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object:1.06 - Dhyana and Samadhi
book class:Raja-Yoga
author class:Swami Vivekananda
subject class:Hinduism
subject class:Yoga


We have taken a cursory view of the different steps in Rja-Yoga, except the finer ones, the training in concentration, which is the goal to which Raja-Yoga will lead us. We see, as human beings, that all our knowledge which is called rational is referred to consciousness. My consciousness of this table, and of your presence, makes me know that the table and you are here. At the same time, there is a very great part of my existence of which I am not conscious. All the different organs inside the body, the different parts of the brain nobody is conscious of these.

When I eat food, I do it consciously; when I assimilate it, I do it unconsciously. When the food is manufactured into blood, it is done unconsciously. When out of the blood all the different parts of my body are streng thened, it is done unconsciously. And yet it is I who am doing all this; there cannot be twenty people in this one body. How do I know that I do it, and nobody else? It may be urged that my business is only in eating and assimilating the food, and that streng thening the body by the food is done for me by somebody else. That cannot be, because it can be demonstrated that almost every action of which we are now unconscious can be brought up to the plane of consciousness. The heart is beating apparently without our control. None of us here can control the heart; it goes on its own way. But by practice men can bring even the heart under control, until it will just beat at will, slowly, or quickly, or almost stop. Nearly every part of the body can be brought under control. What does this show? That the functions which are beneath consciousness are also performed by us, only we are doing it unconsciously. We have, then, two planes in which the human mind works. First is the conscious plane, in which all work is always accompanied with the feeling of egoism. Next comes the unconscious plane, where all work is unaccompanied by the feeling of egoism. That part of mind-work which is unaccompanied with the feeling of egoism is unconscious work, and that part which is accompanied with the feeling of egoism is conscious work. In the lower animals this unconscious work is called instinct. In higher animals, and in the highest of all animals, man, what is called conscious work prevails.

But it does not end here. There is a still higher plane upon which the mind can work. It can go beyond consciousness. Just as unconscious work is beneath consciousness, so there is another work which is above consciousness, and which also is not accompanied with the feeling of egoism. The feeling of egoism is only on the middle plane. When the mind is above or below that line, there is no feeling of "I", and yet the mind works. When the mind goes beyond this line of self-consciousness, it is called Samdhi or superconsciousness. How, for instance, do we know that a man in Samadhi has not gone below consciousness, has not degenerated instead of going higher? In both cases the works are unaccompanied with egoism. The answer is, by the effects, by the results of the work, we know that which is below, and that which is above. When a man goes into deep sleep, he enters a plane beneath consciousness. He works the body all the time, he breathes, he moves the body, perhaps, in his sleep, without any accompanying feeling of ego; he is unconscious, and when he returns from his sleep, he is the same man who went into it. The sum total of the knowledge which he had before he went into the sleep remains the same; it does not increase at all. No enlightenment comes. But when a man goes into Samadhi, if he goes into it a fool, he comes out a sage.

What makes the difference? From one state a man comes out the very same man that he went in, and from another state the man comes out enlightened, a sage, a prophet, a saint, his whole character changed, his life changed, illumined. These are the two effects. Now the effects being different, the causes must be different. As this illumination with which a man comes back from Samadhi is much higher than can be got from unconsciousness, or much higher than can be got by reasoning in a conscious state, it must, therefore, be superconsciousness, and Samadhi is called the superconscious state.

This, in short, is the idea of Samadhi. What is its application? The application is here. The field of reason, or of the conscious workings of the mind, is narrow and limited. There is a little circle within which human reason must move. It cannot go beyond. Every attempt to go beyond is impossible, yet it is beyond this circle of reason that there lies all that humanity holds most dear. All these questions, whether there is an immortal soul, whether there is a God, whether there is any supreme intelligence guiding this universe or not, are beyond the field of reason. Reason can never answer these questions. What does reason say? It says, "I am agnostic; I do not know either yea or nay." Yet these questions are so important to us. Without a proper answer to them, human life will be purposeless. All our ethical theories, all our moral attitudes, all that is good and great in human nature, have been moulded upon answers that have come from beyond the circle. It is very important, therefore, that we should have answers to these questions. If life is only a short play, if the universe is only a "fortuitous combination of atoms," then why should I do good to another? Why should there be mercy, justice, or fellow-feeling? The best thing for this world would be to make hay while the sun shines, each man for himself. If there is no hope, why should I love my brother, and not cut his throat? If there is nothing beyond, if there is no freedom, but only rigorous dead laws, I should only try to make myself happy here. You will find people saying nowadays that they have utilitarian grounds as the basis of morality. What is this basis? Procuring the greatest amount of happiness to the greatest number. Why should I do this? Why should I not produce the greatest unhappiness to the greatest number, if that serves my purpose? How will utilitarians answer this question? How do you know what is right, or what is wrong? I am impelled by my desire for happiness, and I fulfil it, and it is in my nature; I know nothing beyond. I have these desires, and must fulfil them; why should you complain? Whence come all these truths about human life, about morality, about the immortal soul, about God, about love and sympathy, about being good, and, above all, about being unselfish?

All ethics, all human action and all human thought, hang upon this one idea of unselfishness. The whole idea of human life can be put into that one word, unselfishness. Why should we be unselfish? Where is the necessity, the force, the power, of my being unselfish? You call yourself a rational man, a utilitarian; but if you do not show me a reason for utility, I say you are irrational. Show me the reason why I should not be selfish. To ask one to be unselfish may be good as poetry, but poetry is not reason. Show me a reason. Why shall I be unselfish, and why be good? Because Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so say so does not weigh with me. Where is the utility of my being unselfish? My utility is to be selfish if utility means the greatest amount of happiness. What is the answer? The utilitarian can never give it. The answer is that this world is only one drop in an infinite ocean, one link in an infinite chain. Where did those that preached unselfishness, and taught it to the human race, get this idea? We know it is not instinctive; the animals, which have instinct, do not know it. Neither is it reason; reason does not know anything about these ideas. Whence then did they come?

We find, in studying history, one fact held in common by all the great teachers of religion the world ever had. They all claim to have got their truths from beyond, only many of them did not know where they got them from. For instance, one would say that an angel came down in the form of a human being, with wings, and said to him, "Hear, O man, this is the message." Another says that a Deva, a bright being, appeared to him. A third says he dreamed that his ancestor came and told him certain things. He did not know anything beyond that. But this is common that all claim that this knowledge has come to them from beyond, not through their reasoning power. What does the science of Yoga teach? It teaches that they were right in claiming that all this knowledge came to them from beyond reasoning, but that it came from within themselves.

The Yogi teaches that the mind itself has a higher state of existence, beyond reason, a superconscious state, and when the mind gets to that higher state, then this knowledge, beyond reasoning, comes to man. Metaphysical and transcendental knowledge comes to that man. This state of going beyond reason, transcending ordinary human nature, may sometimes come by chance to a man who does not understand its science; he, as it were, stumbles upon it. When he stumbles upon it, he generally interprets it as coming from outside. So this explains why an inspiration, or transcendental knowledge, may be the same in different countries, but in one country it will seem to come through an angel, and in another through a Deva, and in a third through God. What does it mean? It means that the mind brought the knowledge by its own nature, and that the finding of the knowledge was interpreted according to the belief and education of the person through whom it came. The real fact is that these various men, as it were, stumbled upon this superconscious state.

The Yogi says there is a great danger in stumbling upon this state. In a good many cases there is the danger of the brain being deranged, and, as a rule, you will find that all those men, however great they were, who had stumbled upon this superconscious state without understanding it, groped in the dark, and generally had, along with their knowledge, some quaint superstition. They opened themselves to hallucinations. Mohammed claimed that the Angel Gabriel came to him in a cave one day and took him on the heavenly horse, Harak, and he visited the heavens. But with all that, Mohammed spoke some wonderful truths. If you read the Koran, you find the most wonderful truths mixed with superstitions. How will you explain it? That man was inspired, no doubt, but that inspiration was, as it were, stumbled upon. He was not a trained Yogi, and did not know the reason of what he was doing. Think of the good Mohammed did to the world, and think of the great evil that has been done through his fanaticism! Think of the millions massacred through his teachings, mothers bereft of their children, children made orphans, whole countries destroyed, millions upon millions of people killed!

So we see this danger by studying the lives of great teachers like Mohammed and others. Yet we find, at the same time, that they were all inspired. Whenever a prophet got into the superconscious state by heightening his emotional nature, he brought away from it not only some truths, but some fanaticism also, some superstition which injured the world as much as the greatness of the teaching helped. To get any reason out of the mass of incongruity we call human life, we have to transcend our reason, but we must do it scientifically, slowly, by regular practice, and we must cast off all superstition. We must take up the study of the superconscious state just as any other science. On reason we must have to lay our foundation, we must follow reason as far as it leads, and when reason fails, reason itself will show us the way to the highest plane. When you hear a man say, "I am inspired," and then talk irrationally, reject it. Why? Because these three states instinct, reason, and superconsciousness, or the unconscious, conscious, and superconscious states belong to one and the same mind. There are not three minds in one man, but one state of it develops into the others. Instinct develops into reason, and reason into the transcendental consciousness; therefore, not one of the states contradicts the others. Real inspiration never contradicts reason, but fulfils it. Just as you find the great prophets saying, "I come not to destroy but to fulfil," so inspiration always comes to fulfil reason, and is in harmony with it.

All the different steps in Yoga are intended to bring us scientifically to the superconscious state, or Samadhi. Furthermore, this is a most vital point to understand, that inspiration is as much in every man's nature as it was in that of the ancient prophets. These prophets were not unique; they were men as you or I. They were great Yogis. They had gained this superconsciousness, and you and I can get the same. They were not peculiar people. The very fact that one man ever reached that state, proves that it is possible for every man to do so. Not only is it possible, but every man must, eventually, get to that state, and that is religion. Experience is the only teacher we have. We may talk and reason all our lives, but we shall not understand a word of truth, until we experience it ourselves. You cannot hope to make a man a surgeon by simply giving him a few books. You cannot satisfy my curiosity to see a country by showing me a map; I must have actual experience. Maps can only create curiosity in us to get more perfect knowledge. Beyond that, they have no value whatever. Clinging to books only degenerates the human mind. Was there ever a more horrible blasphemy than the statement that all the knowledge of God is confined to this or that book? How dare men call God infinite, and yet try to compress Him within the covers of a little book! Millions of people have been killed because they did not believe what the books said, because they would not see all the knowledge of God within the covers of a book. Of course this killing and murdering has gone by, but the world is still tremendously bound up in a belief in books.

In order to reach the superconscious state in a scientific manner it is necessary to pass through the various steps of Raja-Yoga I have been teaching. After Pratyhra and Dhran, we come to Dhyna, meditation. When the mind has been trained to remain fixed on a certain internal or external location, there comes to it the power of flowing in an unbroken current, as it were, towards that point. This state is called Dhyana. When one has so intensified the power of Dhyana as to be able to reject the external part of perception and remain meditating only on the internal part, the meaning, that state is called Samadhi. The three Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi together, are called Samyama. That is, if the mind can first concentrate upon an object, and then is able to continue in that concentration for a length of time, and then, by continued concentration, to dwell only on the internal part of the perception of which the object was the effect, everything comes under the control of such a mind.

This meditative state is the highest state of existence. So long as there is desire, no real happiness can come. It is only the contemplative, witness-like study of objects that brings to us real enjoyment and happiness. The animal has its happiness in the senses, the man in his intellect, and the god in spiritual contemplation. It is only to the soul that has attained to this contemplative state that the world really becomes beautiful. To him who desires nothing, and does not mix himself up with them, the manifold changes of nature are one panorama of beauty and sublimity.

