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object:1.07 - On mourning which causes joy.
book class:The Ladder of Divine Ascent
author class:Saint John of Climacus

Step 7

On mourning which causes joy.

Mourning, according to God, is sadness of soul, and the disposition of a sorrowing heart, which ever madly seeks that for which it thirsts; and when it fails in its quest, it painfully pursues it, and follows in its wake grievously lamenting. Or thus: mourning is a golden spur in a soul which is stripped of all attachment and of all ties, fixed by holy sorrow to watch over the heart.
Compunction is a perennial testing of the conscience which brings about the cooling of the fire of the heart through spiritual confession. And confession is a forgetfulness of nature, if anyone because of this really forgot to eat his bread.1
Repentance is the cheerful deprival of every bodily comfort.
A characteristic of those who are still progressing in blessed mourning is temperance and silence of the lips, and of those who have made progressfreedom from anger and patient endurance of injuries; and of the perfecthumility, thirst for dishonours, voluntary craving for involuntary afflictions, non-condemnation of sinners, compassion even beyond ones strength. The first are acceptable, the second laudable; but blessed are those who hunger for hardship and thirst for dishonour, for they shall have their fill of the food that does not cloy.
If you possess the gift of mourning, hold on to it with all your might. For it is easily lost when it is not firmly established. And just as wax melts in the presence of fire, so it is easily dissolved by noise and bodily cares, and by luxury, and especially by talkativeness and levity.
Greater than baptism itself is the fountain of tears after baptism, even though it is somewhat audacious to say so. For baptism is the washing away of evils that were in us before, but sins committed after baptism are washed away by tears. As baptism is received in infancy, we have all defiled it, but we cleanse it anew with tears. And if God in His love for mankind had not given us tears, few indeed and hard to find would be those in a state of grace.2
Groanings and sorrows cry to the Lord. Tears shed from fear intercede for us; but tears of all-holy love show us that our prayer has been accepted.
If nothing goes so well with humility as mourning, certainly nothing is so opposed to it as laughter.
Keep a firm hold of the blessed joy-grief of holy compunction, and do not stop working at it until it raises you high above the things of this world and presents you pure to Christ.
Do not cease to picture and scrutinize the dark abyss of eternal fire, and the merciless servants, the unsympa thetic and in exorable Judge, the bottomless pit of subterranean flame, the narrow descents to the awful underground chambers and yawning gulfs, and all such things, so that the sensuality in our soul may be checked by great terror and give place to incorruptible chastity, and itself receive the shining of the immaterial light which radiates beyond any fire.
During prayer and supplication stand with trembling like a convict standing before a judge, so that both by your outward appearance as well as by your inner disposition you may extinguish the wrath of the just Judge; for He will not despise a widow soul standing before Him burdened with sorrow and wearying the Unwearying One.3
He who has obtained heartfelt tears will find any place convenient for mourning. But he whose weeping is only outward show will spend endless time discussing places and manners. Just as hidden

1 Psalm ci, 5.

2 Lit. who are being saved.

3 St. Luke xviii, 5.

treasure is safer from robbery than that exposed in the market, so let us apply this to what we have just said.

Do not be like those who in burying their dead first lament over them and then get drunk for their sake. But be like the prisoners in the mines who are flogged every hour by the gaolers.
He who sometimes mourns and sometimes indulges in luxury and laughter is like one who stones the dog of sensuality with bread. In appearance he is driving it away, but in fact he is encouraging it to be constantly with him.
Be concentrated without self-display, withdrawn into your heart. For the demons fear concentration as thieves fear dogs.
It is not to a wedding banquet that we have been called herecertainly not but He who has called us has called us here to mourn for ourselves.
When they weep, some force themselves unseasonably to think of nothing at all during this blessed time, not realizing that tears without thought are proper only to an irrational nature and not to a rational one. Tears are the product of thought, and the father of thought is a rational mind.
Let your reclining in bed be for you an image of your declining into your grave and you will sleep less. Let your refreshment at table be for you a reminder of the grim table of those wormsand you will be less luxurious. And in drinking water, do not forget the thirst of that flame and you will certainly refuse your nature all it wants.
When we suffer from the Superior honourable dishonour, scolding or punishment, let us remember the fearful sentence of the Judge, and we shall kill with meekness and patience, as with a two-edged sword, the irrational sorrow and bitterness which will certainly be sown in us.
The sea wastes with time, as Job says.1 And with time and patience the things of which we have spoken are gradually acquired and perfected in us.
Let the remembrance of the eternal fire lie down with you every evening, and let it rise with you too. Then sloth will never overwhelm you at the time of psalmody.
Let your very dress urge you to the work of mourning, because all who lament the dead are dressed in black. If you do not mourn, mourn for this cause. And if you mourn, lament still more that you have brought yourself down from a painless state to a painful one by your sins.
In the case of tears as in everything else our good and just Judge will certainly take into consideration the strength of our nature. For I have seen small tear-drops shed with difficulty like drops of blood, and I have also seen fountains of tears poured out without difficulty. And I judged those toilers more by their toil than by their tears, and I think that God does too.
Theology will not suit mourners, for it is of a nature to dissolve their mourning. For the theologian is like one who sits in a teachers seat, whereas the mourner is like one who spends his days on a dung heap and in rags. That is why David, so I think, although he was a teacher and was wise, replied to those who questioned him when he was mourning: How shall I sing the Lords song in a strange land?2 that is to say, the land of passions.
Both in creation and in compunction there is that which moves itself and that which is moved by something else. When the soul becomes tearful, moist and tender without effort or trouble, then let us run, for the Lord has come uninvited, and is giving us the sponge of God-loving sorrow and the cool water of devout tears to wipe out the record of our sins. Guard these tears as the apple of your eye until

1 Job xiv, ii.

2 Another reading is: how shall we sing (Cf. Psalm cxxxvi, 4.)

they withdraw. Great is the power of this compunctiongreater than that which comes as a result of our effort and meditation.1

He who mourns when he wishes has not attained the beauty of mourning, but rather he who mourns on the subjects of his choice, and not even on these, but on what God wants. The ugly tears of vainglory are often interwoven with mourning which is pleasing to God. Acting devoutly, we shall find this out by experiment when we see ourselves mourning and still doing evil.
Genuine compunction is pain of soul shorn of all elation,2 in which it gives itself no relief but hourly imagines only its dissolution; and it awaits, like cool water, the comfort of God who comforts humble monks.
Those who have obtained mourning in the depth of their being hate their own life as something painful and wearisome, and a cause of tears and sufferings; and they turn and flee from their body as from an enemy.
When we see anger and pride in those who seem to be mourning in a way pleasing to God, then their tears are to be regarded as a repugnant to God. For what fellowship has light with darkness?3
The fruit of morbid compunction is self-esteem, and the fruit of meritorious compunction is consolation.
Just as fire is destructive of straw, so are pure tears destructive of all material and spiritual impurity.
Many of the Fathers say that the question of tears, especially in the case of beginners, is an obscure matter and hard to ascertain, as tears are born in many different ways. For instance, there are tears from nature, from God, from adverse suffering, from praise worthy suffering, from vainglory, from licentiousness, from love, from the remembrance of death, and from many other causes.
Let us, stripped by the fear of God, train ourselves in all these ways, and acquire for ourselves pure and guileless tears over our dissolution. For there is no dissimulation or self-esteem in them, but on the contrary there is purification, progress in love for God, washing away of sin and the sublimation of the passions to dispassion.
It is not surprising if mourning begins with good tears and ends with bad. But it is praiseworthy if reprehensible and natural tears are sublimated to spiritual tears. People inclined to vainglory understand this problem clearly.
Do not trust your fountains of tears before your soul has been perfectly purified. For wine cannot be trusted when it is drawn straight from the vats.
No one will dispute that all our tears according to God are profitable. But we shall only know at the time of our death what the profit is.
He who wends his way in constant mourning according to God does not cease to feast daily; but eternal weeping awaits him who does not cease to feast bodily.
Convicts in prison have no joy or delight, and true monks have no feast on earth. Perhaps that is why that excellent mourner, sighing, said: Bring my soul out of prison4 that it may rejoice henceforward in Thy ineffable light.
Be like a king in your heart, seated high in humility, and commanding laughter: Go, and it goes; and sweet weeping: Come, and it comes; and our tyrant and slave, the body: Do this, and it does it.1

1 Note in this paragraph the difference between ascetical and mystical activity.

2 Or, unwavering pain of soul.

3 2 Corinthians vi, 14.

4 Psalm cxli, 8.

1 St. Matthew viii, 9.

2 Cf. St. Matthew xi, Il; St. Luke xvi, i6.

3 Isaiah xxxv, 10. Cf. Apocrypha vii, 17; xxi, 4.

4 Psalm cxlv, 8.

He who is clothed in blessed and grace-given mourning as in a wedding garment knows the spiritual laughter of the soul.
Can anyone be found who has spent all his days in the monastic life so piously that he has never lost a day, or hour, or moment, but has spent all his time for the Lord, bearing in mind that never in your life can you see the same day twice?
Blessed is the monk who can lift up the eyes of his soul to the spiritual powers. But he is truly safe from falling who from the remembrance of sin and death constantly moistens his cheeks with living waters from his bodily eyes. And it is not hard for me to believe that the second condition leads on to the first.
I have seen shameless petitioners and beggars with clever words soon incline even the hearts of kings to compassion. And I have seen men poor and needy in virtue, with words not clever but rather humble, vague and stumbling, call shamelessly and persistently from the depths of a desperate heart upon the Heavenly King and by their violence force His inviolable nature and compassion.2
. He who in his heart is proud of his tears, and secretly condemns those who do not weep, is like a man who asks the king for a weapon against his enemy, and then commits suicide with it.
My friends, God does not ask or desire that man should mourn from sorrow of heart, but rather that out of love for Him he should rejoice with spiritual laughter. Remove sin, and the tear of sorrow is superfluous for your eyes of sense. What is the use of a bandage when there is no wound? Before his transgression, Adam had no tears, just as there will be none after the resurrection when sin will be abolished; for pain, sorrow and sighing will then have fled away.3
In some I have seen mourning, and in others I have seen mourning for lack of mourning. Though having it, they are as if they were without it. And through this splendid ignorance they remain inviolate; and of them it is said: The Lord makes wise the blind.4
Tears often lead frivolous people to pride, and that is why they are not given to some. And such people, seeking tears in vain, consider themselves unfortunate, and condemn themselves to sighing, lamentation, sorrow of soul, deep grief and utter dismay. All of which, though profitably regarded by them as nothing, can safely take the place of tears.
If we watch carefully we shall often find a bitter joke played on us by the demons. For when we are full they stir us up to compunction, and when we are fasting they harden our heart so that, being deceived by spurious tears, we may give ourselves up to indulgence which is the mother of passions. We must not listen to them but rather do the opposite.
When I consider the actual nature of compunction I am amazed at how that which is called mourning and grief should contain joy and gladness interwoven within it like honey in the comb. What then are we to learn from this? That such compunction is in a special sense a gift of the Lord. There is then in the soul no pleasureless pleasure, for God consoles those who are contrite in heart in a secret way. But as an inducement to most splendid mourning and profitable sorrow, let us hear a soul-profiting and most pitiful story.
There lived here a certain Stephen who had embraced an eremitic and solitary life, and had spent many years in the monastic training. His soul was especially adorned with tears and fasting, and was bedecked with other good achievements. He had a cell on the slope of this holy mountain where the holy prophet and seer Elijah once lived. But later this famous man resolved upon a more effective, austere and stricter repentance, and went to a place of hermits called Siddim. There he spent several

years in a life of great austerity. This place was bereft of every comfort, and was almost untrodden by the foot of man, being about seventy miles from the fort.1 Towards the end of his life the elder returned to his cell on the holy mountain where he had two extremely pious disciples from Palestine who took care of the elders cell. Having passed a few days there he fell into the illness from which he died. On the day before his death, he went into ecstasy of mind and with open eyes he looked to the right and left of his bed and, as if he were being called to account by someone, in the hearing of all the bystanders he said: Yes indeed, that is true; but that is why I fasted for so many years. And then again: Yes, it is quite true; but I wept and served the brethren. And again: No, you are slandering me. And sometimes he would say: Yes, it is true. Yes, I do not know what to say to this. But in God there is mercy. And it was truly an awful and horrible sightthis in visible and merciless inquisition. And what was most terrible, he was accused of what he had not done. How amazing! Of several of his sins the hesychast and hermit said: I do not know what to say to this, although he had been a monk for nearly forty years and had the gift of tears. Alas, alas! Where was then the voice of Ezekiel to say to the tormentor: As I find you, I will judge you, says God.2 Truly he could not say anything of the sort. Why? Glory to Him who alone knows! And some, as before the Lord, told me that he even fed a leopard from his hand3 in the desert. And while being thus called to account he was parted from his body, leaving us in uncertainty as to his judgment, or end, or sentence, or how the trial ended.

Just as a widow bereft of her husb and and having an only son finds in him her sole comfort after the Lord, so for a soul that has fallen there is no other consolation at the time of its departure but the toils of fasting and tears.
People like that never sing, nor do they shout loudly to themselves in songs, because such things dissipate mourning. And if you hope to summon it by such means, then you are a long way from achieving your aim. For mourning is the characteristic pain of a soul on fire.
In many people mourning has been the precursor of blessed dispassion, and it prepared, ploughed, and got rid of sinful matter.
One skilled practiser of this virtue told me: Frequently, as soon as I tried to surrender myself to vanity, or anger, or over-eating, the thought of mourning protested within me and said: Do not be vain, or I shall leave you. And so too, at the urge of other passions. And I would say to the thought: I shall never disobey you until you present me to Christ.
The abyss of mourning has seen comfort, and purity of heart has received illumination. Illumination is an ineffable activity which is unknowingly perceived and invisibly seen. Comfort is the solace of a sorrowing soul which, like a child, at once both whimpers to itself and shouts happily. Divine intervention is the renewal of a soul depressed by grief which in a wonderful way transforms painful tears into painless ones.
Tears over our departure produce fear; and when fear begets fearlessness, joy dawns. And when joy is unfailingly obtained, holy love bursts into flower.
Drive away with the hand of humility every transitory joy, as being unworthy of it, lest by readily admitting it you receive a wolf instead of a shepherd.
Do not hasten to contemplation when it is not time for contemplation, that it may pursue and embrace the beauty of your humility, and unite with you for ever in immaculate marriage.
As soon as a baby begins to recognize its father, it is all filled with joy. But if the father goes away for a time on business and then comes home again, the child becomes full of joy and sorrowjoy at seeing the beloved, and sorrow at being deprived for so long of that fair beauty. And a mother

1 See above, p. 37, note 143.

2 Cf. Ezekiel xxxiii, 1320. This unwritten saying of Christ is recorded by St. Justin (Dial. 47).

3 Another reading is: reared a leopard by hand.

sometimes hides herself from her child, and when she sees with what sorrow it seeks her, she is delighted; for thus she teaches it to be attached to her for ever, and fans the flame of its love for her. He who has ears to hear, let him hear, says the Lord.1

A condemned man, who has heard the death sentence, will not worry about how theatres are managed. So too, he who is truly lamenting will never return to luxury, or glory, or anger, or irritability. Mourning is the characteristic sorrow of a penitent soul who adds sorrow to sorrow, as a woman suffers when she bears a child.
Just and holy is the Lord.2 He leads him who is reasonably silent into reasonable compunction, and He daily gladdens him who is reasonably submissive. But he who does not practise rightly one of these two ways is deprived of mourning.
Drive away the hell-dog that comes at the time of your deepest mourning, and suggests that God is not merciful or compassionate. For if you watch it, you will find that before the sin he calls God loving, compassionate and forgiving.
Practice3 produces habit, and perseverance grows into a feeling of the heart; and what is done with an ingrained feeling of the heart is not easily eradicated.
However great may be the life we lead, if we have not acquired a contrite heart we may count it stale and spurious. For this is essential, truly essential if I may say so, for those who have again been defiled after baptism that they should cleanse the pitch from their hands with unceasing fire of heart and with the oil of God.
I have seen some who had attained to the last degree of mourning; for I saw them literally pouring out of their mouths the blood of a suffering and wounded heart. And I remembered him who said: I am cut down like grass, and my heart is withered.4
Tears caused by fear bring protection with them. But tears produced by love which has not attained perfection, as may happen in the case of some, are easily stolen away. Unless perhaps the memory of the eternal fire, at the times of its effective influence, should kindle the heart. And it is surprising how much safer is the humbler way in its season.
There are material substances which dry the fountains of our tears, and there are others which give birth to mud and reptiles in them. From the former Lot had illicit intercourse with his daughters, and from the latter the devil fell from heaven.5
Our enemies are so wicked that they turn even the mothers of virtues into the mothers of vices, and those things which make for humility, they make into a cause for pride. Frequently the very setting and sight of our dwellings are of a nature to rouse our mind to compunction. Let Jesus, Elijah and John who prayed alone convince you of this. I have often seen tears provoked in cities and crowds to make us think that crowds do us no harm and so draw nearer to the world. For this is the aim of the evil spirits.
One word has often dispelled mourning. But it would be a wonder indeed if one word brought it back.
When our soul leaves this world we shall not be blamed for not having worked miracles, or for not having been theologians or contemplatives. But we shall certainly have to give an account to God of why we have not unceasingly mourned.

1 St. Luke xiv, 35.

2 Psalm cxliv, 18.

3 I.e. practice of mourning.

4 Psalm ci, 5.

5 Genesis xix, 308. Materials that dry up tears are wine and food taken to excess, while honours, power and authority are fuel for pride.

This is the seventh step. May he who has been found worthy of it help me too; for he himself has already been helped, since through this seventh step he has washed away the stains of this world.

