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object:1.06 - The Breaking of the Limits
book class:On the Way to Supermanhood
author class:Satprem
subject class:Integral Yoga

6. The Breaking of the Limits

We had set out in search of a self amid all this inner and outer machinery; we so much needed something other than this generic sum, this legal fiction, this curriculum vitae which is like a curriculum of death, this sum of actions and daily gestures adding up to zero or perpetually in hope of an inscrutable and elusive something, this crest of existence forever slipping away from under our feet and receding into the distance, toward another wave, the more or less happy repetition of the same old story, of the same program stored in the computer with our parents' chromosomes, our studies, our formative and deformative years; something that was not the attach case we lug around everywhere, nor the stethoscope, nor the pen, not the sum of our feelings nor the sum of our changeless thoughts that leave us forever the same and alone in our little island of self which is not self, which is millions of things crammed into us from the outside, from around and above and below us, from life, from the world, from other beings where is the self? What is me in all that? Where am I? The question had become so unbearable that one day we stepped outside stepped into nothing, which was perhaps something, but it was everything, the only way out of the leaden island. Then, little by little, in the tiny empty interval between this shadow of mechanical self and that something, or nothing, which watches it all, we saw a flame of need grow in us, a need that became more and more intense and burning as the darkness grew thicker in and around us, an inexplicable flame leaping in that stifling nothingness. And slowly, very slowly, like a vague dawn emerging from under the night, like a faraway city wrapped in fog, we saw twinkling little lights start to appear, faint signs, so faint they looked like lights floating on a dark sea, which could have been ten feet or ten miles away, unless they were the reflection of stars or the phosphorescence of noctilucas beneath the waves. But even that nothing was already something in a world filled with such unsurpassed nothingness. So we persevered. The little flame of need settled in us (or was it outside us, or in our stead?); it became our companion, our presence amid an absence of everything, our gauge, our ever-burning intimacy. And the more it grew, calling out from within us, calling so desperately in this empty and suffocating nothing, the brighter the signs grew, twinkled a little everywhere beneath our steps, as if to say, See? See?, as if calling the new world brought it to birth, as if something answered, became steadier, formed into lines, coordinates, channels, and we began to enter another country, another consciousness, another way of being but where is me in all this, the one who directs and owns, that singular traveler, the center that is neither of the ape nor of man?

So we looked intently right and left: where is me, who is me?... There is no me! Not a trace, not a single ripple of it. What is the use? There is this little shadow in front, which appropriated and piled up feelings, thoughts, powers, plans, like a beggar afraid of being robbed, afraid of destitution; it hoarded desperately on its island, yet kept dying of thirst, a perpetual thirst in the middle of the lovely sheet of water; it kept building lines of defense and fortresses against that overwhelming vastness. But we left the leaden island; we let the stronghold fall, which was not so strong as all that. We entered another current that seemed inexhaustible, a treasure giving itself unsparingly: why should we hold back anything from the present minute when at the next one there were yet other riches? Why should we think or plan anything when life organized itself according to another plan, which foiled all the old plans and, sometimes, for a second, in a sort of ripple of laughter, let us catch a glimpse of an unexpected marvel, a sudden freedom, a complete disengagement from the old program, a light and unfettered little law that opened all doors, toppled the ineluctable consequences and all the old iron laws with the flick of a finger, and left us stunned for a minute, on the threshold of an inconceivable expanse of sunlight, as though we had stepped into another solar system which is perhaps not a system at all as if breaking the mechanical limits inside had caused the same breaking of the mechanical limits outside. Maybe because the Machinery we are facing is one and the same: The world of man is what he thinks it; its laws are the result of his own constraint.

Yet this other way of being is not without logic, and that logic is what we should try to capture, if possible, if we want to pass consciously into the other state, not only in our inner life but in our outer one as well. We must know the rules of the passage.

To tell the truth, they do not reveal themselves easily because they are too simple. It takes tireless experimenting, looking, observing, and above all above all looking at the microscopic. We imagine that the great primates of the past that were uncertainly progressing toward manhood must have discovered the secret of the other state gradually, in thousands of little split seconds, when they noticed that the mysterious little vibration that came between them and their mechanical act had the power to make their gesture and the result of their gesture different: a nonmaterial principle was surreptitiously starting to change matter and the laws of tree climbing. And, we further image, they were perhaps eventually struck by the insignificance of the movement that triggered such formidable consequences (which is why it escaped them for so long; it was too simple): It never concerned itself with big things, the great affairs of apes, but with minuscule gestures, the chance pebble one picks up on the edge of the path and holds a moment in one's palm, the ray of sun playing on one young sapling among millions of other identical but vain saplings in the forest. But that sapling and that pebble are looked at differently. And everything is in that difference.

Therefore, nothing is too small for the seeker of the new world; the slightest fluctuation of the inner vibratory state is carefully noted, along with the gesture that accompanies it, the circumstance that springs up or the face that passes. But we did say vibration: thoughts have very little to do with this; they belong to the old mental acrobatics and are about as consequential for the new consciousness as tree climbing was for the first thought. It is more like a change of inner coloration, a play of fleeting shadows and sudden sunshine, of lightness and heaviness, a minute alteration of the rhythm sharp jolts or leisurely flowings, abrupt pressures that compel our attention, sudden breaks in the clouds, moments of malaise, inexplicable sinkings. Nothing is useless; there are no vain saplings in the forest, no nuisances, nothing to discard, no unhappy circumstances, no adverse locations, no untimely encounters, no unfortunate accidents everything is good for the seeker of the new world, everything is his field of study.... It almost seems as though everything were given to him so he could learn the trade. Thus, the seeker begins to put his finger on the first rule of the passage: Everything is part of it. Everything points in that direction! There is no nuisance, no foes, no obstacles, no accidents, no negative things everything is supremely positive, gives us signs, invites us to the discovery. There are no insignificant things, only moments of unconsciousness. There are no contrary circumstances, only wrong attitudes.

But, then, what is the attitude that brings the new consciousness, the look that makes a difference? The attitude is simple, we have said: one must first have severed all ties with the machine and live in the expanse behind. We say behind, but to tell the truth we do not know whether there is front, back, top or bottom; it is only a distance from ourselves, the old shadow, a sort of position both above and behind, as if that shadow were only part of a picture among many other things we looked at but who does the looking, where is the Self that looks?... It is indeed a strange self, which is not myself. It feels as if myself were no longer inside the body, hanging in the center of the mental and vital spider web, but as if the body were inside myself, along with many other things. And as the disconnection from the machinery grows more absolute, this self seems even to extend outward, to touch many other points, apparently capable of living in many different places, without any concern for distance, as if it no longer depended on the sense organs and could, perhaps, live innumerably, here or there, depending on where the beam is focused.... It is an innumerable self.

The basic condition seems therefore to establish that clear little expanse behind, that increasing flow: the medium must be clear, otherwise everything is distorted and there is no look at all, only the same old hodgepodge. But that clarity is only a basic condition for something else: the instrument is being cleansed to be used. And we come back to our question: What sort of look will unearth the new consciousness?... For it is indeed a matter of unearthing: it is here, not millions of miles away in the heavens or in space. It is so close that we do not see it; it seems so much like nothing that we walk right past it, as the ape walked past the river a thousand times without noticing the torrent of energy that could change the world.

Our look is false because it perceives everything through the distorting prism of its routine, which is multifarious and subtle, made of thousands of years of habits which are as distorting in their deviltry as they are in their wisdom. This is the residue of the anthropoid, which had to erect barriers to protect his little life, his little family, his little clan, draw a line here, a line there, boundary markers, and generally insure his precarious existence by encasing it in a shell of individual and collective self. It follows that there is good and evil, right and wrong, useful and harmful, dos and don'ts we have slowly become entangled in a huge police network in which we scarcely have the spiritual freedom to brea the and even that air is polluted by countless decalogues that are barely one step above the pollution by the carbon monoxide of our engines. In short, we are forever correcting the world. But we are beginning to realize that this correction is not all that straight. Never for a moment do we stop putting our multicolored glasses on things in order to see them in the blue of our hopes, the red of our desires, the yellow of our morals and ready-made laws, and in black, in the endless grayness of a machinery that keeps grinding and grinding forever. The look the true look that will have the power to break free from this mental spell is therefore the one that will be able to cast itself on things clearly, without immediately correcting them: to rest here, upon this face, that circumstance or object the way one gazes at the infinite sea, without trying to solidify something to let itself be carried by that tranquil and fluid infinity, to ba the in what we see, to sink into the thing, until slowly, as if from far away, from the depths of a tranquil sea, there emerges a perception of the thing seen, of the puzzling circumstance or face near us; a perception that is not a thought, not a judgment, hardly a sensation, but is like the true vibratory content of the thing, its special mode of being, its quality of being, its innermost music, its relation with the great Rhythm that flows everywhere. Then, slowly, the seeker of the new world will see a sort of little spark of pure truth in the heart of the object, circumstance, face or accident, a little cry of true being, a true vibration beneath all the black and yellow and blue and red coatings something that is the truth of each thing, each being, each circumstance, each accident, as if the truth were everywhere, every instant, every step, only coated in black. The seeker will thus have put his finger on the second rule of the passage and the greatest of all the simple secrets: Look at the truth that is everywhere.