These ideas have to be understood in Dhyana, or meditation. We hear a sound. First, there is the external vibration; second, the nerve motion that carries it to the mind; third, the reaction from the mind, along with which flashes the knowledge of the object which was the external cause of these different changes from the ethereal vibrations to the mental reactions. These three are called in Yoga, Shabda (sound), Artha (meaning), and Jnna (knowledge). In the language of physics and physiology they are called the ethereal vibration, the motion in the nerve and brain, and the mental reaction. Now these, though distinct processes, have become mixed up in such a fashion as to become quite indistinct. In fact, we cannot now perceive any of these, we only perceive their combined effect, what we call the external object. Every act of perception includes these three, and there is no reason why we should not be able to distinguish them.

When, by the previous preparations, it becomes strong and controlled, and has the power of finer perception, the mind should be employed in meditation. This meditation must begin with gross objects and slowly rise to finer and finer, until it becomes objectless. The mind should first be employed in perceiving the external causes of sensations, then the internal motions, and then its own reaction. When it has succeeded in perceiving the external causes of sensations by themselves, the mind will acquire the power of perceiving all fine material existences, all fine bodies and forms. When it can succeed in perceiving the motions inside by themselves, it will gain the control of all mental waves, in itself or in others, even before they have translated themselves into physical energy; and when he will be able to perceive the mental reaction by itself, the Yogi will acquire the knowledge of everything, as every sensible object, and every thought is the result of this reaction. Then will he have seen the very foundations of his mind, and it will be under his perfect control. Different powers will come to the Yogi, and if he yields to the temptations of any one of these, the road to his further progress will be barred. Such is the evil of running after enjoyments. But if he is strong enough to reject even these miraculous powers, he will attain to the goal of Yoga, the complete suppression of the waves in the ocean of the mind. Then the glory of the soul, undisturbed by the distractions of the mind, or motions of the body, will shine in its full effulgence; and the Yogi will find himself as he is and as he always was, the essence of knowledge, the immortal, the all-pervading.

Samadhi is the property of every human being nay, every animal. From the lowest animal to the highest angel, some time or other, each one will have to come to that state, and then, and then alone, will real religion begin for him. Until then we only struggle towards that stage. There is no difference now between us and those who have no religion, because we have no experience. What is concentration good for, save to bring us to this experience? Each one of the steps to attain Samadhi has been reasoned out, properly adjusted, scientifically organised, and, when faithfully practiced, will surely lead us to the desired end. Then will all sorrows cease, all miseries vanish; the seeds for actions will be burnt, and the soul will be free for ever.