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Wikipedia - Acute care -- Branch of secondary health care
Wikipedia - Adam Eckfeldt -- Second chief coiner of the United States Mint
Wikipedia - Adani Ports & SEZ -- Indian private sector port operator
Wikipedia - A Deadly Secret (film) -- 1980 Hong Kong film
Wikipedia - A Dead Secret -- 1959 film directed by William Sterling
Wikipedia - Adelidoria glauca -- Insect
Wikipedia - Adeline Akufo-Addo -- First Lady in the second republic of Ghana
Wikipedia - Adenanthos sect. Adenanthos -- Taxonomic section of plants in the genus Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Adenanthos sect. Eurylaema -- Taxonomic section of the flowering plant genus Adenanthos (Proteaceae)
Wikipedia - Adirondack Correctional Facility -- Medium-security state prison, located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Administration for Security and Counterintelligence
Wikipedia - Administrative Professionals Day -- Day to recognize secretaries and others
Wikipedia - Admiralty scaffolding -- Second World War anti-tank scaffolding
Wikipedia - Adoxophyes lacertana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - ADT Inc. -- American security systems firm
Wikipedia - Adult high school -- Secondary school operated to serve adult students
Wikipedia - Advanced Cryogenic Evolved Stage -- United Launch Alliance second stage that can be used as a propellant depot
Wikipedia - Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom -- 2014 top-down adventure video game
Wikipedia - Adversarial machine learning -- Research field that lies at the intersection of machine learning and computer security
Wikipedia - Aedes scapularis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Aedoea -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Aelia Paetina -- Second wife of Roman emperor Claudius
Wikipedia - Aer Lingus -- Flag-carrier and second-largest airline of Ireland; part of International Airlines Group
Wikipedia - Aeronian -- Second stage of the Silurian
Wikipedia - A Family Secret -- 2006 film by Ghyslaine Cote
Wikipedia - AF+BG theorem -- About algebraic curves passing through all intersection points of two other curves
Wikipedia - African Security Congress -- South African political party
Wikipedia - Afrosymmoca -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Afrowatsonius sudanicus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Against Neaera -- Ancient Greek prosecution speech
Wikipedia - Agal (accessory) -- Band or string worn by men to secure a keffiyeh or headcloth
Wikipedia - Agent Hamilton (TV series) -- TV spy drama series involving secret agent Carl Hamilton
Wikipedia - Aghori -- Sect within Shaivism
Wikipedia - A Girl's Secret -- 2001 film
Wikipedia - Agoma -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Agonoxeninae -- Subfamily of insects
Wikipedia - Agonum melanarium -- species of insect
Wikipedia - Agriculture, forestry, and fishing in Japan -- Sector of the Japanese economy
Wikipedia - Agriculture in Puerto Rico -- A primary sector of the economy of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Agriphila hymalayensis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Agromyza pseudoreptans -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Agrotana -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Aguinaldo Fonseca -- Cape Verdean poet
Wikipedia - Agylla argentea -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Aide-de-camp -- Personal assistant or secretary to a person of high rank
Wikipedia - Ailanthus webworm -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Air Canada Flight 018 Stowaway incident -- Hong Kong airport security breach
Wikipedia - Airfoil -- Cross-sectional shape of a wing, blade of a propeller, rotor, or turbine, or sail
Wikipedia - Air Force Bal Bharati School -- Senior secondary school in New Delhi, India
Wikipedia - Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center -- US Air Force unit tasked with ensuring safe, secure, and reliable nuclear weapon systems
Wikipedia - Air gap (networking) -- Network security measure
Wikipedia - Airline security
Wikipedia - Air marshal (Pakistan) -- Second-highest rank of the Pakistan Air Force
Wikipedia - Airport Sector (CISF) -- Sector of CISF
Wikipedia - Airport security
Wikipedia - Ajdabiya Revolutionaries Shura Council -- Militant group in the Second Libyan Civil War
Wikipedia - Ajitanatha -- Second Tirthankara in Jainism
Wikipedia - Akdeniz, Mersin -- a secondary municipality in Mersin, Turkey
Wikipedia - Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad -- Hindu secret body of saints
Wikipedia - Akihiko Saito -- Japanese security contractor and terrorism casualty
Wikipedia - Alabama argillacea -- Genus and species of insect
Wikipedia - Alaena interposita -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Alambazar Math -- Second monastery of Ramakrishna Order, situated in Baranagar, India
Wikipedia - -- American security company
Wikipedia - Alastor (wasp) -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Alatuncusia bergii -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Alavaraphidia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Alawites -- Islamic sect centred in Syria
Wikipedia - Alberta Highway 1A -- Designation for two disconnected sections of provincial highway in Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Alberta separatism -- Advocacy for Alberta seceding from Canada
Wikipedia - Albert Gallatin Edwards -- American businessman and Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury
Wikipedia - Alberto Nisman -- Argentinian lawyer/prosecutor murdered in 2015
Wikipedia - Albert Sechehaye
Wikipedia - Albion Correctional Facility -- Medium-security state prison for female prisoners, located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Aldicarb -- Chemical compound (insecticide)
Wikipedia - Alec Muffett -- Software engineer, security expert
Wikipedia - Alec Secareanu -- Romanian actor (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Aleeta curvicosta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Aleeta -- Genus of insects found in Australia
Wikipedia - Alena Pasechnik -- Belarusian shot putter
Wikipedia - Alenia Aermacchi -- Italian company active in the aeronautics sector
Wikipedia - Alexander Haig -- Former U.S. Secretary of State and U.S. Army general
Wikipedia - Alexander Heid -- American computer security consultant
Wikipedia - Alexander Moncrieff (Secession minister) -- Scottish Presbyterian minister (1695-1761)
Wikipedia - Alexander Pope Field -- 19th century American politician, 6th Illinois Secretary of State, 21st Attorney General of Louisiana, 4th Secretary of Wisconsin Territory
Wikipedia - Alexander Sinton Secondary School -- school in Athlone, Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Alexandra Phelan -- International law and global health security researcher
Wikipedia - Alex Holden -- Owner of Hold Security
Wikipedia - Alexis Herman -- American politician, former Secretary of Labor
Wikipedia - Alfred Deakin -- Australian politician, second Prime Minister of Australia
Wikipedia - Algebra of sets -- Identities and relationships between sets involving complements, inclusions M-bM-^JM-^F, and finite unions M-bM-^HM-* and intersections M-bM-^HM-).
Wikipedia - Algia fasciata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ali A. Rizvi -- Journalist and ex-Muslim secular activist
Wikipedia - Alien (Atlanta Rhythm Section song) -- 1981 single by Atlanta Rhythm Section
Wikipedia - Aliyah Saleem -- British author and secular activist
Wikipedia - Al-KhaM-aM-9M-#M-DM-+bM-DM-+ -- Scholar of Alawi sect
Wikipedia - All Hallows Catholic College, Macclesfield -- Secondary school in Macclesfield, England
Wikipedia - Alliance for Securing Democracy -- American national security advocacy group
Wikipedia - Alliance Towards Reforms -- an Iraqi electoral coalition that includes Sadrist and secular parties
Wikipedia - Alliance -- Coalition made between two or more parties to secure common interests
Wikipedia - Alluaudomyia paraspina -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Al-Mansur -- Second Abbasid caliph
Wikipedia - Alonso de Fonseca y Acevedo
Wikipedia - Alpha helix -- Type of secondary structure of proteins
Wikipedia - Alphonse "Bois Sec" Ardoin -- American Creole accordionist
Wikipedia - Al-Qa'im (Fatimid caliph) -- Second Caliph of the Fatimids in Ifriqiya
Wikipedia - Altona Correctional Facility -- Medium-security state prison, located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Altor Networks -- Computer security company
Wikipedia - Alydus pilosulus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Alydus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Amastrini -- Tribe of insects
Wikipedia - Amata alicia -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Amata congener -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Amaxia pseudamaxia -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - American Anti-Vivisection Society -- Organization
Wikipedia - American Civil Liberties Union v. National Security Agency
Wikipedia - American depositary receipt -- Security representing ownership of an underlying number of shares of a foreign company
Wikipedia - American Humanist Association -- US secularist advocacy organization
Wikipedia - American Security and Trust Company Building -- Historic building in Washington, D.C
Wikipedia - Amity International School Vasundhara -- Primary and secondary schools in India
Wikipedia - Amjad Hussain B. Sial -- 13th SAARC Secretary General
Wikipedia - Amnesty International Ghana -- Section of the Amnesty International network
Wikipedia - Amorbia effoetana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Amore traditore, BWV 203 -- Secular cantata composed by Johann Sebastian Bach
Wikipedia - A Mother's Secret -- 1918 American drama film directed by Douglas Gerrard
Wikipedia - Amphiesmenoptera -- Superorder of insects
Wikipedia - Amphipsalta -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Amphoe -- Second level administrative subdivision of Thailand
Wikipedia - Amphonyx kofleri -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Amy Gentry -- rower and secretary
Wikipedia - Amy Jacques Garvey -- Jamaican journalist and political activist, Marcus Garvey's second wife.
Wikipedia - Anabranch -- A section of a river or stream that diverts from the main channel and rejoins it downstream.
Wikipedia - Anacimas limbellatus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Anaeudora -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Anagnorisma -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - ANAK Society -- Secret society at the Georgia Institute of Technology
Wikipedia - Anand-Godhra section -- Railway section in India
Wikipedia - Anapisa preussi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Anatomical plane -- Plane used to transect the human body, in order to describe the location of structures or the direction of movements
Wikipedia - Ancylandrena atoposoma -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ancylandrena -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Anders Fogh Rasmussen -- Former Prime Minister of Denmark and NATO secretary general
Wikipedia - Andrea Dotti (psychiatrist) -- Italian psychiatrist and second husband of Audrey Hepburn
Wikipedia - Andrea Palm -- Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Wikipedia - Andreas Kretzschmer -- German lawyer, secret war councilor, composer, musicologist and folk song researcher
Wikipedia - Andre Fonseca -- Brazilian sailor
Wikipedia - Andre Grandclement -- French resistance leader during the [[Second World War]] and double agent
Wikipedia - Andrena cleodora -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Andrena nubecula -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Andrena vaga -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Andrew Cuomo -- 11th United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; 56th Governor of New York
Wikipedia - Andrew D. Goldstein -- American prosecutor
Wikipedia - Andricus kollari -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Andricus mukaigawae -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Androtomy -- Dissection of the human body
Wikipedia - Andy Hardy's Private Secretary -- 1941 film by George B. Seitz
Wikipedia - Anevrina luggeri -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Angela Sasse -- Computer scientist and information security expert
Wikipedia - Angel (Jon Secada song) -- 1993 single by Jon Secada
Wikipedia - Angelo Secchi
Wikipedia - Angle bisector theorem -- On the relative lengths of two segments that divide a triangle
Wikipedia - Angle trisection
Wikipedia - Anglican High School, Singapore -- Singapore secondary school
Wikipedia - Ang Soon Tong -- Secret society
Wikipedia - Animal Defence and Anti-Vivisection Society
Wikipedia - Anisoplia agricola -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Anisoscelis -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Anisotenes ellipegrapha -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ankleshwar-Rajpipla section -- Railway section in India
Wikipedia - Anna Cristina Niceta Lloyd -- American socialite and White House Social Secretary
Wikipedia - Anna Warouw -- Second Indonesian woman to become a physician
Wikipedia - Anne Boleyn -- Second wife of Henry VIII of England
Wikipedia - Ann Lee -- founder of the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing (Shakers)
Wikipedia - Ann Z. Caracristi -- Cryptanalyst, former Deputy Director of the National Security Agency
Wikipedia - Anomis involuta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Anomologa dispulsa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Anomopsocus amabilis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Anonychomyrma polita -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Anonychomyrma tigris -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - An Open Secret -- 2014 documentary film by Amy J. Berg on child sexual abuse in California's film industry
Wikipedia - Anoplocnemis -- Genus of insects in the family Coreidae
Wikipedia - Anosmin-1 -- Secreted glycoprotein of the extracellular matrix
Wikipedia - Another Peaceful Day of Second-Hand Items -- South Korean television show
Wikipedia - An Shigao -- Second century Buddhist missionary to China
Wikipedia - Antaeotricha malachita -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Antaeotricha marmorea -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Anterhynchium abdominale -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Anthene pyroptera -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Anthidium andinum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Anthidium rodriguezi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Anthocharini -- Tribe of insects
Wikipedia - Anthony Principi -- 4th United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Wikipedia - Anti-Aircraft Experimental Section -- Defunct British government body
Wikipedia - Antichrist Superstar -- Second studio album by American rock band Marilyn Manson
Wikipedia - Antispila chlorosema -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Anti-Vivisection Coalition
Wikipedia - Ant-Man (Scott Lang) -- Marvel Comics superhero, the second character to use the name Ant-Man
Wikipedia - Antnio Manuel da Fonseca
Wikipedia - Antonino Arconte -- Italian writer and former secret agent
Wikipedia - Antonio Alfonseca -- Dominican former relief pitcher
Wikipedia - Antonio Colorado -- 13th Secretary of State of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Antonio Hidalgo Lopez -- Undersecretary of the Spanish presidency
Wikipedia - Antony Blinken -- United States Secretary of State Designate
Wikipedia - Antragsdelikt -- Category of offense which cannot be prosecuted without a complaint by the victim
Wikipedia - Ant -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Anupallavi -- Usually the second section of any composition in Carnatic music
Wikipedia - Aore Adventist Academy -- secondary school in Aore, Vanuatu
Wikipedia - Aortic dissection -- Injury to the innermost layer of the aorta allows blood to flow between the layers of the aortic wall, forcing the layers apart
Wikipedia - APG III system -- The second revision (2009) of a classification of flowering plants by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group
Wikipedia - Aphid -- Superfamily of insects
Wikipedia - Aphis gossypii -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Aphrodinae -- Subfamily of insects
Wikipedia - Aphylla protracta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Aphysotes -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - A Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Apinoglossa comburana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Apisa hildae -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Apocephalus coquilletti -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Apocleinae -- Subfamily of insects
Wikipedia - Apocrita -- Suborder of insects containing wasps, bees, and ants
Wikipedia - Apollo 12 -- Second crewed mission to land on the Moon.
Wikipedia - Apollo 6 -- Second test flight of the Apollo Saturn V rocket
Wikipedia - Apollo e Dafne (Handel) -- 1710 secular cantata by Handel
Wikipedia - Apollonius of Perga -- Ancient Greek geometer and astronomer noted for his writings on conic sections
Wikipedia - Apopestes -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Aposthonia ceylonica -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Apostibes inota -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Apostolate for Family Consecration
Wikipedia - Apotomops rhampha -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Appalachian Plateau -- Series of rugged dissected plateaus in the eastern United States
Wikipedia - AppArmor -- Linux kernel security module
Wikipedia - Apple II Plus -- Second model of the Apple II series of personal computers by Apple Computer
Wikipedia - Applicable margin reset -- Alternative to interest rate refinancing on collateralized loan obligation securities
Wikipedia - Application firewall -- Layer 7/application layer network security system
Wikipedia - Application-level gateway -- Security component that augments a firewall or NAT employed in a computer network
Wikipedia - Application security
Wikipedia - Apterobittacus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Aquatica lateralis -- Species of insect of the genus Luciola
Wikipedia - Arab Bulletin -- Secret magazine of Middle East politics
Wikipedia - Aradidae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Aradus insolitus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Araripenymphes -- Extinct genus of insects
Wikipedia - Archean -- Second eon of the geologic timescale
Wikipedia - Arcsecond
Wikipedia - Argosarchus -- Genus of insect
Wikipedia - Argyrotaenia jamaicana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Argyrotaenia polvosana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Arignar Anna Government Higher Secondary School -- Secondary school in Kumbakonam, India
Wikipedia - Aristotelia ivae -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Arithmetic progression -- Sequence of numbers with constant differences between consecutive numbers
Wikipedia - Arizona SB 1070 -- 2010 border security legislation in Arizona
Wikipedia - Arkansas State University Paragould -- State university secondary campus
Wikipedia - Arkhangelsk FSB office bombing -- 2018 terrorist attack against the Russian security service
Wikipedia - Armenian First League -- Second tier of the Armenian league
Wikipedia - Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia -- Armenian militant organization that operated from 1975 to the early 1990s
Wikipedia - Armin Navabi -- Iranian-born ex-Muslim atheist and secular activist
Wikipedia - Arminsyah -- Indonesian prosecutor
Wikipedia - Armoured One -- U.S. security company
Wikipedia - ARM SecurCore
Wikipedia - Arms industry -- Industrial sector which manufactures weapons and military technology and equipment
Wikipedia - ARPANET encryption devices -- Security tools used on ARPANET
Wikipedia - Arrhabonarii -- Polish Christian sect
Wikipedia - Arroyo Seco (Los Angeles County) -- Seasonal watercourse and human settlement in Los Angeles County, California, United States of America
Wikipedia - Arroyo Seco Parkway -- Highway in California
Wikipedia - Artemis 2 -- Second orbital flight of the Artemis program
Wikipedia - Arthur Applebee -- Researcher in United States secondary education
Wikipedia - Arthur Levitt -- American businessman, journalist and 25th SEC chairman
Wikipedia - Arthur Percival -- British army officer in the First and Second World Wars
Wikipedia - Artitropa milleri -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Artsrun Hovhannisyan -- The press secretary of Ministry of Defence of Armenia
Wikipedia - ARX (Algorithmic Research Ltd.) -- digital security company
Wikipedia - Asa Bird Gardiner -- Soldier, attorney, and New York prosecutor
Wikipedia - A Second Chance (2014 film) -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - A Second Chance at Eden -- Short story collection by Peter F. Hamilton
Wikipedia - A Secret Institution -- 19th-century American autobiography
Wikipedia - A Secret Love -- 2020 documentary film by Chris Bolan
Wikipedia - A Secular Age -- Book by Charles Taylor
Wikipedia - A Secular Humanist Declaration
Wikipedia - Asha-Rose Migiro -- Tanzanian politician and UN Deputy-Secretary General
Wikipedia - Ash: A Secret History -- 1999-2000 fantasy novel by Mary Gentle
Wikipedia - Ash Carter -- United States Secretary of Defense
Wikipedia - A. Shipena Secondary School -- High school in Windhoek, Namibia
Wikipedia - Asilus sericeus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Asilus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Asphalt Lady -- Second single by Kiyotaka Sugiyama & Omega Tribe
Wikipedia - Asphodel Meadows -- Section of the Greek underworld
Wikipedia - Assa Abloy -- Swedish conglomerate, manufacturer of locks and security systems
Wikipedia - Assange v Swedish Prosecution Authority -- Legal proceedings in the UK concerning the requested extradition of Julian Assange to Sweden
Wikipedia - Asseco -- Polish technology company
Wikipedia - Asset (computer security) -- Data, device, or other component of a computing environment
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary for Health -- USHHS primary advisor on US public health
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition)
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Financial Management > Comptroller)
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Installations, Environment > Logistics)
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Manpower > Reserve Affairs)
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works)
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller)
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy and Environment)
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller)
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Installations and Environment)
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisitions)
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Navy -- Senior civilian official of the Department of the Navy, position abolished in 1954
Wikipedia - Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs
Wikipedia - Association of Secondary Teachers, Ireland -- Trade union
Wikipedia - Asterolepis glycera -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Astragalus subsecundus -- species of plant in the family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Astrid Camposeco -- Guatemalan weightlifter
Wikipedia - Astrological sign -- Twelve 30M-BM-0 sectors of the ecliptic, as defined by Western astrology
Wikipedia - Astrophilately -- Intersection of space and postal history
Wikipedia - Astrotischeria astericola -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Asymphorodes seminiger -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Asymphorodes -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout -- 2019 video game by Gust Co. Ltd.
Wikipedia - Ateneria -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Athenian School -- Private secondary school in Danville, California
Wikipedia - Athyma selenophora -- Species of insect (butterfly)
Wikipedia - Atlantic Hall -- Secondary school in Epe, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Atlantic Meridional Transect -- A multi-decadal oceanographic programme that undertakes biological, chemical and physical research during annual voyages between the UK and destinations in the South Atlantic
Wikipedia - Atomosia melanopogon -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Atractoceros albiciliata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Attica Correctional Facility -- Maximum-security state prison for male prisoners, located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Attophysics -- Physics on extremely short timescales, approximately 10^M-bM-^HM-^R18 second
Wikipedia - Attorney General of Mexico -- Responsible for the investigation and prosecution of federal crimes
Wikipedia - Attorneys in the United States -- Practitioner in a court of law who is legally qualified to prosecute and defend actions in court
Wikipedia - Attosecond -- SI unit of time
Wikipedia - Atylotus bicolor -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Auction rate security -- Debt instrument with a long-term nominal maturity with a regularly reset interest rate
Wikipedia - Audianism -- Sect of Christians in the fourth century in Syria and Scythia
Wikipedia - Audi R8 (Type 4S) -- Second generation of the R8 sports car manufactured by German automobile manufacturer Audi
Wikipedia - Augochlora pura -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Augochlorella aurata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Augustineum Secondary School -- High school in Windhoek, Namibia
Wikipedia - Augustinian hypothesis -- Solution to the synoptic problem, according to which Matthew was written first, Mark second and depending on Matthew, and Luke in turn depending on Matthew and Mark
Wikipedia - Aulus Gabinius Secundus (consul 35) -- 1st century AD Roman senator and general
Wikipedia - Aureopteryx infuscatalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Au Secours! -- 1924 film by Abel Gance
Wikipedia - Australephestiodes -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Australian Library and Information Association -- Peak professional organisation for the Australian library and information services sector
Wikipedia - Australian Secret Intelligence Service
Wikipedia - Australian Securities and Investments Commission -- Corporate regulation agency of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
Wikipedia - Austria victim theory -- Ideological basis for Austria under allied occupation and in the Second Austrian Republic until the 1980s
Wikipedia - Austroplebeia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Austrosciapus connexus -- Australian species of insect
Wikipedia - Austrothemis nigrescens -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Autocyrota -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Automotive aftermarket -- Automotive industry concerned with secondary parts
Wikipedia - Automotive security
Wikipedia - Autonomous Land of Slovakia -- 1938-39 autonomous republic within the Second Czechoslovak Republic
Wikipedia - Autosticha latiuncusa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Avalon Heights International School -- Secondary school in Vashi, Navi Mumbai
Wikipedia - Avast Secure Browser
Wikipedia - Avast -- Czech security software company
Wikipedia - Av Beit Din -- Second-highest-ranking member of the Sanhedrin during the Second Temple period
Wikipedia - Aviano American High School -- Department of Defense Education Activity secondary school
Wikipedia - A v Secretary of State for the Home Department -- UK human rights case
Wikipedia - A Woman's Secret -- 1949 film by Nicholas Ray
Wikipedia - Axillary dissection -- Surgical procedure that incises the axilla
Wikipedia - Axis Bank -- Indian private sector bank
Wikipedia - AzadM-CM-. -- Kurdish secret organization
Wikipedia - Azores Triple Junction -- Place where the boundaries of the North American, the Eurasian and the African tectonic plates intersect
Wikipedia - Azteca angusticeps -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Azteca christopherseni -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Baal teshuva movement -- Return of secular Jews to religious Judaism since the 1960s
Wikipedia - Babacar Seck (karateka) -- Spanish karateka
Wikipedia - Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Bacillus thuringiensis -- Species of bacteria used as an insecticide
Wikipedia - BackBox -- security-oriented Linux distribution
Wikipedia - Back to the Secret Garden -- 2001 family fantasy film directed by Michael Tuchner
Wikipedia - Bactrocera dorsalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Bactrocera passiflorae -- Species of insect (Fijian fruit fly)
Wikipedia - Badaber uprising -- Armed rebellion by captured and imprisoned Soviet and Afghan security forces against Pakistani- and American-backed Afghan mujahideen forces
Wikipedia - Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup -- 2018 book by John Carreyrou
Wikipedia - Bad sector
Wikipedia - BAE Systems -- Defence, security, and aerospace company
Wikipedia - Baetis tricaudatus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Baga de Secretis -- Medieval English store of secret documents
Wikipedia - Bail bondsman -- Agent that secures an individual's release in court
Wikipedia - Bajocian -- Second age of the middle Jurassic
Wikipedia - Balaibalan -- Constructed language of certain Sufi sects
Wikipedia - Balbura -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Bald-faced hornet -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Baldwin Middle-Senior High School -- A public secondary school in Baldwin, Florida (USA)
Wikipedia - Balmiki sect
Wikipedia - Balmikism -- sect of Hinduism
Wikipedia - Banasa grisea -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Bandhan Bank -- Indian private sector bank
Wikipedia - Bangladesh A cricket team -- Second-tier national cricket team of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Institute of Peace & Security Studies -- Research institute in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission -- Government regulatory body overseeing the stock market
Wikipedia - Bank of Baroda -- Indian public sector bank
Wikipedia - Bank of India -- Indian public sector bank
Wikipedia - Bank of Maharashtra -- Indian public sector bank
Wikipedia - Bank Secrecy Act
Wikipedia - Banksia sect. Banksia -- Section of ''Banksia'' subgenus ''Banksia''
Wikipedia - Banksia sect. Eubanksia -- Obsolete section of ''Banksia'' subgenus ''Bankisa''
Wikipedia - Banksia sect. Oncostylis -- Section of ''Banksia'' subgenus ''Bankisa''
Wikipedia - Bank vault -- Secure space where money, valuables, records, and documents are stored
Wikipedia - Baptist Boys' High School -- Secondary school in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Baptist Girls College -- Secondary school in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Baranagore Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama High School -- Senior secondary boys' school in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Barauni-Guwahati line -- Railway section in India
Wikipedia - Bare Hill Correctional Facility -- Medium security state prison in Franklin County, New York
Wikipedia - Barn (unit) -- Unit for cross sectional area used in high-energy physics
Wikipedia - Barrama -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Barricade tape -- Security item to mark hazardous areas
Wikipedia - Basecamp (company) -- American web software company
Wikipedia - Basilar part of occipital bone -- Section of the main skull bone that extends forward and upward
Wikipedia - Basilideans -- Gnostic sect founded by Basilides in the 2nd century
Wikipedia - Basque witch trials -- Persecution of women accused of being witches
Wikipedia - Bassecourt railway station -- Railway station located on the S3 and RegioExpress
Wikipedia - Batcave -- Secret headquarters of the fictional DC Comics superhero Batman
Wikipedia - Battery storage power station -- Energy storage system using electrochemical secondary cells
Wikipedia - Battle in 5 Seconds After Meeting -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Battle of Amba Aradam -- Battle of the Second Italo-Abyssinian War
Wikipedia - Battle of Amphipolis -- A battle that took place during the Second Peloponnesian War
Wikipedia - Battle of Assaye -- Battle of the Second Anglo-Maratha War
Wikipedia - Battle of Bir Hakeim -- Second World War battle in Libya
Wikipedia - Battle of Byzantium -- Battle during Second War of the Diadochi
Wikipedia - Battle of Camaron -- last-stand battle during the second French intervention in Mexico
Wikipedia - Battle of Cannae -- Major battle of the Second Punic War
Wikipedia - Battle of Changde -- Battle during the Second Sino-Japanese War
Wikipedia - Battle of Cynossema -- A naval battle that took place during the Second Peloponnesian War
Wikipedia - Battle of Damascus (1941) -- Second World War battle in Syria during 1941
Wikipedia - Battle of Dupplin Moor -- Battle of the Second War of Scottish Independence
Wikipedia - Battle of Elands River (1900) -- Battle of the Second Boer War
Wikipedia - Battle of Frauenfeld -- War of the second coalition encounter
Wikipedia - Battle of Ganale Doria -- a battle of the Second Italo-Abyssinian War
Wikipedia - Battle of Glenmalure -- Part of the Second Desmond Rebellion
Wikipedia - Battle of Goliad -- Second skirmish of the Texas Revolution
Wikipedia - Battle of Groningen -- Second World War battle from April 14-18, 1945
Wikipedia - Battle of Heligoland (1864) -- Battle of theM-BM- Second War of Schleswig
Wikipedia - Battle of Ibera -- Battle of the Second Punic War, fought in Spain
Wikipedia - Battle of Ilipa -- Scipio AfricanusM-bM-^@M-^Ys most brilliant victory in his military career during the Second Punic War
Wikipedia - Battle of Kitcheners' Wood -- Engagement in the Second Battle of Ypres
Wikipedia - Battle of Ladysmith -- Early engagement of the Second Boer War
Wikipedia - Battle of Lake Okeechobee -- Battle in Second Seminole War
Wikipedia - Battle of Lake Trasimene -- Major battle of the Second Punic War
Wikipedia - Battle of Lewes -- 1264 battle of the Second Barons' War
Wikipedia - Battle of Magenta -- Battle of the Second Italian War of Independence
Wikipedia - Battle of Magersfontein -- Battle of the Second Boer War
Wikipedia - Battle of Maidstone -- A Battle that took place during the Second English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Nooitgedacht -- Second Boer War battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Olpae -- A battle that took place during the Second Peloponnesian War
Wikipedia - Battle of Paardeberg -- 1900 battle of the Second Boer War
Wikipedia - Battle of Plataea -- Final land battle during the second Persian invasion of Greece
Wikipedia - Battle of Point Judith -- Naval battle during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Pollilur (1781) -- 1781 Battle of the Second Anglo-Mysore War
Wikipedia - Battle of Preston (1648) -- A Battle that took during the Second English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Rhone Crossing -- Battle of the Second Punic War
Wikipedia - Battle of Rimini (1944) -- Part of the September 1944 battle during the Italian Campaign in the Second World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Sept-M-CM-^Nles -- Naval battle during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Shanghai -- 1937 battle of the Second Sino-Japanese War
Wikipedia - Battle of Shire -- Battle of the Second Italo-Abyssinian War
Wikipedia - Battle of Solferino -- Final battle of the Second Italian War of Independence
Wikipedia - Battle of Spion Kop -- Battle during the Second Boer War
Wikipedia - Battle of St Fagans -- A Battle that took place during the Second English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of the Bay of Biscay -- Naval battle during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Battle of the Denmark Strait -- Naval battle during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Battle of the Great Plains -- Battle between Rome and Carthagie late in the Second Punic War
Wikipedia - Battle of the Heligoland Bight (1939) -- First major aerial battle of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Battle of the Ogaden -- Battle of the Second Italo-Abyssinian War
Wikipedia - Battle of Wuhan -- Battle in the Second Sino-Japanese War
Wikipedia - Battleship secondary armament
Wikipedia - Batwoman (season 2) -- Second season of the superhero television series
Wikipedia - Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation
Wikipedia - Beacon Correctional Facility -- Former female minimum security state prison in New York
Wikipedia - Bearer bond -- a debt security not registered to any specific investor
Wikipedia - Beatboxing -- Vocal persecution involving mouth, lips, tongue and voice to mimick drum machine
Wikipedia - Beater (weaving) -- Weaving tool used to push the weft yarn securely into place
Wikipedia - Bebearia ashantina -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Bebearia mardania -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Because the Internet -- Second studio album by American hip hop recording artist Donald Glover
Wikipedia - Beccy Speight -- Chief executive officer in conservation charity sector
Wikipedia - Bed bug (insect)
Wikipedia - Bed bug -- type of insect that feeds on human blood
Wikipedia - Bedford Modern School -- Primary and secondary school in England
Wikipedia - Bedrifelek Kadin -- Ottoman consort, second wife of Abdul Hamid II
Wikipedia - Bee-eater -- A widespread group of insectivorous bird species in the family Meropidae
Wikipedia - Beesoniidae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Beeston Hill Y Station -- Secret listening station located on Beeston Hill, Sheringham
Wikipedia - Beetle -- Order of insects
Wikipedia - Bee -- Clade of insects
Wikipedia - Beijing Daxing International Airport -- Beijing's second international airport
Wikipedia - Bei Mir Bistu Shein -- Yiddish song by Jacob Jacobs and Sholom Secunda
Wikipedia - Belait CSS-2 -- Second ship of Belait-class Accommodation ships
Wikipedia - Belgian General Information and Security Service
Wikipedia - Belgrade Offensive -- 1944 Second World War battle
Wikipedia - Belhar Secondary School -- High school in Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Bellini (cocktail) -- Cocktail of Prosecco sparkling wine and peach puree
Wikipedia - Bellulia lacii -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Belmont Secondary School -- High school in Victoria, British Columbia
Wikipedia - Belocephalus sabalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix -- 2007 animated superhero film
Wikipedia - Ben Carson -- 17th United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; American neurosurgeon
Wikipedia - Bendiocarb -- insecticide
Wikipedia - Benefit of clergy -- Provision that allowed clergymen to claim they were outside the jurisdiction of secular courts
Wikipedia - Benguela Current Commission -- Multi-sectoral inter-governmental, initiative of Angola, Namibia and South Africa
Wikipedia - Benigno Aquino Sr. -- Filipino politician who served as Speaker of the National Assembly of the Second Philippine Republic from 1943 to 1944
Wikipedia - Benjamin Ives Gilman -- Secretary of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Wikipedia - Ben Macdui -- Second highest mountain in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Beri'ah -- Second of the four celestial worlds in the Tree of Life of the Kabbalah
Wikipedia - Bernard Blandre -- French secondary history teacher
Wikipedia - Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign -- Second presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders
Wikipedia - Berrimah Prison -- Former maximum security prison in Australia
Wikipedia - Berry v CCL Secure Ltd -- legal case in the High Court of Australia
Wikipedia - Berta Geissmar -- Secretary and business manager
Wikipedia - Bertha Park High School -- Secondary school in Perth, Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Wikipedia - Beta sheet -- Common motif of regular secondary structure in proteins; stretch of polypeptide chain typically 3 to 10 amino acids long with backbone in an extended conformation
Wikipedia - Bet (letter) -- Second letter of many Semitic alphabets
Wikipedia - Betsy DeVos -- 11th United States Secretary of Education
Wikipedia - Better Call Saul (season 2) -- Second season of the AMC crime drama television series
Wikipedia - Between Angels and Insects -- 2001 single by Papa Roach
Wikipedia - Bexleyheath Academy -- Mixed secondary school in Bexleyheath, London
Wikipedia - BeyondCorp -- Security framework
Wikipedia - Beyond Fear: Thinking Sensibly About Security in an Uncertain World
Wikipedia - Bezout's theorem -- Number of intersection points of algebraic curves, and, more generally, hypersurfaces
Wikipedia - Bhagirathi Parbat II -- Second highest peak in Bhagirathi Massif
Wikipedia - Bharat Electronics -- Indian public sector aerospace and defence company
Wikipedia - Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited -- Indian public sector electrical equipment manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Bharathi Matriculation Higher Secondary School (Kallakurichi) -- Hihg school in Kallakurichi
Wikipedia - Bharat Petroleum -- Indian public sector oil and gas company
Wikipedia - Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited -- Indian public sector telecommunications company
Wikipedia - Bhima -- Powerful warrior from epic Mahabharata; second Pandava
Wikipedia - Biafra -- Former secessionist state in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Bi-articulated bus -- Bus formed of three sections
Wikipedia - Bible Belt (Netherlands) -- Religious sector of the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Bible code -- Purported set of secret messages encoded within the Hebrew text of the Torah
Wikipedia - Bice Sechi-Zorn
Wikipedia - Big City Secret -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Bigg Boss (Bangla season 2) -- Second season of Bigg Boss Bangla
Wikipedia - Bigg Boss (Malayalam season 2) -- Second season of the Malayalam reality TV series Bigg Boss
Wikipedia - Big Secrets
Wikipedia - Billabong High International School -- Franchise of primary and secondary schools in India
Wikipedia - Billy Downer -- South African prosecutor
Wikipedia - Bimal Patel (attorney) -- American attorney and former assistant secretary of the Treasury Department
Wikipedia - Binodoxys -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Biology of Diptera -- Order of winged insects commonly known as flies.
Wikipedia - Biosecurity Act 2015 -- Australian law
Wikipedia - Biosecurity
Wikipedia - Birds-2 -- Second iteration of a multinational program to help countries build their first satellite
Wikipedia - Birkdale High School -- Secondary school in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Birmingham High School -- Independent charter coeducational high school in the San Fernando Valley section of Los Angeles, California
Wikipedia - Bir Uttom -- Second highest award for individual gallantry in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Biryu -- Second son of Jumong and So Seo-no, and older brother of Onjo, the traditionally recognized founder of Baekje
Wikipedia - Bisection method -- Algorithm for finding a zero of a function
Wikipedia - Bishnoi -- Indian religious sect
Wikipedia - Bishop David Brown School -- Secondary school in Surrey, England
Wikipedia - Bishop Gore School -- Secondary school in Wales
Wikipedia - Bishop Ryan Catholic Secondary School -- Canadian Catholic secondary school
Wikipedia - Bishop -- Ordained or consecrated member of the Christian clergy
Wikipedia - Biston suppressaria -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Bitdefender -- Romanian cybersecurity technology company
Wikipedia - Bitecta diastropha -- Species of insect (moth)
Wikipedia - Bit rate -- Information transmission rate expressed in bits per second
Wikipedia - Bits per second
Wikipedia - B. K. Chaturvedi -- Retired Indian civil servant and 28th Cabinet Secretary of India
Wikipedia - Black-bag cryptanalysis -- Acquisition of cryptographic secrets via burglary, or other covert means
Wikipedia - Black fly -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Black Front (Netherlands) -- Dutch fascist movement active before the Second World War
Wikipedia - Black Hand (Serbia) -- Serbian secret military society
Wikipedia - Black hat (computer security) -- Computer hacker with malicious intent
Wikipedia - Black Lives Matter Plaza -- Section of 16th Street in Washington, D.C., designated in June 2020
Wikipedia - Black May (1943) -- Period during the naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - BlackNurse (Computer Security)
Wikipedia - Black Week -- Successive British defeats in the second Boer War
Wikipedia - Blaine High School (Minnesota) -- Public secondary school in Blaine, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Blaste -- Insect genus
Wikipedia - Blattodea -- Order of insects which includes cockroaches and termites
Wikipedia - Blepephaeus mindanaonis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Blepharidopterus chlorionis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Blera flukei -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Blind Intersections -- 2012 film
Wikipedia - Blockhaus d'Eperlecques -- Second World War bunker complex in Pas-de-Calais, France
Wikipedia - Blockhouses of the Second Anglo-Boer War -- Fortifications built by the British Empire in South Africa during the Second Anglo-Boer War
Wikipedia - Blondie's Secret -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Blueberry -- Section of plants
Wikipedia - BlueKeep (security vulnerability)
Wikipedia - BlueKeep -- Windows security hole
Wikipedia - Blue sky law -- securities law in the US
Wikipedia - BMW Z4 (E89) -- Second generation of BMW Z4 roadsters
Wikipedia - Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Faisalabad -- Examination board in Faisalabad, Punjab
Wikipedia - Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Gujranwala -- Examination board in Gujranwala, Punjab
Wikipedia - Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Hyderabad -- Educational board in India
Wikipedia - Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Lahore -- Examination board in Lahore, Punjab
Wikipedia - Board of Management St. Molaga's National School v The Secretary General of the Department of Education and Science -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh -- Board of school education India
Wikipedia - Bockscar -- US Army Air Forces Boeing B-29 airplane that dropped the second atomic bomb
Wikipedia - Body of Secrets
Wikipedia - Boeing Defense, Space & Security -- Business unit of Boeing responsible for defense and aerospace products and services
Wikipedia - Boenasa tricolor -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Boethusians -- Jewish sect related to the Sadducees
Wikipedia - Bogomilism -- Christian neo-Gnostic sect founded in the First Bulgarian Empire during the 10th century
Wikipedia - Bo Guagua -- Second son of former Chinese politician Bo Xilai
Wikipedia - Boissy-le-Sec -- Commune in M-CM-^Nle-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Bombing of Bahrain in World War II -- Italian bombing operation in Bahrain during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Bombing of Tallinn in World War II -- Bombing of Tallinn during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Bombus flavidus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Bombus funebris -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Bombus impatiens -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Bombus morio -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Bonded warehouse -- Building or other secured area in which dutiable goods may be stored
Wikipedia - Bonnet theorem -- The first and second fundamental forms determine a surface in R3 up to a rigid motion
Wikipedia - Bon Secour River -- River in the United States of America
Wikipedia - Book of Exodus -- Second book of the Bible
Wikipedia - Book of the Secret Supper -- Bogomil apocryphal text and Cathar scripture
Wikipedia - Bookworm (insect) -- Any insect that is said to bore through books
Wikipedia - Boonie Bears: The Big Top Secret -- 2016 Chinese animated film
Wikipedia - Boot sector
Wikipedia - Bootsect
Wikipedia - Border Guards Bangladesh -- Border security agency of the Bangladesh government
Wikipedia - Border guard -- Government service concerned with security of national borders
Wikipedia - Border Security Force (Water Wing) -- Special units of Border Security Force of India.
Wikipedia - Border Security Force -- Indian para-military Force
Wikipedia - Border Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation -- Border guard branch of the Federal Security Service of Russia
Wikipedia - Border states (American Civil War) -- Slave states that did not officially secede from the Union during the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Boreus coloradensis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Borlaug Dialogue -- Annual symposium on global food security
Wikipedia - Born secret -- Information classified since created; generally referring to nuclear weapons
Wikipedia - Bosque Seco del Patia Fauna and Flora Sanctuary -- Wildlife sanctuary in Colombia
Wikipedia - Botfly -- Parasitic insect
Wikipedia - Boulevard Ring -- Moscow's second centremost ring road
Wikipedia - Bouncer (doorman) -- Type of security guard
Wikipedia - Boundary Central Secondary School -- High school in Midway, British Columbia
Wikipedia - Boutros Boutros-Ghali -- 6th Secretary-General of the United Nations
Wikipedia - Boxers (group) -- Chinese secret society, 1880s to 1901
Wikipedia - Boys anti-tank rifle -- A British anti-tank rifle in use during the Second World War.
Wikipedia - Brachycaudus cardui -- Species of insect (aphid)
Wikipedia - Brachyodynerus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Brachyponera -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Brachypsectridae -- Family of beetles
Wikipedia - Bradina postbicoloralis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Brainwash: The Secret History of Mind Control -- book by Dominic Streatfeild
Wikipedia - Brampton Centennial Secondary School shooting -- School shooting
Wikipedia - Brandon Wales -- American national security official
Wikipedia - Breda Academy -- Secondary school, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Brent Scowcroft -- US National Security Advisor
Wikipedia - Brianchon's theorem -- The 3 long diagonals of a hexagon tangent to a conic section meet in a single point
Wikipedia - Brian Fallon (press secretary) -- American political activist
Wikipedia - Brian the Brain -- 9th episode of the second season of ''Space: 1999''
Wikipedia - Brief Candle in the Dark: My Life in Science -- Second volume of Richard Dawkin's memoir
Wikipedia - Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport -- Public sector undertaking to supply power and run bus services in Mumbai
Wikipedia - Brine Leas School -- Secondary school in Cheshire
Wikipedia - Brinks Home Security -- Security company
Wikipedia - Britannia Secunda
Wikipedia - British Airways -- Flag-carrier and second-largest airline of the United Kingdom; part of International Airlines Group
Wikipedia - British anti-invasion preparations of the Second World War -- British anti-invasion preparations of the Second World War
Wikipedia - British secret service
Wikipedia - British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection
Wikipedia - Broadmeadows Secondary College -- School in Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Bronderslev Gymnasium og HF -- Danish secondary school
Wikipedia - Broscini -- Tribe of insects
Wikipedia - Brown Dog affair -- English political controversy about vivisection
Wikipedia - Brownies (Scouting) -- Section of the Girl Guides for younger girls
Wikipedia - Brown marmorated stink bug -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Browser security
Wikipedia - Brynhild Olivier -- The second of four daughters of Sydney Haldane Olivier and Margaret Cox, and a member of Rupert Brooke's Neopagans
Wikipedia - Bryophyllum -- Section of genus Kalanchoe, in the stonecrop family (Crassulaceae, subfamily Kalanchooideae)
Wikipedia - B-stage -- Secondary stage in an arena or stadium
Wikipedia - B S v The Director of Public Prosecutions -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - BT Managed Security Solutions
Wikipedia - B. T. Road Government Sponsored H. S. School -- Senior secondary boys' school in Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Buddhist Mau Fung Memorial College -- Hong Kong secondary school
Wikipedia - BuddhabhiM-aM-9M-#eka -- Buddhist rituals used to consecrate images of the Buddha and bodhisattvas
Wikipedia - Buffer overflow -- Anomaly in computer security and programming
Wikipedia - Buffer stop -- Device to prevent railway vehicles from going past the end of a physical section of track
Wikipedia - BugGuide -- Database of insects and arthropods and online community
Wikipedia - Bulldog Drummond's Secret Police -- 1939 film by James P. Hogan
Wikipedia - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists -- nonprofit organization concerning science and global security issues
Wikipedia - Bumblebee -- Genus of insect
Wikipedia - Bundelia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Bundism -- Secular Jewish socialist movement
Wikipedia - Bunyawat Witthayalai School -- Public secondary school in Lampang, Thailand
Wikipedia - Buprestidae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Burmannia (moth) -- Genus of insects in the butterfly and moth order Lepidoptera
Wikipedia - Bury Me Standing: The Gypsies and Their Journey -- Book by Isabel Fonseca
Wikipedia - Business sector
Wikipedia - Butana Almond Nofomela -- South African security policeman convicted of murder
Wikipedia - Butterfly -- A group of insects in the order Lepidoptera
Wikipedia - Buzz Aldrin -- American astronaut; second person to walk on the Moon
Wikipedia - BX convoys -- Convoys during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - By-product -- unwanted secondary product of an item or process
Wikipedia - Byron Bay High School -- Secondary school in Byron Bay, Australia
Wikipedia - Bythopsyrna -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - C/2020 F8 (SWAN) -- Second brightest naked-eye comet of 2020
Wikipedia - C21 road (Namibia) -- Secondary route in Namibia
Wikipedia - C22 road (Namibia) -- Secondary route in Namibia
Wikipedia - C23 road (Namibia) -- Secondary route in Namibia
Wikipedia - Cabinet Committee on National Security (Pakistan)
Wikipedia - Cabinet Secretariat (India) -- Department responsible for the administration of the Government of India
Wikipedia - Cabinet Secretary (United Kingdom) -- Head of the British Civil Service
Wikipedia - Cab Secure Radio -- British Rail driver/signaller communication system
Wikipedia - Cactus's Secret -- Manga
Wikipedia - Cadence -- Melodic and/or harmonic configuration at the end of a phrase, section, or piece of music
Wikipedia - Caedicia simplex -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Caedmon College -- Secondary school in Whitby, England
Wikipedia - Caelifera -- Suborder of insects
Wikipedia - Caenis horaria -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Caesarean section -- Surgical procedure in which a baby is delivered through an incision in the mother's abdomen
Wikipedia - Caesaropapism -- Social order combining secular and religious powers
Wikipedia - Cagaster of an Insect Cage -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - C.A.I. Second -- Italian airline
Wikipedia - Calamotropha brevistrigellus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Calamotropha sienkiewiczi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Calasanctius College -- Co-educational secondary school, County Galway
Wikipedia - Calceus -- Footwear secured by straps worn in Ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Caleb Frostman -- 21st century American politician, Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
Wikipedia - Calia secundiflora
Wikipedia - California Bureau of Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education
Wikipedia - California Community Colleges -- Postsecondary education system in California, United States
Wikipedia - California Court of Appeal for the Second District
Wikipedia - Caligo beltrao -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Calisto nubila -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Callarge occidentalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Calliphoridae -- Family of insects in the Diptera order
Wikipedia - Calliphorinae -- Subfamily of insects in the Diptera order
Wikipedia - Callisto (moon) -- Second largest Galilean moon of Jupiter and third largest in the solar system
Wikipedia - Calodesma maculifrons -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Calonotos helymus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Caloptilia aeneocapitella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Caloptilia callicarpae -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Caloptilia jelita -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Calosoma marginalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Calycomyza enceliae -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Calycomyza promissa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Cambria Heights Academy -- Secondary school in Queens, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Cambridge High School, New Zealand -- State co-ed secondary (year 9-13) school in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Cambyses II -- Second King of Kings of the Achaemenid Empire
Wikipedia - Camden County High School (Georgia) -- Secondary school in Kingsland, Georgia, US
Wikipedia - Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall -- Second wife of Prince Charles
Wikipedia - Campaign Against Moral Persecution -- LGBT activism group
Wikipedia - Campaniform sensilla -- |Class of mechanoreceptors found in insects
Wikipedia - Campion Anglo-Indian Higher Secondary School
Wikipedia - Camponotini -- Tribe of insects
Wikipedia - Camptoloma -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Camptoneurites -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Camstrap -- Webbing strap and cam action buckle used to secure a diving cylinder to a buoyancy compensator or backplate
Wikipedia - Canacinae -- Subfamily of insects
Wikipedia - Canadian Fairmile B -- A type of boat built by Canadian boatbuilders during the Second World War.
Wikipedia - Canadian Securities Exchange -- Stock exchange in Toronto, Canada
Wikipedia - Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Wikipedia - Canara Bank -- Indian public sector bank
Wikipedia - Cantell School -- Secondary school in Southampton, England
Wikipedia - Cantor's intersection theorem -- On decreasing nested sequences of non-empty compact sets
Wikipedia - Can You Keep a Secret? (film) -- 2019 film by Elise Duran
Wikipedia - Can You Keep a Secret? (novel) -- 2003 book by Sophie Kinsella
Wikipedia - Capability-based security -- Computer safety concept
Wikipedia - Cape Town High School -- English medium secondary school in central Cape Town
Wikipedia - Capitophorus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Carabus uenoianus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Carabus uenoi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Carabus validus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Carabus valikhanovi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Carbon Black (company) -- U.S.-based cybersecurity company
Wikipedia - Carcha -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Cardinal Secretary of State -- Head of the Secretariat of State of the Holy See
Wikipedia - Card security code -- Security feature on payment cards
Wikipedia - Caritas Bianchi College of Careers -- Hong Kong post-secondary college
Wikipedia - Carl Hoecker -- SEC Inspector General
Wikipedia - Carl Johan Ingman -- Swedish diplomatic secretary and spy
Wikipedia - Carlos Canseco -- Mexican physician and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Carlos Contreras Aponte -- Secretary of Transportation and Public Works of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Carlos Esteban Fonseca -- Puerto Rican actor
Wikipedia - Carlos Fernando Chardon -- Former Secretary of State of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Carlos Seco Serrano -- Spanish historian
Wikipedia - Carlsberg Ridge -- The northern section of the Central Indian Ridge between the African Plate and the Indo-Australian Plate
Wikipedia - Carmen Ana Culpeper -- Former Secretary of the Puerto Rico Department of the Treasury
Wikipedia - Carnot's theorem (conics) -- A relation between conic sections and triangles
Wikipedia - Caroline LeRoy -- second wife of US orator Daniel Webster
Wikipedia - Carol's Second Act -- American comedy television series
Wikipedia - Caroni Swamp -- The second largest mangrove wetland in Trinidad and Tobago
Wikipedia - Carotid artery dissection -- Human disease
Wikipedia - Carpentier joint -- A hinge consisting of thin spring metal strips of curved cross section
Wikipedia - Carpophorus, Exanthus, Cassius, Severinus, Secundus, and Licinius
Wikipedia - Carpophthoromyia tessmanni -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Carposina apousia -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Carposina ekbatana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Carrhenes -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Cartan's theorems A and B -- A coherent sheaf on a Stein manifold is spanned by sections & lacks higher cohomology
Wikipedia - Carthusian Martyrs -- Members of the Carthusian monastic order who were persecuted and killed for adherence to Catholiscm during the Protestant Reformation
Wikipedia - Casey's theorem -- On four non-intersecting circles that lie inside a bigger circle and tangent to it
Wikipedia - Casilda consecraria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cassegrain antenna -- Type of parabolic antenna with a convex secondary reflector
Wikipedia - Cassionympha -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Castleknock College -- Boys secondary school in Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Castries Comprehensive Secondary School -- Secondary school in Castries, Saint Lucia
Wikipedia - Casualty (series 2) -- Second series of Casualty
Wikipedia - Casu marzu -- Traditional Sardinian sheep milk cheese that contains live insect larvae
Wikipedia - Catechin -- A type of natural phenol and antioxidant. A plant secondary metabolite
Wikipedia - Category:All articles that may have off-topic sections
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Wikipedia - Category:Anti-vivisectionists
Wikipedia - Category:Articles containing how-to sections
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with excessive see also sections from August 2016
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Wikipedia - Category:Articles with trivia sections from October 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Bhakti-era Hindu sects
Wikipedia - Category:Center for a New American Security
Wikipedia - Category:Christians of the Second Crusade
Wikipedia - Category:Christians of the Second Swedish Crusade
Wikipedia - Category:Computer network security
Wikipedia - Category:Computer security academics
Wikipedia - Category:Computer security organizations
Wikipedia - Category:Computer security qualifications
Wikipedia - Category:Computer security standards
Wikipedia - Category:Computer security
Wikipedia - Category:Consecrated virgins
Wikipedia - Category:Copied and pasted articles and sections with url provided from August 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Fictional members of secret societies
Wikipedia - Category:Founders of Buddhist sects
Wikipedia - Category:Free security software
Wikipedia - Category:Hacking (computer security)
Wikipedia - Category:Instances of Lang-el using second unnamed parameter
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Wikipedia - Category:Institutes of consecrated life
Wikipedia - Category:King City Secondary School alumni
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of people by second occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Members of the National Legislative Assembly of the French Second Republic
Wikipedia - Category:Members of the Second Chamber of the Diet of the Grand Duchy of Baden
Wikipedia - Category:National Security Agency people
Wikipedia - Category:National Security Agency
Wikipedia - Category:Nazi persecution of the Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Category:Operating system security
Wikipedia - Category:Participants in the Second Vatican Council
Wikipedia - Category:People associated with computer security
Wikipedia - Category:People prosecuted under anti-homosexuality laws
Wikipedia - Category:Persecution by Buddhists
Wikipedia - Category:Persecution of atheists
Wikipedia - Category:Persecution of Christians
Wikipedia - Category:Persecution of Copts by ISIL
Wikipedia - Category:Persecution of pagans in the late Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Category:Plant toxin insecticides
Wikipedia - Category:Second Industrial Revolution
Wikipedia - Category:Secular humanists
Wikipedia - Category:Secularism
Wikipedia - Category:Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites
Wikipedia - Category:Security breaches
Wikipedia - Category:Security
Wikipedia - Category:United States government secrecy
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles that may have off-topic sections from April 2013
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Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles that may have off-topic sections from November 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles that may have off-topic sections from October 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Writers about computer security
Wikipedia - Cathedral High School (Hamilton, Ontario) -- Canadian Catholic secondary school
Wikipedia - Cathkin Secondary School -- High School in South Africa
Wikipedia - Cathy Zeuske -- 20th century American politician, 31st State Treasurer of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Secretary of Revenue
Wikipedia - Catocala robinsonii -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Caudatoscelis caudata -- species of insect
Wikipedia - Caulotops barberi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Cayuga Correctional Facility -- Medium-security state prison in Moravia, New York, US
Wikipedia - CBC-2 -- Proposed second Canadian public television service
Wikipedia - CBERS-2 -- second satellite cooperation program between China and Brazil
Wikipedia - CBV Sectors -- Vietnam economic indices
Wikipedia - CCC Chuen Yuen College -- Secondary school in Kwai Chung, New Territories
Wikipedia - Cecilia, Table Mountain -- Section of the Table Mountain National Park
Wikipedia - Cecily Jordan v. Greville Pooley dispute -- Prosecution for breach of promise
Wikipedia - CECyT 2 Miguel Bernard Perales -- Secondary school of the National Polytechnic Institute
Wikipedia - Celestial pole -- Two imaginary points in the sky where the Earth's axis of rotation, indefinitely extended, intersects the imaginary rotating sphere of stars called the celestial sphere
Wikipedia - Center for International Security and Cooperation
Wikipedia - Center for Research in Security and Privacy
Wikipedia - Center for Research in Security Prices -- Research center of the University of Chicago
Wikipedia - Center for Security and Emerging Technology -- American technology think tank
Wikipedia - Centimetre-gram-second system of units -- Physical system of measurement that uses the centimetre, gram, and second as base units
Wikipedia - Central Academy Senior Secondary School -- Chain of schools in India
Wikipedia - Central Bank of India -- Indian public sector bank
Wikipedia - Central Board of Secondary Education -- Organization in India
Wikipedia - Central European Journal of International and Security Studies -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Central Industrial Security Force Act -- Act of the Indian Parliament
Wikipedia - Central Leading Group for Internet Security and Informatization
Wikipedia - Central Office for Information Technology in the Security Sector -- German federal agency
Wikipedia - Central Security Service -- United States Department of Defense government agency
Wikipedia - Centrelink -- federal social security program of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Centro Educativo Pavarotti -- Secondary school for children aged 12 to 16 in San Lucas Toliman, Guatemala
Wikipedia - Centrotus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Centuria Insectorum
Wikipedia - Cephalocladia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Ceratitis capitata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Cerceris kennicottii -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Cerconota ebenocista -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Cerdaia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Ceromitia arata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ceroplastes ceriferus -- Species of scale insect
Wikipedia - Certificate Transparency -- Internet security standard for auditing digital certificates by creating public logs recording certificates issued by publicly trusted certificate authorities
Wikipedia - Certified Information Security Manager
Wikipedia - Certified Information Systems Security Professional
Wikipedia - Certified Penetration Testing Engineer -- Cyber security certification
Wikipedia - Certified Wireless Security Professional -- Certification
Wikipedia - Cesar Miranda -- Secretary of Justice of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - CeX (company) -- A British second hand goods chain
Wikipedia - Chace Community School -- Secondary school in Forty Hill, Enfield Town, England
Wikipedia - Chad Wolf -- De facto acting United States Secretary of Homeland Security (unlawfully serving)
Wikipedia - Chaetagonum -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Chaetopsis aenea -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Chalcididae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Chandpara Bani Vidhay Bithi -- Upper-level secondary school of North 24 Pgns. District in Chandpara, West Bengal
Wikipedia - Chanel College, Dublin -- Secondary school for boys, Coolock, Dublin
Wikipedia - Chan Hiang Leng Colin v Public Prosecutor -- 1994 High Court judgement on constitutionality of Government orders to deregister and ban Jehovah's Witnesses
Wikipedia - Channel Dash -- German naval operation during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Chantal Kabore-Zoungrana -- Burkinese animal nutritionist and biosecurity expert
Wikipedia - Chapter 11, Title 11, United States Code -- Section of the United States Bankruptcy Code
Wikipedia - Chapter 12: The Siege -- fourth episode of the second season of ''The Mandalorian''
Wikipedia - Chapter 7, Title 11, United States Code -- Section of United States federal statute
Wikipedia - Chaque jour a son secret -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Charanam -- Usually the end section of a composition in Carnatic music
Wikipedia - Charles Crombie -- Australian Second World War flying ace
Wikipedia - Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu
Wikipedia - Charles de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu
Wikipedia - Charles Erwin Wilson -- 5th US Secretary of Defense
Wikipedia - Charles F. Brannan -- American politician, Secretary of Agriculture 1948-1953
Wikipedia - Charles Foster (Ohio politician) -- 35th Governor of Ohio and 40th Secretary of the Treasury
Wikipedia - Charles Gittens -- U.S. Secret Service agent (1928-2011)
Wikipedia - Charles Miossec -- French politician
Wikipedia - Charles Rieseck Krauthoff -- American Brigadier General
Wikipedia - Charles Scherf -- Australian Second World War flying ace
Wikipedia - Charles Seckford -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Charlie Chan's Secret -- 1936 film by Gordon Wiles
Wikipedia - Charlie Miller (security researcher)
Wikipedia - Charlie Watts (fascist) -- Member of the British Union of Fascists who was interned during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Charlotte Frances McLeod -- Second American woman to travel to Denmark for a sex change operation
Wikipedia - Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst -- Professional designation in U.S. securities
Wikipedia - Chatkhil Panch Gaon Government High School -- Higher secondary school in Noakhali District, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - ChatSecure
Wikipedia - Chattian -- Second Age of the Oligocene Epoch
Wikipedia - Chauliognathus fasciatus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Checkmarx -- Israeli software security company
Wikipedia - Check Point -- Israeli security company
Wikipedia - Cheering Section -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Cheesecake -- Sweet cheese-based dessert
Wikipedia - Cheesecloth -- Loosely woven carded cotton cloth used primarily in cooking and cheesemaking
Wikipedia - Chef de Cabinet -- Senior civil servant who acts as an aide or private secretary to a government figure
Wikipedia - Cheick Tidiane Seck -- Malian musician and composer
Wikipedia - Cheilosia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Chekannur Maulavi -- An secular Islamist from Kerala
Wikipedia - Cheka -- Soviet secret police (1917-1922)
Wikipedia - Chemical Coast -- Section of Union and Middlesex counties in New Jersey
Wikipedia - Cheong Weng Chon -- Secretariat for Administration and Justice in Macau
Wikipedia - Chester T. Lane -- 20th-century American attorney and SEC official
Wikipedia - Chezala -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Chiasmia subvaria -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Chiefdoms and sectors of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Chief information security officer
Wikipedia - Chief of Staff of Puerto Rico -- Head of the Secretariat of Governance in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Chief of Staff to the United States Secretary of State -- Supporting staff to the United States Secretary of State
Wikipedia - Chief Prosecutor of Hungary -- Government agency of Hungary
Wikipedia - Chief Secretary, Singapore -- Government position in colonial Singapore
Wikipedia - Chillicothe Correctional Institution -- American medium security prison
Wikipedia - Chilo chiriquitensis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Chilo zizaniae -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Chimarra aterrima -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - China (insect) -- Genus of grasshoppers
Wikipedia - China-North Korea-Russia tripoint -- China-Russia border and North Korea-Russia border intersection point
Wikipedia - China Securities Regulatory Commission
Wikipedia - Chinese Foundation Secondary School -- Secondary school in Siu Sai Wan, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Chinese reusable experimental spacecraft -- Unofficial name of a secret spacecraft
Wikipedia - Chionodes canofusella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Chionodes impes -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Chionodes iridescens -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Chitrapur Math -- Central community temple for the Chitrapur Saraswat Brahmin sect in Karnataka, India
Wikipedia - Chittagong University College -- Institute for primary, secondary and higher secondary education in Chittagong, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Chittagong -- Second-largest city in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Chlamydastis deflexa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Chlamydastis ommatopa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Chlorochroa uhleri -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Chloroclystis ambundata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Chloropidae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Chlosyne acastus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Chlosyne gabbii -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Chlosyne hoffmanni -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Chlosyne palla -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Chlosyne whitneyi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Chlosyne -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - ChM-CM-*ne-Sec -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, France
Wikipedia - Chooseco -- American publishing company
Wikipedia - Chorivalva -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Chris Hani Secondary School -- English-medium high school in Kheyelitsha, Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Chris Krebs -- Cybersecurity and infrastructure security expert
Wikipedia - Chris Kubecka -- American computer programmer and computer security researcher
Wikipedia - Chrism -- Consecrated oil used in various Christian churches
Wikipedia - Christian Mortensen -- Danish supercentenarian and second-longest-lived man
Wikipedia - Christina B. Rocca -- Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State
Wikipedia - Christmas in July -- Second christmas celebration
Wikipedia - Christmas Offensive -- Battle of the Second Italo-Abyssinian War
Wikipedia - Christopher Boyd (IT security) -- Computer Security researcher
Wikipedia - Christopher W. S. Ross -- Christopher Ross* - Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara
Wikipedia - Chronicle Security
Wikipedia - Chrysobothris tranquebarica -- Species of insectbeetle
Wikipedia - Churchill Craton -- The northwest section of the Canadian Shield from southern Saskatchewan and Alberta to northern Nunavut
Wikipedia - Church of God Preparing for the Kingdom of God -- An apocalypticist sphincter sect of the Worldwide Church of God
Wikipedia - Church of Humanity (comics) -- Fictional religious sect in comics
Wikipedia - Chyliza -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Cicada -- Superfamily of insects
Wikipedia - Cicadettinae -- Subfamily of cicada insects
Wikipedia - Cicadettini -- Tribe of cicada insects
Wikipedia - Cicadidae -- Family of cicada insects
Wikipedia - Cicadomorpha -- Infraorder of insects
Wikipedia - CIC (Nintendo) -- Security lockout chip used in Nintendo game consoles
Wikipedia - CIF North Coast Section -- Administrative division of the California Interscholastic Federation responsible for coastal Northern California
Wikipedia - Cimicidae -- Family of parasitic blood-feeding insects
Wikipedia - Cimolus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Cinnamon Roll Day -- Annual secular holiday in Sweden and Finland
Wikipedia - CipherCloud -- Cloud security software company
Wikipedia - Cipher security summary
Wikipedia - Circular trading -- Type of securities fraud
Wikipedia - Circumconic and inconic -- A conic section that passes through the vertices of a triangle or is tangent to its sides
Wikipedia - Citibank India -- Indian private sector bank headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra
Wikipedia - City Academy Norwich -- Public secondary school in Norwich, England
Wikipedia - City of Angels (song) -- 2013 song by Thirty Seconds to Mars
Wikipedia - City of Norwich School -- Sixth form and secondary school in Norfolk, England
Wikipedia - City Union Bank -- Indian private sector bank
Wikipedia - Civic Crown -- Second-highest ancient Roman military decoration
Wikipedia - Civil and Public Services Union -- Former Irish public sector trade union (1922-2018)
Wikipedia - Civil Contingencies Secretariat -- British government emergency planning organization
Wikipedia - CJD Christophorusschule Konigswinter -- Private, alternative secondary school in Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, Germany
