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object:1.06 - Yun Men's Every Day is a Good Day
book class:The Blue Cliff Records


Yun Men's Every Day is a Good Day


Yun Men said, "I don't ask you about before the fifteenth day; 1
try to say something about after the fifteenth day."2
Yun Men himself answered for everyone, "Every day is a
good day."3



Half south of the river, half north of the river. We don't keep old
calendar dates here.


Inevitably it will go from dawn to sunset; just don't say that the
next day is the sixteenth. Days and months seem to flow by.


He's gathered it up. Though the frog jumps, he can't get out of the
basket. Whose house has no bright moon and pure wind? But do
you know it? The sea god knows its value, he doesn't know its


Yun Men first called on Mu Chou. Mu Chou spun devices that
turned like lightning, so it was difficult to approach and linger.
Whenever he received someone, he would grab him as soon as
he crossed the threshold and say, "Speak! Speak!" If he
couldn't attempt a reply, he would push him out, saying,
"Antique drill turning in a rut!"
When Yun Men went to see Mu Chou, on the third time, as
soon as he knocked on the door, Mu Chou said, "Who's there?"
Yun Men answered, "(Me,) Wen Yen."a As soon as (Mu Chou)
opened the door a little, (Yun Men) immediately bounded in;
Mu Chou held him fast and said, "Speak! Speak!" Yun Men




hesitated, and was pushed out; he still had one foot inside
when Mu Chou slammed the door, breaking Yun Men's leg. As
Yun Men cried out in pain, he was suddenly greatly en
lightened. Subsequently, the trend of his words in dealing with
people, his whole style, emerged from Mu Chou. After this,
Yun Men stayed for three years in the home of the ministry
president Ch'en Ts'ao."
Mu Chou directed Yun Men to go to Hsueh Feng; when he
arrived there, he came forth from the assembly and said, "What
is Buddha?" Hsueh Feng said, "Don't talk in your sleep." Yun
Men then bowed. He dwelt there for three years. One day
Hsueh Feng asked him, "What is your perception?" Yun Men
said, "My view doesn't differ in the slightest from that of all
the sages since antiquity."
For twenty years Ling Shu did not appoint a head monk. He
used to say, "My head monk is born," and "My head monk is
tending oxen," and he would say, "My head monk is traveling
on foot." Suddenly one day he ordered the bell to be struck (for
everyone to assemble) to receive the head monk at the gate.
The congregation was dubious about this, but Yun Men actu
ally arrived. Ling Shu immediately invited him into the head
monk's quarters to unpack his bundle. People called Ling Shu
the Knowing Sage Ch'an Master, since he knew of all past and
future events in advance.
Once King Liu, the Lord of Kuang (-tung), was going to
mobilize his army; he intended to go to the monastery person
ally to ask the master (Ling Shu) to determine whether condi
tions were auspicious or not. Ling Shu, knowing of this be
forehand, sat down and peacefully passed away. The Lord of
Kuang said angrily, "Since when was the master sick?" The
attendant answered, "The master hadn't been sick. He had just
entrusted a box (to me), which he ordered me to present to your
majesty when you arrived." The Lord of Kuang opened the box
and took out a card which said, "The Eye of Humans and Gods
(a living Buddha) is the head monk in the hall." Having under
stood Ling Shu's inner meaning, the Lord of Kuang thereupon
dismissed his soldiers and invited Yun Men to appear in the
world at Ling Shu Monastery. Only later did he dwell at Yun
As the master was expounding the Dharma, the royal atten
dant Ju posed a question; "Is the fruit of Ling Shu ('Spiritual

Sixth Case


Tree') ripe yet, or not?" Yun Men said, "When have you ever
heard it said that it was unripe?"
One day King Liu summoned the master to spend the sum
mer in the palace. Together with several other venerable ab
bots, he was to receive the questions of the courtiers and ex
pound the Dharma. Only one man, the master Yun Men, did
not speak, and there was no one on familiar terms with him.
One of the palace functionaries wrote a verse and posted it in
the Green Jade Hall:
Cultivation of the great wisdom-only that is
Silence, not clamor, is in order for the Ch'an school.
Ten thousand kinds of clever talk -how can they
be as good as reality
They lose to Yun Men's total not speaking.

Yun Men usually liked to teach three word Ch'an:' observ
ing, "Reflect!" 11Ha!" He also taught one word Ch'an: a monk
asked, 11When you kill your father and mother, you repent be
fore the Buddha; when you kill the Buddha and Patriarchs,
where do you turn to repent?" Yun Men said, 11Exposed." Again
a monk asked, 11What is the treasury of the eye of the true
Dharma?" Yun Men said, "Universal." It just doesn't allow any
attempts to explain. In ordinary situations, even, Yun Men
would still revile people. When he uttered a phrase, it was like
an iron spike.
Later Yun Men produced the Four Sages: Tung Shan Shou
Ch'u, Chih Men Shih Kuan, Te Shan Yuan Mi, and Hsiang Lin
Teng Yuan. They all were great masters of the school. Hsiang
Lin served as Yun

Men's attendant for

eighteen years;

whenever Yun Men dealt with him, he would just call out,
"Attendant Yuan!" Yuan would answer, "Yes?" Yun Men
would say, "What is it?" It went on like this for eighteen years,
when one day Hsiang Lin finally awakened. Yun Men told him,
11From now on I won't call you any more."
In Yun Men's usual dealings with people, he would often use
the methods of Mu Chou; though it was hard to approach him,
he had the hammer and tongs, to pull out nails and wrench out
pegs. Hsueh Tou said of him, "I like the fresh devices of Shao
Yang;ct he spent his life pulling out nails and pegf for people."
Yun Men set down a question to instruct his community, 11I



don't ask you about before the fifteenth day; try to say some
thing about after the fifteenth day." He cuts off the thousand
distinctions, and doesn't let either ordinary or holy pass. He
himself answered for everyone, "Every day is a good day." The
words "before the fifteenth day" already cut off the thousand
distinctions; the words "after the fifteenth day" also cut off the
thousand distinctions. The fact is that Yun Men did not say
that the next day is the sixteenth day. People coming after him
merely followed his words to produce interpretations; but
what relevance has this? Yun Men established a protean style;
he surely had a way to benefit people. Having spoken some
words, he then answered himself in everyone's behalf: "Every
day is a good day." These words pervade past and present, from
before until after, and settle everything at once.
I too am following his words to produce interpretations
when I talk like this. Killing others is not as good as killing
yourself. As soon as you make a principle, you fall into a pit.
Three phrases are inherent in every one phrase of Yun Men;
since the source inspiration of his family is like this, when Yun
Men utters a phrase, it must be returned to the source. Any
thing but this will always be phony. The affair has no mul
titude of arguments and propositions, though those who have
not yet penetrated want (me as commentator) to go on like
this. If you do penetrate, then you will immediately see the
essential meaning of the Ancient.
Take a look at the complications Hsueh Tou creates:


He throws away one,

Seven openings, eight holes.

Where has it gone{ He lets up
a little.

Picks up seven.

He can't pick them up, yet

he doesn't let them go.

Above, below, and in the four directions, there is no compari

*What's it like! Above is the sky, below is the earth.

Sixth Case


East, west, south, north; what comparison is there
Nevertheless, the staff is in my hand.*
Placidly walking along, he treads down the sound of the flowing stream;
**Don't ask what's right under your feet. It's difficult to
investigate it thoroughly. He's gone into the nest of en
tangling vines.*
His relaxed gaze descries the tracks of flying birds.
**In the eye, there is no such happening. A wild
fox spirit view; as before, he's just inside the
same old den.*
The grasses grow thick,
**He pulls the arrow out of the back
of his head. What's going on here
He is fallen into equanimity.*
The mists overhang.
**He hasn't come out of this nest yet.
Beneath his feet clouds arise.*
'Round Subhuti's cliff, the flowers make a mess;
**Where is he The stupid fellow! He's
been completely exposed.*
I snap my fingers;" how lamentable is Shunyata!
**The four quarters and eight directions,
the whole cosmos; inside Shunyata's nostrils,
try to say something. Where is (Shunyata) *
Don't make a move!
**How come your previous words
When you move, then what?*
If you move, thirty blows!
**Take what's coming to you
and get out. I strike!*


Hsueh Tau's eulogies of the Ancients were always ac
complished like this: at first he takes the jewel sword of the
Diamond King and brings it down at once; then afterwards he



reveals a little bit of formal style. Although it's like this, ulti
mately there are not two understandings.
"He throws away one, picks up seven." People often make
an understanding based on the numbers and say, "'He throws
away one' refers to 'before the fifteenth day'." Having abruptly
put down two lines and sealed it up, Hsueh Tou then instead
reveals it to let people see; "He throws away one, picks up
seven." You must avoid turning to the words for your subsis
tence. Why? What moisture is there in unleavened bread?
People often fall back into conceptual consciousness. You
must obtain your understanding before the words arise; then
the great function will become manifest and you will naturally
see it.
This is why after old man Shakyamuni had attained the Path
in the land of Magadha, he spent three weeks contemplating
this matter: "The nature of all things being quiescent extinc
tion cannot be conveyed by words; I would rather not preach
the Dharma, but quickly enter nirvana." When he got to this
point, even Shakyamuni couldn't find any way to open his
mouth. But by virtue of his power of skill in technique, after he
had preached to the five mendicants, he went to three hundred
and sixty assemblies and expounded the teachings for his age.
All these were just expedients. For this reason he had taken off
his bejewelled regal garments and put on rough dirty clothing.
He could not but turn towards the shallows within the gate of
the secondary meaning in order to lead in his various disciples.
If we had him face upwards and bring it all up at once, there
would hardly be anyone in the whole world (who could under
But tell me, what is the supreme word? At this point Hsueh
Tou reveals a little of the meaning to let people see. Just don't
see that there are any buddhas above, don't see that there are
sentient beings below; don't see that there are mountains, riv
ers, and earth without, and don't see that there are seeing,
hearing, discernment, or knowledge within: then you will be
like one who has died the great death and then returned to life.
With long and short, good and evil, fused into one whole,
though you bring them up one by one, you'll no longer see
them as different. After that, you'll be able to function respon
sively without losing balance. Then you will see the meaning
of his saying, "He throws away one, picks up seven; above,

Sixth Case


below, and in the four directions, there is no comparison." If
you pass through at these lines, then and there above, below,
and in the four directions, there is no comparison. The myriad
forms and multitude of appearances-plants, animals, and
people-everything everywhere completely manifests the way
of your own house. Thus it was said,
Within myriad forms, only one body is revealed;
Only when one is sure for himself will he then be
In past years I mistakenly turned to the road to
Now I look upon it like ice within fire.
"In the heavens and on earth, I alone am the honored one."
Many people pursue the branches and don't seek the root. First
get the root right, then naturally when the wind blows the
grass bends down, naturally where water flows a stream forms.
"Placidly walking along, he treads down the sound of the
flowing stream." As he goes along placidly, he can tread down
and cut off even the roar of a vast swelling torrent. "His relaxed
gaze descries the tracks of flying birds." Even if it's the tracks
of flying birds, allow the eye one look, and it is like tracing
them out. When you get here, you will not consider it difficult
to blow out the fires under the cauldrons of hell, or to shatter
sword forests and knife mountains with a shout.
Because of his compassion, at this point Hsueh Tou feared
that people would settle down within the realm of unconcern,
so he went on to say, "The grasses grow thick, the mists over
hang." But tell me, whose world is this? Can it be called "Every
day is a good day"? Fortunately, there's no connection. In fact,
"Placidly walking along, he treads down the sound of the flow
ing stream" isn't it; "His relaxed gaze descries the tracks of
flying birds" isn't it either; nor is "The grasses grow thick," nor
"The mists overhang." But even something entirely different
would just be '"Round Subhuti's cliff, the flowers make a
mess." It is still necessary to tum beyond That Side. Haven't
you read how as Subhuti was sitting in silent meditation in a
cliffside cave, the gods showered down flowers to praise him.
The venerable Subhuti said, "Flowers are showering down
from the sky in praise; whose doing is this?" A god said, "I am
Indra, king of the gods." Venerable Subhuti asked, "Why are



you offering praise?" Indra said, "I esteem the Venerable One's
skill in expounding the transcendence of wisdom." Subhuti
said, "I have never spoken a single word about wisdom; why
are you offering praise?" Indra said, "You have never spoken
and I have never heard. No speaking, no hearing-this is true
wisdom." And again he caused the earth to tremble, and show
ered down flowers.
Hsueh Tou once made up another verse about this:
The rain has passed, the clouds are shrinking, dawn
has halfway broken through;
The multiple peaks are like a drawing of blue-green
rocky crags.
Subhuti did not know how to sit upon a cliff;
He brought on the heavenly flowers and the shaking
of the earth.
When the king of gods is shaking the earth and raining down
flowers, at this point where else will you go to hide? Hsueh
Tou also said,
I fear Subhuti won't be able to escape him;

Even beyond the cosmos all is filled to the brim.
What end will he know to his frantic turmoiU
From all sides the pure wind tugs at his clothes.
Though you be clean and naked, bare and purified, totally
without fault or worry, this is still not the ultimate. In the end
though, what is? Look carefully at this quote; "I snap my fin
gers; how lamentable is Shunyata!" The Sanskrit word
"Shunyata" in our language means the spirit of emptiness.
Empty space is her body; she has no physical body to be con
scious of contact. When the Buddha's brilliance shines forth,
then she manifests her body. When you get to be like Shunyata,
then Hsueh Tou will rightly snap his fingers in lament.
Again Hsueh Tou says, "Don't make a move!" What's it like
when you move? (Like) sleeping with your eyes open under the
bright sun in the blue sky.



Wen Yen was Yun Men's personal initiatory name: see the bio
graphical supplement.

Sixth Case


Ch'en Ts'ao was an enlightened disciple of Mu Chou and lived in
the same area.


When Yun Men encountered someone, he would look at him and
say, "Reflect!" and "Ha!" (a laugh of derision or scorn); later the
word describing Yun Men's action was included by a compiler as
one of the "three words" he is supposed to have used.


Shao Yang is the name of the region where Yun Men monastery
was located, and so according to the custom of referring to Ch'an
masters by the name of their abode, this is another name for Yun


Snapping the fingers is used for alerting, warning, and for warding
off filth or taboo. Abiding in subjective emptiness is referred to as
intoxication in Ch'an, considered onesided, incomplete, and
narrow-minded; hence it is taboo.