Armed with these two rules, firmly established in his sunlit position, that quiet clearing, the seeker of the new world moves within a greater self, perhaps infinite, which embraces this street and these beings and all the little gestures of the hour; he moves steadily on, as though carried by a great rhythm, which also carries the beings and things around him, the thousands of encounters sprung from nowhere and disappearing into the distance; he looks at this little walking shadow, which seems to have walked so long, walked for many lives perhaps, repeated the same small gestures, stumbled here and there, exchanged the same comments on the mood of the times; and it all seems so similar, so mixed with sweetness that this street and these beings and passing encounters seem to be cast from the same mold, issued from the depths of night, recalled from the same identical story, under the sky of Egypt or India or Vermont, today, yesterday or five thousand years ago and what has really changed? There is a little being walking with his fire of truth, his fire of need, so intense amid the turmoil of time a fire is perhaps the only thing that is truly he, a call of being from the depths of time, an unchanging cry amid the immense flow of things. And what is he calling for, this being; what is he crying for? Is he not in that vast and growing sunlight, in that rhythm carrying everything? He is and he is not. He has one foot in an untroubled eternity and the other stumbling and groping in the dark the other in a little self of fire yearning to fill this second of time, this empty gesture, this step among thousands of similar steps, with a fullness of true existence as complete as all the millennia put together, with as unfailing an exactness as the crisscrossing of the stars above our heads; yearning for everything to be true, true, completely true and filled with meaning, in this enormous whirlwind of vanity; yearning for this line he crosses, this street he goes down, this hand he extends, this word he utters to be linked to the great flowing of the worlds, to the rhythm of the stars, to the lines, the countless lines that furrow this universe and form a total song, a truth filled with the whole and each fragment of the whole. So he looks at all these little passing things, he fills them with his fire of entreaty, he looks and looks at that little truth everywhere as if it were going to burst out, forced into being by his fire.

And it is true that the world starts changing before our eyes and that nothing is insignificant anymore, nothing is separate from the rest. We witness a great, total birth. Our simple look has strange extensions, our little gesture a reverberating echo. But here again, it is a timid birth; it is more like scattered little hints of birth. The seeker stops and stares at a scattering of little outbreaks, of happenings with no apparent connection, a little like the ancient hominid staring at a pliant branch here and a vine and a piece of flint over there before tying them into a bow and felling his prey in full career. He does not know the connections they almost have to be invented. But our inventions are only a discovery of what is already there, like the river and the vine in the forest. A new world is a discovery of new connections. Now, ours is the age of introspection of the second kind, when the invention, the true invention, is no longer one that will bring two material objects together by means of the subtle phenomenon of thought, but one that will be able to bring together that same matter and the subtler phenomenon of a second degree of consciousness, silent and without thought. The task of our age is no longer to perfect matter through matter, to enlarge matter by adding more matter to it we are already suffocating under the monstrous plethora which fetters us and which, at bottom, is only an improvement of the ape's technique but to transform matter through that subtler power, or rather, perhaps, to make it reveal its own innate power of truth.


It is difficult to choose examples from those thousands of microscopic little experiences which one hardly knows whether to call experiences, coincidences or imaginations. Yet they keep cropping up, insisting, as if an invisible finger of light were guiding our steps, checking this gesture, exerting a subtle pressure on one point or another, until we understand then the pressure is lifted and we move on to another point, which seems to come back again and again with the same obstinacy. An experience is a thousand experiences unaware of themselves. There is no recipe, no instruction sheet; the only way is to walk, stumble, walk more, until, all of a sudden, there is a little ah! which fills a thousand gaps at once.

There are two categories of experiences, positive ones and negative ones, and they embrace everything from the little subjective entity that we are all the way to the great objective entity we move in. Then, at some point, this subjectivity and this objectivity melt, this little fragment of matter merges with the large one, and everything moves in a single movement. This is the breaking of the limits.

Among those innumerable beginning little bursts, the one that recurs most frequently is the interpenetration or interfusion of the inner and the outer, but in the opposite direction to that of materialistic mechanics. There, hitting our fingers results in a disorder in our inner substance; here, a disorder in our inner substance results in a blow in matter. This experience is repeated thousands of times, at every level of our being, so we clearly understand the process. It is negative at first, catching us in our weak spots, as if error were always the door to a greater truth. Thus, we have come out of our little clearing, once again snagged by the machine (one should say by pain, for it is truly a self of pain), and all the circumstances of life begin surreptitiously to change, sometimes even in a striking way which can go so far as a physical accident. Yet there was no evil thought, no old desire or restless agitation; there was only a little slipping into the old habit of being under a weight of anxiety, a darkening without apparent reason, a loss of the clear little ray. And everything starts grating, nothing accords, nothing meshes, every gesture is amiss, we twist an ankle on the stairway. We fall back into a sort of arduous effort, as if we were constantly pushing against a wall. So we stop for a moment, call back the silence, take one step back, rekindle that fire of need, which is really like a cry for air, and everything suddenly lightens, eases up, relaxes the wall is gone. We have stepped back into the vastness, recaptured the rhythm, the little music in the depths of things; and all the circumstances start imperceptibly to turn in another direction, unexpected, light, casual, sprinkled with little smiles that flicker here and there, beckoning us. Sometimes, there is even a miraculous arrangement, but minuscule miracles that do not care to boast by displaying their power, that do not even want to be acknowledged, that only smile slightly if we point a finger at them, as if to say, See how silly you are?

Indeed, we feel quite silly. All of a sudden we step into an incredible landscape where little lights seem to twinkle softly everywhere, winking gleefully, almost mischievously at us, as if doors were opening up on every side, drops of treasure were glistening like dew everywhere. All at once, everything seems to follow another law, to live according to another rhythm, as though our eyes had seen wrongly for centuries and now they are seeing correctly, the world becomes true, everything is revealed, everything is a revelation! We could almost say, Let it be this way, for the circumstance to become exactly as we have seen it at that instant, to obey our command, to adhere inexplicably, as if there were perfect, instantaneous coincidence between matter and the look that opened up in us everything is possible, everything becomes possible. It looks like a miracle, but it is not a miracle. There is no miracle, only connections we do not grasp. And the experience is repeated until we grasp it. It is fleeting, whimsical, and eludes us when we try to capture it; it depends on something else. And we come back again and again to that something else, which seems like nothing, which is simple as a smile, light as a breeze, yielding as a flower in the sun maybe that is what total openness is, a kind of assent full of sunshine, to everything, at every second? But, first, there is always a blossoming inside, something that opens up and communicates instantly and directly with matter, as if the point of truth in us had joined and touched the same points of truth in matter. It all flows without breaks; what it wants here, in this point of self, is also wanted there, in that point of matter, because it is one and the same substance, one and the same will, one and the same global self, one and the same rhythm. Fabulous horizons open up before us for a second, then disappear. The seeker has stumbled upon an elusive secret that holds the marvel of the new world in seed as certainly as the first thought of the ape held the seed of Einstein's marvels but this is an unfettered marvel, completely free and independent of all external mechanisms, a kind of spontaneous springing out from within. He has put his finger on the third golden rule of the passage: From within outward. Life is no longer the result of a manipulation of external phenomena, an addition and combination of different kinds of matter by the power of the mental machinery, but the unfolding of an inner phenomenon that manipulates matter's truth by the inner truth an unfolding of the truth in truth and by the truth.

And once again we are struck by the same phenomenon. These fleeting little bursts have nothing to do with big things, the sensational and earthshaking affairs of men. They are humble miracles, one could say meticulous miracles of detail, as if the real key were there in the little stumbling everyday trifle caught by surprise, at ground level, as if, in fact, a victory won over a minute point of matter were more pregnant with consequences than all the trips to the moon and the huge revolutions of men which in the end revolutionize nothing.

This new functioning seems indeed to be radically new. It is unlike any of the so-called spiritual or occult powers one can obtain by scaling the ladder of consciousness: these are not prophetic powers, or healing powers, or powers of levitation the thousand and one poor powers that have never healed the world's poverty they are not dazzling lights that comm and men's attention for an instant, only to leave them afterwards as they were before, half asleep and afflicted with cancer; not brief, compelling impositions from above that come and upset the laws of matter, only to let it fall back the next moment into its heavy and stubborn obstinacy. It is a new consciousness new, entirely new, like a young shoot on the tree of the world a direct power from matter to matter, without interference from above, without descending course, distorting intermediary or diluting passage. Truth here answers truth there, instantly and automatically. It is a global consciousness, innumerably and infinitesimally conscious of the truth of each point, each thing, each being, each second. We could say a divine consciousness of matter, the very one that one day cast this seed upon our good earth, and these millions of wild seeds, and these millions of stars, which knows perfectly every moment all the degrees of its unfolding, down to the tiniest leaf everything harmonizes when one harmonizes with the Law. Because, in fact, there is only one Law, a Law of Truth.

Truth is supreme effectiveness.

