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Chapter XVIII

The Human Fathers


HESE characteristics of the Angiras Rishis seem at first sight to indicate that they are in the Vedic system a class of demigods, in their outward aspect personifications or rather personalities of the Light and the Voice and the Flame, but in their inner aspect powers of the Truth who second the gods in their battles. But even as divine seers, even as sons of Heaven and heroes of the Lord, these sages represent aspiring humanity. True, they are originally the sons of the gods, devaputrah., children of Agni, forms of the manifoldly born Brihaspati, and in their ascent to the world of the Truth they are described as ascending back to the place from whence they came; but even in these characteristics they may well be representative of the human soul which has itself descended from that world and has to reascend; for it is in its origin a mental being, son of immortality (amr.tasya putrah.), a child of Heaven born in Heaven and mortal only in the bodies that it assumes. And the part of the Angiras Rishis in the sacrifice is the human part, to find the word, to sing the hymn of the soul to the gods, to sustain and increase the divine Powers by the praise, the sacred food and the
Soma-wine, to bring to birth by their aid the divine Dawn, to win the luminous forms of the all-radiating Truth and to ascend to its secret, far and high-seated home.

In this work of the sacrifice they appear in a double form,1 the divine Angirases, r.s.ayo divyah., who symbolise and preside over certain psychological powers and workings like the gods, and the human fathers, pitaro manus.yah., who like the Ribhus, also described as human beings or at least human powers that
It is to be noted that the Puranas distinguish specifically between two classes of Pitris, the divine Fathers, a class of deities, and the human Ancestors, to both of whom the pin.d.a is offered. The Puranas, obviously, only continue in this respect the original Vedic tradition.


The Secret of the Veda
have conquered immortality by the work, have attained the goal and are invoked to assist a later mortal race in the same divine achievement. Quite apart from the later Yama hymns of the tenth
Mandala in which the Angirases are spoken of as Barhishad
Pitris along with the Bhrigus and Atharvans and receive their own peculiar portion in the sacrifice, they are in the rest of the
Veda also called upon in a less definite but a larger and more significant imagery. It is for the great human journey that they are invoked; for it is the human journey from the mortality to the immortality, from the falsehood to the truth that the Ancestors accomplished, opening the way to their descendants.

We see this characteristic of their working in VII.42 and
VII.52. The first of these two hymns of Vasishtha is a Sukta in which the gods are invoked precisely for this great journey, adhvara yajna,2 the sacrifice that travels or is a travel to the home of the godheads and at the same time a battle: for thus it is sung, "Easy of travelling for thee is the path, O Agni, and known to thee from of old. Yoke in the Soma-offering thy ruddy
(or, actively-moving) mares which bear the hero. Seated, I call the births divine" (verse 2). What path is this? It is the path between the home of the gods and our earthly mortality down which the gods descend through the antariks.a, the vital regions, to the earthly sacrifice and up which the sacrifice and man by the sacrifice ascends to the home of the gods. Agni yokes his mares, his variously-coloured energies or flames of the divine
Force he represents, which bear the Hero, the battling power within us that performs the journey. And the births divine are at once the gods themselves and those manifestations of the divine life in man which are the Vedic meaning of the godheads. That this is the sense becomes clear from the fourth Rik. "When the
Sayana takes a-dhvara yajna, the unhurt sacrifice; but "unhurt" can never have come to be used as a synonym of sacrifice. Adhvara is "travelling", "moving", connected with adhvan, a path or journey from the lost root adh, to move, extend, be wide, compact, etc. We see the connection between the two words adhvan and adhvara in adhva, air, sky and adhvara with the same sense. The passages in the Veda are numerous in which the adhvara or adhvara yajna is connected with the idea of travelling, journeying, advancing on the path.

The Human Fathers


Guest that lodges in the bliss has become conscious in knowledge in the gated house of the hero rich (in felicity), when Agni is perfectly satisfied and firmly lodged in the house, then he gives the desirable good to the creature that makes the journey" or, it may be, for his journeying.

The hymn is therefore an invocation to Agni for the journey to the supreme good, the divine birth, the bliss. And its opening verse is a prayer for the necessary conditions of the journey, the things that are said here to constitute the form of the pilgrim sacrifice, adhvarasya pesah., and among these comes first the forward movement of the Angirases; "Forward let the Angirases travel, priests of the Word, forward go the cry of heaven (or, of the heavenly thing, cloud or lightning), forward move the fostering Cows that diffuse their waters, and let the two pressing-stones be yoked (to their work) - the form of the pilgrim sacrifice," pra brahman.o angiraso naks.anta, pra krandanur nabhanyasya vetu; pra dhenava udapruto navanta, yujyatam adr adhvarasya pesah.. The Angirases with the divine
Word, the cry of Heaven which is the voice of Swar the luminous heaven and of its lightnings thundering out from the Word, the divine waters or seven rivers that are set free to their flowing by that heavenly lightning of Indra the master of Swar, and with the outflowing of the divine waters the outpressing of the immortalising Soma, these constitute the form, pesah., of the adhvara yajna. And its general characteristic is forward movement, the advance of all to the divine goal, as emphasised by the three verbs of motion, naks.anta, vetu, navanta and the emphatic pra, forward, which opens and sets the key to each clause.

But the fifty-second hymn is still more significant and suggestive. The first Rik runs, "O Sons of the infinite Mother
(adityaso), may we become infinite beings (aditayah. syama), may the Vasus protect in the godhead and the mortality
(devatra martyatra); possessing may we possess you, O Mitra and Varuna, becoming may we become you, O Heaven and
Earth," sanema mitravarun.a sananto, bhavema dyavapr.thiv bhavantah.. This is evidently the sense that we are to possess and become the infinities or children of Aditi, the godheads,


The Secret of the Veda
aditayah., adityaso. Mitra and Varuna, we must remember, are powers of Surya Savitri, the Lord of the Light and the Truth.

And the third verse runs, "May the Angirases who hasten through to the goal move in their travelling to the bliss of the divine Savitri; and that (bliss) may our great Father, he of the sacrifice, and all the gods becoming of one mind accept in heart." Turan.yavo naks.anta ratnam devasya savitur iyanah.. It is quite clear therefore that the Angirases are travellers to the light and truth of the solar deity from which are born the luminous cows they wrest from the Panis and to the bliss which, as we always see, is founded on that light and truth. It is clear also that this journey is a growing into the godhead, into the infinite being (aditayah. syama), said in this hymn (verse 2) to come by the growth of the peace and bliss through the action in us of
Mitra, Varuna and the Vasus who protect us in the godhead and the mortality.

In these two hymns the Angiras Rishis generally are mentioned; but in others we have positive references to the human Fathers who first discovered the Light and possessed the
Thought and the Word and travelled to the secret worlds of the luminous Bliss. In the light of the conclusions at which we have arrived, we can now study the more important passages, profound, beautiful and luminous, in which this great discovery of the human forefa thers is hymned. We shall find there the summary of that great hope which the Vedic mystics held ever before their eyes; that journey, that victory is the ancient, primal achievement set as a type by the luminous Ancestors for the mortality that was to come after them. It was the conquest of the powers of the circumscribing Night (ratr paritakmya), Vritras,
Sambaras and Valas, the Titans, Giants, Pythons, subconscient
Powers who hold the light and the force in themselves, in their cities of darkness and illusion, but can neither use it aright nor will give it up to man, the mental being. Their ignorance, evil and limitation have not merely to be cut away from us, but broken up and into and made to yield up the secret of light and good and infinity. Out of this death that immortality has to be conquered. Pent up behind this ignorance is a secret knowledge

The Human Fathers

and a great light of truth; prisoned by this evil is an infinite content of good; in this limiting death is the seed of a boundless immortality. Vala, for example, is Vala of the radiances, valam gomantam, his body is made of the light, valam, his hole or cave is a city full of treasures; that body has to be broken up, that city rent open, those treasures seized. This is the work set for humanity and the Ancestors have done it for the race that the way may be known and the goal reached by the same means and through the same companionship with the gods of
Light. "Let there be that ancient friendship between you gods and us as when with the Angirases who spoke aright the word, thou didst make to fall that which was fixed and slewest Vala as he rushed against thee, O achiever of works, and thou didst make to swing open all the doors of his city" (VI.18.5). At the beginning of all human traditions there is this ancient memory.

It is Indra and the serpent Vritra, it is Apollo and the Python, it is Thor and the Giants, Sigurd and Fafner, it is the mutually opposing gods of the Celtic mythology; but only in the Veda do we find the key to this imagery which conceals the hope or the wisdom of a prehistoric humanity.

The first hymn we will take is one by the great Rishi, Vishwamitra, III.39; for it carries us right into the heart of our subject.

It sets out with a description of the ancestral Thought, pitrya dhh., the Thought of the fathers which can be no other than the
Swar-possessing thought hymned by the Atris, the seven-headed thought discovered by Ayasya for the Navagwas; for in this hymn also it is spoken of in connection with the Angirases, the
Fathers. "The thought expressing itself from the heart, formed into the Stoma, goes towards Indra its lord." Indra is, we have supposed, the Power of luminous Mind, master of the world of
Light and its lightnings; the words or the thoughts are constantly imaged as cows or women, Indra as the Bull or husband, and the words desire him and are even spoken of as casting themselves upwards to seek him, e.g. I.9.4, girah. prati tvam ud ahasata vr.s.abham patim. The luminous Mind of Swar is the goal sought by the Vedic thought and the Vedic speech which express the herd of the illuminations pressing upward from the soul, from


The Secret of the Veda
the cave of the subconscient in which they were penned; Indra master of Swar is the Bull, the lord of these herds, gopatih..