questions, comments, suggestions/feedback, take-down requests, contribute, etc
contact me @ or
join the integral discord server (chatrooms)
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Wikipedia - Badge -- Physical or digital insignia indicating membership, rank or accomplishment
Wikipedia - Bangarra Dance Theatre -- Indigenous Australian dance company
Wikipedia - Bangaru Adigalar -- South Indian spiritual guru
Wikipedia - Bank Zero -- South African digital bank
Wikipedia - Barry Dignam -- Irish filmmaker
Wikipedia - Baseus -- China digital accessory brand
Wikipedia - Battle of Rio Bueno (1654) -- 1654 Spanish defeat against indigenous peoples in Chile
Wikipedia - Battle of Salt River -- Portugal v. indigenous group, 1510
Wikipedia - BBC Domesday Reloaded -- Local history web site for the digitised content of the BBC's 1986 Domesday Project
Wikipedia - BBC National DAB -- British digital audio broadcasting multiplex
Wikipedia - BBC Radio 4 Extra -- British digital radio station
Wikipedia - BBC Redux -- Digital archiving system produced by the BBC
Wikipedia - BCPL -- Multi-paradigm computer programming language
Wikipedia - Beano (dietary supplement) -- Enzyme-based dietary supplement that is used to reduce gas in the digestive tract
Wikipedia - Been It -- 1996 single by The Cardigans
Wikipedia - Benford's law -- Observation about the frequency distribution of leading digits in many real-life sets of numerical data
Wikipedia - Benzhuism -- Indigenous religion of the Bai people
Wikipedia - Berber languages -- Family of languages and dialects indigenous to North Africa
Wikipedia - Berbers -- Ethnic group indigenous to North Africa
Wikipedia - Bernice Madigan -- American supercentenarian
Wikipedia - Bertrand-Diguet-Puiseux theorem -- Gives the Gaussian curvature of a surface from the length of a geodesic circle or its area
Wikipedia - Betches -- Digital media company
Wikipedia - Better Dig Two -- Song
Wikipedia - Betws Bledrws Church -- Church near Lampeter, Ceredigion, Wales
Wikipedia - Beverage Digest -- American Beverage Trade Publication
Wikipedia - Beyond Freedom and Dignity
Wikipedia - Bharatiya Digital Party -- Marathi-language YouTube channel
Wikipedia - Bienvenu de Miollis -- Bishop of Digne
Wikipedia - Big Dig ceiling collapse -- Highway tunnel disaster
Wikipedia - Big Dig -- 1991-2007 megaproject in Boston, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Bile -- Dark greenish-brown fluid that aids digestion of fats
Wikipedia - Billy Doolan -- Australian Indigenous artist
Wikipedia - Bimoism -- Indigenous religion of the Yi people
Wikipedia - Binary digit
Wikipedia - Binary prefix -- Unit prefix for multiples of units in digital information, notably the bit and the byte, to indicate multiplication by a power of two
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of Colombia -- The variety of indigenous organisms
Wikipedia - Biodiversity of New Zealand -- The variety of life forms indigenous to New Zealand
Wikipedia - Birche -- Indigenous king of Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Birrbay -- Indigenous Australian people of New South Wales
Wikipedia - Bisaya (Borneo) -- Malaysian indigenous ethnic group
Wikipedia - Bisnow Media -- US digital media company
Wikipedia - Bitnation -- Digital nation
Wikipedia - Bitstream -- Sequence of binary digits
Wikipedia - Bitwig Studio -- Digital audio workstation
Wikipedia - Black cube art museum -- Art museum designed with digital or installation art in mind
Wikipedia - Blackfella -- An informal term used in Australian English to refer to Indigenous Australians
Wikipedia - Blackout Day -- Digital social campaign occurring on a seasonal basis
Wikipedia - Blanket exercise -- Exercise teaching indigenous history
Wikipedia - Blockchain -- distributed data store for digital transactions
Wikipedia - Blu-ray -- Optical disc format used for storing digital video and other digital data
Wikipedia - Bobby Digital (Jamaican producer) -- Jamaican reggae and dancehall record producer
Wikipedia - Bookmark (digital)
Wikipedia - Bookouture -- British digital publishing company.
Wikipedia - Bordighera
Wikipedia - Bordigism
Wikipedia - Born-digital
Wikipedia - Boruca -- Group of indigenous people from Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Brat (digital network) -- YouTube network
Wikipedia - Broadband Commission for Digital Development
Wikipedia - Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network -- High-speed Internet access standard
Wikipedia - Broadcast flag -- Bits in a digital television program that indicates recording restrictions
Wikipedia - Brubank -- Argentinian digital bank
Wikipedia - BT.1120 -- Digital interface standard for HDTV studio signals
Wikipedia - BTDigg
Wikipedia - Bu Hua -- Chinese digital artist
Wikipedia - Buka cloak -- Noongar South West Australian indigenous language word describing usually kangaroo skin cloak worn draped over one shoulder
Wikipedia - Burdigala
Wikipedia - Burping -- Release of gas from the upper digestive tract through the mouth
Wikipedia - Buzzr -- American digital multicast television network
Wikipedia - Byte -- Unit of digital information commonly consisting of eight bits
Wikipedia - CableCARD -- Digital cable smart card
Wikipedia - Caboclo -- Person of mixed Indigenous Brazilian and European ancestry
Wikipedia - Cacaopera people -- Central American indigenous group
Wikipedia - Caelius Rhodiginus -- 15th/16th century Venetian writer and professor in Greek and Latin.
Wikipedia - Caguana Ceremonial Ball Courts Site -- Indigenous historic site in Utuado, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - California Digital Library
Wikipedia - California Digital Newspaper Collection -- Online archive of digitized newspapers
Wikipedia - California mission clash of cultures -- Consequences of Spanish occupation to the indigenous cultures and populations
Wikipedia - Cambridge Digital Library
Wikipedia - Canadian Aboriginal syllabics -- Writing systems for indigenous North American languages created in 1840 CE
Wikipedia - Canadian Indian residential school system -- Schools established to assimilate Indigenous children into Canadian culture.
Wikipedia - Canadian Party Life -- Digital media platform
Wikipedia - Canary Islanders -- Ethnic group indigenous to the Canary Islands
Wikipedia - Canon Digital IXUS -- Digital camera product line
Wikipedia - Canon EOS-1D Mark III -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Canon EOS-1D Mark II -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 200D -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 5D Mark III -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 5D Mark II -- Digital single-lens reflex camera from Canon
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 70D -- Digital single-lens reflex camera made by Canon
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 80D -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Canon EOS 90D -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Canon EOS R6 -- Digital mirrorless camera
Wikipedia - Canon EOS R -- Digital mirrorless camera
Wikipedia - Canon PowerShot A -- Series of digital cameras
Wikipedia - Canon PowerShot -- Digital camera product line
Wikipedia - Can You Dig It (song) -- 1991 single by The Mock Turtles
Wikipedia - Can You Dig This -- 2015 United States documentary film
Wikipedia - Capital Life -- British digital radio station
Wikipedia - Caravan Radio -- Australian temporary digital radio station
Wikipedia - Cardigan, Ceredigion
Wikipedia - Cardigan (film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Cardigan (song) -- 2020 single by Taylor Swift
Wikipedia - Carlton Select -- British digital television channel
Wikipedia - Carnival (The Cardigans song) -- 1995 single by the Cardigans
Wikipedia - Carol Couchie -- Indigenous midwife and advocate
Wikipedia - Carolla Digital -- American podcast network
Wikipedia - Casa Coraggio, Bordighera
Wikipedia - Casio AE-1000W -- Digital watch manufactured by Casio
Wikipedia - Casio CA-53W -- Digital watch manufactured by Casio
Wikipedia - Casio F-91W -- Digital watch manufactured by Casio
Wikipedia - Castelvecchio Bridge -- Fortified bridge over the Adige River in Verona, Italy
Wikipedia - Category:Adigrat
Wikipedia - Category:American digital libraries
Wikipedia - Category:Assimilation of indigenous peoples of North America
Wikipedia - Category:Austrian digital artists
Wikipedia - Category:Ceredigion
Wikipedia - Category:Digital artists
Wikipedia - Category:Digital audio
Wikipedia - Category:Digital electronics
Wikipedia - Category:Digital Equipment Corporation people
Wikipedia - Category:Digital Equipment Corporation
Wikipedia - Category:Digital geometry
Wikipedia - Category:Digital imaging
Wikipedia - Category:Digital libraries
Wikipedia - Category:Digital library software
Wikipedia - Category:Digital media
Wikipedia - Category:Digital organisms
Wikipedia - Category:Digital photography
Wikipedia - Category:Digital signal processing
Wikipedia - Category:Digital signature schemes
Wikipedia - Category:Digital television
Wikipedia - Category:Digital typography
Wikipedia - Category:Digital watermarking
Wikipedia - Category:German digital artists
Wikipedia - Category:History of indigenous peoples of North America
Wikipedia - Category:Indigenous American philosophy
Wikipedia - Category:Indigenous land rights in Hawaii
Wikipedia - Category:Indigenous Mexicans
Wikipedia - Category:Indigenous Roman Catholic saints of the Americas
Wikipedia - Category:Juno Award for Indigenous Music Album of the Year winners
Wikipedia - Category:Multi-paradigm programming languages
Wikipedia - Category:People from Ceredigion
Wikipedia - Category:Personal digital assistants
Wikipedia - Category:Peruvian people of indigenous peoples descent
Wikipedia - Category:Programming paradigms
Wikipedia - Category:Religious figures of the indigenous peoples of North America
Wikipedia - Category:Translators of the Bible into indigenous languages of the Americas
Wikipedia - Category:Video games with digitized sprites
Wikipedia - Category:World Digital Library
Wikipedia - Catoptria digitellus -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cause and Effect (Digital Summer album) -- 2007 studio album by Digital Summer
Wikipedia - Cavedigger
Wikipedia - CBC Radio 3 -- Canadian digital radio station
Wikipedia - Cdigix -- Former digital media provider
Wikipedia - CEA-708 -- Standard for closed captioning for ATSC digital television
Wikipedia - CE Digital -- British DAB multiplex operator
Wikipedia - Cedric Diggory -- Fictional character from Harry Potter
Wikipedia - Celia Xakriaba -- Brazilian indigenous educator and activist
Wikipedia - Cengage -- Publisher and seller of print and digital information services for the academic, professional and library markets
Wikipedia - Center for Countering Digital Hate -- Nonprofit limited company in London
Wikipedia - Center for World Indigenous Studies
Wikipedia - Centre for Digital Built Britain
Wikipedia - Cephalotes prodigiosus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Ceramics of indigenous peoples of the Americas -- Pottery produced by the indigenous people of the Americas
Wikipedia - Ceredigion
Wikipedia - Ceredig
Wikipedia - Certificate authority -- An entity that issues digital certificates
Wikipedia - Certificate signing request -- Message from an applicant to a certificate authority to apply for a digital identity certificate; lists the public key the certificate should be issued for, identifying information (e.g. domain name) and integrity protection (e.g. digital signature)
Wikipedia - Certificate Transparency -- Internet security standard for auditing digital certificates by creating public logs recording certificates issued by publicly trusted certificate authorities
Wikipedia - CFPO-FM -- Indigenous radio station in Ottawa
Wikipedia - CFPT-FM -- Indigenous radio station in Toronto
Wikipedia - Chamardighi railway station -- Railway Station in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Chandigaon -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Chandigarh Airport -- airport in India
Wikipedia - Chandigarh Amritsar Chandigarh -- 2019 Indian Punjabi-language romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Chandigarh-Bandra Terminus Superfast Express -- Train in India
Wikipedia - Chandigarh cricket team -- Indian cricket team
Wikipedia - Chandigarh Fire and Emergency Services -- Indian fire department
Wikipedia - Chandigarh-Firozpur Cantonment Express -- Train in India
Wikipedia - Chandigarh Hockey Stadium -- Field hockey stadium in Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Chandigarh Junction railway station -- Railway station in Chandigarh, India
Wikipedia - Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui -- upcoming film directed by Abhishek Kapoor
Wikipedia - Chandigarh Lions -- Indian cricket team
Wikipedia - Chandigarh University -- Private university in Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Chandigarh -- Union territory and capital city of Punjab and Haryana states in northern India
Wikipedia - Channel 34 digital TV stations in the United States -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Channel 3 digital TV stations in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Channel 7 digital TV stations in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Channel (digital image)
Wikipedia - Channel M (radio station) -- South Korean digital radio station
Wikipedia - Chan Santa Cruz -- Former indigenous Maya state on the Yucatan Peninsula
Wikipedia - Character encoding -- System using a prescribed set of digital values to represent textual characters
Wikipedia - Charge of the Light Brigade -- Failed cavalry charge led by Lord Cardigan
Wikipedia - Charles Stendig -- American furniture importer
Wikipedia - Charlotte Adigery -- French-born Belgian-Caribbean musician
Wikipedia - Charlotte Summers -- Child prodigy
Wikipedia - Charly (song) -- 1991 single by The Prodigy
Wikipedia - Charmaine Papertalk Green -- Australian Indigenous artist and poet
Wikipedia - Ch (digraph) -- Latin-script digraph
Wikipedia - Check digit
Wikipedia - Checksum -- A small-size datum computed from digital data for detecting transmission errors
Wikipedia - Cheq Wong people -- Group of indigenous people of Malaysia
Wikipedia - Cherokee -- Native American people indigenous to the Southeastern United States
Wikipedia - Chess prodigy
Wikipedia - Cheyenne -- Group of indigenous people of the Great Plains
Wikipedia - Chibcha language -- Extinct language of Colombia, spoken by the Muisca, who created [[Muisca Confederation|one of the indigenous civilizations of the Americas]]
Wikipedia - Chicago blues -- Form of blues music indigenous to Chicago, Illinois
Wikipedia - Chickasaw -- Indigenous people of Southeastern Woodlands of the USA
Wikipedia - Chicken (2001 film) -- 2001 film by Barry Dignam
Wikipedia - Chief content officer -- corporate executive responsible for digital media creation and publication
Wikipedia - Chief Ladiga Trail -- Long-distance hiking trail in the United States
Wikipedia - Child prodigy -- Exceptionally precocious child
Wikipedia - Chimila people -- Indigenous people in the Andes of north-eastern Colombia
Wikipedia - Chimpoo Simpoo -- Indian animated TV series produced by Digitales Studio
Wikipedia - China Digital Times
Wikipedia - Chinese telegraph code -- Four-digit decimal character encoding for electrically telegraphing messages written with Chinese characters
Wikipedia - Chinookan peoples -- Group of indigenous people in the Pacific Northwest.
Wikipedia - Chip (CDMA) -- Digital communications term
Wikipedia - Chris Andrews (entrepreneur) -- Pioneer/digital media/electronic publishing/Internet
Wikipedia - Christian Audigier -- French fashion designer
Wikipedia - Christian Classics Ethereal Library -- Digital library and website
Wikipedia - Chromecast -- Line of digital media players developed by Google
Wikipedia - Chuba Okadigbo -- Nigerian politician
Wikipedia - Chuck Wendig -- American writer
Wikipedia - Chukchi people -- Indigenous people in Russia
Wikipedia - Chumash revolt of 1824 -- Revolt of indigenous people against the Spanish and Mexican presence in Alta California
Wikipedia - Chymotrypsin -- Digestive enzyme
Wikipedia - CID-201 -- Digital computer from Cuba
Wikipedia - CineAlta -- Series of digital movie cameras
Wikipedia - Cinedigm -- American entertainment company
Wikipedia - Circle (TV network) -- A country music and lifestyle digital subchannel television network
Wikipedia - CiteSeerX -- Search engine and digital library for scientific and academic papers
Wikipedia - City of God - 10 Years Later -- 2013 film directed by Cavi Borges and Luciano Vidigal
Wikipedia - Clamdigger (train) -- Daily passenger train
Wikipedia - Clam digging
Wikipedia - Classification of indigenous peoples of the Americas -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Claudia Neidig -- German actress
Wikipedia - Claudio Bordignon
Wikipedia - Claw -- Curved, pointed appendage at the end of a digit of a mammal or reptile
Wikipedia - Clement Vallandigham -- American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Clifford Digre -- US businessman
Wikipedia - Climate change and indigenous peoples
Wikipedia - Clipping (photography) -- Limitation in digital photography and video
Wikipedia - Close the Gap -- Australian social justice campaign about Indigenous health inequality
Wikipedia - Codec -- Device or software for encoding or decoding a digital data stream
Wikipedia - Codigo de Enderecamento Postal -- Brazilian postal code system commonly known as CEP
Wikipedia - CoinDesk -- News site about bitcoin and digital currencies, owned by Digital Currency Group
Wikipedia - Coleophora dignella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Colonia Dignidad -- Secretive colony founded by Germans in Chile, formerly torture center
Wikipedia - Comcast Int. Holdings v Minister for Public Enterprise & ors and Persona Digital Telephony Ltd v Minister for Public Enterprise & ors -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Compact Disc Digital Audio -- Audio data format used on the compact disc
Wikipedia - Comparison of analog and digital recording
Wikipedia - Comparison of digital SLRs -- List compares main features of digital single-lens reflex cameras
Wikipedia - Comparison of multi-paradigm programming languages -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Comparison of programming paradigms
Wikipedia - Computer data storage -- Storage of digital data readable by computers
Wikipedia - Computer font -- Digital description of a typographical font
Wikipedia - Computer forensics -- Branch of digital forensic science
Wikipedia - Computer number format -- Internal representation of numeric values in a digital computer
Wikipedia - Computer wargame -- Wargame played on a computer or other digital device
Wikipedia - Concepcion Ramirez -- Guatemalan indigenous woman
Wikipedia - Consumer's Digest
Wikipedia - Container format (digital)
Wikipedia - Contamination delay -- Minimum time for an input change to change output in digital logic
Wikipedia - Content management system -- Software application for managing the creation and modification of digital content
Wikipedia - Controlled digital lending -- a digital library lending model
Wikipedia - Controlled image base -- Data pack for unclassified military digital imagery
Wikipedia - Conus cordigera -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Convention over configuration -- Software design paradigm
Wikipedia - Convolution reverb -- Process used for digitally simulating the reverberation of a physical or virtual space
Wikipedia - Cooperative pulling paradigm -- Experimental design
Wikipedia - Coordinadora Arauco-Malleco -- Indigenist organization
Wikipedia - Copts -- An ethnoreligious group indigenous to North Africa
Wikipedia - Coranarta cordigera -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Corel Painter -- Raster-based digital painting software
Wikipedia - Corridor Digital -- American production studio
Wikipedia - Council of Indigenous Peoples -- ministry-level body of the Taiwanese government
Wikipedia - Counter (digital)
Wikipedia - Court TV Mystery -- American digital multicast TV network
Wikipedia - Coverage data -- Digital representation of spatio-temporal phenomenon
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic in Chandigarh -- Ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic in Chandigarh, India
Wikipedia - Cozi TV -- American digital multicast television network
Wikipedia - CPL (programming language) -- Multi-paradigm computer programming language
Wikipedia - Crackle (streaming service) -- Digital streaming video content network
Wikipedia - Cradleboard -- Indigenous baby carrier
Wikipedia - Create (TV network) -- American digital broadcast TV network
Wikipedia - Creative Voice file -- Audio format for digital audio data
Wikipedia - Crest Digital -- American film post-production company
Wikipedia - CRN Digital Talk Radio Networks -- American radio programming distributor
Wikipedia - Cross-buy -- Digital distribution feature
Wikipedia - Crow people -- Indigenous ethnic group in North America
Wikipedia - Crow religion -- Indigenous religion of the Crow people
Wikipedia - Cryptocurrency -- digital medium of exchange
Wikipedia - Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government Saving Privacy in the Digital Age
Wikipedia - C Sharp (programming language) -- Multi-paradigm (object-oriented) programming language
Wikipedia - CSIRAC -- Australia's first digital computer, and the fifth stored program computer in the world
Wikipedia - Cunedda Wledig
Wikipedia - Cushitic peoples -- People primarily indigenous to Northeast Africa
Wikipedia - Customer identity access management -- Management of the digital identities of customers on websites
Wikipedia - Cyberspace -- concept describing a widespread, interconnected digital technology
Wikipedia - Cymdeithas Lyfrau Ceredigion -- Welsh publisher
Wikipedia - Dabl -- American digital multicast TV network
Wikipedia - DAISY Digital Talking Book
Wikipedia - Daisy Jugadai Napaltjarri -- Pintupi- and Luritja-speaking Indigenous Australian artist (c. 1955 - 2008)
Wikipedia - Dalsa Origin -- Digital motion picture camera
Wikipedia - D&D Beyond -- Official digital toolset and game companion for Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition
Wikipedia - Dandiguranse -- Village development committee in Janakpur Zone, Nepal
Wikipedia - Dane Boedigheimer -- American filmmaker, singer, and actor
Wikipedia - Daniel Carroll Digges -- American politician
Wikipedia - Daniel Hediger -- Swiss biathlete
Wikipedia - Darkinyung people -- Indigenous Australian people of the Hawkesbury and Hunter Ranges
Wikipedia - Das merkwurdige Verhalten geschlechtsreifer GroM-CM-^_stM-CM-$dter zur Paarungszeit -- 1998 German romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Data mule -- Vehicle that physically moves digital storage media between locations
Wikipedia - Date windowing -- Running software in real time for display and reporting six-digit date into eight-digit date
Wikipedia - -- Digital bank
Wikipedia - Daveed Diggs -- American actor and rapper
Wikipedia - Dave (TV channel) -- British digital television channel owned by UKTV
Wikipedia - David Jhave Johnston -- Canadian poet known for work in digital media and machine learning.
Wikipedia - DC-International -- Tape cassette format developed by Grundig
Wikipedia - DCI-P3 -- RGB color space for digital movie projection from the American film industry
Wikipedia - DC Universe (streaming service) -- Video on demand and digital comic book service
Wikipedia - DD Chandigarh -- Doordarshan television channel in Chandigarh, India
Wikipedia - Death with Dignity National Center
Wikipedia - Decadence -- A perceived decay in standards, morals, dignity, religious faith, or skill at governing
Wikipedia - Decades (TV network) -- American digital television network
Wikipedia - Decimal digit
Wikipedia - Decimal representation -- Expression of every real number as a sequence of digits
Wikipedia - Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples -- Declaration adopted in 2007 by the United Nations General Assembly
Wikipedia - DECUS -- Independent computer user group related to Digital Equipment Corporation
Wikipedia - DEDI -- Digital encyclopedia of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Defecation -- Expulsion of feces from the digestive tract via the anus
Wikipedia - Delta-sigma modulation -- Method for converting signals between digital and analog
Wikipedia - Densely packed decimal -- an efficient system of binary encoding for decimal digits used in decimal floating point
Wikipedia - Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport -- United Kingdom government department
Wikipedia - DePaul University College of Computing and Digital Media
Wikipedia - Der er et yndigt land (film) -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Der geduldige Socrates
Wikipedia - Design paradigm
Wikipedia - Desmond Digby -- New Zealand painter, stage designer and children's book illustrator
Wikipedia - Det stover stadig -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
Wikipedia - Development of the digestive system -- The mechanisms that form the digestive system
Wikipedia - Devin Dwyer -- American digital reporter and television journalist
Wikipedia - Devolver Digital -- American video game publisher and film distributor
Wikipedia - Dick Hebdige
Wikipedia - Didier de Radigues -- Belgian motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Diem (digital currency) -- Cryptocurrency project initiated by Facebook
Wikipedia - Dietary fiber -- portion of plant-derived food that cannot be completely digested
Wikipedia - Digad -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Digama spilosomoides -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Digama -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Digambara monk
Wikipedia - Digambara Terapantha
Wikipedia - Digambara Terapanth
Wikipedia - Digambara
Wikipedia - Digambar Behera -- Indian physician
Wikipedia - Digambar Jain Mahasabha
Wikipedia - Digambar
Wikipedia - Digamber Hansda -- Indian tribal activist
Wikipedia - Digamma -- Archaic letter of the Greek alphabet
Wikipedia - Digangana Suryavanshi -- Indian actress and author
Wikipedia - Diganth -- Indian film actor and a former model
Wikipedia - Digby Mackworth Dolben
Wikipedia - Digby McLaren
Wikipedia - Digby Moran -- Australian Aboriginal artist
Wikipedia - Digby railway station -- Former railway station in Lincolnshire, England
Wikipedia - Digby Rumsey -- British film director and producer
Wikipedia - Digby Taylor -- New Zealand sailor
Wikipedia - Digda -- Historical town in Turkey
Wikipedia - Dig Deep -- 2012 song from the television series Smash
Wikipedia - Dig Dug Island -- Massively multiplayer online video game
Wikipedia - Digerkampen -- Mountain in Norway
Wikipedia - Digerronden -- Mountain in Norway
Wikipedia - Digervarden -- Mountain in Norway
Wikipedia - Digestate -- material remaining after the anaerobic digestion of a biodegradable feedstock
Wikipedia - Digest Group Publications -- Role playing game company
Wikipedia - Digesting Duck
Wikipedia - Digestion -- Biological process of breaking down food
Wikipedia - Digestive system
Wikipedia - Digest size -- Magazine size
Wikipedia - Diggajaru -- 2001 film by D. Rajendra Babu
Wikipedia - Digger (2020 film) -- 2020 film
Wikipedia - Diggers (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Diggers Rest railway station -- Railway station in Melbourne, Australia
Wikipedia - Diggers' Song -- Song
Wikipedia - Diggers (theater)
Wikipedia - Diggers
Wikipedia - Digges Sound -- Arctic waterway in Qikiqtaaluk, Nunavut, Canada
Wikipedia - Diggin' a Hole -- 1996 single by Big Sugar
Wikipedia - Digging bar -- A long, straight metal bar used as a post hole digger, to break up or loosen hard or compacted materials or as a lever to move objects
Wikipedia - Digging for Britain -- British documentary series about UK archaeology (2010{{ndash
Wikipedia - Digging for Fire -- 2015 film by Joe Swanberg
Wikipedia - Digging in the Dirt -- 1992 single by Peter Gabriel
Wikipedia - Digging stick
Wikipedia - Digging the Grave -- 1995 single by Faith No More
Wikipedia - Diggin' on You -- 1995 single by TLC
Wikipedia - Digg Reader
Wikipedia - Digg -- Social media/news aggregator website
Wikipedia - Digha Bridge Halt railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Dighajanu Sutta
Wikipedia - Dighalia Union -- Place in Khulna Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Dighanchi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Digha Nikaya
Wikipedia - Digha-Sonpur Bridge -- |Indian bridge over Ganga river connecting Patna and Sonpur
Wikipedia - Digha -- Seaside resort town in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Digi 24 -- Romanian television news channel
Wikipedia - Digia
Wikipedia - DigiCash -- Electronic money corporation founded by David Chaum in 1990
Wikipedia - Digi Communications -- Telecommunications company in Romania, Hungary, Spain and Italy
Wikipedia - Digiday -- Online trade magazine for online media
Wikipedia - Digimon Adventure (2020 TV series) -- 2020 television anime created by Toei Animation
Wikipedia - Digimon Adventure: Our War Game! -- 2000 anime film
Wikipedia - Digimon Adventure
Wikipedia - Digimon Frontier -- 2002 Japanese television series
Wikipedia - Digimon Racing -- 2004 racing video game
Wikipedia - Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory -- 2017 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Digimon -- Japanese media franchise
Wikipedia - Dig (Incubus song) -- 2007 single by Incubus
Wikipedia - DigiNotar -- Former certificate authority
Wikipedia - Dig In -- 2001 single by Lenny Kravitz
Wikipedia - Digiplus -- Albanian television channel
Wikipedia - Digiscoping -- Photographic technique
Wikipedia - Digistar II
Wikipedia - Digital8 -- Magnetic tape-based consumer videocassette format for camcorders
Wikipedia - Digital Accessible Information System -- Technical standard for digital audiobooks, periodicals and computerized text
Wikipedia - Digital Access Signalling System 1 -- Proprietary protocol providing ISDN services
Wikipedia - Digital Addressable Lighting Interface
Wikipedia - Digital: A Love Story -- 2010 indie visual novel
Wikipedia - Digital AMPS
Wikipedia - Digital anchor -- Use of a location system and dynamic positioning control to maintain position
Wikipedia - Digital anthropology
Wikipedia - Digital architecture
Wikipedia - Digital artifact -- Undesired or unintended alteration in data introduced in a digital process by an involved technique and/or technology
Wikipedia - Digital art
Wikipedia - Digital audio broadcasting
Wikipedia - Digital Audio Broadcasting -- Digital radio standard
Wikipedia - Digital audio editing
Wikipedia - Digital audio editor
Wikipedia - Digital audio player
Wikipedia - Digital Audio Tape -- Digital audio cassette format developed by Sony
Wikipedia - Digital audio
Wikipedia - Digital audio workstation -- computer workstation or software application used for editing and creating music and audio
Wikipedia - Digital Author Identifier -- A unique number to all academic authors in the Netherlands as a form of authority control
Wikipedia - Digital Bath -- 2001 promotional single by Deftones
Wikipedia - Digital Bibliography > Library Project
Wikipedia - Digital Blasphemy -- Website
Wikipedia - Digital buffer
Wikipedia - DigitAlb -- Albanian broadcast media company
Wikipedia - Digital camera modes -- User selectable camera configurations
Wikipedia - Digital cameras
Wikipedia - Digital camera -- Camera that captures photographs or video in digital format
Wikipedia - Digital Catapult
Wikipedia - Digital certificate
Wikipedia - Digital Cinema Media -- Cinema advertising company
Wikipedia - Digital Cinema Package
Wikipedia - Digital cinematography -- Digital image capture for film
Wikipedia - Digital cinema
Wikipedia - Digital circuits
Wikipedia - Digital circuit
Wikipedia - Digital citizens
Wikipedia - Digital citizen -- Person using IT to engage in society, politics, and government
Wikipedia - Digital classics
Wikipedia - Digital clock
Wikipedia - Digital cloning
Wikipedia - Digital collectible card game
Wikipedia - Digital Collections Selection Criteria
Wikipedia - Digital Collection System Network
Wikipedia - DigitalColor Meter
Wikipedia - Digital Comic Museum -- digital library of comic books
Wikipedia - Digital comic -- Comic released digitally
Wikipedia - DIGITAL Command Language
Wikipedia - Digital Commons
Wikipedia - Digital communications
Wikipedia - Digital Compact Cassette -- Philips-developed system with digital audio on compact cassette
Wikipedia - Digital computers
Wikipedia - Digital computer
Wikipedia - Digital computing
Wikipedia - Digital contact tracing -- Method of contact tracing using mobile devices
Wikipedia - Digital container format
Wikipedia - Digital content creation
Wikipedia - Digital control
Wikipedia - Digital Corporation
Wikipedia - Digital cross connect system -- Telecommunications equipment
Wikipedia - Digital CSIC -- Spanish open access research repository
Wikipedia - Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee -- British select committee
Wikipedia - Digital currencies
Wikipedia - Digital currency
Wikipedia - Digital dark age
Wikipedia - Digital Data Storage -- Computer data storage technology based on magnetic tape
Wikipedia - Digital data -- Discrete, discontinuous representation of information
Wikipedia - Digital DawgPound -- Hacker group
Wikipedia - Digital delay generator -- Electronic test equipment that provides in-line delays for circuits
Wikipedia - Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II -- 1990 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei -- 1987 role-playing game
Wikipedia - Digital dictation
Wikipedia - Digital differential analyzer (graphics algorithm) -- Hardware or software used for interpolation of variables over an interval
Wikipedia - Digital distribution of video games -- Process of delivering video game content as digital information, without the exchange or purchase of new physical media
Wikipedia - Digital distribution -- Delivery method of media content
Wikipedia - Digital divide by country
Wikipedia - Digital divide in Nigeria -- Internet divide for communication technology
Wikipedia - Digital divide -- Inequality of access to information and communication technologies
Wikipedia - Digital document
Wikipedia - Digital Dog -- English remix/production duo
Wikipedia - Digital dystopia -- -- Digital dystopia --
Wikipedia - Digital Eclipse -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Digital economy
Wikipedia - Digital Eel
Wikipedia - Digital Effects (studio)
Wikipedia - Digital Effects
Wikipedia - Digital electronics -- Electronic circuits that utilize digital signals
Wikipedia - Digital encoding of APL symbols -- Code pages used specifically to write programs in the APL programming language
Wikipedia - Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
Wikipedia - Digital enhanced cordless telecommunications
Wikipedia - Digital Equipment Corporation -- U.S. computer manufacturer 1957-1998
Wikipedia - Digital Ethernet Local Network Interconnect
Wikipedia - Digital evidence
Wikipedia - Digital Farm Animals -- English DJ, record producer, singer, songwriter and remixer
Wikipedia - Digital Federal Credit Union
Wikipedia - Digital Film Academy -- Art and design college in New York City
Wikipedia - Digital First Media -- American newspaper & media company
Wikipedia - Digital footprint -- One's unique set of traceable digital activities
Wikipedia - Digital forensics -- Branch of forensic science
Wikipedia - Digital Fortress -- Book by Dan Brown
Wikipedia - Digital fur -- Computer generated imagery technique
Wikipedia - Digital Games Research Association
Wikipedia - Digital generation loss
Wikipedia - Digital geometry
Wikipedia - DigitalGlobe
Wikipedia - Digital Government Development Agency -- Digitizing Thai government services
Wikipedia - Digital Group Audio -- US consumer electronics company
Wikipedia - Digital hardware
Wikipedia - Digital health
Wikipedia - Digital history
Wikipedia - Digital hoarding -- Excessive acquisition of digital material
Wikipedia - Digital humanities
Wikipedia - Digital image processing -- Algorithmic processing of digitally-represented images
Wikipedia - Digital images
Wikipedia - Digital image
Wikipedia - Digital imaging -- Creation of a digitally encoded representation of the visual characteristics of an object
Wikipedia - Digital immortality
Wikipedia - Digital India -- Campaign to ensure improved online infrastructure,more job opportunities and Internet connectivity in India
Wikipedia - Digital infinity
Wikipedia - Digital Interface for Video and Audio -- Bi-directional audio/video over Cat6A
Wikipedia - Digitalis atlantica -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Digitalis canariensis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Digitalis cariensis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Digitalis cedretorum -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Digitalis ciliata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Digitalis ferruginea -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Digitalis lamarckii -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Digitalis lanata -- Species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Digitalis minor -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Digitalis nervosa -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Digitalis obscura -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Digitalis transiens -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Digitalis viridiflora -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Digitalis -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Digital Item
Wikipedia - Digital LG Quiz -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Digital librarian
Wikipedia - Digital libraries
Wikipedia - Digital Library Federation
Wikipedia - Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
Wikipedia - Digital Library
Wikipedia - Digital library -- Online database of digital objects stored in electronic media formats and accessible via computers
Wikipedia - Digital Light Processing
Wikipedia - Digital light processing
Wikipedia - Digital Linear Tape -- Magnetic tape-based data storage technology
Wikipedia - Digital logic
Wikipedia - Digital manifold -- Special kind of combinatorial manifold which is defined in grid cell space
Wikipedia - Digital mapping -- Compiling data to create a visual image
Wikipedia - Digital marketing
Wikipedia - Digital Mars
Wikipedia - Digital Max -- Former advertising mascot of Cox Communications
Wikipedia - Digital media player
Wikipedia - Digital media use and mental health -- Relationship between the use of digital media and the mental health of its consumers and users
Wikipedia - Digital media -- Any media that are encoded in machine-readable formats
Wikipedia - Digital Medievalist
Wikipedia - Digital Millennium Copyright Act -- Copyright law in the United States of America
Wikipedia - Digital mockup
Wikipedia - Digital modeling and fabrication
Wikipedia - Digital morphogenesis
Wikipedia - Digital movie camera -- Specialized video camera used to shoot movies
Wikipedia - Digital multimedia broadcasting -- The South Korean digital TV standard
Wikipedia - Digital Multiplex System -- Electronic telephone switch
Wikipedia - Digital music store
Wikipedia - Digital music
Wikipedia - Digital Nations -- Intergovernmental organization focused on technology
Wikipedia - Digital native -- Term describing a person who has grown up in the digital age
Wikipedia - Digital negative (transparency) -- Photography method to create negatives
Wikipedia - Digital Negative -- Patented, open, lossless raw image format written by Adobe used for digital photography
Wikipedia - DIGITAL Network Architecture
Wikipedia - Digital newspaper technology
Wikipedia - Digital object identifier -- ISO standard unique string identifier for a digital object
Wikipedia - Digital obsolescence
Wikipedia - DigitalOcean -- American cloud infrastructure provider
Wikipedia - Digital Ocean -- Former wireless product company
Wikipedia - Digital One -- UK national commercial digital radio multiplex
Wikipedia - Digital on-screen graphic
Wikipedia - Digital organism
Wikipedia - Digital Party -- Uruguayan political party
Wikipedia - Digital pathology
Wikipedia - Digital pattern generator -- Electronic test equipment that generates digital stimuli
Wikipedia - Digital pen
Wikipedia - Digital pet
Wikipedia - Digital philosophy
Wikipedia - Digital photographer
Wikipedia - Digital photograph
Wikipedia - Digital Photography Review -- Website about digital cameras and digital photography
Wikipedia - Digital photography
Wikipedia - Digital photo
Wikipedia - Digital physics -- Term in physics and cosmology
Wikipedia - Digital piano
Wikipedia - Digital Picture Exchange -- File format family
Wikipedia - Digital Pictures -- Defunct interactive movie developer from San Mateo, California
Wikipedia - Digital Playground -- American pornographic movie studio
Wikipedia - Digital poetry
Wikipedia - Digital potentiometer
Wikipedia - Digital preservation
Wikipedia - Digital Press
Wikipedia - Digital printing
Wikipedia - Digital Project
Wikipedia - Digital prototyping
Wikipedia - Digital Public Library of America
Wikipedia - Digital Radio Mondiale -- Digital radio broadcasting standard
Wikipedia - Digital radio
Wikipedia - Digital Reasoning -- American cognitive computing company
Wikipedia - Digital recording
Wikipedia - Digital reference
Wikipedia - Digital religion
Wikipedia - Digital Research
Wikipedia - Digital Resistance -- 2014 studio album by Slough Feg
Wikipedia - Digital Revolution
Wikipedia - Digital revolution
Wikipedia - Digital rhetoric
Wikipedia - Digital Rights Management
Wikipedia - Digital rights management -- Technology to control access to copyrighted works and prevent unauthorized copying
Wikipedia - Digital rights
Wikipedia - Digital River
Wikipedia - Digital root
Wikipedia - Digital scent technology
Wikipedia - Digital scholarship
Wikipedia - Digital sensor
Wikipedia - Digital signage -- Sub-segment of electronic signage
Wikipedia - Digital Signal 0
Wikipedia - Digital Signal 3
Wikipedia - Digital signal (electronics)
Wikipedia - Digital Signal Processing (journal)
Wikipedia - Digital signal processing -- Mathematical signal manipulation by computers
Wikipedia - Digital Signal Processor
Wikipedia - Digital signal processor -- Specialized microprocessor optimized for digital signal processing
Wikipedia - Digital signal (signal processing) -- A signal with discrete values in time and amplitude
Wikipedia - Digital signal -- Signal used to represent data as a sequence of discrete values
Wikipedia - Digital Signature Algorithm
Wikipedia - Digital signatures
Wikipedia - Digital signature
Wikipedia - Digital single-lens reflex camera -- Digital cameras combining the parts of a single-lens reflex camera and a digital camera back
Wikipedia - Digital sociology
Wikipedia - Digital Solid State Propulsion -- American Aerospace Company
Wikipedia - Digital Spy -- British-based entertainment, television and film website and brand
Wikipedia - Digital storage oscilloscope -- Oscilloscope that stores and analyses signals digitally
Wikipedia - Digital Storm Online, Inc.
Wikipedia - Digital strategy manager -- Executive position
Wikipedia - Digital subchannel -- Method of transmitting multiple program streams on a digital radio or television multiplex
Wikipedia - Digital subscriber line -- Series of transfer standards in data transmission
Wikipedia - Digital subtraction angiography -- Method for delineating blood vessels using contrast medium
Wikipedia - Digital-S -- Professional digital video cassette format
Wikipedia - Digital switchover dates in the United Kingdom -- Process of replacing analogue terrestrial with digital terrestrial television in the UK
Wikipedia - Digital synthesizer -- Synthesizer that uses digital signal processing to make sounds
Wikipedia - Digital systems
Wikipedia - Digital tabletop game
Wikipedia - Digital Technologies and the Museum Experience -- 2008 book
Wikipedia - Digital television transition in India -- Transition to digital terrestrial television
Wikipedia - Digital television transition in Japan -- Mandatory switchover from analog to digital terrestrial television broadcasting
Wikipedia - Digital television transition in the United States -- Switchover from analog to exclusively digital broadcasting of terrestrial television television programming
Wikipedia - Digital television transition -- -- Digital television transition --
Wikipedia - Digital television -- Transmission of audio and video by digitally processed and multiplexed signal
Wikipedia - Digital Terrestrial Multimedia Broadcast -- The Chinese digital TV standard
Wikipedia - Digital terrestrial television in Finland -- Television service in Finland
Wikipedia - Digital terrestrial television in Sweden -- Swedish Digital terrestrial television
Wikipedia - Digital terrestrial television -- Broadcast television technology
Wikipedia - Digital theology
Wikipedia - Digital topology -- Properties of 2D or 3D digital images that correspond to classic topological properties
Wikipedia - Digital Transformation Agency -- Government digital services agency of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Digital transformation
Wikipedia - Digital Trends
Wikipedia - Digital twin -- A digital replica of a living or non-living physical entity
Wikipedia - Digital typography
Wikipedia - Digital Underground -- American alternative hip hop group
Wikipedia - Digital UNIX
Wikipedia - Digital Unlocked
Wikipedia - Digital Video Broadcasting -- open standard for digital television broadcasting
Wikipedia - Digital video camera
Wikipedia - Digital video fingerprinting -- Technique to summarize characteristic components of a video recording
Wikipedia - Digital Video Interactive
Wikipedia - Digital video recorder
Wikipedia - Digital video -- digital electronic representation of moving visual images
Wikipedia - Digital Visual Interface
Wikipedia - Digital wallet
Wikipedia - Digital watermarking
Wikipedia - Digital watermark
Wikipedia - Digital Writing and Research Lab -- Promotion of twenty-first-century literacies
Wikipedia - Digit (anatomy) -- One of several most distal parts of a limb, such as fingers or toes
Wikipedia - Digitaria eriantha -- Species of grass
Wikipedia - Digitaria ischaemum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Digitaria -- Genus of plants (grasses; crabgrass)
Wikipedia - Digitas NewFront -- Marketing conference
Wikipedia - DigiTech Whammy -- Pitch-shifting effect pedal
Wikipedia - Digitigrade -- Animal that stands or walks on its digits/toes
Wikipedia - Digitivalva arnicella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Digitivalva eglanteriella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Digitivalva granitella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Digitivalva occidentella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Digitivalva perlepidella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Digitivalva pulicariae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Digitivalva solidaginis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Digitivalva valeriella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Digitization
Wikipedia - Digitizer
Wikipedia - Digitizing
Wikipedia - Digitonthophagus -- Genus of scarab beetles
Wikipedia - Digit ratio -- Ratio of lengths of anatomical digits, typically the 2nd and 4th
Wikipedia - Digit-reassembly number
Wikipedia - Digitron (company)
Wikipedia - Dig It (Skinny Puppy song) -- Song by Skinny Puppy
Wikipedia - Digit sum -- the sum of a number's digits
Wikipedia - Diglossia -- Situation in which two dialects or languages are used by a single language community
Wikipedia - Diglyceride -- Type of fat derived from glycerol and two fatty acids
Wikipedia - Diglymma -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Dig (Mudvayne song) -- 2000 single from Mudvayne
Wikipedia - Digna and Emerita
Wikipedia - Dignaga
Wikipedia - Digna, Jura -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, France
Wikipedia - Digne-les-Bains -- Prefecture and commune in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Wikipedia - Dignelis Jimenez -- Puerto Rican model
Wikipedia - DignidadLiteraria -- Hashtag and grassroots campaign
Wikipedia - Dignified death
Wikipedia - Dignitas (assisted dying organisation)
Wikipedia - Dignitas connubii
Wikipedia - Dignitas (esports) -- Professional esports organization
Wikipedia - Dignitas (Roman concept) -- Ancient Roman virtue
Wikipedia - Dignitatis humanae
Wikipedia - Dignity and Action Party -- Political party in Mauritania
Wikipedia - Dignity Health Sports Park (tennis) -- Tennis center in Carson, California, Los Angeles
Wikipedia - Dignity Health Sports Park -- Sports complex and stadium in Carson, California, United States
Wikipedia - Dignity in Dying
Wikipedia - Dignity of labor
Wikipedia - Dignity of labour
Wikipedia - Dignity of work
Wikipedia - Dignity -- The right of a person to be valued and respected for their own sake
Wikipedia - Dignaga -- Indian logician
Wikipedia - Digonophorus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Digon -- Polygon with 2 sides and 2 vertices
Wikipedia - Digor people
Wikipedia - Digor (sports) -- Traditional sport in Bhutan
Wikipedia - Digory Chamond -- English politician
Wikipedia - Digos City
Wikipedia - Digraph (computing)
Wikipedia - Digraph (orthography)
Wikipedia - Digul -- River in Indonesia
Wikipedia - DigVentures -- Archaeological social enterprise platform
Wikipedia - Digvijai Singh
Wikipedia - Digvijaya Singh -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Digvijay Narayan Chaubey -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Digvijay Nath -- Politician from India
Wikipedia - Diketo (game) -- Indigenous game of Botswana
Wikipedia - Dindigul Dragons -- Cricket team
Wikipedia - Dindigul I. Leoni -- Indian pattimandram anchor and orator
Wikipedia - Dindigul Sarathy -- 2008 film by Siva Sanmukam
Wikipedia - Dindigul (state assembly constituency) -- One of 234 Legislative Assembly Constituencies in Tamil Nadu state, in India.
Wikipedia - Dione Digby, Lady Digby -- British arts administrator
Wikipedia - Diphasiastrum digitatum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Directed forgetting paradigm
Wikipedia - Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market -- 2019 EU copyright reform directive
Wikipedia - DisplayPort -- Digital display interface
Wikipedia - Distributed presence -- Digital marketing term
Wikipedia - Division of Bendigo -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Dizzy Digs Paris -- album by Dizzy Gillespie
Wikipedia - Djaru people -- Indigenous Australian people of the southern Kimberley region of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Djinang people -- Indigenous Australian people
Wikipedia - DMX (music service) -- Branding agency and digital music service
Wikipedia - DNA digital data storage
Wikipedia - Do It Like You -- Song by Diggy Simmons
Wikipedia - Dolby Digital Plus -- Audio codec
Wikipedia - Dolby Digital -- Audio compression technologies
Wikipedia - Dolichoderus modiglianii -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Dolores Cacuango -- Ecuadorian indigenous rights activist
Wikipedia - Domain Group -- Australian digital real estate information company
Wikipedia - Don Digirolamo -- American sound engineer
Wikipedia - Donyi-Polo -- Indigenous religion of Arunachal Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Dotdash -- Digital media company based in New York City
Wikipedia - Dot-probe paradigm
Wikipedia - Double J (radio station) -- Australian digital radio station
Wikipedia - Double-spending -- Failure mode of digital cash schemes
Wikipedia - Draft:Adswizz -- Advertising solutions for the digital audio industry
Wikipedia - Draft:Bilal Ahmad -- Digital Marketer
Wikipedia - Draft:Chaman Hanjra -- Digital Entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Draft:CyberSN -- A digital delivery service
Wikipedia - Draft:Dhanuka Bro -- Srilankan Digital Marketing Consultant Entrepreneur,Digital Strategist, Orator, Software Engineer
Wikipedia - Draft:Digga D -- British rapper
Wikipedia - Draft:Fadilu Barat Ajibola -- Digital Marketing Expert
Wikipedia - Draft:Gurudutt Badiger -- Indian Music Composer (b. 1997)
Wikipedia - Draft:IndiaRxiv -- Online digital archive for preprints of scientific papers from and for India
Wikipedia - Draft:Nandighosha TV -- Indian television station
Wikipedia - Draft:Newslux -- Indian digital news platform
Wikipedia - Draft:Paribu -- Digital asset exchange company
Wikipedia - Draft:Prodigy Education -- Canadian educational technology company
Wikipedia - Draft:RN Digital Records -- Indian Record Label
Wikipedia - Draft:The Cognate -- Indian digital news platform
Wikipedia - Draft:The Hits (former UK radio station) -- British national digital radio station
Wikipedia - Draft:Victoria Adigun -- Nigeria EcoPreneur
Wikipedia - Draft:Xcoins -- Digital asset exchange company
Wikipedia - DRG London -- Digital Audio Broadcasting multiplex
Wikipedia - DSM CC -- Digital storage media command and control
Wikipedia - Duke of Hijar -- Hereditary title in the Peerage of Spain, accompanied by the dignity of Grandee
Wikipedia - Duke of la Victoria (title) -- Hereditary title in the Peerage of Spain, accompanied by the dignity of Grandee
Wikipedia - Duke of Victoria de las Amezcoas -- Hereditary title in the Peerage of Spain, accompanied by the dignity of Grandee
Wikipedia - Dust-to-Digital -- American record label
Wikipedia - DVB-C -- Digital cable television standard
Wikipedia - DVB-H -- Digital TV standard for cellphones
Wikipedia - DVB-S2 -- Digital satellite television standard
Wikipedia - DVB-SH -- Digital TV standard that allows satellite TV to be watched on a cellphone
Wikipedia - DVB-S -- 1995 digital TV standard for satellite television
Wikipedia - DVB-T -- Digital terrestrial television standard
Wikipedia - DVD -- Optical disc format for the storage and playback of digital video and other digital data
Wikipedia - D-VHS -- Magnetic tape-based format meant for the distribution of digital HD movies
Wikipedia - DXJC -- Radio station in Digos, Philippines
Wikipedia - DXKO-FM -- Radio station in Digos, Philippines
Wikipedia - DXNW -- Radio station in Digos, Philippines
Wikipedia - DxO ONE -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - East Side Digital Records -- American record label
Wikipedia - E-book -- Book-length publication in digital form
Wikipedia - Economics of digitization
Wikipedia - Ecosystem-based management -- Environmental management paradigm focusing on entire ecosystems
Wikipedia - Ecosystem management -- Conservation paradigm factoring in natural and human use of resources and ecosystem services
Wikipedia - Eden (TV channel) -- British digital television channel
Wikipedia - E. Digby Baltzell
Wikipedia - Edigleuson Alves de Sousa -- Brazilian-born Azerbaijani futsal playe
Wikipedia - Edigold Monday -- Ugandan businesswoman, accountant, bank executive, and educator
Wikipedia - Edward Digges -- American politician and barrister (1620 - 1674/75)
Wikipedia - Edward R. Murrow Award (Radio Television Digital News Association) -- Prize awarded by the Radio Television Digital News Association
Wikipedia - EExtra -- South African digital satellite television channel
Wikipedia - Effective number of bits -- A dynamic range metric for digital systems
Wikipedia - Eight Northern Pueblos -- Indigenous villages in Northern New Mexico
Wikipedia - Electric Digger Dandy -- 1991 album by James Reyne
Wikipedia - Electronic dictionary -- Dictionary whose data exists in digital form and can be accessed through a number of different media
Wikipedia - Electronic Frontier Foundation -- Digital rights group based in the US
Wikipedia - Electronic journal -- Magazine published in digital format
Wikipedia - Electronic literature -- Literary genre consisting of works of literature that originate within digital environments and require digital computation
Wikipedia - Electronic Poetry Center -- Online resource for digital poetry
Wikipedia - Elia del Medigo
Wikipedia - Eliane Radigue
Wikipedia - Elie-Jacques Jourdain -- Canadian indigenous leader
Wikipedia - Elijah Delmedigo
Wikipedia - Elisa Bravo -- 19th-century female rumoured to have been captured by indigenous Mapuche
Wikipedia - Elisa Kadigia Bove -- Italian actress
Wikipedia - Elizabeth DePalma Digeser
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Phillips (Sto:lM-EM-^M Nation elder) -- Canadian indigenous elder (born 1939)
Wikipedia - Ellen Diggs -- American anthropologist
Wikipedia - Ellen Paneok -- First indigenous Alaskan woman to become a licensed pilot
Wikipedia - Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
Wikipedia - Elvira Madigan (1943 film) -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Elvira Madigan -- Tightrope walker and trick rider
Wikipedia - Email -- Method of exchanging digital messages between people over a network
Wikipedia - Embera people -- Indigenous people of Panama and Colombia
Wikipedia - Embroidery of India -- Any of the various styles of embroidery indigenous to India
Wikipedia - Emily Bindiger -- American singer
Wikipedia - Emotional Decompression Chamber -- album by Digitalis Purpurea
Wikipedia - EN 301 549 -- EU digital accessibility standard
Wikipedia - Encarta -- Digital multimedia encyclopedia
Wikipedia - Encontro de Cultura Huni Kuin -- Cultural gathering for the indigenous Huni Kuin tribe in Brazil
Wikipedia - Endangered Archives Programme -- Funding programme and digital archive run by the British Library
Wikipedia - Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography -- Use of endoscopy and fluoroscopy to treat and diagnose digestive issues.
Wikipedia - English Broadside Ballad Archive -- Digital library of English Broadside Ballads
Wikipedia - ENIAC -- First electronic general-purpose digital computer
Wikipedia - Enippadigal -- 1979 film by P. Madhavan
Wikipedia - En kvinde er overflodig -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Ensoniq EPS -- Digital musical instrument
Wikipedia - Enterprise digital assistant
Wikipedia - Enthusiast Gaming -- Canadian digital media company
Wikipedia - Entity Paradigm -- Pakistani heavy metal band
Wikipedia - Epic Games Store -- Digital video game storefront
Wikipedia - Equidigital number
Wikipedia - -- Swiss digital library for antique works
Wikipedia - Erase/Rewind -- 1999 single by The Cardigans
Wikipedia - Erik Stadigh -- Finnish sailor
Wikipedia - Ernst-Rdiger Olderog
Wikipedia - Ernst-Rudiger Olderog -- German computer scientist
Wikipedia - Error detection and correction -- Techniques that enable reliable delivery of digital data over unreliable communication channels
Wikipedia - Ese Ejja people -- Indigenous people of Bolivia and Peru, in the southwestern Amazon basin
Wikipedia - Eskimo -- Is a derogatory Name used to describe Indigenous people from the circumpolar region
Wikipedia - Esmaeil Sedigh -- Iranian futsal coach and instructor
Wikipedia - Espresso heuristic logic minimizer -- computer program for complexity reduction of digital logic circuits
Wikipedia - Esselen -- Indigenous American group in northern California
Wikipedia - Estella B. Diggs -- American politician
Wikipedia - Ethnic groups in Europe -- Indigenous peoples of Europe
Wikipedia - News -- South African free-to-air digital satellite television news and sports channel
Wikipedia - Eucrostes indigenata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia indigata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Europeana 1914-1918 -- Project to digitise and publish primary and secondary historical sources on the First World War
Wikipedia - Europeana -- Digital collection of European cultural heritage
Wikipedia - European Digital Rights -- Advocacy group
Wikipedia - Evan Bacon -- American artist and child prodigy
Wikipedia - Evelina Rodigari -- Italian speed skater
Wikipedia - Evening:Morning -- album by The Digital Age
Wikipedia - Event-driven programming -- Computer programming paradigm
Wikipedia - Everard Digby (died 1540) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Everard Digby -- 16th- and 17th-century English conspirator in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605
Wikipedia - Everybody in the Place -- 1991 single by The Prodigy
Wikipedia - Exif -- Metadata standard in digital images
Wikipedia - Exmor -- Digital camera technology
Wikipedia - Extensible Name Service -- An XML-based digital identity architecture
Wikipedia - Extensible Text Framework -- Architecture for indexing, searching, and displaying digital objects
Wikipedia - Extensor digitorum brevis muscle -- Muscle on the upper surface of the foot that helps extend digits 2 through 4
Wikipedia - Extensor digitorum longus muscle -- A pennate muscle, situated at the lateral part of the front of the leg
Wikipedia - Extensor hallucis longus muscle -- A thin muscle, situated between the tibialis anterior and the extensor digitorum longus
Wikipedia - Fabio da Silva Bordignon -- Brazilian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Fab lab -- Small-scale workshop for digital fabrication
Wikipedia - Facebook Dating -- Digital dating product
Wikipedia - FactorDaily -- Indian digital media publication
Wikipedia - Faeria -- 2017 digital collectible card and turn-based strategy game
Wikipedia - Falcondale House -- Grade II listed building in Ceredigion, Wales, UK
Wikipedia - Farvardigan
Wikipedia - Fayve -- Former digital entertainment distribution service
Wikipedia - Fear conditioning -- Behavioral paradigm in which organisms learn to predict aversive events
Wikipedia - Federico Coullaut-Valera Mendigutia -- Spanish sculptor
Wikipedia - Fee Plumley -- British-born digital artist, technology evangelist, and digital consultant
Wikipedia - Feminist digital humanities
Wikipedia - Fernando Fernandez de Cordova, 2nd Marquess of Mendigorria -- Argentinian politician (1809-1883)
Wikipedia - Figure space -- Typographical space equal to the tabular width of a font; in fonts with fixed-width digits, equals the size of those digits
Wikipedia - File sharing -- Practice of distributing or providing access to digitally stored information
Wikipedia - Films and Frames Digital Film Awards -- Annual film awards in India
Wikipedia - FinePix IS Pro -- Digital single lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - FinePix S1 Pro -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Fingerprint scanner -- Electronic device used to capture a digital image of the fingerprint pattern
Wikipedia - Finns -- Baltic Finnic ethnic group indigenous to Finland
Wikipedia - FIPS county code -- Five-digit standard code for counties in the US
Wikipedia - Fire/Jericho -- 1992 single by the Prodigy
Wikipedia - First Nations -- Term used for Indigenous peoples in Canada
Wikipedia - Flat-panel detector -- Class of solid-state x-ray digital radiography devices
Wikipedia - Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle (foot) -- Muscles of the sole of the foot in the third layer
Wikipedia - Flexor digitorum brevis muscle -- Lies in the middle of the sole of the foot
Wikipedia - Flexor digitorum longus muscle -- Muscle located on the tibial side of the leg
Wikipedia - Flip clock -- Electromechanical, digital time keeping device
Wikipedia - Flora and Fauna Act Myth -- Is a belief often repeated in public debate that Indigenous Australians were classified as fauna by legislation, specifically under a M-bM-^@M-^\Flora and Fauna ActM-bM-^@M-^]
Wikipedia - FL Studio -- Digital audio workstation
Wikipedia - Folk art -- art produced from an indigenous culture or by peasants or other laboring tradespeople
Wikipedia - Ford Indigo -- Concept car developed by Ford in 1996
Wikipedia - Forgiveness -- Renunciation or cessation of resentment, indignation or anger
Wikipedia - Forkast.News -- Digital media platform
Wikipedia - Formosan languages -- Austronesian languages spoken by the indigenous Taiwanese
Wikipedia - Fortune TV -- Burmese digital Free-to-Air TV channel
Wikipedia - For What It's Worth (The Cardigans song) -- 2003 single by The Cardigans
Wikipedia - Fossorial -- Animal adapted to digging and living underground
Wikipedia - Four Thirds system -- digital camera sensor and lens mount format
Wikipedia - Fragmentarium -- Digital medieval manuscripts archive
Wikipedia - Francesca Diggs -- American politician
Wikipedia - Franco Modigliani
Wikipedia - Frank Dignum
Wikipedia - Frank Fagan -- Canadian businessman and dignitary
Wikipedia - Free Art and Technology Lab -- Digital art collective
Wikipedia - Freecharge -- Digital marketplace for financial services based in India
Wikipedia - Freeview (Australia) -- Digital terrestrial television platform in Australia
Wikipedia - Freeview (UK) -- Digital terrestrial television platform in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Front Row Channel -- global digital network
Wikipedia - Fujifilm FinePix S8000 -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Funan DigitaLife Mall -- Defunct Singapore shopping mall
Wikipedia - Functional programming -- Programming paradigm
Wikipedia - Fylgia Zadig -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Gabe Ruediger -- American martial artist
Wikipedia - Gaia hypothesis -- Paradigm that living organisms interact with their surroundings in a self-regulating system
Wikipedia - Gaiam Vivendi Entertainment -- Film, television, DVD and digital distribution company
Wikipedia - Gajanan Digambar Madgulkar
Wikipedia - GameHouse -- Casual game developer, publisher, digital video game distributor, and portal, based in Seattle, Washington, United States
Wikipedia - Gamit -- Indigenous people of Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Gaon Digital Chart -- South Korean music chart
Wikipedia - GarageBand -- Digital audio software for macOS and iOS
Wikipedia - Garden at Bordighera, Morning -- 1884 painting by Claude Monet
Wikipedia - Garden of Silence -- Meditative space in Chandigarh, India
Wikipedia - Garena -- Digital entertainment platform
Wikipedia - Garniga Terme -- Comune in Trentino-Alto Adige/Sudtirol, Italy
Wikipedia - Gastroenterology -- Branch of medicine focused on the digestive system and its disorders
Wikipedia - Gayathri Mudigonda -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Gaydar Radio -- Podcast and former digital radio station
Wikipedia - Gaze-contingency paradigm -- Techniques for changing computer screen display depending on where the viewer is looking
Wikipedia - Gemalto -- International digital security company
Wikipedia - GEM (desktop environment) -- Operating environment created by Digital Research, Inc.
Wikipedia - General-purpose input/output -- User-controllable digital signal pin on an integrated circuit
Wikipedia - Genesis (camera) -- Panavision digital movie camera
Wikipedia - Genetic history of indigenous peoples of the Americas
Wikipedia - Genocide of indigenous peoples -- genocide of native inhabitants of a region
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu -- Indigenous Australian musician
Wikipedia - Geoffroy d'Andigne -- French equestrian
Wikipedia - Georg Bredig
Wikipedia - George Digweed -- British sport shooter
Wikipedia - George Stibitz -- Bell Labs researcher; one of the fathers of the modern first digital computer
Wikipedia - Georgians -- Caucasian ethnic group indigenous to Georgia
Wikipedia - Geotagging -- Act of associating geographic coordinates to digital media
Wikipedia - GeoTrust -- Digital certificate provider
Wikipedia - Gert Ledig
Wikipedia - Giant -- being of human appearance, sometimes of prodigious size and strength, common in folklore
Wikipedia - Giclee -- Fine art ink jet prints produced from digital files or artwork.
Wikipedia - GIF art -- Animated digital art using GIF format
Wikipedia - Gigapixel image -- Digital image bitmap composed of one billion pixels
Wikipedia - Giorgia Bordignon -- Italian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Giovanni Bordiga -- Italian mathematician
Wikipedia - Giraavaru people -- Indigenous people of Giraavaru Island, Maldives
Wikipedia - Girgashites -- Indigenous tribe
Wikipedia - Girls (The Prodigy song) -- 2004 song by The Prodigy
Wikipedia - Gizzard -- Digestive organ of some animals
Wikipedia - Glitch art -- Practice of using digital or analog errors for aesthetic purposes
Wikipedia - Global digital divide
Wikipedia - Glossary of digital audio -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - Glossary of digital forensics terms -- Wikipedia glossary list
Wikipedia - GMA News Digest -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Goebbels und Geduldig -- 2001 film by Kai Wessel
Wikipedia - -- Digital video game distribution platform