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The All-New Get Smart (1995 - 1995) - The revival of Get Smart that aired on FOX-TV. Maxwell Smart is now the chief and now works with his son Zachary Smart. Only 7 episodes were created and then the show was then cancelled. Andy Dicks (Who plays Zachary Smart) went on to News Radio later in 1995.
The Apprentice (U.S. TV Series) (2004 - 2017) - The American reality competition series was hosted by Donald Trump for Seasons 1-6 & 10, and the all-star celebrity edition for seasons 7-9 & seasons 11-14. And Arnold Schwarzenegger hosted Season 15 of the All-Star Celebrity Apprentice.
The All-New Pink Panther Show (1978 - 1978) - After the failure of The Pink Panther Laugh and a Half Hour Show, DFE went back to a simple 22 minute episode, and created a new Pink Panther series. It is also the final Pink Panther series before DFE closed down.
Seed Of Chucky(2004) - The killer doll is back! The all-new film is the fifth in the popular series of Chucky ("Child's Play") horror comedies. Making his directorial debut is the franchise creator and writer of all five films, Don Mancini. The film introduces Glen (voiced by "The Lord of the Rings" star Billy Boyd), the...
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls(1995) - Africa's the place and Ace is on the case, setting out to rescue an animal he loathes - a bat! Jim Carrey returns as Ace, the alligator-wrasslin', elephant-calling, monkeyshining, loogie-launching, burning coals-crossing, disguise-mastering pet detective. If you're ready to laugh like a pack of hyen...
A League of Their Own(1992) - The Second world war is beginning. Most of the baseball players are being drafted. In an attempt to save the sport, several owners formed the All American Girls Baseball League. The film begins in the 90s as one of the players from the 40s leaves to attend their installation in the Baseball Hall of...
Dexter's Laboratory Ego Trip(1999) - Dexter, having chasing Mandark in his cape (as well as Dee Dee) out of his lab, while Mandark was try to steal the all-powerful Neurotomic Protocore, was attacked by a group of robots seeking to eliminate The One who Saved the Future, yet he defeated them all. Dexter was fascinated with being the On...
The Mummy(1999) - Loosely adapted from the classic 1932 horror film starring Boris Karloff, The Mummy is set in Egypt, where over 3,000 years ago the high priest Imhotep (played by Arnold Vosloo) was given the all-important assignment of preparing the recently dead for their journey into the afterlife. However, Imhot...
I Know My First Name Is Steven(1989) - Made for TV movie Chronicles the true story of Steven Stayner's life after being kidnapped at the age of seven and held with his captor for seven years. He returns to the police station one night after rescuing another child from his captor. At first, he denies the allegations that he was sexually a...
The Allnighter(1987) - Three college girls and their friends try to get through their last night before graduation while falling in love breakups arrests and partying all night.
The Alligator People(1959) - Jane Marvin is a nurse who has gone through a horrible experience but can't recall the memories at all. psychiatrists Dr. Erik Lorimer and Dr. Wayne McGregor decide to give her a drug to help restore the lost memory. It turns out that she was married to a man named Paul Webster. He receives a urgent...
West Side Story(1961) - West Side Story is the film adaptation of the popular Broadway musical of the same name from directors Robert Wise and Jerome Robbins. The movie is the story of two rival gangs, the all-white Jets and the Puerto Rican Sharks and their competition over love. The competition over which gang is better...
Sleepover(2004) - Directed by Joe Nussbaum, "Sleepover" revolves around the hallmarks of female friendship: the all-important slumber party. In hopes of shedding their not-so-cool reputations during the summer before their freshman year, best friends Julie, Hanna, Yancy, and Farrah decide to host the sleepover of the...
The Comrades Of Summer(1992) - To teach a team of Russian wanna-be baseball players the finer points of the all-American game is no easy task, but for a grudgingly resentful, recently fired baseball manager from the States, the task is formidable. In fact, there are many times when he considers chucking the whole thing and going...
The Positively True Adventures Of The Alleged...(1992) - Texas Cheerleader-Murderin
The Bridge On The River Kwai(1957) - After settling his differences with a Japanese PoW camp commander, a British colonel co-operates to oversee his men's construction of a railway bridge for their captors - while oblivious to a plan by the Allies to destroy it.
The Stepford Wives(1975) - Joanna Eberhart has come to the quaint little town of Stepford, Connecticut with her family, but soon discovers there lies a sinister truth in the all too perfect behavior of the female residents.
The Color Of Money(1986) - Fast Eddie Felson (Paul Newman) has seen better days. Once one of the all-time pool greats, he now sells alcohol to various bars in the mid-West. He comes across a young pool player named Vincent Lauria (Tom Cruise). Taking Vincent and his girlfriend Carmen (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio) away from fl...
Stripped To Kill II: Live Girls(1989) - When the razor blade slasher begins his reign of terror in the alleys behind the Los Angeles strip clubs, the most famous stripper in the spotlight must walk a tightrope between her own fragile sanity and the inescapable murderer's blade.
A Man Called Intrepid(1979) - During World War II, a wealthy Canadian uses his own money to help the Allies form an espionage network.
Trainspotting(1996) - Renton, deeply immersed in the Edinburgh drug scene, tries to clean up and get out, despite the allure of the drugs and influence of friends.
Prey For Rock & Roll(2003) - Jacki, sexy punk rocker and lead singer of the all-girl band Clamdandy, is at a crossroads. With her birthday fast approaching, she must decide whether or not to keep the promise she made to herself over a decade earlier: Quit the music business at 40 if she hasn't made it by then. The decision gets...
Transformers(2007) - Optimus Prime, leader of the benevolent Autobots, narrates the collapse of the Transformers' home world, Cybertron. It was destroyed by war between the Autobots and the malevolent Decepticons, lead by Megatron in his quest to get hold of the AllSpark. The Autobots want to find the AllSpark so they c...
The Inglorious Bastards(1978) - In 1944 France, a group of escaped American military prisoners en route to Switzerland volunteers to steal a Nazi V2 rocket warhead for the Allies.
Blackfish(2013) - Gabriela Cowperthwaite takes a deep look into the captivity of SeaWorld's killer whales and the alledged dangers of keeping dangerous orcas in captivity. The documentary concerns the captivity of Tilikum, an orca involved in the deaths of three people, and the consequences of keeping orcas in captiv...
36 Hours (1964) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 1h 55min | Thriller, War | 19 February 1965 (USA) -- Germans kidnap an American major and try to convince him that World War II is over, so that they can get details about the Allied invasion of Europe out of him. Director: George Seaton Writers:
A Bridge Too Far (1977) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 2h 55min | Drama, History, War | 15 June 1977 (USA) -- Operation Market Garden, September 1944: The Allies attempt to capture several strategically important bridges in the Netherlands in the hope of breaking the German lines. Director: Richard Attenborough Writers:
Beast (2017) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 11 May 2018 (USA) -- A troubled woman living in an isolated community finds herself pulled between the control of her oppressive family and the allure of a secretive outsider suspected of a series of brutal murders. Director: Michael Pearce Writer:
Climax (2018) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Drama, Horror, Music | 19 September 2018 (France) -- French dancers gather in a remote, empty school building to rehearse on a wintry night. The all-night celebration morphs into a hallucinatory nightmare when they learn their sangria is laced with LSD. Director: Gaspar No Writer:
Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 11 July 2008 (USA) -- A prince of the mythical world starts a rebellion against humanity in order to rule the Earth, and Hellboy his team must fight to stop him from locating the all-powerful Golden Army. Director: Guillermo del Toro Writers:
Ike: Countdown to D-Day (2004) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 29min | Drama, History, War | TV Movie 31 May 2004 -- A dramatization of the 90 days leading up to Operation Overlord, the Allied invasion of Normandy, and how General Dwight Eisenhower, against all odds, brilliantly orchestrated the most important military maneuver in modern history. Director: Robert Harmon Writer: Lionel Chetwynd
Lore (2012) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 49min | Drama, Romance, War | 20 September 2012 -- Lore Poster -- As the Allies sweep across Germany, Lore leads her siblings on a journey that exposes them to the truth of their parents' beliefs. An encounter with a mysterious refugee forces Lore to rely on a person she has always been taught to hate. Director: Cate Shortland
Morituri (1965) ::: 7.0/10 -- Approved | 2h 3min | Action, Drama, Thriller | September 1965 (Austria) -- A war pacifist is blackmailed to pose as an SS officer and to disable the scuttling explosives on freighter carrying rubber cargo to be captured by the Allies. Director: Bernhard Wicki Writers: Werner Jrg Lddecke (novel) (as Werner Joerg Luedecke), Daniel Taradash (screenplay)
Okkupert ::: TV-14 | 45min | Drama, Thriller | TV Series (2015 ) -- In the near future, Norway is occupied by Russia on behalf of the European Union, due to the fact that the newly elected environmental friendly Norwegian government has stopped the all important oil- and gas-production in the North Sea. Creators:
Sahara (1943) ::: 7.5/10 -- Approved | 1h 37min | Action, Drama, War | 11 November 1943 (USA) -- After the fall of Tobruk in 1942, during the Allied retreat in the Libyan desert, an American tank picks-up a motley group of survivors but they face advancing Germans and a lack of water. Director: Zoltan Korda Writers:
The All-New Popeye Hour ::: TV-G | 1h | Animation, Short, Adventure | TV Series (19781983) The new adventures of Popeye the Sailor Man and his friends.
The All-New Popeye Hour ::: TV-G | 1h | Animation, Short, Adventure | TV Series (19781983) The new adventures of Popeye the Sailor Man and his friends. Stars: Marilyn Schreffler, Jack Mercer, Hal Smith Available on Amazon
The Bridge at Remagen (1969) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Action, Drama, War | 23 October 1969 (Sweden) -- As the Allied armies close in, the Germans decide to blow up the last Rhine bridge, trapping their own men on the wrong side. But will it happen? Director: John Guillermin Writers: Richard Yates (screenplay), William Roberts (screenplay) | 1 more credit
The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) ::: 8.1/10 -- PG | 2h 41min | Adventure, Drama, War | 14 December 1957 (USA) -- British POWs are forced to build a railway bridge across the river Kwai for their Japanese captors, not knowing that the allied forces are planning to destroy it. Director: David Lean Writers:
The Heroic Trio (1993) ::: 6.5/10 -- Dung fong sam hap (original title) -- The Heroic Trio Poster -- The all-female Heroic Trio are Tung (Wonder Woman), Chat (Thief Catcher), a mercenary, and Ching (Invisible Woman). Initially, they're on opposing sides - the invisible Ching is kidnapping ... S Director: Johnnie To
The Inglorious Bastards (1978) ::: 6.6/10 -- Quel maledetto treno blindato (original title) -- The Inglorious Bastards Poster In 1944 France, a group of escaped American military prisoners en route to Switzerland volunteers to steal a Nazi V2 rocket warhead for the Allies. Director: Enzo G. Castellari Writers: Sandro Continenza, Sergio Grieco | 4 more credits
