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object:1.09 - Concentration - Its Spiritual Uses
book class:Raja-Yoga
author class:Swami Vivekananda
subject class:Hinduism
subject class:Yoga



1. Now concentration is explained.

2. Yoga is restraining the mind-stuff (Chitta) from taking various forms (Vrittis).

A good deal of explanation is necessary here. We have to understand what Chitta is, and what the Vrittis are. I have eyes. Eyes do not see. Take away the brain centre which is in the head, the eyes will still be there, the retinae complete, as also the pictures of objects on them, and yet the eyes will not see. So the eyes are only a secondary instrument, not the organ of vision. The organ of vision is in a nerve centre of the brain. The two eyes will not be sufficient. Sometimes a man is asleep with his eyes open. The light is there and the picture is there, but a third thing is necessary the mind must be joined to the organ. The eye is the external instrument; we need also the brain centre and the agency of the mind. Carriages roll down a street, and you do not hear them. Why? Because your mind has not attached itself to the organ of hearing. First, there is the instrument, then there is the organ, and third, the mind attached to these two. The mind takes the impression farther in, and presents it to the determinative faculty Buddhi which reacts. Along with this reaction flashes the idea of egoism. Then this mixture of action and reaction is presented to the Purusha, the real Soul, who perceives an object in this mixture. The organs (Indriyas), together with the mind (Manas), the determinative faculty (Buddhi), and egoism (Ahamkra), form the group called the Antahkarana (the internal instrument). They are but various processes in the mind-stuff, called Chitta. The waves of thought in the Chitta are called Vrittis (literally "whirlpool") . What is thought? Thought is a force, as is gravitation or repulsion. From the infinite storehouse of force in nature, the instrument called Chitta takes hold of some, absorbs it and sends it out as thought. Force is supplied to us through food, and out of that food the body obtains the power of motion etc. Others, the finer forces, it throws out in what we call thought. So we see that the mind is not intelligent; yet it appears to be intelligent. Why? Because the intelligent soul is behind it. You are the only sentient being; mind is only the instrument through which you catch the external world. Take this book; as a book it does not exist outside, what exists outside is unknown and unknowable. The unknowable furnishes the suggestion that gives a blow to the mind, and the mind gives out the reaction in the form of a book, in the same manner as when a stone is thrown into the water, the water is thrown against it in the form of waves. The real universe is the occasion of the reaction of the mind. A book form, or an elephant form, or a man form, is not outside; all that we know is our mental reaction from the outer suggestion. "Matter is the permanent possibility of sensations," said John Stuart Mill. It is only the suggestion that is outside. Take an oyster for example. You know how pearls are made. A parasite gets inside the shell and causes irritation, and the oyster throws a sort of enamelling round it, and this makes the pearl. The universe of experience is our own enamel, so to say, and the real universe is the parasite serving as nucleus. The ordinary man will never understand it, because when he tries to do so, he throws out an enamel, and sees only his own enamel. Now we understand what is meant by these Vrittis. The real man is behind the mind; the mind is the instrument his hands; it is his intelligence that is percolating through the mind. It is only when you stand behind the mind that it becomes intelligent. When man gives it up, it falls to pieces and is nothing. Thus you understand what is meant by Chitta. It is the mind-stuff, and Vrittis are the waves and ripples rising in it when external causes impinge on it. These Vrittis are our universe.

The bottom of a lake we cannot see, because its surface is covered with ripples. It is only possible for us to catch a glimpse of the bottom, when the ripples have subsided, and the water is calm. If the water is muddy or is agitated all the time, the bottom will not be seen. If it is clear, and there are no waves, we shall see the bottom. The bottom of the lake is our own true Self; the lake is the Chitta and the waves the Vrittis. Again, the mind is in three states, one of which is darkness, called Tamas, found in brutes and idiots; it only acts to injure. No other idea comes into that state of mind. Then there is the active state of mind, Rajas, whose chief motives are power and enjoyment. "I will be powerful and rule others." Then there is the state called Sattva, serenity, calmness, in which the waves cease, and the water of the mind-lake becomes clear. It is not inactive, but rather intensely active. It is the greatest manifestation of power to be calm. It is easy to be active. Let the reins go, and the horses will run away with you. Anyone can do that, but he who can stop the plunging horses is the strong man. Which requires the greater strength, letting go or restraining? The calm man is not the man who is dull. You must not mistake Sattva for dullness or laziness. The calm man is the one who has control over the mind waves. Activity is the manifestation of inferior strength, calmness, of the superior.

The Chitta is always trying to get back to its natural pure state, but the organs draw it out. To restrain it, to check this outward tendency, and to start it on the return journey to the essence of intelligence is the first step in Yoga, because only in this way can the Chitta get into its proper course.

Although the Chitta is in every animal, from the lowest to the highest, it is only in the human form that we find it as the intellect. Until the mind-stuff can take the form of intellect it is not possible for it to return through all these steps, and liberate the soul. Immediate salvation is impossible for the cow or the dog, although they have mind, because their Chitta cannot as yet take that form which we call intellect.

The Chitta manifests itself in the following forms scattering, darkening, gathering, one-pointed, and concentrated. The scattering form is activity. Its tendency is to manifest in the form of pleasure or of pain. The darkening form is dullness which tends to injury. The commentator says, the third form is natural to the Devas, the angels, and the first and second to the demons. The gathering form is when it struggles to centre itself. The one-pointed form is when it tries to concentrate, and the concentrated form is what brings us to Samdhi.

3. At that time (the time of concentration) the seer (Purusha) rests in his own (unmodified) state.

As soon as the waves have stopped, and the lake has become quiet, we see its bottom. So with the mind; when it is calm, we see what our own nature is; we do not mix ourselves but remain our own selves.

4. At other times (other than that of concentration) the seer is identified with the modifications.

For instance, someone blames me; this produces a modification, Vritti, in my mind, and I identify myself with it and the result is misery.

5. There are five classes of modifications, (some) painful and (others) not painful.


6. (These are) right knowledge, indiscrimination, verbal delusion, sleep, and memory.

7. Direct perception, inference, and competent evidence are proofs.

When two of our perceptions do not contradict each other, we call it proof. I hear something, and if it contradicts something already perceived, I begin to fight it out, and do not believe it. There are also three kinds of proof. Pratyaksha, direct perception; whatever we see and feel, is proof, if there has been nothing to delude the senses. I see the world; that is sufficient proof that it exists. Secondly, Anumna, inference; you see a sign, and from the sign you come to the thing signified. Thirdly, ptavkya, the direct evidence of the Yogis, of those who have seen the truth. We are all of us struggling towards knowledge. But you and I have to struggle hard, and come to knowledge through a long tedious process of reasoning, but the Yogi, the pure one, has gone beyond all this. Before his mind, the past, the present, and the future are alike, one book for him to read; he does not require to go through the tedious processes for knowledge we have to; his words are proof, because he sees knowledge in himself. These, for instance, are the authors of the sacred scriptures; therefore the scriptures are proof. If any such persons are living now their words will be proof. Other philosophers go into long discussions about Aptavakya and they say, "What is the proof of their words?" The proof is their direct perception. Because whatever I see is proof, and whatever you see is proof, if it does not contradict any past knowledge. There is knowledge beyond the senses, and whenever it does not contradict reason and past human experience, that knowledge is proof. Any madman may come into this room and say he sees angels around him; that would not be proof. In the first place, it must be true knowledge, and secondly, it must not contradict past knowledge, and thirdly, it must depend upon the character of the man who gives it out. I hear it said that the character of the man is not of so much importance as what he may say; we must first hear what he says. This may be true in other things. A man may be wicked, and yet make an astronomical discovery, but in religion it is different, because no impure man will ever have the power to reach the truths of religion. Therefore we have first of all to see that the man who declares himself to be an pta is a perfectly unselfish and holy person; secondly, that he has reached beyond the senses; and thirdly, that what he says does not contradict the past knowledge of humanity. Any new discovery of truth does not contradict the past truth, but fits into it. And fourthly, that truth must have a possibility of verification. If a man says, "I have seen a vision," and tells me that I have no right to see it, I believe him not. Everyone must have the power to see it for himself. No one who sells his knowledge is an Apta. All these conditions must be fulfilled; you must first see that the man is pure, and that he has no selfish motive; that he has no thirst for gain or fame. Secondly, he must show that he is superconscious. He must give us something that we cannot get from our senses, and which is for the benefit of the world. Thirdly, we must see that it does not contradict other truths; if it contradicts other scientific truths reject it at once. Fourthly, the man should never be singular; he should only represent what all men can attain. The three sorts of proof are, then, direct sense-perception, inference, and the words of an Apta. I cannot translate this word into English. It is not the word "inspired", because inspiration is believed to come from outside, while this knowledge comes from the man himself. The literal meaning is "attained".

8. Indiscrimination is false knowledge not established in real nature.

The next class of Vrittis that arises is mistaking one thing for another, as a piece of mother-of-pearl is taken for a piece of silver.

9. Verbal delusion follows from words having no (corresponding) reality.

There is another class of Vrittis called Vikalpa. A word is uttered, and we do not wait to consider its meaning; we jump to a conclusion immediately. It is the sign of weakness of the Chitta. Now you can understand the theory of restraint. The weaker the man, the less he has of restraint. Examine yourselves always by that test. When you are going to be angry or miserable, reason it out how it is that some news that has come to you is throwing your mind into Vrittis.


10. Sleep is a Vritti which embraces the feeling of voidness.

The next class of Vrittis is called sleep and dream. When we awake, we know that we have been sleeping; we can only have memory of perception. That which we do not perceive we never can have any memory of. Every reaction is a wave in the lake. Now, if, during sleep, the mind had no waves, it would have no perceptions, positive or negative, and, therefore, we would not remember them. The very reason of our remembering sleep is that during sleep there was a certain class of waves in the mind. Memory is another class of Vrittis which is called Smriti.

11. Memory is when the (Vrittis of) perceived subjects do not slip away (and through impressions come back to consciousness).

Memory can come from direct perception, false knowledge, verbal delusion, and sleep. For instance, you hear a word. That word is like a stone thrown into the lake of the Chitta; it causes a ripple, and that ripple rouses a series of ripples; this is memory. So in sleep. When the peculiar kind of ripple called sleep throws the Chitta into a ripple of memory, it is called a dream. Dream is another form of the ripple which in the waking state is called memory.

12. Their control is by practice and nonattachment.

The mind, to have non-attachment, must be clear, good, and rational. Why should we practice? Because each action is like the pulsations quivering over the surface of the lake. The vibration dies out, and what is left? The Samskras, the impressions. When a large number of these impressions are left on the mind, they coalesce and become a habit. It is said, "Habit is second nature", it is first nature also, and the whole nature of man; everything that we are is the result of habit. That gives us consolation, because, if it is only habit, we can make and unmake it at any time. The Samskaras are left by these vibrations passing out of our mind, each one of them leaving its result. Our character is the sum-total of these marks, and according as some particular wave prevails one takes that tone. If good prevails, one becomes good; if wickedness, one becomes wicked; if joyfulness, one becomes happy. The only remedy for bad habits is counter habits; all the bad habits that have left their impressions are to be controlled by good habits. Go on doing good, thinking holy thoughts continuously; that is the only way to suppress base impressions. Never say any man is hopeless, because he only represents a character, a bundle of habits, which can be checked by new and better ones. Character is repeated habits, and repeated habits alone can reform character.

13. Continuous struggle to keep them (the Vrittis) perfectly restrained is practice.

What is practice? The attempt to restrain the mind in Chitta form, to prevent its going out into waves.


14. It becomes firmly grounded by long constant efforts with great love (for the end to be attained).

Restraint does not come in one day, but by long continued practice.

15. That effect which comes to these who have given up their thirst after objects, either seen or heard, and which wills to control the objects, is non-attachment.

The two motive powers of our actions are (1) what we see ourselves, (2) the experience of others. These two forces throw the mind, the lake, into various waves. Renunciation is the power of battling against these forces and holding the mind in check. Their renunciation is what see want. I am passing through a street, and a man comes and takes away my watch. That is my own experience. I see it myself, and it immediately throws my Chitta into a wave, taking the form of anger. Allow not that to come. If you cannot prevent that, you are nothing; if you can, you have Vairgya. Again, the experience of the worldly-minded teaches us that sense-enjoyments are the highest ideal. These are tremendous temptations. To deny them, and not allow the mind to come to a wave form with regard to them, is renunciation; to control the twofold motive powers arising from my own experience and from the experience of others, and thus prevent the Chitta from being governed by them, is Vairagya. These should be controlled by me, and not I by them. This sort of mental strength is called renunciation. Vairagya is the only way to freedom.

16. That is extreme non-attachment which gives up even the qualities, and comes from the knowledge of (the real nature of) the Purusha.

It is the highest manifestation of the power of Vairagya when it takes away even our attraction towards the qualities. We have first to understand what the Purusha, the Self, is and what the qualities are. According to Yoga philosophy, the whole of nature consists of three qualities or forces; one is called Tamas, another Rajas, and the third Sattva. These three qualities manifest themselves in the physical world as darkness or inactivity, attraction or repulsion, and equilibrium of the two. Everything that is in nature, all manifestations, are combinations and recombinations of these three forces. Nature has been divided into various categories by the Snkhyas; the Self of man is beyond all these, beyond nature. It is effulgent, pure, and perfect. Whatever of intelligence we see in nature is but the reflection of this Self upon nature. Nature itself is insentient. You must remember that the word nature also includes the mind; mind is in nature; thought is in nature; from thought, down to the grossest form of matter, everything is in nature, the manifestation of nature. This nature has covered the Self of man, and when nature takes away the covering, the self appears in Its own glory. The non-attachment, as described in aphorism 15 (as being control of objects or nature) is the greatest help towards manifesting the Self. The next aphorism defines Samadhi, perfect concentration which is the goal of the Yogi.

17. The concentration called right knowledge is that which is followed by reasoning, discrimination bliss, unqualified egoism.

Samadhi is divided into two varieties. One is called the Samprajnta, and the other the Asamprajnta. In the Samprajnata Samadhi come all the powers of controlling nature. It is of four varieties. The first variety is called the Savitarka, when the mind meditates upon an object again and again, by isolating it from other objects. There are two sorts of objects for meditation in the twenty-five categories of the Sankhyas, (1) the twenty-four insentient categories of Nature, and (2) the one sentient Purusha. This part of Yoga is based entirely on Sankhya philosophy, about which I have already told you. As you will remember, egoism and will and mind have a common basis, the Chitta or the mind-stuff, out of which they are all manufactured. The mind-stuff takes in the forces of nature, and projects them as thought. There must be something, again, where both force and matter are one. This is called Avyakta, the unmanifested state of nature before creation, and to which, after the end of a cycle, the whole of nature returns, to come out again after another period. Beyond that is the Purusha, the essence of intelligence. Knowledge is power, and as soon as we begin to know a thing, we get power over it; so also when the mind begins to meditate on the different elements, it gains power over them. That sort of meditation where the external gross elements are the objects is called Savitarka. Vitarka means question; Savitarka, with question, questioning the elements, as it were, that they may give their truths and their powers to the man who meditates upon them. There is no liberation in getting powers. It is a worldly search after enjoyments, and there is no enjoyment in this life; all search for enjoyment is vain; this is the old, old lesson which man finds so hard to learn. When he does learn it, he gets out of the universe and becomes free. The possession of what are called occult powers is only intensifying the world, and in the end, intensifying suffering. Though as a scientist Patanjali is bound to point out the possibilities of this science, he never misses an opportunity to warn us against these powers.

Again, in the very same meditation, when one struggles to take the elements out of time and space, and think of them as they are, it is called Nirvitarka, without question. When the meditation goes a step higher, and takes the Tanmatras as its object, and thinks of them as in time and space, it is called Savichra, with discrimination; and when in the same meditation one eliminates time and space, and thinks of the fine elements as they are, it is called Nirvichra, without discrimination. The next step is when the elements are given up, both gross and fine, and the object of meditation is the interior organ, the thinking organ. When the thinking organ is thought of as bereft of the qualities of activity and dullness, it is then called Snanda, the blissful Samadhi. When the mind itself is the object of meditation, when meditation becomes very ripe and concentrated, when all ideas of the gross and fine materials are given up, when the Sattva state only of the Ego remains, but differentiated from all other objects, it is called Ssmita Samadhi. The man who has attained to this has attained to what is called in the Vedas "bereft of body". He can think of himself as without his gross body; but he will have to think of himself as with a fine body. Those that in this state get merged in nature without attaining the goal are called Prakritilayas, but those who do not stop even there reach the goal, which is freedom.

18. There is another Samadhi which is attained by the constant practice of cessation of all mental activity, in which the Chitta retains only the unmanifested impressions.

This is the perfect superconscious Asamprajnata Samadhi, the state which gives us freedom. The first state does not give us freedom, does not liberate the soul. A man may attain to all powers, and yet fall again. There is no safeguard until the soul goes beyond nature. It is very difficult to do so, although the method seems easy. The method is to meditate on the mind itself, and whenever thought comes, to strike it down, allowing no thought to come into the mind, thus making it an entire vacuum. When we can really do this, that very moment we shall attain liberation. When persons without training and preparation try to make their minds vacant, they are likely to succeed only in covering themselves with Tamas, the material of ignorance, which makes the mind dull and stupid, and leads them to think that they are making a vacuum of the mind. To be able to really do that is to manifest the greatest strength, the highest control. When this state, Asamprajnata, superconsciousness, is reached, the Samadhi becomes seedless. What is meant by that? In a concentration where there is consciousness, where the mind succeeds only in quelling the waves in the Chitta and holding them down, the waves remain in the form of tendencies. These tendencies (or seeds) become waves again, when the time comes. But when you have destroyed all these tendencies, almost destroyed the mind, then the Samadhi becomes seedless; there are no more seeds in the mind out of which to manufacture again and again this plant of life, this ceaseless round of birth and death.

You may ask, what state would that be in which there is no mind, there is no knowledge? What we call knowledge is a lower state than the one beyond knowledge. You must always bear in mind that the extremes look very much alike. If a very low vibration of ether is taken as darkness, an intermediate state as light, very high vibration will be darkness again. Similarly, ignorance is the lowest state, knowledge is the middle state, and beyond knowledge is the highest state, the two extremes of which seem the same. Knowledge itself is a manufactured something, a combination; it is not reality.

What is the result of constant practice of this higher concentration? All old tendencies of restlessness and dullness will be destroyed, as well as the tendencies of goodness too. The case is similar to that of the chemicals used to take the dirt and alloy off gold. When the ore is smelted down, the dross is burnt along with the chemicals. So this constant controlling power will stop the previous bad tendencies, and eventually, the good ones also. Those good and evil tendencies will suppress each other, leaving alone the Soul, in its own splendour untrammelled by either good or bad, the omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. Then the man will know that he had neither birth nor death, nor need for heaven or earth. He will know that he neither came nor went, it was nature which was moving, and that movement was reflected upon the soul. The form of the light reflected by the glass upon the wall moves, and the wall foolishly thinks it is moving. So with all of us; it is the Chitta constantly moving making itself into various forms, and we think that we are these various forms. All these delusions will vanish. When that free Soul will comm and not pray or beg, but comm and then whatever It desires will be immediately fulfilled; whatever It wants It will be able to do. According to the Sankhya philosophy, there is no God. It says that there can be no God of this universe, because if there were one, He must be a soul, and a soul must be either bound or free. How can the soul that is bound by nature, or controlled by nature, create? It is itself a slave. On the other hand, why should the Soul that is free create and manipulate all these things? It has no desires, so it cannot have any need to create. Secondly, it says the theory of God is an unnecessary one; nature explains all. What is the use of any God? But Kapila teaches that there are many souls, who, though nearly attaining perfection, fall short because they cannot perfectly renounce all powers. Their minds for a time merge in nature, to re-emerge as its masters. Such gods there are. We shall all become such gods, and, according to the Sankhyas, the God spoken of in the Vedas really means one of these free souls. Beyond them there is not an eternally free and blessed Creator of the universe. On the other hand, the Yogis say, "Not so, there is a God; there is one Soul separate from all other souls, and He is the eternal Master of all creation, the ever free, the Teacher of all teachers." The Yogis admit that those whom the Sankhyas call "the merged in nature" also exist. They are Yogis who have fallen short of perfection, and though, for a time, debarred from attaining the goal, remain as rulers of parts of the universe.

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19. (This Samadhi when not followed by extreme non-attachment) becomes the cause of the re-manifestation of the gods and of those that become merged in nature.

The gods in the Indian systems of philosophy represent certain high offices which are filled successively by various souls. But none of them is perfect.


20. To others (this Samadhi) comes through faith, energy, memory, concentration, and discrimination of the real.

These are they who do not want the position of gods or even that of rulers of cycles. They attain to liberation.

