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object:1.07 - The Literal Qabalah (continued)
book class:A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah



I T should by now be abundantly clear to even the most casual reader, after this description of the thirty-two
Paths of Wisdom and the outline of the Qabalistic ideas of number, that the more knowledge of every kind one has at one's disposal, and the greater one's experience, the more will the system commend itself as a mode of classifica- tion. It cannot be too clearly emphasized that this being a system for the classification of all ideas, there is nothing which cannot be comprehended in it. No attempt, there- fore, has been made to give here a large number of cor- respondences, as this is a task which must be left for individual research. The writer must be pardoned for reiterating this so frequently, but it is so important that he grasps every opportunity to drive the point home.

At first sight the whole system of the Sephirothal Tree, with the manifold correspondences to be utilized as a psychological or spiritual classifying system, may appear to the reader as wholly unintelligible. But with a little serious application, the lapse of time will show an unconscious assimilation - analogous to the seed of a tree taking root silehtly, secretly, in the dark depths of Mother Earth.
When the seed has at last sent forth shoots and roots seek- ing nourishment and something it can grasp and hold on to, the tender stalk pushes its way upwards towards the Sun, the source of light and life.

So also with the fundamental principles of the Qabalah.
First the original seed of the few important correspondences, upon which the whole superstructure depends, should be committed to memory and made an integral part of one's everyday consciousness. In order to facilitate study, the reader who is really interested in proving to himself the inestimable value of the Tree of Life as a method of
classification, should procure a tray which contains what is known as a card index. This, in reality, is but a small box holding a number of blank cards. These should be divided into several compartments, numbered from 1 to 32. Every correspondence mentioned in the previous chapters should then be entered on a card by itself and placed in its proper position, under its appropriate number. Then the student should briefly enter on to each card the various facts of which he is cognisant concerning each of those attri butions and take steps to acquire a deeper knowledge concerning some of the items which are new. In this very practical way, he will be classifying the whole of his knowledge into thirty-two compartments, and any new facts which he thereafter obtains will be automatically grouped under some one of these divisions. When this task has been thoroughly accomplished, he should endeavour to reduce in his own mind the information contained in these thirty- two divisions with their multitudinous facts to Ten, the number of the Sephiros - and finally to One.

This last task will be rendered much more simple if the relation obtaining between the Paths and the Sephiros, and the shape of the Tree itself, is borne in mind. All the attri- butions should be carefully traced and correlated by the reader to that harmonious and symmetrical shape which is formed by the ten Sephiros and the twenty-two Paths.
He should remember, too, the triune nature of each unit ; it receives from above, retains and expresses its own nature, and transmits the influence to that which is below.

This is the root foundation upon which all further study must be based. As the study progresses, a more complete and intelligible set of attri butions should be filed in these original jackets, and the Tree will be observed to grow under one's very eyes.

The correspondences of each unit may be indefinitely extended, since each Sephirah and each subsidiary Path may be visualized as containing a Tree of Life within its own sphere, and may thus be divided for the purpose of more precise and close analysis into ten subdivisions. The
Tree itself may also be placed in each of, what are called,
The Four Worlds in the Qabalistic Scheme of Evolution.

The Sephirothic scheme was originally concerned with the mysteries of evolution, and the Qabalists conceived of the evolution of the cosmos in a complex manner. By a kind of flowing forth or emanation from Ain, it was held that there were produced in succession four Worlds or
Planes of Consciousness. The Tree, therefore, is divided into four different regions of consciousness, of four cosmic planes in which the creative flow or pulsating stream of life proceeds.

The first of these four creative planes is Olam Atsilus, the
World of Emanations or the Archetypal World. The second is Olam Briah , the Creative World. The third is
Olam Yetsirah, the Formative World, all the above finding expression and dynamic concretion in Olam Assiah, the
World of Action or the Material World, which the Zohar considers to be the abiding truth of the harmonious co- operation of all the Sephiros, making the universe in all its orderliness and symmetry a true and exact manifestation of the Thought Divine of the Archetypal World. The
Zoharic authority for this philosophic conception is to be found in Zohar, i, 156 et seq . :

" All that which exists upon the Earth, has its spiritual counterpart on high, and there exists nothing in this world which is not attached to something Above, and is not found in dependence upon it.

" All that which is contained in the lower world is also found in prototype. The Lower and the Upper reciprocally act upon each other."

This division is contemplated in two distinct manners. In th e first method, Keser - the Sphere of the Primum Mobile - occupies the first plane alone. It is the Archetype and
Creator of all the other Sephiros. Chokmah and Binah are considered as the Creative World, the region of Ideation and Cosmic Energization, from which evolves the World of
Formation, consisting of the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth Sephiros. The World of Formation con- stitutes the Astral Plane, comprising various degrees of subtle and electric matter and energy. The whole is syn- thesized in the physical world, Malkus, the tenth Sephirah, which is, in this mode of consideration, Olam Assiah.

The Zohar, moreover, takes the name YIIVH, which is

Diagram No. 10



the Tetragrammaton, and attri butes each letter of this word to some one of the four Worlds. Yod to the Arche- typal World, the first He to the Creative World, Vav to the
Formative World, and the final He being allocated to the
Material World.

In the second method, the Zohar places a whole Tree of ten Sephiros in each of the Four Worlds. The Archetypal
World is the highest, being absolutely ideal. It is the plane of the Divine Thought, the Causal Plane of Cosmic Idea- tion, or the Mahat of Blavatslcian Theosophy.

The ten Archetypal Sephiros project themselves into the
World of Briah, a plane less spiritual and less abstract.
Here the creative forces of the Gods seize upon the arche- typal ideas of things, expanding and vivifying and develop- ing the Tree on that particular plane. This is the mental plane proper, comparable in cosmical constitution to the conception of the Buach or the lower Manas of Theosophy in man. The lowest Sephirah in Atsilus thus becomes the
Keser in Briah, as the accompanying diagram shows, and the Malkus of Briah becomes the Keser of Yetsirah, and so on down the scale.

In the Formative World, which is the plane of the Astral forces, the ideas are projected still further, being clothed here in a design or model form of electric and magnetic matter. The astral substance is an omnipresent and all- permeating fluid of extremely subtile matter, of substance in a highly tenuous state, and in the process of further evolution, it produces, and acts as the substratum to, the material world, which is a copy of the astral in more dense and gross material.

In this manner, should a large number of triads be re- quired for comparative purposes - such as may be required for the attri buting of the triadic categories of the Hegelian
Philosophy to the Tree of Life - we obtain by this means a system of twelve triads, with a pendant of a thirteenth
Sephirah in Assiah.

