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object:1.04 - The Sacrifice the Triune Path and the Lord of the Sacrifice
book class:The Synthesis Of Yoga
author class:Sri Aurobindo
class:The Synthesis Of Yoga

The law of sacrifice is the common divine action that was thrown out into the world in its beginning as a symbol of the solidarity of the universe. It is by the attraction of this law that a divinising principle, a saving power descends to limit and correct and gradually to eliminate the errors of an egoistic and self-divided creation. This descent, this sacrifice of the Purusha, the Divine Soul submitting itself to Force and Matter so that it may inform and illuminate them, is the seed of redemption of this world of Inconscience and Ignorance. For with sacrifice as their companion, says the Gita, the All-Father created these peoples. The acceptance of the law of sacrifice is a practical recognition by the ego that it is neither alone in the world nor chief in the world. It is its admission that, even in this much fragmented existence, there is beyond itself and behind that which is not its own egoistic person, something greater and completer, a diviner All which demands from it subordination and service. Indeed, sacrifice is imposed and, where need be, compelled by the universal World-Force; it takes it even from those who do not consciously recognise the law,inevitably, because this is the intrinsic nature of things. Our ignorance or our false egoistic view of life can make no difference to this eternal bedrock truth of Nature. For this is the truth in Nature, that this ego which thinks itself a separate independent being and claims to live for itself, is not and cannot be independent nor separate, nor can it live to itself even if it would, but rather all are linked together by a secret Oneness. Each existence is continually giving out perforce from its stock; out of its mental receipts from Nature or its vital and physical assets and acquisitions and belongings a stream goes to all that is around it. And always again it receives something from its environment gratis or in return for its voluntary or involuntary tri bute. For it is only by this giving and receiving that it can effect its own growth while at the same time it helps the sum of things. At length, though at first slowly and partially, we learn to make the conscious sacrifice; even, in the end, we take joy to give ourselves and what we envisage as belonging to us in a spirit of love and devotion to That which appears for the moment other than ourselves and is certainly other than our limited personalities. The sacrifice and the divine return for our sacrifice then become a gladly accepted means towards our last perfection; for it is recognised now as the road to the fulfilment in us of the eternal purpose.

But, most often, the sacrifice is done unconsciously, egoistically and without knowledge or acceptance of the true meaning of the great world-rite. It is so that the vast majority of earth-creatures do it; and, when it is so done, the individual derives only a mechanical minimum of natural inevitable profit, achieves by it only a slow painful progress limited and tortured by the smallness and suffering of the ego. Only when the heart, the will and the mind of knowledge associate themselves with the law and gladly follow it, can there come the deep joy and the happy fruitfulness of divine sacrifice. The minds knowledge of the law and the hearts gladness in it culminate in the perception that it is to our own Self and Spirit and the one Self and Spirit of all that we give. And this is true even when our self-offering is still to our fellow-creatures or to lesser Powers and Principles and not yet to the Supreme. Not for the sake of the wife, says Yajnavalkya in the Upanishad, but for the sake of the Self is the wife dear to us. This in the lower sense of the individual self is the hard fact behind the coloured and passionate professions of egoistic love; but in a higher sense it is the inner significance of that love too which is not egoistic but divine. All true love and all sacrifice are in their essence Natures contradiction of the primary egoism and its separative error; it is her attempt to turn from a necessary first fragmentation towards a recovered oneness. All unity between creatures is in its essence a self-finding, a fusion with that from which we have separated, a discovery of ones self in others.

But it is only a divine love and unity that can possess in the light what the human forms of these things seek for in the darkness. For the true unity is not merely an association and agglomeration like that of physical cells joined by a life of common interests; it is not even an emotional understanding, sympathy, solidarity or close drawing together. Only then are we really unified with those separated from us by the divisions of Nature, when we annul the division and find ourselves in that which seemed to us not ourselves. Association is a vital and physical unity; its sacrifice is that of mutual aid and concessions. Nearness, sympathy, solidarity create a mental, moral and emotional unity; theirs is a sacrifice of mutual support and mutual gratifications. But the true unity is spiritual; its sacrifice is a mutual self-giving, an interfusion of our inner substance. The law of sacrifice travels in Nature towards its culmination in this complete and unreserved self-giving; it awakens the consciousness of one common self in the giver and the object of the sacrifice. This culmination of sacrifice is the height even of human love and devotion when it tries to become divine; for there too the highest peak of love points into a heaven of complete mutual self-giving, its summit is the rapturous fusing of two souls into one.

This profounder idea of the world-wide law is at the heart of the teaching about works given in the Gita; a spiritual union with the Highest by sacrifice, an unreserved self-giving to the Eternal is the core of its doctrine. The vulgar conception of sacrifice is an act of painful self-immolation, austere self-mortification, difficult self-effacement; this kind of sacrifice may go even as far as self-mutilation and self-torture. These things may be temporarily necessary in mans hard endeavour to exceed his natural self; if the egoism in his nature is violent and obstinate, it has to be met sometimes by an answering strong internal repression and counterbalancing violence. But the Gita discourages any excess of violence done to oneself; for the self within is really the Godhead evolving, it is Krishna, it is the Divine; it has not to be troubled and tortured as the Titans of the world trouble and torture it, but to be increased, fostered, cherished, luminously opened to a divine light and strength and joy and wideness. It is not ones self, but the band of the spirits inner enemies that we have to discourage, expel, slay upon the altar of the growth of the spirit; these can be ruthlessly excised, whose names are desire, wrath, inequality, greed, attachment to outward pleasures and pains, the cohort of usurping demons that are the cause of the souls errors and sufferings. These should be regarded not as part of oneself but as intruders and perverters of our selfs real and diviner nature; these have to be sacrificed in the harsher sense of the word, whatever pain in going they may throw by reflection on the consciousness of the seeker.

But the true essence of sacrifice is not self-immolation, it is self-giving; its object not self-effacement, but self-fulfilment; its method not self-mortification, but a greater life, not self-mutilation, but a transformation of our natural human parts into divine members, not self-torture, but a passage from a lesser satisfaction to a greater Ananda. There is only one thing painful in the beginning to a raw or turbid part of the surface nature; it is the indispensable discipline demanded, the denial necessary for the merging of the incomplete ego. But for that there can be a speedy and enormous compensation in the discovery of a real greater or ultimate completeness in others, in all things, in the cosmic oneness, in the freedom of the transcendent Self and Spirit, in the rapture of the touch of the Divine. Our sacrifice is not a giving without any return or any fruitful acceptance from the other side; it is an interchange between the embodied soul and conscious Nature in us and the eternal Spirit. For even though no return is demanded, yet there is the knowledge deep within us that a marvellous return is inevitable. The soul knows that it does not give itself to God in vain; claiming nothing, it yet receives the infinite riches of the divine Power and Presence.

Last, there is to be considered the recipient of the sacrifice and the manner of the sacrifice. The sacrifice may be offered to others or it may be offered to divine Powers; it may be offered to the cosmic All or it may be offered to the transcendent Supreme. The worship given may take any shape from the dedication of a leaf or flower, a cup of water, a handful of rice, a loaf of bread, to consecration of all that we possess and the submission of all that we are. Whoever the recipient, whatever the gift, it is the Supreme, the Eternal in things, who receives and accepts it, even if it be rejected or ignored by the immediate recipient. For the Supreme who transcends the universe, is yet here too, however veiled, in us and in the world and in its happenings; he is there as the omniscient Witness and Receiver of all our works and their secret Master. All our actions, all our efforts, even our sins and stumblings and sufferings and struggles are obscurely or consciously, known to us and seen or else unknown and in a disguise, governed in their last result by the One. All is turned towards him in his numberless forms and offered through them to the single Omnipresence. In whatever form and with whatever spirit we approach him, in that form and with that spirit he receives the sacrifice.

And the fruit also of the sacrifice of works varies according to the work, according to the intention in the work and according to the spirit that is behind the intention. But all other sacrifices are partial, egoistic, mixed, temporal, incomplete,even those offered to the highest Powers and Principles keep this character: the result too is partial, limited, temporal, mixed in its reactions, effective only for a minor or intermediate purpose. The one entirely acceptable sacrifice is a last and highest and uttermost self-giving,it is that surrender made face to face, with devotion and knowledge, freely and without any reserve to One who is at once our immanent Self, the environing constituent All, the Supreme Reality beyond this or any manifestation and, secretly, all these together, concealed everywhere, the immanent Transcendence. For to the soul that wholly gives itself to him, God also gives himself altogether. Only the one who offers his whole nature, finds the Self. Only the one who can give everything, enjoys the Divine All everywhere. Only a supreme self-abandonment attains to the Supreme. Only the sublimation by sacrifice of all that we are, can enable us to embody the Highest and live here in the immanent consciousness of the transcendent Spirit.


This, in short, is the demand made on us, that we should turn our whole life into a conscious sacrifice. Every moment and every movement of our being is to be resolved into a continuous and a devoted self-giving to the Eternal. All our actions, not less the smallest and most ordinary and trifling than the greatest and most uncommon and noble, must be performed as consecrated acts. Our individualised nature must live in the single consciousness of an inner and outer movement dedicated to Something that is beyond us and greater than our ego. No matter what the gift or to whom it is presented by us, there must be a consciousness in the act that we are presenting it to the one divine Being in all beings. Our commonest or most grossly material actions must assume this sublimated character; when we eat, we should be conscious that we are giving our food to that Presence in us; it must be a sacred offering in a temple and the sense of a mere physical need or self-gratification must pass away from us. In any great labour, in any high discipline, in any difficult or noble enterprise, whether undertaken for ourselves, for others or for the race, it will no longer be possible to stop short at the idea of the race, of ourselves or of others. The thing we are doing must be consciously offered as a sacrifice of works, not to these, but either through them or directly to the One Godhead; the Divine Inhabitant who was hidden by these figures must be no longer hidden but ever present to our soul, our mind, our sense. The workings and results of our acts must be put in the hands of that One in the feeling that that Presence is the Infinite and Most High by whom alone our labour and our aspiration are possible. For in his being all takes place; for him all labour and aspiration are taken from us by Nature and offered on his altar. Even in those things in which Nature is herself very plainly the worker and we only the witnesses of her working and its containers and supporters, there should be the same constant memory and insistent consciousness of a work and of its divine Master. Our very inspiration and respiration, our very heart-beats can and must be made conscious in us as the living rhythm of the universal sacrifice.