21. Success is speedy for the extremely energetic.

22. The success of Yogis differs according as the means they adopt are mild, medium, or intense.

23. Or by devotion to Ishvara.

24. Ishvara (the Supreme Ruler) is a special Purusha, untouched by misery, actions, their results, and desires.

We must again remember that the Ptanjala Yoga philosophy is based upon the Sankhya philosophy; only in the latter there is no place for God, while with the Yogis God has a place. The Yogis, however, do not mention many ideas about God, such as creating. God as the Creator of the universe is not meant by the Ishvara of the Yogis. According to the Vedas, Ishvara is the Creator of the universe; because it is harmonious, it must be the manifestation of one will. The Yogis want to establish a God, but they arrive at Him in a peculiar fashion of their own. They say:

25. In Him becomes infinite that all-knowingness which in others is (only) a germ.

The mind must always travel between two extremes. You can think of limited space, but that very idea gives you also unlimited space. Close your eyes and think of a little space; at the same time that you perceive the little circle, you have a circle round it of unlimited dimensions. It is the same with time. Try to think of a second; you will have, with the same act of perception, to think of time which is unlimited. So with knowledge. Knowledge is only a germ in man, but you will have to think of infinite knowledge around it, so that the very constitution of our mind shows us that there is unlimited knowledge, and the Yogis call that unlimited knowledge God.


26. He is the Teacher of even the ancient teachers, being not limited by time.

It is true that all knowledge is within ourselves, but this has to be called forth by another knowledge. Although the capacity to know is inside us, it must be called out, and that calling out of knowledge can only be done, a Yogi maintains, through another knowledge. Dead, insentient matter never calls out knowledge, it is the action of knowledge that brings out knowledge. Knowing beings must be with us to call forth what is in us, so these teachers were always necessary. The world was never without them, and no knowledge can come without them. God is the Teacher of all teachers, because these teachers, however great they may have been gods or angels were all bound and limited by time, while God is not. There are two peculiar deductions of the Yogis. The first is that in thinking of the limited, the mind must think of the unlimited; and that if one part of that perception is true, so also must the other be, for the reason that their value as perceptions of the mind is equal. The very fact that man has a little knowledge shows that God has unlimited knowledge. If I am to take one, why not the other? Reason forces me to take both or reject both. If I believe that there is a man with a little knowledge, I must also admit that there is someone behind him with unlimited knowledge. The second deduction is that no knowledge can come without a teacher. It is true, as the modern philosophers say, that there is something in man which evolves out of him; all knowledge is in man, but certain environments are necessary to call it out. We cannot find any knowledge without teachers. If there are men teachers, god teachers, or angel teachers, they are all limited; who was the teacher before them? We are forced to admit, as a last conclusion, one teacher who is not limited by time; and that One Teacher of infinite knowledge, without beginning or end, is called God.

27. His manifesting word is Om.

Every idea that you have in the mind has a counterpart in a word; the word and the thought are inseparable. The external part of one and the same thing is what we call word, and the internal part is what we call thought. No man can, by analysis, separate thought from word. The idea that language was created by men certain men sitting together and deciding upon words, has been proved to be wrong. So long as man has existed there have been words and language. What is the connection between an idea and a word? Although we see that there must always be a word with a thought, it is not necessary that the same thought requires the same word. The thought may be the same in twenty different countries, yet the language is different. We must have a word to express each thought, but these words need not necessarily have the same sound. Sounds will vary in different nations. Our commentator says, "Although the relation between thought and word is perfectly natural, yet it does not mean a rigid connection between one sound and one idea." These sounds vary, yet the relation between the sounds and the thoughts is a natural one. The connection between thoughts and sounds is good only if there be a real connection between the thing signified and the symbol; until then that symbol will never come into general use. A symbol is the manifester of the thing signified, and if the thing signified has already an existence, and if, by experience, we know that the symbol has expressed that thing many times, then we are sure that there is a real relation between them. Even if the things are not present, there will be thousands who will know them by their symbols. There must be a natural connection between the symbol and the thing signified; then, when that symbol is pronounced, it recalls the thing signified. The commentator says the manifesting word of God is Om. Why does he emphasise this word? There are hundreds of words for God. One thought is connected with a thousand words; the idea "God" is connected with hundreds of words, and each one stands as a symbol for God. Very good. But there must be a generalization among all time words, some substratum, some common ground of all these symbols, and that which is the common symbol will be the best, and will really represent them all. In making a sound we use the larynx and the palate as a sounding board. Is there any material sound of which all other sounds must be manifestations, one which is the most natural sound? Om (Aum) is such a sound, the basis of all sounds. The first letter, A, is the root sound, the key, pronounced without touching any part of the tongue or palate; M represents the last sound in the series, being produced by the closed lips, and the U rolls from the very root to the end of the sounding board of the mouth. Thus, Om represents the whole phenomena of sound-producing. As such, it must be the natural symbol, the matrix of all the various sounds. It denotes the whole range and possibility of all the words that can be made. Apart from these speculations, we see that around this word Om are centred all the different religious ideas in India; all the various religious ideas of the Vedas have gathered themselves round this word Om. What has that to do with America and England, or any other country? Simply this, that the word has been retained at every stage of religious growth in India, and it has been manipulated to mean all the various ideas about God. Monists, dualists, mono-dualists, separatists, and even atheists took up this Om. Om has become the one symbol for the religious aspiration of the vast majority of human beings. Take, for instance, the English word God. It covers only a limited function, and if you go beyond it, you have to add adjectives, to make it Personal, or Impersonal, or Absolute God. So with the words for God in every other language; their signification is very small. This word Om, however, has around it all the various significances. As such it should be accepted by everyone.

28. The repetition of this (Om) and meditating on its meaning (is the way).

Why should there be repetition? We have not forgotten the theory of Samskaras, that the sum-total of impressions lives in the mind. They become more and more latent but remain there, and as soon as they get the right stimulus, they come out. Molecular vibration never ceases. When this universe is destroyed, all the massive vibrations disappear; the sun, moon, stars, and earth, melt down; but the vibrations remain in the atoms. Each atom performs the same function as the big worlds do. So even when the vibrations of the Chitta subside, its molecular vibrations go on, and when they get the impulse, come out again. We can now understand what is meant by repetition. It is the greatest stimulus that can be given to the spiritual Samskaras. "One moment of company with the holy makes a ship to cross this ocean of life." Such is the power of association. So this repetition of Om, and thinking of its meaning, is keeping good company in your own mind. Study, and then meditate on what you have studied. Thus light will come to you, the Self will become manifest.

But one must think of Om, and of its meaning too. Avoid evil company, because the scars of old wounds are in you, and evil company is just the thing that is necessary to call them out. In the same way we are told that good company will call out the good impressions that are in us, but which have become latent. There is nothing holier in the world than to keep good company, because the good impressions will then tend to come to the surface.

29. From that is gained (the knowledge of) introspection, and the destruction of obstacles.

The first manifestation of the repetition and thinking of Om is that the introspective power will manifest more and more, all the mental and physical obstacles will begin to vanish. What are the obstacles to the Yogi?


30. Disease, mental laziness, doubt, lack of enthusiasm, lethargy, clinging to sense-enjoyments, false perception, non-attaining concentration, and falling away from the state when obtained, are the obstructing distractions.

Disease. This body is the boat which will carry us to the other shore of the ocean of life. It must be taken care of. Unhealthy persons cannot be Yogis. Mental laziness makes us lose all lively interest in the subject, without which there will neither be the will nor the energy to practise. Doubts will arise in the mind about the truth of the science, however strong one's intellectual conviction may be, until certain peculiar psychic experiences come, as hearing or seeing at a distance, etc. These glimpses streng then the mind and make the student persevere. Falling away ... when obtained. Some days or weeks when you are practicing, the mind will be calm and easily concentrated, and you will find yourself progressing fast. All of a sudden the progress will stop one day, and you will find yourself, as it were, stranded. Persevere. All progress proceeds by such rise and fall.


31. Grief, mental distress, tremor of the body, irregular breathing, accompany non-retention of concentration.

Concentration will bring perfect repose to mind and body every time it is practised. When the practice has been misdirected, or not enough controlled, these disturbances come. Repetition of Om and self-surrender to the Lord will streng then the mind, and bring fresh energy. The nervous shakings will come to almost everyone. Do not mind them at all, but keep on practising. Practice will cure them and make the seat firm.

32. To remedy this, the practice of one subject (should be made).

Making the mind take the form of one object for some time will destroy these obstacles. This is general advice. In the following aphorisms it will be expanded and particularized. As one practice cannot suit everyone, various methods will be advanced, and everyone by actual experience will find out that which helps him most.

- --

33. Friendship, mercy, gladness, and indifference, being thought of in regard to subjects, happy, unhappy, good, and evil respectively, pacify the Chitta.

We must have these four sorts of ideas. We must have friendship for all; we must be merciful towards those that are in misery; when people are happy, we ought to be happy; and to the wicked we must be indifferent. So with all subjects that come before us. If the subject is a good one, we shall feel friendly towards it; if the subject of thought is one that is miserable, we must be merciful towards it. If it is good, we must be glad; if it is evil, we must be indifferent. These attitudes of the mind towards the different subjects that come before it will make the mind peaceful. Most of our difficulties in our daily lives come from being unable to hold our minds in this way. For instance, if a man does evil to us, instantly we want to react evil, and every reaction of evil shows that we are not able to hold the Chitta down; it comes out in waves towards the object, and we lose our power. Every reaction in the form of hatred or evil is so much loss to the mind; and every evil thought or deed of hatred, or any thought of reaction, if it is controlled, will be laid in our favour. It is not that we lose by thus restraining ourselves; we are gaining infinitely more than we suspect. Each time we suppress hatred, or a feeling of anger, it is so much good energy stored up in our favour; that piece of energy will be converted into the higher powers.


34. By throwing out and restraining the Breath.

The word used is Prna. Prana is not exactly breath. It is the name for the energy that is in the universe. Whatever you see in the universe, whatever moves or works, or has life, is a manifestation of this Prana. The sum-total of the energy displayed in the universe is called Prana. This Prana, before a cycle begins, remains in an almost motionless state; and when the cycle begins, this Prana begins to manifest itself. It is this Prana that is manifested as motion as the nervous motion in human beings or animals; and the same Prana is manifesting as thought, and so on. The whole universe is a combination of Prana and ksha; so is the human body. Out of Akasha you get the different materials that you feel and see, and out of Prana all the various forces. Now this throwing out and restraining the Prana is what is called Pranayama. Patanjali, the father of the Yoga philosophy, does not give very many particular directions about Pranayama, but later on other Yogis found out various things about this Pranayama, and made of it a great science. With Patanjali it is one of the many ways, but he does not lay much stress on it. He means that you simply throw the air out, and draw it in, and hold it for some time, that is all, and by that, the mind will become a little calmer. But, later on, you will find that out of this is evolved a particular science called Pranayama. We shall hear a little of what these later Yogis have to say.

Some of this I have told you before, but a little repetition will serve to fix it in your minds. First, you must remember that this Prana is not the breath; but that which causes the motion of the breath, that which is the vitality of the breath, is the Prana. Again, the word Prana is used for all the senses; they are all called Pranas, the mind is called Prana; and so we see that Prana is force. And yet we cannot call it force, because force is only the manifestation of it. It is that which manifests itself as force and everything else in the way of motion. The Chitta, the mind-stuff, is the engine which draws in the Prana from the surroundings, and manufactures out of Prana the various vital forces those that keep the body in preservation and thought, will, and all other powers. By the abovementioned process of breathing we can control all the various motions in the body, and the various nerve currents that are running through the body. First we begin to recognise them, and then we slowly get control over them.

Now, these later Yogis consider that there are three main currents of this Prana in the human body. One they call Id, another Pingal, and the third Sushumn. Pingala, according to them, is on the right side of the spinal column, and the Ida on the left, and in the middle of the spinal column is the Sushumna, an empty channel. Ida and Pingala, according to them, are the currents working in every man, and through these currents, we are performing all the functions of life. Sushumna is present in all, as a possibility; but it works only in the Yogi. You must remember that Yoga changes the body. As you go on practising, your body changes; it is not the same body that you had before the practice. That is very rational, and can be explained, because every new thought that we have must make, as it were, a new channel through the brain, and that explains the tremendous conservatism of human nature. Human nature likes to run through the ruts that are already there, because it is easy. If we think, just for example's sake, that the mind is like a needle, and the brain substance a soft lump before it, then each thought that we have makes a street, as it were, in the brain, and this street would close up, but for the grey matter which comes and makes a lining to keep it separate. If there were no grey matter, there would be no memory, because memory means going over these old streets, retracing a thought as it were. Now perhaps you have marked that when one talks on subjects in which one takes a few ideas that are familiar to everyone, and combines and recombines them, it is easy to follow because these channels are present in everyone's brain, and it is only necessary to recur to them. But whenever a new subject comes, new channels have to be made, so it is not understood readily. And that is why the brain (it is the brain, and not the people themselves) refuses unconsciously to be acted upon by new ideas. It resists. The Prana is trying to make new channels, and the brain will not allow it. This is the secret of conservatism. The fewer channels there have been in the brain, and the less the needle of the Prana has made these passages, the more conservative will be the brain, the more it will struggle against new thoughts. The more thoughtful the man, the more complicated will be the streets in his brain, and the more easily he will take to new ideas, and understand them. So with every fresh idea, we make a new impression in the brain, cut new channels through the brain-stuff, and that is why we find that in the practice of Yoga (it being an entirely new set of thoughts and motives) there is so much physical resistance at first. That is why we find that the part of religion which deals with the world-side of nature is so widely accepted, while the other part, the philosophy, or the psychology, which clears with the inner nature of man, is so frequently neglected.

We must remember the definition of this world of ours; it is only the Infinite Existence projected into the plane of consciousness. A little of the Infinite is projected into consciousness, and that we call our world. So there is an Infinite beyond; and religion has to deal with both with the little lump we call our world, and with the Infinite beyond. Any religion which deals with one only of these two will be defective. It must deal with both. The part of religion which deals with the part of the Infinite which has come into the plane of consciousness, got itself caught, as it were, in the plane of consciousness, in the cage of time, space, and causation, is quite familiar to us, because we are in that already, and ideas about this world have been with us almost from time immemorial. The part of religion which deals with the Infinite beyond comes entirely new to us, and getting ideas about it produces new channels in the brain, disturbing the whole system, and that is why you find in the practice of Yoga ordinary people are at first turned out of their grooves. In order to lessen these disturbances as much as possible, all these methods are devised by Patanjali, that we may practice any one of them best suited to us.


35. Those forms of concentration that bring extraordinary sense-perceptions cause perseverance of the mind.

This naturally comes with Dhran, concentration; the Yogis say, if the mind becomes concentrated on the tip of the nose, one begins to smell, after a few days, wonderful perfumes. If it becomes concentrated at the root of the tongue, one begins to hear sounds; if on the tip of the tongue, one begins to taste wonderful flavours; if on the middle of the tongue, one feels as if one were coming in contact with something. If one concentrates one's mind on the palate, one begins to see peculiar things. If a man whose mind is disturbed wants to take up some of these practices of Yoga, yet doubts the truth of them, he will have his doubts set at rest when, after a little practice, these things come to him, and he will persevere.

36. Or (by the meditation on) the Effulgent Light, which is beyond all sorrow.

This is another sort of concentration. Think of the lotus of the heart, with petals downwards, and running through it, the Sushumna; take in the breath, and while throwing the breath out imagine that the lotus is turned with the petals upwards, and inside that lotus is an effulgent light. Meditate on that.

37. Or (by meditation on) the heart that has given up all attachment to sense-objects.

Take some holy person, some great person whom you revere, some saint whom you know to be perfectly nonattached, and think of his heart. That heart has become non-attached, and meditate on that heart; it will calm the mind. If you cannot do that, there is the next way:

38. Or by meditating on the knowledge that comes in sleep.

Sometimes a man dreams that he has seen angels coming to him and talking to him, that he is in an ecstatic condition, that he has heard music floating through the air. He is in a blissful condition in that dream, and when he wakes, it makes a deep impression on him. Think of that dream as real, and meditate upon it. If you cannot do that, meditate on any holy thing that pleases you.

39. Or by the meditation on anything that appeals to one as good.

This does not mean any wicked subject, but anything good that you like, any place that you like best, any scenery that you like best, any idea that you like best, anything that will concentrate the mind.

40. The Yogi's mind thus meditating, becomes unobstructed from the atomic to the infinite.

The mind, by this practice, easily contemplates the most minute, as well as the biggest thing. Thus the mindwaves become fainter.

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41. The Yogi whose Vrittis have thus become powerless (controlled) obtains in the receiver, (the instrument of) receiving, and the received (the Self, the mind, and external objects), concentratedness arid sameness like the crystal (before different coloured objects).

What results from this constant meditation? We must remember how in a previous aphorism Patanjali went into the various states of meditation, how the first would be the gross, the second the fine, and from them the advance was to still finer objects. The result of these meditations is that we can meditate as easily on the fine as on the gross objects. Here the Yogi sees the three things, the receiver, the received, and the receiving instrument, corresponding to the Soul, external objects, and the mind. There are three objects of meditation given us. First, the gross things, as bodies, or material objects; second, fine things, as the mind, the Chitta; and third, the Purusha qualified, not the Purusha itself, but the Egoism. By practice, the Yogi gets established in all these meditations. Whenever he meditates he can keep out all other thoughts; he becomes identified with that on which he meditates. When he meditates, he is like a piece of crystal. Before flowers the crystal becomes almost identified with the flowers. If the flower is red, the crystal looks red, or if the flower is blue, the crystal looks blue.


42. Sound, meaning, and resulting knowledge, being mixed up, is (called) Samadhi with question.

Sound here means vibration, meaning the nerve currents which conduct it; and knowledge, reaction. All the various meditations we have had so far, Patanjali calls Savitarka (meditation with question). Later on he gives us higher and higher Dhynas. In these that are called "with question," we keep the duality of subject and object, which results from the mixture of word, meaning, and knowledge. There is first the external vibration, the word. This, carried inward by the sense currents, is the meaning. After that there comes a reactionary wave in the Chitta, which is knowledge, but the mixture of these three makes up what we call knowledge. In all the meditations up to this we get this mixture as objects of meditation. The next Samadhi is higher.

43. The Samadhi called "without question" (comes) when the memory is purified, or devoid of qualities, expressing only the meaning (of the meditated object).

It is by the practice of meditation of these three that we come to the state where these three do not mix. We can get rid of them. We will first try to understand what these three are. Here is the Chitta; you will always remember the simile of the mind-stuff to a lake, and the vibration, the word, the sound, like a pulsation coming over it. You have that calm lake in you, and I pronounce a word, "Cow". As soon as it enters through your ears there is a wave produced in your Chitta along with it. So that wave represents the idea of the cow, the form or the meaning as we call it. The apparent cow that you know is really the wave in the mind-stuff that comes as a reaction to the internal and external sound vibrations. With the sound, the wave dies away; it can never exist without a word. You may ask how it is, when we only think of the cow, and do not hear a sound. You make that sound yourself. You are saying "cow" faintly in your mind, and with that comes a wave. There cannot be any wave without this impulse of sound; and when it is not from outside, it is from inside, and when the sound dies, the wave dies. What remains? The result of the reaction, and that is knowledge. These three are so closely combined in our mind that we cannot separate them. When the sound comes, the senses vibrate, and the wave rises in reaction; they follow so closely upon one another that there is no discerning one from the other. When this meditation has been practiced for a long time, memory, the receptacle of all impressions, becomes purified, and we are able clearly to distinguish them from one another. This is called Nirvitarka, concentration without question.


44. By this process (the concentrations) with discrimination and without discrimination, whose objects are finer, are (also) explained.

A process similar to the preceding is applied again; only, the objects to be taken up in the former meditations are gross; in this they are fine.


45. The finer objects end with the Pradhna.

The gross objects are only the elements and everything manufactured out of them. The fine objects begin with the Tanmatras or fine particles. The organs, the mind, (The mind, or common sensorium, the aggregate of all the senses), egoism, the mind-stuff (the cause of all manifestation), the equilibrium state of Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas materials called Pradhna (chief), Prakriti (nature), or Avyakta (unmanifest) are all included within the category of fine objects, the Purusha (the Soul) alone being excepted.


46. These concentrations are with seed.

These do not destroy the seeds of past actions, and thus cannot give liberation, but what they bring to the Yogi is stated in the following aphorism.


47. The concentration "without discrimination" being purified, the Chitta becomes firmly fixed.

48. The knowledge in that is called "filled with Truth".

The next aphorism will explain this.

49. The knowledge that is gained from testimony and inference is about common objects. That from the Samadhi just mentioned is of a much higher order, being able to penetrate where inference and testimony cannot go.

The idea is that we have to get our knowledge of ordinary objects by direct perception, and by inference therefrom, and from testimony of people who are competent. By "people who are competent," the Yogis always mean the Rishis, or the Seers of the thoughts recorded in the scriptures the Vedas. According to them, the only proof of the scriptures is that they were the testimony of competent persons, yet they say the scriptures cannot take us to realisation. We can read all the Vedas, and yet will not realise anything, but when we practise their teachings, then we attain to that state which realises what the scriptures say, which penetrates where neither reason nor perception nor inference can go, and where the testimony of others cannot avail. This is what is meant by the aphorism.

Realisation is real religion, all the rest is only preparation hearing lectures, or reading books, or reasoning is merely preparing the ground; it is not religion. Intellectual assent and intellectual dissent are not religion. The central idea of the Yogis is that just as we come in direct contact with objects of the senses, so religion even can be directly perceived in a far more intense sense. The truths of religion, as God and Soul, cannot be perceived by the external senses. I cannot see God with my eyes, nor can I touch Him with my hands, and we also know that neither can we reason beyond the senses. Reason leaves us at a point quite indecisive; we may reason all our lives, as the world has been doing for thousands of years, and the result is that we find we are incompetent to prove or disprove the facts of religion. What we perceive directly we take as the basis, and upon that basis we reason. So it is obvious that reasoning has to run within these bounds of perception. It can never go beyond. The whole scope of realisation, therefore, is beyond sense-perception. The Yogis say that man can go beyond his direct sense-perception, and beyond his reason also. Man has in him the faculty, the power, of transcending his intellect even, a power which is in every being, every creature. By the practice of Yoga that power is aroused, and then man transcends the ordinary limits of reason, and directly perceives things which are beyond all reason.