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Wikipedia - Katia Escalera -- Bolivian operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Kinsey scale -- Scale for measuring sexual orientation
Wikipedia - Klamath smallscale sucker -- Species of fish
Wikipedia - Kolmogorov microscales
Wikipedia - Lagoda -- Half-scale model of the whaling ship Lagoda, located at the New Bedford Whaling Museum
Wikipedia - Land grabbing -- Large-scale acquisition of land (over 1,000 ha) whether by purchase, leases or other means.
Wikipedia - Landscape limnology -- The spatially explicit study of lakes, streams, and wetlands as they interact with freshwater, terrestrial, and human landscapes to determine the effects of pattern on ecosystem processes across temporal and spatial scales
Wikipedia - Landscape-scale conservation -- Holistic approach to landscape management
Wikipedia - Langmuir turbulence -- A turbulent flow with coherent Langmuir circulation structures that exist and evolve over a range of spatial and temporal scales
Wikipedia - Large scale brain networks
Wikipedia - Large-scale brain networks
Wikipedia - Large-scale Complex IT Systems -- UK research and graduate education programme
Wikipedia - Large Scale Concept Ontology for Multimedia
Wikipedia - Large Scale Integration
Wikipedia - Large-scale integration
Wikipedia - Large-scale macroeconometric model
Wikipedia - Large-Scale Scrum
Wikipedia - Large-scale structure of the cosmos
Wikipedia - Largest-scale trends in evolution -- The low end minimum limit for complexity of living organisms may result in a general gradual trend for increased complexity over time
Wikipedia - Laura Scales -- American academic
Wikipedia - Laurretta Summerscales -- British ballet dancer
Wikipedia - Lego Speed Champions -- Lego theme focusing on Lego scale models of real life production cars
Wikipedia - Leonardo Scaletti -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Lester's theorem -- Several points associated with a scalene triangle lie on the same circle
Wikipedia - Likert Scale
Wikipedia - Likert scale
Wikipedia - Linear scale
Wikipedia - List of diagnostic classification and rating scales used in psychiatry
Wikipedia - List of games using Scaleform -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of large-scale temperature reconstructions of the last 2,000 years -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rail transport modelling scale standards -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scale model kit manufacturers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of semiconductor scale examples -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Logarithmic scale
Wikipedia - Log scaler
Wikipedia - Long and short scales -- List of countries using one or several different large-number naming systems for integer powers of ten
Wikipedia - Lunar geologic timescale
Wikipedia - Macalda di Scaletta -- Italian courtesan, noblewoman and adventurer
Wikipedia - Machiavellianism scale
Wikipedia - Mackerel sky -- Clouds displaying an undulating, rippling pattern look like fish scales
Wikipedia - Macroecology -- The study of relationships between organisms and their environment at large spatial scales
Wikipedia - Macroevolution -- Evolution on a scale at or above the level of species
Wikipedia - Macroscopic quantum phenomena -- Processes showing quantum behavior at the macroscopic scale, rather than at the atomic scale where quantum effects are prevalent; macroscopic scale quantum coherence leads to macroscopic quantum phenomena
Wikipedia - Macroscopic scale
Wikipedia - Macrosociology -- Sociological theories and approaches that focus on large-scale aspects of society
Wikipedia - Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
Wikipedia - Many-scaled gecko -- Species of lizard
Wikipedia - Maquette -- Scale model of unfinished sculpture
Wikipedia - Maria Duval scam -- Large-scale mail fraud operation
Wikipedia - Marwencol (art installation) -- Artwork of a scale model town
Wikipedia - Mass communication -- Large-scale dissemination of information
Wikipedia - Masters of Scale -- Business podcast
Wikipedia - McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities (MSCA)
Wikipedia - McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities
Wikipedia - Mean absolute scaled error
Wikipedia - Medium-scale integration
Wikipedia - Megamusical -- Large-scale musical
Wikipedia - Megaproject -- Extremely large-scale investment project
Wikipedia - Megascale engineering
Wikipedia - Mercalli intensity scale
Wikipedia - Mesoscale convective system -- Complex of thunderstormsM-BM- organized on a larger scale
Wikipedia - Mesoscale ocean eddies
Wikipedia - Mesoscopic scale
Wikipedia - Michele De Pascale -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Micrococcidae -- A family of scale insects from the Mediterranean region
Wikipedia - Microscopic scale
Wikipedia - Microsound -- Sounds on the time scale shorter than musical notes
Wikipedia - Microstructure -- Very small scale structure of material
Wikipedia - Microturbulence -- Turbulence that varies over small distance scales
Wikipedia - Migration (ecology) -- large-scale movement of members of a species to a different environment
Wikipedia - Minimum efficiency reporting value -- Measurement scale for the effectiveness of air filters
Wikipedia - Mission Elapsed Time -- Time scale used by NASA during their space missions
Wikipedia - Mississippi River Basin Model -- Scale model of the Mississippi River basin in Mississippi, United States
Wikipedia - MM-CM-)lange -- A large-scale breccia typically consisting of a jumble of large blocks of varied lithologies
Wikipedia - Model commercial vehicle -- Scale model or die-cast toy representing a commercial vehicle
Wikipedia - Model for Prediction Across Scales -- A coupled Earth system modeling package that integrates atmospheric, oceanographic and cryospheric modeling on a variety of scales
Wikipedia - Mode (music) -- Type of musical scale
Wikipedia - Modulor -- Scale of proportions by Le Corbusier
Wikipedia - Mohs hardness scale
Wikipedia - Mohs' scale of mineral hardness
Wikipedia - Mohs scale of mineral hardness -- Qualitative ordinal scale characterizing scratch resistance of various minerals
Wikipedia - Mokken scale
Wikipedia - Molecular machine -- Molecular-scale artificial or biological device
Wikipedia - Molecular scale electronics -- Branch of nanotechnology
Wikipedia - Moment magnitude scale -- measure of earthquake size, in terms of the energy released
Wikipedia - Monotonic scale -- Musical scale consisting of only one note in the octave
Wikipedia - Moral progress -- The development of morality on a societal scale
Wikipedia - Multiscale Green's function -- Gernalized version of Green's function
Wikipedia - Multiscale Modeling and Simulation
Wikipedia - Multi-scale signal analysis
Wikipedia - Multnomah Community Ability Scale
Wikipedia - Musical scale
Wikipedia - Nanocapsule -- Nanoscale shell made from polymer
Wikipedia - Nanocircuitry -- Electrical circuits operating on the nanometer scale.
Wikipedia - Nanogeoscience -- The study of nanoscale phenomena related to geological systems
Wikipedia - Nanoimprint lithography -- Method of fabricating nanometer scale patterns using a special stamp
Wikipedia - Nanolaser -- Laser that has nanoscale dimensions
Wikipedia - Nanoscale networks
Wikipedia - Nanoscale vacuum-channel transistor
Wikipedia - Nano-scale
Wikipedia - Nanoscopic scale -- Refers to structures with a length scale applicable to nanotechnology, usually cited as 1-100 nanometers
Wikipedia - Nanotechnology -- Field of applied science whose theme is the control of matter on atomic and (supra)molecular scale
Wikipedia - Nanotribology -- Study of friction, wear, adhesion and lubrication phenomena at the nanoscale
Wikipedia - National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
Wikipedia - Newcastle-Ottawa scale -- Tool for assessing quality of non-randomized studies
Wikipedia - Newton scale -- Scale of temperature
Wikipedia - Nicolae Dascalescu -- Romanian general
Wikipedia - North American Mesoscale Model -- Numerical weather prediction model
Wikipedia - NuScale Power -- Private company that designs and markets small modular reactors (SMRs)
Wikipedia - Octatonic scale
Wikipedia - Ocular scales -- Reptile scales forming the margin of the eye
Wikipedia - Oechsle scale -- Hydrometer scale measuring the density of grape must
Wikipedia - Order of magnitude -- Scale of numbers with a fixed ratio
Wikipedia - Orders of magnitude (data) -- Computer data measurements and scales.
Wikipedia - Ordinal scale
Wikipedia - Out of Scale -- 1951 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - Pacific-North American teleconnection pattern -- A large-scale weather pattern with two modes which relates the atmospheric circulation pattern over the North Pacific Ocean with the one over the North American continent
Wikipedia - Paediatric Glasgow Coma Scale
Wikipedia - Paleoecology -- The study of interactions between organisms and their environments across geologic timescales
Wikipedia - Parallel key -- Major and minor scales with same tonic
Wikipedia - Parietal scales -- snake head scales connected to frontals to posterior
Wikipedia - Pascale Alajouanine -- French aviator and aerobatics champion
Wikipedia - Pascale Allotey -- Public health researcher
Wikipedia - Pascale Arbillot -- French actress
Wikipedia - Pascale Boistard -- French politician
Wikipedia - Pascale Boyer -- French politician
Wikipedia - Pascale Braconnot -- Climate scientist
Wikipedia - Pascale Bruderer -- Swiss politician
Wikipedia - Pascale Cossart -- French bacteriologist
Wikipedia - Pascale Crozon -- French politician
Wikipedia - Pascale Dorcelus -- Canadian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Pascale Ehrenfreund -- Austrian astrophysicist
Wikipedia - Pascale Ferran -- French film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Pascale Fontenel-Personne -- French politician
Wikipedia - Pascale Fung -- Professor
Wikipedia - Pascale Got -- French politician
Wikipedia - Pascale Grand -- Canadian racewalker
Wikipedia - Pascale Hermant -- French gymnast
Wikipedia - Pascale Hutton -- Canadian actress
Wikipedia - Pascale Lamche -- French-South African filmmaker
Wikipedia - Pascale Lebecque -- French compound archer
Wikipedia - Pascale Letendre -- Canadian curler
Wikipedia - Pascale Mainville -- Canadian judoka
Wikipedia - Pascale Petit (poet) -- French-born British poet
Wikipedia - Pascale Roberts -- French actress
Wikipedia - PathScale
Wikipedia - Personality Assessment Inventory -- Multiscale inventory of personality and psychopathology
Wikipedia - Petascale computing -- Computer systems capable of one petaFLOPS
Wikipedia - Petascale
Wikipedia - Phall-O-Meter -- Satirical medical scale
Wikipedia - Phanerozoic -- Fourth and current eon of the geological timescale
Wikipedia - Photovoltaic power station -- Large-scale photovoltaic system
Wikipedia - Phycosphere -- A microscale mucus region that is rich in organic matter surrounding a phytoplankton cel
Wikipedia - Picotechnology -- Technology at or below the scale of 10^M-bM-^HM-^R12 meters
Wikipedia - Planation surface -- A large-scale surface that is almost flat
Wikipedia - Planck Scale
Wikipedia - Plat -- Map showing a piece of land, drawn to scale, with details such as nearby properties, boundaries, land size, flood zones, the surrounding neighborhood, easements, and monuments
Wikipedia - Prader scale -- Rating system for the degree of virilization of human genitalia
Wikipedia - Proteomics -- Large-scale study of proteins
Wikipedia - Proterozoic -- Third eon of the geologic timescale, last eon of the Precambrian Supereon
Wikipedia - Prunella Scales -- British actress
Wikipedia - Pseudascalenia -- Genus of moths
Wikipedia - Pseudotelphusa scalella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Psychopathy Checklist -- Psychopathy scale
Wikipedia - Pusan Perimeter Offensive -- Large-scale offensive by United Nations
Wikipedia - Quantum dot -- Zero-dimensional, nano-scale semiconductor particles with novel optical and electronic properties
Wikipedia - Quantum foam -- Fluctuation of spacetime on very small scales
Wikipedia - Quantum mechanics -- Branch of physics describing nature on an atomic scale
Wikipedia - Quigley scale -- Rating scale for morphology of human genitalia
Wikipedia - Racism: A History -- Television series exploring the impact of racism on a global scale
Wikipedia - Raffaele Scalese -- Italian opera singer
Wikipedia - Rankine scale -- Absolute temperature scale using Fahrenheit degrees
Wikipedia - Raptio -- A Latin term for the large scale abduction of women.
Wikipedia - Rating scales for depression
Wikipedia - Rating scale
Wikipedia - Ratio scale
Wikipedia - Regional Scale Nodes -- An electro-optically cabled underwater observatory that directly connects to the global Internet
Wikipedia - Religious Orientation Scale
Wikipedia - Returns to scale
Wikipedia - Revoscalepy
Wikipedia - RevoScaleR
Wikipedia - Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales
Wikipedia - Richter magnitude scale -- Measuring the strength ("size") of earthquakes
Wikipedia - Rock microstructure -- The texture of a rock and the small scale rock structures
Wikipedia - Rockwell scale
Wikipedia - Rohn emergency scale -- Scale on which the magnitude of an emergency is measured
Wikipedia - Romer scale -- Scale of temperature
Wikipedia - Room scale
Wikipedia - Rosenberg self-esteem scale
Wikipedia - Rosiwal scale -- Hardness scale in mineralogy
Wikipedia - Rossby radius of deformation -- The length scale at which rotational effects become as important as buoyancy or gravity wave effects in the evolution of the flow about some disturbance
Wikipedia - Rugosity -- A measure of small-scale variations of amplitude in the height of a surface
Wikipedia - Saffir-Simpson scale -- Hurricane scale
Wikipedia - Salience network -- Large scale brain network involved in reorienting attention
Wikipedia - Samuel Beckett: Anatomy of a Literary Revolution -- 1997 book by Pascale Casanova
Wikipedia - San Francesco alle Scale -- Church building in Ancona, Italy
Wikipedia - San Marino Scale
Wikipedia - Sara Misquez -- Mescalero Apache President
Wikipedia - Scale (analytical tool)
Wikipedia - Scale (anatomy) -- Small rigid plate that grows out of an animal's skin
Wikipedia - Scale armour
Wikipedia - Scaleby Castle -- In Cumbria, England
Wikipedia - Scale (computing)
Wikipedia - Scaled Agile Framework
Wikipedia - Scaled agile framework