It is clear that a conception of this kind and its effective practice must carry in them three results that are of a central importance for our spiritual ideal. It is evident, to begin with, that, even if such a discipline is begun without devotion, it leads straight and inevitably towards the highest devotion possible; for it must deepen naturally into the completest adoration imaginable, the most profound God-love. There is bound up with it a growing sense of the Divine in all things, a deepening communion with the Divine in all our thought, will and action and at every moment of our lives, a more and more moved consecration to the Divine of the totality of our being. Now these implications of the Yoga of works are also of the very essence of an integral and absolute Bhakti. The seeker who puts them into living practice makes in himself continually a constant, active and effective representation of the very spirit of self-devotion, and it is inevitable that out of it there should emerge the most engrossing worship of the Highest to whom is given this service. An absorbing love for the Divine Presence to whom he feels an always more intimate closeness, grows upon the consecrated worker. And with it is born or in it is contained a universal love too for all these beings, living forms and creatures that are habitations of the Divinenot the brief restless grasping emotions of division, but the settled selfless love that is the deeper vibration of oneness. In all the seeker begins to meet the one Object of his adoration and service. The way of works turns by this road of sacrifice to meet the path of Devotion; it can be itself a devotion as complete, as absorbing, as integral as any the desire of the heart can ask for or the passion of the mind can imagine.

Next, the practice of this Yoga demands a constant inward remembrance of the one central liberating knowledge, and a constant active externalising of it in works comes in too to intensify the remembrance. In all is the one Self, the one Divine is all; all are in the Divine, all are the Divine and there is nothing else in the universe,this thought or this faith is the whole background until it becomes the whole substance of the consciousness of the worker. A memory, a self-dynamising meditation of this kind, must and does in its end turn into a profound and uninterrupted vision and a vivid and all-embracing consciousness of that which we so powerfully remember or on which we so constantly meditate. For it compels a constant reference at each moment to the Origin of all being and will and action and there is at once an embracing and exceeding of all particular forms and appearances in That which is their cause and upholder. This way cannot go to its end without a seeing vivid and vital, as concrete in its way as physical sight, of the works of the universal Spirit everywhere. On its summits it rises into a constant living and thinking and willing and acting in the presence of the Supramental, the Transcendent. Whatever we see and hear, whatever we touch and sense, all of which we are conscious, has to be known and felt by us as That which we worship and serve; all has to be turned into an image of the Divinity, perceived as a dwelling-place of his Godhead, enveloped with the eternal Omnipresence. In its close, if not long before it, this way of works turns by communion with the Divine Presence, Will and Force into a way of Knowledge more complete and integral than any the mere creature intelligence can construct or the search of the intellect can discover.

Lastly, the practice of this Yoga of sacrifice compels us to renounce all the inner supports of egoism, casting them out of our mind and will and actions, and to eliminate its seed, its presence, its influence out of our nature. All must be done for the Divine; all must be directed towards the Divine. Nothing must be attempted for ourselves as a separate existence; nothing done for others, whether neighbours, friends, family, country or mankind or other creatures merely because they are connected with our personal life and thought and sentiment or because the ego takes a preferential interest in their welfare. In this way of doing and seeing all works and all life become only a daily dynamic worship and service of the Divine in the unbounded temple of his own vast cosmic existence. Life becomes more and more the sacrifice of the eternal in the individual constantly self-offered to the eternal Transcendence. It is offered in the wide sacrificial ground of the field of the eternal cosmic Spirit; and the Force too that offers it is the eternal Force, the omnipresent Mother. Therefore is this way a way of union and communion by acts and by the spirit and knowledge in the act as complete and integral as any our Godward will can hope for or our souls strength execute.

It has all the power of a way of works integral and absolute, but because of its law of sacrifice and self-giving to the Divine Self and Master, it is accompanied on its one side by the whole power of the path of Love and on the other by the whole power of the path of Knowledge. At its end all these three divine Powers work together, fused, united, completed, perfected by each other.


[Fundamental Realizations]

The Divine, the Eternal is the Lord of our sacrifice of works and union with him in all our being and consciousness and in its expressive instruments is the one object of the sacrifice; the steps of the sacrifice of works must therefore be measured, first, by the growth in our nature of something that brings us nearer to divine Nature, but secondly also by an experience of the Divine, his presence, his manifestation to us, an increasing closeness and union with that Presence. But the Divine is in his essence infinite and his manifestation too is multitudinously infinite. If that is so, it is not likely that our true integral perfection in being and in nature can come by one kind of realisation alone; it must combine many different strands of divine experience. It cannot be reached by the exclusive pursuit of a single line of identity till that is raised to its absolute; it must harmonise many aspects of the Infinite. An integral consciousness with a multiform dynamic experience is essential for the complete transformation of our nature.

There is one fundamental perception indispensable towards any integral knowledge or many-sided experience of this Infinite. It is to realise the Divine in its essential self and truth unaltered by forms and phenomena. Otherwise we are likely to remain caught in the net of appearances or wander confusedly in a chaotic multitude of cosmic or particular aspects, and if we avoid this confusion, it will be at the price of getting chained to some mental formula or shut up in a limited personal experience. The one secure and all-reconciling truth which is the very foundation of the universe is this that life is the manifestation of an uncreated Self and Spirit, and the key to lifes hidden secret is the true relation of this Spirit with its own created existences. There is behind all this life the look of an eternal Being upon its multitudinous becomings; there is around and everywhere in it the envelopment and penetration of a manifestation in time by an unmanifested timeless Eternal. But this knowledge is valueless for Yoga if it is only an intellectual and metaphysical notion void of life and barren of consequence; a mental realisation alone cannot be sufficient for the seeker. For what Yoga searches after is not truth of thought alone or truth of mind alone, but the dynamic truth of a living and revealing spiritual experience. There must awake in us a constant indwelling and enveloping nearness, a vivid perception, a close feeling and communion, a concrete sense and contact of a true and infinite Presence always and everywhere. That Presence must remain with us as the living, pervading Reality in which we and all things exist and move and act, and we must feel it always and everywhere, concrete, visible, inhabiting all things; it must be patent to us as their true Self, tangible as their imperishable Essence, met by us closely as their inmost Spirit. To see, to feel, to sense, to contact in every way and not merely to conceive this Self and Spirit here in all existences and to feel with the same vividness all existences in this Self and Spirit, is the fundamental experience which must englobe all other knowledge.

This infinite and eternal Self of things is an omnipresent Reality, one existence everywhere; it is a single unifying presence and not different in different creatures; it can be met, seen or felt in its completeness in each soul or each form in the universe. For its infinity is spiritual and essential and not merely a boundlessness in Space or an endlessness in Time; the Infinite can be felt in an infinitesimal atom or in a second of time as convincingly as in the stretch of the aeons or the stupendous enormity of the intersolar spaces. The knowledge or experience of it can begin anywhere and express itself through anything; for the Divine is in all, and all is the Divine.

This fundamental experience will yet begin differently for different natures and take long to develop all the Truth that it conceals in its thousand aspects. I see perhaps or feel in myself or as myself first the eternal Presence and afterwards only can extend the vision or sense of this greater self of mine to all creatures. I then see the world in me or as one with me. I perceive the universe as a scene in my being, the play of its processes as a movement of forms and souls and forces in my cosmic spirit; I meet myself and none else everywhere. Not, be it well noted, with the error of the Asura, the Titan, who lives in his own inordinately magnified shadow, mistakes ego for the self and spirit and tries to impose his fragmentary personality as the one dominant existence upon all his surroundings. For, having the knowledge, I have already seized this reality that my true self is the non-ego, so always my greater Self is felt by me either as an impersonal vastness or an essential Person containing yet beyond all personalities or as both these together; but in any case, whether Impersonal or illimitable Personal or both together, it is an ego-exceeding Infinite. If I have sought it out and found it first in the form of it I call myself rather than in others, it is only because there it is easiest for me, owing to the subjectivity of my consciousness, to find it, to know it at once and to realise it. But if the narrow instrumental ego does not begin to merge in this Self as soon as it is seen, if the smaller external mind-constructed I refuses to disappear into that greater permanent uncreated spiritual I, then my realisation is either not genuine or radically imperfect. There is somewhere in me an egoistic obstacle; some part of my nature has opposed a self-regarding and self-preserving denial to the all-swallowing truth of the Spirit.

On the other hand and to some this is an easier way I may see the Divinity first in the world outside me, not in myself but in others. I meet it there from the beginning as an indwelling and all-containing Infinite that is not bound up with all these forms, creatures and forces which it bears on its surface. Or else I see and feel it as a pure solitary Self and Spirit which contains all these powers and existences, and I lose my sense of ego in the silent Omnipresence around me. Afterwards it is this that begins to pervade and possess my instrumental being and out of it seem to proceed all my impulsions to action, all my light of thought and speech, all the formations of my consciousness and all its relations and impacts with other soul-forms of this one worldwide Existence. I am already no longer this little personal self, but That with something of itself put forward which sustains a selected form of its workings in the universe.

There is another basic realisation, the most extreme of all, that yet comes sometimes as the first decisive opening or an early turn of the Yoga. It is the awakening to an ineffable high transcendent Unknowable above myself and above this world in which I seem to move, a timeless and spaceless condition or entity which is at once, in some way compelling and convincing to an essential consciousness in me, the one thing that is to it overwhelmingly real. This experience is usually accompanied by an equally compelling sense either of the dreamlike or shadowy illusoriness of all things here or else of their temporary, derivative and only half-real character. For a time at least all around me may seem to be a moving of cinematographic shadow forms or surface figures and my own action may appear as a fluid formulation from some Source ungrasped as yet and perhaps unseizable above or outside me. To remain in this consciousness, to carry out this initiation or follow out this first suggestion of the character of things would be to proceed towards the goal of dissolution of self and world in the Unknowable,Moksha, Nirvana. But this is not the only line of issue; it is possible, on the contrary, for me to wait till through the silence of this timeless unfilled liberation I begin to enter into relations with that yet ungrasped Source of myself and my actions; then the void begins to fill, there emerges out of it or there rushes into it all the manifold Truth of the Divine, all the aspects and manifestations and many levels of a dynamic Infinite. At first this experience imposes on the mind and then on all our being an absolute, a fathomless, almost an abysmal peace and silence. Overpowered and subjugated, stilled, liberated from itself, the mind accepts the Silence itself as the Supreme. But afterwards the seeker discovers that all is there for him contained or new-made in that silence or through it descends upon him from a greater concealed transcendent Existence. For this Transcendent, this Absolute is not a mere peace of signless emptiness; it has its own infinite contents and riches of which ours are debased and diminished values. If there were not that Source of all things, there could be no universe; all powers, all works and activities would be an illusion, all creation and manifestation would be impossible.