50. The resulting impression from this Samadhi obstructs all other impressions.

We have seen in the foregoing aphorism that the only way of attaining to that superconsciousness is by concentration, and we have also seen that what hinder the mind from concentration are the past Samskaras, impressions. All of you have observed that, when you are trying to concentrate your mind, your thoughts wander. When you are trying to think of God, that is the very time these Samskaras appear. At other times they are not so active; but when you want them not, they are sure to be there, trying their best to crowd in your mind. Why should that be so? Why should they be much more potent at the time of concentration? It is because you are repressing them, and they react with all their force. At other times they do not react. How countless these old past impressions must be, all lodged somewhere in the Chitta, ready, waiting like tigers, to jump up! These have to be suppressed that the one idea which we want may arise, to the exclusion of the others. Instead they are all struggling to come up at the same time. These are the various powers of the Samskaras in hindering concentration of the mind. So this Samadhi which has just been given is the best to be practised, on account of its power of suppressing the Samskaras. The Samskara which will be raised by this sort of concentration will be so powerful that it will hinder the action of the others, and hold them in check.


51. By the restraint of even this (impression, which obstructs all other impressions), all being restrained, comes the "seedless" Samadhi.

You remember that our goal is to perceive the Soul itself. We cannot perceive the Soul, because it has got mingled up with nature, with the mind, with the body. The ignorant man thinks his body is the Soul. The learned man thinks his mind is the Soul. But both of them are mistaken. What makes the Soul get mingled up with all this? Different waves in the Chitta rise and cover the Soul; we only see a little reflection of the Soul through these waves; so, if the wave is one of anger, we see the Soul as angry; "I am angry," one says. If it is one of love, we see ourselves reflected in that wave, and say we are loving. If that wave is one of weakness, and the Soul is reflected in it, we think we are weak. These various ideas come from these impressions, these Samskaras covering the Soul. The real nature of the Soul is not perceived as long as there is one single wave in the lake of the Chitta; this real nature will never be perceived until all the waves have subsided. So, first, Patanjali teaches us the meaning of these waves; secondly, the best way to repress them; and thirdly, how to make one wave so strong as to suppress all other waves, fire eating fire as it were. When only one remains, it will be easy to suppress that also, and when that is gone, this Samadhi or concentration is called seedless. It leaves nothing, and the Soul is manifested just as It is, in Its own glory. Then alone we know that the Soul is not a compound; It is the only eternal simple in the universe, and as such, It cannot be born, It cannot die; It is immortal, indestructible, the ever-living essence of intelligence.