Wikipedia - Scaled chachalaca -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Scaled Composites Stratolaunch -- Mother ship aircraft designed to launch spacecraft
Wikipedia - Scaled Composites Tier One -- Suborbital human spaceflight program using the reusable spacecraft SpaceShipOne
Wikipedia - Scaled Composites -- American aerospace company
Wikipedia - Scaled dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Scaled ground cuckoo -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Scaled inverse chi-squared distribution -- Probability distribution
Wikipedia - Scaled metaltail -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Scaled piculet -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Scaled pigeon -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Scale error
Wikipedia - Scale factor (cosmology)
Wikipedia - Scale factor cosmology
Wikipedia - Scale-feathered malkoha -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Scale-free network -- Network whose degree distribution follows a power law
Wikipedia - Scale insect -- Superfamily of insects
Wikipedia - Scale invariance
Wikipedia - Scale-invariant feature transform
Wikipedia - Scale (map) -- Ratio of distance on a map to the corresponding distance on the ground
Wikipedia - Scale model -- Physical representation of an object
Wikipedia - Scale (music) -- Ascending or descending sequence of musical tones
Wikipedia - Scalenus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Scale parameter
Wikipedia - Scale (ratio)
Wikipedia - Scale relativity
Wikipedia - Scales (film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Scale (social sciences)
Wikipedia - Scale (spatial)
Wikipedia - Scale-throated hermit -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Scalextric -- Slot car racing brand
Wikipedia - Schmidt sting pain index -- Pain scale for insect stings
Wikipedia - Schwab and England ADL scale -- Scale measuring the amount of dependence and effort one needs to complete activities of daily living
Wikipedia - Scopula scalercii -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scoville scale -- Scale for measuring spiciness of peppers
Wikipedia - Seascale railway station -- Railway station in Cumbria, England
Wikipedia - Seismic magnitude scales -- Magnitude of an earthquake
Wikipedia - Selenaspidus articulatus -- Species of scale insect
Wikipedia - Ship motion test -- Scale model hydrodynamic test to predict full size behaviour
Wikipedia - Shoe size -- Measurement scale indicating the fitting size of a shoe
Wikipedia - SimScale
Wikipedia - SM-65A Atlas -- First full-scale prototype of the Atlas missile
Wikipedia - Smallscale darter -- Species of fish
Wikipedia - Small-scale project management
Wikipedia - Social distance scale
Wikipedia - Social Interaction Anxiety Scale -- Self-report scale that measures distress when meeting and talking with others
Wikipedia - Solar cell -- Photodiode used to produce power from light on a large scale
Wikipedia - Squamae -- Tubercles resembling scales
Wikipedia - Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales -- An individually administered intelligence test that was revised from the original Binet-Simon Scale
Wikipedia - Starr sting pain scale -- Pain scale for insect stings
Wikipedia - Stratoscale -- A data center software solution provider with hyperconverged infrastructure
Wikipedia - Structure of liquids and glasses -- The atomic-scale non-crystalline structure of liquids and glasses
Wikipedia - Subatomic scales
Wikipedia - Subjective units of distress scale
Wikipedia - SUNY Poly College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering -- College of nanotechnology at the SUNY Polytechnic Institute campus in Albany, New York
Wikipedia - Supraciliary scale -- Scales
Wikipedia - Surface metrology -- The measurement of small-scale features on surfaces
Wikipedia - Sword and Scale -- American podcast
Wikipedia - Sword Art Online The Movie: Ordinal Scale -- 2017 film by Tomohiko ItM-EM-^M
Wikipedia - System Usability Scale
Wikipedia - Tamil Nadu Small Industries Development Corporation Limited -- State-agency in India promoting small-scale industries
Wikipedia - Tanner scale -- Physical development scale of children, adolescents, and adults
Wikipedia - Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale
Wikipedia - Tehachapi Energy Storage Project -- Utility-scale battery energy storage system in California, U.S.
Wikipedia - Temporal scales -- Type of scales on reptiles
Wikipedia - TeraScale (microarchitecture) -- Codename for a family of graphics processing unit microarchitectures
Wikipedia - Terry Scales (painter) -- English artist
Wikipedia - The Peak Scaler -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - Thermohaline circulation -- A part of the large-scale ocean circulation that is driven by global density gradients created by surface heat and freshwater fluxes
Wikipedia - The Scales of Justice -- 1962 - 1967 British film series
Wikipedia - Thomas de Scales, 7th Baron Scales
Wikipedia - Thurstone scale
Wikipedia - Topographic map -- Medium to large scale map that shows a precise map of the terrain
Wikipedia - Tor Fiscale Park, Rome -- archaeological part to the southeast of Rome, Italy
Wikipedia - Toxicofera -- Proposed clade of scaled reptiles
Wikipedia - Tropical Atlantic SST Dipole -- cross-equatorial sea surface temperature pattern that appears dominant on decadal timescales
Wikipedia - Tropical cyclone scales -- Scales of the intensity of tropical cyclones
Wikipedia - Troughton scale -- Troughton scale
Wikipedia - Tru by Hilton -- Modern midscale hotel chain run by Hilton Worldwide
Wikipedia - Tucson Botanical Gardens -- Collection of sixteen residentially scaled urban gardens in Tucson, Arizona, US
Wikipedia - Un extraM-CM-1o en la escalera -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Unified Parkinson's disease rating scale -- Rating scale consisting of a conglomerate of other rating scales
Wikipedia - Validity scale
Wikipedia - Values Scales
Wikipedia - Values scale
Wikipedia - Veduta -- Genre of large-scale paintings or prints of a cityscape or other vista
Wikipedia - Vernier scale -- Auxiliary scale of a measurement device, used to increase precision
Wikipedia - Very large-scale integration
Wikipedia - Very-large-scale integration
Wikipedia - Very Large Scale Integration -- Process of creating an integrated circuit by combining thousands of transistors into a single chip
Wikipedia - Vineland Social Maturity Scale
Wikipedia - Virtual world -- Large-scale, interactive computer-simulated environment
Wikipedia - Visual analogue scale
Wikipedia - Volcanic Explosivity Index -- Qualitative scale for explosiveness of volcanic eruptions
Wikipedia - Warm core ring -- A type of mesoscale eddy which breaks off from a warm ocean current. The ring is an independent circulatory system of warm water which can persist for several months
Wikipedia - Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Wikipedia - Wechsler adult intelligence scale
Wikipedia - Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
Wikipedia - Wechsler Intelligence Scale
Wikipedia - Wechsler Memory Scale
Wikipedia - Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence
Wikipedia - Weighing scale
Wikipedia - Wilson-Patterson Conservatism Scale -- Survey instrument used to measure political conservatism
Wikipedia - Wind -- Flow of gases on a large scale
Wikipedia - World Magnetic Model -- Large spatial-scale model of the Earth's magnetic field
Wikipedia - Worldscale -- Unified system of establishing payment of freight rate for a given oil tanker's cargo
Wikipedia - World Scout Jamboree -- Large-scale youth event which occurs every four years
Wikipedia - XScale
Wikipedia - Young Mania Rating Scale
Wikipedia - Zhubov scale -- A scale for reporting polar sea ice coverage
Wikipedia - Zippo Manufacturing Co. v. Zippo Dot Com, Inc. -- U.S. District Court ruling establishing the Zippo "Sliding Scale" test
Wikipedia - Zygaena escalerai -- Species of moth
John Scales ::: Born: July 4, 1966; Occupation: Footballer;
Goodreads author - Kate_Summerscale
Goodreads author - Helen_Scales
Goodreads author - Pascale_Bourgain
Goodreads author - Pascale_Duguay
Goodreads author - Amy_Pascale
Kheper - timescale index -- 11
Kheper - radiometric_dating -- 30
Kheper - theosophical -- 51 -- 0
Integral World - Response to "A one-scale model of holarchy", Mark Edwards
Integral World - A one-scale model of holarchy and it's implications for four strand theoriees of knowledge acquisition
The Major and Minor Scales of Integral Politics
selforum - scales are tipped toward harmony
dedroidify.blogspot - bobby-mcferrin-teaches-pentatonic-scale
Psychology Wiki - Five_Temperaments#The_FIRO-B_connection:_The_Need_Areas_plus_Grading_Scales
Psychology Wiki - Glasgow_Coma_Scale
Psychology Wiki - Kinsey_scale
Psychology Wiki - Stanford-Binet_Intelligence_Scales
Psychology Wiki - Wechsler_Adult_Intelligence_Scale
Psychology Wiki - Wechsler_Intelligence_Scale_for_Children
Psychology Wiki - Wechsler_Memory_Scale
Dragon Tales (1999 - 2005) - After moving into a new house, six-year-old Emmy and four-year-old Max discover a playroom with an enchanted dragon scale that transports them to a place called Dragon Land. Dragon Land is inhabited by colorful anthropomorphic dragons, four of which they quickly befriend. Max becomes friends with Or...
Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates (1990 - 1992) - This re-imagined look of the exploits of Peter Pan, Wendy and the Lost Boys against the forces of Captain Hook took on a larger scale which included more villains and new characters.
Will & Grace (1998 - 2006) - Now entering its eighth season, the Emmy Award-winning comedy series has remained one of television's highest-rated and most upscale comedies throughout its network run. For the 2004-05 television season, "Will & Grace" averaged a 4.5 rating, 12 share in adults 18-49 and 10.0 million viewers overall...
Project G.eeK.eR. (1996 - 1997) - Mister Moloch is the CEO of Moloch Industries, the giga-corporation which owns and operates most of the Earth (not to mention the moon, mars, and most of the more upscale parts of the asteroid belt). Moloch is one small step from world domination. And that's a step he's eager to take.
Popular (1999 - 2001) - Two girls who despise each other due to being on opposite sides of the popularity scale are forced together upon learning of their singles parents impending nuptials.
Monster Musume (2015 - 2015) - Three years ago, the world learned that harpies, centaurs, catgirls, and all manners of fabulous creatures are not merely fiction; they are flesh and blood - not to mention scale, feather, horn, and fang. Thanks to the "Cultural Exchange Between Species Act," these once-mythical creatures have assim...
Aesop World (1999 - Current) - an anime series by Sunrise Animation that aired on TV Tokyo.The series' characters include Pico, Tocho, and Fufu, three animals who aim to recover the mystical scales of a fish, Aesop - that way Aesop will be able to fly again.Three kids living in the Watermill Village were planning a picnic in the...
Star Trek: Generations(1994) - It is pure joy and peace traveling through the galaxy. It is a danger to reach claiming the lives of many who attempt to reach it. An obsessed man has found a way to reach it, if sacrfices the lives of millions. Picard must stop this crazed man willing to kill on a planetary scale. Picard finds...
Wild Wild West(1999) - Based upon CBS' primetime "sci-western" drama. Two 1870's government agents, James T. West (Will Smith) and Artemus Gordon (Kevin Kline), represent two opposite ends of the personality scale: West is a smooth-talking charmer and man of action who prefers to shoot first and ask questions much, much l...
Carbon Copy(1981) - Walter Whitney (George Segal) is an upscale executive with a good life on many fronts. Everything is thrown into disarray, though, when he meets the child he never knew he had, a young man named Roger Porter. That's already shocking, but even more shocking is that he's black (Porter is played by Den...
Light Sleeper(1992) - Paul Schrader's brilliant study of another alienated urban denizen skirting the borderline of madness stars Willem Dafoe as John Le Tour, a rich, upscale drug dealer for Manhattan professionals "White drugs for white people," as he puts it. John is a recovering addict and for him it's the perfect...
Death Race 2000(1975) - An automotive spectacle in which five costumed racers drive wacky race cars cross-country from New York to "New Los Angeles," scoring points with hit-and-run killings awarded on a sliding scale, with highest points for hitting children and the elderly! In addition to "Calamity Jane" (Mary Woronov),...
Reptilicus(1961) - A portion of the tail of a prehistoric reptile is discovered in Denmark. It regenerates into the entire reptile, which proceeds to destroy buildings and property and generally make a nuisance of itself. It can fly, swim, and walk, and has impenetrable scales, which makes it difficult to kill.
Four Christmases(2008) - When upscale, happily unmarried San Francisco couple Kate and Brad find themselves socked in by fog on Christmas morning, their exotic vacation plans morph into the family-centric holiday they had, until now, gleefully avoided. Out of obligation--and unable to escape--they trudge to not one, not two...
Hair Show(2004) - Peaches, a hair stylist from Baltimore, and her estranged sister, Angela, the owner of an upscale salon in Beverly Hills, get reacquainted when Peaches decides to attend a celebration for Angela in LA. The reunion is bittersweet and worsens when Angela finds out that Peaches is on the run from the I...
Working Girls(1986) - A day in the life of several prostitutes in an upscale Manhattan whore house. The film is a stark portrayal of the women prostitutes, the male customers and the motivations of both. Watch as the madam manipulates her "girls". Watch as she answers the phone by saying "Hello John, what's new and diffe... -- Action, Game, Adventure, Romance, Fantasy -- Comedy
Ant-Man (2015) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 57min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 17 July 2015 (USA) -- Armed with a super-suit with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, cat burglar Scott Lang must embrace his inner hero and help his mentor, Dr. Hank Pym, plan and pull off a heist that will save the world. Director: Peyton Reed Writers:
Clueless (1995) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy, Romance | 19 July 1995 (USA) -- Shallow, rich and socially successful Cher is at the top of her Beverly Hills high school's pecking scale. Seeing herself as a matchmaker, Cher first coaxes two teachers into dating each other. Director: Amy Heckerling Writer:
Dragon Tales ::: TV-Y | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (19992005) -- Two children find a dragonscale, and have fun socializing with dragons. Creators: Ron Rodecker, Wesley Eure, James Coane
Fawlty Towers ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (19751979) -- Hotel owner Basil Fawlty's incompetence, short fuse, and arrogance form a combination that ensures accidents and trouble are never far away. Stars: John Cleese, Prunella Scales, Andrew Sachs
Star Trek: Generations (1994) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 58min | Action, Adventure, Mystery | 18 November 1994 (USA) -- With the help of long presumed dead Captain Kirk, Captain Picard must stop a deranged scientist willing to murder on a planetary scale in order to enter a space matrix. Director: David Carson Writers:
Sword Art Online the Movie: Ordinal Scale (2017) ::: 7.4/10 -- Gekij-ban Sdo to Onrain: Sword Art Online - dinaru sukeru - -- TV-14 | 1h 59min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 18 February 2017 (Japan) Sword Art Online the Movie: Ordinal Scale Poster -- Kirito uncovers a conspiracy within Ordinal Scale, a popular AR game developed for a new system called The Augma. Director: Tomohiko It
The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965) ::: 6.6/10 -- G | 4h 20min | Biography, Drama, History | 9 April 1965 (UK) -- An all-star, large scale epic movie that chronicles the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Directors: George Stevens, David Lean (uncredited) | 1 more credit Writers: Fulton Oursler (book), Henry Denker (source writings) | 3 more
The Longest Day (1962) ::: 7.8/10 -- G | 2h 58min | Action, Drama, History | 4 October 1962 (USA) -- The events of D-Day, told on a grand scale from both the Allied and German points of view. Directors: Ken Annakin, Andrew Marton | 3 more credits Writers: Cornelius Ryan (screenplay), Cornelius Ryan (book) | 4 more credits
The Nile Hilton Incident (2017) ::: 6.8/10 -- Unrated | 1h 51min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 5 July 2017 (France) -- A maid witnesses a murder at an upscale hotel and a policeman is assigned to the case, but it soon becomes clear that important people don't want the case solved. Director: Tarik Saleh Writers:
Turtles Forever (2009) ::: 7.8/10 -- G | 1h 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Movie 21 November 2009 -- The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles meet their match -- Literally! The modern, gritty Ninja Turtles must team up with their classic cartoon counterparts to stop two Shredders and their plans of multi-dimensional scale. Directors: Roy Burdine, Lloyd Goldfine (co-director) Writers: Kevin Eastman (character), Peter Laird (character) | 3 more credits,_Brown's_House's_Journal's_Scales"Age_of_Scale"_(Quest_Starter)'Cenari's_Scaled_Companion's_Scale!'s_Maw_(Raid)"The_Age_of_Scale"_(House_Item)"The_Age_of_Scale"_(Quest)'s_Scale's_Scale's_Scale'ban's_Scale's_scale_of_cultures,_the_Playscale_Wiki,_the_Playscale_Wiki:Community_Portal's_Writ_-_Stonescale_Eel's_Cave
Akira (Shin Anime) -- -- Sunrise -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Supernatural Seinen -- Akira (Shin Anime) Akira (Shin Anime) -- A new anime adaptation for Otomo's highly acclaimed post-apocalyptic cyberpunk manga series Akira. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 12,362 N/A -- -- Plastic Little -- -- animate Film -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Ecchi Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi -- Plastic Little Plastic Little -- Set on the planet Yietta, whose colonists make their living by exploiting the planet's unique liquid-gas oceans, Plastic Little begins as the Yietans are finally about to pay off their debts to the Galactic Federation. Unfortunately, there are those who would rather not let Yietta slip through their fingers... -- -- Enter Tita, 17 year old captain of the Cha Cha Maru. Together with her crew, Tita specializes in capturing Yietta's exotic life forms for intergalactic pet shops, but through plain bad luck she finds herself, instead, at the core of a sinister plot to take over Yietta! By rescuing 16 year old Elysse from the very clutches of the military, Tita puts the lives of both herself and her crew in mortal peril... but a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do! -- -- As the plotters mobilize their forces in a desperate bid to retrieve Elysse, whom they believe possesses a vital computer code, Tita must play a dangerous game of tag with an entire army of professional killers! It's Cat and Mouse on a planetwide scale, with one crucial difference: Mice don't shoot back, but Tita's does! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Mar 21, 1994 -- 12,320 6.13
Battle Spirits: Shounen Gekiha Dan -- -- Sunrise -- 50 eps -- Card game -- Game Military Adventure Magic -- Battle Spirits: Shounen Gekiha Dan Battle Spirits: Shounen Gekiha Dan -- Dan Bashin is a spirited teenager known for his aggressive playstyle in the card game Battle Spirits, earning him the title of "Clash King." One day, a mysterious green-haired girl transports him to the otherworldly land of "Grand Rolo," where disputes are settled by card duels. -- -- Upon his arrival, Dan is immediately thrust into a conflict between the kingdom's imperial army and its oppressed natives. There, he learns that he is a prophetic warrior known as a "bearer of cores' light," chosen to save the land from its evil king. Accompanied by a young boy named Zungurii and the eccentric witch Magisa, Dan travels across Grand Rolo and encounters the other chosen warriors through card battles. -- -- With the name of the Clash King gaining fame throughout Grand Rolo, secrets that lurk within the shadows of the kingdom's colonial past begin to surface. Only time will tell if Dan's campaign will affect the world on a scale much larger than he ever could have imagined. -- -- TV - Sep 13, 2009 -- 2,620 6.96
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Mystery Super Power Supernatural -- Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple -- A large scale catastrophe is occurring across the planet. Ability users are discovered after the appearance of a mysterious fog, apparently having committed suicide, so the Armed Detective Agency sets out to investigate these mysterious deaths. The case seems to involve an unknown ability user referred to as "Collector," a man who could be the mastermind behind the incident. -- -- Trust and courage are put to the test in order to save the city of Yokohama and ability users across the world from the grip of Collector where the Armed Detective Agency forms an unlikely partnership with the dangerous Port Mafia. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll -- Movie - Mar 3, 2018 -- 150,291 7.86
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Mystery Super Power Supernatural -- Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple -- A large scale catastrophe is occurring across the planet. Ability users are discovered after the appearance of a mysterious fog, apparently having committed suicide, so the Armed Detective Agency sets out to investigate these mysterious deaths. The case seems to involve an unknown ability user referred to as "Collector," a man who could be the mastermind behind the incident. -- -- Trust and courage are put to the test in order to save the city of Yokohama and ability users across the world from the grip of Collector where the Armed Detective Agency forms an unlikely partnership with the dangerous Port Mafia. -- -- Movie - Mar 3, 2018 -- 150,291 7.86
Chiisai Sensuikan ni Koi wo Shita Dekasugiru Kujira no Hanashi -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Fantasy Military Kids -- Chiisai Sensuikan ni Koi wo Shita Dekasugiru Kujira no Hanashi Chiisai Sensuikan ni Koi wo Shita Dekasugiru Kujira no Hanashi -- The third film in Shin-Ei's series of annual WWII themed anime television movies for children "Sensou Douwa" (war story). -- Special - Aug 14, 2004 -- 272 N/A -- -- Rekkoku Rikugun -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military -- Rekkoku Rikugun Rekkoku Rikugun -- During a night of drinking Maru-san (Mr. Circle) and Sumi-san (Mr. Square) hear the armies parade of the world and talk to learn more about them on a global scale. In every aspect Japan's army was the smallest. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1932 -- 259 5.05
Date A Live -- -- AIC PLUS+ -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Romance Mecha School -- Date A Live Date A Live -- Thirty years ago, the Eurasian continent was devastated by a supermassive "spatial quake"—a phenomenon involving space vibrations of unknown origin—resulting in the deaths of over 150 million people. Since then, these quakes have been plaguing the world intermittently, albeit on a lighter scale. -- -- Shidou Itsuka is a seemingly average high school student who lives with his younger sister, Kotori. When an imminent spatial quake threatens the safety of Tengu City, he rushes to save her, only to be caught in the resulting eruption. He discovers a mysterious girl at its source, who is revealed to be a "Spirit," an otherworldly entity whose appearance triggers a spatial quake. Soon after, he becomes embroiled in a skirmish between the girl and the Anti-Spirit Team, a ruthless strike force with the goal of annihilating Spirits. -- -- However, there is a third party that believes in saving the spirits: "Ratatoskr," which surprisingly is commanded by Shidou's little sister! Kotori forcibly recruits Shidou after the clash, presenting to him an alternative method of dealing with the danger posed by the Spirits—make them fall in love with him. Now, the fate of the world rests on his dating prowess, as he seeks out Spirits in order to charm them. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 762,164 7.20
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka IV -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka IV Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka IV -- Fourth season of Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka. -- TV - ??? ??, 2022 -- 55,073 N/A -- -- Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- -- SILVER LINK. -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Magic Fantasy School -- Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- Second season of Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Kayou. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 55,065 N/A -- -- Tegamibachi Reverse -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Supernatural Fantasy Shounen -- Tegamibachi Reverse Tegamibachi Reverse -- After Niche carries the wounded and stunned Lag back to the Bee Hive, the Letter Bee finally begins to piece the puzzle together. Now he knows what's happened to Gauche, why the Marauders are so focused on stealing mail and the actual intent of the group controlling both, Reverse. However, when he's forbidden to reveal the truth, Lag is soon forced out of the artificial sunlight and back into the world of perpetual night. And soon Reverse's plot to take down the Letter Bees and overthrow the Amberground government begins to accelerate. If things weren't already bad enough, the giant insect creatures called gaichuu are apparently evolving into something new; there may be traitors working within the Hive; and Niche's sister, who's definitely not human friendly, shows up to turn family drama into a full-scale siege! It all spells serious trouble for the Letter Bees, but if anyone can weather the storms and gloom of night, Lag and his team are the ones who'll deliver. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 55,008 7.77
Element Hunters -- -- Heewon Entertainment, NHK Enterprises -- 39 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Shounen -- Element Hunters Element Hunters -- In 2029, a large scale ground sinkage occurred in the Mediterranean Sea. Chemical elements such as oxygen, carbon, gold, molybdenum, and cobalt disappeared from the earth's crust suddenly. The human population was decreased by 90% in sixty years. Researchers found out that the disappeared elements were drained into a planet "Nega Earth", located in another dimension. To save the Earth, a special team called the "Element Hunters" is organized. All of the members are under 13 years old, because young and flexible brains are needed to access "Nega Earth". -- 12,090 6.64
Evangelion: Another Impact (VR) -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi -- Evangelion: Another Impact (VR) Evangelion: Another Impact (VR) -- The all-consuming sense of scale of "evangelion: Another Impact (Confidential)", which was released in the 2015 Japan Anima(tor)'s Exhibition, gets retouched upon in all new short VR movie. -- -- ​Another time, another place. An activation test of a decisive weapon was underway. With its development and operational trials shrouded in complete secrecy, the Another Number - Unit Null, suddenly breaks free of human control and goes berserk. -- -- ​For what purpose was Another Number - Unit Null created? -- -- ​The story of an Evangelion's activation, rampage and howling in another world... -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- Movie - Jul 2, 2018 -- 11,235 6.42
Fuyu no Semi -- -- Venet -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Drama Historical Romance Samurai Yaoi -- Fuyu no Semi Fuyu no Semi -- If time did not allow ordinary things to be ordinary. How would you have lived? -- -- It is the Bakumatsu and early Meiji Period. Akizuki Keiichirou and Kusaka Touma stand of opposite sides of the political scale of the time but still, something as fragile as the shell of a cicada binds these two men together in a tragic and cruel fate. A story of friendship, love and seperation as well as reunion and sacrifice. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Kitty Media, Media Blasters -- OVA - Feb 23, 2007 -- 18,544 7.51