These are the three fundamental realisations, so fundamental that to the Yogin of the way of Knowledge they seem ultimate, sufficient in themselves, destined to overtop and replace all others. And yet for the integral seeker, whether accorded to him at an early stage suddenly and easily by a miraculous grace or achieved with difficulty after a long progress and endeavour, they are neither the sole truth nor the full and only clues to the integral truth of the Eternal, but rather the unfilled beginning, the vast foundation of a greater divine Knowledge. Other realisations there are that are imperatively needed and must be explored to the full limit of their possibilities; and if some of them appear to a first sight to cover only Divine Aspects that are instrumental to the activity of existence but not inherent in its essence, yet, when followed to their end through that activity to its everlasting Source, it is found that they lead to a disclosure of the Divine without which our knowledge of the Truth behind things would be left bare and incomplete. These seeming Instrumentals are the key to a secret without which the Fundamentals themselves would not unveil all their mystery. All the revelatory aspects of the Divine must be caught in the wide net of the integral Yoga.


[Purusha-Prakriti, Soul-Nature, Ishwara-Shakti]

If a departure from the world and its activities, a supreme release and quietude were the sole aim of the seeker, the three great fundamental realisations would be sufficient for the fulfilment of his spiritual life: concentrated in them alone he could suffer all other divine or mundane knowledge to fall away from him and himself unencumbered, depart into the eternal Silence. But he has to take account of the world and its activities, learn what divine truth there may be behind them and reconcile that apparent opposition between the Divine Truth and the manifest creation which is the starting-point of most spiritual experience. Here, on each line of approach that he can take, he is confronted with a constant Duality, a separation between two terms of existence that seem to be opposites and their opposition to be the very root of the riddle of the universe. Later, he may and does discover that these are the two poles of One Being, connected by two simultaneous currents of energy negative and positive in relation to each other, their interaction the very condition for the manifestation of what is within the Being, their reunion the appointed means for the reconciliation of lifes discords and for the discovery of the integral truth of which he is the seeker.

For on one side he is aware of this Self everywhere, this everlasting Spirit-SubstanceBrahman, the Eternal the same self-existence here in time behind each appearance he sees or senses and timeless beyond the universe. He has this strong overpowering experience of a Self that is neither our limited ego nor our mind, life or body, world-wide but not outwardly phenomenal, yet to some spirit-sense in him more concrete than any form or phenomenon, universal yet not dependent for its being on anything in the universe or on the whole totality of the universe; if all this were to disappear, its extinction would make no difference to this Eternal of his constant intimate experience. He is sure of an inexpressible Self-Existence which is the essence of himself and all things; he is intimately aware of an essential Consciousness of which thinking mind and life-sense and body-sense are only partial and diminished figures, a Consciousness with an illimitable Force in it of which all energies are the outcome, but which is yet not explained or accounted for by the sum or power or nature of all these energies together; he feels, he lives in an inalienable self-existent Bliss which is not this lesser transient joy or happiness or pleasure. A changeless imperishable infinity, a timeless eternity, a self-awareness which is not this receptive and reactive or tentacular mental consciousness, but is behind and above it and present too below it, even in what we call Inconscience, a oneness in which there is no possibility of any other existence, are the fourfold character of this settled experience. Yet this eternal Self-Existence is seen by him also as a conscious Time-Spirit bearing the stream of happenings, a self-extended spiritual Space containing all things and beings, a Spirit-Substance which is the very form and material of all that seems non-spiritual, temporary and finite. For all that is transitory, temporal, spatial, bounded, is yet felt by him to be in its substance and energy and power no other than the One, the Eternal, the Infinite.

And yet there is not only in him or before him this eternal self-aware Existence, this spiritual Consciousness, this infinity of self-illumined Force, this timeless and endless Beatitude. There is too, constant also to his experience, this universe in measurable Space and Time, some kind perhaps of boundless finite, and in it all is transient, limited, fragmentary, plural, ignorant, exposed to disharmony and suffering, seeking vaguely for some unrealised yet inherent harmony of oneness, unconscious or half-conscious or, even when most conscious, still tied to the original Ignorance and Inconscience. He is not always in a trance of peace or bliss and, even if he were, it would be no solution, for he knows that this would still be going on outside him and yet within some larger self of him as if for ever. At times these two states of his spirit seem to exist for him alternately according to his state of consciousness; at others they are there as two parts of his being, disparate and to be reconciled, two halves, an upper and a lower or an inner and an outer half of his existence. He finds soon that this separation in his consciousness has an immense liberative power; for by it he is no longer bound to the Ignorance, the Inconscience; it no longer appears to him the very nature of himself and things but an illusion which can be overcome or at least a temporary wrong self-experience, Maya. It is tempting to regard it as only a contradiction of the Divine, an incomprehensible mystery-play, masque or travesty of the Infinite and so it irresistibly seems to his experience at times, on one side the luminous verity of Brahman, on the other a dark illusion of Maya. But something in him will not allow him to cut existence thus permanently in two and, looking more closely, he discovers that in this half-light or darkness too is the Eternalit is the Brahman who is here with this face of Maya.

This is the beginning of a growing spiritual experience which reveals to him more and more that what seemed to him dark incomprehensible Maya was all the time no other than the Consciousness-Puissance of the Eternal, timeless and illimitable beyond the universe, but spread out here under a mask of bright and dark opposites for the miracle of the slow manifestation of the Divine in Mind and Life and Matter. All the Timeless presses towards the play in Time; all in Time turns upon and around the timeless Spirit. If the separate experience was liberative, this unitive experience is dynamic and effective. For he now not only feels himself to be in his soul-substance part of the Eternal, in his essential self and spirit entirely one with the Eternal, but in his active nature an instrumentation of its omniscient and omnipotent Consciousness-Puissance. However bounded and relative its present play in him, he can open to a greater and greater consciousness and power of it and to that expansion there seems to be no assignable limit. A level spiritual and supramental of that Consciousness-Puissance seems even to reveal itself above him and lean to enter into contact, where there are not these trammels and limits, and its powers too are pressing upon the play in Time with the promise of a greater descent and a less disguised or no longer disguised manifestation of the Eternal. The once conflicting but now biune duality of Brahman-Maya stands revealed to him as the first great dynamic aspect of the Self of all selves, the Master of existence, the Lord of the world-sacrifice and of his sacrifice.

On another line of approach another Duality presents itself to the experience of the seeker. On one side he becomes aware of a witness recipient observing experiencing Consciousness which does not appear to act but for which all these activities inside and outside us seem to be undertaken and continue. On the other side he is aware at the same time of an executive Force or an energy of Process which is seen to constitute, drive and guide all conceivable activities and to create a myriad forms visible to us and invisible and use them as stable supports for its incessant flux of action and creation. Entering exclusively into the witness consciousness he becomes silent, untouched, immobile; he sees that he has till now passively reflected and appropriated to himself the movements of Nature and it is by this reflection that they acquired from the witness soul within him what seemed a spiritual value and significance. But now he has withdrawn that ascription or mirroring identification; he is conscious only of his silent self and aloof from all that is in motion around it; all activities are outside him and at once they cease to be intimately real; they appear now mechanical, detachable, endable. Entering exclusively into the kinetic movement, he has an opposite self-awareness; he seems to his own perception a mass of activities, a formation and result of forces; if there is an active consciousness, even some kind of kinetic being in the midst of it all, yet there is no longer a free soul in it anywhere. These two different and opposite states of being alternate in him or else stand simultaneously over against each other; one silent in the inner being observes but is unmoved and does not participate; the other active in some outer or surface self pursues its habitual movements. He has entered into an intense separative perception of the great duality, Soul-Nature, Purusha-Prakriti.

But as the consciousness deepens, he becomes aware that this is only a first frontal appearance. For he finds that it is by the silent support, permission or sanction of this witness soul in him that this executive nature can work intimately or persistently upon his being; if the soul withdraws its sanction, the movements of Nature in their action upon and within him become a wholly mechanical repetition, vehement at first as if seeking still to enforce their hold, but afterwards less and less dynamic and real. More actively using this power of sanction or refusal, he perceives that he can, slowly and uncertainly at first, more decisively afterwards, change the movements of Nature. Eventually in this witness soul or behind it is revealed to him the presence of a Knower and master Will in Nature, and all her activities more and more appear as an expression of what is known and either actively willed or passively permitted by this Lord of her existence. Prakriti herself now seems to be mechanical only in the carefully regulated appearance of her workings, but in fact a conscious Force with a soul within her, a self-aware significance in her turns, a revelation of a secret Will and Knowledge in her steps and figures. This Duality, in aspect separate, is inseparable. Wherever there is Prakriti, there is Purusha; wherever there is Purusha, there is Prakriti. Even in his inactivity he holds in himself all her force and energies ready for projection; even in the drive of her action she carries with her all his observing and mandatory consciousness as the whole support and sense of her creative purpose. Once more the seeker discovers in his experience the two poles of existence of One Being and the two lines or currents of their energy negative and positive in relation to each other which effect by their simultaneity the manifestation of all that is within it. Here too he finds that the separative aspect is liberative; for it releases him from the bondage of identification with the inadequate workings of Nature in the Ignorance. The unitive aspect is dynamic and effective; for it enables him to arrive at mastery and perfection; while rejecting what is less divine or seemingly undivine in her, he can rebuild her forms and movements in himself according to a nobler pattern and the law and rhythm of a greater existence. At a certain spiritual and supramental level the Duality becomes still more perfectly Two-in-one, the Master Soul with the Conscious Force within it, and its potentiality disowns all barriers and breaks through every limit. Thus this once separate, now biune Duality of Purusha-Prakriti is revealed to him in all its truth as the second great instrumental and effective aspect of the Soul of all souls, the Master of existence, the Lord of the Sacrifice.

On yet another line of approach the seeker meets another corresponding but in aspect distinct Duality in which the biune character is more immediately apparent,the dynamic Duality of Ishwara-Shakti. On one side he is aware of an infinite and self-existent Godhead in being who contains all things in an ineffable potentiality of existence, a Self of all selves, a Soul of all souls, a spiritual Substance of all substances, an impersonal inexpressible Existence, but at the same time an illimitable Person who is here self-represented in numberless personality, a Master of Knowledge, a Master of Forces, a Lord of love and bliss and beauty, a single Origin of the worlds, a self-manifester and self-creator, a Cosmic Spirit, a universal Mind, a universal Life, the conscious and living Reality supporting the appearance which we sense as unconscious inanimate Matter. On the other side he becomes aware of the same Godhead in effectuating consciousness and power put forth as a self-aware Force that contains and carries all within her and is charged to manifest it in universal Time and Space. It is evident to him that here there is one supreme and infinite Being represented to us in two different sides of itself, obverse and reverse in relation to each other. All is either prepared or pre-existent in the Godhead in Being and issues from it and is upheld by its Will and Presence; all is brought out, carried in movement by the Godhead in power; all becomes and acts and develops by her and in her its individual or its cosmic purpose. It is again a Duality necessary for the manifestation, creating and enabling that double current of energy which seems always necessary for the world-workings, two poles of the same Being, but here closer to each other and always very evidently carrying each the powers of the other in its essence and its dynamic nature. At the same time by the fact that the two great elements of the divine Mystery, the Personal and the Impersonal, are here fused together, the seeker of the integral Truth feels in the duality of Ishwara-Shakti his closeness to a more intimate and ultimate secret of the divine Transcendence and the Manifestation than that offered to him by any other experience.

