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object:1.12 - TIME AND ETERNITY
book class:The Perennial Philosophy
author class:Aldous Huxley
subject class:Philosophy


Time and Eternity

THE universe is an everlasting succession of events; but its ground, according to the Perennial Philosophy, is the timeless now of the divine Spirit. A classical statement of the relationship between time and eternity may be found in the later chapters of the Consolations of Philosophy, where Boethius summarizes the conceptions of his predecessors, notably of Plotinus.

It is one thing to be carried through an endless life, another thing to embrace the whole presence of an endless life together, which is manifestly proper to the divine Mind.

The temporal world seems to emulate in part that which it cannot fully obtain or express, tying itself to whatever presence there is in this exiguous and fleeting momenta presence which, since it carries a certain image of that abiding Presence, gives to whatever may partake of it the quality of seeming to have being. But because it could not stay, it undertook an infinite journey of time; and so it came to pass that, by going, it continued that life, whose plenitude it could not comprehend by staying.


Since God hath always an eternal and present state, His knowledge, surpassing times notions, remaineth in the simplicity of His presence and, comprehending the infinite of what is past and to come, considereth all things as though they were in the act of being accomplished.


Knowledge of what is happening now does not determine the event. What is ordinarily called Gods foreknowledge is in reality a timeless now-knowledge, which is compatible with the freedom of the human creatures will in time.

The manifest world and whatever is moved in any sort take their causes, order and forms from the stability of the divine Mind. This hath determined manifold ways for doing things; which ways being considered in the purity of Gods understanding are named Providence; but being referred to those things which he moveth and disposeth are called Fate. Providence is the very divine Reason itself, which disposeth all things. But Fate is a disposition inherent in changeable things, by which Providence connecteth all things in their due order. For Providence equally embraceth all things together, though diverse, though infinite; but Fate puts into motion all things, distributed by places, forms and times; so that the unfolding of the temporal order, being united in the foresight of the divine Mind is Providence, and the same uniting, being digested and unfolded in time, is called Fate. As a workman conceiving the form of anything in his mind, taketh his work in hand and executeth by order of time that which he had simply and in a moment foreseen, so God by his Providence disposeth whatever is to be done with simplicity and stability, and by Fate effecteth by manifold ways and in the order of time those very things which he disposeth. All that is under Fate is also subject to Providence. But some things which are under Providence are above the course of Fate. For they are those things which, being stably fixed in virtue of their nearness to the first divinity, exceed the order of Fates mobility.


The concept of a clock enfolds all succession in time. In the concept the sixth hour is not earlier than the seventh or eighth, although the clock never strikes the hour, save when the concept biddeth.

Nicholas of Cusa

From Hobbes onwards, the enemies of the Perennial Philosophy have denied the existence of an eternal now. According to these thinkers, time and change are fundamental; there is no other reality. Moreover, future events are completely indeterminate, and even God can have no knowledge of them. Consequently God cannot be described as Alpha and Omegamerely as Alpha and Lambda, or whatever other intermediate letter of the temporal alphabet is now in process of being spelled out. But the anecdotal evidence collected by the Society for Psychical Research and the statistical evidence accumulated during many thousands of laboratory tests for extra-sensory perception point inescapably to the conclusion that even human minds are capable of foreknowledge. And if a finite consciousness can know what card is going to be turned up three seconds from now, or what shipwreck is going to take place next week, then there is nothing impossible or even intrinsically improbable in the idea of an infinite consciousness that can know now events indefinitely remote in what, for us, is future time. The specious present in which human beings live may be, and perhaps always is, something more than a brief section of transition from known past to unknown future, regarded, because of the vividness of memory, as the instant we call now; it may and perhaps always does contain a portion of the immediate and even of the relatively distant future. For the Godhead, the specious present may be precisely that interminabilis vitae tota simul et perpetua possessio, of which Boethius speaks.

The existence of the eternal now is sometimes denied on the ground that a temporal order cannot co-exist with another order which is non-temporal; and that it is impossible for a changing substance to be united with a changeless substance. This objection, it is obvious, would be valid if the non-temporal order were of a mechanical nature, or if the changeless substance were possessed of spatial and material qualities. But according to the Perennial Philosophy, the eternal now is a consciousness; the divine Ground is spirit; the being of Brahman is chit, or knowledge. That a temporal world should be known and, in being known, sustained and perpetually created by an eternal consciousness is an idea which contains nothing self-contradictory.

Finally we come to the arguments directed against those who have asserted that the eternal Ground can be unitively known by human minds. This claim is regarded as absurd because it involves the assertion, At one time I am eternal, at another time I am in time. But this statement is absurd only if man is a being of a twofold nature, capable of living on only one level. But if, as the exponents of the Perennial Philosophy have always maintained, man is not only a body and a psyche, but also a spirit, and if he can at will live either on the merely human plane or else in harmony and even in union with the divine Ground of his being, then the statement makes perfectly good sense. The body is always in time, the spirit is always timeless and the psyche is an amphibious creature compelled by the laws of mans being to associate itself to some extent with its body, but capable, if it so desires, of experiencing and being identified with its spirit and, through its spirit, with the divine Ground. The spirit remains always what it eternally is; but man is so constituted that his psyche cannot always remain identified with the spirit. In the statement, At one time I am eternal, at another time I am in time, the word I stands for the psyche, which passes from time to eternity when it is identified with the spirit and passes again from eternity to time, either voluntarily or by involuntary necessity, when it chooses or is compelled to identify itself with the body.

The Sufi, says Jalal-uddin Rumi, is the son of time present. Spiritual progress is a spiral advance. We start as infants in the animal eternity of life in the moment, without anxiety for the future or regret for the past; we grow up into the specifically human condition of those who look before and after, who live to a great extent, not in the present but in memory and anticipation, not spontaneously but by rule and with prudence, in repentance and fear and hope; and we can continue, if we so desire, up and on in a returning sweep towards a point corresponding to our starting place in animality, but incommensurably above it. Once more life is lived in the moment the life now, not of a sub-human creature, but of a being in whom charity has cast out fear, vision has taken the place of hope, selflessness has put a stop to the positive egotism of complacent reminiscence and the negative egotism of remorse. The present moment is the only aperture through which the soul can pass out of time into eternity, through which grace can pass out of eternity into the soul, and through which charity can pass from one soul in time to another soul in time. That is why the Sufi and, along with him, every other practising exponent of the Perennial Philosophy is, or tries to be, a son of time present

Past and future veil God from our sight;

Burn up both of them with fire. How long

Wilt thou be partitioned by these segments, like a reed?

So long as a reed is partitioned, it is not privy to secrets,

Nor is it vocal in response to lip and breathing.

Jalal-uddin Rumi

This emptying of the memory, though the advantages of it are not so great as those of the state of union, yet merely because it delivers souls from much sorrow, grief and sadness, besides imperfections and sins, is in reality a great good.

St. John of the Cross

In the idealistic cosmology of Mahayana Buddhism memory plays the part of a rather maleficent demiurge. When the triple world is surveyed by the Bodhisattva, he perceives that its existence is due to memory that has been accumulated since the beginningless past, but wrongly interpreted. (Lankavatara Sutra), The word here translated as memory, means literally perfuming. The mind-body carried with it the ineradicable smell of all that has been thought and done, desired and felt, throughout its racial and personal past. The Chinese translate the Sanskrit term by two symbols, signifying habit-energy. The world is what (in our eyes) it is, because of all the consciously or unconsciously and physiologically remembered habits formed by our ancestors or by ourselves, either in our present life or in previous existences. These remembered bad habits cause us to believe that multiplicity is the sole reality and that the idea of I, me, mine represents the ultimate truth. Nirvana consists in seeing into the abode of reality as it is, and not reality quoad nos, as it seems to us. Obviously, this cannot be achieved so long as there is an us, to which reality can be relative. Hence the need, stressed by every exponent of the Perennial Philosophy, for mortification, for dying to self. And this must be a mortification not only of the appetites, the feelings and the will, but also of the reasoning powers, of consciousness itself and of that which makes our consciousness what it isour personal memory and our inherited habit-energies. To achieve complete deliverance, conversion from sin is not enough; there must also be a conversion of the mind, a paravritti, as the Mahayanists call it, or revulsion in the very depths of consciousness. As the result of this revulsion, the habit-energies of accumulated memory are destroyed and, along with them, the sense of being a separate ego. Reality is no longer perceived quoad nos (for the good reason that there is no longer a nos to perceive it), but as it is in itself. In Blakes words, If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would be seen as it is, infinite. By those who are pure in heart and poor in spirit, Samsara and Nirvana, appearance and reality, time and eternity are experienced as one and the same.