The Longest Day (1962) ::: 7.8/10 -- G | 2h 58min | Action, Drama, History | 4 October 1962 (USA) -- The events of D-Day, told on a grand scale from both the Allied and German points of view. Directors: Ken Annakin, Andrew Marton | 3 more credits Writers: Cornelius Ryan (screenplay), Cornelius Ryan (book) | 4 more credits
The Man Who Never Was (1956) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 43min | Drama, War | 9 May 1956 (France) -- In order to fool the Germans into thinking the Allied invasion of Sicily will take place elsewhere, British Military Intelligence comes up with a cunning ruse. Director: Ronald Neame Writers: Ewen Montagu (book) (as The Hon. Ewen Montagu C.B.E. D.L. Q.C.), Nigel Balchin (screenplay)
The Odessa File (1974) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 2h 10min | Drama, Thriller | 18 October 1974 (USA) -- Following the suicide of an elderly Jewish man, a journalist in possession of the man's diary investigates the alleged sighting of a former S.S. Captain, who commanded a concentration camp during World War II. Director: Ronald Neame Writers:
The Stepford Wives (1975) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 55min | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 12 February 1975 (USA) -- Joanna Eberhart has come to the quaint little town of Stepford, Connecticut with her family, but soon discovers there lies a sinister truth in the all too perfect behavior of the female residents. Director: Bryan Forbes Writers:
Trainspotting (1996) ::: 8.1/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Drama | 9 August 1996 (USA) -- Renton, deeply immersed in the Edinburgh drug scene, tries to clean up and get out, despite the allure of the drugs and influence of friends. Director: Danny Boyle Writers: Irvine Welsh (based on the novel by), John Hodge (screenplay),_where_will_the_Allies_strike!'jad's_Knowledge_for_the_Alliance'thoa'Thoa_Menace's_Ambitions!_Wiki,_the_All-High
Aa! Megami-sama! (TV) -- -- AIC -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Supernatural Magic Romance Seinen -- Aa! Megami-sama! (TV) Aa! Megami-sama! (TV) -- In a world where humans can have their wish granted via the Goddess Help Hotline, a human, Keiichi Morisato, summons the Goddess Belldandy by accident and jokes that she should stay with him forever. Unfortunately for him, his "wish" is granted. -- -- Suddenly, Keiichi is now living with this gorgeous woman all alone, causing him to be kicked out of the all-male dormitory he was staying in. But soon, after they find lodging in a Buddhist temple, Keiichi and Belldandy's relationship begins to blossom. Although they are both awkward and rather uncomfortable with one another at first, what awaits these two strangers could turn out to be an unexpected romance. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters, NYAV Post -- TV - Jan 7, 2005 -- 137,829 7.35
Aa! Megami-sama! (TV) -- -- AIC -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Supernatural Magic Romance Seinen -- Aa! Megami-sama! (TV) Aa! Megami-sama! (TV) -- In a world where humans can have their wish granted via the Goddess Help Hotline, a human, Keiichi Morisato, summons the Goddess Belldandy by accident and jokes that she should stay with him forever. Unfortunately for him, his "wish" is granted. -- -- Suddenly, Keiichi is now living with this gorgeous woman all alone, causing him to be kicked out of the all-male dormitory he was staying in. But soon, after they find lodging in a Buddhist temple, Keiichi and Belldandy's relationship begins to blossom. Although they are both awkward and rather uncomfortable with one another at first, what awaits these two strangers could turn out to be an unexpected romance. -- -- TV - Jan 7, 2005 -- 137,829 7.35
Advancer Tina -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Space Hentai Sci-Fi -- Advancer Tina Advancer Tina -- There is something very dangerous about planet Omega 13. Whatever it is, it's been killing Advancers sent out, one by one, to investigate. The Domestic Union of Arms is perplexed, so top DUA officer Mugal decides to give the job to the most dangerous, most independent, and most expendable Advancer they could find. -- -- They find such an Advancer in the renegade Tina Owens. Currently incarcerated with a 2,000 year sentence for blowing up a planet, she is given a tempting offer. Instead of rotting in her cell, if she'll go to Omega 13, find and destroy any threats on the planet, and determine any exploitable resources for the Allied Earth Government, they'll let her go. -- -- Knowing how dangerous Omega 13 appears to be (and thinking about what has yet to be discovered), how would you decide? Tina takes the job, and she sets off for the planet. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Aug 21, 1996 -- 2,598 5.05
Azur Lane -- -- Bibury Animation Studios -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Military Sci-Fi -- Azur Lane Azur Lane -- When the "Sirens," an alien force with an arsenal far surpassing the limits of current technology, suddenly appeared, a divided humanity stood in complete solidarity for the first time. Four countries—Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Sakura Empire, and Iron Blood—formed Azur Lane, paving the way for the improvement of modern warfare, which led to an initial victory against the common threat. However, this tenuous union was threatened by opposing ideals, dividing the alliance into two. Sakura Empire and Iron Blood broke away and formed the Red Axis, and humanity became fragmented once again. -- -- As a seasoned and experienced fighter, the "Grey Ghost" Enterprise shoulders Azur Lane's hope for ending the war. But behind her stoic persona hides a frail girl, afraid of the ocean. Even so, she continues to fight as she believes that it's the only purpose for her existence. Meanwhile, Javelin, Laffey, and Unicorn—three ships from the union—stumble upon Ayanami, a spy from the Red Axis. Strange as it may seem, they try to befriend her, but as enemies, their efforts are for naught. Still, they persevere in hopes of succeeding one day. -- -- Amidst the neverending conflict within humankind, the keys that could unite a fragmented race might exist: a soldier coming to terms with her mysterious personality and camaraderie between those with different ideals. -- -- 112,848 6.27
Azur Lane -- -- Bibury Animation Studios -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Military Sci-Fi -- Azur Lane Azur Lane -- When the "Sirens," an alien force with an arsenal far surpassing the limits of current technology, suddenly appeared, a divided humanity stood in complete solidarity for the first time. Four countries—Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Sakura Empire, and Iron Blood—formed Azur Lane, paving the way for the improvement of modern warfare, which led to an initial victory against the common threat. However, this tenuous union was threatened by opposing ideals, dividing the alliance into two. Sakura Empire and Iron Blood broke away and formed the Red Axis, and humanity became fragmented once again. -- -- As a seasoned and experienced fighter, the "Grey Ghost" Enterprise shoulders Azur Lane's hope for ending the war. But behind her stoic persona hides a frail girl, afraid of the ocean. Even so, she continues to fight as she believes that it's the only purpose for her existence. Meanwhile, Javelin, Laffey, and Unicorn—three ships from the union—stumble upon Ayanami, a spy from the Red Axis. Strange as it may seem, they try to befriend her, but as enemies, their efforts are for naught. Still, they persevere in hopes of succeeding one day. -- -- Amidst the neverending conflict within humankind, the keys that could unite a fragmented race might exist: a soldier coming to terms with her mysterious personality and camaraderie between those with different ideals. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 112,848 6.27
Baby Steps 2nd Season -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Sports Romance School Shounen -- Baby Steps 2nd Season Baby Steps 2nd Season -- After having decided to play tennis at the professional level, Eiichirou Maruo now needs to convince his parents to support his decision. To do so, he makes a wager: if he cannot win the All-Japan Junior Tennis Tournament, he will give up on his dream. However, he will need to improve his skills quickly if he wants to qualify for the tournament and have any chance of defeating the best players in the country. For this reason, his new coach Ryuuhei Aoi suggests that Eiichirou travel abroad to train at the Florida Tennis Academy. -- -- Baby Steps 2nd Season takes the action to America as Eiichirou begins his two-week training program, getting a taste of what tennis is like outside of Japan. With this exciting experience awaiting him, Eiichirou hopes that his training will get him closer to his goal of becoming a professional player. -- -- 77,606 8.05
Bakemono no Ko -- -- Studio Chizu -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Supernatural -- Bakemono no Ko Bakemono no Ko -- Two souls, living very different lives, wander alone and isolated in their respective worlds. For nine-year-old Ren, the last person who treated him with any form of kindness has been killed and he is shunned by what is left of his family. With no parents, no real family, and no place to go, Ren escapes into the confusing streets and alleyways of Shibuya. Through the twists and turns of the alleys, Ren stumbles into the intimidating Kumatetsu, who leads him to the beast realm of Shibuten. -- -- For Kumatetsu, the boy represents a chance for him to become a candidate to replace the Lord of the realm once he retires. While nearly unmatched in combat, Kumatetsu's chilly persona leaves him with no disciples to teach and no way to prove he is worthy of becoming the Lord's successor. -- -- While the two share different goals, they agree to help each other in order to reach them. Kumatetsu searches for recognition; Ren, now known as Kyuuta, searches for the home he never had. As the years pass by, it starts to become apparent that the two are helping each other in more ways than they had originally thought. Perhaps there has always been less of a difference between them, a boy and a beast, than either of the two ever realized. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jul 11, 2015 -- 320,389 8.31
Baki -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Martial Arts Shounen -- Baki Baki -- After emerging victorious from a brutal underground tournament, Baki Hanma continues on his path to defeat his father, Yuujirou, the strongest man in the world. However, he gets no time to rest when the tournament runner, Tokugawa Mitsunari, visits him at school. He reveals to Baki that five incredibly dangerous death row inmates from around the world—all skilled in martial arts—have simultaneously escaped confinement and are heading to Tokyo, each wishing to finally know the taste of defeat. Tokugawa warns that, due to his well-known strength, Baki is bound to encounter them sooner or later, and he will not be their only target. -- -- Adapting the first saga of the second manga series, Baki centers on the all-out war between the esteemed martial artists of Japan and those of the dark underground world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- ONA - Jun 25, 2018 -- 196,228 7.21
Baki -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Martial Arts Shounen -- Baki Baki -- After emerging victorious from a brutal underground tournament, Baki Hanma continues on his path to defeat his father, Yuujirou, the strongest man in the world. However, he gets no time to rest when the tournament runner, Tokugawa Mitsunari, visits him at school. He reveals to Baki that five incredibly dangerous death row inmates from around the world—all skilled in martial arts—have simultaneously escaped confinement and are heading to Tokyo, each wishing to finally know the taste of defeat. Tokugawa warns that, due to his well-known strength, Baki is bound to encounter them sooner or later, and he will not be their only target. -- -- Adapting the first saga of the second manga series, Baki centers on the all-out war between the esteemed martial artists of Japan and those of the dark underground world. -- -- ONA - Jun 25, 2018 -- 196,228 7.21
