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object:1.06 - The Sign of the Fishes
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l2 7 The figure of Christ is not as simple and unequivocal as one
could wish. I am not referring here to the enormous difficulties
arising out of a comparison of the Synoptic Christ with the
Johannine Christ, but to the remarkable fact that in the herme-
neutic writings of the Church Fathers, which go right back to
the days of primitive Christianity, Christ has a number of sym-
bols or "allegories" in common with the devil. Of these I would
mention the lion, snake (coluber, 'viper'), bird (devil = noc-
turna avis), raven (Christ = nycticorax, 'night-heron'), eagle,
and fish. It is also worth noting that Lucifer, the Morning Star,
means Christ as well as the devil. 1 Apart from the snake, the fish
is one of the oldest allegories. Nowadays we would prefer to call
them symbols, because these synonyms always contain more than
mere allegories, as is particularly obvious in the case of the fish
symbol. It is unlikely that 'IxOv? is simply an anagrammatic
abbreviation of 'if^o-oik] Xfpioro?] [eov] Y[ids] 25[jp], 2 but rather

1 Early collections of such allegories in the Ancoratus of Epiphanius, and in
Augustine, Contra Faustum. For nycticorax and aquila see Eucherius, Liber for-
mularum spiritalis intelligentiae, cap. 5 (Migne, P.L., vol. 50, col. 740).

2 Augustine (City of God, trans, by J. Healey, II, p. 196) relates how the former
proconsul Flaccianus, with whom he had a conversation about Jesus, produced a
book containing the songs of the Erythraean Sibyl, and showed him the passage
where the above words, forming the acrostic 'ixOvs, are themselves the acrostic
for a whole poem, an apocalyptic prophecy of the Sibyls:

"Iudicii signum tell us sudore madescet,
E coelo Rex adveniet per saecla futurus:
Scilicet in carne praesens ut iudicet orbem.
Unde Deum cement incredulus atque fidelis
Celsum cum Sanctis, aevi iam termino in ipso.
Sic animae cum carne aderunt quasjudicat ipse . . ."
(In sign of doomsday the whole earth shall sweat.
Ever to reign a king in heavenly seat
Shall come to judge all flesh. The faithful and
Unfaithful too before this God shall stand,
Seeing him high with saints in time's last end.

the symbolical designation for something far more complex. (As
I have frequently pointed out in my other writings, I do not
regard the symbol as an allegory or a sign, but take it in its
proper sense as the best possible way of describing and formu-
lating an object that is not completely knowable. It is in this
sense that the creed is called a "symbolum.") The order of the
words gives one more the impression that they were put together
for the purpose of explaining an already extant and widely dis-
seminated "Ichthys." 3 For the fish symbol, in the Near and
Middle East especially, has a long and colourful prehistory, from
the Babylonian fish-god Oannes and his priests who clothed
themselves in fish-skins, to the sacred fish-meals in the cult of the
Phoenician goddess Derceto-Atargatis and the obscurities of the
Abercius inscription. 4 The symbol ranges from the redeemer-
fish of Manu in farthest India to the Eucharistic fish-feast cele-
brated by the "Thracian riders" in the Roman Empire. 5 For our
purpose it is hardly necessary to go into this voluminous ma-
terial more closely. As Doelger and others have shown, there
are plenty of occasions for fish symbolism within the original,
purely Christian world of ideas. I need only mention the regen-
eration in the font, in which the baptized swim like fishes. 6
2 g In view of this wide distribution of the fish symbol, its
appearance at a particular place or at a particular moment in
the history of the world is no cause for wonder. But the sudden
activation of the symbol, and its identification with Christ even
in the early days of the Church, lead one to conjecture a second

Corporeal shall he sit, and thence extend
His doom on souls . . .) (Ibid., p. 437.)

The Greek original is in Oracula Sibyllina, ed. John Geffcken, p. 142. [For Augus-
tine's explanation of the discrepancy in the acrostic, see Healey trans., II, p. 196.-

3 Cf. Jeremias, The Old Testament in the Light of the Ancient East, I, p. 76, n. 2.

4 From this inscription I will cite only the middle portion, which says: "Every-
where I had a travelling companion, since I had Paul sitting in the chariot. But
everywhere Faith drew me onward, and everywhere he set before me for food a
fish from the source, exceeding great and pure, which a holy virgin had caught.
And he offered this fish to the friends to eat, having good wine, a mixed drink
with bread." See Ramsay, "The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia," p. 424.

5 Cf. the material in Goodenough, Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period,
V, pp. i 3 ff.

6 Doelger, TXGTS: Das Fischsymbol in friihchristlicher Zeit.



source. This source is astrology, and it seems that Friedrich
Muenter 7 was the first to draw attention to it. Jeremias 8 adopts
the same view and mentions that a Jewish commentary on
Daniel, written in the fourteenth century, expected the coming
of the Messiah in the sign of the Fishes. This commentary is
mentioned by Muenter in a later publication 9 as stemming from
Don Isaac Abarbanel, who was born in Lisbon in 1437 and died
in Venice in 1508. 10 It is explained here that the House of the
Fishes (X) is the house of justice and of brilliant splendour
(U in ^). Further, that in anno mundi 2365, 11 a great conjunc-
tion of Saturn (f?) and Jupiter (U ) took place in Pisces. 12 These
two great planets, he says, are also the most important for the
destiny of the world, and especially for the destiny of the Jews.
The conjunction took place three years before the birth of
Moses. (This is of course legendary.) Abarbanel expects the
coming of the Messiah when there is a conjunction of Jupiter
and Saturn in Pisces. He was not the first to express such expec-
tations. Four hundred years earlier we find similar pronounce-
ments; for instance, Rabbi Abraham ben Hiyya, who died about
1136, is said to have decreed that the Messiah was to be ex-
pected in 1464, at the time of the great conjunction in Pisces;
and the same is reported of Solomon ben Gabirol (1 020-70). 13
These astrological ideas are quite understandable when one con-
siders that Saturn is the star of Israel, and that Jupiter means
the "king" (of justice). Among the territories ruled by the
Fishes, the house of Jupiter, are Mesopotamia, Bactria, the Red
Sea, and Palestine. 14 Chiun (Saturn) is mentioned in Amos 5 : 26

7 Sinnbilder und Kunstvorstellungen der alten Christen (1825), P- 49* Muenter
mentions Abrabanel (sic) here, "who in all probability drew on older sources."

8 Op. cit., p. 76.

9 Der Stern der Weisen (1827), pp. 54&\

10 Isaac Abravanel (Abarbanel) ben Jehuda, Ma'yene ha-Yeshu'ah ("Sources of
Salvation" - A Commentary on Daniel. Ferrara, 1551).

11 Corresponding to 1396 b.c.

12 Actually the conjunction took place in Sagittarius (/*). The coniunctiones
magnae of the water trigon (2>, TIT.. X) fall m tne y ear s 1800 to 1600 and 1000
to 800 B.C.

13 Anger, "Der Stern der Weisen und das Geburtsjahr Christi," p. 396, and Ger-
hardt, Der Stern des Messias, pp. 54L

1* Gerhardt, p. 57. Ptolemy and, following him, the Middle Ages associate Pales-
tine with Aries.

as "the star of your god." 15 James of Sarug (d. 521) says the
Israelites worshipped Saturn. The Sabaeans called him the "god
of the Jews." 16 The Sabbath is Saturday, Saturn's Day. Al-
bumasar 17 testifies that Saturn is the star of Israel. 18 In medieval
astrology Saturn was believed to be the abode of the devil. 19
Both Saturn and Ialdabaoth, the demiurge and highest archon,
have lion's faces. Origen elicits from the diagram of Celsus that
Michael, the first angel of the Creator, has "the shape of a
lion." 20 He obviously stands in the place of Ialdabaoth, who is
identical with Saturn, as Origen points out. 21 The demiurge of
the Naassenes is a "fiery god, the fourth by number." 22 Accord-
ing to the teachings of Apelles, who had connections with
Marcion, there was a "third god who spoke to Moses, a fiery
one, and there was also a fourth, the author of evil." 23 Between
the god of the Naassenes and the god of Apelles there is evi-
dently a close relationship, and also, it appears, with Yahweh,
the demiurge of the Old Testament.
!29 Saturn is a "black" star, 24 anciently reputed a "maleficus."
"Dragons, serpents, scorpions, viperes, renards, chats et souris,
oiseaux nocturnes et autres engeances sournoises sont le lot de
Saturne," says Bouche-Leclercq. 25 Remarkably enough, Saturn's
animals also include the ass, 26 which on that account was rated

15 "Ye have borne Siccuth your king and Chiun your images, the star of your god,
which ye made to yourselves" (RV). Stephen refers to this in his defence (Acts
7 : 43): "And you took unto you the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your
god Rempham." "Rempham" ("Pofupa), is a corruption of Kewan (Chiun).

16 Dozy and de Goeje, "Nouveaux documents pour 1'etude de la religion des
Harraniens," p. 350. 17 Abu Ma'shar, d. 885.

18 Gerhardt, p. 57. Also Pierre dAilly, Concordantia astronomie cum theologia,
etc., fol. g4 (Venice, 1490): "But Saturn, as Messahali says, has a meaning which
concerns the Jewish people or their faith."

19 Reitzenstein, Poimandres, p. 76.

20 Contra Celsum, VI, 30 (trans, by H. Chadwick, p. 345).

21 Ibid., VI, 31: "But they say that this angel like unto a lion has a necessary
connection with the star Saturn." Cf. Pistis Sophia, trans, by Mead, p. 47, and
Bousset, Hauptprobleme der Gnosis, pp. 352ft.

22 Hippolytus, Elenchos, V, 7, 30 (Legge trans., I, p. 128).

23 ibid., VII, 38, i (cf. Legge trans., II, p. 96).

24 Hence the image of Saturn worshipped by the Sabaeans was said to be made of
lead or black stone. (Chwolsohn, Die Ssabier und der Ssabismus, II, p. 383.)

25 L'Astrologie grecque, p. 317.

26 Bouche-Leclercq (p. 318) conjectures one of the known classical "etymologies,"
namely an onos (ass) contained in Kronos (Saturn), based on a joke aimed at the



a theriomorphic form of the Jewish god. A pictorial representa-
tion of it is the well-known mock crucifixion on the Palatine. 27
Similar traditions can be found in Plutarch, 28 Diodorus, Jose-
phus, 29 and Tacitus. 30 Sabaoth, the seventh archon, has the form
of an ass. 31 Tertullian is referring to these rumours when he says:
"You are under the delusion that our God is an ass's head," and
that "we do homage only to an ass." 32 As we have indicated, the
ass is sacred to the Egyptian Set. 33 In the early texts, however,
the ass is the attri bute of the sun-god and only later became an
emblem of the underworldly Apep and of evil (Set). 34
3 According to medieval tradition, the religion of the Jews
originated in a conjunction of Jupiter with Saturn, Islam in
U 6 2 , Christianity in if 6 S , and the Antichrist in U 6 d . 35

Megarian philosopher Diodoros. But the reason for the Saturn-ass analogy prob-
ably lies deeper, that is, in the nature of the ass itself, which was regarded as a
"cold, intractable, slow-witted, long-lived animal." (From the Greek bestiary cited
by Bouch-Leclercq.) In Polemon's bestiary I find the following description of the
wild ass: "Given to flight, timid, stupid, untamed, lustful, jealous, killing its
females" (Scriptores physio gnomici graeci et latini, I, p. 182).
27 A possible model might be the Egyptian tradition of the martyrdom of Set,
depicted at Denderah. He is shown tied to the "slave's post," has an ass's head,
and Horus stands before him with a knife in his hand. (Mariette, Denderah,
plates vol. IV, pi. 56.) 28 Quaestiones convivales, IV, 5.

29 Contra Apionem, II, 7-8 (8off.). (Cf. trans, by H. St. J. Thackeray and R. Mar-
cus, I, pp. 325ff.) 30 The Histories, trans, by W. H. Fyfe, II, pp. 204ff.

31 Epiphanius, Panarium, ed. Oehler, I, p. 184.

32 Apologeticus adversus gentes, XVI (Migne, P.L., vol. 1, cols. 364-65; cf. trans.
by S. Thelwall, I, pp. 84f.).

33 Plutarch, De hide et Osiride, in Moralia, pp. 77, 123. In ch. 31 Plutarch states
that the legend of Set's flight on an ass and of the fathering of his two sons
Hierosolymus and Judaeus is not Egyptian, but pertained to the 'IouSca/cd.

34 in the Papyrus of Ani (ed. E. A. W. Budge, p. 248) a hymn to Ra says: "May
I advance upon the earth; may I smite the Ass; may I crush the evil one (Sebau);
may I destroy Apep in his hour."

35 Albumasar, Lib. II, De magnis coniunctionibus, tract. I, diff. 4, p. a8r (1489): "If
(Jupiter) is in conjunction with Saturn, it signifies that the faith of the citizens
thereof is Judaism. . . . And if the moon is in conjunction with Saturn it sig-
nifies doubt and revolution and change, and this by reason of the speed of the
corruption of the moon and the rapidity of its motion and the shortness of its de-
lay in the sign." Cf. also Pierre d'Ailly, Concordantia, etc., fol. d8r. J. H. Heideg-
ger (Quaestiones ad textum Lucae VII, 12-ij, 1655) says in ch. IX that Abu
Mansor (= Albumasar), in his sixth tractate, in the Introductio maior, connects
the life of Christ, like that of Mahomet, with the stars. Cardan ascribes c5 H

Unlike Saturn, Jupiter is a beneficent star. In the Iranian view
Jupiter signifies life, Saturn death. 36 The conjunction of the
two therefore signifies the union of extreme opposites. In the
year 7 B.a this famed conjunction took place no less than three
times in the sign of the Fishes. The greatest approximation
occurred on May 29 of that year, the planets being only 0.21
degrees apart, less than half the width of the full moon. 37 The
conjunction took place in the middle of the commissure, "near
the bend in the line of the Fishes." From the astrological point
of view this conjunction must appear especially significant, be-
cause the approximation of the two planets was exceptionally
large and of an impressive brilliance. In addition, seen helio-
centrically, it took place near the equinoctial point, which at
that time was located between T and X, that is, between fire
and water. 38 The conjunction was characterized by the important
fact that Mars was in opposition ( $
logically, that the planet correlated with the instincts stood in
a hostile relationship to it, which is peculiarly characteristic of
Christianity. If we accept Gerhardt's calculation that the con-
junction took place on May 29, in the year 7 B.C., then the posi-
tion of the sun- especially important in a man's nativity- at
Christ's birth would be in the double sign of the Twins. 39 One

to Christianity, <$ T? to Judaism, $ d $ to Islam, and according to
him (5 9 signifies idolatry ("Commentarium in Ptolemaeum De astrorum
Judiciis," p. 188).

36 Christensen, Le Premier Homme et le premier roi dans I'histoire legendaire
des Iraniens, part 1, p. 24. 37 Gerhardt, Stern des Messias, p. 74.