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Wikipedia - Battle Circle -- Trilogy of science fiction novels by Piers Anthony
Wikipedia - Battleship (film) -- 2012 military science fiction film by Peter Berg based on the board game of the same name
Wikipedia - Battlestar Galactica (1978 TV series) -- American science fiction television series of the 1970s
Wikipedia - Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series) -- 2004-2009 American science fiction television series, reimagining of a 1970s series
Wikipedia - Battlestar Galactica (miniseries) -- 2003 American science fiction miniseries
Wikipedia - Battlestar Galactica -- American science fiction franchise
Wikipedia - BattleTech -- Wargaming and military science fiction franchise
Wikipedia - BeltStrike: Riches and Danger in the Bowman Belt -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Beneath a Steel Sky -- Cyberpunk science-fiction point-and-click adventure from 1994
Wikipedia - Bengali science fiction
Wikipedia - Benjanun Sriduangkaew -- Thai science fiction and fantasy writer
Wikipedia - Beowulf's Children -- Science fiction novel by Larry Niven
Wikipedia - Betrayer of Worlds -- 2010 science fiction novel by Niven & Lerner
Wikipedia - Better than Us -- Russian science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Beyond (Paranoia Press) -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Beyond Skyline -- 2017 American science fiction action film directed by Liam O'Donnell
Wikipedia - Bibliography of Stanislaw Lem -- List of works about Polish science fiction writer Stanislaw Lem
Wikipedia - Bicentennial Man (film) -- 1999 American science fiction comedy-drama film by Chris Columbus
Wikipedia - Big Ass Spider! -- 2013 science fiction comedy-horror film by Mike Mendez
Wikipedia - Bill & Ted Face the Music -- 2020 science fiction comedy film
Wikipedia - Binti: Home -- 2017 science fiction novella by Nnedi Okorafor
Wikipedia - Binti: The Night Masquerade -- 2018 science fiction novella by Nnedi Okorafor
Wikipedia - Biohazard: The Alien Force -- 1994 US science fiction adventure film by Steve Latshaw
Wikipedia - Biomega (manga) -- Japanese science fiction manga
Wikipedia - Bio of a Space Tyrant -- six-volume science fiction novel series by Piers Anthony, which purports as an autobiography of a Jupiter autocrat of Hispanic descent
Wikipedia - Bjo Trimble -- Science fiction fan
Wikipedia - Black Friday (1940 film) -- 1940 American science fiction film directed by Arthur Lubin
Wikipedia - Black Mirror -- British science fiction anthology television series
Wikipedia - Black science fiction
Wikipedia - Blake Charlton -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Blame! (film) -- 2017 Japanese anime science fiction action film by Hiroyuki Seshita
Wikipedia - Blind Alley -- Science fiction short story by American writer Isaac Asimov.
Wikipedia - BLIT (short story) -- A science fiction short story by British writer David Langford
Wikipedia - Blood Circus (film) -- 1985 science fiction-horror film
Wikipedia - Blue Remembered Earth -- Science fiction novel by Alastair Reynolds
Wikipedia - Bogi Takacs -- Science fiction writer, editor and reviewer
Wikipedia - Bokeh (film) -- 2017 science fiction drama film
Wikipedia - Boots and Pup -- 2005 science-fiction webcomic
Wikipedia - Borealis (2013 film) -- 2013 Canadian science fiction film
Wikipedia - Boss Level -- Upcoming science fiction action film by Joe Carnahan
Wikipedia - Boston Science Fiction Film Festival -- Film festival
Wikipedia - Boxfire Press -- American science fiction/fantasy publisher
Wikipedia - Brad Ferguson -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Bradley Denton -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Brad R. Torgersen -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Brandon Sanderson -- American fantasy and science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Brass Man -- 2005 science fiction novel by Neal Asher
Wikipedia - Brave New World (2020 TV series) -- American dystopian science fiction drama series
Wikipedia - Brave New World -- 1932 dystopian science fiction novel by Aldous Huxley
Wikipedia - Brazilian science fiction
Wikipedia - Bride of Frankenstein -- 1935 American science-fiction horror film by James Whale
Wikipedia - British Science Fiction Association Award
Wikipedia - British television science fiction
Wikipedia - Broken Angels (novel) -- Science fiction novel by Richard K. Morgan
Wikipedia - Bubblegum (novel) -- 2020 science fiction novel by Adam Levin
Wikipedia - Buck Rogers -- Science fiction hero
Wikipedia - Buck Rogers XXVC -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Bumblebee (film) -- 2018 science fiction action film directed by Travis Knight
Wikipedia - Camouflage (novel) -- 2004 science fiction novel by Joe Haldeman
Wikipedia - Canadian science fiction television
Wikipedia - Canadian science fiction
Wikipedia - Caprica -- 2010 science fiction TV-series
Wikipedia - Captain Future (magazine) -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Captain Jack Harkness (Torchwood episode) -- Episode of science fiction television series (S1 E12)
Wikipedia - Captive State -- American science fiction crime thriller film by Rupert Wyatt
Wikipedia - Cargo (2019 film) -- 2019 Indian science fiction film
Wikipedia - Cassandra (short story) -- 1978 science fiction short story by C. J. Cherryh
Wikipedia - Catch That Rabbit -- Science fiction short story by American writer Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Category:1990s science fiction action films
Wikipedia - Category:1999 science fiction films
Wikipedia - Category:American science fiction action films
Wikipedia - Category:American science fiction writers
Wikipedia - Category:Austrian science fiction writers
Wikipedia - Category:British science fiction writers
Wikipedia - Category:English science fiction writers
Wikipedia - Category:French science fiction writers
Wikipedia - Category:LGBT-related science fiction films
Wikipedia - Category:Martial arts science fiction films
Wikipedia - Category:Science fiction anime and manga
Wikipedia - Category:Science fiction artists
Wikipedia - Category:Science fiction comedy
Wikipedia - Category:Science fiction critics
Wikipedia - Category:Science fiction culture
Wikipedia - Category:Science fiction fans
Wikipedia - Category:Science Fiction Hall of Fame inductees
Wikipedia - Category:Science fiction literature
Wikipedia - Category:Science fiction organizations
Wikipedia - Category:Science fiction themes
Wikipedia - Category:Science fiction video games
Wikipedia - Category:Science fiction
Wikipedia - Catherine Asaro -- American science-fiction writer, singer and teacher
Wikipedia - Center for the Study of Science Fiction -- Endowed educational institution associated with the University of Kansas
Wikipedia - Chan Koonchung -- Chinese science-fiction writer
Wikipedia - Charles Howard Hinton -- British mathematician and science fiction author
Wikipedia - Charles Platt (science-fiction author)
Wikipedia - Charles Sheffield -- English-born mathematician, physicist and science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Charles Stross -- British science fiction, horror, and fantasy writer and blogger
Wikipedia - Charlie Jane Anders -- American science fiction author and commentator
Wikipedia - Chen Qiufan -- Chinese science fiction author
Wikipedia - Cherry Wilder -- The pseudonym of Kiwi science fiction and fantasy writer Cherry Barbara Grimm, nee Lockett
Wikipedia - Chicago TARDIS -- Science fiction convention focusing on Doctor Who and related media
Wikipedia - Childhood's End -- Science fiction novel by Arthur C. Clarke
Wikipedia - Children of God (novel) -- Science fiction novel by Mary Doria Russell
Wikipedia - Children of Time (novel) -- 2015 science fiction novel by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Wikipedia - Chilean science fiction
Wikipedia - Chinese science fiction -- Genre of speculative fiction
Wikipedia - Cholwell's Chickens -- Science fiction novella
Wikipedia - Chris Eliasen -- American writer of fantasy and science fiction
Wikipedia - Christian science fiction
Wikipedia - Christopher Stasheff -- American science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - C. J. Cherryh -- American science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - Clara (film) -- 2018 romantic science fiction film directed by Akash Sherman
Wikipedia - Clarkesworld Magazine -- American online fantasy and science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Claude Ecken -- French science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Cleopatra 2525 -- American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 -- 2013 American computer-animated science fiction comedy film
Wikipedia - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (film) -- 2009 American computer-animated science fiction comedy film
Wikipedia - Coalescent -- Science-fiction novel by Stephen Baxter
Wikipedia - Code 8 (2019 film) -- 2019 Canadian science fiction action film
Wikipedia - Colin Greenland -- British science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Colonel Bleep -- American children's animated science fiction space adventure television series; first color cartoon series made for television
Wikipedia - Colony (TV series) -- 2016 American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Comet (magazine) -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Comicpalooza -- Science fiction convention held in Houston, Texas
Wikipedia - Comparison of Star Trek and Star Wars -- Science fiction media comparison
Wikipedia - Congo (film) -- 1995 US science fiction action-adventure film by Frank Marshall
Wikipedia - Connected (upcoming film) -- Upcoming American computer-animated science fiction comedy film
Wikipedia - Conquest of the Planet of the Apes -- 1972 science fiction film directed by J. Lee Thompson
Wikipedia - ConQuesT -- Annual science fiction convention held in the Kansas City, Missouri area
Wikipedia - Continuum (TV series) -- Canadian science fiction series
Wikipedia - Corrupting Dr. Nice -- Science fiction book by John Kessel
Wikipedia - Corsairs of the Turku Waste -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Cory Doctorow -- Canadian-British blogger, journalist, and science fiction author
Wikipedia - Cosmic Odyssey (comics) -- 1988 DC Comics science fiction mini-series
Wikipedia - Cosmic Star Heroine -- 2017 science fiction role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Cosmic Stories and Stirring Science Stories -- Two related US pulp science fiction magazines
Wikipedia - Counterpart (TV series) -- 2017 American science fiction thriller television series
Wikipedia - Crisis on Conshelf Ten -- 1975 science fiction novel by Monica Hughes
Wikipedia - Croatian science fiction
Wikipedia - Crucis Margin -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Cyberella -- Science fiction comic
Wikipedia - Cyberpunk -- Postmodern science fiction genre in a futuristic dystopian setting
Wikipedia - Cyclops (1987 film) -- 1987 Japanese science fiction horror original video
Wikipedia - Cynthia Felice -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Czech science fiction and fantasy
Wikipedia - Daily Science Fiction -- Science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Damon Knight -- American science fiction writer, editor and critic
Wikipedia - Dan Cragg -- American science-fiction author
Wikipedia - Dangerous Visions -- Science fiction short story anthology edited by Harlan Ellison
Wikipedia - Daniel F. Galouye -- Deceased American science fiction writer.
Wikipedia - Dark Angel (American TV series) -- US science fiction drama television series
Wikipedia - Darkling Ship -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Dark Matter (TV series) -- Canadian science fiction TV series
Wikipedia - Darkover series -- Science fiction-fantasy book series
Wikipedia - Dark (TV series) -- German science fiction thriller television series
Wikipedia - Darthanon Queen -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - David D. Levine -- Science fiction writer
Wikipedia - David Drake -- American author of science fiction and fantasy literature
Wikipedia - David Weber -- 20th and 21st-century American science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - DAW Books -- American science fiction and fantasy publisher
Wikipedia - Dayton Ward -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Dead Space 2 -- 2011 science fiction survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Dead Space 3 -- 2013 science fiction survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Dead Space (franchise) -- Science fiction horror video game series and multimedia franchise
Wikipedia - Dead Space (video game) -- 2008 science fiction survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Death Race 2 -- 2011 science fiction action film directed by Roel Reine
Wikipedia - Death Race (franchise) -- Science fiction action media franchise
Wikipedia - Death's End -- 2010 science fiction novel by Liu Cixin, sequel to The Three-Body Problem and The Dark Forest
Wikipedia - Debris (TV series) -- Upcoming American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Deep Blue Sea (1999 film) -- 1999 American science fiction horror film by Renny Harlin
Wikipedia - DeepStar Six -- 1989 American science fiction horror film by Sean S. Cunningham
Wikipedia - Definitions of science fiction
Wikipedia - Demolition Man (film) -- 1993 science fiction action film directed by Marco Brambilla
Wikipedia - Demon (novel) -- Science fiction novel by John Varley
Wikipedia - DennM-EM-^M Coil -- Science fiction anime
Wikipedia - Destiny's Road -- Science fiction novel by Larry Niven
Wikipedia - Destroy All Monsters -- 1968 Japanese science fiction Kaiju film directed by IshirM-EM-^M Honda
Wikipedia - Destroyer of Worlds (novel) -- 2009 science fiction novel by Niven & Lerner
Wikipedia - Deutscher Science Fiction Preis
Wikipedia - Dexter's Laboratory -- American comic science fiction animated television series
Wikipedia - Diane Duane -- American-Irish science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - Dick Smith (software) -- Chicago, Illinois-based software engineer, computer consultant and a science fiction fanzine publisher
Wikipedia - Dieselpunk -- Retrofuturistic science fiction subgenre inspired by early-to-mid 20th-century diesel-based technology
Wikipedia - Disco Raja -- 2020 Indian Telugu-language science fiction action film
Wikipedia - Ditmar Award results -- Results of Australian science fiction, fantasy and horror award
Wikipedia - Doctor Death (magazine) -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Doctor Who (season 1) -- First season of British television science fiction series Doctor Who
Wikipedia - Doctor Who -- British science fiction TV series
Wikipedia - Dogs of War (2000 video game) -- Science fiction real-time strategy game
Wikipedia - Donald A. Wollheim -- US science fiction editor, publisher, and author
Wikipedia - Donald M. Grant, Publisher -- American fantasy and science fiction publisher
Wikipedia - Doom 3 -- 2004 horror science fiction first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Doom (novel series) -- 1995/6 series of science fiction novels
Wikipedia - Doomwatch -- British science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Doraemon: Nobita's Little Star Wars 2021 -- Japanese science fiction anime film
Wikipedia - Double Star -- Science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein
Wikipedia - Draft:Chairman Spaceman -- Upcoming science fiction film directed by Andrew Stanton
Wikipedia - Draft:The Peripheral (TV series) -- Upcoming American science-fiction television series
Wikipedia - Draft Universe -- Fictional setting for a science fiction duology written by Sergei Lukyanenko and consisting of the novels Rough Draft and Final Draft
Wikipedia - Draft:Untitled Gareth Edwards film -- Upcoming science fiction film
Wikipedia - Dra'k'ne Station -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Dread Empire's Fall -- Science fiction novel series by Walter Jon Williams
Wikipedia - Drowned God -- 1996 science fiction adventure game
Wikipedia - Dr. Who and the Daleks -- 1965 British science fiction film by Gordon Flemyng
Wikipedia - Dumarest saga -- Series of science fiction novels by Edwin Charles Tubb
Wikipedia - Dune (1984 film) -- 1984 American epic science fiction film written and directed by David Lynch
Wikipedia - Dune (2021 film) -- 2021 epic science fiction film directed by Denis Villeneuve
Wikipedia - Dune (franchise) -- American science fiction media franchise
Wikipedia - Dune (novel) -- 1965 science-fiction novel by Frank Herbert
Wikipedia - Duneraiders -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Dynamic Science Fiction -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Dynamic Science Stories -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Earth in science fiction
Wikipedia - Earthworks (novel) -- 1965 dystopian science fiction novel by Brian Aldiss
Wikipedia - Edge of Tomorrow -- 2014 science-fiction film directed by Doug Liman
Wikipedia - Element 79 (anthology) -- Collection of science fiction short stories by Fred Hoyle
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Moon -- American science fiction and fantasy writer
Wikipedia - Ellen Asher -- American science fiction editor
Wikipedia - Ellen Datlow -- American science fiction, fantasy, and horror editor and anthologist
Wikipedia - Elsewhen -- SF novella by R. A. Heinlein about time travel and parallel universes; first published as "Elsewhere" in Sept. 1941 in Astounding Science Fiction under the pseudonym Caleb Saunders
Wikipedia - Emily Devenport -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Encounters in the Corelian Quadrant -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Encounters in the Phoenix Quadrant -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Encounters in the Ventura Quadrant -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Encyclopedia Galactica -- Fictional encyclopM-CM-&dia in several science-fiction universes
Wikipedia - Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (1978 book) -- English language reference work
Wikipedia - Endless Space 2 -- 2017 turn-based strategy, science fiction 4X game
Wikipedia - End of the World (1977 film) -- American Science Fiction film directed by John Hayes
Wikipedia - Entity (2014 film) -- French short science-fiction horror film
Wikipedia - Eon (novel) -- 1985 science fiction novel by Greg Bear
Wikipedia - Epsilon (film) -- 1995 Australian-Italian science fiction film by Rolf de Heer
Wikipedia - Equilibrium (film) -- 2002 science fiction movie directed by Kurt Wimmer
Wikipedia - Eric Brown (writer) -- British science fiction author
Wikipedia - Eric Frank Russell -- English science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Eric Temple Bell -- Scottish-born mathematician and science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Escape from the Planet of the Apes -- 1971 science fiction film from the Planet of the Apes franchise directed by Don Taylor
Wikipedia - Escape Pod (podcast) -- Science fiction podcast
Wikipedia - Escape! -- Science fiction short story by American writer Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Estonian science fiction
Wikipedia - Eureka (American TV series) -- American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Eurocon -- Science fiction convention
Wikipedia - Europa Report -- 2013 US science fiction film directed by Sebastian Cordero
Wikipedia - Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone -- 2007 Japanese animated science fiction film
Wikipedia - Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time -- Japanese animated science fiction film
Wikipedia - Eve (British TV series) -- British children's science fiction series
Wikipedia - Event Horizon (film) -- 1997 UK-US science fiction horror movie directed by Paul W. S. Anderson
Wikipedia - Evidence (short story) -- Science fiction short story by American writer Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Evil empire -- Science fiction trope
Wikipedia - Evolution (2001 film) -- 2001 science fiction comedy film by Ivan Reitman
Wikipedia - Exiles to Glory -- Science fiction novella by Jerry Pournelle
Wikipedia - Ex Machina (film) -- 2014 science fiction film directed by Alex Garland
Wikipedia - Expelled from Paradise -- 2014 Japanese animated science fiction film
Wikipedia - Extant (TV series) -- American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Exultant (novel) -- Science fiction novel by Stephen Baxter
Wikipedia - Famous Fantastic Mysteries -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Fantastic (magazine) -- American fantasy and science fiction magazine, 1952-1980
Wikipedia - Fantastic Novels -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Fantastic Story Quarterly -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Fantastic Universe -- U.S. science fiction magazine, 1953-1960
Wikipedia - Fantasy (1938 magazine) -- UK pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Fantasy Book -- American science fiction magazine (1947-1951)
Wikipedia - FantLab's Book of the Year Award -- Russian awards for science fiction / fantasy works
Wikipedia - Farscape -- Australian/American television science fiction series
Wikipedia - Far Traveller -- Science-fiction role-playing game magazine
Wikipedia - Fate of the Sky Raiders -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Feminist science fiction
Wikipedia - Fiasco (novel) -- A science fiction novel by Polish author Stanislaw Lem
Wikipedia - Fictional universe of Avatar -- Universe of the Avatar science fiction films
Wikipedia - Fifty Starbases -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Filk music -- The folk music of science fiction fandom
Wikipedia - Final Space -- American animated science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Firefly Role-Playing Game -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Fire, Fusion & Steel -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - First contact (science fiction) -- Science fiction theme about the first meeting between humans and extraterrestrial life
Wikipedia - First Light (Stead novel) -- Science fiction novel set in Greenland, 2007 debut novel of Rebecca Stead
Wikipedia - First Survey -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Fitz James O'Brien -- Irish-born Union Army officer, early science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Five Against Venus -- Science fiction novel by Philip Latham
Wikipedia - Flash Gordon Strange Adventure Magazine -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Flash Gordon: The Greatest Adventure of All -- 1982 US animated science fiction-film
Wikipedia - Flash Gordon -- Hero of a science fiction adventure comic strip
Wikipedia - Fleet of Worlds -- 2007 science fiction novel by Niven & Lerner
Wikipedia - Fleetwatch -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Fleuve Noir Anticipation -- French science fiction imprint
Wikipedia - Flight of the Navigator -- 1986 American-Norwegian science fiction adventure film
Wikipedia - Flight of the Stag -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Flowers for Algernon -- 1959 science fiction short story and novel by Daniel Keyes
Wikipedia - For All Mankind (TV series) -- American science fiction web series
Wikipedia - Forbidden Planet -- 1956 science fiction movie by Fred M. Wilcox
Wikipedia - Forbidden World -- 1982 science fiction film
Wikipedia - Forever Free (novel) -- Science fiction novel by Joe Haldeman
Wikipedia - Forgotten Fantasy -- American fantasy and science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - For He Can Creep -- 2017 science fiction novella by Siobhan Carroll
Wikipedia - Forrest J Ackerman -- American collector of science fiction books and movie memorabilia
Wikipedia - For the Cause (film) -- 2000 American science-fiction fantasy film by David Douglas
Wikipedia - For Us, the Living -- Science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein
Wikipedia - Foundation and Chaos -- Science fiction novel by writer Greg Bear
Wikipedia - Foundation and Earth -- Science fiction novel by American writer Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Foundation and Empire -- Science fiction novel by American writer Isaac Asimov.
Wikipedia - Foundation (Asimov novel) -- Science fiction novel by American writer Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Foundation's Edge -- Science fiction novel by American writer Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Foundation series -- Series of science-fiction books by Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Foundation's Fear -- Science fiction novel by American writer Gregory Benford
Wikipedia - Foundation's Friends -- 1989 book written in honor of science fiction author Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Foundation's Triumph -- Science fiction novel by American writer David Brin
Wikipedia - Franci Cerar -- Slovenian science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Francis Berthelot -- French science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Franco Brambilla (illustrator) -- Italian science fiction illustrator
Wikipedia - Frank M. Robinson -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Freaks (2018 film) -- 2018 American-Canadian science fiction film
Wikipedia - Frederik Pohl -- American science fiction writer and editor
Wikipedia - Freelancers (TV series) -- American science fiction comedy web television series
Wikipedia - French science fiction
Wikipedia - Frequency (2000 film) -- 2000 science fiction-thriller-drama film by Gregory Hoblit
Wikipedia - Frequency (TV series) -- 2016 American science fiction drama television series
Wikipedia - Fringe (TV series) -- American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Future Science Fiction and Science Fiction Stories -- two related US pulp science fiction magazines
Wikipedia - Fyodor Berezin -- Russian science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Galactic Empire (series) -- Science fiction trilogy of Isaac Asimov's earliest novels, extended by a short story
Wikipedia - Galactic Patrol Lensman -- Science fiction anime television series based on Lensman by E. E. Smith
Wikipedia - Galaxies (novel) -- Science Fiction novel
Wikipedia - Galaxy Science Fiction -- American magazine (1950-1980)
Wikipedia - Galaxy Trucker -- Science-fiction board game
Wikipedia - Gallifrey One -- Science fiction convention focusing on Doctor Who and related media
Wikipedia - Gamer (2009 film) -- 2009 American science fiction action film
Wikipedia - Geek's Guide to the Galaxy -- Science fiction book podcast
Wikipedia - Genetic engineering in science fiction
Wikipedia - Gene Wolfe -- American science fiction and fantasy writer
Wikipedia - Genma Wars -- Japanese science fiction media franchise
Wikipedia - George Alec Effinger -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - George Anania -- Romanian science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Geptorem -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Giants (series) -- Group of five science fiction novels by James P. Hogan
Wikipedia - Gizmodo -- Design, technology, science, and science fiction website and blog
Wikipedia - Glen Cook -- American fantasy and science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Glimmerdrift Reaches -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Glory Season -- 1993 science fiction novel by David Brin
Wikipedia - Godzilla: Final Wars -- 2004 Japanese science fiction film directed by Ryuhei Kitamura
Wikipedia - Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla -- 1994 Japanese science fiction kaiju film directed by KenshM-EM-^M Yamashita
Wikipedia - Golden Age of Science Fiction
Wikipedia - Golden Witchbreed -- 1983 science fiction novel by Mary Gentle
Wikipedia - Gordon Eklund -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Gordon R. Dickson -- Canadian-American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Gothic science fiction
Wikipedia - Grass (novel) -- 1989 science fiction novel by Sheri S. Tepper
Wikipedia - Gravity (2013 film) -- 2013 science fiction thriller film directed by Alfonso Cuaron
Wikipedia - Grey Goo -- Science fiction RTS video game
Wikipedia - Gridlinked -- 2001 science fiction novel by Neal Asher
Wikipedia - Group mind (science fiction) -- Plot device used in science-fiction stories
Wikipedia - Guest from the Future -- 1985 Soviet science fiction miniseries directed by Pavel Arsyonov
Wikipedia - Gundam -- Science fiction media franchise created by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Sunrise
Wikipedia - Gunhed (film) -- 1989 Japanese science fiction action film by Masato Harada
Wikipedia - Habakkuk (fanzine) -- Science fiction fanzine
Wikipedia - Hammered (Bear novel) -- 2004 science fiction novel by Elizabeth Bear
Wikipedia - Hard science fiction -- Science fiction with concern for scientific accuracy
Wikipedia - Hardwired (novel) -- 1986 cyberpunk science fiction novel by Walter Jon Williams
Wikipedia - Harl Vincent -- American mechanical engineer and science fiction author
Wikipedia - Harry Harrison (writer) -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Have Space Suit-Will Travel -- Juvenile science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein
Wikipedia - H. Beam Piper -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Heavy Metal (film) -- 1981 Canadian/American adult animated science-fiction-fantasy anthology film
Wikipedia - Heavy Metal (magazine) -- American science fiction and fantasy comics magazine
Wikipedia - Henry Kuttner -- American author of science fiction, fantasy and horror fiction
Wikipedia - Her (film) -- 2013 American science-fiction romantic drama film
Wikipedia - Heroes (American TV series) -- American science fiction television drama series