Wikipedia - Claire Loftus -- Irish Director of Public Prosecutions since 2011
Wikipedia - Clandestine church -- Secret places of worship by religious minorities
Wikipedia - Clapham Sect -- Group of Church of England social reformers
Wikipedia - Clark Clifford -- American secretary of defense
Wikipedia - Clausius theorem -- A version of the second law of thermodynamics
Wikipedia - Clear Lake High School (California) -- Public secondary school located in Lakeport, California (USA)
Wikipedia - Clepsis assensus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Clifford's circle theorems -- A sequence of theorems relating to sets of circles intersecting at a common point
Wikipedia - Clinton Correctional Facility -- Maximum-security state prison for men in New York, US
Wikipedia - Clintonville High School -- Public secondary school in Clintonville, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - C-list (computer security)
Wikipedia - Cloeon simile -- Species of insect (mayfly) found in Europe
Wikipedia - Clonaria -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Close Brothers Group -- UK merchant banking group, providing lending, deposit taking, wealth management and securities trading
Wikipedia - Closed sessions of the United States Senate -- Secret meetings of the United States Senate
Wikipedia - Clostera brucei -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Cloud access security broker -- Cloud security software
Wikipedia - Cloud computing security
Wikipedia - Clytoderus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Clytus arietis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - CNEC Christian College -- Secondary school in Kwai Chung, New Territories
Wikipedia - Cnephasia asseclana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cnidocyte -- Explosive cell containing one giant secretory organelle (cnida)
Wikipedia - Cnodontes pallida -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Coastal Mountain Conference -- An athletic conference of secondary schools in Mendocino, Lake, Napa and Sonoma Counties in California (USA)
Wikipedia - Coast Guard of Georgia -- maritime warfare and security branch of GeorgiaM-bM-^@M-^Ys military and border police
Wikipedia - Coast guard -- Maritime security organization of a particular country
Wikipedia - Coca-Cola formula -- The Coca-Cola Company's secret recipe for Coca-Cola syrup
Wikipedia - Cocceius (skipper) -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Cochineal -- Species of insect producing the crimson dye carmine
Wikipedia - Cochliomyia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Cochylis aethoclasma -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Cochylis anerista -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Cochylis morosana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Cockroach -- Insects of the order Blattodea
Wikipedia - Code Access Security
Wikipedia - Code talker -- People using their native language for secret wartime communication
Wikipedia - Coenagrion ornatum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Coilopus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Cointreau -- A brand of triple sec from Saint-Barthelemy-d'Anjou, France.
Wikipedia - Coke Studio (Pakistani season 2) -- Second television season of Coke Studio
Wikipedia - Colaiste Chroabh Abhann -- Secondary school in Kilcoole, County Wicklow, Ireland
Wikipedia - Colaiste Raithin -- Second level school in Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland
Wikipedia - Cold boot attack -- a means of compromising computer security by restarting the computer
Wikipedia - Coleco Gemini -- Second generation home video game console
Wikipedia - Colegio Centro America -- Jesuit primary and secondary school in Managua
Wikipedia - Colegio Marista Guaynabo -- Parochial primary and secondary school in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Coleophora biforis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Coleophora dextrella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Coleophora explorata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Coleophora ivrizensis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Coleophora pagodella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Coleophora praecipua -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Coleophora preisseckeri -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora traganella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Coleophora zhusguni -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Coleotechnites florae -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Colin Powell -- 65th U.S. Secretary of State and retired four-star general
Wikipedia - Colla similis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Collective Security Treaty Organization
Wikipedia - Collective security
Wikipedia - College Notre-Dame (Sudbury) -- Private Catholic secondary school in Sudbury, Ontario (Canada)
Wikipedia - College-preparatory school -- Secondary school that prepares students for college or university in the United States.
Wikipedia - College Sismondi -- Secondary school in Geneva, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Collegiate secret societies in North America -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Coller Capital -- British investor firm in the private equity secondary market
Wikipedia - Colliding beam fusion -- Fusion energy concepts based on intersecting beams of fusion fuel ions
Wikipedia - Collins Correctional Facility -- Medium security prison in Collins, New York, US
Wikipedia - Collusion -- Agreement between two or more parties, sometimes illegal and therefore secretive
Wikipedia - Coloma Convent Girls' School -- Catholic secondary school for girls in Croydon, England
Wikipedia - Colombe-le-Sec -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Colonia Dignidad -- Secretive colony founded by Germans in Chile, formerly torture center
Wikipedia - Colour piece -- Section of a publication that focuses mainly on impressions or descriptions of the subject matter
Wikipedia - Columbia Correctional Institution (Wisconsin) -- Maximum-security prison in Portage, Wisconsin, United States
Wikipedia - Columbia High School (Burbank, Washington) -- Public secondary school in Burbank, Washington (USA)
Wikipedia - Comando Interforze per le Operazioni Cibernetiche -- Italian government agency for cybersecurity
Wikipedia - Comet darner -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Command Consulting Group -- International security and intelligence consulting firm
Wikipedia - Command Control (event) -- Cybersecurity conference hosted in Munich, Germany
Wikipedia - Commanding heights of the economy -- Strategically important sectors of the economy
Wikipedia - Commandment Keepers -- Sect of Black Hebrews
Wikipedia - Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier
Wikipedia - Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region -- An organ of the Central People's Government (State Council) of China in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Committee of General Security
Wikipedia - Common eland -- Second largest antelope in the world
Wikipedia - Common green bottle fly -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures -- Catalogue of information security vulnerabilities
Wikipedia - Commonwealth Secretariat -- Central agency and central institution of the Commonwealth of Nations
Wikipedia - Commonwealth Secretary-General -- head of the Commonwealth Secretariat
Wikipedia - Communications protection -- Application of communications security measures to telecommunications systems
Wikipedia - Communications Security Establishment Canada
Wikipedia - Communications Security Establishment
Wikipedia - Communications security
Wikipedia - Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems
Wikipedia - Communion under both kinds -- In Christianity, reception of both the consecrated bread and wine of the Eucharist
Wikipedia - Community of Christ -- Second-largest denomination in the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Comodo Cybersecurity -- American technology company
Wikipedia - Compartmentalization (information security)
Wikipedia - Complete bipartite graph -- Bipartite graph where every vertex of the first set is connected to every vertex of the second set
Wikipedia - Compound eye -- Visual organ found in arthropods such as insects and crustaceans
Wikipedia - Comprehensive High School, Aiyetoro -- Secondary school in Ayetoro district, Egbado Division, Ogun State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative
Wikipedia - Comprehensive Social Security Assistance -- Hong Kong welfare programme
Wikipedia - Compsolechia molybdina -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Comptosia apicalis -- Australian species of insect
Wikipedia - Comptosia insignis -- Australian species of insect
Wikipedia - Comptosia neobiguttata -- Australian species of insect
Wikipedia - Comptosia quadripennis -- Australian species of insect
Wikipedia - Computed tomography of the head -- Cross-sectional X-rays of the head
Wikipedia - Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section -- United States federal law enforcement agency
Wikipedia - Computer emergency response team -- Organisation which responds to computer security incidents
Wikipedia - Computer security audit
Wikipedia - Computer security compromised by hardware failure
Wikipedia - Computer security conference
Wikipedia - Computer security model -- Plan for specifying and enforcing security policies
Wikipedia - Computer security software -- Computer program for information security
Wikipedia - Computer Security
Wikipedia - Computer security -- The protection of computer systems from theft or damage
Wikipedia - Conchapelopia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Concordia Junior-Senior High School -- Secondary school in Concordia, Kansas
Wikipedia - Concordia sulla Secchia
Wikipedia - Condoleezza Rice -- 66th U.S. Secretary of State, American Republican politician and political scientist
Wikipedia - CONDOR secure cell phone -- Prototype secure CDMA phone by Qualcomm
Wikipedia - Confederate States Secretary of War -- Member of the Confederate States President's Cabinet
Wikipedia - Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
Wikipedia - Congressional Biodefense Caucus -- Caucus dedicated to biodefense enterprise and national security
Wikipedia - Conical intersection
Wikipedia - Conic section -- Curve obtained by intersecting a cone and a plane
Wikipedia - Coniesta -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Connecticut Four -- Librarians who challenged the constitutional validity of National Security Letters
Wikipedia - Connor Hawke -- Fictional character; the second Green Arrow
Wikipedia - Conozoa hyalina -- Extinct species of insect
Wikipedia - Consecrated life
Wikipedia - Consecrated Virgin
Wikipedia - Consecrated virgin -- Consecrated, mystically betrothed to Christ and dedicated to the service of the Church
Wikipedia - Consecrated
Wikipedia - Consecrate
Wikipedia - Consecration and entrustment to Mary
Wikipedia - Consecration crosses
Wikipedia - Consecration of Russia
Wikipedia - Consecration
Wikipedia - Consecrator
Wikipedia - Conspiracy -- Secret plan or agreement for an unlawful or harmful purpose, especially with political motivation
Wikipedia - Constance Barnicoat -- Secretary, interpreter, mountaineer, journalist
Wikipedia - Constant chord theorem -- An invariant cord in one of two intersecting circles based on any point in the other
Wikipedia - Container Corporation of India -- Indian public sector container transport company
Wikipedia - Contarinia verrucicola -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Content Security Policy -- Computer security standard to prevent cross-site scripting and related attacks
Wikipedia - Control-Alt-Delete -- Computer keyboard shortcut that triggers a reboot or system security function
Wikipedia - Conus fonsecai -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conversion of Paul the Apostle -- Event that led Paul to cease persecuting early Christians and to become an apostle of Jesus
Wikipedia - Convex set -- In geometry, set that intersects every line into a single line segment
Wikipedia - Convoy HG 53 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy HG 73 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy HG 76 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy HG 84 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy HX 106 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy HX 112 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy HX 126 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy HX 228 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy HX 300 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy HX 72 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy HX 79 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy HX 84 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy HX 90 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy OB 293 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy OB 318 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy OG 69 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy OG 71 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy OG 82 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy ON 122 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy ON 127 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy ON 144 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy ON 154 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy ON 166 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy ON 67 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy ON 92 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy ONS 5 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy QS-15 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy QS-33 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy SC 100 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy SC 104 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy SC 107 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy SC 118 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy SC 121 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy SC 129 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy SC 130 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy SC 143 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy SC 19 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy SC 48 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy SC 7 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy SC 94 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoys HX 229/SC 122 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy SL 125 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy SL 138/MKS 28 -- Convoys during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy SL 139/MKS 30 -- Convoys during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy SL 140/MKS 31 -- Convoys during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy SL 78 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoys ONS 18/ON 202 -- Convoys during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoys ONS 20/ON 206 -- Convoys during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Convoy TM 1 -- Convoy during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (Indonesia) -- Indonesian government ministry
Wikipedia - Copelatus bolivianus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Copiphorini -- Tribe of insects
Wikipedia - CopperheadOS -- Mobile operating system focused on privacy and security
Wikipedia - CopSSH -- Remote shell services or command execution for secure network services between two networked computers
Wikipedia - Coquillettidia crassipes -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Cordilura -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Corduliidae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Coreidae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Corethrella -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Corinthian Colleges -- Former large for-profit post-secondary education company
Wikipedia - Corner reflector -- Retroreflector with three orthogonal, intersecting flat surfaces
Wikipedia - Corollary -- Secondary statement which can be readily deduced from a previous, more notable statement
Wikipedia - Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act
Wikipedia - Corporate secrecy
Wikipedia - Corporate sector of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Corporate security
Wikipedia - Corporation Bank -- Indian public-sector banking company
Wikipedia - Corps of Commissionaires (United Kingdom) -- The oldest security company in the world.
Wikipedia - Corps of Gendarmerie of Vatican City -- Police and security force of Vatican City
Wikipedia - Cosmic Trigger I: The Final Secret of the Illuminati
Wikipedia - Cosmosoma consolata -- species of insect
Wikipedia - Costria elegans -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Cotana bisecta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Cotyachryson -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Council for National Defense and Security (Vietnam)
Wikipedia - Council for Secular Humanism
Wikipedia - Countdown -- Decreasing count indicating the time (typically in seconds) remaining before an event is scheduled to occur
Wikipedia - Counterintelligence state -- Form of government where state security services permeate society
Wikipedia - Counterpane Internet Security
Wikipedia - Counterpoint with Secretary Salvador Panelo -- Filipino public affairs talk show
Wikipedia - Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 -- United Kingdom act
Wikipedia - Country Club, San Juan, Puerto Rico -- Sector in the Sabana Llana Norte
Wikipedia - Courts of Judicial Magistrate of Second Class -- Judicial structure in India
Wikipedia - Covert channel -- Computer security attack that creates a capability to transfer information between processes that are not supposed to be allowed to communicate
Wikipedia - Coxsackie Correctional Facility -- Maximum security state prison in New York, US
Wikipedia - Crab louse -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Cranaodes -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Cremastobombycia grindeliella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Crematogaster desecta -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Cresera espiritosantensis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Crest High School (North Carolina) -- Public secondary school in Shelby, North Carolina (USA)
Wikipedia - Cricket (insect) -- Small insects of the family Gryllidae
Wikipedia - Cricotopus elegans -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Crimean campaign -- Campaign of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Cristuru Secuiesc
Wikipedia - Critical section
Wikipedia - Critical security studies
Wikipedia - Criticism of Swaminarayan sect
Wikipedia - Crocomela albolineata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Crop milk -- secretion used by some birds to feed their young
Wikipedia - Cross-sectional data -- A type of data collected by observing many subjects at the same point of time, or without regard to differences in time
Wikipedia - Cross-sectional design
Wikipedia - Cross-sectional studies
Wikipedia - Cross-sectional study
Wikipedia - Cross-sectional
Wikipedia - Cross section (physics) -- Probability of a given process occurring in a particle collision
Wikipedia - Cross-site scripting -- Computer security vulnerability
Wikipedia - Cross-site tracing -- Network security vulnerability exploiting the HTTP TRACE method
Wikipedia - CrowdStrike -- American cybersecurity technology company
Wikipedia - Crown Heights riot -- Race riot in August 19 to 21, 1991 in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, New York City
Wikipedia - Cryogenian -- Second period of the Neoproterozoic Era, with major glaciation
Wikipedia - Cryptek -- US information security company
Wikipedia - Cryptlib -- Open source software security toolkit library
Wikipedia - Crypto AG -- Swiss company specialising in communications and information security
Wikipedia - Crypto-Christianity -- Secret practice of Christianity
Wikipedia - Crypto-communism -- Secret support or admiration for communism
Wikipedia - Cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator
Wikipedia - Cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator
Wikipedia - Cryptographic Module Validation Program -- Joint American-Canadian security accreditation program for cryptographic modules
Wikipedia - Cryptography -- Practice and study of secure communication techniques
Wikipedia - Crypto-Islam -- Secret adherence to Islam while publicly professing to be of another faith
Wikipedia - Crypto-Judaism -- Secret adherence to Judaism
Wikipedia - Cryptosystem -- Suite of cryptographic algorithms needed to implement a particular security service
Wikipedia - Crystal growth -- After a first nucleation, second step of crystallization consisting in the regular accretion of atoms or ions at the surface of the crystal
Wikipedia - Ctenolepisma longicaudatum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ctenomorphodes tessulatus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - CT scan -- Medical imaging procedure using X-rays to produce cross-sectional images
Wikipedia - Cuckoo wasp -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - CU convoys -- Convoys during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Culdcept Second -- 2001 turn-based strategy video game
Wikipedia - Culex lineata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Culex sitiens -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Culladiella generosus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Cumulene -- Hydrocarbon with three or more cumulative (consecutive) double bonds
Wikipedia - CUSIP -- Nine-character alphanumeric code that identifies a North American financial security
Wikipedia - Cyana quadripartita -- Species of insect in Taiwan
Wikipedia - Cyberbiosecurity
Wikipedia - Cyberoam -- Computer security company
Wikipedia - Cyber Peace Foundation -- Indian Cyber Security Nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - Cybersectarianism
Wikipedia - Cyber Security and Crime Division -- Branch of Bangladesh Police
Wikipedia - Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency -- United States federal agency
Wikipedia - Cybersecurity information technology list -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Cyber-security regulation
Wikipedia - Cyber security standards
Wikipedia - Cybersecurity standards
Wikipedia - Cyber Security
Wikipedia - Cyber security
Wikipedia - Cybersecurity
Wikipedia - Cyclocephala latericia -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Cycnia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Cyhalothrin -- Synthetic pyrethroid used as insecticide
Wikipedia - Cylinder-head-sector
Wikipedia - Cymindis purkynei -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Cynet (company) -- Cyber security company from Israel
Wikipedia - Cynipinae -- Subfamily of insects
Wikipedia - Cynthia (butterfly) -- Subgenus of insects
Wikipedia - Cyrtophorus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Cyrus Vance -- American lawyer and 57th US Secretary of State
Wikipedia - Dacha -- Russian second home
Wikipedia - Dade battle -- Second Seminole War battle
Wikipedia - Dalla ochrolimbata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Damage per second
Wikipedia - Damara orogeny -- Mountain building event at the intersection of the Congo and the Kalahari cratons.
Wikipedia - Damias elegans -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Damselfly -- Suborder of insects
Wikipedia - Dan Brouillette -- United States Secretary of Energy
Wikipedia - Dancing Forever World Tour -- second concert tour by Taiwanese singer Jolin Tsai
Wikipedia - Daniel 2 -- Second chapter of the Book of Daniel
Wikipedia - Daniel Adler (prosecutor) -- Argentine prosecutor
Wikipedia - Daniel Bellemare -- Canadian prosecutor
Wikipedia - Daniel de Fonseca
Wikipedia - Daniele Seccarecci -- Italian bodybuilder
Wikipedia - Daniele Secci -- Italian shot putter
Wikipedia - Daniel Webster -- 14th and 19th United States Secretary of State (1782-1852)
Wikipedia - Danish Security and Intelligence Service
Wikipedia - Dantmara A.B.Z Sikder High School -- Secondary school in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - DarkMatter (Emirati company) -- Cybersecurity company
Wikipedia - Dark Secrets of Africa -- 1999 video game by New Generation Software
Wikipedia - Dark Secrets -- 1923 film by Victor Fleming
Wikipedia - Dark Sector -- Third-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Dark territory -- Section of railway without signals
Wikipedia - Dasamongueponke -- Native American tribe of Secotan people
Wikipedia - Dasypogon (fly) -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Database security
Wikipedia - Data center security -- Set of policies, precautions and practices to avoid unauthorized access and manipulation of a data center's resources
Wikipedia - Data-centric security
Wikipedia - Datagram Transport Layer Security -- Communications protocol; lets datagram-based applications communicate in a way designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, or message forgery
Wikipedia - Data recovery -- Process of salvaging inaccessible data from corrupted or damaged secondary storage
Wikipedia - Data security
Wikipedia - Datto (company) -- American cybersecurity and data backup company
Wikipedia - Daughters of Mary Help of Christians Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School
Wikipedia - Dave Chalk (entrepreneur) -- Canadian technology entrepreneur, cyber security specialist, and media personality
Wikipedia - David Bernhardt -- 53rd United States Secretary of the Interior
Wikipedia - David Evans (political official) -- General Secretary of the Labour Party
Wikipedia - David Fonseca (politician) -- Belizean politician
Wikipedia - David Norquist -- U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense
Wikipedia - David P. Weber -- Assistant Inspector General for the SEC
Wikipedia - David R. Giroux -- American financial sector executive
Wikipedia - David Rose (club secretary) -- English club secretary
Wikipedia - David Salzman {{cleanup|reason= bare URLs, considerable non-reliable sources, short choppy poorly cited sections, [[MOS:JOBTITLE]], [[WP:MSH]], [[MOS:ALLCAPS]], [[WP:CITATIONOVERKILL]], etc.|date=January 2021 -- David Salzman {{cleanup|reason= bare URLs, considerable non-reliable sources, short choppy poorly cited sections, [[MOS:JOBTITLE]], [[WP:MSH]], [[MOS:ALLCAPS]], [[WP:CITATIONOVERKILL]], etc.|date=January 2021
Wikipedia - David Shulkin -- 9th United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Wikipedia - David Venable -- Cyber security professional
Wikipedia - David Wolf: Secret Agent -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - Dawoodi Bohra -- Sect of Ismaili Shia Islam
Wikipedia - Day-care sex-abuse hysteria -- Moral panic and series of prosecutions in North America in the final quarter of the 20th century onwards
Wikipedia - DDT -- Organochloride known for its insecticidal properties
Wikipedia - Deadline (Grant novel) -- Second book in the Newsflesh Trilogy
Wikipedia - Deal with the Devil -- Allegorical reference for sacrificing a moral value for a secular one
Wikipedia - Dean Rusk -- United States Secretary of State
Wikipedia - DEA Office of National Security Intelligence
Wikipedia - Deb Haaland -- U.S. Representative from New Mexico; nominee for Secretary of the Interior
Wikipedia - Deborah Secco -- Brazilian actress
Wikipedia - Debrecen -- second largest city in Hungary
Wikipedia - Debt bondage -- Person's pledge of their labor or services as security for the repayment for a debt or other obligation
Wikipedia - Decebalus (cicada) -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Decian persecution
Wikipedia - Declana -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Declaration of Independence of Ukraine -- Ukrainian secession from the USSR
Wikipedia - Decline in insect populations -- Ecological trend
Wikipedia - Deconsecration -- Act of removing a religious blessing
Wikipedia - Dectodesis -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Deer fly -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Defence of Kamalpur -- second battle of Kamalpur
Wikipedia - Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency
Wikipedia - Defense of the Great Wall -- Army campaign between China and Japan before the Second Sino-Japanese War
Wikipedia - Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Wikipedia - Defense Security Service
Wikipedia - Defensio Secunda -- 1654 political tract by John Milton
Wikipedia - Definitivamente (Daddy Yankee and Sech song) -- 2020 song by Daddy Yankee and Sech
Wikipedia - Dekalog: Two -- 1988 second part of the television series The Decalogue directed by Krzysztof KieM-EM-^[lowski
Wikipedia - Dekoratie voor Trouwe Dienst -- South African military decoration for Boer officers of the Second Boer War
Wikipedia - Delia antiqua -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Delias kuhni -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Dell (landform) -- Small secluded hollow
Wikipedia - Delta endotoxin -- Group of insecticidal toxins produced by the bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis
Wikipedia - Demchok sector -- Disputed region between China and India in Kashmir/Tibet
Wikipedia - Demobilisation of the British Armed Forces after the Second World War -- Demobilisation of British Armed Forces after Second World War
Wikipedia - Dendrocoris fruticicola -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Dendrophilia yuexiensis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Density on a manifold -- Section of a certain trivial line bundle
Wikipedia - Deodoro da Fonseca -- 1st President of Brazil
Wikipedia - Deolinda Fonseca -- Portuguese artist
Wikipedia - Departement du Renseignement et de la Securite -- Algerian state intelligence service
Wikipedia - Department for Protection and Security -- Security branch of the National Rally
Wikipedia - Department of Defense Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process -- Computer security process
Wikipedia - Department of Health and Social Security
Wikipedia - Department of Homeland Security appointments by Donald Trump -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Department of Homeland Security
Wikipedia - Department of State Security (South Africa)
Wikipedia - Department of the Navy Central Adjudication Facility -- U.S. armed forces information security organization
Wikipedia - Department secretary -- Leading public servant of a government department in Australia
Wikipedia - Depot Lake -- Lake in Australian sector of Antarctica
Wikipedia - Deputy Director of the National Security Agency
Wikipedia - Deputy mayor -- Governance position - the second in command mayor
Wikipedia - Deputy prime minister -- Government position in some countries secondary to the prime minister
Wikipedia - Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations -- |Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations is the administrative responsibilities of the Secretary-General's office
Wikipedia - Derech Mitzvosecha -- Chabad book
Wikipedia - Dermatophyllum secundiflorum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Desecheo Island -- Uninhabited island of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Desecheo National Wildlife Refuge -- In the Puerto Rico archipelago
Wikipedia - Desecration
Wikipedia - Destroyed in Seconds -- American TV series
Wikipedia - Devadhar Government Higher Secondary School -- School near Tanur, Malappuram, Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Developing Virtue Secondary School -- A private Buddhist secondary school in Talmage, California (USA)
Wikipedia - Devil's Den -- Section of combat during the Second day of Gettysburg.
Wikipedia - Dewey Jackson Short -- U.S. Politician, Professor and Last Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil-Military Affairs
Wikipedia - DFDT -- Chemical compound, insecticide
Wikipedia - Dhammiya -- Extinct ghulat sect of Shia Islam
Wikipedia - DHCP snooping -- techniques to secure DHCP service
Wikipedia - DHS Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans -- Department of homeland security for policy plan
Wikipedia - Diachlorus ferrugatus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Diadegma densepilosellum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Diadegma meliloti -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Dialectica (moth) -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Dialictus -- Subgenus of insects
Wikipedia - Dialogue with Trypho -- Second-century Christian apologetic text by Justin Martyr
Wikipedia - Diana Prince -- Secret identity of the superhero Wonder Woman
Wikipedia - Diaperasticus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Diaphania hyalinata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Diaphania nitidalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Diapheromeridae -- Family of stick insects
Wikipedia - Diary of a Prosecutor -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Dichogama amabilis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Dichomeris bilobella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Dichomeris corniculata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Dichomeris yanagawanus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Dicondylia -- Unranked taxon between Insecta and Pterygota
Wikipedia - Dicranocephalus -- Genus of insects (type of true bugs)
Wikipedia - Dictyla ehrethiae -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Dicyphini -- Tribe of insects
Wikipedia - Diestrammena -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht, BWV 134a -- secular cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach
Wikipedia - Die Zeitung -- German-language weekly newspaper published in London during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Diffused lighting camouflage -- Active camouflage system for Second World War ships
Wikipedia - Digama spilosomoides -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Dinnington High School -- Secondary school in South Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Dinocampus coccinellae -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Dinocras ferreri -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Diocletianic persecution
Wikipedia - Diocletianic Persecution -- Persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Diocletian Persecutions
Wikipedia - Diocletian Persecution
Wikipedia - Diocletian persecution
Wikipedia - Dionisio Jakosalem -- Former Governor of Cebu and Secretary of Commerce and Communication under the United States Military Government of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Dioptis leucothyris -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Dioryctria rossi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Dipaenae eucera -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Diphyrama -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Diplazontinae -- Subfamily of insects
Wikipedia - Diplolepidini -- Tribe of insects
Wikipedia - Diploperla -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Dirac bracket -- Quantization method for constrained Hamiltonian systems with second-class constraints
Wikipedia - Direct grant grammar school -- Former type of English secondary school
Wikipedia - Directorate-General for External Security
Wikipedia - Directorate of Defence Intelligence and Security
Wikipedia - Director of Public Prosecutions v Pat Hegarty -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Director of the National Security Agency
Wikipedia - Dirk Kempthorne -- 30th Governor of Idaho; 49th United States Secretary of the Interior
Wikipedia - Dirty COW -- Computer security vulnerability
Wikipedia - Discrimination against atheists -- persecution of and discrimination against people identified as atheists
Wikipedia - Disini v. Secretary of Justice -- Landmark ruling of the Supreme Court of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Disk sector
Wikipedia - Disney family -- American family whose second and third generations were filmmakers
Wikipedia - Disonycha barberi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Dissected plateau -- Plateau area that has been severely eroded so that the relief is sharp
Wikipedia - Dissection (geometry)
Wikipedia - Dissection problem
Wikipedia - Dissection puzzle
Wikipedia - Dissection
Wikipedia - Distributed Denial of Secrets
Wikipedia - District attorney -- In the United States, represents the government in the prosecution of criminal offenses
Wikipedia - District-level town (Vietnam) -- Type of second-tier subdivision of Vietnam
Wikipedia - District (Vietnam) -- Type of second-tier subdivision of Vietnam
Wikipedia - Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (film) -- 2002 American film by Callie Khouri
Wikipedia - Divisional Secretariats of Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - DJ Secuaz -- Puerto Rican musician
Wikipedia - DNA barcoding -- Method of species identification using a short section of DNA
Wikipedia - DNSSEC
Wikipedia - Docohamus orientalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Doctor Dolittle and the Secret Lake -- The tenth work of Doctor Dolittle Books, the author was Hugh Lofting
Wikipedia - Dodge Correctional Institution -- Maximum security prison in Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Do It or Die -- 1979 single by Atlanta Rhythm Section
Wikipedia - Dolichocephala austriaca -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Domain Name System Security Extensions -- Suite of IETF specifications for securing certain kinds of information provided by DNS
Wikipedia - DoM-DM-^_u M-CM-^GaliM-EM-^_ma Grubu -- Secret association within the Turkish military
Wikipedia - Dominica Grammar School -- Secondary school in Roseau, Dominica
Wikipedia - Dominic Raab -- British Conservative politician, UK Foreign Secretary
Wikipedia - Domitianic Persecution
Wikipedia - Donacaula caminarius -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Donald C. Cook -- Chirman of US Securities and Exchange Commission
Wikipedia - Donald Rice -- Seventeenth Secretary of the Air Force, USA
Wikipedia - Donatus, Romulus, Secundian, and 86 Companions
Wikipedia - Don Bosco Higher Secondary School, Dimapur
Wikipedia - Don Cunningham -- American politician and public sector executive
Wikipedia - Don Jose M. Ynares Sr. Memorial National High School -- Public secondary in Binangonan, Rizal, Philippines
Wikipedia - Donna Shalala -- U.S. Representative from Florida; 18th United States Secretary of Health and Human Services
Wikipedia - Dorothy E. Denning -- American information security researcher
Wikipedia - Dorylus -- Driver ants (genus of insects)
Wikipedia - Dositheos (Samaritan) -- 1st century AD Samaritan religious leader and founder of a gnostic Samaritan sect
Wikipedia - Double integrator -- second-order control system
Wikipedia - Double Leaf Society -- A Japanese military secret society of the 1920s
Wikipedia - Doug Emhoff -- Second Gentleman-designate of the United States, American lawyer (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Dovber Schneuri -- Second Rebbe of Chabad
Wikipedia - Downstate Correctional Facility -- A maximum-security prison in the Town of Fishkill in the Hudson Valley region of New York
Wikipedia - Do You Believe in Us -- 1992 single by Jon Secada
Wikipedia - Do You Wanna Know a Secret? -- 2001 American slasher film
Wikipedia - Draft:Aavas Financiers Limited -- Indian public sector
Wikipedia - Draft:Brett Buerhaus -- American computer security researcher
Wikipedia - Draft:Community High School Ilara Yewa -- Secondary school in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Draft:Cyber Secure Central -- International cybersecurity company
Wikipedia - Draft:Dr. Ananth Prabhu G -- Author | Cyber Law & Security Expert | Motivational Speaker
Wikipedia - Draft:Government Boys Higher Secondary School Ichigam -- School in Jammu and Kashmir, India
Wikipedia - Draft:Intersectional pride -- Positive stance toward LGBTQ+ people, opposing any stigma, discrimination, including but not limited to racism, xenophobia, transphobia, biphobia, lesbophobia, anti-semitism, or violence
Wikipedia - Draft:Jacob Helberg -- American national security author, political philanthropist
Wikipedia - Draft:Royal Secret Agent (TV series) -- 2020 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Draft (sail) -- The degree of curvature of a sail in a horizontal cross-section
Wikipedia - Draft:Sebastian Burduja english -- Secretary of State (2019-present)
Wikipedia - Draft:Second Battle of Iasuii -- Part of the Paraguayan War
Wikipedia - Draft:Skull and Bones (Penn State) -- secret society organized at Penn State University
Wikipedia - Draft:Spaghetti Junction, Kentucky -- Intersection in Frankfort, Kentucky, United States
Wikipedia - Draft:Typo FX (Company) -- An Irish second hand and repair shop
Wikipedia - Draft:Verkada -- Cloud-based physical security startup
Wikipedia - Draft:Vincent Troia -- Computer security professional
Wikipedia - Drascalia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Drepanojana -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Dropped ceiling -- Secondary ceiling hung below a main ceiling
Wikipedia - Drosophila subobscura -- Species of insect (fruit fly)
Wikipedia - Dr. Renault's Secret -- 1942 film by Harry Lachman
Wikipedia - Drucuma -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Dryococelus australis -- A species of stick insect endemic to the Lord Howe Island Group
Wikipedia - DSMA-Notice -- official request not to publish information for reasons of national security
Wikipedia - Dudley Clarke -- British Second World War intelligence officer
Wikipedia - Dulcinians -- A religious sect of the Late Middle Ages, originating within the Apostolic Brethren
Wikipedia - Dumitru Burlan -- Romanian former Securitate officer
Wikipedia - Dung beetle -- Informal group of insects
Wikipedia - Dunne v Director of Public Prosecutions -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Dutch disease -- The apparent causal relationship between the increase in the economic development of a specific sector and a decline in other sectors
Wikipedia - Dutch Military Intelligence and Security Service
Wikipedia - Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War -- Book by Robert Gates
Wikipedia - Duynefontein -- Proposed site for second nuclear power station in Cape Town
Wikipedia - DVB-T2 -- Second revision of the DVB-T standard
Wikipedia - Dynamic secrets
Wikipedia - Dynevor School, Swansea -- Former secondary school in Wales, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Dysmicoccus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Dystrichothorax convexicollis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Eagle High School -- public secondary school in Eagle, Idaho
Wikipedia - E. A. Pierce & Co. -- Defunct American securities brokerage firm
Wikipedia - Earthsongs -- album by Secret Garden
Wikipedia - Earwig -- Order of insects
Wikipedia - East Berlin -- Soviet sector of Berlin between 1949 and 1990
Wikipedia - Easter egg (media) -- Intentional inside joke, hidden message or image, or secret feature of a work
Wikipedia - Easter Fire -- Bonfires lit at Easter as part of liturgical and secular celebrations
Wikipedia - Eastern carpenter bee -- species of insect
Wikipedia - Eastern Catholic victims of Soviet persecutions
Wikipedia - Eastern Orthodox Church -- Second-largest Christian church
Wikipedia - Eastern Sabah Security Zone -- Security zone in the Malaysian state of Sabah
Wikipedia - Eastern yellowjacket -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - East Jersey State Prison -- Maximum-security prison in New Jersey
Wikipedia - East Jerusalem -- East sector of Jerusalem
Wikipedia - Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds -- 2006 film by Phillip J. Bartell
Wikipedia - Eavesdropping -- Act of secretly listening to the private conversation of others
Wikipedia - Ebionites -- Jewish Christian sect sworn to poverty that existed during the early centuries of the Common Era
Wikipedia - Ecca Group -- The second of the main subdivisions of the Karoo Supergroup of geological strata in southern Africa
Wikipedia - Ece Seckin -- Turkish singer
Wikipedia - Echeveria secunda
Wikipedia - Echmepteryx hageni -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - E. C. M. d'Assis-Fonseca
Wikipedia - Ecole secondaire Pointe-aux-Trembles -- School in Quebec.
Wikipedia - Economic secession
Wikipedia - Economic security
Wikipedia - Economy of Second Life
Wikipedia - Economy of the United States by sector
Wikipedia - Ectasian -- Second period of the Mesoproterozoic Era
Wikipedia - Ectemnius -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Ectenesseca -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Ectoedemia preisseckeri -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ectropis -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Edessa (bug) -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Edith Roosevelt -- Second wife of U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt (1861-1948)
Wikipedia - E. Douglas Hume -- British anti-vivisectionist, animal welfare writer and traveller
Wikipedia - Ed Schafer -- 29th United States Secretary of Agriculture
Wikipedia - Eduard von Fransecky -- German general
Wikipedia - Edward Akufo-Addo -- Second President of the Republic of Ghana
Wikipedia - Edward Baker Lincoln -- Second son of Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln
Wikipedia - Edward Bennet -- Irish Gaelic games administrator, second president of the GAA
Wikipedia - Edward Moreno -- Secretary of Education of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Edward Snowden -- American whistleblower, former National Security Agency contractor
Wikipedia - Edwin T. Layton -- U.S. Navy Rear Admiral, noted for intelligence work during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Eersterivier Secondary School -- Adrikaans-medium hgh school in Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - EFAIL -- email security vulnerability
Wikipedia - Eight minutes 46 seconds -- Symbol of police brutality associated with George Floyd's death
Wikipedia - Eko Boys' High School -- Secondary school in Lagos, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Ekushey Padak -- Second highest civilian award in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Elaine Chao -- 18th and current United States Secretary of Transportation and 24th United States Secretary of Labor
Wikipedia - Elaine Feldman -- Irish public figure and founder of a secondary school for the Dublin Jewish community
Wikipedia - Elampus cecchiniae -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Elattoneura oculata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Elcesaites -- Ancient Jewish Christian sect in Sassanid southern Mesopotamia
Wikipedia - Eleanor McMain Secondary School -- High school in New Orleans
Wikipedia - Eleanor's Secret -- 2009 Franco-Italian animated feature film directed by Dominique Monfery
Wikipedia - ELearnSecurity Certified Professional Penetration Tester
Wikipedia - ELearnSecurity
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in Brazil -- Overview of the electricity sector in Brazil
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in Canada -- Canada electricity sector
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in Chile -- Overview of the electricity sector in Chile
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in China -- Overview of the electricity sector in China
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in France -- Overview of the electricity sector in France
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in Germany -- Overview of the electricity sector in Germany
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in India -- Electricity generation and distribution in India
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in Italy -- Overview of the electricity sector in Italy
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in New Zealand -- Overview of the electricity sector in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in Nigeria -- Overview of the electricity sector in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in Switzerland -- Overview of the electricity sector in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in Taiwan -- Overview of the electricity sector in Taiwan
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in the Philippines -- Overview of the electricity sector in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Electricity sector in the United Kingdom -- Overview of the electricity sector in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Electricity sector of the United States -- U.S. energy sector
Wikipedia - Elementary and Secondary Education Act -- United States law, part of Johnson's War on Poverty
Wikipedia - Eleusinian Mysteries -- Secret religious rites in ancient Greece
Wikipedia - El hotel de los secretos -- Mexican telenovela
Wikipedia - Eligio Esquivel Mendez -- Second governor of the state of Baja California, Mexico
Wikipedia - Elihu Yale seated at table with the Second Duke of Devonshire and Lord James Cavendish -- c.1708 oil on canvas painting by unknown British artist
Wikipedia - Elisha ben Abuyah -- Rabbi of end of Second Temple period
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Nel -- Personal Secretary to Winston Churchill
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Neumann -- American security expert
Wikipedia - Elkhart Central High School -- Public secondary school in Elkhart, Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - Ellipse -- Plane curve: conic section
Wikipedia - Ellipsoidal dome -- Has a bottom cross-section which is a circle, but has a cupola whose curve is an ellipse
Wikipedia - Elliptical dome -- A dome who bottom cross section takes the form of an ellipse
Wikipedia - Ellsworth Wisecarver -- American delinquent
Wikipedia - ElM-EM- -- Polish physicist
Wikipedia - Elmira Correctional Facility -- Maximum security state prison in New York, US
Wikipedia - El-Ouali Mustapha Sayed -- Co-founder and general-secretary of the Polisario
Wikipedia - Elsa Einstein -- Second wife and cousin of Albert Einstein
Wikipedia - Elsecar Engine
Wikipedia - Elsecar railway station -- Railway station in South Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - El secreto de la solterona -- 1944 film by Miguel M. Delgado
Wikipedia - Elymnias penanga -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Embioptera -- Order of insects
Wikipedia - Emilie Schenkl -- Secretary to Subhas Chandras Bose
Wikipedia - EMI schools -- Secondary schools in Hong Kong that use English as a medium of instruction
Wikipedia - Emmanuel Yao Adzator -- Ghanaian security expert
Wikipedia - Emotional insecurity
Wikipedia - Emotional security
Wikipedia - Empis adusta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis aemula -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis aequalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis aestiva -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis albicans -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis alpina -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis basalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis bicuspidata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis candidata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis curta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis dasynota -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis decora -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis dedecor -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis depilis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis divergens -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis divisa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis erosa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis eversmanni -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis grisea -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis haemorrhoica -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis hyalipennis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis impennis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis limata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis macra -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis meridionalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis mesogramma -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis nigricans -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis nigritarsis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis nitida -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis pilicornis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis praevia -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis prodromus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis rustica -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis semicinerea -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis strigata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis tumida -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis univittata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis vitripennis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis volucris -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Empis woodi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Employees' State Insurance -- Self-financing social security and health insurance scheme for Indian workers
Wikipedia - Employment and Support Allowance -- British social security benefit
Wikipedia - Encarsia perniciosi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Encratites -- Ascetic 2nd-century Christian sect
Wikipedia - Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security -- Book by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Wikipedia - Endopterygota -- Superorder of insects
Wikipedia - Endpoint security
Wikipedia - Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 -- United States law
Wikipedia - Energy in Serbia -- Economic sector overview
Wikipedia - Energy security and renewable technology
Wikipedia - Energy security -- National security considerations of energy availability
Wikipedia - Engineers India -- Public Sector Undertaking in India
Wikipedia - English as a second language
Wikipedia - English as a second or foreign language -- Use of English by speakers with different native languages
Wikipedia - Enoicyla pusilla -- Species of insect found in Europe
Wikipedia - Enosmaeus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Enterprise information security architecture
Wikipedia - Enteucha acuta -- Species of insect (moth)
Wikipedia - Entity List -- List published by the Bureau of Industry and Security of businesses, research institutions, government and private organizations, individuals, and other types of legal persons subject to specific license requirements for the export, reexport and/or transfer of specified items
Wikipedia - Entomology -- Scientific study of insects
Wikipedia - Entomophagy -- The practice of eating insects
Wikipedia - Entomophily -- Form of pollination by insects
Wikipedia - Entrepot Secondary School -- Secondary school in Castries, Saint Lucia
Wikipedia - Entropic security -- Concept in cryptography
Wikipedia - Enver Hoxha -- The Communist leader of Albania from 1944 until his death in 1985, as the First Secretary of the Party of Labour of Albania
Wikipedia - Eocene -- Second epoch of the Paleogene period
Wikipedia - Eois nigrosticta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Eoophyla napoleoni -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Epcot -- Second of four theme parks built at Walt Disney World
Wikipedia - Epermenia insecurella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Epicauta caviceps -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Epichostis microdelta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Epicrocis nigrilinea -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Epidendrum secundum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Epiphenomenon -- Secondary phenomenon that occurs alongside or in parallel to a primary phenomenon
Wikipedia - Epipleoneura lamina -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Epiprocta -- Taxonomic suborder of insects
Wikipedia - Episcopal consecration
Wikipedia - Epitoxis procridia -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - EQ-53 -- Insecticide
Wikipedia - Equal Opportunities Commission v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry -- Application for judicial review of implementation of equal opportunity legislation
Wikipedia - Erebia -- Genus of insects (brush-footed butterflies)
Wikipedia - Erechthis -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Eremiaphilidae -- Family of mantis insects
Wikipedia - Eremocossus asema -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Eressa analis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Eressa rubribasis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Erianthus (insect) -- Genus of grasshoppers
Wikipedia - Eric de Montgolfier -- French attorney and state prosecutor
Wikipedia - Eric Drummond, 7th Earl of Perth -- Scottish diplomat, Secretary General of the League of Nations (1876-1951)
Wikipedia - Eric Fanning -- 22nd United States Secretary of the Army
Wikipedia - Erie County Holding Center -- Pre-trial, maximum security detention facility in New York, US
Wikipedia - Erik of het klein insectenboek (film) -- 2004 film
Wikipedia - Eriopterodes -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Eristalis arbustorum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Eristalis dimidiata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Eristalis stipator -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Erizada rufa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ernestine Gymnasium, Gotha -- Secondary school in Germany
Wikipedia - Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo -- Mexican drug lord
Wikipedia - Ernesto Fonseca -- Costa Rican motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Ernst Kaltenbrunner -- Austrian SS and chief of the Reich Main Security Office
Wikipedia - Eromidia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Eryngium pinnatisectum -- Species of flowering plant in the celery family Apiaceae
Wikipedia - Erythemis peruviana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Erythrandra -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Esala Weerakoon -- 14th SAARC Secretary General
Wikipedia - Esbela da Fonseca -- Portuguese gymnast
Wikipedia - Esko Hamilo -- Finnish under-secretary, diplomat
Wikipedia - Esme longistyla -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Essays: Second Series
Wikipedia - ESSEC
Wikipedia - Esseiachryson -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Essenes -- Jewish sect during the Second Temple period
Wikipedia - Estigmene multivittata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Estonian Internal Security Service
Wikipedia - EternalBlue -- Computer security exploit
Wikipedia - Eternity Memorial Complex, Chisinau -- Memorial in Moldova dedicated to Soviet soldiers killed by the German-Romaniam troops in the Second Would War
Wikipedia - ETF Securities -- Australian asset management firm
Wikipedia - Etham -- Second station of the Exodus
Wikipedia - Ethmia cyrenaicella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ethmia scutula -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Etosha Secondary School -- School in Namibia
Wikipedia - Ettekaal Second -- 2014 Indian Malayalam-language film by Kanakaraghavan
Wikipedia - Euboea -- The second-largest Greek island in area and population, after Crete
Wikipedia - Euborellia annulata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Eucamptognathus howa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Euchaetes elegans -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Euclera cassotis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Eudonia organaea -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Eugene Secunda -- Academic in business and media studies (b. 1934)
Wikipedia - Eulamprotes altaicella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Eulamprotes -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Eumetabola -- Clade of insects
Wikipedia - Eupeodes nielseni -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Euphalacra semisecta -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Eupholus nickerli -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Eupithecia albibisecta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia albisecta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia assectata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia extrinseca -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia rindgei -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Eupithecia sectila -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia sectilinea -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia spurcata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Eurema irena -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Euronext Paris -- Securities market located in Paris, France
Wikipedia - Europeana 1914-1918 -- Project to digitise and publish primary and secondary historical sources on the First World War
Wikipedia - European Network and Information Security Agency
Wikipedia - European Public Prosecutor's Office -- Agency of the European Union
Wikipedia - European Union Agency for Cybersecurity -- Agency of the European Union
Wikipedia - European Union Maritime Security Strategy -- A maritime security strategy
Wikipedia - Euryale (Gorgon) -- Mythical character; second eldest of the Gorgons, the three sisters that have the hair of living, venomous snakes
Wikipedia - Eurygaster maura -- Species of insect (tortoise bug)
Wikipedia - Eurysacca parvula -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Euthalia malaccana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Eutrichota lipsia -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Eutrichota spinosissima -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Euvrilletta -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Euxesta hyalipennis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Euxoa piniae -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Evelyn Lincoln -- Personal secretary to the US President (1909-1995)
Wikipedia - Every Second Counts (British game show) -- British television game show
Wikipedia - Eve's Secret -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Eve: The Second Genesis -- Collectible trading card game
Wikipedia - Evil maid attack -- Type of computer security breach
Wikipedia - Evocoa -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Evolution of insects -- Development of insects from an ancestral crustacean and their subsequent radiation
Wikipedia - E v Secretary of State for the Home Department -- Successful appeal of 2004 developing error of fact as a distinct ground for judicial review
Wikipedia - Exaeretia preisseckeri -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Exalphus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Executed Renaissance -- Ukrainian cultural figures persecuted, executed or repressed during the Stalinist regime
Wikipedia - Executive Secretariat -- Organ of the United States Department of State
Wikipedia - Ex indumentis -- Second Class holy relics
Wikipedia - Exix -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Exocrine gland -- Gland that produces and secretes substances onto an epithelial surface way of a duct
Wikipedia - Exo Laurentides sector -- Bus service in Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Exon skipping -- Form of RNA splicing used to cause cells to M-bM-^@M-^\skipM-bM-^@M-^] over faulty sections of genetic code
Wikipedia - Exo Planet 2 - The Exo'luxion -- Second tour of South Korean-Chinese boy band Exo
Wikipedia - Exopterygota -- Superorder of insects
Wikipedia - Exploit (computer security)
Wikipedia - Exploit kit -- Collection of security exploit tools
Wikipedia - Explorer Scouts (The Scout Association) -- section of the Scout Association in the United Kingdom for 14- to 18-year-olds
Wikipedia - Exposure (heights) -- Climbing and hiking term; sections of a hiking path or climbing route are described as "exposed" if there is a high risk of injury in the event of a fall because of the steepness of the terrain
Wikipedia - Exsecant -- Trigonometric function defined as secant minus one
Wikipedia - External Security Organisation
Wikipedia - Extractive Sector CSR Counsellor -- Canadian official
Wikipedia - Extrusion -- Process used to create objects of a fixed cross-sectional profile
Wikipedia - Ezra-Nehemiah -- A book in the Hebrew Bible found in the Ketuvim section, originally with the Hebrew title of Ezra
Wikipedia - Faberius -- Private secretary of Julius Caesar
Wikipedia - Fabrizio Quattrocchi -- Italian security officer
Wikipedia - Fai Chai Junction -- Road intersection in Bangkok, Thailand
Wikipedia - Fairy Tale Forest (Etosha) -- Section of Etosha National Park, Namibia
Wikipedia - Fake security camera -- Empty
Wikipedia - Falaise Pocket -- Engagement of the Battle of Normandy in the Second World War
Wikipedia - Falih Al-Fayyadh -- Advisor of National Security Council
Wikipedia - Family of Secrets -- Book by Russ Baker
Wikipedia - Family Secrets (2001 film) -- 2001 film by Sally Champlin
Wikipedia - Fascial compartment -- Section within the body containing muscles and nerves and surrounded by fascia
Wikipedia - Fascist Defence Force -- Paramilitary section of the British Union of Fascists
Wikipedia - Fatehpur Mehernega High School -- Secondary high school in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Fath-Ali Shah Qajar -- second Shah of Qajar Iran
Wikipedia - Father Henry Carr Catholic Secondary School -- Catholic high school in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Fatou Bensouda -- Chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court
Wikipedia - Faust, Part Two -- Second part of the tragic play Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Wikipedia - Fay's trisecant identity -- An identity between theta functions of Riemann surfaces
Wikipedia - FBI National Security Branch -- US FBI national security unit
Wikipedia - FBI secret society conspiracy theory -- American conspiracy theory
Wikipedia - Februarius -- Second month of the revised ancient Roman calendar
Wikipedia - February -- Second month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars
Wikipedia - Federal Bank -- Indian private sector bank
Wikipedia - Federal Correctional Institution, Englewood -- Low-security United States federal prison for male inmates
Wikipedia - Federal Correctional Institution, Otisville -- Medium-security federal prison for male inmates located near Otisville, New York
Wikipedia - Federal Correctional Institution, Ray Brook -- Medium-security federal prison in New York, US
Wikipedia - Federal Government Girls College Bida -- Federal Secondary school in Bida, Niger State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Federal Office for Information Security
Wikipedia - Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board -- Independent quasi-judicial tribunal in Canada
Wikipedia - Federal Secretary -- Secretary to the Government of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Federal Security Service
Wikipedia - Federico PeM-CM-1a -- U.S. Secretary of Transportation, 1993-1997
Wikipedia - Feelin' Up -- 1976 film by David Secter
Wikipedia - Fel d 1 -- Secretoglobin protein
Wikipedia - Feline hyperesthesia syndrome -- Collection of OCD or epilepsy-like symptoms in housecats
Wikipedia - Felix Leopold Oswald -- American naturalist and secularist
Wikipedia - Felix von Leitner -- German IT security expert
Wikipedia - Femtosecond
Wikipedia - Ferial Govashiri -- Personal secretary to U.S. President Barack Obama
Wikipedia - Fer (insect) -- Genus of grasshoppers
Wikipedia - Fernando Gil-EnseM-CM-1at -- Secretary of Housing of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Fernando Robles -- A Portuguese former Second Lieutenant
Wikipedia - Fertilisation of Orchids -- Book by Charles Darwin with full title ''On the Various Contrivances by Which British and Foreign Orchids Are Fertilised by Insects, and On the Good Effects of Intercrossing''
Wikipedia - Festivus -- Secular holiday celebrated December 23
Wikipedia - Fetal abduction -- Rare crime of child abduction by kidnapping of an at term pregnant mother and extraction of her fetus through a crude cesarean section
Wikipedia - Fetotomy -- Veterinary operation that dissects a deceased fetus for delivery
Wikipedia - Fibula (brooch) -- Ancient pin or brooch for securing clothing
Wikipedia - Field High School -- Secondary school in Brimfield, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Fig wasp -- group of mostly pollinating insects whose larvae live in figs.
Wikipedia - Filiki Eteria -- Secret Greek nationalist organization that successfully conspired to establish a sovereign Greek state
Wikipedia - Financial Secrecy Index -- qualitative ranking of secrecy jurisdictions
Wikipedia - Finchley Catholic High School -- boys' secondary school in London, England
Wikipedia - Finnish Security Intelligence Service
Wikipedia - Fin retainer -- Rubber straps for securing swimfins to the feet
Wikipedia - Firewall (computing) -- Software or hardware-based network security system
Wikipedia - Firewalls and Internet Security
Wikipedia - Fire (wuxing) -- Second of five elements of Wuxing
Wikipedia - First Battle of Tembien -- Battle of the Second Italo-Abyssinian War
Wikipedia - First Happy Time -- Period of naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - First-move advantage in chess -- Advantage of White (plays first) over Black (plays second) in chess
Wikipedia - First-player and second-player win
Wikipedia - First rib resection -- Thoracic outlet syndrome treatment
Wikipedia - First Secession
Wikipedia - First secessio plebis -- Political event in early Rome
Wikipedia - First Second Books -- Graphic novel publisher
Wikipedia - Fischbach (Seckach) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Fishbowl (secure phone) -- Mobile phone architecture
Wikipedia - Fishing industry -- The economic sector concerned with taking, culturing, processing, preserving, storing, transporting, marketing or selling fish or fish products
Wikipedia - Fishkill Correctional Facility -- Multi-security level prison in New York, US
Wikipedia - Five Points Correctional Facility -- Maximum security men's prison located in Romulus, New York
Wikipedia - Five-second rule -- Western cultural food hygiene myth
Wikipedia - Flavonoid -- A class of plant and fungus secondary metabolites
Wikipedia - Flavonols -- A class of plant and fungus secondary metabolites.
Wikipedia - Flea -- Insects of the order Siphonaptera
Wikipedia - Flemish Secession hoax -- 2006 Belgian hoax
Wikipedia - Flesh fly -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Flor Isava Fonseca -- Venezuelan sportswoman and writer
Wikipedia - Fl. -- Order of insects
Wikipedia - Fly -- Order of insects
Wikipedia - Fogging (insect control) -- Technique used for killing insects
Wikipedia - Follicular dendritic cells -- Non-migratory population found in primary and secondary follicles of the B cell areas of lymph nodes, spleen, and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT).
Wikipedia - Fonsecaea -- Genus of fungi
Wikipedia - Fonseca Guimaraens -- Port wine house (producer/company)
Wikipedia - Food insecurity among college students in the United States -- Hunger among American college students
Wikipedia - Food security during the COVID-19 pandemic -- Famines related to the pandemic caused by coronavirus disease 2019.
Wikipedia - Food security in Mozambique -- Security of food in the East African nation of Mozambique
Wikipedia - Food security in the Central Valley, California -- Widespread issue where most of the nation's agriculture is produced
Wikipedia - Food security -- Measure of availability and accessibility of food
Wikipedia - Foodservice -- Part of the tertiary sector of the economy that deals with catering
Wikipedia - Foot-pound-second system -- Physical system of measurement that uses the foot, pound, and second as base units
Wikipedia - Forced disappearance -- Unlawful secret disappearance
Wikipedia - Forced labour under German rule during World War II -- use of unfree labour in Nazi Germany and throughout German-occupied Europe during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Ford Fiesta (second generation) -- supermini car, second generation of the Ford Fiesta
Wikipedia - Foreign language anxiety -- feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language
Wikipedia - Forest tent caterpillar moth -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Form (botany) -- One of the secondary taxonomic ranks, below that of variety, in botanical nomenclature
Wikipedia - Formica exsecta -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Fortified Sector of Montbeliard -- French military organization
Wikipedia - Fortin San Juan de la Cruz -- Fortress in Palo Seco, Toa Baja, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Fortress of Mimoyecques -- Second World War underground military complex built by Nazi Germany between 1943 and 1944
Wikipedia - Fortune Brands Home & Security -- American industrial company
Wikipedia - Fort Zumwalt North High School -- Public secondary school in O'Fallon, Missouri, U.S.
Wikipedia - Forward secrecy -- Property of secure communication protocols in which compromise of long-term keys does not compromise past session keys.
Wikipedia - Foss Upper Secondary School -- Secondary school in Oslo, Norway
Wikipedia - Founding Junta of the Second Republic -- Former government of Costa Rica
Wikipedia - FourFiveSeconds -- 2015 single by Rihanna, Kanye West and Paul McCartney
Wikipedia - FR-1 (satellite) -- French scientific satellite; the second French satellite
Wikipedia - Frame rate -- Number of frames rendered in one second
Wikipedia - Frames per second
Wikipedia - Francesca Emanuel -- Nigeria's first female federal permanent secretary
Wikipedia - Frances O'Grady -- British trade unionist; General Secretary of the TUC
Wikipedia - Francis Basin -- French secret agent
Wikipedia - Francisco Guerrero (comics) -- Secret identity of comic book superhero El Gato Negro
Wikipedia - Francisco Palmieri -- U.S. Assistant Secretary of State
Wikipedia - Francisco Urena -- Massachusetts Secretary of Veterans' Affairs
Wikipedia - Francis Fonseca -- Belizean politician (born 1967)
Wikipedia - Francois-Joseph Gossec -- French composer and conductor (1734-1829)
Wikipedia - Francois-Michel le Tellier, Marquis de Louvois -- Secretary of State for War under Louis XIV
Wikipedia - Frank Abagnale -- American security consultant, former confidence trickster, check forger, impostor, and escape artist
Wikipedia - Frank B. Kellogg -- American politician, and 45th Secretary of State in the United States
Wikipedia - Frank Garner -- American Chief of Police, security consultant, politician from Montana
Wikipedia - Frank Kendall III -- United States Under Secretary of Defense
Wikipedia - Frank Knox -- 47th Secretary of the Navy of the United States
Wikipedia - Frank LaRose -- Ohio Secretary of State
Wikipedia - Franklin Correctional Facility -- Medium security state prison in New York, US
Wikipedia - Franseches -- Commune in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Wikipedia - Fraternity -- Organization, society, or club of people associated together for various religious or secular aims
Wikipedia - Frederick James Gould -- English teacher, writer, and pioneer secular humanist
Wikipedia - Fred Fonseca -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Fredonian Rebellion -- Secessionist insurrection in Tejas
Wikipedia - Free France -- Government-in-exile led by Charles de Gaulle during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Fremantle Fortress -- Second World War naval defence system for Perth, Western Australia
Wikipedia - French National Committee -- French government in exile during Second World War
Wikipedia - French Revolution of 1848 -- End of the reign of King Louis Philippe and start of the Second Republic
Wikipedia - French Second Empire
Wikipedia - French Second Republic
Wikipedia - French Section of the Workers' International
Wikipedia - French submarine Curie (P67) -- French submarine in the Second World War
Wikipedia - French West Africa in World War II -- French colonial territories in West Africa during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Freud: The Secret Passion
Wikipedia - Frozen section procedure -- A rapid histological sectioning procedure
Wikipedia - F-Secure -- Finnish cyber security company
Wikipedia - Fujieda-juku -- Twenty-second of the 53 stations of the TM-EM-^MkaidM-EM-^M in Japan
Wikipedia - Fukien Secondary School -- Secondary school in Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Full disclosure (computer security) -- Policy in computer security
Wikipedia - Fumilay Fonseca -- Sao Tomean race walker
Wikipedia - Fungal extracellular enzyme activity -- Enzymes produced by fungi and secreted outside their cells
Wikipedia - Fungal ribotoxin -- Group of extracellular ribonucleases secreted by fungi
Wikipedia - Further Mathematics -- Certain type of mathematics from secondary school onwards
Wikipedia - G2 phase -- Second growth phase in the eukaryotic cell cycle, prior to mitosis
Wikipedia - G30 Schools -- Association of elite secondary schools
Wikipedia - G4S -- British multinational security services company
Wikipedia - Gabriel Laiseca -- Spanish sailor
Wikipedia - Gabriel Taapopi Senior Secondary School -- High School in Windhoek, Namibia
Wikipedia - Gachua Adarsha High School -- Secondary school in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Galactic quadrant -- One of four circular sectors of the Milky Way galaxy
Wikipedia - Gale Norton -- U.S. politician and former Secretary of the Interior
Wikipedia - Gall -- Abnormal growths especially on plants induced by parasitic insects and other organisms
Wikipedia - Galomecalpa suffusca -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Galopagomyia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Galveston National Laboratory -- High security National Biocontainment Laboratory
Wikipedia - Gamal Abdel Nasser -- Second president of Egypt
Wikipedia - Gambling Daughters -- 1941 film by Max Nosseck
Wikipedia - Gap creationism -- Belief that here was a gap of time between two distinct creations in the first and the second verses of Genesis
Wikipedia - Garda Crime and Security Branch
Wikipedia - Garden City-Mitchel Field Secondary -- Long Island Rail Road branch
Wikipedia - Garden of Eden (1954 film) -- 1954 film by Max Nosseck
Wikipedia - Gasterocome pannosaria -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Gaussian units -- Variant of the centimetre-gram-second unit system
Wikipedia - Geheime Staatspolizei (Austria) -- Secret police of the Archduchy of Austria (1786)
Wikipedia - Gelechia liberata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Gelechia stenacma -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Gelug -- dominant sect of Tibetan Buddhism
Wikipedia - Gemalto -- International digital security company
Wikipedia - Gemini 4 -- Second manned space flight in NASA's Project Gemini
Wikipedia - General Certificate of Secondary Education -- British public examinations, generally taken aged 16
Wikipedia - General Directorate of General Security -- Lebanese intelligence agency
Wikipedia - General Insurance Corporation of India -- Indian public sector reinsurance company
Wikipedia - General Intelligence and Security Service
Wikipedia - General Secretary of Bangladesh Nationalist Party -- General Secretary of Bangladesh Nationalist Party
Wikipedia - General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party
Wikipedia - General Secretary of the Communist Party of China