The Tarot cards likewise have been attri buted to these four Worlds. The set of cards consists of Twenty-two
Trumps attri buted to the Hebrew Alphabet ; four suits of fourteen cards each, entitled Wands, Cups, Swords, and
Pantacles. The first ten of each suit, as we have already seen, were attri buted to the Sephiros. The remaining four in each suit are the Court cards, King, Queen, Prince or
Knight, and Princess or Page, and are attri buted to the letters of the Tetragrammaton and to the Four Creative

In the painting of modern sets, a number of mistakes

have inadvertently crept in. The King has been depicted as sitting passively on a throne, and the Prince or Knight, astride a horse in full gallop, actively brandishing his weapons. In reality, the symbols should be reversed, for the King (the Demiurgos or Macroprosopus in Keser) who represents Olam Atsilus, is creative and positive, and trans- mits the stream of life to the Queen, who is the Mother,
Olam Brink, abiding patiently and passively as the work of creation goes on within her. The Prince or Knight (the
Microprosopus situate in Tipharas), representing Olam
Yetsirah, is similar in function to the King but subsisting on a much lower plane, he receiving the ideas and force of the
Father from 'the Mother, which impressions he in turn imparts to the Princess or Page, who is the Virgin, Olam

The names of the suits, too, are descriptive to a very large extent of the nature of the Worlds. The Wand is the magical symbol of the Creative Will which evolves the original archetypal ideas in Olam Atsilus. They are pro- jected into Olam Brink, the Creative World, symbolized by the Cups. The Cup obviously is a feminine symbol, passive, and receptive, eager to receive the male influence from on high. The Sword relates to the Formative Plane, since the sword cuts, forms, and hews. The Pantacles, being formed of wax - a symbol of earth, passive and inert - symbolize the World of Action and matter, wherein the forces of the more transcendent planes have their field of manifestation.

Only one word of caution is here required. It must not be supposed that these Worlds are above one another in space or time. Such is not the Zoharic idea. This is one of the main drawbacks of diagrammatic representations. They are realms of consciousness each having an appropriate vehicle of matter, some more subtile, others more dense, than the other. Blavatsky states that they are " in co- adunition but not in consubstantiality The implication of this rather formidable phrase is that their substance is not of the same degree of density, although spatially they may occupy the same position. The distinction, however, is of quality of matter, not of position in space.

A few remarks are necessary with regard to methods of viewing the Tree and its shape in general. In Chapter
Three the reader will have observed from the diagrams that there were three Triads of Sephiros, culminating in the pendant of a tenth Sephirah which was called Malkus.
There is, however, another way of looking at this Tree.
The Sephiros arrange themselves in Columns, for there are three on the Right hand, three on the Left, and four in the Middle.

Chokmah, Chesed, and Netsach are those on the Right hand, and tl comprise what is called the Pillar of Mercy, comparable to the Column Yachin of the Freemasons.
Binah, Geburah, and Hod, are the Sephiros on the Left, and they are denominated the Pillar of Severity- the
Masonic Boaz ; while the four Sephiros of Keser, Tipharas,
Yesod, and Malkus, the main trunk of the Tree, comprise together the Middle Pillar.

It will be very interesting for the reader to note, in con- nection with the Middle Pillar, the words used in Exodus with regard to Aaron's wand or the rod of Almond. The words are tpsn ntob Matoh haShaked. By Gematria the numerical value of these two words is ascertained to be 463. From our Chapter Four, 400 is seen to be Tav 1 the thirty-second Path leading from Malkus to
Yesod. 60 is the Path of Samech D leading from Yesod to Tipharas. 3 is the thirteenth Path, Gimel, which joins Tipharas directly to the Crown. The whole idea of the wand of Aaron the High Priest, implies the shaft con- necting the Sephiros on the Middle Pillar- a straight road from the Kingdom to the Crown.

The question may arise in the mind of the student of
Philosophy at this juncture as to whether the Qabalah resolves itself into an objective or a subjective scheme.
That is to say, is the world as it is perceived through the five senses the result of the creativity of my spiritual ego, having no existence outside of my own consciousness, or does the Qabalah regard the Universe as both subjective and objective ?

A study of Qabalistic ideology and correspondences would lead one to suppose that it accepts the absolute reality of external things in the most objective sense. It is, if name it we must, an Objective Idealism. All our per- ceptions are not exclusively of the Ego, nor of that which is perceived ; they are the representations of a certain rela- tion and interaction between the two. We cannot affirm any quality in an object as being independent of our sense apparatus. Nor, on the other hand, dare we assume that what we do cognize is more than a partial representation of its cause. We are unable to determine, for example, the meaning of such ideas as motion, or distinguish between space and time, except in relation to some particular ob- server and some particular thing observed. For instance, if during experimentation, a huge cannon were fired twice at an interval of three hours, a Solar entity would note a difference of several thousand miles in space between the shots, rather than three hours difference in time. We are absolutely incapable, however, of perceiving phenomena except through the senses. It would be quite correct, hence, from a purely Qabalistic viewpoint, to assume that the Universe is also subjective without denying in the least its objectivity.

In reality, however, I must add as a cautionary warning that the Qabalah does not concern itself with the rational solution of the objectivity or subjectivity of the Universe.
It is primarily, as so frequently emphasized here, a psych- ological system for the comparison and classification of all ideas and experiences.

The student will undoubtedly begin to wonder how it is possible to correlate the abstract mythological conceptions inherent in our Sephiros to the ideology of the various academic systems of philosophy. This is not a particularly difficult task, once one has a perfect string of correspon- dences established in one's mind.

Let us take, for instance, the critical idealism of Kant.
The Universe as existing in time and space is considered to be a subjective creation of the perceiving Ego, such ideas as time and space being a priori categories or forms of creative thinking. How, now, can we establish a corre- spondence between our Qabalah and the concept just mentioned ?

Keser has been defined as the Ego, the Monad, "the secret centre in the heart of every man ". Keser, hence, is our Transcendental Ego. To Binah, we found that
Kronos or Time was attri buted. Thus Binah links up with the Kantian category of Time. Thp Sphere of the Zodiac is a correspondence of Chokmah, and is, in a certain respect, a concretion of the idea of Space. We have, therefore, the whole Universe as the lower seven Sephiros, projected and existing in Time and Space, or Chokmah and Binah, which are the functions of the integrating faculty of the Ego or
Keser. The student will find it no difficult matter to corre- late the remaining Kantian categories, or forms of the activity of the thinking ego, to the Sephirothal Tree.

When we come to consider Fichte and Hegel, we find a very close analogy indeed between the Emanation system of the Qabalah, which proceeds in triads, male, female, and child ; and the dialectical process which has its expression in a positive or outgoing movement, its opposite or nega- tive, and the reconciliation.

There attaches hereto, however, another problem of paramount importance upon which it is necessary to comment before proceeding any further. The fact that the Sephiros fall into triads or trinities, and the fact that such titles as the Father, the Mother, and the Son, have been ascribed to them, has been the means of encouraging many an apologist on behalf of Christianity to argue without sufficient basis that the Christian trinity is implicit in the
Qabalah. I quote Prof. Abelson in connection with this argument :

" It is beyond a doubt that the resemblance is quite a matter of accident. . . . The philosophy of Salomon Ibn
Gabirol, Neoplatonism, Gnosticism, Philonism, and other systems have all left indelible traces (i.e. on the evolution of the Qabalah). But Christianity, be it remembered, besides being a debtor to Judaism, is a debtor to these sources as well ; so that what appears to be Christian may be, in reality, Jewish ; a development of the original material by an unbroken succession of Jewish minds. . . . But it is beyond dispute that the Christian Trinity and the trinities of the ten Sefirot lie in quite distinct planes."