38 Calculated on the basis of Peters and Knobel, Ptolemy's Catalogue of Stars.

39 Medieval astrologers cast a number of ideal horoscopes for Christ. Albumasar
and Albertus Magnus took Virgo as the ascendent; Pierre d'Ailly (1356-1420), on
the other hand, took Libra, and so did Cardan. Pierre d'Ailly says: "For Libra
is the human sign, that is, of the Liberator of men, [the sign] of a prudent and
just and spiritual man" (Concordantia, etc., cap. 2). Kepler, in his Discurs von
der grossen Conjunction (1623; p. 701), says that God himself marked "such
great conjunctions as these with extraordinary and marvellous stars visible in
high heaven, also with notable works of his divine Providence." He continues:
"Accordingly he appointed the birth of his Son Christ our Saviour exactly at
the time of the great conjunction in the signs of the Fishes and the Ram, near
the equinoctial point." Seen heliocentrically, the conjunction took place just
in front of the equinoctial point, and this gives it a special significance astro-
logically. Pierre d'Ailly (Concordantia, etc., fol. b r ) says: "But a great conjunc-
tion is that of Saturn and Jupiter in the beginning of the Ram." These con-



thinks involuntarily of the ancient Egyptian pair of hostile
brothers, Horus and Set, the sacrificer and the sacrificed (cf.
n. 27, on Set's "martyrdom"), who in a sense prefigure the drama
of the Christian myth. In the Egyptian myth it is the evil one
who is sacrificed on the "slave's post." 40 But the pair of brothers
Heru-ur (the "older Horus") and Set are sometimes pictured as
having one body with two heads. The planet Mercury is corre-
lated with Set, and this is interesting in view of the tradition that
Christianity originated in a conjunction of Jupiter with Mer-
cury. In the New Kingdom (XlXth dynasty) Set appears as
Sutech in the Nile delta. In the new capital built by Rameses
II, one district was dedicated to Amon, the other to Sutech. 41 It
was here that the Jews were supposed to have done slave-labour.
1 3 1 In considering the double aspect of Christ, mention might

be made of the legend of Pistis Sophia (3rd cent.), which also
originated in Egypt. Mary says to Jesus:

When thou wert a child, before the spirit had descended upon thee,
when thou wert in the vineyard with Joseph, the spirit came down
from the height, and came unto me in the house, like unto thee,
and I knew him not, but thought that he was thou. And he said
unto me, "Where is Jesus, my brother, that I may go to meet him?"
And when he had said this unto me, I was in doubt, and thought
it was a phantom tempting me. I seized him and bound him to the
foot of the bed which was in my house, until I had gone to find you
in the field, thee and Joseph; and I found you in the vineyard,
where Joseph was putting up the vine-poles. And it came to pass,
when thou didst hear me saying this thing unto Joseph, that thou
didst understand, and thou wert joyful, and didst say, "Where is

junctions occur every 20 years and take place every 200 years in the same trigon.
But the same position can only recur every 800 years. The most significant posi-
tions are those between two trigons. Albumasar (Be magnis coniunc, tract. 3,
diff. i, fol. D 8r) says they manifest themselves "in changes of parties and offices
and in changes of the laws and ... in the coming of prophets and of prophesy-
ing and of miracles in parties and offices of state."

40 Crucifixion was a well-known punishment for slaves. The Cross with a snake
on it, instead of the Crucified, is often found in medieval times [Psychology and
Alchemy, fig. 217], and also in the dreams and fantasy-images of modern people
who know nothing of this tradition. A characteristic dream of this sort is the
following: The dreamer was watching a Passion play in the theatre. On the way
to Golgotha, the actor taking the part of the Saviour suddenly changed into a
snake or crocodile. 4iErman, Die Religion der Agypter, p. 137.

he, that I may see him?" And it came to pass, when Joseph heard
thee say these words, that he was disturbed. We went up together,
entered into the house and found the spirit bound to the bed, and
we gazed upon thee and him, and found that thou wert like unto
him. And he that was bound to the bed was unloosed, he embraced
thee and kissed thee, and thou also didst kiss him, and you became
one. 42

l 32 It appears from the context of this fragment that Jesus is
the "truth sprouting from the earth," whereas the spirit that
resembled him is "justice [Sikcuoo-wt?] looking down from heaven."
The text says: "Truth is the power which issued from thee when
thou wast in the lower regions of chaos. For this cause thy power
hath said through David, 'Truth hath sprouted out of the
earth,' because thou wert in the lower regions of chaos." 43
Jesus, accordingly, is conceived as a double personality, part of
which rises up from the chaos or hyle, while the other part
descends as pneuma from heaven.

'33 One could hardly find the ^vkoKpiv^o-^, or 'discrimination of
the natures' that characterizes the Gnostic Redeemer, exempli-
fied more graphically than in the astrological determination of
time. The astrological statements that were quite possible in
antiquity all point to the prominent double aspect M of the birth
that occurred at this particular moment of time, and one can
understand how plausible was the astrological interpretation of
the Christ-Antichrist myth when it entered into manifestation
at the time of the Gnostics. A fairly old authority, earlier
anyway than the sixth century, which bears striking witness to
the antithetical nature of the Fishes is the Talmud. This says:

Four thousand two hundred and ninety-one years after the Creation
[a.d. 530], the world will be orphaned. There will follow the war of
the tanninim [sea-monsters], the war of Gog and Magog, 45 and then

42 Pistis Sophia, Mead trans., pp. n8f., slightly modified.

43 Cf. the fish that Augustine says was "drawn from the deep."

44 In this connection mention should be made of the "Saviour of the twins"
((Twriipes) in Pistis Sophia (Mead trans., pp. 2, 17, and elsewhere).

45 Also mentioned in the Chronique of Tabari (I, ch. 23, p. 67). There Anti-
christ is the king of the Jews, who appears with Gog and Magog. This may be an
allusion to Rev. 20 : 7L: "And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall
be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are



the Messianic era; only after seven thousand years will the Holy
One, blessed be He, set up his world anew. R. Abba, the son of
Raba, said, It was taught: after five thousand years. 46

The Talmud commentator Solomon ben Isaac, alias Rashi
(1039-1105), remarks that the tanninim are fishes, presumably
basing himself on an older source, since he does not give this
as his own opinion, as he usually does. This remark is important,
firstly because it takes the battle of the fishes as an eschatological
event (like the fight between Behemoth and Leviathan), and
secondly because it is probably the oldest testimony to the anti-
thetical nature of the fishes. From about this period, too- the
eleventh century- comes the apocryphal text of a Johannine
Genesis in which the two fishes are mentioned, this time in un-
mistakably astrological form. 46a Both documents fall within the
critical epoch that opened with the second millennium of the
Christian era, about which I shall have more to say in due

in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to
battle" (AV).

Graf von Wackerbarth (Merkwiirdige Geschichte der weltberuhmten Gog
und Magog, p. 19) relates from an English "History of the World," which came
out in German in 1760, that the Arab writers say the "Yajui" were "of more
than ordinary size," whereas the "Majui" were "not more than three spans
high." This story, despite the obscurity of its origins, points to the antithetical
nature of Gog and Magog, who thus form a parallel to the Fishes. Augustine
interprets "the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and
Magog" as, respectively (Gog), tectum, 'roof or 'house,' and (Magog) de tecto,
'he that comes out of the house': "Ut illae sint tectum, ipse de tecto." That is to
say the nations are the house, but the devil dwells in the house and comes out of
it. (City of God, Healey trans., II, p. 286.) On Augustine is based the Com-
pendium theologicae veritatis (Venice, 1492), which was attri buted in turn to
Albertus Magnus, Hugh of Strasbourg, and John of Paris. It is our main source
for the Antichrist legend. With reference to Augustine it says (Libell. 7, cap. 11)
that Gog means "occultatio" (concealment), Magog "detectio" (revelation). This
corroborates the antithetical nature of Gog and Magog at least for the Middle
Ages. It is another instance of the motif of the hostile brothers, or of duplication.
Albumasar (tract. 4, diff. 12, f. 8r) calls the sixth "clima" (inclination towards the
Pole) that of Gog and Magog, and correlates it with Gemini and Virgo.
MNezikin VI, Sanhedrin II (BT, p. 658). R. Hanan ben Tahlifa, into whose
mouth this prophecy is put, is mentioned in the list of Amoraim (teachers of
the Talmud) and lived in the 2nd cent. a.d. 46a Cf. infra, pars. 225ft.

134 The year 531 is characterized astronomically by a conjunc-
tion of U and ^> in Gemini. This sign stands for a pair of
brothers, and they too have a somewhat antithetical nature. The
Greeks interpreted them as the Dioscuri ('boys of Zeus'), the
sons of Leda who were begotten by the swan and hatched out
of an egg. Pollux was immortal, but Castor shared the human
lot. Another interpretation takes them as representing Apollo
and Heracles or Apollo and Dionysus. Both interpretations sug-
gest a certain polarity. Astronomically, at any rate, the air sign
Gemini stands in a quartile and therefore unfavourable aspect
to the conjunction that took place in the year 7 b.c. The inner
polarity of X may perhaps shed light on the prophecy about the
war of the tanninim, which Rashi interprets as fishes. From the
dating of Christ's birth it would appear, as said, that the sun
was in Gemini. The motif of the brothers is found very early
in connection with Christ, for instance among the Jewish Chris-
tians and Ebionites. 47

1 35 From all this we may risk the conjecture that the Talmudic
prophecy was based on astrological premises.

1 3 6 The precession of the equinoxes was a fact well known to
the astrologers of antiquity. Origen, helped out by the observa-
tions and calculations of Hipparchus, 48 uses it as a cogent argu-
ment against an astrology based on the so-called "morphomata"
(the actual constellations). 49 Naturally this does not apply to the
distinction already drawn in ancient astrology between the
morphomata and the coSia vo-qra (the fictive signs of the zodiac). 50
If we take the 7,000 years mentioned in the prophecy as anno
mundi 7000, the year denoted would be a.d. 3239. By then the

47 Epiphanius, Panarium, XXX (Oehler edn., I, pp. 24off.).

48 Hipparchus is supposed to have discovered the precession. Cf. Boll, Sphaera,
p. 199, n. 1.

4 Origen, Commentaria in Genesim, torn. Ill, i, 14, 11 (Migne, P.G., vol. 12,
col. 79): "There is indeed a theory that the zodiacal circle, just like the planets,
is carried back from setting to rising [or: from west to east], within a century by
one degree; . . . since the twelfth part [1 zodion] is one thing when conceived in
the mind, another when perceived by the senses; yet from thut which is conceived
only in the mind, and can scarcely, or not even scarcely, be held for certain, the
truth of the matter appears." The Platonic year was then reckoned as 36,000
years. Tycho Brahe reckoned it at 24,120 years. The constant for the precession
is 50.3708 seconds and the total cycle (360 ) takes 25,725.6 years.
60 Bouch-Leclercq, p. 591, n. 2; Knapp, Antiskia; Boll, Sphaera.



spring-point will have moved from its present position 18 de-
grees into Aquarius, the next aeon, that of the Water Carrier.
As an astrologer of the second or third century would be
acquainted with the precession, we may surmise that these dates
were based on astrological considerations. At all events the Mid-
dle Ages were much concerned with the calculation of coniunc-
tiones maximae and magnae, as we know from Pierre d'Ailly
and Cardan. 51 Pierre d'Ailly reckoned that the first coniunctio
maxima (U 6 ^ in T) after the creation of the world took
place in 5027 B.C., while Cardan relegated the tenth conjunction
to a.d. 3613. 52 Both of them assumed the lapse of too large an
interval between conjunctions in the same sign. The correct
astronomical interval is about 795 years. Cardan's conjunction
would accordingly take place in the year a.d. 3234. For astro-
logical speculation this date is naturally of the greatest impor-
l 37 As to the 5,000 years, the date we get is a.d. 1 239. This was an
epoch noted for its spiritual instability, revolutionary heresies
and chiliastic expectations, and at the same time it saw the
founding of the mendicant orders, which injected new life into
monasticism. One of the most powerful and influential voices
to announce the coming of a "new age of the spirit" was Joachim
of Flora (d. 1202), whose teachings were condemned by the
Fourth Lateran Council in 1215. He expected the opening of
the seventh seal in the fairly near future, the advent of the
"everlasting gospel" and the reign of the "intellectus spiritu-
alis," the age of the Holy Ghost. This third aeon, he says, had
already begun with St. Benedict, the founder of the Benedictine
Order (the first monastery was supposed to have been built a
few years after 529). One of Joachim's followers, the Franciscan
friar Gerard of Borgo San Donnino, proclaimed in his Intro-
ductorius in evangelium aeternum, which appeared in 1254 in
Paris, that Joachim's three main treatises were in fact the ever-
lasting gospel, and that in the year 1260 this would replace the

51 The theory of the conjunctions was set down in writing by the Arabs about
the middle of the 9th cent., more particularly by Messahala. Cf. Strauss, Die
Astrologie des Johannes Kepler.

52 With his estimate of 960 years between two coniunctiones maximae, Pierre
d'Ailly would also arrive at a.d. 3613.

gospel of Jesus Christ. 53 As we know, Joachim saw monasticism as
the true vehicle of the Holy Ghost and for this reason he dated
the secret inception of the new era from the lifetime of St. Bene-
dict, whose founding of the Benedictine Order revived monas-
ticism in the West.

To Pierre d'Ailly the time of Pope Innocent III ( 1 1 98-1 2 1 6)
had already seemed significant. About the year 1 189, he says, the
revolutions of Saturn were once again completed ("completae
anno Christi 1 189 vel circiter"). He complains that the Pope had
condemned a treatise of Abbot Joachim, 54 and also the heretical
doctrine of Almaricus. 55 This last is the theological philosopher
Amalric of Bene (d. 1204), who took part in the widespread
Holy Ghost movement of that age. It was then, too, he says, that
the Dominican and Franciscan mendicant orders came into
existence, "which was a great and wonderful thing for the Chris-
tian church." Pierre d'Ailly thus lays stress on the same phe-
nomena that struck us as being characteristic of the time, and
further regards this epoch as having been foretold in astrology.

The date for the founding of the monastery of Monte Cas-
sino brings us very close to the year 530, which the Talmud
prophesied would be a critical one. In Joachim's view not only
does a new era begin then, but a new "status" of the world- the
age of monasticism and the reign of the Holy Ghost. Its begin-
ning still comes within the domain of the Son, but Joachim sur-
mises in a psychologically correct manner that a new status-
or, as we would say, a new attitude- would appear first as a more
or less latent preliminary stage, which would then be followed
by the fructification the flower and the fruit. In Joachim's day
the fruition was still in abeyance, but one could observe far and
wide an uncommon agitation and commotion of men's spirits.
Everyone felt the rushing wind of the pneuma; it was an age of
new and unprecedented ideas which were blazoned abroad by
the Cathari, Patarenes, Concorricci, Waldenses, Poor Men of

53 This period around the year 1240 would, from the astrological standpoint, be
characterized by the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Libra, in 1246.
Libra is another double sign with a pneumatic nature (air trigon), like Gemini,
and for this reason it was taken by Pierre d'Ailly as Christ's ascendent.

54 At the Lateran Council, 1215. Cf. Denzinger and Bannwart, Enchiridion sym-
bolorum, pp. io,off.

55 "His teaching is to be held not so much heretical as insane," says the decree.



Lyons, Beghards, Brethren of the Free Spirit, "Bread through
God," 56 and whatever else these movements were called. Their
visible beginnings all lay in the early years of the eleventh cen-
tury. The contemporary documents amassed by Hahn throw a
revealing light on the ideas current in these circles:

Item, they believe themselves to be God by nature without dis-
tinction . . . and that they are eternal. . . .

Item, that they have no need of God or the Godhead.

Item, that they constitute the kingdom of heaven.

Item, that they are immutable in the new rock, that they rejoice
in naught and are troubled by naught.

