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object:1.12 - Independence
book class:Raja-Yoga
author class:Swami Vivekananda
subject class:Hinduism
subject class:Yoga




1. The Siddhis (powers) are attained by birth, chemical means, power of words, mortification, or concentration.

Sometimes a man is born with the Siddhis, powers, of course, those he had earned in his previous incarnation. This time he is born, as it were, to enjoy the fruits of them. It is said of Kapila, the great father of the Snkhya philosophy, that he was a born Siddha, which means literally a man who has attained to success.

The Yogis claim that these powers can be gained by chemical means. All of you know that chemistry originally began as alchemy; men went in search of the philosopher's stone and elixirs of life, and so forth. In India there was a sect called the Rsyanas. Their idea was that ideality, knowledge, spirituality, and religion were all very right, but that the body was the only instrument by which to attain to all these. If the body came to an end every now and again, it would take so much more time to attain to the goal. For instance, a man wants to practice Yoga, or wants to become spiritual. Before he has advanced very far he dies. Then he takes another body and begins again, then dies, and so on. In this way much time will be lost in dying and being born again. If the body could be made strong and perfect, so that it would get rid of birth and death, we should have so much more time to become spiritual. So these Rasayanas say, first make the body very strong. They claim that this body can be made immortal. Their idea is that if the mind manufactures the body, and if it be true that each mind is only one outlet to the infinite energy, there should be no limit to each outlet getting any amount of power from outside. Why is it impossible to keep our bodies all the time? We have to manufacture all the bodies that we ever have. As soon as this body dies, we shall have to manufacture another. If we can do that, why cannot we do it just here and now, without getting out of the present body? The theory is perfectly correct. If it is possible that we live after death, and make other bodies, why is it impossible that we should have the power of making bodies here, without entirely dissolving this body, simply changing it continually? They also thought that in mercury and in sulphur was hidden the most wonderful power, and that by certain preparations of these a man could keep the body as long as he liked. Others believed that certain drugs could bring powers, such as flying through the air. Many of the most wonderful medicines of the present day we owe to the Rasayanas, notably the use of metals in medicine. Certain sects of Yogis claim that many of their principal teachers are still living in their old bodies. Patanjali, the great authority on Yoga, does not deny this.

The power of words. There are certain sacred words called Mantras, which have power, when repeated under proper conditions, produce these extraordinary powers. We are living in the midst of such a mass of miracles, day and night, that we do not think anything of them. There is no limit to man's power, the power of words and the power of mind.

Mortification. You find that in every religion mortification and asceticisms have been practised. In these religious conceptions the Hindus always go to the extremes. You will find men with their hands up all their lives, until their hands wither and die. Men keep standing, day and night, until their feet swell, and if they live, the legs become so stiff in this position that they can no more bend them, but have to stand all their lives. I once saw a man who had kept his hands raised in this way, and I asked him how it felt when he did it first. He said it was awful torture. It was such torture that he had to go to a river and put himself in water, and that allayed the pain for a little while. After a month he did not suffer much. Through such practices powers (Siddhis) can be attained.

Concentration. Concentration is Samdhi, and that is Yoga proper; that is the principal theme of this science, and it is the highest means. The preceding ones are only secondary, and we cannot attain to the highest through them. Samadhi is the means through which we can gain anything and everything, mental, moral, or spiritual.

2. The change into another species is by the filling in of nature.

Patanjali has advanced the proposition that these powers come by birth, sometimes by chemical means, or through mortification. He also admits that this body can be kept for any length of time. Now he goes on to state what is the cause of the change of the body into another species. He says this is done by the filling in of nature, which he explains in the next aphorism.


3. Good and bad deeds are not the direct causes in the transformations of nature, but they act as breakers of obstacles to the evolutions of nature: as a farmer breaks the obstacles to the course of water, which then runs down by its own nature.

The water for irrigation of fields is already in the canal, only shut in by gates. The farmer opens these gates, and the water flows in by itself, by the law of gravitation. So all progress and power are already in every man; perfection is man's nature, only it is barred in and prevented from taking its proper course. If anyone can take the bar off, in rushes nature. Then the man attains the powers which are his already. Those we call wicked become saints, as soon as the bar is broken and nature rushes in. It is nature that is driving us towards perfection, and eventually she will bring everyone there. All these practices and struggles to become religious are only negative work, to take off the bars, and open the doors to that perfection which is our birthright, our nature.

Today the evolution theory of the ancient Yogis will be better understood in the light of modern research. And yet the theory of the Yogis is a better explanation. The two causes of evolution advanced by the moderns, viz sexual selection and survival of the fittest, are inadequate. Suppose human knowledge to have advanced so much as to eliminate competition, both from the function of acquiring physical sustenance and of acquiring a mate. Then, according to the moderns, human progress will stop and the race will die. The result of this theory is to furnish every oppressor with an argument to calm the qualms of conscience. Men are not lacking, who, posing as philosophers, want to kill out all wicked and incompetent persons (they are, of course, the only judges of competency) and thus preserve the human race! But the great ancient evolutionist, Patanjali, declares that the true secret of evolution is the manifestation of the perfection which is already in every being; that this perfection has been barred and the infinite tide behind is struggling to express itself. These struggles and competitions are but the results of our ignorance, because we do not know the proper way to unlock the gate and let the water in. This infinite tide behind must express itself; it is the cause of all manifestation. Competitions for life or sex-gratification are only momentary, unnecessary, extraneous effects, caused by ignorance. Even when all competition has ceased, this perfect nature behind will make us go forward until everyone has become perfect. Therefore there is no reason to believe that competition is necessary to progress. In the animal the man was suppressed, but as soon as the door was opened, out rushed man. So in man there is the potential god, kept in by the locks and bars of ignorance. When knowledge breaks these bars, the god becomes manifest.

4. From egoism alone proceed the created minds.

The theory of Karma is that we suffer for our good or bad deeds, and the whole scope of philosophy is to reach the glory of man. All the scriptures sing the glory of man, of the soul, and then, in the same breath, they preach Karma. A good deed brings such a result, and a bad deed such another, but if the soul can be acted upon by a good or a bad deed, the soul amounts to nothing. Bad deeds put a bar to the manifestation of the nature of the Purusha; good deeds take the obstacles off, and the glory of the Purusha becomes manifest. The Purusha itself is never changed. Whatever you do never destroys your own glory, your own nature, because the soul cannot be acted upon by anything, only a veil is spread before it, hiding its perfection.

With a view to exhausting their Karma quickly, Yogis create Kya-vyuha, or groups of bodies, in which to work it out. For all these bodies they create minds from egoism. These are called "created minds", in contradistinction to their original minds.

5. Though the activities of the different created minds are various, the one original mind is the controller of them all.

These different minds, which act in these different bodies are called made-minds, and the bodies, made-bodies; that is, manufactured bodies and minds. Matter and mind are like two inexhaustible storehouses. When you become a Yogi, you learn the secret of their control. It was yours all the time, but you had forgotten it. When you become a Yogi, you recollect it. Then you can do anything with it, manipulate it in every way you like. The material out of which a manufactured mind is created is the very same material which is used for the macrocosm. It is not that mind is one thing and matter another, they are different aspects of the same thing. Asmit, egoism, is the material, the fine state of existence out of which these made-minds and made-bodies of the Yogi are manufactured. Therefore, when the Yogi has found the secret of these energies of nature, he can manufacture any number of bodies or minds out of the substance known as egoism.

6. Among the various Chittas, that which is attained by Samadhi is desireless.

Among all the various minds that we see in various men, only that mind which has attained to Samadhi, perfect concentration, is the highest. A man who has attained certain powers through medicines, or through words, or through mortifications, still has desires, but that man who has attained to Samadhi through concentration is alone free from all desires.

7. Works are neither black nor white for the Yogis; for others they are threefold black, white, and mixed.

When the Yogi has attained perfection, his actions, and the Karma produced by those actions, do not bind him, because he did not desire them. He just works on; he works to do good, and he does good, but does not care for the result, and it will not come to him. But, for ordinary men, who have not attained to the highest state, works are of three kinds, black (evil actions), white (good actions), and mixed.

8. From these threefold works are manifested in each state only those desires (which are) fitting to that state alone. (The others are held in abeyance for the time being.)

Suppose I have made the three kinds of Karma, good, bad, and mixed, and suppose I die and become a god in heaven. The desires in a god body are not the same as the desires in a human body; the god body neither eats nor drinks. What becomes of my past unworked Karmas which produce as their effect the desire to eat and drink? Where would these Karmas go when I become a god? The answer is that desires can only manifest themselves in proper environments. Only those desires will come out for which the environment is fitted; the rest will remain stored up. In this life we have many godly desires, many human desires, many animal desires. If I take a god body, only the good desires will come up, because for them the environments are suitable. And if I take an animal body, only the animal desires will come up, and the good desires will wait. What does this show? That by means of environment we can check these desires. Only that Karma which is suited to and fitted for the environments will come out. This shows that the power of environment is the great check to control even Karma itself.


9. There is consecutiveness in desires, even though separated by species, space, and time, there being identification of memory and impressions.

Experiences becoming fine become impressions; impressions revivified become memory. The word memory here includes unconscious co-ordination of past experiences, reduced to impressions, with present conscious action. In each body, the group of impressions acquired in a similar body only becomes the cause of action in that body. The experiences of a dissimilar body are held in abeyance. Each body acts as if it were a descendant of a series of bodies of that species only; thus, consecutiveness of desires is not to be broken.

l0. Thirst for happiness being eternal, desires are without beginning.

All experience is preceded by desire for happiness. There was no beginning of experience, as each fresh experience is built upon the tendency generated by past experience; therefore desire is without beginning.

11. Being held together by cause, effect, support, and objects, in the absence of these is its absence.

Desires are held together by cause and effect; (The causes are the "pain-bearing obstructions" (II. 3) and actions (IV. 7), and the effects are "species, life, and experience of pleasure and pain" (II. 13). Ed.) if a desire has been raised, it does not die without producing its effect. Then, again, the mind-stuff is the great storehouse, the support of all past desires reduced to Samskara form; until they have worked themselves out, they will not die. Moreover, so long as the senses receive the external objects, fresh desires will arise. If it be possible to get rid of the cause, effect, support, and objects of desire, then alone it will vanish.

12. The past and future exist in their own nature, qualities having different ways.

The idea is that existence never comes out of nonexistence. The past and future, though not existing in a manifested form, yet exist in a fine form.


13. They are manifested or fine, being of the nature of the Gunas.

The Gunas are the three substances, Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas, whose gross state is the sensible universe. Past and future arise from the different modes of manifestation of these Gunas.

14. The unity in things is from the unity in changes.

Though there are three substances, their changes being co-ordinated, all objects have their unity.

15. Since perception and desire vary with regard to the same object, mind and object are of different nature.

That is, there is an objective world independent of our minds. This is a refutation of Buddhistic Idealism. Since different people look at the same thing differently, it cannot be a mere imagination of any particular individual.

(There is an additional aphorism here in some editions:


"The object cannot be said to be dependent on a single mind. There being no proof of its existence, it would then become nonexistent."

If the perception of an object were the only criterion of its existence, then when the mind is absorbed in anything or is in Samadhi, it would not be perceived by anybody and might as well be said to be non-existent. This is an undesirable conclusion. Ed.)

16. Things are known on unknown to the mind, being dependent on the colouring which they give to the mind.

17. The states of the mind are always known, because the lord of the mind, the Purusha, is unchangeable.

The whole gist of this theory is that the universe is both mental and material. Both of these are in a continuous state of flux. What is this book? It is a combination of molecules in constant change. One lot is going out, and another coming in; it is a whirlpool, but what makes the unity? What makes it the same book? The changes are rhythmical; in harmonious order they are sending impressions to my mind, and these pieced together make a continuous picture, although the parts are continuously changing. Mind itself is continuously changing. The mind and body are like two layers in the same substance, moving at different rates of speed. Relatively, one being slower and the other quicker, we can distinguish between the two motions. For instance, a train is in motion, and a carriage is moving alongside it. It is possible to find the motion of both these to a certain extent. But still something else is necessary. Motion can only be perceived when there is something else which is not moving. But when two or three things are relatively moving, we first perceive the motion of the faster one, and then that of the slower ones. How is the mind to perceive? It is also in a flux. Therefore another thing is necessary which moves more slowly, then you must get to something in which the motion is still slower, and so on, and you will find no end. Therefore logic compels you to stop somewhere. You must complete the series by knowing something which never changes. Behind this never-ending chain of motion is the Purusha, the changeless, the colourless, the pure. All these impressions are merely reflected upon it, as a magic lantern throws images upon a screen, without in any way tarnishing it.


18. The mind is not self-luminous, being an object.

Tremendous power is manifested everywhere in nature, but it is not self-luminous, not essentially intelligent. The Purusha alone is self-luminous, and gives its light to everything. It is the power of the Purusha that is percolating through all matter and force.

19. From its being unable to cognise both at the same time.

If the mind were self-luminous it would be able to cognise itself and its objects at the same time, which it cannot. When it cognises the object, it cannot reflect on itself. Therefore the Purusha is self-luminous, and the mind is not.

20. Another cognising mind being assumed, there will be no end to such assumptions, and confusion of memory will be the result.

Let us suppose there is another mind which cognises the ordinary mind, then there will have to be still another to cognise the former, and so there will be no end to it. It will result in confusion of memory, there will be no storehouse of memory.


21. The essence of knowledge (the Purusha) being unchangeable, when the mind takes its form, it becomes conscious.

Patanjali says this to make it more clear that knowledge is not a quality of the Purusha. When the mind comes near the Purusha it is reflected, as it were, upon the mind, and the mind, for the time being, becomes knowing and seems as if it were itself the Purusha.

22. Coloured by the seer and the seen the mind is able to understand everything.

On one side of the mind the external world, the seen, is being reflected, and on the other, the seer is being reflected. Thus comes the power of all knowledge to the mind.

23. The mind, though variegated by innumerable desires, acts for another (the Purusha), because it acts in combination.

The mind is a compound of various things and therefore it cannot work for itself. Everything that is a combination in this world has some object for that combination, some third thing for which this combination is going on. So this combination of the mind is for the Purusha.


24. For the discriminating, the perception of the mind as Atman ceases.

Through discrimination the Yogi knows that the Purusha is not mind.


25. Then, bent on discriminating, the mind attains the previous state of Kaivalya (isolation). (There is another reading  The meaning then would be: "Then the mind becomes deep in discrimination and gravitates towards Kaivalya." Ed.)

Thus the practice of Yoga leads to discriminating power, to clearness of vision. The veil drops from the eyes, and we see things as they are. We find that nature is a compound, and is showing the panorama for the Purusha, who is the witness; that nature is not the Lord, that all the combinations of nature are simply for the sake of showing these phenomena to the Purusha, the enthroned king within. When discrimination comes by long practice, fear ceases, and the mind attains isolation.

26. The thoughts that arise as obstructions to that are from impressions.

All the various ideas that arise, making us believe that we require something external to make us happy, are obstructions to that perfection. The Purusha is happiness and blessedness by its own nature. But that knowledge is covered over by past impressions. These impressions have to work themselves out.

27. Their destruction is in the same manner as of ignorance, egoism, etc., as said before (II. 10).


28. Even when arriving at the right discriminating knowledge of the essences, he who gives up the fruits, unto him comes, as the result of perfect domination, the Samadhi called the cloud of virtue.

When the Yogi has attained to this discrimination, all the powers mentioned in the last chapter come to him, but the true Yogi rejects them all. Unto him comes a peculiar knowledge, a particular light, called the Dharma-megha, the cloud of virtue. All the great prophets of the world whom history has recorded had this. They had found the whole foundation of knowledge within themselves. Truth to them had become real. Peace and calmness, and perfect purity became their own nature, after they had given up the vanities of powers.

29. From that comes cessation of pain and works.

When that cloud of virtue has come, then no more is there fear of falling, nothing can drag the Yogi down. No more will there be evils for him. No more pains.

30. The knowledge, bereft of covering and impurities, becoming infinite, the knowable becomes small.

Knowledge itself is there; its covering is gone. One of the Buddhistic scriptures defines what is meant by the Buddha (which is the name of a state) as infinite knowledge, infinite as the sky. Jesus attained to that and became the Christ. All of you will attain to that state. Knowledge becoming infinite, the knowable becomes small. The whole universe, with all its objects of knowledge, becomes as nothing before the Purusha. The ordinary man thinks himself very small, because to him the knowable seems to be infinite.

31. Then are finished the successive transformations of the qualities, they having attained the end.

Then all these various transformations of the qualities, which change from species to species, cease for ever.

32. The changes that exist in relation to moments and which are perceived at the other end (at the end of a series) are succession.

Patanjali here defines the word succession, the changes that exist in relation to moments. While I think, many moments pass, and with each moment there is a change of idea, but I only perceive these changes at the end of a series. This is called succession, but for the mind that has realised omnipresence there is no succession. Everything has become present for it; to it the present alone exists, the past and future are lost. Time stands controlled, all knowledge is there in one second. Everything is known like a flash.


33. The resolution in the inverse order of the qualities, bereft of any motive of action for the Purusha, is Kaivalya, or it is the establishment of the power of knowledge in its own nature.

Nature's task is done, this unselfish task which our sweet nurse, nature, had imposed upon herself. She gently took the self-forgetting soul by the hand, as it were, and showed him all the experiences in the universe, all manifestations, bringing him higher and higher through various bodies, till his lost glory came back, and he remembered his own nature. Then the kind mother went back the same way she came, for others who also have lost their way in the trackless desert of life. And thus is she working, without beginning and without end. And thus through pleasure and pain, through good and evil, the infinite river of souls is flowing into the ocean of perfection, of self-realisation.

Glory unto those who have realised their own nature. May their blessings be on us all!

