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W E have considered at length the Tree of Life as a philosophical alphabet. It is now necessary to consider this Tree in an altogether new light.
In the different limbs of this structure we previously found a quality corresponding to a similar innate quality in man which must be unfolded, developed, and perfected.
This process of unfoldment is called, graphically, " Climbing the Tree ". An earlier chapter stated briefly that the methods of the Qabalah were two : Meditation and
Magick. A few explanatory remarks are now required.

Since it has been shown that the Ruach is denied us, because of its own limitations, to aid us in the Quest for
Truth, and since Faith as ordinarily apprehended is even more useless a new method for philosophical research is highly desirable. In fact, not only a new method but an entirely new direction in which research must be furthered.

In Positivism, men have denied a transcendental region of consciousness almost entirely because, not admitting the possibility of relations other than those formulated by logicians, they denied the very existence of the things which appear to be illogical from the viewpoint of those formula;.
Modern " spiritualism ", for instance, attempted to con- struct a noumenal world on the model of the phenomenal ; but it wanted to prove at all costs that the " other world " is logical from our standpoint ; that the same laws operated there in much the same way they do here, and that the other world " is nothing more or less than a copy and an extension of ours. It is, in short, a crude and barbaric formulation of the unknown.

Positive Philosophy naturally perceived the absurdity of all these dualistic theses, but having no power to expand or


extend the field of its activity, limited by its logic, it could think of nothing better than to deny.

Mystical Philosophy alone has felt the possibility of relations other than those of the phenomenal -world, and formulated a logic applicable to the supersensuous and transcendental consciousness. But it was arrested in its progress by hazy and unclear conceptions of organized and sceptical research, finding it impossible to define and classify its material in a scientific way. This may be cor- rected, and a thorough sceptical system instituted using the Qabalistic Tree as a classifying medium.

Ultimately Science must come to the Qabalah, because it alone provides a comprehensive method and a new direc- tion for research. Mystical and magical methods open to us not only a new type of experience - accompanied by psychological phenomena indeed worthy of scientific research - but what is much more important, and worth while, they extend added knowledge of a transcendental region of consciousness. In his Tertium Organum, P. D.
Ouspenslcy writes :

" The entire body of teachings of religio-philosophic movements have as their avowed or hidden purpose, the expansion of consciousness. This also is the aim of mysticism of every age and of every faith, the aim of occultism and of the Oriental Yoga."

The methods of the Qabalah particularly - since it alone of all others appears to possess the one basis pre-eminently suitable for synthesis - enlarge our vision of the universe by means of an experience variously called religious, mystical, or supra-rational. And by this is meant an experience, nay, an immediate intuition, a spontaneous insight into the meaning, the nature, and the value of the Universe, giving a beatific vision of how all things belong together, a clue to the nature of Ultimate Reality. We deal here with an essential fact in mystical knowledge ; the superseding of the ordinary activities of the rational consciousness in a direct intuition wherein the Neschamah gazes directly upon ideas. And experience, whether secular or mystical, must always be the ultima thule, beyond which one dare not go, nor which one dare negate. In setting up the Mystical


Experience as the source of inspiration and knowledge, we only have recourse to true scientific principle for, as Julian
Huxley has expressed it in What Dare I Think ? : " the most important characteristic of the scientific method is its constant reference back to experience in the search for knowledge ".

The first of these methods is meditation. The Jews have long been acquainted with various technical methods of meditation. Their scriptures scintillate with many sublime examples of men whose experiences, undoubtedly the result of meditation, were convictions of indubitable contact with
Reality ; experiences beyond the slightest cavil. For one thing, the vision of Jehovah by Moses, the long line of
Prophets - Isaiah's vision of God whose train filled the universe, the ecstasy of Ezekiel lifted from off his feet by the Spirit and removed from one place to another, the in- spiration of Baal Shem Tov and the foundation of the
ChasSidischer Movement ; the very fact of prophecy itself - all these stand as a living vital testimony to this one state- ment. In the Talmud, too, there are dark hints as to the existence of a developed tradition of the " Mercavah ", or the Divine Chariot seen in vision by Ezekiel. Since the world is a process of Emanation, an outgoing of Reality into its Otherness (to use an Hegelian expression), there must be a corresponding way up for man by way of this
"chariot " - the vehicle or means by which he could be transported into the realms of the unseen. And the Zohar speaks of the " divine kiss ", during which the man is united with his Root. It elaborates at great length on the verse in Canticles : " Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth ", having reference to the union of the letters of
Tetragrammaton. I must quote, furthermore, the follow- ing :

" In the most mysterious and elevated part of the heaven there is a certain palace which is called the Palace of
Love, wherein are hidden profound mysteries, and the
Kisses of the King's Love are there. ... There the Holy
One, Praised be He, meets the Holy Soul (Neschamah).
He advances and immediately kisses her, and embraces her and caresses her. ... Like the custom of a father to his beloved daughter, in kissing her, embracing her, and giving




her presents, so the Holy One, Blessed be He, does to the pure Soul daily " (ii, 97a).

(In order to prevent the acquisition of wrong impressions it is necessary to warn the reader, when examining original
Qabalistic texts, against archaisms and erotic forms of expression. With the rationale here extended no difficulty should be experienced in piercing the conventional forms of writing, and obtaining true understanding.)

At this juncture, however, we will deal with Meditation in its Hindu form as Yoga, since that system has been very elaborately detailed ; and consider meditation as a general formula, leaving its particular divisions for discussion in connection with the Grades attri buted to the ten Sephiros.

Patanjali, in the first sentence of his Aphorisms, defines meditation as " the hindering of the modifications of the thinking principle". It is astounding that so simple a statement of fact should have been misconstrued for cen- turies, being obscured by religious doctrinalia and ethical sentimentalism. Ethics has but little to do with this ques- tion other than this : that the practitioner must so live while in training that no emotion or passion disturbs the
Buach which he is endeavouring to control.

The Buach, the principle whose thought modifications are to be controlled, permitting Neschamah to pierce through the tranquillity thus caused, is not, as we have already pointed out, the highest power in man. It is only one particular function, one instrument of the Yechidah, by which it thinks, works, and experiences. As Blavatsky wrote in The Voice of the Silence : " The Mind is the great
Slayer of the Real. Let the disciple slay the Slayer." The theory here is that the mind is but a mechanism for dealing symbolically with impressions, though its construction tempts one to take these impressions for Reality. Conscious thought, hence, is fundamentally false, preventing one from perceiving reality.

There is but one simple fundamental essential to medita- tion, beyond all dogma and morality, viz. to stop thinking.
This explanation of the major step leading to the Mystic experience is highly significant. It explains prayer, and its purpose ; and all the several practices are seen to be simply
" dodges ", as it were, to acquire the faculty of slowing

down the current of thought and ultimately stopping it altogether at will. The Hindu image expresses the theory perfectly. There is a lake into which five glaciers move - the five senses ; the lake being the mind. While ice, the manifold impressions, is breaking off constantly into the lake the waters are troubled. Once the glaciers are stopped the surface becomes calm, and then and then only can it reflect unbroken the disk of the " Son " - the Augceides, the self-glittering One.

While it is true that in sleep thought is stilled, the per- ceiving function, too, is stilled ; and since we are desirous of obtaining a perfect vigilance and attention, uninter- rupted by the rise of thoughts, we follow this procedure.

It is considered a necessary preliminary to still the con- sciousness of the body by a practice called Asana - posture, by which, when some slight degree of skill has been attained, no messages of bodily disturbance are sent to the brain.

It has been noticed that the breathing of persons in ecstasy becomes deranged in a marked and curious manner ; the process, for one thing, becoming very slow and rhythmic.
Yoga in its scientific way reversed the process, and its devotees attempted to reproduce, by breathing slowly, deeply, and forcefully certain aspects of the mystic states.
One may profitably confirm this theory in the Exercises of
St. Ignatius of Loyola. By this exercise some thoughts are barred altogether from forcing entry into consciousness, and those which do come into the mind do so more slowly than before, giving the practitioner sufficient time to per- ceive their falsity and consequently destroy them. In short, there is undoubtedly a real connection between the rate of respiration and the condition of the brain or the state of mind, as even a little experimentation will go to prove.

The emotions are then stilled to prevent them also from arising to excite the mind we are trying to make quiet. In
Pratyahara, we analyse the mind more deeply. It is a sort of general examination of the contents of the mind, and it is said that in Pratyaharic introspection one per- ceives directly the arguments underlying the Berkeleyan idealism.

Following this, we begin to control and restrict thought



of whatever nature, and suppress all thoughts by a direct concentration upon a single thought which itself is finally banished. Fichtean philosophy has shown us that the contents of the mind at any moment consisted of two things : the Object or Non-Ego, which is variable, and the Subject or Ego, apparently invariable. Success in meditation pro- duces the result of making the object as invariable as the subject, this coming as a terrific shock, for a union takes place and the two become one. Rabbi Baer, the Chassidic successor of Israel Baal Shem Tov, taught that when one becomes so absorbed in the contemplation of an object that the whole power of thought is concentrated upon the one point then the self becomes blended and unified with that point. This is the mystical Marriage so often referred to in occult literature, and concerning which so many extrava- gant symbols have been employed. This union has the effect of utterly overthrowing the whole normal balance of the mind, throwing all the poetic, emotional, and spiritual faculties into a sublime ecstasy, making at the same time the rest of life seem absolutely banal. It comes as a tre- mendous experience altogether indescribable even to those who are masters of language, remaining only as a wonder- ful memory - perfect in all its details.

During this state all conditions of limitation such as time and space and thought are wholly abolished. It is impos- sible to explain the real implication of this fact ; only repeated experience can furnish one with apprehension.
For it is an experience beyond any adequate description ; a pure termlessness where the subject no longer speaks of any thing ; where both subject and object are transcended, and there remains only a sublime spiritual realization - an experience without a name.

It is the most vivid of all experiences, for it is an absolute stunning blow to the mind, all other events of normal life being as complete darkness in comparison with it. The man who has experienced the more intense forms of this state of consciousness is completely liberated. The universe with its bonds is destroyed for him and he for it, and his will is thus able to proceed unhampered.

Now Magick or the Practical Qabalah has, as its aim, the attainment of a similar state of consciousness, though

its approach is from a different angle. Just as there are various technical methods of Yoga, so there are of Magick.
I ignore completely, at this stage of exegesis, the charms and amulets which comprise a greater part of such Qabal- istic works as Sepher Ratsiel haMaloch and The Greater Key of King Solomon. My references are in the main directed towards the spiritual thaumaturgy manifested in, for example, The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage and such invocations as " The Bornless One ", " Liber Israfel " ; the latter being an adaptation from the Book of the Dead ; and the powerful fragments of lyrical ritual found in the Dee manuscripts. When a man endeavours to perfect his meditation, the rebellion of the human will and the Ruach is violent, and only by experience can one discover the almost diabolical ingenuity of the mind in attempting to escape from control. There are methods of training that will, by which it is more or less easy to check one's progress. Magical ritual is a mnemonic process devoted to this end. I say mnemonic advisedly, to answer objections to " apparatus " employed by the Practical Qabalist.

By each act, word, and thought, the one object of the ceremony - the Invocation of the Holy Guardian Angel- is being constantly indicated. Every fumigation, invocation, banishing and circumambulation is simply a reminder of the single purpose until - after symbol upon symbol, emotion after emotion having been added - the supreme moment arrives, and every nerve of the body, every force-channel of the Nephesch and Ruach is strained in one overwhelming orgasm, one ecstatic rush of the Will and Soul in the pre- determined direction.

Everything in the operation is so arranged that it will remind the Magician of his one Aim, his one True Object.
He resolves that every weapon and instrument employed in his ceremony shall serve to remind him of his chosen end, making every impression (by means of the Qabalistic alpha- bet of association of ideas) the starting-point of a connected series of thoughts ending in that thing. His whole energy is resolved that every act shall turn to the advantage of his invocations.

In a Temple which typifies the universe as he is aware of it, he draws a circle to announce the nature of his operation.


The circle is, primarily, a universal glyph of the Infinite
(Ain) with which he affirms his identity, and he affirms, moreover, that he limits himself to the attainment of a certain goal, that of the attainment of his Angel, and that he no longer wanders without aim in the world of matter and illusion and impermanence. This circle is protected by various divine names, the influences upon which he relies to guard him from the vicious demons without, the hostile thoughts of his OAvn empirical ego, which is to be exorcised and transcended. Within this figure stands the foundation of all his work, an Altar, the symbol of his fixed Will.
Everything is kept in the Altar cupboard, since everything is subject to law ; except the Lamp hanging above his head, the Light of his Real Self, illuminating everything below.

Upon this altar are arrayed his Wand, Sword, Cup, and
Pantacle. The Wand is the terrestrial symbol of his God- like Will, Wisdom, and Creative Word, his divine force - just as the Sword is his human force, the sharp analytical faculty of the Ruach. It is the mind which is his mechanism for dealing symbolically with impressions, and his capacity for criticism. The Cup is his Understanding, the passive aspect of his Will ; it links him with That which is beyond, on the negative side, being hollow and receptive of the influence descending from on high. The Pantacle is flat, the temple of his Holy Ghost ; of the earth earthy, it is his lower nature, his body. On the altar is a phial of Oil, his aspiration towards a nobler self, towards a higher reality, consecrating him and all it touches to the performance of the
Great Work. Three other weapons surround the oil, the
Scourge which tortures him, the Dagger wounding him, and the Chain binding him to his one end. It is this self-dis- cipline which keeps his aspiration pure. Upon his head he wears a golden Crown, showing his lordship and divinity ; and a robe to symbolize glory and the silence wherein the celestial marriage is consummated. On his breast, over his heart, he wears a Lamen which sums up his conception of the Great Work, and declares the nature of the particular work on hand.

So, by making each instrument a symbol reminding him of his one purpose, he finally attains in his working to

the same goal as does the mystic. The latter works by the undermining of his rational consciousness, as it were, by the destruction of duality ; whereas the rider of the magical chariot proceeds to add idea to idea, ecstasy to ecstasy, until the mind, unable to contain itself, overflows its limitations and in an overwhelming orgasm of bliss unites itself to That which hath no name.




Symbolizing :


Keser .


Spiritual Light, and the Real

The Magical Will and Divine



Wand .

Binah .






Chesed .

Sceptre and

Lordship and Divinity





Reason, and Capacity to dis-



Lamen .
perse alien thoughts

Intention to perform Great





Splendour and Glory



Book of Invoca-

His Karmic Record - the Magi-


Yesod .
cal Memory

Altar and Per- fumes

His Fixed Will and Aspiration


Malkus .

Temple, circle,

The Temple of the Holy Ghost

and Pantacle

The Qabalists suggest reflection on the nature of the symbolism of the magical weapons. There is, of course, the
Freudian one, and much of real value can be derived from such an interpretation. I have little sympathy, however, with those shallow intellects who would decry religion and particularly magick on the ground that it is solely sexual.
One's only answer in such an instance can be to demand a definition of what is meant by so gross an absurdity. It is true, for example, that the Creative Will is symbolized by the wand, and that the wand itself may be represented by the phallus. But such an allocation of symbols raises to a lofty spiritual plane the significance of the terrestrial sign.
As the student of the Zohar may discover for himself, sex is definitely sacramental and its utilization borders on the

divine. And, in any event, its significance suggests forces and powers which, like the commotion in the past concern- ing the Unconscious and the present widespread interest in glands and the effects of glandular secretions on the person- ality and consciousness, represent realities which definitely are not merely physiological. It is this fact which the reader must ever bear in mind.

In connection with theurgical practice and ceremonial generally, having little concern for goetic obscurations, there is a remark or two in Mr. Waite's Studies in Mysticism which are not a little profound, and are worthy of quotation in this place.

" Those who are acquainted with the spiritual processes followed by the old mystics will know that these processes are delineated ... in the ceremonies of the great initia- tions, and though notwithstanding they offer . . . only the substitutes of things that are incommunicable on the dramatic side of the mystery . . . there is a condition induced in the candidate by which, if he is otherwise pre- pared, he may enter the sphere of a real experience."

From another viewpoint, the magician resolves to put himself into harmony with the cosmos, which he deifies.
The Sun is to him, as we have already observed, a spiritual principle, a God ; the Moon another ; the planets yet other
Forces with which he is vitally connected, and he realizes that the rhythm of the cosmos is something from which he cannot and must not escape, without bitterly impoverish- ing his existence. His aim is to unite himself to these spiritual potencies. The hierophant of old time - in the rituals- would say to the Neophyte 2 " There is no part of me that is not of the gods ".

The early Christians endeavoured to kill this spirit, that of the old pagan celebration of spiritual ritual, and to some extent they succeeded. The Church frowned upon all things pagan or occult, and killed the worship of the planets and the zodiac, perhaps because astrology even then had become debased to mere fortune-telling. It was their intention to eliminate the astronomical festivals of the year, but only instituted others in their places. Then came the schism when division disrupted the former unity of the Church, and Protestantism dealt a death blow to this religious and



ritualistic rhythm of the year in human life. Noncon- formity, with skill, put the finishing touches to the abysmal crime. Now, to demonstrate the grandeur of modern pro- gress, we have a poor, miserable, disconnected populace with nothing but American films, politics, and empty vacations to satisfy the ever-present human need of living in harmony with the universal spiritual forces underlying nature and all phenomena.

The Initiates, realizing that man had never lived not by bread alone but in the consciousness of the ever-living Gods, and by the spirit of the Sun and Moon and Earth in their revolutions, restored in secret the sacred days and feasts, almost as the Greek pagans had them, with the sunrise, noon, sunset, and midnight pauses for worship - the four great daily stations of the Sun. Then the ancient cycle of
Easter, with the crucifixion or conception of the Solar God ; then Pentecost, and nine months later Christmas, his re- birth. For centuries prior to the Christian era nations had lived in this cosmic rhythm under the guidance of their

To these rituals we are warned it is wise to return, for the truth is, if it must be told, we are perishing from our soul outwards for the lack of fulfilment of our greater needs.
We are cut off from the perennial sources of our inward nourishment and life ; sources flowing eternally in the universe. Vitally the human race would seem to be dying ; and to the disintegrating body of humanity even the uni- verse would appear to be dead.

As the late D. H. Lawrence so eloquently wrote :

" ' Knowledge ' has killed the sun, making it a ball of gas, with spots ; * knowledge ' has killed the moon, it is a dead little earth fretted with extinct craters as with smallpox ; the machine has killed the earth for us, making it a surface, more or less bumpy, that you travel over."

Mr. Lawrence proceeds to state that all this means a return to ancient forms, if we would bring mankind face to face once more with spiritual reality.

But we first must create these forms again. We must evolve them to conform to our present-day needs. How are we to revive the universe to pulsating vibrant life ?
How out of all this are we to get back the grand orbs of the

soul's heaven which should fill us with inexpressible happi- ness ? How are we to get back, for return we must, to
Apollo, Demeter and Persephone or their equivalents ? To the worship of Bacchus, Dionysius, the ecstatic forces of eternal nature and life, and the Rites of Eleusis ? This is our problem, and it is a terrific problem which some day must be faced and solved.

We must get them back, for therein resides our Soul, which is our greater consciousness. That fact we feel - we know. The inert world of cold reason with its dead bit of moon above us ; the sun so much burning gas - this is dry and sterile - a world of dry, sterile intellectuality.

When we know the world as conjoined with ourselves ; when we know the black earth as the womb and the symbol of Nuit - our Lady of the Starry Heavens, our mother of delight ; the beautiful glistening moon, giving us our body as a sylphan joy to us, or to steal it softly away- for she is the emblem of continual change and Artemis the celestial huntress ; when we know that great golden lion god, Ra-
Hoor-Khuit bestowing on us his warmth and nourishment, or else, like a red angry lion, confronting us with gleaming open jaws, then we may realize that the universe is a living organism of which we are an integral part.

Who could not feel the spiritual regeneration surge up within him and be silently thrilled when, in the early hours of a bright morning, the great glowing golden disk of the
Sun lifts itself majestically over the misty purple banks of vibrating cloud-forms in the distant horizon, and one lifts up one's arms in ecstatic joy to the golden dawn in a mighty gesture of glorification, of blissful praise :

" Hail unto Thee who art Ra in thy rising, even unto
Thee who art Ra in thy Strength, who travellest over the heavens in thy bark at the uprising of the Sun.

" Tahuti standeth in his splendour at the prow, and Ra-
Hoor abideth at the helm. Hail unto Thee from the abodes of Night."

To this we must return, say the Qabalists ; to a dynamic living conception of the cosmos. And the way is through daily ritual. Our reawakening by the invocation of the
Gods to never-ending manifestation as living presences within our own hearts, souls, and in our own bodies.



Such is the conception of the Practical Qabalah. Briefly, to resume its purpose, the Qabalists claim that Magick is useful to produce Trance - in the real sense of the word, a
" passing beyond " - and Ecstasy, because it provides an excellent training for the mind, and the development of the
Will preparatory to, or in conjunction with, meditation.
It exalts the soul as no other method can to the impersonal and divine sublimity beyond the Abyss which is the pre- cursor of success in Union. It enlarges the scope of the mind, too, removing arbitrary limitations, giving it mastery of every subtle plane of Nature, affording adequate material for the ecstatic consummation of the " divine kiss ", or the hisdabekus, as the Chassidim term it.

There are some who, while fully alive to the advantages of the mystical state and to the manifold benefits which it confers, are appalled or frightened by what appear to them to be dangers in its development.

That these processes lead to self-hypnosis is altogether fallacious ; its proponents go entirely too far without medical evidence of a large number of cases under observa- tion. There is also the criticism of epilepsy, hallucination, and madness. Figs cannot come from thistles, nor can organization and moral capacity spring from disorganiza- tion ! If the mystical experience - with its consequent enlargement of the universe and its enhancing of the entire character and sanity of a man, its power to bequeath knowledge - is the result of abnormal psychoses and disease, then we must change once and for all our ideas of what is morbid and what is sound. We must have a com- plete transvaluation of all existent values. If such men as
Krishna, Buddha, and Plato, and a vast host of equal and lesser names, owed their power to self-hypnosis and epilepsy, then indeed we have here formed the most power- ful argument for the cultivation of epilepsy. These are the keys which, in this world, will unlock the fast-closed doors of its mystery.

But enough ! These objections arise out of a complete misunderstanding of the nature of the experience, and of the methods leading thereto. In his Birth of Tragedy, Freidrich
Nietzsche indignantly referred to the numerous attacks made on the ecstasies of the Bacchic choruses of the Greeks,

the exuberant spiritual intoxications of the St. John's and
St. Vitus's Dancers in the German Middle Ages, as follows :

" There are some, who from lack of experience or obtuse- ness, will turn away from such phenomena as ' folk- diseases ' with a smile of contempt or pity prompted by the consciousness of their own health ; of course, the poor wretches do not divine what a cadaverous-looking and ghastly aspect this very * health ' of theirs presents when the glowing life of the Dionysian revellers rushes past them."

Prof. William James wrote in his Variety of Religious
Experiences :

" It is needless to say that medical materialism draws in point of fact no such sweeping sceptical conclusion. It is sure, just as every simple man is sure, that some states of mind are inwardly superior to others, and reveal to us more truth, and in this it simply makes use of an ordinary spiri- tual judgment. It has no physiological theory of the pro- duction of these its favourite states, by which it may accredit them ; and its attempt to discredit the states which it dislikes, by vaguely associating them with nerves and liver, and connecting them with names connoting bodily affliction, is altogether illogical and inconsistent."

Not long ago (May 27th, 1931) Mr. J. W. N. Sullivan, the mathematician and exponent of popular scientific prin- ciples, wrote in The Daily Express what appears to be, on the part of non-mystical writers and thinkers of to-day, a growing realization of the value of the experience which I have been labouring to explain. He writes :

" I do not believe that mysticism is a mere mental aberration.

" I am inclined to believe that the human consciousness is a developing thing, and that the mystical consciousness represents a higher stage than we have reached."

The experience, whether obtained by meditation or
Magick, is marked by the emergence of an entirely new type of consciousness not differentiated into a subject- object state, for these have been fused into an undivided
One. Whatever is seen, heard, or felt, in these moments is flooded with an inrush from the depths of the inner man.
Deep-lying powers which are not ordinarily put into play

seem suddenly liberated, and the usual insulations which sunder and restrict our inner life into separate compart- ments seem shot through. The whole man, considered as the unity of the Sephirothal Tree, with all its qualities - in an integral and undivided experience - finds itself. Not only so, but transcendental wisdom from beyond the
Abyss appears to invade or elevate the Ruach ; a larger environing consciousness, an unfolding presence makes itself felt. It is the emergence of a new type-level of life, corresponding in some way with ultimate sources of
Reality ; it is a surge of the entire Self towards ineffable fullness of life.

The reader will have noted that within these pages I have made no mention of what is commonly known as
Nature-mysticism ; nor of its advocates, those earnest people who have discovered the inner fastnesses of Nature through the quiet contemplation of lovely landscapes, with their noble green trees which elevate themselves as in adoration to the heavens above and whose laced frondage sways gently with the passing of mild breezes, their lush meadows of emerald hue, and their gentle brooks that wind their unwearying way through field and pasture to Mother
Sea. In reality^ that does not belong to the province that I originally contemplated illustrating within the pages of this book, although it can be simply and briefly demon- strated that the experience even here is capable of analysis, being induced by an unconscious application of the funda- mental principles laid down above. The wealth and luxuriant variety of the overwhelming beauty of Wide
Arcadian fields and rolling hills act in one of two ways, differing with different individuals in different places.

The awe-inspiring peace and quiet prevailing in the hushed and far-away bosom of Nature may act as a potent sedative to the restless mind of one type of person, and the
" modifications of the thinking principle " are automati- cally hindered in very much the same way as in Meditation.
This main difference exists, however ; for in the latter case
- in meditation - the practitioner himself directs con- sciously and at will the slowing-down process of the whirl- pool motion of his Ruach ; whereas in the former, though

the experience be spontaneous and ennobling, one can never be reasonably certain that there will occur the desired and longed for event, which comes as the gracious calm such as one sees in a tropical country after a heavy and violent rain. In the second case, the same landscape or the manifold sensations of dark secret woods with the impression of the convocations of the hosts of the mighty, the singing streams and rivulets, and the carefree chirping of birds aloft in the empyrean - all these are like the mnemonic basis of Ritual, creating of necessity what we may term a Magical effect. That is, they overwhelm the recipient mind in boundless ecstasy of delight and joy, and the individual Ruach transcends temporarily its inhibiting barriers of custom, taboo, and restriction, and wings its way towards its Tsureh above the barren desert Abyss ; or else it falls into a sublime union with the Soul of Universal
Nature. Further comparisons cannot be undertaken now, but an example of the type of Nature-experience referred to may advantageously be given in a rather lengthy quotation from Miss Clare Cameron's splendid work, Green Fields of
England :

" Good the long hours of sun-drenched silence, wherein through the wide-flung doors of the spirit crept in the crystal light and the sea's low music, to dwell there long after the doors were shut again. Full length in the sand or diving under the water, Being was ecstasy. There was an intense consciousness of youth which one knows not in towns, lusty and happy youth which is made of the Sun's ardour and the sea's rhythm. . . . One's body there in the sand was a vessel to hold them all, a precious and God-given chalice tense with love and pity, that dared not move lest the magical wine be spilled and the spell be broken. ... I thought I had never been so happy, that I had drunk of the wine of the gods rather than the common elements of earth, perceiving faintly that they might be one and the same.
... For hidden in them and yet revealed was that secret
Beauty that burns at the heart of all lovely and vital things, which is at once sword and balm, the Talisman of
Truth and the Bread of Life.

" . . . watched the eager earth responding to the ardour of the sky. They became one as the colour faded

and the dusk came down to shroud the mystic ecstasy of their union. Beautiful virile earth. Beautiful mighty sea.
Tender sky and intoxicating kisses of air. My gods, my lovers, my friends. By day it was enough to be with them, their playmate, the glad confederate, their privileged listener to secrets never quite revealed, to wisdom never wholly understood ; one with them, strong young hands in theirs, strong young feet racing beside, the same joy in the heart and ardour in the blood, the same unutterable love of life ! But at night in the cool scented darkness, before the land became bewitched beneath the blue moon of the Fens, a restlessness came out of the air and invaded the senses, that neither talking nor walking, nor reading nor laughter would appease. As though the pipes of Pan rang still, thin, and sweet and with a music more alluring, for all its minor key, than any heard in sunlight. As though the games and delights of day with the invisible companions were not enough, but at night led further on to territories yet unknown, where mortal sense could not follow. . . . Not forbidden territories, but secret, lost, and hid from the coarser human understanding. 8 Come, come! Follow, follow ! . . .' An inexpressible peace went back with me after that idle wandering, for the spirit of the water had paced the sands beside me, in silent rhythm of feet and heart, a spirit that had entered mine and brought unutter- able joy and fullness and grave content, and went with me up the sandy path and the crooked stairs, and to the vast kingdoms of sleep, . . ."

The methods adopted by the Qabalah extend to the world a new science, providing an enormous field of investigation for all who care to undertake it. The man of science will discover unclassified phenomena to record and analyse.
To the philosopher new states of consciousness will be dis- closed ; states which, because of the very path he has been pursuing, have hitherto been barred from his examination.
From the psychological point of view, the following are true of the experience under discussion :

1. The results are entirely illogical, from our ordinary point of view, but they give a unique form of knowledge which nothing else will give.




2. The mystical states of all men, of different ages, exhibit an extraordinary similarity.

3. It is related to something which represents Reality.

4. The experience produces clear-cut results - genius.

The experience produces art and genius in every field of endeavour, because therein all forms seem to speak, and there is gained an immediate intuition of form. One becomes a close and willing observer of Life itself rather than of the externals used by life, and from the Beatific
Vision one reads the meaning of existence, and by these pictures one trains oneself for life and its appreciation in expression as genius.

The psychological and spiritual phenomena of Medita- tion and Magick, as a whole, need to be analysed scientific- ally from a purely analytical viewpoint, and the conditions
- leading up to the mystical experience, quite apart from the more or less wild and hazy vagaries of sectarian emotional mystics - accurately observed.

This is what some few sincere people require. By advocating a scientific method applied to these methods and results, it is intended to make Qabalistic researches as systematic and scientific as Physics, to redeem it from ill- favour and make it an object of respect to those whose minds and integrity make them most in need of its benefits and most fit to obtain them. It is this which is the urgent necessity. By appropriating certain ancient ideas, and attri buting them to our classification, revising them to suit modern conceptions and requirements, I suggest that we have an ideal battery with which to assail the strongholds of the fortresses between us and the attainment of Truth.

From the Rosicrucians (without entering into a polemical discussion as to whether there is at present a genuine organ- ization in direct descent from the parent Source) we inherit a system of grades, which we may tabulate in the following manner :

1. Keser

2. Chokmah

3. Binah

4. Chesed

Ipsissimus 10=l n .

Magus 9 =2 D .

Magister Templi 8 =3.
Adeptus Exemptus 7 =4 D .



. Adeptus Major 6 =5 a .



. Adeptus Minor 5 - 6 a .



. Philosophus 4 =7 a .



. Practicus 3 =8.



. Zelator 2=9 n .



. Neophyte l=10 a .

The degree numbers, such as 3 =8, imply an operation in which the equilibration of Saturn and Mercury is con- cerned. It is also to remind one that if despondent, for example, three main limbs of the great Tree of Life have been climbed ; if egotistical and proud, that eight more rungs of tantamount importance have yet to be ascended, and that most of the difficulties lie unconquered. All in all, the number harmonizes the conception of work already done with advantages yet to be gained.

Let us now look at this system and see wherein our description of the Paths of Magick and Meditation connects with the Tree of Life, keeping in the back of our minds all the time the attri butions and the meaning given to each

The student is considered to be in Malkus, after having passed through a Probationary period during which he has familiarized himself with the various techniques to be used in his next grade. As a Neophyte, his particular task is to obtain complete control of what is termed the Astral Plane, proceeding to Yesod by means of the thirty-second Path of
Tav. It will be helpful to consult the chart of the Tree of
Life, on page 19, to facilitate explanations. The idea of an astral body will not be altogether foreign to the reader who has understood the propositions of the chapter entitled
Adam Kadmon. This body must be completely formu- lated, streng thened and purified, until it can function independently of the physical body, as a bright, glittering, and clear-cut organism, well able to deal with the phantoms of that plane. He is examined in his ability to see clearly and accurately on this plane by interpreting, in a vision, a symbol absolutely unknown and unintelligible to him. It must be described in a manner so precise, as if he had read concerning it in the book from which it was chosen.

It is the task, also, at this time to construct a Pantacle


Diagram No. 13

on which should be engraved a symbol, of the student's own devising, to express his idea of the Universe.

Upon his ascension to the grade of Zelator, he must apply himself to the first stages of Yoga, that is Asana and
Pranayama. He must choose a position in which to medi- tate, and so master it that he can remain absolutely still for long periods of time, his success being gauged by poising on his head a cup filled to the brim with water, of which not one drop must be spilt.

In Pranayama, he must discover precisely what effect various rates and modes of breathing have on the Founda- tions of his being. The grade of Zelator, it will be remem- bered, is attri buted to Yesod, the Foundation.

The magical side of the task in this grade is to forge a mighty magical sword of steel (representative of the analy- tical critical faculty of his Ruach) wherewith the student must be prepared to hew down without a moment's notice those blind forces which stand before him barring his pro- gress to the goal which he now envisages.

As a Practicus (situate in Hod, the Sphere of , its god being Mercury) he is expected to complete his intellectual training. Philosophy and Metaphysics are the means to accomplish this task, and in particular, the Holy Qabalah, which he is expected to master before being able to go for- ward. He must discover for himself the properties of a number never previously examined by him, and in answer to intellectual questions he must display no less mastery of his subject than if he were entered in the final examina- tion for a Doctor of Science or Philosophy.

Elere, too, he is expected to make his magical Cup which is to represent Neschamah, his Understanding and In- tuition ; and engage in, and obtain mastery over, the magical rites of Evocation. The results of the Evocation ihould be unmistakably perceptible to the physical eye.
Just as a thick cloud of heavy gas is normally visible, in like manner, at the very least, should the Practicus render visible the Spirit summoned in his magical rite.

As a Philosophus he enters the sphere of Venus, here to learn to control properly his emotional nature, to com- plete his moral training, and to develop his devotion. He is to choose a certain idea or a god, and devote himself



heart and soul to its worship until it blossoms within his own heart. He must look upon this ideal in various ways, as his Master, his Friend, his Parent, his Beloved, or himself as the Priest of his God. This is Bhakta Yoga, union by the Path of Devotion.

In the first instance, he gives up all consideration of per- sonal comfort and reward for His sake ; and in the second case, looks upon his chosen God as his dearest friend, feel- ing no constraint in His presence. There is no trace of awe in his love, for he looks upon himself as the child of his
God, from whom he no longer keeps at a respectful distance, or approaches with a timid heart. As a sweetheart, to the
Philosophus the very idea of separation will imply the great- est misery, despondency, and heartache. He then considers himself as the High Priest of his God, beseeching Him to appear in answer to the prayers and invocations offered, seeking to establish a devotion similar to that of St. Francis of Assisi for Christ, and Abdullah Haji Shiraz for Allah.

The fashioning of his Wand is also necessary at this juncture. The wand is the symbol for the Magical Will, which he is developing into a mighty potential, capable of making changes by a mere gesture.

These four, grades which precede Tipharas and the con- summation of the tasks related thereto, may be said to be the equivalent of the Hebrew laudatory title-Chassid.

He now approaches the greatest crisis of his career.
Having acquainted himself with all technical methods of magick and meditation, and become expert in the handling of all these weapons, he must harmonize them (since his grade is in Tipharas - Harmony) and use them as his experience and instinct dictate to perform the central operation of all Mysticism and Magick - the attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of his Holy Guardian
Angel ; the discovery of his True Will, and the ascertaining of the heavenly orb which he as a Star must follow. This is the essential work of every man ; none other ranks with it either for personal progress, or the ability to help one's fellow-man, or to solve the problems of existence. This crisis, and one other yet to be described, is a necessary feature in his mystical career, one which is an absolute essential to his Quest.


To write of the grades above 5 = 6 becomes increasingly difficult because, without being an Adeptus Minor himself, the reader has no means at all of understanding what the
Adept considers a necessary task, since his viewpoint differs enormously from that of the ordinary learned man. Never- theless, the little that has filtered out from the Sanctuary, and come down from tradition, may as well be stated here.
To become an Adeptus Major (in the Sphere of Geburah -
Power) the Adept busies himself with the investigation of every branch and formula of practical Magick, and acquires what are known as the Siddhis or magical powers.

He then advances to the grade of 7 =4 , the Adeptus
Exemptus. His task is to discover what he is, whence he has come, why he is here on this particular planet and no other, and where his destiny will carry him. This is performed by the cultivation of the memory of his past incarnations. He is confronted by a hideous hunchback (?), mockingly facing him with an uplifted club. There is no atom in his nature which can be displaced without altering him in some way ; no useless moment in his past. What, then, is his future ?
The Adept has literary capacity, or, perhaps, skill in several languages ; can paint somewhat, and has a know- ledge of chemistry ? How do these attainments help his purpose, or that of mankind whom he has sworn to help ?
He was killed as a snake in seons gone by ; stoned under
Mosaic law ; murdered when an infant by Herod ; how do such memories help him ?

His task, hence, is to resolve these abstruse questions, and until he has thoroughly mastered the reason for every incident in his past, and found a purpose for every item of his present equipment, he cannot go forward.

Having done so, he prepares a thesis setting forth his knowledge of the universe. It is said that such works as those of Paracelsus, Robert Fludd, Newton, Berkeley,
Swedenborg, and Levi's Clef des Grand Mysteres are excellent examples of the required type of thesis. He should be a complete master of every aspect of Yoga, having experienced and thoroughly investigated the nature of
Samadhi, which he is obliged to consider as the only state of consciousness wherein to explore the nature of the




These three grades of Adeptship are different degrees of
Saintship, and the Adept of to-day is the equivalent of the
Qabalist who in days gone by would have been known as a Tsaddik, or Saint.

To attain to the next Grade of Magister Templi (Binah - the Sphere of Saturn, which is Time, the great Reaper and
Death), he must decide upon the second and major critical operation of his career - the crossing of the Abyss, and the destruction of his separate ego. The necessity for this arises from a realization that he cannot remain an Adept for ever, being hurled on by the irresistible momentum of his own inner nature. The essential attainment consists in the absolute annihilation of the bonds of the Buach limiting and repressing Yechidah. This is the paradox of the Path.
After incredible difficulties and struggles to perfect himself
( Buach - the ego centred in Tipharas) in every possible and conceivable way - he must get rid of it entirely in the end when it comes to the point of surrendering the self to the

The paradox, too, is that in Binah Truth is obtained, but alas, there is now no separate personal entity to enjoy that
Truth. The Adept that was, the separate Buach, the glorious and developed personality, has been forever dis- solved into that ineffable Great Sea, the Nirvanic Pleroma of the Mother- the Celestial City, the City of the Pyramids under the Night of Pan. As a self-conscious entity he has merged all that made him such into the universal stream of consciousness, and identified himself with the divine
Shechinah, that inner existence of grace common to the totality of mankind. Or, as other mystics would say, he has poured forth his every drop of blood into the golden
Chalice of our Lady Babalon, who is Shechinah, the
Divine Presence in Binah, and, when that life has mingled with the life of every individual, all that remains of him is but a little pyramid of dust, treasured in the Urn of Hermes.
Yet it is not, to continue to use paradox, so much self- destruction as a return to the underlying Reality. It is a destruction of the paralysing bonds of Buach, but it reveals that fundamental Life which forms and permeates the whole of manifestation. At the same time individuality is retained- jubilantly retained, as is shown when Blavatsky

wrote in The Voice of the Silence : " Joy unto ye, O men of
Myalba. A Pilgrim hath returned back from ' the other shore '. A New Arhan is born."

What is actually destroyed is simply the unconscious illusion of the separate self and the restrictions which that illusion formerly imposed upon the blazing Star or Monad within. It is but the shifting of the Point-of-View from that which has no real Life of its own to a new and nobler centre of re-integration which is vital, real, and eternal.

It is no mere intellectual change of viewpoint, however.
It is infinitely more than a rational decision to integrate oneself to a higher level of consciousness and to see that level in all things, for the change has been entirely due to the shattering experience that the centre of gravity, so to speak, lies beyond the Abyss. The Great Work itself consists of a simple operation - this changing of viewpoint, the slaying of the slayer of Reality - the Mind. But through aeons of evolutionary effort towards the development of a highly complex organization and constitution through which to contact the " external " universe for the obtaining of experience, we are unable to realize this simplicity and accomplish this operation at the outset, and so are obliged to struggle painfully through these difficult tasks in order to obtain the right degree of simplicity and penetrate the veil, to find our selves, spiritual centres of force, Yechidos, radiant with life and purpose and divinity.

Prof. Martin Buber, in his splendid work on Jewish
Mysticism, speaks of a greater type of Tsaddik whose ecstasies and spiritual intoxications have ceased. Why have they ceased ? Because the beatification and ecstasy is continuous and does not proceed in the Buach, but in the Supernal Sephiros, where " abide " the Real
Potencies and Spiritual elements of a man. Hence the possessor of any one of these three grades which appertain to the Inner College of Masters is styled a Tsaddik, but his
Tsaddikship is on a much more noble and lofty spiritual plane. A more appropriate title, perhaps, is Baal Shem
Tov - A Master of the Name Divine.

If difficulty was encountered in describing the grades of
Adepti, then it is utterly impossible to describe those grades of Mastership above the Abyss, for nothing that could be


said would explain in any way the nature and purpose of the really great Tsaddik, of him that is Magus and Ipsissi- mus. Here, therefore, I must restrict my pen.

The Qabalah, -to recapitulate the whole situation, em- phasizes the attainment of a transcendental state of con- sciousness as the next step for every man, and I have endeavoured to make clear what is the essential nature of this mystical experience, without which there is neither peace nor accomplishment, the steps leading up to its c