Wikipedia - H. G. Wells' The Shape of Things to Come -- 1979 science fiction film by George McCowan
Wikipedia - High Justice -- 1974 collection of science fiction short stories by Jerry Pournelle
Wikipedia - High Passage -- Science-fiction role-playing game magazine
Wikipedia - Hilldiggers -- 2007 science fiction novel by Neal Asher
Wikipedia - His Master's Voice (novel) -- 1968 science fiction novel by Stanislaw Lem
Wikipedia - History of science fiction films
Wikipedia - History of science fiction -- Aspect of history
Wikipedia - History of US science fiction and fantasy magazines to 1950 -- Science-fiction and fantasy magazine history
Wikipedia - Hokas Pokas! -- Science fiction story anthology book by Poul Anderson and Gordon R. Dickson
Wikipedia - Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show -- American syndicated comic science fiction sitcom
Wikipedia - Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves -- 1997 American science fiction-comedy film
Wikipedia - Horror Wears Blue -- Science fiction novel
Wikipedia - Hot Tub Time Machine -- 2010 American science fiction adventure comedy film directed by Steve Pink
Wikipedia - Howard the Duck (film) -- 1986 American science fiction comedy film directed by Willard Huyck
Wikipedia - How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe -- 2010 novel
Wikipedia - Hugh Cook (science fiction author) -- British writer
Wikipedia - Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation -- Science fiction award
Wikipedia - Hugo Award for Best Novella -- Literary award for science fiction or fantasy short novels in English
Wikipedia - Hugo Award for Best Novel -- Literary award for science fiction or fantasy novels in English
Wikipedia - Hugo Award -- Literary awards for science fiction or fantasy
Wikipedia - Human Lost -- 2019 Japanese animated science fiction film
Wikipedia - Humans (TV series) -- 2015 British-American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Hungarian science fiction
Wikipedia - Hydronaut (adventure) -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Hyperion Cantos -- Science fiction series by Dan Simmons
Wikipedia - Hyperspace (film) -- 1984 science fiction comedy film
Wikipedia - Hyperspace (science fiction)
Wikipedia - Hyperspace -- "sub-region" or alternate superluminal travel depicted in science fiction
Wikipedia - Hyphen (fanzine) -- Irish science fiction periodical
Wikipedia - I Am Legend (novel) -- Science fiction horror novel by Richard Matheson
Wikipedia - I Am Mother -- 2019 Australian science fiction thriller film by Grant Sputore
Wikipedia - Ian Watson (author) -- British science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Ice Age: Collision Course -- 2016 American computer-animated science-fiction comedy film
Wikipedia - Idiocracy -- 2006 science fiction comedy film by Mike Judge
Wikipedia - If (magazine) -- American science-fiction magazine
Wikipedia - IISS Ship Files -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Ilium/Olympos -- Science fiction novels by Dan Simmons
Wikipedia - Imagination (magazine) -- American fantasy and science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Imaginative Tales -- American science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Impulse (TV series) -- 2018 American science fiction drama streaming television series
Wikipedia - In Conquest Born -- 1986 science fiction novel by Celia S. Friedman
Wikipedia - Independence Day (1996 film) -- 1996 US science fiction film directed by Roland Emmerich
Wikipedia - Independence Day: Resurgence -- 2016 US science fiction film directed by Roland Emmerich
Wikipedia - Infinity Science Fiction -- 1950s US science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Innerspace -- 1987 science fiction comedy movie directed by Joe Dante
Wikipedia - Interference (novel) -- 2019 science fiction novel by Sue Burke
Wikipedia - Interzone (magazine) -- British fantasy and science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - In the Cloud -- 2018 American science fiction film
Wikipedia - In the Shadow of the Moon (2019 film) -- 2019 American science fiction thriller film
Wikipedia - In Time -- 2011 American science fiction action film
Wikipedia - Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus -- 2019 American animated science-fiction comedy film
Wikipedia - Invisible Death -- Science fiction novel
Wikipedia - Involution Ocean -- 1977 science fiction novel by Bruce Sterling
Wikipedia - I, Robot (film) -- 2004 American science-fiction action film directed by Alex Proyas
Wikipedia - Iru Mugan -- 2016 Indian Tamil-language science fiction action film by Anand Shankar
Wikipedia - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine
Wikipedia - I.S.C.V.: King Richard -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - I.S.C.V.: Leander -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - I Sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter -- Science fiction short story by Isabel Fall (2020)
Wikipedia - I.S.P.M.V.: Fenris / S.F.V. Valkyrie -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - I.S.P.M.V.: Tethys -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - It's About Time (TV series) -- American fantasy/science-fiction comedy TV series of the 1960s
Wikipedia - Ivan Yefremov -- Soviet paleontologist, science fiction author and social thinker
Wikipedia - Jack L. Chalker -- American science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - Jack Speer -- American politician and science fiction fan
Wikipedia - Jack Williamson -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Jaine Fenn -- British science fiction author
Wikipedia - Jake 2.0 -- American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - James E. Gunn (writer) -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - James H. Schmitz -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - James Tiptree Jr. -- American science fiction writer (1915-1987)
Wikipedia - Jane Fancher -- American science fiction and fantasy writer
Wikipedia - Jan KotouM-DM-^M -- Czech science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Japanese science fiction -- Genre of speculative fiction
Wikipedia - Jay Caselberg -- Australian science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Jayge Carr -- American NASA nuclear physicist and science fiction and fantasy author (1940-2006)
Wikipedia - Jay Kristoff -- Australian fantasy and science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Jeff Berkwits -- American science fiction editor
Wikipedia - Jennifer Government -- Dystopian science fiction novel
Wikipedia - Jerry Pournelle -- American science fiction writer, journalist, and scientist
Wikipedia - Je Suis Auto -- Austrian science fiction comedy film directed by Johannes Grenzfurthner and Juliana Neuhuber, written by Johannes Grenzfurthner
Wikipedia - Joan Bernott -- American author of short science fiction
Wikipedia - Joao Barreiros -- Portuguese science fiction writer, editor, translator and critic
Wikipedia - Jo Clayton -- American fantasy and science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Jody Lynn Nye -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Joe Haldeman -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Joel Rosenberg (science fiction author) -- Canadian American science fiction and fantasy writer
Wikipedia - John Bangsund -- Australian science fiction fan
Wikipedia - John Barnes (author) -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - John Blanche -- Fantasy and science fiction illustrator and modeler
Wikipedia - John Brunner (novelist) -- British author of science fiction novels and stories
Wikipedia - John Clute -- Canadian science fiction and fantasy literary critic
Wikipedia - John Dalmas -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - John G. Hemry -- American military science fiction writer
Wikipedia - John Grant (science fiction writer)
Wikipedia - John Scalzi -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - John Sladek -- American science fiction author (1937-2000)
Wikipedia - John Spencer science fiction magazines -- British science fiction magazines
Wikipedia - John Varley (author) -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best Science Fiction Novel -- Science fiction literary award
Wikipedia - John W. Campbell -- American science fiction writer and editor
Wikipedia - Journey to the Center of the Earth -- 1864 science fiction novel by Jules Verne
Wikipedia - Jo Zebedee -- Northern Irish science fiction and fantasy writer
Wikipedia - Juan Miguel Aguilera -- Spanish science fiction author
Wikipedia - Judge Dredd (film) -- 1995 US science fiction-action film directed by Danny Cannon
Wikipedia - Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens -- Canadian wife-and-husband science fiction writer duo, William Shatner co-authors
Wikipedia - Juggler of Worlds -- 2008 science fiction novel by Niven & Lerner
Wikipedia - Jumper (2008 film) -- 2008 science fiction film directed by Doug Liman
Wikipedia - Jupiter (magazine) -- Science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Jupiter Moon -- Science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Jurassic Park (film) -- 1993 American science fiction adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg
Wikipedia - Jurassic Park III -- 2001 US science fiction-adventure film directed by Joe Johnston
Wikipedia - Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous -- American animated science fiction adventure streaming television series
Wikipedia - Jurassic World: Dominion -- 2022 American science fiction adventure film
Wikipedia - Justice and Her Brothers -- 1978 children's science fiction novel by Virginia Hamilton
Wikipedia - Kalpabiswa -- Bengali science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Kameron Hurley -- American science-fiction writer
Wikipedia - Kapitan Nemo -- Science fiction novel by Jan Matzal Troska
Wikipedia - Karl Agathon -- Fictional science fiction TV character
Wikipedia - Kate Wilhelm -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Katherine MacLean -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Keith DeCandido -- American science fiction and fantasy writer
Wikipedia - Ken MacLeod -- Scottish science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Kevin J. Anderson -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Kill Switch (2017 film) -- 2017 American-Dutch science fiction film directed by Tim Smit
Wikipedia - Kim Stanley Robinson -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Kin (film) -- 2018 American science-fiction action film by Jonathan and Josh Baker
Wikipedia - Kir Bulychev -- Russian science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Kirsten Beyer -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Kirth Gersen -- Protagonist of the Demon Princes science fiction novels by Jack Vance
Wikipedia - Knowing (film) -- 2009 science fiction thriller film
Wikipedia - Kristine Smith -- American science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - Kurt Brand -- German science fiction writer
Wikipedia - La Compagnie des glaces -- Science fiction novel series by Georges-Jean Arnaud
Wikipedia - Larry Niven -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Laserblast -- 1978 science fiction movie produced by Charles Band
Wikipedia - Laserhawk -- Canadian science fiction movie from 1997
Wikipedia - Last Woman on Earth -- 1960 American science-fiction film directed by Roger Corman
Wikipedia - Lazer Team -- 2015 comedy science fiction film directed by Matt Hullum
Wikipedia - Lee's Guide to Interstellar Adventure -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Legacy of the Force -- Series of nine science fiction novels set in the Star Wars fictional universe, as
Wikipedia - Leigh Kennedy -- American British science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Leonard Carpenter -- American fantasy and science fiction writer (born 1948)
Wikipedia - Let Sleeping Corpses Lie (film) -- 1974 Spanish-Italian science fiction zombie horror film by Jorge Grau
Wikipedia - Lexx -- Canadian/German science-fiction television series
Wikipedia - Ley Sector -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Liaden universe -- Science fiction novel and story series
Wikipedia - Liar! (short story) -- Science fiction short story by American writer Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Libertarian science fiction
Wikipedia - Lieutenant Starbuck -- Fictional science fiction TV character
Wikipedia - Lifeforce (film) -- 1985 British science fiction horror film by Tobe Hooper
Wikipedia - Lightspeed (magazine) -- American online fantasy and science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Lilo & Stitch -- 2002 Disney animated science fiction comedy-drama film written and directed by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois
Wikipedia - Lily C.A.T. -- 1987 science fiction/horror anime film by Hisayuki Toriumi
Wikipedia - Limitless (film) -- 2011 American science fiction thriller film by Neil Burger
Wikipedia - Linda Evans (author) -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Line War -- 2008 science fiction novel by Neal Asher
Wikipedia - Lino Aldani -- Italian science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Liquid Sky -- 1982 science fiction film by Slava Tsukerman
Wikipedia - List of highest-grossing science fiction films -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ICON science fiction conventions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Lambda Literary Awards winners and nominees for science fiction, fantasy and horror -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of maritime science fiction works -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of military science fiction works and authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of religious ideas in science fiction
Wikipedia - List of Romanian science fiction writers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction action films
Wikipedia - List of science fiction and fantasy artists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction and fantasy detectives
Wikipedia - List of science fiction anime -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science-fiction authors
Wikipedia - List of science fiction authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction awards
Wikipedia - List of science fiction comedy films -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction conventions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction editors
Wikipedia - List of science fiction films before 1920 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction films of the 1920s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction films of the 1930s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction films of the 1940s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction films of the 1950s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction films of the 1960s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction films of the 1970s -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction films of the 1980s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction films of the 1990s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction films of the 2000s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction films of the 2010s -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction films of the 2020s -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction films
Wikipedia - List of science fiction horror films -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction magazines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction novels -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction publishers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction short stories
Wikipedia - List of science fiction sitcoms -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction television films -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction television programs by genre -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction television programs, H -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction television programs, O -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction television programs, S -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction television programs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction themes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of science fiction universes
Wikipedia - List of Scottish science fiction writers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of social science fiction writers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of space pirates -- Science fiction character trope of space, rather than seafaring pirate
Wikipedia - List of World War II science fiction, fantasy, and horror films -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of science fiction films -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Little Lost Robot -- Short Science Fiction story by American writer Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Liu Cixin -- Chinese science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Locus (magazine) -- Monthly magazine on the science fiction and fantasy publishing field
Wikipedia - Lomodo IVa -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Looper (film) -- 2012 American science fiction action film directed by Rian Johnson
Wikipedia - Lost in Space (2018 TV series) -- American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Lost in Space -- 1965-1968 American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Low (comics) -- Science fiction comics series
Wikipedia - Low-Flying Aircraft and Other Stories -- Collection of science fiction short stories by J.G. Ballard
Wikipedia - L. Ron Hubbard -- American science fiction author and the founder of the Church of Scientology
Wikipedia - Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus -- Juvenile science fiction novel by Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Luna: Moon Rising -- 2019 science fiction novel
Wikipedia - Mack Reynolds -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Madeline Ashby -- American-Canadian science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Magnum Opus Con -- Annual science fiction convention in U.S.
Wikipedia - Man from Atlantis -- American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Maranantha-Alkahest Sector -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - March Upcountry -- Science fiction novel by David Weber
Wikipedia - Mari Kotani -- Japanese science fiction critic
Wikipedia - Marinagua! -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Mark Budz -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Mark S. Geston -- American science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - Marooned (1969 film) -- 1969 American science fiction film by John Sturges
Wikipedia - Marooned on Ghostring -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Mars Attacks! -- 1996 American science fiction-comedy film directed by Tim Burton
Wikipedia - Marta Randall -- American writer of science fiction
Wikipedia - Martians, Go Home -- Science fiction comic novel by Fredric Brown
Wikipedia - Marvel Science Stories -- American pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Mary C. Pangborn -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Mary Gentle -- British science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - Matchless (film) -- Italian science fiction-comedy film
Wikipedia - Matthew Looney -- Title character in a series of children's science fiction books by Jerome Beatty Jr
Wikipedia - Matthew Stover -- American fantasy and science fiction novelist
Wikipedia - Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials -- 2015 American dystopian science fiction film
Wikipedia - MechWarrior (role-playing game) -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Medea: Harlan's World -- US 1985 science fiction anthology
Wikipedia - Melinda M. Snodgrass -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Memories (1995 film) -- 1995 Japanese animated science fiction anthology film
Wikipedia - Men in Black 3 -- 2012 science fiction action film directed by Barry Sonnenfeld
Wikipedia - Men in Black II -- 2002 science fiction action film directed by Barry Sonnenfeld
Wikipedia - Merchant Class Ships -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Merchants & Merchandise -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Meredith L. Patterson -- American technologist, science fiction author, and journalist
Wikipedia - Message from space (science fiction)
Wikipedia - Metamorphosis Alpha -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Meteor (film) -- 1979 American science fiction film
Wikipedia - Metropolis (1927 film) -- 1927 silent science fiction film by Fritz Lang
Wikipedia - Michael A. Banks -- American science fiction and non-fiction writer and editor
Wikipedia - Michael A. Stackpole -- Science fiction author
Wikipedia - Michael Capobianco -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Michael Kandel -- American translator and writer of science fiction
Wikipedia - Michael Whelan -- American fantasy and science fiction artist
Wikipedia - Michael Z. Williamson -- American military science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Military science fiction
Wikipedia - Mimic 2 -- 2001 science fiction horror film by Jean de Segonzac
Wikipedia - Mimic 3: Sentinel -- 2003 science fiction horror film by J. T. Petty
Wikipedia - Mimic (film) -- 1997 science fiction horror film directed by Guillermo del Toro
Wikipedia - Minority Report (film) -- 2002 American science fiction action film directed by Steven Spielberg
Wikipedia - Minority Report (TV series) -- 2015 American science-fiction crime drama television series
Wikipedia - Miracle Science and Fantasy Stories -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Mission to Zephor -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - MIT Science Fiction Society
Wikipedia - Moon-Flash -- Science fiction novel
Wikipedia - Morlock Night -- 1979 science fiction novel by K. W. Jeter
Wikipedia - Mostly Harmless -- 1992 comic science fiction novel by Douglas Adams
Wikipedia - Mother/Android -- Upcoming science fiction film by Mattson Tomlin
Wikipedia - Mr. Nobody (film) -- 2009 science fiction drama film directed by Jaco Van Dormael
Wikipedia - M. Shayne Bell -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Multivac -- Fictional supercomputer in several science fiction stories by American writer Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Mutineers' Moon -- 1991 science fiction novel by David Weber
Wikipedia - My Favorite Martian (film) -- 1999 comic science fiction film directed by Donald Petrie
Wikipedia - Myke Cole -- American fantasy and science fiction writer
Wikipedia - My Living Doll -- American TV science fiction sitcom 1964-1965
Wikipedia - Navah Wolfe -- editor of science fiction, fantasy and horror works
Wikipedia - Navigator's Starcharts -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement .
Wikipedia - Neal Asher -- British science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Nebula Award for Best Novel -- Science fiction and fantasy literary award
Wikipedia - Nebula Award for Best Short Story -- literary award given for science fiction or fantasy short stories
Wikipedia - Nebula Awards 32 -- Anthology of science fiction short works
Wikipedia - Nebula Awards Showcase 2005 -- Science fiction anthology
Wikipedia - Nebula Awards Showcase 2013 -- 2013 anthology of science fiction short works
Wikipedia - Nebula Science Fiction -- First Scottish science fiction magazine (1952-1959)
Wikipedia - Nemesis (Asimov novel) -- 1989 science-fiction novel written by Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Neo-opsis Science Fiction Magazine -- Science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Never Let Me Go (novel) -- Science fiction novel by Kazuo Ishiguro
Wikipedia - New Wave science fiction
Wikipedia - New Worlds (magazine) -- British science fiction and fantasy magazine
Wikipedia - Next (2020 TV series) -- 2020 American science fiction crime drama television series
Wikipedia - Next Gen (film) -- 2018 computer-animated science fiction film directed by Kevin R. Adams and Joe Ksander
Wikipedia - Nightflyers (TV series) -- American horror science fiction TV series
Wikipedia - Night of the Blood Beast -- 1958 American science-fiction horror film by Bernard L. Kowalski
Wikipedia - Night Skies -- Unproduced science fiction horror film conceived by Steven Spielberg
Wikipedia - Night Terrace -- Science fiction radio show
Wikipedia - Ninja Slayer -- Japanese science fiction novel series
Wikipedia - Nithus -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - N. K. Jemisin -- American science fiction and fantasy writer
Wikipedia - Nnedi Okorafor -- Nigerian-American writer of fantasy and science fiction
Wikipedia - Non-Stop (novel) -- 1958 science fiction novel by Brian Aldiss
Wikipedia - Norman Spinrad -- American science fiction writer and critic
Wikipedia - Norstrilia -- 1975 science fiction novel by Cordwainer Smith
Wikipedia - Norwegian science fiction
Wikipedia - Nystalux -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Occupation: Rainfall -- Science fiction action film
Wikipedia - Octavia E. Butler -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Olga Larionova -- Russian science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Omega: The Last Days of the World -- Science fiction novel by Camille Flammarion
Wikipedia - Omniscient (TV series) -- Brazilian science fiction web television series
Wikipedia - Omphalos (story) -- 2019 science fiction tale
Wikipedia - On Wings of Song (novel) -- Science fiction novel by Thomas M. Disch
Wikipedia - Orb Books -- American science fiction and fantasy publishing imprint
Wikipedia - Orbit Books -- International publisher that specialises in science fiction and fantasy books
Wikipedia - Orbus (novel) -- 2009 science fiction novel by Neal Asher
Wikipedia - Ori (Stargate) -- Fictional characters in the science fiction television series, Stargate SG-1
Wikipedia - Orphan Black -- Canadian science fiction thriller television series
Wikipedia - Orson Scott Card -- American science fiction novelist (born 1951)
Wikipedia - Osmosis (TV series) -- French science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Otherspace (novel) -- Young adult science fiction novel by American author David Stahler Jr.
Wikipedia - Other Worlds, Universe Science Fiction, and Science Stories -- Two related US science fiction magazines
Wikipedia - Outland (film) -- 1981 British science fiction thriller film by Peter Hyams
Wikipedia - Outline of science fiction
Wikipedia - Out of the Dark (Weber novel) -- 2010 alien invasion science fiction novel by David Weber
Wikipedia - Out of This World Adventures -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Outside the Wire -- 2021 science fiction film starring Anthony Mackie
Wikipedia - Pacific Rim (film) -- 2013 American science fiction film directed by Guillermo del Toro
Wikipedia - Pandorum -- 2009 British-German science fiction horror film directed by Christian Alvart
Wikipedia - Paolo Bacigalupi -- American science fiction and fantasy writer
Wikipedia - Paranoia (role-playing game) -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Paris in the Twentieth Century -- Science fiction novel by Jules Verne
Wikipedia - Pat Cadigan -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Patricia A. McKillip -- American fantasy and science fiction author
Wikipedia - Patrick Nielsen Hayden -- American science fiction editor and writer
Wikipedia - Paul Di Filippo -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Pebble in the Sky -- Science fiction novel by American writer Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Penguin Highway -- 2010 Japanese science fiction novel by Tomihiko Morimi
Wikipedia - Perfect (2018 film) -- 2018 American science fiction thriller film
Wikipedia - Perihelion Science Fiction -- Science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Permutation City -- 1994 science fiction novel by Greg Egan
Wikipedia - Person of Interest (TV series) -- 2011 American science fiction crime drama television series
Wikipedia - Peter Elson -- English science fiction illustrator
Wikipedia - Philadelphia Science Fiction Society
Wikipedia - Philip K. Dick -- American science fiction author (1928-1982)
Wikipedia - Pierce Brown -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Pierre Bordage -- French science fiction author
Wikipedia - Planet 51 -- 2009 English-language Spanish/British animated science fiction/family comedy film directed by Jorge Blanco
Wikipedia - Planetary romance -- Subgenre of science fiction focussing on adventures on alien planets
Wikipedia - Planet B -- Science fiction radio drama series
Wikipedia - Planet of the Apes (2001 film) -- 2001 science fiction film directed by Tim Burton
Wikipedia - Planet of the Apes -- Science fiction media franchise
Wikipedia - Planets in science fiction -- Planet that only appears in works of fiction
Wikipedia - Political ideas in science fiction
Wikipedia - Polity Agent -- 2006 science fiction novel by Neal Asher
Wikipedia - Portal:Science fiction
Wikipedia - Portal:Speculative fiction/Science fiction -- Wikimedia portal
Wikipedia - Port Xanatath -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Prador Moon -- 2006 science fiction novel by Neal Asher
Wikipedia - Predator (film) -- 1987 science fiction action film directed by John McTiernan
Wikipedia - Predator (franchise) -- Franchise of science fiction action films based on a race of fictional extraterrestrials
Wikipedia - Project Almanac -- 2015 science fiction film