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden (1999) -- -- Artland -- 28 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden (1999) Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden (1999) -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden (1999) is the second of two OVA adaptations of side stories from the Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu novel series. This second adaptation follows the achievements of Yang Wen-li of the Free Planets Alliance before the fateful Battle of Astarte, and continues the tales of Reinhard von Müsel and Siegfried Kircheis of the Galactic Empire. -- -- Spiral Labyrinth -- Yang is propelled to the spotlight after his famous evacuation of civilians from El Facil. Following an unofficial double promotion and a flurry of media attention, he chronicles his research of the Year 730 Mafia—a close-knit group of Alliance military officers centered around the famed tactician Bruce Ashbey. He investigates a startling claim by Ashbey's deceased widow that may have enormous political ramifications: that the great war hero was not killed in action but murdered. -- -- The Mutineer -- Reinhard and Kircheis are posted on the destroyer Hameln II, docked at Iserlohn Fortress. After gaining the respect of the crew, Reinhard's leadership is tested when the captain is severely wounded and passes command authority to Reinhard, the next-highest ranking officer on deck. -- -- The Duelist -- While Reinhard and Kircheis are working in the Imperial capital Odin, Reinhard learns of a mining rights dispute involving Dorothea von Schaffhausen, a friend of his sister Annerose von Grünewald. Upon hearing that Count Herxheimer intends to settle the matter with a duel, Reinhard volunteers to represent the Schaffhausen family. -- -- The Retriever -- After falling out of favor with the nobility, Count Herxheimer is trying to escape to the Free Planets Alliance with a stolen Seffle particle generator prototype. Reinhard is tasked with retrieving both the prototype and the defector, but is only assigned the cruiser Hässliche Entlein due to the confidential nature of the mission. -- -- The Third Battle of Tiamat -- To commemorate the 30th year of the reign of Kaiser Friedrich IV, the Empire announces a large-scale military campaign against the Free Planets Alliance. In the ensuing clash between the Imperial expeditionary force and three Alliance fleets, Reinhard's timely intervention shapes the tides of war. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Dec 24, 1999 -- 16,215 8.08
Iwa Kakeru!: Sport Climbing Girls -- -- Blade -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Sports School -- Iwa Kakeru!: Sport Climbing Girls Iwa Kakeru!: Sport Climbing Girls -- Video games, especially puzzle games, were always at the center of Konomi Kasahara's life. However, upon entering Hanamiya High School, she decides to break away from this lifestyle. As Konomi wanders the halls in search of a new activity to engage herself in, she stumbles upon a gigantic wall owned by the school's rock climbing team. Fascinated, she attempts to scale the wall, discovering that she can use her puzzle-solving skills to help her reach the top. -- -- Certain that she has found her calling, Konomi immediately joins the club. As she strives to improve her climbing skills, Konomi, alongside the rest of the Hanamiya Climbing Team, will learn what it truly means to be a "sports climber" and work to achieve victory in the upcoming competitions. -- -- 64,490 6.48
Kagaku Kyuujo-tai TechnoVoyager -- -- Toei Animation -- 18 eps -- - -- Action Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Kagaku Kyuujo-tai TechnoVoyager Kagaku Kyuujo-tai TechnoVoyager -- Thunderbirds 2086 takes place roughly twenty years after the original series (generally accepted as taking place around 2065, though other dates are seen on screen) and chronicles the adventures of the Thunderbirds, a rescue team working for the International Rescue Organisation. Unlike the original International Rescue, which was small-scale and family-oriented, the IRO is a vast organisation comprising numerous branches and overseen by the Federation, the 2086 equivalent of the United Nations. No direct historical connections are identified between the two series, but it can be assumed that the original International Rescue evolved into its 2086 incarnation over those thirty years. The Tracy family are not mentioned in the animated series. In the animated series, the actual team is known as the Thunderbirds, whilst in the original series the name merely referred to their vehicles. The animated series is otherwise very similar to the original, with most episodes revolving around a natural or man-made disaster which the Thunderbirds team must investigate and help resolve. Unlike the original series, Thunderbirds 2086 also has an on-going story arc revolving around a breakaway independence group known as the Shadow Axis, led by the mysterious Star Crusher. There is a heavy intimation in the series that Star Crusher is not human and may be some kind of alien entity. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 829 6.07
Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen) -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Romance Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen) Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen) -- In the winter of 1995, Mikiya Kokutou passes a young woman during a late night stroll in the snow. Clad in a striking white kimono and bearing an enigmatic gaze, Shiki Ryougi smiles at Mikiya who stares back with curiosity. Later that spring, Mikiya notices Shiki at his high school entrance ceremony, and they become acquaintances through lunchtime conversations. As Shiki begins opening up to him, Mikiya learns about her unique upbringing. -- -- Meanwhile, a series of unprecedented murders takes place across Mifune City. Seemingly related, these murders are particularly brutal and warrant a large scale police investigation. Because of his cousin's work as a police investigator, Mikiya is given insight into the investigation. Concerned for Shiki's safety, Mikiya decides to monitor her actions, but in doing so, he stumbles upon a truly frightening discovery that changes his life forever. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Dec 29, 2007 -- 195,099 7.84
Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen) -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Romance Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen) Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen) -- In the winter of 1995, Mikiya Kokutou passes a young woman during a late night stroll in the snow. Clad in a striking white kimono and bearing an enigmatic gaze, Shiki Ryougi smiles at Mikiya who stares back with curiosity. Later that spring, Mikiya notices Shiki at his high school entrance ceremony, and they become acquaintances through lunchtime conversations. As Shiki begins opening up to him, Mikiya learns about her unique upbringing. -- -- Meanwhile, a series of unprecedented murders takes place across Mifune City. Seemingly related, these murders are particularly brutal and warrant a large scale police investigation. Because of his cousin's work as a police investigator, Mikiya is given insight into the investigation. Concerned for Shiki's safety, Mikiya decides to monitor her actions, but in doing so, he stumbles upon a truly frightening discovery that changes his life forever. -- -- Movie - Dec 29, 2007 -- 195,099 7.84
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- -- SILVER LINK. -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Magic Fantasy School -- Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- Second season of Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Kayou. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 55,065 N/A -- -- Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai -- In recent years, problems regarding atmospheric instability have greatly burdened the Hyland Kingdom, affecting the quality of crops and the citizens' health across the region. One day, the people of Guriel discover an eerie cloud of mist hovering over their town; its severity captures the attention of royal princess Alisha Diphda. -- -- She sends her subordinate Crem to investigate the situation, but receives no news from her for two weeks. Worried for Crem's safety, Alisha departs for Guriel herself with her attendants in tow. What awaits them there, however, is an issue of unprecedented scale. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Jul 3, 2016 -- 54,784 7.26
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team -- -- Sunrise -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi -- Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team -- In year 0079 of the Universal Century, the Earth Federation initiates Operation Odessa—a full-scale assault to retake a major Ukrainian city from the Principality of Zeon. It is a success, and the remaining Zeon forces scatter across the globe. The Earth Federation gains the upper hand in the One Year War and deploys its ground troops around the planet to hunt down the stragglers. -- -- As part of the deployments, Ensign Shiro Amada is transferred to Southeast Asia to take command of the 08th MS Team—a special squadron of RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type pilots. In their first guerilla operation, Shiro's team is tasked with distracting the Zeon forces while Federation ground troops locate a mysterious new Zeon weapon. Everything goes according to plan until Shiro runs into Aina Sahalin, an ace Zeon pilot he met in an earlier battle, during a skirmish. Their reunion weakens his resolve to continue fighting, and now the young commander Shiro must prove his loyalty to the Federation—or be branded a traitor. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- OVA - Jan 25, 1996 -- 64,230 8.03
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team -- -- Sunrise -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi -- Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team -- In year 0079 of the Universal Century, the Earth Federation initiates Operation Odessa—a full-scale assault to retake a major Ukrainian city from the Principality of Zeon. It is a success, and the remaining Zeon forces scatter across the globe. The Earth Federation gains the upper hand in the One Year War and deploys its ground troops around the planet to hunt down the stragglers. -- -- As part of the deployments, Ensign Shiro Amada is transferred to Southeast Asia to take command of the 08th MS Team—a special squadron of RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type pilots. In their first guerilla operation, Shiro's team is tasked with distracting the Zeon forces while Federation ground troops locate a mysterious new Zeon weapon. Everything goes according to plan until Shiro runs into Aina Sahalin, an ace Zeon pilot he met in an earlier battle, during a skirmish. Their reunion weakens his resolve to continue fighting, and now the young commander Shiro must prove his loyalty to the Federation—or be branded a traitor. -- -- OVA - Jan 25, 1996 -- 64,230 8.03
Mo Ri Shu Guang -- -- Dawn Animation -- 20 eps -- Novel -- Action Horror Psychological Supernatural Thriller Shounen Ai -- Mo Ri Shu Guang Mo Ri Shu Guang -- In the year of 2013, the tide of zombies outbreak exploded in everyone's homeland, humanity launches a large-scale battle in the endless nights awaiting for the arrival of the dawn. -- -- The end is approaching, is there going to be a way out for them? -- Their faiths were shattered into pieces and buried in ashes in the raging fire. But within the blazing fire, a newborn hope arise once again. -- -- (Source: polarbearadise) -- ONA - May 20, 2018 -- 3,851 6.19
Pachislo Kizoku Gin -- -- Actas -- 23 eps -- - -- Action Game -- Pachislo Kizoku Gin Pachislo Kizoku Gin -- Ginya Otonashi is a college dropout who works part-time for a pachislot publishing company while aspiring to become a novelist. One day, Ginya comes across a secret organization and gets pulled into a competition to become #1 in "Pachi Battle," which is all a part of the Slotseum, a pachislot competition. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 11, 2001 -- 644 N/A -- -- Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy Game -- Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys -- This was an animated promotional video that Falcom commissioned for Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys game for PC Engine, to shop around to various production houses. This was done in hopes of getting it made into a full-scale animated series/movie/etc., but it never panned out. -- -- (Source: You Tube) -- Special - ??? ??, 1993 -- 630 5.78
Plastic Little -- -- animate Film -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Ecchi Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi -- Plastic Little Plastic Little -- Set on the planet Yietta, whose colonists make their living by exploiting the planet's unique liquid-gas oceans, Plastic Little begins as the Yietans are finally about to pay off their debts to the Galactic Federation. Unfortunately, there are those who would rather not let Yietta slip through their fingers... -- -- Enter Tita, 17 year old captain of the Cha Cha Maru. Together with her crew, Tita specializes in capturing Yietta's exotic life forms for intergalactic pet shops, but through plain bad luck she finds herself, instead, at the core of a sinister plot to take over Yietta! By rescuing 16 year old Elysse from the very clutches of the military, Tita puts the lives of both herself and her crew in mortal peril... but a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do! -- -- As the plotters mobilize their forces in a desperate bid to retrieve Elysse, whom they believe possesses a vital computer code, Tita must play a dangerous game of tag with an entire army of professional killers! It's Cat and Mouse on a planetwide scale, with one crucial difference: Mice don't shoot back, but Tita's does! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Mar 21, 1994 -- 12,320 6.13
Psycho-Pass 3 -- -- Production I.G -- 8 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Police Psychological -- Psycho-Pass 3 Psycho-Pass 3 -- Thanks to the Sibyl System, the mental states of society can now be measured on a numerical scale. Using these "crime coefficients," a culprit can be apprehended before they ever commit a crime. But is it a perfect system? For Inspectors Kei Mikhail Ignatov and Arata Shindou, that remains to be seen, as their career with the Public Safety Bureau's Crime Investigation Department has only just begun. -- -- Shindou and Ignatov are assigned to investigate the crash of a ship carrying immigrants, but they begin to suspect that it was no mere accident. Meanwhile, a mysterious group called Bifrost is observing them from the shadows, but they aren't the only ones who have taken an interest in the two new Inspectors... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 185,748 7.52