Time is what keeps the light from reaching us. There is no greater obstacle to God than time. And not only time but temporalities, not only temporal things but temporal affections; not only temporal affections but the very taint and smell of time.


Rejoice in God all the time, says St Paul. He rejoices all the time who rejoices above time and free from time. Three things prevent a man from knowing God. The first is time, the second is corporeality, the third is multiplicity. That God may come in, these things must go outexcept thou have them in a higher, better way: multitude summed up to one in thee.


Whenever God is thought of as being wholly in time, there is a tendency to regard Him as a numinous rather than a moral being, a God of mere unmitigated Power rather than a God of Power, Wisdom and Love, an inscrutable and dangerous potentate to be propitiated by sacrifices, not a Spirit to be worshipped in spirit. All this is only natural; for time is a perpetual perishing and a God who is wholly in time is a God who destroys as fast as He creates. Nature is as incomprehensibly appalling as it is lovely and bountiful. If the Divine does not transcend the temporal order in which it is immanent, and if the human spirit does not transcend its time-bound soul, then there is no possibility of justifying the ways of God to man. God as manifested in the universe is the irresistible Being who speaks to Job out of the whirlwind, and whose emblems are Behemoth and Leviathan, the war horse and the eagle. It is this same Being who is described in the Apocalyptic eleventh chapter of the Bhagavad Gita. O Supreme Spirit, says Arjuna, addressing himself to the Krishna whom he now knows to be the incarnation of the Godhead, I long to see your Isvara-form that is to say, his form as God of the world, Nature, the temporal order. Krishna answers, You shall behold the whole universe, with all things animate and inanimate, within this body of mine. Arjunas reaction to the revelation is one of amazement and fear.

Ah, my God, I see all gods within your body;

Each in his degree, the multitude of creatures;

See Lord Brahma seated upon his lotus,

See all the sages and the holy serpents.

Universal Form, I see you without limit,

Infinite of eyes, arms, mouths and bellies

See, and find no end, midst or beginning.

There follows a long passage, enlarging on the omnipotence and all-comprehensiveness of God in his Isvara-form. Then the quality of the vision changes, and Arjuna realizes, with fear and trembling, that the God of the universe is a God of destruction as well as of creation.

Now with frightful tusks your mouths are gnashing,

Flaring like the fires of Doomsday morning

North, south, east and west seem all confounded

Lord of devas, worlds abode, have mercy!.

Swift as many rivers streaming to the ocean,

Rush the heroes to your fiery gullets,

Moth-like to meet the flame of their destruction.

Headlong these plunge into you and perish.

Tell me who you are, and were from the beginning,

You of aspect grim. O God of gods, be gracious.

Take my homage, Lord. From me your ways are hidden.

Tell me who you are. The answer is clear and unequivocal.

I am come as Time, the waster of the peoples,

Ready for the hour that ripens to their ruin.

But the God who comes so terribly as Time also exists timelessly as the Godhead, as Brahman, whose essence is Sat, Chit, Ananda, Being, Awareness, Bliss; and within and beyond mans time-tortured psyche is his spirit, uncreated and uncreatable, as Eckhart says, the Atman which is akin to or even identical with Brahman. The Gita, like all other formulations of the Perennial Philosophy, justifies Gods ways to man by affirming and the affirmation is based upon observation and immediate experience that man can, if he so desires, die to his separate temporal selfness and so come to union with timeless Spirit. It affirms, too, that the Avatar becomes incarnate in order to assist human beings to achieve this union. This he does in three waysby teaching the true doctrine in a world blinded by voluntary ignorance; by inviting souls to a carnal love of his humanity, not indeed as an end in itself, but as the means to spiritual love-knowledge of Spirit; and finally by serving as a channel of grace.

God who is Spirit can only be worshipped in spirit and for his own sake; but God in time is normally worshipped by material means with a view to achieving temporal ends. God in time is manifestly the destroyer as well as the creator; and because this is so, it has seemed proper to worship him by methods which are as terrible as the destructions he himself inflicts. Hence, in India, the blood sacrifices to Kali, in her aspect as Nature-the-Destroyer; hence those offerings of children to the Molochs, denounced by the Hebrew prophets; hence the human sacrifices practised, for example, by the Phoenicians, the Carthaginians, the Druids, the Aztecs. In all such cases the divinity addressed was a god in time, or a personification of Nature, which is nothing else but Time itself, the devourer of its own offspring; and in all cases the purpose of the rite was to obtain a future benefit or to avoid one of the enormous evils which Time and Nature for ever hold in store. For this it was thought to be worth while to pay a high price in that currency of suffering, which the Destroyer so evidently valued. The importance of the temporal end justified the use of means that were intrinsically terrible, because intrinsically time-like. Sublimated traces of these ancient patterns of thought and behaviour are still to be found in certain theories of the Atonement, and in the conception of the Mass as a perpetually repeated sacrifice of the God-Man.

In the modern world the gods to whom human sacrifice is offered are personifications, not of Nature, but of mans own, home-made political ideals. These, of course, all refer to events in timeactual events in the past or the present, fancied events in the future. And here it should be noted that the philosophy which affirms the existence and the immediate realizableness of eternity is related to one kind of political theory and practice; the philosophy which affirms that what goes on in time is the only reality, results in a different kind of theory and justifies quite another kind of political practice. This has been clearly recognized by Marxist writers,* who point out that when Christianity is mainly preoccupied with events in time, it is a revolutionary religion, and that when, under mystical influences, it stresses the Eternal Gospel, of which the historical or pseudo-historical facts recorded in Scripture are but symbols, it becomes politically static and reactionary.

This Marxian account of the matter is somewhat oversimplified. It is not quite true to say that all theologies and philosophies whose primary concern is with time, rather than eternity, are necessarily revolutionary. The aim of all revolutions is to make the future radically different from and better than the past. But some time-obsessed philosophies are primarily concerned with the past, not the future, and their politics are entirely a matter of preserving or restoring the status quo and getting back to the good old days. But the retrospective time-worshippers have one thing in common with the revolutionary devotees of the bigger and better future; they are prepared to use unlimited violence to achieve their ends. It is here that we discover the essential difference between the politics of eternity-philosophers and the politics of time-philosophers. For the latter, the ultimate good is to be found in the temporal worldin a future, where everyone will be happy because all are doing and thinking something either entirely new and unprecedented or, alternatively, something old, traditional and hallowed. And because the ultimate good lies in time, they feel justified in making use of any temporal means for achieving it. The Inquisition burns and tortures in order to perpetuate a creed, a ritual and an ecclesiastico-politico-financial organization regarded as necessary to mens eternal salvation. Bible-worshipping Protestants fight long and savage wars, in order to make the world safe for what they fondly imagine to be the genuinely antique Christianity of apostolic times. Jacobins and Bolsheviks are ready to sacrifice millions of human lives for the sake of a political and economic future gorgeously unlike the present. And now all Europe and most of Asia has had to be sacrificed to a crystal-gazers vision of perpetual Co-Prosperity and the Thousand-Year Reich. From the records of history it seems to be abundantly clear that most of the religions and philosophies which take time too seriously are correlated with political theories that inculcate and justify the use of large-scale violence. The only exceptions are those simple Epicurean faiths, in which the reaction to an all too real time is Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die. This is not a very noble, nor even a very realistic kind of morality. But it seems to make a good deal more sense than the revolutionary ethic: Die (and kill), for tomorrow someone else will eat, drink and be merry. In practice, of course, the prospect even of somebody elses future merriment is extremely precarious. For the process of wholesale dying and killing creates material, social and psychological conditions that practically guarantee the revolution against the achievement of its beneficent ends.

For those whose philosophy does not compel them to take time with an excessive seriousness the ultimate good is to be sought neither in the revolutionarys progressive social apocalypse, nor in the reactionarys revived and perpetuated past, but in an eternal divine now which those who sufficiently desire this good can realize as a fact of immediate experience. The mere act of dying is not in itself a passport to eternity; nor can wholesale killing do anything to bring deliverance either to the slayers or the slain or their posterity. The peace that passes all understanding is the fruit of liberation into eternity; but in its ordinary everyday form peace is also the root of liberation. For where there are violent passions and compelling distractions, this ultimate good can never be realized. That is one of the reasons why the policy correlated with eternity-philosophies is tolerant and non-violent. The other reason is that the eternity, whose realization is the ultimate good, is a kingdom of heaven within. Thou art That; and though That is immortal and impassible, the killing and torturing of individual thous is a matter of cosmic significance, inasmuch as it interferes with the normal and natural relationship between individual souls and the divine eternal Ground of all being. Every violence is, over and above everything else, a sacrilegious rebellion against the divine order.