The Rishi continues to describe the Thought. It is "the thought that when it is being expressed, remains wakeful in the knowledge," does not lend itself to the slumber of the Panis, ya jagr.vir vida the sasyamana; "that which is born of thee (or, for thee), O Indra, of that take knowledge." This is a constant formula in the Veda. The god, the divine, has to take cognizance of what rises up to him in man, to become awake to it in the knowledge within us, (viddhi, cetathah., etc.), otherwise it remains a human thing and does not "go to the gods", (deves.u gacchati). And then, "It is ancient (or eternal), it is born from heaven; when it is being expressed, it remains wakeful in the knowledge; wearing white and happy robes, this in us is the ancient thought of the fathers," seyam asme sanaja pitrya dhh..

And then the Rishi speaks of this Thought as "the mother of twins, who here gives birth to the twins; on the tip of the tongue it descends and stands; the twin bodies when they are born cleave to each other and are slayers of darkness and move in the foundation of burning force." I will not now discuss what are these luminous twins, for that would carry us beyond the limits of our immediate subject: suffice it to say that they are spoken of elsewhere in connection with the Angirases and their establishment of the supreme birth (the plane of the Truth) as the twins in whom Indra places the word of the expression
(I.83.3), that the burning force in whose foundation they move is evidently that of the Sun, the slayer of darkness, and this foundation is therefore identical with the supreme plane, the foundation of the Truth, r.tasya budhnah., and, finally, that they can hardly be wholly unconnected with the twin children of
Surya, Yama and Yami, - Yama who in the tenth Mandala is associated with the Angiras Rishis.3
Having thus described the ancestral thought with its twin
It is in the light of these facts that we must understand the colloquy of Yama and
Yami in the tenth Mandala in which the sister seeks union with her brother and is put off to later generations, meaning really symbolic periods of time, the word for later signifying rather "higher", uttara.

The Human Fathers

children, slayers of darkness, Vishwamitra proceeds to speak of the ancient Fathers who first formed it and of the great victory by which they discovered "that Truth, the sun lying in the darkness". "None is there among mortals who can blame (or, as it rather seems to me to mean, no power of mortality that can confine or bind) our ancient fathers, they who were fighters for the cows; Indra of the mightiness, Indra of the achievement released upward for them the fortified pens, - there where, a comrade with his comrades, the fighters, the Navagwas, following on his knees the cows, Indra with the ten Dashagwas found that
Truth, satyam tad, even the sun dwelling in the darkness." This is the usual image of the conquest of the luminous cattle and the discovery of the hidden Sun; but in the next verse it is associated with two other related images which also occur frequently in the
Vedic hymns, the pasture or field of the cow and the honey found in the cow. "Indra found the honey stored in the Shining One, the footed and hoofed (wealth) in the pasture4 of the Cow." The
Shining One, usriya (also usra), is another word which like go means both ray and cow and is used as a synonym of go in the
Veda. We hear constantly of the ghr.ta or clarified butter stored in the cow, hidden there by the Panis in three portions according to
Vamadeva; but it is sometimes the honeyed ghr.ta and sometimes simply the honey, madhumad ghr.tam and madhu. We have seen how closely the yield of the cow, the ghr.ta, and the yield of the Soma plant are connected in other hymns and now that we know definitely what is meant by the Cow, this strange and incongruous connection becomes clear and simple enough. Ghr.ta also means shining, it is the shining yield of the shining cow; it is the formed light of conscious knowledge in the mentality which is stored in the illumined consciousness and it is liberated by the liberation of the Cow: Soma is the delight, beatitude,
Ananda inseparable from the illumined state of the being; and as there are, according to the Veda, three planes of mentality in us, so there are three portions of the ghr.ta dependent on the
Name goh.. Nama from nam to move, range, Greek nemo; nama is the range, pasture,
Greek nomos.


The Secret of the Veda
three gods Surya, Indra and Soma, and the Soma also is offered in three parts, on the three levels of the hill, tris.u sanus.u. We may hazard the conjecture, having regard to the nature of the three gods, that Soma releases the divine light from the sense mentality, Indra from the dynamic mentality, Surya from the pure reflective mentality. As for the pasture of the cow we are already familiar with it; it is the field or ks.etra which Indra wins for his shining comrades from the Dasyu and in which the
Atri beheld the warrior Agni and the luminous cows, those of whom even the old became young again. This field, ks.etra, is only another image for the luminous home (ks.aya) to which the gods by the sacrifice lead the human soul.

Vishwamitra then proceeds to indicate the real mystic sense of all this imagery. "He having Dakshina with him held in his right hand ( the secret thing that is placed in the secret cave and concealed in the waters. May he, knowing perfectly, separate the light from the darkness, jyotir vr.n.ta tamaso vijanan, may we be far from the presence of the evil."
We have here a clue to the sense of this goddess Dakshina who seems in some passages to be a form or epithet of the Dawn and in others that which distributes the offerings in the sacrifice.

Usha is the divine illumination and Dakshina is the discerning knowledge that comes with the dawn and enables the Power in the mind, Indra, to know aright and separate the light from the darkness, the truth from the falsehood, the straight from the crooked, vr.n.ta vijanan. The right and left hand of Indra are his two powers of action in knowledge; for his two arms are called gabhasti, a word which means ordinarily a ray of the sun but also forearm, and they correspond to his two perceptive powers, his two bright horses, har, which are described as suneyed, suracaks.asa and as vision-powers of the Sun, suryasya ketu. Dakshina presides over the right-hand power,, and therefore we have the collocation It is this discernment which presides over the right action of the sacrifice and the right distribution of the offerings and it is this which enables Indra to hold the herded wealth of the Panis securely, in his right hand. And finally we are told what is this secret thing

The Human Fathers

that was placed for us in the cave and is concealed in the waters of being, the waters in which the Thought of the Fathers has to be set, apsu dhiyam dadhis.e. It is the hidden Sun, the secret
Light of our divine existence which has to be found and taken out by knowledge from the darkness in which it is concealed.

That this light is not physical is shown by the word vijanan, for it is through right knowledge that it has to be found, and by the moral result, viz. that we go far from the presence of evil, duritad, literally, the wrong going, the stumbling to which we are subjected in the night of our being before the sun has been found, before the divine Dawn has arisen.

Once we have the key to the meaning of the Cows, the Sun, the Honey-Wine, all the circumstances of the Angiras legend and the action of the Fathers, which are such an incongruous patchwork in the ritualistic or naturalistic and so hopelessly impossible in the historical or Arya-Dravidian interpretation of the hymns, become on the contrary perfectly clear and connected and each throws light on the other. We understand each hymn in its entirety and in relation to other hymns; each isolated line, each passage, each scattered reference in the Vedas falls inevitably and harmoniously into a common whole. We know, here, how the Honey, the Bliss can be said to be stored in the
Cow, the shining Light of the Truth; what is the connection of the honey-bearing Cow with the Sun, lord and origin of that
Light; why the discovery of the Sun dwelling in the darkness is connected with the conquest or recovery of the cows of the
Panis by the Angirases; why it is called the discovery of that
Truth; what is meant by the footed and hoofed wealth and the field or pasture of the Cow. We begin to see what is the cave of the Panis and why that which is hidden in the lair of Vala is said also to be hidden in the waters released by Indra from the hold of Vritra, the seven rivers possessed by the seven-headed heaven-conquering thought of Ayasya; why the rescue of the sun out of the cave, the separation or choosing of the light out of the darkness is said to be done by an all-discerning knowledge; who are Dakshina and Sarama and what is meant by Indra holding the hoofed wealth in his right hand. And in arriving at


The Secret of the Veda
these conclusions we have not to wrest the sense of words, to interpret the same fixed term by different renderings according to our convenience of the moment or to render differently the same phrase or line in different hymns, or to make incoherence a standard of right interpretation; on the contrary, the greater the fidelity to word and form of the Riks, the more conspicuously the general and the detailed sense of the Veda emerge in a constant clearness and fullness.

We have therefore acquired the right to apply the sense we have discovered to other passages such as the hymn of
Vasishtha which I shall next examine, VII.76, although to a superficial glance it would seem to be only an ecstatic picture of the physical Dawn. This first impression, however, disappears when we examine it; we see that there is a constant suggestion of a profounder meaning and, the moment we apply the key we have found, the harmony of the real sense appears. The hymn commences with a description of that rising of the Sun into the light of the supreme Dawn which is brought about by the gods and the Angirases. "Savitri, the god, the universal Male, has ascended into the Light that is immortal and of all the births, jyotir amr.tam visvajanyam; by the work (of sacrifice) the eye of the gods has been born (or, by the will-power of the gods vision has been born); Dawn has manifested the whole world (or, all that comes into being, all existences, visvam bhuvanam)." This immortal light into which the sun rises is elsewhere called the true light, r.tam jyotih., Truth and immortality being constantly associated in the Veda. It is the light of the knowledge given by the seven-headed thought which Ayasya discovered when he became visvajanya, universal in his being; therefore this light too is called visvajanya, for it belongs to the fourth plane, the turyam svid of Ayasya, from which all the rest are born and by whose truth all the rest are manifested in their large universality and no longer in the limited terms of the falsehood and crookedness.

Therefore it is called also the eye of the gods and the divine dawn that makes manifest the whole of existence.