Wikipedia - Gogoyan -- Village in Ceredigion, Wales
Wikipedia - Gold Digger (horse) -- American thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Gold Digger (Kanye West song) -- 2005 single by Kanye West
Wikipedia - Gold Diggers in Paris -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Gold Diggers of 1933 -- 1933 film by Mervyn LeRoy, Busby Berkeley
Wikipedia - Gold Diggers of 1937 -- 1936 film by Busby Berkeley, Lloyd Bacon
Wikipedia - Gold Diggers of '49 -- 1935 animated film in Warner Bros.' Looney Tunes series
Wikipedia - Gold Diggers of Broadway -- Partially lost 1929 pre-Code American musical film
Wikipedia - Gold digger -- Type of relationship in which a person engages in relationships for money rather than love
Wikipedia - Google Assistant -- AI powered digital assistant developed by Google
Wikipedia - Google Play Books -- Digital distribution service for ebooks
Wikipedia - Google Play Newsstand -- Defunct news aggregator and digital newsstand by Google
Wikipedia - Google Play -- Digital distribution service by Google
Wikipedia - Google TV -- Digital distribution service for movies and TV shows
Wikipedia - Gopi Shankar Madurai -- Indian indigenist and politician
Wikipedia - GoPuff -- A digital delivery service
Wikipedia - Gottfried Wedig -- German painter
Wikipedia - Government Digital Service -- Unit of the UK government charged with digital government services
Wikipedia - Governor's Palace, Chandigarh -- Proposed government building in Chandigarh, India
Wikipedia - GOV.UK Verify -- identity assurance system developed by the UK Government Digital Service
Wikipedia - Grace Bardsley -- Australian Indigenous rights activist
Wikipedia - Grand Alliance (HDTV) -- 1990s American digital television standard consortium
Wikipedia - Gran Turismo 7 -- Upcoming video game developed by Polyphony Digital
Wikipedia - Gran Turismo Sport -- 2017 racing video game developed by Polyphony Digital
Wikipedia - Grave Digger (band) -- German heavy metal band
Wikipedia - Gravedigger
Wikipedia - Great Stupa of Universal Compassion -- Buddhist monument under construction near Bendigo, Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Group Nine Media -- American digital media holding company
Wikipedia - GSM -- Standard to describe protocols for second generation digital cellular networks used by mobile phones
Wikipedia - Guambiano -- Indigenous people of the department of Cauca in Colombia
Wikipedia - Gudanji -- Indigenous Australian people
Wikipedia - Gunstock war club -- Indigenous weapon used by Native Americans
Wikipedia - GwichM-JM- -- Athabaskan language of the GwichM-bM-^@M-^Yin indigenous people
Wikipedia - Gwynedd -- A county in Wales, adjacent to Powys, Conwy, Anglesey, and Ceredigion
Wikipedia - Haida argillite carvings -- Indigenous art tradition of the Pacific Northwest
Wikipedia - Haldighati Passenger -- Train in India
Wikipedia - HandBrake -- Free and open-source digital video transcoding software
Wikipedia - Han Hoogerbrugge -- Dutch digital artist
Wikipedia - Hardware description language -- Specialized computer language used to describe the structure and behavior of electronic circuits, and most commonly, digital logic circuits
Wikipedia - Harold T. Martin III -- American citizen accused of stealing digital data from the NSA
Wikipedia - Harshad number -- Integer divisible by sum of its digits
Wikipedia - Hasanaga Sadigov -- Azerbaijani musician
Wikipedia - Hasta Que Dios Diga -- A song by Puerto Rican singer Anuel AA
Wikipedia - HathiTrust -- Digital library
Wikipedia - Havana Hopewell culture -- Indigenous American culture
Wikipedia - HDMI -- Proprietary interface for transmitting digital audio and video data
Wikipedia - HD Radio -- Digital radio technology
Wikipedia - Healthy digestion -- absorption of nutrients in diet
Wikipedia - Heart 80s -- British digital radio station
Wikipedia - Hearthstone -- Digital collectible card game by Blizzard Entertainment
Wikipedia - Heini Hediger
Wikipedia - Helong people -- Indigenous people of Timor, Indonesia
Wikipedia - Henry L. Roediger III
Wikipedia - Herbert Rudiger -- American terrorist
Wikipedia - Heritage Microfilm, Inc. -- Microfilm digitization business based in Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Wikipedia - Herman H. Dignan -- American politician
Wikipedia - Herve Godignon -- French equestrian
Wikipedia - Hierarchical modulation -- Signal processing technique for multiplexing/modulating multiple data streams into one stream, where base- and enhancement-layer symbols are synchronously overplayed before transmission; used in digital TV broadcast for graceful degradation
Wikipedia - Higher-order modulation -- digital modulation type
Wikipedia - High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even In Another World -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - Hilldiggers -- 2007 science fiction novel by Neal Asher
Wikipedia - Hipstamatic -- Digital photography mobile app
Wikipedia - Historic Cambridge Newspaper Collection -- Digital library
Wikipedia - History of Digital Equipment Corporation
Wikipedia - History of Santa Catalina Island (California) -- Human activity from indigenous people to modern times
Wikipedia - Hits Radio Pride -- British national digital radio station
Wikipedia - Hits Radio UK -- British national digital radio station
Wikipedia - Holographic paradigm
Wikipedia - Homeless dumping -- Inappropriately releasing homeless or indigent patients
Wikipedia - Homer vs. Dignity -- Fifth episode of the twelfth season of ''The Simpsons''
Wikipedia - Hong Kong Indigenous -- Hong Kong political organisation
Wikipedia - Hoopla (digital media service) -- North American provider of digital media for public libraries
Wikipedia - Hornet Bank massacre -- 1857 killing of eleven British colonists by Indigenous Australians
Wikipedia - Horst-Rudiger Magnor -- German racewalker
Wikipedia - Hotride -- 2004 single by The Prodigy
Wikipedia - Hoysala Empire -- Kannadiga empire that ruled most of what is now Karnataka, India (10th-14th centuries)
Wikipedia - HP 200LX -- Personal digital assistant manufactured by Hewlett-Packard
Wikipedia - Ht-//Dig
Wikipedia - Huilliche uprising of 1792 -- Indigenous revolt against the Spanish presence in southern Chile
Wikipedia - Human digestive system
Wikipedia - Human Dignity Award -- Irish award
Wikipedia - Human feces -- Solid or semisolid remains of the food that could not be digested or absorbed in the small intestine of humans
Wikipedia - Humble Bundle -- Digital storefront company selling video games and e-books
Wikipedia - Hupda people -- Amazonian indigenous people who live in Brazil and Colombia
Wikipedia - Huyen langlon -- An indigenous martial art of Kangleipak(Manipur) which posses similar skill and training of Ninja,Shaolin,Samurai warrior
Wikipedia - Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV -- Industry standard for hybrid digital television
Wikipedia - Ian Pedigo -- American artist
Wikipedia - Iberian language -- extinct language of an indigenous western European people
Wikipedia - Ibon Idigoras -- Spanish snowboarder
Wikipedia - Ichasagua -- 16th c. indigenous leader on Tenerife
Wikipedia - Icosidigon -- Polygon with 22 edges
Wikipedia - IdenTrust -- Digital certificate authority
Wikipedia - I Dig Everything -- Song by David Bowie
Wikipedia - IDigitalTimes
Wikipedia - Idle No More -- Grassroots movement for indigenous rights
Wikipedia - Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm
Wikipedia - Igneri -- Indigenous Arawak people of the southern Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean
Wikipedia - Ilbijerri Theatre Company -- Indigenous theatre sompany based in Melbourne, Australia
Wikipedia - Image analysis -- Extraction of information from images via digital image processing techniques
Wikipedia - Image editing -- Processes of altering images, digital or traditional photos and add/paste/and cut words
Wikipedia - Image file formats -- Standardized means of organizing and storing digital images
Wikipedia - Image processor -- Specialized digital signal processor used for image processing
Wikipedia - Image scaling -- Changing the resolution of a digital image
Wikipedia - Image subtraction -- Digital image manipulation technique
Wikipedia - Imaikkaa Nodigal -- 2018 film by R Ajay Gnanamuthu
Wikipedia - Immersive digital environment
Wikipedia - Imperative paradigm
Wikipedia - Index of articles related to Indigenous Canadians -- Wikipedia index
Wikipedia - Index Thomisticus -- Digital humanities project
Wikipedia - Indian Day (Brazil) -- Annual celebration on 19 April honouring the indigenous peoples of Brazil
Wikipedia - Indigene editions (publishing house) -- French publishing company
Wikipedia - Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Act -- Zimbabwean legislation for expropriation of foreign-owned companies
Wikipedia - Indigenism -- Several different ideologies associated with indigenous peoples
Wikipedia - Indigenization
Wikipedia - Indigenous American philosophy
Wikipedia - Indigenous archaeology -- Sub-discipline of western archaeological theory
Wikipedia - Indigenous Australian art
Wikipedia - Indigenous Australian seasons -- Systems of weather seasons used by Indigenous Australians
Wikipedia - Indigenous Australian self-determination -- Powers relating to self-governance by Aboriginal Australian and Torres Strait Islander people
Wikipedia - Indigenous Australians -- Earliest inhabitants of the Australian continent and Torres Strait Islands
Wikipedia - Indigenous Authorities of Colombia -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Indigenous Community Television -- Australian television channel
Wikipedia - Indigenous cultures
Wikipedia - Indigenous Defence Equipment Exporters Association -- Indian government agency
Wikipedia - Indigenous education in Canada -- Education for First Nations, Inuit, and Metis people in Canada
Wikipedia - Indigenous education
Wikipedia - Indigenous feminism -- Political, social, and cultural movement and theory
Wikipedia - Indigenous intellectual property
Wikipedia - Indigenous land rights in Australia -- Rights and interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia
Wikipedia - Indigenous land rights
Wikipedia - Indigenous languages of the Americas -- Languages spoken by people indigenous to the Americas
Wikipedia - Indigenous language -- Language that is native to a region and spoken by indigenous peoples
Wikipedia - Indigenous literatures in Canada
Wikipedia - Indigenous Mexican Americans -- American citizens descended from indigenous peoples of Mexico
Wikipedia - Indigenous music of North America
Wikipedia - Indigenous Norwegian Travellers -- Ethnic minority group in Norway
Wikipedia - Indigenous People of Biafra -- Biafran separatist group
Wikipedia - Indigenous people of the Americas
Wikipedia - Indigenous people of the Everglades region -- Peoples of the Florida Everglades
Wikipedia - Indigenous Peoples' Day -- Day honoring Indigenous Peoples of the Americas
Wikipedia - Indigenous People's Front of Tripura -- Political party in India
Wikipedia - Indigenous peoples in Bolivia -- Bolivian people of indigenous ancestry
Wikipedia - Indigenous peoples in Canada
Wikipedia - Indigenous peoples in Colombia
Wikipedia - Indigenous peoples in Ecuador
Wikipedia - Indigenous peoples in Peru
Wikipedia - Indigenous Peoples March -- Political demonstration on the National Mall in Washington (18 January 2019 )
Wikipedia - Indigenous peoples of Brazil
Wikipedia - Indigenous peoples of California -- Native Californians
Wikipedia - Indigenous peoples of North America
Wikipedia - Indigenous peoples of Oceania
Wikipedia - Indigenous peoples of Peru -- Peruvian people of indigenous ancestry
Wikipedia - Indigenous peoples of Russia
Wikipedia - Indigenous peoples of Siberia
Wikipedia - Indigenous peoples of the Americas
Wikipedia - Indigenous peoples of the Caribbean
Wikipedia - Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast -- none
Wikipedia - Indigenous peoples of the Southeastern Woodlands -- Indigenous groups in the US
Wikipedia - Indigenous peoples
Wikipedia - Indigenous people
Wikipedia - Indigenous Philippine folk religions -- Native religions of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Indigenous psychology
Wikipedia - Indigenous religions
Wikipedia - Indigenous religion -- Indigenous religious belief systems
Wikipedia - Indigenous religious beliefs of the Tagalog people
Wikipedia - Indigenous rights
Wikipedia - Indigenous Services Canada -- Department of the Canadian government
Wikipedia - Indigenous Social Alliance Movement -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Indigenous treaties in Australia -- Treaties between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and various governments in Australia
Wikipedia - Indigenous voice to government -- Australian Government body aimed at providing a voice to Indigenous peoples
Wikipedia - Indigent
Wikipedia - Indigestion
Wikipedia - Indigo 91.9 FM -- Radio Station
Wikipedia - Indigo Books and Music -- Canadian book and gift retailer
Wikipedia - Indigo-capped hummingbird -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Indigo children
Wikipedia - Indigo Digital Press
Wikipedia - Indigo dye -- Chemical compound, food additive and dye
Wikipedia - Indigofera astragalina -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Indigofera australis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Indigofera heterantha -- Species of flowering plant in the family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - Indigofera linnaei -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Indigofera marmorata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Indigofera -- Genus of plants
Wikipedia - Indigo Girls -- American folk rock duo
Wikipedia - Indigo (restaurant) -- Iconic Mumbai restaurant (closed)
Wikipedia - Indigo Tribe
Wikipedia - Indigo (Warner novel)
Wikipedia - Indigo -- Deep and bright shade of blue
Wikipedia - IndiGo -- Indian low-cost airline
Wikipedia - I Need Some Fine Wine and You, You Need to Be Nicer -- 2005 single by The Cardigans
Wikipedia - Initiative Q -- Speculative payment network and digital currency
Wikipedia - Insignia -- Sign of state, corporative or religious dignity, usually for power and honor
Wikipedia - INSP (TV channel) -- American digital cable and satellite TV channel
Wikipedia - Integrated Digital Enhanced Network
Wikipedia - Integrated digital television
Wikipedia - Integrated Services Digital Network -- Set of communication standards
Wikipedia - Integrating ADC -- Analog-to-digital converter that uses an op-amp integrator
Wikipedia - Interactive Digital Software Association
Wikipedia - Interdigital webbing -- Membranes of skin between fingers and toes of animals
Wikipedia - International Day Against DRM -- Protests against digital rights management technology
Wikipedia - International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples -- Annual event sponsored by the United Nations
Wikipedia - International Digital Publishing Forum -- Trade and standards organisation for the digital publishing industry
Wikipedia - International Standard Name Identifier -- 16 digit identifier for people and organisations
Wikipedia - International Standard Serial Number -- Unique eight-digit number used to identify a periodical publication
Wikipedia - International Year of Indigenous Languages -- 2019 United Nations observance focusing on the endangerment of Indigenous languages
Wikipedia - Internet Archive -- American non-profit organization providing archives of digital media
Wikipedia - Internet radio -- Digital audio service transmitted via the Internet
Wikipedia - Inuit Sign Language -- Indigenous sign language isloate
Wikipedia - IP camera -- Digital video camera connected to the Internet
Wikipedia - IPod Shuffle -- Discontinued digital audio player by Apple
Wikipedia - IPolitics -- Canadian digital newspaper owned by Torstar
Wikipedia - Iridomyrmex viridigaster -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Irreechaa -- indigenous holiday celebrated by Oromo people in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - ISDB-T International -- Technical standard for digital televisions
Wikipedia - ISDB -- Japanese standard for digital television and radio
Wikipedia - Ishqiya (TV series) -- Pakistani drama serial by ARY Digital
Wikipedia - Islamic feminism -- A feminist discourse and practice articulated within an Islamic paradigm
Wikipedia - Islandora -- Open source digital repository system
Wikipedia - ISO 3166-1 numeric -- Three-digit numeric code to identify countries
Wikipedia - Istituto Internazionale di Studi Liguri -- Educational institution in Bordighera, Italy
Wikipedia - Item response theory -- Paradigm for the design, analysis, and scoring of tests
Wikipedia - ITunes Store -- Digital media store
Wikipedia - ITV Digital -- Former British digital terrestrial TV service
Wikipedia - Izzy Odigie -- US/Nigerian choreographer
Wikipedia - Jacaranda mimosifolia -- Sub-tropical tree with long-lasting pale indigo flowers
Wikipedia - Jackie Huggins -- Indigenous Australian historian and writer
Wikipedia - Jack Settleman -- American digital, social, and audio content creator
Wikipedia - Jacob Koopee Jr. -- Indigenous American artist
Wikipedia - Jacqueline Hey -- Australian banker and current chairwoman of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank
Wikipedia - Jag ser dig -- 2012 single by Kent
Wikipedia - Jain Agamas (Digambara)
Wikipedia - Jamboard -- Digital whiteboard developed by Google
Wikipedia - James Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan -- British Crimean War Lieutenant-General (1797-1868)
Wikipedia - James Digman Wingfield -- English painter
Wikipedia - James Makokis -- Canadian Indigenous doctor
Wikipedia - James Robert Lincoln Diggs -- American civil rights leader
Wikipedia - Jane Harrison (playwright) -- Indigenous Australian playwright and writer
Wikipedia - Jan Erik Digernes -- Norwegian figure skater
Wikipedia - Jason DeMarte -- American photographer and digital artist
Wikipedia - Jatari Indian Folk Association -- A Hungarian musical group exploring South American indigenous music
Wikipedia - Jay Diggins -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Jeanne Modigliani -- Italian essayist
Wikipedia - Jeevan Pramaan -- Indian digital person identifier
Wikipedia - Jeg elsker dig -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Jesse Wente -- Chairperson, Canada Council for the Arts, indigenous rights activist
Wikipedia - J. Frank Diggs -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jhooti -- Pakistani drama serial by ARY Digital
Wikipedia - JibJab -- Digital entertainment studio
Wikipedia - Jimmy Diggs -- American television screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jingili people -- An indigenous Australian people of the Northern Territory
Wikipedia - JIS encoding -- Collection of Japanese standards for digital character encoding
Wikipedia - Jivaroan peoples -- Groups of indigenous peoples in the headwaters of the MaraM-CM-1on River and its tributaries, Peru and Ecuador
Wikipedia - JM-CM-$germeister -- German digestif
Wikipedia - Joanne Barker -- Lenape academic focusing on indigenous peoples' studies
Wikipedia - Joan Roig i Diggle
Wikipedia - Jodi Byrd -- American indigenous academic
Wikipedia - Johanna Clementina Hudig -- Dutch judge
Wikipedia - John David Digues La Touche
Wikipedia - John Digons -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Digweed -- British DJ, record producer and actor
Wikipedia - John Madigan (politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - John Price (MP for Cardiganshire) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John Wingfield Digby -- British politician
Wikipedia - Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
Wikipedia - Josepha Madigan -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - Joseph diGenova -- American attorney
Wikipedia - Joseph Gosnell -- Canadian Nisga'a indigenous leader
Wikipedia - Joseph Solomon Delmedigo
Wikipedia - Josh Begley -- American digital artist
Wikipedia - Josip Petrov Babich -- New Zealand gum-digger, wine-maker, farmer
Wikipedia - Joy Buolamwini -- American computer scientist and digital activist
Wikipedia - JPEG -- Lossy compression method for digital images
Wikipedia - JSTOR -- Subscription digital library
Wikipedia - Judge Not; or The Woman of Mona Diggings -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Julie Buffalohead -- Indigenous American artist
Wikipedia - Julie Dowling (artist) -- Indigenous Australian artist
Wikipedia - Julius Obsequens -- Late antique Roman writer and collector of prodigies
Wikipedia - Juno Award for Indigenous Music Album of the Year -- Annual Canadian music award
Wikipedia - Jupiter Indiges -- Hero from Roman mythology
Wikipedia - Jutta Rudiger -- German psychologist
Wikipedia - KakaoPay -- Digital wallet service in South Korea
Wikipedia - Kalchdigor -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Kalina people -- Indigenous people native to the northern coastal areas of South America
Wikipedia - KamM-CM-+ntsa -- Indigenous people of Colombia
Wikipedia - Kangaroo -- Marsupial of the family Macropodidae indigenous to Australia
Wikipedia - Karin Riediger -- German figure skater
Wikipedia - Kathleen Fitzpatrick (American academic) -- American scholar of digital humanities
Wikipedia - Kavalan people -- Indigenous ethnic group of Taiwan
Wikipedia - Kawahiva -- Brazilian uncontacted indigenous tribe
Wikipedia - Kekionga -- Indigenous North American settlement
Wikipedia - Kempner series -- Harmonic series with all terms containing the digit '9' removed
Wikipedia - Kendig C. Bare -- American politician
Wikipedia - Kenelm Digby (Rutland MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Kenelm Digby
Wikipedia - Kenelm Edward Digby -- English lawyer and civil servant
Wikipedia - Kenelm Henry Digby
Wikipedia - Kenelm Hubert Digby -- British judge
Wikipedia - Kenneth de Courcy -- Editor of the British subscription newsletter Intelligence Digest and confidant of British King Edward VIII
Wikipedia - Kenneth Herdigein -- Dutch actor
Wikipedia - Ken Wyatt -- Indigenous Australian politician
Wikipedia - Kerrang! Radio -- British digital radio station
Wikipedia - Key-value database -- Data storage paradigm
Wikipedia - Khalid Ali -- Vijas Digital India Private Limited, Lucknow ,Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Khoekhoe -- African pastoralist indigenous group
Wikipedia - Kimon Digenis -- Greek general
Wikipedia - Kim Scott -- Indigenous Australian novelist
Wikipedia - Kim Ung-yong -- South Korean engineer, professor, and former child prodigy
Wikipedia - Kingdom of Ceredigion
Wikipedia - Klein-Venedig -- 16th Century German colony
Wikipedia - Kodak EasyShare CX4230 -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Kodaku people -- Indigenous people in India
Wikipedia - Kogi people -- Indigenous Chibchan ethnic group of northern Colombia
Wikipedia - Kokomini -- Indigenous Australian people
Wikipedia - Konstantin Noskov -- Russian economist and politician; Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media (2018-2020)
Wikipedia - Koori Radio -- Indigenous community radio station in Sydney, Australia
Wikipedia - Korg DRM-1 -- Digital Rhythm Module
Wikipedia - Korg Electribe EM-1 -- The Korg Electribe EM-1 is a digital synthesizer first produced by Korg in 1999, alongside the EA-1 and ER-1
Wikipedia - Kornit Digital -- Israeli printer manufacturer
Wikipedia - Korubo -- Indigenous tribal people of Brazil
Wikipedia - Kris Deedigan -- British actor
Wikipedia - Kruttika Nadig -- Indian chess woman grandmaster
Wikipedia - KRXO-HD3 -- Spanish oldies digital subchannel of radio station KRXO (107.7 FM) in Oklahoma City
Wikipedia - Kukatja (Western Australia) -- Indigenous Australian people
Wikipedia - Kuku Buyunji -- Indigenous Australian people
Wikipedia - Kulin nation -- Indigenous Australian ethnic group
Wikipedia - Kurzweil K2000 -- Digital synthesizer and music workstation by Kurzweil Music Systems
Wikipedia - Kutenai -- Ethnic group; an indigenous people of Canada and the US
Wikipedia - Kuwarranyji -- Indigenous Australian people
Wikipedia - Labelcode -- Unique four- or five-digit number used to identify record labels
Wikipedia - Lactarius indigo -- Species of edible fungus in the family Russulaceae found in eastern North America, East Asia, and Central America
Wikipedia - La Digne-d'Amont -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - La Digne-d'Aval -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - La Digue (film) -- 1911 film
Wikipedia - Lagadigoth -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Lake Weeroona -- Lake in Bendigo, Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Lakota people -- Indigenous people of the Great Plains
Wikipedia - Laminaria digitata -- Species of alga
Wikipedia - Land council -- Organisation representing one or more groups of the Indigenous peoples of Australia
Wikipedia - Lanette Prediger -- Canadian skeleton racer
Wikipedia - Large intestine -- Last part of the digestive system in vertebrates
Wikipedia - Lars Rudiger -- German diver
Wikipedia - Laser printing -- Electrostatic digital printing process
Wikipedia - Lasso tool -- Editing tool in digital image editing software
Wikipedia - Latin Digital Songs -- Record chart that ranks the best-selling digital songs in the United States
Wikipedia - Launch Vehicle Digital Computer -- Computer of the Saturn V rocket
Wikipedia - Laura Bordignon -- Italian discus thrower and shot putter
Wikipedia - Laz people -- Kartvelian speaking ethnic group indigenous to Black Sea coastal region of Turkey and Georgia
Wikipedia - Leah Modigliani -- American artist
Wikipedia - Lecithocera indigens -- Species of moth in genus Lecithocera
Wikipedia - Legends of Runeterra -- digital collectible card game
Wikipedia - -- Nigerian digital news platform
Wikipedia - Leica M-E (Typ 240) -- Digital rangefinder camera
Wikipedia - Leica TL -- Digital mirrorless interchangeable lens camera
Wikipedia - Lenape -- Indigenous people originally from Lenapehoking, now the Mid-Atlantic United States
Wikipedia - Leonard Digges (writer) -- 16th-/17th-century English Hispanist and poet
Wikipedia - Lettice Digby, 1st Baroness Offaly -- Irish noble
Wikipedia - Lettice Digby (scientist) -- British cytologist, botanist
Wikipedia - Leydig cell -- Androgen-producing cell adjacent to the seminiferous tubules of the testicle
Wikipedia - Lifestyle Asia -- Digital news platform
Wikipedia - Linda Marie Fedigan -- American-Canadian anthropologist and primatologist
Wikipedia - Lindsay Nixon -- Indigenous Canadian writer
Wikipedia - Line code -- Pattern used within a communications system to represent digital data
Wikipedia - Lionel Fogarty -- Indigenous Australian poet and political activist
Wikipedia - Lisa Madigan -- American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - List of administrators of Chandigarh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of battles won by indigenous peoples of the Americas -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chess prodigies
Wikipedia - List of child music prodigies
Wikipedia - List of child prodigies -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cities in Punjab and Chandigarh by population -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of college sports team names and mascots derived from indigenous peoples -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of company and product names derived from indigenous peoples -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digambar Jain ascetics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digging for the Truth episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon Adventure 02 episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon Adventure (2020 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon Adventure characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon Adventure episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon Data Squad episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon episodes and films -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon films -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon Frontier episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon Fusion episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon Tamers characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon Tamers episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon Universe: App Monsters episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Digimon video games -- Video games in the Digimon series
Wikipedia - List of digital camera brands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of digital forensics tools -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of digital library projects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of digital television channels in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of digital television deployments by country -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of digital television stations in the Philippines -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of digital therapeutics companies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of diglossic regions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of dignitaries at the funeral of Pope John Paul II
Wikipedia - List of Diguetidae species -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Di Indigetes
Wikipedia - List of English words from indigenous languages of the Americas -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of extinct indigenous peoples of Russia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of films shot on digital video prior to 2015 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2016 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of highest-certified music artists in the United States -- List of top 100 RIAA-certified album artists and top 50 RIAA-certified digital single artists
Wikipedia - List of Indian massacres in North America -- Incident wherein a group of people deliberately kill a significant number of relatively defenseless people, usually involving European descended peoples and Indigenous peoples of the Americas
Wikipedia - List of indigenous Academy Award winners and nominees -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Indigenous All Stars players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indigenous artists of the Americas -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Indigenous Australian firsts -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Indigenous Australian historical figures -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Indigenous Australian politicians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Indigenous Australian sportspeople -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indigenous Canadian politicians -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indigenous people of the Americas -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indigenous peoples of Brazil -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indigenous peoples of Rivers State -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indigenous peoples of South America -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indigenous peoples of Taiwan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indigenous peoples
Wikipedia - List of indigenous rights organizations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indigenous territories (Brazil) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indigenous trees and shrubs of Lithuania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of IndiGo destinations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of institutions of higher education in Chandigarh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of inventions and innovations of indigenous Americans
Wikipedia - List of larger indigenous peoples of Russia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Latin-script digraphs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Marvel Digests -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of massacres of Indigenous Australians -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of matches of the Australian Indigenous cricket team -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of minor indigenous peoples of Russia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of museums in Trentino-Alto Adige/Sudtirol -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one digital songs of 2018 (Canada) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one digital tracks of 2011 (Australia) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one digital tracks of 2015 (Australia) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of online digital musical document libraries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of place names in Canada of Indigenous origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of placenames of indigenous origin in the Americas -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of places in Ceredigion -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political parties in Trentino-Alto Adige/Sudtirol -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of pre-Columbian inventions and innovations of indigenous Americans -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of Trentino-Alto Adige/Sudtirol -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of programs broadcast by ARY Digital -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public art in Ceredigion -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of railway stations in Trentino-Alto Adige/Sudtirol -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Red Digital Cinema cameras -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled prehistoric Monuments in Ceredigion -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled Roman to modern Monuments in Ceredigion -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of schools in Ceredigion -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of schools in Chandigarh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of secondary school sports team names and mascots derived from indigenous peoples -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of side effects of digoxin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Soap Opera Digest Awards -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Southern African indigenous trees and woody lianes -- Southern African trees, shrubs, suffrutices, geoxyles and lianes
Wikipedia - List of Spanish words of Indigenous American Indian origin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sports team names and mascots derived from indigenous peoples -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of SSSIs in Ceredigion -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tainos -- List of indigenous chiefs of the Bahamas, Greater Antilles, and some of the Lesser Antilles
Wikipedia - List of The Backyardigans episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of VFL/AFL and AFL Women's players of Indigenous Australian descent -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of writers from peoples indigenous to the Americas -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of Indigenous Australians
Wikipedia - Lists of indigenous peoples of Russia
Wikipedia - Literary Digest
Wikipedia - Llanafan (Ceredigion)
Wikipedia - Llanbadarn Fawr, Ceredigion
Wikipedia - Llansantffraid, Ceredigion -- Village in Ceredigion, Wales
Wikipedia - Ll -- Digraph
Wikipedia - LM-CM-%t sommaren gunga dig -- 1996 Carina Jaarneks orkester song
Wikipedia - LMMS -- Free software digital audio workstation
Wikipedia - Local Knowledge (band) -- Indigenous Australian hip-hop group
Wikipedia - Loc Dao -- Canadian digital media creator
Wikipedia - Lockheart Indigo -- 2020 murder mystery video game
Wikipedia - Logic level -- one of a finite number of states that a digital signal can inhabit
Wikipedia - Logic programming -- Programming paradigm based on formal logic
Wikipedia - Lola Bunny (song) -- 2019 song by Lola Indigo and Don Patricio
Wikipedia - Lola M-CM-^Mndigo -- Spanish singer, songwriter and dancer
Wikipedia - Lolsel, California -- Former indigenous settlement in California
Wikipedia - Long division -- Standard division algorithm for multi-digit numbers
Wikipedia - Louis Allmendiger -- American architect
Wikipedia - Louis S. Diggs -- American writer and historian
Wikipedia - Lovefool -- 1996 single by the Cardigans
Wikipedia - LUARM -- Digital forensics engine
Wikipedia - Lucy Diggs Slowe
Wikipedia - Luigi Guglielmo Cambray-Digny -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Lynette Russell -- Australian historian and Indigenous studies researcher
Wikipedia - Macadamia -- Genus of plants in the family Proteaceae indigenous to Australia
Wikipedia - Machine Identification Code -- Digital watermark which certain printers leave
Wikipedia - Madigan -- 1968 film by Don Siegel (as Donald Siegal)
Wikipedia - MADI -- multichannel digital audio interface
Wikipedia - Madjandji -- Indigenous Australian group
Wikipedia - Magabala Books -- Indigenous publishing house in Western Australia
Wikipedia - Maggie Paul -- Indigenous Passamaquoddy elder
Wikipedia - Maha Adigar
Wikipedia - Maha Nadigan -- 2004 film directed by Sakthi Chidambaram
Wikipedia - Makinti Napanangka -- Indigenous Australian artist from the Western Desert region (c. 1930 - 2011)
Wikipedia - Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park -- State Historic Park
Wikipedia - Maldicion -- 2019 song by Lola M-CM-^Mndigo and Lalo Ebratt
Wikipedia - Mamihlapinatapai -- South American indigenous language word
Wikipedia - Manimajra Fort -- Fort situated in Mani Majra town of Chandigarh city
Wikipedia - Mani Majra -- Historical town in Chandigarh, India
Wikipedia - Man of the Hole -- Indigenous man living alone in the Brazilian rain forest
Wikipedia - Mansi people -- Indigenous ethnic group in Russia
Wikipedia - Manuel Azadigian -- American artist
Wikipedia - Marcel SalathM-CM-) -- Swiss digital epidemiologist
Wikipedia - Margaret S. Collins -- African-American child prodigy, entomologist
Wikipedia - Mariah Madigan -- Canadian trampoline gymnast
Wikipedia - Maria Sefidari -- Spanish specialist in digital culture, chair of Wikimedia Foundation Board
Wikipedia - MariM-CM-) Digby -- American musician and actor
Wikipedia - Mariqueen Maandig -- American musician
Wikipedia - Maritime Mobile Service Identity -- Digital radio identification code for marine stations
Wikipedia - Mariu people -- Indigenous Australian people of the Northern Territory
Wikipedia - Marko Calasan -- Macedonian computer systems prodigy
Wikipedia - Markus Hediger
Wikipedia - Marueta people -- Indigenous tribe in South American
Wikipedia - Mary Digges Lee
Wikipedia - Maschine -- Hybrid hardware/software digital audio workstation by Native Instruments
Wikipedia - Massachusett language -- Algonquian language spoken by indigenous communities in the United States
Wikipedia - Massacre at 11th Parallel -- 1963 mass killing of indigenous people in Brazil
Wikipedia - Massacre of Running Waters -- Indigenous massacre in Australia
Wikipedia - Matrix digital rain
Wikipedia - MatsM-CM-)s language -- Indigenous language on Brazil-Peru border
Wikipedia - Matta rice -- Indigenous variety of rice grown in Palakkad district of Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Matteo Gladig -- Italian chess player
Wikipedia - Matt Ishida -- Character in Digimon
Wikipedia - Mattock -- An Adze-like hand tool for chopping, digging, and prying especially for planting in hard ground
Wikipedia - Maxut Shadayev -- Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation
Wikipedia - Maya (2001 film) -- 2001 film by Digvijay Singh
Wikipedia - Mazin Elsadig -- Sudanese-origin American-Canadian actor
Wikipedia - Mbuti people -- Indigenous pygmy groups in the Congo region of Africa
Wikipedia - MD5 -- Message-digest hashing algorithm
Wikipedia - M.D. -- multichannel digital audio interface
Wikipedia - Median filter -- Non-linear digital filtering technique to remove noise
Wikipedia - Media processor -- Microprocessor-based system-on-a-chip which is designed to deal with digital streaming data such as images and video in real-time
Wikipedia - Media server -- Device or software that makes digital media available over a network
Wikipedia - Megachile burdigalensis -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile digiticauda -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile indigoferae -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Mehdigulu Khan Javanshir -- Final Khan of Karabakh
Wikipedia - Mehdigulu Khan Vafa
Wikipedia - Mehendiganj -- town in Barisal District, Barisal Division
Wikipedia - Melissa K. Nelson -- Indigenous scholar and activist
Wikipedia - Melissa Lucashenko -- Indigenous Australian writer
Wikipedia - Membrane paradigm
Wikipedia - Memory card -- Small, thin and removable digital data storage device, often designed to be semi-permanently installed inside a larger device
Wikipedia - Memotron -- Digital musical instrument
Wikipedia - Mendiguren -- Locality
Wikipedia - Me quedo -- 2019 song by Aitana and Lola Indigo
Wikipedia - Meskwaki -- An indigenous people of North America
Wikipedia - Message digest
Wikipedia - MessagePad -- Personal digital assistant made by Apple in 1993
Wikipedia - Metapress -- American digital content publishing ompany
Wikipedia - Mia Stadig -- Swedish biathlete
Wikipedia - Michael Dighton -- Australian cricket player
Wikipedia - Michael Hawley -- American educator, artist and researcher working in the field of digital media (1961-2020)
Wikipedia - Michael Kearney -- American child prodigy
Wikipedia - Michael Madigan -- American politician from Illinois and the Chair of the Illinois Democratic Party
Wikipedia - Michigan Digitization Project
Wikipedia - Microsoft and open source -- relationship between the technology company and the open source software paradigm
Wikipedia - Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit
Wikipedia - Microsoft SideWinder -- Digital video game controllers
Wikipedia - Microsoft Store (digital)
Wikipedia - Microsoft Store -- Digital distribution platform for Microsoft Windows and Xbox One
Wikipedia - Middle finger -- The third digit of the human hand
Wikipedia - Migme -- Defunct digital media company
Wikipedia - Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes -- Guatemalan politician
Wikipedia - Mikaela Fudolig -- Filipino physicist and former child prodigy
Wikipedia - Million Book Project -- Book digitization project
Wikipedia - Mind uploading -- Hypothetical process of digitally emulating a brain
Wikipedia - Mingin people -- indigenous people of Australian
Wikipedia - Minimal group paradigm
Wikipedia - Minister of Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media -- New Zealand minister of the Crown
Wikipedia - Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine -- Ministry in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Min kone er uskyldig -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Minnie Pwerle -- Indigenous Australian artist from Utopia, Northern Territory (c1915 - March 2006)
Wikipedia - Missing and murdered Indigenous women -- Human rights crisis affecting Canada and the United States
Wikipedia - Mission Indians -- Indigenous peoples who were forcibly relocated to missions in Southern California
Wikipedia - Mitek Systems -- Software company specializing in digital identity verification and mobile capture
Wikipedia - M-JM- -- North American indigenous nation
Wikipedia - MM-CM-)tis -- Indigenous ethnic group of Canada and the United States
Wikipedia - Maori culture -- Customs, cultural practices, and beliefs of the indigenous Maori people of New Zealand
Wikipedia - Maori Party -- New Zealand political party promoting indigenous rights
Wikipedia - Maori people -- Indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand
Wikipedia - Mocama -- Indigenous people of Florida and Georgia, US
Wikipedia - MOD and TOD -- Recording formats for use in digital tapeless camcorders
Wikipedia - Modem -- Device that modulates an analog carrier signal to encode digital information
Wikipedia - Mohamed Omar (digital media personality) -- Egyptian digital media journalist (born 1991)
Wikipedia - Mohawk people -- Indigenous tribe of North America
Wikipedia - Monisha Ghosh -- Electrical engineer with Interdigital Communications, Inc. in Mellville, New York
Wikipedia - Montagnard (Vietnam) -- Indigenous people of Central Highlands of Vietnam.
Wikipedia - Mood Indigo (film)
Wikipedia - Mood Indigo -- Song
Wikipedia - Moriori -- Indigenous Polynesian people of the Chatham Islands
Wikipedia - Motilon -- Indigenous people who live in the Catatumbo River basin in Norte de Santander in Colombia
Wikipedia - Motion graphics -- Digital footage or animation which create the illusion of motion or rotation
Wikipedia - Mount Cardigan -- Mountain in United States of America
Wikipedia - Mount Digine Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People -- Social movement organization of the indigenous Ogoni people of Central Niger Delta
Wikipedia - Movies Anywhere -- Digital locker for movies
Wikipedia - Movin' (Mohombi song) -- 2014 digital single by Mohombi
Wikipedia - MP3 player -- Electronic device that can play digital audio files
Wikipedia - MP3 -- Open standard lossy compression format for digital audio
Wikipedia - MPEG-21 -- Digital rights management standard
Wikipedia - MPEG program stream -- A container format for multiplexing digital audio, video and more
Wikipedia - MPEG transport stream -- Digital video format used for storage network transmission
Wikipedia - MTVX -- Defunct digital cable hard rock music channel
Wikipedia - Mudugar -- Indigenous people of the Attappadi valley, Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Muhammad Huzair Awan -- Pakistani child prodigy, public speaker
Wikipedia - Muisca religion and mythology -- Pre-Columbian beliefs of the Muisca indigenous people of Colombia
Wikipedia - Mujer bruja -- 2018 song by Lola M-CM-^Mndigo and Mala Rodriguez
Wikipedia - Mulieris Dignitatem
Wikipedia - Mulieris dignitatem
Wikipedia - Multi-paradigm programming language
Wikipedia - Multi-paradigm
Wikipedia - Multiplicative digital root
Wikipedia - Museum-digital -- Museum digitization project
Wikipedia - Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment
Wikipedia - Museum of Riverside -- history and culture, indigenous culture, and natural history in California
Wikipedia - Museums and Digital Culture: New Perspectives and Research
Wikipedia - Museums and Digital Culture -- 2019 book
Wikipedia - Musical Instrument Digital Interface
Wikipedia - Music download -- Digital transfer of music from an Internet-facing computer or website to a user's local desktop computer
Wikipedia - Music technology (electronic and digital)
Wikipedia - MuxCo -- Digital Radio multiplex operator
Wikipedia - MXR Yorkshire -- Former digital radio multiplex
Wikipedia - Myall Creek massacre -- Killing of at least 28 Indigenous Australians in New South Wales
Wikipedia - Myrtis Dightman -- American bull rider
Wikipedia - Mythologies of the indigenous peoples of the Americas -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - MYTV Broadcasting -- Malaysian digital terrestrial television
Wikipedia - Naadodigal 2 -- 2020 Indian Tamil-language film directed by Samuthirakani
Wikipedia - Nandigam Suresh -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Nao Me Digas Adeus -- 1947 film directed by Luis Moglia Barth
Wikipedia - Narcissistic number -- Integer expressible as the sum of the (number of digits)th power of each of its digits
Wikipedia - Nasodigitoacoustic syndrome -- Rare X-linked recessive genetic syndrome
Wikipedia - National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award -- Annual Australian Indigenous art award established in 1984, awarded in Darwin, NT
Wikipedia - National Dreamtime Awards 2018 -- Awards for Indigenous Australians
Wikipedia - National Dreamtime Awards 2019 -- Awards for Indigenous Australians
Wikipedia - National Film Board of Canada -- Canada's public film and digital media producer and distributor
Wikipedia - National Indigenous Music Awards -- National music award for Indigenous Australian musicians, awarded in Darwin
Wikipedia - National Indigenous Television -- Australian television channel
Wikipedia - National Institute of Indigenous Peoples -- Mexican government agency
Wikipedia - National Magazine Awards -- American accolade for print and digital publications
Wikipedia - National Trust of Australia -- Peak body of organisations promoting and conserving Indigenous, natural and historic heritage in Australia
Wikipedia - Native American religion -- Spiritual practices of the indigenous peoples of the Americas
Wikipedia - Native Americans and hot springs -- Indigenous peoples use of thermal springs
Wikipedia - Native American tribes in Maryland -- Indigenous tribes who currently live or historically lived in what is now Maryland, United States of America
Wikipedia - Native Canadian Centre of Toronto -- Indigenous charity organization in Toronto
Wikipedia - Native Friendship Centre -- Indigenous community centre in Canada
Wikipedia - Native plant -- Plant indigenous to a given area in geologic time
Wikipedia - Nauruan indigenous religion
Wikipedia - Near-term digital radio
Wikipedia - Nek Chand -- Indian artist, known for building the Rock Garden of Chandigarh
Wikipedia - Nematode -- A phylum of worms with tubular digestive systems with openings at both ends
Wikipedia - Nematophagous fungus -- Carnivorous fungi specialized in trapping and digesting nematodes
Wikipedia - Nemophora prodigellus -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Neostygarctus -- Genus of tardigrades
Wikipedia - Nepenthes talaandig -- Species of pitcher plant from the Philippines
Wikipedia - Nerdist Industries -- Digital entertainment subsidiary division
Wikipedia - Nero Digital
Wikipedia - Neuadd Wilym -- Village in Ceredigion, Wales
Wikipedia - New Laws -- laws intended to prevent the exploitation and mistreatment of the indigenous peoples of the Americas
Wikipedia - New Row -- Hamlet in the community of Pontarfynach, Ceredigion, Wales
Wikipedia - NewsNet -- News-oriented digital broadcast television network
Wikipedia - Ngadjumaya -- Indigenous Australian people
Wikipedia - Nguri people -- Indigenous Australian people of the state of Queensland
Wikipedia - Nica Digerness -- American pair skater
Wikipedia - NICAM -- Digital audio compression standard
Wikipedia - Nick Montfort -- American poet & digital media professor
Wikipedia - Nicola Rodigari -- Italian short-track speed skater
Wikipedia - Nikhil Pahwa -- Indian journalist and digital rights activist
Wikipedia - Nikon Coolpix 7900 -- Compact, point-and-shoot digital camera model
Wikipedia - Nikon Coolpix P510 -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Nikon Coolpix series -- Digital compact cameras in many variants produced by Nikon
Wikipedia - Nikon D100 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D1 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D200 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D2H -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D2X -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D300S -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D300 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D3100 -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Nikon D3S -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Nikon D3 -- Digital single lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D3X -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D40 -- Digital single-lens camera by Nikon
Wikipedia - Nikon D4S -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Nikon D4 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D5000 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D500 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D50 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D5100 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D5200 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D5300 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D5500 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D5600 -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Nikon D5 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D600 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D60 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D610 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D6 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D7000 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D700 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D70 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D7100 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D7200 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D7500 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D750 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D780 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D800 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D80 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D810 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D850 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon D90 -- Digital single-lens reflex camera
Wikipedia - Nikon Df -- Digital single-lens reflex cameraww
Wikipedia - Nikon NASA F4 -- Digital camera
Wikipedia - Nikon Z 6 -- Digital mirrorless camera
Wikipedia - Nikon Z-mount -- Digital camera lens mount
Wikipedia - Nina Bendigkeit -- German singer
Wikipedia - Nina GnM-CM-$dig -- German actress
Wikipedia - Nixi chicken -- Indigenous breed of chicken in Yunnan, China
Wikipedia - NKPR Inc -- A public relations, artist management, and digital media agency
Wikipedia - No Diggity -- 1996 single by Blackstreet
Wikipedia - No Good (Start the Dance) -- 1994 single by The Prodigy
Wikipedia - Nominal analogue blanking -- Outermost part of the overscan of a standard definition digital television image
Wikipedia - Non-orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing -- Method of encoding digital data on multiple carrier frequencies
Wikipedia - North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency -- Organisation providing legal services to Indigenous people in the Northern Territory of Australia
Wikipedia - Northern Native Broadcasting (Terrace) -- Non-profit Indigenous communications company in British Columbia
Wikipedia - Norwegianization -- Official policy by the Norwegian government directed at the indigenous people of northern Norway
Wikipedia - Not OK! (song) -- 2020 song by Chaz Cardigan
Wikipedia - NovaNation -- Australian digital radio station
Wikipedia - NOW Leicester -- Digital radio multiplex
Wikipedia - Nowness -- Digital video channel
Wikipedia - NPO Radio 2 Soul & Jazz -- Dutch digital radio station
Wikipedia - NRK P3 -- Norwegian digital radio channel
Wikipedia - NRK Stortinget -- Norwegian digital radio channel
Wikipedia - Nukak -- Indigenous people in Colombia
Wikipedia - Numerical digit
Wikipedia - Numerically-controlled oscillator -- Digital signal generator
Wikipedia - Object-oriented programming -- Programming paradigm based on the concept of objects
Wikipedia - Octal -- Base-8 positional notation, using digits 0-7
Wikipedia - Octet (computing) -- Unit of digital information
Wikipedia - Oculus Medium -- digital sculpting software
Wikipedia - Odigo Messenger -- Defunct social networking service
Wikipedia - Ogg -- Digital container format
Wikipedia - Ojibwe -- Group of indigenous peoples in North America
Wikipedia - Oji-Cree language -- Indigenous name for a dialect of the Ojibwe language
Wikipedia - Okayplayer -- Music community and digital media platform
Wikipedia - Okinawa diet -- Eating habits of the indigenous people of the Ryukyu Islands
Wikipedia - O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig -- Psalm
Wikipedia - Olivia Poole -- Indigenous Canadian inventor
Wikipedia - Olson Kundig Architects -- American architectural firm
Wikipedia - Olympus mju -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Olympus PEN E-P3 -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Olympus Stylus 725 SW -- Digital camera
Wikipedia - OM-DM->ga BestM-CM-$ndigova -- Slovak pair skater
Wikipedia - Om du tror att jag saknar dig -- 2020 single by Jakob Karlberg
Wikipedia - Ondigus -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - One Love (The Prodigy song) -- 1993 single by the Prodigy
Wikipedia - Oneword -- British commercial digital radio station
Wikipedia - Oni Emmanuel Idigbe
Wikipedia - Online communication between school and home -- Use of digital telecommunication to convey information and ideas between teachers, students, parents, and school administrators
Wikipedia - Online newspaper -- Newspaper in digital format
Wikipedia - Ooedigera -- Ovoid Cambrian animal with a bulbous tail
Wikipedia - O' Parvardigar (EP)
Wikipedia - OpenCable -- Specifications for the next-generation digital consumer device for cable television
Wikipedia - Open Content Alliance -- Consortium of organizations contributing to a permanent, publicly accessible archive of digitized texts
Wikipedia - Open format -- Published specification for storing digital data
Wikipedia - Open Location Code -- Encoding of geograpic coordinates into a short string of characters and digits, named plus code
Wikipedia - Oppo Digital
Wikipedia - Oqaab -- National digital terrestrial television service in Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Oral Ofori -- Ghanaian-American digital media producer
Wikipedia - Oration on the Dignity of Man
Wikipedia - Orientalium dignitas
Wikipedia - Orlando DiGirolamo -- American musician
Wikipedia - Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing -- Method of encoding digital data on multiple carrier frequencies
Wikipedia - Oru Nadigai Natakam Parkiral -- 1978 film by A. Bhimsingh
Wikipedia - Oskyldigt domd -- Swedish television series
Wikipedia - OS-level virtualization -- Operating system paradigm allowing multiple isolated user space instances
Wikipedia - Otomi -- Indigenous ethnic group of Mexico
Wikipedia - Outfest -- Non-profit that produces two Annual film festivals held in Los Angeles, California, and digitally on its streaming platform OutfestNow. USA
Wikipedia - Out of Space -- 1992 single by the Prodigy
Wikipedia - OverDrive, Inc. -- American digital distributor of eBooks, audiobooks, music, and video titles
Wikipedia - Overpass (typeface) -- Open-source digital sans-serif typeface family
Wikipedia - Pacific Islander -- Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Islands
Wikipedia - Packet switching -- Method of grouping data transmitted over a digital network into packets
Wikipedia - Pahawh Hmong -- Indigenous semi-syllabic script, invented to write two Hmong languages
Wikipedia - Palani Digambaran -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Panasonic Leica DG Vario-Elmarit 8-18 mm -- digital compact ultra wide angel lens
Wikipedia - Panasonic Lumix DMC-G2 -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Panavision HD-900F -- Digital high definition movie camera
Wikipedia - Pancreas divisum -- Congenital disorder of digestive system
Wikipedia - Pancreas -- An organ of the digestive system and endocrine system of vertebrates
Wikipedia - Pandigai -- 2017 Tamil action thriller film
Wikipedia - Pandigital number -- Integer whose representation contains every digit in its number base
Wikipedia - Panel Syndicate -- Online publisher of digital comics
Wikipedia - Pangloss Collection -- Digital library of audio recordings in endangered languages
Wikipedia - Panjab University -- Public university in Chandigarh, India
Wikipedia - Paperless office -- Office that uses digital files/documents and devices instead of paper
Wikipedia - Parable of the Prodigal Son
Wikipedia - Paradigmatic analysis
Wikipedia - Paradigm Mall, Petaling Jaya -- Shopping mall located in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Wikipedia - Paradigm Publishers
Wikipedia - Paradigm shift -- Fundamental change in concepts
Wikipedia - Paradigms of AI Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp
Wikipedia - Paradigms
Wikipedia - Paradigm Talent Agency -- American talent agency
Wikipedia - Paradigm -- Distinct concepts or thought patterns or archetypes
Wikipedia - Parallel computing -- Programming paradigm in which many processes are executed simultaneously
Wikipedia - Pardo -- term used in the Portuguese and Spanish colonies in the Americas to refer to the multiracial descendants of Europeans, Indigenous Americans, and Africans
Wikipedia - Parliamentary Business -- Indian digital news channel
Wikipedia - Parvardigar
Wikipedia - Pasan Ko ang Daigdig -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Pasha Centre -- Digital villages project
Wikipedia - Paste (magazine) -- American music and entertainment digital magazine
Wikipedia - Patadyong -- Traditional wrap skirt worn by indigenous women of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Pat Cadigan -- American science fiction author
Wikipedia - Patwin language -- Endangered indigenous language of northern California
Wikipedia - Pauline Ladiges -- Australian botanist
Wikipedia - Paulinho Paiakan -- Brazilian indigenous leader
Wikipedia - Pauquachin -- Indigenous people of Vancouver Island
Wikipedia - Payaya people -- Indigenous people whose territory encompassed the area of present-day San Antonio, Texas, US
Wikipedia - P. C. Gaddigoudar -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - PCM adaptor -- encodes digital audio as video
Wikipedia - Peasant Woman Digging Up Potatoes -- Painting by Vincent van Gogh
Wikipedia - Pedigree chart
Wikipedia - Pedigree collapse -- Concept in genealogy
Wikipedia - Pelvic digit -- rare congenital abnormality in humans
Wikipedia - Penske Media Corporation -- American digital media, publishing, and information services company
Wikipedia - Pentax K-5 -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Pentax X-5 -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Pen-y-wenallt -- Hamlet located in Ceredigion County, Wales
Wikipedia - People's Archive of Rural India -- A digital journalism platform in India
Wikipedia - Perdigueiro Galego -- Spanish breed of dog
Wikipedia - Perfect digital invariant
Wikipedia - Perfect digit-to-digit invariant
Wikipedia - Perseus Digital Library
Wikipedia - Perseus Project -- Digital library project of Tufts University
Wikipedia - Persona Digital Telephony Ltd v. Minister for Public Enterprise, Ireland -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Personal Digital Assistant
Wikipedia - Personal digital assistant -- Multi-purpose mobile device
Wikipedia - Person Dignity Theory
Wikipedia - Peter Diggle -- British statistician
Wikipedia - Philippine House Committee on Indigenous Cultural Communities and Indigenous Peoples -- Standing committee of the House of Representatives of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium -- Research laboratory of Philips (NatLab)
Wikipedia - Phillip Dignam -- Irish-born Australian politician
Wikipedia - Phonautograph -- Earliest known device for recording sound, patented 1857, transcribing sound waves onto paper or glass; not originally intended for playback, and first heard in 2008 via digital technology
Wikipedia - Piedigrotta
Wikipedia - Piergiuseppe Scardigli -- Italian medievalist and Germanic studies scholar
Wikipedia - Pintupi -- Indigenous Australian people
Wikipedia - Piphilology -- Mnemonics of pi's digits
Wikipedia - Piraha language -- Brazilian indigenous language
Wikipedia - Pit River Tribe -- Tribe of indigenous people
Wikipedia - Pixel art -- Digital art created using raster graphics edited on the pixel level
Wikipedia - Pixel Format -- Output format of data from digital camera
Wikipedia - Piz digl Gurschus -- Mountain in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Placido Padiglia -- 17th and 18th-century Italian Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Plains indigenous peoples -- Indigenous people of Taiwan
Wikipedia - Play-by-mail game -- Games played through postal mail, email or other digital media
Wikipedia - PlayStation Eye -- Digital camera device for the PlayStation 3
Wikipedia - PlayStation Network -- Online multiplayer gaming and digital media delivery service
Wikipedia - Plesiochronous digital hierarchy
Wikipedia - Pocomoke people -- Indigenous people in Maryland
Wikipedia - Podcast -- Type of digital media
Wikipedia - Poison (The Prodigy song) -- 1995 single by The Prodigy
Wikipedia - PokM-CM-)mon: Indigo League -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Polaroid Palette -- Series of digital film recorders
Wikipedia - Politics of Chandigarh -- city and union territory in Northern India
Wikipedia - Polskie Radio Program IV -- Polish digital radio network
Wikipedia - Polydactyly in stem-tetrapods -- The state of having more than five digits in ancient fish and tetrapods
Wikipedia - Polynesian culture -- The culture of the indigenous people of the Polynesian islands.
Wikipedia - Polyphony Digital -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Pomo -- Indigenous Californians
Wikipedia - Pono (digital music service) -- Failed high-resolution audio download service
Wikipedia - Population history of indigenous peoples of the Americas
Wikipedia - Portal:Indigenous peoples of the Americas
Wikipedia - Postal code -- Series of letters and digits for sorting mail
Wikipedia - Postdigital -- Attitude in art that is more concerned with being human, than with being digital
Wikipedia - Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research -- Medical research institution in Chandigarh, India
Wikipedia - Potter's field -- Place for the burial of unknown or indigent people
Wikipedia - Power Sportz -- Indian live sports news digital channel
Wikipedia - Powhatan language -- Indigenous language of Tidewater Virginia
Wikipedia - Powhatan -- Indigenous Algonquian people that are traditionally from eastern Virginia
Wikipedia - Praktica IV -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Prarthana Fardin Dighi -- Bangladeshi film actress
Wikipedia - Predigerkirche Zrich
Wikipedia - Predigerkloster
Wikipedia - Predigtstuhl Cable Car -- Aerial lift in Germany
Wikipedia - Pre-flight (printing) -- Process of reviewing digital files before publication
Wikipedia - Preservation and Long-term Access through Networked Services -- Digital preservation project
Wikipedia - PressReader -- Digital newspaper distribution and technology company
Wikipedia - Primary Wave (company) -- US independent talent management, music publishing, film & TV, branding and digital marketing company
Wikipedia - Prime Series -- Belgium digital television channel
Wikipedia - Processor register -- Immediately accessible working storage available as part of a digital processor
Wikipedia - Prodigal Daughters -- 1923 film by Sam Wood
Wikipedia - Prodigal Genius -- Book by John Joseph O'Neill
Wikipedia - Prodigal Son (TV series) -- 2019 American crime drama television series
Wikipedia - Prodigy (David Alleyne)
Wikipedia - Prodigy house -- Architectural term for large and showy Tudor and Jacobean houses, typically in England
Wikipedia - Prodigy (ISP)
Wikipedia - Prodigy (novel) -- 2013 book by Marie Lu
Wikipedia - Prodigy (online service) -- Online service that operated from 1984 to 2001
Wikipedia - Prodigy (rapper) -- American rapper
Wikipedia - Professional Disc -- Proprietary optical disc format developed by Sony for storing digital video
Wikipedia - Programmable logic controller -- Programmable digital computer used to control machinery
Wikipedia - Programming paradigms
Wikipedia - Programming paradigm
Wikipedia - Project Digits
Wikipedia - Project Gutenberg -- Online digital book library
Wikipedia - Project Runeberg -- Digital cultural archive initiative that publishes free electronic versions of books significant to the culture and history of the Nordic countries
Wikipedia - Proper palmar digital nerves of median nerve -- Nerve
Wikipedia - Pro Tools -- Digital audio workstation
Wikipedia - Proyecto Dignidad -- Puerto Rican political party
Wikipedia - Public Credit Registry -- Indian digital financial registry
Wikipedia - PubMed Central Canada -- Canadian national digital repository
Wikipedia - Pueblo Revolt -- Indigenous uprising against colonizing forces in the area that is present-day New Mexico
Wikipedia - Pulse-code modulation -- digital representation of sampled signals
Wikipedia - Punjab Engineering College -- Engineering college in Chandigarh
Wikipedia - Purely functional programming -- Programming paradigm that treats all computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions
Wikipedia - Pure sociology -- A sociological paradigm, strategy for explaining human behavior