On this subject I feel in my deepest heart that to Mr.
Arthur Edward Waite there is due a great debt of gratitude.
For although Mr. Waite frankly confesses himself to be a
Christian - and let it be remembered, moreover, a Christian holding obedience to the See of Rome ; or so I gather from his writings - he has analysed notwithstanding, with the utmost care, the possible comparisons which might be drawn between the Christian Trinitarian concept and the
Qabalistic Sephiros bearing the titles of the Holy Family.

In his Holy Kaballah, for one thing, he proves conclusively and at great length that the Shechinah attri buted to the
Sephirah Binah is not to be construed as being identical in nature or definition with the Holy Ghost. He observes in addition, although somewhat unnecessarily in my estima- tion, that the philosophy attaching to the union of the
Zoharic Yod and Heh primal in the Olam Atsilus would be repugnant to the devout Trinitarian. I need not labour the point here that the Christian Trinity would be even more reprehensible and worthy of all contempt to the venerable Rabbis of the Holy Assemblies.

From my point of view, to attend to the problem itself, there cannot possibly be the slightest connection between the two philosophic formulations which have been at the foundation of virulent controversy. Because, let me insist most strongly, the two Schools under consideration specu- late upon two entirely different topics. According to the
Church, the various aspects of the Trinity are, severally, all
One in God. Despite this, however, so Athanasius tells us, each individual Person, in itself, is God.

Not so according to the Qabalah. Ain Soph is the
Infinite ; Eternity, transcendent and immanent. It can- not even be said to be One, since it is Zero ; and One is an attri bute as we have already seen of manifestation and limitation. Those Sephiros which bear such titles as Father and Mother cannot, per se, under any circumstances, be
God or Ain Soph. The Zohar teaches distinctly that the
Sephiros are simply kechleem, vessels or channels through which the Divine forces of creative evolution manifest themselves. The Sephiros to which Father and Mother are allocated are not Ain Soph. Permeated and sustained by the Infinite Life though they always are, they are realized to be but manifestations.

The real solution of the would-be comparison is, in point of fact, a remarkably simple one, since there can be no comparison at all. So simple is this solution that insofar as
I am aware it has escaped those who revel in logical hair- splitting and argument. The ideas in the minds of the early
Church Fathers and the Doctors of the Law were not in accord. The Church taught of Three Persons who are eternally the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

I cannot understand that this metaphysical formulation has any other than the most remote relationship to the
Qabalistic concept of the Tetragrammaton, the four- lettered name of God. Its allocations are the Yod and the first H4h, the Father and Mother in Transcendence ; and the Vav and Heh final, the Son and the Daughter, twins, below. In other words, this Holy Family consists not of
Three individuals, hut of Four. It should be quite obvious to even the merest tyro in philosophy that two distinct sys- tems are here being propounded, the one having little or nothing to do with the other. The defence raised by
Dr. Abelson is, therefore, no defence at all, since he is endeavouring to demonstrate that the Jews have not borrowed from the Christians. Actually this question does not enter into the controversy.

There has been one final attempt to attach a fourth person to the Christian Trinity in the shape of the mystical body of Christ which is the Roman Catholic Church. So feeble a last resort indeed casts reflection upon the minds in whom it originated.

Yet on this whole subject there have ensued polemics which have been perpetuated for over three hundred years in pure ignorance of Qabalistic essentials. Reuchlin,
Mirandola, Knorr von Rosenroth, Lully, and others studied the Qabalah primarily in the deceitful anticipation that therein might be ascertained doctrines analogous to the
Christian faith ; doctrines with which to compel the sons of
Israel to shave their beards and cut their forelocks ; to forsake the faith and counsel of their fathers, and partake of the communion according to the Rite of Rome. With but a few exceptions they failed in the latter, despite wilful perversion of Zoharic doctrine. Many a Rabbi of ortho- doxy, as a direct result, levelled venomous hatred and fiery vituperation against the Zohar, accepting a 'priori the belief of his uncircumcized persecutors that Christianity, or at least the contention that the Trinity and the nomination of Christ as the Jewish Messiah, appeared in the Zohar.
The fault lies with them also for the neglect of so great a heritage.

It is necessary for the student to make a strong effort to grasp the doctrine of the Tetragrammaton as briefly

developed in Chapters Three and Five. Upon an under- standing of this formula depends his realization that the
Zohar and the Qabalah stands as a body of doctrine altogether independent of what has proceeded from within the Sanctorum of the Catholicism as obtains at Rome. He will then find himself the possessor of sufficient knowledge preventing his fall into so shallow a booby trap as that described above, and provide the basis upon which he i can erect a towering edifice of magical theory and practice.

To really appreciate the triadic movement of the
Sephiros in the descent from ideality to actuality one should possess a knowledge of philosophy from Plato to
Hegel. This triple action of movement, its negation and reconciliation (considered by Hegel to be a kind of logical controversy) is universally held to be the true method of philosophy. The Qabalah advancing by means of this
Dialectical process, in priority to Hegel and Spencer, pro- pounds a highly comprehensive system of evolution in which - to make use of Spencer's well-known formula :
" There is a continuous change from indefinite incoherent homogeneity (Ain) to definite heterogeneity of structure and function (Malleus) through successive differentiations and integrations " (the intervening Sephiros).

Fichte in his philosophic researches, in starting from the
Ego (Keser) found it to possess knowledge, thought, and consciousness. He claimed that thinking is not the essence of the Ego, but merely one of its activities (below the Abyss, the Qabalah would add), and so he arrived, by an examina- tion of the act of thought, at his first three principles. By means of the dialectic, acknowledging the Self (Keser- - the Crown) as a starting-point, involving whatever one knows and experiences, he attempted to overcome the
Kantian dualism, which separated the phenomenal from the noumenal worlds, and made the latter " unknowable ".
First, there is the Ego, Self or Subject^ given in every cog- nition ; infinite and inexhaustible in nature ; but obscure, for we know it only in its activity- which has a special form, the " positing " or the putting forth of energy, pure activity, the manifestation of the Self.

This produces the Object, the opposite of Self, the non-ego (Non-Being of Hegel), which corresponds to Binah, since the latter is the root of matter, and the opposite of
Being. The object is its first alien, which acts upon the
Self and is acted upon by it. They are then recognized in reciprocal relation, and the interaction resolves itself in the harmony of self-knowledge (the third principle), or Chok- mah, Wisdom, our second Sephirah.

One meets with a perfect foreshadowing of the German idealisms in various of the writings of some of the early
Qabalists, and the following quotation from Rabbi Moses
Cordovero is quite good philosophy :

" The first three Sephiros must be considered as one and the same thing. The first represents ' knowledge the second ' the knower the third ' that which is known
The Creator is Himself, at one and the same time, know- ledge, the knower, and the known. Indeed, His manner of knowing does not consist in applying His thought to things outside Him ; it is by self-knowledge that He knows and perceives everything which is. There exists nothing which is not united to Him and which He does not find in His own essence. He is the type of all being, and all things exist in
Him under their most pure and perfect form. ... It is thus that all existing things in the universe have their form in the Sephiros, and the Sephiros have theirs in the source from which they emanate."