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations -- -- Studio Pierrot -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Martial Arts Shounen -- Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Boruto: Naruto Next Generations -- Following the successful end of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Konohagakure has been enjoying a period of peace, prosperity, and extraordinary technological advancement. This is all due to the efforts of the Allied Shinobi Forces and the village's Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki. Now resembling a modern metropolis, Konohagakure has changed, particularly the life of a shinobi. Under the watchful eye of Naruto and his old comrades, a new generation of shinobi has stepped up to learn the ways of the ninja. -- -- Boruto Uzumaki is often the center of attention as the son of the Seventh Hokage. Despite having inherited Naruto's boisterous and stubborn demeanor, Boruto is considered a prodigy and is able to unleash his potential with the help of supportive friends and family. Unfortunately, this has only worsened his arrogance and his desire to surpass Naruto which, along with his father's busy lifestyle, has strained their relationship. However, a sinister force brewing within the village may threaten Boruto's carefree life. -- -- New friends and familiar faces join Boruto as a new story begins in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 568,584 5.79
Bungou Stray Dogs 3rd Season -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Seinen Super Power Supernatural -- Bungou Stray Dogs 3rd Season Bungou Stray Dogs 3rd Season -- Following the conclusion of the three-way organizational war, government bureaucrat Ango Sakaguchi recalls an event that transpired years ago, after the death of the former Port Mafia boss. Osamu Dazai, still a new recruit at the time, was tasked with investigating rumors related to a mysterious explosion that decimated part of the city years ago—and its connection to the alleged reappearance of the former boss. -- -- Due to circumstances out of his control, he is partnered with Chuuya Nakahara, the gifted yet impulsive leader of a rival clan known as the ''Sheep,'' to uncover the truth behind the case and shine a light on the myth of Arahabaki—the god of fire who might just lead Dazai to the case's solution. -- -- Meanwhile, in the present day, it is business as usual once again for the Armed Detective Agency. Their peaceful break will not last for long, however, as enemies old and new gather their strength and prepare for another face-off. -- -- 337,692 8.18
Cheating Craft -- -- Blade -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action Comedy School -- Cheating Craft Cheating Craft -- In a world where academic success decides your entire future, the exam room becomes a ruthless battlefield. Passing the exams guarantees a successful future. Failing dooms you to live a cruel life, tormented by suffering and despair. Only the most intelligent—or cunning—students make it out alive. These are the two strategies of combat: spend your entire life studying for the test, or perfect your cheating strategy. The students who dedicate themselves to studying are called “Learning Type” students, and they are forced to collaborate with a “Cheating Type” student in order to battle their rivals for the top grades. -- -- The cheater Zhuge Mu Ming and studious academic Qiao Yi Huang decide to team up against the exams. However, the allies are soon divided, becoming bitter rivals. Will they be able to make it on their own? And if so, who will survive the challenge and emerge victorious? -- -- 55,293 5.43
Dai Yamato Zero-gou -- -- JCF -- 5 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space -- Dai Yamato Zero-gou Dai Yamato Zero-gou -- In the galactic group there are more than 100,000,000,000 galaxies, and the Milky Way galaxy, the one which includes Earth's solar system, is only one of these... one of many in the immensity of outer space. -- -- This story starts in the year 3199, when a mighty enemy attacks the Milky Way from a neighbouring galaxy. The enemy engages the combined forces of the Milky Way, an Alliance of many stellar nations, and defeats them one after another. -- -- The remaining Milky Way Alliance forces are reduced to just six fleets. After the Alliance headquarters is destroyed, and when the collapse of the central Milky Way Alliance is imminent, the Great Yamato "Zero" surprises everyone and embarks on a mission to assist the Milky Way Alliance in one last great battle. -- OVA - Mar 31, 2004 -- 1,186 5.73
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou -- -- Sunrise -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou -- Roaming the halls of the all-boys Sanada North High School are three close comrades: the eccentric ringleader with a hyperactive imagination Hidenori, the passionate Yoshitake, and the rational and prudent Tadakuni. Their lives are filled with giant robots, true love, and intense drama... in their colorful imaginations, at least. In reality, they are just an everyday trio of ordinary guys trying to pass the time, but who said everyday life couldn't be interesting? Whether it's an intricate RPG reenactment or an unexpected romantic encounter on the riverbank at sunset, Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou is rife with bizarre yet hilariously relatable situations that are anything but mundane. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 621,146 8.27
Days: Touin Gakuen-sen! -- -- MAPPA -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Sports School Shounen -- Days: Touin Gakuen-sen! Days: Touin Gakuen-sen! -- Sequel to DAYS. -- -- It will depict the All-Japan High School Soccer Tournament's Tokyo Preliminary Round with Touin Academy. -- -- (Source: -- OVA - Mar 16, 2018 -- 19,243 7.48
Evangelion: Another Impact (VR) -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi -- Evangelion: Another Impact (VR) Evangelion: Another Impact (VR) -- The all-consuming sense of scale of "evangelion: Another Impact (Confidential)", which was released in the 2015 Japan Anima(tor)'s Exhibition, gets retouched upon in all new short VR movie. -- -- ​Another time, another place. An activation test of a decisive weapon was underway. With its development and operational trials shrouded in complete secrecy, the Another Number - Unit Null, suddenly breaks free of human control and goes berserk. -- -- ​For what purpose was Another Number - Unit Null created? -- -- ​The story of an Evangelion's activation, rampage and howling in another world... -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- Movie - Jul 2, 2018 -- 11,235 6.42
Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight! -- -- ufotable -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight! Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight! -- Manabi Straight! follows the lives of a group of young high school girls living in the year 2035 while they attend the all-girl Seioh Private High School. Since the birth rate has dropped dramatically, schools are being closed down due to the sheer lack of students available to teach. Morale in schools has dropped dramatically, and Seioh is no exception. -- -- The story begins when the main character, Manami Amamiya, transfers to Seioh. After some initial hijinks involving a futuristic scooter and a swim meet, followed by an inspirational school song performance, she is inducted as the student council president. The story that follows pertains to Manami working with Mika Inamori, the only other student council member, and three other classmates named Mutsuki Uehara, Mei Etoh, and Momoha Odori, in student council matters. After some remodeling of the student council room, Manami and her friends set forth to plan for the upcoming student festival. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Jan 8, 2007 -- 27,236 7.27
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Arata Naru Tatakai no Overture -- -- Magic Bus -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Arata Naru Tatakai no Overture Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Arata Naru Tatakai no Overture -- Led by Reinhard von Müsel, the Galactic Empire crushes the Free Planets Alliance in the Fourth Battle of Tiamat. Arriving in the Imperial capital of Odin to a hero's welcome, Reinhard's victory earns him a promotion to High Admiral and the distinguished title of Count von Lohengramm. On the other side, Yang Wen-li safely returns to the Alliance capital of Heinessen without fanfare and reunites with his dear friends. -- -- Reinhard and Yang look forward to a long-awaited reprieve. However, at the request of the scheming Duke Otho von Braunschweig, the Imperial High Command orders the new High Admiral to invade the Alliance with a fleet of twenty thousand ships. After the Duke leaks the plan to the Alliance government, three fleets totalling forty thousand ships are sent to counter the incoming attack and recreate the famous Battle of Dagon. But even though Reinhard is outnumbered two to one, he has an ingenious plan—and Yang sees right through it. Will Yang's superiors heed his warning before it is too late? -- -- Movie - Dec 18, 1993 -- 26,908 8.12
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou -- -- Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou -- For over a century and a half, two interstellar states have wrested for control of the Milky Way. The Galactic Empire, an absolute monarchy ruled by Kaiser Friedrich IV and an entrenched nobility, seeks to suppress the rebels daring to oppose the inviolable crown. The Free Planets Alliance, a representative democracy led by a corrupt High Council, degenerates as its elected leaders⁠ use war and conflict as a way to win popular support. -- -- But this long-standing stalemate between the Empire and the Alliance ends with the rise of two opposing military geniuses. Reinhard von Lohengramm, a minor noble and High Admiral of the Empire through his strategic brilliance and his sister's position as the favored concubine of the Kaiser, dreams of conquering the galaxy and uniting mankind under his iron fist. Meanwhile, Yang Wen-li of the Alliance, an avid historian and reluctant commodore hailed as the Hero of El Facil, uses his tactical prowess to navigate around his leaders' incompetence—and to carve the path to lasting peace. As the war rages on, Reinhard and Yang each strive for their ideals and to secure their place among the stars as the leaders of a new era of galactic heroes. -- -- 65,278 7.71
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou -- -- Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou -- For over a century and a half, two interstellar states have wrested for control of the Milky Way. The Galactic Empire, an absolute monarchy ruled by Kaiser Friedrich IV and an entrenched nobility, seeks to suppress the rebels daring to oppose the inviolable crown. The Free Planets Alliance, a representative democracy led by a corrupt High Council, degenerates as its elected leaders⁠ use war and conflict as a way to win popular support. -- -- But this long-standing stalemate between the Empire and the Alliance ends with the rise of two opposing military geniuses. Reinhard von Lohengramm, a minor noble and High Admiral of the Empire through his strategic brilliance and his sister's position as the favored concubine of the Kaiser, dreams of conquering the galaxy and uniting mankind under his iron fist. Meanwhile, Yang Wen-li of the Alliance, an avid historian and reluctant commodore hailed as the Hero of El Facil, uses his tactical prowess to navigate around his leaders' incompetence—and to carve the path to lasting peace. As the war rages on, Reinhard and Yang each strive for their ideals and to secure their place among the stars as the leaders of a new era of galactic heroes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 65,278 7.71
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 1 -- -- Production I.G -- 4 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 1 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 1 -- The Free Planets Alliance's invasion of the Galactic Empire has failed after supply mismanagement led to heavy losses. Unwilling to abort the expedition despite being greatly outnumbered, Fleet Admiral Lazar Lobos orders the remaining Alliance fleets to gather in the Amritsar Starzone for a final stand against the incoming counterattack. -- -- Strategic genius Fleet Admiral Reinhard von Lohengramm leads the Imperial forces into this decisive battle with an overwhelming advantage. However, his rival, tactical magician Vice Admiral Yang Wen-li of the Alliance, once again makes up for the incompetence of his superiors and stages a narrow escape for himself and his fellow soldiers. Though both Reinhard and Yang are displeased with the outcome—the former for his imperfect victory and the latter for the tremendous casualties—their attention must turn to the bubbling political unrest on both sides of the galaxy. -- -- Movie - Sep 27, 2019 -- 18,508 7.97