questions, comments, suggestions/feedback, take-down requests, contribute, etc
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Wikipedia - Adiva Geffen -- Israeli writer and playwright
Wikipedia - Adivare -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - A Diva's Christmas Carol -- 2000 television film directed by Richard Schenkman
Wikipedia - Adivasi -- Collective term for the tribes of India who are considered indigenous people of India
Wikipedia - Adiverukal -- 1986 film by P. Anil
Wikipedia - A Divine Image
Wikipedia - A Divine Looking-Glass -- Book by John Reeve
Wikipedia - A Divisao -- Brazilian crime drama web television series
Wikipedia - Adivi Sesh -- Indian actor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - A Division (New York City Subway) -- Division of the New York City Subway
Wikipedia - A Division of the Spoils -- 1975 book by Paul Scott
Wikipedia - Administrative counties of England -- Former subnational divisions of England
Wikipedia - Administrative detention -- Arrest and detention of individuals by the state without trial
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Armenia
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Assam -- Regional divisions in Assam
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Bihar -- Regional divisions in Bihar
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Burma
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Cambodia
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of China -- Class of regions in the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Croatia -- List of historical and current administrative divisions of Croatia
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of France
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of French Polynesia -- List of administrative divisions in France
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Georgia (country)
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Haryana -- Regional divisions in Harayana
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Hungary
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of India -- Subnational administrative units of India
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of ISIL
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Jharkhand -- Regional divisions in Jharkhand
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Karnataka -- Regional divisions in Karnataka
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Michigan -- Human settlement in United States of America
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Morocco
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Moscow Oblast -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of New York (state) -- Administrative divisions of New York state
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Omsk Oblast -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Poland
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Portugal -- Overview of the administrative divisions of Portugal
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Romania
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Rostov Oblast
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Ryazan Oblast
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Singapore -- ways Singapore has been subdivided for administrative purposes
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Somalia
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Sverdlovsk Oblast -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Taiwan -- Administrative division of Taiwan
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of the Maldives
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of the Tang dynasty
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Tyumen Oblast -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Ulyanovsk Oblast -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Uttarakhand -- Regional divisions in Uttarakhand
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Uttar Pradesh -- Regional divisions in Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of West Bengal -- Regional divisions in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Yemen -- One of two main types of bureaucratic divisions in Yemen
Wikipedia - Administrative division -- A territorial entity for administration purposes
Wikipedia - Administrative geography of the United Kingdom -- Geographical subdivisions of local government in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Administrative regions of Greece -- First administrative subdivisions of Greece
Wikipedia - Admiral Vladivostok -- Ice hockey club in Vladivostok, Russia
Wikipedia - Adolf Hellquist -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Adolpho Wellisch -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - Adra railway division -- Railway division of India
Wikipedia - Adriana Jimenez -- Mexican high diver
Wikipedia - ADS amphibious rifle -- Russian bullpup assault rifle for combat divers
Wikipedia - Adult Swim Games -- Video game publishing division of Adult Swim
Wikipedia - Advanced European Scientific Diver -- A diver competent to organise a scientific diving team
Wikipedia - Advanced Open Water Diver -- Recreational scuba diving certification slightly above minimum entry level
Wikipedia - Adygea -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Aeromancy -- Divination conducted by interpreting atmospheric conditions
Wikipedia - Afrasheem Ali -- Maldivian politician
Wikipedia - African Biodiversity & Conservation -- South African peer-reviewed open access scientific journal
Wikipedia - Africa Scout Region (World Organization of the Scout Movement) -- Divisional office of the World Scout Bureau headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya
Wikipedia - Agaricomycotina -- Subdivision of fungi
Wikipedia - Age disparity in sexual relationships -- Difference of ages of individuals in sexual relationships
Wikipedia - Agnes Milowka -- Australian cave diver
Wikipedia - Agneta Henriksson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Agricultural diversification -- re-allocation of farming activities to other crops or livestock or to non-farming activities
Wikipedia - Agriphila indivisellus -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aguadilla Divas -- Former female professional volleyball team from Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - A Happy Divorce -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Aharon Solomons -- Anglo-Israeli former Army officer, holder of the Israeli national record for freediving.
Wikipedia - Ahmad Amsyar Azman -- Malaysian diver
Wikipedia - Ahmadiyya views on evolution -- The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam universally accepts a process of divinely guided evolution
Wikipedia - Ahmed Adeeb -- Maldivian politician (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Ahmed Asim -- Maldivian film actor and editor
Wikipedia - Ahmed Azmeel -- Maldivian film actor
Wikipedia - Ahmed Easa -- Maldivian film actor
Wikipedia - Ahmed Fahti Mohamed Hashad -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Ahmed Falah -- Maldivian filmmaker
Wikipedia - Ahmed Ibrahim Kamel -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Ahmed Kamel Aly -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Ahmed Moharran -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Ahmed Muthasim Adnan -- Maldives Chief Justice
Wikipedia - Ahmed Nimal -- Maldivian actor, director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Ahmet Kizil -- Turkish diver
Wikipedia - A House Divided (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Aichgati Union -- Place in Khulna Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Aichryson divaricatum -- species of flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae
Wikipedia - Aileen Allen -- American diver
Wikipedia - Ainaro Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Ainur (Middle-earth) -- Divine race from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium
Wikipedia - Aircraft registration -- Registration and identification assigned to an individual aircraft by national aviation authorities
Wikipedia - Air-line diving -- Type of underwater diving
Wikipedia - Air lock diving-bell plant -- An underwater work support barge used at Gibraltar
Wikipedia - Airport racial profiling in the United States -- Activity directed at individuals because of their appearance
Wikipedia - Air Putih (Terengganu state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Air spread -- The topside base for surface-supplied air diving operations
Wikipedia - Aishath Gulfa -- Maldivian film actress
Wikipedia - Aishath Nahula -- Maldivian politician (b. 1981)
Wikipedia - Aishath Rishmy -- Maldivian actress
Wikipedia - Aishath Shiranee -- Maldivian actress
Wikipedia - Aisha (TV series) -- Maldivian TV series
Wikipedia - Ajil (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Akdivan, AM-DM-^_li -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akshaya Patra -- Divine Vessel in Hindu Scriptures
Wikipedia - Alaeddin Soueidan -- Syrian diver
Wikipedia - Alain Goosen -- French diver
Wikipedia - Alan Greene -- American diver
Wikipedia - Albert Falco -- French scuba diver, chief diver and captain of the Calypso
Wikipedia - Albert Knight (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Albert Nyman -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Alberto Acosta (diver) -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Alberto Capilla -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Alberto Moreno (diver) -- Cuban diver
Wikipedia - Albert R. Behnke -- US Navy physician and diving medicine researcher
Wikipedia - Albert Tillman -- American educator and underwater diver.
Wikipedia - Albert Van Heymbeek -- Belgian diver
Wikipedia - Albert White (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - Albert Zurner -- German diver
Wikipedia - Albin Killat -- German diver
Wikipedia - Alcis (gods) -- Divine brothers worshipped by the Germanic Naharvali
Wikipedia - Alectryomancy -- Form of divination based on animal pecking
Wikipedia - Aleix Segura -- Freediver from Barcelona
Wikipedia - Alejandra Fuentes -- Venezuelan diver
Wikipedia - Alejandra Orozco -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Bakatin -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Bondar (diver) -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Dobroskok -- Russian Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Gendrikson -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Kosenkov -- Bearusian Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Portnov -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Aleksey Gurman -- Kazakhstani diver
Wikipedia - Aleksey Zhigalov -- Russian Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Alena Khamulkina -- Belarusian diver
Wikipedia - Alessandro De Botton -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Alessandro De Rose -- Italian high diver
Wikipedia - Alessia Zecchini -- Italian freediver who set world and Italian records
Wikipedia - Alexandra Morgenrood -- Zimbabwean diver
Wikipedia - Alexandre Despatie -- Canadian diver and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Alex Bagiu -- Romanian diver
Wikipedia - Alex Croak -- Australian diver and artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Alexei Kogalev -- Belgian diver
Wikipedia - Alexey Molchanov -- Russian freediver and world record holder for free-diving
Wikipedia - Alfred Braunschweiger -- German diver
Wikipedia - Alfred Johansson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Alfredo M-CM-^Alvarez Calderon -- Peruvian diver
Wikipedia - Alfred Phillips (diver) -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Algae -- Diverse group of photosynthetic eukaryotic organisms
Wikipedia - Al-Hamadaniah Olympic Swimming and Diving Complex
Wikipedia - Aliaksandr Varlamau -- Russian Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Ali Al-Hasan -- Kuwaiti diver
Wikipedia - Ali Azim -- Maldivian film actor
Wikipedia - Alice Lord (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - Alicia Blagg -- British diver
Wikipedia - Alida van Leeuwen -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Ali Mohamed Muheeb -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Ali Niyaf -- First Maldivian Neurosurgeon of the Maldives
Wikipedia - Aliquot sum -- Sum of all proper divisors of a natural number
Wikipedia - Ali Seezan -- Maldivian actor
Wikipedia - Alisher Seitov -- Kazakhstani diver
Wikipedia - Alison Childs -- British diver
Wikipedia - Alison Drake (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Alison Maillard -- Chilean diver
Wikipedia - Allahabad division -- Administrative division of Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Allahabad railway division -- Railway division of India
Wikipedia - Allan Smith (diver) -- Sri Lankan diver
Wikipedia - Alla Selina -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Allium eldivanense -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - All-purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment -- Equipment
Wikipedia - All That Divides Us -- 2017 film by Thierry Klifa
Wikipedia - Alma Staudinger -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Almost a Divorce -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A lo divino
Wikipedia - Aloha Station Trust -- Privately owned divestiture trust for former Clear Channel Communications radio stations
Wikipedia - Aloisie Krongeigerova -- Czech diver
Wikipedia - Along the Great Divide -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Alonso Mariscal -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Alor Pongsu (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Alpha diversity -- Diversity of species at a local scale
Wikipedia - Alpha (ethology) -- Individual in the community with the highest rank
Wikipedia - Altai Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Altai Republic -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Alternative Splicing and Transcript Diversity database -- 2008-2012 European database of transcript variants
Wikipedia - Altitude diving -- Underwater diving at altitudes above 300 m
Wikipedia - Aluminium division of Rio Tinto -- Canadian aluminum company
Wikipedia - Alur Limbat (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Alvin Carlsson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Ama (diving) -- Japanese pearl divers
Wikipedia - Ambient pressure diving -- Underwater diving where the diver is exposed to the ambient pressure
Wikipedia - Amblin Television -- TV production division of Amblin Partners
Wikipedia - Ambrosio Zaldivar -- Cuban Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Amelia Hudson -- British diver
Wikipedia - American Academy of Underwater Sciences -- Organization responsible for standards for American scientific diving certification and operation of scientific diving programs
Wikipedia - American Association of Individual Investors -- Nonprofit membership organization
Wikipedia - American Canadian Underwater Certifications -- Recreational diver training and certification agency
Wikipedia - American Institute in Taiwan Kaohsiung Branch Office -- Division of the U.S. representative mission in Taiwan
Wikipedia - American Nitrox Divers International -- Recreational diver training and certification agency
Wikipedia - Amesha Spenta -- Class of divine entities in Zoroastrianism
Wikipedia - Amigna -- Administrative division in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Aminath Rishfa -- Maldivian actress
Wikipedia - Amirabad Union, Lohagara -- Union in Chittagong Division
Wikipedia - Amjad Ibrahim -- Maldivian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ampangan (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Amphoe -- Second level administrative subdivision of Thailand
Wikipedia - Amro Hassan -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Amtali, Barisal -- Town and municipality in Barisal Division
Wikipedia - Amund Gismervik -- Norwegian Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Amur Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Amy Cozad -- American Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Ana Ayala -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Anabelle Smith -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Anabranch -- A section of a river or stream that diverts from the main channel and rejoins it downstream.
Wikipedia - Ana Carolina Itzaina -- Uruguayan diver
Wikipedia - Analogy of the divided line
Wikipedia - Anastasia Pozdniakova -- Russian Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Anastasiia Nedobiha -- Ukrainian Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Anastomosis -- A connection or opening between two things that are normally diverging or branching
Wikipedia - Anatoly Sysoyev -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Anchoring (cognitive bias) -- A cognitive bias where an individual depends too heavily on an initial piece of information offered when making decisions
Wikipedia - Andras Hajnal (diver) -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - Andrea Chiarabini -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix -- British diver
Wikipedia - Andreas Wels -- German Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Andre Cochinal -- French diver
Wikipedia - Andrew Capobianco -- American diver
Wikipedia - Andrew Divoff -- Venezuelan and American actor and producer
Wikipedia - Andrew Gill (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Andrey Kvochinsky -- Belarusian diver
Wikipedia - Andrey Mamontov -- Belarusian diver
Wikipedia - Andrey Semenyuk -- Belarusian Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Andy Kwan -- Chinese Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Angela Patton -- Activist; creator of Camp Diva
Wikipedia - Angelika Hilbert -- German diver
Wikipedia - Angelina Radivilova -- Ukrainian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Angel investor -- Affluent individual who provides capital for a business start-up, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity
Wikipedia - Angelique Rodriguez -- Puerto Rican diver
Wikipedia - Angle bisector theorem -- On the relative lengths of two segments that divide a triangle
Wikipedia - Animal Diversity Web -- Online database of animal natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology
Wikipedia - Anisley Garcia -- Cuban diver
Wikipedia - Anisoara Oprea -- Romanian diver
Wikipedia - Anisotes diversifolius -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Anita Rossing-Brown -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Aniyaa -- 2014 Maldivian family drama film
Wikipedia - Anja Richter -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Anke Muhlbauer -- German diver
Wikipedia - Ankle weights (diving) -- Diver trim weights worn at the ankles
Wikipedia - Anna Bader -- German high diver
Wikipedia - Anna Lindberg -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Anna-Stina Wahlberg -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Anne Ehscheidt -- German diver
Wikipedia - Annelie Pompe -- Swedish freediver and mountaineer
Wikipedia - Anneliese Kapp -- German diver
Wikipedia - Anne Montminy -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Annett Gamm -- German diver
Wikipedia - Annia Rivera -- Cuban Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Annie Liljeberg -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Annie Pelletier -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Annie Villiger -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Annika Walter -- German Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Annita Smith -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Ann Jones (diver) -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Ann Long -- English diver
Wikipedia - Ann-Margret Nirling -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Ann Peterson -- American diver
Wikipedia - Ann Sissons -- New Zealand diver
Wikipedia - Anny Divya -- Indian pilot
Wikipedia - Ansuya Prasad -- Indian diver
Wikipedia - Anta das Pedras Grandes -- megalithic site near Odivelas, Portugal
Wikipedia - Anta do Monte Abraao -- megalithic site near Odivelas, Portugal
Wikipedia - Antarctic Benthic Deep-Sea Biodiversity Project -- An international project to investigate deep-water biology of the Scotia and Weddell seas
Wikipedia - Anthony Beckett -- British diver
Wikipedia - Anthony Taylor (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Anthophyta -- Division of plants bearing flower-like structures
Wikipedia - Anti-fascism -- Opposition to fascist ideologies, groups and individuals
Wikipedia - Anti-individualism
Wikipedia - Anti-Submarine Division (Royal Navy) -- Former division of the Admiralty Department
Wikipedia - Antoine Jacob (diver) -- French diver
Wikipedia - Antonette Wilken -- Zimbabwean diver
Wikipedia - Antonio de Tort -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - Antonio de Valdivieso
Wikipedia - Antonio Mariscal -- Mexican lawyer and Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Antonio Sbordone -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Antonio Stradivari -- Italian stringed instrument maker
Wikipedia - Anton Zakharov -- Ukrainian Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Anzhela Stasyulevich -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - AP Diving -- British manufacturer of underwater diving equipment
Wikipedia - Apeks -- British manufacturer of scuba diving equipment
Wikipedia - Aphantasia -- Condition in which an individual cannot voluntarily visualize imagery
Wikipedia - Apha subdives -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Apophatic theology -- Way of describing the divine by explaining what God is not
Wikipedia - Apoplania valdiviana -- Species of archaic bell moth
Wikipedia - Apotheosis -- Glorification of a subject to divine level
Wikipedia - Applicable divorce law regulation -- European agreement about cross-border divorces.
Wikipedia - April Adams -- Australian Olympic diver
Wikipedia - April Reign -- American media strategist and diversity & inclusion advocate
Wikipedia - Aqua Lung America -- American company manufacturing recreational diving equipment
Wikipedia - Aqua Lung/La Spirotechnique -- French company manufacturing breathing apparatus and diving equipment
Wikipedia - Aquanauts -- Diver who remains at depth underwater for longer than 24 hours
Wikipedia - Aquanaut -- Diver who remains at depth underwater for longer than 24 hours
Wikipedia - Aquarium diving -- Occupational diving in large aquariums
Wikipedia - Arachidicoccus ginsenosidivorans -- Bacterium
Wikipedia - Arado Ar 81 -- Prototype dive bomber by Arado
Wikipedia - Arakan Division -- British territory
Wikipedia - Arantxa Chavez -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Arbor Day -- Holiday in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant and care for trees
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual fixed large bird -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual fixed small bird -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual moving bird, 28 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual moving bird, 33 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual moving bird, 50 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1972 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1972 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1976 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1976 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1980 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1980 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1984 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1984 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 2016 Summer Paralympics - Women's individual recurve open -- 2016 Paralympics open recurve archery
Wikipedia - A Reno Divorce -- 1927 film by Ralph Graves
Wikipedia - Ariel Rittenhouse -- American diver
Wikipedia - Arie Richard Hanitzsch -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - Aristotelis Zervoudis -- Greek professional diver
Wikipedia - Ariyalur division -- Revenue division of Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Arizona State University Sun Devils Division 1 Women's Ice Hockey -- Ice hockey team in Arizona
Wikipedia - Arjuni-Morgaon taluka -- Subdivision in Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia - Arkhangelsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Arlon-Bastogne-Marche-NeufchM-CM-"teau-Virton (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Arlon-Marche-Bastogne-NeufchM-CM-"teau-Virton (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Arlon-Marche-en-Famenne-Bastogne-NeufchM-CM-"teau-Virton (Walloon Parliament constituency) -- Political subdivision in Belgium
Wikipedia - Armand Billard -- French diver
Wikipedia - Armed Forces Special Operations Division -- Joint formation of the Indian Armed Forces responsible for special operations
Wikipedia - Army engineer diver -- Members of national armies who are trained to undertake reconnaissance, demolition, and salvage tasks underwater
Wikipedia - Arne Zetterstrom -- Diver involved in experimental work with Hydrox breathing gas
Wikipedia - Arnold Janssen -- German-Dutch Roman Catholic priest and missionary and founder of the Society of the Divine Word in Steyl, Netherlands
Wikipedia - A Royal Divorce (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Arrest warrant -- Warrant authorizing the arrest and detention of an individual
Wikipedia - Arrondissements of Belgium -- 43 administrative subdivisions of Belgium
Wikipedia - Arrondissements of France -- France territorial subdivision of a department
Wikipedia - Arrondissements of the Marne department -- List of subdivisions of the Marne department in France
Wikipedia - Artem Chesakov -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Arthur Bischoff -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Arthur McAleenan -- American diver
Wikipedia - Arthur Mund -- German diver
Wikipedia - Arthur Stott -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Arthur Winther -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Artists and repertoire -- division of a record label
Wikipedia - Artur Kozlowski (speleologist) -- |Polish cave diver
Wikipedia - Arturo Miranda -- Canadian diver and coach
Wikipedia - Arus Gyulbudaghyan -- Armenian diver
Wikipedia - Arvid SpM-CM-%ngberg -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Arvid Wallman -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Ascending and descending (diving) -- Procedures for safe ascent and descent in underwater diving
Wikipedia - Asch conformity experiments -- Study of if and how individuals yielded to or defied a majority group
Wikipedia - Ascomycota -- Division or phylum of fungi
Wikipedia - Asharkota -- Place in Chittagong Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Asker Hundred -- Former subdivision of Sweden
Wikipedia - Assistance dog -- Working dog trained to aid or assist an individual with a disability
Wikipedia - Assisted ascent -- An emergency ascent during which the diver is provided with breathing gas by another diver
Wikipedia - Association nationale des moniteurs de plongee -- French recreational diver training and certification agency
Wikipedia - Assortative mating -- Preferential mating pattern between individuals with similar phenotypes (e.g., size, colour)
Wikipedia - Astaka (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Astrakhan Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Asymmetric cell division -- Production of two daughter cells with different cellular fates
Wikipedia - Asynchronous learning -- Learning that occurs on each individual student's time
Wikipedia - Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3 related -- Protein kinase that detects DNA damage and halts cell division
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Men's individual cross country -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Atlantic-Congo languages -- Major division of the Niger-Congo language family
Wikipedia - Atmosphere (Joy Division song) -- Song by Joy Division
Wikipedia - Atmospheric diving suit -- Articulated pressure resistant anthropomorphic housing for an underwater diver
Wikipedia - Atmospheric pressure diving
Wikipedia - Atmospheric pressure diving -- Atmospheric pressure diving
Wikipedia - Atoka County, Choctaw Nation -- Former political subdivision of the Choctaw Nation
Wikipedia - Atolls of the Maldives -- Physical geographic entity
Wikipedia - Atomized individualism
Wikipedia - Atomwaffen Division -- Neo-Nazi terrorist organization
Wikipedia - Atrocity Exhibition (song) -- Song by Joy Division
Wikipedia - Atte Lindqvist -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Attribution (psychology) -- The process by which individuals explain the causes of behavior and events
Wikipedia - Atzmus -- Divine essence in Kabbalah
Wikipedia - Auburndale Subdivision -- CSX railroad line in Florida
Wikipedia - Audrey Labeau -- French diver
Wikipedia - Audrey Mestre -- French world record-setting freediver
Wikipedia - Augustana Divinity School (Neuendettelsau) -- Divinity school of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria
Wikipedia - Auguste Denayrouze -- French inventor of a demand air supply regulator for underwater diving
Wikipedia - Augustus Siebe -- German-born British engineer mostly known for his contributions to diving equipment
Wikipedia - Aulong (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Aura Di Nasio -- Venezuelan diver
Wikipedia - Aura (mythology) -- Divine personification of the breeze in Greek and Roman mythology
Wikipedia - Australian Defence College -- Division within the Australian Department of Defence
Wikipedia - Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme -- Australian based international occupational diver accreditation organisation
Wikipedia - Australians in Italy -- Australian individuals who travel to Italy on a permanent or/and temporary basis
Wikipedia - Australian Submarine Rescue Vehicle Remora -- Diving bell operated by the Australian Navy
Wikipedia - Autarchism -- Political philosophy that promotes the principles of individualism, the moral ideology of individual liberty and self-reliance.
Wikipedia - Autogamy -- Fusion of gametes from the same individual
Wikipedia - Autonomic nervous system -- Division of the peripheral nervous system supplying smooth muscle and glands
Wikipedia - Autonomous administrative division
Wikipedia - Autonomous communities of Spain -- First-level political and administrative division of Spain
Wikipedia - Autonomous diver -- International minimum standard for entry level recreational scuba diver certification
Wikipedia - Autonomous Region of Principe -- Subdivision of Sao Tome and Principe
Wikipedia - Autonomous Republic of Crimea -- Administrative division of Ukraine; disputed with Russia since 2014
Wikipedia - Autonomous republic -- Type of administrative division similar to a province or state
Wikipedia - Autonomous scuba diver -- International minimum standard for entry level recreational scuba diver certification
Wikipedia - Avard Subdivision
Wikipedia - Aveland -- Ancient subdivision of Lincolnshire, England
Wikipedia - Avss Amarnath Gudivada -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Ayer Kuning (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Ayer Molek (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Azteca Deportes -- Sports division of TV Azteca
Wikipedia - Azul Almazan -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Babu Divakaran -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Baccarat -- administrative division in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Bachelor of Divinity
Wikipedia - Bacterial phyla -- Phyla or divisions of the domain Bacteria
Wikipedia - BAe Dynamics -- Former division of British Aerospace
Wikipedia - Bagneux, Hauts-de-Seine -- administrative division of Paris, France
Wikipedia - Bail bondsman -- Agent that secures an individual's release in court
Wikipedia - Bailout block -- Valve block on diver's equipment for switching a diver's gas supply between main and emergency gas supply
Wikipedia - Bailout bottle -- Emergency gas supply cylinder carried by a diver
Wikipedia - Bailout cylinder -- Emergency gas supply cylinder carried by a diver
Wikipedia - Bailout (diving) -- To switch over to an emergency system during a dive
Wikipedia - Bailout gas -- Emergency breathing gas supply carried by the diver
Wikipedia - Bailout system -- System to provide emergency breathing gas to a diver
Wikipedia - Bail out to open circuit -- Abort a rebreather dive and surface using open circuit scuba
Wikipedia - Bairampur, Bangladesh -- Village in Barisal Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bakhsh -- Administrative division (district) of Iran
Wikipedia - Baking powder submarine -- Toy that dives and surfaces in water
Wikipedia - Balashovsky Uyezd -- Subdivision of Saratov Viceroyalty, Astrakhan and Saratov governorates
Wikipedia - Balibo Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Bandar Hilir (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bandar (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Band mask -- Heavy duty full-face diving mask for surface-supplied diving
Wikipedia - Band of the Dzerzhinsky Division -- Military band unit of the Russian Armed Forces
Wikipedia - Bandolier -- Pocketed belt worn to hold either individual bullets, or belts of ammunition
Wikipedia - Bangia -- Extant genus of division Rhodophyta that grows in marine or freshwater habitats
Wikipedia - Banksia canei -- Shrub in the family Proteaceae found in subalpine areas of the Great Dividing Range in southeastern Australia.
Wikipedia - Bantam Spectra -- Science fiction division of Bantam Books
Wikipedia - Banzai skydiving -- Rumored form of skydiving
Wikipedia - Bapatla mandal -- administrative division of Andhra Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Barangay -- smallest administrative division in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Barbara Bush (diver) -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Barbara Gilders -- American diver
Wikipedia - Barbara McAlister -- American diver
Wikipedia - Barbara McAulay -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Barbara Nejman -- American diver
Wikipedia - Barbara Talmage -- American diver
Wikipedia - Barisal Divisional Stadium -- Sports stadium
Wikipedia - Barisal Division -- Division of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Baroiyarhat -- Town in Chittagong District, Chittagong Division
Wikipedia - Barony (county division) -- Administrative division of a county in Scotland, Ireland and outlying parts of England
Wikipedia - Barony (Ireland) -- Historical subdivision of a county of Ireland
Wikipedia - Barrier transfer machine -- Heavy vehicle used to transfer concrete lane dividers during rush hours
Wikipedia - Barrios of Montevideo -- City of Montevideo, capital of Uruguay, is divided into 62 barrios
Wikipedia - Barry Holmes (diver) -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Bashkortostan -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Basic Cave Diving: A Blueprint for Survival -- Book on cave diving safety by Sheck Exley
Wikipedia - Basic People's Congress (country subdivision) -- Smallest administrative subdivision of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Wikipedia - Basidiomycota -- Division of fungi
Wikipedia - Bathyscaphe -- Free-diving self-propelled deep-sea submersible
Wikipedia - Batting average (cricket) -- Total number of runs that a player has scored divided by the number of times that player has been out
Wikipedia - Batu Kurau (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Batu Rakit (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Batu Talam (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Baucau Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Bauer Radio -- UK-based radio division of the Bauer Media Group
Wikipedia - Bazartete Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - BBC Cymru Wales -- Division of the BBC for Wales
Wikipedia - BBC English Regions -- Division of the BBC responsible for local and regional services in England
Wikipedia - BBC Food -- Defunct division of the British Broadcasting Corporation
Wikipedia - BBC Motion Gallery -- Footage licensing division of BBC Studios
Wikipedia - BBC Music -- Part of the BBC's Radio operational division, responsible for the music played across the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC News -- News division of the publicly funded British Broadcasting Corporation
Wikipedia - BBC North -- Operational business division of the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC Russian Service -- Russian-language division of the BBC World Service
Wikipedia - BBC School Radio -- Division of the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC Scotland -- Scottish division of the British Broadcasting Corporation
Wikipedia - BBC Sport -- sports division of the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC World Service -- International radio division of the BBC
Wikipedia - Beatrice Armstrong -- British diver
Wikipedia - Beatrice Burki -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Beatrice Kyle -- American diver
Wikipedia - Beaufort Group -- The third of the main subdivisions of the Karoo Supergroup in South Africa.
Wikipedia - Bebar (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Becky Ruehl -- American diver
Wikipedia - Beebe Plain, Vermont -- US portion of the internationally-divided, unincorporated village of Beebe Plain
Wikipedia - Behavior change (individual)
Wikipedia - Behrang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bekok (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Belanja (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Belgorod Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Bell cursor -- Device to guide and control a diving bell near and above the surface
Wikipedia - Bellfield, County Westmeath -- Townland (old administrative division) in Ireland
Wikipedia - Bellman (diver) -- Diver working as standby diver and umbilical attendant from a diving bell
Wikipedia - Bellman (diving)
Wikipedia - Bellman (diving) -- Bellman (diving)
Wikipedia - Bell stage -- Platform below the chamber of a diving bell
Wikipedia - Belostoksky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Grodno Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Belsky Uyezd (Grodno Governorate) -- A subdivision of the Grodno Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Belsky Uyezd (Smolensk Governorate) -- A subdivision of the Smolensk Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Belz Voivodeship -- Former administrative division in Poland
Wikipedia - Bende Velin -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Bengal Subah -- Subdivision of the Mughal Empire
Wikipedia - Benign water diving -- Diving in environments of low risk, where it is extremely unlikely or impossible for the diver to get lost or entrapped, or be exposed to hazards other than the basic underwater environment
Wikipedia - Benjamin Auffret -- French diver
Wikipedia - Benjamin Tucker -- American individualist anarchist
Wikipedia - BenoM-CM-.t Rouquayrol -- French inventor of an early diving demand regulator
Wikipedia - Ben Swain -- British diver
Wikipedia - Benta (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bentayan (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Ben Thrash -- American diver
Wikipedia - Benue-Congo languages -- Major subdivision of the Niger-Congo language family
Wikipedia - Benut (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bercham (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Berlin Crisis of 1961 -- Cold War incident in divided Berlin
Wikipedia - Bernard Delemotte -- French diver and photographer
Wikipedia - Bernard Wrightson -- American diver
Wikipedia - Bernd Wucherpfennig -- German diver
Wikipedia - Bernhard Dahl -- Norwegian diver
Wikipedia - Berote Khurd -- Subdivision of Berote Kalan in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Berry L. Cannon -- American aquanaut who died in a diving incident.
Wikipedia - Bertha Baraldi -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Beryslav Raion -- Subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Bespoke tailoring -- Making men's clothing to an individual buyer's specification by a tailor
Wikipedia - Beta diversity -- Ratio of regional to local species diversity in ecology
Wikipedia - Betong Division -- administrative division of Sarawak, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Betong, Sarawak -- town in Betong Division in Sarawak, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Betsy Sullivan -- Jamaican diver
Wikipedia - Betty Grimes -- American diver
Wikipedia - Betty Moore (diver) -- New Zealand diver
Wikipedia - Betty Slade (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Beuchat -- French manufacturer of underwater diving equipment
Wikipedia - Beverly Boys -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Beverly Williams (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Bezout's identity -- Formula relating two numbers and their greatest common divisor
Wikipedia - Bhale Bhale Magadivoy -- 2015 film directed by Maruthi Dasari
Wikipedia - Bhalevadivi Basu -- 2001 film by P.A. Arun Prasad
Wikipedia - Bhinneka Tunggal Ika -- Unity in Diversity, the official national motto of Indonesia
Wikipedia - Bhutan Biodiversity Portal -- App and website for sharing biodiversity observations
Wikipedia - Bibliomancy -- Use of books in divination
Wikipedia - Big tent -- Political party seeking to attract people with diverse viewpoints
Wikipedia - Bill Nagle -- American wreck diving pioneer
Wikipedia - Billy Deans (diver) -- American pioneering wreck and technical diver
Wikipedia - Bilohiria Raion -- Former subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Bilozerka Raion -- Former subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Bilut (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Binary division
Wikipedia - Binary space partitioning -- Method for recursively subdividing a space into two subsets using hyperplanes
Wikipedia - Biodiversity in agriculture -- Increasing biodiversity in agriculture
Wikipedia - Biodiversity informatics
Wikipedia - Biodiversity loss -- Extinction of species and local reduction or loss of species in a given habitat
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Algeria -- The variety of life within Algeria and its exclusive economic zone
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Angola -- The variety of life within Angola and its exclusive economic zone
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Botswana -- The variety of life within Botswana
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Burkina Faso -- The variety of life within Burkina Faso
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Cameroon -- The variety of life within Cameroon and its exclusive economic zone
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Cape Town -- Diversity of the natural environment of Cape Town
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Colombia -- The variety of indigenous organisms
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Djibouti -- The variety of life within Djibouti and its exclusive economic zone
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Egypt -- The variety of life within Egypt and its exclusive economic zone
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Eritrea -- The variety of life within Eritrea and its exclusive economic zone
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Eswatini -- The variety of life within Eswatini
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Ghana -- Variety of life forms of Ghana
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Italy -- Biodiversity of Italy
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Ivory Coast -- The variety of life within Ivory Coast and its exclusive economic zone
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Kenya -- Variety of life forms of Ghana and its exclusive economic zone
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Lesotho -- Variety of life within Lesotho
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Libya -- The variety of life within Libya and its exclusive economic zone
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Mali -- The variety of life within Mali
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Mozambique -- The variety of life within Mozambique and its exclusive economic zone
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Myanmar -- The variety of life within Myanmar and its exclusive economic zone
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Namibia -- The variety of life within Namibia and its exclusive economic zone
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of New Caledonia -- The variety of life in the New Caledonia archipelago and its seas
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of New Zealand -- The variety of life forms indigenous to New Zealand
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Somalia -- The variety of life within Somalia and its exclusive economic zone
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of South Africa -- The variety of life within South Africa and its exclusive economic zone
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Sudan -- The variety of life within Sudan and its exclusive economic zone
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Tunisia -- The variety of life within Tunisia and its exclusive economic zone
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Zimbabwe -- The variety of life within Zimbabwe and its exclusive economic zone
Wikipedia - Biodiversity Park, Visakhapatnam -- Park in Andhra Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Biodiversity -- Variety and variability of life forms
Wikipedia - BioStor -- Archive of biodiversity-related scientific papers
Wikipedia - Birger KivelM-CM-$ -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Birgul Erken -- Record-holder Turkish female freediver
Wikipedia - Birte Christoffersen -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Bir Uttom -- Second highest award for individual gallantry in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bitwise operation -- Computer operation that operates on values at the level of their individual bits
Wikipedia - Bixley Division, Suffolk -- Electoral division of Suffolk, England
Wikipedia - Black Birders Week -- Campaign for diversity in birding, conservation, and the natural sciences
Wikipedia - BlackinChem -- Campaign for diversity in the chemical sciences
Wikipedia - Black-water diving -- Open ocean mid-water diving at night
Wikipedia - Blake Aldridge -- British synchronised diver
Wikipedia - BlaM-EM->enka Divjak -- Croatian mathematician and politician
Wikipedia - Blenheim Park Ward -- British political subdivision
Wikipedia - Blessing -- Rite that should bring persons or property share in divine power or grace
Wikipedia - Blood shift (diving) -- Blood shift (diving)
Wikipedia - Blue Hole (New Mexico) -- Sinkhole used for scuba diving
Wikipedia - Blue-water diving -- Underwater diving in mid-water where the bottom is not visible and is out of diving range
Wikipedia - Blythe Hartley -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - BMW Motorsport -- Division of BMW
Wikipedia - Boarding stirrup -- A suspended foot support allowing divers to use a leg to help lift themselves from the water into the boat
Wikipedia - Boat diving -- Procedures specific to diving from boats
Wikipedia - Bobbili Estate -- Indian administrative division
Wikipedia - Bob Clotworthy -- American diver
Wikipedia - Bob Eaton (diver) -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Bob Halstead -- Underwater photographer, author, journalist and commentator on the recreational diving industry.
Wikipedia - Bob Morgan (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Bob Webster -- American diver
Wikipedia - Boccia at the 2004 Summer Paralympics - Individual BC2 -- 2004 Summer Paralympics boccia
Wikipedia - Bodmin St Leonard (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Bodmin St Mary's (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Body mass index -- Measure of relative weight based on an individual's mass and height
Wikipedia - Boeing Commercial Airplanes -- Division of the Boeing Company that builds commercial jet airplanes
Wikipedia - Boesmansgat -- Sinkhole and dive site in South Africa
Wikipedia - Boguslawa Pietkiewicz -- Polish diver
Wikipedia - Bohai Commandery -- Historical political subdivision in China
Wikipedia - Bohuslav DiviM-EM-! -- Czech mathematician
Wikipedia - Bok Tuklo County, Choctaw Nation -- Historical subdivision in Choctaw Nation
Wikipedia - Bondivali -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bookmarking (genetic) -- Mechanism of transmission of gene expression programs through cell division.
Wikipedia - Book of Divine Worship -- Adaptation of the Book of Common Prayer for Roman Catholic use
Wikipedia - Border Morris -- A collection of individual local dances from Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Shropshire
Wikipedia - Boredom -- Experienced when an individual is left without anything to do
Wikipedia - Borhanuddin -- Town and municipality in Barisal Division
Wikipedia - Boris Kozlov (diver) -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Boris Poluliakhi -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Borough (New Jersey) -- Type of local government subdivision in New Jersey, USA
Wikipedia - Boroughs of New York City -- Administrative division of New York City
Wikipedia - Borough -- Administrative division in some English-speaking countries
Wikipedia - BOS 400 -- Recent wreck and dive site at Duiker Point on the Cape Peninsula west coast
Wikipedia - Bota (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bothriolepis -- Diverse genus of placoderm fishes of the Devonian
Wikipedia - Bottom gas -- Gas breathed during the deep part of a dive
Wikipedia - Bottom timer -- An electronic instrument that records depth and elapsed time data on an underwater dive
Wikipedia - Bottom time -- The elapsed time of a dive from starting the descent to starting the final ascent to the surface
Wikipedia - Box braids -- Hair braids which are characterized by "boxy" or square-shaped hair divisions
Wikipedia - Boxer Vadivelu -- Indian gangster
Wikipedia - Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions -- Palestinian-led movement demanding international sanctions against Israel
Wikipedia - Brad Divens -- American rock musician
Wikipedia - Brahmgiani -- Highly enlightened individual being who is one with Waheguru in Sikhism
Wikipedia - Brandenburg Division -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Brandivy -- Commune in Brittany, France
Wikipedia - Branko Ziherl -- Slovenian diver
Wikipedia - Breathing gas reclaim system -- Equipment to recover helium based breathing gas after use by divers
Wikipedia - Brenda Spaziani -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Brestsky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Grodno Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Bret Gilliam -- Pioneering technical diver and author.
Wikipedia - Brewster Subdivision -- CSX railroad line in Florida
Wikipedia - Brian Phelps (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Brian Wetheridge -- British diver
Wikipedia - Bricolage -- Creation of an artwork from a diverse range of things that happen to be available
Wikipedia - Bridge Division, Suffolk -- Electoral division of Suffolk, England
Wikipedia - Bridgeport Subdivision -- Railroad line between Grafton and Clarksburg in the U.S. state of West Virginiaa.
Wikipedia - Brigitta Cserba -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - Brigitte Duda -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Brita Baldus -- German diver
Wikipedia - British Freediving Association -- British affiliate to AIDA International
Wikipedia - British Rail Research Division
Wikipedia - British Sub Aqua Club -- Recreational diving club, training and certification agency based in the UK
Wikipedia - British Sub-Aqua Club -- Recreational diving club, training and certification agency based in the UK
Wikipedia - Brittany O'Brien -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Brittany Viola -- American diver
Wikipedia - Broadstone, Dublin -- One of three divisions of Phibsboro, inner suburb of Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Brodmann area 31 -- Brodmann area 31, also known as dorsal posterior cingulate area 31, is a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally
Wikipedia - Bromborough (ward) -- Political subdivision in Merseyside, England
Wikipedia - Brooke Schultz -- American diver
Wikipedia - Bruce Harlan -- American Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Bruce Kimball -- American diver and coach
Wikipedia - Bruges (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Bruges (Flemish Parliament constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Bruna Rossi -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Bruno Fournier -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Bryan Nickson Lomas -- Malaysian diver
Wikipedia - Bryansk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Brynhild Berge -- Norwegian diver
Wikipedia - Brynja McDivitt Booth -- Judge of the Maryland Court of Appeals
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix divisa -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Buddhism in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Buddy diving -- Practice of mutual monitoring and assistance between two divers
Wikipedia - Buddy line -- A line physically tethering two scuba divers together underwater to avoid separation in low visibility conditions
Wikipedia - Buena Vista (brand) -- Brand name historically used for divisions of the Walt Disney Company
Wikipedia - Bugatti Divo -- Limited production track-focused sports car manufactured by Bugatti based on the Chiron
Wikipedia - Bugchasing -- Practice of pursuing sexual intercourse with HIV-infected individuals in order to contract HIV
Wikipedia - Buick -- Mid-level luxury division of General Motors
Wikipedia - Bukit Besi (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bukit Ibam (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bukit Kepayang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bukit Kepong (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bukit Naning (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bukit Pasir (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bukit Payung (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bukit Permai (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bukit Tunggal (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bull -- Male individual of cattle
Wikipedia - Buloh Kasap (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Buluh Gading (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bunnahinly -- Townland (land division), Athlone, Ireland
Wikipedia - Bunrei -- Division of Shinto kami spirit
Wikipedia - Buoyancy compensator (diving) -- Diving equipment for controlling buoyancy by volume adjustment
Wikipedia - Buryatia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Business letter -- Written form of communication among businesses and between businesses and individuals
Wikipedia - Business license -- Permits issued by government agencies that allow individuals or companies to conduct business
Wikipedia - Bussang -- administrative division in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Bussunarits-Sarrasquette -- administrative division in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Wikipedia - Bydgoszcz Voivodeship -- Former administrative division in Poland
Wikipedia - Byford Dolphin diving bell accident -- Explosive decompression of an occupied saturation chamber
Wikipedia - Bykhovsky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Mogilev Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Cadillac -- Division of the U.S.-based General Motors
Wikipedia - Caeli McKay -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Caesar Garcia -- American diver
Wikipedia - Cakaudrove East (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji) -- Former electoral division of Fiji
Wikipedia - California Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers -- CA Department of Consumer Affairs division
Wikipedia - California Division of Juvenile Justice
Wikipedia - Calle-Calle Bridge -- Bridge in Valdivia, Chile
Wikipedia - Camborne Pendarves (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Camborne Treslothan (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Cambrian substrate revolution -- Diversification of animal burrowing
Wikipedia - Came -- Stained glass window divider
Wikipedia - Campanula divaricata -- Species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae
Wikipedia - Campione d'Italia -- administrative division of Lombardy, Italy
Wikipedia - Camponotus divergens -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Camstrap -- Webbing strap and cam action buckle used to secure a diving cylinder to a buoyancy compensator or backplate
Wikipedia - Canadian Armed Forces Divers -- Underwater divers employed by any of the Canadian armed forces
Wikipedia - Canadian Rockies Regional Division No. 12 -- Public school authority in Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Canister light -- Dive light with battery pack and light head connected by cable
Wikipedia - Cannabidivarin
Wikipedia - Cannabis in the Maldives -- Use of cannabis in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Cannibalism -- Consuming another individual of the same species as food
Wikipedia - Canning (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Canoe and kayak diving -- Recreational diving from a canoe or kayak
Wikipedia - Canoe diving -- Recreational diving from a canoe
Wikipedia - Canton (administrative division) -- A type of administrative division of a country
Wikipedia - Canton (country subdivision)
Wikipedia - Canton of Antony -- Administrative division of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Wikipedia - Canton of Asnieres-sur-Seine -- Administrative division of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Wikipedia - Canton of Bischwiller -- French administrative division
Wikipedia - Canton of Boulogne-Billancourt-1 -- Administrative division of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Wikipedia - Canton of Boulogne-Billancourt-2 -- Administrative division of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Wikipedia - Canton of Clichy -- Administrative division of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Wikipedia - Canton of Colombes-1 -- Administrative division of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Wikipedia - Canton of Colombes-2 -- Administrative division of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Wikipedia - Canton of Courbevoie-1 -- Administrative division of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Wikipedia - Canton of Courbevoie-2 -- Administrative division of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Wikipedia - Canton of Gennevilliers -- Administrative division of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Wikipedia - Canton of Issy-les-Moulineaux -- Administrative division of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Wikipedia - Canton of Levallois-Perret -- Administrative division of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Wikipedia - Canton of Meudon -- Administrative division of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Wikipedia - Canton of Nanterre-1 -- Administrative division of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Wikipedia - Canton of Nanterre-2 -- Administrative division of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Wikipedia - Canton of Neuilly-sur-Seine -- Administrative division of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Wikipedia - Canton of Rueil-Malmaison -- Administrative division of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Wikipedia - Canton of Saint-Cloud -- Administrative division of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Wikipedia - Cantons of Costa Rica -- Political subdivision of Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Cao Yuan -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Capacity building -- Process by which individuals and organizations obtain, improve, and retain the skills and knowledge needed to do their jobs competently
Wikipedia - Cape gannet -- Species of diving seabird
Wikipedia - Capernwray Dive Centre -- Flooded quarry in Lancashire, England, used as a recreational dive site
Wikipedia - Capgras delusion -- Psychiatric disorder involving belief that a close individual has been replaced by an identical imposter
Wikipedia - Capital city -- Primary governing city of a top-level (country) or first-level subdivision (country, state, province, etc) political entity
Wikipedia - Capital gains tax in the United Kingdom -- UK tax on the gains on capital assets by British individuals
Wikipedia - Capital region -- Region or district surrounding the capital city of a country or another administrative division
Wikipedia - Caproni Ca.355 -- Italian WWII dive bomber
Wikipedia - Captaincies of the Spanish Empire -- Military and administrative divisions in colonial Spanish America and the Spanish Philippines
Wikipedia - Capture of Valdivia -- 1820 battle in the Chilean War of Independence
Wikipedia - Carbon footprint -- Total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual, event, organisation, or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent
Wikipedia - Carderock Division of the Naval Surface Warfare Center
Wikipedia - Career -- An individual's journey through learning, work, and other aspects of life
Wikipedia - Carl Brashear -- One of the first African Americans to become a U.S. Navy Master Diver
Wikipedia - Carlford Division, Suffolk -- Electoral division of Suffolk, England
Wikipedia - Carlie's Law -- A bill introduced to amend title 18, to protect children from criminal recidivists; following the 2004 abduction, rape and murder of 11-year-old Carlie Brucia by paroled Joseph P. Smith, the bill failed to be enacted
Wikipedia - Carlo Bonfanti -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Carlo Dibiasi -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Carlos Coste -- Venezuelan freediver and world record holder
Wikipedia - Carlos Curiel -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Carlos Giron -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Carlos Isturiz -- Venezuelan diver
Wikipedia - Carlota Rios -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Carmelite Daughters of the Divine Heart of Jesus
Wikipedia - Carmellan Research -- British manufacturer of diving rebreathers
Wikipedia - Carmen Belen NuM-CM-1ez -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - Carmen Casteiner -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Carmen Guerrero -- Director of the Caribbean division of the Environment Protection Agency
Wikipedia - Carmichael's theorem -- On prime divisors of Fibonacci numbers and Lucas sequences, more generally
Wikipedia - Carnival Air Lines -- charter and scheduled airline division of Carnival Cruise Lines in Florida, US
Wikipedia - Carol Ann Morrow -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Carol Frick -- American diver
Wikipedia - Carolina Mendoza (diver) -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Carolina Rediviva -- Main building of the Uppsala University Library
Wikipedia - Caroline Dive -- Professor of Cancer Pharmacology
Wikipedia - Caroline Divines
Wikipedia - Caroline Fletcher -- American diver
Wikipedia - Caroline Smith (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - Carolyn Roscoe -- British diver
Wikipedia - Carrigdhoun GAA -- Gaelic games organisation division in County Cork, Ireland
Wikipedia - Cartan-Brauer-Hua theorem -- Result pertaining to division rings
Wikipedia - Carters Subdivision -- CSX railroad line in Florida
Wikipedia - Cartesian diver -- Classic science experiment demonstrating the Archimedes' principle and the ideal gas law
Wikipedia - Case citation -- A system for uniquely identifying individual rulings of a court
Wikipedia - Cassandra Cardinell -- American diver
Wikipedia - Cassidy Krug -- American diver
Wikipedia - Cassis -- administrative division in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Cassius Duran -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - Casta Diva (1935 film) -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Castizo -- Mixed-race individuals in the Spanish Empire
Wikipedia - Category:1st Marine Division (United States)
Wikipedia - Category:2. divisjon players
Wikipedia - Category:Categories by individual
Wikipedia - Category:Comparison of individual programming languages
Wikipedia - Category:Divination
Wikipedia - Category:Divine Comedy
Wikipedia - Category:Divine Mercy
Wikipedia - Category:Divine Word Missionaries Order
Wikipedia - Category:Divisor function
Wikipedia - Category:Divorce
Wikipedia - Category:Doctors of Divinity
Wikipedia - Category:Harvard Divinity School alumni
Wikipedia - Category:Individualism
Wikipedia - Category:Individualist anarchists
Wikipedia - Category:Individual sports
Wikipedia - Category:Lady Margaret's Professors of Divinity
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of individual animals
Wikipedia - Category:Pages using div col with small parameter
Wikipedia - Category:Subdivisions of Georgia (country)
Wikipedia - Category:Underwater diving
Wikipedia - Category:Works about individual people
Wikipedia - Category:Yale Divinity School faculty
Wikipedia - Category:Yurodivy
Wikipedia - Catharina Hesterman -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Cathedral of St. John the Divine -- Cathedral of the Episcopal Diocese of New York in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Cathedral of St Louis (Plovdiv)
Wikipedia - Catherine Maliev-Aviolat -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Catherine O'Bryen -- British diver
Wikipedia - Catholic Church in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Cathy Church -- American marine biologist, diver, photographer and educator
Wikipedia - Catocala diversa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Caucasus Cavalry Division (Russian Empire) -- Division of Russian Imperial Army
Wikipedia - Cause for Divorce -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Cave Divers Association of Australia -- Association to represent cave divers and administrate and support cave diving in Australia
Wikipedia - Cave Diving Group -- UK based cave diver training and certification agency
Wikipedia - Cave Diving
Wikipedia - Cave diving -- Underwater diving in water-filled caves
Wikipedia - Cavern diver -- Diving under a natural overhead within the zone of natural light
Wikipedia - Cavern diving -- Diving in the part of a cave where the exit is visible by natural light
Wikipedia - Cayman Islands freediving records -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - CBC News -- English-language news division of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Wikipedia - CBS News -- News division of CBS
Wikipedia - C-card -- Certification as competent to dive to a specified standard
Wikipedia - Cecile Lesprit-Poirier -- French diver
Wikipedia - Celine van Duijn -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Cell cycle -- Series of events and stages that result in cell division
Wikipedia - Cell division
Wikipedia - Cellular senescence -- Phenomenon characterized by the cessation of cell division
Wikipedia - Census county division -- U.S. statistical division of unincorporated areas of counties
Wikipedia - Centers for Space Oceanography -- An operating division of the Argos Foundation, Inc
Wikipedia - Central River Division -- Administrative division of the Gambia
Wikipedia - Centre of diversity -- Region of unusually high biodiversity
Wikipedia - Cephalotes cordiventris -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Cesar Castro (diver) -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - Cesar Henderson -- Dominican Republic diver
Wikipedia - Cesar Jimenez (diver) -- Dominican Republic diver
Wikipedia - Cesilie Carlton -- American high diver
Wikipedia - Chacewater, Kenwyn & Baldhu (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Chalkwell Ward -- British political subdivision
Wikipedia - Champdivers -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, France
Wikipedia - Chandivali, Mulshi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Chandivane -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Chandpur, Bangladesh -- city in Chandpur District, Chittagong Division
Wikipedia - Changkat Jering (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Changkat Jong (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Chang Yani -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Channa Divouvi -- Gabonese beauty pageant titleholder
Wikipedia - Chantry Division, Suffolk -- Electoral division of Suffolk, England
Wikipedia - Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Wikipedia - Chaplet of the Divine Mercy
Wikipedia - Chaplynka Raion -- Former subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Chapters and verses of the Bible -- Divisions of books of the Bible
Wikipedia - Charales -- Order of green algae in the division Charophyta
Wikipedia - Char Divas Sasuche (TV series) -- Indian television series
Wikipedia - Charleroi-Thuin (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Charles Anthony Deane -- Pioneering diving engineer and inventor of a surface supplied diving helmet
Wikipedia - Charles City (Virginia Company) -- Subdivision of the Colony of Virginia
Wikipedia - Charles Diver -- New Zealand confectioner
Wikipedia - Charles Divins -- American actor and reporter
Wikipedia - Charles Johnson (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Charles Spalding -- Scottish confectioner and amateur diving bell designer
Wikipedia - Charmain Welsh -- British diver
Wikipedia - CHC Helikopter Service -- Norwegian division of CHC Helicopter Corporation
Wikipedia - Chechnya -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Chelyabinsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Chemerivtsi Raion -- Former subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Chemical Abstracts Service -- Division of the American Chemical Society
Wikipedia - Chemical Diversion and Trafficking Act -- US law
Wikipedia - Chemotherapy -- Treatment of cancer using drugs that inhibit cell division or kill cells
Wikipedia - Chen Aisen -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Chen Commandery -- Ancient Chinese political subdivision
Wikipedia - Chenderoh (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Chen Han-hung -- Taiwanese diver
Wikipedia - Chen Lin (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Chenor (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Chen Ruolin -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Chen Ting -- Taiwanese diver
Wikipedia - Chen Xiaodan -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Chen Xiaoxia -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Chen Yiwen -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Chen Yuxi -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Cheong Jun Hoong -- Malaysian diver
Wikipedia - Cherkasy Raion -- Subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Chernivtsi Raion, Chernivtsi Oblast -- Subdivision of Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Chervonohrad Raion -- Subdivision of Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Chevrolet Corvette -- Sports car by the Chevrolet division of General Motors (GM)
Wikipedia - Chevrolet Orlando -- car manufactured by GM Korea under the Chevrolet division
Wikipedia - Chevrolet -- American automobile division of GM
Wikipedia - Chew Yiwei -- Malaysian diver
Wikipedia - Chholiya -- Dance form practised in the Kumaon division of Uttarakhand, India
Wikipedia - Chiara Pellacani -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Chicago Musical College -- Division of Chicago College of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University
Wikipedia - Chicken Divan -- Chicken casserole
Wikipedia - Child marriage -- Marriage or informal union entered into by an individual before reaching the age of 18
Wikipedia - Children of Divorce (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Children of Divorce (1939 film) -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - Chile Rise -- An oceanic ridge at the tectonic divergent plate boundary between the Nazca and Antarctic plates
Wikipedia - Chilhiya Moosa Manik -- Maldivian film actor and writer
Wikipedia - China Cargo Airlines -- cargo division of China Eastern Airlines
Wikipedia - China-Pakistan border -- Divides the territories of China and Pakistan
Wikipedia - Chini (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Chittagong Division -- Division of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Chochenyo people -- Division of the Ohlone people of Northern California
Wikipedia - Choe Hyong-gil -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Choe Kum-hui -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Choe Myong-hwa -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Choe Song-hui -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Choe Un-gyong (diver) -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Choi Hye-jin (diver) -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Chornobai Raion -- Former subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Chowmuhani -- Town in Noakhali District, Chittagong Division
Wikipedia - Chresonym -- Term used in biodiversity informatics
Wikipedia - Chris Colwill -- American diver
Wikipedia - Chris Mears (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Chris Snode -- British diver
Wikipedia - Christa Kohler -- East German diver
Wikipedia - Christian contemplation -- Christian practices which aim at "looking at", "gazing at", "being aware of" God or the Divine
Wikipedia - Christiane Lanzke -- German diver and actress
Wikipedia - Christiane Wiles -- French diver
Wikipedia - Christianity in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Christian J. Lambertsen -- American environmental and diving medicine specialist and developer of an early rebreather
Wikipedia - Christian Pire -- French diver
Wikipedia - Christian Styren -- Norwegian diver
Wikipedia - Christian terrorism -- Terrorist acts by groups or individuals who profess Christian motivations or goals
Wikipedia - Christina Loukas -- American diver
Wikipedia - Christina Seufert -- American diver
Wikipedia - Christina Wassen -- German diver
Wikipedia - Christine Grosart -- Cave diver and involved in marine conservation
Wikipedia - Christin Steuer -- German diver
Wikipedia - Christmas in Diverse City
Wikipedia - Christofer Eskilsson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Christopher Honey -- Barbadian diver
Wikipedia - Christopher Kalec -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Christopher Sacchin -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Christopher Walls -- British diver
Wikipedia - Christopher Wordsworth (divine) -- English divine and scholar
Wikipedia - Chronic granulomatous disease -- Diverse group of hereditary diseases in which certain cells of the immune system have difficulty forming the reactive oxygen compounds used to kill certain ingested pathogens.
Wikipedia - Chronophilia -- Sexual attraction to individuals of particular age ranges
Wikipedia - Chuadanga -- city in Chuadanga District, Khulna Division
Wikipedia - Chuan Hung-ping -- Taiwanese diver
Wikipedia - Chukotka Autonomous Okrug -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Chunking (division)
Wikipedia - Church Divinity School of the Pacific
Wikipedia - Church of Divine Science
Wikipedia - Chuvashia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Chyhyryn Raion -- Former subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - CIF North Coast Section -- Administrative division of the California Interscholastic Federation responsible for coastal Northern California
Wikipedia - Cindy Shatto -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Cine Club -- Movie theater in Valdivia, Chile
Wikipedia - Circassian languages -- Subdivision of the Northwest Caucasian language family
Wikipedia - Circular search -- A search pattern where the diver swims at a series of distances around a fixed reference point
Wikipedia - Cis-Lunar -- Manufacturer of electronically controlled closed-circuit rebreathers for scuba diving
Wikipedia - Citibank Singapore -- Singapore division of Citibank N.A.
Wikipedia - Citizen's dividend -- Proposed policy
Wikipedia - City with special status -- Type of first-level administrative division of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Civic nationalism -- Form of nationalism compatible with progressive values of freedom, tolerance, equality and individual rights
Wikipedia - Civil liability in recreational diving -- Legal duty of care, negligence and liability in recreational diving
Wikipedia - Civil liberties -- Civil rights and freedoms that provide an individual specific rights
Wikipedia - Civil list -- List of individuals to whom money is paid by the government
Wikipedia - Civil parishes in Ireland -- Administrative division of Ireland
Wikipedia - Claire Febvay -- French diver
Wikipedia - Claire Izacard -- French diver
Wikipedia - Clara Elena Ciocan -- Romanian diver
Wikipedia - Clare Cryan (diver) -- Irish diver
Wikipedia - Clarence Pinkston -- American diver
Wikipedia - Clarita Hunsberger -- American diver
Wikipedia - Class Divide (film) -- 2016 film by Marc Levin
Wikipedia - Class division
Wikipedia - Claudia Bockner -- German diver
Wikipedia - Claudia Reiche -- German diver
Wikipedia - Claudia Serpieri -- Italian technical diver and depth record holder
Wikipedia - Claudio De Miro -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Claus Thomsen (diver) -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Cleaning and disinfection of personal diving equipment -- Prevention of infection by shared or contaminated equipment
Wikipedia - Clearance Divers Life Support Equipment -- British military electronically controlled closed circuit rebreather
Wikipedia - Clearance diver -- Navy diver specialist with explosives
Wikipedia - Clearance Diving Branch (RAN) -- Diving unit of the Royal Australian Navy
Wikipedia - Clearance diving -- Military diving work involving underwater demolition and work with explosives
Wikipedia - Cleopatra Entertainment -- Film division of Cleopatra Records
Wikipedia - Climate change and biodiversity loss
Wikipedia - Clime -- Divisions of the inhabited portion of the Earth by geographic latitude
Wikipedia - Clock divider
Wikipedia - Clonagh, Westmeath -- Townland (land division), Ireland
Wikipedia - Cloning -- Process of producing genetically identical individuals of an organism
Wikipedia - Closed diving bell -- pressure vessel for transporting divers through the water
Wikipedia - Club of Rome -- Organisation of individuals who claim to share a common concern for the future of humanity and strive to make a difference
Wikipedia - Clump weight -- A heavy weight suspended on cable used to guide a diving bell
Wikipedia - Clyde Swendsen -- American diver and coach
Wikipedia - CMAS* scuba diver
Wikipedia - CMAS** scuba diver
Wikipedia - CMAS** scuba diver -- Autonomous recreational scuba diving certification
Wikipedia - CMAS* scuba diver -- Entry level recreational diving certification from CMAS
Wikipedia - CN York Subdivision -- Railway line in Greater Toronto
Wikipedia - Coalition for Divorce Reform -- American organization
Wikipedia - Cobie Floor -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Code Division Multiple Access
Wikipedia - Code division multiple access
Wikipedia - Code-division multiple access -- Channel access method used by various radio communication technologies
Wikipedia - Coefficient of relationship -- A measure of the degree of biological relationship between two individuals
Wikipedia - Cognitive inertia -- The tendency for a particular orientation in how an individual thinks about an issue, belief or strategy to endure or resist change
Wikipedia - Cognitive liberty -- Freedom of an individual to control their own mental processes
Wikipedia - Cohesin -- A protein complex that regulates the separation of sister chromatids during cell division
Wikipedia - Cold-water diving -- Underwater diving in water that is cold enough to require special equipment
Wikipedia - Colegio del Verbo Divino -- School in Chile
Wikipedia - Coliseo Municipal Antonio Azurmendy Riveros -- Indoor arena in Valdivia, Chile
Wikipedia - Collaborative working environment -- A collaborative working environment (CWE) supports people in their individual and cooperative work
Wikipedia - Collectivism -- A cultural value that is characterized by emphasis on cohesiveness among individuals and prioritization of the group over self
Wikipedia - Collegiate university -- University with functions divided into a central administration and constituent colleges
Wikipedia - Colobopsis schmitzi -- Species of diving ant
Wikipedia - Colonias of Chihuahua, Chihuahua -- Chihuahua, Mexico is divided mainly into areas called Colonias
Wikipedia - Color analysis (art) -- Process of determining the colors that best suit an individual's natural coloring
Wikipedia - Columbus Division of Fire -- Fire department of Columbus, Ohio
Wikipedia - Comando Raggruppamento Subacquei e Incursori Teseo Tesei -- Italian special forces diving unit
Wikipedia - Comhairle Fo-Thuinn -- governing body for recreational diving and underwater hockey in Ireland
Wikipedia - Commercial diver registration in South Africa -- Registration of commercial divers by the South African Department of Employment andLabour
Wikipedia - Commercial diver training -- Processes by which people develop the skills and knowledge to dive safely for industrial applications
Wikipedia - Commercial diver
Wikipedia - Commercial diving school -- Place where commercial diving skills are trained and assessed
Wikipedia - Commercial diving -- Professional diving on industrial projects
Wikipedia - Commercial offshore diver -- Professional diver working offshore
Wikipedia - Commercial offshore diving -- Professional diving in support of the oil and gas industry
Wikipedia - Commission (document) -- Document appointing an individual as an officer, used by the government, military and organizations
Wikipedia - Commissioner -- Title given to a member of a commission or to an individual who has been given a commission
Wikipedia - Commodity pathway diversion
Wikipedia - Communalism (South Asia) -- Religious and ethnic divisions in South Asia
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes -- France intercommunal subdivision combining smaller communes
Wikipedia - Communaute urbaine -- France intercommunal subdivision integrating a city and its suburbs
Wikipedia - Commune (country subdivision) -- Commune (country subdivision)
Wikipedia - Commune-level subdivisions (Vietnam)
Wikipedia - Communes of France -- France territorial subdivision for municipalities
Wikipedia - Communications panel -- Surface control panel for underwater diving voice communications system
Wikipedia - Community areas in Chicago -- Subdivisions of Chicago
Wikipedia - Community Development Exchange -- Non-profit organization for individuals, organisations and networks involve in communities and/or community develpement
Wikipedia - Compagnie maritime d'expertises -- French offshore diving contractor
Wikipedia - Company -- Association or collection of individuals
Wikipedia - Competitive apnea -- Competitive breathhold diving
Wikipedia - Composite nationalism -- A concept arguing that the Indian nation is made of up people of diverse cultures, castes, communities, and faiths
Wikipedia - Comprehensive High School, Aiyetoro -- Secondary school in Ayetoro district, Egbado Division, Ogun State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Compressor diving -- Crude surface-supplied diving using unregulated air through plastic hoses from an industrial low-pressure air compressor
Wikipedia - Comune -- Third-level administrative divisions of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Concentration of media ownership -- A process whereby progressively fewer individuals or organizations control increasing shares of the mass media
Wikipedia - Condorcet, Drome -- administrative division in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Confederation Mondiale des Activites Subaquatiques -- International organisation for underwater activities in sport and science, and recreational diver training and certification
Wikipedia - Confined water diving
Wikipedia - Confined water (diving) -- A diving environment that is enclosed and bounded sufficiently for safe training purposes. Generally implies that conditions are not affected by geographic or weather conditions, and that divers can not get lost
Wikipedia - Congo-Nile Divide (Rwanda-Burundi) -- Geographical region in Rwanda and Burundi
Wikipedia - Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
Wikipedia - Connally Independent School District -- Public schooling administrative division of Texas, U.S.
Wikipedia - Conny Schmalfuss -- German diver
Wikipedia - Conscious uncoupling -- Type of divorce
Wikipedia - Conservation biology -- The study of threats to biological diversity
Wikipedia - Conservatism (diving) -- Approach to risk reduction for decompression
Wikipedia - Constantin Blaha -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Constantin Popovici -- Romanian diver
Wikipedia - Constant weight apnea -- Freediving discipline in which the diver descends and ascends only by swimming with the use of fins
Wikipedia - Constant weight without fins -- Freediving discipline in which the diver descends and ascends only by swimming without the use of fins
Wikipedia - Constructed script -- New writing system specifically created by an individual or group, rather than having evolved as part of a language or culture like a natural script
Wikipedia - Consumer behaviour -- The study of individuals, groups, or organizations and all the activities associated with consuming
Wikipedia - Continental Divide of the Americas -- principal hydrological divide of North and South America
Wikipedia - Continental Divide Trail -- Long-distance scenic trail in the western United States
Wikipedia - Continuous revelation -- Belief that God continues to reveal divine principles or commandments to humanity
Wikipedia - Controlled buoyant lift -- A technique used by scuba divers to raise an incapacitated diver to the surface
Wikipedia - Controlled emergency swimming ascent -- A technique used by scuba divers to return to the surface in an out-of-gas emergency in shallow water
Wikipedia - Conus maldivus -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Convention on Biological Diversity
Wikipedia - Convergence-divergence zone
Wikipedia - Coolock (barony) -- Former administrative division of County Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Cophasing -- segmented mirror/telescope-related individual segment-controlling process in astronomy
Wikipedia - Corethropsis -- A genus of fungi of uncertain affinity within the division Ascomycota
Wikipedia - Cornelia Gilissen -- American diver
Wikipedia - Coroner -- Government official who confirms and certifies the death of an individual
Wikipedia - Corringham Wapentake -- Ancient subdivision of Lincolnshire, England
Wikipedia - Counties of Denmark -- Former administrative subdivisions of metropolitan Denmark
Wikipedia - Counties of Estonia -- First-level administrative subdivisions of Estonia
Wikipedia - Counties of Ireland -- Administrative division of Ireland, historically 32 in number
Wikipedia - Counties of Meath and Westmeath Act 1543 -- Irish Act dividing County Meath into Meath and Westmeath
Wikipedia - Counties of New Zealand -- Former administrative subdivision of New Zealand
Wikipedia - Counties of Northern Ireland -- Former principal local government divisions of Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Counties of the United Kingdom -- Subnational divisions of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Country subdivision -- A territorial entity for administration purposes
Wikipedia - County Borough of Leeds -- Administrative division of Yorkshire, England until 1974
Wikipedia - County (United States) -- Subdivision used by most states in the United States of America
Wikipedia - Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences -- Division of New York University
Wikipedia - Covering of the Senne -- Covering and later diverting of the main river of Brussels
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic in the Maldives -- Ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Cowrie-shell divination
Wikipedia - Craig Challen -- Australian veterinary surgeon and technical diver
Wikipedia - Craig Lincoln -- American diver
Wikipedia - Craig M. Hoffman -- Diver killed in the Venture One diving accident
Wikipedia - Craig Rogerson -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Craig Vaughan -- South African diver
Wikipedia - Cray Business Systems Division
Wikipedia - Creationism -- Religious belief that nature originated through supernatural acts of divine creation.
Wikipedia - Creator in Buddhism -- Buddhist views on the belief in a creator deity, or any eternal divine personal being
Wikipedia - Cressi-Sub -- Italian manufacturer of recreational diving and swimming equipment.
Wikipedia - Crime Intelligence Division
Wikipedia - Criminal defense lawyer -- Lawyer specializing in the defense of individuals and companies charged with criminal conduct
Wikipedia - Cristina Hardekopf -- Argentinian diver
Wikipedia - Crowan & Wendron (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Crowley Maritime -- Diversified transportation and logistics company based in Jacksonville, Florida
Wikipedia - CTV News -- News division of CTV Television Network
Wikipedia - Cukai (state constituency) -- State electoral division in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Cultural diversity in Puerto Rico -- Non-Hispanic cultural diversity in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Cultural diversity -- Quality of diverse or different cultures
Wikipedia - Cultural sensitivity -- Knowledge, awareness, and acceptance of diversity
Wikipedia - Culture of the Maldives -- Overview of the culture in the Maldives
Wikipedia - CUMA -- Canadian military diving rebreather
Wikipedia - Cumberland Subdivision -- Railroad line between U.S. states of West Virginia and Maryland.
Wikipedia - Cup of Jamshid -- Cup of divination in Persian mythology
Wikipedia - Curse of Tippecanoe -- Used to describe the death in office of Presidents of the United States elected in years divisible by twenty