Another instance in an entirely new direction is necessary perhaps to demonstrate the manner in which Qabalistic knowledge may be applied. In his Swarthmore Lecture,
Science and the Unseen World, Prof. A. S. Eddington pointed out that " out of the electric charges dispersed in the primitive chaos ninety-two different kinds of matter - ninety-two chemical elements - have been built. ... At root the diversity of the ninety-two elements reflects the diversity of the integers from one to ninety-two because the chemical characteristics of element No. 11 (sodium) arise from the fact that it has the power at low temperature of gathering round it eleven negative electric charges ; those of No. 12
(magnesium) from its power of gathering twelve particles ; and so on ".

At this point I shall leave the Swarthmore Lecture to ask the reader to consider with me a highly significant passage taken from Sir James Jeans' recent work, The Mysterious
Universe. I quote from page 8 :

" To-day one phenomenon after another which was at one time attri buted to * vital force ' is being traced to the action of the ordinary processes of physics and chemistry.
Although the problem is still far from solution, it is becom- ing increasingly likely that what specially distinguishes the matter of living bodies is the presence not of a ' vital force ', but of the quite commonplace element carbon. ... If this is so, life exists in the universe only because the carbon atom possesses certain exceptional properties. ... So far nothing is known to account for its very special capacity for binding other atoms together. The carbon atom consists of six electrons revolving around the appropriate central nucleus. . . ."

In his Swarthmore Lecture, Eddington continues an identical theme, stating that the electronic structure of the element carbon is responsible for, and provides the physical basis of, life.

Now this conception of things very closely approximates that adopted by the Qabalists. For the moment I shall deal solely with the element carbon, leaving the reader to work out for himself the correspondences of sodium and mag- nesium mentioned by Eddington. The manifestation of
Life is, the Qabalists assert, definitely connected with, and is part of the connotation of, the number Six. Carbon itself is concerned with combustion, combustion with fire and heat ; the latter, ultimately, with the Sun. We may assume that Carbon is a manifestation, or the underlying basis, of life in the microcosm, and the Sun the source of
Life in the Macrocosm.

It will have been observed that one of the several cor- respondences given to the sixth Sephirah of Tipharas or
Harmony on page 61 was the Sun. It is quite obvious, of course, that we are completely dependent on the solar orb and on its life-giving heat and vitality for our very existence. There could be not the slightest manifestation of life at all on this globe - at least no form of life as we know life ; no mineral kingdom, none of the exuberant and luxuriant vegetation which we love so dearly, no animal life of any description - were we cut off in some
way from the rays of our parent Sun, with all its sustenance and warmth.

Yet the Qabalah goes still further, as will have been seen.
Not only is the Sun our Father from the physical viewpoint, but our inner spiritual existence, which is the real life of us, is intimately bound up in all sorts of ways with that of the
Sun. The Sun as we see it is the outer vehicle of the inner
Spiritual Sun ; the flaming garment of a God or a group of
Gods of whose nature we are part and parcel, and from whose life we may not be separated, just as the cells which consti- tute our own organism are bone of our bone, flesh of our flesh, and soul of our soul. As one of the magical rituals - adapted from the Egyptian Book of the Dead - expresses it : "I am the Eidolon of my father Tmu, Lord of the City of the Sun

The student of ancient religions, too, will note with great interest in this connection the undeniable fact that the great teachers or Adepts (those who attained to Tipharas, at least, the Sephirah of ; see next chapter) who have left their impress on popular worship - Attis, Adonis,
Osiris, Mithra, Dionysius, and Jesus Christ - have become, almost without exception, identified with the cycle of the
Sun's journey through the heavens, or rather to be some- what more accurate, the cycle of their lives attached itself to the greater cycle of the Sun. The Nativity occurring at the winter solstice, the Crucifixion at the equinox of spring, all suggest the birth Of the year and the elevation of the Sun above the equator. There are numerous varia- tions upon this theme, but the symbols are nearly always equivalent. The subject of the picture or the story is ever the same ; it is that eternal miracle of abounding life, ever self-restored, triumphant over death- the return of the Sun.

Six, then, may imply carbon and the idea of the physical elements necessary for the manifestation of life, but to the
Qabalist, as we have shown, it means infinitely more ; his mind immediately refers the number Six to everything connected with the Sun, its esoteric noumenon, its earthly emissaries, and spiritual consciousness as a whole.

To continue the quotation from Jeans' book :

" The phenomenon of permanent magnetism appears in a tremendous degree in iron, and in a lesser degree in its

neighbours, nickel and cobalt. . . . The atoms of these elements have 26, 27, and 28 electrons respectively. . . .
As a consequence of these laws, atoms having a certain definite number of electrons, namely 6, 26 to 28 . . . have certain special properties which show themselves in the phenomenon of life, magnetism, and radio-activity respectively."

These numbers 6, 26, 27, and 28 all link up quite definitely with conceptions held in the Qabalistic scheme to sym- bolize the same qualities recognized by scientific thinkers to inhere in atoms with the number of electrons just men- tioned. The carbon atom with its six electrons can be attri buted harmoniously to the sixth Sephirah as was done above, and we may now examine the other three numbers with the view of ascertaining in what way they connect with the philosophic principles heretofore outlined.

Path No. 26 on the Tree of Life is the letter Ayin, whose attri butions are emblematical of the various creative forces of Nature represented, particularly, by Priapus the fecund
God ; implying too the idea of cosmic desire and instinct which manifests, for example, as the cohesive attraction or magnetism of one molecule for another.

The letter Peh is the twenty-seventh Path, and its main attri bution is Mars, which is the electric vitalising force animating and permeating all things. Tradition attri butes iron to Peh, the number 27, although here there is some slight difference with modern science which states that the element iron has 26 electrons. By considering, however, the central proton with the 26 revolving electrons we have 27, which is P6h. This is arbitrary and open to question however.

Twenty-eight is the Path of Tsaddi which joins Netsach to Yesod. The meaning oij this Path of Tsaddi is best dis- covered by an analysis of the Sephiros which it joins on the
Sephirothal Tree. The chart will show this path joining
Netsach and Yesod. Netsach is the sphere of Venus, and the whole implication of this Sephirah was stated as that of love of a sexual nature, representing the generative forces of Nature ; therefore magnetism and desire are the implica- tions in general. Yesod is the Foundation to which the
Astral Plane is attri buted, and the astral substance is by definition magnetic, subtile, and electric in its nature.
Although the term " radio-activity " was not used in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, nevertheless the reader will be able to ascertain without difficulty that the description of the qualities of astral matter are: almost identical with those given by present-day scientific investi- gators to those elements which are said to be radio-active.

