic. Director: Joshua Logan Writers:
Red Rock West (1993) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 14 May 1993 (Italy) -- Upon arriving to a small town, a drifter is mistaken for a hitman, but when the real hitman arrives, complications ensue. Director: John Dahl Writers: John Dahl, Rick Dahl
Riftworld Chronicles ::: 48min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (2015- ) Episode Guide 8 episodes Riftworld Chronicles Poster A dimension traveling mage and a journalist team up to investigate the connection between their worlds. Creator: Jonathan Williams Stars:
Sabata (1969) ::: 6.8/10 -- Ehi amico... c' Sabata. Hai chiuso! (original title) -- Sabata Poster A master gunfighter teams up with a banjo-playing drifter and a Mexican tramp to foil the town leaders of Daugherty, Texas, who want to steal $100,000 from their own bank to buy land that the approaching railroad will cross. Director: Gianfranco Parolini (as Frank Kramer) Writers: Renato Izzo (story), Gianfranco Parolini (story) | 2 more credits
Scarecrow (1973) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Drama | 11 April 1973 (USA) -- Max, an ex-con drifter with a penchant for brawling is amused by Lion, a homeless ex-sailor, and they partner up as they head east together. Director: Jerry Schatzberg Writer: Garry Michael White
Servant ::: TV-MA | 30min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | TV Series (2019 ) -- A Philadelphia couple is in mourning after an unspeakable tragedy creates a rift in their marriage and opens the door for a mysterious force to enter their home. Creator:
Sweet Bird of Youth (1962) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 2h | Drama, Romance | 3 May 1962 (UK) -- A drifter and a faded film star, both traumatized by Hollywood, arrive to the guy's hometown, where the old bitter memories revive again. Director: Richard Brooks Writers: Tennessee Williams (play), Richard Brooks (written for the screen by)
The Fugitive Kind (1960) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 59min | Drama, Romance | 14 April 1960 (USA) -- Valentine "Snakeskin" Xavier, a trouble-prone drifter trying to go straight, wanders into a small Mississippi town looking for a simple and honest life but finds himself embroiled with problem-filled women. Director: Sidney Lumet Writers: Tennessee Williams (screenplay), Meade Roberts (screenplay) | 1 more credit
The Grifters (1990) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 25 January 1991 (USA) -- A small-time conman has torn loyalties between his estranged mother and new girlfriend, both of whom are high-stakes grifters with their own angles to play. Director: Stephen Frears Writers:
The Homesman (2014) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Drama, Western | 18 May 2014 (France) -- Three women who have been driven mad by pioneer life are to be transported across the country by covered wagon by the pious, independent-minded Mary Bee Cuddy, who in turn employs low-life drifter George Briggs to assist her. Director: Tommy Lee Jones Writers:
The Hot Spot (1990) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h 10min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 26 October 1990 (USA) -- Upon arriving to a small town, a drifter quickly gets into trouble with the local authorities - and the local women - after he robs a bank. Director: Dennis Hopper Writers: Charles Williams (book), Nona Tyson (screenplay) | 1 more credit
The IT Crowd ::: TV-14 | 25min | Comedy | TV Series (20062013) -- The comedic misadventures of Roy, Moss and their grifting supervisor Jen, a rag-tag team of IT support workers at a large corporation headed by a hotheaded yuppie. Stars:
The Light Between Oceans (2016) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 13min | Drama, Romance | 2 September 2016 (USA) -- A lighthouse keeper and his wife living off the coast of Western Australia raise a baby they rescue from a drifting rowing boat. Director: Derek Cianfrance Writers: Derek Cianfrance (written for the screen by), M.L. Stedman (novel)
The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) ::: 7.5/10 -- Passed | 1h 53min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 6 September 1946 -- The Postman Always Rings Twice Poster -- A married woman and a drifter fall in love, then plot to murder her husband. Director: Tay Garnett Writers:
The Postman Always Rings Twice (1981) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 20 March 1981 (USA) -- The sensuous wife of a lunch wagon proprietor and a rootless drifter begin a sordidly steamy affair and conspire to murder her Greek husband. Director: Bob Rafelson Writers:
The Road Warrior (1981) ::: 7.6/10 -- Mad Max 2 (original title) -- The Road Warrior Poster -- In the post-apocalyptic Australian wasteland, a cynical drifter agrees to help a small, gasoline-rich community escape a horde of bandits. Director: George Miller Writers:
The Salton Sea (2002) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 21 June 2002 (Ireland) -- After a tragic incident, a man drifts into a world populated by thugs and speed junkies. Director: D.J. Caruso Writer: Tony Gayton
The Salton Sea (2002) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 21 June 2002 (Ireland) -- After a tragic incident, a man drifts into a world populated by thugs and speed junkies.
The Sting (1973) ::: 8.3/10 -- PG | 2h 9min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 25 December 1973 (USA) -- Two grifters team up to pull off the ultimate con. Director: George Roy Hill Writer: David S. Ward
The Way of the Gun (2000) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Action, Crime, Drama | 8 September 2000 (USA) -- Two criminal drifters without sympathy get more than they bargained for after kidnapping and holding for ransom the surrogate mother of a powerful and shady man. Director: Christopher McQuarrie Writer:
The Way of the Gun (2000) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Action, Crime, Drama | 8 September 2000 (USA) -- Two criminal drifters without sympathy get more than they bargained for after kidnapping and holding for ransom the surrogate mother of a powerful and shady man.
Tokyo Drifter (1966) ::: 7.2/10 -- Tky nagaremono (original title) -- Tokyo Drifter Poster After his gang disbands, a yakuza enforcer looks forward to life outside of organized crime but soon must become a drifter after his old rivals attempt to assassinate him. Director: Seijun Suzuki Writers: Yasunori Kawauchi (author), Yasunori Kawauchi (screenplay)
Vision Quest (1985) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Drama, Romance, Sport | 15 February 1985 (USA) -- A high school wrestler in Spokane, Washington has trouble focusing on his training regimen when a beautiful young drifter takes up temporary residence at his home. Director: Harold Becker Writers:
Wagon Master (1950) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 26min | Adventure, Western | 22 April 1950 (USA) -- Two young drifters guide a Mormon wagon train to the San Juan Valley and encounter cutthroats, Indians, geography, and moral challenges on the journey. Director: John Ford Writers: Frank S. Nugent (as Frank Nugent), Patrick Ford Stars:
Wanda (1970) ::: 7.1/10 -- GP | 1h 42min | Crime, Drama | 14 January 1971 (UK) -- Wanda, a lonely housewife, drifts through mining country until she meets a petty thief who takes her in. Director: Barbara Loden Writer: Barbara Loden Stars:
Young Adam (2003) ::: 6.4/10 -- NC-17 | 1h 38min | Crime, Drama | 26 September 2003 (UK) -- A young drifter working on a river barge disrupts his employers' lives while hiding the fact that he knows more about a dead woman found in the river than he admits. Director: David Mackenzie Writers:
Zulu (1964) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 18min | Drama, History, War | 17 June 1964 (USA) -- Outnumbered British soldiers do battle with Zulu warriors at Rorke's Drift. Director: Cy Endfield Writers: John Prebble (original screenplay), Cy Endfield (original screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:'s_Apology's_Locales"Drifting_Sand"_Tunic_and_Sash's_Armor's_Helmet's"Drifter"'s_Rift's_Rift's_Rift_being!'s_Rift'rilgar'shyi_Att,000_BC_(2008)/Ice_Age_4:_Continental_Drift!!_(comic_story)'s_Thrift_Store
Aria the Animation -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life Fantasy Shounen -- Aria the Animation Aria the Animation -- Drift peacefully into Neo Venezia, a city on the planet Aqua (formerly known as Mars). By the 24th century, humans have found a way to colonize the previously uninhabitable planet. As futuristic as that sounds, Neo Venezia is still teeming with rustic beauty; gondolas on wide canals and waterways are the main mode of transportation. The city itself is a faithful replication of Manhome's (the planet formerly known as Earth) Venice. -- -- To make sure that residents and tourists alike get the most from Neo Venezia's many wonders, companies offering guided tours via gondola were formed, one of which is named Aria Company. -- -- This is the workplace of Akari Mizunashi, a free spirited teenager from Manhome who is now a novice Undine (the title given to tour guides). Join Akari as she becomes intimately acquainted with other Undine, tourists, Neo Venezia's residents, and even the city itself, learning many valuable life lessons along the way, such as the wonderful truth that there are such things as manmade miracles. -- -- 131,217 7.69