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Wikipedia - Adjective -- Part of speech that describes a noun or pronoun
Wikipedia - Adlam script -- Alphabet
Wikipedia - Adobe Fonts -- Subscription service for fonts
Wikipedia - Adobe PostScript
Wikipedia - Adobe World Headquarters -- Office skyscraper complex, California
Wikipedia - Adolfo Aristarain -- Argentine film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Adolfo Fernandez Bustamante -- Mexican screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Adolf Winkelmann (film director) -- German film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Adriana Falcao -- Brazilian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Adrian Butchart -- English screenwriter
Wikipedia - Adrienne Lecouvreur (play) -- play by Ernest Legouve and Eugene Scribe
Wikipedia - Adultism -- Discrimination favoring adults over children
Wikipedia - Advaita Kala -- Indian author, screenwriter, and columnist
Wikipedia - Advanced Computerized Execution System -- NASDAQ subscription service
Wikipedia - Aenetus scripta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - AEP Building -- Skyscraper in Columbus, Ohio
Wikipedia - Afaka syllabary -- Script
Wikipedia - Affirmative action in the United States -- Set of laws, policies, guidelines and administrative practices which is "intended to end and correct the effects of a specific form of discrimination"
Wikipedia - Affirmative action -- Policy of promoting members of groups that have previously suffered from discrimination
Wikipedia - Against the Dying of the Light -- 2001 film about the National Screen and Sound Archive of Wales
Wikipedia - Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 -- United States labor law
Wikipedia - Ageism -- Stereotyping or discrimination due to age
Wikipedia - Age of Indiscretion -- 1935 film by Edward Ludwig
Wikipedia - Agnes Brand Leahy -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Agnes Christine Johnston -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Agnes Nixon -- American soap opera screenwriter
Wikipedia - Agnes Parsons -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Agnes Varda -- French photographer, artist, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Agnieszka Holland -- Polish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Agriculture in Singapore -- Description of agriculture in Singapore
Wikipedia - Ah Beng -- Asian describing word
Wikipedia - Ahmadreza Ahmadi -- Iranian poet and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ahmed Sidhique -- Indian film actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - AI-complete -- Term describing difficult problems in AI
Wikipedia - A Ilha dos Escravos -- 2008 film directed by Francisco Manso
Wikipedia - Air Pollution Index -- Index to describe the air quality used in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Airy wave theory -- A linearised description of the propagation of gravity waves on the surface of a homogeneous fluid layer
Wikipedia - Aisha Muharrar -- American screenwriter (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Aitareya Upanishad -- One of the ancient Sanskrit scriptures of Hinduism
Wikipedia - Akira Kurosawa -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Akshaya Patra -- Divine Vessel in Hindu Scriptures
Wikipedia - Akter Galaxy -- Skyscraper in Sochi, Russia
Wikipedia - Aku Louhimies -- Finnish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alain DesRochers -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alan Alda -- American actor, director, screenwriter, comedian and author
Wikipedia - Alan Badel -- British stage and screen actor (1923-1982)
Wikipedia - Alan Ball (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alan Campbell (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alan Rudolph -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alan Simpson (scriptwriter)
Wikipedia - Alan Trustman -- Screenwriter
Wikipedia - Albanian Screen -- Former Albanian television channel
Wikipedia - Albert DeMond -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Albert Dieudonne -- French actor, screenwriter, film director, and novelist
Wikipedia - Albert Herman -- American actor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Albert Lamorisse -- Writer, Screenwriter
Wikipedia - Albert Magnoli -- American film director, screenwriter and editor
Wikipedia - Al Boasberg -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Al Christie -- Film director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Aldo De Benedetti -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Aldo Lado -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alecky Blythe -- British playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alec Lorimore -- Academy award-winning film producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alekanovo inscription -- Undeciphered script
Wikipedia - Alek Keshishian -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Aleksander Scibor-Rylski -- Polish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Gordon -- Russian-Soviet director, screenwriter, and actor
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Ivanovsky -- Soviet film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alessandro Carloni -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alessandro Defilippi -- Italian writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alessandro De Stefani -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alexander Baron -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alexander Jacobs -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alexander Korda -- Hungarian-British film producer, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alexander Payne -- American film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alexander Scriabin -- Russian pianist and composer
Wikipedia - Alexandre Arnoux -- French screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alexandre Breffort -- French screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alex Broun -- Australian playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alex Garland -- English novelist, screenwriter, film producer and director
Wikipedia - Alex Haley -- American biographer, screenwriter, and novelist
Wikipedia - Alexis Michalik -- Franco-British actor, scriptwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Alex Law -- Hong Kong film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Alex Michaelides -- author and screenwriter (b. 1977)
Wikipedia - Alex Ross Perry -- American film director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Al Faisaliyah Center -- Skyscraper in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Alfonso Balcazar -- Spanish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alfonso Cuaron -- Mexican film director, screenwriter, producer and film editor
Wikipedia - Alfonso Ungria -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alfred Schirokauer -- German novelist and screenwriter (1880-1934)
Wikipedia - Algae scrubber -- A biological water filter that uses light to grow algae which removes undesirable chemicals from aquarium water
Wikipedia - Algebraic notation (chess) -- Method for recording and describing chess moves
Wikipedia - Ali Abbas Zafar -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alice Arlen -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Alice Bell -- Australian screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Alice Birch -- British playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alice Eyton -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alice Wu -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ali Hamroyev -- Uzbek film director, screenwriter, and documentarian
Wikipedia - Alireza Ghasemi -- Iranian screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Alison Snowden -- English animator, voice actress, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alix Delaporte -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Aliya Bukhari -- Pakistani novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Alla Nazimova -- Actress, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Allan Dwan -- American film director, film producer, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Allan Ungar -- Canadian film director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Allison Burnett -- Screenwriter, director, producer, novelist
Wikipedia - Allonautilus scrobiculatus -- Species of cephalopod known as the crusty nautilus or fuzzy nautilus
Wikipedia - All Screwed Up -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Allscripts -- American company
Wikipedia - Allu Tuppurainen -- Finnish actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - All your base are belong to us -- Internet meme about a bad translation of a video game cutscene transcript
Wikipedia - Ally Was Screaming -- 2014 Canadian dark comedy-thriller film
Wikipedia - Alma Reville -- British screenwriter, film editor, and wife of Alfred Hitchcock
Wikipedia - Al Martin (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Al Pacino on stage and screen -- Cataloging of performances by the American filmmaker
Wikipedia - Alphabetic script
Wikipedia - Alpha taxonomy -- The discipline of finding, describing, and naming taxa, particularly species
Wikipedia - Alsoszentmihaly inscription -- Historical inscription
Wikipedia - Alston Ramsay -- American journalist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - ALTBalaji -- Subscription based Video on demand platform
Wikipedia - Altenia scriptella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Altera Hardware Description Language
Wikipedia - Alternative Splicing and Transcript Diversity database -- 2008-2012 European database of transcript variants
Wikipedia - Altyn Tamgan Tarhan inscription -- Turkic inscription
Wikipedia - Alucita euscripta -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alwara Hofels -- German stage and screen actress
Wikipedia - Al Young -- American poet, novelist, essayist, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Al Zamil Tower -- Skyscraper in Bahrain
Wikipedia - AM 748 I 4to -- Icelandic manuscript source for Poetic Edda
Wikipedia - Amagat's law -- Gas law describing volume of a gas mixture
Wikipedia - Amal Bedjaoui -- Algerian director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - AM-aM-9M-^EgulimalM-DM-+ya SM-EM-+tra -- Mahayana Buddhist scripture
Wikipedia - Amanda Coe -- English screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - Amanda Kernell -- Swedish-Sami film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Amazon Prime -- Paid subscription service offered by
Wikipedia - Ameba TV -- Subscription based streaming video
Wikipedia - American Art-Union -- Subscription-based organization
Wikipedia - American ghettos -- Residential Segregation in America, Housing Discrimination, United States History
Wikipedia - American Insurance Company Building -- Skyscraper in Newark, Essex County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Americanist phonetic notation -- System of phonetic notation originally developed for the phonetic and phonemic transcription of indigenous languages of the Americas
Wikipedia - Amir Mahdi Jule -- actor, Iranian comedy actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Amjad Ibrahim -- Maldivian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Amole Gupte -- Indian screenwriter, actor, and director
Wikipedia - Amos Gitai -- Israeli film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Amy Bloom -- Fiction writer, screenwriter, social worker, psychotherapist
Wikipedia - Amy Everson -- American artist, actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Amy Fox (playwright) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Amy Keating Rogers -- American screenwriter (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Ana Diez -- Spanish director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anahi Berneri -- Argentinian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ana Mariscal -- Spanish actress, director, screenwriter, and producer (1923-1995)
Wikipedia - Ananthu (screenwriter) -- Indian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anat Gov -- Israeli screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - Anatole de Grunwald -- Russian British film producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anatomical plane -- Plane used to transect the human body, in order to describe the location of structures or the direction of movements
Wikipedia - Anatomical terms of location -- Standard terms for unambiguous description of relative placement of body parts
Wikipedia - Anatomical terms of microanatomy -- Anatomical terminology is used to describe microanatomical (or histological) structures
Wikipedia - Anatomical terms of motion -- Terms describing animal motion
Wikipedia - Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy -- Terminology used to describe the central and peripheral nervous systems
Wikipedia - Ancient South Arabian script -- Script used for writing Old South Arabian languages
Wikipedia - Anders August -- Danish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anderston Centre -- Skyscraper in Glasgow City, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - Andrea Bempensante -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andrea Scrima -- literary critic and author
Wikipedia - Andre Heuze -- French screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Andrei Konchalovsky -- Russian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andre Marques (filmmaker) -- Portuguese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andre M-CM-^Xvredal -- Norwegian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andre Nemec -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Andrew Adams (filmmaker) -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Andrew Bergman -- American film director and screenwriter (born 1945)
Wikipedia - Andrew Chambliss -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andrew Cividino -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andrew Colville (writer) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andrew Currie (director) -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andrew Davies (writer) -- British screenwriter and novelist (born 1936)
Wikipedia - Andrew Fleming -- Film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andrew Hull -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andrew Kevin Walker -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andrew Niccol -- New Zealand screenwriter, producer and film director
Wikipedia - Andrew P. Solt -- Hungarian-born Hollywood screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andrew Upton -- Australian playwright, screenwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Andrew Wight -- Australian screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Andy Briggs -- British author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andy Muschietti -- Argentine film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andy Riley -- British TV screenwriter, cartoonist (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Andy Tennant -- Director, screenwriter, dancer
Wikipedia - Angela Robinson (filmmaker) -- American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Angelica Nwandu -- American journalist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Angeliki Antoniou -- Greek film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - AngelScript
Wikipedia - Ang Lee -- Taiwanese director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Anglo-Saxon royal genealogies -- Anglo-Saxon royal genealogies, in manuscripts based in the 8th to 10th centuries
Wikipedia - Angus Scrimm -- American actor, author, and journalist
Wikipedia - Animal Scream -- American rock band
Wikipedia - An Irish Astronomical Tract -- Medieval Irish manuscript.
Wikipedia - Anita Loos -- American screenwriter, playwright, author, actress, and television producer
Wikipedia - Ankeny-Artin-Chowla congruence -- Concerns the class number of a real quadratic field of discriminant > 0
Wikipedia - Anna Barsukova (filmmaker) -- Russian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anna Bruggemann -- German actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Annalee Whitmore Fadiman -- Author, correspondent and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Annals of Inisfallen -- Manuscript chronicling the medieval history of Ireland
Wikipedia - Anna Maria Monticelli -- Australian actress and screen writer
Wikipedia - Anna Swenonis -- Swedish manuscript illuminator
Wikipedia - Anne Baxter on screen and stage -- Screen and stage experience of Anne Baxter
Wikipedia - Anne-Marie Casey -- Screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Anne Morrison Chapin -- American playwright, actress, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anne Rapp -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anne Sundberg -- American film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Annette Cascone -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anne Zohra Berrached -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ann Marcus -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ann Turner (director) -- Australian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anonychomyrma scrutator -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Anonymous post -- Entry on a bulletin board system, Internet forum, or other discussion forums, without a screen name
Wikipedia - Anselmo Duarte -- Brazilian actor, film director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - ANT1 Europe -- European subscription TV channel
Wikipedia - Ante Babaja -- Croatian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anthony C. Perera -- Sri Lankan actor, screenplay writer and comedian
Wikipedia - Anthony Drazan -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anthony Horowitz -- English novelist and screenwriter (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Anthony Marriott -- English actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anthony Minghella -- British film director, playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anthony Paul Kelly -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anthropopithecus -- Obsolete taxa describing chimpanzees or [[archaic human]]s
Wikipedia - Anti-Chinese sentiment in Japan -- Description and history of anti-Chinese sentiments in Japan
Wikipedia - Anti-discrimination law -- Legislation designed to prevent discrimination against particular groups of people
Wikipedia - Antisemitism in Islam -- Hosility, prejudice, or discrimination of Jews by Muslims
Wikipedia - Antisemitism in the United Kingdom -- Discrimination against Jews in Britain
Wikipedia - Antisemitism -- Hostility, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews
Wikipedia - Anti-Shi'ism -- Prejudice, hatred of, discrimination or violence directed against Shia Muslims
Wikipedia - Anti-Sunnism -- Prejudice, hatred of, discrimination or violence directed against Sunni Muslims
Wikipedia - Anton Giulio Majano -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Antonia San Juan -- Spanish actress, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Antonio Aguilar -- Mexican singer, actor, equestrian, film producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Antonio Campos (director) -- American film producer, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Antonio Serrano (director) -- Mexican film director, actor, playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Antonio Trashorras -- Spanish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anton Smit -- Dutch screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Antwone Fisher -- American director, screenwriter, author and film producer
Wikipedia - Anu Menon -- Indian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Anusvara -- Diacritic in Indic scripts
Wikipedia - Aodhan Madden -- Irish writer, playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - ApauruM-aM-9M-#eya -- Term used to describe the Vedas, the earliest scripture in Hinduism, meaning 'superhuman'
Wikipedia - Apophatic theology -- Way of describing the divine by explaining what God is not
Wikipedia - Appell-Humbert theorem -- Describes the line bundles on a complex torus or complex abelian variety
Wikipedia - Apple Arcade -- Video game subscription service by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple One (service) -- Apple subscription bundle
Wikipedia - AppleScript Editor -- Code editor for the AppleScript and Javascript for Automation scripting languages
Wikipedia - AppleScript -- Scripting language
Wikipedia - Apple scruffs -- Loose-knit group of Beatles fans
Wikipedia - A. P. Younger -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arabic diacritics -- Diacritics used in the Arabic script
Wikipedia - Arabic script
Wikipedia - Arad ostraca -- A collection of more than 100 inscribed pottery shards
Wikipedia - Aramaic alphabet -- Semitic script native to Greater Syria
Wikipedia - Aramaic Enoch Scroll -- Non-published, complete copy of the Book of Enoch rumored to be in the possession of private investors
Wikipedia - Archimedean screw
Wikipedia - Archimedes' screw
Wikipedia - Architecture description language
Wikipedia - Ardwight Chamberlain -- American voice actor and screen writer
Wikipedia - Argyle Building, Glasgow -- Residential skyscraper
Wikipedia - Ariadna Scriabina -- Russian poet and activist in the French Resistance (1905-1944)
Wikipedia - Ariane Ascaride -- French actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ari Aster -- American filmmaker and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Aristotelian physics -- Natural sciences as described by Aristotle
Wikipedia - Arjunn Dutta -- Indian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Armando Bo -- Argentine actor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arming America -- Discredited 2000 book
Wikipedia - Arnaud Desplechin -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arne Birkenstock -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arnold Drake -- American comic book writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arnold Manoff -- American screenwriter and political activist
Wikipedia - ArnoM-EM-!t Goldflam -- Czech playwright, actor, presenter, professor, publicist, scriptwriter, writer and university educator
Wikipedia - Aromanian alphabet -- Variant of the Latin script used for writing the Aromanian language
Wikipedia - Arsen Anton Ostojic -- Croatian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arthur F. Statter -- English screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arthur Henry Gooden -- English screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arthur Hoerl -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arthur J. Zellner -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arthur Laurents -- American playwright, theatre director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arthur Maude -- English actor, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Arthur Sheekman -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arthur T. Horman -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Article Five of the United States Constitution -- Article in the Constitution of the United States of America, describing process to amend
Wikipedia - Artists' Television Access -- Art gallery and screening venue in San Francisco
Wikipedia - Artognou stone -- Latin inscription found in Tintagel Castle
Wikipedia - Artscroll
Wikipedia - ArtScroll -- Translations, books and commentaries from an Orthodox Jewish perspective
Wikipedia - Arturo Ruiz Castillo -- Spanish screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Arvid Muller -- Danish screenwriter
Wikipedia - A Sanitarium Scramble -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - A. S. A. Sami -- Indian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Aschlin Ditta -- British television and film screenwriter
Wikipedia - A Scrap of Paper -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - A Scream from Silence -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - A Scream in the Dark -- 1943 film by George Sherman
Wikipedia - A Scream in the Night -- 1934 film by Fred C. Newmeyer
Wikipedia - A Screw -- 1986 EP
Wikipedia - Ascribed status
Wikipedia - Ascriptivism
Wikipedia - Ascros -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - A. S. G. Edwards -- American scholar of medieval literature and manuscripts
Wikipedia - Asghar Farhadi -- Iranian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ashraf Shishir -- Bangladeshi independent film director, screenwriter and human rights activists
Wikipedia - Ashwni Dhir -- Indian film director and script writer
Wikipedia - Asia Pacific Screen Award for Best Animated Feature Film -- film award category
Wikipedia - Asia Pacific Screen Award for Best Performance by an Actor -- film award category
Wikipedia - Asia Pacific Screen Awards -- Australian film and culture award ceremony
Wikipedia - ASLwrite -- Transcription method for ASL
Wikipedia - Asma Nabeel -- Screenwriter
Wikipedia - ASN.1 -- Data interface description language
Wikipedia - AssemblyScript
Wikipedia - Asshole -- English insult describing the anus, usually used to refer to people
Wikipedia - Astal -- 1995 2D side-scrolling platformer video game
Wikipedia - Aston Martin Residences -- Skyscraper in Miami
Wikipedia - Astrid Lindgren -- Swedish writer of fiction and screenplays
Wikipedia - Aswarby and Scredington railway station -- Former railway station in Lincolnshire, England
Wikipedia - Asymmetric digital subscriber line -- DSL service where downstream bandwidth exceeds upstream bandwidth
Wikipedia - Asymptotic analysis -- Description of limiting behavior of a function
Wikipedia - AT&T Building (Nashville) -- skyscraper in Nashville, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Atharvaveda -- One of four Veds, ancient scriptures of Hinduism
Wikipedia - Atlas (topology) -- Set of charts that describes a manifold
Wikipedia - Atom Egoyan -- Canadian-Armenian film director, screenwriter, film producer and actor
Wikipedia - AtScript
Wikipedia - Attention -- Psychological process of selectively concentrating on a discrete aspect of information
Wikipedia - Atterbury House -- Office skyscraper in Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Audism -- Form of discrimination against people who are deaf
Wikipedia - Augsburg Book of Miracles -- 16th-century book manuscript
Wikipedia - Augustine Frizzell -- American actress, film director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Aurora Melbourne Central -- Residential skyscraper in Melbourne, Australia
Wikipedia - Aurora Place -- Office skyscrapter in Syndey, Australia
Wikipedia - Australian Film, Television and Radio School -- Screen and broadcast school
Wikipedia - Australian Screen Online -- Online database of resources about the Australian film and television industries
Wikipedia - Autism Is a World -- A 2004 documentary which uncritically portrays a discredited communication technique
Wikipedia - Autograph -- Manuscript by author (or) celebrity's signature
Wikipedia - Autoimmune regulator -- A transcription factor expressed in the medulla (inner part) of the thymus. It is part of the mechanism which eliminates self-reactive T cells that would cause autoimmune disease.
Wikipedia - Autonomy -- Capacity for independence, control, discretion or political self-governance
Wikipedia - Auxiliary label -- Warning or information added to prescription package
Wikipedia - AVA DoBro -- Residential skyscraper in Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - A. Veerappan -- Indian actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Avestan alphabet -- Alphabet used mainly to write Avestan, the language of the Zoroastrian scripture Avesta
Wikipedia - Avestan -- East Iranian language used in Zoroastrian scripture
Wikipedia - Avian Tower -- Skyscraper in Surabaya, Indonesia
Wikipedia - Avie Luthra -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Avobenzone -- Oil-soluble ingredient used in sunscreen products
Wikipedia - A. W. Sandberg -- Danish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Axel Frische -- Danish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Azur Lane -- 2017 Chinese side-scrolling shoot 'em up video game
object:wikipedia - b - links with description
Wikipedia - Babaloo Mandel -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Babylon Health -- UK subscription health service provider
Wikipedia - Backgammon notation -- Methods for describing backgammon moves and/or positions
Wikipedia - Badri (director) -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bael (demon) -- Demon described in demonological grimoires
Wikipedia - Bahram Tavakoli (film director) -- Iranian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Balbodh -- Script used for writing the Marathi language
Wikipedia - Baldo Marro -- Filipino actor, screenwriter film director and producer
Wikipedia - Balinese script -- Abugida
Wikipedia - Ball screw -- Low friction linear actuator
Wikipedia - Ballshi inscription
Wikipedia - Baltia -- Island described by ancient sources
Wikipedia - BaM-EM-!ka tablet -- 11th-century Croatian inscription
Wikipedia - Bamum script
Wikipedia - Bang's theorem on tetrahedra -- On angles formed when a sphere is inscribed within a tetrahedron
Wikipedia - Bank of America Tower (Hong Kong) -- Skyscraper in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Bank of China Tower (Hong Kong) -- Skyscraper in Central, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Banksia archaeocarpa -- Proteaceae species described from fossils
Wikipedia - Bannatyne Manuscript -- 16th-century Scots anthology
Wikipedia - Bantu peoples of South Africa -- Ethnic descriptor in South Africa
Wikipedia - Barbara Benedek -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Barbara Hunter -- American film editor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Barbara Murray -- British screen actress (1929-2014)
Wikipedia - Barbara Nicolosi -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Barbara Vernon (writer) -- Australian playwright, screenwriter and radio announcer
Wikipedia - Barney Sarecky -- American film producer, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Barotrauma (video game) -- 2019 side-scrolling role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Barry Levinson -- American screenwriter, film director, actor, and producer
Wikipedia - Barry Morrow -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Barry O'Neil -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Barton MacLane -- Actor, playwright, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Basic helix-loop-helix leucine zipper transcription factors -- Type of transcription factor
Wikipedia - Basil Dickey -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Basil Joseph -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bassam Zuamut -- Israeli actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Batiniyya -- Allegoric type of scriptural interpretation in Shi'i Islam
Wikipedia - Bayan -- Scripture in Babism, written by the Bab around 1848
Wikipedia - B. Babusivan -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - BB&T Center -- Skyscraper in North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - BBC Earth (TV channel) -- Documentary subscription television channel
Wikipedia - BBC Select -- Overnight BBC subscription television service
Wikipedia - BBGKY hierarchy -- Set of equations describing the dynamics of a system of many interacting particles
Wikipedia - BCL6 -- Transcription factor for converting Naive T cells to TFH
Wikipedia - Bean Scripting Framework
Wikipedia - Beatrice Banyard -- American screenwriter and actress
Wikipedia - Beatrix Christian -- Australian playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Beaufort scale -- Empirical measure describing wind speed based on observed conditions
Wikipedia - Becky Gardiner -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Beer-Lambert law -- Law describing absorption of light
Wikipedia - Before the Worst -- 2009 single by The Script
Wikipedia - Behavioral script
Wikipedia - Behind the Screams -- Book by Mick Strawn and Blake Best
Wikipedia - Behind the Screen (TV series) -- American television series
Wikipedia - Behind the Screen -- 1916 short film by Charlie Chaplin
Wikipedia - Behistun Inscription -- Ancient multilingual stone inscription in Iran
Wikipedia - Behrouz Afkhami -- Iranian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Behzad Farahani -- Iranian actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Beirut International Women Film Festival -- Annual film festival in Beirut, Lebanon, screening women's films
Wikipedia - Bela Gaal -- Hungarian actor, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bela Padilla -- Filipino actress, film producer, screenwriter, television host and brand ambassador
Wikipedia - Belle Taylor (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ben Aaronovitch -- British author and screenwriter (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Ben Bowman -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ben Burtt -- American sound designer, film editor, director, screenwriter, and voice actor
Wikipedia - Benedek Fliegauf -- Hungarian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Benedict Fitzgerald -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Benedictional of St. M-CM-^Fthelwold -- 10th-century illuminated manuscript
Wikipedia - Beneventan script -- Medieval script developed in southern Italy
Wikipedia - Ben Falcone -- American actor, comedian, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Bengali-Assamese script -- A type of South Asian writing system
Wikipedia - Bengt Blomgren -- Swedish actor, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bengt Idestam-Almquist -- Swedish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ben Hecht -- American screenwriter, director, producer, playwright, journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Benjamin Gluck -- American director, screenwriter and head of story
Wikipedia - Ben Markson -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bennett Cohen -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Benny P. Nayarambalam -- Indian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bentall Centre, Vancouver -- Skyscraper complex in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia
Wikipedia - Bergakker inscription -- Inscription discovered on the scabbard of a 5th-century sword
Wikipedia - Bernard Bellefroid -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bernardine R. Leist -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bernard McConville -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bernardo Bertolucci -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bernard Schubert -- American screenwriter, playwright, television producer
Wikipedia - Bernard Scrymgour -- Australian cricketer and cricket administrator
Wikipedia - Bernard Slade -- Canadian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bernard Vorhaus -- American film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Bernie Kahn -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bertram Millhauser -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bessie Love on screen, stage, and radio -- filmography of American actress Bessie Love
Wikipedia - Best management practice for water pollution -- Term used in the United States and Canada to describe a type of water pollution control
Wikipedia - Bethel Leslie -- American actress and screenwriter (1929-1999)
Wikipedia - Beth Morris -- British stage and screen actress (1943-2018)
Wikipedia - Bettina Gilois -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Betting exchange -- A marketplace for customers to bet on the outcome of discrete events
Wikipedia - Betty Browne -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Betty Burbridge -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Betty Paul -- British actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Beulah Marie Dix -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Beverton-Holt model -- Discrete-time population model
Wikipedia - Bezel (screen)
Wikipedia - BGN/PCGN romanization -- Systems for transliteration of non-Latin text into the Latin script
Wikipedia - Bhagavad Gita -- Hindu scripture; part of the Mahabharata
Wikipedia - Biak scrubfowl -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Bible (screenwriting)
Wikipedia - Biblical canon -- Set of texts which a particular religious community regards as authoritative scripture
Wikipedia - Biblical manuscript -- A handwritten copy of a portion of the text of the Bible
Wikipedia - Biblical mile -- General overview of a "biblical mile" as described in Jewish law and religion
Wikipedia - Bichvinta Gospels -- 12th-century illuminated manuscript
Wikipedia - Big O notation -- Notation describing limiting behavior
Wikipedia - Big science -- Term used to describe a series of changes in science occurred in industrial nations
Wikipedia - Bilingual inscription -- Inscription that includes the same text in two languages
Wikipedia - Bill Carr (actor) -- Canadian stage and screen actor
Wikipedia - Bill Condon -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Bill Dana -- American comedian, actor, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bill D'Elia -- American screenwriter, producer, director and actor
Wikipedia - Bill Dubuque -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bille August -- Danish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Billie Bristow -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bill Kelly (writer) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bill Lancaster -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bill Lawrence (TV producer) -- American screenwriter, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Bill Pascrell -- American politician
Wikipedia - Bill Sorvino -- American stage and screen actor
Wikipedia - Bill Timoney -- American actor, voice actor, director, script writer and producer
Wikipedia - Binu Sadanandan -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Biological classification -- The science of identifying, describing, defining and naming groups of biological organisms
Wikipedia - Biological screw joint -- Naturally occurring form of screw joint
Wikipedia - Bipin Chandran -- Indian script writer
Wikipedia - Birds' Head Haggadah -- Illuminated Passover liturgical manuscript
Wikipedia - Bird-skyscraper collisions -- Problem in urban areas
Wikipedia - Bisha K. Ali -- British stand-up comedian and screenwriter.
Wikipedia - BlackBerry Storm 2 -- Touchscreen smartphone
Wikipedia - BlackBerry Storm -- Defunct touchscreen smartphone
Wikipedia - Black books of hours -- Medieval Flemish illuminated manuscript
Wikipedia - Black Codes (United States) -- Discriminatory state and local laws passed after the Civil War
Wikipedia - Blackletter -- Old script typeface used throughout Western Europe
Wikipedia - Black screen of death -- Error screen displayed by some operating systems after encountering a critical system error which can cause the system to shut down
Wikipedia - Blair Building -- Former skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Blake Edwards -- American film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Blake Masters -- American screenwriter, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Blake Snyder -- American screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Blazon -- Art of describing heraldic arms in proper terms
Wikipedia - Blink Health -- American e-commerce platform for prescription drugs
Wikipedia - Blockly -- JavaScript library
Wikipedia - Blog scraping
Wikipedia - Blue Screen of Death
Wikipedia - Blue screen of death -- Error screen displayed after a fatal system error on a Windows computer
Wikipedia - Blue-white screen -- DNA screening technique
Wikipedia - BnF Francais 25516 -- 13th c. illuminated manuscript
Wikipedia - Boaz Yakin -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Bob Baker (scriptwriter) -- British television and film writer
Wikipedia - Bob Brunner -- American screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Bobby Florsheim -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bob Daily -- American television producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bob Fisher (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bob Leach -- American journalist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bodmer Library -- Museum of rare manuscripts in Cologny, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Bodmer Papyri -- A collection of ancient manuscripts from 200 AD until the 6th century
Wikipedia - Bogdan ZiM-EM->ic -- Croatian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bohr equation -- Equation describing the amount of physiological dead space in a person's lungs
Wikipedia - Boiler scrappage scheme -- 2010 UK scrappage scheme
Wikipedia - Boll weevil (politics) -- American political term used in the mid- and late-20th century to describe conservative Southern Democrats
Wikipedia - Bombogor inscription -- Turkic inscription
Wikipedia - Bong Joon-ho -- South Korean film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bonnie Wright -- English actress, model, screenwriter, director and producer
Wikipedia - Book of Enoch -- Ancient Hebrew apocalyptic religious text, ascribed by tradition to Enoch
Wikipedia - Book of Kells -- 8th-century illuminated manuscript Gospel book, held in Trinity College, Dublin
Wikipedia - Book of Leinster -- C. 1160 manuscript in Irish
Wikipedia - Book of Moses -- Part of the scriptural canon of the LDS movement
Wikipedia - Book of Soyga -- 16th-century Latin manuscript
Wikipedia - Book of the Law of the Lord -- Scripture used by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Strangite)
Wikipedia - Book of the Secret Supper -- Bogomil apocryphal text and Cathar scripture
Wikipedia - Book of Treasures -- 13th century French manuscript
Wikipedia - Book of Wonders -- 14th and 15th century Arabic manuscript
Wikipedia - Boolean network -- Discrete set of boolean variables
Wikipedia - Bopomofo -- Alphabet used for transcribing Mandarin Chinese
Wikipedia - Borge Muller -- Danish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Borja Cobeaga -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - BORSCHT -- Functions performed by a subscriber line interface circuit in telephone service
Wikipedia - Bose-Einstein statistics -- Statistical description for the behavior of bosons
Wikipedia - Bosnian Cyrillic -- Extinct script
Wikipedia - Bott periodicity theorem -- Describes a periodicity in the homotopy groups of classical groups
Wikipedia - Bowling Green Offices Building -- Office skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Boxed warning -- A type of warning that appears on the package insert for certain prescription drugs
Wikipedia - Brad Bird -- American film director, screenwriter, animator, producer and occasional voice actor
Wikipedia - Bradley Battersby -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bradley Dean -- American stage and screen actor
Wikipedia - Bradshaw model -- A geographical model, which describes how a river's characteristics vary between the upper course and lower course
Wikipedia - Brahmic scripts
Wikipedia - Brahmi script -- Ancient script of Central and South Asia
Wikipedia - Brandon Francis -- British actor, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Branislava Ilic -- Serbian playwright, dramaturge and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bravais lattice -- An infinite array of discrete points in three dimensional space generated by a set of discrete translation operations
Wikipedia - Breakeven (song) -- 2008 single by the Script
Wikipedia - Breed standard -- Written description of what a breed should look like
Wikipedia - Bree Mills -- American director, screenwriter and producer of pornographic films
Wikipedia - Brendan Broderick -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Brent Briscoe -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Brent Maddock -- American film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bret Easton Ellis -- American author, screenwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Brian Bloom -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Brian Burns (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Brian Dannelly -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Brian De Palma -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Brian Duffield -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Brian Hohlfeld -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Brian Klugman -- American actor, screenwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Brian K. Vaughan -- American screenwriter, comic book creator
Wikipedia - Brian Moore (novelist) -- Novelist and screenwriter from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Brigitte Catillon -- French actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Brigitte Peskine -- French author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Brigitte Rouan -- French actress, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad -- One of the ancient Sanskrit scriptures of Hinduism
Wikipedia - Brillouin and Langevin functions -- Mathematical function, used to describe magnetization
Wikipedia - British Library, MS Egerton 88 -- Late 16th century Irish manuscript
Wikipedia - Brit Marling -- American actress, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Brochureware -- a term to describe non-interactive websites
Wikipedia - Brock McGillis -- Canadian ice hockey goaltender and anti-discrimination activist
Wikipedia - Brock Norman Brock -- British screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - Broderick Miller -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bromley House Library -- Subscription library in Nottingham
Wikipedia - Bront Palarae -- Malaysian actor, director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Brooklyner -- Residential skyscraper in Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - Brothers of Jesus -- The New Testament describes James, Joseph (Joses), Judas (Jude), and Simon as brothers of Jesus
Wikipedia - Brownimecia -- Cretaceous ant genus described from amber fossils
Wikipedia - Brown Paper Bag Test -- 20th-century racial discrimination practice among African Americans
Wikipedia - Bruce Feirstein -- American screenwriter and humorist
Wikipedia - Bruce Jay Friedman -- American novelist, screenwriter, and playwright
Wikipedia - Bruce Robinson -- British screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Bruno Dumont -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bryan Bertino -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bryan Forbes -- English film director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Bryan Fuller -- American screenwriter and television producer
Wikipedia - Brysis Coleman -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - B. Suresha -- Indian film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Buck (video game) -- 2017 2D side-scrolling action-adventure brawler video game
Wikipedia - Buddhist cosmology -- Description of the universe in Buddhist texts
Wikipedia - Buddhist paths to liberation -- Theology of Buddhism: descriptions of the spiritual path
Wikipedia - Buddhist scripture
Wikipedia - Bud Yorkin -- American producer, director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Buffalo City Hall -- Skyscraper and municipal building in Buffalo, New York
Wikipedia - Buffalo City Tower -- Cancelled skyscraper in Buffalo, New York
Wikipedia - Bugger -- General-purpose word to imply dissatisfaction or describe someone displeasing or surprising
Wikipedia - Buka cloak -- Noongar South West Australian indigenous language word describing usually kangaroo skin cloak worn draped over one shoulder
Wikipedia - Bulent Oran -- Turkish screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Bull v Hall -- UK discrimination and freedom of religious expression legal case
Wikipedia - Bumblescratch -- musical
Wikipedia - B. Unnikrishnan -- Indian film director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Burak Aksak -- Turkish screenwriter, director and actor
Wikipedia - Burj Khalifa -- Skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Wikipedia - Burj Mubarak al-Kabir -- Proposed skyscraper in Kuwait
Wikipedia - Burnisher -- Woodworking tool for sharpening a card scraper
Wikipedia - Burt Kennedy -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Buyla inscription -- Turkic inscription on a bowl
Wikipedia - Byblian royal inscriptions -- Five inscriptions from Byblos written in an early type of Phoenician script
Wikipedia - ByM-EM-^Mbu -- Japanese folding screen
object:wikipedia - c - links with description
Wikipedia - Cable converter box -- Description of a cable box
Wikipedia - Cable television in the United States -- Historical and descriptive outline of the American cable television industry
Wikipedia - Cai Shangjun -- Chinese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Caldbergh with East Scrafton -- Civil parish in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Calvin Thomas (director) -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Camila Escribens -- 21st-century Peruvian-American model
Wikipedia - Camila Maria Concepcion -- American screenwriter and transgender rights activist
Wikipedia - Canadian Film Awards -- Canadian film awards (1948-1978); replaced by the Genies & then in 2013 by the Canadian Screen Awards
Wikipedia - Canadian Screen Award for Best Animated Short -- Award for Canadian animated shorts
Wikipedia - Canal+ (French TV provider) -- French subscription satellite and cable provider
Wikipedia - Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Screenplay -- film award category
Wikipedia - Canonical coordinates -- sets of coordinates on phase space which can be used to describe a physical system
Wikipedia - Canon of Scripture
Wikipedia - Canon of scripture
Wikipedia - Cantigas de Santa Maria -- Collection of Galician canticles (songs with music), preserved in several manuscripts
Wikipedia - Capital Gate -- Skyscraper in Abu Dhabi
Wikipedia - Capital Towers (Moscow) -- Residential skyscrapers in Moscow
Wikipedia - CAPTCHA -- Computer test to discriminate human users from spambots
Wikipedia - Carbide & Carbon Building -- Skyscraper in Chicago
Wikipedia - Carbon dating the Dead Sea Scrolls
Wikipedia - Carbon dioxide scrubber -- Device which absorbs carbon dioxide from circulated gas
Wikipedia - Card scraper -- Tool
Wikipedia - Card sharing -- Method to share subscription television with one valid card.
Wikipedia - Carl Bessai -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Carl Ellsworth -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Carl Foreman -- American screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Carl Franklin -- American actor, screenwriter, film and television director
Wikipedia - Carlo Alberto Chiesa -- Italian film editor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Carlo Padial -- Comics artist, writer, screenwriter, and film director
Wikipedia - Carlos A. Petit -- Argentine screenwriter
Wikipedia - Carlos Carrera -- Mexican film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Carl Schenkel -- Swiss film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Carlton Cuse -- American television producer and screenwriter (born 1959)
Wikipedia - Carlyle Eubank -- American writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Carmina Burana -- Medieval manuscript of poems and dramatic texts
Wikipedia - Caroline Link -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Carrie Fisher -- American actress, screenwriter, and novelist
Wikipedia - Carry On Screaming! -- 1966 film by Gerald Thomas
Wikipedia - Carte de l'Egypte (Description de l'Egypte) -- 19th century map
Wikipedia - Carving -- Act of using tools to shape something from a material by scraping away portions of that material
Wikipedia - Case Closed: The Time Bombed Skyscraper
Wikipedia - Cassie Fliegel -- American actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Castellano & Pipolo -- Italian film directors, screenwriters
Wikipedia - Cate Blanchett on screen and stage -- Australian actress
Wikipedia - Categorical distribution -- Discrete probability distribution
Wikipedia - Categories of New Testament manuscripts -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Category:10th-century biblical manuscripts
Wikipedia - Category:10th-century manuscripts
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century biblical manuscripts
Wikipedia - Category:12th-century biblical manuscripts
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century biblical manuscripts
Wikipedia - Category:14th-century biblical manuscripts
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC biblical manuscripts
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century biblical manuscripts
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century manuscripts
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century Canadian screenwriters
Wikipedia - Category:2nd-century BC biblical manuscripts
Wikipedia - Category:3rd-century BC biblical manuscripts
Wikipedia - Category:6th-century biblical manuscripts
Wikipedia - Category:9th-century biblical manuscripts
Wikipedia - Category:American book and manuscript collectors
Wikipedia - Category:American male screenwriters
Wikipedia - Category:Architecture description language
Wikipedia - Category:Argentine screenwriters
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with example JavaScript code
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with long short description
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with short description added by PearBOT 5
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with short description
Wikipedia - Category:Artificial scripts used in mysticism
Wikipedia - Category:Best Original Song Genie and Canadian Screen Award winners
Wikipedia - Category:Book and manuscript collectors
Wikipedia - Category:British screenwriters
Wikipedia - Category:Canadian male screenwriters
Wikipedia - Category:Canadian Screen Award winning people
Wikipedia - Category:Compositions by Alexander Scriabin
Wikipedia - Category:CS1 uses Arabic-language script (ar)
Wikipedia - Category:CS1 uses Chinese-language script (zh)
Wikipedia - Category:CS1 uses Japanese-language script (ja)
Wikipedia - Category:CS1 uses Korean-language script (ko)
Wikipedia - Category:CS1 uses Malayalam-language script (ml)
Wikipedia - Category:CS1 uses Persian-language script (fa)
Wikipedia - Category:CS1 uses Russian-language script (ru)
Wikipedia - Category:CS1 uses Serbian-language script (sr)
Wikipedia - Category:CS1 uses Thai-language script (th)
Wikipedia - Category:CS1 uses Ukrainian-language script (uk)
Wikipedia - Category:Cyrillic script
Wikipedia - Category:Dead Sea Scrolls
Wikipedia - Category:Descriptive complexity
Wikipedia - Category:Disambiguation pages with short descriptions
Wikipedia - Category:Discrete transforms
Wikipedia - Category:Discrimination in South Africa
Wikipedia - Category:Discrimination
Wikipedia - Category:Films with screenplays by The Wachowskis
Wikipedia - Category:Free screen readers
Wikipedia - Category:Free software programmed in JavaScript
Wikipedia - Category:Hebrew manuscripts
Wikipedia - Category:Help pages with short description
Wikipedia - Category:Hungarian screenwriters
Wikipedia - Category:JavaScript libraries
Wikipedia - Category:JavaScript
Wikipedia - Category:Male screenwriters
Wikipedia - Category:Manuscript illuminators
Wikipedia - Category:Medieval European scribes
Wikipedia - Category:Pages containing links to subscription-only content
Wikipedia - Category:Pages containing links to subscription-or-libraries content
Wikipedia - Category:Pages with short description
Wikipedia - Category:People associated with JavaScript
Wikipedia - Category:Portals with short description
Wikipedia - Category:PostScript
Wikipedia - Category:Prejudice and discrimination
Wikipedia - Category:Project pages with short description
Wikipedia - Category:Resource Description Framework
Wikipedia - Category:Romanian book and manuscript collectors
Wikipedia - Category:Screensavers
Wikipedia - Category:Screenwriters from New York (state)
Wikipedia - Category:Scripps Research
Wikipedia - Category:Scripting languages
Wikipedia - Category:Short description is different from Wikidata
Wikipedia - Category:Short description matches Wikidata
Wikipedia - Category:Short description with empty Wikidata description
Wikipedia - Category:Side-scrolling video games
Wikipedia - Category:Sikh scripture
Wikipedia - Category:Split-screen multiplayer games
Wikipedia - Category:Subscription required using via
Wikipedia - Category talk:Articles with short description
Wikipedia - Category talk:Short description is different from Wikidata
Wikipedia - Category talk:Short description with empty Wikidata description
Wikipedia - Category:Television episode articles with short description
Wikipedia - Category:TypeScript
Wikipedia - Category:Types of illuminated manuscript
Wikipedia - Category:Web scraping
Wikipedia - Category:WikiProject Short descriptions
Wikipedia - Category:Words and phrases describing personality
Wikipedia - Catherine Carr (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Cat-scratch disease -- Human disease
Wikipedia - Catscratch -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - Cattle feeding -- description of husbandry practice
Wikipedia - Cecile Aubry -- French actress, television director, writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Cecile Kramer -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Celestial Alphabet -- Esoteric writing described by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa in the 16th century
Wikipedia - Celine Sciamma -- French director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Cellere Codex -- 1524 manuscript describing Giovanni da Verrazzano's exploration of the American east coast
Wikipedia - Cello scrotum -- Hoax medical condition
Wikipedia - Cellular automaton -- A discrete model studied in computer science
Wikipedia - Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
Wikipedia - Central Park Tower -- Under-construction skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Central Plaza (Hong Kong) -- Skyscraper in Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Cert pool -- Process used by the United States Supreme Court to screen petitions
Wikipedia - C. Gardner Sullivan -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - C. Graham Baker -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Chad Erskine -- American former rugby union scrum-half
Wikipedia - Chakra (JavaScript engine) -- Open-source JavaScript engine developed by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Chakra (JScript engine)
Wikipedia - Champion the Wonder Horse -- The on-screen companion of singing cowboy Gene Autry in 79 films
Wikipedia - Champollion: A Scribe for Egypt -- 2000 documentary film by Jean-Claude Lubtchansky
Wikipedia - Chandogya Upanishad -- One of the ancient Sanskrit scriptures of Hinduism
Wikipedia - Chandrakant Kulkarni -- Indian film director, script writer and actor
Wikipedia - Chandraprakash Dwivedi -- Indian film director and script writer
Wikipedia - Chandu (film director) -- Indian film director, producer, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Chanel Oberlin -- Fictional character from the Fox series Scream Queens
Wikipedia - Chang-Gu World Trade Center -- Skyscraper in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Channel V Australia -- Former Australian subscription television music channel
Wikipedia - Character and description of Kingia -- Botanical article by Robert Brown
Wikipedia - Character encoding -- System using a prescribed set of digital values to represent textual characters
Wikipedia - Character mask -- A prescribed social role that conceals the contradictions of a social relation or order
Wikipedia - Charge transfer coefficient -- Two related parameters used in description of the kinetics of electrochemical reactions
Wikipedia - Charles A. Logue -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Charles Alverson -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Charles Bennett (screenwriter) -- English screenwriter
Wikipedia - Charles Berling -- French actor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Charles Goddard (playwright) -- American playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Charles Kenyon -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Charles Kerr (screenwriter) -- American filmmaker
Wikipedia - Charles Lederer -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Charles Maigne -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Charles Ray (actor) -- American actor, director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Charles Scribner's Sons Building -- Historic building in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Charles Scribner's Sons -- American publisher
Wikipedia - Charles Scripps -- American publisher
Wikipedia - Charles Scriver
Wikipedia - Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe -- Television series
Wikipedia - Charlie Craig (screenwriter) -- American television producer and writer
Wikipedia - Charlie Day -- American actor, director, musician, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Charlie Fletcher -- British screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Charlie Kaufman -- American screenwriter, producer, director and novelist
Wikipedia - Charlie Scrymgeour -- Canadian curler
Wikipedia - Charlotte Metro Tower -- Skyscraper in Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.
Wikipedia - Chazz Palminteri -- American actor, screenwriter, producer and playwright
Wikipedia - Ch (digraph) -- Latin-script digraph
Wikipedia - Chebotarev's density theorem -- Describes statistically the splitting of primes in a given Galois extension of Q
Wikipedia - Chebotarev theorem on roots of unity -- All submatrices of a discrete Fourier transform matrix of prime length are invertible
Wikipedia - Chen Kaige -- Chinese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Chen Sicheng -- Chinese actor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Cheriyan Kalpakavadi -- Indian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Chess notation -- Methods for describing chess moves and/or positions
Wikipedia - Chester Beatty Papyri -- A collection of 3rd-century Christian manuscripts
Wikipedia - Chetan Anand (director) -- Hindi film producer, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Chicago Better Housing Association -- Housing organization to counter discrimination in housing in the US
Wikipedia - Chicago Board of Trade Building -- Chicago skyscraper
Wikipedia - Chihiro Amano -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Childhood -- Sociological term describing human age from birth to adolescence
Wikipedia - Chilean Matorral -- Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrub ecoregion in central Chile
Wikipedia - Chinaka Hodge -- American poet, educator, playwright, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Chinese script
Wikipedia - Chips Hardy -- English screenwriter, novelist, playwright and creative director
Wikipedia - Choiti-Tamir inscriptions -- Turkic inscription
Wikipedia - Chongqing IFS T1 -- Scyscraper in Chongqing, China
Wikipedia - Chongqing Poly Tower -- Skyscraper in Chongqing, China
Wikipedia - Chongqing Tall Tower -- Skyscraper in Chongqing, China
Wikipedia - Chongqing World Trade Center -- Skyscraper in Chongqing, China
Wikipedia - Chris Bergoch -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Chris Carter (actor) -- Canadian actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Chris Dowling (director) -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Chris Enss -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Chris Forbis -- American voice actor and script writer
Wikipedia - Chris Galletta -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Chris Henchy -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Chris Kreski -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Chris McCaleb -- American film director, producer and screenwriter (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Chris Miller (animator) -- American voice actor, animator, director, screenwriter and storyboard artist
Wikipedia - Chris Morgan (writer) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Chris Sanders -- American film director, screenwriter, producer, animator, illustrator and voice actor
Wikipedia - Chris Terrio -- American film director/screenwriter
Wikipedia - Christian Alvart -- German filmmaker and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Christian Faure (director) -- French screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Christian interpolation -- Textual insertion and textual damage to Jewish source texts during Christian scribal transmission
Wikipedia - Christian McKay -- English stage and screen actor
Wikipedia - Christian perfection -- Various teachings within Christianity that describe the process of achieving spiritual maturity or perfection
Wikipedia - Christine Baranski -- American stage and screen actress
Wikipedia - Christoffer Boe -- Danish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Christopher Farnsworth -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Christopher Guest -- British-American screenwriter, comedian, musician, director, and actor
Wikipedia - Christopher J. Waild -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Christopher Knopf -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Christopher Landon (filmmaker) -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely -- American collaborate screenwriters
Wikipedia - Christopher McQuarrie -- American screenwriter, producer and director
Wikipedia - Christophe Ruggia -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Christoph Scriba -- Mathematician
Wikipedia - Christy Cabanne -- American film director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Chrysler Building -- Office skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Chuck Adamson -- Television producer, police officer, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Chuck Jones -- American animator, cartoon artist, screenwriter, producer, and director of animated films
Wikipedia - Chuck Norris -- American martial artist, actor, film producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Chuck Vincent (director) -- American pornographic film and B movie producer, screenwriter, editor and director
Wikipedia - Ciaran Bairead -- Irish folklorist and scribe
Wikipedia - Ciaran Foy -- Irish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Cidanghiang inscription -- An inscription from the Tarumanagara kingdom
Wikipedia - Cindy Chupack -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - CinemaScope -- Early widescreen filming system
Wikipedia - Circle packing theorem -- Describes the possible tangency relations between circles with disjoint interiors
Wikipedia - Circulo de Escritores Cinematograficos -- Spanish non-profit organization
Wikipedia - Circumflex -- Diacritic in Latin, Greek and Cyrillic scripts
Wikipedia - Circumscribed circle
Wikipedia - Circumscription (logic) -- Non-monotonic logic created by John McCarthy
Wikipedia - Circumscription (taxonomy) -- Definition of a taxon
Wikipedia - Circumscription theory
Wikipedia - Cirth -- Artificial script in the fantasy works of J. R. R. Tolkien
Wikipedia - Cis-regulatory element -- Region of non-coding DNA that regulates the transcription of neighboring genes
Wikipedia - City Center Plaza -- Skyscraper in Xitun District of Taichung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - City Investing Building -- Former skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - City Tower Nishi-Umeda -- Skyscraper in Osaka, Japan
Wikipedia - Civil conscription
Wikipedia - Civil rights movement (1865-1896) -- Movement aiming to eliminating racial discrimination against African Americans
Wikipedia - Claire Devers -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Clara Genevieve Kennedy -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Claremont-Mudd-Scripps Stags and Athenas -- Joint athletic program of three of the Claremont Colleges
Wikipedia - Claremont Profile Method -- Method for classifying ancient manuscripts of the Bible
Wikipedia - Clark Gregg -- American actor, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Class discrimination -- Discrimination on the basis of social class
Wikipedia - Classical field theory -- Physical theory describing classical fields
Wikipedia - Classical mechanics -- branch of physics concerned with the set of classical laws describing the non-relativistic motion of bodies under the action of a system of forces
Wikipedia - Classical unities -- 16-19th-century prescriptive theory of dramatic tragedy
Wikipedia - Classifications of snow -- Methods for describing snowfall events and the resulting snow crystals
Wikipedia - Classification theorem -- Describes the objects of a given type, up to some equivalence
Wikipedia - Classified magazine -- Describes nature of classified magazines
Wikipedia - Claude Desailly -- French screenwriter
Wikipedia - Claude Faraldo -- French actor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Claudette Colbert on stage, screen, radio and television -- Filmography of the American actress
Wikipedia - Claudio Argento -- Italian film producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Claudio Caligari -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Claudio Cupellini -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Cleora scriptaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Client-side JavaScript
Wikipedia - Client-side scripting
Wikipedia - Cliff Severn -- American cricketer and child screen actor
Wikipedia - Clive Bradley (screenwriter) -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - ClojureScript
Wikipedia - Closed captioning -- Process of displaying interpretive texts to screens
Wikipedia - Clutton's joints -- Term describing the finding of symmetrical joint swelling seen in patients with congenital syphilis
Wikipedia - CMA CGM Tower -- Skyscraper in Marseille, France
Wikipedia - CM-EM-^Sur Defense -- Office skyscraper in La Defense, Courbevoie, France
Wikipedia - CobolScript
Wikipedia - CodeMirror -- JavaScript component that provides a code editor in the browser
Wikipedia - Codex Basilensis A. N. IV. 2 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Codex Basiliensis A. N. IV. 1 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Codex Burgundus -- 15th century illuminated manuscript
Wikipedia - Codex Cairensis -- Hebrew codex of the Prophets ascribed to masorete Ben-Asher
Wikipedia - Codex Calixtinus -- 12th century manuscript collection
Wikipedia - Codex Demidovianus -- 13th-century Latin manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus -- Handwritten copy of the Bible in Greek
Wikipedia - Codex Gigas -- Manuscript compendium from the 13th century
Wikipedia - Codex Mendoza -- Aztec manuscript
Wikipedia - Codex Seidelianus II -- Greek manuscript of the Gospels
Wikipedia - Codex Seidelianus I -- Greek manuscript of the Gospels
Wikipedia - Codex Theodulphianus -- 10th-century Latin manuscript of the Old and New Testament
Wikipedia - Codex Vaticanus -- 4th-century handwritten Bible manuscript in Greek
Wikipedia - Codex Vindobonensis Philos. 157 -- 15th-century Greek manuscript
Wikipedia - Codex Vindobonensis Philos. 2 -- 15th-century Greek manuscript
Wikipedia - Codex Vindobonensis Philos. 75 -- 15th-century manuscript written in Greek
Wikipedia - Coding strand -- DNA strand with the same base sequence as an mRNA transcript
Wikipedia - Cody Blue Snider -- American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - CoffeeScript
Wikipedia - Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument -- Cognitive test screening for dementia
Wikipedia - Cognitive description
Wikipedia - ColdFusion Markup Language -- Scripting language for web development
Wikipedia - Colleen McGuinness -- American producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Colm Tobin -- Irish screenwriter and TV producer
Wikipedia - Color appearance model -- Any mathematical model describing human perception of colors
Wikipedia - Color model -- Mathematical model describing colors as tuples of numbers
Wikipedia - Colo Tavernier -- French screenwriter
Wikipedia - Colour piece -- Section of a publication that focuses mainly on impressions or descriptions of the subject matter
Wikipedia - Colpias -- Genus of Scrophulariaceae plants
Wikipedia - Combinatorics -- Branch of discrete mathematics
Wikipedia - Comcast Center -- Skyscraper in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Commander Keen in Invasion of the Vorticons -- 1990 episodic side-scrolling platform game
Wikipedia - Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Headquarters -- Skyscraper under construction in Addis Ababa
Wikipedia - Commercial Bay (skyscraper) -- New Zealand office tower and shopping center
Wikipedia - Commonwealth of World Citizens -- Self-described servant-Nation
Wikipedia - Commonwealth Railways NB class -- DESCRIPTION
Wikipedia - Community Rule -- One of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Wikipedia - Company scrip -- Scrip issued by a company to pay its employees
Wikipedia - Comparison of JavaScript-based source code editors
Wikipedia - Comparison of JavaScript engines (DOM support)
Wikipedia - Comparison of JavaScript engines -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Comparison of JavaScript frameworks
Wikipedia - Comparison of server-side JavaScript solutions
Wikipedia - Compiler Description Language
Wikipedia - Complexity -- Properties of systems that cannot be simply described or modeled
Wikipedia - Compressibility factor -- Correction factor which describes the deviation of a real gas from ideal gas behavior
Wikipedia - Computer architecture -- Set of rules and methods that describe the functionality, organization, and implementation of computer systems
Wikipedia - Computer font -- Digital description of a typographical font
Wikipedia - Computer (job description) -- Person performing mathematical calculations, before electronic computers became available
Wikipedia - Computer screen film -- Film subgenre where the action takes place entirely on a screen of a computer or a smartphone
Wikipedia - Computer screen
Wikipedia - Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments
Wikipedia - Concluding Unscientific Postscript to the Philosophical Fragments
Wikipedia - Concluding Unscientific Postscript
Wikipedia - Configuration entropy -- Portion of a system's entropy that is related to discrete representative positions of its constituent particles
Wikipedia - Connie Lee -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Conrad Bassett-Bouchard -- American Scrabble player
Wikipedia - Conscription in Finland -- Part of a general compulsion for national military service for all adult males
Wikipedia - Conscription in the United States
Wikipedia - Conscription -- Compulsory enlistment into national or military service
Wikipedia - Conservation and restoration of books, manuscripts, documents and ephemera
Wikipedia - Constellation Place -- Skyscraper in Century City, Los Angeles, California
Wikipedia - Constructed script -- New writing system specifically created by an individual or group, rather than having evolved as part of a language or culture like a natural script
Wikipedia - Consumed scrubfowl -- Extinct species of bird
Wikipedia - Contact list -- Common feature of email, and IM; a collection of "contacts" or screen names
Wikipedia - Contact scraping
Wikipedia - Content Security Policy -- Computer security standard to prevent cross-site scripting and related attacks
Wikipedia - Continuous or discrete variable
Wikipedia - Conus inscriptus -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conventional superconductor -- Materials that display superconductivity as described by BCS theory or its extensions
Wikipedia - Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women -- An international bill of rights for women
Wikipedia - Converter/descrambler -- Device that decodes a Cable TV signal
Wikipedia - Conway notation (knot theory) -- Notation used to describe knots based on operations on tangles
Wikipedia - Cooper pair -- Pair of electrons (or other fermions) bound together at low temperatures in a certain manner which is responsible for superconductivity as described in the BCS theory
Wikipedia - Copiale cipher -- Historical encrypted manuscript
Wikipedia - Copperplate script -- Script
Wikipedia - Copper Scroll -- First-century CE treasure scroll from the Judean desert
Wikipedia - Coppett's Wood and Scrublands -- Nature reserve in the London Borough of Barnet
Wikipedia - Coptic alphabet -- Script used for writing the Coptic language
Wikipedia - Cord-cutting -- Mass cancellation of cable television subscriptions
Wikipedia - Cordis Hong Kong -- Skyscraper hotel in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Corey Stoll -- American stage and screen actor
Wikipedia - Corinne Jacker -- American screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Corkscrew Willow
Wikipedia - Cormac Mac Duinnshleibhe -- Irish physician and scribe
Wikipedia - Cormac McCarthy -- American novelist, playwright, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Corner transfer matrix -- Description of the effect of adding a quadrant to a lattice
Wikipedia - Corpus Inscriptionum et Monumentorum Religionis Mithriacae
Wikipedia - Corpus Inscriptionum Etruscarum -- Etruscan text collection
Wikipedia - Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum -- Collection of ancient Latin inscriptions
Wikipedia - Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum
Wikipedia - Correspondence theory of truth -- Theory that the truth of a statement is determined only by how it relates to the world and whether it accurately describes that world
Wikipedia - Corymb -- Term used in botany to describe a certain type of flower growth
Wikipedia - Cosmic Avenger -- Sidescrolling shooter arcade game from 1981
Wikipedia - Cosmological lithium problem -- Discrepancy between the observed abundance of lithium produced in Big Bang nucleosynthesis and the amount that should theoretically exist.
Wikipedia - Cosmology in medieval Islam -- Description of the universe in Islam
Wikipedia - Cosmopolitan on the Park -- Condominium skyscraper in Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix scribaiella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - CounterSpy (video game) -- 2014 side-scrolling stealth game
Wikipedia - Count noun -- Noun or noun phrase whose quantity is discrete and usually an integer
Wikipedia - Court dress -- Style of clothes prescribed for courts of law
Wikipedia - Courtney Jines -- American actress, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Covenant (biblical) -- A religious covenant that is described in the Bible.
Wikipedia - Craig Bolotin -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Craig Borten -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Craig Chester -- American actor, writer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Craig Mazin -- Screenwriter
Wikipedia - Crisscross (2018 film) -- 2018 film by Birsa Dasgupta
Wikipedia - Critics' Choice Movie Award for Best Screenplay -- Award given by the Broadcast Film Critics Association
Wikipedia - Cronan of Roscrea
Wikipedia - CrossCrypt
Wikipedia - Crossover (fiction) -- Placement of two or more otherwise discrete fictional characters, settings, or universes into the context of a single story
Wikipedia - Cross-site scripting -- Computer security vulnerability
Wikipedia - CRT screen
Wikipedia - Crucifixion of Jesus -- Event described in the four gospels
Wikipedia - Crunkcore -- Crunk/screamo music combo
Wikipedia - Crystal Simorgh for Best Screenplay -- Category of film award
Wikipedia - CTCF -- Transcription factor for transcriptional regulation, insulator activity, and regulation of chromatin architecture
Wikipedia - Cultural racism -- Type of racism that discriminates people of being culturally different ethnicity or race
Wikipedia - Cunard Building (New York City) -- Office skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Cuneiform (script)
Wikipedia - Cuneiform script
Wikipedia - Cuneiform -- Logosyllabic script used to write several languages of the Ancient Near East
Wikipedia - Curl (mathematics) -- Operator describing the rotation at a point in a 3D vector field
Wikipedia - Curse of Tippecanoe -- Used to describe the death in office of Presidents of the United States elected in years divisible by twenty
Wikipedia - Curt Johannes Braun -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Customer-premises equipment -- Terminal and associated equipment located at a subscriber's premises
Wikipedia - C. V. Sridhar -- Indian screenwriter and film director (1933-2008)
Wikipedia - Cyber Core -- Scrolling shooter video game from 1990
Wikipedia - Cyberspace -- concept describing a widespread, interconnected digital technology
Wikipedia - Cynthia Cidre -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Cynthia Scott -- Canadian film director, producer, screenwriter and editor (b. 1939)
Wikipedia - Cyprus at the 2000 Summer Olympics -- Description of Cypriot Olympic competition
Wikipedia - Cyril Burt -- Discredited educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Cyril Hume -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Cyrillic script
Wikipedia - Cyrillization of French -- Transliteration of French into Russian Cyrillic script
Wikipedia - Cyrus Nowrasteh -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Cystiscus indiscretus -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Czechoslovak myth -- Scholarly term describing Czechoslovakia's image between 1918 and 1938
object:wikipedia - d - links with description
Wikipedia - Dab (dance) -- Originally a synonym for swag, it has since evolved to describe a gesture popular online.
Wikipedia - Dadasaheb Phalke -- 20th-century Indian producer-director-screenwriter
Wikipedia - Daigo Matsui -- Japanese screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Daily News Building -- Office skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Dainippon Screen -- Japanese semiconductor equipment manufacturer
Wikipedia - Daisuke Miyazaki (filmmaker) -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Daisuke Shimote -- Japanese filmmaker and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Daisy Coulam -- English screenwriter
Wikipedia - Daksha -- Son of Brahma in Hindu scriptures
Wikipedia - Dalibor Matanic -- Croatian screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Dalton's law -- Gas law describing pressure contributions of component gases in a mixture
Wikipedia - Dalton Trumbo -- American screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - Damascus Pentateuch -- 10th-century Hebrew Pentateuch manuscript
Wikipedia - Damiano Damiani -- Italian screenwriter, film director, actor and writer
Wikipedia - Dami Elebe -- Nigerian screenwriter, artist, musician and radio personality
Wikipedia - Damien Chazelle -- French-American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Damon Lindelof -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Dana Fox -- American screenwriter (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Danafungia scruposa -- Species of cnidarian
Wikipedia - Dan Berendsen -- American producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dan Bush -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dan Castellaneta -- American actor, voice actor, comedian and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dan Franck -- French novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dan Fredenburgh -- British actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dan Futterman -- American screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Dan Gilroy -- American screenwriter, musician, and film director
Wikipedia - Dan Goor -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Dania transcription -- Phonetic transcription
Wikipedia - Daniel Allen Cox -- Canadian author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Daniel Barnz -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Daniel Boyle (writer) -- Scottish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Daniel Casey (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Daniel Durant -- American stage and screen actor
Wikipedia - Daniele Thompson -- French screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Danielle Lessovitz -- American film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Daniel Mainwaring -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Daniel Monks -- Australian actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Daniel Radcliffe on screen and stage -- List of performances by actor Daniel Radcliffe
Wikipedia - Daniel Stern (actor) -- American actor, artist, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Daniel Waters (screenwriter) -- Screenwriter
Wikipedia - Danilo Bach -- American screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Danishka Esterhazy -- Canadian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Dan le Sac Vs Scroobius Pip -- Band
Wikipedia - Danny Rubin -- American screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - Dan Sefton -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dan Sterling -- American screenwriter and television producer
Wikipedia - Daoud Abdel Sayed -- Egyptian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Darcy's law -- Equation describing the flow of a fluid through a porous medium
Wikipedia - Dardenne brothers -- Belgian film directors, screenwriters and film producers
Wikipedia - Darin Morgan -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dariusz Gajewski -- Polish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Darren Lynn Bousman -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Darren Stein -- American film director, screenwriter, and film producer
Wikipedia - DARVO -- Acronym used to describe a common strategy of abusers
Wikipedia - Data Format Description Language
Wikipedia - Data scraping -- Data extraction technique
Wikipedia - Data scrubbing -- Computer error correction technique
Wikipedia - Dave Martin (screenwriter) -- English television and film writer
Wikipedia - David Agiashvili -- Georgian film director, producer and screenwriter.
Wikipedia - David Alan Mack -- American script- and fiction writer
Wikipedia - David Ambrose -- British novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Arata -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - David Arnott -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Berget -- Norwegian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Bishop (writer) -- New Zealand screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - David Bowker (writer) -- British author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Callaham -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Chappe -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Chase -- American screenwriter, director and producer
Wikipedia - David Cummings (musician) -- British musician and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - David Dean Bottrell -- American actor, comedian and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Diamond (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Dobkin (director) -- American film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Eldar -- Australian poker and Scrabble player
Wikipedia - David Foenkinos -- French author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Franzoni -- American screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - David Gerrold -- American screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - David Gleeson -- Irish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Guggenheim -- American screenwriter, producer, and novelist
Wikipedia - David H. Steinberg -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Koepp -- American screenwriter and director (born 1963)
Wikipedia - David Landsberg -- American actor, scriptwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - David Lee (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter, director and television producer
Wikipedia - David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick -- Screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Loughery -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Magee -- American screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - David Mamet -- American playwright, essayist, screenwriter, and film director
Wikipedia - David Mickey Evans -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Mitchell (author) -- English novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David N. Weiss -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Pirie -- British screenwriter, film producer and journalist
Wikipedia - David Rosier -- French scriptwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - David Sakurai -- Japanese-Danish actor, director, scriptwriter, and martial artist
Wikipedia - David Scrymgeour -- Canadian politician, professor, entrepreneur
Wikipedia - David Self -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Silverstein -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Stern III -- American newspaper publisher, prose fiction and script writer
Wikipedia - David Twohy -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Von Ancken -- American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Whitaker (screenwriter) -- English television writer and novelist
Wikipedia - David Zelag Goodman -- American playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - David Zellner -- American film director, screenwriter, and actor
Wikipedia - Davis's law -- Anatomical and physiological law describing soft tissue growth
Wikipedia - D. B. Gilles -- American screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - De Admirant -- Skyscraper in Eindhoven, Netherlands
Wikipedia - Dead Sea Scrolls: Life and Faith in Ancient Times
Wikipedia - Dead Sea scrolls
Wikipedia - Dead Sea Scrolls -- Ancient manuscripts
Wikipedia - Dea Kulumbegashvili -- Georgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dean scream -- Speech by Howard Dean
Wikipedia - Debra Granik -- American film director, screenwriter and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Debye-Huckel theory -- Model describing the departures from ideality in solutions of electrolytes and plasmas
Wikipedia - Decipherment of ancient Egyptian scripts -- Research by J.-F. Champollion et al. in the 19th century
Wikipedia - Decipherment of rongorongo -- Attempts to understand Easter Island script
Wikipedia - Declan Hughes (writer) -- Irish novelist, playwright, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination -- Declaration adopted in 1963 by the United Nations General Assembly
Wikipedia - Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women -- Human rights proclamation issued by the United Nations General Assembly
Wikipedia - Decree of Diopeithes -- Decree instituted by the opponents of Pericles in an attempt to discredit Anaxagoras
Wikipedia - DeCSS haiku -- Poem that describes the DeCSS algorithm
Wikipedia - Deedi Damodaran -- Indian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Definite description
Wikipedia - De Landa alphabet -- Attempt to interpret Maya script as an alphabetic script
Wikipedia - Delia Fiallo -- Cuban author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Delplanqueia inscriptella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - De mirabilibus sacrae scripturae
Wikipedia - Demotic (Egyptian) -- Ancient Egyptian script
Wikipedia - Dena Higley -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Denis Chouinard -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Denis Villeneuve -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Denne Bart Petitclerc -- American journalist, television producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dennis Potter -- English TV dramatist, screenwriter, journalist
Wikipedia - Denomination (currency) -- Proper description of a currency amount
Wikipedia - Density matrix -- Matrix describing a quantum system in a pure or mixed state, a statistical mixture of quantum states
Wikipedia - Density of states -- Describes the number of states per interval of energy at each energy level available to be occupied in a system
Wikipedia - Deposit of faith -- The body of revealed truth in the Scriptures and Tradition proposed by the Roman Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Deprescribing
Wikipedia - Der Bevolkerung -- Inscription on the Reichstag, Berlin
Wikipedia - Derek Cianfrance -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Derek Landy -- Irish author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Derek Twist -- British screenwriter, film editor and director
Wikipedia - Dering Manuscript -- 17th-century Shakespeare manuscript
Wikipedia - Describing function
Wikipedia - Descriptio Cambriae -- Medieval treatise on Wales and its people
Wikipedia - Description Definition Language
Wikipedia - Description de l'Egypte -- 19th century book series
Wikipedia - Description Logic
Wikipedia - Description logic -- family of formal knowledge representation
Wikipedia - Description of Africa (Ramusio book)
Wikipedia - Description of Greece
Wikipedia - Descriptions in antiquity of the execution cross
Wikipedia - Description -- Text for clarification; one of four rhetorical modes
Wikipedia - Descriptive Catalogue (1809)
Wikipedia - Descriptive complexity theory
Wikipedia - Descriptive Complexity
Wikipedia - Descriptive complexity
Wikipedia - Descriptive ethics
Wikipedia - Descriptive geometry
Wikipedia - Descriptive knowledge
Wikipedia - Descriptive linguistics
Wikipedia - Descriptive marker
Wikipedia - Descriptive notation -- Notation for recording chess games
Wikipedia - Descriptive poetics
Wikipedia - Descriptive psychiatry
Wikipedia - Descriptive psychology (Brentano)
Wikipedia - Descriptive psychology
Wikipedia - Descriptive research
Wikipedia - Descriptive set theory -- Subfield of mathematical logic
Wikipedia - Descriptive statistical technique
Wikipedia - Descriptive statistics
Wikipedia - Descriptive
Wikipedia - Descriptivist theory of names
Wikipedia - Destin Daniel Cretton -- Film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Detlev Buck -- German film director, actor, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Devanagari -- Writing script for many Indian and Nepalese languages
Wikipedia - Development of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion -- Development of 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Dharmasena Pathiraja -- Sri Lankan film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Diana Groo -- Hungarian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Diary -- Written record with discrete entries arranged by date
Wikipedia - Dick Randall (producer) -- American film producer, screenwriter, actor, and assistant director
Wikipedia - Diffusion equation -- Equation that describes density changes of a material that is diffusing in a medium
Wikipedia - Digital data -- Discrete, discontinuous representation of information
Wikipedia - Digital native -- Term describing a person who has grown up in the digital age
Wikipedia - Digital on-screen graphic
Wikipedia - Digital signal (signal processing) -- A signal with discrete values in time and amplitude
Wikipedia - Digital signal -- Signal used to represent data as a sequence of discrete values
Wikipedia - Digital subscriber line -- Series of transfer standards in data transmission
Wikipedia - Dimitrije Banjac -- Serbian actor, comedian and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ding Sheng BHW Taiwan Central Plaza -- Skyscraper office building in Xitun District of Taichung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Ding Sheng (director) -- Chinese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Diocese of Scranton
Wikipedia - Directional boring -- Method of installing underground services along a prescribed curved bore path using a surface-launched drilling rig
Wikipedia - Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Wikipedia - Disclosure: Trans Lives on Screen -- 2020 American documentary film by Sam Feder
Wikipedia - Discredited HIV/AIDS origins theories
Wikipedia - Discreet (film) -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Discrepancy theory
Wikipedia - Discrete and Computational Geometry
Wikipedia - Discrete calculus
Wikipedia - Discrete components
Wikipedia - Discrete > Computational Geometry
Wikipedia - Discrete cosine transform -- Technique representing data as sums of cosine functions
Wikipedia - Discrete device
Wikipedia - Discrete differential geometry
Wikipedia - Discrete dynamical system
Wikipedia - Discrete element method -- Numerical methods for computing the motion and effect of a large number of small particles
Wikipedia - Discrete emotion theory
Wikipedia - Discrete event dynamic system
Wikipedia - Discrete event simulation
Wikipedia - Discrete Fourier transform
Wikipedia - Discrete geometry
Wikipedia - Discrete global grid
Wikipedia - Discrete Hartley transform
Wikipedia - Discrete Laplace operator
Wikipedia - Discrete logarithm problem
Wikipedia - Discrete logarithm
Wikipedia - Discrete logic
Wikipedia - Discrete manufacturing
Wikipedia - Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
Wikipedia - Discrete Mathematics (journal)
Wikipedia - Discrete mathematics -- Study of discrete mathematical structures
Wikipedia - Discrete optimization -- branch of mathematical optimization
Wikipedia - Discrete phase-type distribution
Wikipedia - Discrete signal
Wikipedia - Discrete sine transform
Wikipedia - Discrete system
Wikipedia - Discrete-time Fourier transform -- Fourier analysis technique applied to sequences
Wikipedia - Discrete-time signal
Wikipedia - Discrete time
Wikipedia - Discrete tomography -- Reconstruction of binary images from a small number of their projections
Wikipedia - Discrete transform -- mathematical transform on discrete signals
Wikipedia - Discrete trial training
Wikipedia - Discrete uniform distribution
Wikipedia - Discrete wavelet transform
Wikipedia - Discrete Weibull distribution
Wikipedia - Discretionary access control
Wikipedia - Discretionary Housing Payment -- UK discretionary housing-cost benefit
Wikipedia - Discretionary income
Wikipedia - Discretionary investment management -- Form of professional investment management
Wikipedia - Discretionary service -- Canadian classification for cable TV channels
Wikipedia - Discretization error
Wikipedia - Discretization -- Process of transferring continuous functions into discrete counterparts
Wikipedia - Discriminant of an algebraic number field -- Measures the size of the ring of integers of the algebraic number field
Wikipedia - Discriminant validity
Wikipedia - Discriminant -- Function of the coefficients of a polynomial that gives information on its roots
Wikipedia - Discrimination against asexual people
Wikipedia - Discrimination against atheists -- persecution of and discrimination against people identified as atheists
Wikipedia - Discrimination against autistic people
Wikipedia - Discrimination against drug addicts
Wikipedia - Discrimination against homeless people
Wikipedia - Discrimination against intersex people
Wikipedia - Discrimination against non-binary people -- Prejudicial treatment of people who do not identify as exclusively male or female
Wikipedia - Discrimination against people with HIV/AIDS
Wikipedia - Discrimination based on hair texture in the United States
Wikipedia - Discrimination based on hair texture
Wikipedia - Discrimination based on skin color -- Colorism
Wikipedia - Discrimination in education
Wikipedia - Discrimination in the United States
Wikipedia - Discrimination -- Prejudicial treatment based on membership in a certain group
Wikipedia - Discriminative model
Wikipedia - Disney+ -- American subscription video streaming service
Wikipedia - Dispilio Tablet -- Wooden tablet bearing inscribed markings, discovered in Dispilio, Greece
Wikipedia - Display PostScript
Wikipedia - Distribution of wealth by country -- Statistical data that describes how wealth is distributed around the world
Wikipedia - Diu (Cantonese) -- Cantonese profanity, describing sexual intercourse
Wikipedia - Diver training standard -- Document describing requirements of a diver training programme
Wikipedia - Divination by Astrological and Meteorological Phenomena -- Ancient Chinese astronomy manuscript
Wikipedia - Divine Incantations Scripture
Wikipedia - DJ Screw -- American musician
Wikipedia - DM-DM-+gha Nikaya -- Buddhist scripture, "Collection of Long Discourses"
Wikipedia - DNA-binding protein -- Proteins that bind with DNA, such as transcription factors, polymerases, nucleases and histones
Wikipedia - DNSCrypt -- Protocol to encrypt DNS queries
Wikipedia - Doan Hoang -- Film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dolichoderus scrobiculatus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Dollar Bill (song) -- 1992 single by Screaming Trees
Wikipedia - Domhnall Gleeson -- Irish actor, also screenwriter
Wikipedia - Domingo Soler -- Mexican actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Donald Freed -- American playwright, novelist, screenwriter and historian
Wikipedia - Donald Ogden Stewart -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Donald P. Bellisario -- American television producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Don DaGradi -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Don Devlin -- American actor, screenwriter-producer (1930-2000)
Wikipedia - Dongguan International Trade Center 1 -- Skyscraper in Dongguan, China
Wikipedia - Don Mankiewicz -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Don McKellar -- Canadian actor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Don Michael Perez -- Filipino screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Donna Barrell -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Donnchadh Mac Cruitin -- Irish scribe
Wikipedia - Don Rhymer -- screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Don Roos -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Don Simpson -- American film producer, screenwriter, actor
Wikipedia - Doomscrolling -- Compulsive consumption of large quantity of negative online news
Wikipedia - DOORS Extension Language -- Scripting language that extends Rational DOORS
Wikipedia - Doris Anderson (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Doris Gilbert -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Doris Malloy -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dorit Rabinyan -- Israeli writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dorothea Bennett (novelist) -- British novelist and screenwriter (1914-1985)
Wikipedia - Dorothy Bennett -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dorothy Cooper -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dorothy Howell (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dorothy King -- American self-described archaeologist and historian
Wikipedia - Dorothy Rockfort -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dorothy Yost -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dor Yeshorim -- A nonprofit organization that offers genetic screening to members of the Jewish community worldwide
Wikipedia - DOT (graph description language)
Wikipedia - Dots (video game) -- Touchscreen puzzle mobile game from 2013
Wikipedia - Double scroll attractor
Wikipedia - Douglas Carter Beane -- American playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Douglas J. Eboch -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Douglas Z. Doty -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Doug Wright -- American playwright and screenwriter (born 1962)
Wikipedia - Dowker-Thistlethwaite notation -- Mathematical notation for describing the structure of knots
Wikipedia - Draft:Ahmad Reza Darvish -- Iranian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Draft board -- Agency that screens US military draftees
Wikipedia - Draft evasion -- Intentional non-compliance with military conscription
Wikipedia - Draft:Infinity Coast -- Skyscraper in Balneario Camboriu, Brazil
Wikipedia - Draft:Intersectional pride -- Positive stance toward LGBTQ+ people, opposing any stigma, discrimination, including but not limited to racism, xenophobia, transphobia, biphobia, lesbophobia, anti-semitism, or violence
Wikipedia - Draft:Jack Spring (Film Director) -- English film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Draft:Jim Cummings -- Film producer, actor, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Draft:Koray Sevindi -- Turkish film director, screenwriter, film producer and academician
Wikipedia - Draft:Long-Bang Trade Plaza -- Skyscraper office building in West District, Taichung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Draft:Menam Residences -- Skyscraper in Bangkok, Thailand
Wikipedia - Draft:Mirage 57 -- Skyscraper in Barranquilla, Colombia
Wikipedia - Draft:Mundari Bani -- alphabetic script for Munda people
Wikipedia - Draft:Newscrypto -- International, multi-language cryptocurrency exchange
Wikipedia - Draft:Nikhil Sharda -- Executive Vice President at Scroll Mantra
Wikipedia - Draft:Opeyemi Akintunde -- Nigerian novelist, actress, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Draft:Paolo Bosisio -- Italian film director, screenwriter and academician
Wikipedia - Draft:Power Wizard -- Electricity subscription services
Wikipedia - Draft:Sar faraz harfi -- Indian writer, poet, lyricist, and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Draft:Short Story Box -- online subscription company selling women's clothes
Wikipedia - Draft:Shuvro Roy -- Director, screenwriter and editor
Wikipedia - Draft:Wregas Bhanuteja -- Indonesian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Drapetodes circumscripta -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Dresden Codex -- Manuscript
Wikipedia - Dromomania -- A historical diagnosis and non-clinical description of a desire for frequent traveling or walking
Wikipedia - Dronabinol -- prescription formation of M-NM-^T9-THC
Wikipedia - Dr. Stan's Prescription, Volume 2 -- live album by moe.
Wikipedia - DSCR1 -- Protein-coding gene in humans
Wikipedia - Dude, You're Screwed -- American reality TV series
Wikipedia - Duenos Inscription
Wikipedia - Duke Erikson -- American musician, songwriter, screenwriter, film producer, and record producer
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!an RapoM-EM-! -- Slovak film director, screenwriter, composer
Wikipedia - Dungeon Masters Screen -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Dunhuang manuscripts -- Ancient Chinese documents
Wikipedia - Durabis -- scratch resistant polymer coating by TDK used on blu-ray discs