For the Ishwari Shakti, divine Conscious-Force and World-Mother, becomes a mediatrix between the eternal One and the manifested Many. On one side, by the play of the energies which she brings from the One, she manifests the multiple Divine in the universe, involving and evolving its endless appearances out of her revealing substance; on the other by the reascending current of the same energies she leads back all towards That from which they have issued so that the soul in its evolutionary manifestation may more and more return towards the Divinity there or here put on its divine character. There is not in her, although she devises a cosmic mechanism, the character of an inconscient mechanical Executrix which we find in the first physiognomy of Prakriti, the Nature-Force; neither is there that sense of an Unreality, creatrix of illusions or semi-illusions, which is attached to our first view of Maya. It is at once clear to the experiencing soul that here is a conscious Power of one substance and nature with the Supreme from whom she came. If she seems to have plunged us into the Ignorance and Inconscience in pursuance of a plan we cannot yet interpret, if her forces present themselves as all these ambiguous forces of the universe, yet it becomes visible before long that she is working for the development of the Divine Consciousness in us and that she stands above drawing us to her own higher entity, revealing to us more and more the very essence of the Divine Knowledge, Will and Ananda. Even in the movements of the Ignorance the soul of the seeker becomes aware of her conscious guidance supporting his steps and leading them slowly or swiftly, straight or by many detours out of the darkness into the light of a greater consciousness, out of mortality into immortality, out of evil and suffering towards a highest good and felicity of which as yet his human mind can form only a faint image. Thus her power is at once liberative and dynamic, creative, effective,creative not only of things as they are, but of things that are to be; for, eliminating the twisted and tangled movements of his lower consciousness made of the stuff of the Ignorance, it rebuilds and new-makes his soul and nature into the substance and forces of a higher divine Nature.

In this Duality too there is possible a separative experience. At one pole of it the seeker may be conscious only of the Master of Existence putting forth on him His energies of knowledge, power and bliss to liberate and divinise; the Shakti may appear to him only an impersonal Force expressive of these things or an attri bute of the Ishwara. At the other pole he may encounter the World-Mother, creatrix of the universe, putting forth the Gods and the worlds and all things and existences out of her spirit-substance. Or even if he sees both aspects, it may be with an unequal separating vision, subordinating one to the other, regarding the Shakti only as a means for approaching the Ishwara. There results a one-sided tendency or a lack of balance, a power of effectuation not perfectly supported or a light of revelation not perfectly dynamic. It is when a complete union of the two sides of the Duality is effected and rules his consciousness that he begins to open to a fuller power that will draw him altogether out of the confused clash of Ideas and Forces here into a higher Truth and enable the descent of that Truth to illumine and deliver and act sovereignly upon this world of Ignorance. He has begun to lay his hand on the integral secret which in its fullness can be grasped only when he overpasses the double term that reigns here of Knowledge inextricably intertwined with an original Ignorance and crosses the border where spiritual mind disappears into supramental Gnosis. It is through this third and most dynamic dual aspect of the One that the seeker begins with the most integral completeness to enter into the deepest secret of the being of the Lord of the Sacrifice.

For it is behind the mystery of the presence of personality in an apparently impersonal universeas in that of consciousness manifesting out of the Inconscient, life out of the inanimate, soul out of brute Matter that is hidden the solution of the riddle of existence. Here again is another dynamic Duality more pervading than appears at first view and deeply necessary to the play of the slowly self-revealing Power. It is possible for the seeker in his spiritual experience, standing at one pole of the Duality, to follow Mind in seeing a fundamental Impersonality everywhere. The evolving soul in the material world begins from a vast impersonal Inconscience in which our inner sight yet perceives the presence of a veiled infinite Spirit; it proceeds with the emergence of a precarious consciousness and personality that even at their fullest have the look of an episode, but an episode that repeats itself in a constant series; it arises through experience of life out of mind into an infinite, impersonal and absolute Superconscience in which personality, mind-consciousness, life-consciousness seem all to disappear by a liberating annihilation, Nirvana. At a lower pitch he still experiences this fundamental impersonality as an immense liberating force everywhere. It releases his knowledge from the narrowness of personal mind, his will from the clutch of personal desire, his heart from the bondage of petty mutable emotions, his life from its petty personal groove, his soul from ego, and it allows them to embrace calm, equality, wideness, universality, infinity. A Yoga of works would seem to require Personality as its mainstay, almost its source, but here too the impersonal is found to be the most direct liberating force; it is through a wide egoless impersonality that one can become a free worker and a divine creator. It is not surprising that the overwhelming power of this experience from the impersonal pole of the Duality should have moved the sages to declare this to be the one way and an impersonal Superconscience to be the sole truth of the Eternal.

But still to the seeker standing at the opposite pole of the Duality another line of experience appears which justifies an intuition deeply-seated behind the heart and in our very life-force, that personality, like consciousness, life, soul, is not a brief-lived stranger in an impersonal Eternity, but contains the very meaning of existence. This fine flower of the cosmic Energy carries in it a forecast of the aim and a hint of the very motive of the universal labour. As an occult vision opens in him, he becomes aware of worlds behind in which consciousness and personality hold an enormous place and assume a premier value; even here in the material world to this occult vision the inconscience of Matter fills with a secret pervading consciousness, its inanimation harbours a vibrant life, its mechanism is the device of an indwelling Intelligence, God and soul are everywhere. Above all stands an infinite conscious Being who is variously self-expressed in all these worlds; impersonality is only a first means of that expression. It is a field of principles and forces, an equal basis of manifestation; but these forces express themselves through beings, have conscious spirits at their head and are the emanation of a One Conscious Being who is their source. A multiple innumerable personality expressing that One is the very sense and central aim of the manifestation and if now personality seems to be narrow, fragmentary, restrictive, it is only because it has not opened to its source or flowered into its own divine truth and fullness packing itself with the universal and the infinite. Thus the world-creation is no more an illusion, a fortuitous mechanism, a play that need not have happened, a flux without consequence; it is an intimate dynamism of the conscious and living Eternal.

This extreme opposition of view from the two poles of one Existence creates no fundamental difficulty for the seeker of the integral Yoga; for his whole experience has shown him the necessity of these double terms and their currents of Energy, negative and positive in relation to each other, for the manifestation of what is within the one Existence. For himself Personality and Impersonality have been the two wings of his spiritual ascension and he has the prevision that he will reach a height where their helpful interaction will pass into a fusion of their powers and disclose the integral Reality and release into action the original force of the Divine. Not only in the fundamental Aspects but in all the working of his sadhana he has felt their double truth and mutually complementary working. An impersonal Presence has dominated from above or penetrated and occupied his nature; a Light descending has suffused his mind, life-power, the very cells of his body, illumined them with knowledge, revealed him to himself down to his most disguised and unsuspected movements, exposing, purifying, destroying or brilliantly changing all that belonged to the Ignorance. A Force has poured into him in currents or like a sea, worked in his being and all its members, dissolved, new-made, reshaped, transfigured everywhere. A Bliss has invaded him and shown that it can make suffering and sorrow impossible and turn pain itself into divine pleasure. A Love without limits has joined him to all creatures or revealed to him a world of inseparable intimacy and unspeakable sweetness and beauty and begun to impose its law of perfection and its ecstasy even amidst the disharmony of terrestrial life. A spiritual Truth and Right have convicted the good and evil of this world of imperfection or of falsehood and unveiled a supreme good and its clue of subtle harmony and its sublimation of action and feeling and knowledge. But behind all these and in them he has felt a Divinity who is all these things, a Bringer of Light, a Guide and All-Knower, a Master of Force, a Giver of Bliss, Friend, Helper, Father, Mother, Playmate in the world-game, an absolute Master of his being, his souls Beloved and Lover. All relations known to human personality are there in the souls contact with the Divine; but they rise towards superhuman levels and compel him towards a divine nature.

It is an integral knowledge that is being sought, an integral force, a total amplitude of union with the All and Infinite behind existence. For the seeker of the integral Yoga no single experience, no one Divine Aspect,however overwhelming to the human mind, sufficient for its capacity, easily accepted as the sole or the ultimate reality,can figure as the exclusive truth of the Eternal. For him the experience of the Divine Oneness carried to its extreme is more deeply embraced and amply fathomed by following out to the full the experience of the Divine Multiplicity. All that is true behind polytheism as well as behind monotheism falls within the scope of his seeking; but he passes beyond their superficial sense to human mind to grasp their mystic truth in the Divine. He sees what is aimed at by the jarring sects and philosophies and accepts each facet of the Reality in its own place, but rejects their narrownesses and errors and proceeds farther till he discovers the One Truth that binds them together. The reproach of anthropomorphism and anthropolatry cannot deter him,for he sees them to be prejudices of the ignorant and arrogant reasoning intelligence, the abstracting mind turning on itself in its own cramped circle. If human relations as practised now by man are full of smallness and perversity and ignorance, yet are they disfigured shadows of something in the Divine and by turning them to the Divine he finds that of which they are a shadow and brings it down for manifestation in life. It is through the human exceeding itself and opening itself to a supreme plenitude that the Divine must manifest itself here, since that comes inevitably in the course and process of the spiritual evolution, and therefore he will not despise or blind himself to the Godhead because it is lodged in a human body, mnu tanum ritam. Beyond the limited human conception of God, he will pass to the one divine Eternal, but also he will meet him in the faces of the Gods, his cosmic personalities supporting the World-Play, detect him behind the mask of the Vibhutis, embodied World-Forces or human Leaders, reverence and obey him in the Guru, worship him in the Avatar. This will be to him his exceeding good fortune if he can meet one who has realised or is becoming That which he seeks for and can by opening to it in this vessel of its manifestation himself realise it. For that is the most palpable sign of the growing fulfilment, the promise of the great mystery of the progressive Descent into Matter which is the secret sense of the material creation and the justification of terrestrial existence.

Thus reveals himself to the seeker in the progress of the sacrifice the Lord of the sacrifice. At any point this revelation can begin; in any aspect the Master of the Work can take up the work in him and more and more press upon him and it for the unfolding of his presence. In time all the Aspects disclose themselves, separate, combine, fuse, are unified together. At the end there shines through it all the supreme integral Reality, unknowable to Mind which is part of the Ignorance, but knowable because self-aware in the light of a spiritual consciousness and a supramental knowledge.