Aria the Animation -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life Fantasy Shounen -- Aria the Animation Aria the Animation -- Drift peacefully into Neo Venezia, a city on the planet Aqua (formerly known as Mars). By the 24th century, humans have found a way to colonize the previously uninhabitable planet. As futuristic as that sounds, Neo Venezia is still teeming with rustic beauty; gondolas on wide canals and waterways are the main mode of transportation. The city itself is a faithful replication of Manhome's (the planet formerly known as Earth) Venice. -- -- To make sure that residents and tourists alike get the most from Neo Venezia's many wonders, companies offering guided tours via gondola were formed, one of which is named Aria Company. -- -- This is the workplace of Akari Mizunashi, a free spirited teenager from Manhome who is now a novice Undine (the title given to tour guides). Join Akari as she becomes intimately acquainted with other Undine, tourists, Neo Venezia's residents, and even the city itself, learning many valuable life lessons along the way, such as the wonderful truth that there are such things as manmade miracles. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 131,217 7.69
Black� -- Rock Shooter (OVA) -- -- Ordet -- 1 ep -- Other -- Action Slice of Life Drama School -- Black� -- Rock Shooter (OVA) Black� -- Rock Shooter (OVA) -- On her first day of junior high school, Mato Kuroi meets Yomi Takanashi. Though Yomi is initially taken aback by Mako's straightforward personality, the pair quickly becomes friends and begin to spend time together daily. As a sign of their friendship, Mato gives Yomi a cell phone charm—a blue star, identical to her own. -- -- However, when the two enter their second year, their relationship starts to change. Placed in a different class, Mato begins to spend more time with Yuu Koutari instead, a girl she met through the basketball team. In fact, the former best friends drift apart so much so that Mato cannot find Yomi anywhere, as if she had disappeared entirely. -- -- Elsewhere, Black� -- Rock Shooter is on a quest to vanquish the Dead Master. These two, while opposed, bear a connection not unlike Mato and Yomi. As their stories begin to cross, it seems Yomi's disappearance may have to do with the blue star-shaped charm and the legendary gunslinger herself. -- -- OVA - Jul 24, 2010 -- 162,971 7.12
Clannad: Mou Hitotsu no Sekai, Tomoyo-hen -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Drama Romance School Slice of Life -- Clannad: Mou Hitotsu no Sekai, Tomoyo-hen Clannad: Mou Hitotsu no Sekai, Tomoyo-hen -- Clannad: Mou Hitotsu no Sekai, Tomoyo-hen is set in an alternate reality where Tomoya Okazaki dates his junior, Tomoyo Sakagami. -- -- Tomoyo has been elected to be the school's next Student Council President. This is great news as she can now work toward her goal of preventing the school's cherry blossom trees from being axed. Although Tomoya is ecstatic for her, given his reputation as a delinquent in school, his relationship with Tomoyo is making them the subject of gossip around the campus, which can potentially compromise her standing as Student Council President. The school community's disapproval of their relationship becomes more apparent when the Student Council's Vice-President and even the school's administration warn Tomoya to distance himself from Tomoyo. -- -- With the bad atmosphere widening the rift between Tomoya and Tomoyo, will Tomoya succumb to societal pressure and do as they say, or will their love for each other rise above it all? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Jul 16, 2008 -- 262,192 7.98
Crayon Shin-chan Gaiden: Alien vs. Shinnosuke -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Space Comedy Ecchi Seinen -- Crayon Shin-chan Gaiden: Alien vs. Shinnosuke Crayon Shin-chan Gaiden: Alien vs. Shinnosuke -- Unlike the main television anime series which is mostly set in modern-day Japan, the new series will be a "sealed room" suspense comedy set 100 years in the future. The story begins when Shinnosuke and the entire Nohara family wake up from cold sleep to find themselves aboard a space ship drifting in space. The anime will depict the various events that take place inside the ship. (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Aug 3, 2016 -- 1,914 6.59
Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai -- The gate to the Digital World has been closed for three years. Taichi Yagami and his friends have since moved on, and now that he is in his second year of high school, it is time for him to grow up. While everyone else knows what they want to do with their lives, Taichi remains unsure. Meanwhile, the group drifts further apart as they follow their own paths. -- -- One day, a rogue insectoid Digimon called Kuwagamon materializes and disrupts electronics all over the city. Taichi recklessly chases after it and ends up cornered by the attacking Digimon. Suddenly, the Digivice that he still carries—a digital device that serves various purposes including helping one's Digimon partner to evolve—glows, and Agumon appears. The two are able to defeat Kuwagamon, but why did the Digimon cross over to this world in the first place? What is happening in the Digital World, and how exactly does this involve Meiko Mochizuki, the new transfer student in Taichi's class? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Shout! Factory -- Movie - Nov 21, 2015 -- 100,944 7.47
Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai -- The gate to the Digital World has been closed for three years. Taichi Yagami and his friends have since moved on, and now that he is in his second year of high school, it is time for him to grow up. While everyone else knows what they want to do with their lives, Taichi remains unsure. Meanwhile, the group drifts further apart as they follow their own paths. -- -- One day, a rogue insectoid Digimon called Kuwagamon materializes and disrupts electronics all over the city. Taichi recklessly chases after it and ends up cornered by the attacking Digimon. Suddenly, the Digivice that he still carries—a digital device that serves various purposes including helping one's Digimon partner to evolve—glows, and Agumon appears. The two are able to defeat Kuwagamon, but why did the Digimon cross over to this world in the first place? What is happening in the Digital World, and how exactly does this involve Meiko Mochizuki, the new transfer student in Taichi's class? -- -- Movie - Nov 21, 2015 -- 100,944 7.47
Drifters -- -- Hoods Drifters Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Samurai Fantasy Seinen -- Drifters Drifters -- At the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Toyohisa Shimazu is the rearguard for his retreating troops, and is critically wounded when he suddenly finds himself in a modern, gleaming white hallway. Faced with only a stoic man named Murasaki and hundreds of doors on both sides, Toyohisa is pulled into the nearest door and into a world completely unlike his own. -- -- The strange land is populated by all manner of fantastical creatures, as well as warriors from different eras of Toyohisa's world who were thought to be dead. Quickly befriending the infamous warlord Nobunaga Oda and the ancient archer Yoichi Suketaka Nasu, Toyohisa learns of the political unrest tearing through the continent. Furthermore, they have been summoned as "Drifters" to fight against the "Ends," people who are responsible for the creation of the Orte Empire and are trying to annihilate the Drifters. As the Ends grow more powerful, so does the Empire's persecution of elves and other demihumans. It is up to Toyohisa and his group of unconventional heroes to battle in a brand-new world war to help the Empire's subjects, while protecting the land to claim for themselves and challenging the Ends. -- -- 427,848 7.93
Drifters -- -- Hoods Drifters Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Samurai Fantasy Seinen -- Drifters Drifters -- At the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Toyohisa Shimazu is the rearguard for his retreating troops, and is critically wounded when he suddenly finds himself in a modern, gleaming white hallway. Faced with only a stoic man named Murasaki and hundreds of doors on both sides, Toyohisa is pulled into the nearest door and into a world completely unlike his own. -- -- The strange land is populated by all manner of fantastical creatures, as well as warriors from different eras of Toyohisa's world who were thought to be dead. Quickly befriending the infamous warlord Nobunaga Oda and the ancient archer Yoichi Suketaka Nasu, Toyohisa learns of the political unrest tearing through the continent. Furthermore, they have been summoned as "Drifters" to fight against the "Ends," people who are responsible for the creation of the Orte Empire and are trying to annihilate the Drifters. As the Ends grow more powerful, so does the Empire's persecution of elves and other demihumans. It is up to Toyohisa and his group of unconventional heroes to battle in a brand-new world war to help the Empire's subjects, while protecting the land to claim for themselves and challenging the Ends. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 427,848 7.93
Drifters (OVA) -- -- Hoods Drifters Studio -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Historical Samurai Seinen -- Drifters (OVA) Drifters (OVA) -- Despite the Ends’ attack on Verlina being successfully repelled, the war has not yet ended. With the monster armies regrouping, the Black King tightens his grasp on the already conquered territory. New conflicts erupt all across Orte, as its remaining forces struggle to retain control over long-oppressed demi-human races. -- -- While Ends grow more potent each day, Toyohisa Shimazu remains unconscious after heavy injuries suffered during the Battle of Verlina. Facing enemies on every side, humanity’s fate is still on a knife's edge. -- -- OVA - Dec 23, 2017 -- 62,443 7.56