Wikipedia - Durjoy Datta -- Indian author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Durvasa -- A sage in Hindu scriptures
Wikipedia - Dustin Lance Black -- American screenwriter, director and producer
Wikipedia - Dustin Thomason -- American author, screenwriter, and producer.
Wikipedia - Dutch Marich -- American film director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Dyan Cannon -- American actress, director, screenwriter, editor, and producer
Wikipedia - Dynamical system -- Mathematical model which describes the time dependence of a point in a geometrical space
Wikipedia - Dynamic HTML -- Umbrella term for a collection of technologies (e.g., HTML, JavaScript, CSS and DOM) used together to create interactive and animated web sites
Wikipedia - Dyson sphere -- Hypothetical megastructure originally described by Freeman Dyson
object:wikipedia - e - links with description
Wikipedia - E1 Tower -- Skyscrapter in Iraqi Kurdistan
Wikipedia - E2F -- Family of transcription factors
Wikipedia - Eadwine Psalter -- 12th-century manuscript in Trinity College, Cambridge
Wikipedia - Earle Rodney -- Canadian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Earl Scruggs -- American musician
Wikipedia - Early skyscrapers -- Tall commercial buildings built between 1884 and 1945
Wikipedia - Earth Made of Glass (film) -- 2010 American documentary film by Deborah Scranton
Wikipedia - Earthworks (archaeology) -- General term to describe artificial changes in land level in history and pre-history
Wikipedia - Eastern screech owl -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - East India House Inscription -- Foundation tablet from ancient Babylon
Wikipedia - East Scrafton -- East Scrafton
Wikipedia - Ebenezer Scrooge -- Fictional character in A Christmas Carol by Dickens
Wikipedia - Ebrahim Hatamikia -- Iranian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - E caudata -- Modified letter E used in transcribing old Gaelic, Latin and Old Norse texts
Wikipedia - ECMAScript for XML
Wikipedia - ECMAScript -- Official specification on which JavaScript and other languages are based
Wikipedia - Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
Wikipedia - Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844
Wikipedia - Economic discrimination
Wikipedia - Eddy Terstall -- Dutch film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edgar Wright -- English film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Edicts of Ashoka -- Ancient BCE inscriptions
Wikipedia - Edificio Someillan -- Skyscraper in Havana, Cuba
Wikipedia - Edith Fitzgerald -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edith Kennedy -- American writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edith Skouras -- American screenwriter active 1938-1940
Wikipedia - Edmond Seward -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edoardo De Angelis -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edouard Molinaro -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ed Solomon -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edward Berger -- German director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edward Bunker -- American novelist, screenwriter, and actor
Wikipedia - Edward Ellis (actor) -- American actor, producer, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edward H. Griffith -- American film director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Edward Huebsch -- 20th-Century American blacklisted screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edward J. Lakso -- American screenwriter, producer and composer
Wikipedia - Edward Khmara -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edward Scrobe -- American gymnast
Wikipedia - Edward Sedgwick -- Film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edward Wheeler Scripture
Wikipedia - Edward Yang -- Taiwanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edwin Greenwood -- British film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edwin H. Knopf -- American film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edwin Justus Mayer -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Edwin Scrymgeour -- Scottish Prohibition MP
Wikipedia - Ed Wood -- American screenwriter, director, producer, actor, author, and film editor
Wikipedia - Effective descriptive set theory
Wikipedia - Effects of climate change -- Describes the effects created by global warming
Wikipedia - Efthymis Filippou -- Greek screenwriter
Wikipedia - E.G. de Meyst -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Egerton Gospel -- Biblical manuscript
Wikipedia - Egon Eis -- Austrian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Eichmann in Jerusalem -- Book by Hannah Arendt describing the 1961 trial of Adolf Eichmann
Wikipedia - Eight Man (video game) -- Side-scrolling beat 'em up arcade video game developed by Pallas
Wikipedia - Eileen Chang -- Chinese-American writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ekaterina Vinogradskaya -- Russian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ekphrasis -- Describing visual art in words
Wikipedia - Elaine Bossik -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Elaine May -- American screenwriter, film director, actress, and comedian
Wikipedia - Elaine Ryan -- American screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - Elaine Scruggs -- American politician
Wikipedia - Elbasan script -- Mid-18th-century alphabet used for the Albanian language
Wikipedia - Eleanor Bergstein -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Eleanor Catton -- New Zealand novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Eleanor Witcombe -- Australian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Electronic band structure -- Describes the range of energies that an electron within the solid may have and ranges of energy that it may not have
Wikipedia - Electroweak interaction -- Unified description of electromagnetism and the weak interaction
Wikipedia - Elegest inscription -- Turkic inscription
Wikipedia - El Faro Towers -- Residential skyscrapers in Buenos Aries, Argentina
Wikipedia - ElGamal discrete log cryptosystem
Wikipedia - Elia Kazan -- Greek-American film and theatre director, producer, screenwriter, novelist
Wikipedia - Eli Craig -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Eliot Stannard -- English screenwriter
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Baron -- Australian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Hill (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Mahoney -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Reinhardt -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Wilson (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - Ella O'Neill (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ellen Browning Scripps -- American journalist, philanthropist
Wikipedia - Ellen Fechner -- German novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ellen Scripps Booth -- American businessperson and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Ellesmere Chaucer -- 15th-century illuminated manuscript of the Canterbury Tales
Wikipedia - Elliott J. Clawson -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - E. Lloyd Sheldon -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Elmir Jukic -- Bosnian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Elmore Leonard -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Elsie Van Name -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Elsie Werner -- American silent film screenwriter
Wikipedia - Emanuele Crialese -- Italian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Embedded instrumentation -- Test instrumentation embedded into discrete integrated circuits
Wikipedia - Emerald Fennell -- English actress, author, screenwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Emergency Call (2020 TV series) -- American unscripted television series
Wikipedia - Emeric Pressburger -- Hungarian-British screenwriter, film director, and producer (1902-1988)
Wikipedia - Emily Mortimer -- British actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Emite -- A people described in Deuteronomy
Wikipedia - Empire State Building -- Office skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Employment discrimination
Wikipedia - Emscripten
Wikipedia - Encapsulated PostScript -- graphics file format
Wikipedia - Encoded Archival Description
Wikipedia - End Conscription Campaign
Wikipedia - End time -- Future time-period described variously in the eschatologies of several world religions
Wikipedia - Energy Plaza -- Skyscraper in Dallas, Texas
Wikipedia - Enhancer (genetics) -- DNA sequence that binds activators to increase the likelihood of gene transcription
Wikipedia - Enid Hibbard -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Enterprise Plaza -- Skyscraper in Houston, Texas
Wikipedia - Entity-relationship model -- Model or diagram describing interrelated things
Wikipedia - Entropic gravity -- theory in modern physics that describes gravity as an entropic force
Wikipedia - Enzo G. Castellari -- Italian director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Enzo Pulcrano -- Italian actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Epigrammata Bobiensia -- Latin manuscript
Wikipedia - Epigraphy -- Study of inscriptions or epigraphs as writing
Wikipedia - Epitaph of Samuel -- Ancient Greek limestone tombstone slab epitaph inscription
Wikipedia - Epitaph -- Inscription on a tombstone
Wikipedia - Epithet -- Descriptive term used in place of a formal name
Wikipedia - Equal incircles theorem -- On rays from a point to a line, with equal inscribed circles between adjacent rays
Wikipedia - Equality before the law -- Principle that each individual must be treated equally by the law without discrimination or privileges
Wikipedia - Equation of state -- An equation describing the state of matter under a given set of physical conditions
Wikipedia - Equations for a falling body -- Mathematical description of a body in free fall
Wikipedia - Erastus Corning Tower -- Skyscraper in Albany, New York
Wikipedia - Eric Assous -- French screenwriter
Wikipedia - Eric Bergren -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Eric Branscum -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Eric Chappell -- British scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Eric Coble -- American playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Eric Eason -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Eric Heisserer -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Erich Schonfelder -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Eric Red -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Eric Rochat -- French producer, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Erik Jendresen -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Erin Gloria Ryan -- American screenwriter, speechwriter, and television producer
Wikipedia - Erlangen Manuscript
Wikipedia - Erna Lazarus -- Screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ernest Cline -- American novelist, slam poet, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ernesto Contreras (director) -- Mexican film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ernesto Daranas -- Cuban director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ernesto Sevilla -- Spanish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ernest Pagano -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ernest Pascal -- American author, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ernst Laemmle -- German screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Ernst Lubitsch -- German American actor, screenwriter, producer and film director
Wikipedia - Ernst Marischka -- Austrian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Erricos Andreou -- Greek film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Error message -- Message displayed on a monitor screen or printout indicating that an incorrect instruction has been given or that there is an error resulting from faulty software or hardware
Wikipedia - Ersu Shaba script -- Writing system
Wikipedia - Erwin S. Gelsey -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Escragnolles -- Commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Escrava Isaura (1976 TV series) -- 1976-1977 Brazilian telenovela
Wikipedia - Escribitionist
Wikipedia - Escrick ring -- Ancient British artifact
Wikipedia - Eskimo -- Is a derogatory Name used to describe Indigenous people from the circumpolar region
Wikipedia - Esko ElstelM-CM-$ -- Finnish screenwriter
Wikipedia - ESLint -- JavaScript code analysis software
Wikipedia - ESRB re-rating of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion -- ESRB re-rating of video game
Wikipedia - Estadio Escribano Castilla -- Multi-purpose stadium, in Motril, Spain
Wikipedia - Ester Martin Bergsmark -- Swedish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Etan Cohen -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ethel Doherty -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ethel La Blanche -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ethmia discrepitella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ettore Giannini -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Eugene Mullin -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Eugene Scribe -- French dramatist and librettist
Wikipedia - Eukaryotic transcription
Wikipedia - Euler's theorem in geometry -- On the distance between the centers of the circumscribed and inscribed circles of a triangle
Wikipedia - Eupithecia analiscripta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia discretata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia scribai -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia subscriptaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia tenuiscripta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eurotower (Frankfurt am Main) -- Skyscraper in Frankfurt, Germany
Wikipedia - Euryhaline -- Term describing organisms able to adapt to a wide range of salinities
Wikipedia - Evan C. Kim -- American Actor, and Screenplay Writer
Wikipedia - Evan Daugherty -- Screenwriter, director, Editor
Wikipedia - Evan Goldberg -- Canadian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Evan O'Dorney -- Scripps National Spelling Bee winner
Wikipedia - Eve Greene -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Evelyn Campbell -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Everett De Roche -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Evergrande Center -- Skyscraper in Shenzhen, China
Wikipedia - Eve Unsell -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Evrim AlataM-EM-^_ -- Kurdish journalist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ewart Adamson -- Scottish screenwriter
Wikipedia - E. W. Scripps Company -- American broadcasting company
Wikipedia - Exchange Place (Boston) -- Skyscraper in Boston
Wikipedia - Exchange Plaza -- Skyscraper in Perth, Western Australia
Wikipedia - Executive Order 9835 -- Prescribing Procedures for the Administration of an Employees Loyalty Program in the Executive Branch of the Government
Wikipedia - Executive Order 9981 -- 1948 order by President Truman to abolish discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin in the US Armed Forces
Wikipedia - Explanation -- Set of statements constructed to describe a set of facts which clarifies causes
Wikipedia - Exponential map (discrete dynamical systems)
Wikipedia - Exposure (heights) -- Climbing and hiking term; sections of a hiking path or climbing route are described as "exposed" if there is a high risk of injury in the event of a fall because of the steepness of the terrain
Wikipedia - Extensible Forms Description Language
Wikipedia - Eyeglass prescription -- Order written by an eyewear prescriber
Wikipedia - Ezekiel's Temple -- Unbuilt temple structure described in the biblical Book of Ezekiel
object:wikipedia - f - links with description
Wikipedia - Fabrica ecclesiae -- Latin term describing the construction and maintenance of a church
Wikipedia - Fabrice Du Welz -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Fabrizio Bentivoglio -- Italian actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Face of the Screaming Werewolf -- 1964 film by Gilberto Martinez Solares
Wikipedia - Face-to-face (philosophy) -- Philosophical concept described by Emmanuel Levinas
Wikipedia - Facsimile -- Copy or reproduction of an old book, manuscript, map, art print, or other item of historical value
Wikipedia - Faith Green -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Faith Thomas (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Famine Stela -- Hieroglyphic inscription on Sehel Island in Egypt
Wikipedia - Famke Janssen -- Dutch actress, director, screenwriter, and former fashion model
Wikipedia - Fanny Hatton -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Fantaisie in B minor (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Fanya Foss -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Far Eastern Plaza -- Taiwanese skyscraper comples
Wikipedia - Farid Kamil -- Malaysian actor, director and screenplay writer
Wikipedia - Farid Shawqi -- Egyptian actor, screenwriter, and film producer
Wikipedia - Farrelly brothers -- Sibling screenwriters and directors
Wikipedia - Federated Tower -- Skyscraper in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Fei Xing -- Chinese film director and screen editor
Wikipedia - Felix van Groeningen -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Female Eye Film Festival -- Film festival screening works by women directors in Toronto
Wikipedia - Ferdinando Cito Filomarino -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ferdinando Maria Poggioli -- Italian film director, film editor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ferdinand Reyher -- American screenwriter, novelist
Wikipedia - Fermi-Dirac statistics -- Statistical description for the behavior of fermions
Wikipedia - Fermi's golden rule -- A formula that describes the transition rate from one energy eigenstate of a quantum system into other energy eigenstates
Wikipedia - Fernando Eimbcke -- Mexican film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Fernando Leon de Aranoa -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Fernando Soler -- Mexican actor, director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Feroz Abbas Khan -- Indian theatre and film director, playwright, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - FESOM -- A multi-resolution ocean general circulation model that solves the equations of motion describing the ocean and sea ice using finite-element and finite-volume methods on unstructured computational grids
Wikipedia - Fighting Discrimination
Wikipedia - Figueroa at Wilshire -- 53-story skyscraper in Downtown Los Angeles, designed by Albert C. Martin & Associates.
Wikipedia - File descriptor
Wikipedia - Filip David -- Serbian writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Filters in topology -- Use of filters to describe and characterize all basic topological notions and results.
Wikipedia - Finalizer (video game) -- Konami scrolling shooter arcade game from 1985
Wikipedia - Financial Star Building -- Skyscraper office building in Zhongli District of Taoyuan, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Finsler-Hadwiger theorem -- Describes a third square derived from any two squares that share a vertex
Wikipedia - First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC -- First published description of the logical design of a stored-program computer
Wikipedia - Fis Eireann/Screen Ireland -- Irish state development body for film, TV and animation
Wikipedia - Fisher discriminant analysis
Wikipedia - Flannchad Ua hEolais -- 12th century scribe in Ireland
Wikipedia - Flattr -- Swedish-based microdonation subscription service
Wikipedia - Fleming Lynge -- Danish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Flicker (screen) -- Fast change of brightness of screens
Wikipedia - Flood geology -- Attempt to interpret and reconcile geological features of the Earth in accordance with a literal belief in the global flood described in Genesis 6-8.
Wikipedia - Floral diagram -- Formal schematic description of floral anatomy
Wikipedia - Florence Hein -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Florence Wagner -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Florida peninsula inland scrub -- Ecological zone of Florida, US
Wikipedia - Florida scrub -- Ecological region in Florida, US
Wikipedia - Flowers Become Screens -- Song by Delerium
Wikipedia - Fluffy transcription factor -- Gene of Neurospora crassa required for asexual sporulation
Wikipedia - Fluoroscopy -- Production of an image when X-rays strike a fluorescent screen
Wikipedia - F. McGrew Willis -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Folding screen
Wikipedia - Ford Beebe -- Screenwriter, Film director
Wikipedia - Fork head domain -- DNA-binding protein domain found in transcription factors
Wikipedia - Format of Sesame Street -- Description of the format of the children's television show Sesame Street
Wikipedia - Forrest Halsey -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Forsyth County News -- Subscription-based local newspaper presiding over Forsyth County in Georgia
Wikipedia - Forsyth-Edwards Notation -- Notation for describing a chess game position
Wikipedia - For the First Time (The Script song) -- 2010 single by The Script
Wikipedia - Fountain Palace -- Residential skyscraper in Xitun District of Taichung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Four (Frankfurt) -- Mixed-use skyscraper project in Frankfurt, Germany
Wikipedia - Four Oaks Place -- Complex of skyscrapers
Wikipedia - Four Seasons Hotel & Private Residences, One Dalton Street -- A skyscraper containing residences and a hotel in Boston, MA
Wikipedia - Four Seasons Hotel Miami -- Skyscraper
Wikipedia - Four Seasons Private Residences at 706 Mission Street -- Skyscraper in San Francisco, California, U.S.
Wikipedia - Fox Footy -- Australian subscription television channel
Wikipedia - FOXL2 -- Transcription factor gene of the FOX family
Wikipedia - Fox Nation -- American subscription streaming news service
Wikipedia - FOXP2 -- Transcription factor gene of the forkhead box family
Wikipedia - FOX proteins -- Family of transcription factors involved in anatomical development
Wikipedia - Fox spirit -- Any of several folk traditions in East Asia describing a fox-like apparition
Wikipedia - Foz Allan -- British producer and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Fragmentarium -- Digital medieval manuscripts archive
Wikipedia - Frame problem -- The problem of finding adequate collections of axioms for a viable description of a robot environment using first-order logic
Wikipedia - Frances Agnew -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Francesca Archibugi -- Italian film director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Francesca Delbanco -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Francesco Bruni (screenwriter) -- Italian screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Francesco Falaschi -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Frances H. Flaherty -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Frances Hyland (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Frances Irene Reels -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Frances Kavanaugh -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Frances Marion -- American screenwriter, journalist, author, and film director
Wikipedia - Franchising -- Practice of the right to use a firm's business model and brand for a prescribed period of time
Wikipedia - Francisco Rabal -- Spanish actor, director, and screenwriter (1926-2001)
Wikipedia - Francis Edward Faragoh -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Franco Arcalli -- Italian screenwriter, actor and film editor
Wikipedia - Franco Bernini -- Italian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Franco Ferrini -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Francois Ozon -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Frank and Doris Hursley -- American screenwriters
Wikipedia - Frank Coraci -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Frank Darabont -- American film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Frank E. Woods -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Frank Howard Clark -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Franklin Martin -- American documentary film director, producer, screenwriter, former actor
Wikipedia - Frank Miller (screenwriter) -- British filmmaker (1891-1950)
Wikipedia - Frank Mitchell Dazey -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Frank Peppiatt -- Canadian television producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Frank Pierson -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Fran Walsh -- New Zealand screenwriter, film producer, and lyricist
Wikipedia - Franziska Buch -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Frauke Finsterwalder -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Freda Dowie -- British screen actress (1928-2019)
Wikipedia - Frederic Descrozaille -- French politician
Wikipedia - Frederick Hazlitt Brennan -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Frederick J. Jackson -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Frederick Knott -- English playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Frederik Du Chau -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Fred Guiol -- Film director; screenwriter
Wikipedia - Fred Myton -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Fred Schepisi -- Australian director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Fred Wolf (writer) -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Frick Building -- Skyscraper in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US
Wikipedia - Friedrich Forster -- German writer and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Fritz Wendhausen -- German actor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - From a Whisper to a Scream (song) -- 1981 song by Elvis Costello
Wikipedia - F. Scott Fitzgerald -- American novelist and screenwriter (1896-1940)
Wikipedia - F-Script (programming language)
Wikipedia - Fubon Sky Tree -- Residential skyscraper in Xitun District of Taichung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Fuji Yahiro -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Full screen editor
Wikipedia - Fullscreen (filmmaking)
Wikipedia - Fulminant -- Descriptor for events that occur suddenly and escalate quickly
Wikipedia - Fumihiko Shimo -- Japanese anime screenwriter
Wikipedia - Fundamental theorem of Galois theory -- Theorem that describes the structure of certain types of field extensions
Wikipedia - Fundamento de Esperanto -- 1905 book by L. L. Zamenhof, describing the basic grammar and vocabulary of Esperanto; the only obligatory authority over the language, according to the Declaration of Boulogne
Wikipedia - Fusilli -- Corkscrew or helical shaped pasta
Wikipedia - Fuyu Oriental Crown -- Residential skyscraper in Xitun District of Taichung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - FXScript -- Scripting language
object:wikipedia - g - links with description
Wikipedia - Gabriel Aghion -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gabriel Dowrick -- Australian born screenwriter and editor
Wikipedia - Gabriele Salvatores -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gaius Scribonius Curio (son of Fulvia) -- Son of Fulvia, step-son of Mark Antony
Wikipedia - Gajah Mada inscription -- Ancient Indonesian inscription
Wikipedia - Gajendra Ahire -- Indian Marathi film maker and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gale Weathers -- Fictional character in the Scream film series
Wikipedia - Galik alphabet -- Extension to the traditional Mongolian script
Wikipedia - Gal Uchovsky -- Israeli screenwriter, journalist and film producer
Wikipedia - Gamar Salamzade -- Azerbaijani film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gama Tower -- Skyscraper in Jakarta, Indonesia
Wikipedia - GameClub -- Mobile video game subscription service
Wikipedia - Game description language
Wikipedia - Gamemaster's screen -- Equipment of tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - GameMonkey Script
Wikipedia - Gareth Morrison -- Scottish actor, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Garima Gospels -- Early illuminated Christian manuscripts
Wikipedia - Garmr -- A wolf or dog described as a guardian of Hel's gate.
Wikipedia - Garrick Dowhen -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Garson Kanin -- American film and theatre director, playwright, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gary Conway -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gary Dauberman -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Gary Goldman (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gary Lennon -- American Screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gas laws -- Scientific description of the bahaviour of gases as physical conditions vary
Wikipedia - Gas Natural Building -- Office skyscraper in Barcelona, Spain
Wikipedia - Gaspar Noe -- Argentine director, screenwriter, cinematographer and film producer
Wikipedia - GATA transcription factor -- Transcription factors characterized by their ability to bind to the DNA sequence "GATA".[1]
Wikipedia - Gayathri Ashokan -- Indian poster designer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gay pride -- Positive stance toward LGBTQ+ people, opposing any stigma, discrimination, or violence
Wikipedia - Gazal Dhaliwal -- Indian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gaze-contingency paradigm -- Techniques for changing computer screen display depending on where the viewer is looking
Wikipedia - GDScript
Wikipedia - Ge'ez script
Wikipedia - Gelnhausen Codex -- Early-15th-century manuscript
Wikipedia - GeM-JM-=ez script -- script used to write the Ge'ez language
Wikipedia - Gene L. Coon -- American screenwriter, TV producer and novelist, best known for his work on Star Trek
Wikipedia - Gene Nelson -- US actor, dancer, screenwriter, director
Wikipedia - Generativity -- Term originating in psychology to describe a concern for the next generation
Wikipedia - Gene Roddenberry -- American television screenwriter and producer (1921-1991)
Wikipedia - Genetic discrimination
Wikipedia - Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
Wikipedia - Genetic screen -- Biological lab technique
Wikipedia - Gene Towne -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gene transcription
Wikipedia - Genndy Tartakovsky -- Russian-American cinema and television animator, director producer, screenwriter, storyboard artist, comic book writer, and artist
Wikipedia - GenScript Biotech -- Biotechnology group
Wikipedia - Geocentric model -- Superseded description of the Universe with Earth at the center
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Darby -- Canadian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Geography Markup Language -- Used to describe geographical features
Wikipedia - Geology and geological history of California -- Description of the geology of California
Wikipedia - Geology of the North Sea -- Description of the current geological features and the geological history that created them
Wikipedia - Geometrical optics -- Model of optics describing light as geometric rays
Wikipedia - George C. Hull -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - George D. Baker -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - George Eastman (actor) -- Italian B-movie actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - George Hermonymus -- 15th-century Greek scribe, diplomat, scholar and lecturer
Wikipedia - George Hurdalek -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - George Jeske -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - George Julius Poulett Scrope
Wikipedia - George Lucas -- American film director, producer, screenwriter, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - George Marion Jr. -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - George Marshall (director) -- American actor, screenwriter, producer and film and television director
Wikipedia - George Melford -- Actor, director, screenwriter, producer
Wikipedia - George Morgan (screenwriter) -- American actor
Wikipedia - George Nolfi -- American screenwriter, producer and director
Wikipedia - George O'Hara (actor) -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - George Pearson (filmmaker) -- English film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - George R. R. Martin -- American writer, screenwriter and television producer
Wikipedia - Georges Berr -- French actor, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - George Schenck -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Georges Descrieres -- French actor
Wikipedia - George Stevens -- American film director, producer, screenwriter and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Georgian scripts -- Alphabetic writing system
Wikipedia - Geospatial metadata -- Metadata used for describing geospatial data
Wikipedia - Gerald Di Pego -- Screenwriter, producer
Wikipedia - Gerald Drayson Adams -- Canadian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gerald Gardner (scriptwriter) -- American author
Wikipedia - Gerald Wexler -- Canadian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gerald Wilson (writer) -- Canadian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gerard Soeteman -- Dutch screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gerhard Menzel -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gerhard T. Buchholz -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gertrude Purcell -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gertrude Walker -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ghani (letter) -- Letter in the three Georgian scripts
Wikipedia - Ghostface (identity) -- Identity in the Scream franchise
Wikipedia - Ghost in the machine -- Description of Rene Descartes' mind-body dualism
Wikipedia - Ghostscript
Wikipedia - Giacomo Campiotti -- Italian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Giambattista Avellino -- Italian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Giancarlo Giannini -- Italian actor, voice actor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gian Christian -- Australian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gian Luigi Rondi -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gianni Di Gregorio -- Italian director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Gianni Puccini -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gilles Paquet-Brenner -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gina Cascone -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gina Prince-Bythewood -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Giorgio Prosperi -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Giovanni di Paolo -- Italian painter and illustrator of manuscripts (c.1403-1482)
Wikipedia - Giovanni Fago -- Italian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Giraffes on Horseback Salad -- 1937 screenplay by Salvador Dali
Wikipedia - Girly girl -- Term used to describe females who present as especially feminine
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Ferlito (born 1975) -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Moccia -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Tornatore -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gladys Atwater -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gladys Gordon -- British novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gladys Maeva Cumpston -- Australian Braille transcriber
Wikipedia - Gladys Ravenscroft -- British golfer
Wikipedia - Glagolitic script -- Oldest known Slavic alphabet
Wikipedia - Glaucocharis auriscriptella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Glen Berger -- American playwright and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Glen Pitre -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Glenriddell Manuscripts -- 1791 collection of poems and letters by Robert Burns
Wikipedia - Global cooling -- Discredited 1970s hypothesis of imminent cooling of the Earth
Wikipedia - Global Strategy Center -- Skyscraper in Xitun District of Taichung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Glossary of bird terms -- Glossary of common English language terms used in the description of birds
Wikipedia - Gloss (optics) -- Optical property describing the ability of a surface to reflect light in a specular direction
Wikipedia - Glow (JavaScript library) -- Open-source JavaScript library.
Wikipedia - G. Marion Burton -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - GNU Screen
Wikipedia - Godescalc Evangelistary -- Illuminated manuscript from the 8th century
Wikipedia - Gold Award for Best Onscreen Jodi -- Indian television award
Wikipedia - Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Screen Combo -- Award for worst movie pairing or cast of the past year
Wikipedia - Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Screenplay -- Award for worst film screenplay of the past year
Wikipedia - Goldin Finance 117 -- Unfinished skyscraper in Tianjin, China
Wikipedia - Gondal (fictional country) -- Fictional country described by Emily and Anne BrontM-CM-+
Wikipedia - Google Apps Script
Wikipedia - Google Behind the Screen
Wikipedia - Google Closure Tools -- JavaScript developer toolkit
Wikipedia - Google One -- Subscription cloud storage service developed by Google for managing storage used by Google's productivity software on the same account
Wikipedia - Google Play Pass -- Games and apps subscription service
Wikipedia - Google Text-to-Speech -- Screenreader
Wikipedia - Goran Paskaljevic -- Serbian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Goran RuM-EM-!inovic -- Croatian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gordon Hessler -- British film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gordon Rigby -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gosahasra -- ritual donation described in the ancient texts of India
Wikipedia - Gospel -- Books which describe the life and teachings of Jesus
Wikipedia - Governor Phillip Tower -- Skyscraper in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Gove Scrivenor -- American musician
Wikipedia - Goya Award for Best Original Screenplay -- Annual Spanish film award category
Wikipedia - Graceful Explosion Machine -- 2017 2-D, side-scrolling shoot 'em up game
Wikipedia - Grace Perkins -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Grace Sanderson Michie -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gradius (video game) -- Sidescrolling shooter video game by Konami
Wikipedia - Grady Hall -- American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Graham Linehan -- Irish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Graham Skipper -- American film actor, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Grainyhead-like gene family -- Family of highly conserved genes for transcription factors in animals
Wikipedia - Grantha script -- Indian script
Wikipedia - Graph cut optimization -- Combinatorial optimization method for a family of functions of discrete variables
Wikipedia - Graph (discrete mathematics) -- Mathematical structure consisting of vertices and edges connecting some pairs of vertices
Wikipedia - Graphis alboscripta -- Species of lichenised fungi in the family Graphidaceae
Wikipedia - Graphis scripta -- Species of lichenised fungi in the family Graphidaceae
Wikipedia - Grapholita discretana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Graph theory -- Area of discrete mathematics
Wikipedia - Graybar Building -- Office skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Greasemonkey -- Userscript manager extension for Firefox
Wikipedia - Greatrex Newman -- English author, song-writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Greedy algorithm -- This article describes a type of algorithmic approach that is used to solve computer science problems
Wikipedia - Greek alphabet -- Script used to write the Greek language
Wikipedia - Greek Minor Prophets Scroll from Nahal Hever
Wikipedia - Greek minuscule -- Handwritten script of medieval and early modern Greek
Wikipedia - Green Collection -- Private collection of biblical manuscripts and artifacts
Wikipedia - Greenfield project -- Project that is built up from scratch
Wikipedia - Greenland Group Suzhou Center -- Skyscraper in Suzhou, China
Wikipedia - Greenland Puli Center -- Supertall skyscraper in Jinan, Shandong, China
Wikipedia - Green's law -- Equation describing evolution of waves in shallow water
Wikipedia - Gregory Peck on screen, stage and radio -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Gregory Widen -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Greg Pritikin -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Greta Gerwig -- American film director, screenwriter and actress
Wikipedia - Grid friendly -- Descriptor for responsive electrical devices
Wikipedia - Grigori Aronov -- Soviet film director, actor, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Grigoris Grigoriou -- Greek screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Grigory Chukhray -- Soviet film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gripe water -- Non-prescription product sold to relieve discomforts of infants
Wikipedia - Grover Jones -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - GSM -- Standard to describe protocols for second generation digital cellular networks used by mobile phones
Wikipedia - Gttingen manuscript
Wikipedia - Guangdong International Building -- Skyscraper in Guangzhou, China
Wikipedia - Guangzhou CTF Finance Centre -- supertall skyscraper in Guangzhou
Wikipedia - Guangzhou International Finance Center -- supertall skyscraper in Guangzhou
Wikipedia - Guangzhou Twin Towers -- pair of supertall skyscrapers in Guangzhou
Wikipedia - Guayo -- Metal scraper used as a percussion instrument
Wikipedia - Guerrilla rainstorm -- Japanese expression to describe a short, localized downpour
Wikipedia - Guido Cantini -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Guillaume Gouix -- French actor, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Guiscriff -- Commune in Brittany, France
Wikipedia - Gujarati script -- Indian script
Wikipedia - Gulf of California xeric scrub -- Xeric shrubland ecoregion of Mexico's Baja California Peninsula
Wikipedia - Gulsel M-CM-^Vzkan -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gupta script -- Script system used to write Sanskrit
Wikipedia - Guru Granth Sahib -- Primary scripture of Sikhism
Wikipedia - Gus Rodriguez -- Mexican screenwriter and video game journalist
Wikipedia - Gustav Kampendonk -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gustav Murin -- Slovak dramatic, scriptwriter and writer
Wikipedia - Guy Fournier -- Canadian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Guy Green (filmmaker) -- Director, cinematographer, camera operator, screenwriter, producer
Wikipedia - Guy Hibbert -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Guy Nattiv -- Israeli film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Gyula Hernadi -- Hungarian writer and screenwriter
object:wikipedia - h - links with description
Wikipedia - Habib Faisal -- Indian Hindi screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Habrosyne scripta -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Hafada piercing -- Surface piercing on the scrotum
Wikipedia - Hagen-Poiseuille equation -- Law describing the pressure drop in an incompressible and Newtonian fluid
Wikipedia - Haikou Tower -- Skyscraper in Haikou, Hainan, China
Wikipedia - Haitian Center Tower 2 -- Skyscraper in Qingdao, Shandong Province, China
Wikipedia - Hal Corley -- American soap opera screenwriter
Wikipedia - Haley Bishop -- American actress, producer, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hal Hartley -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Halina Auderska -- Polish screenwriter, writer and politician
Wikipedia - Halitha Shameem -- Indian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Halloween Screams -- Fireworks spectacular at Disneyland
Wikipedia - Hal Yates -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hamburg Notation System -- Phonetic transcription system for sign languages
Wikipedia - Hamlet on screen -- none
Wikipedia - Hampton Del Ruth -- Actor, director, screenwriter, producer
Wikipedia - Hana JuM-EM-!ic -- Croatian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Handschriftencensus -- Catalogue of medieval German manuscripts
Wikipedia - Haneef Adeni -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hanging scroll
Wikipedia - Hang Seng Bank Headquarters Building -- Skyscraper in Central, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Han Jin-won -- South Korean screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hank Woon -- American author, game designer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hanna Azoulay Hasfari -- Israeli actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hansard -- Transcripts of Parliamentary Debates in Britain and many Commonwealth countries
Wikipedia - Hans Beimler (screenwriter) -- American television writer and producer
Wikipedia - Hans Bertram -- German aviator, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Hans Fitz -- German actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hans Fritz Kollner -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hans H. Zerlett -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Harald G. Petersson -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Harald Rosenlow Eeg -- Norwegian novelist and script writer
Wikipedia - Harbour Centre -- Mixed-use skyscraper in Vancouver, British Columbia
Wikipedia - Harcourt Templeman -- British screenwriter, film producer & director
Wikipedia - Harder Hotel -- historic hotel building in Scribner, Nebraska, United States
Wikipedia - Hard Rock Hotel and Casino (Las Vegas) -- Hotel & casino skyscraper in Las Vegas
Wikipedia - Hardware description language -- Specialized computer language used to describe the structure and behavior of electronic circuits, and most commonly, digital logic circuits
Wikipedia - Hark Bohm -- German actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Harley Lyrics -- Manuscript
Wikipedia - Harley Peyton -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Harmony Korine -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Harold Jacob Smith -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Harold Ramis -- American actor, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Harold Shumate -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Harriet Bloch -- Danish writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Harriet Frank Jr. -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Harriet Quimby -- American aviator, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Harry A. Pollard -- Actor, Film director, Screenwriter
Wikipedia - Harry Clork -- American screenwriter (1888-1978)
Wikipedia - Harry Elfont -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Harry Kleiner -- Russian-American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Harry O. Hoyt -- American screenwriter, film director
Wikipedia - Harry Randall (rugby union) -- English rugby union scrum half
Wikipedia - Harsola copper plates -- 10th century copper-plate inscriptions from Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Haruhiko Arai -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Harvey Gates -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hassan Tariq -- Pakistani film director, film producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hathibada Ghosundi Inscriptions
Wikipedia - Hattie Jacques on stage, radio, screen and record -- Media credits for Hattie Jacques
Wikipedia - Hattie Jacques -- English comedy actress of stage, radio and screen
Wikipedia - Hayu (subscription service) -- Video streaming service
Wikipedia - Hazel Jamieson -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - HBO Go -- Subscription video-on demand service
Wikipedia - HBO Max -- American subscription video streaming service
Wikipedia - Head (geology) -- Term in geology that describes deposits
Wikipedia - Heat lightning -- Description of distant cloud to ground lightning
Wikipedia - Heavy quark effective theory -- Effective field theory describing the physics of heavy quarks
Wikipedia - Hebenstretia -- Genus of Scrophulariaceae plants
Wikipedia - Hebraization of English -- Transliteration of English language into Hebrew script
Wikipedia - Hebrew Bible -- Canonical collection of Hebrew scriptures
Wikipedia - Hebrew Scriptures
Wikipedia - Hebrew Scripture
Wikipedia - Hector Turnbull -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hedley Muscroft -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Heidi Thomas -- English screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - Height discrimination
Wikipedia - Heini Bock -- Namibian rugby union scrum-half
Wikipedia - Heinz Goldberg -- German director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hekro Towers -- South African skyscraper
Wikipedia - Helena Lumbreras -- Spanish filmmaker and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Helena van der Meulen -- Dutch screenwriter, film critic and TV writer
Wikipedia - Helen Blakeman -- British playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Helen Cresswell -- English children's writer and TV scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Helen Li -- |Chinese actress, screenwriter, and film director from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Helen Meinardi -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Helen Nielsen -- American author and script writer
Wikipedia - Helicoidal flow -- Cork-screw-like flow of water in a meander
Wikipedia - Hellinsia scribarius -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Hell Scroll (Nara National Museum)
Wikipedia - Helma Sanders-Brahms -- German film director, screenwriter, producer and actress
Wikipedia - Help:File description page
Wikipedia - Help:Gadget-Cat-a-lot -- MediaWiki JavaScript gadget for mass recategorization
Wikipedia - Hemanth M. Rao -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hemimeris -- Genus of Scrophulariaceae plants
Wikipedia - Hemming's Cartulary -- 11th century English manuscript
Wikipedia - Henning Bahs -- Danish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Henri Diamant-Berger -- Director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Henri-Georges Clouzot -- French film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Henri Xhonneux -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Henry Gayden -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Henry Lehrman -- American actor, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Henry Otto -- Actor, director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Henry Scrope, 3rd Baron Scrope of Masham
Wikipedia - Henry Scrope (died 1625) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Herbert Biberman -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Herbert Grevenius -- Swedish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Herbivore men -- A term used in Japan to describe men who have no interest in getting married or finding a girlfriend
Wikipedia - Herman J. Mankiewicz -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hermite-Minkowski theorem -- For any integer N there are only finitely many number fields with discriminant at most N
Wikipedia - Herve Bohbot -- French Scrabble player
Wikipedia - Hester Ulrich -- Fictional character from the Fox series Scream Queens
Wikipedia - Hetty Spiers -- British author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hex key -- Hand tool for certain types of screws
Wikipedia - Hidden Words -- BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Hideki Mitsui -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hideo Nagata -- Japanese poet, playwright, and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - High-content screening
Wikipedia - High Courses for Scriptwriters and Film Directors -- Russian film school in Moscow
Wikipedia - High throughput screening
Wikipedia - Hilbert-Burch theorem -- Describes the structure of some free resolutions of a quotient of a local or graded ring
Wikipedia - Hilda Stone -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hilton Memphis -- Hilton skyscraper hotel in Memphis, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Hindu cosmology -- Description of the universe in Hindu texts
Wikipedia - Hindu scriptures
Wikipedia - Hindu scripture
Wikipedia - Hiranyaksha -- Asura in Hindu scriptures
Wikipedia - Hirohisa Sasaki -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hirokazu Kore-eda -- Japanese film director, producer, screenplay writer and film editor
Wikipedia - Hisashi Nozawa -- Japanese screenwriter and mystery novelist
Wikipedia - History of classical mechanics -- History of classical mechanics, which is concerned with the set of physical laws describing the motion of bodies under the action of a system of forces
Wikipedia - History -- The study of the past as it is described in written documents
Wikipedia - Hodgkin-Huxley model -- Describes how neurons transmit electric signals
Wikipedia - Hofstadter's butterfly -- fractal describing the theorised behaviour of electrons in a magnetic field
Wikipedia - Holobiont -- Assemblage of a host and the many other species living in or around it which together form a discrete ecological unit.
Wikipedia - Holotype -- The example of an organism used to describe its species
Wikipedia - Holy Land -- Term used by Jews, Christians, and Muslims to describe the Land of Israel and Palestine
Wikipedia - Holy Scripture
Wikipedia - Holy scripture
Wikipedia - Home Insurance Building -- Early skyscraper in Chicago
Wikipedia - Home Life Building -- Office skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Ho Meng Hua -- Chinese film director and screenwriter in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Homeobox protein NANOG -- Transcriptional factor that helps embryonic stem cells (ESCs) maintain pluripotency by suppressing cell determination factors
Wikipedia - Homer -- name ascribed by the ancient Greeks to the author of the ''Iliad'' and the ''Odyssey''
Wikipedia - Homophobia -- Negative attitudes and discrimination toward homosexuality and LGBT people
Wikipedia - Honey Irani -- Indian actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hoosier -- Official word describing a resident of the U.S. state of Indiana
Wikipedia - Hope Loring -- English screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hope Point Tower -- Skyscraper in Rhode Idland, U.S.
Wikipedia - Horizontal and vertical writing in East Asian scripts
Wikipedia - Horizontal scrolling
Wikipedia - Horned screamer -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Horse Museum -- 2019 book based on a manuscript by Dr. Seuss
Wikipedia - Hossein Mortezaeian Abkenar -- Iranian writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hossein Shahabi -- Iranian film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Hotel Torni Tampere -- Skyscraper hotel in Tampere, Finland
Wikipedia - Hou Hsiao-hsien -- Taiwanese film director, screenwriter, actor and film producer
Wikipedia - Hours of Louis XII -- Illuminated manuscript book of hours
Wikipedia - Hours of Mary of Burgundy -- Devotional illuminated manuscript made in Flanders around 1477
Wikipedia - Housebook of Wolfegg Castle -- 15th-century manuscript
Wikipedia - Housing discrimination in the United States -- Aspect of history and culture of the United States
Wikipedia - Housing discrimination
Wikipedia - Houston Branch -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Hou Yao -- Chinese film director, screenwriter, and film theorist
Wikipedia - Howard Clewes -- English screenwriter
Wikipedia - Howard Franklin -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Howard Hawks -- American film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Howard J. Green -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Howard Michael Gould -- American screenwriter, playwright, and novelist
Wikipedia - How-to -- Description of how to do something
Wikipedia - HTML scripting
Wikipedia - Huaku Sky Garden -- Residential skyscraper in Shilin District of Taipei, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Huangdi Yinfujing -- Daoist scripture
Wikipedia - Hughes brothers -- American film directors, producers and screenwriters
Wikipedia - Hugh Whitemore -- English playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Human Markup Language -- XML specification developed to contextually describe physical, kinesic, cultural, and social information about instances of human communicatio
Wikipedia - Humphrey Pearson -- American screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - Huntington MS 17 -- New Testament manuscript, dated 1174
Wikipedia - Hyacinthoides non-scripta -- Species of flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae
Wikipedia - Hybrid open-access journal -- Journal publishing a mixture of open access and subscription based content
Wikipedia - Hydrography -- Applied science of measurement and description of physical features of bodies of water
Wikipedia - HyperCam -- Screen recording software
Wikipedia - Hypercorrection -- Non-standard language usage from the over-application of a perceived prescriptive rule
Wikipedia - Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy screening -- Procedure for detecting a form of heart disease
Wikipedia - Hysterical realism -- Pejorative term to describe certain realist-genre books
object:wikipedia - i - links with description
Wikipedia - I. A. L. Diamond -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ian Brennan (writer) -- American screenwriter, producer, director and actor
Wikipedia - Ian Carmichael on stage, screen and radio -- English actor
Wikipedia - Ian Davidson (scriptwriter) -- British scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Ian Kennedy Martin -- British scriptwriter
Wikipedia - I. A. R. Wylie -- Australian-British novelist, screenwriter, poet, and suffragette sympathizer
Wikipedia - Ibara (video game) -- 2005 vertical scrolling shooter video game
Wikipedia - Ida May Park -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - IEEE 1471 -- Superseded IEEE standard for describing software architecture
Wikipedia - IEEE 1855 -- IEEE standard for describing a fuzzy logic system
Wikipedia - If You Ever Come Back -- 2011 single by The Script
Wikipedia - Igor Ciel -- Slovak director, screenwriter, and actor (1931-2010)
Wikipedia - I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (video game) -- Point-and-click adventure video game
Wikipedia - I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream -- Short story by Harlan Ellison
Wikipedia - Ilham Tower -- Skyscraper in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Illuminated manuscript -- Manuscript in which the text is supplemented by the addition of decoration
Wikipedia - Illumination (manuscript)
Wikipedia - Illustrated manuscript
Wikipedia - Ilya Chaiken -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Image persistence -- Temporary effect on LCD and plasma screens
Wikipedia - IMAX -- Large-screen film format
Wikipedia - Imperial Rescript on Education
Wikipedia - Implicit bias training -- Programs to expose implicit bias and eliminate discriminatory behaviors
Wikipedia - Improvisational theatre -- Theatrical genre featuring unscripted performance
Wikipedia - Independent Democrat -- Description of certain independent U.S. politicians
Wikipedia - Independent movie theater -- Movie theater which screens non-mainstream films
Wikipedia - Independent Nationalist -- Political description
Wikipedia - Independent Spirit Award for Best First Screenplay
Wikipedia - Index of JavaScript-related articles -- Wikipedia index
Wikipedia - India Inc. -- Commonly used term to describe the formal sector in India
Wikipedia - Indian Script Code for Information Interchange -- Coding scheme for Indian writing systems
Wikipedia - India Tower -- Proposed skyscraper in Mumbai, India
Wikipedia - Indiscreet (1931 film) -- 1931 film by Leo McCarey
Wikipedia - Indiscreet (1958 film) -- 1958 film by Stanley Donen
Wikipedia - Indiscreet Corinne -- 1917 silent film
Wikipedia - Indiscretions of Archie -- 1921 short story collection by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Indus script -- Short strings of symbols associated with the Indus Valley Civilization
Wikipedia - Industrial National Bank Building -- Skyscraper in Providence, Rhode Island, US
Wikipedia - Infamous Scribblers -- 2006 nonfiction history book
Wikipedia - Inherently funny word -- Words which have been described as inherently funny
Wikipedia - Inode -- Data structure describing a file-system object (e.g. file, directory) that stores the attributes and disk block location(s) of the object data
Wikipedia - Inscribed angle theorem
Wikipedia - Inscriptiones Graecae -- German academic project
Wikipedia - Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae
Wikipedia - Inscription of Huis Tolgoi -- Historical inscription
Wikipedia - InScript (JavaScript engine)
Wikipedia - InScript keyboard -- Standard keyboard layout for Indian scripts
Wikipedia - Insert (composites) -- Pins, bolts, screws, joints and other structures used with composite panels
Wikipedia - Institute of Arabic Manuscripts -- Museum in Egypt
Wikipedia - Institutional racism -- The establishment of racial discrimination as a policy within a society or organisation
Wikipedia - Instruction set architecture -- Set of abstract symbols which describe a computer program's operations to a processor
Wikipedia - Insular script -- Writing system common to Ireland and Anglo-Saxon England
Wikipedia - Intempo -- Residential skyscraper in Benidorm, Spain
Wikipedia - Interface description language
Wikipedia - Interhotel Cherno More -- Skyscraper hotel in Varna, Bulgaria
Wikipedia - International Commerce Centre -- Skyscraper in West Kowloon, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination -- United Nations convention and human rights instrument
Wikipedia - International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Wikipedia - Internationalized Resource Identifier -- Resource Description Framework node within an RDF graph; is a Unicode string that conforms to the syntax defined in RFC 3987
Wikipedia - International mobile subscriber identity -- ITU-T recommendation
Wikipedia - International Standard Bibliographic Description
Wikipedia - Internet in Nepal -- Description and history of internet use in Nepal
Wikipedia - Internet in Singapore -- Description of internet in Singapore
Wikipedia - Interpolation (manuscripts)
Wikipedia - Interrupted screw -- Mechanical device used to effect a closure using a partial rotation
Wikipedia - Interscript -- Rich text document markup language designed by Xerox
Wikipedia - Intraclass correlation -- Descriptive statistic
Wikipedia - Inverse discrete cosine transform
Wikipedia - Iodine in biology -- Description of the element's function as an essential trace element
Wikipedia - IPS panel -- Screen technology used for liquid crystal displays
Wikipedia - I Put a Spell on You -- 1956 single by Screamin' Jay Hawkins
Wikipedia - IRC bot -- Set of scripts or an independent program that connects to Internet Relay Chat as a client
Wikipedia - IRC script -- Way of shortening commands while connected to an IRC network
Wikipedia - Irene Miller -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Irene Sanchez-Escribano -- Spanish athletics competitor
Wikipedia - Irina Apeksimova -- Russian stage and screen actress
Wikipedia - Irk Bitig -- 9th-century manuscript book on divination written in Old Turkic
Wikipedia - Irna Phillips -- American scriptwriter, screenwriter, casting agent and actress
Wikipedia - IRS targeting controversy -- Questions of scrutiny based on political themes
Wikipedia - Irving Ravetch -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Isaac Akrish -- Manuscript collector and editor
Wikipedia - Isabel Dawn -- American actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Isabel Johnston -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Isadore Bernstein -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Isaiah Scroll
Wikipedia - Isaiah scroll
Wikipedia - Isa Mazzei -- American film screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - ISCRAM
Wikipedia - Isha Upanishad -- One of the ancient Sanskrit scriptures of Hinduism
Wikipedia - Ishaya Bako -- Nigerian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - ISO 15919 -- Transliteration of Devanagari and related Indic scripts into Latin characters
Wikipedia - ISO/IEC 42010 -- Standard for software architecture description
Wikipedia - ISO metric screw thread -- Hardware threading standard
Wikipedia - Isrotel Tower -- Skyscraper hotel in Tel Aviv, Israel
Wikipedia - Issyk inscription -- Undeciphered archaeological text
Wikipedia - Isthmian script -- Mesoamerican writing system in use in the area of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec from perhaps 500 BCE to 500 CE
Wikipedia - Istvan Nemeskurty -- Screenwriter, film producer
Wikipedia - Istvan Szabo -- Hungarian film director, screenwriter, and opera director
Wikipedia - Italic script -- Semi-cursive, slightly sloped style of handwriting and calligraphy developed in Italy
Wikipedia - Itch -- Sensation that causes the desire or reflex to scratch
Wikipedia - Itchy & Scratchy Land -- Fourth episode of the sixth season of ''The Simpsons''
Wikipedia - Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie -- Sixth episode of the fourth season of ''The Simpsons''
Wikipedia - Itihasa -- collection of written descriptions of important events in Hinduism
Wikipedia - ITRANS -- ASCII transliteration scheme for Indic scripts, particularly for Devanagari script
Wikipedia - Ivan Foxwell -- British screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Ivan Grbovic -- Canadian cinematographer, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ivan Raimi -- American osteopathic physician and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ivan Tors -- Hungarian playwright, film director, screenwriter, and film and television producer
Wikipedia - Ivo Perilli -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - I Wake Up Screaming -- 1941 US film noir by H. Bruce Humberstone
Wikipedia - Izuru Narushima -- Japanese scriptwriter and film director
object:wikipedia - j - links with description
Wikipedia - Jack Barth -- screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Jack B. Sowards -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jack Burditt -- American producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jack Coleman (actor) -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jack Cunningham (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jack Fincher (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter and journalist
Wikipedia - Jack Henley -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jackie Schaffer -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jack Jevne -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jack Natteford -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jack Pratt -- Canadian actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jack Townley -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jacob Aaron Estes -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Jacob Berger -- Swiss film director and screenwriter (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Jacob Geis -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jacques Audiard -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jacques Boigelot -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jacques Boudet -- French stage and screen actor
Wikipedia - Jacques Rivette -- French film director, screenwriter and film critic
Wikipedia - Jacques Sigurd -- French screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jafar Jabbarly -- Azerbaijani playwright, poet, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jagadish -- Indian film actor, screenwriter, and politician
Wikipedia - Jaie Laplante -- Canadian-American screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Jaime Comas -- Spanish screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Jaime Salvador -- Spanish-Mexican film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jain Scriptures
Wikipedia - James Bloom -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - James Booth -- English actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jamesbrittenia -- Genus of Scrophulariaceae plants
Wikipedia - James Foley (director) -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - James Forbes (screenwriter) -- Canadian playwright / screenwriter
Wikipedia - James Frain -- English stage and screen actor
Wikipedia - James Greer (writer) -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - James Griffith -- American actor, musician and screenwriter
Wikipedia - James Hampton (actor) -- American actor, television director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - James Hibberd (writer) -- American journalist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - James Kevin McGuinness -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - James Lee (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - James Mangold -- American film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - James Robinson (writer) -- British writer of comic books and screenplays
Wikipedia - James Toback -- American screenwriter and film director accused of sexual harassment and assault
Wikipedia - James W. Horne -- American actor, screenwriter, and film director
Wikipedia - James Wood (screenwriter) -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jamie Linden (writer) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jamie Marchi -- American voice actress, ADR director and script writer
Wikipedia - Jamie Moss -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - JamPlay -- Online instructional guitar-playing subscription service
Wikipedia - Jan Bonny -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jane Brucker -- American actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jane Campion -- New Zealand screenwriter, producer, and film director
Wikipedia - Jan Englund -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jane Rogers -- English novelist and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Jane Storm -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Janet Green (screenwriter) -- British screenwriter (b. 1914, d. 1993)
Wikipedia - Janet Lansburgh -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jan Komasa -- Polish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jan Schmidt -- Czech director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Jan Scruggs
Wikipedia - Janus Cercone -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jared Bush -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Jarmo Hyttinen -- Finnish actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jasmine (JavaScript testing framework)
Wikipedia - Jason Butler Rote -- American television screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jason Buxton -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer -- American, Canadian screenwriter and filmmaker duo
Wikipedia - Jason Schwartzman -- American actor, screenwriter, and musician
Wikipedia - Jason Scrivener -- Australian professional golfer
Wikipedia - Jason Trost -- American director, actor, producer, special effects artist, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - JASPAR -- Open-access database storing curated, non-redundant transcription factor (TF) binding profiles
Wikipedia - JASS (scripting language)
Wikipedia - Javanese script
Wikipedia - JavaScriptCore
Wikipedia - JavaScript engine -- Implementation of JavaScript
Wikipedia - JavaScript framework
Wikipedia - JavaScript library
Wikipedia - JavaScript Object Notation
Wikipedia - JavaScript (programming language)
Wikipedia - JavaScript Style Sheets
Wikipedia - JavaScript syntax
Wikipedia - JavaScript -- High-level programming language
Wikipedia - Javed Akhtar -- Indian poet, lyricist, and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - JAWS (screen reader) -- Computer screen reader software
Wikipedia - Jay Carson -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Jay Lewis -- British film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - J Blakeson -- English film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - J.D. (Scrubs) -- Fictional character
Wikipedia - Jean Aurel -- French film director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Jean-Baptiste Andrea -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jean Bourdichon -- French miniature painter and manuscript illuminator (c.1457/1459-1521)
Wikipedia - Jeanette MacDonald on screen and stage -- Media credits for Jeanette MacDonald
Wikipedia - Jean-Francois Amiguet -- Swiss film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jean Gruault -- French screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jean Hazlewood -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jean L'Hote -- French screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jean-Luc Godard -- French-Swiss film director, screenwriter and film critic
Wikipedia - Jean Luc Herbulot -- Congolese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jean Negulesco -- film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeanne Leblanc -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeanne Moreau -- French actress, singer, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Jean Passanante -- American television screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jean-Pierre Bacri -- French actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jean Plannette -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jean-Pol Fargeau -- French screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jean Renoir -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jean-Yves Ferri -- French cartoonist, screenwriter and illustrator
Wikipedia - Jeddah Tower -- Skyscraper under construction in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Jeff Anderson -- American film actor, film director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeff Baena -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Jefferson Moffitt -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeff Feuerzeig -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeff Loveness -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeff Nathanson -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Blitz -- American film director, film producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Bushell -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Caine -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Dell -- British film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Reddick -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Jeff Underhill -- Australian screenwriter, playwright and journalist
Wikipedia - Jennifer Crittenden -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Jennifer Saunders -- English comedienne, screenwriter, actress and teacher
Wikipedia - Jenny Bowen (filmmaker) -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Jenny Lumet -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jenny McCarthy -- American actress, model, television host, author, anti-vaccine activist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeremy Boreing -- American film producer, director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeremy Doner -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeremy Garelick -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeremy Peter Allen -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jeremy Slater -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jerome Salle -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jerome Willis -- British stage and screen actor (1928-2014)
Wikipedia - Jerry Belson -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jerry Wald -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Jerzy Stefan Stawinski -- Polish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jesse Andrews -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jesse Blackadder -- Australian novelist, screenwriter and journalist
Wikipedia - Jesse Chabot -- Canadian screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Jesse L. Lasky Jr. -- American screenwriter, novelist, playwright and poet
Wikipedia - Jessica Chastain on screen and stage -- Jessica Chastain's acting credits
Wikipedia - Jest (JavaScript framework)
Wikipedia - J. Gabriel Gates -- American author, screenwriter, and actor
Wikipedia - J. Grubb Alexander -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jihadism -- 21-century Western neologism to describe armed Islamist movements
Wikipedia - Jiju Asokan -- Indian film director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Jill Golick -- Canadian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jim Allen (playwright) -- English playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - JiM-EM-^Yi KM-EM-^YiM-EM->an -- Czech scriptwriter, writer and university educator (1941-2010)
Wikipedia - Jim Jarmusch -- American film director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Jimmy Diggs -- American television screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jimmy Nail -- English guitarist, singer-songwriter, actor, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jimmy Perry -- English writer, scriptwriter, producer, author and actor
Wikipedia - Jim Pabian -- American screenwriter and animator
Wikipedia - Jim Reardon -- American animator, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jim Taylor (writer) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jindai moji -- ("characters [moji] of the Age [dai] of the Gods [jin]") scripts claimed to be from Japanese antiquity, but considered to be forgeries by scholars
Wikipedia - Jing (software) -- Retired screen sharing software
Wikipedia - Jinjiang Hotel -- Skyscraper in Luwan District, Shanghai, China
Wikipedia - Jin Na (screenwriter) -- Chinese actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - JinzM-EM-^M Toriumi -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jiro Sato (actor) -- Japanese actor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - J. Livingston -- Indian actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joanna Benecke -- British-Swedish screenwriter and actress
Wikipedia - Joanna Chmielewska -- Polish novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joao Emanuel Carneiro -- Brazilian screenwriter, film director, and telenovela author
Wikipedia - Joao Miguel (actor) -- Brazilian actor, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Joao Ubaldo Ribeiro -- Brazilian writer, journalist, screenwriter and professor
Wikipedia - Job description -- A document that defines a person's duties and responsibilities within an organisation
Wikipedia - Jody Hill -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joe Barton (screenwriter) -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joe Brandt -- American publicist, screenwriter, editor, film producer (1882-1939)
Wikipedia - Joe Eszterhas -- Hungarian-American screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Joel Cohen (writer) -- Screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joel Conroy -- Irish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joe LeSueur -- American poet and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joel Hopkins -- British independent film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joel M. Reed -- American film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joel Sherman -- American Scrabble player
Wikipedia - Johannes Boesiger -- Swiss/German scriptwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Johannine script -- Historical style of handwriting used in the Portuguese Royal Chancery starting around the reign of John I (1385-1433) until the reign of Manuel I (1495-1521)
Wikipedia - Johnathan Brownlee -- Canadian-American film producer, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John August -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Banville -- Irish writer, also known as Benjamin Black, novelist, adapter and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Blair Scribner -- American publisher
Wikipedia - John Blumenthal -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Brason -- British script writer and script editor
Wikipedia - John Bright (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Briley -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Butler (director) -- Irish director, screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - John Carpenter -- American director, screenwriter, producer, and composer
Wikipedia - John Cassavetes -- Greek-American actor, film director, and screenwriter (1929-1989)
Wikipedia - John C. Champion -- American screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - John Chapman (screenwriter) -- British actor and playwright
Wikipedia - John Colton (screenwriter) -- American playwright and screenwriter (1887-1946)
Wikipedia - John Curran (director) -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Cusack -- American actor, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Drotsky -- Namibian rugby union scrum-half
Wikipedia - John Dunn (animator) -- Scottish screenwriter and animator
Wikipedia - John Eskow -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Francis Daley -- American actor, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John G. Adolfi -- American silent film director, actor, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Gilling -- 1912-1984; English film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Grey (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Hancock Tower -- Skyscraper in Boston United States
Wikipedia - John H. Collins (director) -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - John Heffernan (actor) -- British theatre and screen actor
Wikipedia - John Herzfeld -- American film and television director, screenwriter, actor, and producer
Wikipedia - John Hunter (screenwriter) -- American-born screenwriter, born 1911
Wikipedia - John Huston -- Irish film director, screenwriter and actor (1906-1987)
Wikipedia - John Irving -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Kershaw (writer) -- British screenwriter and script editor
Wikipedia - John Kneubuhl -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Landis -- American film director, screenwriter, actor, and producer
Wikipedia - John Lasseter -- American animator, film director, screenwriter, producer, and voice actor
Wikipedia - John Leguizamo -- American actor, comedian, film producer, playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Locke Scripps -- American lawyer and journalist
Wikipedia - John Logan (writer) -- American film producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Mankiewicz -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - John Martin Scripps -- English spree killer
Wikipedia - John Meehan (screenwriter) -- Canadian screenwriter
Wikipedia - John N. Smith -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Johnny Byrne (writer) -- Irish screenwriter, script editor, and poet
Wikipedia - John Orloff -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Patterson (screenwriter) -- Australian screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Petro -- An early 20th century Polish-English physician who distributed prescription drugs freely
Wikipedia - John P. McCarthy -- American director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Pollono -- American playwright, screenwriter and actor (born 1972)
Wikipedia - John Schneider (screen actor) -- American actor and singer
Wikipedia - John Scrimgeour (minister) -- Scottish Presbyterian minister (c1568-1634)
Wikipedia - John Shirley (scribe) -- Author, translator, and scribe
Wikipedia - John Sullivan (writer) -- English television scriptwriter
Wikipedia - John Swab -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Titor -- Alleged time-traveler; fictional human described on bulletin boards
Wikipedia - John Twist -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - John W. Noble -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - John Woo -- Hong Kong film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Jonas Chernick -- Canadian actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jonathan Demme -- American director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jonathan Nolan -- British-American screenwriter, television producer, director and author
Wikipedia - Jonathan Schwartz (producer) -- American film producer, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jon Cohen (writer) -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jon Favreau -- American actor, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jon Harmon Feldman -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Jon Lovett -- American screenwriter, speechwriter, and television producer
Wikipedia - Jon Lucas -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Jordan Rosenberg -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jordon Nardino -- American television screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jorge Guerricaechevarria -- Spanish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jose Buchs -- Spanish screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Jose Carvalho -- Brazilian screenwriter, script doctor and dramaturgy professor
Wikipedia - Jose Escribens -- Peruvian modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Jose Luis Escriva -- Spanish economist
Wikipedia - Josemara Escriv
Wikipedia - Josemaria Escriva -- Spanish Roman Catholic priest and saint
Wikipedia - Jose Maria Forque -- Spanish screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Jose Maria Zabalza -- Spanish screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Joseph Cedar -- Israeli film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joseph F. Poland -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Josephine Quirk -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joseph Jackson (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joseph L. Mankiewicz -- American film director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Jose Rivera (playwright) -- Puerto Rican playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Josh Olson -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Josh Radnor -- American actor, director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joshua Corin -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Joshua Roll -- Byzantine illuminated manuscript
Wikipedia - Journal of Medical Screening -- Quarterly medical journal
Wikipedia - Joy Wilkinson -- British screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - JQuery -- JavaScript library created by John Resig in 2006
Wikipedia - J. Robert Bren -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - JScript .NET -- Programming language developed by Microsoft
Wikipedia - JScript -- An implementation of ECMAScript by Microsoft
Wikipedia - JSDoc -- Documentation for Javascript
Wikipedia - JSFuck -- Esoteric programming language that uses 6 characters to write all JavaScript code
Wikipedia - JSLint -- JavaScript static code analysis tool
Wikipedia - JsRender/JsViews -- Open-source JavaScript library for writing single-page web applications
Wikipedia - JSTOR -- Subscription digital library
Wikipedia - Juan Cruz (director) -- Spanish television/film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Juan Garcia (Mexican actor) -- Mexican actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Juan Marino Cabello -- Chilean composer, writer, screenwriter, bandleader and lyricis
Wikipedia - Judd Bernard -- American film producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Judd-Ofelt theory -- theory describing the intensity of electron transitions within rare earth ions
Wikipedia - Jude Brewer -- American author, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Judiciary Act of 1925 -- Law to allow U.S. Supreme Court discretion in certiorari for most types of cases
Wikipedia - Judith Anderson -- Australian stage and screen actress
Wikipedia - Judith Miller -- Discredited American journalist and commentator
Wikipedia - Judith Rascoe -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Judy Mikovits -- Discredited American research scientist
Wikipedia - Jugaad -- Indian term describing a creative hack or kludge
Wikipedia - Jule Selbo -- American screenwriter, playwright, author, producer and professor
Wikipedia - Julia Burnham -- American screenwriter and novelist active during Hollywood's silent era
Wikipedia - Julia Ducournau -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Julian Barry -- American screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - Julian Robles (actor) -- Mexican director, actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Julian Scriabin
Wikipedia - Julia the Elder -- Daughter of Augustus Caesar, the first Roman Emperor, and his second wife, Scribonia.
Wikipedia - Julie Herne -- American playwright, screenwriter and actress
Wikipedia - Julien Duvivier -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Julien Rambaldi -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Julie Plec -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Julio Alejandro -- Spanish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Julio Chavezmontes -- Mexican film producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Julio Coll -- Spanish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Julius Avery -- Australian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Juliusz Machulski -- Polish film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Jumping the Scratch -- 2006 novel by Sarah Weeks
Wikipedia - Junagadh rock inscription of Rudradaman -- Inscriptions in india
Wikipedia - June Mathis -- American screenwriter, producer and film studio executive
Wikipedia - Jurassic Park III: Dino Defender -- 2001 side-scrolling game
Wikipedia - Jurisdictional arbitrage -- Practice of taking advantage of discrepancies between legal jurisdictions
Wikipedia - Justin Anderson (film director) -- British film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Justin Herman -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Justin Marks (writer) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Justin Theroux -- American actor, producer, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Juzo Itami -- Japanese actor, screenwriter, and film director
Wikipedia - Jvari inscriptions -- Inscriptions on the Jvari Monastery, near Mtskheta, Georgia
Wikipedia - J. Walter Ruben -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jymn Magon -- American screenwriter
object:wikipedia - k - links with description
Wikipedia - Kaan Kalyon -- Screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kabeer Kaushik -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kabir Khan (director) -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kader Khan -- Indian-Canadian film actor, screenwriter, comedian
Wikipedia - Kadesh inscriptions -- Egyptian hieroglyphic inscriptions describing the Battle of Kadesh
Wikipedia - Kadiatou Konate -- Malian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kaija Juurikkala -- Finnish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kaladi inscription -- 10th century Javanese inscriptions
Wikipedia - Kalayavana -- A king in Hindu scriptures
Wikipedia - Kalista Sy -- Senegalese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kalos inscription -- Form of epigraph found on Attic vases and graffiti in antiquity
Wikipedia - Kalpa SM-EM-+tra -- Jain manuscript written by Bhadrabahu
Wikipedia - Kambuzia Partovi -- Iranian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - K.A. Narayan -- Indian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kanika Dhillon -- Indian author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Karan Johar -- Indian film director, producer, screenwriter and television host
Wikipedia - Karel PolaM-DM-^Mek -- Czech humorist, publicist, bookwriter, scriptwriter and writer
Wikipedia - Karen Black -- American actress, screenwriter, singer, and songwriter
Wikipedia - Karen DeWolf -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Karen Scrivener -- Material scientitst specialised in cement and concret
Wikipedia - Karey Dornetto -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Karin Jacobsen -- German actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Karl R. Coolidge -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Karoly Noti -- Hungarian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Karsakpay inscription -- Turkic inscription
Wikipedia - Karthik Saragur -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kate Boutilier -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kate Brooke -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kate Lanier -- Screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kate Siegel -- American actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Katharine Kavanaugh -- American screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - Katharine O'Brien -- American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Katha Upanishad -- One of the ancient Sanskrit scriptures of Hinduism
Wikipedia - Katherine Albert -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Katherine Hilliker (film editor) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Katherine S. Reed -- American screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - Kathryn Bigelow -- American film director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kathryn Stuart -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Katib -- Arab scribe
Wikipedia - Katsuhiro Otomo -- Japanese manga artist, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Katsuyoshi Yatabe -- Japanese screenwriter, anime director and sound designer
Wikipedia - Katung Aduwak -- Nigerian film producer, director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kay Cannon -- American screenwriter, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Kay Cousins Johnson -- American actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kay Linaker -- American actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kazim M-CM-^Vz -- Kurdish film director, scriptwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Kazumi Yumoto -- Japanese novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kazuo Kasahara -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - KBR Tower -- Skyscraper in Downtown Houston, TX, US
Wikipedia - KDE's JavaScript engine
Wikipedia - Kedukan Bukit inscription -- oldest surviving of Malay inscription
Wikipedia - Keiko Nobumoto -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Keir Pearson -- American rower and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Keisuke Yoshida (director) -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Keith Allan (actor) -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Keith Bearden -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Keith Bunin -- American dramatist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kelly Carlin -- Screenwriter, actress, producer, radio host
Wikipedia - Kelly Fremon Craig -- American filmmaker and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kemi Adesoye -- Nigerian screen writer
Wikipedia - Ken and Jim Wheat -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kena Upanishad -- One of the ancient Sanskrit scriptures of Hinduism
Wikipedia - Ken Catran -- New Zealand novelist and television scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Kenji Mizoguchi -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ken Kwapis -- American film and television director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Ken Loach -- British film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kenneth Branagh -- Northern Irish actor, director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Kenneth de Courcy -- Editor of the British subscription newsletter Intelligence Digest and confidant of British King Edward VIII
Wikipedia - Kenneth Lonergan -- American film director, playwright, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kent Osborne -- Actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kepler's laws of planetary motion -- Scientific laws describing motion of planets around the Sun
Wikipedia - Kerry Conran -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ketti Frings -- American dramatist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Keulegan-Carpenter number -- Dimensionless quantity describing the relative importance of drag and inertia forces for bluff objects in an oscillatory fluid flow
Wikipedia - Kevin Brodbin -- Irish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kevin Cecil -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kevin Etten -- American screenwriter and television producer
Wikipedia - Kevin M. Connolly -- American voice actor, script writer and ADR director
Wikipedia - Kevin Wade -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kevin Williamson (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Kevin Willmott -- American film director, screenwriter, and academic
Wikipedia - Key escrow
Wikipedia - Khudu Mammadov -- Soviet-Azerbaijani scientist, screenwriter, and nationalist ideologist
Wikipedia - Khwaja Ahmad Abbas -- Indian Film director, screenwriter, novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Kieran Galvin -- Australian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kill All Hippies -- 2000 single by Primal Scream
Wikipedia - Kill Screen
Wikipedia - Kim Eun-sook -- South Korean screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kim Gruenenfelder -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kim van Kooten -- Dutch actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kim Young-hyun -- South Korean screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kinematics -- Branch of physics describing the motion of objects or groups of objects without considering its cause
Wikipedia - King Power Mahanakhon -- A mixed-use skyscraper in Bangkok, Thailand
Wikipedia - Kingtown King Park -- Residential skyscraper in Gushan District of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - King Vidor -- American film director, film producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kira Muratova -- Ukrainian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kiran Rao -- Indian film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Kire Paputts -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kirk Thornton -- American voice actor, voice director and script writer
Wikipedia - Kirsty Besterman -- British actress of the stage and screen
Wikipedia - Kishu Izuchi -- Japanese screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - KK100 -- Skyscraper in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Wikipedia - K. K. Singh -- Indian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kodak Tower -- Skyscraper in Rochester, New York
Wikipedia - Kogo Noda -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kongsi -- Hokkien transcription term meaning "company"
Wikipedia - Korban -- Any of a variety of sacrificial offerings described and commanded in the Torah
Wikipedia - Kovid Gupta -- Author, screenwriter, social activist
Wikipedia - Kowalski (song) -- 1997 single by Primal Scream
Wikipedia - Kristen Buckley -- American screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Kristin Gore -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Krysty Wilson-Cairns -- Scottish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Krzysztof KieM-EM-^[lowski -- Polish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - K. Subash -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ktav Stam -- Specific Jewish traditional writing with which Torah scrolls (Sifrei Torah), phylacteries (Tefillin), Mezuzot and the Five Megillot are written
Wikipedia - K. T. Muhammed -- Malayalam playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kubec Glasmon -- American pharmacist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kubja -- Hunchbacked woman, who the Hindu god Krishna is described to have rescued and made beautiful
Wikipedia - Kufic -- style of Arabic script
Wikipedia - Kul-chur inscription -- Turkic inscription
Wikipedia - Kuljinder Singh Sidhu -- Indian film actor, writer, screenwriter, producer
Wikipedia - Kummer's theorem -- Describes the highest power of primes dividing a binomial coefficient
Wikipedia - Kuniko MukM-EM-^Mda -- Japanese television screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kunrei-shiki romanization -- System to transcribe the Japanese language into the Latin alphabet
Wikipedia - Kurt Luedtke -- American screenwriter and newspaper editor
Wikipedia - Kurukshetra War -- War described in the Hindu epic Mahabharata
Wikipedia - K. V. Vijayendra Prasad -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Kym Goldsworthy -- Australian screenwriter and script editor
object:wikipedia - l - links with description
Wikipedia - Lachy Hulme -- Australian actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lackawanna College -- College in Scranton, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Lacuna (manuscripts) -- Gap in a manuscript, inscription, text, painting, or musical work
Wikipedia - Lada KaM-EM-!telan -- Croatian dramatist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ladislas Fodor -- Hungarian playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ladislaus Vajda -- Hungarian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Laguna Copperplate Inscription -- 10th-century inscription found in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Lake Bell -- American actress, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lakeshore East Building I -- Planned skyscraper
Wikipedia - Lakhta Center -- Skyscraper in Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Wikipedia - Lale OraloM-DM-^_lu -- Turkish actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lally Katz -- Australian dramatist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lamar Building -- 17-story skyscraper in Augusta, GA, US
Wikipedia - Lambda-connectedness -- Deals with partial connectivity for a discrete space
Wikipedia - Lana Citron -- Irish novelist, short story writer, poet, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lance Kinsey -- Actor, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Landmark Tower (Fort Worth, Texas) -- Skyscraper in Fort Worth, Texas US
Wikipedia - Langmuir adsorption model -- Model describing the adsorption of a mono-layer of gas molecules on an ideal flat surface
Wikipedia - Language-for-specific-purposes dictionary -- Dictionary that intends to describe a variety of one or more languages used by experts within a particular subject field
Wikipedia - L'AnnM-CM-)e M-CM-)pigraphique -- French publication on epigraphy (i.e the study of inscriptions or epigraphs as writing)
Wikipedia - Lan O'Kun -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lapis Niger -- ancient shrine at the Forum Romanum, containing a stele with an inscription in archaic Latin
Wikipedia - Large-Scale Scrum
Wikipedia - Large-screen television technology
Wikipedia - Large seal script -- Writing system used in the Western and early Eastern Zhou dynasties of China
Wikipedia - Larisa Shepitko -- Soviet film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Larry Clemmons -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Larry Ferguson (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Larry Gross -- Screenwriter, director
Wikipedia - Larry Semon -- American actor, director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Las Caritas -- Indian rock inscriptions in the Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Lasse Hallstrom -- Swedish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Latin rock -- Term to describe a music subgenre consisting in melting traditional sounds and elements of Latin American and Caribbean folk with rock music
Wikipedia - Latin script
Wikipedia - Latitude (building) -- Skyscraper in Sydney, Australia
Wikipedia - Lattice (discrete subgroup)
Wikipedia - Laue equations -- Equations describing diffraction in a crystal lattice
Wikipedia - Launchd -- Unified operating system service management framework, starts, stops and manages daemons, applications, processes, and scripts in macOS
Wikipedia - Laura Bispuri -- Italian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Laura Caballero -- Spanish TV director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Laura Eason -- American playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Laura Kerr -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Laura Maria Censabella -- American playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Laurence Ballard -- American stage and screen actor
Wikipedia - Lauren Davies -- British novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Laurent Brandenbourger -- Belgian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Laurent Firode -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Laurent Gagliardi -- Canadian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Laurie Collyer -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lauri Wylie -- British actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Law label -- Required label on new items describing filling materials inside bedding
Wikipedia - Lawrence Hazard -- American playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development -- A psychological theory describing the evolution of moral reasoning
Wikipedia - Lawrence Roeck -- Canadian film director, producer, screenwriter
Wikipedia - LCD crosstalk -- Visual defect in an LCD screen due to interference between adjacent pixels
Wikipedia - Leanna Creel -- American actress, film producer, film director, screenwriter and photographer.
Wikipedia - Lectionary 119 -- Greek manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Lectionary 169 -- Greek manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Lectionary 20 -- Greek manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Lectionary 2145 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Lectionary 2276 -- Greek manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Lectionary 228 -- Greek manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Lectionary 263 -- Greek manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Lectionary 300 -- Greek manuscript
Wikipedia - Lectionary 51 -- Greek manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Lectionary 71 -- Greek manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Lee Baxter (singer) -- British actor of stage and screen