Wikipedia - Qello -- Video on demand service owned by Stingray Digital and headquartered in New York City
Wikipedia - Quadrature amplitude modulation -- Family of digital modulation methods
Wikipedia - Quantel -- Company that made digital TV and video production equipment
Wikipedia - Queen Elizabeth Oval -- Sports stadium in Bendigo, Australia
Wikipedia - Quiero Television -- Spanish pay digital TV service
Wikipedia - Quinzhee -- Canadian indigenous snow shelter
Wikipedia - Qulla -- South American indigenous people
Wikipedia - Raccoon dog -- Canid indigenous to East Asia
Wikipedia - Race relations -- Sociological paradigm meant to explain racist violence
Wikipedia - Rachel McKendry -- British chemist and digital public health pioneer
Wikipedia - Rachel Neaman -- Specialist in digital strategy, transformation, skills and inclusion
Wikipedia - Radio Ceredigion -- Former local radio station in Ceredigion, Wales
Wikipedia - Radio Data System -- Communications protocol standard for embedding small amounts of digital information in conventional FM radio broadcasts
Wikipedia - Radio Television Digital News Association -- American association of news directors and executives
Wikipedia - Radix -- Number of unique digits in a positional numeral system
Wikipedia - Rajdhoves -- Indigenous ethnic group in [[Nepal]] and [[India]]
Wikipedia - Rakesh Adiga -- Indian film actor
Wikipedia - Random House Digital, Inc.
Wikipedia - Rang community -- Indigenous tribe of Nepal
Wikipedia - Rangle -- Falconry term for small stones which were fed to hawks to aid in digestion
Wikipedia - Ranker -- American digital media company founded in 2009
Wikipedia - Raramuri -- Indigenous people of the Americas living in the state of Chihuahua in Mexico
Wikipedia - Rauf Adigozalov -- Singer
Wikipedia - Raw image format -- File format used in digital photography
Wikipedia - Rdiger Lautmann
Wikipedia - Rdiger Safranski
Wikipedia - Rdiger Schleicher
Wikipedia - Rdiger Urbanke
Wikipedia - Rdiger Wolfrum
Wikipedia - Reach plc -- British newspaper, magazine and digital publisher headquartered in Canary Wharf, London
Wikipedia - Reader's Digest Association
Wikipedia - Reader's Digest
Wikipedia - Real Digital -- Direct broadcast digital satellite television and radio service in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Realgar/Indigo naturalis -- Medication used to treat acute promyelocytic leukemia
Wikipedia - Really Love (KSI song) -- 2020 song by KSI featuring Craig David and Digital Farm Animals
Wikipedia - Really (TV channel) -- British free-to-air digital television channel
Wikipedia - Rebecca Budig -- American actress
Wikipedia - Rebecca Nagle -- Queer and indigenous activist
Wikipedia - Red Digital Cinema -- Digital cinematography camera company
Wikipedia - Redfern Park Speech -- Speech by Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating on the topic of Indigenous disadvantage and dispossession
Wikipedia - Red Hydrogen One -- Android smartphone from Red Digital Cinema featuring a "4V" 3D display
Wikipedia - Refinery29 -- American digital media and entertainment company
Wikipedia - Regional lockout -- Digital system to prevent use of a product or service outside of a certain region or territory
Wikipedia - Regurgitation (digestion) -- Type of eating behaviour
Wikipedia - Rekrei -- digital preservation project
Wikipedia - Relational database -- Digital database whose organization is based on the relational model of data
Wikipedia - ReMatriate Collective -- Organization for indigenous women in Canada
Wikipedia - Remote Digital Terminal
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-) Dignon -- French modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-) Windig -- Dutch cartoonist
Wikipedia - Repartimiento -- System of forced labour historically imposed by the Spanish Empire upon indigenous peoples in the Spanish overseas possessions
Wikipedia - Repdigit
Wikipedia - Repeating decimal -- Decimal representation of a number whose digits are periodic
Wikipedia - Repunit -- Numbers that contain only the digit 1
Wikipedia - Retilla indigens -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Retinue -- Body of servants in service of a dignitary
Wikipedia - Reuters Digital Vision Program -- Academic program funded by the Reuters Foundation
Wikipedia - Revolution of Dignity -- Series of events in Kyiv, Ukraine culminating in the ousting of then-president Viktor Yanukovych
Wikipedia - RhythmOne -- American digital advertising technology company
Wikipedia - Richard Frankland -- Indigenous Australian playwright and musician
Wikipedia - Righteous indignation
Wikipedia - Right gastric artery -- Blood vessel of the human digestive system
Wikipedia - Rio Karma -- Digital audio player
Wikipedia - Rio PMP300 -- Portable consumer MP3 digital audio player
Wikipedia - Rise and Shine (The Cardigans song) -- 1994 single by The Cardigans
Wikipedia - RISKS Digest
Wikipedia - Risograph -- Brand of digital duplicators
Wikipedia - RK05 -- Disk drive for Digital Equipment Corporation minicomputers
Wikipedia - Robert Brudenell, 6th Earl of Cardigan -- English peer and Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - Robert Digby-Jones -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Robert Dighton (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Roberto Ardig
Wikipedia - Robotic paradigms
Wikipedia - Robotic paradigm
Wikipedia - Rock Garden of Chandigarh -- Sculpture garden in Chandigarh, India
Wikipedia - Roger Bennett (playwright) -- 20th century Indigenous Australian playwright
Wikipedia - Roland DDR-30 -- Digital Drums Module
Wikipedia - Roman Catholic Diocese of Digos
Wikipedia - Roman Catholic Diocese of Dindigul
Wikipedia - ROM cartridge -- Digital data storage device used for the distribution and storage of video games
Wikipedia - Ronald Hugh Barker -- Physicist, inventor of Barker Code for digital synchronisation
Wikipedia - Rosa Palomino -- Aymara indigenous leader
Wikipedia - Roskomsvoboda (organization) -- Russian digital rights NGO
Wikipedia - Rove Digital -- Former Estonia information technology company
Wikipedia - Royal Canadian Air Force VIP aircraft -- Aircraft to transport Canadian royals, leaders and dignitaries
Wikipedia - Royal Wins -- Digital games studio
Wikipedia - Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media -- University research center for the study of Digital History
Wikipedia - RTE Choice -- Irish digital radio station
Wikipedia - RTE Digital Radio Sport -- Irish digital radio station
Wikipedia - Rudiger Bernhardt -- German germanist and specialist in literature
Wikipedia - Rudiger Hubbers -- German canoeist
Wikipedia - Rudiger Lautmann -- German sociologist (born 1935)
Wikipedia - Rudiger Lucassen -- German politician
Wikipedia - Rudiger Nehberg -- German survivalist
Wikipedia - Rudiger Sagel -- German politician
Wikipedia - Rudiger Wassibauer -- Austrian equestrian
Wikipedia - Rudolf Bindig -- German politician
Wikipedia - Ruediger Heining -- German economist and agricultural scientist
Wikipedia - Ruediger Pipkorn -- SS officer
Wikipedia - Ruminant -- Mammal that gets nutrients from plants by fermenting it with microbes in a specialized stomach before digestion
Wikipedia - Ruth Ama Gyan-Darkwa -- Ghanaian academic prodigy
Wikipedia - Ryukyuan languages -- Indigenous languages of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan
Wikipedia - Ryukyuan religion -- indigenous belief system of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan
Wikipedia - S4C Digital Networks -- United Kingdom digital TV multiplex operator
Wikipedia - Sabine Leidig -- German politician
Wikipedia - Sacred bundle -- Wrapped collection of sacred items, held by a designated carrier, used in indigenous American ceremonial cultures
Wikipedia - Sahrawi refugees -- An ethnoreligious group indigenous to North Africa
Wikipedia - Saint Digain
Wikipedia - Sakizaya people -- Indigenous ethnic group of Taiwan
Wikipedia - Saladoid -- Pre-Columbian indigenous culture of territory in present-day Venezuela
Wikipedia - Salu Digby -- Fictional DC comics superhero
Wikipedia - Samsung Galaxy Store -- Digital application distribution platform by Samsung
Wikipedia - Samsung NX3000 -- Digital mirrorless camera
Wikipedia - Samuel Wagan Watson -- Contemporary Indigenous Australian poet
Wikipedia - Sam Watson (political activist) -- Indigenous Australian activist
Wikipedia - Sanctuary of San Romedio -- Church in Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy
Wikipedia - Sandige -- A fried snack, originating from the Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - SanDisk -- Brand of flash memory products of Western Digital
Wikipedia - San Francisco Digital Inclusion Strategy
Wikipedia - San people -- Members of various indigenous hunter-gatherer people of Southern Africa
Wikipedia - Sant'Angelo Lodigiano
Wikipedia - Santeria (Lola M-CM-^Mndigo, Danna Paola and Denise Rosenthal song) -- 2020 single
Wikipedia - Santiago Cristobal Sandoval -- Indigenous Mexican sculptor
Wikipedia - Santiago Mayas -- Indigenous king of Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Saorview -- Digital terrestrial television service in Ireland
Wikipedia - Sapara -- Indigenous people native to the Amazon rainforest
Wikipedia - Sardinian language -- Romance language indigenous to the island of Sardinia
Wikipedia - Sasha DiGiulian -- American rock climber
Wikipedia - SaudiGeoSat-1/HellasSat-4 -- Geosynchronous communications satellite
Wikipedia - Say It Again (Digby song)
Wikipedia - Say (magazine) -- Canadian Contemporary Indigenous Lifestyle Magazine
Wikipedia - Scala Radio -- UK digital radio station
Wikipedia - Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes -- Official designations given to various groups of indigenous people in India
Wikipedia - Schnorr signature -- Digital signature scheme
Wikipedia - Science Fiction Adventures (1952 magazine) -- American digest-size science fiction magazine (1952-54)
Wikipedia - Science Fiction Adventures (1956 magazine) -- American digest-size science fiction magazine (1956-58)
Wikipedia - Science Fiction Adventures (British magazine) -- British digest-size science fiction magazine (1958-63)
Wikipedia - Scientific paradigm
Wikipedia - Scopula dignata -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Screencast -- Digital recording of computer screen output
Wikipedia - S-DMB -- Defunct digital satellite TV standard for mobile phones
Wikipedia - Search Engine Watch -- Digital marketing blog
Wikipedia - Sebastian Newdigate
Wikipedia - Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside -- Antioxidant[1] phytoestrogen present in flaxseed
Wikipedia - Secondigliano
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
Wikipedia - Secure Digital Music Initiative
Wikipedia - Secure Digital
Wikipedia - Sedigheh Kianfar -- Iranian actress
Wikipedia - SeeClickFix -- US digital communications system company
Wikipedia - Sefaria -- Free-content digital library of Jewish texts
Wikipedia - Seiki Digital
Wikipedia - Semang -- Indigenous ethnic group in Malaysia and Thailand
Wikipedia - Sentinelese -- Indigenous un-contacted tribe
Wikipedia - Settler Colonialism in Canada -- The forced removal, genocide, and assimilation of Indigenous people in Canada
Wikipedia - Seun Adigun -- Nigerian athlete
Wikipedia - Seven-digit dialing -- Telephone dialing procedure
Wikipedia - Sexual objectification -- disregarding personality or dignity; reducing a person to a commodity or sex object
Wikipedia - S.F. Digest -- UK science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - SGI Indigo and Challenge M
Wikipedia - SGI Indigo
Wikipedia - Shari Steele -- Technologist, lawyer, and digital rights activist
Wikipedia - Sheila Ribeiro -- Artist working on Digital and Body Arts
Wikipedia - Sherif El-Digwy -- Egyptian judoka
Wikipedia - Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2
Wikipedia - Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga -- Role-playing game series
Wikipedia - Shipibo-Conibo people -- Indigenous people in the Amazon rainforest in Peru
Wikipedia - Shooting of Chantel Moore -- Shooting of an Indigenous Canadian woman by Edmunston police
Wikipedia - Short code -- short digit sequences used to address SMS messages
Wikipedia - Shuswap language -- Indigenous language of Canada
Wikipedia - Shutter speed -- The length of time when the film or digital sensor inside a camera is exposed to light
Wikipedia - Siberian Tatars -- Indigenous Turkic-speaking ethnic group of South Siberia
Wikipedia - Sick & Tired (The Cardigans song) -- 1994 single by The Cardigans
Wikipedia - Sigma fp -- Digital mirrorless camera
Wikipedia - Significant digits
Wikipedia - Significant digit
Wikipedia - Significant figures -- Any digit of a number within its measurement resolution, as opposed to spurious digits
Wikipedia - Silian, Ceredigion -- Village in Ceredigion, Wales
Wikipedia - Simon Digby (died 1560) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Sistema de Radiodifusoras Culturales Indigenas -- System of indigenous radio stations in Mexico
Wikipedia - Six nines in pi -- Sequence of digits in the math constant M-OM-^@, incorrectly attributed to Feynman
Wikipedia - Sixties Scoop -- Canadian policy of taking Indigenous children from their parents and placed into adoption.
Wikipedia - Skylab Radio -- UK digital radio station
Wikipedia - Slavery among the indigenous peoples of the Americas
Wikipedia - Sloan Digital Sky Survey -- Multi-spectral imaging and spectroscopic redshift survey
Wikipedia - Smack My Bitch Up -- 1997 single by The Prodigy
Wikipedia - Smart Communications -- Wireless communications and digital services subsidiary of PLDT, Inc.
Wikipedia - Smart mob -- Digital-communication coordinated group
Wikipedia - SMPTE 2022 -- Professional digital video networking standard
Wikipedia - SMPTE 2110 -- Professional digital video networking standard
Wikipedia - SMPTE 259M -- Serial digital interface for video transport
Wikipedia - SMPTE 372M -- Dual-link serial digital interface standard
Wikipedia - SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash -- Digital collectible card game based on video games by Capcom and SNK
Wikipedia - SNL Digital Short -- Video shorts
Wikipedia - Social Security number -- Nine-digit number issued to U.S. citizens and permanent residents
Wikipedia - Sociedad Gestora de Television Net TV -- Spanish digital terrestrial TV licensee
Wikipedia - Sogorea Te Land Trust -- Indigenous land trust in the San Francisco Bay Area
Wikipedia - Sola Digital Arts -- Japanese animation studio
Wikipedia - Solitaire Royale -- Digital solitaire games
Wikipedia - Sony Alpha 65 -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Sony CCD-VX3 -- Digital camera released in 1993
Wikipedia - Sony CLIE TJ Series -- Personal digital assistant product line
Wikipedia - Sony Digital Audio Disc Corporation -- CD, DVD and Blu-ray disc manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Sony Dynamic Digital Sound -- Cinema sound system
Wikipedia - Sony M-NM-16000 -- Digital camera model
Wikipedia - Sound Blaster Audigy -- Computer sound card
Wikipedia - Sound Digital -- National commercial digital radio multiplex in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - SoundDroid -- Early digital audio workstation
Wikipedia - Southern Afrotemperate Forest -- Main indigenous forest-type in the south-western part of South Africa
Wikipedia - Southern Quechua -- Indigenous language of the Americas
Wikipedia - Spice Digital
Wikipedia - Spigot Inc -- American digital marketing company
Wikipedia - Spoke-hub distribution paradigm
Wikipedia - Spoon Radio -- Social digital audio live streaming
Wikipedia - Sportdigital -- German sports-oriented television channel
Wikipedia - Squaw -- English language ethnic and sexual slur, historically used for Indigenous North American women; now considered offensive
Wikipedia - Sribatcha Digal -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Standard Ebooks -- Online digital book library
Wikipedia - Standedge Tunnels -- Tunnels between Marsden and Diggle in northern England
Wikipedia - Star Trek: Prodigy -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - Star Wars: Aftermath trilogy -- Trilogy of Star Wars novels by Chuck Wendig
Wikipedia - Steam digester -- 17th-century high-pressure cooker
Wikipedia - Steam (service) -- Video game digital distribution service
Wikipedia - SteamWorld Dig 2 -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - SteamWorld Dig -- 2013 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Stephen Albert (actor) -- Indigenous Australian actor and singer
Wikipedia - Stephen Corry -- British indigenous rights activist
Wikipedia - Stephen Fritz -- South African indigenous and traditional leader
Wikipedia - Steve Diggle -- English rock guitarist
Wikipedia - Stomach -- Digestive organ
Wikipedia - Structured programming -- Programming paradigm aimed at improving clarity, quality, and development time by using control structures
Wikipedia - Subculture: The Meaning of Style -- 1979 book by Dick Hebdige
Wikipedia - Sudano-Sahelian architecture -- Range of similar indigenous architectural styles in West Africa
Wikipedia - Sumatheendra R. Nadig -- Indian writer
Wikipedia - Sumo Digital -- British independent game development studio based in Sheffield, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Sundance TV -- American digital cable and satellite television network
Wikipedia - Sun Dance -- Ceremony practiced by some Indigenous people in North America
Wikipedia - Super Duper Love (Are You Diggin' on Me) -- 1974 song by Sugar Billy
Wikipedia - Switch London -- Digital audio broadcasting multiplex
Wikipedia - Sword Girls -- Korean digital card game
Wikipedia - Sydney Sandstone Ridgetop Woodland -- Indigenous forest communities of Sydney, Australia
Wikipedia - Synchronous Backplane Interconnect -- Internal processor-memory bus used by early VAX computers manufactured by the Digital Equipment Corporation
Wikipedia - Taco Ludigman -- 9th c. governor of Friesland
Wikipedia - Tagelmust -- Indigo-dyed cotton garment, with the appearance of both a veil and a turban
Wikipedia - Tahdig
Wikipedia - Taino -- The indigenous people of the Caribbean
Wikipedia - Tai Phake people -- Tai-speaking indigenous group in Assam
Wikipedia - Taiwanese indigenous peoples -- Indigenous peoples of Taiwan
Wikipedia - Tama language (Colombia) -- Extinct indigenous Tucanoan language of Colombia
Wikipedia - Tapio SaramM-CM-$ki -- Finnish pioneer in digital signal processing
Wikipedia - Tardigrade -- Phylum of microscopic animals, also known as water bears
Wikipedia - Tarenorerer -- Leader of the Indigenous Australians
Wikipedia - Tariana people -- Indigenous people of Brazil
Wikipedia - Tawakoni -- Indigenous tribe in the United States
Wikipedia - Taye Diggs -- American actor and singer
Wikipedia - TDT (TV station) -- Digital TV station in Tasmania, Australia
Wikipedia - Team Sonic Racing -- 2019 kart racing video game developed by Sumo Digital
Wikipedia - Technological paradigm
Wikipedia - Template talk:Digital electronics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Digital signal processing
Wikipedia - Template talk:E-book digital distribution platforms
Wikipedia - Template talk:Music digital distribution platforms
Wikipedia - Template talk:Programming paradigms
Wikipedia - Template talk:Software digital distribution platforms
Wikipedia - Template talk:Video digital distribution platforms
Wikipedia - Ten-digit dialing -- Inclusion of an area code in a North American telephone number when dialing
Wikipedia - Tetracontadigon -- Polygon with 42 edges
Wikipedia - Te Whakaruruhau o Nga Reo Irirangi Maori -- New Zealand indigenous radio network
Wikipedia - Text messaging -- Act of typing and sending a brief, digital message
Wikipedia - Texture memory -- Type of digital storage
Wikipedia - Tez (software) -- digital payments application for Indians
Wikipedia - Th (digraph) -- Latin-script digraph
Wikipedia - The Backyardigans -- American animated children's television series
Wikipedia - The Bay (web series) -- Digital drama series
Wikipedia - The Cardigans -- Swedish rock band
Wikipedia - The Daily Dot -- Digital media company covering Internet culture, based in Austin, Texas
Wikipedia - The Digger Earl -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - The Diggers (Van Gogh) -- painting by Vincent Van Gogh
Wikipedia - The Diggers
Wikipedia - The Diggs -- Rock group
Wikipedia - The Digital Village
Wikipedia - The Dignity of the Nation -- Book by Masahiko Fujiwara
Wikipedia - The Elder Scrolls: Legends -- 2017 free-to-play digital collectible card video game
Wikipedia - The Elephant Paradigm -- Book on changes in India
Wikipedia - The Experts Network -- Interactive digital sports network
Wikipedia - The Gold Diggers (1923 film) -- 1923 film by Harry Beaumont
Wikipedia - The Gold Diggers (1983 film) -- 1983 film by Sally Potter
Wikipedia - The Gravediggers -- examples of Shakespearean fools, a recurring type of character in Shakespeare's plays
Wikipedia - The Hell Diggers -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Humpty Dance -- Single by Digital Underground
Wikipedia - The Indigenous Progressive Regional Alliance -- Non-Political Organisation
Wikipedia - The Indigo Book
Wikipedia - TheJazz -- British jazz digital radio station that started Christmas Day of 2006
Wikipedia - The Lady in Dignity -- 2017 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - The Literary Digest -- American general interest magazine
Wikipedia - The Living New Deal -- Digital history project
Wikipedia - The Local -- Digital news publisher
Wikipedia - The London Prodigal -- play sometimes attributed to Shakespeare
Wikipedia - The Losers (Vertigo) -- Comic book by Andy Diggle
Wikipedia - The Modern Prodigal -- 1910 short film directed by D.W. Griffith
Wikipedia - The News Minute -- Indian digital news platform
Wikipedia - Thengal-Kachari -- Indigenous tribe of Assam, India
Wikipedia - The Old Crown, Birmingham -- Pub in Digbeth, Birmingham, England
Wikipedia - The Preparation of Programs for an Electronic Digital Computer
Wikipedia - The Prodigal (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Prodigal Judge (film) -- 1922 silent film
Wikipedia - The Prodigal Son (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Prodigal Son (painting, Rubens) -- Painting by Peter Paul Rubens
Wikipedia - The Prodigal Son (painting, Van Hemessen) -- Painting by Jan Sanders van Hemessen
Wikipedia - The Prodigal Son (Ry Cooder album) -- 2018 album
Wikipedia - The Prodigal -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - The Prodigy (film) -- Horror film directed by Nicholas McCarthy
Wikipedia - The Prodigy -- English electronic dance music group
Wikipedia - The Return of the Prodigal Son (1966 film) -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - Thermal printing -- Method of digital printing
Wikipedia - The Shindig -- 1930 Mickey Mouse cartoon
Wikipedia - The Spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian Paradigm -- Scientific article (publication date: 21 September 1979)
Wikipedia - The Tribune (Chandigarh) -- Indian English-language daily newspaper
Wikipedia - The Tube Music Network -- Former American digital multicast TV network
Wikipedia - The Unknown Man of Shandigor -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - The Well-Digger's Daughter (1940 film) -- 1940 film by Marcel Pagnol
Wikipedia - The White Tiger (Adiga novel) -- 2008 novel by Arvind Adiga
Wikipedia - Thiele and Ladiges' taxonomic arrangement of Banksia -- 1996 arrangement of the Australian endemic plant genus Banksia
Wikipedia - Thomas Digges -- English mathematician and astronomer
Wikipedia - Thomas Diggs -- Alabama politician
Wikipedia - Thomas Paulsamy -- Roman Catholic Bishop of Dindigul, India (b. 1954)
Wikipedia - Thomas Rudigoz -- French politician
Wikipedia - Thomas Widiger
Wikipedia - Those Who Make Revolution Halfway Only Dig Their Own Graves -- 2016 film by Mathieu Denis
Wikipedia - Three-self formula -- Missiological strategy to establish indigenous churches: self-governance, self-support, and self-propagation. First coined in the late-19th century by various missions theorists, and still used today in certain contexts.
Wikipedia - Throne -- Seat of state of a potentate or dignitary
Wikipedia - Thumb -- First digit of the hand
Wikipedia - TIA/EIA-920 -- Standard for high-quality digital telephony
Wikipedia - Tibes Indigenous Ceremonial Center -- Archeology museum in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Tibetan and Himalayan Library -- Digital library hosted by the University of Virginia focusing on Tibet and the Himalayas
Wikipedia - Tigrayans -- Indigenous ethnic group in Northern Ethiopia and Eritrea
Wikipedia - Tillandsia prodigiosa -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Timeline of digital audio broadcasting in the UK -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Times Internet -- Indian digital company
Wikipedia - Times Radio -- British digital radio station owned by News UK
Wikipedia - TiVo -- Series of digital video recorders
Wikipedia - Tivusat -- Italian digital satellite television platform
Wikipedia - Tlingit -- Indigenous people of the Pacific Northwest Coast of North America
Wikipedia - TM-EM-7 Nant -- Water company from Ceredigion Wales
Wikipedia - Toe -- Digit of a foot
Wikipedia - Tom Kundig -- American architect
Wikipedia - Tom Pedigo -- Set decorator
Wikipedia - Tonkawa -- Native American indigenous people
Wikipedia - Tony Birch -- Indigenous Australian writer and activist
Wikipedia - Torajan people -- Indonesian ethnic group indigenous to a mountainous region of South Sulawesi
Wikipedia - TorrentFreak -- Blog on file sharing, copyright infringement, and digital rights
Wikipedia - Total Digital Access to the League of Nations Archives Project -- Online digitization project
Wikipedia - Toyopan -- Indigenous chieftaincy of Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Traffic Radio -- English digital radio station
Wikipedia - TransDigm Group -- U.S. industrial company
Wikipedia - Trentino-Alto Adige/Sdtirol
Wikipedia - Trentino-Alto Adige/Sudtirol -- Region of Italy
Wikipedia - Triacontadigon -- Polygon with 32 edges
Wikipedia - Tribal art -- Art made by the indigenous tribes
Wikipedia - Triqui -- Indigenous people of Oaxaca, Mexico
Wikipedia - Tristano Codignola -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Triton Digital -- Digital audio technology and advertising company
Wikipedia - Triune continuum paradigm
Wikipedia - Trogia venenata -- Species of toxic fungus in the family Marasmiaceae indigenous to Yunnan province
Wikipedia - True Crime Network -- American digital multicast television network
Wikipedia - TrueX -- American digital advertising company
Wikipedia - Truthdig
Wikipedia - Tudigong -- Tutelary deity of a locality and the human communities who inhabit it in Chinese folk religion
Wikipedia - Turaga nation -- Indigenous movement in Vanuatu
Wikipedia - Tusi -- Indigenous chieftain regimes of China during Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties
Wikipedia - Twinkl -- Specialist Digital Educational Publisher
Wikipedia - Twinset -- Cardigan sweater with matching short sleeve pullover or shell
Wikipedia - Two-spirit -- Urban American neologism for gender variant people in some Indigenous North American cultures, since 1990
Wikipedia - TymeBank -- South African digital bank
Wikipedia - Typesetting -- Composition of text by means of arranging physical types or digital equivalents
Wikipedia - Typhlocerus prodigiosus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - U-9 Weddigen -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - UbuWeb -- Digital poetry library
Wikipedia - UltraViolet (system) -- Cloud-based digital rights locker for films and TV programs
Wikipedia - Uluru Statement from the Heart -- 2017 statement by Indigenous Australians seeking constitutional recognition and reform
Wikipedia - Umidigi -- Chinese mobile phone manufacturer
Wikipedia - Uncompressed video -- High-fidelity digital video signal
Wikipedia - Uncontacted peoples -- Communities or groups of indigenous peoples living without sustained contact to the world community
Wikipedia - Underwater photography (sport) -- Competitive underwater digital photography on scuba
Wikipedia - Unicanal -- Paraguayan digital television network
Wikipedia - Unicorn Digital -- Canadian record label
Wikipedia - Unified Payments Interface -- Digital payment system for inter-bank transfers in India
Wikipedia - UnistM-JM- -- Indigenous protest site in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Uniswap -- Digital currency exchange
Wikipedia - United States Digital Service
Wikipedia - University Library in Bratislava Digital Library
Wikipedia - Up TV -- American digital cable and satellite television network
Wikipedia - U'wa people -- Indigenous people living in the cloud forests of northeastern Colombia
Wikipedia - Vadigo -- Species of fish
Wikipedia - Vasif Adigozalov -- Azerbaijani composer
Wikipedia - VAX-11 -- Family of minicomputers by Digital Equipment Corporation
Wikipedia - V-by-One HS -- Electrical digital signaling standard
Wikipedia - V-by-One US -- Electrical digital signaling standard
Wikipedia - Vdigam Level -- Hip hop song
Wikipedia - Venus Engine -- Image processing engine for digital cameras
Wikipedia - Verdigris Deep -- Book by Frances Hardinge
Wikipedia - Verdigris River -- Tributary of the Arkansas River in Kansas and Oklahoma, USA
Wikipedia - Verdigris -- Green copper-based pigment
Wikipedia - Verizon Digital Media Services
Wikipedia - ViaMichelin -- Digital travel assistance service provider owned by the Michelin Group
Wikipedia - Vice Media -- North American digital media and broadcasting company
Wikipedia - Victorian Premier's Literary Award for Indigenous Writing -- Indigenous Australian literary award
Wikipedia - Vidyut Gore -- Indian blogger, activist, author and digital journalist
Wikipedia - Virginia Dignum -- Computer scientist and artificial intelligence researcher
Wikipedia - Virtual channel -- Method of remapping a digital program stream to a channel number
Wikipedia - Virtual Digital Cable -- US multichannel video distributor
Wikipedia - Virtual learning environment -- Term in educational technology: web-based platform for the digital aspects of courses of study, usually within educational institutions
Wikipedia - Virtual YouTuber -- YouTubers that use digital avatars
Wikipedia - Visual arts by indigenous peoples of the Americas -- Art created by Indigenous peoples from the Americas
Wikipedia - Vizrt -- Norwegian digital media software company
Wikipedia - Voodoo People -- 1994 single by The Prodigy
Wikipedia - Voting rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples -- History of voting rights for Indigenous Australians
Wikipedia - VT05 -- 1970 free-standing CRT terminal from Digital Equipment Corporation
Wikipedia - W250BC -- Digital subchannel of Atlanta radio station WWWQ (99.7 FM)
Wikipedia - Waaqeffanna -- Monotheistic religion that is indigenous to the Oromo people
Wikipedia - Waco people -- North American indigenous tribe
Wikipedia - Wagiman language -- Indigenous Australian language
Wikipedia - WAKS-HD2 -- Digital subchannel of Cleveland market radio station WAKS (96.5 FM)
Wikipedia - Waldighofen -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Wallace tree -- Efficient hardware implementation of a digital multiplier
Wikipedia - Walla Walla expeditions -- Movements of Indigenous peoples
Wikipedia - Wallpaper (computing) -- Digital image used as a decorative background on a computer desktop
Wikipedia - Wangkatha -- Indigenous Australian people
Wikipedia - Wapishana -- Indigenous people of Brazil
Wikipedia - Warao people -- Indigenous people inhabiting northeastern Venezuela and western Guyana
Wikipedia - Wargamer's Digest -- Wargaming magazine
Wikipedia - WariM-JM-< -- Indigenous people of Brazil
Wikipedia - Warlpiri people -- Indigenous Australian people
Wikipedia - Warlugulong -- Acrylic on canvas painting by Indigenous Australian artist Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri
Wikipedia - Warriyangga -- indigenous Australian people
Wikipedia - Washo language -- Indigenous language isolate spoken in the Western United States
Wikipedia - Waterloo Bay massacre -- Clash between Indigenous Australians and European settlers on the South Australian coast
Wikipedia - Waterproof digital camera -- Digital camera which is inherently water resistant to a specified depth
Wikipedia - Water protectors -- Environmental activists from an Indigenous perspective
Wikipedia - WaveFrame AudioFrame -- Digital audio workstation
Wikipedia - Wayana -- Carib-speaking indigenous people located in the south-eastern part of the Guiana highlands, a region divided between Brazil, Surinam, and French Guiana
Wikipedia - Wayne Ruediger -- Australian bowls player
Wikipedia - WayPoint 200 Mobile Crossing -- Defunct personal digital assistant
Wikipedia - Wayuu people -- Indigenous South American ethnic group of the Guajira Peninsula
Wikipedia - Webtoon -- Digital comics originating from South Korea
Wikipedia - Wedding Central -- American digital cable television channel
Wikipedia - Wednesday Is Indigo Blue
Wikipedia - Welcome to Country -- Ritual performed to welcome non-Indigenous people to the traditional owners of the local area in Australia
Wikipedia - Wendigo (comics)
Wikipedia - Wendigo (film) -- 2001 film
Wikipedia - Wendigo -- Mythical being in Native American folklore
Wikipedia - Wesley Enoch -- Indigenous Australian playwright and artistic director
Wikipedia - West Digital Television -- Western Australian digital television network
Wikipedia - Western Australian Indigenous Art Awards -- Art awards for works by Aboriginal Australians and Torres Strait Islanders, 2008-2015
Wikipedia - Western Digital My Book
Wikipedia - Western Digital -- American digital storage company
Wikipedia - Westminster Digital -- British data analysis company
Wikipedia - Weta Digital
Wikipedia - What Works Clearinghouse -- Digital library of educational research
Wikipedia - White Colombians -- Colombian descendants of Indigenous people
Wikipedia - Whanau Ora -- Indigenous health initiative in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Widevine -- Digital rights management technology developed by Google
Wikipedia - WiiWare -- Digital store & distribution service for Nintendo Wii
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Digital Object Identifier -- Guideline for using Digital Object Identifiers on Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Digital Preservation -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Indigenous languages of California -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikisource -- Wikimedia project, an online digital library of free content textual sources on a wiki
Wikipedia - Will H. Kindig -- American politician from California
Wikipedia - William Blake Archive -- Digital Humanities project first created in 1994
Wikipedia - William Forbes (Talamancan king) -- Indigenous king of Talamanca in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - William James Sidis -- American child prodigy
Wikipedia - Wilson River language -- Indigenous language of Australia
Wikipedia - Wind It Up (Rewound) -- 1993 single by the Prodigy
Wikipedia - Windradyne -- Indigenous Australian warrior
Wikipedia - Winnie Bamara -- Australian Indigenous artist
Wikipedia - Wintjiya Napaltjarri -- Pintupi-speaking Indigenous Australian artist (born c.1928)
Wikipedia - Wintun -- Indigenous peoples of Northern California
Wikipedia - WiredScore -- Digital connectivity certification organization
Wikipedia - WLEP-LD -- Digital, low-power television station in Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
Wikipedia - WLIR -- Digital radio station
Wikipedia - WMMS-HD2 -- Digital subchannel of Cleveland radio station WMMS (100.7 FM)
Wikipedia - Woodlands style -- Great Lakes indigenous art genre
Wikipedia - World Channel -- American digital multicast public television network (first aired 2005)
Wikipedia - World Digital Library -- International digital library
Wikipedia - World music -- Umbrella term for traditional or indigenous music not originating in Europe or North America
Wikipedia - WRXL-HD2 -- Digital subchannel of Richmond radio station WRXL (102.1 FM)
Wikipedia - WWWQ-HD2 -- Alternative rock digital subchannel of radio station WWWQ (99.7 FM) in Atlanta, Georgia
Wikipedia - Xakriaba -- Indigenous people of Brazil
Wikipedia - Xarames -- North American indigenous people
Wikipedia - Xbox Live -- Online multiplayer gaming and digital media delivery service by Microsoft
Wikipedia - XETLA-AM -- Indigenous radio station in Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca, Mexico
Wikipedia - XEVFS-AM -- Indigenous radio station in Las Margaritas, Chiapas
Wikipedia - XHBAK-FM -- Indigenous radio station in Bachajon, Chilon, Chiapas
Wikipedia - XHCPBS-FM -- Indigenous radio station in Nacajuca, Tabasco, Mexico
Wikipedia - XHJP-FM -- Indigenous radio station in Santa Maria Tlahuitoltepec, Oaxaca
Wikipedia - XHOCU-FM -- Indigenous radio station in Ocumicho, Michoacan
Wikipedia - XHTFM-FM -- Indigenous radio station in Mazatlan Villa de Flores, Oaxaca
Wikipedia - XHTUT-FM -- Indigenous radio station in Villa de Tututepec de Melchor Ocampo, Oaxaca
Wikipedia - Xiye Bastida -- Indigenous Mexican youth climate activist
Wikipedia - XML Signature -- XML syntax for digital signatures
Wikipedia - Xylophagy -- Digestion of wood
Wikipedia - Yahoo! Time Capsule -- Digital time capsule with contributions about life in 2006
Wikipedia - Yala Yala Gibbs Tjungurrayi -- Australian Indigenous artist
Wikipedia - Yalukit -- indigenous inhabitants of the region around Williams Town Melbourne
Wikipedia - Yanomami -- Indigenous people who live in the Amazonas basin
Wikipedia - Yarr Radio -- British digital radio station
Wikipedia - Yasha Asley -- British mathematics child prodigy
Wikipedia - Yorke Island (Queensland) -- Island in Torres Strait in Queensland, Australia, known as Masig in the indigenous language
Wikipedia - Your.MD -- British digital healthtech company
Wikipedia - Your New Cuckoo -- 1997 single by The Cardigans
Wikipedia - Youth Indigenize the Senate of Canada -- Indigenous youth of Canada
Wikipedia - Ysbyty Cynfyn -- Hamlet in Ceredigion, Wales
Wikipedia - Yukon Land Claims -- process of negotiating and settling Indigenous land claim agreements in Yukon, Canada
Wikipedia - Yumu people -- Indigenous Australian people
Wikipedia - Yup'ik -- Indigenous people of Alaska
Wikipedia - Yves Daudigny -- French politician
Wikipedia - Zadig
Wikipedia - Zakir Hussain Rose Garden -- Botanical garden in Chandigarh, India
Wikipedia - Zapotec civilization -- indigenous civilization that flourished in the Valley of Oaxaca in Mesoamerica
Wikipedia - Zelle (payment service) -- Digital payments network
Wikipedia - Zia people (New Mexico) -- Indigenous tribe of Puebloan peoples centered in New Mexico
Wikipedia - Zing Digital -- Indian Direct-To-Home Satellite Pay TV broadcasting company
Wikipedia - Z Living -- American digital cable and satellite television network
Wikipedia - ZUUS Latino -- American digital broadcast television network
Aravind Adiga ::: Born: October 23, 1974; Occupation: Writer;
Kathryn Budig ::: Born: June 2, 1982; Occupation: Author;
Amedeo Modigliani ::: Born: July 12, 1884; Died: January 24, 1920; Occupation: Painter;
Raymond Radiguet ::: Born: June 18, 1903; Died: December 12, 1923; Occupation: Novelist;
Taye Diggs ::: Born: January 2, 1971; Occupation: Theatre actor;
Prodigy ::: Born: November 2, 1974; Occupation: Rapper;
Franco Modigliani ::: Born: June 10, 1918; Died: September 25, 2003; Occupation: Economist;
Rah Digga ::: Born: December 18, 1974; Occupation: Rapper;
Kathleen Madigan ::: Born: September 30, 1965; Occupation: Comedian;
Amadeo Bordiga ::: Born: June 13, 1889; Died: July 23, 1970; Occupation: Political leader;
Alexander Siddig ::: Born: November 21, 1965; Occupation: Actor;\
Goodreads author - Deborah_Digges
Goodreads author - Dodig_Slavica
Goodreads author - Jamie_Madigan
Goodreads author - Kristin_Leydig_Bryant
Goodreads author - Chuck_Wendig
Goodreads author - Patti_Digh
Goodreads author - John_Patrick_Diggins
Goodreads author - Barry_Diggens
Goodreads author - Pat_Cadigan
Goodreads author - Carleen_Madigan
Goodreads author - Ronie_Kendig
Goodreads author - Reader_s_Digest_Association
Goodreads author - Indigo_Wren
Goodreads author - Raymond_Radiguet
Goodreads author - Edward_Digby_Baltzell
Goodreads author - Chris_DiGiuseppi
Goodreads author - Digby_Diehl
Goodreads author - Raven_Digitalis
Goodreads author - R_diger_Safranski
Goodreads author - Margaret_Madigan
Goodreads author - Jonathan_Digby
Goodreads author - Brad_Ediger
Goodreads author - Aravind_Adiga
Goodreads author - David_R_Roediger
Goodreads author - Anne_Digby's_Founder_Sri_Maddigunta_Narasimha_Rao_@Manavu's_Founder_Sri_Maddigunta_Narasimha_Rao_@Manavu-0's_Founder_Sri_Maddigunta_Narasimha_Rao_@Manavu-1's_Founder_Sri_Maddigunta_Narasimha_Rao_@Manavu-2
Kheper - integral_paradigm_2005 -- 798 -- 0
Kheper - integral_paradigm -- 143 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - indigo-type -- 17 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
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Kheper - paradigms index -- 28
Kheper - links -- 36 -- 0
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Kheper - ways_of_knowing -- 56
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auromere - raising-a-child-prodigy
Integral World - Digital Existentialism or "Human" Existentialism?, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Invasion of the Superintelligent A.I., The Digital Aliens Are Among Us, Andrea Diem-Lane
Integral World - Deep Big History, A Living Systems Paradigm, Duane Elgin
Integral World - Paradigms for knowledge building, Ontologies, epistemologies, and methodologies after the Integral Theory, Josep Gallifa
Integral World - LOHAS and the Indigo Dollar: Growing the Spiritual Economy, Joseph Gelfer
Integral World - Establishing the Integral Paradigm and the future of Integral Politics, Zakariyya Ishaq
Integral World - The Integral/Holistic Paradigm - a larger definition (Integral Esotericisn - Part Three), Alan Kazlev
Integral World - The Future is Virtual And the Virtual is Now, Notes on the Digital Frontier, David Lane
Integral World - The Virtual Philosophers, Exploring the Interface of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Reality, Russell Savage
Integral World - Global Positioning Intelligence: Telepathy in a Digital Future, David Lane
Integral World - Digital Existentialism, In the Future U.R.A.I., David Lane
Integral World - Digital Baptism and the Impact of A.I., David Lane
Integral World - Panarchy: The Political Paradigm of an Integral Society, Bryan O'Doherty
Integral World - Thoughts About a New Spiritual Paradigm, Gary Stogsdill
Integral World - Six Dimensional Space/Time, Mathematical Intuitions Underlying the Integral Meta-Paradigm of Science Named 'Collaborative Developmental Action Inquiry', Bill Torbert
Campaign Fever: How We’ve Turned Indignation into a National Pastime
Indigenous Cultures in the Modern World
Inhabit: Your Digital Life
selforum - indigo children
selforum - alternative holistic paradigm of
selforum - integral meta paradigm
selforum - chomskyan research paradigm is alive
selforum - diverse research paradigms based on
selforum - dignity and justice for all of us
selforum - six primary areas of integral paradigm
selforum - exploring digitized materials that
selforum - integral paradigm of knowledge seminar
selforum - connections between violence dignity
selforum - pushing scientific proof paradigm
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wiki.auroville - Child_prodigies
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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - delmedigo
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - digital-art
Occultopedia - wendigo
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Digimon: Digital Monsters (1999 - Current) - To many, it looks like a Pokemon clone, but Digimon holds it's own with it's own original style.
Disney's One Saturday Morning (OSM) (1997 - 2002) - Disney's One Saturday Morning featured a wide variety of animated shows including Doug, Recess, Pepper Ann, The Weekenders, 101 Dalmatians, Hercules, Mickey Mouse Works, and such shorts and skits like Mrs. Munger's Class, Manny The Uncanny, Great Minds Think For Themselves, Flyndiggery Do!, The Monk...
Street Sharks (1992 - 1996) - A university professor named Dr. Paradigm tested his gene-manipulation techniques on Dr. Bolton, a fellow professor, who became an inhuman monstrosity and escaped. Paradigm later kidnapped Bolton's four sons and turned them into huge creatures half-man, half-shark.
Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars (1991 - 1992) - Bucky is the captain of an Intergalactic spacecraft called "The Righteous Indignation" which travels through space combatting the evil of the toads lead by Komplex. With his animal friends and a human named Willy (who can travel to the craft through a portal from his room) each episode they battle a...
The Secret Of Isis (1975 - 1976) - Egyptian Queen Hatchupset Was Given An Amulet With This Amulet Empowered Her With The Powers Of The Goddess Isis To Command The Elements Of Sky And Earth, Andera Thomas Found Her Lost Amulet While On An Archaeological Dig, She Found Out That She Was The Heir To The ''Secrets Of Isis'', By Wearing Th...
Digimon Adventure 01 (1999 - 2000) - Digidestined kids go to the digital world in order to save both the real world and the digital world.
Starcade (1983 - 1985) - Starcade was an arcade game show that first appeared on WTBS in 1983 all the way to 1985. It had many of the most popular games at the time such as Pac Man, Dig Dug, Galaga, and lots more. This show had many different hosts although Geoff Edwards was the shows primary host for the last seasons (84/8...
Perry Mason (1957 - 1966) - Perry Mason is an attorney who specializes in defending seemingly indefensible cases. With the aid of his secretary Della Street and investigator Paul Drake, he often finds that by digging deeply into the facts, startling facts can be revealed. Often relying on his outstanding courtroom skills, he o...
Denkou Choujin Gridman (1993 - 1993) - Three friends, Naoto, Yuuka, and Ippei have put together their own Personal Computer. The same day that the trio makes this computer, their classmate Takeshi Todo, a lonely rich boy who loves playing monster-creating PC Games, is met by the evil Kahn Digifer, a psychotic being living within the "Com...
The Thanksgiving That Almost Wasn't (1972 - 1972) - Little Jimmy and Janie, playing outside on a swing, are called for Thanksgiving dinner. Ready to dig in, their father asks them if they forgot something, and the family bows their head to pray. Outside the comfortable home, up a tree, Father Squirrel (voice talent of Vic Perrin) watches the family p...
A.N.T. Farm (2011 - 2014) - Disney Channel original sitcom about prodigies in a gifted program called The A.N.T. (Advanced Natural Talents) Program at their local high school in San Francisco.
A Little Curious (1998 - 2000) - The 23-minute episodes are essentially anthologies of shorts centered on a common, easily digested theme such as "Up and Down" or "Slippery." While each short draws from the same pool of characters, one unique element of the show is that each short may be produced using one of a number of animation...
Digimon Data Squad (2006) (2006 - 2007) - known in Japan as Digimon Savers ( Dejimon Seibzu), is the fifth anime television series of the Digimon franchise, produced by Toei Animation. The series aired in Japan on Fuji TV from April 2, 2006 to March 25, 2007. An English-language version was produced by Studiopolis in conjunction w...
The Bay (web series) (2010 - Current) - The Bay is an American digital soap opera series on the residents of Bay City are entangled in one scandal, betrayal or love affair after the other.
Nurse Angel Ririka SOS (1995 - 1996) - tudio Gallop adapted the manga into a 35-episode anime television series,[1] which premiered in Japan in July 1995, airing on TV Tokyo affiliates. Additional media produced include novelizations and a theatrical musical[2] that aired in digest form in the show's time slot after its conclusion.The he...
Tokimeki Memorial Only Love (2006 - 2007) - a Japanese anime series produced by Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd., based on Konami's popular Tokimeki Memorial dating simulation series, specifically Tokimeki Memorial Online. It premiered October 3, 2006 across Japan on TV Tokyo. The anime series ended its run on March 27, 2007 with 25 epi...
Pixanne (1960 - 1969) - a children's television program, created and hosted by singer-actress Jane Norman, that ran from 1960 to 1969 on WCAU-TV in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was syndicated nationally for another seven years.The show began when Norman, a onetime child prodigy who had been playing and composing music si...
Jalan Sesama (2008 - 2016) - is the Indonesian version of Sesame Street, debuting on Indonesian television in late-2007. The show is produced locally by Creative Indigo Productions, in association with Sesame Workshop, and is expected to broadcast at least through 2010, with a total of 156 episodes over three seasons.The progra...
Tamagotchi! (2009 - 2015) - a 2009 Japanese fantasy slice of life anime series produced by OLM's Team Kamei division, officially based on the Tamagotchi digital pet jointly created by Bandai and WiZ. It is directed by Jji Shimura (Pokmon) and written by Aya Matsui (Boys Over Flowers), with character designs done by Sayuri Ic...
Ange Vierge (2016 - Current) - a Japanese digital collectible card game released by Fujimi Shobo and Media Factory, two brand companies of Kadokawa Corporation. It was first announced in 2013. The franchise theme song is by L.I.N.K.s, a group composed of the voice actresses Yka Aisaka, Mai Ishihara, Yoshiko Ikuta, Rie Takahashi,...
Baka & Test - Summon the Beasts (2010 - 2010) - The story centers around Akihisa Yoshii, the "baka" of the title. His academy rigidly divides up the student body into classes based on the results of tests. The prodigies are in the A class with reclining seats complete with air conditioning, but Akihisa is in F class, the lowest rung of the school...
Magical Canan (2000 - 2005) - a magical girl eroge developed and published by Terios. It was later adapted into two erotic OVA series and a 13 episode-long television series. Both OVA series were previously licensed for distribution in North America by NuTech Digital in 2004. Since 2006 the OVAs are licensed by Adult Source Medi...
Digi charat (1999 - 2006) - a Japanese manga and anime series created by Koge-Donbo. The series follows a catgirl named Di Gi Charat "Dejiko" who was adopted as the mascot of Broccoli
Ai Yori Aoshi (2002 - 2003) - It is a love story between two characters who have not seen each other in years but were once childhood friends. Literally translated, the title means "Bluer Than Indigo".Kaoru Hanabishi, a university student, is the eldest son of Yji Hanabishi, the head of the Hanabishi Zaibatsu, and was set to ta...
DokiDoki! PreCure / Glitter Force Doki Doki (2013 - 2014) - literally "Heart-Pounding! Pretty Cure"), is a Japanese anime series produced by Toei Animation as the tenth installment in Izumi Todo's Pretty Cure metaseries.[5][6] The series is produced by Hiroaki Shibata, who produced Digimon Data Squad and written by Ryta Yamaguchi, who wrote the scripts for...
Gadget and the Gadgetinis (2001 - 2003) - Wowsers! Dr. Claw has returned and now it's up the newly promoted Lt. Gadget to stop him. Aided by his niece Penny and his two robotic sidekicks Digit and Fidget, the adventures of Inspector Gadget continue in this spin-off series.
TekWar (1995 - 1995) - Based on William Shatner's TEK novels, this series details the adventures of Jake Cardigan, an ex-cop in the year 2045. Tek is a virtual-reality drug that has become the cocaine of the future. Cardigan was sentenced to 15 years in the freezer as a result of being framed for killing his partners whil...
London Burning (1986 - 2012) - London's Burning was a television drama programme produced by London Weekend Television. It focused on the lives of Blue Watch firefighters in the busy area of Blackwall, East London. It was broadcast between 1986 and 2002 on ITV and currently airs in Canada on digital television station CBC Country...
Megas XLR (2004 - 2005) - Megas XLR is an American animated television series that aired on the Toonami block on Cartoon Network and is produced by Cartoon Network Studios. It was created by Jody Schaeffer and George Krstic. Its opening song is "Megas XLR Theme (Chicks Dig Giant Robots)" by Ragtime Revolutionaries.
That's Incredible (1980 - 1984) - That's Incredible followed the debut of REAL PEOPLE and was along the same lines as that show. People came on with incredible feats and wowed the hosts and audience. Hosts: John Davidson, Kathy Lee Crosby, Fran Tarkenton. In the early 1980s, a young golf prodigy named Eldrick "Tiger" Woods made...
Sid the Science Kid (2008 - 2013) - Sid the Science Kid is a half-hour PBS Kids series that debuted on September 1, 2008. The computer generated show is produced by The Jim Henson Company and then-PBS member KCET in Los Angeles, California using the Henson Digital Puppetry Studio. The show is produced by motion capture which allows pu...
The Backyardigans (2004 - 2010) - The Backyardigans is a Canadian musical cartoon created by Janice Burgess. The series focuses on Uniqua, Pablo, Tyrone, Tasha and Austin: a group of five anthropomorphic creatures who transform their own backyard into fantastic landscapes everyday. The series premiered on Nickelodeon in 2004, but wa...
CBSN (2020 - Current) - CBSN, a 24-hour streaming news service from CBS News was officially launched on November 6, 2014, and it is available on smartphones, tablets, mobile apps, digital media players, and other mobile devices.
Dig & Dug with Daisy (1993 - 1993) - Dig & Dug with Daisy is a stop motion animated television series that was produced in the United Kingdom during 1993 by Dorling Kindersley. There are sixteen ten minute episodes,
Blue's Clues & You! (2019 - Current) - Similar to the original 1996 series, this series has a live-action host in an animated world. The series features new production designs and the characters (aside from the host) are animated digitally, though the visual style remains similar to the style used in the original series.
Mortal Kombat(1997) - Fighters compete in an ancient tournament that decides the fate of the Earth in an attempt to save it from mass destruction. Based on one of the most popular fighting games which was made famous for its use of digitize
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation(1989) - The third installment of the National Lampoon's Vacation series is about Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) going out on a limb to give his family a good old fashioned family Christmas. From digging a giant Christmas tree out of the ground to covering the entire house with Christmas lights, he goes all ou...
Back To The Future Part III(1990) - The final installment of the Back to the Future trilogy finds Marty digging the trusty DeLorean out of a mineshaft and looking up Doc in the Wild West of 1885. But when their time machine breaks down, the travelers are stranded in a land of spurs. More problems arise when Doc falls for pretty school...
Digimon: The Movie(2000) - While some children spend their summer vacation playing ball or going to the beach, seven kids use their free time to help save the world in this feature-length animated adventure adapted from the popular television series. While attending summer camp, a group of kids playing with computers are tran...
Ernest Scared Stupid(1991) - Ernest (Jim Varney) gets into deep trouble when he decides to build a treehouse for the neighborhood kid and accidentally digs up an ugly, evil-tempered troll who hates all children and shows it by promptly turning the five kids helping Ernest into wooden sculptures. This is the fourth entry in the...
Encino Man(1992) - Two losers find a frozen caveman after they an earthquake in Encino California. The reason the frozen cube man came out of the ground was because of the pool they were digging. At first scared, the caveman does not like his surroundings but soon enjoys everything the 90's has to offer at this point...
The Toy(1982) - On one of his bratty son Eric's annual visits, the plutocrat U.S. Bates takes him to his department store and offers him anything in it as a gift. Eric chooses a black janitor who has made him laugh with his antics. At first the man suffers many indignities as Eric's "toy", but gradually teaches the...
Last Action Hero(1993) - Danny Madigan is a big movie buff. While watching an action movie, Danny's magic ticket transports him inside the movie alongside his number one hero Jack Slater. Its a dream come true for Danny, but things take a turn for the worst when a movie villain gets hold of the ticket and escapes into the r...
Searching for Bobby Fischer(1993) - A prepubescent chess prodigy refuses to harden himself in order to become a champion like the famous but unlikable Bobby Fischer.Josh Waitzkin is just a typical American boy interested in baseball when one day he challenges his father at chess and wins. Showing unusual precocity at the outdoor match...
The Blob(1988) - A Remake of a horror classic years before that became "the thing to do". This Blob is more voracious than the original 1958 creeping ooze. In the original film The Blob was only intimidating because of it's expansion in size. In this film, you can actually see it digest people.
Starchaser: The Legend of Orin(1985) - On the planet Trinia, humans slaves are kept in the vast Mineworld at the center of the planet, herded by robot slaves and forced to dig crystals for the robot god Zygon. As he digs the young slave boy Orin unearths a sword hilt, whereupon a vision of an elderly man appears, telling him that his peo...
House Of Cards(1993) - When Ruth Matthews's husband is killed in a fall at an archaeological dig, her daughter Sally handles her fathers death in a very odd manner. As Sally's condition worsens, Ruth takes her to see Jake, an expert in childhood autism. Jake attempts to bring Sally out of her mental disarray through tradi...
Greedy(1994) - Millionaire Uncle Joe (Kirk Douglas) is getting older, and each of his nieces and nephews will do anything to be the sole beneficiary of his fortune when he dies. During one of their gold-digging family reunions they learn a young sexy British nurse named Molly may be a threat to their inheritance,...
Frankenweenie(1984) - This short 30 minute movie was a Disney movie made in 1984 by Tim Burton. It is about young Victor Frankenstein and his dog Sparky. One day, Sparky is hit by a car and is killed. After learning about electricity at school, Victor digs up his dog and brings him back to life. Unfortunately, everyone e...
Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain(1995) - A teen from Los Angeles and her recently widowed mother move back to the family's Pacific Northwest home in 1980 to try to reassemble their lives. Young teen Beth at first hates country living, but then she meets the outspoken, defiant Jody and the two become fast friends. Jody has quite a reputatio...
Witchboard 3: The Possession(1995) - Brian is an unemployed stockbroker who is all too happy to dig into the occult when his landlord Mr. Redman suggests that he get insider tips using a Ouija board. Brian is soon rolling in dough, but when Mr. Redman kills himself and he has a freak accident, his wife begins to suspect that something'...
Digger(1992) - This oddly unsettling PG-rated film stars Adam Hand-Byrd as Digger, a 12-year-old whose parents are going through serious domestic problems. To keep him out of the line of fire, Digger is sent to live with his crusty grandmother Olympia Dukakis in the Pacific Northwest. He has a great deal of diffic...
Cannibal Holocaust (1985) - Cannibal Holocaust (1980) is a controversial exploitation film directed by Ruggero Deodato from a screenplay by Gianfranco Clerici. Filmed in the Amazon Rainforest, the movie tells the story of four documentarians who journey deep into the jungle to film indigenous tribes. Two months later, after th...
Alien from L.A.(1988) - A nerdy teenage girl named Wanda looks for the her who was lost in a archaeology dig in Africa. After searching through her father's notes she stumbles upon a hole leading to a city in the middle of the Earth called Atlantis. Both Wanda and her father are deemed spies by the government however Wanda...
Protocol(1984) - Sweet, unsophisticated Sunny is working as a cocktail waitress. She saves a visiting dignitary and as a reward she gets a top-office job in the Washington beehive. She has to fight against a devious protocol officer but with her charms, she saves the day when she gets involved in an arms deal with a...
The Best Man(1999) - Harper's (Taye Diggs, RENT, TV's "Private Practice") autobiographical novel is almost out, his girlfriend Robin (Sanaa Lathan, AVP: ALIEN VS. PREDATOR, TV's "A Raisin In The Sun") desires commitment, and he's best man at the wedding of Lance (Morris Chestnut, THE GAME PLAN, BOYZ 'N THE HOOD), a pro...
The Item(1999) - This outrageously weird oddity from Dan Clark was the first entry in the Sundance Film Festival's Dramatic Competition shot entirely on Digital Beta video, then transferred to film. This nightmarish and hyper-violent exercise involves the efforts of a group of homicidal thugs to obtain and safeguard...
Dear Brigitte(1965) - A college professor(James Stewart) and his math prodigy son(Billy Mumy)take a trip to France to meet Brigitte Bardot.
Diggstown(1992) - Gabriel Caine has just been released from prison when he sets up a bet with a business man. The business man owns most of a boxing-mad town called Diggstown. The bet is that Gabe can find a boxer that will knock out 10 Diggstown men, in a boxing ring, within 24 hours. "Honey" Roy Palmer is that man...
Big Hero 6(2014) - Robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada learns to harness his geniusthanks to his brilliant brother Tadashi and their like-minded friends: adrenaline junkie Go Go Tamago, neatnik Wasabi, chemistry whiz Honey Lemon and fanboy Fred. When a devastating turn of events catapults them into the midst of a dangerous...
Belphgor - Le fantme du Louvre(2001) - A collection of artifacts from an archeological dig in Egypt are brought to the famous Louvre museum in Paris, and while experts are using a laser scanning device to determine the age of a sarcophagus, a ghostly spirit escapes and makes its way into the museum's electrical system. Museum curator Fau...
Afterburn(1992) - Based on a true story, one woman takes on the U.S. military and General Dynamics; maker of the F-16, thought to be the very best tactical fighter in the world. Air Force Captain Theodore T. Harduvel was one of the best F-16 pilots the U.S. had to offer. After much digging, Janet Harduvel discovers a...
Early Man(2018) - A plucky cave man named Dug, his sidekick Hognob and the rest of their tribe face a grave threat to their simple existence. Lord Nooth plans to take over their land and transform it into a giant mine, forcing Dug and his clan to dig for precious metals. Not ready to go down without a fight, Dug and...
The Adventures of Tintin(2011) - Steven Spielberg's film adaptation of the popular Belgium comic strip character brought to life by Peter Jackson's Weta Digital. The film revolves reporter Tintin who after buying a ship containing a hidden message sets out to find the lost treasure of Red Rackham.
Ghost in the Shell 2.0(2008) - Mamoru Oshii's first Ghost in the Shell cyberspace film will return to five Japanese theaters in an enhanced Ghost in the Shell 2.0 edition on July 12. The new edition will include new computer graphics and digital effects for some scenes and a reunion of most of the cast members for a new 6.1 surro...
At Long Last Love(1975) - This film was Peter Bogdanovich's homage to musical comedies of the 1930s. A millionaire named Michael Oliver Pritchard III and a singer named Kitty O'Kelly meet and fall in love. Meanwhile, an indigent woman named Brooke Carter and an Italian gambler named Johnny Spanish meet and fall in love. All...
The Shootist(1976) - A dying gunfighter spends his last days looking for a way to die with a minimum of pain and a maximum of dignity.
Curse of Bigfoot(1978) - A group of Biology students receive a visitor telling his horrifying encounter with a Bigfoot. Twenty years earlier a group of students find a accent mummified body while on a archeological dig. The corpse rises again killing local citizens and now its up the teacher and his students to defeat the...
Holes(2003) - Stanley Yelnats IV is a nice teenage boy who was born to an unlucky and cursed family. One day he gets falsely arrested and accused of stealing a pair of shoes that a famous baseball player had donated to charity and gets sentenced to Camp Green Lake, a correctional facility where teenage boys dig h...
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things(1973) - Six friends dig up a corpse named Orville. They use it in a satanic ritual to make the dead rise from their graves.
Beyond The Darkness(1979) - A young rich orphan loses his fiance to voodoo doll mischief on the part of his housekeeper who is jealous of his attentions. He digs his girlfriend up, cleans her out, stuffs her, and puts her in bed at the mansion. Following this, he tries out and disposes of a series of young maidens, trying to...
Maid In Sweden(1971) - Maid in Sweden tells the story of Inga, a 16-year-old Swedish girl who leaves her rural home to spend a weekend in the Swedish capital. An innocent with no experience, but with prodigious physical attributes, she has a series of romantic adventures as she throws off the frustrations of her small-tow...
Sydney White(2007) - Sydney White is the daughter of a plumber, Paul White. Her mother, a Kappa Sorority member, died when Sydney was still young. She sets off to study in a SAU and to pledge to her mother's once dignified sorority.
The Oranges(2011) - The enduring friendship between the Walling and Ostroff families is tested when Nina, the prodigal Ostroff daughter, returns home for the holidays after a five-year absence and enters into an affair with David, head of the Walling family.
The Matrix Revolutions(2003) - Neo and Bane lie unconscious in the medical bay of the ship Hammer. Meanwhile, Neo finds his digital self trapped in a virtual subway station a transition zone between the Matrix and the Machine City. In that subway station, he meets a "family" of programs, including a girl named Sati, whose fathe...
What a Nightmare, Charlie Brown!(1978) - One winter day, Charlie Brown is trying to pretend to be a musher with Snoopy, but the dog has other ideas and gets Charlie Brown to pull while he has fun riding in the sled. When night comes and they are comfortably indoors, Charlie Brown is indignant that Snoopy is adjusting too well to home life,...
Tron: Legacy(2010) - The son of a virtual world designer goes looking for his father and ends up inside the digital world that his father designed. He meets his father's corrupted creation and a unique ally who was born inside the digital world.
Beethoven's 5th(2003) - When Sara takes Beethoven to spend summer vacation with wacky Uncle Freddie in an old mining town, the mischievous canine "digs up" the missing clue to a legendary hidden fortune of Rita and Moe Selig. Now everybody wants to be the dog's best friend as his discovery unleashes a frenzy of treasure hu...
Seed(2007) - After a seemingly undead man is bound and buried alive, he digs himself back to the surface and seeks bloody vengeance on those who caused him his suffering.
Shine(1996) - The story of pianist David Helfgott, whose career after a promising start as a child prodigy despite an abusive father was derailed by a mental collapse, whereupon he ended up in a mental asylum. Years later, he relaunches his musical career and also finds love.
King's Ransom(2005) - Hoping to foil his own gold-digging wife's plan, a loathsome businessman arranges his own kidnapping, only to realize that there are plenty of other people interested in his wealth as well.
Frostbiter: Wrath of the Wendigo(1996) - Two hunters release a horrifying wendigo from the protective seal. The wendigo soon starts killing anybody in its path. The survivors must get the creature back in the seal before its to