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 2 -- -- Production I.G -- 4 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 2 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 2 -- Marquis Reinhard von Lohengramm's plot to destabilize the Free Planets Alliance succeeds when the treacherous former Rear Admiral Arthur Lynch instigates a coup on Heinessen. Equipped with a plan crafted by Reinhard himself, Lynch encourages his longtime friend Admiral Dwight Greenhill to supervise the National Salvation Military Council's toppling of the civilian government. Seeking to defend democracy and restore the Alliance constitution, Admiral Yang Wen-li faces off against his fellow citizens—and, regrettably, the father of his devoted adjutant Lieutenant Frederica Greenhill. -- -- Now with the Free Planets Alliance thoroughly occupied with their own internal matters, the forces of the Galactic Empire can safely suppress the newly formed Lippstadt League led by Duke Otto von Braunschweig. However, with his friend and loyal subordinate High Admiral Siegfried Kircheis fighting far away in the noble-controlled frontier regions, Reinhard increasingly relies on the advice of the ruthless Vice Admiral Paul von Oberstein, whose influence within the esteemed Lohengramm admiralty steadily grows. -- -- Though bloodshed is inevitable on both sides of the galaxy, Yang Wen-li of the Alliance and Reinhard von Lohengramm of the Empire each ask themselves the same questions: how will history look back on their actions? Will the ends justify the means? -- -- Movie - Oct 25, 2019 -- 15,432 8.09
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 -- -- Production I.G -- 4 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 -- At the behest of Admiral Yang Wen-li, defected intelligence officer Commander Baghdash makes an emergency broadcast announcing that the National Salvation Military Council staged a coup under the direction of the Galactic Empire. Despite the lack of physical evidence, this debilitating declaration inspires former Rear Admiral Andrew Lynch to reveal his own role in sowing discord within the Free Planets Alliance. A fatal shootout between Lynch and Admiral Dwight Greenhill acts as the final death knell to the short-lived period of martial rule. -- -- Within the Galactic Empire, footage of Duke Otto von Braunschweig's nuclear bombing of Westerland results in the dissolution of the Lippstadt League. Marquis Reinhard von Lohengramm's decision to allow the massacre for personal gain creates a rift between him and High Admiral Siegfried Kircheis, souring the taste of their inevitable victory. Now on the cusp of achieving absolute power, Reinhard is embattled by his apparent personal failings and the heavy responsibilities of leadership. -- -- Though the civil wars in both the Alliance and the Empire are coming to a close, neither side can ever regain what is lost. Yang Wen-li and Reinhard von Lohengramm each take bitter solace in the knowledge that just on the other side of the galaxy is a worthy opponent—and a true equal. -- -- Movie - Nov 29, 2019 -- 15,742 8.22
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden -- -- Artland, Magic Bus -- 24 eps -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden is the first of two OVA adaptations of side stories from the Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu novel series. This first adaptation follows the achievements of Reinhard von Müsel and Siegfried Kircheis of the Galactic Empire before the fateful Battle of Astarte. -- -- The Silver-White Valley -- Reinhard and Kircheis graduate from their military academy and are immediately sent to the frozen frontier planet Kapche-Lanka. Unbeknownst to them, their new superior schemes to kill Reinhard on behalf of a rival of Reinhard's sister Annerose von Grünewald. -- -- Dreams of the Morning, Songs of the Night -- Reinhard and Kircheis are assigned to the Imperial Military Police, where they uncover the corrupt and oppressive practices of the Empire's law enforcement. They are soon ordered to investigate the murder of a student at their alma mater. -- -- Dishonor -- As Reinhard awaits the bestowal of his new title of Count von Lohengramm, he sends Kircheis to the artificial resort satellite Kreuznach III for a vacation. Restless from the lack of work, Kircheis assists the local police with a drug trafficking case related to an attack on a disgraced former Vice Admiral. -- -- A Hundred Billion Stars, a Hundred Billion Lights -- While Reinhard is still a commodore in charge of only a single squadron, he laments the incompetence of his superiors during a battle against the Free Planets Alliance. Amassing military successes under the direct command of Vice Admiral Richard von Grimmelshausen, Reinhard repeatedly clashes with Hermann von Lüneburg, a commodore and former regimental commander of the Alliance's infamous Rosen Ritter. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Feb 9, 1998 -- 18,932 8.15
Girls & Panzer Movie -- -- Actas -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military School Sports -- Girls & Panzer Movie Girls & Panzer Movie -- Having won the 63rd National Sensha-dou tournament, the girls from Ooarai High managed to prevent their school from closure by the Japanese Ministry of Education. However, new troubles loom on the horizon: a ministry official argues that the deal was not legally binding and that the Ooarai school carrier is to be decommissioned. Students and their families are frustrated with this injustice and overwhelmed with despair; it seems little can be done to save the school. -- -- Their last glimmer of hope is a proposed match against the All-Stars University Sensha-dou team, consisting of the most talented students from all over the country. Despite Ooarai being severely outnumbered and clearly outclassed, they accept the challenge. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Nov 21, 2015 -- 81,244 8.22
Gokusen -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Drama School Josei -- Gokusen Gokusen -- Kumiko Yamaguchi is smart, enthusiastic, and ready to start her dream job as a math teacher at Shirokin Academy. But as her first day opens on atrocious students and cowering teachers, Kumiko realizes that the all-boys high school is a cesspool of delinquents with no intention of improving themselves. -- -- However, what her rowdy students don't know is that behind her dorky facade, Kumiko is the acting head of a powerful yakuza clan, and she has the skills to prove it! Capable of overpowering even the strongest of gangsters in seconds, Kumiko must keep her incredible strength and criminal influence a secret in order to keep her job. Unfortunately, with the vice principal constantly trying to get her fired and Shin Sawada, the leader of her class of delinquents, suspecting she's stronger than she lets on, Kumiko has a difficult teaching career ahead of her. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters, NYAV Post -- TV - Jan 7, 2004 -- 35,804 7.41
Haikyuu!!: To the Top -- -- Production I.G -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama School Shounen -- Haikyuu!!: To the Top Haikyuu!!: To the Top -- After their triumphant victory over Shiratorizawa Academy, the Karasuno High School volleyball team has earned their long-awaited ticket to nationals. As preparations begin, genius setter Tobio Kageyama is invited to the All-Japan Youth Training Camp to play alongside fellow nationally recognized players. Meanwhile, Kei Tsukishima is invited to a special rookie training camp for first-years within the Miyagi Prefecture. Not receiving any invitations himself, the enthusiastic Shouyou Hinata feels left behind. -- -- However, Hinata does not back down. Transforming his frustration into self-motivation, he boldly decides to sneak himself into the same rookie training camp as Tsukishima. Even though Hinata only lands himself a job as the ball boy, he comes to see this as a golden opportunity. He begins to not only reflect on his skills as a volleyball player but also analyze the plethora of information available on the court and how he can apply it. -- -- As the much-anticipated national tournament approaches, the members of Karasuno's volleyball team attempt to overcome their weak points and refine their skills, all while aiming for the top! -- -- 533,572 8.37
Hetalia Axis Powers -- -- Studio Deen -- 52 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Historical Parody -- Hetalia Axis Powers Hetalia Axis Powers -- What if nations were people? What traits would they have? What would this mean for historical events? -- -- Hetalia Axis Powers takes these questions and runs with them, personifying countries into characters. The show takes a comedic and light approach to politics and historical events while educating the viewer. -- -- Taking place primarily during the events of World War I and World War II, the story focuses on the Axis Powers and occasionally throws the spotlight onto the tumultuous relationship between the Allied Forces. The Axis Powers feature the titular character North Italy, who is clumsy, carefree and loves pasta; Germany, who is very serious but easily flustered; and Japan, who is stoic but has bizarre interests. -- -- Based on Hidekaz Himaruya's widely popular webcomic turned print manga, Hetalia Axis Powers is a historical comedy that pokes lightly at culture, examines the relationships between nations and breathes fun into history. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- ONA - Jan 24, 2009 -- 227,002 7.36
Hitsugi no Chaika -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Hitsugi no Chaika Hitsugi no Chaika -- For 500 years, the Taboo Emperor, Arthur Gaz, ruled the Gaz Empire with an iron fist and conducted inhumane experiments on his own people. But his reign came to an end five years ago, when mighty warriors—later known as the Eight Heroes—defeated him in a battle for the capital. His death ended the 300-yearlong war between the Gaz Empire and the alliance of six nations. -- -- In the present day, Tooru Acura is a former saboteur from the war who has difficulty settling into the peaceful world, as he cannot find a job where he can put his fighting skills to use. An opportunity appears before him, however, when he meets a white-haired Wizard named Chaika Trabant. With a coffin on her back, she is searching for the scattered remains of her father in order to give him a proper burial, and she hires Tooru and his adoptive sister Akari to help her. However, the six nations alliance, which have now formed the Council of Six Nations, dispatches Albéric Gillette and his men from the Kleeman Agency to pursue and apprehend the late Emperor Gaz's daughter—Chaika. -- -- With the shocking revelation of Chaika's identity, the Acura siblings must choose between helping her gather the remains of the tyrannical emperor and upholding the peace the continent strives to maintain. -- -- 317,823 7.27
Hitsugi no Chaika -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Hitsugi no Chaika Hitsugi no Chaika -- For 500 years, the Taboo Emperor, Arthur Gaz, ruled the Gaz Empire with an iron fist and conducted inhumane experiments on his own people. But his reign came to an end five years ago, when mighty warriors—later known as the Eight Heroes—defeated him in a battle for the capital. His death ended the 300-yearlong war between the Gaz Empire and the alliance of six nations. -- -- In the present day, Tooru Acura is a former saboteur from the war who has difficulty settling into the peaceful world, as he cannot find a job where he can put his fighting skills to use. An opportunity appears before him, however, when he meets a white-haired Wizard named Chaika Trabant. With a coffin on her back, she is searching for the scattered remains of her father in order to give him a proper burial, and she hires Tooru and his adoptive sister Akari to help her. However, the six nations alliance, which have now formed the Council of Six Nations, dispatches Albéric Gillette and his men from the Kleeman Agency to pursue and apprehend the late Emperor Gaz's daughter—Chaika. -- -- With the shocking revelation of Chaika's identity, the Acura siblings must choose between helping her gather the remains of the tyrannical emperor and upholding the peace the continent strives to maintain. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 317,823 7.27
Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Other -- Action Sci-Fi Music -- Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima -- In a world overtaken by war and conflict, "Hypnosis Microphones"—devices through which a user channels lyrics that can affect the listener's brain and even cause physical damage—were introduced to the masses by the Party of Words. Revolutionizing warfare, Hypnosis Mics have transformed words and music into the sole weapons used by gangsters, terrorists, and the military, with physical weapons having been banned from use. -- -- As a result of swooping in during the chaos, the all-female Party of Words rules over the Japanese government. Women in Japan now live in Chuuouku, while men battle over surrounding territories outside the ward through rap battles. -- -- With intentions unknown, the Party of Words begins to gather the former members of the now-disbanded legendary rap crew The Dirty Dawg to fight not for territory or war, but for their respective crew's pride and honor in the greatest rap battle of all time. The first Division Rap Battle is about to commence, and practice isn't something these rappers are going to need. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 37,829 6.76
Ichigo 100% OVA -- -- Madhouse -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance School Shounen -- Ichigo 100% OVA Ichigo 100% OVA -- Further continuation from the Ichigo 100% TV series. Four episodes in length, comprised mostly of side-story elements such as a Spring Festival featuring Cosplay, Junpei's adventure to return a notebook to Yui's friend who atteneds the All-Girl Oumi Academy, summer work at Sawayaka to help cover production costs and last, but not least.. the Strawberry 'Pantsu' Invaders. This OVA features two new characters. -- -- (Note: Best if viewed after the Jump Festa 2004 OVA, or in other words.. "last", but could be substituted and watched prior to the Jump Festa OVA.) -- OVA - Jun 20, 2005 -- 24,686 6.90
Injuu Alien -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Hentai Horror Sci-Fi -- Injuu Alien Injuu Alien -- The all female crew of the transport ship Muse is on a mission in deep space. They pick up an SOS signal and discover a derelict space cruiser where all the women have died mysteriously. They take the only survivor, a young woman named Flair, and detonate the ghost ship. However, the danger is just beginning. With Flair on the Muse, the romances between the women begin to take a new turn. One by one, the crewmembers are attacked by a mysterious alien presence, desperate to find a way to reproduce with human women. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Kitty Media -- OVA - Jan 24, 1997 -- 2,882 5.24
Joshikousei: Girl's High -- -- Arms -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Ecchi School Slice of Life -- Joshikousei: Girl's High Joshikousei: Girl's High -- Eriko and her friends Yuma and Ayano are excited about entering high school. Their excitement leads to their breaking of the rules when they toured the school before the opening ceremony. They find out their preconceptions about the all female school may not be as true as they had first thought. Despite that, Eriko and her friends are joined by new friends. They aim to get through high school life together. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 31,882 6.58
Kiss x Sis (TV) -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi School Seinen -- Kiss x Sis (TV) Kiss x Sis (TV) -- After Keita Suminoe's mother passed away, his father promptly remarried, introducing two step-sisters into Keita's life: twins Ako and Riko. But since their fateful first encounter, a surge of incestuous love for their younger brother overcame the girls, beginning a lifelong feud for his heart. -- -- Now at the end of his middle school career, Keita studies fervently to be able to attend Ako and Riko's high school. While doing so however, he must resolve his conflicting feelings for his siblings and either reject or succumb to his sisters' intimate advances. Fortunately—or perhaps unfortunately for Keita—his sisters aren't the only women lusting after him, and there's no telling when the allure of temptation will get the better of the boy as well. -- -- TV - Apr 5, 2010 -- 458,418 6.70
Log Horizon 2nd Season -- -- Studio Deen -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Log Horizon 2nd Season Log Horizon 2nd Season -- After being trapped in the world of Elder Tale for six months, Shiroe and the other Adventurers have begun to get the hang of things in their new environment. The Adventurers are starting to gain the trust of the People of the Land, and Akiba has flourished thanks to the law and order established by Shiroe's Round Table Alliance, regaining its everyday liveliness. Despite this success, however, the Alliance faces a new crisis: they are running out of funds to govern Akiba, and spies from the Minami district have infiltrated the city. -- -- As formidable forces rise in other districts, there is also a need to discover more about the vast new world they are trapped in—leading Shiroe to decide that the time has come to venture outside the city. Accompanied by his friend Naotsugu and the Sage of Mirror Lake Regan, the calculative Shiroe makes his move, hoping to unravel new possibilities and eventually find a way home. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 503,514 7.61
Made in Abyss Movie 3: Fukaki Tamashii no Reimei -- -- Kinema Citrus -- 1 ep -- Web manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Drama Fantasy -- Made in Abyss Movie 3: Fukaki Tamashii no Reimei Made in Abyss Movie 3: Fukaki Tamashii no Reimei -- Continuing their perilous descent down the Abyss, Riko, Regu, and newfound friend Nanachi reach the Abyss' fifth layer, The Sea of Corpses. Upon arriving at the research station known as Idofront, the main trio encounter the mysterious Prushka, the alleged daughter of Bondrewd, who leads them to the White Whistle responsible for Nanachi's dark past. Despite the welcoming appearances of Idofront's residents, Nanachi warns the young adventurers that things are not always what they seem. With the only route to the sixth layer shrouded in mystery and Bonedrewd's schemes awaiting them, what sacrifices must be made in order to continue the journey down to the bottom of the Abyss? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Jan 17, 2020 -- 233,635 8.73
Made in Abyss Movie 3: Fukaki Tamashii no Reimei -- -- Kinema Citrus -- 1 ep -- Web manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Drama Fantasy -- Made in Abyss Movie 3: Fukaki Tamashii no Reimei Made in Abyss Movie 3: Fukaki Tamashii no Reimei -- Continuing their perilous descent down the Abyss, Riko, Regu, and newfound friend Nanachi reach the Abyss' fifth layer, The Sea of Corpses. Upon arriving at the research station known as Idofront, the main trio encounter the mysterious Prushka, the alleged daughter of Bondrewd, who leads them to the White Whistle responsible for Nanachi's dark past. Despite the welcoming appearances of Idofront's residents, Nanachi warns the young adventurers that things are not always what they seem. With the only route to the sixth layer shrouded in mystery and Bonedrewd's schemes awaiting them, what sacrifices must be made in order to continue the journey down to the bottom of the Abyss? -- -- Movie - Jan 17, 2020 -- 233,635 8.73
Maria†Holic -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Parody School Shoujo Ai -- Maria†Holic Maria†Holic -- In search of true love, Kanako Miyamae transfers to Ame no Kisaki Catholic school, inspired by how her parents fell in love with each other there. There is just one difference, though: because men make Kanako break into hives, she has actually come to the all-girls school to find a partner of the same sex. -- -- When she meets the beautiful Mariya Shidou, Kanako believes she has found that special someone; however, there's more to Mariya than meets the eye—it turns out that Kanako's first love is actually a cross-dressing boy. Mariya threatens to expose Kanako's impure intentions unless she keeps his real gender a secret, and to make things worse, he also replaces her original roommate so that he can now keep a close eye on her. -- -- Maria†Holic follows Kanako as she looks for love in all the wrong places and searches for the girl of her dreams—that is, if she can survive being Mariya's roommate! -- -- TV - Jan 4, 2009 -- 150,996 7.04
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing -- -- Sunrise -- 49 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Mobile Suit Gundam Wing -- The United Earth Sphere Alliance is a powerful military organization that has ruled over Earth and space colonies with an iron fist for several decades. When the colonies proclaimed their opposition to this, their leader was assassinated. Now, in the year After Colony 195, bitter colonial rebels have launched "Operation Meteor," sending five powerful mobile suits to Earth for vengeance. Built out of virtually indestructible material called Gundanium Alloy, these "Gundams" begin an assault against the Alliance and its sub organization OZ. -- -- One Gundam, whose pilot has taken the name of the slain colony leader Heero Yuy, is forced to make a crash landing into the ocean after an atmospheric battle against OZ's ace pilot Zechs Marquise. Upon coming ashore, he is found by Relena Peacecraft, daughter of a peace-seeking politician, who witnesses Heero's descent to Earth. Although neither of them realize it yet, this encounter will have a profound impact on both their lives, as well as those on Earth and in space colonies. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 135,013 7.72
Ousama Game The Animation -- -- Seven -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Mystery Dementia Horror Supernatural Drama School -- Ousama Game The Animation Ousama Game The Animation -- It can be rough transferring to a new school—even more so if you don't want to make any friends, like Nobuaki Kanazawa. But the reason for his antisocial behavior soon becomes clear when his class receives a text from someone called "The King." Included are instructions for the "King's Game," and all class members must participate. Those who refuse to play, quit halfway, or don't follow an order in the allotted time of 24 hours will receive a deadly punishment. -- -- Having played the game before and watched as those around him died, Nobuaki tries to warn his clueless classmates. Unfortunately, they only believe him after the King's Game claims its first casualties. Stuck in a horrific situation with no chance of escape, Nobuaki has a choice: put his own survival above those around him, or do what he couldn't before and save his classmates. -- -- 183,629 5.00
Ousama Game The Animation -- -- Seven -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Mystery Dementia Horror Supernatural Drama School -- Ousama Game The Animation Ousama Game The Animation -- It can be rough transferring to a new school—even more so if you don't want to make any friends, like Nobuaki Kanazawa. But the reason for his antisocial behavior soon becomes clear when his class receives a text from someone called "The King." Included are instructions for the "King's Game," and all class members must participate. Those who refuse to play, quit halfway, or don't follow an order in the allotted time of 24 hours will receive a deadly punishment. -- -- Having played the game before and watched as those around him died, Nobuaki tries to warn his clueless classmates. Unfortunately, they only believe him after the King's Game claims its first casualties. Stuck in a horrific situation with no chance of escape, Nobuaki has a choice: put his own survival above those around him, or do what he couldn't before and save his classmates. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 183,629 5.00