Passing now from theory to historical fact, we find that the religions, whose theology has been least preoccupied with events in time and most concerned with eternity, have been consistently the least violent and the most humane in political practice. Unlike early Judaism, Christianity and Mohammedanism (all of them obsessed with time), Hinduism and Buddhism have never been persecuting faiths, have preached almost no holy wars and have refrained from that proselytizing religious imperialism, which has gone hand in hand with the political and economic oppression c the coloured peoples. For four hundred years, from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth, most of the Christian nations of Europe have spent a good part of their time and energy in attacking, conquering and exploiting their non-Christian neighbours in other continents. In the course of these centuries many individual churchmen did their best to mitigate the consequences of such iniquities; but none of the major Christian churches officially condemned them. The first collective protest against the slave system, introduced by the English and the Spaniards into the New World, was made in 1688 by the Quaker Meeting of Germantown. This fact is highly significant. Of all Christian sects in the seventeenth century, the Quakers were the least obsessed with history, the least addicted to the idolatry of things in time. They believed that the inner light was in all human beings and that salvation came to those who lived in conformity with that light and was not dependent on the profession of belief in historical or pseudo-historical events, nor on the performance of certain rites, nor on the support of a particular ecclesiastical organization. Moreover their eternity-philosophy preserved them from the materialistic apocalypticism of that progress-worship which in recent times has justified every kind of iniquity from war and revolution to sweated labour, slavery and the exploitation of savages and childrenhas justified them on the ground that the supreme good is in future time and that any temporal means, however intrinsically horrible, may be used to achieve that good. Because Quaker theology was a form of eternity-philosophy, Quaker political theory rejected war and persecution as means to ideal ends, denounced slavery and proclaimed racial equality. Members of other denominations had done good work for the African victims of the white mans rapacity. One thinks, for example, of St. Peter Claver at Cartagena. But this heroically charitable slave of the slaves never raised his voice against the institution of slavery or the criminal trade by which it was sustained; nor, so far as the extant documents reveal, did he ever, like John Woolman, attempt to persuade the slave-owners to free their human chattels. The reason, presumably, was that Claver was a Jesuit, vowed to perfect obedience and constrained by his theology to regard a certain political and ecclesiastical organization as being the mystical body of Christ. The heads of this organization had not pronounced against slavery or the slave trade. Who was he, Pedro Claver, to express a thought not officially approved by his superiors?

Another practical corollary of the great historical eternity-philosophies, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, is a morality inculcating kindness to animals. Judaism and orthodox Christianity taught that animals might be used as things, for the realization of mans temporal ends. Even St. Francis attitude towards the brute creation was not entirely unequivocal. True, he converted a wolf and preached sermons to birds; but when Brother Juniper hacked the feet off a living pig in order to satisfy a sick mans craving for fried trotters, the saint merely blamed his disciples intemperate zeal in damaging a valuable piece of private property. It was not until the nineteenth century, when orthodox Christianity had lost much of its power over European minds, that the idea that it might be a good thing to behave humanely towards animals began to make headway. This new morality was correlated with the new interest in Nature, which had been stimulated by the romantic poets and the men of science. Because it was not founded upon an eternity-philosophy, a doctrine of divinity dwelling in all living creatures, the modern movement in favour of kindness to animals was and is perfectly compatible with intolerance, persecution and systematic cruelty towards human beings. Young Nazis are taught to be gentle with dogs and cats, ruthless with Jews. That is because Nazism is a typical time-philosophy, which regards the ultimate good as existing, not in eternity, but in the future. Jews are, ex hypothesi, obstacles in the way of the realization of the supreme good; dogs and cats are not. The rest follows logically.

Selfishness and partiality are very inhuman and base qualities even in the things of this world; but in the doctrines of religion they are of a baser nature. Now, this is the greatest evil that the division of the church has brought forth; it raises in every communion a selfish, partial orthodoxy, which consists in courageously defending all that it has, and condemning all that it has not. And thus every champion is trained up in defense of their own truth, their own learning and their own church, and he has the most merit, the most honour, who likes everything, defends everything, among themselves, and leaves nothing uncensored in those that are of a different communion. Now, how can truth and goodness and union and religion be more struck at than by such defenders of it? If you ask why the great Bishop of Meaux wrote so many learned books against all parts of the Reformation, it is because he was born in France and bred up in the bosom of Mother Church. Had he been born in England, had Oxford or Cambridge been his Alma Mater, he might have rivalled our great Bishop Stillingfleet, and would have wrote as many learned folios against the Church of Rome as he has done. And yet I will venture to say that if each Church could produce but one man apiece that had the piety of an apostle and the impartial love of the first Christians in the first Church at Jerusalem, that a Protestant and a Papist of this stamp would not want half a sheet of paper to hold their articles of union, nor be half an hour before they were of one religion. If, therefore, it should be said that churches are divided, estranged and made unfriendly to one another by a learning, a logic, a history, a criticism in the hands of partiality, it would be saying that which each particular church too much proves to be true. Ask why even the best amongst the Catholics are very shy of owning the validity of the orders of our Church; it is because they are afraid of removing any odium from the Reformation. Ask why no Protestants anywhere touch upon the benefit or necessity of celibacy in those who are separated from worldly business to preach the gospel; it is because that would be seeming to lessen the Roman error of not suffering marriage in her clergy. Ask why even the most worthy and pious among the clergy of the Established Church are afraid to assert the sufficiency of the Divine Light, the necessity of seeking only the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit; it is because the Quakers, who have broke off from the church, have made this doctrine their corner-stone. If we loved truth as such, if we sought for it for its own sake, if we loved our neighbour as ourselves, if we desired nothing by our religion but to be acceptable to God, if we equally desired the salvation of all men, if we were afraid of error only because of its harmful nature to us and our fellow-creatures, then nothing of this spirit could have any place in us.

There is therefore a catholic spirit, a communion of saints in the love of God and all goodness, which no one can learn from that which is called orthodoxy in particular churches, but is only to be had by a total dying to all worldly views, by a pure love of God, and by such an unction from above as delivers the mind from all selfishness and makes it love truth and goodness with an equality of affection in every man, whether he is Christian, Jew or Gentile. He that would obtain this divine and catholic spirit in this disordered, divided state of things, and live in a divided part of the church without partaking of its division, must have these three truths deeply fixed in his mind. First, that universal love, which gives the whole strength of the heart to God, and makes us love every man as we love ourselves, is the noblest, the most divine, the Godlike state of the soul, and is the utmost perfection to which the most perfect religion can raise us; and that no religion does any man any good but so far as it brings this perfection of love into him. This truth will show us that true orthodoxy can nowhere be found but in a pure disinterested love of God and our neighbour. Second, that in this present divided state of the church, truth itself is torn and divided asunder; and that, therefore, he can be the only true catholic who has more of truth and less of error than is hedged in by any divided part. This truth will enable us to live in a divided part unhurt by its division, and keep us in a true liberty and fitness to be edified and assisted by all the good that we hear or see in any other part of the church. Thirdly, he must always have in mind this great truth, that it is the glory of the Divine Justice to have no respect of parties or persons, but to stand equally disposed to that which is right and wrong as well in the Jew as in the Gentile. He therefore that would like as God likes, and condemn as God condemns, must have neither the eyes of the Papist nor the Protestant; he must like no truth the less because Ignatius Loyola or John Bunyan were very zealous for it, nor have the less aversion to any error, because Dr. Trapp or George Fox had brought it forth.

William Law

Dr. Trapp was the author of a religious tract entitled On the Nature, Folly, Sin and Danger of Being Righteous Overmuch. One of Laws controversial pieces was an answer to this work.

Benares is to the East, Mecca to the West; but explore your own heart, for there are both Rama and Allah.


Like the bee gathering honey from different flowers, the wise man accepts the essence of different Scriptures and sees only the good in all religions.

From the Srimad Bhagavatam

His Sacred Majesty the King does reverence to men of all sects, whether ascetics or householders, by gifts and various forms of reverence. His Sacred Majesty, however, cares not so much for gifts or external reverence as that there should be a growth in the essence of the matter in all sects. The growth of the essence of the matter assumes various forms, but the root of it is restraint of speech, to wit, a man must not do reverence to his own sect or disparage that of another without reason. Depreciation should be for specific reasons only; for the sects of other people all deserve reverence for one reason or another. He who does reverence to his own sect, while disparaging the sects of others wholly from attachment to his own, with intent to enhance the glory of his own sect, in reality by such conduct inflicts the severest injury on his own sect. Concord therefore is meritorious, to wit, hearkening and hearkening willingly to the Law af Piety, as accepted by other people.