Item, that a man is bound to follow his inner instinct rather
than the truth of the Gospel which is preached every day. . . .
They say that they believe the Gospel to contain poetical matters
which are not true. 57

l 4 These few examples may suffice to show what kind of spirit
animated these movements. They were made up of people who
identified themselves (or were identified) with God, who deemed
themselves supermen, had a critical approach to the gospels, fol-
lowed the promptings of the inner man, and understood the
kingdom of heaven to be within. In a sense, therefore, they were
modern in their outlook, but they had a religious inflation
instead of the rationalistic and political psychosis that is the
affliction of our day. We ought not to impute these extremist
ideas to Joachim, even though he took part in that great move-
ment of the spirit and was one of its outstanding figures. One
must ask oneself what psychological impulse could have moved

56 Hahn, Geschichte der Ketzer im Mittelalter, II, p. 779: ". . . some who under
the name of a false and pretended religious order, whom the common folk
call Beghards and Schwestrones or 'Brod durch Gott'; but they call themselves
Little Brethren and Sisters of the fellowship of the Free Spirit and of Voluntary

57 "Item credunt se esse Deum per naturam sine distinctione . . . se esse
aeternos . . .

"Item quod nullo indigent nee Deo nee Deitate.

"Item quod sunt ipsum regnum coelorum.

"Item quod sunt etiam immutabiles in nova rupe, quod de nullo gaudent, et
de nullo turbantur.

"Item quod homo magis tenetur sequi instinctum interiorem quam veritatero
Evangelii quod cottidie praedicatur . . . dicunt, se credere ibi (in Evangelio)
esse poetica quae non sunt vera." (Hahn, II, pp. 77gf.)

him and his adherents to cherish such bold expectations as the
substitution of the "everlasting gospel" for the Christian mes-
sage or the supersession of the second Person in the Godhead by
the third, who would reign over the new era. This thought is so
heretical and subversive that it could never have occurred to him
had he not felt himself supported and swept along by the revolu-
tionary currents of the age. He felt it as a revelation of the Holy
Ghost, whose life and procreative power no church could bring
to a stop. The numinosity of this feeling was heightened by the
temporal coincidence- "synchronicity"- of the epoch he lived
in with the beginning of the sphere of the "antichristian" fish in
Pisces. In consequence, one might feel tempted to regard the
Holy Ghost movement and Joachim's central ideas as a direct
expression of the antichristian psychology that was then dawn-
ing. At any rate the Church's condemnation is thoroughly under-
standable, for in many ways his attitude to the Church of Jesus
Christ comes very close to open insurrection, if not downright
apostasy. But if we allow some credence to the conviction of these
innovators that they were moved by the Holy Ghost, then an-
other interpretation becomes not only possible but even prob-

That is to say, just as Joachim supposed that the status of
the Holy Ghost had secretly begun with St. Benedict, so we
might hazard the conjecture that a new status was secretly
anticipated in Joachim himself. Consciously, of course, he
thought he was bringing the status of the Holy Ghost into
reality, just as it is certain that St. Benedict had nothing else in
mind than to put the Church on a firm footing and deepen the
meaning of the Christian life through monasticism. But, uncon-
sciously-and this is psychologically what probably happened-
Joachim could have been seized by the archetype of the spirit.
There is no doubt that his activities were founded on a numi-
nous experience, which is, indeed, characteristic of all those who
are gripped by an archetype. He understood the spirit in the
dogmatic sense as the third Person of the Godhead, for no other
way was possible, but not in the sense of the empirical arche-
type. This archetype is not of uniform meaning, but was orig-
inally an ambivalent dualistic figure 58 that broke through again

68 Cf. "The Phenomenology of the Spirit in Fairytales," pars. 3g6ff.



in the alchemical concept of spirit after engendering the most
contradictory manifestations within the Holy Ghost movement
itself. The Gnostics in their day had already had clear inti-
mations of this dualistic figure. It was therefore very natural,
in an age which coincided with the beginning of the second Fish
and which was, so to speak, forced into ambiguity, that an
espousal of the Holy Ghost in its Christian form should at the
same time help the archetype of the spirit to break through in
all its characteristic ambivalence. It would be unjust to class so
worthy a personage as Joachim with the bigoted advocates of
that revolutionary and anarchic turbulence, which is what the
Holy Ghost movement turned into in so many places. We must
suppose, rather, that he himself unwittingly ushered in a new
"status," a religious attitude that was destined to bridge and
compensate the frightful gulf that had opened out between
Christ and Antichrist in the eleventh century. The antichristian
era is to blame that the spirit became non-spiritual and that the
vitalizing archetype gradually degenerated into rationalism,
intellectualism, and doctrinairism, all of which leads straight to
the tragedy of modern times now hanging over our heads like a
sword of Damocles. In the old formula for the Trinity, as
Joachim knew it, the dogmatic figure of the devil is lacking,
for then as now he led a questionable existence somewhere on
the fringes of theological metaphysics, in the shape of the mys-
terium iniquitatis. Fortunately for us, the threat of his coming
had already been foretold in the New Testament- for the less
he is recognized the more dangerous he is. Who would suspect
him under those high-sounding names of his, such as public
welfare, lifelong security, peace among the nations, etc.? He
hides under idealisms, under -isms in general, and of these the
most pernicious is doctrinairism, that most unspiritual of all
the spirit's manifestations. The present age must come to terms
drastically with the facts as they are, with the absolute opposition
that is not only tearing the world asunder politically but has
planted a schism in the human heart. We need to find our way
back to the original, living spirit which, berause of its ambiva-
lence, is also a mediator and uniter of opposites, 59 an idea that
preoccupied the alchemists for many centuries.

59 "The Spirit Mercurius," pars. 284ft:., and "A Psychological Approach to the
Dogma of the Trinity," pars. 257ft.

l 4 2 If, as seems probable, the aeon of the fishes is ruled by the
archetypal motif of the hostile brothers, then the approach of
the next Platonic month, namely Aquarius, will constellate the
problem of the union of opposites. It will then no longer be
possible to write off evil as the mere privation of good; its real
existence will have to be recognized. This problem can be
solved neither by philosophy, nor by economics, nor by politics,
but only by the individual human being, via his experience of
the living spirit, whose fire descended upon Joachim, one of
many, and, despite all contemporary misunderstandings, was
handed onward into the future. The solemn proclamation of
the Assumptio Mariae which we have experienced in our own
day is an example of the way symbols develop through the ages.
The impelling motive behind it did not come from the ecclesi-
astical authorities, who had given clear proof of their hesitation
by postponing the declaration for nearly a hundred years, 60 but
from the Catholic masses, who have insisted more and more
vehemently on this development. Their insistence is, at bottom,
the urge of the archetype to realize itself. 61

43 The repercussions of the Holy Ghost movement spread, in
the years that followed, to four minds of immense significance
for the future. These were Albertus Magnus (1193-1280); his
pupil Thomas Aquinas, the philosopher of the Church and an
adept in alchemy (as also was Albertus); Roger Bacon (c. 1214-c.
1294), the English forerunner of inductive science; and finally
Meister Eckhart (c. 1260-1327), the independent religious
thinker, now enjoying a real revival after six hundred years of
obscurity. Some people have rightly seen the Holy Ghost move-
ment as the forerunner of the Reformation. At about the time
of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries we find also the begin-
nings of Latin alchemy, whose philosophical and spiritual con-
tent I have tried to elucidate in my book Psychology and Al-
chemy. The image mentioned above (par. 139) of "immutability
in the new rock" bears a striking resemblance to the central idea
of philosophical alchemy, the lapis philosophorum, which is
used as a parallel to Christ, the "rock," the "stone," the "corner-

60 [Although Mary's Immaculate Conception was declared de fide by Pope
Pius IX in 1854, by the bull Ineffabilis Deus, her Assumption was not defined as
part of divine revelation until 1950.- Editors.]

61 fCf. "Psychology and Religion," par. 122, and "Answer to Job," pars. 748ft ]



stone." Priscillian (4th cent.) says: "We have Christ for a rock,
Jesus for a cornerstone." 62 An alchemical text speaks of the
"rock which is smitten thrice with Moses' rod, so that the waters
flow forth freely." 63 The lapis is called a "sacred rock" and is
described as having four parts. 64 St. Ambrose says the water
from the rock is a prefiguration of the blood that flowed from
Christ's side. 65 Another alchemical text mentions the "water
from the rock" as the equivalent of the universal solvent, the
aqua permanens. QQ Khunrath, in his somewhat florid language,
even speaks of the "Petroleum sapientum." 67 By the Naassenes,
Adam was called the "rock" and the "cornerstone." 68 Both
these allegories of Christ are mentioned by Epiphanius in his
Ancoratus, and also by Firmicus Maternus. 69 This image, com-
mon to ecclesiastical and alchemical language alike, goes back to
I Corinthians 10 : 4 and I Peter 2 : 4.
l 44 The new rock, then, takes the place of Christ, just as the
everlasting gospel was meant to take the place of Christ's mes-
sage. Through the descent and indwelling of the Holy Ghost
the vloTijs, sonship, is infused into every individual, so that
everybody who possesses the Holy Ghost will be a new rock, in
accordance with I Peter 2:5: "Be you also as living stones built
up." 70 This is a logical development of the teaching about the

62 Opera, ed. G. Schepps, p. 24.

63 Cf. Aurora Consurgens (ed. von Franz), p. 127: "this great and wide sea smote
the rock and the metallic waters flowed forth."

64 Musaeum hermeticum (1678), p. 212: "Our stone is called the sacred rock, and
is understood or signified in four ways." Cf. Ephesians 3:18. The Pyramid Text
of Pepi I mentions a god of resurrection with four faces: "Homage to thee, O
thou who hast four faces. . . . Thou art endowed with a soul, and thou dost
rise (like the sun) in thy boat . . . carry thou this Pepi with thee in the cabin
of thy boat, for this Pepi is the son of the Scarab." (Budge, Gods of the Egyptians,
I, p. 85.)

65 Explanationes in Psalmos, XXXVIII: "In the shadow there was water from
the rock, as it were the blood of Christ."

66 Mylius, Philosophia reformata (1622), p. 112: "Whence the philosopher brought
forth water from the rock and oil out of the flinty stone."

67 Von hylealischen Chaos (1597), p. 272.

68 Hippolytus, Elenchos, V, 7, 34I (Legge trans., I, p. 129). Reference is also
made here to the "stone cut from the mountain without hands" (Daniel 2 : 45),
a metaphor used by the alchemists.

69 De errore projanarum religionum, 20, 1.

70 Cf. the building of the seamless tower (church) with "living stones" in the
"Shepherd" of Hermas.

Paraclete and the filiation, as stated in Luke 6 : 35: "You shall
be sons of the Highest," and John 10 : 34: "Is it not written in
your law: I said, you are gods?" The Naassenes, as we know, had
already made use of these allusions and thus anticipated a
whole tract of historical development- a development that led
via monasticism to the Holy Ghost movement, via the The-
ologia Germanica direct to Luther, and via alchemy to modern

l 45 Let us now turn back to the theme of Christ as the fish. Ac-
cording to Doelger, the Christian fish symbol first appeared in
Alexandria around a.d. 200; 71 similarly, the baptismal bath was
described as a piscina (fish-pond) quite early. This presupposes
that the believers were fishes, as is in fact suggested by the gos-
pels (for instance Matt. 4 : 19). There Christ wants to make
Peter and Andrew "fishers of men," and the miraculous draught
of fishes (Luke 5 : 10) is used by Christ himself as a paradigm
for Peter's missionary activity.

46 A direct astrological aspect of Christ's birth is given us in
Matthew 2 : iff. The Magi from the East were star-gazers who,
beholding an extraordinary constellation, inferred an equally
extraordinary birth. This anecdote proves that Christ, possibly
even at the time of the apostles, was viewed from the astro-
logical standpoint or was at least brought into connection with

71 Doelger, IX8T2: Das Fischsymbol, I, p. 18. Though the Abercius inscription,
which dates from the beginning of the 3rd cent, (after a.d. 216), is of importance
in this connection, it is of doubtful Christian origin. Dieterich (Die Grabschrift
des Aberkios), in the course of a brilliant argument, demonstrates that the "holy
shepherd" mentioned in the inscription is Attis, the Lord of the sacred Ram
and the thousand-eyed shepherd of glittering stars. One of his special forms
was Elogabal of Emera, the god of the emperor Heliogabalus, who caused the
hieros gamos of his god to be celebrated with Urania of Carthage, also called
Virgo coelestis. Heliogabalus was a gallus (priest) of the Great Mother, whose
fish only the priests might eat. The fish had to be caught by a virgin. It is con-
jectured that Abercius had this inscription written in commemoration of his
journey to Rome to the great hieros gamos, sometime after a.d. 216. For the same
reasons there are doubts about the Christianity of the Pectorios inscription at
Autun, in which the fish figures too: *'E(T0ie irv . . . , ixOvv lx tj3V iraXa/xcus
'Ix&vi xP Ta % &P a XtXat'w Seo-Trora awrep'. "Eat . . . (reading uncertain), holding
the fish in the hands. Nourish now with the fish, I yearn, Lord Saviour." Prob-
able reading: mvawv instead of ireivawv. Cf. Cabrol and Leclercq, Dictionnaire
d'archeologie chretienne, XIII, cols. 2884ff., "Pectorios." The first three distichs
of the inscription make the acrostic Ichthys. Dating is uncertain (3rd~5th cent.).
Cf. Doelger, I, pp. i2ff.



astrological myths. The latter alternative is fully confirmed
when we consider the apocalyptic utterances of St. John. Since
this exceedingly complex question has been discussed by those
who are more qualified than I, we can support our argument
on the well-attested fact that glimpses of astrological mythology
may be caught behind the stories of the worldly and other-
worldly life of the Redeemer. 72
HI Above all it is the connections with the age of the Fishes
which are attested by the fish symbolism, either contemporane-
ously with the gospels themselves (''fishers of men," fishermen
as the first disciples, miracle of loaves and fishes), or immedi-
ately afterwards in the post-apostolic era. The symbolism shows
Christ and those who believe in him as fishes, fish as the food
eaten at the Agape, 73 baptism as immersion in a fish-pond, etc.
At first sight, all this points to no more than the fact that the
fish symbols and mythologems which have always existed had
assimilated the figure of the Redeemer; in other words, it was
a symptom of Christ's assimilation into the world of ideas pre-
vailing at that time. But, to the extent that Christ was regarded
as the new aeon, it would be clear to anyone acquainted with
astrology that he was born as the first fish of the Pisces era, and
was doomed to die as the last ram 74 (apvLov, lamb) of the declining
Aries era. 75 Matthew 27 : 15ft. hands down this mythologem in

72 1 refer particularly to Boll, Aus der Offenbarung Johannis. The writings of
Arthur Drews have treated the astrological parallels with- one can well say-
monomaniacal thoroughness, not altogether to the advantage of this idea. See
Der Sternenhimmel in der Dichiung und Religion der alten Volker und des

73 Religious meal. According to Tertullian (Adversus Marcionem, I, cap. XIV;
Migne, P.L., vol. 2, col. 262) the fish signifies "the holier food." Cf. also Gooden-
ough, Jewish Symbols, V, pp. 41ft.

74 0rigen, In Genesim horn. VIII, 9 (Migne, P.G., vol. 12, col. 208): "We said
. . . that Isaac bore the form of Christ, but that the ram also seems no less to
bear the form of Christ." Augustine (City of God, XVI, 32, 1) asks: "Who was
that ram by the offering whereof was made a complete sacrifice in typical
blood . . . who was prefigured thereby but Jesus . . . ?" For the Lamb as
Aries in the Apocalypse see Boll, Aus der Offenbarung Johannis.