The Haunted Strangler(1958) - Set in Victorian London, James Rankin decides to prove the innocence of serial killer Edward Styles (who was put to death twenty years ago). However as James digs deeper into Styles history, he finds out the horrifying truth which leads to ne
December Flower(1984) - Newly widowed Etta visits her beloved Aunt M and discovers her bedridden and listless. Etta's struggle to restore M's dignity and cheer brings renewed meaning to Etta's life but also reveals family secrets and forces confrontations with M's indifferent son and hostile daughter-in-law.
Best Player(2011) - "Q" is the best gamer around, until a new online game called Black Hole offers a competition prize of $175,000 and "Q" keeps losing to another player, known as "Prodigy", who turns out to be a local schoolgirl. -- Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Comedy, Shounen -- Comedy, Psychological -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Kids -- Comedy, Historical, Seinen -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Action, Fantasy, Kids, Sci-Fi -- Adventure, Fantasy, Kids, Sci-Fi -- Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen -- Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi, Shounen -- Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Shounen -- Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama -- Action, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Comedy, Kids, Fantasy -- -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama -- Action, Demons, Horror, Supernatural -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama -- Mystery, Fantasy, School -- Action -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Kids -- Adventure, Drama -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Supernatural -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Kids -- Action, Horror, Military, Seinen, Super Power, Supernatural, Vampire -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Kids, Parody, Sports -- Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Kids, Supernatural -- Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen -- Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen -- Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen
1492: Conquest of Paradise (1992) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 34min | Adventure, Biography, Drama | 9 October 1992 (USA) -- Christopher Columbus' discovery of the Americas and the effect this has on the indigenous people. Director: Ridley Scott Writer: Rose Bosch (scenario) (as Roselyne Bosch)
A Brilliant Young Mind (2014) ::: 7.1/10 -- X+Y (original title) -- A Brilliant Young Mind Poster -- A socially awkward teenage math prodigy finds new confidence and new friendships when he lands a spot on the British squad at the International Mathematics Olympiad. Director: Morgan Matthews Writer:
Addams Family Values (1993) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 34min | Comedy, Fantasy | 19 November 1993 (USA) -- The Addams Family try to rescue their beloved Uncle Fester from his gold-digging new love, a black widow named Debbie. Director: Barry Sonnenfeld Writers: Charles Addams (characters), Paul Rudnick
Altered Carbon ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2018-2020) Episode Guide 18 episodes Altered Carbon Poster -- Set in a future where consciousness is digitized and stored, a prisoner returns to life in a new body and must solve a mind-bending murder to win his freedom. Creator:
Altered Carbon ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20182020) -- Set in a future where consciousness is digitized and stored, a prisoner returns to life in a new body and must solve a mind-bending murder to win his freedom. Creator:
Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown ::: TV-PG | 42min | Documentary, Adventure | TV Series (20132018) -- Anthony Bourdain visits countries, delving into their political issues as well as indigenous food and culture. Stars: Anthony Bourdain, Tom Vitale, David Scott Holloway | See full cast &
August Rush (2007) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG | 1h 54min | Drama, Music | 21 November 2007 (USA) -- An orphaned musical prodigy uses his gift to try to find his birth parents. Director: Kirsten Sheridan Writers: Nick Castle (screenplay), James V. Hart (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Beats (2019) ::: 6.4/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 49min | Drama | 19 June 2019 (USA) -- A reclusive teenage musical prodigy forms an unlikely friendship with a down-on-his-luck high school security guard. United by their mutual love of hiphop, they confront the demons of their past and try to break into Chicago's music scene. Director: Chris Robinson Writer:
Big Hero 6 (2014) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 1h 42min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 7 November 2014 (USA) -- A special bond develops between plus-sized inflatable robot Baymax and prodigy Hiro Hamada, who together team up with a group of friends to form a band of high-tech heroes. Directors: Don Hall, Chris Williams Writers:
Birds of Passage (2018) ::: 7.5/10 -- Pjaros de verano (original title) -- Birds of Passage Poster -- During the marijuana bonanza, a violent decade that saw the origins of drug trafficking in Colombia, Rapayet and his indigenous family get involved in a war to control the business that ends up destroying their lives and their culture. Directors: Cristina Gallego, Ciro Guerra
Black Widow (1987) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 6 February 1987 (USA) -- A federal investigator tracks down a gold-digging woman who moves from husband to husband to kill them and collect the inheritance. Director: Bob Rafelson Writer: Ronald Bass
Blindspotting (2018) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 27 July 2018 (USA) -- While on probation, a man begins to re-evaluate his relationship with his volatile best friend. Director: Carlos Lpez Estrada Writers: Rafael Casal, Daveed Diggs
Boomerang! (1947) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 28min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 28 April 1947 (Sweden) -- The true story of a prosecutor's fight to prove the innocence of a man accused of a notorious murder. Director: Elia Kazan Writers: Richard Murphy (screenplay), Fulton Oursler (based upon an article published in The Reader's Digest December, 1945) (as Anthony Abbot) Stars:
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm (2020) ::: 6.7/10 -- Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American -- title) R | 1h 35min | Comedy | 23 October 2020 (USA) Borat Subsequent Moviefilm Poster Borat returns from Kazakhstan to America and this time he reveals more about the American culture, the COVID-19 pandemic and the political elections. Director: Jason Woliner Writers:
Colonia (2015) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Biography, Drama, History | 15 April 2016 (USA) -- A young woman's desperate search for her abducted boyfriend draws her into the infamous Colonia Dignidad, a sect nobody has ever escaped from. Director: Florian Gallenberger Writers:
Craziwise ::: 8.4/10 -- Crazywise Poster -- into a positive transformative experience? During a quarter-century documenting indigenous cultures, human-rights ... S Directors: Phil Borges, Kevin Tomlinson Writers: Phil Borges (story), Phil Borges Stars:
Dark Victory (1939) ::: 7.5/10 -- Approved | 1h 44min | Drama, Romance | 22 April 1939 (USA) -- A young socialite is diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, and must decide whether or not she'll meet her final days with dignity. Director: Edmund Goulding Writers: Casey Robinson (screen play), George Emerson Brewer Jr. (from the play
Diggstown (1992) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Drama, Sport | 14 August 1992 (USA) -- Gabriel's released from prison. His con man friend makes a foolish bet with Diggstown's owner on who'd win the boxing matches - their man against ten Diggstown men. Director: Michael Ritchie Writers: Leonard Wise (novel), Steven McKay (screenplay) Stars:
Digimon: Digital Monsters ::: TV-Y7 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (19992003) -- A group of young teens is unexpectedly sent to the mysterious Digital World and paired up with their own powerful, morphing monster called the Digimon. Together the entire group set out on an adventure to fight evil and save the world. Stars:
Digimon: Digital Monsters ::: TV-Y7 | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (19992003) -- Trailer
Dig ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | TV Series (2015) -- Peter, an FBI agent stationed in Jerusalem who, while investigating a murder of a young female archaeologist, uncovers a conspiracy 2000 years in the making. Creators:
Eight Below (2006) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 2h | Adventure, Drama, Family | 17 February 2006 (USA) -- Brutal cold forces two Antarctic explorers to leave their team of sled dogs behind as they fend for their survival. Director: Frank Marshall Writers: David DiGilio (screenplay), Toshir Ishid (film Nankyoku Monogatari) |
Finding Forrester (2000) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 16min | Drama | 12 January 2001 (USA) -- A young writing prodigy finds a mentor in a reclusive author. Director: Gus Van Sant Writer: Mike Rich
Gifted (2017) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 41min | Drama | 12 April 2017 (USA) -- Frank, a single man raising his child prodigy niece Mary, is drawn into a custody battle with his mother. Director: Marc Webb Writer: Tom Flynn
Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933) ::: 7.7/10 -- Passed | 1h 37min | Comedy, Drama, Musical | 27 May 1933 (USA) -- A wealthy composer rescues unemployed Broadway performers with a new play. Director: Mervyn LeRoy Writers: Erwin Gelsey (screenplay), James Seymour (screenplay) | 3 more
Goldstone (2016) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Crime, Thriller | 7 July 2016 (Australia) -- Indigenous detective Jay Swan arrives in the town of Goldstone to search for a missing person, and his simple duty becomes complicated when he uncovers a web of crime and corruption. Director: Ivan Sen Writer:
Holes (2003) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 57min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 18 April 2003 (USA) -- A wrongfully convicted boy is sent to a brutal desert detention camp where he joins the job of digging holes for some mysterious reason. Director: Andrew Davis Writers: Louis Sachar (novel), Louis Sachar (screenplay)
Indignation (2016) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Drama, Romance | 3 November 2016 (Brazil) -- In 1951, Marcus, a working-class Jewish student from New Jersey, attends a small Ohio college, where he struggles with sexual repression and cultural disaffection, amid the ongoing Korean War. Director: James Schamus Writers:
Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem (2003) ::: 7.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 8min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 28 May 2003 -- Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem Poster A continuation of the story told in the Daft Punk music videos "One More Time," "Aerodynamic," "Digital Love," and "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger." Directors: Daisuke Nishio, Hirotoshi Rissen | 2 more credits Writers: Thomas Bangalter, Cdric Hervet (as Cedric Hervet) | 1 more credit
Jack Reacher (2012) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 10min | Action, Thriller | 21 December 2012 (USA) -- A homicide investigator digs deeper into a case involving a trained military sniper who shot five random victims. Director: Christopher McQuarrie Writers: Lee Child (based on the book "One Shot" by), Christopher McQuarrie
Kingpin (1996) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 54min | Comedy, Sport | 26 July 1996 (USA) -- A star bowler whose career was prematurely "cut off" hopes to ride a new prodigy to success and riches. Directors: Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly Writers: Barry Fanaro, Mort Nathan
Lapland Odyssey (2010) ::: 6.9/10 -- Napapiirin sankarit (original title) -- (Finland) Lapland Odyssey Poster Janne has made a career out of living on welfare; suddenly, his girlfriend gives him an ultimatum: Buy a new digital TV box or she will leave him. Director: Dome Karukoski Writer: Pekko Pesonen
Like Sunday, Like Rain (2014) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Drama, Music | 6 October 2014 (USA) -- Surrounded by wealth and living with abundant resources in Manhattan, 12-year-old cello prodigy Reggie, lives a solitary life lacking only frequently absent parents and friends. Estranged from family, having slacker boyfriend troubles, and fired from her waitressing job, sometimes musician 23-year-old Eleanor needs a new place to live and a new job. Director: Frank Whaley
Little Man Tate (1991) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 39min | Drama | 1 November 1991 (USA) -- A single mother raises a child prodigy on her own, struggling to give him every opportunity he needs to express his gift. Director: Jodie Foster Writer: Scott Frank
Madigan (1968) ::: 6.5/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 41min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 29 March 1968 (USA) -- In New York City's Spanish Harlem, detectives Madigan and Bonaro are given 72 hours by their superior to capture a hoodlum wanted for homicide in Brooklyn. Director: Don Siegel (as Donald Siegel) Writers:
Modigliani (2004) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 8min | Biography, Drama | 29 September 2004 (France) -- The story of Amedeo Modigliani's bitter rivalry with Pablo Picasso, and his tragic romance with Jeanne Hebuterne. Director: Mick Davis Writer: Mick Davis Stars:
Mood Indigo (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- L'cume des jours (original title) -- Mood Indigo Poster -- Wealthy, inventive bachelor Colin endeavors to find a cure for his lover Chloe after she's diagnosed with an unusual illness caused by a flower growing in her lungs. Director: Michel Gondry Writers:
Mystery Road (2013) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 1min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 15 August 2013 -- Mystery Road Poster -- An indigenous detective returns to the Outback to investigate the murder of a young girl. Director: Ivan Sen Writer:
Pawn Sacrifice (2014) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 25 September 2015 (USA) -- Set during the Cold War, American chess prodigy Bobby Fischer finds himself caught between two superpowers and his own struggles as he challenges the Soviet Empire. Director: Edward Zwick Writers:
Priceless (2006) ::: 7.0/10 -- Hors de prix (original title) -- Priceless Poster -- Through a set of wacky circumstances, a young gold digger mistakenly woos a mild-mannered bartender, thinking he's a wealthy suitor. Director: Pierre Salvadori Writers:
Probe ::: 1h | Comedy, Crime, Mystery | TV Series (1988) Episode Guide 7 episodes Probe Poster An eccentric scientific prodigy and his secretary investigate mysteries. Creators: Isaac Asimov, William Link, Michael I. Wagner Stars:
Prodigal Son ::: TV-14 | 44min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2019 ) -- Malcolm Bright, one of the best criminal psychologists around, uses his twisted genius to help the NYPD solve crimes. Creators: Chris Fedak, Sam Sklaver
Rare Exports (2010) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 24min | Adventure, Fantasy, Horror | 3 December 2010 (Finland) -- In the depths of the Korvatunturi mountains, 486 meters deep, lies the closest ever guarded secret of Christmas. The time has come to dig it up. This Christmas everyone will believe in Santa Claus. Director: Jalmari Helander Writers:
Roman Holiday (1953) ::: 8.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 58min | Comedy, Romance | 2 September 1953 (USA) -- A bored and sheltered princess escapes her guardians and falls in love with an American newsman in Rome. Director: William Wyler Writers: Ian McLellan Hunter (screenplay), John Dighton (screenplay) | 2 more
Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 1h 49min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 11 August 1993 (USA) -- A prepubescent chess prodigy refuses to harden himself in order to become a champion like the famous but unlikable Bobby Fischer. Director: Steven Zaillian Writers: Fred Waitzkin (book), Steven Zaillian (screenplay)
Shigatsu wa kimi no uso ::: TV-PG | 23min | Animation, Drama, Music | TV Series (2014-2015) Episode Guide 23 episodes Shigatsu wa kimi no uso Poster -- A piano prodigy who lost his ability to play after suffering a traumatic event in his childhood is forced back into the spotlight by an eccentric girl with a secret of her own. Stars:
Steve Jobs (2015) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Biography, Drama | 23 October 2015 (USA) -- Steve Jobs takes us behind the scenes of the digital revolution, to paint a portrait of the man at its epicenter. The story unfolds backstage at three iconic product launches, ending in 1998 with the unveiling of the iMac. Director: Danny Boyle Writers:
Summer Wars (2009) ::: 7.5/10 -- Sam uzu (original title) -- Summer Wars Poster -- A student tries to fix a problem he accidentally caused in OZ, a digital world, while pretending to be the fianc of his friend at her grandmother's 90th birthday. Director: Mamoru Hosoda Writers:
The Dig (2021) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 52min | Biography, Drama, History | 29 January 2021 (USA) -- An archaeologist embarks on the historically important excavation of Sutton Hoo in 1938. Director: Simon Stone Writers: Moira Buffini (screenplay), John Preston (novel)
The Drop (2014) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 12 September 2014 (USA) -- Bob Saginowski finds himself at the center of a robbery gone awry and entwined in an investigation that digs deep into the neighborhood's past where friends, families, and foes all work together to make a living - no matter the cost. Director: Michal R. Roskam Writers:
The Great Indoors ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20162017) -- An adventure reporter must adapt to the times when he becomes the boss to a group of millennials in the digital department of the magazine. Creator: Mike Gibbons
The Kindergarten Teacher (2018) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Drama, Thriller | 12 October 2018 (USA) -- A kindergarten teacher in New York becomes obsessed with one of her students whom she believes is a child prodigy. Director: Sara Colangelo Writers: Sara Colangelo, Nadav Lapid (based on the screenplay by)
The Legend of 1900 (1998) ::: 8.1/10 -- La leggenda del pianista sull'oceano (original title) -- The Legend of 1900 Poster -- A baby boy, discovered in 1900 on an ocean liner, grows into a musical prodigy, never setting foot on land. Director: Giuseppe Tornatore Writers:
The Mummy (1999) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 4min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 7 May 1999 (USA) -- At an archaeological dig in the ancient city of Hamunaptra, an American serving in the French Foreign Legion accidentally awakens a mummy who begins to wreak havoc as he searches for the reincarnation of his long-lost love. Director: Stephen Sommers Writers:
The Navigator: A Medieval Odyssey (1988) ::: 6.7/10 -- The Navigator: A Mediaeval Odyssey (original title) -- The Navigator: A Medieval Odyssey Poster Men seeking relief from the Black Death, guided by a boy's vision, dig a tunnel from 14th century England to 20th century New Zealand. Director: Vincent Ward Writers: Vincent Ward (screenplay), Kely Lyons (screenplay) | 2 more credits Stars:
The Queen's Gambit ::: TV-MA | 6h 35min | Drama, Sport | TV Mini-Series (2020) Episode Guide 7 episodes The Queen's Gambit Poster -- Orphaned at the tender age of nine, prodigious introvert Beth Harmon discovers and masters the game of chess in 1960s USA. But child stardom comes at a price. Creators:
The Sandlot (1993) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 1h 41min | Comedy, Drama, Family | 7 April 1993 (USA) -- In the summer of 1962, a new kid in town is taken under the wing of a young baseball prodigy and his rowdy team, resulting in many adventures. Director: David Mickey Evans Writers:
The Shootist (1976) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG | 1h 40min | Drama, Romance, Western | 21 July 1976 (USA) -- A dying gunfighter spends his last days looking for a way to die with a minimum of pain and a maximum of dignity. Director: Don Siegel Writers: Glendon Swarthout (novel), Miles Hood Swarthout (screenplay) | 1 more
The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet (2013) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 45min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 31 July 2015 (USA) -- A ten-year-old scientist secretly leaves his family's ranch in Montana where he lives with his cowboy father and scientist mother, escapes home, and travels across the country aboard a freight train to receive an award at the Smithsonian Institute. Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet Writers:
Thumbelina (1994) ::: 6.4/10 -- G | 1h 26min | Animation, Family, Fantasy | 30 March 1994 (USA) -- This retelling of the Hans Christian Andersen classic fairy tale has the digit-sized heroine evading the clutches of various toads, moles, and beetles before she can proceed with her courtship with her dream lover, Prince Cornelius. Directors: Don Bluth, Gary Goldman Writers:
Traveler ::: 45min | Action, Crime, Mystery | TV Series (2007) Jay and Tyler find themselves hunted by the FBI after a bombing of a museum. Their only lead is their best friend, Will Traveler, who disappeared after the bombing and is not in any record ... S Creator: David DiGilio
TRON (1982) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 36min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 9 July 1982 (USA) -- A computer hacker is abducted into the digital world and forced to participate in gladiatorial games where his only chance of escape is with the help of a heroic security program. Director: Steven Lisberger Writers:
TRON: Legacy (2010) ::: 6.8/10 -- Tron (original title) -- TRON: Legacy Poster -- The son of a virtual world designer goes looking for his father and ends up inside the digital world that his father designed. He meets his father's corrupted creation and a unique ally who was born inside the digital world. Director: Joseph Kosinski
Vitus (2006) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG | 2h 3min | Drama, Music | 7 December 2006 (Israel) -- A twelve-year-old piano prodigy who suffocates from his parent's big dreams for him decides to make his escape--and with the aid of his grandfather--chase his own dreams instead. Director: Fredi M. Murer Writers: Peter Luisi, Fredi M. Murer | 1 more credit Stars:
Warrior ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2019 ) -- During the Tong Wars in the late 1800s, Ah Sahm, a martial arts prodigy from China, immigrates to San Francisco and becomes a hatchet man for the most powerful tong in Chinatown. Creator:
Went the Day Well? (1942) ::: 7.5/10 -- Approved | 1h 32min | Thriller, War | 28 June 1944 (USA) -- An English village is occupied by disguised German paratroopers as an advance post for a planned invasion. Director: Alberto Cavalcanti (as Cavalcanti) Writers: Graham Greene (story), John Dighton (story and screenplay) | 2 more
Wu-Tang: An American Saga ::: TV-MA | 49min | Biography, Drama | TV Series (2019 ) -- The show tracks the Wu Tang Clan's formation, a vision of Bobby Diggs, who strives to unite a dozen young, black men that are torn between music and crime but eventually rise to become the unlikeliest of American success stories. Creators:
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011) ::: 8.1/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 41min | Documentary | 15 January 2011 (Brazil) -- A feature length documentary work which presents a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society. Director: Peter Joseph Writer:'s_al_Ghul_(Alexander_Siddig),_MD_@_Carroll_Park_(Shindig_Festival),_MD_@_Carroll_Park_(The_Shindig_Festival)'s_Best_You_Stop_Digging'em_Laugh_Vol_1_(Digital),_Jr._(Arrowverse),_Jr._(Arrowverse:_Earth-16)!:_Unpublished_Tales_from_the_DC_Vault_Vol_1_(Digital)!_Vol_1_(Digital)!:_Lightning_Strikes_Vol_1_(Digital)!_To_Camp_Vol_1_(Digital),_the_King_of_Digimon,_Gerbemon'mon_Digimon!'s_Memory!"Tai"_Kamiya,_Go_to_Another_World!!,_The_Digimon_Hunters!"Matt"_Ishida,_2003's_Dig_Site's_Shovel_of_Zombie_Slaying's!,000_Year_Old_Holy_Demonic_True_Infinite_Dragon_God_Empress_of_The_Time-Space_Administration_Bureau_&_Legacy_of_The_First_Ascendant_&_Original_DigiDestined:_Digital_Fusion_&_Twilight_Dragon_Roar_of_The_Endless_Heavens,_The_Dawn_Of_The_Imperial_Millennium,_The_True_Dragon,_The_Holy_King,_The_Dark_Knight,_The_First_Ascendant,_The_Original_Digi-Destined,_&_The_Primordial_Beast_Gods-_The_Strongest_Champions_In_The_Universe,_A_New_Path,_A_New_Destiny,_The_War_Of_Light_&_Dark_For_The_Future_Of_The_Infinite_Dimensions_/_Victorious_Roar_Of_The_Ancients,_The_Primordial_Beast_Goddesses,_The_Strongest_Ascendants,_The_Second_Dragon_God,_The_Second_True_Dragon,_&_Greatest_Heroes_In_The_Infinite_Universe,_The_New_Age_Of_Holy_Cross_Era--Never-ending_Possibilities_&_Infinite_Revelations_From_The_Past_To_Shape_The_Future_Of_The_Entire_Universe,_Golden_Age_Of_Heroes_&_Champions_Of_The_Eternal_Holy_Light_&_The_Infinitely_Vast_Multiverse,_Champions_Of_The_Digital_Universe,_Heroes_Of_The_Real_Universe,_Legendary_Guardians_Of_The_Digital_Universe,_Battle_For_True_Peace_or_Absolute_Supremacy-_Fight_For_The_Future_Of_All_Worlds_&_The_Digital_Universe,_War_For_The_Future_Of_The_Multiverse,_War_Of_The_Holy_Light_&_Dark_Shadows,_The_Fall_Of_Darkness,_The_Primordial_Beast_Gods,_The_First_Ascendant_&_The_Second_Dragon_God,_The_Second_True_Dragon,_&_New_Generation_Of_Heroes_in_The_Infinite_Universe,_The_True_Dragon,_The_Supreme_King,_The_First_Ascendant,_The_Original_Digi-Destined,_The_Zodiac_Masters_&_The_Primordial_Beast_Gods-_The_Ultimate_Power_Of_The_Light_&_The_Darkness,_A_New_Destiny,_Legacy_Of_The_Supreme_King,_The_Ultimate_Queen,_&_The_First_Ascendant_/_Successors_Of_The_Great_Ancients,_Digimon_Fusion_Kai_Masters,_&_Sailor_Moon_Primordial_Dragon_X-Storm:_The_Legacy_Of_The_Ancients,_The_Return_Of_The_Gods-Coming_Of_A_New_Age_Of_The_Ultimate_Millennium-_The_Legendary_Civil_War_Of_Light_&_Darkness'_Digi_Ranger,_Supernatural_&_Intergalactic_Maximum_Burst_Limit_Storm_&_Digimon_Fusion_Kai_Masters:_The_Legacy_of_The_First_Ascendant,_The_Supreme_King_&_The_Divine_Bestial_Gods_&_Goddesses,_the_Lionheart's_snapping_digits's_Mighty_Digressions!,_Culture,_Media_and_Sport's_All_Stars's_Suit's_TEST_Server's_Get_A_Life!_(digital)'s_Prodigy,_Inc's_Deep's_in_the_digital_world's_Splinter_Cell:_Digging_in_the_Ashes's_Digest's_Machine,_Prodigal_Son_of_the_Swamps's_Charge's_Dig'_For_Worms's_Camp's%20pop%20culture-inspired%20Fantasy%20Food%20Truck%20at%20New%20York%20Comic%20Con.%20See%20the%20creative%20offerings%20inspired%20by%20"Stranger%20Things,"%20"Rick%20and%20Morty,"%20"Star%20Wars,"%20and%20more.&source=Cheddar
Ame-iro Cocoa -- -- EMT Squared -- 12 eps -- Digital manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Ame-iro Cocoa Ame-iro Cocoa -- Aoi Tokura is a server at Rainy Color, a cozy and diverse cafe known for its hot cocoa. Along with barista Shion Koga, Aoi serves a small crowd of regulars who are attracted by his girlish good looks. When two handsome college students start frequenting the cafe as well, Aoi cannot help but be drawn into their lives. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 23,704 4.72
Ame-iro Cocoa: Rainy Color e Youkoso! -- -- EMT Squared -- 12 eps -- Digital manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Ame-iro Cocoa: Rainy Color e Youkoso! Ame-iro Cocoa: Rainy Color e Youkoso! -- Life at the Rainy Color café can never be described as boring. The arrival of the Koga brothers from England—Noel, always brimming with curiosity, and Nicola, somewhat shy and conservative—ensures that their sibling, café manager Shion, is kept on his toes. There's also another newcomer, cameraman/photographer Jun Arisawa, who holds a mysterious connection to café owner Koji Amami. Last but not least, there's a special photograph that incites all kinds of heartfelt and comedic reactions from the Rainy Color crew! -- -- (Source: YTV) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 9,494 4.80
Appleseed Alpha -- -- Sola Digital Arts -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Police Mecha Military Sci-Fi Seinen -- Appleseed Alpha Appleseed Alpha -- Set in a different series of events, this story does not follow the previous Appleseed movie canon (despite being directed by the same director of the previous movies); it is an alternate story to their beginnings. Briareos is already a cyborg and did not become separated from Deunan to be later reunited in Olympus to join ESWAT. -- -- Appleseed Alpha depicts the early days of Deunan Knute and Briareos in the 22nd century, as they embark on a journey throughout dystopic ruins of New York in search of the city of Olympus. They are hired by Two Horns, the warlord of the ruined city, to eliminate bipedal combat machines. During the fight, they encounter Iris and Olson, both on a mission. Deunan and Briareos befriend them and decide to join their mission. -- -- Iris is tasked with preventing the malevolent cyborg Talos from capturing a secret weapon humans were building. Talos uses Iris to activate the gigantic war machine. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Movie - Jan 17, 2015 -- 15,823 7.03
Appleseed (Movie) -- -- Digital Frontier -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Police Drama Mecha Shounen -- Appleseed (Movie) Appleseed (Movie) -- Growing out of the chaos of a global war, the city of Utopia is populated by humans and bioroids (artificial humans). On the surface, everything is harmonious, but tensions lurk. Into this seemingly perfect society comes a survivor of the wars, Deunan Knute, who carries a legacy that will turn out to be of critical importance to the future of humanity. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Apr 17, 2004 -- 65,854 7.09
Appleseed (Movie) -- -- Digital Frontier -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Police Drama Mecha Shounen -- Appleseed (Movie) Appleseed (Movie) -- Growing out of the chaos of a global war, the city of Utopia is populated by humans and bioroids (artificial humans). On the surface, everything is harmonious, but tensions lurk. Into this seemingly perfect society comes a survivor of the wars, Deunan Knute, who carries a legacy that will turn out to be of critical importance to the future of humanity. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Apr 17, 2004 -- 65,854 7.09
Appleseed Saga Ex Machina -- -- Digital Frontier -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Appleseed Saga Ex Machina Appleseed Saga Ex Machina -- Deunan, a young female warrior, and Briareos, a veteran cyborg-soldier, are both partners and lovers. As members of E.S.W.A.T., the elite special forces serving Olympus, they are deployed whenever trouble strikes. The two fighters find their partnership tested in a new way by the arrival of a new member to their ranks—an experimental Bioroid named Tereus. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Warner Bros. Japan -- Movie - Oct 20, 2007 -- 35,870 7.35
Area no Kishi -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 37 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Sports -- Area no Kishi Area no Kishi -- Kakeru and Suguru are brothers who both have a flaming passion for soccer. However, while Suguru becomes a rising star in the Japanese youth soccer system, Kakeru decides to take on a managerial role after struggling on the field. But due to a cruel twist of fate, Kakeru ends up reevaluating the role he has chosen. -- -- In hopes of one day being able to enter the World Cup by becoming a member of the national team, Kakeru trains harder than anyone else. He isn’t alone in this quest for glory, though. Kakeru's childhood friend, Nana, is a soccer prodigy of her own, with the wicked nickname “Little Witch”. She is a top-ranked player and is already playing for Nadeshiko Japan, the Japanese women’s national team. Nana's success gives Kakeru the extra push he needs to reach for his goals. -- -- Soccer and adolescent fervor combine for an epic, emotional ride. Check it out for yourself in Area no Kishi! -- 61,244 7.21
Azumanga Daioh -- -- J.C.Staff -- 26 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Azumanga Daioh Azumanga Daioh -- Chiyo Mihama begins her high school career as one of the strangest students in her freshman class—a tiny, 10-year-old academic prodigy with a fondness for plush dolls and homemade cooking. But her homeroom teacher, Yukari Tanizaki, is the kind of person who would hijack a student's bike to avoid being late, so "strange" is a relative word. -- -- There certainly isn't a shortage of peculiar girls in Yukari-sensei's homeroom class. Accompanying Chiyo are students like Tomo Takino, an energetic tomboy with more enthusiasm than brains; Koyomi Mizuhara, Tomo's best friend whose temper has a fuse shorter than Chiyo; and Sakaki, a tall, athletic beauty whose intimidating looks hide a gentle personality and a painful obsession with cats. In addition, transfer student Ayumu Kasuga, a girl with her head stuck in the clouds, fits right in with the rest of the girls—and she has a few interesting theories about Chiyo's pigtails! -- -- Together, this lovable group of girls experience the ups and downs of school life, their many adventures filled with constant laughter, surreal absurdity, and occasionally even touching commentary on the bittersweet, temporal nature of high school. -- -- 268,177 7.97
Azumanga Daioh -- -- J.C.Staff -- 26 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Azumanga Daioh Azumanga Daioh -- Chiyo Mihama begins her high school career as one of the strangest students in her freshman class—a tiny, 10-year-old academic prodigy with a fondness for plush dolls and homemade cooking. But her homeroom teacher, Yukari Tanizaki, is the kind of person who would hijack a student's bike to avoid being late, so "strange" is a relative word. -- -- There certainly isn't a shortage of peculiar girls in Yukari-sensei's homeroom class. Accompanying Chiyo are students like Tomo Takino, an energetic tomboy with more enthusiasm than brains; Koyomi Mizuhara, Tomo's best friend whose temper has a fuse shorter than Chiyo; and Sakaki, a tall, athletic beauty whose intimidating looks hide a gentle personality and a painful obsession with cats. In addition, transfer student Ayumu Kasuga, a girl with her head stuck in the clouds, fits right in with the rest of the girls—and she has a few interesting theories about Chiyo's pigtails! -- -- Together, this lovable group of girls experience the ups and downs of school life, their many adventures filled with constant laughter, surreal absurdity, and occasionally even touching commentary on the bittersweet, temporal nature of high school. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Sentai Filmworks -- 268,177 7.97
Babylon -- -- Revoroot -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Mystery Psychological Thriller -- Babylon Babylon -- In the newly formed Shiniki district of Tokyo, Zen Seizaki is a diligent public prosecutor at the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office. Assigned to a case involving false advertisement, Zen—along with his assistant officer, Atsuhiko Fumio—investigate Japan Supiri, a pharmaceutical company that had provided fabricated clinical research on the company's new drug. While investigating the file of Shin Inaba, an anesthesiologist connected to the crime, the case takes a dark turn when Zen finds a page stained with a mixture of blood, hair and skin, along with the letter "F" scribbled all across the sheet. As he investigates further, the case goes beyond Zen's imagination and becomes vastly complex, challenging his sense of justice and his knowledge of the truth. -- -- Digging deeper into the investigation, Zen begins to uncover a concealed plot behind the ongoing mayoral election and ties to many people of interest involved in the election and those closer than he thinks. The case grows more severe and propels Zen into an unforeseen hurricane of corruption and deceit behind the election, the establishment of the Shiniki district, and the mysterious woman associated with it all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 107,289 6.80
Bakuman. 2nd Season -- -- J.C.Staff -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shounen -- Bakuman. 2nd Season Bakuman. 2nd Season -- With the serialization of their new manga, "Detective Trap," the writer-artist team, Akito Takagi and Moritaka Mashiro, better known by their pseudonym Muto Ashirogi, are one step closer to becoming world-renowned mangaka. For Mashiro, however, serialization is just the first step. Having promised to marry his childhood sweetheart and aspiring voice actress, Azuki Miho, once his manga gets an anime adaptation, Mashiro must continue his to popularize Ashirogi's work. A tremendously competitive cast of ambitious mangaka—including the wild genius, Eiji Niizuma; the elegant student, Yuriko Aoki, and her older admirer and partner, Takurou Nakai; the lazy prodigy, Kazuya Hiramaru; and the abrasive artist, Shinta Fukuda—both support and compete against Muto Ashirogi in creating the next big hit. -- -- As they adjust to their young and seemingly untested new editor, the dynamic duo struggle to maintain their current serialization, secure the top stop in Shounen Jack, and ultimately, achieve an anime adaptation of their manga. With new rivals and friends, Bakuman. 2nd Season continues Takagi and Mashiro's inspiring story of hard work and young love. -- -- 296,269 8.39
Bakuman. 2nd Season -- -- J.C.Staff -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shounen -- Bakuman. 2nd Season Bakuman. 2nd Season -- With the serialization of their new manga, "Detective Trap," the writer-artist team, Akito Takagi and Moritaka Mashiro, better known by their pseudonym Muto Ashirogi, are one step closer to becoming world-renowned mangaka. For Mashiro, however, serialization is just the first step. Having promised to marry his childhood sweetheart and aspiring voice actress, Azuki Miho, once his manga gets an anime adaptation, Mashiro must continue his to popularize Ashirogi's work. A tremendously competitive cast of ambitious mangaka—including the wild genius, Eiji Niizuma; the elegant student, Yuriko Aoki, and her older admirer and partner, Takurou Nakai; the lazy prodigy, Kazuya Hiramaru; and the abrasive artist, Shinta Fukuda—both support and compete against Muto Ashirogi in creating the next big hit. -- -- As they adjust to their young and seemingly untested new editor, the dynamic duo struggle to maintain their current serialization, secure the top stop in Shounen Jack, and ultimately, achieve an anime adaptation of their manga. With new rivals and friends, Bakuman. 2nd Season continues Takagi and Mashiro's inspiring story of hard work and young love. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 296,269 8.39
Bartender -- -- Palm Studio -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Drama Seinen Slice of Life -- Bartender Bartender -- Hidden in the backstreets of the Ginza district is Eden Hall, a lone bar operated by Ryuu Sasakura, the prodigy bartender who is said to mix the most incredible cocktails anyone has ever tasted. However, not just anyone can find Eden Hall; rather, it is Eden Hall that must find you. Customers of varying backgrounds, each plagued with their own troubles, wander into this bar. Nevertheless, Ryuu always knows the ideal cocktail to console and guide each distraught soul. -- -- TV - Oct 15, 2006 -- 73,299 7.37
Battery -- -- Zero-G -- 11 eps -- Novel -- Slice of Life Sports Drama -- Battery Battery -- At only 12 years old, Takumi Harada is already hailed as a prodigious baseball pitcher. But when his family moves to the backwater town of Nitta, Takumi has no choice but to join his new school's unskilled baseball team. This development has little effect on the boy, as he believes it is more interesting if this no-name club becomes a powerhouse due to his presence. However, due to his overwhelming talent, Takumi is in need of a catcher able to keep up with his pitches. -- -- His worries are soon put to rest after meeting Gou Nagakura. As his fan and fellow student, Gou is eager to prove that he is not a simple braggart, but rather a player skillful enough to catch Takumi's pitches. Amid struggling to form a "battery" with Gou, Takumi comes into conflict with his new teammates due to his irreverent personality but grapples to find the true joy of the sport under his grandfather's guidance. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 46,424 5.72
Battle Spirits: Heroes -- -- Sunrise -- 50 eps -- Card game -- Game Sci-Fi -- Battle Spirits: Heroes Battle Spirits: Heroes -- Like every card game enthusiast, Hajime Hinobori has always wanted to see the Spirits from his cards come to life and witness them in real combat. This dream is successfully realized by Hajime's scientist parents, who develop an augmented reality system that revolutionizes the competitive scene of Battle Spirits. Curious players from across the globe travel to partake in this innovative battle system. -- -- With his sight set on becoming the champion of this new form of Battle Spirits, Hajime encounters many colorful and quirky rivals, including eccentric diva Kimari Tatsumi and arrogant prodigy Tegamaru Tanashi. Along this journey of self-discovery and card-gaming shenanigans, there are no ordinary days in the lives of young heroes striving to take the crown! -- -- TV - Sep 18, 2011 -- 1,670 6.14
Battle Spirits: Shounen Toppa Bashin -- -- Sunrise, Toei Animation -- 50 eps -- Card game -- Game Shounen -- Battle Spirits: Shounen Toppa Bashin Battle Spirits: Shounen Toppa Bashin -- Energetic and thrill-seeking sixth grader Toppa Bashin has his mind set on only one thing—the card game Battle Spirits. Bearing a ruby pendant inherited from his missing father, Bashin heads to school every day with excitement: not for academics, but for card battling, much to the chagrin of his peers. -- -- One day, Bashin encounters J, the child prodigy champion of Battle Spirits, who bears a similar pendant. Star-struck, Bashin challenges J to a battle. However, the battle he gets is one he did not anticipate; the two are teleported to a mysterious arena in the sky—the Isekai World—where Spirits from the game become real. -- -- Feeling that his dream is finally within arm's reach, Bashin dives headfirst into the Isekai World, encountering other card battlers with extraordinary pendants. While making his way to the top, he slowly realizes that there is more to Battle Spirits than he ever imagined. -- -- TV - Sep 7, 2008 -- 2,736 6.41
Biohazard: Damnation -- -- Digital Frontier -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi Horror -- Biohazard: Damnation Biohazard: Damnation -- United States Special Agent Leon S. Kennedy sneaks into a small Eastern European country to verify rumors that Bio Organic Weapons (B.O.W.s) are being used in war. Right after his infiltration, the U.S. government orders him to leave immediately. Determined to uncover the truth, Leon ignores the order and enters the battlefield to end the chain of tragedies caused by the B.O.W.s. -- -- (Source: IMDB) -- Movie - Sep 15, 2012 -- 20,253 7.19
Biohazard: Degeneration -- -- Digital Frontier -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Horror Sci-Fi -- Biohazard: Degeneration Biohazard: Degeneration -- The story is set in autumn 2005, one year after Resident Evil 4 game took place. Due to an as of yet unexplained reason, zombies appear in a United States airport. The release of the zombies leads to danger of an outbreak. -- Movie - Oct 18, 2008 -- 30,137 7.04
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations -- -- Studio Pierrot -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Martial Arts Shounen -- Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Boruto: Naruto Next Generations -- Following the successful end of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Konohagakure has been enjoying a period of peace, prosperity, and extraordinary technological advancement. This is all due to the efforts of the Allied Shinobi Forces and the village's Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki. Now resembling a modern metropolis, Konohagakure has changed, particularly the life of a shinobi. Under the watchful eye of Naruto and his old comrades, a new generation of shinobi has stepped up to learn the ways of the ninja. -- -- Boruto Uzumaki is often the center of attention as the son of the Seventh Hokage. Despite having inherited Naruto's boisterous and stubborn demeanor, Boruto is considered a prodigy and is able to unleash his potential with the help of supportive friends and family. Unfortunately, this has only worsened his arrogance and his desire to surpass Naruto which, along with his father's busy lifestyle, has strained their relationship. However, a sinister force brewing within the village may threaten Boruto's carefree life. -- -- New friends and familiar faces join Boruto as a new story begins in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 568,584 5.79
Btooom!: Bakusatsu Digest -- -- - -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action -- Btooom!: Bakusatsu Digest Btooom!: Bakusatsu Digest -- Originally streamed on the official Youtube and NicoNico channels and later included on BD/DVD Vol.5. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- ONA - Nov 16, 2012 -- 9,942 5.85
Caligula (TV) -- -- Satelight -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi -- Caligula (TV) Caligula (TV) -- What is happiness? Ever the fan of psychology, questions such as this are ones that high school student Ritsu Shikishima likes to ponder as he spends his peaceful days with his friends. His perfect world, however, begins to unravel when he hears a strange voice obscured by static, pleading for help. This voice belongs to μ, a beloved pop idol, whose singing begins to have an adverse effect on the world. Before Ritsu's very eyes, the faces of his friends and family become distorted by glitches as the sound of μ's voice transforms them into Digiheads: berserk monsters bent on the extermination of all those who begin to awaken to the true nature of their existence. -- -- Realizing that he is trapped in a virtual world created by μ called Mobius, Ritsu must now gather everyone else who has managed to realize the truth before they are all eliminated. Together, they will use their newfound powers and weapons granted by their emotions—known as the Catharsis Effect—to fight off the mysterious group known as The Ostinato Musicians as they struggle to escape. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Ponycan USA -- 66,549 6.02
Chihayafuru 2 -- -- Madhouse -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Josei School Slice of Life Sports -- Chihayafuru 2 Chihayafuru 2 -- Chihaya Ayase is obsessed with developing her school's competitive karuta club, nursing daunting ambitions like winning the national team championship at the Omi Jingu and becoming the Queen, the best female karuta player in Japan—and in extension, the world. As their second year of high school rolls around, Chihaya and her fellow teammates must recruit new members, train their minds and bodies alike, and battle the formidable opponents that stand in their way to the championship title. Meanwhile, Chihaya's childhood friend, Arata Wataya, the prodigy who introduced her to karuta, rediscovers his lost love for the old card game. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 12, 2013 -- 189,304 8.42
Chihayafuru 2 -- -- Madhouse -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Josei School Slice of Life Sports -- Chihayafuru 2 Chihayafuru 2 -- Chihaya Ayase is obsessed with developing her school's competitive karuta club, nursing daunting ambitions like winning the national team championship at the Omi Jingu and becoming the Queen, the best female karuta player in Japan—and in extension, the world. As their second year of high school rolls around, Chihaya and her fellow teammates must recruit new members, train their minds and bodies alike, and battle the formidable opponents that stand in their way to the championship title. Meanwhile, Chihaya's childhood friend, Arata Wataya, the prodigy who introduced her to karuta, rediscovers his lost love for the old card game. -- -- TV - Jan 12, 2013 -- 189,304 8.42
Chihayafuru -- -- Madhouse -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Josei School Slice of Life Sports -- Chihayafuru Chihayafuru -- Chihaya Ayase, a strong-willed and tomboyish girl, grows up under the shadow of her older sister. With no dreams of her own, she is contented with her share in life till she meets Arata Wataya. The quiet transfer student in her elementary class introduces her to competitive karuta, a physically and mentally demanding card game inspired by the classic Japanese anthology of Hundred Poets. Captivated by Arata's passion for the game and inspired by the possibility of becoming the best in Japan, Chihaya quickly falls in love with the world of karuta. Along with the prodigy Arata and her haughty but hard-working friend Taichi Mashima, she joins the local Shiranami Society. The trio spends their idyllic childhood days playing together, until circumstances split them up. -- -- Now in high school, Chihaya has grown into a karuta freak. She aims to establish the Municipal Mizusawa High Competitive Karuta Club, setting her sights on the national championship at Omi Jingu. Reunited with the now indifferent Taichi, Chihaya's dream of establishing a karuta team is only one step away from becoming true: she must bring together members with a passion for the game that matches her own. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 5, 2011 -- 361,019 8.23
Comet Lucifer -- -- 8bit -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Mecha -- Comet Lucifer Comet Lucifer -- In the world of Gift, the bowels of the planet hide a highly sought after crystalline substance known as Giftium. A young boy on Gift named Sougo Amagi inherited his interest in Giftium from his mother, a researcher. As an inhabitant of Garden Indigo, a small and prosperous miner's town, Sougo has many opportunities to forage and collect rare crystals that can only be found there. -- -- However, the most exciting treasure that Sougo discovers is not a crystal, but a person. After being pulled into a school quarrel, he plummets into the deep caverns of an old mine. There, in the abysmal depths of the earth, Felia—an enigmatic girl with red eyes and blue hair—emerges from a large crystal. Through this strange first encounter, bonds of friendship are formed between Felia and Sougo. But Felia is being pursued by a secret organization that aims to use her powers for their own benefit, and Sougo and his friends must help her, all while discovering the true nature of this girl from the crystal. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 98,220 5.85
Darling in the FranXX -- -- A-1 Pictures, CloverWorks, Trigger -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Romance Sci-Fi -- Darling in the FranXX Darling in the FranXX -- In the distant future, humanity has been driven to near-extinction by giant beasts known as Klaxosaurs, forcing the surviving humans to take refuge in massive fortress cities called Plantations. Children raised here are trained to pilot giant mechas known as FranXX—the only weapons known to be effective against the Klaxosaurs—in boy-girl pairs. Bred for the sole purpose of piloting these machines, these children know nothing of the outside world and are only able to prove their existence by defending their race. -- -- Hiro, an aspiring FranXX pilot, has lost his motivation and self-confidence after failing an aptitude test. Skipping out on his class' graduation ceremony, Hiro retreats to a forest lake, where he encounters a mysterious girl with two horns growing out of her head. She introduces herself by her codename Zero Two, which is known to belong to an infamous FranXX pilot known as the "Partner Killer." Before Hiro can digest the encounter, the Plantation is rocked by a sudden Klaxosaur attack. Zero Two engages the creature in her FranXX, but it is heavily damaged in the skirmish and crashes near Hiro. Finding her partner dead, Zero Two invites Hiro to pilot the mecha with her, and the duo easily defeats the Klaxosaur in the ensuing fight. With a new partner by his side, Hiro has been given a chance at redemption for his past failures, but at what cost? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,083,249 7.31
Death Note -- -- Madhouse -- 37 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Police Psychological Supernatural Thriller Shounen -- Death Note Death Note -- A shinigami, as a god of death, can kill any person—provided they see their victim's face and write their victim's name in a notebook called a Death Note. One day, Ryuk, bored by the shinigami lifestyle and interested in seeing how a human would use a Death Note, drops one into the human realm. -- -- High school student and prodigy Light Yagami stumbles upon the Death Note and—since he deplores the state of the world—tests the deadly notebook by writing a criminal's name in it. When the criminal dies immediately following his experiment with the Death Note, Light is greatly surprised and quickly recognizes how devastating the power that has fallen into his hands could be.       -- -- With this divine capability, Light decides to extinguish all criminals in order to build a new world where crime does not exist and people worship him as a god. Police, however, quickly discover that a serial killer is targeting criminals and, consequently, try to apprehend the culprit. To do this, the Japanese investigators count on the assistance of the best detective in the world: a young and eccentric man known only by the name of L. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 2,759,896 8.63
Devilman: Crybaby - Digest Eizou -- -- Science SARU -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Horror Supernatural -- Devilman: Crybaby - Digest Eizou Devilman: Crybaby - Digest Eizou -- A short web recap of the Devilman: Crybaby series, posted on Aniplex's official YouTube channel. -- ONA - Mar 24, 2018 -- 6,211 5.93
Di Gi Charat -- -- Madhouse -- 16 eps -- Original -- Comedy Fantasy Sci-Fi -- Di Gi Charat Di Gi Charat -- Di Gi Charat is a series of shorts created as advertisements for "Digital Gamers", a store in Akihabara. The series follows Dejiko, princess of Di Gi Charat planet, and her companions, Puchiko and Gema, as well as Dejiko's rival, Rabi~en~Rose through daily ordeals they encounter while working at Gamers. -- Princess Di Gi Charat came from the planet Di Gi Charat given only a cat cap and an outfit to disguise herself. Unfortunately she came with no money, only her guardian Gema and friend Petite Charat. Luckily the three stumbled upon a manager of the store Gamers, who offered them a home if they worked at the store. However Di Gi Charat is a selfish young girl who wishes of becoming a star. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks, Synch-Point -- 17,886 6.73
Digimon Adventure 02 -- -- Toei Animation -- 50 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Kids -- Digimon Adventure 02 Digimon Adventure 02 -- Taichi Yagami and his friends have moved on to junior high, but by that time, they have lost contact with their Digimon partners. Taichi is therefore surprised to suddenly receive a distress call summoning him to the Digital World. Once there, he learns that Digimon are living in fear of the mysterious Digimon Emperor, who is somehow suppressing their ability to Digivolve! -- -- In the real world, Hikari Yagami and Takeru Takaishi reunite in the same fifth grade class. They share three schoolmates: Daisuke Motomiya, who reminds them both of Taichi; Miyako Inoue, a technical wizard; and Iori Hida, Miyako's neighbor. When these three children receive "D-3" Digivices, they—along with Hikari and Takeru, who still possess their own original Digivices—comprise the new generation of "Chosen Children" who must save the world once again. With the power of the Armored Digi-Eggs, they must thwart the Digimon Emperor's plans to spread his influence over the entire Digital World. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company, Saban Entertainment -- 192,995 7.24
Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon no Gyakushuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Kids Sci-Fi -- Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon no Gyakushuu Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon no Gyakushuu -- After the events of 02, everything is finally getting back to normal. That is, until a strangely familiar icon starts showing up on computer systems around the Japan. And not just computer systems... TVs, mobile phones, video games; anything with a screen with online capabilities. And this icon seems to be looking for somone... Yagami Taichi, and Ishida Yamato, who defeated it several years before. Yes, it turns out that this jellyfish digimon is in fact Diablomon, the Virus-type Digimon that was defeated in the second movie. But this time, he's learned to make himself physical, and is sending thousands of copies of himself into the real world. -- -- Koushiro and Ken devise a plan to rid the world of the virus once and for all, but it'll take the help of all the Destined, past and present. Once again, it's a race against time to put a stop to Diablomon's plot... but even that is cloaked in shadow. -- -- Will the revival of Omagamon be enough to stop Diablomon a second time, or will the millions of copies prove enough of a power boost to shrug off the "Digimon Champion of Justice"? Of course, he hasn't seen the new breed of Chosen, nor the new techniques. It's a fight to the finish, with the destruction of Tokyo resting on the line. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Saban Brands -- Movie - Mar 3, 2001 -- 46,582 7.28
Digimon Adventure 02 Movies -- -- Toei Animation -- 2 eps -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy Kids Sci-Fi -- Digimon Adventure 02 Movies Digimon Adventure 02 Movies -- Years after a young boy in America loses one of his Digimon friends, an evil viral Digimon successfully kidnaps the original Chosen Children. Their younger friends must race against time with their Digimon partners to discover the source of this new menace, and perhaps solve a years-old mystery. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Saban Entertainment -- Movie - Jul 8, 2000 -- 40,516 7.11
Digimon Adventure 3D: Digimon Grand Prix! -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids Parody Sports -- Digimon Adventure 3D: Digimon Grand Prix! Digimon Adventure 3D: Digimon Grand Prix! -- Digimon special, Mario Kart style racing. -- Movie - Jul 20, 2000 -- 7,301 5.76
Digimon Adventure: Bokura no War Game! -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Kids -- Digimon Adventure: Bokura no War Game! Digimon Adventure: Bokura no War Game! -- This movie takes place after the Adventure series ends. It begins when a new Digimon Egg is found on the internet, and manages to penetrate into almost every computer system in Japan. When the egg hatches, it's identified as a new kind of Digimon, a Virus-type. It sustains itself by eating data from various system, and starts wreaking havok in Japan. As it consumes more and more data, it continues to evolve. And Taichi and Koushiro decide it's time to stop it. -- -- They're off, sending Agumon and Tentomon through the internet to fight off this new enemy. But, with the Virus controlling systems like the American military, all too soon, this digital menace may become all too real. Calling in the help of Yamato and Takeru, they hope that they can stop what's already begun, and maybe save this world a second time. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Saban Entertainment -- Movie - Mar 4, 2000 -- 64,759 7.77
Digimon Adventure -- -- Toei Animation -- 54 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Digimon Adventure Digimon Adventure -- When a group of seven children go to summer camp, the last thing that they expect is snow falling in July. In the confusion that follows this phenomenon, they each receive an odd device that transports them to another world. As soon as they wake up in this new world, they encounter strange creatures who call themselves "Digimon." The Digimon tell them that they've landed in the "Digital World," far from home. -- -- With only the Digimon and the "Digivices" as protection, the seven children set off to find their way home and learn the reason why they were brought here. Led by the impulsive Taichi Yagami and his hungry Digimon partner Agumon, this group will have to fight unknown evils as they discover more about this outlandish Digital World. -- -- 335,127 7.78
Digimon Adventure -- -- Toei Animation -- 54 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Digimon Adventure Digimon Adventure -- When a group of seven children go to summer camp, the last thing that they expect is snow falling in July. In the confusion that follows this phenomenon, they each receive an odd device that transports them to another world. As soon as they wake up in this new world, they encounter strange creatures who call themselves "Digimon." The Digimon tell them that they've landed in the "Digital World," far from home. -- -- With only the Digimon and the "Digivices" as protection, the seven children set off to find their way home and learn the reason why they were brought here. Led by the impulsive Taichi Yagami and his hungry Digimon partner Agumon, this group will have to fight unknown evils as they discover more about this outlandish Digital World. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company, Saban Entertainment -- 335,127 7.78
Digimon Adventure: -- -- Toei Animation -- 66 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Digimon Adventure: Digimon Adventure: -- In the year 2020, technology is everywhere. Every digital device around the world is connected by a singular network where data travels. Unbeknownst to humans, this network has become home to life forms known as "Digimon." -- -- Fifth-grader Taichi Yagami is preparing for summer camp when strange occurrences begin in Tokyo; certain electronic systems have started going haywire. When he discovers that his sister and mother are trapped on an unstoppable train, he rushes to the nearby station. Suddenly, Taichi is transported to another world where he meets a strange creature by the name of Agumon, who somehow already knows his name. Taichi also receives a strange device called a "Digivice," which allows him to communicate with the undigitized world. -- -- Taichi discovers he is in the "Network," and virus-like Digimon are attacking the areas that maintain Tokyo’s electronic systems. It is up to Taichi and his new partner Agumon to stop these cyberattacks before the whole world is threatened by the actions of mischievous Digimon. -- -- 43,352 6.70
Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna -- -- Yumeta Company -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna -- As the Chosen Children and their partner Digimon live happily together in the human world, Taichi Yagami and Yamato Ishida, alongside their friends, dedicate themselves to maintaining this hard-earned peace. Though united by this innate responsibility, each one has already started to take their first steps toward a future beyond being a Chosen Child. -- -- However, this new journey is interrupted by the appearance of Menoa Bellucci, an American professor specializing in Digimon research. She bears news of several Chosen Children from around the world being found comatose, with their partner Digimon nowhere to be found. Menoa's investigations indicate that a new breed of Digimon is behind the alarming phenomenon: Eosmon, who hides within the internet's depths. -- -- To succeed in this mission, the team must endeavor through the growing distance between them and band together one last time. -- -- Movie - Feb 21, 2020 -- 26,274 8.19
Digimon Adventure Movie -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Fantasy Kids Sci-Fi -- Digimon Adventure Movie Digimon Adventure Movie -- A brother and sister discover the digital world is more than 1s and 0s when a living creature arrives out of the family computer. The adventures of a group of children start with the appearance of a Digital Monster in the real world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Saban Entertainment -- Movie - Mar 6, 1999 -- 98,236 7.57
Digimon Adventure Movie -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Fantasy Kids Sci-Fi -- Digimon Adventure Movie Digimon Adventure Movie -- A brother and sister discover the digital world is more than 1s and 0s when a living creature arrives out of the family computer. The adventures of a group of children start with the appearance of a Digital Monster in the real world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Mar 6, 1999 -- 98,236 7.57
Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai -- The gate to the Digital World has been closed for three years. Taichi Yagami and his friends have since moved on, and now that he is in his second year of high school, it is time for him to grow up. While everyone else knows what they want to do with their lives, Taichi remains unsure. Meanwhile, the group drifts further apart as they follow their own paths. -- -- One day, a rogue insectoid Digimon called Kuwagamon materializes and disrupts electronics all over the city. Taichi recklessly chases after it and ends up cornered by the attacking Digimon. Suddenly, the Digivice that he still carries—a digital device that serves various purposes including helping one's Digimon partner to evolve—glows, and Agumon appears. The two are able to defeat Kuwagamon, but why did the Digimon cross over to this world in the first place? What is happening in the Digital World, and how exactly does this involve Meiko Mochizuki, the new transfer student in Taichi's class? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Shout! Factory -- Movie - Nov 21, 2015 -- 100,944 7.47
Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai -- The gate to the Digital World has been closed for three years. Taichi Yagami and his friends have since moved on, and now that he is in his second year of high school, it is time for him to grow up. While everyone else knows what they want to do with their lives, Taichi remains unsure. Meanwhile, the group drifts further apart as they follow their own paths. -- -- One day, a rogue insectoid Digimon called Kuwagamon materializes and disrupts electronics all over the city. Taichi recklessly chases after it and ends up cornered by the attacking Digimon. Suddenly, the Digivice that he still carries—a digital device that serves various purposes including helping one's Digimon partner to evolve—glows, and Agumon appears. The two are able to defeat Kuwagamon, but why did the Digimon cross over to this world in the first place? What is happening in the Digital World, and how exactly does this involve Meiko Mochizuki, the new transfer student in Taichi's class? -- -- Movie - Nov 21, 2015 -- 100,944 7.47
Digimon Adventure tri. 2: Ketsui -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure tri. 2: Ketsui Digimon Adventure tri. 2: Ketsui -- Infected Digimon—digital monsters who have begun acting in a berserk manner and experiencing a bizarre increase in power—are invading the real world. While Maki Himekawa and Daigo Nishijima, agents of the mysterious Incorporated Administrative Agency, attempt to learn more about these disruptive appearances, most of the Chosen Children are busy preparing for Tsukishima General High School's summer festival. -- -- Mimi Tachikawa, having recently returned to Japan after living in the United States for years, struggles to find her footing among her classmates and fellow Chosen Children. Meanwhile, by throwing himself into his studies, Jou Kido has been deliberately avoiding all issues related to Digimon, causing his partner Gomamon to run away. Mimi and Jou's individual actions cause friction within the group even as the threat of infected Digimon still looms over them. Will the two resolve their personal conflicts in time to help their friends fight off the latest threat? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Shout! Factory -- Movie - Mar 12, 2016 -- 69,574 7.50