Drifters: Special Edition -- -- Hoods Drifters Studio -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Historical Samurai Seinen -- Drifters: Special Edition Drifters: Special Edition -- Bundled with the fifth manga volume. -- OVA - Jun 6, 2016 -- 28,316 7.69
Drifters: The Outlandish Knight -- -- Hoods Drifters Studio -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Samurai Fantasy Seinen -- Drifters: The Outlandish Knight Drifters: The Outlandish Knight -- Episode 15 of Drifters shipped with the special version of the manga's sixth volume. -- OVA - Nov 30, 2018 -- 16,704 7.31
Endro~! -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Fantasy Magic Slice of Life -- Endro~! Endro~! -- In a world of adventurers and magic lies Naral Island. Every generation, a Demon Lord rises to plague the land, and every generation, a Hero is born to subdue him. For countless centuries, the cycle has repeated with no end in sight. The latest Hero, Juulia "Yusha" Charldetto, has almost completed her valiant campaign alongside her party members: responsible priest Seiran "Seira" Élénoir, enigmatic mage Meiza "Mei" Endust, and hyper-energetic warrior Fai Fai. -- -- In the final battle against the Demon Lord, Yusha's party attempt a risky spell to cast their enemy into the drifts of time. But the incantation goes awry, sending Yusha and her friends back to a time before the Demon Lord, before Yusha becomes the Hero, and before the party had even graduated as adventurers. With their memories of the future erased, the four girls restart their ambitions to become the Hero's Party, aspiring to defeat the Demon Lord. -- -- However, in a sudden twist of fate, the Demon Lord was also sent back in time with her memories intact. Reduced to the form of a little girl, the Demon Lord takes the name Mao and infiltrates the adventurers' school as a teacher, planning to stop Yusha before she becomes a hero. Thus begins the story of Yusha and her friends, in their quest to defeat the Demon Lord, not knowing that the one they seek is right by their side. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 57,878 6.93
Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time -- -- Khara -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Psychological Drama Mecha -- Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time -- Shinji Ikari is still adrift after losing his will to live, but the place he arrives at teaches him what it means to hope. Finally, the Instrumentality Project is set in motion and Wille make one last grueling stand to prevent the Final Impact. -- -- (Source: IMDB) -- Movie - Mar 8, 2021 -- 172,096 8.07
Final Fantasy: Unlimited -- -- Gonzo -- 25 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Final Fantasy: Unlimited Final Fantasy: Unlimited -- Years ago, the opening of an interdimensional portal released two beasts into the skies over the Sea of Japan, visible to all the countries along the coast. After destroying the naval patrol sent to investigate the disturbance, the two beasts then turned against each other. -- -- Witnessing the fight from Japan, scientists Joe and Marie Hayakawa were sucked into the rift. Upon returning to Earth, they compiled and published the academic findings from their voyage in a legendary book titled ''Day of Succession''. Attempting a second expedition to that other dimension twelve years later, the couple have not returned. -- -- Twins Ai and Yu Hayakawa decide to set forth in search of their parents and the mysterious Wonderland they studied. In the ruins of an abandoned subway station, the two wait for a train to take them to the world beyond. On board they meet Lisa Pacifist, who quickly decides to aid the two in the search for their missing family. Can the three of them manage to find Joe and Marie? -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 32,775 6.19
FLCL Alternative -- -- Nut, Production I.G, Revoroot -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Comedy Dementia Mecha Parody Sci-Fi -- FLCL Alternative FLCL Alternative -- Life seems to drift by for Kana Koumoto and her friends in their small Japanese town. Every day is just like the last, and it feels like every new day will be the same. Kana goes to school, hangs out with her friends, and likes to paint her nails and listen to music, but it feels like nothing special is ever going to happen. -- -- As a change of pace, Kana and her friends decide to design a bottle rocket and launch it into space, even though it might not get there at all. However, just when the rocket is completed, a robot suddenly crashes into and destroys it, shortly followed by a pink-haired woman claiming to be a "Galactic Investigator." Kana's life quickly becomes more exciting than she ever imagined, dealing with new feelings, changing friends, and even boy troubles. It turns out life can go by in the blink of an eye, fast enough to even miss it, so what's with these weird robots that seem to show up at the worst times?! -- -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post -- Movie - Sep 7, 2018 -- 75,025 6.57
FLCL Alternative -- -- Nut, Production I.G, Revoroot -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Comedy Dementia Mecha Parody Sci-Fi -- FLCL Alternative FLCL Alternative -- Life seems to drift by for Kana Koumoto and her friends in their small Japanese town. Every day is just like the last, and it feels like every new day will be the same. Kana goes to school, hangs out with her friends, and likes to paint her nails and listen to music, but it feels like nothing special is ever going to happen. -- -- As a change of pace, Kana and her friends decide to design a bottle rocket and launch it into space, even though it might not get there at all. However, just when the rocket is completed, a robot suddenly crashes into and destroys it, shortly followed by a pink-haired woman claiming to be a "Galactic Investigator." Kana's life quickly becomes more exciting than she ever imagined, dealing with new feelings, changing friends, and even boy troubles. It turns out life can go by in the blink of an eye, fast enough to even miss it, so what's with these weird robots that seem to show up at the worst times?! -- -- Movie - Sep 7, 2018 -- 75,025 6.57
Gake no Ue no Ponyo -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy -- Gake no Ue no Ponyo Gake no Ue no Ponyo -- A goldfish sneaks away from home and floats off on the back of a jellyfish. After getting stuck in a glass jar, she drifts to the shore where she is freed by Sousuke, a five-year-old boy who lives with his mother Lisa in a house by the sea while his father Koichi works on a fishing boat. After healing a cut on Sousuke's finger by licking it, the goldfish is named Ponyo by her new friend. -- -- Unknown to Sousuke, Ponyo already has a name and a family. Her father Fujimoto, a sorcerer who forsook his humanity to live underwater, searches frantically for his daughter Brunhilde. When found and captured, Ponyo rejects her birth name and declares that she wants to become a human. Using the power received from Sousuke's blood, she grows arms and legs and escapes to the surface once more. But the magic released into the ocean causes an imbalance in nature, causing the Moon to start falling out of orbit and the tides to grow dangerously stronger. Reunited with Ponyo, Sousuke must pass an ancient test to restore order in the world and let his companion live on as a human. -- -- Movie - Jul 19, 2008 -- 386,034 7.89
Ga-Rei: Zero -- -- AIC Spirits, Asread -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Supernatural Thriller -- Ga-Rei: Zero Ga-Rei: Zero -- In Japan, there exists a government agency known as the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Division (SDCD), whose duty is to protect the citizens from creatures unseen. They are able to dispatch these monsters swiftly and without alerting the general public. But currently, they face a different challenge: the betrayal of one of their own. -- -- After the death of her mother several years ago, Kagura Tsuchimiya has been fostered by the Isayama family and forms a close sister-like bond with their daughter Yomi. The two become inseparable, and together they work for the SDCD as highly skilled exorcists. However, as the stress and consequences of their sacred duty weigh on them both, and family politics come into play, Kagura and Yomi begin to slowly drift apart. One of them grows earnestly into her role as an exorcist, and the other heads down a dark path from which there may be no redemption... -- -- 208,318 7.63
Ga-Rei: Zero -- -- AIC Spirits, Asread -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Supernatural Thriller -- Ga-Rei: Zero Ga-Rei: Zero -- In Japan, there exists a government agency known as the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Division (SDCD), whose duty is to protect the citizens from creatures unseen. They are able to dispatch these monsters swiftly and without alerting the general public. But currently, they face a different challenge: the betrayal of one of their own. -- -- After the death of her mother several years ago, Kagura Tsuchimiya has been fostered by the Isayama family and forms a close sister-like bond with their daughter Yomi. The two become inseparable, and together they work for the SDCD as highly skilled exorcists. However, as the stress and consequences of their sacred duty weigh on them both, and family politics come into play, Kagura and Yomi begin to slowly drift apart. One of them grows earnestly into her role as an exorcist, and the other heads down a dark path from which there may be no redemption... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 208,318 7.63