Edict of Asoka

It would be difficult, alas, to find any edict of a Christian king to match Asokas. In the West the good old rule, the simple plan, was glorification of ones own sect, disparagement and even persecution of all others. Recently, however, governments have changed their policy. Proselytizing and persecuting zeal is reserved for the political pseudo-religions, such as Communism, Fascism and nationalism; and unless they are thought to stand in the way of advance towards the temporal ends professed by such pseudo-religions, the various manifestations of the Perennial Philosophy are treated with a contemptuously tolerant indifference.

The children of God are very dear but very queer, very nice but very narrow.

Sadhu Sundar Singh

Such was the conclusion to which the most celebrated of Indian converts was forced after some years of association with his fellow Christians. There are many honourable exceptions, of course; but the rule even among learned Protestants and Catholics is a certain blandly bumptious provincialism which, if it did not constitute such a grave offence against charity and truth, would be just uproariously funny. A hundred years ago, hardly anything was known of Sanskrit, Pali or Chinese. The ignorance of European scholars was sufficient reason for their provincialism. Today, when more or less adequate translations are available in plenty, there is not only no reason for it, there is no excuse. And yet most European and American authors of books about religion and metaphysics write as though nobody had ever thought about these subjects, except the Jews, the Greeks and the Christians of the Mediterranean basin and western Europe. This display of what, in the twentieth century, is an entirely voluntary and deliberate ignorance is not only absurd and discreditable; it is also socially dangerous. Like any other form of imperialism, theological imperialism is a menace to permanent world peace. The reign of violence will never come to an end until, first, most human beings accept the same, true philosophy of life; until, second, this Perennial Philosophy is recognized as the highest factor common to all the world religions; until, third, the adherents of every religion renounce the idolatrous time-philosophies, with which, in their own particular faith, the Perennial Philosophy of eternity has been overlaid; until, fourth, there is a world-wide rejection of all the political pseudo-religions, which place mans supreme good in future time and therefore justify and commend the commission of every sort of present iniquity as a means to that end. If these conditions are not fulfilled, no amount of political planning, no economic blue-prints however ingeniously drawn, can prevent the recrudescence of war and revolution.