Enough has been stated above, I think, to show the reader on what lines to proceed in making use of the
Qabalah as a system for the comparison of ideas. The examples given are not intended to be anything more than suggestive, and it is to be hoped that, in the not far distant future, some student will provide for us a comprehensive survey of the entire history of philosophy with a comparison of its major developments to the ideology of the Qabalah, and a carefully tabulated classification showing the elec- tronic constitution of the ninety-two elements side by side with an elaborate series of Qabalistic correspondences.

questions, comments, suggestions/feedback, take-down requests, contribute, etc
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Wikipedia - 2012 CHIO Aachen -- 2012 international multi-discipline horse show in Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Wikipedia - Abnormal psychology -- Sub-discipline of psychology
Wikipedia - Academic disciplines
Wikipedia - Academic discipline -- Academic field of study or profession
Wikipedia - Academic minor -- Secondary undergraduate academic discipline
Wikipedia - African Journal of Marine Science -- A peer-reviewed scientific journal covering all disciplines of marine science
Wikipedia - Aggressive inline skating -- inline skating discipline focused on executing tricks
Wikipedia - Alia Farid -- Artist who works across the disciplines of art, architecture, and urban anthropology
Wikipedia - Alpha taxonomy -- The discipline of finding, describing, and naming taxa, particularly species
Wikipedia - American literature (academic discipline) -- Academic discipline devoted to the study of American literature
Wikipedia - Apologetics -- Religious discipline of systematic defence of a position
Wikipedia - Archaeology of trade -- Sub-discipline of archaeology
Wikipedia - Assyriology -- Archaeological sub-discipline
Wikipedia - Australian archaeology -- Archaeological sub-discipline
Wikipedia - Auxiliary sciences of history -- scholarly disciplines which help evaluate and use historical sources and are seen as auxiliary for historical research
Wikipedia - BDSM in culture and media -- Stories, books and media about bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, sadism and masochism
Wikipedia - Biblical archaeology -- Archaeological sub-discipline
Wikipedia - Bioarchaeology -- sub-discipline of archaeology
Wikipedia - Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church
Wikipedia - Book of Discipline (United Methodist)
Wikipedia - Buddhist Ethics (discipline)
Wikipedia - Business economics -- Academic discipline
Wikipedia - Canoe freestyle -- Discipline of whitewater kayaking or canoeing
Wikipedia - Canoe Kayak Canada -- Governing body of competitive canoeing and kayaking disciplines in Canada
Wikipedia - Canoe slalom -- Discipline in sport of canoeing and kayaking, to navigate through a course of hanging gates on river rapids
Wikipedia - Canoe sprint -- Discipline in sport of canoeing and kayaking
Wikipedia - Category:Academic discipline interactions
Wikipedia - Category:Academic disciplines
Wikipedia - Category:Applied disciplines
Wikipedia - Category:Engineering disciplines
Wikipedia - Category:History of science by discipline
Wikipedia - Category:Information science by discipline
Wikipedia - Category:Intelligence gathering disciplines
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophy of science by discipline
Wikipedia - Category:Subfields by academic discipline
Wikipedia - Cell biology -- Scientific discipline that studies cells
Wikipedia - Ceremonial magic -- Disciplines of occultism or esotericism that are involved with magic rituals
Wikipedia - Chemical biology -- Scientific discipline
Wikipedia - Chemistry -- Scientific discipline
Wikipedia - Child discipline
Wikipedia - Civil engineering -- Engineering discipline focused on physical infrastructure
Wikipedia - Classical archaeology -- Sub-discipline of archeology
Wikipedia - Clerical celibacy in the Catholic Church -- Discipline within the Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Cognitive archaeology -- Archaeological sub-discipline
Wikipedia - Cognitive psychology -- Subdiscipline of psychology
Wikipedia - Combined track and field events -- Combination of different athletics disciplines within a competition
Wikipedia - Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Military Commission -- Chief military disciplinary authority of China
Wikipedia - Comparative literature -- Academic discipline comparing literature across cultures
Wikipedia - Comparative psychology -- Discipline of psychology dedicated to the study of non-human animal behavior
Wikipedia - Complex society -- A stage of social formation in academic disciplines
Wikipedia - Computational archaeology -- Archaeological sub-discipline
Wikipedia - Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline -- Offense against military law
Wikipedia - Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
Wikipedia - Constant weight apnea -- Freediving discipline in which the diver descends and ascends only by swimming with the use of fins
Wikipedia - Constant weight without fins -- Freediving discipline in which the diver descends and ascends only by swimming without the use of fins
Wikipedia - Contemporary archaeology -- Archaeological sub-discipline
Wikipedia - Control engineering -- Engineering discipline that applies automatic control theory to design systems with desired behaviors
Wikipedia - Creative writing -- Academic discipline concerned with creating literature
Wikipedia - Credit-based fair queuing -- Network queuing discipline
Wikipedia - Cross-country riding -- Competitive horse-riding discipline
Wikipedia - Disability anthropology -- Subdiscipline of anthropology
Wikipedia - Discipline (academia)
Wikipedia - Discipline and Punish -- 1975 book by Michel Foucault
Wikipedia - Disciplined agile delivery
Wikipedia - Discipline Global Mobile -- Record label
Wikipedia - Discipline (Janet Jackson album)
Wikipedia - Discipline (Nine Inch Nails song) -- Nine Inch Nails song
Wikipedia - Discipline -- Action or inaction that is regulated to be in accordance with a particular system of governance
Wikipedia - Disease ecology -- Sub-discipline of ecology
Wikipedia - Divinity (academic discipline)
Wikipedia - Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce
Wikipedia - Dynamic apnea -- Freediving disciplines where the breath-hold diver swims horizontally under water with or without fins
Wikipedia - Endemic synod -- Former permanent standing synod of bishops of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, convoked and presided over by the patriarch, that met frequently but irregularly to deal with issues of discipline and dogma
Wikipedia - Engineering physics -- Study of the combined disciplines in natural science and engineering
Wikipedia - Environmental archaeology -- Sub-discipline of archaeology
Wikipedia - Evolutionary psychiatry -- Discipline of psychiatry based on evolutionary biology
Wikipedia - Experimental archaeology -- Archaeological sub-discipline
Wikipedia - Finance -- Academic discipline studying businesses and investments
Wikipedia - Fisheries science -- The academic discipline of managing and understanding fisheries
Wikipedia - Free immersion apnea -- Freediving discipline in which no propulsion equipment is used, but pulling on the rope during descent and ascent is permitted
Wikipedia - French Federation of Taekwondo and Related Disciplines -- Taekwondo Federation
Wikipedia - Genomics -- Discipline in genetics
Wikipedia - Geoarchaeology -- Archaeological sub-discipline
Wikipedia - Geomatics -- Discipline concerned with the collection, distribution, storage, analysis, processing, presentation of geographic data or geographic information
Wikipedia - Geomedical engineering -- Discipline that applies engineering to medical geology
Wikipedia - Glossary of nautical terms -- List of definitions of terms and concepts used in maritime disciplines
Wikipedia - Grappling -- Range of techniques used in many disciplines, styles and martial arts
Wikipedia - Grounding (discipline technique)
Wikipedia - Heritage studies -- Academic discipline concerned with cultural heritage
Wikipedia - History of geodesy -- Scientific discipline that deals with the measurement and representation of the Earth
Wikipedia - History of Psychology (discipline) -- Academic discipline