Wikipedia - Project Ghazi -- 2019 Pakistani Urdu language science fiction action film
Wikipedia - Prometheus (2012 film) -- 2012 science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott
Wikipedia - Propeller Island -- 1895 science fiction novel
Wikipedia - Prophets of Science Fiction
Wikipedia - Protector (novel) -- 1973 science fiction novel by Larry Niven
Wikipedia - Providence (Barry novel) -- Science fiction novel by Max Barry
Wikipedia - Psychohistorical Crisis -- Science fiction novel by Donald Kingsbury in the world of Isaac Asimov's Foundation
Wikipedia - Quark (TV series) -- 1970s American science fiction sitcom
Wikipedia - Quatermass and the Pit (film) -- 1967 British science fiction horror film by Roy Ward Baker
Wikipedia - Queen of Angels (novel) -- 1990 science fiction novel by Greg Bear
Wikipedia - Quest for the Future -- 1970 science fiction novel by A. E. van Vogt
Wikipedia - Rachel Aaron -- American science fiction and fantasy writer
Wikipedia - Rags Parkland Sings the Songs of the Future -- Science fiction concert folk musical
Wikipedia - Rainbows End -- Science fiction novel by Vernor Vinge
Wikipedia - Raised by Wolves (American TV series) -- 2020 American science fiction drama television series
Wikipedia - Raising Dion -- American superhero science fiction streaming television series
Wikipedia - Rakka (film) -- 2017 American-Canadian military science fiction short film
Wikipedia - R. A. MacAvoy -- American fantasy and science fiction author
Wikipedia - Ram Moav -- Israeli geneticist and science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Raphael Carter -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Rassilon -- Fictional character in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who
Wikipedia - Ratnik (film) -- 2020 Nigerian science fiction action film
Wikipedia - Ray Bradbury Award -- Science fiction and fantasy media award
Wikipedia - Ready Player One (film) -- 2018 American science fiction action-adventure film
Wikipedia - Ready Player One -- 2011 science fiction novel by Ernest Cline
Wikipedia - Ready Player Two -- 2020 science fiction novel by Ernest Cline
Wikipedia - Reason (short story) -- Science fiction short story by American writer Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Record of a Spaceborn Few -- Science fiction novel by Becky Chambers
Wikipedia - Red Rain (film) -- 2013 Indian science fiction thriller film
Wikipedia - Red vs. Blue -- American comic science fiction web series produced by Rooster Teeth
Wikipedia - Remembrance of Earth's Past -- Science fiction book trilogy by Liu Cixin
Wikipedia - Remnants (novel series) -- Science fiction book series by K. A. Applegate
Wikipedia - Rendezvous with Rama -- Science fiction novel by Arthur C. Clarke first published in 1973
Wikipedia - Rescue on Galatea -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Return to Nuke 'Em High Volume 1 -- 2013 American science-fiction horror comedy film by Lloyd Kaufman
Wikipedia - Revival (comics) -- Horror-science fiction comics series
Wikipedia - Revolution (TV series) -- American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Richard Bleiler -- American science fiction bibliographer and librarian
Wikipedia - Richard Calder (writer) -- British science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Riddick (film) -- 2013 American science fiction action film directed by David Twohy
Wikipedia - Rim of the World -- 2019 American science fiction film
Wikipedia - Ringworld -- 1970 science fiction novel by Larry Niven
Wikipedia - Riot Girls -- 2019 Canadian science fiction film
Wikipedia - Riverworld -- Setting for a series of science fiction books written by Philip JosM-CM-) Farmer
Wikipedia - Roadside Picnic -- Science fiction novel Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
Wikipedia - Robbie (short story) -- Science fiction short story by American writer Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Robert Adams (science fiction writer) -- American science fiction and fantasy writer
Wikipedia - Robert A. Heinlein -- American science-fiction author (1907-1988)
Wikipedia - Robert S. Richardson -- American astronomer and science fiction writer
Wikipedia - RoboCop 2 -- 1990 science fiction action film directed by Irvin Kershner
Wikipedia - Robots and Empire -- Science fiction novel by the American author Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Robur the Conqueror -- Science fiction novel by Jules Verne
Wikipedia - Rockne S. O'Bannon -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Rogue Moon of Spinstorme -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Rogue Squadron -- Starfighter squadron in the Star Wars science fiction saga
Wikipedia - Romanian science fiction
Wikipedia - Rome, Sweet Rome -- Alternative history, military science fiction story
Wikipedia - Roswell, New Mexico (TV series) -- 2019 science fiction drama television series
Wikipedia - Rowena Cory Daniells -- Australian children's and Science Fiction writer
Wikipedia - R. S. A. Garcia -- Trinidadian science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Runaround (story) -- Science fiction short story by American writer Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Runaway (1984 American film) -- 1984 science fiction action film directed by Michael Crichton
Wikipedia - Russian science fiction and fantasy -- Genre of speculative fiction
Wikipedia - Sad Puppies -- Right-wing voting group in science-fiction awards
Wikipedia - Safety Not Guaranteed -- American science-fiction romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Salvage Mission -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Salvation (TV series) -- 2017 science fiction thriller
Wikipedia - Sanctuary (TV series) -- Canadian science fiction-fantasy TV series
Wikipedia - Sapies -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Sarah Pinsker -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Satellite Science Fiction -- American science fiction magazine, published from 1956 to 1959
Wikipedia - Saturn 3 -- 1980 British science fiction film
Wikipedia - Saturn Award for Best Science Fiction Film
Wikipedia - Saturn Award for Best Science Fiction Television Series -- Annual award
Wikipedia - Saturn (magazine) -- Science fiction, detective, and horror magazine
Wikipedia - Scanners Live in Vain -- Science fiction short story by Cordwainer Smith
Wikipedia - Schell Bullet -- Japanese science fiction novel series
Wikipedia - Schild's Ladder -- 2002 science fiction novel by Australian author Greg Egan
Wikipedia - Schlock Mercenary -- Comedic science fiction webcomic
Wikipedia - Science Fantasy (magazine) -- British science fiction magazine (1950-1964)
Wikipedia - Science fantasy -- Science fiction genre
Wikipedia - Science Fiction Adventures (1952 magazine) -- American digest-size science fiction magazine (1952-54)
Wikipedia - Science Fiction Adventures (1956 magazine) -- American digest-size science fiction magazine (1956-58)
Wikipedia - Science Fiction Adventures (British magazine) -- British digest-size science fiction magazine (1958-63)
Wikipedia - Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame
Wikipedia - Science fiction and fantasy in Poland
Wikipedia - Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America -- Nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - Science Fiction and Futurology -- Book by Stanislaw Lem
Wikipedia - Science fiction art
Wikipedia - Science fiction as thought experiment
Wikipedia - Science fiction author
Wikipedia - Science fiction comedy -- Comedic subgenre of science fiction
Wikipedia - Science fiction comics -- comic genre
Wikipedia - Science fiction convention -- Science fiction fan gatherings
Wikipedia - Science fiction fandom -- Aspect of fandom
Wikipedia - Science Fiction > Fantasy Translation Awards
Wikipedia - Science-fiction fanzine
Wikipedia - Science fiction films in India
Wikipedia - Science fiction film -- Film genre
Wikipedia - Science Fiction Inventions -- Book by Damon Knight
Wikipedia - Science fiction libraries and museums
Wikipedia - Science fiction magazines
Wikipedia - Science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Science Fiction Monthly -- UK science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Science fiction on television -- Television genre
Wikipedia - Science fiction opera
Wikipedia - Science-Fiction Plus -- American science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Science Fiction Quarterly -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Science fiction studies -- Common name for the academic discipline that studies and researches the history, culture, and works of science fiction and, more broadly, speculative fiction
Wikipedia - Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels -- 1985 book by David Pringle
Wikipedia - Science fiction theatre
Wikipedia - Science fiction themes
Wikipedia - Science Fiction Weekly
Wikipedia - Science-fiction
Wikipedia - Science fiction -- Genre of speculative fiction
Wikipedia - Science Fiction Writing
Wikipedia - Scientific Detective Monthly -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Scientology -- Group of religious beliefs and practices created by American science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard
Wikipedia - Sci Phi Journal -- Science fiction on-line magazine
Wikipedia - Scoops (magazine) -- Weekly British science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Scouts & Assassins -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - S. D. Perry -- American science fiction and horror writer
Wikipedia - Second Chance (2016 TV series) -- American science fiction crime drama television series
Wikipedia - Sector 7 (film) -- 2011 South Korean science fiction action film by Kim Ji-hun
Wikipedia - See (TV series) -- American science fiction TV series
Wikipedia - Semiosis (novel) -- 2018 science fiction novel by Sue Burke
Wikipedia - Sense8 -- American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Serbian science fiction
Wikipedia - Seveneves -- 2015 hard science fiction novel by Neal Stephenson
Wikipedia - Seventy-Nine (film) -- 2013 American science fiction film
Wikipedia - Severance (novel) -- 2018 science fiction novel by Ling Ma
Wikipedia - S.F. Digest -- UK science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Shadow of the Scorpion -- 2008 science fiction novel by Neal Asher
Wikipedia - Shaggy God story -- A sub-genre in science fiction.
Wikipedia - Shane Dix -- Australian science fiction author
Wikipedia - Sharon Shinn -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Sheri S. Tepper -- American science fiction, horror and mystery novelist
Wikipedia - Short Circuit (1986 film) -- 1986 science fiction comedy movie directed by John Badham
Wikipedia - Short Circuit (2019 film) -- Gujarati-language science fiction comedy-drama film directed by Faisal Hashmi
Wikipedia - Silent Running -- 1972 science fiction movie directed by Douglas Trumbull
Wikipedia - Simba Safari -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Simon Brown (author) -- Australian Science Fiction writer
Wikipedia - Simon R. Green -- British science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - Simulated reality in fiction -- Science-fiction theme
Wikipedia - Singularity Sky -- 2003 science fiction novel by Charles Stross
Wikipedia - Skyward (novel) -- Science fiction novel by Brandon Sanderson
Wikipedia - Sleeper (1973 film) -- 1973 futuristic science fiction comedy film directed by Woody Allen
Wikipedia - S. L. Huang -- Science fiction author and the first woman to be a professional armorer
Wikipedia - Slipstream (science fiction)
Wikipedia - Social science fiction
Wikipedia - Soft science fiction
Wikipedia - Solaris (1972 film) -- 1972 science fiction film directed by Andrei Tarkovsky
Wikipedia - Solaris (novel) -- 1961 philosophical science fiction novel by Polish writer Stanislaw Lem
Wikipedia - Sondra Marshak -- American science-fiction writer (born 1942)
Wikipedia - SORAG -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Southland Tales -- 2006 science fiction comedy thriller film
Wikipedia - Space: 1999 -- 1970s British science-fiction TV series
Wikipedia - Spaceballs -- 1987 US science fiction parody film by Mel Brooks
Wikipedia - Space dock -- Science fiction-concept
Wikipedia - Space Force (film) -- 1978 American science fiction television pilot
Wikipedia - Space marine -- Type of soldier in military science fiction
Wikipedia - Space Odyssey -- Science fiction media franchise
Wikipedia - Space Opera (role-playing game) -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Space Opera (Valente novel) -- Science fiction novel by Catherynne M. Valente
Wikipedia - Space opera -- Subgenre of science fiction
Wikipedia - Space pirate -- Science fiction character trope of space, rather than seafaring pirate
Wikipedia - Space Rogue -- 1989 science fiction video game
Wikipedia - Space Stories -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Space Sweepers -- Upcoming South Korean science fiction film
Wikipedia - Spanish science fiction -- Genre of speculative fiction
Wikipedia - Species (film series) -- Science-fiction horror flm series
Wikipedia - Specimen (film) -- Canadian science fiction thriller television film
Wikipedia - Speculative evolution -- science fiction genre exploring hypothetical scenarios in the evolution of life
Wikipedia - Speculative fiction -- Genre of fiction including science fiction, horror and fantasy
Wikipedia - Speculative poetry -- Genre of poetry focussing on fantastic, science fictional and mythological themes
Wikipedia - Sphere (1998 film) -- 1998 American science fiction psychological thriller film by Barry Levinson
Wikipedia - Sphere (novel) -- 1987 science fiction/psychological thriller novel by Michael Crichton
Wikipedia - Spiderhead -- Upcoming American science-fiction film
Wikipedia - Spider Robinson -- American-born Canadian science fiction author
Wikipedia - Spin (novel) -- 2005 science fiction novel by author Robert Charles Wilson
Wikipedia - Split Second (1992 film) -- 1992 American-British science fiction horror film by Ian Sharp and Tony Maylam
Wikipedia - Spontaneous (film) -- 2020 American science fiction comedy film
Wikipedia - Spy-Fi (subgenre) -- Subgenre of spy fiction that includes elements of science fiction
Wikipedia - Stanislaw Lem -- Polish science fiction author, futurologist 1921-2006)
Wikipedia - Starburst (magazine) -- British science fiction magazine and webzine
Wikipedia - Star Control -- Science fiction video game
Wikipedia - StarCraft -- Military science fiction media franchise
Wikipedia - Star Frontiers -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Stargate Atlantis -- Science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Stargate (film) -- 1994 American-French science fiction film directed by Roland Emmerich
Wikipedia - Stargate SG-1 -- Canadian-American science fiction television series (1997-2007)
Wikipedia - Stargate -- American adventure military science fiction franchise
Wikipedia - Starleader: Assault! -- Combat module for science-fiction table-top role-playing game.
Wikipedia - Star Maidens -- British-German science-fiction television series
Wikipedia - Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko -- Japanese science-fiction anime series
Wikipedia - Starship Regulars -- 1999 animated cartoon series, parodying science fiction programs such as Star Trek
Wikipedia - Starships & Spacecraft -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement .
Wikipedia - Starship Troopers (film) -- 1997 military science fiction movie directed by Paul Verhoeven
Wikipedia - Starship Troopers -- science fiction novel
Wikipedia - Starswarm -- 1998 science fiction novel by Jerry Pournelle
Wikipedia - Startide Rising -- 1983 science fiction novel by David Brin
Wikipedia - Startown Liberty -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Star Trek Beyond -- 2016 American science fiction action film directed by Justin Lin
Wikipedia - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine -- American science fiction television series from 1993-1999
Wikipedia - Star Trek: Discovery -- American science fiction web television series
Wikipedia - Star Trek: Enterprise -- American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Star Trek Generations -- 1994 American science fiction film directed by David Carson
Wikipedia - Star Trek III: The Search for Spock -- 1984 US science fiction film by Leonard Nimoy
Wikipedia - Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan -- 1982 US science fiction film by Nicholas Meyer
Wikipedia - Star Trek: Insurrection -- 1998 American science fiction film directed by Jonathan Frakes
Wikipedia - Star Trek Into Darkness -- 2013 American science fiction action film directed by J. J. Abrams
Wikipedia - Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home -- 1986 American science fiction film directed by Leonard Nimoy
Wikipedia - Star Trek: Nemesis -- 2002 American science-fiction film directed by Stuart Baird
Wikipedia - Star Trek: The Animated Series -- US-American animated science fiction television series from 1973-1974
Wikipedia - Star Trek: The Motion Picture -- 1979 American science fiction film
Wikipedia - Star Trek: The Original Series -- American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Star Trek: Voyager -- 1995 American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Star Trek V: The Final Frontier -- 1989 American science fiction film directed by William Shatner
Wikipedia - Star Trek -- Science fiction media franchise
Wikipedia - Station Eleven -- 2014 science fiction novel
Wikipedia - Steampunk -- Science fiction genre inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery
Wikipedia - Stella (Swedish magazine) -- 19th century science fiction magazine from Sweden
Wikipedia - Steve Alten -- American science-fiction author
Wikipedia - Steve Miller (science fiction writer) -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Steven Barnes -- American science fiction, fantasy, and mystery writer
Wikipedia - Steven Edward McDonald -- English science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Steve Perry (author) -- American television writer and science fiction author
Wikipedia - Strange Days (film) -- 1995 science fiction film directed by Kathryn Bigelow
Wikipedia - Stranger Things (season 3) -- Third season of American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - Stranger Things -- American science fiction horror streaming television series
Wikipedia - Striker (miniatures game) -- Science fiction tactical wargame
Wikipedia - Super Dimension Century Orguss -- Anime science fiction series
Wikipedia - Superman: Man of Tomorrow -- 2020 American action-adventure science-fiction superhero drama film directed by Chris Palmer
Wikipedia - Super-Science Fiction -- 1950s US science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Super Science Stories -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Supertoys Last All Summer Long -- Science fiction short story by Brian Aldiss
Wikipedia - Surface Detail -- 2010 science fiction novel by Iain M. Banks
Wikipedia - Surface Tension (short story) -- Science fiction short story by James Blish
Wikipedia - Switched (2018 TV series) -- 2018 Japanese-language drama science-fiction TV series on Netflix
Wikipedia - Taken (miniseries) -- American science-fiction television miniseries by Steven Spielberg
Wikipedia - Taku Mayumura -- Japanese science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Tales from the Loop -- American science fiction drama TV series
Wikipedia - Tancred (Judges Guild) -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Tang Fei (writer) -- Chinese science fiction and fantasy writer
Wikipedia - Taral Wayne -- Canadian science fiction fan artist
Wikipedia - Tarsus: World Beyond the Frontier -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - TBD Science Fiction Story Award
Wikipedia - Technology in science fiction
Wikipedia - Technomancy -- Science fiction and fantasy term for magical abilities that affect, or are gained through, the use of technology
Wikipedia - Ted Chiang -- American science-fiction writer
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014 film) -- 2014 US science fiction/martial arts film directed by Jonathan Liebesman
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III -- 1993 American science fiction/martial arts live-action film directed by Stuart Gillard
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze -- 1991 US science fiction/martial arts live-action film directed by Michael Pressman
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows -- 2016 American 3D science fiction action comedy film directed by Dave Green
Wikipedia - Template talk:Saturn Award for Best Science Fiction Film
Wikipedia - Template talk:Science fiction
Wikipedia - Teranesia -- 1999 science fiction novel by Greg Egan
Wikipedia - Terminator 2: Judgment Day -- 1991 American science fiction action film directed by James Cameron
Wikipedia - Terminator: Dark Fate -- 2019 American science-fiction action film by Tim Miller
Wikipedia - Terminator (franchise) -- Science fiction action media franchise
Wikipedia - Terminator Genisys -- 2015 science-fiction film directed by Alan Taylor
Wikipedia - Terminator Salvation -- 2009 US science fiction action film directed by McG
Wikipedia - Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles -- American science fiction TV series
Wikipedia - Terrahawks -- 1980s British science fiction television series
Wikipedia - The 100 (TV series) -- 2014 American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - The 1976 Annual World's Best SF -- Science fiction anthology
Wikipedia - The 33D Invader -- 2011 Hong Kong science fiction sex comedy film
Wikipedia - The 4400 -- 2004 American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - The Abyss Surrounds Us -- 2016 young adult science fiction novel
Wikipedia - The Abyss -- 1989 American science fiction film directed by James Cameron
Wikipedia - The Adjustment Bureau -- 2011 romantic science fiction movie directed by George Nolfi
Wikipedia - The After -- 2014 American science fiction drama pilot
Wikipedia - The Algebraist -- 2004 science fiction novel by Iain M. Banks
Wikipedia - The Aliens (TV series) -- British science fiction elevision series
Wikipedia - The Amory Wars -- Science fiction franchise
Wikipedia - The Astrogators Chartbook -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Atlas of the Imperium -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Ballad of Halo Jones -- Science fiction comic strip
Wikipedia - The Black Hole (1979 film) -- 1979 American science fiction film by Gary Nelson
Wikipedia - The Blue Flame (play) -- 1920 science fiction play
Wikipedia - The Broken God -- Science fiction novel by David Zindell
Wikipedia - The Butterfly Effect -- 2004 American science fiction thriller film
Wikipedia - The Calculating Stars -- science fiction novel by Mary Robinette Kowal
Wikipedia - The Cell -- 2000 science fiction psychological horror film
Wikipedia - The Chronicles of Riddick (franchise) -- Science fiction action media franchise
Wikipedia - The Chronicles of Riddick -- 2004 American science fiction film directed by David Twohy
Wikipedia - The City & the City -- Science fiction novel by China MiM-CM-)ville
Wikipedia - The Collapsing Empire -- science fiction novel by John Scalzi
Wikipedia - The Collapsium -- 2000 hard science fiction novel by Wil McCarthy
Wikipedia - The Colony (2013 film) -- 2013 science fiction action film by Jeff Renfroe
Wikipedia - The Committed Men (novel) -- Science fiction novel by M. John Harrison.
Wikipedia - The Consuming Fire -- science fiction novel by John Scalzi
Wikipedia - The Core -- 2003 American science fiction disaster film directed by Jon Amiel
Wikipedia - The Currents of Space -- Science fiction novel by the American writer Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - The Darkest Hour (film) -- 2011 science fiction action film
Wikipedia - The Day the Earth Caught Fire -- 1961 British science fiction disaster film directed by Val Guest
Wikipedia - The Day the Earth Stood Still -- 1951 US science fiction film directed by Robert Wise
Wikipedia - The Dead Zone (TV series) -- 2002-2007 US/Canadian science fiction drama television series
Wikipedia - The Deceivers (Bester novel) -- 1981 science fiction novel by American writer Alfred Bester
Wikipedia - The Deep Range -- 1957 science fiction novel by British writer Arthur C. Clarke
Wikipedia - The Desert Environment -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Diamond Age -- Science fiction novel by Neal Stephenson
Wikipedia - The Dispossessed -- 1974 science fiction novel by Ursula K. Le Guin
Wikipedia - The Dowry of the Angyar -- Science fiction short story by Ursula K. Le Guin
Wikipedia - The Drenslaar Quest -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Earth-Shaker -- Science fiction novel
Wikipedia - The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction -- English language reference work
Wikipedia - The End Begins (film) -- 1961 Australian TV science fiction film
Wikipedia - The End of Eternity -- 1955 science fiction novel by Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - The Evening Star (Traveller) -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Expanse (TV series) -- 2015 American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - The Faculty -- 1998 American science fiction horror film
Wikipedia - The FCI Consumer Guide -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Final Encyclopedia -- 1984 science fiction book
Wikipedia - The Flight Engineer -- Trilogy of science fiction novels by S. M. Stirling and James Doohan
Wikipedia - The Fly II -- 1989 science fiction horror film directed by Chris Walas
Wikipedia - The Forever War -- 1974 military science fiction novel by Joe Haldeman
Wikipedia - The Fountain -- 2006 American science fiction romantic drama film directed by Darren Aronofsky
Wikipedia - The Future Fire -- Science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - The General series -- Military science fiction by S. M. Stirling and David Drake
Wikipedia - The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (2006 film) -- 2006 Japanese animated science fiction romance film directed by Mamoru Hosoda
Wikipedia - The Gods Themselves -- 1972 science fiction novel by Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - The Godwhale -- Science fiction bovel by T.J.Bass
Wikipedia - The Golden Man -- Science fiction short story by Philip K. Dick
Wikipedia - The Good Old Stuff -- Collection of science fiction short stories by Gardner Dozois
Wikipedia - The Harper Hall Trilogy -- Science fiction novel series by Anne McCaffrey
Wikipedia - The H-Bomb Girl -- Science fiction novel by Stephen Baxter
Wikipedia - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (radio series) -- Science fiction comedy radio series
Wikipedia - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy -- Science fiction series
Wikipedia - The Hollow One -- 2015 science fiction horror film
Wikipedia - The Host (2013 film) -- 2013 American romantic science fiction thriller film
Wikipedia - The House of the Scorpion -- American young adult science fiction novel
Wikipedia - The Howling Stones -- Science Fiction novel by Alan Dean Foster
Wikipedia - The I-Land -- American science fiction thriller streaming television miniseries
Wikipedia - The Immortal Bard -- 1954 science fiction short story by Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - The Infinite Moment -- science fiction short story
Wikipedia - The Inheritors (Conrad and Ford novel) -- 1901 quasi-science fiction novel
Wikipedia - The Integral Trees -- 1984 science fiction novel by Larry Niven
Wikipedia - The Interpretaris -- Australian science-fiction television series from 1966
Wikipedia - The Invincible -- 1964 science fiction novel by Polish writer Stanislaw Lem
Wikipedia - The Invisible Man -- 1897 science fiction novel by H. G. Wells
Wikipedia - The Island (2005 film) -- 2005 American science fiction action thriller film directed by Michael Bay
Wikipedia - The Journey of Allen Strange -- American science fiction television series
Wikipedia - The Just City -- 2015 science fiction/fantasy novel written by Jo Walton
Wikipedia - The Last Answer -- Science-fiction short story by Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - The Last Chase -- 1981 dystopian science fiction film
Wikipedia - The Last Dangerous Visions -- Unpublished science fiction short story anthology
Wikipedia - The Last Day (Doctor Who) -- Mini-episode of the British science fiction television programme Doctor Who
Wikipedia - The Last Emperox -- science fiction novel by John Scalzi
Wikipedia - The Last Question -- A science-fiction short story by Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - The Lawnmower Man (film) -- 1992 American science fiction action horror film directed by Brett Leonard
Wikipedia - The Lazarus Effect (2015 film) -- 2015 American supernatural science fiction horror film directed by David Gelb
Wikipedia - The Lazarus Effect (novel) -- Science fiction novel by Frank Herbert and Bill Ransom
Wikipedia - The Left Hand of Darkness -- 1969 science fiction novel by Ursula K. Le Guin
Wikipedia - The Line of Polity -- 2003 science fiction novel by Neal Asher
Wikipedia - The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet -- 2014 science fiction novel by Becky Chambers
Wikipedia - The Lost Room -- 2006 American science fiction television miniseries
Wikipedia - The Lost World (Doyle novel) -- 1912 science fiction novel
Wikipedia - The Lost World: Jurassic Park -- 1997 American science fiction action film directed by Steven Spielberg
Wikipedia - The Machine (film) -- 2013 science fiction film directed by Caradog W. James
Wikipedia - The Machine Stops -- 1909 E.M. Forster science fiction short story