75Eisler, Orpheus- The Fisher, pp. 5 iff. There is also a wealth of material in
Eisler's paper "Der Fisch als Sexualsymbol," though it contains little that would
help to interpret the fish-symbol, since the question puts the cart before the
horse. It has long been known that all the instinctual forces of the psyche are in-
volved in the formation of symbolic images, hence sexuality as well. Sex is not

the form of the old sacrifice of the seasonal god. Significantly
enough, Jesus's partner in the ceremony is called Barabbas, "son
of the father." There would be some justification for drawing
a parallel between the tension of opposites in early Christian
psychology and the fact the zodiacal sign for Pisces (K) fre-
quently shows two fishes moving in opposite directions, but
only if it could be proved that their contrary movement dates
from pre-Christian times or is at least contemporary with Christ.
Unfortunately, I know of no pictorial representation from this
period that would give us any information about the position of
the fishes. In the fine bas-relief of the zodia from the Little
Metropolis in Athens, Pisces and Aquarius are missing. There
is one representation of the fishes, near the beginning of our
era, that is certainly free from Christian influence. This is the
globe of the heavens from the Farnese Atlas in Naples. The first
fish, depicted north of the equator, is vertical, with its head
pointing to the celestial Pole; the second fish, south of the
equator, is horizontal, with its head pointing West. The picture
follows the astronomical configuration and is therefore natural-
istic. 76 The zodiac from the temple of Hathor at Denderah (ist
cent, b.c.) shows the fishes, but they both face the same way. The
planisphere of Timochares, 77 mentioned by Hipparchus, has
only one fish where Pisces should be. On coins and gems from
the time of the emperors, and also on Mithraic monuments, 78
the fishes are shown either facing the same way or moving
in opposite directions. 79 The polarity which the fishes later
acquired may perhaps be due to the fact that the astronomical
constellation shows the first (northerly) fish as vertical, and the
second (southerly) fish as horizontal. They move almost at right

"symbolized" in these images, but leaps to the eye, as Eisler's material clearly
shows. In whatsoever a man is involved, there his sexuality will appear too. The
indubitably correct statement that St. Peter's is made of stone, wood, and metal
hardly helps us to interpret its meaning, and the same is true of the fish symbol
if one continues to be astonished that this image, like all others, has its manifest
sexual components. With regard to the terminology, it should be noted that
something known is never "symbolized," but can only be expressed allegorically
or semiotically . 76 Thiele, Antike Himmelsbilder, p. 29.

77 Boll, Sphaera, PL I, and Eisler, The Royal Art of Astrology, PL 5, following
p. 164. 78 Gaedechens, Der Marmorne Himmels globus.

79 Cumont, Textes et monuments, II.

9 1


angles to one another and hence form a cross. This counter-
movement, which was unknown to the majority of the oldest
sources, was much emphasized in Christian times, and this leads
one to suspect a certain tendentiousness. 80
48 Although no connection of any kind can be proved be-
tween the figure of Christ and the inception of the astrological
age of the fishes, the simultaneity of the fish symbolism of the
Redeemer with the astrological symbol of the new aeon seems
to me important enough to warrant the emphasis we place upon
it. If we try to follow up the complicated mythological ramifica-
tions of this parallel, we do so with intent to throw light on the
multifarious aspects of an archetype that manifests itself on the
one hand in a personality, and on the other hand synchro-
nistically, in a moment of time determined in advance, before
Christ's birth. Indeed, long before that, the archetype had been
written in the heavens by projection, so as then, "when the time
was fulfilled," to coincide with the symbols produced by the
new era. The fish, appropriately enough, belongs to the winter
rainy season, like Aquarius and Capricorn (atyoKepw?, the goat-
fish). 81 As a zodiacal sign, therefore, it is not in the least remark-
able. It becomes a matter for astonishment only when, through
the precession of the equinoxes, the spring-point moves into this
sign and thus inaugurates an age in which the "fish" was used
as a name for the God who became a man, who was born as a
fish and was sacrificed as a ram, who had fishermen for disciples
and wanted to make them fishers of men, who fed the multitude
with miraculously multiplying fishes, who was himself eaten as a
fish, the "holier food," and whose followers are little fishes, the
"pisciculi." Assume, if you like, that a fairly widespread knowl-
edge of astrology would account for at least some of this sym-

80 See the two fishes in Lambspringk's symbols (Mus. herm., p. 343), represent-
ing at the same time the opposites to be united. Aratus (Phaenomena, Mair
trans., p. 401) mentions only the higher position of the northern fish as com-
pared with the southern one, without emphasizing their duality or opposition.
Their double character is, however, stressed in modern astrological speculation.
(E. M. Smith, The Zodia, p. 279.) Senard (Le Zodiaque, p. 446) says: "The fish
. . . swimming from above downwards symbolizes the movement of involution
of Spirit in Matter; that . . . which swims from below upwards, the movement
of evolution of the Spirit-Matter composite returning to its Unique Principle."

81 Capricorn V3 or 3.

bolism in certain Gnostic-Christian circles. 82 But this assump-
tion does not apply when it comes to eyewitness accounts in
the synoptic gospels. There is no evidence of any such thing. We
have no reason whatever to suppose that those stories are dis-
guised astrological myths. On the contrary, one gets the impres-
sion that the fish episodes are entirely natural happenings and
that there is nothing further to be looked for behind them.
They are "Just So" stories, quite simple and natural, and one
wonders whether the whole Christian fish symbolism may not
have come about equally fortuitously and without premedita-
tion. Hence one could speak just as well of the seemingly for-
tuitous coincidence of this symbolism with the name of the new
aeon, the more so as the age of the fishes seems to have left no
very clear traces in the cultures of the East. I could not main-
tain with any certainty that this is correct, because I know far
too little about Indian and Chinese astrology. As against this,
the fact that the traditional fish symbolism makes possible a
verifiable prediction that had already been made in the New
Testament is a somewhat uncomfortable proposition to swallow.
The northerly, or easterly, fish, which the spring-point
entered at about the beginning of our era, 83 is joined to the
southerly, or westerly, fish by the so-called commissure. This
consists of a band of faint stars forming the middle sector of the
constellation, and the spring-point gradually moved along its
southern edge. The point where the ecliptic intersects with the
meridian at the tail of the second fish coincides roughly with the
sixteenth century, the time of the Reformation, which as we
know is so extraordinarily important for the history of Western
symbols. Since then the spring-point has moved along the south-
ern edge of the second fish, and will enter Aquarius in the

82 A clear reference to astrology can be found in Pistis Sophia, where Jesus con-
verses with the "ordainers of the nativity": "But Jesus answered and said to
Mary: If the ordainers of the nativity find Heimarmene and the Sphere turned
to the left in accordance with their first circulation, then their words will be
true, and they will say what must come to pass. But if they find Heimarmene or
the Sphere turned to the right, then they will not say anything true, because
I have changed their influences and their squares and their triangles and their
octants." (Cf. Mead trans., p. 29.)

83 The meridian of the star "O" in the commissure passed through the spring-
point in a.d. n, and that of the star "a 113" in 146 B.C. Calculated on the basis
of Peters and Knobel, Ptolemy's Catalogue of Stars.



course of the third millennium. 84 Astrologically interpreted, the
designation of Christ as one of the fishes identifies him with the
first fish, the vertical one. Christ is followed by the Antichrist, at
the end of time. The beginning of the enantiodromia would fall,
logically, midway between the two fishes. We have seen that
this is so. The time of the Renaissance begins in the immediate
vicinity of the second fish, and with it comes that spirit which
culminates in the modern age. 85

84 Since the delimitation of the constellations is known to be somewhat arbitrary,
this date is very indefinite. It refers to the actual constellation of fixed stars,
not to the zodion noeton, i.e., the zodiac divided into sectors of 30 each. Astro-
logically the beginning of the next aeon, according to the starting-point you
select, falls between a.d. 2000 and 2200. Starting from star "O" and assuming
a Platonic month of 2,143 years, one would arrive at a.d. 2154 for the beginning
of the Aquarian Age, and at a.d. 1997 if you start from star "a 113." The latter
date agrees with the longitude of the stars in Ptolemy's Almagest.

85 Modern astrological speculation likewise associates the Fishes with Christ: "The
fishes . . . the inhabitants of the waters, are fitly an emblem of those whose
life being hid with Christ in God, come out of the waters of judgment without
being destroyed [an allusion to the fishes which were not drowned in the
Deluge!- C.G.J. ] and shall find their true sphere where life abounds and death
is not: where, for ever surrounded with the living water and drinking from its
fountain, they 'shall not perish, but have everlasting life.' . . . Those who shall
dwell for ever in the living water are one with Jesus Christ the Son of God,
the Living One." (Smith, The Zodia, pp. 28of.)


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IN WEBGEN [10000/629]