Wikipedia - General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union -- De facto Leader of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam
Wikipedia - General Secretary Xi Jinping's kindness we never forget -- Chinese political song
Wikipedia - General Security Directorate (Iraq)
Wikipedia - General Security Directorate (Syria)
Wikipedia - Generic Security Services Application Program Interface
Wikipedia - Genesis 1:2 -- Second verse of the first chapter of Genesis
Wikipedia - Geneve-Secheron railway station -- Swiss railway station
Wikipedia - Genrikh Yagoda -- Russian secret police official
Wikipedia - Geochemical Ocean Sections Study -- A global survey of the three-dimensional distributions of chemical, isotopic, and radiochemical tracers in the ocean
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Berman -- United States lawyer and former federal prosecutor
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Dawson -- British newspaper editor, and private secretary
Wikipedia - Geographical pole -- Points on a rotating astronomical body where the axis of rotation intersects the surface
Wikipedia - Geology of Venus -- Geological structure and composition of the second planet from the Sun
Wikipedia - Geomagnetic secular variation -- Short-term changes in the Earth's magnetic field
Wikipedia - Geometer moth -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Geomicrobiology -- Intersection of microbiology and geology
Wikipedia - Georg Baesecke -- German philologist
Wikipedia - George Abbott Way -- Section of West 45th Street in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - George Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston -- British Viceroy of India and Foreign Secretary
Wikipedia - George Rogers Clark Floyd -- 19th century American politician, 5th Secretary of Wisconsin Territory, Member of the West Virginia House of Delegates
Wikipedia - George Shultz -- American economist, statesman, businessman, and former Secretary of Labor, Treasury, and State
Wikipedia - George William Robinson -- British entrepreneur in the cork sector in Portugal
Wikipedia - Geraldine Wright -- British insect neuroethologist
Wikipedia - Gerardo Amezola Fonseca -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Gerda Christian -- German secretary
Wikipedia - Gerdan Fonseca -- Cuban Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Gerenia (insect) -- Genus of grasshoppers
Wikipedia - German Aerospace Center -- Research center of the Federal Republic of Germany for aerospace and power engineering, transport and security
Wikipedia - Germinal de Souza -- Portuguese anarchist and secretary of the Iberian Anarchist Federation's Peninsular Committee.
Wikipedia - Germs: Biological Weapons and America's Secret War -- 2001 book by Judith Miller
Wikipedia - Geropa -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Gestapo -- Nazi Germany secret police
Wikipedia - Ghana COVID-19 Private Sector Fund -- Fund
Wikipedia - Ghee Hin Kongsi -- former secret society in Singapore and Malaya
Wikipedia - Ghidra -- Free reverse engineering tool developed by the National Security Agency
Wikipedia - Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze) -- Marvel Comics superhero, the second person to use the name Ghost Rider
Wikipedia - Ghost Security
Wikipedia - Giant mesquite bug -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Gijsbert Haan -- Leader in the secession of Dutch-Americans from the Reformed Church in America
Wikipedia - Gill Adarsh Matriculation Higher Secondary School -- Indian secondary school
Wikipedia - Giorgio Stegani -- Italian film and television writer, film director and second unit director
Wikipedia - Gisele Barreto Fetterman -- Second Lady of Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Givetian -- Fifth stage of the devonian and second stage of the Middle Devonian
Wikipedia - Gladwyn Jebb -- Acting Secretary-General of the United Nations
Wikipedia - Glaesoncodes -- Extinct genus of insects
Wikipedia - Glassile Nurayum Platile Curryum (GNPC) -- Secret group on Facebook launched in 2017
Wikipedia - Glassy-winged sharpshooter -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Glaucocharis auriscriptella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Glavny starshina -- Russian Navy's second highest rank in the petty officer career group
Wikipedia - Glenanne gang -- Secret informal alliance of Ulster loyalists active in the 1970s
Wikipedia - Glen Burnie High School -- Public secondary school in Baltimore, Maryland
Wikipedia - Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point -- Boundary of a stage on the geologic time scale
Wikipedia - Global Health Security Index -- |Preparedness rating
Wikipedia - -- Think tank website focused on security issues
Wikipedia - Glomar Explorer -- Deep-sea drillship platform used by CIA to recover secretly a sunken Soviet submarine
Wikipedia - Glossectomy -- Surgical procedure removing all or part of the tongue
Wikipedia - Glyphidocera reginae -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Glyphidocera vestita -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Glyphipterix phosphora -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Gnadochaeta -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Gnamptogenys -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Gnat -- Any of many species of tiny flying insects in the dipterid suborder Nematocera
Wikipedia - Gnosticism -- Collection of religious ideas and systems among early Christian and Jewish sects
Wikipedia - Goatse Security -- Hacker group
Wikipedia - Gobseck (film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - God the Son -- The second person of the Trinity in Christian theology
Wikipedia - Golasecca culture -- Archaeological culture in Northern Italy
Wikipedia - Golden-section search
Wikipedia - Goldfish Street -- Section of Tung Choi Street that mainly sells marine species as pets, located in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Gone in 60 Seconds (1974 film) -- 1974 film by H. B. Halicki
Wikipedia - Gone in 60 Seconds (2000 film) -- 2000 American action film directed by Dominic Sena
Wikipedia - Gone in 60 Seconds (bank fraud) -- 2012 American fraud scheme
Wikipedia - Goniochaeta -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Goniophyto -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Gonodonta clotilda -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Gonodonta -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Gonzaga College -- Voluntary secondary school in Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Good Girls (5 Seconds of Summer song) -- single by 5 Seconds of Summer
Wikipedia - Google Summer of Code -- Annual program that offers open-source software projects to post-secondary student developers
Wikipedia - Goosecoid protein -- Protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens
Wikipedia - Gore and PerVersion 2 -- album by Desecration
Wikipedia - Gormanston College -- Catholic secondary school in County Meath, Ireland
Wikipedia - Gorse Lea -- Section of road
Wikipedia - Goseck circle
Wikipedia - Gouverneur Correctional Facility -- Medium-security state prison for men located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Government Communications Security Bureau
Wikipedia - Government Higher Secondary School, Pandikkad -- Indian school
Wikipedia - Government Secondary School, Eneka -- Government educational institute in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Gowanda Correctional Facility -- Medium-security state prison for men located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Gracillariidae -- Family of insects in the order Lepidoptera and the principal family of leaf miners that includes several economic, horticultural or recently invasive pest species
Wikipedia - Grand Democratic Secular Front -- Indian political Alliance
Wikipedia - Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia -- Second daughter of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia
Wikipedia - Grand Jury Secrets -- 1939 film by James P. Hogan
Wikipedia - Grand Slam (bomb) -- Second World War earthquake bomb
Wikipedia - Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony -- Second of the two episodic expansion packs for Grand Theft Auto IV
Wikipedia - Grapholita delineana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Grasshopper -- Common name for a group of insects
Wikipedia - Gratuity -- Sum of money customarily tendered to service sector workers
Wikipedia - Gravitational metric system -- System with base units kilopond, metre and second
Wikipedia - Great Anti-Buddhist Persecution
Wikipedia - Great circle -- Intersection of the sphere and a plane which passes through the center point of the sphere
Wikipedia - Great Freeze -- Consecutive record cold waves in Florida, 1894-1895
Wikipedia - Great Meadow Correctional Facility -- Maximum-security state prison for men located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Great Slave Lake -- Second-largest lake in the Northwest Territories of Canada
Wikipedia - Green Bay East High School -- Public secondary school in Green Bay, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Green Bay Southwest High School -- Public secondary school in Green Bay, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Green Bay West High School -- Public secondary school in Green Bay, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Green Haven Correctional Facility -- Maximum-security state prison for men located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Gregarina garnhami -- Insect-parasitic micro-organism
Wikipedia - Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai -- Upcoming animated television series developed by Tze Chun
Wikipedia - Grevillea secunda -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae endemic to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Grid Security Infrastructure
Wikipedia - Grouvellina tubericeps -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Groveland Correctional Facility -- Medium-security state prison for men located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Gryllacrididae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Gryllomorpha dalmatina -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Gryllus campestris -- European species of insect
Wikipedia - GSM -- Standard to describe protocols for second generation digital cellular networks used by mobile phones
Wikipedia - Guadalupe Canseco -- Mexican diver
Wikipedia - Guadalupian -- Second series or middle of the Permian
Wikipedia - Guardly -- Canadian security company
Wikipedia - Gurukul Public School -- Secondary school in Khair, Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Gutmann method -- Algorithm for securely erasing computer hard drives
Wikipedia - Guwahati-Lumding section -- Railway section in India
Wikipedia - Guzeriplia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Gymnasium (Germany) -- Type of secondary school
Wikipedia - Gymnasium (school) -- Type of school providing advanced secondary education in Europe
Wikipedia - Hacker (computer security)
Wikipedia - Haematobosca alcis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hagnagora guatica -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Haikyu!! (season 2) -- The second season of Haikyu!! anime television series
Wikipedia - Haldane of the Secret Service -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Hallow -- To make holy; sanctify; consecrate.
Wikipedia - Halogen Group Nigeria -- Nigerian security company
Wikipedia - Hannah Baxter -- Fictional character from Secret Diary of a Call Girl
Wikipedia - Hanwha Techwin -- South Korean electronics and security camera company
Wikipedia - Haplotinea insectella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hardware security module
Wikipedia - Hardware security
Wikipedia - Haritana Adarsha Secondary School -- High School in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Harmonia dimidiata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Harmony Headlands State Park -- Undeveloped section of Pacific coast in California, United States. Located in San Luis Obispo County on Highway 1
Wikipedia - Harpalus gisellae -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Harpalus retractus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Harry Bard -- Secretary of Pan American Society
Wikipedia - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (film) -- 2002 fantasy film directed by Chris Columbus
Wikipedia - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (video game) -- 2002 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets -- 1998 fantasy novel by J. K. Rowling
Wikipedia - Harry Secombe -- Welsh entertainer
Wikipedia - Harry Stein (character) -- Fictional police officer and secret agent
Wikipedia - Haryanka dynasty -- second ruling dynasty of Magadha
Wikipedia - Hasan ibn Ali -- Grandson of Prophet Muhammad, son of Ali ibn Abi Talib and Fatimah bint Muhammad and second Shia Imam (624-670)
Wikipedia - Hash function security summary -- Publicly known attacks against cryptographic hash functions
Wikipedia - Hassan Nasrallah -- Secretary General of Hezbollah
Wikipedia - Hastings Ismay, 1st Baron Ismay -- British army officer and diplomat, 1st Secretary General of NATO
Wikipedia - Hat-trick -- Achievement of three consecutive sporting feats
Wikipedia - Hauptschule -- Type of secondary school
Wikipedia - Hautlieu School -- Non-fee paying secondary school in St Saviour, Jersey
Wikipedia - Have I Been Pwned? -- Consumer security website and email alert system
Wikipedia - Hawking (birds) -- Feeding strategy in birds involving catching flying insects in the air
Wikipedia - Hayk Mirzayans Insect Museum
Wikipedia - H. B. Beal Secondary School -- High school in London, Ontario
Wikipedia - HBGary -- American cybersecurity company
Wikipedia - H. David Kotz -- Member of the US Securities and Exchange Commission
Wikipedia - HDFC Bank -- Indian private sector bank
Wikipedia - Headlands School -- Secondary school with a sixth form school in Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Head louse -- Human parasitic subspecies of insect
Wikipedia - Health Valley -- Biomedical sector in the Lake Geneva Region
Wikipedia - Heartbleed -- Security bug in OpenSSL
Wikipedia - Hednota ancylosticha -- Species of insect (moth)
Wikipedia - Hednota empheres -- Species of insect (moth)
Wikipedia - Hednota koojanensis -- Species of insect (moth)
Wikipedia - Hednota odontoides -- Species of insect (moth)
Wikipedia - Hednota tenuilineata -- Species of insect (moth)
Wikipedia - Hegesippus (chronicler) -- Second century Christian saint and chronicler
Wikipedia - Helcystogramma hibisci -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Helen Banks -- Founder of Second Chance for Greyhounds, a US animal rescue organization
Wikipedia - Helene Aldwinckle -- British translator and gallerist, and Bletchley Park codebreaker during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Heleno -- 2011 film directed by Jose Henrique Fonseca
Wikipedia - Helichochaetus -- Genus of insects, flies
Wikipedia - Helicobia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Heliomata cycladata -- Species of insect, common spring moth
Wikipedia - Hellboy: Blood and Iron -- 2007 second in the Hellboy Animated series directed by Tad Stones Victor Cook
Wikipedia - Hellinsia varioides -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Helly's theorem -- Theorem about the intersections of d-dimensional convex sets
Wikipedia - Helophilus fasciatus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Help:Labeled section transclusion
Wikipedia - Help:Section -- Wikimedia help page
Wikipedia - Hemicordulia asiatica -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hemiexarnis -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Hemigomphus theischingeri -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hemiptera -- Order of insects often called bugs
Wikipedia - Heng Ee High School -- Chinese secondary school
Wikipedia - Henriad -- Shakespeare's second historical tetralogy
Wikipedia - Henry Blagrove -- British Second World War admiral
Wikipedia - Henry Bulteel -- English religious controversialist and seceder from the Church of England
Wikipedia - Henry Giordano -- American pharmacist, second Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics
Wikipedia - Henry Kissinger -- 56th United States Secretary of State
Wikipedia - Henry Knox -- Continental Army and US Army general, US Secretary of War
Wikipedia - Henry L. Stimson -- American lawyer, Secretary of State and Secretary of War (1867-1950)
Wikipedia - Henry Paulson -- 74th United States Secretary of the Treasury
Wikipedia - Henry Seymour (secularist)
Wikipedia - Henry Venn (Clapham Sect)
Wikipedia - Heptagenia elegantula -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Her Dark Secret -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Here document -- A section of a source code file that is treated as if it were a separate file
Wikipedia - Her Husband's Secretary -- 1937 film by Frank McDonald
Wikipedia - Her Husband's Secret -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Herma -- Sculpture with a head and often a torso above a plain lower section, often with male genitals at the appropriate height; originated in Ancient Greece, adopted by the Romans, and revived in the Renaissance
Wikipedia - Hermes da Fonseca -- 8th President of Brazil
Wikipedia - Hermione Cronje -- South African prosecutor
Wikipedia - Hermit -- Person who lives in seclusion from society
Wikipedia - Her Second Chance (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Her Secret -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - Hesperilla malindeva -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hessian matrix -- (Mathematical) matrix of second derivatives
Wikipedia - Hexbug -- Robotic insect toy automatons
Wikipedia - Hexeretmis willineri -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hidden sector -- Hypothetical collections of yet-unobserved quantum fields and particles
Wikipedia - Hideaway (U.S. Senate) -- secret offices used by members of the United States Senate
Wikipedia - Hierodula sternosticta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Higgs sector
Wikipedia - Higher Secondary School Certificate -- Board Examination of class 12 in Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - High school (North America) -- Institution which provides all or part of secondary education
Wikipedia - High Tech Gays v. Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office -- U.S. legal case
Wikipedia - Hilal-i-Imtiaz -- Second-highest civilian award of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Hilal-i-Jur'at -- Second-highest military award of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Hilarempis breviseta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hilarographa obinana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hilarographa uthaithani -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hilbert's second problem
Wikipedia - Hilbert's twenty-second problem
Wikipedia - Hilina Slump -- Subsided section of the Big Island of Hawaii
Wikipedia - Hillary Clinton email controversy -- American political controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton's conduct while Secretary of State
Wikipedia - Hillary Clinton -- 67th U.S. Secretary of State, former New York senator and First Lady
Wikipedia - Hillwoods Academy -- Senior Secondary School based in New Delhi
Wikipedia - Hindustan Aeronautics Limited -- Indian public sector aerospace manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Hinged dissection
Wikipedia - Hippoboscidae -- Family of insects (louse flies/keds)
Wikipedia - Hirtodrosophila mycetophaga -- Species of insect (drosophilid fly)
Wikipedia - Hisham Barakat -- Egyptian prosecutor general
Wikipedia - His Private Secretary -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - His Secretary -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - History of Christian thought on persecution and tolerance -- Development of Christian thought in the West
Wikipedia - HKFYG Lee Shau Kee College -- Secondary school in Tin Shui Wai, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - HM Advocate v Salmond -- Criminal prosecution of Alex Salmond, former First Minister of Scotland
Wikipedia - HM Prison Barwon -- Maximum security prison in Lara, Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - HMS Cricket (1915) -- Royal Navy Insect-class gunboat
Wikipedia - HMS Ferret (shore establishment 1940) -- Shore establishment and naval base of the Royal Navy during the Second World War
Wikipedia - HMS Triumph (1698) -- 90-gun second rate ship
Wikipedia - HMS Whelp (R37) -- W-class destroyer built for the Royal Navy during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Holdfast (tool) -- Woodworking tool for securing a work-piece to a bench
Wikipedia - Holepyris sylvanidis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Holiday Secrets -- 2019 German-language television series
Wikipedia - Hollowiella -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Hollow structural section -- Type of metal profile
Wikipedia - Holly leaf miner -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Holocrine -- Term used to classify the mode of secretion in exocrine glands in the study of histology
Wikipedia - Holt of the Secret Service -- 1941 film by James W. Horne
Wikipedia - Holy Child Killiney -- Secondary school for girls in Killiney, County Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Holy Cross Senior Secondary School Kapa -- Secondary school in Raipur, India
Wikipedia - Holy See's Secretariat of State
Wikipedia - Homaloxestis tenuipalpella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Homeland Security Act
Wikipedia - Homeland Security Advisor
Wikipedia - Homeland Security Cybersecurity Boots-on-the-Ground Act -- Bill of the 113th United States Congress
Wikipedia - Homeland Security Distinguished Service Medal -- United States Homeland Security Department distinguished service medal
Wikipedia - Homeland Security (Egypt)
Wikipedia - Homeland security -- United States notion of safety from terrorism
Wikipedia - Home Secretary -- United Kingdom government cabinet minister
Wikipedia - Home security -- Set of practices to protect homes against crime
Wikipedia - Honey bee -- Eusocial flying insect of genus Apis, producing surplus honey
Wikipedia - Honeydew (secretion) -- Sugar-rich liquid
Wikipedia - Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education -- academic qualification in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Hong Kong Island -- Second largest island in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Hong Kong national security law -- Chinese legislation on national security in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Honore Rakotomanana -- Malagasy politician and first Deputy Prosector of the ICTR
Wikipedia - Hoplitis anthocopoides -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Horace Horsecollar -- Disney cartoon character
Wikipedia - Hordeum secalinum -- Species of plant in the genus Hordeum
Wikipedia - Horsecar
Wikipedia - Horse-fly -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Host desecration
Wikipedia - Hotel of Secrets -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Houlin Zhao -- |Houlin Zhao is the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Wikipedia - Housecarl -- Medieval Northern European social rank
Wikipedia - Housefly -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - House of Angels - The Second Summer -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - House of Secrets (1936 film) -- 1936 film by Roland D. Reed
Wikipedia - House of Secrets (album) -- 2004 album by Otep
Wikipedia - House of Secrets (DC Comics)
Wikipedia - Hovamyia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Howard Schmidt -- American computer security expert
Wikipedia - H. R. McMaster -- 26th United States National Security Advisor
Wikipedia - HTTP parameter pollution -- Web security vulnerability
Wikipedia - HTTP request smuggling -- Web security vulnerability
Wikipedia - HTTP Secure
Wikipedia - HTTP Strict Transport Security -- HTTP response header field and associated policy
Wikipedia - Huequenia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Huhu beetle -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hu Jintao -- Former General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party
Wikipedia - Hundred Days -- Period from Napoleon's escape from Elba to the second restoration of King Louis XVIII
Wikipedia - Hundred Regiments Offensive -- 1940 military offensive of the Second Sino-Japanese War
Wikipedia - Hunter Mountain (New York) -- Highest mountain in Greene County, New York, and second highest in the Catskills
Wikipedia - Huntik: Secrets & Seekers -- Italian TV series
Wikipedia - Huntington School, York -- Secondary school in Huntington, York, England
Wikipedia - Hu Yaobang -- Former General Secretary of the Communist Party of China
Wikipedia - HX convoys -- Convoys during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Hybomitra trepida -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hydathode -- Water-secreting gland in plant leaf margins
Wikipedia - Hydrelia bicolorata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hydrelia nisaria -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hydrelia parvularia -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hydropsyche betteni -- Species of insect in North America
Wikipedia - Hyena butter -- Secretion from the anal gland of hyenas used to mark territory and identify other animals
Wikipedia - Hylaeora eucalypti -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hylaeus calvus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hymenoptera -- Order of insects
Wikipedia - Hymenopterida -- Order of insects
Wikipedia - Hypatima excellentella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hype (marketing) -- Intensified advertising, promotion and publicity strategies to secure a premium price for a good or service
Wikipedia - Hyperaspis bolteri -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hyperbola -- Plane curve: conic section
Wikipedia - Hyperbolic secant distribution
Wikipedia - Hypericum sechmenii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Hypericum sect. Sampsonia -- Section of plants
Wikipedia - Hyperlopha -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Hypolycaena dubia -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hypomachilodes -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Hypophysectomy
Wikipedia - Hypotia decembralis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hypotype -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Hypsopygia phoezalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hypsoropha monilis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Iain McNicol -- Former General Secretary of the Labour Party and life peer
Wikipedia - I Am Spock -- Leonard Nimoy's second autobiography
Wikipedia - Ibadan Grammar School -- Secondary school in Nigeria
Wikipedia - IBM SSEC
Wikipedia - Ibn Karram -- Founder of the Karramiyya sect
Wikipedia - I Canadian Corps -- Canadian Army corps during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Icelandic Coast Guard -- Maritime security branch of Iceland's military
Wikipedia - ICICI Bank -- Indian private sector bank
Wikipedia - Idelinellidae -- Family of insects (fossil)
Wikipedia - Identity-based security
Wikipedia - Idnea speculans -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - IEEE 754-2008 revision -- Second edition of the IEEE 754 floating-point standard
Wikipedia - IEEE 802.11w-2009 -- Security amendment to IEEE 802.11 standard
Wikipedia - IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
Wikipedia - If Day -- Simulated Nazi invasion of Winnipeg, Manitoba during the Second World War
Wikipedia - If I Never Knew You -- single by Jon Secada and Shanice
Wikipedia - If You Go (song) -- 1994 single by Jon Secada
Wikipedia - Igerna bimaculicollis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ignorantes -- 2020 single by Bad Bunny and Sech
Wikipedia - Illuminati -- Secret society to spread the ideals of The Enlightenment
Wikipedia - Ilse Korseck -- German actress
Wikipedia - Imaginal disc -- One of the parts of a holometabolous insect larva
Wikipedia - Imago -- Last stage in an insect's metamorphosis
Wikipedia - I'm Going to Tell You a Secret -- 2004 film by Jonas M-CM-^Ekerlund
Wikipedia - Imma boeta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Immanuel Shifidi Secondary School -- High school in Windhoek, Namibia
Wikipedia - Imperva -- Provider of cyber and data security products
Wikipedia - I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry -- A research facility in Saint Petersburg, Russia
Wikipedia - Incense offering -- Offering on the altar of incense in the time of the Tabernacle and the First and Second Temple period
Wikipedia - Inch per second -- unit of speed or velocity
Wikipedia - Income Support -- British social security benefit
Wikipedia - Inco Superstack -- Second tallest freestanding chimney
Wikipedia - Independent National Security Legislation Monitor -- Independent oversight body of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Index finger -- Second finger of the human hand
Wikipedia - India Inc. -- Commonly used term to describe the formal sector in India
Wikipedia - Indiana Toll Road -- Section of Interstate Highway in Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - Indian Bank -- Indian public sector bank
Wikipedia - Indian Coast Guard -- Maritime security agency of India's military
Wikipedia - Indian Oil Corporation -- Indian public sector oil and gas company
Wikipedia - Indian Overseas Bank -- Indian public sector bank
Wikipedia - Indian Seed Vault -- Secure seed bank
Wikipedia - India Post Payments Bank -- Indian public sector payments bank
Wikipedia - IndusInd Bank -- Indian private sector bank
Wikipedia - Industrial espionage -- Use of espionage for commercial purposes rather than security
Wikipedia - Inessa (skipper) -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Informal sector
Wikipedia - Information and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova
Wikipedia - Information security awareness
Wikipedia - Information Security Group
Wikipedia - Information security operations center -- Facility where enterprise information systems are monitored, assessed, and defended
Wikipedia - Information Security Oversight Office
Wikipedia - Information Security
Wikipedia - Information security
Wikipedia - Information Systems Security Architecture Professional
Wikipedia - Information Systems Security Engineering Professional
Wikipedia - Information Systems Security Management Professional
Wikipedia - Information technology security audit
Wikipedia - Information theoretic security
Wikipedia - Information-theoretic security
Wikipedia - Initial public offering -- Type of securities offering
Wikipedia - In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 -- 2003 album by Coheed and Cambria
Wikipedia - In My Secret Life
Wikipedia - Insect ecology -- The study of how insects interact with the surrounding environment
Wikipedia - Insect farming
Wikipedia - Insect flight -- Mechanisms and evolution of insect flight
Wikipedia - Insecticide -- Pesticide used against insects
Wikipedia - Insectivore -- Organism which eats insects
Wikipedia - Insect migration
Wikipedia - Insect paleobiota of Burmese amber -- Fossil resin from the Hukawng Valley, Myanmar
Wikipedia - Insect physiology
Wikipedia - Insect Queen (DC Comics)
Wikipedia - Insect Queen -- Wikimedia disambiguation page
Wikipedia - Insect repellent -- Substance which repels insects
Wikipedia - Insects in culture
Wikipedia - Insects of Hawaii -- Scientific publication
Wikipedia - Insects
Wikipedia - Insect thermoregulation -- Insect body temperature regulation
Wikipedia - Insect -- Class of invertebrates
Wikipedia - Insect wing -- Body part used by insects to fly
Wikipedia - Insecure channel
Wikipedia - Insecure (TV series) -- American comedy-drama television series
Wikipedia - Insider trading -- Trading of a public company's stock or other securities by individuals with access to nonpublic information about the company
Wikipedia - Inside the Asylum -- 2004 book by former US Undersecretary of Defense Jed Babbin
Wikipedia - INS Khanderi (2017) -- The second of the Indian Navy's six Kalvari-class submarines being built in India.
Wikipedia - Institute for Science and International Security
Wikipedia - Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers -- Mexican public health system
Wikipedia - Institute of Consecrated Life
Wikipedia - Institute of consecrated life
Wikipedia - Instructions per second
Wikipedia - Insulochamus annobonae -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Integral of secant cubed -- Commonly encountered and tricky integral
Wikipedia - Integral of the secant function
Wikipedia - Intelligence analysis -- Application of individual and collective cognitive methods to weigh data and test hypotheses within a secret socio-cultural context
Wikipedia - Intelligence and Security Committee Russia report -- UK government investigation into allegations of Russian interference in British politics
Wikipedia - Intelligence and Security Service of the Ministry of Defence (Slovenia)
Wikipedia - Intelligence cycle security
Wikipedia - Intelligence-Security Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Intel Security
Wikipedia - Intentona de Yauco -- Second and final major revolt against Spanish colonial rule in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel
Wikipedia - Interamerican University of Puerto Rico at Ponce -- Non-sectarian university in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Interlanguage -- Idiolect used by a second language learner
Wikipedia - Interleukin 7 -- Growth factor secreted by stromal cells in the bone marrow and thymus.
Wikipedia - Interleukin -- Group of cytokines (secreted proteins and signal molecules) that were first seen to be expressed by white blood cells
Wikipedia - Internal Security Act, 1982
Wikipedia - Internal Security Act (Singapore) -- Statute of the Parliament of Singapore
Wikipedia - Internal Security Agency
Wikipedia - Internal Security Department (Brunei)
Wikipedia - Internal Security Department (Singapore)
Wikipedia - Internal Security Forces
Wikipedia - Internal Security Operations Command
Wikipedia - Internal Security Organisation
Wikipedia - Internal Security Service
Wikipedia - International Association of Prosecutors -- UN organization
Wikipedia - International Christian Quality Music Secondary and Primary School -- School in Diamond Hill, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda -- International court established by the United Nations Security Council in Resolution 955
Wikipedia - International English Language Testing System -- Test for learners of English as a second language
Wikipedia - International Maritime Security Construct -- Consortium
Wikipedia - International Peace and Security Institute -- Nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - International Physics Olympiad -- physics competition for secondary school students
Wikipedia - International Securities Identification Number -- Identifier for a security
Wikipedia - International Security Assistance Force -- NATO-led security mission in Afghanistan, 2001-14
Wikipedia - International Security
Wikipedia - Internationella kunskapsgymnasiet -- Independent secondary school in Stockholm, Sweden
Wikipedia - Internet Resource Locator -- Bank layers of security
Wikipedia - Internet safety -- Being aware of safety and security risks on the Internet
Wikipedia - Internet Security Research Group -- Californian public-benefit corporation which focuses on Internet security
Wikipedia - Internet Security Systems
Wikipedia - Internet security -- Branch of computer security specifically related to Internet, often involving browser security and the World Wide Web
Wikipedia - Intersect (Canneto) -- Sculpture by Stephen Canneto
Wikipedia - Intersecting chords theorem -- Relates the four line segments created by two intersecting chords within a circle
Wikipedia - Intersecting secants theorem -- Relates the line segments created by two intersecting secants and the associated circle
Wikipedia - Intersection algorithm -- Algorithm for selecting the best sources for time estimation
Wikipedia - Intersectionality -- Theoretical framework of multidimensional oppression
Wikipedia - Intersection graph
Wikipedia - Intersection (group) -- Japanese boy band
Wikipedia - Intersection (mathematics)
Wikipedia - Intersection (road) -- A road junction where two or more roads either meet or cross at grade
Wikipedia - Intersection (set theory)
Wikipedia - Intersection theory -- Branch of algebraic geometry
Wikipedia - Intersection type discipline -- Branch of type theory
Wikipedia - Intersection type system
Wikipedia - Intersection type -- Concept in type theory
Wikipedia - Intersection -- Concept in mathematics
Wikipedia - Intersective modifier
Wikipedia - Intersect (SQL)
Wikipedia - Interstate 10 in Texas -- Section of Interstate Highway in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 15 in Idaho -- Section of Interstate highway in Idaho, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 15 in Montana -- Section of Interstate Highway in Montana, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 15 in Utah -- Section of Interstate highway in Utah, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 20 in Texas -- Section of Interstate Highway in Texas
Wikipedia - Interstate 25 in Colorado -- Section of Interstate Highway in Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 25 in Wyoming -- Section of Interstate Highway in Wyoming, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 26 in South Carolina -- Section of Interstate Highway in South Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 35 in Iowa -- Section of Interstate Highway in Iowa, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 35 in Kansas -- Section of Interstate Highway in Kansas, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 35 in Minnesota -- Section of Interstate Highway in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 35 in Missouri -- Section of Interstate Highway in Missouri, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 5 in California -- Section of Interstate Highway in California, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 70 in Colorado -- Section of Interstate Highway in Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 70 in Maryland -- Section of Interstate Highway in Maryland
Wikipedia - Interstate 70 in Pennsylvania -- Section of Interstate highway in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 70 in Utah -- Section of Interstate highway in Utah
Wikipedia - Interstate 77 in West Virginia -- Section of Interstate Highway in West Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 80 in California -- Section of Interstate Highway in California, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 80 in New Jersey -- Section of Interstate Highway in New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 80 in Pennsylvania -- Section of Interstate Highway in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 80 in Utah -- Section of Interstate highway in Utah, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 81 in Maryland -- Section of Interstate Highway in Washington County, Maryland, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 81 in New York -- Section of Intersate Highway in New York, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 81 in Pennsylvania -- Section of Interstate Highway in Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Interstate 81 in Virginia -- Section of Interstate Highway in Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 84 in Pennsylvania -- Section of Interstate Highway in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 84 in Utah -- Section of Interstate Highway in Utah, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 85 in North Carolina -- Section of Interstate Highway in North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 90 in Idaho -- Section of Interstate Highway in Idaho, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 90 in Illinois -- Section of Interstate Highway in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 90 in Minnesota -- Section of Interstate Highway in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 90 in Montana -- Section of Interstate Highway in Montana, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 90 in New York -- Section of Interstate Highway in New York, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 90 in Pennsylvania -- Section of Interstate Highway in Erie County, Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 90 in South Dakota -- Section of Interstate Highway in South Dakota, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 90 in Wisconsin -- Section of Interstate Highway in Wisconsin, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 90 in Wyoming -- Section of Interstate Highway in Wyoming, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 94 in Indiana -- Section of Interstate Highway in Lake, Porter, and LaPorte counties in Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 94 in Wisconsin -- Section of Interstate Highway in Wisconsin, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 95 in Delaware -- Section of Interstate Highway in New Castle County, Delaware, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 95 in Maine -- Section of Interstates Highway in Maine, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 95 in Pennsylvania -- Section of Interstate Highway in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Interstate 95 in Rhode Island -- Section of Interstate Highway in Washington, Kent, and Providence counties in Rhode Island, United States
Wikipedia - In the Employ of the Secret Service -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - In the Secret Service -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Introduction (writing) -- Beginning section which states the purpose and goals of the following writing
Wikipedia - Invasion of Yugoslavia -- German-led attack on the Kingdom of Yugoslavia by the Axis powers during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Invention Secrecy Act -- United States national security law
Wikipedia - Investiture Controversy -- 11th- and 12th-century dispute between secular rulers and the papacy
Wikipedia - Ionolyce helicon -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Iosif Matusec -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - IPadOS 14 -- Second and current major version of iPadOS
Wikipedia - IPhone OS 2 -- Second version of iPhone OS by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - IPSec
Wikipedia - IPsec -- Secure network protocol suite
Wikipedia - Iran-Contra affair -- Political scandal in the United States during the second term of the Reagan Administration
Wikipedia - Iranian Security Police
Wikipedia - Ircon International -- Public Sector Undertaking in India
Wikipedia - Irene Fonseca -- Portuguese-American mathematician
Wikipedia - Iridomyrmex galbanus -- Species of ant insect
Wikipedia - Irish Section 110 Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) -- Irish zero-tax legal structure
Wikipedia - Iris (insect) -- Genus of mantises
Wikipedia - Iris Melendez -- Puerto Rican lawyer and prosecutor
Wikipedia - Isabel Fonseca -- American-Uruguayan writer
Wikipedia - Ischioplites salomonum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ischnaspis -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - I Second That Emotion -- 1967 single by Smokey Robinson & the Miracles
Wikipedia - Ishaq ibn Ibrahim al-Mus'abi -- Chief of security in Baghdad
Wikipedia - Iskhak Razzakov -- First secretary of Communist Party of Kirghizia
Wikipedia - Islam and secularism
Wikipedia - ISO 22322 -- International security standard
Wikipedia - ISO 22398 -- Security exercise standards
Wikipedia - ISO/IEC 27001 -- Information security standard
Wikipedia - Isopropyl alcohol -- simplest secondary alcohol
Wikipedia - Isotopes of ruthenium -- Second most hazardous gaseous isotopes after iodine-131 in case of release by a nuclear accident
Wikipedia - ITF Enhancing Human Security -- Non profit humanitarian organization
Wikipedia - Itineraire a Grand Gabarit -- Water and road route in France to allow the transport structural sections of the Airbus A380 airliner to Toulouse for final assembly
Wikipedia - IT security
Wikipedia - It's No Secret -- 1988 single by Kylie Minogue
Wikipedia - Itzhak Ilan -- Israeli security official
Wikipedia - Ivan Sechenov
Wikipedia - I've Got a Secret -- American game show
Wikipedia - Jacob Appelbaum -- American computer security researcher and journalist (born 1 April 1983)
Wikipedia - Jaime Barron Fonseca -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Jambavati -- Second wife of Hindu god Krishna
Wikipedia - James A. Secord -- American science historian
Wikipedia - James Asherton Bayard -- Seventh Secretary of the Arizona Territory (1859-1919)
Wikipedia - James Baker -- Former U.S. Secretary of State and White House Chief of Staff
Wikipedia - James Bertram (Carnegie secretary) -- Personal secretary of Andrew Carnegie
Wikipedia - James Brady -- White House Press Secretary under Ronald Reagan
Wikipedia - James Brighouse -- Late-nineteenth-century American leader of a splinter sect in the Latter Day Saint movement called the Order of Enoch
Wikipedia - James Dolan (computer security expert) -- American computer security expert, co-developed SecureDrop
Wikipedia - James E. McPherson -- Acting United States Secretary of the Navy
Wikipedia - James Fisher (Secession minister) -- original First Secession minister
Wikipedia - James Forrestal -- First United States Secretary of Defense
Wikipedia - James Giermanski -- American security specialist
Wikipedia - James Joseph Rowley -- Director of the United States Secret Service (1908 - 1992)
Wikipedia - James Kennedy (security guard) -- Scottish security guard posthumously awarded the George Cross
Wikipedia - James L. Jones -- US Marines Commandant and National Security Advisor
Wikipedia - James L. Malone (diplomat) -- United States Assistant Secretary of State
Wikipedia - James Loy -- Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard and Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security
Wikipedia - James Wilson (Secretary of Agriculture) -- Scottish-American politician
Wikipedia - Jamie Foxx: I Might Need Security -- 2002 stand-up comedy television special
Wikipedia - Janata Dal (Secular) -- Political party in India
Wikipedia - Jane Austen College -- Secondary school in Norwich, England
Wikipedia - Janet Napolitano -- Third United States Secretary of Homeland Security
Wikipedia - Japanese beetle -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Japanese cheesecake -- Light sponge cake with cream cheese
Wikipedia - Japanese government-issued rupee in Burma -- Japanese invasion money issued during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Japanese invasion of Manchuria -- Part of the Second Sino-Japanese War
Wikipedia - Jason Harrington -- American writer and former Transportation Security Administration employee
Wikipedia - Java Secure Socket Extension
Wikipedia - Javier Perez de Cuellar -- 5th Secretary-General of the United Nations
Wikipedia - Jaya Baloo -- Dutch cybersecurity expert
Wikipedia - Jay Clayton (attorney) -- SEC Chairman
Wikipedia - Jay Fonseca -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Jazz Securo -- Ring announcer
Wikipedia - Jealousy -- Emotion referring to the thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and envy over relative lack of possessions, status or something of great personal value
Wikipedia - Jean-Baptiste de Secondat -- French naturist, botanist, and agronomist
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Sachs -- | Jeffrey Sachs - Senior Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Millennium Development Goals (2004-2006), Director of the United Nations Millennium Project
Wikipedia - Jennie Formby -- Former General Secretary of the Labour Party
Wikipedia - Jennie Tuttle Hobart -- Second Lady of the United States
Wikipedia - Jenny Jones, Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb -- British politician (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Jens Peter Trap -- Danish royal cabinet secretary and topographic writer
Wikipedia - Jens Stoltenberg -- Norwegian politician, 13th Secretary-General of NATO, 27th Prime Minister of Norway
Wikipedia - Jeringonza -- Spanish secret language game
Wikipedia - Jerome's Secret -- 1994 Canadian drama film
Wikipedia - Jesseca Dupart -- American entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Jesseca Liu -- Singaporean actress
Wikipedia - Jesus Junction -- Intersection in Atlanta, Georgia
Wikipedia - Jet Black Heart -- 2015 single by 5 Seconds of Summer
Wikipedia - Jewish magical papyri -- Papyri with Jewish magical uses, with text in Aramaic, Greek, or Hebrew, produced during the late Second Temple Period and after in Late Antiquity
Wikipedia - Jewish secularism
Wikipedia - Jiang Zemin -- Former General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party
Wikipedia - Jill Biden -- American educator and academic, former Second Lady of the United States
Wikipedia - Jill Pole -- Fictional girl, second lead character in The Silver Chair (Narnia, book 4)
Wikipedia - Jim Bradley (trade unionist) -- British trade unionist and General Secretary of the Fireman's Trade Union
Wikipedia - Jim Mattis -- US Marine Corps general in retirement and former US secretary of defense
Wikipedia - JM-EM-^Msei Toda -- educator and second president of Soka Gakkai
Wikipedia - Joanna Rutkowska -- Polish hacker and computer security expert
Wikipedia - Joan Straumanis -- Academic administrator, philosopher, second-wave feminist
Wikipedia - Job security -- An assurance that an individual is likely to retain employment, with relatively low chance of becoming unemployed
Wikipedia - Jobseeker's Allowance -- British social security benefit
Wikipedia - Jocelyn Benson -- Secretary of State of Michigan and academic
Wikipedia - Jockey Club Ti-I College -- secondary school in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Jody Powell -- White House press secretary to President Jimmy Carter
Wikipedia - Joe Gould's Secret (film) -- 2000 American drama film by Stanley Tucci
Wikipedia - Joel 2 -- Second chapter of the Book of Joel
Wikipedia - Johan Giesecke -- Swedish epidemiologist
Wikipedia - Johannes A. Jehle -- German biologist, insect virologist, and phytophysician
Wikipedia - Johannes Secundus
Wikipedia - John 20:2 -- Second verse of the twentieth chapter of the Gospel of John
Wikipedia - John Aaron Rawlins -- Union Army general and 29th Secretary of War
Wikipedia - John Black (cryptographer) -- American cryptographer and security researcher
Wikipedia - John Bolton -- 27th United States National Security Advisor, lawyer, and diplomat
Wikipedia - John Bosco Secondary School -- Catholic school in Glasgow, Scotland (1975-1997)
Wikipedia - John Charles Groome (secretary of state) -- Secretary of State of Maryland
Wikipedia - John C. Wobensmith -- 71st Secretary of State of Maryland
Wikipedia - John Davis Long -- Massachusetts governor and Congressman; Secretary of the Navy (1838-1915)
Wikipedia - John de Lancie -- American actor and secular activist.
Wikipedia - John Drake (Danger Man) -- Secret agent played by Patrick McGoohan in the British television series Danger Man
Wikipedia - John Durham (lawyer) -- American federal prosecutor
Wikipedia - John Fonseca -- American karateka
Wikipedia - John Foster Dulles -- United States Secretary of State
Wikipedia - John Giffard, 1st Baron Giffard -- 13th-century English nobleman of the Second Barons' War
Wikipedia - John Hay -- 37th US Secretary of State, Ambassador to the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - John Hely-Hutchinson (secretary of state) -- 18th-century Irish politician
Wikipedia - John Henry Starling -- Official secretary to the Governor General of Australia
Wikipedia - John H. Stamler -- American prosecutor
Wikipedia - John Kerry -- 68th U.S. Secretary of State
Wikipedia - John King Jr. -- 10th United States Secretary of Education
Wikipedia - John M. McHugh -- United States Secretary of the Army and a former Republican politician
Wikipedia - Johnny Long -- American computer security expert
Wikipedia - John Paul II Catholic Secondary School
Wikipedia - John P. McDonough -- 70th Secretary of State of Maryland
Wikipedia - Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security -- Organization
Wikipedia - John T. Chisholm -- American prosecutor and politician
Wikipedia - John T. Koehler -- United States Assistant Secretary of the Navy (1904-1989)
Wikipedia - John Warner -- Republican politician and Secretary of the Navy from the United States (born 1927)
Wikipedia - John Willmott School -- Community secondary school in Sutton Coldfield, England
Wikipedia - John W. Snow -- 73rd United States Secretary of the Treasury
Wikipedia - Joint Security Area (film) -- 2000 South Korean mystery thriller by Park Chan-wook
Wikipedia - Joint Security Area -- Portion of the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) where North and South Korean forces stand face-to-face
Wikipedia - Joliette High School -- Public secondary school in Joliette, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Jon Callas -- American computer security expert
Wikipedia - Jonny Quest vs. The Cyber Insects -- 1995 television film
Wikipedia - Jon Secada -- Cuban singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Jorge Fonseca -- Portuguese judoka
Wikipedia - Josef Hartinger -- Bavarian State Prosecutor noted for challenging early Nazi atrocities
Wikipedia - Jose Izquierdo Encarnacion -- 19th Secretary of State of Puerto Rico.
Wikipedia - Jose Maria da Fonseca -- Portuguese winery
Wikipedia - Joseph Ashitey Hammond -- Ghanaian Second World War veteran and fundraiser
Wikipedia - Joseph Avenol -- |Joseph Avenol was Secretary General of the League of Nations
Wikipedia - Joseph Palmer (communard) -- American member of the Fruitlands commune, persecuted for wearing a beard
Wikipedia - Joseph Seconda -- German theatre director
Wikipedia - Joseph V. Cuffari -- Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Wikipedia - Joseph W. Tkach -- Second Pastor General of the Worldwide Church of God
Wikipedia - Josep Vilaseca i Casanovas -- Catalan architect and artist
Wikipedia - Josie Canseco -- American model
Wikipedia - Jos Seckel -- Dutch artist
Wikipedia - JS Kaga -- Second Multi-Purpose Operation Destroyers within the Izumo-class of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force
Wikipedia - J. S. M. Hooper -- General Secretary of the Bible Society of India
Wikipedia - Juan Arevalo Gardoqui -- Mexico's Secretary of Defense
Wikipedia - Juan Climaco -- Second Governor of Cebu, Philippines and the first elected Governor
Wikipedia - Juan Zaragoza -- Former Secretary of Treasury of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Judah P. Benjamin -- American secessionist politician and lawyer, first Jewish U.S. Senator who served without renouncing his faith, first Jewish Cabinet member.
Wikipedia - Judy Agnew -- Second Lady of the United States (1921-2012)
Wikipedia - Jugendweihe -- Secular coming of age ceremony practised by German 14-year-olds
Wikipedia - Julia Keleher -- 40th Secretary of the Puerto Rico Department of Education
Wikipedia - Julia Minor (sister of Caesar) -- Second eldest sister of Julius Caesar and grandmother of Augustus
Wikipedia - Julian Castro -- 16th Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and 181st Mayor of San Antonio
Wikipedia - Julia the Elder -- Daughter of Augustus Caesar, the first Roman Emperor, and his second wife, Scribonia.
Wikipedia - Juliette Peirce -- Second wife of Charles Sanders Peirce
Wikipedia - Julissa Diez Canseco -- Peruvian taekwondo athlete
Wikipedia - Jump server -- A computer on a network used to access a separate security zone
Wikipedia - June Ivory -- Rodeo secretary
Wikipedia - Junior Cycle -- Educational programme for Irish second-level schools
Wikipedia - Junonia coenia -- Species of insect (butterfly)
Wikipedia - Junonia rhadama -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Jurassic -- Second period of the Mesozoic Era 201-145 million years ago
Wikipedia - Just Another Day (Jon Secada song) -- 1992 single by Jon Secada
Wikipedia - Jyotigram Yojana -- Power sector reform of Gujarat (India)
Wikipedia - K2 -- The second-highest mountain on Earth, located on the China-Pakistan border in a region also claimed by India
Wikipedia - Kaguya-sama: Love Is War (season 2) -- Second season of the anime series Kaguya-sama: Love Is War
Wikipedia - Kalamalka Secondary School -- High school in Canada
Wikipedia - Kaliti Prison -- maximum security prison in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Kambo cleanse -- Pseudoscientific use of tree frog secretions
Wikipedia - KAME project -- IPv6 & IPsec stack for BSD derivatives
Wikipedia - Karatavitidae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Karen Pence -- Second Lady of the United States and former First Lady of Indiana
Wikipedia - Karolina GM-DM-^Esecka -- Polish speed skater
Wikipedia - KasM-CM-+m Trebeshina -- Albanian partisan, communist prosecutor, actor, and writer
Wikipedia - Kaspersky Lab -- Russian multinational cybersecurity and anti-virus provider
Wikipedia - Katharine Parsons -- Engineer, founder and second President of the Women's Engineering Society
Wikipedia - Katherine Haringhton -- Venezuelan prosecutor
Wikipedia - Katherine Kealoha -- Deputy prosecutor of Honolulu
Wikipedia - Kathleen O'Connell -- Irish republican activist, secretary to Eamon de Valera
Wikipedia - Kathleen Sebelius -- 21st United States Secretary of Health and Human Services
Wikipedia - Katie Johnson (secretary) -- Served as the personal secretary to United States President Barack Obama
Wikipedia - Katie Moussouris -- American computer security researcher, entrepreneur, and pioneer in vulnerability disclosure
Wikipedia - Katrina Leung -- FBI Informant and PRC Ministry of State Security (MSS) agent
Wikipedia - Kawasaki-juku -- Second of 53 stations of the TM-EM-^MkaidM-EM-^M in Japan
Wikipedia - Kayleigh McEnany -- White House Press Secretary
Wikipedia - Kay Summersby -- British chauffeur and secretary to Dwight D. Eisenhower
Wikipedia - Kazakhstan man-in-the-middle attack -- State-actor security exploit by the government of Kazakhstan
Wikipedia - Kazim Ali High School -- Secondary school in Chittagong, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Kedestes malua -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Keep the Clause campaign -- Unsuccessful campaign against the repeal of Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988
Wikipedia - Kelly of the Secret Service -- 1936 film directed by Robert F. Hill
Wikipedia - Kelly the Second -- 1936 film by Gus Meins
Wikipedia - Kemalism -- Turkish nationalist and secularist ideology
Wikipedia - Kempston Challenger Academy -- Secondary school and sixth form in Bedfordshire
Wikipedia - Ken Detzner -- 28th Secretary of State of Florida
Wikipedia - Kendriya Vidyalaya Pangode -- Secondary school in Thirumala, India
Wikipedia - Kenji Urada -- Second man killed by a robot
Wikipedia - Kentucky State Penitentiary -- Maximum security prison located at Eddyville, Kentucky
Wikipedia - Kepier School -- Secondary school located in Houghton-le-Spring, England
Wikipedia - Kerala Vidhyalayam Higher Secondary School -- Secondary school in Chennai
Wikipedia - Kerdasa massacre -- The killing of eleven security personnel in August 2013 in a town in Giza
Wikipedia - Keren Elazari -- Cybersecurity expert
Wikipedia - Keriako Tobiko -- Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for Environment
Wikipedia - Kevin Gover -- Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affairs
Wikipedia - Kevin Mitnick -- American computer security consultant, author, convicted criminal, and hacker
Wikipedia - Key derivation function -- Function that derives one or more secret keys from a secret value
Wikipedia - Key retainer -- Interchangeable core that retains one key (Key A) while the second key (Key B) is used for authorized purposes.
Wikipedia - Keysborough Secondary College -- Australian school
Wikipedia - KGB -- Main security agency for the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Kharijites -- Muslim sect
Wikipedia - Khasekhemwy -- Final pharaoh of the Second dynasty of Egypt
Wikipedia - Khulan khatun -- empress of Genghis Khan and head of the second Court of Genghis Khan
Wikipedia - Khurda Road-Visakhapatnam section -- Railway section in India
Wikipedia - Khurshid Hasan Khurshid -- Secretary of Governor-General of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Khwaja Abdul Ghani -- Second Nawab of Dhaka
Wikipedia - Kikihia dugdalei -- Species of cicada insect
Wikipedia - Kikihia -- Genus of cicada insects
Wikipedia - Kimberly Gardner -- American prosecutor
Wikipedia - Kim Jong-il -- Second supreme leader of North Korea
Wikipedia - Kimmeridgian -- Second age of the late Jurassic
Wikipedia - King City Secondary School
Wikipedia - Kingdom (season 2) -- The second season of Kingdom anime television series
Wikipedia - Kings and Queens (Thirty Seconds to Mars song)
Wikipedia - Kingsman: The Secret Service -- 2015 film by Matthew Vaughn
Wikipedia - Kingston Penitentiary -- Canadian maximum security prison
Wikipedia - Kingswood Secondary Academy -- Secondary Academy in Corby, UK
Wikipedia - Kirkintilloch High School -- Co-ed secondary school in Kirkintilloch, Scotland (UK)
Wikipedia - Kirribilli House -- The secondary official residence of the Prime Minister of Australia
Wikipedia - Kirstjen Nielsen -- 6th United States Secretary of Homeland Security
Wikipedia - Kissy Suzuki -- Fictional Japanese secret agent in the James Bond franchise
Wikipedia - Kleptography -- The study of stealing information securely and subliminally.
Wikipedia - KLJN Secure Key Exchange -- Cryptographic key exchange methodology
Wikipedia - Knemodynerus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Knesset Guard -- Israeli protective security unit
Wikipedia - Knot -- Method of fastening or securing linear material
Wikipedia - KOBIL Systems -- German information security company
Wikipedia - Kofi Annan -- 7th Secretary-General of the United Nations
Wikipedia - Kofo Akinkugbe -- Nigerian technology entrepreneur, founder and CEO of SecureID Nigeria Ltd
Wikipedia - Kohlera -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - KoM-EM-^[ciuszko Uprising -- Uprising against the second partition of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Wikipedia - Konstantin Chernenko -- 1984-1985 General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Korea Exchange -- Securities exchange operator in South Korea
Wikipedia - Kosmos 672 -- USSR second uncrewed test of the ASTP Soyuz spacecraft
Wikipedia - Kotak Mahindra Bank -- Indian private sector bank
Wikipedia - Kounotori 2 -- Second H-II Transfer Vehicle
Wikipedia - Kr00k -- Security vulnerability affecting WiFi traffic
Wikipedia - Kratos Defense & Security Solutions -- U.S. military contractor
Wikipedia - Kris Kobach -- 31st Secretary of State of Kansas
Wikipedia - Krypton (season 2) -- Second season of the TV series Krypton
Wikipedia - KSEC -- Radio station in Boneville, Arkansas, United States
Wikipedia - Kullback-Leibler divergence -- Measurement of how one probability distribution is different from a second, reference probability distribution
Wikipedia - Kul Tigin -- Prince and military commander of the Second Turkic Khaganate
Wikipedia - Kumbhabhishekham -- Hindu temple consecration ritual
Wikipedia - Kuparuk River Oil Field -- Second largest oil field in North America by area
Wikipedia - Kurt Waldheim -- 4th Secretary-General of the United Nations, President of Austria
Wikipedia - Kusatsu-juku -- Fifty-second of the 53 stations of the TM-EM-^MkaidM-EM-^M
Wikipedia - Kuwana-juku -- Forty-second of the 53 stations of the TM-EM-^MkaidM-EM-^M
Wikipedia - Kyle Milliken -- American computer hacker and security consultant
Wikipedia - Kym Worthy -- American prosecuter (born 1956)
Wikipedia - L4 microkernel family -- Family of second-generation microkernels
Wikipedia - Labialization -- Secondary articulatory feature of sounds in some languages
Wikipedia - Labops burmeisteri -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Labops hesperius -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Labops hirtus -- species of insect
Wikipedia - Labops -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Lacanobia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Lachninae -- Subfamily of insects
Wikipedia - La commare secca -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Laconia incident -- Incident during the naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Lactuca dissecta -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Lac -- resinous secretion of lac insects
Wikipedia - Lady Anne Monson -- English botanist and collector of plants and insects
Wikipedia - Lady Audley's Secret (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Lady of Secrets -- 1936 film by Marion Gering
Wikipedia - La Gaulette State Secondary School -- School in Mauritius
Wikipedia - Lake Bermudez -- World's second largest natural tar pit and lies in Venezuela in northern South America
Wikipedia - Lal Bahadur Shastri -- Second prime minister of India
Wikipedia - Lambrick Park Secondary School -- School in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Lango College -- Ugandan, residential, boys secondary school
Wikipedia - Language game -- Obfuscation of language for fun and secrecy
Wikipedia - Language secessionism -- Attitude supporting the separation of a language variety from the language to which it has hitherto been considered to belong, in order to make this variety considered as a distinct language
Wikipedia - LAN Manager -- Depreciated Microsoft networking system with broken security
Wikipedia - Lanolin -- Yellow waxy substance secreted by the sebaceous glands of wool-bearing animals
Wikipedia - Larentia (moth) -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Large red damselfly -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Laricobius rubidus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lariophagus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Larne High School -- Secondary school in County Antrim, Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - La Salle College -- Secondary school in Kowloon, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - La Salle Secondary School -- High school in Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - La seconda volta non si scorda mai -- 2008 Italian romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - La Secta (professional wrestling) -- Professional wrestling stable
Wikipedia - Lasioglossum coriaceum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lasioglossum cressonii -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lasioglossum ephialtum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lasioglossum versatum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lasioglossum -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Lasionycta secedens -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Last battle of the battleship Bismarck -- Sinking of the German battleship Bismarck during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Lathicrossa prophetica -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Laura Codruta Kovesi -- Former Romanian anticorruption prosecutor
Wikipedia - Laura Rutledge -- Reporter for ESPN and SEC network
Wikipedia - Laura Secord Chocolates -- Canadian chocolate and candy company
Wikipedia - Laura Secord -- Canadian heroine of the War of 1812
Wikipedia - Laura Secor -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lawal Musa Daura -- Nigerian security agent
Wikipedia - Law enforcement officer -- Public-sector employee whose duties primarily involve the enforcement of laws
Wikipedia - Lawfare (blog) -- U.S. national security blog
Wikipedia - Lawrence Eagleburger -- 62nd U.S. Secretary of State
Wikipedia - Lawrence Ward (serjeant-at-arms) -- British security expert
Wikipedia - Lazy FP state restore -- Intel processor security vulnerability
Wikipedia - Leafhopper -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Leaf miner -- Larva of an insect that lives in and eats the leaf tissue of plants
Wikipedia - Leap second -- Extra second inserted to keep civil time in sync with the Earth's rotation
Wikipedia - Leaving Certificate (Ireland) -- Irish secondary school leaving examination
Wikipedia - Lebanese State Security
Wikipedia - Lee Sechrest -- American psychologist
Wikipedia - Lee S. Wolosky -- American National Security Council staffer and lawyer
Wikipedia - Legal professional privilege -- Secrecy of law advice to clients
Wikipedia - Legh Winser -- Anglo-Australian cricketer, golfer, colonial secretary and orchardist
Wikipedia - Lemonia -- Genus of insects in the butterfly and moth order Lepidoptera
Wikipedia - Lemyra jankowskii -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lemyra sordidescens -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lenna Bradburn -- Canadian executive in the public sector
Wikipedia - Leon Hess Comprehensive Secondary School -- Secondary school in Castries, Saint Lucia
Wikipedia - Leonid Brezhnev -- General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union 1964-1982
Wikipedia - Leon Jaworski -- American prosecutor
Wikipedia - Leon Panetta -- American politician, Secretary of Defense 2011-2013
Wikipedia - Leopard Society -- Secret society
Wikipedia - Leopold II of Belgium -- Second King of the Belgians and Sovereign of the Congo Free State
Wikipedia - Lepidochrysops skotios -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lepidogma tamaricalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Leptoconops kerteszi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Leptoglossus ashmeadi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Leptoglossus gonagra -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lepyronia gibbosa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Les Aspin -- 18th U.S. Secretary of Defense and Congressman from Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Leschenaultia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Le Secret du Lone Star -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Le Secret (EP) -- 2005 EP by Alcest
Wikipedia - Le Tiroir secret -- 1986 French family drama TV mini-series
Wikipedia - LetsTrack -- India-based global security service company
Wikipedia - Leucanopsis umbrina -- Species of insect (moth)
Wikipedia - Leucophenga varia -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Leucophora marylandica -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Leucopleura ciarana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Leucospermum secundifolium -- The stalked pincushion is a shrub in the family Proteaceae from the Western Cape of South Africa
Wikipedia - Lewis Hamilton: Secret Life
Wikipedia - Lexington Partners -- largest independent manager of secondary acquisition and co-investment funds
Wikipedia - Ley Sector -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Liam Kerr -- Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Justice
Wikipedia - Liara T'Soni -- Secondary character of the Mass Effect franchise
Wikipedia - Liceo Statale NiccolM-CM-2 Machiavelli -- Secondary school in Florence, Italy
Wikipedia - Liepaja Gymnasium -- Latvian secondary school open 1865-1915
Wikipedia - LifeRing Secular Recovery -- Addiction and recovery organization
Wikipedia - Light-second -- Unit of length
Wikipedia - Lightweight Portable Security
Wikipedia - Ligyrocoris litigiosus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Limnaecia cassandra -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Limnephilus concolor -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lincoln Clark Andrews -- American Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
Wikipedia - Lincoln Correctional Facility -- Minimum-security state prison for men located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Lindstrom-Gessel-Viennot lemma -- Counts the number of tuples of non-intersecting lattice paths
Wikipedia - Line segment intersection
Wikipedia - Linguistic insecurity -- lack of confidence about one's way of speaking
Wikipedia - Link (knot theory) -- A collection of knots which do not intersect, but may be linked
Wikipedia - Linnaemya comta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Linnaemya -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Linux Security Modules
Wikipedia - Liochirus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lipara lucens -- Species of insect found in Europe
Wikipedia - Lipocosma calla -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Liptena albomacula -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lirimiris truncata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Liris (insect) -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Lisa Nandy -- Shadow Foreign Secretary
Wikipedia - List of abbreviations used in sanitation -- List of abbreviations and acronyms commonly used in the sanitation sector
Wikipedia - List of Ace titles in second G series -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Afghan security forces fatality reports in Afghanistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of African-American United States Cabinet Secretaries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of AL Gold Glove Winners at Second Base
Wikipedia - List of assassinations of the Second JVP Insurrection -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atlanta Rhythm Section members -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of attacks related to post-secondary schools -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of attacks related to secondary schools -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of awards and nominations received by 5 Seconds of Summer
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Aguada, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Aibonito, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of AM-CM-1asco, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Arecibo, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Canovanas, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of CataM-CM-1o, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Ceiba, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Ciales, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Cidra, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Corozal, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Culebra, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Dorado, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Florida, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Guaynabo, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Gurabo, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Hormigueros, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Lares, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Las Marias, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Loiza, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Morovis, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Naguabo, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Naranjito, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Quebradillas, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Rincon, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Rio Grande, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of San Sebastian, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Toa Alta, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Toa Baja, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Vieques, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Villalba, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of barrios and sectors of Yabucoa, Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of British Commonwealth and Empire brigades of the Second World War -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of British Commonwealth and Empire divisions in the Second World War -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of British Empire corps of the Second World War -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cambodian districts and sections -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chief Secretaries of Singapore -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of churches consecrated to Santa Maria Assunta -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of churches in Secunderabad and Hyderabad -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of closed secondary schools in California -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of closed secondary schools in New York -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commandants of Berlin Sectors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commandants of Vienna Sectors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of companies in the nuclear sector -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of computer security certifications
Wikipedia - List of countries by GDP sector composition -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by largest and second largest cities -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by public sector size -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by secondary education attainment -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of country second level subdivisions by area -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of critically endangered insects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Croton sections -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of current ABA League Second Division team rosters -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of data deficient insects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dune secondary characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Earl Haig Secondary School people -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational institutions in Secunderabad -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of endangered insects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of extinct Shia sects
Wikipedia - List of female cabinet secretaries of the Philippines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of female state secretaries of state in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of female United States Cabinet Secretaries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of fictional secret agents -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of fictional secret police and intelligence organizations -- List article
Wikipedia - List of films featuring insects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of First Secretaries of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Estonia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of First Secretaries of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Latvia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of foreign-born United States Cabinet Secretaries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of former Jesuit secondary schools in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of former SEC TV affiliates -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gnostic sects