Wikipedia - Leedham Bantock -- British screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Lee Isaac Chung -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lee Kyung-hee -- South Korean screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lee "Scratch" Perry -- Jamaican reggae producer
Wikipedia - Lee Unkrich -- American director, film editor, screenwriter, and animator
Wikipedia - Lee v Ashers Baking Company Ltd and others -- Northern Ireland, UK discrimination, and freedom of speech and religious expression, legal case
Wikipedia - Legal plunder -- Term used in right-libertarian thought to describe the act of using the law to redistribute wealth
Wikipedia - Leiden Conventions -- Textual conventions for representing dubious, illegible or missing characters in manuscripts.
Wikipedia - Leigh Brackett -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Leighton Osmun -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Leigh Whannell -- Australian screenwriter, actor, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Lela E. Rogers -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lem Dobbs -- British-American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lena Waithe -- American actress, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Leningrad Codex -- 11th-century Hebrew Bible manuscript
Wikipedia - Lennaert Nijgh -- Dutch poet, writer and screenwriter (1945-2002)
Wikipedia - Lenny Abrahamson -- Irish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lenore Coffee -- American screenwriter, playwright, novelist
Wikipedia - Leo Benvenuti and Steve Rudnick -- Screenwriters
Wikipedia - Leo Birinski -- Russian playwright, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Leo Longanesi -- Italian author, painter, film director, screenwriter (1905-1957)
Wikipedia - Leo Marks -- British cryptographer, playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Leo McCarey -- American film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Leo Menardi -- Italian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Leona Radnor -- American stage actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Leonard Mlodinow -- American physicist, author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Leonardo Benvenuti -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Leonid Trauberg -- Ukrainian film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Leopoldo Savona -- Film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Leota Morgan -- American screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - LeRoy Stone -- American screenwriter and film editor
Wikipedia - Les Crutchfield -- American scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Leslie Dixon -- American screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Leslie Seth-Smith -- British author, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lesli Margherita -- American stage and screen actress
Wikipedia - Leslye Headland -- American playwright, screenwriter and director (born 1980)
Wikipedia - Lester Ziffren -- American journalist, screenwriter and diplomat
Wikipedia - Le Tote -- online subscription company renting women's clothes
Wikipedia - Leucophyllum frutescens -- Species of flowering plants in the figwort family Scrophulariaceae
Wikipedia - Leucophyllum langmaniae -- Species of flowering plants in the figwort family Scrophulariaceae
Wikipedia - Leucophyllum -- Genus of flowering plants in the figwort family Scrophulariaceae
Wikipedia - Levan Akin -- Swedish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - LeVeque Tower -- Skyscraper in Columbus, Ohio
Wikipedia - Levi David Addai -- British playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - LevM-CM-)e en masse -- French term for a policy of mass national conscription
Wikipedia - Lewis Allen Browne -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lewis Colick -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lewis Fitz-Gerald -- Australian actor, screenwriter and television director
Wikipedia - Lewis John Carlino -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Lewis R. Foster -- Screenwriter, director, producer, television composer
Wikipedia - Leyden Manuscript -- 4-page leaflet in Breton studies
Wikipedia - Leyla Bouzid -- Tunisian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Liaquat Ali Khan (director) -- Indian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Liber Linteus -- Manuscript in Etruscan language
Wikipedia - Libero De Rienzo -- Italian actor, director and screenwriter.
Wikipedia - Liddy Holloway -- New Zealand actress and TV scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Lieven van Lathem -- 15th century Netherlandish painter and manuscript illuminator
Wikipedia - Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet
Wikipedia - Life on the Screen
Wikipedia - Lifestyle You -- Australian subscription TV channel
Wikipedia - Lightbulb joke -- Jokes of the form "How many does it take to screw in a lightbulb?"
Wikipedia - Light entertainment -- Term, classification used to describe a broad range of television and radio programming that includes comedies, variety shows, game shows, quiz shows
Wikipedia - LightScribe
Wikipedia - Lih-Rong An Imperial Crown Building -- Skyscraper office building in Sinyi District of Keelung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Lila Lee -- Prominent screen actress of the early silent film era
Wikipedia - Liliana Cavani -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lillian Ducey -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lillian Hellman -- American dramatist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lillie Hayward -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lim1 transcription factor -- Homeobox transcription factor.
Wikipedia - Limiting density of discrete points
Wikipedia - Linda Ferri -- Italian author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Linda Shayne -- Screenwriter and director of film and TV
Wikipedia - Lindisfarne Gospels -- illuminated manuscript gospel book
Wikipedia - Lindsay Eddie -- (1845-1913) was a South African astronomer known for descriptions of 21 comets
Wikipedia - Lindsay Hardy -- Australian novelist, playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Linear B -- Syllabic script that was used for writing Mycenaean Greek
Wikipedia - Linear Discriminant Analysis
Wikipedia - Linear discriminant analysis -- Method used in statistics, pattern recognition, and other fields
Wikipedia - Linguistic description
Wikipedia - Linguistic discrimination
Wikipedia - Linguistic prescription
Wikipedia - Linked Data Notifications -- W3C Recommendation that describes a communications protocol
Wikipedia - Linux From Scratch
Wikipedia - Lionel Barrymore -- American actor, director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lionel Jeffries -- English actor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Lior Raz -- Israeli actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lipi -- Ancient Indian script
Wikipedia - Lippo Centre (Hong Kong) -- Twin tower skyscraper complex in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Lisa Aschan -- Swedish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lisa Joy -- American screenwriter and executive producer
Wikipedia - List of abbreviations used in medical prescriptions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Albanian screenwriters -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of anti-discrimination acts -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Australian plant species described by Robert Brown -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of awards and nominations received by Charlie Kaufman -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - List of awards and nominations received by Scrubs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of bats described in the 2000s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of birds described as ferruginous -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of bird species described in the 2000s -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of bird species described in the 2010s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of bird species described in the 2020s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of carnivorans described in the 2000s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cetartiodactyls described in the 2000s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cities with the most skyscrapers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of common resolutions -- Computer/TV screen specifications
Wikipedia - List of companies paying scrip dividends -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compositions by Alexander Scriabin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of computer graphics and descriptive geometry topics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of constructed scripts -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Coptic New Testament manuscripts -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by number of broadband Internet subscriptions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of descriptive plant epithets (A-H) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of descriptive plant epithets (I-Z) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of discredited substances -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of discrete event simulation software -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of disorders included in newborn screening programs -- A list of disorders included in newborn screening programs
Wikipedia - List of ECMAScript engines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of gastropods described in 2010 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of gastropods described in 2011 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of gastropods described in 2012 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of gastropods described in 2013 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of gastropods described in 2014 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of gastropods described in 2015 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of gastropods described in 2016 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of gastropods described in 2017 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of gastropods described in 2018 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of gastropods described in 2019 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of gastropods described in the 2000s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of hardware description languages
Wikipedia - List of Hiberno-Saxon illustrated manuscripts
Wikipedia - List of Hindu scriptures
Wikipedia - List of human transcription factors -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of illuminated manuscripts
Wikipedia - List of inscribed flags -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of inscriptions in Serbia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Islamic scholars described as father or founder of a field -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Itchy & Scratchy episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of JavaScript libraries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Jurchen inscriptions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Khitan inscriptions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lagomorphs described in the 2000s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of largest video screens -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Latin-script digraphs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Latin-script letters -- Wikimedia list article including letters of the latin alphabet
Wikipedia - List of Latin-script tetragraphs -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Latin-script trigraphs -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of LB&SCR A1 class locomotives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of LB&SCR B1 class locomotives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of LB&SCR D1 class locomotives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of LB&SCR D2 class locomotives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of LB&SCR ships -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of longest-running scripted U.S. primetime television series -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mammals described in the 21st century -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of manuscripts from Qumran Cave 10
Wikipedia - List of manuscripts from Qumran Cave 11
Wikipedia - List of manuscripts from Qumran Cave 1
Wikipedia - List of manuscripts from Qumran Cave 2
Wikipedia - List of manuscripts from Qumran Cave 3
Wikipedia - List of manuscripts from Qumran Cave 4
Wikipedia - List of manuscripts from Qumran Cave 5
Wikipedia - List of manuscripts from Qumran Cave 6
Wikipedia - List of manuscripts from Qumran Cave 7
Wikipedia - List of manuscripts from Qumran Cave 8
Wikipedia - List of manuscripts from Qumran Cave 9
Wikipedia - List of manuscripts in the Cotton library -- List of manuscripts from the Cotton library
Wikipedia - List of manuscripts of Bede's Historia Ecclesiastica
Wikipedia - List of manuscripts of Plato's dialogues
Wikipedia - List of manuscripts
Wikipedia - List of marsupials described in the 2000s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of megatall skyscrapers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of most expensive books and manuscripts -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of most-subscribed YouTube channels -- Most-subscribed YouTube channels
Wikipedia - List of most-subscribed YouTube Music artists -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New Testament Latin manuscripts -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nigerian screenwriters
Wikipedia - List of non-standard dates -- Description of non-standard dates used in calendars for various reasons
Wikipedia - List of numbers in Hindu scriptures -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Parthian and Sasanian inscriptions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of parties to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of primates described in the 2000s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of primates described in the 2010s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scrapped Princess episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scream episodes -- 2015 American slasher horror TV series episode list
Wikipedia - List of Scream (film series) characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scream Queens characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scream (TV series) characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Screen Actors Guild Awards received by Netflix -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of screen readers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of screenwriting awards for film -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ScreenX formatted films -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of screw corvettes of Germany -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of screw drives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scripps National Spelling Bee champions -- US spelling competition winners
Wikipedia - List of Scrophulariaceae of South Africa -- List of flowering plants in the family Scrophulariaceae recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Scrubs characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scrubs episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scruff episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of server-side JavaScript implementations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of shrews and moles described in the 2000s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of skyscrapers
Wikipedia - List of species described by the Lewis and Clark Expedition -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of species described in 1766 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of species described in 1921 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of species described in 2015 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of species described in 2016 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Syriac New Testament manuscripts -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings in Chennai -- Skyscrapers in Chennai, India
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings in Seattle -- List of skyscrapers and high-rise buildings in Seattle, Washington, U.S.
Wikipedia - List of terms using the word occipital -- Descriptor for several areas of animal and human anatomy
Wikipedia - List of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Wikipedia - List of The Elder Scrolls video games -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of things described as virtual -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of transcriptions of compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Welsh Law manuscripts -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of William Shakespeare screen adaptations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Yahoo! Screen original programming -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of New Testament manuscripts -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of screenwriters
Wikipedia - Livescribe -- Computing platform
Wikipedia - LiveScript
Wikipedia - Lives of the Prophets -- Ancient account of the lives of the prophets from the Tanakh, surviving in Greek, Latin, Syriac, Armenian, and Arabic manuscripts
Wikipedia - Live Transcribe
Wikipedia - Livia Giampalmo -- Italian actress, voice actress, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Living creatures (Bible) -- Class of heavenly beings described in the prophet Ezekiel's vision
Wikipedia - Li Yu (director) -- Chinese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - LM-CM-* Hoang -- Vietnamese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - LM-CM-)o Lasko -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - L. M. Kit Carson -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Loaded (Primal Scream song) -- 1990 single by Primal Scream
Wikipedia - Loading screen
Wikipedia - Local Now -- American subscription television network
Wikipedia - Locationes mansorum desertorum -- Manuscript of Nicolaus Copernicus
Wikipedia - Lock screen -- Computer user interface element
Wikipedia - Lois Zellner -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lola Doillon -- French director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lola (hardware description language)
Wikipedia - London Scrapbook -- 1942 British propaganda film by Derrick De Marney, Eugene Cekalski
Wikipedia - London Screenwriters' Festival -- Annual festival
Wikipedia - Longde (Dzogchen) -- one of three scriptural divisions within Dzogchen
Wikipedia - Longest flights -- List describing the longest flights
Wikipedia - Long I -- Letter I that is taller than usual; used sometimes to represent /iM-KM-^P/ in classical Latin inscriptions
Wikipedia - Long non-coding RNA -- Non-protein coding transcripts longer than 200 nucleotides
Wikipedia - Long-period variable star -- Description for certain cool luminous pulsating variable stars
Wikipedia - Long Scroll of the Treatise on the Two Entrances and Four Practices
Wikipedia - Lontara script -- Script traditionally used for the Bugis, Makassarese, and Mandar languages of Sulawesi in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Lookism -- Discrimination based on physical attractiveness
Wikipedia - Looting -- Indiscriminate taking of goods by force
Wikipedia - Loraine Despres -- American novelist and screen writer
Wikipedia - Lorna Moon -- Scottish author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lothar Mendes -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lotte Center Hanoi -- Skyscraper in Hanoi, Vietnam
Wikipedia - Lotus Manuscript -- Word processor
Wikipedia - LotusScript
Wikipedia - Lou Breslow -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Louella Parsons -- American gossip columnist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Louis D. Lighton -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Louise Archambault -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Louise Long -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Louis Garrel -- French film actor, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Louisiana Tower -- Skyscraper in Shreveport, Louisiana, US
Wikipedia - Louis Stevens (writer) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lovesliescrushing
Wikipedia - Low-definition television -- TV systems with screen resolution lower than standard-definition
Wikipedia - Lowell Ganz -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Lower third -- A graphic overlay placed in the lower area of a television screen
Wikipedia - L. Peter Deutsch -- Programmer of free software and creator of Ghostscript
Wikipedia - Luca Scribani Rossi -- Italian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Luci Christian -- American voice actress and ADR script writer
Wikipedia - Lucie Johnson Scruggs -- African-American educator & writer
Wikipedia - Lucille McVey -- American actress, film director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lucille Newmark -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lucius Arruntius Camillus Scribonianus -- First century Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Lucius Scribonius Libo (consul 34 BC) -- Ancient Roman politician and soldier
Wikipedia - Lucky, the Inscrutable -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - Lucy Alibar -- American screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - Lucy May Barker -- British stage and screen actress
Wikipedia - Ludwig Gottlieb Scriba -- German theologian and entomologist
Wikipedia - Luigi Cozzi -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Luigi Scrosoppi
Wikipedia - Luisa Costa Gomes -- Portuguese chronicler, librettist, novelist, playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Luisa Leschin -- American actress, screenwriter and television producer
Wikipedia - Luise Heilborn-Korbitz -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Luis Garcia Berlanga -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Luiz Bolognesi -- Brazilian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lukas Dhont -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lukas Nola -- Croatian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Luke Dawson -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Luke Eve -- Australian screen director and producer (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Luke's variational principle -- Mathematical description of the motion of surface waves on a fluid with a free surface, under the action of gravity.
Wikipedia - Luke the Evangelist -- One of the four traditionally ascribed authors of the canonical gospels
Wikipedia - Lumbini pillar inscription -- Ashoka pillar inscription identifying Buddha's birthplace in Nepal
Wikipedia - Lumpenproletariat -- Marxist term to describe the underclass
Wikipedia - Lunch atop a Skyscraper -- 1932 photograph of workers atop the steelwork of 30 Rockefeller Plaza
Wikipedia - Luo script -- Script for writing Luo languages
Wikipedia - Luttinger liquid -- A theoretical model describing interacting fermions in a one-dimensional conductor
Wikipedia - L. V. Jefferson -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lynne Ewing -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Lynn Foster -- playwright, radio producer and writer, a script editor and television writer
object:wikipedia - m - links with description
Wikipedia - Mabel Normand -- American actress, screenwriter, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Mabel Van Buren -- American stage and screen actress
Wikipedia - Macbeth on screen
Wikipedia - Machlyes -- Ancient tribe described by Herodotus
Wikipedia - Macon Blair -- American film actor, line producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mad Dogs, Midgets and Screw Jobs -- 2013 book about professional wrestling in Montreal
Wikipedia - Madeleine Ruthven -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Madeline Anderson -- American filmmaker, producer, editor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Madeline Matzen -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Madge Tyrone -- American actress, film editor, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Madison Square Park Tower -- New York City skyscraper
Wikipedia - Madrid Skylitzes -- Illustrated illuminated manuscript of the Synopsis of Histories by John Skylitzes
Wikipedia - Mae Murray -- Actress, dancer, film producer, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mafer Suarez -- Mexican director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - M. A. Fortin -- Canadian screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Maggie Baird -- American actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Maggie Carey -- American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Magnificat -- Scriptural hymn of Mary in the Christian tradition
Wikipedia - Magnus von Horn -- Swedish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Maha Haj -- Palestinian screenwriter and cinema director
Wikipedia - Mahesh Bhatt -- Indian film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mahinur Ergun -- Turkish screenwriter, film director
Wikipedia - Maibelle Heikes Justice -- American screenwriter (1871-1926)
Wikipedia - Mainland Chinese Braille -- Braille script used for Standard Mandarin in mainland China (but not in Taiwan)
Wikipedia - Main Place Tower -- Skyscraper in Buffalo, New York, USA
Wikipedia - Maison Radio-Canada -- Skyscraper in Montreal
Wikipedia - Maitrayaniya Upanishad -- One of the ancient Sanskrit scriptures of Hinduism
Wikipedia - Maja Classen -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Major Powell (screw) -- Twin screw driven steamboat
Wikipedia - Make Me Wanna Scream -- 2003 single by Blu Cantrell
Wikipedia - Malcolm Marmorstein -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Malcolm Stuart Boylan -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Malibu (Toronto) -- Skyscraper in Toronto, Canada
Wikipedia - Malvertising -- A blend word describing the use of online advertisement or advertising to spread malware
Wikipedia - Mamiko Ikeda -- Japanese anime scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Mamma Haidara Commemorative Library -- Private manuscript library in Timbuktu, Mali
Wikipedia - Mammography -- Process of using low-energy X-rays to examine the human breast for diagnosis and screening
Wikipedia - Mamoru Sasaki -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Manaswini Lata Ravindra -- A Marathi playwright, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Mandukya Upanishad -- One of the ancient Sanskrit scriptures of Hinduism
Wikipedia - Manfred Purzer -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Man of Your Word -- 2020 song by Maverick City Music featuring Chandler Moore and KJ Scriven
Wikipedia - Manoj Sabharwal -- Indian scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Manon Briand -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Manuel Agromayor -- Argentine screenwriter and journalist
Wikipedia - Manuel Summers -- Spanish film director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Manuscript culture
Wikipedia - Manuscript format
Wikipedia - Manuscript illumination
Wikipedia - Manuscriptology -- Study of history and literature through manuscripts
Wikipedia - Manuscripts Don't Burn -- 2013 film
Wikipedia - Manuscripts
Wikipedia - Manuscript -- Document written by hand
Wikipedia - Mao Gong ding -- Ancient Chinese bronzeware known for its long inscription
Wikipedia - Maolsheachlainn M-CM-^S Dugain -- Irish scribe
Wikipedia - Mapping of Venus -- Process and results of human description of the geological features of the planet Venus
Wikipedia - Marc AllM-CM-)gret -- French screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Marcel Gerbidon -- French playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marcello Andrei -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marc Fitoussi -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marc Guggenheim -- American screenwriter, television producer, comic book writer, and novelist
Wikipedia - Marcia Gardner -- Australian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marc Lawrence (filmmaker) -- American director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Marco Bellocchio -- Italian film director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Marco Ferreri -- Italian film director, screenwriter and actor (1928-1997)
Wikipedia - Marc Raymond Wilkins -- Swiss film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marc Smerling -- American film producer, screenwriter, cinematographer, and director
Wikipedia - Marcus Dunstan -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Marcus Licinius Scribonianus Camerinus -- Roman senator of the 1st century
Wikipedia - Marcus Scribner -- American actor, dub actor and film actor
Wikipedia - Marcus Scribonius Libo Drusus -- Roman senator accused of conspiring against the Roman Emperor Tiberius
Wikipedia - Maren Louise KM-CM-$ehne -- Danish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Margaret Fitts -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Margaret Mayo (playwright) -- American playwright, actress and early screenwriter, born 1882
Wikipedia - Margaret Turnbull (screenwriter) -- Scottish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Margarita Robles (screenwriter) -- Spanish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Margherita Oggero -- Italian screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Maria Escudero-Escribano -- Spanish chemist
Wikipedia - Maria Maggenti -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mariana Chenillo -- Mexican film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marian Ainslee -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marian Clark -- American scriptwriter for radio and television
Wikipedia - Marian Constance Blackton -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marian Spitzer -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Maria Pia Fusco -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Maria Plyta -- Greek film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Maria Scrilli
Wikipedia - Marie-Anne Chazel -- French actress, screenwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Marie Layet -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marilyn Diptych -- Silkscreen painting by Andy Warhol
Wikipedia - Mario Amendola -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mario Casacci -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mario David (director) -- Argentinian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mario Gariazzo -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mario Monicelli -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marion Dix -- American screenwriter, filmmaker, and foreign correspondent
Wikipedia - Marion Jackson -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marion Mack -- American actress and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Marion Orth -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mario O'Hara -- Filipino television and film director; screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mario Puzo -- American author, screenwriter, and journalist
Wikipedia - Mariya Saakyan -- Russian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marjorie Deans -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Markandeya -- Sage in Hindu scriptures
Wikipedia - Mark Bamford (film director) -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mark Chappell -- British sitcom writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mark Driscoll (screenwriter) -- American television producer and writer
Wikipedia - Mark Ellis (actor) -- Canadian actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mark Gatiss -- British actor, screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - Mark Levin (director) -- Film director, producer and screen/television writer
Wikipedia - Mark Little (Australian actor) -- Australian actor, television presenter, comedian and screen/stage writer
Wikipedia - Mark Ruffalo on screen and stage -- performances by Mark Ruffalo
Wikipedia - Mark Williams (actor) -- English actor, comedian, screenwriter and presenter
Wikipedia - Marsaglia's theorem -- Describes flaws with the pseudorandom numbers from a linear congruential generator
Wikipedia - Marsha Courneya -- Canadian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marshall Brickman -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Marta MM-CM-)szaros -- Hungarian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Martha Higareda -- Mexican actress, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Martin Davidson -- Film director, film producer, screenwriter, television director
Wikipedia - Martin Donovan (screenwriter) -- Argentine screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Martin Hellberg -- German actor, director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Martin Pasko -- Canadian children's writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marya Cohn -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Mary Agnes Donoghue -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Mary Alice Scully -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mary Beth Hurt -- American actress of stage and screen
Wikipedia - Mary Eunice McCarthy -- American screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - Mary H. O'Connor -- American screenwriter and film editor
Wikipedia - Mary of Bethany -- Figure described in the Gospel of John; sister of Lazarus and Martha, living in the village of Bethany near Jerusalem; traditionally identified with Mary Magdalene
Wikipedia - Mary Rider -- American screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - Mary Rodgers -- American composer, author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Marywood University -- Private Catholic liberal arts university in Scranton, Pennsylvania. United States
Wikipedia - Masahiro Shinoda -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Masahiro Yamada (screenwriter) -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Masao Adachi -- Japanese screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Masato Ide -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Massimo Franciosa -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Master of Latin 757 -- Italian illuminator of manuscripts
Wikipedia - Master of Mary of Burgundy -- Manuscript illuminator from the Southern Netherlands
Wikipedia - Master of the Cypresses -- Spanish painter and manuscript illuminator
Wikipedia - Master Player Screen -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Matenadaran MS 7117 -- 15th-century manuscript
Wikipedia - Mathematical descriptions of the electromagnetic field
Wikipedia - Mathematical model -- Description of a system using mathematical concepts and language
Wikipedia - Mats Arehn -- Swedish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Matt Berry -- British comedian, actor, screenwriter, singer, songwriter and musician
Wikipedia - Matt Bomer on screen and stage -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Matt Damon -- American actor, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Matteo Garrone -- Italian film director and screen writer
Wikipedia - Matt Graham (Scrabble) -- American comedian and Scrabble expert
Wikipedia - Matthew Hall (writer) -- British screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - Matthew Michael Carnahan -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Matthew Ryan (writer) -- Australian playwright, theatre director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Matthew Weiner -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mattson Tomlin -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Matt Wheeler -- British screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Maude T. Howell -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Maura McHugh (writer) -- US-born Irish horror and fantasy author, in prose, comic books, plays and screenplays
Wikipedia - Maurice Geraghty -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Maurice Tourneur -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mauricio Kleiff -- Mexican screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mauritz Stiller -- Director, screenwriter, actor
Wikipedia - Max Booth III -- American screenwriter and publisher
Wikipedia - Max Borenstein -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Max Botkin -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Max Cullen -- Australian-born stage and screen actor
Wikipedia - Max Fischer (screenwriter) -- Canadian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Maxine Alton -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Max Landis -- American screenwriter and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Max Marcin -- Polish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Max Myers -- British file director, screenwriter, novelist
Wikipedia - MAXScript
Wikipedia - Maxwell Atoms -- American animator, screenwriter, storyboard artist, and voice actor
Wikipedia - Maxwell's equations -- Equations describing classical electromagnetism
Wikipedia - Max Winkler (director) -- American film director, screenwriter, television director
Wikipedia - May 19th Communist Organization -- US-based, self-described revolutionary organization
Wikipedia - Maya codices -- Manuscript written by the pre-Columbian Maya civilization in Maya hieroglyphic script
Wikipedia - Maya script -- Writing system of the Maya civilization
Wikipedia - Maybank Tower (Kuala Lumpur) -- Skyscraper in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Mayo Simon -- Screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - Mazur's control theorem -- Describes the behavior in Zp extensions of the Selmer group of an abelian variety
Wikipedia - MCB Tower -- Skyscraper in Karachi, Pakistan
Wikipedia - McMahon-Hussein Correspondence -- Letters describing an understanding between Britain and Hussein bin Ali
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Eke Soderblom -- Swedish screenwriter
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Fthelstan A -- Unknown scribe who drafted charters for King M-CM-^Fthelstan of England
Wikipedia - M-DM- -- Letter of the Latin script, and used in the Maltese (Malti) language pronounces M-bM-^@M-^XjM-bM-^@M-^Y formed from G with the addition of a dot above the letter
Wikipedia - Meade Roberts -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Meadow's law -- Discredited precept in the field of child protection
Wikipedia - Meal kit -- Subscription service-foodservice business model
Wikipedia - MEAN (solution stack) -- JavaScript software stack
Wikipedia - Mechanical floor -- Mechanical rooms-only skyscraper section
Wikipedia - Media circus -- Phrase describing excessive media coverage
Wikipedia - Medical prescription -- Health-care program implemented by a physician
Wikipedia - Medical transcription
Wikipedia - Mediterranean dry woodlands and steppe -- Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrub ecoregion of North Africa
Wikipedia - Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrub -- Habitat defined by the World Wide Fund for Nature
Wikipedia - Meenu Gaur -- London-based British-Indian director and screenwriter.
Wikipedia - Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts -- Book by Christopher de Hamel
Wikipedia - Megachile discriminata -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Mehran Ghafourian -- Iranian actor, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Meitei script -- Writing system used to write Meetei language
Wikipedia - Melanie Bracewell -- New Zealand comedian and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Melissa Raju Thomas -- Indian film actress, screenwriter and model
Wikipedia - Mely Tagasa -- Filipino actress, screenwriter and dubbing producer
Wikipedia - Membership discrimination in California clubs -- Based on sex, race, religion, political views and social standing
Wikipedia - Membrane theory of shells -- Describes the mechanical properties of shells
Wikipedia - Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus
Wikipedia - Memory hole -- Mechanism for the alteration or disappearance of inconvenient or embarrassing documents, photographs, transcripts or other records
Wikipedia - Sruti -- Authoritative scripture of Hinduism, created by Rishis (sages), after inspired creativity
Wikipedia - Menaka -- Beauty from Hindu scriptures
Wikipedia - Menno Meyjes -- Dutch screenwriter, producer, director
Wikipedia - Menologion of Basil II -- Byzantine illuminated manuscript compiled c. 1000 AD
Wikipedia - Men's rights movement -- Social movement concerned with discrimination against men
Wikipedia - Mental health -- Describes a level of psychological well-being, or an absence of a mental disorder
Wikipedia - Mental status examination -- Way of observing and describing a patient's current state of mind
Wikipedia - Mentholatum -- American maker of non-prescription health care products
Wikipedia - Menthyl anthranilate -- Sunscreening agent
Wikipedia - Meral Okay -- Turkish actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Merav Doster -- Israeli female screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mercantile National Bank Building -- Skyscraper in Dallas, Texas
Wikipedia - Merchants of death -- Term used to describe commercial facilitators of war
Wikipedia - Merdeka 118 -- Skyscraper under construction in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Meronomy -- A hierarchy that deals with part-whole relationships, in contrast to a taxonomy whose categorisation is based on discrete sets
Wikipedia - Merovingian script -- Medieval Latin script
Wikipedia - Merrill Heatter -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Mert Firat -- Turkish actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Meryl Streep on screen and stage -- List of performances by Meryl Streep
Wikipedia - Mesh generation -- is dividing a geometric space into discrete cells
Wikipedia - Message -- Discrete unit of communication intended by the source for consumption by some recipient or group of recipients
Wikipedia - Metadata Object Description Schema
Wikipedia - Metafont -- Description language used to define rastertype fonts
Wikipedia - Metaphysical poets -- Term used to describe a loose group of British lyric poets of the 17th century
Wikipedia - Metlife Centre -- Skyscraper in the City Bowl area of Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Metropolitan Condos -- Skyscraper in Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - Mezuzah -- In Judaism, parchment contained in a decorative case, inscribed with Torah verses, placed on right sides of doors and doorposts
Wikipedia - Mia Benson -- Swedish actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michaela Coel -- English actress, screenwriter, director, producer, and singer
Wikipedia - Michael Almereyda -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Ansara -- American stage, screen, and voice actor
Wikipedia - Michael Arndt -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Bacall -- American screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Michael Berg (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Berk -- American television screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Chaves -- American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Cimino -- American film director, screenwriter, producer and author
Wikipedia - Michael Craig (actor) -- Indian-born British actor and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Crichton -- American author, screenwriter, film director
Wikipedia - Michael Cunningham -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Davis (director) -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Dougherty -- American director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Michael Dreher (director) -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Eaton -- English playwright and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Green (writer) -- American television and film writer, as well as a comic book scripter
Wikipedia - Michael Herz (producer) -- American film producer, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Hirst (writer) -- English screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Michael Jones (film director) -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City -- 1994 side-scrolling action video game
Wikipedia - Michael Lazarou -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Michael Maltese -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Mann -- American film director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Michael McCullers -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael McDowell (author) -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Norell -- American screenwriter, actor, and executive producer
Wikipedia - Michael Patrick King -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Petroni -- Australian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Michael Plant -- Australian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Preece -- American director, script supervisor, producer, and actor
Wikipedia - Michael Radford -- English film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michael Scriven
Wikipedia - Michael Walsh (author) -- American music critic, author, screenwriter, media critic, and cultural-political consultant
Wikipedia - Michal Englert -- Polish cinematographer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Micha Wald -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michelangelo Antonioni -- Italian film director and screenwriter (1912-2007)
Wikipedia - Michelanne Forster -- New Zealand playwright and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Michel Deville -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Michel Duguet -- French Scrabble player
Wikipedia - Michel Gondry -- French film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Michelle Ferguson-Cohen -- American author of children's books and screenplays
Wikipedia - Michiko Yamamoto (screenwriter) -- Filipina screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mickey Mousing -- Animation technique that syncs the accompanying music with the actions on screen
Wikipedia - Mick Garris -- American filmmaker and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Microsoft 365 -- Subscription services offered by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Microsoft Script Debugger
Wikipedia - Microsoft Script Editor
Wikipedia - Microsoft TypeScript
Wikipedia - Middleton Scriven -- Village in Shropshire, England
Wikipedia - Midori JavaScript Framework
Wikipedia - Midtown Tower -- Skyscraper in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Miguel Albaladejo -- Spanish screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Miguel Bardem -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mihai Constantinescu -- Romanian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mike Bullen -- English TV screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mike Cahill (director) -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mike Davis (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mike Figgis -- 20th and 21st-century English composer, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mike Hodges -- British film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mike Jones (screenwriter)
Wikipedia - Mike Kelley (writer) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mike Makowsky -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mike McMahan -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mike Rich -- Screenwriter and radio commentator
Wikipedia - Mikheil Kobakhidze -- Georgian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Miki Polonski -- Israeli film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Miklos Jancso -- Hungarian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mildred Considine -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mildred Dein -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Milena Andonova -- Bulgarian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Military conscription
Wikipedia - Milkshake Duck -- Internet meme describing phenomena that go from being seen as positive to deeply flawed
Wikipedia - Millennium Tower (Boston) -- Skyscraper in Boston, Massachusetts, US
Wikipedia - Milnor conjecture -- Theorem describing the Milnor K-theory (mod 2) by means of the Galois cohomology
Wikipedia - MiloM-EM-! Forman -- Czech-American director, screenwriter, and professor
Wikipedia - Milton Raison -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Miniature (illuminated manuscript) -- Picture in an ancient or medieval illuminated manuscript
Wikipedia - Minimum description length
Wikipedia - Minor (law) -- Person below a certain age prescribed by law
Wikipedia - Minuscule 103 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 10 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 139 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 13 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 140 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 141 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 142 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 143 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 144 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 145 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 146 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 147 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 14 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 1582 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the four Gospels
Wikipedia - Minuscule 16 -- Greek-Latin minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 17 -- Greek-Latin minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 2268 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 2344 -- Greek manuscript
Wikipedia - Minuscule 267 -- Greek manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 28 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 311 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 358 -- Greek manuscript
Wikipedia - Minuscule 3 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 402 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 411 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 4 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 543 -- Greek manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 5 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 63 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 648 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 64 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 65 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 66 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 677 -- Manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 68 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 69 -- 15th century manuscript
Wikipedia - Minuscule 6 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 7 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 804 -- Manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 837 -- 14th-century Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 84 -- Greek manuscript
Wikipedia - Minuscule 861 -- 16th-century New Testament transcript
Wikipedia - Minuscule 869 -- 12th-century Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 885 -- 15th-century Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament on paper
Wikipedia - Minuscule 8 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Minuscule 9 -- Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Miracles of Gautama Buddha -- Supernatural feats and abilities attributed to Gautama Buddha by the Buddhist scriptures
Wikipedia - Mireille Dansereau -- Canadian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Miriam Dehne -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Miscellaneous Babylonian Inscriptions -- Book by George Aaron Barton
Wikipedia - Misha Green -- American screen creative
Wikipedia - Mitch Brian -- American filmmaker and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mitch Mullany -- Actor, comedian, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mixing length model -- A method to describe momentum transfer by turbulence Reynolds stresses within a Newtonian fluid boundary layer by means of an eddy viscosity
Wikipedia - M. J. Bassett -- British film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - MM-CM-*n Scryfa -- Inscribed standing stone in Cornwall, England
Wikipedia - M-Net -- Subscription TV channel in South Africa
Wikipedia - M. Night Shyamalan -- American screenwriter, film director, and producer
Wikipedia - Moby Dick Coin -- Ecuadorian doubloon described in Moby Dick
Wikipedia - Mocha (JavaScript framework)
Wikipedia - Modernizr -- JavaScript library
Wikipedia - Modern Tales -- Webcomic subscription service
Wikipedia - Modified discrete cosine transform -- Mathematical transform using in signal processing
Wikipedia - Mohamed Diab -- Egyptian screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Mohamed El Jem -- Moroccan actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mohammad Ali Bashe Ahangar -- Iranian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Mohammad Davoudi (screenwriter) -- Iranian writer and director
Wikipedia - Mohr-Coulomb theory -- Mathematical model describing the response of a brittle material to mechanical stresses and to define shear strength of soils and rocks
Wikipedia - Mohs scale of mineral hardness -- Qualitative ordinal scale characterizing scratch resistance of various minerals
Wikipedia - Moiety title -- Legal term describing a portion other than a whole of ownership of property
Wikipedia - Molyneux sisters -- American screenwriters and television producers
Wikipedia - Monadnock Building -- Skyscraper in Chicago
Wikipedia - Mongolian Cyrillic script
Wikipedia - Mongolian idiocy -- Obsolete and offensive medical term previously used to describe those with Down's syndrome
Wikipedia - Mongolian script -- writing system used for the Mongolian language
Wikipedia - Monica Bleibtreu -- Austrian actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Monorchism -- Having only one testicle within the scrotum
Wikipedia - Monosnap -- Screenshot program
Wikipedia - Monta Bell -- American film producer, film director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Montague-Court Building -- Office skyscraper in Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - Monte M. Katterjohn -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Montreal Screwjob -- 1997 professional wrestling incident
Wikipedia - Montxo Armendariz -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Monumentum Adulitanum -- Ancient inscription in Ge'ez and Greek from Eritrea.
Wikipedia - Moon Patrol -- Sidescrolling video game first released in 1982
Wikipedia - Mora Well Inscription
Wikipedia - More Irish than the Irish themselves -- Irish phrase describing cultural assimilation of Norman invaders into Gaelic society
Wikipedia - Morgan Bible -- Medieval illuminated manuscript picture book Bible
Wikipedia - Morgan Freeman on screen and stage -- Cataloging of performances by the American filmmaker
Wikipedia - Morgan Spurlock -- American filmmaker, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Morse Building -- Residential skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Mortgage discrimination
Wikipedia - Mortise gauge -- Woodworking tool for scribing mortise and tenon joints
Wikipedia - Moses Gunn -- American stage and screen actor
Wikipedia - Mostofa Sarwar Farooki -- Bangladeshi film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Movable cellular automaton -- A method in computational solid mechanics based on the discrete concept
Wikipedia - MoviePass -- American subscription-based movie ticketing service
Wikipedia - MSCRAMM -- Acronym
Wikipedia - Ms. Scrooge -- 1997 television film directed by John Korty
Wikipedia - Mughal painting -- South Asian painting in manuscript miniatures from the Mughal period
Wikipedia - Mukkara Hatana -- Palm leaf manuscript from Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Mul Mantar -- Opening words of the Sikh scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib
Wikipedia - Multidimensional discrete convolution
Wikipedia - Multiple master fonts -- Extension to Adobe Systems' Type 1 PostScript fonts
Wikipedia - Multiple scattering theory -- Mathematical theory that describes the scattering of partical waves
Wikipedia - Multiscroll attractor
Wikipedia - Mundaka Upanishad -- One of the ancient Sanskrit scriptures of Hinduism
Wikipedia - Munich-Montserrat Book of Hours -- 1535 illuminated manuscript
Wikipedia - Munna Dhiman -- Indian lyricist and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Murat Aras -- Turkish screenplay writer
Wikipedia - Murtagh King -- Irish scribe and translator
Wikipedia - Murth The Man-O-Script -- Dutch rapper and comedian
Wikipedia - Muscle memory (strength training) -- Used to describe the observation that various muscle-related tasks seem to be easier to perform after previous practice, even if the task has not been performed for a while
Wikipedia - Muscraige -- People of Munster, Ireland
Wikipedia - Mushtaq Shiekh -- Indian screenwriter, author, producer and actor
Wikipedia - Music Markup Language -- XML based music description language
Wikipedia - Muslims Condemn -- Website containing lists of Muslims who condemn negative things[1] such as terrorism, climate change, discrimination against women, and more
Wikipedia - My Ladye Nevells Booke -- 1591 manuscript by William Byrd
Wikipedia - Myles Rudge -- English songwriter and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Myra Taylor (scriptwriter) -- British scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Myrna Vazquez -- Puerto Rican screen, stage, radio and television actress
Wikipedia - Mysskin -- Indian film director, screenwriter , actor and lyricist
Wikipedia - Mysterium (Scriabin) -- Unfinished musical work by Alexander Scriabin
object:wikipedia - n - links with description
Wikipedia - Nabu -- Mesopotamian god of literacy and scribes
Wikipedia - Nae Caranfil -- Romanian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nag Ashwin -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nagell-Lutz theorem -- Describes rational torsion points on elliptic curves over the integers
Wikipedia - Nagisa M-EM-^Lshima -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nahnatchka Khan -- Screenwriter, director, and film and television producer
Wikipedia - Namara inscription
Wikipedia - Names for books of Judeo-Christian scripture -- Judeo-Christian scripture
Wikipedia - Nan Blair -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nancy Pimental -- Actress, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nancy Scranton -- American professional golfer
Wikipedia - Nandita Roy -- Indian filmmaker and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nanni Moretti -- Italian screenwriter, film director, and actor
Wikipedia - Nanning China Resources Tower -- Office/hotel skyscraper in Nanning, China
Wikipedia - Nantong Zhongnan International Plaza -- Skyscraper in Nantong, Jiangsu, China
Wikipedia - Naomi Foner Gyllenhaal -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Napster (streaming music service) -- Music streaming subscription service
Wikipedia - Narciso IbaM-CM-1ez Serrador -- director, actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Narcissus (JavaScript engine)
Wikipedia - Naruhisa Arakawa -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nashorn (JavaScript engine)
Wikipedia - Nash Papyrus -- Jewish Hebrew manuscript
Wikipedia - Nashville Airplane -- 1968 studio album by Flatt & Scruggs
Wikipedia - Nash-Williams theorem -- Theorem in graph theory describing number of edge-disjoint spanning trees a graph can have
Wikipedia - Nasir Adeeb -- Pakistani scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Naskh (script)
Wikipedia - Naspers Centre -- Skyscraper in Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Nasty woman -- Phrase used by Donald Trump to describe Hillary Clinton
Wikipedia - Natasia Demetriou -- British comedian, actress, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nathalie Bucknall -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - National cinema -- Term used in film theory and criticism to describe films associated with a nation-state
Wikipedia - National Newark Building -- Skyscraper in Newark, New Jersey, US
Wikipedia - National parks in Hokkaido -- List and brief description of National parks in Hokkaido
Wikipedia - National qualifications framework -- A formal system for describing qualifications
Wikipedia - National Trade Center -- Skyscraper in Xitun District of Taichung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Natto Wada -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Navier-Stokes equations -- Equations describing the motion of viscous fluid substances
Wikipedia - Nazareth -- City in Israel described in the New Testament as the childhood home of Jesus
Wikipedia - Neats and scruffies -- Types of artificial intelligence research
Wikipedia - Neats vs. scruffies
Wikipedia - Nedrick Young -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ned Wynn -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Neil Cross -- British novelist and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Neill Blomkamp -- South African-Canadian film director, producer, screenwriter, and animator
Wikipedia - Nejat Saydam -- Turkish film director, screenwriter, and actor
Wikipedia - Nelson Gidding -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nelson Lyon -- American actor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - NEO-China Top City Main Tower -- Skyscraper in Chongqing, China
Wikipedia - Nephites -- One of four groups described in the Book of Mormon as having settled in the ancient Americas
Wikipedia - Nerd -- Descriptive term, often used pejoratively, indicating that a person is overly intellectual, obsessive, or socially impaired
Wikipedia - Ne (text editor) -- Fast, small, powerful and simple text editor. It has a simple scripting language where scripts can be easily generated and played.
Wikipedia - Network theory -- Study of graphs as a representation of relations between discrete objects
Wikipedia - Neumeister Collection -- 82 chorale preludes in a manuscript copy produced by Johann Gottfried Neumeister
Wikipedia - Nevus -- Mole or birthmark; visible, circumscribed, chronic skin lesion
Wikipedia - Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007 -- US law
Wikipedia - New Guinea scrubfowl -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - New Jerusalem Dead Sea Scroll
Wikipedia - New Super Luigi U -- 2013 side-scrolling platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - NewtonScript
Wikipedia - Newton Stone -- Undeciphered script
Wikipedia - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures -- Jehovah's Witnesses Bible translation
Wikipedia - Next.js -- Lightweight javascript framework to create for static and serverM-bM-^@M-^Qrendered applications
Wikipedia - NF-M-NM-:B -- Nuclear transcriptional activator that binds to enhancer elements in many different cell types
Wikipedia - NHS treatments blacklist -- List of drugs prohibited from UK NHS prescription
Wikipedia - Nia Vardalos -- Canadian-born American actress, screenwriter, director, and producer of Greek descent
Wikipedia - Nicholas Meyer -- American screenwriter, producer, author, and director
Wikipedia - Nicholas Scratch
Wikipedia - Nick Adams (actor, born 1931) -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nick Cassavetes -- American actor, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nick Castle -- American film director, actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nick Damici -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nick Sagan -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nick Vallelonga -- American actor, screenwriter, and film director
Wikipedia - Nick Wilton -- English actor and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Nicola Badalucco -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nicola Baldwin -- British playwright and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Nicola Manzari -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nicole Dorsey -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nidhi -- Hindu scriptures,
Wikipedia - Nigel Kneale -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nigel Richards (Scrabble player) -- International Scrabble champion
Wikipedia - Night Screams -- 1987 American film directed by Allen Plone
Wikipedia - Niki Caro -- Kiwi film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nikolaj Arcel -- Danish filmmaker and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nikos Tsiforos -- Greek screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nile Level Texts -- Thebes' temple of Karnak's cult-terrace-inscribed texts
Wikipedia - Nimrod -- Biblical figure described as a king in the land of Shinar
Wikipedia - Nina Companeez -- French screenwriter
Wikipedia - Nina Tower -- Skyscraper in Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Ninja Scroll: The Series -- Anime television series based on Yoshiaki Kawajiri's anime film
Wikipedia - Ninja Scroll -- 1993 film by Yoshiaki Kawajiri
Wikipedia - Nintendo 3DS -- Portable 3D dual-screen handheld by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Niranjan -- Sanskrit term in Hindu religious scripture
Wikipedia - Nisar Muhammad Khan -- Pakistani playwright, scriptwriter, broadcaster
Wikipedia - N'Ko script -- Alphabet for the Manding languages of West Africa
Wikipedia - NKVD filtration camp -- Soviet screening camp for returning soldiers
Wikipedia - Noah Buschel -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Noam Pitlik -- American actor, director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - No comment -- Phrase describing refusal of commentary
Wikipedia - Nocturne in A-flat (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Node.js -- JavaScript runtime environment
Wikipedia - Noel QuiM-CM-1ones -- Puerto Rican screenwriter, film director, and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry -- Book describing the nomenclature of organic compounds
Wikipedia - Nomina sacra -- The abbreviation of several frequently occurring divine names or titles, especially in Greek manuscripts of Holy Scripture
Wikipedia - Non-compact stencil -- Type of discretization method
Wikipedia - Nondescripts Cricket Club Ground -- Cricket stadium in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Non-Inscrits -- Members of the European Parliament not in a political group
Wikipedia - Nonsense mutation -- Point mutation in a sequence of DNA that results in a premature stop codon, or a nonsense codon in the transcribed mRNA, and in a truncated, incomplete, and usually nonfunctional protein product
Wikipedia - Non-subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland
Wikipedia - Non-uniform discrete Fourier transform
Wikipedia - NonVisual Desktop Access -- Software to describe a computer display for visually impaired users
Wikipedia - Nora Fingscheidt -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Norma Aleandro -- Argentine actress, screenwriter and theatre director
Wikipedia - Norman Corwin -- American writer, screenwriter, radio producer, screenwriter, essayist, and teacher
Wikipedia - Norman Douglas Bradley -- American academic and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Northern screamer -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - North Shore Towers -- Residential skyscrapers in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - Northside, Dublin -- Unofficial description of Dublin city north of the River Liffey
Wikipedia - Northumberland Bestiary -- 13th c. illuminated manuscript
Wikipedia - Norton S. Parker -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - No Scrubs -- 1999 single by TLC
Wikipedia - Notebook of William Blake -- Manuscript
Wikipedia - Nothing (The Script song) -- 2010 single by The Script
Wikipedia - Nouveau riche -- Term to describe newly enriched persons
Wikipedia - Nova N 176 -- Undeciphered manuscript codex written in the Mongolian Khitan large script
Wikipedia - Novel -- Narrative text, normally of a substantial length and in the form of prose describing a fictional and sequential story
Wikipedia - Npm (software) -- JavaScript package manager
Wikipedia - Nucular -- Common, proscribed pronunciation of "nuclear"
Wikipedia - Nullsoft Scriptable Install System
Wikipedia - Number Scrabble
Wikipedia - Number -- Mathematical description of the common concept
Wikipedia - Nur (biology) -- Family of orphan nuclear receptors which act as transcription factors in neuron development and maintenance.
Wikipedia - Nuri Bilge Ceylan -- Turkish film director, screenwriter, film producer and photographer
Wikipedia - NV (Portland, Oregon) -- Residential skyscraper in Portland, Oregon
object:wikipedia - o - links with description
Wikipedia - Oak Tower -- Skyscraper in Kansas City, Missouri
Wikipedia - Oasia Hotel Downtown -- Hotel and office skyscraper in Singapore
Wikipedia - Oasis Skyway Garden Hotel -- Skyscraper hotel in Luwan District, Shanghai, China
Wikipedia - Oblisco Capitale -- Skyscraper
Wikipedia - Ocean dynamics -- The description of the motion of water in the oceans
Wikipedia - Ocean exploration -- Part of oceanography describing the exploration of ocean surfaces
Wikipedia - Ocean general circulation model -- Model to describe physical and thermodynamical processes in oceans
Wikipedia - Ocean One (Hong Kong) -- Skyscraper in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Odia script -- Script primarily used to write the Odia language
Wikipedia - Oera Linda Book -- Possibly hoax manuscript
Wikipedia - Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs -- U.S. federal government agency that enforces nondiscrimination in the workplaces of federal contractors
Wikipedia - Off-modern -- Descriptive Word
Wikipedia - Offscreen -- quality of fictional events which are not seen, but merely heard by the audience or described or implied
Wikipedia - Ogmograptis scribula -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ogmograptis -- Genus containing the scribbly gum moths
Wikipedia - Oh Soo-yeon -- South Korean screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ola Balogun -- Nigerian filmmaker and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Ol Chiki script -- alphabetic script for santali people
Wikipedia - Old Hungarian script -- Alphabetic writing system used by the Hungarians in the Middle Ages
Wikipedia - Old Permic script
Wikipedia - Old Testament messianic prophecies quoted in the New Testament -- Jewish scripture hello quoted to support the claim that Jesus is the Messiah
Wikipedia - Old Turkic script -- Alphabet used by early Turks (6-10th centuries)
Wikipedia - Ole Christian Madsen -- Danish film director and script writer
Wikipedia - Olga Linek Scholl -- Czech-American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Olga Petrova -- British-American actress, screenwriter and playwright (1884-1977)
Wikipedia - Olga Printzlau -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Olga Rautenkranzova -- Czech director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Oliver Crawford -- American screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Oliver Parker -- British film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Oliver Stone -- American film director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Olivier Adam -- French author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Olivier Assayas -- French film director, screenwriter and film critic
Wikipedia - Olivier Dahan -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Olivier Masset-Depasse -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Olivier Meys -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Olle LM-CM-$nsberg -- Swedish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Olly Blackburn -- English movie director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ol Parker -- English film director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - OMICS Publishing Group -- Discredited academic publishing company
Wikipedia - OmniScriptum -- German publishing group headquartered in Riga, Latvia
Wikipedia - Om Prakash Rao -- Indian film director, screenwriter, producer, and actor
Wikipedia - One Canada Square -- Skyscraper in Canary Wharf, London
Wikipedia - One Court Square -- Office skyscraper in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - One Georgia Center -- Skyscraper in Atlanta
Wikipedia - One Glorious Scrap -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - One Hudson Yards -- Residential skyscraper in New York City
Wikipedia - One Island East -- Skyscraper in Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - One M&T Plaza -- Skyscraper in Buffalo, New York, USA
Wikipedia - One Manhattan Square -- A skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - One Nine Elms -- Mixed-use skyscraper
Wikipedia - One Prudential Plaza -- Skyscraper in Chicago
Wikipedia - One Shoreline Plaza -- Skyscraper in Corpus Christi, Texas
Wikipedia - OneSoccer -- Canadian subscription over-the-top streaming service
Wikipedia - One Tower (Moscow) -- Proposed skyscraper in Moscow, Russia
Wikipedia - One Vanderbilt -- Office skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Ongin inscription -- Turkic inscription
Wikipedia - OnlyFans -- British subscription-only content service launched in 2016
Wikipedia - On Prospect Park -- Residential skyscraper in Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - On-screen-keyboard
Wikipedia - ONScripter
Wikipedia - Ontology components -- description of aspects of ontology
Wikipedia - ON TV (TV network) -- American subscription television service
Wikipedia - Open Broadcaster Software -- Free software of screencast and streaming
Wikipedia - OpenLayers -- JavaScript library for displaying map data in web browsers
Wikipedia - Operation Rescript -- British military operation to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic
Wikipedia - Opsis -- Greek word for spectacle used to describe a representative scene in theatre
Wikipedia - Oracle bone script -- Ancient form of written Chinese
Wikipedia - Orange-footed scrubfowl -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Order of battle at the Battle of the Nile -- Chronological description of naval battle in 1798
Wikipedia - Orders of magnitude (frequency) -- Orders of magnitude of frequency; different orders of magnitude; list describes various frequencies, which is measured in hertz
Wikipedia - ORDVAC -- Ordnance Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
Wikipedia - Oreste Biancoli -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Oriel Gray -- Australian playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Oriel (scripting language)
Wikipedia - Origin myth -- Myth that purports to describe the origin of some feature of the natural or social world
Wikipedia - Origin of Hangul -- Native script of Korea, created in the mid fifteenth century
Wikipedia - Orkhon inscriptions -- Gokturk inscriptions dating to the 8th century
Wikipedia - Orkhon script
Wikipedia - Osaka Bay Tower -- Mixed-use Skyscraper in Osaka, Japan
Wikipedia - Osama Anwar Okasha -- Egyptian journalist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ostracon -- Broken piece of pottery with inscription
Wikipedia - Ottavio Jemma -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - -- transcription software company
Wikipedia - Over ground worker -- Term describing those who supply terrorists with non-violent logistical resources
Wikipedia - Overscreening
Wikipedia - Over-the-counter drug -- Medication available without a prescription
Wikipedia - Overview of discretionary invasive procedures on animals
Wikipedia - Ovidio G. Assonitis -- Show business executive, film producer, screenwriter, and film director
Wikipedia - Owen Wilson -- American actor, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Oxidation state -- Number that describes the degree of oxidation of an atom in a chemical compound; the hypothetical charge that an atom would have if all bonds to atoms of different elements were fully ionic
Wikipedia - Oxyrhynchus Papyri -- Manuscript fragments from 32BC-640AD found in an Egyptian rubbish dump
object:wikipedia - p - links with description
Wikipedia - Paco Cabezas -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paddy Bushe -- Irish writer, playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paddy Chayefsky -- American playwright, screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - Padimate O -- Water-insoluble oily ingredient used in some sunscreens
Wikipedia - Pahawh Hmong -- Indigenous semi-syllabic script, invented to write two Hmong languages
Wikipedia - Pahlavi scripts
Wikipedia - Pahlavi script
Wikipedia - Paikuli inscription
Wikipedia - Paint scraper -- Tool for scraping paint or other coating from a substrate
Wikipedia - Pair distribution function -- Describes the distribution of distances between pairs of particles contained within a given volume
Wikipedia - Palace Hotel Residential Tower -- Proposed residential skyscraper in San Francisco
Wikipedia - Palaramachandran version -- First published version of Akilam, the scripture of Ayyavazhi
Wikipedia - Paleo-Hebrew alphabet -- Script used in the historic kingdoms of Israel and Judah by Israelites
Wikipedia - Paleo-Hebrew Leviticus scroll (11QpaleoLev)
Wikipedia - Paleo-Hebrew Leviticus scroll -- Ancient Jewish religious manuscript found in 1956 among the Dead Sea scrolls
Wikipedia - Palimpsest -- In textual studies, a manuscript page whose text has been erased so that the page can be reused
Wikipedia - Palma Escrita -- Barrio of Las Marias, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Palm Desert Scene -- Music culture in Southern California often described as "desert rock".
Wikipedia - Palm-leaf manuscript
Wikipedia - PaM-aM-9M--M-aM-9M--hana -- Buddhist scripture
Wikipedia - Pamela Wallace -- American screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Pandanus amaryllifolius -- Tropical plant in the screwpine genus
Wikipedia - Panglin Plaza -- Skyscraper in Shenzhen, China
Wikipedia - Panicle -- Term used in botany to describe a branching of flower heads
Wikipedia - Panorama Tower -- Skyscraper in Miami, Florida, USA
Wikipedia - Pantographa scripturalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Pao Huei Solitaire -- Residential skyscraper in Xitun District of Taichung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Paolo Bianchini -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paolo Costella -- Italian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Paolo Sorrentino -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pao v. Kleiner Perkins -- Gender discrimination lawsuit
Wikipedia - Papal rescripts
Wikipedia - Papule -- Circumscribed, solid elevation of skin with no visible fluid, varying in area from a pinhead to 1 cm
Wikipedia - Papyrus 13 -- 3rd century biblical manuscript
Wikipedia - Papyrus 32 -- II century manuscript
Wikipedia - Papyrus 46 -- One of the oldest extant New Testament manuscripts in Greek
Wikipedia - Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 125 -- Ancient Greek manuscript
Wikipedia - Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 284 -- 1st-century manuscript
Wikipedia - Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 842 -- Ancient Greek manuscript
Wikipedia - Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 92 -- Greek manuscript
Wikipedia - Paquita Escribano -- Spanish singer
Wikipedia - Parallax scrolling
Wikipedia - Paramount Miami Worldcenter -- Residential skyscraper in Miami
Wikipedia - Paraquat murders -- Unsolved series of indiscriminate poisonings in Japan in 1985
Wikipedia - Parasitic worm -- A commonly used term to describe certain parasitic worms with some similarities, many of which are intestinal worms
Wikipedia - Parclose screen -- Barrier separating side chapels from the rest of the church
Wikipedia - Paris Codex -- Maya manuscript
Wikipedia - Paris Qualles -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Park Chan-wook -- South Korean film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Park Ji-eun -- South Korean screenwriter
Wikipedia - Park Tower (Tampa) -- Skyscraper located in downtown Tampa, Florida, US
Wikipedia - Par (score) -- Pre-determined number of strokes that a scratch (or 0 handicap) golfer should require to complete a hole or round
Wikipedia - Parsing expression grammar -- Type of grammar for describing formal languages
Wikipedia - Pascale Ferran -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pascal Script
Wikipedia - Pascal's theorem -- Theorem on the collinearity of three points generated from a hexagon inscribed on a conic
Wikipedia - Pat Fielder -- Screenwriter
Wikipedia - Patricia Harper (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter and actress
Wikipedia - Patricia Resnick -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Patrick Carey (cinematographer) -- British film director, screenwriter, cinematographer and film producer
Wikipedia - Patrick GazM-CM-) -- Canadian film director and screenwriter from Quebec.
Wikipedia - Patrick Kirwan -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Patrick Lussier -- French - Canadian-American film director, screenwriter and film editor
Wikipedia - Patrick Magee (actor) -- Northern Irish actor and director of stage and screen
Wikipedia - Patrick Marber -- English comedian, playwright, director, actor, and screenwriter.
Wikipedia - Paul Almond -- Canadian television and motion picture screenwriter, director, producer, and novelist
Wikipedia - Paul Attanasio -- American screenwriter and film and television producer
Wikipedia - Paula van der Oest -- Dutch film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paul Brickman -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Paul Castro -- American screenwriter and educator
Wikipedia - Paul D. Zimmerman -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paul Frees -- American actor, voice actor, comedian, impressionist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paul GM-CM-)gauff -- French screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paul Haggis -- Canadian screenwriter, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Paul Harris Boardman -- American screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Paul Hendy -- Script-writer, novelist, director, producer and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Pauline Mvele -- Actress, director and screenwriter from Burkina Faso
Wikipedia - Paul Kiener -- American film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paul Mayeda Berges -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Paul Perez (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paul Sarauw -- Danish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paul Scriptoris
Wikipedia - Paul Sloane -- 1893-1963 American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paul Thomas Anderson -- American film director, screenwriter, and producer
Wikipedia - Paul Verhoeven -- Dutch film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Paul Wayne -- Canadian screenwriter (born 1932)
Wikipedia - Paul W. S. Anderson -- British film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pavel Chukhray -- Russian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Pawan Kalyan -- Indian film actor, screenwriter, stunt coordinator, philanthropist, and politician
Wikipedia - PAX7 -- Paired box transcription factor protein
Wikipedia - Pax genes -- Family of transcription factors
Wikipedia - Payman Maadi -- Iranian-American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pay television -- Subscription-based television services
Wikipedia - Paywall -- System that prevents Internet users from accessing webpage content without a paid subscription
Wikipedia - Paz Alicia Garciadiego -- Mexican screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paz Encina -- Paraguayan director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pedestrian scramble -- Traffic management concept
Wikipedia - Peg Fenwick -- American screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - Peggy Robertson -- English personal assistant and script supervisor for Albert Hitchcock
Wikipedia - Pejorative -- A derogatory or discriminating term
Wikipedia - Pekin Ibrahim -- Malaysian actor, director, screenwriter, producer and singer
Wikipedia - Pekka Lehtosaari -- Finnish director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pelargonium peltatum -- The ivy-leaved pelargonium is a scrambling perennial plant in the family Geraniaceae from southern and eastern South Africa
Wikipedia - Pelin Esmer -- Turkish screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Pen computing -- Uses a stylus and tablet/touchscreen
Wikipedia - Penelope Milford -- American stage and screen actress
Wikipedia - Penrose-Lucas argument -- Claim that human mathematicians are not describable as formal proof systems
Wikipedia - Pentalobe screw -- proprietary tamper-resistant screw
Wikipedia - Pentominium -- Supertall skyscraper on hold in Dubai
Wikipedia - People-first language -- Disability-related linguistic prescription
Wikipedia - People of God -- Description in the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible that applies to the Israelites and that in the New Testament applies to Christians
Wikipedia - Perast manuscript
Wikipedia - Per Hanefjord -- Swedish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pericope -- Set of verses that forms one coherent unit or thought; usually of sacred scripture
Wikipedia - Periplus -- Manuscript listing ports and coastal landmarks
Wikipedia - PerlScript
Wikipedia - Persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany -- Discrimination, torture, and murder concerning homosexual people in Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - Pershing Square Building -- Office skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Persian Bayan -- Principal scriptural text of the Bab
Wikipedia - Persian manuscript in Japan -- 13th C. Persian inscription
Wikipedia - Petar B. Vasilev -- Bulgarian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Peter A. Dowling -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Peter Allan Fields -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Peter Birro -- Swedish script writer, poet and musician
Wikipedia - Peter Bowker -- British playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Peter Buchman -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Peter Casey (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Peter Craig -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Peter Duchan -- American playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Peter Farrelly -- American film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Peter Gibbs (cricketer) -- English cricketer and television script writer
Wikipedia - Peter Hamel -- German film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Peter Hyams -- American film director, screenwriter and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Peter Jackson -- New Zealand film director, screenwriter, and film producer
Wikipedia - Peter Kassovitz -- French film director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Peter Kruger (film director) -- Film director, film producer, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Peter Morwood -- Novelist and screenwriter from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Peter New -- Canadian actor and screenwriter (born 1971)
Wikipedia - Peter Pearson (director) -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Peterson-Stein formula -- Describes the Spanier-Whitehead dual of a secondary cohomology operation
Wikipedia - Peter Woodward -- English actor, stuntman and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Petja Peltomaa -- Finnish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Petriscript
Wikipedia - Petr JarchovskM-CM-= -- Czech screenwriter
Wikipedia - Petrography -- Branch of petrology focusing on detailed descriptions of rocks
Wikipedia - Petronas Towers -- Twin skyscrapers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Phaistos Disc -- inscribed clay disc found in Crete
Wikipedia - Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme -- Australian Government subsidy for prescription medication
Wikipedia - Pharmacy benefit management -- Administration of prescription drug programs in the United States
Wikipedia - Phenomenological description
Wikipedia - Phil Hartman -- Canadian-American actor, comedian, screenwriter and graphic artist
Wikipedia - Philip G. Epstein -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Philip Klein -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Philip Mackie -- British film and television screenwriter
Wikipedia - Philip Martin (director) -- British television director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Philippe Collas -- French writer and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Philippine Stock Exchange Tower -- Skyscraper in Manila, Philippines
Wikipedia - Philip Seymour Hoffman on screen and stage
Wikipedia - Philip S. Goodman -- American screenwriter, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Phillip Christon -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Phil Lord and Christopher Miller -- American film directors, screenwriters and producers
Wikipedia - Philosopher king -- King who rules through love and knowledge, as described by Plato
Wikipedia - Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers -- Skyscraper in Mumbai
Wikipedia - Phonautograph -- Earliest known device for recording sound, patented 1857, transcribing sound waves onto paper or glass; not originally intended for playback, and first heard in 2008 via digital technology
Wikipedia - Phone sex -- Phone conversation describing sex activities
Wikipedia - Phonetic transcription
Wikipedia - Physica Scripta
Wikipedia - Piano Concerto (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Piano Sonata No. 10 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Piano Sonata No. 1 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Piano Sonata No. 2 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Piano Sonata No. 3 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Piano Sonata No. 4 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Piano Sonata No. 5 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Piano Sonata No. 6 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Piano Sonata No. 7 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Piano Sonata No. 8 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Piano Sonata No. 9 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Pia Tikka -- Finnish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pier Carpi -- Italian essayist, novelist, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Piero De Bernardi -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Piero Regnoli -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pier Paolo Capponi -- Italian actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pierre Castex -- French screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pierre Colombier -- French screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Pierre Couderc -- French screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pierre Curzi -- Canadian politician, actor, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pietro Germi -- Italian actor, screenwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Pilate stone -- 1st-century piece of limestone with inscription mentioning Pontius Pilate
Wikipedia - Ping An Finance Centre -- Skyscraper in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China
Wikipedia - Pino Quartullo -- Italian actor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Pissoir -- Structure that provides screening of urinals
Wikipedia - Piyapan Choopetch -- Thai film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - P. J. Wolfson -- American writer, film producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Planck's law -- Describes the amount of spectral radiance at a certain wavelength radiated by a black body cavity in thermal equilibrium
Wikipedia - Platform screen doors -- Doors separating rail platforms from tracks
Wikipedia - Plaza Rakyat -- Skyscraper in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Please Speak Continuously and Describe Your Experiences as They Come to You -- 2019 Canadian short drama film
Wikipedia - Plyscraper -- Skyscraper made at least partly of wood
Wikipedia - PM-CM-)ter Gothar -- Hungarian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pointclass -- Descriptive set theory concept
Wikipedia - Poisson-Boltzmann equation -- Equation describing the distribution of the electric potential in solution in the direction normal to a charged surface
Wikipedia - Poisson distribution -- Discrete probability distribution
Wikipedia - Polish alphabet -- Script of the Polish language
Wikipedia - Polish Film School -- Group of Polish film directors and screenplay writers
Wikipedia - Pollard script -- Abugida loosely based on the Latin alphabet, which was invented by Methodist missionary Sam Pollard for use with A-Hmao, one of several Miao languages
Wikipedia - Polly James (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Polyarchy -- Term used by Robert Dahl to describe a form of government in which power is invested in multiple people
Wikipedia - Polyglot (book) -- Multilingual book or manuscript
Wikipedia - Polyvision -- Widescreen film format
Wikipedia - Ponte City Apartments -- Skyscraper in South Africa
Wikipedia - Pont Street Dutch -- Term used to describe the architectural style of 1880s large redbrick gabled houses on Pont Street, Knightsbridge, London
Wikipedia - Pooky Quesnel -- English actress, screenwriter and singer
Wikipedia - Portal:Christianity/Selected scripture
Wikipedia - Portland Library Society -- Subscription library in Maine, US
Wikipedia - Posco Tower-Songdo -- Skyscraper in Incheon, South Korea
Wikipedia - Posie ring -- Gold finger ring with a short inscription
Wikipedia - PostCSS -- Software development tool that uses JavaScript-based plugins to automate routine CSS operations
Wikipedia - Post-harvest losses (grains) -- description of ways in which grain losses can occur and ways of addressing problems
Wikipedia - Post-harvest losses (vegetables) -- Description of ways in which losses in quantity and quality of fruits and vegetables occur before sale to the consumer, and ways of addressing problems
Wikipedia - Postprint -- Electronic version of a scholarly manuscript after peer review
Wikipedia - Post-racial America -- Theoretical environment in which the United States is free from racial preference, discrimination, and prejudice
Wikipedia - Post Scriptum (video game) -- Tactical first-person shooter set in the Second World War
Wikipedia - Postscript -- Afterthought, thought of occurring after the letter has been written and signed
Wikipedia - PostScript -- File format
Wikipedia - Post-transcriptional modification
Wikipedia - Post-transcriptional regulation -- Control of gene expression at the RNA level, between transcription and translation
Wikipedia - Potassium in biology -- Description of the element's function as an essential mineral micronutrient
Wikipedia - Prasanth Mambully -- Screenwriter, actor, and director
Wikipedia - Prashant Nair -- French/Indian film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Prashant Raj -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Prashna Upanishad -- One of the ancient Sanskrit scriptures of Hinduism
Wikipedia - Preferred gender pronoun -- Third person pronouns preferred by individuals to describe their gender
Wikipedia - Pregnancy discrimination
Wikipedia - Pre-Islamic Arabic inscriptions
Wikipedia - Prelude in A minor, Op. 51, No. 2 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Prelude in C major, Op. 11, No. 1 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Prelude in C-sharp minor, Op. 11, No. 10 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Prelude in E major, Op. 11, No. 9 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Prelude in E minor, Op. 11, No. 4 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Prelude in F major, Op. 49, No. 2 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Prelude Op. 59 No. 2 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Prelude, Op. 74, No. 2 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Premiere (TV channel) -- Former European subscription movie channel
Wikipedia - Prescribed daily dose -- Usual dose of a medication for a specific condition
Wikipedia - Prescribed Ricci curvature problem -- Riemannian geometry mathematical problem
Wikipedia - Prescription and description
Wikipedia - Prescription cascade
Wikipedia - Prescription drug -- Medication legally requiring a medical prescription before it can be dispensed
Wikipedia - Prescription for Romance -- 1937 film by S. Sylvan Simon
Wikipedia - Prescription medication
Wikipedia - Prescriptions regarding gender roles
Wikipedia - Prescriptive authority for psychologists movement
Wikipedia - Prescriptive
Wikipedia - Prescriptivism (philosophy)
Wikipedia - Prescriptivity
Wikipedia - Pressure (Sunscreem song) -- 1991 single by Sunscreem
Wikipedia - Preston A. Whitmore II -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Preston Sturges -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Preview (subscription service) -- American subscription television service
Wikipedia - Pribnow box -- DNA sequence required in bacterial promoters for transcription
Wikipedia - Price equation -- Description of how a trait or gene changes in frequency over time
Wikipedia - Primal Scream -- Scottish rock band
Wikipedia - Prima scriptura -- Christian doctrine that canonized scripture is "first" or "above all" other sources of divine revelation
Wikipedia - Primitive cell -- Minimum volume cell (a unit cell) corresponding to a single lattice point of a structure with discrete translational symmetry
Wikipedia - Principle-policy puzzle -- Discrepancy between support for a principle and support for a policy aimed at achieving the principle
Wikipedia - Privileges and Immunities Clause -- Prevents a state from treating citizens of other states in a discriminatory manner
Wikipedia - Projective hierarchy -- descriptive set theory concept
Wikipedia - Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 2000
Wikipedia - Propeller theory -- Hydrodynamics of screw propellers
Wikipedia - Proscribed
Wikipedia - Proscription -- Public identification and official condemnation of enemies of the state
Wikipedia - Prostitution in Japan -- Description and history of sex work in Japan
Wikipedia - Prototype JavaScript Framework
Wikipedia - Prudential Tower -- Skyscraper in Boston
Wikipedia - Pseudocode -- Informal high-level description of the operation of a computer program or other algorithm
Wikipedia - Psychological typologies -- Classification used by psychologists to describe the distinctions between people
Wikipedia - Psychosis (video game) -- Sidescrolling shooter for the TurboGrafx-16 from 1990
Wikipedia - Publish or perish -- Phrase describing the pressure to publish in academia
Wikipedia - Publish-subscribe pattern
Wikipedia - Publish/subscribe
Wikipedia - Publius Sulpicius Scribonius Proculus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and governor
Wikipedia - Pullur Kodavalam inscription -- Stone inscription in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - PureScript
Wikipedia - Puri Jagannadh -- Indian film director, screen writer and producer
Wikipedia - Pushpa Preeya -- Indian scribe, IT professional and volunteer
Wikipedia - P v S and Cornwall County Council -- European Court of Justice case regarding discrimination against transsexuals
Wikipedia - Pyotr Kirillov -- Soviet actor, film director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pyrgus scriptura -- Pyrgus scriptura
Wikipedia - PyScripter
object:wikipedia - q - links with description
Wikipedia - Qatar National Bank Tower -- Planned skyscraper in Doha, Qatar
Wikipedia - Qisas Al-Anbiya -- Genre of Islamic literature, describing the history and stories of the prophets in Islam
Wikipedia - QtScript
Wikipedia - Quantum mechanics -- Branch of physics describing nature on an atomic scale
Wikipedia - Quantum state -- Mathematical entity to describe the probability of each possible measurement on a system
Wikipedia - Quasar framework -- JavaScript framework
Wikipedia - Queen City Landing -- Proposed skyscraper in Buffalo, New York
Wikipedia - Queens Plaza Park -- Residential skyscraper in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - Queering the Script -- 2019 Canadian documentary film
Wikipedia - Quentin Tarantino -- American film director, screenwriter, producer, and actor
Wikipedia - Quikscript -- Alternative English-language alphabet
Wikipedia - Quinn Redeker -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Qwest TV -- subscription video-on-demand music service
object:wikipedia - r - links with description
Wikipedia - Race Relations Act 1965 -- Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom outlawing discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnicity, or national origin in Great Britain
Wikipedia - Race Relations Act 1976 -- Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom outlawing discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, nationality and ethnic origin
Wikipedia - Rachel Feldman -- American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rachel Lam -- Hong Kong model, actress, presenter and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rachel Lee Goldenberg -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rachel Talalay -- American screen director and producer
Wikipedia - Racial democracy -- Term used by some to describe race relations in Brazil, implying that Brazil has escaped racism and racial discrimination; first advanced by Brazilian sociologist Gilberto Freyre
Wikipedia - Racial discrimination
Wikipedia - Racism in Cuba -- Discrimination against Afro-Cubans
Wikipedia - Racism in Turkey -- Racism and ethnic discrimination in Turkey
Wikipedia - Radu Jude -- Romanian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rafael Alcazar -- Spanish screenwriter, film director and producer
Wikipedia - Rafael Azcona -- Spanish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rafael J. Salvia -- Spanish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rafael Moreu -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rafael Romero Marchent -- Spanish actor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rahim Razali -- Malaysian actor, film director, screenwriter and sports commentator
Wikipedia - Rahmatullah Tuhin -- Bangladeshi producer, screenwriter, and director (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Raiden (series) -- Scrolling shooter video games
Wikipedia - Raiden (video game) -- Vertically scrolling shooter arcade game released in 1990
Wikipedia - Rail transport in Indonesia -- Description of rail transport in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Rainbow nation -- A term used to describe post-Apartheid South Africa
Wikipedia - Rainer Werner Fassbinder -- German filmmaker, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Raining cats and dogs -- Raining cats and dogs is an English idiom used to describe a heavy rain.
Wikipedia - Raja Amari -- Tunisian film director and script writer
Wikipedia - Raj B. Shetty -- Indian actor, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rajendra Bharadwaj -- Indian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rajesh Devraj -- Indian film screenwriter and researcher
Wikipedia - Rajesh Khattar -- Indian actor, voice actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Raj Singh Chaudhary -- Indian actor, screenwriter and model
Wikipedia - Rakhshan Banietemad -- Iranian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ralph Graves -- American screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Ralph Spence (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ralph van Deusen -- Dutch screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ramineni Foundation Awards -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ramon Salazar (director) -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ramtek Kevala Narasimha temple inscription -- Epigraphic record documenting the construction of a Shiva temple in Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia - Ranbir Pushp -- Indian screenwriter, film director and producer
Wikipedia - Randal Kleiser -- American film and television director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Randall Faye -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rand Building -- Skyscraper in Buffalo, New York, USA
Wikipedia - Rand Ravich -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - RandR -- X11 extension to configure screen sizes, orientations, layout and refresh rate
Wikipedia - Ranko Zidaric -- Croatian actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Raoul AndrM-CM-) -- French director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rare Books and Manuscripts Section -- American Library Association organization
Wikipedia - Raslila -- Part of the story of Krishna described in Hindu scriptures
Wikipedia - Rasmus Heisterberg -- Danish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Raul Roulien -- Brazilian actor, film director, television presenter, screenwriter, film producer, journalist and songwriter
Wikipedia - Ravenscraig -- Village in North Lanarkshire, Scotland
Wikipedia - Ravikanth Perepu -- Indian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ravindra Dave -- Indian film director, producer, editor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ravindra Gautam -- Indian film director, script writer and producer
Wikipedia - Ray Bradbury -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ray Jessel -- Welsh songwriter,M-BM- screenwriter,M-BM- orchestrator, andM-BM- musical theatreM-BM- composer
Wikipedia - Raymond Cannon (actor) -- American actor, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Raymond Chandler -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Raymond L. Schrock -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Raymond Severn -- American cricketer and child screen actor
Wikipedia - Ray Nazarro -- American film and television director, producer, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Razaaq Adoti -- British actor, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - R. Cecil Smith -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - RDA: Resource Description and Access