Wikipedia - 10th & Oregon Crew -- Organized crime gang in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - 1937 in organized crime -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - 1952 in organized crime -- organized crime year
Wikipedia - 2010 EuroLeague American Tour -- American Tour organized by the Euroleague in the USA.
Wikipedia - Abul Kashem Sandwip -- Bangladeshi educationist, journalist and organizer
Wikipedia - Aileen Hernandez -- American union organizer and civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Alice Cardona -- Puerto Rican activist and community organizer
Wikipedia - Alma Canales -- American organizer and activist
Wikipedia - Angleworm Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Anibal Escalante -- Cuban communist and political organizer (1909-1977)
Wikipedia - Anna SzelM-DM-^Egowska -- Polish feminist, union organizer (1879-1962)
Wikipedia - Arranged marriage -- Marital union organized by parties other than the couple
Wikipedia - Art exhibition -- Organized presentation and display of works of art
Wikipedia - Aryan Brotherhood -- Neo-Nazi prison gang and organized crime syndicate
Wikipedia - Augusto de Muro -- Argentine chess player and organizer
Wikipedia - BahaM-JM- -- A series of multi-year plans to organize BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Bandidos Motorcycle Club -- Motorcycle gang and organized crime syndicate
Wikipedia - Bear Head Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Beatrice Lumpkin -- American union organizer, activist, professor, and writer
Wikipedia - Beltran-Leyva Cartel -- Mexican drug cartel and organized crime syndicate
Wikipedia - Benita Gil -- Spanish teacher and syndicalist organizer
Wikipedia - Bernard Amsalem -- French organizer of athletics
Wikipedia - Bill Haywood -- Labor organizer
Wikipedia - Birch Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Saint Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Black Mafia -- African-American organized crime syndicate
Wikipedia - Bonanno crime family -- Organized crime group
Wikipedia - Bowstring Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Itasca County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Bread for the World -- Non-partisan, Christian advocacy organized based in the United States
Wikipedia - Bricha -- Underground organized effort that helped Jewish Holocaust survivors illegally escape post-World War II Europe to the British Mandate for Palestine
Wikipedia - Brook Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Beltrami County, Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Buffalo crime family -- Organized crime group based in Buffalo, New York
Wikipedia - California Dental Association -- Nonprofit, professional organization representing organized dentistry in California
Wikipedia - Callus (cell biology) -- Growing mass of unorganized plant parenchyma cells
Wikipedia - Camp A Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Cartier station (Ontario) -- Railway station in Unorganized North Sudbury District, Canada
Wikipedia - Cathy Guetta -- French nightclub manager and events organizer, socialite, and actress
Wikipedia - Centriole -- An organelle in eukaryotic cells that produces cilia and organizes the mitotic spindle
Wikipedia - Chairperson -- Leading or presiding officer of an organized group such as a board, committee, or deliberative assembly
Wikipedia - Charlestown Mob -- Organized crime group
Wikipedia - Chemical structure -- An organized way in which molecules are ordered and sorted
Wikipedia - Christopher G. Hollins -- Lawyer and political organizer
Wikipedia - Civil war -- War between organized groups within the same state or country
Wikipedia - Claus Bork Hansen -- Danish organized crime figure (1963-2001)
Wikipedia - Clear Creek, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Carlton County, Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Colombo crime family -- One of the "Five Families" that dominates organized crime activities in New York City, US
Wikipedia - Connections: An Investigation into Organized Crime in Canada -- Television documentary
Wikipedia - Cooperative banking -- Type of retail or commercial bank organized cooperatively
Wikipedia - Crab Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Creation Seventh Day Adventist Church -- Small group that broke off from the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1988, and organized its own church in 1991
Wikipedia - Crime family -- Unit of an organized crime syndicate
Wikipedia - Dark River, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Saint Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Database -- Organized collection of data
Wikipedia - Data model -- An abstract model that organizes elements of data and standardizes how they relate to on another and to real world entities.
Wikipedia - Dave Meslin -- Community organizer and activist in Toronto
Wikipedia - Davidson, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Aitkin County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Dean Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Crow Wing County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - DeCavalcante crime family -- Italian-American organized crime family
Wikipedia - Deer Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Itasca County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism -- Romanian anti-crime and anti-terrorism agency
Wikipedia - Disorganized offender -- A classification of serial killer
Wikipedia - Disorganized schizophrenia -- Mental disorder
Wikipedia - Dogmatic theology -- The official theology recognized by an organized Church body
Wikipedia - Draft:LaTosha Brown -- Organizer, philanthropic consultant, political strategist and jazz singer
Wikipedia - Draft:Skull and Bones (Penn State) -- secret society organized at Penn State University
Wikipedia - East Cass, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Cass County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - East Cook, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Cook County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church -- A Church of Conservative Mennonites organized in 1969
Wikipedia - East Kittson, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Kittson County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - East Koochiching, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Koochiching County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Eddie Benton-Banai -- Civil rights organizer
Wikipedia - Edelweiss Pirates -- Loosely organized group of youth in Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - Edgar Ray Killen -- Former Ku Klux Klan organizer convicted of three counts of manslaughter
Wikipedia - Edison Manufacturing Company -- Company organized in 1889 by Thomas Edison
Wikipedia - Effie (unorganized territory), Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Itasca County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Electronic organizer
Wikipedia - Ella Reeve Bloor -- American labor organizer and a founder of the Communist Labor Party of America
Wikipedia - Elodie Mailloux -- Pioneering organizer of nursing schools in Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Emma Kinema -- American labor organizer and co-founder of Game Workers Unite
Wikipedia - Encarnacion Padilla de Armas -- Puerto Rican community organizer
Wikipedia - Ernest O. Smith -- American educator and union organizer
Wikipedia - Exchange (organized market) -- Highly organized trading market
Wikipedia - Faith Smith -- Native American organizer and educational leader
Wikipedia - Female entrepreneurs -- Women who organize and manage an enterprise
Wikipedia - Field artillery team -- Military group organized to direct and control artillery fire on the battlefield
Wikipedia - First date -- Initial meeting between two individuals, whether or not previously acquainted, where an effort is made to ask, plan, and organize some sort of social activity.
Wikipedia - Five Families -- Five major New York City organized crime families of the Italian American Mafia
Wikipedia - Folk religion -- Expressions of religion distinct from the official doctrines of organized religion
Wikipedia - Fort Snelling unorganized territory -- Unorganized territory in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Frank K. Berry -- American chess organizer
Wikipedia - Fraternal order -- Fraternity organized as an order
Wikipedia - Frederick M. Smith -- Third Prophet-President of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Community of Christ
Wikipedia - Fredrik Sterky -- Swedish politician and trade union organizer
Wikipedia - Gambino crime family -- Organized Crime Group
Wikipedia - Gangs in Liverpool -- Organized crime in Liverpool, UK
Wikipedia - Gangsters: Organized Crime -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Genovese crime family -- American organized crime group
Wikipedia - George Gale (Wisconsin politician) -- 19th century American lawyer, politician, and judge. Wisconsin Circuit Court Judge, member of the Wisconsin Senate, founder of Galesville, Wisconsin, organizer of Trempealeau County.
Wikipedia - George NaM-JM-;ope -- Hula master and Merrie Monarch Festival organizer
Wikipedia - George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River -- First move in a surprise attack organized by George Washington against the Hessian forces in Trenton, New Jersey
Wikipedia - Gheen, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Gilgal, Bik'at HaYarden -- Israeli settlement organized as a kibbutz in the West Bank
Wikipedia - Gokturks -- Turkic people organized as a state in medieval Inner Asia
Wikipedia - Governance -- All of the processes of governing, whether undertaken by a govnt, market or network, whether over a family, tribe, formal or informal organization or territory and whether through the laws, norms, power or language of an organized society
Wikipedia - Government-organized demonstration -- Demonstrations which are organized by the government of that nation
Wikipedia - Government -- System or group of people governing an organized community, often a state
Wikipedia - Grand Portage, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Cook County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Graphic organizer
Wikipedia - Hay Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Heikkala Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Henry Pope Anderson -- Farm labor union organizer, activist, author, and historian
Wikipedia - Hezbollah social services -- Social development programs organized by Hezbollah
Wikipedia - House band -- Group of musicians, often centrally organized by a band leader, who regularly play at an establishment, or a tv/radio show
Wikipedia - Hush Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Hussein Samatar -- Somali-American politician, banker and community organizer in Minneapolis
Wikipedia - India International Trade Fair -- Organized by the India Trade Promotion Organization
Wikipedia - Inspection -- Organized examination or formal evaluation exercise
Wikipedia - Intelligence Center for Counter-Terrorism and Organized Crime
Wikipedia - International Army Games -- Russian organized international military event
Wikipedia - International Turntablist Federation -- DJ battle organizer (1990s-2000s)
Wikipedia - Isaiah Rynders -- American businessman, sportsman, underworld figure and political organizer
Wikipedia - Israel A. Smith -- Fourth Prophet-President of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Community of Christ
Wikipedia - It's okay to be white -- Slogan based on a poster campaign organized on the American imageboard 4chan's board /pol/ in 2017
Wikipedia - Jack Hall (trade unionist) -- American labor organizer (b. 1915, d. 1971)
Wikipedia - Jain Center of America -- First Jain temple organized and registered in America, in 1976
Wikipedia - Janette Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Jeannie Mole -- English trade union organizer
Wikipedia - Jerry Spann -- American chess organizer
Wikipedia - Jewett, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Aitkin County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Joe Biggs -- Proud Boys organizer and radio host
Wikipedia - Jonah Gokova -- Zimbabwe activist, feminist, speaker, community organizer, and leader
Wikipedia - Juana Gutierrez -- Mexican-American political activist and community organizer
Wikipedia - Juggalo gangs -- American loosely organized hybrid gang based on the eponymous hip hop duo
Wikipedia - Karen Washington -- Political activist and community organizer
Wikipedia - Karine Jean-Pierre -- Haitian-American political campaign organizer
Wikipedia - Karla Jurvetson -- American psychiatrist, philanthropist, and political organizer
Wikipedia - Kent Rowley -- Canadian labour organizer
Wikipedia - Kester Svendsen -- American chess organizer
Wikipedia - Khader El-Yateem -- Palestinian-American community organizer and Lutheran reverend
Wikipedia - Kheda Satyagraha of 1918 -- Civil resistance movement organized by Gandhi in India
Wikipedia - Kimi Hanauer -- Artist, cultural organizer, and writer (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Koksoak River -- river Koksoak is a river of Nunavik (in watershed of Ungava Bay), flowing in unorganized territory of Riviere-Koksoak, in administrative region of Nord-du-Quebec, in Quebec, in Canada
Wikipedia - Lake No. 1, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Lake County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Lake No. 2, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Lake County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Larry Fay -- American organized crime figure
Wikipedia - Lars Harnes -- Norwegian organized crime figure
Wikipedia - Leander Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Liberty Township, Itasca County, Minnesota -- Unorganized Territory in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Library -- Organized collection of books or other information resources
Wikipedia - Lifelong learning institutes -- Organized group for college-level study
Wikipedia - Liffa Gregoriussen -- Faroese women's organizer and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Linwood Lake, St. Louis County, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of St. Louis County, Minnesota
Wikipedia - List of general fraternities -- Organized society of men associated together
Wikipedia - List of incidents at Walt Disney World -- Injuries, deaths, mishaps, crimes, and accidents organized by attraction
Wikipedia - List of mathematical symbols by subject -- Wikipedia list of math symbols organized by subject
Wikipedia - Little Sand Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Lower Red Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Beltrami County, Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Loyal Nine -- Nine Bostonians who organized demonstrations against the Stamp Act of 1765
Wikipedia - Lucchese crime family -- One of the "Five Families" that dominates organized crime activities in New York City, US
Wikipedia - Lucy Parsons -- American socialist labor organizer (1851-1942)
Wikipedia - Luella Twining -- Journalist, labor organizer and Socialist politician.
Wikipedia - Luisa Capetillo -- Puerto Rican labor organizer
Wikipedia - Mafia -- Type of organized crime enterprise
Wikipedia - Magic: The Gathering Organized Play
Wikipedia - Makoto Kobayashi (Olympics) -- Japanese politician and Olympic organizer
Wikipedia - Mariame Kaba -- American activist and community organizer
Wikipedia - Marie Jenney Howe -- American feminist organizer and writer
Wikipedia - Marion Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Marko Hirsma -- Finnish organized crime figure (1965-2001)
Wikipedia - Mary Garrett Hay -- American suffragist and organizer
Wikipedia - Maude A. K. Wetmore -- American political organizer and historical preservationist
Wikipedia - Mauree Turner -- American politician and community organizer
Wikipedia - McCormack, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - McKinley, Kittson County, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Kittson County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Medieval university -- Corporation organized during the Middle Ages for the purposes of higher education
Wikipedia - Mesoscale convective system -- Complex of thunderstormsM-BM- organized on a larger scale
Wikipedia - Michael Ljunggren -- Swedish organized crime figure (1962-1995)
Wikipedia - Mickey Borgfjord Larsen -- Danish organized crime figure (1971-2003)
Wikipedia - Mind map -- System or map used to visually organize information
Wikipedia - Mission 31 -- An undersea expedition organized by Fabien Cousteau in the undersea laboratory Aquarius in the Florida Keys, scuba diving to collect scientific data and IMAX footage
Wikipedia - Mother Jones -- Irish-born American labor and community organizer
Wikipedia - Mud Hen Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Mud Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Murder, Inc. -- US organized crime groups in the 1930s and 1940s
Wikipedia - Nancy Dumont -- Native American organizer and education leader
Wikipedia - National Book Festival -- United States literary festival organized by the Library of Congress and open to the public
Wikipedia - Netroots -- Term for political activism organized through blogs and other online media
Wikipedia - Nett Lake, Koochiching County, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Koochiching County, Minnesota, USA
Wikipedia - Nett Lake, St. Louis County, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Nevada Territory -- Former organized incorporated territory of the US
Wikipedia - New Hampshire Confession of Faith -- Confession organized by missionaries
Wikipedia - Nidia Bustos -- Nicaraguan theater director, community organizer and cultural activist
Wikipedia - North Beltrami, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Beltrami County, Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - North Carlton, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Carlton County, Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - North Cass, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Cass County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - North Central Cass, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Cass County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - North Clearwater, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Clearwater County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Northeast Aitkin, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Aitkin County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Northeast Itasca, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Itasca County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Northeast St. Louis, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Northome (unorganized territory), Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Koochiching County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - North Red River, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - North Roseau, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Roseau County, Minnesota
Wikipedia - Northwest Aitkin, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Aitkin County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Northwest Koochiching, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Koochiching County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Northwest Roseau, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Roseau County, Minnesota
Wikipedia - Northwest St. Louis, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Ohio Defense Force -- Privately organized militia in the state of Ohio
Wikipedia - Oklahoma Panhandle -- Panhandle in north-western Oklahoma and former unorganized territory
Wikipedia - Olga Skobeleva -- Russian philanthropist and hospital organizer
Wikipedia - Opal Tometi -- Nigerian-American writer, strategist and community organizer
Wikipedia - Organised crime in Peru -- Transnational, national, and local organized crime in Peru
Wikipedia - Organized Crime & Triad Bureau (film) -- 1994 film directed by Kirk Wong
Wikipedia - Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project -- International consortium of investigative centers, media and journalists
Wikipedia - Organized crime in Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Prevalent Bosnian criminal organizations and activities
Wikipedia - Organized crime in California -- Prevalent criminal organizations and activities in California
Wikipedia - Organized crime in Italy -- Prevalent criminal organizations and activities in Italy
Wikipedia - Organized crime in Minneapolis -- Prevalent American criminal organizations and activities in Minneapolis
Wikipedia - Organized crime in Nigeria -- Prevalent criminal organizations and activities in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Organized crime in Sweden -- Prevalent criminal organizations and activities in Sweden
Wikipedia - Organized crime -- Groupings of highly centralized criminal enterprises
Wikipedia - Organized incorporated territories of the United States -- United States territory with organized government and to which full constitutional rights are extended
Wikipedia - Organized labor
Wikipedia - Organized religion -- Religion in which belief systems and rituals are systematically arranged and formally established