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 -- -- Production I.G -- 4 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 -- At the behest of Admiral Yang Wen-li, defected intelligence officer Commander Baghdash makes an emergency broadcast announcing that the National Salvation Military Council staged a coup under the direction of the Galactic Empire. Despite the lack of physical evidence, this debilitating declaration inspires former Rear Admiral Andrew Lynch to reveal his own role in sowing discord within the Free Planets Alliance. A fatal shootout between Lynch and Admiral Dwight Greenhill acts as the final death knell to the short-lived period of martial rule. -- -- Within the Galactic Empire, footage of Duke Otto von Braunschweig's nuclear bombing of Westerland results in the dissolution of the Lippstadt League. Marquis Reinhard von Lohengramm's decision to allow the massacre for personal gain creates a rift between him and High Admiral Siegfried Kircheis, souring the taste of their inevitable victory. Now on the cusp of achieving absolute power, Reinhard is embattled by his apparent personal failings and the heavy responsibilities of leadership. -- -- Though the civil wars in both the Alliance and the Empire are coming to a close, neither side can ever regain what is lost. Yang Wen-li and Reinhard von Lohengramm each take bitter solace in the knowledge that just on the other side of the galaxy is a worthy opponent—and a true equal. -- -- Movie - Nov 29, 2019 -- 15,742 8.22
Girls & Panzer -- -- Actas -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sports Military School -- Girls & Panzer Girls & Panzer -- "Senshadou" is a traditional sport using World War II era tanks in elimination-based matches. Widely practiced by women and girls alike, it's advertised as a form of art geared towards making ladies more prominent in culture and appealing to men. Becoming a worldwide phenomenon over time, the influence of senshadou leads to the creation of a world championship which will soon be held in Japan. -- -- Miho Nishizumi, who comes from a lineage of well-respected senshadou specialists, is at odds with the sport after a traumatic event led to her retirement and eventually a rift to form between her and her family. To steer clear of the practice as much as possible, she transfers to Ooarai Girls High School where the senshadou program has been abolished. However, with the news of the upcoming championships, the school revives their tankery program, and Miho is pushed into joining. -- -- Now, with the aid of some new friends, she must overcome her past and once again take command of a squadron of tanks in an effort to save her school from closure, all while proving to her family that the Nishizumi-style of senshadou is not solely about victory. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 233,999 7.54
Godzilla 3: Hoshi wo Kuu Mono -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Sci-Fi -- Godzilla 3: Hoshi wo Kuu Mono Godzilla 3: Hoshi wo Kuu Mono -- A door opens, and a golden seal shatters a star. -- -- It is the early 21st century. Mankind has lost the battle for planet Earth to Godzilla, and has taken to the stars in search of a new home. But the search ends in vain, forcing them and their alien allies back to Earth. But 20,000 years have passed in their absence, and the Earth is a wholly different place. -- -- The planet's flora and fauna now embody and serve Godzilla. Earth is a monster's planet, ruled by the largest Godzilla ever at 300 meters in height. Godzilla Earth. -- -- Human protagonist, Captain Haruo, yearns to defeat Godzilla and retake the planet for mankind. There, he meets aboriginal descendants of the human race, the Houtua tribe. The Houtua twin sisters, Maina and Miana, lead him to the skeletal remains of Mecha-Godzilla, an old anti-Godzilla weapon, which to everyone's surprise is still alive in the form of self-generating nanometal. Taken from the Mecha-Godzilla carcass, the nanometals have gradually been rebuilding a "Mecha-Godzilla City," a potential weapon capable of destroying Godzilla Earth. -- -- As the strategy develops, a rift forms between the humans and the Bilusaludo, one of several alien races that had joined the humans on their exodus from Earth. Their leader, Galu-gu, believes that the secret to defeating Godzilla lies in the use of superhuman powers – namely, the nanometal integration – but Haruo resists, fearing that in defeating monsters, they must not become monsters themselves. Haruo ultimately uses his means for defeating Godzilla Earth to destroy the Mecha-Godzilla city so as to prevent nanometal assimilation, killing Galu-gu. However, his childhood friend, Yuuko, has been absorbed by the nanometal integration and has fallen into a brain dead coma. -- -- The human race, once again, is lost. Metphies, commander of the priestly alien race, Exif, marvels at the miraculous survival of Haruo, he begins to attract a following. The Exif has secretly harbored this outcome as their "ultimate goal." Miana and Maina issue warnings against Metphies, while Haruo begins to question mankind's next move. -- -- With no means for defeating Godzilla Earth, mankind watches as King Ghidorah, clad in a golden light, descends on the planet. The earth shakes once again with as war moves to a higher dimension. -- -- What is Godzilla exactly? Does mankind stand a chance? Is there a future vision in Haruo's eyes? Find out in the finale. -- -- (Source: Official site) -- Movie - Nov 9, 2018 -- 23,950 6.26
Granblue Fantasy The Animation -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Game -- Adventure Fantasy -- Granblue Fantasy The Animation Granblue Fantasy The Animation -- This is a world of the skies, where many islands drift in the sky. A boy named Gran and a talking winged lizard named Vyrn lived in Zinkenstill, an island which yields mysteries. One day, they come across a girl named Lyria. Lyria had escaped from the Erste Empire, a military government that is trying to rule over this world using powerful military prowess. In order to escape from the Empire, Gran and Lyria head out into the vast skies, holding the letter Gran's father left behind—which said, "I will be waiting at Estalucia, Island of Stars." -- -- (Source: Aniplex of America) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 150,110 6.68
Highschool of the Dead: Drifters of the Dead -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Supernatural -- Highschool of the Dead: Drifters of the Dead Highschool of the Dead: Drifters of the Dead -- After escaping the zombie-infested mainland, Takashi Komuro and the gang find themselves on a remote island off the coast of Tokonosu City. While scavenging around the island for supplies, they encounter a small seaside shack that provides them with clothing and a place to rest for the night. After a day's work of collecting food, they begin to cook what they have gathered. -- -- As they wait beside the campfire, a light haze begins to form around them and makes them nauseous. Confirming it to be caused by hydrangeas—a type of poisonous plant that can cause hallucinations—the group attempts to escape from the powerful odor. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Apr 26, 2011 -- 248,769 6.63
Hotaru no Haka -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Drama Historical -- Hotaru no Haka Hotaru no Haka -- As World War II reaches its conclusion in 1945, Japan faces widespread destruction in the form of American bombings, devastating city after city. Hotaru no Haka, also known as Grave of the Fireflies, is the story of Seita and his sister Setsuko, two Japanese children whose lives are ravaged by the brutal war. They have lost their mother, their father, their home, and the prospect of a bright future—all tragic consequences of the war. -- -- Now orphaned and homeless, Seita and Setsuko have no choice but to drift across the countryside, beset by starvation and disease. Met with the apathy of adults along the way, they find that desperate circumstances can turn even the kindest of people cruel yet their youthful hope shines brightly in the face of unrelenting hardship, preventing the siblings from swiftly succumbing to an inevitable fate. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Central Park Media, Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Apr 16, 1988 -- 463,942 8.50
Kanashimi no Belladonna -- -- Mushi Production -- 1 ep -- Book -- Dementia Drama Hentai Historical -- Kanashimi no Belladonna Kanashimi no Belladonna -- The beautiful Jeanne marries a man named Jean, and the happy newlyweds make their way to the Lord's castle with a cow's worth of money for his blessings. However, the demonic Lord is unmoved by their offering, ignoring their desperate, impoverished pleas. The Lord's wife offers an alternative: Jeanne must become the Lord's conquest for the night in a ritual deflowering. -- -- Scarred by the experience, the shaken Jeanne receives no sympathy from her husband. Instead, she is neglected. But as Jeanne drifts off to sleep, she is met by a strange spirit that encourages her to deliver retribution to those who wronged her. And with a mysterious surge of pleasure and an unquenching libido, Jeanne agrees. -- -- Kanashimi no Belladonna is a captivating, psychosexual adventure that tells a story of cunning witchcraft and deceitful superstition in a poor, rural village of medieval France. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Cinelicious Pics -- Movie - Jun 30, 1973 -- 25,287 7.12