This revelation of a highest Truth or a highest Being, Consciousness, Power, Bliss and Love, impersonal and personal at once and so taking up both sides of our own being,since in us also is the ambiguous meeting of a Person and a mass of impersonal principles and forces,is at once the first aim and the condition of the ultimate achievement of the sacrifice. The achievement itself takes the shape of a union of our own existence with That which is thus made manifest to our vision and experience, and the union has a threefold character. There is a union in spiritual essence, by identity; there is a union by the indwelling of our soul in this highest Being and Consciousness; there is a dynamic union of likeness or oneness of nature between That and our instrumental being here. The first is the liberation from the Ignorance and identification with the Real and Eternal, moka, syujya, which is the characteristic aim of the Yoga of Knowledge. The second, the dwelling of the soul with or in the Divine, smpya, slokya, is the intense hope of all Yoga of love and beatitude. The third, identity in nature, likeness to the Divine, to be perfect as That is perfect, is the high intention of all Yoga of power and perfection or of divine works and service. The combined completeness of the three together, founded here on a multiple Unity of the self-manifesting Divine, is the complete result of the integral Yoga, the goal of its triple Path and the fruit of its triple sacrifice.

A union by identity may be ours, a liberation and change of our substance of being into that supreme Spirit-substance, of our consciousness into that divine Consciousness, of our soul-state into that ecstasy of spiritual beatitude or that calm eternal bliss of existence. A luminous indwelling in the Divine can be attained by us secure against any fall or exile into this lower consciousness of the darkness and the Ignorance, the soul ranging freely and firmly in its own natural world of light and joy and freedom and oneness. And since this is not merely to be attained in some other existence beyond but pursued and discovered here also, it can only be by a descent, by a bringing down of the Divine Truth, by the establishment here of the souls native world of light, joy, freedom, oneness. A union of our instrumental being no less than of our soul and spirit must change our imperfect nature into the very likeness and image of Divine Nature; it must put off the blind, marred, mutilated, discordant movements of the Ignorance and put on the inherence of that light, peace, bliss, harmony, universality, mastery, purity, perfection; it must convert itself into a receptacle of divine knowledge, an instrument of divine Will-Power and Force of Being, a channel of divine Love, Joy and Beauty. This is the transformation to be effected, an integral transformation of all that we now are or seem to be, by the joiningYogaof the finite being in Time with the Eternal and Infinite.

All this difficult result can become possible only if there is an immense conversion, a total reversal of our consciousness, a supernormal entire transfiguration of the nature. There must be an ascension of the whole being, an ascension of spirit chained here and trammelled by its instruments and its environment to sheer Spirit free above, an ascension of soul towards some blissful Super-soul, an ascension of mind towards some luminous Supermind, an ascension of life towards some vast Super-life, an ascension of our very physicality to join its origin in some pure and plastic spirit-substance. And this cannot be a single swift upsoaring but, like the ascent of the sacrifice described in the Veda, a climbing from peak to peak in which from each summit one looks up to the much more that has still to be done. At the same time there must be a descent too to affirm below what we have gained above: on each height we conquer we have to turn to bring down its power and its illumination into the lower mortal movement; the discovery of the Light for ever radiant on high must correspond with the release of the same Light secret below in every part down to the deepest caves of subconscient Nature. And this pilgrimage of ascension and this descent for the labour of transformation must be inevitably a battle, a long war with ourselves and with opposing forces around us which, while it lasts, may well seem interminable. For all our old obscure and ignorant nature will contend repeatedly and obstinately with the transforming Influence, supported in its lagging unwillingness or its stark resistance by most of the established forces of environing universal Nature; the powers and principalities and the ruling beings of the Ignorance will not easily give up their empire.

At first there may have to be a prolonged, often tedious and painful period of preparation and purification of all our being till it is ready and fit for an opening to a greater Truth and Light or to the Divine Influence and Presence. Even when centrally fitted, prepared, open already, it will still be long before all our movements of mind, life and body, all the multiple and conflicting members and elements of our personality consent or, consenting, are able to bear the difficult and exacting process of the transformation. And hardest of all, even if all in us is willing, is the struggle we shall have to carry through against the universal forces attached to the present unstable creation when we seek to make the final supramental conversion and reversal of consciousness by which the Divine Truth must be established in us in its plenitude and not merely what they would more readily permit, an illumined Ignorance.

It is for this that a surrender and submission to That which is beyond us enabling the full and free working of its Power is indispensable. As that self-giving progresses, the work of the sacrifice becomes easier and more powerful and the prevention of the opposing Forces loses much of its strength, impulsion and substance. Two inner changes help most to convert what now seems difficult or impracticable into a thing possible and even sure. There takes place a coming to the front of some secret inmost soul within which was veiled by the restless activity of the mind, by the turbulence of our vital impulses and by the obscurity of the physical consciousness, the three powers which in their confused combination we now call our self. There will come about as a result a less impeded growth of a Divine Presence at the centre with its liberating Light and effective Force and an irradiation of it into all the conscious and subconscious ranges of our nature. These are the two signs, one marking our completed conversion and consecration to the great Quest, the other the final acceptance by the Divine of our sacrifice.


previous chapter: 1.03 - Self-Surrender in Works - The Way of The Gita
next chapter: 1.05 - The Ascent of the Sacrifice - The Psychic Being