Wikipedia - Curtiss SB2C Helldiver -- Carrier-based dive bomber aircraft
Wikipedia - Curtiss SBC Helldiver -- US navy biplane
Wikipedia - Cutting sequence -- Records individual grid lines crossed ("cut") as a curve crosses a square grid
Wikipedia - Cvetkovic-MaM-DM-^Mek Agreement -- A political compromise on the internal divisions in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - Cyber Security and Crime Division -- Branch of Bangladesh Police
Wikipedia - Cycad -- Division of naked seeded dioecious plants
Wikipedia - Cycling at the 1936 Summer Olympics - Men's individual road race -- Cycling at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Cycling at the 1960 Summer Olympics - Men's individual road race -- Cycling at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Cycling at the 1964 Summer Olympics - Men's individual road race -- Cycling at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Cycling at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Men's individual pursuit -- Cycling at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Cycling at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Men's individual road race -- Cycling at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Cycling at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Women's individual road race -- Cycling at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Cycling at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Men's individual pursuit -- Cycling at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Cycling at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Men's individual road race -- Cycling at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Cycling at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Women's individual pursuit -- Cycling at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Cycling at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Women's individual road race -- Cycling at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Cycling at the 2004 Summer Olympics - Men's individual pursuit -- Cycling at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Cycling at the 2004 Summer Olympics - Men's individual road race -- Cycling at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Cycling at the 2004 Summer Olympics - Women's individual pursuit -- Cycling at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Cycling at the 2004 Summer Olympics - Women's individual road race -- Cycling at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Cycling at the 2008 Summer Olympics - Men's individual road race -- Cycle race at the Beijing Olympics
Wikipedia - Cycling at the 2008 Summer Olympics - Women's individual road race -- Cycle race at the Beijing Olympics
Wikipedia - Cydia indivisa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cynthia Potter -- American diver
Wikipedia - Cyprea Group -- Maldivian conglomerate company
Wikipedia - Dacor (scuba diving) -- Former American diving equipment manufacturer
Wikipedia - Daganbhuiyan -- Town in Feni District, Chittagong Division
Wikipedia - Dagmar Nilsson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Dallas Divide -- Mountain pass in Colorado, USA
Wikipedia - Damak (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Damien Cely -- French Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Damir Akhmetbekov -- Kazakhstani diver
Wikipedia - Dana ChmelaM-EM-^Yova -- Czech diver
Wikipedia - Danai Varveri -- Greek freediver and record holder
Wikipedia - Daniel Goodfellow -- British diver
Wikipedia - Daniel Islas Arroyo -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Daniel Pavon -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - Daniel Restrepo -- Colombian diver
Wikipedia - Dan Laak -- American Olympic diver and Diving coach
Wikipedia - Dante Alighieri and the Divine Comedy in popular culture
Wikipedia - Daphne Hernandez -- Costa Rican diver
Wikipedia - Daphne Jongejans -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Daria Govor -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Dario di Fazio -- Venezuelan diver
Wikipedia - Dark diversity -- Ecological concept
Wikipedia - Darkness Divided -- American Christian metalcore band
Wikipedia - Darwinia divisa -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Darya Romenskaya -- Belarusian Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Data -- individual units of information
Wikipedia - Daughters of Divine Love
Wikipedia - Daulatkhan -- Town and municipality in Barisal Division
Wikipedia - Dave Mullins (freediver) -- New Zealand freediver and world record-holder
Wikipedia - Dave Shaw (diver) -- Australian technical diver and former record holder killed in a diving incident
Wikipedia - David Apperley -- Australian cave diver
Wikipedia - David Bedard -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - David Boudia -- American diver
Wikipedia - David Bright (diver) -- Wreck diver
Wikipedia - David Browning -- American diver
Wikipedia - David Bush (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - David Dinsmore (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - David DiVincenzo
Wikipedia - Davide Lorenzini -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - David Fall -- American diver
Wikipedia - David Hambartsumyan -- Armenian diver
Wikipedia - David Norris (diver) -- Australian Olympic diver
Wikipedia - David Parrington -- Zimbabwean diver
Wikipedia - David P. DiVincenzo
Wikipedia - David Pichler -- American diver
Wikipedia - David Priestley -- British diver
Wikipedia - David Shaw (diver)
Wikipedia - Davis Submerged Escape Apparatus -- Early submarine escape oxygen rebreather also used for shallow water diving.
Wikipedia - Davydivka -- Commune in Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Dawn on the Great Divide -- 1942 film by Howard Bretherton
Wikipedia - Dean Pullar -- Australian Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Death Diving -- Amateur diving sport
Wikipedia - Death of Bradley Westell -- Fatal diving accident in the North Sea in 1995
Wikipedia - Debbie Fuller -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Deborah Andollo -- Cuban free diver and diving instructor
Wikipedia - Deborah Jay -- British diver
Wikipedia - Deborah Weil -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Deborah Wilson -- American diver
Wikipedia - Decision fatigue -- Deteriorating quality of decisions made by an individual after a long session of decision making
Wikipedia - Decision theology -- The belief by some evangelical denominations of Christianity that individuals must make a conscious decision to "accept" and follow Christ
Wikipedia - Deck decompression chamber -- Hyperbaric chamber suitable for surface decompression or emergency use at a dive site
Wikipedia - Decompression algorithm -- Procedure to calculate the decompression needed for a given dive profile
Wikipedia - Decompression chamber -- Hyperbaric pressure vessel for human occupation used in diving operations to decompress divers
Wikipedia - Decompression diving -- Diving where the diver incurs a decompression obligation
Wikipedia - Decompression (diving) -- The reduction of ambient pressure on underwater divers after hyperbaric exposure and the elimination of dissolved gases from the diver's tissues
Wikipedia - Decompression equipment -- Equipment used by divers to facilitate decompression
Wikipedia - Decompression practice -- Techniques and procedures for safe decompression of divers
Wikipedia - Decompression stop -- A period a diver must spend at constant depth during ascent from a dive to eliminate absorbed inert gases
Wikipedia - Decompression tables -- Tabulated data that allow divers to determine a decompression schedule for a given dive profile and breathing gas
Wikipedia - De Divinatione
Wikipedia - De divisione naturae
Wikipedia - Deelgemeente -- Type of administrative division in Belgium and the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Deep air diving blackout -- Loss of consciousness due to extreme nitrogen narcosis
Wikipedia - Deep air diving -- Underwater diving beyond accepted limits for breathing air
Wikipedia - Deep diving -- Underwater diving to a depth beyond the norm accepted by the associated community
Wikipedia - DeepFlight Merlin -- 3-seater wet sub diver propulsion vehicle
Wikipedia - Deepsea Challenger -- Deep-diving submersible designed to reach the bottom of Challenger Deep
Wikipedia - Deep sea diving
Wikipedia - Deep-submergence vehicle -- Deep-diving manned submarine that is self-propelled
Wikipedia - Dee Scarr -- Environmentalist, marine naturalist, and scuba diver
Wikipedia - Defence Intelligence Division (SANDF)
Wikipedia - Defence Intelligence Staff Division
Wikipedia - Dehumanization -- Behavior or process that undermines individuality of and in others
Wikipedia - Deidre Freeman -- American diver
Wikipedia - Deindividuation
Wikipedia - Deity -- Natural or supernatural god or goddess, divine being
Wikipedia - Delaney Schnell -- American diver
Wikipedia - Delaware Division of Libraries -- Official state library agency of Delaware
Wikipedia - Delegate River Diversion Tunnel -- River diversion tunnel in Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Delia Reinhardt -- German diver
Wikipedia - Dell Software -- Former software division of Dell, Inc.
Wikipedia - Delusion and Dream in Jensen's Gradiva
Wikipedia - Demala diviyan keliya
Wikipedia - Demigod -- A minor deity, the offspring of a god and a human, or a figure who has attained divine status after death
Wikipedia - Demobilise (diving) -- The dismantling, packing and transport back to storage of the dive spread
Wikipedia - Demographics of recreational diving -- Population distribution of recreational divers
Wikipedia - Demographics of scientific divers -- Population distribution of scientific divers
Wikipedia - Dendermonde (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Dendermonde-Sint-Niklaas (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Dendermonde-Sint-Niklaas (Flemish Parliament constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Denise Christensen -- American diver
Wikipedia - Denise Newman -- British diver
Wikipedia - Dennis Young (diver) -- English diver
Wikipedia - Deon Dreyer -- South African scuba diver who died in Bushman's Hole
Wikipedia - Department (administrative division) -- Administrative or political division in some countries
Wikipedia - Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (Western Australia) -- Government department in Western Australia
Wikipedia - Department of Classics, King's College London -- Academic division in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at King's College London
Wikipedia - Departments of Burkina Faso -- Administrative division and commune of Burkina Faso
Wikipedia - Departments of Guatemala -- Political subdivision of Guatemala
Wikipedia - Depressive realism -- Hypothesis that depressed individuals make more realistic inferences than do non-depressed individuals
Wikipedia - Derazhnia Raion -- Former subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Derya Can -- Turkish world record holder female free-diver
Wikipedia - Desacralization of knowledge -- Process of separation of knowledge from its divine source
Wikipedia - DESCO -- American manufacturer of commercial diving equipment
Wikipedia - Desegregation busing -- Effort to diversify the racial make-up of schools in the United States
Wikipedia - Designation of workers by collar color -- WikGrouGroups of working individuals are typically classified based on the colors of their collars worn at workps of working individuals are typically classified based on the colors of their collars worn at workipedia article covering multiple topics
Wikipedia - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Development of the New Testament canon -- Set of books regarded by Christians as divinely inspired
Wikipedia - Devrim Cenk Ulusoy -- Turkish freediver and world record holder
Wikipedia - Dhaka Division -- Division of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Dharifulhu -- Maldivian television film
Wikipedia - Dheevaanaa -- 2001 Maldivian film by Aslam Rasheed
Wikipedia - Dheewanaa Hiyy -- Maldivian television series
Wikipedia - Dhevansoora -- 2018 Maldivian film
Wikipedia - Dhirumeh Nethas -- Maldivian television mini-series
Wikipedia - DhiTV -- Maldives TV channel
Wikipedia - Dhivehi Academy -- national academy for promoting the Dhivehi language in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party -- Maldivian political party
Wikipedia - DHL -- Division of the German logistics company Deutsche Post DHL providing international express mail services
Wikipedia - Diamantina Georgatou -- Greek diver
Wikipedia - Diamond Reef System -- System for training divers in buoyancy, trim and maneuvering skills
Wikipedia - Diana Pineda -- Colombian diver
Wikipedia - Diana Spencer (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Diarchy -- Form of government with two individuals as leaders
Wikipedia - Diary: Divine Mercy in My Soul
Wikipedia - Dick Divall -- Bermudian sailor
Wikipedia - Dick Eve -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Dick Kimball -- American diver and coach
Wikipedia - Diego Henao (diver) -- Colombian diver
Wikipedia - Diego Mariscal -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Diekirch (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Diencephalon -- Division of the forebrain around the third ventricle
Wikipedia - Dieter Dorr -- German diver
Wikipedia - Dieter Waskow -- German diver
Wikipedia - Diffarreation -- divorce involving cake
Wikipedia - Differentially methylated region -- Genomic region methylated differently based on tissue, time or individual
Wikipedia - Dighalia Union -- Place in Khulna Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Digital divide by country
Wikipedia - Digital divide in Nigeria -- Internet divide for communication technology
Wikipedia - Digital divide -- Inequality of access to information and communication technologies
Wikipedia - Diksmuide (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Dinajpur -- City in Dinajpur District, Rangpur Division
Wikipedia - Dinant (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Dinant-Philippeville (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Dingxiang Commandery -- Historical political subdivision in China
Wikipedia - Diocese of Dublin and Glendalough -- Division of the Church of Ireland
Wikipedia - Disappearance of Ben McDaniel -- Scuba diver who disappeared during or after a cave dive
Wikipedia - Discovery Networks Deutschland -- Division of Discovery Networks
Wikipedia - Dis (Divine Comedy)
Wikipedia - Disney Character Voices International -- Corporate division of The Walt Disney Company
Wikipedia - Distance line -- Line deployed by scuba divers for navigation
Wikipedia - Distraction -- Process of diverting the attention of an individual or group
Wikipedia - District-level town (Vietnam) -- Type of second-tier subdivision of Vietnam
Wikipedia - District of Columbia Protective Services Division -- Police division in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Districts of Bangladesh -- administrative subdivision of the South Asian country below the division level but above the upazila level
Wikipedia - Districts of England -- Level of subnational division of England used for the purposes of local government
Wikipedia - Districts of Ethiopia -- Third-level administrative divisions of Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Districts of Indonesia -- Third-level administrative subdivision of Indonesia
Wikipedia - Districts of Libya -- First-level administrative subdivisions of the State of Libya
Wikipedia - Districts of Pakistan -- Administrative divisions of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Districts of the Turks and Caicos Islands -- Administrative divisions
Wikipedia - Districts of Vienna -- Administrative subdivisions of Vienna
Wikipedia - District (Vietnam) -- Type of second-tier subdivision of Vietnam
Wikipedia - District -- Administrative division, in some countries, managed by local government
Wikipedia - Distrito Nacional -- Subdivision of the Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Ditte Kotzian -- German diver
Wikipedia - Diva (1981 film) -- 1981 film directed by Jean-Jacques Beineix
Wikipedia - Diva (2010 TV series) -- 2010 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Diva Amon -- Marine biologist
Wikipedia - Diva Bara -- 1949 film directed by Vladimir Cech
Wikipedia - Diva By Cindy -- US haircare brand
Wikipedia - Diva (Dana International song) -- 1998 single by Dana International
Wikipedia - Diva Diniz CorrM-CM-*a -- Brazilian marine zoologist
Wikipedia - Divadlo v Dlouhe -- Theatre in Prague, Czech Republic
Wikipedia - Divad -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - DIVA-GIS -- Geographic information system software program
Wikipedia - Diva Hadamira Gastelum -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Diva (Jelena KarleuM-EM-!a album) -- 2012 album by Jelena KarleuM-EM-!a
Wikipedia - Divales -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Diva Montelaba -- Filipino actress
Wikipedia - Divan-i Shams-i Tabrizi -- Large collection of poems by Rumi
Wikipedia - Divankhana (Shirvanshah's Palace) -- Architectural feature in Baku, Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - Divan-khavati -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Divan (Mughal architecture) -- Two types of palatial buildings in Indian courts
Wikipedia - Divan -- High government ministry in various Islamic states
Wikipedia - Diva-Panvel Passenger -- Train in India
Wikipedia - Divarilima albicoma -- Species of mollusc
Wikipedia - Divas of Disco -- live album
Wikipedia - Diva: The Singles Collection -- 2006 compilation album by Sarah Brightman
Wikipedia - Diva: The Video Collection -- 2006 video music compilation
Wikipedia - Diva (TV network) -- Woman-based entertainment channel
Wikipedia - Diva -- Celebrated female singer
Wikipedia - Diva Zappa -- American artist
Wikipedia - Dive Alert: Becky's Version -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Dive Alert: Matt's Version -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Dive Bar (song) -- 2019 song by Garth Brooks and Blake Shelton
Wikipedia - Dive boat skipper -- Person in command of a dive boat
Wikipedia - Dive boat -- Boat used for the support of scuba diving operations
Wikipedia - Dive Bomber (film) -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Dive bomber -- Bomber aircraft that dives directly at its targets
Wikipedia - Dive brake
Wikipedia - Dive briefing -- Meeting of the dive team to discuss details before the diving operation
Wikipedia - Dive buddy -- Dive buddy
Wikipedia - Dive center -- Service organisation providing recreational diver training, equipment and dive outings
Wikipedia - Dive Club -- Australian television drama series for children
Wikipedia - Dive computer -- Instrument to record dive profile and calculate decompression obligations in real time
Wikipedia - Dive (film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Dive-float -- Small buoy towed by an underwater diver to indicate presence
Wikipedia - Divegavan -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Dive guide (publication) -- Travel guides for recreational diving
Wikipedia - Dive leader -- International minimum standard for a person professionally leading a group of certified recreational divers
Wikipedia - Dive light
Wikipedia - Dive log -- Record of diving history of an underwater diver
Wikipedia - Divemaster -- Recreational dive leader certification and role
Wikipedia - DiveMax -- Mobile application for planning no-decompression dives.
Wikipedia - Dive planning -- The process of planning an underwater diving operation
Wikipedia - Diver certification -- Certification as competent to dive to a specified standard
Wikipedia - Diver-class rescue and salvage ship -- Class of rescue and salvage ships
Wikipedia - Diver communications -- Methods used by underwater divers to communicate
Wikipedia - Diver Dan -- A series of 104 seven-minute live-action shorts made for children's television
Wikipedia - Diver detection sonar
Wikipedia - Diver down flag -- Flag signal indicating divers are in the water nearby
Wikipedia - Dive reel
Wikipedia - Dive reel -- Dive reel
Wikipedia - Divergence (computer science)
Wikipedia - Divergence Eve -- Japanese anime television series
Wikipedia - Divergence-from-randomness model
Wikipedia - Divergence of the sum of the reciprocals of the primes -- Theorem
Wikipedia - Divergence (statistics)
Wikipedia - Divergence theorem -- Theorem in calculus which relates the flux of closed surfaces to divergence over their volume
Wikipedia - Divergence -- Vector operator producing the scalar quantity of a flow at a point
Wikipedia - Divergent boundary -- Linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other
Wikipedia - Divergent double subduction -- Two parallel subduction zones with different directions are developed on the same oceanic plate
Wikipedia - Divergent evolution -- Accumulation of differences between closely related species populations, leading to speciation
Wikipedia - Divergent (film) -- 2014 film by Neil Burger
Wikipedia - Divergent series
Wikipedia - Divergent thinking -- A method of generating creative ideas
Wikipedia - Diverging diamond interchange -- Freeway interchange design
Wikipedia - Diver lift -- Movable platform for lifting a diver from the water to deck level
Wikipedia - Diver medical technician -- A member of a dive team who is trained in advanced first aid
Wikipedia - Diver navigation -- Underwater navigation by scuba divers
Wikipedia - Diver organisations -- Memberhip organisations of underwater divers
Wikipedia - Diver propulsion vehicle -- Powered device for diver mobility and range extension
Wikipedia - Diver rescue -- Rescue of a distressed or incapacitated diver
Wikipedia - Divers Academy International -- A technical educational institution in New Jersey that offers training in commercial diving
Wikipedia - Divers Alert Network Asia-Pacific -- A not-for-profit diving safety organization based in Australia
Wikipedia - Divers Alert Network -- International group of not-for-profit organizations for improving diving safety
Wikipedia - Diver's attendant
Wikipedia - Diver's attendant -- Diver's attendant
Wikipedia - Divers at Work on the Wreck of the "Maine" -- 1898 French silent film by Georges Melies
Wikipedia - Diver's cutting tool
Wikipedia - Diver's cutting tool -- Diver's cutting tool
Wikipedia - Diver's harness -- Item fastened around a diver which allows the diver to be lifted
Wikipedia - Diversification (finance) -- The process of allocating capital in a way that reduces the exposure to any one particular asset or risk
Wikipedia - Diversified Communications -- American media company
Wikipedia - Divers Institute of Technology -- A private, commercial educational institution for the training of commercial divers
Wikipedia - Diversional therapy -- Therapy that promotes the involvement in leisure, recreation and play
Wikipedia - Diversity (dance troupe) -- British street dance troupe
Wikipedia - Diversity factor -- Mathmetical operator in calculus
Wikipedia - Diversity ideologies -- Associated with distinct effects on intergroup relations
Wikipedia - Diversity index -- Quantitative measure that reflects how many different types are in a dataset
Wikipedia - Diversity in early Christian theology
Wikipedia - Diversity in open-source software
Wikipedia - Diversity of fish -- Fish species categorized by various characteristics
Wikipedia - Diversity of tactics
Wikipedia - Diversity (politics)
Wikipedia - Diversity training
Wikipedia - Diversity University
Wikipedia - Diver's knife
Wikipedia - Diver's knife -- Diver's knife
Wikipedia - Diversnight -- Annual recreational night diving festival.
Wikipedia - Diver's pump
Wikipedia - Diver's telephone -- Hard wired diver communications equipment
Wikipedia - Diver's tender -- Diver's tender
Wikipedia - Diver's umbilical
Wikipedia - Diver's umbilical -- Diver's umbilical
Wikipedia - Diver surface detection aids -- Equipment to make a surfaced diver easier to find
Wikipedia - Diverterless supersonic inlet -- Type of jet engine air intake
Wikipedia - Diverticulum -- Medical or biological term for an outpouching of a hollow (or a fluid-filled) structure in the body
Wikipedia - Divertimento for Alto Saxophone -- Alto saxophone piece
Wikipedia - Divertimento for String Orchestra (Bartk)
Wikipedia - Divertissement
Wikipedia - Diver training organization -- Organization which provides training in diving skills or knowledge
Wikipedia - Diver training standard -- Document describing requirements of a diver training programme
Wikipedia - Diver training tank -- Diver training tank
Wikipedia - Diver training -- Processes by which people develop the skills and knowledge to dive safely underwater
Wikipedia - Diver trim -- Balance and orientation skills of an underwater diver
Wikipedia - Diver voice communications -- Protocol for spoken communications in diving operations
Wikipedia - Diver weighting systems -- Ballast carried by underwater divers to counteract buoyancy
Wikipedia - Dives and Lazarus (ballad) -- Traditional song
Wikipedia - Dives in misericordia
Wikipedia - Dive sites -- Place at which an underwater dive takes place
Wikipedia - Dive skins -- Thin exposure suit to protect the skin in warm water
Wikipedia - Dive spool -- Simple flanged cylindrical line-holder
Wikipedia - Divestment
Wikipedia - Dive Supervisor -- Recreational dive leadership certification
Wikipedia - Dive tables -- Tabulated data that allow divers to determine a decompression schedule for a given dive profile and breathing gas
Wikipedia - Dive team -- A group of people working together to enhance dive safety and achieve a task
Wikipedia - Dive timer -- Electronic timer that automatically records the run time of a dive
Wikipedia - Dive!! -- Manga
Wikipedia - Dive Xtras -- A manufacturer of diver propulsion vehicles
Wikipedia - Divex -- Scottish provider of diving equipment and related services.
Wikipedia - Diveyevo Convent -- Monastery in Russia
Wikipedia - Diveyevo
Wikipedia - Diviac -- Online booking site for diving holidays
Wikipedia - Divide and choose -- A procedure for envy-free cake-cutting between two partners
Wikipedia - Divide and conquer algorithm
Wikipedia - Divide-and-conquer algorithm -- Algorithms which recursively solve subproblems
Wikipedia - Divide and rule -- Strategy in politics and sociology
Wikipedia - Divided By (album) -- 2011 album by Structures
Wikipedia - Divided City (film) -- 2004 film directed by Bruce Brown
Wikipedia - Divided consciousness
Wikipedia - Divided Heaven (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Divided line
Wikipedia - Divided regions -- Divided regions
Wikipedia - Dividend tax -- Tax levied on stock earnings
Wikipedia - Dividend -- Payment made by a corporation to its shareholders, usually as a distribution of profits
Wikipedia - Divide Pictures -- American film and television production company
Wikipedia - Dividing line between metals and nonmetals
Wikipedia - Dividing the Light -- Art installation by James Turrell
Wikipedia - Divie Bethune McCartee
Wikipedia - Divi filius -- Latin phrase meaning "son of a god"
Wikipedia - DiviM-EM-! BoM-EM-^Yek of Miletinek -- Captain of the Hussites
Wikipedia - DiviM-EM-! of Talmberk -- Bohemian noble
Wikipedia - Divina Pastora (Barquisimeto) -- Venezuelan religious statue
Wikipedia - Divina Pastora -- Municipality in Sergipe, Brazil
Wikipedia - Divina proportione -- Book on proportions by Luca Pacioli, illustrated by Leonardo da Vinci
Wikipedia - Divinatio in Caecilium -- Oration by Cicero
Wikipedia - Divination (album) -- 2012 album by In Hearts Wake
Wikipedia - Divination by Astrological and Meteorological Phenomena -- Ancient Chinese astronomy manuscript
Wikipedia - Divination -- Attempt to gain insight into a question or situation
Wikipedia - Divinatory
Wikipedia - Divina
Wikipedia - DiVincenzo's criteria
Wikipedia - Divine Adoratrice of Amun -- Ancient Egyptian title for certain high-ranking priestesses
Wikipedia - Divine Aide Omo -- Nigerian taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Divine call
Wikipedia - Divine Comedies -- Book by James Merrill
Wikipedia - Divine Comedy Illustrated by Botticelli
Wikipedia - Divine Comedy -- Long Italian narrative poem by Dante Alighieri
Wikipedia - Divine Command Theory
Wikipedia - Divine command theory -- Theory which proposes that an action's status as morally good is equivalent to whether it is commanded by God
Wikipedia - Divine Discontent -- album by Sixpence None the Richer
Wikipedia - Divine filiation
Wikipedia - Divine Fits -- American-Canadian indie rock band
Wikipedia - Divine Gate -- Japanese smartphone game
Wikipedia - Divine grace -- Theological term
Wikipedia - Divine Hammer (song) -- 1993 single by the Breeders
Wikipedia - Divine hiddenness
Wikipedia - Divine illumination
Wikipedia - Divine immanence
Wikipedia - Divine Incantations Scripture
Wikipedia - Divine inspiration
Wikipedia - Divine judgment
Wikipedia - Divine king
Wikipedia - Divine language -- Concept of a mystical or divine proto-language, which predates and supersedes human speech
Wikipedia - Divine law -- Law that is perceived as deriving from a transcendent source, such as God or gods
Wikipedia - Divine Life Society
Wikipedia - Divine light (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Divine Light Mission
Wikipedia - Divine light -- Ability of God, angels, or human beings to express themselves communicatively through spiritual means
Wikipedia - Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil
Wikipedia - Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
Wikipedia - Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
Wikipedia - Divine liturgy
Wikipedia - Divine Liturgy -- Rite practiced in Eastern Christian traditions
Wikipedia - Divine Love (film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Divine Love
Wikipedia - Divine love
Wikipedia - Divine madness -- Unconventional, outrageous, unexpected, or unpredictable behavior linked to religious or spiritual pursuits
Wikipedia - Divine Mercy image
Wikipedia - Divine Mercy novena
Wikipedia - Divine Mercy Sanctuary (Krakow)
Wikipedia - Divine Mercy Sanctuary (Krakw)
Wikipedia - Divine Mercy Sanctuary, Krakw
Wikipedia - Divine Mercy Sanctuary (Vilnius)
Wikipedia - Divine Mercy Shrine (Misamis Oriental)
Wikipedia - Divine Mercy Sunday -- Catholic holiday celebrated on the Sunday after Easter
Wikipedia - Divine mercy
Wikipedia - Divine Mercy -- Catholic devotion
Wikipedia - Divine Nagar railway station
Wikipedia - Divine Park -- American Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Divine (performer) -- American actor, singer and drag queen
Wikipedia - Divine plane
Wikipedia - Divine plan
Wikipedia - Divine Presence
Wikipedia - Divine presence -- Concept in religion, spirituality, and theology
Wikipedia - Divine Proportions -- American-bred Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Divine proportion
Wikipedia - Divine providence (Judaism)
Wikipedia - Divine Providence
Wikipedia - Divine providence -- God's intervention in the Universe
Wikipedia - Divine (rapper) -- Indian rapper (born 1991)
Wikipedia - Divine Retreat Centre, Muringoor
Wikipedia - Divine retribution -- Supernatural punishment of a person, a group of people, or everyone by a deity in response to some action
Wikipedia - Divine revelation
Wikipedia - Divine Right of Kings
Wikipedia - Divine right of kings -- Political and religious doctrine of the legitimacy of monarchs
Wikipedia - Divine Science
Wikipedia - Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (film) -- 2002 American film by Callie Khouri
Wikipedia - Divine Service (Eastern Orthodoxy)
Wikipedia - Divines (film) -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - Divine simplicity
Wikipedia - Divine Songs Attempted in Easy Language for the Use of Children -- Collection of poetry for children by Isaac Watts
Wikipedia - Divine transcendence
Wikipedia - Divine Truth
Wikipedia - Divine twins -- Proto-Indo-European mytheme
Wikipedia - Divine Word College of Calapan -- Catholic college in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Divine Word College of San Jose -- Private Roman Catholic institution of higher learning in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
Wikipedia - Divine Word Missionaries
Wikipedia - Divine Worship: Daily Office
Wikipedia - Divine Worship: The Missal
Wikipedia - Diving accident -- Accident occurring while diving underwater
Wikipedia - Diving activities -- Things people do while diving underwater
Wikipedia - Diving Adventure -- 1970 children's novel by Willard Price
Wikipedia - Diving air compressor operator -- Person who operates a diving air compressor
Wikipedia - Diving air compressor
Wikipedia - Diving air filter -- Device to purify compressed breathing air
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1904 Summer Olympics - Platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1904 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1908 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1908 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1908 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1912 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1912 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1912 Summer Olympics - Men's plain high diving -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1912 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Men's plain high diving -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1920 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1924 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1924 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1924 Summer Olympics - Men's plain high diving -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1924 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1924 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1924 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1928 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1928 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1928 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1928 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1928 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1932 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1932 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1932 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1932 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1932 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1936 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1936 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1936 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1936 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1936 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1948 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1948 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1948 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1948 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1948 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1952 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1952 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1952 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1952 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1952 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1956 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1956 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1956 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1956 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1956 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1960 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1960 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1960 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1960 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1960 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1964 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1964 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1964 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1964 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1964 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1968 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1968 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1968 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1968 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1968 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1972 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1972 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1972 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1972 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1972 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1976 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1976 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1976 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1976 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1976 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1980 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1980 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1980 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1980 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1980 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1984 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1984 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1984 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1984 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1984 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1988 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1992 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1996 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Men's synchronized 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Men's synchronized 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2000 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Women's synchronized 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Women's synchronized 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2004 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2004 Summer Olympics - Men's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2004 Summer Olympics - Men's synchronized 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2004 Summer Olympics - Men's synchronized 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2004 Summer Olympics -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2004 Summer Olympics - Women's 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2004 Summer Olympics - Women's 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2004 Summer Olympics - Women's synchronized 10 metre platform -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2004 Summer Olympics - Women's synchronized 3 metre springboard -- Diving at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games -- Competition held in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2014 Asian Games - Men's synchronized 10 metre platform -- Sports competition event
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2015 Pan American Games - Men's 10 metre platform -- Event at 2015 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Diving at the 2019 Pan American Games -- The diving competitions at the 2019 Pan American Games
Wikipedia - Diving bell -- Chamber for transporting divers vertically through the water
Wikipedia - Diving bird -- Birds which plunge into water to catch fish or other food
Wikipedia - Diving chamber -- Hyperbaric pressure vessel for human occupation used in diving operations
Wikipedia - Diving compass
Wikipedia - Diving contractor -- The legal persona responsible for professional diving operations for a client
Wikipedia - Diving cylinder -- High pressure compressed gas cylinder used to store and supply breathing gas for diving
Wikipedia - Diving destination -- Places where recreational divers go on vacation
Wikipedia - Diving Diseases Research Centre -- British hyperbaric medical organisation
Wikipedia - Diving disorders -- Physiological disorders resulting from underwater diving
Wikipedia - Diving duck -- Tribe of birds
Wikipedia - Diving environment
Wikipedia - Diving environment -- Diving environment
Wikipedia - Diving Equipment and Marketing Association -- International trade association for the recreational diving equipment industry
Wikipedia - Diving equipment technician -- Person who maintains, repairs and tests diving and support equipment
Wikipedia - Diving equipment -- Equipment used to facilitate underwater diving
Wikipedia - Diving flag -- Flag signal indicating divers are in the water nearby
Wikipedia - Diving glove -- Hand protection worn while driving
Wikipedia - Diving hand signals -- A form of sign system used to communicate underwater
Wikipedia - Diving harness -- Item fastened around a diver which allows the diver to be lifted
Wikipedia - Diving hazards and precautions
Wikipedia - Diving hazards -- The agents and situations that pose a threat to the underwater diver
Wikipedia - Diving helmet
Wikipedia - Diving horse -- Tourist attraction
Wikipedia - Diving instructor -- Person who trains and assesses underwater divers
Wikipedia - Diving ladder -- Ladder to facilitate egress from the water by divers
Wikipedia - Diving line signals -- Standard signals coded in the form of tugs on the diver's lifeline
Wikipedia - Diving locations -- Specific places that recreational divers go to enjoy the underwater environment or are used for training purposes
Wikipedia - Diving mask
Wikipedia - Diving Medical Advisory Council -- Independent organisation of diving medical specialists from Northern Europe
Wikipedia - Diving Medical Examiner
Wikipedia - Diving medical examiner -- Diving medical examiner
Wikipedia - Diving Medical Practitioner
Wikipedia - Diving medical practitioner -- Diving medical practitioner
Wikipedia - Diving Medical Technician
Wikipedia - Diving medical technician -- Diving medical technician
Wikipedia - Diving medicine -- Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders caused by underwater diving
Wikipedia - Diving mode -- The conceptual methods of underwater diving
Wikipedia - Diving operations record -- Documentation recording a professional dive
Wikipedia - Diving operation -- Underwater dive and support activities to achieve a specific goal
Wikipedia - Diving physics -- Aspects of physics which affect the underwater diver
Wikipedia - Diving physiology
Wikipedia - Diving platform (scuba) -- Low freeboard platform on a dive boat to give divers easy access to the water
Wikipedia - Diving platform -- A type of structure used for competitive acrobatic diving
Wikipedia - Diving procedures -- Standardised methods of doing things that are known to work effectively and acceptably safely
Wikipedia - Diving rebreather -- Closed or semi-closed circuit scuba
Wikipedia - Diving reel -- Device for deploying and recovering distance line underwater
Wikipedia - Diving reflex
Wikipedia - Diving regulations
Wikipedia - Diving regulator -- Mechanism that controls the pressure of a breathing gas supply for diving
Wikipedia - Diving safety equipment -- Equipment carried or worn by a diver or provided by the dive team to reduce risk or mitigate incidents
Wikipedia - Diving safety harness -- A harness by which the diver can safely be lifted
Wikipedia - Diving safety officer -- Administrator of a US university's research diving safety program
Wikipedia - Diving safety -- Safety of underwater diving activities
Wikipedia - Diving school -- Establishment for training and assessing underwater divers
Wikipedia - Diving Science and Technology
Wikipedia - Diving shot -- Substantial weighted near-vertical line with buoy
Wikipedia - Diving (sport) -- Sport of jumping or falling into water from a platform or springboard
Wikipedia - Diving spread -- The topside base for commercial diving operations
Wikipedia - Diving stage
Wikipedia - Diving stage -- Diving stage
Wikipedia - Diving suit -- Garment or device designed to protect a diver from the underwater environment
Wikipedia - Diving superintendent
Wikipedia - Diving superintendent -- Diving superintendent
Wikipedia - Diving supervisor -- Professional diving team leader responsible for safety
Wikipedia - Diving support equipment -- Equipment used in the support of an underwater diving operation
Wikipedia - Diving support vessel -- A ship used as a floating base for professional diving projects
Wikipedia - Diving systems technician
Wikipedia - Diving systems technician -- Diving systems technician
Wikipedia - Diving team -- A group of people working together to enhance dive safety and achieve a task
Wikipedia - Diving Unlimited International -- American manufacturer of dry suits and other diving equipment
Wikipedia - Diving watch -- A watch designed for underwater diving
Wikipedia - Diving weighting system -- Ballast carried by underwater divers and diving equipment to counteract buoyancy
Wikipedia - Diving weight -- Diving weight
Wikipedia - Divini Redemptoris
Wikipedia - Divini redemptoris
Wikipedia - Divinity (academic discipline)
Wikipedia - Divinity Faculty Library, Cambridge
Wikipedia - Divinity Hall, Harvard Divinity School
Wikipedia - Divinity of Christ
Wikipedia - Divinity of Jesus
Wikipedia - Divinity: Original Sin II -- 2017 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Divinity: Original Sin
Wikipedia - Divinity School Address
Wikipedia - Divinity -- Related to, devoted to, or proceeding from a god
Wikipedia - Divinization (Christian) -- To become divine
Wikipedia - Divino afflante Spiritu -- 1943 papal encyclical letter issued by Pope Pius XII
Wikipedia - Divino -- American reggaeton singer
Wikipedia - Divinum illud munus
Wikipedia - Divinyls -- Australian rock band
Wikipedia - Divisibility rule -- Shorthand way of determining whether a given number is divisible by a fixed divisor
Wikipedia - Divisibility
Wikipedia - Division 4 -- Television series
Wikipedia - Divisional Cavalry Regiment (New Zealand) -- Former armoured cavalry regiment of the 2nd New Zealand Division
Wikipedia - Division algorithm -- Algorithms for computing the quotient and the remainder of an integer division
Wikipedia - Divisional Railway Hospital, Golden Rock -- Railway hospital in Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Divisional Secretariats of Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Division Avenue High School -- High school in Nassau County, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Division (business)
Wikipedia - Division by zero -- The result yielded by a real number when divided by zero
Wikipedia - Division del Norte metro station -- Mexico City metro station
Wikipedia - Division Films -- American film production company
Wikipedia - Division III (NCAA)
Wikipedia - Division I (NCAA)
Wikipedia - Division insignia of the United States Army -- Cloth emblems worn on the shoulders of US Army uniforms
Wikipedia - Divisionism
Wikipedia - Divisionist
Wikipedia - Division (mathematics) -- Arithmetic operation
Wikipedia - Division No. 17, Manitoba -- Census division of Canada
Wikipedia - Division of Adelaide -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Angas (1903-1934) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Angas (1949-1977) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Aston -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Australian Capital Territory -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Balaclava -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Ballarat -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Banks -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Barker -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Barrier -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Barton -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bass -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Batman -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bean -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bendigo -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bennelong -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Berowra -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Blair -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bland -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Blaxland -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bonner -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bonython -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Boothby -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bourke -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bowman -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Braddon -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bradfield -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Brand -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Brisbane -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Bruce -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Burke (1949-1955) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Burke (1969-2004) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Burt -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Calare -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Calwell -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Canberra -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Canning -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Canobolas -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Capricornia -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Casey -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Charlton -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Chifley -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Chisholm -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Clark -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Clinical Neuropsychology
Wikipedia - Division of Cook (1906-1955) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Cook -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Coolgardie -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Cooper -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Corangamite -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Corinella (1901-1906) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Corinella (1990-1996) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Corio -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Cowan -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Cowper -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Cunningham -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Curtin -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Dalley -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Dampier -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Darebin -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Darling Downs -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Darling -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Darwin -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Dawson -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Deakin -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Denison -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Diamond Valley -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Dickson -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Dobell -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Dundas -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Dunkley -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Durack -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of East Sydney -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Echuca -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Eden-Monaro -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Evans -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Fadden -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Fairfax -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Farrer -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Fawkner -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Fenner -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Fisher -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Flinders -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Flynn -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Forde -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Forestry
Wikipedia - Division of Forrest -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Fowler -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Franklin -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Fraser (Australian Capital Territory) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Fraser (Victoria) -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Fremantle -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Gellibrand -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Gilmore -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Gippsland -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Global Migration and Quarantine -- U.S. government agency responsible for U.S. Quarantine Stations and issuing quarantine orders
Wikipedia - Division of Goldstein -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Gorton -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Grampians -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Grayndler -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Greenway -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Grey -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Griffith -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Groom -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Gwydir -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Hasluck -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Hawker -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Henty -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Herbert -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Higgins -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Higinbotham -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Hindmarsh -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Hinkler -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Hoddle -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Holt -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Hotham -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Hughes -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Hume -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Hunter -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Illawarra -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Indi -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Isaacs (1949-1969) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Isaacs -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Jagajaga -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Kalgoorlie -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Kennedy -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Kingsford Smith -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Kingston -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Kooyong -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Laanecoorie -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of labor
Wikipedia - Division of labour -- Separation of tasks in any system so that participants may specialise
Wikipedia - Division of Lalor -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Lang -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of La Trobe -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Laura Lee -- Swedish rock band
Wikipedia - Division of Lawson -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Leichhardt -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Lilley -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Lindsay -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Lingiari -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Longman -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Lowe -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Lyne -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Lyons -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Macarthur -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Mackellar -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Macnamara -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Macquarie -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Makin -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Mallee -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Maranoa -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Maribyrnong -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Martin -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Mayo -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of McEwen -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of McMahon -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of McMillan -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of McPherson -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Melbourne Ports -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Melbourne -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Menzies -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Mernda -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Military Aeronautics -- Name of the aviation organization of the United States Army for a four-day period during World War I
Wikipedia - Division of Mitchell -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Moira -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Monash -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Moncrieff -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Moore -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Moreton -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Murray -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Namadgi -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Nepean -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Newcastle -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of New England -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Nicholls -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Northern Melbourne -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Northern Territory -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of North Sydney -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of O'Connor -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Oxley (1901-1934) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Oxley -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Page -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Parkes (1901-1969) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Parkes -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Parramatta -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Paterson -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Pearce -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Perth -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Petrie -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Phillip -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Port Adelaide -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of property -- Legal term
Wikipedia - Division of Prospect -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Rankin -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Reid -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Richmond -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Riverina-Darling -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Riverina -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Robertson -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Ryan -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Scullin (1955-1969) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Scullin -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Shortland -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Solomon -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of South Australia -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Southern Melbourne -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of South Sydney -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Spence -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of St George -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Stirling -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Streeton -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Sturt -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Swan -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Sydney -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Tangney -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Tasmania -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of the field
Wikipedia - Division of the Kayi tribe -- 13th century Oghuz Turkic migration
Wikipedia - Division of the Mongol Empire -- From 1259 when Mongke Khan died, to 1294
Wikipedia - Division of Throsby -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Wakefield -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Wannon -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Warringah -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Watson (1934-1969) -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Watson -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Wentworth -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of West Sydney -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Whitlam -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Wide Bay -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Wills -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Wilmot -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Wimmera -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Wright -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division of Yarra -- Former Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Division (political geography) -- Administrative territorial entity in some Asian and African countries
Wikipedia - Division sign -- Mathematical symbol for division: M-CM-7
Wikipedia - Divisions of Bangladesh -- first-level administrative units of the Asian country
Wikipedia - Divisions of Kenya
Wikipedia - Divisions of Kolkata Police -- Administrative division of Kolkata Police
Wikipedia - Divisions of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Divisions of the American Psychological Association
Wikipedia - Divisions of the Australian House of Representatives -- Federal electorates in Australia
Wikipedia - Divisions of the Gambia
Wikipedia - Divisions of the University of Oxford
Wikipedia - Divisions of the world in Islam -- Terms denoting regions where Islamic law prevails or denoting non-Islamic lands
Wikipedia - Divisions of Tonga
Wikipedia - Division Street (Manhattan) -- Street in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Division symbol
Wikipedia - Divi's Laboratories -- Indian pharmaceutical company
Wikipedia - Divisor (algebraic geometry) -- Generalizations of codimension-1 subvarieties of algebraic varieties
Wikipedia - Divisor function -- Arithmetic function related to the divisors of an integer
Wikipedia - Divisor -- Integer that divides evenly another integer
Wikipedia - Divis transmitting station -- Radio and television transmission facility in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Divisumma 18
Wikipedia - DIVI Translation -- IPv4/IPv6 translation technique
Wikipedia - DivjakM-CM-+-Karavasta National Park -- national park in western Albania
Wikipedia - Divje Babe Flute
Wikipedia - Divje Babe -- Cave and archaeological site in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Divka v modrem -- 1940 film by Otakar Vavra
Wikipedia - Divlji vjetre -- 2020 song
Wikipedia - Divna PeM-EM-!ic -- Macedonian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Divna Vekovic -- Montenegrin physician
Wikipedia - Divnoye, Stavropol Krai -- Rural locality in Stavropol Krai, Russia
Wikipedia - Divona -- Gallo-Roman goddess of springs and rivers
Wikipedia - Divonne-les-Bains -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Divorce Among Friends -- 1930 film by Roy Del Ruth
Wikipedia - Divorce and the Daughter -- 1916 film by Frederic Richard Sullivan
Wikipedia - Divorce Coupons -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Divorce Court
Wikipedia - Divorced (1951 film) -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Divorced
Wikipedia - Divorce (film) -- 1945 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Divorce in Islam
Wikipedia - Divorce in the Family -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Divorce Italian Style -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Divorce law by country
Wikipedia - Divorce Made Easy -- 1929 film by Neal Burns
Wikipedia - Divorce (TV series) -- American television series
Wikipedia - Divorce -- Termination of a marital union
Wikipedia - Divo (record label) -- Indian Record Label
Wikipedia - Divsha Amira -- Israeli mathematician and educator
Wikipedia - Div Sultan Rumlu -- Iranian general and politician
Wikipedia - Divulapitiya Electoral District -- Former electoral district of Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Divus
Wikipedia - Divvy -- Chicago-based bike sharing system
Wikipedia - DivX
Wikipedia - DIVX -- DVD-based format created as an alternative to video rental
Wikipedia - Divya Agarwal -- Indian model, dancer, actress and host
Wikipedia - Divya Bharti -- Indian film actress (1974-1993
Wikipedia - Divya Bhatnagar -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Divya Chouksey -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Divyadarshan -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Divya Deshmukh -- Indian chess woman grandmaster
Wikipedia - Divya Dhayal -- Indian archer
Wikipedia - Divya Drishti -- Indian supernatural series
Wikipedia - Divya Dutta -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Divya Dwivedi
Wikipedia - Divya Jain -- Software engineer
Wikipedia - Divya Khosla Kumar -- Indian actress and film director
Wikipedia - Divya Maderna -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Divya Mani Rajbhandari -- Nepali politician
Wikipedia - Divya Nag -- American stem cell biologist
Wikipedia - Divyanka Tripathi -- Indian television actress
Wikipedia - Divyansh Singh Panwar -- Indian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Divya Parameshwaran -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Divya Pillai -- Indian Malayalam film actress (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Divya Prabandha
Wikipedia - Divya Prabha -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Divya Premaya -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Divya Sathyaraj -- Indian nutritionist
Wikipedia - Divya Seth -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Divya S. Menon -- Indian singer, anchor (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Divya Spandana -- Indian actress and politician
Wikipedia - Divya Tewar -- Indian judoka
Wikipedia - Divyavadana
Wikipedia - Divya Yuga
Wikipedia - Divyenndu -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Divyopadesh -- A book (collection of teachings) by Prithvi Narayan Shah
Wikipedia - Dmitri Sautin -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Dmitry Dobroskok -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Dmytro Lysenko -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - DNA profiling -- Technique used to identify individuals via DNA characteristics
Wikipedia - Dnistrovskyi Raion -- Subdivision of Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Doctor of Divinity
Wikipedia - Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce
Wikipedia - Doing It Right (scuba diving) -- Technical diving safety philosophy
Wikipedia - Doing It Right (scuba) -- Technical diving safety philosophy
Wikipedia - Dolichoderus diversus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Dolichoderus luridivenosus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Dolipore septum -- Dividing walls between cells of some fungi
Wikipedia - Dolores Hernandez -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Dolores Saez -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - Domenico Rinaldi -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Domonic Bedggood -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Donald Harper -- American diver
Wikipedia - Donald Miranda -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Dong (administrative division) -- Lowest administrative unit of districts throughout Korea
Wikipedia - Dong (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Donna Robinson Divine -- American political scientist
Wikipedia - Don Stewart (Bonaire activist) -- American inventor, Bonairean activist, scuba diver and founder of Bonaire Marine Park.
Wikipedia - Don Wagstaff -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Dora Hernandez -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Dorian's Divorce -- 1916 film by Oscar A. C. Lund
Wikipedia - Doris Grimes -- British diver
Wikipedia - Doris Ogilvie (diver) -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Doris Pecher -- German diver
Wikipedia - Dorothea du Pon -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Dorothy Drew (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Dorothy Poynton-Hill -- American diver
Wikipedia - Dorset County Division -- Dorset County Division
Wikipedia - Dorte Lindner -- German diver
Wikipedia - Dottie Frazier -- American diver, designer, and dive shop owner
Wikipedia - Douglas BTD Destroyer -- 1943 dive/torpedo bomber model by Douglas
Wikipedia - Douglas SBD Dauntless -- Carrier-based scout and dive bomber aircraft
Wikipedia - Doug Tomalin -- British diver
Wikipedia - Downline (diving) -- Rope running from a point at the surface to the underwater workplace used as a guideline for divers and transfer of equipment
Wikipedia - Drabiv Raion -- Former subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Draft:Abstract Division (copy) -- Dutch-born electronic music producer duo
Wikipedia - Draft:Abstract Division -- Dutch-born electronic music producer duo
Wikipedia - Draft:Amilla Maldives Resort and Residences -- Maldives Luxury Resorts
Wikipedia - Draft:Bagdhana Dakshin Para -- Municipality and Village in Rajshahi Division and Naogaon District
Wikipedia - Draft:BFG Division -- 18th and 19th-century Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Draft:BlackinX -- Campaign for diversity in the chemical sciences
Wikipedia - Draft:Indrajit Banerjee -- Author & Director, Knowledge Societies Division UNESCO
Wikipedia - Draft:UC Santa Cruz Division of Physical & Biological Sciences -- World-leading public research university in Santa Cruz, California, United States
Wikipedia - Draft:Women Divers Hall of Fame -- Women Divers Hall of Fame.
Wikipedia - Drainage divide -- Elevated terrain that separates neighbouring drainage basins
Wikipedia - Drama-Kavala-Xanthi Super-prefecture -- Former subdivision of Greece
Wikipedia - Dreuxilla Divine -- Puerto Rican actress
Wikipedia - Drift diving -- Scuba diving where the diver is intentionally transported by the water flow
Wikipedia - Drill Master diving accident {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Drill Master'' diving accident -- Drill Master diving accident {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Drill Master'' diving accident
Wikipedia - Drill Master diving accident
Wikipedia - Drive for Diversity -- Development system
Wikipedia - DrM-CM-$ger Dolphin -- Semi-closed circuit recreational diving rebreather
Wikipedia - DrM-CM-$ger Ray -- Semi-closed circuit recreational diving rebreather designed to use standard nitrox breathing gas mixtures
Wikipedia - Drop Dead Diva -- 2009 American legal comedy-drama television series
Wikipedia - Druzhby Narodiv (Kyiv Metro) -- Kyiv Metro Station
Wikipedia - Drvaspa -- Zoroastrian divinity
Wikipedia - Dry suit diver -- Certification for diving in a dry suit
Wikipedia - DSV Shinkai 6500 -- Japanese manned research submersible that can dive up to a depth of 6,500 metres
Wikipedia - DTA Diva -- Wing for ultralight aircraft
Wikipedia - Duchy of Alsace -- Former political subdivision of the Frankish kingdoms
Wikipedia - Duel -- Arranged engagement in combat between two individuals
Wikipedia - Dulkadir Eyalet -- Division of the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Dum Diversas
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!ica Radivojevic -- Yugoslav gymnast
Wikipedia - Dump valve (diving) -- Pressure relief and manual vent on diving buoyancy compensator
Wikipedia - Dunaivtsi Raion -- Former subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Duotian -- Division in Jiangsu, China
Wikipedia - Durham (Province of Canada electoral district) -- Province of Canada electoral division
Wikipedia - Dusios -- Celtic divine being
Wikipedia - Dutch Springs -- Flooded quarry in Pennsylvania used as a recreational diving site
Wikipedia - Duty (economics) -- Tax on certain goods rather than on individuals
Wikipedia - Duyong (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Dynamic apnea -- Freediving disciplines where the breath-hold diver swims horizontally under water with or without fins
Wikipedia - Dynasty (sports) -- Team or individual that dominates their sport for an extended length of time
Wikipedia - Early Slavs -- Diverse group of tribal societies that established foundations for the Slavic nations
Wikipedia - Earned income tax credit -- Refundable tax credit for low-to-middle class individuals in the U.S.
Wikipedia - Earthly Vanity and Divine Salvation (Memling) -- Polyptych by Hans Memling
Wikipedia - Eastern Continental Divide -- Hydrological divide in eastern North America
Wikipedia - Eastern Railway Divisional Stadium -- Multi purpose stadium in Asansol, West Bengal
Wikipedia - East Pacific Rise -- A mid-oceanic ridge at a divergent tectonic plate boundary on the floor of the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - Ebbe Nielsen Challenge -- Danish competition and awards for field of biodiversity informatics.
Wikipedia - Ebbe Nielsen Prize -- Danish award for field of biodiversity informatics.
Wikipedia - Ecca Group -- The second of the main subdivisions of the Karoo Supergroup of geological strata in southern Africa
Wikipedia - Eccentricity (behavior) -- Unusual or odd behavior on the part of an individual
Wikipedia - Eccleston Quarry -- Flooded quarry used as a recreational dive site
Wikipedia - Ecofascism -- Theoretical political model in which a totalitarian government would require individuals to sacrifice their own interests to the environment
Wikipedia - Ecological footprint -- Individual's or a group's human demand on nature
Wikipedia - Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems -- Book by Michael Begon, Colin Townsend and John Harper
Wikipedia - Economic inequality -- Divergence in economic well-being within a group
Wikipedia - Economic liberalism -- Capitalism that prioritizes individuals as consumers over collective institutions or NGOs
Wikipedia - Economy of the Maldives
Wikipedia - Eddie Heron -- Irish diver
Wikipedia - Edd Sorenson -- Cave diver from Florida
Wikipedia - Eden Cheng -- British diver
Wikipedia - Edhi Edhi Hoadheemey -- 2003 Maldivian film
Wikipedia - Edickson Contreras -- Venezuelan diver
Wikipedia - Edifying Discourses in Diverse Spirits
Wikipedia - Edith Cadivec -- Austrian author
Wikipedia - Edith Nielsen -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Edival Pontes -- Brazilian taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Edmonds Underwater Park -- Recreational dive site in Seattle, Washington
Wikipedia - Edna Child -- British diver
Wikipedia - Eduard Admetlla i Lazaro -- Catalan scuba diving pioneer and underwater filmmaker
Wikipedia - Eduardo Fereda -- Venezuelan diver
Wikipedia - Eduardo Rueda -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Eduard Safonov -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Education in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Edward Rowny -- US Army Lieutenant General. Commands Held: 24 Inf Div 1964
Wikipedia - Edwin Albert Link -- American inventor and underwater diver
Wikipedia - Edwin Jongejans -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Edwin Young -- American diver
Wikipedia - Eeklo (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Effective evolutionary time -- Hypothesis offering a causal explanation of diversity gradients
Wikipedia - Effects of climate change on plant biodiversity
Wikipedia - Effects of drugs on fitness to dive -- Known side-effects and contraindications of drugs commonly used by divers
Wikipedia - Efraim Diveroli -- American former arms dealer and author
Wikipedia - Efren Saldivar -- American serial killer
Wikipedia - Eftychia Papavasilopoulou -- Greek-American diver
Wikipedia - Ehenas -- Maldivian drama web television series
Wikipedia - Eight Banners -- Divisions under the Qing dynasty
Wikipedia - Eight Provinces of Korea -- Divisions of Korea during the Joseon Dynasty
Wikipedia - Eileen Richetelli -- American diver
Wikipedia - Eilenberg-Zilber theorem -- Links the homology groups of a product space with those of the individual spaces
Wikipedia - Eka Purnama Indah -- Indonesian diver
Wikipedia - Ekaterina Beliaeva -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Ekaterina Petukhova -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Elbert Root -- American diver
Wikipedia - Electoral district of Eastern Division of Camden -- state electoral district of New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Electoral division of Cambridge -- Tasmanian Legislative Council electoral division
Wikipedia - Electoral division of Port Darwin -- Electoral division of the Northern Territory, Australia
Wikipedia - Electoral divisions of Vietnam
Wikipedia - Electoral results for the Division of Darling -- results for federal electorate of Darling, New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Electoral results for the Division of East Sydney -- results for federal seat of East Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Electoral results for the Division of Gwydir -- results for federal seat of Gwydir, New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Electoral results for the Division of Kalgoorlie -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Elena Bertocchi -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Elena Vaytsekhovskaya -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Elena Wassen -- German diver
Wikipedia - Eleni Stavridou -- Greek diver
Wikipedia - Elevational diversity gradient -- Ecological pattern in which biodiversity changes with elevation
Wikipedia - Elina Eggers -- Swedish platform diver
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Kristoffersen -- Norwegian freediver and president of AIDA Norway
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Svoboda -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Elis Holmer -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Becker-Pinkston -- American diver
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Carruthers -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Cui -- New Zealand diver
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Ferris (diver) -- English diver
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Jack -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Mrema -- Tanzanian biodiversity leader and lawyer
Wikipedia - Eljo Kuiler -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Elke Heinrichs -- German diver
Wikipedia - Ella Eklund -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Ellagitannin -- Diverse class of hydrolyzable tannins, a type of polyphenol
Wikipedia - Ellen Ek -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Ellen Owen -- American diver
Wikipedia - Elly Nedivi -- American neuroscientist
Wikipedia - ElM-EM- -- Polish diver
Wikipedia - Elsa Andersson (diver) -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Elsa Regnell -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Elsa Tenorio -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Els van den Horn -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Emanuel Davidson -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Emarginula divae -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Emergency ascent -- An ascent to the surface by a diver in an emergency
Wikipedia - Emergency gas supply -- Alternative independent breathing gas supply carried by a diver
Wikipedia - Emergency Response Diving International -- American organisation for training and certification of emergency response divers
Wikipedia - Emile Armand -- French individualist anarchist
Wikipedia - Emile Dauvet -- French diver
Wikipedia - Emile Gravelle -- French individualist anarchist and naturist activist, writer and painter
Wikipedia - Emile Poussard -- French diver
Wikipedia - Emilia Nilsson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Emilie Heymans -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Emilio Ratia -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - Emina Ilhamy -- wife of Khedive Tewfik Pasha and Walida Pasha to her son Abbas II (1858-1931)
Wikipedia - Emin CM-IM-^Ybrayilov -- Azerbaijani diver
Wikipedia - EMKA, Ltd. -- Division of Universal Television
Wikipedia - Emma Farrell (freediver) -- British freediving instructor and author
Wikipedia - Emma Gullstrand -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Empis divergens -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis divisa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Employment Division v. Smith
Wikipedia - Endau (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Endless Ocean -- Diving-oriented video game for the Wii first released in 2007
Wikipedia - Engagement (military) -- Combat between two military forces, neither larger than a division or smaller than a company
Wikipedia - Engineer diver -- Disambiguation page
Wikipedia - Engineering Arm -- Division of the French Army
Wikipedia - English translations of Dante's Divine Comedy
Wikipedia - Eniko Kiefer -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Enlightenment in Buddhism -- "bodhi": knowledge, wisdom, wakeful intellect, or awakened divinity of a Buddha
Wikipedia - Ennathan Mudivu -- 1965 film by K. S. Gopalakrishnan
Wikipedia - Entanglement (hazard) -- Environment which may restrain the diver's freedom of movement by snagging on the diver or equipment
Wikipedia - Entity List -- List published by the Bureau of Industry and Security of businesses, research institutions, government and private organizations, individuals, and other types of legal persons subject to specific license requirements for the export, reexport and/or transfer of specified items
Wikipedia - Environmental impact of recreational diving -- Adverse effects of scuba diving on the marine environment
Wikipedia - Enzo Maiorca -- Italian free diver who held several world records
Wikipedia - Epaxial and hypaxial muscles -- Trunk muscles can be broadly divided into hypaxial muscles, which lie ventral to the horizontal septum of the vertebrae and epaxial muscles
Wikipedia - Epidermal growth factor -- Protein that stimulates cell division and differentiation
Wikipedia - Epirranthis diversata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Epistemic cultures -- Concept of diversity of scientific activity according to field, questioning the unity of science
Wikipedia - Epoch (geology) -- Subdivision of geological time; shorter than a period and longer than an age
Wikipedia - Equality before the law -- Principle that each individual must be treated equally by the law without discrimination or privileges
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1912 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1912 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1912 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual vaulting -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1924 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1924 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1924 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1928 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1928 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1928 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1932 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1932 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1932 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1936 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1936 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1936 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1948 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1948 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1948 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1952 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1952 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equeatrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1952 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1956 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1956 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1956 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1960 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1960 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1960 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1964 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1964 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1964 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1968 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1968 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1968 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1972 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1972 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1972 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1976 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1976 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1976 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1980 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1980 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1980 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1984 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1984 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1984 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 2004 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 2004 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 2004 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 2004 Summer Paralympics - Individual freestyle test grade II -- Paralympic equestrian event
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 2008 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 2008 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 2008 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 2012 Summer Olympics - Individual dressage -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 2012 Summer Olympics - Individual eventing -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equestrian at the 2012 Summer Olympics - Individual jumping -- Equestrian at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Equivalent narcotic depth -- Method for comparing the narcotic effects of a trimix diving gas with air
Wikipedia - Eremophila divaricata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ergonomics of diving equipment -- Interaction between diving equipment and the diver
Wikipedia - Erhard WeiM-CM-^_ -- German diver
Wikipedia - Erich Pils -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Erick Fornaris -- Cuban diver
Wikipedia - Eric MacDonald -- British diver
Wikipedia - Eric Sehn -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Erik Adlerz -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Erik TjM-CM-$der -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Ermera Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Ernest Walmsley -- British diver
Wikipedia - Ernfrid Appelqvist -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Ernie Meissner -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Ernst Brandsten -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Ernst Eklund (diver) -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Ernst Strupler -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Eryn Bulmer -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Escapism -- Mental diversion from unpleasant or boring aspects of life
Wikipedia - Eskil Brodd -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Esme Harris -- British diver
Wikipedia - Esoteric Nazism -- Post-WW2 mystical or occult beliefs that view Adolf Hitler as a supernatural savior or divinity
Wikipedia - Estadio Parque Municipal -- Stadium in Valdivia, Chile
Wikipedia - Ester Edstrom -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Esther Qin -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Estrella Navarro -- Mexican freediver, biologist, conservationist, and fashion model
Wikipedia - Eternal sin -- In Christian theology, an act that violates divine law and is unforgivable by God
Wikipedia - Ethan Warren -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Etienne Vincent -- French diver
Wikipedia - Etsuko Kamakura -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Euclidean algorithm -- Algorithm for computing greatest common divisors
Wikipedia - Euclidean division -- Division with remainder of an integer by another one
Wikipedia - Euclidean domain -- Commutative ring with a Euclidean division
Wikipedia - Euclid's lemma -- A prime that divides a product divides one of the factors
Wikipedia - Euergetism -- Practice of wealthy individuals distributing wealth to the community
Wikipedia - Eugen Ahnstrom -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Eugene Lenormand -- French diver
Wikipedia - Eugenie Briollet -- French diver
Wikipedia - Eugenie Clark -- American ichthyologist, shark researcher and scientific scuba diver
Wikipedia - Eup (administrative division) -- Administrative unit
Wikipedia - Eupithecia divina -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia rediviva -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia valdivia -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - European Diving Technology Committee -- International organisation for improving professional diver safety
Wikipedia - European individualist anarchism
Wikipedia - European Party for Individual Liberty
Wikipedia - European Scientific Diver -- A diver competent to perform as a member of a scientific diving team.
Wikipedia - European Scientific Diving Panel -- A panel of the European Network of Marine Research Institutes and Stations
Wikipedia - European Underwater and Baromedical Society -- Source of information for diving and hyperbaric medicine
Wikipedia - European Underwater Federation -- Umbrella organisation representing scuba diver training organisations in Europe