Wikipedia - The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction -- American magazine
Wikipedia - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
Wikipedia - The Magazine of Fantasy > Science Fiction
Wikipedia - The Man Who Fell to Earth -- 1976 British science fiction film by Nicolas Roeg
Wikipedia - The Man Who Folded Himself -- American science fiction novel
Wikipedia - The Martian (film) -- 2015 science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott
Wikipedia - The Master (Doctor Who) -- Recurring character in the British television science fiction series Doctor Who
Wikipedia - The Matrix (franchise) -- science fiction action media franchise created by the Wachowskis
Wikipedia - The Matrix Revolutions -- 2003 American science fiction action film
Wikipedia - The Matrix -- 1999 science fiction action film
Wikipedia - The Maze Runner (film) -- 2014 American dystopian science fiction film
Wikipedia - Themes in Blade Runner -- From the 1982 science fiction film
Wikipedia - The Midnight Sky -- 2020 science fiction film by and with George Clooney
Wikipedia - The Ministry for the Future -- Science fiction novel by Kim Stanley Robinson
Wikipedia - The Minority Report -- 1956 science fiction novella by Philip K. Dick
Wikipedia - The Miracle Workers (Vance story) -- 1958 science-fiction novella by Jack Vance.
Wikipedia - The Mist (TV series) -- 2017 American science fiction-horror television series
Wikipedia - The Moon and the Face -- Science fiction novel
Wikipedia - The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress -- Science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein
Wikipedia - The Morrow Project -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - The Mote in God's Eye -- Science fiction novel by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
Wikipedia - The Mountain Environment -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Murderbot Diaries -- science fiction series by Martha Wells
Wikipedia - Them! -- 1954 science fiction monster film by Gordon Douglas
Wikipedia - The Naked Sun -- Science fiction novel by Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - The Nemesis of Evil -- Science fiction novel
Wikipedia - The Peripheral -- 2014 science fiction novel by William Gibson
Wikipedia - The Philadelphia Experiment (2012 film) -- 2012 science fiction film directed by Paul Ziller
Wikipedia - The Philadelphia Experiment (film) -- 1984 science fiction film directed by Stewart Raffill
Wikipedia - The Prisoner -- British science fiction television show (1967-1968)
Wikipedia - The Puppet Masters (film) -- 1994 science fiction film directed by Stuart Orme
Wikipedia - The Rani (Doctor Who) -- Fictional character in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who
Wikipedia - The Rolling Stones (novel) -- 1952 science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein
Wikipedia - The Sarah Jane Adventures -- British science-fiction television series
Wikipedia - The Science Fictional Olympics -- Science-fiction anthology.
Wikipedia - The Ship Who Sang -- Science fiction novel by Anne McCaffrey
Wikipedia - The Ship Who Searched -- Science fiction novel by Anne McCaffrey and Mercedes Lackey
Wikipedia - The Show Must Go On (2010 film) -- 2010 Croatian science fiction film by Nevio Marasovic
Wikipedia - The Skinner -- 2002 science fiction novel by Neal Asher
Wikipedia - The Soul of the Robot -- Science fiction novel by Barrington J. Bayley
Wikipedia - The Space Gamer -- Magazine dedicated to science fiction and fantasy games
Wikipedia - The Space Trilogy -- Series of three science fiction novels by C. S. Lewis, written from 1938-1945
Wikipedia - The Speech (fiction) -- Trope in modern fantasy/science fiction
Wikipedia - The Stainless Steel Rat -- Fictional antihero of comic science fiction novels by Harry Harrison
Wikipedia - The Star Fraction -- Science fiction novel by Ken MacLeod
Wikipedia - The Starlost -- Science fiction television series
Wikipedia - The Stars, Like Dust -- Science fiction mystery book by American writer Isaac Asimov.
Wikipedia - The Strangerers -- British short-lived science fiction comedy-drama television series
Wikipedia - The Swarm (SchM-CM-$tzing novel) -- A science fiction novel by German author Frank SchM-CM-$tzing
Wikipedia - Theta Borealis Sector -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Talking Stone -- Science fiction mystery short story by Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - The Technician (novel) -- 2011 science fiction novel by Neal Asher
Wikipedia - The Terminator -- 1984 science fiction film directed by James Cameron
Wikipedia - The Thing (1982 film) -- 1982 American science fiction horror film
Wikipedia - The Thirteenth Floor -- 1999 neo-noir science fiction crime thriller film by Josef Rusnak
Wikipedia - The Three-Body Problem (film) -- 2018 Chinese science fiction film directed by Zhang Fanfan
Wikipedia - The Three-Body Problem (novel) -- 2008 science fiction novel by Liu Cixin
Wikipedia - The Time Machine (2002 film) -- 2002 American science fiction film
Wikipedia - The Trail of the Sky Raiders -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Transhumanist Wager -- 2013 science fiction novel by Zoltan Istvan
Wikipedia - The Traveller Adventure -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Traveller Book -- Science-fiction role-playing game
Wikipedia - The Traveller Logbook -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Trigan Empire -- Science-fiction comic series set on an Earth-like alien planet
Wikipedia - The Two of Them (novel) -- 1978 science fiction novel by Joanna Russ
Wikipedia - The Undersea Environment -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Vast of Night -- 2019 American science fiction film
Wikipedia - The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction -- 1977 book edited by Brian Ash
Wikipedia - The Volcano Ogre -- Science fiction novel
Wikipedia - The Voyage of the Sable Keech -- 2006 science fiction novel by Neal Asher
Wikipedia - The Wandering Earth -- 2019 Chinese science fiction film directed by Frant Gwo
Wikipedia - The Watch (2012 film) -- 2012 science fiction comedy film directed by Akiva Schaffer
Wikipedia - The Watch Below -- 1966 science fiction novel by James White
Wikipedia - The Wayward Pines Trilogy -- 2012-14 science fiction novel series by Blake Crouch
Wikipedia - The Wizard of Linn -- Science fiction novel written by A. E. van Vogt
Wikipedia - The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet -- 1954 children's science fiction novel by Eleanor Cameron
Wikipedia - The World of Null-A -- 1948 science-fiction novel by A. E. van Vogt
Wikipedia - The World's End (film) -- 2013 comedic science fiction film by Edgar Wright
Wikipedia - The X-Files -- American science fiction TV series
Wikipedia - They Live -- 1988 American science-fiction action horror film
Wikipedia - They Were Eleven -- Japanese science fiction manga series and its adaptations
Wikipedia - Thomas M. Disch -- American science fiction author and poet (1940-2008)
Wikipedia - Three Laws of Robotics -- Set of rules devised by the science fiction author Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Thrills Incorporated -- Australian science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Thunderbirds (TV series) -- British science fiction Supermarionation TV series
Wikipedia - Tiamat's Wrath -- Science fiction novel by James S. A. Corey
Wikipedia - Tik-Tok (novel) -- 1983 science fiction novel by John Sladek
Wikipedia - Time Enough for Love -- 1973 science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein
Wikipedia - Timeline of science fiction -- Various science fiction elements from early history to present
Wikipedia - Time loop -- Plot device in science fiction
Wikipedia - Time portal -- Science fiction device for moving through time
Wikipedia - Time travel in fiction -- Concept and accompanying genre in science fiction
Wikipedia - Tim Kirk -- American fantasy and science fiction artist
Wikipedia - Timothy Zahn -- Science fiction novelist
Wikipedia - Tim Powers -- American science fiction and fantasy author
Wikipedia - TMNT (film) -- 2007 science fiction/martial arts CGI film directed by Kevin Munroe
Wikipedia - To Be Taught, if Fortunate -- 2019 science fiction novel
Wikipedia - Tochi Onyebuchi -- African-American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Tom Maddox -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Tony Ballantyne -- British science-fiction author
Wikipedia - Tops in Science Fiction -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Trading Team -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Transformers: Age of Extinction -- 2014 science fiction film directed by Michael Bay
Wikipedia - Transformers: Dark of the Moon -- 2011 science fiction film directed by Michael Bay
Wikipedia - Transformers (film) -- 2007 science fiction film directed by Michael Bay
Wikipedia - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen -- 2009 science fiction film directed by Michael Bay
Wikipedia - Transformers: The Last Knight -- 2017 American science fiction film directed by Michael Bay
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 10: Safari Ship -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 11: Murder on Arcturus Station -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 12: Secret of the Ancients -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 13: Signal GK -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 1: The Kinunir -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 2: Research Station Gamma -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 3: Twilight's Peak -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 4: Leviathan -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 5: Trillion Credit Squadron -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 6: Expedition to Zhodane -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 7: Broadsword -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 8: Prison Planet -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 9: Nomads of the World-Ocean -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Alien Module 1: Aslan -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Alien Module 2: K'kree -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Alien Module 3: Vargr -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Alien Module 4: Zhodani -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Alien Module 6: Solomani -- Science-fiction role-playing game
Wikipedia - Traveller Alien Module 7: Hivers -- Science-fiction role-playing game
Wikipedia - Traveller Alien Module 8: Darrians -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Book 0: An Introduction to Traveller -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Book 4: Mercenary -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Book 5: High Guard -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Book 6: Scouts -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Book 7: Merchant Prince -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Book 8: Robots -- Science-fiction role-playing game
Wikipedia - Traveller Deluxe Edition -- Science-fiction role-playing game
Wikipedia - Traveller Double Adventure 1: Shadows/Annic Nova -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Double Adventure 2: Mission on Mithril/Across the Bright Face -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Double Adventure 3: Death Station/The Argon Gambit -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Double Adventure 4: Marooned/Marooned Alone -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Double Adventure 5: The Chamax Plague/Horde -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Double Adventure 6: Divine Intervention/Night of Conquest -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Personal Data Files -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Record Sheets -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Referee Screen -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement .
Wikipedia - Traveller (role-playing game) -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Traveller Starter Edition -- Science-fiction role-playing game
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 10: The Solomani Rim -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 1: 1001 Characters -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 11: Library Data (N-Z) -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 12: Forms and Charts -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 13: Veterans -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 2: Animal Encounters -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 3: The Spinward Marches -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 4: Citizens of the Imperium -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 6: 76 Patrons -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 7: Traders and Gunboats -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 8: Library Data (A-M) -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Traveller Supplement 9: Fighting Ships -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Treasure Planet -- 2002 American animated science fiction film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation
Wikipedia - Trinity (film) -- 2001 UK science fiction film directed by Gary Boulton-Brown
Wikipedia - Tron -- 1982 science fiction film directed by Steven Lisberger
Wikipedia - Trouble with Lichen -- Science fiction novel by John Wyndham
Wikipedia - Truesight -- Young adult and science fiction novel, by American author David Stahler Jr.
Wikipedia - Tuf Voyaging -- 1986 science fiction fix-up novel by George Martin
Wikipedia - Tunnelen -- 2016 Norwegian short science fiction film
Wikipedia - Turtles Forever -- 2009 American science fiction martial arts animated film
Wikipedia - Twilight: 2000 -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Two Complete Science-Adventure Books -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - UFOria -- 1985 science fiction comedy film
Wikipedia - UFO (TV series) -- 1970 British TV science fiction series
Wikipedia - Ulrike Nolte -- German science fiction author and translator
Wikipedia - Uncanny Magazine -- American science fiction and fantasy online magazine
Wikipedia - Uncanny Stories (magazine) -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Uncanny Tales (Canadian pulp magazine) -- Canadian pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Undermind (TV series) -- British science fiction drama television series
Wikipedia - Undersea Trilogy -- Three science fiction novels by Frederik Pohl and Jack Wiliamson
Wikipedia - Under the Dome (TV series) -- American science-fiction drama television series
Wikipedia - Une rose au paradis -- 1981 science fiction novel by RenM-CM-) Barjavel
Wikipedia - Universal Classic Monsters -- Horror, suspense and science fiction films made by Universal Studios (1920s-1950s)
Wikipedia - Universal Soldier (1992 film) -- 1992 American science fiction action film directed by Roland Emmerich
Wikipedia - Universe (role-playing game) -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Unmatta -- Indian Marathi science fiction movie
Wikipedia - Uplift (science fiction) -- Science fiction concept of transforming animals into more intelligent creatures
Wikipedia - Upload (TV series) -- American science fiction comedy-drama television series
Wikipedia - Upstream Color -- 2013 science fiction film by Shane Carruth
Wikipedia - Up the Walls of the World -- 1978 science fiction novel by James Tiptree Jr.
Wikipedia - Uragyad'n of the Seven Pillars -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Urmas Alas -- Estonian science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Ursula K. Le Guin -- American fantasy and science fiction author (1929-2018)
Wikipedia - U.S. television science fiction
Wikipedia - Utopia Falls -- Science fiction TV show
Wikipedia - Utopiales -- Annual international science fiction festival in Nantes, France
Wikipedia - Vancouver Science Fiction Convention
Wikipedia - Vanguard Reaches -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Vargo Statten Science Fiction Magazine -- British science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Venture Science Fiction -- Science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Vernor Vinge -- American mathematician, computer scientist, and science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Victor Milan -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Vincent Di Fate -- American science fiction, fantasy, and realistic space art artist
Wikipedia - Virgil Finlay -- American pulp fantasy, science fiction and horror illustrator
Wikipedia - Virus (1999 film) -- 1999 science fiction-horror film directed by John Bruno
Wikipedia - Vonda N. McIntyre -- Science fiction writer from United States of America (1948-2019)
Wikipedia - Voyage to the End of the Universe -- 1963 Czechoslovak science fiction film by JindM-EM-^Yich Polak
Wikipedia - Vurt -- 1993 science fiction novel by Jeff Noon
Wikipedia - V Wars -- 2019 American science fiction horror streaming television series
Wikipedia - Wanted: Adventurers -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - WarGames -- 1983 American Cold War science fiction film by John Badham
Wikipedia - Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay -- Science fiction tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - War of God (1976 film) -- 1976 Taiwanese-Hong Kong science fiction fantasy action film
Wikipedia - Waspwinter -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement .
Wikipedia - Wayward Pines -- American mystery science fiction television series
Wikipedia - We Few -- 2005 science fiction novel by David Weber
Wikipedia - Weird City (TV series) -- 2019 American comedy science fiction web series
Wikipedia - Weird Fantasy -- Dark fantasy and science fiction anthology comic
Wikipedia - Westworld (film) -- 1973 science fiction film directed by Michael Crichton
Wikipedia - Westworld (TV series) -- 2016 American science fiction TV series
Wikipedia - Westworld -- American science fiction-thriller media franchise
Wikipedia - Whatever Happened to Corporal Cuckoo? -- Short science fiction story by Gerald Kersh
Wikipedia - What Happened to Monday -- 2017 dystopian science fiction thriller film by Tommy Wirkola
Wikipedia - Whizziwig -- Children's science fiction television series from the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Who Goes There? -- 1938 American science fiction novella
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Women in Red/Science Fiction and Fantasy -- Crowd-sourced redlist concerned with science fiction and fantasy
Wikipedia - Wil McCarthy -- American science fiction writer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Wing Commander (film) -- 1999 science fiction film directed by Chris Roberts
Wikipedia - Winston Science Fiction -- American juvenile science fiction book line
Wikipedia - Winter (Meyer novel) -- Science fiction novel by Marissa Meyer
Wikipedia - With Folded Hands -- science fiction novelette by Jack Williamson, later rewritten into a novel (as The Humanoids); about paternalistic robots ruling Earth and her colonies
Wikipedia - Within the Rock -- 1996 US science fiction horror television film by Gary J. Tunnicliffe
Wikipedia - Woken Furies -- Science fiction novel by Richard K. Morgan
Wikipedia - Wolf 359 (podcast) -- Science fiction podcast
Wikipedia - Wonder Stories -- American science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Wonder Story Annual -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - World Fantasy Award-Anthology -- Literary award for science fiction or fantasy anthologies in English
Wikipedia - World Fantasy Award-Artist -- Award for science fiction or fantasy artists
Wikipedia - World Fantasy Award-Collection -- Literary award for science fiction or fantasy collections in English
Wikipedia - World Fantasy Award-Life Achievement -- Literary award for science fiction or fantasy lifetime achievements
Wikipedia - World Fantasy Award-Novella -- Literary award for science fiction or fantasy novellas in English
Wikipedia - World Fantasy Award-Novel -- Literary award for science fiction or fantasy novels in English
Wikipedia - World Fantasy Award-Short Fiction -- Literary award for science fiction or fantasy short fiction in English
Wikipedia - World Fantasy Convention Award -- Special convention award for science fiction or fantasy achievements
Wikipedia - World Fantasy Special Award-Non-professional -- Literary award for non-professional science fiction or fantasy achievements
Wikipedia - World Fantasy Special Award-Professional -- Literary award for professional science fiction or fantasy achievements
Wikipedia - World of Ptavvs -- Science fiction novel by Larry Niven
Wikipedia - Worlds of Fantasy -- Science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Year Zero (Reid novel) -- 2012 science fiction novel by Robert Reid
Wikipedia - Ye Yonglie -- Chinese science fiction writer and biographer
Wikipedia - Yoon Ha Lee -- American science fiction / fantasy writer
Wikipedia - Yugoslav science fiction
Wikipedia - Zigeuner (short story) -- 2017 science fiction short story by Harry Turtledove
Wikipedia - ZISMV: Vlezhdatl -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Zoids -- Toy/science fiction franchise's_animated_comic_science_fiction_TV_shows's_science_fiction_TV_shows
Doctor Who (1963 - Current) - From the planet of Gallifrey comes a mysterious alien only known as "the Doctor". The show began with the idea of an educational program focusing on history but it ended up being the longest science fiction tv show in history.
Star Trek (1966 - 1969) - Star Trek is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry that follows the adventures of the starship USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) and its crew.
The New Animated Adventures of Flash Gordon (1979 - 1981) - Flash Gordon had 24 episodes of the 1979-1981 animated series by Filmation. The creation of Alex Raymond, the classic science fiction comic strip character debuted in 1934. Filmation's Flash Gordon is a richly realized, beautifully animated serial, a highpoint for television animation. Few animated...
Honey I Shrunk the Kids (1997 - 2000) - Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show (truncated to Honey, I Shrunk the Kids in the show's title sequence) is an American syndicated science fiction sitcom based on the 1989 film, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. It expands upon the original film's concept of a shrinking experiment gone wrong to include a...
CBS Movie (1983 - 1993) - The television network of CBS always had movie specials that would air on a certian night of the week. Movies from all genres like comedy, drama, action, science fiction, fantasy, horror, musicals, vintage/classics, and family/childrens movies.
The Wild Wild West (1965 - 1969) - James West and Artemus Gordon are two agents of President Grant who take their splendidly appointed private train through the west to fight evil. Half science fiction and half western, the Artemus designs a series of interesting gadgets for James that would make Inspector Gadget and James Bond proud...
Fantastic Voyage (Animated) (1968 - 1970) - Fantastic Voyage is an American animated science fiction TV series based on the famous 1966 film directed by Richard Fleischer. The series consists of 17 episodes each running 30 minutes. It was run on ABC-TV from September 14, 1968 through September 5, 1970. The series was produced by Filmation Ass...
Man from Atlantis (1977 - 1977) - Show was a science fiction / adventure series about a "man" who was found unconscious on a beach. "Man" may not be the best term for him, however, as his hands and feet were "webbed" between his fingers and his toes! Doctor Elizabeth Merrill "nursed" him back to health and her agency's computer gues...
7 Days (1998 - 2001) - This TV science fiction action drama is based on the familiar fantasy notion: what if it were possible to go back and do it all over again, minus mistakes? Ex-CIA agent Frank Parker (Jonathan LaPaglia) is yanked from a mental institution and assigned to a top-secret project engineered from a Roswell...
Dark Season (1991 - 1991) - Dark Season is a British science-fiction television serial for children, screened on BBC1 in late 1991. Comprised of six twenty-five minute episodes, the two linked three-part stories tell the adventures of three teenagers and their battle to save their school and their classmates from the actions o...
Sapphire and Steel (1979 - 1982) - Sapphire & Steel was a British television science-fiction series starring David McCallum as Steel and Joanna Lumley as Sapphire. Produced by ATV, it ran from 1979 to 1982 and was primarily ATV's answer to the BBC's Doctor Who. The series was created by Peter J. Hammond, who conceived the programme a...
Way Out (1961 - 1961) - A CBS anthology series featuring the macabre stories of Roald Dahl. The show was almost similar in concept to Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone, only the stories were more along the supernatural than Science Fiction.
Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (1967 - 1968) - often referred to as Captain Scarlet, is a 1960s British science-fiction television series produced by the Century 21 Productions company of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson, John Read and Reg Hill. First broadcast on ATV Midlands from September 1967[5] to May 1968,[6] it has since been transmitted in more...
Space Patrol (1963) (1963 - 1964) - a science-fiction television series featuring marionettes that was produced in the United Kingdom in 1962 and broadcast beginning in 1963. It was written and produced by Roberta Leigh in association with the Associated British Corporation.The series features the vocal talents of Dick Vosburgh, Ronni...
Brigadoon: Marin & Melan (2000 - 2001) - Burigadn Marin to Meran) is a science fiction anime that ran from 2000 to 2001, produced by the Sunrise company,and was adapted as a manga by Nozomi Watase. Its story takes place in Japan in 1969 and it is about an orphan girl named Marin Asagi who befriends an alien named Melan Blue.Brigadoon was...
Gintama (2006 - 2018) - Lit. "Silver Soul"Set in Edo which has been conquered by aliens named Amanto, the plot follows life from the point of view of samurai Gintoki Sakata, who works as a freelancer alongside his friends Shinpachi Shimura and Kagura in order to pay the monthly rent. Sorachi added the science fiction setti...
Muteking, The Dashing Warrior (1980 - 1981) - Tondemo Senshi Muteking) is a science fiction comedy anime series by Tatsunoko Productions,created in 1980. It ran from September 7, 1980, to September 27, 1981, on Fuji TV.[3] Twelve-year-old Rin Yuki loyally supported his father when the world laughed at the scientist for saying that Earth was abo...
Macross Delta (2016 - Current) - ( Makurosu Deruta, lit. "Macross Delta") is a science fiction anime television series that aired on Tokyo MX in Japan from April 3, 2016 to September 25, 2016.[3] The fourth television series set in the Macross universe, it is directed by Kenji Yasuda (Arata: The Legend, Noein) and written by T...
Heroic Age (2007 - Current) - a Japanese science fiction mecha space opera[1] anime directed by Toshimasa Suzuki and Takashi Noto. It was produced by Xebec and aired on Japanese television networks. The series first aired on April 1, 2007 and ended on September 30, 2007, with 26 episodes.The story's theme is based on stories in...
Shangri-La (2009 - Current) - (Japanese: Hepburn: Shanguri Ra) is a Japanese science fiction light novel, written by Eiichi Ikegami and illustrated by Ken'ichi Yoshida. The novel was initially serialized in Kadokawa Shoten's Newtype magazine between April 2004 and May 2005. The chapters were collected into a single bound...
Heat Guy J (2002 - 2003) - a 26 episode science fiction anime series created by Escaflowne director Kazuki Akane and Satelight.Heat Guy J was licensed and distributed in the U.S. in 2003 by Pioneer (which subsequently became Geneon Entertainment). It was re-released by Funimation in the fall of 2009. The first 13 episodes of...
Kurau Phantom Memory (2004 - Current) - (Japanese: Hepburn: Kurau Fantomu Memor) is a 2004 science fiction anime series, produced by Bones and Media Factory, which was broadcast in Japan by the anime television networks Animax and TV Asahi. Set primarily in the year 2110, it explores themes such as inter-familial relationsh...
Gundam Build Divers (2018 - Current) - a Japanese science fiction anime television series produced by Sunrise, and a spiritual successor to the 2013 anime Gundam Build Fighters, based on the long-running Gundam franchise. It is directed by Shinya Watada (Gundam Build Fighters Try) and written by Noboru Kimura (SoltyRei, Dragonar Academy)...
Mobile Suit Gundam AGE (2011 - 2012) - (Japanese: AGE Hepburn: Kid Senshi Gandamu Eiji) is a 2011 Japanese science fiction anime television series and the twelfth installment in Sunrise's long-running Gundam franchise. The series was first announced in the July issue of Shogakukan's CoroCoro Comic, and has gaming company Level-5...
Rick and Morty (2013 - 2018) - an American adult animated science fiction sitcom created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon for Cartoon Network's late-night programming block Adult Swim.The series follows the misadventures of cynical mad scientist Rick Sanchez and his good-hearted but fretful grandson Morty Smith, who split their t...
.hack//Legend of the Twilight (2003 - 2004) - lit. .hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet) is a science fiction manga series written by Tatsuya Hamazaki and drawn by Rei Izumi. The twenty-two chapters of .hack//Legend of the Twilight appeared as a serial in the Japanese magazine Comptiq, and published in three tankbon by Kadokawa Shoten from J...