Wikipedia - RDF query language -- Resource Description Framework query language, a W3C recommendation
Wikipedia - Reach Every Reader -- A web based project aims to screen children with reading difficulty and develop personalized intervention
Wikipedia - React (JavaScript library)
Wikipedia - React (web framework) -- JavaScript library for building user interfaces
Wikipedia - Reality television -- Genre of television programming that documents unscripted situations and actual occurrences
Wikipedia - Rebecca Daly -- Irish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rebecca Scroggs -- English actress
Wikipedia - Rebecca Sugar -- American animator and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rebecca Zlotowski -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rebekah Fortune -- British film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Reciprocal innervation -- A model that describes the control of agonist and antagonist muscles
Wikipedia - Recrudescence -- Term used to describe relapse, revival, or return of a condition
Wikipedia - Red-baiting -- Discrediting opponent's argument by accusing them of being communist
Wikipedia - Red Book of Westmarch -- Fictional manuscript written by hobbits, a conceit of author J. R. R. Tolkien
Wikipedia - Redux (JavaScript library) -- JavaScript state container software library
Wikipedia - Redwood Library and Athenaeum -- Subscription library in Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Wikipedia - RefSeq -- Database containing reference sequences of genes, proteins and transcripts
Wikipedia - Regina Linnanheimo -- Finnish actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Reha Erdem -- Turkish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Relative hour -- Hebrew term ascribed to an hour of a 12-hour day and how it is to be reckoned
Wikipedia - Religious antisemitism -- Discrimination against Jews as a whole based on religious belief
Wikipedia - Religious discrimination against Neopagans
Wikipedia - Religious discrimination in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Religious discrimination
Wikipedia - Remote scripting
Wikipedia - Remplacement -- French conscription policy
Wikipedia - Renaissance Center -- Group of interconnected skyscrapers in Detroit, Michigan, U.S.
Wikipedia - Renaissance Tower (Dallas) -- Skyscraper in Dallas, Texas, U.S.
Wikipedia - Renato Castellani -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Renato De Maria -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Renato Scrollavezza -- Italian luthier
Wikipedia - Rendleman-Bartter model -- Short rate model describing the evolution of interest rates
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-) Echevarria -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Repsol-YPF tower -- Office skyscraper in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Wikipedia - Republican In Name Only -- Pejorative term to describe some Republican politicians
Wikipedia - Republic XF-84H Thunderscreech -- Experimental turboprop aircraft
Wikipedia - Requinto -- Spanish and Portuguese term to describe a smaller, higher-pitched version of another instrument
Wikipedia - Reredos -- Altarpiece, or a screen or decoration behind the altar in a church
Wikipedia - Research proposal -- description of planned research for which funding is requested
Wikipedia - Res Gestae Divi Augusti -- Funerary inscription of the first Roman emperor, Augustus
Wikipedia - Resource Description and Access
Wikipedia - Resource Description Framework -- Formal language for describing data models
Wikipedia - Reuschle's theorem -- Describes a property of the cevians of a triangle intersecting in a common point
Wikipedia - Revanchism -- Term to describe a political manifestation of the will to reverse territorial losses
Wikipedia - Revaz Tabukashvili -- Soviet film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rev (company) -- transcription service and company
Wikipedia - Reverse discrimination
Wikipedia - Reverse racism -- Belief that affirmative action and similar programs constitute anti-white discrimination
Wikipedia - Reverse transcriptase
Wikipedia - Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction -- Laboratory technique to multiply an RNA sample for study
Wikipedia - Rex Taylor -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Reza Bagher -- Swedish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - R. F. Lucchetti -- Brazilian writer, screenwriter and editor
Wikipedia - RFX6 -- Transcription factor gene of the regulatory factor X family
Wikipedia - Rheidol (locomotive) -- Former narrow gauge steam locomotive, built 1896 and scrapped 1924
Wikipedia - Rhino (JavaScript engine)
Wikipedia - Rian James -- Screenwriter
Wikipedia - Riccardo Milani -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Richard Bell (director) -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Richard Brooks -- American screenwriter, film director and producer
Wikipedia - Richard Carlson (actor) -- American actor, director, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Richard Culliton -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Richard Dooling -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Richard Dormer -- Irish actor, playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Richard Dresser -- American playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Richard Friedenberg -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Richard Gregson -- British agent, film producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Richard Groschopp -- German film director, screenwriter, cinematographer and film editor
Wikipedia - Richard Hack -- American screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Richard le Scrope, 1st Baron Scrope of Bolton
Wikipedia - Richard Linklater -- American director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Richard Schayer -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Richard Scrob -- 11th century landholder in England
Wikipedia - Richard Scroope -- 15th-century Bishop of Carlisle
Wikipedia - Richard Scrope (cleric) -- 15th-century Archbishop of York
Wikipedia - Richard Scrushy -- American businessman and convicted felon
Wikipedia - Richard Stapley -- English screenwriter (1923-2010)
Wikipedia - Richard Wesley -- American playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Richard Whitley -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Rick Berman -- American television producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rick Mittleman -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rick Overton -- Screenwriter, actor, and comedian
Wikipedia - Rika Nakase -- Japanese anime screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rillington Place -- BBC television miniseries screened in 2016
Wikipedia - Rina Macrelli -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ring Lardner Jr. -- journalist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Risdeard M-CM-^S Conchubhair -- Irish scribe and physician
Wikipedia - Rita Weiman -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ritual of the Bacabs -- Maya manuscript containing incantations.
Wikipedia - Ritual purification -- Ritual prescribed by a religion by which a person is considered to be free of uncleanliness
Wikipedia - Ritwik Ghatak -- Indian Bengali filmmaker and script writer
Wikipedia - River Park Towers -- Residential skyscrapers in the Bronx, New York
Wikipedia - River Raid -- Scrolling shooter video game by Activision from 1982
Wikipedia - Riverview Plaza -- Under-construction Skyscraper in Wuhan, China
Wikipedia - Riwia Brown -- New Zealand playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - R. Lance Hill -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - RNA polymerase III -- Enzyme that transcribes DNA to small RNAs
Wikipedia - RNA polymerase II -- Protein complex that transcribes DNA
Wikipedia - Roald Dahl -- British novelist, short story writer, poet, fighter pilot, spy, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robber baron (industrialist) -- American Gilded Age businessmen who were accused of using unscrupulous methods to get rich
Wikipedia - Robert Adetuyi -- Canadian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Robert A. Dillon -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Alan Aurthur -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Altman -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Anderson (playwright) -- American playwright, screenwriter, and theater producer
Wikipedia - Robert Anthony Welch -- Irish author, screenwriter and scholar
Wikipedia - Robert A. Stemmle -- German screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Robert Ben Garant -- American screenwriter, producer, director, actor, and comedian
Wikipedia - Robert B. Sherman -- American songwriter, screenwriter and publisher
Wikipedia - Robert Carlock -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Robert Caswell -- Australian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Cuffley -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Culp -- American actor, scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Eggers -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Enrico -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert F. Hill -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Gittler -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Gordon (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Holmes (scriptwriter) -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Klane -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Lord (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Maxwell (producer) -- American radio and television producer, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert McKee -- American academic specialized in seminars for screenwriters
Wikipedia - Robert N. Lee -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Roberto Benigni -- Italian actor, comedian, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Roberto Brodsky -- Chilean novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Roberto F. Canuto -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Roberto Orci -- American screenwriter producer
Wikipedia - Roberto Rossellini -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Thoeren -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Towne -- American screenwriter, producer, director and actor
Wikipedia - Robert V. Barron -- American actor/screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robert Watson (Scrabble player) -- American Scrabble player
Wikipedia - Robert Zemeckis -- American film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Robin Estridge -- British author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robinson-Patman Act -- A 1936 US law prohibiting price discrimination
Wikipedia - Rob Letterman -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Robots exclusion standard -- Standard used to advise web crawlers and scrapers not to index a web page or site
Wikipedia - Robox -- Side-scrolling game
Wikipedia - Rob Schneider -- American actor, comedian, screenwriter, and director
Wikipedia - Rob Schrab -- Actor, comedian, director and screenwriter (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Roddy Doyle -- Irish author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rodica Doehnert -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rodney Barnes -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Rodney Rothman -- American screenwriter, director, producer, and author
Wikipedia - Rodo Sayagues -- Uruguayan screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Rodrigo Salinas (comedian) -- Chilean screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rod Scribner -- American animator
Wikipedia - Rod Serling -- American screenwriter, playwright, television producer, and narrator
Wikipedia - Roger Ashton-Griffiths -- English actor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Roger Avary -- Canadian producer, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Roger Capellani -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Roger Kumble -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Roger Scrope, 2nd Baron Scrope of Bolton -- English baron
Wikipedia - Roger Scruton bibliography -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Roger Scruton -- English conservative philosopher
Wikipedia - Roger Smith (actor) -- American actor, film producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Roger Wolfson -- American TV writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rohan Hours -- 15th-century illuminated manuscript
Wikipedia - Rohonc Codex -- Manuscript
Wikipedia - Roland Kibbee -- American film and television screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Roland Topor -- French writer, screenwriter, actor and painter
Wikipedia - Rolon v. Kulwitzky -- California court case about LGBT discrimination by businesses
Wikipedia - Roman Catholic theology of Scripture
Wikipedia - Romanisation of Bengali -- Representation of written Bengali language in the Latin script
Wikipedia - Romanization of Arabic -- Representation of the Arabic language with the Latin script
Wikipedia - Romanization of Greek -- Transcription to Latin
Wikipedia - Romanization of Japanese -- Application of the Latin script to write the Japanese language
Wikipedia - Romanization of Persian -- Representation of the Persian language with the Latin script
Wikipedia - Roman script
Wikipedia - Romeo and Juliet on screen
Wikipedia - Ronald Davidson -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ronald Neame -- English film producer, director, cinematographer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ronald Parker -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ron Carlivati -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ron Clark (writer) -- American playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ronco Scrivia
Wikipedia - Roni Ezra -- Danish film director and screenwriter (b. 1973)
Wikipedia - Ron J. Friedman -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ronnie Screwvala -- Indian film producer
Wikipedia - Ronnie Scribner -- American actor
Wikipedia - Rood screen -- Partition found in medieval church architecture
Wikipedia - Rory Calhoun -- American actor, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rosa Porten -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Roscrea
Wikipedia - Rose Caylor -- American screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - Roser Aguilar -- Spanish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Rosetta Stone decree -- Decree passed by a council of priests, inscribed on the Rosetta Stone
Wikipedia - Rosetta Stone -- Ancient Egyptian stele with inscriptions in three languages
Wikipedia - Rowan Atkinson -- British actor, comedian, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Royal Landmark Tower -- Residential skyscraper in Xitun District of Taichung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Royal manuscripts, British Library
Wikipedia - Royal Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy -- Book by Fitz Balintine Pettersburg
Wikipedia - Royal Thai General System of Transcription
Wikipedia - Roy Alvarez -- Filipino actor, director and scriptwriter for film, television and theater
Wikipedia - R-Type -- Sidescrolling shooter video game first released in 1987
Wikipedia - Ruben M-CM-^Vstlund -- Swedish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ruben Santiago-Hudson -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ruby (hardware description language)
Wikipedia - Ruby Loftus Screwing a Breech-ring -- Painting by Laura Knight
Wikipedia - Rudy De Luca -- American screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Rudy Wurlitzer -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ruf SCR -- Sports car manufactured by Ruf Automobile
Wikipedia - Rukmangada -- King in Hindu scripture
Wikipedia - Rules for Archival Description -- Archival descriptive standard
Wikipedia - Runamo -- A cracked dolerite dike in Sweden that was for centuries held to be a runic inscription
Wikipedia - Runaway Scrape -- Evacuations of Texian civilians during the Texas Revolution
Wikipedia - Rundata -- Database of runic inscriptions
Wikipedia - Runestone -- Raised stone with a runic inscription
Wikipedia - Runic inscriptions -- Inscription made in a runic alphabet
Wikipedia - Runic transliteration and transcription
Wikipedia - Russell Dykstra -- Australian actor of screen, stage and TV
Wikipedia - Russell Rouse -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Russell T Davies -- Screenwriter, former executive producer of Doctor Who
Wikipedia - Russian alphabet -- Alphabet that uses letters from the Cyrillic script
Wikipedia - Ruth Brooks Flippen -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ruth Cummings -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ruth Goetz (German screenwriter) -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ruth Sacks Caplin -- American screenwriter and fashion designer (1920-2014)
Wikipedia - Ruth Wightman -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ryan Coogler -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ryan M. Kennedy -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Rygar -- Sidescrolling platform video game first released in 1986
Wikipedia - Rylands Library Papyrus P52 -- Earliest surviving manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Rylend Grant -- American screenwriter, author, and comic book creator
Wikipedia - RyM-EM-^Mta Yamaguchi -- Japanese anime screenwriter
Wikipedia - RyM-EM-+suke Hamaguchi -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
object:wikipedia - s - links with description
Wikipedia - Sabine Derflinger -- Austrian film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Sabrina Dhawan -- Indian screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Sacha Alexander -- British actor, scriptwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Sacha Baron Cohen -- English actor, comedian, screenwriter, and film producer
Wikipedia - Sachy (writer) -- Indian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sacred Scriptures Bethel Edition -- Sacred Name Bible
Wikipedia - Sacred Scripture
Wikipedia - Sacred scripture
Wikipedia - Saeed Roustayi -- Iranian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Safaitic -- Script variant for Old Arabic
Wikipedia - Sahar Jahani -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sailing stones -- Geological phenomenon where rocks move and inscribe long tracks along a smooth valley floor without human or animal intervention
Wikipedia - Sai Madhav Burra -- Indian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sajeev Pazhoor -- Indian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Saket Chaudhary -- Indian screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Sakha scripts
Wikipedia - Sakichi Sato -- Japanese film director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Salamander 2 -- 1996 horizontal-scrolling shooter arcade game
Wikipedia - Sally Potter -- English film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sally Winters -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Salman Aristo -- Indonesian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Salvo Cuccia -- Italian cinema director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - SaM-aM-9M-^Cyutta Nikaya -- Buddhist scripture
Wikipedia - Sam Anton -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Samaritan Pentateuch -- Text of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, written in the Samaritan alphabet and considered as the holy scriptures by the Samaritans
Wikipedia - Sama Tower -- Skyscraper in Dubai (United Arab Emirates)
Wikipedia - SaM-EM-!a Gedeon -- Czech film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Same-origin policy -- Security measure for client-side scripting
Wikipedia - Same Script, Different Cast -- 2000 single by Whitney Houston & Deborah Cox
Wikipedia - Sam Garbarski -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Samira Fazal -- Pakistani author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Samm-Art Williams -- American playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sam Peckinpah -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Samuel Adamson -- Australian playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Samuel Hoffenstein -- Russian-born American screenwriter and composer
Wikipedia - Samy Szlingerbaum -- Belgian screenwriter, actor, and film director
Wikipedia - Sandra Wollner -- Austrian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sandro Continenza -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sanghyang Tapak inscription -- Old Sundanese inscription
Wikipedia - Sanjay Chauhan (screenwriter) -- Indian screenwriter, in Hindi cinema
Wikipedia - Sanjay Leela Bhansali -- Indian film director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sanjeev K Jha -- Indian screenwriter (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Sanjeev Sivan -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sanskara (rite of passage) -- Rites of passage described in ancient Sanskrit texts
Wikipedia - Santa Marta screech owl -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Sant Bhasha -- Language composed of vocabulary common to northern Indian languages, used in Sikh scripture
Wikipedia - Santiago Carlos Oves -- Film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Santo Cilauro -- Australian comedian, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sara Bergmark Elfgren -- Swedish writer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sarah Jones (screen actress) -- American actress
Wikipedia - Sarah Kernochan -- American documentarian, film director, screenwriter, producer, singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Sarah Kolasky -- Canadian actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sarah Lotz -- British novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sarah Polley -- Canadian actress, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sarah's Scribbles -- Webcomic
Wikipedia - Sarati -- Fictional script in the fantasy works of J. R. R. Tolkien
Wikipedia - Sarik Andreasyan -- Armenian director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sarpa Satra -- Yagna (Sacrifice) in Hindu Scriptures
Wikipedia - Saruaso II inscription -- Inscription in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Sasidharan Arattuvazhi -- Indian playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Satoru Akahori -- Japanese scriptwriter, novelist and manga author
Wikipedia - Satrajit -- Father of Satyabhama in Hindu Scriptures
Wikipedia - Saurashtra script -- An abugida script used for the Saurashtra language
Wikipedia - Savina Dellicour -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sawgoek -- Mythological ancient script of the Zhuang people of southern China
Wikipedia - Scarlett Johansson on screen and stage -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Schizophonia -- Term to describe the splitting of an original sound and its electroacoustic reproduction
Wikipedia - Scholarly peer review -- Process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, or research to the scrutiny of others who are experts in the same field
Wikipedia - Scholia -- Type of comment in the manuscript of an ancient author
Wikipedia - School of Paris (Middle Ages) -- Period of manuscript illumination
Wikipedia - School uniforms by country -- School uniforms described by country
Wikipedia - Schrodinger equation -- Linear partial differential equation whose solution describes the quantum-mechanical system.
Wikipedia - Sciara del Fuoco -- A talus scree
Wikipedia - Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
Wikipedia - ScienceDirect -- Website providing subscription-based access to a database of scientific and medical research
Wikipedia - Scientific law -- Statement based on repeated empirical observations that describes some aspects of the universe
Wikipedia - Scopula defectiscripta -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula discrepans -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula inscriptata -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula obliquiscripta -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula tenuiscripta -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scott Adkins -- English actor, producer, screenwriter, gymnast and martial artist
Wikipedia - Scott Albert (writer) -- Canadian novelist, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Scott A. Williams -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Scott Brown (writer) -- American author, screenwriter, critic and composer
Wikipedia - Scott Derrickson -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Scott Frank -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Scott Horscroft -- Australian music producer and sound engineer
Wikipedia - Scott Marshall Smith -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Scott Nimerfro -- American film producer, television producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Scott Peters (writer) -- Canadian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Scott Rosenberg -- Actor, screenwriter, producer
Wikipedia - Scott Silver -- American film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - SCR-268 radar -- U.S. Army's first radar system
Wikipedia - SCR-270 -- Early U.S. Army radar type that detected Pearl Harbor attack
Wikipedia - SCR-536 -- U.S. WWII hand-held military radio
Wikipedia - SCR-584 radar
Wikipedia - Scrabble (game show) -- US television series
Wikipedia - Scrabble -- Board game with words
Wikipedia - Scrabo Tower -- 19th century folly in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Scrabster Castle
Wikipedia - Scrabster
Wikipedia - Scramble Campbell -- American live music painter
Wikipedia - Scrambled Eggs (1976 film) -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Scrambled Wives -- 1921 film by Edward H. Griffith
Wikipedia - Scramble for Africa -- Invasion, occupation, colonization and annexation of Africa by European powers
Wikipedia - Scrambler therapy -- Type of pain relief therapy
Wikipedia - Scrambler -- Telecommunications device used to make a signal unintelligible to unintended recipients
Wikipedia - Scramble (video game) -- Sidescrolling arcade shooter from 1981
Wikipedia - Scrambling -- Walk up steep terrain involving the use of one's hands
Wikipedia - Scramdisk
Wikipedia - Scramjet
Wikipedia - Scram (video game) -- Atari 8-bit nuclear reactor simulation game from 1981
Wikipedia - Scram! -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Scram -- Emergency shutdown of a nuclear reactor
Wikipedia - Scranton, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Scranton
Wikipedia - Scrap and Salvage -- Theatre company based in San Francisco, California
Wikipedia - Scrap Book (diary) -- diary written by Govardhanram Tripathi
Wikipedia - Scrapbooking
Wikipedia - Scrapbook (Mac OS)
Wikipedia - Scraper (archaeology)
Wikipedia - Scraper site -- Type of website
Wikipedia - Scrapie -- Degenerative disease that affects sheep and goats
Wikipedia - Scrap Mechanic -- Sandbox video game
Wikipedia - Scrappy-Doo -- Fictional dog
Wikipedia - Scrappy Little Nobody -- Book by Anna Kendrick
Wikipedia - Scrappy T -- American Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Scrappy -- Cartoon character
Wikipedia - Scraps (batter) -- Deep-fried batter often served with fish and chips
Wikipedia - Scratby Halt railway station -- Former railway station in Norfolk, England
Wikipedia - Scratch (2001 film) -- 2001 documentary film directed by Doug Pray
Wikipedia - Scratch-As-Catch-Can -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Scratch awl -- Woodworking tool for layout and point marking
Wikipedia - Scratchbury Camp -- Hillfort in Wiltshire
Wikipedia - Scratch card
Wikipedia - Scratcher (instrument) -- Percussion instrument from Trinidad and Tobago
Wikipedia - Scratches (video game) -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Scratch hardness -- Any measure of hardness based on scratch resistance
Wikipedia - Scratchie Records -- Independent record label
Wikipedia - Scratch input
Wikipedia - Scratch My Back (film) -- 1920 film by Sidney Olcott
Wikipedia - Scratch One -- Novel by Michael Crichton
Wikipedia - Scratchpad memory
Wikipedia - Scratch (programming language) -- Programming language learning environment
Wikipedia - Scratch video -- 1980s British video art movement
Wikipedia - Scrat -- Fictional Ice Age character
Wikipedia - Scrayingham -- Village and civil parish in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Scrcpy -- Screen mirroring software
Wikipedia - Scream (1996 film) -- 1996 American slasher film
Wikipedia - Scream (2022 film) -- Upcoming American slasher film
Wikipedia - Scream 2 -- 1997 American slasher film
Wikipedia - Scream 3 -- 2000 American slasher film
Wikipedia - Scream 4 -- 2011 American slasher film
Wikipedia - Scream & Shout -- 2012 single by and Britney Spears
Wikipedia - Scream (cipher)
Wikipedia - Scream (comics)
Wikipedia - Screamer (march) -- Circus march
Wikipedia - Screamers (1995 film)
Wikipedia - Screamers: The Hunting
Wikipedia - Screamer -- Family of birds
Wikipedia - Screamfeeder -- Australian indie guitar pop group
Wikipedia - Screamfest Horror Film Festival
Wikipedia - Scream for Help -- 1984 film by Michael Winner
Wikipedia - Scream (franchise) -- American horror media franchise
Wikipedia - Scream (Funk My Life Up) -- 2014 single by Paolo Nutini
Wikipedia - Screaming Infidelities -- 2002 single by Dashboard Confessional
Wikipedia - Screaming Lord Sutch -- Founder of the Official Monster Raving Loony Party
Wikipedia - Screaming Masterpiece -- 2005 Icelandic documentary film directed by Ari Alexander Ergis Magnusson
Wikipedia - Screaming (music) -- Vocal technique used in music
Wikipedia - Screaming Trees -- American grunge band
Wikipedia - Screaming Urge -- US punk rock band
Wikipedia - Screaming -- Loud vocalization by some living creature
Wikipedia - Scream (Kelis song) -- Song by Kelis
Wikipedia - Scream (Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson song) -- 1995 single
Wikipedia - Scream of Stone -- 1991 film by Werner Herzog
Wikipedia - Scream queen -- Woman known for her work in horror films
Wikipedia - Scream > Shout
Wikipedia - Scream (Timbaland song) -- 2007 single by Timbaland
Wikipedia - Scream (TV series) -- 2015 American horror television series
Wikipedia - Scream (Usher song) -- 2012 single by Usher
Wikipedia - Screecher -- Sail that combines the features of a spinnaker and a reacher
Wikipedia - Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role
Wikipedia - Screen Actors Guild Awards -- Accolade given by the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists
Wikipedia - Screen Actors Guild -- American labor union
Wikipedia - Screen Anarchy
Wikipedia - Screen Award for Best Actor -- Indian magazine film award
Wikipedia - Screen Awards -- Award
Wikipedia - Screen buffer
Wikipedia - Screen burn-in -- Disfigurement of a CRT, plasma or OLED display
Wikipedia - Screencasting
Wikipedia - Screencast -- Digital recording of computer screen output
Wikipedia - Screen Daily
Wikipedia - Screen Door -- Canadian film and tv production company
Wikipedia -
Wikipedia - Screened porch -- Porch separated from outside mostly by screens
Wikipedia - Screener (promotional)
Wikipedia - Screen Gems -- Film studio of the United States of America
Wikipedia - Screen grid
Wikipedia - Screen hotspot
Wikipedia - Screening (2006 film) -- 2006 Canadian short film
Wikipedia - Screening game
Wikipedia - Screen International -- British film magazine
Wikipedia - Screenless video
Wikipedia - Screenlets
Wikipedia - Screen (magazine) -- Indian film magazine
Wikipedia - Screen magnifier
Wikipedia - Screen Media Films -- Independent media distribution company
Wikipedia - Screen Memories (Freud)
Wikipedia - Screen of death -- Computer operating system fatal error display
Wikipedia - Screen One -- British television series
Wikipedia - Screenonline -- Website about the history of British film, television and social history
Wikipedia - Screen painting -- Early 20th centuryart form
Wikipedia - Screenplays
Wikipedia - Screenplay
Wikipedia - ScreenPlay -- British television series
Wikipedia - Screen-printing
Wikipedia - Screen printing -- Printing technique
Wikipedia - Screen Rant -- Entertainment news website
Wikipedia - Screen reader -- Assistive technology that converts text or images to speech or Braille
Wikipedia - Screen resolution
Wikipedia - Screensaver -- Computer program that blanks the screen or fills it with moving images
Wikipedia - Screen scrape
Wikipedia - Screen scraping
Wikipedia - Screen-scraping
Wikipedia - Screen Sharing
Wikipedia - Screenshot
Wikipedia - Screen Singapore -- Film festival in Singapore
Wikipedia - Screen Songs -- Series of animated cartoons
Wikipedia - Screen Souvenirs -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Screen space ambient occlusion -- Implementation of an ambient occlusion illumination in computer graphics
Wikipedia - Screensport (TV channel) -- Pan-European sports television channel
Wikipedia - Screen Station -- Railway station in Hikone, Shiga Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Screen Studies Group, London -- Consortium of universities for film studies
Wikipedia - ScreenTonic
Wikipedia - Screenwest -- Screen funding and development organisation in Western Australia
Wikipedia - Screenwriters Association -- Labor union
Wikipedia - Screen Writers Guild -- Union of screenwriters
Wikipedia - Screenwriter
Wikipedia - Screenwriting
Wikipedia - Scree plot
Wikipedia - Scree test
Wikipedia - Scree -- Broken rock fragments at the base of steep rock faces, that has accumulated through periodic rockfall
Wikipedia - Screwball comedy film
Wikipedia - Screwball comedy
Wikipedia - Screwball Hotel -- 1988 American and British comedy film directed by Rafal Zielinski
Wikipedia - Screwballs II -- 1985 film by Rafal Zielinski
Wikipedia - Screwballs -- 1983 film by Rafal Zielinski
Wikipedia - Screw cutting lathe
Wikipedia - Screw-cutting lathe
Wikipedia - Screwdriver (cocktail)
Wikipedia - Screwdriver -- hand-tool
Wikipedia - Screwed (2000 film) -- 2000 film by Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski
Wikipedia - Screwed Up Click -- Southern hip hop group
Wikipedia - Screw gate carabiner -- Carabiner snap hook with screw lock gate
Wikipedia - Screw press -- Type of press
Wikipedia - Screw-propelled vehicle -- Vehicle propelled by load-bearing rotating helical flanges
Wikipedia - Screw (simple machine)
Wikipedia - Screw thread
Wikipedia - Screw turbine -- A water turbine which uses the principle of the Archimedean screw
Wikipedia - Screw -- Type of fastener characterized by a thread wrapped around a cylinder core
Wikipedia - ScRGB
Wikipedia - Scribblenauts Showdown -- 2018 party game
Wikipedia - Scribblenauts -- Puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Scribbly the Boy Cartoonist -- American DC Comics character
Wikipedia - Scribd -- E-book subscription service and document publishing platform
Wikipedia - Scribe Bratko -- 13th c. Serbian Orthodox scribe
Wikipedia - Scribe (log server)
Wikipedia - Scribe (markup language)
Wikipedia - Scribe Publications
Wikipedia - Scribe
Wikipedia - Scriblerus Club
Wikipedia - Scribner's Magazine -- American periodical magazine
Wikipedia - Scribonia gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Scribonia (wife of Crassus) -- 1st century AD Roman noblewoman
Wikipedia - Scribonia (wife of Octavian) -- Roman noblewoman, second wife of Augustus and mother of Julia the Elder
Wikipedia - Scribonius Aphrodisius -- Roman writer and literary critic
Wikipedia - Scribonius Largus -- 1st century AD Roman physician to the Roman emperor Claudius and author
Wikipedia - Scribus -- Desktop publishing application
Wikipedia - Scrimshaw -- Engravings and carvings done in bone or ivory, created by sailors
Wikipedia - Scripps College -- Women's liberal arts college in Claremont, California, United States
Wikipedia - Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Wikipedia - Scripps National Spelling Bee -- an annual spelling bee held in the United States
Wikipedia - Scripps Research -- Nonprofit American medical research institute
Wikipedia -
Wikipedia - Script analysis
Wikipedia - ScriptBasic
Wikipedia - Script (comics) -- Document describing the narrative and dialogue of a comic book in detail
Wikipedia - Script (computer programming)
Wikipedia - Script (computing)
Wikipedia - Script doctor -- Screenwriter hired to rewrite an existing script
Wikipedia - Scripted (company) -- Online freelance writing marketplace
Wikipedia - Scripted sequence -- Series of events rendered in real time in a video game's engine
Wikipedia - Scripting language
Wikipedia - Scripting programming language
Wikipedia - Script kiddie -- A hacker who uses tools written by skilled hackers instead of coding on their own
Wikipedia - Scriptment -- Written work by a screenwriter
Wikipedia - Scriptor Incertus
Wikipedia - Scriptorium -- Room in medieval European monasteries for writing
Wikipedia - Scripts (artificial intelligence)
Wikipedia - Script typeface -- Class of typefaces inspired by handwriting
Wikipedia - Script (Unicode) -- Subset of characters in Unicode
Wikipedia - Scripturae sacrae affectus -- Apostolic letter from Pope Francis published on 30 September 2020 to celebrate the 16th centenary of the death of Jerome
Wikipedia - Scriptural exegesis
Wikipedia - Scriptural reasoning -- Religious studies of scriptures
Wikipedia - Scriptural Way of the Cross
Wikipedia - Scripturarum thesaurus -- Apostolic constitution
Wikipedia - Scriptures
Wikipedia - Scripture
Wikipedia - Scrip -- Any substitute for legal tender or currency
Wikipedia - Scritti Politti -- British music group
Wikipedia - Scrivener (software) -- Word processor and outliner
Wikipedia - Scrivener
Wikipedia - Scrivner's Drive-In -- Drive-in movie theater in Los Angeles
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpa acuminatella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpa artemisiella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpa atriplicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpa brahmiella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpa costella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpa halonella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpa nitentella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpa obsoletella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpa ocellatella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpa proclivella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpa salinella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpa samadensis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpa vicaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpomima concurrens -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpomima obsoleta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpomima obtusa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpomima patens -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpomima pseudogrisescens -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpomima relicta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpomima schematica -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpomima septemptrionalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpomima serena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpomima symmetrischemoides -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpomima triangulignathos -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpula diffluella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpula fjeldsai -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpula psilella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scrofula
Wikipedia - Scrojo -- American poster artist
Wikipedia - Scrollbar
Wikipedia - Scroll compressor
Wikipedia - {{DISPLAYTITLE:'''' -- {{DISPLAYTITLE:''''
Wikipedia - Scrolling
Wikipedia - Scroll Lock -- Computer key
Wikipedia - Scrolls of Abraham
Wikipedia - Scrolls of Moses
Wikipedia - Scroll wheel
Wikipedia - Scroll
Wikipedia - Scrooby railway station -- Former railway station in Nottinghamshire, England
Wikipedia - Scrooby -- Village in Nottinghamshire, England
Wikipedia - Scrooge (1913 film) -- 1913 film by Leedham Bantock
Wikipedia - Scrooge (1935 film) -- 1935 British fantasy film directed by Henry Edwards
Wikipedia - Scrooge (1951 film) -- 1951 film by Brian Desmond Hurst
Wikipedia - Scrooge (1970 film) -- 1970 film by Ronald Neame
Wikipedia - Scrooge & Marley (2012 film) -- Film
Wikipedia - Scrooged -- 1988 film by Richard Donner
Wikipedia - Scrooge McDuck -- Disney comics character
Wikipedia - Scrooge, or, Marley's Ghost -- 1901 film directed by Walter R. Booth
Wikipedia - Scroogled -- Attack advertising campaign by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Scroogle
Wikipedia - Scrophulariaceae -- The figwort family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Scropton railway station -- Former railway station in Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Scrotal ultrasound -- Medical ultrasound examination of the scrotum.
Wikipedia - Scrotum -- Anatomical male reproductive structure that consists of a suspended sack of skin surrounding the testicles
Wikipedia - Scrubb (band) -- Thai band
Wikipedia - Scrubbers -- 1983 film by Mai Zetterling
Wikipedia - Scrubfowl -- Genus of birds
Wikipedia - Scrublands (novel) -- 2018 novel by Chris Hammer
Wikipedia - Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat -- 1941 film by Walter Lantz
Wikipedia - Scrubs (season 9) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Scrubs (TV series) -- American medical comedy-drama television series
Wikipedia - Scruff (app) -- Online dating application
Wikipedia - Scruffts -- Informal UK cross breeds dog show
Wikipedia - Scrufizzer -- British musician
Wikipedia - Scruggs, Vandervoort and Barney -- American department store
Wikipedia - Scrumban
Wikipedia - Scrum cap -- Occasionally worn headgear in rugby
Wikipedia - Scrum (development)
Wikipedia - Scrum (software development) -- Agile software development framework
Wikipedia - Scrum Sprint -- A period of work in software development according to the Scrum method.
Wikipedia - Scruple (unit) -- Mass unit in the apothecaries' system
Wikipedia - Scrupulosity -- Pathological guilt
Wikipedia - scrupulous
Wikipedia - Scrupulum -- Roman unit of mass
Wikipedia - Scruton railway station -- Railway station in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Scruton, Roger
Wikipedia - Scrye
Wikipedia - Scrying
Wikipedia - Scrypt -- Password-based key derivation function created in 2009
Wikipedia - Seal script -- Ancient style of writing Chinese characters common in the latter half of the 1st millennium BCE
Wikipedia - Sean Anders -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sean Anthony (rapper) -- Screenwriter and songwriter (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Sean Penn -- American actor, screenwriter, and film director
Wikipedia - Search engine scraping
Wikipedia - Sebastian Gutierrez -- Venezuelan film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sebastian Jones (filmmaker) -- American film director, screenwriter and editor
Wikipedia - Sebastian Ylvenius -- Swedish actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Second-class citizen -- Individual within a group of people that are systematically being discriminated against within a state
Wikipedia - Sectarianism -- Prejudice, discrimination, or hatred based on social group
Wikipedia - Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 -- Section of an Australian racial vilification law
Wikipedia - Secular humanism -- Non-religious ethical descriptor; contemporary meaning of humanism
Wikipedia - Security descriptor
Wikipedia - SEG Plaza -- Skyscraper in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Wikipedia - Seifert-van Kampen theorem -- Describes the fundamental group in terms of a cover by 2 open path-connected subspaces
Wikipedia - Selective Service System -- US federal government agency that maintains information on those potentially subject to military conscription
Wikipedia - SelecTV (American TV channel) -- American subscription television service
Wikipedia - Selena + Chef -- 2020 unscripted web series starring Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Selenographia, sive Lunae descriptio -- Milestone work by Johannes Hevelius
Wikipedia - Self-descriptive number
Wikipedia - Self-discrepancy theory
Wikipedia - Selwyn Seyfu Hinds -- Guyanese-American screenwriter and journalist
Wikipedia - Semi-cursive script -- Cursive style of Chinese writing that is not as cursive as grass script
Wikipedia - Senatus consultum de Bacchanalibus -- Old Latin inscription dating to 186 BC
Wikipedia - Seoirse Brun -- Irish scribe
Wikipedia - Seon Mac Solaidh -- Irish scribe
Wikipedia - Septuagint -- Greek translation of Hebrew scriptures
Wikipedia - Serge Bourguignon -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sergei Bondarchuk -- Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, and actor
Wikipedia - Sergio Donati -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sergio Leone -- Italian film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Sergio Olhovich -- Film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sericomyrmex scrobifer -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Series of tubes -- Phrase coined by Ted Stevens to describe the Internet when opposing net neutrality
Wikipedia - Server Side Includes -- Interpreted server-side scripting language
Wikipedia - Server-side JavaScript
Wikipedia - Server-side scripting
Wikipedia - Service national universel -- French civil conscription service
Wikipedia - Session Description Protocol -- file format for describing networked audio and video streams
Wikipedia - Setapp -- A subscription-based service for macOS and iOS applications
Wikipedia - Set screw -- Type of screw
Wikipedia - Seven Sisters (Moscow) -- Seven skyscrapers in Moscow, Russia
Wikipedia - Severe weather terminology (United States) -- Terminology used by the National Weather Service to describe severe weather in the US
Wikipedia - Severus Scroll -- Lost Torah manuscript
Wikipedia - Sexism and video games -- Gender-based prejudice or discrimination related to video games
Wikipedia - Sexism in American comics -- Sexual prejudice or discrimination in American comic book industry
Wikipedia - Sexism -- prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex or gender
Wikipedia - Sexual discrimination
Wikipedia - Sexual orientation discrimination
Wikipedia - Sex Workers' Rights Movement -- Movement to improve working conditions, increase benefits and eliminate discrimination on behalf of individuals working within the sex industry, whether legal or criminalized
Wikipedia - Seyfi Havaeri -- Turkish actor, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Seymour Bennett -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shahnameh of Shah Tahmasp -- Illustrated manuscript of the Shahnameh
Wikipedia - Shakeel Azmi -- Indian poet, lyricist and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Shakun Batra -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shallow water equations -- set of partial differential equations that describe the flow below a pressure surface in a fluid
Wikipedia - Shana Feste -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shane Acker -- American animator, film director, screenwriter, and animation teacher
Wikipedia - Shane Black -- American actor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Shane Carruth -- Film producer, actor, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel Tainan -- Skyscraper hotel in East District, Tainan, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Shannon Burke (writer) -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shapira Scroll
Wikipedia - Shargacucullia scrophulariae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Sharon Scranage espionage scandal -- CIA espionage scandal
Wikipedia - Shaun Cassidy -- American television producer, screenwriter, actor, and singer
Wikipedia - Shay Hatten -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shelagh Carter -- Canadian director, producer, screenwriter, actress
Wikipedia - Shell scripts
Wikipedia - Shell script -- Script written for the shell, or command line interpreter, of an operating system
Wikipedia - Shemale -- Term primarily used in sex work to describe a transgender women with male genitalia and female secondary sex characteristics
Wikipedia - Shemi Zarhin -- Israeli film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sherman Lowe -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shibin Francis -- Indian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shibu Chakravarthy -- Indian lyricist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shigeyoshi Suzuki (film director) -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shivagrha inscription -- Ancient inscription from the Medang Kingdom
Wikipedia - Shlomi Elkabetz -- Israeli film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - ShM-EM-^M Aikawa (screenwriter) -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shofar blowing -- Prescribed method of blowing the ram's horn on the Jewish New Year
Wikipedia - Shomi -- Canadian subscription video on demand service
Wikipedia - Shooting script -- Version of a screenplay used during the production of a motion picture
Wikipedia - Shopping while black -- Type of marketplace discrimination of black people
Wikipedia - Shotacon -- Japanese slang describing an attraction to young boys
Wikipedia - Shrabani Deodhar -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shu Kei -- Hong Kong film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shun'ichi Yukimuro -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Shwe Done Bi Aung -- Burmese film director, writer and script-writer
Wikipedia - Shyam Benegal -- Indian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - SiddhaM-aM-9M-^C script -- Brahmic script used to write Sanskrit
Wikipedia - Siddharth-Garima -- Bollywood screenwriter duo
Wikipedia - Side-by-side (graphic) -- Split-screen television presentation format
Wikipedia - Side-scroller
Wikipedia - Side-scrolling video game
Wikipedia - Sidney Carroll -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sidney Lumet -- American director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sidney Skolsky -- Actor, gossip columnist, radio personality, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sidrat al-Muntaha -- Sacred tree in Islamic scripture, marking the boundary which no creation can pass
Wikipedia - Siegfried Breuer -- Austrian stage and film actor and occasional film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Siegfried Dessauer -- German actor, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Siegrid Alnoy -- French director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Silent Screen -- American Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Silje Holtet -- Norwegian actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Silt screw -- A peg for insertion into soft sediment to locate a distance line
Wikipedia - Silver Screen Pictures -- Australian film production company
Wikipedia - Silverscreen -- The UK's first specialist DVD high street retailer, 2003-2006
Wikipedia - SimEvents -- Discrete event simulation tool developed by MathWorks
Wikipedia - Simon Beaufoy -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Simon Bovey -- British scriptwriter and director
Wikipedia - Simon Kinberg -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Simon Monjack -- English screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - SIMSCRIPT II.5
Wikipedia - Simscript
Wikipedia - SIMSCRIPT -- Simulation language
Wikipedia - Sinclair Hill -- British film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sinemia -- Social platform and subscription-based service for film tickets
Wikipedia - Sine wave -- Mathematical curve that describes a smooth repetitive oscillation; continuous wave
Wikipedia - Sinhala script -- Abugida
Wikipedia - Sini (script)
Wikipedia - Sino-Steel Tower -- Under-construction Skyscraper in Tianjin, China
Wikipedia - Siobhan McKenna -- Irish stage and screen actress (1923-1986)
Wikipedia - Sisig -- A Filipino dish that consists of pork scraps
Wikipedia - Sisir Mishra -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Siteswap -- Notation used to describe juggling patterns
Wikipedia - Six Degrees of Separation (song) -- 2012 single by The Script
Wikipedia - Skycity (Mandaluyong) -- Skyscraper in Mandaluyong, Philippines
Wikipedia - Sky Q -- British subscription television network
Wikipedia - SKYSAWA -- Polish skyscraper
Wikipedia - Skyscraper (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Skyscraper (2011 film) -- 2011 film
Wikipedia - Skyscraper (2018 film) -- 2018 film by Rawson Marshall Thurber
Wikipedia - Skyscraper Brewing Company -- Craft brewery in California
Wikipedia - SkyscraperCity -- Website
Wikipedia - Skyscraper Museum -- Architecture museum in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - SkyscraperPage
Wikipedia - Skyscraper (song) -- 2011 single by Demi Lovato
Wikipedia - Skyscraper Souls -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Skyscraper -- High-rise building
Wikipedia - Sky (skyscraper) -- Residential building in New York City
Wikipedia - Slavek Horak -- Czech director, actor, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - S. Leigh Savidge -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Small seal script
Wikipedia - Smaranjit Chakraborty -- Bengali author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Smart Display -- Touchscreen computer project by Microsoft
Wikipedia - SM-EM-^M Kuramoto -- Japanese playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Smith Tower -- Historic skyscraper in Seattle, Washington, United States
Wikipedia - Smokescreen (film) -- 1964 film by Jim O'Connolly
Wikipedia - SnM-CM-&var Solvi Solvason -- Icelandic film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sobriquet -- Nickname, sometimes assumed, but often given by another and being descriptive in nature
Wikipedia - Social stigma of obesity -- Type of discrimination based on weight
Wikipedia - Sodermanland runic inscription 139 -- Viking Age runestone
Wikipedia - Sodermanland runic inscription 140 -- Viking Age runic inscription in Sweden
Wikipedia - Sofia Coppola -- American screenwriter, director, producer, and former actress
Wikipedia - Software as a service -- Software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted
Wikipedia - Software brittleness -- A description of how difficult software is to modify
Wikipedia - Software design description
Wikipedia - Software requirements specification -- Description of a software system to be developed
Wikipedia - Soil mechanics -- Branch of soil physics and applied mechanics that describes the behavior of soils
Wikipedia - Sola scriptura
Wikipedia - Soldier Blade -- 1992 scrolling shooter game
Wikipedia - Soleil Moon Frye -- American actress, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Solomon's Temple -- Legendary temple described in the Hebrew Bible
Wikipedia - Sol Saks -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Somaweera Senanayake -- Sri Lankan screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - Sonata-Fantaisie in G-sharp minor (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Sonja Bennett -- Canadian actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sonya Levien -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet -- touchscreen Android tablet
Wikipedia - Sophie Marceau -- French actress, director, screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Soul Inscribed -- American musical group
Wikipedia - Source code escrow
Wikipedia - Source (programming language) -- family of JavaScript sub-languages
Wikipedia - Southbank by Beulah -- Skyscraper under development in Melbourne, Australia
Wikipedia - Southern, Eastern and Northern Buddhism -- Geographical terms sometimes used to describe the styles of Buddhism practiced in Asia
Wikipedia - Southern screamer -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - South Indian Inscriptions -- Archaeological publication series
Wikipedia - Southwest Paleohispanic script -- Paleohispanic script
Wikipedia - Sowmya Sharma -- Telugu dubbing artist, RJ and script writer
Wikipedia - SOX10 -- Transcription factor gene of the SOX family
Wikipedia - SOX1 -- Transcription factor gene of the SOX family
Wikipedia - SOX2 -- Transcription factor gene of the SOX family
Wikipedia - SOX9 -- Transcription factor gene of the SOX family
Wikipedia - SOX gene family -- Family of transcription factors
Wikipedia - Sp1 transcription factor -- Protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens
Wikipedia - Spalding Gray -- American actor, dramatist, playwright, screenwriter (1941-2004)
Wikipedia - Spatula -- Flexible, wide blade, used to lift, smear, mix, spread, or scrape material, including foods, drugs, plaster, and paint
Wikipedia - Special ordered set -- Special case of discrete optimization
Wikipedia - Species description
Wikipedia - Specification and Description Language
Wikipedia - Spec script -- Script written without prior request
Wikipedia - Spectral flux density -- Quantity that describes the rate at which energy is transferred by electromagnetic radiation through a real or virtual surface, per unit surface area and per unit wavelength (or, equivalently, per unit frequency)
Wikipedia - Spectrum (TV channel) -- American subscription television service
Wikipedia - Speculative Period -- Term describing archaeological methods in the early days of North American archaeology
Wikipedia - Speech scroll -- Illustrative device denoting speech in art, used in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica and Medieval Europe
Wikipedia - Spencerian script -- American business handwriting style
Wikipedia - SPIB -- Protein that controls transcription of a set of genes in eukaryotes
Wikipedia - SpiderMonkey (JavaScript engine)
Wikipedia - SpiderMonkey -- JavaScript engine maintained by the Mozilla Foundation
Wikipedia - Spin tensor -- Tensor quantity for describing spinning motion in special relativity and general relativity
Wikipedia - Spiral of Theodorus -- Discrete analog of the Archimedes spiral
Wikipedia - Splash screen -- User interface element
Wikipedia - Split screen (video production) -- Filmmaking technique
Wikipedia - Spoiler (media) -- Description of any piece of fiction that reveals any plot elements
Wikipedia - Sputnik (JavaScript conformance test) -- Conformity test for JavaScript implementations
Wikipedia - Srijit Mukherji -- Indian actor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - SS Archimedes -- First steamship driven by screw propeller
Wikipedia - SS Ellengowan -- Schooner rigged single screw steamer which sank at moorings in Darwin, Australia
Wikipedia - S. S. Rajamouli -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - SS Ribinsk -- Scrapped cargo ship
Wikipedia - S. S. Wilson -- American screenwriter and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Stammheim Missal -- 12th c. illuminated manuscript
Wikipedia - Standard Alphabet by Lepsius -- Transcription system developed by Lepsius for Egyptian hieroglyphs and other African languages
Wikipedia - Standard Galactic Alphabet -- Computer game script
Wikipedia - Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs -- Norwegian parliamentary committee
Wikipedia - Stanley Adams (actor) -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Stanley Roberts (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Stanner E.V. Taylor -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Stantec Tower -- Skyscraper in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Start and park -- Term used to describe the practice of starting races but parking after a few laps
Wikipedia - Start codon -- First codon of a messenger RNA transcript translated by a ribosome
Wikipedia - State equal rights amendments -- Provide various degrees of legal protection against discrimination
Wikipedia - Staten Island boat graveyard -- Marine scrapyard in Staten Island, New York
Wikipedia - Steelmaking -- Process for producing steel from iron ore and scrap
Wikipedia - Stefano Lodovichi -- Italian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Steno (director) -- Italian film director, screenwriter and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Stenohaline -- Term describing organisms that can tolerate a wide range of salinities
Wikipedia - Stephanie Savage -- Canadian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Stephan Streker -- Belgian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Stephen Davis (screenwriter) -- British screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - Stephen Glover (screenwriter) -- American rapper and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Stephen Scrope, 2nd Baron Scrope of Masham -- Medieval baron in the north of England
Wikipedia - Stephen Sinclair -- New Zealand playwright, screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - Stephen Yafa -- American screenwriter, author
Wikipedia - Steve Allrich -- American screenwriter and painter
Wikipedia - Steve Bencich -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Steven Caple Jr. -- American film director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Steven C. Miller -- American film director, screenwriter and film editor
Wikipedia - Steven D. Binder -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Steven Paul -- American film producer, screenwriter, director, and actor
Wikipedia - Steven Soderbergh -- American film producer, screenwriter and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Steven Spielberg -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Steven Zaillian -- American screenwriter, director, film editor, and producer
Wikipedia - Steve Oedekerk -- American comedian, director, editor, producer, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Stir-fried tomato and scrambled eggs -- A common Chinese dish
Wikipedia - St. John's International Women's Film Festival -- Film festival screening works by women, takes place in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Wikipedia - StM-CM-)phane Bouquet -- French writer, screenwriter and critic
Wikipedia - StM-CM-)phane Pizella -- French journalist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Stomp! Shout! Scream! -- 2005 film by Jay Wade Edwards
Wikipedia - Stowe manuscripts
Wikipedia - St. Regis Chicago -- Supertall skyscraper under construction in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
Wikipedia - Strouhal number -- Dimensionless number describing oscillating flow mechanisms
Wikipedia - Structural geology -- The science of the description and interpretation of deformation in the Earth's crust
Wikipedia - Structure factor -- Mathematical description in crystallography
Wikipedia - Stuart Beattie -- Australian screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Stuart Carolan -- Irish screenwriter, producer, and playwright
Wikipedia - Stuart Paton -- English screenwriter
Wikipedia - St Wilfrid's Church, Scrooby -- Church in Scrooby, Nottinghamshire, England
Wikipedia - Subhash Ghai -- Indian film director, producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Subodh Patnaik -- Screenwriter and dialogue writer in Odia language films
Wikipedia - Subscriber
Wikipedia - Subscription library
Wikipedia - Subscription
Wikipedia - Substitution model -- Description of the process by which states in sequences change into each other and back
Wikipedia - Sudha Kongara -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Sujatha Rangarajan -- Indian screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - Sukhbaatar inscriptions -- Turkic inscription
Wikipedia - Summer architecture -- a term used to describe houses built by the Portuguese elite so that they could be close to the Royal Family during its summer holidays in Cascais
Wikipedia - Sunnah -- Literature discussing/prescribing traditional social/legal customs/practices of the Islamic community, often based on the record of teachings, deeds and sayings of Muhammad
Wikipedia - Sunscreen -- Topical skin product that helps protect against sunburn
Wikipedia - Super TV (American TV channel) -- American subscription television service
Wikipedia - Surasa -- Hindu goddess, described as the mother of snakes
Wikipedia - Suresh Poduval -- Indian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Surtitles -- Dialogue presented above a stage or screen
Wikipedia - Suspect classification -- Classification of groups that are likely the subject of discrimination
Wikipedia - Sutta Nipata -- Buddhist scripture, sutta collection in the Khuddaka Nikaya of the Pali Canon
Wikipedia - Suzana Amaral -- Brazilian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Suzhou IFS -- Skyscraper in Suzhou, Jiangsu, China
Wikipedia - Suzhou Xindi Center -- Skyscraper in Suzhou, China
Wikipedia - Suzhou Zhongnan Center -- Under-construction Skyscraper in Suzhou, China
Wikipedia - Svend Rindom -- Danish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Swastika Eyes -- 1999 single by Primal Scream
Wikipedia - Swift (parallel scripting language)
Wikipedia - Syafiq Yusof -- Malaysian actor, director, screenwriter and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Syllas Tzoumerkas -- Greek film director, screenwriter, actor
Wikipedia - Sylvester Stallone -- American actor, screenwriter, and film director
Wikipedia - Sylvia Thalberg -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 1 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 2 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 9 (Beethoven) -- is less descriptive than the article name, it's best not to have one. -->
Wikipedia - Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
Wikipedia - Syncretism -- Assimilation of two or more originally discrete religious traditions
Wikipedia - Synthetic language -- Language with a high morpheme-per-word ratio, as opposed to a low morpheme-per-word ratio in what is described as an analytic language
Wikipedia - Szarvas inscription -- Historical inscription
object:wikipedia - t - links with description
Wikipedia - Tablets of Stone -- Two pieces of stone inscribed with Ten Commandments
Wikipedia - Tab Murphy -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tactical area of responsibility -- Prescribed area in a theatre of combat
Wikipedia - Taghi Mehri -- Iranian Public Conscription Organization Chief
Wikipedia - Tahar Cheriaa -- Tunisian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Taichung Condominium Tower -- Residential skyscraper in Xitun District of Taichung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Taichung Time Square CBD -- Skyscraper office building in Xitun District of Taichung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Taika Waititi -- New Zealand film director, producer, screenwriter, actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Taittiriya Upanishad -- One of the ancient Sanskrit scriptures of Hinduism
Wikipedia - Taiwan, China -- Controversial term describing Taiwan and its related territories as part of "China"
Wikipedia - Takeshi Furusawa -- Japanese film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Takeshi Kimura -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Takeshi Kitano -- Japanese film director, comedian, singer, actor, film editor, presenter, screenwriter, author, poet, painter and video game designer
Wikipedia - Talmudical hermeneutics -- Methods for the investigation and determination of the meaning of the Scriptures
Wikipedia - Tal Shefi -- Israeli film editor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tamara Bos -- Dutch screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tamil inscriptions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Tampermonkey -- Userscript manager browser extension
Wikipedia - Tanais Tablets -- Greek inscription
Wikipedia - Tantu Pagelaran -- Old Javanese manuscript
Wikipedia - Targum -- Aramaic translation of the Jewish scriptures
Wikipedia - Tariat inscriptions -- Turkic inscription
Wikipedia - Taru MM-CM-$kelM-CM-$ -- Finnish film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Taste-based discrimination -- Economic model of discrimination
Wikipedia - Tate Taylor -- American actor, screenwriter, film producer and director
Wikipedia - Taxonomy (general) -- The classification of discrete things, concepts, or groups, and the principles underlying such a classification
Wikipedia - Taxonomy of lemurs -- The science of describing species and defining the evolutionary relationships between taxa of lemurs
Wikipedia - Taylor Sheridan -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - TC Energy Center -- Skyscraper in Houston, Texas
Wikipedia - Teacher of Righteousness -- Unknown priest in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Wikipedia - Technological pedagogical content knowledge -- Framework describing knowledge needed by teachers for pedagogical practice in technology-enhanced learning environment
Wikipedia - Ted Braun -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ted Elliott (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Ted Sherdeman -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ted Wilde -- American film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tegelspreuken -- Decorative tiles inscribed with proverbs or aphorisms, often in blue-and-white Delftware style
Wikipedia - Tel Dan stele -- Broken stele (inscribed stone) discovered in 1993-94 during excavations at Tel Dan in northern Israel
Wikipedia - Telecommunications in Singapore -- Description of telecommunications in Singapore
Wikipedia - Telemeter (pay television) -- Subscription television service
Wikipedia - Telemundo Africa -- African subscription television channel
Wikipedia - Teleology -- Philosophical study of nature by attempting to describe things in terms of their apparent purpose, directive principle, or goal
Wikipedia - Television set -- Device for viewing computer's screen and shows broadcast through satellites or cables
Wikipedia - Telomeric repeat-containing RNA -- Long non-coding RNA transcribed from telomeres
Wikipedia - Telugu script -- Writing system from the Brahmic family of scripts
Wikipedia - Telus Sky -- Skyscraper in [[Calgary]], [[Alberta]], [[Canada]]
Wikipedia - Template:Broad-concept article short description -- Broad-concept article|noreplace|pagetype = Broad-concept article
Wikipedia - Template:Disambiguation page short description -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term|noreplace|pagetype = Disambiguation pages
Wikipedia - Template:Infobox royalty/short description -- {{#invoke:String2|ucfirst|{{trim|{{#invoke:String|match|s={{delink|1={{{1|
Wikipedia - Template:New language article -- <!--Put a one or two sentence description of the topic here.-->
Wikipedia - Template talk:Alexander Scriabin
Wikipedia - Template talk:Dead Sea Scrolls
Wikipedia - Template talk:Description of English
Wikipedia - Template talk:Discrimination sidebar
Wikipedia - Template talk:Discrimination
Wikipedia - Template talk:ECMAScript
Wikipedia - Template talk:Hindu scriptures and texts
Wikipedia - Template talk:JavaScriptSidebar
Wikipedia - Template talk:JavaScript
Wikipedia - Template talk:Sherlock Holmes screen adaptations
Wikipedia - Temple of the Inscriptions
Wikipedia - Temple Scroll
Wikipedia - Tengwar -- Fictional script in the fantasy works of J. R. R. Tolkien
Wikipedia - Teng Yu-kun -- Taiwanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ten Museum Park -- Residential skyscraper in Miami
Wikipedia - Terence Hill -- Italian actor, film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Terence Rattigan -- British playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Term Discrimination
Wikipedia - Terminal Tower -- Landmark skyscraper in downtown Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Terminator (genetics) -- Section of genetic sequence that marks the end of gene or operon on genomic DNA for transcription
Wikipedia - Terministic screen -- A term in the theory and criticism of rhetoric
Wikipedia - Terminologia Embryologica -- Standardized list of words used in the description of human embryologic and fetal structures
Wikipedia - Terrence Malick -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Terrence McDonnell -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Terri Edda Miller -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Terrorist Screening Center -- US FBI special division
Wikipedia - Terry Cafolla -- Northern Irish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Terry Gilliam -- British screenwriter, film director, animator, and actor
Wikipedia - Terry Jones -- Welsh actor, writer, comedian, screenwriter, film director and historian
Wikipedia - Terry Matalas -- American Screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tess Slesinger -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Testament of Solomon -- Old Testament pseudepigraphical work ascribed to King Solomon
Wikipedia - Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs -- Apocryphal scripture connected with the Bible
Wikipedia - Test script
Wikipedia - Tex Avery Screwball Classics -- Blu-ray/DVD set collection of theatrical Tex Avery cartoons
Wikipedia - Textual variants in the Gospel of John -- Differences in New Testament manuscripts
Wikipedia - Textual variants in the Gospel of Luke -- Differences in New Testament manuscripts
Wikipedia - Textual variants in the Gospel of Mark -- Differences in New Testament manuscripts
Wikipedia - Textual variants in the Gospel of Matthew -- Differences in New Testament manuscripts
Wikipedia - Textual variants in the New Testament -- Differences in New Testament manuscripts
Wikipedia - Thai typography -- Representation of Thai script
Wikipedia - Thanos Leivaditis -- Greek actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Th (digraph) -- Latin-script digraph
Wikipedia - The 42 (Kolkata) -- Residential skyscraper in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - The Ballad of Buster Scruggs -- 2018 film directed by Joel and Ethan Coen
Wikipedia - The Beast (Revelation) -- May refer to one of two beasts described in the Book of Revelation.
Wikipedia - The Book of Felicity -- Illuminated manuscript made in the Ottoman Empire in 1582
Wikipedia - The Bridge to Total Freedom -- Scientology metaphor used to describe advancement in the religion
Wikipedia - The Canon of Scripture
Wikipedia - The Case for Reparations -- Article focusing on redlining and housing discrimination
Wikipedia - The Center -- Skyscraper in Central, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - The Comedy Channel (British TV channel) -- British short-lived subscription television channel
Wikipedia - The Conscript -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - The Crystal Plaza -- Residential skyscraper in Tamsui District of New Taipei, Taiwan
Wikipedia - The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception -- Book by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh
Wikipedia - The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows -- Website and web video series about made-up words to describe emotions
Wikipedia - The Elder Scrolls: Arena
Wikipedia - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind -- 2002 fantasy action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion -- 2006 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - The Elder Scrolls: Legends -- 2017 free-to-play digital collectible card video game
Wikipedia - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dawnguard -- Expansion for the video game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Wikipedia - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Hearthfire -- 2012 Skyrim Expansion
Wikipedia - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- video game
Wikipedia - The Elder Scrolls -- Video game series
Wikipedia - The Emerald (building) -- Skyscraper in Seattle, Washington, U.S.
Wikipedia - The Excelsior -- Closed skyscraper hotel in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - The Golden Mile (angling) -- Fisheries and recreational fishing term describing a close inshore area
Wikipedia - The Great Psalms Scroll -- Ancient Jewish religious manuscript found in 1956 in the Qumran area
Wikipedia - The Hub (building) -- Residential skyscraper in Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - The Illinois -- Vision skyscraper in Chicago, U.S.
Wikipedia - The Imperial (Mumbai) -- Former tallest skyscraper in India
Wikipedia - The Indiscreet Woman -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Indiscretions of Eve -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - The Kouga Ninja Scrolls
Wikipedia - The Last Manuscript -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - The Leonardo (Sandton) -- Skyscraper in Sandton, South Africa
Wikipedia - The longest suicide note in history -- Epithet used to describe the UK Labour Party's 1983 manifesto
Wikipedia - The Manuscript Found in Saragossa
Wikipedia - The Man Who Can't Be Moved -- 2008 single by The Script
Wikipedia - The Metropolitan (Rochester) -- Skyscraper in Rochester, New York
Wikipedia - The Minto Papers -- Collection of manuscripts
Wikipedia - The New Colossus -- Sonnet by Emma Lazarus, inscribed at the Statue of Liberty
Wikipedia - Theo Angelopoulos -- Greek film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Theodoros Bafaloukos -- Greek director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Theodosia Harris -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Theologoumenon -- Theological statement which cannot be directly regarded as the official teaching of the Church; belief or clarification by theologians upon a theological matter not clearly formulated in the Scriptures or Church dogma
Wikipedia - Theology of Huldrych Zwingli -- Theological view that considered scripture a higher authority then the church fathers
Wikipedia - Theory of descriptions
Wikipedia - Theory of operation -- Working device/system description
Wikipedia - The Oxen and the Creaking Cart -- Fable ascribed to Aesop
Wikipedia - The Pavilion (Scranton, Pennsylvania) -- Outdoor theater in Scranton, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - The Primal Scream -- 1970 book by Arthur Janov
Wikipedia - The "Sweetest Girl" -- 1981 single by Scritti Politti
Wikipedia - Therese Lewis -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - The Residences at Greenbelt - Laguna Tower -- Residential condominium skyscraper in Makati, Philippines
Wikipedia - The Ridgeway -- Ancient trackway described as Britain's oldest road
Wikipedia - The Samuel Scroll
Wikipedia - The Scalpel -- Skyscraper on Lime Street in London
Wikipedia - The Scoop and Behind the Screen -- Collaborative detective serials
Wikipedia - The Scrapper -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - The Scrappin' Kid -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - The Screamers -- American punk band
Wikipedia - The Scream (Greek TV miniseries) -- Greek miniseries
Wikipedia - The Screaming Shadow -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - The Scream -- image by artist Edvard Munch
Wikipedia - The Screen (cinematheque) -- Movie theater in Santa Fe, New Mexico
Wikipedia - The Screen Guild Theater -- American radio series
Wikipedia - The Screen Savers
Wikipedia - The Scribbler (film) -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - The Scripps Research Institute
Wikipedia - The Scroll of Taiwu -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - The Scroll of the Dead
Wikipedia - The Shard -- Skyscraper in London
Wikipedia - The Silent Scream -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - The Silver Scream -- 2018 album by Ice Nine Kills
Wikipedia - The Skyscrapers -- Professional wrestling tag team
Wikipedia - The Spiral (New York City) -- Under-construction skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - The Summit (Hong Kong) -- Residential skyscraper in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - The Taming of the Shrew on screen -- screen adaptations of The Taming of the Shrew
Wikipedia - The Times-Tribune (Scranton)
Wikipedia - The Tragedy of King Lear (screenplay) -- unpublished screenplay by Harold Pinter
Wikipedia - The Turn of the Screw (2009 film) -- British film
Wikipedia - The Turn of the Screw -- 1898 novella by Henry James
Wikipedia - The Twin Miracle -- One of the miracles by the Buddha, as described in Buddhist texts
Wikipedia - The Unscrambler
Wikipedia - The Unscrupulous Ones -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Thevalakkara Chellappan -- Indian screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - The Will to Power (manuscript)
Wikipedia - Thick description -- Description of human social action
Wikipedia - Thinkers of the New Left -- 1985 book by Roger Scruton
Wikipedia - THL Simplified Phonetic Transcription
Wikipedia - Thomas Bezucha -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Thomas Cailley -- French screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Thomas J. Geraghty -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Thomas Lennon -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Thomas Mitchell (actor) -- American actor, playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Thor Freudenthal -- German film director, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Thread-locking fluid -- adhesive applied to screw threads
Wikipedia - Three Lakeway Center -- Skyscraper in Metairie, Louisiana
Wikipedia - Thruscross Reservoir -- Reservoir in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Thruscross -- Settlement and civil parish in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Thunder Levin -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Thurnby and Scraptoft railway station -- Former railway station in Leicestershire, England
Wikipedia - Thyra Samter Winslow -- American writer and screenwriter (b. 1886, d. 1961)
Wikipedia - TIAA Bank Center -- Skyscraper in Jacksonville, Florida
Wikipedia - Tian Han -- Chinese playwright, screenwriter, songwriter
Wikipedia - Tianjin CTF Finance Centre -- Skyscraper in Tianjin, China
Wikipedia - Tianjin R&F Guangdong Tower -- Under-construction Skyscraper in Tianjin, China
Wikipedia - Tianjin World Financial Center -- Skyscraper
Wikipedia - Tianshan Gate of the World Plots 27 and 28 -- Skyscraper in Shijiazhuang, China
Wikipedia - Tibetan script -- writing system used to write certain Tibetic languages
Wikipedia - Tic -- Repetitive, nonrhythmic motor movement or vocalization involving discrete muscle groups
Wikipedia - Tidal (service) -- Subscription-based music streaming service
Wikipedia - Tiffany Grant -- American voice actress and script writer
Wikipedia - Tigalari script -- Alphabet of Tulu language
Wikipedia - Timbuktu Manuscripts -- Manuscripts on Islam, art, medicine, philosophy and science, preserved in Timbuktu, Mali
Wikipedia - Time trial cycling equipment -- Description of specialized cycling equipment
Wikipedia - Tim Heidecker -- American actor, director, producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tim Kring -- American screenwriter and television producer
Wikipedia - Tim McKeon -- American screenwriter (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Tim Minear -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Timothy Bond -- Canadian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Timothy Stack -- American film and television actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Timo Tjahjanto -- Indonesian film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Tim Robbins -- American actor, screenwriter, director, producer, activist and musician
Wikipedia - Tim Whitby -- British screenwriter, television producer and director
Wikipedia - Tina Gharavi -- Film director, screenwriter, producer
Wikipedia - Tipula scripta -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Tirhuta script -- Script of Maithili language
Wikipedia - Titius-Bode law -- Discredited hypothesis about Solar System planets' orbits
Wikipedia - Title IX -- United States federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in federally-funded education programs
Wikipedia - Title screen
Wikipedia - Titles of Mary -- The many descriptives used for Mary, mother of Jesus
Wikipedia - Titus Popovici -- Romanian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tizza Covi -- Italian screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Tocharian script -- Script used to write the Tocharian languages
Wikipedia - Todd Farmer -- American screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Todd Phillips -- American director, producer, screenwriter, and actor
Wikipedia - Tokiwabashi Tower -- Skyscraper under construction in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Toll-free telephone number -- Type of telephone number where the subscriber thereof is billed instead of the calling party
Wikipedia - Tom Abrams -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Tom Cudworth -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tom Deckman -- American stage and screen actor
Wikipedia - Tom Epperson -- American author and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tomislav Osmanli -- Macedonian author, screenwriter and journalist
Wikipedia - Tommy Noonan -- American actor, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Tomorrow Square -- Skyscraper in Shanghai, China
Wikipedia - Tom Terriss -- British actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tom Whiteley -- English rugby union scrum half
Wikipedia - Toni Ann Johnson -- American screenwriter, playwright, and novelist
Wikipedia - Tony Basgallop -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tony Burgess (author) -- Canadian novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tony Gilroy -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tony Kushner -- American playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tony Leondis -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tony Scroope -- Irish hurler
Wikipedia - Tonyukuk inscriptions -- Turkic inscription
Wikipedia - Tony Warren -- English television scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Tony Webster (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Torah ark -- receptacle which contains a synagogue's Torah scrolls
Wikipedia - Torah Judaism -- Term used by Orthodox Jewish groups to describe their Judaism
Wikipedia - Torah reading -- A Jewish religious tradition that involves the public reading of a set of passages from a Torah scroll
Wikipedia - Torah scroll
Wikipedia - Torah scroll (Yemenite) -- The Yemenite Jewish tradition of orthography in a Torah scroll
Wikipedia - Toranomon-Azabudai District -- Japanese skyscraper complex
Wikipedia - Torato Umanuto -- Special arrangement for the Israeli haredi sector that allows young men enrolled in haredi yeshiva academies to complete their studies before their conscription in the Israeli Defense Forces
Wikipedia - Torch Tower (Japan) -- Supertall skyscraper under construction in Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Torelli theorem -- Describes when a compact Riemann surface is determined by its Jacobian variety
Wikipedia - TorqueScript (programming language)
Wikipedia - TorqueScript
Wikipedia - Torre PwC -- Skyscraper
Wikipedia - Torre Reforma Latino -- Skyscraper in Yucatan, Mexico
Wikipedia - Torres Obispado -- Skyscraper Complex in Monterrey, Mexico
Wikipedia - Torristas and Molinistas -- term used to describe a political feud
Wikipedia - Touch screen
Wikipedia - Touch-screen
Wikipedia - Touchscreen
Wikipedia - Tour Carpe Diem -- Skyscraper in Paris
Wikipedia - Tour France -- Residential skyscraper in Puteaux, France
Wikipedia - Tour Signal -- Proposed French skyscraper
Wikipedia - Tour Triangle -- Proposed skyscraper in Paris, France
Wikipedia - Tower 28 -- Residential skyscraper in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - Tower Fifth -- Proposed skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Tower of Babel -- Mythical tower described in the Book of Genesis
Wikipedia - Tracey Ann Kelly -- American soap opera script writer
Wikipedia - Tracey Towers -- Residential skyscraper in the Bronx, New York
Wikipedia - Tracy Keenan Wynn -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tracy Letts -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - T. Rafael Cimino -- American novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Trams in Adelaide -- History and description of trams in Adelaide, South Australia
Wikipedia - Transcranial direct current stimulation
Wikipedia - Transcranial direct-current stimulation -- Technique of brain electric stimulation therapy
Wikipedia - Transcranial Doppler
Wikipedia - Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Wikipedia - Transcranial magnetic stimulation
Wikipedia - Transcreation -- Process of creatively adapting a message from one language to another
Wikipedia - Transcribe Bentham
Wikipedia - Transcript (education) -- Inventory of the courses taken and grades earned
Wikipedia - Transcriptional regulation
Wikipedia - Transcription (biology) -- Process of copying a segment of DNA into RNA
Wikipedia - Transcription coregulator -- Proteins that help regulate transcription
Wikipedia - Transcription factories -- Sites in the cell nucleus where DNA transcription occurs
Wikipedia - Transcription factor -- Protein that controls the rate of DNA transcription
Wikipedia - Transcription (genetics)
Wikipedia - Transcription into Chinese characters -- The use of Chinese characters to transcribe phonetically the sound of terms and names foreign to the Chinese language
Wikipedia - Transcription (linguistics)
Wikipedia - Transcription preinitiation complex -- Complex of proteins necessary for gene transcription in eukaryotes and archaea
Wikipedia - Transcript of unknown function -- Known RNA transcripts of DNA whose function is unclear
Wikipedia - Transcriptome -- Set of all RNA molecules in one cell or a population of cells
Wikipedia - Transcriptomics
Wikipedia - Transcriptor
Wikipedia - Transcript -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
Wikipedia - Transcrocetin
Wikipedia - Transistor computer -- computer built using discrete transistors
Wikipedia - TransitScreen -- American software company
Wikipedia - Transliteration -- Conversion of a text from one script to another
Wikipedia - Transportation Building (Manhattan) -- Office skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Transversality theorem -- Describes the transverse intersection properties of a smooth family of smooth maps
Wikipedia - Traveller Referee Screen -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement .
Wikipedia - Travelogues of Palestine -- Descriptions of the region of Palestine by travellers
Wikipedia - Travis Beacham -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Treasure Garden -- Residential skyscraper in Xitun District of Taichung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Treasury Tower -- Indonesian skyscraper
Wikipedia - Tree of life (biblical) -- Tree first described in chapter 2, verse 9 of Genesis
Wikipedia - Tremellius Scrofa -- List of several related Roman men
Wikipedia - Trent O'Donnell -- Australian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry -- Illuminated manuscript book of hours
Wikipedia - Trevor Preston -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Triangle House -- Skyscraper in Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Tribune Tower -- Neo-Gothic skyscraper in Chicago, Illinois
Wikipedia - Trichoplusia circumscripta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - TRIM29 -- May act as a transcriptional regulatory factor involved in carcinogenesis and/or differentiation.
Wikipedia - Tri-oval -- Shape, descriptor of racetracks
Wikipedia - Trish Cooke -- British playwright, actress, television presenter, scriptwriter and children's author
Wikipedia - Tropical screech owl -- Species of owl native to South and Central America
Wikipedia - Troy Kennedy Martin -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Trump derangement syndrome -- Neologism describing a reaction to Donald Trump's statements
Wikipedia - Trump International Hotel and Tower (Chicago) -- Skyscraper condo-hotel in downtown Chicago, Illinois
Wikipedia - Trump International Hotel and Tower (Vancouver) -- Hotel skyscraper in Downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Trump Tower Moscow -- Proposed skyscraper in Moscow
Wikipedia - Trump: What's the Deal? -- American documentary film screened in 1991 and released in 2015
Wikipedia - Tryptophan repressor -- Transcription factor
Wikipedia - Tsiolkovsky rocket equation -- mathematical equation describing the motion of a rocket
Wikipedia - TSS Rathmore (1908) -- Twin screw steamer passenger vesse
Wikipedia - Tulip (tower) -- Proposed skyscraper in London, England
Wikipedia - Tunde Babalola -- Nigerian scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Turin-Milan Hours -- Manuscript
Wikipedia - TV5 Skyscraper -- Building in NiM-EM-!, Serbia
Wikipedia - Twisted Scriptures
Wikipedia - Twist transcription factor -- Transcription factor protein
Wikipedia - Two Scrambled -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - TypeScript
Wikipedia - Types of prostitution in modern Japan -- Description of varying styles of sex work in modern Japan
Wikipedia - Tyrone Power Sr. -- English-born American stage and screen actor
Wikipedia - Tzniut -- Modesty and discretion, as well as a group of Jewish laws pertaining to conduct
object:wikipedia - u - links with description
Wikipedia - Uchi-soto -- Japanese word describing the distinction between in groups and out-groups.
Wikipedia - Ulf Miehe -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ultimate fate of the universe -- Range of cosmological hypotheses and scenarios describing the eventual fate of the universe as we know it
Wikipedia - Ultima Tower -- Hypothetical supertall skyscraper
Wikipedia - Ulverscroft -- Civil parish in Leicestershire, England
Wikipedia - Umeda Sky Building -- Skyscraper in Osaka, Japan
Wikipedia - UM-EM-!ce Towers -- Skyscraper in Belgrade, Serbia
Wikipedia - Uncial 0121b -- 10th-century Greek uncial manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Uncial 0183 -- Greek manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Uncial 0231 -- Greek uncial manuscript of the New Testament.
Wikipedia - Uncial 0243 -- 10th century Manuscript of the New Testament Greek uncial manuscript
Wikipedia - Uncial 0263 -- Greek uncial manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Uncial 0297 -- A 9th century Greek uncial manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Uncial 080 -- Greek manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Uncial script -- Capital letter-only writing system in Greek and Latin
Wikipedia - Undescribed taxon -- A taxon that has been discovered but not yet formally described and named
Wikipedia - Unicode subscripts and superscripts -- Unicode characters
Wikipedia - Unidentified decedent -- A term used to describe a corpse of a person whose identity cannot be established
Wikipedia - Uniform distribution (discrete)
Wikipedia - Union dividend -- A term used by British unionists to describe the financial benefits which they believe that Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland derive from being parts of the United Kingdom.
Wikipedia - Uniscribe
Wikipedia - Universal prescriptivism
Wikipedia - University of Scranton Press
Wikipedia - University of Scranton
Wikipedia - Univocity of being -- The idea that words describing the properties of God mean the same thing as when they apply to people or things
Wikipedia - Unknown years of Jesus -- Period in the life of Jesus of Nazareth that is not described in the New Testament
Wikipedia - Unobtrusive JavaScript
Wikipedia - UnrealScript
Wikipedia - Unscrupulous diner's dilemma
Wikipedia - UNTV Broadcast Center -- Skyscraper in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Upendra Madhav -- Indian film screenwriter & director
Wikipedia - Uppland Runic Inscription 1146 -- Viking Age memorial runestone in Gillberga, which, Uppsala County, Sweden
Wikipedia - Upstream and downstream (DNA) -- Terms meaning relative to the direction that transcription takes place
Wikipedia - Ural franc -- 1991 scrip issued in Sverdlovsk
Wikipedia - U.S. Bank Tower (Los Angeles) -- Skyscraper in Los Angeles, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Bank Tower (Sacramento) -- Skyscraper
Wikipedia - Used coffee grounds -- Waste product from brewing coffee; used to adulterate pure coffee, to grow mushrooms, to stain wood, to freshen air, to make body soap scrubs, to treat wastewater, or to make biogas
Wikipedia - User talk:Scrooge200
Wikipedia - USS Albemarle (1863) -- Screw steamer captured by the Union Navy during the American Civil War
Wikipedia - USS Alert (AS-4) -- Iron-hulled screw steamer gunboat in the United States Navy
Wikipedia - USS San Jacinto (1850) -- Screw frigate in the US Navy famous for her role in the Trent Affair of 1861
Wikipedia - USS Tarpon (SS-175) -- US Navy Submarine which foundered south of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, while under tow to the scrap yard.
Wikipedia - USS Vandalia (1876) -- Screw sloop-of-war of the US Navy in service 1876-1889
Wikipedia - USS Worcester (1866) -- Contoocook-class bark-rigged screw steam sloop-of-war
Wikipedia - Uyuk-Tarlak inscription -- Turkic inscription
object:wikipedia - v - links with description
Wikipedia - V8 JavaScript engine
Wikipedia - V8 (JavaScript engine) -- Open-source JavaScript engine developed by Google
Wikipedia - Vaclav Binovec -- Czech actor, director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Vaclav Marhoul -- Czech film director, screenwriter, actor
Wikipedia - Valentin Chernykh -- Russian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Valeria Bruni Tedeschi -- Italian-French actress, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Valerie Curtin -- American actress and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Valley National Bank Building (Tucson, Arizona) -- Skyscraper in Tucson, Arizona
Wikipedia - ValM-CM-)rie Donzelli -- French actress, film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Vance DeGeneres -- American actor, musician, film producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Van Dyke Brooke -- American actor, screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Vanessa Alexander -- Australian-American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Vasily Goncharov -- Russian film director & screenwriter
Wikipedia - Vasu Doorjamb Inscription
Wikipedia - Vaybertaytsh -- Yiddish script typeface
Wikipedia - V. Azhagappan -- Indian film director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - VBScript
Wikipedia - Vedas -- Ancient scriptures of Hinduism
Wikipedia - Vedat Turkali -- Turkish screenwriter, novelist
Wikipedia - Vegaphobia -- negative attitudes and discrimination toward vegetarian and vegan people
Wikipedia - Vehicle scrappage scheme -- UK scrappage scheme
Wikipedia - Vendetta (1991 video game) -- 1991 side-scrolling beat-'em-up Konami arcade game
Wikipedia - Vera Allinson -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Vera Farmiga on screen and stage -- American actress
Wikipedia - Verbal plenary preservation -- The whole of Scripture with all its words even to the jot and tittle is perfectly preserved by God in the apographs
Wikipedia - Verbascum phlomoides -- A species of plant in the family Scrophulariaceae
Wikipedia - Verbascum thapsus -- A species of mullein in the family Scrophulariaceae native to Europe, northern Africa, and Asia, and introduced in the Americas and Australia
Wikipedia - Vergilius Romanus -- 5th century illustrated manuscript
Wikipedia - Verilog -- Hardware description language
Wikipedia - Vernon Harris -- British screenwriter (1905-1999)
Wikipedia - Vernon Sylvaine -- British playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Vertical scrolling
Wikipedia - Vesna Peric -- Serbian dramaturge, screen writer and film critic
Wikipedia - Vespi Tower -- Skyscraper office building in Cianjin District of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Vestment -- Clothing prescribed for clergy performing specific roles
Wikipedia - VEU -- American subscription television service
Wikipedia - Viatcheslav Kopturevskiy -- Screenwriter, producer and director
Wikipedia - VibhaM-aM-9M-^Ega -- Buddhist scripture, part of the Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism
Wikipedia - Vicente Escriva -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Vicki Caroline Cheatwood -- American playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Victor AndrM-CM-)s Catena -- Spanish screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Victor Borg -- Norwegian physician, novelist, playwright and script writer
Wikipedia - Victor Heerman -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - Victoria Aveyard -- American writer of young adult and fantasy fiction and screenplays
Wikipedia - Victoria Moore -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Victorian Premier's Unpublished Manuscript Award -- Australian literary award
Wikipedia - Victor Reinier -- Dutch actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Victor Schertzinger -- American composer, film director, film producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Victor Sjostrom -- Swedish film director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Vijaygiri Bava -- Indian film maker and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Vikas Gupta -- Indian television producer, creative director, screenwriter and host
Wikipedia - Vikramkhol Cave Inscription -- Cave and archaeological site in India
Wikipedia - Vimana -- Ancient flying palaces or chariots described in Hindu texts and Sanskrit epics
Wikipedia - Vim script
Wikipedia - Vimscript
Wikipedia - Vincent Dieutre -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Vincent Lambe -- Irish film director, screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Vincenzo Cerami -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Vincenzo Talarico -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Vineeth Sreenivasan -- Indian actor, producer, director, scriptwriter and singer
Wikipedia - Vineet Verma -- Indian film director, screenwriter and animator
Wikipedia - Violet Clark -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Violet E. Powell -- British screenwriter
Wikipedia - Vipassana -- Meditation practice described in Buddhism
Wikipedia - Vipul K. Rawal -- Indian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Virama -- Diacritic in many Brahmic scripts
Wikipedia - Virginia Van Upp -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Virtual screening
Wikipedia - Vishal Bhardwaj -- Indian film director, screenwriter and composer
Wikipedia - Vista Pearl -- Skyscraper in Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - Vita Annonis Minor -- German mediaeval manuscript
Wikipedia - Vitalism -- Discredited scientific hypothesis
Wikipedia - Vitamin E -- Generic descriptor for all tocopherols and tocotrienols that exhibit alpha-tocopherol activity
Wikipedia - Viti Levu scrubfowl -- Extinct species of bird
Wikipedia - Vitri Tower -- Skyscraper in Costa del Este, Panama City
Wikipedia - Vitruvian scroll -- Scroll pattern used in architectural decoration
Wikipedia - Vittorio Metz -- Italian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Vivek Agnihotri -- Indian director, screenwriter and author
Wikipedia - Vladimir Lert -- Film director & screenwriter (born 1979)
Wikipedia - Volfango De Biasi -- Italian director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Volker Schlondorff -- German film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Volute -- Spiral scroll-like ornament that forms the basis of the Ionic order
Wikipedia - Voot -- Indian subscription video on demand service
Wikipedia - Voting Rights Act of 1965 -- Piece of federal legislation in the United States that prohibits racial discrimination in voting
Wikipedia - Voynich manuscript -- Illustrated codex handwritten in an unknown writing system
Wikipedia - Vue.js -- Open-source JavaScript framework for building user interfaces
Wikipedia - Vukan's Gospel -- 13th century Christian manuscript
Wikipedia - Vulgate manuscripts -- manuscripts of the Vulgate
Wikipedia - Vusion -- Prescription-only topic antifungal drug product
Wikipedia - Vyasa (title) -- Title given to the sage or Rishi who divides the Hindu holy scripture Vedas in every Dvapara Yuga of every Yuga cycle
Wikipedia - Vy Russell -- American screenwriter
object:wikipedia - w - links with description
Wikipedia - W3C Device Description Working Group
Wikipedia - WAAF (AM) -- Radio station in Scranton, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Waldemar Young -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Waldo Salt: A Screenwriter's Journey -- 1990 film
Wikipedia - Waldo Salt -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Walter Anthony -- Screenplay/titles/documentary film writer
Wikipedia - Walter Bernstein -- American screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Walter DeLeon -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Walter Edwards (director) -- American director, screenwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Walter Koenig -- American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Walter Roderer -- Swiss actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Walter Supper -- German actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Walter von Hollander -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Walter Woods (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Wani (scholar) -- Semi-legendary scholar said to have brought Chinese script to Japan
Wikipedia - Wanyan Xiyin -- Scribe
Wikipedia - War in Heaven -- Supernatural war described in the Book of Revelation
Wikipedia - Warren Beatty -- American actor, producer, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - War Scroll
Wikipedia - Washburn's equation -- Equation describing the penetration length of a liquid into a capillary tube with time
Wikipedia - Wataru Mimura -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Wave function -- Mathematical description of the quantum state of a system; complex-valued probability amplitude, and the probabilities for the possible results of measurements made on the system can be derived from it
Wikipedia - Wayne Grigsby -- Canadian screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - Wear Sunscreen -- Essay
Wikipedia - WebGL -- JavaScript bindings for OpenGL in web browsers
Wikipedia - Web of Science -- Online subscription index of citations
Wikipedia - Webpack -- Open-source JavaScript module bundler
Wikipedia - Web scraping -- Data scraping used for extracting data from websites
Wikipedia - Web Services Description Language