Wikipedia - Eurybia divaricata -- North American species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Eustachio Divini
Wikipedia - Eutychianism -- Specific understanding of how the human and divine relate within the person of Jesus
Wikipedia - Euvaldiviana -- Genus of flies
Wikipedia - Evan Stewart -- Zimbabwean diver
Wikipedia - Eva Petersen -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Eva Pfarrhofer -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Evelyne Boisvert -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Evergreen Cemetery (Los Angeles) -- Historic, diverse cemetery in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, California.
Wikipedia - Evgeny Kuznetsov (diver) -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Evian-les-Bains -- administrative division in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Evita Griskenas -- American individual rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Evolutionary biology -- The study of the processes that produced the diversity of life
Wikipedia - Evolutionary history of plants -- The origin and diversification of plants through geologic time
Wikipedia - Evolutionary radiation -- An increase in taxonomic diversity or morphological disparity, due to adaptive change or the opening of ecospace
Wikipedia - Evolution of brachiopods -- The origin and diversification of brachiopods through geologic time
Wikipedia - Evolution of butterflies -- The origin and diversification of butterflies through geologic time
Wikipedia - Evolution of cephalopods -- The origin and diversification of cephalopods through geologic time
Wikipedia - Evolution of eusociality -- Origins of cooperative brood care, overlapping generations within a colony of adults, and a division of labor into reproductive and non-reproductive groups.
Wikipedia - Evolution of fish -- The origin and diversification of fish through geologic time
Wikipedia - Evolution of fungi -- The origin and diversification of fungi through geologic time
Wikipedia - Evolution of molluscs -- The origin and diversification of mulluscs through geologic time
Wikipedia - Evolution of primates -- The origin and diversification of primates through geologic time
Wikipedia - Evolution of reptiles -- The origin and diversification of reptiles through geologic time
Wikipedia - Evolution of snake venom -- The origin and diversification of snake venom through geologic time
Wikipedia - Evolution of spiders -- The origin from a chelicerate ancestor and diversification of spiders through geologic time
Wikipedia - Evolution of the eye -- Origins and diversification of the organs of sight through geologic time
Wikipedia - Ewa Kucinska -- Polish diver
Wikipedia - Ewald RiebschlM-CM-$ger -- German diver
Wikipedia - Ewa Olliwier -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Exarchate of Africa -- Historic division of the Byzantine Empire
Wikipedia - Exceptionalism -- belief that a species, country, society, institution, movement, individual, or time period is "exceptional"
Wikipedia - Excursion umbilical -- A diver's umbilical supplied from a bell gas panel
Wikipedia - Exegesis (group) -- Group of individuals that delivered the Exegesis Programme
Wikipedia - Exercise Paddington Diamond -- A joint Bolivian-British-Swiss scuba diving expedition to Lake Titicaca
Wikipedia - Existentialism -- Philosophical study that begins with the acting, feeling, living human individual
Wikipedia - Expatriate -- Individual temporarily or permanently residing in a country other than their native one
Wikipedia - Extended Euclidean algorithm -- Method for computing the relation of two integers with their greatest common divisor
Wikipedia - Ex-voto -- Votive offering to a saint or to a divinity in Christianity
Wikipedia - Eyalet -- Administrative division of the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Eye care professional -- Individual who provides a service related to the eyes or vision
Wikipedia - E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife -- Governmental organisation managing wildlife conservation areas and biodiversity in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa
Wikipedia - Ezio Selva -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Fabio Pajella -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Factions (Divergent)
Wikipedia - Faculty (division) -- Division within a university
Wikipedia - Fahu Fiyavalhu -- Maldivian television drama series
Wikipedia - Fair cake-cutting -- Fair division problem
Wikipedia - Fair division -- Problem of sharing resources
Wikipedia - Fairmont Subdivision -- Railroad line between Grafton and Rivesville in the U.S. state of West Virginia.
Wikipedia - Faizabad division -- administrative geographical unit of Uttar Pradesh state in India
Wikipedia - Falk Hoffmann -- East German diver
Wikipedia - Fallacy of division
Wikipedia - Falls of Divach -- Waterfall in Scotland, ending in the northern shore of Loch Ness
Wikipedia - False prophet -- Person who falsely claims the gift of prophecy or divine inspiration
Wikipedia - Family tree of the Greek gods -- Family tree of gods, goddesses and other divine figures from Ancient Greek mythology and Ancient Greek religion
Wikipedia - Fanadir -- A recreational dive site in the Red Sea
Wikipedia - Fanny Bouvet -- French diver
Wikipedia - Farewell (Divinefire album) -- album by Divinefire
Wikipedia - Farewell speech -- Speech given by an individual leaving a position or place
Wikipedia - Faridpur, Bangladesh -- city in Faridpur District, Dhaka Division
Wikipedia - Farid Simaika -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Father Divine -- U.S. religious leader, founder of the International Peace Mission movement (1876-1965)
Wikipedia - Father of Greatness -- Eternal divine manifestation of good in Manichaeism
Wikipedia - Fathimath Azifa -- Maldivian film actress
Wikipedia - Fathimath Fareela -- Maldivian film actress
Wikipedia - Fathimath Zoona -- Maldivian female singer
Wikipedia - Fatuberliu Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Fatumean Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Fausto Valdiviezo -- Ecuadorian journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Fazeela Amir -- Maldivian female singer
Wikipedia - Fazna Ahmed -- 6th First Lady of the Maldives
Wikipedia - FBI Counterintelligence Division -- US FBI special division
Wikipedia - FBI Counterterrorism Division -- US FBI division
Wikipedia - FBI Intelligence Branch -- US FBI special division
Wikipedia - FBI Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate -- US FBI special division
Wikipedia - FDIV
Wikipedia - Fecal microbiota transplant -- Process of transplantation of fecal bacteria from a healthy individual into a recipient
Wikipedia - Federal district -- Country subdivision administered by the federal government rather than being its own constituent state; may or may not have its own local government
Wikipedia - Federal Firearms License -- US license to enable an individual or a company to be in the firearms business
Wikipedia - Federation Francaise d'Etudes et de Sports Sous-Marins -- French diver training and certification agency
Wikipedia - Federazione Italiana Attivita Subacquee -- Italian non-profit recreational diver training organisation affiliated to CMAS
Wikipedia - Federico Andrade -- Colombian diver
Wikipedia - Federico Mariscal -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Fediverse -- Group of social networking websites using some federation protocol, like OStatus
Wikipedia - Feet sea water -- Unit of pressure conventionally used in underwater diving
Wikipedia - Fenzy -- French manufacturer of industrial and diving breathing equipment
Wikipedia - Ferenc Siak -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - Fernanda Martini-Pautasso -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Fernando Henderson -- Dominican Republic diver
Wikipedia - Fernando Platas -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Fernando Telles Ribeiro -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - Fernand Sauvage -- Belgian diver
Wikipedia - Ferrero Marianetti -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Field (mathematics) -- Algebraic structure with addition, multiplication and division
Wikipedia - Films Division
Wikipedia - Financial Crimes Investigation Division -- Sri Lanka law enforcement agency
Wikipedia - Finitary relation -- Property that assigns truth values to k-tuples of individuals
Wikipedia - Firearm -- Gun for an individual
Wikipedia - First date -- Initial meeting between two individuals, whether or not previously acquainted, where an effort is made to ask, plan, and organize some sort of social activity.
Wikipedia - First Serbian Volunteer Division -- Serbian Volunteer unit in WWI
Wikipedia - Fish dive (ballet)
Wikipedia - Fisher P-75 Eagle -- 1943 fighter aircraft series by General Motors Fisher Body Division
Wikipedia - Fitness to dive -- Medical fitness of a person to function safely underwater under pressure
Wikipedia - Fizz buzz -- Group word game to teach mathematical division
Wikipedia - Flag of the Maldives -- National flag
Wikipedia - Flavia Eberhard -- Brazilian free-diver and presenter of TV series "APNEIA"
Wikipedia - Flora Gondos -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - Flora of Peru -- Flora of Peru is very diverse
Wikipedia - Florentia Sfakianou -- Greek diver
Wikipedia - Florian Fandler -- German diver
Wikipedia - Focal length -- Measure of how strongly the system converges or diverges light
Wikipedia - Fohoren Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Folgore Division -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Folie a deux -- Shared psychosis, a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief are transmitted from one individual to another
Wikipedia - Fong Kay Yian -- Singaporean diver
Wikipedia - Food industry -- Collective of diverse businesses that supplies much of the world's food
Wikipedia - Food vs. fuel -- Debate concerning diversion of food supply for biofuels production
Wikipedia - Football Bowl Subdivision
Wikipedia - Fordyce spots -- Sebaceous glands that are present in most individuals
Wikipedia - Forecast region -- Unique geographical area for which individual weather reports are issued
Wikipedia - Forensic facial reconstruction -- Process of recreating the face of an individual from their skeletal remains through an amalgamation of artistry, anthropology, osteology, and anatomy
Wikipedia - Forsta divisionen -- 1941 Swedish drama film
Wikipedia - Fossil fuel divestment -- Removal of investment in companies involved in extracting fossil fuels to reduce climate change
Wikipedia - Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
Wikipedia - Founder effect -- Loss of genetic variation resulting from a few individuals establishing a new population
Wikipedia - Four continents -- 16th century division of the world into four continents; Africa, America, Asia and Europe
Wikipedia - Fourier division
Wikipedia - Fowey and Tywardreath (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Fox Kids -- Fox Broadcasting Company's American children's programming division
Wikipedia - Fox Sports (United States) -- Sports programming division of the Fox Broadcasting Company
Wikipedia - Fox Television Stations -- Television station division of Fox
Wikipedia - Francesca Dallape -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Francesca D'Oriano -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Francesco Dell'Uomo -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Frances Cramp -- British diver
Wikipedia - Frances Ondiviela -- Spanish-Mexican actress
Wikipedia - Francis Bampfield -- 17th century Baptist divine
Wikipedia - Francisco Ferreras -- Cuban freediver also known as "Pipin"
Wikipedia - Francisco Ortiz (diver) -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - Francisco Perez (diver) -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Francisco Rueda (diver) -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Francis Murphy (diver) -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Franco Ferraris -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Francois Imbeau-Dulac -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Frank Aloysius Mullen -- American diver
Wikipedia - Frank Carter (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Frank Dufficy -- British diver
Wikipedia - Frank Errington -- British diver
Wikipedia - Frank Gorman (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - Frank Gosling -- Bermudian diver
Wikipedia - Frank Kehoe -- American diver
Wikipedia - Frank Kurtz -- Diver and Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Frank Landqvist -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Frank Taubert -- German diver
Wikipedia - FrantiM-EM-!ek Leikert -- Czech diver
Wikipedia - Franz Worisch -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Fraud -- Intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual
Wikipedia - Fravashi -- Zoroastrian concept of a personal spirit of an individual
Wikipedia - Freddie Woodward -- British diver
Wikipedia - Frederic Boeni -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Frederic Dumas -- French pioneer of scuba diving
Wikipedia - Frederick Hodges -- British diver
Wikipedia - Frederic Pierre (diver) -- French diver
Wikipedia - Frederic Sessa -- French freediver
Wikipedia - Freediving blackout -- Loss of consciousness caused by cerebral hypoxia towards the end of a breath-hold dive
Wikipedia - Freediving -- Underwater diving without breathing apparatus
Wikipedia - Freedom Dividend
Wikipedia - Freedom for the individual
Wikipedia - Freedom of choice -- An individual's opportunity and autonomy to perform an action selected from at least two available options, unconstrained by external parties
Wikipedia - Freedom of religion in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Freedom of thought -- Freedom of an individual to hold or consider a fact, viewpoint, or thought, independent of others' viewpoints
Wikipedia - Free-flow helmet -- A helmet which supplies a continuous flow of air to the diver
Wikipedia - Free immersion apnea -- Freediving discipline in which no propulsion equipment is used, but pulling on the rope during descent and ascent is permitted
Wikipedia - Freeman on the land -- Group of individuals with erroneous views on the rule of law
Wikipedia - Freguesia -- Administrative subdivision of Portugal
Wikipedia - French individualist anarchist
Wikipedia - French kiss -- Form of kissing using tongue-to-tongue interaction of each individual
Wikipedia - Frenzel maneuver -- Ear equalization technique originally developed for dive bomber pilots
Wikipedia - Frequency-division multiple access
Wikipedia - Frequency-division multiplexing
Wikipedia - Freshwater diving -- Underwater diving in fresh water
Wikipedia - Frithjof Seidel -- German diver
Wikipedia - Fritz Enskat -- German diver
Wikipedia - Fritz Geyer -- German diver
Wikipedia - Fritz Nicolai -- German diver
Wikipedia - Frobenius theorem (real division algebras) -- Theorem in abstract algebra
Wikipedia - Frogman -- Tactical scuba diver
Wikipedia - Full face diving mask
Wikipedia - Full-face diving mask -- Diving mask that covers the mouth as well as the eyes and nose
Wikipedia - Fu Mingxia -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Fumio Takashina -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Fungie -- Individual dolphin known for sightings in Ireland
Wikipedia - Fun Machine -- album by Lake Street Dive
Wikipedia - Funzie Girt -- Ancient dividing wall that was erected from north to south across the island of Fetlar in Shetland, Scotland
Wikipedia - Furaana Dheynan -- Maldivian television series
Wikipedia - Fusako Kakumaru -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Fusako KM-EM-^Mno -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - G0 phase -- Quiescent stage of the cell cycle in which the cell does not divide
Wikipedia - Gabriel Chereches -- Romanian diver
Wikipedia - Gabriele Auber -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Gabriele Schope -- German diver
Wikipedia - Gabrielle Armstrong-Scott -- New Zealand diver
Wikipedia - Gadiv Petrochemical Industries -- Israeli chemical company
Wikipedia - Gagea divaricata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Galapagos Rise -- A divergent boundary between the South American coast and the triple junction of the Nazca Plate, the Cocos Plate, and the Pacific Plate
Wikipedia - Galina Alekseyeva (diver) -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Galium divaricatum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Galium mahadivense -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Gallatin School of Individualized Study
Wikipedia - Gambir (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Gamul Kebir -- Recreational dive site of Egypt in the Red Sea
Wikipedia - Gang bang -- Person engages in consensual sex acts with several individuals at the same time
Wikipedia - Gang -- Violent group of individuals
Wikipedia - Ganna Sorokina -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Gannet -- Genus of diving seabirds
Wikipedia - Gao Min (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Garay Department -- administrative subdivision of the province of Santa Fe, Argentina
Wikipedia - Garhwal division -- Administrative division of Uttarakhand, India
Wikipedia - Garuda -- Eagle-like divine bird in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism
Wikipedia - Gary Gentile -- American author and pioneering technical diver
Wikipedia - Gary Lamb -- New Zealand diver
Wikipedia - Gary Tobian -- American diver
Wikipedia - Gas blender -- Person who blends breathing gas mixtures for scuba diving and fills diving cylinders
Wikipedia - Gas blending for scuba diving -- Mixing and filling cylinders with breathing gases for use when scuba diving
Wikipedia - Gas panel -- Breathing gas distribution panel for surface-supplied diving
Wikipedia - Gaspar de Molina y Zaldivar -- Spanish architect, painter, poet and writer
Wikipedia - Gas switching -- Changing the breathing gas mixture during a dive
Wikipedia - Gaumee Film Awards -- Maldivian film industry awards
Wikipedia - Gaunpalika -- Nepalese administrative subdivisions
Wikipedia - Gauss's lemma (polynomial) -- The greatest common divisor of the coefficients is a multiplicative function
Wikipedia - G Division (Dublin Metropolitan Police) -- A plainclothes division of the Dublin Metropolitan Police
Wikipedia - GE Capital -- Corporate division
Wikipedia - Gellunu Furaana -- Maldivian TV series
Wikipedia - Gemas (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Gems of Divine Mysteries -- Arabic text by BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Gender variance -- Behavior by an individual that does not match masculine or feminine gender norms
Wikipedia - Gene-environment correlation -- Dependence of environmental conditions on individual genotype
Wikipedia - Gene Hobbs -- American technical diver and co-founder of the Rubicon Foundation
Wikipedia - Generational Divide -- 2019 song by Blink-182
Wikipedia - Gene theft -- Act of acquiring the genetic material of another individual, usually from public places, without the person's permission
Wikipedia - Genetic diversity -- The total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a species
Wikipedia - Genetic genealogy -- The use of DNA testing in combination with traditional genealogical methods to infer relationships between individuals and find ancestors
Wikipedia - Genevieve Bradley -- American high diver
Wikipedia - Genius (mythology) -- In ancient Roman religion, an individual instance of a general divine nature that is present in every individual person, place, or thing
Wikipedia - Gennady Galkin -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Gennady Udalov -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Genome-wide association study -- Study to research genome-wide set of genetic variants in different individuals to see if any variant is associated with a trait.
Wikipedia - Geoff Mandy -- South African diver
Wikipedia - Geological period -- Subdivision of geological time; shorter than an era and longer than an epoch
Wikipedia - Geomancy -- Method of divination that interprets markings on the ground
Wikipedia - George Athans Sr. -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - George Cane -- British diver
Wikipedia - George F. Bond -- US Navy physician and diving medicine and saturation diving researcher
Wikipedia - George Gaidzik -- American diver
Wikipedia - George Hickes (divine) -- 17th/18th-century English priest and scholar
Wikipedia - George N. Cretekos (Sponge Diving Boat) -- Historic vessel at Tarpon Springs, Florida
Wikipedia - Georges Beuchat -- French inventor, diver and businessman
Wikipedia - Georges Garreau -- French diver
Wikipedia - George Sheldon (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - George (snail) -- Snail of the species Achatinella apexfulva, and the last known individual of its species.
Wikipedia - Georges Senecot -- French diver
Wikipedia - George Yvon -- British diver
Wikipedia - Georgia Coleman -- American diver
Wikipedia - Georgia Sheehan -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Gerda Daumerlang -- German diver
Wikipedia - Gerda Johansson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Gerd Volker -- German diver
Wikipedia - Gerhard Holzl -- German diver
Wikipedia - German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) -- German research centre
Wikipedia - German Sanchez (diver) -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Gerundive
Wikipedia - Get (divorce document) -- Divorce document in Judaism
Wikipedia - Get of Cleves -- contentious 18th-century divorce case
Wikipedia - Ghatvog Union -- Place in Khulna Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Ghazan -- Ruler of the Mongol Empire's Ilkhanate division (1271-1304) (r. 1295-1304)
Wikipedia - Ghent (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Ghent-Eeklo (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Ghent-Eeklo (Flemish Parliament constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Ghost Diver -- 1957 American adventure film by Richard Einfeld and Merrill G. White
Wikipedia - Ghost net -- Fishing net left or lost in the sea, that endangers marine animals or human divers
Wikipedia - Gibson Stradivarius -- Antique violin
Wikipedia - Gilgit Division -- Administrative division of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Wikipedia - Gilles Emptoz-Lacote -- French diver
Wikipedia - Gill slit -- Individual opening to a gill
Wikipedia - Ginger Huber -- American diver
Wikipedia - Giorgi Chogovadze -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Giorgio Cagnotto -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Giovanna Pedroso -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - Giovanni Tocci -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Giraavaru people -- Indigenous people of Giraavaru Island, Maldives
Wikipedia - Gladys Luscombe -- British diver
Wikipedia - Glaisher's theorem -- On the number of partitions of an integer into parts not divisible by another integer
Wikipedia - Glazovsky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Vyatka Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Gleb Galperin -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Glen Grout -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Glen Strathallan -- British ship scuttled in Plymouth sound as a dive site
Wikipedia - Glen Whitten -- American diver
Wikipedia - Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services -- 2019 report by the United Nations on mass extinction
Wikipedia - Global Biodiversity Information Facility -- Aggregator of scientific data on biodiversity; data portal
Wikipedia - Global digital divide
Wikipedia - Global News -- Canadian news network, division of Global Television Network
Wikipedia - Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics -- A core project for understanding how global change will affect the abundance, diversity and productivity of marine populations
Wikipedia - Global Ocean Sampling Expedition -- An ocean exploration genome project to assess genetic diversity in marine microbial communities
Wikipedia - Glossary of SCUBA diving -- Definitions of technical terms, jargon, diver slang and acronyms used in underwater diving
Wikipedia - Glossary of underwater diving terminology -- Definitions of technical terms, jargon, diver slang and acronyms used in underwater diving
Wikipedia - GMC (automobile) -- Division of General Motors focused on trucks and utility vehicles
Wikipedia - Goalundo Ghat -- Town in Dhaka Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Goba (woreda) -- Political division in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Gocha Gakharia -- Georgian diver
Wikipedia - Goddess movement -- Modern revival of divine feminine or female-centered spirituality
Wikipedia - Godiva Chocolatier -- Turkish owned Belgian chocolaterie (founded in 1926)
Wikipedia - Godiva Festival -- A three day music festival held each year in Coventry, England
Wikipedia - Godiva (poem)
Wikipedia - Gog and Magog -- Pair of individuals, peoples, or lands in the Bible and the Qur'an
Wikipedia - Gold Dust Twins -- Name of 19th century marketing icons now eponymous with two closely entwined individuals.
Wikipedia - Golden Divas Baatein With Badshah -- Indian television chat show
Wikipedia - Goldfinder -- Autobiography of British diver and treasure hunter Keith Jessop
Wikipedia - Goldschmidt division
Wikipedia - Golf at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Golf at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Golf at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Golf at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Golf at the 1904 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Golf at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Gomelsky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Mogilev Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Googie architecture -- Form of post-modern architecture style, a subdivision of futurist architecture
Wikipedia - Google AI -- Google division dedicated to AI
Wikipedia - Google's Ideological Echo Chamber -- Manifesto on workplace diversity
Wikipedia - Gopalganj Subdivision -- Administrative subdivision in Bihar, India
Wikipedia - Goran Colak -- Croatian free-diver and world record holder
Wikipedia - Goran Lundqvist -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Gordon Ward (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Goretsky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Mogilev Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Gosta Horn -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Gosta M-CM-^Vlander -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Gosta Sjoberg -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Gottlob Walz -- German diver
Wikipedia - Goudargues -- administrative division in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Governorate (Russia) -- Historic administrative subdivision of the Russian Empire and early Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Governorates of Jordan -- Administrative subdivisions of Jordan
Wikipedia - Governorates of Yemen -- List of type of bureaucratic division in Yemen
Wikipedia - Grace Reid -- Scottish diver
Wikipedia - Gracie Junita -- Malaysian diver
Wikipedia - Graeme Banks -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Graham Balcombe -- Pioneering British cave diver
Wikipedia - Graham Deuble -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Graham Holdings -- American diversified company
Wikipedia - Graham Jessop -- British commercial diver and marine archaeologist
Wikipedia - Graham Morris -- British diver
Wikipedia - Grain size -- Diameter of individual grains of sediment, or of lithified particles in clastic rocks
Wikipedia - Grand Central Publishing -- Division of Hachette Book Group
Wikipedia - Grand Divisions of Tennessee -- Three legally-recognized geographic regions in the U.S. state of Tennessee
Wikipedia - Grand Master of Memory -- Title awarded to individuals capable of specific memory feats
Wikipedia - Granite Reef Diversion Dam -- Dam located northeast of Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - Grant Nel -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Grasim Industries -- Indian diversified manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Graveyard spiral -- Spiral dive entered by a pilot due to spatial disorientation
Wikipedia - Great Basin Divide -- hydrological divide in western United States bounding a large endorheic basin
Wikipedia - Great Divergence
Wikipedia - Great Divide Basin -- endorheic basin adjoining the Continental Divide in southern Wyoming, USA
Wikipedia - Great Divide Trail -- A long-distance hiking trail
Wikipedia - Greatest common divisor -- Largest positive integer that divides two or more integers
Wikipedia - Great man theory -- Theory that history is shaped primarily by extraordinary individuals
Wikipedia - Greek divination
Wikipedia - Green Fins -- Organisation in South East Asia for preservation of coral reefs by improving diver behavior
Wikipedia - Greg Louganis -- American Olympic platform diver
Wikipedia - Gregory Matveieff -- British diver
Wikipedia - Greta Lugthart -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Greta Onnela -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Grevenmacher (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Grevillea divaricata -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae native to New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Grevillea diversifolia -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae native to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Grey hat -- May refer to an individual who acts in a variety of IT-related areas; hacker
Wikipedia - Grodnensky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Grodno Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Grounds for Divorce (film) -- 1925 film by Paul Bern
Wikipedia - GRUMEC -- Brazilian Navy special forces diving unit
Wikipedia - Grzegorz Kozdranski -- Polish diver
Wikipedia - Guadalupe Canseco -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Gu (administrative division) -- Administrative unit
Wikipedia - Guai (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Guards Cavalry Division (German Empire) -- Division
Wikipedia - Gudivada Gurunadha Rao -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Gudrun Gromer -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Guglielmo De Sanctis (diver) -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Guidiville Rancheria of California
Wikipedia - Guillaume Nery -- French freediver
Wikipedia - Guillaume Vandive -- French printer
Wikipedia - Guillermo Vivas Valdivieso -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - Gun (administrative division) -- Type of administrative unit in North and South Korea
Wikipedia - Gunnar Ekstrand -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Gunnar Johansson (diver) -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Gunnar Kemnitz -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - Gunnar Wingqvist -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Gunnislake and Calstock (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Gunnislake (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Gunong Semanggol (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Gunther Haase -- German diver
Wikipedia - Gunther Mund -- Chilean diver
Wikipedia - Gustaf Blomgren -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Gustavo Somohano -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Guybon Chesney Castell Damant -- English physiologist, diver, royal navy officer, and researcher
Wikipedia - Guy Garman -- Scuba diver who died in a depth record attempt
Wikipedia - Guy Hernandez -- French diver
Wikipedia - Gwangjin A -- South Korean political division
Wikipedia - Gwen Rix -- New Zealand diver
Wikipedia - Gwinear-Gwithian and St Erth (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Gwon Gyeong-min -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Gymnastics at the 1908 Summer Olympics - Men's artistic individual all-around -- Gymnastics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Gymnastics at the 1948 Summer Olympics - Men's artistic individual all-around -- Olympic gymnastics event
Wikipedia - Gymnastics at the 1952 Summer Olympics - Men's artistic individual all-around -- Olympic gymnastics event
Wikipedia - Gymnastics at the 1952 Summer Olympics - Women's artistic individual all-around -- Olympic gymnastics event
Wikipedia - Gymnastics at the 1956 Summer Olympics - Men's artistic individual all-around -- Olympic gymnastics event
Wikipedia - Gymnastics at the 1960 Summer Olympics - Men's artistic individual all-around -- Olympic gymnastics event
Wikipedia - Gymnastics at the 1960 Summer Olympics - Women's artistic individual all-around -- Olympic gymnastics event
Wikipedia - Gymnastics at the 1964 Summer Olympics - Men's artistic individual all-around -- Olympic gymnastics event
Wikipedia - Haa Dhaalu Atoll Education Centre -- School in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Haasaa -- Maldivian web series
Wikipedia - Hacker culture -- Subculture of individuals
Wikipedia - Haenyeo -- Female occupational divers in the Korean province of Jeju
Wikipedia - Hagedorn temperature -- Temperature at which the partition function of a statistical-mechanical system diverges
Wikipedia - Hakea divaricata -- Species of plant in the family Proteaceae native to an area in central Australia
Wikipedia - Halcyon PVR-BASC -- Semi-closed circuit depth compensated passive addition diving rebreather
Wikipedia - Haley Ishimatsu -- American diver
Wikipedia - Half mask -- Diving mask covering the nose and eyes
Wikipedia - Half-time (music) -- Type of metric change in music, that doubles the tempo resolution or metric division, in comparison to common-time
Wikipedia - Hal Haig Prieste -- Armenian-American diver
Wikipedia - Halle-Vilvoorde (Flemish Parliament constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Hall income tax -- Tax in interest, dividend, and investment income in Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Hama Himeyn -- 2004 Maldivian film
Wikipedia - Hammer Stradivarius -- Antique violin made by Antonio Stradivari
Wikipedia - Hanaa (web series) -- Maldivian web series
Wikipedia - Handedness -- Better performance or individual preference for use of a hand
Wikipedia - Hands Across the Divide -- Memorial in Derry, Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Hanli Prinsloo -- South African freediver
Wikipedia - Hanna Krasnoshlyk -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Hanna Laursen -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Hanna Pysmenska -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Hannes KM-CM-$rkkM-CM-$inen -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Hanni Rehborn -- German diver
Wikipedia - Hanny Kellner -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Hans Aderhold -- German diver
Wikipedia - Hans-Dieter Pophal -- German diver
Wikipedia - Hans Haasmann -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Hans Hass -- Austrian biologist, film-maker, and underwater diving pioneer
Wikipedia - Hans Klug -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Hans Luber -- German diver
Wikipedia - Harirampur Upazila -- administrative region in Dhaka Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Harmonic divisor number
Wikipedia - Harold Clarke -- British diver
Wikipedia - Harold Goodworth -- British diver
Wikipedia - Harold Grote -- American diver
Wikipedia - Haroldo Mariano -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - Harold Smith (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - Harold Smyrk -- Australian-born British diver
Wikipedia - Harry Crank -- British diver
Wikipedia - Harry Vandiver -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Harshad number -- Integer divisible by sum of its digits
Wikipedia - Harun el-Raschid Hintersatz -- SS-Standartenfuhrer and commander of the Ostturkischer Waffenverband division, German convert to Islam
Wikipedia - Harvard Divinity School
Wikipedia - Harvard Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Wikipedia - Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology
Wikipedia - Hasan Tahsin (poet) -- Turkish Divan poet
Wikipedia - Hassan Afeef -- Maldivian film actor
Wikipedia - Hasselt-Tongeren-Maaseik (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Hasselt-Tongeren-Maaseik (Flemish Parliament constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Hat diviyan keliya
Wikipedia - Hatharu Halha -- 2019 Maldivian anthology crime film
Wikipedia - Hathawekela -- One of the five divisions of the Shawnee, a Native American people during the 18th century
Wikipedia - Hatolia Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Hatsuko Hirose -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Hauptvermutung -- Must two triangulations of a triangulable space have equivalent subdivisions? (No)
Wikipedia - Hayedeh: Legendary Persian Diva -- 2009 film
Wikipedia - Hayflick limit -- Number of times a normal human cell population will divide before cell division stops
Wikipedia - Hayley Allen -- British diver
Wikipedia - Hayley Sage -- British diver
Wikipedia - Hazmat diver -- Professional diver working in hazardous materials environments
Wikipedia - Hazmat diving -- Underwater diving in a known hazardous materials environment
Wikipedia - Head of Household -- Filing status for individual United States taxpayers
Wikipedia - Health professional -- Individual who systematically provides health care services
Wikipedia - Hearts Divided -- 1936 film by Frank Borzage
Wikipedia - Heaven -- Divine abode in various religious traditions
Wikipedia - He Chao -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - He Chong -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Hector Bas -- Puerto Rican diver
Wikipedia - Heegaard splitting -- Decomposition of a compact oriented 3-manifold by dividing it into two handlebodies
Wikipedia - Heidemarie Bartova -- Czech diver
Wikipedia - Heidi Becker-Ramlow -- German diver
Wikipedia - Height of Land Portage (St. Louis County) -- River portage crossing the Laurentian Divide in northern Minnesota
Wikipedia - Heike Fischer -- German diver
Wikipedia - Heiko Meyer -- German diver
Wikipedia - Heinke (diving equipment manufacturer) -- British manufacturer of diving equipment
Wikipedia - Heinkel He 50 -- German World War II-era dive bomber
Wikipedia - HeinrichsWeikamp -- German manufacturer of dive computers and other underwater electronics for recreational diving.
Wikipedia - Heinz Freyschmidt -- German diver
Wikipedia - Heinz Plumanns -- German diver
Wikipedia - Heinz Schaub -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Helen Koppell -- British diver
Wikipedia - Helen Meany -- American diver
Wikipedia - Helge M-CM-^Vberg -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Helge Vasenius -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Helge Ziethen -- German diver
Wikipedia - Helicopter 66 -- Individual United States Navy helicopter flown in support of NASA
Wikipedia - Helium release valve -- A feature on some watches for saturation diving
Wikipedia - Hell Divers -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Helle Tuxen -- Norwegian diver
Wikipedia - Helston South (electoral division) -- An electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - He Min -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - HemvM-CM-$rnsmusiken -- Division of the Home Guard
Wikipedia - Hendrika Bante -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Henei Commandery -- Ancient Chinese political subdivision
Wikipedia - Henichesk Raion -- Subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Henk Hemsing -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Henk Lotgering -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Henri Bource -- Dutch-Australian scuba diver, underwater filmmaker, musician and shark attack survivor
Wikipedia - Henri Goosen -- French diver
Wikipedia - Henri Rouquet -- French diver
Wikipedia - Henry Holt and Company -- American publishing company established 1866, under this name from 1873, succeeded by Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1960, continued as division or imprint
Wikipedia - Henry Kaiser (musician) -- American guitarist, film director, and scientific diver
Wikipedia - Henschel Hs 123 -- 1935 dive bomber series by Henschel
Wikipedia - Heracles -- Divine hero in Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Herbert Nitsch -- Austrian freediver and world record holder
Wikipedia - Herbert Pott -- British diver
Wikipedia - Hercules -- Roman adaptation of the Greek divine hero Heracles
Wikipedia - Herd behavior -- How individuals in a group can act collectively without centralized direction
Wikipedia - Heritage Documentation Programs -- Division of the U.S. National Park Service
Wikipedia - Hermann Stork -- German diver
Wikipedia - Herodian Tetrarchy -- Four-way division of Herod the Great's Levantine kingdom upon his death
Wikipedia - Hertsa Raion -- Former subdivision of Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Hex map -- Map subdivided into a hexagonal tiling, small regular hexagons of identical size
Wikipedia - Heylaa -- 2006 Maldivian crime film written and directed by Moomin Fuad
Wikipedia - He Zi -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Hidekatsu Ishida -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - High Court of Singapore -- Lower division of national supreme court
Wikipedia - High diving
Wikipedia - Highly composite number -- Positive integer with more divisors than any smaller positive integer
Wikipedia - High-net-worth individual
Wikipedia - High-pressure nervous syndrome -- A reversible diving disorder that occurs when a diver descends below about 150 m using a breathing gas based on helium
Wikipedia - High Rainfall Zone -- One of three biogeographic zones into which south west Western Australia is divided
Wikipedia - Hiiy Edhenee -- 2001 Maldivian romantic drama film by Aishath Ali Manik
Wikipedia - Hillary Hauser -- Journalist, Underwater Diver, Environmentalist
Wikipedia - Hilmer Lofberg -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Hilsa, Bihar -- Sub-division of the Nalanda district in Bihar, Indian
Wikipedia - Hindu views on monotheism -- Hinduism incorporates diverse views on monotheism
Wikipedia - Hisar Military Station -- Base headquarters of the 33rd Armoured Division of Mathura-headquartered I Corps
Wikipedia - Hispaniola -- Caribbean island divided between Haiti and the Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Historical books -- Division of the Christian Old Testament
Wikipedia - Historical Diving Society -- UK based organisation to conserve diving heritage
Wikipedia - History of decompression research and development -- A chronological list of notable events in the history of diving decompression.
Wikipedia - History of scuba diving -- History of diving using self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
Wikipedia - History of terrorism -- History of individuals, entities, and incidents associated with terrorism
Wikipedia - History of the Maldives -- Aspect of history
Wikipedia - History of underwater diving -- History of the practice of descending below the water's surface to interact with the environment
Wikipedia - Hitbodedut -- Unstructured, spontaneous and individualized form of prayer and meditation
Wikipedia - Hithi Nimun -- 2001 Maldivian drama film directed by Ali Shamee
Wikipedia - Hithi Thajuribaa -- Maldivian romantic drama television series
Wikipedia - Hiyy Vanee Inthizaarugai -- Maldivian television series
Wikipedia - Hlyboka Raion -- Former subdivision of Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - HMAS Brisbane (D 41) -- Perth-class guided missile destroyer of the Royal Australian Navy sunk as a dive site off the Queensland coast
Wikipedia - HMAS Canberra (FFG 02) -- Adelaide class guided missile frigate of the Royal Australian Navy scuttled as dive site off Barwon Heads, Victoria
Wikipedia - HMAS Perth (D 38) -- Guided missile destroyer of the Australian Navy, sunk as a dive site off Western Australia
Wikipedia - HMAS Swan (DE 50) -- Australian "River" class destroyer sunk as a dive site off the coast of Dunsborough, Western Australia
Wikipedia - HMT Elk (1902) -- British trawler sunk off Plymouth in 1940, now a recreational dive site.
Wikipedia - Hobby injection molding -- Small scale, individual use of injection molding technology
Wikipedia - Hola Prystan Raion -- Former subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Hollis Chair of Divinity
Wikipedia - Hollywood Pictures -- Division of Walt Disney Company
Wikipedia - Hologenome theory of evolution -- Evolutionary view of an individual multicellular organism as a community of the host plus all of its symbiotic microbes
Wikipedia - Home Nations -- The individual nations within the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Homestead Subdivision -- CSX railroad line in Florida
Wikipedia - Honeysuckle Divine -- American stripper and prostitute
Wikipedia - Hongnong Commandery -- Ancient Chinese political subdivision
Wikipedia - Hookah (diving) -- Surface-supplied diving equipment without the communication, lifeline and pneumofathometer hose
Wikipedia - Hordivtsi -- Village in Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Hornostaivka Raion -- Former subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Hornwort -- One of the three Divisions of bryophytic plants
Wikipedia - Horodok Raion, Khmelnytskyi Oblast -- Former subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Horodyshche Raion -- Former subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Horst Rosenfeldt -- German diver
Wikipedia - Hospitium -- Ancient Greco-Roman concept of hospitality as a divine right of the guest and a divine duty of the host
Wikipedia - Hotel Terme Millepini -- Hotel with 40m deep underwater diving pool
Wikipedia - Hot water suit -- A wetsuit with a supply of heated water to keep a diver warm
Wikipedia - Hot water system (diving) -- Water heating and supply system for hot-water diving suits
Wikipedia - Hovhannes Avtandilyan -- Armenian diver
Wikipedia - Hsieh Pei-hua -- Taiwanese diver
Wikipedia - HTML element -- Individual component of an HTML document
Wikipedia - Huang Qiang (diver) -- Malaysian diver
Wikipedia - Huang Xiaohui -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Hua's identity -- Formula relating pairs of elements in a division ring
Wikipedia - Huastecan languages -- Most divergent branch of the Mayan language family
Wikipedia - Hubertus Hitschhold -- German World War II dive bomber pilot and general
Wikipedia - Hugo Koivuniemi -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Hugo Parisi -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - Hu Jia (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Hulu Besut (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Hulu Kinta (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Human behavioral ecology -- Study of human behavior and cultural diversity
Wikipedia - Human capital flight -- Emigration of highly skilled or well-educated individuals
Wikipedia - Human Diversity -- 2020 non-fiction book by Charles Murray
Wikipedia - Human factors in diving equipment design
Wikipedia - Human factors in diving safety
Wikipedia - Human Genetic Diversity: Lewontin's Fallacy -- 2003 paper by Edwards
Wikipedia - Human torpedo -- Early form of diver propulsion vehicle
Wikipedia - Humberstone & Hamilton -- Electoral ward and administrative division of Leicester, England
Wikipedia - Hundred (county division) -- Administrative division that is geographically part of a larger region
Wikipedia - Hundred of Campbell -- Administrative division of South Australia
Wikipedia - Hundred of Downer -- Administrative division of South Australia
Wikipedia - Hundred of Forrest -- Administrative division of South Australia
Wikipedia - Hundred of Louth -- Administrative division of South Australia
Wikipedia - Hundred of Ripon -- Administrative division of South Australia
Wikipedia - Hundred of Wallis -- Administrative division in South Australia
Wikipedia - Hundred of Warrow -- Administrative division in South Australia
Wikipedia - Hundred of Witera -- Administrative division in South Australia
Wikipedia - Hundred of Wright -- Administrative division in South Australia
Wikipedia - Hundreds of Derbyshire -- Historic divisions of the county of Derbyshire in England
Wikipedia - Hundreds of Norfolk -- Traditional administrative subdivision of Norfolk, England
Wikipedia - Hundreds of Suffolk -- Historic county subdivisions
Wikipedia - Huo Liang -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Hussain Fariyaaz -- Maldivian journalist
Wikipedia - Hussain I of the Maldives -- Sultan of Maldives from 1398 to 1409
Wikipedia - Huvaa Kohfa Bunan -- Maldivian web series
Wikipedia - Huvadhu Kandu -- Geography of Maldives
Wikipedia - Hu Yadan -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Huy (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Huy-Waremme (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Hydrox (breathing gas) -- Breathing gas mixture experimentally used for very deep diving
Wikipedia - Hypnosis Mic discography -- discography of Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle
Wikipedia - Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle: Rhyme Anima -- 2020 Japanese anime television series
Wikipedia - Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle -- Japanese multimedia series
Wikipedia - I Am Nojoom, Age 10 and Divorced -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - Ian Edward Fraser -- British military diver. Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Ian Matos -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - IBM Research -- IBM's research and development division
Wikipedia - IBM Software Group -- Former division of IBM
Wikipedia - Ibolya Nagy (diver) -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - Ibone Belausteguigoitia -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Ibrahim Ameer -- Maldives politician
Wikipedia - Ibrahim Khalil (diver) -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Ibrahim Wisan -- Maldivian actor and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Ice diver -- Certification as competent to scuba dive under ice
Wikipedia - Ice diving
Wikipedia - I Ching divination
Wikipedia - I Ching -- Ancient Chinese text used for divination
Wikipedia - Idee fixe (psychology) -- An idea that preoccupies an individual and that he is unwilling to give up despite evidence to the contrary
Wikipedia - Identifiable victim effect -- Tendency of individuals to offer greater aid when a specific, identifiable person is observed under hardship
Wikipedia - Ignas Barkauskas -- Lithuanian diver
Wikipedia - Igor Lobanov (diver) -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Igor Lukashin -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Igor Radivilov -- Ukrainian gymnast
Wikipedia - Ikbal Hanim -- first wife of Abbas II, last Khedive of Egypt and Sudan (1876-1941)
Wikipedia - Ildiko Kelemen-Kovacs -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - Illud Divinum Insanus -- album by Morbid Angel
Wikipedia - Illya Kvasha -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Ilmari NiemelM-CM-$inen -- Finnish architect and diver
Wikipedia - Ilse Meudtner -- German diver
Wikipedia - Ilya Zakharov -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Imitation -- Behaviour in which an individual observes and replicates another's behaviour
Wikipedia - Immanence -- the belief that the divine encompasses or is manifested in the material world
Wikipedia - Immidivarappadu -- village in Andhra Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Immortalised cell line -- Lineage of cells that evades senescence and continues dividing
Wikipedia - Immunization -- Process by which an individual's immune system becomes fortified against an agent
Wikipedia - Imperial cult of ancient Rome -- Identification of emperors and some members of their families with the divinely sanctioned authority of the Roman State
Wikipedia - Imperial Japanese Navy Technical Department -- Operating division of the Ministry of the Navy of Japan
Wikipedia - Imperial staircase -- Type of staircase with divided flights
Wikipedia - Imprint (trade name) -- Trade name under which works are published; a publishing division of a publishing company
Wikipedia - Imre Lengyel -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - Im Yun-ji -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Inbreeding -- Production of offspring from the mating of individuals of a population who are more closely related than the average members of the population.
Wikipedia - Incarnation -- Deity or divine being in human/animal form on Earth
Wikipedia - Inclusion rider -- Contractual provision regarding diversity in media
Wikipedia - Inclusive fitness -- A measure of evolutionary success based on the number of offspring the individual supports
Wikipedia - Income tax -- Tax imposed on individuals or entities (taxpayers) that varies with respective income or profits (taxable income).
Wikipedia - Independence Pass (Colorado) -- Highest paved crossing of North America's Continental Divide
Wikipedia - Inderapura (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Index of biodiversity articles -- Wikipedia index
Wikipedia - Index of recreational dive sites -- Alphabetical listing of popular places for underwater diving
Wikipedia - Index of recreational diving sites -- Alphabetic listing of articles
Wikipedia - Index of underwater divers -- Alphabetical listing of articles about underwater divers
Wikipedia - Index of underwater diving -- Alphabetical listing of underwater diving related articles
Wikipedia - Indian agent -- Individual authorized to interact with Native Americans tribes on behalf of the U.S. government
Wikipedia - Indiva -- Cannabis company in London, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Individual action on climate change -- What people can do personally to help stop global warming
Wikipedia - Individual and group rights
Wikipedia - Individual assessment
Wikipedia - Individual autonomy
Wikipedia - Individual Carbine -- US Army assault rifle procurement plan, 2011
Wikipedia - Individual Computers Catweasel
Wikipedia - Individual Computers
Wikipedia - Individual development account -- Asset building tool
Wikipedia - Individual differences psychology
Wikipedia - Individual differences
Wikipedia - Individual freedom
Wikipedia - Individual involvement in the Chernobyl disaster -- People who took notable actions during nuclear accident
Wikipedia - Individualism Old and New
Wikipedia - Individualism -- Moral stance, political philosophy, ideology and social outlook that emphasizes the moral worth of the individual
Wikipedia - Individualist anarchism in Europe
Wikipedia - Individualist anarchism in France
Wikipedia - Individualist anarchism in the United States
Wikipedia - Individualist anarchism -- Branch of anarchism that emphasize the individual and their will
Wikipedia - Individualist anarchist
Wikipedia - Individualist feminism
Wikipedia - Individualistic culture
Wikipedia - Individualistic
Wikipedia - Individualist socialist
Wikipedia - Individualists
Wikipedia - Individualist
Wikipedia - Individuality (Can I Be Me?) -- 2000 album by Rachelle Ferrell
Wikipedia - Individuality
Wikipedia - Individualized cancer immunotherapy -- Individualized cancer immunotherapy is a novel concept for therapeutic cancer vaccines that are truly personalized to a single individual
Wikipedia - Individualized Education Program -- Document that is developed for each public school child in the U.S. who needs special education
Wikipedia - Individualized medicine -- Type of medical treatment
Wikipedia - Individual liberty
Wikipedia - Individual Master File -- Record-keeping system for US tax filings
Wikipedia - Individual Partnership Action Plan -- intergovernmental relations between countries and NATO
Wikipedia - Individual psychological assessment
Wikipedia - Individual Psychology
Wikipedia - Individual psychology -- School of psychology founded by Alfred Adler
Wikipedia - Individual reclamation
Wikipedia - Individual rights
Wikipedia - Individual sovereignty
Wikipedia - Individual sprint at the Olympics -- Olympic sport
Wikipedia - Individuals
Wikipedia - Individual time trial -- Road bicycle race time trial for an individual
Wikipedia - Individual
Wikipedia - Individuation
Wikipedia - Indivirus -- Hypothesized genus of giant double-stranded DNA-containing viruses
Wikipedia - Indivisible (2016 film) -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - Indivisible (2018 film) -- 2018 American Christian film
Wikipedia - Indivisible movement -- Progressive movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Indivisible (video game) -- 2019 RPG action-platformer video game
Wikipedia - IndrM-DM-^W GirdauskaitM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian diver
Wikipedia - Industrial society -- Society driven by the use of technology to enable mass production, supporting a large population with a high capacity for division of labour
Wikipedia - Inferno (Dante) -- First part of Dante's Divine Comedy
Wikipedia - Infinite divisibility
Wikipedia - Information Awareness Office -- DARPA division overseeing the "Total Information Awareness" program
Wikipedia - Information Warfare Division -- Division within the Australian Department of Defence
Wikipedia - Inga Afonina -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Inge Beeken -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Ingeborg Busch -- German diver
Wikipedia - Ingeborg Pertmayr -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Ingeborg Sjoqvist -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - IngegM-CM-$rd Topel -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Inge Jansen -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Inger Nordbo -- Norwegian diver
Wikipedia - Inge Verbruggen -- Freediver athlete
Wikipedia - Ingrid Gulbin -- East German diver
Wikipedia - Ingrid Larsen -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Ingrid Oliveira -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - Inguraidhoo -- inhabited island of Maldives
Wikipedia - Inheritance -- Practice of passing on property upon the death of individuals
Wikipedia - Inland diving -- Diving in waters inland of the coastal high water mark.
Wikipedia - Innuitian Region -- Innuitian Region is a physiographic division in northern Canada
Wikipedia - Inshore diving -- Diving in coastal territorial waters
Wikipedia - Insider trading -- Trading of a public company's stock or other securities by individuals with access to nonpublic information about the company
Wikipedia - Inspectorates-General (Turkey) -- Former Turkish regional administrative subdivision
Wikipedia - Institute for the Psychological Sciences -- A graduate school of Divine Mercy University in Arlington, Virginia, USA
Wikipedia - Institute of Baltic Region History and Archaeology -- Research subdivision of KlaipM-DM-^Wda University
Wikipedia - Institution -- Structure or mechanism of social order and cooperation governing the behaviour of a set of individuals within a given community
Wikipedia - Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad
Wikipedia - Integrated Diver Display Mask -- Diving half-mask with integrated head-up instrument display
Wikipedia - Integrated weights -- Diving weights carried in pockets on the buoyancy compensator
Wikipedia - Integration testing -- The phase in software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group
Wikipedia - Intelligence analysis -- Application of individual and collective cognitive methods to weigh data and test hypotheses within a secret socio-cultural context
Wikipedia - Intelligence Division (Finland)
Wikipedia - Intelligence quotient -- Score derived from tests purported to measure individual differences in human intelligence
Wikipedia - Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network -- network
Wikipedia - Interclavicular ligament -- Flattened band, which varies considerably in form and size in different individuals
Wikipedia - Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Wikipedia - Intermediate disturbance hypothesis -- Model proposing regional biodiversity is increased by a moderate level of ecological disturbance
Wikipedia - International Association for Handicapped Divers
Wikipedia - International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers -- Recreational and technical scuba training and certification agency
Wikipedia - International Divine Science Association
Wikipedia - International Diving Educators Association -- Recreational scuba training and certification agency
Wikipedia - International Diving Institute -- American commercial diver training school
Wikipedia - International Diving Regulators and Certifiers Forum -- International forum of professional diver accreditation organisations
Wikipedia - International Diving Schools Association -- Organisation to develop common standards for commercial diver training
Wikipedia - International Fair Plovdiv -- Bulgaria's largest and oldest international trade fair
Wikipedia - International Mother Language Day -- Worldwide annual observance to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity
Wikipedia - International Press Institute World Press Freedom Heroes -- Individuals who have been recognized by the Vienna-based International Press Institute for "significant contributions to the maintenance of press freedom and freedom of expression
Wikipedia - International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame -- Annual event recognizing recreational scuba industry contributors
Wikipedia - International Society for the Study of Individual Differences
Wikipedia - International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry -- International organization that represents chemists in individual countries
Wikipedia - Interracial marriage -- Marriage between individuals of different racial/ethnic backgrounds
Wikipedia - Interspiro DCSC -- Military semi-closed circuit passive addition diving rebreather
Wikipedia - Intravital microscopy -- Form of microscopy that allows observing biological processes in live animals (in vivo) at a high resolution that makes distinguishing between individual cells of a tissue possible
Wikipedia - Introductory diving -- Non-certification scuba diving experience
Wikipedia - Introductory scuba experience -- Non-certification scuba diving experience
Wikipedia - Intrusive research -- Gathering of data from individuals
Wikipedia - Invasive species in Hawaii -- Negatively affecting the natural biodiversity of the islands
Wikipedia - Investigation of diving accidents -- Forensic investigation of underwater diving accidents
Wikipedia - Involuntary commitment -- Legal process through which an individual who is deemed to have symptoms of severe mental disorder is involuntarily hospitalized
Wikipedia - Ioana Voicu -- Romanian diver
Wikipedia - Ioannis Gavriilidis -- Greek diver
Wikipedia - Iohana Cruz -- Cuban diver
Wikipedia - Ion Ganea -- Romanian diver
Wikipedia - Ionica Tudor -- Romanian diver
Wikipedia - Iowa State Cyclones women's swimming and diving
Wikipedia - IPUMS -- World's largest individual-level population database
Wikipedia - Iranian peoples -- Diverse Indo-European ethno-linguistic group
Wikipedia - Ireland -- Island in north-west Europe divided into the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Irene MacDonald -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Iren Zsagot -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - Irina Kalinina -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Irina Lashko -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Irina Sidorova -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Irina Vyguzova -- Kazakhstani diver
Wikipedia - Iris Schmidbauer -- German high diver
Wikipedia - Irk Bitig -- 9th-century manuscript book on divination written in Old Turkic
Wikipedia - Irkutsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Irma Lozano (diver) -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - IRobot Seaglider -- Deep diving autonomous underwater vehicle for long term missions
Wikipedia - Iryna Pissareva -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Isabelle Arene -- French diver
Wikipedia - Isabelle White -- British diver
Wikipedia - Isao Yamagishi -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Is Divorce a Failure? -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Isidiella divitella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Islamic views on evolution -- Islamic views on evolution are diverse, ranging from theistic evolution to Old Earth creationism
Wikipedia - Island Creek Subdivision -- Railroad line between Logan and Scarlet in the U.S. state of West Virginia.
Wikipedia - Ismael Ramzi -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Isolation (Joy Division song) -- Song by Joy Division
Wikipedia - Isolation pod -- individual quarantine container
Wikipedia - Isopogon divergens -- Species of shrub endemic to the southwest of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Isotope table (divided)
Wikipedia - ISpot -- Web-based citizen science biodiversity project
Wikipedia - Israeli Diving Federation -- Israeli recreational diver training and certification agency
Wikipedia - Italo Salice -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - IUCN Red List of Ecosystems -- International list of biodiversity conservation priorities
Wikipedia - Ivan Garcia (diver) -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Ivanivka Raion, Kherson Oblast -- Former subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Ivanovo Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Izel-les-Equerchin -- administrative division in Hauts-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Izel-les-Hameau -- administrative division in Hauts-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Iziaslav Raion -- Former subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Jabi (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Jack Laugher -- British diver
Wikipedia - Jack Sheppard (cave diver) -- British cave diver
Wikipedia - Jackson Rondinelli -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - Jackstay (diving) -- Substantial underwater guide line
Wikipedia - Jack Stewart (diver) -- New Zealand diver
Wikipedia - Jacob Gjerding -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Jacqueline Schneider -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Jacques Cousteau -- French inventor of open circuit scuba, pioneer diver, author, film-maker and marine researcher
Wikipedia - Jacques Deschouwer -- French diver
Wikipedia - Jacques Mayol -- French freediving world record holder
Wikipedia - Jaele Patrick -- Australian springboard diver
Wikipedia - Jah Division -- Russian reggae band
Wikipedia - Jahir Ocampo -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Jakub Puchow -- Polish diver
Wikipedia - Jamalpur, Bangladesh -- city in Jamalpur District, Mymensingh Division
Wikipedia - Jambavan -- A divine creature in Hinduism
Wikipedia - James Aldous -- British diver
Wikipedia - James Connor (diver) -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - James Duchal -- Irish Presbyterian divine
Wikipedia - James F. Cahill -- American scuba diving pioneer
Wikipedia - James Heatly -- Scottish and British diver
Wikipedia - James Holmes Sturdivant -- American chemist
Wikipedia - James Joseph Magennis -- British military diver. Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - James Wood (university principal) -- Scottish Presbyterian divine (d1664)
Wikipedia - Jammu Division -- Administrative Division in Jammu and Kashmir, India
Wikipedia - Jamoats of Tajikistan -- Administrative division in Tajikistan
Wikipedia - Jamsheedha Ahmed -- Maldivian actress
Wikipedia - Janaka Biyanwila -- Sri Lankan diver
Wikipedia - Jane Smith (diver) -- English diver
Wikipedia - Janet Ely -- American diver
Wikipedia - Janet Nutter -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Jan Hempel -- German diver
Wikipedia - Janid: Atrediva -- Puerto Rican documentary series
Wikipedia - Janos Konkoly -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - Jaroslav Erno M-EM- edivM-CM-= -- Czech rock drummer
Wikipedia - Jaroslav Makohin -- Czech diver
Wikipedia - Jarrod Jablonski -- Pioneer American cave diver, author and previous cave diving record holder
Wikipedia - Jarrolds Valley Subdivision -- Railroad line between Whitesville and Clear Creek in the U.S. state of West Virginia.
Wikipedia - Jashia Luna -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Jasmine Lai Pui Yee -- Malaysian diver
Wikipedia - Jason Napper -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Jason Statham -- English actor, film producer, martial artist and former diver
Wikipedia - Javier Illana -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - Jeanette Laws -- New Zealand diver
Wikipedia - Jean Gilbert (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Jeanne Collier -- American diver
Wikipedia - Jeanne de Divion -- French forger
Wikipedia - Jeanne Stunyo -- American diver
Wikipedia - Jeannette Aubert -- French diver
Wikipedia - Jean-Romain Delaloye -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Jeff Liberty -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Arbon -- British diver
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Hirst -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Jehovah -- Transliteration of the divine name YHWH
Wikipedia - Jeinkler Aguirre -- Cuban diver
Wikipedia - Jelai (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Jelapang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Jementah (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Jenderak (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Jengka (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Jenifer Benitez -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - Jenna Dreyer -- South African diver
Wikipedia - Jennifer Abel -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Jennifer Chandler -- American diver
Wikipedia - Jenny Donnet -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Jenny Keim -- American diver
Wikipedia - Jens Stefenson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Jeong Sun-ja -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Jerome Nalliod -- French diver
Wikipedia - Jerry Anderson (diver) -- Puerto Rican diver
Wikipedia - Jersey upline -- A buoyed line deployed at the end of a dive and tied off to the bottom to serve as a position control during decompression
Wikipedia - Jersey+upline -- Disposable, bio-degradable line fixed to the bottom and deployed with surface marker buoy by technical divers to control ascent position
Wikipedia - Jertih (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Jerzy Kowalewski -- Polish diver
Wikipedia - Jessica Favre -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Jessica Green -- Researcher in biodiversity theory and microbial systems
Wikipedia - Jessica Macaulay -- British high diver
Wikipedia - Jessore -- city in Jashore District, khulna Division
Wikipedia - Jesus Aballi -- Cuban diver
Wikipedia - Jesus Flores (diver) -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Jesus Liranzo -- Venezuelan diver
Wikipedia - Jesus Mena -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Jevon Tarantino -- American diver
Wikipedia - Jewish ethnic divisions -- Jewish subgroups
Wikipedia - Jhalawan -- Administrative division of Kalat
Wikipedia - Jia Tong -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Jill Heinerth -- Canadian diver, writer and underwater filmmaker
Wikipedia - Jill Schlabach -- American diver
Wikipedia - Jim Bowden (diver) -- Record breaking technical and cave diver
Wikipedia - Jim Henry (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - Jimmy Sjodin -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - JIM suit -- Type of atmospheric diving suit.
Wikipedia - Jinghu South Circuit -- Administrative division during the Song dynasty.
Wikipedia - Jivatva -- State of life or state of the individual soul in Hinduism
Wikipedia - Joachim Wendler -- German aquanaut who died in a diving accident
Wikipedia - Joakim Andersson (diver) -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Joana Figueiredo -- Portuguese diver
Wikipedia - Joaquin Capilla -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Job security -- An assurance that an individual is likely to retain employment, with relatively low chance of becoming unemployed
Wikipedia - Jocelyn Castillo -- Venezuelan diver
Wikipedia - Jo Chang-je -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Jochen Hasenmayer -- German cave diver and explorer
Wikipedia - Jo Dae-don -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Jodie Rogers -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Joel Rodriguez (diver) -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Johanna Nordblad -- Finnish freediver
Wikipedia - Johan Patrik Ljungstrom -- Swedish jeweler, inventor, and underwater diving pioneer
Wikipedia - John Baird (Irish divine) -- Irish divine (18th century)
Wikipedia - John Baker (diver) -- English diver
Wikipedia - John Ballantyne (divine)
Wikipedia - John Bennett (diver) -- British technical diver and former record holder lost in commercial diving incident
Wikipedia - John Brisco Ray -- English diver
Wikipedia - John Calhoun (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - John Candler (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - John Chatterton -- American wreck diver, co-host for History Channel's Deep Sea Detectives series
Wikipedia - John Christopher Fine -- American marine biologist, wreck diver and author
Wikipedia - John Day (carpenter) -- First recorded death in a diving chamber
Wikipedia - John D. Craig -- American businessman, writer, soldier, and diver
Wikipedia - John Deane (inventor) -- Joint inventor of the diving helmet
Wikipedia - John Divane -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - John Jansson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - John Lethbridge -- English wool merchant who invented a diving machine in 1715
Wikipedia - John Mattera -- American wreck diver and author
Wikipedia - John McCormack (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - John Morgan Wells -- Physiologist, aquanaut, and researcher into saturation diving and the use of nitrox and trimix as breathing gases
Wikipedia - Johnny Hellstrom -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - John Oulton -- Regius Professor of Divinity at Trinity College, Dublin
Wikipedia - John P. Lyons -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - John Rawlins (Royal Navy officer) -- Royal Navy officer and pioneer in the field of diving medicine
Wikipedia - John Valdivia -- American politician from California
Wikipedia - John Volanthen -- British volunteer cave diver who specialises in rescues
Wikipedia - Johol (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Johor Jaya (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Johor Lama (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Jonathan Paredes (diver) -- Mexican high diver
Wikipedia - Jon Grunde Vegard -- Norwegian diver
Wikipedia - Jon Hyon-ju -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Jon Lindbergh -- American aquanaut, commercial diver and pioneer cave diver
Wikipedia - Jonline -- A short line used by scuba divers to clip themselves to something
Wikipedia - Joona Puhakka -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Jordan curve theorem -- A closed curve divides the plane into two regions
Wikipedia - Jordan Houlden -- English diver
Wikipedia - Jorge Betancourt -- Cuban diver
Wikipedia - Jorge Head -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - Jorge Luis Pupo -- Cuban diver
Wikipedia - Jorge Mondragon -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Jorge Telch -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Jose Balleza -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Jose Castillo (diver) -- Cuban diver
Wikipedia - Josef Kien -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Josef Nesvadba (diver) -- Czech diver
Wikipedia - Josef Staudinger -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Jose Guerra (diver) -- Cuban diver
Wikipedia - Jose Luis Ponce -- Cuban diver
Wikipedia - Jose Luis Rocha -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Jose Miguel Gil -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - Joseph de Sonay -- Belgian diver
Wikipedia - Joseph Huketick -- Belgian diver
Wikipedia - Joseph-Martin Cabirol -- French engineer and designer of diving equipment
Wikipedia - Joseph McCann (diver) -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Joseph Salim Peress -- pioneering British diving engineer
Wikipedia - Joseph Thewlis -- English diver
Wikipedia - Jose Robinson -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Jose Valdivia Jr. -- American jockey
Wikipedia - Journal club -- Group of individuals who meet regularly to critically evaluate recent articles in the academic literature
Wikipedia - Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
Wikipedia - Journal of Individual Differences
Wikipedia - Journal of Individual Psychology
Wikipedia - Journey to Wild Divine
Wikipedia - Jovit Baldivino -- Filipino singer (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Joy Division -- English rock band
Wikipedia - Joy Newman -- British diver
Wikipedia - Jozsef Dora -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - Jozsef Gerlach -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - J.S. Seaverns -- Shipwreck and dive site in Lake Superior
Wikipedia - Juan Botella -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Juan Carlos Zaldivar -- Cuban-American film maker
Wikipedia - Juan Celaya (diver) -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Juan de Fuca Ridge -- A divergent plate boundary off the coast of the Pacific Northwest region of North America.
Wikipedia - Juan Uran -- Colombian diver
Wikipedia - Judgement of Martin Bucer Concerning Divorce
Wikipedia - Judy Stewart -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Juergensen Marine -- Rebreather gear manufacturer, film maker, diver, inventor
Wikipedia - Juha Ovaskainen -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Jukka Piekkanen -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Julia Cruz -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - Juliana Veloso -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - Julian Sanchez (diver) -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Julia Vincent -- South African diver
Wikipedia - Julie Danaux -- French diver
Wikipedia - Julie Kent (diver) -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Julien Dive -- French politician
Wikipedia - Julie Ovenhouse -- American diver
Wikipedia - Julius Janowsky -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Julius Rehborn -- German diver
Wikipedia - Junji Yuasa -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Junkers Ju 87 -- 1935 dive bomber aircraft family by Junkers
Wikipedia - Juno Stover-Irwin -- American diver
Wikipedia - Jupiter, ex-Goding Stradivarius -- Antique violin
Wikipedia - Jurgen Richter -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Jussi Elo -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Justin Dumais -- American diver
Wikipedia - Justin Wilcock -- American diver
Wikipedia - Jute Diversification Promotion Centre -- Research institute in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Juvenile (organism) -- Individual organism that has not yet reached its adult form
Wikipedia - Kaashidhoo Kuda Kandu -- Channel in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Kachikata -- Place in Barisal Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Kadamaian (state constituency) -- Malaysian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Kadira Divyaraja -- 2020 film by Sunil Ariyaratne
Wikipedia - Kahang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kahthiri -- Maldivian television series
Wikipedia - Kailasavadivoo Sivan
Wikipedia - Kairbaan Hodivala-Dilke -- Cell biologist
Wikipedia - Kaiveni -- Maldivian drama television mini-series
Wikipedia - Kaja Skrzek -- Polish diver
Wikipedia - Kakhovka Raion -- Subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Kalakeyas -- Class of divine being in Hindu mythology
Wikipedia - Kalanchak Raion -- Former subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Kalekovets -- village in Plovdiv Province, Bulgaria
Wikipedia - Kaliakair -- City in Gazipur District, Dhaka Division
Wikipedia - Kalia Upazila -- Upazila in Khulna Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Kaliningrad Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kalle Kainuvaara -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Kalmykia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kaluga Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kamal Ali Hassan -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Kamal Ranadive -- Indian biologist
Wikipedia - Kamchatka Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kamianets-Podilskyi Raion -- Subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Kamianka Raion -- Former subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Kamilla Gamme -- Norwegian diver
Wikipedia - Kami -- Divine being in Shinto
Wikipedia - Kampong Gajah (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kamunting (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kamuy -- Spiritual or divine beings in Ainu mythology
Wikipedia - Kanawha Subdivision -- Railroad line between the U.S. states of West Virginia and Kentucky.
Wikipedia - Kaniv Raion -- Former subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Kanlidivane -- A sinkhole with ruins in Mersin Province, Turkey
Wikipedia - Kanoko Tsutani-Mabuchi -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Kantar Group -- Business division, subsidiary company of WPP
Wikipedia - Karachay-Cherkessia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Karak Sanjak -- Subdivision in the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Karanaan (state constituency) -- Malaysian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Kardiva Channel -- Channel cutting across the Maldive atoll chain
Wikipedia - Karen Kohanowich -- American aquanaut and ex US Navy diver
Wikipedia - Karen LaFace -- American diver
Wikipedia - Karen Margrete Andersen -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Karen Smith (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Karin Guthke -- German diver
Wikipedia - Karin Leiditz -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Karkin people -- Division of the Ohlone people of Northern California
Wikipedia - Karla Goltman -- Argentine diver
Wikipedia - Karl-Heinz Schwemmer -- German diver
Wikipedia - Karl Malmstrom -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Karl Schumm -- German diver
Wikipedia - Karl Steiner -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Karl Ullrich -- SS officer & last commander of the SS Division Wiking
Wikipedia - Karol Divin -- Czechoslovak figure skater
Wikipedia - Karol Meyer -- Brazilian free-diver world record holder and professional cyclist for Avai Cycle Team
Wikipedia - Karoly Nemedi -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - Kashi Maru -- Japanese auxiliary minelayer, now a dive site in the Solomon Islands
Wikipedia - Kashmir Valley -- Kashmir Division is an administrative division in Jammu and Kashmir, India
Wikipedia - Kassidy Cook -- American diver
Wikipedia - Katalin Haasz -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - Katarina Radivojevic -- Serbian actress
Wikipedia - Kate Jones (scientist) -- British biodiversity scientist
Wikipedia - Kate Middleton (free-diver) -- New Zealand free-diver
Wikipedia - Katerynopil Raion -- Former subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Katherine Torrance -- British diver
Wikipedia - Kathleen Le Rossignol -- British diver
Wikipedia - Kathleen Rollo -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Kathy Kelemen -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Kathy Rowlatt -- British diver
Wikipedia - Kathy Troutt -- Model, actor, scuba diver and dolphin trainer.
Wikipedia - Katie Bell (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - Katinka Larsen -- British diver
Wikipedia - Katja Dieckow -- German diver
Wikipedia - Katrina Young -- American diver
Wikipedia - Katsuichi Mori -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Katura Horton-Perinchief -- Bermudian diver
Wikipedia - Kay Cuthbert -- British diver
Wikipedia - Kazuo Kobayashi -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Keiko Osaki -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Keita Kaneto -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Keith Collin -- British diver
Wikipedia - Keith Jessop -- British salvage diver and treasure hunter
Wikipedia - Keith Russell (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - Kelawang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kelci Bryant -- American diver
Wikipedia - Kelly MacDonald (diver) -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Kelly McCormick -- American diver
Wikipedia - Kelmentsi Raion -- Former subdivision of Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Kelvin-Varley divider -- Electronic circuit used to divide voltages
Wikipedia - Kemasik (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kemayan (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kemerovo Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kempas (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Ken Armstrong (diver) -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Kenering (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kenneth Crotty -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Kenneth Grove -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Kenneth Sitzberger -- American diver
Wikipedia - Kenneth Sully -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Kent Derdivanis -- American sportscaster
Wikipedia - Ken Terauchi -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Kent Ferguson -- American diver
Wikipedia - Kent Vosler -- American diver
Wikipedia - Kepayang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Keranji (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kerdau (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kerstin Finke -- German diver
Wikipedia - Kerstin Krause -- German diver
Wikipedia - Kerstin Rybrant -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Ketari (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kevin Berlin -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Kevin Chavez -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Kevin Geyson -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Kevin Juergensen -- Filmmaker, diver, and CEO of Juergensen Marine
Wikipedia - Khabarovsk Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Khadheeja Ibrahim Didi -- Maldivian film actress
Wikipedia - Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Khedivate of Egypt -- 1867-1914 monarchy in Northeastern Africa
Wikipedia - Khedive's Star -- Military award
Wikipedia - Khedivial Opera House -- Former opera house in Cairo, Egypt
Wikipedia - Kherson Raion -- Subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Khmelnytskyi Raion -- Subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Khoksa -- Town in Khulna Division
Wikipedia - Khongirad -- A major division of the Mongol tribes
Wikipedia - Khotyn Raion -- Former subdivision of Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Khrystynivka Raion -- Former subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Khulna Division -- Division of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Khul' -- Islamic divorce procedure
Wikipedia - Khvarenah -- Divine mystical power in Zoroastrianism
Wikipedia - Kiev Voivodeship -- Subdivision of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland
Wikipedia - Kijal (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kiki Heck -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Kil'ayim (prohibition) -- Jewish laws concerning the prohibition of diverse kinds
Wikipedia - Kim Chon-man -- North Korean diver (athlete)
Wikipedia - Kim Chun-ok -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Kim Eun-hui (diver) -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Kim Hye-ok (diver) -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Kimiko Soldati -- American diver
Wikipedia - Kim Jin-ok -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Kim Kuk-hyang (diver) -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Kim Kyong-ju -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Kim Mi-rae -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Kim Myong-son -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Kim Su-ji (diver) -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Kim Un-hyang (diver) -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Kim Yeo-yeong -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Kinetochore -- Protein complex that allows microtubules to attach to chromosomes during cell division
Wikipedia - Kirby Morgan -- Diving equipment manufacturer
Wikipedia - Kirsten Velin -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Kishoreganj -- city in Kishoreganj District, Dhaka Division
Wikipedia - Kitsman Raion -- Former subdivision of Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Kiyoto Furuta -- Japanese WWII dive bomber pilot
Wikipedia - Klara Bornett -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Klaus Dibiasi -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Klaus Konzorr -- German diver
Wikipedia - KM-CM-$the Kohler -- German diver
Wikipedia - Kobrinsky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Grodno Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Kodashim -- Fifth of the six orders, or major divisions, of the Mishnah, Tosefta and the Talmud
Wikipedia - Komakino -- Song by Joy Division
Wikipedia - Komatevo -- Community of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Wikipedia - Komi Republic -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Komsomol -- Youth division of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Kondivade Andar Mawal -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Kondivade Nane Mawal -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Kondivali -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Konkan Diva Fort -- Ancient Indian fort
Wikipedia - Koro (medicine) -- Genital-related neurosis, in which an individual has an overpowering belief that his or her genitalia are retracting and will disappear, despite the lack of any true longstanding changes to the genitals