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Shin Kyoto-hen -- -- Studio Deen -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Samurai Historical Drama Shounen -- Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Shin Kyoto-hen Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Shin Kyoto-hen -- A large scale remake of the time after Kenshin leaves Tokyo up until before the inferno of Kyoto. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Dec 17, 2011 -- 22,883 7.11
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Shin Kyoto-hen -- -- Studio Deen -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Samurai Historical Drama Shounen -- Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Shin Kyoto-hen Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Shin Kyoto-hen -- A large scale remake of the time after Kenshin leaves Tokyo up until before the inferno of Kyoto. -- OVA - Dec 17, 2011 -- 22,883 7.11
Seikai no Monshou -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Romance -- Seikai no Monshou Seikai no Monshou -- In the distant future, humanity is under attack by the Abh Empire, a race of advanced humanoid beings possessing vastly superior technology. As countless worlds fall to the Abh, mankind establishes the Four Nations Alliance—a resistance faction made up of the United Mankind, the Republic of Greater Alcont, the Federation of Hania, and the People's Sovereign of Union Planets. -- -- Seikai no Monshou tells the story of Jinto Linn. When he was young, his father—the president of Martine—sold their world in exchange for a high position in the empire. Now a young count, Jinto must learn the ways of Abh nobility and live among those who subjugated his people. Helping him is Lafiel Abriel, an austere Abh princess whom Jinto quickly befriends. While traveling to Jinto's new school in the Abh homeland, their ship is caught in a violent space battle between the fleets of the Alliance and the Abh. Jinto and Abriel are thrust into the conflict, unaware that this skirmish marks the beginning of a full-scale war between the Abh Empire and mankind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- TV - Jan 3, 1999 -- 43,547 7.69
Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica -- -- Ginga Ya -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Fantasy Music Romance School -- Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica -- Phoron Tatara's no ordinary musician. As one of the rare Dantists who can summon elder spirits using music called Commandia, his gift is so strong that his spirit partner is none other than the infamous Corticarte Apa Lagranges. Sure, she may look like a young girl in her human form, but you don't get nicknames like "The Crimson Annihilator" and "The Bloody Duchess" for sitting back and watching the daisies grow. -- -- Now, at the behest of the Tsuge Divine Music Player Office, this dynamic duet travels the continent of Polyphonica on Phoron's combination motorcycle/organ, following the song of the open road, orchestrating rescues and generally fixing whatever's baroque! Some musicians wait for a muse to hit them, but Phoron makes his work for scale! -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 4, 2007 -- 29,276 6.84
Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica -- -- Ginga Ya -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Fantasy Music Romance School -- Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica -- Phoron Tatara's no ordinary musician. As one of the rare Dantists who can summon elder spirits using music called Commandia, his gift is so strong that his spirit partner is none other than the infamous Corticarte Apa Lagranges. Sure, she may look like a young girl in her human form, but you don't get nicknames like "The Crimson Annihilator" and "The Bloody Duchess" for sitting back and watching the daisies grow. -- -- Now, at the behest of the Tsuge Divine Music Player Office, this dynamic duet travels the continent of Polyphonica on Phoron's combination motorcycle/organ, following the song of the open road, orchestrating rescues and generally fixing whatever's baroque! Some musicians wait for a muse to hit them, but Phoron makes his work for scale! -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- TV - Apr 4, 2007 -- 29,276 6.84
Sword Art Online Movie: Ordinal Scale -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online Movie: Ordinal Scale Sword Art Online Movie: Ordinal Scale -- In 2026, four years after the infamous Sword Art Online incident, a revolutionary new form of technology has emerged: the Augma, a device that utilizes an Augmented Reality system. Unlike the Virtual Reality of the NerveGear and the Amusphere, it is perfectly safe and allows players to use it while they are conscious, creating an instant hit on the market. The most popular application for the Augma is the game Ordinal Scale, which immerses players in a fantasy role-playing game with player rankings and rewards. -- -- Following the new craze, Kirito's friends dive into the game, and despite his reservations about the system, Kirito eventually joins them. While at first it appears to be just fun and games, they soon find out that the game is not all that it seems... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Feb 18, 2017 -- 540,159 7.61
Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai -- In recent years, problems regarding atmospheric instability have greatly burdened the Hyland Kingdom, affecting the quality of crops and the citizens' health across the region. One day, the people of Guriel discover an eerie cloud of mist hovering over their town; its severity captures the attention of royal princess Alisha Diphda. -- -- She sends her subordinate Crem to investigate the situation, but receives no news from her for two weeks. Worried for Crem's safety, Alisha departs for Guriel herself with her attendants in tow. What awaits them there, however, is an issue of unprecedented scale. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Jul 3, 2016 -- 54,675 7.26
Tegamibachi Reverse -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Supernatural Fantasy Shounen -- Tegamibachi Reverse Tegamibachi Reverse -- After Niche carries the wounded and stunned Lag back to the Bee Hive, the Letter Bee finally begins to piece the puzzle together. Now he knows what's happened to Gauche, why the Marauders are so focused on stealing mail and the actual intent of the group controlling both, Reverse. However, when he's forbidden to reveal the truth, Lag is soon forced out of the artificial sunlight and back into the world of perpetual night. And soon Reverse's plot to take down the Letter Bees and overthrow the Amberground government begins to accelerate. If things weren't already bad enough, the giant insect creatures called gaichuu are apparently evolving into something new; there may be traitors working within the Hive; and Niche's sister, who's definitely not human friendly, shows up to turn family drama into a full-scale siege! It all spells serious trouble for the Letter Bees, but if anyone can weather the storms and gloom of night, Lag and his team are the ones who'll deliver. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- 55,008 7.77
Tegamibachi Reverse -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Supernatural Fantasy Shounen -- Tegamibachi Reverse Tegamibachi Reverse -- After Niche carries the wounded and stunned Lag back to the Bee Hive, the Letter Bee finally begins to piece the puzzle together. Now he knows what's happened to Gauche, why the Marauders are so focused on stealing mail and the actual intent of the group controlling both, Reverse. However, when he's forbidden to reveal the truth, Lag is soon forced out of the artificial sunlight and back into the world of perpetual night. And soon Reverse's plot to take down the Letter Bees and overthrow the Amberground government begins to accelerate. If things weren't already bad enough, the giant insect creatures called gaichuu are apparently evolving into something new; there may be traitors working within the Hive; and Niche's sister, who's definitely not human friendly, shows up to turn family drama into a full-scale siege! It all spells serious trouble for the Letter Bees, but if anyone can weather the storms and gloom of night, Lag and his team are the ones who'll deliver. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 55,008 7.77
Toaru Majutsu no Index II -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Magic Sci-Fi Super Power -- Toaru Majutsu no Index II Toaru Majutsu no Index II -- As tensions between the world of magic and Academy City continues to rise, Touma Kamijou and his hand of negation must face off against both esper and magician in order to protect the lives of those around him. Of course, he is not alone in his fight; whether by his side or out of sight, allies and enemies both old and new will enter the fray to help him. -- -- Toaru Majutsu no Index II continues the story of action and comedy, as the scale of Touma and his allies' battle grows ever larger. A conflict is slowly brewing on the horizon, and magic and science will cross paths once again in the war to come. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 379,139 7.59
Words Worth -- -- Arms -- 5 eps -- Visual novel -- Adventure Hentai Demons Magic Fantasy -- Words Worth Words Worth -- The legend has survived for generation. The Words Worth tablet, which will unlock the secrets of the Universe for the one who can decipher it, has been shattered. The warring tribes of Light and Shadow blame each other, and their accusations lead to all out war! -- -- Astral, the undisciplined heir to the throne of the Shadow Forces, lusts for his bride-to-be, Sharon. But Sharon, an accomplished warrior herself, feels her body drawn toward Caesar, the Shadow Tribe`s bravest swordsman. -- -- Sharon battles alongside Caesar during an assault by the Light Forces, and her ferocious beauty captivates Sir Fabris, the leader of the Tribe of Light. Fabris` army loses the battle, but he vows that he will one day get Sharon into his bed, the hard way, if necessary. -- -- Meanwhile, Astral takes his sexual frustrations out on Maria, a Light Tribe sorceress who has been taken captive. As Astral penetrates Maria, Sir Fabris prepares to launch a penetration of his own: a full-scale attack on the Tribe of Shadow! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- NuTech Digital -- OVA - Aug 25, 1999 -- 7,567 6.75,_WITHOUT_SCALE_-_Poplar_Hill,_Privy,_7606_Woodyard_Road,_Clinton,_Prince_George's_County,_MD_HABS_MD,17-ROSVI.V,1A-7.tif;_relating_events_in_the_poet's_history,_names_associated_with_his_life_and_writings,_a_concise_bibliography,_and_a_record_of_Burns_relics_(IA_burnscalendarman00mkierich).pdf'_Scale.png
1:12 scale
1:144 scale
1:18 scale
1:18 scale diecast
1:24 scale
1:285 scale
1:32 scale
1:350 scale
1:35 scale
1:43 scale
1:48 scale
1:500 scale
1:50 scale
1:600 scale
1:64 scale
16 mm scale
1:6 scale modeling
1:700 scale
1:72 scale
2020 Indonesia large-scale social restrictions
2 mm scale
3 mm scale
4 mm scale
5.5 mm scale
6.9 on the Richter Scale
7.5 on the Richter Scale
7 mm scale
833 cents scale
A12 scale
Aaron Summerscale
Abbreviated Injury Scale
ABEC scale
Absolute temperature scale
Acoustic scale
ADHD rating scale
Aeolian dominant scale
Aerial Regional-scale Environmental Survey
A Flea on the Scales
Akaa Solar System Scale Model
Akebono scale
Alberto Pascaleo
Alessio Ascalesi
Alfonso de Ceballos-Escalera y Gila
Alfred Moore Scales
Allport's Scale
ALS Functional Rating Scale - Revised
Altered scale
Anal scale
Anhemitonic scale
Antoniadi scale
Applebay GA-111 Mescalero
Arabic scale
Archibald Scales
Arethaea mescalero
Ascalenia acaciella
Ascalenia archaica
Ascalenia bifasciella
Ascalenia crypsiloga
Ascalenia echidnias
Ascalenia epicrypta
Ascalenia exodroma
Ascalenia icriota
Ascalenia isotacta
Ascalenia jerichoella
Ascalenia kabulella
Ascalenia melanogastra
Ascalenia molifera
Ascalenia nudicornis
Ascalenia pachnodes
Ascalenia pancrypta
Ascalenia plumbata
Ascalenia pulverata
Ascalenia semnostola
Ascalenia spermatica
Ascalenia staurocentra
Ascalenia thoracista
Ascalenia unifasciella
Ascalenia vanella
Ascalenia vanelloides
A Science on the Scales
A Spectrum of Finite Scale
A Spectrum of Infinite Scale
Athens insomnia scale
Australian Pay and Classification Scales
Australian Small Scale Offerings Board
Ballantine scale
Barahona big-scaled sphaero
Bark scale
Baron Scales
Barratt Impulsiveness Scale
Barthel scale
Batchelor scale
Baum scale
Bayley Scales of Infant Development
BBCH-scale (Musaceae)
Beaufort scale
Bebop scale
Beck Hopelessness Scale
Behaviorally anchored rating scales
Beln Scalella
Benjamin scale
Bennett scale
Big scale archerfish
Big-scaled blind snake
Big-scaled redfin
Bigscale logperch
Big-scale pomfret
Big-scale sand smelt
Bill Summerscales
Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale
Black roughscale catshark
Blantyre coma scale
Blood on the Scales
Bogardus social distance scale
BohlenPierce scale
Bortle scale
Brad Parscale
Braille scale
Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale
Brinell scale
Bristol Activities of Daily Living Scale
Bristol stool scale
Calliostoma scalenum
Cambridge English Scale
Carlos Escaleras
Castello di Roccascalegna
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale
Center for Nanoscale Materials
Center for Probing the Nanoscale
Cereal growth staging scales
Cessna T-41 Mescalero
Childhood Autism Rating Scale
Child Mania Rating Scale
Children's Global Assessment Scale
China seismic intensity scale
Chip-scale atomic clock
Chip-scale package
Chord-scale system
Chris Scalena
Chromatic scale
Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale
Cliff Clinkscales
Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale
Color Quality Scale
Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale
Common rough-scaled lizard
Common scale-backed antbird
Common tone (scale)
Comoran fish scale gecko
Confdration Fiscale Europenne
Conflict tactics scale
Conners Comprehensive Behaviour Rating Scale
Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale
Cook-Medley hostility scale
Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies
CooperHarper rating scale