Wikipedia - Organized Socialist Party in Venezuela -- Political party in Venezuela
Wikipedia - Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument -- Group of unorganized United States Pacific Island territories
Wikipedia - Palmyra Atoll -- Uninhabited Pacific atoll and unorganized incorporated U.S. territory
Wikipedia - Pas de la Bergere -- Passage of arms organized in 1449 in France
Wikipedia - Patriarca crime family -- Organized crime group
Wikipedia - Paul Booth (labor organizer) -- Activist and labor organizer
Wikipedia - Pfeiffer Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Philippine Sportswriters Association Annual Awards -- Awarding ceremony organized by the Philippine Sportswriters Association
Wikipedia - Picasa -- Former image organizer and image viewer by Google
Wikipedia - Picket Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Plex (software) -- Software to organize and stream video, music and photos
Wikipedia - Polysome -- Multiribosomal structure organized into a linear array of ribosomes held together by messenger RNA
Wikipedia - Porsche Rennsport Reunion -- Automotive event organized by Porsche
Wikipedia - Portal:Organized Labour
Wikipedia - Portal:Organized labour
Wikipedia - Potshot Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Saint Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Professional wrestling promotion -- Company or business that organizes professional wrestling events
Wikipedia - Public health -- Preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through organized efforts and informed choices of society and individuals
Wikipedia - Rachel Chalkowski -- Israeli midwife and a gemach organizer
Wikipedia - Raffaele Bonanni -- Italian former trade union organizer
Wikipedia - Rainy Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Koochiching County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Rama dama -- Organized public space cleanup in Bavaria
Wikipedia - Ramzi bin al-Shibh -- 9/11 organizer
Wikipedia - Rana Abdelhamid -- American community organizer
Wikipedia - Ratko M-DM-^Pokic -- Serbian-Swedish organized crime figure
Wikipedia - Red and Black Column -- Fifth militia column organized by the CNT-FAI in Barcelona and that was in front of Aragon
Wikipedia - Reverse dictionary -- Dictionary organized in a non-standard order
Wikipedia - Richard LaFortune -- Two spirit activist, author, community organizer, and artist
Wikipedia - Richard Newman (English cricketer) -- English cricketer and match organizer
Wikipedia - Richard von Hegener -- Organizer of the Aktion T4 Nazi German "euthanasia" program
Wikipedia - Ricki Ruiz -- American politician and community organizer
Wikipedia - Robert V. Dumont, Jr. -- Native American organizer and education leader (1940-1997)
Wikipedia - Rudi Heinz Elten -- German organized crime figure (1977-2009)
Wikipedia - Russian mafia -- Umbrella term for Russian organized crime groups
Wikipedia - Salvatore Maranzano -- organized crime figure
Wikipedia - Sam Maceo -- Casino manager and organized crime boss
Wikipedia - Sand Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Sarasota Assassination Society -- Organized crime groups in the United States
Wikipedia - Sasha Chanoff -- American aid organizer
Wikipedia - Saul Alinsky -- American community organizer and writer
Wikipedia - Science -- Systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge
Wikipedia - Scientia potentia est -- Latin aphorism often claimed to mean organized "knowledge is power"
Wikipedia - Self-organized criticality -- Concept in physics
Wikipedia - Self-organized time-division multiple access
Wikipedia - Shaikh Abdus Salam -- Bangladeshi academician, writer and sports organizer
Wikipedia - Shotley Brook, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Beltrami County, Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Shotwell (software) -- Free software image organizer
Wikipedia - Sicilian Mafia -- Organized crime syndicate originating in Sicily
Wikipedia - Sinaloa Cartel -- Organized crime syndicate
Wikipedia - Slim Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - SNOMED CT -- Systematically organized computer processable collection of medical terms providing codes, terms, synonyms and definitions used in clinical documentation and reporting
Wikipedia - Social movement organization -- Organized component of a social movement
Wikipedia - Social movement -- Loosely organized effort by a large group of people to achieve a particular goal
Wikipedia - Social revolution -- Bottom-up revolution aiming to reorganize all of society
Wikipedia - Sofia Quintino -- Portuguese physician, feminist, and nursing organizer
Wikipedia - Soldiers of the Cross Church -- Denomination organized in the early 1920s by Ernest William Sellers
Wikipedia - Soldier -- One who serves as part of an organized military force
Wikipedia - Sophie Gonzales -- Activist and labor organizer
Wikipedia - Sophie Oxholm -- Danish exhibition organizer
Wikipedia - South Clearwater, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Clearwater County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Southeast Roseau, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Roseau County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - South Koochiching, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Koochiching County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Soylemez Gang -- Turkish organized crime organization
Wikipedia - Splash! (academic outreach program) -- Academic outreach program organized by university students
Wikipedia - Structure -- Arrangement and organization of interrelated elements in an object or system, or the object or system so organized
Wikipedia - Sturgeon River, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Sunday Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Swarm intelligence -- Collective behavior of decentralized, self-organized systems
Wikipedia - Teodoro Garcia Simental -- Mexican organized crime figure
Wikipedia - Terrorism in Mexico -- Phenomenon of organized violenced against civilians
Wikipedia - Tikander Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Tour manager -- Person who helps to organize the administration for a schedule of appearances of a musical group or artist
Wikipedia - Transnational organized crime
Wikipedia - Triad (organized crime) -- Chinese transnational organized crime syndicate
Wikipedia - Tribalism -- The state of being organized by, or advocating for, tribes or tribal lifestyles
Wikipedia - Trinidad Rizal -- Filipina feminist organizer
Wikipedia - Union organizer -- Specific type of trade union member (often elected) or an appointed union official
Wikipedia - United States Post Office Department -- Former United States federal executive department that was reorganized into the United States Postal Service in 1971
Wikipedia - Universiade -- Recurring international multi-sport event, organized for university athletes by the International University Sports Federation (FISU)
Wikipedia - Unorganized machine
Wikipedia - Upper Red Lake, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Beltrami County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Velma Hopkins -- American labor organizer
Wikipedia - Ventura County Library -- Free public library system in California organized in 1916
Wikipedia - Wahnena, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Cass County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Wallace B. Smith -- Sixth Prophet-President of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Community of Christ
Wikipedia - Walter Stadnick -- Canadian organized crime figure and Hells Angels member
Wikipedia - West Cook, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Cook County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - West Crow Wing, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory of Crow Wing County, Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Westies -- Hell's Kitchen, New York City, Irish American organized crime gang
Wikipedia - Whiteface Reservoir, Minnesota -- Unorganized territory in Saint Louis County, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Organized Labour -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Willard LaMere -- Native American organizer and education leader
Wikipedia - Winter Hill Gang -- American organized crime gang
Wikipedia - Wolfram Demonstrations Project -- Organized and open-source collection of interactive programs representing ideas from a range of fields
Wikipedia - World Beach Games -- An international multi-sport event organized
Wikipedia - World Health Day -- Worldwide day of action organized by the WHO
Wikipedia - World Urban Games -- An international multi-sport event organized
Wikipedia - W. Wallace Smith -- Fifth Prophet-President of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Community of Christ
Wikipedia - Yakuza -- Members of traditional transnational organized crime syndicates in Japan
Wikipedia - Yoshio Kodama -- Japanese ultranationalist and organized crime power broker
Mother Jones ::: Born: May 1, 1837; Died: November 30, 1930; Occupation: Union organizer;
The Babysitters Club (1990 - 1990) - Set in the small, fictional town of Stoneybrook,Connecticut seven best friends run a highly organized baby-sitting service. The show follows them as they experience the ups and downs of babysitting as well as handling pre-teen issues in a family show format.
Child's Toy/Kodomo No Omocha/Kodocha (1996 - 1997) - Sana Kurata has a charmed life. Not only is her mother is a famous, award-winning writer, but she's the star of the hit TV comedy "Child's Toy" while still in the fifth grade. But Sana's biggest concern is Akito Hayama, a pint-sized hellion who's organized the boys in their grade-school class into a...
Walker, Texas Ranger (1993 - 2001) - Cordell Walker (Chuck Norris) is a Texas Ranger. He is a rough-and-tumble "cowboy" cop, who drives a big Dodge pickup, and busts everybody from organized crime bosses, to child beaters, to drug runners. He does his duty to the State of Texas with help of his buddy, Rookie Ranger James Trivette (Cl...
Wiseguy (1987 - 1991) - Ken Wahl played undercover FBI agent Vinnie Terranova in the Organized Crime Bureau who spends 18 months in prison in order to establish himself in the underworld upon his release.
Name of the Game (1968 - 1971) - Name Of the Game was an "umbrella" series about 3 men connected to the magazine publishing business who dealt with various crises ranging from business rivals to organized crime.
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (1985 - 1986) - "Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam" is a sequel to "Mobile Suit Gundam." The year is Universal Century 0087. Seven years have passed since the end of the One Year War. In its zeal to stamp out any remaining opposition, the Earth Federation has organized the Titans, an elite fighting force. However, the Titans...
The Protectors (1972 - 1973) - The Protectors was a British-produced syndicated TV adventure series about 3 international crime fighters who take on organized crime. The show starred Robert Vaughn as the boss Harry Rule, Nyree Dawn Porter as a widowed Italian noblewoman & Tony Anholt as Frenchman Paul Bouchet.
Miss America Pageant (1954 - Current) - The Miss America pageant is a competition that is held annually, and is open to women from the United States between the ages of 17 and 25. It was organized in 1921 which was then called "The Inter-City Beauty" contest. In 1940, the title official became "The Miss America Pageant." In 1954, the p...
Live Aid (TV Broadcasts) (1985 - 1985) - On July 13, 1985, Live Aid was the most ambitious live international satellite television venture that had ever been attempted at all time. The dual-benefit venue concert was organized by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to funds for relief on the ongoing Ethiopian famine.
The Stand(1994) - A cinematographic adaptation of Stephen King's novel The Stand. 99.4% of the american population is killed by an epidemy developped by the US army. The survivor organized themselves behind Mother Abigael, a 108 years old black wowan who is God Messenger, or behind Randall Flagg, last expression of e...
McHale's Navy(1997) - The most disorganized crew in the Navy returns in this updated adaptation of the once-popular TV sitcom. Lt. Cmdr. Quinton McHale (Tom Arnold) has retired from the U.S. Navy and is living on the old PT boat he used to command. He spends his days making the rounds of the Caribbean Island of San Moren...
Youngest Godfather(1999) - This made-for-TV drama is based on the autobiography of one of the most notorious figures in American organized crime, Joseph Bonanno. Bonanno (played by Bruce Ramsay) left Sicily as a young man, eager to escape the tyranny of Benito Mussolini, but when he arrived in America, fate led him to a caree...
Smile (1975) - From the moment they are born, every girl has the dream of being a beauty queen and The Young American Miss Pageant brings them to life. In the small town of Santa Rosa, California, all are excited from the teenage contestants to the organizers. It's also the biggest event of the year for head jud...
Big Money Hustlas(2000) - First of all, if you ain't a Juggalo then don't even buy this. Just put it down and grab something else. For the rest of you, here's what it's about. After sweeping his own streets clean of organized crime, a San Francis super cop named Sugar Bear (Shaggy 2 Dope) heads east for some tougher turf. So...
When We Were Kings(1996) - This documentry tells of the famous "Rumble in the Jungle" Boxing match between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman, organized Don King and held in Ziare in 1974.
Hell Up in Harlem(1973) - Tommy comes from a forced rest period due to injuries suffered in Harlem's gang warfare. With the help of his girl, he will reorganize his gang, and overcome his rival gang leaders, through extreme acts of violence and death.
Norma Rae(1979) - Norma Rae is a southern textile worker employed in a factory with intolerable working conditions. This concern about the situation gives her the gumption to be the key associate to a visiting labor union organizer. Together, they undertake the difficult, and possibly dangerous, struggle to unionize...
Thunderbolt And Lightfoot(1974) - With the help of an irreverent young sidekick, a bank robber gets his old gang back together to organize a daring new heist.
Take This Job and Shove It(1981) - A young executive(Robert Hays)is called in to reorganize an ailing brewery.
Butter(2011) - This is the cut-throat story of greed, blackmail, sex, and of course, butter. For the past 15 years, Bob Pickler has been the butter carving champion at the Iowa State Fair. But when the organizers ask him to step down to give others a chance to win, Bob's wife Laura (who dreams of seeing Bob becomi...
The Boys & Girls Guide To Getting Down(2006) - Tongue-in-cheek look at 20-something singles clubbing and partying in L.A.; it's organized into 15 chapters from overview and preparation to partying and the morning after. Voice-over narration, charts and graphs, and visits to a research laboratory punctuate the story of a single night when groups...
F.I.S.T(1978) - A rebellious Cleveland warehouse worker rises through the ranks of a trucking industry union to become union president but his organized crime links cause his eventual downfall.
Slightly Scarlet(1956) - An urban wheeler-dealer gets involved in organized crime, corrupt city politics and graft while falling in-love with the fiance of the newly elected mayor.
Horror Island(1941) - A down-on-his luck businessman organizes an excursion to Sir Henry Morgan's Island for a treasure hunt only to encounter a mysterious phantom and murder.
Back To Bataan(1945) - After the fall of the Philippines to the Japanese in World War II, Col. Joseph Madden of the U.S. Army stays on to organize guerrilla fighters against the conquerors.
Made(2001) - Two aspiring boxers, lifelong friends, get involved in a money-laundering scheme through a low-level organized crime group.
The Dark Knight Rises(2012) - The third and final chapter of director Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. After the defeat and capture of the Joker in the last film, the Gotham Police Department has now been granted the powers to eradicate any form of organized crime. Batman also appears to have gone missing and Bruce Wayne...
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones(2002) - It has now been ten years since the invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation. The Galactic Republic is in turmoil and the former Jedi Night Count Dooku has organized a separatist movement against the Republic. The Republic is preparing for a counterattack on the Federation. After the former queen o...
Harlem Nights(1989) - "Sugar" Ray is the owner of an illegal casino, who contend with the pressures of vicious gangster and corrupt policemen who want to see him go out of business. In the world of organized crime and police corruption in the 1920s, any dastardly trick is fair!
The Saddest Music in the World(2003) - A musical of sorts set in Winnipeg during the Great Depression, where a beer baroness organizes a contest to find the saddest music in the world. Musicians from around the world descend on the city to try and win the $25,000 prize.
Before The Devil Knows You're Dead(2007) - When two brothers organize the robbery of their parent's jewelry store the job goes horribly wrong, triggering a series of events that sends them, their father and one brother's wife hurtling towards a shattering climax.
Disorganized Crime(1989) - Career criminal Frank plans a bank heist and sends for his buddies to help pull the job. Before his buddies arrive, he's caught, forcing his cohorts to pull the job alone. Frank soon escapes, setting off a search by the bumbling cops.
Taking Care Of Business(1990) - An uptight advertising exec has his entire life in a filofax organizer which mistakenly ends up in the hands of a friendly convict who poses as him.
A Touch of Frost ::: TV-MA | 1h 45min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (19922010) -- DI Jack Frost is an unconventional policeman with sympathy for the underdog and an instinct for moral justice. Sloppy, disorganized and disrespectful, he attracts trouble like a magnet. Stars:
Back to Bataan (1945) ::: 6.7/10 -- Approved | 1h 35min | Drama, War | 31 May 1945 (USA) -- In 1942, after the fall of the Philippines to the Japanese, U.S. Army Col. Joseph Madden stays behind to organize the local resistance against the Japanese invaders. Director: Edward Dmytryk Writers: Ben Barzman (screenplay), Richard H. Landau (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 26 October 2007 (USA) -- When two brothers organize the robbery of their parents' jewelry store the job goes horribly wrong, triggering a series of events that sends them, their father and one brother's wife hurtling towards a shattering climax. Director: Sidney Lumet Writer:
Blood Ties (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h 7min | Action, Crime, Drama | 30 October 2013 (France) -- Two brothers, on either side of the law, face off over organized crime in Brooklyn during the 1970s. Director: Guillaume Canet Writers: Guillaume Canet (screenplay), James Gray (screenplay) | 5 more
Cesar Chavez (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 42min | Biography, Drama | 28 March 2014 (USA) -- A biography of the civil-rights activist and labor organizer Cesar Chavez. Director: Diego Luna Writers: Timothy J. Sexton (screenplay by), Keir Pearson (story by) | 1 more
Chaos Theory (2008) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 27min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 16 October 2008 (Russia) -- The story of an obsessively organized efficiency expert whose life unravels in unexpected ways when fate forces him to explore the serendipitous nature of love and forgiveness. Director: Marcos Siega Writer:
Fighter in the Wind (2004) ::: 7.0/10 -- Baramui paiteo (original title) -- Fighter in the Wind Poster A young Korean man arrives in Japan near the end of World War II with hopes of being a fighter pilot, but ends up on the streets battling racism, organized crime, occupying American ... S Director: Yun-ho Yang Writers: Hak-ki Bang (comic book), Yun-ho Yang
F.I.S.T. (1978) ::: 6.5/10 -- F.I.S.T (original title) -- F.I.S.T. Poster A rebellious Cleveland warehouse worker rises through the ranks of a trucking industry union to become union president but his organized crime links cause his eventual downfall. Director: Norman Jewison Writers: Joe Eszterhas (story), Joe Eszterhas (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Hoffa (1992) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 20min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 25 December 1992 (USA) -- The story of the notorious American labor union figure Jimmy Hoffa, who organizes a bitter strike, makes deals with members of the organized crime syndicate and mysteriously disappears in 1975. Director: Danny DeVito Writer:
Live Aid (1985) ::: 8.5/10 -- 16h | Documentary, Music | TV Special 13 July 1985 -- The broadcast of the biggest benefit concert in history, organized by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to raise funds for Ethiopian famine relief. Directors: Vincent Scarza, Kenneth Shapiro Writer: Bob Geldof (idea) Stars:
Love/Hate ::: 51min | Crime, Drama | TV Series (20102014) The story of the organized crime scene of Dublin is revealed, centered on Darren, who wants to stay out of trouble but ends up returning to his old habits and his old gang. Creator: Stuart Carolan Stars:
Made (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 31 August 2001 (USA) -- Two aspiring boxers, lifelong friends, get involved in a money-laundering scheme through a low-level organized crime group. Director: Jon Favreau Writer: Jon Favreau
Made (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 31 August 2001 (USA) -- Two aspiring boxers, lifelong friends, get involved in a money-laundering scheme through a low-level organized crime group.
Matewan (1987) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 15min | Drama, History | 28 August 1987 (USA) -- A labor union organizer comes to an embattled mining community brutally and violently dominated and harassed by the mining company. Director: John Sayles Writer: John Sayles Stars:
Mr. Majestyk (1974) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 43min | Action, Crime, Drama | 17 July 1974 (USA) -- A melon farmer battles organized crime and a hit man who wants to kill him. Director: Richard Fleischer Writer: Elmore Leonard Stars:
Protg (2007) ::: 7.2/10 -- Moon to (original title) -- Protg Poster -- A special agent has for 8 years been deep undercover in Asia's lucrative organized crime trade as he plays protg to one of the key players, Banker. Now, Nick has but he has started to feel loyalty to his new environment and to the money. Director: Tung-Shing Yee (as Derek Yee)
Red Widow ::: TV-PG | 1h | Crime, Drama, Thriller | TV Series (2013) -- A widow learns that her husband was a mobster and soon finds herself in the world of organized crime as she takes her revenge on those who murdered him. Creators:
Romanzo Criminale (2005) ::: 7.2/10 -- Romanzo criminale (original title) -- Romanzo Criminale Poster -- Set in the 1970s, it's the story of three lifelong friends who take control of organized crime in Rome. Director: Michele Placido Writers:
Running Out of Time (1999) ::: 7.4/10 -- Am zin (original title) -- Kong) Running Out of Time Poster -- Police inspector and excellent hostage negotiator Ho Sheung-Sang finds himself in over his head when he is pulled into a 72 hour game by a cancer suffering criminal out for vengeance on Hong Kong's organized crime Syndicates. Director: Johnnie To
Snatch -- Not Rated | 1h | Comedy, Crime | TV Series (2017 ) ::: A group of up-and-coming hustlers who stumble upon a truck-load of stolen gold bullion are suddenly thrust into the high-stakes world of organized crime. Creator:
StartUp -- Not Rated | 44min | Crime, Thriller | TV Series (20162018) ::: A desperate banker, a Haitian-American gang lord and a Cuban-American hacker are forced to work together to unwittingly create their version of the American dream - organized crime 2.0. Creator:
Tag (2018) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Action, Comedy | 15 June 2018 (USA) -- A small group of former classmates organize an elaborate, annual game of tag that requires some to travel all over the country. Director: Jeff Tomsic Writers: Rob McKittrick (screenplay by), Mark Steilen (screenplay by) | 2 more
Taking Care of Business (1990) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Comedy | 17 August 1990 (USA) -- An uptight advertising exec has his entire life in a filofax organizer which mistakenly ends up in the hands of a friendly convict who poses as him. Director: Arthur Hiller Writers: Jill Mazursky, J.J. Abrams (as Jeffrey Abrams) Stars:
The Baader Meinhof Complex (2008) ::: 7.4/10 -- Der Baader Meinhof Komplex (original title) -- The Baader Meinhof Complex Poster -- A look at Germany's terrorist group, The Red Army Faction (RAF), which organized bombings, robberies, kidnappings and assassinations in the late 1960s and '70s. Director: Uli Edel Writers:
The Black Donnellys ::: TV-14 | 1h | Crime, Drama | TV Series (2007) -- Four young Irish brothers are caught up in New York's underworld of organized crime. Creators: Paul Haggis, Bobby Moresco
The Enforcer (1951) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 1h 27min | Crime, Film-Noir, Thriller | 24 February 1951 -- The Enforcer Poster A crusading district attorney finally gets a chance to prosecute the organizer and boss of Murder Inc. Directors: Bretaigne Windust, Raoul Walsh (uncredited) Writer: Martin Rackin Stars:
The Godfather (1972) ::: 9.2/10 -- R | 2h 55min | Crime, Drama | 24 March 1972 (USA) -- An organized crime dynasty's aging patriarch transfers control of his clandestine empire to his reluctant son. Director: Francis Ford Coppola Writers: Mario Puzo (screenplay by), Francis Ford Coppola (screenplay by) | 1
The Public Enemy (1931) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 23min | Crime, Drama | 15 May 1931 (USA) -- An Irish-American street punk tries to make it big in the world of organized crime. Director: William A. Wellman Writers: Kubec Glasmon (by), John Bright (by) | 1 more credit
The Saddest Music in the World (2003) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Comedy, Musical | 12 May 2005 (Portugal) -- A musical of sorts set in Winnipeg during the Great Depression, where a beer baroness organizes a contest to find the saddest music in the world. Musicians from around the world descend on the city to try and win the $25,000 prize. Director: Guy Maddin Writers:
Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How I Flew from London to ::: 7.0/10 -- Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 hours 11 minutes Poster Hoping to push Britain to the forefront of aviation, a London publisher organizes an international air race across the English Channel, but must contend with two entrants vying for his daughter, as well as national rivalries and cheating. Director: Ken Annakin Writers:
Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 24 May 1974 (USA) -- With the help of an irreverent young sidekick, a bank robber gets his old gang back together to organize a daring new heist. Director: Michael Cimino Writer: Michael Cimino
Tidying Up with Marie Kondo ::: TV-PG | 40min | Reality-TV | TV Series (2019 ) -- Author Marie Kondo offers tips on the art of keeping your home and workspace tidy and organized. Creator: Marie Kondo
Tokyo Drifter (1966) ::: 7.2/10 -- Tky nagaremono (original title) -- Tokyo Drifter Poster After his gang disbands, a yakuza enforcer looks forward to life outside of organized crime but soon must become a drifter after his old rivals attempt to assassinate him. Director: Seijun Suzuki Writers: Yasunori Kawauchi (author), Yasunori Kawauchi (screenplay)
Year of the Dragon (1985) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 2h 14min | Action, Crime, Drama | 16 August 1985 (USA) -- A police detective cracks down on organized crime in Chinatown after the murders of Triad and Mafia leaders. Director: Michael Cimino Writers: Robert Daley (novel), Oliver Stone (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Your Honor ::: TV-MA | 9h 33min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | TV Series (20202021) -- A judge confronts his convictions when his son is involved in a hit and run that embroils an organized crime family. Facing impossible choices, he discovers how far a father will go to save his son's life. Creator:
Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy -- Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! -- Seven Japanese high school students enjoy international renown for their remarkable talents. One day, these friends survive a plane crash only to find themselves in the medieval fantasy world of Freyjagard, where two human races live side by side in a feudal society: the byuma, who have animal features and formidable strength, and the hyuma, who have a small chance of magical aptitude. After being rescued by the byuma Winona and her adopted elven daughter Lyrule, the group pledges to use their advanced skills and knowledge to pay back the people of Elm Village for their hospitality and find a way to return back home. -- -- Tsukasa Mikogami, the prime minister of Japan, acts as the leader of these young geniuses and organizes their efforts to intervene in Freyjagard and gather the information and resources necessary for achieving their goals. Believing that there is a connection between their current situation and an ancient legend about seven heroes from another world who defeated an evil dragon, Tsukasa directs the others to learn about the culture around them and search for any clues leading them back to Earth. But he also gives another instruction: to take it nice and easy, lest they ruin this world by giving it their all. -- -- 162,715 6.34
Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Parody Psychological Drama Seinen -- Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa -- Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa is a spin-off of the Kaiji series, which follows Tonegawa, the right hand man of Kazutaka Hyoudou, the president of the Teiai Corporation and owner of numerous gambling tournaments. After Hyoudou is getting bored with his life, he orders Tonegawa to organize a so called "game of death" as it is his and his subordinate's job to keep the president in a good mood. Tonegawa must cooperate with his subordinates in order to make the president happy and what follows is a humorous story of his interactions with his subordinates and other characters of the Kaiji series. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 31,809 7.14
Dead Leaves -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Psychological Comedy Sci-Fi -- Dead Leaves Dead Leaves -- Pandy and Retro awaken naked on Earth with no recollection of their past. They embark on a devastating crime spree in search of food, clothing and transportation, but are captured by authorities and sent to the infamous lunar penitentiary named Dead Leaves. While incarcerated, they quickly discover that Dead Leaves is also a top-secret cloning facility, occupied by villainous guards and deformed genetic experiments. Ultra-manic chaos and hyper-violent bedlam ensue as they organize a prison break with the aid of their fellow mutant inmates. -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Jan 16, 2004 -- 74,519 7.22
Dead Leaves -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Psychological Comedy Sci-Fi -- Dead Leaves Dead Leaves -- Pandy and Retro awaken naked on Earth with no recollection of their past. They embark on a devastating crime spree in search of food, clothing and transportation, but are captured by authorities and sent to the infamous lunar penitentiary named Dead Leaves. While incarcerated, they quickly discover that Dead Leaves is also a top-secret cloning facility, occupied by villainous guards and deformed genetic experiments. Ultra-manic chaos and hyper-violent bedlam ensue as they organize a prison break with the aid of their fellow mutant inmates. -- Movie - Jan 16, 2004 -- 74,519 7.22
Element Hunters -- -- Heewon Entertainment, NHK Enterprises -- 39 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Shounen -- Element Hunters Element Hunters -- In 2029, a large scale ground sinkage occurred in the Mediterranean Sea. Chemical elements such as oxygen, carbon, gold, molybdenum, and cobalt disappeared from the earth's crust suddenly. The human population was decreased by 90% in sixty years. Researchers found out that the disappeared elements were drained into a planet "Nega Earth", located in another dimension. To save the Earth, a special team called the "Element Hunters" is organized. All of the members are under 13 years old, because young and flexible brains are needed to access "Nega Earth". -- 12,090 6.64
Girls & Panzer: Saishuushou Part 1 -- -- Actas -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military School -- Girls & Panzer: Saishuushou Part 1 Girls & Panzer: Saishuushou Part 1 -- Rumor has it that Momo Kawashima, former student council member at Ooarai Girls Academy, is bound to repeat a year. Having failed her university entry exams, she is far from spending another year at Ooarai, but her plight is unenviable nevertheless. -- -- The only way for her to gain admission into a university is to be granted an athletic scholarship. With the Winter Continuous Track Cup rapidly approaching, Momo becomes the commander of Ooarai's tankery team, so as to demonstrate her sport skills and wipe away the stain on her honor. -- -- Their first opponent—French-themed BC Freedom High School—is split into two factions that are constantly at odds with each other. Despite this seemingly fortuitous match against a disorganized rival, Ooarai might soon find itself taking one step too far. -- -- Movie - Dec 9, 2017 -- 31,959 7.96
Grappler Baki: Saidai Tournament-hen -- -- Group TAC -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Martial Arts Shounen Sports -- Grappler Baki: Saidai Tournament-hen Grappler Baki: Saidai Tournament-hen -- Mitsunari Tokugawa, the organizer of the historic Tokugawa underground fighting ring, has created a tournament featuring 38 of the world's best fighters, many of whom are grandmasters in their respective form of martial arts. With the exception of weapons, anything goes in Tokugawa's ring so that each fighter is able to showcase their true power and strongest secret moves. -- -- Baki Hanma earned a place in the tournament due to his status as the reigning champion of Tokugawa's fighting ring. Will he be able to come out on top? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul 24, 2001 -- 47,068 7.45
Grappler Baki: Saidai Tournament-hen -- -- Group TAC -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Martial Arts Shounen Sports -- Grappler Baki: Saidai Tournament-hen Grappler Baki: Saidai Tournament-hen -- Mitsunari Tokugawa, the organizer of the historic Tokugawa underground fighting ring, has created a tournament featuring 38 of the world's best fighters, many of whom are grandmasters in their respective form of martial arts. With the exception of weapons, anything goes in Tokugawa's ring so that each fighter is able to showcase their true power and strongest secret moves. -- -- Baki Hanma earned a place in the tournament due to his status as the reigning champion of Tokugawa's fighting ring. Will he be able to come out on top? -- -- TV - Jul 24, 2001 -- 47,068 7.45
Innocent Venus -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Innocent Venus Innocent Venus -- In the year 2010 AD, Hyper Hurricanes born concurrently all over the world caused severe damage. Five billion people lost their lives, decreasing the world's population to 3 billion. Existing economies and military were wiped out. Countries were frozen under solid ice, plains sank beneath seas, the world was changed dramatically. -- -- Human civilization enters a chaotic era. Poverty flourished outside of these economic zones and slums were widespread. The ruling class called themselves Logos and maintained their position by force of arms. They call the poor Revenus, who are exiled to live outside the special economic areas. -- -- Time has passed since then. Katsuragi Jo and Tsurasawa Jin, escape from Phantom, a force organized to watch Revenus and to suppress renegade elements of the Logos, taking with them a mysterious girl, Nobuto Sana. There are many who are interested in her, all with their own reasons. -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- TV - Jul 27, 2006 -- 24,549 6.83
Innocent Venus -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Innocent Venus Innocent Venus -- In the year 2010 AD, Hyper Hurricanes born concurrently all over the world caused severe damage. Five billion people lost their lives, decreasing the world's population to 3 billion. Existing economies and military were wiped out. Countries were frozen under solid ice, plains sank beneath seas, the world was changed dramatically. -- -- Human civilization enters a chaotic era. Poverty flourished outside of these economic zones and slums were widespread. The ruling class called themselves Logos and maintained their position by force of arms. They call the poor Revenus, who are exiled to live outside the special economic areas. -- -- Time has passed since then. Katsuragi Jo and Tsurasawa Jin, escape from Phantom, a force organized to watch Revenus and to suppress renegade elements of the Logos, taking with them a mysterious girl, Nobuto Sana. There are many who are interested in her, all with their own reasons. -- TV - Jul 27, 2006 -- 24,549 6.83
Keishichou Tokumubu Tokushu Kyouakuhan Taisakushitsu Dainanaka: Tokunana -- -- Anima&Co. -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Police Vampire Fantasy -- Keishichou Tokumubu Tokushu Kyouakuhan Taisakushitsu Dainanaka: Tokunana Keishichou Tokumubu Tokushu Kyouakuhan Taisakushitsu Dainanaka: Tokunana -- In Tokyo, there exists a peaceful cohabitation between supernatural creatures—elves, dwarves, vampires, and more—and humans. However, contrary to history, powerful dragons once ruled over this world of creatures and humans but have since disappeared. Consequently, a diabolical group under the alias "Nine," who seek the miracles of the once godlike dragons, stirs up trouble in the streets of Tokyo, commiting mass murder and causing destruction. To combat the dangerous group of Nine, the police organize the Special 7—a group of highly skilled professionals whose abilities exceed those of ordinary humans. -- -- Caught up in a bank robbery turned hostage crisis, Seiji Nanatsuki, having recently become a detective, has a chance encounter with Shiori Ichinose, a member of Special 7. Assisting with the resolution of the robbery, Seiji is recognized for his clear sense of justice and refreshing character, suddenly earning him a spot on the elite unit. -- -- As he takes on new missions, Seiji finds that being a detective as part of Special 7 isn't the police work he expected, where working alongside a team of different species with special abilities and vibrant personalities brings unpredictability to his daily life and police work. While the everyday crime in Tokyo continues, Seiji and the Special 7 will fight not only to resolve special cases, but also obstruct the ill-intentioned plans of the merciless group of Nine. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 38,207 6.02
Kimi ni Todoke -- -- Production I.G -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama Romance School Shoujo -- Kimi ni Todoke Kimi ni Todoke -- Known for her semblance to the Sadako character of The Ring series, Sawako Kuronuma is given the nickname "Sadako" and misunderstood to be frightening and malicious like her fictional counterpart, despite having a timid and sweet nature. Longing to make friends and live a normal life, Sawako is naturally drawn to the cheerful and friendly Shouta Kazehaya, the most popular boy in her class. From their first meeting, Sawako has admired Kazehaya's ability to be the center of attention and aspires to be like him. -- -- When Kazehaya organizes a test of courage for the entire class and encourages her to attend, Sawako sees this as an opportunity to get along with her classmates, starting with Ayane Yano and Chizuru Yoshida. Through each new encounter and emotion she experiences, Sawako believes that meeting Kazehaya has changed her for the better. Little does Sawako know, her presence has also changed Kazehaya. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 679,229 8.01
Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo -- -- Toei Animation -- 148 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Shounen -- Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo -- Hajime Kindaichi's unorganized appearance and lax nature may give the impression of an average high school student, but a book should never be judged by its cover. Hajime is the grandson of the man who was once Japan's greatest detective, and he is also a remarkable sleuth himself. -- -- With the help of his best friend, Miyuki Nanase, and the peculiar inspector Isamu Kenmochi, Hajime travels to remote islands, ominous towns, abysmal seas, and other hostile environments. His life's mission is to uncover the truth behind some of the most cunning, grueling, and disturbing mysteries the world has ever faced. -- -- 22,376 7.97
Kiss Dum: Engage Planet -- -- Satelight -- 26 eps -- Original -- Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Kiss Dum: Engage Planet Kiss Dum: Engage Planet -- In A.D. 2031, humans are enjoying a prosperous existence until strange life forms called Hardians appear. They suddenly begin to multiply and assault the human population. As a countermeasure, mankind organizes the N.I.D.F. to investigate the Hardians and protect themselves. -- -- A fighter pilot, Aiba Shu, begins to become involved in the battle against the lifeforms. Rurika Yuno, one of Earth's foremost scientists, investigates the Hardians and hears rumors about the "Book of a Dead Man." What is the secret of this tome, and what relation does it have to the Hardians? -- -- Now, the fight for mankind's survival begins. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Visual USA, Maiden Japan -- TV - Apr 4, 2007 -- 9,400 6.59