Wikipedia - Webshots -- Photo wallpaper and screensaver service
Wikipedia - WebVR -- Experimental JavaScript API that provides support for virtual reality devices
Wikipedia - Web worker -- JavaScript script
Wikipedia - Wenn V. Deramas -- Filipino director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Wentworth Miller -- British-born American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Werner Enke -- German film actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Werner Herzog -- German film director, producer, screenwriter, actor and opera director
Wikipedia - Werner P. Zibaso -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Westendstrasse 1 -- Skyscraper in Frankfurt, Germany
Wikipedia - Westhafen Tower -- Skyscraper in Frankfurt, Germany
Wikipedia - West Scrafton -- Village and civil parish in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Weyl equation -- Relativistic wave equation describing massless fermions
Wikipedia - WGGY -- Country music radio station in Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Whataboutism -- Formal fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument
Wikipedia - When the World Screamed
Wikipedia - White defensiveness -- Common reaction to racial discrimination, structural racism, and white privilege
Wikipedia - White Genocide (Armenians) -- Term used to describe the threat of assimilation in the Armenian diaspora, especially in the Western world
Wikipedia - W. H. Ravenscroft -- 18th Auditor General and Accountant General and Controller of Revenue of Ceylon
Wikipedia - Widescreen signaling -- Aspect ratio signaling in an analog television signal
Wikipedia - Widescreen
Wikipedia - Wiigwaasabak -- Birch bark scrolls for ceremonial use by the Ojibwa (Anishinaabe) people of North America
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee -- Wikimedia page describing the group responsible for implementing binding dispute resolution
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Criteria for speedy deletion -- Wikipedia policy describing when pages may be deleted speedily
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:File mover -- Wikipedia policy page describing the file mover permission
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Geonotice -- Script to geographically target top of page notices
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Good article criteria -- Description for Good article
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:HotCat -- JavaScript program which helps to easily remove, change and add categories to Wikipedia pages
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:List of bad article ideas -- Project page describing article ideas that usually end up in articles for deletion
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Office actions -- Project page describing Wikimedia Foundation enforcement actions
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Page mover -- Wikipedia policy page describing the page mover permission
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:RedWarn -- JavaScript anti-vandalism and maintenance tool
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Scripts -- Wikipedia information page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:The perfect article -- Description of a 'perfect article' when editing Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Tools -- A list of tools and scripts for helping editors and readers
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:User access levels -- Wikipedia page describing different levels of user permissions
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Userboxes -- Wikipedia page on the boxes used on some users' pages to describe themselves and/or their interests
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:User scripts/List -- List of user scripts for use in Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Discrimination -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject JavaScript -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Short descriptions -- in articles
Wikipedia - Wiktor Grodecki -- Polish film director, screenwriter and producer known
Wikipedia - Wiley Scribner -- American politician
Wikipedia - Wilhelm scream -- Widely used sound effect
Wikipedia - Will Anderson (Scrabble player) -- American Scrabble player
Wikipedia - Will Beall -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - William A. Tremayne -- American playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - William Blinn -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - William Boyd (writer) -- Scottish novelist, short story writer, and screen writer
Wikipedia - William Brent Bell -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - William Broyles Jr. -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - William Collier Sr. -- American actor, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - William Conselman -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - William E. Wing -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - William Gaminara -- British actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - William Goldman -- American novelist, screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - William Link -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - William Rose (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Williamsburgh Savings Bank Tower -- Residential skyscraper in Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - William Scranton -- Governor of Pennsylvania (1917-2013)
Wikipedia - William Slavens McNutt -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Williamson's model of managerial discretion
Wikipedia - William Wister Haines -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - William Wyler -- German-born American film director, producer and screenwriter (1902-1981)
Wikipedia - Willibald Eser -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Willis Goldbeck -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Willis Tower -- Skyscraper in Chicago
Wikipedia - Willis Van Devanter (art appraiser) -- American manuscript appraiser
Wikipedia - Will Staples -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Willy Haas -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Wim Wenders -- German film director, playwright, screenwriter, photographer and film producer
Wikipedia - Winchester Bible -- 12th-century illuminated manuscript
Wikipedia - Windows Script Host
Wikipedia - Windows Scripting Host
Wikipedia - Windscreen wiper -- Device on vehicle
Wikipedia - Wing configuration -- Describes the general shape and layout of an aircraft wing
Wikipedia - Winnie the Pooh (song) -- 1966 song composed by Sherman Brothers with lyrics by Sherman Brothers performed by Thurl Ravenscroft
Wikipedia - Win Rosenfeld -- American producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Winston Hibler -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Winston Miller -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Winston Severn -- American cricketer and child screen actor
Wikipedia - With a strong hand and an outstretched arm -- Phrase in the Bible describing God's use of his power on behalf of Israel
Wikipedia - WMLScript -- Programming language
Wikipedia - WNEP-TV -- ABC affiliate in Scranton, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Wolf in sheep's clothing -- Idiom of Biblical origin to describe those playing a role contrary to their real character
Wikipedia - Wolverine (podcast) -- Scripted podcast from Marvel Comics
Wikipedia - Woman of the Apocalypse -- Figure described in Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation
Wikipedia - Women in documentary film -- Description of women in documentary films
Wikipedia - Wometco Home Theater -- Defunct subscription television service serving the New York City area
Wikipedia - Wood Beez (Pray Like Aretha Franklin) -- 1984 single by Scritti Politti
Wikipedia - Wood scraper block -- Percussion instrument
Wikipedia - Wood Screw Pump -- Low-lift axial-flow drainage pump
Wikipedia - Woodward's 43 -- Mixed-use skyscraper in Vancouver, British Columbia
Wikipedia - Woolworth Building -- Skyscraper in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - World One -- Residential skyscraper under construction in Mumbai, India
Wikipedia - WorldScript
Wikipedia - World Tower -- Residential skyscrapter in Syndey, AUstralia
Wikipedia - Worshipful Company of Scriveners -- Livery company of the City of London
Wikipedia - WQPX-TV -- Ion Television station in Scranton, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Wretches & Jabberers -- A 2010 documentary which uncritically portrays a discredited communication technique
Wikipedia - Wrigley Building -- Skyscraper in Chicago, Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - WSCR -- Clear-channel sports radio station in Chicago
Wikipedia - WSWB -- CW affiliate in Scranton, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - WT1 -- Transcription factor gene involved in the urogenital system
Wikipedia - W. T. Waggoner Building -- Skyscraper in Fort Worth, Texas USA
Wikipedia - Wuhan Chow Tai Fook Finance Centre -- Proposed skyscraper in Hubei, china
Wikipedia - Wuhan Greenland Center -- Skyscraper in Wuhan Greenland Center, China
Wikipedia - WVIA-FM -- Public radio station in Scranton, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - WVIA-TV -- PBS member station in Scranton, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - WWE Classics on Demand -- WWE subscription television program
Wikipedia - WWE Network -- WWE produced subscription network
Wikipedia - Wylie transliteration -- Method for transliterating Tibetan script
Wikipedia - Wyndham Gittens -- West Indian screenwriter
Wikipedia - WYOU -- CBS affiliate in Scranton, Pennsylvania
object:wikipedia - x - links with description
Wikipedia - Xanthian Obelisk -- Stele bearing a trilingual inscription on the acropolis of the Lycian city of Xanthos
Wikipedia - Xavier Deluc -- French actor, director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Xavier Dolan -- Canadian film director, actor, voice actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Xbox Game Pass -- Video game subscription service by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Xerox Tower -- Skyscraper in Rochester, New York
Wikipedia - Xerxes I's inscription at Van
Wikipedia - Xevious -- Vertical scrolling shooter arcade game released in 1983
Wikipedia - X-FEN -- Notation for describing a chess game position
Wikipedia - Xin-Fu-Hwa -- Residential skyscraper in Sinsing District of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - XML schema -- Description of a type of XML document
Wikipedia - XScreenSaver
Wikipedia - Xue Xiaolu -- Chinese film director and screenwriter
object:wikipedia - y - links with description
Wikipedia - Yahoo! Screen -- Defunct on-demand streaming service
Wikipedia - Yakov Protazanov -- Russian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Yamato nadeshiko -- Japanese term used to describe an ideal Japanese woman
Wikipedia - Yan Giroux -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Yao Ramesar -- Trinidadian director, screenwriter, and film lecturer
Wikipedia - Yasemin Samdereli -- German film director, screen writer and actress
Wikipedia - YasutarM-EM-^M Yagi -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Yasutoshi Murakawa -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Yelu Diela -- Inventor of the Khitan small script (c.925)
Wikipedia - YES and YAS assay -- In vitro screens for estrogenic (YES) and androgenic (YAS) activity
Wikipedia - Yescrypt
Wikipedia - Yevgeny Gabrilovich -- Soviet screenwriter
Wikipedia - Yevgeny Tashkov -- Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, and actor
Wikipedia - Yihwa International Complex -- Skyscraper complex in Zhongshan District of Taipei, Taiwan
Wikipedia - YM-EM-^Mji Enokido -- Japanese screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - Yobai -- Discreet unmarried sex in Japanese tradition.
Wikipedia - Yoshikata Yoda -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Yoshiki Sakurai -- Japanese anime and film screenwriter
Wikipedia - Yoshiko Sembon -- Japanese screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Yoshinaga Fujita -- Japanese novelist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Yoshiyuki Tomino -- Japanese mecha anime creator, animator, songwriter, director, screenwriter and novelist
Wikipedia - Youden's J statistic -- Index that describes the performance of a dichotomous diagnostic test
Wikipedia - Youthful Indiscretion -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - YouTube Premium -- Paid streaming subscription service
Wikipedia - YouTube TV -- MVPD streaming subscription service
Wikipedia - Youxin Yang -- Chinese painter, film director, scientist, screenwriter and songwriter
Wikipedia - Yuda International Trade Center -- Skyscraper in Zhengzhou, China
Wikipedia - Yumie Nishiogi -- Japanese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Yuri Klepikov -- Russian screenwriter
Wikipedia - Yuri Veksler -- Soviet cinematographer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Yu Zheng -- Chinese screenwriter
Wikipedia - Yves Boisset -- French film director and scriptwriter
Wikipedia - YV Rajesh -- Iranian screenwriter
object:wikipedia - z - links with description
Wikipedia - Zach Braff -- American actor, director, screenwriter, producer
Wikipedia - Zack Snyder -- American film director, film producer, and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Zal Batmanglij -- American film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Zanac -- Vertical scrolling shooter video game released in 1986
Wikipedia - Zaydani Library -- Collection of Moroccan manuscripts
Wikipedia - Zbigniew KuM-EM-:minski -- Polish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Zenith Parsing Engine -- scripting language
Wikipedia - Zenity -- Free software that allows the execution of GTK dialog boxes in command-line and shell scripts
Wikipedia - Zen scriptures
Wikipedia - Zest (ingredient) -- Scraped skin of citrus fruit
Wikipedia - Zhang Yimou -- Chinese actor, film director, screenwriter and film producer
Wikipedia - Zhi -- Many Chinese characters transcribed in Hanyu Pinyin as zhi
Wikipedia - Zinc finger -- Small structural protein motif found mostly in transcriptional proteins
Wikipedia - Zipf-Mandelbrot law -- A discrete probability distribution
Wikipedia - Zoe Lister-Jones -- American actress, screenwriter
Wikipedia - Zorayda Sanchez -- Filipino comedian and film scriptwriter
Wikipedia - Zoroastrianism -- Religion ascribed to the teachings of Zoroaster
Wikipedia - Zvonimir Berkovic -- Croatian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Zvonimir Juric -- Croatian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Zydeco Scream -- Roller coaster
Wikipedia - Zzyorxx II -- Scrolling shooter video game
John Milius ::: Born: April 11, 1944; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Ryan Murphy ::: Born: November 30, 1965; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Dudley Nichols ::: Born: April 6, 1895; Died: January 4, 1960; Occupation: Screenwriter;
William Nicholson ::: Born: January 12, 1948; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Bill Pascrell ::: Born: January 25, 1937; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Shonda Rhimes ::: Born: January 13, 1970; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Guy Ritchie ::: Born: September 10, 1968; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Bruce Robinson ::: Born: May 2, 1946; Occupation: Screenwriter;
   A leopard doesn't change his spots just because you bring him in from the jungle and try to housebreak him and turn him into a pet. He may learn to sheathe his claws in order to beg a few scraps off the dinner table, and you may teach him to be a beast of burden, but it doesn't pay to forget that he'll al ways be what he was born: a wild animal. -- George Lincoln Rockwell ::: Born: March 9, 1918; Died: August 25, 1967; Occupation: Political figure;
Gene Roddenberry ::: Born: August 19, 1921; Died: October 24, 1991; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Melissa Rosenberg ::: Born: August 28, 1962; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Shawn Ryan ::: Born: October 11, 1966; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Rod Serling ::: Born: December 25, 1924; Died: June 28, 1975; Occupation: Screenwriter;
M. Night Shyamalan ::: Born: August 6, 1970; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Kevin Smith ::: Born: August 2, 1970; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Todd Solondz ::: Born: October 15, 1959; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Aaron Sorkin ::: Born: June 9, 1961; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Brad Bird ::: Born: September 24, 1957; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Dalton Trumbo ::: Born: December 9, 1905; Died: September 10, 1976; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Joss Whedon ::: Born: June 23, 1964; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Kevin Williamson ::: Born: March 14, 1965; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Ed Wood ::: Born: October 10, 1924; Died: December 10, 1978; Occupation: Screenwriter;
   They should tell you when you’re born: have a suitcase heart, be ready to travel. -- --> 9 Copy quote -- Gabrielle Zevin ::: Born: October 24, 1977; Occupation: Author;
--> 81 Copy quote -- --> 81 Copy quote -- --> 47 Copy quote -- --> 42 Copy quote -- --> 53 Copy quote -- --> 35 Copy quote -- --> 29 Copy quote -- --> 28 Copy quote -- --> 29 Copy quote -- --> 20 Copy quote -- --> 13 Copy quote -- --> 28 Copy quote -- --> The deeper we penetrate, the...@@" data-id="712132" data-place="13"> 16 Copy quote -- --> 20 Copy quote -- --> 17 Copy quote -- --> 20 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 16 Copy quote -- --> 23 Copy quote -- --> 5 Copy quote -- --> 17 Copy quote -- --> 12 Copy quote -- --> 14 Copy quote -- --> 11 Copy quote -- --> 15 Copy quote -- Max Born ::: Born: December 11, 1882; Died: January 5, 1970; Occupation: Physicist;
Mark Andrus ::: Born: December 13, 1955; Occupation: Screenwriter;
J.V. Hart ::: Born: 1960; Died: 1959; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Raymond Khoury ::: Born: 1960; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Eric Roth ::: Born: March 22, 1945; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Gareth Roberts ::: Born: June 5, 1968; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Roger Scruton ::: Born: February 27, 1944; Occupation: Philosopher;
Julius J. Epstein ::: Born: August 22, 1909; Died: December 30, 2000; Occupation: Screenwriter;
--> 84 Copy quote -- --> 15 Copy quote -- --> 9 Copy quote -- --> 8 Copy quote -- --> 7 Copy quote -- --> 6 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 5 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 5 Copy quote -- --> 6 Copy quote -- --> 25 Copy quote -- --> 19 Copy quote -- --> 6 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 15 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 7 Copy quote -- --> 5 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- David Sanborn ::: Born: July 30, 1945; Occupation: Musician;
Mark Schwahn ::: Born: June 5, 1966; Occupation: Screenwriter;
David Koepp ::: Born: June 9, 1963; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Gail Parent ::: Born: August 12, 1940; Occupation: Television screenwriter;
Jane Campion ::: Born: April 30, 1954; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Samuel Hoffenstein ::: Born: October 8, 1890; Died: October 6, 1947; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Scott Frank ::: Born: March 10, 1960; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Josemaria Escriva ::: Born: January 9, 1902; Died: June 26, 1975; Occupation: Canonized;
Callie Khouri ::: Born: November 27, 1957; Occupation: Television screenwriter;
Frederic Raphael ::: Born: August 14, 1931; Occupation: Screenwriter;
John Michael Hayes ::: Born: May 11, 1919; Died: November 19, 2008; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Earl Scruggs ::: Born: January 6, 1924; Died: March 28, 2012; Occupation: Musician;
Paul Haggis ::: Born: March 10, 1953; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Steven Levitan ::: Born: April 6, 1962; Occupation: Screenwriter;
George Axelrod ::: Born: June 9, 1922; Died: June 21, 2003; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Charles Lederer ::: Born: December 31, 1906; Died: March 5, 1976; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Budd Schulberg ::: Born: March 27, 1914; Died: August 5, 2009; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Sofia Coppola ::: Born: May 14, 1971; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Steven Conrad ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Samuel Fuller ::: Born: August 12, 1912; Died: October 30, 1997; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Paul Schrader ::: Born: July 22, 1946; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Bill Condon ::: Born: October 22, 1955; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Robert Towne ::: Born: November 23, 1934; Occupation: Screenwriter;
James Goldman ::: Born: June 30, 1927; Died: October 28, 1998; Occupation: Screenwriter;
--> 7 Copy quote -- --> 7 Copy quote -- --> 5 Copy quote -- Theo Colborn ::: Born: March 28, 1927; Died: December 14, 2014; Occupation: Professor;
Lorene Scafaria ::: Born: May 1, 1978; Occupation: Screenwriter;
--> 225 Copy quote -- --> 369 Copy quote -- --> 310 Copy quote -- --> 114 Copy quote -- --> 194 Copy quote -- --> 237 Copy quote -- --> 159 Copy quote -- --> 166 Copy quote -- --> 162 Copy quote -- --> 139 Copy quote -- --> 126 Copy quote -- --> 84 Copy quote -- T.L. Osborn ::: Born: December 23, 1923; Died: February 14, 2013; Occupation: Author;
Screamin' Jay Hawkins ::: Born: July 18, 1929; Died: February 12, 2000; Occupation: Musician;
Terry Hayes ::: Born: October 8, 1951; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Richard Curtis ::: Born: November 8, 1956; Occupation: Screenwriter;
   Yours is the light by which my spirit's born: - you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars. -- --> 132 Copy quote -- e. e. cummings ::: Born: October 14, 1894; Died: September 3, 1962; Occupation: Poet;
Kelly Reichardt ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Shane Black ::: Born: December 16, 1961; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Ennio Flaiano ::: Born: March 5, 1910; Died: November 20, 1972; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Dustin Lance Black ::: Born: June 10, 1974; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Lee “Scratch” Perry ::: Born: March 20, 1936; Occupation: Music Producer;
   Christ is born: glorify Him. Christ comes from heaven: go out to meet Him. Christ descends to earth: let us be raised on high. -- --> 13 Copy quote -- Gregory of Nazianzus ::: Born: 330; Died: January 25, 390; Occupation: Saint;
Robert Kenner ::: Born: January 24, 1950; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Bruno Heller ::: Born: 1960; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Terry Gilliam ::: Born: November 22, 1940; Occupation: Screenwriter;
John Lescroart ::: Born: January 14, 1948; Occupation: Author;
Dee Rees ::: Born: November 30, 1976; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Rob Long ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Robert Mark Kamen ::: Born: October 9, 1947; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Aki Kaurismaki ::: Born: April 4, 1957; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Roger Vadim ::: Born: January 26, 1928; Died: February 11, 2000; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Tony Grisoni ::: Born: October 28, 1952; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Alexander Scriabin ::: Born: January 6, 1872; Died: April 27, 1915; Occupation: Composer;
Sabina Murray ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Robert Benton ::: Born: September 29, 1932; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Abel Ferrara ::: Born: July 19, 1951; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Adam Horowitz ::: Born: December 4, 1971; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Stephen Sommers ::: Born: March 20, 1962; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Geoffrey S. Fletcher ::: Born: October 4, 1970; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Randall Wallace ::: Born: July 28, 1949; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Christos Gage ::: Born: July 17, 1977; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Simon Beaufoy ::: Born: 1967; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Brian Helgeland ::: Born: January 17, 1961; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Steven Zaillian ::: Born: January 30, 1953; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Ryan Knighton ::: Born: 1972; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Kurt Sutter ::: Born: May 5, 1960; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Graham Moore ::: Born: 1981; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Ronald D. Moore ::: Born: July 5, 1964; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Martha Bolton ::: Born: 1951; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Adam McKay ::: Born: April 17, 1968; Occupation: Screenwriter;
J. C. Chandor ::: Born: November 24, 1973; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Jane Goldman ::: Born: June 11, 1970; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Michael Hirst ::: Born: September 21, 1952; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Robert Riskin ::: Born: March 30, 1897; Died: September 20, 1955; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Richard LaGravenese ::: Born: October 30, 1959; Occupation: Screenwriter;
James Schamus ::: Born: September 7, 1959; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Ernest Lehman ::: Born: December 8, 1915; Died: July 2, 2005; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Frank Pierson ::: Born: May 12, 1925; Died: July 22, 2012; Occupation: Screenwriter;
David S. Goyer ::: Born: December 22, 1965; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Amma Asante ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Screenwriter;
James Redford ::: Born: May 5, 1962; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Max Landis ::: Born: August 3, 1985; Occupation: Screenwriter;
--> 20 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- Carol Orsborn ::: Born: February 2, 1948; Occupation: Author;
John Lee Hancock ::: Born: December 15, 1956; Occupation: Screenwriter;
William Monahan ::: Born: November 3, 1960; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Paul Lieberstein ::: Born: February 22, 1967; Occupation: Screenwriter;
--> 89 Copy quote -- --> 6 Copy quote -- --> 87 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- Jim Sanborn ::: Born: 1945; Occupation: Sculptor;
Ben Hecht ::: Born: February 28, 1894; Died: April 18, 1964; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Nicholas Stoller ::: Born: March 19, 1976; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Jeff Baena ::: Born: June 29, 1977; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Robert Ben Garant ::: Born: September 14, 1970; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Monica Mcgowan Johnson ::: Born: February 21, 1946; Died: November 1, 2010; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Drew Goddard ::: Born: February 26, 1975; Occupation: Television screenwriter;
Naomi Foner Gyllenhaal ::: Born: March 4, 1946; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Bryan Fuller ::: Born: July 27, 1969; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Bruce Joel Rubin ::: Born: March 10, 1943; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Jay Presson Allen ::: Born: March 3, 1922; Died: May 1, 2006; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Christopher McQuarrie ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Charlie Kaufman ::: Born: November 19, 1958; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Jon Hurwitz ::: Born: November 15, 1977; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Steven Knight ::: Born: 1959; Occupation: Screenwriter;
--> 44 Copy quote -- --> 14 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 39 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 6 Copy quote -- --> for why we went...@@" data-id="623828" data-place="8"> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 6 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 5 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 7 Copy quote -- --> 6 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 5 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 4 Copy quote -- Craig Kilborn ::: Born: August 24, 1962; Occupation: Actor;
Guy Maddin ::: Born: February 28, 1956; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Linda Woolverton ::: Born: December 19, 1952; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Lisa Langseth ::: Born: April 20, 1975; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Dean Devlin ::: Born: August 27, 1962; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Evan Goldberg ::: Born: 1982; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Dan Gilroy ::: Born: June 24, 1959; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Hayden Schlossberg ::: Born: June 9, 1978; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Miles Millar ::: Born: 1967; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Chris Henchy ::: Born: March 23, 1964; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Leigh Whannell ::: Born: January 17, 1977; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Dan Mazer ::: Born: 1971; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Terence Davies ::: Born: November 10, 1945; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Barry Levinson ::: Born: April 6, 1942; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Anita Loos ::: Born: April 26, 1889; Died: August 18, 1981; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Tim Kring ::: Born: July 9, 1957; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Christopher Vogler ::: Born: 1949; Occupation: Screenwriter;
--> 5 Copy quote -- --> 5 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- --> 3 Copy quote -- Christoph Schonborn ::: Born: January 22, 1945; Occupation: Chaplain;
Aline Brosh McKenna ::: Born: August 2, 1967; Occupation: Screenwriter;\
Goodreads author - John_Lescroart
Goodreads author - Roger_Scruton
Goodreads author - Mark_Scroggins
Goodreads author - Jack_Scribe
Goodreads author - Donna_Scrima_Black
Goodreads author - Laird_Scranton
Goodreads author - Jim_Scrivener
Goodreads author - Nancy_Scrofano
Goodreads author - Roy_Scranton
Goodreads author - Arthur_Ravenscrag
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I also would like to add all page descriptions to each link.
auromere - description
auromere - hermeneutics-how-to-read-holy-scriptures
Integral World - Frank Visser on Ken Wilber, A Video Interview with Frank Visser (Full Transcript), Randi Ceccine
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wiki.auroville - Category:Transcripts
Dharmapedia - Brahmi_script
Dharmapedia - Indus_script
Dharmapedia - Religious_discrimination
Dharmapedia - Religious_discrimination_in_Pakistan
Dharmapedia - Vishnu_Hari_inscription
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#The_description_and_location_of_phenomenal_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Conscription
Psychology Wiki - Discrimination
Psychology Wiki - Five_Temperaments#Description
Psychology Wiki - Hinduism#Scriptures
Psychology Wiki - Hindu_scripture
Psychology Wiki - Karma_Yoga#References_in_Hindu_Scriptures
Psychology Wiki - Types_of_gestures#Scream
Psychology Wiki - Types_of_gestures#Screwing_the_forehead
Psychology Wiki - Types_of_gestures#Touched_.2F_screw_loose
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - decision-theory-descriptive
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - descriptions
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - discrimination
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - knowledge-acquaindescrip
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Occultopedia - glastonbury_scripts
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987 - 1996) - "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" is a commercially reconstructed cartoon of a popular underground "graph-vel" of the same name. The story kicks off with a headstrong television journalist named April O'Neil investigating the goings-on of a recent warehouse break-in. A gang of bruts chases her into th...
Pokemon (1998 - Current) - Perhaps among the most succesful animated television shows of all time, Pokmon took the world by storm, and with the incredibly popular series came toys, games, clothing, accesories, and the ever-popular Pokemon trading card game.
SpongeBob SquarePants (1997 - Current) - Nickelodeon's hit cartoon show about a wacky sea sponge named Spongebob and his crazy adventures in the nautical town of Bikini Bottom. SpongeBob is a fry cook at the Krusty Krab restaurant, loves "jellyfishing" and annoying his grumpy neighbor Squidward (unintentionally). He lives in a pinapple and...
Rocko's Modern Life (1993 - 1996) - Animated series about a wallaby from Australia living in America. In O-Town Rocko lives with his dog Spunky and has strange friends like Heffer Wolfe and Filbert.
Donkey Kong Country (1996 - 2000) - Basically, It's based on Nintendo's and Rare's greatest SNES game, Donkey Kong Country, but it seems to take place somewhat after the games (or between games). Donkey Kong is a young ape who lives in Kongo-Bongo (as they call DK Isles) He founds the magical ancient Crystal Coconut which gives DK (AS...
Animaniacs (1993 - 1998) - Brought to you by the creators of Tiny Toon Adventures, and under the creative eye of Steven Spielberg, Animaniacs is a variety show following several casts of original characters. It stars the Warner Brothers (and sister) Yakko, Wakko,and Dot, causing chaos for everyone they meet. Originally airing...
Are you Afraid of the Dark? (1990 - Current) - Are You Afraid of the Dark? (also known as Are You Afraid of the Dark?: Curse of the Shadows during its ninth season) is a show about a group of teenagers called "The Midnight Society". The kids meet in an undisclosed campfire in the woods and take turns telling their own scary stories. The viewers...
Sailor Moon (1992 - 1997) - It Follows Each Of The Sailor Senshi's Lives Until They Are In High School And That They Fought The Greatest Battles That They Ever Had From Evil Forces Invading Earth From Stealing Energy, Snatching Hearts And Stealing Dreams, Together They Will Bring Peace On Earth And Save The Universe As A Team.
Doug (1991 - 1994) - 11 year old Doug Funnie moves to Bluffington from Bloatsburg, with his dog Porkchop. Doug finds himself being torn between being Patty Mayonase' friend and wanting to pursue a real relationship with her. This show pretty acurately depicts the becoming of age events that happen during this time in...
Barney (1992 - 2010) - It started as a home video series in 1988 called Barney & The Backyard Gang created by Sheryl leach and starring Sandy Duncan. But from the moment Barney & Friends hit the airwaves on PBS in 1992, the famous purple dinosaur become a phenomenon in both children's television and pop culture. He was ev...
Rugrats (1991 - 2004) - The #2 longest running and second most Popular animated Nickelodeon series ever behind Spongebob Squarepants. The fearless leader of the Rugrats is Tommy Pickles, a resourceful baby who hides a plastic screwdriver in his diaper so that they can leave the pen. His best friend was Chuckie Finster, a f...
Family Guy (1999 - Current) - Created by Seth MacFarlane, "Family Guy" shows the daily misadventures of the dysfunctional Griffin Family who live in Quahog, RI. Packed full of religiously and ethnically themed jokes you can't help but laugh at one more signature element of the show is its signature "cutaway gags" where the on-sc...
Donkey Kong Country (TV show) (1998 - 2000) - Based on the hit SNES video games Donkey Kong Country. DK, Diddy, and Cranky all live in a cabin and they have the crystal coconut. But they try to protect the coconut from King K. Rool and his dimwitted henchmen, Klump and Krusha. But not only do they protect them from King K. Rool but from Captain...
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1993 - 1996) - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (MMPR) was an American live-action television series, created for the American market based on the sixteenth installment of the Japanese Super Sentai franchise, Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger. The show and its related merchandise both saw unbridled overnight success, catapult...
Ed, Edd n' Eddy (1999 - 2009) - Ed, Edd, and Eddy is about three young boys(estimated ages: 13-14) who live in a diverse yet fictional stereotypical neighborhood cul-de-sac (named Peach Creek) with other children. The three boys are constantly trying to "make tons of cash" by swindling the other kids any way possible, which usualy...
DuckTales (1987 - 1990) - Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck are left with their rich great-uncle, Scrooge McDuck, after their "Unca Donald" goes to the Navy. They have a rough start, but they get together as a family and go on adventures. They are eventually joined by clumsy, but well-meaning and brave pilot, Launchpad McQuack; yo...
All That (1994 - 2005) - Brian Robbins and Dan Schneider from Head of the Class came together and created All That. A childrens' show with parodies and jokes that ended with a live performance from a band. Also some of the more famous celebrities that started out on "All That" include: Kenan Thompson, Amanda Bynes, and Nick...
The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! (1989 - 1991) - The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! was the mixed live action and animated series that aired on weekday syndication. The first part of it was live-action and showed Mario (played by Captain Lou Albano) and Luigi (Danny Wells) living in Brooklyn, where they would often be visited by celebrity guest sta...
Eureeka's Castle (1989 - 1995) - Eureeka's Castle was a Nick Jr puppet show that took place in a castle music box that was wound up by a friendly giant. Eureeka was a young wizard who was a little clumsy with her wand. Magellan the dragon and his pet Cooey lived there along with Magellan's mischeivous tail that had a mind of it's o...
Digimon: Digital Monsters (1999 - Current) - To many, it looks like a Pokemon clone, but Digimon holds it's own with it's own original style.
Muppet Babies (1984 - 1990) - What originally started as a dream sequence in The Muppets Take Manhattan became a hit series for CBS. It's simply Kermit, Miss Piggy, gonzo, and the rest of the Muppets gang as kids, living in a nursery with a nanny who randomly checks in on them. When nanny is not around,The use their imagination...
Dinosaurs (1991 - 1994) - A family of Dinosaurs, in the stone age, where dinosaurs are the masters of the world and the Sinclairs are the focus of the show. There is: Earl (the father), Fran (the mother), and three kids (one brother, one sister and the famous Baby Sinclair). It is similar to the Flintstones except it is in...
Garfield & Friends (1988 - 1994) - The comedic adventures of the lazy and sassy feline, Garfield, his owner, Jon Arbuckle, and the pup, Odie. The show also features the U.S. Acres gang, a group of talking farm animals from a lesser-known comic strip by Jim Davis, creator of Garfield. The series ran for 7 seasons on CBS. It returned i...
The Simpsons (1989 - Current) - The Simpsons has since grown into the longest running animated primetime series on U.S. television! Since its introduction in 1989, it has become an icon of American popular culture. Lampooning everything from science and technology to pop culture, the series was not afraid right out the door to tak...
Beavis & Butt-Head (1992 - 2011) - Beavis and Butt-head was first aired on the U.S. cable network MTV in March 1993. This show, which combined animation and music videos, was an example of the unique programming that MTV has consistently provided for its youthful demographics. The half-hour program alternated between a simple narrati...
Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1990 - 1996) - Gaia the Spirit of the Earth summons five teenagers from all ends of the earth to help in the crusade to protect our planet. Kwame, from Africa held the power of earth, Wheeler from US held the power of fire, Linka from Eastern Europe held the power of Wind, Gi from Asia held the power of water, an...
Kenan & Kel (1996 - 2000) - The comic misadventures of teenagers Kenan and his dimwitted buddy Kel. The show would end with Kenan saying he had a plan and rattle off random ingredients.
Alvin & the Chipmunks (1983 - 1990) - The 80's revival of Alvin and the Chipmunks. Alvin and the Chipmunks started out as a series of novelty records in 1958, which become so popular The Alvin Show was launched in 1961. But The Alvin Show only lasted one season with 26 episodes. The reruns proved to be popular though and a whole new...
Hey Arnold! (1996 - 2004) - Hey Arnold! was a Nicktoon that premiered in October 7th 1996, along with KaBlam! on Nickelodeon. A movie, fittingly titled "Hey Arnold! The Movie" was released in 2002.
Dragon Ball Z (1989 - 1996) - Dragon Ball Z Aired In Japan On Fuji TV From 4/26/1989 To 1/31/1996.
Beetlejuice (1989 - 1991) - This show is about a little goth girl named Lydia who isnt like her happy-faced school girl peers, and is sick of her tortured and boring life so she summons a freelance bio-exorcist ghost with the most named Beetlejuice! And her boring life soon becomes filled with fun and danger. Beetlejuice can...
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (1989 - 1993) - Disney's legendary brotherly duo Chip 'N' Dale Chipmunk, known for doing being guest stars on Donald Duck cartoons have suddenly become Detectives.
South Park (1997 - Current) - Staring off as an animated short called "Santa Claus vs. Jesus Christ" in what is perhaps the Internet's first example of a "viral video" that single video quickly grew into an animated series all about the foul-mouthed adventures of four kids in the small town of South Park, Colorado. With every ep...
Full House (1987 - 1995) - Full House is centered around a sports broadcaster later turned morning talk show host, Wake Up San Francisco, Danny Tanner (Bob Saget) and his three little girls D.J. , Stephanie and Michelle Tanner. In the beginning of the series Danny Tanner's wife is killed by a drunk driver so, he needs help r...
Adventures of the Gummi Bears (1985 - 1991) - Disney's "Adventures of the Gummi Bears" is an action/comedy series about a hidden group of humanoid bears who are the secret defenders of the human kingdom of Dunwyn. Episodes consist of two 11 minute unconnected segments, or one full-length segment (22 minutes) when a storyline warranted.
Pinky and the Brain (1995 - 1998) - Pinky and the Brain are cartoon characters from the animated television series Animaniacs. Later, they starred in their own spin-off cartoon show called Pinky and the Brain and even later in Pinky, Elmyra and The Brain. These latter series were produced by Steven Spielberg and Warner Bros. Animation...
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (1993 - 1993) - If you're looking for action and excitement, this is the wrong cartoon to watch. AoStH is a fun, light hearted show, the kind of thing you'd expect to watch on Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network in the daytime. It takes all the original ideas of Sonic from the early games, and brings them to life, takin...
Sonic the Hedgehog (1993 - 1994) - Short lived Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon that debuted on Prime Time ABC in 1993. the story: Sonic and a group of Animals known as the Freedom Fighters try to take down the evil Dr. Robotnik. Very original and entertaining, it even inspiered the format of the Sonic comics from Archie, which are still b...
Tiny Toon Adventures (1990 - 1995) - This is a whole new generation of Looney Tunes, as these Tiny Toons attend Acme Looniversity and learn from the pros on how to be looney. A very funny cartoon with young toons that are a newer generation of Looney Toons! Bugs Bunny and the rest of the old Looney Tunes gang help and mentor the Tiny T...
ThunderCats (1985 - 1988) - The inhabitants of the planet Thundera evacuate just before it is destroyed. They were pursued by a band of mutants. All but one of their escape ships was destroyed. Only a small group of Thunderans (Thundercats) remained. With only half engine power, the group, which was led by Jaga, had to set a c...
Salute Your Shorts (1991 - 1992) - Salute Your Shorts was a comedy/drama television show aired on Nickelodeon from 1991-1992. The series, created by Steve Slavkin, was set at a summer camp, Camp Anawanna, and was centered on the teenage campers and their situations such as boys vs. girls, schemes for sneaking out of the camp, and goi...
Pee-Wee's Playhouse (1986 - 1990) - Pee-Wee Herman invites his audience friends to come play in his magical house with talking furniture, flying bicycles and occasional wacky guests. In case you did not know, Cyndi Lauper sings the theme song! Think Mr. Rogers with a zanier, more entertaining host and more colorful, more animated hou...
Goosebumps (1995 - 1998) - Goosebumps is an anthology series, shot in and around Toronto, based on a series of successful kids' books and produced for FOX and YTV by Toronto-based Protocol Entertainment, in association with Scholastic Productions. The show was shot for four seasons (1995-1999) and continues to air regularly i...
Bill Nye: the Science Guy (1993 - 1997) - Smash Beakmans World on the ground. Pick up the pieces and put them into a blender. Smash Bob Saget and Pee-Wee Herman together and put that into the blender as well. Add a book called everything you nedded to know about Science, then add some kids, milk, eggs, and sugar, and cheesey childrens hip h...
Freakazoid! (1995 - 1997) - Dexter Douglas recives the Pinnacle chip as a gift. While away from his computer after installing the chip, his cat walks across his keyboard, entering in a code that if followed by hitting the delete key will suck in and transform the user, creating Freakazoid, a bumbling blue-skinned super hero we...
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (1994 - 1997) - The show takes us through the struggles of life as a child monster. 3 monster friends are studying how to scare humans in school. Often their attempts don't work out as planned.
Jem and the Holograms (1985 - 1988) - The show centers on Jem who is an upcoming rock star with her band The Holograms. Jem is also the alias of Jerrica Benton, the daughter of a music executive who after his death, should rightfully be in charge of the company Starlight music. Jem/Jerrica's rival is the sneaky and evil Eric Raymond wh...
Boy Meets World (1993 - 2000) - From middle school through college and beyond, this is story of Corey Matthews. His life, his love, and oh yeah, all the stupid stuff he does.The people and places that he thinks of as home are slowly pulled away from him one by one, leaving him to consider just what his life is about when things ar...
Saved by the Bell (1989 - 1993) - These teenagers have been plotting to dodge the punishments of their quirky principle, Mr. Belding forever. The cause of all the mischief is always Zack Morris. His Best friends include Samuel (AKA Screech), Kelly, Slater and Jessie. The show was a sequel to the often forgotten show "Good Morning Mi...
ALF (1986 - 1990) - ALF (or Alien Life Form) is a creature from Planet Melmac that crash landed on earth, and is adopted/taken in by an otherwise normal Earth family. A comedic sitcom that featured episodes with everything from mundane things like getting people to like you, to close calls with the government, all wit...
The Wonder Years (1988 - 1993) - The Wonder Years was the story of Kevin Arnold and the trials and tribulations of adolescence while growing up in suburbia in the 1960's.
Inspector Gadget (Old) (1983 - 1986) - Inspector Gadget is the most famous and successful inspectors in all of the country.
Bobby's World (1990 - 1998) - Bobby's World premiered on FOX on September 8, 1990. From the wacky mind of comedian Howie Mandel comes the coolest cartoon yet, Bobby's World. Bobby lives in a typical suburban neighborhood, but step inside his imagination and discover a world of daring adventure, incredible wonder and lots of laug...
The Legend of Zelda (1989 - 1990) - The Legend of Zelda is an animated series that aired on NBC Saturday Mornings. It is based on popular NES game by the same name. Link and Zelda travel across Hyrule to protect the Triforce of Wisdom from Ganon, who has the Triforce of Power. Only 13 episodes were made.
KaBlam! (1996 - 2000) - this basically is a show where all kinds of cartoons run free the most notable is of course "Action league NOW!" and all types of animation are used hosted by Henry and June.AKA in other words...where comics and cartoons Colide
Cow and Chicken (1997 - 1999) - A cow and chicken, are born to human parents and have strange adventures!
Darkwing Duck (1991 - 1992) - A cartoon on Toon Disney and part of the Disney Afternoon that followed the life of Drake Mallard who was really a superhero named Darkwing Duck. Along with his sidekick Launchpad McQuack (a character taken from Disney's "DuckTales" series) and his daughter Gosalyn, Darkwing Duck saves Saint Canard...
Pepper Ann (1997 - 2000) - Pepper Ann was an animated series created by Sue Rose and shown in the United States on ABC. It debuted in September 1997.
The Adventures of Pete and Pete (1993 - 1996) - The Adventures of Pete & Pete was a U.S. television series produced and broadcast by the Nickelodeon cable channel. The show, which featured humorous and surreal elements in its narrative and many recurring themes, centered on two brothers both named Pete Wrigley, along with their family, friends an...
Dexter's Laboratory (1996 - 2003) - Dexter's Laboratory (Dexter's Lab for short) was an American animated television series created by Genndy Tartakovsky. It was produced by Hanna-Barbera Cartoons for Cartoon Network from 1996 to 1997, and by Cartoon Network Studios from 2001 to 2002. The original pilot episode appeared as the second...
You Can't Do That On Television (1979 - 1990) - A Canadian children's show, best known for being the first hit show on Nickelodeon. It brought Nick's trademark, green slime, among other things to the network. Many young Canadians appeared on the show during the course of its run, the most famous being Alanis Morrisette, whom appeared on the show...
The Powerpuff Girls (1998 - 2005) - The Powerpuff Girls, created by Craig McCracken, was originally conceived as the Whoopass Girls in McCracken's college animation project dating from 1992. In 1995, what would later become a full animated series was only a short featured in the Cartoon Network original series "What a Cartoon!" with d...
Teletubbies (1997 - 2016) - Teletubbies is a show aimed at babies and toddlers, premiering in March 1997 in the UK and April 1998 in the U.S. The show was a very different kind of kids show for its time. The series centers around the four titular Teletubbies, named for the television screens on their abdomens, who communicate...
Captain N: The Game Master (1989 - 1992) - An young teenage boy named Kevin Keene was chosen to become the mighty champion of Videoland under his new name, Captain Nintendo The Video Game Master.
Sonic Underground (1999 - 1999) - It's the 3rd Sonic The Hedgehog show, this time Sonic has a brother and a sister, Sonya and Manic,
The Ren & Stimpy Show (1991 - 1996) - A cat and a dog living together with sick jokes... now that's what everybody wants to see. Ren and Stimpy ran for 5 years on Nickelodeon and then because of its crude jokes, was tossed around from network to network and landed on SpikeTV for a while. John K. tried a comeback in 2003 on SpikeTV cal...
David the Gnome (1987 - 1988) - The World of David the Gnome was based on the world famous children's books The Gnomes and The Secret of the Gnomes by Dutch authors Rien Poortvliet and Wil Huygen.
Courage the Cowardly Dog (1999 - 2002) - A story about a cowardly dog called Courage. When he was new born he was abandoned as a puppy. Supposedly because his previous owners couldn't look after him. He was then found by Muriel and has then since been living in the middle of nowhere with Muriels husband or rather Courage's house enemy Eust...
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (1983 - 1985) - Adam is the mild-mannered Prince of Eternia. Unbeknownst to many around him, when he holds aloft his magic sword and speaks the magic words, he and his pet Cringer are transformed into Battlecat and He-Man, the most powerful man in the universe! He leads a fearless group, sworn to protect the realm...
Arthur (1996 - Current) - Developed from Marc Brown's beloved books, Arthur reminds us all of how it feels to be 8 years old. Just like your average kid, Arthur overcomes the dreaded obstacles of third-grade life, such as his tough teacher Mr. Ratburn, bullies, and mountains of homework. At home, Arthur must face the pint-si...
Lamb Chop's Play Along (1992 - 1997) - Lamb Chop's Play-Along is a children's television series that ran on PBS from 1992 until 1997. The half-hour program starred Shari Lewis, a puppeteer and ventriloquist, and Lambchop, described as a feisty 6-year-old girl. The goal of the show was to encourage kids to participate, to come play, inste...
Naruto (2002 - Current) - The show is about a kid called Naruto who had a demon fox (Kyuubi) sealed into him at birth. Naruto never knew his parents so he was rebelious and unruly. The show follows Naruto and his comrades, Sasuke and Sakura as he tries to show the people around him that he can become the next Hokage of Kon...
Transformers (1984 - 1987) - In a distant corner of the universe, on the planet Cybertron, a war was fought between the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, robots with the ability to transform themselves into vehicles and weapons.
Fridays (1999 - 2007) - Cartoon Cartoon Fridays was a Cartoon Network block that lasted from 1999-2007. It included Cartoon Cartoons, originally created as a block for additional reruns back in 1999. In 2000 it began telecasting new episodes of Cartoon Cartoons. Each week, it would be a different character that hosted. The...
Sesame Street (1969 - Current) - First conceived by a group of children's education researchers in 1965, Sesame Street grew to more than just a children's show--it became one of the most famous and well-known shows of all time and a symbol of American pop-culture. A show so well-known, there is nearly not one person who did not gro...
The Angry Beavers (1997 - 2001) - When their parents have another litter, the Norbert (the smart one) and Daggett (the stupid one) Beaver have to strike out on their own. Their new home on a lake in middle of the forest seems to be the scene of most every odd occurrence imaginable. The two beavers have to deal with wacko government...
Samurai Pizza Cats (1990 - 1991) - Three cats who work for a pizza parlor in Little Tokyo must suit up in every episode and stop the Big Cheese's latest plot to take over the city. Samurai Pizza Cats lived and died relatively unknown, but those who have seen it take pride in its quirky translation parodying the show and the genre in...
Married ... with Children (1987 - 1997) - Married with Children was a show about the lives of the disfunctional Bundys. Al Bundy is a middle aged shoe salesman who works at Gary's Shoes and Accessories for Today's Woman. The highlight of Al's life is scoring 4 touchdowns in one game for Polk High when his team won the High School Champio...
Wishbone (1995 - 1998) - This imaginative little dog often plays the main part in his daydreams about literary works, which often have to do with the current problem his human friends must solve in each episode. Though the stories are very much cut to fit a thirty minute episode, Wishbone stays true to its content.
Family Matters (1989 - 1998) - A perfect spin-off from Perfect Strangers. Family Matters focused on Harriet Winslow (the elevator operator from the Chronicle) and her family of sorts. Carl Winslow, her husband, was a dutiful cop, and a gruff and lovable father
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1988 - 1991) - Animated stories of the Hundred Acre Wood forest where Winnie The Pooh Bear, Piglet The Pig, Tigger The Tiger, Owl, Rabbit, Gopher, Mama Kanga, Baby Roo, Eeyore The Donkey, of course Christopher Robin have all the fun and magical adventures.
The Magic School Bus (1994 - 1997) - Based on the series of children's books by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen, The Magic School Bus is an animated series about a group of school kids and their teacher Ms. Frizzle. In each episode Ms. Frizzle would take the kids (and their mute class pet Liz, a lizard) on bizarre field trips to learn abou...
The Fairly OddParents (2001 - 2017) - The hit animated series about two fairies from Fairy World, Cosmo and Wanda, and their fairy godchild Timmy Turner, all started on Oh Yeah! cartoons, from 1998 - 2001 Timmy Turner is an average 10-year-old boy who gets beat up by school bully Francis, and tortured by his babysitter Vicky and teache...
CatDog (1998 - 2004) - The life and times of a cat and a dog with an unique twist: they are connected, literally.
Disney's One Saturday Morning (OSM) (1997 - 2002) - Disney's One Saturday Morning featured a wide variety of animated shows including Doug, Recess, Pepper Ann, The Weekenders, 101 Dalmatians, Hercules, Mickey Mouse Works, and such shorts and skits like Mrs. Munger's Class, Manny The Uncanny, Great Minds Think For Themselves, Flyndiggery Do!, The Monk...
The Smurfs (1981 - 1989) - Based on the comic books by Pierre Culliford "Peyo," the Hanna-Barbera series tells the adventures of the Smurfs, magical blue creatures who live deep in the forest. More than 100 Smurfs exist, all named after their unique personalities and led by Papa Smurf. Because of their many magical properties...
Rocket Power (1999 - 2004) - the show revolves around the day to day adventures of middle-school age extreme sports enthusiasts who live in the fictitious Southern California beach resort town of Ocean Shores, where they enjoy surfing, roller skating, skateboarding, bicycling, street hockey, and other active pastimes
Daria (1997 - 2002) - The people of Lawndale just don't get Daria Morgendorffer. She's cool with that. See, Daria was born alienated, and now she's just trying to make it through high school with as little human contact as possible. Popularity, friends, activities... whatever. Daria lacks enthusiasm, but she makes up for...
Pinwheel (1977 - 1989) - The iconic series Pinwheel began its legacy in Columbus, Ohio in 1977 on The Pinwheel Channel, which featured the show five hours a day!
Blue's Clues (1996 - 2006) - A paper cut-out show with a live action lead character named Steve. Steve lived with his puppy, Blue and figured out what Blue wanted to say through a trio of clues. The show set a standard format for kids shows to follow by having almost the exact same sequence of events occur at the same time ever...
Futurama (1999 - 2013) - A comedy from the creators of "The Simpsons". A pizza delivery boy named Fry accidentally gets cryogenically frozen and awakens in the year 3000. He adapts to life in the 31st century and works for his great-great x20 nephew's intergalactic delivery company.
Clarissa Explains It All (1991 - 1994) - The main characters in the show are Clarissa Darling, her family (consisting of her Hippie Parents.Marshall, her mother Janet and her brother Ferguson Darling) and her best friend Sam. Clarissa and Sam's relationship was a novelty on television at the time, due to few television series allowing a gi...
Johnny Bravo (1997 - 2004) - Johnny Bravo; he talks like Elvis, looks like a macho man, but he's as blonde as they come. This highly sucessful cartoon follows Johnny's antics as he sweet talks the ladies (and striking out every time) and continues to be his own worst enemy.
The Ren & Stimpy Show (1991 - 1996) - Intoducing the crazed chihuahua Ren, and the goofy cat Stimpy, these two go on strange adventures, from selling rubber nipples to flying in space in a rocket.
The Real Ghostbusters (1986 - 1991) - Inspired by the 1984 feature film, The further adventures of the Ghostbusters: Peter, Ray, Egon, Winston and Slimer as they seek to catch ghosts, protect New York City... and make money! They're ready to believe you!
Heathcliff (1984 - 1987) - A practical joker and career trouble maker named Heathcliff struts through life in search of new ways to torment Spike the neighborhood bulldog, or to woo his beloved fancy feline girlfriend Sonja.
Fraggle Rock (1983 - 1987) - The Fraggles are fun-loving muppets who live underground and enjoy singing, dancing, and eating Doozer sticks. Their good friends are another species known as the Doozers, who work making the beloved Doozer sticks and have no time for fun and games. The main entrance to their home is a hole in the w...
X-Men (1992 - 1997) - This cartoon is based on the popular Marvel comic by Stan Lee and features several of the characters that made it such a success: Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Archangel, Iceman, Wolverine, Gambit, Rogue, Jubilee, and even Bishop, all students of the benevolent Professor X.
My Brother and Me (1994 - 1995) - A wholesome Nickelodeon show centered around a middle class African American family...particularly the relationship between the youngest son, Dee Dee, and his older brother, Alfie. Let's not forget Alfie's best friend, Goo, who with the help of Alfie tries to make Dee Dee's life as tough as possibl...
Recess (1997 - 2001) - Recess is an American animated television series created by Paul Germain and Joe Ansolabehere (credited as "Paul and Joe") and produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. The series focuses on six elementary school students and their interaction with other classmates and teachers. The title refers...
2 Stupid Dogs (1993 - 1995) - 2 Stupid Dogs was a show about a lumbering sheep dog known as Big Dog and his excitable dachshund pal, Little Dog. The two would get ensnared in a variety of commonplace situations, with their stupidity usually leading to calamitous results. A broad-shouldered human named Hollywood appeared on most...
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990 - 1996) - A wealthy family living in Bel-Air, California, receives a dubious gift from their poorer relations in Philadelphia when Grammy Award-winner Will Smith arrives as The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air. His mother wants him to learn some good old-fashioned values from his successful relatives. But Will shatter...
Zoobilee Zoo (1986 - 1987) - Zoobilee Zoo, a children's television program featuring costumed performers dressed as animal characters, aired from 19861987, then in syndication until 2001 on several television channels including commercial network television stations, public television stations, The Learning Channel, and the Ha...
Yu-Gi-Oh! (1998 - 2006) - Yugi Moto is a high school student with a passion for all kinds of games, especially the card game Duel Monsters in which 2 opponents summon monsters to battle each other. One day his grandfather gives him the mystical Millenium Puzzle, an ancient Egyptian artifact with magic powers. By solving the...
Hey Dude (1989 - 1991) - The antics of a colorful group working at the Bar None, a dude ranch. It is owned by Mr. Ernst, a sometimes-too-enthusiastic, but well meaning boss. The staff includes the sweet lifeguard Melody, , the rich horse instructor Brad, Native American Danny of Hopi descent, the good-looking but always int...
Gullah Gullah Island (1994 - 1997) - the shows about this african american family that lives on an island and is friends with a frog that lives in a tree
The Amanda Show (1999 - 2002) - The Amanda Show is another series that was spun off of "All That" for another of its breakout stars. It's a skit show with some of the characteristics of "All That" but with different characters. In spite of being designed as a sketch comedy television program, the series is set in a fictional unive...
The Muppet Show (1976 - 1981) - The Muppet Show is a variety show that aired originally in the UK, and was picked up in Syndication in North America. The show was hosted by Kermit the Frog, and it featured a human celebrity guest star. It feature various songs and sketches, Including:
Allegra's Window (1994 - 1996) - Show based right from the window of a young girl named Allegra. The show revolved around Allegra, her friend Lindi (yellow dog), her brother Rondo and his friend Riff (blue cat). They would visit with neighbors, friends, while eating blue zutabegas and learning new things.
G.I. Joe (1983 - 1987) - G.I. Joe is the code name for Americas daring, highly trained special mission force. Its purpose: to defend human freedom against Cobra, a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world! And from 1983 to 1987, it entertained children six days a week with realistic animation (for the d...
Reading Rainbow (1983 - 2006) - The show is designed to encourage reading amongst youth. Using no puppets or gimmicks, this sincere, evenly paced show remains popular among children and educators. It is hosted by LeVar Burton, well known for his role in Roots and in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Dragon Ball (1986 - 1989) - Dragon Ball (Japanese: Hepburn: Doragon Bru) is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation. It is an adaptation of the first 194 chapters of the manga of the same name created by Akira Toriyama, which were published in Weekly Shnen Jump from 1984 to 1988. The anime is co...
Legends of the Hidden Temple (1993 - 1996) - A popular game show on Nickelodeon where kids on several teams would comptete against each other to find an anicient artifact. The game begins with six teams, the Red jaguars, Blue barracudas, Green monkeys, Orange iguanas, Purple parrots, and Silver snakes. In the first round the six teams would ha...
The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 (1990 - 1990) - The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 was the second Mario animated series produced by DiC. Based on the Super Mario Bros. 3 video game, the cartoon shows Mario, Luigi, Princess Toadstool, and Toad fighting against Bowser Koopa and his Koopalings, who went by different names on the show. On the show...
Gumby (1956 - 1988) - Gumby, the little green guy you see on t.v. He had many fun adventures with his pals Prickle the yellow dinosaur, Goo the blue blob and Pokey the red horse. All thanks to Art Clokey, the maker and creater of gumby and pals. All hand made by clay. CAST WAS GUMBY, POKEY, PRICKLE AND GOO, BLOCKHEADS,...
Small Wonder (1985 - 1989) - Small Wonder was a light-hearted sitcom about a family whose father was a robotics engineer. Ted Lawson (Dick Christie) brought his work home one day, much to his family's surprise. Vicki (Tiffany Brissette), an android who really speaks like a robot, and stays in her cabinet when she is not in use....
Mega Man (1994 - 1995) - In the distant future, the robotic hero Megaman, Rush, Dr. Light and his sister, Roll thwart the Evil Dr. Wily's plans of taking over the world. Based on the action-packed Capcom video game series.
Dungeons and Dragons (1983 - 1985) - Based on the popular roleplaying game, a group of children are sucked into the world of Dungeons and Dragons, and given magical equipment by the gnomish Dungeon Master. With their new magical equipment and weapons, they help defend the world of Dungeons and Dragons from the evil Venger, all the whi...
The Big Comfy Couch (1992 - 2006) - This show is about a clown named Loonette and her doll named Molly. They live on a big comfy couch in Clown Town and experience fun times with their neighbors Granny Garbonzo and her cat Snickelfritz, Major Bedhead, the clown mail delivery man, and Auntie Macassar and Uncle Chester. Most of the time...
King of the Hill (1997 - 2010) - King of the Hill is another animation hit for Beavis and Butthead creator Mike Judge, who also voices the starring character Hank Hill, a propane gas salesman in the fictional town Arlen, Texas. Hank is often besieged by the idiosyncrasies of society, but he finds (some) serenity in his home-life wi...
Angela Anaconda (1999 - 2001) - Angela Anaconda was a show about a girl who didnt fit in very well. You know the type the one that is ffriends with all the people that the snobs hate and find geeky or lame.This show first aired on Fox Family.She hates the biggest snob in the school who they call "Ninney Poo".
Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1988 - 1999) - A man and two robots trapped on an Earth-orbiting space station are forced to watch the worst movies ever conceived
Toonami (1997 - Current) - Toonami debuted on March 17, 1997 to the United States Cartoon Network originally it aired weekdays from 4-6pm than in summer 1999 when the TOM era began it extended to 4-7 than in summer 2001 it was shortened to 5-7pm than in summer 2002 went back to it's old 4-7pm format and from there it's had he...
ReBoot (1994 - 2001) - Deep inside your computer lies a virtual world where cities inhabited by Sprites and Binomes. Normally, they'd live peacefully, but The User (from their perspective, a god-like figure) of their systems tests their mettle by sending Games into the system. Only the most elite should enter a game, and...
The Care Bears (1985 - 1985) - The Care Bears live in a country high in the clouds, where they have a lot of fun together. But they also do care for the human children on Earth, who they watch through huge telescopes from the sky, and come to help whenever there is need.
Batman The Animated Series (1992 - 1995) - The very successful Batman the Animated Series debuted in 1992 and lasted 85 epiosdes. This cartoon had great character development, voice acting, animation and storylines. It really was the total package and the king of comic book cartoons. Truely one of the greatest cartoons ever.
The Raccoons (1985 - 1991) - Cartoon about the misadventures of Bert Raccoon and his friends who together try stop stop the greedy Aardvark Cyril Sneer from destroying the Evergreen Forest. The series was a spin-off from the popular tv specials The Christmas Raccoons (80), The Raccoons On Ice (81), The Raccoons and the Lost St...
Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (1991 - 1996) - One of Carmen Sandiego's many henchmen has stolen a rare cultural object. The Acme Crime Detective Agency hires three contestants to find the crook and recover the loot. The contestant who captures the crook is then given the chance to locate and capture Carmen Sandiego by locating countries on a la...
Earthworm Jim (1995 - 1996) - The TV show Earthworm Jim is based on a video game by the same name. As in the video game, our main character is Earthworm Jim, an annelid with a power suit. His best friend is Peter Puppy, a scared doggy, but when Peter gets mad... Let's say you do NOT wanna be in the vicinity. His love interest is...
Kids Incorporated (1984 - 1993) - Kids Incorporated (also known as Kids Inc.) was a children's television program that premiered in 1984 in syndication (On NBC from 1984-85) and on The Disney Channel 1986-96). Winner of various Young Artist Awards during its nine year run, it is remembered fondly by adults who were in their teens in...
Scooby-Doo (1969 - Current) - Hit cartoon series featuring Scooby Doo, a dog who joins Velma, Daphne, Fred, and Shaggy on many quests to solve mysterious. Each mystery is new and unusual and involves the group stopping someone from wreaking certain havoc on the world.The first incarnation of what has become a franchise-of-sorts....
Disney's Doug (1996 - 1999) - Disney's Doug follows 12 1/2 year old Doug Funnie in his town of Bluffington. With his best human friend Skeeter Valentine and best non-human friend (also his dog) Porkchop, they have great adventures! Doug is secretly in love with Patti Mayonnaise but gets bullied by Roger Klotz. Sometimes Doug ima...
Shining Time Station (1989 - 1993) - An American version of the popular British children's program. Every episode, the kids (and sometimes the adults, too) at Shining Time Station learn some special lessons about life and getting along with others from the miniature Mr. Conductor. The lessons are then illustrated in segments featuring...
Wild & Crazy Kids (1990 - 1992) - Wild & Crazy Kids was simply that: wild and crazy kids. It features teams of kids who would perform picnic like games in order to win for their team assigned by color. Usually, there would be Blue, Red, Yellow, and Pink. The hosts of the game were Omar Gooding (younger brother of Academy Awarding Wi...
M.A.S.K. (1985 - 1987) - Basically... A group of Special Ops heros under the project named M.A.S.K. that all wear, you guessed it, masks. They ride in super hot tricked out vehicles (especially the red Camaro with the DeLorean doors that open up, enabling flight.) and saves the day from the evil organization called V.E.N....
Schoolhouse Rock! (1973 - 1996) - In my opinion, this is one of the cartoons that was great at teaching kids how to learn. Even though each episode was five minutes, it was a good educational show for people to watch.
Out of this World (1987 - 1991) - The Out Of This World television show was about a young girl with unique special powers. She could stop time by placing her two index fingers together. She also has an alien father which no one gets to ever see. She talks to him for advice at the start and end of every episode outside a window in he...
The Busy World of Richard Scarry (1993 - 1997) - This fully animated series is based on the books by Richard Scarry which parents worldwide rely on to teach valuable lessons. Busytown is an enchanting place thats abuzz with energy and life. Young audiences love to sing and laugh along, as Huckle Cat and Lowly Worm make their way through the day....
Gargoyles (1994 - 1997) - One thousand years ago, a clan of Gargoyles led by Goliath protected Castle Wyvern, but one day they were betrayed and most of them destroyed. Goliath and the other survivors were cursed into a stone sleep that would last until the castle rose above the clouds. In 1994, David Xanatos (a rich and p...
Bump In the Night (1993 - 1995) - "Bump in the Night" was a claymation saturday morning cartoon featuring Mr. Bumpy, the green creature from under your bed that came out at night to play with his pals Molly and Squishington.
C.O.P.S. (1988 - 1989) - The year: 2020. The place: Empire City. The situation: Brandon "Big Boss" Babel, a nefarious crime lord, along with his army of criminal thugs is holding the city under the palm of his iron hand. His army is made up entirely of thieves, muggers, and burglars such as Berserko, Big Boss' dimwitted nep...
TaleSpin (1990 - 1994) - This casts key characters from The Jungle Book into a 1930's pacific setting, where Baloo is a bush pilot, and running a struggling courier company. His air service and plane named the Sea Duck, are bought by Rebecca Cunningham, who renames the company Higher For Hire. Baloo's navigator Kit Cloudki...
Count Duckula (1988 - 1992) - Count Duckula was another one of the early Nicktoons when Nickelodeon was still new, it was created by Cosgrove-Hall Productions the same animated company that brought us Bananaman and it is the official spinoff to another Cosgrove-Hall successful smash hit TV series Danger Mouse.
Big Bad Beetleborgs (1996 - 1996) - A show with 3 kids getting super powers from a ghost who they freed powers taken from a comic book and made them beetleborgs.
Super Mario World (1991 - 1991) - Super Mario World (also sometimes referred to unofficially as The Super Mario World Show and originally known as Captain N and the New Super Mario World when it was originally aired with the last 7 episodes of Captain N) was the last of the three American Mario cartoons. The show was based largely o...
The Puzzle Place (1994 - 1998) - A multi-ethnic group of kids (puppets) each from a different part of the United States, meet at a place called The Puzzle Place and try to overcome their diffrences and figure out their problems.
Beast Wars (1996 - 1999) - Centuries after the Cybertronian Wars, a small rebel group of criminal Predacons and their heroic Maximal pursuers crash-land on a primitive world. They assume native animal forms to protect themselves from the planet's rife amounts of energon, transforming into robots to do battle. As the Maximals...
Stick Stickly (1996 - 1998) - For years, one of Nickelodeon's most popular characters was Stick Stickly. He was the popsicle stick puppet host of Nickelodeon's "Nick in the Afternoon" summer programming block which aired weekdays from 3-5pm. Sadly, he is no longer used on Nickelodeon.
The Price Is Right (1972 - Current) - One of the longest running shows on television, "The Price Is Right", termed then as the "New" Price Is Right to differentiate itself with a previous version hosted by Bill Cullen, debuted in 1972 and has stood the test of time, lasting over 45 years. First hosted by Bob Barker and gaining legendary...
Bananas in Pajamas (1992 - 2012) - Preschoolers flip for this Australian show starring two bananas in blue-and-white striped pajamas, B1 and B2, who do goofy things. Pretty simple concept, really.
That '70s Show (1998 - 2006) - Set in the era of Led Zeppelin 8-tracks, Tab colas and Farrah Fawcett posters, THAT '70s SHOW continues to flash back to the "Me Decade" during the seventh season. The nostalgic series comes from celebrated producers Marcy Carsey and Tom Werner ("Roseanne," "The Cosby Show") and wildly inventive cr...
Today's Special (1986 - 1987) - After the department store has closed and all the customers have gone home, Jeff's magic hat is placed on his head, someone says the magic words, and he comes to life. He hangs with Jodie, Muffy, and Sam and they get into all kinds of situations.
One Piece (1999 - Current) - One Piece is a steampunk manga and anime series created by artist Eiichiro Oda. It revolves around a crew of pirates led by captain Monkey D. Luffy, whose dream is to obtain the ultimate treasure One Piece that was left behind by the King of the Pirates, Gold Roger.
A Pup Named Scooby-Doo (1988 - 1991) - A Pup Named Scooby-Doo is simply Scooby as a puppy, Shaggy, Fred, Velma, Daphne, as kids, looking for clues, unmasking bad guys and solving mysteries.
Animorphs (1998 - 1999) - Animorphs was originally based on the book series created by K.A. Applegate. Most of the episodes that have appeared are based on one of the books, but some are totally created by one of the Television crew. In this battle against parasitic aliens, called Yeerks, five children, Jake played by Shawn...
Ghostwriter (1992 - 1995) - Ghostwriter was a television series co-produced by what was then the Children's Television Workshop and the BBC. It aired on PBS in the United States from October 1992 to February 1995 and as reruns for some time after.It also had a run on the childrens channel noggin from 2000-2001.The series featu...
Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron (1993 - 1995) - In 1993 Hanna Barbara released a new action series with a comic book style and furry attributes, SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron. Based on characters created by Christian and Yvon Tremblay this series hit home with the viewers, creating a large fan base that many animated programs of that era had ye...
Rescue 911 (1989 - 1996) - In this early example of police-based reality TV hosted by William Shatner, we are treated to reenactments of real-life 911 rescues. Recordings of the actual calls, interspersed with interviews with the paramedics and other rescue workers, provide a vivid look at the life-or-death dramas that occur...
VR Troopers (1994 - 1996) - From Saban, the studio that brought you Power Rangers...
Caillou (1997 - 2010) - Based on the books by Christine L'Heureux, the show centers on a 4-year-old named Caillou, a bratty preschooler who is upset by the world around him. He has many crying tantrums with his family and friends and uses his whining in every episode, but in the end he's just as curious as any four-year-ol...
Goof Troop (1992 - 1993) - Goofy, now as a widower, moves back to his hometown of Spoonerville with his 11-year-old son Max. As it happens, Goofy and Max end up moving in next door to Goofy's high school friend: Pete, a used car salesman and owner of Honest Pete's Used Cars; Pete's wife Peg, a real estate agent; and their two...
Cousin Skeeter (1998 - 2001) - Bobby would describe his Cousin Skeeter as a nightmare most of the time, but, they do get along,sometimes.Bobby always tries to impress Nina and once Skeeter gets involved, he always makes up story's about Skeeter, what normally makes both of them in trouble. But, Skeeter always gets them out of the...
Looney Tunes On Nickelodeon (1988 - 1999) - Nickelodeon's TV spot for the Warner Brothers Looney Toons cartoons with a special intro. This presentation of Looney Tunes & Merrie Melodies suffered from a small order of cartoon shorts. The 1994-1999 season expanded the stock of episodes to air, and dropped the Black and White cartoons (like Bo...
Double Dare (Nickelodeon Game Show) (1986 - 2019) - Double Dare is one wacky game show, and the most popular & longest running Nickelodeon game show on television. The show pitts two teams of two (later two families of four) against each other in a contest of answering questions & completing stunts known as physical challenges. All while trying win l...
Weinerville (1993 - 1996) - The show, a totally outrageous half-hour variety show, uses classic elements of kid's programming, which include puppeteering and interaction with a live studio audience, to entertain kids and their parents. Weinerville Productions also produces live nationally touring stage shows. Weinerville speci...
Perfect Strangers (1985 - 1993) - Larry Appleton, a Chicago working stiff shares his aparment with "cousin" Balki Bartokomous, an immigrant from a country called Mypos.
M*A*S*H (1972 - 1983) - The 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital is stuck in the middle of the Korean war. With little help from the circumstances they find themselves in, they are forced to make their own fun. Fond of practical jokes and revenge, the doctors, nurses, administrators, and soldiers often find ways of making...
Land of the Lost (1974 - 1977) - This show was about a father and his son and daughter who get sucked into a rift in the earth. Their jeep lands in "The Land of the Lost", a pre-historic time period, and they need to learn how to survive so they can find a way back home. They meet some dangerous creatures along the way, but they al...
3-2-1 Contact (1979 - 1992) - 3-2-1 Contact was an american science educational television show which aired on PBS from 1979 to 1992.
100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd (1999 - 2002) - A school bully named Eddie was turned into a dog for his crimes. Now he must complete 100 good deeds in order to turn back to human. The only person who can understand him is the boy in which he last bullied. The show was apparently cancelled before the plot was acomplished, with Eddie having 76 mor...
That's So Raven (2002 - 2007) - That's So Raven is an American sitcom television show broadcast on the Disney Channel. The plot revolves around fashionable teenager Raven Baxter's schemes to get herself, her friends, or family members, out of a wacky situation, usually by using her psychic powers and her skills as a master of disg...
The Secret World of Alex Mack (1994 - 1998) - Alex Mack is your typical, ordinary 13-year-old who lives with her "genius" sister Annie, her mom Barbara, & her dad George who is a scientist at the town's chemical plant. On Alex's first day of junior high, everything goes wrong, including being humiliated by the most popular girl in front of one...
Seinfeld (1989 - 1998) - The lifes and misadventures of four friends living in New York City,also known as" the show about nothing!"
Little Bear (1995 - 2003) - Based on the popular children's books by Maurice Sendak, Little Bear explores the forest around his home with his friends Duck, Hen Cat, Owl, Emily and Lucy.
Fat Albert (1972 - 1985) - Live action bumpers featuring Bill Cosby were set around animated episodes of Fat Albert and The Cosby Kids, a series about a group of urban adolescents growing up in a Philadelphia neighborhood. The show was based on Cosby's '60s stand up comedy monologues about his childhood.
The Golden Girls (1985 - 1992) - "Golden Girls" follows four elderly women, Dorathy, Blanch, Rose and Sophia, who are now roomates in Miami. Each one of them is either divorced or widowed.
Denver the Last Dinosaur (1988 - 1989) - A group of kids are playing in a construction site when they discover a giant egg that has been accidentaly uncovered. To their surprise, it hatches into a dinosaur, that just happens to understand english and be able to grunt and mime his wants and desires to his new human friends. Naming him Den...
Bonkers (1993 - 1995) - This Disney television series follows a cartoon star's misadventures in the police department.
Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea (1985 - 1987) - Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea revolved around two children, Matt and Rebecca, as they tried to save an underground race of humans known as Arkadians from certain doom, as their artificial sun was beginning to fail. With the help of Tehrig (a fully sentient flying robot vehicle), Arkana ( Ava...
Adventures in Wonderland (1991 - 1995) -   A live-action tv series that aired on the original Disney Channel. Alice is a young girl who can travel through her mirror to Wonderlad, where she befriends a variety of characters: The Red Queen, the roller-skating White Rabbit, two rapping brothers Tweedle Dee and Dum, The Mad Hatter, March H...
The Mask Animated Series (1995 - 1997) - Taking off from the feature film, Stanley Ipkiss is the city's (almost) unwilling defender as The Mask, the flamboyant, raucous, nigh-indestructible force of nature that plays out reality like a cartoon character (a bit ironic within the context). He opposes the various rotten elements of the city,...
Ranma 1/2 (1989 - 1996) - Cursed to turn into a girl whenever splashed with cold water, and unwillingly engaged to the rather temperamental and violent Akane Tendo, 16-year-old Ranma Saotome's life is anything but ordinary.
Tales from the Crypt (1989 - 1996) - The Cryptkeeper is host as he brings you a tale chopped full of fear and humor. Based on te EC Comics series created by William Gaines, this series lasted seven seasons, airing 93 episodes, starring famous celebrities such as Brad Pitt, Demi Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, and Jon Lovitz.
As Told By Ginger (1999 - 2004) - (Info by Wikipedia.) As Told By Ginger is an American animated series that premiered on Nickelodeon in October 2000. The show focuses on Ginger Foutley and her adventures at Lucky Jr. High, as she records them in her diary. The series was noted for its story lines, character development, and the fac...
America's Funniest Home Videos (1990 - Current) - America's Funniest Home Videos is ABC's longest-running comedy series. The show began with original host Bob Saget as a one-off special in 1989, becoming a regular series in 1990. The series was an instant sensation on Sunday nights and ran for seven successful seasons. The show was re-launched with...
USA Cartoon Express (1981 - 1995) - USA Cartoon Express was a showcase for various cartoon series -- it began as mainly reruns of shows from the Hanna-Barbera library, but eventually expanded. Cartoons were surrounded by bumpers, featuring characters from each of the shows on a train. The Cartoon Express ran for nearly two decades...
I Am Weasel (1997 - 2000) - This was a side-show for the animated series Cow and Chicken, and later became a full spinoff. The episodes usually involve I.R. Baboon doing his best to out-class I.M. Weasel, and failing. Then Weasel fixes Baboon's mess, inadvertently making himself look even better.
Biker Mice From Mars (1993 - 1996) - A very entertaining cartoon about three Humanoid Mice on motorcycles named Throttle, Modo and Vinnie escape from Mars after it's taken over by Plutarkians. They crash land on Earth and become the Biker Mice from Mars. On Earth they fight Lawrence Limburger who is a Plutarkian in disguise.
Beakman's World (1992 - 1994) - Beakman's World was a science show, and at first glance it seems like something from Batman or something, with strange colorful sets, sound effects and very visual experiments. But it is not strictly a
Home Improvement (1991 - 1999) - The show about the Taylor family. It consists of a husband who loves tools and fixing things, (even though he usually only makes things worse.) A wife who sticks by him no matter what. They also have three boys, and an unusual neigbor named Wilson, who is always full of good advice and wisdom. Tim T...
Street Sharks (1992 - 1996) - A university professor named Dr. Paradigm tested his gene-manipulation techniques on Dr. Bolton, a fellow professor, who became an inhuman monstrosity and escaped. Paradigm later kidnapped Bolton's four sons and turned them into huge creatures half-man, half-shark.
The Woody Woodpecker Show (1957 - 1994) - This is a fun little series about this wacky, funny, little woodpecker named woody and he has all kinds of outrageous adventures with his friends and stuff!
My Little Pony (1984 - 1987) - Little ponies with varied abilities and colorful personalities run around and have fun and adventures while exploring the magical world they inhabit and share interesting creatures both kind and cruel.
SilverHawks (1986 - 1986) - Silverhawks, essentially, is a 1940's Chicago cop show set in outter space.
Nick Arcade (1991 - 1992) - A Nickelodeon game show that combined the fun of game shows, board games, and video games! Each round began with the Face-off where contestants would play a quick 30-second virtual reality video game. After the face off, the players would go to an interactive board game where they would have to move...
Punky Brewster (1984 - 1988) - An abandoned waif and her dog are taken in by a cranky apartment manager who becomes her guardian in this family-friendly sitcom. This was a pet project of sorts for NBC programming head Brandon Tartikoff, who had a crush on a girl named Punky when he was young. (The dog on the show was named Brando...
Adventures of the Little Koala (1987 - 1993) - This show was produced originally in Japan and was later shown on Nick as part of the Nick Jr. block. It was picked up for North American distribution and dubbed into English by Quebec-based Cinar Films (now DHX Media) and Viacom Enterprises (now CBS Television Distribution).
Spider-Man: The Animated Series (1994 - 1998) - The 90s version of Spider-Man is the longest running Spider-Man cartoon at 65 episodes. This series really portrayed Peter Parker and what was in his mind. A lot of the show is Peter thinking to himself outloud, giving the audience a true feel of his emotions. The animation was superb, even mixing...
Happy Days (1974 - 1984) - Richie Cunningham and his friend Potsie face life at Jefferson High in Milwaukee Wisconsin in the 1950s. Originally fifth-billed Fonzie moved up steadily, finally into first billing in 1980, as the thumbs-up,
Pryde Of The X-Men (1989 - Current) - The little known "series" that came out in 1989, and lasted for only a single episode. More comic-bookish and stylized than the series we would all watch several years later, it had a more diverse team as well. Cyclops, Storm, and Wolverine are standard fare for X-Men cartoons, but Nightcrawler, C...
Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987 - 1994) - Set in the 24th century and 78 years after the adventures of the original crew of the starship Enterprise, this new series is the long awaited successor to the original Star Trek series from the 1960's. Under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard the all new Enterprise NCC 1701-D travels out to dis...
The Cramp Twins (2002 - 2005) - cramp twins is a frickin mediore show lucien is the dev of half life 3 and wayne is a fucking douche why would you do that to such a child
Mysterious Cities of Gold (1982 - 1986) - It is the 15th century. Ships set forth from Europe to conquer and explore the new land, the Americas in search of gold. That is the backdrop as a young boy, named Esteban, sets out across the Atlantic. Along the way, he picks up friends, discovers fantastic lost technology of the ancient nation...
Batman Beyond (1999 - 2001) - BATMAN BEYOND it is the year 2039 it's been 40 years since bruce wayne retired from being the dark knight. Now he is to weak and old to continue the fight against crime so now it's up to the new Batman to bring justice back to the streets of gotham
Cardcaptor Sakura (1998 - 2000) - It is up to Sakura to capture (while dealing with love and all the woes of normal life) all of the Clow cards; very powerful magical cards which magical effects depend on the card type. A well loved series based off the manga by CLAMP.
The Wuzzles (1985 - 1986) - This show featured a group of animals who were seemingly genetically crossed with other animals: a lion/bumblebee, a bunny/hippopotomus.
Welcome to Pooh Corner (1983 - 1986) - Pooh Corner aired in 1983 as a live-action Winnie the Pooh show. The storyteller played by Laurie Main led you into the fantastic world of the Hundred Acre Woods. There you would meet with Pooh, Rabbit, Tigger, Kanga, Roo, Piglet, Eeyore, and Owl. The show was aired back-to-back with a similarly sty...
101 Dalmatians: The Series (1997 - 1998) - 101 Dalmatians: The Series is based on Disney's famous animated movie 101 Dalmatians. There's always lots of fun with 101 Dalmatian puppies as they grow and play. This series focuses on the life of three main Dalmatians as they cope with their new life on the farm, as well as their chicken friend an...
The PJs (1999 - 2001) - The Emmy Award winning PJ's was the first primetime stop-motion series produced for television. Thurgood Stubbs lives with his wife Muriel in the housing project where he is the chief superintendent. The show, created by Eddie Murphy (who provides Stubbs' voice), follows the adventures of the Stubbs...
Street Fighter: the Animated Series (1995 - 1997) - Street Fighter: The Animated Series was featured on the USA Network's Action Extreme Team. Based mostly off of the Street Fighter movie and the fighting game Street Fighter II, the series follows the events after the movie. William F. Guile leads a team of international fighters by their code name:...
Knight Rider (1982 - 1986) - Its an action/adventure series about a former cop who, during a sting operation, was double-crossed and was left for dead. But luckily, was found by some people who rescued him and took him to The Foundation of Law and Government where doctors (through plastic surgery, since he was shot In The Face)...
Space Ghost Coast to Coast (1994 - 2004) - A late night talk show hosted by Space Ghost.
The Electric Company (1971 - 1977) - The Electric Company, created by the Children's Television Workshop, was on in the morning about 5 times a day. In the middle of the show they would often have a Spiderman segment which featured live-action mixed with animated backgrounds and thought balloons. The show ended in 1977 but the final t...
Kids WB (1995 - 2014) - Kids' WB! is a children's block of The CW that started in 1995. It was originally the block of The WB Network until they merged with UPN in 2006. It was known to be the home of Pinky & The Brain, Pokemon and more.
Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation (1997 - 1998) - A spin-off of the orginal Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles but live action and features Venus DeMilo, their long-lost sister as they battle Dragon Lord. It was a good show that needs some respect.
Mighty Max (1993 - 1994) - A 1993 action/adventure series that ran a total of 40 episodes, Mighty Max was based loosely on the toys produced by British toy company, BlueBird, makers of the original Polly Pocket. The series focused on the exploits of Max, an American teenager who learns he has been "destined" to protect mankin...
Dragon Ball GT (1996 - 1997) - It Ended Less Than One Year After It Was First Aired Only Lasting For Two Seasons.
Eek! the Cat (1992 - 1997) - The adventures of a chubby purple cat named Eek! He has a girlfriend who is about five to six times his size. And she has a crazy shark like dog that constantly gives Eek trouble.
The Dukes of Hazzard (1979 - 1985) - One Armed Bandits. Sherrif Rosco is bringing in a truck load of one armed bandits, after over hearing this in the Boars Nest the duke boys and their cousin daisy hijack the truk and use the proceeds from the bandits to save an orphanage, giving Boss Hogg the credit.
Step by Step (1991 - 1998) - Frank Lambert is a construction worker and a single father of 3 kids: JT, Al (Alicia) and Branden. Carol Foster, a beautician, also has 3 children: Dana, Karen and Mark. After Frank and Carol met while on vacation and spontaneously got married, they and their children (who appeared to have known and...
Under the Umbrella Tree (1986 - 1993) - Holly Higgins moves into a house with Jacob Blue Jay, Gloria Gopher, and Iggy Iguana already living in various areas. Gloria lived under the umbrella tree which was in the livingroom, and all 4 characters would learn something new each day.
WWE Monday Night RAW (1993 - Current) - WWE (formerly WWF) RAW was the first major wrestling program to earn a primetime weekly slot on cable television in 1993. It's first major source of competition on the airwaves was WCW's "Monday Nitro" which premiered in 1995. The premiere of Nitro started the Monday Night Wars, for the next 6 years...
The Kidsongs TV Show (1987 - 1998) - This amazing show was a series where a bunch of kids were in music video's and played songs. In the intro they found a music studio that was all old and covered up and they made it into the kidsong place!! It was great.
Figure it Out (1997 - 2013) - Hosted by former Olympic Swimming star Summer Sanders, Nickelodeon stars and celebrity guests would ask yes or no questions to figure out the totally bizarre talents and unique skills of everyday kids from all over the country. The longer the stars would take, the more prizes the kids would win! 4 s...
InuYasha (1997 - 2004) - Fifteen year old Kagome Higurashi falls into an old well on her family's Shinto shrine. The "Bone eater's well" transports Kagome back in time to Japan's feudal era. There she meets the half dog demon half human Inuyasha.An old priestess named Kaede explains to Kagome that she is the reincarnation...
The A-Team (1983 - 1987) - In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didnt commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum-security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no o...
Voltron, Defender of the Universe (1984 - 1987) - From days of long ago comes a legend, the legend of Voltron, defender of the universe.
PB&J Otter (1998 - 2000) - Peanut (the big brother), Jelly (his sister), and Baby Butter (their baby sister) Otter live on a houseboat on the shore of Lake Hoohaw, along with all of their friends. Whenever they get into a situation where they need to think, they perform "The Noodle Dance" until one of them gets an idea.This s...
The Elephant Show (1984 - 1988) - Sharon, Lois and Bram are a children's singing group and the show featured three different children every show and Elephant. Bram's friend Eric was also a regular on the show
Snorks (1984 - 1988) - Take a Smurf, stick a snorkel on his head, put him underwater and force him to replace the word Smurf with the word Snork when he speaks, and youve got the basis for The Snorks.
Mr. Wizard's World (1983 - 1990) - Don "Mr Wizard" Herbert brought science into all of our homes with his Nickelodeon show Mr. Wizard's World. The show aired from 1983 - 1990 and reruns were shown until 2000. This makes Mr. Wizard's World the longest running show in Nickelodeon's history.
The Wild Thornberrys (1998 - 2004) - About a girl named Eliza who can talk to animals. She has a dad, a mom, and a sister (Debbie). There is Donnie(stepson), they found him. And Darwin(monkey), he found them. About their house, it moves, cause they travel all over the world. Nigel (the dad) hosts a nature show and Marianne (the mom...
Square One Television (1987 - 1992) - Square One Television, or Square One TV for short, was a PBS series dedicated to making math fun.
Taz-Mania (1991 - 1993) - A show about Taz, the Tasmanian Devil Looney Toon famous for his destructive spinning around and unintelligible noisemaking. He lives with his family and weird animal friends in the outback.
Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters From Beverly Hills (1994 - 1995) - This show focused on four "teenagers", Laurie, Gordon, Drew, and Swinton being recruited by an blob-like alien called Nimbar. To fight off the monsters sent by Emperor Gorganus, and his talking bird friend, Lechner.
Whose Line Is It Anyway? (1998 - Current) - Originally began in 1988 in the UK and hosted by Clive Anderson, Whose Line Is It Anyway? first came to the U.S in 1998.
The Brady Bunch (1969 - 1974) - A widower with 3 sons meets a single woman (never revealed what happened to her first husband) with 3 daughters. The two eventually marry and blend both families together.
She-Ra: Princess of Power (1985 - 1986) - She-Ra and her rebel friends must destroy the evil Hordak! - This is the ongoing plot of the show. She-Ra is He-Man's twin sister. In many ways the show is a copy of the He-Man series, except that most of it's lead characters were female. Think of Hercules the Legendary Journeys and Xena: The Warrio...
Roundhouse (1992 - 1996) - This show aired on Nickelodeon. It was sorta like Saturday Night Live, but it had to do with problems facing young adults/children.
Yu Yu Hakusho (1992 - 1996) - Yusuke Urameshi was a tough teen delinquent until one selfless act changed his ending it. When he died saving a little kid from a speeding car, the afterlife didn't know what to do with him, so he became a troubleshooter who protects the living from ghosts, monsters and demons!
Kidd Video (1984 - 1987) - One of the earliest Saturday morning shows to catch the swelling MTV wave, Kidd Video mixed pop music with comic adventure and live action with animation, concocting a rocking hit for NBC.
Danger Mouse (1981 - 1992) - Danger Mouse is a British detective who lives under a post box at 221B Baker Street. Address sound familiar...? That's where Sherlock Holmes lived! At any given moment, the comscreen could flicker to life and Colenol K would apprise our hero of some evil plot to take over the world or otherwise dast...
Whatever Happened to Robot Jones (2002 - 2003) - A show taking place in the late 80s early 90s about a Robot named Robot Jones that is always picked on and hangs out with nerdy kids and attends 6th grade at polyneuix middle school.
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (1968 - 2001) - Originally titled "MisteRogers' Neighborhood" the show premired in 1968 on PBS's predesessor NET, first showing episodes in black & white and later in color. In each episode, long-time host and children's TV star Fred Rogers would talk with the viewer directly on camera about a wide range of topics...
Rainbow Brite (1984 - 1985) - Rainbow Brite originated as a Hallmark character and soon starred in her own animated TV series in December 1984. The 13-episode series started on another planet, when a girl called Wisp discovers an end to the universe's dark times through the Rainbow Belt and becomes the keeper of color. Thus her...
MacGyver (1985 - 1992) - He is part Indiana Jones, part Sherlock Holmes.
Roseanne (1988 - 1997) - The story of an average family and their daily struggles. It is at the end revealed that the entire series is actualy her writing a novel in the writing room that Dan built for her, and that Dan actualy died when he had the heart attack. Its also revealed that she never won the lottery. The theme so...
Nickelodeon SNICK (1992 - 2005) - A block that used to air saturday nights from 8pm-10pm back when Nickelodeon was in its prime. Near the end it was showing very few of the classic SNICK shows. In 2001 a spinoff block titled TeeNick aired sunday nights but however in spring 2004 TeeNick snagged SNICK's lineup.
Quantum Leap (1989 - 1993) - Theorizing that one could time-travel within his own lifetime, Dr. Sam Beckett led an elite group of scientists into the desert to develop a top secret project known as Quantum Leap. Pressured to prove his theories or lose funding, Dr. Beckett prematurely stepped into the project accelerator... and...
Fred Penner's Place (1985 - 1997) - Fred Penner lead you through the hollow log and into an adventure of music and singing.
Dennis the Menace (US) (1986 - 1988) - Dennis the Menace is an American animated series produced by DiC Entertainment, based on the classic comic strip by Hank Ketcham.
The Great Space Coaster (1981 - 1986) - A kid's fantasy/variety show about three friends who leave Earth each day in their 'Space Coaster'. Each episode featured several musical numbers (usually dealing with the various issues and problems kids face every day), plus news reports from Gary Gnu and book reviews from Speed Reader.
Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995 - 1996) - Neon Genesis Evangelion (Japanese: VIG@QI Shin Seiki Evangerion) is an anime television series, begun in 1995, directed and written by Hideaki Anno, and produced by Gainax. It takes place in 2015 AD, fifteen years after the catastrophic Second Impact, reportedly caused by a meteor st...
Speed Racer (1967 - 1997) - Speed Racer started out in Japan as a manga called "Mach Go Go." Wanting to break into an international market, the name (Go Mifune) was changed to Speed Racer. First premiering in 1967 (by Trans-Lux), the anime, about a boy and his race car the Mach 5, was an instant hit with young audiences. Thirt...
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979 - 1981) - The into says it all.
Fantastic Max (1988 - 1989) - Fantastic Max is a cartoon about a 16-month-old boy and his travels through space on adventures. His colleagues are FX, a green alien from the planet Twinkle Twinkle, and A.B. Sitter, the butler/companion he constructed from his toy blocks. His older sister, Zoey, is often oblivious to his other lif...