Kanashimi no Belladonna -- -- Mushi Production -- 1 ep -- Book -- Dementia Drama Hentai Historical -- Kanashimi no Belladonna Kanashimi no Belladonna -- The beautiful Jeanne marries a man named Jean, and the happy newlyweds make their way to the Lord's castle with a cow's worth of money for his blessings. However, the demonic Lord is unmoved by their offering, ignoring their desperate, impoverished pleas. The Lord's wife offers an alternative: Jeanne must become the Lord's conquest for the night in a ritual deflowering. -- -- Scarred by the experience, the shaken Jeanne receives no sympathy from her husband. Instead, she is neglected. But as Jeanne drifts off to sleep, she is met by a strange spirit that encourages her to deliver retribution to those who wronged her. And with a mysterious surge of pleasure and an unquenching libido, Jeanne agrees. -- -- Kanashimi no Belladonna is a captivating, psychosexual adventure that tells a story of cunning witchcraft and deceitful superstition in a poor, rural village of medieval France. -- -- Movie - Jun 30, 1973 -- 25,287 7.12
Kantai Collection: KanColle Zoku-hen -- -- - -- ? eps -- Game -- Action Military Sci-Fi Slice of Life School -- Kantai Collection: KanColle Zoku-hen Kantai Collection: KanColle Zoku-hen -- Second season of Kantai Collection: KanColle. -- - - ??? ??, 2022 -- 32,846 N/A -- -- Final Fantasy: Unlimited -- -- Gonzo -- 25 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Final Fantasy: Unlimited Final Fantasy: Unlimited -- Years ago, the opening of an interdimensional portal released two beasts into the skies over the Sea of Japan, visible to all the countries along the coast. After destroying the naval patrol sent to investigate the disturbance, the two beasts then turned against each other. -- -- Witnessing the fight from Japan, scientists Joe and Marie Hayakawa were sucked into the rift. Upon returning to Earth, they compiled and published the academic findings from their voyage in a legendary book titled ''Day of Succession''. Attempting a second expedition to that other dimension twelve years later, the couple have not returned. -- -- Twins Ai and Yu Hayakawa decide to set forth in search of their parents and the mysterious Wonderland they studied. In the ruins of an abandoned subway station, the two wait for a train to take them to the world beyond. On board they meet Lisa Pacifist, who quickly decides to aid the two in the search for their missing family. Can the three of them manage to find Joe and Marie? -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 32,775 6.19
Lupin III: Dead or Alive -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Seinen -- Lupin III: Dead or Alive Lupin III: Dead or Alive -- Lupin, Goemon, and Jigen take a mini-helicopter and head to the mysterious “Drifting Island” looking for a treasure rumored to be hidden somewhere on it. Through their exploration of the island, the trio encounters the lethal “Nanomachine,” the island’s security system. The trio triggers the alarm, springing “the Nanomachine” to life. The key to solving the island’s mystery lies in the small nation of Zufu. This once prosperous nation is now ruled by the ruthless, knife-collecting, General Headhunter. Fujiko does her usual probing and hacks into General Headhunter’s computer hoping to find some crucial information. Zenigata has received a video message from Lupin in which Lupin announces his desire for the priceless treasure. Oleander, a fiery blond officer with some hidden secrets of her own, steps in to help Zenigata. Armed with their newly found information, Lupin, Goemon, Jigen, and Fujiko go back to “Drifting Island,” but this time they are followed by General Headhunter. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 20, 1996 -- 8,836 7.16
Mashiro no Oto -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Music Slice of Life Drama School Shounen -- Mashiro no Oto Mashiro no Oto -- Shamisen is a traditional Japanese musical instrument that looks similar to a guitar. Teenager Sawamura Setsu's grandfather who raised him and his older brother Wakana, recently passed away. His grandfather was one of the greatest Shamisen players and the two siblings grew up listening to him play and learning to play the instrument. -- -- Since their grandfather's death, Setsu dropped out of high school, moved to Tokyo and has been drifting, not knowing what to do besides play his Shamisen. That's when his successful and rich mother, Umeko, storms into his life and tries to shape Setsu up. She enrolls him back into high school, but little does Setsu know that he is about to rediscover his passion for Shamisen. -- -- (Source: MU, edited) -- 50,579 7.72
Mobile Suit Gundam: Twilight Axis -- -- Sunrise -- 6 eps -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Twilight Axis Mobile Suit Gundam: Twilight Axis -- Universal Century 0096. Several months have passed since the incident surrounding Laplace's box also known as the Universal Century Charter. The Earth Federation Forces dispatches a group of investigators to the severed Axis which is drifting outside the Earth Sphere. Two civilians participate as members of the research group: Arlette Almage and Danton Hyleg. Both have pasts with government service to the Principality of Zeon and Neo Zeon as an engineer and test pilot. Having infiltrated Axis, the investigators come under attack inside a base where no one should be. Arlette and Dalton are confronted with an incident they never imagined. -- -- (Source: Zeonic Scanlations) -- ONA - Jun 23, 2017 -- 8,867 4.92
Nagi no Asu kara -- -- P.A. Works -- 26 eps -- Original -- Drama Fantasy Romance -- Nagi no Asu kara Nagi no Asu kara -- Long ago, all humans lived beneath the sea. However, some people preferred the surface and abandoned living underwater permanently. As a consequence, they were stripped of their god-given protection called "Ena" which allowed them to breathe underwater. Over time, the rift between the denizens of the sea and of the surface widened, although contact between the two peoples still existed. -- -- Nagi no Asu kara follows the story of Hikari Sakishima and Manaka Mukaido, along with their childhood friends Chisaki Hiradaira and Kaname Isaki, who are forced to leave the sea and attend a school on the surface. There, the group also meets Tsumugu Kihara, a fellow student and fisherman who loves the sea. -- -- Hikari and his friends' lives are bound to change as they have to deal with the deep-seated hatred and discrimination between the people of sea and of the surface, the storms in their personal lives, as well as an impending tempest which may spell doom for all who dwell on the surface. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 482,003 8.06
Penguin's Memory: Shiawase Monogatari -- -- Animation Staff Room -- 1 ep -- - -- Drama Military Seinen -- Penguin's Memory: Shiawase Monogatari Penguin's Memory: Shiawase Monogatari -- Mike is a penguin soldier who returns home after being injured during combat. Estranged from his family and friends, he leaves his hometown and starts to roam adrift through the country. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jun 22, 1985 -- 2,728 7.07
Pokemon Movie 02: Maboroshi no Pokemon Lugia Bakutan -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Kids Drama Fantasy -- Pokemon Movie 02: Maboroshi no Pokemon Lugia Bakutan Pokemon Movie 02: Maboroshi no Pokemon Lugia Bakutan -- An ancient prophecy tells of a day when the titans of ice, lightning, and fire are disturbed. When this occurs, Lugia, the guardian of the sea, will rise up and restore harmony. Enchanted by the words of the prophecy, Gelardan, a Pokémon collector, sets out on his airship with a dreadful plan to capture Lugia by going after these three titans. -- -- After Gelardan makes his move, drastic climate change begins to take place, as terrible storms start popping up all over the globe. One such storm causes the ship carrying Pokémon trainers Satoshi, Kasumi, and Kenji to drift off course and land on Earthia Island. Upon arriving, Satoshi is told of the ancient prophecy, and of his destiny as the chosen one who will help Lugia restore balance to the world. -- -- With the fate of the world in his hands, Satoshi must summon the courage to face the chaos that threatens to tear everything apart and stop Gelardan. -- -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, Warner Bros. Japan -- Movie - Jul 17, 1999 -- 150,877 7.35
Ravex in Tezuka World -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Space Music -- Ravex in Tezuka World Ravex in Tezuka World -- As "another story" set after the end of the original manga, this what-if "Return" plot depicts what happens to the title character after his final act to save Earth. After drifting in space, the robot boy is rescued by the three members of ravex, and he is miraculously revived — not by Tezuka's Black Jack surgeon character, but by "Space Jack." The newly evolved robot boy will be named "Ratom." The Princess Knight and other Tezuka characters will appear in this all-new story. Musical artists BoA, Maki Goto, Anna Tsuchiya, Tohoshinki, and TRF are contributing to the album, and an event is planned at Tokyo's National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation on April 10. The album marks Avex's 20th anniversary and what would have been Tezuka's 80th birthday. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Apr 29, 2009 -- 1,122 5.59