The result of this birth of divine vision is that man's path manifests itself to him and those journeyings of the gods or to

The Human Fathers

the gods (devayanah.) which lead to the infinite wideness of the divine existence. "Before me the paths of the journeyings of the gods have become visible, journeyings that violate not, whose movement was formed by the Vasus. The eye of Dawn has come into being in front and she has come towards us (arriving) over our houses." The house in the Veda is the constant image for the bodies that are dwelling-places of the soul, just as the field or habitation means the planes to which it mounts and in which it rests. The path of man is that of his journey to the supreme plane and that which the journeyings of the gods do not violate is, as we see, in the fifth verse where the phrase is repeated, the workings of the gods, the divine law of life into which the soul has to grow. We have then a curious image which seems to support the Arctic theory. "Many were those days which were before the rising of the Sun (or which were of old by the rising of the Sun), in which thou, O Dawn, wert seen as if moving about thy lover and not coming again." This is certainly a picture of continual dawns, not interrupted by Night, such as are visible in the Arctic regions. The psychological sense which arises out of the verse, is obvious.

What were these dawns? They were those created by the actions of the Fathers, the ancient Angirases. "They indeed had the joy (of the Soma) along with the gods,5 the ancient seers who possessed the truth; the fathers found the hidden Light; they, having the true thought (satyamantrah., the true thought expressed in the inspired Word), brought into being the Dawn."
And to what did the Dawn, the path, the divine journeying lead the Fathers? To the level wideness, samane urve, termed elsewhere the unobstructed vast, urau anibadhe, which is evidently the same as that wide being or world which, according to Kanwa, men create when they slay Vritra and pass beyond heaven and earth; it is the vast Truth and the infinite being of
Aditi. "In the level wideness they meet together and unite their knowledge (or, know perfectly) and strive not together; they
I adopt provisionally the traditional rendering of sadhamadah. though I am not sure that it is the correct rendering.


The Secret of the Veda
diminish not (limit not or hurt not) the workings of the gods, not violating them they move (to their goal) by (the strength of) the
Vasus." It is evident that the seven Angirases, whether human or divine, represent different principles of the Knowledge, Thought or Word, the seven-headed thought, the seven-mouthed word of
Brihaspati, and in the level wideness these are harmonised in a universal knowledge; the error, crookedness, falsehood by which men violate the workings of the gods and by which different principles of their being, consciousness, knowledge enter into confused conflict with each other, have been removed by the eye or vision of the divine Dawn.

The hymn closes with the aspiration of the Vasishthas towards this divine and blissful Dawn as leader of the herds and mistress of plenty and again as leader of the felicity and the truths
(sunr.tanam). They desire to arrive at the same achievement as the primal seers, the fathers and it would follow that these are the human and not the divine Angirases. In any case the sense of the Angiras legend is fixed in all its details, except the exact identity of the Panis and the hound Sarama, and we can turn to the consideration of the passages in the opening hymns of the fourth Mandala in which the human fathers are explicitly mentioned and their achievement described. These hymns of
Vamadeva are the most illuminating and important for this aspect of the Angiras legend and they are in themselves among the most interesting in the Rig Veda.