Quanzhi Gaoshou Specials -- -- Tencent Animation & Comics -- 3 eps -- Novel -- Action Game -- Quanzhi Gaoshou Specials Quanzhi Gaoshou Specials -- The All-Star Tournament is a three-day event that allows e-sports participants from various professional clubs to display their skills, while also giving casual Glory players the chance to interact with pros in the flesh. -- -- Retired top-tier Glory player Ye Xiu agrees to watch the tournament together with Tang Rou and Chen Guo after the latter manages to get ahold of three tickets. It is a strange sensation for Ye Xiu, as unlike previous occasions, this time he attends the tournament as a spectator, not a participant. However, despite his attempts to keep a low profile, events in the All-Star Tournament may force the former Glory legend back into the limelight. -- -- ONA - Apr 27, 2018 -- 82,863 8.29
Seikai no Monshou -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Romance -- Seikai no Monshou Seikai no Monshou -- In the distant future, humanity is under attack by the Abh Empire, a race of advanced humanoid beings possessing vastly superior technology. As countless worlds fall to the Abh, mankind establishes the Four Nations Alliance—a resistance faction made up of the United Mankind, the Republic of Greater Alcont, the Federation of Hania, and the People's Sovereign of Union Planets. -- -- Seikai no Monshou tells the story of Jinto Linn. When he was young, his father—the president of Martine—sold their world in exchange for a high position in the empire. Now a young count, Jinto must learn the ways of Abh nobility and live among those who subjugated his people. Helping him is Lafiel Abriel, an austere Abh princess whom Jinto quickly befriends. While traveling to Jinto's new school in the Abh homeland, their ship is caught in a violent space battle between the fleets of the Alliance and the Abh. Jinto and Abriel are thrust into the conflict, unaware that this skirmish marks the beginning of a full-scale war between the Abh Empire and mankind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- TV - Jan 3, 1999 -- 43,547 7.69
Shin Captain Tsubasa -- -- Nippon Animation -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Sports Shounen -- Shin Captain Tsubasa Shin Captain Tsubasa -- Shin CT takes place at the U-16 word cup in France. After some friendly matches in Germany, Japan defeats one opponent after another and finally reaches the final round against Germany. After hard matches against Italian and French top players, the German team seems to be even more supreme. The giant goal keeper Moeller, the all round ace Kalz and Europe's best player and forward Schneider offer the Japanese team an extremely hard match. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Jul 1, 1989 -- 9,832 7.14
Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama -- -- M.S.C, Production I.G -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Sports Shounen -- Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama -- It takes a lot to reach the top when it comes to tennis. No one knows that better than Ryouma Echizen, a young prodigy tennis player, and his teammates at the Seishun Academy. It was only because they pushed themselves to the limit, spending countless hours preparing for every pulse-pounding match, that they managed to claim victory in the All-Japan National Tournament. -- -- New Prince of Tennis begins with Ryouma and his teammates heading to the U-17 Selection training camp, after receiving a special invitation due to their victory in the Nationals. The training camp is renowned for producing strong tennis players, so the boys of Seishun Academy can’t wait to take their game to the next level. However, not everyone is happy to have them among their ranks, and they’ll have to weather the intense training to prove they belong among the best of the up-and-coming players of their generation. -- TV - Jan 5, 2012 -- 50,376 7.56
Strike Witches: Road to Berlin -- -- David Production -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Magic Ecchi -- Strike Witches: Road to Berlin Strike Witches: Road to Berlin -- Preparations for a new offensive against the Neuroi—a mysterious race of alien invaders—are well underway. The objective is securing Berlin, the capital city of the Empire of Karlsland, which is necessary for wiping out the Neuroi threat from Europe. However, as the enemy is capable of adapting to the battlefield on a daily basis, the allied forces and the current state of Striker technology might not be enough to achieve a victory. -- -- Meanwhile, Yoshika Miyafuji, a Witch from Fuso, continues her medical studies in Lausanne. Having recovered from a recent incident that deprived her of magical power, she is eager to assist in the war effort. The call to arms soon arrives and the scattered witches of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing must be gathered once again for a final push against the enemy. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 16,634 7.30
Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Tethe'alla-hen -- -- ufotable -- 4 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Martial Arts Fantasy -- Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Tethe'alla-hen Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Tethe'alla-hen -- The second arc of Tales of Symphonia that takes place in the flourishing world of Tethe'alla. This OVA takes place up to two-thirds of the game, prior to the Derris-Kharlan arc. -- OVA - Mar 25, 2010 -- 28,784 7.49
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. OVA -- -- Brain's Base -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance School -- Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. OVA Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. OVA -- One morning, Hachiman Hikigaya contemplates the superfluous nature of marriage and its misleading image of happiness. However, he is forced into confronting his skepticism when the Volunteer Service Club is tasked with assisting a local municipal magazine advertise the allure of marriage to younger people. Unfortunately, neither the club's advisor, Shizuka Hiratsuka, nor the other club members have any firsthand experience with the subject. With only one week until the deadline, the group must quickly learn about the intricacies behind the special ceremony, even if they have to resort to more creative means! -- -- OVA - Sep 19, 2013 -- 206,248 7.60's_poems_and_a_painting_of_the_Alloway_Cottage.jpg
'The All-Species Living Tree' Project
13th Politburo of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
14th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
14th Politburo and the 14th Secretariat of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
15th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
15th Politburo of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
16th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
17th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
18th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
18th Politburo of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
18th Secretariat of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
Across the Alley from the Alamo
Agreement between the Allied and Associated Powers with Regard to the Contribution to the Cost of Liberation of the Territories of the Former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
Agreement Between the Allied and Associated Powers with Regard to the Italian Reparation Payments
A Jazz Celebration of The Allman Brothers Band
Andrew Weatherall
Arrondissements of the Allier department
Attack of the Alligators!
Australian contribution to the Allied Intervention in Russia 19181919
Awakening (Blessthefall album)
Barclays Capital Inc. v., Inc.
Battle of the Allia
Beginnings (The Allman Brothers Band album)
Boulevard of the Allies
Canteen Lunch in the Alley
Cantons of the Allier department
Cat Mother & the All Night Newsboys
Central Committee elected by the 13th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
Central Committee elected by the 14th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
Central Committee elected by the 15th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
Central Committee elected by the 16th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
Central Committee elected by the 17th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
Central Committee elected by the 18th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
Clitherall, Minnesota
Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies
Communes of the Allier department
Dally in the Alley
David Weatherall
David Wetherall
Down in the Alley
Dreams (The Allman Brothers Band album)
Force of the Rally and the Alliance for Democracy
Frederick Augustus Wetherall
Gaps of the Allegheny
George Wetherall
Got the All Overs for You (All Over Me)
Harry Edward de Robillard Wetherall
Inner composition elected by the Central Committee of the 16th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks)
Inner composition elected by the Central Committee of the 17th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks)
In the Alleys of Love
I Wanna (The All-American Rejects song)
Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
James Weatherall
Kill the Alligator and Run
Kimberlee Weatherall
Lee Curtis and the All-Stars
List of awards and nominations received by The All-American Rejects
List of mountains of the Alleghenies
List of mountains of the Allgu Alps
List of the Allman Brothers Band members
Live at the Wiltern (The All-American Rejects album)
Lost Children of the Alleghenies
Marie and Robert Weatherall
Marie (Cat Mother and the All Night Newsboys song)
Mistborn: The Alloy of Law
National Cemetery of the Alleghenies
Party of the Alliance of Youth, Workers and Farmers of Angola
Ramblin' Man (The Allman Brothers Band song)
Reach for the Sky (The Allman Brothers Band album)
Roger Williams and the All Mixed-Up Quartet
Ruhaniyat The All India Sufi & Mystic Music Festival
Seethe Alla Savithri
Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting
Send Her to Heaven (The All-American Rejects song)
Shotgun (Junior Walker & the All Stars song)
Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers
Sweat (The All-American Rejects song)
Temporary Committee on the alleged use of European countries by the CIA for the transport and illegal detention of prisoners
The Adventures of Leonidas Witherall
The All
The All American (film)
The All-American Rejects
The All-American Rejects (album)
The All-American Rejects discography
The Alleghany News
The Allegory
The Allegory of Faith
The Allegory of Good and Bad Government
The Allegory of Love
The Allegory of Love (Veronese)
The Allen Brothers
The Allen Brothers (Australia)
The Aller Vrste!
The Alley
The Alley Cat (1985 film)
The Alley Cats
The Alley Cats (film)
The Alley Cats (punk rock band)
The Alleycats (University of St Andrews)
The Alliance Alive
The Alliance for Safe Children
The Alliance (France)
The Alliance (professional wrestling)
The Alliance (The Office)
The Allied Powers (professional wrestling)
The Alligator People
The Alligators
The All Ireland Talent Show
The All Ireland Talent Show (series 1)
The All Ireland Talent Show (series 2)
The All Ireland Talent Show (series 3)
The Allisons
The All-Joking, All-Drunken Synod of Fools and Jesters
The All-Knighters
The Allman Brothers Band
The Allman Brothers Band (album)
The Allman Brothers Band discography
The Allman Brothers Band Museum
The Allman Joys
The All New Alexei Sayle Show
The All New Popeye Hour
The All-New Super Friends Hour
The Allnighter (film)
The All Night Express
The All-Pervading
The Allston Mall
The All-Time Greatest Hits of Roy Orbison
The Allure of Chanel
The Allure of Danger
TheCall (organization)
The Last Song (The All-American Rejects song)
The Morals of the Alley
There's a Place (The All-American Rejects song)
Tillie the All-Time Teller
Time Stands Still (The All-American Rejects song)
Top of the World (The All-American Rejects song)
Tournado (The All-American Rejects album)
User:Fezmar9/The Allmusic Trickle-Down Effect
Whammy! The All-New Press Your Luck
Witness (Blessthefall album)

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