Revisions -- -- Shirogumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Revisions Revisions -- "This is a prophecy for you, where five people will meet huge adversaries, and only you can protect everyone." Daisuke Toujima is a second-year high school student who was abducted when he was young. He was involved in a special phenomenon—Shibuya Drift—with his childhood friends Gai, Ru, Marimari, and Keisaku. They were transferred to the center of Shibuya over 300 years into the future. What's waiting for them is endless wilderness and forest, Interspersed ruin, future citizens, and "Revisions" which are huge mechanical monsters. Trampled by the monsters without understanding the situation, a girl who has the same name as the person who saved Daisuke when he was abducted, Miro, provided a mobile suit "String Puppet" and told them to save Shibuya. With separated paths, adversaries, destined prophecies, the boys, and girls are on their journey to return to their original time. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- ONA - Jan 10, 2019 -- 50,240 6.10
Rinshi!! Ekoda-chan -- -- Ascension, Creators in Pack, Zero-G -- 11 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Seinen -- Rinshi!! Ekoda-chan Rinshi!! Ekoda-chan -- Rinshi!! Ekoda-chan is a fun and dark a 4-koma manga about the real (?) life of the author, a single woman in Tokyo who drifts through relationships and works at various hostess clubs and the like. Lots of commentary on "birds of prey" (moukin), girls who use their cuteness and affect stupidity in order to try to score men (against whom the author is constantly fighting). -- -- (Source: Zigguratbuilder) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 9,064 5.53
Rockman.EXE Movie: Hikari to Yami no Program -- -- Xebec -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Adventure Game Kids -- Rockman.EXE Movie: Hikari to Yami no Program Rockman.EXE Movie: Hikari to Yami no Program -- Deep in the dark recesses of the UnderNet, Forte sleeps as he drifts aimlessly. In this cybernetic graveyard, a pulsating power re-awakens Forte, alerting him to a dangerous being shortly ahead. A haunting face appears amidst a massive bright purple blob, laughing directly at Forte. Cursing him, Forte finds himself powerless as the blob takes form, and captures him within its grasp! -- Nearing the time of sunset, a peaceful city and its people go about their everyday business. Curious bystanders on a sidewalk glimpse a shimmering purple light, which suddenly expands into tall pillar that reaches up to the sky. Screams erupt from the people as the pillar of light takes flight, absorbing everything in its destructive path. A tower clock dings the hour of 4 o'clock as the pillar desintigrates, leaving behind a trail of cybernetic residue and utter emptyness. -- 'The Program of Light and Dark' -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- Movie - Mar 12, 2005 -- 3,827 7.21
Saraiya Goyou -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Historical Drama Samurai Seinen -- Saraiya Goyou Saraiya Goyou -- Saraiya Goyou follows Masanosuke Akitsu, a wandering ronin adrift in Japan's peaceful Edo period. Despite being a skilled swordsman, Masa's meek personality has netted him the label "unreliable," and he is often abruptly dismissed by his employers, leading him to question his resolve as a samurai. -- -- As Masa reaches his lowest point, he is approached by Yaichi, a carefree man draped in pink who seemingly hires him on a whim as his bodyguard. Unbeknownst to Masa, the job is not as innocent as it seems, and he is drawn into the illicit activities of the group spearheaded by Yaichi. As he becomes further entwined with the gang known as the "Five Leaves," Masa struggles with his own principles. Still, his curiosity spurs him forward to uncover the past and motivations of this mysterious band of outlaws. -- -- 73,005 7.82
Sidonia no Kishi: Ai Tsumugu Hoshi -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Space Mecha Seinen -- Sidonia no Kishi: Ai Tsumugu Hoshi Sidonia no Kishi: Ai Tsumugu Hoshi -- After the Earth was destroyed by mysterious alien lifeforms known as the Gauna, surviving remnants of the human race escaped to space in the enormous generation ship Sidonia. Having drifted through space for millennia, the Sidonia found itself once more under attack from Gauna for the first time in a century. -- -- Once again facing the threat of extinction, a temporary victory against the Gauna was eked out thanks to the human-Gauna hybrid Tsumugi Shiraui and ace Guardian mech pilot Nagate Tanikaze. -- -- 10 years later... The people of Sidonia enjoy a brief respite. Peaceful days pass, during which Tsumugi begins to realize her feelings for Nagate, who is now celebrated as a hero of Sidonia. However, as Captain Kobayashi has always known, as long as the Gauna remain, peace cannot last. -- -- The decision is made: a final battle, upon which rests the fate of humanity's last survivors. As the end approaches, will the crew be able to protect those they love? -- -- (Source: Polygon Pictures) -- Movie - May 14, 2021 -- 17,557 N/A -- -- Muteki Kanban Musume -- -- Telecom Animation Film -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Martial Arts Parody Shounen -- Muteki Kanban Musume Muteki Kanban Musume -- Miki Onimaru is a poster girl that works at her mother's Chinese ramen restaurant. She appears to be a normal girl, but she can become very violent if provoked. She picks a fight with her mother and accquaintances as a result on an almost daily basis, causing a series of troubling mishaps in their otherwise normal lives. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Jul 5, 2006 -- 17,514 7.10
Sidonia no Kishi: Ai Tsumugu Hoshi -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Space Mecha Seinen -- Sidonia no Kishi: Ai Tsumugu Hoshi Sidonia no Kishi: Ai Tsumugu Hoshi -- After the Earth was destroyed by mysterious alien lifeforms known as the Gauna, surviving remnants of the human race escaped to space in the enormous generation ship Sidonia. Having drifted through space for millennia, the Sidonia found itself once more under attack from Gauna for the first time in a century. -- -- Once again facing the threat of extinction, a temporary victory against the Gauna was eked out thanks to the human-Gauna hybrid Tsumugi Shiraui and ace Guardian mech pilot Nagate Tanikaze. -- -- 10 years later... The people of Sidonia enjoy a brief respite. Peaceful days pass, during which Tsumugi begins to realize her feelings for Nagate, who is now celebrated as a hero of Sidonia. However, as Captain Kobayashi has always known, as long as the Gauna remain, peace cannot last. -- -- The decision is made: a final battle, upon which rests the fate of humanity's last survivors. As the end approaches, will the crew be able to protect those they love? -- -- (Source: Polygon Pictures) -- Movie - May 14, 2021 -- 17,557 N/A -- -- Tytania -- -- Artland -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Military Psychological Romance Sci-Fi Space -- Tytania Tytania -- One Man vs. an Empire! Through fear and conquest, the Empire of Valdana holds the future of most of human space within its iron hands, and for generations, those hands have belonged to the Landless Lords of the ruling Tytania dynasty. -- -- But now the foundation of the empire is crumbling, pockets of rebellion are forming and when a mission sent to punish the city-state of Euriya is shockingly defeated, the man responsible becomes the target of a galaxy-wide manhunt! -- -- For Fan Hyurlick, architect of Tytania's first defeat, glory becomes desperation as his own side betrays him. Now Fan must not only save his own life, but somehow turn the tables on opponents who have whole worlds to command! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 9, 2008 -- 17,546 6.83
Stranger: Mukou Hadan Pilot -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Historical Samurai Seinen -- Stranger: Mukou Hadan Pilot Stranger: Mukou Hadan Pilot -- Young Nanashi is a drifting samurai under the service of an enigmatic monk who teaches the ways of life. In search for the meaning of life, Nanashi is forced to partake in certain horrendous acts to overcome the corrupt governments of China and Japan. The mysterious and observant samurai is forced to show a dark side to accomplish his goals and rescue society. -- -- Special - Apr 11, 2009 -- 9,850 7.03
Stratos 4 Advance -- -- Studio Fantasia -- 6 eps -- Original -- Comedy Military Sci-Fi Shounen -- Stratos 4 Advance Stratos 4 Advance -- Having failed the Comet Blaster exams mysteriously, Mikaze and her friends are sent back to the Shimoji Island base, where, with three new Meteor Sweeper trainees around, they have been promoted to instructor positions. -- -- Meanwhile, more comets are on their way to Earth, and the mysteries behind the rift in the Cosmic Emergency Management Agency—as well as the alien parasites—begins to unravel. -- OVA - Mar 5, 2005 -- 3,248 6.84
Tanoshii Muumin Ikka -- -- Telescreen -- 78 eps -- Book -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids Slice of Life -- Tanoshii Muumin Ikka Tanoshii Muumin Ikka -- Spring has finally arrived in Moomin Valley, giving way to another great adventure for Moomintroll and the rest of its inhabitants. With Snufkin coming home from his winter migration, the locals of the valley finally begin to rise from their hibernation. Finding a mysterious hat, the Moomins cannot bring themselves to throw it away due to its fine quality, instead hoping to eventually find its owner. -- -- While playing games with his friends, Moomin tries to hide in the silk hat. When his friends come looking for him, they are shocked to discover that Moomin has transformed into a hideous creature. Examining himself in the mirror, he is disgusted to find himself completely unrecognizable. -- -- Transforming back to normal after scaring his friends and family, Moomin and Snufkin decide to toss the hat in the river. As it drifts away, they begin to wonder who the hat belonged to and whether its owner will return for their lost possession. -- -- 18,937 8.13