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Wikipedia - Psychedelic therapy -- Medical treatment using altered states of consciousness induced by psychedelic substances to treat mental disorders
Wikipedia - Recording consciousness -- Sound recording terminology
Wikipedia - Recreational drug use -- Use of a drug with the primary intention to alter the state of consciousness
Wikipedia - Reflex asystolic syncope -- Form of loss of consciousness and postural tone encountererd mainly in young children
Wikipedia - Reflex syncope -- A brief loss of consciousness due to a neurologically induced drop in blood pressure.
Wikipedia - Religious ecstasy -- Altered state of consciousness characterized by greatly reduced external awareness and expanded interior mental and spiritual awareness
Wikipedia - Repression (psychology) -- Removing desires from consciousness
Wikipedia - Richard Dawkins Award -- award given to individuals who raise public consciousness of atheism
Wikipedia - Samadhi -- a state of meditative consciousness in Indian religions
Wikipedia - Science and Consciousness Review
Wikipedia - Secondary consciousness
Wikipedia - Self-consciousness (Vedanta)
Wikipedia - Self-consciousness -- An acute sense of self-awareness, a preoccupation with oneself
Wikipedia - Shallow-water blackout -- Loss of consciousness at a shallow depth during a dive
Wikipedia - Shamanism -- Practice of seeking altered states of consciousness in order to interact with a spirit world
Wikipedia - Simulated consciousness in fiction
Wikipedia - Simulated consciousness
Wikipedia - Social consciousness -- Consciousness shared by individuals within a society
Wikipedia - Society for Consciousness Studies
Wikipedia - Sociology of human consciousness
Wikipedia - Spiritual consciousness
Wikipedia - States of consciousness
Wikipedia - Store consciousness
Wikipedia - Strangling -- Compression of the neck that may lead to unconsciousness or death
Wikipedia - Stream of consciousness (narrative mode)
Wikipedia - Stream of consciousness (psychology)
Wikipedia - Stream-of-consciousness technique
Wikipedia - Stream-of-consciousness
Wikipedia - Stream of consciousness -- Narrative device used in literature
Wikipedia - Stream of unconsciousness
Wikipedia - Strings of Consciousness -- | Eleven-piece band
Wikipedia - Subjectivity -- Philosophical concept, related to consciousness, agency, personhood, reality, and truth
Wikipedia - Subject (philosophy) -- Being who has a unique consciousness and/or unique personal experiences, or an entity that has a relationship with another entity that exists outside of itself
Wikipedia - Syncope (medicine) -- Transient loss of consciousness and postural tone
Wikipedia - Template talk:Consciousness
Wikipedia - Thalamus -- Part of the brain responsible for relaying sensory signals and the regulation of consciousness, sleep, and alertness
Wikipedia - The hard problem of consciousness
Wikipedia - The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind -- 1976 book by Julian Jaynes
Wikipedia - The Origins and History of Consciousness -- 1949 book by Erich Neumann
Wikipedia - The River of Consciousness -- Collection of ten essays by Oliver Sacks
Wikipedia - Thought -- Mental activity involving an individual's subjective consciousness
Wikipedia - Toward a Science of Consciousness
Wikipedia - Trance -- Abnormal state of wakefulness or altered state of consciousness
Wikipedia - Unconsciousness -- The state, in a normally conscious being, of not being consicious
Wikipedia - Understanding Consciousness
Wikipedia - universal Consciousness
Wikipedia - VijM-CM-1ana -- Term used in theology & philosophy of Hinduism (for discernment, understanding, knowledge, intelligence) and of Buddhism (for discernment, consciousness, life force, mind)
Wikipedia - Virginia Woolf -- English modernist writer known for use of stream of consciousness -- 0
Kheper - consciousness -- 28
Kheper - Consciousness_of_the_Body -- 46
Kheper - consciousness -- 34 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - beige -- 30 -- 0
Kheper - blue -- 34
Kheper - first_tier -- 57 -- 0
Kheper - green -- 62
Kheper - evolution_of_consciousness index -- 26 -- 0
Kheper - orange -- 30
Kheper - purple -- 44
Kheper - red -- 41
Kheper - second_tier -- 59
Kheper - Spiral_Dynamics -- 118 -- 0
Kheper - Turiya_rather_than_unconsciousness -- 28
Kheper - states_of_consciousness -- 36
Kheper - consciousness_and_worlds -- 49
auromere - how-to-cultivate-witness-consciousness-saksi-bhava
auromere - four-epistemic-methods-of-consciousness
auromere - cultivating-witness-consciousness-saksi-bhava-part
auromere - latent-consciousness-within-matter
auromere - four-epistemic-methods-of-consciousnes
auromere - four-epistemic-methods-of-consciousness
auromere - the-phenomenon-of-double-consciousness
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auromere - four-movements-of-consciousness
auromere - psychi
Integral World - Consciousness, Parapsychology and Evolution, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Evolution, Consciousness, and Purpose, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Science, Consciousness, Spirituality, Evolution, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - The Origin of Consciousness: Wallace in the Light of Jaynes, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Biocentrism, Idealism, Materialism, and the Enigma of Consciousness, Elliot Benjamin
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Integral World - The Metabolic Threshold, Consciousness and Energetic States, Andrea Diem-Lane
Integral World - A Many-Sided Brain, The Jain Approach for Studying Consciousness, Andrea Diem-Lane
Integral World - Integral Consciousness and The Future of Evolution, A Philosophical Review, Chris Dierkes
Integral World - Emptiness, Part I: Consciousness seen as Emptiness, Martin Erdmann
Integral World - A Blinded Science, What for science cannot Be, Is the emptiness of consciousness, For you as life full-filled to See, Martin Erdmann
Integral World - Holonic Theory and Holistic Consciousness, Josep Gallifa
Integral World - Holonic Logic & the Dialectics of Consciousness, Gerry Goddard
Integral World - Consciousness and the Holonic Infrastructure, by Gerry Goddard
Integral World - Levels of Consciousness, by Ken Wilber (Greek)
Integral World - Response to Ken Wilber's Integral Theory of Consciousness, by Garry Jacobs
Integral World - Stages of higher consciousness (Integral Esotericisn - Part Seven), Alan Kazlev
Integral World - Supra-Mental Illumination: An Ontology of Mature Integral Consciousness, Adam Kennedy
Integral World - Zombie Dating, Are Brain States Equal to Mental States? A reflection on the Hard Problem of Consciousness, David Lane
Integral World - The Virtual Reality of Consciousness, A Gnostic Insight, David Lane
Integral World - The Skeptical Yogi, Part Four: Cosmic Consciousness And Sleepless nights, David Lane
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Daniel Dennett, Captoria Frizell
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Thomas Nagel, Una Shing
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Giulio Tononi, Rania Serena Soetirto
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Gerald Edelman, Gavin Lee
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Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Timothy Leary, Emily Park
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Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Aldous Huxley, Denise Motus
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Francis Crick, Ethan Li
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Patricia Churchland, Vikraant Chowdhry
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Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Owen Flanagan, Paycee Minaya
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Terence McKenna, Yan Xu
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Christof Koch, I Cheng Lam
Integral World - The Rendered Universe, Why Virtual Reality Unlocks the Secret of Consciousness, David Lane
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Integral World - The Netflix of Consciousness, How Understanding Evolution and Neuroscience Can Help in Deep Meditation, David Lane
Integral World - The Neural Basis of Consciousness, David Lane
Integral World - The Disneyland of Consciousness, Andrea & David Lane
Integral World - Inside Outside, Sam Harris' Dilemma or Why Consciousness is a Mobius Strip in a Dyadic Melody, David Lane
Integral World - Is Consciousness Physical?, David & Andrea Lane
Integral World - The Synthetic Self, Unlocking the Genomics of Consciousness Or How Information Theory is Transforming Science, David Lane and Andrea Diem-Lane
Integral World - Zombie Consciousness 101, Alan Turing, the Virtual Simulator Hypothesis, and Recalibrating the Hard Problem, David Lane
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Integral World - Consciousness Interruptus, The Temporal Context and the Self-Referential Trap, David Christopher Lane & Andrea Diem-Lane
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Integral World - Bald Ambition, Chapter 2: Individual Consciousness, Jeff Meyerhoff
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Integral World - Realizing Awakened Consciousness, Was the First Human Enlightened?, Barclay Powers
Integral World - Post-materialist Science, Is Everything Really Made of Consciousness?, Barclay Powers
Integral World - The Consciousness Singularity, The Reversal of the Fall of Man, Barclay Powers
Integral World - Review of The Spectrum of Consciousness by John Welwood
Integral World - Seven Stages of Life, Mapping Kosmos-Consciousness, Brad Reynolds
Integral World - Ken Wilber's Evolutionary View Gets a Trim With Ockham's Razor, Part II: The Fractal Nature of the Evolution of Consciousness, Don Salmon
Integral World - Ken Wilber's Evolutionary View Gets a Trim With Ockham's Razor, Part III: The Emergence of Consciousness Over the Course of Evolution, Don Salmon
Integral World - Ken Wilber's Evolutionary View Gets a Trim With Ockham's Razor, Part IV: The emergence of consciousness in birds, mammals and primates, Don Salmon
Integral World - Ken Wilber - The Asimov of Consciousness, Robert Sandberg
Integral World - FOOTPRINTS IN THE SAND: Can We Identify Brain Correlates of Higher Consciousness?, essay by Andrew Smith
Integral World - The Stage-Skipping Problem: How Did Our Ancestors Realize Higher Consciousness?, essay by Andrew Smith
Integral World - Consciousness: So Simple, So Complex, Andy Smith
Integral World - Consciousness and Its Pretenders, Unconsciousness, Qualia, Self-reflection and Awakening, Andy Smith
Integral World - What Good is Consciousness, Anyway?, A Brief Reply to David Lane and Steve Taylor, Andy Smith
Integral World - Cosmic Consciousness, Maurice Bucke, and Walt Whitman, An Adventure in Narcissism, Gary Stogsdill
Integral World - Consciousness and Complexity: A Defence of Panspiritism, Steve Taylor
Integral World - Ken Wilber Videos: Consciousness
Integral World - Ken Wilber Videos: Increased Consciousness, Decreased Suffering
Integral World - Eros and Evolution, Discussing one of the most un-debated topics in the integral world; Is there a universal, spiritual drive towards increasing complexity and consciousness? Is there any place for Eros in evolution?, Frank Visser and Layman Pascal
Integral World - The Evolution of Consciousness, An Essay Review of Up from Eden (Wilber, 1981), Michael Winkelman
Integral World - The Evolution of Consciousness?, Transpersonal Theories in Light of Cultural Relativism, Michael Winkelman
Integral World - The Emergence of Integral Consciousness in Europe, Dennis Wittrock
Allergies and Addictions: States of Consciousness
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Awakening Christ Consciousness
Consciousness Explained Better
Discovering an Integral Civic Consciousness in a Global Age
The Future of Consciousness, Culture, and Technology
Inside the Super Brain: Integrating Mind, Matter, and Consciousness
Mayor Pete’s X-Factor: Could It Be Integral Consciousness?
Sexual Kinks in Consciousness
Shapes of Mind: The 10 Stages of Consciousness
The Heart of Christ Consciousness
Time, Consciousness, and Development
Transfigurations: Art, Consciousness, and Spirituality
Virtual Lucid Dreaming: The Intersection of Consciousness and Technology
Yes, Virginia, Consciousness Goes All the Way Down. But Does It Go All the Way Up?
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selforum - jumping to non physical consciousness
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selforum - involution of highest consciousness as
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dedroidify.blogspot - 8-circuits-of-consciousness-model
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dedroidify.blogspot - internet-consciousness
dedroidify.blogspot - structure-of-consciousness-part-one
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dedroidify.blogspot - 8-circuits-of-consciousness-leary-raw
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dedroidify.blogspot - david-lynch-explains-consciousness
wiki.auroville - Category:Parts_of_being_and_planes_of_consciousness
wiki.auroville - Change_of_consciousness
wiki.auroville - Consciousness
wiki.auroville - Consciousness_Garden
wiki.auroville - Cosmic_consciousness
wiki.auroville - Descent_of_the_superman_consciousness
wiki.auroville - File:There_is_a_Supreme_Divine_Consciousness.jpg
wiki.auroville - Loretta_reads_Savitri:Seven.VII_"The_Discovery_of_the_Cosmic_Spirit_and_the_Cosmic_Consciousness"
wiki.auroville - Ordinary_consciousness
wiki.auroville - Planes_of_consciousness