H.R. Pufnstuf (1969 - 1972) - H.R. Pufnstuf is the first children's fantasy show from puppeteer brothers, Sid and Marty Krofft. H.R. Pufstuf tells the story of a boy named Jimmy who finds himself stranded on Living Island with his magic gold flute Freddy. Here, Jimmy and Freddy are taken in by a talking dragon named H.R. Pufnstu...
CBS Storybreak (1985 - 1985) - In an effort to spur kids into reading, Captain Kangaroo himself Bob Keeshan hosted this charming show that featured a different children's book in animated form every week.
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (1990 - 1991) - The evil Dr Gangreen has created an army of mutant killer tomatoes to help him take over the world. During the mutation process he throws out one that's too big and slow, but it mixes with another experiment, and is transformed into a pretty girl! She escapes with one of the tomatoes, is chased, and...
The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin (1987 - 1988) - Illiop Teddy Ruxpin (Illiops being bear-like creatures) leaves his homeland in Rillonia with his friend Grubby, an octopede insect, in search of adventure. They meet up with an inventive scientist named Dr. Newton Gimmick who accompanies them on their quest for the Treasure of Grundo. What the Trio...
WWF - Superstars of Wrestling (1986 - 1996) - WWF Superstars of Wrestling was a professional wrestling program that debuted on September 6, 1986, replacing WWF Championship Wrestling. Superstars, as it would later be known, was the flagship of the WWF's syndicated programming from 1986 to 1996. Superstars was around before this version, as a we...
The Jetsons (1962 - 1987) - In 1962 the vision of the future was trippy clothes, flying cars, and more robotic appliances than Bill Gates' house, but in the end, none of this came true, but the idea that all these things could make life better was quickly put to rest by anyone who watched this iconic but funtastic hit tv serie...
Beverly Hills Teens (1987 - 1987) - Zany antics of a group of teenagers living in Beverly Hills. Produced by Dic.
Back to the Future: The Animated Series (1991 - 1993) - Back to the Future: The Animated Series was a cartoon series based on the Back to the Future trilogy of films. The series lasted 2 seasons, each lasting 13 episodes, and ran on CBS from September 21, 1991 to 1992. The show focused on Marty McFly and Doc Brown, together with Doc's wife Clara, their s...
21 Jump Street (1987 - 1991) - In this Fox show co-created by Patrick Hasburgh and Stephen J. Cannell, we follow the jump street gang. Basically, Tom Hanson (Johnny Depp), along with Doug Penall (Peter DeLuise), Harry Ioki (Dustin Nguyen) and Judy Hoffs (Holly Robinson) form this undercover police unit. The job of the Jump Stre...
Tales from The Darkside (1983 - 1988) - Tales from the Darkside was a weekly half hour horror series. The show ran from it's Halloween 1983 pilot episode until 1988, with a total of 90 episodes in all.Each episode of this TV series depicts a short, strange tale...with a twist! With eerie stories vaguely reminiscent of 'The Twilight Zone,...
Eerie, Indiana (1991 - 1993) - Marshall Teller's family moves to the small country town of Eerie, Indiana (Pop. 16,661). There, Marshall discovers that Eerie, as he puts it, "is the center of weirdness for the universe". Elvis lives there, so do a pair of twins who stay young by sleeping in Tupperware, and many other strange thin...
Popples (1985 - 1987) - The Popples was a 30-minute cartoon based on a series of toys created by American Greeting Cards & Mattel. The show aired from 1985-87. These fuzzy, colorful and magical creatures could pull anything out of the pouches on their backs from a hammer to an elephant. They also flipped into their pouches...
The Noozles (1988 - 1989) - Noozles was based on the basic storyline of a girl named Sandy, who gets a stuffed Koala bear from her grandmother (who got it from a package lost at sea for many years). When Sandy nuzzled its nose, he came to life. His name was Blinky. Soon, his sister Pinky came along and she wanted to take h...
The Challenge Of The GoBots (1985 - 1987) - Challenge of the GoBots (also known as Mighty Machine Men) is an American animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions, based on the Gobots toy-line released from Tonka. Most of the toys were imported from the Japanese toy line Machine Robo.
Rupert The Bear! (1991 - 1997) - A white bear named Rupert the Bear with a big imagenary adventure
Mama's Family (1983 - 1990) - Thelma Harper, a cranky, sharp-tongued widow shared a small house with her high-strung sister Fran. Thelma's scatterbrained son Vinton moved back in with Thelma with his teenage kids, Sonja and Vinton, Jr. (
So Weird (1999 - 2001) - Filmed in Canada and showed on the Disney Channel, it centers around a young girl Fiona Phillips, daughter of two singers. Fi has an obsession with strange things and has several encounters as she travels the country on her mom's tour bus. She finds that her interest in the unknown was also shared...
Sabrina The Teenage Witch (1996 - 2003) - Sabrina Spellman, a perfectly normal 16-year-old, is informed by her aunts, Hilda and Zelda, that she (and they, and her whole family on her father's side) are witches. She lives with them in Massachusetts while preparing to receive her witch's license. Along the way, she gets into many scrapes whil...
The Critic (1994 - 1995) - The Show Was About The Life Of American Film Critic Jay Sherman.
Fun House (1988 - 1991) - A kid's game show that pitted two teams of two players each. The contestants had to answer trivia questions and participate in challenges, such as trying to nail targets in the audience seats with water balloons. This was followed by a race between the two teams around a track that involved a variet...
Growing Pains (1985 - 1992) - Dr. Jason Seaver is a psychiatrist who works at home because his wife, Maggie, has gone back to work. So it's Jason's turn to supervise the kids: Mike, 15, more interested in having a good time than in respon- sibility; Carol, 13, the smart one; and Ben, 9, no slouch himself at getting into scrapes....
The Cosby Show (1984 - 1992) - The Cosby Show was an American television sitcom that ran from 1984 to 1992. Starring Bill Cosby, the sitcom was first broadcast on September 20, 1984 and ran for eight seasons on the NBC television network, until April 30, 1992.
Nick in the Afternoon (1995 - 1998) - An afternoon block on Nickelodeon hosted by Stick Stickly that used to come on right after Nick Jr ended. This block has aired syndicated shows such as Gumby, Inspector Gadget, and Tiny Toon Adventures, Nickelodeon original animated series such as Rocko's Modern Life and Doug and live action shows s...
What Would You Do? (1991 - 1993) - What Would You Do? is a game show hosted by Marc Summers. It ran new episodes from 1991-1993 (and continued in re-runs until around 1999). Toward the end of Nickelodeon's golden age, it combined wacky and zany stunts, audience interaction, pies, and a "Wall 'O' Stuff" and was co-hosted by Double Dar...
WCW Monday Nitro (1995 - 2001) - WCW, owned by Ted Turner was in it's day the superior brand of wrestling. WCW Monday Nitro won the ratings war for 2 straight years between 1996 and 1998. Nitro debuted in the Mall Of America in 1995 and was well on it's way to the top. In 1996 collosal superstar Hulk Hogan turned heel and formed th...
Unsolved Mysteries (1987 - 2002) - I was watchin' one day and saw Matthew McConaughey playin' one of the fugitive's Victim! No Joke!!!
Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics (1987 - 1989) - Grimms fairy Tale classics were Japanese interpretations of classic fairy tales that aired on Nick Jr. beginning in 1988. The show was a thirty-minute anime cartoon that depicted a different Grimm fairytale from the more well known to the lesser known ones. There were a total of 48 episodes in al...
Charlie Brown & Snoopy Show (1983 - 1985) - Charlie Brown, his beagle Snoopy, and the whole entire Peanuts gang star in their very own cartoon variety series after the successes of their TV specials and movies.
Ghostbusters (Filmation) (1986 - 1987) - Eddie, Jake and their pet gorilla Tracy track down and eliminate ghosts with the help of a few supernatural sidekicks. This is an animated remake of the live-action series, "The Ghost Busters" (1975), and is in no way related to the more well-known film "Ghostbusters" (1984).
Saturday Night Live (1975 - Current) - NBC's legendary late night comedy show that has gone on making sketches and spoofs for over 40 years now. Every show a guest host and musical guests along to go with the "Not ready for prime time players", and the warm up band which has featured the likes of G. E. Smith and legendary saxophonist Len...
Ouran High School Host Club (2006 - 2006) - One day Haruhi Fujioka searching through the vast campus for a quiet place to study since the libraries are filled with gossiping students, Haruhi finds the technically unused Third Music Room, taken over by the Host Club - a group of six attractive male students who spend their time charming and en...
Hong Kong Phooey (1974 - 1976) - Hong Kong Phooey #1 Super Guy! In the 1970s a Kung Fu craze was sweeping the nation and Hong Kong Phooey was Hanna-Barberas contribution to it. Hong Kong Phooey was a mild-mannered janitor named Penrod Pooch that worked in a police station with sergeant Flint and Rosemary the telephone operator....
WKRP in Cincinnati (1978 - 1982) - WKRP in Cincinnati (1978-1982) was an American situation comedy that featured the misadventures of the staff of a struggling radio station in Cincinnati, Ohio. It premiered September 18, 1978 on CBS and featured Gary Sandy, Howard Hesseman, Gordon Jump, Loni Anderson, Tim Reid, Jan Smithers, Richard...
Red Dwarf (1988 - 1999) - A hilarious British parody of Star Trek, this series follows the misadventures of the crew of the deep-space mining ship, Red Dwarf. After a severe accident occurs, a beer-guzzling slob named Dave Lister awakens from his cryogenic sleep to find it is three million years later, and he is the last hum...
Pac-Man (1982 - 1985) - Based off of the popular arcade games, the cartoon follows Pac-Man, Mrs. Pac-man, Pac Baby, Chomp-Chomp the dog and Sour Puss the cat through their adventures in Pac-land. Pac-man is now employed to guard the forests power pellet from the evil Mezmaron and his hoard of ghosts, Inky, Blinky, Pinky...
The Tick (1994 - 1996) - Based on the comic books by Ben Edlund, "The Tick" stars a 400 pound, blue, dim-witted superhero called The Tick who fights crime with his pudgy, timid sidekick Arthur who wears a moth suit. They save "The City" from crazy villians like Chairface Chippendale, Mr. Mental, The Breadmaster, and El Seed...
Blue's Clues (1996 - 2006) - A show about a guy named Steve who lives in a nice house with his dog Blue and tries to figure out Blue's clues while helping his friends.
Tenchi Muyo (1998 - 2000) -     Yuri Amano .... Kiyone
Degrassi Junior High (1986 - 1991) - Degrassi Junior High is a Canadian CBC Television teen drama series that was produced from 1987 to 1989 as part of the Degrassi series. The show followed the lives of a group of students attending the titular fictional school. Many episodes tackled difficult topics such as drug use, child abuse, tee...
Diff'rent Strokes (1978 - 1986) - Brothers Arnold and Willis, orphaned African American children from Harlem, are adopted by Phillip Drummond, a rich white man from Manhattan, as a promise to their dying mother. The show focuses on the children's struggle to fit in and the lessons of growing up. Featured the popular catch phrase,...
Charles in Charge (1984 - 1990) - Charles in Charge is an American sitcom series which starred Scott Baio as Charles, a 19-year-old student at the fictional Copeland College in New Jersey,[1] who worked as a live-in babysitter in exchange for room and board.[2] Baio directed many episodes of the show, and was credited with his full...
Three's Company (1977 - 1984) - A funny sitcom starring John Ritter as Jack Tripper, a man living in an apartment with two women. It's more than that, as the series explores relationships with the Ropers, neighbors of the trio, and the landlord, who would not agree with the arrangement of Jack living with the women until he was to...
Turbo Teen (1984 - 1984) - Not only was Brett Matthews a great sports car driver, he was also a great sports car! Following an accident in which he crashed into a science lab where a top-secret transfer ray was being developed, Brett had the ability to turn himself into a car whenever his body temperature reached a certain le...
Bug Juice (1998 - 2002) - This was a Great first-reality show for Disney a few years back! This was a show about kids at a summer camp!! It also had its drama too, but it showed kids just having fun, enjoying summer, and making new friends!!! It was a great show!!! loved it!!!!
King Koopas Kool Kartoons (1989 - 1989) - King Koopa's Kool Kartoons was a local, live-action children's television show broadcast in Southern California during the holiday season of 1989/1990. The show starred King Koopa (also known as Bowser), the central arch-villain from Nintendo's popular Super Mario Bros. video game series. The 30-min...
Mr. Bean (1990 - 1995) - Mr. Bean (1990-1995) is an incredibly well-loved British comedy by writer Richard Curtis and writer-star Rowan Atkinson.
Dinosaucers (1987 - 1988) - Dinosaucers was a television cartoon created by DIC Entertainment in association with Ellipse Programme that originally aired on various UHF networks in the USA in 1987, on the Family Channel between 1989 and 1991, and later in 1993 and again in 1995 on the USA Network. 65 total episodes were made a...
In Living Color (1990 - 1994) - In living color, the brainchild of Keenan Ivory Wayans, was a weekly comedy variety show that put a new hip urban edge on American comedy. Once being called a black SNL, the show grew in fame with satires of popular movies, music and commercials as well as happily exploiting various ethnic stereo...
Chipmunks Go to the Movies (1989 - 1991) - The famous trio of Alvin, Simon, and Theodore spoof popular movies of the 80's.
Mighty Ducks:The Animated Series (1996 - 1997) - The Mighty Ducks, an intergalactic ice-hockey team from another dimension, are trapped on Earth during a fight against their arch- rival. With no way to get home, they build their headquarters under a defunct hockey rink, and the crowds soon return. In their spare time, they battle criminals whereve...
Bionic Six (1987 - 1987) - The Bionic Six are a diverse adopted family representing a cross cultural slice of the world. All of whom have been given super powers through the miracle of modern science. Together, they use these advanced cybornetic powers to defend the world from the evil Dr. Scarab and his lackies.
Maya The Honeybee (1975 - 1983) - Maya the Bee was aimed at younger children, and centered around a young female bee named Maya, and her adventures as she learned the standard young child lessons, like the value of friendship (namely with her best friend, a male bee, or another good friend, a grasshopper), how to share, how to prepa...
Extreme Ghostbusters (1997 - 1998) - Follow-up to the classic 1980s series involves Egon and Slimer from the orignal team as mentors to a group of multi-diverse teens who have taken over from the original guys. This series was much darker in tone than the original series, and some of the creatures were genuinely frightening. The humo...
Space Cases (1996 - 1997) - Academy Award Winner Ruth Gordon and Grammy nominated pop star Laura Branigan star in this 1985 B movie comedy.A sorority ,in need of money,heads to Las Vegas to compete in a mud wrestling competition.
American Gladiators (1989 - 1996) - Two teams (one male, one female) compete in games of physical strength against the "Gladiators" - very athletic body builders who attempt to halt the contestants from scoring points in any of the competitions.
The ABC Weekend Specials (1977 - 1997) - The ABC Weekend Specials was a Saturday afternoon show that featuring stories had come from your favorite children novels that can turned into a cartoon or a live action made for TV movies.
The Facts of life (1979 - 1988) - In this series which was originally a spin off o Diffrent strokes, Mrs. Garrett has become the warming housemother at an expensive all girls school called Eastland academy. The first season brought in horrible ratings and morbid critic reviews so several members of the original cast including a youn...
Pappyland (1994 - 1998) - Pappyland was a children's live action television show that began on September 1, 1994 and ended a few years later. The show starred Michael Cariglio as Pappy Drewitt, an artist/49er type character who lived in a magical cabin in a bizarre land with many different creatures and people. More than hal...
The X-Files (1993 - 2002) - FBI Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully investigate cases of the paranormal each week, while occasionally piecing together clues about a larger conspiracy to cover up the truth, as part of the show's over-arching mythology arc.
Little House on the Prairie (1974 - 1982) - A long-running drama based upon the auto-biographical books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Told the story of the Ingalls family, living in a frontier community in the 19th century.
MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch (1998 - Current) - In this claymation series boxing and wrestling become one with no rules involved except one: A celebrity has to die. Or both celebrities fighting in a deathmatch could die, which did often happen. The show was very popular and thrived in the days of Tom Green and other MTV memorables. The show also...
The Get-Along Gang (1984 - 1986) - The Get Along Gang is a group of kids who have an abandoned red caboose train for a clubhouse, henceforth the name "The Clubhouse Caboose". The gang consists of Montgomery Moose (their optimistic leader), Dottie Dog, Woolma Lamb (a self-indulgent, cute sheep), Zipper Wildcat, Bingo Beaver (the pract...
Where On Earth Is Carmen Sandiego (1994 - 1999) - Ivy and Zack, two junior detectives, travel through time and the world to stop Carmen Sandiego from stealing priceless historical artifacts.
The Wonderful World of Disney (1954 - 2008) - While shown in the U.S. as a time slot for family films on the weekends in its later years, this program originally started as a prime-time feature, hosted by Walt Disney himself, that showcased original programming from the Disney Studios. Cartoons, documentaries, educational shorts, all were shown...
Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light (1987 - 1987) - The planet of Prysmos had enjoyed a technological age for several thousends of years, untill the realignment of the three suns marked the end of the age of science and technology and began the age of magic. Prysmos had now entered a kind of medieval age where all forms of technology were now useless...
Home Movies (1999 - 2004) - A cartoon about nine-year-old Brendon Small, who gets away from his akward life by making movies with his best friends Melissa and Jason. The show follows the adventures of the trio as well as Brendan's mother, Paula, and the kids' soccer coach, John McGuirk, and their teacher, Mr. Lynch. Several...
Doogie Howser, M.D. (1989 - 1993) - A teenaged genius deals with the usual problems of growing up: having a girlfriend, going to parties, hanging out with his best friend, all this on top of being a licensed physician in a difficult residency program.
The Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show (1986 - 2000) - ABC's remade version of "The Bugs Bunny Show" after ABC picked it back up. In the first year, the show was a half-hour and aired Sylvester & Tweety cartoons along with Bugs Bunny. The show expanded to an hour in 1988. The show survived the FCC's 1996 educational/informational television rule and air...
James Bond Jr. (1991 - 1992) - What do you get when you take one suave British spy and subtract the shaken-not-stirred martinis and sultry ladies with double entendre names? G-rated James Bond Jr., that's who.
Bill Cosby's PicturePages (1984 - 1984) - Bill Cosby hosts educational vigniettes for kids. Kids were asked to match some things with others, or put the steps to a certain task in the correct order. Despite only lasting one season, books of PicturePages were made available and viewers could follow along at home. Syndicated until the early...
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad (1994 - 1994) - Based on a show from Japan called Grid Man, the English version lasted a few more episodes. The story revolves around Sam Collins, a highschool student with a knack for programming games who gets sucked into his computer by some freak power surge, transforming into one of his own creations: Servo....
Sister, Sister (1994 - 1999) - Tia Landry was the studious twin from Detroit, where her mom Lisa worked as a seamstress; Tamera Campbell was the boy-crazy twin from the suburbs, where her dad Ray owned a limousine service. After their unexpected encounter in a department store, Ray reluctantly allowed Tia and Lisa to move into hi...
G.I. Joe (DiC's Version) (1989 - 1992) - This is Dic's Version of GI Joe that was Started in 1989 and Ended in 1992! It followed shortly after the movie storyline with destro and serpentor in charge of COBRA. The baroness then finds a way to change Cobra commander back to normal and he gets rid of serpentor and takes control of COBRA once...
Romper Room and Friends (1982 - 1987) - The main show was hosted by Molly McCloskey (who also starred in a local New York version before and after taping the syndicated show), and three characters; Kimble (an oversized cousin of Cookie Monster!), Granny Cat, and a clown puppet named Up-Up.
Jayce And The Wheeled Warriors (1985 - 1986) - The plot follows protagonists Jayce, Flora, Herc Stormsailor, Oon, and Gillian, in search of Jayce's father Audric, and opposing antagonist Saw Boss and his followers, the Monster Minds.
Night Court (1984 - 1992) - The honorable Judge Harry T. Stone is a young hip, jeans wearing, liberal eccentric; and he presides over New York Manhattan Night Court. The hilarity of this show stems from the incredible characters that pass through the courtrooms and solutions that Harry and his staff come up with.
Battle of The Planets (1978 - 1983) - Also known by its Japaneese title "Gotchman". Characters were all birdlike and had a large birdlike mothership. Was originally an adult Japanese cartoon, large violent chunks removed with a robot giving a summary instead.
CHiPs (1977 - 1983) - CHiPs California Highway Patrols was a mainstay
Shirt Tales (1982 - 1983) - Based on a popular line of greeting cards, The Shirt Tales were a group of adorable animals whose shirts would randomly proclaim things such as Hug me or Lets go!," usually hinting at the current mood of the various "Tales."
Waynehead (1996 - 1997) - This show is about a 10 year-old boy who is trying to deal with the problems of pre-adolescence in his neighborhood in lower Manhattan.
Doctor Who (1963 - Current) - From the planet of Gallifrey comes a mysterious alien only known as "the Doctor". The show began with the idea of an educational program focusing on history but it ended up being the longest science fiction tv show in history.
Z00M (1972 - 2005) - Originally shown in the 70s the Emmy award winning show is back!!
Smart Guy (1997 - 1999) - Smart Guy is an American sitcom centering on the exploits of child genius T.J. Henderson (Tahj Mowry), who moves from being an elementary school student in the fourth grade to a high school student in the tenth grade, attending the same school as his two elder siblings Yvette and Marcus. Created by...
Men In Black: The Series (1997 - 2001) - The adventures of agents Jay and Kay who are members of the Men in Black a top secret agency that polices aliens that live on Earth, some of them are just looking for a place to stay others are just intergalactic terrorists so it's up to these guys and the rest of the MIB to keep them in line and pr...
Rubik, The Amazing Cube (1983 - 1984) - Rubik, the Amazing Cube is a Saturday morning cartoon that aired from September 10, 1983 to September 1, 1984 in the United States, produced by Ruby-Spears Productions. The program, broadcast as part of The Pac-Man/Rubik, the Amazing Cube Hour block on ABC, featured a magic Rubiks Cube named Rubik...
Maggie and the Ferocious Beast (1999 - 2001) - Maggie creates her own map of her imaginary world called Nowhere Land that, in reality, takes the characters nowhere. She imagines that characters Beast and Hamilton Hocks are her friends. The show also features friends like mice, cows, and rabbits.
Pound Puppies (1986 - 1988) - In 1985, Hanna-Barbera made an animated television special based on the fad, broadcasting on ABC, pairing this movie with Star Fairies. Characters in the cartoon included the Fonzie-styled leader Cooler (Dan Gilvezan), the cheerleader Bright Eyes (Nancy Cartwright), the southern belle Nose Marie (Ru...
The Nanny (1993 - 1999) - Selling make-up door to door, she met a very succesful broadway producer Maxwell Sheffield. Now she has been hired for take care of his children, Maggie, Brighton and Gracie. Constantly helped by the buttler Niles and tricked by Maxwell's bussines partner C.C. Babcock, she'll do anything to gain Max...
B.J. and the Bear (1979 - 1981) - B.J. McCay was a good-looking young trucker who traveled around the country in his big red & white rig, with a single companion - his pet chimp, Bear. B.J. was based in rural Georgia and was confronted by a succession of corrupt local sheriffs - Elroy P. Lobo (who was later given his own series, Lob...
Airwolf (1984 - 1987) - Airwolf is the most sophisticated helicopter imagainable (flies half way around the world, out runs jet planes). Stringfellow Hawk is it's pilot, essentially blackmailing a secret US agency into finding his brother (lost in Vietnam) while he flies dangerous assignments for the Firm, with orders comi...
The Adventures of Tintin (1991 - 1992) - Tintin and his dog Snowy, appear in a variety of world-traveling adventures (from "Tintin in America" to "Tintin and the Picaros"), which are based on the classic comic strip by Geroge "Herge" Remi from Belguim.
Hey Vern It's Ernest (1988 - 1989) - This show for children based on the popular movies and commericals, featured Monty Python-like sketches starring Ernest P. Worrell (Jim Varney) with his viewers in which he calls them Vern, and various others (many also played by Varney).
Camp Candy (1989 - 1992) - Camp Candy is an animated television series produced by DiC Entertainment and Saban International.
Mork & Mindy (1978 - 1982) - Mork is a bumbling alien from the planet Ork sent to Earth, in his egg, to study its inhabitants. He will report to his unseen superior, Orson, until reassigned. On Earth, he meets Mindy McConnell, an average woman who takes him in and shelters him. On befriending Mork, she signs herself up for some...
Galaxy High (1986 - 1986) - Two kids are chosen from Earth to go to school at the intergalactic Galaxy High. Aimee, the nerd becomes the most popular girl at school for her smarts, while Doyle, the popular jock back on Earth becomes the school loser, and is routinely picked on by a gang of alien bullies while he tries to work...
Power Rangers In Space (1998 - 1999) - The most evil forces of the univese (Rita & Zedd, the Machine Empire and Divatox) have formed an alliance with the monarch of all evil, Dark Specter. With Zordon as his prisoner, Dark Specter will use Zordon's powers to spread evil across the universe. Meanwhile Cassie, Ashley, Carlos and T.J. (4 of...
GUTS (1992 - 1996) - An American Gladiators type show for kids that aired on Nickelodeon. It was hosted by Mike O' Malley. In the game, three children or teens represented by blue, red, and purple compete in various sporting events. Some events made use of wired harnesses while others used a wave pool or racing track. T...
Saved by the Bell: The New Class (1993 - 2000) - A new group of students are now making their way through the halls of Bayside High School. Mr. Belding is still the principal, and Screech is now his assistant.
Sonic the Hedgehog (1993 - 1994) - Not to be confused with the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog with Tails. This show was a bit different. For one thing, eggman and sonic looked slightly different, and the plots were very different.
Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars (1991 - 1992) - Bucky is the captain of an Intergalactic spacecraft called "The Righteous Indignation" which travels through space combatting the evil of the toads lead by Komplex. With his animal friends and a human named Willy (who can travel to the craft through a portal from his room) each episode they battle a...
Captain Planet (1990 - 1996) - 5 Teens were each given powers in the forms of rings they controled earth, water, fire, wind and heart and when they combinded their powers they could summon CAPTIAN PLANET!!! The show was basiclly about people who would always pollute and Captian Planet would stop them and clean everything up.
7th Heaven (1996 - 2012) - Rev Eric Camden and his wife, Annie have 5 kids: Matt, Mary, Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie. However, in the 5th season they had twins Sam and David. This show shows how the family works together to get through the different things kids will encounter as they grow up.
The Littlest Hobo (1979 - 1985) - London is an extremely intelligent, wandering German shepherd who walks into a different place in each episode of this long-running television series, and comes upon people down on their luck or in trouble. London always befriends and helps the struggling person or persons. Then, when his job is don...
Caitlin's Way (1999 - 2002) - Caitlin's Way was a live action drama series that aired on Nickelodeon from 1999-2002. The show focues on Caitlin Seeger (Lindsay Felton), a troubled girl who lives on the streets of Philadelphia. After being arrested she is given the option of going to jail or living with relatives in Montana. She...
Dragon Tales (1999 - 2005) - After moving into a new house, six-year-old Emmy and four-year-old Max discover a playroom with an enchanted dragon scale that transports them to a place called Dragon Land. Dragon Land is inhabited by colorful anthropomorphic dragons, four of which they quickly befriend. Max becomes friends with Or...
California Dreams (1992 - 1997) - Living in California, a bunch of cool teenagers decide to form a rock band, the California Dreams. Between gigs, they have to deal with real-life issues.
Archie's Weird Mysteries (1999 - 1999) - There's somthing going on in Riverdale and Archie is determind to find out what it is to, ghosts, vampires, goblins, gods, you name it he'll try to find it and Jughead, Reggie, Betty and Veronica are here for the ride.It's Archie's Wierd Mysteries, the short lived series of Archie.
BraveStarr (1987 - 1989) - In the distant future, a planet called New Texas hangs somewhere in the vast unknowns of space. On this planet many mining concerns took place, ore and other precious metals. Of course, any show of valuables in these times means outlaws and bandits will soon come, and come they did, stealing, harass...
Sanford and Son (1972 - 1977) - One of television's all-time classic sitcoms, the Norman Lear-produced "Sanford and Son" debuted just three days after the one-year anniversary of Lear's fabulously successful, "All in the Family." Fred Sanford is a cantankerous 65-year-old, black, widowed junk dealer living in Los Angeles' Watts ne...
Bob the Builder (1998 - 2012) - Bob the Builder is a British children's animated television show created by Keith Chapman. In the original series Bob appears as a building contractor specializing in masonry in a stop motion animated programme with his colleague Wendy, various neighbours and friends, and their gang of anthropomorph...
Power Rangers Zeo (1996 - 1997) - One fateful day, Master Vile used the Orb of Doom to reverse the rotation of Earth and turn back time, reverting the Rangers into powerless children. While the Alien Rangers and a restored Billy defended the Earth, the children went to different points in time to retrieve a piece of the Zeo Crystal,...
Spider-Man (Japanese) (1978 - 1979) - To fight against the evil Iron Cross Army, led by the space emperor Professor Monster, a daredevil motorcyclist transforms into the famous Marvel Superhero, with a racecar and giant transforming robot at his disposal.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997 - 2003) - Sarah Michelle Gellar Stars As Buffy Summers The One Teenage Girl On Earth With The Strength And Skill To Hunt Vampires, With The Help Of Her Close friends, She Balances Between Slaying Vampires, Family And Friends, She Also Has The Difficult Task Of Being A Vampire Slayer And Loving, One Moment Of...
Dragon Quest: Dai's Great Adventure (1989 - 1991) - An anime series loosely based on the game Dragon Warrior III. Its english dub by Saban was surprisingly good. It doesn't seem like a hackjob at all heck they even used nicely ochestrated versions of the game's music as well. Unfortunately they never gave Akira Toriyama credit which resulted in a alw...
Mighty Orbots (1984 - 1984) - The Mighty Orbots are six individual robots with their own unique powers and personalities that can, in times of need, combine to form a much larger, much more powerful robot, with the help of a human controller to coordinate them.
Astro Boy (1982 - 1990) - Astroboy is a robot who has been given in a sence a "soul" so he can choose between what is wright and wrong. He fights on the side of good and batles the "Evil" robots.
Are You Being Served? (1972 - 1985) - Grace brothers department store, one of the last remnants of an older era. This show followed the events of the mens and womens departments who were forced to share a floor of the store.
Timon & Pumbaa (1995 - 1997) - An animated show starring Timon the meerkat and Pumbaa the warthog from Disney's full-length animated feature "The Lion King".
The Wizard (1986 - 1987) - David Rappaport is Simon Mckay as the Wizard.
Monty Python's Flying Circus (1969 - 1974) - The show that made John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Micheal Palin, and Terry Gilliam famous! The irreverent Monty Python comedy troupe present a series of skits which are often surreal, baudy, uncompromising, tasteless, but inevitably hilarious. Between sketches is often comedic...
Wonder Woman (1975 - 1979) - It First Began As A Made For TV Movie In November Of 1975 Then As A Series In April Of 1976.
Mr. Belvedere (1985 - 1990) - Clifton Webb's memorably eccentric character from 1940s films was revived in this routine TV sitcoms in the 1980s. Frumpy sportswriter George Owens and his wife, Marsha, a lawyer-to-be, hire a eccentric Brittish Butler to help with thier 3 kids
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1995 - 2000) - The completely-bonkers Ace Ventura continues to tackle cases involving stolen or missing animals, usually arriving at the solutions by pure fluke as he blunders his way through the facts in his inimitable way.
The Littl' Bits (1991 - 1995) - The Littl' Bits premeired in 1980 in Japan under the name "Mori no Yogi na Shojintachi: Berufi to Rirubitto"
MMC - Mickey Mouse Club (1989 - 1994) - Mickey Mouse club originated in the 50s, and revived in 1977, In which one of the mouse-keteers was Lisa Whelchel (The Facts Of Life). But perhaps it's most memorable run didn't come until the 1990s, When future megastars such as Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake Christina Aguilera all became mouse-...
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (1995 - 1996) - It is the year After Colony 195, and war between the Space Colonies and Earth has begun. To give the colonies an edge, they send 5 young soldiers, trained to perfection, to earth in the most powerful of Mobile Suits-Gundams. With their arrival, the tide of the war changes as they battle against the...
Where's Waldo? (1991 - 1992) - Where's Waldo is about this guy named Waldo that travels all around the world and then he hides in the crowds and then You The Loyal Viewers Must Find Him Before The Clock Runs Out.
Saturday Supercade (1983 - 1985) - A series of cartoons based on popular video games from the time, including Pitfall Harry, Frogger, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Q-bert, Kangaroo, and Space Ace.
ABC Afterschool Specials (1972 - 1998) - "ABC Afterschool Specials" was the umbrella show name for various educational shows that were shown in the afternoon, occationally. Each episode was produced by a seperate company.
Fox Kids (1990 - 2002) - Fox Kids was a programming block that brought us shows from 1990-2002. It all ended in 2002 when Fox Kids was replaced with the Fox Box, a programming block provided by 4kids Entertainment.
Cheers (1982 - 1993) - Much in the same light as Taxi, this show is about a warm place that Boston regulars go to to share their hardships and laughter. Owned and ran by former Boston Red Sox reliever and womanizer Sammy "Mayday" Malone, the bar becomes a notorious place for misplaced hijinks and cookey romance. Coach is...
Mummies Alive! (1997 - 1998) - Four mummies with magical powers come to San Fransisco to protect a boy named Presley, who is the reincarnated of their Pharaoh from the various dangers that might befall him, chiefly an evil worlock named Scarab.
Godzilla: The Series (1998 - 2000) - Born of radiation on a French Polynesian island, Godzilla wreaks havoc on the city while attempting to find a nest to give birth to its young. The overgrown lizard appears unstoppable, until biologist NICK TATOPOULOS and French Secret Service operative PHILLIPE ROACHE team up to take down the beast....
Dumbo's Circus (1985 - 1986) - Live Action Puppet show of Disney's Dumbo and friends.
Scooby's All-Star Laff-a-Lympics (1977 - 1979) - Scooby's All-Star Laff-a-Lympics was a Saturday morning cartoon program block produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions from 1977 to 1979 for ABC. During the 1978
Sabrina, The Animated Series (1999 - 2000) - This is a spin-off to the live-action "Sabrina, The Teenage Witch" series. These are the adventures of twelve-year-old Sabrina Spellman, her friends and her family as they cast spells and incantations around Greendale if they have problems. Produced by DiC Animation.
Automan (1983 - 1984) - Starring:
The Disney Afternoon/Disney Club (1989 - Current) - A block of Disney original series. Each year, one show would be replaced by another. A version of this show was made in the UK called the Disney Club shown on a sunday morning but it stopped in 1998 and was renamed Disney Prade. The Disney Club was retruned under the name Disney Club TV. Throughout...
The Banana Splits Adventure Hour (1968 - 1970) - The Splits are not cartoon characters they were the hosts of a show that presented great cartoons like The 3 Musketeers, The Arabian Knights, Microventure, The Hillbilly Bears, and the live action Danger Island ("Uh Oh Chongo!"). The show ran on NBC Saturday mornings from September 7, 1968 to Septem...
Sweet Valley High (1994 - 1998) - Based on the hit book series created by Francine Pascal, the show follows the lives of popular high school students, identical twins, Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield and their best friends, Lila Fowler, Enid Rollins and Todd Wilkins.
The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest (1996 - 1999) - The much anticipated continuation of one of the most recognized action cartoons of all time, "The Real Adventures..." featured a slightly darker and more supernatural feel, while still reataining the same sense of variety as the original. Villians somtimes suffered brutal (offscreen) death such as b...
C Bear and Jamal (1996 - 1997) - Jamal got into adventures with his talking hip hop teddy bear C Bear
Freddy's Nightmares (1988 - 1990) - One of the most unforgettable anti-heroes from the decade of bad taste plays a kind of unconvincing Alfred Hitchcock as he introduces his worst nightmares to our very living rooms
Alice (1976 - 1985) - A greasy-spoon diner in Phoenix, Arizona is the setting for this long-running series. The title character, Alice Hyatt, is an aspiring singer who arrives in Phoenix with her teenaged son, Tommy, after the death of her truck-driver husband. Alice is hired at a diner owned by Mel Sharples, a gravel-vo...
Tom and Jerry Kids Show (1990 - 1993) - An updated version of the classic Tom & Jerry cartoons from 1940s/ 1950s. The 'kids' in these cartoons are far less violent than their 'parents' were, but still find ways to cause plenty of trouble for each other and everyone else around them. The show also features Droopy and Spike, along with thei...
Welcome Freshmen (1991 - 1993) - basically Nickelodeon's version of Saved by the bell. The show took place at Hawthorne High School with a group of high school students and a bumbling vice principal. Game shows like Get the Picture and Nick Arcade had celebrity episodes starring some of the cast of Welcome Freshmen and Clarissa Exp...
Slimer! And the Real Ghostbusters (1988 - 1992) - This is a spin-off from "The Real Ghostbusters." A lot of the episodes are the same as its ancestor, but Slimer becomes a more major character, and a new character, Manx, is added to the show. Also, Janine becomes more active in later seasons.
Beauty and the Beast (1987) (1987 - 1990) - //Once upon a time... is now.//
Centurions (1986 - 1986) - "Power Extreme!"
The Fall Guy (1981 - 1986) - The Fall Guy was about a movie stunt man who also worked as a bounty hunter to supplement his income. Sometimes he would also help people who were being abused by crooks.
Pole Position (1984 - 1984) - The video game boom of the early 1980's did not go unnoticed on Saturday morning. Shows like Pac-Man and Saturday Supercade brought arcade hits to television screens, and 1984's Pole Position carried on the trend.
Histeria! (1998 - 1999) - Histeria! is an American animated series created by Tom Ruegger and produced by Warner Bros. Animation. Unlike other animated series produced by Warner Bros. in the 1990s, Histeria! stood out as the most explicitly educational program in order to meet FCC requirements for educational/informational c...
The Berenstain Bears (1985 - 1987) - Based on the popular series of kids books, this series follows the adventures of the Bear family (Mama, Papa, Sister and Brother) living in Bear country.
Power Rangers Turbo (1997 - 1998) - The evil space pirate queen, Divatox, has begun her raid on Earth. To overcome this, Zordon had imbued the rangers' powers with turbo technology to combat her. Shift into turbo and drive into the middle of the action in this turbo-charged action series.
Blossom (1991 - 1995) - This is a compilation of several Rolling Stones interviews as well as scenes with Mick Jagger and Bill Wyman talking about the videos.
Oh Yeah! Cartoons (1998 - 2001) - Oh Yeah! Cartoons was the birth zone of The Fairly Oddparents, Chalkzone, Spongebob Squarepants, and My Life as a Teenage Robot. It was hosted by Kenan Thompson from 1999 to 2000 then it was hosted by Josh Server from 2000-2001.
Cowboy Bebop (1998 - 1998) - In the year 2071, the Earth has been decimated and mankind has moved into the neighboring planets.
Chuck Norris' Karate Kommandos (1986 - 1987) - This was Chuck Norris' attempt to star in his own animated series. He plays an operative for the United States government who has a team consisting of Pepper, a technological genius, Kimo, a Samurai warrior, Reed, his apprentice, Tabe, a Sumo warrior, and Too Much, the young ward. Together they foil...
All in the Family (1971 - 1979) - Archie hates the Meathead, The Meathead hates Archie, Edith and Glorya try to stop them from fighting but it's no use. It's the life of All In The Family the very funny show and funniest show in the universe, they are the worlds funniest family to walk the earth!
Ghostwriter (1992 - 1995) - The show is about a very special team that goes around solving mysteries in New York with the help of a very secretive friend: Ghostwriter! Ghostwriter cannot hear, talk, smell, or feel. He can only read and write. He only sees words. No one else can see him but the Ghostwriter team!
Life with Louie (1995 - 1998) - The show follows the younger days of comic Louie Anderson. The show was aired on Fox and won several children television awards. The plot is centered around Louie's relationship with his dad, younger brother and the kids at school.
Candy Candy (1976 - 1979) - Candy Candy was a Japanese cartoon that started in 1976 and gained popularity in the US and Europe in the 80s. It was a continous "soap opera" style show about a blonde orphan girl named Candy. Candy was always cheerful, even though she often struggled to fight advesities.
The Adventures of McGee and Me (1986 - 1995) - The Adventures of McGee and Me! is an American Christian television series created by Ken C. Johnson and Bill Myers. The series premiered on June 4, 1989, spanning twelve episodes until its conclusion on June 11, 1995. Each half-hour long episode centers around Nicholas, his cartoon friend, McGee, a...
Princess Gwenevere/Starla and the Jewel Riders (1994 - 1996) - Princess Gwenevere and her friends Fallon and Tamara search Avalon for magic jewels containing Wyld magic before Gwen's evil aunt Kale and her dweezils find them and use them for evil.
Belle and Sebastian (1984 - 1990) - Belle and Sebastian is a coming of age story about a young boy and his dog. It started in Japan in 1981 and aired on Nick Junior from 1984-1990.
The Littles (1983 - 1986) - This is DiC's very 1st ever animated series. The Littles were a family of tiny little people who are a hybrid between humans and mouses only a few inches tall, that lived inside the walls of Henry Bigg's house.
The Six Million Dollar Man (1974 - 1978) - Colonel Steve Austin was a top NASA pilot, critically injured when his experimental spaceplane crashed. Oscar Goldman, head of the OSI (a government organization that develops new technologies), used Austin as a test subject for an experimental procedure. His body was rebuilt using incredible cybe...
Duckman (1994 - 1997) - Duckman isn't your average suave, sophisticated private eye. In fact, he's rude, ignorant, slovenly, and hasn't had a date in years. With the help of his infinitely more capable sidekick, Cornfed, Duckman manages to solve enough cases to cover his alimony payments and cable TV bills.
Quack Pack (1996 - 1997) - Quack Pack is an American animated television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation, featuring Donald Duck and his nephews. The show debuted on September 3, 1996 as a part of the "Disney Afternoon" programming block, following the major success of Goof Troop. The series ran two seasons...
Family Ties (1982 - 1989) - What was unique about Family Ties was that it blended family comedy with politics. The 1960's flower children, Steven and Elyse clashed with the 1980's conservative, Alex. The show, in a way, showed the changing values during the Reagan era. Besides political views, Family Ties covered a number of c...
The Amazing Spider-Man (1977 - 1981) - This television adaptation of the massively popular comic book series actually had its share of fans, but not enough to keep it alive for very long. The Spiderman of today, made even more popular by the blockbuster movies, is of a...*ahem*... slightly higher ilk than this low budget production. Gr...
Spiderman and his Amazing Friends (1981 - 1983) - Together as the Spiderfriends, Spiderman, Iceman and Firestar fight supervillians, while their alter-egos, Peter Parker, Bobby Drake and Angelica Jones attend college and live with Peter's Aunt May.
The Drew Carey Show (1995 - 2004) - This sitcom chronicled the fictional life of Drew Carey; his idiotic drinking friends, Lewis and Oswald; his female friend Kate, who he secretly had a crush on; his job at Winfred Lauder where he was tormented by his boss, Mr. Wick, and Mr. Wick's secretary Mimi, who refered to him as "Pig"; and how...
Xena: Warrior Princess (1995 - 2001) - Xena And Gabrielle Travel Seeking Adventure And Fighting Off The Forces Of Evil
Kids in the Hall (1989 - 1996) - A truly Canadian sketch comedy show starring Dave Foley, Bruce McCulloch, Kevin MacDonald, Mark McKinney, and Scott Thompson. The show highlighted the troupe's ability to make anything from mundane, everyday tasks (ex: a daily "to do" list) to the most bizarre situations (ex: Arumba, arumba) absolut...
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (1959 - 1973) - "The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends" is a show about a squirrel named Rocky and a moose named Bullwinkle which together have some cool adventures. Supporting segments includes "Mr. Know-it All", "Bullwinkle's Corner", "Fractured Fairy Tales", "Aesop and Son", "Peabody's Improbable Hi...
Strawberry Shortcake (1980 - 1985) - The show might have only lasted 6 episodes, but Strawberry Shortcake's empire continues to this day. Strawberry was originally conceived by American Greetings in 1980 as a greeting card character. Soon the village of Strawberryland grew lots of friends including Raspberry Tart, Apple Dumpling, Blueb...
Ronin Warriors (1995 - 1997) - An ancient evil demon Emperor Talpa is bent on conquering the mortal world along with his 4 Dark Warlords known as the Dynasty.
Masked Rider (1995 - 1996) - Masked Rider is the 90's update of the Japanese show Kamen Rider. The plot follows as such: Prince Dex of the Planet Edenoi travels to earth to stop his uncle from destroying the planet. Dex is adopted by a family in the town of Leewood. On earth, he creates a cave as well as two helper veihcles tha...
The Babysitters Club (1990 - 1990) - Set in the small, fictional town of Stoneybrook,Connecticut seven best friends run a highly organized baby-sitting service. The show follows them as they experience the ups and downs of babysitting as well as handling pre-teen issues in a family show format.
Popeye and Son (1987 - 1988) - This show is the is the last segment of the Popeye series that feature Olive ,pappy ,wimpy ,Bluto,With New characters like Popeye's son and the others
Aeon Flux (1995 - 1997) - Aeon Flux is a mysterious and amoral secret agent from the country of Monica. Her motives or background are left unexplained, as are those of her her antagonist/love, Trevor Goodchild. On her missions, she deals swift, bloody "justice" to all that oppose her. The second season episodes of this serie...
Sharon, Lois & Bram's Elephant Show (1984 - 1989) - Sharron Hampson Lois Lilienstein and Bram Morrisson first formed their folk singing trio in 1978, after a few years of successful children's albums and touring throughout Canada and parts of the United States, they were given their own children's TV series called The Elephant Show in 1984. Bram's fr...
Battlestar Galactica (1978 - 1979) - When their home world is destroyed by an evil cybernetic race known as the Cylons, a small group of survivors search for a planet called Earth, in hopes of making it their new home.
USA up all night (1986 - 1994) - Usa made this block for night time viewers.
The Paw-Paws (1985 - 1987) - The Paw-Paws was the 3rd cartoon of The Funtastic World Of Hanna-Barbera alongside with The Challenge Of The GoBots, The Jetsons, Yogi's Treasure Hunt, and Galtar And The Golden Lance.
WWE SmackDown! (1999 - Current) - WWE SmackDown premiered on UPN in 1999. Originally airing on Thursday nights SmackDown! moved to Friday Nights in 2005 but moved back to Thursday nights in 2014 and then in 2016 it aired Tuesday nights live on the USA network It moved back to broadcast TV when it moved to the Fox Network in fall 201...
My So-Called Life (1995 - 1995) - My So-Called Life is the award winning dramatic series, which chronicled the life of teenager Angela Chase and her struggle to find her identity. The show followed Angela and her friends through the highs and lows of adolescence. It touched on very real topics such as hand guns in school, illiterac...
Garbage Pail Kids (1987 - 1988) - Based on the wildly popular Garbage Pail Kids trading cards, the main segments of the series followed five of the GPK's: half-punker/half-yuppie Split Kit, dripping, oozing Clogged Duane, Elliot Mess, whose body parts were rearranged carelessly, faceless Teri Cloth, and the elastic, body stretching...
Taxi (1978 - 1983) - This is a show that reflects some of the ups and downs working class men and women have on and off the job. Surely you have your own working tales of yore. Working under an obnoxious dispather at Sunshine cab, this group of blue collar new york city survivors find that they can count on each other w...
Wacky Races (1968 - 1970) - IT'S THE WACKY RACES!!!, the wacky racers must race all over the world to win to be the world best wacky racer...but they better watch out for the double o, Dick Dastardly!
Mortal Kombat: Conquest (1998 - 1999) -
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy (1999 - 1999) - Power-Packed Adventure! Action-Packed Fun! A time in the future. The space colony Terra Venture journeys beyond Earth in search of new worlds. Peace reigns throughout the cosmos...or does it? Far away, in a strange galaxy, the evil Scorpius attacks an innocent planet. Five courageous teens from Terr...
The Letter People (1982 - 1988) - It was the muppet with letters. It help my reading alot when i started school. So you cant say you couldnt wait for Mr. M come and do his song
Teen Wolf (1986 - 1989) - Based on the movie starring Michael J Fox, the show follows the further adventures of the budding young werewolf Scott Howard, and for some strange reason, new family members never mentioned in the movie are living in the Howard house.
Mega Babies (1999 - 2001) - This show is about three young babies named, Meg, Derrik and Buck, each having acquired super powers as a result of being struck by lightning. Along with their nurse, Lazlo, who was also struck by lightning, the babies try to thwart evil plots that come up within their town.
The Addams Family (1992 - 1995) - Based on the classic 1960's hit series this was Hanna Barbera's second attempt at producing an Addams Family cartoon, with the previous cartoon airing on NBC during the mid-1970's. This series came about following the success of the first Addams Family movie. John Astin reprises his role providing t...
The New Adventures of Captain Planet (1993 - 1996) - Let's just say this is the original Captain Planet but under production by Hanna-Barbera. In each episode, Captain Planet and the Planeteers face a rogue's gallery of larger-than-life eco-villains, including such despicable characters as Verminous Skumm, whose goal is to spread filth and disease, an...
Noozles (1988 - 1993) - The Noozles was a light cartoon show that made use of Koalas. The show centered on the adventures of Sandy, a twelve year old girl, a stuffed koala bear named Blinky that came to life when you rubbed your nose with his, and Blinky's sister Pinky (who had the same voice as Angelica from Rugrats). Thi...
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (1993 - 1994) - The series followed the exploits of survival-savvy garage mechanic Jack Tenrec, (who had a passion for restoring classic car shells, mainly those of Cadillacs) and his often-reluctant companion, the lovely foreign ambassador Hannah Dundee (who hired Jack as a liason while she attempted to create cle...
Dallas (1978 - 1991) - Based on the trials and traumas of the Ewing Family, headed by oil baron Jock until his tragic death at which time scheming son J.R took the reigns of Ewing Oil.
The Incredible Hulk (1977 - 1982) - It Follows The Further Adventures Of Bruce Banner Who Is A Man Cursed By His Own Inner Evils.
ALF: The Animated Series (1987 - 1989) - The emmy winning animated series that tells the story of Alf's (or rather Gordin Shumway) life on Melmak before it was destroyed. Gordin and his friends were fighter pilots in the orbitle guard, and it was there duty to protect Melmak from the megalomaniac Larson Peddie and his army of melmacion tr...
Who's the Boss? (1984 - 1992) - A former st. louis cardinals pitcher;Tony Micelli decides to take his daughter out of mean streets of brooklyn. So he takes his daughter; Samantha(Sam) Micelli to a white picket fenced house down in Connecticut to go and work for a Lady named Angela Bower and her son Jonathan Bower. At first, Tony'...
Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates (1990 - 1992) - This re-imagined look of the exploits of Peter Pan, Wendy and the Lost Boys against the forces of Captain Hook took on a larger scale which included more villains and new characters.
Mike Lu & Og (1999 - 2001) - Mike, Lu & Og is an American animated television series created by Mikhail Shindel, Mikhail Aldashin, and Charles Swenson for Cartoon Network, and the 7th of the network's Cartoon Cartoons. The series follows a foreign exchange student from Manhattan named Mike, a self-appointed island princess name...
King Arthur and the Knights of Justice (1992 - 1993) - When the real King Arthur and his knights are captured by the evil sorceress, Morgana, Merlin is forced to use his magic to find suitable replacements. The group he finds is a day of modern day highschool football players, known as the Knights. With his magical might, he transports these young men...
Bananaman (1983 - 1986) - Stupid, but well-meaning and super-strong super-hero, Bananaman gets his strength from eating bananas. Before he eats a banana, Bananaman is a young boy called Eric who is keen to keep his alter-ego a secret. His best friend is a crow who brings bananas to Eric (or Bananaman) when they are needed fo...
Zoboomafoo (1999 - 2001) - Meet the Sifaka Lemur, Zoboomafoo, who has the ability to speak. Chris Kratt and Martin Kratt, the two companions of Zoboomafoo, discover more about the world of animals. This show teaches about the life styles, habitats, and characteristics of the animal, discussed about in that episode
Exo-Squad (1993 - 1995) - In the early 22nd Century, mankind has achieved two great scientific feats: one, the creation of the exo-frame, a highly capable machine piloted by humans for work in extreme conditions including outer space, enabling the terraforming of Mars and Venus. Two, the neo-sapien race, a genetically perfec...
Press Your Luck (1983 - Current) - Press Your Luck was a CBS game show where contestants tried to win money and various prizes by avoiding the evil Whammy that would take all their winnings away or even kick the contestants out of the game. The object was for three contestants to answer multiple choice questions. Host Peter Tomarken...
Fifteen (1991 - 1993) - Nickelodeon's high-school soap. Originally aired in Canada as "Hillside".
Glow of Fireflies (1986 - 1992) - Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling.
Fraggle Rock: The Animated Series (1987 - 1988) - In September 1987 Fraggle Rock reached a peak popularity and spawned its own animated series. The Fraggle Rock cartoon was based very closely to the original series, even following up on some episodes. Each episodes are introduced by the live action puppet form of Uncle Traveling Matt sitting in Doc...
Soul Train (1971 - 2006) - Soul Train is the groundbreaking television dance show that is centered around American black music, black artists, and (especially) black dance. The show is the longest running first run syndicated program in television history. Especially known for the notorious Soul Train Line and Scrambleboard....
Inhumanoids (1986 - 1986) - Mankind's abuse of the planet has led to the awakening of a group of huge ancient monsters with incredible power, the Inhumanoids. Now, mankind must do the best it can just to survive, and hope that with the help of the Earth Corps and the heroic Mutors (The Granites, Redwoods and Magnakor) can sav...
Friday the 13th: The Series (1987 - 1990) - This show had nothing to do with the movies. An old antique dealer sold cursed antiques. When he dies his nephew and neice take ownership of the shop. They realize the antiques were cursed so they set out to get these artifacts back.
Twisted Tales of Felix The Cat (1995 - 1997) - In 1995, Felix the Cat returned to the small screen with brand new adventures in his all new cartoon series. Beautifully animated and bordered the realm of avant-garde.
Todays Special (1980 - 1987) - Today's Special is a Canadian children's program that was produced by TV Ontario, and has run on countless television networks worldwide. The show had a seven-year run, from 1981 to 1987, with 121 episodes made during that time.
A Different World (1987 - 1993) - This fun show was a spin-off of the successful NBC comedy "The Cosby Show". This show featured Denise Huxtable and her adventures at Hillman College. She encountered other unforgettable characters like the rich and spoiled Whitley Gilbert, Resident advisor Jaleesa Vinson, girl crazy but intelligent...
Road Rovers (1996 - 1997) - They are an elite team of crime fighting dogs chosen from around the world. When the call goes out they rush from their homes (they live with heads of state around the world) and return to the Master who turns them into Cano-Sapiens (super charged dogs) The team consists of: Exile the Siberian Husky...
Yogi's Treasure Hunt (1985 - 1988) - Yogi's Treasure Hunt was the 4th cartoon on The Funtastic World Of Hanna-Barbera, it was a combination of both Hanna-Barbera's series Yogi's Gang and Popeye's Treasure Hunt. The characters pair off into a couple of different groups and each group tries to find the treasure first. Top Cat gives clue...
Rurouni Kenshin (1996 - 1998) - The show revolves around the adventures of the legendary samurai known as Battosai the Manslayer. Years after the revolution in Kyoto, during the Meiji era, he reappears in Tokyo as a Rurouni or 'Wanderer' by the name of Kenshin Himura. After getting a place to stay at the Kamiya Dojo with the assis...
SuperBook (1982 - 1984) - "SuperBook" Tells the time traveling adventures of Christopher "Chris" Peepers, his friend Joyeux "Joy" Quantum, his cousin Uriah "Uri" Peepers, his poodle Ruffles, and his winding toy protector, Gizmo The Crusading Robot.
Monsters (1988 - 1991) - Similar to Tales from The Darkside, however, the stories in Monsters were rarely very straightforward action plots and often contained some ironic twist in which a character's conceit or greed would do him in, often with gruesome results. Adding to this was a sense of comedy often lost on horror pro...
Nick News (1992 - 2015) - A show on Nickelodeon that talks all about the news. Hosted by Linda Elerbee the show talks about world events and public affairs from a child and teen's point of view. The critically acclaimed series discussed several events including the impeachment of president Bill Clinton and the September 11...
Friends (1994 - 2004) - When we start the show, Rachel Green comes in wearing a wedding dress after leaving her fiances at the altar. Rachel worked at Central Perk for awhile and finally gets a job at Bloomingdale's and Ralph Lauren. She has a baby with Ross Geller and they decide to keep the baby. Ross Geller is a paleon...
Madeline (1988 - 2002) - A children's show based on the books by Ludwig Bemelmans. The show was about the adventure of Madeline who live in an orphanage with eleven other little girls with a nun. It took place in Paris,France where she got in to all kinds of mischief where she would need help to get out of it. It started o...
The Greatest American Hero (1981 - 1983) - Ralph Hinkley, a high school teacher, is chosen by aliens to fight evil with superhuman powers via a bright red suit and an instruction manual. Unfortunately Ralph manages to lose the instructions in the middle of nowhere and he's stuck with powers he has no idea to control. Now, with the help of...
The Jerry Springer Show (1991 - Current) - Jerry Springer, a former mayor of Cincinnati, hosts this show that has to pull itself up in content quality to qualify as "Trash TV". TV Guide named it as the worst show ever which it proudly declares at the start of every episode. One of the most infamous Guilty Pleasures on TV. In the show's fir...
Charmed (1998 - 2006) - The Halliwell sisters, also known as the Charmed Ones are the most powerful good witches that had lived the earth. They have the power to stop time, see the future, and move objects with their minds, or also known as telekenisis. Once that they use the Power of Three, no amount of evil powers can...
Flash Forward (1996 - 1997) - Tucker and Becca are close friends. So close that they live next door to one another with facing second story windows and share a birthday. Tucker is at times an absent minded goof-off while Becca tends to be opinated and in a hurry to grow up. Now in middle school, they find themselves caught in ev...
Everybody Loves Raymond (1996 - 2005) - Stand-up comedian Ray Romano stars as Ray Barone, a successful sportswriter and devoted husband to Debra (Patricia Heaton), who must deal with his brother and parents, who happen to live across the street. Frank (Peter Boyle) and Marie (Doris Roberts) love to meddle in his life, while older brother...
Brotherly Love (1996 - 1999) - Show on the the Disney channel a few years ago....really good. About the life of three brothers living near an auto shop that the oldest one worked in.
The Wayans Bros. (1995 - 1999) - Shawn and Marlon play brothers who live together in their own apartment in New York. Shawn owns and operates a newsstand, with Marlon as his employee. The newsstand happens to be located in the same building as the diner that's owned by their father (John Witherspoon). Shawn is the lovable playboy,...
Ready or Not (1993 - 1997) - Follow the ups and downs of life with best friends Amanda Zimm and Busy Ramone as they deal with adolescence, boys, family, school and friends. The series began with the girls in the seventh grade but later progressed to the eighth and the ninth grades.
Max Headroom (1985 - 1987) - It was characterized by intelligent scripts, a quirky sense of humor, some serious speculation about the power and ethics of television, and a slightly satirical but intricately realized vision of the future with a gritty, "Brazil"-like, "retro-tech" style. It had frequent references to traditional...
Detective Conan/Case Closed (1996 - 2004) - Shinichi/Jimmy Kudo is a seventeen year-old high school detective whom people call the "Modern Sherlock Holmes." However, one night after a date with his childhood sweetheart, Ran/Rachel, Shinichi/Jimmy witnessed an illegal trade and, caught off his guard, was knocked unconscious and fed a drug that...
Johnny Quest: The Real Adventures (1994 - 1997) - This is the modern version of the 1960s Johnny Quest cartoons. It was first aired on TBS Superstation
3rd Rock from the Sun (1996 - 2001) - A group of aliens have come to Earth to learn about its population, customs, etc. To avoid detection, they have taken on human form which gives them human emotions, physical needs etc. WITHOUT the understanding of what they mean or the inhibitions normally present in humans. Their leader takes the p...
Acme Hour (1998 - 2003) - A show that aired an assortment of Looney Tunes cartoons such as Foghorn Leghorn, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and so much more. Sometime the Acme Hour would be one hour sometimes it would be two hours in length. The show aired on Cartoon Network from spring 1998 up until fall 2003.
Tigersharks (1987 - 1989) - Thundercats. Underwater.
Lizzie McGuire (2001 - 2004) - Get inside her head!
Stickin' Around (1996 - 1999) - Winner of the 1998 Gemini Award for Best Animated Series, Stickin' Around uses the advanced computer graphics of "Boiler Paint," virtually convincing us that kids are creating their own animated series. Follow best friends Stacy and Bradley as they navigate their way through their elementary school...
Robotech (1985 - 1988) -  In the year 1999 an alien spacecraft crash lands on Macross Island in the south pacific. The people of earth band together to rebuild the ship. They name it The Super Dimension Fortress: Macross (SDF-1) On the day the ship is to take its maden flight, an alien race known as the Zentradi appear. T...
Tom and Jerry (1940 - 1967) - Classic capers of Cat and Mouse duo Tom & Jerry.
Rupan Sansei (Lupin the 3rd), Red Jacket series (1977 - 1980) - Lupin the 3rd is the greatest phantom thief in the world. He never misses whatever chance he aims at. With his sidekicks Daisuke Jigen, Ishikawa Goemon and Lupin's girlfriend/rival Mine Fujiko.
Detention (1999 - 2000) - This show is about a group of young pre-teens who tried to escape the detention room out of the clutches of the bossy Ms. Kisskillya. This is gonna be one heck of a mis-adventure (I think).
The Little Mermaid (1992 - 1994) - The adventures of Ariel and her friends at the age of fourteen. From her first known trouble with Ursula to her collection of human objects, the show illustrates her journey as she finishes growing up. It also introduced new characters such as her merboy friend (an orphan named Urchin who her family...
The Tomorrow People 90's series (1992 - 1995) - A remake of the 1970s series, this series was a joint venture between the British Tetra Films the U.S. by Nickelodeon.
Trigun (1998 - 1998) - Trigun is not your normal western. A man named Vash the Stampede is a careless drifter, roaming the desert planet, Gunsmoke. He believes in the power of love and peace. Vash, along with his friends Nick D. Wolfwood, Milly Thompson, and Meryl Stryfe, travels the planet hunting for peace and chasing t...
Mousercise (1983 - 1989) - Live action series were mickey mouse teaches kids to get in shape.
Tales from the Cryptkeeper (1993 - 1999) - A watered down, Saturday morning cartoon version of the demented HBO series "Tales From The Crypt".
Marsupilami (Disney series) (1993 - 1993) - Marsupilami was a Disney cartoon show on NBC Saturday Mornings that lasted only one season. The show is about Marsupilami, a mystical creature with an extraordinarily long tail, and his adventures with his friend Maurice the gorilla. The show was based on a French comic book series of the same name...
Double Dragon (1993 - 1995) - the story is about when twin brothers jimmy and billy were abandoned at birth, they become trained in the dragon arts. when the twins became adults, the sensai gave them the ability to use the power of the double dragon. whare they can transform by puting there sourds together. the twins use the pow...
Hammerman (1991 - 1992) - MC Hammer woke up one day and decided to make a cartoon and put his name on ti. Go fig'.
The Famous Jett Jackson (1998 - 2001) - A young actor named Jett Jackson plays a teenage super-agent on a fictional TV show-within-a-show called Silverstone. He lived with his publicist mom in LA but moved along with the show to a small town where his dad is a Sheriff. He hangs with his friends and ends up in wacky situatons.
Blinky Bill (1992 - 1994) - This is an Australian Classic Show lets not forget that this show was from AUSTRALIA.
Pirates of Dark Water (1991 - 1992) - When Ren rescues a stranger foundering in the rocks near his home, he learns the man was his true father, a great king. Given a magic compass crystal, Ren is to a dragon who shows him that the only way to claim his heritage is to find the Thirteen Treasures of Rule. Unfortunately, a pirate ship capt...
Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction (1997 - 2002) - Within the course of one hour 5 stories are shown. None of these stories have any logical explanation, and some of them actually occurred. You are left to decide which of these stories, if any are fact, and which are fiction.
Wild West C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa (1992 - 1994) - Cowboy marshals are actual cows. Marshal Moo Montana, Dakota Dude, and Cowlorado Kid
Matlock (1986 - 1995) - Ben Matlock is a Georgia bred, Harvard educated defense attorney. His fee is $250,000 but he's worth every cent of it as he defends his clients not only in Atlanta but all over the country. He is cantankerous and gruff and often uses colorful language, but beneath it all he has a heart of gold. He i...
Franklin (1997 - 2002) - The popular children's books, written by Paulette Bourgeois, come alive in this television series about a turtle named Franklin. Each episode has a story of Franklin and his friends. You'll meet his parents, Bear (his best friend), Goose, Beaver, Rabbit, Mr. Owl, Badger and Snail along with other an...
Brothers Flub (1999 - 2000) - The Brothers Flub was a short-lived show on Nickelodeon about two alien brothers working at an interstellar delivery company. Everytime the Brothers Flub went to a planet to deliver a package, something weird and funny would always happen.
Moesha (1996 - 2001) - Moesha Deniese Mitchell( famous singer Brandy) is teenager who soon became an adult, learning various issues to do with love, sex, relationship and family. Following her mothers death Moesha looked after her father Frank Mitchell (William Allen Young) and brother Myles Mitchell (Marcus T. Paulk) She...
New Kids On The Block (1990 - 1991) - The adventures of America's popular teenage boy band in their first animated series as they tried to get to their concerts in time but somehow always managed to get sidetracked by fans. This show was marketed as "The first MTV cartoon" because it features the fast-paced editing that came to be assoc...
WWE Raw (1993 - Current) - Beginning as WWF Monday Night Raw, the program first aired on January 11, 1993. It aired on the USA Network for one hour. The original Raw broke new ground in televised professional wrestling. Traditionally, wrestling shows were taped on sound stages with small audiences or at large arena shows. The...
The Pink Panther Show (1964 - 1970) - The Pink Panther Show ran for many episodes from 1964-1970 on NBC. It has also aired reruns on Nickelodeon in the 90s, as well as in syndication in the 1980s. The series was cancelled in 1971, in favor of The New Pink Panther Show. The main star is The Pink Panther, who was originally created for th...
Street Fighter II V (1995 - 1995) - Ryu and Ken Masters are close friends and both are martial artists. In order to become better fighters and learn new techniques, they travel the world and are exposed to many different fighting styles, as well as meeting new people. During their journey, they find themselves caught up in a conspirac...
The Big O (1999 - 2003) - Roger Smith acts as a negotiator in a city where everyone has lost their memories and decide to keep it that way. When he isn't helping hostage situations, he's averting major disasters in a giant robot known as Big O. Although Roger has no idea why the "megadeus" (Big O) responds to his commands or...
Big Wolf on Campus (1999 - 2002) - The week before he returns to school for his senior year, popular High School jock Tommy Dawkins is bitten and turned into a werewolf. The only person Tommy Dawkins can turn to for help is the school nerd and Goth Fantasy Guild President Merton J Dingle. Now Tommy & Merton while still looking for a...
My Pet Monster (1987 - 1987) - An ordinary monster doll comes to life when his shackles are released by a magic key.
Supermarket Sweep (1965 - 2003) - This show featured a few teams of contestants who would answer questions about grocery products and guess prices of groceries to get points. The high point of the show is to collect as much groceries as you can to win.
Passions (1999 - 2008) - Passions follows the lives and loves, and various romantic and paranormal adventures of the residents of Harmony. Story-lines center around the interactions among members of its multi-racial core families the African American Russells, white Cranes and Bennetts, and half-Mexican half-Irish Lopez-F...
Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends (1984 - Current) - The show is about a tank engine, Thomas, and his friends who live on the Island of Sodor. Together, the engines work on the railways under the supervision of Sir Topham Hatt, the "Fat Controller."
Little Bill (1999 - 2004) - A Bill Cosby cartoon about a boy named Little Bill. The show is based on a series of books called "Little Bill" which in turn were based on Cosby's childhood life. The show is set in Philadelphia and each episode features Bill learning a childhood moral. Sonia Manzano, best known as Maria on Sesame...
The Wacky World of Tex Avery! (1997 - 1998) - The Wacky World of Tex Avery is a FrenchAmericanCanadian animated comedy television series produced by DIC Entertainment and created by Robby London in 1997. The series was named after Tex Avery, a cartoonist who is known for his work at Warner Bros. and MGM. The creator describes the show as "hom...
Dink the Little Dinosaur (1989 - 1990) - The show was about Dink the dinosaur and his friends Amber, Scat, Shyler, Flapper and Crusty.They were always getting into adventures in Dinosaur Vally and being chased by Tyranno the Tyrannosaurus who was always trying to eat them.
Hulk Hogan's Rock 'n' Wrestling (1985 - 1986) - Professional wrestling had been around long before television, but the mid-80s brought new levels of popularity to the much-maligned "sport." Due to the business savvy of Vince McMahon, pro wrestling became one of the most successful entertainment ventures in the world. Relying heavily on the "good...
Mummies Alive (1997 - 1997) - Four Egyptian mummies have woken up in an exhibit in current day San Francisco to protect the 12 year old Presley. Presley is the reincarnation of the Egyptian prince Rapses who knew the secret to eternal life. The mummies chose to wake up because Rapses' arch nemesis has also reincarnated, the evil...
Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994 - 1996) - 4 people are exposed to cosmic rays after a space exploration mission, giving them superpowers. Reed Richards becomes Mr. Fantastic and has the ability to stretch his body. Ben Grimm becomes The Thing and his body is transformed into rock. Sue Storm becomes Invisible Girl and has the ability to crea...
SuperTed (1983 - 1988) - SuperTed and his pal a spotted robot "Spotty" have many adventures exploring the galaxies and help all who need it. Originally created in wales by the Welsh version of Channel 4.
Moon Dreamers (1986 - 1986) - The show Moon Dreamers involved a bunch of children in shiny suits that gave you your good dreams. They lived in space with various pegasus', dragons, and bear-like creatures (entitled snoozers). In just about every episode the evil Scowlene trys to prevent good dreams or steal the dream crystals wh...
The Munsters Today (1988 - 1991) - This television series is a remake to the 1960's series The Munsters ,that Brings The Munster in the 1980's era. After Grandpa puts the family in sleeping coffins for 22 years they awake in the 80's singing to a mild rock version of the theme song
Gargoyles - The Goliath Chronicles (1996 - 1997) - Retitled third season of Gargoyles
Misfits of Science (1985 - 1986) - This series followed the adventures of a group of young superheroe misfits fighting crime. Each member had their own unique power, from shrinking to controlling electricity to telekinetic powers. The team was led by Dr. Billy Hayes. The series lasted for 17 episodes before being canceled.
Martin (1992 - 1997) -
Just the Ten of Us (1988 - 1990) - Basketball coach dad Graham Lubbock lives with wife Elizabeth and 8 kids. The oldest Marie (18), Wendy (17), Cindy Anne (17)(Wendy and Cindy were twins), Connie (15), Sherry (11), J.R. (10) and the twins Harvey and Michelle. In the 2nd season they added baby Mellissa. Situation Comedy. It aired the...
Finders Keepers (1987 - 1990) - A Nickelodeon game show where children would run through a house and find hidden objects. The game was divided up into two rounds each with two halves for two teams. In the first half, the "Hidden Pictures" round, the contestants had to find objects (by circling it, Via the video writing pen) hidden...
Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future (1987 - 1988) - The Plot:
Conan: The Adventurer (1992 - 1998) - The Hyborian Age
Mr. Bogus (1991 - 1993) - Mr. Bogus was a yellow creature (often mistaken for a rat or other type of vermin in the rare occasion other people could see him) who lived in the Bogie Dimension accessible through mirrors. His best human friend was a fourth grade boy named Tommy who was the only human who could see him and intera...
Malcolm in the Middle (2000 - 2006) - Characters:
The Care Bears Family (1986 - 1988) - Sharing and caring with the Care Bears and Care Bear Cousins.
Mister T (1983 - 1984) - I pity the fool
City Guys (1997 - 2001) - A hilarious comedy in the classic T-NBC style.
Thundarr the Barbarian (1980 - 1982) - Forget the global chaos myth that was Y2K. In the world of Thundarr the Barbarian, the end of civilization occurred six years earlier, when, in 1994, a runaway planet hurtled between the earth and the mooon, unleashing cosmic destruction. Now, 2000 years later, Earth is a savage world occupied by...
The What-A-Cartoon Show (1995 - 2002) - A showcase of animated shorts on Cartoon Network which launched five of the network's premiere series (Dexter's Laboratory, The Powerpuff Girls, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Johnny Bravo, and Cow and Chicken). Originally back in 1995 it was called World Premire Toons and was only 10 minutes long, Than...
Remote Control (1987 - 1990) - Remote Control was a game show about television and aired on MTV. Many of the questions revolved around old television shows. Other popular segments include "Sing Along With Colin," where contestants were charged with identifying and/or finishing songs sung by Colin Quinn.
Mike Lu and Og (Animated TV Program) (1999 - 2001) - Mike Lu and Og stars the story about 2 girls and a boy on an island. Mike is an exchange student from New York. Lu is the spoiled princess of the island. Og may be an islander but he's a genius who makes a lot of cool inventions.
Liquid Television (1991 - 1994) - What words come to mind when you think of Liquid Television? Perhaps smart..funny..dramatic...maybe even weird. Liquid Television was THE show for "up-and-coming" animators to show what they got. Originally shown on BBC-2 in December of 1990, MTV picked up the show in June of 1991, and lasted 3 seas...
Walter Melon (1998 - 1998) - Aired on Fox Family. Walter Melon's occupation was a Hero for Hire. He works alone but sometimes he worked with his partner Bitterbug. When a character runs into trouble they call Melon to temporarily replace them. He would replace comic heros, tv show, or movie charcters. Spiderman, TMNT, Power Ran...
The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers (1986 - 1988) - In 2086 two peaceful aliens journeyed to Earth, seeking our help. In return, they gave us the plans for our first hyperdrive, allowing mankind to open the doors to the stars....
Outlaw Star (1998 - 2001) - Gene Starwind and his partner Jim Hawking run a small business on the backwater planet of Centinel 3. But all that changes the day that Hilda hires them for a bodyguard job. Now, thrust into a mystery they don't fully understand, they're on the run from the cops, the pirates, an angry alien, and a m...
The Gong Show (1976 - 2017) - Average people who had a stupid stunt or hidden talent, they wanted to show off, could go on this show, if the celebrity panel (usually B and C-listers like Jaye P. Morgan, Jamie Farr, and Rip Taylor)like their act they would be given points (the one with the highest points won a small cash prize),...
Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm (1996 - 1997) - Based on the best-selling video game, the evil emperor Shao Kahn and his henchmen has invaded Earthrealm to take it over. The fate of Earthrealm is in the hands of Liu Kang, Princess Kitana, Lt. Sonya Blade, Jax, Sub-Zero, Nightwolf, and Kurtis Stryker.
Katie and Orbie (1994 - 1994) - A young girl, Katie, discovers an alien, Orbie, in her backyard and her family adopts him. They have adventures and learn valuable life lessons in the process. Leslie Neilson provided the narration.
Papa Beaver's Story Time (1995 - 1995) - A father Beaver use to tell fairy tale stories to his beaver children.
Magnum, P.I. (1980 - 1988) - After leaving Naval Intelligence, the laid back Thomas Magnum III, struck a deal with the millionaire play boy author Robin Masters. Robin owned a rather large estate in Hawaii and Magnum moved into the guest house for free in exchange for running a series of security checks on the estate, property...
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1982 - 1983) - A short-lived series that never really found an audience. Seven orphaned brothers working hard to stay together while running a ranch in the California Gold Rush town of Murphys. Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver) and River Phoenix (Stand By Me) played the oldest and youngest brothers respectively in...
Beetleborgs Metallix (1997 - 2012) - In the follow up of Big Bad Beetleborgs, a new group of villians strip Drew, Jo and Roland of their powers. This forces Flabber to create stronger powers to take on these new bad guys as Beetleborgs: Metallix.
Teen Angel (1997 - 1998) - A teen, Marty DePolo, eats a bad burger, dies, and goes to heaven. There he meets God's cousin, Rod (later known as the Head), who becomes his boss and makes him a gurdian angel for his best friend, Steve, still on earth.
The Tom & Jerry Show (1975) (1975 - 1977) - The 1975 Hanna-Barbera version of the series of cat & mouse duo Tom & Jerry. Here, in a much toned down, non-violent, Yogi Bear/Boo Boo-esque format (in order to satisfy ABC-TV Broadcast Standards and Practices), the long-popular Tom & Jerry, after years of rivalry, have become the best of friends (...
Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels (1977 - 1981) - Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels (1977
Dumb & Dumber (1995 - 1996) - Lloyd and Harry are back in an all new animated follow up to the movie starring Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels which see's the two moronic geeks land themselves in hot water week after week. good stuff
Kimba the White Lion (1965 - 1993) - Kimba the White Lion (Jungle Emperor in Japan) Was the first anime to ever be broadcast in color.This Series is about a Young, Friendly, Brave White Lion named kimba that has all kinds of adventures with his friends he has a big heart and doesnt believe in getting into Fights or Mischief and he's j...
The Little Lulu Show (1995 - 1999) - Based on the 1940's Paramount cartoons, Little Lulu is the first-ever animated stand-up comic. Her best friend Annie is always there for her, and Lulu always has arguments with Tubby and the boys in his club. They are always tricking each other and get into crazy adventures in school, in the neighbo...
Angel (Anime) (1979 - 1980) - Known in Japan as "Hana no Ko Lun lun" this show aired in the US under the title "Angel." Angel is a young girl that descends from both humans and Flower Angels. She is taken on a long journey to the Flower Planet so the dying king's son can take his place on the throne.
Unhappily Ever After (1995 - 2000) - One of the funniest shows. Had a "Married...With Children" type of sense of humour. Best character in the show was Mr. Floppy, the bunny on the couch in the basement that no one could see talk except for Jack, the father.
The Torkelsons (1991 - 1992) - It starred Connie Ray as Millicent Torkelson, who was a single mother with five children. The five children were Dorothy Jane, played by Olivia Burnette; Steven Floyd, played by Aaron Michael Metchik; Chuckie Lee, played by Lee Norris; Ruth Ann, played by Anna Slotky; and Mary Sue, played by Rachel...
Baywatch (1989 - 2001) - Baywatch is an American action drama series about the Los Angeles County Lifeguards who patrol the beaches of Los Angeles County, California, starring David Hasselhoff. The show was canceled after its first season on NBC, but survived and later became one of the most watched television shows in the...
The Charlie Horse Music Pizza (1998 - 1998) - The Charlie Horse Music Pizza was a show about music education that aired on PBS back in 1998. It was Shari Lewis's last acting appearence before her death later that year. Ray Charles who composed music that was played during that show had passed away in 2004. The show overall was a Daytime Emmy Aw...
The Flintstones (1960 - 1966) - TV's First Animated Prime Time hit. The wacky prehistoric adventures of Fred Flintsone, and his Neighbor Barney Rubble in the town of bedrock.
Ocean Girl (1994 - 1997) - Jason and Brett Bates have just accompanied thei divorcedr oceanographer mother to the most remote but advanced underwater facility in the world: O.R.C.A., a veritable city-state, where hundreds of people live and work. But for two young adolescents, this is hardly the adventure of a lifetime. Until...
Jem (1985 - 1988) - Jem & the Holograms. Jerrica Benton inherits half of her father's company, Starlight music. Eric Raymond has the other half. Eric wants to exploit Starlight topromote "The Misfits" Jerrica can't do anything until she discovers synergi. synergi is a computer her father invented. She projects lif...
The Dreamstone (1990 - 1995) - A cartoon between good and evil, The Dreammaker, Wuts, and Noops lived in the Land of Dreams, where the Dreamstone was the most powerfull object in the land. Where as on the other side on the purple mist, was Viltheed, Zordrak and an army of Urpneys. Along with Argorribles, and in later episodes, Th...
The Young Ones (1982 - 1984) - The Young Ones first aired in 1982 on British television as part of the 'alternative comedy movement'. It was about four dysfunctional college students sharing a house. Neil Pye, is the hippie that does all the cleaning and lentil cooking. Mike TheCoolPerson is the smooth but mysterious 'normal'...
The Bots Master (1993 - 1995) - In the future, inventor Ziv Zulander (ZZ) and his ragtag group of robots (called 'BOYZZ') battle the evil Robot Megafact Corporation, former employer of ZZ, who wishes to use an army of robots to take over the world.
The Trap Door (1984 - 1984) - It's all about Burke. He's the overworked servant to "The Thing Upstairs". As scary as this sounded... working for something you never actually get to see, it apparently pails in comparrison to the dreaded beasts and things that lie beneath the trapdoor...
Wimzie's House (1997 - 1999) - This show is about a girl named Wimzie, whose house is used to run a day care. Her mother is a pilot and her father a firefighter and she has a younger brother named Bo. Her grandmother runs the day care. Wimzie has fun with her friends Horace, Jonas, and Lulu (Jonas' sister). Wimzie, Horace and Jon...
My Life as a Teenage Robot (2003 - 2009) - My Life as a Teenage Robot (MLAATR as abbreviated) stars a 16-year-old 6-foot-6-inch (2.0 m) -tall robot girl named XJ-9 (who prefers to be known simply as Jenny). Jenny lives in the town of Tremorton, Ohio in the (presumed) year of 2072. Jenny likes to go to the mall, fit in at high school, and han...
ECW Hardcore TV (1993 - 2001) - Extreme Championship Wrestling was a revolution in wrestling. This syndicated show, featuring wrestlers such as Raven, Rob Van Dam and Sabu showcased the hardcore nature of ECW. From 1993-2001, this program was an alternative to WWE RAW and WCW Nitro.
Its Punky Brewster! (1985 - 1989) - An animated spinoff from the popular Punky Brewster live action sitcom. In it, Punky is once again a young girl, only this time she meets a magical furry creature that looks vaguely like an Ewok, named Glommer. Glommer is a fairytale creature that lives inside of the end of the rainbow with othes...
Gimme a Break! (1981 - 1987) - An aspiring singer(Nell Carter)becomes a housekeeper for a widowed police chief and his three daughters.
Hangin' with Mr. Cooper (1992 - 1997) - Popular comedian Mark Curry plays Mr. Mark Cooper, a single high school teacher and basketball coach living in Oakland, California. Between coaching, teaching, dealing with neighborhood struggles and living with two beautiful female roommates (played by Holly Robinson Peete and Dawnn Lewis), Mr. Coo...
Charlie's Angels (1976 - 1981) - Once upon a time, Jill, Sabrina & Kelly were police officers whose skills were being wasted in menial duties such as filing and answering phones. A mysterious millionaire named Charles Townsend took them away from all that by opening his own private investigation agency, and hiring these gorgeous la...
Star Fleet (1980 - 1982) - The year is 2999, and the solar system has just seen the end of Space War 3. The Solar System is invaded by the Imperial Alliance in search of a supreme being, the F-01. The experimental X Bomber spacecraft with its young crew must discover the secret of F-01 and turn it against the Imperial Allian...
Beast Machines (1999 - 2000) - The Maximals, fresh from their victory in the Beast Wars, arrive home to Cybertron. They wake up to a nightmare when they wake up with no memory of where they were or what they were doing when they went off-line.
Muppets Tonight (1996 - 1998) - Kermit, Clifford and friends struggle to put on a weekly TV variety show.
Mutant League (1994 - 1996) - Welcome to Mutant League. The series delivers a new breed of ultimate athletes. Each episode that targeted a specific sport like basketball up to football. The teams were made up of mutant creatures who only cared about one thing, winning. Because of that, there were no rules in these games. The gam...
The Toxic Crusaders (1991 - 1992) - The cartoon follows roughly the same plot as the films The Toxic Avenger and it's two suceeding sequels. A complete and hopeless nerd, Melvin, falls into toxic waste and becomes Toxie, a hideously deformed mutant of superhuman size and strength. Teaming with other mutants, No-Zone (whose power comes...
Spider-Man (1967) (1967 - 1970) - This was the first animated series featuring a Marvel superhero. The series was created by Krantz Animation. In the first season, it featured the adventures of Spider-Man combating both his comic book enemies as well as original villains such as the Fly Twins & Dr. Noah Boddy. The second season took...
Manimal (1983 - 1983) - Jonathan Chase is a British college professor at New York University who has the unusual ability to transform into any kind of animal he wants. He decides to use his power to assist the New York Police Department in solving unusual crimes, and in this series pilot, he teams up with cute cop Brooke a...
Angel (1999 - 2004) - Angel, a vampire with a soul, left Buffy and Sunnydale behind after deciding that it wasn't safe for him to stay around those he loved and cared about.
Disney's Sing-Along Songs (1986 - 1999) - Fun TV Show starring Jiminy Cricket, and Ludwig Von Drake, etc as they present your favourite Disney Songs with Lyrics and the "bouncing ball" so you can Sing-Along!
Anime Fun TV (1998 - 1999) - Back in the year 1998 when people first started getting into creating Anime Music Videos Somebody came up with the idea to create a show for T.V. that would enable people to submit their home made Anime Music Videos and they would air on this show for people to see!
The Secret Of Isis (1975 - 1976) - Egyptian Queen Hatchupset Was Given An Amulet With This Amulet Empowered Her With The Powers Of The Goddess Isis To Command The Elements Of Sky And Earth, Andera Thomas Found Her Lost Amulet While On An Archaeological Dig, She Found Out That She Was The Heir To The ''Secrets Of Isis'', By Wearing Th...
Life Goes On (1989 - 1993) - A TV-series about the life of the Thatchers, especially "Corky", that has Down syndrome but goes to ordinary school ("mainstreaming). We get into their problems and joys. Drew Thatcher's dream comes true when he is able to open his own restaurant, but it's a hard business, and he often run into prob...
Good Times (1974 - 1979) - The spin-off series to "Maude" features an African American family in Chicago.
Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers (1996 - 1996) - When the Power Rangers are turned into children, a new team from the waterworld of Aquitar assist in defending Earth from the space witch Rita and Master Vile - her father. This was a 10 episode mini-series
Hello Kitty and Friends (1987 - 1988) - Each show featured 2 15 minute adventures of Hello Kitty or one of the other cute Sanrio characters.
Parker Lewis Can't Lose (1991 - 1993) - Just Like Ferris Buller with a 90's setting......COOLNESS
X-Men: Evolution (2000 - 2003) - The show after the two movies and after the second x-men show.
What's Happening!! (1976 - 1979) - Roger, Rerun and Dwayne are three buddies growing up in Los Angeles. The three of them always have a penchant for getting into mischief and trying to find ways of getting rich quick. Almost always the trio's schemes wind up getting them into trouble and it is up to Roger's mother to get them out of...
Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theatre (1998 - 2004) - A program on Cartoon Network which aired movies produced by Warner Brothers as well as original movies such as Dexter's Laboratory Ego Trip and The Powerpuff Girls movie. Other studios include Universal Cartoon Studios and Paramount Pictures.
The Hogan Family (1985 - 1991) - Being a parent isn't easy, especially when you
Action league NOW! (1998 - 2012) - Action League now were shorts from Kablam! in 1998 they made it into a tv show starting the Flesh super stong and super naked, thunder girl who flys like thunder, Stinkey diver who smells really bad, Meltman who has the power to melt.
Power Rangers Time Force (2001 - 2001) - In the year 3000, the time force police capture a mutant criminal, but they get ambushed and the criminal Ransik escapes into the the time force rangers must stop him before history is changed forever.
Widget, the World Watcher (1990 - 2012) - A purple alien and three kids, Kristine, Kevin and Brian try to save the environment. They are often helped by Megabrain who is only a floating head with hands
3 Friends and Jerry (1998 - 1999) - Three Friends and Jerry is a hilarious series about four ten-year-old boys who are trying really hard to grow up. Jerry is the new guy in town. He is very innovative in his attempts to be accepted by the local gang, "The Three Friends"; Frank, Thomas, and Eric. Jerry's dad is the new PE teacher at t...
Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends (1984 - Current) - Stories about a tank engine named Thomas and his friends who live on the Island of Sodor. The series is originated from the Railway Series by the Reverend W.V. Awdry, which started in 1945.
My Secret Identity (1988 - 1991) - Teenager Andrew Clements gains superpowers after accidentally getting in the way of Dr. Benjamin Jeffcoate's scientific experiment. Andrew uses his superpowers to help people, but must hide them from his family and friends. With the powers of Invulnerability, Super Speed, and Levitation Andrew fight...
Saved by the Bell: The College Years (1993 - 1994) - Zach, Screech, and Slater are all college students now. They are struggling to adapt to college life and facing rough times, sometimes thanks in part to R.A. Mike Rogers and Prof. Jeremiah Laskey and Zach's troubles with Dean McMann. Kelly later arrives at the college to rejoin the group
Aliens in the Family (1996 - 1996) - Cookie is a recombinant DNA scientist on a far planet. Divorced from her husband and looking for suitable material she abducts a suburban single father from earth. Love blossoms, they marry, and she with her three children join Doug with his two on Earth, an interstellar Brody/Brady bunch.
Emergency! (1972 - 1977) - This program focused on the implementation and development of the new concept of the paramedic. The show begins with introducing our heros Roy Desoto and Johnny Gage assembling the first paramedic team and breaking new ground with unheard of new ideas, a mobile unit, equipped to stablize a patient a...
Dino-Riders (1987 - 1988) - Dino-Riders premiered in syndication in September 1987. This series is about the Valorians, a race who are followed to Earth's past by the evil Rulons who want to destroy them. When Krulos wasn't trying to get the S.T.E.P. to return to his time, he was trying to "brain box" stronger dinosaurs. Wh...
The Beverly Hillbillies (1962 - 1971) - The Beverly Hillbillies was a TV sitcom about a hillbilly family living in Southern California in the 1960s.
LazerTag Academy (1986 - 1986) - Lazertag champion Jamie Jaren travels back in time from the year 3010 and teams up with her ancestors to stop Draxon Drear, a criminal from her own time.
The Flintstone Kids (1986 - 1988) - The Flintstone Kids which aired on ABC from 1986-1988 is simply Fred, Wilma, Barney, Betty, and all their friends as kids.
Ultraforce (1995 - 1995) - Based off the Malibu comic series, this cartoon takes place in the Ultraverse, where new, super-powered beings, called Ultras, are slowly making their presence known to mankind. Some are ancient entities, others, recently transformed into their altered states. But all seem to have a larger purpose i...
Miami Vice (1984 - 1989) - The adventures of James "Sonny" Crockett, a veteran undercover detective in the Miami Police Department. Crockett lives the life of his undercover identity, smuggler Sonny Burnett, and lives on a department owned sail boat in the Miami marina with his pet aligator "Elvis", dresses in designer clothe...
The Red Green Show (1991 - 2006) - "The Red Green Show" is a unique half-hour comedy series targeted at family audiences. Its purpose is to entertain and to provide an escape from the pressures of urban living.
Lois & Clark The New Adventures of Superman (1993 - 1997) - Clark Kent is a reporter for a newspaper company. But unbeknownst to everybody he knows, he is Superman. But things get complicated when his partner Lois Lane, starts developing feelings for not only Clark, but Superman as well.
Mazinger Z (1972 - 1974) - first published as manga (comic) in Japan in 1972, Mazinger Z was then turned into a long-running anime television series later in the same year. It arrived in Europe in 1976 and it was a hit. Sadly, it arrived in America many years later when the 70's decade was gone. Mazinger Z remains the king of...
Tour of Duty (1987 - 1990) - This series offers an unflinching look at the vietnam war. It shows what happened to the soilders on both sides of the conflict. Its interesting to see the weapons and tatics used by both sides, and how each lived.
Disney's Fluppy Dogs (1986 - 1986) - Intelligent dog-like creatures arrive on our planet via an interdimensional portal and are captured by animal control Two children, Claire and Jamie find them at the pound and they become friends. The key allows them to enter new worlds. The world they are desperately looking for is their home. Thei...
Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990 - 2000) - Teen Drama initially based around the lives of two outsiders named Brandon and Brenda Walsh who move to Beverly Hills. The show dealt with hard hitting topics such as alcoholism, drug abuse, anorexia, and what have you.
Robotix (1986 - 1986) - On a far away planet, a war raged. Until their sun went super active, and radiation began pouring onto the planet. The only way to survive was for the people to transfer their conciousness into large robotic machines, called Robotix.
One Day at a Time (1975 - 1984) - Divorced mother & 2 teenage daughters live in an apartment. Busy-body super sticks his nose into everything.
Fruits Basket (2001 - 2001) - The enigmatic Sohma family shares a great secret, its members are possessed by spirits of the Chinese Zodiac, and when they are hugged by members of the opposite sex, they transform into their Zodiac animal! Tohru Honda, an orphaned high school freshman, is given lodging in the Sohma household in ex...
The Jeffersons (1975 - 1985) - Just a happy family with maid and occasionaly friend problems
Catwalk (1992 - 1993) - This show was abouta bunch of twenty something musicians and their lives. There was Johnny, Daisy (played by Neve Campbell), Jesse (played by Paul Popowich), Mary,Atlas, Sierra and Billy. Billy wasn't actually a member of the band but he was a night club owber who later became their manager and star...
Otherworld (1985 - 1985) - Starring:
Shin Chan (1992 - Current) - Shin Chan is a Japanese manga and anime series written by Yoshito Usui. The title is commonly translated as either "Crayon Shin Chan" or "Crayon Shin-Chan" and is sold worldwide. The series follows the antics of five-year-old Shinnosuke Nohara and his parents, neighbors, friends, dog and many other...
Gerbert (1989 - 1991) - A friendly, loveable puppet boy named Gerbert teaches children about making right choices and learn different lessons about life. Gerbert had a bear named Rory that he would imagine was alive and he had pop bottle collection in his bedroom.
Timon and Pumbaa (1995 - 1997) - Based upon the beloved Lion King, Timon and Pumbaa get the spotlight in their own series. Together, the two have humorus adventures that lead them into tough spots. Sometimes Simba, Rafiki, and Zazu will make their apperances in the series as well.
Chobits (2002 - 2002) - Hideki's just like every other guy in the 22nd century. He just wants a good job, a good car, and a sexy robot girlfriend to call his own. Until he lands a job, he'll never be able to afford his own 'Persocon' companion. Hideki's luck changes when he discovers Chii, an adorable but dyfunctional pers...
What-a-Mess! (1995 - 1996) - Based on the popular Frank Muir book series, this delightful animated series follows a scruffy, noble, Afghan puppy on his comical adventures through life. Although this messy, sloppy, clumsy, yet extremely lovable puppy always strives to do right, he somehow always ends up making a bigger mess than...
Polka Dot Door (1971 - 1993) - Polka Dot Door was a children's television series produced and broadcast by TVOntario from 1971 until 1993. The music was played, written, and directed by Canadian pianist John Arpin.
Cops (1989 - 2020) - "Cops" was among the earliest reality-based law enforcement shows, and remains one of the most popular of the genre. Each week, a camera crew followed the activities and daily beats of the officers of a different city's police department. Incidents ranged from routine traffic stops that evolve into...
Comic Strip (1987 - 1987) - A Saturday morning variety kids show that took up a full hour. It contained usually 3 of the following shows in it's run time: "Tigersharks", "Karate Kat", "Street Frogs", and "The Mini-Monsters."
Star Trek: Voyager (1995 - 2001) - The Federation starship USS Voyager, chasing a band of Maquis rebels, enters the dangerous space nebula known as the Badlands. Both ships are transported by a distant space probe to the Delta Quadrant, 75,000 light-years from Federation space. Voyager's crew and the Maquis form an uneasy truce to re...
Ninja Robots (1985 - 1986) - Alternative title: Ninja Senshi Tobikage, Ninja Warrior Tobikage.
Mr Men (1974 - 2009) - Its an animated series for children there are several different mr men shows they are basically shapes and moods.
Police Academy: the Animated Series (1988 - 1989) - Based on the popular Police Academy series with animated versions of the twelve most popular characters including House, Tackleberry and thier leader Mahoney. The gang fights crime while make life as hard as possible for Captain Harris and his sidekick Procter. Each episode is followed by a safet...