Wikipedia - Home economics -- Academic discipline
Wikipedia - Human-computer interaction -- Academic discipline studying the relationship between computer systems and their users
Wikipedia - Humanities, arts, and social sciences -- Group of academic disciplines
Wikipedia - Humanities -- Academic disciplines that study human culture
Wikipedia - Hurricane engineering -- Sub-discipline of civil engineering
Wikipedia - Ice dance -- Discipline of figure skating that draws from ballroom dancing
Wikipedia - Ice theatre -- discipline of figure skating
Wikipedia - Indigenous archaeology -- Sub-discipline of western archaeological theory
Wikipedia - Industrial archaeology -- Archaeological sub-discipline
Wikipedia - Infection prevention and control -- Medical discipline for preventing nosocomial or healthcare-associated infection
Wikipedia - Information systems (discipline)
Wikipedia - Interdisciplinarity -- Combination of two or more academic disciplines into one activity
Wikipedia - Interdisciplinary teaching -- Methods used to teach across curricular disciplines
Wikipedia - Interdiscipline
Wikipedia - International Federation of Surveyors -- Global organization for the profession of surveying and related disciplines
Wikipedia - Intersection type discipline -- Branch of type theory
Wikipedia - Jackson network -- Mathematical discipline
Wikipedia - Jehovah's Witnesses congregational discipline -- Congregation discipline as practiced by Jehovah's Witnesses
Wikipedia - Jewish studies -- Academic discipline centered on the study of Jews and Judaism
Wikipedia - John Gilchrist (zoologist) -- Scottish ichthyologist who established the discipline in South Africa.
Wikipedia - Kabbalah -- Esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought of Judaism
Wikipedia - Kamala Sohonie -- Indian biochemist. First Indian woman to get her Ph.D in a scientific discipline
Wikipedia - Kynan Chenai -- Indian shooter in the Trap discipline
Wikipedia - Labor history (discipline)
Wikipedia - Labour Against the Witchhunt -- Campaign for fair UK Labour Party discipline
Wikipedia - Landscape archaeology -- Archaeological sub-discipline
Wikipedia - Lattice (order) -- Abstract structure studied in the mathematical subdisciplines of order theory and abstract algebra
Wikipedia - Lead climbing -- Competitive discipline of sports climbing
Wikipedia - Learned society -- Organization that exists to promote an academic discipline or profession
Wikipedia - Lexicology -- Linguistic discipline studying words
Wikipedia - List of academic disciplines
Wikipedia - List of intelligence gathering disciplines -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Olympic medalists in sailing by discipline -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of psychology disciplines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of University of Oxford people in academic disciplines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Logic in computer science -- Academic discipline
Wikipedia - Lumpers and splitters -- Opposing factions in any discipline that has to place individual examples into rigorously defined categories
Wikipedia - Manual of Discipline
Wikipedia - Material handling -- Sub-discipline of mechanical engineering
Wikipedia - Mechanical engineering -- Engineering discipline and economic branch
Wikipedia - Media archaeology -- Sub-discipline of archaeology
Wikipedia - Medical geography -- Sub-discipline of geography
Wikipedia - Medieval archaeology -- Archaeological sub-discipline
Wikipedia - Mesoscopic physics -- A subdiscipline of condensed matter physics that deals with materials of an intermediate length
Wikipedia - Mining engineering -- Engineering discipline that involves the practice, the theory, the science, the technology, and applicatIon of extracting and processing minerals from a naturally occurring environment
Wikipedia - Mogul skiing -- Discipline of freestyle skiing
Wikipedia - Mortuary archaeology -- Archaeological sub-discipline
Wikipedia - Mountain bike racing -- Competitive cycle sport discipline of mountain biking held on off-road terrain
Wikipedia - Naval architecture -- Engineering discipline dealing with the design and construction of marine vessels
Wikipedia - Near Eastern archaeology -- Archaeological sub-discipline
Wikipedia - No-limits apnea -- Freediving discipline in which the diver descends and ascends using their method of choice
Wikipedia - Obstacle racing -- Sports discipline
Wikipedia - Offshore survey -- Discipline of hydrographic survey primarily concerned with the oil industry
Wikipedia - Operations research -- Discipline concerning the application of advanced analytical methods
Wikipedia - Organic chemistry -- Subdiscipline of chemistry
Wikipedia - Organizational behavior management -- subdiscipline of applied behavior analysis
Wikipedia - Outline of academic disciplines
Wikipedia - Pair skating -- Discipline of figure skating
Wikipedia - Paleopathology -- Archaeological sub-discipline
Wikipedia - Parkour -- Movement efficiency athletic training discipline
Wikipedia - Philosophy of language -- Discipline of philosophy that deals with language and meaning
Wikipedia - Photochemistry -- Sub-discipline of chemistry
Wikipedia - Political philosophy -- Sub-discipline of philosophy and political science
Wikipedia - Positive discipline
Wikipedia - Post-medieval archaeology -- Archaeological sub-discipline
Wikipedia - Practical disciplines
Wikipedia - Practical theology -- Academic discipline that examines and reflects on religious practices
Wikipedia - Protistology -- Scientific discipline devoted to the study of protists
Wikipedia - Question answering -- Computer science discipline
Wikipedia - Racewalking -- Athletic discipline
Wikipedia - Rejuvenation -- Medical discipline focused on the practical reversal of the aging process
Wikipedia - Reliability engineering -- Sub-discipline of systems engineering that emphasizes dependability in the lifecycle management of a product or a system
Wikipedia - Rhythmic gymnastics -- Gymnastics discipline
Wikipedia - Safety engineering -- Engineering discipline which assures that engineered systems provide acceptable levels of safety
Wikipedia - School discipline
Wikipedia - Science fiction studies -- Common name for the academic discipline that studies and researches the history, culture, and works of science fiction and, more broadly, speculative fiction
Wikipedia - Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics -- Group of academic disciplines
Wikipedia - Scientific discipline
Wikipedia - Self-discipline
Wikipedia - Shakespeare attribution studies -- scholarly discipline that attempts to determine the authorial boundaries of the William Shakespeare canon
Wikipedia - Site reliability engineering -- Discipline that incorporates aspects of software engineering and applies them to infrastructure and operations problems
Wikipedia - Ski flying -- Individual sport discipline derived from ski jumping
Wikipedia - Slalom skiing -- Alpine skiing discipline
Wikipedia - Slopestyle -- Winter downhill sport discipline
Wikipedia - Sadhana -- Disciplined and dedicated practice
Wikipedia - Social science -- The academic disciplines concerned with society and the relationships between individuals in society
Wikipedia - Social work -- Academic discipline and profession
Wikipedia - Sociogenomics -- Academic discipline focused on effects of social factors on genome activity
Wikipedia - Soil chemistry -- Discipline embracing all chemical and mineralogical compounds and reactions occurring in soils and soil-forming processes
Wikipedia - Sound art -- Art discipline that uses sound as a medium
Wikipedia - Speed climbing -- Climbing discipline
Wikipedia - Static apnea -- A discipline in which the diver holds their breath underwater for as long as possible, and does not need to swim any distance
Wikipedia - Statistical relational learning -- Subdiscipline of artificial intelligence
Wikipedia - Subfields of archaeology -- List of academic sub-disciplines
Wikipedia - The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church
Wikipedia - The Disciplined Woman -- 1972 film by Ernst Hofbauer
Wikipedia - The Fifth Discipline
Wikipedia - The Lords of Discipline -- 1980 novel by Pat Conroy
Wikipedia - Three Rules of Discipline and Eight Points for Attention -- 1928 military doctrine of Mao Zedong
Wikipedia - Time discipline -- Social rules and conventions governing time