Cyber Team in Akihabara (1998 - Current) - a 1998 science fiction anime series created by Tsukasa Kotobuki and Satoru Akahori. The television series aired from April 4, 1998 to September 26, 1998 on TBS and ran for 26 episodes. It was released in the United States by ADV Films. It was also broadcast on international networks such as Anime Ne...
UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie (2002 - 2006) - a science fiction/comedy anime series based on the manga series UFO Princess Valkyrie. A total of 32 anime episodes and one specially released OVA episode were eventually produced. Seasons 1 and 2 were broadcast in Japan on Kids Station between 2002 and 2004. The anime series was released on DVD in...
Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles (1999 - 2012) - Based on the 1968 science fiction novel "Starship Troopers," the programme centres on the missions of a mobile infantry squad as they participate in a war of survival against a ferocious alien insectoid invader.
The Outer Limits (1963 - 1965) - The Outer Limits was a Science Fiction anthology show that featured strange creatures & frightening situations that was created by Leslie Stevens. The show ran for 2 seasons, but Producer Joseph Stephano was replaced by Ben Brady in the 2nd season, thus reducing the quality of the stories. The show'...
Uchuusen Sagittarius (1986 - 1987) - A 77-episode Japanese science fiction anime television series directed by Kazuyoshi Yokota and created by Nippon Animation and TV Asahi. Based on comics created by Italian physicist Andrea Romoli.
Twilight Zone: The Movie(1983) - A big screen adaptation of the science fiction TV show that features 4 stories:In one a redneck bigot, learns what it's like to be the people he hates; a group of old people in a senior citizens home turn into little kids, after play a game of "Kick the can" to experience being young again; A boy wi...
They Live(1988) - John Carpenter wrote and directed this science fiction thriller about a group of aliens who try to take over the world by disguising themselves as Young Republicans. Wrestler Roddy Piper stars as John Nada, a drifted who makes his way into an immense encampment for the homeless. There he stumbles up...
Judge Dredd(1995) - A violent, effects-heavy science fiction adventure, Judge Dredd depicts a nightmarish future in which overcrowded cities are terrorized by brutal gun battles and policed by "Judges," law officers who act as judge, jury, and executioner. Sylvester Stallone stars as Judge Dredd, a punishing enforcer w...
The Iron Giant(1999) - The Iron Giant is a 1999 American animated science fiction film using both traditional animation and computer animation, produced by Warner Bros. Animation, and based on the 1968 novel The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. The film was directed by Brad Bird, scripted by Tim McCanlies, and stars Jennifer Anist...
Armageddon(1998) - Michael Bay directed this $150 million science fiction action thriller about an asteroid on a collision course with Earth, sending fireballs down on Manhattan, prompting a plan to split the asteroid into two sections before it arrives and causes human extinction. NASA executive director Dan Truman (...
Starcrash(1979) - Scontri Stellari Oltre la Terza Dimensione (literally translated to Stellar Crash Beyond the Third Dimension) was an Italian 1979 science fiction film, which was also released under the English title Starcrash as well as The Adventures of Stella Star(in the US). The screen play was written by Luigi...
Barbarella(1968) - Barbarella, also known as Barbarella, Queen of the Galaxy is a 1968 erotic science fiction film, based on the French Barbarella comic book created by Jean-Claud
Trancers(1985) - With the whimsical tagline "Jack Deth is back and he's never been here before," director Charles Band melds Blade Runner, The Terminator, and Jingle All the Way for this low-budget science fiction adventure. The story takes place in Angel City in the year 2247, when enforcer Jack Deth (Tim Thomerson...
Deep Impact(1998) - Mimi Leder (The Peacemaker) directed this science-fiction disaster drama about the possible extinction of human life after a comet is discovered headed toward Earth with the collision only one year away. Ambitious MSNBC reporter Jenny Lerner (Tea Leoni) stumbles onto the story, prompting a White Hou...
XChange(2000) - This science fiction thriller is set in a future where new technology allows travelers to save time and effort by transporting their minds into a body waiting at their chosen destination. However, a public relations man learns of the potential dangers of this new service when his body is taken over...
The Thirteenth Floor(1999) - The increasingly blurry lines between what is real and what is an artificial construct - both physically and philosophically - are the point of focus in the science fiction drama The Thirteenth Floor. In 1937, a man named Fuller (Armin Mueller-Stahl) gives a note to Ashton (Vincent D'Onofrio), the b...
Contact(1997) - Contact is a 1997 American science fiction drama film directed by Robert Zemeckis. It is a film adaptation of Carl Sagan's 1985 novel of the same name; Sagan and his wife Ann Druyan wrote the story outline for th
2012(2009) - Jackson Curtis is a science-fiction writer that works as a part-time limousine driver for a Russian billionaire. A friend of his explains the theory of polar shift, which is due to occur, and the resulting cataclysm it will cause. They find out about a project to build arks so that the humans have a...
Fortress(1993) - Elements of Orwellian science-fiction and old-fashioned prison dramas are combined in this futuristic action film, as an unjustly imprisoned couple attempts to escape from a high-tech jail known as The Fortress. The Fortress is the tool of a repressive government, an imposing, computerized hell, fea...
eXistenZ(1999) - Canadian filmmaker David Cronenberg, who has long been fascinated by the ways new technology shapes and manipulates the human beings who believe they are its masters, is in familiar territory with eXistenZ, a futuristic thriller which combines elements of science fiction, horror and action-adventure...
Oblivion(1994) - What do you get when you combine a Western with a Science Fiction film? You might get this shoot'em up in space. It is set in the distant town of Oblivion (it was actually filmed in Romania). Though it's a high tech town, it has the feel of an old fashioned Western outpost from the 1800's. The town...
Metropolis(1927) - In 1927, noted director Fritz Lang created a film masterpiece titled "METROPOLIS", a silent science fiction film with a film budget of $200 Million, having being shot and filmed for 2 years, and the film became a major classic among motion pictures. The film inspired many films, including STAR WARS...
The Abyss(1989) - The Abyss is a 1989 American science fiction film written and directed by James Cameron, starring Ed Harris, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, and Michael Biehn. When an American submarine sinks in the Caribbean, the US search and recovery team works with an oil platform crew, racing against Russian vess...
Lily C.A.T.(1987) - Lily C.A.T. is a violent, adult sci-fi anime movie released in 1987. The film has much in common with the American science-fiction/horror film Alien. The basic storyline focused on a crew of astronauts on their way to investigate a planet which is awakened from a cryogenic sleep, only to come under...
Metalstorm The Destruction Of Jared Syn(1983) - It's the science fiction battle of the ages with giant cyclopes and intergalactic magicians in this futuristic adventure set on the desert planet of Lemuria. A miner and his daughter Dhyana (Kelly Preston) fall prey to the evil dictator Jader-Syn's reign of terror. Dogen, (Jeffrey Byron) the brave p...
Convict 762(1997) - Billy Drago and Shannon Sturges star in this science fiction thriller. A spaceship,with an all female crew,makes an emergency landing on a planet used a penal colony.The only two survivors of the planet is a guard and psycho convict.The females find themselves in the midst of a war,uncertain who is...
Robot Taekwon V / Voltar the Invincible(1976) - Robot Taekwon V is a South Korean animated film directed by Kim Cheong-gi and produced by Yu Hyun-mok, the prominent director of such films as Obaltan (오발탄) (Aimless Bullet) (1960). Released on July 24, 1976, it was Korea's first full-length animated science-fiction feature. It...
The Trouble with Dick(1987) - Sci-fi comedy in which a young science fiction writer(Tom Villard)suffers from writers block while his personal life thrives.
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 the Movie(2010) - Mobile Suit Gundam 00 the Movie: A Wakening of the Trailblazer ( 00 -A wakening of the Trailblazer-?) is a 2010 Japanese animated science fiction film part of the Gundam metaseries and directed by Seiji Mizushima. The film is set two years after the second season of Mobile Suit Gundam 00,...
The Treasure Planet (1982)(1982) - The Treasure Planet (original: Planetata na sakrovishtata) is a 1982 Bulgarian animated science fiction film directed by Rumen Petkov and produced by Boyana Film. The film is a science fiction adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's adventure novel Treasur
Idiocracy(2006) - Idiocracy is a 2006 American satirical science fiction comedy film directed by Mike Judge and starring Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, Dax Shepard, and Terry Crews. The film tells the story of two people who take part in a top-secret military hibernation experiment, only to awaken 500 years later in a dy...
Star Wars: The Clone Wars(2008) - Star Wars: The Clone Wars is a 2008 American computer-animated military science fiction-space opera action film that takes place within the Star Wars saga, leading into the TV series of the same name produced by Lucasfilm. The film is set during the three-year time period between the films Attack of...
Doom(2005) - Doom is a 2005 science fiction action film directed by Andrzej Bartkowiak. It is loosely based on the video game series of the same name created by id Software. The film follows a group of marines in a research facility on Mars. After arriving on a rescue and retrieval mission after communications c...
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea(1954) - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is a 1954 American Technicolor adventure film and the first science fiction film shot in CinemaScope. The film was personally produced by Walt Disney through Walt Disney Productions, directed by Richard Fleischer, and stars Kirk Douglas, James Mason, Paul Lukas and Peter...
Gunhed(1989) - A Japanese science fiction film from Toho and Sunrise. In 2038, a group of scavengers discover the Gunhed robot on a deserted island.
Atragon(1963) - The 1963 Japanese science fiction film from Toho. The lost city of Mu plans to resurface threatening humanity. The world's only hope is a special warship called Atragon led by a former WWII captain. This is the film that introduced Godzilla fans Manda, the sea serpent like monster who later re-appea...
The Iron Giant(1999) - The Iron Giant is a 1999 American animated science fiction film using both traditional animation and computer animation, produced by Warner Bros. Feature Animation and directed by Brad Bird in his directorial debut. It is based on the 1968 novel The Iron Man by Ted Hughes (which was published in the...
Starman(1984) - Starman is a 1984 American science fiction romance film directed by John Carpenter, that tells the story of a humanoid alien (Jeff Bridges) who has come to Earth in response to the invitation found on the gold phonograph record installed on the Voyager 2 spac
Deathsport(1978) - Futuristic Science Fiction about a sport to the death, using "destructocycles".
Alien Nation(1988) - In this vaguely allegorical science fiction-crime film, a Los Angeles cop tries to solve the murder of his best friend with the help of his new partner
Destination Moon(1950) - One of the first science fiction films to attempt a high level of accurate technical detail tells the story of the first trip to the moon.
Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem(2007) - Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (also known as AVP:R) is a 2007 American science-fiction horror film directed by the Brothers Strause (Colin and Greg) and written by Shane Salerno. A sequel to 2004's Alien vs. Predator and the second of the two-part Alien vs. Predator prequel series to the Alien franch...
Alien vs. Predator(2004) - Alien vs. Predator (also known as AVP) is a 2004 science fiction film directed by Paul W. S. Anderson for 20th Century Fox and starring Sanaa Lathan and Lance Henriksen. The film adapts the Alien vs. Predator crossover imprint bringing together the eponymous creatures of the Alien and Predator serie...
Battlefield Earth(2000) - Battlefield Earth (also referred to as Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000) is a 2000 American dystopian science fiction action film based upon the first half of L. Ron Hubbard's novel of the same name. Directed by Roger Christian and starring John Travolta, Barry Pepper, and Forest Whitaker,...
Resident Evil: Extinction(2007) - Resident Evil: Extinction is a 2007 British-Canadian science fiction action horror film and the third installment in the Resident Evil film series based on the Capcom survival horror series Resident Evil. The film follows the heroine Alice, along with a group of survivors from Raccoon City, as they...
Dune (2000)(2000) - A three-part miniseries on politics, betrayal, lust, greed and the coming of a Messiah. Based on Frank Herbert's classic science fiction novel.
Not Of This Earth(1988) - A science fiction vampire movie. The Vampire is an emissary from an embattled world near destruction who teleports to Earth to see if they can live here. He finds that our blood is nourishing and that at least one source of it is a steady stream of transfusions. He hypnotizes a Dr. to provide them a...
Star Trek (2009)(2009) - Star Trek is a 2009 American science fiction action film directed by J. J. Abrams, written by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman and distributed by Paramount Pictures. It is the eleventh film of the Star Trek film franchise and is also a reboot that features the main characters of the original Star Trek...
Starship Invasions(1977) - This science fiction movie starring Robert Vaughn as Professor Allan Duncan, and Christopher Lee as General Rameses.
Warrior of the Lost World(1983) - Warrior of the Lost World (also known as Mad Rider) is a 1983 Italian post-apocalyptic science fiction film written and directed by David Worth and starring Robert Ginty, Persis Khambatta, and Donald Pleasence. It was created and first released in Italy under the title Il Giustiziere della terra per...
Alphas ::: TV-14 | 44min | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20112012) -- Alphas is a science fiction drama focusing on a team that investigates people with supernatural abilities. Creators: Michael Karnow, Zak Penn
Argo (2012) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 2h | Biography, Drama, Thriller | 12 October 2012 (USA) -- Acting under the cover of a Hollywood producer scouting a location for a science fiction film, a CIA agent launches a dangerous operation to rescue six Americans in Tehran during the U.S. hostage crisis in Iran in 1979. Director: Ben Affleck Writers:
Duck Dodgers ::: TV-Y7 | 30min | Animation, Short, Action | TV Series (20032005) Animated science fiction series based on the alter ego of Looney Tunes star Daffy Duck, the semi-heroic, yet incompetent, space Captain Duck Dodgers. Stars: Joe Alaskey, Bob Bergen, Richard McGonagle
Dune -- Not Rated | 4h 25min | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (2000) Episode Guide 3 episodes Dune Poster ::: A three-part miniseries on politics, betrayal, lust, greed and the coming of a Messiah. Based on Frank Herbert's classic science fiction novel. Stars:
Jodorowsky's Dune (2013) ::: 8.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 30min | Documentary | 16 March 2016 (France) -- The story of cult film director Alejandro Jodorowsky's ambitious but ultimately doomed film adaptation of the seminal science fiction novel. Director: Frank Pavich Stars: Alejandro Jodorowsky, Michel Seydoux, H.R. Giger | See full cast &
Love, Death & Robots ::: TV-MA | 15min | Animation, Short, Comedy | TV Series (2019 ) -- A collection of animated short stories that span various genres including science fiction, fantasy, horror and comedy. Creator: Tim Miller
Martian Child (2007) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 46min | Comedy, Drama, Family | 2 November 2007 (USA) -- A science-fiction writer, recently widowed, considers whether to adopt a hyper-imaginative 6-year-old abandoned and socially rejected boy who says he's really from Mars. Director: Menno Meyjes Writers:
Memories (1995) ::: 7.6/10 -- Memorzu (original title) -- (Japan) Memories Poster -- "Memories" is made up of three separate science-fiction stories. In the first, "Magnetic Rose," four space travelers are drawn into an abandoned spaceship that contains a world created by ... S Directors: Kji Morimoto, Tensai Okamura | 1 more credit
Memories (1995) ::: 7.6/10 -- Memorzu (original title) -- (Japan) Memories Poster -- "Memories" is made up of three separate science-fiction stories. In the first, "Magnetic Rose," four space travelers are drawn into an abandoned spaceship that contains a world created by ... S Directors: Kji Morimoto, Tensai Okamura | 1 more credit
Tales from the Darkside ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (19831988) -- A horror anthology series where the viewer is taken through ghost stories, science fiction adventures, and creepy, unexplained events. Stars: Paul Sparer, Catherine Battistone, John Marzilli | See full cast &
Tales from the Loop ::: TV-MA | 50min | Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2020 ) -- The townspeople who live above "The Loop," a machine built to unlock and explore the mysteries of the universe, experience things previously consigned to the realm of science fiction. Creator:
The Outer Limits ::: TV-PG | 44min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | TV Series (19952002) -- A modern revival of the classic science fiction horror anthology show The Outer Limits (1963). Episodes often have twist-endings and involve aliens. Sometimes, a story from one episode continues in a later episode. Creator:
The Outer Limits ::: TV-PG | 51min | Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi | TV Series (19631965) -- An anthology series of insightful science fiction tales. Creator: Leslie Stevens
The Red Spectacles (1987) ::: 6.5/10 -- Jigoku no banken: akai megane (original title) -- The Red Spectacles Poster A surreal science fiction noir involving a man trapped in a future where seemingly everyone is a government spy and all-night noodle stands are outlawed. Director: Mamoru Oshii Writers: Kazunori It, Mamoru Oshii
The Twilight Zone ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | TV Series (20022003) This second revival of The Twilight Zone (1959) presents tales of suspense, fantasy, science fiction and horror. Creator: Rod Serling Stars:
Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 41min | Horror, Sci-Fi | 24 June 1983 (USA) -- Four horror and science fiction segments, directed by four famous directors, each of them being a new version of a classic story from Rod Serling's landmark television series. Directors: Joe Dante, John Landis | 2 more credits Writers:
Ugly Americans ::: TV-14 | 30min | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy | TV Series (20102012) Take New York City, add every horrifying beast, science-fiction freak, and fantasy faerie, shake thoroughly, and you've got Ugly Americans. Creators: Devin Clark, David M. Stern Stars: Science Fiction
Abenobashi Mahou☆Shoutengai -- -- Gainax, Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Original -- Comedy Parody Ecchi Fantasy -- Abenobashi Mahou☆Shoutengai Abenobashi Mahou☆Shoutengai -- Satoshi "Sasshi" Imamiya believes his life is in shambles, as only a 12-year-old can. Having lost his card collection, his childish dilemmas worsen when he learns that his childhood friend, Arumi Asahina, will be moving away. -- -- Suddenly, their issues are dashed aside for the surreal, and they find themselves transported away through bizarre worlds of science fiction, magic, and war. Any attempt to escape only catapults them into another alien land. Soon, the two come to a realization: every world is just a reimagining of their hometown. But there are two unfamiliar faces—the voluptuous Mune-mune and the elusive blue-haired Eutus—and they just might be the key to escaping their predicament. -- -- Abenobashi Mahou☆Shoutengai follows Sasshi and Arumi's comedic exploits as they desperately attempt to return home. However, when the pair unravel a tale spanning generations, they begin to wonder if the cause of their situation is more personal than they thought. Is returning home truly what they desire? -- -- 73,588 7.25
Abenobashi Mahou☆Shoutengai -- -- Gainax, Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Original -- Comedy Parody Ecchi Fantasy -- Abenobashi Mahou☆Shoutengai Abenobashi Mahou☆Shoutengai -- Satoshi "Sasshi" Imamiya believes his life is in shambles, as only a 12-year-old can. Having lost his card collection, his childish dilemmas worsen when he learns that his childhood friend, Arumi Asahina, will be moving away. -- -- Suddenly, their issues are dashed aside for the surreal, and they find themselves transported away through bizarre worlds of science fiction, magic, and war. Any attempt to escape only catapults them into another alien land. Soon, the two come to a realization: every world is just a reimagining of their hometown. But there are two unfamiliar faces—the voluptuous Mune-mune and the elusive blue-haired Eutus—and they just might be the key to escaping their predicament. -- -- Abenobashi Mahou☆Shoutengai follows Sasshi and Arumi's comedic exploits as they desperately attempt to return home. However, when the pair unravel a tale spanning generations, they begin to wonder if the cause of their situation is more personal than they thought. Is returning home truly what they desire? -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 73,588 7.25
Daicon Opening Animations -- -- Gainax -- 2 eps -- Other -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Music Mecha -- Daicon Opening Animations Daicon Opening Animations -- Daicon III Opening Animation -- An unnamed girl watches as the Science Patrol lands their aircraft. A masked individual exits the ship and approaches the girl, entrusting her with a cup of water and a simple task: to water a radish. The girl enthusiastically accepts her mission but is obstructed by a multitude of foes. Faced with waves of unrelenting monsters, mechas, and starfighters, can the young heroine protect the cup of water and make it to the radish unharmed? -- -- Daicon IV Opening Animation -- Clad in a Playboy Bunny suit, an older version of the same girl takes on new and notable adversaries from around the galaxy. From dueling with lightsabers to surfing the magical sword Stormbringer, there is no shortage of action! -- -- Set to Electric Light Orchestra's "Twilight," the Daicon IV Opening Animation is a grand tribute to science fiction culture, showcasing hundreds of familiar characters in one spectacular bout. -- -- Special - Aug 22, 1981 -- 16,169 7.72
Ginga Patrol PJ -- -- Eiken -- 26 eps -- - -- Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Patrol PJ Ginga Patrol PJ -- Once Upon a Time... Space differs from the rest of the Once Upon a Time titles in the sense that the series revolve on a dramatic content rather than an educational premise. The series still has a handful of educational information (such as an episode discussing the rings of Planet Saturn). -- -- The series succeeds Once Upon a Time... Man. It reprises almost the entire totality of the characters of the previous series and adapts them into a science-fiction context. -- -- The story tells about the confrontation of many big galactic powers. Among them there is the Omega Confederation, of which Earth is a member of; the military republic of Cassiopée led by the general Le Teigneux; and a powerful supercomputer which controls an army of robots. Once Upon a Time... Space features the adventures of Pierrot (son of colonel Pierre and president Pierrette) and his friend Psi. -- TV - Oct 9, 1982 -- 882 6.63
Katte ni Kaizou -- -- Shaft -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Parody School Sci-Fi Shounen -- Katte ni Kaizou Katte ni Kaizou -- Katsu Kaizou is a very gullible, 17-year-old high school student and a believer in science fiction, aliens, ghosts, UFOs, conspiracies, etc. He thinks that everything going on around him is the result of some sort of alien plot to take over the world. Each story is pretty much self-contained and is completely bizarre. Kaizou joins the school's science club, makes new friends, and ends up coming in contact with all sorts of strange things like log people, deadly sushi, pee-blades, scary infections, robot invasions, ghosts, living dolls, and more! -- OVA - May 23, 2011 -- 26,910 6.91
Kore ga UFO da! Soratobu Enban -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space -- Kore ga UFO da! Soratobu Enban Kore ga UFO da! Soratobu Enban -- UFOs and aliens from beyond the stars are common themes in media, entertainment, and other forms of science fiction; however, many individuals have sworn they have seen UFOs and have been abducted in real life! Sit back and watch as the makers of Mazinger take you on a journey through the history of UFO lore. Could it be that UFOs are real and that aliens watch us from afar? [from anime-planet] -- Movie - Mar 21, 1975 -- 1,064 4.86
Moonrise -- -- Wit Studio -- ? eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space -- Moonrise Moonrise -- "Moonrise" will portray the lives of two men, Jack and Al, as they confront various hardships in the vast world of outer space. -- -- (Source: Amazon) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 1,147 N/A -- -- Mugen Kouro -- -- Gonzo, Production I.G -- 4 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi Space -- Mugen Kouro Mugen Kouro -- The software developers Platinum Games and Sega have scheduled their Mugen Kōro - Infinite Space science-fiction roleplaying game for the Nintendo DS portable console next spring and announced the October launch of animated short films for the project. The game centers around Yūrī, a young man who journeys across lawless space and becomes a spaceship captain. The animation studios GONZO and Production I.G are producing short movies to promote the game and develop its world and storyline. The first of the movies will premiere at the Tokyo Game Show on October 9 and then will run on the game's official website on October 17. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Oct 9, 2008 -- 1,139 5.14
Orbital Era -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Space -- Orbital Era Orbital Era -- Orbital Era is set in the near-future on a space colony under construction. The film features a coming-of-age action-adventure story following the lives of young boys surviving in this peculiar environment and society as they are tossed around by fate. "The reality found in mankind's future" will be depicted through their perspective. -- -- The story will take place over four seasons in the space colony. The characters relationships will unfold over these seasons. Otomo noted that the film is set in the future, but instead of being rooted in science fiction, the story will skew more toward fantasy. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- Movie - ??? ??, ???? -- 2,451 N/A -- -- Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman -- Tekkaman is just an average bright boy in his everyday life. However, modern science can turn him into a mighty space warrior. This becomes a reality when aggressive aliens come from space to invade our planet. Armed with a space lance, Tekkaman gallantly goes into action against the grotesque space creatures. During his battles he encounters a mysterious young man from another planet who helps him out whenever he is in danger. -- -- (Source: Absoluteanime) -- TV - Jul 2, 1975 -- 2,442 6.19
10th World Science Fiction Convention
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35th World Science Fiction Convention
36th World Science Fiction Convention
38th World Science Fiction Convention
3rd World Science Fiction Convention
40th World Science Fiction Convention
43rd World Science Fiction Convention
44th World Science Fiction Convention
45th World Science Fiction Convention
46th World Science Fiction Convention
47th World Science Fiction Convention
48th World Science Fiction Convention
49th World Science Fiction Convention
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56th World Science Fiction Convention
57th World Science Fiction Convention
58th World Science Fiction Convention
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60th World Science Fiction Convention
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63rd World Science Fiction Convention
64th World Science Fiction Convention
65th World Science Fiction Convention
66th World Science Fiction Convention
67th World Science Fiction Convention
68th World Science Fiction Convention
69th World Science Fiction Convention
6th World Science Fiction Convention
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