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Wikipedia - Bill Guckeyson -- Recipient of the Purple Heart medal (1915-1944)
Wikipedia - Black Night -- Original song written and composed by Deep Purple (Blackmore-Gillan-Glover-Lord-Paice)
Wikipedia - Bob Struble -- Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - Buddleja davidii 'Fromow's Purple' -- British shrub cultivar
Wikipedia - Call of the Wild (song) -- Single by Deep Purple
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Purple Mountain Observatory
Wikipedia - Chicago station (CTA Brown and Purple Lines) -- Chicago station (CTA Brown and Purple Lines)
Wikipedia - Concord grape -- Dark blue or purple grape cultivar
Wikipedia - Crimson -- Strong, bright, deep reddish purple color
Wikipedia - DEA Purple Heart Award -- Award given by the US Drug Enforcement Administration
Wikipedia - Deep Purple discography -- Cataloguing of published recordings by
Wikipedia - Deep Purple -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Diego E. Hernandez -- Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - Draft:Purple Financial -- American neobank
Wikipedia - Draft:The Color Purple (2023 film) -- 2023 film directed by Blitz Bazawule
Wikipedia - Duane D. Hackney -- US Air Force airman and recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - Fernando L. Ribas-Dominicci -- Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - Gemini Suite Live -- 1993 live album by Deep Purple
Wikipedia - Genevieve Grotjan Feinstein -- American mathematician and cryptanalyst, helped break PURPLE and VENONA ciphers
Wikipedia - Got Purp? Vol. 2 -- album by Purple Ribbon All-Stars
Wikipedia - Han purple and Han blue -- Synthetic barium copper silicate pigments developed in China
Wikipedia - Humberto Acosta-Rosario -- Puerto Rican MIA, recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - Hush (Billy Joe Royal song) -- Song written by American composer and musician Joe South, for recording artist Billy Joe Royal, later covered by Deep Purple
Wikipedia - Jack K. Farris -- Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - John Plaster -- Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - Laticlave -- Broad stripe or band of purple on the fore part of the tunic, worn by Ancient Roman senators as an emblem of office
Wikipedia - Leonard Matlovich -- Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - Line of purples -- Edge of visible color
Wikipedia - Live in Paris 1975 -- 2001 live album by Deep Purple
Wikipedia - Maria InM-CM-)s Ortiz -- Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - Mauve -- Pale purple colour
Wikipedia - METRORail Purple Line -- Houston light rail line
Wikipedia - Mihiel Gilormini -- Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - Military Order of the Purple Heart -- US war veterans organization
Wikipedia - Modesto Cartagena -- Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - Ms. Purple -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Murrey -- In heraldry, purple colour
Wikipedia - Nathan Chapman (soldier) -- Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - New Riders of the Purple Sage -- American country rock band
Wikipedia - Pedro Cano -- American soldier and recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - Pedro Rodriguez (soldier) -- Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - Peter Holt -- American businessman and recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - Purple America
Wikipedia - Purple and Brown -- 2006 British animated television series
Wikipedia - Purple-backed sunbeam -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple-backed thornbill -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple bacteria -- Group of phototrophic proteobacteria
Wikipedia - Purple-bibbed whitetip -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple-capped fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple-chested hummingbird -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple (cipher machine)
Wikipedia - Purple-collared woodstar -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable -- 2003 book by Seth Godin
Wikipedia - Purple-crested turaco -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple-crowned fairy -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple-crowned plovercrest -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple Dye
Wikipedia - Purple Earth hypothesis -- astrobiological hypothesis that photosynthetic life forms of early Earth were retinal-based rather than chlorophyll-based, making Earth appear purple rather than green
Wikipedia - Purple (EP) -- 2017 EP by Mamamoo
Wikipedia - Purple finch -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple grenadier -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple Haze (album) -- 2004 studio album by Cam'ron
Wikipedia - Purple Haze -- Song first recorded by the Jimi Hendrix Experience in 1967
Wikipedia - Purple-headed starling -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple Heart Diary -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Purple Hearts (film) -- 1984 film by Sidney J. Furie
Wikipedia - Purple Heart -- United States military decoration
Wikipedia - Purple heron -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple Hotel -- Former hotel in Lincolnwood, Illinois
Wikipedia - Purple Lamp Studios -- Austrian video game developer
Wikipedia - Purple Line (CTA) -- Rapid transit line run by the Chicago Transit Authority
Wikipedia - Purple Line Extension -- Future subway corridor in western Los Angeles County
Wikipedia - Purple Line (Maryland) -- Light rail transit line
Wikipedia - Purple Man
Wikipedia - Purple martin -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple Medley -- single by Prince
Wikipedia - Purple moor grass and rush pastures -- one of UK's natural habitats
Wikipedia - Purple Mountain (Kerry) -- Mountain in Kerry, Ireland
Wikipedia - Purple Mountain (Nanjing) -- mountain in Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
Wikipedia - Purple Mountain Observatory
Wikipedia - Purple Mountains -- American indie rock band
Wikipedia - Purple Music Switzerland -- Swiss record label
Wikipedia - Purple needletail -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple parchment -- Parchment dyed purple with gold or silver lettering
Wikipedia - Purple poppy -- UK symbol of remembrance for animals that served during wartime
Wikipedia - Purple prose -- Prose text that is so extravagant, ornate, or flowery as to break the flow and draw excessive attention to itself
Wikipedia - Purple quail-dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple Radio -- Student radio station of Durham University
Wikipedia - Purple Rain (album) -- Album by Prince and the Revolution
Wikipedia - Purple Rain (film) -- 1984 film directed by Albert Magnoli
Wikipedia - Purple Rain Tour -- Concert tour by Prince and The Revolution
Wikipedia - Purple Reign (show) -- Prince tribute show
Wikipedia - Purple Ribbon All-Stars -- Southern hip hop supergroup
Wikipedia - Purple sandpiper -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple Sea -- 2009 film by Donatella Maiorca
Wikipedia - Purple Strategies -- American communications firm
Wikipedia - Purple Sunset -- 2001 film by Feng Xiaoning
Wikipedia - Purple thorn -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Purple-throated carib -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple-throated mountaingem -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple-throated sunangel -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purple-throated woodstar -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Purplewashing -- The use of the aesthetic feminism to promote organisations
Wikipedia - Purple -- Range of colors with the hues between blue and red
Wikipedia - Randolph Zane -- Purple Heart Marine Recipient
Wikipedia - Richard Carmona -- Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - Riders of the Purple Sage (1918 film) -- 1918 film by Frank Lloyd
Wikipedia - Riders of the Purple Sage (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Riders of the Purple Sage (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Riders of the Purple Sage (1941 film) -- 1941 film by James Tinling
Wikipedia - Riders of the Purple Sage (1996 film) -- 1996 television film
Wikipedia - Riders of the Purple Wage -- Novella by Philip JosM-CM-) Farmer
Wikipedia - Rocky Bleier -- Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - Shades of purple -- Variations of the color purple
Wikipedia - Shoshana Johnson -- Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - Tanzanite -- Blue to purple variety of the mineral zoisite
Wikipedia - Ted W. Lawson -- American soldier, author and Purple Heart recipient
Wikipedia - Tee Masaniai -- Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - The City of Purple Dreams (1918 film) -- 1918 film directed by Colin Campbell
Wikipedia - The City of Purple Dreams (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Color Purple (film) -- 1985 film directed by Steven Spielberg
Wikipedia - The Color Purple -- 1982 novel by Alice Walker
Wikipedia - The Deep Purple (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Raoul Walsh
Wikipedia - Their Purple Moment -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Purple Book (Labour Party) -- 20111 essay collection
Wikipedia - The Purple Dawn -- 1923 silent film by Charles R. Seeling
Wikipedia - The Purple Gang (film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - The Purple Gang -- Criminal mob group of the 1920s
Wikipedia - The Purple Highway -- 1923 film by Henry Kolker
Wikipedia - The Purple Lady -- 1916 film directed by George A. Lessey
Wikipedia - The Purple Onion (Toronto) -- Canadian music venue
Wikipedia - The Purple People Eater -- 1958 single by Sheb Wooley
Wikipedia - The Purple Vigilantes -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - The Unknown Purple -- 1923 film by Roland West
Wikipedia - Trabea -- Various types of Ancient Roman clothing, especially a toga-like garment worn by Consuls, distinguished by its red or purple color
Wikipedia - Type B Cipher Machine -- Japanese diplomatic code named Purple by the US
Wikipedia - Tyrian purple -- Natural dye extracted from ''Murex'' sea snails
Wikipedia - Ube cheesecake -- Filipino cheesecake colored purple with yams
Wikipedia - Ube ice cream -- Filipino ice cream made with purple yam
Wikipedia - Ultramarine -- Deep blue purple color pigment which was originally made with ground lapis lazuli
Wikipedia - Velvet-purple coronet -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Viva Purple -- Line on the Viva bus rapid transit system
Wikipedia - William O. Eareckson -- US Air Force officer and recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - Woman from Tokyo -- 1973 single by Deep Purple
Kheper - purple -- 44
wiki.auroville - Purple-rumped_sunbird
Barney (1992 - 2010) - It started as a home video series in 1988 called Barney & The Backyard Gang created by Sheryl leach and starring Sandy Duncan. But from the moment Barney & Friends hit the airwaves on PBS in 1992, the famous purple dinosaur become a phenomenon in both children's television and pop culture. He was ev...