Wikipedia - Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi Raion -- Former subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Kortrijk (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Kortrijk-Roeselare-Tielt (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Kortrijk-Roeselare-Tielt (Flemish Parliament constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Kostroma Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kostyantyn Milyayev -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Kota Iskandar (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kota Putera (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kota (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kota Tampan (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kraj -- First-level administrative division in various countries
Wikipedia - Krasnodar Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Krasnoyarsk Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Krasyliv Raion -- Former subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Kreishauptmannschaft Dresden -- Administrative division in the Kingdom of Saxony
Wikipedia - Kristian Ipsen -- American diver
Wikipedia - Kristina Ilinykh -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Krzysztof Starnawski -- Polish technical and cave diver
Wikipedia - Kuala Berang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kuala Besut (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kuala Kurau (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kuala Semantan (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kuala Sentul (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kuala Sepetang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kubu Gajah (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kukup (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Kulhudhuffushi -- capital of Haa Dhaalu Atoll, Maldives
Wikipedia - Kullback-Leibler divergence -- Measurement of how one probability distribution is different from a second, reference probability distribution
Wikipedia - Kumaon division -- Administrative division of Uttarakhand, India
Wikipedia - Kumari (goddess) -- Manifestations of the divine female energy or devi in Hindu religious traditions
Wikipedia - Kumarkhali -- Town in Khulna Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Kumiko Watanabe (diver) -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Kummer's theorem -- Describes the highest power of primes dividing a binomial coefficient
Wikipedia - Kumpula -- Helsinki Subdivision in Uusimaa, Finland
Wikipedia - Kundalini -- Form of divine energy believed to be located at the base of the spine
Wikipedia - Kurgan Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kursaal Ward -- British political subdivision
Wikipedia - Kursk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kurt Behrens -- German diver
Wikipedia - Kurt Liederer -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Kurt Mrkwicka -- Austrian diver and film producer
Wikipedia - Kurumba Maldives -- Resort in Maldives
Wikipedia - K. Vadivel -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - KXGN-TV -- CBS/NBC affiliate in Glendive, Montana
Wikipedia - Labor division
Wikipedia - Labu (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Laccadive Sea -- A body of water bordering India, the Maldives, and Sri Lanka.
Wikipedia - Ladang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Ladder of Divine Ascent (icon)
Wikipedia - La Diva (group) -- Filipino pop girl group
Wikipedia - Lady Godiva (1911 film) -- 1911 film
Wikipedia - Lady Godiva (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Lady Godiva of Coventry -- 1955 film by Arthur Lubin
Wikipedia - Lady Godiva (song) -- 1966 single by Peter and Gordon
Wikipedia - Lady Godiva's Room -- 1987 song by Simply Red
Wikipedia - Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity
Wikipedia - Lagrange's theorem (group theory) -- The order of a subgroup of a finite group G divides the order of G
Wikipedia - Lakeland Subdivision -- CSX railroad line in Florida
Wikipedia - Lake Street Dive -- American band founded in 2004 in Boston, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Lakshmipur -- town in Lakshmipur District, Chittagong Division
Wikipedia - Lala Sjoqvist -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Lalmonirhat -- city in Lalmonirhat District, Rangpur Division
Wikipedia - Lamberto Mari -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Lambertsen Amphibious Respiratory Unit -- Early closed circuit oxygen diving rebreather
Wikipedia - Lanchang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Lancs/Cheshire Division One -- English Rugby Union league
Wikipedia - Lancs/Cheshire Division Two -- English rugby league
Wikipedia - Landivy
Wikipedia - Lands administrative divisions of Australia -- Cadastral divisions of Australia for land identification purposes
Wikipedia - Lands administrative divisions of South Australia -- Administrative divisions of South Australia
Wikipedia - Langkap (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Language of the birds -- Mystical, perfect divine language, Adamic language, Enochian, angelic language or a mythical or magical language used by birds to communicate with the initiated
Wikipedia - Languages of the Nuba Mountains -- Diverse set of languages spoken in the south of Sudan
Wikipedia - Langue (Knights Hospitaller) -- Administrative division of the Knights Hospitaller
Wikipedia - Lan Wei -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Lao Lishi -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - LAPD Air Support Division -- Division of Los Angeles Police, California, U.S.
Wikipedia - LAPD Metropolitan Division -- Division of Los Angeles Police, California, U.S.
Wikipedia - LAPD Rampart Division -- Division of Los Angeles Police, California, U.S.
Wikipedia - Laptev Sea Rift -- A divergent tectonic plate boundary between the North American Plate and the Eurasian Plate
Wikipedia - Larry Flewwelling -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Lars Rudiger -- German diver
Wikipedia - Last Bastion Station Trust -- Divestiture trust owning former Citadel Broadcasting radio stations
Wikipedia - Laszlo HidvM-CM-)gi -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - Laszlo Hodi (diver) -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - Lately (Divine song) -- 1998 single by Divine
Wikipedia - Late Pleistocene -- Third division (unofficial) of the Pleistocene Epoch
Wikipedia - Latitudinal gradients in species diversity -- Global increase in species richness from polar regions to tropics
Wikipedia - Launch and recovery system (diving) -- Equipment used to deploy and recover a diving bell, stage, or ROV
Wikipedia - Laura Conter -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Laura Hingston -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Laura KivelM-CM-$ -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Laura Marino -- French diver
Wikipedia - Laura Ryan -- American diver
Wikipedia - Laura Sanchez (diver) -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Laura Wilkinson -- American diver
Wikipedia - Laurel Fork Subdivision -- Railroad line wholly located in Clothier in the U.S. state of West Virginia.
Wikipedia - Lauren HallaselkM-CM-$ -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Laurentian Divide -- Hydrological divide in North America
Wikipedia - Laureus World Sports Awards -- Annual award ceremony honouring individuals and teams from the world of sports
Wikipedia - Lauri KyostilM-CM-$ -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Lau Taveuni Rotuma (Open Constituency, Fiji) -- Former electoral division of Fiji
Wikipedia - LautM-CM-)m Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Lawrence Andreasen -- American diver
Wikipedia - Layang-layang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Lea De Mae -- Czech adult model and diver
Wikipedia - Learning styles -- Theories that aim to account for differences in individuals' learning
Wikipedia - Least common multiple -- Smallest positive integer divisible by two or more integers
Wikipedia - Lectio Divina
Wikipedia - Lectio divina
Wikipedia - Le Divorce -- 2003 film
Wikipedia - Lee Jong-hwa (diver) -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Lee Pil-jung -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Lee Seon-gi -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Left-libertarianism -- Type of libertarianism stressing both individual freedom and social equality
Wikipedia - Legal immunity -- Legal status wherein an individual or entity cannot be held liable for a violation of the law
Wikipedia - Legal status of Salvia divinorum
Wikipedia - Legislative districts of the Philippines -- Divisions of the Philippines' provinces and cities for representation in legislative bodies
Wikipedia - Lehmer's GCD algorithm -- Fast greatest common divisor algorithm
Wikipedia - Leigh Bishop -- Diver known for shipwreck exploration and photography
Wikipedia - Leire Santos -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - Leisure -- Time that is freely disposed by individuals
Wikipedia - Lelant & Carbis Bay (electoral division) -- An electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Lemna valdiviana -- Species of flowering plant in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Lena Hentschel -- German diver
Wikipedia - Lenggeng (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Len Hodge -- New Zealand diver
Wikipedia - Lenie Lanting-Keller -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Leningrad Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Lennart Brunnhage -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Leo Esser -- German diver
Wikipedia - Leonard Hill (physiologist) -- British physiologist and diving physiology researcher
Wikipedia - Leonardo D'Imporzano -- Italian free-diver and AIDA International Judge
Wikipedia - Leong Mun Yee -- Malaysian diver
Wikipedia - Leon Taylor -- British diver
Wikipedia - Leo Suni -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Lepar (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Lesley Bush -- American diver
Wikipedia - Lesley Smith (diver) -- Zimbabwean diver
Wikipedia - Lesley Ward (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Letychiv Raion -- Former subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Leuven (Flemish Parliament constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Lev Sargsyan -- Armenian diver
Wikipedia - Lexus LFA -- Sports car manufactured by Japanese automobile manufacturer Toyota under their Lexus division from 2011-2012
Wikipedia - Leyre Eizaguirre -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - LGBT rights in Puerto Rico -- LGBT persons in Puerto Rico have almost the same protections and rights as heterosexual individuals
Wikipedia - LGBT rights in the Maldives -- Rights of LGBT people in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Liana Tsotadze -- Georgian diver
Wikipedia - Lian Junjie -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Liaoxi Commandery -- Ancient Chinese political subdivision
Wikipedia - Liberal individualism
Wikipedia - Liber Divinorum Operum
Wikipedia - Libertarian Christianity -- Belief that governments exist to protect the natural rights of individuals, and only to protect natural rights;
Wikipedia - Libertarianism -- political philosophy upholding individual freedom
Wikipedia - Liberty (division) -- Former English division
Wikipedia - Liberty -- Ability of individuals to have agency
Wikipedia - Li Deliang -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Lidsky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Grodno Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Liebling, Timis -- administrative subdivision in Timis, Romania
Wikipedia - Liesl Ischia -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Lifeline (diving) -- A rope connecting the diver to an attendant, usually at the surface
Wikipedia - Lightfoot Professor of Divinity
Wikipedia - Light machine gun -- Machine gun for an individual soldier
Wikipedia - Lightweight demand helmet -- Low volume diving helmet supplied with breathing gas through a demand regulator
Wikipedia - Li Hongping -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Li Kongzheng -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Lila (Hinduism) -- Sanskrit word, "divine play"
Wikipedia - Liliana CM-CM-.rstea -- Romanian diver
Wikipedia - Lilo Mund -- Chilean diver
Wikipedia - Li Na (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Lincoln Motor Company -- Division of Ford Motor Company
Wikipedia - Lincoln's House Divided Speech -- Speech by Abraham Lincoln
Wikipedia - Linda Cooper (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - Lindsay Grant-Stuart -- Zimbabwean diver
Wikipedia - Lindsey Fraser -- British diver
Wikipedia - Linear system of divisors
Wikipedia - Line marker -- Marker used on cave guide lines to provide safety information to divers
Wikipedia - Line Mobile -- Division of Line Corporation
Wikipedia - Line (text file) -- Subdivision of a text file
Wikipedia - Linggi (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Linguistic diversity in space and time
Wikipedia - Lini Sohnchen -- German diver
Wikipedia - Lin Shan (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Lintang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Lin Yue -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Lionel Crabb -- Royal Navy frogman and MI6 diver
Wikipedia - Lipetsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Li Qiaoxian -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Li Qing (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Liquica Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Lisa Diveney -- British actress
Wikipedia - Lisa Regnell -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Li Shixin -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - List of 10-meter diving platforms in the United States -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of administrative divisions by country -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of administrative divisions of Greater China by Human Development Index -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of administrative divisions of Guangdong -- Administrative divisions of Guangdong, a province of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - List of administrative divisions of Hebei -- Administrative divisions of Hebei, a province of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - List of administrative divisions of Henan -- Administrative divisions of Henan, a province of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - List of administrative divisions of Hubei -- Administrative divisions of Hubei, a province of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - List of administrative divisions of Hunan -- Administrative divisions of Hunan, a province of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - List of administrative divisions of Inner Mongolia -- Administrative divisions of Inner Mongolio, an autonomous region of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - List of administrative divisions of Myanmar by Human Development Index -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of administrative divisions of Shandong -- Administrative divisions of Shandong, a province of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - List of administrative divisions of Shanxi -- Administrative divisions of Shanxi, a province of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - List of administrative divisions of Taiwan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of administrative divisions of the Kingdom of Hungary -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of air divisions of the Imperial Japanese Army -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of airlines of the Maldives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of American League Division Series broadcasters -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of animals representing first-level administrative country subdivisions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of archaeological sites in Barishal Division -- Archaeological sites in Barishal Division of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - List of Argentine Primera Division broadcasters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Argentine Primera Division top scorers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Argentine Primera Division transfers (2007-08 season) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Argentine Primera Division transfers (2008-09 season) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Argentine Primera Division transfers (2009-10 season) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Argentine Primera Division transfers January 2009 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Argentine Primera Division transfers January 2011 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Argentine Primera Division transfers July-August 2010 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Asian Games medalists in diving -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atomwaffen Division members who faced criminal charges -- Neo-Nazi terrorist organization
Wikipedia - List of Australian divisions in World War II -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Australian divisions in World War I -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Australian divisions in WWII
Wikipedia - List of Australian divisions in WWI
Wikipedia - List of banks in the Maldives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Barisal Division cricketers -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Belgian First Division A broadcasters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Belgian First Division seasons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of biodiversity databases -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of birds of the Maldives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Brisbane Lions individual awards and records -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of British colonial divisions in World War II -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of British Commonwealth and Empire divisions in the Second World War -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of British divisions in World War II -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of British divisions in World War I -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of British divisions in WWII
Wikipedia - List of British divisions in WWI
Wikipedia - List of Canadian divisions in World War II -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Canadian divisions in World War I -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Canadian divisions in WWII
Wikipedia - List of census divisions of Alberta -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of census divisions of Manitoba -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of census divisions of Newfoundland and Labrador -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of census divisions of Ontario -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of census divisions of Saskatchewan -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chinese administrative divisions by exports -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chinese administrative divisions by illiteracy rate -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chinese administrative divisions by population -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chittagong Division cricketers -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Games medallists in diving -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of companies paying scrip dividends -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of component units of British 1st Armoured Division -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries ranked by ethnic and cultural diversity level -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of country second level subdivisions by area -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of country subdivisions by GDP over 200 billion USD -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of country subdivisions by population -- List of the most populous first-level administrative country subdivisions in the world
Wikipedia - List of country subdivisions by Punjabi speakers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of country subdivisions named after people -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of county subdivisions in Michigan -- List of county subdivisions in Michigan
Wikipedia - List of cultural references in the Divine Comedy -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of current ABA League First Division team rosters -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of current ABA League Second Division team rosters -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cycads of South Africa -- Seed producing vascular plants of the division Cycadophyta recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the Maldives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dhaka Division cricketers -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of diplomatic missions in the Maldives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of diplomatic missions of the Maldives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of district-level subdivisions in Vietnam
Wikipedia - List of districts in India -- List of administrative division of Indian states
Wikipedia - List of districts of Madhya Pradesh -- Regional divisions in Madhya Pradesh
Wikipedia - List of districts of Punjab, India -- Regional divisions in Punjab
Wikipedia - List of diver certification organizations -- Agencies which issue certification for competence in diving skills
Wikipedia - List of Divergent characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Divers Alert Network publications -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of divers at the 2016 Summer Olympics -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of divers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of divided cities -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of divided U.S. Routes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of diving environments by type -- The variety of environments that people may dive in
Wikipedia - List of diving hazards and precautions -- List of the hazards to which an underwater diver may be exposed, their possible consequences and the common ways to manage the associated risk
Wikipedia - List of Division I AHCA All-American Teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of divisions in India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Divisions of the Imperial German Army -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of divisions of the United States Army
Wikipedia - List of Drop Dead Diva characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Drop Dead Diva episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of electoral divisions and wards in Wiltshire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Eredivisie broadcasters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Eredivisie hat-tricks -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of etymologies of country subdivision names -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Finnish divisions in the Continuation War -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Finnish divisions in the Winter War -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of first-level administrative country subdivisions by nominal GDP per capita -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of flag bearers for the Maldives at the Olympics -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of foreign Albanian First Division players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of foreign Liga de Futbol de Primera Division de Costa Rica players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of foreign Primera Division de Futbol Profesional players (1926-1998) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of foreign Primera Division de Futbol Profesional players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of foreign Segunda Division de Futbol SalvadoreM-CM-1o players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of French divisions in World War II -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of German divisions in World War II -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Greek subdivisions by GDP -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Happily Divorced episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of High Commissioners of the Maldives to Malaysia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of highest individual scores in cricket -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of highest individual scores in One Day International cricket -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of holidays commemorating individuals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of hornworts of South Africa -- Non-vascular spore-bearing plants in the division Anthocerotophyta recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle characters -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Indian divisions in World War II -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Indian divisions in WWII
Wikipedia - List of individual aircraft -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of individual apes -- List of notable non-human apes
Wikipedia - List of individual bears -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of individual birds -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of individual bovines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of individual cetaceans -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of individual dogs -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of individual elephants -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of individual monkeys -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of individual pigs -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of individual trees -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of individual weapons of the U.S. Armed Forces -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international databases on individual student achievement tests -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Italian divisions in World War II -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Khulna Division cricketers -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of leaders of administrative divisions of East Germany -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of legislation regulating underwater diving -- List of national and state legislation regulating underwater diving
Wikipedia - List of lighthouses in the Maldives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lycophytes of South Africa -- Spore bearing vascular plants of the division Lycopodiophyta recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Maldives Twenty20 International cricketers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldives women Twenty20 International cricketers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2000 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2001 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2002 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2003 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2004 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2005 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2006 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2007 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2008 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2009 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2010 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2011 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2012 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2013 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2014 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2015 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2016 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2017 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2018 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2019 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian films of 2020 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivian records in swimming -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maldivians -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mammals of the Maldives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of marine animals of the Cape Peninsula and False Bay -- Regional biodiversity species list
Wikipedia - List of military diving units -- A list of links to articles on notable military diving units
Wikipedia - List of military divisions by name
Wikipedia - List of military divisions by number
Wikipedia - List of military divisions
Wikipedia - List of military officers who have led divisions of a civil service -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mosques in Dhaka Division -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of most expensive divorces -- Most Expensive Divorces
Wikipedia - List of most translated individual authors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of museums in the Maldives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Narcissus horticultural divisions -- List of the horticultural divisions of cultivars of Narcissus (daffodils)
Wikipedia - List of national capitals serving as administrative divisions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of National League Division Series broadcasters -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of NCAA Division I athletic directors
Wikipedia - List of neighborhoods of Madrid -- Madrid, Spain, is divided into 21 districts, which are further subdivided into 131 barrios
Wikipedia - List of newspapers in the Maldives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Olympic medalists in diving -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Olympic venues in diving -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan American Games medalists in diving -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of past Singaporean electoral divisions -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PFC Botev Plovdiv managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PFC Botev Plovdiv seasons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Polish divisions in World War II -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Polish divisions in World War I -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Polish divisions in WWII
Wikipedia - List of political and geographical subdivisions by population -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area (all) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 0.1 to 1,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 0.1 to 250 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 100,000 to 1,000,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 100,000 to 200,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 10,000 to 20,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 1,000 to 3,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 1,000 to 5,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 200,000 to 500,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 20,000 to 30,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 20,000 to 50,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 250 to 1,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 30,000 to 50,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 3,000 to 5,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 500,000 to 1,000,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 50,000 to 100,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 50,000 to 200,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 5,000 to 20,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 5,000 to 7,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 7,000 to 10,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area in excess of 1,000,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area in excess of 200,000 square kilometers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political parties in the Maldives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Portuguese administrative divisions by GDP -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of postos of Mozambique -- Administrative subdivisions of Mozambique
Wikipedia - List of Primera Division de Futbol Profesional coaches -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public statues of individuals linked to the Atlantic slave trade -- List of statues
Wikipedia - List of purpose-built capitals of country subdivisions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of pycnogonids of South Africa -- National biodiversity species listing
Wikipedia - List of railroad crossings of the North American continental divide -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rajshahi Division cricketers -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rangpur Division cricketers -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of researchers in underwater diving -- Notable developers of diving technology, and published researchers in diving medicine and physiology, including decompression theory
Wikipedia - List of revenue divisions in Tamil Nadu -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rocky Mountain passes on the continental divide -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of individual Emirates of the United Arab Emirates -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of school divisions in Saskatchewan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of school divisions in Virginia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of schools in the Maldives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of seaweeds of the Cape Peninsula and False Bay -- Regional biodiversity species list
Wikipedia - List of second-level administrative divisions of North Korea
Wikipedia - List of Segunda Division winning managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of signs and symptoms of diving disorders -- The signs and symptoms of physiological disorders resulting from underwater diving
Wikipedia - List of Singaporean electoral divisions (1948-51) -- electoral divisions in Singapore from 1948 to 1951
Wikipedia - List of Singaporean electoral divisions (1951-55) -- electoral divisions in Singapore from 1951 to 1955
Wikipedia - List of Singaporean electoral divisions (1955-59) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Singaporean electoral divisions (1959-63) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Singaporean electoral divisions (1963-68) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Singaporean electoral divisions (1968-72) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Singaporean electoral divisions (1972-76) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Singaporean electoral divisions (1976-80) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Singaporean electoral divisions (1980-84) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Singaporean electoral divisions (1984-88) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Singaporean electoral divisions (1988-91) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Singaporean electoral divisions (1991-97) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Singaporean electoral divisions (1997-2001) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Singaporean electoral divisions (2001-06) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Singaporean electoral divisions (2006-11) -- electoral divisions in Singapore from 2006 to 2011
Wikipedia - List of Soviet divisions 1917-45 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sports venues named after individuals -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Stradivarius instruments -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sultans of the Maldives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sylhet Division cricketers -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of talukas of Kerala -- List of administrative divisions of Kerala, India
Wikipedia - List of tehsils of Azad Kashmir -- Administrative subdivisions of Azad Kashmir in Pakistan
Wikipedia - List of tehsils of Gilgit-Baltistan -- Administrative subdivisions of Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan
Wikipedia - List of terms for administrative divisions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of the current and former capitals of the subdivisions of China -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of top-division futsal clubs in AFC countries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of top-division futsal clubs in UEFA countries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Total Divas episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Gansu -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Hebei -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Henan -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Jiangsu -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Liaoning -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Shandong -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Shanxi -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Zhejiang -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of transfers of Segunda Division - 2005-06 season -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of transfers of Segunda Division - 2006-07 season -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ukrainian subdivisions by GDP per capita -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK sites recognised for their importance in biodiversity conservation -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of underwater divers -- List of underwater divers whose exploits have made them notable.
Wikipedia - List of unsolved problems in fair division -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Urawa Red Diamonds individual award winners -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of urban-type settlements in Ukraine by subdivision -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of village-level divisions of Shandong -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Vladivostok Air destinations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Waffen-SS divisions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS divisions that committed war crimes in Italy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Woolworth divisions and namesakes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of works by individuals
Wikipedia - List of wreck diving sites -- List of shipwreck sites which are popular amongst scuba divers for wreck diving.
Wikipedia - Lists of individual animals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of Maldivian films -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lithomancy -- Divination by stones
Wikipedia - Li Ting (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Little Blue Lake -- Flooded sinkhole dive site in South Australia
Wikipedia - Liu Chengming (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Liu Huixia -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Liu Jiao (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Live-boat diving -- Diving from a boat which is under way (not moored)
Wikipedia - Live-boating -- Diving from a vessel under way
Wikipedia - Liv Philip -- British freediver
Wikipedia - Li Yihua -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Loabin Hiyy Furenee -- 2008 Maldivian television series
Wikipedia - Loabi Nulibunas -- Maldivian television drama series
Wikipedia - Loabi Vaanama -- Maldivian television series
Wikipedia - Loan -- Lending of money by one or more individuals, organizations, or other entities to other individuals, organizations etc.
Wikipedia - Lobak (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Local councils of Malta -- Subdivision of Malta
Wikipedia - Local government area -- Administrative division of a country that a local government is responsible for
Wikipedia - Local knowledge problem -- Observation that the data required for rational economic planning are distributed among individual actors
Wikipedia - Lockheed Martin Space -- Operating division of Lockheed Martin
Wikipedia - Logan and Southern Subdivision -- Railroad line between Logan and Sarah Ann in the U.S. state of West Virginia.
Wikipedia - Logan Subdivision -- Railroad line between Barboursville and Gilbert in the U.S. state of West Virginia.
Wikipedia - Logia -- A divine saying
Wikipedia - Login -- process by which individual access to a computer system is controlled by identifying and authenticating the user through the credentials presented by the user
Wikipedia - Lois Toulson -- British diver
Wikipedia - Lolotoe Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - LoM-CM-/c Leferme -- French freediving record breaker
Wikipedia - London boroughs -- Administrative subdivisions of London
Wikipedia - London Diving Chamber Dive Lectures -- A series of public lectures that have been hosted at the Royal Geographical Society in London
Wikipedia - Lone divider -- Fair cake-cutting procedure
Wikipedia - Lonesome George -- Male Pinta Island tortoise and the last known individual of the subspecies
Wikipedia - Long baseline acoustic positioning system -- Class of underwater acoustic positioning systems used to track underwater vehicles and divers
Wikipedia - Longde (Dzogchen) -- one of three scriptural divisions within Dzogchen
Wikipedia - Long division -- Standard division algorithm for multi-digit numbers
Wikipedia - Looe East (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Loop subdivision surface
Wikipedia - Lord Dunn-Raven Stradivarius -- violin by Antonio Stradivari
Wikipedia - Lord Fairfax (turtle) -- Individual alligator snapping turtle
Wikipedia - Lorenzo Marsaglia -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Lori Roberts -- Bahamian diver
Wikipedia - Lospalos Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Loss-DiVincenzo quantum computer
Wikipedia - Lothar Matthes -- German diver
Wikipedia - Lotte Hass -- Austrian underwater diver, model and actress
Wikipedia - Loudoun County Public Schools -- public school division serving Loudoun County, Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Loudy Wiggins -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Louis Balbach -- American diver
Wikipedia - Louise Lenormand -- French diver
Wikipedia - Louise Petersen -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Louis Gompers -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Louis Kuehn -- American diver
Wikipedia - Louis Marchant -- British diver
Wikipedia - Louis Riel School Division -- School division in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Wikipedia - Louis Rimbault -- French individualist anarchist
Wikipedia - Louis Vitucci -- American diver
Wikipedia - Lou Massenberg -- German diver
Wikipedia - Lourdes Gonzalez -- Cuban diver
Wikipedia - Loveland Ski Area -- Snow skiing area in Colorado along the Continental Divide
Wikipedia - Love Will Tear Us Apart -- 1980 single by Joy Division
Wikipedia - Lower middle class -- Social class which is a sub-division of the greater middle class
Wikipedia - Lower River Division -- Administrative division of the Gambia
Wikipedia - Low Impact Diver
Wikipedia - Low impact diving -- Scuba diving that has minimal environmental effect
Wikipedia - Lubok Merbau (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Luciano Cozzi -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Lu Commandery -- Ancient Chinese political subdivision
Wikipedia - Ludivina Garcia Arias -- Former Spanish MEP
Wikipedia - Ludivine Chambet -- French serial killer
Wikipedia - Ludivine Dedonder -- Belgian politician
Wikipedia - Ludivine Furnon -- French gymnast
Wikipedia - Ludivine Kreutz -- French professional golfer
Wikipedia - Ludivine Puy -- Motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Ludivine Reding -- |Canadian actor
Wikipedia - Ludivine Sagnier -- French actress and model
Wikipedia - Lufthansa Aviation Training -- Pilot training division of Lufthansa
Wikipedia - Luigi Cangiullo -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Luis DiM-CM-)guez -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - Luisella Bisello -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Luis Marden -- American photographer, explorer, writer, filmmaker, diver, navigator, and linguist
Wikipedia - Luis NiM-CM-1o -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Luis Osvaldo Pino Valdivieso -- Director of the Ponce Municipal Band in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Luis P. Valdivieso -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - Luis Villarroel -- Venezuelan diver
Wikipedia - Luit (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Luiz Outerelo -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - Luke Aikins -- American stunt performer and skydiver
Wikipedia - Lumpers and splitters -- Opposing factions in any discipline that has to place individual examples into rigorously defined categories
Wikipedia - Luo Yutong -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Lurgan Subdivision -- Railroad line between the U.S. states of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and West Virginia.
Wikipedia - Lu Wei (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Luzula divaricata -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luz Valdivieso -- Chilean actress
Wikipedia - Lviv Raion -- Subdivision of Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Lynda Adams -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Lynda Folauhola -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Lyons Maritime Museum -- A diving history museum in St. Augustine, Florida
Wikipedia - Lysander Spooner -- American individualist anarchist
Wikipedia - Lysanne Richard -- Canadian high diver
Wikipedia - Lysianka Raion -- Former subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Lyubov Zhigalova -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Maahefun -- Celebration to mark the beginning of Ramadan in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Maaseik (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Maastricht (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Mabe, Perranarworthal and St Gluvias (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Macarena Alexanderson -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Machap (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Maddison Keeney -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Madeleine Barnett -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Madeleine Moreau -- French diver
Wikipedia - Madge Moulton -- British diver
Wikipedia - Madras Presidency -- Administrative subdivision of British India
Wikipedia - Magadan Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Magdalene Epply-Staudinger -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Magey Hithakee Hitheh Noon Hey? -- 2010 Maldivian drama series
Wikipedia - Magnitsky legislation -- Sanctions against foreign individuals
Wikipedia - Maha Amer -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Maha Gouda -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Mahallah -- Country subdivision or neighbourhood in parts of the Arab world, Balkans, Western and South Asia
Wikipedia - Maharani Divya Singh -- Indian politician (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Maharani (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Mahindra Aerospace -- Aerospace division of the Indian multinational conglomerate company Mahindra Group
Wikipedia - Mahkota (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Maia (Middle-earth) -- Divine race from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium
Wikipedia - Maicol Verzotto -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Mai Fat -- Political subdivision in Thailand
Wikipedia - Mai Nakagawa -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Maire Hider -- British diver
Wikipedia - Majed Al-Taqi -- Kuwaiti diver
Wikipedia - Majubooru Loabi -- 2000 Maldivian comedy drama film by Amjad Ibrahim
Wikipedia - Maksym Dolhov -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Maksym Lapyn -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Malaspina Expedition 2010 -- An interdisciplinary research project to assess the impact of global change on the oceans and explore their biodiversity
Wikipedia - Maldives Airways -- Former airline in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Maldives Labour and Social Democratic Party -- political party
Wikipedia - Maldives Reform Movement -- political party
Wikipedia - Maldives Third Way Democrats -- political party
Wikipedia - Maldives
Wikipedia - Maldives women's national cricket team -- Cricket team
Wikipedia - Maldivian Air Taxi -- Former domestic airline in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Maldivian language -- Indo-Aryan national language of the Maldives
Wikipedia - Maldivian phonology
Wikipedia - Maldivians in Sri Lanka -- Maldivian diaspora in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Malebranche (Divine Comedy)
Wikipedia - Maliana Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Malim Nawar (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - MalM-CM-) -- Capital of the Maldives
Wikipedia - Maltese patrol boat P29 -- Ship scuttled as dive site off Malta
Wikipedia - Maltese patrol boat P31 -- Minesweeper/patrol boat scuttled for use as a recreational dive site
Wikipedia - M-aM-9M-^Faviyani -- Former letter of the Maldivian alphabet
Wikipedia - Mambau (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Manadhai Thirudivittai -- 2001 film by R. D. Narayanamurthy
Wikipedia - Mandhana Industries -- Indian diversified textile and apparel manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Mandi Haswell -- British diver
Wikipedia - Mandivali -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Mandy-Rae Cruickshank -- Canadian world champion freediver and record holder
Wikipedia - Manifesto -- Published declaration of principles and intentions of an individual or group
Wikipedia - Manikganj -- city in Manikganj District, Dhaka Division
Wikipedia - Manir (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Manjari Bhargava -- Indian diver
Wikipedia - Mankivka Raion -- Former subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Manouchehr Fasihi -- Iranian diver
Wikipedia - Manuel Mendivil -- Mexican equestrian
Wikipedia - Marcela Maric -- Croatian diver
Wikipedia - Marchantiophyta -- Botanical division of non-vascular land plants that have a gametophyte-dominant life cycle and lack stomata
Wikipedia - Marche (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Marcus Greatwood -- British freediving coach
Wikipedia - Mares (scuba equipment) -- Italian manufacturer of underwater diving equipment.
Wikipedia - Margaret Austen -- English diver
Wikipedia - Margaret Bisbrown -- British diver
Wikipedia - Margret Borgs -- German diver
Wikipedia - Marguerite (ship) -- French ship sunk in Lyme Bay in 1917. Now a dive site
Wikipedia - Maria Coburn -- American diver
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Romero -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Maria JosM-CM-) Alcala -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Maria JosM-CM-) Zaldivar -- Chilean lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Maria Konstantatou -- Greek diver
Wikipedia - Maria Kurjo -- German diver
Wikipedia - Maria Marconi -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Mariam Fardous -- a Saudi doctor, humanitarian and scuba diver
Wikipedia - Marianna Torok -- Hungarian countess and second spouse of the Khedive Abbas II of Egypt (1877-1968)
Wikipedia - Marianne WeinM-CM-%s -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Maria Polyakova -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Maria Sanchez (diver) -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Maria Teresa Adames -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Mari El -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Marie-M-CM-^Hve Marleau -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Marietta Subdivision -- Railroad line between in the U.S. states of Ohio and West Virginia.
Wikipedia - MariM-CM-+t Dommers -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Marina Babkova -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Marina Janicke -- East German diver
Wikipedia - Marina Kazankova -- Russian actress and freediver
Wikipedia - Marina Ortiz de Gaete -- Wife of the Spanish conquistador, Pedro de Valdivia
Wikipedia - Marine biodiversity of South Africa -- The variety of living organisms that live in the seas off the coast of South Africa
Wikipedia - Marine biodiversity -- The variety of living organisms that live in the seas
Wikipedia - Marion Farissier -- French diver
Wikipedia - Marion Reiff -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Marion Roper -- American diver
Wikipedia - Marion Saunders -- British diver
Wikipedia - Maritime boundary -- Conceptual division of the Earth's water surface areas using physiographic or geopolitical criteria
Wikipedia - Mariya Ahmed Didi -- Maldivian Democratic Party politician (born 1962)
Wikipedia - Mariya Dolina -- Soviet WWII dive bomber pilot and Heroine of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Mariyam Afeefa -- Maldivian actress
Wikipedia - Mariyam Azra -- Maldivian politician
Wikipedia - Mariyam Azza -- Maldivian film actress
Wikipedia - Mariyam Shakeela (actress) -- Maldivian film actress
Wikipedia - Mariya Voloshchenko -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Marjorie Gestring -- American diver
Wikipedia - Markaz (country subdivision) -- Type of second-level country subdivision in the Middle East
Wikipedia - Mark Bradshaw (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - Mark Eddiva -- Filipino mixed martial artist
Wikipedia - Mark Ellyatt -- British technical diver and previous depth record holder
Wikipedia - Mark Graham (diver) -- New Zealand diver
Wikipedia - Mark Lenzi -- American diver and coach
Wikipedia - Mark Rourke -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Mark Ruiz -- Puerto Rican diver
Wikipedia - Mark Shipman -- British diver
Wikipedia - Marriage in Israel -- Legal status of marriages and divorces in the state of Israel.
Wikipedia - Marshall Wayne -- American diver
Wikipedia - Martha Manzano -- Colombian diver
Wikipedia - Martina JM-CM-$schke -- German diver
Wikipedia - Martina Proeber -- German diver
Wikipedia - Martin M-EM- tM-DM-^[panek (free-diver) -- Czech freediver and record-holder
Wikipedia - Martin Wolfram -- German diver
Wikipedia - Martyn Brown -- British diver
Wikipedia - Martyn Farr -- British cave diver
Wikipedia - Martyrs of Albania -- Collective group of 38 individual
Wikipedia - Mary Beth Dunnichay -- American platform diver
Wikipedia - Mary DePiero -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Mary Ellen Clark -- American diver
Wikipedia - Mary of the Divine Heart
Wikipedia - Mary Proenca -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - Masako Asada -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Masami Miyamoto -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Masashi Nakashima -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Masayo M-EM-^Lsawa -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Masonry -- The building of structures from individual units of stone, brick, or block
Wikipedia - Massimiliano Mazzucchi -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Massimo Castellani -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Master diver (United States Navy) -- Senior diver rating in US Navy
Wikipedia - Master Instructor -- A certificate given in recognition of a minimum level of experience in training divers after certification as a Diving Instructor, issued by PADI and SSI
Wikipedia - Master of Divinity
Wikipedia - Master Scuba Diver -- The highest non-leadership recreational scuba diver certification issued by some agencies
Wikipedia - Master theorem (analysis of algorithms) -- Bounds recurrence relations that occur in the analysis of divide and conquer algorithms
Wikipedia - Mater Divinae Gratiae College -- Private Franciscan College in Dolores, Eastern Samar, Philippines
Wikipedia - Mathew Helm -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Matsuri Arai -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Matthew Carter (diver) -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Matthew Dixon (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Matthew Mitcham -- Australian diver and trampoline gymnast
Wikipedia - Matthieu Rosset -- French diver
Wikipedia - Matt Scoggin -- American diver
Wikipedia - Matty Lee -- British diver
Wikipedia - Maubisse Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Maurice Fargues -- French navy diver. First scuba fatality using aqualung for a depth record attempt
Wikipedia - Maurice Lepage -- French diver
Wikipedia - Max Brick -- English diver
Wikipedia - Max Happle -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Maxie Michael -- German diver
Wikipedia - Maxim Bouchard -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Maxim (philosophy) -- Phrase that can motivate individuals
Wikipedia - Maysville and Lexington Railroad, North Division -- Defunct railroad company operated 1876-1921
Wikipedia - Maysville and Lexington Railroad, Northern Division -- Defunct railroad company operated 1868-1875
Wikipedia - Maysville and Lexington Railroad, Southern Division -- Defunct railroad company operated 1868-1921
Wikipedia - M-BM-!Basta Ya! -- Spanish grassroots organization uniting individuals of various political positions against terrorism, notably ETA
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Agnes Gerlach -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Alvaro Gaxiola -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Bngela Mendonca Ribeiro -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Fgir -- Norse divine personification of the Sea
Wikipedia - M-CM-^^orgerM-CM-0r HolgabruM-CM-0r and Irpa -- Divine figures in Norse mythology
Wikipedia - M.Div.
Wikipedia - Meaghan Benfeito -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Mean -- General term for the several definitions of mean value, the sum divided by the count
Wikipedia - Measurement of biodiversity -- Ways to empirically assess biodiversity
Wikipedia - Mechanism of diving regulators -- How the mechanisms of diving regulators work
Wikipedia - Mechelen (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Mechelen-Turnhout (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Media diver -- Professional diver working in the media sector
Wikipedia - Media diving -- Underwater diving in support of the media industries
Wikipedia - Media proprietor -- businessperson who controls media consumed by many individuals
Wikipedia - Medicaid -- United States social health care program for families and individuals with limited resources
Wikipedia - Medical fitness to dive -- Medical fitness to dive
Wikipedia - Medically fit to dive -- State of a person who has no medical constraints preventing them from underwater diving
Wikipedia - Meerit Insawang -- Thai diver
Wikipedia - Megachile diversa -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile lucidiventris -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile nudiventris -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile rotundiventris -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megadiverse countries -- Nation with extremely high biological diversity or many endemic species
Wikipedia - Mehari Union -- Place in Chittagong Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Mehendiganj -- town in Barisal District, Barisal Division
Wikipedia - Mehgan Heaney-Grier -- American free-diver, fashion model, actress, conservationist and television personality
Wikipedia - Meiosis -- Type of cell division in sexually-reproducing organisms used to produce gametes
Wikipedia - Melania Decuseara -- Romanian diver
Wikipedia - Melanoplus divergens -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Melany Hernandez -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Melisa Moses -- American diver
Wikipedia - Melissa Briley -- American diver
Wikipedia - Melissa Wu -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Memeplex -- A group of memes often found in the same individual
Wikipedia - Mengkibol (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Menglembu (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Merarites -- One of the four main divisions among the Levites in Biblical times
Wikipedia - Merotai (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Merrill (company) -- American investing and wealth management division of Bank of America
Wikipedia - Mesh generation -- is dividing a geometric space into discrete cells
Wikipedia - Mesoamerican chronology -- Divides the history of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica into several periods
Wikipedia - Mesozoic-Cenozoic radiation -- The third major extended increase in biodiversity in the Phanerozoic
Wikipedia - Metaphase -- Stage of cell division
Wikipedia - Metarctia diversa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Method of indivisibles
Wikipedia - Methodological individualism
Wikipedia - Methods of divination
Wikipedia - Methods of divinization
Wikipedia - Metrobudivnykiv (Dnipro Metro) -- Station of the Dnipro Metro
Wikipedia - Metrobudivnykiv (Kharkiv Metro) -- Kharkiv Metro station
Wikipedia - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer cartoon studio -- Division of MGM film studio responsible for producing animated shorts
Wikipedia - Metropolitan and non-metropolitan counties of England -- Subdivisions of England
Wikipedia - Metropolitan county -- Type of county-level administrative division of England
Wikipedia - Metropolitan West Financial -- Diversified financial services holding company
Wikipedia - Mette Gregaard -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Mhendhan -- Maldivian TV series
Wikipedia - Miami Subdivision -- CSX railroad line in Florida
Wikipedia - Miaphysitism -- Christological formula of the Oriental Orthodox Churches, saying that Jesus is fully divine and fully human, in one ''physis''.
Wikipedia - Micaela Bouter -- South African diver
Wikipedia - Michaela Herweck -- German diver
Wikipedia - Michael Board -- British free diver
Wikipedia - Michael Diven -- American politician
Wikipedia - Michael Galitzen -- American diver
Wikipedia - Michael Kuhne -- German diver
Wikipedia - Michael Murphy (diver) -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Michael Sendivogius -- Polish alchemist, philosopher, and medical doctor
Wikipedia - Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School -- A postgraduate division of University College Dublin, in Blackrock, Dublin
Wikipedia - Michael Worisch -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Michal DiviM-EM-!ek -- Czech ice hockey defenceman
Wikipedia - Michal Marek -- Polish cave diver
Wikipedia - Michal Navratil -- Czech diver
Wikipedia - Michal Risian -- Czech and Slovak freediving champion
Wikipedia - Michele Benedetti (diver) -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Michele Mitchell (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - Michelle Davison -- American diver
Wikipedia - Michelle Heimberg -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Mickey Johnson (diver) -- Bermudian diver
Wikipedia - Micki King -- American diver
Wikipedia - Microeconomics -- Branch of economics that studies the behavior of individual households and firms in making decisions on the allocation of limited resources
Wikipedia - Microsoft Algeria -- Division of Microsoft in Algeria
Wikipedia - Microsoft India -- Division of Microsoft in India
Wikipedia - Microsoft Research -- research division of Microsoft
Wikipedia - Mid-Atlantic Ridge -- A divergent tectonic plate boundary that in the North Atlantic separates the Eurasian and North American plates, and in the South Atlantic separates the African and South American plates
Wikipedia - Mid-Western Region, Nigeria -- 1963-1991 division of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Miguel M-CM-^Angel Zavala -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Mihithah Loabi Dheyshey -- Maldivian television drama series
Wikipedia - Mike Finneran -- American diver
Wikipedia - Mike Mourant -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Mike Rutzen -- South African conservationist and shark cage diving operator
Wikipedia - Mikhail Chachba -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Mikhail Safonov (diver) -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Mikhlaf -- Local administrative division of Yemen
Wikipedia - Milena Duchkova -- Czech diver
Wikipedia - Military branch -- Subdivision of the national armed forces
Wikipedia - Military diver training -- Training of underwater divers for service in the armed forces
Wikipedia - Military diving -- Underwater diving in a military context by members of an armed force
Wikipedia - Military Information Division (United States)
Wikipedia - Military Intelligence Division (United States Army)
Wikipedia - Miller Anderson (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - Milliken & Company -- US diversified industrial manufacturer
Wikipedia - Millionaire -- Individual whose net worth or wealth is equal to or exceeds one million units of currency
Wikipedia - Milton Braga -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - Milton Busin -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - Milton's divorce tracts
Wikipedia - Milton Ward -- British political subdivision
Wikipedia - Minami Itahashi -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Minedykkerkommandoen -- Norwegian Navy clearance diver unit
Wikipedia - Minentaucher -- Mine clearance divers of the German Navy
Wikipedia - Mineral evolution -- Increasing mineral diversity over time
Wikipedia - Minister of International Trade Diversification -- Canadian federal Cabinet position
Wikipedia - Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (South Korea) -- Cabinet-level division of the government of South Korea
Wikipedia - Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries -- Cabinet-level division of the government of South Korea
Wikipedia - Minor civil division -- Governmental divisions of U.S. counties, such as civil townships
Wikipedia - Mintaqah -- Term for administrative divisions in Saudi Arabia, Chad and several other Arab countries
Wikipedia - Mirnawati Hardjolukito -- Indonesian diver
Wikipedia - Mirsharai -- Town in Chittagong District, Chittagong Division
Wikipedia - Misaki -- Collective term for divine spirits in Japan
Wikipedia - Miss Diva 2019 -- Beauty pageant edition
Wikipedia - Miss Diva 2020 -- Beauty pageant edition
Wikipedia - Miss Diva -- National beauty pageant competition in India
Wikipedia - Miss Divine Beauty -- National beauty pageant competition in India
Wikipedia - Mission 31 -- An undersea expedition organized by Fabien Cousteau in the undersea laboratory Aquarius in the Florida Keys, scuba diving to collect scientific data and IMAX footage
Wikipedia - Mitosis -- The division of a cell nucleus in which the genome is copied and separated into two identical halves
Wikipedia - Mitotic inhibitor -- Cell division inhibitor
Wikipedia - Mitra -- Indo-Iranian divinity
Wikipedia - MM-CM-)lissa Citrini-Beaulieu -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - MM-CM-$rta Johansson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Mo (divination)
Wikipedia - Mogilyovsky Uyezd (Mogilev Governorate) -- A subdivision of the Mogilev Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Mohab El-Kordy -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Mohamed Abdel Khalek Allam -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Mohamed Asim -- Maldivian civil servant and diplomat
Wikipedia - Mohamed Azreen Bahari -- Malaysian diver
Wikipedia - Mohamed Fakhry Abbas -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Mohamed Ibrahim (diver) -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Mohamed Manik -- Maldivian actor and director
Wikipedia - Mohamed Nasrullah -- Indonesian diver
Wikipedia - Mohamed Yunaan -- Maldivian film actor
Wikipedia - Mohamma Gaadiyaa -- Maldivian Comedy television drama series
Wikipedia - Mold -- Diverse group of fungi
Wikipedia - Molecular clock -- Technique to deduce the time in prehistory when two or more life forms diverged
Wikipedia - Mompha divisella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Monastyryshche Raion -- Former subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Moneyer -- Private individual who is officially permitted to mint money
Wikipedia - Moneyshanere -- townland (administrative division) in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Monika Kuhn -- German diver
Wikipedia - Monique Gladding -- British diver
Wikipedia - Monochroa divisella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Mononymous person -- Individual who is known and addressed by a single name
Wikipedia - Monophysitism -- Christological term and doctrine which emphasizes the one holy, divine aspect and nature of Christ.
Wikipedia - Monty Halls -- British TV broadcaster, diver and naturalist
Wikipedia - Monzambano -- administrative division of Lombardy, Italy
Wikipedia - Monza -- administrative division of Lombardy, Italy
Wikipedia - Moosa Zameer -- Minister of Tourism of Maldives
Wikipedia - Moral injury -- An injury to an individual's moral conscience and values
Wikipedia - Mordovia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Morembert -- administrative division in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Morse Diving -- American manufacturer of diving equipment
Wikipedia - Moscow Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Moss -- Division of non-vascular land plants
Wikipedia - Most recent common ancestor -- Most recent individual from which all organisms in a group are directly descended
Wikipedia - Mother City SkyDiving - Cape Town -- Sports skydiving drop zone
Wikipedia - Motilal Oswal Financial Services -- Indian diversified financial services firm
Wikipedia - Motorcycle club -- Group of individuals whose primary interest and activities involve motorcycles
Wikipedia - Mountain Subdivision -- Railroad line between in the U.S. states of Maryland and West Virginia.
Wikipedia - Mount Hawke and Portreath (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Mount Lebanon Mutasarrifate -- Subdivision of the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Mouse-eared bat -- Diverse genus of mammals
Wikipedia - Moustafa Hassan -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - MTA Regional Bus Operations -- Surface transit division of New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Wikipedia - MTV News -- News division of MTV
Wikipedia - Muadzam Shah (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Muck diving -- Recreational diving on a loose sedimentary bottom
Wikipedia - Mughalsarai railway division -- Railway division of India
Wikipedia - Muhammad Fareed Didi -- Sultan of Maldives
Wikipedia - Muhammad Imaduddin I -- Sultan of Maldives
Wikipedia - Multi-carrier code division multiple access
Wikipedia - Multi-frequency time-division multiple access
Wikipedia - Multi-level dive -- Scuba diving in consecutively shallower depth ranges on one dive
Wikipedia - Mundu -- Traditional draped garment for the Lowe body, worn in South Asia and the Maldives
Wikipedia - Municipal city (Vietnam) -- Type of second-tier subdivision of Vietnam
Wikipedia - Municipalities of Denmark -- Type of administrative division in Denmark
Wikipedia - Municipality of DivaM-DM-^Ma -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality -- Administrative division having corporate status and usually some powers of self-government or jurisdiction
Wikipedia - Municipio -- Country subdivisions in several Hispanophone and Lusophone nations
Wikipedia - Munje! -- 2001 film by M-PM- adivoje Andric
Wikipedia - Murmansk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Valdivia -- Museum in Valdivia, Chile
Wikipedia - Museo de la Exploracion Rudolph Amandus Philippi -- Museum in Valdivia, Chile
Wikipedia - Music of Maldives
Wikipedia - Must We Get Divorced? (1933 film) -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - Must We Get Divorced? (1953 film) -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Mutanome -- Somatic cancer mutations in an individual tumor
Wikipedia - Mutualism (biology) -- A relationship between organisms of different species in which each individual benefits from the activity of the other
Wikipedia - Muzaffarabad Division -- Division of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan
Wikipedia - MV Rozi -- Tugboat scuttled as a dive site off Malta
Wikipedia - Mycetobia divergens -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Mycorrhizal network -- Underground hyphal networks that connect individual plants together
Wikipedia - Myelodysplastic syndrome -- Diverse collection of blood-related cancers that involve ineffective production of certain blood cells
Wikipedia - Myeon (administrative division) -- Administrative unit in South Korea similar to the unit of town
Wikipedia - Mymensingh Division -- Division of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Myra Lee (diver) -- Singaporean diver
Wikipedia - Myriam Boileau -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Mythical origins of language -- The origin of language according to diverse mythologies.
Wikipedia - Naalayira Divya Prabhandham
Wikipedia - Naaummeedhu -- 2001 Maldivian romantic film by Fathimath Nahul
Wikipedia - Nadezhda Bazhina -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Nadezhda Karpukhina -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Naeviology -- Method of divination by observing moles or other bodily marks.
Wikipedia - Nagar, Rajshahi Division -- Village in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Naihati Union -- Place in Khulna Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Nain Feto Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Nalacharitham Naalam Divasam -- 2001 film by K Mohanakrishnan
Wikipedia - Nalchity -- Town and municipality in Barisal Division
Wikipedia - Namur-Dinant-Philippeville (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Namur (former Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Nana Nebieridze -- Georgian diver
Wikipedia - Nancilea Foster -- American diver
Wikipedia - Nancy Robertson (diver) -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Nandi (mythology) -- Divine animal in Hinduism
Wikipedia - Nandivali -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Nanja van den Broek -- Dutch diver
Wikipedia - Naogaon -- Municipality and town in Rajshahi Division
Wikipedia - Naomi Bishop -- British diver
Wikipedia - Narcissistic supply -- Type of admiration, interpersonal support or sustenance drawn by an individual from his or her environment and essential to their self-esteem.
Wikipedia - Narsingdi -- city in Narsingdi District, Dhaka Division
Wikipedia - Naseema Mohamed -- First Lady of the Maldives
Wikipedia - Nashidha Mohamed -- Maldivian actress
Wikipedia - Natalia Goncharova (diver) -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Natalia Molchanova -- Russian multiple world record holding freediver
Wikipedia - Nataliia Zharkova -- Ukrainian freediver
Wikipedia - Nataliya Chikina -- Kazakhstani diver
Wikipedia - Nataliya Kuznetsova-Lobanova -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Nataliya Popova (diver) -- Kazakhstani diver
Wikipedia - Nataliya Shlemova -- Tajikistani diver
Wikipedia - Nathan Divinsky
Wikipedia - National Association for Cave Diving -- American non-profit organization for improving cave diving safety
Wikipedia - National Biodiversity Assessment -- Periodical assessment and report on South African biodiversity
Wikipedia - National Biodiversity Network
Wikipedia - National Board of Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Technology -- A non-profit organization for education and certification in diving and hyperbaric medicine
Wikipedia - National climate projections -- Climate change predictions for individual countries
Wikipedia - National Cyber Security Division
Wikipedia - National delimitation in the Soviet Union -- Process of creating national territorial units from the ethnic diversity of USSR
Wikipedia - National Diversity Coalition for Trump -- Defunct U.S. political organization
Wikipedia - National Diving and Activity Centre -- Flooded quarry in Gloucestershire used as a recreational dive site.
Wikipedia - National Geographic Maps -- Division of the National Geographic Society
Wikipedia - National god -- Guardian divinities whose special concern is the safety and well-being of an ethnic group
Wikipedia - National Hurricane Center -- Division of the United States' National Weather Service
Wikipedia - Nationality -- Relationship between an individual human and a nation
Wikipedia - National Library of Maldives
Wikipedia - National Museum of Maldives
Wikipedia - National Number Group -- Area division of telephone network
Wikipedia - National Security Service (Maldives)
Wikipedia - National Shrine of the Divine Mercy (Philippines)
Wikipedia - National Shrine of The Divine Mercy (Stockbridge, Massachusetts)
Wikipedia - National Statuary Hall Collection -- Collection of statues in the US Capitol of notable individuals from each state
Wikipedia - National Youth Icon Award -- Award is given to individuals who contribute towards social welfare
Wikipedia - Native American cultures in the United States -- Cultural groupings notable for their wide variety and diversity of lifestyles, regalia, art forms and beliefs
Wikipedia - Native Diver Stakes -- American Thoroughbred horse race
Wikipedia - Natural evil -- Evil for which "no non-divine agent can be held morally responsible
Wikipedia - Natural heritage -- Elements of biodiversity, including flora and fauna, ecosystems and geological structures
Wikipedia - Naushad Waheed -- Maldivian cartoonist
Wikipedia - Naval Air Command Sub Aqua Club -- An organisation within the Royal Navy for recreational and technical diving training for British naval aviation and fleet units
Wikipedia - Naval Air Organisation and Training Division (Royal Navy) -- British Royal Navy, naval staff
Wikipedia - Naval Diving Unit (Singapore) -- Singapore maritime special forces
Wikipedia - Naval diving -- Naval diving
Wikipedia - Naval Intelligence Division (United Kingdom)
Wikipedia - Naval Service Diving Section -- Diving unit of the Irish Naval Service
Wikipedia - Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory -- Research unit for submarine and diving medicine
Wikipedia - Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane Division -- Division of the U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center
Wikipedia - Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division
Wikipedia - Naval Surface Warfare Center Port Hueneme -- Division of the U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center
Wikipedia - Navy diver (United States Navy) -- US Navy personnel qualified in underwater diving and salvage
Wikipedia - Navy diver -- Disambiguation page
Wikipedia - Nazi hunter -- Individual who tracks down and gathers information on alleged former Nazis
Wikipedia - Nazi memorabilia -- Items of Nazi origin that are collected by museums and private individuals
Wikipedia - Nazra Naseem -- Maldivian politician
Wikipedia - NBC News -- News division of NBCUniversal
Wikipedia - N-body problem -- Problem of predicting the individual motions of a group of celestial objects interacting with each other gravitationally
Wikipedia - NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision
Wikipedia - NCAA Division III
Wikipedia - NCAA Division I
Wikipedia - NCAA Division I Wrestling Championships
Wikipedia - Neal W. Pollock -- Canadian researcher in diving and hyperbaric medicine
Wikipedia - Nederlandse Onderwatersport Bond -- National governing body for recreational diving and underwater sports in the Netherlands affiliated to CMAS
Wikipedia - Neglected tropical diseases -- Diverse group of tropical infection diseases which are common in developing countries
Wikipedia - Nelson Suarez -- Ecuadorian diver
Wikipedia - Nemo 33 -- Indoor recreational diving facility
Wikipedia - Nenets Autonomous Okrug -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Neo-Confederate -- Modern groups and individuals who view the American Civil War's Confederate States of America positively
Wikipedia - Neoplasm -- Abnormal mass of tissue as a result of abnormal growth or division of cells
Wikipedia - Nerdist Industries -- Digital entertainment subsidiary division
Wikipedia - Nestorianism -- Christological doctrine arguing that human and divine persons of Jesus Christ are separate
Wikipedia - Nethi Dhiyayas -- Maldivian television series
Wikipedia - Network administrator -- Individual that is responsible for the maintenance of computer hardware and software systems that make up a computer network
Wikipedia - Net worth -- Total assets minus total outside liabilities of an individual or a company
Wikipedia - NeufchM-CM-"teau (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - NeufchM-CM-"teau-Virton (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Neural crest -- Embyronic group of cells giving rise to diverse cell lineages
Wikipedia - Neuroblast -- Non-dividing precursor cell to a neuron
Wikipedia - Neurodiversity -- Neologism used to refer to neurological differences in a non-pathological manner
Wikipedia - Neuroscientist -- Individual who studies neuroscience
Wikipedia - New Dawn Fades -- Song by Joy Division
Wikipedia - New international division of labour
Wikipedia - New Jersey Superior Court, Appellate Division -- Intermediate appellate court of New Jersey
Wikipedia - Newlyn and Mousehole (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - New River Subdivision -- Railroad line between Hinton and Montgomery in the U.S. state of West Virginia.
Wikipedia - New Testament -- Second division of the Christian biblical canon
Wikipedia - New Thought -- Religious movement emphasizing accessible divine power, positive thinking, and faith healing
Wikipedia - Newtsuit -- Atmospheric diving suit designed by Phil Nuytten.
Wikipedia - New Year's resolution -- A promise or commitment an individual makes around January 1st
Wikipedia - New York City Police Department Counterterrorism Bureau -- Division of the New York City Police Department
Wikipedia - New York City Police Department Intelligence Bureau -- Police department division
Wikipedia - New York City Police Department School Safety Division -- Police unit for school law enforcement
Wikipedia - New York divorce coercion gang -- Kidnap and torture ring
Wikipedia - New York State Appellate Division
Wikipedia - New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division -- Intermediate appellate courts in the state of New York
Wikipedia - Neydhen Vakivaakah -- 2017 Maldivian romantic film
Wikipedia - Ng Sui -- Hong Kong diver
Wikipedia - Ng Yan Yee -- Malaysian diver
Wikipedia - Niabella ginsenosidivorans -- Bacterium
Wikipedia - Nicholas Mevoli -- American freediver who died while attempting to set a record
Wikipedia - Nicholas Robinson-Baker -- English diver
Wikipedia - Nicola Marconi -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Nicole Kreil -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Nicole Ng -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Nicole PM-CM-)llissard-Darrigrand -- French diver
Wikipedia - Nigel Stanton -- British diver
Wikipedia - Night diver -- Certification of competence to scuba dive at night
Wikipedia - Nightdive Studios
Wikipedia - Night diving -- Underwater diving during the hours of darkness
Wikipedia - Niki Stajkovic -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Nikita Shleikher -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Nikolaos Siranidis -- Greek diver
Wikipedia - Nilai (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Nils Skoglund -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Nils Tvedt -- Norwegian diver
Wikipedia - Nina Mdivani
Wikipedia - Ninel Krutova -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Nino Qazarashvili -- Georgian diver
Wikipedia - Nintendo Integrated Research & Development -- Division of Nintendo
Wikipedia - Nintendo Platform Technology Development -- Nintendo's hardware development division
Wikipedia - Nismo -- Motorsport and performance division of automobile manufacturer Nissan
Wikipedia - Nitibe Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Niuma Mohamed -- Maldivian actress, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Niuma -- 2010 Maldivian drama film
Wikipedia - Nivairoalhi -- 2019 Maldivian film
Wikipedia - Nivelles (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Nizhny Novgorod Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - NJ Transit Rail Operations -- Commuter rail division of NJ Transit
Wikipedia - N. K. Symi (Sponge Diving Boat) -- Historic vessel at Tarpon Springs, Florida
Wikipedia - NOAA Diving Manual -- Training and operations manual for scientific diving
Wikipedia - Noah Williams (diver) -- English diver
Wikipedia - Noelle Valdivia -- American television writer, playwright
Wikipedia - Noemi Batki -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - No-fault divorce -- Divorce in response to either party petition
Wikipedia - No Fly List -- US federal government list of individuals banned from US commercial flights
Wikipedia - No Gold for a Dead Diver -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - No-limits apnea -- Freediving discipline in which the diver descends and ascends using their method of choice
Wikipedia - Nome (Egypt) -- Subnational administrative division of ancient Egypt
Wikipedia - Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics -- European Union standard for country subdivisions
Wikipedia - Nomina sacra -- The abbreviation of several frequently occurring divine names or titles, especially in Greek manuscripts of Holy Scripture
Wikipedia - Non-orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing -- Method of encoding digital data on multiple carrier frequencies
Wikipedia - Nonprofit organization -- Organization that uses its income to achieve its goals rather than distributing it as profit or dividends
Wikipedia - Nora Barta -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - Nora Subschinski -- German diver
Wikipedia - Norbert Huda -- German diver
Wikipedia - Nordic Deep -- Freediving competition in Lysekil, Sweden
Wikipedia - Norma Baraldi -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Norma Thomas -- British diver
Wikipedia - North Bank Division -- Administrative division of the Gambia
Wikipedia - Northeastern Huskies swimming and diving -- Northeastern University women's swimming and diving team
Wikipedia - North-East Frontier Agency -- Political division in British India
Wikipedia - Northern Ireland Federation of Sub-Aqua Clubs -- National governing body for recreational diving and underwater sport in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Northern Railway Divisional Sports Association Stadium -- Building in India
Wikipedia - Northern Region, Nigeria -- Former autonomous division within Nigeria
Wikipedia - North Korea Cold Current -- A cold water current in the Sea of Japan that flows southward from near Vladivostok along the coast of the Korean Peninsula
Wikipedia - North London -- Informal division of London, England
Wikipedia - North Ossetia-Alania -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - North Riding of Yorkshire -- One of the historic subdivisions of Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - North-South divide in the World -- Socio-economic and political divide
Wikipedia - North West Liberties of Londonderry -- Administrative division in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Northwest Semitic languages -- Division of Semitic languages of the Levant
Wikipedia - Norton Ferris Hundred -- Administrative division in Somerset, England
Wikipedia - Norwegian Diver School -- Part of the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Wikipedia - No-stop limit -- Diving bottom time beyond which obligatory decompression stops are incurred
Wikipedia - Noticieros Televisa -- News division of Televisa
Wikipedia - Nova Ushytsia Raion -- Former subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Novgorod Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Novoselytsia Raion -- Former subdivision of Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Novosibirsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Novotroitske Raion -- Former subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Novovorontsovka Raion -- Former subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Nuclear diving -- Diving in an environment where there is a risk of exposure to radioactive materials
Wikipedia - Nuisance wildlife management -- Process of selective removal of problem individuals or populations of specific species of wildlife
Wikipedia - Number 16 (spider) -- oldest recorded individual spider
Wikipedia - Numen -- Ancient Roman divine presence
Wikipedia - Numerology -- Any belief in the divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events
Wikipedia - Nuno Gomes (diver) -- South African diver and holder of scuba depth record
Wikipedia - Nur Dhabitah Sabri -- Malaysian diver
Wikipedia - Nurse attorney -- Individual who is licensed as both lawyer and nurse
Wikipedia - Nuzvid Estate -- Indian administrative division
Wikipedia - Nyzhni Sirohozy Raion -- Former subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Oakland Motor Car Company -- Michigan carmaker and division of General Motors, active 1908-1931
Wikipedia - Obelus -- Historical typographic symbol with modern descendants including the division symbol and the dagger mark.
Wikipedia - Obi divination
Wikipedia - Objectivist movement -- A movement of individuals who seek to study and advance Objectivism
Wikipedia - Oblasts of Russia -- Administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Oblasts of Ukraine -- Type of first-level administrative division of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Occidental Vacation Club -- Occidental Hotel & Resort's timeshare division
Wikipedia - Ocean Realm -- American magazine on underwater photography and scuba diving
Wikipedia - Ocean turbidity -- A measure of the amount of cloudiness or haziness in sea water caused by individual particles that are too small to be seen without magnification
Wikipedia - Octant (solid geometry) -- One of eight divisions of a Euclidean 3D coordinate system