Wikipedia - List of Gold Glove Award winners at second base -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of growth hormone secretagogues -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Houston Rockets first and second round draft picks -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of IK Sirius sections -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Illinois Secretaries of State -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of insect-inspired songs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of insects in the Red Data Book of Russia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of insects of Metropolitan France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Intermediate and Secondary Education Boards in Bangladesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international trips made by Colin Powell as United States Secretary of State -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international trips made by Condoleezza Rice as United States Secretary of State -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international trips made by Hillary Clinton as United States Secretary of State -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international trips made by John Kerry as United States Secretary of State -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international trips made by Madeleine Albright as United States Secretary of State -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international trips made by Mike Pompeo as United States Secretary of State -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international trips made by Rex Tillerson as United States Secretary of State -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international trips made by the United States Secretary of State -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of investors in Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Iraqi security forces fatality reports in Iraq -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Japanese aircraft in use during the Second Sino-Japanese War -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kentucky supplemental roads and rural secondary highways (3500-6999) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kentucky supplemental roads and rural secondary highways -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross recipients (Bn-Bz) -- Alphabetical list of people awarded the highest military and paramilitary award in Nazi Germany during the Second World War (by surname, Bn-Bz)
Wikipedia - List of largest insects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of least concern insects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lieutenant governors of Colorado -- Second-highest-ranking member of the executive department of the Government of Colorado
Wikipedia - List of longest subway tunnel sections -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Los Angeles Lakers first and second round draft picks -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Madam Secretary characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Madam Secretary episodes -- list
Wikipedia - List of Mako: Island of Secrets episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Medal of Honor recipients for the Second Battle of Fort Fisher -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mergers of securities firms -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of military equipment of the Canadian Army during the Second World War -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of minor insects of Sri Lanka -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of minor secular observances -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Missouri Secretaries of State -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Munros in Scotland by Section -- Scottish peaks above 3,000 ft laid out per Munro's Tables
Wikipedia - List of My Mother's Secret episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of My Secret Identity episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of near threatened insects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New York Knicks first and second round draft picks -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of NL Gold Glove Winners at Second Base
Wikipedia - List of Nobel laureates by secondary school affiliation
Wikipedia - List of non-English-language newspapers with English-language subsections -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of non-televised Second Doctor stories -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Northern Secondary School alumni -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Orthoptera and allied insects of Great Britain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Parliamentary Secretaries of Canada -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Petaling Jaya city sections -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of physics concepts in primary and secondary education curricula -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of post-secondary institutions in Malaysia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of post-secondary institutions in South Africa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of prehistoric insects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the Second Chamber of the Estates of Wurttemberg -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the Second Chamber of the Landtag of Alsace-Lorraine -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the Second Chamber of the States of the Grand Duchy of Hesse -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Private Secretary episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private security companies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Prosecutor Generals of Russia and the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - List of Psechridae species -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of recently extinct insects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Royal Canadian Navy ships of the Second World War -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Russian aircraft losses in the Second Chechen War -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary and special-issue World War II infantry weapons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary education systems by country -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary endemic bird areas of the world -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary schools in Bulawayo -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary schools in Harare Province -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary schools in Hong Kong -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary schools in Luxembourg -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary schools in Mauritius -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary schools in Midlands Province -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary schools in Northern Cyprus -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary schools in Northern Ireland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary schools in Romania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary schools in Singapore -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary schools in the Toronto District School Board -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary schools in the Western Cape -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary schools of Rupandehi district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary school sports team names and mascots derived from indigenous peoples -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary state highways in Virginia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Second Boer War Victoria Cross recipients -- List article
Wikipedia - List of Second Chances episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Second Chechen War assassinations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of second-level administrative divisions of North Korea
Wikipedia - List of Seconds from Disaster episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of second-tier formula racing champions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Secretaries General of OPEC -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Secretaries General of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secretaries of Italian Fascist parties -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Secretaries of State of the United States -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Secretaries of State of Wisconsin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Secretaries of the Italian Communist Party -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Secret Army episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Secret Diary of a Call Girl episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Secret Millionaire (American TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secret police organizations
Wikipedia - List of Secret Six members
Wikipedia - List of Secrets of a Restaurant Chef episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Secret Squirrel episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of SECR K and SR K1 class locomotives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sections in subgenus Rhododendron -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secular cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secular humanists -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secularist organizations
Wikipedia - List of security assessment tools -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of security hacking incidents -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of self-intersecting polygons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Seventh-day Adventist secondary schools -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of signers of the Georgia Ordinance of Secession -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Silver Slugger Award winners at second base -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of stick insects and mantids of Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of stick insects of New Zealand -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tectonic plate interactions -- Definitions and examples of the interactions between the relatively mobile sections of the lithosphere
Wikipedia - List of Teen Wolf secondary characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of the 108 Lower Canadians prosecuted before the general court-martial of Montreal in 1838-39 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Best Cooking Secrets episodes (2020) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Bold and the Beautiful secondary characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Secret Life of the American Teenager characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Secret Life of the American Teenager episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Secret Life of Us episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Secret Millionaire episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Secret Saturdays characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Secret Saturdays episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Secret World of Alex Mack books
Wikipedia - List of The Secret World of Alex Mack episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tour de France secondary classification winners -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of trips made by Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of trips made by Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of United Nations Security Council resolutions on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
Wikipedia - List of U.S. county secession proposals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of U.S. state insects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of vetoed United Nations Security Council resolutions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Victoria's Secret models -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of VM-CM-$stra Frolunda IF sections -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of vulnerable insects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of insects of Great Britain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Litaneutis -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Lithophane tepida -- Species of insect (moth)
Wikipedia - Litobrancha -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Little Secret (film) -- 2016 film directed by David Schurmann
Wikipedia - Little Secrets (2001 film) -- 2001 independent comedy-drama film by Blair Treu
Wikipedia - Liturgusa krattorum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Live and Let Die (novel) -- Second James Bond novel by Ian Fleming
Wikipedia - Livingston Correctional Facility -- Former medium-security state prison in New York, US
Wikipedia - Llobregat -- Second longest river in Catalonia, Spain
Wikipedia - Lloyd Austin -- Retired American military officer, Secretary of Defense designate
Wikipedia - Load value injection -- Microprocessor security vulnerability
Wikipedia - Lobocraspeda -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Lobogenesis penai -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lobster moth -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Local Security Authority Subsystem Service
Wikipedia - Locker High School -- Secondary school in Mississippi, United States
Wikipedia - Lock (security device)
Wikipedia - Lomamyia longicollis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - London Cheesecake -- British pastry dessert
Wikipedia - London Controlling Section -- British strategic deception unit during WW2
Wikipedia - London Recruits: The Secret War Against Apartheid
Wikipedia - LongprM-CM-)-le-Sec -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Lonomia achelous -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lonomia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Loop (music) -- Repeating section of sound material in electroacoustic music
Wikipedia - Lopon Tsechu Rinpoche
Wikipedia - Lopon Tsechu -- Bhutanese buddhist teacher (1918-2003)
Wikipedia - Lord Nelson Ground -- Millwall F.C.'s second stadium from 1886-1890
Wikipedia - Lord of Sonseca -- Hereditary royal title
Wikipedia - Loreto Abbey, Dalkey -- Secondary school for girls in Dalkey, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Loreto College, Foxrock -- Secondary school for girls in Foxrock, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Loreto College, Mullingar -- Secondary school for girls in County Westmeath, Ireland
Wikipedia - Loreto College, Swords -- Secondary school for girls in Swords, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Loreto Secondary School, Kilkenny -- Secondary school for girls in Ireland
Wikipedia - Loreto Secondary School, Navan -- Secondary school for girls in County Meath, Ireland
Wikipedia - Los Angeles Convention Center -- Convention center in the southwest section of downtown Los Angeles
Wikipedia - Los Secretos -- Spanish rock band
Wikipedia - Lost Secret of the Rainforest -- Video game
Wikipedia - Lotegorisch -- Variant of the secret language Rotwelsch
Wikipedia - Lotte and the Moonstone Secret -- 2011 film
Wikipedia - LouchM-CM-)bem -- Secret language game
Wikipedia - Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education -- Government agency of Louisiana, United States
Wikipedia - Louisiana State Penitentiary -- Maximum-security prison farm in Louisiana
Wikipedia - Louis Secretan -- Swiss lawyer and mycologist
Wikipedia - Lourens River Protected Natural Environment -- Section of protected land along the Lourens River in the Helderberg region, South Africa.
Wikipedia - Louse -- Order of insects
Wikipedia - Love at Second Sight (2019 film) -- 2019 film directed by Hugo GM-CM-)lin
Wikipedia - Love Island (2015 TV series, series 2) -- Second series of Love Island
Wikipedia - Love's Secret Domain
Wikipedia - Loxocrambus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Lsh -- Remote shell services or command execution for secure network services between two networked computers
Wikipedia - Lucas with the Lid Off -- 1994 single by Lucas Secon
Wikipedia - Lucilia caesar -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lucilia (fly) -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Lucilia illustris -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lucilia mexicana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lucilia thatuna -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lucius Fabius Gallus -- Roman senator during the first half of the second century AD
Wikipedia - Lucius Fulcinius Trio -- Early 1st century AD Roman senator, consul and prosecutor
Wikipedia - Lucius Papirius Cursor -- Roman statesman, hero of the Second Samnite War
Wikipedia - Lucius Pedanius Secundus -- First century Roman statesman, murdered by one of his slaves
Wikipedia - Lug nut -- Fastener, specifically a nut, used to secure a wheel on a vehicle
Wikipedia - Luis Fonseca (United States Navy) -- United States Navy sailor
Wikipedia - Luis Fonseca (weightlifter) -- Costa Rican weightlifter
Wikipedia - Luke 2 -- Second chapter of the Gospel of Luke
Wikipedia - Luke O'Toole -- Gaelic sporting administrator first Secretary-General of the GAA
Wikipedia - LulzSec -- Hacker group
Wikipedia - Lumding-Dibrugarh section -- Railway section in India
Wikipedia - Luna moth -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lutetian -- Second age of the Eocene Epoch
Wikipedia - Lyceum -- Type of school, usually a secondary school
Wikipedia - Lyclene kishidai -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - LycM-CM-)e Janson-de-Sailly -- secondary school in Paris, France
Wikipedia - LycM-CM-)e Jean-Zay -- secondary school in Thiers, France
Wikipedia - LycM-CM-)e Louis-le-Grand -- Secondary school in Paris
Wikipedia - LycM-CM-)e Saint-Louis -- Post-secondary school in Paris
Wikipedia - Lygropia haroldi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lygus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Lyman J. Gage -- American financier and 42nd Secretary of the Treasury
Wikipedia - Lymantria marginata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lymantria ninayi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lyndsy Fonseca -- American actress
Wikipedia - Lynne Cheney -- Second Lady of the United States 2001-2009, writer and pundit
Wikipedia - LynxSecure
Wikipedia - Lysandra hispana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - M60 tank -- American second generation main battle tank
Wikipedia - Mabahith -- Secret police
Wikipedia - Macaria granitata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Mac Defender -- Rogue security software
Wikipedia - MAC flooding -- Technique employed to compromise the security of network switches
Wikipedia - Machimus snowii -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Mac OS X 10.1 -- Second major release of OS X
Wikipedia - Macrobaenetes valgum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Macrocyttara pamphaea -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Macromia zeylanica -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Macrostemum carolina -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Macrotylus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Madam Secretary (season 1) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Madam Secretary (season 2) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Madam Secretary (season 3) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Madam Secretary (season 4) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Madam Secretary (season 5) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Madam Secretary (TV series) -- 2014 American political drama television series
Wikipedia - Madeleine Albright -- 64th United States Secretary of State
Wikipedia - Madeleine Zabriskie Doty -- Madeleine Zabriskie Doty was a journalist, pacifist, civil libertarian, and advocate for the rights of prisoners, as well as the International Secretary for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
Wikipedia - Madhyamik Pariksha -- Secondary school exam in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Madrigal -- Secular vocal music composition of the Renaissance and early Baroque eras
Wikipedia - Madri -- A character in Mahabharata, second wife of Pandu
Wikipedia - MAD Secret Concerts: Despina Vandi Live -- 2006 live album by Despina Vandi
Wikipedia - Magapit-Santa Teresita Road -- Secondary road in Cagayan province, Philippines
Wikipedia - Maghrebi Tabrizi -- Iranian poet and Sufi of the second half of the eighth century AH
Wikipedia - Magic Alex -- Greek businessman, electronics engineer and security consultant
Wikipedia - Magnocellular neurosecretory cell -- Large neuroendocrine cells of the hypothalamus
Wikipedia - Mahant Balaknath -- Indian Parliamentarian & Spiritual Leader of Nath Sect
Wikipedia - Mahatma Gandhi Memorial High School (Fiji) -- Secondary School in Fiji
Wikipedia - Maher-shalal-hash-baz -- The second mentioned prophetic-name child in Isaiah chapter 7-9
Wikipedia - Mahmood Madani -- General Secretary of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind & Indian Politician
Wikipedia - Maiestas dispar -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Maire O'Neill -- Northern Irish academic (engineering, information security)
Wikipedia - Major urinary proteins -- Proteins found in the urine and other secretions of many animals
Wikipedia - Makrania -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Malacosoma tigris -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Malaysia-Singapore Second Link -- Bridge
Wikipedia - Malgassorhoe -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Malick Seck -- Senegalese judoka
Wikipedia - Mallochohelea -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - MalSec
Wikipedia - Malta convoys -- Allied supply convoys of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Malthodes arcifer -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - MaM-CM-/mouna Ndoye Seck -- Senegalese politician
Wikipedia - Mamurius mopsus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Man-in-the-browser -- Proxy Trojan horse that infects a web browser by taking advantage of vulnerabilities in browser security to modify web pages, modify transaction content or insert additional transactions, in a covert fashion
Wikipedia - Manius Valerius Maximus -- Early 5th century Roman politician and soldier and Roman dictator during the first secession of the plebs
Wikipedia - Manor House School, Raheny -- Second level school for girls in Raheny, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - MANRS -- Activity aimed at securing global Internet routing
Wikipedia - Mansonia uniformis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Mantis -- Order of insects
Wikipedia - Mantrap (access control) -- Physical security access control system
Wikipedia - Manuel A. Cuenco -- Filipino politician, Governor of Cebu (1946-1951), Secretary of Health (1964-1965)
Wikipedia - Manuel Alfonseca -- Spanish writer and university professor
Wikipedia - Manuel da Fonseca -- Portuguese writer
Wikipedia - Manuel F. Cohen -- Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Wikipedia - Manuel Godoy -- Spanish politician who was First Secretary of State of Spain
Wikipedia - Manuel L. Quezon -- Second president of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Maoricicada nigra -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Maranantha-Alkahest Sector -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Marapana pulverata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Marcellina (gnostic) -- Second-century Carpocratian Christian religious leader
Wikipedia - March 2020 Oval Office Address -- On the Coronavirus Pandemic, was the second Oval Office address delivered during the presidency of Donald Trump
Wikipedia - Marcia Clark -- American prosecutor, author, television correspondent, and producer
Wikipedia - Marcin Masecki -- Polish pianish, composer, and conductor
Wikipedia - Marco Polo Bridge Incident -- Initial battle of the Second Sino-Japanese War
Wikipedia - Marcosians -- Gnostic sect founded by Marcus
Wikipedia - Marcus Cominius Secundus -- 2nd century AD senator, suffect consul and governor
Wikipedia - Marcus Hutchins -- British IT security researcher and expert
Wikipedia - Marcy Correctional Facility -- Medium-security state prison for men located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Mar Garcia -- Secretary General of the European Green Party
Wikipedia - Margarethe von Oven -- Secretary at the Bendlerblock during time of Valkyrie coup attempt
Wikipedia - Margarinotus -- genus of insects
Wikipedia - Margarosticha pulcherrimalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Maria Alexandrovna Sechenova -- First female Russian ophthalmologist
Wikipedia - Marian consecration
Wikipedia - Marianna Torok -- Hungarian countess and second spouse of the Khedive Abbas II of Egypt (1877-1968)
Wikipedia - Marian Persecutions
Wikipedia - Marie Darrieussecq
Wikipedia - Marina Tetaric Prusec -- Croatian film director
Wikipedia - Marine reptile -- Reptiles which have become secondarily adapted for an aquatic or semi-aquatic life in a marine environment
Wikipedia - Maritime domain awareness -- The effective understanding of anything associated with the maritime domain that could impact security, safety, economy, or environment
Wikipedia - Maritime security (USCG) -- United States Coast Guard
Wikipedia - Markaz (country subdivision) -- Type of second-level country subdivision in the Middle East
Wikipedia - Mark Esper -- Former United States Secretary of Defense
Wikipedia - Market Misconduct Tribunal -- Hong Kong securities regulation body
Wikipedia - Mark Fraser (secretary) -- Australian public servant and diplomat
Wikipedia - Mark Malloch Brown, Baron Malloch-Brown -- Former British Labour politician and United Nations Deputy Secretary-General(2006)
Wikipedia - Marnix Gymnasium -- Secondary school in Rotterdam, Netherlands
Wikipedia - Marpesia berania -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Marquette High School (Missouri) -- Public secondary school in St. Louis County, Missouri, United States
Wikipedia - Marrack Goulding -- British diplomat, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Wikipedia - Marseille -- Second-largest city of France and prefecture of Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur
Wikipedia - Mars Orbiter Mission 2 -- India's second Martian mission
Wikipedia - Marthe Cohn -- French spy during the Second World War, author and Holocaust survivor
Wikipedia - Martin Bormann -- Nazi Party leader and private secretary to Adolf Hitler
Wikipedia - Martin Mathias Secor -- 19th century American businessman and politician, 28th and 31st Mayor of Racine, Wisconsin.
Wikipedia - Martin Secker -- British publisher
Wikipedia - Martyr (politics) -- Person persecuted because of a political belief or cause
Wikipedia - Martyr -- Person who suffers persecution
Wikipedia - Mary Jenkinson, Countess of Liverpool -- Second wife of Prime Minister Lord Liverpool
Wikipedia - Mary J. Miller -- former American Under Secretary for Domestic Finance
Wikipedia - Mary Jo Kopechne -- American teacher, secretary, and campaign specialist (1940-1969)
Wikipedia - Marylinka secunda -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Mary's Big Secret -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Mary Schapiro -- 29th Chairwoman of the Securities and Exchange Commission
Wikipedia - Mason bee -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Masortim -- Israeli Jews who perceive and define themselves as neither strictly religious nor secular
Wikipedia - Massif -- Section of a planet's crust that is demarcated by faults or flexures
Wikipedia - Mastani -- Second wife of Bajirao I
Wikipedia - MasterChef Myanmar (season 2) -- the second season of MasterChef Myanmar
Wikipedia - Master limited partnership -- Limited partnership that is publicly traded on a securities exchange
Wikipedia - Mastixis -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Mater Dei High School (Santa Ana, California) -- Catholic secondary school in Santa Ana, California
Wikipedia - Mathew de Sechnan -- 13th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Mating disruption -- An insect pest management technique
Wikipedia - Matthew Mendelsohn -- Canadian public sector leader
Wikipedia - Matthew Seiyefa -- Nigerian security agent
Wikipedia - Matuaism -- Sect of Avarna Hinduism
Wikipedia - Maurice Beddow Bayly -- English physician and anti-vivisection activist
Wikipedia - Maurus vogelii -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Mawza Exile -- The 17th-century persecution of Yemenite Jews
Wikipedia - Maximiliano Hernandez Martinez -- Leader of El Salvador during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Maximum Security (horse) -- American Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Maxwell's theorem (geometry) -- Given a triangle and a point, constructs a second triangle with a special point
Wikipedia - Mayans M.C. (season 2) -- Second season of the American TV series Mayans M.C.
Wikipedia - Mayfly -- Aquatic insects of the order Ephemeroptera
Wikipedia - Maynooth Post Primary School -- Second-level school in Co. Kildare, Ireland
Wikipedia - Mazda MX-5 (NB) -- Second generation of the Mazda MX-5 car manufactured from 1998 to 2005
Wikipedia - McAfee -- American global computer security software company
Wikipedia - McCarran Internal Security Act
Wikipedia - McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II -- Anglo-American second-generation VSTOL ground-attack aircraft
Wikipedia - McFarlane v. Director of Public Prosecutions -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Asgeir M-CM-^Asgeirsson -- second president of Iceland
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Fthelburh of Kent -- Second wife of Edwin of Northumbria
Wikipedia - Mealybug -- Family of insects (Pseudococcidae)
Wikipedia - Mechanical floor -- Mechanical rooms-only skyscraper section
Wikipedia - Mecodema crenaticolle -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Mecoptera -- Order of insects with markedly different larvae and adults
Wikipedia - Media diver -- Professional diver working in the media sector
Wikipedia - Medina quarter -- Old city section found in many North African cities
Wikipedia - Mediterranean and Middle East theatre of World War II -- Major theatre of operations during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Meet You There Tour -- 5 Seconds of Summer concert tour
Wikipedia - Megachile albisecta -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile exsecta -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile ligniseca -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile trisecta -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachilidae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Megachilini -- Tribe of insects
Wikipedia - Megacraspedus monolorellus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Megacraspedus niphorrhoa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Megalodontes -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Megalota archana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Megathymus streckeri -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Melanaphis sacchari -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Melanoneura bilineata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Melanoplinae -- Subfamily of insects
Wikipedia - Melecta separata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Melieria cana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Melitara -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Mellana -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Mellilla -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Meltdown (security vulnerability) -- Microprocessor security vulnerability
Wikipedia - Melvin Goodman -- American national security and intelligence expert
Wikipedia - M-EM-^AodM-EM-: Ghetto -- Second-largest ghetto in German-occupied Europe during World War II
Wikipedia - M-EM- eve -- Secret police of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Menasha High School -- Public secondary school in Menasha, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Meole Brace School -- Secondary school in Shrewsbury, England
Wikipedia - Merimnetria compsodelta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Merimnetria gratula -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Meroctenus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Meroptera cviatella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Meryle Secrest -- American biographer
Wikipedia - Mesapamea secalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Mesechthistatus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Mesolithic -- Prehistoric period, second part of the Stone Age
Wikipedia - Mesophleps palpigera -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Mesoproterozoic -- Second era of the Proterozoic Eon
Wikipedia - Mesozoic -- Second era of the Phanerozoic Eon: ~252-66 million years ago
Wikipedia - Messianic Secret -- Motif primarily in the Gospel of Mark that portrays Jesus as commanding his followers to keep his Messianic mission secret
Wikipedia - Metabotropic receptor -- Type of membrane receptor that acts through a second messenger
Wikipedia - Metachroma pellucidum -- Species of insect of the genus Metachroma
Wikipedia - Metapterygota -- Clade of insects containing order Odonata and Infraclass Neoptera
Wikipedia - Metasploit Project -- Computer security testing tool
Wikipedia - Metius apicalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Metofluthrin -- Pyrethroid used as an insect repellent
Wikipedia - Metre per second squared -- SI derived unit of acceleration
Wikipedia - Metre per second -- SI unit of speed and velocity
Wikipedia - Metropolitan Corporation of Greater Winnipeg -- Former second tier municipal government
Wikipedia - Mexican Social Security Institute -- Mexican social welfare institution
Wikipedia - Mezcal worm -- Insect larva added for flavor to mezcal
Wikipedia - Mezitli -- a secondary municipality in Mersin, Turkey
Wikipedia - Mfantsiman Girls' Secondary School -- Girls' secondary school in Mfantsiman, Ghana
Wikipedia - Mfantsipim School -- All-boys boarding secondary school in Cape Coast, Ghana
Wikipedia - Miacora adolescens -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Michael Arnon -- Israeli diplomat and cabinet secretary
Wikipedia - Michael Mulligan -- American military prosecutor
Wikipedia - Michael Parker (courtier) -- Private secretary to the Duke of Edinburgh
Wikipedia - Michael Patrick Mulroy -- Senior National Security Official
Wikipedia - Michael Reiter (police officer) -- American security advisor and former Palm Beach, Florida, police chief
Wikipedia - Michigan Secretary of State -- Position
Wikipedia - Mickey Mousecapade -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Microclytus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Micrococcidae -- A family of scale insects from the Mediterranean region
Wikipedia - Microgomphus nyassicus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Micromus tasmaniae -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Micronychia (insect) -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Micropterix cyaneochrysa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Microseconds
Wikipedia - Microsecond -- Unit of time
Wikipedia - Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer -- Computer security evaluation tool
Wikipedia - Microsoft Forefront -- Line-of-business security software by Microsoft Corporation
Wikipedia - Microsoft Security Essentials -- Free antivirus product produced by Microsoft for the Windows operating system
Wikipedia - Microsoft SenseCam
Wikipedia - Mictopsichia benevides -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Middle Jurassic -- Second epoch of the Jurassic
Wikipedia - Middle school -- School offering the lower levels of secondary education, in some countries, between elementary and high school
Wikipedia - Midnight Secrets -- 1924 film directed by Jack Nelson
Wikipedia - Mid-Orange Correctional Facility -- Former medium-security state prison for men located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Mid Valley Secondary Center -- public school in Throop, Pennsylvania, USA
Wikipedia - Mike Jensen (internet pioneer) -- Internet Hall of Fame member for his work in developing connectivity for the non-profit sector
Wikipedia - Mike Leavitt -- 8th U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services
Wikipedia - Mike McCurry (press secretary) -- White House press secretary
Wikipedia - Mike Pompeo -- 70th U.S. Secretary of State and former director of the C.I.A.
Wikipedia - Mike Schmidt (lawyer) -- American attorney and prosecutor
Wikipedia - Mikhail Gorbachev -- 1985-1991 General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Mikosch of the Secret Service -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Miles Gerald Keon -- Irish journalist, novelist and colonial secretary (1821-1875)
Wikipedia - Military history of the United States during World War II -- American military actions taken leading up to and during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Military secret
Wikipedia - Military Security Agency
Wikipedia - Military Security and Intelligence Agency
Wikipedia - Military Service for Security and Intelligence
Wikipedia - Military Staff Committee -- United Nations Security Council subsidiary body
Wikipedia - Millerism -- Christian movement founded by William Miller, which held that the Second Coming would come in 1844
Wikipedia - Million instructions per second
Wikipedia - Milliseconds
Wikipedia - Millisecond -- Unit of time
Wikipedia - Milton Smith -- American computer security application developer, researcher, and writer
Wikipedia - Milton's Secret -- 2016 film directed by Barnet Bain
Wikipedia - Mindanao -- Second largest island of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Minimum orbit intersection distance -- Measure of close approach or collision risk in astronomy
Wikipedia - Minipsyrassa guanabarina -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector -- New Zealand minister of the Crown
Wikipedia - Minister of Justice and Public Security -- Norwegian cabinet position
Wikipedia - Minister of National Security and Intelligence (New Zealand) -- New Zealand minister of the Crown
Wikipedia - Minister of Public Security (Vietnam) -- Government minister in Vietnam
Wikipedia - Minister of Safety and Security v Luiters (SCA) -- South African Supreme Court of Appeal case
Wikipedia - Ministry for National Security (Turkmenistan)
Wikipedia - Ministry for State Security (Soviet Union)
Wikipedia - Ministry of Defence and National Security (Fiji) -- Ministry of Fiji
Wikipedia - Ministry of Defence (Brunei) -- Bruneian government ministry responsible for military and national security
Wikipedia - Ministry of Home Security -- Former British government department
Wikipedia - Ministry of Internal Affairs (Russia) -- Russian government ministry responsible for security and law enforcement within Russian borders
Wikipedia - Ministry of Justice and Public Security (Brazil) -- Justice ministry of Brazil
Wikipedia - Ministry of Justice, Immigration and National Security (Dominica) -- Government ministry of Dominica
Wikipedia - Ministry of National Security of Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - Ministry of Public Safety and Security -- Former organization of the national government of South Korea
Wikipedia - Ministry of Security and Public Administration -- Former ministry of the national government of South Korea
Wikipedia - Ministry of Social Security (North Korea) -- North Korean Law Enforcement Agency
Wikipedia - Ministry of State Security (China)
Wikipedia - Ministry of State Security (Soviet Union)
Wikipedia - Minnesota Correctional Facility - Oak Park Heights -- Maximum security prison in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - MINT College -- Private secondary and tertiary school in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Minute and second of arc
Wikipedia - Minute -- Unit of time equal to 60 seconds
Wikipedia - Mishpat Ivri -- Aspects of halakha that are relevant to non-religious or secular law
Wikipedia - Miss America 1922 -- Second Miss America pageant
Wikipedia - Missing Links and Secret Histories -- Book by L. Timmel Duchamp
Wikipedia - Mississippi Delta -- Northwest section of the U.S. state of Mississippi
Wikipedia - Mississippi State Penitentiary -- maximum-security prison farm in Mississippi, USA
Wikipedia - Missundaztood -- second studio album by American singer and songwriter Pink
Wikipedia - Mitama Security: Spirit Busters -- Japanese manga series by Tsurun Hatomune
Wikipedia - Mitchell Silk -- Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
Wikipedia - MKS system of units -- Physical system of measurement that uses the metre, kilogram, and second as base units
Wikipedia - Maori Battalion -- An infantry battalion of the New Zealand Army that served during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Moai (seamount) -- The second most westerly submarine volcano in the Easter Seamount Chain
Wikipedia - Mobile secure gateway
Wikipedia - Mobile Security Deployment -- Police unit of the US State Department
Wikipedia - Mobile security -- Security risk and prevention for mobile devices
Wikipedia - Moderate Republicans (France) -- Parliamentary group in the French Second Republic
Wikipedia - Modern Orthodox Judaism -- Attempt to synthesize Jewish values and the observance of Jewish law with the secular, modern world
Wikipedia - Moed -- Second Order of the Talmud.
Wikipedia - Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed -- Former Prime Minister of Somalia; Secretary-General of Tayo Political Party; current President of Somalia (2017-present)
Wikipedia - Mohamed Chande Othman -- Tanzanian justice and international criminal law prosector
Wikipedia - Mohammed Masoom Stanekzai -- Former head of National Directorate of Security
Wikipedia - Molly Maguires -- 19th century secret society in Ireland
Wikipedia - Molly O'Toole -- American immigration and security reporter
Wikipedia - Molokan -- East Slavic Spiritual Christian sect
Wikipedia - Monadic second-order logic
Wikipedia - Monge's theorem -- The intersections of the 3 pairs of external tangent lines to 3 circles are collinear
Wikipedia - Monique Marie Chouraeshkenazi -- American-Jewish author, professor, researcher, and homeland/national security expert
Wikipedia - Monochamus urussovi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Monopis dimorphella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Monsky's theorem -- One can't dissect a square into an odd number of triangles of equal area
Wikipedia - Montes Secchi -- Lunar mountain range
Wikipedia - Month of bugs -- Strategy used by security researchers
Wikipedia - Montreux Document -- Agreement between signature countries obligations regarding private military and security companies in war zones
Wikipedia - Montsechia -- Extinct genus of aquatic plants
Wikipedia - Moore's second law
Wikipedia - Mooring -- Any permanent structure to which a vessel may be secured
Wikipedia - Morelos Jaime Canseco Gomez -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - More Than a Secretary -- 1936 film by Alfred E. Green
Wikipedia - Morley's trisector theorem -- 3 intersections of any triangle's adjacent angle trisectors form an equilateral triangle
Wikipedia - Morphodexia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Mortgage loan -- Loan secured using real estate
Wikipedia - Mossack Fonseca -- Law firm and corporate service provider based in Panama
Wikipedia - Motahar Hossain (Bangladeshi politician) -- Bangladeshi politician (motahar hossain joel) joint secretary general shadinota projonmo Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Mother Featherlegs -- American sec worker
Wikipedia - Mothers (Tokyo Stock Exchange) -- Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange for startup companies
Wikipedia - Motivation in second-language learning
Wikipedia - Motor gunboat -- British Second World War small high-speed military vessel
Wikipedia - Mountains classification in the Tour de France -- Secondary competition in the Tour de France
Wikipedia - Mount Anville Secondary School -- Private all-girls post-primary school in Goatstown, Ireland
Wikipedia - Mountrath Community School -- Secondary school in Mountrath, County Laois, Ireland
Wikipedia - Mount Saint Mary's College Namagunga -- Ugandan all-girls boarding secondary school
Wikipedia - Mount Waialeale -- Shield volcano and the second highest point on the island of KauaM-JM-;i in the Hawaiian Islands
Wikipedia - Mousecar -- In-house Walt Disney Company award
Wikipedia - Mucus -- Secretion produced by mucous membranes
Wikipedia - Mud-puddling -- Insects seeking out nutrients in certain moist substances such as rotting plant matter
Wikipedia - Mughalsarai-Kanpur section -- Railway line in India
Wikipedia - Muhammad ibn Ishaq ibn Ibrahim -- Chief of security in Baghdad
Wikipedia - Muhammad Mustapha Abdallah -- Nigerian Professional Security Officer
Wikipedia - Mu Kuang English School -- Secondary school in Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Mulona lapidaria -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Multi-level dive -- Scuba diving in consecutively shallower depth ranges on one dive
Wikipedia - Multilevel security
Wikipedia - Multiple subpial transection
Wikipedia - Munich Security Conference -- Annual conference on international security policy
Wikipedia - Municipal city (Vietnam) -- Type of second-tier subdivision of Vietnam
Wikipedia - Murder of Lieutenant Alfred Lyth -- USAAF second lieutenant murdered in 1945
Wikipedia - Murder on the Second Floor -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Murrumbidgee Regional High School -- secondary day school in Australia
Wikipedia - MustaM-JM-=li Ismailism -- Sect of Isma'ilism
Wikipedia - Mutilla -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Muumuu -- Loose dress, usually brightly colored or patterned, worn especially by Hawaiian women, or as a housecoat
Wikipedia - Muzaffarpur-Hajipur section -- Indian railway line
Wikipedia - Mvara Secondary School -- Secondary school in Uganda
Wikipedia - MVM, Inc. -- Private security contractor
Wikipedia - MV Sechelt Queen -- Retired ferryboat of British Columbia and Washington state
Wikipedia - MV The Second Snark -- Passenger ferry built in 1938 in Scotland
Wikipedia - Myanmar Idol (season 2) -- the second season of Myanmar Idol
Wikipedia - My Dear Secretary -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - MyGate -- Security software
Wikipedia - My Monster Secret
Wikipedia - My Mother's Secret -- 2015 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Myriam Seco -- Spanish archaeologist and Egyptologist
Wikipedia - Myrmeleon immaculatus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Myrtle Solomon -- British pacifist, general secretary of the ''Peace Pledge Union'' and Chair of ''War Resisters International (1975 - 86)
Wikipedia - My Secret (Didja Gitit Yet?) -- 1985 single by New Edition
Wikipedia - My Secret Hotel -- 2014 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - My Secret Life (memoir) -- Erotic memoir published from 1888
Wikipedia - My Secret Romance -- South Korean 2017 TV series
Wikipedia - My Wedding and Other Secrets
Wikipedia - N213 highway (Philippines) -- Secondary road in the Philippines
Wikipedia - N305 highway (Philippines) -- Secondary road in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Naarda clitodes -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Nabataean alphabet -- Alphabet used by the Nabataeans in the second century BC.
Wikipedia - Nabis americoferus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Nabis ponticus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Nadezhda Alliluyeva -- Second wife of Joseph Stalin
Wikipedia - Nadia Heninger -- American cryptographer, computer security expert
Wikipedia - Nagpur-Secunderabad line -- Indian railway line
Wikipedia - Nairobi Securities Exchange -- Stock exchange of Nairobi, Kenya
Wikipedia - Naked short selling -- Practice of short-selling a tradable asset of any kind without first borrowing the security or ensuring that the security can be borrowed
Wikipedia - Naled -- Organophosphate insecticide
Wikipedia - Nancy Grace -- American legal commentator, television host, television journalist, and former prosecutor
Wikipedia - Nancy Pelosi -- 52nd <!--House doesn't re-count non-consecutive serving speakers-->Speaker of the United States House of Representatives
Wikipedia - Nanda Devi -- Second highest mountain in India
Wikipedia - Nandom Senior High School -- A second cycle co-educational institution in the Upper West region of Ghana
Wikipedia - Nani A. Coloretti -- U.S. Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Wikipedia - Nanjing Massacre denial -- Denial of mass killing of Chinese soldiers and civilians during the Second Sino-Japanese War
Wikipedia - Nannocyrtopogon atripes -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Nannogomphus -- Fossil genus of insects
Wikipedia - Nanobiotechnology -- Intersection of nanotechnology and biology
Wikipedia - Nanosecond -- SI unit of time
Wikipedia - Nanyang Polytechnic -- Post-secondary academic institution in Singapore
Wikipedia - Narahari Sonar -- 13th-century Hindu poet-saint of the Varkari sect
Wikipedia - Nar Narayan Dev Gadi -- Sect of Hinduism
Wikipedia - Natallia Eismant -- Press secretary to Belarusian president
Wikipedia - National Anti-Vivisection Society
Wikipedia - National Association of Schools of Music -- Association of post-secondary music school
Wikipedia - National Association of Secondary School Principals -- Other organization in Reston, United States
Wikipedia - National Comics Publications, Inc. v. Fawcett Publications, Inc. -- 1951 decision by United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Wikipedia - National Committee on Security Affairs -- Highest policy-making authority on national security of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - National Computer Security Center
Wikipedia - National Counterintelligence and Security Center -- US federal agency
Wikipedia - National Cybersecurity Authority (Saudi Arabia) -- Cybersecurity entity of the government of Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - National Cybersecurity Center -- US non-profit organization
Wikipedia - National Cyber Security Centre (United Kingdom) -- Organisation of the UK Government
Wikipedia - National Cyber Security Division
Wikipedia - National Cyber Security Hall of Fame
Wikipedia - National Cybersecurity Hall of Fame
Wikipedia - National Cyber Security Policy 2013
Wikipedia - National debt of the United States -- Face value of federal government securities outstanding
Wikipedia - National Directorate of Security
Wikipedia - National Education Center -- Profit post-secondary education organization in North America
Wikipedia - National Hobo Convention -- Held on the second weekend of every August since 1900
Wikipedia - National Industrial Security Academy -- CISF institute
Wikipedia - National Infrastructure Security Co-ordination Centre -- Inter-departmental centre of the UK government
Wikipedia - National Intelligence and Security Agency
Wikipedia - National Intelligence and Security Service
Wikipedia - National Intelligence Secretariat (Ecuador)
Wikipedia - National Mineral Development Corporation -- Indian public sector mineral mining company
Wikipedia - National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives -- American law association
Wikipedia - National Police Agency Security Bureau (Japan)
Wikipedia - National Political Institutes of Education -- Elite secondary schools in Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - National Prosecuting Authority -- South African government agency
Wikipedia - National Public Security Force -- Police in Brazil
Wikipedia - National Secular Society
Wikipedia - National Securities Depository Limited -- Indian central securities depository
Wikipedia - National Security (2003 film) -- 2003 film by Dennis Dugan
Wikipedia - National Security Adviser (United Kingdom) -- Official in the British government
Wikipedia - National Security Advisor (United States) -- White House advisory position
Wikipedia - National security advisor -- Wikipedia disambiguation page
Wikipedia - National Security Affairs Cell -- Government agency of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - National Security Agency (Bahrain)
Wikipedia - National Security Agency (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - National Security Agency (Egypt) -- Egyptian security service
Wikipedia - National Security Agency (Liberia)
Wikipedia - National Security Agency (Montenegro)
Wikipedia - National Security Agency -- U.S. signals intelligence organization
Wikipedia - National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive -- American directive
Wikipedia - National Security Archive
Wikipedia - National Security Bureau (Republic of China)
Wikipedia - National Security Bureau (Taiwan)
Wikipedia - National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Wikipedia - National Security Council Intelligence Directives
Wikipedia - National Security Council (Pakistan)
Wikipedia - National Security Council (United Kingdom) -- British government Cabinet committee
Wikipedia - National Security Council -- Body responsible for coordinating policy on national security issues
Wikipedia - National Security Directive
Wikipedia - National Security Education Program -- US federal government initiative
Wikipedia - National Security Guard -- Indian counter-terrorism unit
Wikipedia - National Security Intelligence
Wikipedia - National Security Law of the People's Republic of China -- Chinese law
Wikipedia - National security of China
Wikipedia - National security of the United States
Wikipedia - National Security Operations Center
Wikipedia - National Security Service (Armenia)
Wikipedia - National Security Service (Maldives)
Wikipedia - National Security Service (Uzbekistan)
Wikipedia - National Security Space Launch -- Expendable launch system program of the United States Space Force
Wikipedia - National security -- Security and defense of a nation state
Wikipedia - National Standard Examination in Biology -- Examination for secondary school students in India
Wikipedia - National Treasure: Book of Secrets -- 2007 mystery adventure film by Jon Turteltaub
Wikipedia - Nation Party of Iran -- Small secular opposition party in Iran
Wikipedia - Naugachia railway station -- Station on the Asansol-Gaya section of the Grand Chord in Jharkhand, India
Wikipedia - Nauvoo Temple -- Second temple constructed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Wikipedia - Naval Battle of Casablanca -- Naval engagements during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Naval Service Diving Section -- Diving unit of the Irish Naval Service
Wikipedia - Naveed Jamali -- American national security commentator
Wikipedia - Navy Secrets -- 1939 film directed by Howard Bretherton
Wikipedia - Nazi persecution of the Catholic Church in Germany
Wikipedia - Neadeloides -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Neargyractis moniligeralis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Nectar -- Sugar-rich liquid produced by many flowering plants, that attracts pollinators and insects
Wikipedia - Nedungayil Sankunni Narayanan Matriculation Higher Secondary School -- Higher secondary school in Chromepet, India
Wikipedia - Neerwinden -- Section of Landen, Belgium
Wikipedia - Neftali Soto -- Former Secretary of Agriculture of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Neidalia orientalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Neil H. McElroy -- American businessman and 6th US Secretary of Defense
Wikipedia - Neita extensa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Nellie Gorbea -- Secretary of State of Rhode Island
Wikipedia - Nemapogon agnathosella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Nemomydas pantherinus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Nemzeti Bajnoksag I (rugby union) -- Hungarian second-tier sports league
Wikipedia - Neoachryson -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Neogene -- Second geologic period in the Cenozoic Era 23-2.6 million years ago
Wikipedia - Neonicotinoid -- Class of insecticides
Wikipedia - Neophilaenus lineatus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Neoptera -- Infraclass of insects
Wikipedia - Neotermes jouteli -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Nephopterix furella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Neston High School -- British secondary school
Wikipedia - NESTOR (encryption) -- Family of wideband secure voice systems
Wikipedia - Nest Secure
Wikipedia - NetTop -- National Security Agency project
Wikipedia - Network for Greening the Financial System -- Finance sector organisation
Wikipedia - Network Lateral Movement -- Cybersecurity term for attack strategies
Wikipedia - Network Security Services
Wikipedia - Network Security Toolkit
Wikipedia - Network Security
Wikipedia - Network security -- Computer network access control
Wikipedia - Network SouthEast -- Former passenger sector of British Rail, created in 1982
Wikipedia - Neurophyseta sittenfelda -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Neurotoxin B-IV -- Nerve poison secreted by marine worm
Wikipedia - Nevfidan Kadin -- Second wife of Mahmud II
Wikipedia - New Educational College -- Secondary school in Mauritius
Wikipedia - New England Anti-Vivisection Society
Wikipedia - New Eton College -- Secondary school in Mauritius
Wikipedia - New India Assurance -- Public sector general insurance company based in Mumbai, India
Wikipedia - New Jalpaiguri-New Bongaigaon section -- Railway line in India
Wikipedia - New Look (policy) -- US national security policy
Wikipedia - Newmanry -- Section at Bletchley Park
Wikipedia - New Moon (novel) -- Second novel in the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer
Wikipedia - Newpark Comprehensive School -- Mixed second-level State school in Blackrock, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Newport High School, Bettws Lane -- Secondary school in Newport, South Wales, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - New Testament -- Second division of the Christian biblical canon
Wikipedia - Newton-second -- SI unit of impulse
Wikipedia - Newton's theorem about ovals -- The area cut off by a secant of a smooth convex oval is not an algebraic function
Wikipedia - New Zealand Security Intelligence Service
Wikipedia - Next-Generation Secure Computing Base
Wikipedia - Nexus 7 (2013) -- Second generation Nexus 7 tablet by Google
Wikipedia - Ngee Ann Polytechnic -- Post-secondary academic institution in Singapore
Wikipedia - NguyM-aM-;M-^En Phu TrM-aM-;M-^Mng -- General Secretary of the Communist Party and President of Vietnam
Wikipedia - Nick Jonas: Live in Concert -- Second headlining concert tour by Nick Jonas
Wikipedia - Nick Thomas-Symonds -- Shadow Home Secretary
Wikipedia - Nicolae Ceausescu -- General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party (1965-1989)
Wikipedia - Nicolaism -- Early Christian sect mentioned twice in the Book of Revelation
Wikipedia - Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb -- 2014 American comedy film directed by Shawn Levy
Wikipedia - Nigilgia limata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Nihon Shoki -- Second-oldest book of classical Japanese history.
Wikipedia - Nikita Khrushchev -- 1950-1964 First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Nikolai Kulikovsky -- Second husband of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna of Russia
Wikipedia - Nimbus program -- second-generation U.S. robotic spacecraft
Wikipedia - NIST Cybersecurity Framework
Wikipedia - NIST Special Publication 800-92 -- Guidelines and recommendations for securing and managing sensitive log data
Wikipedia - Nitenpyram -- Insecticide
Wikipedia - Nkuutu Memorial Secondary School -- School in Iganga, Uganda
Wikipedia - NKVD -- Secret police of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - No. 3 Commando -- British commando unit of the Second World War
Wikipedia - No. 6 Group RCAF -- Royal Canadian Air Force military unit active during Second World War
Wikipedia - Nobel Prize laureates by secondary school affiliation
Wikipedia - Noida Sector 145 metro station -- Noida Metro station
Wikipedia - Noida Sector 148 metro station -- Noida Metro station
Wikipedia - Noida Sector 50 metro station -- Noida Metro station
Wikipedia - Noida Sector 51 metro station -- Noida Metro station
Wikipedia - Noida Sector 62 metro station -- Noida Metro station
Wikipedia - No One Would Tell -- 1996 television film directed by Noel Nosseck
Wikipedia - Nord Anglia International School Dublin -- Private primary and secondary school in Leopardstown, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Norfolk damselfly -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Norian -- Second age of the late Triassic
Wikipedia - Normanby Fiveways -- Intersection of five major roads in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Norne Securities -- Norwegian investment bank
Wikipedia - Northampton High School, England -- English secondary school
Wikipedia - North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited -- Public Sector Undertaking in India
Wikipedia - Northern Ontario Secondary Schools Association -- Canadian governing body
Wikipedia - North Liverpool Academy -- Academy secondary school in Liverpool, Merseyside, England
Wikipedia - North London Grammar School -- independent secondary and preparatory school in London, England
Wikipedia - North Pole -- Northern point where the Earth's axis of rotation intersects its surface
Wikipedia - North pole -- Northern point where the Earth's axis of rotation intersects its surface
Wikipedia - North River (Hudson River) -- Section of the Hudson River between New York City and New Jersey
Wikipedia - Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools -- Educational organizations based in the United States
Wikipedia - Norton Internet Security -- Computer protection software
Wikipedia - Norwegian campaign -- Second World War campaign fought in Norway
Wikipedia - Norwegian Police Security Service
Wikipedia - Noseclip -- Device worn during water activities
Wikipedia - No Secrets (group) -- American-British girl group
Wikipedia - Nothabraxas -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Nothochalara sordida -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Nothodelphax lineatipes -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Notonecta unifasciata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Notoptera -- Order of wingless insects
Wikipedia - Notostira elongata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Notre Dame High School, Norwich -- Sith form and secondary school in Norwich, England
Wikipedia - Novatianism -- Early Christian sect devoted to Novatian
Wikipedia - NT LAN Manager -- Suite of Microsoft security protocols for authentication, integrity, and confidentiality
Wikipedia - NTLMSSP -- Binary messaging protocol used by the Microsoft Security Support Provider Interface
Wikipedia - NTPC Limited -- Indian public sector electricity generation company
Wikipedia - Nuctech Company -- Chinese security products company
Wikipedia - Nullification crisis -- American sectional crisis during the presidency of Andrew Jackson
Wikipedia - NuM-JM-;uanu Pali -- Section of the windward cliff of the KoM-JM-;olau mountain on OM-JM-;ahu, Hawaii
Wikipedia - Nuptial pad -- Secondary sex characteristic on some mature male frogs and salamanders
Wikipedia - Nut graph -- In journalism, the section of a written piece that provides context for the entire story
Wikipedia - Nyctemera simulatrix -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Oak Ridge gatehouses -- Historic security checkpoints in Oak Ridge, TN, US
Wikipedia - Ob (river) -- River in Russia, the second longest river in Asia
Wikipedia - Ochropleura -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Ochterus americanus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Odites periscias -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Odonata -- Order of insects
Wikipedia - Odonatoptera -- Taxonomic superorder of winged insects
Wikipedia - Odontognophos -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Odo of Cluny -- Benedictine monk, second abbott of Cluny
Wikipedia - Oecanthus forbesi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Offensive Security Certified Professional -- Ethical hacking certification by Offensive Security
Wikipedia - Offensive Security -- American international information security company
Wikipedia - Office for Safeguarding National Security of the CPG in the HKSAR -- An organ of the Central People's Government (State Council) of China in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Office for Transportation Security -- Agency of the Philippine government
Wikipedia - Office of National Security -- South Korean ministry
Wikipedia - Office of Public Sector Information -- Body responsible for the operation of Her Majesty's Stationery Office
Wikipedia - Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army
Wikipedia - Office of the Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State -- Independent science and technology advisors to the US government
Wikipedia - Office of the Secretary of Defense Award for Excellence
Wikipedia - Office of the Secretary of Defense
Wikipedia - Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland -- United Kingdom government ministerial department
Wikipedia - Office of the Secretary of the Air Force
Wikipedia - Office of the Secretary of the Army
Wikipedia - Office of the Secretary of the Navy
Wikipedia - Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights -- Department of the Secretariat of the United Nations that works to promote and protect the human rights that are guaranteed under international law
Wikipedia - Official Secrets Act
Wikipedia - OGAE Second Chance Contest -- Competition for songs that failed to win a country's Eurovision Song Contest
Wikipedia - Ogdensburg Correctional Facility -- Medium-security state prison for male prisoners, located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Okhrana -- Secret police force of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Old Age Security -- Canadian pension program
Wikipedia - Old Mamsell's Secret -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Old Mao's Second Spring -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - Old Schools -- Section of the University of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Oleria estella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Olfactory glands -- Protein- and mucus-secreting glands in the olfactory mucosa
Wikipedia - Olga Krizova -- Slovak secular consecrated and academic
Wikipedia - Oliver Twist -- Monthly serial; second novel by Charles Dickens; published 1837-1839
Wikipedia - Olivia Troye -- American National Security expert
Wikipedia - Omar -- Second Caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate and a companion of Muhammad
Wikipedia - Omiodes surrectalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ommatidium -- Components of compound eyes of arthropods like insects, crustaceans and millipedes
Wikipedia - Onagrodes obscurata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Onan -- Biblical character; second son of Judah; killed by God due to his employing coitus interruptus in his levirate marriage
Wikipedia - Oncocephalus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Ondigus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - OneSpan -- American cybersecurity technology company
Wikipedia - Ong's Hat -- Secret history conspiracy theory game
Wikipedia - On Her Majesty's Secret Service (film) -- 1969 James Bond film by Peter R. Hunt
Wikipedia - On Her Majesty's Secret Service (novel) -- Espionage novel by Ian Fleming
Wikipedia - On Secret Service -- 1933 film by Arthur B. Woods
Wikipedia - Ontario Secondary School Diploma -- Secondary school diploma
Wikipedia - ONVIF -- Industry forum facilitating the development and use of standard IP-based security products
Wikipedia - OpenBSD security features
Wikipedia - OpenBSD -- Security-focused Unix-like operating system
Wikipedia - Open Secrets: India's Intelligence Unveiled -- 2005 memoir by Maloy Krishna Dhar
Wikipedia - Open security
Wikipedia - Open Source Security Foundation
Wikipedia - Open-source software security
Wikipedia - Operation Aerial -- Second World War evacuation from ports in western France
Wikipedia - Operation Amotekun -- Security outfit in South Western, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Operation AntiSec -- Series of cyberattacks conducted by Anonymous and LulzSec
Wikipedia - Operation Batman -- Second World War raid by British Commandos
Wikipedia - Operation Berlin (Atlantic) -- German commerce raid during the naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Operation Charnwood -- Second World War Anglo-Canadian offensive
Wikipedia - Operation Coldstore -- Covert security operation in Singapore
Wikipedia - Operation Deep Cut -- British Commandos during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Operation Neuland -- Naval operation during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Operation Paperclip -- Secret program of the US to bring German scientists, including former Nazis, into the US to work for the US government
Wikipedia - Operation Perch -- British offensive of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Operation Postmaster -- Naval operation during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Operation Source -- Second World War Royal Navy midget submarine attacks on heavy German warships in Norway
Wikipedia - Operation Spectrum -- Covert security operation in Singapore
Wikipedia - Operation Stonewall -- Naval operation during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Operation Tungsten -- Second World War Royal Navy air raid
Wikipedia - Operation Vaksince -- Military operation by Macedonian security forces
Wikipedia - Operation Weserubung -- Code name for Germany's assault on Denmark and Norway during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Ophiolechia arida -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ophiomyia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Ophrys insectifera -- Species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae
Wikipedia - Ophthalmoptera undulata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Opifex fuscus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Oppenheimer security hearing -- 1954 United States Atomic Energy Commission investigation
Wikipedia - Opposition to the Second Boer War
Wikipedia - Opsiclines -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Opsius -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Optical sectioning -- Imaging of focal planes within a thick sample
Wikipedia - Optioservus seriatus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Opus sectile -- Traditional mosaic technique
Wikipedia - Oracle Secure Global Desktop
Wikipedia - Orangemoody editing of Wikipedia -- Wikipedia paid editing scandal of 381 sockpuppets operating a secret paid editing ring
Wikipedia - Orchard Road -- Major road and intersection in Singapore
Wikipedia - Orchelimum -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Order of the Nation -- Second highest honour in jamaica
Wikipedia - Order of the Star Spangled Banner -- Oath-bound secret society in New York City
Wikipedia - Ordovician -- Second period of the Paleozoic Era 485-444 million years ago
Wikipedia - Oregon State Capitol -- The building housing the state legislature and the offices of the governor, secretary of state, and treasurer of the U.S. state of Oregon
Wikipedia - Oreometra -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Organisation armM-CM-)e secrete -- French paramilitary organization.
Wikipedia - Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
Wikipedia - Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe -- Security-oriented intergovernmental organization
Wikipedia - Origny-le-Sec -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Orleans Correctional Facility -- Medium-security state prison for male prisoners, located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Ormskirk School -- Secondary school in West Lancashire, England
Wikipedia - Orocrambus lectus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Orocrambus tritonellus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Orthodera novaezealandiae -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Orthofidonia tinctaria -- Species of insect (moth)
Wikipedia - Orthoptera -- Order of insects including grasshoppers, crickets, wM-DM-^Sta and locusts
Wikipedia - Ortoiroid people -- Second wave of human settlers of the Caribbean
Wikipedia - Oryxa -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Osechi -- Assortment of food delicacies celebrating Japanese New Year
Wikipedia - Osgood curve -- Non-self-intersecting curve of positive area
Wikipedia - Oshakati Senior Secondary School -- School in Oshana Region, northern Namibia
Wikipedia - Osteochondritis dissecans -- Ischemic bone disease
Wikipedia - OTC Markets Group -- Company operating an electronic inter-dealer securities quotation system
Wikipedia - Otisville Correctional Facility -- Medium-security state prison located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Ottoman persecution of Alevis
Wikipedia - Otumoetai College -- A secondary school located in New Zealand
Wikipedia - OugrM-CM-)e -- Section of Seraing, Belgium
Wikipedia - Our Gods Wear Spandex: The Secret History of Comic Book Heroes
Wikipedia - Outer Islands High School -- Secondary school in Ulithi, Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia
Wikipedia - Outline of computer security
Wikipedia - Overland Route (Union Pacific Railroad) -- Railway section the central and western United States
Wikipedia - Oxylamia methneri -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - PACE Canada College -- Canadian post-secondary college in British Columbia
Wikipedia - Pacific Islands Private Sector Organisation (PIPSO) -- organization dedicated to promoting role of private sector in Pacific Island development
Wikipedia - Padma Vibhushan -- Second highest civilian award of the Republic of India
Wikipedia - Paladin Group (security company) -- Southeast Asian military contractor
Wikipedia - Palaeoptera -- Taxonomic grouping of winged insects without a certain form of wing-folding
Wikipedia - Palaestina Secunda
Wikipedia - Paleoarchean -- Second era of the Archean Eon
Wikipedia - Palestinian Naval Police -- naval component of the Palestinian National Security Forces
Wikipedia - Palestinian Preventive Security -- Security apparatus of Palestine
Wikipedia - Palimpsests: Literature in the Second Degree
Wikipedia - Pallas (freedman) -- Greek freedman and secretary in Rome during the reigns of Roman Emperors Claudius and Nero
Wikipedia - Palo Seco, Catamarca -- Municipality and town in Catamarca Province, Argentina
Wikipedia - Palo Seco, Maunabo, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Palo Seco, Toa Baja, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Palo Seco Velodrome -- Multi-use stadium in Palo Seco, Trinidad and Tobago
Wikipedia - Palpita isoscelalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Panamanian Public Forces -- National security force of Panama
Wikipedia - Paned window (computing) -- Computer user interface window that is divided into sections known as "panes"
Wikipedia - Panic selling -- The sudden, widespread selling of a security based on fear rather than reasoned analysis causing its price to drop
Wikipedia - Pannonia Secunda -- Roman province
Wikipedia - Panorpida -- Superorder of insects
Wikipedia - Pantarbes megistus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Papermaking -- Economic sector
Wikipedia - Papilio amynthor -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Papilio glaucus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 29 -- Fragment of the second book of the Elements by Euclid
Wikipedia - Parabola -- Plane curve: conic section
Wikipedia - Paracanthonevra -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Paracleros placidus -- Species of insect (butterfly)
Wikipedia - Paradejeania -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Paradise Tour -- Second concert tour by Lana Del Rey
Wikipedia - Parahepialus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Parahyagnis ficivora -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Paramere -- Part of the external reproductive organs of male insects
Wikipedia - Paramount leader -- The highest leader of China, usually the General Secretary or Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party
Wikipedia - Paramyopsyche -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Paranthaclisis congener -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Parashah -- Section of a biblical book in the Masoretic Text
Wikipedia - Parasiccia ochrorubens -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Parasimuliinae -- Subfamily of insects
Wikipedia - Parasnath railway station -- Station on the Asansol-Gaya section of the Grand Chord in Jharkhand, India
Wikipedia - Parasosibia ceylonica -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Parc fermM-CM-) -- Secure parking area at a race or rally
Wikipedia - Parcoblatta virginica -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Parectopa -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Pareuplexia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Pareuptychia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Parilexia proditata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Parking brake -- Secondary automotive braking system
Wikipedia - Park police -- Type of security police
Wikipedia - Parkwood Academy -- Secondary school in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice -- British government minister
Wikipedia - Parliament Security Services -- Law enforcement agency in India
Wikipedia - Parnassius -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Parotis zambesalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Parsec Awards
Wikipedia - Parsec (software) -- Application used for cloud-based gaming
Wikipedia - Parsecs
Wikipedia - Parsec -- Unit of length used in astronomy
Wikipedia - Partition and secession in New York -- Hypothetical division of New York State
Wikipedia - Part (music) -- Section of a musical composition
Wikipedia - Party Committee Secretary
Wikipedia - Party Secretary
Wikipedia - Parvatibai -- Second wife of Sadashivrao Bhau
Wikipedia - Pascalina Lehnert -- German Roman Catholic nun who was Pope Pius XII's housekeeper and secretary
Wikipedia - Paseo Tablado La Guancha -- Boardwalk in La Guancha sector of Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Pasiphila erratica -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Passecerf
Wikipedia - Patent war -- A battle to secure patents for litigation
Wikipedia - Patricia A. Goodrich -- American politician, former member of the Wisconsin Assembly, former Secretary of Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Services
Wikipedia - Patrick M. Shanahan -- Acting United States Secretary of Defense
Wikipedia - Patrick Murphy (Pennsylvania politician) -- Former Acting United States Secretary of the Army
Wikipedia - Patryk Piasecki -- Polish sailor
Wikipedia - Paul Erasmus -- South African Security Police officer
Wikipedia - Pauline Robinson Bush -- Second child of President George H.W. Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush
Wikipedia - Paul Joyal -- American security analyst
Wikipedia - Paul Pate -- 28th and 32nd Secretary of State of Iowa
Wikipedia - Paul SchM-CM-$fer -- German criminal and founder of a sect and agricultural commune in Chile
Wikipedia - Payday loan -- Small, short-term unsecured loan
Wikipedia - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard -- Set of security requirements for credit card processors
Wikipedia - Peadus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise -- 2016 book by K. Anders Ericsson
Wikipedia - Pediculosis pubis -- Disease caused by the pubic louse, Pthirus pubis, a parasitic insect notorious for infesting human pubic hair
Wikipedia - Pediodectes -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Pedro da Fonseca (philosopher)
Wikipedia - Pedro Luis da Fonseca -- Angolan politician and economist
Wikipedia - Pedro MuM-CM-1oz Fonseca -- Costa Rican politician (b. 1968)