Legends of the Hidden Temple (1993 - 1996) - A popular game show on Nickelodeon where kids on several teams would comptete against each other to find an anicient artifact. The game begins with six teams, the Red jaguars, Blue barracudas, Green monkeys, Orange iguanas, Purple parrots, and Silver snakes. In the first round the six teams would ha...
Eek! the Cat (1992 - 1997) - The adventures of a chubby purple cat named Eek! He has a girlfriend who is about five to six times his size. And she has a crazy shark like dog that constantly gives Eek trouble.
GUTS (1992 - 1996) - An American Gladiators type show for kids that aired on Nickelodeon. It was hosted by Mike O' Malley. In the game, three children or teens represented by blue, red, and purple compete in various sporting events. Some events made use of wired harnesses while others used a wave pool or racing track. T...
The Dreamstone (1990 - 1995) - A cartoon between good and evil, The Dreammaker, Wuts, and Noops lived in the Land of Dreams, where the Dreamstone was the most powerfull object in the land. Where as on the other side on the purple mist, was Viltheed, Zordrak and an army of Urpneys. Along with Argorribles, and in later episodes, Th...
Widget, the World Watcher (1990 - 2012) - A purple alien and three kids, Kristine, Kevin and Brian try to save the environment. They are often helped by Megabrain who is only a floating head with hands
The Adventures of T-Rex (1992 - 1993) - The world of T-Rex is inhabited by clothed civilized dinosaurs. In Rep City a gang of thugs, led by Big Boss Graves, is planning to take over the city, but professor Edison asks the help of 5 stand-up comedians, the 5 T-Rex brothers, Bugsy (purple), Bernie (blue), Buck (yellow), Bubba (green) and Br...
The Fonz and the Happy Days Gang (1980 - 1981) - A young (purple) woman arrives in 1957 with her time machine and befriends the Fonz and the "Happy Days" gang. They join her in her time machine and have time traveling adventures on Earth and in Space.
The Maxx (1995 - 1995) - Maxx is a purple-clad superhero living in a cardboard box. His only friend is Julie Winters, a freelance social worker. Maxx often finds himself shifting back and forth between the "real" world and a more primitive outback world where he rules, and protects Julie. Mr. Gone, a self-proclaimed "studen...
Wildfire (1986 - 1986) - Year ago, in a fantasy realm, a benevolent queen died shortly after giving birth to a daughter. The baby girl is taken into the real world, and left on the doorstep of a kind man, with no hint at her origin except for a purple horse medallion around her neck. Fast forward, and the young girl is on...
You Wish (1997 - 1998) - When divorced mother of two Jillian Apple (Harley Jane Kozak) goes into Mustapha's (John Rhys-Davies) rug shop in search of a purple rug, she gets more than she bargained for... with the rug comes an imprisoned Genie (John Ales)! Although goofy Genie's eager to use his magical powers to serve his n...
Widget, the World Watcher (1990 - 1990) - This was about a little purple alien who was into saving the environment. He lived in a little cave at the beach where a group of kids would visit him.
Dr. Slump (1981 - 1986) - Akira Toriyama's first anime. Dr. Senbei Norimaki created a purple haired android who can run real fast, cannot get damaged, and has great strength. Until 1986, Akira Toriyama moves on to Dragonball.
The Wiggles (1998 - Current) - The Wiggles are an Australian band who wear yellow, red, purple, and blue skivvies.
Harold and the Purple Crayon (2001 - 2002) - The protagonist, Harold, is a curious four-year-old boy who, with his purple crayon, has the power to create a world of his own simply by drawing it.
Robot and Monster (2012 - 2015) - Robot & Monster focuses on the day-to-day adventures of Robot Default, a genius inventor, living with his roommate Monster Krumholtz, a cheerful and enthusiastic purple creature, and their pest-turned-pet Marf.
My Little Pony: The Movie(1986) - The Witches from the Volcano of Gloom send a very powerful, purple slime-like substance known as "Smooze" to Ponyland. It is up to all of the little ponies to find help to stop the Smooze. Will the little ponies and there friends be able to save Ponyland from the Smooze and the Witches? Find out...
The Color Purple(1985) - This film follows the life of Celie, a young black girl growing up in the early 1900's. The first time we see Celie, she is 14 - and pregnant - by her father. We stay with her for the next 30 years of her toug
Purple People Eater(1980) - A kid plays the old novelty song "Purple People Eater" and the creature actually appears. The two then proceed to help an elderly couple who are being evicted by their greed
Strawberry Shortcake in Big Apple City(1981) - Strawberry Shortcake travels to Big Apple City to compete with the Peculiar Purple Pieman of Porcupine Peak in a televise
Purple Rain(1984) - Take a richly-human story of survival and triumph, a now soundtrack by the hottest bands around and the startling presence and musically of rock superstar Prince --- the man who lived the music --- and you've got what may be in Rolling Stone's words "the smartest, most spritually ambitous rock-'n'-r...
Graffiti Bridge(1990) - Graffiti Bridge is a 1990 American rock musical drama film written by, directed by, and starring Prince in his final film role. It is the sequel to his 1984 film, Purple Rain. Like its predecessor, it was accompanied by a soundtrack album of the sam
The Court Jester(1956) - In medieval England, a king and his family have been massacred and a strugggle has begun to give the throne to its rightful heir, a baby carrying the royal birthmark of a purple pimpernal on his posterior. Meanwhile, Hubert Hawkins is a former carnival entertainer who plans to steal the throne for h...
Ninja Kill(1987) - An army of evil purple ninjas do battle with sadistic yellow ninja to stop an assassination plot.
The Purple Rose Of Cairo(1985) - In New Jersey in 1935, a movie character walks off the screen and into the real world.
Purple Noon (1960) ::: 7.8/10 -- Plein soleil (original title) -- Purple Noon Poster -- Tom Ripley is a talented mimic, moocher, forger and all-around criminal improviser; but there's more to Tom Ripley than even he can guess. Director: Ren Clment Writers:
Purple Rain (1984) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Drama, Music, Romance | 27 July 1984 (USA) -- A young musician, tormented by an abusive situation at home, must contend with a rival singer, a burgeoning romance, and his own dissatisfied band, as his star begins to rise. Director: Albert Magnoli Writers:
Purple Violets (2007) ::: 6.4/10 -- 1h 43min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 20 February 2009 (Mexico) -- Patti Petalson (Blair) struggles with the pressure of becoming the next important American writer. Director: Edward Burns Writer: Edward Burns Stars:
The Color Purple (1985) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 34min | Drama | 7 February 1986 (USA) -- A black Southern woman struggles to find her identity after suffering abuse from her father and others over four decades. Director: Steven Spielberg Writers: Menno Meyjes (screenplay), Alice Walker (novel)
The Puffy Chair (2005) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 25min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 27 April 2007 (UK) -- Josh Sagers drives cross-country on a mission to deliver his father's birthday gift - a giant purple LazyBoy. Directors: Jay Duplass, Mark Duplass (uncredited) Writers: Mark Duplass, Jay Duplass Stars:
The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG | 1h 22min | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 19 April 1985 (USA) -- In New Jersey in 1935, a movie character walks off the screen and into the real world. Director: Woody Allen Writer: Woody Allen's_Crystal,_The_New_Black"Purple_Haze_Feedback"'Purple'_Kraken's_Purple_Reign_Suit
Battle Spirits: Kakumei no Galette -- -- Bandai Namco Pictures -- ? eps -- Card game -- Game Military Sci-Fi Adventure Demons -- Battle Spirits: Kakumei no Galette Battle Spirits: Kakumei no Galette -- Centuries after the events of Saga Brave, a third race called the Mauve has emerged alongside Humans and Mazoku. Identified by their purple blood and immense intelligence, the Mauve are shunned by the other two races and are viewed as a threat to the peace of the world. Having experienced this prejudice first-hand, a teenage Mauve named Galette Revolt journeys forth to find a way for all races to understand each other by playing Battle Spirits. However, other factions from each race aim to maintain the peace/reform the world through more nefarious ways... -- ONA - Aug 28, 2020 -- 682 N/A -- -- Future Card Buddyfight Recap -- -- OLM, Xebec -- 1 ep -- Card game -- Game -- Future Card Buddyfight Recap Future Card Buddyfight Recap -- Recap episode aired between episodes 23 and 24. -- Special - Jun 14, 2014 -- 645 6.01
Battle Spirits: Kakumei no Galette -- -- Bandai Namco Pictures -- ? eps -- Card game -- Game Military Sci-Fi Adventure Demons -- Battle Spirits: Kakumei no Galette Battle Spirits: Kakumei no Galette -- Centuries after the events of Saga Brave, a third race called the Mauve has emerged alongside Humans and Mazoku. Identified by their purple blood and immense intelligence, the Mauve are shunned by the other two races and are viewed as a threat to the peace of the world. Having experienced this prejudice first-hand, a teenage Mauve named Galette Revolt journeys forth to find a way for all races to understand each other by playing Battle Spirits. However, other factions from each race aim to maintain the peace/reform the world through more nefarious ways... -- ONA - Aug 28, 2020 -- 682 N/A -- -- Shinkai no Kantai: Submarine 707 -- -- J.C.Staff, Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Military Sci-Fi -- Shinkai no Kantai: Submarine 707 Shinkai no Kantai: Submarine 707 -- A mysterious object attacks and destroys any ship or submarine. Submarine 707 has the mission to search for that mysterious object, when summoned by a whale to follow it. The whale leads them to the world of Mu. But on their way they meet the mysterious object. They find out , it is Commander Red Silver, who had attacked the world of Mu to get Mu's magma sources. Submarine takes up the battle to defeat Red Silver and save Mu, and the world for that matter. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Jan 10, 1997 -- 680 5.64