Digimon Adventure tri. 2: Ketsui -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure tri. 2: Ketsui Digimon Adventure tri. 2: Ketsui -- Infected Digimon—digital monsters who have begun acting in a berserk manner and experiencing a bizarre increase in power—are invading the real world. While Maki Himekawa and Daigo Nishijima, agents of the mysterious Incorporated Administrative Agency, attempt to learn more about these disruptive appearances, most of the Chosen Children are busy preparing for Tsukishima General High School's summer festival. -- -- Mimi Tachikawa, having recently returned to Japan after living in the United States for years, struggles to find her footing among her classmates and fellow Chosen Children. Meanwhile, by throwing himself into his studies, Jou Kido has been deliberately avoiding all issues related to Digimon, causing his partner Gomamon to run away. Mimi and Jou's individual actions cause friction within the group even as the threat of infected Digimon still looms over them. Will the two resolve their personal conflicts in time to help their friends fight off the latest threat? -- -- Movie - Mar 12, 2016 -- 69,574 7.50
Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku -- The Chosen Children are in shock after the betrayal of Meicoomon, the digital monster who had recently joined their group alongside her human partner, Meiko Mochizuki. Koushirou Izumi is determined to diagnose the infection that took control of Meicoomon. Meanwhile, Takeru Takaishi realizes that his own partner, Patamon, is starting to exhibit alarming symptoms similar to that of other infected Digimon, like Meicoomon. -- -- Just then, the Chosen Children receive a message from the mysterious entity Homeostasis, who informs them that their world is in danger of total destruction—and the Digital World, the home of the Digimon, is too. Homeostasis plans to enact a "Reboot," which will reset all the data that makes up the Digital World and eradicate the infection. However, the Reboot will also erase the memories of all Digimon, including the Childrens' partners. Can the Chosen Children stop Meicoomon before the Reboot becomes necessary, or is this the end of their time together with their Digimon? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Shout! Factory -- Movie - Sep 24, 2016 -- 62,313 7.69
Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku -- The Chosen Children are in shock after the betrayal of Meicoomon, the digital monster who had recently joined their group alongside her human partner, Meiko Mochizuki. Koushirou Izumi is determined to diagnose the infection that took control of Meicoomon. Meanwhile, Takeru Takaishi realizes that his own partner, Patamon, is starting to exhibit alarming symptoms similar to that of other infected Digimon, like Meicoomon. -- -- Just then, the Chosen Children receive a message from the mysterious entity Homeostasis, who informs them that their world is in danger of total destruction—and the Digital World, the home of the Digimon, is too. Homeostasis plans to enact a "Reboot," which will reset all the data that makes up the Digital World and eradicate the infection. However, the Reboot will also erase the memories of all Digimon, including the Childrens' partners. Can the Chosen Children stop Meicoomon before the Reboot becomes necessary, or is this the end of their time together with their Digimon? -- -- Movie - Sep 24, 2016 -- 62,313 7.69
Digimon Adventure tri. 4: Soushitsu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure tri. 4: Soushitsu Digimon Adventure tri. 4: Soushitsu -- The Chosen Children have been reunited with their Digimon partners, who no longer remember them due to the effects of a digital reset. While everyone tries to reconnect with their digital monsters, Sora Takenouchi encounters resistance from Piyomon, who stubbornly refuses to speak to her. Suddenly, an attack by a hostile Digimon separates the group, scattering them and their Digimon across the Digital World. -- -- Back in the human world, Daigo Nishijima of the Incorporated Administrative Agency receives a warning that a new entity is in pursuit of "Libra," which he believes to be an alias for Meicoomon. For some reason, Meicoomon retains all of her memories and therefore still recalls her partner Meiko Mochizuki, who has come alone to the Digital World to find her. If they hope to identify what other forces have been driving the incidents thus far, the Chosen Children must survive the obstacles of the recreated Digital World and make their way back home. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Shout! Factory -- Movie - Feb 25, 2017 -- 47,790 7.33
Digimon Adventure tri. 5: Kyousei -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure tri. 5: Kyousei Digimon Adventure tri. 5: Kyousei -- Fifth Digimon Adventure tri film. -- Movie - Sep 30, 2017 -- 40,799 7.19
Digimon Adventure tri. 6: Bokura no Mirai -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure tri. 6: Bokura no Mirai Digimon Adventure tri. 6: Bokura no Mirai -- Sixth and final Digimon Adventure tri film. -- Movie - May 5, 2018 -- 35,796 7.21
Digimon Frontier -- -- Toei Animation -- 50 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Frontier Digimon Frontier -- With five new kids and an exciting new mission in the Digital World, Digimon Frontier brings back all the great action and adventure of the last three seasons. Takuya, Kouji, Izumi, Junpei. and Tomoki meet each other in a train that takes them to the Digital World where a war against evil is being fought. The Angel digimon, Cherubimon, one of The three angels sent to save the World from the power-hungry Lucemon, has turned to the dark side and the entire Digital World is in peril. To fight this great battle, the five CHOSEN ONES must find the Densetsu no Spirit (Legendary Spirit). -- 131,242 7.15
Digimon Frontier -- -- Toei Animation -- 50 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Frontier Digimon Frontier -- With five new kids and an exciting new mission in the Digital World, Digimon Frontier brings back all the great action and adventure of the last three seasons. Takuya, Kouji, Izumi, Junpei. and Tomoki meet each other in a train that takes them to the Digital World where a war against evil is being fought. The Angel digimon, Cherubimon, one of The three angels sent to save the World from the power-hungry Lucemon, has turned to the dark side and the entire Digital World is in peril. To fight this great battle, the five CHOSEN ONES must find the Densetsu no Spirit (Legendary Spirit). -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company -- 131,242 7.15
Digimon Frontier: Ornismon Fukkatsu!! -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Frontier: Ornismon Fukkatsu!! Digimon Frontier: Ornismon Fukkatsu!! -- The five digi-destined children stumble upon an ancient island inhabited by two different types of digimon; The Beast types, and the Human types. When they see two young digimon-a beast and humanoid-have become friends, they decide something must be done about the feud. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 20, 2002 -- 17,951 6.86
Digimon Savers 3D: Digital World Kiki Ippatsu! -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Kids Supernatural -- Digimon Savers 3D: Digital World Kiki Ippatsu! Digimon Savers 3D: Digital World Kiki Ippatsu! -- The Digimon travel through the digital word and discover a Digimon eating away the Digital World, thus they resolve to save it. -- Movie - Jul 8, 2006 -- 5,582 6.03
Digimon Savers: Agumon! Gaomon! Lalamon! Bakuretsu! Jougai Last Battle! -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Digimon Savers: Agumon! Gaomon! Lalamon! Bakuretsu! Jougai Last Battle! Digimon Savers: Agumon! Gaomon! Lalamon! Bakuretsu! Jougai Last Battle! -- A recap of the whole Digimon Savers TV series in one episode, with original commentary by Agumon, Gaomon, and Lalamon, included in the final volume of the DVD releases. -- -- Special - Aug 24, 2007 -- 6,626 6.59
Digimon Savers -- -- Toei Animation -- 48 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Savers Digimon Savers -- Upon meeting for the first time, undefeated street fighter Marcus Damon and renegade Digimon Agumon become friends in the most natural way possible for the knuckleheaded duo—by fighting their hearts out. The self-proclaimed "ultimate team" are recruited by a secret government organization called the Digimon Data Squad, or DATS, who had witnessed an unbelievable human fighting blow for blow with a Digimon. Their primary objective is investigating mysterious problems caused by Digimon entering the real world, and the world is currently in the midst of a crisis with Digimon appearing at an unprecedented rate. -- -- Embarking on various missions with DATS, Marcus and Agumon become colleagues with adolescent genius Thomas H. Norstein and his Digimon partner Gaoman, along with the kind-hearted Yoshino "Yoshi" Fujeda and her Digimon partner Lalamon. As the group continues to investigate the rapid increase of Digimon in their world, a darker truth begins to surface, and it is up to Marcus, Agumon, and their friends to get to the bottom of things. -- -- 73,141 6.95
Digimon Savers -- -- Toei Animation -- 48 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Savers Digimon Savers -- Upon meeting for the first time, undefeated street fighter Marcus Damon and renegade Digimon Agumon become friends in the most natural way possible for the knuckleheaded duo—by fighting their hearts out. The self-proclaimed "ultimate team" are recruited by a secret government organization called the Digimon Data Squad, or DATS, who had witnessed an unbelievable human fighting blow for blow with a Digimon. Their primary objective is investigating mysterious problems caused by Digimon entering the real world, and the world is currently in the midst of a crisis with Digimon appearing at an unprecedented rate. -- -- Embarking on various missions with DATS, Marcus and Agumon become colleagues with adolescent genius Thomas H. Norstein and his Digimon partner Gaoman, along with the kind-hearted Yoshino "Yoshi" Fujeda and her Digimon partner Lalamon. As the group continues to investigate the rapid increase of Digimon in their world, a darker truth begins to surface, and it is up to Marcus, Agumon, and their friends to get to the bottom of things. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company -- 73,141 6.95
Digimon Savers the Movie: Kyuukyoku Power! Burst Mode Hatsudou!! -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Savers the Movie: Kyuukyoku Power! Burst Mode Hatsudou!! Digimon Savers the Movie: Kyuukyoku Power! Burst Mode Hatsudou!! -- The human world has been attacked by an unknown force. Using poisoned thorns, it has put all humans to sleep. Agumon, Gaomon and Lalamon are the only ones left to defeat this enemy. Guided by Rhythm, a young girl they saved, they learn that their enemy is called Argomon. But what can the three digimon do, when they can't even evolve. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Dec 9, 2006 -- 11,790 6.56
Digimon Tamers: Boukensha-tachi no Tatakai -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Drama Sci-Fi Shounen -- Digimon Tamers: Boukensha-tachi no Tatakai Digimon Tamers: Boukensha-tachi no Tatakai -- Takato and Guilmon go on vacation to Okinawa and meet a fellow tamer, Minami. Back in Japan, a popular computer pet suddenly becomes a virus, infecting all of the computers who have it. As the virus spreads, Takato tries to figure out why digimon are all attacking his new friend, and what her connection is to the virus. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Saban Brands -- Movie - Jul 14, 2001 -- 18,897 6.98
Digimon Tamers: Boukensha-tachi no Tatakai -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Drama Sci-Fi Shounen -- Digimon Tamers: Boukensha-tachi no Tatakai Digimon Tamers: Boukensha-tachi no Tatakai -- Takato and Guilmon go on vacation to Okinawa and meet a fellow tamer, Minami. Back in Japan, a popular computer pet suddenly becomes a virus, infecting all of the computers who have it. As the virus spreads, Takato tries to figure out why digimon are all attacking his new friend, and what her connection is to the virus. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 14, 2001 -- 18,897 6.98
Digimon Tamers: Bousou Digimon Tokkyuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Digimon Tamers: Bousou Digimon Tokkyuu Digimon Tamers: Bousou Digimon Tokkyuu -- Locomon, a train digimon, has suddenly appeared in the real world. All the tamers scramble to stop the train before it reaches its final destination: the portal into the Digital world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Saban Brands -- Movie - Mar 2, 2002 -- 21,751 7.06
Digimon Tamers: Bousou Digimon Tokkyuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Digimon Tamers: Bousou Digimon Tokkyuu Digimon Tamers: Bousou Digimon Tokkyuu -- Locomon, a train digimon, has suddenly appeared in the real world. All the tamers scramble to stop the train before it reaches its final destination: the portal into the Digital world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Mar 2, 2002 -- 21,751 7.06
Digimon Tamers -- -- Toei Animation -- 51 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Tamers Digimon Tamers -- Digimon Tamers takes place in a world where the popular Digimon franchise is all the rage, consisting of a cartoon, video games, and the trading card game. Takato Matsuda is a huge Digimon fan that's particularly obsessed with the card game, and constantly daydreams about the universe therein. One day, he finds a mysterious blue card, which he slides through a scanner toy to use in the popular battle game. His toy suddenly glows and transforms into a Digivice, and Takato's fan-made design, Guilmon, materialises in front of him. Thrilled by the prospect of having a real-life Digimon, Takato embraces his new partner, and his adventures as a Digimon Tamer begin. -- -- Takato quickly discovers that being a Digimon Tamer is not all fun and games—in reality, it's much more dangerous than the card games he's accustomed to. Wild Digimon have begun to appear all across Japan, causing rampages that result in chaos and mayhem. Armed with his Digivice, which can scan trading cards to strengthen Guilmon, Takato and his new partner set out to combat the rogue Digimon. They are tasked with protecting the world from Digimon attacks, whilst a mysterious organization determined to eliminate all Digimon and their Tamers lurks in the shadows... -- 164,683 7.62
Digimon Tamers -- -- Toei Animation -- 51 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Tamers Digimon Tamers -- Digimon Tamers takes place in a world where the popular Digimon franchise is all the rage, consisting of a cartoon, video games, and the trading card game. Takato Matsuda is a huge Digimon fan that's particularly obsessed with the card game, and constantly daydreams about the universe therein. One day, he finds a mysterious blue card, which he slides through a scanner toy to use in the popular battle game. His toy suddenly glows and transforms into a Digivice, and Takato's fan-made design, Guilmon, materialises in front of him. Thrilled by the prospect of having a real-life Digimon, Takato embraces his new partner, and his adventures as a Digimon Tamer begin. -- -- Takato quickly discovers that being a Digimon Tamer is not all fun and games—in reality, it's much more dangerous than the card games he's accustomed to. Wild Digimon have begun to appear all across Japan, causing rampages that result in chaos and mayhem. Armed with his Digivice, which can scan trading cards to strengthen Guilmon, Takato and his new partner set out to combat the rogue Digimon. They are tasked with protecting the world from Digimon attacks, whilst a mysterious organization determined to eliminate all Digimon and their Tamers lurks in the shadows... -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company, Saban Entertainment -- 164,683 7.62
Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters -- -- Toei Animation -- 52 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Kids Fantasy -- Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters -- Everyone in the world uses smartphone apps. But inside them lurks unknown creatures called "Appli Monsters," or "Appmon." The Appmon are AI lifeforms with the ability to think and act, and exist in the boundary between the human world and digital space. In the vast sea of the internet, the "last boss AI" Leviathan takes control of the Appmon with a virus and begins hacking every system, thus starting to control the human world from the world of the net. Haru Shinkai is led to acquire the Appli Drive, and uses it to materialize Gatchmon, a search app monster. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 11,498 6.58
Digimon X-Evolution -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Sci-Fi -- Digimon X-Evolution Digimon X-Evolution -- A virtual world was created by the present-day network called the "Digital World." The "Digital Monster," which is a digital life object, was born, and the host computer Yggdrasil managed the different Digital World areas. However, it developed the X Program of fear to eliminate all Digimon in the old world and develop a new Digital World for only certain Digimon... Now, the greatest crisis ever approaches the Digital World. -- -- The X-Digimon, a new type of Digital Monster, is hunted by the Royal Knights who protect the Digital Worlds. Their master, the network overseer Yggdrasil, seeks to set in motion Project Ark to renew the Digital Worlds and create new Digimon, but at the cost of all other digital life. This new X-Digimon will seek out the answers to its own existence as it tries to protect the life of all Digimon, and in the process it will change the Digital Worlds forever. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jan 3, 2005 -- 18,291 7.10
Digimon Xros Wars: Aku no Death General to Nanatsu no Oukoku -- -- Toei Animation -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Comedy Shounen -- Digimon Xros Wars: Aku no Death General to Nanatsu no Oukoku Digimon Xros Wars: Aku no Death General to Nanatsu no Oukoku -- Returning to the Digital World, Taiki and Shoutmon learn that the Bagra Army has taken it over and reformatted the world to have Seven Kingdoms, each ruled by a general. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- 22,726 7.14
Digimon Xros Wars: Aku no Death General to Nanatsu no Oukoku -- -- Toei Animation -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Comedy Shounen -- Digimon Xros Wars: Aku no Death General to Nanatsu no Oukoku Digimon Xros Wars: Aku no Death General to Nanatsu no Oukoku -- Returning to the Digital World, Taiki and Shoutmon learn that the Bagra Army has taken it over and reformatted the world to have Seven Kingdoms, each ruled by a general. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company -- 22,726 7.14
Digimon Xros Wars -- -- Toei Animation -- 30 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Xros Wars -- The Digital World is in a state of war, with the evil Bagra Army attempting to collect fragments of the Code Crown. Whoever manages to collect all 108 fragments will become king of the Digital World. An evil group of Digimon, known as the Bagra Army, are determined to get their hands on the Code Crown. -- -- Digimon Xros Wars features Taiki Kudou, a soccer-loving middle schooler who will always go out of his way to help people in need. When out with his friends Akari Hinomoto and Zenjirou Tsurugi one day, he hears a voice calling out for help. Investigating the situation, he meets a Digimon named Shoutmon who has been severely wounded in a nearby alley. Using the power of a strange device called a Xros Loader, Taiki manages to save Shoutmon's life, but is pulled into the Digital World alongside Akari and Zenjirou. -- -- Determined not to let the evil Bagra have their way, Taiki and his friends join with Shoutmon and other local Digimon to form their own army known as Xros Heart. Now Xros Heart must fight their way across the Digital World to collect Code Crown fragments and defeat the Bagra Army, but Taiki and his friends are not the only humans caught up in this war of monsters… -- 39,899 6.71
Digimon Xros Wars -- -- Toei Animation -- 30 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Xros Wars -- The Digital World is in a state of war, with the evil Bagra Army attempting to collect fragments of the Code Crown. Whoever manages to collect all 108 fragments will become king of the Digital World. An evil group of Digimon, known as the Bagra Army, are determined to get their hands on the Code Crown. -- -- Digimon Xros Wars features Taiki Kudou, a soccer-loving middle schooler who will always go out of his way to help people in need. When out with his friends Akari Hinomoto and Zenjirou Tsurugi one day, he hears a voice calling out for help. Investigating the situation, he meets a Digimon named Shoutmon who has been severely wounded in a nearby alley. Using the power of a strange device called a Xros Loader, Taiki manages to save Shoutmon's life, but is pulled into the Digital World alongside Akari and Zenjirou. -- -- Determined not to let the evil Bagra have their way, Taiki and his friends join with Shoutmon and other local Digimon to form their own army known as Xros Heart. Now Xros Heart must fight their way across the Digital World to collect Code Crown fragments and defeat the Bagra Army, but Taiki and his friends are not the only humans caught up in this war of monsters… -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company -- 39,899 6.71
Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi -- Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi takes place one year after the defeat of Bagramon and company. Since then, Taiki Kudou and Yuu Amano have formed a basketball team with Yuu’s classmate, Tagiru Akashi. One day, Tagiru discovers a strange area called the DigiQuartz, a strange and unstable realm that exists between the human and digital worlds. He then realises that children all over the world have obtained Xros Loaders as well as Digimon partners to participate in a competition called the 'Digimon Hunt'. -- -- Digimon that wander from the digital world into the DigiQuartz are able to feed off of what negative emotions leak in from the human world. This makes the Digimon stronger at the expense of being extremely violent. As a result, the Digimon Hunters must work to stop these Digimon from wreaking havoc in the human world. Joined by the troublemaking Gumdramon, Tagiru aims to become the top Digimon Hunter, all the while unaware of Taiki and Yuu’s previous Digimon connections. Yet a sinister force lurks with the creation of the DigiQuartz, and the young Hunters will soon realize that the Digimon Hunt is much more than a simple game... -- 21,558 6.43
Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi -- Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi takes place one year after the defeat of Bagramon and company. Since then, Taiki Kudou and Yuu Amano have formed a basketball team with Yuu’s classmate, Tagiru Akashi. One day, Tagiru discovers a strange area called the DigiQuartz, a strange and unstable realm that exists between the human and digital worlds. He then realises that children all over the world have obtained Xros Loaders as well as Digimon partners to participate in a competition called the 'Digimon Hunt'. -- -- Digimon that wander from the digital world into the DigiQuartz are able to feed off of what negative emotions leak in from the human world. This makes the Digimon stronger at the expense of being extremely violent. As a result, the Digimon Hunters must work to stop these Digimon from wreaking havoc in the human world. Joined by the troublemaking Gumdramon, Tagiru aims to become the top Digimon Hunter, all the while unaware of Taiki and Yuu’s previous Digimon connections. Yet a sinister force lurks with the creation of the DigiQuartz, and the young Hunters will soon realize that the Digimon Hunt is much more than a simple game... -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company -- 21,558 6.43
Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei -- -- animate Film -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Adventure Mystery Horror Demons Psychological Supernatural Drama Fantasy School -- Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei -- Akemi Nakajima, is a high school student with a genius talent for computer programming. -- One day, Yumiko Shirasagi is transferred to the same class as him. She feels she knows Nakajima from somewhere, but doesn't try to deal with it. After school, Nakajima and a couple of classmates held a ceremony to summon the devil. Nakajima summons the devil Loki on the computer display while presenting a female offering. What will happen to Yumiko, who witnessed the scene? -- -- (Source: Official site, edited) -- OVA - Mar 25, 1987 -- 5,914 5.20
Fate/Prototype -- -- Lerche -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Supernatural Magic Romance Fantasy Shounen -- Fate/Prototype Fate/Prototype -- Fate/Prototype is a digest version of Kinoko Nasu's original version of Fate/stay night. -- OVA - Dec 31, 2011 -- 92,004 6.71
Fuujin Monogatari -- -- Production I.G -- 13 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Fantasy Supernatural School Drama -- Fuujin Monogatari Fuujin Monogatari -- Nao, an 8th grader, is one of the only two members of a Digital Camera Club, where she also serves as the manager. It's a mystery that she shoots nothing else but the skies and clouds. One day, she finds a cat on a rooftop where she usually shoots her camera. It's a cat that knows how to manipulate the flow of a wind. Shocked to find a strange animal, Nao loses her footing and falls off from the rooftop! -- -- Miki is the other member of the club, and also Nao's best friend. Mr. Taiki is the teacher who's taught the cat how to manipulate the flow of a wind. Ryoko is a girl who has a huge crush on Mr. Taiki. And there's Jun, who helps Nao and Miki look for a cat that can fly. Then, there's Yukio, who is the widow of Mr. Taiki's deceased brother. -- -- On the outskirts of this big city, a town off the "Wind Handlers," has been formed—and a mysterious Wind Festival is about to begin... -- -- (Source: Production I.G) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Sep 11, 2004 -- 14,738 7.22
Gantz:O -- -- Digital Frontier -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Ecchi Seinen -- Gantz:O Gantz:O -- Death does not have to be the end; one can live again, but only through beating the game posed by the black ball called Gantz. -- -- On his way home to celebrate his younger brother's birthday, brave and kind-hearted student named Masaru Katou is stabbed to death. He awakes in a small room with a cityscape view in the heart of Tokyo—and he is not alone. To his surprise, it is not the afterlife, but the waiting room for a high stakes game with their lives on the line. Before he has the chance to process the situation, Masaru is handed a gun and teleported into the center of Osaka to carry out one simple task: eliminate any alien on sight. -- -- Accompanied by the aged Yoshikazu Suzuki, the stunning idol Reika Shimohira, and the cold but experienced Jouichirou Nishi, Masaru must overcome his fears in order to survive the game and return home to his waiting brother. -- -- Movie - Oct 14, 2016 -- 74,402 7.44
GJ-bu -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- GJ-bu GJ-bu -- School clubs usually advertise their activities, but the goings-on of the GJ Club are a mystery. Kyouya "Kyoro" Shinomiya recently joined and became the sole male member of the five-person club. -- -- Besides Kyoro, there is Mao Amatsuka, the club president who has a tendency to bite Kyoro when she gets mad or bashful; Megumi Amatsuka, Mao's composed younger sister who always makes tea and desserts for the club's members; Shion Sumeragi, a demure chess prodigy; and Kirara Bernstein, a meat lover with a strong feline personality. All four girls have some form of interest in Kyoro. -- -- With the girls' idiosyncratic and cute personalities, Kyoro's time in GJ-bu will never be a dull one, for better or for worse. -- -- TV - Jan 10, 2013 -- 150,001 7.34
Golden Boy -- -- APPP -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Ecchi -- Golden Boy Golden Boy -- Kintarou Ooe is a specialist in part-time work, riding all over the highways and byways of Japan on his trusty steed, the Mikazuki 5, and finding employment wherever he can. His adventures bring him knowledge and experience that can't be taught in a classroom, from political corruption to the delicacy of a young woman's heart. With nothing but the open road before him—not to mention the many beautiful women along the way—Kintarou pursues his spirit of education while attempting to hold down his various odd jobs, however undignified they may be. As he learns from each task he takes on, who knows what could happen? He might even be able to save the world one day. One thing is for sure—this will all be very educational! -- -- OVA - Oct 27, 1995 -- 264,015 8.02
Golgo 13: Queen Bee -- -- Filmlink International -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Military Drama Seinen -- Golgo 13: Queen Bee Golgo 13: Queen Bee -- Master assassin Golgo 13 is hired by the advisor of presidential candidate Robert Hardy to assassinate "Queen Bee," the beautiful and deadly leader of a South American guerilla army. Golgo, however, finds this job too easy and digs further information to find out the true connection between Hardy and Queen Bee. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Urban Vision -- OVA - May 21, 1998 -- 8,082 6.59
Grey: Digital Target -- -- Magic Bus -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama Shounen -- Grey: Digital Target Grey: Digital Target -- Grey is a laconic trooper in a rough, futuristic military system which rewards success in battle with high pay and promotions, but only three precent of troopers live long enough for the final goal - citizenship and the chance for a life above the misery of most of the populace. Grey has managed to keep coming back alive, even earning the nickname Grey Death. But is the society he's fought for worth it? -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 13, 1986 -- 2,140 6.15
Guilstein -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Horror Sci-Fi -- Guilstein Guilstein -- The theatrical anime film is a full digital (3-D) action/horror film based on a manga by Tamaki Hisao, best known to Western fans for his manga adaptation of Star Wars: A New Hope. Characters were designed by Yasushi Nirasawa, a well acclaimed maker of creature action figures. Monkey Punch (Lupin III creator) served as the film's script superviser. Set in the year 2088, it depicts a dark future in which humans have been transformed into the "Guilstein," creatures with no human souls in them... -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Jun 15, 2002 -- 665 N/A -- -- Alice in Voodooland -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Other -- Music Dementia Horror Fantasy -- Alice in Voodooland Alice in Voodooland -- Music video by Kousuke Sugimoto for the title track Alice In Voodooland by RoughSketch and featuring Aikapin. -- Music - Oct 5, 2016 -- 655 5.60
Hellsing: Digest for Freaks -- -- Satelight -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Horror Military Seinen Super Power Supernatural Vampire -- Hellsing: Digest for Freaks Hellsing: Digest for Freaks -- This OVA is a summary of the first three episodes of Hellsing, with the animation style of Hellsing Ultimate and following the events of the Hellsing manga. -- OVA - Jan 22, 2006 -- 35,617 7.67
Hidan no Aria -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Romance School -- Hidan no Aria Hidan no Aria -- In response to the worsening crime rate, Japan creates Tokyo Butei High, an elite academy where "Butei" or armed detectives hone their deadly skills in hopes of becoming mercenary-like agents of justice. One particular Butei is Kinji Tooyama, an anti-social and curt sophomore dropout who was once a student of the combat-centric Assault Division. Kinji now lives a life of leisure studying logistics in order to cover up his powerful but embarrassing special ability. However, his peaceful days soon come to an end when he becomes the target of the infamous "Butei Killer," and runs into an emotional hurricane and outspoken prodigy of the highest rank, Aria Holmes Kanzaki, who saves Kinji's life and demands that he become her partner after seeing what he is truly capable of. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 15, 2011 -- 318,513 6.87
Hidan no Aria -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Romance School -- Hidan no Aria Hidan no Aria -- In response to the worsening crime rate, Japan creates Tokyo Butei High, an elite academy where "Butei" or armed detectives hone their deadly skills in hopes of becoming mercenary-like agents of justice. One particular Butei is Kinji Tooyama, an anti-social and curt sophomore dropout who was once a student of the combat-centric Assault Division. Kinji now lives a life of leisure studying logistics in order to cover up his powerful but embarrassing special ability. However, his peaceful days soon come to an end when he becomes the target of the infamous "Butei Killer," and runs into an emotional hurricane and outspoken prodigy of the highest rank, Aria Holmes Kanzaki, who saves Kinji's life and demands that he become her partner after seeing what he is truly capable of. -- -- TV - Apr 15, 2011 -- 318,513 6.87
Higashi no Eden -- -- Production I.G -- 11 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mystery Drama Romance Thriller -- Higashi no Eden Higashi no Eden -- On November 22, 2010, Japan was hit by missile strikes, a terrorist act that fortunately did not harm anyone, becoming known as "Careless Monday." Quickly forgotten, society goes on about their lives as normal. -- -- During her graduation trip to America three months later, friendly college student Saki Morimi's life is forever changed when she finds herself saved from unexpected trouble by Akira Takizawa. Takizawa is cheerful, but odd in many ways—he is stark naked and suffers from amnesia, believing himself to be a terrorist. In addition, he possesses a strange cell phone loaded with 8.2 billion yen in digital cash. -- -- Despite Takizawa's suspicious traits, Saki quickly befriends the enigmatic young man. However, unbeknownst to her, this is the beginning of a thrilling death game involving money, cell phones, and the salvation of the world. Higashi no Eden chronicles Saki's struggle to unravel the mysteries behind her savior, while Takizawa himself battles other individuals armed with similar cell phones and returning memories which reveal his possible connection to the event from months ago. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 476,305 7.82
Hikaru no Go -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 75 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Game Shounen Supernatural -- Hikaru no Go Hikaru no Go -- While searching through his grandfather's attic, Hikaru Shindou stumbles upon an old go board. Touching it, he is greeted by a mysterious voice, and soon after falls unconscious. When he regains his senses, he discovers that the voice is still present and belongs to Sai Fujiwara no, the spirit of an ancient go expert. A go instructor for the Japanese Emperor in the Heian Era, Sai's passion for the game transcends time and space, allowing him to continue playing his beloved game as a ghostly entity. Sai's ultimate goal is to master a divine go technique that no player has achieved so far, and he seeks to accomplish this by playing the board game through Hikaru. -- -- Despite having no interest in board games, Hikaru reluctantly agrees to play, executing moves as instructed by Sai. However, when he encounters the young go prodigy Akira Touya, a passion for the game is slowly ignited within him. Inspired by his newfound rival, Hikaru's journey into the world of go is just beginning. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Oct 10, 2001 -- 113,725 8.10
Hikaru no Go -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 75 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Game Shounen Supernatural -- Hikaru no Go Hikaru no Go -- While searching through his grandfather's attic, Hikaru Shindou stumbles upon an old go board. Touching it, he is greeted by a mysterious voice, and soon after falls unconscious. When he regains his senses, he discovers that the voice is still present and belongs to Sai Fujiwara no, the spirit of an ancient go expert. A go instructor for the Japanese Emperor in the Heian Era, Sai's passion for the game transcends time and space, allowing him to continue playing his beloved game as a ghostly entity. Sai's ultimate goal is to master a divine go technique that no player has achieved so far, and he seeks to accomplish this by playing the board game through Hikaru. -- -- Despite having no interest in board games, Hikaru reluctantly agrees to play, executing moves as instructed by Sai. However, when he encounters the young go prodigy Akira Touya, a passion for the game is slowly ignited within him. Inspired by his newfound rival, Hikaru's journey into the world of go is just beginning. -- -- TV - Oct 10, 2001 -- 113,725 8.10
Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen 3rd Season -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Fantasy -- Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen 3rd Season Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen 3rd Season -- Third season of Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 24,519 N/A -- -- Oshiete! Galko-chan: Natsuyasumitte Hontou Desu ka? -- -- feel. -- 1 ep -- Digital manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Oshiete! Galko-chan: Natsuyasumitte Hontou Desu ka? Oshiete! Galko-chan: Natsuyasumitte Hontou Desu ka? -- Bundled with fourth manga volume. -- OVA - Jan 23, 2017 -- 24,311 7.11
Id:Invaded -- -- NAZ -- 13 eps -- Original -- Mystery Police Psychological Sci-Fi -- Id:Invaded Id:Invaded -- The Mizuhanome System is a highly advanced development that allows people to enter one of the most intriguing places in existence—the human mind. Through the use of so-called "cognition particles" left behind at a crime scene by the perpetrator, detectives from the specialized police squad Kura can manifest a criminal's unconscious mind as a bizarre stream of thoughts in a virtual world. Their task is to explore this psychological plane, called an "id well," to reveal the identity of the culprit. -- -- Not just anyone can enter the id wells; the prerequisite is that you must have killed someone yourself. Such is the case for former detective Akihito Narihisago, who is known as "Sakaido" inside the id wells. Once a respected member of the police, tragedy struck, and he soon found himself on the other side of the law. -- -- Nevertheless, Narihisago continues to assist Kura in confinement. While his prodigious detective skills still prove useful toward investigations, Narihisago discovers that not everything is as it seems, as behind the seemingly standalone series of murder cases lurks a much more sinister truth. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 227,851 7.89
Inazuma Eleven Go -- -- OLM -- 47 eps -- Game -- Shounen Sports Super Power -- Inazuma Eleven Go Inazuma Eleven Go -- Tenma Matsukaze is a new student at Raimon Junior High. Due to his love for soccer, he decides to join the school soccer team, which gained its reputation after the amazing performance shown ten years earlier in the Football Frontier International, a tournament that hosts the best youth teams the world has to offer. Unfortunately, the once renowned school doesn't have the soccer spirit it once enjoyed. -- -- This is primarily due to the fact that soccer in Japan is now controlled by a dark entity known as the "Fifth Sector." They alone decide the fate of every match, instructing teams to either win or lose. The actions of the Fifth Sector have beaten down the country’s soccer teams, who no longer have a love for the game. -- -- Tenma and his teammates will look to shift this paradigm and fight back against their evil oppressors. Thankfully, they will not be alone in this battle, as they will get help from a group known as the "Resistance." Cheer on the boys of Inazuma Eleven Go as they fight the good fight! -- TV - May 4, 2011 -- 57,397 6.96
Injuu Seisen: Twin Angels -- -- Arms -- 4 eps -- Original -- Hentai Horror -- Injuu Seisen: Twin Angels Injuu Seisen: Twin Angels -- The Demon King has arisen to enslave humanity with his legions of sex demons! Our only hope: the delectable yet deadly warrior twins Ai and Mai. But the sexy sisters are betrayed by an old friend, and it's not long before they're trapped and tortured mercilessly by monsters. Now only a miracle can save them. -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media, NuTech Digital -- OVA - May 12, 1995 -- 2,183 5.63
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV) -- -- David Production -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Supernatural Vampire Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV) JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV) -- In 1868, Dario Brando saves the life of an English nobleman, George Joestar. By taking in Dario's son Dio when the boy becomes fatherless, George hopes to repay the debt he owes to his savior. However Dio, unsatisfied with his station in life, aspires to seize the Joestar house for his own. Wielding an Aztec stone mask with supernatural properties, he sets out to destroy George and his son, Jonathan "JoJo" Joestar, and triggers a chain of events that will continue to echo through the years to come. -- -- Half a century later, in New York City, Jonathan's grandson Joseph Joestar discovers the legacy his grandfather left for him. When an archeological dig unearths the truth behind the stone mask, he realizes that he is the only one who can defeat the Pillar Men, mystical beings of immeasurable power who inadvertently began everything. -- -- Adapted from the first two arcs of Hirohiko Araki's outlandish manga series, JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken follows the many thrilling expeditions of JoJo and his descendants. Whether it's facing off with the evil Dio, or combatting the sinister Pillar Men, there's always plenty of bizarre adventures in store. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media, Warner Bros. Pictures -- 1,054,934 8.01
Kimi wa Kanata -- -- Digital Network Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Fantasy -- Kimi wa Kanata Kimi wa Kanata -- Mio has feelings for her childhood friend Arata, but can't convey her feelings. One day, as they continue their delicate relationship, the two fight over something trivial. After letting tensions settle, Mio goes to make up with him in the pouring rain. While on her way, she gets into a traffic accident. When she regains consciousness, a mysterious and unfamiliar world appears before her eyes. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- Movie - Nov 27, 2020 -- 22,390 N/A -- -- Aru Tabibito no Nikki -- -- - -- 6 eps -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy -- Aru Tabibito no Nikki Aru Tabibito no Nikki -- Tortov Roddle is a man of few words on a journey through a calm and obscure new land, interacting with its inhabitants along the way. As he rides on his long-legged pig through the desert from town to town, he observes the interesting and quirky customs of the locals and reminisces about his past. -- -- ONA - Mar 19, 2003 -- 22,384 7.12
Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet -- We lay our scene in the fair Dahlia Academy, where two countries, both alike in dignity, come together; the "Black Doggies" of the Eastern Nation of Touwa and "White Cats" of the Principality of West have a longstanding feud. Romio Inuzuka and Juliet Persia, leaders of their respective dorms, seem to be bitter enemies. -- -- In reality, however, Romio and Juliet are hopelessly in love, but revealing their relationship would call upon the ire of all their comrades. They hide their love to maintain peace, but a clandestine relationship means they miss out on many of the activities couples get to do. As they grow closer together, Romio and Juliet must come to terms with the fact that keeping their relationship a secret may prove to be impossible. -- -- 235,050 7.46
Knight's & Magic -- -- 8bit -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Mecha School -- Knight's & Magic Knight's & Magic -- Having died in a car accident, Tsubasa Kurata—an otaku from modern Japan—is reborn in the Fremmevilla Kingdom, a medieval world where powerful mechs called Silhouette Knights are used to fight horrific demonic beasts. -- -- Born into a noble family under the name of Ernesti Echevarria and bestowed with prodigious magical abilities, he enrolls into Royal Laihaila Academy. This school of magic trains young men and women on how to pilot the Silhouette Knights, prepping them to protect the kingdom from threats, both demonic and human. Ernesti teams up with the twins named Adeltrud and Archid Olter with the goal to create his own Silhouette Knight one day, a feat unheard of for several centuries. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 186,919 7.12
Kodomo no Omocha (TV) -- -- Gallop -- 102 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shoujo -- Kodomo no Omocha (TV) Kodomo no Omocha (TV) -- Sixth grader Sana Kurata has a perfect life. Her mother is a (fairly) successful author, she has a young man employed to keep her happy and safe, and best of all, she is the star of the children's television show Kodomo no Omocha. There's just one thing bothering her, and that's Akito Hayama. -- -- Akito is a classmate of Sana's, and ever since he's started acting out in class, the rest of the boys have followed his example. Every day, the girls and the teacher wage a battle to keep the class under control and to get some actual learning done. That rotten Akito… Sana won't stand for this! -- -- The hyperactive Sana decides to dig deeper and find out what makes Akito tick, so class can go back to normal and the teacher can stop spending every day crying instead of teaching. But the more she learns about him, the more she realizes that there might be more to Akito than meets the eye. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Funimation -- 50,873 8.04
Kono Oto Tomare! -- -- Platinum Vision -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Drama Music Romance School Shounen -- Kono Oto Tomare! Kono Oto Tomare! -- Gen Kudou, a koto maker, believes that his delinquent grandson Chika would never understand the profoundness of the traditional musical instrument. In an attempt to make up for his naivety and understand the words of his late grandfather, Chika tries to join the Tokise High School Koto Club. -- -- Even though the club is in dire need of members, new club president Takezou Kurata is unwilling to easily accept Chika's application due to his bad reputation. Nonetheless, after seeing Chika's seriousness and enthusiasm, Takezou allows the problem child to join, along with koto prodigy Satowa Houzuki and three of Chika's energetic friends. Kono Oto Tomare! follows the merry band of musicians as they aspire to play at the national competition. -- -- 157,320 7.87
Kono Oto Tomare! -- -- Platinum Vision -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Drama Music Romance School Shounen -- Kono Oto Tomare! Kono Oto Tomare! -- Gen Kudou, a koto maker, believes that his delinquent grandson Chika would never understand the profoundness of the traditional musical instrument. In an attempt to make up for his naivety and understand the words of his late grandfather, Chika tries to join the Tokise High School Koto Club. -- -- Even though the club is in dire need of members, new club president Takezou Kurata is unwilling to easily accept Chika's application due to his bad reputation. Nonetheless, after seeing Chika's seriousness and enthusiasm, Takezou allows the problem child to join, along with koto prodigy Satowa Houzuki and three of Chika's energetic friends. Kono Oto Tomare! follows the merry band of musicians as they aspire to play at the national competition. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 157,320 7.87
Koukaku Kidoutai 2.0 -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Police Psychological Mecha Seinen -- Koukaku Kidoutai 2.0 Koukaku Kidoutai 2.0 -- Mamoru Oshii's first Ghost in the Shell cyberspace film will return to five Japanese theaters in an enhanced Ghost in the Shell 2.0 edition on July 12. The new edition will include new computer graphics and digital effects for some scenes and a reunion of most of the cast members for a new 6.1 surround sound recording. Academy-Award-winning sound mixer/editor Randy Thom (Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, The Incredibles, The Right Stuff) has overseen the new soundtrack with Kenji Kawai's original music and a final mix that has been produced at Thom and Lucas Digital's Skywalker Sound studio in California. -- -- In the new edition, the enigmatic Puppet Master character will be played by Yoshiko Sakakibara (Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence's Harraway, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex's Prime Minister Yoko Kayabuki). Iemasa Kayumi (Giant Robo's Chief Chuujou Shizuo, RahXephon's Ernst Von Bähbem) played the role in the original edition. -- -- The film will screen in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, and Sapporo. Not coincidentally, Oshii's latest film, The Sky Crawlers, will open one month after Ghost in the Shell 2.0 on August 2. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Jul 12, 2008 -- 78,796 8.01
Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045 -- -- Production I.G, Sola Digital Arts -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Police Mecha Seinen -- Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045 Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045 -- The year is 2045, and artificial intelligence has undergone tremendous developments. Governments use them as weapons, engaging in never-ending warfare to sustain their economies. The mercenary group GHOST, headed by Major Motoko Kusanagi, is no stranger to this landscape. However, the rapid innovation of this technology causes a new threat to loom over the horizon. -- -- Having left Public Security Section 9, Kusanagi and her group are involved in many operations worldwide related to these proxy wars. But a seemingly simple job of locating an arms dealer drags GHOST into a hidden conflict against cybernetically enhanced individuals, who have inexplicably gained extreme intelligence and physical abilities. Dubbed "post-humans," their emergence sets off a chain of events leading to the reunion of Section 9. Armed with a new mission, it is up to Kusanagi and her reestablished team to prevent global chaos at the hands of these post-humans. -- -- ONA - Apr 23, 2020 -- 26,133 6.67
Koushoku Ichidai Otoko -- -- Animation Staff Room, Grouper Productions -- 1 ep -- - -- Drama Hentai Historical Psychological -- Koushoku Ichidai Otoko Koushoku Ichidai Otoko -- The OVA is based on incidents in the novel Koshoku Ichidai Otoko (The Life of an Amorous Man) by Saikaku Ihara (1642-1693). -- -- The libertine Yonosuke has spent his life in quest of sexual pleasure. Disowned by his father when he is 18, 16 years full of changes and errantry begin for him. At the age of 34 he inherits great wealth after his father dies and forgives his son. -- -- When Yunosuke is 57, one of his tailors named Juzo comes to see him before setting out for Edo. Juzo has unwisely made a bet with a rich merchant that he will sleep with Komurasaki, the most renowned courtesan in Edo, at the first meeting. If he succeeds he will win a villa, but if he loses he will lose his manhood. Yunosuke is astounded as he knows how hard the high rank courtesans are to get. The best courtesans, tayu, as well as being beautiful, were highly cultured, being educated in poetry, calligraphy, painting, tea ceremony and other arts. They would sleep with a client only on the third night, the other two nights being taken up with greetings and other social niceties. Humble men, to whom they were 'untouchable' looked up to them with adoration and respect. -- -- Indignant, Yunosuke takes Juzo to Edo and enables him to meet Komurasaki. Juzo is a laughing-stock at the tea-house because of his nervousness, and soon becomes drunk. He clumsily spills wine over the courtesan's kimono. Unperturbed, she goes out and returns wearing a fresh, identical garment. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Jan 18, 1991 -- 3,063 6.08
Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Gaiden: Oozora no Harukaze Hikoutai -- -- - -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Military Adventure -- Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Gaiden: Oozora no Harukaze Hikoutai Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Gaiden: Oozora no Harukaze Hikoutai -- A short spin-off anime released on "Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai: Oozora no Takeoff Girls!" game app and YouTube. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- ONA - Apr 10, 2019 -- 1,790 N/A -- -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front - Indignation of Zeon. -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- - -- Mecha Military -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front - Indignation of Zeon. Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front - Indignation of Zeon. -- Short animated recap of the One Year War from the perspective of LCDR. Garret Schmitzer. -- -- Included on the game disc of the Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front, a PS2 game by BANDAI. -- Special - Sep 6, 2001 -- 1,747 5.65
Kuro no Danshou -- -- - -- 4 eps -- - -- Hentai Horror -- Kuro no Danshou Kuro no Danshou -- While vacationing with his adopted daughter, Private Detective Susuki becomes trapped in a secluded ski resort with a few other vacationers after a storm closes the place down. All is well until one of the guests is found brutally murdered. Being the good investigator he is, Susuki gets to work to find the killer. While digging for the killer, Susuki uncovers a lot of dirt on the other guests and even finds out a thing or two about his own past. But, as Susuki struggles to find the killer, the other guests start to point the finger at him. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Oct 29, 1999 -- 2,308 5.74
Luv Wave -- -- - -- 3 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Drama Hentai Horror Mystery Police Romance Sci-Fi -- Luv Wave Luv Wave -- Takikawa Kanako, a secret agent that specialize in information and assassination. He has a robot girl for assistant. So far, they have 100% success rate, but their new target doesn't seem to want to stay dead. While finding out what's going on, they have to deal with a world network stopping virus and a strange new drug. Can he remember and how much does she love him? -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- NuTech Digital -- OVA - Mar 31, 2000 -- 2,551 5.89
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Action Magic Romance School Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei -- In the dawn of the 21st century, magic, long thought to be folklore and fairy tales, has become a systematized technology and is taught as a technical skill. In First High School, the institution for magicians, students are segregated into two groups based on their entrance exam scores: "Blooms," those who receive high scores, are assigned to the First Course, while "Weeds" are reserve students assigned to the Second Course. -- -- Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei follows the siblings, Tatsuya and Miyuki Shiba, who are enrolled in First High School. Upon taking the exam, the prodigious Miyuki is placed in the First Course, while Tatsuya is relegated to the Second Course. Though his practical test scores and status as a "Weed" show him to be magically inept, he possesses extraordinary technical knowledge, physical combat capabilities, and unique magic techniques—making Tatsuya the irregular at a magical high school. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 798,705 7.50
Majin Bone -- -- Toei Animation -- 52 eps -- Game -- Game -- Majin Bone Majin Bone -- Anime adaptation of Majin Bone, a digital card game project. -- -- Majin, the creator of the Universe, has been resurrected in the present day. Shougo Ryuujin, an ordinary high school student who transforms into the Bone Fighter Dragonbone with the Bone Card in order to save Earth. Together, with the other White Bone warriors take a stand against the Dark Bone, a foe that has appeared from darkness to devastate Earth. However, "could the true enemy be ourselves?" -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 1, 2014 -- 8,833 6.66
Major 2nd (TV) -- -- OLM -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Shounen Sports -- Major 2nd (TV) Major 2nd (TV) -- Daigo, the son of renowned baseball player Gorou Shigeno, believes he has to live up to his father's name by becoming an all-star player himself. With great dreams, as soon as he reaches fourth-grade, he promptly joins the same little league baseball team his dad played on, the Mifune Dolphins. However, things don't go as planned. After only the first couple of practices, Daigo's lack of talent and inherent baseball sense shows, and his confidence is crushed. Unable to bear the pressure of living up to his father, a baseball prodigy, he quits the team in less than a year. -- -- Two years later, now in sixth-grade, a transfer student joins Daigo's class. This student turns out to be Hikaru, the son of Gorou's lifelong friend and fellow baseball star, Toshiya Satou. One day, Daigo's mother receives a call from the Dolphins requesting players for a game, so she forces Daigo to attend. To Daigo's surprise, he finds Hikaru there. Even more shocking is that despite his father's occupation, Hikaru has never played baseball before! -- -- Unlike Daigo, though, Hikaru immediately picks up the game demonstrating excellent performance. Needless to say, Daigo and Hikaru are polar opposites of each other. But this friction will inevitably thrust both of these inexperienced children into the world their fathers cherish—the world of baseball. -- -- 26,091 7.46
Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Drama Magic Martial Arts Fantasy -- Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi -- In a world of magic and monsters, Krylancelo Finrandi and his foster sister Azalea Cait-Sith were once promising students of sorcery, prodigies at the famous Tower of Fangs. But an experiment gone horribly wrong warps Azalea's appearance, trapping her in the form of a dragon. -- -- Elders at the Tower—more interested in preserving their reputation rather than their students' lives—drive off the transformed Azalea and cover up the incident. Outraged, Krylancelo strikes out on his own, taking the new name of "Orphen" and vowing to return Azalea to her normal state. -- -- Five years later, Orphen's quest has stalled. A chance encounter brings him face to face with Azalea again, but he still has no way to restore her body. And with a hostile group of sorcerers hunting her down, he may be running out of time. The past and present collide as Orphen tries to find how to save Azalea from their former teachers and friends. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 51,556 5.79
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Demons Magic Fantasy School -- Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- In the distant past, a war between humans and demons brought about widespread chaos and bloodshed. To put an end to this seemingly endless conflict, Demon King Anos Voldigoad willingly sacrificed his life, hoping to be reborn in a peaceful future. -- -- In preparation for their king's return, the demon race created the Demon King Academy, an elite institution tasked with determining Anos' identity when he reawakens. He reincarnates two millennia later, but to his surprise, he soon learns that the level of magic in the world has drastically waned during his absence. Moreover, when he enrolls at the academy to reclaim his rightful title, he finds out that demonkind remembers him differently. His personality, his deeds, and even his legacy are all falsified—masked beneath the name of an impostor. This "lack" of common knowledge renders him the academy's outlier—a misfit never before seen in history. -- -- Despite these drawbacks, Anos remains unfazed. As he sets out to uncover those altering his glorious past, he takes it upon himself to make his descendants recognize that their ruler has finally returned. -- -- 402,347 7.33
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Demons Magic Fantasy School -- Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- In the distant past, a war between humans and demons brought about widespread chaos and bloodshed. To put an end to this seemingly endless conflict, Demon King Anos Voldigoad willingly sacrificed his life, hoping to be reborn in a peaceful future. -- -- In preparation for their king's return, the demon race created the Demon King Academy, an elite institution tasked with determining Anos' identity when he reawakens. He reincarnates two millennia later, but to his surprise, he soon learns that the level of magic in the world has drastically waned during his absence. Moreover, when he enrolls at the academy to reclaim his rightful title, he finds out that demonkind remembers him differently. His personality, his deeds, and even his legacy are all falsified—masked beneath the name of an impostor. This "lack" of common knowledge renders him the academy's outlier—a misfit never before seen in history. -- -- Despite these drawbacks, Anos remains unfazed. As he sets out to uncover those altering his glorious past, he takes it upon himself to make his descendants recognize that their ruler has finally returned. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 402,347 7.33
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam: A New Translation - Heir to the Stars -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam: A New Translation - Heir to the Stars Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam: A New Translation - Heir to the Stars -- Digitally remastered compilation movies for the Zeta Gundam TV series with some new footage. Part of Gundam's 25th Anniversary celebration. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Nozomi Entertainment -- Movie - May 28, 2005 -- 10,273 7.15
Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? -- -- Diomedéa -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Fantasy Supernatural -- Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? -- Izayoi Sakamaki, Asuka Kudou, and You Kasukabe are extraordinary teenagers who are blessed with psychic powers but completely fed up with their disproportionately mundane lives—until, unexpectedly, each of them receives a strange envelope containing an invitation to a mysterious place known as Little Garden. -- -- Inexplicably dropped into a vast new world, the trio is greeted by Kurousagi, who explains that they have been given a once-in-a-lifetime chance to participate in special high-stakes games using their abilities. In order to take part, however, they must first join a community. Learning that Kurousagi's community "No Names" has lost its official status and bountiful land due to their defeat at the hands of a demon lord, the group sets off to help reclaim their new home's dignity, eager to protect its residents and explore the excitement that Little Garden has to offer. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 476,569 7.54
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou: Hobo Mainichi ◯◯! Namappoi Douga -- -- Lerche -- 60 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou: Hobo Mainichi ◯◯! Namappoi Douga Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou: Hobo Mainichi ◯◯! Namappoi Douga -- Anime shorts that offer a secret candid look at the daily lives of Monster Musume. The shorts will update almost every weekday, but each short will be available for 24 hours only. The weekends will have a digest version summarizing the week's videos. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- ONA - Jul 8, 2015 -- 38,881 6.55
Night Head 2041 -- -- Shirogumi -- ? eps -- Other -- Sci-Fi Mystery Psychological Supernatural Drama -- Night Head 2041 Night Head 2041 -- The story follows the Kirihara brothers who from a young age were incarcerated in a secure scientific facility due to their supernatural powers, having escaped after the barrier that was preventing them malfunctions. The story also follows the Kuroki brothers who are trying to chase the Kirihara brothers. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 5,779 N/ADigital Juice -- -- Studio 4°C -- 6 eps -- - -- Comedy Psychological -- Digital Juice Digital Juice -- A series of short animations that show different worlds and different characters. These episodes are designed to take the viewer into a psychological world of fantasy and mystery. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Jan 25, 2002 -- 5,530 5.59
Nodame Cantabile: Finale -- -- J.C.Staff -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Josei Music Romance -- Nodame Cantabile: Finale Nodame Cantabile: Finale -- Shinichi Chiaki is quickly making a name for himself as the principal conductor of the revitalized Roux-Marlet Orchestra, and Megumi "Nodame" Noda has made leaps and bounds as a pianist at the Conservatoire de Paris. However, tensions mount between the two as Nodame feels left behind by Chiaki's growing success and his close friendship with legendary piano prodigy Rui Son. Disregarding her teacher Professor Charles Auclair's advice, Nodame enters another piano competition in an attempt to jumpstart her own performance career. -- -- Meanwhile, those around Chiaki and Nodame are at their own crossroads. Rui begins to doubt herself after hearing Nodame's playing and being denied tutelage from Auclair; Maestro Franz von Stresemann faces the reality of his mortality; pianists Yunlong Li and Tatiana Vishneva feverishly prepare for a competition, while the latter also struggles with her growing feelings for oboist and fellow student Yasunori Kuroki. -- -- As Chiaki, Nodame, and their friends continue on their respective journeys, they must not only strive to stay true to themselves, but also remember where it all started. -- -- 112,686 8.26
Oshiete! Galko-chan -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Digital manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Oshiete! Galko-chan Oshiete! Galko-chan -- At first glance, Galko, Otako, and Ojou are three high school girls who seem like they wouldn’t have anything to do with each other. Galko is a social butterfly with a reputation for being a party animal, even though she is actually innocent and good-hearted despite her appearance. Otako is a plain-looking girl with a sarcastic personality and a rabid love of manga. And Ojou is a wealthy young lady with excellent social graces, though she can be a bit absent-minded at times. Despite their differences, the three are best friends, and together they love to talk about various myths and ask candid questions about the female body. -- -- Oshiete! Galko-chan is a lighthearted and humorous look at three very different girls and their frank conversations about themselves and everyday life. No topic is too safe or too sensitive for them to joke about—even though every so often, Galko seems to get a bit embarrassed by their discussions! -- -- 144,170 7.10