Wikipedia - Octopus wrestling -- Sport with divers catching octopuses barehanded
Wikipedia - Odile Arboles-Souchon -- French diver
Wikipedia - Odivelas
Wikipedia - Oesilo Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Office of Inspector General (United States) -- Oversight division of a United States federal or state agency
Wikipedia - Office of Portfolio Analysis -- US government division assisting the NIH
Wikipedia - Offshore diving
Wikipedia - Ohio River Subdivision -- Railroad line between Wheeling and Huntington in the U.S. state of West Virginia.
Wikipedia - Olavi Heinonen -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Oldsmobile -- Former entry-level luxury division of General Motors
Wikipedia - Oleg Vikulov -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Oleh Kolodiy -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Oleh Serbin -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Oleh Yanchenko -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Oleksandr Horshkovozov -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Oleksandr Skrypnyk (diver) -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Oleksii Sereda -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Oleksiy Pryhorov -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Olena Fedorova -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Olena Zhupina -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Oleshky Raion -- Former subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Olga Dmitriyeva -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Olga Jensch-Jordan -- German diver
Wikipedia - Olga Khristoforova -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Olha Leonova -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Olha Yefimenko -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Olivia Wright -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Omnibus bill -- Proposed law that covers a number of diverse or unrelated topics
Wikipedia - Omsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - On Divination in Sleep
Wikipedia - One for Sorrow (nursery rhyme) -- Traditional English divination nursery rhyme about magpies
Wikipedia - Ongamenet Starleague -- South Korean StarCraft individual league
Wikipedia - Ongole (Lok Sabha constituency) -- Indian political subdivision
Wikipedia - On Indivisible Lines
Wikipedia - On the Divide (film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Onychomancy -- Form of divination using fingernails
Wikipedia - Ooi Tze Liang -- Malaysian diver
Wikipedia - Open individualism
Wikipedia - Open ocean diving -- Diving in deep water out of sight of land
Wikipedia - Open Water Diver -- An entry-level autonomous diver certification for recreational scuba diving
Wikipedia - Open-water diving -- Diving in unrestricted water when the diver has unrestricted vertical access to the surface
Wikipedia - Open water (diving) -- Unrestricted water, generally with direct vertical access to the surface of the water in contact with the Earth's atmosphere
Wikipedia - Operational Diving Division (SA Navy) -- Diving component of the South African Navy's Maritime Reaction Squadron
Wikipedia - Operation Gold Fish -- 2019 Telugu action film by Sai Kiran Adivi
Wikipedia - OpM-EM-!tina -- Administrative subdivision in Slavic countries roughly equivalent to a municipality
Wikipedia - Optogenetics -- Neuromodulation method; uses a combination of techniques from optics and genetics to control and monitor the activities of individual neurons in living tissue
Wikipedia - Oratory of Divine Love
Wikipedia - Order (distinction) -- Visible honour awarded to an individual recipient
Wikipedia - Oregon Early Learning Division -- Government agency supporting preschool services
Wikipedia - Oregon Youth Development Division -- Oregon state agency
Wikipedia - O'Reilly Open Source Award -- Individual awards
Wikipedia - Orenburg Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Organism -- Any individual living physical entity
Wikipedia - Orlando Duque -- Colombian high diver
Wikipedia - Oroix -- administrative division in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Orshansky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Mogilev Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Orsolya PintM-CM-)r -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - Orthodox International Youth Festival "Bratya" -- Annual Russian Orthodox youth festival, launched by a group of activists from Mozhaysk, Russia, with the support of various Eastern Orthodox communities, public organizations and individuals.
Wikipedia - Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access
Wikipedia - Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing -- Method of encoding digital data on multiple carrier frequencies
Wikipedia - Oryol Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Oscar Bertone -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Oscar Dose -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Oskar Wetzell -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - OSK Holdings Berhad -- Malaysian diversified conglomerate
Wikipedia - Ossu Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Osteichthyes -- Diverse group of fish with skeletons of bone rather than a cartilage
Wikipedia - Otto Hooff -- German diver
Wikipedia - Otto Satzinger -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Oudenaarde (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Outline of recreational dive sites -- Hierarchical outline list of articles about rereational dive sites
Wikipedia - Outline of underwater divers -- Hierarchical outline list of biographical articles about underwater divers
Wikipedia - Outline of underwater diving -- Hierarchical outline list of articles related to underwater diving
Wikipedia - Overhead (diving) -- A physical or physiological constraint to an immediate direct ascent to the surface
Wikipedia - Oxygen window in diving decompression -- Physiological effect of oxygen metabolism on the total dissolved gas concentration in venous blood
Wikipedia - Pacific Higher Naval School -- Russian naval academy in Vladivostok
Wikipedia - Pack animal -- Individual or type of working animal used by humans
Wikipedia - Packard-Le Pere LUSAC-11 -- 1918 multi-role combat aircraft family by the Engineering Division, US Army Air Service
Wikipedia - Padang Tengku (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - PADI Discover Scuba Diving -- PADI Discover Scuba Diving
Wikipedia - Padstow (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Paige Gordon -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Paka (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Pak Yong-ryong -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Palmetto Subdivision -- CSX railroad line in Florida
Wikipedia - Paloh (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Palong (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Pamela Ware -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Pan Am Systems -- Diversified American company
Wikipedia - Panching (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Panchrysia dives -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Pancreas divisum -- Congenital disorder of digestive system
Wikipedia - Pandelela Rinong -- Malaysian diver
Wikipedia - Paned window (computing) -- Computer user interface window that is divided into sections known as "panes"
Wikipedia - Panentheism -- Belief that the divine pervades all of space and time and extends beyond it
Wikipedia - Pangkor (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Panov Seamount -- Minor seamount in the southeast Pacific near the western part of the Valdivia Fracture Zone
Wikipedia - Pantai Remis (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Pante Macassar Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Pantheism -- Belief that all of reality is part of divinity
Wikipedia - Panti (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Panzer division -- German armored military unit of WWII
Wikipedia - Paola Espinosa -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Paper candidate -- Candidate who stands for a political party in an electoral division where the party in question enjoys only low levels of support
Wikipedia - Parachute Association of Ireland -- Governing body for skydiving in Ireland
Wikipedia - Paradiso (Dante) -- Third part of Dante's Divine Comedy
Wikipedia - Paradox of the plankton -- The ecological observation of high plankton diversity despite competition for few resources
Wikipedia - Paragliding at the 2018 Asian Games - Women's individual accuracy -- Paragliding
Wikipedia - Paramount Animation -- Animation division of Paramount Pictures
Wikipedia - Paramount Television -- TV production division of Paramount Pictures
Wikipedia - Paramount Vantage -- Specialty film division of Paramount Pictures
Wikipedia - Paraphilia -- Experience of intense sexual arousal to atypical objects, situations, or individuals
Wikipedia - Paraspilotragus diversevittatus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Parasympathetic nervous system -- A division of the autonomic nervous system
Wikipedia - Parit Raja (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Park Jeong-ja -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Park Ji-ho (diver) -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Park Jong-ryong -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Park West School Division -- School district in Manitoba
Wikipedia - Parrot astrology -- Divination by means of parrot picking cards
Wikipedia - Particular judgment -- The divine judgment that a departed person undergoes immediately after death
Wikipedia - Partido (region) -- Administrative subdivision in various countries
Wikipedia - Partition and secession in New York -- Hypothetical division of New York State
Wikipedia - Partition of Ireland -- Division of the island of Ireland into two jurisdictions
Wikipedia - Partition of the Ottoman Empire -- Division of Ottoman territory after World War I
Wikipedia - Partition (politics) -- Formal change of political borders which divides at least one territory previously considered a unified whole by some community
Wikipedia - Party divisions of United States Congresses -- Overview of the party divisions of United States Congresses
Wikipedia - Pascal BernabM-CM-) -- French claimant to scuba diving depth record
Wikipedia - Pasir Panjang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Pasir Pinji (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Pasir Raja (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Paternalistic deception -- Deception that is apparently performed for the deceived individual's own good
Wikipedia - Pat Howard (diver) -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Pat McCormick (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - Patrick Hausding -- German diver
Wikipedia - Patrick Jeffrey -- American diver
Wikipedia - Patrick Musimu -- Belgian freediver
Wikipedia - Patronage -- Support that one organization or individual bestows to another
Wikipedia - Patsy Elsener -- American diver
Wikipedia - Patsy Willard -- American diver
Wikipedia - Pattiyude Divasam -- 2001 film
Wikipedia - Paula Jean Myers-Pope -- American diver
Wikipedia - Paul Gunther -- German diver
Wikipedia - Paul Hosie -- Australian cave diver
Wikipedia - Paul Knuchel -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Paul Kohler -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Paul Raeth -- French diver
Wikipedia - Pavlo Rozenberg -- German diver
Wikipedia - Payanangal Mudivathillai -- 1982 film by R. Sundarrajan
Wikipedia - Pearl Diver -- A French Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Pecos Classification -- Chronological division system
Wikipedia - Pedodiversity
Wikipedia - Pedro de Valdivia -- Spanish conquistador
Wikipedia - Pei Commandery -- Ancient Chinese political subdivision
Wikipedia - Pekan Nanas (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Pekka Heinonen -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Pelangai (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Pemanis (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Penawar (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Pendleton Vandiver -- American musician
Wikipedia - Penetration diving -- Diving under a physical barrier to a direct vertical ascent to the surface
Wikipedia - Peng Bo -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Penggaram (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Peng Jianfeng -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Pengkalan Baharu (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Pengkalan Berangan (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Pengkalan Hulu (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Penny sterling -- Subdivision of pound sterling, currently worth one hundredth of a pound
Wikipedia - Pentium FDIV bug
Wikipedia - Pentti Koskinen -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Penwithick and Boscoppa (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Penzance Promenade (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Penza Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - People Cards -- Knowledge base used by Google which lets individuals create their profile on its search engine.
Wikipedia - People's National Congress (Maldives) -- political party
Wikipedia - Peoples of the Caucasus -- Diverse group comprising more than 50 ethnic groups
Wikipedia - Perambalur division -- Revenue division of Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Peramu Jaya (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Percussion section -- One of the main divisions of an orchestra
Wikipedia - Perfect number -- Integer equal to the sum of its divisors
Wikipedia - Performance Freediving International -- Freediver training agency
Wikipedia - Peri Suzan M-CM-^Vzkum -- Turkish diver
Wikipedia - Permaisuri (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Permanent account number -- Code that acts as an identification for individuals, families and corporates
Wikipedia - Permas (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Perm Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Perpendicular Gothic -- Third historical division of English Gothic architecture
Wikipedia - Persian Gulf Residency -- Colonial subdivision of the British Raj
Wikipedia - Personal area network -- Computer network centered on an individual person's workspace
Wikipedia - Personal computer -- Computer intended for use by an individual person
Wikipedia - Personal diving equipment -- Underwater diving equipment worn by the diver
Wikipedia - Personal genomics -- The branch of genomics concerned with the genome of an individual
Wikipedia - Personality and Individual Differences
Wikipedia - Personality -- Psychological characteristics of an individual
Wikipedia - Personalized marketing -- Marketing strategy using data analysis to deliver individualized messages and products
Wikipedia - Personal name -- Set of names by which an individual is known
Wikipedia - Personal protective equipment -- Equipment designed to help protect an individual from hazards
Wikipedia - Personal web page -- Web page created by an individual to contain personal content
Wikipedia - Pertang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Peruvian Primera Division -- Sports league
Wikipedia - Petar Georgiev (diver) -- Bulgarian diver
Wikipedia - Petar Trifonov (diver) -- Bulgarian diver
Wikipedia - Pete Desjardins -- American diver
Wikipedia - Peter B. Bennett -- medical researcher and founder of the Divers Alert Network
Wikipedia - Peter Heatly -- British diver
Wikipedia - Peter Henry Michael Holmes -- Saturation diver killed in the Waage Drill II diving accident
Wikipedia - Peter Huber (diver) -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Peter Squires (diver) -- English diver
Wikipedia - Peter Tarsey -- British diver
Wikipedia - Peter Waterfield -- British diver
Wikipedia - Petr M-EM- edivak -- Czech judoka
Wikipedia - Petrophile divaricata -- Species of shrub endemic to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Petrophile diversifolia -- Species of shrub endemic to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Phacelia divaricata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Phil Boggs -- American diver
Wikipedia - Philip Drew -- English diver
Wikipedia - Philippe Comtois -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Philippe Cousteau -- French diver and cinematographer
Wikipedia - Philippe Duvernay -- French diver
Wikipedia - Philippe GagnM-CM-) -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Philippe Tailliez -- French pioneer of scuba diving and underwater photographer
Wikipedia - Philippeville (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Phylogeography -- The study of the historical processes that may be responsible for the contemporary geographic distributions of individuals
Wikipedia - Physiological response to water immersion -- Also known as the diving response and mammalian diving reflex
Wikipedia - Physiology of underwater diving -- Adaptations of marine vertebrates to diving
Wikipedia - Pie chart -- Circular statistical graph that is divisible into slice to illustrate numerical proportion
Wikipedia - Piero Italiani -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Pierre Frolla -- Monegasque free-diver and world record holder
Wikipedia - Pilah (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Pine Creek Subdivision -- Railroad line wholly within Omar in the U.S. state of West Virginia.
Wikipedia - Piney Creek Subdivision -- Railroad line in West Virginia
Wikipedia - Pink capitalism -- Capitalist appropriation and assimilation of sexual diversity
Wikipedia - Pinophyta -- Division of plants including extinct and current conifers
Wikipedia - Planning Areas of Singapore -- Main urban planning and census divisions of Singapore
Wikipedia - Plans Division (Q) Royal Navy -- British Royal Navy, naval staff
Wikipedia - Plantation (Maine) -- Type of minor civil division in Maine, United States
Wikipedia - Playing card suit -- Categories into which the cards of a deck are divided
Wikipedia - Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski" -- Public university in Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Wikipedia - Plovdiv University
Wikipedia - Plovdiv
Wikipedia - Points of the compass -- Directional divisions marked on a compass
Wikipedia - Pokok Assam (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Poland-Russia border -- Division between the Republic of Poland and the Russian Federation
Wikipedia - Polarization-division multiple access
Wikipedia - Polarization-division multiplexing
Wikipedia - Police diver
Wikipedia - Police diving -- A branch of professional diving carried out by police services
Wikipedia - Political divisions of Bosnia and Herzegovina -- political divisions
Wikipedia - Political division -- Political division
Wikipedia - Political individualism
Wikipedia - Political polarization -- Divergence of political attitudes
Wikipedia - Politics of country subdivisions
Wikipedia - Poll tax -- Tax which is the same for every liable individual
Wikipedia - Polonne Raion -- Former subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Polydivisible number
Wikipedia - Polymath -- Individual whose knowledge spans a substantial number of subjects
Wikipedia - Polynomial greatest common divisor
Wikipedia - Polynomial remainder theorem -- The remainder of dividing a polynomial, f(x), by (x-r) is f(r)
Wikipedia - Polyptych -- A painting divided into multiple panels
Wikipedia - Pool and Tehidy (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Poonch Division -- Division of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan
Wikipedia - Population bottleneck -- The effects of a sharp reduction in numbers on the diversity and robustness of a population
Wikipedia - Population growth -- Increase in the number of individuals in a population
Wikipedia - Porfirio Becerril -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Portal:Underwater diving
Wikipedia - Postal counties of the United Kingdom -- Subdivision of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Potable water diving -- Underwater diving in potable water systems
Wikipedia - PotlatchDeltic -- American diversified forest products company
Wikipedia - Potnia Theron -- Female divinitiy associated with animals
Wikipedia - Power Dive -- 1941 film by James P. Hogan
Wikipedia - Power Financial -- Canadian diversified management and holding company
Wikipedia - Power of arrest -- Mandate given by a central authority that allows an individual to remove a criminal's liberty
Wikipedia - PowerSwim -- Diver-powered propulsion device
Wikipedia - Practical number -- A number such that it and all smaller numbers may be represented as sums of its distinct divisors
Wikipedia - Praetorian prefecture of Italy -- Administrative division of the late Roman Empire (324-584 CE)
Wikipedia - Praetorian prefecture -- Administrative division of the late Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Predestination in Islam -- Concept of divine destiny in Islam
Wikipedia - Pre-dive briefing -- Meeting of the dive team to discuss details before the diving operation
Wikipedia - Pre-dive checks -- Checks done prior to entering the water for a dive
Wikipedia - Pre-exposure prophylaxis -- HIV prevention strategy using preventative medication for HIV-negative individuals
Wikipedia - Prefecture -- An administrative jurisdiction or subdivision in any of various countries
Wikipedia - Preferred gender pronoun -- Third person pronouns preferred by individuals to describe their gender
Wikipedia - Premiership Rugby -- Top division of the English rugby union system
Wikipedia - Preserved counties of Wales -- Ceremonial divisions of Wales for lieutenancy and shrievalty purposes
Wikipedia - Presidencies and provinces of British India -- Administrative divisions of British governance in India between 1612 AD and 1947 AD
Wikipedia - Presidency division
Wikipedia - Presidential Guard Battalion (Brazil) -- Division of the Brazilian army
Wikipedia - Priestly divisions -- Work divisions of Jewish priests in the Temple
Wikipedia - Prikubansky District -- district/city division name
Wikipedia - Prima scriptura -- Christian doctrine that canonized scripture is "first" or "above all" other sources of divine revelation
Wikipedia - Prime number -- Positive integer with exactly two divisors, 1 and itself
Wikipedia - Primorsky Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Princess Connect! Re:Dive -- Japanese real-time action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Principium individuationis
Wikipedia - Principle of individuation
Wikipedia - Privacy -- The ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves, or information about themselves
Wikipedia - Private income -- Income of an individual
Wikipedia - Private language argument -- Argument by Wittgenstein that the concept of a language understandable by only a single individual is incoherent
Wikipedia - Private Waters in the Great Divide -- album by Kid Creole and the Coconuts
Wikipedia - Professional Association of Diving Instructors -- Recreational diver training and certification agency
Wikipedia - Professional Divers' Association of Australia -- Trade union
Wikipedia - Professional Diving Instructors Corporation -- Recreational diver training and certification agency
Wikipedia - Professional diving -- Underwater diving where divers are paid for their work
Wikipedia - Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva -- 2009 Japanese anime by Masakazu Hashimoto
Wikipedia - Progressive Confucianism -- contemporary approach of Confucianism that aims to promote individual and collective moral progress
Wikipedia - Project AWARE -- Marine conservation non-profit organization for recreational divers
Wikipedia - Project FAMOUS -- Marine scientific exploration by manned submersibles of a diverging tectonic plate boundary
Wikipedia - Project Nekton -- Series of test dives and deep-submergence operations in the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia - Prometaphase -- Stage of cell division
Wikipedia - Promotion and relegation -- Process where teams are transferred between divisions
Wikipedia - Proper divisor
Wikipedia - Prophase -- First phase of cell division in both mitosis and meiosis
Wikipedia - Prophets and messengers in Islam -- Individuals who Muslims believe were sent by Allah to various villages and towns in order to serve as examples of ideal human behavior and to spread God's message on Earth
Wikipedia - Prophet -- Person claiming to speak for a divine being
Wikipedia - Prosody (linguistics) -- Part of linguistics concerned with elements of speech that are not individual phonetic segments, but properties of syllables and larger units of speech
Wikipedia - Prosopography -- Study of history through trying to account for the existence of individuals through oblique references to them
Wikipedia - Protei-5 Russian diver propulsion vehicle -- Russian one-man diver propulsion vehicle
Wikipedia - Provinces and territories of Canada -- Top-level subdivisions of Canada
Wikipedia - Provinces of Argentina -- Top level administrative division of Argentina
Wikipedia - Provinces of Costa Rica -- First level administrative subdivision in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Provinces of Indonesia -- First-level subdivision of Indonesia
Wikipedia - Provinces of Ireland -- Historic territorial divisions of the island of Ireland
Wikipedia - Provinces of Libya -- Traditional administrative divisions of Libya
Wikipedia - Provinces of Thailand -- 1st level administrative subdivision of Thailand
Wikipedia - Provinces of the Netherlands -- First-level administrative division in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Province -- A major administrative subdivision within a country or sovereign state
Wikipedia - Provincial city (Vietnam) -- Type of second-tier subdivision of Vietnam
Wikipedia - Proxy marriage -- Wedding in which one or both of the individuals being united are not physically present
Wikipedia - Pskov Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Psychological fitness to dive
Wikipedia - Psychological Warfare Division
Wikipedia - Public and private bills -- bill which proposes a law affecting only limited individuals or entities
Wikipedia - Public health -- Preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through organized efforts and informed choices of society and individuals
Wikipedia - Public holidays in the Maldives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Public safety diver training -- Training divers for public safety services
Wikipedia - Public safety diver -- Diver working in the public safety sector
Wikipedia - Public safety diving -- Underwater work done by law enforcement, rescue and search and recovery teams
Wikipedia - Public -- Grouping of individual people
Wikipedia - Pucciniomycotina -- Subdivision of fungi
Wikipedia - Puerto Rican Division of Community Education -- Agency that produced cultural materials
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico representative districts -- Electoral districts in which Puerto Rico is divided
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Special Investigations Bureau -- Division of the Department of Public Safety
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico SWAT -- SWAT division of the Puerto Rico Police
Wikipedia - Pulai Sebatang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Pulau Manis (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Pulau Tawar (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Pulicaria diversifolia -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Purgatorio -- Second part of Dante's Divine Comedy
Wikipedia - Puteri Wangsa (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Putyla Raion -- Former subdivision of Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Qimen Dunjia -- Chinese ancient form of divination
Wikipedia - Qinghe Commandery -- Historical political subdivision in China
Wikipedia - Qin Kai (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Qiu Bo -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - QSZ-class submersible -- Diving equipment manufactured in the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Qualia -- Individual instances of subjective, conscious experience
Wikipedia - Quality of life -- Term of well-being of individuals
Wikipedia - Queensland Rugby League Central Division -- Rugby league
Wikipedia - Queensland Rugby League South East Queensland Division -- Rugby league division in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Rachel Bugg -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Rachel Kealaonapua O'Sullivan -- American diver
Wikipedia - Rachelle Kunkel -- American diver
Wikipedia - Rachel Thomas (skydiver) -- Indian skydiver
Wikipedia - Rachel Wilkes -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study -- Division of Harvard University
Wikipedia - Radha Krishna -- Divine couple in Hinduism
Wikipedia - Radoslava Georgieva -- Bulgarian diver
Wikipedia - Radoslav Radev -- Bulgarian diver
Wikipedia - Rafael M-CM-^Alvarez (diver) -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - Rafael Quintero (diver) -- Puerto Rican diver
Wikipedia - Ragnhild Larsen -- Norwegian diver
Wikipedia - Rahang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Rahanpur -- Town in Chapai Nawabganj District, Rajshahi Division
Wikipedia - Railpower GG10B -- Individual locomotive in Canada
Wikipedia - Rainbow Warrior (1955) -- Greenpeace vessel bombed by French intelligence service operatives in Auckland harbour, refloated and scuttled as a dive site
Wikipedia - Raion -- Administrative division in several countries
Wikipedia - Raisa Gorokhovskaya -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Rajputisation -- Process of coalescing diverse communities into the Rajput community
Wikipedia - Rajshahi Division -- Division of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Rakeeranbeg -- Townland (administrative division), County Tyrone, Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Ralliart -- Motorsports division of Mitsubishi Motors
Wikipedia - Ramaytush -- Linguistic subdivision of Ohlone people
Wikipedia - Ramona Maria Ciobanu -- Romanian diver
Wikipedia - Ramona Wenzel -- German diver
Wikipedia - Ramon Bravo -- Mexican diver photographer and underwater filmmaker
Wikipedia - Ramon Fumado -- Venezuelan diver
Wikipedia - Ramon Sandin -- Puerto Rican diver
Wikipedia - Rana Azadivar -- Iranian actress and model
Wikipedia - Randy Sageman -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Rangitata Diversion Race -- Irrigation scheme in Canterbury, New Zealand
Wikipedia - Rangpur Division -- Division of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Rank-maximal allocation -- Rule for fair division of invisible items
Wikipedia - Rannamaari -- Maldivian legend
Wikipedia - Rantau Abang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Rathbeg, County Antrim -- Townland (administrative division) in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Ratnadeep Adivrekar -- Indian artist
Wikipedia - Rauf Abu Al-Seoud -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Ravee Farooq -- Maldivian actor, director
Wikipedia - Ray Cann -- British diver
Wikipedia - Raymond Mulinghausen -- French diver
Wikipedia - Raymond Vincent -- French diver
Wikipedia - RBC Direct Investing -- Brokerage division of the Royal Bank of Canada.
Wikipedia - Rebecca Ewert -- New Zealand diver
Wikipedia - Rebecca Gallantree -- British diver
Wikipedia - Rebecca Gilmore -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Rebreather Association of International Divers -- Recreational diver training and certification agency
Wikipedia - Rebreather diver -- Scuba diving using a rebreather
Wikipedia - Rebreather diving -- Underwater diving using self contained breathing gas recycling apparatus
Wikipedia - Recidivism -- Person repeating an undesirable behavior following punishment
Wikipedia - Recidivist
Wikipedia - Reclaim helmet -- Diving helmet that returns exhaled gas through a hose for recycling
Wikipedia - Reclaim Pride Coalition -- Coalition of LGBT+ groups and individuals who gather in New York City for to create the Queer Liberation March in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall riots.
Wikipedia - Recognition of same-sex unions in Croatia -- Legal recognition of interpersonal relationships between individuals of the same gender in Croatia
Wikipedia - Recompression chamber -- A hyperbaric chamber used to treat divers suffering from decompression illness
Wikipedia - Reconciliation ecology -- Study of maintaining biodiversity in human-dominated ecosystems
Wikipedia - Record producer -- Individual who oversees and manages the recording of an artist's music
Wikipedia - Recreational Dive Planner -- A PADI no-decompression dive table also available as a circular slide rule and electronic calculator
Wikipedia - Recreational diver training -- Processes by which people develop the skills and knowledge to dive safely for recreational purposes
Wikipedia - Recreational dive sites -- Specific places that recreational divers go to enjoy the underwater environment or are used for training purposes
Wikipedia - Recreational diving instructor -- Person who trains and assesses recreational divers
Wikipedia - Recreational diving
Wikipedia - Recreational scuba diver -- Person who engages in scuba diving for recreation
Wikipedia - Red herring -- Fallacious approach developed as a diversion to mislead the audience
Wikipedia - Redruth Central (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Redruth North (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Redruth South (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Refeeding syndrome -- Illness caused by the sudden feeding of a malnourished individual
Wikipedia - Referring expression -- Noun phrase, or surrogate, functioning to identify some individual object
Wikipedia - Refresher training (diving) -- Checkout of skills or remedial training to bring skills back up to standard
Wikipedia - Regency (Indonesia) -- Indonesian administrative division
Wikipedia - Regina Krajnow -- Polish diver
Wikipedia - Regina Krause -- German diver
Wikipedia - Regional district -- Administrative subdivision in British Columbia
Wikipedia - Regions of Croatia -- Historical and cultural division of Croatia
Wikipedia - Regions of England -- Highest tier of sub-national division in England
Wikipedia - Regions of Ethiopia -- Territorial subdivisions of Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Regions of Italy -- First-level administrative divisions
Wikipedia - Regions of Morocco -- Current highest administrative division of Morocco
Wikipedia - Regius Professor of Divinity
Wikipedia - Regular Division of the Plane
Wikipedia - Regular number -- Numbers that evenly divide powers of 60
Wikipedia - Regulator freezing -- Locking of a diving regulator by ice formation
Wikipedia - Regulator malfunction -- Failure modes for diving regulators
Wikipedia - Rehabilitation psychology -- Specialty area of psychology aimed at maximizing the independence, functional status, health, and social participation of individuals with disabilities and chronic health conditions
Wikipedia - Reichsgau Wartheland -- Nazi administrative subdivision
Wikipedia - Reichsgau -- Nazi administrative subdivision
Wikipedia - Reiko M-EM-^Lsawa -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Reinhard von Bauer -- German diver
Wikipedia - Rekapalle Estate -- Indian administrative division
Wikipedia - Relative deprivation -- The lack of resources to sustain the diet, lifestyle, activities and amenities that an individual or group are accustomed to or that are widely encouraged or approved in the society to which they belong
Wikipedia - Religious persecution -- Systematic mistreatment of an individual or group as a response to their religious beliefs or affiliations or lack thereof
Wikipedia - Renate Piotraschke -- German diver
Wikipedia - Rengit (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-)e Cretet-Flavier -- French diver
Wikipedia - Ren Qian -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Repah (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Repeat Dive -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - Republic of Crimea -- First-level administrative division of Russia, annexed territory of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Republic of Karelia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Republic Records -- Record label, division of Universal Music Group
Wikipedia - Republics of the Soviet Union -- Top-level political division of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Rescue Diver -- Recreational scuba certification emphasising emergency response and diver rescue
Wikipedia - Research Division of the Prime Minister's Department
Wikipedia - Reseller -- Company or individual that purchases goods or services with the intention of selling them
Wikipedia - Reserve gas supply (diving) -- Surface breathing gas supply for diving use if main supply is compromised
Wikipedia - Res Gestae Divi Augusti -- Funerary inscription of the first Roman emperor, Augustus
Wikipedia - Resort diving -- Introductory scuba diving experience
Wikipedia - Restricted divisor function
Wikipedia - Retail -- Sale of goods and services from individuals or businesses to the end-user
Wikipedia - Reuben Ross -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Revelations of Divine Love -- Medieval book of Christian mystical devotions by Julian of Norwich
Wikipedia - Revenue block -- Sub-division of an Indian state district
Wikipedia - Rexel Ryan Fabriga -- Filipino diver
Wikipedia - Reynaldo Castro -- Dominican Republic diver
Wikipedia - Rhiannan Iffland -- Australian high diver
Wikipedia - Rhinelander v. Rhinelander -- Popular New York City court case between son of Rhinelander family and his wife involving their divorce
Wikipedia - Rhythm Divine -- 1999 single by Enrique Iglesias
Wikipedia - Ricardo Camacho -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - Ricardo Velarde -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Richard Beauchamp (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - Richard Collett -- Cayman Islands freediver
Wikipedia - Richard Connor -- American diver
Wikipedia - Richard Dawkins Award -- award given to individuals who raise public consciousness of atheism
Wikipedia - Richard Degener -- American diver
Wikipedia - Richard Divila -- Brazilian motorsports designer
Wikipedia - Richard D. Vann -- American academic and consultant at Divers Alert Network
Wikipedia - Richard Earley -- American diver
Wikipedia - Richard Flint -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Richard Frece -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Richard Gardiner (English divine) -- English Anglican priest
Wikipedia - Richard Harris (anaesthetist) -- Australian anaesthetist and cave diver
Wikipedia - Richard Hurd (bishop) -- 18th-century English bishop, divine, and writer
Wikipedia - Richard Pyle -- American ichthyologist and scuba diver
Wikipedia - Richard Rydze -- American diver
Wikipedia - Richard Stanton (cave diver) -- British civilian cave diver who specialises in rescues
Wikipedia - Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing
Wikipedia - Richie Kohler -- American technical diver and shipwreck historian
Wikipedia - Rick Charls -- American high diver
Wikipedia - Rick Gilbert -- American diver
Wikipedia - Ridge-and-Valley Appalachians -- Physiographic province of the larger Appalachian division
Wikipedia - Right to silence -- Legal principle which guarantees any individual the right to refuse to answer questions
Wikipedia - Ri Hyon-ju -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Rikiko Yamanaka -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Riley McCormick -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Riley of the Rainbow Division -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Rim Hassan -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Rim (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Ri Ok-rim -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Riolama luridiventris -- Species of lizard
Wikipedia - Rioni of Rome -- Traditional administrative division of the city of Rome
Wikipedia - Rishu -- Genre of divinatory texts in that circulated widely in China
Wikipedia - Rite of passage -- Ceremony or ritual of the passage which occurs when an individual leaves one group to enter another
Wikipedia - Rizzoli Libri -- Italian book publishing division, former company in publishing book and textbooks
Wikipedia - R-Ladies -- Organization promoting gender diversity in the R programming community
Wikipedia - RMS Moldavia -- British ship sunk in 1918 off Beachy Head, now a dive site
Wikipedia - RN Diving Manual -- Training and operations manual
Wikipedia - Roar Loken -- Norwegian diver
Wikipedia - Rob Cragg -- American diver
Wikipedia - Robert Croft (diver) -- American freediver and US Navy diving instructor
Wikipedia - Robert F. Marx -- Pioneer American scuba diver known for work with shipwrecks and treasure hunting
Wikipedia - Robert Newbery -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Roberto Madrigal -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Robert Paez -- Venezuelan diver
Wikipedia - Robert Turner (divine) -- Anglo-Scottish Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Robin Baskerville -- British diver
Wikipedia - Robyn Birch -- British diver
Wikipedia - Robyn Bradshaw -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Rodent -- Diverse order of mammals
Wikipedia - Rodney Fox -- Australian diver, film maker and conservationist
Wikipedia - Rodolfo Perea -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Rodrigo Diego -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Roermond (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Roeselare (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Roger Baldwin (diver)
Wikipedia - Roger HeinkelM-CM-) -- French diver
Wikipedia - Rojdykare -- Clearance divers of the Swedish Navy
Wikipedia - Rolando Ruiz -- Cuban diver
Wikipedia - Role -- Set of behaviours, rights, obligations, beliefs, and norms expected from an individual that has a certain social status
Wikipedia - Rolf Sperling -- German diver
Wikipedia - Rolf Stigersand -- Norwegian diver
Wikipedia - Rolling Down the Great Divide -- 1942 film directed by Sam Newfield
Wikipedia - Roman Brener -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Roman Catholicism in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Roman diocese -- administrative subdivision of the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Roman Godzinski -- Polish diver
Wikipedia - Roman timekeeping -- Hour system with days divided into 24 hours
Wikipedia - Roman Volod'kov -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Rommel Pacheco -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Ronald Faulds -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Ronald Merriott -- American diver
Wikipedia - Ronaldo Veitia Valdivie -- Cuban judoka
Wikipedia - Ron Allum -- Submarine designer, cave diver and inventor.
Wikipedia - Ron Friesen -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Ron Masters -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Ron Mendive -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Ron Taylor (diver) -- Australian diver and shark cinematographer
Wikipedia - Roosa Kanerva -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Root (linguistics) -- indivisible part of word that does not have a prefix or a suffix, may have a meaning and be usable alone or not
Wikipedia - Roper Technologies -- American diversified industrial company
Wikipedia - Rosa GutiM-CM-)rrez -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Rosalyn Barton -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Roscoe Divine -- American track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Roseline Filion -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Ross Haslam -- British diver
Wikipedia - Rostov Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Roth IRA -- Individual retirement account
Wikipedia - Rowing (sport) -- A sport where individuals or teams row boats by oar
Wikipedia - Royal Canadian Air Force Women's Division -- Element of the Royal Canadian Air Force during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Royal charter -- Document issued by a monarch, granting a right or power to an individual or organisation
Wikipedia - Royal Division of the Aachen-Dusseldorf-Ruhrort Railway -- Transport company
Wikipedia - Royal Naval Division War Memorial -- War memorial in London
Wikipedia - Royal Navy ships diver -- Category of underwater diver in the RN
Wikipedia - Roy Walsh (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Rubicon Foundation -- Non-profit organization for promoting research and information access for underwater diving
Wikipedia - RubM-CM-)n Santos -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - Rucha Divekar -- Indian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Rudi Oertel -- German diver
Wikipedia - Rudolf Kruspel -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Rule of thirds (diving) -- Rule of thumb for scuba gas management
Wikipedia - Rule of twelfths -- An approximation to a sine curve used as a rule of thumb for estimating a changing quantity where both the quantity and the steps are easily divisible by 12
Wikipedia - Rumi a Jannat -- Maldivian web series
Wikipedia - Runan Commandery -- Historical political subdivision in China
Wikipedia - Rungkup (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Rural municipality (Canada) -- Administrative division in Canada
Wikipedia - Rural West York -- Electoral division of the City of York, North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Ru Rendang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Rushmere Division, Suffolk -- Electoral division of Suffolk, England
Wikipedia - Ruslan Ternovoi -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Russell Butler -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Russian commando frogmen -- Tactical scuba diving unit
Wikipedia - Ruxandra Hociota -- Romanian diver
Wikipedia - Ryazan Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Ryo Mabuchi -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Ry, Seine-Maritime -- administrative division of Normandy, France
Wikipedia - Ryu Un-sil -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Sacrifice -- Offering to a higher purpose, in particular divine beings
Wikipedia - Sadak-Arjuni taluka -- Taluka in Arjuni Morgaon Subdivision of Gondiya district, Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia - Saeedabad Taluka -- administrative subdivision in the Sindh province of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Safad Sanjak -- Subdivision of the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Sahika Ercumen -- Turkish dietician and world record holding freediver
Wikipedia - Said Daw -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Sailing at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Men's Division II -- Sailing at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Saint-Divy
Wikipedia - Saint Lawrence River Divide -- hydrological divide in eastern North America
Wikipedia - Sakha -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Salim Barjum -- Colombian diver
Wikipedia - Salisbury District Brigade -- Historical administrative division of the North Carolina, USA militia
Wikipedia - Salix divergentistyla -- Salix divergentistyla common name
Wikipedia - Sally Freeman -- British diver
Wikipedia - SalM-CM-)chan -- administrative division in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - SalM-CM-)on -- administrative division in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - SalM-CM-)rans -- administrative division in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Salt water aspiration syndrome -- A rare diving disorder caused by inhaling a mist of seawater
Wikipedia - Salvador Sobrino -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Salvage diving -- The diving work associated with the recovery of vehicles, cargo and structures
Wikipedia - Salvia divinorum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Samantha Bromberg -- American diver
Wikipedia - Samantha Mills -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Samara Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Samatata -- Ancient geopolitical division of Bengal
Wikipedia - Samat Muratov -- Kazakhstani diver
Wikipedia - Sam Dorman -- American diver
Wikipedia - Same Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Sam Hall (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - Samir Alhafith -- Australian technical diver, cave explorer and adult underwater filmmaker
Wikipedia - Sammy Lee (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats -- Financial index
Wikipedia - Sanam Re -- 2016 film by Divya Khosla Kumar
Wikipedia - San Antone / The Great Divide -- Single by Whiskeytown
Wikipedia - Sanchore (Rajasthan Assembly constituency) -- Political division of Rajasthan, India
Wikipedia - Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy, Vilnius
Wikipedia - Sandra Ponthus -- French diver
Wikipedia - Sandro Rossi -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Sand -- Granular material composed of finely divided rock and mineral particles
Wikipedia - Sanford Subdivision -- CSX railroad line in Florida
Wikipedia - Sangamonian -- Last interglacial stage in the North American regional subdivision of the Quaternary
Wikipedia - Sangwan Foengdee -- Thai diver
Wikipedia - Sang Xue -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Sanjak of Siroz -- Administrative division of the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Sanofi Pasteur -- the vaccines division of Sanofi
Wikipedia - Santiago Ulio -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - Sara Campbell -- British free diver and former world record holder
Wikipedia - Sarah Bacon -- American diver
Wikipedia - Sarah Barrow -- British diver
Wikipedia - Sara Reiling-Hildebrand -- American diver
Wikipedia - Saratov Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Sarie Bezuidenhout -- Zimbabwean diver
Wikipedia - Sarikiz, AyiM-EM-^_iM-DM-^_i, Yakamoz and Eldiven -- Alleged coup plans in Turkey
Wikipedia - Sascha Klein -- German diver
Wikipedia - Satanic Verses -- Words mistaken by the Islamic prophet Muhammad for divine revelation
Wikipedia - Satkhira -- City in Satkhira District, Khulna Division
Wikipedia - Saturation diving skills -- Skills and procedures required for the safe operation and use of saturation diving equipment
Wikipedia - Saturation diving system -- Facility for supporting saturation diving projects
Wikipedia - Saturation diving -- Diving for periods long enough to bring all tissues into equilibrium with the partial pressures of the inert components of the breathing gas
Wikipedia - Saturation spread -- The topside base for saturation diving operations
Wikipedia - Saturation system -- A surface hyperbaric complex including a living chamber, transfer chamber, closed diving bell and the infrastructure to operate them
Wikipedia - Sayaka Mikami -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Scarlett Mew Jensen -- British diver
Wikipedia - Schaffer-Vega diversity system -- Wireless guitar system
Wikipedia - Schefflera subdivaricata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Schism of 1552 -- Church of the East divided into one faction in communion with Rome and the other remaining independent until the 19th century
Wikipedia - Schism -- Division between people, usually belonging to an organization, movement, or religious denomination
Wikipedia - Schools of Buddhism -- Institutional and doctrinal divisions of Buddhism
Wikipedia - Science of underwater diving -- Scientific concepts that are closely associated with underwater diving
Wikipedia - Scientific diver training -- Training divers who will be doing scientific work underwater
Wikipedia - Scientific diver
Wikipedia - Scientific diving -- The use of diving techniques in the pursuit of scientific knowledge
Wikipedia - Sciota divisella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scopula divisaria -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scott Cranham -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Scott Donie -- American diver
Wikipedia - Scottish Sub Aqua Club -- Scottish recreational diver training and certification agency
Wikipedia - Scott Portelli -- Australian scuba diver
Wikipedia - Scott Robertson (diver) -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Scuba configuration -- The arrangement of self contained breathing apparatus carried by a diver
Wikipedia - Scuba dive
Wikipedia - Scuba diving fatalities
Wikipedia - Scuba Diving International -- Recreational diver training and certification agency
Wikipedia - Scuba diving quarry -- Disused and flooded quarry repurposed for underwater diving
Wikipedia - Scuba diving skills -- The skills required to dive safely using self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
Wikipedia - Scuba diving tourism -- Industry based on recreational diver travel
Wikipedia - Scuba diving -- Swimming underwater breathing gas carried by the diver
Wikipedia - Scuba Educators International -- Recreational diver training and certification agency
Wikipedia - Scuba gas planning -- Estimation of breathing gas mixtures and quantities required for a planned dive profile
Wikipedia - Scuba harness -- Equipment for supporting a scuba set on a diver
Wikipedia - Scuba manifold -- Scuba component used to connect two diving cylinders
Wikipedia - Scuba replacement -- Surface-supplied diving where primary and reserve gas supplies are from high-pressure cylinders
Wikipedia - Scuba Schools International -- Recreational scuba and freediving training and certification agency
Wikipedia - Scuba skills -- The skills required to dive safely using self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
Wikipedia - Sea Dragon-class ROV -- A Chinese deep diving work class remotely operated underwater vehicle
Wikipedia - SeaKeys -- Collaborative marine biodiversity project in South Africa
Wikipedia - Season -- Subdivision of the year based on orbit and axial tilt
Wikipedia - Sea Trek (diving system) -- Recreational underwater diving system using helmets
Wikipedia - Sebastian Morales -- Colombian diver
Wikipedia - Sebastian Villa -- Colombian diver
Wikipedia - Seberang Takir (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Second-class citizen -- Individual within a group of people that are systematically being discriminated against within a state
Wikipedia - Second work of grace -- In Christian theology, a transforming interaction with God which may occur in the life of an individual Christian
Wikipedia - Sector (administrative division) -- Administrative division of a country
Wikipedia - Sectors of Guinea-Bissau -- Administrative divisions of Guinea-Bissau
Wikipedia - Sectors of Rwanda -- Administrative subdivisions of Rwanda
Wikipedia - Secular institute -- Organization of individuals who are consecrated persons while living in the world, unlike members of a religious institute who live in community
Wikipedia - Secunderabad railway division -- Railway division of India
Wikipedia - Security and Intelligence Division
Wikipedia - Security clearance -- Status granted to individuals allowing them access to classified information or to restricted areas
Wikipedia - Security detail -- Protective team assigned to an individual or group
Wikipedia - Sedili (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Segmentation (biology) -- The division of some animal and plant body plans into a series of segments
Wikipedia - Segregation in Northern Ireland -- Sociopolitical division between Irish republicans and unionists
Wikipedia - Selama (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Self-awareness -- Capacity for introspection and individuation as a subject
Wikipedia - Self-criticism -- How an individual evaluates oneself
Wikipedia - Self-organized time-division multiple access
Wikipedia - Selinsing (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Selma Andersson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Semarang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Semerah (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Semper Gumby -- Unofficial motto for US military divisions
Wikipedia - Senai (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Senaling (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Sendivogius
Wikipedia - Senggarang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Senhati Union -- Place in Khulna Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Sensus divinitatis
Wikipedia - Sentiocentrism -- The philosophy that sentient individuals (i.e., basically conscious beings) are the center of moral concern
Wikipedia - Septum -- Biological term for a wall dividing a cavity or structure
Wikipedia - Serafimo-Diveevsky Monastery
Wikipedia - Sergei Chalibashvili -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Sergei Kuchmasov -- Belarusian diver
Wikipedia - Sergej Baziuk -- Lithuanian diver
Wikipedia - Sergey Kudrevich -- Belarusian diver
Wikipedia - Sergey Nazin -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Sergey Nemtsanov -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Sergey Orin -- Tajikistani diver
Wikipedia - Seri Menanti (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Serkam (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Serom (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Serpin -- Superfamily of proteins with similar structures and diverse functions
Wikipedia - Serting (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Servais Stradivarius -- Antique cello
Wikipedia - Seven & I Holdings Co. -- Japanese diversified retail group
Wikipedia - Seven Heavens -- Seven levels or divisions of Heaven in religious or mythological cosmology
Wikipedia - Sewer diving -- Diving for maintenance work in sewers
Wikipedia - Sex and gender distinction -- Differentiation between sex, physical characteristics of an individual, from gender, one's behaviour or identity
Wikipedia - Sex pheromone -- Released by an organism to attract an individual of the opposite sex
Wikipedia - Sexual diversity -- Set of sexes, sexual orientations and gender identities
Wikipedia - Sex Workers' Rights Movement -- Movement to improve working conditions, increase benefits and eliminate discrimination on behalf of individuals working within the sex industry, whether legal or criminalized
Wikipedia - Shadow banking system -- Non-bank financial intermediaries providiving services similar to banks outside banking
Wikipedia - Shadow Divers
Wikipedia - Shadowplay (song) -- Song by Joy Division
Wikipedia - Shah Mahir -- Maldivian politician
Wikipedia - Shakpur Union -- Place in Chittagong Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Shakti -- Personification of Divine Energy and Power in Hinduism
Wikipedia - Shallow-water blackout -- Loss of consciousness at a shallow depth during a dive
Wikipedia - Shallow water helmet -- Free-flow diving helmet for shallow work
Wikipedia - Shang Commandery -- Historical political subdivision in China
Wikipedia - Shanggu Commandery -- Ancient Chinese political subdivision
Wikipedia - Shapeshifting -- The ability to physically transform through an inherent ability, divine intervention or generic tendencies
Wikipedia - Shark cage diving -- Diving inside a protective cage to observe sharks in the wild
Wikipedia - Shark-proof cage -- A metal structure to protect divers and snorkellers from potentially dangerous sharks
Wikipedia - Sharleen Stratton -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Shauna Aminath -- Maldivian activist and government administrator
Wikipedia - Shaye Boddington -- New Zealand diver
Wikipedia - Shearwater Research -- Canadian manufacturer of dive computers and rebreather electronics.
Wikipedia - Sheck Exley -- American cave and deep diving pioneer and record breaker
Wikipedia - Sheela Najeeb -- Maldivian actress
Wikipedia - SheiKra -- Bolliger & Mabillard steel Dive Coaster roller coaster at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
Wikipedia - Sheila Mae PM-CM-)rez -- Filipino diver
Wikipedia - Shekhinah -- In Jewish theology, the dwelling or settling of the divine presence of God
Wikipedia - Shelagh Burrow -- English diver
Wikipedia - Shelby Kisiel -- American individual rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Shenandoah Subdivision -- Railroad line between U.S. states of West Virginia and Virginia.
Wikipedia - Shenny Ratna Amelia -- Indonesian diver
Wikipedia - Shepetivka Raion -- Subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Sherpur, Bogra -- town in Bogra District, Rajshahi Division
Wikipedia - Shesha -- Divine serpent of Hindu god Vishnu
Wikipedia - She's Lost Control -- Song by Joy Division
Wikipedia - Shibganj Upazila, Chapai Nawabganj -- Upazila in Rajshahi Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Shifana Ali -- Maldivian athlete
Wikipedia - Shifa Thaufeeq -- Maldivian female singer
Wikipedia - Shin Ito -- Japanese wingsuit pilot and skydiver
Wikipedia - Ships husbandry diving -- Diving related to the maintenance and upkeep of ships
Wikipedia - Shires of Scotland -- Historic administrative and geographical division of Scotland
Wikipedia - Shire -- A traditional term for a division of land, found in some English-speaking countries
Wikipedia - Shital Mahajan -- Indian skydiver
Wikipedia - Shi Tingmao -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Short baseline acoustic positioning system -- A class of underwater acoustic positioning systems used to track underwater vehicles and divers
Wikipedia - Short division
Wikipedia - Short Line Subdivision (West Virginia) -- Railroad line between Clarksburg and New Martinsville in the U.S. state of West Virginia.
Wikipedia - Sho Sakai -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Showtime Arabia -- Showtime Networks Middle East division
Wikipedia - Shpola Raion -- Former subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Shrifaltala Union -- Place in Khulna Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Shunsuke Kaneto -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Siddhasen Divakar
Wikipedia - Sidemount diver -- Scuba certification for using scuba sets clipped to the sides of the harness
Wikipedia - Sidemount diving -- Diving using an equipment configuration where the scuba sets are clipped to the sides of the harness
Wikipedia - Siebe Gorman CDBA -- A type of diving rebreather used by the Royal Navy
Wikipedia - Siebe Gorman -- British manufacturer of diving equipment and salvage contractor
Wikipedia - Siegfried Viebahn -- German diver
Wikipedia - Sigfrid Larsson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Signe Johansson-Engdahl -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Sigvard Andersen -- Norwegian diver
Wikipedia - Silke Abicht -- German diver
Wikipedia - Silvana Neitzke -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - Silver rush -- When the discovery of silver-bearing ore sparks a mass migration of individuals seeking wealth
Wikipedia - Silversword alliance -- Group of Hawaiian plants that show remarkable diversity
Wikipedia - Simona Koch -- German diver
Wikipedia - Simone Arrigoni -- Italian free-diver
Wikipedia - Simone Melchior -- First woman scuba diver and aquanaut
Wikipedia - Simon McCormack -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Simon Mitchell -- New Zealand physician and author on diving medicine
Wikipedia - Simpang Jeram (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Simpang Pulai (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - SinamalM-CM-) Bridge -- Bridge connecting MalM-CM-) and HulhumalM-CM-) in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Sind Division
Wikipedia - Sinead Diver -- Australian athlete
Wikipedia - Single-carrier frequency-division-multiplex
Wikipedia - Single-cell analysis -- Testbg biochemical processes and reactions in an individual cell
Wikipedia - Single-hose -- Mechanism that reduces pressure of a gas supply and provides it to the diver at ambient pressure
Wikipedia - SiniM-EM-!a Zugic -- Serbian diver
Wikipedia - Sinking ships for wreck diving sites
Wikipedia - Sirvard Emirzyan -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Sixth borough -- Hypothetical, fictional, or satirical political division of New York City
Wikipedia - Si Yajie -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Skadovsk Raion -- Subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Skandalopetra diving -- Freediving using a stone weight at the end of a rope to the surface
Wikipedia - Ski flying -- Individual sport discipline derived from ski jumping
Wikipedia - Skip Phoenix -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Skudai (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Skydive Dubai-Al Ahli Pro Cycling Team -- Emirati cycling team
Wikipedia - Skydive Houston Airport -- Airport in Texas, United States of America
Wikipedia - Skydiving
Wikipedia - Slave states and free states -- Division of U.S. states in which slavery was either legal or illegal
Wikipedia - Slavuta Raion -- Former subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Slim (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Sling cylinder -- An independent scuba set carried clipped to the side rings of a scuba diver's harness
Wikipedia - Slip law -- An individual Act of Congress; one type for publicaion
Wikipedia - Slonimsky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Grodno Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Slowdive
Wikipedia - Slut -- Term applied to an individual
Wikipedia - Smila Raion -- Former subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Smolensk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Snana Yatra -- A divine bathing festival.
Wikipedia - Snuba -- Limited depth airline breathing apparatus towed by the diver
Wikipedia - Snuffy's Parents Get a Divorce -- Unreleased episode of ''Sesame Street''
Wikipedia - Social anarchism -- branch of anarchism emphasizing communal individuality and mutual aid
Wikipedia - Social Choice and Individual Values
Wikipedia - Social consciousness -- Consciousness shared by individuals within a society
Wikipedia - Social dividend
Wikipedia - Social effects of evolutionary theory -- The effects on human societies of the scientific explanation of life's diversity
Wikipedia - Social engineering (security) -- Psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information
Wikipedia - Social identity theory -- Portion of an individual's self-concept
Wikipedia - Social isolation -- Lack of contact between an individual and society
Wikipedia - Social justice -- Concept of fair and just relations between the individual and society
Wikipedia - Social organization -- Pattern of relationships between and among individuals and social groups
Wikipedia - Social rejection -- Deliberate exclusion of an individual from social relationship or social interaction
Wikipedia - Social science -- The academic disciplines concerned with society and the relationships between individuals in society
Wikipedia - Sociedade de Turismo e DiversM-CM-5es de Macau -- Hospitality company
Wikipedia - Society of the Divine Word -- Organization
Wikipedia - Society -- Group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction
Wikipedia - Sociocracy -- System of governance using consent-based decision making among equivalent individuals and organizing based on cybernetic principles
Wikipedia - Sociology of education -- The study of how public institutions and individual experiences affect education and its outcomes
Wikipedia - Sofia Gomez -- Freediver and civil engineer
Wikipedia - Sofiya Lyskun -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Software diversity
Wikipedia - Sohan Singh (diver) -- Indian diver
Wikipedia - Soibada Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Soignies (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Soil biodiversity
Wikipedia - Sokyriany Raion -- Former subdivision of Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Solo diver -- SDI recreational diver self-sufficiency certification
Wikipedia - Solo diving -- Recreational diving without a dive buddy
Wikipedia - Somjibhai Damor -- Indian Adivasi politician from Gujarat
Wikipedia - Song Jae-ung -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Song Nam-hyang -- North Korean diver
Wikipedia - Songwe River -- River that divides Malawi and Tanzania
Wikipedia - Sonia Fernandez -- Spanish diver
Wikipedia - Son Seong-cheol -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Sony M-NM-1 Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonnar Telegram Telegram Desktop TESS Program - PrePost Questionnaire[filled].pdf TESS Program - PrePost Questionnaire.pdf The_Divine_Milieu.pdf The-Mother-MCW-Vol4-Questions-and-Answers-1950-51.pdf The Veldt - Ray Bradbury.pdf DT 16-80mm f/3.5-4.5 ZA -- Zoom lens for photographic cameras
Wikipedia - Sony Pictures Classics -- Division of Sony Pictures Entertainment
Wikipedia - Sony Pictures Home Entertainment -- Home video distribution division of Sony Pictures
Wikipedia - Soorsagar (Rajasthan Assembly constituency) -- Political division of Rajasthan, India
Wikipedia - Sophie Divry -- French writer
Wikipedia - Sophie Hennebert -- Belgian diver
Wikipedia - Sorana Prelipceanu -- Romanian diver
Wikipedia - Soren Svejstrup -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Sorok -- Historical subdivision of Moscow, Russia
Wikipedia - Sotiria Koutsopetrou -- Greek diver
Wikipedia - Sotirios Trakas -- Greek diver
Wikipedia - South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity -- Centre for the study of aquatic biodiversity in Grahamstown, South Africa
Wikipedia - South African National Biodiversity Institute -- Institution under the South African Department of Environmental Affairs
Wikipedia - Southern Railway - Carolina Division -- American railroad
Wikipedia - South Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists -- Division of the General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists
Wikipedia - South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society -- A publisher for diving and hyperbaric medicine and physiology
Wikipedia - Space diving
Wikipedia - Space-division multiple access
Wikipedia - Span and div -- HTML elements used to define parts of a document
Wikipedia - Spanish nobility in Cuba -- Individuals and families recognized in Cuba as members of the aristocratic class
Wikipedia - Spearfisherman (company) -- American diving equipment manufacturer
Wikipedia - Special dividend
Wikipedia - Special Security Directorate -- Anti-communist division of the Hellenic Gendarmerie (1929-1944)
Wikipedia - Species diversity -- Number of distinct species in a biological community
Wikipedia - Speciesism -- Special consideration to individuals solely on the basis of their species membership
Wikipedia - Specific surface area -- Total surface of a finely divided solid per unit of mass
Wikipedia - Speleonaut -- Diver propulsion vehicle designed for cave exploration by a disabled diver
Wikipedia - Spitcock -- Valve on diving helmet to let diver spit water on inside of viewport
Wikipedia - Splinternet -- Characterization of the Internet as splintering and dividing
Wikipedia - Split sharp -- A keyboard key divided in two
Wikipedia - Sponge diving -- Diving to gather natural sponges
Wikipedia - Sport diving (sport) -- Underwater sport using recreational open circuit scuba equipment in a swimming pool
Wikipedia - Sports league -- Group of sports teams or individual athletes that compete again each other
Wikipedia - Sreepur -- City in Gazipur District, Dhaka Division
Wikipedia - Sri Lanka Police Mounted Division -- Division of the Sri Lanka Police
Wikipedia - Sri Medan (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Sripur, Sylhet Division -- Tourist spot in Sylhet district
Wikipedia - SRT division
Wikipedia - SS Abessinia (1900) -- German ship wrecked at the Farne Islands in 1921. Now a dive site
Wikipedia - SS Eastfield -- Ship sunk off Cornwall 1n 1917, now a dive site
Wikipedia - SS Hispania (1912) -- Swedish steamship wrecked in the Sound of Mull, now a dive site
Wikipedia - SS James Eagan Layne -- Liberty ship sunk off Cornwall, now a dive site
Wikipedia - SS Louis Sheid -- Belgian ship sunk off Devon on 1939. Now a recreational dive site
Wikipedia - SS Lusitania -- Offshore historical wreck dive site of passenger liner
Wikipedia - SS Maine -- British ship sunk in 1917 near Dartmouth, Devon. Now a recreational dive site
Wikipedia - SS Radaas -- Ship sunk in 1917 near Portland Bill, now a dive site
Wikipedia - SS Rondo -- Ship sunk in Sound of Mull in 1935, now a recreational dive site
Wikipedia - SS Thesis -- Steamship wrecked in 1889 in the Sound of Mull, Scotland. Now a recreational dive site.
Wikipedia - SS Wexford -- freighter shipwreck and dive site in lake Huron
Wikipedia - Stacie Powell -- British diver
Wikipedia - Stadion Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) -- Multi-purpose stadium in Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Wikipedia - Stagecoach in Newcastle -- British bus company, and a division of Stagecoach North East
Wikipedia - Stairs -- Construction designed to bridge a large vertical distance by dividing it into steps
Wikipedia - Standard diving dress -- Rubberised canvas diving uniform with copper helmet and weighted boots
Wikipedia - Standard diving helmet
Wikipedia - Standard diving helmet -- Standard diving helmet
Wikipedia - Standard diving suit
Wikipedia - Standard helmet -- Helmet of standard diving dress
Wikipedia - Stand-by diver
Wikipedia - Stand-by diver -- Stand-by diver
Wikipedia - Stanegarth -- Steam tugboat scuttled as a dive feature at Stoney Cove
Wikipedia - Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales -- An individually administered intelligence test that was revised from the original Binet-Simon Scale
Wikipedia - Stanislav Oliferchyk -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Stanley C. Mercer -- British diver
Wikipedia - Stanley Hand Tools -- Brand of hand tools; division of Stanley Black & Decker
Wikipedia - Stara Syniava Raion -- Former subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Star Canopus diving accident -- Fatal offshore diving bell accident in 1978
Wikipedia - Star Division
Wikipedia - Starokostiantyniv Raion -- Former subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Starorussky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Novgorod Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - States and union territories of India -- Indian national administrative subdivisions
Wikipedia - States of Germany -- First-level administrative subdivisions of the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - States of Sudan -- Highest level administrative sub-division of Sudan
Wikipedia - State university system in the United States -- Group of public universities supported by an individual state in the United States
Wikipedia - Static apnea -- A discipline in which the diver holds their breath underwater for as long as possible, and does not need to swim any distance
Wikipedia - Statue of St. John of Nepomuk in Divina
Wikipedia - Statutory rape -- Sexual activity in which one of the individuals is below the age required to legally consent to the behavior
Wikipedia - St Austell Poltair (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Stavropol Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - St Dominick, Harrowbarrow and Kelly Bray (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Steele Johnson -- American diver
Wikipedia - Stefan Ahrens -- German diver
Wikipedia - Stefanie Clausen -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Stefanos Paparounas -- Greek diver
Wikipedia - Steffen Haage -- German diver
Wikipedia - Stena Seaspread diving accident {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Stena Seaspread'' diving accident -- Stena Seaspread diving accident {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Stena Seaspread'' diving accident
Wikipedia - Stena Seaspread diving accident
Wikipedia - Stephan Feck -- German diver
Wikipedia - Stephanie Schwabe -- German geomicrobiologist, diver and underwater researcher
Wikipedia - Steve Foley (diver) -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Steve Lewis (diver) -- Technical scuba diver and author
Wikipedia - Steven Barnett (diver) -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Steven LoBue -- American high diver
Wikipedia - Stig Severinsen -- Danish freediver, record holder and author
Wikipedia - Stirlingia divaricatissima -- Species of Australian shrub in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - St Ives North (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - St Ives West (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - St John Ambulance Cadets (England) -- Youth division of St John Ambulance in England
Wikipedia - St John's Division, Suffolk -- Electoral division of Suffolk, England
Wikipedia - St Just in Penwith (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - St Margaret's and Westgate, Suffolk -- Electoral division of Suffolk, England
Wikipedia - St. Nicholas III (Sponge Diving Boat) -- Historic vessel at Tarpon Springs, Florida
Wikipedia - St. Nicholas VI (Sponge Diving Boat) -- Historic vessel at Tarpon Springs, Florida
Wikipedia - Stockton Subdivision -- Railroad line in California
Wikipedia - Stone wall -- Masonry structural division
Wikipedia - Stoney Cove -- Flooded quarry in Leicestershire used for scuba diving
Wikipedia - Storozhynets Raion -- Former subdivision of Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Stradivarius (film) -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Stradivarius Palatinos -- Set of five instruments by Antonio Stradivari
Wikipedia - Stradivarius -- String instruments built by the Italian family Stradivari, particularly Antonio Stradivari
Wikipedia - Strategic fair division -- Game theory problem
Wikipedia - Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence -- Term coined by Aubrey de Grey for the diverse range of regenerative medical therapies
Wikipedia - Structural holes -- A gap between two individuals who have complementary sources to information
Wikipedia - StudiVZ
Wikipedia - Stulang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Stylidium divaricatum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Subcontinent -- A large, relatively self-contained landmass forming a subdivision of a continent
Wikipedia - Sub-divisional inspector -- Rank used in the London Metropolitan Police
Wikipedia - Subdivision (graph theory)
Wikipedia - Subdivisions of Burkina Faso -- List of subdivisions of Burkina Faso
Wikipedia - Subdivisions of Egypt -- Three-layer hierarchy below the governorate levels
Wikipedia - Subdivisions of Kiribati
Wikipedia - Subdivisions of Portugal -- Overview of the subdivisions of Portugal
Wikipedia - Subdivisions of Scotland -- Present or former administrative subdivisions of Scotland
Wikipedia - Subdivisions of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Subdivisions of Vietnam
Wikipedia - Subdivision surfaces
Wikipedia - Subdivision surface
Wikipedia - Subgroups of Amish -- Amish divisions
Wikipedia - Subgroups of cyclic groups -- Every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic, and if finite, its order divides its parent's
Wikipedia - Subliminal stimuli -- Sensory stimuli below an individual's threshold for conscious perception
Wikipedia - Submarine Products -- Former British diving equipment manufacturer and distributor.
Wikipedia - Submarine Rescue Diving Recompression System -- Remotely operated vehicle for rescue of personnel from sunken submarines
Wikipedia - Subnetwork -- Logical subdivision of an IP network
Wikipedia - Subprefecture -- Administrative division of a country that is below prefecture
Wikipedia - Subsistence Homesteads Division -- US federal agency of the 1930s known as DSH
Wikipedia - Suchart Pichi -- Thai diver
Wikipedia - Sudivya Kumar -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Sue Gossick -- American diver
Wikipedia - Sukrutai Tommaoros -- Thai diver
Wikipedia - Sulaiman Qabazard -- Kuwaiti diver
Wikipedia - Sultan Murad Division -- Participant in the Syrian Civil War and the Libyan Civil War (2014-present)
Wikipedia - Sum-of-divisors function
Wikipedia - Sundaresvarar Temple, Vadiveesvaram -- Temple in Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Sundiver -- Novel by David Brin
Wikipedia - Sungai Balang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Sungai Lembing (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Sungai Lui (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Sungai Manik (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Sungai Rambai (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Sungai Rapat (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Sunglasses (song) -- 2009 single by Divine Brown
Wikipedia - Sun Shuwei -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Supa Dupa Diva -- Mini-album by Dal Shabet
Wikipedia - Super Robot Wars Original Generation: Divine Wars -- 2007 television anime
Wikipedia - Supervised diver
Wikipedia - Sura (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Surface decompression -- Decompression in a diving chamber out of the water
Wikipedia - Surface marker buoy -- A buoy towed by a scuba diver to indicate the diver's position
Wikipedia - Surface oriented diving -- |Underwater diving in which the diver starts and finishes at surface pressure
Wikipedia - Surface-supplied breathing apparatus -- Equipment to supply a diver with breathing gas at ambient pressure from the surface
Wikipedia - Surface supplied diver -- Underwater diver breathing gas supplied from the surface
Wikipedia - Surface-supplied diver -- Underwater diver breathing gas supplied from the surface
Wikipedia - Surface-supplied diving equipment
Wikipedia - Surface-supplied diving equipment -- Surface-supplied diving equipment
Wikipedia - Surface-supplied diving skills
Wikipedia - Surface-supplied diving
Wikipedia - Surname -- Part of a naming scheme for individuals, used in many cultures worldwide
Wikipedia - Survivalism -- Movement of individuals or households preparing for emergencies and natural disasters
Wikipedia - Susan Knight -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Susanne Wetteskog -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Suse Heinze -- German diver
Wikipedia - Sushila Adivarekar -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Suzanne Raeth -- French diver
Wikipedia - Svante Johansson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Sven Montan -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Sven Nylund -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Sven Palle Sorensen -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Sventsyansky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Vilna Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Svetlana Alekseyeva -- Belarusian diver
Wikipedia - Svetlana Filippova -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Svetlana Ishkova -- Argentine diver
Wikipedia - Svetlana Timoshinina -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Svitlana Serbina -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Swedish Armed Forces Diving and Naval Medicine Centre -- Diver education and training; diving medicine research and development
Wikipedia - Swim Ireland -- Governing body for swimming, diving, water polo and synchronised swimming on the island of Ireland
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metre individual medley -- Swimming at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Men's 400 metre individual medley -- Swimming at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Women's 200 metre individual medley -- Swimming at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Women's 400 metre individual medley -- Swimming at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 1995 Pan American Games - Women's 200 metre individual medley -- Swimming competition
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Men's 200 metre individual medley -- Swimming at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Men's 400 metre individual medley -- Swimming at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Women's 200 metre individual medley -- Swimming at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Women's 400 metre individual medley -- Swimming at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 2008 Summer Paralympics - Women's 200 metre individual medley SM13 -- Event at 2008 Summer Para Olympics
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 2012 Summer Olympics - Men's 400 metre individual medley -- 2012 Summer Olympics - men's 400 metre individual medley
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 2018 Commonwealth Games - Women's 400 metre individual medley -- Event held on 5 April at the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 2019 African Games - Men's 200 metre individual medley -- Swimming competition
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 2019 African Games - Men's 400 metre individual medley -- Swimming competition
Wikipedia - Swimming at the 2019 African Games - Women's 400 metre individual medley -- Swimming competition
Wikipedia - Swiss Skydiver -- American thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Sylhet Division -- Division of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Sylvia Fiedler -- German diver
Wikipedia - Sylvie Bernier -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Synaphea divaricata -- Species of Australian shrub in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Synaxis -- A liturgical assembly, generally for the celebration of Vespers, Matins, Little Hours, and the Divine Liturgy.
Wikipedia - Syndications Today -- New Delhi-based content syndication division of the Living Media (India Today) Group
Wikipedia - Synthetic division -- Algorithm for Euclidean division of polynomials
Wikipedia - Systematics -- The study of the diversification and relationships among living things through time
Wikipedia - Table of administrative divisions by country
Wikipedia - Table of divisors
Wikipedia - Tadao Tosa -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Taeko Kubo -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Takiri Miyazaki -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Talne Raion -- Former subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Tamara Safonova -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Tambov Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Tamer Farid -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Tammy MacLeod -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Tammy Takagi -- Brazilian diver
Wikipedia - Tanah Rata (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Tandi Indergaard -- South African diver
Wikipedia - Tangail District -- District in Dhaka Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Tangkak (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Tang Kei Shan -- Hong Kong diver
Wikipedia - Tania Cagnotto -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Tania Paterson -- New Zealand diver
Wikipedia - Tanjung Lumpur (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Tan Liangde -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Tan Shuping -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Tanya Streeter -- British-Caymanian-American freediver
Wikipedia - Tanya Watson -- Irish diver
Wikipedia - Tarah Wheeler -- American cybersecurity executive and diversity activist
Wikipedia - Taravana -- Decompression sickness after breath-hold diving
Wikipedia - Tardive dyskinesia -- Neurological disorder following long-term dopamine antagonist use
Wikipedia - Tarishing -- A village and sub-division of Astore District, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Wikipedia - Tarja Liljestrom -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Tarot card reading -- Using tarot cards to perform divination
Wikipedia - Tarot divination
Wikipedia - Tarot -- Cards used for games or divination
Wikipedia - Ta-Seti -- Administrative division of Upper Egypt
Wikipedia - Task Force 157 -- Covert division of the United States Navy
Wikipedia - Tasseography -- Divination or fortune-telling method that interprets patterns in tea leaves, coffee grounds, or wine sediments
Wikipedia - TasteDive -- Entertainment recommendation engine
Wikipedia - Tatarstan -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Tatiana Ortiz -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Tattoo artist -- Individual who applies permanent decorative tattoos
Wikipedia - Tatyana Dzheneyeva -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Tatyana Karakashyants -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Tatyana Podmaryova -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Tawau Division -- Administrative sub-divisions of Malaysia
Wikipedia - Tawhid -- Islam's central monotheistic concept of a single, indivisible God
Wikipedia - Taxation in the United States -- Taxes are imposed in the United States at each of levels; taxes on income, payroll, property, sales, capital gains, dividends, imports, estates and gifts, as well as various fees
Wikipedia - Taxonomic biodiversity -- Taxonomic biodiversity
Wikipedia - Taylor Force Act -- Proposed legislation to stop American economic aid to the Palestinian Authority until the PA stops paying individuals who commit acts of terrorism
Wikipedia - Teaching assistant -- An individual who assists a teacher with instructional responsibilities
Wikipedia - Tebing Tinggi (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Technical Diving International -- Technical diver training and certification agency
Wikipedia - Technical diving -- Extended scope recreational diving
Wikipedia - Ted Eldred -- Australian inventor of the single hose diving regulator
Wikipedia - Tehsil -- Administrative division in India and Pakistan
Wikipedia - Teja (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Tejaswi Madivada -- Indian film actress and model
Wikipedia - Telemung (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Maldives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telok Mas (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Telomerase -- Telomere-restoring protein active in the most rapidly dividing cells
Wikipedia - Temenggor (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Temiang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Tempasuk (state constituency) -- Malaysian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Template talk:Divination
Wikipedia - Template talk:Divine Comedy navbox
Wikipedia - Template talk:Divine Mercy
Wikipedia - Template talk:Divine Science footer
Wikipedia - Template talk:Divisor classes
Wikipedia - Template talk:Individualism sidebar
Wikipedia - Template talk:Serbian Orthodox subdivisions
Wikipedia - Template talk:Underwater diving