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Tsuioku-hen -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Supernatural Magic -- Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Tsuioku-hen Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Tsuioku-hen -- Looking at Miyuki and Tatsuya now, it might be hard to imagine them as anything other than loving siblings. But it wasn't always this way.. -- -- Three years ago, Miyuki was always uncomfortable around her older brother. The rest of their family treated him no better than a lowly servant, even though he was the perfect Guardian, watching over Miyuki while she lived a normal middle school life. But what really bothered her was that he never showed any emotions or thoughts of his own. -- -- However, when danger comes calling during a fateful trip to Okinawa, their relationship as brother and sister will change forever… -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 25,203 N/ASakasama no Patema: Beginning of the Day -- -- Purple Cow Studio Japan, Studio Rikka -- 4 eps -- - -- Sci-Fi -- Sakasama no Patema: Beginning of the Day Sakasama no Patema: Beginning of the Day -- This is an online distribution of the prologue of the movie, illustrating the first day of the entire story. -- -- A world, forever beyond your expectations. -- -- In a dark, cramped, underground world of endless tunnels and shafts, people wear protective suits and live out their modest yet happy lives. The princess of the underground community, Patema, goes out exploring as always, inspired by her curiosity of the unknown depths of the world. -- -- Her favorite spot is the "danger zone," an area forbidden by the "rule" of the community. Despite being frequently chastised by her caretaker Jii, she cannot hold back her curiosity for the reason behind the rule, because no one would tell her what the "danger" was. When she approaches the hidden "secret," the story begins. -- -- (Source: translation of a synopsis from the nicovideo news) -- Special - Feb 26, 2012 -- 25,203 7.38
Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- -- Studio Kafka -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- The story takes place shortly before Cartaphilus took a nap and Chise became an auditor at the academy. -- -- Elias and his friends help Chise prepare for the academy, where in the middle of everyday life, Spriggan visits the mansion on a spooky horse with the words, "The appearance of the ghost hunting association is unusual this time." -- -- Gabriel, an ordinary boy who just moved from London, was bored of his environment of parting with friends, being in an unfamiliar location, and everything else. Sitting by the window and glancing beyond, he spotted a purple smoke and decided to chase after it, looking to escape his boredom. Though it should not, the world of the boy begins to converge with the wizards, who live on the other side behind a thick veil. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- OVA - Sep 10, 2021 -- 18,799 N/A -- -- Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach -- -- OLM -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Magic Comedy Romance Shoujo -- Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach -- There are three known worlds—the human world, the angel world, and the devil world. The evil queen Raindevilla yearns to destroy the angel world with help or her many devil minions. The goddess Aphrodite sends an angel to the human world, Limone, to summon three love angels in the form of three school girls, Momoko Hanasaki, Yuri Tanima, and Hinagiku Tamano, who together become Angel Lilly, Angel Daisy, and Wedding Peach. The three girls must fight to overcome the evils of the devils, as well as their own lives, and restore peace to the angel world by gathering all pieces of the Sacred Four Somethings (or Saint Something Four) and defeat the evil queen once and for all. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 18,769 6.68
Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- -- Studio Kafka -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- The story takes place shortly before Cartaphilus took a nap and Chise became an auditor at the academy. -- -- Elias and his friends help Chise prepare for the academy, where in the middle of everyday life, Spriggan visits the mansion on a spooky horse with the words, "The appearance of the ghost hunting association is unusual this time." -- -- Gabriel, an ordinary boy who just moved from London, was bored of his environment of parting with friends, being in an unfamiliar location, and everything else. Sitting by the window and glancing beyond, he spotted a purple smoke and decided to chase after it, looking to escape his boredom. Though it should not, the world of the boy begins to converge with the wizards, who live on the other side behind a thick veil. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- OVA - Sep 10, 2021 -- 18,799 N/A -- -- Danchigai: Juusan Goutou Sentou Ikitai!! -- -- Creators in Pack -- 1 ep -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Danchigai: Juusan Goutou Sentou Ikitai!! Danchigai: Juusan Goutou Sentou Ikitai!! -- Unaired episode of Danchigai included on the Blu-ray/DVD volume. -- Special - Sep 18, 2015 -- 18,734 6.44
Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- -- Studio Kafka -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- The story takes place shortly before Cartaphilus took a nap and Chise became an auditor at the academy. -- -- Elias and his friends help Chise prepare for the academy, where in the middle of everyday life, Spriggan visits the mansion on a spooky horse with the words, "The appearance of the ghost hunting association is unusual this time." -- -- Gabriel, an ordinary boy who just moved from London, was bored of his environment of parting with friends, being in an unfamiliar location, and everything else. Sitting by the window and glancing beyond, he spotted a purple smoke and decided to chase after it, looking to escape his boredom. Though it should not, the world of the boy begins to converge with the wizards, who live on the other side behind a thick veil. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- OVA - Sep 10, 2021 -- 18,799 N/A -- -- Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005) -- -- OLM -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Sci-Fi Shounen -- Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005) Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005) -- Sho Fukamachi, a normal teenager accidentally found an alien object called Unit and thus, changed his life forever. The Unit bonded with Sho, resulting in an incredibly powerful life-form called Guyver. With this great power, Sho battles the mysterious Chronos organization and it's Zoanoids, in order to protect his friends and his world. Unknown to Sho, the battle against Chronos will lead to the discovery of the origins of human, their destiny, and the Creators... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 18,791 7.25
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: The Fading Light of Zeon -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: The Fading Light of Zeon Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: The Fading Light of Zeon -- U.C. 0083 - Three years after the end of the catastrophic One Year War, peace on Earth and the colonies is shattered by the presence of the Delaz Fleet, a rogue Zeon military group loyal to the ideals of the late dictator Gihren Zabi. Delaz Fleet`s ace pilot Anavel Gato, once hailed as "The Nightmare of Solomon", infiltrates the Federation`s Torrington base in Australia and steals the nuclear-armed Gundam GP02A "Physalis" prototype. Rookie pilot Kou Uraki - with the aid of Anaheim Electronics engineer Nina Purpleton and the crew of the carrier Albion - pilots the Gundam GP01 "Zephyranthes" prototype in an attempt to recover the stolen Gundam unit and prevent another war from breaking out. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- Movie - Aug 29, 1992 -- 7,330 6.68
Paradise Kiss -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Josei Romance Slice of Life -- Paradise Kiss Paradise Kiss -- On her way home from school, Yukari Hayasaka is approached by a weird-looking guy who starts looking at her body intently. He's got blond spiky hair, a spiked choker, and multiple piercings on his ears and face. She wants nothing to do with him, and runs away, only to bump into a very tall and beautiful purple-haired woman with a flower pattern around her eye. Yukari faints from shock and wakes up later in a strange place called the Atelier. It turns out that these strangers are fashion designers who attend the most famous art school around, Yazawa Art Academy, and their group wants Yukari to model for their brand in Yazawa Academy's upcoming show. -- -- Yukari turns down their offer and escapes the Atelier, but unknowingly leaves her school ID behind. George Koizumi, the head designer, later sees it and immediately knows she would be the perfect model for them and will not stop until he gets what he wants—and he wants her. Yukari had never considered something as frivolous as modeling before, but could life among these eccentric designers actually prove to be fun? Or will Yukari lose herself in this world of art and passion? -- -- 157,790 7.83
Paradise Kiss -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Josei Romance Slice of Life -- Paradise Kiss Paradise Kiss -- On her way home from school, Yukari Hayasaka is approached by a weird-looking guy who starts looking at her body intently. He's got blond spiky hair, a spiked choker, and multiple piercings on his ears and face. She wants nothing to do with him, and runs away, only to bump into a very tall and beautiful purple-haired woman with a flower pattern around her eye. Yukari faints from shock and wakes up later in a strange place called the Atelier. It turns out that these strangers are fashion designers who attend the most famous art school around, Yazawa Art Academy, and their group wants Yukari to model for their brand in Yazawa Academy's upcoming show. -- -- Yukari turns down their offer and escapes the Atelier, but unknowingly leaves her school ID behind. George Koizumi, the head designer, later sees it and immediately knows she would be the perfect model for them and will not stop until he gets what he wants—and he wants her. Yukari had never considered something as frivolous as modeling before, but could life among these eccentric designers actually prove to be fun? Or will Yukari lose herself in this world of art and passion? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- 157,790 7.83
Rockman.EXE Movie: Hikari to Yami no Program -- -- Xebec -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Adventure Game Kids -- Rockman.EXE Movie: Hikari to Yami no Program Rockman.EXE Movie: Hikari to Yami no Program -- Deep in the dark recesses of the UnderNet, Forte sleeps as he drifts aimlessly. In this cybernetic graveyard, a pulsating power re-awakens Forte, alerting him to a dangerous being shortly ahead. A haunting face appears amidst a massive bright purple blob, laughing directly at Forte. Cursing him, Forte finds himself powerless as the blob takes form, and captures him within its grasp! -- Nearing the time of sunset, a peaceful city and its people go about their everyday business. Curious bystanders on a sidewalk glimpse a shimmering purple light, which suddenly expands into tall pillar that reaches up to the sky. Screams erupt from the people as the pillar of light takes flight, absorbing everything in its destructive path. A tower clock dings the hour of 4 o'clock as the pillar desintigrates, leaving behind a trail of cybernetic residue and utter emptyness. -- 'The Program of Light and Dark' -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- Movie - Mar 12, 2005 -- 3,827 7.21