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season: Tenchi Seirou naredo Namitakashi? -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Harem Space Comedy Shounen -- Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season: Tenchi Seirou naredo Namitakashi? Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season: Tenchi Seirou naredo Namitakashi? -- After a 'modified' ending to the Choubimaru incident, the punishments for the offending parties is metted-out, as well as a surprise marriage proposal by Misao to Mashisu. It almost didn't happen... until Mihoshi and Misao's mother Mitoto steps in and gives her and her family's approval, much to the dismay of FORMER G.P. Marshall Minami Kuramitsu. Otherwise, life goes on as usual for the Masaki clan. But soon when the question of how Tenchi's mother had died is presented, the answer nearly causes a rift between Tenchi, his father and his grandfather, for which only Tenchi's future mother-in-law Rea can solve... as well as the resolution of Noike's unusual secret. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Sep 14, 2005 -- 10,162 7.25
To Heart -- -- OLM -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Harem Romance School Slice of Life -- To Heart To Heart -- For as long as Akari can remember, she and Hiroyuki have always been friends. But with time, everything changes, and her feelings have turned into something more. As a new semester of high school begins, will the two childhood friends come closer together or drift further apart? Join Hiroyuki, Akari and all their friends—the bubbly Shiho, the quiet Serika, the lovely Kotone, and more—in this heartwarming tale of love, relationships and friendship! -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 22,919 6.59
White Album 2 -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Music Romance Slice of Life -- White Album 2 White Album 2 -- Haruki Kitahara's light music club is on the verge of disbanding. At this rate, the third year's dream of performing at the school festival would never be realized. However, as his exhausted fingers drift through the chords of "White Album," the first song he would ever play, an angelic voice and mysterious piano begin harmonizing with his lonely guitar. It is a momentous performance that marks the beginning of everything for Haruki. -- -- White Album 2 orchestrates Haruki's final semester with complex romance and exhilarating music, as the curtains of the stage he so desired begin to open... -- -- TV - Oct 6, 2013 -- 198,448 7.69
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku -- -- feel. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Drama Romance School -- Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku -- Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku picks up immediately after the events of the first season, continuing the adventures of the Volunteer Service Club—the dispassionate Hachiman Hikigaya, the cheerful Yui Yuigahama, and the competitive Yukino Yukinoshita—as it dedicates itself to helping any student with issues that they may face. -- -- With the rift among his own group widening, Hachiman begins to realize that his knack for quickly getting to the root of other people's troubles is a double-edged sword: sometimes the best solution is not necessarily the most appropriate one. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 764,028 8.26
Yamato Takeru -- -- Nippon Animation -- 37 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Yamato Takeru Yamato Takeru -- In the 25th century, a spaceship carrying 300 people leaves the earth in search of a new world in the solar system, but an unexpected accident occurs. They crash into a black hole which is connected to another universe. The people on the ship are cast adrift in an emergency capsule to a planet called Ismo. The story begins 12 years after they have reached Ismo. -- -- Ismo is a star of the Onam System, which corresponds to the Solar System in our universe. It is the only planet left in the Onam System. The Death Star called Yomi is a comet which regularly approaches the Onam System. -- -- There were once 8 planets in the Onam System. Many years ago, in the time of the gods, there was a war against the evil monster Yamatano Orochi (an 8-headed snake-like creature). The gods won the battle. Yamatano Orochi was locked into 8 stones, one of which is buried deep in the center of each planet. Nobody was supposed to have access to the core of the planets. However Tsukuyomi, an evil god who rules Yomi, succeeded in reaching the stones one after another, destroying 7 of the planets using his powerful robots, the Sky Warriors. However, when he tried to acquire the last stone from the planet Ismo, the most powerful Sky Warrior, Susanoo, got out of control and was blown away. -- -- A million years later, the Death Star Yomi is approaching the Onam System once again. Tsukuyomi, the master of Yomi, plans to take this opportunity to realize his dream of ruling the entire universe. He is desperate for the last stone containing Yamatano Orochi. If Tsukuyomi can get hold of this stone, Yamatano Orochi will return to life and its power will become his. Tsukuyomi needs Sky Warrior Susanoo to capture the stone, and sends 8 Sky Soldiers to get Susanoo back. But it is too late. Susanoo no longer belongs to Tsukuyomi. It belongs to Takeru, a 13-year-old boy from Earth, who happened to discover the buried robot Susanoo and woke it from its million-year-long sleep. Takeru becomes involved in the battle against the Sky Soldiers and their evil master, Tsukuyomi. Susanoo stands up to protect his friends and their planet. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- 1,830 6.75
Yoake Tsugeru Lu no Uta -- -- Science SARU -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Music Supernatural Fantasy -- Yoake Tsugeru Lu no Uta Yoake Tsugeru Lu no Uta -- Kai, a young middle schooler, lives in Hinashi Town, a lonely fishing village, with his father and his grandfather, a sun-umbrella maker. He used to live in Tokyo, but after his parents divorced he moved back to his parent's home town. Kai has trouble telling his parents the complicated feelings he has for them, and he's lonely and pessimistic about his school life. One of his joys is uploading songs he writes to the internet. -- -- One day, his classmates Kunio and Yuuho invite him to join their band, "SEIRÈN." As he reluctantly follows them to Merfolk Island, their practice spot, they meet Lu, the mermaid girl. Lu sings merrily and dances innocently. As Kai begins to spend time with her, he starts to be able to say what it is that he's really thinking. -- -- But since ancient times, the people of Hinashi Town have thought that mermaids brought disaster. Something happens that puts a huge rift between Lu and the townspeople. And then, the town is in danger. Will Kai's cry for the heart be able to save the town? -- -- (Source: Fuji Creative Corporation) -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, NYAV Post -- Movie - May 19, 2017 -- 36,923 7.43
Yoru no Okite -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Yoru no Okite Yoru no Okite -- "Yoru no Okite" takes us to the sky (or to hell) to accompany the delirium of a man who is assassinated. A different take on a spirit who is adrift after being murdered. This restless spirit takes us on a surreal journey through death, the after life, and back to the land of the living again. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1995 -- 1,363 4.20
Z/X: Code Reunion -- -- Passione -- 12 eps -- Card game -- Sci-Fi Fantasy School Shounen -- Z/X: Code Reunion Z/X: Code Reunion -- The signing of a peace treaty has secured a tenuous ceasefire between mankind and the Zex, beings who emerged from space/time rifts connected to mysterious, distant worlds. Partnered with a Zex named Rigel, Azumi Kakamigahara must shoulder the fate of her own idyllic world. The unlikely pair head to newly established Fujimisaki Academy, where their destinies await. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 10,779 5.70's_gesammelte_Schriften's_Bedrifter.ogg,_Nordheim.JPG,_Nordheim.JPG,_Altarbildstock,_Nordheim.JPG,_Dimbach.JPG,_Graue_Marter,_Sommerach.JPG,_Mordbildstock,_Volkach-Dimbach.JPG,_Mordbildstock,_Volkach-Dimbach.JPG,_1906.djvu,_Blatt_1r.jpg,_eerste_jaargang,_eerste_aflevering_(maart_1907).jpg,_James_Ensor,_Mu.ZEE_Oostende,_SM001211.jpg
1999 IGA SuperThrift Classic Doubles
1999 IGA SuperThrift Classic Singles
1999 IGA SuperThrift Tennis Classic
2000 IGA SuperThrift Tennis Classic Doubles
2000 IGA SuperThrift Tennis Classic Singles
200607 East Africa Rift Valley fever outbreak
2018 CARIFTA Games
2019 CARIFTA Games
Absolute Drift
Acadian Driftwood
Adrift (2009 Brazilian film)
Adrift (2009 Vietnamese film)
Adrift: 76 Days Lost At Sea
A Drifting Life
Adrift in Manhattan
Adrift in Soho
Adrift in Tokyo
Adrift Just Off the Islets of Langerhans
Adrift (Lost)
Adrift on the Nile
Adrift (video game)
Afrdita Veveka Priftaj
Albertine Rift
Albertine Rift montane forests
Alexander Vandegrift
Apache Thrift
A Rift in Decorum