Wikipedia - Temple of Divus Augustus -- major temple in Rome built to commemorate Roman emperor, Augustus
Wikipedia - Tenang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Tenggaroh (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Teofipol Raion -- Former subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Tepuh (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Teri York -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Terrabacter carboxydivorans -- Bacterium
Wikipedia - Terraced wall -- A wall divided into sections, as in, not a single wall, that terraces
Wikipedia - Terrazzo, Veneto -- administrative division of Veneto, Italy
Wikipedia - Territorial dispute -- Disagreement over the possession or control of land between countries or their subdivisions
Wikipedia - Territory (country subdivision)
Wikipedia - Terrorist Screening Center -- US FBI special division
Wikipedia - Terry Rossiter -- Zimbabwean diver
Wikipedia - Teruntum (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Teseo Tesei -- Italian naval officer and pioneering military diver
Wikipedia - Tessellated pavement -- A relatively flat rock surface that is subdivided into more or less regular shapes by fractures
Wikipedia - Testing and inspection of diving cylinders -- Periodical inspection and testing to revalidate fitness for service
Wikipedia - Tetiana Shtyreva-Volynkina -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Tetrarchy -- Period of Roman history when power was divided among four rulers
Wikipedia - Tetsutaro Namae -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Tewfik Pasha -- Khedive of Egypt and Sudan (1852-1892) (r. 1879-1892)
Wikipedia - Texas divisionism -- Historical movement that advocates the division of the U.S. state of Texas into as many as five states
Wikipedia - Texas Ranger Division -- Texas law enforcement agency
Wikipedia - The Blindness of Divorce -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - The Darkness Beckons -- A history of UK cave diving by Martyn Farr
Wikipedia - The Divas of Doom -- Professional wrestling tag team
Wikipedia - The Diva -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Dive (1990 film) -- 1990 Norwegian action thriller film by Tristan de Vere Cole
Wikipedia - The Dive (2018 film) -- 2018 film
Wikipedia - The Divergent Series: Allegiant -- 2016 film by Robert Schwentke
Wikipedia - The Divergent Series: Insurgent -- 2015 film by Robert Schwentke
Wikipedia - The Divergent Series -- Film series
Wikipedia - The Diver -- Sculpture by John Kaufman
Wikipedia - The Divided Heart -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - The Divided Trail: A Native American Odyssey -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - The Divide (South Orkney Islands) -- Channel in Antarctica
Wikipedia - The Divine and the Decay
Wikipedia - The Divine Comedy (Smith) -- Symphony by Robert W. Smith
Wikipedia - The Divine Comedy
Wikipedia - The Divine Emma -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - The Divine Enchantment -- Poem
Wikipedia - The Divine Image
Wikipedia - The Divine Invasion
Wikipedia - The Divine Jetta -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - The Divine Lady -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Divine Order -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - The Diviners (play) -- American play set during the Great Depression
Wikipedia - The Divine Sinner -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Divine Spark -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - The Divine Voyage -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Divine
Wikipedia - The Divine Woman -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (film) -- 2007 film by Julian Schnabel
Wikipedia - The Diving Bell and the Butterfly -- Autobiography and memoir of Jean-Dominique Bauby
Wikipedia - The Division Bell Tour -- Pink Floyd concert tour
Wikipedia - The Division of Labor in Society
Wikipedia - The Division of Labour in Society -- 1893 book by Emile Durkheim
Wikipedia - The Divorce (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - The Divorcee (1919 film) -- 1919 film by Herbert BlachM-CM-)
Wikipedia - The Divorcee -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - The Divorce Game -- 1917 film by Travers Vale
Wikipedia - The DivorcM-CM-)e (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - The DivorcM-CM-)e -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - The Four and Twenty Elders Casting their Crowns before the Divine Throne
Wikipedia - The Freediver -- 2004 British drama film by Alki David
Wikipedia - The Gay Divorcee -- 1934 American musical film by Mark Sandrich
Wikipedia - The Great Divide (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Great Divide (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Great Divorce
Wikipedia - The Great Journeys of New Zealand -- Tourism division of KiwiRail
Wikipedia - The Invisible Divorce -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - The Journal of Individual Psychology
Wikipedia - The Ladder of Divine Ascent
Wikipedia - The Last Dive -- Non-fiction book by Bernie Chowdhury about a double wreck diving fatality
Wikipedia - The Law Divine -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - The Life Divine
Wikipedia - Thelma Boughner -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Thelma Payne -- American diver
Wikipedia - The Muraka, Conrad Maldives -- Underwater residence in the Maldives
Wikipedia - The Night Before the Divorce -- 1942 film by Robert Siodmak
Wikipedia - Theomorphism -- Position that change in the divine nature is possible
Wikipedia - Theonomy -- Christian form of government in which society is ruled by divine law
Wikipedia - The Politics of Individualism: Liberalism, Liberal Feminism, and Anarchism
Wikipedia - The Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology
Wikipedia - The Price of Divorce -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Promise (Il Divo album) -- album by Il Divo
Wikipedia - The Rachel Divide -- 2018 documentary film by Laura Brownson
Wikipedia - The Rawlins Stradivarius -- Antique guitar
Wikipedia - The Red Sea Diving Resort -- 2019 Netflix film
Wikipedia - Therese Rampel -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion
Wikipedia - The Road to Divorce -- 1920 silent film directed by Phil Rosen
Wikipedia - The Secret of Divine Civilization -- 1875 book written anonymously by M-JM-;Abdu'l-Baha
Wikipedia - The Seven Lady Godivas -- 1939 book by Dr. Seuss
Wikipedia - The Sheila Divine -- American band
Wikipedia - The Spark Divine -- 1919 film by Tom Terriss
Wikipedia - The two Spains -- Phrase about the political division of Spain up to the Spanish Civil War.
Wikipedia - The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau -- Documentary television series on marine biodiversity
Wikipedia - The Undivine Comedy -- 1835 play by Polish Romantic poet Zygmunt Krasinski
Wikipedia - The Walt Disney Company Italy -- Italian division of the Walt Disney Company
Wikipedia - The Way (Put Your Hand in My Hand) -- 2003 single by Divine Inspiration
Wikipedia - Thilmeeza Hussain -- Maldivian diplomat
Wikipedia - Thingoe North Division, Suffolk -- Electoral division of Suffolk, England
Wikipedia - Thingoe South Division, Suffolk -- Electoral division of Suffolk, England
Wikipedia - Third culture kid -- Individuals who are raised in a culture other than their parents' culture
Wikipedia - Third Heaven -- Division of Heaven in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Wikipedia - Third wave of coffee -- Movement aiming to enhance coffee diversity
Wikipedia - Thirteen Attributes of Mercy -- Divine Attributes with which, according to Judaism, God governs the world
Wikipedia - Thiyey Mihithuge Vindhakee -- 2003 Maldivian romantic television series
Wikipedia - Thomas Bimis -- Greek diver
Wikipedia - Thomas Christiansen (diver) -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Thomas Collins (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Thomas Cook Group Airlines -- Airline division of the defunct British Thomas Cook Group
Wikipedia - Thomas Cross (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Thomas Dinsley -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Thomas Finchum -- American diver
Wikipedia - Thomas Harrington (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Thomas Knuths -- German diver
Wikipedia - Thomas Scott (diver) -- English diver
Wikipedia - Thotapalle Estate -- Indian administrative division
Wikipedia - Thoth tarot deck -- Divinatory tarot deck
Wikipedia - Thought -- Mental activity involving an individual's subjective consciousness
Wikipedia - Thrace (theme) -- Administrative subdivision of the Byzantine Empire
Wikipedia - Three Ages of Buddhism -- Three divisions of time following Buddha's passing
Wikipedia - Three bolt equipment -- Standard diving dress using three bolts to calmp the helmet bonnet to the corselet
Wikipedia - Three generations of human rights -- Division of human rights into three chronological categories
Wikipedia - Three Kingdoms -- period of Chinese history (220-280 AD), where much of China was divided into the Wei, Shu-Han, and Wu kingdoms
Wikipedia - Through-water communications -- Wireless diver voice communications equipment
Wikipedia - Thuin (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Tian Liang -- Chinese diver and actor
Wikipedia - Tibet Area (administrative division) -- former province-level administrative division of China
Wikipedia - Tickle torture -- Use of tickling to abuse, dominate, harass, humiliate, or interrogate an individual.
Wikipedia - Tielt (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Tilpath Valley Biodiversity Park -- Biodiversity area in Delhi Ridge, Delhi
Wikipedia - Time-division multiple access
Wikipedia - Time-division multiplexing
Wikipedia - Timeline of diving technology -- A chronological list of notable events in the history of underwater diving
Wikipedia - Tim Moore (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - Timo Barthel -- German diver
Wikipedia - Timofei Hordeichik -- Belarusian diver
Wikipedia - Tim Pyritz -- German diver
Wikipedia - Tina Punzel -- German diver
Wikipedia - Tine Tollan -- Norwegian diver
Wikipedia - Ting (administrative unit) -- Administrative division of ancient China
Wikipedia - Tintagel (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Tioman (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Tiram (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Tiruchirappalli railway division -- Railway division of the Southern Railway Zone of India
Wikipedia - Titans -- Second order of divine beings in Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Titi Serong (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Tobias Schellenberg -- German diver
Wikipedia - Togoland -- Former protectorate of the German colonial empire in West Africa (1884-1914), divided between present-day Ghana and Togo
Wikipedia - Toivo Aro -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Toivo M-CM-^Vhman -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - TomaM-EM-! Bauer -- Czech diver
Wikipedia - Tomasz Rossa -- Polish diver
Wikipedia - Tom Clancy's The Division 2 -- 2019 online action video game
Wikipedia - Tom Daley -- British diver
Wikipedia - Tom 'Diver' Derrick Bridge
Wikipedia - Tom Gompf -- American diver
Wikipedia - Tomio Koyanagi -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Tom Lemaire -- Belgian diver
Wikipedia - Tommaso Marconi -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Tommaso Rinaldi -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Tom Mount -- Pioneering technical and cave diver
Wikipedia - Tommy Mather -- British diver
Wikipedia - Tom Sietas -- German freediver and record holder
Wikipedia - Tomsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Tongeren (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Tong Hui -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Tonia Couch -- British diver
Wikipedia - Tonndorf, Hamburg -- Administrative division in Hamburg, Germany
Wikipedia - Tony Adam -- German diver
Wikipedia - Tony Ally -- British diver
Wikipedia - Tony Bramley -- South Australian scuba diver and environmentalist
Wikipedia - Tony Iglesias -- Bolivian diver
Wikipedia - Tony Kitcher -- English diver
Wikipedia - Tony Lawson (diver) -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Tony Turner (diver) -- English diver
Wikipedia - Tora Larsson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Tord Andersson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Torpedo Division (Royal Navy) -- British Royal Navy, naval staff
Wikipedia - Torsten Eriksson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Toshio Otsubo -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Toshio Yamano -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Total Divas (season 1) -- Season of American television series Total Divas
Wikipedia - Total Divas (season 2) -- Season of American television series Total Divas
Wikipedia - Total Divas (season 3) -- Season of American television series Total Divas
Wikipedia - Total Divas (season 4) -- Season of American television series Total Divas
Wikipedia - Total Divas (season 5) -- Season of American television series Total Divas
Wikipedia - Total Divas (season 6) -- Season of American television series Total Divas
Wikipedia - Total Divas (season 7) -- Season of American television series Total Divas
Wikipedia - Total Divas (season 8) -- Season of American television series Total Divas
Wikipedia - Total Divas (season 9) -- Season of American television series Total Divas
Wikipedia - Total Divas -- American reality television series
Wikipedia - Towboard -- Underwater survey equipment used to tow a diver
Wikipedia - Tower Division, Suffolk -- Electoral division of Suffolk, England
Wikipedia - Townhouse -- Individual urban house in a terrace or row
Wikipedia - Townland -- Small geographical division of land used in Ireland
Wikipedia - Townships of China -- PRC township-level subdivision
Wikipedia - Toyota Gazoo Racing -- Motorsport/performance division of Toyota
Wikipedia - Tracey Richardson -- British diver
Wikipedia - Track (optical disc) -- Optical disc subdivision
Wikipedia - Tracy Cox-Smyth -- Zimbabwean diver
Wikipedia - Trade and Operations Division (Royal Navy) -- British Royal Navy, naval staff
Wikipedia - Traditional African religions -- Diverse traditional beliefs and practices of African people
Wikipedia - Training and Staff Duties Division (Royal Navy) -- British Royal Navy, naval staff
Wikipedia - Traisy Vivien Tukiet -- Malaysian diver
Wikipedia - Tranquilizer -- Drug that induces tranquility in an individual
Wikipedia - Transfiguration (religion) -- Experience of momentary divine radiance
Wikipedia - Transgender flags -- Flag used by transgender individuals, organizations and communities
Wikipedia - Transgender rights -- Rights of transgender individuals
Wikipedia - Transmission (song) -- 1979 song by Joy Division
Wikipedia - Transport for Brisbane -- Public transport division of the Brisbane City Council
Wikipedia - Tras (state constituency) -- Malaysian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Travel gas -- Gas breathed during the descent part of a dive
Wikipedia - Traveller Double Adventure 6: Divine Intervention/Night of Conquest -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Treaty of Verdun -- 9th-century treaty that divided the Frankish Empire
Wikipedia - Tree of Life Web Project -- Internet project providing information about the diversity and phylogeny of life
Wikipedia - Trevarna (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Tre Volost -- Territorial division of the Novgorod Republic
Wikipedia - Trevor Jackson (diver) -- Australian technical diver and author
Wikipedia - Trevor Simpson -- British diver
Wikipedia - Trial diving -- Introductory scuba diving experience
Wikipedia - Trial division
Wikipedia - Triang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Trimerotropis diversellus -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Trimurti -- Hinduism's triple deity of supreme divinity
Wikipedia - Trim weights (diving) -- Diving weights distributed primarily to improve trim
Wikipedia - Triple divide -- Point where three drainage basins meet
Wikipedia - Triple talaq in India -- Form of Islamic divorce
Wikipedia - Tripoli Sanjak -- Subdivision in the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Trittys -- Ancient Athenian subdivision
Wikipedia - Troksky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Vilna Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Trong (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Tronoh (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Troy Dumais -- American diver
Wikipedia - Truro Tregolls (electoral division) -- Electoral division of Cornwall in the UK
Wikipedia - Trustee in bankruptcy -- Entity, often an individual, in charge of administering a bankruptcy estate
Wikipedia - Tsai Yi-san -- Taiwanese diver
Wikipedia - TSB Union -- Place in Khulna Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Tsuneo Shibahara -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Tualang Sekah (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Tula Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Tullik Helsing -- Norwegian diver
Wikipedia - Tumbes-Choco-Magdalena -- Biodiversity hotspot region on Pacific coast of South America
Wikipedia - Turbine blade -- Individual component makes up the turbine section of a gas turbine or steam turbine.
Wikipedia - Turiscai Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Turner Sports -- Sportcasting division of WarnerMedia
Wikipedia - Turnhout (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Tutuala Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Tuva -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - TVA Nouvelles -- Canadian network news division
Wikipedia - Tver Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Two Roads Diverge -- Graphic novel by Richard Kelly
Wikipedia - Two Trees of Valinor -- Fictional symbols of divine light in J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium
Wikipedia - Type 904 dive tender -- Chinese class of naval diving support vessel
Wikipedia - Tyranny of the majority -- The situation in which decisions made by a majority place its interests above those and at the expense of an individual or minority group
Wikipedia - Tyumen Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Udayarpalayam division -- Revenue division of Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Udmurtia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Uhlenhorst -- Administrative division in Hamburg, Germany
Wikipedia - Ukehi -- Shinto divination ritual
Wikipedia - Ulf Dextegen -- Swedish hypnotherapist and freediver
Wikipedia - Uliana Kliueva -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Ulrich Reff -- German diver
Wikipedia - Ulrika Knape -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Ulrike Sindelar-Pachowsky -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Ultra high-net-worth individual
Wikipedia - Ulyanovsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Uman Raion -- Subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Umberto Pelizzari -- Italian freediver
Wikipedia - Um El Faroud -- Libyan owned tanker scuttled as dive site off Malta
Wikipedia - Underwater acoustic positioning system -- A system for the tracking and navigation of underwater vehicles or divers by using acoustic distance and/or direction measurements, and subsequent position triangulation
Wikipedia - Underwater breathing apparatus -- Equipment which provides breathing gas to an underwater diver
Wikipedia - Underwater diver training -- Processes by which people develop the skills and knowledge to dive safely underwater
Wikipedia - Underwater diver -- Person who descends below the surface to interact with the environment
Wikipedia - Underwater diving environment -- Underwater diving environment
Wikipedia - Underwater diving in popular culture -- Any aspects of underwater diving in fiction and popular culture
Wikipedia - Underwater diving -- Descending below the surface of the water to interact with the environment
Wikipedia - Underwater Explorers Club -- British diving club, now defunct
Wikipedia - Underwater sports at the 2013 Bolivarian Games -- Finswimming, free-diving and spearfishing events
Wikipedia - Underwater tending point -- Place where the diver's umbilical is restrained or controlled
Wikipedia - Undivided Love -- 1996 single by Louise Redknapp
Wikipedia - Uniform Service Diver Insignia (United States) -- Qualification badges of the uniformed services of the United States which are awarded to servicemen qualified as divers
Wikipedia - Union dividend -- A term used by British unionists to describe the financial benefits which they believe that Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland derive from being parts of the United Kingdom.
Wikipedia - Union territory -- A form of administrative division in India
Wikipedia - Unitary divisor
Wikipedia - United Diving Instructors -- Recreational diver training and certification agency
Wikipedia - United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine -- 1947 UN General Assembly proposal to divide British Mandatory Palestine into a Jewish state and Arab state
Wikipedia - United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division -- Federal institution
Wikipedia - United States Department of Justice Criminal Division
Wikipedia - United States Department of Justice National Security Division
Wikipedia - United States Marine Corps Combatant Diver Course -- Military diver training for the US Marines
Wikipedia - United States military divers
Wikipedia - United States Navy Experimental Diving Unit -- The primary source of diving and hyperbaric operational guidance for the US Navy
Wikipedia - United States Public Health Service -- Division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services concerned with public health
Wikipedia - United States Trustee Program -- Division of the Department of Justice
Wikipedia - United we stand, divided we fall -- American Mottos
Wikipedia - Unit testing -- Software testing method by which individual units of source code are validated
Wikipedia - Unity in diversity -- Expression of harmony and unity between dissimilar individuals or groups
Wikipedia - Universal Music Enterprises -- US record label; catalogue division of Universal Music Group
Wikipedia - Universal Music Latin Entertainment -- American record label; record company, division of Universal Music Group
Wikipedia - Universal Parks & Resorts -- Theme park division of NBCUniversal
Wikipedia - Universal Pictures Home Entertainment -- Home video distribution division of Universal Pictures
Wikipedia - University of Auckland Faculty of Education and Social Work -- Division of the University of Auckland, NZ
Wikipedia - University of Chicago Divinity School
Wikipedia - University of Connecticut Department of Periodontology -- Division of the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine Department of Oral Health and Diagnostic Sciences
Wikipedia - University of Florida Division of Continuing Education -- School at the University of Florida
Wikipedia - University of Global Village -- Private university in Barishal division of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - University of Tennessee Health Science Center -- Health Sciences division of the University of Tennessee
Wikipedia - Unmanned diving -- Diving by mechanisms under the direct or indirect control of remote human operators for observation, data collection or manipulation of the environment using on-board actuator devices
Wikipedia - Upazila -- Third-level administrative divisions of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Upper division college
Wikipedia - Upper Paleolithic -- Subdivision of the Paleolithic or Old Stone Age
Wikipedia - Upper River Division -- Administrative division of the Gambia
Wikipedia - Upper South Province, Maldives -- former province of the Maldives
Wikipedia - Upulie Divisekera -- Australian molecular biologist and science communicator
Wikipedia - Urban wilderness -- Biodiversity
Wikipedia - Urine diversion -- Separate collection of human urine and feces at the point of their production
Wikipedia - Urine-diverting dry toilet -- Dry toilet with separate collection of feces and urine without any flush water
Wikipedia - Ursula Sapp-Mockel -- German diver
Wikipedia - Uschi Freitag -- German-Dutch diver
Wikipedia - U.S.C. Paredes -- Club soccer Portuguese who plays in Division II B.
Wikipedia - USC School of Philosophy -- division of University of Southern California
Wikipedia - U.S. Divers -- U.S. Divers
Wikipedia - USL Second Division -- Defunct American soccer league
Wikipedia - U.S. Navy Diving Manual -- Training and operations handbook
Wikipedia - US Navy Diving Manual -- US Navy Diving Manual
Wikipedia - USS LST-507 -- US Tank landing ship sunk off the south coast of England, now a dive site
Wikipedia - U.S. state and local government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic -- Actions by sub-national U.S. political divisions on COVID-19 pandemic
Wikipedia - Ustad & the Divas -- 2006 compilation album composed by Sandesh Shandilya
Wikipedia - Usukan (state constituency) -- Malaysian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Ute Wetzig -- German diver
Wikipedia - Uttar Khan Thana -- Thana of Dhaka District in the Division of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Uwatec -- Manufacturer of diving equipment
Wikipedia - Vaadhoo (Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll) -- inhabited island of the Maldives
Wikipedia - Vaclav Kacl -- Czech diver
Wikipedia - Vadim Kaptur -- Belarusian diver
Wikipedia - Vadivale -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Vadivel Balaji -- Indian television personality and actor )1975-2020)
Wikipedia - Vadivelu -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Vadivukkarasi -- Indian film and television actress
Wikipedia - Vaguthu Faaithu Nuvanees -- Maldivian romantic drama television series
Wikipedia - Vahum -- Maldivian television film
Wikipedia - Vaishya -- One of the four divisions of the Hindu varna (caste) system
Wikipedia - Vala (Middle-earth) -- Divine or angelic race in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium
Wikipedia - Valborg Florstrom -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Valdivel Jayalakshmi -- Indian athlete
Wikipedia - Valdivia Expedition -- A scientific expedition organised and funded by the German Empire under Kaiser Wilhelm II and was named after the ship which was bought and outfitted for the expedition
Wikipedia - Valdivia Fracture Zone -- A transform fault zone off the coast of southern Chile
Wikipedia - Valdiviana -- Genus of flies
Wikipedia - Valentina Chumicheva -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Valentina Marocchi -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Valerie Beddoe -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Valerie Lloyd-Chandos -- British diver
Wikipedia - Valerie Taylor (diver) -- Australian underwater photographer
Wikipedia - Valeriia Liulko -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Valeriu Perdivara -- Romanian judoka
Wikipedia - Valery Goncharov (diver) -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Valery Statsenko -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Vale S.A. -- Multinational diversified metals and mining corporation
Wikipedia - Valrico Subdivision -- CSX railroad line in Florida
Wikipedia - Vanessa Baker -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Varash Raion -- Subdivision of Rivne Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Variable weight apnea -- Deep freediving using a weighted sled for descent, pulling along the depth rope for ascent
Wikipedia - Variable weight apnea without fins -- Competitive freediving discipline
Wikipedia - Vasily Vyazemsky -- A Russian military regimental and divisional commander
Wikipedia - Vedanta Resources -- Global diversified metals and mining company
Wikipedia - Vedivazhipadu -- 2013 film by Shambu Purushothaman
Wikipedia - Vegayammapeta Estate -- Indian administrative division
Wikipedia - VeinteaM-CM-1era, divorciada y fantastica -- 2020 Mexican comedy romantic film
Wikipedia - Velma Dunn -- American diver
Wikipedia - Velyka Lepetykha Raion -- Former subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Velyka Oleksandrivka Raion -- Former subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Venice Tavern -- Dive bar in Baltimore, Maryland
Wikipedia - Venilale Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Venture One diving accident -- Saturation diving fatality in the North Sea in 1977
Wikipedia - Vera Baklanova -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Vera Ilyina -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Verizon Media -- Internet content division of Verizon Communications
Wikipedia - Verkhniy Rohachyk Raion -- Former subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Veronica Ribot -- Argentine diver
Wikipedia - Veronika Kratochwil -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Verrall Newman -- British diver
Wikipedia - Vertical Blue -- A freediving competition held annually in The Bahamas at Dean's Blue Hole
Wikipedia - Verviers (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Veurne (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Veurne-Diksmuide-Ostend (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Veurne-Diksmuide-Ostend-Ypres (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - ViacomCBS Domestic Media Networks -- American cable television division of ViacomCBS
Wikipedia - Vice-county -- Biological recording division of the British Isles
Wikipedia - Vicente PM-CM-)rez Valdivieso -- Mayor of Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Vicki Draves -- American diver (1924-2010)
Wikipedia - Victor Berge -- Swedish diving pioneer and author
Wikipedia - Victor F. Guiel Jr. -- Saturation diver killed in the Wldrake diving acident
Wikipedia - Victor Ortega -- Colombian diver
Wikipedia - Victualling Commissioners -- Division of the British Royal Navy
Wikipedia - Vidivelli -- 1960 film by C. V. Sridhar
Wikipedia - Viewpoint diversity
Wikipedia - Viewport (diving) -- Transparent part of a helmet or diving chamber
Wikipedia - Viktor Baranov (diver) -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Viktor Crondahl -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Viktoria Solkner -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Viktoriya Kesar -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Viktoriya Potyekhina -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Viktor Minibaev -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Viktor Palagin -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Viktor Pogozhev -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Village (United States) -- Administrative division at the local government level in the United States
Wikipedia - VillM-EM-^Q Kormos -- Hungarian diver
Wikipedia - Vincent Riendeau (diver) -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Vinkivtsi Raion -- Former subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Vino de Pago -- Classification for Spanish wine applied to individual vineyards or wine estates
Wikipedia - Vintage scuba -- |Early model scuba equipment and the ongoing activity of diving with it
Wikipedia - Viqueque Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Viridivellus -- Genus of haplolepideous mosses
Wikipedia - Virton (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Virtual community -- Social network of individuals who interact through specific social media
Wikipedia - Virtual team -- Group of individuals who work together from different geographic locations and rely on communication technology
Wikipedia - Visa policy of Maldives -- Policy on permits required to enter the Maldives
Wikipedia - Vitex divaricata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Vitis Subdivision -- CSX railroad line in Florida
Wikipedia - Vivek RanadivM-CM-) -- Indian American business executive and founder of TIBCO
Wikipedia - Vivian Alberty -- Puerto Rican diver
Wikipedia - Vlada Divljan -- Serbian musician
Wikipedia - Vladimir Aleynik -- Belarusian diver
Wikipedia - Vladimir Barbu -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Vladimir Harutyunyan -- Armenian diver
Wikipedia - Vladimir Kapirulin -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Vladimir Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Vladimir Timoshinin -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Vladimir Vasin -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Vladivoj, Duke of Bohemia
Wikipedia - Vladivostok (2014 icebreaker) -- Russian icebreaker
Wikipedia - Vladivostok railway station -- Railway station building
Wikipedia - Vladivostok -- Administrative cente of Primorsky Krai, Russia
Wikipedia - Voivodeship -- Administrative division in several countries of central and eastern Europe
Wikipedia - Volgograd Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Volition (psychology) -- Cognitive process by which an individual decides on and commits to a particular course of action
Wikipedia - Volkovyssky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Grodno Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Volmer Otzen -- Danish diver
Wikipedia - Volochysk Raion -- Former subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Vologda Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Volunteered geographic information -- The harnessing of tools to create, assemble, and disseminate geographic data provided voluntarily by individual
Wikipedia - Volunteering -- Unpaid work undertaken freely by individuals as a service to others
Wikipedia - Von Neumann-Morgenstern utility theorem -- Any individual whose preferences satisfy four axioms has a utility function
Wikipedia - Voronezh Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Voronyinskoye Rural Community -- Administrative division (1861-1866) in the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Vortex Spring -- Freshwater spring and recreational dive site in Florida
Wikipedia - VSE Corporation -- American diversified services company
Wikipedia - Vukan Vuletic -- Serbian diver
Wikipedia - Vultee Vengeance in Australian service -- Royal Australian Air Force dive bombers during World War II
Wikipedia - Vyacheslav Chernyshov -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Vyacheslav Khamulkin -- Belarusian diver
Wikipedia - Vyacheslav Strakhov -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Vyacheslav Troshin -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Vyasa (title) -- Title given to the sage or Rishi who divides the Hindu holy scripture Vedas in every Dvapara Yuga of every Yuga cycle
Wikipedia - Vyatsky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Vyatka Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Vyninka Arlow -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - Vysokopillia Raion -- Former subdivision of Kherson Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Vyzhnytsia Raion -- Subdivision of Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Waage Drill II diving accident {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Waage Drill II'' diving accident -- Waage Drill II diving accident {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Waage Drill II'' diving accident
Wikipedia - Waage Drill II diving accident
Wikipedia - Waguih Aboul Seoud -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Wakaf Mempelam (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Wakan Tanka -- Lakota word for the sacred or the divine
Wikipedia - Wall diving -- Underwater diving alongside a near vertical face
Wikipedia - Walmart Canada -- Canadian division of Walmart
Wikipedia - Walmart de MM-CM-)xico y CentroamM-CM-)rica -- Division of Walmart
Wikipedia - Walt Disney Studios (division) -- Film studio in California, United States
Wikipedia - Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment -- Walt Disney Company's home video division
Wikipedia - Walt Disney Television -- The Walt Disney Company television properties division
Wikipedia - Walter Balcanquhall (divine) -- Scottish minister
Wikipedia - Walter Colbath -- American diver
Wikipedia - Walter Messa -- Italian diver
Wikipedia - Walter Steyn -- Australian competitive freediver, freediving judge and freediving instructor
Wikipedia - Waltraud Oertel -- German diver
Wikipedia - Wang Feng (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Wang Han (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Wang Hao (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Wang Kenan -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Wang Xin (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Wang Zongyuan -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Ward (electoral subdivision) -- Subdivision of a local government unit, used for electoral purposes
Wikipedia - Wards and electoral divisions of the United Kingdom -- Electoral districts at sub-national level represented by one or more councillors
Wikipedia - Wards of Japan -- Subdivision of cities designated by government ordinance in Japan
Wikipedia - Ward (United States) -- Optional division of a city or town for administrative and representative purposes
Wikipedia - Warner Animation Group -- Animation division of Warner Bros.
Wikipedia - Warner Bros. Cartoons -- Former in-house animation division of Warner Bros.
Wikipedia - Water issues in developing countries -- Water issues and problems in developing countries are diverse and serious
Wikipedia - Wavelength-division multiple access
Wikipedia - Wavelength-division multiplexing
Wikipedia - Wayana -- Carib-speaking indigenous people located in the south-eastern part of the Guiana highlands, a region divided between Brazil, Surinam, and French Guiana
Wikipedia - WDIV-TV -- NBC affiliate in Detroit
Wikipedia - WebMethods -- Enterprise software company, division of Software AG
Wikipedia - Wechsler Individual Achievement Test
Wikipedia - Wedge strategy (diplomacy) -- Wedge strategy in diplomacy is used to prevent, divide, weaken an adversary coalition
Wikipedia - We Got Divorced -- South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Weight belt -- A ballasted waist belt worn by a diver
Wikipedia - Weight class -- Division of competition used to match competitors against others of their own size
Wikipedia - Well-being -- General term for condition of individual or group
Wikipedia - Welsh Association of Sub Aqua Clubs -- Welsh national governing body for underwater sport and recreational diving
Wikipedia - Wenbo Chen -- American diving coach
Wikipedia - Wendy Fuller -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - Wendy Lucero-Schayes -- American diver
Wikipedia - Wendy Williams (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - Wendy Wyland -- American diver
Wikipedia - Werner Sobeck -- German diver
Wikipedia - Wesley C. Skiles -- American cave diver and underwater cinematographer.
Wikipedia - Westborough Ward -- British political subdivision
Wikipedia - West Coast Division (Gambia) -- Administrative division of the Gambia
Wikipedia - Western Area -- Subdivision of Sierra Leone
Wikipedia - Western Cape Division of the High Court of South Africa -- Western Cape Division of the High Court of South Africa
Wikipedia - Western Cape Division -- Superior court of law in the Western Cape, South Africa
Wikipedia - Western Romance languages -- Subdivision of the Romance languages
Wikipedia - Westminster Assembly of Divines
Wikipedia - West of the Divide -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - West-ostlicher Divan -- Collection of lyrical poems by Goethe
Wikipedia - West Riding of Yorkshire -- One of the historic subdivisions of Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Westwood (subdivision), Houston
Wikipedia - Wet sub -- Ambient pressure diver propulsion vehicle
Wikipedia - Whitehouse and Whitton Division, Suffolk -- Electoral division of Suffolk, England
Wikipedia - Who Invented Divorce? -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Why Get a Divorce? -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Wiccan views of divinity
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Underwater diving -- Wikipedia subject-area collaboration for underwater diving topics
Wikipedia - Wilayah -- Administrative division approximating a state or province
Wikipedia - Wildrake diving accident {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Wildrake'' diving accident -- Wildrake diving accident {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Wildrake'' diving accident
Wikipedia - Wildrake diving accident
Wikipedia - Wildwood Subdivision -- CSX railroad line in Florida
Wikipedia - Wilfred Burne -- British diver
Wikipedia - Wilhelm Lippa -- Austrian diver
Wikipedia - Willard Franklyn Searle -- US Navy ocean engineer and developer of diving and salvage equipment and systems
Wikipedia - Willem Welgemoed -- South African diver
Wikipedia - William Barclay (theologian) -- Scottish author, presenter, Church of Scotland minister and Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism (1907-1978)
Wikipedia - William Bull (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - William Davy (divine) -- English divine
Wikipedia - William Farrell (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - William Foster (divine)
Wikipedia - William Hayes (diver) -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - William Hogarth Main -- Cave diver and scuba configuration experimentalist
Wikipedia - William Mason (poet) -- 18th-century English poet, divine, draughtsman, author, editor, and gardener
Wikipedia - William Patrick (diver) -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - William R. Royal -- American diver who discovered early human remains in Florida
Wikipedia - William Trubridge -- New Zealand freediver and record holder
Wikipedia - William Tully -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - William Webb (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - William Wood (diver) -- English diver
Wikipedia - Willi Meyer -- German diver
Wikipedia - Willy Rist -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Willy Thulin -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Wilmslow Urban District -- Former local government subdivision of Cheshire, UK
Wikipedia - Wilstorf -- Administrative division in Hamburg, Germany
Wikipedia - Windmill, County Westmeath -- Townland (old administrative division) in Ireland
Wikipedia - Winfried Mahraun -- German diver
Wikipedia - Wingsuit flying -- Variant of skydiving activity involving a specially designed suit which offers control surfaces
Wikipedia - Wish list -- A list of wishes of an organization or an individual.
Wikipedia - Witchcraft and divination in the Hebrew Bible -- Various forms of witchcraft and divination mentioned in the Hebrew Bible
Wikipedia - With Kit Carson Over the Great Divide -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Witness impeachment -- Process of calling into question the credibility of an individual testifying in a trial
Wikipedia - Wits Centre for Diversity Studies -- Department of the University of Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Wlodzimierz Mejsak -- Polish diver
Wikipedia - Woeseian revolution -- Progression of the phylogenetic tree of life from two main divisions, known as the Prokarya and Eukarya, into three domains now classified as Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes
Wikipedia - Wolfram Ristau -- German diver
Wikipedia - Women in the Maldives
Wikipedia - Women's suffrage in states of the United States -- Women's right to vote in individual states of the United States
Wikipedia - Wonderful life theory -- Biological theory postulating that history of life is shaped by extinction followed by diversification within a few remaining stocks
Wikipedia - Wong Kin Chung -- Hong Kong diver
Wikipedia - Woodlands Police Division -- Division of the Singapore Police Force
Wikipedia - Woo Ha-ram -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Woozle effect -- Frequent citation of previous publications that lack evidence misleads individuals, groups, and the public into thinking or believing there is evidence
Wikipedia - Word divider -- Glyph that separates written words
Wikipedia - Working diver -- Working diver
Wikipedia - Working time -- Period of time that an individual spends at paid occupational labor
Wikipedia - World Food Prize -- International award recognizing the achievements of individuals who have advanced human development
Wikipedia - World Recreational Scuba Training Council -- Council of representatives of national or regional recreational diving councils to develop minimum diver training standards
Wikipedia - Worldview -- Fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or society
Wikipedia - Wreck Alley -- Recreational dive area, also known as "Sunken Harbor", with several wrecks sunk as artificial reefs
Wikipedia - Wreck diving -- Recreational diving on wrecks
Wikipedia - Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones -- Album by Black Veil Brides
Wikipedia - Wu Minxia -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Wuyuan Commandery -- Historical political subdivision in China
Wikipedia - Xandr -- Advertising and analytics division of WarnerMedia
Wikipedia - Xantheia Pennisi -- Australian high diver
Wikipedia - X Division -- Professional wrestling genre
Wikipedia - Xiao Hailiang -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Xie Siyi -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Xihe Commandery -- Historical political subdivision in China
Wikipedia - Xiong Ni -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Xroshtag and Padvaxtag -- Pair of Manichaean divinities
Wikipedia - Xu Mian (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Xu Yanmei (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - XX male syndrome -- Rare congenital condition where an individual with an 46, XX karyotype has phenotypically male characteristics that can vary between cases
Wikipedia - Yaariyan (2014 film) -- 2014 film directed by Divya Khosla Kumar
Wikipedia - Yahel Castillo -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Yaima Mena -- Cuban diver
Wikipedia - Yakshini -- Ancient and true, divine, celestial beings of Hindu, and Buddhist, history and religion
Wikipedia - Yale Divinity School
Wikipedia - Yamethin District -- District of the Mandalay Division in central Myanmar
Wikipedia - Yana Nestsiarava -- Belarusian high diver
Wikipedia - Yang Hao (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Yang Jian (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Yang Jinghui -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Yang Wai Kam -- Hong Kong diver
Wikipedia - Yarmolyntsi Raion -- Former subdivision of Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Yaroslavl Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Yasemin Dalkilic -- Turkish freediver and record holder
Wikipedia - Yauheni Karaliou -- Belarusian diver
Wikipedia - Yazata -- Zoroastrian Divinities
Wikipedia - Yaznee Nasheeda -- Maldivian athlete
Wikipedia - Yelena Anokhina -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Yelena Ivanova (diver) -- Kazakhstani diver
Wikipedia - Yelena Kosolapova -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Yelena Matyushenko -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Yelena Miroshina -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Yeng Constantino -- Filipina pop diva singer-songwriter, occasional actress and host
Wikipedia - Yeoh Ken Nee -- Malaysian diver
Wikipedia - Yeoman Subdivision -- CSX railroad line in Florida
Wikipedia - Yeshu -- Individual or individuals mentioned in rabbinic literature
Wikipedia - Yesmin M. Valdivieso -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - Yevgeniya Bogdanovskaya -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Yevgeniya Olshevskaya -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - YMCA SCUBA Program -- Defunct recreational diver training and certification agency.
Wikipedia - Yngve Johnson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Yoav Raanan -- Israeli diver
Wikipedia - Yoendris Salazar -- Cuban diver
Wikipedia - Yokosuka D4Y -- Japanese carrier-based dive bomber
Wikipedia - Yolanda Ortiz -- Cuban diver
Wikipedia - Yolanda Saldivar -- American convicted murderer
Wikipedia - Yona Knight-Wisdom -- Jamaican diver
Wikipedia - Yong Peng (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Yoodlee films -- Film division
Wikipedia - Yoosuf Shafeeu -- Maldivian film actor
Wikipedia - Yoosuf -- 2008 Maldivian romantic drama film
Wikipedia - Yoshino Mabuchi -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Yoshino Nishide -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Yosuke Arimitsu -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Youbeiping Commandery -- Ancient Chinese political subdivision
Wikipedia - Youssef Selim -- Egyptian diver
Wikipedia - Ypres (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Ypsolopha divisella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Yrjo Lampila -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Yrjo Valkama -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Yu Chang-jun -- South Korean diver
Wikipedia - Yuhua Single Member Constituency -- Electoral division in Singapore
Wikipedia - Yuki Motobuchi -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Yulia Koltunova -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Yulia Prokopchuk -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Yulia Timoshinina -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Yuliya Pakhalina -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Yunzhong Commandery -- Historical political subdivision in China
Wikipedia - Yuriy Kunakov -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Yuriy Shlyakhov -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Yurodivy
Wikipedia - Yury Kasakov -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Yury Melnikov -- Russian diver
Wikipedia - Yutaka Baba (diver) -- Japanese diver
Wikipedia - Yu Yuet -- Hong Kong diver
Wikipedia - Yu Zhuocheng -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Yvonne Kostenberger -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Zabaykalsky Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Zale Parry -- American pioneer scuba diver, underwater photographer and actress
Wikipedia - Zandaqa -- Individuals who are considered to hold views or follow practices that are contrary to central Islamic dogmas
Wikipedia - Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences -- Academic division of Johns Hopkins University
Wikipedia - Zardo Domenios -- Filipino diver
Wikipedia - Zastavna Raion -- Former subdivision of Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Zeenath Abbas -- Maldivian actress
Wikipedia - Zero-divisor
Wikipedia - Zhang Jiaqi (diver) -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Zhang Yanquan -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Zhanna Tsyrulnikova -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Zhashkiv Raion -- Former subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Zhou Jihong -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Zhou Luxin -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Zhu Jinhong -- Chinese diver
Wikipedia - Zhuo Commandery -- Ancient Chinese political subdivision
Wikipedia - Zila (country subdivision) -- Country subdivision
Wikipedia - Zodiac -- Area of the sky divided into twelve signs
Wikipedia - Zoe Ann Olsen-Jensen -- American diver
Wikipedia - Zolotonosha Raion -- Subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Zouheir Shourbagi -- Syrian diver
Wikipedia - Zoya Blyuvas -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Zsigmondy's theorem -- On primes dividing the difference of nth powers of coprime integers, but not if power < n
Wikipedia - Zvenyhorodka Raion -- Subdivision of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Zygrita diva -- Genus of beetles
  • Born: 1956; Occupation: Author;
  • Born: July 3, 1979; Occupation: Film actress;
  • Born: October 19, 1945; Died: March 7, 1988; Occupation: Actor;
    Goodreads author - S_Kelley_Harrell_M_Div_
    Goodreads author - Elizabeth_Vandiver
    Goodreads author - Donna_Robinson_Divine
    Goodreads author - Divya_Srinivasan
    Goodreads author - Chitra_Banerjee_Divakaruni
    Goodreads author - Mark_Divine
    Goodreads author - Divaldo_Pereira_Franco
    Goodreads author - S_V_Divvaakar,_Royal_Corps_of_Signals,_U.S._Signal_Corps,_London.jpg -- 0
    Kheper - divine_soul -- 39 -- 0
    Kheper - universal_and_individual -- 40 -- 0 -- 0
    Kheper - Life_Divine -- 63
    Kheper - Matter_becoming_Divine -- 38 -- 0
    Kheper - divine index -- 48 -- 0
    Kheper - divinisation index -- 53
    Kheper - Integral_Singularity -- 41
    Kheper - Ramalingam -- 35 -- 0 -- 0
    Kheper - individual -- 49
    Kheper - divination -- 24
    Kheper - divinisation -- 40 -- 0
    Kheper - tikkun-individuals_task -- 14 -- 0 -- 0
    Kheper - divineangelic -- 38 -- 0
    Kheper - divinisation -- 39
    Kheper - higher_divinisation -- 60
    auromere - the-divine-child-suckled-by-day-and-night
    auromere - are-earthquakes-divine-retribution
    auromere - life-divine
    auromere - how-to-know-the-divine-will
    auromere - life-divine
    auromere - life-divine
    auromere - life-divine
    auromere - life-divine
    auromere - life-divine
    auromere - life-divine
    auromere - life-divine
    auromere - life-divine
    auromere - life-divine
    Integral World - Individual and Social in the Integral Theory of Ken Wilber, Sergey Badaev
    Integral World - Don Beck, The Global Great Divide
    Integral World - Transcending Individual Character: Response to Keller's Opportunity in Tri-memetic Chaos, Joe Corbett
    Integral World - Trump the Uniter, Clinton the Divider, Joe Corbett
    Integral World - The War on Terror: Integral ramblings on Individualism and 'the war on ...', by Mark Edwards
    Integral World - Ken Wilber vs John Heron, How a very early (1999) and certainly one of the most important challenges against Ken Wilber's nondual view of the Divine went wrong, Oliver Griebel
    Integral World - Revisioning individuation: Bringing Jung into the integral fold, by Ray Harris
    Integral World - I Bodhisattva dovranno diventare politici, A fax-interview by Frank Visser with Ken Wilber
    Integral World - Response to, "Two Roads Diverging", Jeremy Johnson
    Integral World - The Skeptical Yogi, Part Three: Flying Yogis, Sacred Healing, and Divine Perfume, David Lane
    Integral World - Two Roads Diverging: Integral Theory and Contemporary Science, Tomislav Markus
    Integral World - Bald Ambition, Chapter 2: Individual Consciousness, Jeff Meyerhoff
    Integral World - Cultural Influence on Individual Stages, Giorgio Piacenza
    Integral World - Blended Cultural Stages in Today's World and Individual Development, Giorgio Piacenza
    Integral World - Ken Wilber, Involution, and Evolution as a Function of the Divine: Frank Visser and Perry Marshall in Conversation, Perry Marshall
    Integral World - The Great Wisdom Tradition's Divine Library, Brad Reynolds
    Integral World - A Toast to the Divine Spirit of the Kosmos... A Response to Frank Visser, Brad Reynolds
    Integral World - Standing Up for Adi Da - Devotees Have a Divine & Different View, Brad Reynolds
    Integral World - Yoga for War: The Politics of the Divine, Be Scofield
    Integral World - Re-orienting Wilber, The Significance of a Proper Understanding of the Individual-Social Relationship, Andy Smith
    Integral World - From Dirt to Divinity, Ken Wilber's pre-Darwinian Understanding of Evolution, Frank Visser
    Integral World - Ken Wilber's "Divine Comedy", An Interview with Jeff Meyerhoff about the book release of "Bald Ambition", Frank Visser
    Divided Minds, Divided Societies: How ILP Can Help Heal Social Division
    Divine Pride and the Integral Movement
    Recollecting Divinity
    The Great Divide
    Unitas Multiplex: A More Integral Approach to Diversity
    Laura Divine
    selforum - life divine is challenge
    selforum - repetition of divine name
    selforum - cosmic solidarity divergence and
    selforum - divine life which implies physical
    selforum - involution of divinity
    selforum - sri aurobindos gnostic individuals
    selforum - divine life in divine body
    selforum - life divine and beautiful
    selforum - spiritual anarchism or divine anarchy
    selforum - join horizontal and vertical divisions
    selforum - life divine yoga is new
    selforum - stamp of divine election
    selforum - hu hsu translated life divine
    selforum - integral yoga and life divine
    selforum - agni is divine spark in man
    selforum - towards divine anarchy
    selforum - diversity and unity in divine way
    selforum - life divine does not mention avatar or
    selforum - sri aurobindo has claimed divine
    selforum - transcendental universal individual
    selforum - buddhist eschewing of divine being
    selforum - cosmic harmony that is life divine
    selforum - new veda of divine life
    selforum - four primal personalities of divine are
    selforum - sri aurobindo divine mother sri
    selforum - we can divinize each activity each act
    selforum - complex unity based on diversity and
    selforum - life divine study guide compiled by
    selforum - feminine divine is central to paganism
    selforum - diverse research paradigms based on
    selforum - goal is realisation of divine in
    selforum - suppressing individual voice for
    selforum - education could no more be divorced
    selforum - life divine should sometimes also be
    selforum - divine determinism is rooted not in
    selforum - habermas proposes diversification of
    selforum - one thing individualism implies is god
    selforum - tuning ones own being to divine hymn of
    selforum - this very diversity gets labelled as
    selforum - by reading life divine one is veritably
    selforum - a dalliance of divine and teleological
    selforum - ethics and politics are indivisible
    selforum - intellect divisible into two important
    selforum - the hermetic deleuze and life divine by
    selforum - people operate with diverse systems of
    selforum - diversities are shrinking
    selforum - the divine works through harmony and
    selforum - divinity that was once attributed to
    selforum - new vistas open through life divine and
    selforum - vama marg is individualistic
    dedroidify.blogspot - entheogen-awakening-divine-within
    dedroidify.blogspot - daily-dedroidify-divine-ratio
    dedroidify.blogspot - intro-individualism-vs-collectivism
    dedroidify.blogspot - daily-show-clusterfk-to-poor-house-dive
    dedroidify.blogspot - politics-is-entertainment-division-of
    dedroidify.blogspot - bruce-damer-dennis-mckenna-deep-dive
    dedroidify.blogspot - philip-k-dicks-divine-invasion-sacred_23
    dedroidify.blogspot - philip-k-dicks-divine-invasion-sacred
    dedroidify.blogspot - philip-k-dicks-divine-invasion-fubar
    dedroidify.blogspot - finished-pkds-divine-invasion
    dedroidify.blogspot - i-swear-to-you-there-are-divine-things
    wiki.auroville - Divine
    wiki.auroville - Divine_Flowers
    wiki.auroville - Divine_influence
    wiki.auroville - Divine_life
    wiki.auroville - Divine_love
    wiki.auroville - Divine_Mother
    wiki.auroville - Divine_Presence
    wiki.auroville - Divine_Will
    wiki.auroville - Essays_Divine_and_Human
    wiki.auroville - File:There_is_a_Supreme_Divine_Consciousness.jpg
    wiki.auroville - Loretta_reads_Savitri:Three.II_"The_Adoration_of_the_Divine_Mother"
    wiki.auroville - The_Divine
    wiki.auroville - The_Life_Divine
    Dharmapedia - Adivasi
    Dharmapedia - Divine_Life_Society
    Dharmapedia - Divine_Mother
    Dharmapedia - Divinization
    Dharmapedia - Divorce_in_Islam
    Dharmapedia - The_Life_Divine
    Psychology Wiki - Category:Individual_differences
    Psychology Wiki - Divided_attention
    Psychology Wiki - Division_of_labor
    Psychology Wiki - Individual
    Psychology Wiki - Individual_differences
    Psychology Wiki - Individual_Differences:_Normal_and_Abnormal
    Psychology Wiki - Individualism
    Psychology Wiki - Integral_psychology_(Sri_Aurobindo)#Faculties_.28.22vertical.22_divisions.29
    Psychology Wiki - Integral_psychology_(Sri_Aurobindo)#Types_of_being_.28.22concentric.22_divisions.29
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    Occultopedia - astro-divination
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    object:Divine Child
    Ed, Edd n' Eddy (1999 - 2009) - Ed, Edd, and Eddy is about three young boys(estimated ages: 13-14) who live in a diverse yet fictional stereotypical neighborhood cul-de-sac (named Peach Creek) with other children. The three boys are constantly trying to "make tons of cash" by swindling the other kids any way possible, which usualy...
    The Golden Girls (1985 - 1992) - "Golden Girls" follows four elderly women, Dorathy, Blanch, Rose and Sophia, who are now roomates in Miami. Each one of them is either divorced or widowed.
    Pryde Of The X-Men (1989 - Current) - The little known "series" that came out in 1989, and lasted for only a single episode. More comic-bookish and stylized than the series we would all watch several years later, it had a more diverse team as well. Cyclops, Storm, and Wolverine are standard fare for X-Men cartoons, but Nightcrawler, C...
    Bionic Six (1987 - 1987) - The Bionic Six are a diverse adopted family representing a cross cultural slice of the world. All of whom have been given super powers through the miracle of modern science. Together, they use these advanced cybornetic powers to defend the world from the evil Dr. Scarab and his lackies.
    Extreme Ghostbusters (1997 - 1998) - Follow-up to the classic 1980s series involves Egon and Slimer from the orignal team as mentors to a group of multi-diverse teens who have taken over from the original guys. This series was much darker in tone than the original series, and some of the creatures were genuinely frightening. The humo...
    Power Rangers In Space (1998 - 1999) - The most evil forces of the univese (Rita & Zedd, the Machine Empire and Divatox) have formed an alliance with the monarch of all evil, Dark Specter. With Zordon as his prisoner, Dark Specter will use Zordon's powers to spread evil across the universe. Meanwhile Cassie, Ashley, Carlos and T.J. (4 of...
    Mighty Orbots (1984 - 1984) - The Mighty Orbots are six individual robots with their own unique powers and personalities that can, in times of need, combine to form a much larger, much more powerful robot, with the help of a human controller to coordinate them.
    Power Rangers Turbo (1997 - 1998) - The evil space pirate queen, Divatox, has begun her raid on Earth. To overcome this, Zordon had imbued the rangers' powers with turbo technology to combat her. Shift into turbo and drive into the middle of the action in this turbo-charged action series.
    Finders Keepers (1987 - 1990) - A Nickelodeon game show where children would run through a house and find hidden objects. The game was divided up into two rounds each with two halves for two teams. In the first half, the "Hidden Pictures" round, the contestants had to find objects (by circling it, Via the video writing pen) hidden...
    Ocean Girl (1994 - 1997) - Jason and Brett Bates have just accompanied thei divorcedr oceanographer mother to the most remote but advanced underwater facility in the world: O.R.C.A., a veritable city-state, where hundreds of people live and work. But for two young adolescents, this is hardly the adventure of a lifetime. Until...
    Action league NOW! (1998 - 2012) - Action League now were shorts from Kablam! in 1998 they made it into a tv show starting the Flesh super stong and super naked, thunder girl who flys like thunder, Stinkey diver who smells really bad, Meltman who has the power to melt.
    Aliens in the Family (1996 - 1996) - Cookie is a recombinant DNA scientist on a far planet. Divorced from her husband and looking for suitable material she abducts a suburban single father from earth. Love blossoms, they marry, and she with her three children join Doug with his two on Earth, an interstellar Brody/Brady bunch.
    One Day at a Time (1975 - 1984) - Divorced mother & 2 teenage daughters live in an apartment. Busy-body super sticks his nose into everything.
    Undressed (1999 - 2002) - MTV show chronicling the diverse (sexual) relationships between college students, including differences in race, sexual preference, and fetishes.
    Night Gallery (1970 - 1973) - Night Gallery was creator-host Rod Serling's follow-up to The Twilight Zone. Set in a shadowy museum of the outre, Serling weekly unveiled disturbing portraiture as preface to a highly diverse anthology of tales in the fantasy-horror vein. The first story the in the pilot episode was directed by Ste...
    Dear John (1988 - 1992) - After his wife leaves him for his best friend, John Lacey joins the One Two One Club, a support group for divorced and widowed people. The group consists of its fiery British leader Louise, sleazy Kirk, neurotic Ralph, aged but foxy Mrs. Philbert, and Kate, a red-headed divorcee who presents a possi...
    Family (1976 - 1980) - This was a 1 hour drama of the Lawrence family: lawyer father Doug, housewife, student and musician Kate, married (and quickly divorced) daughter student soon to be lawyer Nancy (Meredith Baxter), teenage son Willie and just-hitting-puberty daughter Letitia "Buddy" Lawrence (Kristy McNichol).
    Big Blue Marble (1973 - 1983) - The Big Blue Marble was a children's television program that forcused on the lives and children all over the world. In my opinion, it focused on the diversity and beauty of the many cultures in the world. Instead of featuring adults, it always explained from the view point of a child and used childr...
    Kate & Allie (1984 - 1989) - Two recently divorced woman, Kate McArdle and Allie Lowel, find comfort in one another after moving into a Greenwich apartment together with their children.
    The Crystal Maze (1990 - 1995) - A team of 3 male and 3 female contestants completed individual tasks throughout a maze, to collect time crystals. The team was led around the maze by their host, Richard O'Brian (The Rocky Horror Show) for the first four seasons (1990 - 1993), and Ed Tudor-Pole (Ten Pole Tudor) in the latter 2 seaso...
    Hello Larry (1979 - 1980) - McLean Stevenson (whom left the very sucessful M*A*S*H after the third season) starred in this short lived TV series about a divorced radio pychathrist (not unlike "Fraiser") struggling to keep his life together, while juggling his professional career with raising two teen girls. Even a cross-over w...
    The Bold and the Beautiful (1987 - Current) - In the fashion world, the Forrester family rules from their stylish mansion in Beverly Hills. But behind the glitter and glamour of the runway, the Foresters encounter many hardships, including divorces, alcoholism, and deaths
    Robot Wars (1997 - 2003) - In each heat, six robots knock several different colours of engine oil out of each other in order to find a winner to go forward to the finals. To do this, two robots are eliminated in the first two rounds and the other three are knocked out individually, leaving one left who is the winner.
    The Bob Newhart Show (1972 - 1978) - The popular CBS series starred Newhart as Robert Hartley, a Chicago psychologist. The show divided most of its action between the character's home life and work, with Suzanne Pleshette as Hartley's occasionally sarcastic wife Emily, and Bill Daily as their neighbor, inept airline navigator Howard Bo...
    The Tom & Jerry Comedy Show (1980 - 1981) - The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show is an American animated television program produced by Filmation for MGM Television in 1980, on CBS for Saturday mornings. The show lasted two seasons (with season two consisting of reruns) and the individual episodes were eventually added to syndicated Tom and Jerry pa...
    You Wish (1997 - 1998) - When divorced mother of two Jillian Apple (Harley Jane Kozak) goes into Mustapha's (John Rhys-Davies) rug shop in search of a purple rug, she gets more than she bargained for... with the rug comes an imprisoned Genie (John Ales)! Although goofy Genie's eager to use his magical powers to serve his n...
    Camp Wilder (1992 - 1993) - A divorced mother of one moves back to her parent's house after they die to take care of her teenage siblings.
    Three's a Crowd (1984 - 1985) - This series continues where Three's Company ended. Jack Tripper met Vicky Bradford and fell in love with her at first sight. In the last episode he proposed marriage but due to her parents' divorce, she doesn't believe or want, but is willing to live with him. So, they move into the apartment above...
    StarCom (1987 - 1987) - Based on the toy line of the same name by Coleco, StarCom was the name of the elite U.S. Space Force division that focused on exploring, colonizing, and defending our Solar System from the threat of the Shadow Force, a band of evil humans who had their own dark agenda for the future of human expansi...
    Gobots: Machine robo (1986 - 1988) - Machine Robo is a Japanese transforming robot toyline first released in 1982 by Popy, a division of Bandai, then later by Bandai proper. The franchise was marketed as Robo Machine in Europe, and Machine Men (or Robot Machine Men) in Australia. A large portion of these toys were exported to North Ame...
    Free Spirit (1989 - 1990) - When young Gene wishes for a friend, his wish is granted and into his family's life falls witch Winnie Goodwin. Taking on the job of housekeeper, Winnie charms the Harper family at her every task. The catch is that while the kids know that she's a witch, divorced dad T.J. doesn't.
    The Weekenders (1999 - 2004) - The Weekenders is an American animated television series about the week end life of four diverse 7th graders: Tino Tonitini, Lorraine "Lor" McQuarrie, Carver Descartes, and Petratishkovna ("Tish") Katsufrakis, voiced by veteran cartoon voice-actors: Jason Marsden, Grey DeLisle, Phil LaMarr, and Kath...
    The Mystic Knights Of Tir Na Nog (1998 - 1999) - Long ago, oceans away on a mystical island, lived two families, divided by an ordeal that had taken place many years before. Queen Maeve, the evil amazonian ruler of Temra, believed that it was her birthright to rule the entire island, and would stop at nothing to get her way. Vowing never to give i...
    Generation O! (2000 - 2001) - Generation O! (also called G.O! by fans) is an animated children's television series made by the now defunct Sunbow Entertainment, a division of Sony Wonder, with co-production provided by Wang Films in Taiwan and Ravensberger in Germany.
    Division 4 (1969 - 1975) - a tv cop show from crawford tv in australia featuring terry donovan (jason,s dad) and gerard kennedy shown in uk in yorkshire
    Once and Again (1999 - 2002) - A divorced father and a soon-to-be divorced mother meet and begin a romantic courtship which is always complicated by their respective children and their own life problems.
    You're Under Arrest! (1996 - 2008) - Based on the best-selling manga series by creator Kosuke Fujishima (also the creator of Oh My Goddess), You're Under Arrest follows the exploits of two young policewomen in the Traffic Division of Bokuto Station.
    Oh Madeline (1982 - 1984) - After 10 years of marriage, Madeline is bored, so she decides to try every trendy diversion that comes along. Plenty of slapstick comedy, along with marital misunderstandings, make this show reminiscent of "I Love Lucy".
    FM (1989 - 1990) - FM was a one year show about Ted Costas, a director for a free-form public radio station in Washington D.C. He has woman problems and is divorced. Costas is the divorced father of a teenage daughter and is still in love with his ex-wife Lee-Ann. They reunite and now Lee-Ann has returned to resume he...
    Divine Design (1999 - Current) -
    Divorce Court (1999 - 2006) -
    ER (1984 - 1985) - Dr. Sheinfeld, freshly divorced, becomes physician on call at the emergency room of a Chicago hospital, where he soon locks horns with the vivacious Dr. Eve Sheridan and attracts the puppy-love of (pediatrics) Nurse Cory. Situational humor mixes with tense medical crises.
    Never the Twain (1988 - 1994) - Simon Peel and Oliver Smallbridge contest a bitter rivalry in all that they do. Not only are they next-door neighbours, they are also rivals in the antiques market (formerly business partners, they are now pursuing trade individually). Typifying his character, Peel believes that he deals in the best...
    Second Thoughts (1991 - 1993) - A good-value comedy about two young-middle-aged divorcees with very different backgrounds, trying to build - and cling to - a relationship despite the pressures pulling it apart. The principal players were the ever-excellent James Bolam, cast as Bill Macgregor, the art editor of a style magazine, an...
    Benji Takes a Dive at Marineland (1981 - 1981) - A 1981 tv special in which Benji the dog scuba dives at Florida's Marinelannd.
    Psycho-Pass (2012 - 2013) - The series takes place in the near future, when it is possible to instantaneously measure and quantify a person's state of mind and personality. This information is recorded and processed, and the term "Psycho-Pass" in the anime's title refers to a standard used to measure an individual's being. The...
    ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept. (2017 - 2017) - The kingdom of Dowa, which is subdivided into 13 states, is celebrating its monarch's 99th birthday. These 13 states have many agencies that are controlled by the giant organization known as ACCA. Within ACCA, Jean Otus is the second-in-command of the inspection agency. His agency has ten people pla...
    NHL on CBS (1957 - 1980) - The NHL on CBS is the branding used for broadcasts of National Hockey League (NHL) games produced by CBS Sports, the sports division of the CBS television network in the United States, for three separate periods from 1957 to 1960, 1967 to 1972 and 1979 to 1980. With the original 1957 game telecasts,...
    NBA on CBS (1973 - 1990) - The NBA on CBS is the branding that was used for weekly broadcasts of National Basketball Association (NBA) games produced by CBS Sports, the sports division of the CBS television network in the United States. CBS aired NBA games from the 19731974 NBA season (when it succeeded ABC Sports as the nat...
    Major League Baseball on CBS (1955 - 1993) - Major League Baseball on CBS is the branding used for broadcasts of Major League Baseball (MLB) games produced by CBS Sports, the sports division of the CBS television network in the United States. CBS was notably the first network to air baseball in full color. On August 11, 1951, CBS' flagship tel...
    Mobile Police Patlabor: The New Files (1990 - 1992) - Special Vehicles Division 2 is back on duty, along with their Ingram Patrol Labor (Patlabor) robots. Using their courage as well as the Ingrams, Captain Goto's motley crew of officers battle crime in Tokyo city. They also deal with their personal lives, as well as the supernatural.
    Umineko: When They Cry (2009 - 2009) - On 4 October 1986, Kinzo Ushiromiya, the head of a wealthy family, who lives on and owns Rokkenjima, a secluded island, is near death, and eight of his family members arrive on the island to discuss how Kinzo's assets will be divided once he is dead. Also on the island are three family members who l...
    Mary (1985 TV series) (1985 - 1986) - This short-lived sitcom series about a 40-ish divorcee named Mary Brenner (Mary Tyler Moore) working as a consumer help-line columnist at the Chicago Eagle.
    Dive Olly Dive! (2005 - 2012) - Dive Olly Dive follows the adventures of Olly, a young submarine-in-training, and Beth, his best friend and fellow sub-in-training. Stationed at the Special Underwater Research Facility (S.U.R.F.) under the guidance of Diver Doug, the young subs explore their spectacular underwater world.
    Diver Dan (1961 - 1962) - A series of puppet films that follows the adventures of Diver Dan..A deep sea crusader..who helps protect his fishy friends and "Miss Mirnerva the mermaid queen"from"Baron Barracuda" and "Trigger Fish". Comic/Character actor and mimic Allen Swift did all of the puppet voices and "Diver Dan's Voice'....
    Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 - 2014) - Star Wars: The Clone Wars is an American 3D CGI animated television series created by George Lucas and produced by Lucasfilm Animation with the division Lucasfilm Animation Singapore, Lucasfilm and CGCG Inc. The series debuted on the US version of Cartoon Network on October 3, 2008. It is set in the...
    Milly, Molly (2006 - 2009) - Milly, Molly is a series of New Zealand children's books by Gill Pittar. This show follows the adventures of two little girls from different ethnic backgrounds as they face the acceptance of diversity and the learning of life skills as they keep their friendship steady.
    The Spirit of Christmas (1953) (1953 - 1960) - a Christmas television special performed by marionettes.[1] It first aired in 1953 in the United States.[1] Its half-hour showing time is divided into two marrionette segments, one dramatizing "A Visit from St. Nicholas" and one telling the story of the Nativity.[1] The live-action part of the film...
    He Is My Master (2005 - Current) - a television anime series in the harem genre[1] with a lolicon aspect.[2] The manga is authored by two individuals: Mattsu () who does the story and his ex-wife Asu Tsubaki () who does the artwork. Because of their acrimonious split, the manga will probably be drawn by someone else soon.Seven...
    The Tower of Druaga (2008 - 2009) - It is said that every few years, there is what's known as the "Summer of Anu." During that summer, thanks to the divine protection of the sky-god Anu, all of the demons in the tower lose their power. The country of Uruk has begun an invasion of the tower in order to suppress the demons. They've buil...
    NCAA College Basketball on CBS (1981 - Current) - NCAA College Basketball on CBS (usually referred to on-air as the Road to the Final Four) is the branding used for broadcasts of men's NCAA Division I basketball games that are produced by CBS Sports.
    Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic (2012 - 2014) - a Japanese fantasy adventure manga series written and illustrated by Shinobu Ohtaka. It was serialized in Weekly Shnen Sunday from June 2009 to October 2017, with the individual chapters collected and published into 37 tankbon volumes by Shogakukan. In 2014, the manga received the 59th Shogakukan...
    Twin Star Exorcists (2016 - 2017) - a Japanese shnen manga series written and illustrated by Yoshiaki Sukeno. The manga has been serialized in Shueisha's Jump Square magazine by Yoshiaki Sukeno since October 2013, with individual chapters collected into seventeen tankbon volumes as of December 4, 2018. The story revolves around Roku...
    Tamagotchi! (2009 - 2015) - a 2009 Japanese fantasy slice of life anime series produced by OLM's Team Kamei division, officially based on the Tamagotchi digital pet jointly created by Bandai and WiZ. It is directed by Jji Shimura (Pokmon) and written by Aya Matsui (Boys Over Flowers), with character designs done by Sayuri Ic...
    Super Robot Wars Original Generation: Divine Wars (2006 - 2007) - (OG -- Sp Robotto Taisen j Dibain Wzu) is a Japanese anime series, that retells the events from the Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation game, a game featuring only original characters and mechs created by Banpresto for the Super Robot Wars franchise. A sequel titled Supe...
    Welcome to the N.H.K. (2006 - Current) - a Japanese novel written by Tatsuhiko Takimoto, with a cover illustration by Yoshitoshi ABe, and was published by Kadokawa Shoten in Japan on January 28, 2002. The novel was first published in English by Tokyopop on October 9, 2007. The story revolves around a 22-year-old asocial individual who gets...
    Sketchbook (2007 - Current) - a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Totan Kobako. First serialized in the April 2002 issue of Comic Blade, the individual chapters are collected and published by Mag Garden. Chapters have also appeared in Comic Blade Masamune. An anime adaptation, under the title Sketchbook ~full colo...
    Space Emperor God Sigma (1980 - 1981) - a mecha anime television series aired from 1980 to 1981. It ran for 50 episodes. It is also referred to as "God Sigma, Empire of Space" and "Space Combination God Sigma".Space Emperor God Sigma was created by Toei's Television Division, under the name "Saburo Yatsude" and produced by Academy Product...
    Haikyu!! (2014 - Current) - !! Haiky!!, from the kanji "volleyball") is a Japanese shnen manga series written and illustrated by Haruichi Furudate. Individual chapters have been serialized in Weekly Shnen Jump since February 2012, with bound volumes published by Shueisha. The series was initially published as a one-...
    Gundam Build Divers (2018 - Current) - a Japanese science fiction anime television series produced by Sunrise, and a spiritual successor to the 2013 anime Gundam Build Fighters, based on the long-running Gundam franchise. It is directed by Shinya Watada (Gundam Build Fighters Try) and written by Noboru Kimura (SoltyRei, Dragonar Academy)...
    Gaiking: Legend of Daiku-Maryu (2005 - 2006) - (Japanese: LEGEND OF DAIKU-MARYU Hepburn: Gaikingu Rejendo Obu Daik Mary, lit. Gaiking: Legend of the Divine Demon-Dragon) is a Super Robot mecha anime series produced by Toei Animation. It was a re-imagining of the original series created by Go Nagai (who also created Mazinger Z) and was ai...
    Witch Hunter Robin (2002 - 2002) - Witches are individuals with special powers like ESP, telekinesis, mind control, etc. Robin, a 15-year-old craft user, arrives from Italy to Japan to work for an organization named STN Japan Division (STN-J) as a replacement for one of STN-J's witch hunters who was recently killed. Unlike other divi...
    PGA Tour on CBS (1956 - Current) - PGA Tour on CBS (or Golf on CBS) is the branding used for broadcasts of the PGA Tour that are produced by CBS Sports, the sports division of the CBS television network in the United States. CBS first carried the PGA Championship from 1956 to 1964 and would pick it up again in 1991. In 1970 CBS picke...
    Misaki Chronicles (2004 - Current) - an anime sequel to Divergence Eve. It follows smoothly from the previous series. The characters are the same and the plot is similar, but the theme of the episodes is much different. In this series, the elite team at Watcher's Nest is traveling through time, fighting the Ghoul at different points in...
    WDIV-TV Newscasts (1947 - Current) - WDIV-TV in Detroit presently broadcasts 36 and a half hours of locally produced newscasts each week.
    Phantom Thief Jeanne (1999 - 2000) - Kamikaze Kait Jannu, lit. "Divine Wind Phantom Thief Jeanne") is a fantasy shjo manga series written and illustrated by Arina Tanemura. The story is about the adventures of a high school girl, Maron Kusakabe, who is the reincarnation of Jeanne D'Arc and transforms into a phantom thief-magical girl...
    Baka & Test - Summon the Beasts (2010 - 2010) - The story centers around Akihisa Yoshii, the "baka" of the title. His academy rigidly divides up the student body into classes based on the results of tests. The prodigies are in the A class with reclining seats complete with air conditioning, but Akihisa is in F class, the lowest rung of the school...
    Little People (1999 - 2014) - A tv series base on the toys by fisher price,138 individual episodes (135 stop motion episodes and 3 CGI episodes), and six music videos, have been produced for the Little People franchise. They have been grouped into around thirty volumes, and released for home media on over fifteen DVDs. In additi...
    Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch (2003 - 2004) - A 91-episode anime series was produced by TV Aichi, divided into two seasons, aired in Japan from April 2003 to December 2004. The first season is composed of 52 episodes, while the second, entitled Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure, lasted for 39.Lucia Nanami, the mermaid princess of the North...
    Chrono Crusade (2003 - 2004) - set in the height of the Roaring Twenties, where jazz is king, bootleg liquor flows freely, and the mob rules the streets. It is a time of prosperity, luxury and decadence, and the division between rich and poor grows even wider in the wake of the First World War. It is at such times of great change...
    Gilgamesh (2003 - 2004) - A dark and apocalyptic anime series based on the original story was adapted by Group TAC in 2003. Gilgamesh is set in the super present and the plot revolves around characters who can be divided into four groups: The Countess and the Orga-Superior, the Mitleid Corporation, the siblings, and the Gilg...
    American Idol (2002 - Current) - First created by Simon Fuller as an American version of the British show Pop Idol, the show soon expanded into a nationwide phenomenon. Each season, a group of individuals from each city audition in front of a panel of judges, originally Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and the very harsh and critical Si...
    Cold Case (2003 - 2010) - Cold Case is an American police procedural television series which ran on CBS from September 28, 2003 to May 2, 2010. The series revolved around a fictionalized Philadelphia Police Department division that specializes in investigating cold cases. On May 18, 2010, CBS announced that the series had be...
    Stressed Eric (1998 - 1998) - Eric Feeble is a man living in London who strives to survive his divorce, angry boss, rival family, almost alien children, drunken housekeeper and even his own "achievements".
    Marine Boy (Kaitei Shounen Marine) (1969 - 1971) - Marine Boy is the son of Dr. Mariner and is part of the the Ocean Patrol headquarters. His Marine suit is designed as bulletproof, and his ability to use his propelled boots. He also uses his electric boomerang to paralyze enemies and oxy-gum to breathe underwater without any diving gear.
    You Again? (1986 - 1986) - Ever since his bitter divorce years earlier, Henry Willows (Jack Klugman) had been leading a quiet, peaceful life -- and he'd become set in his ways. But when his 17 year-old son, Matt (John Stamos), whom he'd not seen since the divorce, came knocking on the door, Henry found his life being turned u...
    Walter and Emily (1991 - 1992) - A divorced sportswriter reluctantly allows his bickering parents to help raise his son in order to maintain custody of the boy, who is a magnet for trouble.
    Extreme Makeover (2002 - 2007) - Three individuals fly to Hollywood to receive an "Extreme Makeover" consisting of plastic surgery, an exercise regimen, and wardrobe changes. The fries and families of each participant were not allowed to see hem for the period during the changes.
    Thoroughbred Racing on NBC (1949 - Current) - Thoroughbred Racing on NBC is the de facto title for a series of horse races events whose broadcasts are produced by NBC Sports, the sports division of the NBC television network in the United States. The series began in 1949 with the annual broadcast of the Kentucky Derby but it also added the Bree...
    Tennis on CBS (1968 - 2014) - Tennis on CBS is the branding used for broadcasts of professional tennis tournaments that were produced by CBS Sports, the sports division of the CBS television network in the United States. At the time the network's broadcast agreements with the United States Tennis Association (USTA) ended in 2014...
    Fox College Football (1999 - Current) - Fox College Football (or Fox CFB for short) is the branding used for broadcasts of NCAA Division I FBS college football games produced by Fox Sports, and broadcast primarily by Fox, FS1, and FS2.
    Thoroughbred Racing on CBS (1948 - 1985) - Thoroughbred Racing on CBS is the de facto title for a series of horse races events whose broadcasts are produced by CBS Sports, the sports division of the CBS television network in the United States.
    ESPN College Football (1982 - Current) - ESPN College Football is the branding used for broadcasts of NCAA Division I FBS college football across ESPN properties including ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN3, ESPN+, ABC, ESPN Classic, ESPNU, ESPN Deportes, ESPNews and ESPN Radio.
    ESPN College Football on ABC (1966 - Current) - ESPN College Football on ABC (branded for sponsorship purposes as ESPN College Football on ABC presented by Tracfone) is the branding used for broadcasts of National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) college football games that are produced by ESPN, an...
    Saturday Night Football (2006 - Current) - ESPN Saturday Night Football on ABC (branded for sponsorship purposes as ESPN Saturday Night Football on ABC presented by Bass Pro Shops and Cabela's) is a weekly presentation of prime time broadcasts of National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) colle...
    ESPN College Basketball (1979 - Current) - ESPN College Basketball is a blanket title used for presentations of college basketball on ESPN and its family of networks. Its coverage focuses primarily on competition in NCAA Division I, holding broadcast rights to games from each major conference, and a number of mid-major conferences.
    College Basketball on NBC (1969 - 1998) - College Basketball on NBC is the branding used for broadcasts of NCAA Division I men's college basketball games formerly produced by NBC Sports, the sports division of the NBC television network in the United States. From 1969 to 1981, NBC covered the NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament. It...
    LoliRock (2014 - 2017) - The adventures of Iris, a teenage girl who must divide her time between gigs with her rock band and life as a princess from a faraway kingdom.
    Tennis on NBC (1955 - Current) - Tennis on NBC is the de facto branding used for broadcasts of major professional tennis tournaments that are produced by NBC Sports, the sports division of the NBC television network in the United States. The network's tennis coverage normally airs during the afternoon; however for several weeks in...
    College Football on CBS (1956 - Current) - The SEC on CBS (branded as The Home Depot SEC on CBS for sponsorship reasons and also formerly known as College Football on CBS) is the branding used for broadcasts of Southeastern Conference college football games that are produced by CBS Sports, the sports division of the CBS television network in...
    Momentos Divertidos (2020 - Current) - Vdeo nuevo aqu cada viernes