Wikipedia - Toyota Gazoo Racing Europe GmbH -- Factory racing team representing Toyota in various disciplines
Wikipedia - Track and field -- Sport involving running, jumping and throwing disciplines
Wikipedia - Transportation engineering -- Academic discipline and occupational field
Wikipedia - Trap shooting -- One of the three major disciplines of competitive clay pigeon shooting
Wikipedia - Tumbling (gymnastics) -- Gymnastics discipline
Wikipedia - Unity, Faith, Discipline -- National motto of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Upali -- One of Gautama Buddha's main disciples, foremost in monastic discipline
Wikipedia - Urban archaeology -- Archaeological sub-discipline
Wikipedia - Variable weight apnea without fins -- Competitive freediving discipline
Wikipedia - Yoshukai Karate -- branch discipline of the Japanese/Okinawan martial art, Karate-dM-EM-^M
Wikipedia - Zastrozzi, The Master of Discipline
Wikipedia - Zazen -- Meditative discipline in Zen Buddhism
Wikipedia - Zooarchaeology -- Archaeological sub-discipline
selforum - business is not academic discipline
selforum - no other discipline is comparable in
selforum - fourfold discipline of different parts
selforum - if philosophy as discipline is stumbling
wiki.auroville - Discipline_Farm
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Other_disciplines
Psychology Wiki - Discipline_and_Punish
The Irresponsible Captain Tylor (1993 - 1993) - Justy Ueki Tylor had his life all planned out: join the military, get a cushy desk job, and then retire with a big fat pension check. The perfect plan...until he wandered into a hostage situation and somehow managed to save an Admiral! Now Tylor, a man who wouldn't know what discipline was if it bit...
White Squall(1996) - Teenage boys discover discipline and camaraderie on an ill-fated sailing voyagee.
Gross Anatomy(1989) - They say it takes hard work, commitment, and discipline to make it through medical school...but then again there are those, like Joe Slovak, who have a different approach. Brilliant and nonconforming, he enters into his first year of med school and enrolls into the toughest course of them all: gros...
The Decline Of Western Civilization(1981) - The Los Angeles punk music scene circa 1980 is the focus of this film with The Alice Bag Band, Black Flag, Catholic Discipline, Circle Jerks, Fear, Germs, and X.
The House That Screamed(1969) - Sra. Forneau owns and runs a school for wayward girls in France. Her absolute discipline has fostered a social order among the girls with rampant sex, lesbianism and torture the norm. Palmer also has an adolescent son she tries to keep isolated from the young women lest he be tainted by sexual relat...
Karatix(1986) - Tiana Alexandra (the only woman to be trained by Bruce Lee) is the innovator of KARATIX, a unique exercise and self-defense training program. It combines elements of dance and combat art disciplines to develop self defense skills which the beginner can learn at home through regular practice. Tiana A...
Abstract: The Art of Design ::: TV-14 | 45min | Documentary | TV Series (2017 ) -- A look beyond blueprints and computers into the art and science of design, showcasing great designers from every discipline whose work shapes our world. Stars:
Ip Man 2 (2010) ::: 7.5/10 -- Yip Man 2 (original title) -- Ip Man 2 Poster -- Centering on Ip Man's migration to Hong Kong in 1949 as he attempts to propagate his discipline of Wing Chun martial arts. Director: Wilson Yip Writers:
Megan Leavey (2017) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 56min | Biography, Drama, War | 9 June 2017 (USA) -- Based on the true life story of a young Marine corporal whose unique discipline and bond with her military combat dog saved many lives during their deployment in Iraq. Director: Gabriela Cowperthwaite Writers:
On Dangerous Ground (1951) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 1h 22min | Drama, Film-Noir | 1952 (UK) -- Rough city cop Jim Wilson is disciplined by his captain and is sent upstate, to a snowy mountain town, to help the local sheriff solve a murder case. Directors: Nicholas Ray, Ida Lupino (uncredited) Writers:
Sands of Iwo Jima (1949) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 40min | Action, Drama, Romance | 1 March 1950 (USA) -- Haunted by personal demons, Marine Sgt. John Stryker is hated and feared by his men, who see him as a cold-hearted sadist. But when their boots hit the beaches, they begin to understand the reason for Stryker's rigid form of discipline. Director: Allan Dwan Writers:
The Bounty (1984) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 2h 12min | Adventure, Drama, History | 4 May 1984 (USA) -- Fed up with their Captain's harsh discipline, a sailing ship's crew decides to take action. Director: Roger Donaldson Writers: Robert Bolt (screenplay by), Richard Hough (based upon book "Captain
White Squall (1996) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 9min | Adventure, Drama | 2 February 1996 (USA) -- Teenage boys discover discipline and camaraderie on an ill-fated sailing voyage. Director: Ridley Scott Writers: Charles Gieg Jr. (book), Felix Sutton (book) | 1 more credit's_Discipline
Ashita no Joe -- -- Mushi Production -- 79 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Shounen Slice of Life Sports -- Ashita no Joe Ashita no Joe -- Joe Yabuki is a troubled youth, whose only solution to problems is throwing punches at them. What he lacks in manners and discipline, he makes up for with his self-taught fighting skills. -- -- One day, while wandering the slums of Doya, Joe gets into a fight with the local gang. Although greatly outnumbered, he effortlessly defeats them, drawing the attention of Danpei Tange—a former boxing coach turned alcoholic. Seeing his potential, he offers to train Joe into Japan's greatest boxer. At first, Joe dismisses Danpei as a hopeless drunk; but after the trainer saves his life, he agrees to live with him and learn the art of boxing. Unfortunately, Joe's personality makes him an unruly student, and he often falls back to his old ways. -- -- To survive the harsh world of his new career, Joe needs to trust his mentor and master the techniques taught to him. However, the road to becoming a professional boxer is rife with struggles that will test his mettle to the end. -- -- 60,510 8.28
Mahoujin Guruguru -- -- Nippon Animation -- 45 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Mahoujin Guruguru Mahoujin Guruguru -- There is a small village called Jimuna on the continent of Jamu Jamu. This village is home to a girl named Kukuri. She is the last descendant of the Migu Migu Tribe. She is raised by an old witch who teaches her the secret magic of the tribe, but Kukuri is not a good student. -- -- In the same village lives a boy named Nike. He has been raised by very strict parents. They discipline their son to become a brave hero of the village. Nike himself does not want to be a hero at all, but he grows up to become a mighty boy. -- -- One day the king of the village, Kodai, recruits troops to fight against the ruler of the darkness, Giri. Kukuri and Nike are accepted. The two children, the strong but reluctant hero Nike, and the eager but unskilled little witch Kukuri, set out on a wonderful journey full of adventures and friendship. -- -- (Source: Nippon Animation) -- 8,960 7.61
Minami-ke Okaeri -- -- Asread -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Minami-ke Okaeri Minami-ke Okaeri -- A year has passed since Okawari and the three sisters have grown up. Their likings and moods are almost the same. Haruka, the older sister, is a love-giving mother to the younger sisters and a discipline follower. Kana, the middle one, leaves everything to the last possible moment and always gives trouble to the trio. Chiaki, the little one, is the calculating and manipulating one; she likes to be admired and loved by Haruka and always gives trouble to the less blessed Kana. Despite being an unbalanced family, they love each other with all their heart. The family's daily life is as funny as ever; trouble and love are always present. Now it's time to see if they'll survive this age change since Haruka is now a young adult; she has even more responsibilities, having to watch over the young while integrating into the adult life. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 60,364 7.57