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The Gong Show (1976 - 2017) - Average people who had a stupid stunt or hidden talent, they wanted to show off, could go on this show, if the celebrity panel (usually B and C-listers like Jaye P. Morgan, Jamie Farr, and Rip Taylor)like their act they would be given points (the one with the highest points won a small cash prize),...
Skinnamarink TV (1997 - 2000) - Sharon, Lois, and Bram (who are most famous as the star's of the 80s classic "The Elephant Show") run a TV studio called Skinnamarink TV with the help of their friends Ella, an Elephant (but not the one from their other show) and CC Copycat, a blue cat who likes to repeat what other people are sayin...
Dear John (1988 - 1992) - After his wife leaves him for his best friend, John Lacey joins the One Two One Club, a support group for divorced and widowed people. The group consists of its fiery British leader Louise, sleazy Kirk, neurotic Ralph, aged but foxy Mrs. Philbert, and Kate, a red-headed divorcee who presents a possi...
Match Game (1990 - 1991) - This version of Match Game was the third revival in this series. The first was titled "The Match Game", and aired from 1963-1969 on NBC. The second had several variants, but the one with the longest run was Match Game '7X, which aired from 1973-1979 on CBS. The show also had a once-a-week nightly...
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket (OAV) (1989 - 1990) - In the final days of the One Year War, a Zeon special forces group infiltrates a colony to gather information on a new Gundam unit. Alfred Izuruha, a 10-year-old student, befriends Zeon rookie pilot Bernie Wiseman during a brief mobile suit combat. Meanwhile, Al meets up with Christina MacKenzie, hi...
Size Small (1982 - 1990) - Iit's the one with the old woman who used to whistle when she talked, also the giant Record that played the wooden spoons to the music. and there was all kinds of puppets and stuff!
Meet the Press (1947 - Current) - Meet the Press is a weekly American television news/interview program that is broadcast on NBC. It is the longest-running program in American television history, though its current format bears little resemblance to the one it debuted with on November 6, 1947. Like similar shows that have followed i...
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory (1991 - 1992) - This series continues to prolong the popularity of the Gundam craze! After the One Year War, Peace was signed between Zeon and the Earth Federation. Three years later, however, some remaining forces of Zeon who never gave up steal the new Federation mobile suit Gundam Unit 2, capable of Nuclear Stri...
Match Game 73 (1973 - 1982) - "Dumb Dora was soo-o-o-o-o-o-o dumb" (how dumb was she) "She thought Bo Duke of 'The Dukes of Hazzard' was the one wearing (blank)!"
Kinnikuman (1983 - 1986) - This is the first generation Kinnikuman BEFORE the one that came to America and a lot better. It stars King Kinnikuman in his struggle for humanity. That's right. This is the show where we see Mantaro's father before Mantaro was even born. If you still don't know what show I'm talking about, I'l...
Back to Sherwood (1998 - 1998) - Robin Hood, (not the one from the book but a modern day teenager), travels back in time to discover that she is in Sherwood Forest where the famous Robin Hood once lived. Using a magical amulet, given by her grandfather she has to rescue her famous ancestors from a wicked sorceress. The sixteen-year...
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (1985 - 1986) - "Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam" is a sequel to "Mobile Suit Gundam." The year is Universal Century 0087. Seven years have passed since the end of the One Year War. In its zeal to stamp out any remaining opposition, the Earth Federation has organized the Titans, an elite fighting force. However, the Titans...
Battle Girl High School (2017 - Current) - ( Batorugru Haisukru) is a Japanese social network game released by COLOPL. An anime adaptation was green-lit,[1] to celebrate the one year anniversary of the game.[2] The anime adaptation, which was later revealed to be a television series, aired in Japan from July 2[3][4] to Septemb...
Suite PreCure (2011 - 2012) - a Japanese anime series and the eighth installment in Izumi Todo's Pretty Cure metaseries. Produced by Toei Animation, the series is directed by Munehisa Sakai, who directed the One Piece anime series. Character designs were by Akira Takahashi, who previously worked on Kaidan Restaurant. The series...
Lilo & Stitch: The Series (2003 - 2006) - Continuing where Stitch! The Movie left off, Lilo and Stitch are given the task of collecting the rest of Jumba's missing experiments, changing them from bad to good, and finding the one place where they truly belong. Meanwhile, the former Captain Gantu and his reluctant partner, Experiment 625 (Lat...
Hercules(1997) - Hercules, son of the Greek god Zeus (Rip Torn), is born with incredible strength. Hades (James Woods), Lord of the Underworld, sees him as the one thing standing in his way of taking over Mt. Olympus, home of the gods. He sends his two bumbling demons, Pain and Panic to kidnap young Herc, give hiim...
An American Tail: Fievel Goes West(1991) - This is the one of the 3 sequels from the original Don Bluth movie" An American Tai
Dexter's Laboratory Ego Trip(1999) - Dexter, having chasing Mandark in his cape (as well as Dee Dee) out of his lab, while Mandark was try to steal the all-powerful Neurotomic Protocore, was attacked by a group of robots seeking to eliminate The One who Saved the Future, yet he defeated them all. Dexter was fascinated with being the On...
The Secret of the Sword(1985) - Prince Adam and Cringer travel to Etheria in search of the one who is meant for a special destiny.One who will gain the power to become She-ra, and who will fight to free Etheria from the Horde's evi
The Elm Chanted Forest(1986) - An evil force is out to destroy the forest--somebody's got to help save the animals. And Peter Palette is just the one to do it. "Elm-chanted" by a magical tree, Peter is now gifted with the ability to talk to the animals. When he learns of the evil plot by Cactus King to turn the forest into a dese...
Happy Birthday to Me(1981) - Virginia is proud that she belongs to a clique. The best students at a private school. But before her 18th birthday, a grueling set of murders take place and her friends are the ones who are falling prey. Could it be her? She suffers from blackouts due to a freak accident one yea
The Delta Force(1986) - When a group of ruthless terrorists hijack ATW flight 282 that's en route from Athens to Rome, and to New York, the call is made to summon the elite counterterrorist unit known as the Delta Force. the one question remains. who will live in the intense battle? this movie is loosely based on the TWA f...
Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II(1993) - Godzilla faces off against the second Mechagodzilla incarnation, but this time assisted by Rodan. This movie also stars Baby Godzilla, who isn't nearly as cute as the one featured in Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla.
Blown Away(1994) - Jimmy Dove works for the bomb squad in Boston and he is always the one who is on the tough jobs. One day he decides to quit the force and to become a teacher for the rookies of the squad. A few days later his former partner is killed by a bomb and Jimmy becomes suspicious that maybe this bomb could...
...And Justice for All(1979) - Al Pacino plays a lawyer who does his share for justice recently finds out that a judge he dislikes has been charged with rape of a woman, and also finds out that he is the one to defend him.
Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings(1994) - A group of teens resurrect the demonic creature known as Pumkinhead. This time the creature was a deformed child of the local witch who was killed by some local teenagers 30 years before. Pumkinhead beings to go after the ones who killed him and the teenagers who resurrected him. Meanwhile the local...
A Night At The Roxbury(1998) - The brainless Butabi brothers, Steve (Will Ferrell) and Doug (Chris Kattan), are wasting their youth trying to get into hot L.A. clubs: The one they've never cracked is the Roxbury...
Equalizer 2000(1987) - In a bleak, post-nuclear future world, warring factions struggle to claim the Equalizer 2000, the one weapon powerful enough to guarantee survival.
Jingle Bells(1999) - As told by one of Santas merriest elves Jingles, this animated tale opens on a small farm where Beth, Tommy and their parents are all worried about finding the money to buy each other gifts. But when their Dad sells the one thing they care about most in order to give the kids store-bought presents,...
The One Armed Executioner(1981) - This is the story of an Interpol agent turned restaurateur, out for revenge against the gangsters that cut off his arm and killed his bride. This tragedy left him deeply depressed, and his battle with depression has to be won first before he can be thoroughly trained in martial arts. After his train...
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone(2001) - Harry Potter is an ordinary boy living with his hostile relatives the Dursleys. He is later visited by a mysterious stranger named Rubeus Hagrid that he is famous for having survived an attack by the evil Lord Voldemort, that killed his parents, as a baby, and that he is the one chosen to defeat him...
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers(2002) - Gandalf the Grey gives his life in battle against the Balrog, giving the Fellowship of the Ring time to escape from the Mines of Moria. Weeks later, Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee continue their journey to Mordor to destroy the One Ring and, with it, the Dark Lord Sauron. One night, they are attac...
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time(2010) - In the holy city of Alamut resides the Sands of Time, which gives mortals the power to turn back time. After leading an attack on the city, Dastan (Jake Gyllenhaal), the adopted son of Persia's king, acquires a dagger that gives the one who holds it access to the Sands. Dastan goes on the run with a...
Elmo's Christmas Countdown(2007) - A Christmas special that aired on ABC in 2007. The story is told by Stiller the Elf to Stan the Snowball, recounting the year Christmas almost didn't happen. Stiller recalls that Oscar the Grouch had been researched as the one who had more Christmas joy than anyone else. As such, he plans to give Os...
All Over the Guy (2001) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Romance | 7 March 2002 (Australia) -- "All Over The Guy" is a contemporary romantic comedy about the quest to find the "one" when "the one" doesn't know he's the "one." It explores the unlikely pairing of two 20-somethings ... S Director: Julie Davis Writer:
Audition (1999) ::: 7.2/10 -- dishon (original title) -- Audition Poster -- A widower takes an offer to screen girls at a special audition, arranged for him by a friend to find him a new wife. The one he fancies is not who she appears to be after all. Director: Takashi Miike Writers:
City Hunter (2018) ::: 6.5/10 -- Nicky Larson et le parfum de Cupidon (original title) -- City Hunter Poster -- Nicky Larson, the best private investigator in the business, is called for a high-risk mission: to recover the perfume of Cupid, a perfume that would make irresistible the one who uses it. Director: Philippe Lacheau Writers:
Frankenstein (2011) ::: 8.7/10 -- National Theatre Live: Frankenstein (original title) -- Frankenstein Poster -- Created by Victor Frankenstein, the one known only as 'The Creature' sets out to discover the world and the meaning of his life. Directors: Danny Boyle, Tim Van Someren (co-director) Writers:
Fullmetal Alchemist ::: Hagane no renkinjutsushi (original tit ::: TV-PG | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2003-2004) Episode Guide 51 episodes Fullmetal Alchemist Poster -- When a failed alchemical ritual leaves brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric with severely damaged bodies, they begin searching for the one thing that can save them; the fabled philosopher's stone. Stars:
God on Trial (2008) ::: 7.7/10 -- 1h 26min | Drama, War | TV Movie 9 November 2008 -- Awaiting their inevitable deaths at one of the worst concentration camps, a group of Jews make a rabbinical court to decide whether God has gone against the Holy Covenant and if He is the one guilty for their suffering. Director: Andy De Emmony (as Andy de Emmony) Writer: Frank Cottrell Boyce
High Fidelity (2000) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 31 March 2000 (USA) -- Rob, a record store owner and compulsive list maker, recounts his top five breakups, including the one in progress. Director: Stephen Frears Writers: Nick Hornby (book), D.V. DeVincentis (screenplay) | 3 more credits
Kicking and Screaming (1995) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 6 October 1995 (USA) -- A bunch of guys hang around their college for months after graduation, continuing a life much like the one before graduation. Director: Noah Baumbach Writers: Noah Baumbach (story), Bo Berkman (story) (as Oliver Berkman) | 1 more
Maleficent (2014) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 37min | Action, Adventure, Family | 30 May 2014 (USA) -- A vengeful fairy is driven to curse an infant princess, only to discover that the child may be the one person who can restore peace to their troubled land. Director: Robert Stromberg Writers:
Munich (2005) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h 44min | Action, Drama, History | 6 January 2006 (USA) -- Based on the true story of the Black September aftermath, about the five men chosen to eliminate the ones responsible for that fateful day. Director: Steven Spielberg Writers: Tony Kushner (screenplay), Eric Roth (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
My Name Is Joe (1998) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Drama, Romance | 22 January 1999 (USA) -- Two thirtysomethings, unemployed former alcoholic Joe and community health worker Sarah, start a romantic relationship in the one of the toughest Glasgow neighbourhoods. Director: Ken Loach Writer: Paul Laverty (screenplay) Stars:
Predestination (2014) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | 9 January 2015 (USA) -- For his final assignment, a top temporal agent must pursue the one criminal that has eluded him throughout time. The chase turns into a unique, surprising and mind-bending exploration of love, fate, identity and time travel taboos. Directors: Michael Spierig (as The Spierig Brothers), Peter Spierig (as The Spierig Brothers)
Reign Over Me (2007) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Drama | 23 March 2007 (USA) -- A man who lost his family in the September 11 attack on New York City runs into his old college roommate. Rekindling the friendship is the one thing that appears able to help the man recover from his grief. Director: Mike Binder Writer:
Rhino Season (2012) ::: 6.4/10 -- Fasle kargadan (original title) -- Rhino Season Poster Kurdish-Iranian poet Sahel has just been released from a thirty-year prison sentence in Iran. Now the one thing keeping him going is the thought of finding his wife, who thinks him dead for over twenty years. Director: Bahman Ghobadi Writer: Bahman Ghobadi (screenplay)
Sneaky Pete ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime | TV Series (20152019) -- A con man on the run from a vicious gangster takes cover by assuming the identity of his prison cellmate, Pete, reuniting with his estranged family, that threatens to drag him into a world just as dangerous as the one he's escaping. Creators:
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 18min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 18 December 2015 (USA) -- As a new threat to the galaxy rises, Rey, a desert scavenger, and Finn, an ex-stormtrooper, must join Han Solo and Chewbacca to search for the one hope of restoring peace. Director: J.J. Abrams Writers:
Sweet Charity (1969) ::: 7.0/10 -- G | 2h 29min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 17 May 1969 (Japan) -- Taxi dancer Charity continues to have Faith despite endless disappointments at its hands, and Hope that she will finally meet the man to romance her away from her sleazy life. Maybe, just maybe, handsome Oscar will be the one to do it. Director: Bob Fosse Writers:
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) ::: 8.5/10 -- R | 2h 17min | Action, Sci-Fi | 3 July 1991 (USA) -- A cyborg, identical to the one who failed to kill Sarah Connor, must now protect her ten year old son, John Connor, from a more advanced and powerful cyborg. Director: James Cameron Writers:
The 12th Man (2017) ::: 7.4/10 -- Den 12. mann (original title) -- The 12th Man Poster -- They were 12 saboteurs. The Nazis killed 11 of them. This is the true story of the one who got away... Director: Harald Zwart Writer:
The Accused (1988) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Crime, Drama | 14 October 1988 (USA) -- After a young woman suffers a brutal gang rape in a bar one night, a prosecutor assists in bringing the perpetrators to justice, including the ones who encouraged and cheered on the attack. Director: Jonathan Kaplan Writer:
The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter ::: Ore dake Haireru Kakushi Dungeon (original title) 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2021- ) Episode Guide 9 episodes The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter Poster The Hidden Dungeon is a place of legend where rare treasures and items are hidden. Nor, the third son of an impoverished noble family who's lost the one job offer he had, was lucky enough to hear about this dungeon. Stars: Ryta saka, Miyu Tomita, Rumi Okubo
The Lorax (2012) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 26min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 2 March 2012 (USA) -- A 12-year-old boy searches for the one thing that will enable him to win the affection of the girl of his dreams. To find it he must discover the story of the Lorax, the grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world. Directors: Chris Renaud, Kyle Balda (co-director) Writers:
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) ::: 8.9/10 -- PG-13 | 3h 21min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 17 December 2003 (USA) -- Gandalf and Aragorn lead the World of Men against Sauron's army to draw his gaze from Frodo and Sam as they approach Mount Doom with the One Ring. Director: Peter Jackson Writers:
The One and Only Ivan (2020) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 35min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 21 August 2020 (USA) -- A gorilla named Ivan tries to piece together his past with the help of an elephant named Ruby as they hatch a plan to escape from captivity. Director: Thea Sharrock Writers: Mike White (screenplay by), Katherine Applegate (book)
The One I Love (2014) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 8 August 2014 (USA) -- A troubled couple vacate to a beautiful getaway, but bizarre circumstances further complicate their situation. Director: Charlie McDowell Writer: Justin Lader
Youth in Revolt (2009) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 8 January 2010 (USA) -- While his trailer trash parents teeter on the edge of divorce, Nick Twisp sets his sights on dream girl Sheeni Saunders, hoping that she'll be the one to take away his virginity. Director: Miguel Arteta Writers:'re_Trapped_On_TV"The_One_Being_Sought"'s_Legends_of_Tomorrow_(TV_Series)_Episode:_The_One_Where_We're_Trapped_On_TV's_Ready's_Wedding's_Wedding'_Inappropriate_Song'_Sandwich'_Wedding're_The_One_That_I_Want're_the_One_That_I_Want're_the_One_That_I_Want_(Glease)'s_the_one!'s_office_(The_One)
86 -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Light novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama Mecha -- 86 86 -- The Republic of San Magnolia. -- -- For a long time, this country has been besieged by its neighbor, the Giadian Empire, which created a series of unmanned drones called the Legion. After years of painstaking research, the Republic finally developed autonomous drones of their own, turning the one-sided struggle into a war without casualties—or at least, that's what the government claims. -- -- In truth, there is no such thing as a bloodless war. Beyond the fortified walls protecting the eighty-five Republic territories lies the "nonexistent" Eighty-Sixth Sector. The young men and women of this forsaken land are branded the Eighty-Six and, stripped of their humanity, pilot the "unmanned" weapons into battle... -- -- Shinn directs the actions of a detachment of young Eighty-Sixers while on the battlefield. Lena is a "handler" who commands the detachment from the remote rear with the help of special communication. -- -- The farewell story of the severe and sad struggle of these two begins! -- -- (Source: MU, Yen Press; edited) -- 133,495 7.89
Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 3rd Season -- -- Fanworks -- 10 eps -- Other -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 3rd Season Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 3rd Season -- After an emotional breakup with her boyfriend, red panda Retsuko closes herself off to the thought of ever being in love again—well, with an actual person anyway. Retreating into the world of VR, her virtual boyfriend showers her with praise and shows up in cute outfits, albeit for a price. -- -- While scrambling to find other ways to earn money, Retsuko finds herself in yet another financial bind after accidentally ramming into a parked van with a rental vehicle. The owner of the van, a gruff cheetah named Hyoudou, recruits her as an accountant for an underground idol group which he manages. Retsuko soon begins to buckle under the pressure from the new job, leading to plenty of inspiration for her next death metal vent sessions. -- -- In the midst of it all, Retsuko begins to wonder if she truly desires a colorless and uninteresting life, or if there's something waiting beyond her office desk. Will Retsuko finally come out on top, both in love and in the workplace? Or will she once again be convinced that the dull and sterile life in her office environment is the one she must lead? -- -- ONA - Aug 27, 2020 -- 46,456 7.90
Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) -- -- Fanworks -- 10 eps -- Other -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) -- Some offices have stereotypical dynamics: the chauvinistic pig of a boss who never does any real work; the employees whose goal is to suck up to the boss; the ones whose lives seem perfect; and the individuals who have all the actual work pushed onto them. Retsuko the red panda is in the last group, as she stays late most nights to make up the work her coworkers are too lazy to do themselves. -- -- Her relief from the stress of her everyday life comes in the form of singing death metal at a local karaoke club. Night after night, Retsuko channels her grief into a microphone and considers the place to be her own personal sanctuary. But as she moves further away from her comfort zone and the ideas people have of her, she discovers that letting others into her world of death metal may not be such a bad thing. -- -- ONA - Apr 20, 2018 -- 122,453 7.68
Amagami SS -- -- AIC -- 25 eps -- Visual novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School -- Amagami SS Amagami SS -- Two years ago, Junichi Tachibana had a date on Christmas Eve but was stood up instead. Since then, he has had a hard time showing others his true feelings in fear of being rejected again. However, as luck would have it, Junichi may have a second chance at love when he meets several girls whom he becomes romantically interested in: Haruka Morishima, the energetic and popular upperclassman with a love for cute things; Kaoru Tanamachi, his childhood friend who harbors secret feelings for him; Sae Nakata, the timid transfer student who is shy around men; Ai Nanasaki, a girl on the swim team who has a bad first impression of Junichi; Rihoko Sakurai, a childhood friend with a love for sweets; and Tsukasa Ayatsuji, a seemingly perfect class representative who has a hidden dark side. As Christmas Eve approaches, Junichi can only hope that this will be the year he will finally spend the holidays with the one he truly loves. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 2, 2010 -- 300,433 7.35
Amagami SS -- -- AIC -- 25 eps -- Visual novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School -- Amagami SS Amagami SS -- Two years ago, Junichi Tachibana had a date on Christmas Eve but was stood up instead. Since then, he has had a hard time showing others his true feelings in fear of being rejected again. However, as luck would have it, Junichi may have a second chance at love when he meets several girls whom he becomes romantically interested in: Haruka Morishima, the energetic and popular upperclassman with a love for cute things; Kaoru Tanamachi, his childhood friend who harbors secret feelings for him; Sae Nakata, the timid transfer student who is shy around men; Ai Nanasaki, a girl on the swim team who has a bad first impression of Junichi; Rihoko Sakurai, a childhood friend with a love for sweets; and Tsukasa Ayatsuji, a seemingly perfect class representative who has a hidden dark side. As Christmas Eve approaches, Junichi can only hope that this will be the year he will finally spend the holidays with the one he truly loves. -- -- TV - Jul 2, 2010 -- 300,433 7.35
Ankoku Shinwa -- -- Ajia-Do -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Demons Fantasy Horror Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Ankoku Shinwa Ankoku Shinwa -- Long ago there were fierce gods of legends who shook the earth to its foundation with their power. There are now prehistoric rivals from the primitive times in Japan, that fought to protect their secrets in the present day. The God of Darkness Susanoah-oh is now sleeping in the shadows of the underworld waiting for his rebirth. However his coming hasn't gone unoticed. There are agents from the Kikuchi Clan (descendants of Japans first inhabitants) who have seen the warning signs of the spreading of darkness's bringing. These investigators are armed with ancient knowledge and artifacts who are willingly prepared to face the God of Darkness. Now they must fight the assembled spirits of hell to find the one young boy who is chosen by fate to grasp the chaotic might of the deadly Gods. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- OVA - Jan 26, 1990 -- 2,338 4.18
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Jump Festa 2013 Special -- -- Brain's Base -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Shounen -- Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Jump Festa 2013 Special Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Jump Festa 2013 Special -- Class 3-E is getting ready for their class trip to Kyoto, and Koro-sensei is as excited as ever! Nagisa is in a group with Kaede, Karma, Tomohito, Manami, and the class idol Yukiko Kanzaki. The students are aware of the fact that this is a great opportunity to assassinate Koro-sensei, but they cannot help having great time with him. However, the trip becomes even more exciting and dangerous when they get attacked by a bunch of delinquents who kidnap the girls. As if that is not enough, there is a hired sniper named Red Eye lurking around, ready to be the one who would assassinate Koro-sensei and claim the prize. Can the students of Class 3-E rely on Koro-sensei even now? -- Special - Oct 6, 2013 -- 66,426 7.21
Aquarion Logos -- -- Satelight -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Drama Fantasy Mecha Romance Sci-Fi -- Aquarion Logos Aquarion Logos -- For thousands of years after its development, mankind used the written word for communication between people and generations. As millenia passed and technology became more prevalent, writing - and thus, communication as a whole - diminished, until it could only be found on cell phones and computer screens. Seeing an opportunity, the sorcerer Sogan Kenzaki starts infecting words with the Nesta Virus, which brings them to life and turns them into monsters called MJBK (Menace of Japanese with Biological Kinetic energy). -- -- To counter this attack against humanity, an organization known as DEAVA (Division of EArth Verbalism Ability) assembles a group of youths with the ability of "Verbalism". They have to pilot the vector machines, which are used to form the mechas dubbed "Aquarions". The one wild card in the situation is the self-dubbed "savior", a young man who is the direct relative of a famous calligrapher, named Akira Kaibuki. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 20,066 5.71
Bannou Bunka Neko-Musume -- -- animate Film, Studio Fantasia -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Mecha Seinen -- Bannou Bunka Neko-Musume Bannou Bunka Neko-Musume -- Ryuunosuke Natsume is the son of genius inventor Kyusaku Natsume and overbearing Akiko Natsume, CEO of Mishima Heavy Industries. Using funds from his wife's company and the brain from his son's beloved cat, Kyusaku creates a revolutionary android called Atsuko "Nuku Nuku" Natsume. To Kyusaku's disgust, Akiko wants to use her husband's technology to create weaponized robots for her company's customers, resulting in Ryuunosuke getting caught within the explosive fights between his parents -- -- The android Nuku Nuku tries to live as a normal high school student, adopting the role of Ryuunosuke's elder sister, but usually ends up acting as her family's protector. Nuku Nuku will do anything to protect the ones she loves. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media -- OVA - Oct 21, 1992 -- 9,569 6.68