    The Wizard(1989) - Corey and Jimmy Woods are two brothers who are being separated due to their parents divorcing. Jimmy is an autistic kid that has had problems ever since his sister died at a young age. One day, Corey discovers that Jimmy has a natural talent for playing video games. He is one of the best around, and...
    The Lost Boys(1987) - Financial troubles force a recent divorcee and her teenage sons Mike and Sam to settle down with her father in the California town of Santa Carla. At first, Sam laughs off rumours he hears about vampires who inhabit the small town. But after Mike meets a beautiful girl at the local amusement park, h...
    Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie(1997) - The legendary Power Rangers must stop the evil space pirate Divatox from releasing the powerful Maligore from his volcanic imprisonment on the island of Muranthias, where only the kindly wizard Lerigot has the key to release him. The hope of victory lies in the Ranger's incredible new Turbo powers a...
    Sesame Street Presents: Follow That Bird(1985) - When a pesky social worker thinks Big Bird should be with his own kind (other birds) instead of living on the diverse Sesame Street, she sends him to a foster with a family of Dodos, but he is not happy and runs away. Big Bird begins a long adventure wandering the country. In the mean time, his frie...
    Batman Returns(1992) - Batman Now Comes Face To Face With The Penguin, A Warped And Deformed Individual Who Is Intent On Being Accepted Into Gotham City's Society, Crooked Businessman Max Schreck Is Coerced Into Helping Him Become Mayor Of Gotham City And They Both Attempt To Expose Batman In A Different Light.
    The Santa Clause(1994) - When divorced dad Scott Calvin goes to sleep on Christmas Eve with his son Charlie who is eagerly awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus, Scott breaks to Charlie the news that Santa is not real. When they hear the noise of Santa landing on thier roof, they both run outside where Scott sees Santa on the...
    Falling Down(1993) - Michael Douglas plays a person having a very bad day because of a divorce that had turned him the wrong way. This man is trying to get along but certain issues are driving him away. An urban tale of a man at war with the every day life.
    The Parent Trap(1998) - Identical twins, Annie and Hallie, whom were played by Lindsay Lohan were separated when their parents divorced. They met at camp and discovered that they were sisters. In order to get their parents back together, they switch places, Annie going to California and Hallie going to London. One has nev...
    Troop Beverly Hills(1989) - A mom from Beverly Hills gets a divorce and loses her job (I Think) she's at the house bored with nothing to do. Her daughter played by Jenny Lewis (Rilo Kiley) is in girl scouts and her mom decides to mentor the group her daughters in. All the kids are from Beverly Hills.
    Pink Flamingos(1972) - A sleazy family tries to compete for the "Filthiest people alive" in this John Waters movie. Divine lives in a trailer with her son crackers, and 250 lb moma edie.But Connie and raymond Marble also want to be the filtiest people. This movie is filled with , animal sex, impregnating females and sel...
    Rollerball(1975) - In a futuristic society where corporations have replaced countries, the violent game of Rollerball is used to control the populace by demonstrating the futility of individuality. However, one player, Jonathan E., rises to the top, and fights for his personal freedom and threatens the corporate contr...
    The Money Pit(1986) - Money Pit (American) is a 1986 film comedy remake of Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House starring Tom Hanks as Walter Fielding Jr., an entertainment industry lawyer and Shelley Long as Anna Crowley, a violinist who recently divorced her husband, Max Beissart, played by Alexander Godunov. Max happen...
    Magic in the Water(1995) - Jack Black, a radio talk doctor and divorced father, takes his kids Joshua and Ashley on a trip to a lake in British Columbia. As he spends his vacation working, the kids learn that the locals believe a mythical lake monster named Orcy lives in the water. Joshua like many others thinks it's just a...
    The Cannonball Run(1981) - A bunch of interesting individuals gather together for an illegal cross-country race. And some of the competitors don't mind playing dirty.
    Renaissance Man(1994) - Penny Marshall's feel-good comedy, invoking parts of Dead Poet's Society, Sister Act, and Private Benjamin, features Danny DeVito as Bill Rago, a divorced advertising man who is fired from his job. During an appointment at the unemployment office, a counselor finds him a job as a civilian instructor...
    She's Out of Control(1989) - Divorcee Doug Simpson is a radio station producer from California who lives with his two daughters, Katie and Bonnie. When his oldest daughter (Katie) turns 15, she suggests to her father that's it's time for her to start looking more grown-up. For the last 14 years, Katie had been wearing dowdy clo...
    Say Anything...(1989) - Ione Skye plays a high-school valedictorian on the verge of heading to England on a prestigious scholarship. This is especially thrilling to Skye's divorced father John Mahoney, who has always shared a special relationship with the girl, less father/ daughter than friend/ friend. When Skye begins da...
    Colors(1988) - Colors stars Robert Duvall and Sean Penn as partners on the LAPD's gang crime division. Duvall had hoped to spend more time with his family, but he's pulled back into active service because of a step-up in gang activity. He makes no secret of his contempt for his novice partner Penn, but eventually...
    The Untouchables(1987) - Al Capone (Robert DeNiro) is one of the most powerful gangsters in Chicago. A boastful individual, he charms reporters one minute and murders lackeys the next. Agent Elliot Ness (Kevin Costner) wants to take him down, but the police force is very corrupt, so Ness chooses a small group of individuals...
    How to Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days(1987) - A kid strives to be perfect, and in the end realizes that individuality is mor
    Every Which Way But Loose(1978) - Philo Beddoe is a trucker,who also street fights for money.He falls in love with a woman(Lynn),who leaves unannounced.Philo,along with his friend(Orville)and pet orangutan(Clyde),go on a trip to find Lynn.Along the way they have encounters,with all sorts of strange individuals.Starring Clint Eastwoo...
    Stepmom(1998) - Anna and Ben, the two children of Jackie and Luke, have to cope with the fact that their parents divorced and that there is a new woman in their father's life: Isabel, a successful photographer. She does her best to treat the kids in a way that makes them still feel at home when being with their dad...
    Tango & Cash(1989) - Ray Tango (Stallone) and Gabriel Cash (Russell) are the two top cops in the Los Angeles narcotics division. Tango is a straight edge smooth talking businessman type, while Cash is a sloppy bachelor with a nothing to lose attitude. Between the two they have seized millions of dollars in drugs and wea...
    House Arrest(1996) - High-schooler Grover Beindorf and his younger sister Stacy decide that their parents, Janet and Ned, are acting childishly when they decide to divorce after 18 years of marriage, so they lock them up in the basement until they can sort out their problems. Their schoolfriends also decide to do the sa...
    Game Day(1999) - In this comedy, a coach turns a team of losers into winners...but can he do the same thing for himself? Steve Adler (Richard Lewis) was once the head coach of the basketball team for a prestigious Division One university, but after a long and disastrous losing streak, Adler was fired, and after boun...
    Jackie's Back(1999) - Soul diva Jackie Washington is determined to hit the comeback trail but seems to be having trouble finding the on-ramp in the mock-documentary comedy Jackie's Back. Jackie (played by Jenifer Lewis) was a Rhythm and Blues singer who had a few late '60's and early 70's hits, including "Yield" and the...
    Cutaway(2000) - Vic Cooper (Stephen Baldwin) is an undercover agent with U.S. Customs who is dedicated to his job, but has a bad habit of getting too close to his adversaries for his own good. Back on the force after a suspension, Cooper is assigned to infiltrate a group of nomadic sky-diving enthusiasts led by Red...
    Slam Dunk Ernest(1995) - Poor Ernest P. Worrell (Jim Varney). All he wants is to be a real basketball player on the amateur team with all the other janitors from his workplace. Unfortunately, they have all told him over and over that white guys like him just can't jump. That turns out to be true until he receives divine ass...
    Do The Right Thing(1989) - Director Spike Lee dives head-first into a maelstrom of racial and social ills, using as his springboard the hottest day of the year on one block in Brooklyn, NY. Three businesses dominate the block: a storefront radio station, where a smooth-talkin' deejay (Samuel L. Jackson) spins the platters tha...
    Betrayal of the Dove(1992) - Divorcee Helen Slater doesn't mind single life, but she doesn't like being alone either. Her best pal Kelly LeBrock dutifully sets up a blind date. Outwardly charming doctor Billy Zane is Slater's companion for the evening, and things couldn't be rosier. But it turns out that neither Zane nor LeBroc...
    I Love You to Death(1990) - Joey works with Rosalie in their pizza parlor. She is convinced that he works all of the time for them and her world dissolves when she finds that he has been fooling around for years. Being Catholic, divorce is out of the question, so she and her mother and her best friend decide to kill him. Hopel...
    Internal Affairs(1990) - In this glossy L.A. crime drama by Mike Figgis, Andy Garcia stars as Sgt. Raymond Avila, a cop who just joined the Internal Affairs division of the L.A.P.D. An investigation into police corruption has led Avila and his partner, Sgt. Amy Wallace (Laurie Metcalf), to Officer Dennis Peck (Richard Gere)...
    200 Cigarettes(1999) - A collection of twentysomethings try to cope with relationships, loneliness, desire and their individual neuroses.
    Denial(1998) - Adam Rifkin wrote and directed this comedy that begins at a Los Angeles dinner party when unmarried, unattached novelist Art Witz (Jason Alexander with hair) argues that couples actually live in a state of denial and cannot maintain monogamous relationships. The plotline diverges to examine the live...
    Continental Divide(1981) - Ernie Souchak (John Belushi) is a Chicago newspaper man known for stirring up controversy. He's sent to Wyoming for his own safety after a very controversial story. Up on the mountains, he befriends an environmentalist named Nell Porter (Blair Brown)...Well, it isn't friendship at first, but eventua...
    A Simple Twist of Fate(1994) - High school music teacher Michael McCann is a lonesome man who feels no pity for anyone else at the divorce of his wife, until a child crawls into his life and turns it upside down. Finally achieving happiness in his life with his new adopted daughter, a crooked politician is determined to take back...
    Bye Bye Love(1995) - Divorce is never easy for anyone, but life after divorce is twice as hard especially for best friends Dave, Vic, and Donny as they prepare for weekend custody of their children. Over the course of 72 hours, the dads have their share of problems...along with their share of conflict with their ex-wiv...
    Irreconcilable Differences(1984) - They have spent almost ten years together but now Casey Brodsky is ready to go out on her own and files for divorce...from her parents. Tired of being caught in the custodial crossfire of her constantly feuding folks and feeling ignored and alienated, the nine-year-old child's case sets off the med...
    Multiple Maniacs(1970) - The travelling sideshow 'Lady Divine's Cavalcade of Perversions' is actually a front for a group of psychotic kidnappers, with Lady Divine herself the most vicious and depraved of all - but her life changes after she gets raped by a fifteen-foot lobster.
    Action Jackson(1988) - Sgt. Jericho "Action" Jackson (Carl Weathers) is one of the toughest cops in Detroit. Much to the chagrin of his superiors, he's a very violent individual, but all in the name of the law. His latest case involves murderous car manufacturer Peter Dellaplane (Craig T. Nelson). He framed Jackson for th...
    North(1994) - north is a story about a kid who divorces his parents to find a better family.On his way he meets a strange sort of guardian angel played by bruce willis.He goes to many families but still he just doesn't feel right.This movie has poor writing,but its very strange to have an all star cast including...
    Dreamscape(1984) - Alex Gardner is a down on his luck psychic whogambles . After a run in with a gangster named Sneed,Gardner joins his former mentor Dr. Paul Novotny for a university project:a way to project the minds of certain individuals into the dreams of others.He uses this gift to help those troubled by disturb...
    Amsterdamned(1988) - A mysterious diver hiding in Amsterdam's canal system embarks on a rampage of gruesome murders, terrifying city officials and leaving few clues for the city's best detective, who doesn't suspect that both his new girlfriend and twelve-year-old daughter may be closer than he is to finding the killer.
    Terminal Velocity(1994) - Ditch Brodie is a maverick skydiving instructor. One day, a beautiful girl comes in, wanting to take her first jump. Up in the air, Ditch takes his eyes off her momentarily, then looks back to find out that she has fallen out, dying on impact. Ditch is suspicious that all is not as it seems, because...
    Waiting to Exhale(1995) - Four African American women living in Phoenix are having poor luck with men and life. Savannah Jackson (Whitney Houston) is a successful television producer who's lover is married. Bernadine Harris (Angela Bassett) is wealthy and is suffering the difficulty of going through a divorce. Gloria Johnso...
    The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Movie(1979) - A collection of Warner Brothers short cartoon by Chuck Jones features, "starring" the likes of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig and Wile.E.Coyote. These animations are interspersed by Bugs Bunny reminiscing on past events and providing links between the individual animations which are otherwise unc...
    How Stella Got Her Groove Back(1998) - Terry McMillan and Ron Bass wrote this screenplay based on McMillan's semi-autobiographical best-selling novel (over 2,000,000 copies in print before the release of this film). San Francisco stockbroker Stella (Angela Bassett), a 40-year-old divorcee, has a nice Marin County home and an 11-year-old...
    Drop Zone(1994) - A team of skydiving crooks led by DEA-agent-turned-bad Busey specialize in landing on police roofs and breaking in so their evil computer nerd can steal undercover agents' files and sell them to drug lords. Federal Marshal Snipes lost a brother to this crew and learns skydiving with the help of toug...
    King Of New York(1990) - The gritty underbelly of New York's complex, ethnically divided criminal world is exposed in this dark drama from director Abel Ferrara. Christopher Walken stars as Frank White, a drug lord who's just been released from a long stint in prison. Aware that feeding off of society's depravity has made h...
    The Show(1995) - This documentary offers viewers an in depth look at the world of hip-hop and rap music as it chronicles a diverse group of performers preparing to give a major concert at Philadelphia's Armory. Interspersed amongst the preparations are interviews with rappers past and present, looks at their persona...
    Fair Game(1995) - Supermodel and sex symbol Cindy Crawford made her acting debut in this high-decibel thriller. Kate McQuean (Crawford) is a lawyer who in the course of a divorce proceeding attempts to seize a 157-foot freighter docked off the Florida coast in lieu of unpaid alimony. It turns out that the freig...
    Race(1998) - Tom Musca directed this social satire on the United States electoral system. The comedy-drama explores how class and race divisions impact on the process when a Chicano housepainter in East Los Angeles decides to run for the city council. Pressured by his wife (Annette Murphy), Gustavo Alvarez (Paul...
    8 Mile(2002) - The setting is Detroit in 1995. The city is divided by 8 Mile, a road that splits the town in half along racial lines. A young white rapper, Jimmy "B-Rabbit" Smith Jr summons strength within himself to cross over these arbitrary boundaries to fulfill his dream of success in hip hop. With future and...
    Murder: By Reason Of Insanity(1985) - The Berwids, Ewa (Candice Bergen) and Adam (Jurgen Prochnow), are immigrants from Poland. When they come to America, their careers diverge. His is a failure, her's is a success, and jealousy rears its' very ugly head.
    Yojimbo(1961) - A crafty ronin comes to a town divided by two criminal gangs and decides to play them against each other to free the town.
    That Old Feeling(1997) - When an inimically divorced couple meets up again at the formal wedding of their somewhat humiliated daughter, their animosity is rekindled on sight. But that spark quickly snowballs into an old flame, as the energies they expend on insults and other inflammatory incivilities quickly translates into...
    Divine Madness(1980) - Self-defined diva Bette Midler performs her take on comedy and perverse pop music in this unforgettable concert performance, filmed live at Pasadena's Civic Auditorium. Rotating between comic monologues and energetic musical numbers, DIVINE MADNESS proves why Midler has such a dedicated legion of fa...
    Christmas on Division Street(1991) - This movie has Fred Savage in it.
    Middle of the Night(1959) - A widowed 56 year old garment manufacturer(Fredric March) and a divorced 24 year old secretary(Kim Novak) fall in love despite their age differences.
    Lust in the Dust(1985) - A dance hall woman(Divine),a saloon owner(Lainie Kazan),and a gunman(Tab Hunter)seek buried treasure in the old west.
    Dragonworld(1994) - Dragonworld is a 1994 film that was released Direct-to-Video. It is the third film to be released by Moonbeam Entertainment, the children's video division of Full Moon Entertainment.Set in the modern times, a young five-year-old boy named "Johnny McGowan" travels to Scotland to live at his grandfath...
    Out Cold(1989) - Sunny is married to the butcher Ernie; their marriage is about to end as both of them have affairs. Thus Sunny hires Lester Atlas as private investigator in order to collect proofs for the divorce. One evening drunken Ernie and his partner Dave have a fight in the butchery with the result of Ernie g...
    Possession(1981) - A woman(Isabelle Adjani)begins to behave strangely after asking her husband(Sam Neill)for a divorce.
    Murphy's Romance(1985) - A divorced,single mother(Sally Field) moves to a small Arizona town and falls in love with the town pharmacist(James Garner)who is twice her age.
    The Gypsy Moths(1969) - Three skydivers and their traveling thrill show barnstorm through a small Midwestern town one Fourth of July weekend.
    A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa(2008) - A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa is a 2008 NBC television special, directed by Kirk Thatcher and produced by The Muppets Studio, featuring The Muppets in a Christmas mission to personally deliver three letters to Santa, accidentally diverted by Gonzo, to the North Pole. The special, shot in Bro...
    Donner Pass: The Road to Survival(1978) - A grim incident from American pioneer history is recreated as a determined group of settlers, facing almost insurmountable odds, struggles to reach California in 1846. Already divided by internal dissension over the choice of a leader and the selection of a route, the wagon train is soon decimated b...
    Fun in Acapulco(1963) - Mike works on a boat in Acapulco. When the bratty daughter of the boat owner gets him fired, Mike must find new work. Little boy Rauol helps him get a job as a lifeguard and singer at a local hotel. Clashes abound when Mike runs into the rival lifeguard, who is the champion diver of Mexico. He is an...
    The Possession of Joel Delaney(1972) - A rich New York divorcee's (Shirley MacLaine) brother (Perry King) feels the spirit of an ethnic voodoo-ritual beheader.
    One Fine Day(1996) - Melanie Parker, an architect and mother of Sammy, and Jack Taylor, a newspaper columnist and father of Maggie, are both divorced. They meet one morning when overwhelmed Jack is left unexpectedly with Maggie and forgets that Melanie was to take her to school. As a result, both children miss their sch...
    The Past(2013) - An Iranian man deserts his French wife and her two children to return to his homeland. Meanwhile, his wife starts up a new relationship, a reality her husband confronts upon his wife's request for a divorce.
    Striptease(1996) - Based on Carl Hiaasen's satirical novel, "Striptease" tells the story of Erin Grant, who has just gotten a divorce from Darrell, the sleazy ex-con she foolishly married. However, the judge's memories of Darrell's days as a football hero win him custody of their daughter, and Erin, concerned for her...
    Desert Hearts(1985) - It is 1950s Nevada, and Professor Vivian Bell arrives to get a divorce. She's unsatisfied with her marriage, and feels out of place at the ranch she stays on, she finds herself increasingly drawn to Cay Rivers, an open and self-assured lesbian, and the ranchowner's daughter. The emotions released by...
    Love Shack(2010) - A dysfunctional family of adult film stars reunites for a memorial porn shoot following the death of legendary producer Mo Saltzman. Along the way, the film's hapless director must contend with dueling divas, bickering couples, emotionally-scarred tag-team brothers, and a dominatrix with low self-es...
    Unlucky Charms(2013) - Five girls vie for a chance to model diva Deedee DeVille's fashion line, but they're soon competing for their lives against four mythical beings, led by the mischievous Farr Darrig.
    A New Life(1988) - After 26 years of marriage, abrasive workaholic Steve and his wife Jackie are getting a divorce. Now that they've parted, they find themselves in middle age and thrusted into the dating world. With the help of his best friend & fellow Wall Street trader, Mel, Steve gets set up on blind dates with li...
    Home Alone 4: Taking Back the House(2002) - Home Alone 4: Taking Back the House is a direct-to-TV sequel to the Home Alone series that aired in 2002 on ABC. In this installment, Kevin lives at home with only two siblings, his divorced father Peter, and his girlfriend Natalie. When they go out for a while, Kevin gets to stay at the mansion Nat...
    Men of Honor(2000) - Men of Honor (released in the UK and Ireland as Men of Honour) is a 2000 drama film, starring Robert De Niro and Cuba Gooding Jr. The film was directed by George Tillman, Jr. It is inspired by the true story of Master chief petty officer Carl Brashear, the first African American master diver in the...
    Road to Bali(1952) - In this musical, Harold (Bob Hope) and George (Bing Crosby) are two vaudeville performers in Australia. After they realize their local gal pals intend to marry them, they sign up for a diving expedition led by the local island prince, Ken Arok (Murvyn Vye). They soon meet the prince's sister, Lalah...
    Misbehaving Husbands(1940) - The owner of a department store is threatened with divorce by his wife, who has gotten reports that he's been seen in the arms of a beautiful blonde on the night of their 20th wedding anniversary. He has to find a way to convince her that the "beautiful blonde" in question was actually a store manne...
    The Empire of the Corpses(2015) - By the 19th century, humanity has cultivated technology enabling the reanimation of corpses. Unable to experience individual thoughts or emotions, the corpses are programmed by humans to act as laborers in variou
    Sharky's Machine(1981) - Tom Sharky is a narcotics cop in Atlanta who's demoted to vice after a botched bust. In the depths of this lowly division, while investigating a high-dollar prostitution ring, Sharky stumbles across a mob murder with government ties, and responds by assembling his downtrodden fellow investigators (S...
    The Competition(1980) - The movie centers on a piano competition whose winner is assured of success. It is Paul's last chance to compete, but newcomer Heidi may be a better pianist. Can romance be far away? Will she take a dive despite the pressure to win from her teacher, Greta, or will she condemn Paul to obscurity?
    Beneath The 12-Mile Reef(1953) - Mike and Tony Petrakis are a Greek father and son team who dive for sponges off the coast of Florida. After they are robbed by crooks, Arnold and the Rhys brothers, Mike decides to take his men to the dangerous 12-mile reef to dive for more sponges. Mike suffers a fatal accident when he falls from t...
    Scenes From The Class Struggle In Beverly Hills(1989) - The widow's houseboy and the divorcee's chauffeur bet on which will bed the other's employer first.Heiress wife
    The War Of The Roses(1989) - A married couple try everything to get each other to leave the house in a vicious divorce battle.
    Diva(1981) - Two tapes, two Parisian mob killers, one corrupt policeman, an opera fan, a teenage thief, and the coolest philosopher ever filmed. All these characters twist their way through an intricate and stylish French language thriller.
    Cheaper To Keep Her(1981) - A newly divorced swinger on the prowl goes to work as a detective for a neurotic feminist attorney.
    Stripped To Kill(1987) - When Detective Cody Sheehan discovers the body of a stripper from the Rock Bottom dance club, she wants the case. Her partner, Detective Heineman, is equally anxious to make the jump to the prestigious homicide division, but the only way Cody can get the assignment is to go undercover - uncovered -...
    Raggedy Man(1981) - Nita, a divorced mother of two boys, is stuck working as a telephone operator in a small Texas town in World War II. Her friendship with a sailor on leave causes tongues to wag in town.
    The Champ(1979) - This movie is a remake of a classic 30s drama. Jon Voight plays a divorced boxer who goes back into the ring after time training horses. He's also in the middle of a custody battle with his wife (Faye Dunaway) over their son (Rick Schroeder).
    Where Love Has Gone(1964) - A divorced couple's teen-age daughter stands trial for stabbing her mother's latest lover.
    Spirits Of The Dead(1968) - Three directors each adapt a Poe short story to the screen: "Toby Dammit" features a disheveled drugged and drunk English movie star who nods acceptance in the Italian press and his producers fawn over him. "Metzengerstein" features a Mediveal countess who has a love-hate relationship with a black s...
    H.O.T.S(1979) - College exploitation film focusing on the wild escapades of the women of H.O.T.S. Sorority. The antics include but are certainly not limited to a wet t-shirt contest, a sky-diving eposide, plenty of fraternity boys and even a house-keeping robot. Can the girls of H.O.T.S. overcome the scrutiny of th...
    Crash Dive(1943) - A submarine lieutenant and his commander fall in love with the same girl.
    Chosen Survivors(1974) - A group of diverse individuals are suddenly taken from their homes and flown via helicopter to a futuristic bomb shelter in the desert, nearly two miles below the surface of the Earth. There they learn that a nuclear holocaust is taking place and that they've been "chosen" by computer to survive in...
    The Twilight People(1973) - A kidnapped diver is taken to an island inhabited by a mad scientist and his half-animal, half-human creations.
    Yes Man(2008) - Carl Allen is at a standstill in his life ever since his divorce and spends his days hating his job and wallowing with low self-esteem instead hanging around with his pals. One day, a chance meeting with an old friend sends Carl to a self-help seminar where the basic principle of the program is to s...
    The Birth of a Nation(1915) - The Civil War divides friends and destroys families, but that's nothing compared to the anarchy in the black-ruled South after the war.
    Cougar Club(2007) - When Spence and Hogan graduate from college, life is bleak. They have to work for heinous divorce lawyers that torture them. Spence has a girlfriend from hell and Hogan just wants to start his life already. As luck would have it, our two young men are presented with an opportunity, they develop a cl...
    Love Actually(2003) - Love Actually is a 2003 British Christmas-themed romantic comedy film written and directed by Richard Curtis. The screenplay delves into different aspects of love as shown through ten separate stories involving a wide variety of individuals, many of whom are shown to be interlinked as their tales pr...
    Stomp the Yard(2007) - Stomp the Yard is a 2007 drama and dance film produced by Rainforest Films and released through Sony Pictures' Screen Gems division on January 12, 2007. Directed by Sylvain White, Stomp the Yard centers around DJ Williams, a college student at a fictional historically Black university who pledges to...
    The Divide(2011) - Survivors of a nuclear attack are grouped together for days in the basement of their apartment building, where fear and dwindling supplies wear away at their dynamic.
    Zathura(2005) - Based on the children's book by Chris Van Alsburg. Brothers Walter and Danny can never seem to get along with each other, or with their older teen-aged sister, Lisa. While staying at their divorced father's home while he is away at work and Lisa is asleep, the boys discover an old clockwork-driven s...
    The Spiderwick Chronicles(2008) - Recently divorced Mrs. Grace moves into the Spiderwick Estate with her children when it is given to her by her elderly aunt Lucinda, though identical twins Jared and Simon and their older sister Mallory do not want to move from the city. When Jared uncovers a dumbwaiter system behind a wall, Jared f...
    Are We There Yet?(2005) - Nick Persons (Ice Cube), a 37-year-old bachelor, takes a car drive on New Year's Eve to Vancouver from Portland, Oregon to transfer two bratty children, Lindsey and Kevin Kingston, to their divorced mother, Suzanne Kingston, on whom Nick has
    Night at the Museum(2006) - Larry Daley is divorced, unable to keep a steady job, and has failed at many business ventures including his dream job of being an inventor. His ex-wife fears his lifestyle is a bad influence on his eleven-year-old son Nick. One day, an elderly nigh security guard at the American Museum of Natural H...
    The Natural(1984) - An average baseball player comes out of seemingly nowhere to become a legendary player with almost divine talent.
    Four Brothers(2005) - The shooting Murder of their adoptive Mother. Brings Four diverse brothers back home to Detroit, to hunt down the suspects and avenge their mother.
    The Parent Trap (1961)(1961) - Teenage twin girls swap places and scheme to reunite their divorced parents.
    Grand Hotel(1932) - A group of very different individuals staying at a luxurious hotel in Berlin deal with each of their respective dramas.
    American High School(2009) - Small lives begin at the end of high school for this surreal society. A senior who married young must contend with her life, love, and pursuit of individuality and femininity in a narcissistic, misogynistic world of irony. Gwen Adams, her husband Holden, and school rival Hilary complete the love tri...
    Losin' It(1983) - Set in 1965, four rowdy teenage guys travel to Tijuana, Mexico for a night of partying when they are joined by a heartbroken housewife who is in town seeking a quick divorce.
    Lifeguard(1976) - Rick is in his 30s, but still works full-time as a lifeguard on the beaches of Los Angeles, California. He enjoys the fun of it, but even more, the silent moments. However, when he meets his divorced high school girlfriend and her five-year-old son at their fifteen year class reunion, he considers s...
    Snake Eater(1989) - The Snake Eaters are an elite division of the Marines especially trained for search and destroy missions. This actioner chronicles the exploits of one of them who has become a cop. Known as a tough loner, he returns to find the band of backwoods bad-guys who killed his parents and abducted his siste...
    Whatever Works(2007) - A middle-aged, misanthropic divorce from New York City surprisingly enters a fulfilling, Pygmalion-type relationship with a much younger, unsophisticated Southern girl.
    The Awful Truth(1937) - Unfounded suspicions lead a married couple to begin divorce proceedings, whereupon they start undermining each other's attempts to find new romance.
    Miracles(1986) - Roger and Jean learn the hard way that when you are meant to be together, nothing can keep you apart. The newly divorced couple keep running into one another (literally), and in the process, rediscover their love for one another.
    Dark Water(2002) - A recently divorced woman, Yoshimi Matsubara, rents out an apartment with her daughter Ikuko. While apartment is run down Matsubara tries to make it work. However she start noticing odd paranormal events occurring throughout the building revolving aroun
    The Trip(1967) - After his wife leaves him, a disillusioned director dives into the drug scene, trying anything his friend suggests.
    The Big Blue(1988) - The rivalry between Enzo and Jacques, two childhood friends and now world-renowned free divers, becomes a beautiful and perilous journey into oneself and the unknown.
    Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World(2011) - Eight years have passed since the events of the third film and the OSS has become the world's top spy agency. Meanwhile the Spy Kids Division has since become defunct. Retired spy Marissa Wilson is chasing her arch enemy Tick Tock despite being nine months pregnant. After giving birth she and her fa...
    Diary of a Mad Black Woman(2005) - Diary of a Mad Black Woman is a 2005 romantic comedy-drama film written by and starring Tyler Perry, which was inspired by the play of the same name. In this film a couple's seemingly solid marriage begins to crumble when the wife discovers that her husband intends to divorce her.
    The Oath(2018) - Ike Barinholtz makes his directorial debut as well as playing a starring role in this black comedy film that shows how even the greatest of division will still not be enough to drive a family apart. In the near future, American citizens are asked, though not required, to sign a legal document sweari...
    Lady In Cement(1968) - During an ocean dive, Miami gumshoe Tony Rome (Frank Sinatra) finds a woman's body with her feet encased in a concrete block and sets out to solve the murder case.
    Mr. Popper's Penguins(2011) - Thomas Popper Jr, a divorced real estate agent and father of two has just learned his father was killed on an expedition in Antarctica. He soon takes in a penguin his father befriended, and despite his efforts to get rid of it, his children encourage him to take in five more. He soon finds the pengu...
    Jingle All the Way 2(2014) - Recently divorced, truck driver Larry Phillips is trying to compete with his ex-wife's new husband Victor for the affection of his daughter Noel. Sneaking a view of her letter to Santa, he sees she wants to toy of the season, Harrison The Talking Bear. Sending out a spy to catch Larry in the act, Vi...
    Fathom(1969) - In Spain, an American skydiver is recruited by Western intelligence agents to recover a lost atomic bomb detonator from hostile foreign agents.
    Pet Pals: Marco Polo's Code(2010) - A jump-up from traditional to CGI for Grupo Alcuni's TV series as Moby, Holly, Diva, Tophat, Pio and Nameless investigate and find Marco Polo's Code, while the villains (headlined by a CrowWitch), at least, attempt to drain the canals of Venice.
    The Mating Season(1980) - They say opposites attract, but could a romance possibly develop between a attorney, successful at work but unlucky in love, and a divorced man whose main interest is birdwatching?
    Dancing In The Dark(1986) - They say opposites attract, but could a romance possibly develop between a attorney, successful at work but unlucky in love, and a divorced man whose main interest is birdwatching? -- Sci-Fi, Comedy, Mecha -- Action, Mecha, Sci-Fi -- Horror, Psychological, Sci-Fi -- -- -- Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Mecha, Military, Sci-Fi, Space -- Adventure, Drama, Mecha, Military, Sci-Fi, Space -- Sci-Fi, Police, Seinen -- Action, Sci-Fi, Fantasy -- Sci-Fi, Thriller -- -- -- -- Adventure, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Shounen -- Comedy, Drama, School, Slice of Life, Sports -- Action, Sci-Fi, Mecha -- Action, Sci-Fi, Mecha -- School, Slice of Life, Sports -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy -- Music -- Comedy -- Music -- Action, Sci-Fi, Mecha -- Action, Comedy, Mecha -- Action, Sci-Fi, Music -- Action, Sci-Fi, Mecha -- Action, Sci-Fi, Mecha -- Action, Sci-Fi, Romance, Mecha -- Adventure, Space, Mecha
    A Certain Magical Index - To aru majutsu no indekkusu (original tit ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2008-2019) Episode Guide 74 episodes A Certain Magical Index Poster -- Index is still a fugitive and many powerful Magical organizations and individuals want to take her to use the books in her memory eliminating her in the process. War between those ... S Stars:
    Address Unknown (2001) ::: 7.3/10 -- Suchwiin bulmyeong (original title) -- Address Unknown Poster Romances end in blood and the frail hopes of individuals are torn apart in a vile karmic continuity of colonialism, civil war and occupation. After surviving Japanese colonization, Korea ... S Director: Ki-duk Kim (as Kim Ki-duk) Writer: Ki-duk Kim (as Kim Ki-duk)
    Address Unknown (2001) ::: 7.3/10 -- Suchwiin bulmyeong (original title) -- Address Unknown Poster Romances end in blood and the frail hopes of individuals are torn apart in a vile karmic continuity of colonialism, civil war and occupation. After surviving Japanese colonization, Korea ... S Director: Kim Ki-duk Writer: Kim Ki-duk
    Alice, Sweet Alice (1976) ::: 6.5/10 -- Communion (original title) -- Alice, Sweet Alice Poster -- In 1961, a divorced catholic couple's life is turned upside down when one of their two adolescent daughters is suspected of her younger sister's brutal murder during her First Communion, and a series of subsequent stabbings. Director: Alfred Sole
    A Man for All Seasons (1966) ::: 7.7/10 -- G | 2h | Biography, Drama, History | 16 December 1966 (USA) -- The story of Sir Thomas More, who stood up to King Henry VIII when the King rejected the Roman Catholic Church to obtain a divorce and remarry. Director: Fred Zinnemann Writers:
    Anna Karenina (1935) ::: 7.0/10 -- Passed | 1h 35min | Drama, Romance | 1 November 1935 (Australia) -- The married Anna Karenina falls in love with Count Vronsky despite her husband's refusal to grant a divorce, and both must contend with the social repercussions. Director: Clarence Brown Writers:
    Around the Bend (2004) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 25min | Drama | 14 January 2005 (Brazil) -- A bitter, recently divorced man is goaded by his grandfather and son into going on a family road trip to reconcile with his estranged father. Director: Jordan Roberts Writer:
    August: Osage County (2013) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Comedy, Drama | 10 January 2014 (USA) -- A look at the lives of the strong-willed women of the Weston family, whose paths have diverged until a family crisis brings them back to the Oklahoma house they grew up in, and to the dysfunctional woman who raised them. Director: John Wells Writers:
    Battleground (1949) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 58min | Action, Drama, History | 20 January 1950 (USA) -- True tale about a squad of the 101st Airborne Division coping with being trapped by the Germans in the besieged city of Bastogne, Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge in December of 1944. Director: William A. Wellman Writer: Robert Pirosh (story and screenplay) Stars:
    Battle Ground 625 (2005) ::: 7.7/10 -- Welkkeom tu Dongmakgol (original title) -- Battle Ground 625 Poster Soldiers from both sides of the Korean divide live among villagers who know nothing of the war. Director: Kwang-Hyun Park Writers: Jin Jang (play), Joong Kim | 1 more credit Stars:
    Becket (1964) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 28min | Biography, Drama, History | 11 March 1964 (USA) -- King Henry II of England comes to terms with his affection for his close friend and confidant Thomas Becket, who finds his true honor by observing God's divine will rather than the King's. Director: Peter Glenville Writers:
    Born to Kill (1947) ::: 7.2/10 -- Approved | 1h 32min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 3 May 1947 (USA) -- A calculating divorce risks her chances at wealth and security with a man she doesn't love by getting involved with the hotheaded murderer romancing her foster sister. Director: Robert Wise Writers: Eve Greene (screen play), Richard Macaulay (screen play) | 1 more credit
    Brooklyn Nine-Nine ::: TV-14 | 22min | Comedy, Crime | TV Series (20132022) -- Comedy series following the exploits of Det. Jake Peralta and his diverse, lovable colleagues as they police the NYPD's 99th Precinct. Creators: Dan Goor, Michael Schur
    Burnt (2015) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Comedy, Drama | 30 October 2015 (USA) -- Adam Jones (Bradley Cooper) is a chef who destroyed his career with drugs and diva behavior. He cleans up and returns to London, determined to redeem himself by spearheading a top restaurant that can gain three Michelin stars. Director: John Wells Writers:
    Casual ::: TV-MA | 25min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20152018) -- A comedy series about a bachelor brother and his newly divorced sister living under one roof again. Together, they coach each other through the crazy world of dating while raising her teenage daughter. Creator:
    Celeste & Jesse Forever (2012) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 3 August 2012 (Canada) -- A divorcing couple tries to maintain their friendship while they both pursue other people. Director: Lee Toland Krieger Writers: Rashida Jones, Will McCormack
    Cloud Atlas (2012) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 52min | Action, Drama, Mystery | 26 October 2012 (USA) -- An exploration of how the actions of individual lives impact one another in the past, present and future, as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero, and an act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution. Directors: Tom Tykwer, Lana Wachowski | 1 more credit Writers:
    Cloud Atlas (2012) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 52min | Action, Drama, Mystery | 26 October 2012 (USA) -- An exploration of how the actions of individual lives impact one another in the past, present and future, as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero, and an act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution. Directors: Tom Tykwer, Lana Wachowski | 1 more credit Writers:
    Code Unknown (2000) ::: 7.2/10 -- Code inconnu: Rcit incomplet de divers voyages (original title) -- Code Unknown Poster A young man harasses a homeless woman, another man protests, the police arrest both and the woman has to leave the country. What were their various story-lines leading up to this event? Director:
    Code Unknown (2000) ::: 7.2/10 -- Code inconnu: Rcit incomplet de divers voyages (original title) -- Code Unknown Poster A young man harasses a homeless woman, another man protests, the police arrest both and the woman has to leave the country. What were their various story-lines leading up to this event? Director: Michael Haneke Writer: Michael Haneke
    Control (2007) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Biography, Drama, Music | 26 September 2007 (France) -- A profile of Ian Curtis, the enigmatic singer of Joy Division whose personal, professional, and romantic troubles led him to commit suicide at the age of 23. Director: Anton Corbijn Writers:
    Crazy, Stupid, Love. (2011) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 58min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 29 July 2011 (USA) -- A middle-aged husband's life changes dramatically when his wife asks him for a divorce. He seeks to rediscover his manhood with the help of a newfound friend, Jacob, learning to pick up girls at bars. Directors: Glenn Ficarra, John Requa Writer:
    Criminal Minds ::: TV-14 | 42min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20052020) -- The cases of the F.B.I. Behavioral Analysis Unit (B.A.U.), an elite group of profilers who analyze the nation's most dangerous serial killers and individual heinous crimes in an effort to anticipate their next moves before they strike again. Creator:
    Crossing Over (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Crime, Drama | 27 March 2009 (Canada) -- Crossing Over is about illegal aliens of many nationalities in the Los Angeles area and the authorities and individuals dealing with them. Director: Wayne Kramer Writer: Wayne Kramer (screenplay)
    Definitely, Maybe (2008) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 52min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 14 February 2008 (USA) -- A political consultant tries to explain his impending divorce and past relationships to his 11-year-old daughter. Director: Adam Brooks Writer: Adam Brooks
    Desert Hearts (1985) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Drama, Romance | 7 March 1986 (USA) -- While waiting for her divorce papers, a repressed professor of literature is unexpectedly seduced by a carefree, spirited young lesbian. Director: Donna Deitch Writers:
    Difficult People ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20152017) -- Julie and Billy, two jaded aspiring comedians who live together in New York City, navigate through their thirties while dealing with their individual careers and personal relationships. Creator:
    Diners, Drive-ins and Dives ::: TV-G | 30min | Reality-TV | TV Series (2006 ) Next Episode Friday, March 19 -- Food Network's Guy Fieri rolls out to visit America's favorite diners, drive-ins and dives, interviewing the owners of the food establishments and samples the items on their menus.
    Diva (1981) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Music, Thriller | 23 April 1982 (USA) -- Two tapes, two Parisian mob killers, one corrupt policeman, an opera fan, a teenage thief, and the coolest philosopher ever filmed all twist their way through an intricate and stylish French-language thriller. Director: Jean-Jacques Beineix Writers:
    Divergent (2014) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 19min | Action, Adventure, Mystery | 21 March 2014 (USA) -- In a world divided by factions based on virtues, Tris learns she's Divergent and won't fit in. When she discovers a plot to destroy Divergents, Tris and the mysterious Four must find out what makes Divergents dangerous before it's too late. Director: Neil Burger Writers:
    Divine Intervention (2002) ::: 6.6/10 -- Yadon ilaheyya (original title) -- Divine Intervention Poster Separated by a checkpoint, Palestinian lovers from Jerusalem and Ramallah arrange clandestine meetings. Director: Elia Suleiman Writer: Elia Suleiman Stars:
    Divorce ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20162019) -- A couple goes through a long, drawn-out divorce. Creator: Sharon Horgan
    Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist ::: TV-G | 30min | Animation, Comedy | TV Series (19952002) A divorced father, he has custody of his 23-year-old slacker son Ben, who dreams of wealth and freedom but is too lazy to find a real job. Dr. Katz's receptionist is the acerbic Laura. He ... S Creators: Jonathan Katz, Tom Snyder Stars:
    Drop Dead Diva ::: TV-PG | 1h | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20092014) -- A vapid aspiring model killed in a car crash gets brought back to life as an intelligent, overweight lawyer, hoping to find the meaning of inner beauty. Creator:
    End of the Spear (2005) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Adventure, Biography, Drama | 20 January 2006 (USA) -- Two people come to the end of a spear in order to realize that the divisions between them are not real. Director: Jim Hanon Writers: Bill Ewing, Bart Gavigan | 1 more credit
    Enough Said (2013) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 33min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 11 October 2013 (USA) -- A divorced woman who decides to pursue the man she's interested in learns he's her new friend's ex-husband. Director: Nicole Holofcener Writer: Nicole Holofcener
    Father's Little Dividend (1951) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 22min | Comedy, Romance | 27 April 1951 (USA) -- Shortly after coming to terms with his daughter's marriage, a father faces the prospect of becoming a grandfather. Director: Vincente Minnelli Writers: Albert Hackett (screenplay), Frances Goodrich (screenplay) | 1 more
    FBI: Most Wanted ::: TV-14 | 45min | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2020 ) -- It follows the division of the FBI tasked with tracking and capturing the notorious criminals on the FBI's Most Wanted list. Creator: Rene Balcer
    Flowers ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20162018) Dark comedy about the eccentric members of the Flowers family. Maurice and Deborah are barely together but yet to divorce. They live with Maurice's batty mother and their maladjusted twin children. Creator: Will Sharpe Stars:
    Ga-rei: Zero ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2008- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Ga-rei: Zero Poster -- Follows two friends, daughters of exorcists, who are now members of the government's secret Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Division that fights demons when they appear in Japan. Creator:
    Gary Unmarried ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20082010) -- Newly divorced after fifteen years of marriage, Gary Brooks, a painting contractor, strives to balance work, shared custody of his two children, a controlling ex-wife, and his foxy new girlfriend. Creator:
    Geek Charming (2011) ::: 6.4/10 -- TV-G | 1h 34min | Comedy, Drama, Family | TV Movie 11 November 2011 -- To win a school popularity contest, a high school diva permits a film club classmate to record her popular life, but the film starts documenting her decline instead. Director: Jeffrey Hornaday Writers:
    Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG - Individual Eleven (2006) ::: 8.4/10 -- Kkaku kidtai: S.A.C. 2nd GIG - Individual eleven (original title) -- 2007 Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG - Individual Eleven Poster -- A new terrorist organization known as the Individual Eleven is bent on mass destruction. Will the cyborg detective heroine and her elite anti-crime unit be able to stop them? Director: Kenji Kamiyama
    Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce ::: TV-14 | 1h | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20142018) -- Follows a best-selling author of a self-help book series who hides her recent separation as she starts to navigate her life as a single woman in her 40s in Los Angeles. Creator:
    Grace Under Fire ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy, Romance | TV Series (19931998) -- Grace is a recovering alcoholic, now divorced from an abusive husband, struggling to bring up three children on her own. Creator: Chuck Lorre
    Grand Hotel (1932) ::: 7.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 52min | Drama, Romance | 11 September 1932 (USA) -- A group of very different individuals staying at a luxurious hotel in Berlin deal with each of their respective dramas. Director: Edmund Goulding Writers: Vicki Baum (by), William Absalom Drake (play) (as William A. Drake)
    Happiness (1998) ::: 7.7/10 -- Unrated | 2h 14min | Comedy, Drama | 16 October 1998 (USA) -- The lives of several individuals intertwine as they go about their lives in their own unique ways, engaging in acts society as a whole might find disturbing in a desperate search for human connection. Director: Todd Solondz Writer:
    Happiness Never Comes Alone (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- Un bonheur n'arrive jamais seul (original title) -- Happiness Never Comes Alone Poster -- Sacha Keller is only interested in one night stands with 20-somethings and has a phobia of children. That is until he meets Charlotte, the divorced mother-of-three and ex-wife of one his employer's powerful clients. Director: James Huth
    Hell or High Water (2016) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Action, Crime, Drama | 26 August 2016 (USA) -- A divorced father and his ex-con older brother resort to a desperate scheme in order to save their family's ranch in West Texas. Director: David Mackenzie Writer: Taylor Sheridan
    High Maintenance ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2016 ) -- A comedy that explores the private lives of unique New York individuals through a common thread: their weed deliveryman. Creators: Ben Sinclair, Katja Blichfeld
    Il Divo (2008) ::: 7.3/10 -- Il divo (original title) -- Il Divo Poster -- The story of Italian politician Giulio Andreotti, who has served as Prime Minister of Italy seven times since the restoration of democracy in 1946. Director: Paolo Sorrentino Writer:
    Impromptu (1991) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 47min | Biography, Comedy, Music | May 1991 (USA) -- In 1830s France, pianist/composer Frdric Chopin is pursued romantically by the determined, individualistic woman who uses the name George Sand. Director: James Lapine Writer: Sarah Kernochan Stars:
    Interiors (1978) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 1h 32min | Drama | 6 October 1978 (Canada) -- Three sisters find their lives spinning out of control in the wake of their parents' sudden, unexpected divorce. Director: Woody Allen Writer: Woody Allen
    It's Complicated (2009) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 25 December 2009 (USA) -- When attending their son's college graduation, a couple reignite the spark in their relationship. But the complicated fact is they're divorced and he's remarried. Director: Nancy Meyers Writer:
    Just Go with It (2011) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 57min | Comedy, Romance | 11 February 2011 (USA) -- On a weekend trip to Hawaii, a plastic surgeon convinces his loyal assistant to pose as his soon-to-be-divorced wife in order to cover up a careless lie he told to his much-younger girlfriend. Director: Dennis Dugan Writers:
    Kabul Express (2006) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 45min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 15 December 2006 (UK) -- A thrilling story spanning 48 hours of five individuals linked by hate and fear but brought together by fate to finally recognize each other. Director: Kabir Khan Writers: Kabir Khan, Sandeep Shrivastava (additional dialogue) (as Sandeep
    Kinky Boots (2005) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 47min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 26 May 2006 (USA) -- A drag queen comes to the rescue of a man who, after inheriting his father's shoe factory, needs to diversify his product if he wants to keep the business afloat. Director: Julian Jarrold Writers:
    Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 1h 45min | Drama | 19 December 1979 (USA) -- Ted Kramer's wife leaves him, allowing for a lost bond to be rediscovered between Ted and his son, Billy. But a heated custody battle ensues over the divorced couple's son, deepening the wounds left by the separation. Director: Robert Benton Writers:
    Last Night (1998) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 23 October 1998 (Canada) -- A group of very different individuals with different ideas of how to face the end come together as the world is expected to end in six hours at the turn of the century. Director: Don McKellar Writer:
    Lawrence of Arabia (1962) ::: 8.3/10 -- Approved | 3h 48min | Adventure, Biography, Drama | 30 January 1963 -- Lawrence of Arabia Poster -- The story of T.E. Lawrence, the English officer who successfully united and led the diverse, often warring, Arab tribes during World War I in order to fight the Turks. Director: David Lean Writers:
    Living Out Loud (1998) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 6 November 1998 (USA) -- Judith Nelson quit her medical studies to marry. Years later, her husband, a physician, divorces her to be with another doctor. Deeply frustrated, she now lives alone in her luxury ... S Director: Richard LaGravenese Writer:
    Louie ::: TV-MA | 22min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2010-2015) Episode Guide 61 episodes Louie Poster -- The life of Louie C.K., a divorced comedian living in New York with two kids. Creator: Louis C.K.
    Louie ::: TV-MA | 22min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20102015) -- The life of Louie C.K., a divorced comedian living in New York with two kids. Creator: Louis C.K.
    Manhattan (1979) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 25 April 1979 (USA) -- The life of a divorced television writer dating a teenage girl is further complicated when he falls in love with his best friend's mistress. Director: Woody Allen Writers:
    Manhunt ::: TV-14 | 45min | Biography, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2019) -- Detective Chief Inspector Colin Sutton tracks down a serial killer. Stars: Martin Clunes, Diveen Henry, Sule Rimi
    Marguerite (2015) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 9min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 11 March 2016 (USA) -- It is party day at Marguerite Dumont's castle. She sings wholeheartedly, but terribly out of tune. Marguerite has been living her passion in her own bubble, and the hypocrite audience acts as if she was the diva she believes she is. Director: Xavier Giannoli Writers:
    Maron ::: TV-MA | 22min | Comedy | TV Series (20132016) -- Marc Maron has been a comedian for 25 years. He's had his problems. He was an angry, drunk, self involved, twice divorced compulsive mess for most of his adult life, but with the popularity... S Creator:
    Men of Honor (2000) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 9min | Biography, Drama | 10 November 2000 (USA) -- The story of Carl Brashear, the first African-American U.S. Navy Diver, and the man who trained him. Director: George Tillman Jr. Writer: Scott Marshall Smith
    Men of Honor (2000) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 9min | Biography, Drama | 10 November 2000 (USA) -- The story of Carl Brashear, the first African-American U.S. Navy Diver, and the man who trained him.
    Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (1983) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Drama, War | 2 September 1983 (USA) -- During WWII, a British colonel tries to bridge the cultural divides between a British POW and the Japanese camp commander in order to avoid bloodshed. Director: Nagisa shima Writers:
    Messiah ::: TV-MA | 43min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | TV Series (2020) -- When a CIA officer investigates a man, and his followers, attracting international attention through acts of public disruption, she embarks on a global high-stakes mission to uncover whether he is a divine entity, or a deceptive con artist. Creator:
    Metropolis (1927) ::: 8.3/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 33min | Drama, Sci-Fi | 13 March 1927 (USA) -- In a futuristic city sharply divided between the working class and the city planners, the son of the city's mastermind falls in love with a working-class prophet who predicts the coming of a savior to mediate their differences. Director: Fritz Lang Writers:
    Mildred Pierce (1945) ::: 8.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 51min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 20 October 1945 (USA) -- A hard-working mother inches towards disaster as she divorces her husband and starts a successful restaurant business to support her spoiled daughter. Director: Michael Curtiz Writers: Ranald MacDougall (screenplay), James M. Cain (novel) Stars:
    Miller's Crossing (1990) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 5 October 1990 (USA) -- Tom Reagan, an advisor to a Prohibition-era crime boss, tries to keep the peace between warring mobs but gets caught in divided loyalties. Directors: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen (uncredited) Writers: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
    Mind Your Language ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (19771986) A diverse group of immigrants and foreigners learn English at an adult education school in London. Creator: Vince Powell Stars:
    Mother (1996) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 44min | Comedy, Drama | 24 January 1997 (USA) -- A neurotic, twice-divorced sci-fi writer moves back in with his mother to solve his personal problems. Director: Albert Brooks Writers: Albert Brooks, Monica Mcgowan Johnson (as Monica Johnson)
    Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 5min | Comedy, Drama, Family | 24 November 1993 (USA) -- After a bitter divorce, an actor disguises himself as a female housekeeper to spend time with his children held in custody by his former wife. Director: Chris Columbus Writers:
    Multiple Maniacs (1970) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 31min | Comedy, Crime, Horror | 10 April 1970 (USA) -- Three determined women, Divine, Cookie and Mink Stole, set out to solve the Sharon Tate murders. Director: John Waters Writer: John Waters
    Murphy's Romance (1985) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 47min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 31 January 1986 (USA) -- Emma moves to a ranch with her son after a divorce and befriends the older Murphy, but things turn complicated when her ex shows up. Director: Martin Ritt Writers: Max Schott (based on the novella by), Harriet Frank Jr. (screenplay by) | 1 more credit Stars:
    Mysteries of Lisbon (2010) ::: 7.4/10 -- Mistrios de Lisboa (original title) -- Mysteries of Lisbon Poster -- Follows a jealous countess, a wealthy businessman, and a young orphaned boy across Portugal, France, Italy and Brazil where they connect with a variety of mysterious individuals. Director: Raoul Ruiz (as Ral Ruiz) Writers:
    Necessary Roughness ::: TV-PG | 1h | Comedy, Drama, Romance | TV Series (20112013) -- A Long Island psychotherapist's personal life unravels when she finds her husband cheating. Diving fully into her work, Dr. Dani Santino soon finds herself as the most sought-after ... S Creators:
    North Dallas Forty (1979) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Comedy, Drama, Sport | 3 August 1979 (USA) -- A satire of American professional football in which a veteran pass-catcher's individuality and refusal to become part of the team family is bitterly resented by his disciplinarian coaches. Director: Ted Kotcheff Writers:
    One Day at a Time ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20172020) -- Follows three generations of the same Cuban-American family living in the same house: a newly divorced former military mother, her teenage daughter and tween son, and her old-school mother. Creators:
    Panic Room (2002) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 29 March 2002 (USA) -- A divorced woman and her diabetic daughter take refuge in their newly-purchased house's safe room, when three men break-in, searching for a missing fortune. Director: David Fincher Writer:
    Patlabor: The Movie (1989) ::: 7.1/10 -- Kid keisatsu patoreb: Gekij-ban (original title) -- Patlabor: The Movie Poster -- The screwball cops of Special Vehicles Section 2 Division 2 must investigate and stop a spree of rampaging construction robots. Director: Mamoru Oshii Writers:
    Possession (1981) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Drama, Horror | 28 October 1983 (USA) -- A woman starts exhibiting increasingly disturbing behavior after asking her husband for a divorce. Suspicions of infidelity soon give way to something much more sinister. Director: Andrzej Zulawski Writers:
    Princess Connect! Re: Dive ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes Princess Connect! Re: Dive Poster The protagonist wakes up with no memories in an unfamiliar location. The protagonist then meets girls and comes closer to uncovering a hidden mystery. Stars: Mao Ichimichi, Miku Itou, Rika Tachibana
    Quartet (2012) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Comedy, Drama | 1 March 2013 (USA) -- At a home for retired musicians, the annual concert to celebrate Composer Giuseppe Verdi's birthday is disrupted by the arrival of Jean (Dame Maggie Smith), an eternal diva and the former wife of one of the residents. Director: Dustin Hoffman Writers:
    Quatermass and the Pit (1967) ::: 7.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 37min | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 7 February 1968 (USA) -- A mysterious artifact is unearthed in London, and famous scientist Bernard Quatermass is called into to divine its origins and explain its strange effects on people. Director: Roy Ward Baker Writers:
    Ramy ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | TV Series (2019 ) -- In New Jersey, Ramy, son of Egyptian migrants, begins a spiritual journey, divided between his Muslim community, God, and his friends who see endless possibilities. Creators:
    Review ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20142017) -- In this spoof of review shows, Forrest MacNeil, a critic obsessed with his work, experiences whatever the viewers ask him to review including divorce, anonymous sex, and all manner of criminal activity. Creators:
    Road to Bali (1952) ::: 6.5/10 -- Approved | 1h 31min | Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy | 8 April 1953 -- Road to Bali Poster Two unemployed show-biz pals accept treasure-diving work in Bali for a local princess and they find treasure, love and trouble. Director: Hal Walker Writers: Frank Butler (screenplay), Hal Kanter (screenplay) | 3 more credits Stars:
    Rookie Blue ::: TV-14 | 42min | Crime, Drama | TV Series (20102015) -- Andy McNally and her friends are out of the academy and must adjust to the challenging life of a police officer at the 15th Division in Toronto. Creators:
    Rotten -- 55min | Documentary | TV Series (20182019) ::: Rotten dives deep into the food production underworld to expose the corruption, waste and real dangers behind your everyday eating habits. Stars: Latif Nasser, Casey Cox, Stanley Crawford
    Saraband (2003) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Drama, Music | TV Movie 1 December 2003 -- Marianne, some thirty years after divorcing Johan, decides to visit her ex-husband at his summer home. She arrives in the middle of a family drama between Johan's son from another marriage and his granddaughter. Director: Ingmar Bergman Writer:
    Secret Window (2004) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 12 March 2004 (USA) -- A successful writer in the midst of a painful divorce is stalked at his remote lake house by a would-be scribe who accuses him of plagiarism. Director: David Koepp Writers: Stephen King (novel), David Koepp (screenplay)
    Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) ::: 8.4/10 -- PG | 1h 57min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 14 December 2018 (USA) -- Teen Miles Morales becomes the Spider-Man of his universe, and must join with five spider-powered individuals from other dimensions to stop a threat for all realities. Directors: Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey | 1 more credit Writers:
    Splitting Up Together ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20182019) -- The story of a couple whose marriage is reignited by their divorce. Creator: Emily Kapnek
    Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 56min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 13 December 2002 (USA) -- The Enterprise is diverted to the Romulan homeworld Romulus, supposedly because they want to negotiate a peace treaty. Captain Picard and his crew discover a serious threat to the Federation once Praetor Shinzon plans to attack Earth. Director: Stuart Baird Writers:
    Still Crazy (1998) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 22 January 1999 (USA) -- Fame, fortune and fornication drove the British rock band in the '70s until a divine end. 20 years later, Strange Fruit reunites and goes on a tour with ups and downs on the continent. Director: Brian Gibson Writers:
    Strawberry and Chocolate (1993) ::: 7.4/10 -- Fresa y chocolate (original title) -- Strawberry and Chocolate Poster This Oscar nominated film is the story of two men who are opposites, one gay, the other straight, one a fierce communist, the other a fierce individualist, one suspicious, the other accepting, and how they come to love each other. Directors: Toms Gutirrez Alea, Juan Carlos Tabo Writers: Toms Gutirrez Alea (collaboration) (as T.G. Alea), Senel Paz
    St. Vincent (2014) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 42min | Comedy, Drama | 24 October 2014 (USA) -- A young boy whose parents have just divorced finds an unlikely friend and mentor in the misanthropic, bawdy, hedonistic war veteran who lives next door. Director: Theodore Melfi Writer:
    Teenage Bounty Hunters ::: TV-MA | Comedy, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2020) -- After joining forces with a veteran bounty hunter, sixteen-year-old fraternal twin sisters Sterling and Blair dive into the world of bail skipping baddies while still navigating the high stakes of teenage life. Creator:
    Tenacious D ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy, Music | TV Series (19972000) Tenacious D is a two-piece musical act, and this HBO series documents their many struggles as friends, and as a band of two very absurd individuals. Creators: Jack Black, David Cross, Kyle Gass | 1 more credit Stars:
    The Abyss (1989) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 20min | Adventure, Drama, Mystery | 9 August 1989 (USA) -- A civilian diving team is enlisted to search for a lost nuclear submarine and faces danger while encountering an alien aquatic species. Director: James Cameron Writer: James Cameron
    The Awful Truth (1937) ::: 7.7/10 -- Passed | 1h 30min | Comedy, Romance | 21 October 1937 (USA) -- A married couple file an amicable divorce, but find it harder to let go of each other than they initially thought. Director: Leo McCarey Writers: Via Delmar (screen play), Arthur Richman (based on a play by) Stars:
    The Baby of Mcon (1993) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 2min | Drama, History | 17 September 1993 (UK) -- A movie about the corruption in all levels of society. A baby is born from a supposed-to-be virgin woman, so a chain of hysteria about divine intervention in the birth takes place. Director: Peter Greenaway Writer: Peter Greenaway Stars:
    The Beautiful Risk (2013) ::: 7.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 31min | Drama, Romance | 23 November 2014 (USA) -- William, a respected artist who lost everything after his divorce, arrives in Montreal on a job prospect. When the job falls through he then is saved and forms an erotic relationship and exposes his soul with a young woman named Paulette. Director: Mark Penney Writer: Mark Penney
    The Big Blue (1988) ::: 7.6/10 -- Le grand bleu (original title) -- The Big Blue Poster -- The rivalry between Enzo and Jacques, two childhood friends and now world-renowned free divers, becomes a beautiful and perilous journey into oneself and the unknown. Director: Luc Besson Writers:
    The Big Easy (1986) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 21 August 1987 (USA) -- A corrupt lieutenant in the homicide division is threatened by the righteous DA while trying to solve a string of mysterious murders. Director: Jim McBride Writer: Daniel Petrie Jr. (screenplay by) Stars:
    The Closer ::: TV-14 | 46min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20052012) -- Deputy Police Chief Brenda Johnson runs the Priority Homicide Division of the LAPD with an unorthodox style. Her innate ability to read people and obtain confessions helps her and her team solve the city's toughest, most sensitive cases. Creator:
    The Confirmation (2016) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 41min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 18 March 2016 (USA) -- A divorced father and his eight-year-old son are about to spend a somewhat predictable weekend together, nevertheless, when a valuable toolbox gets stolen, the search for the thieves will soon turn into a true family bonding. Director: Bob Nelson Writer:
    The Exes ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20112015) A group of divorced friends try to get back to the single life. Creator: Mark Reisman Stars: Donald Faison, Wayne Knight, David Alan Basche
    The First Wives Club (1996) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 43min | Comedy | 20 September 1996 (USA) -- Reunited by the death of a college friend, three divorced women seek revenge on the husbands who left them for younger women. Director: Hugh Wilson Writers: Olivia Goldsmith (based on the novel by), Robert Harling (screenplay
    The Fountainhead (1949) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 54min | Drama, Romance | 2 July 1949 (USA) -- An uncompromising, visionary architect struggles to maintain his integrity and individualism despite personal, professional and economic pressures to conform to popular standards. Director: King Vidor Writers:
    The Gay Divorcee (1934) ::: 7.5/10 -- Approved | 1h 47min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 12 October 1934 (USA) -- A woman thinks a flirting man is the co-respondent her lawyer has hired to expedite her divorce. Director: Mark Sandrich Writers: Dwight Taylor (from the book by), Kenneth S. Webb (musical adaptation)
    The Girl on the Train (2016) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 7 October 2016 (USA) -- A divorcee becomes entangled in a missing persons investigation that promises to send shockwaves throughout her life. Director: Tate Taylor Writers: Erin Cressida Wilson (screenplay by), Paula Hawkins (based on the novel
    The Keeping Hours (2017) ::: 6.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 31min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 24 July 2018 (USA) -- 10 years after the death of their son, a divorced couple are suddenly reunited by supernatural events that offer them a chance at forgiveness. Director: Karen Moncrieff Writer: Rebecca Sonnenshine Stars:
    The League of Gentlemen ::: TV-MA | 1h | Comedy, Horror | TV Series (19992017) An interweaving narrative chronicling the antics of such diverse characters as: a transgender taxi driver, a family obsessed with hygiene and toads, a fiery reverend, a carnival owner who kidnaps women into marriage, and a xenophobic couple who run a local shop for local people. Stars: Mark Gatiss, Steve Pemberton, Reece Shearsmith
    The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) ::: 8.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 59min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 18 December 2002 (USA) -- While Frodo and Sam edge closer to Mordor with the help of the shifty Gollum, the divided fellowship makes a stand against Sauron's new ally, Saruman, and his hordes of Isengard. Director: Peter Jackson Writers:
    The Misfits (1961) ::: 7.3/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 5min | Drama, Romance, Western | 1 February 1961 (USA) -- A divorce falls for an over-the-hill cowboy who is struggling to maintain his romantically independent lifestyle. Director: John Huston Writer: Arthur Miller (screenplay)
    The Mortal Storm (1940) ::: 7.8/10 -- Passed | 1h 40min | Drama | 14 June 1940 (USA) -- The Roth family leads a quiet life in a small village in the German Alps during the early 1930s. When the Nazis come to power, the family is divided and Martin Breitner, a family friend, is caught up in the turmoil. Director: Frank Borzage Writers:
    The NeverEnding Story (1984) ::: 7.4/10 -- Die unendliche Geschichte (original title) -- The NeverEnding Story Poster -- A troubled boy dives into a wondrous fantasy world through the pages of a mysterious book. Director: Wolfgang Petersen Writers:
    The New Adventures of Old Christine ::: TV-PG | 22min | Comedy | TV Series (20062010) -- A divorced mom tries to keep pace with everyone around her. Creator: Kari Lizer
    The New Edition Story ::: 2h | Biography, Drama, Music | TV Mini-Series (2017) Episode Guide 3 episodes The New Edition Story Poster Chronicles the ups and downs of legendary music group New Edition from their humble beginnings in Boston to individual solo success and everything in between. Stars: Bryshere Y. Gray, Elijah Kelley, Luke James
    The Ox-Bow Incident (1942) ::: 8.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 15min | Drama, Western | 21 May 1943 (USA) -- When a posse captures three men suspected of killing a local farmer, they become strongly divided over whether or not to lynch the men. Director: William A. Wellman Writers: Lamar Trotti (written for the screen by), Walter Van Tilburg Clark (from the novel by) Stars:
    The Palm Beach Story (1942) ::: 7.5/10 -- Passed | 1h 28min | Comedy, Romance | 1 January 1943 (USA) -- An inventor needs cash to develop his big idea, so his adoring wife decides to raise it by divorcing him and marrying a millionaire. Director: Preston Sturges Writer: Preston Sturges
    The Parent Trap (1961) ::: 7.1/10 -- Passed | 2h 9min | Comedy, Family, Romance | 21 June 1961 (USA) -- Teenage twin sisters swap places and scheme to reunite their divorced parents. Director: David Swift Writers: Erich Kstner (book), David Swift (written for the screen by)
    The Private Life of Henry VIII. (1933) ::: 7.1/10 -- The Private Life of Henry VIII (original title) -- The Private Life of Henry VIII. Poster King Henry VIII marries five more times after his divorce from his first wife Catherine of Aragon. Director: Alexander Korda Writers: Lajos Bir (story and dialogue) (as Lajos Biro), Arthur Wimperis (story and dialogue) | 1 more credit
    The Putin Interviews ::: TV-PG | 58min | Documentary, Biography | TV Series (2017) Academy Award-winning filmmaker Oliver Stone interviews the Russian president Vladimir Putin about divisive issues related to the US-Russia relations. Stars: Oliver Stone, Vladimir Putin, Sergei Chudinov
    The Red Sea Diving Resort (2019) ::: 6.6/10 -- Operation Brothers (original title) -- The Red Sea Diving Resort Poster -- Israel's Mossad agents attempt to rescue Ethiopian Jewish refugees in Sudan in 1979. Director: Gideon Raff Writer:
    The Set-Up (1949) ::: 7.9/10 -- Approved | 1h 13min | Crime, Film-Noir, Sport | 2 April 1949 (USA) -- Because aging boxer Bill Thompson always lost his past fights, his corrupt manager, without telling Thompson, takes bribes from a betting gangster, to ensure Thompson's pre-arranged dive-loss in the next match. Director: Robert Wise Writers: Art Cohn (screenplay), Joseph Moncure March (from the poem by)
    The Song of Bernadette (1943) ::: 7.6/10 -- Approved | 2h 36min | Biography, Drama | April 1945 (USA) -- A young girl claims to have seen a divine vision, which prompts both a religious phenomenon and extreme skepticism. Director: Henry King Writers: George Seaton (screenplay), Franz Werfel (novel) Stars:
    The Split ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama | TV Series (2018 ) -- The Defoes, a family of female divorce lawyers, are forced to face their past following the return of their estranged father after a 30 year absence. Creator:
    The Squid and the Whale (2005) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 21min | Comedy, Drama | 16 December 2005 (USA) -- Follows two young boys dealing with their parents' divorce in Brooklyn in the 1980s. Director: Noah Baumbach Writer: Noah Baumbach
    The Ten Commandments (1956) ::: 7.9/10 -- G | 3h 40min | Adventure, Drama | 5 October 1956 (USA) -- Moses, an Egyptian Prince, learns of his true heritage as a Hebrew and his divine mission as the deliverer of his people. Director: Cecil B. DeMille (as Cecil B. de Mille) Writers: Dorothy Clarke Wilson (this work contains material from the book
    The War of the Roses (1989) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Comedy, Romance | 8 December 1989 (USA) -- A married couple try everything to get each other to leave the house in a vicious divorce battle. Director: Danny DeVito Writers: Warren Adler (novel), Michael Leeson (screenplay)
    The Water Diviner (2014) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Drama, History, War | 26 December 2014 (Australia) -- An Australian man travels to Turkey after the Battle of Gallipoli to try and locate his three missing sons. Director: Russell Crowe Writers: Andrew Knight, Andrew Anastasios
    Three Colors: White (1994) ::: 7.6/10 -- Trois couleurs: Blanc (original title) -- Three Colors: White Poster -- After his wife divorces him, a Polish immigrant plots to get even with her. Director: Krzysztof Kieslowski Writers:
    Three Palms for Two Punks and a Babe (1998) ::: 7.6/10 -- Tri palme za dve bitange i ribicu (original title) -- Three Palms for Two Punks and a Babe Poster 1993 Serbia is a place torn by hyperinflation and economic disaster. Milan, an avid fan of FC Partizan, lives with his painter friend and makes money by selling his paintings to the "new ... S Director: Radivoje Andric Writer: Milan V. Puzic
    Thunder Road (2018) ::: 7.1/10 -- 14A | 1h 32min | Comedy, Drama | 30 October 2018 (USA) -- A police officer faces a personal meltdown following a divorce and the death of his mother. Director: Jim Cummings Writer: Jim Cummings
    Titus ::: TV-PG | 23min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20002002) -- A mechanic, Christopher Titus, along with his brother and his friends, try to deal with his father, a lewd, crude, drinking multiple divorcee. Creators: Brian Hargrove, Jack Kenny, Christopher Titus
    Togetherness ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | TV Series (20152016) -- Follows two couples living under the same roof who struggle to keep their relationships alive while pursuing their individual dreams. Creators: Jay Duplass, Mark Duplass, Steve Zissis
    Twentieth Century (1934) ::: 7.4/10 -- 1h 31min | Comedy, Romance | 11 May 1934 (USA) -- A flamboyant Broadway impresario who has fallen on hard times tries to get his former lover, now a Hollywood diva, to return and resurrect his failing career. Director: Howard Hawks Writers:
    Twister (1996) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 53min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 10 May 1996 (USA) -- Bill and Jo Harding, advanced storm chasers on the brink of divorce, must join together to create an advanced weather alert system by putting themselves in the cross-hairs of extremely violent tornadoes. Director: Jan de Bont Writers:
    Undeclared ::: TV-14 | 22min | Comedy | TV Series (20012003) -- College freshman Steve Karp, his girlfriend and their fellow dormmates embark on one the greatest experiences of their lives. Unfortunately for Steve, his lonely and recently divorced father is tagging along for the ride. Creator:
    Under Suspicion (1991) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 28 February 1992 (USA) -- In Brighton in 1959, disgraced cop turned private detective Tony Aaron works largely on falsifying adulteries for use as evidence in divorce cases. He involves his wife as the fictional ... S Director: Simon Moore Writer: Simon Moore Stars:
    Unthinkable (2010) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 26 May 2010 (Belgium) -- A psychological thriller centered around a black-ops interrogator and an F.B.I. Agent who press a suspect terrorist into divulging the location of three nuclear weapons set to detonate in the U.S. Director: Gregor Jordan Writer:
    Vinyl ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Music | TV Series (2016) -- A New York music executive in the 1970s hustles to make a career out of the city's diverse music scene. Creators: Rich Cohen, Mick Jagger, Martin Scorsese | 1 more credit
    War Dogs (2016) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Biography, Comedy, Crime | 19 August 2016 (USA) -- Loosely based on the true story of two young men, David Packouz and Efraim Diveroli, who won a three hundred million dollar contract from the Pentagon to arm America's allies in Afghanistan. Director: Todd Phillips Writers:
    Whatever Works (2009) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 33min | Comedy, Romance | 3 July 2009 (USA) -- A middle-aged, misanthropic divorce from New York City surprisingly enters a fulfilling, Pygmalion-type relationship with a much younger, unsophisticated Southern girl. Director: Woody Allen Writer:
    Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken (1991) ::: 7.3/10 -- G | 1h 28min | Drama, Family, Romance | 24 May 1991 (USA) -- Thrilled by a performance she sees at a fair, Sonora tries to land a spot as a daredevil who rides horses off of high dives. Director: Steve Miner Writers: Matt Williams, Oley Sassone Stars:
    X-Men: First Class (2011) ::: 7.7/10 -- X: First Class (original title) -- X-Men: First Class Poster -- In the 1960s, superpowered humans Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr work together to find others like them, but Erik's vengeful pursuit of an ambitious mutant who ruined his life causes a schism to divide them. Director: Matthew Vaughn Writers:
    Youth in Revolt (2009) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 8 January 2010 (USA) -- While his trailer trash parents teeter on the edge of divorce, Nick Twisp sets his sights on dream girl Sheeni Saunders, hoping that she'll be the one to take away his virginity. Director: Miguel Arteta Writers:
    Zodiac (2007) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 2h 37min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 2 March 2007 (USA) -- In the late 1960s/early 1970s, a San Francisco cartoonist becomes an amateur detective obsessed with tracking down the Zodiac Killer, an unidentified individual who terrorizes Northern California with a killing spree. Director: David Fincher Writers:'s_Isle"Problem_solving_in_low-ranking_individuals_in_animal_groups"_(Charles_Darwin_as_the_first_anti-psychiatric_thinker_timeline)'s_divergence,_Divided_Spain,+Comparability,+Connectivity,+Sensitivity,+Transformability,+Substitutability,+and+Satisfiability!!!_Re:Dive"Divine_Dancer_in_the_Snow"!'s_Tasteful_Foods'Anthalis's_Coast's_Eye's_Shield't's_Chagrin_Mine's_Chagrin_Mine_Wayshrine's_Archive:_Rituals_of_the_Divines's_Divine_Spear,_Not_Individual_Magic_Words's_Goggles_1,_Each_Individual_Day,000_Year_Old_Sailor_Wars_&_The_Legendary_Grand_Exodus--Kinetic_Pretty_Guardian_Neo_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_Infinity_Zodiac_Sailor_Prime_Divine_Galaxy_Star_Millennium_X-Storm:_The_Fall_Of_The_Legendary_Silver_Millennium_&_Legends_Of_The_Vast_Galaxies,000_Year_Old_Sailor_Wars_&_The_Rise_of_The_Sailor_Primes--Kinetic_Pretty_Guardian_Neo_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_Infinity_Zodiac_Sailor_Prime_Divine_Galaxy_Star_Millennium_X-Storm:_War_for_The_Future_of_The_Legendary_Silver_Millennium_&_The_Vast_Galaxies,_Divine_Revelations_&_Changed_Destinies_For_All_Life_In_The_Universe,_Force_&_Combat,_The_Infinite_Holy_Dragon_God_&_The_True_Holy_Dragon_God_Emperor,_Force_&_Combat,_The_Golden_Infinite_Holy_Dragon_God_&_The_Silver_True_Holy_Dragon_God_Emperor,_Force_&_Combat_&_The_Ultimate_Supreme_Infinite_Twilight_Inferno_True_Dragon_King_God_Emperor_of_The_10_Divine_Heavenly_&_Demonic_Commandments,_Divine_Beast_Gods,_Dragon_God,_True_Dragon,_First_Ascendant,_10_Ultimate_Dragons_&_The_Legendary_Masters,_The_Legend_of_The_Strongest_&_Most_Powerful_Beings_in_The_Supernatural_Realms_&_Vast_Extraterrestrial_Galaxies,_Legacy_Of_The_Strongest_&_Most_Powerful_Supernatural_Entities_In_All_Of_Existence_&_In_The_Entire_Universe,_The_Infinite_Dragon_Goddess_&_The_True_Dragon_Matriarch,_Rise_of_The_Guardians_of_The_Holy_Light_&_Demonic_Darkness,_The_Great_Power_Of_The_True_Light_&_The_True_Darkness,_&_Power_Of_The_Universe,_Spiritual,_Extraterrestrial_&_Cybernetic_Realms_&_Ultimate_Revolutionary_Aeon_Sailor_Guardians_of_All_Worlds,000_Age_Old_Great_War_Of_Light_&_Darkness--The_Legendary_Ultimate_Battle_For_The_Future_Of_The_Infinite_Vast_Universe,_The_Ultimate_Twilight_Infinity_Dragon_Goddess,_&_The_Chaotic_True_Dragon_God_Empress,_Spiritual,_Extraterrestrial_&_Cybernetic_Realms_&_Ultimate_Revolutionary_Aeon_Sailor_Guardians_of_All_Worlds_--_Divine_Beautiful_Guardian_&_Destroyer_Neo_Sailor_Moon_Solar_Imperialistic_Genesis_Storm,_Legendary_War_For_Victory_Or_Oblivion,_A_Glorious_Union_Of_Magic_&_Alien_Technology,_Transformers_&_Neo_Sailor_Moon_Burst_Limit_Storm:_The_Legendary_Sailor_Wars_&_Great_Cybertronian_War_For_The_Fate_Of_All_Beings,_A_Unified_Alliance_of_Magic_&_Technology_-_Legendary_War_For_The_The_Future_Of_The_Entire_Universe,_Glorious_Legacy_Of_The_Most_Powerful_&_Ancient_Masters_Of_Legends,_Supernatural_&_Cybernetic_DxD_Genesis_Storm:_The_Legend_of_The_Greatest_Heroes_&_Heroines_in_The_Universe,_Rise_of_The_New_Grand_Divine_Cosmic_Cybertron_Millennium_for_All_Worlds,_Supernatural_&_Cybernetic_DxD_Genesis_Storm:_The_Legend_of_The_Greatest_Heroes_&_Heroines_in_The_Universe,_Rise_of_The_New_Grand_Divine_Cosmic_Cybertron_Millenniumrles_Tucker_III,_The_Ultimate_Infinite_Holy_True_Dragon_Queen_God_Empress:_Ancient_&_Powerful_Ruler_Of_The_Moon_&_The_Star_Kingdoms-_The_Legend_Of_The_Most_Powerful_Woman,_Defeat_The_Dark_With_The_Ancient_&_Divine_Cosmic_Power_of_Light_In_The_Universe,_Supernatural_&_Intergalactic_Maximum_Burst_Limit_Storm_&_Digimon_Fusion_Kai_Masters:_The_Legacy_of_The_First_Ascendant,_The_Supreme_King_&_The_Divine_Bestial_Gods_&_Goddesses's_Choice'Hara,_Interrupted!_Dong!_The_Bitch_Is_Dead!'t)_Fear_The_Reaper's_Cafe't_hear_us_she's_blind_..._lol's_Ball,_She_Wrote,_Where_Are_You?'s_Box's_No_Angel,_You're_Rocking_the_Boat,_The_Witch_and_The_Vampire're_Dealt,_They_Are_Changin't_Outrun

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