Prison School -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Romance School Seinen -- Prison School Prison School -- Located on the outskirts of Tokyo, Hachimitsu Private Academy is a prestigious all-girls boarding school, famous for its high-quality education and disciplined students. However, this is all about to change due to the revision of the school's most iconic policy, as boys are now able to enroll as well. -- -- At the start of the first semester under this new decree, a mere five boys have been accepted, effectively splitting the student body into a ratio of two hundred girls to one boy. Kiyoshi, Gakuto, Shingo, Andre, and Jo are quickly cast away without having a chance to make any kind of a first impression. Unable to communicate with their fellow female students, the eager boys set their sights on a far more dangerous task: peeping into the girls' bath! -- -- It's only after their plan is thoroughly decimated by the infamous Underground Student Council that the motley crew find their freedom abruptly taken from them, as they are thrown into the school's prison with the sentence of an entire month as punishment. Thus begins the tale of the boys' harsh lives in Prison School, a righteous struggle that will ultimately test the bonds of friendship and perverted brotherhood. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 738,344 7.68
The iDOLM@STER Movie: Kagayaki no Mukougawa e! -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Game -- Music Comedy Drama -- The iDOLM@STER Movie: Kagayaki no Mukougawa e! The iDOLM@STER Movie: Kagayaki no Mukougawa e! -- The idols of 765 Production continue on their neverending journey—towards a new stage, towards a bright and shiny future! -- -- The girls and their producer have gone through thick and thin, and have stood face to face with all kinds of difficulties. -- -- It's time again for the girls to foster their friendship, and through great discipline, they step forward to their starry future. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - Jan 25, 2014 -- 20,731 7.60
Windaria -- -- Idol, Kaname Productions -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Drama Fantasy Romance Sci-Fi -- Windaria Windaria -- Two pairs of young lovers become embroiled in a war between two rival kingdoms, the primitive but resplendent Isa and the militaristic but undisciplined Paro. Izu and his young wife, Marin, are simple farmers who live in the unassuming village of Saki, which lies directly between Isa and Paro. While Saki does not have the beauty of Isa nor the war machines of Paro, they do possess a magnificent tree known as "Windaria," to which the villagers give their prayers in return for "good memories." -- -- When the war erupts, Izu decides to join Paro's army, enthralled by the fantastic motorbike "given" to him as a bribe. Before he departs, they each take a vow: He will definitely return to her, and until he does, she will wait for him. The other two lovers are Jill, the prince of Paro, and Ahanas, Princess of Isa. They initially want nothing to do with the rapidly escalating conflict, but after Jill's father, Paro's king, dies by his son's hand in an altercation over the war, Jill has little choice but to realize his father's final wish: the taking of Isa. -- -- The only problem is that he had promised his beloved, Ahanas, that he would not become involved. Windaria is a war parable set in a fantasy land of unicorns and ghost ships. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- Movie - Jul 19, 1986 -- 7,639 6.53
Words Worth -- -- Arms -- 5 eps -- Visual novel -- Adventure Hentai Demons Magic Fantasy -- Words Worth Words Worth -- The legend has survived for generation. The Words Worth tablet, which will unlock the secrets of the Universe for the one who can decipher it, has been shattered. The warring tribes of Light and Shadow blame each other, and their accusations lead to all out war! -- -- Astral, the undisciplined heir to the throne of the Shadow Forces, lusts for his bride-to-be, Sharon. But Sharon, an accomplished warrior herself, feels her body drawn toward Caesar, the Shadow Tribe`s bravest swordsman. -- -- Sharon battles alongside Caesar during an assault by the Light Forces, and her ferocious beauty captivates Sir Fabris, the leader of the Tribe of Light. Fabris` army loses the battle, but he vows that he will one day get Sharon into his bed, the hard way, if necessary. -- -- Meanwhile, Astral takes his sexual frustrations out on Maria, a Light Tribe sorceress who has been taken captive. As Astral penetrates Maria, Sir Fabris prepares to launch a penetration of his own: a full-scale attack on the Tribe of Shadow! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- NuTech Digital -- OVA - Aug 25, 1999 -- 7,567 6.75
Yomigaeru Sora: Rescue Wings -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Original -- Drama Military Seinen -- Yomigaeru Sora: Rescue Wings Yomigaeru Sora: Rescue Wings -- Kazuhiro Uchida is transferred to a rescue centre located in a small town while training to become a fighter pilot. Initially, Kazuhiro thinks negatively about his new occupation, due to the difficult missions and the harsh discipline he receives from his seniors. However, over the course of his training, he begins to accept the job for what it is and becomes a true member of the rescue force. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jan 9, 2006 -- 11,879 7.42
Zero Duel Masters -- -- - -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Game Sports -- Zero Duel Masters Zero Duel Masters -- It is featured in an alternate universe where Shobu had lost his duel against Hakuoh in their duel back in the Season 1 episode "Just Duel It". -- -- A mysterious organization is interested in fledgling duelist Shobu Kirifuda's ability to bring Duel Master creatures to life. With the support of his friends, Shobu duels with passion, discipline, and heart as he strives to be like his father and become the next Kaijudo master. -- -- (Source: Duel Masters Wikia) -- TV - Apr 9, 2007 -- 2,171 6.01's_Degrees_by_discipline.png
18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
18th Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
Academic discipline
American literature (academic discipline)
Assertive discipline
Book of Discipline
Book of Discipline (Church of Scotland)
Book of Discipline (Quaker)
Book of Discipline (United Methodist)
Buddhist ethics (discipline)
Category:Engineering disciplines
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
Child discipline
Church discipline
Civilian subject to service discipline
Code of Service Discipline
Committee on Rules, Privileges, and Discipline
Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
Defence Force Discipline Act 1982
Deputy Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
Discipline and Punish
Discipline (band)
Disciplined agile delivery
Disciplined Breakdown
Discipline (disambiguation)
Discipline Global Mobile
Discipline (instrumental)
Discipline (instrument of penance)
Discipline (Janet Jackson album)
Discipline (King Crimson album)
Discipline (Nine Inch Nails song)
Discipline: Record of a Crusade
Discipline (Throbbing Gristle song)
Divinity (academic discipline)
Domestic discipline
Eight disciplines problem solving
Eucharistic discipline
Fire discipline
Five Disciplines, Four Graces and Three Loves
GPS disciplined oscillator
Grounding (discipline technique)
Hong Kong Disciplined Services
Honneur, patrie, valeur, discipline
Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines
Institutions directly under the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
Intersection type discipline
Jehovah's Witnesses congregational discipline
Kick Against Indiscipline
Labor history (discipline)
Line discipline
List of intelligence gathering disciplines
List of psychology disciplines
Message discipline
National Key Disciplines
Naval Discipline Act 1957
Outline of academic disciplines
Party discipline
Positive discipline
Progressive discipline
Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire & Demise
Secretary General of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
The Disciplined Woman
The Discipline of Market Leaders
The Fifth Discipline
Three Rules of Discipline and Eight Points for Attention
Time discipline
Transpersonal disciplines
Unity, Faith, Discipline
War Against Indiscipline
Whole Earth Discipline

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