Wikipedia - Pedro Rivera (educator) -- Pennsylvania Secretary of Education
Wikipedia - Peggy Shippen -- Second wife of British Brigadier General Benedict Arnold
Wikipedia - Peixonauta - Agente Secreto da O.S.T.R.A. -- 2012 film directed by CM-CM-)lia Catunda, Kiko Mistrorigo
Wikipedia - Pelocoris -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Penetration test -- Method of evaluating computer and network security by simulating a cyber attack
Wikipedia - Penicillifera -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Pennsylvanian (geology) -- Second subperiod of the Carboniferous
Wikipedia - Pennsylvania wood cockroach -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pentatomidae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Penult -- Second to last syllable of a word
Wikipedia - People's Commissariat for State Security -- Soviet secret police agency
Wikipedia - People's Federative Party (Bulgarian Section) -- Political party in the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Pepper (cryptography) -- Cryptographic secret, more secure than a salt
Wikipedia - Peppered moth -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Percussion section -- One of the main divisions of an orchestra
Wikipedia - Performance test (bar exam) -- A section of the bar exam that simulates a real-life legal task
Wikipedia - Pergidae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Peribatodes secundaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Pericopina -- List of subtribe of insects
Wikipedia - Pericyma scandulata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Perigea xanthioides -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Scotland -- Permanent Under-Secretaries for Scotland in HM Civil Service
Wikipedia - Permethrin -- Medication and insecticide
Wikipedia - Per Seconde Wijzer -- Dutch television quiz
Wikipedia - Persecuted
Wikipedia - Persecution complex
Wikipedia - Persecution in Lyon
Wikipedia - Persecution of Ahmadis
Wikipedia - Persecution of black people in Nazi Germany -- Experiences of black people in Germany under the rule of the Nazis
Wikipedia - Persecution of Buddhists
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians by Christians -- When a Christian denomination persecutes another Christian denomination
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians by ISIL
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in Algeria
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in Egypt
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in Iran
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in Iraq
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in Lebanon
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in Madagascar
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in Mexico
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in North Korea
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in Somalia
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in Spain
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in Sudan
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in the Eastern Bloc
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in the modern era
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in the New Testament -- Persecution of Christians in the New Testament
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire -- Religious persecution
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in Turkey
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians in Yemen
Wikipedia - Persecution of Christians -- Persecution of Christians
Wikipedia - Persecution of Copts
Wikipedia - Persecution of Diocletian
Wikipedia - Persecution of Druze
Wikipedia - Persecution of early Christians in the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Persecution of Eastern Orthodox Christians
Wikipedia - Persecution of Falun Gong
Wikipedia - Persecution of gay and bisexual men by ISIL
Wikipedia - Persecution of Hazara people
Wikipedia - Persecution of Hindus
Wikipedia - Persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany -- Discrimination, torture, and murder concerning homosexual people in Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nazi Germany -- Nazi persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses
Wikipedia - Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses -- Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses
Wikipedia - Persecution of Jews and Muslims by Manuel I of Portugal -- Expulsion of Muslims and Jews from Portugal
Wikipedia - Persecution of Jews during the Black Death -- Series of violent attacks on Jewish communities from 1348 to 1351
Wikipedia - Persecution of Jews
Wikipedia - Persecution of Muslims
Wikipedia - Persecution of Oriental Orthodox Christians
Wikipedia - Persecution of Oriental Orthodoxy
Wikipedia - Persecution of pagans in the late Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Persecution of pagans under Theodosius I -- Religious Persecution
Wikipedia - Persecution of people with albinism
Wikipedia - Persecution of Rastafari
Wikipedia - Persecution of Sufis
Wikipedia - Persecution of traditional African religion
Wikipedia - Persecution of Zoroastrians
Wikipedia - Persecution Relief -- Indian Nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - Persecutions of the Catholic Church and Pius XII
Wikipedia - Persecution
Wikipedia - Persecutory delusions
Wikipedia - Persecutory delusion -- Delusion involving perception of persecution
Wikipedia - Persian Letters -- 1721 literary work by Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu
Wikipedia - Personal Internet Security 2011 -- 21st century malware
Wikipedia - Personal Maid's Secret -- 1935 film by Arthur Greville Collins
Wikipedia - Personal Secretary -- 1938 comedy film
Wikipedia - Personal security
Wikipedia - Personnel Security Research Center -- Agency of the United States Department of Defense
Wikipedia - Perspiration -- Substance secreted by sweat gland
Wikipedia - Peru Secure Homeland -- Peruvian political party
Wikipedia - Pesach Sheni -- Jewish holiday of Second Passover
Wikipedia - Petalium -- genus of insects
Wikipedia - Pete Buttigieg -- Nominee for U.S. Secretary of Transportation and former 2020 presidential candidate
Wikipedia - Peter and the Secret of Rundoon
Wikipedia - Peterborough Collegiate -- Secondary school in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Peter Gabriel (1978 album) -- Second of four eponymous solo albums
Wikipedia - Peter J. Brown -- American homeland security advisor
Wikipedia - Peter Secchia -- American businessperson
Wikipedia - Peterson-Stein formula -- Describes the Spanier-Whitehead dual of a secondary cohomology operation
Wikipedia - Peter Watt -- Former General Secretary of the Labour Party
Wikipedia - Peter W. Barca -- American Democratic politician, Wisconsin Secretary of Revenue, former state legislator
Wikipedia - Petrophile multisecta -- Species of shrub endemic to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Phacusa khasiana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Phaloe cubana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Phalonidia tarijana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pharisees -- Political party, a social movement, and a school of thought during the time of Second Temple Judaism
Wikipedia - Pharnacia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Pharyngealization -- Secondary articulation of consonants or vowels where the pharynx or epiglottis is constricted during articulation
Wikipedia - Phasia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Phasmatodea -- Order of insects
Wikipedia - Phedra Clouner -- Belgian cybersecurity professional
Wikipedia - Pheromone trap -- Type of insect trap that uses pheromones to lure insects
Wikipedia - Pheromone -- Secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species
Wikipedia - Philaenus spumarius -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Philippine Falange -- Philippine section of the Spanish political party Falange
Wikipedia - Philippine House Committee on National Defense and Security -- Standing committee of the House of Representatives of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine House Special Committee on Food Security -- Special committee of the House of Representatives of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on National Defense and Security, Peace, Unification and Reconciliation -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Phintia podarce -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Phoracantha recurva -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Phragmataecia sericeata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Phtheochroa veirsi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Phycosecidae -- Family of beetles
Wikipedia - Phyllis Gates -- American secretary and interior decorator
Wikipedia - Phyllis Seckler
Wikipedia - Phyllomacromia monoceros -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Phyllonorycter achilleus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Phyllopertha -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Phylloxera -- Species of insect that plagues grapevines.
Wikipedia - Phylogenomics -- The intersection of the fields of evolution and genomics
Wikipedia - Phylopatris -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Physematia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Physical information security
Wikipedia - Physical security
Wikipedia - Physiological cross-sectional area -- Area perpendicular to fiber direction
Wikipedia - Phytobia betulae -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Phytomyza stolonigena -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Piasecki H-21 -- American military transport helicopter family
Wikipedia - Picosecond -- Unit of time
Wikipedia - Picromerus bidens -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Picromerus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Piekna -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Pierlucio Tinazzi -- Italian security guard
Wikipedia - Pierre Edmond Piasecki -- French sports shooter
Wikipedia - Pierre-Richard Prosper -- American lawyer, diplomat and former prosecutor for the ICTR
Wikipedia - Pietro Carnesecchi -- Italian humanist
Wikipedia - Piezosecus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Pig Latin -- Secret language game
Wikipedia - Pimpla -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Pingasa secreta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Pinguicula cyclosecta -- Species of insectivorous plant from Mexico
Wikipedia - Pinguicula moranensis -- A perennial insectivorous herb in the family Lentibulariaceae native to Mexico and Guatemala
Wikipedia - Pinkerton (detective agency) -- Private security guard and detective agency in the United States
Wikipedia - Pink (Victoria's Secret) -- Brand of apparel
Wikipedia - Piotr Piasecki -- Polish equestrian
Wikipedia - Pipiza luteitarsis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pison spinolae -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pi-system -- A non-empty family of sets where the intersection of any two members is again a member.
Wikipedia - Pitch (ascent/descent) -- Steep section of a climbing route requiring a rope
Wikipedia - Pizza Club -- Group of hard-Brexit-supporters in the second May ministry
Wikipedia - Pizza farm -- Farm split into sections like a pizza split into slices
Wikipedia - Pizza theorem -- Equality of areas of alternating sectors of a disk with equal angles through any interior point
Wikipedia - Placer High School -- Public secondary school in Auburn, California, USA
Wikipedia - Plagiocephalus huberi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Plagiognathus arbustorum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Planiciampa -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Plasma cell -- White blood cell that secretes large volumes of antibodies
Wikipedia - Plastocerus -- genus of insects
Wikipedia - Platycnemis -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Platypalpus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - PlayStation 2 -- Sixth-generation and second home video game console developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment
Wikipedia - Plea bargain -- Agreement in a criminal case between the prosecutor and defendant
Wikipedia - Pleioplectron -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Pleurothallis secunda -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - PM v Director of Public Prosecutions -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - P.M. v District Judge Miriam Malone and the Director of Public Prosecutions -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Pneumatomachi -- 4th century Christian sect, anti-Nicene
Wikipedia - Pobalscoil Neasain -- Mixed secondary school, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - P. O. Box 1142 -- Former secret American military intelligence facility
Wikipedia - Podmosta macdunnoughi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (Second Edinburgh Edition) -- 1793 collection of poems and songs by Robert Burns
Wikipedia - Point transect -- A method to estimate distribution based on observations at predetermined points along a line
Wikipedia - Poison laboratory of the Soviet secret services
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon the Movie: Genesect and the Legend Awakened -- 2013 PokM-CM-)mon film directed by Kunihiko Yuyama
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle -- 2020 PokM-CM-)mon film
Wikipedia - Po Leung Kuk Lo Kit Sing (1983) College -- Secondary school in Tsing Yi, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Po Leung Kuk Tsing Yi Secondary School (Skill Opportunity) -- Secondary school in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Police and Security News -- American magazine
Wikipedia - Police caution -- Formal alternative to prosecution in minor cases in England and Wales
Wikipedia - Police/Worlds: Studies in Security, Crime and Governance -- Series of monographs
Wikipedia - Poliopastea hesione -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Polish Armed Forces (Second Polish Republic)
Wikipedia - Polistes bellicosus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Polistes fuscatus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Polistinae -- Subfamily of insects
Wikipedia - Political Movement for Social Security -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Political-Social Brigade -- Secret police in Francoist Spain
Wikipedia - Polygrammodes mimetica -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Polyhymno deuteraula -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Polyproline helix -- Type of protein secondary structure
Wikipedia - Polypsecadium -- Genus of plants
Wikipedia - Pompeia (wife of Caesar) -- Second or third wife of Julius Caesar
Wikipedia - Pompiliodes acroleuca -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pompiliodes albomarginata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pompiliodes aliena -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pompiliodes obliqua -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pompiliodes postica -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pompiliodes tenebrosa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pompiliodes -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Ponometia sutrix -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pontifical secret -- Code of confidentiality in the Roman Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Pope Paul VI College -- Secondary school in Kwai Chung, New Territories
Wikipedia - Pope Pius XII Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Wikipedia - Poppaea Sabina -- second wife of the Emperor Nero (30-65 AD)
Wikipedia - Populus sect. Aigeiros -- Section of plants in the genus Populus
Wikipedia - Populus sect. Populus -- Section of plants
Wikipedia - Porphyrosela desmodiella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Porsche 911 (classic) -- Sports car, first and second generations of the Porsche 911
Wikipedia - Porsche 981 -- Third generation of the Boxster and second generation of the Cayman sports cars
Wikipedia - Porsche 987 -- Second generation of the Porsche Boxster and first generation of the Porsche Cayman Sports cars
Wikipedia - Portal:Insects
Wikipedia - Port of Barisal -- Second largest and busiest river port in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Possessing the Secret of Joy
Wikipedia - Post-quantum cryptography -- Cryptography that is secure against quantum computers
Wikipedia - Post Scriptum (video game) -- Tactical first-person shooter set in the Second World War
Wikipedia - Post-secondary educational organizations in the United States -- Organizations for higher education
Wikipedia - Post Secondary Enrollment Options -- Academic option in some US states to take college level classes in high schools
Wikipedia - Post Secondary Transition for High School Students with Disabilities -- U.S. legislative framework
Wikipedia - Potter wasp -- Subfamily of insects
Wikipedia - Power Finance Corporation -- Indian public sector electricity finance company
Wikipedia - Power Grid Corporation of India -- Indian public sector electricity grid company
Wikipedia - Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana -- India's food security program for the poor
Wikipedia - Pragian -- Second stage of the Devonian
Wikipedia - Prashna's Secret -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Praxedes -- Second century Christian saint
Wikipedia - Prayer of Consecration to the Sacred Heart
Wikipedia - Pre-advent judgment -- Belief that the Last Judgment will occur before the Second Coming
Wikipedia - Preble High School -- Public secondary school in Green Bay, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Predictions and claims for the Second Coming of Christ -- Specific dates predicted for the Second Coming.
Wikipedia - Preet Bharara -- American lawyer, author, and former federal prosecutor
Wikipedia - Premillennialism -- Christian eschatological view that ChristM-bM-^@M-^Ys Second Coming will occur before the Millennium, an epoch of peace
Wikipedia - Preparatory school (United Kingdom) -- In the UK, school preparing children for secondary level
Wikipedia - Presbyterian Boys' Senior High School -- Boarding secondary high school for boys
Wikipedia - Pre-sectarian Buddhism
Wikipedia - Presectarian Buddhism
Wikipedia - Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt, first and second terms -- U.S. presidential administration from 1933 to 1941
Wikipedia - Presidency of State Security
Wikipedia - President pro tempore of the United States Senate -- Second-highest-ranking official of the US Senate
Wikipedia - President's Dining Room -- Dining room in the northwest corner of the second floor of the White House
Wikipedia - President's Medal for Shooting (Rhodesia) -- Medal awarded to the Champion chost of the Rhodesian Security Forces
Wikipedia - Presseclub -- German television program
Wikipedia - Press secretary
Wikipedia - Pretzel link -- A link formed from a finite number of twisted sections
Wikipedia - PricewaterhouseCoopers
Wikipedia - Pride's Purge -- Event in second English Civil War
Wikipedia - Primary and secondary brain injury
Wikipedia - Primary and secondary legislation -- Law made by the legislative branch of government, and by persons or groups delegated for this purpose by the legislature
Wikipedia - Primary decomposition -- In algebra, expression of an ideal as the intersection of ideals of a specific type
Wikipedia - Primary/secondary quality distinction
Wikipedia - Primary sector of the economy -- Industry of raw materials and unprocessed food
Wikipedia - Primula sect. Dodecatheon {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Primula'' sect. ''Dodecatheon'' -- Primula sect. Dodecatheon {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Primula'' sect. ''Dodecatheon''
Wikipedia - Prince Philip Movement -- Religious sect followed by Kastom people in Vanuatu
Wikipedia - Princess Hejia of the Second Rank -- Chinese princess
Wikipedia - Prince William School -- Secondary school in Northamptonshire, England (UK)
Wikipedia - Principles of Information Security -- Textbook
Wikipedia - Priority signs -- Indication of the order in which vehicles should pass intersection points
Wikipedia - Priscillianism -- Pre-Islamic Christian sect in Spanish Iberia
Wikipedia - Prisoner of conscience -- Anyone imprisoned because of their race, sexual orientation, religion, or political views. It also refers to those who have been imprisoned and/or persecuted for the non-violent expression of their conscientiously held beliefs
Wikipedia - Pristhesancus plagipennis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pristoceuthophilus cercalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pritam Singh (Singaporean politician) -- Leader of the Opposition in Singapore and Secretary-General of the Workers' Party
Wikipedia - Priti Patel -- British politician, UK Home Secretary
Wikipedia - Privacy -- The ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves, or information about themselves
Wikipedia - Private military company -- company providing armed combat or security services
Wikipedia - Private Secretary
Wikipedia - Private sector
Wikipedia - Privatisation of British Rail -- Transfer of ownership and operation of British railways from government to private sector
Wikipedia - Problepsis delphiaria -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Prochyliza brevicornis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Procrica diarda -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Prodoxus intricatus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Production packer -- Isolation device with an expandable annular rubber sleeve for sealing a borehole section
Wikipedia - Profile gauge -- A tool for recording the cross-sectional shape of a surface
Wikipedia - Progressive Dawoodi Bohra -- A reform movement within the Dawoodi Bohra subsect of Mustaali Ismai'li Shi'a Islam
Wikipedia - Progressive Internationalism: A Democratic National Security Strategy -- Proposed national security policy report
Wikipedia - Progressive revelation (Christianity) -- Doctrine in Christianity that the sections of the Bible that were written later contain a fuller revelation of God than the earlier sections
Wikipedia - Prohibited airspace -- Airspace within which flight of aircraft is not allowed, usually due to security concerns
Wikipedia - Project Coast -- A 1980s top-secret chemical and biological weapons (CBW) program
Wikipedia - Project Y -- Secret laboratory established by the Manhattan Project
Wikipedia - Proliferation Security Initiative -- Global initiative to stop trafficking of weapons of mass destruction
Wikipedia - Prometheus School -- Primary and secondary schools in India
Wikipedia - Prometopidia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Proposed British Bill of Rights -- Proposal of the Second Cameron ministry in 2015
Wikipedia - Proposed second Scottish independence referendum -- Putative referendum
Wikipedia - Prosecco (Trieste) -- suburb of Trieste, Italy
Wikipedia - Prosecco -- Italian white wine
Wikipedia - Prosection
Wikipedia - Prosecutor Corda -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Prosecutor General of Russia
Wikipedia - Prosecutor's fallacy -- A fallacy of statistical reasoning typically used by a prosecutor to exaggerate the likelihood of a criminal defendant's guilt
Wikipedia - Prosecutor
Wikipedia - Prosoplus aneityumensis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Prosoplus demarzi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Prosoplus fergussoni -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Prosoplus kinabaluensis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Prosoplus laterialbus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Prosoplus marmoreus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Prosoplus signatoides -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Prosoplus sinuatus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Protected intersection -- An at-grade road junction in which cyclists and pedestrians are separated from cars
Wikipedia - Protecting American Communities Task Force -- Part of the US Department of Homeland Security
Wikipedia - Protecting power -- Country that represents a second country to a third country
Wikipedia - Protective Security Command -- Singapore counter terrorism police unit
Wikipedia - Protein secondary structure -- General three-dimensional form of local segments of proteins
Wikipedia - Prothorax -- Segment of an insect body
Wikipedia - Protix -- Manufacturer and supplier of insect ingredients
Wikipedia - Protodiptera -- Order of insects
Wikipedia - Protoparevania -- Extinct genus of insects
Wikipedia - Protosticta cyanofemora -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Provable security
Wikipedia - Provincial city (Vietnam) -- Type of second-tier subdivision of Vietnam
Wikipedia - Proxy bid -- Second-price auction without sealed bids
Wikipedia - Prussian Secret Police -- 19th and 20th-century political police in Prussia
Wikipedia - Psacadonotus insulanus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Psammathodoxa -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Psara bractealis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Psecadius -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Psechridae -- Family of spiders
Wikipedia - Psectrocera plumigera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - PSECU -- Not-for-profit financial cooperative
Wikipedia - Psen -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Pseudeustrotia carneola -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pseudocatharylla zernyi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pseudocharis minima -- Species of insect in the butterfly and moth order Lepidoptera
Wikipedia - Pseudoclanis aequabilis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pseudohermonassa -- Genus of insects moths
Wikipedia - Pseudoknot -- Nucleic acid secondary structure
Wikipedia - Pseudopanurgus andrenoides -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pseudopanurgus compositarum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pseudopanurgus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Pseudophaloe stenoxantha -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pseudopolia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Pseudorellia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Pseudosphinx -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Pseudozarba mianoides -- species of insect
Wikipedia - Psilocurus nudiusculus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Psilogramma hauensteini -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Psychodomorpha -- Infraorder of insects
Wikipedia - Pterocalla fenestrata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pterocerina fenestrata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pterocypha defensata -- Species of insect (geometrid moth)
Wikipedia - Pterotosoma castanea -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pterygota -- Subclass of insects
Wikipedia - Ptilothrix sumichrasti -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ptychandra ohtanii -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Public company -- Company that offers its securities for sale to the general public
Wikipedia - Public debt of Puerto Rico -- Money borrowed by the government of Puerto Rico through the issue of securities
Wikipedia - Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act -- Act passed in the U.S. state of North Carolina in 2016
Wikipedia - Public-private partnership -- Public project or service which is financed and operated through a partnership of government and one or more private sector companies
Wikipedia - Public Prosecutor v Taw Cheng Kong -- 1998 legal judgement on constitutionality of a statutory provision
Wikipedia - Public safety diver -- Diver working in the public safety sector
Wikipedia - Public sector banks in India -- List of all government-owned banks in India
Wikipedia - Public sector ethics
Wikipedia - Public Sector Integrity Commissioner -- Canadian government accountability agency
Wikipedia - Public sector organisations in New Zealand -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Public Sector Pension Investment Board -- Canadian crown corporation
Wikipedia - Public Sector Transparency Board
Wikipedia - Public sector undertakings in India -- Overview and list of state-owned enterprises in India
Wikipedia - Public sector -- Tax-paid part of economy
Wikipedia - Public Security Directorate -- Police agency of Jordan
Wikipedia - Public Security Intelligence Agency -- Japanese intelligence agency
Wikipedia - Public Security Section 9 -- Fictional intelligence department
Wikipedia - Public service mutual -- English organisation that has left the public sector but continues delivering public services
Wikipedia - Public Services International -- Global union federation of public sector trade unions
Wikipedia - Public transport security
Wikipedia - Publius Pomponius Secundus -- First century Roman politician, poet and writer
Wikipedia - Puerto Ricans in Philadelphia -- Second largest Puerto Rican community outside of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Nineteenth consecutive appearance at the Summer Olympics
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Council of Secretaries -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Pulvinaria psidii -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Punctapinella tinajillana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Punjab & Sind Bank -- Indian public sector bank
Wikipedia - Punjab National Bank -- Indian public sector bank
Wikipedia - Pupa -- Life stage of some insects undergoing transformation
Wikipedia - Purdah -- Seclusion of women in some Muslim and Hindu communities
Wikipedia - Purgatorio -- Second part of Dante's Divine Comedy
Wikipedia - Pushtimarg -- Vaishnav sect of the Hinduism, founded by Vallabhacharya
Wikipedia - Puto seco -- Disc-shaped, powdery rice-based cookies of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Pyramidobela -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Pyramid of Neferirkare -- Second pyramid built at the Abusir necropolis
Wikipedia - Pyramid of Sahure -- Pyramid complex of the second pharaoh of the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt
Wikipedia - Pyrausta obscurior -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pyrausta pygmealis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pyrobombus -- Subgenus of insects
Wikipedia - Pyrrharctia isabella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Pyrrhotachina -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Qapaghan Qaghan -- Second Qaghan of the Second Turkic Khaganate
Wikipedia - Qatar State Security
Wikipedia - Q clearance -- U.S. Dept. of Energy security clearance level
Wikipedia - Qian Zhuangfei -- Chinese doctor and secret agent
Wikipedia - Qin Er Shi -- Second emperor of Qin dynasty of China
Wikipedia - QQ Section -- Informal settlement in Khayelitsha, South Africa
Wikipedia - Quadrilateral Security Dialogue -- Informal strategic forum between the US, Japan, India and Australia
Wikipedia - Qualys -- American web security company
Wikipedia - Quantum machine learning -- Interdisciplinary research area at the intersection of quantum physics and machine learning
Wikipedia - Quaternary sector of the economy
Wikipedia - Qubes OS -- Security-focused Linux-based operating system
Wikipedia - Quebrada Seca, Ceiba, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Quebrada Seca River -- River in Peru
Wikipedia - Queen Elizabeth's School, Wimborne Minster -- Secondary school in England
Wikipedia - Queens' Bedroom -- Bedroom on the second floor of the White House Executive Residence
Wikipedia - Queries per second -- Amount of search traffic an information retrieval system receives during one second
Wikipedia - Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus -- Roman statesman and general credited with saving Rome by avoiding a direct confrontation with Hannibal during the Second Punic War
Wikipedia - Quintus Pomponius Secundus -- First century Roman politician
Wikipedia - Quintus Volusius Saturninus (consul 92) -- Roman Senator during the second half of the 1st century and the first half of the 2nd century AD
Wikipedia - Radar cross-section
Wikipedia - Radon's theorem -- Says d+2 points in d dimensions can be partitioned into two subsets whose convex hulls intersect
Wikipedia - RAF Fighter Command -- UK military command during Second World War
Wikipedia - RAF Regiment -- Force security element of Royal Air Force
Wikipedia - RAF Thurleigh -- Second World War RAF station
Wikipedia - Raid on the Medway -- Dutch naval attack (1667) during the Second Anglo-Dutch War
Wikipedia - Rail profile -- Cross sectional shape of a railway rail
Wikipedia - Railway Nirapatta Bahini -- Security force for Bangladesh Railway
Wikipedia - Railway Protection Force -- Indian security force
Wikipedia - Rajarshi Memorial Higher Secondary School, Vadavucode -- Senior secondary school in Vadavucode, Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Rajasthan State Open School -- Open School(Secondary And Senior Sec. Education) Examination Board in Jaipur, Rajasthan state, India
Wikipedia - Raj Bhavan, Nagpur -- Second residence of the Governor of Maharashtra, It is located in the Second Capital city of Nagpur, Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Rajesh De -- American lawyer, former White House Staff Secretary and General Counsel to the U.S. National Security Agency.
Wikipedia - Rajiv Gauba -- Cabinet Secretary of India
Wikipedia - Ralph H. Demmler -- American corporate lawyer and chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Wikipedia - Ramnami Samaj -- Hindu sect
Wikipedia - Randecker Maar Observatory for Bird and Insect Migration
Wikipedia - Ranunculus dissectifolius -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Rapatronic camera -- A high-speed camera with an exposure time as brief as 10 nanoseconds.
Wikipedia - Raphanea -- Ancient city in Syria Secunda
Wikipedia - Rapids -- A section of a river where the river bed is relatively steep, increasing the water's velocity and turbulence
Wikipedia - Rare Books and Manuscripts Section -- American Library Association organization
Wikipedia - Rasahus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers -- Public Sector Undertaking in India
Wikipedia - Rashtriya Ispat Nigam -- Public Sector Undertaking in India
Wikipedia - Rashtriya Samajwadi Party- Secular -- Political party in India
Wikipedia - Ratchaprasong -- Intersection and shopping district in Bangkok, Thailand
Wikipedia - Raul Castro -- First Secretary of the CCP
Wikipedia - Raul Iturriaga -- Chilean army general and secret policeman
Wikipedia - Ravinia latisetosa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ray Collins, Baron Collins of Highbury -- Former General Secretary of the Labour Party and life peer
Wikipedia - Raymond H. A. Carter -- French soldier and security consultant
Wikipedia - Realschule -- Type of secondary school in Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Estonia
Wikipedia - Rebecca Bace -- American computer security expert
Wikipedia - Rebecca Katz -- American biosecurity scientist
Wikipedia - Rebecca Mercuri -- American expert in computer security
Wikipedia - Recchia moema -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Recession of 1953 -- In the U.S., began in the second quarter of 1953 and lasted until the first quarter of 1954
Wikipedia - REC Limited -- Indian public sector rural electricity infrastructure finance company
Wikipedia - Recluse -- Person who lives in voluntary seclusion from the public and society
Wikipedia - Red Cliffs Secondary College -- High school in Red Cliffs, Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Red Hat sect
Wikipedia - Reduviidae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Reelin -- Large secreted extracellular matrix glycoprotein involved in neuronal migration
Wikipedia - Reforms of the Second Vatican Council
Wikipedia - REG3G -- Antimicrobial peptides secreted by intestinal immune and epithelial cells
Wikipedia - Regina Pacis Catholic Secondary School -- Catholic high school in University Heights, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Regions and Powers: The Structure of International Security -- 2003 book by Barry Buzan and Ole Waever
Wikipedia - Regnal name -- name chosen by a reigning monarch, different from their original secular name
Wikipedia - Regulation D (SEC) -- SEC regulation
Wikipedia - Reichskommissariat Ostland -- Belarus, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as occupied by Germany during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Reichskommissariat -- Administrative entities established by Nazi Germany during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Reichsleiter -- Second highest political rank of the Nazi Party
Wikipedia - Reinhard Pisec -- Austrian politician
Wikipedia - Reisseck Group -- Mountains in Austria
Wikipedia - Relacion -- Song recorded by Panamanian singer and songwriter Sech
Wikipedia - Reliance Securities -- Indian equity broker
Wikipedia - Religion of Humanity -- Secular religion created by Auguste Comte
Wikipedia - Religious intolerance -- Persecution of groups or persons motivated by religious differences
Wikipedia - Religious persecution -- Systematic mistreatment of an individual or group as a response to their religious beliefs or affiliations or lack thereof
Wikipedia - Renewal in ViM-aM-;M-^Gt Nam: Theory and Reality -- 2015 book written by Vietnamese Communist Party general secretary NguyM-aM-;M-^En Phu TrM-aM-;M-^Mng
Wikipedia - Reprise -- Section of a musical work where the opening material is repeated
Wikipedia - Republican Guard (Ethiopia) -- Protective security unit in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Republic of Winston -- Anti-seccessionist region of Alabama in the Civil War
Wikipedia - Republic Polytechnic -- Post-secondary academic institution in Singapore
Wikipedia - Resapamea venosa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Resection (surgery)
Wikipedia - Residual intersection -- Problem in algebraic geometry
Wikipedia - Resource Access Control Facility -- Standard security product included in the z/OS operating system
Wikipedia - Retford Oaks Academy -- Secondary school in Retford, England
Wikipedia - Return of the Secaucus 7 -- 1980 film directed by John Sayles
Wikipedia - Reuschle's theorem -- Describes a property of the cevians of a triangle intersecting in a common point
Wikipedia - Reverse-path forwarding -- Multicast routing technique to minimize loops and enhance security
Wikipedia - Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering
Wikipedia - Rex Tillerson -- 69th U.S. Secretary of State
Wikipedia - Reynolds Securities -- American brokerage firm
Wikipedia - Re:Zero M-bM-^HM-^R Starting Life in Another World (season 2) -- The second season of Re:Zero M-bM-^HM-^R Starting Life in Another World anime television series
Wikipedia - Rhagoletis basiola -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Rhaphidophoridae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Rhinoceros Party -- Second Rhinoceros Party of Canada
Wikipedia - Rhododendron subsect. Ledum -- Subsection of genus Rhododendron
Wikipedia - Rhodoecia aurantiago -- species of insect
Wikipedia - Rhodopteriana kataviana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Rhyacian -- Second period of the Paleoproterozoic Era
Wikipedia - Rhyssa -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Rhythm section
Wikipedia - Rhytidoporus indentatus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Rhyzodiastes patruus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Richard Hawes -- United States Representative; Second Confederate governor of Kentucky
Wikipedia - Richard Rosecrance
Wikipedia - Richard the Second -- 2001 American film by John Farrell
Wikipedia - Riculorampha ancyloides -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Righteous Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints -- fundamentalist Mormon sect based in Iron County, Utah
Wikipedia - Rima Khalaf -- United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Wikipedia - Ring (company) -- Home security products manufacturer
Wikipedia - Ring (computer security)
Wikipedia - Rinzai school -- Sect of Japanese Zen Buddhism
Wikipedia - Rio Seco, Puerto Rico -- River of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Rio Secreto -- Semi-flooded cave system in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
Wikipedia - Riptech -- Network security company
Wikipedia - Rise of Joseph Stalin -- History of the General Secretary of the Soviet Communist party
Wikipedia - RIS Swiss Section -- Swiss and German international school in Bangkok, Thailand
Wikipedia - Rivellia quadrifasciata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Rivellia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - River Barrow -- Second-longest river in Ireland, one of the Three Sisters
Wikipedia - Riverview Correctional Facility -- Medium-security state prison for male prisoners, located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Riwal Securitas Cycling Team -- Danish cycling team
Wikipedia - R (March) v Secretary of State for Health -- UK judicial review quashing a decision on the grounds of material error of fact
Wikipedia - Rob Bertholee -- Head of the General Intelligence and Security Service (2011-2018)
Wikipedia - Robert Auer -- Croatian Secession painter.
Wikipedia - Robert C. O'Brien -- US National Security Advisor
Wikipedia - Robert Crittenden -- First Secretary of the Arkansas Territory in the US
Wikipedia - Robert C. Seacord -- American computer security expert
Wikipedia - Robert Gates -- CIA Director, U.S. Secretary of Defense, and university president
Wikipedia - Robert Khuzami -- SEC Enforcement Director, former United States federal prosecutor and general counsel of Deutsche Bank AG
Wikipedia - Robert McNamara -- American businessman and Secretary of Defense
Wikipedia - Robert N. Rose -- American cybersecurity expert
Wikipedia - Roberto Fonseca -- Cuban jazz pianist
Wikipedia - Robert Ray (prosecutor) -- American lawyer
Wikipedia - Robert R. Rowland -- USAF major general and Second World War flying ace
Wikipedia - Robert Todd Lincoln -- Union Army officer, U.S. ambassador, and Secretary of War (1843-1926)
Wikipedia - Robert Wilkie -- 10th United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Wikipedia - Roccasecca
Wikipedia - Rochester Free Academy -- American secondary school
Wikipedia - Rock opera -- Work of rock music that presents a storyline told over multiple parts, songs or sections
Wikipedia - Rocourt, Liege -- Section of Liege, Belgium
Wikipedia - Rogue security software
Wikipedia - Rohlinger Sechta -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Rolando Cubela Secades -- Cuban Revolutionary leader
Wikipedia - Roller coaster inversion -- Section of inverted track on a roller coaster
Wikipedia - Romanesque secular and domestic architecture -- Period of architectural design
Wikipedia - Romans 2 -- Second chapter in the biblical Book of Romans
Wikipedia - Roman-Secuieni gas field -- Gas field in Neamt County, Romania
Wikipedia - Rope drive -- Belt drive using circular section ropes
Wikipedia - Roridula gorgonias -- Gorgons dewstick is an insect catching endemic shrub in the family Roridulaceae from South Africa
Wikipedia - Roridula -- An insect-trapping shrublet from South Africa
Wikipedia - Rosa Emilia Rodriguez -- Puerto Rican lawyer and federal prosecutor
Wikipedia - Rosecrans Avenue -- Street in Los Angeles
Wikipedia - Rosecrans Memorial Airport -- Airport in Missouri, United States of America
Wikipedia - Rosecrans station -- Bus rapid transit station in Los Angeles, California
Wikipedia - Rose Mary Woods -- Personal secretary to the President Richard Nixon
Wikipedia - Roses for the Prosecutor -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Rossiter-McLaughlin effect -- Spectroscopic phenomenon observed when either an eclipsing binary's secondary star or an extrasolar planet is seen to transit across the face of the primary or parent star.
Wikipedia - Ross Perot 1996 presidential campaign -- Second presidential campaign of Ross Perot
Wikipedia - RotvM-CM-&lsk -- Secret language spoken in Denmark
Wikipedia - Roundabout -- Traffic intersection
Wikipedia - Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France -- Sections of the Way of St. James in France part of the World Heritage Site in France
Wikipedia - Routh's theorem -- Area ratio of one triangle and the triangle formed by the intersections of three cevians
Wikipedia - Rowan Rait Kerr -- Irish-born cricketer, secretary of the MCC
Wikipedia - Roxburgh College -- Secondary school in Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Royal Canadian Air Force Women's Division -- Element of the Royal Canadian Air Force during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Royal jelly -- Secretion from the glands of nurse bees
Wikipedia - Royal Secret Agent -- 2020 South Korean historical comedy TV series
Wikipedia - Roy Raymond -- American businessman, founder of Victoria's Secret
Wikipedia - R P S Inter College -- Senior secondary school in Rura, Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - RSA Data Security
Wikipedia - RSA Security -- American computer security company
Wikipedia - Rubber-hose cryptanalysis -- Extraction of cryptographic secrets by coercion or torture
Wikipedia - Rubem Fonseca -- Brazilian writer
Wikipedia - Rubicon International Services -- British security company
Wikipedia - Rufina and Secunda -- Roman virgin-martyrs and Christian saints
Wikipedia - Ruger Security-Six -- American revolver
Wikipedia - Rumford, Rhode Island -- Section of East Providence, RI, US
Wikipedia - Rundfunk im amerikanischen Sektor -- Radio and television station in the American Sector of Berlin during the Cold War
Wikipedia - RuPaul's Secret Celebrity Drag Race -- First season of RuPaul's Secret Celebrity Drag Race
Wikipedia - Ruy Fonseca -- Brazilian equestrian
Wikipedia - Ryan Maness -- American cybersecurity expert
Wikipedia - Ryan Zinke -- 52nd United States Secretary of the Interior
Wikipedia - Ryde Secondary College -- secondary school in New South Wales, Australia
Row cover - In agriculture and gardening, row cover is any transparent or semi-transparent, flexible material, like fabric or plastic sheeting, used as a protective covering to shield plants, usually vegetables, primarily from the undesirable effects of cold and wind, and also from insect damage.[1] In addition to reducing the drying effect of wind, row cover can provide a limited amount of warming by the same effect that cold frames, greenhouses, and polytunnels produce, creating a microclimate for the plants.
Wikipedia - Sabana Seca -- Barrio of Toa Baja, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Sabbath desecration -- Failure to observe the Biblical Sabbath
Wikipedia - Sabinus (opera) -- Opera by the composer Francois-Joseph Gossec
Wikipedia - Sacred Heart Catholic College -- Secondary school in Sefton, UK
Wikipedia - Sacred Heart Catholic School, Camberwell -- Roman Catholic secondary school located in Camberwell, England
Wikipedia - Sacred mysteries -- Inexplicable or secret religious phenomena
Wikipedia - Sadducees -- Jewish sect or group active in Judea from 2nd century BCE to 1st century CE
Wikipedia - Sadie Creese -- British cybersecurity specialist
Wikipedia - Safar -- Second month of the Islamic calendar
Wikipedia - Safe deposit box -- Secure container for storage of valuables - usually in a bank
Wikipedia - SAFMAR -- Russian multisectoral conglomerate
Wikipedia - SAIL High School -- Public secondary school in Tallahassee, Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Sailor Moon R -- Second season of the Sailor Moon anime series
Wikipedia - Saipan -- Second largest island in the Northern Mariana Islands
Wikipedia - Sakmarian -- Second stage of the Permian
Wikipedia - Salah Mohammed Tubaigy -- Professor in the criminal evidence department at Naif Arab University for Security Sciences; head of the Saudi Scientific Council of Forensics
Wikipedia - SALEM-Immanuel Lutheran College -- Secondary school in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Salem witch trials -- Series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Saliva -- Bodily fluid secreted by saliva glands
Wikipedia - Sally Jewell -- 51st United States Secretary of the Interior
Wikipedia - Sally Yates -- American lawyer and former prosecutor
Wikipedia - Salmon P. Chase -- Chief Justice and Secretary of the Treasury of the United States in the 19th century
Wikipedia - Salt Lake Sector-V metro station -- Metro station in Kolkata
Wikipedia - Saluria ochridorsella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Samanta Roy Institute of Science and Technology -- Fundamentalist Christian sect
Wikipedia - Sam Curry -- American computer security researcher
Wikipedia - Sameodes ennoduisalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Same-origin policy -- Security measure for client-side scripting
Wikipedia - SAML 2.0 -- XML-based protocol for exchanging authentication and authorization identities between security domains
Wikipedia - SAML-based products and services -- List of computer security products using Security Assertion Markup Language
Wikipedia - Samsung Knox -- Security features in Samsung smartphones.
Wikipedia - Samuel L. Southard -- American Senator, Secretary of the Navy, and governor of New Jersey (1787-1842)
Wikipedia - Samuel PiaseckM-CM-= -- Slovak gymnast
Wikipedia - Samuel Primo -- Sabbatean sectarian
Wikipedia - Sancho Ochoa de Castro -- Governor of the island of Puerto Rico in the second half of the 16th century
Wikipedia - Sandbox (computer security) -- Computer security mechanism for isolating running programs from each other in a highly controlled environment
Wikipedia - Sand Patch Grade -- Section of railroad
Wikipedia - Sanford Meisner: The American Theatre's Best Kept Secret -- 1990 documentary directed by Nick Doob
Wikipedia - Sanjak of Gelibolu -- Second-level Ottoman province
Wikipedia - Sanjak -- Second-level province of the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Sanjay Bhatia -- Indian politician, from 2016 State General Secretary at Bhartiya Janata Party
Wikipedia - Sanjay R. Bhoosreddy -- Additional Chief Secretary & Cane Commissioner of Uttar Pradesh, Sugar Industry & Cane Development Department
Wikipedia - San Josecito -- district in San Rafael canton, Heredia province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Sankt-Ansgar-Schule -- Secondary school in Hamburg, Germany
Wikipedia - Santa Fe Arroyo Seco Railroad Bridge -- Historic bridge in Los Angeles, USA
Wikipedia - Santiago Fonseca -- Honduran racewalker
Wikipedia - Sapromyza -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Sarah Gordon -- Computer security researcher
Wikipedia - Sarah McNaughton -- Australian prosecutor
Wikipedia - Sarcophaga -- Genus of insects (true flies)
Wikipedia - Sarcophaginae -- Subfamily of insects (true flies)
Wikipedia - Saskatoon Technical Collegiate -- Vocational secondary school in Canada
Wikipedia - Sasol -- Integrated energy and chemical company based in Sasolburg (Plant 1)and Secunda (plant 2 & 3) South Africa
Wikipedia - Satnampanth -- religious sect
Wikipedia - Satrius Secundus -- Supporter of the Roman Praetorian Guard Prefect, Lucius Aelius Sejanus
Wikipedia - Saturn -- Sixth planet from the Sun and second largest planet in the Solar System
Wikipedia - Satyrium sylvinum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - SAVAK -- Secret police, domestic security and intelligence service in Iran during the reign of the Pahlavi dynasty
Wikipedia - Sawan Singh -- The second Satguru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas
Wikipedia - Sawfly -- Suborder of insects
Wikipedia - Saxifraga sect. Cotylea -- Section of plants in genus Saxifraga
Wikipedia - Sayed Badiuddin -- Sufi saint who founded the Madari sect
Wikipedia - Scale insect -- Superfamily of insects
Wikipedia - Scaptesyle dictyota -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Schefflera secunda -- Flowering plant
Wikipedia - Schizaphis -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Schizoglossia -- linguistic insecurity about one's native language
Wikipedia - Schmidt sting pain index -- Pain scale for insect stings
Wikipedia - Schneidheimer Sechta -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - School district -- Special-purpose district for local public primary and secondary schools
Wikipedia - School-leaving age -- Minimum age a person is legally allowed to cease attendance at a compulsory secondary education institute
Wikipedia - Schrankia macula -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Schrieffer-Wolff transformation -- In physics, an operator version of second-order perturbation theory
Wikipedia - Scientia Secondary School -- Secondary school in Ho Man Tin, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Scoliocentra villosa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Scoparia sideraspis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Scoparia ustimacula -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Scopula rectisecta -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula sanguinisecta -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula seclusa -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula seclusoides -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula tornisecta -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula transsecta -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scotocyma -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Scottish Legal News -- E-mail newsletter for the Scottish legal sector
Wikipedia - Scribonia (wife of Octavian) -- Roman noblewoman, second wife of Augustus and mother of Julia the Elder
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpomima schematica -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Scutellum (insect anatomy) -- Anatomical structure on insects
Wikipedia - Seaford Secondary College -- Secondary school in Seaford, Australia
Wikipedia - Seaham High School -- Secondary school located in Seaham, County Durham, England
Wikipedia - Seahaven Academy -- Secondary school in Newhaven, East Sussex, England
Wikipedia - SEAL Team Six -- one of the United States' two secretive tier-one counter-terrorism and Special Mission Units
Wikipedia - Sean Lester -- |Sean Lester was the last secretary-general of the League of Nations
Wikipedia - Sebaceous gland -- Microscopic exocrine gland in the skin that opens into a hair follicle to secrete an oily or waxy matter
Wikipedia - Sebago Lake -- Second-largest lake in Maine
Wikipedia - Secacah
Wikipedia - Secamone socotrana -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - SECAM -- French analog color television system
Wikipedia - Secant line -- Line that intersects a curve at least twice
Wikipedia - Secatophus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Secaucus High School -- High school in Hudson County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Secaucus, New Jersey -- Town in Hudson County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Sec-Butylbenzene {{DISPLAYTITLE:''sec''-Butylbenzene -- Sec-Butylbenzene {{DISPLAYTITLE:''sec''-Butylbenzene
Wikipedia - Secchi disk -- A circular disk used to measure water transparency or turbidity
Wikipedia - Secchi (Martian crater) -- Crater on Mars
Wikipedia - Seccion Femenina -- Women's branch of the Spanish political party Falange
Wikipedia - Seccomp
Wikipedia - SECD machine
Wikipedia - Secede
Wikipedia - Secemin
Wikipedia - Secernentea -- Class of roundworms
Wikipedia - Secession hall (Austria)
Wikipedia - Secessionism in Western Australia -- Pro-independence sentiment and movement in Western Australia
Wikipedia - Secession -- Act of withdrawing from an organization, union, military alliance or especially a political entity
Wikipedia - Secessio plebis
Wikipedia - Secgan
Wikipedia - Sechenov (crater) -- Lunar crater
Wikipedia - Sechenovo -- Rural locality in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia
Wikipedia - Sechenov
Wikipedia - Sechigo Station -- Railway station in Kaizuka, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - SechselM-CM-$uten -- Zurich spring holiday
Wikipedia - Sechs Holderlin-Fragmente -- Song cycle
Wikipedia - Sech (singer) -- Panamanian singer
Wikipedia - Sechs Schwedinnen im Pensionat -- 1979 film by Erwin C. Dietrich
Wikipedia - SECIOP -- protocol
Wikipedia - SECIS element -- RNA sequence directing the translation of UGA codons as selenocysteines
Wikipedia - Seckach (Jagst) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Seckach (Lauchert) -- River in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Wikipedia - Secker and Warburg
Wikipedia - Secker > Warburg
Wikipedia - Seckin M-CM-^Vzdemir -- Turkish actor
Wikipedia - Seckou Keita -- Senegalese musician
Wikipedia - Seclusion of girls at puberty -- Seclusion of girls at puberty
Wikipedia - Seclusion
Wikipedia - Secobarbital
Wikipedia - Seco (food) -- Peruvian meat stew
Wikipedia - Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside -- Antioxidant[1] phytoestrogen present in flaxseed
Wikipedia - Second 20s -- 2015 South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - Second Aceh Expedition -- 1873 Dutch punitive expedition with officers recruited from Elmina
Wikipedia - Second Act (film) -- 2018 American romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Second Alcibiades
Wikipedia - Second Amendment Foundation -- United States nonprofit organization that supports gun rights
Wikipedia - Second Amendment sanctuary -- U.S. Jurisdictions resolved to not enforce certain gun control laws
Wikipedia - Second Amendment Sisters -- American women's gun rights advocacy organization
Wikipedia - Second American Civil War -- Expression comparing an event to the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Second Amir Sjarifuddin Cabinet -- Sixth Indonesian Cabinet
Wikipedia - Second Anglo-Afghan War
Wikipedia - Second Anglo-Maratha War
Wikipedia - Second Anglo-Mysore War -- War in south India from 1780 to 1784
Wikipedia - Second Anglo-Sikh War
Wikipedia - Second Archipelago Expedition -- Expedition by the Russian Baltic Fleet during the Napoleonic Wars
Wikipedia - Secondary antisemitism -- Antisemitism explained as aftermath of the Holocaust
Wikipedia - Secondary atmosphere
Wikipedia - Secondary burial -- Feature of certain prehistoric grave sites
Wikipedia - Secondary causation
Wikipedia - Secondary circulation -- A circulation induced in a rotating system
Wikipedia - Secondary city
Wikipedia - Secondary colors
Wikipedia - Secondary color
Wikipedia - Secondary consciousness
Wikipedia - Secondary education in France -- penultimate level of French public education
Wikipedia - Secondary education in Italy -- Overview of secondary education in Italy
Wikipedia - Secondary education in Japan -- Overview of secondary education in Japan
Wikipedia - Secondary education in New Zealand -- Overview of secondary education in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Secondary education in Scotland -- Overview of secondary education in Scotland
Wikipedia - Secondary education in Singapore -- Overview of secondary education in Singapore
Wikipedia - Secondary education in the United States -- Last seven years of statutory formal education before higher level education
Wikipedia - Secondary education in Wales -- Overview of secondary education in Wales
Wikipedia - Secondary Education Quality and Access Enhancement Project -- Education project in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Secondary education -- Second and final phase of basic education
Wikipedia - Secondary emission
Wikipedia - Secondary flow -- A relatively minor flow superimposed on the primary flowby inviscid assumptions
Wikipedia - Secondary forest
Wikipedia - Secondary frequency standard -- Standards in electronics and telecommunications
Wikipedia - Secondary gain
Wikipedia - Secondary growth
Wikipedia - Secondary ion mass spectrometry -- Surface chemical analysis and imaging method
Wikipedia - Secondary literature
Wikipedia - Secondary market -- Type of market in finance
Wikipedia - Secondary memory
Wikipedia - Secondary payload -- Launch of small spacecraft together with larger one
Wikipedia - Secondary phloem
Wikipedia - Secondary predicate -- Predicative expression
Wikipedia - Secondary prevention
Wikipedia - Secondary products revolution -- Widespread and broadly contemporaneous set of innovations in Old World farming
Wikipedia - Secondary relic
Wikipedia - Secondary research
Wikipedia - Secondary School Leaving Certificate -- Certification of completion issued by Indian secondary schools
Wikipedia - Secondary school -- Institution and/or building where secondary education is provided
Wikipedia - Secondary sector of the economy
Wikipedia - Secondary sexual characteristics
Wikipedia - Secondary somatosensory cortex
Wikipedia - Secondary source -- Document that discusses information originally presented elsewhere
Wikipedia - Secondary storage
Wikipedia - Secondary structure
Wikipedia - Secondary surveillance radar -- Radar system used in air traffic control
Wikipedia - Secondary technical school -- Former type of English secondary school
Wikipedia - Secondary treatment -- A treatment process for wastewater or sewage
Wikipedia - Secondary xylem
Wikipedia - Second attack on Anzac Cove -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Second audio program -- Alternate audio channel used in television transmissions
Wikipedia - Second Australian Imperial Force in the United Kingdom -- Australian unit stationed in the UK during WWII
Wikipedia - Second Australian Imperial Force -- Australian Army expeditionary force during World War II
Wikipedia - Second Avenue Commercial District -- Historic district in Nashville
Wikipedia - Second Avenue (Manhattan) -- North-south avenue in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Second Avenue Subway -- New York City Subway line
Wikipedia - Second Balkenende cabinet -- Cabinet of the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Second Bank of the United States -- US National Register of Historic Places bank building
Wikipedia - Second Barbary War
Wikipedia - Second Barons' War -- 1260s civil war in England
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Amman -- World War I battle
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Artois -- A battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Athenry
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Bassano
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Boulou
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Bull Run -- Major battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Caloocan -- 1899 battle between Philippine forces and the US
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Cape Finisterre (1747) -- Naval battle which took place on 25 October 1747
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Champagne -- 1915 battle during the First World War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Chattanooga -- Battle in the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Corinth -- Major battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Dernancourt -- Military battle
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Edea -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of El Alamein -- Battle in the Western Desert Campaign of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Fallujah -- Late 2004 battle of the Iraq War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Fort Fisher -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Fort Wagner -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Garua -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Guam -- WWII battle by US forces to recapture Guam from the Empire of Japan
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Guararapes -- Battle between the Dutch and Portuguese troops
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Homs -- 1281 battle between Mamluks and Mongols
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Krithia -- Battle of the Gallipoli Campaign in WWI
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Lexington -- 1864 battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Manzanillo -- Naval engagement of the Spanish-American War on 1 July 1898
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Newbury -- A Battle that took place during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Newtonia -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Sabine Pass -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of San Juan (1898) -- Naval battle during the Spanish-American War (1898)
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Sirte -- 1942 naval battle between British and Italian forces
Wikipedia - Second Battle of St Albans -- 1461 battle in the English Wars of the Roses
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Tembien -- Battle of the Second Italo-Abyssinian War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of the Isonzo -- A battle in 1915 on the Italian Front during the First World War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of the Piave River -- World War I battle won by Italy
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Tikrit
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Tripoli Harbor
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Tuyuti -- Part of the Paraguayan War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Wissembourg (1793)
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Yeonpyeong -- 2002 naval incident between North Korea and South Korea
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Ypres -- Battle of the First World War
Wikipedia - Second Battle of Zurich -- Battle of the War of the Second Coalition
Wikipedia - Second Beru Khyentse
Wikipedia - Second Best Bed
Wikipedia - Second Boer war
Wikipedia - Second Boer War -- War between the United Kingdom and two Boer Republics
Wikipedia - Second British Invasion -- Music cultural movement
Wikipedia - Second Broad River -- Stream in North Carolina, USA
Wikipedia - Second Brotherhood -- 17th century uprising
Wikipedia - Second Bulgarian Empire
Wikipedia - Second Cabinet of Cyril Ramaphosa -- Second cabinet of Cyril Ramaphosa
Wikipedia - Second Catilinarian Conspiracy
Wikipedia - Second Chance (1953 film) -- 1953 American film directed by Rudolph MatM-CM-)
Wikipedia - Second Chance (2016 TV series) -- American science fiction crime drama television series
Wikipedia - Second Chance (NTV drama series) -- Ugandan telenovela
Wikipedia - Second Chance Program
Wikipedia - Second Chance (Shinedown song) -- song by American hard rock band Shinedown
Wikipedia - Second Chances (Philippine TV series) -- 2015 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Second Choice -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Second Church, Boston
Wikipedia - Second Church of Christ, Scientist (Manhattan) -- Church building in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Second City Television -- Canadian television sketch comedy show
Wikipedia - Second-class citizen -- Individual within a group of people that are systematically being discriminated against within a state
Wikipedia - Second Cold War -- Post Cold War era political tension
Wikipedia - Second College Grant, New Hampshire -- Township in Coos County, New Hampshire, United States
Wikipedia - Second Coming of Christ
Wikipedia - Second Coming of Jesus
Wikipedia - Second coming
Wikipedia - Second Coming -- Belief regarding the return of Jesus after his ascension
Wikipedia - Second Conference on the Epistemology of the Exact Sciences
Wikipedia - Second Congo War -- War in Africa 1998 to 2003
Wikipedia - Second Congress of Rastatt
Wikipedia - Second Constitutional Era -- Period of constitutional monarchy in the Ottoman Empire (1908-1920)
Wikipedia - Second Continental Congress
Wikipedia - Second Council of Constantinople
Wikipedia - Second Council of Dvin
Wikipedia - Second Council of Ephesus
Wikipedia - Second Council of Lyons
Wikipedia - Second Council of Lyon
Wikipedia - Second Council of Nicaea -- ecumenical council of the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church (787 AD)
Wikipedia - Second Council of the Lateran
Wikipedia - Second-countable space -- Topological space whose topology has a countable base
Wikipedia - Second countable
Wikipedia - Second crusade
Wikipedia - Second Crusade -- 12th-century crusade, the second major crusade
Wikipedia - Second (curling) -- Position in curling
Wikipedia - Second Dance -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Second Danish-Hanseatic War
Wikipedia - Second death -- Eschatological concept in Judaism and Christianity
Wikipedia - Second-degree relative
Wikipedia - Second derivative test
Wikipedia - Second derivative
Wikipedia - Second Djerad government -- Algerian government
Wikipedia - Second Duma
Wikipedia - Second Dynasty of Egypt
Wikipedia - Second Dynasty of Isin
Wikipedia - Second East-West Highway -- Road in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Second Edition (quartet) -- Barbershop quartet
Wikipedia - Second EDSA Revolution -- 2001 revolution that overthrow Joseph Estrada in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Second Empire architecture
Wikipedia - Second English Civil War -- Second civil war in England (1648)
Wikipedia - Second Epistle of Peter -- Book of the Bible
Wikipedia - Second Epistle to the Corinthians -- Book of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
Wikipedia - Second Epistle to Timothy -- Book of the Bible
Wikipedia - Second Fiddle (1923 film) -- 1923 film by Frank Tuttle
Wikipedia - Second Fiddle (1939 film) -- 1939 film by Sidney Lanfield
Wikipedia - Second Fitna -- Period of general political and military disorder during the early Umayyad dynasty, following the death of the first Umayyad caliph Muawiyah I
Wikipedia - Second Folio -- 1632 second edition of the works of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Second Foundation -- Novel in the Foundation Series by American writer Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Second French Empire
Wikipedia - Second fundamental form -- Quadratic form related to curvatures of surfaces
Wikipedia - Second generation biofuels
Wikipedia - Second Generation (film)
Wikipedia - Second-generation gender bias
Wikipedia - Second generation of video game consoles
Wikipedia - Second-generation programming language
Wikipedia - Second Generation Volume 1 -- 1995 album by Mike Peters
Wikipedia - Second Glance -- Novel by Jodi Picoult
Wikipedia - Second Great Awakening -- Protestant religious revival in the early 19th-century United States
Wikipedia - Second Great Fire of London -- Air raid by Germany against London 29-30 December 1940
Wikipedia - Second Grinnell expedition
Wikipedia - Second Hague Peace Conference
Wikipedia - Second Haitian Empire
Wikipedia - Second Hand (2013 film) -- 2013 Telugu-language film directed by Kishore Tirumala
Wikipedia - Second Hand Destiny -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Second Hand Heart (Ben Haenow song) -- 2015 single by Ben Haenow
Wikipedia - Second Hand Husband -- 2015 Indian film
Wikipedia - Second Hand Love -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Second Hand Rose (film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Second Hand Wife -- 1933 film by Hamilton MacFadden
Wikipedia - Second Happy Time -- Period of naval battles during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Second Hellenic Republic -- Former country
Wikipedia - Second Hemant Soren ministry -- Ministers in Government of Jharkhand headed by Chief Minister Hemant Soren
Wikipedia - Second Honeymoon (1930 film) -- 1930 film directed by Phil Rosen
Wikipedia - Second Honeymoon (1937 film) -- 1937 film by Walter Lang
Wikipedia - Second Hungarian Republic
Wikipedia - Secondigliano
Wikipedia - Second impeachment trial of Donald Trump
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of Abraham Lincoln -- 20th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of Andrew Jackson -- 12th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of Barack Obama -- 57th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of Bill Clinton -- 53rd United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of Calvin Coolidge -- 35th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of Dwight D. Eisenhower -- 43rd United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt -- 38th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of George Washington -- 2nd United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of George W. Bush -- 55th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of Grover Cleveland -- 27th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of Harry S. Truman -- 41st United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of James Madison -- 7th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of James Monroe -- 9th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of Lyndon B. Johnson -- 45th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of Richard Nixon -- 47th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of Ronald Reagan -- 50th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of Theodore Roosevelt -- 30th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of Thomas Jefferson -- 5th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of Ulysses S. Grant -- 22nd United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of William McKinley -- 29th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of Woodrow Wilson -- 33rd United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second incompleteness theorem
Wikipedia - Second industrial revolution
Wikipedia - Second Industrial Revolution -- 1870-1914 period of rapid technological change
Wikipedia - Second Intermediate Period
Wikipedia - Second International
Wikipedia - Second Investigation Department
Wikipedia - Second Iraqi-Kurdish War -- 1974-1975 Kurdish rebellion in northern Iraq
Wikipedia - Second Italian War of Independence
Wikipedia - Second Italo-Ethiopian War -- 1935-1936 war between Italy and Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Second Jan Smuts government -- Appointments to former South African governing council
Wikipedia - Second Jassy-Kishinev Offensive -- Military offensive
Wikipedia - Second Jewish Temple
Wikipedia - Second Johnson ministry -- Current Government of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Second Lady of South Korea -- Wife of South Korea's Prime Minister
Wikipedia - Second Lady of the United States -- Spouse of the Vice President of the United States
Wikipedia - Second language acquisition
Wikipedia - Second-language acquisition
Wikipedia - Second language -- Language that is learnt after a native language
Wikipedia - Second Lateran Council
Wikipedia - Second Lateran council
Wikipedia - Second Law of Thermodynamics
Wikipedia - Second law of thermodynamics -- Law of physics
Wikipedia - Second League of Armed Neutrality
Wikipedia - Second Letter (Plato)
Wikipedia - Second-level domain -- Domain that is directly below a top-level domain
Wikipedia - Second Libyan Civil War
Wikipedia - Second lieutenant -- A junior commissioned officer military rank in many armed forces
Wikipedia - Second life
Wikipedia - Second Life -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Second line (parades) -- New Orleans brass band tradition
Wikipedia - Second mate -- Licensed member of the deck department of a merchant ship holding a Second Mates Certificate of Competency
Wikipedia - Second May ministry -- Government of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Second Merkel cabinet -- Cabinet in the German federal government headed by Chancellor Angela Merkel (2009-2013)
Wikipedia - Second messengers
Wikipedia - Second messenger system -- System of signaling molecules within a cell
Wikipedia - Second Mexican Empire
Wikipedia - Second Mongol invasion of Poland
Wikipedia - Second Morrison Ministry -- Australian government ministry led by Scott Morrison
Wikipedia - Second Mutai -- Drought in Kenya
Wikipedia - Second National Front of Escambray -- Cuban guerilla group
Wikipedia - Second National Population Census of the People's Republic of China -- 1964 Chinese census
Wikipedia - Second Nature (2003 film) -- 2003 television film by Ben Bolt
Wikipedia - Second Nature (Katherine Jenkins album) -- 2004 studio album by Katherine Jenkins
Wikipedia - Second Niger bridge -- Nigerian bridge across Niger river
Wikipedia - Second Nigerian Republic -- Second formation of Nigeria 1979-1983
Wikipedia - Second Occupation of Cuba -- US occupation of Cuba in the 1900s
Wikipedia - Second Opium War
Wikipedia - Second order arithmetic
Wikipedia - Second-order arithmetic -- Mathematical system
Wikipedia - Second-order cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Second-order cone programming
Wikipedia - Second-order cybernetics -- recursive application of cybernetics to itself
Wikipedia - Second-order logic
Wikipedia - Second-order propositional logic
Wikipedia - Second Order (religious)
Wikipedia - Second order (religious)
Wikipedia - Second Ostend Raid -- 1918 Royal Navy operation to block Ostend Harbour
Wikipedia - Second Partition of Poland
Wikipedia - Second Party System -- Second phase in the development of electoral politics in the United States, 1828-1854
Wikipedia - Second Peace of Thorn (1466)
Wikipedia - Second Persian invasion of Greece -- Invasion during the Greco-Persian Wars
Wikipedia - Second Person (band) -- British trip-hop band
Wikipedia - Second-person narrative
Wikipedia - Second Phase of the Revolution -- 2019 statement by Ali Khamenei
Wikipedia - Second plague pandemic -- Major series of epidemics, 14th-19th centuries
Wikipedia - Second Polish Republic -- 1918-1939 republic in Central Europe
Wikipedia - Second Process -- 2017 EP by LSD
Wikipedia - Second Protectorate Parliament
Wikipedia - Second Punic War -- Second war between Rome and Carthage, 218 to 201 BC
Wikipedia - Second Raje ministry -- Ministers in Government of Rajasthan headed by Chief Minister Vasundhra Raje (2013-2018)
Wikipedia - Second-rate -- Historical category for Royal Navy vessels, based on number of guns
Wikipedia - Second Republic of Korea -- Government of South Korea from 1960 to 1961
Wikipedia - Second Revolution (Republic of China) -- 1913 revolt of southern provinces
Wikipedia - Second Rockingham ministry -- Government of Great Britain
Wikipedia - Second Ruhr -- Geographic area in World War II
Wikipedia - Second scholasticism
Wikipedia - Second Schussel government -- Second Austrian cabinet under Wolfgang Schussel
Wikipedia - Second Sea Lord and Deputy Chief of Naval Staff -- British Royal Navy senior admiral
Wikipedia - Second Serve -- 1986 television film directed by Anthony Page
Wikipedia - Second Session (Explanation) Act 1899 -- 19th century and early-20th century British law
Wikipedia - Second Severn Crossing -- M4 motorway bridge over the Severn Estuary in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Seconds from Disaster -- American/British documentary television series
Wikipedia - Second ShM-EM-^M clan -- Noble family
Wikipedia - Second Sight Medical Products
Wikipedia - Second sight
Wikipedia - Second Sino-Japanese war
Wikipedia - Second Sino-Japanese War -- Japanese invasion of China (1937-1945)
Wikipedia - Second Sophistic
Wikipedia - Second sound -- Quantum mechanical phenomenon in which heat transfer occurs by wave-like motion
Wikipedia - Second Spanish Republic -- Regime in Spain, 1931 to 1939
Wikipedia - Seconds pendulum -- Pendulum whose period is precisely two seconds
Wikipedia - Second Story Sunlight -- Painting by Edward Hopper
Wikipedia - Second Summer of Love -- 1980s British social phenomenon
Wikipedia - Second Swedish Crusade
Wikipedia - Second Synod of Seville
Wikipedia - Second-system effect
Wikipedia - Second Temple Judaism -- Judaism between the construction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, c. 515 BCE, and its destruction by the Romans in 70 CE
Wikipedia - Second Temple Period