COPINE scale
Danjon scale
Decade (log scale)
Decatonic scale
Delisle scale
Dell EMC ScaleIO
Dense-scale lantern shark
Derek P. Scales
Deutsch's scale illusion
Dialing scales
Diatonic scale
Differential Emotions Scale
Dimensional Obsessive-Compulsive Scale
Disability Rating Scale
Diseconomies of scale
Disruptive Behavior Disorders Rating Scale
Dominant scale
Dorcadion unidiscale
Dorian 2 scale
Dorsal scales
Double harmonic scale
Douglas sea scale
Doug Scale
Dynamical time scale
Economies of scale
ECTS grading scale
Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Dementia Scale
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
Edith Marion Scales
Edward Woodville, Lord Scales
Electroweak scale
Elizabeth Scales, 8th Baroness Scales
Engel scale
Enhanced Fujita scale
Enharmonic scale
Enigmatic scale
Environmental Seismic Intensity scale
Epworth Sleepiness Scale
Ernesto De Pascale
Escale Ch'tiland
Escalera's bat
Ester Vilarrubla Escales
European macroseismic scale
Exascale computing
Expanded Disability Status Scale
Expanded Graded Intergenerational Disruption Scale (EGIDS)
Family Environment Scale
Famine scales
Fares Scale of Injuries due to Cluster Munitions
Federico O. Escaler
Figure rating scale
Finescale dace
Finescale razorbelly minnow
Finescale standard
FischerSaller scale
Fish scale
Fitzpatrick scale
Flora Scales
Florida Cognitive Activities Scale
Francisco Garca Escalero
Freescale 683XX
Freescale DragonBall
Freescale RS08
Freescale Semiconductor
French catheter scale
Frontal scale
F scale
F-scale (personality test)
Fujita scale
Full Scale
Full scale
Full Scale Assault
Full-Scale Wind Tunnel
Gary Scalese
Generalized additive model for location, scale and shape
General Schedule (US civil service pay scale)
Geologic time scale
George Scales
Gifted Rating Scales
Gilliam Asperger's disorder scale
Glasgow Coma Scale
Glasgow Outcome Scale
Global Environmental Multiscale Model
Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk
Glossary of industrial scales and weighing
Grayscale (band)
G scale
Guttman scale
Gypsy scale
Half diminished scale
Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale
HamiltonNorwood scale
Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression
Hardness scales
Harmonic major scale
Harmonic scale
Harry Partch's 43-tone scale
Helen Scales
Heptatonic scale
Hexatonic scale
Highscale shiner
Hilda Esthela Flores Escalera
Hirajshi scale
Hoehn and Yahr scale
Holmes and Rahe stress scale
HoppWoods scale
HO scale
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale
Hounsfield scale
Human scale
Hungarian minor scale
Hunt and Hess scale
Hydrophobicity scales
Hyperscale computing
IBM Scale-out File Services
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications
ILR scale
Insen scale
Intel Tera-Scale
Internasal scales
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering
International Nuclear Event Scale
International Society for Nanoscale Science, Computation, and Engineering
International Temperature Scale of 1990
Interorbital scales
In the Grayscale
Iskul Bukol 20 Years After: The Ungasis and Escaleras Adventure
Istrian scale
Iwato scale
Jadad scale
James Barriscale
James Clinkscales Hill
James R Scales Fine Arts Center
Japan Meteorological Agency seismic intensity scale
Jazz scale
Joe Strummer & the Mescaleros: The Hellcat Years
John Anderson (Cal Scale)
John Scale
John Scales
Jonathan Scales
Jos Nicols de la Escalera
Junius Scales
Kardashev scale
Kinsey scale
Klamath largescale sucker
Klamath smallscale sucker
Kolmogorov microscales
Kutcher Adolescent Depression Scale
Labial scale
Lacunal scales
Lacunolabial scale
La Escalera tree frog
Landscape-scale conservation
Large-scale brain networks
Large scale chemical synthesis in Poland
Large-scale coastal behaviour
Large-scale Complex IT Systems
Large Scale Concept Ontology for Multimedia
Large-scaled banded gecko
Large-scaled mosaic-tailed rat
Largescaled rasbora
Large-scale grass lizard
Large-scale learning assessments
Large-scale macroeconometric model
Largescale mullet
Largescale pupfish
Large-scale righteye flounder
Largescale silver carp
Largescale stoneroller
Large-scale structure
Largescale sucker
Large-scale whiting
Largescale yellowfish
Largest-scale trends in evolution
Laura Scales
Laurretta Summerscales
Lavangi (scale)
Leafscale gulper shark
Leiden scale
Leiter International Performance Scale
Length scale
Libra Scale
Liebowitz social anxiety scale
Likert scale
Linear scale
List of diagnostic classification and rating scales used in psychiatry
List of large-scale temperature reconstructions of the last 2,000 years
List of musical scales and modes
List of Northeast Snowfall Impact Scale winter storms
List of rail transport modelling scale standards
List of scale-model industry people
List of scale model sizes
List of semiconductor scale examples
Little-scaled least gecko
Locationscale family
Location testing for Gaussian scale mixture distributions
Logarithmic scale
Log scaler
Long and short scales
Lorraine Pascale
Lour Escale (arrondissement)
Luggage scale
Lunar geologic timescale
Lydian augmented scale
Macroscopic scale
Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
Major Locrian scale
Major scale
Many-scaled cylindrical skink
Many-scaled gecko
Mardy Scales
MarloweCrowne Social Desirability Scale
MartinSchultz scale
McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities
Mean absolute scaled error
MedvedevSponheuerKarnik scale
Megascale engineering
Mel scale
Mental scale
Mescalero Apache Tribe v. Jones
Mescalero-Chiricahua language
Mescalero, New Mexico
Mescalero Ridge
Mesh (scale)
Meshscaled topminnow
Mesoscale convective complex
Mesoscale convective system
Mesoscale discussion
Mesoscale manufacturing
Mesoscale meteorology
Michael G. Scales
Microscale chemistry
Microscale (disambiguation)
Microscale metamaterials
Microscale meteorology
Microscale thermophoresis
Microscopic scale
Mid Atlantic Terascale Partnership
Mill scale
Minimum efficient scale
Minor Scale
Minor scale
Misin Tierras Fiscales
Misoscale meteorology
Model for Prediction Across Scales
Modified Ashworth scale
Modified Mercalli intensity scale
Modified Rankin Scale
Mohs scale of mineral hardness
Mokken scale
Molecular scale electronics
Molecular-scale temperature
Moment magnitude scale
Monotonic scale
sberg Depression Rating Scale
Multiple-scale analysis
Multi-scale camouflage
Multiscale decision-making
Multiscale European Soil Information System
Multi-scale fingerboard
Multiscale modeling
Multi-Scale Multidisciplinary Modeling of Electronic Materials Collaborative Research Alliance
Multiscale tomography
Multiscale turbulence
Nanoscale (journal)
Nanoscale plasmonic motor
Nanoscale Research Letters
Nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry
Nanoscale vacuum-channel transistor
Nanoscopic scale
Nasal scale
Nasorostral scale
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
Natural scale
Neapolitan scale
Needlegun scaler
NewcastleOttawa scale
New Mexico v. Mescalero Apache Tribe
New Zealand geologic time scale
Nine on a Ten Scale
Northeast Snowfall Impact Scale
Not to Scale
N scale
Nuclear timescale
NuScale Power
Nutrition scale
Observatory for Heteroscale Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
Occipital scales
Octatonic scale
Ocular scales
Oechsle scale
Oilfield scale inhibition
On-board scale
Onsimo Mariscales
OPALS (Ogren Plant Allergy Scale)
O scale
Ottawa Bowel Preparation Scale
Paediatric Glasgow Coma Scale
Pain Catastrophizing Scale
Pain scale
Palermo Technical Impact Hazard Scale
Panic and Agoraphobia Scale
Paraventral scales
Parietal scales
Pascale Bercovitch
Pascale Bruderer
Pascale Bussires
Pascale Cossart
Pascale di Cagliari
Pascale Dorcelus
Pascale Ducong
Pascale Fontenel-Personne
Pascale Fung
Pascale Gudot
Pascale Jeuland
Pascale Marthine Tayou
Pascale Paradis
Pascale Petit
Pascale Petit (actress)
Pascale Picard Band
Pascale Sourisse
Pascale Trinquet
Patrick Scales
Patterning by etching at the nanoscale
Pay scale
Pearlscale butterflyfish
Pentatonic scale
Periodontal scaler
Persian scale
Petascale computing
PHIVOLCS Earthquake Intensity Scale
Phrygian dominant scale
Portal:Tropical cyclones/Featured article/Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale
Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale
Power Scale
Prader scale
Prefrontal scales
Preventral scales
Provisional Low Temperature Scale of 2000
Prunella Scales
Pseudotelphusa scalella
Pt/Co scale
Ptolemy's intense diatonic scale
PTSD Symptom Scale Self-Report Version
Quality of well-being scale
Quantum Experiments at Space Scale
Rail transport modelling scales
Ralph Francis Scalera
Rancho Los Amigos Scale
Rankine scale
Rating scales for depression
Raumur scale
Reptile scale
Resource-based relative value scale
Returns to scale
Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales
Ribes mescalerium
Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale
Richter magnitude scale
Riddle scale
Ridge scaled rattail
Ritsu and ryo scales
Ritvo Autism and Asperger Diagnostic Scale
Robert H. Scales
Robert Scales, 1st Baron Scales
Robert Scales, 2nd Baron Scales
Robert Scales, 3rd Baron Scales
Robert Scales, 5th Baron Scales
Robert Scales, 6th Baron Scales
Robust measures of scale
Rockwell scale
Rodolfo Escalera
Roger Scales, 4th Baron Scales
Rohn emergency scale
Roman Catholic Diocese of San Marco Argentano-Scalea
Rmer scale
Room scale
Rosenberg self-esteem scale
Rosiwal scale
RossiForel scale
Rostral scale
Rosy-scales fairy-wrasse
Rothwell scale
Rough-scaled death adder
Rough-scaled python
Rough-scaled snake
Roughscale sole
Roundscale spearfish
SaffirSimpson scale
San Francesco alle Scale
San Jose scale
San Pietro alle Scale, Siena
Santa Maria delle Scale, Ragusa
Savory brittleness scale
Scale analysis
Scale analysis (mathematics)
Scale (analytical tool)
Scale (anatomy)
Scale armour
Scale co-occurrence matrix
Scale-crested pygmy tyrant
Scale cube
Scaled agile framework
Scaled antbird
Scaled antpitta
Scaled chachalaca
Scaled Composites
Scaled Composites ARES
Scaled Composites ATTT
Scaled Composites Catbird
Scaled Composites Pond Racer
Scaled Composites Proteus
Scaled Composites Stratolaunch
Scaled Composites Tier One
Scaled Composites Triumph
Scaled Composites White Knight
Scaled Composites White Knight Two
Scaled correlation
Scaled dove
Scale (descriptive set theory)
Scaled flowerpiercer
Scaled fruiteater
Scaled ground cuckoo
Scaled inverse chi-squared distribution
Scaled metaltail
Scaled piculet
Scaled pigeon
Scaled quail
Scaled sardine
Scaled sculpin
Scaled spinetail
Scaled woodcreeper
Scale-eye plaice
Scale factor
Scale factor (computer science)
Scale factor (cosmology)
Scale-feathered malkoha
Scaleform Corporation
Scaleform GFx
Scale-free ideal gas
Scale-free network
Scale height
Scale insect
Scale (insect anatomy)
Scale invariance
Scale-invariant feature operator
Scale-invariant feature transform
Scale length
Scale length (string instruments)
Scaleless dragonfish
Scaleless killifish
Scale (map)
Scale microfossils
Scale model
Scalemouth jobfish
Scale (music)
Scalene muscles
Scalene tubercle
Scale of chords
Scale of one to ten
Scale of Protective Factors
Scale of temperature
Scale parameter
Scalera Film
Scale (ratio)
Scale-rayed wrasse
Scale ruler
Scales, Cumbria
Scalesia divisa
Scales Mound, Illinois
Scales of Justice
Scales of Justice (miniseries)
Scales of sexual orientation
Scale space
Scale-space axioms
Scale space implementation
Scale-space segmentation
Scales, South Lakeland
Scalesville, Indiana
Scale the Summit
Scale the Summit discography
Scale-throated earthcreeper
Scale-throated hermit
Scale up
Scaleup company
ScaleWings SW51 Mustang
Schwab and England ADL scale
Scoville scale
Seismic intensity scales
Seismic magnitude scales
Self-perceived quality-of-life scale
Sensation Seeking Scale
SE scale
Sharp Scale
Sheldon coin grading scale
Shulgin Rating Scale
Sliding scale fees
Sliding Scales
Sliding wage scale
Smallscale archerfish
Smallscale darter
Small-scaled burrowing asp
Smallscaled gurnards
Small scaled nothobranch
Small-scaled skink
Small-scaled wonder gecko
Smallscale hardyhead
Smallscale lizardfish
Smallscale mud carp
Small-scale project management
Smallscale redfin
Smallscale slimehead
Small-scale whiting
Smallscale yellowfish
Smooth-scaled death adder
Smooth-scaled mountain lizard
Snake scale
Snakescale leaf-toed gecko
Somatic Symptom Disorder - B Criteria Scale (SSD-12)
Somatic Symptom Scale - 8
Spann-Fischer Codependency Scale
Spatial scale
Specialty Society Relative Value Scale Update Committee
Spotscale barb
Spring scale
S scale
Standard scale
StanfordBinet Intelligence Scales
Stanford Sleepiness Scale
Subatomic scale
Subcaudal scales
Subjective units of distress scale
Sublabial scale
SUNY Poly College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering
Supralabial scale
Supraocular scales
Swanson, Nolan and Pelham Teacher and Parent Rating Scale
Swedish Universities Scales of Personality
Sword and Scale
Sword Art Online The Movie: Ordinal Scale
Symmetric scale
Synoptic scale meteorology
System usability scale
Tanner scale
Taylor microscale
TCP window scale option
Temporal scales
TeraScale (microarchitecture)
The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time
The Mescaleros
The Pacific Identity and Wellbeing Scale
Thermal time scale
Thomas Scales
Thomas Scales, 7th Baron Scales
Thomas Somerscales
Timeline of knowledge about galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and large-scale structure
Time scale
Time-scale calculus
Time-varying microscale model
Tiny scaled gecko
Tone scale
Torino scale
TORRO scale
Tritonic scale
Tropical cyclone scales
Truck scale
Truck scale software
TT scale
Twaddell scale
Two-scaled gecko
Ukrainian Dorian scale
Ultra-large-scale systems
Un extrao en la escalera
Unified Parkinson's disease rating scale
Utility-scale solar
Values scale
Vanderbilt ADHD diagnostic rating scale
Variational multiscale method
Ventral scales
Vernier scale
Vertebral scales
Very Large Scale Integration
Video scaler
Vineland Social Maturity Scale
Visual analogue scale
Von Luschan's chromatic scale
Wafer-scale integration
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
Wechsler Memory Scale
Wechsler Scales
Weighing scale
Whole tone scale
WilsonPatterson Conservatism Scale
Windscale fire
Winscales Moor Wind Farm
WongBaker Faces Pain Rating Scale
Xingu scale-backed antbird
Yacimientos Carbonferos Fiscales
YaleBrown Obsessive Compulsive Scale
Yo scale
Young Mania Rating Scale
Z scale

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last updated: 2022-02-04 11:09:57
313105 site hits