Asuncin Rift
Avatar: The Last Airbender The Rift
Bahr el Arab rift
Battle of Rorke's Drift
Beyond the Aquila Rift
Bluefin driftfish
Book:The Drifters
Bridle Drift Dam
Bureaucratic drift
Byzantinische Zeitschrift
Canadian Arctic Rift System
Carbon rift
Cardiff Rift
Cardiovascular drift
CD-class naval drifter
Channel drift
Chasm: The Rift
Chris van der Drift
Chrysler Drifter
Churchillian Drift
Composition drift
Concept drift
Continental drift
Continental Drifters
Dark Rift
Darwin drift
Deutsche Einheitskurzschrift
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift
Deutscher Schriftstellerverband
Deutsche Zeitschrift fr Philosophie
Dimitrios Priftis
Dnieper-Donets Rift
Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group
Doraemon: Nobita Drifts in the Universe
Dover Thrift Edition
Draft:The Drift (magazine)
Drift (2013 Australian film)
Drift (2013 Belgian film)
Drift (2015 film)
Drift Allstars
Drift & Die
Drift Away
Drift City
Drift Desert, Arizona
Drifter (chocolate)
Drifter drill
Drifter (floating device)
Drifters (2003 film)
Drifters (2011 film)
Drifters (2015 film)
Drifters Adventure Tours CC v Hircock
Drifters/Love Is The Devil
Drifters (manga)
Drifter (song)
Drift Falls
Drift fence
Drift-field transistor
Drift (geology)
Drift House: The First Voyage
Drift hypothesis
Drift ice
Driftin' Blues
Driftin' Thru
Drifting (1982 film)
Drifting Along
Drifting and Dreaming
Drifting and Dreaming (album)
Drifting and Dreaming with Jo Stafford
Drifting Clouds
Drifting Clouds (film)
Drifting Cowboys
Drifting Dragons
Drifting in Silence
Drifting (motorsport)
Drifting Net Cafe
Drifting, Pennsylvania
Driftless Area
Driftless Pony Club
Drift (linguistics)
Drift meter
Drift mining
Drift netting
Drift (novel)
Drifton, Florida
Driftpile First Nation
Drift pin
Drift plus penalty
Drift Reservoir
Drift seed
Drift Sight
Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power
Drift trike
Drift (Underworld project)
Drift velocity
Drift waves
Driftwood (2016 film)
Driftwood (album)
Driftwood (band)
Driftwood Canyon Provincial Park
Driftwood catfish
Driftwood (disambiguation)
Driftwood Inn and Restaurant
Driftwood (Moody Blues song)
Driftwood, Oklahoma
Driftwood, Pennsylvania
Dudleston Heath (Criftins)
East African Rift
Eastern Drift
Eastern North America Rift Basins
Eastern Rift mountains
East Vandergrift, Pennsylvania
Edward Hungerford (spendthrift)
Energy drift
Entomologisk Tidskrift
Erind Prifti
Europische Zeitschrift fr Wirtschaftsrecht
European Cenozoic Rift System
Even the Clouds Are Drifting
Evolusi KL Drift
Eyes Adrift
Fatty and Mabel Adrift
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
Filosofisk Tidskrift
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift
Free drift
Frequency drift
Gabrel Spiegelschrift
Genetic drift
Geographische Zeitschrift
Greater Oxdrift
Great Rift
Great Rift (astronomy)
Great Rift Valley
Great Rift Valley, Ethiopia
Great Rift Valley, Kenya
Gregory Rift
Grifter (character)
Grifters (band)
Grift (Fossa Eugeniana)
Grift of the Magi
Grifton, North Carolina
Gulf of California Rift Zone
Gulf of Suez Rift
Hank Williams as Luke the Drifter
Historische Zeitschrift
Historisk Tidsskrift
Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark)
Historisk Tidsskrift (Norway)
Honey Love (The Drifters song)
Hong Kong drifter
Ice Age: Continental Drift
Instinctive drift
Internationale Zeitschrift fr Psychoanalyse
Jimmy Driftwood
John Driftmier
Jordan Rift Valley
Kanaanische und Aramische Inschriften
Keilschrift Texte aus Ugarit
Klner Zeitschrift fr Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
Konsthistorisk tidskrift
Krugersdrift Dam
Lily's Driftwood Bay
Liste der archaischen Keilschriftzeichen
List of largest rifts, canyons and valleys in the Solar System
List of Oculus Rift games
Lockwood Drifter
Lonely Drifter Karen
Longshore drift
Luke the Drifter Jr. Vol. 2
Luthersk Ugeskrift
Maja Ksulje e Priftit
Mathematische Zeitschrift
Medizinische Monatsschrift fr Pharmazeuten
Meidingers Jugendschriften Verlag
Meteorologische Zeitschrift
Midcontinent Rift System
Middledrift, Eastern Cape
Militrgeschichtliche Zeitschrift
Mission in Snowdriftland
Modern Day Drifter
Monatsschrift fr die Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums
Money Honey (Clyde McPhatter and the Drifters song)
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
Music for Drifters
Naval drifter
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde
Neo Drift Out: New Technology
Neue Juristische Wochenschrift
Neue Zeitschrift fr Musik
Neue Zeitschrift fr Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie
New Drifters
Nigel Thrift
Niyazi Serdar Sarifti
Nordisk tidskrift fr bok- och biblioteksvsen
Norsk Militrt Tidsskrift
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift
Norsk Slektshistorisk Tidsskrift
North Vandergrift-Pleasant View, Pennsylvania
Nrnberger Handschrift GNM 3227a
Nyt Tidsskrift
Oculus Rift
Oculus Rift S
Office of Thrift Supervision
Old and Young Drift
Old Drift cemetery
One More Drifter in the Snow
Open Water 2: Adrift
sterreichische Militrische Zeitschrift
sterreichischer Schriftstellerverband
Paradox of thrift
Pendulum Drift
Peripheral drift illusion
Pesticide drift
Physikalische Zeitschrift
Plaut v. Spendthrift Farm, Inc.
Plot drift
Post-earnings-announcement drift
Potsdam Denkschrift
Propagating rifts
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
Reichsverband deutscher Schriftsteller
Rift (album)
Rift (disambiguation)
Rift (film)
Riftia pachyptila
Rifton, New York
Rifts (album)
Rift sawing
Rifts Chaos Earth
Rifts: Promise of Power
Rifts (role-playing game)
Rift valley
Rift valley (disambiguation)
Rift Valley fever
Rift Valley Institute
Rift Valley lakes
Rift Valley Province
Rift Valley United F.C.
Rift (video game)
Rift zone
Rio Grande rift
Rock Rift
Rock Rift Fire Observation Tower
Saint Lawrence rift system
Schriftguss AG
Schweizerische Zeitschrift fr Forstwesen
Sea Drift
Seadrift, Texas
Serpens-Aquila Rift
Set Adrift on Memory Bliss
Set and drift
Silicon drift detector
Snowdrift at Bleath Gill
Some Kind of Wonderful (The Drifters song)
Sonic Drift
Sonic Drift 2
Southern driftfish
Spendthrift (disambiguation)
Spendthrift trust
Spindrift 13
Spindrift (band)
Spindrift Beverage Co.
Spindrift (novel)
Spindrift Stakes
Stellan Wahlstrm Drift Band
Stochastic drift
Stokes drift
Studentische Zeitschrift fr Rechtswissenschaft Heidelberg
Studio Drift
Subauroral ion drift
Super Drift Out
Susanne Vandegrift Moore
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift
SY Aurora's drift
The Defence of Duffer's Drift
The Drift
The Drift (EP)
The Drifters
The Drifters' Golden Hits
The Drifters (Japanese band)
The Driftin' Kid
The Drifting Avenger
The Drifting Classroom
The Drifting Cloud
The Driftless Area
The Farewell Drifters
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
The Great Rift: Africa's Wild Heart
The Grifters (film)
The House in the Snow-Drifts
The Killings at Badger's Drift
There Goes My Baby (The Drifters song)
The Return of the Drifter
The Rift (1990 film)
The Rifter
The Riftwar Cycle
The Riftwar Saga
The Spendthrift (1953 film)
The Starry Rift (Tiptree book)
The Thrifty Pig
Thrift institution
Thrift Savings Plan
Thrift Shop
Thrift store chic
Thrifty Food Plan
Thrifty gene hypothesis
Thrifty PayLess
Thrifty phenotype
Thrifty White
Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap
Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie
Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie
Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indi
Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis
Tokyo Drifter
Tokyo Xtreme Racer: Drift
Tokyo Xtreme Racer: Drift 2
Tom Hickathrift
Translational drift
Translucence/Drift Music
Transpolar Drift Stream
Trift Bridge
Trift Glacier
Tripping the Rift
Two Drifters
Ugeskrift for Lger
Under the Driftwood Tree
USS Spindrift (IX-49)
USS Vandegrift (FFG-48)
Vandergrift, Pennsylvania
West Antarctic Rift System
White Sea Rift System
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift
Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift
William Thrift
Ya'akov Riftin
Young night drifters
Zare. Revue CongolaiseCongoleesch Tijdschrift
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlndischen Gesellschaft
Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palstina-Vereins
Zeitschrift fr Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
Zeitschrift fr anorganische und allgemeine Chemie
Zeitschrift fr Antikes Christentum
Zeitschrift fr celtische Philologie
Zeitschrift fr deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur
Zeitschrift fr die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
Zeitschrift fr die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft
Zeitschrift fr Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitt im Gesundheitswesen
Zeitschrift fr Geologische Wissenschaften
Zeitschrift fr Geomorphologie
Zeitschrift fr Gerontologie und Geriatrie
Zeitschrift fr Instrumentenbau
Zeitschrift fr katholische Theologie
Zeitschrift fr Kristallographie Crystalline Materials
Zeitschrift fr Kristallographie New Crystal Structures
Zeitschrift fr Malakozoologie
Zeitschrift fr Naturforschung
Zeitschrift fr Naturforschung A
Zeitschrift fr Naturforschung B
Zeitschrift fr Naturforschung C
Zeitschrift fr Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung
Zeitschrift fr Papyrologie und Epigraphik
Zeitschrift fr Philosophie und philosophische Kritik
Zeitschrift fr Physik
Zeitschrift fr Physikalische Chemie
Zoogz Rift

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last updated: 2022-02-04 10:51:38
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