Wikipedia - Second Temple period -- Period in Jewish history lasting between 516 BCE and 70 CE
Wikipedia - Second temple
Wikipedia - Second Temple -- Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem between c. 516 BCE and c. 70 CE
Wikipedia - Second-term curse -- Purported curse regarding the second term of U.S. presidents
Wikipedia - Second Test, 1948 Ashes series -- Australia-England cricket test match
Wikipedia - Second Thirty Years' War -- Periodization scheme encompassing European wars from 1914 to 1945
Wikipedia - Second Time Around (film) -- 2001 film by Jeffrey Lau
Wikipedia - Second Time Lucky -- 1984 film by Michael Anderson
Wikipedia - Second tithe -- Tenth of specific agricultural produce during the first, second, fourth and fifth years of each seven-year cycle
Wikipedia - Second to None (film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Second to Nun -- 2017 American musical
Wikipedia - Second Tour -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Second Treaty of Buffalo Creek
Wikipedia - Second Treaty of Prairie du Chien
Wikipedia - Second Triumvirate -- Ancient Roman political alliance
Wikipedia - Second Turkic Khaganate -- Khaganate founded by the Gokturks
Wikipedia - Second Variety (1989 collection)
Wikipedia - Second Variety (1991 collection)
Wikipedia - Second Variety
Wikipedia - Second Vatican Council -- Roman Catholic ecumenical council held in Vatican City from 1962 to 1965
Wikipedia - Second Viennese School -- Group of composers comprising A. Schonberg and his pupils and associates in early 20th century Vienna
Wikipedia - Second voyage of HMS Beagle
Wikipedia - Second Ward, Houston
Wikipedia - Second-wave feminism -- Period of feminist activity and thought that began in the early 1960s in the United States
Wikipedia - Second wave of feminism
Wikipedia - Second wave positive psychology
Wikipedia - Second weekend in box office performance -- Factor in predicting box office performance
Wikipedia - Second Wife (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Second Wife (1936 film) -- 1936 American drama film directed by Edward Killy
Wikipedia - Second -- SI unit of time
Wikipedia - Second Wind (1976 film) -- 1976 film directed by Donald Shebib
Wikipedia - Second wind (sleep)
Wikipedia - Second Wind (song) -- 2001 song by Darryl Worley
Wikipedia - Second work of grace -- In Christian theology, a transforming interaction with God which may occur in the life of an individual Christian
Wikipedia - Second World War
Wikipedia - Second World -- Geopolitical concept
Wikipedia - Second wrangler
Wikipedia - Second Youth (1924 film) -- 1924 film by Albert Parker
Wikipedia - Second Youth (1938 film) -- 1938 film by Michal Waszynski
Wikipedia - Secoo -- Chinese e-commerce platform
Wikipedia - Secostruma -- Genus of ants
Wikipedia - Secotan -- group of American Indians
Wikipedia - SecPAL
Wikipedia - SECPT stress test
Wikipedia - Secrecy
Wikipedia - Secret (2011 TV series) -- South Korean television show
Wikipedia - Secret Adventures -- American Christian television series
Wikipedia - Secret Agent 077 -- 1960s spy film series
Wikipedia - Secret Agent (1936 film) -- 1936 film by Alfred Hitchcock
Wikipedia - Secret Agent Man (The Superjesus song) -- 2001 single by The Superjesus
Wikipedia - Secret Agent of Japan -- 1942 film by Irving Pichel
Wikipedia - Secret Agent X-9 (1945 serial) -- 1945 film by Ray Taylor, Lewis D. Collins
Wikipedia - Secret (app) -- Anonymous message sharing app
Wikipedia - Secretaria de Recreacion y Deportes Francisco "Pancho" Coimbre -- Sports complex located in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Secretariat Building, New Delhi -- Building on Raisina Hill, New Delhi, India which houses the Cabinet Secretariat
Wikipedia - Secretariate of Briefs to Princes and of Latin Letters
Wikipedia - Secretariat (film) -- 2010 sports drama film produced by Walt Disney Pictures
Wikipedia - Secretariat for the Economy
Wikipedia - Secretariat of Intelligence -- Intelligence agency
Wikipedia - Secretariat of Public Education (Mexico) -- Mexican federal government authority with Cabinet representation; responsibility for overseeing development and implementation of national educational policy and school standards
Wikipedia - Secretariat of Security and Civilian Protection (Mexico) -- Mexican cabinet-level government agency
Wikipedia - Secretariat of State (Holy See) -- Branch of the Holy See that handles political and diplomatic functions
Wikipedia - Secretariat of State (Vatican)
Wikipedia - Secretariat of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Secretariat of the Communist Party of Vietnam
Wikipedia - Secretary (2002 film) -- 2002 film by Steven Shainberg
Wikipedia - Secretary at War -- historical English political position
Wikipedia - Secretarybird -- Large, mostly terrestrial bird of prey
Wikipedia - Secretary desk -- Base of drawers topped by a hinged desktop surface topped by a bookcase
Wikipedia - Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting -- Head of the Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau who was responsible for managing Hong Kong's broadcasting services
Wikipedia - Secretary for Lands and Works (New South Wales) -- Government minister in the colony of New South Wales
Wikipedia - Secretary for Public Works (New South Wales) -- Government minister in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Secretary General of NATO -- International diplomat, the chief civil servant of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Wikipedia - Secretary General of the Arab League -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Secretary General of the Council of Europe
Wikipedia - Secretary-General of the Executive Yuan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply -- Jordan government official
Wikipedia - Secretary-General of the United Nations -- Head of the United Nations Secretariat
Wikipedia - Secretary hand -- Style of European handwriting
Wikipedia - Secretary of Consumer Affairs of Puerto Rico -- Government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Secretary of Corrections and Rehabilitation of Puerto Rico -- Government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Secretary of Economic Development and Commerce of Puerto Rico -- Government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Secretary of Education of Puerto Rico -- Government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Secretary of Energy
Wikipedia - Secretary of Family Affairs of Puerto Rico -- Government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Secretary of Health of Puerto Rico -- Government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Secretary of Housing of Puerto Rico -- Government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Secretary of Justice of Puerto Rico -- Government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Secretary of Labor and Human Resources of Puerto Rico -- Executive branch of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Secretary of Natural and Environmental Resources of Puerto Rico -- Government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Secretary of Public Safety of Puerto Rico -- Leads the Department of Public Safety of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Secretary of Sports and Recreation of Puerto Rico -- Government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Secretary of State (England) -- appointed position within the government of England
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Air -- Former cabinet-level position in British government
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs -- Former cabinet-level position in British government
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Defence -- United Kingdom government cabinet minister
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Economic Affairs -- Former cabinet-level position in British government
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Education -- United Kingdom government cabinet minister
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Energy (Spain) -- Senior official within the Ministry for the Ecological Transition of the Government of Spain
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government -- United Kingdom cabinet minister
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for India -- Former cabinet-level position in British government
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing -- Official of the Ministry of Development of the Government of Spain
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Justice (Spain) -- Official of the Ministry of Justice of the Government of Spain
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Justice -- United Kingdom government cabinet minister
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Press -- Secretariat of State of Spain
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Scotland -- United Kingdom government cabinet minister with responsibilities for Scotland
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Social Security (Spain) -- Official of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration of the Government of Spain
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Tourism -- Official of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism of the Government of Spain
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Transport -- United Kingdom government cabinet minister
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Work and Pensions -- United Kingdom government cabinet minister
Wikipedia - Secretary of State of Arizona -- An elected position in the U.S. state of Arizona
Wikipedia - Secretary of State of Arkansas -- Cabinet officer in the government of the U.S. state of Arkansas
Wikipedia - Secretary of State of Florida -- Constitutional officer of state government of Florida, US
Wikipedia - Secretary of State of New York -- Cabinet officer in the government of the U.S. state of New York
Wikipedia - Secretary of State of Puerto Rico -- Government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Secretary of State of South Carolina -- Elected position
Wikipedia - Secretary of state -- Type of senior civil servant in the government of a state
Wikipedia - Secretary of Trade and Industry (Philippines) -- The head of the department for trade and industry of fillipino
Wikipedia - Secretary of Transportation and Public Works of Puerto Rico -- Government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Secretary of Treasury of Puerto Rico -- Government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Secretary (title) -- Leader or chief officer of an organisation
Wikipedia - Secretary to the President of the United States -- Former White House position
Wikipedia - Secretary to the State Government -- Official in the state governments of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Secretary
Wikipedia - Secret Avengers -- Fictional comic book group
Wikipedia - Secret Ballot (film) -- 2001 film by Babak Payami
Wikipedia - Secret ballot
Wikipedia - Secret Boutique -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Secret Ceremony -- 1968 film by Joseph Losey
Wikipedia - Secret Chiefs 3 -- American avant-garde band
Wikipedia - Secret Chiefs
Wikipedia - Secret Child -- 2018 film short by Yewweng Ho
Wikipedia - Secret Cinema -- English entertainment company doing immersive events
Wikipedia - Secret City Saga
Wikipedia - Secret Code LB 17 -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Secret Code
Wikipedia - Secret combination (Latter Day Saints) -- Malignant secret society of "people bound together by oaths to carry out the evil purposes of the group
Wikipedia - Secret Defenders
Wikipedia - Secret Diary of a Call Girl -- British television drama
Wikipedia - Secret Double Octopus -- Israeli software company
Wikipedia - Secret Empire (comics)
Wikipedia - Secret Empire (organization) -- Fictional comic book organization
Wikipedia - Secret Enemies -- 1942 film by Benjamin Stoloff
Wikipedia - Secret Evidence -- 1941 film directed by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Secret files scandal -- 1989 scandal in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Secret Fruit -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Secret Games 3 -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Secret Games -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Secret Garden (Gackt song) -- 2000 single by Gackt
Wikipedia - Secret Garden (South Korean TV series) -- 2010 South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - Secret Ingredient -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Secret Intelligence Branch -- Defunct intelligence organization of the United States
Wikipedia - Secret Intelligence Service -- British intelligence agency
Wikipedia - Secret Invasion
Wikipedia - Secretin -- Hormone involved in stomach, pancreas and liver secretions
Wikipedia - Secretion
Wikipedia - Secret (liturgy)
Wikipedia - Secret Love (1916 film) -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Secret Love for the Peach Blossom Spring (film) -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Secret Love Song -- 2016 single by Little Mix
Wikipedia - Secret Love (South Korean TV series) -- 2013 South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - Secretly Canadian -- American independent record label
Wikipedia - Secretly Still and Quiet -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Secret Machines -- American alternative rock band
Wikipedia - Secret (Madonna song) -- 1994 single by Madonna
Wikipedia - Secret Maryo Chronicles
Wikipedia - Secret Menace -- 1931 directed by Richard C. Kahn
Wikipedia - Secret Mountain Fort Awesome -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - Secret Museum, Naples -- Collection of sexually explicit finds from Pompeii
Wikipedia - Secret Number -- South Korean girl group
Wikipedia - Secreto a voces -- Chilean TV talk show
Wikipedia - Secret of Cerulean Sand -- Japanese anime television series
Wikipedia - Secret of Mana -- Video game
Wikipedia - Secret of My Heart -- 2000 single by Mai Kuraki
Wikipedia - Secret of the Blue Room (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Secret of the Chateau -- 1934 film by Richard Thorpe
Wikipedia - Secret of the Golden Flower
Wikipedia - Secret of the Silver Blades
Wikipedia - Secret of the Solstice -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Secret of the Wastelands -- 1941 film by Derwin Abrahams
Wikipedia - Secret of the Wings
Wikipedia - Secret Orders -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Secretor status -- Secretion of blood group antigens
Wikipedia - Secret Patrol -- 1936 film by David Selman
Wikipedia - Secret Police (film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Secret police -- Intelligence agency and or law enforcement agency which operates in secrecy
Wikipedia - Secretprojectrevolution -- 2013 film by Steven Klein
Wikipedia - Secret Rendezvous (song) -- 1989 single by Karyn White
Wikipedia - Secret Rites -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Secrets (1924 film) -- 1924 silent film by Frank Borzage
Wikipedia - Secrets (1933 film) -- 1933 Western film by Frank Borzage
Wikipedia - Secrets & Lies (film) -- 1996 film by Mike Leigh
Wikipedia - Secrets and Lies (2018 TV series) -- 2018 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Secret Santa -- Western Christmas tradition
Wikipedia - Secret Service (1919 film) -- 1919 film by Hugh Ford
Wikipedia - Secret Service (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Secret Service code name -- Names given to persons that the United States Secret Service protects
Wikipedia - Secret Service Counter Assault Team -- Specialized tactical unit of the U.S. Secret Service
Wikipedia - Secret Service Investigator -- 1948 film by R. G. Springsteen
Wikipedia - Secret Service of the Air -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - Secret service
Wikipedia - Secret Seven (TV series) -- 2017 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Secret sharing -- Method for sharing a secret in a way that requires multiple parties to collaborate to recover it
Wikipedia - Secret Sinners -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Secrets in the Dark -- An anthology of sermons and lectures authored by Frederick Buechner
Wikipedia - Secret Six (comics) -- Name for multiple fictional teams in DC Comics
Wikipedia - Secrets > Lies (film)
Wikipedia - Secret Smile (Semisonic song) -- 1999 single by Semisonic
Wikipedia - Secrets (novel) -- 2002 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - Secret societies
Wikipedia - Secret Society of Second-Born Royals -- 2020 American contemporary science fantasy action superhero film
Wikipedia - Secret Society of Super Villains
Wikipedia - Secret society -- Club or organization whose activities and inner functioning are concealed from non-members
Wikipedia - Secrets of a Co-Ed -- 1942 film by Joseph H. Lewis
Wikipedia - Secrets of a Door-to-Door Salesman -- 1973 film by Wolf Rilla
Wikipedia - Secrets of a Hollywood Super Madam -- Book by Jody Gibson
Wikipedia - Secrets of an Actress -- 1938 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Secrets of a Nurse -- 1938 film by Arthur Lubin
Wikipedia - Secrets of a Restaurant Chef -- American food reality television series
Wikipedia - Secrets of a Secretary -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Secrets of a Sorority Girl -- 1946 film directed by Lew Landers
Wikipedia - Secrets of a Soul -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Secrets of a Superstud -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Secrets of Nature (1950 film) -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Secrets of RM-CM-&tikon -- Video game published by Broken Rules
Wikipedia - Secrets of Sex -- 1970 film by Antony Balch
Wikipedia - Secrets of Sound -- Record label
Wikipedia - Secrets of the Alchemist Dar -- Book by Michael Stadther
Wikipedia - Secrets of the City -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Secrets of the French Police -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Secrets of the Lamp
Wikipedia - Secrets of the Lone Wolf -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Secrets of the Luxor -- 1996 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Secrets of the Masters -- 2009 Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Secrets of the Night -- 1924 film directed by Herbert BlachM-CM-)
Wikipedia - Secrets of the Orient -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Secrets of the Tribe -- 2010 film directed by JosM-CM-) Padilha
Wikipedia - Secrets of the Underground -- 1942 film by William Morgan
Wikipedia - Secrets of Women (film) -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Secrets of Women (TV series) -- 2016 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Secret (South Korean group) -- South Korean girl group
Wikipedia - Secret Sphere -- Italian symphonic power metal band
Wikipedia - Secret Squirrel -- TV series
Wikipedia - Secrets (Regard and Raye song) -- 2020 single by Regard and Raye
Wikipedia - Secret Story of the Swan -- 2020 single by Iz*One
Wikipedia - Secret Superstar -- 2017 Indian Hindi-language musical drama film
Wikipedia - Secret Svensson -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - Secret Teaching Organization -- Underground Polish educational organization
Wikipedia - Secret Things -- 2002 film by Jean-Claude Brisseau
Wikipedia - Secret Treaty of Vienna -- Defensive alliance between Britain, France, and Austria
Wikipedia - Secret Valley (film) -- 1937 film by Howard Bretherton
Wikipedia - Secret War (comics)
Wikipedia - Secret Warriors (2009 series)
Wikipedia - Secret Warriors (Team White) -- Fictional comic book group
Wikipedia - Secret Wars (2015 comic book) -- 2015 comic book storyline by Marvel Comics
Wikipedia - Secret Wars
Wikipedia - Secret Wedding -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - Secret Window -- 2004 film directed by David Koepp
Wikipedia - Secret witness -- Witness who is granted anonymity by the juridical authority
Wikipedia - SECR K and SR K1 classes -- Two classes of 20 two-cylinder (K) and 1 three-cylinder (K1) 2-6-4T locomotives
Wikipedia - Sectarianism -- Prejudice, discrimination, or hatred based on social group
Wikipedia - Sectarians
Wikipedia - Sectarian violence in Iraq -- Violence between different ethnic and/or religious sects in Iraq
Wikipedia - Sectarian violence in Pakistan -- Sectarian violence
Wikipedia - Sectarian violence
Wikipedia - Sectarian
Wikipedia - Sectaurs -- Television series
Wikipedia - Sec Taylor -- American sportswriter
Wikipedia - Section 116 of the Constitution of Australia -- Australian Constitution section regarding religion
Wikipedia - Section 13 of the Constitution of Australia -- Part of the Constitution of Australia
Wikipedia - Section 16.1 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms -- Section of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms dealing with linguistic equality in New Brunswick
Wikipedia - Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 -- Section of an Australian racial vilification law
Wikipedia - Section 20A -- South African law criminalising some acts of sex between men
Wikipedia - Section 230 -- US federal law regarding Internet sites
Wikipedia - Section23 Films -- American multimedia distributor
Wikipedia - Section 28 -- Repealed section of the Local Government Act 1988
Wikipedia - Section 33 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms -- Clause in the Constitution of Canada that conditionally allows government to bypass human rights
Wikipedia - Section 375 -- 2019 Indian Hindi courtroom drama film
Wikipedia - Section 377 -- Law criminalizing homosexuality in former British colonies
Wikipedia - Section 420 of the Indian Penal Code -- Indian law
Wikipedia - Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Wikipedia - Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Wikipedia - Section 514 loans -- American agricultural loan
Wikipedia - Section 8 (housing) -- Section 8 of the Housing Act of 1937 (USA)
Wikipedia - Section 92(14) of the Constitution Act, 1867 -- Portion of the primary constitutional document of Canada
Wikipedia - Section (botany) -- Taxonomic rank in botany
Wikipedia - Section B
Wikipedia - Section de recherches -- French television series
Wikipedia - Section d'Or -- Art group associated with Cubism
Wikipedia - Section Eight Productions -- American film production company
Wikipedia - Section for Relations with States (Roman Curia)
Wikipedia - Section of Painting and Sculpture -- United States federal arts organization
Wikipedia - Section sign
Wikipedia - Section Thirty, Minnesota -- Unincorporated community in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Sect of Skhariya the Jew
Wikipedia - Sector 16 Stadium -- Cricket stadium
Wikipedia - Sector 7 (film) -- 2011 South Korean science fiction action film by Kim Ji-hun
Wikipedia - Sector (administrative division) -- Administrative division of a country
Wikipedia - Sector collapse -- Collapse of a volcano
Wikipedia - Sector (economic)
Wikipedia - Sector (instrument)
Wikipedia - Sector model
Wikipedia - Sectors of Bucharest -- Administrative units of Bucharest, Romania
Wikipedia - Sectors of Guinea-Bissau -- Administrative divisions of Guinea-Bissau
Wikipedia - Sectors of Rwanda -- Administrative subdivisions of Rwanda
Wikipedia - Sectra AB -- Swedish company, known for RAKEL
Wikipedia - Sects in Islam
Wikipedia - Sects of Sikhism
Wikipedia - Sects
Wikipedia - SEC TV -- Syndicated package of college sports telecasts
Wikipedia - Sect -- Subgroup of a particular religious or ideological doctrine
Wikipedia - Secukinumab -- Monoclonal antibody against IL-17 used for treatment of psoriasis
Wikipedia - Secular Augustinian Recollects
Wikipedia - Secular Augustinian Recollect
Wikipedia - Secular Buddhism -- Form of non-dogmatic Buddhism
Wikipedia - Secular canons
Wikipedia - Secular canon
Wikipedia - Secular Cantata No. 2: A Free Song -- Music by William Schuman
Wikipedia - Secular Christmas stories
Wikipedia - Secular clergy
Wikipedia - Secular Coalition for America
Wikipedia - Secular coming-of-age ceremony
Wikipedia - Secular education -- System of public education in countries with a secular government
Wikipedia - Secular ethics
Wikipedia - Secular Franciscan Order
Wikipedia - Secular humanism -- Non-religious ethical descriptor; contemporary meaning of humanism
Wikipedia - Secular Humanist
Wikipedia - Secular humanist
Wikipedia - Secular hymn (genre) -- Genre of non-religious popular song
Wikipedia - Secular icon
Wikipedia - Secular institute -- Organization of individuals who are consecrated persons while living in the world, unlike members of a religious institute who live in community
Wikipedia - Secularisation
Wikipedia - Secularism in Egypt
Wikipedia - Secularism in France -- Separation of church and state in France
Wikipedia - Secularism in Iran -- Secularism in Iran
Wikipedia - Secularism in Israel -- Secularism in Israel
Wikipedia - Secularism in Turkey -- Separation of religion and state in Turkey
Wikipedia - Secularism
Wikipedia - Secularity (non-religiosity)
Wikipedia - Secularity -- state of being separate from religion, or of not being exclusively allied with or against any particular religion
Wikipedia - Secularization -- Transformation of a society from close identification with religious values and institutions toward nonreligious values
Wikipedia - Secular Jewish culture
Wikipedia - Secular Jewish music
Wikipedia - Secular liberalism -- form of liberalism which involves secular values
Wikipedia - Secular movement
Wikipedia - Secular music
Wikipedia - Secular name
Wikipedia - Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites
Wikipedia - Secular paganism -- Upholds virtues and principles associated with paganism while rejecting belief in deities
Wikipedia - Secular Progressive Front -- Indian political Alliance
Wikipedia - Secular religion -- Communal belief system that often rejects or neglects the supernatural
Wikipedia - Secular Right -- Israeli political party
Wikipedia - Secular saint
Wikipedia - Secular spirituality
Wikipedia - Secular stagnation -- Economic condition
Wikipedia - Secular state -- State or country without a state religion
Wikipedia - Secular Student Alliance -- American nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - Secular theology
Wikipedia - Secular variation -- Long-term non-periodic variation
Wikipedia - Secular
Wikipedia - Secundative language
Wikipedia - Secunderabad-Danapur Express -- Rail line in India
Wikipedia - Secunderabad (Lok Sabha constituency) -- Lok Sabha Constituency in Andhra Pradesh
Wikipedia - Secunderabad railway division -- Railway division of India
Wikipedia - Secundian, Marcellian and Verian
Wikipedia - Secundino Catarino Crispin -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Secundinus
Wikipedia - Secundum quid
Wikipedia - Secundus of Asti
Wikipedia - Secundus of Ptolemais
Wikipedia - Secundus the Silent
Wikipedia - Secure Access Service Edge -- Secure Access Service Edge
Wikipedia - SECURE Act of 2019 -- 2019 United States federal legislation
Wikipedia - Secure attachment
Wikipedia - Secure by default
Wikipedia - Secure by design
Wikipedia - Secure channel
Wikipedia - Secure coding
Wikipedia - Secure communication
Wikipedia - Secure copy protocol -- Network protocol for copying files between computers
Wikipedia - Secure copy
Wikipedia - SecureCRT
Wikipedia - Secure cryptoprocessor -- Device used for encryption
Wikipedia - Secure Digital Music Initiative
Wikipedia - Secure Digital
Wikipedia - Secure file transfer program
Wikipedia - Secure function evaluation
Wikipedia - Secure Hash Algorithms -- Family of cryptographic hash functions
Wikipedia - Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- Web encryption method similar to HTTPS
Wikipedia - Secure instant messaging -- A form of instant messaging
Wikipedia - Secure Islands
Wikipedia - Secure Mobile Payment Service
Wikipedia - Secure multi-party computation
Wikipedia - Secure multiparty computation
Wikipedia - Secure Network -- European IT consulting company
Wikipedia - Secure Real-time Transport Protocol -- Security profile for Real-time Transport Protocol
Wikipedia - Secure Reliable Transport -- Open source video transport protocol
Wikipedia - Secure Remote Password protocol
Wikipedia - Secure Shell
Wikipedia - Secure Socket Layer
Wikipedia - Secure Sockets Layer
Wikipedia - Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol -- Form of virtual private network tunnel
Wikipedia - Secure speech
Wikipedia - Secure Terminal Equipment
Wikipedia - Secure voice -- Encrypted voice communication
Wikipedia - Securidaca welwitschii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Securitas AG -- Swiss company
Wikipedia - Securitas depot robbery -- Large cash robbery
Wikipedia - Securitas Direct -- A security company based in Malmo, Sweden
Wikipedia - Securitas
Wikipedia - Securitate
Wikipedia - Securities and Exchange Commission (Nigeria) -- Government regulatory body overseeing the stock market
Wikipedia - Securities and Exchange Commission of Myanmar -- Government regulatory body overseeing the stock market
Wikipedia - Securities and Exchange Commission (Poland) -- Government regulatory body overseeing the stock market
Wikipedia - Securities and Exchange Commission
Wikipedia - Securities and Futures Commission -- Hong Kong statutory body
Wikipedia - Securities > Exchange Commission of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Security Account Manager -- Windows database that stores users' passwords
Wikipedia - Security Accounts Manager
Wikipedia - Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks -- vulnerability scanner for networks
Wikipedia - Security alarm -- A system that detects unauthorised entry
Wikipedia - Security Analysis (book) -- 1934 book by Benjamin Graham
Wikipedia - Security and Intelligence Agency
Wikipedia - Security and Intelligence Division
Wikipedia - Security and Intelligence Services (India) -- Indian private security company
Wikipedia - Security and Maintenance -- Microsoft Windows software
Wikipedia - Security and Privacy in Computer Systems
Wikipedia - Security Assertion Markup Language -- XML-based format and protocol for exchanging authentication and authorization data between parties
Wikipedia - Security Bank -- Bank in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Security blanket
Wikipedia - Security breaches
Wikipedia - Security breach notification laws
Wikipedia - Security breach
Wikipedia - Security BSides
Wikipedia - Security bugs
Wikipedia - Security bug
Wikipedia - Security camera
Wikipedia - Security clearance -- Status granted to individuals allowing them access to classified information or to restricted areas
Wikipedia - Security company
Wikipedia - Security Consultancy Wing -- Consultancy wing of the CISF
Wikipedia - Security culture
Wikipedia - Security descriptor
Wikipedia - Security detail -- Protective team assigned to an individual or group
Wikipedia - Security Development Lifecycle
Wikipedia - Security dilemma
Wikipedia - Security engineering
Wikipedia - Security-Enhanced Linux -- Linux kernel security module
Wikipedia - Security-evaluated operating system
Wikipedia - Security (finance)
Wikipedia - Security-focused operating system
Wikipedia - Security Forces Command -- Military of Northern Cyprus
Wikipedia - Security hacker -- Computer security term; someone who hacks computer systems
Wikipedia - Security Identifier
Wikipedia - Security Industry Association -- U.S. trade association
Wikipedia - Security information and event management -- Computer security
Wikipedia - Security information management
Wikipedia - Security Information Service
Wikipedia - Security Intelligence Agency
Wikipedia - Security in the Persian Gulf Region -- 2016 book by Fatemeh Shayan
Wikipedia - Security kernel -- telecommunication term
Wikipedia - Security level -- Measure of cryptographic strength
Wikipedia - Security management
Wikipedia - Security of Information Act -- An Act of the Parliament of Canada addressing national security
Wikipedia - Security of King and Government Act 1695 -- Act of the Parliament of England
Wikipedia - Security Pacific Bank -- United States bank
Wikipedia - Security Paper Mill -- Iranian government secure paper mill
Wikipedia - Security patch
Wikipedia - Security police
Wikipedia - Security Printing and Minting Organization -- Iranian mint, subsidiary of the Central Bank of Iran
Wikipedia - Security printing
Wikipedia - Security protocol
Wikipedia - Security Service of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Security service (telecommunication)
Wikipedia - Security Support Provider Interface
Wikipedia - Security switch -- Hardware device to protect computers, laptops, smartphones and similar devices from unauthorized access or operation
Wikipedia - Security testing
Wikipedia - Security theater -- Security measures that are mostly for show
Wikipedia - Security thread -- Security feature of banknotes
Wikipedia - Security through obscurity -- Reliance on design or implementation secrecy for security
Wikipedia - Security token -- Device used to access electronically restricted resource
Wikipedia - Security+
Wikipedia - Security -- Degree of resistance to, or protection from, harm
Wikipedia - Securly -- American web filtering software provider
Wikipedia - SecuROM -- Sony DRM software
Wikipedia - Secutor -- Class of gladiator in Rome
Wikipedia - Secutron -- Company in Vaughan, Ontario
Wikipedia - Secwepemc -- First Nations people in Canada
Wikipedia - See Posey -- American business manager, traveling secretary, and booking agent
Wikipedia - Sefer ve Sefel -- Secondhand bookstore in Jerusalem
Wikipedia - Sehnsucht Tour -- Second concert tour by Rammstein
Wikipedia - Sekondi College -- Secondary school in Sekondi, Ghana
Wikipedia - Selandian -- Second Age of the Paleocene Epoch
Wikipedia - Selenaspidus articulatus -- Species of scale insect
Wikipedia - Semantically secure
Wikipedia - Senecauxia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Senior Secret Love -- 2016-2017 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Sentetsu Mateni-class locomotive -- Second class of Korean 4-8-2 locomotives
Wikipedia - Separation of protection and security
Wikipedia - Sepsis violacea -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Sericomyia chrysotoxoides -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Series multisection -- In mathematics, series built from equally spaced terms of another series
Wikipedia - Services sector
Wikipedia - Sewelo -- Second largest rough diamond ever found
Wikipedia - Sex, Love & Secrets -- American soap opera television series
Wikipedia - Sextus Vettulenus Civica Cerialis -- Early second century Roman senator
Wikipedia - Sf9 (cells) -- Insect cell line
Wikipedia - Shaanika Nashilongo Secondary School -- School in Okahao in Namibia
Wikipedia - Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury -- Position in the British parliamentary opposition
Wikipedia - Shadow Financial Secretary to the Treasury -- Shadow ministerial position
Wikipedia - Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs -- Shadow Cabinet office
Wikipedia - Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland -- Shadow Cabinet office
Wikipedia - Shaheen Academy School and College -- Secondary school in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Shahidul Haque -- 25th Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Shaker furniture -- Furniture developed by the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing
Wikipedia - Shaktism -- A major sect of Hinduism
Wikipedia - Shamir's Secret Sharing -- Algorithm in cryptography created by Adi Shamir
Wikipedia - Shannon security
Wikipedia - Shared secret
Wikipedia - Sharjah Indian School -- Secondary school in UAE
Wikipedia - Sharknado 2: The Second One
Wikipedia - Sharon plain -- Central section of the coastal plain of Israel
Wikipedia - Sha Tin College -- Hong Kong secondary school
Wikipedia - Shawangunk Correctional Facility -- Maximum-security state prison for male prisoners, located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Shawn Riegsecker -- American entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Shear stress -- Component of stress coplanar with a material cross section
Wikipedia - Sheffield Blitz -- German bombing of Sheffield during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Sheila Rabb Weidenfeld -- TV producer, former US Press Secretary
Wikipedia - Shellshock (software bug) -- Security bug in the Unix Bash shell discovered in 2014
Wikipedia - She Looks So Perfect -- 2014 single by 5 Seconds of Summer
Wikipedia - Shemale -- Term primarily used in sex work to describe a transgender women with male genitalia and female secondary sex characteristics
Wikipedia - Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon -- 1943 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Sherwood Academy, Gedling -- Defunct secondary school with academy status in Gedling, Nottinghamshire, England
Wikipedia - She's Kinda Hot -- 2015 single by 5 Seconds of Summer
Wikipedia - Shia Islam in Nigeria -- Shia sect in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Shia Islam in Uzbekistan -- Small minority sect
Wikipedia - Shield Group Security -- Former Iraqi security company
Wikipedia - Shikoku -- Second smallest of the four main islands of Japan
Wikipedia - Shimon ben Halafta -- Rabbi who lived in the second century
Wikipedia - Shin Bet -- Israel's internal security service
Wikipedia - Shingu: Secret of the Stellar Wars -- Anime television series by Tatsuo Sato and Madhouse
Wikipedia - Shinto sects and schools -- Shinto sects and schools
Wikipedia - Shirasuka-juku -- Thirty-second of the 53 stations of the TM-EM-^MkaidM-EM-^M in Japan
Wikipedia - Shishu Niketan Higher Secondary School -- Secondary school in Tripura, India
Wikipedia - ShM-EM-^MkM-EM-+ -- Founder of the JM-EM-^Mdo-shM-EM-+ Buddhist sect
Wikipedia - Shonphi Dashain Higher Secondary School -- High school in Mahottari District of Nepal
Wikipedia - Short (finance) -- Practice of selling securities or other financial instruments that are not currently owned
Wikipedia - Short Stirling -- British four-engined heavy bomber of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Shouting Secrets -- 2011 film by Korinna Sehringer
Wikipedia - Shree Gyanodaya Secondary School -- School in Nepal
Wikipedia - Shrishti -- Indian secondary school
Wikipedia - Shuowen Jiezi xichuan -- Edition of and commentary on a second century Chinese text
Wikipedia - Shy Boy (Secret song) -- Ingle by South Korean girl group Secret
Wikipedia - Sibirarctia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Sicherheitspolizei -- State security police of Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - Siege of Colchester -- A siege that occurred during the Second English Civil War
Wikipedia - Siege of Kimberley -- Event during the Second Boer War
Wikipedia - Siege of Ladysmith -- Engagement in the Second Boer War
Wikipedia - Siege of Mafeking -- Siege during the Second Boer War
Wikipedia - Siege of Malta (World War II) -- Military campaign in the Mediterranean Theatre of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Siege of Pembroke -- A Battle that took place during the Second English Civil War
Wikipedia - Siege of Smerwick -- Siege and massacre during the Second Desmond Rebellion, 1580
Wikipedia - Siege of the Sherpur Cantonment -- Part of the Second Anglo-Afghan War
Wikipedia - Siege of Tobruk -- Military Confrontation in North Africa During the Second World War
Wikipedia - Siege of Trichinopoly (1751-52) -- 1751-52 siege of Trichinopoly during the Second Carnatic War
Wikipedia - Siege of Vellore -- Series of sieges during the Second Anglo-Mysore War at Vellore, in present-day Tamil Nadu
Wikipedia - SigSpoof -- Security vulnerabilities that affected GNU Privacy Guard
Wikipedia - Silovik -- Post-communist Russian politician with background in intelligence, security or military forces
Wikipedia - Silverfish -- Species of insect in the order Zygentoma
Wikipedia - Silvio Cesare -- Australian security researcher
Wikipedia - Simoides -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Simon (cipher) -- Family of lightweight block ciphers publicly released by the National Security Agency (NSA) in June 2013
Wikipedia - Simonians -- Extinct Gnostic sect
Wikipedia - Simple Authentication and Security Layer -- Framework for authentication and data security in Internet protocols
Wikipedia - Simple polygon -- flat shape consisting of straight, non-intersecting lines
Wikipedia - SimpliSafe -- American home security company
Wikipedia - Sinea diadema -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Sinemurian -- Second age of the Early Jurassic
Wikipedia - Singapore Exchange -- Investment holding company in Singapore providing services related to securities and derivatives trading and others
Wikipedia - Singapore Polytechnic -- Post-secondary academic institution in Singapore
Wikipedia - Single-tranche CDO -- Complex derivative financial security
Wikipedia - Sing Sing -- US maximum security prison
Wikipedia - Siopastea -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Siphoactia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Situation Room (photograph) -- Photo of U.S. national security officials during Operation Neptune Spear
Wikipedia - Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution -- Article of amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as part of the Bill of Rights, enumerating rights related to criminal prosecutions.
Wikipedia - SJ Games vs. The Secret Service
Wikipedia - Skookumchuck Narrows -- A strait forming the entrance of Sechelt Inlet on British Columbia's Sunshine Coast in Canada
Wikipedia - Skoptsy -- Sect within the larger Spiritual Christianity movement in the Russian Empire, best known for practicing castration of men and the mastectomy of women
Wikipedia - Skull and Bones -- secret society headquartered at Yale University
Wikipedia - Skwala americana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Skylab 3 -- Second crewed mission to Skylab
Wikipedia - Skylab B -- Proposed second US space station similar to Skylab
Wikipedia - Slavic second palatalization
Wikipedia - Slayers Return -- 1996 second film released in the Slayers saga directed by Hiroshi Watanabe Kunihiko Yuyama
Wikipedia - Sloppy seconds -- type of sex act
Wikipedia - Slovenian Intelligence and Security Agency
Wikipedia - Slowloris (computer security)
Wikipedia - Sly and Robbie -- Jamaican rhythm section and production duo
Wikipedia - Smack (Linux security module)
Wikipedia - Small red damselfly -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - SMBGhost (security vulnerability) -- security vulnerability
Wikipedia - SM-EM-^MtM-EM-^M -- Sect of Japanese Zen Buddhism
Wikipedia - Smoked salmon cheesecake -- Savoury cheesecake
Wikipedia - Smriti -- Secondary Hindu texts, that which is remembered
Wikipedia - SMS Kaiser Wilhelm II -- Second ship of the Kaiser Friedrich III class
Wikipedia - SM St Joseph Papar -- Malaysian secondary school
Wikipedia - SMT Alor Setar -- Secondary technical school in Kedah, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Social Affairs and Social Security Committee (Iceland) -- Standing committee of the Icelandic parliament
Wikipedia - Social engineering (computer security)
Wikipedia - Social engineering (security) -- Psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information
Wikipedia - Social insects
Wikipedia - Social Security Administration -- Independent agency of the U.S. federal government
Wikipedia - Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992 -- United Kingdom legislation
Wikipedia - Social Security Death Index -- Database of American death records
Wikipedia - Social Security Disability Insurance
Wikipedia - Social security in Australia -- Welfare payments provided by the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Social security in Germany -- Includes all statutory insurance in Germany
Wikipedia - Social security in Spain
Wikipedia - Social Security Number
Wikipedia - Social security number
Wikipedia - Social Security number -- Nine-digit number issued to U.S. citizens and permanent residents
Wikipedia - Social Security Tribunal of Canada -- Canadian tribunal
Wikipedia - Social Security (United States) -- American system of social security
Wikipedia - Social security
Wikipedia - Society for Humanistic Judaism -- Secular Jewish organization
Wikipedia - Society of Anubis -- Semi-secret homophile society in United States
Wikipedia - Society of Chemical Industry (American Section)
Wikipedia - Society Secrets -- 1921 film directed by Leo McCarey
Wikipedia - SociM-CM-)tM-CM-) entomologique de France -- French society devoted to the study of insects
Wikipedia - SOE F Section networks
Wikipedia - Software development security
Wikipedia - Software Guard Extensions -- Security-related instruction code processor extension
Wikipedia - Software security
Wikipedia - So in to You -- Song by the Atlanta Rhythm Section
Wikipedia - Solange Ghernaouti -- Swiss academic, international expert in cybersecurity and cyber defence
Wikipedia - Solar Lodge -- Secret society in California
Wikipedia - Solicitor General for New South Wales -- Second law officer for the state of New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Solidago sect. Ptarmicoidei -- Section of flowering plants in the genus Solidago
Wikipedia - Solva pallipes -- species of insect
Wikipedia - Somabrachys klugi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Somerville Circle -- Road intersection in Somerset County, New Jersey, U.S.
Wikipedia - Sonic and the Secret Rings -- 2007 platform video game
Wikipedia - Sonja Eggerickx -- Belgian secular humanist
Wikipedia - Sonny Perdue -- 81st Governor of Georgia; 31st United States Secretary of Agriculture
Wikipedia - Son River -- second-largest tributary of Ganga river in India
Wikipedia - Sophia Dallas -- Second Lady of the United States
Wikipedia - Sophomore slump -- Instance in which a second effort fails to live up to the standards of the first effort
Wikipedia - Sorhagenia dahurica -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Sorhagenia taurensis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - South Australian Railways I class (second) -- Class of Australian locomotives
Wikipedia - Southbridge District High School -- Secondary school in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Southern Africa Litigation Centre v National Director of Public Prosecutions -- South African court case
Wikipedia - Southern Ohio Correctional Facility -- Maximum security prison in Scioto County, Ohio, U.S.
Wikipedia - Southern Unionist -- White Southerners living in the Confederate States of America, opposed to secession, and against the Civil War
Wikipedia - South Pole -- Southern point where the Earth's axis of rotation intersects its surface
Wikipedia - South pole -- Southern point where the Earth's axis of rotation intersects its surface
Wikipedia - Southwest Valley High School -- Public secondary school in Corning, Iowa, United States
Wikipedia - Soviet invasion of Poland -- 1939 invasion of the Second Polish Republic by the Soviet Union during World War II
Wikipedia - Soviet security services
Wikipedia - Soyuz 7K-T -- Second generation of the Soyuz spacecraft
Wikipedia - SpaceX COTS Demo Flight 2 -- Second spaceflight of the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft
Wikipedia - Spalangia cameroni -- Species of insect of the genus Spalangia
Wikipedia - Spanish coup of July 1936 -- Fascist military coup against the Second Spanish Republic
Wikipedia - Spathius -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Special Security Directorate -- Anti-communist division of the Hellenic Gendarmerie (1929-1944)
Wikipedia - Special Security Unit -- Pakistani counter-terrorism agency
Wikipedia - Spectra Cyber Security Solutions Trophy Handicap Chase -- Steeplechase horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Spectre (security vulnerability) -- processor security vulnerability
Wikipedia - Speculative Store Bypass -- processor security vulnerability
Wikipedia - Sphaeroceridae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Sphaleroptera alpicolana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Spherical cap -- Section of a sphere
Wikipedia - Sphetta -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Sphingidae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Sphinx perelegans -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Spiloloma -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Spinulata discopuncta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Split intersection -- Type of road intersection
Wikipedia - Split Second (1992 film) -- 1992 American-British science fiction horror film by Ian Sharp and Tony Maylam
Wikipedia - Split Seconds -- Australian indie pop band
Wikipedia - Spoiler (security vulnerability) -- Security vulnerability on CPUs that use speculative execution
Wikipedia - Spontaneous coronary artery dissection -- uncommon cause of heart attacks mostly affecting younger, healthy women
Wikipedia - Spot contract -- Contract to buy or sell a commodity, security or currency for immediate settlement
Wikipedia - Sprowston Community Academy -- Secondary school in Norwich, England
Wikipedia - Srb's anomaly -- Congenital fusion of the first and second ribs
Wikipedia - Sri Lanka Civil Security Force -- National Home Guard Service
Wikipedia - SS Dorchester -- War Shipping Administration troop ship sunk in 1943 during the naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - SS Gadila -- Second ship of the B-class oil tankers
Wikipedia - SSH (Secure Shell) -- Cryptographic network protocol
Wikipedia - SS LM-CM-)opoldville (1929) -- Ocean liner converted into troop ship during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Stachys the Apostle -- Second bishop of Byzantium from AD 38 to AD 54
Wikipedia - Stag beetle -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Stagmomantis -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - St. Aloysius Senior Secondary School
Wikipedia - Standish Maximum Correctional Facility -- Closed Michigan Department of Corrections maximum security prison in Standish, MI
Wikipedia - St Andrew's College, Dublin -- Secondary school in Blackrock, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - St. Anthony's Higher Secondary School, Shillong
Wikipedia - Star Chamber -- Term used for a secret court
Wikipedia - Star Ocean: The Second Story
Wikipedia - Starr sting pain scale -- Pain scale for insect stings
Wikipedia - Star Trek: Discovery (season 2) -- Second season of Star Trek: Discovery
Wikipedia - Stasi -- State security service of East Germany
Wikipedia - State Bank of India -- Indian public sector bank
Wikipedia - State Duma of the Russian Empire of the Second Convocation -- Legislative body in the Russian empire (1907)
Wikipedia - Stateful firewall -- Connection tracking network security system
Wikipedia - State Protection Authority -- Secret police of Communist Hungary 1945-1956
Wikipedia - State Secret (1995 film) -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - State Security Administration (Yugoslavia) -- Secret police organization of Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - State Security Agency (South Africa)
Wikipedia - State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus
Wikipedia - State Security Council
Wikipedia - State Security Department of Lithuania
Wikipedia - State Security Department
Wikipedia - State Security Investigations Service -- Former security agency in Egypt
Wikipedia - State Security Service (Azerbaijan)
Wikipedia - State Security Service (Belgium)
Wikipedia - State Security Service (Nigeria)
Wikipedia - State Special Communications Service of Ukraine -- Technical security and intelligence service of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Stateville Correctional Center -- Maximum security prison near Joliet, IL
Wikipedia - St. Augustine's College (Cape Coast) -- Public secondary/high school in Cape Coast, Ghana
Wikipedia - St Benedict's Catholic High School, Hensingham -- Comprehensive Secondary School in Whitehaven, Cumbria, UK
Wikipedia - St Bernard's College, Lower Hutt -- Catholic secondary school for boys in Wellington, New Zealand
Wikipedia - StB -- Secret (political) police force in former Czechoslovakia from 1945 to its dissolution in 1990
Wikipedia - St Colman's College, Fermoy -- Secondary school in Ireland
Wikipedia - Stealth Key -- 3D metal printed security key
Wikipedia - St. Edmund Campion Secondary School
Wikipedia - Steen Secher -- Danish sailor
Wikipedia - Stefano Fratepietro -- Italian IT Security Expert
Wikipedia - Steiner-Lehmus theorem -- Every triangle with two angle bisectors of equal lengths is isosceles
Wikipedia - Stemmatophora combustalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Steniodes costipunctalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Stenocaecilius casarum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Stenocoris tipuloides -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Stenocoris -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Stenoma deltomis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Stenoma scitiorella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Stenotrachelidae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Stephen Fry: The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive
Wikipedia - Stephen J. Friedman (academic administrator) -- US Securities and Exchange Commissioner
Wikipedia - Stephen Kent (network security)
Wikipedia - Steve Cooley -- American politician and prosecutor
Wikipedia - Steve Gibson (computer programmer) -- Computer enthusiast, software engineer and security researcher
Wikipedia - Steve Jackson Games, Inc. v. United States Secret Service
Wikipedia - Steven Mnuchin -- 77th and current United States Secretary of the Treasury
Wikipedia - Steve Seck -- American judoka
Wikipedia - St. Fintan's High School -- Secondary school for boys, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - St. Francis Xavier Catholic Secondary School
Wikipedia - St. Francis Xavier Secondary School (Mississauga)
Wikipedia - St Helena Secondary College -- State secondary school in Australia
Wikipedia - St Hilda's Church of England High School -- Secondary school in Liverpool, Merseyside, England
Wikipedia - Stictane fractilinea -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Stiftsgymnasium Melk -- Austrian monastic secondary school
Wikipedia - Stig Bergling -- Swedish Security Service officer
Wikipedia - St. Jean de BrM-CM-)beuf Catholic Secondary School -- Canadian Catholic secondary school
Wikipedia - St. John Henry Newman Catholic Secondary School -- Canadian Catholic secondary school
Wikipedia - St. John Paul II Catholic Secondary School
Wikipedia - St. John's Girls Higher Secondary School -- Higher Secondary School in Nazareth, Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - St. Joseph's College, Ombaci -- Residential boys secondary school in Uganda
Wikipedia - St. Joseph's College, Sasse -- Secondary school in Cameroon
Wikipedia - St. Joseph's Secondary C.B.S., Fairview -- Boys' secondary school in Fairview, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - St Joseph's Secondary School, Fiji -- All-girls school in Suva, Fiji
Wikipedia - St Kevin's College, Dublin -- Boys secondary school in Ballygall, Dublin
Wikipedia - St Kilda Junction -- Road intersection in St Kilda, Australia
Wikipedia - St Mac Dara's Community College -- Second-level school in Templeogue, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - St. Marcellinus Secondary School -- Catholic high school located in Mississauga, Ontario
Wikipedia - St. Mary Catholic Secondary School (Hamilton, Ontario) -- Canadian Catholic secondary school
Wikipedia - St. Mary's Anglo-Indian Higher Secondary School
Wikipedia - St. Michael Catholic Secondary School -- Canadian Catholic secondary school
Wikipedia - St Michael's College, Dublin -- Primary and secondary school for boys, Ireland
Wikipedia - St. Michael's School, Kannur -- Jesuit secondary school in Kannur, Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Stock exchange -- Organization that provides services for stock brokers and traders to trade securities
Wikipedia - Stock market crash -- Sudden dramatic decline of stock prices across a significant cross-section of a stock market
Wikipedia - Stolen Secrets -- 1924 film by Irving Cummings
Wikipedia - Stone industry -- Part of the primary sector of the economy
Wikipedia - Stories of the Law and How It's Broken -- 2018 book by The Secret Barrister
Wikipedia - Stormer's theorem -- Gives a finite bound on the number of consecutive pairs of smooth numbers that exist
Wikipedia - St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School
Wikipedia - St Paul's College, Raheny -- Secondary school in Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Straperlo -- Scandal during the Second Spanish Republic
Wikipedia - Strepsicrates smithiana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Striatoandricus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Striginiana agrippa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - String section -- Section of a larger symphony orchestra composed of string musicians
Wikipedia - St Roch's Secondary School
Wikipedia - Strongylium -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - St. Stephen's Girls' College -- Secondary school in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - St. Thomas More Catholic Secondary School -- Canadian Catholic secondary school
Wikipedia - Student section
Wikipedia - St. Vincent Pallotti High School -- Private secondary school in Laurel, Maryland, U.S.
Wikipedia - Subbase -- Collection of subsets whose closure by finite intersections form the base of a topology
Wikipedia - Subhi al-Tufayli -- Secretary-general of Hezbollah
Wikipedia - Subsective modifier
Wikipedia - Suburban Secrets (film) -- 2004 film
Wikipedia - Sucking louse -- Suborder of insects
Wikipedia - Sue Anne Gilroy -- American politician who served as the Secretary of State of Indiana
Wikipedia - Suhua Highway -- 118-kilometre section of the Provincial Highway 9 in Taiwan,
Wikipedia - Sullivan Correctional Facility -- Maximum-security state prison for male prisoners, located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Summa Universae Theologiae Christianae secundum Unitarios
Wikipedia - Sun Secure Global Desktop
Wikipedia - Superinfection -- Second infection on top of a previous one
Wikipedia - Superman: Secret Origin -- Limited series comic book
Wikipedia - Supermarket Secrets -- British television series
Wikipedia - Supermax prison -- Most secure levels of custody in the prison systems of certain countries
Wikipedia - Suphisellus rotundatus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Supplemental Security Income -- United States government program that provides stipends to low-income people who are either aged 65 or older, blind, or disabled
Wikipedia - Surajit Kar Purkayastha -- State Security Advisor of West Bengal and former Indian police officer
Wikipedia - Surendra Singh (cabinet secretary)
Wikipedia - Susan Clough -- Personal Secretary to Jimmy Carter
Wikipedia - Susan Rice -- 24th United States National Security Advisor
Wikipedia - Swakeleys School for Girls -- Secondary school in London
Wikipedia - Swaminarayan Mantra -- Main mantra of the Swaminarayan sect
Wikipedia - Swansea District line -- Section of railway line in Swansea
Wikipedia - Sweat gland -- Small tubular structures of the skin that produce sweat; a type of exocrine gland, which are glands that produce and secrete substances onto an epithelial surface by way of a duct.
Wikipedia - Swedish Military Intelligence and Security Service
Wikipedia - Swedish Security Service
Wikipedia - SWIFT J1756.9M-bM-^HM-^R2508 -- Millisecond pulsar
Wikipedia - Syllepis religiosa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Syllepte segnalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Sylvester Horton Rosecrans -- Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Sylvia Kristel -- Dutch Avro secretary and model and actress
Wikipedia - Sylvia Mathews Burwell -- US Secretary of Health and Human Services
Wikipedia - Sylvia of the Secret Service -- 1917 film by George Fitzmaurice
Wikipedia - Symmoca calidella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Sympetrum depressiusculum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Symphlebia abdominalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Synalamis -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Syntrita monostigmatalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Syntypistis -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Syrian Social Nationalist Party -- Secular pan-Syrian political party in Syria and Lebanon
Wikipedia - Syringoseca mimica -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Syringoseca rhodoxantha -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Syrphus torvus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Systems Security Certified Practitioner
Wikipedia - T-34 -- Second World War Soviet medium tank
Wikipedia - Tabanus abdominalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Tabanus aegrotus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Tabanus americanus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Tachina bombidiforma -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Tachinidae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Taconic Correctional Facility -- Medium-security state prison for female prisoners, located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Tadeusz Thullie -- Polish royal secretary
Wikipedia - Taeniarchis catenata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Tahnoun bin Zayed Al Nahyan (national security advisor) -- National Security Advisor of UAE
Wikipedia - Taichung City Second Market -- Public market in Taichung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Tai Po Sam Yuk Secondary School -- co-educational Christian secondary school in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Tamba decolor -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation -- Public sector undertaking of Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Tamperproofing -- Any technique used to hinder, deter or detect unauthorised access to a device or circumvention of a security system
Wikipedia - Tangent-secant theorem -- Relates line segments created by a secant with a tangent line
Wikipedia - Tanjong Katong Secondary School -- Singapore secondary school
Wikipedia - Taqiya -- precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution
Wikipedia - Tarachodes fuscipennis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Tarah Wheeler -- American cybersecurity executive and diversity activist
Wikipedia - Tarek William Saab -- Prosecutor General of Venezuela
Wikipedia - Tariq Anwar (politician) -- | AICC General Secretary Charge Of Kerala
Wikipedia - Tarzan's Secret Treasure -- 1941 Tarzan film directed by Richard Thorpe
Wikipedia - Tascia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Task allocation and partitioning of social insects
Wikipedia - Tatanagar-Bilaspur section -- Railway line in East India, connecting Tatanagar, Jharkhand, with Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh
Wikipedia - Tatocnemis -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Taurus (astrology) -- Second astrological sign in the present zodiac
Wikipedia - Tavis Ormandy -- English-born computer security analyst known for detecting high-risk vulnerabilities in software
Wikipedia - Taxing and Spending Clause -- Section of American Constitution
Wikipedia - TCSEC
Wikipedia - Teaching English as a second language
Wikipedia - Tears -- Clear liquid secreted from glands in eyes of mammals
Wikipedia - Teatro Puerto Rico -- Former music hall the South Bronx section of Manhattan
Wikipedia - Tebenna submicalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Technology industry in Puerto Rico -- Technology sector in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Tectonic plate -- Continuous section of the lithosphere of the Earth which is moving relative to adjacent plates
Wikipedia - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze -- 1991 US science fiction/martial arts live-action film directed by Michael Pressman
Wikipedia - Tefluthrin -- Synthetic pyrethroid used as insecticide
Wikipedia - Telamoptilia prosacta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Tele-Fever -- Second-generation home video game console
Wikipedia - Telipna acraea -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Telling Secrets (memoir) {{DISPLAYTITLE:<i>Telling Secrets</i> (memoir) -- Telling Secrets (memoir) {{DISPLAYTITLE:<i>Telling Secrets</i> (memoir)
Wikipedia - Telomere (insect morphology) -- Type of genital clasper in insects
Wikipedia - Temasek Polytechnic -- Post-secondary academic institution in Singapore
Wikipedia - Temnora spiritus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Template talk:Campaignbox Second Libyan Civil War
Wikipedia - Template talk:Catholic consecrated life
Wikipedia - Template talk:Information Security Certifications
Wikipedia - Template talk:Information security
Wikipedia - Template talk:Modern persecution of Coptic Christians
Wikipedia - Template talk:Object-capability security
Wikipedia - Template talk:Persecution of Christians
Wikipedia - Template talk:Persecutions of the Catholic Church sidebar
Wikipedia - Template talk:Second Vatican Council
Wikipedia - Template talk:Secret Six
Wikipedia - Temporal power of the Holy See -- Political and secular governmental activity of the popes of the Roman Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Tenable, Inc. -- Cybersecurity company
Wikipedia - Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security -- Government agency in Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Tennessee River Blueway -- Section of the Tennessee River
Wikipedia - Tennessee State Route 233 -- Secondary state highway
Wikipedia - Tenthredinoidea -- Superfamily of insects
Wikipedia - Terabit per second
Wikipedia - Terasecond and longer
Wikipedia - Terenure College -- Secondary school for boys, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Terje Rod-Larsen -- Terje Rod-Larsen - Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the implementation of Security Council resolution 1559/2004
Wikipedia - Terminator (genetics) -- Section of genetic sequence that marks the end of gene or operon on genomic DNA for transcription
Wikipedia - Termite -- Insect
Wikipedia - Terraced wall -- A wall divided into sections, as in, not a single wall, that terraces
Wikipedia - Tertiary sector of the economy -- Service sector
Wikipedia - Tertiary source -- Index or textual consolidation of primary and secondary sources
Wikipedia - Tesla Roadster (second generation) -- Second sports car from Tesla, Inc. (scheduled for delivery during 2020)
Wikipedia - Tettigoniidae -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Textile industry in Bangladesh -- regional economic sector in South Asia
Wikipedia - TextSecure -- Free encrypted messaging app
Wikipedia - Textual variants in the Second Epistle of Peter -- Textual variants in the Second Epistle of Peter
Wikipedia - Textual variants in the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians -- Textual variants in the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
Wikipedia - T. F. Secor -- American marine engineer
Wikipedia - Thasus acutangulus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Thaumatodryinus tuukkaraski -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - The 1 Second Film
Wikipedia - The 7th Secret Courier for Edo -- 1958 film by Kazuo Mori
Wikipedia - The Admiral's Secret -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn (video game)
Wikipedia - The Age of Insects -- 1990 film by Eric Marciano
Wikipedia - The Apprentice (British series 2) -- Second season of UK television series
Wikipedia - The Art of Secrets -- book by James Klise
Wikipedia - The Best Cooking Secrets -- A South Korean cooking show
Wikipedia - The Best of Secter and the Rest of Secter -- 2005 Canadian documentary film
Wikipedia - The Black Secret -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - The Brighton Strangler -- 1945 film by Max Nosseck
Wikipedia - The Burning Secret (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Burning Secret -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - The Cantos -- Long, incomplete poem in 116 sections (M-bM-^@M-^
Wikipedia - The Case of Prosecutor M -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Celebrity Circle -- Second series of The Circle
Wikipedia - The Cheesecake Factory
Wikipedia - The Chimney's Secret -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - The Circle (British series 2) -- Second series of The Circle
Wikipedia - The Code On Social Security, 2020 -- Act of Indian Parliament
Wikipedia - The Consecration of Saint Augustine
Wikipedia - The Czarina's Secret -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Dance (second version)
Wikipedia - The Death of an Insect -- 2010 film
Wikipedia - The Doctor's Secret (1909 film) -- 1910 film by Georges MM-CM-)lies
Wikipedia - The Doctor's Secret (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Doctor's Secret (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The DO-IT Center -- People with disabilities in postsecondary education and careers
Wikipedia - The Eternal Secret -- 1942 film by Carlos Orellana
Wikipedia - The Family Secret (1924 film) -- 1924 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - The Four Last Seconds of Quidam Uhl -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - The Great and Secret Show (album) -- Album by the British band Devilment
Wikipedia - The Great British Bake Off (series 2) -- Second series of The Great British Bake Off
Wikipedia - The Great Secret (serial) -- 1917 film directed by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy (season 2) -- Second season of American animated television series The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Wikipedia - The Hewett Academy -- Secondary school and sixth form in Norwich, England
Wikipedia - The Holocaust in the Sudetenland -- Nazi persecution and murder of Jews, 1938-1945
Wikipedia - The Horne Section -- Musical comedy act featuring professional musicians led by comedian Alex Horne
Wikipedia - The House of Secrets (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Insect Trust -- American jazz-based rock band from New York
Wikipedia - The Invisible Boy: Second Generation -- 2018 Italian fantasy-superhero film
Wikipedia - The Island of Giant Insects -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - The Italian Secretary
Wikipedia - The Journal of Insectivorous Plant Society -- A quarterly Japanese-language periodical
Wikipedia - The Jury's Secret -- 1938 film by Edward Sloman
Wikipedia - The Key the Secret -- 1993 single by Urban Cookie Collective
Wikipedia - The Ladies' Gallery: A Memoir of Family Secrets -- Book by Irene Vilar
Wikipedia - The Lawyer's Secret -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part -- 2019 animated film by Mike Mitchell
Wikipedia - The Lohmann Affair -- Weimar Republic political scandal concerning a secret rearmament program
Wikipedia - The Loop, River Dart -- Section of the River Dart, Dartmoor, England
Wikipedia - Thelyphassa lineata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - The Man of the Year (2003 film) -- 2003 film directed by JosM-CM-) Henrique Fonseca
Wikipedia - The Million Second Quiz -- 2013 US television series
Wikipedia - The Miracle of the Desecrated Host -- c. 1467 painting by Paolo Uccello
Wikipedia - The Moonshine Jungle Tour -- Second concert tour by Bruno Mars
Wikipedia - The Myth of Persecution
Wikipedia - The Nosebleed Section -- 2004 single by Hilltop Hoods
Wikipedia - The Nurse's Secret -- 1941 film by Noel M. Smith
Wikipedia - Theodore Sedgwick Gold -- 19th-century American farmer and Connecticut state secretary of agriculture
Wikipedia - The Paris of the Second Empire in Baudelaire
Wikipedia - The personal is political -- Political rallying slogan and argument derived from second-wave feminism movements
Wikipedia - The Priest's Secret -- 1941 film by Joselito Rodriguez
Wikipedia - The Private Secretary (1931 German film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Private Secretary (1931 Italian film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Private Secretary (1953 film) -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - The Prosecutor Hallers -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - The Queen's Secretary -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - The Real Housewives of New York City (season 2) -- Second season of the reality television series The Real Housewives of New York City
Wikipedia - There Is a Secret in My Soup -- 2001 Hong Kong horror film by Yeung Chi Kin
Wikipedia - Theresa Secord -- Penobscot artist, geologist, and activist (b. 1958)
Wikipedia - Thereva fucata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - The Rev. Dell's Secret -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - The Rhythm Section -- 2020 film directed by Reed Morano
Wikipedia - The Royal Dublin Golf Club -- Second oldest golf club in Ireland, located on North Bull Island
Wikipedia - The Sealed Secret -- 2013 film
Wikipedia - The Sea of Monsters -- 2006 American novel, second in the Percy Jackson series
Wikipedia - The Second Authority for Television and Radio -- Israeli television and radio authority
Wikipedia - The Second Bakery Attack -- Short story by Haruki Murakami
Wikipedia - The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel -- 2015 film by John Madden
Wikipedia - The Second City Detroit -- former comedy theatre
Wikipedia - The Second City Saints -- Professional wrestling stable
Wikipedia - The Second City -- Improvisational theatre troupe based in Chicago
Wikipedia - The Second Coming of Christ (book)
Wikipedia - The Second Coming (poem) -- 1919 poem by Irish poet W. B. Yeats
Wikipedia - The Second Floor Mystery -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - The Second Founding -- Non-fiction book by Eric Foner
Wikipedia - The Second Greatest Sex -- 1955 film by George Marshall
Wikipedia - The Second Hundred Years (film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Second Hurricane -- Opera in two acts by Aaron Copland to a libretto by Edwin Denby
Wikipedia - The second kingdom of Mari
Wikipedia - The Second Machine Age
Wikipedia - The Second Maiden's Tragedy
Wikipedia - The Second Mate (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Second Mother (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Second Mother (2015 film) -- 2015 film directed by Anna Muylaert
Wikipedia - The Second Mrs. Burton -- American radio soap opera (1946 to 1960)
Wikipedia - The Second Mrs Tanqueray -- 1893 stage play by Arthur Wing Pinero
Wikipedia - The Second of May 1808 -- 1814 painting by Francisco de Goya depicting rebellion against the French occupation of Spain
Wikipedia - The Second Sex -- 1949 book by Simone de Beauvoir
Wikipedia - The Second Shot (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Second Shot -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - The Second Time (film) -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - The Second Track -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - The Second Treatise of Civil Government
Wikipedia - The Second Victory -- 1986 film by Gerald Thomas
Wikipedia - The Second Wife (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The Second Woman (1950 film) -- 1950 film by James V. Kern
Wikipedia - The Second World War (book series) -- History of WW2 written by Winston Churchill
Wikipedia - The Second World War (book) -- 2012 book by Antony Beevor
Wikipedia - The Secret (1955 film) -- 1955 British film directed by Cy Endfield
Wikipedia - The Secret (1990 film) -- 1990 film
Wikipedia - The Secret (2006 film) -- 2006 film
Wikipedia - The Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - The Secret Adversary (film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Secret Adversary -- Detective novel by Agatha Christie (1922)
Wikipedia - The Secret Agent (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - The Secret Agent Club -- 1996 American spy action comedy film
Wikipedia - The Secretary (1938 film) -- 1938 Hindi-language Indian comedy film by Chaturbhuj Doshi
Wikipedia - The Secretary (1995 film) -- 1995 American film by Andrew Lane
Wikipedia - The Secretary of Dreams -- Short story collections authored by Stephen King and illustrated by Glenn Chadbourne
Wikipedia - The Secret (book) -- Book by Rhonda Byrne
Wikipedia - The Secret Bride -- 1934 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - The Secret Call -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Secret Circle (TV series) -- 2011 American supernatural teen television drama
Wikipedia - The Secret Code (film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - The Secret Commonwealth -- 2019 novel by Philip Pullman
Wikipedia - The Secret Courier -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Secret: Dare to Dream -- 2020 film directed by Andy Tennant
Wikipedia - The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister -- 2010 film by James Kent
Wikipedia - The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13M-BM-> -- 1982 book by Sue Townsend
Wikipedia - The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole (TV series) -- Television series
Wikipedia - The Secret Diary of Sigmund Freud -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - The Secret Doctrine
Wikipedia - The Secret Four -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Secret Friend -- 2010 film directed by Flavio Alves
Wikipedia - The Secret Garden (2020 film) -- 2020 fantasy film directed by Marc Munden
Wikipedia - The Secret Garden -- 1911 novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Wikipedia - The Secret History of Hacking -- 2001 film by Ralph Lee
Wikipedia - The Secret History of the Mongols -- medieval Mongolian literary work documenting Mongol history
Wikipedia - The Secret History of the Moon -- 2020 short film by John Boswell
Wikipedia - The Secret History of Twin Peaks -- Novel by Mark Frost
Wikipedia - The Secret History -- Book by Donna Tartt
Wikipedia - The Secret Hour (film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Secret in Their Eyes -- 2009 film
Wikipedia - The Secret Kingdom (film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Secret Land -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - The Secret Lie -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - The Secret Life of an American Wife -- 1968 comedy film directed by George Axelrod
Wikipedia - The Secret Life of Kathy McCormick -- 1988 television film by Robert Lewis
Wikipedia - The Secret Life of Lele Pons -- 2020 web series
Wikipedia - The Secret Life of My Secretary -- 2019 South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - The Secret Life of Pets 2 -- 2019 film by Chris Renaud
Wikipedia - The Secret Life of Pets (franchise) -- Film franchise
Wikipedia - The Secret Life of Pets -- 2016 American 3D computer animated comedy film
Wikipedia - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013 film) -- 2013 US adventure comedy-drama film by Ben Stiller
Wikipedia - The Secret Man -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - The Secret Miracle
Wikipedia - The Secret of Blood -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of Bombay -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of Brinkenhof -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of Castle Elmshoh -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of Castle Ronay -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of Cavelli -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of Convict Lake -- 1951 film by Michael Gordon
Wikipedia - The Secret of Divine Civilization -- 1875 book written anonymously by M-JM-;Abdu'l-Baha
Wikipedia - The Secret of Dr. Kildare -- 1939 film by Harold S. Bucquet
Wikipedia - The Secret of Hegel
Wikipedia - The Secret of Helene Marimon -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of Johann Orth -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of Madame Blanche -- 1933 film by Charles Brabin