Sakasama no Patema -- -- Purple Cow Studio Japan, Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Sci-Fi -- Sakasama no Patema Sakasama no Patema -- Patema is a plucky young girl from an underground civilization boasting an incredible network of tunnels. Inspired by a friend that mysteriously went missing, she is often reprimanded due to her constant excursions of these tunnels due to her royal status. After she enters what is known as the "forbidden zone," she accidentally falls into a giant bottomless pit after being startled by a strange creature. -- -- Finding herself on the surface, a world literally turned upside down, she begins falling towards the sky only to be saved by Age, a discontented student of the totalitarian nation known as Aiga. The people of Aiga are taught to believe that "Inverts," like Patema, are sinners that will be "swallowed by the sky," but Age has resisted this propaganda and decides to protect his new friend. A chance meeting between two curious teenagers leads to an exploration of two unique worlds as they begin working together to unveil the secrets of their origins in Sakasama no Patema, a heart-warming film about overcoming differences in order to coexist. -- -- -- The film was first premiered at France's Annecy, the world's largest animation festival, on June 13, 2013. Screening in Japanese theaters began on November 9, 2013. -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, NYAV Post -- Movie - Nov 9, 2013 -- 225,667 8.03
Tentacle and Witches -- -- - -- 4 eps -- Visual novel -- Hentai Supernatural Magic -- Tentacle and Witches Tentacle and Witches -- High school can be a complicated time for young men, especially for young men named Ichirou Tachibana. Ichirou knows his homeroom teacher Yuuko Morino's biggest secret: she's a witch! When fellow classmate and witch Lily Ramses Futaba catches him peaking on Yuuko, she decides it's the perfect time for her to use a new spell she's acquired and turn Ichirou into her familiar servant. -- -- Lily's planned antagonism for Ichirou goes awry when the spell turns him into some sort of twisted, purple, tentacle monster. Now he must directly acquire sexual energy from witches in order to sate the tentacle monster's lust and retain elements of his humanity. To make matters worse for the two witches, Ichirou's new form gives him the power to control them to satisfy his basest desires! -- -- The trio also find out that the spell that Lily acquired was sold to her deceptively and intentionally made to appear genuine. Amidst all the sexual misadventures in the Witches and Tentacle, they're about to discover that something far more sinister is at work, and they are but pawns within a larger game. -- OVA - May 27, 2011 -- 14,597 7.11
Yami no Purple Eye -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Psychological Supernatural Music Horror Mystery Shoujo -- Yami no Purple Eye Yami no Purple Eye -- Based on a shoujo manga written and illustrated by Shinohara Chie serialised in Shoujo Comic. -- -- The original story follows the struggles of a teenage girl after she finds herself turning into a lycanthropy-leopard and having to battle her newly found predatory instincts. -- -- In 1987 an animated music video of 30 minutes length was made based on the award winning manga. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Music - ??? ??, 1987 -- 1,424 4.76,_for_N_=_2_(black_dots),_N_=_6_(blue_diamonds),_N_=_8_(purple_squares),_N_=_24_(green_triangles),_and_N_=_50_(yellow_circles).webp
3 (The Purple Album)
Adam Purple
Aechmea 'Purple Gem'
Agent Purple
Alvin Purple
American purple gallinule
A Purple Place for Dying
ASC Purple
At the Purple Onion
Born in the purple
Bridgeport Purple Knights
Bromocresol purple
Buddleja 'Hinebud 2' = Purple Splendor
Buddleja davidii 'Monum' = Nanho Purple
Buddleja davidii 'Princeton Purple'
Buddleja davidii 'Pyrkeep' = Purple Emperor
Buddleja davidii 'SMBDPL' = Merry Magic Purple
Buddleja Lo & Behold 'Purple Haze'
Buff-throated purpletuft
Burn (Deep Purple album)
Captain Underpants and the Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty People
Cherokee purple
Classic Albums: Deep Purple The Making of Machine Head
Coast purple tip
Code Purple
Crash Bandicoot Purple: Ripto's Rampage and Spyro Orange: The Cortex Conspiracy
Dark purple
DEA Purple Heart Award
Deepest Purple: The Very Best of Deep Purple
Deep Purple
Deep Purple (album)
Deep Purple discography
Deep Purple in Concert
Deep Purple in Rock
Deep Purple Tribute
Donald Purple Hart
Dusky purpletuft
El Nio/More Purple than Black
Evansville Purple Aces
Evansville Purple Aces men's soccer
Exercise Purple Storm
Exercise Purple Warrior
Flaming Guns of the Purple Sage
Garden of the Purple Dragon
Gentleman Usher of the Purple Rod
Great purple hairstreak
Han purple and Han blue
Hercules's Dog Discovers Purple Dye
Infinite (Deep Purple album)
Jeremiah Peabody's Polyunsaturated Quick-Dissolving Fast-Acting Pleasant-Tasting Green and Purple Pills
King Biscuit Flower Hour Presents: Deep Purple in Concert
Law Enforcement Purple Heart
Line of purples
List of Deep Purple members
Lithium molybdenum purple bronze
Live (New Riders of the Purple Sage album)
Look Blue Go Purple
Made in Japan (Deep Purple album)
Mega Purple
Metacresol purple
METRORail Purple Line
Military Order of the Purple Heart
Mrs Pankhurst's Purple Feather
Ms. Purple
National Purple Heart Hall of Honor
Neoregelia 'Purple Pleasure'
Neoregelia 'Purple Princess'
New Riders of the Purple Sage
Niagara Purple Eagles
Niagara Purple Eagles men's soccer
Pan-Purple Coalition
Phoenix Rising (Deep Purple album)
Powerhouse (Deep Purple album)
Purple amaranth
Purple and Brown
Purple-backed fairywren
Purple-backed sunbeam
Purple-backed thornbill
Purple bacteria
Purple Bamboo Park
Purple-banded sunbird
Purple bankclimber
Purple-bearded bee-eater
Purple-bellied lory
Purple Belt
Purple-bibbed whitetip
Purple Book
Purple-breasted cotinga
Purple-breasted sunbird
Purplebricks Canada
Purple Butterfly
Purple Cane, Nebraska
Purple-capped fruit dove
Purple-chested hummingbird
Purple chimaera
Purple chip
Purple chokeberry
Purple City Productions
Purple Cloud Temple
Purple cochoa
Purple-collared woodstar
Purple (company)
Purple corn
Purple Corridor
Purple Cow
Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable
Purple Crayon
Purple-crested turaco
Purple-crowned fairy
Purple-crowned fairywren
Purple-crowned lorikeet
Purple-crowned plovercrest
Purple Crush
Purple Day
Purple (disambiguation)
Purple Disco Machine
Purple Dragon
Purple Drank (album)
Purple eagle ray
Purple Earth hypothesis
Purple-edged copper
Purple (EP)
Purple Eyes in the Dark
Purple-faced langur
Purple finch
Purple Forbidden enclosure
Purple fringing
Purple frog
Purple gallinule
Purple Gang
Purple-gaped honeyeater
Purple giant hyssop
Purple glove syndrome
Purple (government)
Purple grenadier
Purple gromwell
Purple hairstreak
Purple Haze
Purple Haze (disambiguation)
Purple-headed starling
Purple Heart
Purple Heart (disambiguation)
Purple Hearts (British band)
Purple Heart Trail
Purple heron
Purple Hibiscus
Purple honeycreeper
Purple House (Alice Springs)
Purple indigobird
Purple King
Purple Kiss
Purple labeo
Purple Line
Purple Line (Bangkok)
Purple Line (ceasefire line)
Purple Line (CTA)
Purple Line (Dubai Metro)
Purple-lined wrasse
Purple Line Extension
Purple Line (Maryland)
Purple Line (Namma Metro)
Purple Line (Pune Metro)
Purple Line (song)
Purple (magazine)
Purple Man
Purple Mark
Purple martin
Purple mbuna
Purple milkvetch
Purple milkweed
Purple monkeyflower
Purple Moon
Purple moor grass and rush pastures
Purple Mountain
Purple Mountain (Kerry)
Purple Mountain (Nanjing)
Purple Mountain Observatory
Purple Mountains
Purple Mountains (album)
Purplemouth moray eel
Purple Music Switzerland
Purple Naked Ladies
Purple-naped lory
Purple-naped sunbird
Purple-necked rock-wallaby
Purple needletail
Purple Noon
Purple of Cassius
Purple Onion
Purple Onion (album)
Purple on Time
Purple Osaka mustard
Purple parchment
Purple People
Purple Pilgrims
Purple Pills
Purple Playhouse
Purple (Pop Evil song)
Purple prose
Purple Pyramid Records
Purple quail-dove
Purple Radio (London)
Purple Rain
Purple Rain (album)
Purple Rain (cocktail)
Purple Rain (film)
Purple Rain protest
Purple raspberry
Purple-red earth snake
Purple Reign
Purple Reign in Blood
Purple Reign (show)
Purple Ribbon All-Stars
Purple Ribbon Records
Purple roller
Purple Rose Theatre Company
Purple ruffles basil
Purple-rumped sunbird
Purple Sage, Wyoming
Purple sandpiper
Purple Saturn Day
Purple Sea
Purple shore crab
Purple-shot copper
Purple soft coral
Purple Songs Can Fly
Purple spaghetti-eel
Purple Spirit Singers
Purple Springs
Purple squirrel
Purple starling
Purple (Stone Temple Pilots album)
Purple Storm
Purple Storm (film)
Purple sulfur bacteria
Purple sunbird
Purple Sunset
Purple swamphen
Purple sweet potato color
Purple sweet potato haupia pie
Purple-tailed imperial pigeon
Purple Tape
Purple (technology company)
Purple thorn
Purple-throated carib
Purple-throated cotinga
Purple-throated cuckooshrike
Purple-throated euphonia
Purple-throated fruitcrow
Purple-throated mountaingem
Purple-throated sunangel
Purple-throated sunbird
Purple-throated woodstar
Purple trades
Purple triangle
Purple vetch
Purple Violets
Purple-winged ground dove
Purple-winged roller
Purple World (album)
Reggy the Purple Party Dude
Re-Machined: A Tribute to Deep Purple's Machine Head
Riders of the Purple Sage
Riders of the Purple Sage (disambiguation)
Riders of the Purple Wage
Royal Arch Purple
Royal Purple (lubricant manufacturer)
Royal Purple newspaper
Saint Michael's Purple Knights
Shades of Deep Purple
Shades of Purple
Shades of purple
Suicide (Purple Jumping Man)
Texas Purple Heart Medal
The Anthology (Deep Purple album)
The Color Purple
The Color Purple (disambiguation)
The Color Purple (film)
The Color Purple (musical)
The Deep Purple
The Orange EP and The Purple EP
The Platinum Collection (Deep Purple album)
The Purple Book (Labour Party)
The Purple Cloud
The Purple Flower
The Purple Gang
The Purple Gang (American band)
The Purple Hearts (Australian band)
The Purple Monster Strikes
The purple noon's transparent might
The Purple Onion (Toronto)
The Purple Parade
The Purple People Eater
The Purple Piano Project
The Purple Plain
The Purple Rose of Cairo
The Purple Smurfs
The Purple Taxi
The Purple Testament
The Purple Vigilantes
The Secret of the Purple Reef
The Smothers Brothers at the Purple Onion
Tillandsia 'Purple Passion'
Tyrian purple
Velvet-purple coronet
Viva Purple
Vriesea 'Purple Cockatoo'
Vriesea 'Purple Delight'
Wear it Purple Day
Western purple-faced langur
White-browed purpletuft
Zach Galifianakis Live at the Purple Onion

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last updated: 2022-02-04 10:17:58
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