Legend of Regios -- -- Zexcs -- 3 eps -- - -- Magic -- Legend of Regios Legend of Regios -- Legend of Regios was originally the English speaking cut-scenes on TV, that the characters in the Chrome Shelled Regios series were watching. -- -- This special (which has been included with the DVD release of Chrome Shelled Regios) has reorganized the scenes, extended some, and has been re-dubbed completely in Japanese. It's a side story within the Chrome Shelled Regios series. -- Special - Mar 27, 2009 -- 9,329 6.45
Little Witch Academia: Mahoujikake no Parade -- -- Trigger -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Magic Fantasy School -- Little Witch Academia: Mahoujikake no Parade Little Witch Academia: Mahoujikake no Parade -- You can tell witch training is not going swimmingly for the young sorceresses Akko, Lotte, and Sucy—they face expulsion for screwing up one class too many, and their only way out is if they successfully organize their academy's annual parade through a nearby town. But when they stumble upon the momentous discovery that the objective of the parade is to humiliate witches and commemorate their past subjugation, Akko decides it is time for a change: It is time to show the world how fantastic modern witches truly are! However, with the other girls struggling to keep up with Akko's grandiose ambitions, and everything from mischievous boys to slumbering giants getting in their way, maybe pulling it off will require not only all the magical prowess the pupils of Luna Nova Magical Academy can muster, but also a miracle. -- -- Movie - Oct 9, 2015 -- 147,201 7.78
Memories -- -- Madhouse, Studio 4°C -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Drama Horror Psychological Sci-Fi -- Memories Memories -- Memories is a compilation of three standalone short films encompassing different genres. -- -- Magnetic Rose -- In the far reaches of space, after tracing a distress signal to a large abandoned space station, a pair of engineers—Heintz Beckner and Miguel Costrela—find a derelict mansion and decide to explore on foot. Their investigation reveals a dark secret surrounding the fate of Eva Friedel, a renowned opera singer with a tragic history. Hallucinations soon begin to plague them, and they must fight to retain their sanity in order to escape the station alive. -- -- Stink Bomb -- Hapless lab technician Nobuo Tanaka consumes some pills at his laboratory to cure a cold. Unknown to him, however, the pills are actually experimental drugs that enhance his flatulence to a lethal degree. As the toxic gas escaping him kills everyone in his vicinity, he is ordered by his superiors to retreat to the company headquarters in Tokyo. The journey to the city is made all the more arduous as Nobuo struggles with his deadly odor while the police, military, and foreign adversaries are hot on his trail. -- -- Cannon Fodder -- In a fortress city filled to the brim with cannons, a young boy wishes to surpass his father by becoming a revered artillery officer. Despite no proof of an enemy nation, he cannot resist the urge to partake in the daily bombardment routines organized by the city. Whether at school or just before bedtime, he only dreams of someday firing a cannon for the sake of his homeland. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Sony Pictures Entertainment -- Movie - Dec 23, 1995 -- 83,342 7.73
Memories -- -- Madhouse, Studio 4°C -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Drama Horror Psychological Sci-Fi -- Memories Memories -- Memories is a compilation of three standalone short films encompassing different genres. -- -- Magnetic Rose -- In the far reaches of space, after tracing a distress signal to a large abandoned space station, a pair of engineers—Heintz Beckner and Miguel Costrela—find a derelict mansion and decide to explore on foot. Their investigation reveals a dark secret surrounding the fate of Eva Friedel, a renowned opera singer with a tragic history. Hallucinations soon begin to plague them, and they must fight to retain their sanity in order to escape the station alive. -- -- Stink Bomb -- Hapless lab technician Nobuo Tanaka consumes some pills at his laboratory to cure a cold. Unknown to him, however, the pills are actually experimental drugs that enhance his flatulence to a lethal degree. As the toxic gas escaping him kills everyone in his vicinity, he is ordered by his superiors to retreat to the company headquarters in Tokyo. The journey to the city is made all the more arduous as Nobuo struggles with his deadly odor while the police, military, and foreign adversaries are hot on his trail. -- -- Cannon Fodder -- In a fortress city filled to the brim with cannons, a young boy wishes to surpass his father by becoming a revered artillery officer. Despite no proof of an enemy nation, he cannot resist the urge to partake in the daily bombardment routines organized by the city. Whether at school or just before bedtime, he only dreams of someday firing a cannon for the sake of his homeland. -- -- Movie - Dec 23, 1995 -- 83,342 7.73
Mugen no Ryvius -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Drama Mecha Military Psychological Sci-Fi Space -- Mugen no Ryvius Mugen no Ryvius -- The year is AD 2225. Kouji Aiba and Aoi Housen are serving as astronauts in-training in Liebe Delta which is located on the edge of the Geduld Sea. When saboteurs with unknown intents suddenly strike during a routine dive procedure, the space station plummets into the Geduld, a plasma field that links all the planets like a nervous system and crushes any ship that strays too far into it. With all the adults onboard killed, the young astronauts will have to survive this long journey home in midst of the growing tension amongst each other. Meanwhile the organizers of the sabotage look on and prepare to attack once more. -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- 37,128 7.48
Onegai☆Twins: Natsu wa Owaranai -- -- Daume -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Drama Romance -- Onegai☆Twins: Natsu wa Owaranai Onegai☆Twins: Natsu wa Owaranai -- Two weeks have passed since the dilemma between Maiku, Karen and Miina was resolved, but their lives are more hectic than ever. Karen has become possessed in her newly discovered brother and Miina is desperate for attention as well, which leaves little time for Maiku to concentrate on his work. Therefore he decides to head out in the woods and set up a camp, where he can be work in peace. But, as always, we have Morino who is up to no good. To make things a bit more interesting, she organizes a field trip to Maiku's camp site, and encourages everyone to make some good summer memories. -- OVA - Apr 28, 2004 -- 27,598 7.03
Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Magic Fantasy -- Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage -- Long ago in the nine provinces of Kyushu, a calamitous event was prophesied to take place: falling comets would exhaust the spiritual energies of both the heavens and the lands and thus bring about an age of chaos upon the world. But contrary to the prophecy, the comets passed by with no calamity taking place. At the same time, as if touched by the phenomenon, a boy was born in a remote village of the Sokei region by the name of Ouriku. -- -- Twelve years later, as the memories of the event have faded from people's minds, the Reikenzan clan—one of the five supreme sects of the nine provinces—decides to hold an examination in order to gather the most talented individuals fit to become disciples and eventually sages. Hearing about this news, Ouriku and his servant Ouchou head toward the site, unaware that the organizer Oubu, despite her elegant appearance, is infamous for being extremely irresponsible and carefree; hence, making the trials in the examination unpredictable. -- -- Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage follows the story of Ouriku as he journeys through these trials to become a powerful sage. -- -- 79,165 7.10
Senjou no Valkyria -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 26 eps -- Game -- Action Military Romance -- Senjou no Valkyria Senjou no Valkyria -- In its expansion west to gain resources, the Europan Imperial Alliance invades the neutral Principality of Gallia, seeking to take control of its vast Ragnite deposits. Their strategic advantage, technological superiority, and military might make opposition nonexistent, so they steamroll through the border of the sleepy principality with ease. -- -- As Imperial forces run through his quiet hometown, Welkin Gunther and his younger sister Isara jump into action, banding with the leader of the local militia to push the occupational forces out of the village. Quickly retreating to the Gallian capital, they are organized into a unit with the remnants of the militia, tasked with assisting in repelling the Imperial presence from the country. -- -- Though unfamiliar with war, the newly formed Squad Seven must defend their country from annexation. But as the battle rages on through the streets of Gallia, ancient secrets will bring the team closer than they'd ever anticipated. -- -- TV - Apr 5, 2009 -- 117,677 7.61
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation -- -- SANZIGEN -- 12 eps -- Game -- Sci-Fi Adventure Mecha Shounen -- Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation -- In 1930, two years after the events of So Long, My Love, the Great Demon War results in the annihilation of the Imperial, Paris and New York Combat Revues' Flower Divisions. With Earth at peace and the revues' actions becoming public, the World Combat Revue Organization is formed with several international divisions; a biennial international Combat Revue tournament has been organized. -- -- Ten years later in 1940, Imperial Japanese Navy captain Seijuurou Kamiyama is assigned as the captain of the new Imperial Combat Revue's Flower Division in Tokyo, which consists of: Sakura Amamiya, a swordswoman and new recruit; Hatsuho Shinonome, a shrine maiden and the most popular actress; Anastasia Palma, a newly-transferred Greek actress; Azami Mochizuki, a ninja prodigy from the Mochizuki clan; and Clarissa "Clarise" Snowflake, a Luxembourgian noblewoman. The division once again faces a new demon invasion and participates in the upcoming tournament—while trying to keep their home at the Imperial Theater open. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia, edited) -- 14,190 5.80
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation -- -- SANZIGEN -- 12 eps -- Game -- Sci-Fi Adventure Mecha Shounen -- Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation -- In 1930, two years after the events of So Long, My Love, the Great Demon War results in the annihilation of the Imperial, Paris and New York Combat Revues' Flower Divisions. With Earth at peace and the revues' actions becoming public, the World Combat Revue Organization is formed with several international divisions; a biennial international Combat Revue tournament has been organized. -- -- Ten years later in 1940, Imperial Japanese Navy captain Seijuurou Kamiyama is assigned as the captain of the new Imperial Combat Revue's Flower Division in Tokyo, which consists of: Sakura Amamiya, a swordswoman and new recruit; Hatsuho Shinonome, a shrine maiden and the most popular actress; Anastasia Palma, a newly-transferred Greek actress; Azami Mochizuki, a ninja prodigy from the Mochizuki clan; and Clarissa "Clarise" Snowflake, a Luxembourgian noblewoman. The division once again faces a new demon invasion and participates in the upcoming tournament—while trying to keep their home at the Imperial Theater open. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 14,190 5.80
Submarine 707R -- -- Production Reed -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Military Sci-Fi -- Submarine 707R Submarine 707R -- In order to keep ocean peace, PKN was organized. It consisted of the state-of-the-art battle ships of various countries. However, they were raided during the foundation ceremony by the unidentified organization, USR, which plotted to conquer the world. They couldn’t be much for the submarine UX which was operated by Admiral Red of USR. But an old Japanese submarine, the 707 saved them, which was operated Captain Hayami at the risk of his life. -- -- One year later, succeeding to the 707, which had been ruined during the former fight, newly developed submarine, the 707 II, went for a sail. Among the crews, there were boys, such as Kenji, Goro, and Senta, who had been trainees. PKN formed a fleet led by the Great Guardian, which was the latest battle ship of the United States. However, the attacks of Submarine U were very server, and the fleet was defeated. Then, the 707 arrived. As soon as Red noticed the 707, he was glad to reunion with his rival and began to fight. -- -- Escaping from the submarine attack, they hid the 707 in the valley. But Red tried to destroy the valley in order to put the 707 into the torrents of mud. The 707 nearly escaped from it and got in the crater. However it was the pure water layer where the submarine couldn’t float up. At the moment, numerous torpedoes launched to the 707. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- OVA - Sep 26, 2003 -- 2,539 6.27
Tiger & Bunny -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Comedy Super Power -- Tiger & Bunny Tiger & Bunny -- In Stern Bild City, those with special abilities are called "NEXT," and can use their powers for good or bad. A unique organized group of NEXT appear regularly on Hero TV, where they chase down evildoers to bring limelight to their sponsors and earn Hero Points in the hopes of becoming the next "King of Heroes." -- -- Kotetsu T. Kaburagi, known as "Wild Tiger," is a veteran hero whose performance has been dwindling as of late, partially due to his inability to cooperate with other heroes. After a disappointing season in which most of the other heroes far outperformed Tiger, he is paired up with a brand new hero who identifies himself by his real name—Barnaby Brooks Jr. -- -- Barnaby, nicknamed "Bunny" by his frivolous new partner, quickly makes it clear that the two could not be more different. Though they mix as well as oil and water, Tiger and Bunny must learn to work together, both for the sake of their careers and to face the looming threats within Stern Bild. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Apr 3, 2011 -- 188,769 7.93
Tiger & Bunny -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Comedy Super Power -- Tiger & Bunny Tiger & Bunny -- In Stern Bild City, those with special abilities are called "NEXT," and can use their powers for good or bad. A unique organized group of NEXT appear regularly on Hero TV, where they chase down evildoers to bring limelight to their sponsors and earn Hero Points in the hopes of becoming the next "King of Heroes." -- -- Kotetsu T. Kaburagi, known as "Wild Tiger," is a veteran hero whose performance has been dwindling as of late, partially due to his inability to cooperate with other heroes. After a disappointing season in which most of the other heroes far outperformed Tiger, he is paired up with a brand new hero who identifies himself by his real name—Barnaby Brooks Jr. -- -- Barnaby, nicknamed "Bunny" by his frivolous new partner, quickly makes it clear that the two could not be more different. Though they mix as well as oil and water, Tiger and Bunny must learn to work together, both for the sake of their careers and to face the looming threats within Stern Bild. -- -- TV - Apr 3, 2011 -- 188,769 7.93
Zoids Shinseiki/Zero -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- - -- Adventure Comedy Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Sports -- Zoids Shinseiki/Zero Zoids Shinseiki/Zero -- Zoids—powerful animal-shaped combat mechs—are no longer used in warfare, but in organized sporting competitions. The Blitz Team, a group of pilots struggling to carve out a niche for themselves in the Zoid battling leagues, experience a stroke of luck when Bit Cloud, a vagrant junk dealer, wanders into their midst and proves himself capable of piloting the temperamental Liger Zero, a Zoid that refuses to let anyone else into its cockpit. Led by Bit and the Liger, the Blitz Team steadily make their way to the top—but along the way they attract the unwelcome attention of the Backdraft Group, an organization of Zoid pilots that operates outside the laws set down by the Zoid Battle Commission. The Backdraft want powerful Zoids to add to their ranks, and they have their eye on the Liger Zero... -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Jan 6, 2001 -- 24,602 7.34
Zoids Shinseiki/Zero -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- - -- Adventure Comedy Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Sports -- Zoids Shinseiki/Zero Zoids Shinseiki/Zero -- Zoids—powerful animal-shaped combat mechs—are no longer used in warfare, but in organized sporting competitions. The Blitz Team, a group of pilots struggling to carve out a niche for themselves in the Zoid battling leagues, experience a stroke of luck when Bit Cloud, a vagrant junk dealer, wanders into their midst and proves himself capable of piloting the temperamental Liger Zero, a Zoid that refuses to let anyone else into its cockpit. Led by Bit and the Liger, the Blitz Team steadily make their way to the top—but along the way they attract the unwelcome attention of the Backdraft Group, an organization of Zoid pilots that operates outside the laws set down by the Zoid Battle Commission. The Backdraft want powerful Zoids to add to their ranks, and they have their eye on the Liger Zero... -- TV - Jan 6, 2001 -- 24,602 7.34
1882 in organized crime
1891 in organized crime
1899 in organized crime
1900 in organized crime
1902 in organized crime
1904 in organized crime
1905 in organized crime
1906 in organized crime
1907 in organized crime
1909 in organized crime
1910 in organized crime
Aboriginal-based organized crime (Canada)
African-American organized crime
Anti-organized crime institutions in Russia
Claris Organizer
Communities Organized for Public Service
Connections: An Investigation into Organized Crime in Canada
CORE (Community Organized Relief Effort)
Desktop organizer
Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism
Disorganized Crime
Disorganized schizophrenia
Don't mourn, organize!
Effie (unorganized territory), Minnesota
Electronic organizer
Eric Lee (labor organizer)
Exchange (organized market)
Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions
Flags of the Reorganized National Government of China
Fort Snelling unorganized territory
Gangsters: Organized Crime
Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
Government-organized demonstration
Government-organized non-governmental organization
Graphic organizer
Heterosexuals Organized for a Moral Environment
History of Organized Crime in Saigon
IBM Lotus Organizer
Image organizer
Indo-Canadian organized crime
Intelligence Center for Counter-Terrorism and Organized Crime
Isthmic organizer
Japan Organized Crime Boss
Jewish-American organized crime
Kitikmeot, Unorganized
Lac-des-corces, Quebec (former unorganized territory)
List of unorganized territories in Quebec
Michael Parker (event organizer)
Mothers Organized for Moral Stability
National Conference on Organized Resistance
Neo-Dada Organizers
New York City Police Department Organized Crime Control Bureau
Northome (unorganized territory), Minnesota
Nucleolus organizer region
Oliver Harvey (labor organizer)
Organized crime
Organized Crime & Triad Bureau (film)
Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project
Organized Crime Control Act
Organized crime (disambiguation)
Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force
Organized crime in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Organized crime in Italy
Organized crime in Minneapolis
Organized crime in Nigeria
Organized horse fighting
Organized Konfusion
Organized Living
Organized Noize
Organized religion
Organized Rhyme
Organized secularism
Pacific Organized Track System
Party organizer
Personal organizer
Pill organizer
Polish-American organized crime
Portal:Organized Labour
President's Commission on Organized Crime
Ray Knight (rodeo organizer)
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ (Bickertonite)
Reorganized Social Democratic Party of Hungary
Self-organized criticality
Self-organized criticality control
Self-organized time-division multiple access
Spemann-Mangold organizer
The Organized Mind
The Organizer
Timeline of organized crime
Timeline of organized crime in Chicago
Transnational organized crime
Triad (organized crime)
Union organizer
United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
Unorganized area
Unorganized Baffin
Unorganized Borough, Alaska
Unorganized Centre Parry Sound District
Unorganized Division No. 1, Manitoba
Unorganized East Division No. 18, Manitoba
Unorganized East Timiskaming District
Unorganized Kenora District
Unorganized machine
Unorganized Mainland Manitoulin District
Unorganized North Algoma District
Unorganized North Cochrane District
Unorganized North East Parry Sound District
Unorganized North Nipissing District
Unorganized North Sudbury District
Unorganized South East Algoma District
Unorganized South East Cochrane District
Unorganized South Nipissing District
Unorganized South West Cochrane District
Unorganized territory
Unorganized Thunder Bay District
Unorganized West Division No. 18, Manitoba
Unorganized West Manitoulin District
Unorganized West Timiskaming District
Unorganized Yukon
User:Jayden54/AFD Organizer
Women Organized to Resist and Defend

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