wiki.auroville - Planes_or_worlds_of_consciousness
wiki.auroville - Psychic_consciousness
wiki.auroville - Sri_Aurobindo_or_The_Adventure_of_Consciousness_(book)
wiki.auroville - Superman_consciousness
wiki.auroville - Supramental_consciousness
wiki.auroville - Supramental_consciousness_as_experienced_by_Mother
Dharmapedia - International_Society_for_Krishna_Consciousness
Dharmapedia - Study_in_Consciousness
Psychology Wiki - 8-Circuit_Model_of_Consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Altered_state_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Altered_states_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Animal_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Artificial_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Association_for_the_Scientific_Study_of_Consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Category:Consciousness_studies
Psychology Wiki - Collective_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness_and_Cognition
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Animal_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Anosognosia
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Artifact_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Assessment
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Biological_function_and_evolution
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Books
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Cognitive_Neuroscience
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Cognitive_neuroscience_approaches
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Consciousness_and_Brain_Evolution
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Consciousness_and_language
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Defining_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Delay_test
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Disorders_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness_disturbances
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Etymology
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness_Explained
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#External_links
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Functions_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Further_reading
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Groups
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Measurement
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Medical_aspects
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Mind.E2.80.93body_problem
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Mirror_test
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Miscellaneous_sites
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Neural_correlates
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Other_disciplines
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Papers
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Phenomenal_and_access_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Phenomenology
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Philosophical_approaches
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Philosophical_criticisms_of_the_concept_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Philosophy
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Philosophy_resources
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Physical_approaches
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Physical_Hypotheses_about_Consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Problem_of_other_minds
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness_raising_groups
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#References
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Scientific_study
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#See_also
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Spiritual_approaches
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Spirituality
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness_states
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#States_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Stream_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness_studies
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Tests_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#The_description_and_location_of_phenomenal_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#The_transitivity_principle
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Turing_Test
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Types_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Disorders_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Electromagnetic_theories_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Hard_problem_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - History_of_Consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Jean_Gebser#Characteristics_of_the_structures_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Journal_of_Consciousness_Studies
Psychology Wiki - Journal_of_Consciousness_Studies#Books
Psychology Wiki - Journal_of_Consciousness_Studies#Conferences
Psychology Wiki - Journal_of_Consciousness_Studies#External_link
Psychology Wiki - Journal_of_Consciousness_Studies#Some_Notable_Contributors
Psychology Wiki - Journal_of_Consciousness_Studies#Some_Represented_Fields
Psychology Wiki - Level_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Neural_correlates_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Primary_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Secondary_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Self-consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Sociology_of_human_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Space-time_theories_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Stream_of_consciousness_(psychology)
Psychology Wiki - The_Origin_of_Consciousness_in_the_Breakdown_of_the_Bicameral_Mind
Psychology Wiki - Understanding_Consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Video
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - consciousness-17th
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - consciousness-animal
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - consciousness-higher
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - consciousness-intentionality
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - consciousness-neuroscience
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - consciousness-representational
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - consciousness
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - consciousness-temporal
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - consciousness-unity
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - double-consciousness
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - qt-consciousness
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - self-consciousness-phenomenological
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - self-consciousness
Short Circuit(1986) - Number 5, one of a group of experimental military robots, undergoes a sudden transformation after being struck by lightning. He develops self-awareness, consciousness, and a fear of the reprogramming that awaits him back at the factory. With the help of a young woman, Number 5 tries to evade capture...
Nirvana(1997) - A computer virus endows Solo, the hero of a virtual reality game, with human consciousness thereby creating all kinds of headaches for his creator Jimi. The trouble begins in the futuristic metropolis of Northern Agglomerate three days before Christmas. With little time left, video-game designer Jim...
Altered States(1980) - Research scientist Eddie Jessup (William Hurt) believes other states of consciousness are as real as everyday reality. Using sensory deprivation, then adding powerful, hallucinogenic drugs, he explores these altered states...and endures experiences that make madness seem a blessing.
Waking Life(2001) - Waking Life is a 2001 American animated drama film directed by Richard Linklater. The film focuses on the nature of dreams, consciousness, an
Altered Carbon ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2018-2020) Episode Guide 18 episodes Altered Carbon Poster -- Set in a future where consciousness is digitized and stored, a prisoner returns to life in a new body and must solve a mind-bending murder to win his freedom. Creator:
Altered Carbon ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20182020) -- Set in a future where consciousness is digitized and stored, a prisoner returns to life in a new body and must solve a mind-bending murder to win his freedom. Creator:
Ladder 49 (2004) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 1 October 2004 (USA) -- A firefighter, injured and trapped in a burning building, has flashbacks of his life as he drifts in and out of consciousness. Meanwhile, fellow firefighters led by the Chief attempt to rescue him. Director: Jay Russell Writer:
Self/less (2015) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 57min | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 10 July 2015 (USA) -- A dying real estate mogul transfers his consciousness into a healthy young body, but soon finds that neither the procedure nor the company that performed it are quite what they seem. Director: Tarsem Singh Writers:
The Signal (2014) ::: 6.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 10 July 2014 (Germany) -- On a road trip, Nic and two friends are drawn to an isolated area by a computer genius. When everything suddenly goes dark, Nic regains consciousness - only to find himself in a waking nightmare. Director: William Eubank Writers:
Travelers ::: TV-MA | 45min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2016-2018) Episode Guide 34 episodes Travelers Poster -- Hundreds of years from now, surviving humans discover how to send consciousness back through time, into people of the 21st century, while attempting to change the path of humanity. Creator:
Travelers ::: TV-MA | 45min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20162018) -- Hundreds of years from now, surviving humans discover how to send consciousness back through time, into people of the 21st century, while attempting to change the path of humanity. Creator:
Upload ::: TV-MA | 4h 56min | Comedy, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2020 ) -- A man is able to choose his own afterlife after his untimely death by having his consciousness uploaded into a virtual world. As he gets used to his new life and befriends his angel (real world handler) questions about his death arise. Creator:
Upload ::: TV-MA | 4h 56min | Comedy, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes Upload Poster -- A man is able to choose his own afterlife after his untimely death by having his consciousness uploaded into a virtual world. As he gets used to his new life and befriends his angel (real world handler) questions about his death arise. Creator:'s_'Variation'_in_Terms_of_Consciousness
4.Eyes -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- 4.Eyes 4.Eyes -- The human eye, a well-known motif in psychedelic culture, is duplicated and intensified in this cinematic trip. Drawing from his experiences designing discotheques, Tanaami presents two prints of the same film in double projection with a time delay ––one projected a few seconds earlier than the other–– to suggest the mind slipping out of consciousness. -- -- (Source: Collaborative Cataloging Japan) -- Movie - ??? ??, 1975 -- 805 4.14
Aku no Onna Kanbu: Full Moon Night -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Hentai Supernatural -- Aku no Onna Kanbu: Full Moon Night Aku no Onna Kanbu: Full Moon Night -- Katsuma is just a go-boy of his female bosses... Whenever he has a battle against Silverstar, a hero, he loses... -- -- One day, when he has another battle against Silverstar, his bosses suddenly trap Katsuma and Silverstar. When he regains his consciousness, he finds himself being taken care of by Maria, another Silverstar. Katsuma is attacted to her kindness..., no, he just sleeps with her... However, he acquires a special power by sleeping with her...! -- -- He soon decides to take revenge on his bosses... -- -- (Source: ErogeShop) -- OVA - Dec 21, 2012 -- 9,223 6.70
Ano Natsu de Matteru -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Drama Romance Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Ano Natsu de Matteru Ano Natsu de Matteru -- While testing out his camera on a bridge one summer night, Kaito Kirishima sees a blue light streaking across the sky, only to be blown off the railing seconds later. Just before succumbing to unconsciousness, a hand reaches down to grab ahold of his own. Dazed and confused, Kaito wakes up the next morning wondering how he ended up back in his own room with no apparent injuries or any recollection of the night before. As he proceeds with his normal school life, Kaito and his friends discuss what to do with his camera, finally deciding to make a film with it over their upcoming summer break. Noticing that Kaito has an interest in the new upperclassmen Ichika Takatsuki, his friend Tetsurou Ishigaki decides to invite her, as well as her friend Remon Yamano, to join them in their movie project. -- -- In what becomes one of the most entertaining and exciting summers of their lives, Kaito and his friends find that their time spent together is not just about creating a film, but something much more meaningful that will force them to confront their true feelings and each other. -- -- 316,498 7.48