Ouran Koukou Host Club -- -- Bones -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Harem Romance School Shoujo -- Ouran Koukou Host Club Ouran Koukou Host Club -- Haruhi Fujioka is a bright scholarship candidate with no rank or title to speak of—a rare species at Ouran Academy, an elite school for students of high pedigree. When she opens the door to Music Room #3 hoping to find a quiet place to study, Haruhi unexpectedly stumbles upon the Host Club. Led by the princely Tamaki Suou, the club—whose other members include the "Shadow King" Kyouya Ootori; the mischievous Hitachiin twins, Kaoru and Hikaru; the childlike Mitsukuni Haninozuka, also known as "Honey"; and his strong protector Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka—is where handsome boys with too much time on their hands entertain the girls in the academy. -- -- In a frantic attempt to remove herself from the hosts, Haruhi ends up breaking a vase worth eight million yen and is forced into becoming the eccentric group's general errand boy to repay her enormous debt. However, thanks to her convincingly masculine appearance, her naturally genial disposition toward girls, and fascinating commoner status, she is soon promoted to full-time male host. And before long, Haruhi is plunged into a glitzy whirlwind of elaborate cosplays, rich food, and exciting shenanigans that only the immensely wealthy Host Club can pull off. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 867,552 8.19
Pan de Peace! -- -- Asahi Production -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Pan de Peace! Pan de Peace! -- For the airheaded Minami Tani, there is nothing more delightful than delicious bread for breakfast. Bonding over a mutual love for the food, Minami meets the dignified Yuu Aizawa and the upbeat Fuyumi Fukagawa. Joining them is Noa Sakura, a pint-sized girl who sees bread as the ultimate weapon of self-defense. Together, the girls strengthen their bonds of friendship, while striving to sample every kind of bread this world has to offer. -- -- 28,435 5.62
Piano no Mori (TV) 2nd Season -- -- Gaina -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Music School Seinen -- Piano no Mori (TV) 2nd Season Piano no Mori (TV) 2nd Season -- With the start of the Chopin piano competition, Kai Ichinose, Shuuhei Amamiya, and many other hopeful musicians from around the world strive to reach the top. The stakes have never been higher, and the judges are rigorous when it comes to selecting the winner out of the plethora of talented pianists. This competition is so harsh that even famous prodigies can be easily eliminated. -- -- Some play for the money, some play to fulfill their duty to their families, and yet others play for their music to be heard. However, the only one who can reach the top is the one who embodies the spirit of the music Frédéric Chopin crafted for future generations. With the stakes higher than ever before, rivalries, friendships, and family ties will be tested, and each pianist will find their own sound. -- -- 34,359 7.39
Rakuen Tsuihou -- -- Graphinica -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Rakuen Tsuihou Rakuen Tsuihou -- In a future where a massive disaster has devastated Earth, most of humanity has abandoned their physical bodies and relocated in digital form to DEVA, an advanced space station orbiting the ravaged planet. Free from the limitations of traditional existence, such as death and hunger, the inhabitants of this virtual reality reside in relative peace until Frontier Setter, a skilled hacker, infiltrates the system and spreads subversive messages to the populace. -- -- Labeled a threat to security by authorities, Frontier Setter is pursued by Angela Balzac, a dedicated member of DEVA's law enforcement. When the hacker's signal is traced to Earth, Angela takes on physical form, transferring her consciousness to a clone body and traveling to the world below in order to deal with the menace. On Earth, she is assisted by Dingo, a charismatic agent, and during her journey to uncover the mystery behind Frontier Setter, she gradually discovers startling realities about the wasteland some of humanity still refers to as home, as well as the paradise above. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Nov 15, 2014 -- 83,758 7.37
Rakuen Tsuihou -- -- Graphinica -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Rakuen Tsuihou Rakuen Tsuihou -- In a future where a massive disaster has devastated Earth, most of humanity has abandoned their physical bodies and relocated in digital form to DEVA, an advanced space station orbiting the ravaged planet. Free from the limitations of traditional existence, such as death and hunger, the inhabitants of this virtual reality reside in relative peace until Frontier Setter, a skilled hacker, infiltrates the system and spreads subversive messages to the populace. -- -- Labeled a threat to security by authorities, Frontier Setter is pursued by Angela Balzac, a dedicated member of DEVA's law enforcement. When the hacker's signal is traced to Earth, Angela takes on physical form, transferring her consciousness to a clone body and traveling to the world below in order to deal with the menace. On Earth, she is assisted by Dingo, a charismatic agent, and during her journey to uncover the mystery behind Frontier Setter, she gradually discovers startling realities about the wasteland some of humanity still refers to as home, as well as the paradise above. -- -- Movie - Nov 15, 2014 -- 83,758 7.37
Ranma ½ -- -- Studio Deen -- 161 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Ranma ½ Ranma ½ -- Ranma Saotome is a top-class martial artist and prodigy at the Saotome "Anything-Goes" school of martial arts. While training in China, he and his father meet a terrible fate when they accidentally fall into a cursed spring. Now, Ranma is cursed to turn into a girl when splashed with cold water, and only hot water can turn him back into a boy. -- -- Things are only complicated further when Ranma discovers that his father has arranged for him to marry one of Soun Tendo's three daughters in order to secure the future of the Tendo dojo. Though Soun learns of Ranma's predicament, he is still determined to go ahead with the engagement, and chooses his youngest daughter Akane, who happens to be a skilled martial artist herself and is notorious for hating men. -- -- Ranma ½ follows the hilarious adventures of Ranma and Akane as they encounter various opponents, meet new love interests, and find different ways to make each other angry, all while their engagement hangs over their head. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Apr 15, 1989 -- 200,792 7.76
Ranma ½ -- -- Studio Deen -- 161 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Ranma ½ Ranma ½ -- Ranma Saotome is a top-class martial artist and prodigy at the Saotome "Anything-Goes" school of martial arts. While training in China, he and his father meet a terrible fate when they accidentally fall into a cursed spring. Now, Ranma is cursed to turn into a girl when splashed with cold water, and only hot water can turn him back into a boy. -- -- Things are only complicated further when Ranma discovers that his father has arranged for him to marry one of Soun Tendo's three daughters in order to secure the future of the Tendo dojo. Though Soun learns of Ranma's predicament, he is still determined to go ahead with the engagement, and chooses his youngest daughter Akane, who happens to be a skilled martial artist herself and is notorious for hating men. -- -- Ranma ½ follows the hilarious adventures of Ranma and Akane as they encounter various opponents, meet new love interests, and find different ways to make each other angry, all while their engagement hangs over their head. -- -- TV - Apr 15, 1989 -- 200,792 7.76
Saiunkoku Monogatari 2nd Season -- -- Madhouse -- 39 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Historical Romance -- Saiunkoku Monogatari 2nd Season Saiunkoku Monogatari 2nd Season -- Shuurei Kou and her friend Eigetsu To, a boy prodigy of humble origins, have been appointed co-governors of the Sa province, one of the eight provinces in Saiunkoku. Together, they decide to make the province an academic research center in the hopes of bringing a long overdue prosperity to the region. -- -- However, while Shuurei goes to the capital to obtain approvals for the ambitious project, the Sa province's recently established tranquility is threatened by a pandemic that brings both death and turmoil as it begins to spread among the people. Counting on Eigetsu to monitor the situation until her return, Shuurei seeks support from her allies to find a suitable treatment. Yet, Eigetsu's past personal conflicts distract him, providing an opportunity for opponents of Shuurei's position to take advantage of the troubles and undermine her authority. -- -- Becoming a government official has been Shuurei's lifelong dream, but it is no easy task for the first woman undertaking such a position. Will she step up and overcome this great challenge or give in to the looming adversities? -- -- TV - Apr 7, 2007 -- 35,268 8.06
Sentou Yousei Yukikaze -- -- Gonzo -- 5 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Psychological Sci-Fi Space -- Sentou Yousei Yukikaze Sentou Yousei Yukikaze -- This full 3DCG digital animation has story takes place in the far future after a pillar of huge fog appeared suddenly in the South Pole. This pillar, known as Jam, is actually a passage for an earth invasion. -- -- In order to oppose the threat, the United Nations established an earth defense mechanism. Fukai Zero is a hero registered to the main force of earth defense and the special 5th flight squadron. His reconnaissance plane, Yukikaze (windblown snow) is the best tactical reconnaissance plane. His job is to collect battle information return safely to the base with the information. But one day when he about to finish his duty, an unidentified machine attacked him... -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- OVA - Aug 25, 2002 -- 15,775 7.20
Shadowverse -- -- - -- ? eps -- Card game -- Fantasy Game -- Shadowverse Shadowverse -- Assorted animated videos for Cygames' Shadowverse digital TCG. Japanese and English versions of these animated features were released on the same day on Cygames' official YouTube channel and at a later date on the Shadowverse's official YouTube channel. -- ONA - Oct 16, 2015 -- 841 5.97
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 22 eps -- Manga -- Drama Music Romance School Shounen -- Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso -- Music accompanies the path of the human metronome, the prodigious pianist Kousei Arima. But after the passing of his mother, Saki Arima, Kousei falls into a downward spiral, rendering him unable to hear the sound of his own piano. -- -- Two years later, Kousei still avoids the piano, leaving behind his admirers and rivals, and lives a colorless life alongside his friends Tsubaki Sawabe and Ryouta Watari. However, everything changes when he meets a beautiful violinist, Kaori Miyazono, who stirs up his world and sets him on a journey to face music again. -- -- Based on the manga series of the same name, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso approaches the story of Kousei's recovery as he discovers that music is more than playing each note perfectly, and a single melody can bring in the fresh spring air of April. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,553,386 8.72
Shin Angyo Onshi -- -- OLM Digital -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Fantasy -- Shin Angyo Onshi Shin Angyo Onshi -- After wandering through the desert for days, a bitter warrior named Munsu is lost and unable to continue. His life is unexpectedly saved by Mon-ryon, a young man who dreams of becoming a secret agent for Jushin, a once-great country that was recently destroyed. Mon-ryon's goal is to save his girlfriend, Chunhyan, a born fighter who is held captive by the evil Lord Byonand. Then, from out of nowhere, blood begins trickling from his chest. He has been fatally wounded by the Sarinjas, a cannibalistic breed of desert goblin. The quick-thinking Munsu convinces these beasts to spare his life, in exchange for the peaceful handover of Mon-ryon's appetizing corpse. Although skeptical of Mon-ryon's motives, Munsu sets out to continue the mission that the young idealist described. Accompanied by an army of ghost troops, unleashed using the powers of Angyo Onshi, Munsu liberates Chunhyan. After visiting her boyfriend's final resting place, she declares herself Munsu's bodyguard and, together, they set out on a mission to punish those who stripped Jushin of its original glory. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation, OLM Digital -- Movie - Dec 4, 2004 -- 16,795 6.87
Shinrei Tantei Yakumo -- -- Bee Train -- 13 eps -- Novel -- Mystery Horror Supernatural -- Shinrei Tantei Yakumo Shinrei Tantei Yakumo -- Haruka Ozawa's sophomore year is getting seriously scary. One of her friends is possessed, another has committed suicide and Haruka could be the next one to flunk the still-breathing test. Her only way out of this potentially lethal dead end? Yakumo Saito, an enigmatic student born with a mysterious red eye that allows him to see and communicate with the dead. But the deceased don't always desist and some killers are more than ready to kill again to keep dead men from telling any more tales. That doesn't stop Haruka's knack for digging up buried secrets, and there's even more evidence of bodies being exhumed by both Yakumo's police contact and an investigative journalist with a newly made corpse in her closet! Can this pair of anything but normal paranormal detectives solve the ultimate dead case files or will they end up in cold storage themselves? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 3, 2010 -- 115,565 7.34
Shinrei Tantei Yakumo -- -- Bee Train -- 13 eps -- Novel -- Mystery Horror Supernatural -- Shinrei Tantei Yakumo Shinrei Tantei Yakumo -- Haruka Ozawa's sophomore year is getting seriously scary. One of her friends is possessed, another has committed suicide and Haruka could be the next one to flunk the still-breathing test. Her only way out of this potentially lethal dead end? Yakumo Saito, an enigmatic student born with a mysterious red eye that allows him to see and communicate with the dead. But the deceased don't always desist and some killers are more than ready to kill again to keep dead men from telling any more tales. That doesn't stop Haruka's knack for digging up buried secrets, and there's even more evidence of bodies being exhumed by both Yakumo's police contact and an investigative journalist with a newly made corpse in her closet! Can this pair of anything but normal paranormal detectives solve the ultimate dead case files or will they end up in cold storage themselves? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- TV - Oct 3, 2010 -- 115,565 7.34
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation -- -- SANZIGEN -- 12 eps -- Game -- Sci-Fi Adventure Mecha Shounen -- Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation -- In 1930, two years after the events of So Long, My Love, the Great Demon War results in the annihilation of the Imperial, Paris and New York Combat Revues' Flower Divisions. With Earth at peace and the revues' actions becoming public, the World Combat Revue Organization is formed with several international divisions; a biennial international Combat Revue tournament has been organized. -- -- Ten years later in 1940, Imperial Japanese Navy captain Seijuurou Kamiyama is assigned as the captain of the new Imperial Combat Revue's Flower Division in Tokyo, which consists of: Sakura Amamiya, a swordswoman and new recruit; Hatsuho Shinonome, a shrine maiden and the most popular actress; Anastasia Palma, a newly-transferred Greek actress; Azami Mochizuki, a ninja prodigy from the Mochizuki clan; and Clarissa "Clarise" Snowflake, a Luxembourgian noblewoman. The division once again faces a new demon invasion and participates in the upcoming tournament—while trying to keep their home at the Imperial Theater open. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia, edited) -- 14,190 5.80
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation -- -- SANZIGEN -- 12 eps -- Game -- Sci-Fi Adventure Mecha Shounen -- Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation -- In 1930, two years after the events of So Long, My Love, the Great Demon War results in the annihilation of the Imperial, Paris and New York Combat Revues' Flower Divisions. With Earth at peace and the revues' actions becoming public, the World Combat Revue Organization is formed with several international divisions; a biennial international Combat Revue tournament has been organized. -- -- Ten years later in 1940, Imperial Japanese Navy captain Seijuurou Kamiyama is assigned as the captain of the new Imperial Combat Revue's Flower Division in Tokyo, which consists of: Sakura Amamiya, a swordswoman and new recruit; Hatsuho Shinonome, a shrine maiden and the most popular actress; Anastasia Palma, a newly-transferred Greek actress; Azami Mochizuki, a ninja prodigy from the Mochizuki clan; and Clarissa "Clarise" Snowflake, a Luxembourgian noblewoman. The division once again faces a new demon invasion and participates in the upcoming tournament—while trying to keep their home at the Imperial Theater open. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 14,190 5.80
Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama -- -- M.S.C, Production I.G -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Sports Shounen -- Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama -- It takes a lot to reach the top when it comes to tennis. No one knows that better than Ryouma Echizen, a young prodigy tennis player, and his teammates at the Seishun Academy. It was only because they pushed themselves to the limit, spending countless hours preparing for every pulse-pounding match, that they managed to claim victory in the All-Japan National Tournament. -- -- New Prince of Tennis begins with Ryouma and his teammates heading to the U-17 Selection training camp, after receiving a special invitation due to their victory in the Nationals. The training camp is renowned for producing strong tennis players, so the boys of Seishun Academy can’t wait to take their game to the next level. However, not everyone is happy to have them among their ranks, and they’ll have to weather the intense training to prove they belong among the best of the up-and-coming players of their generation. -- TV - Jan 5, 2012 -- 50,376 7.56
Shishou Series -- -- Pierrot Plus -- ? eps -- Novel -- Horror Supernatural School Seinen -- Shishou Series Shishou Series -- The story of the original novels revolves around a protagonist who experiences various spiritual encounters due to his upperclassman at his college's club, the "master teacher" in the series title that has spiritual sensitivity. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 6,354 N/A -- -- Devilman: Crybaby - Digest Eizou -- -- Science SARU -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Horror Supernatural -- Devilman: Crybaby - Digest Eizou Devilman: Crybaby - Digest Eizou -- A short web recap of the Devilman: Crybaby series, posted on Aniplex's official YouTube channel. -- ONA - Mar 24, 2018 -- 6,211 5.93
Shoukoujo Sara -- -- Nippon Animation -- 46 eps -- Novel -- Slice of Life Historical Drama Shoujo -- Shoukoujo Sara Shoukoujo Sara -- Sent to an all-girls boarding school due to her father's overseas job, Sarah Crewe is a promising young girl who excels both academically and socially in her new life in London. However, her world is turned upside down when she is called into the headmistress' office and informed of news that no child wants to hear: her father has passed away. -- -- Now an orphan, Sarah is stripped of her status as a student and is forced to work in the boarding school as a maid in order to support herself. To make matters worse, her once friendly peers suddenly turn against her upon hearing about her fall from wealth. Coming to terms with the unfortunate situation she faces, Sarah must learn to persevere and form new friendships in order to regain her dignity as well as her identity. -- -- 15,825 7.68
Skate-Leading☆Stars -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Drama School Sports -- Skate-Leading☆Stars Skate-Leading☆Stars -- Child figure skating prodigy Kensei Maeshima abruptly quits the sport after his one-sided rival, Reo Shinozaki, refuses to acknowledge his skill. Now, as a student at Inodai High School, Kensei uses his athletic skills to assist the other sports teams, but he never officially joins one. One day, Reo announces his switch from singles figure skating into team-based skate-leading and joins St. Clavis Gakuin High School—last year's Grand Prix champions. Hayato Sasugai, a classmate with a mysterious connection to Reo, convinces Kensei to switch to skate-leading in order to finally defeat his rival in a competition. -- -- Kensei’s sudden entry into the Inodai Skate-Leading Club is met with backlash from the current members. Although he is a very strong singles skater, Kensei lacks the teamwork skills required to perform well in skate-leading. Factoring in his hot-headed, impatient attitude, inconsistent skating performances, and a complicated history with some of the members, Kensei's teammates do not believe he is a good fit to be their "Lead." The team must work together to resolve these issues, however, if they wish to qualify for the Grand Prix Finals and even stand a chance at defeating St. Clavis Gakuin. -- -- 26,761 6.37
Sky Girls Specials -- -- J.C.Staff -- 9 eps -- - -- Comedy Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Sky Girls Specials Sky Girls Specials -- Fishing Maniac Eika-san! Sky Girls Dynamite Fishing! -- -- Special #1: Fierce Battle! Trout Fishing Contest. -- Special #2: Big Catch! Mudskipper Fishing! -- Special #3: Seashore Battle! Blackfish Fishing! -- Special #4: Astonishing! Piranha Fishing! -- Special #5: Protect the indigenous species! Bass Fishing Contest! Please finish eating the fish that you've caught! -- Special #6: Fish the porgy with prawns, Black Porgy Fishing! -- Special #7: The porgy's really tough! Getting poorer by the day! Red tai fishing! -- Special #8: Tempura, deep-fried food, and sometimes, skates! Pond smelt fishing on top of ice! -- Special #9: There's no part that should be thrown away! Great battle with the whale of the great deep! -- Special - Nov 13, 2007 -- 3,609 6.54
Sousei no Onmyouji -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 50 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Romance Fantasy Shounen -- Sousei no Onmyouji Sousei no Onmyouji -- Magano, a parallel realm filled with monsters known as "Kegare," is a place where exorcists deal with all impurities. Benio Adashino is a prodigy exorcist who is recognized for her strength and is summoned to Tokyo by the Exorcist Union. On her way, she plummets into the arms of Rokuro Enmadou, a young exorcist with a troubled past. -- -- But the impurities of Magano do not rest. When these two exorcists witness a couple of children stolen by a Kegare, Benio rushes to save them, dragging Rokuro along with her into Magano. Engaged in a fight she is on the verge of being defeated in, Benio is saved by Rokuro, revealing himself capable of being her rival in talent. -- -- Sousei no Onmyouji tells the story of two talented exorcists who are destined to become the "Twin Star Exorcists" and the prophesised parents of the Miko—the reincarnation of Abe no Seimei—who will cleanse the world of all impurities. -- -- 392,859 7.31
Sousei no Onmyouji -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 50 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Romance Fantasy Shounen -- Sousei no Onmyouji Sousei no Onmyouji -- Magano, a parallel realm filled with monsters known as "Kegare," is a place where exorcists deal with all impurities. Benio Adashino is a prodigy exorcist who is recognized for her strength and is summoned to Tokyo by the Exorcist Union. On her way, she plummets into the arms of Rokuro Enmadou, a young exorcist with a troubled past. -- -- But the impurities of Magano do not rest. When these two exorcists witness a couple of children stolen by a Kegare, Benio rushes to save them, dragging Rokuro along with her into Magano. Engaged in a fight she is on the verge of being defeated in, Benio is saved by Rokuro, revealing himself capable of being her rival in talent. -- -- Sousei no Onmyouji tells the story of two talented exorcists who are destined to become the "Twin Star Exorcists" and the prophesised parents of the Miko—the reincarnation of Abe no Seimei—who will cleanse the world of all impurities. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll -- 392,859 7.31
Starship Troopers: Invasion -- -- Sola Digital Arts -- 1 ep -- Book -- Action Military Sci-Fi -- Starship Troopers: Invasion Starship Troopers: Invasion -- A distant Federation outpost Fort Casey comes under attack by bugs. The team on the fast attack ship Alesia is assigned to help the Starship John A. Warden stationed in Fort Casey evacuate along with the survivors and bring military intelligence safely back to Earth. Carl Jenkins, now head of the Ministry of Paranormal Warfare, takes the starship on a clandestine mission before its rendezvous with the Alesia and goes missing in the nebula. Now, the battle-hardened troopers are charged with a rescue mission that may lead to a much more sinister consequence than they ever could have imagined... -- -- (Source: Amazon) -- Movie - Jul 21, 2012 -- 4,879 6.70
Starship Troopers: Red Planet -- -- Sola Digital Arts -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi -- Starship Troopers: Red Planet Starship Troopers: Red Planet -- After the events of Invasion, Johnny Rico has been demoted to the rank of colonel and relocated to a Martian satellite to train a new batch of troopers. Unfortunately, these troopers are some of the worst low-performing Rico has ever trained as they're Martians and don't take the war seriously. Mars overall has low support for the war as they see their planet unaffected by the bug conflict and even suggested pulling out from the war. Because of their laid back attitude, the denizens of Mars wasn't ready when the bugs attacked. Unknown to everyone, Sky Marshall Amy Snapp executes her plans for power. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Movie - Feb 10, 2018 -- 1,915 6.50
Tamayura no Yume -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological Drama -- Tamayura no Yume Tamayura no Yume -- A girl is informed by her doctor that she is pregnant. Surprised by the unexpected announcement, falls into an anguish. The fleeting dream is a despairing dream. -- -- (Source: Geidai Animation) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2011 -- 292 N/A -- -- Byulbyul Iyagi 2 -- -- - -- 6 eps -- - -- Psychological Drama -- Byulbyul Iyagi 2 Byulbyul Iyagi 2 -- This film consists of 6 animated shorts produced by the Human Rights Commission of Korea. Like the previous movie, the stories deal with seeing the world through the eyes of people who are different from social norms. The film was nominated for Best Animated Feature in 2008 from the Asia Pacific Screen Awards. -- -- 1. "The Third Wish” (AN Dong-hui, RYU Jeong-wu). A fairy godmother appears before a visually impaired young woman to grant her three wishes. But this is no fairytale. The irritable middle-aged fairy wants to finish her job as soon as possible. Yet she proves to be helpful as she leads the woman through a busy marketplace, which is delightfully reminiscent of "Amelie". But it's no walk in the park, as busy urbanites show no consideration for our protagonist. Yet she prevails through obstacles. With a walking stick, she taps together the heels of her shiny new shoes and follows the "yellow brick road" (guiding tiles for the visually impaired) around the city. -- -- 2. "Ajukari” (HONG Deok-pyo) is a street-style cartoon. It comically depicts how a certain macho "complex" can cripple men. Male circumcision becomes the ultimate standard for being "manly" and those who have failed to do the deed are forever fearful of going to public baths. -- -- 3. "Baby" (LEE Hong-su, LEE Hong-min) portrays the difficulties a career woman faces in having a child. "I'm not saying you can't have maternity leave, but can you afford to raise a child while working?" asks her boss. This smart story portrays everything from mother and daughter-in-law relationships to a parody of "Tazza: The High Rollers" and hilarious episodes where an "ambulance bus" picks up several patients en route. -- -- 4. "Shine Shine Shining" (KWON Mi-jeong) is drawn like a warm, watercolor storybook for children. Grade schooler Eun-jin is smart and popular, but she has a secret. She hides her curly hair, which she gets from her Filipino mother, in braids. -- -- 5. "Merry Golasmas" is an adorable claymation, or stop motion animation of models constructed from clay, plasticine, etc. It explores physical discrimination or stereotypes. In an open audition to find a Santa Claus, the real Santas ― one who's black, another who's Asian, a female Santa and one in a wheelchair ― lose to a fake Santa, a pot-bellied, Caucasian. -- -- 6. “Lies" explores homosexuality. Drawn in pastel-like sketches with art deco-esque details, it is a stunning digital cut-out animation, A homosexual man is forced by his parents to marry a woman, while others are pressured to fake having a girlfriend or receive "therapy" to become straight. -- -- (Source: The Korean Times) -- Movie - Apr 17, 2008 -- 257 N/A -- -- Hyoutan -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Psychological -- Hyoutan Hyoutan -- Independent animation by Suzuki Shin'ichi. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1976 -- 252 N/A -- -- Pianoman Trailer -- -- Echoes -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Psychological -- Pianoman Trailer Pianoman Trailer -- Trailer for Echoes' PIANOMAN with original animation that was not reused in the resulting short film. -- ONA - Dec 28, 2017 -- 243 5.41
Tekkon Kinkreet Pilot -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Psychological Supernatural -- Tekkon Kinkreet Pilot Tekkon Kinkreet Pilot -- Softimage's Michael Arias started the project as a short CG exercise, which then came to the attention of Morimoto, who then agreed to work on the project on the Softimage 3D software. A few months later, Visual Director Wilson Tang and Animation Supervisor Lee Fulton introduced a pilot to the Softimage staff, made entirely on computer with a staff of only 12. The pilot won the Excellence Award at the 3rd Japan Media Arts Festival in the Digital Art Division. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Jan 1, 1999 -- 1,329 4.68
Ten Count -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Shounen Ai -- Ten Count Ten Count -- Corporate secretary Shirotani suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder. One day he meets Kurose, a therapist who offers to take him through a ten-step program to cure him of his compulsion. As the two go through each of the ten steps, Shirotani 's attraction to his counselor grows. -- -- (Source: SuBLime) -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 22,458 N/AKimi wa Kanata -- -- Digital Network Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Fantasy -- Kimi wa Kanata Kimi wa Kanata -- Mio has feelings for her childhood friend Arata, but can't convey her feelings. One day, as they continue their delicate relationship, the two fight over something trivial. After letting tensions settle, Mio goes to make up with him in the pouring rain. While on her way, she gets into a traffic accident. When she regains consciousness, a mysterious and unfamiliar world appears before her eyes. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- Movie - Nov 27, 2020 -- 22,390 N/AArgento Soma -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Argento Soma Argento Soma -- In the year 2059, the earth has been plagued by aliens for several years. In an effort to learn more about these aliens, Dr. Noguchi and his assistants Maki Agata and Takuto Kaneshiro try to revive the professor's experiment, a large Bio-Mechanical alien named Frank. During this process the alien comes to 'life' and the lab is subsequently destroyed leaving Takuto the only survivor and the alien disappearing into the wilderness. While Frank roams the wilderness he meets Hattie, an emotionally distressed young girl whose parents are killed in the first 'close encounter' war. Oddly enough she is able to communicate with Frank and soon after they are taken into custody by a secret agency known only as 'Funeral'. Meanwhile, Takuto wakes up in a hospital bed with his life in shambles, and his face disfigured. Motivated by vengeance and heart break, Takuto accepts an offer from the mysterious 'Mr. X' and receives a new identity as a ranking Funeral officer named Ryu Soma. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- 22,382 6.79
Tennis no Ouji-sama -- -- Trans Arts -- 178 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Sports School Shounen -- Tennis no Ouji-sama Tennis no Ouji-sama -- The world of tennis is harsh and highly competitive. Numerous schools from Japan battle it out to determine the best of the best. -- -- Seishun Gakuen Junior High School, more commonly known as Seigaku, is one of the most prominent contestants in this battle of the finest. Their team line-up gets even stronger with the sudden arrival of a young prodigy from the West, Ryouma Echizen, who is determined to prove himself and escape the towering shadow of his legendary father. This fine addition changes the team forever. -- -- Prince of Tennis follows the heartwarming and inspirational story of Ryouma on his quest to become one of the best tennis players the country has ever seen. He pushes himself hard so that he can one day surpass his father’s name and his own personal expectations. Alongside the rest of the Seigaku team, Ryouma fights to make his and his teammate's dreams come true. -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Oct 10, 2001 -- 146,203 7.90
Tennis no Ouji-sama -- -- Trans Arts -- 178 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Sports School Shounen -- Tennis no Ouji-sama Tennis no Ouji-sama -- The world of tennis is harsh and highly competitive. Numerous schools from Japan battle it out to determine the best of the best. -- -- Seishun Gakuen Junior High School, more commonly known as Seigaku, is one of the most prominent contestants in this battle of the finest. Their team line-up gets even stronger with the sudden arrival of a young prodigy from the West, Ryouma Echizen, who is determined to prove himself and escape the towering shadow of his legendary father. This fine addition changes the team forever. -- -- Prince of Tennis follows the heartwarming and inspirational story of Ryouma on his quest to become one of the best tennis players the country has ever seen. He pushes himself hard so that he can one day surpass his father’s name and his own personal expectations. Alongside the rest of the Seigaku team, Ryouma fights to make his and his teammate's dreams come true. -- TV - Oct 10, 2001 -- 146,203 7.90
The Big O -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mystery Psychological Mecha -- The Big O The Big O -- Paradigm City, a city of amnesia and a place of belonging. It remains populated by forgotten pasts and the ruins of their labors due to a calamity 40 years ago. Shrouded in a fog-like mystery, it is up to people like Roger Smith to shine a light through the mist. Acting as a professional negotiator and suave agent, Roger is a self-tailored ladies man whose only love is for funeral black. However, as he gets deeply involved with his clients, what often starts as a simple negotiation evolves into Roger saving Paradigm from crime and peril. -- -- In the process, Roger stumbles even deeper into the untold folds of the city. As a rule, things are hardly ever as they appear. Serving as gray knight in a gray world, Roger is not without allies. By his side are Norman, a loyal and widely skilled butler, and Dorothy, a human-like android with deadpan snark. Together with the relic Big O, a jet-black mecha of gargantuan size and weight, they help Roger serve iron justice to Paradigm's lurking villains as he discovers the truth about 40 years ago. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 13, 1999 -- 77,182 7.53
True Tears -- -- P.A. Works -- 13 eps -- Original -- Drama Romance School -- True Tears True Tears -- Shinichirou Nakagami was living the life other boys from his grade could only dream of—staying under the same roof as prodigal student Hiromi Yuasa. However, the bright and cheerful Hiromi has been depressed and cold at home ever since her mother passed away. While he is the subject of the ignorant jealousy of his peers, rumors begin to spread when Shinichirou meets Noe Isurugi—a girl known for cursing classmates, curses which always end up becoming reality. -- -- Noe curses Shinichirou as well, but two pits are created when you curse someone, and her curse on Shinichirou comes back to bite her in the form of a raccoon to her beloved chicken, Raigomaru. Despite this, she does not shed a single tear; Noe had had her tears stolen. For Noe to be able to cry again, she would need the tears of another, and Shinichirou knows a person whose tears he wants to take away. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Bandai Visual USA, Discotek Media -- 187,883 7.35
Ultraman -- -- Production I.G, Sola Digital Arts -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Seinen Super Power -- Ultraman Ultraman -- Fifty years ago, an extraterrestrial giant of light known as Ultraman saved the earth but vanished. Ultraman's human host, Shin Hayata, was left with no memory of his time as a hero. Hayata's young son, Shinjirou, is found to have been born with a more powerful and durable body than any normal human. The organization who aided Ultraman, the SSSP, reveals Hayata's past to him. His father then dons a power suit again, assuming the role of Ultraman once more. -- -- One night, Shinjirou is attacked by an alien named Bemular and rescued by his father, who is severely injured in the battle. With dangerous aliens lurking in the city and Hayata out of commission, it falls to Shinjirou to pick up the torch. But in working with the SSSP as the new Ultraman, Shinjirou finds himself wondering how far is he willing to go to help people. -- -- ONA - Apr 1, 2019 -- 18,702 6.72
Urusei Yatsura -- -- Studio Deen, Studio Pierrot -- 195 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Drama Romance -- Urusei Yatsura Urusei Yatsura -- Not much is notable about the lecherous Ataru Moroboshi, but his extraordinary bad luck sticks out like the horns in an alien's head. When Earth is threatened by a fleet of alien invaders known as the Oni, Ataru is selected to represent humanity in a duel against one of them. It's a stroke of rare luck for Ataru that the duel is in fact a game of tag, and that his opponent is Lum, daughter of the Oni's leader, who places her personal dignity above victory—as Ataru finds out by seizing Lum's bikini top and with it, victory. -- -- However, misfortune kicks in again when Lum mistakes Ataru's promise to marry his girlfriend, Shinobu Miyake, as the desire to wed Lum herself, and decides she rather likes the idea. Wielding her influence as an alien princess, she moves in with him. Forced to deal with the consequences of his womanizing ways, Ataru must balance his crumbling relationship with Shinobu while keeping Lum happy, all the while flirting with every woman he meets. -- -- 59,467 7.69
Urusei Yatsura -- -- Studio Deen, Studio Pierrot -- 195 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Drama Romance -- Urusei Yatsura Urusei Yatsura -- Not much is notable about the lecherous Ataru Moroboshi, but his extraordinary bad luck sticks out like the horns in an alien's head. When Earth is threatened by a fleet of alien invaders known as the Oni, Ataru is selected to represent humanity in a duel against one of them. It's a stroke of rare luck for Ataru that the duel is in fact a game of tag, and that his opponent is Lum, daughter of the Oni's leader, who places her personal dignity above victory—as Ataru finds out by seizing Lum's bikini top and with it, victory. -- -- However, misfortune kicks in again when Lum mistakes Ataru's promise to marry his girlfriend, Shinobu Miyake, as the desire to wed Lum herself, and decides she rather likes the idea. Wielding her influence as an alien princess, she moves in with him. Forced to deal with the consequences of his womanizing ways, Ataru must balance his crumbling relationship with Shinobu while keeping Lum happy, all the while flirting with every woman he meets. -- -- -- Licensor: -- AnimEigo -- 59,467 7.69
Viper's Creed -- -- AIC Spirits, Digital Frontier -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi -- Viper's Creed Viper's Creed -- The story revolves around the members of a private military company (PMC), and the uneasy tension between them and the regular military after a war that caused massive environmental destruction. -- -- (Source: Animekon) -- TV - Jan 6, 2009 -- 9,270 6.73
Wonder (Movie) -- -- Calf Studio -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Wonder (Movie) Wonder (Movie) -- The 365 days animation consists of sequence of 8760 pictures, all different shape and color, hand-drawn by the director every day in 365 days. This is the ultimate analog approach by the abstract animated film creator in digital era. -- -- (Source: IMDb) -- Movie - Feb 8, 2014 -- 1,824 6.08
Words Worth -- -- Arms -- 5 eps -- Visual novel -- Adventure Hentai Demons Magic Fantasy -- Words Worth Words Worth -- The legend has survived for generation. The Words Worth tablet, which will unlock the secrets of the Universe for the one who can decipher it, has been shattered. The warring tribes of Light and Shadow blame each other, and their accusations lead to all out war! -- -- Astral, the undisciplined heir to the throne of the Shadow Forces, lusts for his bride-to-be, Sharon. But Sharon, an accomplished warrior herself, feels her body drawn toward Caesar, the Shadow Tribe`s bravest swordsman. -- -- Sharon battles alongside Caesar during an assault by the Light Forces, and her ferocious beauty captivates Sir Fabris, the leader of the Tribe of Light. Fabris` army loses the battle, but he vows that he will one day get Sharon into his bed, the hard way, if necessary. -- -- Meanwhile, Astral takes his sexual frustrations out on Maria, a Light Tribe sorceress who has been taken captive. As Astral penetrates Maria, Sir Fabris prepares to launch a penetration of his own: a full-scale attack on the Tribe of Shadow! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- NuTech Digital -- OVA - Aug 25, 1999 -- 7,567 6.75
xxxHOLiC Rou -- -- Production I.G -- 2 eps -- - -- Mystery Supernatural -- xxxHOLiC Rou xxxHOLiC Rou -- 10 years after the events of xxxHOLiC Shunmuki, a melancholic Kimihiro Watanuki has taken over the shop formerly run by the mysterious Yuuko due to a promise he made to her. His companions Maru, Moro, and Mokona live together with him in relative contentment, and some familiar faces arrive every now and then: former rival turned-steadfast friend Shizuka Doumeki, and the former psychic prodigy Kohane Tsuyuri. While Kohane studies folklore under Doumeki at university, they encounter a case that is perfect for the master of the shop. -- -- Eventually, Watanuki receives a visit from Doumeki's grandfather, Haruka. He requests that Watanuki investigates his grandson's dreams. While inside the dream world, he discovers how their past adventures played out from Doumeki's perspective of view, leading Watanuki to discover truths from 10 years ago and secrets about the ties that bind their friendship. -- -- OVA - Apr 23, 2010 -- 58,538 8.22
Yawara! -- -- Madhouse -- 124 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Martial Arts Romance Slice of Life Sports -- Yawara! Yawara! -- High school student Yawara Inokuma lives a completely happy and ordinary life. She aspires to an average lifestyle as a delicate young lady with a handsome boyfriend in the near future. -- -- Unfortunately for Yawara, she has an undesirable prodigious talent in Judo, a modern martial art that is neither feminine nor fashionable. Moreover, Yawara is the only granddaughter of the seventh dan Judo master Jigorou Inokuma, who expects her to become a Japanese Judoka superstar of the '90s. -- -- Yawara cautiously hides her strength from everyone to maintain a normal reputation but is often pushed to situations when she must exercise her Judo skills. Observing Yawara's immense potential from the shadows, Kousaku Matsuda, a sports reporter from a substandard paper, is willing to do everything he can to bring her into the limelight. -- -- -- Licensor: -- AnimEigo -- 15,295 7.47
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! VRAINS -- -- Gallop -- 120 eps -- Card game -- Action Game Sci-Fi Fantasy Shounen -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh! VRAINS Yu☆Gi☆Oh! VRAINS -- The world of Duel Monsters is once again evolving with the development of a network called Link Vrains and a new summoning mechanic introduced as Link Summoning. By using this cyberspace, duelists can now create their own avatars and duel their way to glory within a virtual reality. -- -- However, much like the real world, the digital world is not free from war, conflict, and mysteries. Years ago, a hacker organization known as the Knights of Hanoi unleashed an attack on Link Vrains. Led by the anonymous Revolver, their aim was to annihilate the artificial intelligence program known as the Cyberse. After a failed attempt, one of their targets, Ignis, managed to escape and hide the Cyberse somewhere in the network. -- -- Five years later, high school student Yuusaku Fujiki encounters a strange artificial intelligence program while dueling in Link Vrains. Under the guise of his avatar named Playmaker, Yuusaku and his partner in crime, Shouichi Kusanagi, decide to join forces with the peculiar existence. As he seeks the truth behind a mysterious incident of the past, Yuusaku battles against the Knights of Hanoi and SOL Technologies in a race that might alter the fate of the world. -- -- 34,019 6.62
Zoids Genesis -- -- Shogakukan Music & Digital Entertainment -- 50 eps -- - -- Action Adventure Comedy Mecha Military -- Zoids Genesis Zoids Genesis -- Natural disasters have devastated planet Zi, killing off almost all life. A thousand years later humans have gradually re-established civilization, salvaging ancient Zoids through diving and mining efforts. In a village whose most previous item is a giant sword which they worship as a holy symbol. A teenage boy discovers an ancient Liger-type Zoid while on a deep water salvage operation. Suddenly the village is attacked by skeletal Bio-Zoids intent on stealing a powerful generator located in the village. Our teenage hero awakens the Liger and discovers that the town`s sacred sword is the Liger`s weapon, together they fight off the mysterious Bio-Zoids. At least for now... -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Apr 10, 2005 -- 13,965 7.23"Lebendige_Krippe"_(Hockenheim)"Pothi"_book_digitization_and_OCR_demonstration's-Graeven-Voeren_aan_zijne_verdedigers!_(orange_and_indigo)_-_animated.gif,_Sept_of_the_Old_Knight._Vol_IV._Pedigree_of_the_FitzGibbons.tif"Digitalis_ciliata".jpg,_digested_into_a_method,_suitable_to_their_mutual_relation_and_affinity_-_with_the_names_by_which_they_were_known_to_the_(IA_FossilsOfAllKindsDigestedIntoAMethodSuitableToTheirMutualRelation).pdf,_Belgien.jpg'Prodigal's_Return'_by_Sir_Edward_John_Poynter,_1869.jpg,_motum,_et_operationem,_et_in_svperioribus_and_his_inferioribus_mundi_regionibus,_ab_exordio_mundi_usque_ad_haec_nostra_tempora,_(14783532382).jpg"The_Digits,"_a_soldiers'_theatre_troupe_(15053395966).jpg"Lebendige_Krippe"_(Hockenheim)"Pothi"_book_digitization_and_OCR_demonstration"The_Botanical_Cabinet"_-_Conrad_Loddiges_&_Son,_London_(1817-1833)"Lebendige_Krippe"_(Hockenheim)"Pothi"_book_digitization_and_OCR_demonstration"Lebendige_Krippe"_(Hockenheim)"Pothi"_book_digitization_and_OCR_demonstration"Lebendige+Krippe"+(Hockenheim)"Pothi"+book+digitization+and+OCR+demonstration"Lebendige+Krippe"+(Hockenheim)"Pothi"+book+digitization+and+OCR+demonstration"Lebendige+Krippe"+(Hockenheim)"Pothi"+book+digitization+and+OCR+demonstration
10252 Heidigraf
1,6-Digalloyl glucose
2002 British Columbia Indigenous treaty referendum
2003 Bendigo tornado
2006 Digampathana bombing
2010 Dial Before You Dig Australian Six Hour
2011 Bolivian indigenous rights protests
2011 Taa Digicel
2013 Bendigo Women's International (1) Doubles
2013 Bendigo Women's International (1) Singles
2013 Bendigo Women's International (2) Doubles
2013 Bendigo Women's International (2) Singles
2013 Copa Internacional de Tenis Total Digest Doubles
2013 Copa Internacional de Tenis Total Digest Singles
2013 Giro del Trentino Alto Adige-Sdtirol
2014 Bendigo Women's International (1) Doubles
2014 Bendigo Women's International (1) Singles
2014 Bendigo Women's International (2) Doubles
2014 Bendigo Women's International (2) Singles
2014 Giro del Trentino Alto Adige-Sdtirol
2015 Bendigo Women's International Doubles
2015 Bendigo Women's International Singles
2015 Malay Dignity rally
201617 GRUNDIGligaen
2016 Bendigo Street housing dispute
2016 Bendigo Women's International Doubles
2016 Bendigo Women's International Singles
2017 Bendigo Women's International Doubles
2017 Bendigo Women's International Singles
2018 Bendigo Women's International Doubles
2018 Bendigo Women's International Singles
201920 Indigo Group Premiership
2019 Bendigo Women's International Doubles
2019 Bendigo Women's International Singles
202021 Indigo Group Premiership
2020 Bendigo Challenger Doubles
2020 Bendigo Challenger Singles
20th Digital Studio
21st Century (Digital Boy)
384 Burdigala
4 Digital Group
4-digit UNESCO Nomenclature
6-digit UNESCO nomenclature
7th Carabinieri Regiment "Trentino Alto-Adige"
Aaron Dignan
Aaron Wildig
Aaton Digital
Ab Asturica Burdigalam
ABC Digital Network Division
Abderamane Mbaindiguim
Abdirashid Mohamed Hidig
Abdoel Gaffar Pringgodigdo
Abductor digiti minimi
Abductor digiti minimi muscle of foot
Abductor digiti minimi muscle of hand
A Blues for Shindig
Abolhassan Sadighi
Abolition of Penal Sanctions (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1955 (shelved)
ABS-CBN Digital Media
Acleris indignana
Acrobasis indigenella
Acronicta digna
Acropora digitifera
Adamdighi Upazila
Adam Matthew Digital
Adansonia digitata
Ad apostolicae dignitatis apicem
Ada, the National College for Digital Skills
Adebayo Adigun
Adeline, Countess of Cardigan and Lancastre
Adiato Djal Nandigna
Adiganahalli, Bangalore Urban district
Adiganahalli, Mysore district
Adigeni Municipality
A. digitata
Adigun Salami
Adobe Digital Editions
Adolf Weidig
Adolphus Ludigo-Mkasa
Advanced Digital Radio Testing Service
Advance Digital
Aeon (digital magazine)
Aermacchi M-290 RediGO
A Gentleman's Dignity
Agfa digital cameras
Aggressive digital papillary adenocarcinoma
AGIL paradigm
Aging with Dignity
Aglantha digitale
Agradigun Union
Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project
h vad jag lskade dig just d
AicardiGoutires syndrome
Airtel digital TV
AjmerChandigarh Garib Rath Express
Akelarre (Lola ndigo album)
Alcyonium digitatum
Al DiGuido
Aleksandr Roediger
Alexander Rdiger
Alexander Siddig
Alex Diggelmann
Alexia digital singles
Algorithmic paradigm
Alhndiga de Granaditas
Alhndiga (disambiguation)
Alien: Isolation The Digital Series
Alix Madigan
Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations
All Things Digital
Alpha Digital
Alternative Indigenous Development Foundation
Alto Adige (district)
Alto Adige (newspaper)
lvaro Perdigo
Alvin (digital cultural heritage platform)
Amadeo Bordiga
Amadigi di Gaula
A Matter of Dignity
AmbalaChandigarh Expressway
Amedeo Modigliani
American Digger (TV series)
American Prodigal
A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates
Amlawdd Wledig
A Modern Day Prodigal Son
AmritsarChandigarh Superfast Express
Anaerobic digestion
Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Association
Analog-to-digital converter
Analog-to-digital timeline
Analytical Sciences Digital Library
Andreas Findig
Andreas Rdiger
Andr Vidigal
Andrew Digby
And the Crows Will Dig Your Grave
A New Partnership Between the Indigenous Peoples and the Government of Taiwan
Angas Downs Indigenous Protected Area
Angelo DiGeorge
Anglican Church, Bordighera
Anglican Diocese of Bendigo
Anicla digna
Animal digest
Animal Management in Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities
Anita Doreen Diggs
Annabel Digance
Anna Diggs Taylor
Anne Newdigate
Anne Newdigate (15741618)
Annie Le Porte Diggs
Ann Newdigate
Anthurium sect. Digitinervium
Antoine Dignef
Antonio Rdiger
Apache Shindig
Apritif and digestif
Apology to Australia's Indigenous peoples
Applied Digital Data Systems
Apputhi Adigal
Aquarius Dignitus
Aravind Adiga
Archie's Holiday Fun Digest
Architectural Digest
Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America
Arctic Council Indigenous Peoples Secretariat
Arme Indigne
Arrondissement of Digne-les-Bains
ArsDigita Community System
ArsDigita Prize
ArsDigita University
Artak Yedigaryan
Artech Digital Entertainment
Artificial digestion
Art Mardigan
Artur Yedigaryan
ARY Digital
ARY Digital Network
ARY Digital UK
Ascot (Bendigo)
Ashoka Wadigamangawa
A.S. Lodigiani
Asymmetric digital subscriber line
Att lska dig
Aurora Mardiganian
Austin Museum of Digital Art
Australian Digital Health Agency
Australian Indigenous Chamber of Commerce
Australian Indigenous Communications Association
Australian Indigenous Education Foundation
Australian Indigenous Ministries
Automatic Digital Computer M-1
Automatic Digital Network
Aviation in the Digital Age
Av lngtan till dig
A Volta do Filho Prdigo
Avraham Verdiger
Avrohom Yaakov Friedman (first Sadigura rebbe)
Avrohom Yaakov Friedman (third Sadigura rebbe)
Ayyampalayam, Dindigul
Bach Digital
Back to Freedom and Dignity
Badiga Ramakrishna
Badigeru Swamp
BaeyerDrewson indigo synthesis
Bandiougou Fadiga
Bangaru Adigalar
Barbara Diggens
Barka indigobird
Baron Digby
Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty
Basil Wingfield Digby
Bassivity Digital
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education
Batman: Digital Justice
Battle of Burdigala
Battle of Digomi
Battle of Haldighati
Battle of Mendigorra
Believe Digital
Bell Labs Digital Synthesizer
Ben Diggins
Bendigo Advertiser
Bendigo Airport
Bendigo Airport (Pennsylvania)
Bendigo Airport (Victoria)
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank
Bendigo Base Hospital
Bendigo City FC
Bendigo Law Courts
Bendigo Pioneers
Bendigo South East College
Bendigo Spirit
Bendigo Stadium
Bendigo TAFE
Bendigo Women's International
Benifair de la Valldigna
Bent Jdig
Beorn (tardigrade)
BerkleyDighton Bridge
BerkleyDighton Bridge (1896)
BertrandDiguetPuiseux theorem
Best Of (The Cardigans album)
Beto Vidigal
Beulah, Ceredigion
Bevpna dig med tanken
Beyond Freedom and Dignity
Bharatiya Digital Party
Bhavan Vidyalaya, Chandigarh
Big Dig
Big Dig ceiling collapse
Bigshot (digital camera)
Bilirubin diglucuronide
Bird Watcher's Digest
Bisphenol A diglycidyl ether
Blastobasis indigesta
BLS digital signature
Blue Velvet (digital project)
Blue Wizard Digital
Bobby Digital
Bobby Digital in Stereo
Bobby Digital (Jamaican producer)
Bddiger Berg
Bodenstndig 2000
Boiga dightoni
Boken till Dig
Bombina microdeladigitora
Bom Diggy
Bondigui Department
Bookmark (digital)
Book:Taiwanese indigenous peoples
Bordighera Press
Boreal digging frog
Boruca (Indigenous territory)
Bossiaea cordigera
Bourgeois Dignity
Bow Street, Ceredigion
Brandigo China
Brasilia Digital TV Tower
Brat (digital network)
Breathe (The Prodigy song)
Bredig's arc method
Brighton, Digby, Nova Scotia
British Telecommunications plc v. Prodigy
Brunon Bendig
BT Digital Music Awards
Buckwild: Diggin' in the Crates
Buddhist Digital Resource Center
Buddleja davidii 'Harkstead Indigo' = Buzz Indigo
Budig glider
Budig Hall
Bullia digitalis
Burke and Wills Dig Tree
Bwin.Party Digital Entertainment
Caelius Rhodiginus
Calcium diglutamate
California Digital Library
California Digital Newspaper Collection
Callipielus digitata
Cameroon indigobird
Campbell paradigm
Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs
Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association
Canadian Society for Digital Humanities
Canal de Roanne Digoin
Canal Digitaal
Canal Digital
Canon Digital IXUS
Canton of Digne-les-Bains-Est
Canton of Digne-les-Bains-Ouest
Can U Dig It?
Can You Dig It
Cardamine digitata
Cardigan and District Community Hospital
Cardigan Bay
Cardigan, Ceredigion
Cardigan Pluton
Cardigan (song)
Cardigan (sweater)
Cardigan (UK Parliament constituency)
Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Carex digitata
Carl Diggler
Carlia diguliensis
Carmarthenshire and Cardiganshire Constabulary
Carnival (The Cardigans song)
Carolla Digital
Carpatolechia digitilobella
Casa Coraggio, Bordighera
Casio digital horn
Castle of Vidigueira
Castle of Vidigueiras
Category:International Digital Organization for Scientific Information academic journals
Cathedral of the Holy Saviour, Adigrat
Catoptria digitellus
Cattleya loddigesii
Cause and Effect (Digital Summer album)
C. digitata
Cecil Madigan
CE Digital
Cedric Diggory
Cellular digital accessory
Cellular digital packet data
Center for Countering Digital Hate
Center for Digital Imaging Arts at Boston University
Center for Digital Inclusion
Center for Digital Research and Scholarship
Center for Retrospective Digitization
Center for World Indigenous Studies
Center to Bridge the Digital Divide
Central bank digital currency
Central Digital TV Chinese Art Channel
Centre for Digital Media
Centre for Indigenous Theatre
Centreville, Digby, Nova Scotia
Centro Digital Pictures
Ceramics of indigenous peoples of the Americas
Ceredigion & Mid Wales NHS Trust
Ceredigion (disambiguation)
Ceredigion Historical Society
Ceredigion (journal)
Ceredigion (Senedd Cymru constituency)
Ceredigion (UK Parliament constituency)
Ceromitia indigna
Chamber of Digital Commerce
Chancery, Ceredigion
Chandigarh Airport
ChandigarhAmritsar Intercity Express
ChandigarhBandra Terminus Superfast Express
Chandigarh Capital Region
Chandigarh Capitol Complex
Chandigarh College of Architecture
Chandigarh College of Engineering and Technology
ChandigarhFirozpur Cantonment Express
Chandigarh Group of Colleges
Chandigarh Hockey Stadium
Chandigarh Lions
Chandigarh Literati
Chandigarh (Lok Sabha constituency)
ChandigarhSahnewal line
Chandigarh Territorial Congress Committee
Channel (digital image)
Charles Digby
Charles Diggs
Charles Diggs Sr.
Charles Dight
Charles Dignum
Charles Fremont Dight
Charles Madigan
Charles Riley (bishop of Bendigo)
Charles Stendig
Charlotte Adigry
Chasing the Sun (Indigenous album)
Chaz Cardigan
Ch (digraph)
Check digit
Chedighaii hutchisoni
Chess prodigy
Chief digital officer
Child development of the indigenous peoples of the Americas
Child prodigy
China Digital Entertainment Expo & Conference
China Digital Times
Christian Audigier
Christopher Dighton
Christy Dignam
Chronic airway-digestive inflammatory disease
Chuck Wendig
Cinema Digital Sound
Cirrhaea loddigesii
City of Bendigo
City of Champaign v. Madigan
City of Greater Bendigo
Clamdigger (train)
Clam digging
Classic Gold Digital Network
Classic (Rah Digga album)
Classification of indigenous languages of the Americas
Classification of indigenous peoples of the Americas
Clement Vallandigham
Clibanarius digueti
Clifford Digre
Climate change and indigenous peoples
Coal Digger
Codex Rehdigeranus
Cdigo de Endereamento Postal
Codigo Emprende
Cdigo F.A.M.A.
Cdigo Postal
Coleophora dignella
Coleotechnites condignella
Colin Madigan
Colleen Madigan
College of Horticulture Mudigere
Collita digna
Colonia Dignidad
Colorado Mines Orediggers
Comi Digi +
Comins Coch, Ceredigion
Commissioners for loyal and indigent officers
Common digital arteries
Common digital veins
Common palmar digital arteries
Common palmar digital nerves of median nerve
Common palmar digital nerves of ulnar nerve
Common plantar digital arteries
Common plantar digital nerves
Common plantar digital nerves of lateral plantar nerve
Common plantar digital nerves of medial plantar nerve
Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources
Communicate (Sasha & John Digweed album)
Compact Disc Digital Audio
Comparison of analog and digital recording
Comparison of digital and film photography
Comparison of digital audio editors
Comparison of digital image metadata editors
Comparison of digital media players
Comparison of digital SLRs
Comparison of multi-paradigm programming languages
Comyns' Digest
Condign merit
Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador
Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon
Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Bolivia
Congressional Digest
Conradign Netzer
Consten SaRL and Grundig GmbH v Commission
Constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australians
Consumers Digest
Contax N Digital
Contemporary Indigenous Australian art
Contracts of Employment (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1939 (shelved)
Contracts of Employment (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1947 (shelved)
Controlled digital lending
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine
Coordination of the Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon
Copa Internacional de Tenis Total Digest
Copernican paradigm
Coranarta cordigera
Cornufer hedigeri
Corridor Digital
Council of Advisors on Digital Economy
Council of Indigenous Peoples
Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras
Counter (digital)
Count of Vidigueira
COVID-19 pandemic in Chandigarh
Craugastor crassidigitus
Creuddyn, Ceredigion
CRN Digital Talk Radio Networks
Cropia indigna
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Development Canada
CSIR Fourth Paradigm Institute
CSM Digi Oradea
CTV 41 Bendigo
Cucurbita digitata
Cu-cu/Marabitanas Indigenous Territory
Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative
Cupcake Digital
Currys Digital
Curve Digital
Cute cat theory of digital activism
Cyber Stampede Digital Media
Cycnoches loddigesii
Cyrillic digraphs
D'Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies
Dactyloscopus tridigitatus
Daily Naya Diganta
Dance/Electronic Digital Songs
Dane Boedigheimer
Daniel Diges
Daniel Diges (album)
Daniel Hediger
Daniel Rodighiro
Danmarks Modigste
Dapidodigma demeter
Dapidodigma hymen
Dare to Be Digital
Dark Energy Digital
Dart Music (digital music aggregator)
Das merkwrdige Verhalten geschlechtsreifer Grostdter zur Paarungszeit
Data General Corp. v. Digital Computer Controls, Inc.
David DiGravio
David Madigan
David Ngodiga
David Rodigan
David Roediger
David Thomas (Archdeacon of Cardigan)
David Williams (archdeacon of Cardigan, born 1841)
David Williams (archdeacon of Cardigan, born 1862)
David Williams (Australian indigenous musician)
David Yurdiga
Davit Dighmelashvili
Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Digital Daytime Drama Series
D. digitata
Death with dignity
Death with Dignity Act
Death Without Dignity
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Deen Maar Indigenous Protected Area
DeeseRoedigerMcDermott paradigm
De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig
Dell Digital Jukebox
Dendrobium loddigesii
Den stndiga resan
Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
Department of Alto Adige
Department of Communications and Digital Technologies
Department of Digital Humanities, King's College London
Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs
DePaul University College of Computing and Digital Media
Der er et yndigt land
Der geduldige Socrates
Deseret Digital Media
Design paradigm
Det Ndvendige Seminarium
Det stver stadig
Det var en yndig tid
Development of the digestive system
Devil's Bridge, Ceredigion
Devolver Digital
Diabetes in Indigenous Australians
Dibar Dighi
DibrugarhChandigarh Express
Dichomeris indigna
Dichomeris indignus
Dick Hebdige
Dick Wingfield Digby
Didier de Radigus
Didier Digard
Die Huldigung der Knste
Diem (digital currency)
Die merkwrdige Lebensgeschichte des Friedrich Freiherrn von der Trenck
Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots
Digable Planets
Digah, Absheron
Digah, Lankaran
Digah, Masally
Dig a Hole / I Hope You Die
Digalactosyldiacylglycerol synthase
Dig Allen Space Explorer
Digallic acid
Digama africana
Digama costimacula
Digama culta
Digama hearseyana
Digama lithosioides
Digama marchalii
Digama marmorea
Digama meridionalis
Digama pandaensis
Digama rileyi
Digama spilosoma
Digama spilosomoides
Digama strabonis
Digambara Jain temple, Khandagiri
Digambara Jain Temple, Rourkela
Digambara literature
Digambara monk
Digambara Terapanth
Digambar Behera
Digambar Jain Mahasabha
Digambar Mitra
Digamber Jain Bada Mandir Hastinapur
Digamber Singh
Digamma function
Dig & Dug with Daisy
Dig & Spike Volleyball
Digangana Suryavanshi
Dig a Pony
DiGard Motorsports
Digaro languages
Digaro Mishmi
Digaro Mishmi language
Digastric branch of facial nerve
Digastric muscle
Digbeth Institute
Digby and Annapolis
Digby/Annapolis Regional Airport
Digby (band)
Digby (blogger)
Digby Crozier
Digby Denham
Digby Dent
Digby Dent (Royal Navy officer, died 1737)
Digby (electoral district)
Digby Fairweather
Digby George Gerahty
Digby Island
Digby Jephson
Digby Jones, Baron Jones of Birmingham
Digby Jones (musician)
Digby, Lincolnshire
Digby Mackworth Dolben
Digby McLaren
Digby Neck
Digby, Nova Scotia
Digby, Ohio
Digby Owen
Digby Pearson
Digby Pines Golf Resort and Spa
Digby (provincial electoral district)
Digby Shuttleworth
Digby Smith
Digby Tantam
Digby Tatham-Warter
Digby Willoughby
Digby Willoughby, 9th Baron Middleton
Digby Wolfe
Dig Comics
Dig (command)
Dig (composition)
Dig Deep
Dig Deep (album)
Dig (disambiguation)
Dig Down
Dig Dug
Dig Dug: Digging Strike
Dig Dug II
Digeh Sara
Digenes Akritas
Digenis Akritas Morphou FC
Digenis Oroklinis
DiGeorge syndrome
Digeridoo (EP)
Digerudgrunnen Lighthouse
Digerus gibberulus
Digest access authentication
Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score
Digesting Duck
Digestion (alchemy)
Digestion chambers
Digestive biscuit
Digestive Diseases and Sciences
Digestive enzyme
Digestive rate model
Digestive system neoplasm
Digestive system of gastropods
Digestive system of humpback whales
Digestive system surgery
Digest of Laws of the Russian Empire
Digest of Middle East Studies
Digest (Roman law)
Digest size
Dig for Fire
Digger (1993 film)
Digger (2020 film)
Digger (Bottom)
Digger (comics)
Digger Dawson
Diggeress Te Kanawa
Digger, Ladakh
Digger Okonkwo
Digger Phelps
Digger Robertson
Diggers' Song
Diggers & Dealers
Diggers and Dreamers
Digger slang
Digger (soldier)
Diggers Rest, Victoria
Diggers (theater)
Diggers (TV series)
Diggers (video game)
Digger T. Rock
Digger (video game)
Digger wasp
Diggi-Loo Diggi-Ley
Diggin' in dah Vaults
Diggin' in the Crates Crew
Diggin' on You
Digging bar
Digging for Britain
Digging for the Truth
Digging frog
Digging in the Dirt
Digging the Grave
Digging to America
Digging to China
Diggins, Missouri
Diggi Palace
Diggle, Greater Manchester
Diggles: The Myth of Fenris
Diggs baronets
Diggs Nightcrawler
Diggs (The Simpsons)
Diggy Simmons
DighaAsansol Express
Dighalia Upazila
DighaMalda Town Express
DighaSonpur Bridge
DighaVisakhapatnam Express
Dig Here Said the Angel
Dighi Union
Dighton, Kansas
Dighton, Massachusetts
Dighton Probyn
Dighton Rock
Dighton USD 482
Dights Falls
Dighty Burn
Digi 24
DigiBarn Computer Museum
Digicel Cup
DigiCipher 2
Digico Limited
Digi Communications
Digi-Comp I
Digi-Comp II
Digifant engine management system
Digify (company)
Digi International
Digimon Adventure
Digimon Adventure 02
Digimon Adventure (2020 TV series)
Digimon Adventure: Anode/Cathode Tamer
Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!
Digimon Adventure tri.
Digimon Adventure (video game)
Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01
Digimon Battle Online
Digimon Battle Spirit
Digimon Data Squad
Digimon D-Cyber
Digimon Frontier
Digimon Fusion
Digimon Masters
Digimon Next
Digimon Rumble Arena 2
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory
Digimon Story Lost Evolution
Digimon Tamers
Digimon: The Movie
Digimon Universe: App Monsters
Digimon World
Digimon World 2
Digimon World 3
Digimon World 4
Digimon World Data Squad
Digimon World Dawn and Dusk
Digimon World DS
Digimon World: Next Order
Digimon World Re:Digitize
Dig In Deep
DigiPen Institute of Technology
Digish Mehta
Digi Snacks
Digi Sport
Digi Sport (Romania)
Dig It
Digital 3&4
Digital 3D
Digital access carrier system
Digital Accessible Information System
Digital Access Signalling System
Digital Access Signalling System 1
Digital Access Signalling System 2
Digital Access to a Sky Century @ Harvard
Digital accordion
Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2013
Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014
Digital active signal collector
Digital Addressable Lighting Interface
Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada
Digital agriculture
Digital (album)
Digital: A Love Story
Digital AMPS
Digital anchor
Digital Angel
Digital anthropology
Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery
Digital archaeology
Digital Archaeology (exhibition)
Digital architect
Digital architecture
Digital art
Digital arteries
Digital artifact
Digital Arts and Culture
Digital Ash in a Digital Urn
Digital asset
Digital Asset Holdings
Digital asset management
Digital assistant
Digital audio
Digital Audio Access Protocol
Digital Audio Control Protocol
Digital audio radio service
Digital Audio Tape
Digital Author Identifier
Digital Automated Identification System
Digital back-propagation
Digital badge
Digital Bananas Technology
Digital billboard
Digital biquad filter
Digital Blasphemy
Digital Britain
Digital buffer
Digital cable
Digital Caf
Digital camera
Digital camera back
Digital camera modes
Digital Camera Resource Page
Digital Capital
Digital card
Digital cassettes
Digital casting
Digital Catapult
Digital Chameleon
Digital Champ: Battle Boxing
Digital Chart of the World
Digital Chocolate
Digital cinema
Digital Cinema Initiatives
Digital Cinema Open System Alliance
Digital cinematography
Digital circuit multiplication equipment
Digital citizen
Digital Classicist
Digital classics
Digital clock
Digital clock manager
Digital cloning
Digital collaboration
Digital collectible card game
Digital Collection System Network
Digital Color Meter
Digital Combat Simulator
Digital comic
Digital Command Center
DIGITAL Command Language
Digital commons (economics)
Digital Commons (Elsevier)
Digital Communication Network
Digital Communications Associates
Digital Compact Cassette
Digital comparator
Digital compass
Digital compositing
Digital Content Next
Digital continuity
Digital control
Digital Control Bus
Digital copy
Digital Copyright
Digital Copyright Canada Forum
Digital Cornerstone
Digital Creations
Digital credential
Digital cross connect system
Digital CSIC
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee
Digital curation
Digital currency
Digital dark age
Digital data
Digital Data Communications Message Protocol
Digital Data Storage
Digital Data Systems
Digital DawgPound
Digital delay generator
Digital delay line
Digital dermatitis
Digital design
Digital Designs
Digital detox
Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei
Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II
Digital Dharma
Digital Dictator
Digital Dictionary of Buddhism
Digital differential analyzer
Digital differential analyzer (graphics algorithm)
Digital diplomacy
Digital display advertising
Digital distribution
Digital Distribution Netherlands
Digital distribution of video games
Digital divide
Digital divide by country
Digital divide in China
Digital divide in Germany
Digital divide in Malaysia
Digital divide in South Africa
Digital divide in Thailand
Digital dividend after digital television transition
Digital DJ licensing
Digital Doesn't Matter
Digital Dog
Digital Domain
Digital down converter
Digital download
Digital Druglord
Digital dystopia
Digital Eclipse
Digital economy
Digital Economy Act 2010
Digital Economy Act 2017
Digital edition
Digital Eel
Digital effect
Digital Effects (studio)
Digital electronic computer
Digital electronics
Digital elevation model
Digital eMation
Digital enclosure
Digital encoding of APL symbols
Digital enhanced cordless telecommunications
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Digital Entertainment Content Ecosystem
Digital Entertainment Network
Digital environments
Digital Equipment Corporation
Digital eXtreme Definition
Digital Extremes
Digital Farm Animals
Digital Federal Credit Union
Digital film festivals
Digital Film Makers Forum
Digital filter
Digital fingerprint
Digital firm
Digital First Media
Digital footprint
Digital forensic process
Digital forensics
Digital Fortress
Digital Forty Four
Digital Freedom Foundation
Digital Fuel
Digital Games Research Association
Digital Game Xpo
Digital Geographic Exchange Standard
Digital Geometric Kernel
Digital geometry
Digital Ghosts
Digital gold currency
Digital goods
Digital Government Society
Digital graffiti
Digital handheld refractometer
Digital hardcore
Digital Hardcore Recordings
Digital health
Digital Health Canada
Digital heritage
Digital Himalaya
Digital history
Digital hoarding
Digital holographic microscopy
Digital humanities
Digital Humanities Observatory
Digital Humanities Quarterly
Digital ICE
Digital ID
Digital identity
Digital III at Montreux
Digital illustration
Digital image
Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music
Digital image correlation and tracking
Digital image correlation for electronics
Digital image processing
Digital imaging
Digital imaging technician
Digital India
Digital India Corporation
Digital inheritance
Digital ink
Digital integration
Digital Interface for Video and Audio
Digital intermediate
Digital ion trap
Digitalis canariensis
Digitalis ferruginea
Digitalis fulva
Digitalis grandiflora
Digitalis lanata
Digitalis lutea
Digitalism (band)
Digitalism discography
Digitalis obscura
Digitalis purpurea
Digitalis Purpurea (producer)
Digitalis thapsi
Digitalis viridiflora
Digital Joint Reconnaissance Pod
Digital journalism
Digital Journalism (journal)
Digital Juice
Digital Juice (anime)
Digital Juice, Inc.
Digital Keystone
Digital kidnapping
Digital Kitchen
Digital labor
Digital learning
Digital Leisure
Digital leisure studies
Digital library
Digital Library for Dutch Literature
Digital Library of Georgia
Digital Library of India
Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
Digital Library of Modern Greek Studies "Anemi"
Digital Library of Slovenia
Digital Library of the Caribbean
Digital Light Processing
Digital Line
Digital Linear Tape
Digital literacy
Digital Living Network Alliance
Digital lollipop
Digital Love
Digitally controlled oscillator
Digital magazine
Digital mailroom
Digital Management
Digital Manga
Digital Maoism: The Hazards of the New Online Collectivism
Digital mapping
Digital marketing
Digital Marketing in Brazil
Digital marketing system
Digital Mars
Digital Maryland
Digital master
Digital matte artist
Digital media
Digital Media Consumers' Rights Act
Digital media in education
Digital media player
Digital Media Port
Digital media service
Digital media use and mental health
Digital medicine
Digital Medievalist
Digital microfluidics
Digital micromirror device
Digital microscope
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Digital mixing console
Digital mobile radio
Digital mockup
Digital modeling and fabrication
Digital Molecular Matter
Digital Monster (virtual pet)
Digital Morse theory
Digital motion X-ray
Digital movie camera
Digital Multilayer Disk
Digital multiplex hierarchy
Digital Music News
Digital Mystikz
Digital Nations
Digital native
Digital Negative
Digital nerve
Digital nervous system
Digital News Network
Digital Newsstand
Digital nomad
Digital notary
Digital object identifier
Digital object memory
Digital obstacle file
Digital One
Digital on-screen graphic
Digital Opportunity Investment Trust
Digital Opportunity Trust
Digital organism
Digital orthophoto quadrangle
Digital outcrop model
Digital Packet Video Link
Digital painting
Digital paper
Digital Party
Digital pathology
Digital pattern generator
Digital pen
Digital performance
Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act
Digital Performer
Digital permanence
Digital pet
Digital philosophy
Digital phobic
Digital photo frame
Digital photograph restoration
Digital photography
Digital Photography Review
Digital physics
Digital piano
Digital Picture Exchange
Digital Pictures
Digital Pinball: Last Gladiators
Digital Pipeline
Digital planar holography
Digital Planet
Digital platform
Digital Playground
Digital poetry
Digital polymerase chain reaction
Digital Poodle
Digital Population
Digital Postmarks
Digital potentiometer
Digital preservation
Digital Preservation Coalition
Digital Priests
Digital Priests The Remixes
Digital printing
Digital Print Order Format
Digital private mobile radio
Digital Private Network Signalling System
Digital Production Partnership
Digital program insertion
Digital projection
Digital Promise
Digital prototyping
Digital publication app
Digital Public Library of America
Digital puppetry
Digital Quran
Digital radio
Digital radio frequency memory
Digital radiography
Digital radio in the United Kingdom
Digital Radio Mondiale
Digital raster graphic
Digital read out
Digital Reality
Digital Realty
Digital recorder
Digital recording
Digital redlining
Digital reference
Digital Region
Digital Remedy
Digital Renegade
Digital repository audit method based on risk assessment
Digital Research
Digital researcher
Digital Research in European Studies
Digital Research Labs
Digital Research Systems Group
Digital Revolution
DigitalRev TV
Digital rhetoric
Digital rights
Digital rights management
Digital Rights Watch
Digital Rock (album)
Digital room correction
Digital root
Digital Satellite Service
Digital scan back
Digital scent technology
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
Digital scrapbooking
Digital sculpting
Digital Security Agency
Digital selective calling
Digital self-defense
Digital sensor
Digital Serial Interface
Digital Shades Vol. 1
Digital sheet music
Digital Shoreditch
Digital signage
Digital signal
Digital Signal 0
Digital Signal 1
Digital Signal 3
Digital signal controller
Digital signal processing
Digital Signal Processing (journal)
Digital signal processor
Digital signal (signal processing)
Digital signature
Digital Signature Algorithm
Digital Signature and Electronic Authentication Law
Digital signature forgery
Digital signature transponder
Digital single-lens reflex camera
Digital Single Market
Digital Skills Global
Digital sociology
Digital soil mapping
Digital Solutions
Digital Songs
Digital Sound Factory
Digital sound revolution
Digital Sound System 80
Digital speaker
Digital Spy
Digital storage oscilloscope
Digital Storm
Digital story board
Digital storytelling
Digital strategy manager
Digital studio
Digital subchannel
Digital sublime
Digital subscriber line
Digital subscriber line access multiplexer
Digital Subscriber System No. 1
Digital Subscriber System No. 2
Digital subtraction angiography
Digital sum
Digital Summer
Digital supply chain
Digital switchover dates in the United Kingdom
Digital Switchover Help Scheme
Digital switchover in the United Kingdom
Digital synthesizer
Digital Systems
Digital tachograph
Digital Tape Format
Digital Taylorism
Digital Tears: E-mail from Purgatory
Digital Technologies and the Museum Experience
Digital technology
Digital Telecom Internet Exchange
Digital Telecommunications Philippines
Digital television
Digital television adapter
Digital television in Australia
Digital television in Canada
Digital television in Malaysia
Digital television in the Netherlands
Digital television transition
Digital television transition in Japan
Digital terminal adapter
Digital terrestrial television
Digital terrestrial television in Andorra
Digital terrestrial television in Australia
Digital terrestrial television in Cyprus
Digital terrestrial television in Denmark
Digital terrestrial television in Estonia
Digital terrestrial television in Indonesia
Digital terrestrial television in Portugal
Digital terrestrial television in Sweden
Digital terrestrial television in Thailand
Digital terrestrial television in the Philippines
Digital terrestrial television in the Republic of Ireland
Digital terrestrial television in the United Kingdom
Digital test controller
Digital textbook
Digital theatre
Digital Theft Deterrence and Copyright Damages Improvement Act of 1999
Digital theology
Digital thread
Digital timing diagram
Digital-to-analog converter
Digital topology
Digital transaction management
Digital transformation
Digital Transition Content Security Act
Digital Transmission Content Protection
Digital transmission hierarchy
Digital Trends
Digital twin
Digital UK
Digital Underground
Digital Union
Digital Universe
Digital Veil
Digital Vein
Digital Versatile Doom
Digital video
Digital video effect
Digital video fingerprinting
Digital video recorder
Digital Visitor and Resident
Digital Visual Interface
Digital wallet
Digital watermarking
Digital waveguide synthesis
Digital Web
Digital Webbing
Digital Weight Indicator
Digital X-ray radiogrammetry
Digital zoom
Digit (anatomy)
Digitaria californica
Digitaria ciliaris
Digitaria cognata
Digitaria compacta
Digitaria didactyla
Digitaria eriantha
Digitaria exilis
Digitaria iburua
Digitaria ischaemum
Digitaria pauciflora
Digitaria sanguinalis
Digitas NewFront
Digitata (band)
Dig It (Beatles song)
Digitec Galaxus
DigiTech JamMan
DigiTech Whammy
Digi Telecommunications
Digitel GSM
Digit (EP)
Digit Fund
Digitivalva amseli
Digitivalva arnicella
Digitivalva artemisiella
Digitivalva christophi
Digitivalva eglanteriella
Digitivalva exsuccella
Digitivalva granitella
Digitivalva hemiglypha
Digitivalva heringi
Digitivalva hoenei
Digitivalva longipennella
Digitivalva macedonica
Digitivalva nephelota
Digitivalva occidentella
Digitivalva orientella
Digitivalva pappella
Digitivalva perlepidella
Digitivalva pulicariae
Digitivalva reticulella
Digitivalva sibirica
Digitivalva solidaginis
Digitivalva trapezopa
Digitivalva valeriella
Digitivalva wolfschlaegeri
Digit (magazine)
Digitorum brevis muscle
Digitorum longus muscle
Digitorum muscle
Digit ratio
Digit-reassembly number
Digit sum
Digit symbol substitution test
Digit (unit)
Digitus primus
DigiWorld by IDATE
DigiWorld Economic Journal
Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!
Diglucosyl diacylglycerol synthase
Diglum, Queensland
Diglyceride acyltransferase
Diglycidyl ether
Diglycolic acid
DigmanZidell House
Dig Me Out
Dig (Miles Davis album)
Dig My Mood
Digna and Emerita
Digna... hasta el ltimo aliento
Dignja Parish
Digna Luz Murillo
Digna Ochoa
Digne Cathedral
Dignelis Jimnez
Dignified transfer
Dignitary Protection
Dignitary tort
Dignitas (esports)
Dignitas personae
Dignitas (Swiss non-profit organisation)
Dignitatis humanae
Dignitatis Humanae Institute
Dignity (album)
Dignity and Charity
Dignity and Honor
Dignity and Shame
Dignity College of Architecture
Dignity (disambiguation)
Dignity for All Students Act
Dignity Freedom Network
Dignity Health
Dignity Health Event Center
Dignity Health Sports Park
Dignity Health Sports Park (tennis)
Dignity Health St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center
Dignity in Dying
Dignity (Law & Order)
Dignity Movement
Dignity of labour
Dignity of risk
Dignity Party (Egypt)
Dignity Party (South Australia)
Dignity (statue)
Dignity Village
Digno Garca
Digno Gonzlez
Digo language
Digon (disambiguation)
Digonophorus elegans
Digo people
Digor, Kars
Digor Ossetian
Digor people
Digorsky District
Digory Kirke
Digos Conventual Priory
Dig Out Your Soul
Dig Out Your Soul Tour
Digoxin immune fab
Digoxin toxicity
Digrammia californiaria
Digrammia colorata
Digrammia continuata
Digrammia curvata
Digrammia equivocata
Digrammia gnophosaria
Digrammia irrorata
Digrammia mellistrigata
Digrammia neptaria
Digrammia ocellinata
Digrammia rippertaria
Digrammia sexpunctata
Digrammia subminiata
Digraph (orthography)
Digraphs and trigraphs
Digras (Vidhan Sabha constituency)
Dig (restaurant)
Dig Richards
Dig. Sow. Love. Grow.
Digswell Viaduct
Dig That Groove Baby
Dig the New Breed
Dig (Toshiko Akiyoshi album)
Dig (TV series)
Diguanylate cyclase
Diguetia canities
Dig Up the Dead
Digvijaya Singh
Digvijay Nath
Digvijay Singh
Digvijaysinhji Jhala
Digvijaysinhji Ranjitsinhji
Dig Where You Stand movement
Dig Your Grave Friend... Sabata's Coming
Dig Your Own Grave
Dig Your Roots
Di indigetes
Dinalo Adigo
Dindigul district
Dindigul I. Leoni
Dindigul Sarathy
Dindigul Thalappakatti Restaurant
Digenes Domnguez
Digenes Hequet
Digenes Joo
Digenes Lara
Digenes Luna
Dione Digby, Lady Digby
Diphasiastrum digitatum
Diploma in Digital Applications (DiDA)
Direct digital control
Direct digital synthesis
Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market
Direct Stream Digital
Discovery Digital Networks
Disney Digital 3-D
Disney Digital Network
Districts of Trentino-Alto Adige/Sdtirol
Division of Bendigo
Djrab Ndigngar
DM Digital
DNA digital data storage
Dolby Digital
Dolby Digital Plus
Domestic Digital Bus
Dorsal digital arteries
Dorsal digital arteries of foot
Dorsal digital arteries of hand
Dorsal digital nerves
Dorsal digital nerves of foot
Dorsal digital nerves of radial nerve
Dorsal digital nerves of ulnar nerve
Dorsal digital veins
Dorsal digital veins of the foot
Dot-probe paradigm
Double digging
Douceline of Digne
Draft:Adigaram 79
Draft:Andrew Lindsay (digital rights advocate)
Draft:Digimon (film)
Draft:Digital public goods
Draft:Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities
Draft:Digital Sepoltuario
Draft:Neil Patel (digital marketer)
Dr Boondigga and the Big BW
D-Scribe Digital Publishing
Dual-task paradigm
Dudley Digges
Dump digging
Dusky indigobird
Dynamic logic (digital electronics)
Dz (digraph)
Earl of Cardigan
East Bendigo
Eastern indigo snake
East Side Digital Records
Eccellenza Trentino-Alto Adige/Sdtirol
Ecclesiastical dignitary
Echo Digital Audio
Economics of digitization
Ectoedemia digitata
Edigar Junio
E. Digby Baltzell
Edigeison Gomes
Edigleuson Alves de Sousa
Edmund DiGiulio
Edward Digby
Edward Digby, 11th Baron Digby
Edward Digby, 12th Baron Digby
Edward Digby, 9th Baron Digby
Edward Rell Madigan
Edward R. Murrow Award (Radio Television Digital News Association)
Edy Schmidiger
EGranary Digital Library
Eifion Evans (Archdeacon of Cardigan)
Eine Nacht in Venedig
El Dinouda Digdighei
Electoral district of Bendigo East
Electoral district of Bendigo West
Eleutherodactylus angustidigitorum
El hijo prdigo
Elia del Medigo
liane Radigue
Ellen Diggs
Ellington Indigos
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
El Perdign
El Prodigio
El rincn de los prodigios
Elvira Madigan
Email digest
Emblem of Chandigarh
mile Digneffe
Emil Rdiger
Emoia digul
Empis digramma
Empreintes DIGITALes
Encoder (digital)
En hndig man
En hndig man (song)
En kvinde er overfldig
En ledig dag
Entity Paradigm
Entschdigungseinrichtung deutscher Banken
Eon Digital Entertainment
Equinox Digital Music Distribution (DMD)
Erbessa lindigii
Erich Rdiger von Wedel
Ericodesma indigestana
Erik Adigard
Erik Stadigh
Ernie DiGregorio
Ernst Rdiger Starhemberg
Ernst Rdiger von Starhemberg
ERT Digital
Erupa prodigialis
Esat Digifone licence controversy
Essential dignity
Estella B. Diggs
Es woll uns Gott gendig sein
Ethiopian Catholic Eparchy of Adigrat
ETSI Satellite Digital Radio
Euchre Diggings, California
Eucrostes indigenata
Eulimella digenes
Eupithecia indigata
European Association for Digital Humanities
European Conference on Digital Libraries
European Digital Archive on Soil Maps of the World
European Digital Rights
European Digital SME Alliance
Everard Digby
Evolving digital ecological network
Excalibur (Grave Digger album)
Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age
Expanded granular sludge bed digestion
Ex parte Vallandigham
Experience (The Prodigy album)
Extensor digiti minimi muscle
Extensor digitorum brevis manus muscle
Extensor digitorum brevis muscle
Extensor digitorum longus muscle
Extensor digitorum muscle
Extracellular digestion
Eye-Q Go Wireless Digital Camera
F1 Digital+
Fbio da Silva Bordignon
Faenor, Ceredigion
False indigo
Fach Broudig
FC Digora
FC Rapid Ghidighici
FC Rapid Ghidighici (200508)
F. Digby Hardy
Federal Digital System
Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
Fdration Franaise des Artistes Prestidigitateurs
Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations
Federico Coullaut-Valera Mendigutia
Feminist digital humanities
Fernando Fernndez de Crdova, 2nd Marquess of Mendigorra
Fernando Perdigo
Feyiseitan Asagidigbi
Films and Frames Digital Film Awards
Firestarter (The Prodigy song)
Flag of Ceredigion
Flag of Trentino-Alto Adige/Sdtirol
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle (foot)
Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle (hand)
Flexor digiti quinti brevis muscle
Flexor digitorum brevis muscle
Flexor digitorum longus muscle
Flexor digitorum muscle
Flexor digitorum profundus muscle
Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle
Flying geese paradigm
For What It's Worth (The Cardigans song)
Four-channel Compact Disc Digital Audio
Four-digit toad
Fox Sports Digital Media
Francisco Mendigaa y Armendriz
Franois de Bonne, Duke of Lesdiguires
Franco Modigliani
Franz Leydig
Freenet digital GmbH
Fresno Alhndiga
Frieda Nadig
Friedrich von Rdiger
From Danger to Dignity: The Fight for Safe Abortion
From the Bench Digital Entertainment
Frostbiter: Wrath of the Wendigo
Funan DigitaLife Mall
Fun Fare; a Treasury of Reader's Digest Wit and Humor
G'Day Digger!
Gaddige Kenddganeshwara
Gajanan Digambar Madgulkar
Galaxy Digital
Gandhi Bhawan, Chandigarh
G och gm dig,
Gaon Digital Chart
Gary W. Laidig
Gaspar DiGregorio
Gasto Vidigal
Gva till dig
Gayathri Mudigonda
Geduldig v. Aiello
Geir Digerud
Geiss Digisequencer
Gender roles among the indigenous peoples of North America
Gene Budig
Gene DiGirolamo
Genetic history of indigenous peoples of the Americas
Genocide of indigenous peoples
Geoffrey Digby
Geoffroy d'Andign
George Digby
George Digby, 2nd Earl of Bristol
George Digby Barker
George Diggs
George Digweed
George L. Cadigan
Georgian verb paradigm
Geschwindigkeitsberwachung Neigetechnik
G. H. Diggle
Gh (digraph)
Ghidighici Reservoir
Gholam Hossein Sadighi
Giovanni Bordiga
Girls (The Prodigy song)
Giro del Trentino Alto Adige-Sdtirol
Glan-y-mr, Ceredigion
Global Digital Exemplar
Global Digital Mathematics Library
Glossary of digital forensics terms
Godigbe festival
GoDigital Media Group
Golddiggas, Headnodders and Pholk Songs
Gold Digger
Gold digger
Gold Digger (comics)
Golddigger (film)
Gold Digger (Kanye West song)
Gold Diggers in Paris
Gold Diggers of '49
Gold Diggers of 1933
Gold Diggers of 1935
Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain
Gold Digger (TV series)
Gold digging
Gold-digging ant
Gol Dig-e Silab
Golf Digest
Golf Digest Tournament
Gopalakrishna Adiga
Government College of Art, Chandigarh
Government Digital Service
Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh
Government Museum and Art Gallery, Chandigarh
Governor's Palace, Chandigarh
Grande-Digue, New Brunswick
Gravediggaz discography
Grave Digger (band)
Gravedigger (comics)
Gravedigger (disambiguation)
Gravedigger Five
Grave Digger (monster truck)
Grip Digital
Grosses vollstndiges Universal-Lexicon
Grupo Poticas Digitais
Guang Hua Digital Plaza
Guard digit
Gwyneddigion Society
Halcyon Digest
Hamid Sadighi Neiriz
Hammer digit
Handigodu syndrome
Hanging Around (The Cardigans song)
Hans-Jrgen Riediger
Harmonically enhanced digital audio
Hassan Abdallah Mardigue
Healthy digestion
Heart of Darkness (Grave Digger album)
Hector d'Andign de Grandfontaine
Heilige Drievuldigheidscollege
Helen Milner (digital inclusion)
Hemaiag Bedros XVII Ghedighian
Hem till dig
Henrich Krummedige
Henry Digby
Henry Digby Beste
Henry Digby (Royal Navy officer)
Henry L. Roediger III
Heritage Trees of Chandigarh
Herv Godignon
Hey Gyp (Dig the Slowness)
High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection
High-bit-rate digital subscriber line
High bit rate digital subscriber line 2
High Definition Compatible Digital
High Sheriff of Cardiganshire
Hilaire Kdigui
Hila Sedighi
Himlen r oskyldigt bl
Hinrich Ladiges
History of Digital Equipment Corporation
History of Indigenous Australians
History of Mumbai under indigenous empires
Hit91.9 Bendigo
HMAS Bendigo (FCPB 211)
HMAS Bendigo (J187)
HMCS Digby
HMS Cardigan Bay (K630)
H.N.I.C. (Prodigy album)
Hollow (Digital Summer EP)
Holly Elissa Dignard
Homalocantha digitata
Homer vs. Dignity
Hoopla (digital media service)
Horst-Rdiger Magnor
Horst-Rdiger Schlske
Hosa Digantha
Hot Diggity (Dog Ziggity Boom)
Hotel Indigo Atlanta Midtown
HowrahDigha Super AC Express
HP Indigo Division
H+: The Digital Series
Hdvendigr-class cruiser
Hdavendigr Eyalet
Hdavendigar Mosque
Hdavendigr Vilayet
Huge (digital agency)
Human digestive system
Human Digital Orchestra
Human Dignity Alliance
Human Dignity Award
Hundred-dollar, Hundred-digit Challenge problems
Hungama Digital Media Entertainment
Huseynagha Sadigov
Huw Ceredig
Hypochalcia dignella
Hypoplectrus indigo
Hyposmocoma digressa
Ibn Idigoras
I Dig Rock and Roll Music
If Music Be the Food of Love ... Then Prepare for Indigestion
Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm
IJ (digraph)
Ikhlas, Pindigheb
Ilango Adigal
Imaikkaa Nodigal
Immacolata Concezione, Bordighera
Independent digital media in Cuba
Index of articles related to Indigenous Canadians
Indigenat (disambiguation)
Indigne ditions (publishing house)
Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Act
Indigenous All-Stars
Indigenous American philosophy
Indigenous and community conserved area
Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989
Indigenous and Tribal Populations Convention, 1957
Indigenous architecture
Indigenous Area
Indigenous Aryans
Indigenous Australian art
Indigenous Australian customary law
Indigenous Australian food groups
Indigenous Australian literature
Indigenous Australians
Indigenous Australians and crime
Indigenous Australian self-determination
Indigenous Authorities of Colombia
Indigenous (band)
Indigenous bundle
Indigenous Canadian personalities
Indigenous cattle breeds of India
Indigenous church mission theory
Indigenous Collection (Miles District Historical Village)
Indigenous Communists in Hong Kong
Indigenous Community Television
Indigenous cuisine
Indigenous cuisine of the Americas
Indigenous Defence Equipment Exporters Association
Indigenous (ecology)
Indigenous Environmental Network
Indigenous feminism
Indigenous (film)
Indigenous food security in Canada
Indigenous Futurisms
Indigenous health in Australia
Indigenous horticulture
Indigenous inhabitants of the New Territories
Indigenous intellectual property
Indigenous Ketagalan Boulevard protest
Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation
Indigenous land claims in Canada
Indigenous land rights
Indigenous land rights in Australia
Indigenous language
Indigenous languages of Arizona
Indigenous languages of South America
Indigenous languages of the Americas
Indigenous Law Centre
Indigenous literatures in Canada
Indigenous materials in the Philippines
Indigenous metal music
Indigenous Mexican Americans
Indigenous movements in the Americas
Indigenous Music Awards
Indigenous music of Australia
Indigenous music of Canada
Indigenous music of North America
Indigenous Nationalist Party of Twipra
Indigenous New Zealanders
Indigenous Nigerian music
Indigenous North American stickball
Indigenous People's Front of Tripura
Indigenous People's Technology and Education Center
Indigenous people in video games
Indigenous People of Biafra
Indigenous people of New Guinea
Indigenous people of Oaxaca
Indigenous people of South Africa
Indigenous people of the Everglades region
Indigenous peoples
Indigenous Peoples' Day
Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment Initiative
Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism
Indigenous peoples in Argentina
Indigenous peoples in Bolivia
Indigenous peoples in Brazil
Indigenous peoples in Canada
Indigenous peoples in Chile
Indigenous peoples in Colombia
Indigenous peoples in Ecuador
Indigenous peoples in Guyana
Indigenous peoples in Northern Canada
Indigenous peoples in Paraguay
Indigenous peoples in Quebec
Indigenous peoples in Suriname
Indigenous peoples in Uruguay
Indigenous peoples in Venezuela
Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program
Indigenous Peoples March
Indigenous peoples of Africa
Indigenous Peoples of Africa Co-ordinating Committee
Indigenous peoples of Arizona
Indigenous peoples of California
Indigenous peoples of Costa Rica
Indigenous peoples of Florida
Indigenous peoples of Mexico
Indigenous peoples of Oceania
Indigenous peoples of Panama
Indigenous peoples of Peru
Indigenous peoples of Siberia
Indigenous peoples of Sikkim
Indigenous peoples of South America
Indigenous peoples of the Americas
Indigenous peoples of the Caribbean
Indigenous peoples of the Eastern Woodlands
Indigenous peoples of the Great Basin
Indigenous peoples of the Northeastern Woodlands
Indigenous peoples of the Northwest Plateau
Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast
Indigenous peoples of the Philippines
Indigenous peoples of the Southeastern Woodlands
Indigenous peoples of the Subarctic
Indigenous Philippine folk religions
Indigenous Philippine shrines and sacred grounds
Indigenous police in Canada
Indigenous Protected Area
Indigenous psychology
Indigenous ranger
Indigenous religion
Indigenous religious beliefs of the Tagalog people
Indigenous religious beliefs of the Tagbanwa people
Indigenous Revolutionary Armed Forces of the Pacific
Indigenous rights
Indigenous rock
Indigenous self-government in Canada
Indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East
Indigenous Social Alliance Movement
Indigenous specific land claims in Canada
Indigenous Spiritual Ministry of Mishamikoweesh
Indigenous storytelling in North America
Indigenous territory
Indigenous territory (Brazil)
Indigenous territory (Costa Rica)
Indigenous treaties in Australia
Indigenous Tweets
Indigenous uses of yellow cedar
Indigenous voice to government
Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Indignation (novel)
Indignation (word)
Indignit nationale
Indigo 91.9 FM
Indigo (actress)
Indigo Airlines (American airline)
Indigo Algorithm (Ai no Denshi Kisuuhou)
Indigo-banded kingfisher
INDIGO, Beijing
Indigo Blue
Indigo Books and Music
Indigo bunting
Indigo bush
Indigo-capped hummingbird
Indigo carmine
Indigo Child (album)
Indigo children
Indigo (Chris Brown album)
Indigo (disambiguation)
Indigo dye
Indigo Era
Indigofera australis
Indigofera decora
Indigofera heterantha
Indigofera suffruticosa
Indigofera tinctoria
Indigo flowerpiercer
Indigo flycatcher
Indigo FM (Australia)
Indigo Girls
Indigo Girls (album)
Indigo Grey: The Passage
Indigo Internet
Indigo Jam Unit
Indigo la End
Indigo Lake
Indigo Lake (Alaska)
Indigo Lake (Ohio)
Indigo Moss
Indigo (Never Shout Never album)
Indigo Nights
Indigo Planet Records
Indigo Publications
Indigo Renderer
Indigo revolt
Indigo snake (species)
Indigo Tribe
Indigo und die vierzig Ruber
Indigo Valley, Victoria
Indigo Vertigo
Indigo (Warner novel)
Indigo: Women of Song
IndoreChandigarh Express
Industrial digital printer
Industrial Property Digital Library
Infantile digital fibromatosis
Ingen kan love dig i morgen
Innan jag knde dig
Institute of Indigenous Medicine
Intec Digital
Integrated digital television
Integrated Services Digital Network
Interactive & Digital Media Centre
Interdigital transducer
Interdigital webbing
International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences
International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers
International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
International Digital Publishing Forum
Internationale Wielertrofee Jong Maar Moedig
International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks
International Journal of Digital Earth
International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs
International Year of Indigenous Languages
Inter-paradigm debate in international relations theory
Inventors Digest
Investis Digital
Investitionsbank Trentino Sdtirol Mediocredito Trentino Alto Adige
Invitation Digital
Iolo Ceredig Jones
Iris Digital Communications System
Isaac Asimov's Robot City: Prodigy
Isac Dignus Fransen van de Putte
ISDN digital subscriber line
Isiboro Scure National Park and Indigenous Territory
Isidoro Diguez Dueas
Itinerarium Burdigalense
ITV Digital
ITV Digital Channels
Ivan Dodig
Jack Caddigan
Jag mste kyssa dig
Jag saknar dig ibland
Jag ska aldrig lmna dig
Jalal al-Digheily
Jamar Diggs
Jambandu indigobird
James Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan
James Digges La Touche
James DiGiovanna
James Digman Wingfield
James Ihedigbo
Jane Digby
Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community
Jean Dig
Jessie Diggins
Jess Diguez
Jewish Digital Archive Project
Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa
Jochen Sandig
Joe DiGangi
Joel DiGregorio
Joetta Clark Diggs
Johannes Christianus Roedig
John Butler Dight
John Dadigi
John Digby
John Digby (16181664)
John Digby, 1st Earl of Bristol
John Digby (judge)
John Diggle
John Diggle (Arrowverse)
John Dighton
John DiGilio
John DiGiorgio
John Dignan
John Digons
John Digweed
John Hedigan
John Louis DiGaetani
John Madigan
John Newdigate
John Odigie Oyegun
John Patrick Diggins
John Price (MP for Cardiganshire)
John Wingfield Digby
John Zandig
Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
Jorge Hernndez Diguez
Jorge Vidigal
Jrg-Rdiger Sack
Jose Catindig Jr.
Josef Staudigl
Jos Lus Vidigal
Josepha Madigan
Joseph diGenova
Joseph Diggle
Joseph Solomon Delmedigo
Joseph Wedig
Jos Plateau indigobird
Journal of Indigenous Studies
Jozef Bestndig
J. R. Digs
Juan Diguez Olaverri
Judge Not; or The Woman of Mona Diggings
Judica-Cordiglia brothers
Judy Maddigan
Jughead's Double Digest
Jugulodigastric lymph node
Juncus digitatus
Juno Award for Indigenous Music Album of the Year
Jupiter Indiges
Jrgen Gredig
Jutta Rdiger
Kamalapuram, Dindigul
Kao Fong College of Digital Contents
Karbala paradigm
Karl-Rdiger Mann
Kathleen Madigan
Kayap Indigenous Territory
Kazys Ladiga
Kenelm Digby
Kenelm Digby (Rutland MP)
Kenelm Edward Digby
Kenelm Hutchinson Digby
Kerala University of Digital Sciences, Innovation and Technology
Kevin J. Madigan
Khamis Digol
Kim Jones (digital creative)
Kingdom of Ceredigion
Kip Diggs
Klotz Digital
Kocaky, Digor
Kodak DX7590 Zoom Digital Camera
Kodak Z612 Zoom Digital Camera
Kodak Z712 IS ZOOM digital camera
Kodigo Norte
Koleh Digeh
Kommer hem till dig
Kornit Digital
Kristian Digby
Kronos Digital Entertainment
Kruttika Nadig
Kuchek Dig Seyyed
Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library
L'Adige (newspaper)
L'enfant prodigue
L'Enfant prodigue (1907 film)
Lactarius indigo
La Dcada Prodigiosa
Ladigesia roloffi
Ladigesocypris irideus
Ladigesocypris mermere
La Digue
Lake Windigo
Lake Yedigei
Laleh Seddigh
Lambak Kiri Landless Indigenous Citizens' Housing Scheme
Laminaria digitata
La Mine d'or de Dick Digger
Lamine Diaby-Fadiga
Landig Group
Lands inhabited by indigenous peoples
Langley Hall (Bendigo)
Large Emergency Event Digital Information Repository
Lars Rdiger
Latania loddigesii
Lt sommaren gunga dig
Laugh Comics Digest
Launch Vehicle Digital Computer
Laxton, Digby and Longford Township
Layers (digital image editing)
L. digitata
Leah Modigliani
Lecithocera indigens
Leftright paradigm
Lega Nord Alto Adige Sdtirol
Lego Digital Designer
Leica Digilux 3
Leonard Digges
Leonard Digges (scientist)
Leonard Digges (writer)
Lon Diguet
Lepiota viridigleba
Lerista terdigitata
Leticia Perdign
Letterman Digital Arts Center
Lettice Digby
Lettice Digby, 1st Baroness Offaly
Lettice Digby (scientist)
Leydig's organ
Leydig cell
Leydig cell hypoplasia
Leydig cell tumour
Liberality and Prodigality
Life Is a Grave & I Dig It!
Life (The Cardigans album)
Lighthouse Digest
Linda Marie Fedigan
Linda Modig
LIN Digital
L.I.P. (Local Indigenous Personnel)
Liquid and digits
Lisa Madigan
List of active non-governmental organizations of national minorities, indigenous and diasporas
List of administrators of Chandigarh
List of Archdeacons of Cardigan
List of awards and nominations received by the Prodigy
List of battles won by indigenous peoples of the Americas
List of Billboard Digital Song Sales number ones of 2020
List of child music prodigies
List of child prodigies
List of cities in Punjab and Chandigarh by population
List of company and product names derived from indigenous peoples
List of Cyrillic digraphs and trigraphs
List of Digimon Adventure 02 episodes
List of Digimon Adventure characters
List of Digimon Adventure episodes
List of Digimon Data Squad episodes
List of Digimon episodes and films
List of Digimon films
List of Digimon Frontier episodes
List of Digimon Fusion characters
List of Digimon Tamers characters
List of Digimon Universe: App Monsters characters
List of Digimon Universe: App Monsters episodes
List of Digimon video games
List of Digital Accessible Information System software
List of digital forensics tools
List of digital library projects
List of digital preservation initiatives
List of digital repositories in Sri Lanka
List of digital television channels in Australia
List of digital television deployments by country
List of dignitaries at the funeral of Pope John Paul II
List of English words from indigenous languages of the Americas
List of fictional child prodigies
List of films shot on digital video prior to 2015
List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2010
List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2011
List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2012
List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2013
List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2014
List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2015
List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2016
List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2017
List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2019
List of Gold Digger characters
List of ICD-9 codes 520579: diseases of the digestive system
List of indigenous Academy Award winners and nominees
List of Indigenous Australian art movements and cooperatives
List of Indigenous Australian historical figures
List of Indigenous Australian musicians
List of Indigenous Australian visual artists
List of Indigenous Canadian actors
List of indigenous geckos of Madagascar
List of indigenous languages of Argentina
List of indigenous names of Eastern Caribbean islands
List of indigenous people of the Americas
List of indigenous peoples
List of indigenous peoples of Brazil
List of indigenous peoples of South America
List of indigenous peoples of Taiwan
List of Indigenous periodicals in Canada
List of indigenous rights organizations
List of indigenous territories (Brazil)
List of indigenous trees and shrubs of Lithuania
List of IndiGo destinations
List of institutions of higher education in Chandigarh
List of Latin-script digraphs
List of Marvel Digests
List of massacres of Indigenous Australians
List of mayors of Bendigo
List of minor indigenous peoples of Russia
List of municipalities of Trentino-Alto Adige/Sdtirol
List of museums in Trentino-Alto Adige/Sdtirol
List of newspapers published by Digital First Media
List of number-one digital albums of 2016 (Australia)
List of number-one digital singles of 2011 (Japan)
List of number-one digital songs of 2005 (U.S.)
List of number-one digital songs of 2006 (U.S.)
List of number-one digital songs of 2007 (U.S.)
List of number-one digital songs of 2008 (U.S.)
List of number-one digital songs of 2009 (U.S.)
List of number-one digital songs of 2011 (Canada)
List of number-one digital tracks of 2008 (Australia)
List of number-one digital tracks of 2009 (Australia)
List of number-one digital tracks of 2010 (Australia)
List of number-one digital tracks of 2011 (Australia)
List of number-one digital tracks of 2012 (Australia)
List of number-one digital tracks of 2013 (Australia)
List of number-one digital tracks of 2014 (Australia)
List of number-one digital tracks of 2015 (Australia)
List of online digital musical document libraries
List of place names in Canada of Indigenous origin
List of placenames of indigenous origin in the Americas
List of places in Ceredigion
List of political parties in Trentino-Alto Adige/Sdtirol
List of pre-Columbian inventions and innovations of indigenous Americans
List of presidents of Trentino-Alto Adige/Sdtirol
List of provinces and indigenous regions of Panama by Human Development Index
List of Red Digital Cinema cameras
List of sensors used in digital cameras
List of side effects of digoxin
List of Soap Opera Digest Awards
List of Southern African indigenous trees and woody lianes
List of SSSIs in Ceredigion
List of The Backyardigans episodes
List of traditional territories of the indigenous peoples of North America
List of VFL/AFL and AFL Women's players of Indigenous Australian descent
List of wars of the indigenous peoples of North America
List of writers from peoples indigenous to the Americas
Lists of Indigenous Australians
Lists of indigenous peoples of Russia
Lito Vidigal
Live and Learn (The Cardigans song)
...Live fr dig!
Lj (digraph)
Llanafan, Ceredigion
Llanarth, Ceredigion
Llanbadarn Fawr, Ceredigion
Llansantffraid, Ceredigion
Loddiges family
Lola ndigo
Longhouses of the indigenous peoples of North America
Long-tailed paradigalla
Lorymodes digonialis
Los Angeles Center for Digital Art
Lost Adams Diggings
Lottia digitalis
Louis Antoine Cambray-Digny
Lowry Digital
LucknowChandigarh Express
Lucknow JunctionChandigarh Express
Lucy Diggs Slowe
Ludivine Diguelman
Luis Diguez
Luteolin-7-O-diglucuronide 4'-O-glucuronosyltransferase
Lytico-bodig disease
Maddigan's Quest
Madigan's Millions
Madigan Shive
Madigan (TV series)
Madiga Reservation Porata Samiti
Madonna del Padiglione (Botticelli)
Maganda pa ang Daigdig
Magnesium diglutamate
Magnetic Drum Digital Differential Analyzer
Maha Adigar
Maha Nadigan
Mahmud Ghaznavi Mosque (Odigram)
Making Tax Digital
Malaysian United Indigenous Party
Manchester Digital Music Archive
Manuel Portilla Diguez
Maraimalai Adigal Bridge
Margarita Diguez Armas
Mariah Madigan
Maria Spezia-Aldighieri
Mari Digby
Mari Digby discography
Marie-Theres Nadig
Mariqueen Maandig
Marita Sandig
Maritime identification digits
Marjorie Kendig
Mark Dignam
Mark Haddigan
Mrklin Digital
Mark Saville, Baron Saville of Newdigate
Marnes Digonella divionensis
Marnes Digonella marcoui
Mary Ann Meets the Gravediggers and Other Short Stories
Mary Dignam
Mason City Claydiggers
Mastech Digital
Matrix digital rain
Matthew Digby Wyatt
Mat Digo
M. digitata
Mechanism Digital
Media portrayals of Indigenous Australians
Medically indigent adult
Meet Each Need with Dignity (MEND)
Mehdigulu Khan Javanshir
Mehdigulu Khan Vafa
Melanochromis baliodigma
Membrane paradigm
Mendig Air Base
Mendig (Verbandsgemeinde)
Menkragnoti Indigenous Territory
Mery Godigna Collet
Methanogens in digestive tract of ruminants
Meton digglesi
Mexican Indignados Movement
Mia Stadig
Michael Dighton
Michael DiGregorio
Michael Leidig
Michael Madigan
Michel de Codignac
Michigan Digitization Project
Microcephaly albinism digital anomalies syndrome
Microdigital Eletronica
Microsoft Digital Image
Microwave digestion
Middle American indigo snake
Mideast Dig
Midigale District
Miguel ngel Martn Perdiguero
Mihkel Ldig
Military-digital complex
Millionaire (Cash Cash and Digital Farm Animals song)
Minimal group paradigm
Minimed Paradigm
Minister for Digital Development (Sweden)
Minister for Indigenous Australians
Minister of CrownIndigenous Relations
Ministry of Administration and Digitization (Poland)
Ministry of Digital Affairs
Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media (Russia)
Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry (Kazakhstan)
Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
Ministry of Digital Governance (Greece)
Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine
Ministry of Indigenous Affairs (Ontario)
Ministry of Indigenous Medicine
Ministry of Public Administration, Digital Society and Media (Montenegro)
Ministry of Telecommunication, Digital Infrastructure and Foreign Employment
Ministry of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment (Zimbabwe)
Min krlekssng till dig
Mriam Diguez
Mirza Adigozal bey
Missing and murdered Indigenous women
Missing and murdered indigenous women in Utah
Missouri Digital Heritage Initiative
MIT Center for Digital Business
MJR Digital Cinemas
Mobile Display Digital Interface
Modiga mindre mn
Modigliani (Lost in Your Eyes)
ModiglianiMiller theorem
Modigliani Quartet
Modigliani risk-adjusted performance
Moedomo Soedigdomarto
Mohamed Omar (digital media personality)
Mohammad Seddigh Kaboudvand
Monastery of Santa Mara de la Valldigna
Moneydig Presbyterian Church
Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
Montipora digitata
Mood Indigo
Mood Indigo (festival)
Mood Indigo (film)
Moullava digyna
Mountain West Digital Library
Mount Cardigan
Mount Digine Rural LLG
Mount Malindig
Movement for Dignity and Independence
Mr Digby Darling
MT Indiga
Mudigere, Tumkur
Mudigonda Lingamurthy
Mulch Diggums
Mulieris dignitatem
Multidimensional Digital Pre-distortion
Multiethnic Indigenist Party
Multiple minute digitate hyperkeratosis
Multiplicative digital root
Multi-rate symmetric digital subscriber line
Mundurucu Indigenous Territory
Munich Digitization Center
Municipality of the District of Digby
Murat Adigzel
Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment
Museums and Digital Culture
Music of Trentino-Alto Adige/Sdtirol
Music technology (electronic and digital)
Mustafa Edige Kirimal
Mythologies of the indigenous peoples of the Americas
Naadodigal 2
Naangu Killadigal
Na Casaidigh
Nadigar Sangam
Nadje Sadig Al-Ali
Nandigama (disambiguation)
Nandigama, Guntur district
Nandigama (SC) (Assembly constituency)
Nandigam, Srikakulam district
Nandigam, Vizianagaram district
Nandigram (Bharat Kund)
Nandigram I
Nandigram II
Nandigram violence
No Me Digas Adeus
Narendra M. Thumbhekodige
Nasodigitoacoustic syndrome
Nasty (The Prodigy song)
Natatok Indigenous People's Democratic Party
National Center for Digital Government
National Center for Digitization
National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (Philippines)
National Digital Health Mission
National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program
National Digital Library Program
National Digital Newspaper Program
National Digital Preservation Program
National Geospatial Digital Archive
National Indigenous Congress
National Indigenous Music Awards
National Indigenous Music Awards 2009
National Indigenous Music Awards 2010
National Indigenous Music Awards 2011
National Indigenous Music Awards 2012
National Indigenous Music Awards 2013
National Indigenous Music Awards 2014
National Indigenous Music Awards 2015
National Indigenous Music Awards 2016
National Indigenous Music Awards 2017
National Indigenous Music Awards 2018
National Indigenous Music Awards 2019
National Indigenous Music Awards 2020
National Indigenous Organization of Colombia
National Indigenous Peoples Day
National Indigenous Radio Service
National Indigenous Television
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
National Institute of Indigenous Peoples
National Rural and Indigenous Women's Association
National Weather Digest
Naugaza Digambar Jain temple
Neals Diggins, California
Near-term digital radio
Negro Digest
Nemophora prodigellus
Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities
Nepal Indigenous Nationalities Students' Federation
Nera (Indigirka)
Nero Digital
Ness Digital Engineering
Neston Diggle
Netter Digital
Neukirchen am Grovenediger
New Chandigarh, Punjab
New DelhiChandigarh Shatabdi Express
Newdigate baronets
Newdigate (disambiguation)
Newdigate Prize
Newdigate (surname)
New Diggings, Wisconsin
New digraph reconstruction conjecture
New England Digital
New Left (Trentino-Alto Adige/Sdtirol)
Newspaper digitization
New York Digital District
Next Digital
Next Digital raid and arrests
Nh (digraph)
NHS Digital
Nicaraguan Indigenous Organizations
Nick Digilio
Nickelodeon Digital
Nidularium 'Digeneum'
Nina Gndig
Nine Digital
Niphates digitalis
Nj (digraph)
No-dig gardening
No Diggity: The Very Best of Blackstreet
No Bordignon
Nomad Digital
No Me Digas Que No
Northern Digital
Norwegian Digital Learning Arena
Notitia Dignitatum
Novation Digital Music Systems
Now Dig This
NPO Digital Television Systems
NT Indigenous Music Awards 2005
Nuala na Meadige N Fionnachta
N.U.D.E.@ Natural Ultimate Digital Experiment
Numerical digit
Nuraddin Sadigov
NuTech Digital
Ny (digraph)
O' Parvardigar (EP)
Oakford, Ceredigion
Observatory on Digital Communication
Oculodentodigital dysplasia
Oda Buldigilu (woreda)
Oddball paradigm
O. digitata
Odigo Messenger
Odontotrichoungualdigitalpalmar syndrome
Office of Digital Strategy
Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination
Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations
Ohio, Digby, Nova Scotia
O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig
Oga Bestndigov
Olson Kundig Architects
Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 II
Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 IIR
Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 17mm f/2.8
Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 45mm f/1.8
Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12mm f/2
Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 14-150mm f/4-5.6
Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 14-150mm f/4-5.6 II
Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6
Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 L
Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm f/4-5.6
Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 8 mm f/1.8 Fisheye Pro
Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 9-18mm f/4-5.6
Olympus Zuiko Digital 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5
Olympus Zuiko Digital 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 II
Olympus Zuiko Digital 25mm f/2.8
Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 12-60mm f/2.8-4 SWD
Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6
Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 9-18mm f/4-5.6
Omen (The Prodigy song)
Ondigui Adams
One Love (The Prodigy song)
On Grace and Dignity
Oni Emmanuel Idigbe
Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade Act
Ophioglossolambis digitata
Oppo Digital
Opponens digiti minimi muscle of hand
Oral-facial-digital syndrome
Oration on the Dignity of Man
Oratory of San Bartolomeo, Bordighera
Orchid Digest
Organic Farming Digest
Organic Music for a Digital World
Orientalium dignitas
Orlando DiGirolamo
Orofaciodigital syndrome 1
Oskyldigt dmd
Osman Digna
Our Lady of Cardigan
Our Marathon: The Boston Bombing Digital Archive
Overwatch (digital comic series)
Owa Odighizuwa
Oxyria digyna
Pablo Salazar Mendigucha
Pachakuti Indigenous Movement
Packet Digital
Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea
Palace of Assembly, Chandigarh
Palmar digital arteries
Palmar digital nerves
Palmar digital veins
Pancho Vladigerov
Pandigital number
Pangidigudem, Dwarakatirumala mandal
Panjab Digital Library
Parable of the Prodigal Son
Paracymoriza prodigalis
Paradigmatic analysis
Paradigm case argument
Paradigm (comics)
Paradigm Entertainment
Paradigm in Entropy
Paradigm Partners
Paradigm Publishers
Paradigm shift
Paradigms of AI Programming
Paraguayan indigenous art
Parallel multidimensional digital signal processing
Paramount Digital Entertainment
Pardiglanis tarabinii
Parrot Bird Sanctuary, Chandigarh
Party for Dignified Life
Parvardigar (disambiguation)
Pasan Ko ang Daigdig
Pat Cadigan
PatliputraChandigarh Superfast Express
PatnaDigha Ghat line
Patrick Dignan (British Army officer)
Pat Willdigg
Paul Digby
Pauline Ladiges
PBS Digital Studios
P. C. Gaddigoudar
PC World's Digital Duo
P. digitalis
Peasant Woman Digging Up Potatoes
Pedigree collapse
Pedigree Dogs Exposed: Three Years On
Pedigree Dolls & Toys
Pedigree Petfoods
Pedigree (Simenon novel)
Pediomelum digitatum
Pedro Adigue
Pelobacter acidigallici
Pelvic digit
Penal Sanctions (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1939 (shelved)
Penicillium digitatum
Pennies (digital charity box)
Penstemon digitalis
Perdigo, Minas Gerais
Perdigo Queiroga
Perdigo S.A.
Perdur Radhakantha Adiga
Perfect digital invariant
Perfect digit-to-digit invariant
Personal digital assistant
Personal Digital Cellular
Peter Dignan
Peter Dignan (mayor)
Petra tou Digeni
Phelsuma sundbergi ladiguensis
Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium
Phillip Dignam
Photography by indigenous peoples of the Americas
Pierre Joseph Chardigny
Pilata Bigidigala
Plains indigenous peoples
Plantar digital arteries
Plantar digital nerves
Plantar digital veins
Plant-based digital data storage
Plesiochronous digital hierarchy
Pleurophascum grandiglobum
PNI Digital Media
Poison (The Prodigy song)
Polyphony Digital
Polyptychoides digitatus
Pono (digital music service)
Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flores Magn"
Population history of indigenous peoples of the Americas
Portal:Indigenous peoples of the Americas
Portal:Indigenous peoples of the Americas/Selected quote/1
Post Graduate Government College, Sector 11, Chandigarh
Post-Reformation Digital Library
Potato digger
Prgraten am Grovenediger
Prairie Diggings, California
Prarthana Fardin Dighi
Predigerkirche Zrich
Predigtstuhl Cable Car
Predigtstuhl (Kaiser)
Predigtstuhl (Latten Mountains)
Predigtstuhl (Lower Bavaria)
PresidiGo Shuttle
Prickly Paradigm Press
Prince Rupert/Digby Island Water Aerodrome
Problepsis digammata
Procambarus digueti
Prodigal (band)
PRODIGAL (computer system)
Prodigal Daughter
Prodigal Daughter (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Prodigal Genius
Prodigal (musical)
Prodigy Finance
Prodigy house
Prodigy Network
Prodigy (novel)
Prodigy (online service)
Prodigy (rapper)
Prodigy (Ritchie Gilmore)
Prodigy Tactics
Programming paradigm
Project Digits
Prontuario dei nomi locali dell'Alto Adige
Proper digital arteries
Proper palmar digital arteries
Proper palmar digital nerves of median nerve
Proper palmar digital nerves of ulnar nerve
Proper plantar digital arteries
Proper plantar digital nerves of lateral plantar nerve
Proper plantar digital nerves of medial plantar nerve
Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score
Proyecto Dignidad
Pseudomeritastis cordigera
Pseudopostega perdigna
PSX (digital video recorder)
PuriDigha Express
Purple indigobird
Qatar Digital Library
Quad digital audio processor
Quailfinch indigobird
Quandre Diggs
Quantum digital signature
Queering Paradigms
Quercetin 3,4'-diglucoside
Ra Diggs
Radio Television Digital News Association
RAF Digby
Raghunath Vaman Dighe
Raiffeisen Landesbank Sdtirol Cassa Centrale Raiffeisen dell'Alto Adige
Rainer Wrdig
Rainmaker Digital Effects
Ramanathapuram, Dindigul District
Ramkishan Adig
Ramlila in Chandigarh
RamnagarChandigarh Intercity Express
Random digit dialing
Raphia taedigera
Rate-Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line
Reader's Digest
Reader's Digest Complete Book of Australian Birds
Reader's Digest Condensed Books
Reader's Digest Guide to Love and Sex
Reader's Digest National Word Power Challenge
Reader's Digest Press
Real Digital
Realgar/Indigo naturalis
Real Radio Digital
Real Radio XS (Digital)
Real Time Digital Simulator
Recruiting of Indigenous Workers Convention, 1936
Red Button (digital television)
Red Digital Cinema
Red Hot + Indigo
Redigobius bikolanus
Redig, South Dakota
Regional Council of Trentino-Alto Adige
Regurgitation (digestion)
Remote digital terminal
Ren Dignon
Ren Windig
Restriction digest
Retilla indigens
Return of the Prodigal Son (disambiguation)
Return of the Prodigal Sunn
Reuters Digital Vision Program
Revolution of Dignity
Revolution of Dignity (disambiguation)
RFA Cardigan Bay (L3009)
Rheingold (Grave Digger album)
Rhoicissus digitata
Rhythm Bomb (The Prodigy song)
Richard Digance
Richard Digges
Richard Dighton
Richard Newdigate
Ricoh GR Digital
Ricoh GR Digital II
Rimba Landless Indigenous Citizens' Housing Scheme
Rio (digital audio players)
Rio Omer Indigenous Territory
Ripe Digital Entertainment
Rise and Shine (The Cardigans song)
RISKS Digest
Rita de Acosta Lydig
Ritz Dakota Digital
Robert Digby
Robert Digby-Jones
Robert Digby (Royal Navy officer)
Robert Diggelmann
Robert Digges Wimberly Connor
Robert Dighton
Robert Gudiguian
Robert Madigan
Roberto Ardig
Robotic paradigm
Rock Garden of Chandigarh
Roger A. Madigan
Roger Newdigate
Roland MS-1 Digital Sampler
Roman Catholic Diocese of Digne
Roman Catholic Diocese of Digos
Roman Catholic Diocese of Faenza-Modigliana
Roman Catholic Diocese of Modigliana
Roman Catholic Diocese of Simla and Chandigarh
(Romance) in the Digital Age
Rose Festival (Chandigarh)
Rove Digital
RT Digital Radio News
RT Digital Radio Sport
Ruanoho decemdigitatus
Rdiger Abramczik
Rdiger Baldauf
Rdiger Bieler
Rdiger Bohn
Rdiger Borchardt
Rdiger Bubner
Rdiger Butte
Rdiger Dillmann
Rdiger Dhler
Rdiger Dorn
Rdiger Eichholz
Rdiger Emshoff
Rdiger Frank
Rdiger Gamm
Rdiger Grube
Rdiger Haas
Rdiger Hacker
Rdiger Heinze
Rdiger Helm
Rdiger Henning
Rdiger Hild
Rdiger Hbbers
Rdiger Kauf
Rdiger Klein
Rdiger Krech
Rdiger Kruse
Rdiger Kuhlbrodt
Rdiger Kunze
Rdiger Lautmann
Rdiger Lentz
Rdiger Lorenz
Rdiger, Margrave of Meissen
Rdiger Marmulla
Rdiger May
Rdiger Mller
Rdiger Nehberg
Rdiger Neitzel
Rdiger Noack
Rdiger Oppermann
Rdiger Overmans
Rdiger Rainer Minor
Rdiger Rehm
Rdiger Reiche
Rdiger Safranski
Rdiger Sagel
Rdiger Schleicher
Rdiger Schmidt-Grply
Rdiger Schmitt
Rdiger Schnuphase
Rdiger Selig
Rdiger Stenzel
Rdiger Sterzenbach
Rdiger Snner
Rdiger Thiele
Rdiger Valk
Rdiger Vogler
Rdiger Vollborn
Rdiger von der Goltz
Rdiger von Heyking
Rdiger von Wechmar
Rdiger Wassibauer
Rdiger Wittig
Rdiger Wolfrum
Rdiger Ziehl
Rdigsdorf Switzerland
Ruediger Heining
Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North
S4C Digital Networks
Sadig Dadashov
Sadigura (Hasidic dynasty)
Sagardighi (community development block)
Sagardighi (Cooch Behar, India)
Sagardighi Kamada Kinkar Smriti Mahavidyalaya
SaharsaAmritsar Jan Sadharan Express (via Chandigarh)
Saint Augustine Church (New Diggings, Wisconsin)
Saint Vincent of Digne
Sakiusa Matadigo
Salu Digby
Samsung Digimax A6
Samuel Rodigast
Sandigo, New South Wales
Sangen om dig
San Jose Golddiggers
San Michele all'Adige
Sant'Ampelio, Bordighera
Sant'Angelo Lodigiano
Santa Maria di Piedigrotta
Santera (Lola ndigo, Danna Paola and Denise Rosenthal song)
Sarstoon Temash Institute for Indigenous Management
Sasha & John Digweed
Sasha DiGiulian
Satellite digital imaging system
Stt dig p bocken
SaudiGulf Airlines
Say It Again (Mari Digby song)
Scheduled monuments in Ceredigion
Schefflera digitata
Schwingt freudig euch empor, BWV 36
Schwingt freudig euch empor, BWV 36c
Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence
Scitron Digital Contents
Scopula dignata
Scottish Digital Network
Screen Digest
Scrobipalpa indignella
Sebastian Newdigate
Sebastin Prediger
Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside
Second Digvijaya Singh ministry
Secretariat Building, Chandigarh
Secure Digital Container
Secure Digital Music Initiative
Skou Fadiga
Selective digestive decontamination
Semaeopus indignaria
Senator Diggs
Senator Madigan
Sentence spacing in digital media
Seon Laidig
Seraphim Digital
Serapias cordigera
Sergio Mendigutxia
Serial digital interface
Serial Digital Video Out
SertoliLeydig cell tumour
Seun Adigun
Seven-digit dialing
SGI Indigo
SGI Indigo and Challenge M
Shadigee Creek
Shamrock Hotel, Bendigo
Sh (digraph)
ShimlaChandigarh Expressway
Shindig (Firefly)
Shindig! (magazine)
Shindig (video chat platform)
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
Shire of Indigo
Short-tailed paradigalla
Siciliano indigeno
Sick & Tired (The Cardigans song)
Signed-digit representation
Sihinaya Dige Enna
Silian, Ceredigion
Silvester Diggles
Simon Digby
Simon Digby (died 1519)
Simon Wingfield Digby
Sin cdigo
Single-pair high-speed digital subscriber line
Sir Digby Neave, 3rd Baronet
Sir Richard Newdigate, 1st Baronet
Ska vi g hem till dig
SK Freidig
Sky Digital
Skylar Diggins-Smith
Slavery among the indigenous peoples of the Americas
Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Sloot Digital Coding System
SNL Digital Short
Soap Opera Digest
Soap Opera Digest Award for Outstanding Villainess in a Drama Series Daytime
Soap Opera Digest Awards
Society for the Promotion of Himalayan Indigenous Activities
Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas
Software of unknown pedigree
Sllerd Gold Diggers
Sonny Digital
Sony Digital Audio Disc Corporation
Sony Digital Paper DPTS1
Sony Dynamic Digital Sound
Sony Pictures Digital
Sophie Digital Library of Works by German-Speaking Women
Soul Diggaz
Sound Blaster Audigy
Sound Digital
Soundscape Digital Technology
South-Eastern European Digitization Initiative
Speck Alto Adige PGI
Spencer Harry Gilbee Digby
Spice Digital
Spokehub distribution paradigm
Sri Digambar Jain Lal Mandir
SS Burdigala
SS Indigirka
Stade Lesdiguires
Star Trek: Prodigy
Stefon Diggs
Steigt freudig in die Luft, BWV 36a
Steve Diggle
Steve Dignan
Steven Digman
Steven Ediger
St John of God Bendigo Hospital
St Mary's Church, Cardigan
Strategic Air Command Digital Information Network
Strategic Indigenous Housing and Infrastructure Program
Stratton Oakmont, Inc. v. Prodigy Services Co.
Structureconductperformance paradigm
Sdtirol Digital Fernsehen
Sdtiroler Volksbank Banca Popolare dell'Alto Adige
Sumatheendra R. Nadig
Sumo Digital
Super Duper Love (Are You Diggin' on Me)
Surja Dighal Bari
SV Grdig
Symmetric digital subscriber line
Sz (digraph)
Tabanus cordiger
Table of vertex-symmetric digraphs
Taa Digicel
Taco Ludigman
Tnker altid p dig
Taiwanese indigenous peoples
Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Cultural Park
Taiwan Indigenous Television
Talk:Dig 'Em Frog
Talk:High Definition Compatible Digital
Tal-y-bont, Ceredigion
Tan Sri Dr. Abdullah Sanusi Digital Library
Tascam Digital Interface
Tata Indigo
Tauernkogel (Venediger Group)
Tavernes de la Valldigna
Taxation of digital goods
Taye Diggs
Telebasis digiticollis
Telia Digital-tv
Ten-digit dialing
Terrier Armoured Digger
Tessaracoccus bendigoensis
Textile arts of indigenous peoples of the Americas
Text to speech in digital television
Thaiboy Digital
Thaumatopsis digrammellus
Th (digraph)
Theaflavin digallate
The Anglican Digest
The Backyardigans
The Bendigo Independent
The Best of Steve Diggle and Flag of Convenience The Secret Public Years 19811989
The Canadian Crown and Indigenous peoples of Canada
The Cardigans
The Cardigans discography
The Closet of the Eminently Learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. Opened
The Dig
The Dig (2018 film)
The Dig (2021 film)
The Digby Conversion of Saint Paul
The Digest
The Digging Remedy
The Diggs
The Digital Age
The Digital Hub
The Digitalian
The Digital Standard
The Digital Village
The Dignity of Labour
The Dignity of the Nation
The Dignity of the Nobodies
The Dig (video game)
The Elephant Paradigm
The Goaldiggers Song
The Golddiggers
The Gold Diggers' Song (We're in the Money)
The Gold Diggers (1919 play)
The Gold Diggers (Aleichem play)
The Grave Digger
The Hell Diggers
The Indigenous Famous Six
The Indigenous Progressive Regional Alliance
The Indigo
The Indigo Belly Dance Company
The Indigo Book
The Indigo King
The Indigo Necklace
The Indigo Spell
The Lady in Dignity
The Last Supper (Grave Digger album)
The Literary Digest
The London Prodigal
The Maddigans
The Movement (Diggin' in the Crates Crew album)
The Night Digger
Theodore Roosevelt Digital Library
Theology Digest
The Paradigm Shift
The Prodigal
The Prodigal (1931 film)
The Prodigal (Angel)
The Prodigal (disambiguation)
The Prodigal Planet
The Prodigals
The Prodigal Son
The Prodigal Son (1934 film)
The Prodigal Son (1962 film)
The Prodigal Son (1981 film)
The Prodigal Son (ballet)
The Prodigal Son in the Brothel
The Prodigal Son (painting, Rubens)
The Prodigal Son (play)
The Prodigal Son (sculpture)
The Prodigal Son (Sullivan)
The Prodigal Stranger
The Prodigal Woman
The Prodigy
The Prodigy (film)
The Prodigy (TV series)
There and Back (Skydiggers album)
The Reaper (Grave Digger album)
The Return of the Prodigal Son (Rembrandt)
The Science of Managing Our Digital Stuff
The Shoemaker's Prodigious Wife
The Spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian Paradigm
The Tribune (Chandigarh)
The Unknown Man of Shandigor
The Well-Digger's Daughter
The Wendigo (novella)
The White Tiger (Adiga novel)
The X Factor Digital Experience
The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet
Thiele and Ladiges' taxonomic arrangement of Banksia
Thomas Beynon (Archdeacon of Cardigan)
Thomas Digges
Thomas Diggs
Thomas Kindig
Thomas Madigage
Thomas Rudigoz
Tibes Indigenous Ceremonial Center
Till dig
Time-stretch analog-to-digital converter
Time-to-digital converter
Timothy Madigan
TiVo digital video recorders
Tolle's Old Diggings, California
Tom Pedigo
Toni Vidigal
Tony Madigan
Torbjrn Digernes
Torodora digna
Trackdown Digital
Tradigital art
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library
Trams in Bendigo
TransDigm Group
Transitions (John Digweed album)
Trentino-Alto Adige/Sdtirol
Trillium Digital Systems
Triple M Bendigo
Triton Digital
Triune continuum paradigm
Tungku Landless Indigenous Citizens' Housing Scheme Area 1
Tungku Landless Indigenous Citizens' Housing Scheme Area 2
TX Digital Illusions
Tycker om dig: Svngiga ltar frn frr
T-Newydd, Ceredigion
Typhlocerus prodigiosus
U-9 Weddigen
Ugia radigera
Uh, jeg ville nske jeg var dig
Ulla! min Ulla! sj fr jag dig bjuda
Unfold (Mari Digby album)
Union of Indigenous Communities of the Isthmus Region
United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Universalitydiversity paradigm
University of Florida Digital Collections
University of WisconsinMilwaukee Libraries Digital Collections
Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket digestion
Urge (digital music service)
Uru-Eu-Uaw-Uaw Indigenous Territory
Uschi Digard
User:Abyssal/List of Burdigalian life
User:Daniel Mietchen/Talks/DigitalFossil Berlin 2012
User:Daniel Mietchen/Talks/DigitalSpecimen 2014
User:Daniel Mietchen/Talks/DigitalSpecimen 2014/Getting biodiversity information onto Wikimedia platforms
User:Daniel Mietchen/Talks/DigitalSpecimen 2014/Magnetic Resonance Imaging and natural history collections
User:Dignissimus/Lrinc Mszros
User:Digwuren/There aren't any regulars
User:Domusaurea/Digital Classicists Seminar - Institute of Classical Studies, London, UK
User talk:Christopher Diggins/delete
Val d'Adige (territory)
V&A Digital Futures
Varje gng jag ser dig
Vasif Adigozalov
Vdigam Level
Vedigundu Pasangge
Veera Kannadiga
Venediger Group
Venedig im Regen
Verdigre, Nebraska
Verdigris Deep
Verdigris (novel)
Verdigris, Oklahoma
Verdigris Township
Verdigris Township, Nebraska
Verizon Digital Media Services
VESA Digital Flat Panel
Victor Ndigwe
Vidigal, Rio de Janeiro
Vidigueira wine
Vietnamese child prodigies
Village indigobird
Villa Margherita (Bordighera)
Violation paradigm
Violet M. Digby
Virgin Digital
Virtual Digital Cable
Vishnu Digambar Paluskar
VisionMap A3 Digital Mapping System
Visual arts by indigenous peoples of the Americas
Visual Paradigm
V.K.N. Kandigai
Vladigerov Passage
Vogesella indigofera
Voice from the Past Paradigm
Volkan . Ediger
Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia
V-STOL Pairadigm
Waimiri Atroari Indigenous Territory
Walter M. Digges
Wargamer's Digest
Warul Kawa Indigenous Protected Area
Washington Death with Dignity Act
Waves (Hundige)
Wednesday Is Indigo Blue
Welwalo Adigrat University F.C.
Wendigo (comics)
Wendigo (film)
West Digital Television
Western Digital
Western Digital FD1771
Western Digital My Book
Western Digital Raptor
What Satellite and Digital TV
When Love Digs a Hole
Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Anime and manga/Digimon/Archive 1
Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Anime and manga/Digimon/Archive 2
Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Anime and manga/Digimon/Archive 3
Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Anime and manga/Digimon/Archive 4
Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Anime and manga/Digimon/Archive 5
Willard "Digger" Barnes
William Digby
William Digby Seymour (18051872)
William Digges
William Dighton
William Lundigan
William "Digger" Thomas
William Wedig
Willkommen im Beerdigungscaf
Wilson's indigobird
Windigo (disambiguation)
Windigo Lake (Ontario)
Winter Gardens (Bordighera)
Wireless Home Digital Interface
Wolfpack Weddigen
Wolf Rdiger Hess
Wolf-Rdiger Krause
Wolf-Rdiger Netz
Wolf-Rdiger Schulz
Working Group on Indigenous Populations
World Council of Indigenous Peoples
World Digital Library
World Digital Song Sales
World Indigenous Games
Writer's Digest
Xinane Isolados Indigenous Territory
Xingu Indigenous Park
Yadvi The Dignified Princess
Yalchin Adigezalov
Yana-Indigirka Lowland
Yann Bodiger
Y-DNA haplogroups in indigenous peoples of the Americas
Yedigelli, Alapl
edigen FC
Yedigller National Park
Yedigze, Bayburt
Yedigze Dam
Yesterday (Grave Digger EP)
YesvantpurChandigarh Karnataka Sampark Kranti Express
Yorkton Film Festival Golden Sheaf Award - Indigenous
You Dig the Tunnel, I'll Hide the Soil
Your Love (Mari Digby album)
Youth Indigenize the Senate of Canada
Ysgol Gyfun Gymunedol Penweddig
Yuanwang digital mall
Yucca schidigera
Yugala Dighambara
Yuxar Digah
Yves Dignadice
alec Gold Diggers
Zambezi indigobird
Zing Digital
ZOO Digital
Zulfu Adigozalov

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last updated: 2022-02-02 18:49:49
259099 site hits