Wikipedia - The Secret of Mountain Lake -- 1954 film by Alexander Rou
Wikipedia - The Secret of My Success (1987 film) -- 1987 film by Herbert Ross
Wikipedia - The Secret of NIMH
Wikipedia - The Secret of One Hour -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of Polichinelle (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of Rosette Lambert -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of Santa Maria -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of Selling the Negro -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of St. Pauli -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of the American Docks -- 1919 film by Ewald AndrM-CM-) Dupont
Wikipedia - The Secret of the Black Falcon -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of the Black Widow -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of the Blue Room -- 1933 film by Kurt Neumann
Wikipedia - The Secret of the Chinese Carnation -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of the Desert -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of the Duchess -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of the Golden Flower
Wikipedia - The Secret of the Mountain Lake -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of the Mummy -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of the Nagas -- 2011 novel by Amish Tripathi
Wikipedia - The Secret of the Submarine -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - The Secret of the Swamp -- 1916 drama film by Lynn Reynolds
Wikipedia - The Secret of the Sword -- 1985 US animated film directed by Bill Reed and Gwen Wetzler
Wikipedia - The Secret of the Telegian -- 1960 film by Jun Fukuda
Wikipedia - The Secret of the Way Things Are
Wikipedia - The Secret of Treasure Island -- 1938 film by Elmer Clifton
Wikipedia - The Secret of Wilhelm Storitz -- Fantasy novel by Jules Verne
Wikipedia - The Secret of Women -- 2021 Indian Malayalam movie
Wikipedia - The Secret Policeman's Ball (1979) -- Benefit show staged by the British Section of Amnesty International
Wikipedia - The Secret Policeman's Ball -- Shows to benefit Amnesty International
Wikipedia - The Secret Policeman's Other Ball -- Show benfitting Amnesty International
Wikipedia - The secret practice -- Folk healing practice
Wikipedia - The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews -- 1991 book by the Nation of Islam
Wikipedia - The Secret Series -- book series by Pseudonymous Bosch
Wikipedia - The Secret Service -- British television series
Wikipedia - The Secret Seven -- Series of children's novels written by Enid Blyton
Wikipedia - The Secrets (film) -- 2007 film by Avi Nesher
Wikipedia - The Secret Sharer -- 1910 short story by Joseph Conrad
Wikipedia - The Secret Six -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Secrets of Berlin -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Secrets of Isis -- American live-action superhero television series
Wikipedia - The Secrets of Paris -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
Wikipedia - The Secrets of the Self
Wikipedia - The Secrets of Wu Sin -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - The Secret Studio -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Secrets We Keep -- American drama thriller
Wikipedia - The Secret Teachings of All Ages
Wikipedia - The Secret War of Harry Frigg -- 1967 film by Jack Smight
Wikipedia - The Secret War of Jackie's Girls -- 1980 film
Wikipedia - The Secret Wire -- 1916 film by Tom Ricketts
Wikipedia - The Secret Witness -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Secret World of Alex Mack -- Television series
Wikipedia - The Secret World of Santa Claus -- French Canadian 1997 animated TV show
Wikipedia - The Secret World -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - The Sect of the Phoenix
Wikipedia - The Secular Miracle: Religion, Politics, and Economic Policy in Iran -- 1990 book by Ali Rahnema and Farhad Nomani
Wikipedia - The Sheriff's Secret -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Skinner Boys: Guardians of the Lost Secrets -- Australian animated television series
Wikipedia - The Skinners' Kent Academy -- secondary school in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England
Wikipedia - The Squeaky Wheel -- Presumed Russian secret radio station
Wikipedia - Theta Borealis Sector -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - The Third Secret (novel) -- 2005 novel written by Steve Berry
Wikipedia - The Universal School -- International primary and secondary school in Mumbai
Wikipedia - The Voice Kids (British series 2) -- Second series of The Voice Kids
Wikipedia - The Voice UK (series 2) -- Second series of The Voice UK
Wikipedia - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine -- Second expansion pack for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Wikipedia - The Witness for the Prosecution (TV series) -- British TV drama serial
Wikipedia - The World at War -- British television documentary series about the Second World War
Wikipedia - The World Peace Prayer Society -- Non-sectarian pacifist organization
Wikipedia - The Yellow Star: The Persecution of the Jews in Europe 1933-45 -- 1980 film
Wikipedia - Thin section -- Laboratory preparation of a rock, mineral, soil, pottery, bones, or metal for use with a petrographic microscope
Wikipedia - Third Order Secular of the Most Holy Trinity
Wikipedia - Third Secret of Fatima
Wikipedia - Thirty Seconds of Love -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Thitarodes litangensis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Thomas Blamey -- Australian general of the First and Second World Wars
Wikipedia - Thomas Demery -- Former Asst. Secretary of US Dept HUD
Wikipedia - Thomas J. Murrin -- US Deputy Secretary of Commerce
Wikipedia - Thomas McHugh (politician) -- American Democratic politician, first Wisconsin Secretary of State, first Mayor of Madison, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Thomas Modly -- American businessman and former acting Secretary of the United States Navy
Wikipedia - Thomas Secker
Wikipedia - Thomas Wallace (RAF officer) -- South African Second World War flying ace
Wikipedia - Thomson cross section
Wikipedia - Thopeutis diatraealis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Thor Heyerdahl Upper Secondary School -- Upper secondary school in Larvik, Norway
Wikipedia - Thorpe St Andrew School -- Secondary school on the outskirts of Norwich, England
Wikipedia - Thought Police -- Secret police of Oceania in the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four
Wikipedia - Thousand Parsec
Wikipedia - Threat actor -- Cybersecurity term
Wikipedia - Three Secrets of Fatima -- Prophecies made during an apparition of the Virgin Mary in 1917
Wikipedia - Three Secrets -- 1950 film by Robert Wise
Wikipedia - Three-section staff
Wikipedia - Three-sector model -- Model in economics
Wikipedia - Three-way junction -- Type of road intersection with three arms
Wikipedia - Thriller (viral video) -- 2007 viral video featuring the CPDRC Dancing Inmates of a high-security penitentiary
Wikipedia - Thrips -- |Order of insects
Wikipedia - Thunderspy -- security vulnerability
Wikipedia - Thursday (album) -- Second of three 2011 mixtapes by the Weeknd
Wikipedia - Thyridiphora gilva -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Tijdeman's theorem -- There are at most a finite number of consecutive powers
Wikipedia - Tilak Public School -- Senior secondary school in Triveni Nagar, Jaipur Rajasthan, India
Wikipedia - Tim Buck -- Former General Secretary of the Communist Party of Canada
Wikipedia - Time-based One-Time Password -- Security algorithm which generates a unique value based on time
Wikipedia - Time capsule -- Cache of goods or data secured for some time to be opened at a date in the future
Wikipedia - Timeline of computer security hacker history
Wikipedia - Timema knulli -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives during the Second World War -- World day
Wikipedia - Times Square -- Intersection and area in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Tim McCarthy -- Former United States Secret Service agent and current police officer who took a bullet meant for President Reagan
Wikipedia - Timothy Matlack -- Delegate to the Second Continental Congress
Wikipedia - Tinagma grisecens -- Moth species in family Douglasiidae
Wikipedia - Tin Shui Wai Government Secondary School -- Secondary school in Tin Shui Wai, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Tintin in the Congo -- Second volume of The Adventures of Tintin
Wikipedia - Tiquadra -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Titanomis -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Titans -- Second order of divine beings in Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Title 6 of the United States Code -- United States Code title that governs Domestic Security
Wikipedia - Title loan -- Secured loan using borrower's vehicle title as collateral
Wikipedia - Tiwah -- Secondary mortuary ritual
Wikipedia - T. M. Jobaer -- Director General of National Security Intelligence of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Toad worship -- Internet meme spoofing Jiang Zemin, former General Secretary of the Communist Party of China
Wikipedia - Tokai Park -- A small section of Table Mountain National Park in Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Tokenization (data security) -- Concept in data security
Wikipedia - Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Public Security Bureau
Wikipedia - Tommy Thompson -- American politician, Interim President of the University of Wisconsin System, 42nd Governor of Wisconsin, 19th U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Wikipedia - Tomography -- Imaging by sections or sectioning using a penetrative wave
Wikipedia - Tom Perez -- DNC Chair and 26th United States Secretary of Labor
Wikipedia - Tom Ridge -- American politician, Pennsylvania governor and first Secretary of Homeland Security
Wikipedia - Tom Vilsack -- 40th Governor of Iowa; 30th United States Secretary of Agriculture
Wikipedia - Tonyukuk -- Military commander of the Second Turkic Khaganate
Wikipedia - Top Secret (game)
Wikipedia - Top Secret (magazine) -- Polish video game magazine
Wikipedia - Top Secret Rosies: The Female "Computers" of WWII
Wikipedia - Top Secret (UP10TION EP) -- 2015 Extended play by UP10TION
Wikipedia - Torah Umadda -- The relationship between the secular world and Judaism
Wikipedia - Torato Umanuto -- Special arrangement for the Israeli haredi sector that allows young men enrolled in haredi yeshiva academies to complete their studies before their conscription in the Israeli Defense Forces
Wikipedia - Torbenia aurivilliusi -- Species of insect (butterfly)
Wikipedia - Torchwood Institute -- Fictional secret organization in the Doctor Who universe
Wikipedia - Torkel Weis-Fogh -- Danish entomologist known for the clap-and-fling insect flight mechanism
Wikipedia - Toroslar -- a secondary municipality in Mersin, Turkey
Wikipedia - Torpedo Alley -- One of the Atlantic graveyards during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Tortilia graeca -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Tourism in Chile -- Economy sector of Chile
Wikipedia - Tourism in Ecuador -- Economic sector of Ecuador
Wikipedia - Tourism in Italy -- Economic sector in Italy
Wikipedia - Tourism in Norway -- Economy sector of Norway
Wikipedia - Toussaint Rose -- French court secretary
Wikipedia - Toxomerus marginatus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Trabutina mannipara -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Trachydora polyzona -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Trade secrets
Wikipedia - Trade secret
Wikipedia - Traditionalist Catholicism -- Movement of Catholics in favour of restoring many or all of the liturgy, practice, and beliefs of Catholics from before the Second Vatican Council
Wikipedia - Transactions per second
Wikipedia - Transect -- A path along which the observer counts and records occurrences of the subjects of the survey
Wikipedia - Transfer secret -- randomly generated complex code
Wikipedia - Transfluthrin -- Volatile pyrethroid insecticide used indoor against insects such as moths or mosquitoes
Wikipedia - Transportation Security Administration -- United States federal government agency
Wikipedia - Transport Layer Security -- Cryptographic protocols for securing data in transit
Wikipedia - Transtillaspis brachistocera -- species of insect
Wikipedia - Transurethral resection of the prostate -- Surgical procedure to perform a prostatectomy
Wikipedia - Transversality theorem -- Describes the transverse intersection properties of a smooth family of smooth maps
Wikipedia - Traudl Junge -- Secretary to Adolf Hitler
Wikipedia - Traveller Adventure 12: Secret of the Ancients -- Science-fiction role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - Treaty of Fontainebleau (1631) -- France and Bavaria agree a secret defensive pact, effective for eight years
Wikipedia - Treehopper -- Family of insects
Wikipedia - Tremophora microplecta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Trend Micro Internet Security
Wikipedia - Trend Micro -- International cyber security company
Wikipedia - Treta Yuga -- Second of four yugas (ages) in Hindu cosmology
Wikipedia - Trial of the Vestal Virgins (114-113 BC) -- 2nd century BC Roman Vestal Virgins prosecuted for breaking their vow of chastity
Wikipedia - Triaxomera puncticulata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Trichonyssodrys maculatus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Triclonella triargyra -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Trieste II (Bathyscaphe) -- US Navy's second bathyscaphe
Wikipedia - Tripteridia thaumasia -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Trisecting an arbitrary angle
Wikipedia - Trithemis longistyla -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Tritomegas sexmaculatus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Tritoxa incurva -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Troilus luridus -- Species of insects
Wikipedia - Troy Hunt -- Australian web security expert
Wikipedia - True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days -- Breakaway sect of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church)
Wikipedia - Truman National Security Project -- Left-leaning national security and leadership development organization based in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Trusted computing base -- Set of all computer components critical to its security
Wikipedia - Trusty system (prison) -- Penal security system
Wikipedia - Trygve Lie -- 1st Secretary-General of the United Nations
Wikipedia - Trypeta abstersa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Trypeta argyrocephala -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Trypeta bezziana -- Species of insectof tephritid or fruit flies
Wikipedia - Trypeta cribrata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Trypeta dubia -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Trypeta indecora -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Trypeta macrura -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Tsech'i River -- River in the Tembien highlands of Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Tsetse fly -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Tsivoka peyrierasi -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Tsuen Wan Public Ho Chuen Yiu Memorial College -- Secondary school in Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Tulle massacre -- Detention and execution of civilians in Tulle, France during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Tumidagena minuta -- species of insect
Wikipedia - Tunisian campaign -- Series of battles in Tunisia during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Tunis Top Secret -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Turatia namibiella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Turbine blade -- Individual component makes up the turbine section of a gas turbine or steam turbine.
Wikipedia - Turkish military intervention in the Second Libyan Civil War -- Turkish troop deployment in Libya, 2020
Wikipedia - Tverberg's theorem -- On partitioning finite point sets into subsets with intersecting convex hulls
Wikipedia - Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution -- Limits U.S. presidents to two terms in office
Wikipedia - Twenty-second Dynasty of Egypt
Wikipedia - Two-round system -- Voting system used to elect a single winner where a second round of voting is used if no candidate wins an absolute majority in the first round
Wikipedia - Two-second rule -- Rule of thumb in driving
Wikipedia - Two Seconds -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Two-section staff
Wikipedia - Tympanal organ -- Hearing organ in insects
Wikipedia - Type three secretion system -- Protein appendage
Wikipedia - Type VI secretion system -- Bacterial molecular machine
Wikipedia - Tyras S. Athey -- Secretary of State of Maryland (1927-2010)
Wikipedia - Tyulkinia -- Extinct genus of insects
Wikipedia - Ube cheesecake -- Filipino cheesecake colored purple with yams
Wikipedia - U-boat -- German submarine of the First or Second World War
Wikipedia - Ubong King -- Business consultant, security expert and motivational speaker
Wikipedia - UCO Bank -- Indian public sector bank
Wikipedia - Uddingston Grammar School -- Secondary school in South Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - Udea auratalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Udea chalcophanes -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Udea ialis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ugada limbata -- Genus of Insect
Wikipedia - Ugada -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Uganda Securities Exchange -- Principal stock exchange of Uganda
Wikipedia - UG convoys -- Convoys during naval battles of the Second World War
Wikipedia - UK Cyber Security Forum
Wikipedia - Ukiah High School -- Public secondary school in Ukiah, California (USA)
Wikipedia - UKUSA Agreement -- Secret treaty organising surveillance of electronic communications
Wikipedia - Ultra Electronics -- British defence, security, transport and energy company
Wikipedia - Ultrashort pulse -- laser pulse with duration a picosecond (10^-12 s) or less
Wikipedia - Umayyad Caliphate -- Second caliphate
Wikipedia - Un Certain Regard -- Section of the Cannes Film Festival
Wikipedia - Underboss -- Second-in-command in Mafia crime families
Wikipedia - Underground media in German-occupied France -- French history of the Second World War
Wikipedia - Underground Secrets -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Undersecretariat of Public Order and Security -- Former governmental intelligence organization of Turkey
Wikipedia - Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations -- Official within the United Nations
Wikipedia - Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs -- Post in U.S. government
Wikipedia - Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
Wikipedia - Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment
Wikipedia - Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
Wikipedia - Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
Wikipedia - Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Wikipedia - Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
Wikipedia - Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Affairs -- Former UK ministerial office
Wikipedia - Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs -- Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs
Wikipedia - Union Bank of India -- Indian public sector bank
Wikipedia - Union security agreement -- Contractual agreement between a trade union and an employer
Wikipedia - Union Square, Manhattan -- intersection and neighborhood in New York City
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1002 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1030 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1035 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 10 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 11 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1203 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 12 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 133 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 134 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 135 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 136 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 137 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 138 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 139 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 13 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 140 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1419 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 141 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 142 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 143 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1448 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 144 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 145 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 146 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 147 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 148 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 149 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 14 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 150 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 151 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 152 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 153 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1541 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 154 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 155 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 156 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1574 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 157 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 158 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 159 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 15 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 160 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1651 -- UN Security Council resolution on Sudan
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 16 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1784 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 17 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 181
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1846 -- 2008 resolution relating to piracy off the coast of Somalia
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 18 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1911 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1918 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 191
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1921 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 195 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 19 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 20 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 21 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 22 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 23 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 24 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 25 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 26 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 27 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 282
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 28 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 292 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 298 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 29 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 2 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 30 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 314 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 31 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 32 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 338 -- 1973 UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in the Yom Kippur War
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 34 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 36 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 37 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 392
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 3 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 418
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 435
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 458 -- 1979 United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 482 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 4 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 537 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 550 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 590 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 591
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 5 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 6 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 781 -- October 1992 resolution establishing a no-fly zone in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 786 -- November 1992 resolution increasing UNPROFOR monitoring of a no-fly zone in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 7 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 80 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 815 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 816 -- March 1993 resolution extending and allowing UNPROFOR enforcement of a no-fly zone in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 822 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 836 -- June 1993 resolution allowing UNPROFOR force to protect "safe areas" in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 856 -- 1993 UN Security Council resolution on Liberia
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 862 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 881 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 8 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 914 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 989 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 9 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council resolution -- UN resolution adopted by the 15 members of the Security Council
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council -- One of the six principal organs of the UN, charged with the maintenance of international security
Wikipedia - United News of Bangladesh -- Bangladesh private sector news agency
Wikipedia - United States Army Security Agency
Wikipedia - United States Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology
Wikipedia - United States Attorney -- Chief prosecutor representing the United States federal government
Wikipedia - United States Census -- Decennial census mandated by Article I, Section 2 of the United States Constitution
Wikipedia - United States Coast Guard sector -- Shore-based operational unit of the United States Coast Guard
Wikipedia - United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit -- Current United States federal appellate court
Wikipedia - United States Department of Homeland Security -- United States federal department
Wikipedia - United States Department of Justice National Security Division
Wikipedia - United States Deputy Secretary of Defense
Wikipedia - United States Homeland Security Council -- U.S. federal executive public safety, immigration and disaster relief forum
Wikipedia - United States House Committee on Homeland Security -- Standing committee of the United States House of Representatives
Wikipedia - United States National Security Council -- U.S. federal executive national security and intelligence forum
Wikipedia - United States Penitentiary, Big Sandy -- High-security federal prison in Kentucky
Wikipedia - United States Penitentiary, Coleman -- High-security United States federal prison in Florida
Wikipedia - United States Penitentiary, Lee -- US high-security federal prison in Virginia
Wikipedia - United States Penitentiary, Lewisburg -- High-security US federal prison for male inmates
Wikipedia - United States Penitentiary, Terre Haute -- High-security, federal prison in Indiana, US
Wikipedia - United States Penitentiary, Thomson -- Maximum security federal prison in Illinois
Wikipedia - United States Pentagon Police -- Federal police agency of the Office of the US Secretary of Defense
Wikipedia - United States Secretary of Agriculture -- Head of the US Department of Agriculture
Wikipedia - United States Secretary of Commerce
Wikipedia - United States Secretary of Defense
Wikipedia - United States Secretary of Education
Wikipedia - United States Secretary of Energy
Wikipedia - United States Secretary of Homeland Security -- head of the United States Department of Homeland Security
Wikipedia - United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Wikipedia - United States Secretary of Labor -- U.S. cabinet member and head of the U.S. Department of Labor
Wikipedia - United States Secretary of State -- Head of the United States Department of State
Wikipedia - United States Secretary of the Air Force
Wikipedia - United States Secretary of the Army
Wikipedia - United States Secretary of the Interior -- Head of the United States Department of the Interior
Wikipedia - United States Secretary of the Navy -- Statutory office and the head of the U.S. Department of the Navy
Wikipedia - United States Secretary of the Treasury -- Head of the United States Department of the Treasury
Wikipedia - United States Secretary of Transportation
Wikipedia - United States Secretary of War
Wikipedia - United States Secret Service -- U.S. federal law enforcement agency
Wikipedia - United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs -- Standing committee of the United States Senate
Wikipedia - United States Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security -- Former U.S. Senate subcommittee
Wikipedia - United States Under Secretary of the Air Force
Wikipedia - United States Under Secretary of the Army
Wikipedia - United States Under Secretary of the Navy
Wikipedia - Uniting for Consensus -- Group of countries opposing UN Security Council expansion
Wikipedia - Universal basic services -- Social-Security system
Wikipedia - Universal Credit -- British social security benefit
Wikipedia - University of Belgrade Faculty of Security Studies -- Independent faculty of the University of Belgrade
Wikipedia - University of New Haven -- Private non-sectarian university in West Haven, Connecticut
Wikipedia - University of Rajshahi -- Second Largest University of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Unix security
Wikipedia - Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution -- United States federal law
Wikipedia - UN Secretary General
Wikipedia - UN Security Council
Wikipedia - U-Pass BC -- Post-secondary public transit program in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Upper Rhine -- Section of the Rhine in Germany and Switzerland
Wikipedia - UPRRP College of Natural Sciences -- In the Rio Piedras section of San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Upset welding -- Electric resistance welding technique where the heated parts are forced together resulting in a thickened section along the weld area
Wikipedia - Upstate Correctional Facility -- Maximum-security state prison for male prisoners, located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Upstream collection -- Term used by the National Security Agency (NSA) of the United States
Wikipedia - Uptane -- Software security framework
Wikipedia - Uracis imbuta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Urocerus gigas -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Uroczysko Baran killing fields -- Location for secret executions of Poles by communist forces
Wikipedia - Uropetala carovei -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Urophora agnata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Urophora trinervii -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - USA-226 -- First flight of the second Boeing X-37B
Wikipedia - USA-240 -- Second flight of the first Boeing X-37B
Wikipedia - US Department of Homeland Security
Wikipedia - USEC
Wikipedia - USL Second Division -- Defunct American soccer league
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 101 in Oregon -- Section of U.S. Highway in Oregon, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 101 in Washington -- Section of U.S. Highway in Washington (state), United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 11 in Mississippi -- Section of U.S. Highway in Mississippi, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 11W -- Suffixed section of U.S. Highway in Tennessee and Virginia in the United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 12 in Washington -- Section of U.S. Highway in Washington, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 136 in Illinois -- US Highway section within the state of Illinois
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 160 in Arizona -- US Highway section within the state of Arizona
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 160 in Colorado -- Section of U.S. Highway in Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 160 in New Mexico -- Section of U.S. Highway in New Mexico, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 17 in Florida -- Section of U.S. Highway in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 191 in Arizona -- Section of U.S. Highway in Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 19E -- Suffixed section of U.S. Highway in Tennessee and North Carolina
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 19W -- Suffixed section of U.S. Highway in Tennessee and North Carolina
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 1 in Maryland -- Section of U.S. Highway in Maryland, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 1 in Massachusetts -- Section of U.S. Highway in Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 1 in Rhode Island -- Section of U.S. Highway in Rhode Island, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 20 in Idaho -- Section of U.S. Highway in Idaho, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 20 in Illinois -- Section of U.S. Highway in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 20 in Massachusetts -- Section of U.S. Highway in Massachusetts
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 220 in Pennsylvania -- Section of U.S. Highway in Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 231 in Alabama -- US Highway section within the state of Alabama
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 231 in Kentucky -- Section of U.S. Highway in Kentucky
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 23 in Ohio -- Section of U.S. Highway in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 24 in Indiana -- Section of U.S. Highway in Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 250 in West Virginia -- Section of U.S. Highway in West Virginia
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 26 in Idaho -- US Highway section within the state of Idaho
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 26 in Nebraska -- Section of U.S. Highway in Nebraska, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 26 in Oregon -- Section of U.S. Highway in Oregon, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 278 in Arkansas -- US Highway section within the state of Arkansas
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 27 in Florida -- Section of U.S. Highway in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 281 in Texas -- Section of U.S. Highway in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 285 in Colorado -- Section of U.S. Highway in Colorado
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 285 in New Mexico -- Section of U.S. Highway in New Mexico, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 2 in Idaho -- Section of U.S. Highway in Idaho
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 2 in Minnesota -- Section of U.S. Highway in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 301 in Florida -- Section of U.S. Highway in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 30 in Idaho -- US Highway section within the state of Idaho
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 30 in Ohio -- Section of U.S. Highway in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 31 in Alabama -- US Highway section within the state of Alabama
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 34 in Nebraska -- Section of U.S. Highway in Nebraska, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 36 in Missouri -- Section of U.S. Highway in Missouri, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 40 in Colorado -- Section of U.S. Highway in Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 40 in Illinois -- US Highway section within the state of Illinois
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 40 in Maryland -- Section of U.S. Highway in Maryland, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 40 in New Jersey -- Section of U.S. Highway in New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 41 in Indiana -- Section of U.S. Highway in Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 41 in Wisconsin -- Section of U.S. Highway in Wisconsin
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 421 in Kentucky -- Section of U.S. Highway in Kentucky
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 45 in Wisconsin -- Section of U.S. Highway in Wisconsin, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 50 in Indiana -- Section of U.S. Highway in Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 50 in Maryland -- Section of U.S. Highway in Maryland, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 51 in Tennessee -- Section of U.S. Highway in Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 52 in Minnesota -- Section of U.S. Highway in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 52 in North Carolina -- Section of U.S. Highway in North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 52 in Ohio -- Section of U.S. Highway in Kentucky
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 54 in Missouri -- Section of U.S. Highway in Missouri
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 5 in Connecticut -- Section of U.S. Highway in Connecticut, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 60 in Arizona -- Section of U.S. Highway in Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 65 in Arkansas -- US Highway section within the state of Arkansas
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 65 in Louisiana -- Section of U.S. Highway in Louisiana, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 66 in Missouri -- Section of U.S. Highway in Missouri, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 67 in Arkansas -- Section of U.S. Highway in Arkansas, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 69 in Texas -- Section of U.S. Highway in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 6 in Colorado -- Section of U.S. Highway in Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 6 in Iowa -- Section of U.S. Highway in Iowa
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 6 in Nebraska -- Section of U.S. Highway in Nebraska, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 6 in New York -- section of U.S. Highway in New York state
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 6 in Utah -- Section of U.S. Highway in Utah
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 70 in Arkansas -- US Highway section within the state of Arkansas
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 71 in Missouri -- Section of U.S. Highway in Missouri, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 75 in Nebraska -- Section of U.S. Highway in Nebraska, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 77 in Nebraska -- Section of U.S. Hghway in Nebraska, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 77 in Oklahoma -- Section of U.S. Highway in Oklahoma, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 77 in Texas -- Section of U.S. Highway in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 7 in Massachusetts -- Section of U.S. Highway in Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 80 in California -- Former section of U.S. Highway in California, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 81 in Texas -- Section of U.S. Highway in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 84 in Alabama -- US Highway section within the state of Alabama
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 89 in Utah -- Section of U.S. Highway in Utah, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 93 in Idaho -- Section of U.S. Highway in Idaho, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 95 in Idaho -- Section of U.S. Highway in Idaho, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 99 in California -- Former section of U.S. Highway in California, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Secretary of Energy
Wikipedia - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission -- Government agency overseeing stock exchanges
Wikipedia - USS Lexington II (SP-705) -- US Navy section patrol boat
Wikipedia - USS Texas (1892) -- Second-class battleship of the United States Navy
Wikipedia - U Thant -- Third Secretary-General of the United Nations
Wikipedia - Uyghur genocide -- Ongoing persecution of ethnic minority in northwestern China
Wikipedia - Vajrayana -- Various Buddhist traditions of Tantra and "Secret Mantra", which developed in medieval India and spread by Padmasambhava to Tibet, Bhutan, and East Asia
Wikipedia - Valanginian -- Second age of the early Cretaceous
Wikipedia - Valentim da Fonseca e Silva -- Brazilian architect and artist
Wikipedia - Valenzuela (insect) -- Genus of lizard barklice in the family Caeciliusidae
Wikipedia - Vampire Prosecutor -- 2011-2012 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Vamuna -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Vanessa buana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Vanguard-class ship of the line -- Class of British second-rate ships of the line
Wikipedia - Vappala Balachandran -- Indian national security intelligence specialist (born 1937)
Wikipedia - Variable dancer -- species of insect
Wikipedia - Vatican Secret Archives
Wikipedia - Vatican Secretary of State
Wikipedia - Vector control -- Methods to limit or eradicate the mammals, birds, insects etc. which transmit disease pathogens
Wikipedia - Veil of Isis -- Metaphor for the inaccessibility of nature's secrets
Wikipedia - Velarization -- Consonantal secondary articulation where the back of the tongue is raised toward the velum during articulation
Wikipedia - Venom -- Form of toxin secreted by an animal for the purpose of causing harm to another
Wikipedia - Ventura County Transportation Commission -- Public sector transportation planning body
Wikipedia - Venus -- Second planet from the Sun in the Solar System
Wikipedia - Veracode -- Application security company
Wikipedia - Verdades Secretas -- Brazilian telenovela by Walcyr Carrasco
Wikipedia - Vergnugte PleiM-CM-^_enstadt, BWV 216 -- Secular cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach
Wikipedia - Vespoidea -- Superfamily of insects
Wikipedia - Vespula vulgaris -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Vesre -- Secret language game
Wikipedia - Vice admiral (Pakistan) -- Second-highest rank in Pakistan navy
Wikipedia - Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff -- Second highest-ranking military officer in the United States Armed Forces
Wikipedia - Vice Commandant of the United States Coast Guard -- Second-in-command of the United States Coast Guard
Wikipedia - Vickrey auction -- Auction priced by second-highest sealed bid
Wikipedia - Victoria's Secret Fashion Show -- Fashion event (1995 - 2018)
Wikipedia - Victoria's Secret -- American lingerie retailer
Wikipedia - Victor Secombe -- Australian general
Wikipedia - Vidal Francisco Soberon Sanz -- Mexican Secretary of the Navy
Wikipedia - Vidas secas (film) -- 1963 film directed by Nelson Pereira dos Santos
Wikipedia - Video game industry -- Economic sector involved with the development, marketing and sales of video games
Wikipedia - Vienna Secession -- Group of Austrian artists and architects
Wikipedia - Vietnam People's Public Security
Wikipedia - Vietnam War casualties -- Civilian and military deaths during the Second Indochina War
Wikipedia - Vieux Fort Comprehensive Secondary School -- secondary school in Vieux Fort, Saint Lucia
Wikipedia - Vigipirate -- French national security alert system
Wikipedia - Viktor Cherkesov -- Russian security services official
Wikipedia - Villa agrippina -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Village guard system -- Paramilitary security guards in Turkey
Wikipedia - Vincent Mroz -- American Secret Service agent (1922-2008)
Wikipedia - Vinpeius -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Virgatanytarsus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Virgil Brennan -- Australian Second World War flying ace
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 620 -- Secondary state highway in Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 646 -- Secondary state highway in Virginia, United.States
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 653 -- Secondary state highway in Virgnia, United States
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 700 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 701 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 702 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 703 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 704 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 705 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 706 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 707 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 708 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 709 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 710 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 711 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 712 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 713 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 714 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 715 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 716 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 717 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 718 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 719 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 720 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 721 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 722 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 723 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 724 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 725 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 726 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 727 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 728 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 729 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 730 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 731 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 732 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 733 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 734 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 735 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 736 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 737 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 738 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 739 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 740 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 741 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 742 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 743 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 744 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 745 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 746 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 747 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 748 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 749 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 750 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 751 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 752 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 753 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 754 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 755 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 757 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 758 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 759 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 760 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 761 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 762 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 763 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 764 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 765 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 766 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 767 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 768 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 769 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 770 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 771 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 772 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 773 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 774 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 775 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 776 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 777 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 778 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 779 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 780 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 781 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 782 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 783 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 784 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 786 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 787 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 788 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 789 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 790 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 791 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 792 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 793 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 794 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 795 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 796 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 797 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 798 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virginia State Route 799 -- Secondary route designation
Wikipedia - Virtual security switch
Wikipedia - VirusTotal -- Cybersecurity website owned by Alphabet Inc.
Wikipedia - Vise -- Device to secure an object to be worked on
Wikipedia - Visible Secret 2 -- 2002 film
Wikipedia - Visible Secret -- 2001 film
Wikipedia - Vision Gran Turismo -- Series of concept cars developed by a cross-section of the world's top car manufacturers
Wikipedia - VisM-CM-)an -- Second stage of the Carboniferous
Wikipedia - Vita consecrata
Wikipedia - Vitalisia -- Genera of insects
Wikipedia - Vivisection
Wikipedia - VIVIsectVI -- album by Skinny Puppy
Wikipedia - Vlieter incident -- Dutch surrender during the War of the Second Coalition
Wikipedia - Voliba pycnosticta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Volkswagen Passat (B2) -- second generation of the Passat model of Volkswagen cars
Wikipedia - Voluntary sector
Wikipedia - Volusia Saturnina -- Roman noble woman who lived during the second half of the 1st century BC and first half of the 1st century AD
Wikipedia - Voyager 2 -- Space probe and the second-farthest man-made object from Earth
Wikipedia - V The Second Generation -- 2008 Kenneth Johnson novel
Wikipedia - Vulnerability database -- Computer security vulnerabilities
Wikipedia - Wallkill Correctional Facility -- Medium-security state prison, located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Walney School -- Secondary school in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England
Wikipedia - Walter Montagu -- English courtier and secret agent
Wikipedia - Walter Stachnik -- SEC Inspector General
Wikipedia - Walt Whitman Rostow -- American economist, political theorist and National Security Advisor (1916-2003)
Wikipedia - W. A. Porter Collegiate Institute -- Secondary school located in Scarborough, Toronto, Canada
Wikipedia - War bond -- Government debt security issued to finance military operations and other wartime expenditure
Wikipedia - Wardarina -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Wardialing -- Computer security attack via dial-up modems
Wikipedia - War of the Second Coalition -- Attempt to contain or eliminate Revolutionary France
Wikipedia - Warren Christopher -- 63rd U.S. Secretary of State
Wikipedia - Warshipping -- Computer security attack via package delivery
Wikipedia - Waseca, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Washington Correctional Facility -- Medium-security state prison for male prisoners, located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Water security
Wikipedia - Web API security
Wikipedia - Web application firewall -- HTTP specific network security system
Wikipedia - Web application security
Wikipedia - We Build the Wall -- Private, non-profit organization seeking to build sections of a Mexico-US border wall
Wikipedia - Wedbush Securities -- US financial services and investment firm
Wikipedia - Weekly Torah portion -- Section of the Torah used in Jewish liturgy during a single week
Wikipedia - We Have Secrets but Nobody Cares -- album by Seja Vogel
Wikipedia - Weighted average cost of capital -- Rate that a company is expected to pay on average to all its security holders to finance its assets; firmM-bM-^@M-^Ys cost of capital
Wikipedia - Weitzenbock identity -- Relates 2 second-order elliptic operators on a manifold with the same principal symbol
Wikipedia - Welfare of farmed insects
Wikipedia - Wells notice -- Notice of enforcement action by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Wikipedia - Wende Correctional Facility -- Maximum-security state prison, located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Wernya sechuana -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Wesley Degree College, Secunderabad -- Christian minority college in Secunderabad
Wikipedia - West Bengal Board of Secondary Education -- Government education examination organization
Wikipedia - West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education -- Government education exaination organization
Wikipedia - West Hill Secondary School -- Canadian secondary school
Wikipedia - West Jerusalem -- section of Jerusalem that remained under Israeli control after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War
Wikipedia - WestJet -- Canada's second-largest airline based in Calgary, Alberta; part of Onex Corporation
Wikipedia - Westlake High School (California) -- public secondary school in Thousand Oaks, southern California, USA
Wikipedia - Westwork -- Monumental, west-facing entrance section of a Carolingian, Ottonian, or Romanesque church
Wikipedia - What's Wrong with Secretary Kim -- 2018 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - What We Do Is Secret (film) -- 2007 film
Wikipedia - What Would You Do? (season 2) -- Second season of the hidden camera television series presented by John QuiM-CM-1ones
Wikipedia - Wheeling Convention -- 1861 secession movement of West Virginia from Virginia
Wikipedia - Whisper joke -- Joke said secretly, usually to avoid oppression
Wikipedia - Whiteboys -- Secret Irish agrarian organisation in 18th-century Ireland
Wikipedia - White hat (computer security) -- Computer hacker who hacks ethically (white hat hacker)
Wikipedia - White House Office of the Press Secretary -- Information provider to the U.S. president, White House staff, and the media
Wikipedia - White House Office of the Staff Secretary -- White House office responsible for managing paper flow to the President and circulating documents among senior staff
Wikipedia - White House Police Force -- Defunct American security police force
Wikipedia - White House Press Secretary -- Chief spokesperson for the executive branch of the U.S. government
Wikipedia - Whitneyomyia -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning, Second Edition
Wikipedia - Wieseck (river) -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Wife vs. Secretary -- 1936 film by Clarence Brown
Wikipedia - Wi-Fi Protected Access -- Security protocol to secure wireless computer networks
Wikipedia - WikiLeaks -- International non-profit organisation publishing secret information, news leaks and classified media
Wikipedia - Wikimedia Foundation v. NSA -- Lawsuit against the U.S. National Security Agency
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Criticism -- Essay/guideline on criticism sections and criticism articles
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Lead section -- Wikipedia project page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Meetup/NYC -- New York City and tri-state region section (chapter) of the Wikimedia Foundation
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Recent additions -- Archive page of the Main Page Did you know section
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Village pump (idea lab) -- Section of the village pump where new ideas are discussed
Wikipedia - Wilbur Ross -- American investor and 39th U.S. Secretary of Commerce
Wikipedia - Wild Coast Region, Eastern Cape -- Section of the coast of the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Wikipedia - Wilfred Clouston -- New Zealand Second World War flying ace
Wikipedia - William A. Barstow -- 19th century American politician, 3rd Governor of Wisconsin, 2nd Secretary of State of Wisconsin, Union Army officer in the American Civil War.
Wikipedia - William B. Bader -- Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State
Wikipedia - William Bittman -- American trial lawyer and federal prosecutor
Wikipedia - William Brownfield -- American diplomat, and Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
Wikipedia - William Cohen -- American politician and U.S Secretary of Defense
Wikipedia - William Ellis (Secretary of State) -- English Jacobite, Secretary of State to James II in exile
Wikipedia - William Evanina -- Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center
Wikipedia - William Groseclose -- American golfer
Wikipedia - William H. Andrews (unionist) -- Chairman of the South African Labour Party and General Secretary of the Communist Party of South Africa
Wikipedia - William Hodgman (prosecutor) -- American lawyer and Prosecutor
Wikipedia - William L. Uanna -- United States security expert
Wikipedia - William Perry -- American mathematician, businessman and 19th US Secretary of Defense
Wikipedia - William Rosecrans -- Diplomat, politician, and U.S. Army officer
Wikipedia - William Wilson (Secession minister) -- original First Secession minister
Wikipedia - Wilson Fonseca -- Brazilian composer
Wikipedia - Wilton, Waseca County, Minnesota -- Unincorporated community in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Windows Live OneCare -- Discontinued Microsoft security software
Wikipedia - Window Snyder -- Computer security expert
Wikipedia - Windows Phone 8 -- Second generation of Microsoft's Windows Phone mobile operating system
Wikipedia - Wing -- Surface used for flight, for example by insects, birds, bats and airplanes
Wikipedia - Wired Equivalent Privacy -- Deprecated security algorithm for wireless networks
Wikipedia - Wireless security
Wikipedia - Wisconsin Secure Program Facility -- Male prison in Boscobel, Wisconsin, United States
Wikipedia - -- Website
Wikipedia - Wissam Eid -- Lebanese security official
Wikipedia - Witness for the Prosecution (1957 film) -- 1957 American film directed by Billy Wilder
Wikipedia - Witness for the Prosecution (1982 film) -- 1982 television film by Alan Gibson
Wikipedia - WM-DM-^Sta -- Informal group of insects (Anostostomatidae and Rhaphidophoridae)
Wikipedia - Women's page -- Newspaper section
Wikipedia - Womyn-born womyn -- Term from second-wave feminism referring to women identified as female at birth
Wikipedia - Woodbourne Correctional Facility -- Medium-security state prison, located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Words of consecration
Wikipedia - Workshare -- Provider of secure enterprise file sharing and collaboration applications
Wikipedia - World Jewish Congress lawsuit against Swiss banks -- Legal action by victims of Nazi persecution against banks of Switzerland
Wikipedia - World language -- Language that is spoken internationally and often learned as a second language
Wikipedia - World War II by country -- Summary of the Second World War by country
Wikipedia - Worshipful Company of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators -- Livery company of the City of London
Wikipedia - Worshipful Company of Security Professionals -- Livery company of the City of London
Wikipedia - WS Czajka -- Polish secondary training glider
Wikipedia - WSEC -- PBS member station in Jacksonville, Illinois
Wikipedia - WWOR-TV -- MyNetworkTV station in Secaucus, New Jersey
Wikipedia - Wyoming Correctional Facility -- Medium-security state prison for male prisoners, located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Xanthotype urticaria -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum -- Children's animated television series
Wikipedia - Xavier's Security Enforcers -- Fictional comic book group
Wikipedia - X (company) -- Semi-secret research and development company
Wikipedia - Xeneboda kumasiana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Xenocompsa -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Xerosaprinus vitiosus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Xestia badicollis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Xiphiagrion -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - X-Men: Second Coming
Wikipedia - XRumer -- spambot for forums and comment sections
Wikipedia - XSS worm -- Malicious payload that breaches browser security
Wikipedia - Xtralis -- Fire safety and physical security equipment manufacturer
Wikipedia - Xu Yongyue -- Chinese politician and Minister of State Security
Wikipedia - Xylophanes tersa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Xyphon -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Y-12 National Security Complex -- US Energy Dept facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Yacob Haile-Mariam -- Ethiopian politician and former Senior Prosecutor for the ICTR
Wikipedia - Yanco Agricultural High School -- Secondary boarding school
Wikipedia - Yaqut al-Musta'simi -- Calligrapher, Secretary of Al-Musta'sim
Wikipedia - Yassa -- secret written code of law created by Genghis Khan
Wikipedia - Yazid I -- Second Umayyad caliph
Wikipedia - Yehudi lights -- Active camouflage system prototype for Second World War aircraft
Wikipedia - Yellow Hat Sect
Wikipedia - Yellowquill College -- First Nations-controlled post-secondary institution
Wikipedia - Yellow Sand Society -- A rural secret society and folk religious sect in northern China during the 19th and 20th century.
Wikipedia - Yengema Secondary School -- Secondary education institution
Wikipedia - YeniM-EM-^_ehir, Mersin -- a secondary municipality in Mersin, Turkey
Wikipedia - Yichud -- Prohibition of seclusion of a man and a woman who are not married to each other
Wikipedia - Yiguandao -- Chinese salvationist religious sect that emerged from the Xiantiandao
Wikipedia - Yiling Senior High School -- Secondary school in China
Wikipedia - Yosemite bowline -- Loop knot often perceived as having better security than a bowline
Wikipedia - Yoshida ShintM-EM-^M -- A prominent sect of ShintM-EM-^M that arose during the Sengoku period
Wikipedia - Youngblood (1978 film) -- 1978 film by Noel Nosseck
Wikipedia - Youngblood (5 Seconds of Summer song) -- 2018 single by 5 Seconds of Summer
Wikipedia - Young Humanists International -- Secular youth movement
Wikipedia - You Raise Me Up -- 2002 song by Secret Garden
Wikipedia - Your Little Secret -- 1995 album by Melissa Etheridge
Wikipedia - Ypthima sesara -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Ysgol Glan Clwyd -- Welsh-language secondary school in Wales
Wikipedia - Yuen Long Catholic Secondary School -- Secondary school in Yuen Long, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Yuen Long Public Secondary School -- Secondary school in Yuen Long, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Yuri Andropov -- 1982-1984 General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Yusuf Magaji Bichi -- Nigerian security agent head
Wikipedia - ZA Central Registry -- Non-profit that operates various second-level domains in South Africa
Wikipedia - Zainab Ahmad -- American prosecutor
Wikipedia - Zara Dare -- Zara Dare, second female police officer in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Zealots -- Political movement in 1st-century Second Temple Judaism
Wikipedia - Zeckendorf's theorem -- On the unique representation of integers as sums of non-consecutive Fibonacci numbers
Wikipedia - Zelus (bug) -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Zeugodacus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Zeuzerocossus cinereus -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Zhang Yudrakpa Tsondru Drakpa -- Founder of the Tshalpa Kagyu sect of Tibetan Buddhism
Wikipedia - Zimbabwe A cricket team -- Second-tier national cricket team of Zimbabwe
Wikipedia - Zion's Order, Inc. -- Latter Day Saints movemen sect
Wikipedia - Zodwa Nsibande -- South African activist and General Secretary of the Abahlali baseMjondolo youth league
Wikipedia - Zola (moth) -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Zolykha's Secret -- 2006 Afghan film
Wikipedia - Zovax -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Zukhriatul Hafizah Muhammad -- Miss International Indonesia 2010 and Indonesian secretary of Ministry of Transportation
Wikipedia - Zurab Pololikashvili -- 6th Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization
Wikipedia - Zweites Buch -- Hitler's unpublished second book, focusing on foreign policy.
Wikipedia - ZW sex-determination system -- Chromosomal system that determines the sex of offspring in birds, some fish, some insects and crustaceans, some reptiles and some plants
Wikipedia - Zygonyx flavicosta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Zyxomma -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Zyzzyx -- Species of insect
Bill Moyers ::: Born: June 5, 1934; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
Dee Dee Myers ::: Born: September 1, 1961; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
Janet Napolitano ::: Born: November 29, 1957; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security;
Henry Paulson ::: Born: March 28, 1946; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of the Treasury;
Frances Perkins ::: Born: April 10, 1880; Died: May 14, 1965; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Labor;
Colin Powell ::: Born: April 5, 1937; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
Enoch Powell ::: Born: June 16, 1912; Died: February 8, 1998; Occupation: Former Financial Secretary to the Treasury;
Donald T. Regan ::: Born: December 21, 1918; Died: June 10, 2003; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of the Treasury;
Robert Reich ::: Born: June 24, 1946; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Labor;
Condoleezza Rice ::: Born: November 14, 1954; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
William Bennett ::: Born: July 31, 1943; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Education;
Donald Rumsfeld ::: Born: July 9, 1932; Occupation: Former U.S. Secretary of Defense;
Ken Salazar ::: Born: March 2, 1955; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of the Interior;
Pierre Salinger ::: Born: June 14, 1925; Died: October 16, 2004; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
Brent Scowcroft ::: Born: March 19, 1925; Occupation: Former National Security Advisor;
Kathleen Sebelius ::: Born: May 15, 1948; Occupation: United States Secretary of Health and Human Services;
George P. Shultz ::: Born: December 13, 1920; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
Aneurin Bevan ::: Born: November 15, 1897; Died: July 6, 1960; Occupation: Secretary of State for Health;
Tony Snow ::: Born: June 1, 1955; Died: July 12, 2008; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
Augustine Birrell ::: Born: January 19, 1850; Died: November 20, 1933; Occupation: Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland;
Lawrence Summers ::: Born: November 30, 1954; Occupation: Former Undersecretary for International Affairs;
Tom Vilsack ::: Born: December 13, 1950; Occupation: United States Secretary of Agriculture;
Ron Ziegler ::: Born: May 12, 1939; Died: February 10, 2003; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
James Brady ::: Born: August 29, 1940; Died: August 4, 2014; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
Madeleine Albright ::: Born: May 15, 1937; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
Dean Rusk ::: Born: February 9, 1909; Died: December 20, 1994; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
William Jennings Bryan ::: Born: March 19, 1860; Died: July 26, 1925; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
Zbigniew Brzezinski ::: Born: March 28, 1928; Occupation: Former National Security Advisor;
Fred M. Vinson ::: Born: January 22, 1890; Died: September 8, 1953; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of the Treasury;
Rab Butler ::: Born: December 9, 1902; Died: March 8, 1982; Occupation: Former Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs;
Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston ::: Born: October 20, 1784; Died: October 8, 1865; Occupation: Former Foreign Secretary;
John Hay ::: Born: October 8, 1838; Died: July 1, 1905; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
Eric Shinseki ::: Born: November 28, 1942; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs;
Les Aspin ::: Born: July 21, 1938; Died: May 21, 1995; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Defense;
Ron Brown ::: Born: August 1, 1941; Died: April 3, 1996; Occupation: United States Secretary of Commerce;
Michael Chertoff ::: Born: November 28, 1953; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security;
Harry Secombe ::: Born: September 8, 1921; Died: April 11, 2001; Occupation: Comedian;
Hu Jintao ::: Born: December 21, 1942; Occupation: Former General Secretary of the Communist Party of China;
Jose Canseco ::: Born: July 2, 1964; Occupation: Baseball player;
Edward Grey, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon ::: Born: April 25, 1862; Died: September 7, 1933; Occupation: Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;
George Canning ::: Born: April 11, 1770; Died: August 8, 1827; Occupation: Former Foreign Secretary;
Andrew Card ::: Born: May 10, 1947; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Transportation;
John W. Snow ::: Born: August 2, 1939; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of the Treasury;
Frank Carlucci ::: Born: October 18, 1930; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Defense;
Lance Secretan ::: Born: 1939; Occupation: Columnist;
Robert Gibbs ::: Born: March 29, 1971; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
James L. Jones ::: Born: December 19, 1943; Occupation: Former United States National Security Advisor;
Jay Carney ::: Born: May 22, 1965; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
James Forrestal ::: Born: February 15, 1892; Died: May 22, 1949; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Defense;
James R. Schlesinger ::: Born: February 15, 1929; Died: March 27, 2014; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Defense;
Jeanine Pirro ::: Born: June 2, 1951; Occupation: Prosecutor;
Lyndsy Fonseca ::: Born: January 7, 1987; Occupation: Actress;
Warren Christopher ::: Born: October 27, 1925; Died: March 18, 2011; Occupation: Former United States Deputy Secretary of State;
Steven Chu ::: Born: February 28, 1948; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Energy;
Hillary Clinton ::: Born: October 26, 1947; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
Leonid Brezhnev ::: Born: December 19, 1906; Died: November 10, 1982; Occupation: Former General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union;
Ray Mabus ::: Born: October 11, 1948; Occupation: United States Secretary of the Navy;
Charles Clarke ::: Born: September 21, 1950; Occupation: Former Home Secretary;
Ernest Moniz ::: Born: December 22, 1944; Occupation: United States Secretary of Energy;
Chris Huhne ::: Born: July 2, 1954; Occupation: Former Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change;
Robert Rubin ::: Born: August 29, 1938; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of the Treasury;
Henry Morgenthau, Jr. ::: Born: May 11, 1891; Died: February 6, 1967; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of the Treasury;
John Foster ::: Born: March 2, 1836; Died: November 15, 1917; Occupation: United States Secretary of State;
Reginald McKenna ::: Born: July 6, 1863; Died: September 6, 1943; Occupation: Home Secretary;
Elaine Chao ::: Born: March 26, 1953; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Labor;
Alison Lundergan Grimes ::: Born: November 23, 1978; Occupation: Secretary of State of Kentucky;
Jon Secada ::: Born: October 4, 1961; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Dana Perino ::: Born: May 9, 1972; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
Alan Johnson ::: Born: May 17, 1950; Occupation: Secretary of State for Health;
Marlin Fitzwater ::: Born: November 24, 1942; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
Jiang Zemin ::: Born: August 17, 1926; Occupation: Former General Secretary of the Communist Party of China;
Ann Veneman ::: Born: June 29, 1949; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Agriculture;
Edmund Randolph ::: Born: August 10, 1753; Died: September 12, 1813; Occupation: United States Secretary of State;
Hilda Solis ::: Born: October 20, 1957; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Labor;
Arne Duncan ::: Born: November 6, 1964; Occupation: United States Secretary of Education;
Neelie Kroes ::: Born: July 19, 1941; Occupation: Former State Secretary for Transport, Public Works and Water Management;
Lawrence Eagleburger ::: Born: August 1, 1930; Died: June 4, 2011; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
Sandy Berger ::: Born: October 28, 1945; Died: December 2, 2015; Occupation: Former United States National Security Advisor;
Geoff Hoon ::: Born: December 6, 1953; Occupation: Former Secretary of State for Transport;
Stephen Hadley ::: Born: February 13, 1947; Occupation: Former National Security Advisor;
Dan Glickman ::: Born: November 24, 1944; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Agriculture;
Desiree Rogers ::: Born: June 16, 1959; Occupation: Former White House Social Secretary;
C. Douglas Dillon ::: Born: August 21, 1909; Died: January 10, 2003; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of the Treasury;
Henry Knox ::: Born: July 25, 1750; Died: October 25, 1806; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of War;
Larry Speakes ::: Born: September 13, 1939; Died: January 10, 2014; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
Markus Wolf ::: Born: January 19, 1923; Died: November 9, 2006; Occupation: Secret Intelligence Service officer;
William Perry ::: Born: October 11, 1927; Died: October 19, 2004; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Defense;
Ari Fleischer ::: Born: October 13, 1960; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
Melvin Laird ::: Born: September 1, 1922; Died: November 16, 2016; Occupation: Former U.S. Secretary of Defense;
Susan Bysiewicz ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Former Secretary of the State of Connecticut;
Konstantin Chernenko ::: Born: September 24, 1911; Died: March 10, 1985; Occupation: Former General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union;
Richard Armitage ::: Born: April 26, 1945; Occupation: Former United States Deputy Secretary of State;
Ray LaHood ::: Born: December 6, 1945; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Transportation;
Robert M. Gates ::: Born: September 25, 1943; Occupation: United States Secretary of Defense;
Timothy Geithner ::: Born: August 18, 1961; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of the Treasury;
Josh Earnest ::: Born: March 10, 1977; Occupation: White House Press Secretary;
Mikhail Gorbachev ::: Born: March 2, 1931; Occupation: Former General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union;
Dean Acheson ::: Born: April 11, 1893; Died: October 12, 1971; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
Chuck Hagel ::: Born: October 4, 1946; Occupation: United States Secretary of Defense;
Alexander Haig ::: Born: December 2, 1924; Died: February 20, 2010; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
Jeh Johnson ::: Born: September 11, 1957; Occupation: United States Secretary of Homeland Security;
Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth ::: Born: May 30, 1757; Died: February 15, 1844; Occupation: Home Secretary;
Robert A. Lovett ::: Born: September 14, 1895; Died: May 7, 1986; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Defense;
Patricia Hewitt ::: Born: December 2, 1948; Occupation: Former Secretary of State for Health;
Cordell Hull ::: Born: October 2, 1871; Died: July 23, 1955; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
Isabel Fonseca ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Writer;
Xi Jinping ::: Born: June 15, 1953; Occupation: General Secretary of the Communist Party of China;
Marcia Clark ::: Born: August 31, 1953; Occupation: Prosecutor;
Jack Kemp ::: Born: July 13, 1935; Died: May 2, 2009; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development;
John F. Kerry ::: Born: December 11, 1943; Occupation: United States Secretary of State;
Nikita Khrushchev ::: Born: April 15, 1894; Died: September 11, 1971; Occupation: Former General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union;
Henry A. Kissinger ::: Born: May 27, 1923; Occupation: Former National Security Advisor;
Ashton Carter ::: Born: September 24, 1954; Occupation: United States Secretary of Defense;
Jason Kander ::: Born: May 4, 1981; Occupation: Secretary of State of Missouri;
Jacob Lew ::: Born: August 29, 1955; Occupation: United States Secretary of the Treasury;
Thomas B. Macaulay ::: Born: October 25, 1800; Died: December 28, 1859; Occupation: Former Secretary at War;
George C. Marshall ::: Born: December 31, 1880; Died: October 16, 1959; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Defense;
Kris Kobach ::: Born: March 26, 1966; Occupation: Secretary of State of Kansas;
Scott McClellan ::: Born: February 14, 1968; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
Mike McCurry ::: Born: October 27, 1954; Occupation: Former White House Press Secretary;
Robert McNamara ::: Born: June 9, 1916; Died: July 6, 2009; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Defense;
Andrew Mellon ::: Born: March 24, 1855; Died: August 26, 1937; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of the Treasury;\\\\

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