The Waltons (1972 - 1981) - In the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, during the Great Depression, the Walton family makes its small income from its saw mill on Walton's Mountain. The story is told through the eyes of John Boy, who wants to be a novelist, goes to college, and eventually fulfills his dream. The saga follows the...
The New Woody Woodpecker Show (1999 - 1999) - These are The New Adventures of Woody Woodpecker, in this Short Lived 1999 Series It Continued To Follow Woody Woodpecker and His Friends on Their Many Adventures!
Superfriends (1973 - 1977) - Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Robin, and Aquaman, along with heroes-in-training Wendy, Marvin, and Wonder Dog saved lives, put criminals behind bars, and stopped horrible disasters. Other memorable DC heroes such as The Flash, Hawkman, and Green Arrow frequently made appearances.
Student Bodies (1997 - 1999) - Student Bodies followed a group of students at Thomas A. Edison High School, who created their own student newspaper entitled Student Bodies. Each episode blends the real-life happenings at school with cartoons of how Cody, who illustrates Student Bodies, humorously sees the events
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures (1990 - 1991) - Bill and Ted continue to travel through time and have all kinds of adventures.
Friday Night Videos (1983 - 1994) - In the beginning, MTV was still a phenomenon that very few people actually could see in their homes, as cable television wasn't yet the "norm." Friday Night Videos took advantage of that fact and proved to be the next best thing.
Rags to Riches (1987 - 1988) - A wealthy widowed businessman adopts five daughters to live with him at his mansion.
Cybersix (1999 - 1999) - Based off a comic book written by Carlos Trillo and illustrated by Carlos Meglia, Teletoon soon created this comic book series into a short cartoon series consisting of thirteen episodes. Cybersix herself is an android apart of the Cyber's series, 500 in total were built, they were artificial humano...
Spectreman (1971 - 1972) - Bad, bad, bad 70s Japanese regular-guy-turns-into-giant-robot-esq show. The highlight (other than the great cheesy monsters) is the main villains. These are two guys in ape masks keeping traditional Japanese theatre alive through the over-use of hand gestures. Wonderfully campy, Spectreman makes...
Smoggies (1988 - 1990) - The Suntots lead by Princes Lila spend all thier time protecting thier paradise land (Coral Island) from the Smoggies (Emma and Clarance), a bunch of idiotic treasure hunters that pollute the waters around the island. Each epispode was quite envirnomentally educational without the overblown obviousn...
The Pink Panther (1993 - 1996) - The Pink Panther, who now has the ability to talk, returns with new adventures.
Welcome Back Kotter (1975 - 1979) - Gabriel Kotter returns to Brooklyn to teach history at the very high school from which he graduated ten years prior. When the "Sweathogs" (a nickname earned by the underachieving students of Buchanan High) give him a hard time, Mr. Kotter fires back with his own unending wit, and before long, they a...
Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings (1977 - 1978) - A British children's animated series about the adventures of a young child named Simon, who has a magic chalkboard. Things that Simon draws on the chalkboard become real in the Land of Chalk Drawings, which Simon can enter by climbing over a fence near his home with a ladder. This children's adventu...
The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo (1985 - 1985) - When a chest containing 13 of the worst ghosts in history is opened, it's up to Scooby, Shaggy, Daphne, Scrappy, and an orphan named Flim Flam aided by the sorcerer, Vincent VanGhoul (voiced by horror movie legend, Vincent Price) to stop them.
Jim Henson's The Storyteller (1987 - 1988) - Classic stories from ancient lore told by The Storyteller. He and his dog sat by the fire recalling tales heard on his travels.
The Godzilla Power Hour (1978 - 1981) - The Godzilla Power Hour was a 60-minute Saturday morning animated series co-produced between Hanna-Barbera Productions and Toho in 1978 and aired on NBC in the US and TV Tokyo in Japan.
The Plastic Man Comedy-Adventure Show (1979 - 1981) - Actually 2 hours long its first year, then dropping down ti 90 mins the second, the show ran 4 (then 3) segments. In 1980 the show was shortened to 30 minutes and renamed The Plastic Man/Baby Plas Super Comedy Show.
Sledge Hammer! (1986 - 1988) - Action-packed thriller about a detective named Sledge Hammer and his beautiful, but not-so-bright partner Dori Doreau. In each episode, Hammer and Doreau solve crimes and fight for justice.
Monster Rancher (1999 - 2001) - Monster Rancher is based off the video game of the same name. It follows the story of a ten year old boy named Genki, who gets sucked into the world of monsters. There he befriends a girl named Holly, who is looking for her father, and her monster Suezo, an eyeball monster. Holly has a pendent tha...
Undressed (1999 - 2002) - MTV show chronicling the diverse (sexual) relationships between college students, including differences in race, sexual preference, and fetishes.
Saber Rider (1987 - 1989) - Saber Rider and the Star Sheriff is another of the Wild West meets The Far Future shows that were popular during the 80's (see Bravestarr). Mankind has begun colonizing the stars, and lawlessness has risen it's head, wild west style, once more. It is up to Saber Rider and his Star Sheriffs in thei...
Batman (1966 - 1968) - Wikipedia:
The Tex Avery Show (1996 - 2002) - The Tex Avery Show is an animated showcase of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Warner Bros. cartoon shorts prominently by animator Tex Avery (a.k.a. Fred Avery). The showcase premiered on the Cartoon Network in 1996 (not long after the Time Warner-Turner merger allowed for common ownership of all but four of...
Extreme Dinosaurs (1998 - 1998) - Sixty-Five Million years ago an evil scientist arrives in the time of dinosaurs to find potential soldiers to over throw his world. He captures five dinosaurs who realize that they don't won't to be his evil minions. So he cast them away and finds three evil dinosaurs to do the job. He is then pursu...
Superman(1988) (1988 - 1988) - Basically another approach to the Man of Steel. This series centers on Clark Kent/Superman (Kal- El) and the aventures in Metropolis. Is the pre Crisis Superman so he's got a lot of "views" and a lot of brains. Together with him, Jimmy olsen with his radio watch that summoned the MAn of Steel and Lo...
Fudge (1995 - 1997) - The story of two brothers, the oldest is Peter, and the younger brother is Farley, but he's known as Fudge. Fudge got his nickname for his love of chocolate. And any situation Fudge got into, chocolate would most likely be the solution. In one episode Fudge gets his head stuck between two sink pipes...
Alf Tales (1988 - 1990) - In that show, Alf and his friends presented famous fairy-tales like: "The Wizard of Oz", "Peter Pan", "Robin Hood" etc'.
Sifl & Olly (1998 - 1999) - Sock Puppet show on MTV
Maple Town (1986 - 1993) - Mapletown was about a town filled with animals. Rabbits, Bears, Foxes, etc. Wild Wolf was the antagonist in town.
Kissyfur (1986 - 1987) - This was a short-lived cartoon about a circus bear (Kissyfur) and his dad, Gus, who escaped to live in a swamp. This cartoon centered around the cubs of the swamp and their misadventures which most included the gators that were trying to eat them but Gus always came to the rescue just in time.
Cro (1993 - 1995) - The story: A wooley mammoth from the Ice Age is thawed out in the 20th century by Dr. C and Mikey. Each episode, he tells a story about his caveman friend, Cro. Each story has to do with science in every Stone Age daily life. The show premiered on PBS kids in 1993 and then was taken off the air in t...
The Adventures of Batman (1992 - 1995) - In 1992, the birth of Warner Bros. "Batman: The Animated Series" changed the Batman Universe forever. The dynamic series spawned a new technique in animation using black backgrounds that would eventually be dubbed "Dark Deco." Dark Deco gave every scene within Gotham an extraordinary look, redefinin...
Digimon Adventure 01 (1999 - 2000) - Digidestined kids go to the digital world in order to save both the real world and the digital world.
Kratt's Creatures (1996 - 1996) - This show was an education show that taught its viewers about the different residents of the animal kingdom. Coupled with cheesy animated sequences, and wacky anitcs, this show and its hosts Chris and Martin Kratt became hits with children, spawning a series of books based off episodes.
The Shnookums and Meat Funny Cartoon Show (1995 - 1995) - This animated series actually follows three different cartoon scenarios. The first, "Schnookums and Meat!" involves a dumb pair of animals: Schnookums the cat and Meat the dog. The next, "Pith Possum: Super Dynamic Possum of Tomorrow" is a spoof of the 1966 Batman TV series, with Pith Possum and...
Cyborg 009 (2001 - 2002) - Remake of 60's anime series.
Disney Sing Along Songs (1986 - Current) - A Sing Along Direct-to-Video series for Disney on VHS/Betamax/Laserdisc/DVD/Blu-Ray. It started with "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" and finished with "Flik's Musical Adventure at Disney's Animal Kingdom" The series was sometimes shown on The Disney Channel at some time as a special. (For example: "Friend Like...
Land of the Lost (Original TV Series) (1974 - 1977) - Marshal, Will and Holly, on a routine expedition...came the greatest earthquake every known, shook their tiny raft, an took them to the valley deep below, to the land of the lost, the land of the lost.
Voyagers! (1982 - 1983) - Phineas Bogg is a member of a group time travelers called Voyagers. He is a regular human that once lived as a pirate before he was chosen to be a voyager. He travels by way of a brass pocket watch type device called an omni. When the light flashes red, it means history is wrong. His job is to fix i...
Rude Dog and The Dweebs (1989 - 1989) - Created to promote a popular 80's line of sportswear, Rude Dog and the Dweebs was as colorful as the clothing it advertised. The punkish pooch himself drove a 1956 pink Cadillac across a backdrop of Beverly Hills imagined in hues of pastel and neon.
WMAC Masters (1995 - 1996) - Actors
Adventures from the Book of Virtues (1996 - 2002) - Adventures from the Book of Virtues is an animated television series which originally aired on PTV and PBS Kids in the United States for three seasons, beginning in 1996 and ending in 2000. There was a two-year gap in between the second and third seasons. It sought to illustrate themes of common vir...
Child's Toy/Kodomo No Omocha/Kodocha (1996 - 1997) - Sana Kurata has a charmed life. Not only is her mother is a famous, award-winning writer, but she's the star of the hit TV comedy "Child's Toy" while still in the fifth grade. But Sana's biggest concern is Akito Hayama, a pint-sized hellion who's organized the boys in their grade-school class into a...
The Carol Burnett Show (1967 - 1978) - Television show featuring skits by Carol Burnett and her comedy troupe. Among the cast were Harvey Korman, Tim Conway, Vicki Lawrence, Lyle Wagoner & later on Ken Berry & Dick Van Dyke.
Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger (1992 - 1993) - The 16th Super Sentai series. 170,000,000 years ago, five ancient human kingdoms, with the protection of the Sh
Kamen Rider (1971 - 1973) - A grasshopper looking motorcycle riding superhero who fights the evil clan called Shocker. After Takeshi Hongou being remodelled by the Shockers, Kamen Rider fights out evil. In Episode 14, Rider #2 (Hayato Ichimonji) arrived to continue the series. The series' villain was later became GelShocker.
Ewoks (1985 - 1987) - This series recounts the adventures of Ewoks years before the Battle of Endor. Here Wicket W. Warrick is a young Ewok struggling to achieve maturity in his community. This leads to a series of adventures with his friends, Princess Kneessa heir to the chieftain, Latara the aspiring musician and Tee...
Super Turtles (Japan) (1996 - 1997) - Japan only ninja turtles cartoon.
Hardcastle & Mccormick (1983 - 1986) - A hard-line judge teams up with a car thief to capture theives who slip through legal loopholes, not to mention the conflicts that arise when it comes.
Angie (1979 - 1980) - Poor waitress Angie Falco (Donna Pescow), working at the Liberty Diner had been secretly slipping Brad Benson pastries, thinking he was also poor. She soon learns, however, that he is actually a pediatrician from the medical building across the street from the diner and a member of one of Philadelph...
Read All About It (1981 - 1984) - When three kids explore a coach house held by a missing Uncle of one of the kids, they discover far more than they bargained. They discover two robots, Otto and Theta, who tell them about a dire threat of a conspiracy against the town. By accident, they also discover a teleport machine that can take...
The Partridge Family (1970 - 1974) - The Partridges were a fatherless family of six who decided, in the premier episode, to form a rock band and tour the country in a psychedelically-painted school bus. Most episodes began at the family home in California. Under the leadership of 70s supermom Shirley Partridge (Shirley Jones), the five...
Potato Head Kids (1985 - 1985) - Potato Head Kids was a series consisting of very few poorly made episodes. In fact each episode has several HIGHLY noticable animation or voicing mistakes. They're so bad the thy look intentional. There is basically no continuous plot, just the gang having fun and trying to avoid the cliche' gang of...
My Little Pony Tales (1992 - 1992) - Six ponies - Starlight, Sweetheart, Melody, Bright Eyes, Patch, Bon Bon, and Clover - learn everyday lessons in real-life adventure show.
Webster (1983 - 1989) - The post-retirement season is suddenly disrupted for football player George Papadapolis and his wife Katherine when Webster, the orphaned son of a former teammate, moves in. Laughter -- and life lessons -- in every episode.
Widget the World Watcher (1990 - 1991) - Widget was a little alien with the task of preserving and protecting the environment of planet Earth with the aid of his friends, three human children named Kristine, Brian and Kevin
Popeye the Sailor (1933 - 1957) - Thimble Theater was adapted into an animated cartoon series originally produced for Paramount Pictures by Fleischer Studios, run by brothers Max Fleischer (producer) and Dave Fleischer (director) in 1933. Popeye made his film debut in Popeye the Sailor, a 1933 Betty Boop cartoon (Betty only makes a...
Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog (1998 - 1999) - Queen Maeve of Terma wants to rule the land of her birth, the peaceful kingdom of Kells. She calls upon the dark fairy Mider, who gives her a crystal that allows Maeve to use sorcery to summon mystical creatures. King Conchobar of Kells hears of Maeve's evil plain and must find a way to stop her and...
Spider-Man Unlimited (1999 - 2001) - Muppet Sing Alongs was released direct-to-video on May 21, 1993. It was the first of the titles in the Muppet Sing-Alongs series.
Sam and Max Freelance Police (1997 - 1998) - Though it was originally a comic book, the story is about a crime fighting dog named Sam, and his psychotic rabbit pal, Max. This show premiered on Fox Kids for a year because of the airing of the new Fox Family Channel.
Clueless: The Series (1996 - 1999) - A television series, based on the popular movie of the same name. Many of the actors from the movie appear in the television series, including Dion, Mr. Hall, Miss Giest, Amber, and Murray.
The Equalizer (1985 - 1989) - Robert McCall is "The Equalizer", a private detective with a lot of contacts who is available for hire if you have a problem that you don't know how to solve. His no-nonsense attitude, compassion, and experience with dealing with a wide variety of situations makes him a powerful and useful detective...
Star Blazers (1980 - 1985) - In the year 2199, life on Earth was threatened with extinction by the mysterious planet, Gamilon. In the middle of the twenty-first century, this mysterious stellar nation, from a planet far outside our solar system, declared war on Earth. They bombarded Earth with deadly planet bombs. The surface o...
Family Feud (1976 - Current) - Richard Dawson first hosted this game show in which two families try to guess what the 'surveys said' of polls conducted of 100 average people. Family Feud premiered in 1976 on ABC and ended in 1985, but in 1988 comedian Ray Combs (died June 2, 1996 by hanging suicide) took over on CBS. In 1992, t...
Wheel of Fortune (1975 - Current) - This popular hangman type game was created by Merv Griffin that was first hosted & co-hosted by Chuck Woolery and Susan Stafford. 3 players spun a big wooden wheel for money and tried to guess letters on a big puzzle board and used the money to buy prizes. In 1981, former weatherman from LA, Pat Saj...
Will & Grace (1998 - 2006) - Now entering its eighth season, the Emmy Award-winning comedy series has remained one of television's highest-rated and most upscale comedies throughout its network run. For the 2004-05 television season, "Will & Grace" averaged a 4.5 rating, 12 share in adults 18-49 and 10.0 million viewers overall...
TUGS (1989 - 1990) - Two tugboat companies, The heroic Star Fleet run by Captain Star who was the narrator of the show and the villanous Z Stacks run by the devious Captain Zero.
Sigmund & the Sea Monsters (1973 - 1975) - Two boys, Johnny and Scott, were playing on the beach one day when they "meet" Sigmund, a green sea monster with tentacles who looks like moving seaweed. As it turns out, Sigmund got tired of his family who wanted him to become a "proper" sea monster (i.e., scaring people etc), and as a result, he r...
The Tribe (1999 - Current) - 'Where the virus came from, no-one knew... from deepest space, bacterial warfare or some nation's scientific experiments gone horrifically wrong? All the Adults are gone... All the teachers are gone... All peace and regular meals are gone... Just tribal instincts and war paint survive. If survival d...
Adventures of Raggedy Ann and Andy (1988 - 1990) - Siblings Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy are toys that come to life when their owner Marcella isn't around. Together with the other toys, they explore a strange land where anything is possible.
Encyclopedia Brown (1989 - 1990) - Aired on HBO.
Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds (1985 - 1987) - Dogtanian (the son of a former Muskehound) is sent to Paris to become a Muskehound but on the way encounters Milady de Winter and gets involved with a plot to destablise the French Monarachy.
Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures (1987 - 1988) - Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures was a revival of the classic Terrytoons character Mighty Mouse. It was produced by the infamous maverick Ralph Bakshi (who got his start in the animation industry working at Terrytoons). Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures is considered by some to be a major truning poi...
Dragon's Lair (1984 - 1984) - Modeled after the very popular video game of the same name, Dirk would battle the dragon Cinge, often in the Dragon's Lair. Dirk is the best knight in King Ethelred's kingdom, performing all sorts of great deeds and protects the kingdom and his love, Princess Daphne.
Keeping Up Appearances (1990 - 1995) - Snobs have long been comady anti-heroes - Hancock was a snob, as were Basil Fawlty, Rupert Rigsby and even, in his rallies against 'inferior' racial minorities, Alf Garnett - but Hyacinth Bucket, which she insisted was pronounced 'bouquet', was the mother of all snobs. She was a barnstorming, interf...
The Biskitts (1982 - 1983) - A group of very tiny, medieval dogs, the Biskitts, live in Biskitt Castle, which is nestled in a great swamp. They have pledged to guard the treasure of their friend, the late King Kevin. The evil King Max, however, is constantly trying to find a way to steal this treasure with the help of his toa...
Spider-Woman (1979 - 1980) - Spider-Woman fights crime in this Spider-Man spin-off. Spider-Man guest stars in two episodes. The series was made by Ruby-Spears Productions. Spider-Woman's actual identity was Jessica Drew & the series was loosely based on the Marvel Comics character.
Avengers (1999) (1999 - 2000) - This show is based on a marvel comic series. It follows a group that are considered the Earth's Mightiest Heroes. The initial cast consisted of Ant-Man, Wasp, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Tigra, Falcon and Wonder Man. In one of the earliest episodes, Wonder Man is put into a coma and his brain pattern...
The Moomins (1990 - 1992) - They love the laughter and they love the living. The Moomins,
The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show (1971 - 1972) - The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show follows the hijinks of the teen Pebbles Flintstone and Bamm-Bamm Rubble. Bypassing several important growth stages, Bedrock's favorite tots are now teenagers attending Bedrock High where, not surprisingly, they become embroiled in a variety of misadventures along with...
Family Dog (1993 - 1993) - A horribly disfunctional family, the Binsfords, abuse their dog. The cartoon's stories gravitate more in the dogs prospective and well-being.
Out of the Box (1998 - 2004) - Out of Of the Box was a very popular show for many kids who are now Teen agers with some of the greatest songs of all times in the show it was great! They were known for making craft and doing hands on things in the box! They would act out plays and it was a younger of the 1990's dream playhouse the...
Star Trek (1966 - 1969) - Star Trek is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry that follows the adventures of the starship USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) and its crew.
Maniac Mansion (1990 - 1993) - Canadian sitcom follows a scientist named Fred Edison(Joe Flaherty)and his eccentric family.This show was loosely based on the 1987 compute game of the same name.
Parappa the Rapper (1999 - 2001) - Cartoon based on the video game.
Fireman Sam (1987 - Current) - Fireman Sam is a stop-motion animation about a fireman named Sam and his friends who put out fires and solved a multitude of other problems in the small Welsh town of Pontypandy.
My Two Dads (1987 - 1990) - Two men end up inheriting the child of a women whom they both used to date. One of the men is the father but no one knows who. Tests were never done. They both just decided to take in this young girl and raise her-all living in the same loft. The two dads are supposed to be the epitamy of opposites...
The Tomorrow People 70's series (1973 - 1979) - The show is about special adults and teens with special powers they use to protect Earth from all evil.
Wizbit (1985 - 1987) - BBC TV show staring Paul Daniels, a talking yellow hat and a 7ft tall character called wooly rabbit..
Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch (1974 - 1976) - Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch
Shazam (1974 - 1977) - Billy Batson is a boy with a special duty in life. Accompanied by his Mentor, he travels from place to place in a Winnebago learning about life and helping people along the way. When the situation is heading for disaster, all he has to do is to yell the magic word, SHAZAM! and call down the magic li...
I'm Telling! (1987 - 1988) - In this kids game show version of The Newlywed Game, two siblings usually a brother and a sister shared secrets about each other. Whichever team won the most points got to go the the Pick-A-Prize Arcade.
The Bozo Show (1962 - 2011) - A variety show on WGN in Chicago showed the talent of many actors. Two people would portray Bozo over the shows run. Famous Magician Marshell Brodien got his start as Wizzo T. Wizard (the T stood for Walter).Entertainer and radio/tv broadcaster:Bob Bell was the first performer to mc the series as...
Monster Force (1994 - 1995) - I've looked through all of the 90s TV section and couldn't find this but some how i was able to remember its name and I was able to find was this:
Pro Stars (1991 - 1992) - Originally intended to air on ESPN, the show centers on Michael Jordan, Bo Jackson and Wayne Gretzky fighting crime and helping children, often protecting the environment as well. These three were chosen to represent the pinnacle of all four major American professional sports in the early 1990s. Whi...
Swat Cats: The Radical Squadron (1993 - 1995) - Two ex-fighter pilots (T-Bone and Razor) battle eveil as masked heros, who manage to constantly trouble the chief of police who can never best evil himself and so it is left to the Swat Kats to do so to his dismay.
Unico (1981 - 1985) - Unico the Unicorn has the amazing power to make anyone he meets happy. Whether it`s because of his personality or the powers of his horn, no one knows. However, the gods become jealous of Unico, thinking that only gods should be able to decide or let people be happy or not. Unico is banished to the...
Out of Control (1984 - 1988) - Cut-it-out! This was a super fun variety show on Nickelodeon with some very colorful characters. It taught many valuable lessons on how NOT to do things. Comedian Dave Coulier stars as the even-keeled host Dave, whose signature catchphrase was "Cutitout!"; which was a catchphrase Coulier would lat...
The All New Popeye Hour (1978 - 1983) - Popeye returns in this new saturday morning series on September 9, 1978, The All-New Popeye Hour debuted on the CBS Saturday morning lineup. It was an hour-long animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions, which tried its best to retain the style of the original comic strip (Popeye returne...
Highway to Heaven (1984 - 1989) - Starring Michael Landon & Victor French
The Adventures of T-Rex (1992 - 1993) - The world of T-Rex is inhabited by clothed civilized dinosaurs. In Rep City a gang of thugs, led by Big Boss Graves, is planning to take over the city, but professor Edison asks the help of 5 stand-up comedians, the 5 T-Rex brothers, Bugsy (purple), Bernie (blue), Buck (yellow), Bubba (green) and Br...
Taina (2001 - 2002) - Taina Morales has dreams that someday she will be a star, but finds out that the road to being a star is a hard one. Taina attends Manhattan School of the Arts with her best friend, Renee Jones and her other friends Daniel McDaniel and Lamar Johnson. But of course, her arch nemesis Maritza Hogge, wh...
Todd McFarlane's Spawn: The Animated Series (1997 - 1999) - The Animated Adventures Of A Mysterious Demonic Being Who Uses His Dark Powers Against The Forces Of Evil.
Silver Spoons (1982 - 1987) - Edward Stratton III likes Pac-Man, pinball machines and electric trains. Ricky Stratton is mature, sensible and understands computers. But Edward is in his 30s, while son Ricky is only 12. Edward is very rich. He also talks like Goofy, has the brains of a speed bump and lives in a mansion furnished...
227 (1985 - 1990) - 227 is an American sitcom television series that originally aired on NBC from September 14, 1985, to May 6, 1990. The series stars Marla Gibbs as Mary Jenkins, a sharp-tongued, inner-city resident gossip and housewife, and lower-floor neighbors Sandra Clark and Pearl Shay.
The Mary Tyler Moore Show (1970 - 1977) - The Mary Tyler Moore Show was one of the most literate,
Partridge Family, 2200 A.D. (1974 - 1975) - Animated adaptation of The Partridge Family (ABC, 1970-74), which saw the family propelled into the future. Originally slated to be a part of a proposed new version of The Jetsons (ABC, 1962-63), the animated version featured new characters Veenie (Keith's Venusian friend) and Marion (Laurie's Marti...
Gravedale High (1990 - 1990) - Max Schneider is the only human boy at Gravedale High, which is otherwise populated entirely by teenage versions of classic hollywood monsters such as vampires, werewolves, and frankensteinian creatures. The comedy came from the fact that, as far as the monsters were concerned, they were all perfec...
Jabberjaw (1976 - 1978) - Jabberjaw
Little Golden Book Land (1989 - 1989) - Adventures from the land of Little Golden Book Land. Characters usually consisted of entities that lacked the ability of higher or basic intelligent thought (Locomotives, Lions, Bears, etc) and were given human facial characteristics. A great children's show that taught morals and always had happy e...
Hang Time (1995 - 2012) - Hang Time is basically just another teen coming-of-age sitcom. The twist here is, however, that it focuses on a boys basketball team with one female team member. The show is generically the same as the rest - same jokes, same gags, same characters, touches on the same issues - but it is one of the b...
S Club 7 (1999 - 2002) - S Club 7 is actual band. They are all Bristish. They start in Miami as hotel singers in season 1. In season 2 they move to Los Angeles and remian there until the end of the show. They keep trying to get a music contract. They get jobs and have drama with relationships and such on the side. In the la...
The King of Queens (1998 - 2007) - Blue-collar couple Doug and Carrie Heffernan (Kevin James and Leah Remini) share their home in Queens, NY with Carrier's oddball dad, Arthur (Jerry Stiller). Burly Doug, who makes a living as a parcel deliveryman, often has to scheme to find time alone with Carrie, as Arthur can be quiet a handful -...
MADtv (1995 - 2016) - MADtv is a late night sketch comedy television show. MADtv premiered in 1995 and, over the years, has become famous for its sharp parodies of film, television and music.
Teknoman (1995 - 1996) - At the end of the 21st century, the earth was invaded by a horde of mutant Spidercrabs, under the control of the Venomoid warlord - Darkon! Even the heroic men & women of the Space Knights cannot defend the earth without the help of a mysterious man called Blade, who has the ability to transform int...
Ant and the Aardvark (1969 - 1971) - Very similar to your Road Runner and Coyote series, it features an ant and an aardvark. Every episode, the aardvark tries to catch the ant.
Amazing Stories (1985 - 1987) - Amazing Stories was a short lived sci-fi/fantasy series in the vein of The Twilight Zone. A new story - sometimes scary, sometimes funny - would be featured every week featuring many notable 80s character actors as well as a few big name stars. The series was most noted for the number of guest dir...
MTV's Say What Karaoke! (1998 - 2000) - Guests would sing karaoke along to songs in front of a live audience and were judged and eliminated. The finale of each show included spinning a wheel and sing whatever song the landed on. A pre-American Idol like show.
Pinky, Elmyra & the Brain (1998 - 1998) - Pinky and the Brain, two genetically-enhanced lab mice, are still trying to take over the world. However, now that they've lost their headquarters at ACME Labs, they're operating from the home of the animal over-loving Elmyra. Now Pinky and the Brain must continually avoid Elmyra and a neighborhood...
Raw Toonage (1992 - 1992) - Raw Toonage was a half-hour show airing on NBC Saturday mornings featuring a Disney classic character as the host (ex. Goofy) and three cartoon shorts: "He's Bonkers" featuring Bonkers D. Bobcat with Jitters A. Dog and Fawn Deer, "Marsupilami" featuring Marsupilami and Maurice the gorila, and "Total...
The gummi bears/ winnie-the-pooh hour (1989 - 1990) - Hour block that aired reruns from both shows.
Dilbert (1999 - 2000) - DILBERT had a short run through 1999-2000. The show followed an average day through DILBERT's life. Ridiculous slapstick and parody come together in this amazingly well casted show, featureing celebrities and good animation.
The Secret Life of Toys (1994 - 1994) - This show chronicled the lives and adventures that toys have when their owners arent around, and was a tv show spin-off of the 1986 Jim Henson film the christmas toy. This show featured such lovable characters as rugby the stuffed toy tiger, dotty the doll (who was later replaced by raisin the ragdo...
seaQuest DSV (1995 - 1998) - Captain Nathan Bridger is hauled out of retirement to command the new submarine SeaQuest, under the authority of the United Earth/Oceans Organization. His ship goes up against pirate forces commanded by Marilyn Stark, a former SeaQuest captain who tried to instigate a war.
Nick at Nite (1985 - Current) - Nick at Nite is a programing block from 9pm-6am Sunday-Thursday and from 10pm-6am Friday-Saturday on Viacom's kids cable channel Nickelodeon. When Nick at Nite launched in 1985, the shows were from the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s. Today Nick at Nite's shows are from the 80s and 90s. Nick at nite's...
It's a Living (1980 - 1989) - 1980s sitcom about a group of waitresses(Ann Jillian, Gail Edwards, Barrie Youngfellow, Crystal Bernard, Sheryl Lee Ralph)that work in a gourmet restaurant located above a California hotel. The show ran for two seasons on ABC(1980-1982) and was later revived in first run syndication by Lorimar(1985-...
Johnson and Friends (1991 - 1995) - Johnson and his friends, which include McDuff, a concertina, Diesel, a truck, Alfred, a hot water bottle, and Squeaky, a robot, are toys that belong to a boy named Michael, unseen except for asleep in his bed. They reside in his bedroom, and but do not move or show any signs of life until he has lef...
Night Gallery (1970 - 1973) - Night Gallery was creator-host Rod Serling's follow-up to The Twilight Zone. Set in a shadowy museum of the outre, Serling weekly unveiled disturbing portraiture as preface to a highly diverse anthology of tales in the fantasy-horror vein. The first story the in the pilot episode was directed by Ste...
Benson (1979 - 1986) - Spin-Off of the hit comedy "SOAP", "BENSON", the Butler of Jessica Tate helps out her cousin Gene Gatling, who is the Governor of the state. Benson's first escapade lands him into finding a way for a huge company to build their new bridge without killing beavers. His success in this idea seems to la...
The Arsenio Hall Show (1989 - 2014) - The Arsenio Hall Show made its debut in 1989 and ended in 1994. It was later revived in 2013 but ended in 2014. This late night talk show was made to compete with the likes of The Tonight show and David Lettermen. Arsenio began his show with his trademark catchphrase "Let's get busy!"
General Hospital (1963 - Current) - The longest running drama series in the history of television. The series focuses on Dr. Steve Hardy and his nurse friend Jessie Brewer and her marriage with the young Dr. Phil Brewer. Despite originally taking place in the hospital of an unnamed city, the city was later placed as Port Charles, New...
The Bugaloos (1970 - 1972) - The Bugaloos was the second full production by Sid and Marty Krofft. Although this show was not as popular as their other series, camio apearances aired during the Kroft Supes Stars show.
Fame (1982 - 1987) - The Art School was always their dream.They want to dance, they want to sing, to play music, to act but above all they want to live their lives while they are still young and full of energy. Coco, Leroy, Danny, Jesse, Chris, and all the others try hard because they know that they've got a long way to...
Jungle Cubs (1996 - 1998) - The comic adventures of the children of the Jungle Book characters as they cope by themselves with life in the wild, search for food, shelter from nature, and learn to get along with each other.
V (1984 - 1985) - This series features the characters from the two mini-series about aliens coming to Earth claiming to be friends but in reality have an ulterior motive. The aliens may have been beaten in the mini-series but there are still a lot of them out there. In this series, Nathan Bates, the industrialist who...
Jumanji (1996 - 1998) - based off the movie with the same name, it shows older alan still stuck in the game and trying to get out.
Barney Miller (1975 - 1982) - The trials and tribulations of Captain Barney Miller
Electra Woman and Dyna Girl (1976 - 1977) - This show is about two women, Laurie and Judy, who are newspaper reporters for the world famous Newsmaker Magazine who coincidentally also happen to be the super heroines Electra Woman & Dyna Girl. With the help of Crimescope, the two reporters can transform themselves from everyday reporters to the...
Donald's Quack Attack (1993 - 1993) - A half hour compilation of classic Disney cartoons featuring Donald Duck and his friends.
Beverly Hills Teens (1987 - 1988) - Characters & Voices
Hunter (1984 - 1991) - Rick Hunter is a (good) cop, who has a few things going against him. One is the fact that he, albeit unintentionally, injures his partners, which that not too many cops want to be his partner. Another is that his captain has it in for him. And the fact, that some of the people in his family are mobs...
The Odd Couple (1970 - 1975) - Felix and Oscar are an extremely odd couple: Felix is anal-retentive, neurotic, precise, and fastidiously clean. Oscar, on the other hand, is the exact opposite: sloppy and casual. They are sharing an apartment together, and their differing lifestyles inevitably lead to some conflicts and laughs.
I Dream of Jeannie (1965 - 1970) - Stranded on a desert island after his spacecraft malfunctioned, NASA astronaut Tony Nelson comes upon a strange bottle and releases a beautiful girl genie. "Jeannie" as she is called, is more than two thousand years old, is from ancient Babylon, and can materialize objects or control any situation w...
Glo Friends (1986 - 1986) - The Glo friends was a 15 minute cartoon aired in 1986. The Glo Friends cartoon was a spin-off from the christmas special released in 1985, The Glo Friends Save Christmas, based off of the popular Glo Worm toy series. The Glo Friends were a group of bugs that are constantly trying to find moondrops...
Zorro-1990 (1990 - 1992) - Actors-
Maury (1991 - Current) - A show hosted by Maury Povich who helps people with problems and issues consirning their lives. It was first known as The Maury Povich Show from it's debut in 1991 until becoming a tabloid series in 1998.
In Search of..... (1976 - 1982) - This series explored various phenomena, legends, and mysteries and still holds up 20 years after it left the air. I just loved this show as a grade schooler in the seventies, because I was heavy into monsters and ghost stories and the show frequently profiled legends like vampires, werewolves, Bigfo...
The Kwicky Koala Show (1981 - 1982) - Cartoon pioneer Tex Avery was lured out of retirement in 1979 to create a new cartoon for old colleagues William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. Avery's dream was a return to the unbridled zaniness of his earlier MGM work. His creation was Quicky (later renamed Kwicky) Koala, a zippy little Aussie marsupi...
Wizadora (1993 - 1993) - Kids Tv Show Wizadora was a trainee witch, who often had trouble casting spells. This was one of Meridian's earliest productions for the ITV network.
The Scooby Doo Show (1976 - 1979) - The third incarnation of the Hanna Barbera series
SCTV (1976 - 1984) - SCTV is "ON THE AIR!!!"
Wake, Rattle, and Roll (1990 - 1992) - Wake, Rattle, and Roll was a children's TV show about a boy and his robot from around 1991. The robot's head appeared to be made of a Sony U-matic cassette. The show's theme song featured a version of the song Shake, Rattle and Roll.
Tom and Jerry's Funhouse (TBS) (1986 - 1996) - Tom and Jerry's Funhouse was a animated variety show on TBS.
Amen (1986 - 1991) - Deacon Ernest Frye was a holy terror. He was
Amigo and Friends (1980 - 1984) - A 1982 Hanna-Barbera cartoon starring Mexican movie star Cantinflas, who learns about important people, places and inventions in history.
Cardcaptors (1998 - 2000) - CardCaptors is the American version of the Japanese anime Card Captor Sakura. The main characters are Sakura Avalon and Li Showron, who, assisted by Keroberos (Kero), and Sakura's best friend Madison, try to capture the escaped Clow cards, and return them to the mystical book that holds them, the Cl...
The New Archies (1987 - 1988) - This series follows the adventures of Archie Andrews and his friends as pre-teens in middle school.
Disney's Hercules: The TV Series (1998 - 1999) - Teenage Hercules trains to be a hero and battles Hades, the ruler of the Underworld while attending high school.
Action Man (2000) (1995 - 1997) -
Mickey Mouse Works (1999 - 2001) - Mickey Mouse and his friends (Donald Duck, Goofy, Minnie Mouse, Daisy Duck, pluto etc') Back to the television with some new Cartoons.
Time Squad (2001 - 2003) - Set in the year one million, It's Time Squad's duty to protect history form falling apart. The show revolves around Officer Buck Tuddrussel,the trigger-happy cop. Larry 3000, the resentful robot that is the only one that knows how to control the satellite that they live in. and Otto Osworth, the or...
The Flying House (1983 - 1985) - "The Flying House" was a sister series to "SuperBook" it tells the incredible adventures of a time machine named The Flying House which is a fusion between a regular house and a big rocketship.
Braingames (1984 - 1985) - "Braingames" was a series featuring interactive brain teaser puzzles that integrated history, art, music, culture, and sports. Each episode featured such as "Wrongovia" (Mystery and History), "Safari Solitaire" (Animal Quiz), "Memory Rock" (Memory Challenge), and many more.
It's Your Move (1984 - 1985) -
Swan's Crossing (1992 - 1992) - This show follows the lives of a group of teenagers in a town called Swans Crossing. Designed to be a soap opera aimed at the preteen age group, it provides storylines that are found in your typical "grown-up" soap opera - love triangles, innocent first love, the possibility of being switched at bir...
Excel Saga (1999 - 2000) - Crazy anime about a pair of girls working for a secret organiztion bent on world conquest by taking over one city at a time.
The New Adventures of Speed Racer (1993 - 1994) - The early 90's brought back that 60's anime favorite, Speed Racer, with a bit of a sci-fi twist.
Batfink (1967 - 1988) - Hal Seeger production, "Batfink" was a five minute long cartoon, 100 episodes in total. Originally made in one year (1966), the show was shown from 1967 to 1988.
Highlander: the Series (1992 - 1998) - Duncan MacLeod is Immortal, and must live in modern society, concealing his true nature while fighting other Immortals. He is aided by the "watchers"who guide him to fighting evil immortals. Film contain lots of flashbacks to his past.
Transformers: Masterforce (1988 - 1990) - Powermasters, pretenders, headmasters, and powermaster prime all star in this show.
The Fonz and the Happy Days Gang (1980 - 1981) - A young (purple) woman arrives in 1957 with her time machine and befriends the Fonz and the "Happy Days" gang. They join her in her time machine and have time traveling adventures on Earth and in Space.
Vehicle Force Voltron (1985 - 1985) - Debuting just after the more popular lion based Voltron: Defender of the Universe, Vehicle Voltron saw a devoted, if decidedly smaller fanbase due to the fact that it spent most of each episode talking, waiting until the last few minutes for the group to actually form Voltron and get some action int...
Robot Chicken (2005 - Current) - All your favorite toys of the past are back and together in this awesome new show. But these aren't your big brother's G.I. Joes or you older sister's Barbie dolls. See what crazy things Executive Producers Seth Green and Matthew Senreich have in store for you nostalgics in this stop-motion comedy.
Win, Lose Or Draw (1987 - 1990) - "Win, Lose or Draw" was created by actor Burt Reynolds ("Smokey And the Bandit", "The Cannonball Run", etc.) and long-time game show host Bert Convy ("Tattletales" and "Super Password"). The series was basically an adaption of the old party game Charades, and had two teams of three players each, wi...
Heathcliff and Marmaduke (1981 - 1982) - This cartoon was done for ABC Saturday morning by Ruby-Spears three years before the better known syndicated Heathcliff & the Catillac Cats/Cats & Co by DiC. This is technically the second and final season, since the first had Heathcliff and Ruby-Spears charaters Dingbat and the Creeps. The quality...
The Twilight Zone (1959 - 1965) - Creator Rod Serling wrote and produced the majority of episodes in the series which aired from 1959 to 1964 and hosted the twisted sci-fi legend. Soon to be famous actors such as Robert Redford, William Shatner and Burt Reynolds as well as established stars were featured in spine-tingling episodes....
Danger Bay (1985 - 1990) - Danger Bay was a half hour-long family adventure series set in and around the city of Vancouver.
Little Muppet Monsters (1985 - 1985) - This live action/ animated series aired back to back with muppet babies.
USA High (1997 - 1999) - A comedy in the spirit of "Saved by the Bell", "Running the Halls", "California Dreams", etc.: six students (4 Americans, a Brit and a German) go to "The American Academy of Paris", which is run by a stuffy British Headmaster, but who are taught by a gorgeous Dutch teacher. Hilarity ensues.
Black Sheep Squadron (1976 - 1978) - Black Sheep Squadron was a somewhat fictionalized TV show of Greg "Pappy" Boyington and his marine fighter squadron in world war 2.
Adam-12 (1968 - 1975) - A realistic police drama following the lives of two officers of the LAPD, veteran Pete Malloy and his rookie partner, Jim Reed. Done in a spare, almost "docudrama" style, each episode covered a variety of incidents that the officers encountered during a shift, from the tragic to the trivial. NOW ON...
Watership Down (TV Series) (1999 - 2001) - Based on Richard Adam's best selling novel and produced by Martin Rosen, who produced the orginal 1978 feature film, Watership Down the TV series was first bradcast on CITV in 1999.
Rolie Polie Olie (1998 - 2004) - A young robot lives with his wacky robot family in a robotic world and learns many valuable lessons.
The Karate Kid (1989 - 1990) - Based on the hit feature-films, Daniel Larusso, his friend and teacher Mr. Miyagi and his girlfriend Taki traveled the globe for Martial Arts adventure.
Lupin the 3rd (1972 - 2012) - This show is like japans answer to James Bond. This was the most popular character in japan for over 20 years. Arsene' Lupin III is the worlds greatest thief. Together with his cohorts Disuke Jigen, Goemon Ishikawa, and Fugiko Mine, Lupin travels the world pulling heist after heist. Each heist would...
Disney's Sing Me a Story with Belle (1995 - 1997) - Belle invites a group of children into her enchanting Book and Music Shop for 30 minutes of stories and songs promoting a special theme, utilizing Disney's classic cartoons.
Skinnamarink TV (1997 - 2000) - Sharon, Lois, and Bram (who are most famous as the star's of the 80s classic "The Elephant Show") run a TV studio called Skinnamarink TV with the help of their friends Ella, an Elephant (but not the one from their other show) and CC Copycat, a blue cat who likes to repeat what other people are sayin...
The Ghost Busters (1975 - Current) - The Ghost Busters were a trio (Jake Kong, Eddie Spencer, and Tracy, the gorilla) that dealt with ghosts and other supernatural creatures. At the beginning of each episode, the trio get a taped message outlining their new mission. Once the message plays, the recording self destructs (ala Mission: Imp...
7th Heaven (1996 - 2007) - The Camden family, a moderately liberal Christian family living in California, face the challenges of trying to live a moral life in a confusing world. Jam-packed with positive role models and thinly disguised public service announcements, this show may seem very conservative to the casual watcher (...
All Dogs Go to Heaven (1990 - 1995) - Charlie and Itchy are living as bachelors in present-day San Francisco. In each episode, Annabelle sends them on an angelic mission, but with the ever-present threat of Carface and Killer, completing the task may be easier said than done!
Bottom (1991 - 1995) - Richard Richard & Edward Elizabeth Hitler, two men with no hope of fitting in with society. Two men who will forever fall foul of lifes little jokes, mainly because they are too stupid to avoid them! Same cast as The Young Ones.
The Alvin Show (1961 - 1962) - Originally seen on CBS-TV in prime time from October 14, 1961 through September 12, 1962, The Alvin Show was based on the popular Chipmunk records. The records were sung by Ross Bagdasarian, who supplied the voices of David Seville and all three of the electronically altered Chipmunks. Bagdasarian...
The Incredible Hulk (1996 - 1997) - Animated tales of the adventures of the Incredible Hulk!
Battletoads (1991 - 1991) - The Battletoads gained fame in their 1991 Nintendo game. The game featured pretty decent graphics for the time, and an insane difficulty level that made you want throw the controller at the TV. The cartoon, which came out shortly after the game, serves as a prequel and looks into how the toads becam...
S.W.A.T. (1975 - 1976) - This series brought army-style warfare to big-city
Lidsville (1971 - 1973) - Psychedelic Show by Sid and Marty Krofft in a land of hats were Mark's quest is to get back home after he fell into a magician's hat. He was pursued by a mad wizard named Horatio J. HooDoo. Butch Patrick played Mark & Charles Nelson Reilly played HooDoo. This show once ran on ABC.
The Adventures of the Little Prince (1978 - 1979) - An anime based on the 1942 book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The Itchy and Scratchy Show (2012 - 2012) - The Itchy and Scratchy Show is about, The Cat is Scratchy and the Mouse is Itchy They have fights alot of the time. The Itchy and Scratchy show always airs on THE SIMPSONS, and is not a current show at the moment by creator, MATT GROENING...
Wait Til Your Father Gets Home (1972 - 1974) - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home was an animated television series produced from 1972 to 1974.
Days of our Lives (1965 - Current) - A dramatic serial on NBC created by Ted Corday, Irna Phillips & Allan Chase, and written by William J. Bell. The Cordays and Bell combined the "hospital soap" idea with the tradition of centering a series on a family, by making the show about a family of doctors, including one who worked in a mental...
Ovide Video (1987 - 1988) - Ovide and his gang of friends live on an island in the middle of no-where and have lots of fun adventures. They also try to outsmart the evil baddie snake "Cy" and his sidekick bobo. The show was originally a production of the Netherlands and 65 episodes were made in 1987.
Barnaby Jones (1973 - 1980) - Buddy Ebsen stars as a father who takes over his son's private eye business when he was killed. CO-STARRING Lee Meriwhether. A VERY GOOD CBS PI SERIES FROM QUINN MARTIN. GOOD THEME TUNE by Jerry Goldsmith.
USA saturday nightmares! (1986 - 1994) - Usa saturday night block that showed scary movies.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993 - 1999) - The stable wormhole discovered by the Deep Space Nine crew is known to the Bajoran people as the Celestial Temple of their Prophets. Sisko, as discoverer of the wormhole and its inhabitants, is therefore the Emissary of Bajoran prophesy. The wormhole's other end is in the Gamma Quadrant, halfway aro...
Blackstar (1981 - 1982) - John Blackstar, an intergalactic soldier of fortune, is sucked in by a black hole and into a distant part of our universe. He finds himself stranded on the planet Sagar, where the Overlord of the underworld is swallowing the planet and inslaving its inhabitants using the Powerstar. The Powerstar was...
The Tom Green Show (1993 - 2000) - This Canadian cult show, started on public access TV in Outtawa, Canada in the early 1990s. It was picked up by MTV and became a huge hit, than the show's star got a little too famous! (Freddie Got Fingered, anyone?)
Monchichis (1983 - 1983) - Based on the toys, the show has the Monchichis trying to stop the evil Grumplins from finding the wizards magic.
Space Giants (1966 - 1967) - SPACE GIANTS was a Japanese import that was shown on WTBS in the 1960's and early 1980's. It was in the same vein as GODZILLA except way, way, more campy. (ie. there is a scene where two Japs are having a conversation in a room and one guy comments that he thinks the room is bugged, then there is an...
Maude (1972 - 1978) - A spin-off series of "All in the Family" focusing on the life of Maude Findlay, a liberal women living in New York with her family.
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (1995 - 1999) - Hercules was the son of the God Zeus and a mortal woman. Zeus's wife Hera, upset over Zeus'
Dr Zitbag's Transylvania pet shop (1994 - Current) - When Dr Zitbag was fired from a pet shop for experimenting on pets. So he set up his own pet shop with his wackey creations as pets.
The Maxx (1995 - 1995) - Maxx is a purple-clad superhero living in a cardboard box. His only friend is Julie Winters, a freelance social worker. Maxx often finds himself shifting back and forth between the "real" world and a more primitive outback world where he rules, and protects Julie. Mr. Gone, a self-proclaimed "studen...
The Non-Adventures of Safety Queen (1995 - 2012) - Safety Queen helps jump her pogo stick.
Wildfire (1986 - 1986) - Year ago, in a fantasy realm, a benevolent queen died shortly after giving birth to a daughter. The baby girl is taken into the real world, and left on the doorstep of a kind man, with no hint at her origin except for a purple horse medallion around her neck. Fast forward, and the young girl is on...
Donald Duck Presents (1983 - 1993) - This show featured classic cartoons starring Donald Duck and the entire Disney Duck family like Professor Ludwig Von Drake, Daisy Duck, & Donald's 3 nephews Huey Duck, Dewey Duck, & Louie Duck. it aired on the disney channel alongside with Mickey Mouse's series, "Good Morning Mickey!"
Bomberman (1999 - 2012) - Cartoon based on the video game.
The Weird Al Show (1997 - 1997) - Weird Al Yankovic, who's long been known for his musical parodies, accordian playing and wild hairdo, hit the small-screen on Saturday mornings in a show very reminiscent of Pee Wee's Playhouse.
Video Power (1990 - 1992) - A short lived video game based gameshow.
Chico and the Man (1974 - 1978) - Ed Brown was a cantankerous old widower who owned and operated a small filling station in Los Angeles. He hired a fast-talking, cheery young Chicano, Chico Rodriguez, to help him run the place. Since Chico also lived in the garage, the two were always together, and when they weren't bickering betwee...
Disney's 101 Dalmatians (1997 - 1998) - It's The Show Based on Disney's Famous Animated Movie! See Pongo, Perdita and their 99 Puppies Get Into All Kinds of Adventures. But Watch Out! That Puppy-Snatching Cruella De Vil is Also Hanging Around. Sit Cruella. Sit!
Spiral Zone (1987 - 1987) - The evil scientist, Overlord, has placed countless generators across the globe that release an evil fog that saps people's will, allowing him to enslave them. Only a handful of people, wearing special suits made to withstand the effects of the Spiral Zone, are able to face Overlord and his army........
Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles (1999 - 2001) - The missions of a Mobile Infantry squad as they participate in a war of survival against a ferocious alien insectoid invader.
Calliope (1985 - 1992) - Cartoon series that aired on usa cartoon express.
Tots TV (1993 - 1998) - Tots Tv three ragdoll friends. Tilly, a french girl with red hair, Tom a blue haired boy with glasses and Tiny the smallest of them, who had green hair. They had a secret house, with a donkey and a magic backpack.
Crocodile Hunter (1996 - 2006) - Steve Irwin and his wife Terri run a wildlife refuge in Australia which houses many of the continent's most dangerous animals, including the much feared crocodile and numerous venomous snakes. Steve's speciality is the capture and relocation of crocs that have ventured too close to populated areas....
Darkstalkers (1995 - 1995) - I know that this cartoon inspired by the capcom arcade game exist until I saw it in another website. It used to come on UPN in 1995 but I don't know what day,probably on the weekend, and the characters that were there I believe were Demitri, Morrigan, L.Rapter, Victor, Anakaris, Hsien-Ko, J.Talbain...
Theodore Tugboat (1993 - 2001) - Theodore Tugboat is a television show for children about a little tugboat, his friends, and their adventures in the Big Harbour. In Canada it aired on CBC Television and here in the United States it aired on Pbs Noggin and qubo.
Don't Just Sit There (1988 - 1990) - One of the great forgotten shows of Nickelodeon's past. Great hosts, a live band, and funny skits. The show was a talk show mixed with a comedy. Out of Order was the house band on the series, they would later get to sing on the show as well as participate in sketches.
Late Night with Conan O'Brien (1993 - 2009) - Referred to as "the most cunning talk show around" by Entertainment Weekly, "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" began its twelfth season on September 13, 2004. In addition to dominating the ratings in its time period, every aspect of "Late Night" has been praised in the media, from Conan himself ("modes...
Lexx (1997 - 2001) -
The Head (1994 - 1996) - The Head is the story of Jim, a grade-school student, who awakens one morning to find that his cranium has enlarged to mammoth proportions. A week later, out bursts Roy, an little blue alien with an odd sense of humor, who's taken up residence in Jim's head. Turns out Roy needed a place to stay to a...
Harriet's Magic Hats (1980 - 1986) - This series followed the adventures of a young girl named Susan, whose eccentric Aunt Harriet collected hats, from those of bakers, to construction workers, to beekeepers. Whenever Susan put on one of her aunt's hats, she would be transported to whatever workplace it suited.
Freaky Stories (1997 - 1999) - Started in 1997, the series created by Steve Schnier centers around the kind of myths and legends that are told as scary campfire or bedtime stories. Every episode always starts with and finishes with the phrase: "This is a true story, and it happened to friend of a friend of mine." and by the words...
The Mod Squad (1968 - 1973) - A police drama sries about 3 youths given a chance to fight crime as a way to avoid imprisonment for their crimes. The show starred Michael Cole ,Clarence Williams the 3rd & Peggy Lipton. Great theme tune by Earle Hagen.
Wedding Peach (1998 - 1999) - Momoko Hanasaki is a first year junior high student with a crush on upperclassman and soccer captain Kazuya yanagibia. She was an ordinary girl, until the day the angel limone gave her a compact that transformed her into demon fighting love angle wedding peach.
Breaker High (1997 - 1998) - Join the students of Breaker High, a high school on a cruise ship, while they experience fun and adventure, love and heartache, with good times and bad as they explore the high seas and get an education.
Kolchak: The Night Stalker (1974 - 1975) - Kolchak: The Night Stalker is about a newspaper reporter -- Carl Kolchak, played by Darren McGavin -- who investigates crimes of a supernatural nature. REMADE A FEW YEARS AGO WITH STUART TOWNSEND. THEY SHOULDNT HAVE BOTHERED . THE ORIGINAL WAS A CLASSIC THE REMAKE WAS A DIRE DISAPPOINTMENT!!!!!
Babar the Elephant (1989 - 2000) - Babar
Space Goofs (1997 - 2000) - Etno, Gorgeous, Bud, Stereo and Candy are five funny-looking aliens who crash landed on earth a few decades ago.
Gundam Wing (1995 - 1996) - it is the year after colony 195. war is beginning between colonies in space and Earth. five young men fight to attain peace and freedom for all.
Love, American Style (1969 - 1974) - An anthology comedy series featuring a line up of different celebrity guest stars appearing in anywhere from one, two, three, and four short stories or vignettes within an hour about versions of love and romance.
Knightmare (1987 - 1994) - Groups of 3 advisors and 1 dungeoneer join Treguard, the dungeon master, and traverse his dungeon to seek the ultimate prize of Knighthood.
Aladdin (1994 - 1996) - Before he settles down to become the prince of Agrabah, the street rat turned hero sees the world, continuing to rescue people, making new friends and enemies. Genie's impressions and modern jokes continue to annoy Iago, but give every evil they face a light side. Princess Jasmine learns more about...
The Comic Strip Presents (1988 - 1990) - A Saturday morning variety kids show that took up a full hour. It contained usually 3 of the following shows in it's run time: "Tigersharks", "Karate Kat", "Street Frogs", and "The Mini-Monsters."
Alien Nation (1989 - 1990) - A flying saucer crashed in the Mojave Desert and its inhabitants turned out to be alien slaves, bred to be super intelligent and strong, and controllable by their Overseers. These Tenctonese, or
Jake and the Fatman (1987 - 1992) - Jason "Fatman" McCabe is a Hawaii-born, tough former HPD officer turned Los Angeles district attorney. He is teamed with a handsome, happy-go-lucky special investigator named Jake Styles. They often clash due to their different styles and personalities. "Fatman" hardly travels anywhere without his c...
Police Squad! (1982 - 1982) - From the creators of Airplane!, the Hot Shots! movies, and Top Secret!, Police Squad! began as the brain-child of Jim Abrahams, David Zucker and Jerry Zucker. The series would later spawn three follow-up movies under the new Naked Gun titles. The series was set up to spoof the Quinn Martin Productio...
Big Guy & Rusty the Boy Robot (1999 - 2001) - Robotic duo, one a mechanical colossus designed to defend the world, and a robot with emotions.
Toonheads (1996 - 2003) - A show formily aired on Cartoon Network that told us about amazing and interesting facts about our past cartoons.
New adventures of he-man (1990 - 1991) - He-man travels to the future in this 65 episode series.
Challenge of the Superfriends (1978 - 1978) - "Banded together from remote galaxies are thirteen of the most sinister villians of all time, The Legion of Doom. Dedicated to a single objective, the conquest of the Universe! Only one group dares to challenge this intergalactic threat, The Super Friends! The Justice League of America versus The Le...
Magic Knight Rayearth (1994 - 1995) - Three young girls, Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu, are transported to a magical world called Cephiro during a field trip to Tokyo Tower. They are soon greeted by Master Mage Clef, who explains to them that they have been summoned to become the Legendary Magic Knights and save Cephiro. The girls are less than...
Trapper John, M.D. (1979 - 1986) - Twenty-eight years after he was discharged from the army, Trapper John McIntyre, who was very much against authority, now finds himself the very thing he was against during the war as he is now chief of surgery at San Francisco Memorial Hospital. One day a young surgeon named G. Alonzo Gates (Gonzo...
In the Heat of the Night (1988 - 1993) - A white southern police chief and his new, African-American Chief of Detectives, forced on him by a mayor seeking the African-American vote, find they have more in common than they imagine in this moody crime series. Chief Bill Gillespie is a gruff old-timer who knows the streets and people of Spart...
Kipper (1997 - 2000) - Kipper is a dog with a lot of friends and he goes off on advetures.
Alfred J. Kwak (1989 - 1991) - Alfred J. Kwak is a duck. As a kid he lived in a giant clog with his family, later on he lives with his adoptive father Henk in a clog-shaped house. He is very concerned with other people. Although he has gone through a lot of sad things, his favourite song is "Ik ben vandaag zo vrolijk" ("I am so h...
The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo (1979 - 1981) - The show takes place in Orly Co. Ga. Sheriff Lobo is the crooked Co. Sheriff that is always trying to get some scheme or another going and someone always screws it up. Almost like an early Rosco P. Coltrain. In later episodes Sheriff Lobo and all his men get sent to Atlanta by the Governor.THE TH...
Iron Man (1994 - 1996) - Iron Man, based on the Marvel comic of the same name, centers around Tony Stark, the billionaire head of Stark Enterprises. His alter-ego is Iron Man, high-tech armored superhero that deals with everything from evil supervillains like the Mandarin to corporate saboteurs like the Ghost. With a vast a...
The Twilight Zone (1985) (1985 - 1989) - a remake of the 1959 cbs classic hit
Murder, She Wrote (1984 - 1996) - Murder seems to follow Jessica Fletcher, a former substitute English teacher and a mystery writer full of charm, zest-for-life, and personality; who happens to become "the investigator" when traveling around the country to promote a series of novels. Murder always occurs when she is present. Even at...
Scrabble (1984 - 1993) - To date this is the most successful game show based on the board game. Scrabble pitts two players in a crossword round which uses the famous Scrabble board, along the way contestants can win money by picking a letter that falls in a pink or blue square and then identfy the word. The first to three p...
Dawson's Creek (1998 - 2003) - Set in a small coastal town near Boston called Capeside, Dawson's Creek tells the story of four teenagers as they struggle through adolescence. This is particularly true for 15-year-olds Dawson Leery (James Van Der Beek), an introspective dreamer and Joey Potter (Katie Holmes), a precocious tomboy u...
Law & Order (1990 - 2010) - Manhattan homicide detectives capture the city's violent criminals, who are prosecuted by the New York County District Attorney's Office.
Yo Yogi! (1991 - 1992) - Yo Yogi! featured the gang as young teenagers (Yogi, Boo Boo, Huck, Snagglepuss & Cindy). They worked for the LAF (Lost & Found) detective agency which was run by head security agent John Smith (later the park ranger), over @ Jellystone Mall (owned by Doggie Daddy & Augie Doggie).
V.I.P. (1998 - 2002) - Blonde bombshell Valerie Irons starts an protection agency to serve everyone from high-class celebs to the most desperate victims. Most of their job start out as simple assignments but they turn into all out fights before all is said and done.
Skeleton Warriors (1995 - 1996) - On planet Luminaire, the Lightstar Crystal has been split in half. The Legion of Light consisting of Justin Steele(Prince Lightstar), Joshua Steele(Grimskull), Jennifer Steele(Talyn), have been endowed with great powers through their half of the Crystal. The evil Baron Dark, who gained control of th...
Street Hawk (1985 - 1985) - When Jessie Mach is crippled after an assault by an old enemy, his position as motorcycle cop seems finished. That was before a computer technician named Tuttle recruits him for a special government project. He is to be the test pilot for the Street Hawk, an advanced motorcycle that carried tremendo...
The Odyssey (1992 - 1994) - Jay Ziegler, a young boy playing in the woods, falls into a coma. While in his coma friends and family must fight to help him. Little do they know that Jay is trying to get back to them as well. In the magical "Downworld" Jay is experiencing the adventure of a lifetime trying to get back home.
Solid Gold (1980 - 1988) - First appearing before music videos had become commonplace, this show featured the week's top hits in pop music. Guest performers would occasionally appear on the show to play their songs. But the show is most widely know for the infamous Solid Gold Dancers, a dozen or so dancers, in leotard-type ou...
The Kids from Room 402 (1999 - 2001) - This show is about real kids, doing real things and suffering real consequences at "Harding Elementary School in Anytown U.S.A.". Their problems are not imagined or fantasized. Being kids they see even the most trivial occurrences as life or death struggles. Simple issues become magnified into co...
Secret Squirrel (1965 - 1992) - Secret Squirrel, or Agent 000 and his sidekick, Morrocco Mole, Would use all sorts diffrent Gadgets to stop Evil Villians. He was the James Bond of the animal world. Yellow Pinkie (a parody of James Bond's Goldfinger) was his greatest villian.
Get the Picture (1991 - 1993) - Get the Picture is a game show where contestants have to remove squares from a 16x16 video screen and guess what the picture is. The game was played in two rounds. In the first round, the contestants had to connect the dots found within the squares. After each correct guess of a trivia question, the...
The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. (1993 - 1994) - A hundred years ago, a young lawyer by the name of Brisco County, Jr. (Bruce Campbell) decides to trade his briefs in for bullets when he receives word that his father, a renowned U.S. Marshall, has been gunned down by the evil Bly gang. Now employed by the robber barons of the Westerfield Club, he...
Rock Lords (1985 - Current) - Rock Lords was a spin-off toyline to the Go-bots from Tonka in 1986 after the movie GoBots: Battle of the Rock Lords. They were transforming rocks that came with weapons such as axes, guns and swords. There were vehicles for the Rock Lords to drive in battle. The Rock Lords were imported from Bandai...
In The House (1995 - 1999) - LL Cool J as Marion Hill
Mission: Impossible (1966 - 1973) - The cases of the I.M.F. (Impossible Missions Force),
Spellbinder (1995 - 1997) - When a prank on a school trip goes drastically wrong, 15-year-old Paul Reynolds is blasted into an alternative reality where the advanced ideas of science are thought to be heretical magic, and outlawed. The regressive heirachic society is ruled by the Spellbinders, enforcers and politicians who wie...
Sex and the City (1999 - 2004) - Four beautiful female New Yorkers gossip about their sex-lives (or lack thereof) and find new ways to deal with being a woman in the 90's.
Dear John (1988 - 1992) - After his wife leaves him for his best friend, John Lacey joins the One Two One Club, a support group for divorced and widowed people. The group consists of its fiery British leader Louise, sleazy Kirk, neurotic Ralph, aged but foxy Mrs. Philbert, and Kate, a red-headed divorcee who presents a possi...
The Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan (1972 - 1972) - The Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan is an American Saturday morning animated cartoon series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions in 1972, based upon the Charlie Chan movie series of the 1930s. It is noteworthy for the fact that the star, Keye Luke, is the only actor of Chinese descent to play the ti...
Empty Nest (1988 - 1995) - A recent widow, Harry had to deal with going on with his life without his late wife, Libby. Fortunatly he had his practice (he's a pediatrician) as well as his two daughters, Carol and Barbara, who move back home and provide an annoyance to him. Other members of the cast include, Charlie Dietz (the...
The Ropers (1979 - 1980) - In this spinoff, the Ropers moved from their apartment in "Three's Company" to live in the upmarket community of Cheviot Hills, where the social-climbing Helen struggled to fit in with her neighbors. Stanley made little attempt to fit in with the standards of the community, thereby causing Helen muc...
Beethoven (1994 - 1995) - Inspired by the spectactular Ivan Reitman films, it's the lovable St. Bernard and his friends as they cause trouble or mayhem around any house.
Movin' On (1974 - 1976) - Starring Frank Converse and Claude Akins as truck drivers.
G Force: Guardians Of Space (1986 - 1987) - G Force is an adapted version of "Scientific Ninja Team Gatchaman" that premiered in the 80s. The show was also known as Battle of the Planets.
Family (1976 - 1980) - This was a 1 hour drama of the Lawrence family: lawyer father Doug, housewife, student and musician Kate, married (and quickly divorced) daughter student soon to be lawyer Nancy (Meredith Baxter), teenage son Willie and just-hitting-puberty daughter Letitia "Buddy" Lawrence (Kristy McNichol).
Madballs: The Animated Series (1987 - 1987) - The madballs flee their home planet and set course for Earth to escape the evil clutches of the badballs
Round The Twist (1990 - 2001) - The Twist family- Tony and his children Linda, Pete and Benson- move to the isle of Niranda, soon discovering it's not all it seems. The local lighthouse is perpetually enchanted, and the island is a hub for tree spirits, vikings, and all manner of magic, leading to many an adventure. The Twists...
Ultraman (1966 - 1972) - Ultraman is a being from Nebula M78 that protects the earth from invaders but has one weakness.
Defenders of dynatron city (1992 - 1992) - Teens get turned into superheroes in this action comedy series.
Singled out (1995 - 1997) - Singled Out is an American dating game show created by Burt Wheeler & Sharon Sussman which originally ran on MTV from 1995 to 1998. Each episode featured a group of 50 singles competing for a date with one main contestant.
New Monkees (1987 - 1988) - The "New Monkees" lived in a strange mansion with a mysterious butler and a sassy computer! Unlike the television show "The Monkees", which revolved around a central narrative plot, "New Monkees" television show was more of a variety show with music, short films and 'spoof' commercials. Although s...
Saint Seiya And The Knights Of The Zodiac (1986 - Current) - Saint Seiya, better also known as Los Caballeros Del Zodiaco in Latin America, Les Chevaliers Du Zodiaque in France, I Cavalieri Dello Zodiaco in Italy, Os Cavaleiros Do Zodiaco in Brazil, and of course The Knights Of The Zodiac in the United States, is truly 1 of Toei's highly successful longest ru...
Big Blue Marble (1973 - 1983) - The Big Blue Marble was a children's television program that forcused on the lives and children all over the world. In my opinion, it focused on the diversity and beauty of the many cultures in the world. Instead of featuring adults, it always explained from the view point of a child and used childr...
Doraemon: Gadget Cat From The Future (1973 - Current) - Doraemon is one of the most legendary anime characters in Japan.
The New Shmoo (1979 - 1980) - Al Capp's Lil Abner Comics from the late 1940s about the lovable shape shifting white seal-looking Shmoo. In this series, he is accompanied by three teenagers: Mickey, the logical thinker and somewhat leader of the group; Nina, the beauty of the group; and Billy Joe, the big, soft-hearted yet gulla...
Head of the Class (1986 - 1991) - A group of gifted high-school students are placed together into an "enrichment" class. Although brilliant, they have much to learn about each other and themselves.
Droids (1985 - 1986) - The animated series, which lasted 15 episodes in 1985. It followed the adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO, along with various masters.
Bob and Margaret (1998 - 2001) -
The Fruities (1989 - 1997) - The Origin of the toon is Spain but theres no Spain Country on here so I chose US.
Captain Simian & The Space Monkeys (1996 - 1998) -
Viper (1993 - 1999) - Viper was an action adventure TV series about a special task force setup by the federal government to fight crime in fictional Metro City, California.
Cartoon Sushi (1997 - 1998) - Following the tradition of MTV's previous animation show Liquid Television, this was the show that followed a few years later was basically a collection of various animated shorts made a variety of different cartoonists.
Roswell (1999 - 2002) - Max, Michael, Isabel, & Tess. 4 teenage human/alien hybrids living in Roswell, New Mexico. When their secret is exposed to save Liz, a human girl's life, they know she must be told the truth. Liz's friends Maria, Alex, & Kyle all find out & when everyone's life is put in danger, they are now all...
Classic Concentration (1987 - 1991) - Classic Concentration is the third edition the game of puzzles and prizes which began back in 1958 on NBC's daytime line-up. The original version featured a mechanical board of 30 numbered squares which rotated with the number called (as did the syndicated show of 1973-78); Classic had a computer-ge...
Harry and the Henderson's (1991 - 1993) - Returning from a hunting trip in the forest, the Henderson family's car hits an animal in the road. At first they fear it was a man, but when they examine the "body" they find it's a "bigfoot". They think it's dead so they decide to take it home (there could be some money in this..). As you guessed,...
Defenders of the Earth (1986 - 1986) - In the year 2015, Ming the Merciless is wreaking havoc on planet Earth and intends to take anyone in his way out. The only thing that stands in his way is a team of the world's greatest heroes; space explorer Flash Gordon, "The Ghost Who Walks" The Phantom, the great magician Mandrake and his assis...
ECW on TNN (1999 - 2000) - ECW is the definition of HARDCORE. ECW on TNN has no rules in their wrestling matches! Announced by Joey Styles & Joel Gertner, and bossed by Cyrus The Virus.
DTV (1983 - 1993) - "DTV" is Disney's version of "MTV", the music video cable channel. Each episode of "DTV" features clips from Disney animation set to popular music. "DTV" was so popular that several prime-time network specials were aired.
Playdays (1988 - 1997) - BBC Kids TV Show Made In 1993
Sightings (1992 - 1997) - This was a show like unsolved mysteries but it was more focused on ghosts,aliens,ufos and other spiritual occurrences.It also had interviews with eye witness who either where abducted or had captured all of this on video.
Thunder in Paradise (1993 - 1994) - Thunder in Paradise had 3 main stories in it's short lived season. The 3 stories were broken up into episodes. Later they were put onto VHS tape as 3 movies. The tapes are hard to find today as many were only sold to video rental stores. The first story line was produced in Tampa Florida. The second...
Bigfoot and Wildboy (1977 - 1979) -
Hawaii Five-O (1968 - 1980) - Hawaii Five-0 is the name of a special police unit consisting of no more than four men at a time, although it can freely call upon the Honolulu Police Department for more men if needed. Answerable only to the governor, Five-0 investigates the most important and sensational crimes, ranging from murde...
Kate & Allie (1984 - 1989) - Two recently divorced woman, Kate McArdle and Allie Lowel, find comfort in one another after moving into a Greenwich apartment together with their children.
Q-Bert (1983 - 1984) - Q-bert protects the town with a magic disk.
Mr. Dress-Up (1967 - 1996) - Mr. Dress Up would open the Tickle Trunk and entertain children with his vast array of costumes. He also had Casey and Finnegan as his sidekicks. Sadly Ernie Coomba (Mr. Dress Up) died in 2001.
Star Trek: The Animated Series (1973 - 1975) - The animated adventures of the crew of the USS Enterprise.
Silverfang (1986 - 1986) - Japanese name:
Hogan's Heroes (1965 - 1971) - The inmates of a German World War II prisoner of war camp conduct an espionage and sabotage campaign right under the noses of their warders
Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century (1999 - 2001) - The legendary detective Sherlock Holmes has been dead for many years, and is now only seen in the history books in the 22nd century. But when a bunch of odd crimes begin to happen, Inspector Beth Lestrade has reason to believe Professor Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes worst enemy, is still alive and is st...
Uh-Oh (1997 - 2003) - Hosted by Wink Yahoo (Scott Yaphe), this game show involves children teams of 2. One spins the wheel and the other one stands ready to begin a task. If the wheel lands on Mayhem, the second child goes over to Smashin' Sam and Tearin' Aaron to complete a task (usually messy) for a maximum 50 points....
The Crystal Maze (1990 - 1995) - A team of 3 male and 3 female contestants completed individual tasks throughout a maze, to collect time crystals. The team was led around the maze by their host, Richard O'Brian (The Rocky Horror Show) for the first four seasons (1990 - 1993), and Ed Tudor-Pole (Ten Pole Tudor) in the latter 2 seaso...
The Slayers (1995 - 1998) - Lina Inverse, a wandering sorceress and bandit-killer, joins forces with roving swordsman Gourry Gabriev in what's supposed to be a quick union of convenience. Instead, an artifact Lina "liberated" from a gang of thieves turns out to be the key to the resurrection of the demon lord Shabranigdo. Urge...
Benji, Zax and the Alien Prince (1983 - 1983) - The popular canine Benji acts as the self-appointed guide and protector of a 10-year-old alien prince and his tiny robot bodyguard.
Jeopardy! (1964 - Current) - Jeopardy! is a game show created by the game show great Merv Griffin. Contestants pick from six categories, ranging from science, to pop culture, to language puzzles. Each column of categories has five dollar amounts to pick from. Each dollar amount gives a clue in the form of an answer and the play...
Prisoner (1979 - 1986) - This Australian soap was set in the Wentworth Detention Centre, a women's prison. It reloved around the lives of both the officers and inmates. Stalwart through the entire series was officer Meg Jackson/Morris. Meg herself was born in neighbouring Barnhurst prison and was very smypathetic to the inm...
Marty Stouffer's Wild America (1982 - 1996) - A long-running PBS nature series hosted and produced
Hermans Head (1991 - 1994) - Herman Brooks is an aspiring writer working as a fact-checker at a publisher. While dealing with life in the big city, his inner thoughts are played out by four characters representing his intellect, fear, compassion, and lust. His "outer world" consists of a trivia-trove boss, two female co-workers...
Super Friends (1973 - 1986) - Super Friends is an American animated television series about a team of superheroes which ran from 1973 to 1986. It was produced by Hanna-Barbera and is based on the Justice League and associated comic book characters published by DC Comics.
Not Necessarily the News (1983 - 1990) - Show that was on HBO that made fun of politics in a satirical way. It was like fake news/SNL/John Stewart type of comedy
Donkey Kong (1983 - 1985) - The story is about a gorrilla named Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong escaped from the circus and mario and pauline try to catch him.
Wonderbug (1976 - 1978) - Wonderbug was a segment of The Krofft Super Show. It's about 3 teenagers & their "living" dune buggy Wonderbug that helps them fight crime. A near clone of Hanna-Barbera's cartoon series, Speed Buggy.
Fish Police (1992 - 1992) - Fish Police, based upon the comic book created by Steve Moncuse, featured John Ritter as the voice of Inspector Gil. Set in Fish City, all the characters were marine life. Other principal voices included Ed Asner as Chief Abalone, JoBeth Williams as Angel, and Megan Mullally as Pearl the waitress. I...
Wish Kid (1991 - 1991) - WishKid" was a Saturday morning animated series created to play off the success of pre-teen movie star Macaulay Culkin (of Home Alone). Nick McClary owned a magic baseball glove which, if punched three times, granted his every wish. Stories--which were introduced in live action by Culkin--revolved a...
The New Batman/Superman Adventures (1996 - 2012) - Two WB cartoon shows, Batman and Superman, were combined into one show a few years after they came out called The Batman-Superman Adventures. In some of the episodes of that series,they worked together to fight their arch rivals.
Urusei Yatsura (1981 - 1986) - The Oni, a mysterious race of aliens resembling mythological Japanese demons, come to Earth intending simply to invade and take over. Represented by their leader Invader, he tells the people of Earth that they have but one chanceIf Ataru Moroboshi, a teenage boy chosen randomly by a computer as Ear...
The Courtship of Eddie's Father (1969 - 1972) - Theme Song Lyrics:
Ark II (1976 - 1976) - After Earth has been devastated by years of pollution and nuclear war, a group of scientists send out a team of young people as well as an intelligent chimpanzee to seek out the surviving pockets of human beings in order to help rebuild civilization. Also, as they meet these people they take time to...
The Rockford Files (1974 - 1980) - Was a detective series about an ex-con private investigator. He had a natural mis-trust of the police and the legal system in general as he had been wrongly convicted of armed robbery. Luckily, new evidence proved his innocence and he was released. Often, he would get involved in closed cases that t...
Virtua Fighter (1999 - 2012) - Based on the popular Virtua Fighter video game franchise, this series follows the adventures of Akira, a lone martial artist who has lost his ability to see the mystical constellations that reveal a truly strong man's destiny. Now, his path of wandering has forced him into the fighting ring with sev...
Mystery Science Theater Hour (1993 - 1994) - "Your Host" (played by Mike Nelson) presented a hour long cut of Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes. New comedy shorts were made for the condensed episodes.
Dark Shadows (Original) (1966 - 1971) - "My name is Victoria Winters... my journey is just beginning..."
Commander USA's Groovie Movies (1985 - 1989) - Comedy movie series about a retired super-hero who watched bad movies.
Twinkle, the dream being (1993 - 1993) -
The Streets of San Francisco (1972 - 1977) - This QM (Quinn Martin) show follows the cases of
The Richie Rich/Scooby-Doo Show (1980 - 1982) - Cartoon block that aired scooby-doo and richie rich on saturday mornings.
Twin Peaks (1990 - 1991) - From the strange mind of director David Lynch came Twin Peaks, a murder mystery with his signature surreal and deranged twists detailing FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper's (Kyle MacLachlan) search for the killer of high school homecoming queen Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee) in the quirky town of Twin Peaks....
The Gary Coleman Show (1982 - 1983) - The Gary Coleman Show was the short lived animated series based on the made for tv movie "The Kid With The Broken Halo" and stared the Different Strokes star that it was named after. The main premise was that Gary Coleman's character, Andy LeBeau, was an angel in training and is placed on earth to e...
Bewitched (1964 - 1972) - Samantha and Darren are madly in love with each other and marry. Samantha reveals during the honeymoon that she's a witch. Darren is all right with that, but his meddling mother-in-law, who wanted Samantha to marry a warlock, isn't. The classic show revolves around Samantha masquerading as a mortal,...
Puttin On The Hits (1984 - 1988) - Puttin On The Hits was a Music Variety Show Hosted By Allen Fawcett produced by dick clark productions and distributed by MCA-TV.
A Bozo Christmas Carol (1988 - 1988) - Half hour television Christmas Special featuring the World's Most Famous Clown. Bozo the Clown (Gary Weir's version) retells Charles Dickens classic story "A Christmas Carol" to the children and his sidekick T.V. Prime (based on the local KLRT Channel 16 TV mascot). Bozo's tells the story of Ebeneze...
Stunt Dawgs (1992 - 1993) - Stunt Dawgs was a comic book by Nelson Dewey and Michael Gallabner, that was later turned it to a short lived cartoon series in 1992, about a team of stuntmen (and a stunt woman) who were also to some extent hero problem solvers.
Superman: The Animated Series (1996 - 2000) - Branching out from their work in the Batman mythos, Bruce Timm and Paul Dini created this masterpiece, at once an extensive of their earlier work, and a unique creation in its own right. It is perhaps the greatest adaptation of the comics into dynamic medium, just as its predecessor, "Batman: TAS",...
Simon and Simon (1981 - 1988) - Gerald McRaney and Jameson Parker star as Rick and Andrew Jackson "A.J." Simon, brothers working as private detectives in San Diego. The show also stars WKRP's Tim Reid (Venus Flytrap) as police Detectove Marcel "Downtown" Brown and Mary Carver as Cecelia Simon, the mother of Rick and A.J.
Madeline (1994 - 1997) - A children's show based on the books by Ludwig Bemalmans. It was about the twelve little girls and the precocious and somewhat troblesome Madeline and her adventures in Paris with them and her other friends throughout the city.
Blue Thunder (1984 - 1984) - Based on the movie the show follows the further stories of the LAPD's newest strike force anchored by the super helicopter Blue Thunder as they take on the city's deadliest criminals.
Jim Henson's Dog City (1992 - 1994) - The adventures of a canine private eye while he confers with his animator who has his own problems to deal with.
The Adventures of Rupert the Bear! (1971 - 1977) - This is The Original ClayMation Version of Rupert The Bear That Came Out Years Before The Hand Drawn Cartoon Series Came Out!
Weird Science (1994 - 1997) - This televison series based off of the popular 80's movie of the same name. Gary (a blue collar and slacker) and Wyatt (rich and overly cautious) are two geeks with a big problem...girls, and sometimes Wyatt's older brother Chett a military school graduate who doesn't seem to show any intension of g...
Starsky & Hutch (1976 - 1979) - Cop show with two well-known undercover cops. With informer Huggy Bear, they fought crime in the big city with a sweet ride!
Cyberchase (2002 - Current) - One day, three children from Earth named Matt, Jackie, and Inez are called to the land of Cyberspace by Motherboard, its guardian, to defend her from a virus as unleashed by a villain named Hacker. Motherboard is the guardian of Cyberspace, a dimension where computer networks exist as physical locat...
The Telebugs (1986 - 1987) - The Telebugs were a hi-tech trio of merry monitored robots created by
Beyblade (1999 - 1999) - Beyblade is a boy anime cartoon that features a group of Boys, who form a beyblading group called the Bladebrakers. To become the best beybladers in the world they must train,work hard and succeed many foes to become the the world' s best beybladers. Tyson is the unoffical protangist of the series...
Archie's Bang-Shang Lalapalooza Show (1978 - 1982) - cartoon based on the comic book.
The New Animated Adventures of Flash Gordon (1979 - 1981) - Flash Gordon had 24 episodes of the 1979-1981 animated series by Filmation. The creation of Alex Raymond, the classic science fiction comic strip character debuted in 1934. Filmation's Flash Gordon is a richly realized, beautifully animated serial, a highpoint for television animation. Few animated...
Botsmaster (1990 - 1992) - Dr. Ziv Zoolander and his robot inventions battle in animated 3-D.
Bad Dog (1998 - Current) - Bad Dog is a short-lived animated cartoon that aired on ABC and Teletoon during 1998. The cartoon focuses on the Potanski family and their dog Berkeley. The show's gimmick was that whenever Berkeley was told that he was a bad dog, he would freeze and pretend to be dead until someone told him he was...
Electra Woman & Dyna Girl (1976 - 1977) - Lori and Judy are both writers for Newsmaker magazine, but when trouble calls - they become Electra Woman and Dyna Girl! Electra Woman and Dyna Girl use the latest in technological gadgetry, such as the CrimeScope, (supplied by Frank, their assistant) and their wits to solve crimes and capture the v...
Monkey Magic (1998 - 1998) - The adventures of a monkey and his journeys with a monk.
Gilligan's Planet (1982 - 1983) - Gilligan's Planet was a Saturday morning cartoon produced by the Filmation animation studio which aired during the 1982-1983 season on CBS. It was the second animated spin-off of the classic television program Gilligan's Island (the first being 1974's The New Adventures of Gilligan), as well as the...
Star Search (1983 - 2004) - Host Ed McMahon
Match Game (1962 - Current) - Contestants tried to match a panel of six celebrities in answering fill-in-the-blank questions. Host Gene Rayburn asks a series of comedic questions (each featuring the characters Dumb Dora/Donald, Ugly Edna, Old Man Perriwinkle, etc.) , and the panel writes down their answers each on a little blue...
OWL TV (1988 - 1994) - Science/educational show featuring various segments and characters. Based on OWL Magazine.
Clue Club (1976 - 1978) - Hanna-Barbera cartoon about a group of kids who go out and solve mysteries. Unlike many Scooby-Doo clones from the 70s, the Clue Club gand had two dogs to accompany the gang: Woofer, the old-fashioned-type egotistical dog, and Whimper, the more laid back dog.
CBS Late Night (1985 - 1993) -
The Edison Twins (1982 - 1986) - Show about 2 teenaged twins, Tom & Annie, who solve local mysteries with science. They had a younger brother named Paul.
Sliders (1995 - 2000) - Sliders is the tale of one, Quinn Mallory. A grad student at a university in San Francisco, California. He is working on a anti-gravitational device, when, accidentally, he opens a strange portal. After several days of throwing various objects into it, he goes through himself. On arrival, he finds h...
Bionic Woman (1976 - 1978) - Starring Lindsay Wagner as Jamie Sommers. A retired pro tennis player turned Californian middle school teacher experiences a parachute failure and the accident renders her a tomato. The government takes the opportunity to turn her into a government project and replaces her most damaged limbs and p...
Street Frogs (1987 - 1987) - "Who can do Hip-hop better than a frog can...?"
Designing Women (1986 - 1993) - Julia Sugarbaker Mcellroy-(Dixie Carter) owns an interior design studio named "Sugarbakers" in Atlanta Gg]eorgia.Among the people working with her are her former beauty queen sister Suzanne Sugarbaker Goff Dent Stoencipher -(Delta Burke), sweet and meek May Jo Shively-(Annie Potts) and the book kee...
Starcade (1983 - 1985) - Starcade was an arcade game show that first appeared on WTBS in 1983 all the way to 1985. It had many of the most popular games at the time such as Pac Man, Dig Dug, Galaga, and lots more. This show had many different hosts although Geoff Edwards was the shows primary host for the last seasons (84/8...
Hokuto No Ken (1984 - 1988) - After a nuclear holocaust tears the world apart, mankind is forced to the harshness of not only the oppression of others who are much more powerful, but the dead earth which seems to be getting worse with every passing moment. But a savior has risen from the ashes, a man who will defeat those who wo...
The Hilarious House of Frightenstein (1971 - 2000) - The Hilarious House of Frightenstein was created in 1971 at the studios of CHCH Channel 11 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. For the next 25 years it aired across Canada and in parts of the United States. During its run, the show touched and influenced many people. It might have been the strange charact...
Yogi's Gang (1973 - 1975) - Yogi bear is back in this 1973 installment of Yogi's adventures. He is accompanied by the whole gang: Huckelberry Hound, Quick Draw McGraw, Touche' Turtle, Snagglepuss, Wally Gator, Magilla Gorilla, and the rest, even Boo Boo! They fly on Yogi's Ark, a ship that flies in the air battling villians...
Judge Judy (1996 - Current) - A court room style show in which REAL people with REAL cases face a REAL judge. A small claims court, most cases invole lawsuit or return of stolen property.
The Incredible Hulk (1982) (1982 - 1982) - The series focused on the green incarnation of the Hulk/Banner personality disorder. Based more on the Stan Lee comic book version than on the live-action tv version (starring Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno), and narrated by Stan Lee himself, this series lasted a very short time due to its extremly ea...
Seabert (1987 - 1988) - A cute young white seal goes around helping people and the world. It was a 26 episode long Belgian based series that aired on HBO.
Maple Town (1986 - 1987) - The Maple Town Tale
Earth Star Voyager (1988 - 1988) - In the late 21st century, planet earth's natural resources are near depletion, and problems like acid rain and limited breathable oxygen abound. In response to the environmental decline, the Earth Star Voyager is created as an experimental space ship that sends the brightest young crewmen and women...
Where in Time is Carmen SanDiego (1997 - 1999) - Spin off from the famed Where in the World is Carmen Sandeigo Trivia game. This show went beyond the boundaries of stealing landmarks, famous people, and artwork, and travelled through time to bring a whole new set of trivia to those who dared try and find Carmen in Time
Soap (1977 - 1981) - Soap, a parody of soap operas, is a show about two sisters, Jessica Tate and Mary Campbell and their families. The two families have all sorts of problems such as: Sarcastic butlers, a war hero who's still living in 1940's wartime and Mary's 2nd husband who once thought he could make himself invisib...
Inch High Private Eye (1973 - 1974) - INCH HIGH, "the world's biggest little detective," was the hero of Inch High, Private Eye, a 1972 Hanna Barbera cartoon for kids. He could shrink down to the height of one inch, thanks to the help of a secret shrinking formula. Unfortunately, the effects of the formula weren't reliable, and he would...
The Brothers Garcia (2000 - 2004) - This was a good show about an American-Hispanic family just trying to make it through life and it was based on the life of the narrator of the show. He would describe how he grew up, him,his two older brothers, and his sister. It was an excellent show. It used to come on Nickelodeon a few years ago.
Top Cat (1961 - 1962) - Set in the Alleys of New York, "Top Cat" tells the story of a gang of low-life cats with their charismatic Leader, Top Cat. With ability and mischief, Top Cat will always try to get rich gambling, to eat for free, or to play jokes on someone, but he is always being watched by Officer Dibble, who is...
The Legend of Calamity Jane (1997 - 1998) - A cool show all about Calamity Jane in the old west, fightin' bad guys, with her old friend Joe.
Baby Blues (2000 - 2002) - This show was so cute. It was about a married couple struggling to get throgh life with their new born baby named Zoey. It used to come on adult swim or cartoon network at night, I don't know. But it was really good. I just love the theme song!
Gigantor! (1966 - 1970) - Gigantor is This Giant Robot That Was Built to Save The World From All Kinds of Villains From Taking Over The World! This anime was based on the Japanese manga Tetsujin 28-go by Mitsuteru Yokoyama.
The Lost Saucer (1975 - 1976) - Using the familiar Krofft theme of "fish out of water tries to find a way home", the Lost Saucer concerned two androids from the year 2369, Fi and Fum, who land their saucer in modern day Chicago. The saucer landed outside the home of Jerry, a young boy and Fi and Fum invited Jerry and Alice, his ba...
Photon: The Idiot Adventures (1986 - 1987) - Based on the *Lazer Tag-ish* game, the show follows a young teen named Chris Jarvis (who goes by the name, "Bhodi Li") whose a champion at Photon, gets unexpectedly summoned to become a real Photon warrior and join a team of other Photon warriors to take on the evil Warlord of Arr and his evil demin...
The Third Eye (1981 - 1984) - A strange foreign mini-series collection that aired on Nickelodeon. Consisted of Into the Labyrinth, The Haunting of Cassie Palmer, Under the Mountain, and Children of the Stones.
Encyclopedia (1988 - 1990) - It is an educational tv series for children.
Robocop (1988 - 1988) - This was shown during the Marvel Action Universe Showcase which also played reruns of "Spiderman and His Amazing Friends" and new episodes of "Dinoriders".
Ulysses 31 (1981 - 1987) - Ulysess tries finding the way back home to Earth to break a curse (all his crew are in comatose) set on his crew by the Greek gods. Who try to stop him along the way.
Hart to Hart (1979 - 1984) -
Rambo: The Force of Freedom (1986 - 1986) - Rambo was part of a team called The Force of Freedom which went on missions around the world battling against the evil organization S.A.V.A.G.E., led by General Warhawk.
Spider-Man (1981 - 1982) - This series was one of the first ventures of Marvel Productions and only the second animated series to star the wall crawler. The show followed Peter Parker as Spider-Man during his college years and featured many classic Spider-man villians. Many of the character designs and voice actors were later...
It's Garry Shandling's Show (1986 - 1990) - It's Garry Shandling's Show is an American sitcom which was initially broadcast on Showtime from 1986 to 1990. It was created by Garry Shandling and Alan Zweibel. The show is notable for its frequent use of breaking the fourth wall to allow characters to speak directly to the audience.
Superboy (1988 - 1992) - The adventures of Superman when he was a boy! Actually, as a young man...who, disguised as Clark Kent, mild-mannered journalism student at Shuster University, fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and...well, you know the rest...
Casshan / Neo-Human Casshern (1973 - 1974) - Casshern fights robots with his dog Friender who can change into various things such as a jet and a car. It ran for 26 episodes like most animes in Japan.
Family Affair (1966 - 1971) - Bill Davis "Brian Keith" is a single bachelor in Manhattan. He has a butler, Giles French, known as Mr. French. Bill's brother dies leaving him as the only one to look after his three kids (twins Buffy and Jody, age 6, and Cissy, age 15). Bill and Mr. French must adjust to their new family and becom...
Foofur (1986 - 1988) - A Hanna Barbera cartoon about a spunky blue hound and his dog friends. It ran for 2 seasons on NBC.
The Young and the Restless (1973 - Current) - A CBS Dramatic Serial which, at the time of it's debut, March 26th 1973, and for most of the 70's, revolved around the lives of the Brooks and Foster Families of Genoa City, Wisconsin. In the late 70's the episodes were extended from 30 minutes to 1 hour, and the series took on a new tone, and grad...
Azumanga Daioh (2002 - 2002) -
The Wind in the Willows (1984 - 1987) - Follow the adventures of the excitable Mister Toad and his friends Rat, Mole, and Badger.
Walker, Texas Ranger (1993 - 2001) - Cordell Walker (Chuck Norris) is a Texas Ranger. He is a rough-and-tumble "cowboy" cop, who drives a big Dodge pickup, and busts everybody from organized crime bosses, to child beaters, to drug runners. He does his duty to the State of Texas with help of his buddy, Rookie Ranger James Trivette (Cl...
The NFL Today (1961 - Current) - The program began on September 17, 1961 on CBS entitled: "Pro Football Kickoff." On September 13, 1964, Frank Gifford began hosting the renamed "NFL Report," and later that year, it renamed the title: "The NFL Today." The NFL Today went off the air on CBS in 1993, when FOX bought out the NFC TV pa...
Flying Rhino Junior High (1998 - 2000) - This series follows four friends at Rhino Junior High using their brains and brawn to deal with problems created by their nemesis Earl P. Sidebottom A.K.A The Phantom, who can transpose the school to faraway places and drop students into strange situations. Focusing episodically on the different mem...
YO! MTV Raps (1988 - 1995) - From 1981 to 1987 MTV was slow to pick up on Hip-Hop, but in 1988 it finally did with YO! MTV Raps.
Creature Features (1971 - 1976) - Creature Features was shown on WGN TV-9 from Sept. 19th, 1970 until Mid 1976. Known for it's main title vignettes of Universal Studios classic horror movies set to the haunting guitars of Henry Mancini's theme from the film "Experiment In Terror," and the dark sinister voice of WGN-TV announcer Mart...
Power House (1982 - 1983) - In this series, a group of kids create a community centre in a old building in the inner city and call Powerhouse. As things turn out, that move found them opposing criminals whom they manage to find and capture. Furthermore, that incident is but the first of a series of informal cases that have com...
Bear in the Big Blue House (1997 - 2006) - Bear, a curious brown bear with a good sense of smell, lives in the Big Blue House with his friends Ojo, Tutter, Treelo, Pip, Pop, and Shadow. They are very different looking in appearance but the same at heart. He and his friends have many adventures together.
St. Elsewhere (1982 - 1988) - This hour-long dramatic series featured life at St. Eligius Hospital, headed by Drs. Donald Westphall and Daniel Auschlander. Every year, new residents would walk down the halls of St. Eligius; learning to deal with perfectionist Cardiovascular Surgeon Mark Craig was only the beginning of the way th...
Two Of A Kind (1998 - 1999) - "Two of a Kind" is a family comedy with a romantic twist. Kevin Burke (Christopher Sieber) is a science professor and single father who believes there is a scientific explanation for everything except how to control his scheming pre-teen daughters! Mary Kate and Ashley are twin sisters who are compl...
Wild C.A.T.S. (1994 - 1995) - A comic book that was made 2 be a cartoon......
Groovie Goolies (1970 - 1972) - The Groovie Goolies, created in 1970, was a take off of Filmation's wildly popular The Archie Show with a monster bend. Combined with another show featuring a character directly spun off of The Archie Show, Sabrina The Teenage Witch, the Goolies were a group of hip monsters, many of whom were, in lo...
SM:TV live (1998 - 2003) - Kids tv show hosted by popular UK TV duo, Ant and Dec alongside Cat Deeley. Between 1998 and 2001 the show sported some hilarious sketches, the likes of which had never been done before on Saturday morning kids television, the most popular of which was a weekly spoof of the US sitcom "friends", whic...
Rocky Road (1985 - 1987) - Three kids ran an ice cream shop after there parents died. The show took place on the board walk of a california beach.
Team Knight Rider (1997 - 1998) - Fifteen years have past since Michael Knight and KITT roamed the California countryside, eliminating obstacles and persons under the guise of FLAG, the Foundation for Law and Government. Now, Michael Knight is replaced by five, cunning yet clever operatives, and KITT is replaced by five other sophis...
Roger Ramjet (1965 - 1965) - That's how Roger Ramjet was introduced to his viewers every week in this underappreciated superhero satire. The show followed the adventures of a research scientist who, after taking his Proton Energy Pill, was endowed with the AMAZING power of twenty atom bombs. Each Proton Pill only lasted 20 seco...
Cagney & Lacey (1982 - 1988) - Television police drama starring two female cops as partners. Their contrasting personalities (one is tough and the other sensitive) strengthen them as a team, allowing each a different perspective on both personal and professional situations. Mary Beth Lacey was the married one, trying to be a wife...
Cutey Honey (1973 - 1974) - A girl who is really an android must kick evil but, her name Cutey Honey. She can change herself into different people and can really kick butt, she was also the first cartoon to have a transformation clip, she was brought back in the 90's as an 8-episode remake. In 2004, it became a live action mov...

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