Ano Natsu de Matteru -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Drama Romance Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Ano Natsu de Matteru Ano Natsu de Matteru -- While testing out his camera on a bridge one summer night, Kaito Kirishima sees a blue light streaking across the sky, only to be blown off the railing seconds later. Just before succumbing to unconsciousness, a hand reaches down to grab ahold of his own. Dazed and confused, Kaito wakes up the next morning wondering how he ended up back in his own room with no apparent injuries or any recollection of the night before. As he proceeds with his normal school life, Kaito and his friends discuss what to do with his camera, finally deciding to make a film with it over their upcoming summer break. Noticing that Kaito has an interest in the new upperclassmen Ichika Takatsuki, his friend Tetsurou Ishigaki decides to invite her, as well as her friend Remon Yamano, to join them in their movie project. -- -- In what becomes one of the most entertaining and exciting summers of their lives, Kaito and his friends find that their time spent together is not just about creating a film, but something much more meaningful that will force them to confront their true feelings and each other. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 316,498 7.48
Arve Rezzle: Kikaijikake no Yousei-tachi -- -- Zexcs -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Drama Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller -- Arve Rezzle: Kikaijikake no Yousei-tachi Arve Rezzle: Kikaijikake no Yousei-tachi -- One day, when Remu Mikage is on a video call with his sister, Shiki, who has traveled to the futuristic Okinotori-island Mega Float City for school, she confesses that both the audio and visuals of her are completely artificial. In order to be more efficient in her studies, Shiki has used neural-linked nanomachines to upload her consciousness onto a computer and is storing her physical body in a "body pool." While shocked, Remu is supportive of his sister's decision, until the disaster known as the "Early Rapture" happens. -- -- The Early Rapture causes everyone who has uploaded their consciousnesses to either fall into a coma or perish. Remu visits his sister's empty apartment one last time, but is shocked when Shiki arrives at the door. With no memory of her family or past, and being pursued by a violent group of researchers, Shiki and her brother are forced to flee using her newfound power of nanomachine manipulation. -- -- Movie - Mar 2, 2013 -- 24,206 6.29
Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Gundalian Invaders -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 39 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Game Shounen -- Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Gundalian Invaders Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Gundalian Invaders -- Bakugan Interspace is a virtual reality system, where players can brawl against each other and take part in tournaments. Initially designed to help practice and enhance Bakugan skills, it quickly became a meeting place for many enthusiasts. During one of Danma Kuusou's duels, the Interspace crashes, and he gets knocked out cold. Before regaining consciousness, he experiences a vision of Bakugan at war with each other once again. -- -- The explosion of energy that accompanied Danma's fight and caused the shutdown of the system sends shock waves across the galaxy, attracting the attention of the Twelve Orders, a Gundalian organization. They infiltrate Bakugan Interspace, looking for strong brawlers to join them in their upcoming war with another alien race, the Neathians. -- -- Danma and his companions—Shun Kazami and Chouji Marukura—soon find themselves caught up in an extraterrestrial war. However, distant as it may seem, the conflict threatens the very sovereignty of Earth and the future of the Bakugan race as well. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Nelvana -- TV - May 23, 2010 -- 34,701 6.23
Dragon Ball Z Movie 02: Kono Yo de Ichiban Tsuyoi Yatsu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 02: Kono Yo de Ichiban Tsuyoi Yatsu Dragon Ball Z Movie 02: Kono Yo de Ichiban Tsuyoi Yatsu -- In his laboratory, biotechnology expert Dr. Kochin gathers the dragon balls intending to free his master Dr. Uirou, a mad scientist hellbent on ruling the world, forever frozen in the never-melting ice of the Tsurumai-Tsuburi Mountains. Attempting to locate the dragon balls, Gohan Son and Oolong arrive at the scene and are ambushed by several creatures known as "Bio-Men." Training nearby, Piccolo attempts to save them but is then attacked by three mysterious warriors. When the ice beneath them breaks, it cuts their altercation short, burying Gohan and Oolong within. -- -- After regaining consciousness, they return home to Kame House only to encounter Bio-Men, demanding Muten-Roushi to follow them. Refusing, he easily defeats the creatures, piquing Dr. Kochin's interest. Under the impression of Muten-Roushi being the strongest man in the world, Dr. Kochin takes Bulma hostage, forcing Roushi's agreement to accompany him in mysterious plans involving his master. Who are Dr. Kochin and Dr. Uirou? What even is their purpose? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 10, 1990 -- 91,335 6.64
Dragon Ball Z Movie 02: Kono Yo de Ichiban Tsuyoi Yatsu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 02: Kono Yo de Ichiban Tsuyoi Yatsu Dragon Ball Z Movie 02: Kono Yo de Ichiban Tsuyoi Yatsu -- In his laboratory, biotechnology expert Dr. Kochin gathers the dragon balls intending to free his master Dr. Uirou, a mad scientist hellbent on ruling the world, forever frozen in the never-melting ice of the Tsurumai-Tsuburi Mountains. Attempting to locate the dragon balls, Gohan Son and Oolong arrive at the scene and are ambushed by several creatures known as "Bio-Men." Training nearby, Piccolo attempts to save them but is then attacked by three mysterious warriors. When the ice beneath them breaks, it cuts their altercation short, burying Gohan and Oolong within. -- -- After regaining consciousness, they return home to Kame House only to encounter Bio-Men, demanding Muten-Roushi to follow them. Refusing, he easily defeats the creatures, piquing Dr. Kochin's interest. Under the impression of Muten-Roushi being the strongest man in the world, Dr. Kochin takes Bulma hostage, forcing Roushi's agreement to accompany him in mysterious plans involving his master. Who are Dr. Kochin and Dr. Uirou? What even is their purpose? -- -- Movie - Mar 10, 1990 -- 91,335 6.64
Fumetsu no Anata e -- -- Brain's Base -- 20 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Fumetsu no Anata e Fumetsu no Anata e -- It, a mysterious immortal being, is sent to the Earth with no emotions nor identity. However, It is able to take the shape of those around that have a strong impetus. -- -- At first, It is a sphere. Then, It imitates the form of a rock. As the temperature drops and snow falls atop the moss, It inherits the moss. When an injured, lone wolf comes limping by and lays down to die, It takes on the form of the animal. Finally, It gains consciousness and begins to traverse the empty tundra until It meets a boy. -- -- The boy lives alone in a ghost town, which the adults abandoned long ago in search of the paradise said to exist far beyond the endless sea of white tundra. However, their efforts were for naught, and now the boy is in a critical state. -- -- Acquiring the form of the boy, It sets off on a never-ending journey, in search of new experiences, places, and people. -- -- 217,744 8.74
Futon -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Dementia -- Futon Futon -- A futon, a traditional Japanese mattress, as seen by Yoriko Mizushiri, becomes the vehicle of dream fantasies combining the most pleasant sensations such as the morning coffee, the warmth of bedding and a soft rice carpet under one’s feet. Lazy stretching serves as a start of sensuous, sleepy gymnastics. With a fluid movement, the passive body will turn once again from the left to the right of the mattress to dive into the fantasies of even deeper unconsciousness a little while later. -- -- (Source: Krakow Film Festival) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2012 -- 708 5.18
Gatchaman Crowds Insight -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Sci-Fi -- Gatchaman Crowds Insight Gatchaman Crowds Insight -- One day, a huge UFO spins over Japan and crashes into a rural farmland outside Nagaoka, disrupting Tsubasa Misudachi's ordinary life. As the Gatchaman, the legendary defenders of Tachikawa City, supervise the ordeal, a peaceful alien creature emerges from the spacecraft. In the ensuing chaos, Tsubasa is given a special high-tech notebook, or NOTE, from Gatchaman founder J.J. Robinson, signaling Tsubasa's sudden recruitment into their group. Under the tutelage of fellow hero Hajime Ichinose, Tsubasa slowly begins to adjust to life as a defender of justice. -- -- Meanwhile, the CROWDS technology, which enables users to manifest their consciousness' into a physical form, is spreading amongst the public, as well as being endorsed by Prime Minister Sugayama. However, a mysterious organization known as VAPE has gained notoriety by using unique red CROWDS to wreak havoc, shifting public opinion against the CROWDS technology. The Gatchaman, along with new recruit Tsubasa, must put a stop to their destructive activities before it's too late. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 64,839 7.29
Giniro no Kami no Agito -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Romance Sci-Fi -- Giniro no Kami no Agito Giniro no Kami no Agito -- Three hundred years ago, a genetic experiment gone wrong caused the mutation of all forests on Earth. Armed with consciousness, the vegetation sought to destroy all of humankind, and the war that ensued turned the planet into a hellish dystopia. -- -- In the present day, Agito, a young boy, lives with his father in Neutral City—a village maintaining an uneasy truce with the neighboring forest. One day, Agito, on his way to collect water, becomes separated from his friend and stumbles upon a relic of the past: a girl sleeping in a mysterious machine. -- -- Agito awakens the girl, Toola Cm Sacl, and introduces her to the village. But outside forces have ulterior motives for the girl, who holds the key to restore the Earth. Misguided by Shunack, a soldier from the old world hellbent on destroying the forest, Toola follows him despite Agito's warning. Determined to save Toola and unify humankind with the forest, Agito borrows the power of the forest and pursues her. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jan 7, 2006 -- 64,100 7.10
Giniro no Kami no Agito -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Romance Sci-Fi -- Giniro no Kami no Agito Giniro no Kami no Agito -- Three hundred years ago, a genetic experiment gone wrong caused the mutation of all forests on Earth. Armed with consciousness, the vegetation sought to destroy all of humankind, and the war that ensued turned the planet into a hellish dystopia. -- -- In the present day, Agito, a young boy, lives with his father in Neutral City—a village maintaining an uneasy truce with the neighboring forest. One day, Agito, on his way to collect water, becomes separated from his friend and stumbles upon a relic of the past: a girl sleeping in a mysterious machine. -- -- Agito awakens the girl, Toola Cm Sacl, and introduces her to the village. But outside forces have ulterior motives for the girl, who holds the key to restore the Earth. Misguided by Shunack, a soldier from the old world hellbent on destroying the forest, Toola follows him despite Agito's warning. Determined to save Toola and unify humankind with the forest, Agito borrows the power of the forest and pursues her. -- -- Movie - Jan 7, 2006 -- 64,100 7.10
Great Rabbit -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological -- Great Rabbit Great Rabbit -- Once we called the noble, profound and mysterious existence The Great. We have moved with the time, our thought and consciousness has changed. And yet what makes us still keep calling it The Great? -- -- (Source: -- Movie - ??? ??, 2012 -- 828 4.45
Hajime no Ippo -- -- Madhouse -- 75 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama Shounen -- Hajime no Ippo Hajime no Ippo -- Makunouchi Ippo has been bullied his entire life. Constantly running errands and being beaten up by his classmates, Ippo has always dreamed of changing himself, but never has the passion to act upon it. One day, in the midst of yet another bullying, Ippo is saved by Takamura Mamoru, who happens to be a boxer. Ippo faints from his injuries and is brought to the Kamogawa boxing gym to recover. As he regains consciousness, he is awed and amazed at his new surroundings in the gym, though lacks confidence to attempt anything. Takamura places a photo of Ippo's classmate on a punching bag and forces him to punch it. It is only then that Ippo feels something stir inside him and eventually asks Takamura to train him in boxing. Thinking that Ippo does not have what it takes, Takamura gives him a task deemed impossible and gives him a one week time limit. With a sudden desire to get stronger, for himself and his hard working mother, Ippo trains relentlessly to accomplish the task within the time limit. Thus Ippo's journey to the top of the boxing world begins. -- -- 401,550 8.74
Hajime no Ippo -- -- Madhouse -- 75 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama Shounen -- Hajime no Ippo Hajime no Ippo -- Makunouchi Ippo has been bullied his entire life. Constantly running errands and being beaten up by his classmates, Ippo has always dreamed of changing himself, but never has the passion to act upon it. One day, in the midst of yet another bullying, Ippo is saved by Takamura Mamoru, who happens to be a boxer. Ippo faints from his injuries and is brought to the Kamogawa boxing gym to recover. As he regains consciousness, he is awed and amazed at his new surroundings in the gym, though lacks confidence to attempt anything. Takamura places a photo of Ippo's classmate on a punching bag and forces him to punch it. It is only then that Ippo feels something stir inside him and eventually asks Takamura to train him in boxing. Thinking that Ippo does not have what it takes, Takamura gives him a task deemed impossible and gives him a one week time limit. With a sudden desire to get stronger, for himself and his hard working mother, Ippo trains relentlessly to accomplish the task within the time limit. Thus Ippo's journey to the top of the boxing world begins. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 401,550 8.74
Hybrid Child -- -- Studio Deen -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Drama Historical Romance Sci-Fi Shounen Ai -- Hybrid Child Hybrid Child -- The skilled craftsman Kuroda created artificial humans called Hybrid Child—creatures who are neither machines nor dolls, but rather a reflection of the love shown to them. While they can feel human emotions and have their own consciousness, they are not real humans and require love to grow. -- -- Kotarou Izumi is the young heir to the noble Izumi family, so it is frowned upon when he brings an abandoned Hybrid Child he found in the garbage into their household. His family even attempts to throw away Hazuki—Kotarou's name for the Hybrid Child—multiple times when he is not paying attention. But through overcoming these obstacles, their love and the bond connecting them grow stronger. However, ten years pass before a horrifying realization dawns on them: a Hybrid Child might not have an endless life span. -- -- Hybrid Child is a collection of three short love stories, depicting the relationship between the artificial humans and their owners. -- -- OVA - Oct 29, 2014 -- 63,832 7.65
ID-0 -- -- SANZIGEN -- 12 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space Mecha -- ID-0 ID-0 -- Transferring the human consciousness into a robotic "I-Machine" is now a reality thanks to the discovery of a valuable ore called "orichalt." However, there is the possibility of the consciousness failing to return to the host's body, rendering them stuck inside their new metallic frame for good. Such is the situation of members of the Excavate Company, a reckless band of I-Machine miners led by the notorious Grayman that aims to gather orichalt for profit. -- -- During a mining incursion, the group rescues Maya Mikuri, a student who was abandoned by her crew. Accused of stealing classified information on orichalt by her former colleagues, she joins the Excavate Company in hopes of clearing her name. They then begin an adventure that will change their lives—including that of Ido, an ace member of the group with no memory of his past. For the first time, Ido might have the chance to rediscover his true identity. -- -- 17,820 6.57
Junjou Romantica 3 -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shounen Ai -- Junjou Romantica 3 Junjou Romantica 3 -- After living together for three years, Misaki Takahashi and Akihiko "Usagi" Usami's relationship has been progressing smoothly. However, all great relationships have problems, and theirs is just beginning. With a new rival on the horizon, Usagi worries about Misaki's feelings towards him. -- -- Meanwhile, Ryuuichirou Isaka has always loved to intrude on Misaki and Usagi's love life, but his own love life hasn't been all smooth sailing—Isaka and his secretary Kaoru Asahina have been dating for a few years; however, Asahina prefers to keep their professional and private lives separate, often leading to troubled waters between them. -- -- As for Nowaki Kusama and Hiroki Kamijou, now that their careers are finally taking off, they hardly see each other anymore. With the time they spend together lessening, doubts and insecurities threaten to creep in between them. On the other hand, the 17-year age gap between Shinobu Takatsuki and You Miyagi has been a constant barrier in their relationship, but as they learn more about each other, their self-consciousness continues to fade. -- -- The beloved couples of Junjou Romantica, Junjou Egoist, and Junjou Terrorist are back again, this time with a new addition: Junjou Mistake! -- -- 96,777 7.73
Kimi wa Kanata -- -- Digital Network Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Fantasy -- Kimi wa Kanata Kimi wa Kanata -- Mio has feelings for her childhood friend Arata, but can't convey her feelings. One day, as they continue their delicate relationship, the two fight over something trivial. After letting tensions settle, Mio goes to make up with him in the pouring rain. While on her way, she gets into a traffic accident. When she regains consciousness, a mysterious and unfamiliar world appears before her eyes. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- Movie - Nov 27, 2020 -- 22,390 N/A -- -- Aru Tabibito no Nikki -- -- - -- 6 eps -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy -- Aru Tabibito no Nikki Aru Tabibito no Nikki -- Tortov Roddle is a man of few words on a journey through a calm and obscure new land, interacting with its inhabitants along the way. As he rides on his long-legged pig through the desert from town to town, he observes the interesting and quirky customs of the locals and reminisces about his past. -- -- ONA - Mar 19, 2003 -- 22,384 7.12
Lord of Vermilion: Guren no Ou -- -- Asread, Tear Studio -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Fantasy -- Lord of Vermilion: Guren no Ou Lord of Vermilion: Guren no Ou -- Set in Tokyo, it's January 29, 2030. High-frequency resonance is observed in the vicinity of Tokyo, and the red fog rolls into the city. Those who hear the sound, humans and animals alike, pass out, losing consciousness. Everything shuts down in Tokyo, believing that the fog is carrying an unknown virus that causes an epidemic. However, six days later, after the incident, people wake up as if nothing happened. After that, Tokyo's sealed-off city sections gradually return to normal. However, since the high-frequency resonance, some "bizarre events" start to happen, and people find themselves being pulled deeper into more mysteries. Meanwhile, young people start to become aware of themselves and release their power hidden in their blood, discovering themselves as "vessel of wisdom blood." Together, being led by something unknown, they meet, communicate, and face the unavoidable circle of fate, sacrificing their own lives. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 35,503 5.34
Mobile Suit Gundam NT -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam NT Mobile Suit Gundam NT -- U.C. 0097, one year after the opening of "Laplace's Box." -- Despite the revelation of the Universal Century Charter that acknowledges the existence and rights of Newtypes, the framework of the world has not been greatly altered. -- -- The conflict later dubbed the "Laplace Incident" is thought to have ended with the downfall of the Neo Zeon remnants known as the Sleeves. In its final battle, two full psycho-frame mobile suits displayed power beyond human understanding. The white unicorn and the black lion were sealed away to remove this danger from people's consciousness, and they should now be completely forgotten. -- -- However, the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 03, which disappeared two years earlier, is now about to show itself in the Earth Sphere once more. A golden phoenix... named Phenex. -- -- (Source: -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post -- Movie - Nov 30, 2018 -- 11,948 6.63
Nagasarete Airantou -- -- feel. -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi Fantasy Shounen -- Nagasarete Airantou Nagasarete Airantou -- Ikuto Touhohin just had a fight with his old man, one that led him to make a rash decision to run away from home. He boards a ship, deciding to take a vacation, but the ship is suddenly hit by a huge storm—one that sends Ikuto overboard! When he regains consciousness, he realizes he is still alive on some island. An isolated island. An isolated island with nothing but girls. Beautiful girls. Stranded on an island with only girls, no electricity, gas, radio, television, like he was back in the stone age. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Apr 5, 2007 -- 86,196 7.26
Nagasarete Airantou -- -- feel. -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi Fantasy Shounen -- Nagasarete Airantou Nagasarete Airantou -- Ikuto Touhohin just had a fight with his old man, one that led him to make a rash decision to run away from home. He boards a ship, deciding to take a vacation, but the ship is suddenly hit by a huge storm—one that sends Ikuto overboard! When he regains consciousness, he realizes he is still alive on some island. An isolated island. An isolated island with nothing but girls. Beautiful girls. Stranded on an island with only girls, no electricity, gas, radio, television, like he was back in the stone age. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Apr 5, 2007 -- 86,196 7.26
Rakuen Tsuihou -- -- Graphinica -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Rakuen Tsuihou Rakuen Tsuihou -- In a future where a massive disaster has devastated Earth, most of humanity has abandoned their physical bodies and relocated in digital form to DEVA, an advanced space station orbiting the ravaged planet. Free from the limitations of traditional existence, such as death and hunger, the inhabitants of this virtual reality reside in relative peace until Frontier Setter, a skilled hacker, infiltrates the system and spreads subversive messages to the populace. -- -- Labeled a threat to security by authorities, Frontier Setter is pursued by Angela Balzac, a dedicated member of DEVA's law enforcement. When the hacker's signal is traced to Earth, Angela takes on physical form, transferring her consciousness to a clone body and traveling to the world below in order to deal with the menace. On Earth, she is assisted by Dingo, a charismatic agent, and during her journey to uncover the mystery behind Frontier Setter, she gradually discovers startling realities about the wasteland some of humanity still refers to as home, as well as the paradise above. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Nov 15, 2014 -- 83,758 7.37
Rakuen Tsuihou -- -- Graphinica -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Rakuen Tsuihou Rakuen Tsuihou -- In a future where a massive disaster has devastated Earth, most of humanity has abandoned their physical bodies and relocated in digital form to DEVA, an advanced space station orbiting the ravaged planet. Free from the limitations of traditional existence, such as death and hunger, the inhabitants of this virtual reality reside in relative peace until Frontier Setter, a skilled hacker, infiltrates the system and spreads subversive messages to the populace. -- -- Labeled a threat to security by authorities, Frontier Setter is pursued by Angela Balzac, a dedicated member of DEVA's law enforcement. When the hacker's signal is traced to Earth, Angela takes on physical form, transferring her consciousness to a clone body and traveling to the world below in order to deal with the menace. On Earth, she is assisted by Dingo, a charismatic agent, and during her journey to uncover the mystery behind Frontier Setter, she gradually discovers startling realities about the wasteland some of humanity still refers to as home, as well as the paradise above. -- -- Movie - Nov 15, 2014 -- 83,758 7.37
RD Sennou Chousashitsu -- -- Production I.G -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- RD Sennou Chousashitsu RD Sennou Chousashitsu -- 2061 AD. Fifty years have passed since mankind developed the Network society. It was anticipated that this new infrastructure would realize a utopia where people connected with each other at the level of consciousness. However, new social problems such as personal data leaks and proliferation of manipulated information began to surface. Nevertheless, people still relied on the Network to exchange information, and proved unable to opt to abandon it. -- -- In due course, a new Network realm with more effective security measures was developed. This was called Meta Real Network, usually abbreviated as "the Metal." -- -- The Metal accommodated personal memory data within protected virtual stand-alone organic cyber enclaves called bubble shells and eventually pervaded the everyday lives of people. -- -- However, people gradually learned to release and explode their instincts within the secure environment of the Metal. The unleashed instincts pushed each individual's consciousness to drown in the sea of information and to be exposed to the pressures of desire. Meanwhile, norms and regulations continued to bind their real world lives. Thus, strange friction between the two worlds began to manifest themselves as aberrations beyond the bounds of the imaginable. -- -- Experts who challenged the deep sea of the Metal to investigate and decipher such aberrations were called cyber divers. -- -- This is a story of a cyber diver, Masamichi Haru, who investigates the incidents that lie between Reality and the Metal. -- -- (Source: Production I.G) -- 23,293 7.12
Serial Experiments Lain -- -- Triangle Staff -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Drama Mystery Psychological Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Serial Experiments Lain Serial Experiments Lain -- Lain Iwakura, an awkward and introverted fourteen-year-old, is one of the many girls from her school to receive a disturbing email from her classmate Chisa Yomoda—the very same Chisa who recently committed suicide. Lain has neither the desire nor the experience to handle even basic technology; yet, when the technophobe opens the email, it leads her straight into the Wired, a virtual world of communication networks similar to what we know as the internet. Lain's life is turned upside down as she begins to encounter cryptic mysteries one after another. Strange men called the Men in Black begin to appear wherever she goes, asking her questions and somehow knowing more about her than even she herself knows. With the boundaries between reality and cyberspace rapidly blurring, Lain is plunged into more surreal and bizarre events where identity, consciousness, and perception are concepts that take on new meanings. -- -- Written by Chiaki J. Konaka, whose other works include Texhnolyze, Serial Experiments Lain is a psychological avant-garde mystery series that follows Lain as she makes crucial choices that will affect both the real world and the Wired. In closing one world and opening another, only Lain will realize the significance of their presence. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 506,288 8.04
Seto no Hanayome -- -- Gonzo -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Parody Romance School Shounen -- Seto no Hanayome Seto no Hanayome -- During his summer vacation, middle school student Nagasumi Michishio travels to the Seto Inland Sea. One day, while swimming at Mio Sun Beach, his leg suddenly cramps. No one is close enough to notice his desperate screams for help, and so he sinks into the ocean, where he is left to drown alone. Just as he loses consciousness, however, a mermaid appears and saves his life. -- -- That night, Nagasumi is visited by his savior, a girl who introduces herself as Sun Seto—a mermaid from a yakuza family. As it turns out, under mermaid law, a mermaid whose identity is revealed to a human must be punished by execution. To avoid this harrowing outcome, the Seto family propose a solution: Nagasumi must marry Sun or die at the hands of Gouzaburou, Sun's father and boss of the Seto clan. Faced with no other option, Nagasumi takes her hand in marriage. -- -- Now, the newlyweds face the difficult task of keeping their relationship secret. Between Gouzaburou's unending attempts on Nagasumi's life and the eccentric antics of a slew of antagonists, a genuine and innocent love blossoms between the pair as they adapt to their new life. -- -- 277,037 7.73
Sword Art Online: Alicization -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Alicization Sword Art Online: Alicization -- The Soul Translator is a state-of-the-art full-dive interface which interacts with the user's Fluctlight—the technological equivalent of a human soul—and fundamentally differs from the orthodox method of sending signals to the brain. The private institute Rath aims to perfect their creation by enlisting the aid of Sword Art Online survivor Kazuto Kirigaya. He works there as a part-time employee to test the system's capabilities in the Underworld: the fantastical realm generated by the Soul Translator. As per the confidentiality contract, any memories created by the machine in the virtual world are wiped upon returning to the real world. Kazuto can only vaguely recall a single name, Alice, which provokes a sense of unease when mentioned in reality. -- -- When Kazuto escorts Asuna Yuuki home one evening, they chance upon a familiar foe. Kazuto is mortally wounded in the ensuing fight and loses consciousness. When he comes to, he discovers that he has made a full-dive into the Underworld with seemingly no way to escape. He sets off on a quest, seeking a way back to the physical world once again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 699,385 7.56
Ten Count -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Shounen Ai -- Ten Count Ten Count -- Corporate secretary Shirotani suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder. One day he meets Kurose, a therapist who offers to take him through a ten-step program to cure him of his compulsion. As the two go through each of the ten steps, Shirotani 's attraction to his counselor grows. -- -- (Source: SuBLime) -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 22,458 N/AKimi wa Kanata -- -- Digital Network Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Fantasy -- Kimi wa Kanata Kimi wa Kanata -- Mio has feelings for her childhood friend Arata, but can't convey her feelings. One day, as they continue their delicate relationship, the two fight over something trivial. After letting tensions settle, Mio goes to make up with him in the pouring rain. While on her way, she gets into a traffic accident. When she regains consciousness, a mysterious and unfamiliar world appears before her eyes. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- Movie - Nov 27, 2020 -- 22,390 N/AArgento Soma -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Argento Soma Argento Soma -- In the year 2059, the earth has been plagued by aliens for several years. In an effort to learn more about these aliens, Dr. Noguchi and his assistants Maki Agata and Takuto Kaneshiro try to revive the professor's experiment, a large Bio-Mechanical alien named Frank. During this process the alien comes to 'life' and the lab is subsequently destroyed leaving Takuto the only survivor and the alien disappearing into the wilderness. While Frank roams the wilderness he meets Hattie, an emotionally distressed young girl whose parents are killed in the first 'close encounter' war. Oddly enough she is able to communicate with Frank and soon after they are taken into custody by a secret agency known only as 'Funeral'. Meanwhile, Takuto wakes up in a hospital bed with his life in shambles, and his face disfigured. Motivated by vengeance and heart break, Takuto accepts an offer from the mysterious 'Mr. X' and receives a new identity as a ranking Funeral officer named Ryu Soma. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- 22,382 6.79
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken -- -- 8bit -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Magic Fantasy -- Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken -- Thirty-seven-year-old Satoru Mikami is a typical corporate worker, who is perfectly content with his monotonous lifestyle in Tokyo, other than failing to nail down a girlfriend even once throughout his life. In the midst of a casual encounter with his colleague, he falls victim to a random assailant on the streets and is stabbed. However, while succumbing to his injuries, a peculiar voice echoes in his mind, and recites a bunch of commands which the dying man cannot make sense of. -- -- When Satoru regains consciousness, he discovers that he has reincarnated as a goop of slime in an unfamiliar realm. In doing so, he acquires newfound skills—notably, the power to devour anything and mimic its appearance and abilities. He then stumbles upon the sealed Catastrophe-level monster "Storm Dragon" Veldora who had been sealed away for the past 300 years for devastating a town to ashes. Sympathetic to his predicament, Satoru befriends him, promising to assist in destroying the seal. In return, Veldora bestows upon him the name Rimuru Tempest to grant him divine protection. -- -- Now, liberated from the mundanities of his past life, Rimuru embarks on a fresh journey with a distinct goal in mind. As he grows accustomed to his new physique, his gooey antics ripple throughout the world, gradually altering his fate. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 823,286 8.08
Tetsuwan Birdy Decode -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy -- Tetsuwan Birdy Decode Tetsuwan Birdy Decode -- While pursuing an alien fugitive, Birdy Cephon Altera—a bombastic police officer from the Space Federation—finds herself on Earth. Her target, Geega, has disguised himself as a human and assimilated into the fashion industry, so Birdy follows suit and joins a modeling agency, taking on the identity "Shion Arita." Her position as a rising model has her posing for photo shoots by day and chasing intergalactic criminals by night. -- -- Meanwhile, Tsutomu Senkawa, an average high school student, explores an abandoned building with his friend, and coincidentally, Birdy has tracked down Geega to the same building. Senkawa briefly witnesses the battle before being seized as a hostage by Geega. However, Birdy, oblivious, attacks Geega and accidentally kills Senkawa. Distraught, she quickly decides to save him by integrating his consciousness into her body. -- -- Now, Birdy and Senkawa must not only cohabitate the same body, but also balance Senkawa's high school life, Shion Arita's modeling career, and Birdy's increasingly dangerous job as a Federation officer. -- -- 81,798 7.45
Tetsuwan Birdy Decode -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy -- Tetsuwan Birdy Decode Tetsuwan Birdy Decode -- While pursuing an alien fugitive, Birdy Cephon Altera—a bombastic police officer from the Space Federation—finds herself on Earth. Her target, Geega, has disguised himself as a human and assimilated into the fashion industry, so Birdy follows suit and joins a modeling agency, taking on the identity "Shion Arita." Her position as a rising model has her posing for photo shoots by day and chasing intergalactic criminals by night. -- -- Meanwhile, Tsutomu Senkawa, an average high school student, explores an abandoned building with his friend, and coincidentally, Birdy has tracked down Geega to the same building. Senkawa briefly witnesses the battle before being seized as a hostage by Geega. However, Birdy, oblivious, attacks Geega and accidentally kills Senkawa. Distraught, she quickly decides to save him by integrating his consciousness into her body. -- -- Now, Birdy and Senkawa must not only cohabitate the same body, but also balance Senkawa's high school life, Shion Arita's modeling career, and Birdy's increasingly dangerous job as a Federation officer. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 81,798 7.45
Vlad Love -- -- Drive, Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Supernatural Vampire School -- Vlad Love Vlad Love -- Mitsugu Banba is a high school girl who finds meaning in donating blood. She frequently visits a blood bank to donate blood, despite being harshly treated by the nurse. One day, she encounters a beautiful girl who looks like she's from overseas at the blood bank. The pale girl looks like she's about to faint any minute, but then, she starts destroying the blood bank. The girl loses consciousness and Mitsugu takes her home... -- -- (Source: Official Website) -- ONA - Dec 18, 2020 -- 26,101 6.03
Altered level of consciousness
Animal consciousness
Anthropology of Consciousness
Argument from consciousness
Artificial consciousness
Artificial consciousness (disambiguation)
Association for Consciousness Exploration
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
A Universe of Consciousness
Autonoetic consciousness
Black consciousness
Black Consciousness Movement
Book:Humans - cells to consciousness
Category:International Society for Krishna Consciousness temples
Center for Consciousness Operations
Class consciousness
Clouding of consciousness
Collective consciousness
Collective Consciousness Society
Color consciousness
Consciousness after death
Consciousness and Cognition
Consciousness (disambiguation)
Consciousness Explained
Consciousness (Hill book)
Consciousness (Pat Martino album)
Consciousness raising
Cosmic Consciousness
Critical consciousness
Damasio's theory of consciousness
Disorders of consciousness
Double consciousness
Dual consciousness
Eight-circuit model of consciousness
Eight Consciousnesses
Electromagnetic theories of consciousness
Excerpts from Unhappy Consciousness
False consciousness
Global Consciousness Project
Group consciousness
Hard problem of consciousness
Higher consciousness
History and Class Consciousness
History of Consciousness
In and Out of Consciousness: Greatest Hits 19902010
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
Journal of Consciousness Studies
Level of consciousness (Esotericism)
List of International Society for Krishna Consciousness members and patrons
List of International Society for Krishna Consciousness sannyasis
Models of consciousness
Neural correlates of consciousness
Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness
Planetary consciousness
Political consciousness
Prosperity consciousness
Psyche (consciousness journal)
Reflexive self-consciousness
Rock n Roll Consciousness
Science and Consciousness Review
Secondary consciousness
Simulated consciousness in fiction
Social consciousness
Society for Consciousness Studies
Sociology of human consciousness
Stream of consciousness
Stream of Consciousness (instrumental)
Stream of consciousness (psychology)
Stream of unconsciousness
Subject-SUBJECT consciousness
The Nine Consciousness
The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological & Electro-Magnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness
The Quest for Consciousness
The Science of Consciousness
Thinking about Consciousness
Time of useful consciousness
Virtual collective consciousness
Zen and the Art of Consciousness

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