Berserk -- -- GEMBA, Millepensee -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Demons Drama Fantasy Horror Military Romance Seinen Supernatural -- Berserk Berserk -- Now branded for death and destined to be hunted by demons until the day he dies, Guts embarks on a journey to defy such a gruesome fate, as waves of beasts relentlessly pursue him. Steeling his resolve, he takes up the monstrous blade Dragonslayer and vows to exact vengeance on the one responsible, hunting down the very man he once looked up to and considered a friend. -- -- Along the way, he encounters some unlikely allies, such as a small elf named Puck, and Isidro, a young thief looking to learn swordsmanship from the former mercenary. As the ragtag group slowly comes together after having decided to join Guts in his quest, they will face incredible danger unlike anything they have ever experienced before. -- -- 266,685 6.35
Berserk -- -- GEMBA, Millepensee -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Demons Drama Fantasy Horror Military Romance Seinen Supernatural -- Berserk Berserk -- Now branded for death and destined to be hunted by demons until the day he dies, Guts embarks on a journey to defy such a gruesome fate, as waves of beasts relentlessly pursue him. Steeling his resolve, he takes up the monstrous blade Dragonslayer and vows to exact vengeance on the one responsible, hunting down the very man he once looked up to and considered a friend. -- -- Along the way, he encounters some unlikely allies, such as a small elf named Puck, and Isidro, a young thief looking to learn swordsmanship from the former mercenary. As the ragtag group slowly comes together after having decided to join Guts in his quest, they will face incredible danger unlike anything they have ever experienced before. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 266,685 6.35
Cardfight!! Vanguard: overDress -- -- Kinema Citrus -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Game -- Cardfight!! Vanguard: overDress Cardfight!! Vanguard: overDress -- Yu-yu is a boy living in Kanazawa, Kaga Province. He is 15 years old and in his third year of junior high school. He has the ability to sense the feelings of others, but he is troubled by the fact that he cannot say no when asked. -- -- One day, Yu-yu could no longer stand going along with his sister's hobby, so he ran away from home. The one who saves him is Megumi Okura. Megumi invites Yu-yu to a nighttime amusement park called "Wonder Hill" where her friends hang out. At the amusement park, Yu-yu meets Megumi, Zakusa Ishikame, and Tomari Seto, members of "Team Blackout," a group that meets to play Vanguard every night. -- -- Tonight, a serious fight for the team's flag will take place. Blackout's leader, Danji Momoyama, and the mysterious and powerful fighter, Touya Ebata. As Yu-yu stares at them, the card fight is soon eroded into a world of images. -- -- This is how Yu-yu encounters Vanguard, a world he has never seen before, and is drawn in by its powerful allure- making new friends along the way. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 5,929 6.23
Casshern Sins -- -- Madhouse, Tatsunoko Production -- 24 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Drama Psychological Sci-Fi -- Casshern Sins Casshern Sins -- In a distant future, Earth has become a wasteland and humanity as we know it has died out. All that remains are sentient robots. They were supposed to be able to live forever—until the one called Luna died and The Ruin started. Their bodies will rust, and there is nothing that can be done to fix it. Now the robots are left only to contemplate their deaths, kept going only by the rumor that if they eat the one called Casshern they will gain immortality. -- -- Casshern knows nothing about his past, why he exists or what he is, but he must find out or he will face the constant torment of being hunted by robots who don't want to die. Casshern leaves death wherever he goes, but he must face it if he is to find out the truth of this world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 2, 2008 -- 135,820 7.52
Chicchana Yukitsukai Sugar -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Original -- Comedy Fantasy Slice of Life -- Chicchana Yukitsukai Sugar Chicchana Yukitsukai Sugar -- Season Fairies create and control the weather using special musical instruments. They make the wind blow, the snow fall, the sun shine; if it's something weather related, they are the ones who make it happen. -- -- Sugar, an apprentice Snow Fairy, and her friends Salt and Pepper, all want to become full-fledged Season Fairies, and the only way to achieve this is to search for and find the "Twinkles" that will make their magical flowers bloom. The only problem is that none of them have any idea what a Twinkle is. -- -- They enlist the somewhat unwilling help of Saga, a human girl who can see Season Fairies. Much to her annoyance, Saga's perfectly planned and ordered life has just become a little too lively for her taste. Together, they search for the mysterious Twinkles while trying to perfect their magic. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 2, 2001 -- 20,548 7.07
Chiruri -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Dementia Drama -- Chiruri Chiruri -- The story of a boy and a girl who try to find the one thing that matters. Independent film by Kenji Kawasaki, with accompanying music by Kai Shiono. -- ONA - Sep 29, 2011 -- 535 5.71
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren: The Rikka Wars -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Romance School Slice of Life -- Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren: The Rikka Wars Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren: The Rikka Wars -- One normal school day, Rikka Takanashi notices Makoto Isshiki secretly passing a flash drive to Yuuta Togashi. Curious, Rikka talks to her friends about the case, who agree that Yuuta is hiding something from her. They decide to discover the contents of the flash drive by any means necessary, but to their surprise, it merely contained pictures of an idol that Yuuta adored back in middle school. However, Rikka takes offense, as she claims that this breaks their contract as lovers and demands Yuuta to return the flash drive. -- -- Although having seen Yuuta return the flash drive, she still felt uncertain about the situation. This leads to her sneaking into Yuuta's room during the night, only to find out that the flash drive had not been returned! Scanning through its contents, she hurriedly rushes to bed when Yuuta enters her room. To her terror, she finds the flash drive crushed due to her negligence in keeping it in a safe place. Yuuta quickly finds out and demands an apology. However, Rikka too, demands an apology from him, resulting in both of them refusing to be the one to apologize first. Will the two lovebirds be able to resolve their argument? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Sep 17, 2014 -- 96,547 7.46
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren: The Rikka Wars -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Romance School Slice of Life -- Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren: The Rikka Wars Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren: The Rikka Wars -- One normal school day, Rikka Takanashi notices Makoto Isshiki secretly passing a flash drive to Yuuta Togashi. Curious, Rikka talks to her friends about the case, who agree that Yuuta is hiding something from her. They decide to discover the contents of the flash drive by any means necessary, but to their surprise, it merely contained pictures of an idol that Yuuta adored back in middle school. However, Rikka takes offense, as she claims that this breaks their contract as lovers and demands Yuuta to return the flash drive. -- -- Although having seen Yuuta return the flash drive, she still felt uncertain about the situation. This leads to her sneaking into Yuuta's room during the night, only to find out that the flash drive had not been returned! Scanning through its contents, she hurriedly rushes to bed when Yuuta enters her room. To her terror, she finds the flash drive crushed due to her negligence in keeping it in a safe place. Yuuta quickly finds out and demands an apology. However, Rikka too, demands an apology from him, resulting in both of them refusing to be the one to apologize first. Will the two lovebirds be able to resolve their argument? -- -- Special - Sep 17, 2014 -- 96,547 7.46
Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 2 - Hikisakareshi Yokuryuu -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Military -- Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 2 - Hikisakareshi Yokuryuu Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 2 - Hikisakareshi Yokuryuu -- With her previous triumphs under her belt, Leila Malcal has now been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and commanding officer of W-0. After having foiled an attempt to kidnap the General of the European army, she recruits the three perpetrators in order to make up for the lack of W-0's pilots. Ayano Kosaka, Yukiya Naruse, and ringleader Ryou Sayama accept, in hopes of finding a place to belong. When they are ordered to perform a commando raid by dropping into enemy lines, Leila decides to join them to prevent unnecessary casualties. -- -- As the unit rushes into the fight, Akito finds himself possessed by an uncontrollable lust for violence, slaughtering anyone that gets in his way. Little does he know, he is soon to come face to face with the one responsible for placing the bloodthirsty curse upon him, someone he is far too familiar with... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Sep 14, 2013 -- 113,975 7.52
Dai Yamato Zero-gou -- -- JCF -- 5 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space -- Dai Yamato Zero-gou Dai Yamato Zero-gou -- In the galactic group there are more than 100,000,000,000 galaxies, and the Milky Way galaxy, the one which includes Earth's solar system, is only one of these... one of many in the immensity of outer space. -- -- This story starts in the year 3199, when a mighty enemy attacks the Milky Way from a neighbouring galaxy. The enemy engages the combined forces of the Milky Way, an Alliance of many stellar nations, and defeats them one after another. -- -- The remaining Milky Way Alliance forces are reduced to just six fleets. After the Alliance headquarters is destroyed, and when the collapse of the central Milky Way Alliance is imminent, the Great Yamato "Zero" surprises everyone and embarks on a mission to assist the Milky Way Alliance in one last great battle. -- OVA - Mar 31, 2004 -- 1,186 5.73
Date A Live III -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Romance Mecha School -- Date A Live III Date A Live III -- Shidou Itsuka carries on with his quest for Ratatoskr in finding Spirits and trying to seal their powers, all while maintaining his relationships with the ones he had already sealed. Moreover, as new Spirits appear, he must undergo more complicated trials—all to put a stop to further disasters as he discovers more about the Spirits' origin. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 242,341 7.14
Detective Conan Movie 02: The Fourteenth Target -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 02: The Fourteenth Target Detective Conan Movie 02: The Fourteenth Target -- A mysterious attacker has appeared and is assaulting people whose names contain a number from the standard deck of cards in descending order. When Conan Edogawa points out that all the victims are related to the now famous detective Kogorou Mouri, suspicion immediately falls upon the recently released convict Jou Murakami, as Kogorou was the one responsible for his arrest ten years prior. -- -- With potential victims still at risk, Conan and the police are determined to catch the culprit. As the case gradually unfolds, both Conan and his friend Ran Mouri learn more about her parents' separation and the truth on what transpired a decade ago. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 18, 1998 -- 49,797 7.89
Detective Conan Movie 11: Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Mystery Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 11: Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure Detective Conan Movie 11: Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure -- The luscious hills of Koumi Island are one of many reasons tourists pay its shores a visit—a reason that comes second only to its scenic coral reefs and the legend of Anne Bonnie and Mary Read. The museum that houses the cutlass and pistol of the daring pirate duo does wonders for the small island's tourism. -- -- On a trip to the island, the famous Kogorou Mouri is joined by his daughter Ran, her best friend Sonoko Suzuki, the Detective Boys, and Conan Edogawa. Following a mix up at the hotel regarding their rooms, the group encounters treasure hunters and becomes acquainted with the island's treasure fever. Sent on a hunt of their very own, the Detective Boys scour the isle; while in far harsher waters, Conan discovers a murder. The police, following a clue from a recent robbery, arrive soon after, and Koumi is plunged into chaos. -- -- What follows is a mad dash by not only the treasure hunters but also the inhabitants of Koumi to secure Anne and Mary's long lost booty. All the while, however, Conan, Kogorou, and the police search for the one thing far greater than riches—justice. -- -- Movie - Apr 21, 2007 -- 34,810 7.47
D.N.Angel -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Magic Romance Fantasy School Shoujo -- D.N.Angel D.N.Angel -- Daisuke Niwa is a clumsy, block-headed, and wimpy middle school student who has few redeeming qualities. On his 14th birthday, he finally decides to confess his love to his longtime crush Risa Harada, but is rejected. -- -- In an unexpected turn of events, however, Daisuke finds himself transforming into Dark Mousy, the infamous phantom thief, whenever his mind is set on Risa. Though Daisuke is unaware of this strange heritage, his mother is certainly not: since before the boy was born, his mother had been planning for him to steal valuable works of art and let the name of the elusive art thief be known. -- -- With doubt and confusion constantly clouding his mind, Daisuke finds himself struggling in his relationships with classmates and family. And it is not long before Daisuke realizes that he is not the only one with a fated family legacy—his greatest adversary could be the one classmate he is most unwilling to fight. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media -- TV - Apr 3, 2003 -- 169,463 7.19
D.N.Angel -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Magic Romance Fantasy School Shoujo -- D.N.Angel D.N.Angel -- Daisuke Niwa is a clumsy, block-headed, and wimpy middle school student who has few redeeming qualities. On his 14th birthday, he finally decides to confess his love to his longtime crush Risa Harada, but is rejected. -- -- In an unexpected turn of events, however, Daisuke finds himself transforming into Dark Mousy, the infamous phantom thief, whenever his mind is set on Risa. Though Daisuke is unaware of this strange heritage, his mother is certainly not: since before the boy was born, his mother had been planning for him to steal valuable works of art and let the name of the elusive art thief be known. -- -- With doubt and confusion constantly clouding his mind, Daisuke finds himself struggling in his relationships with classmates and family. And it is not long before Daisuke realizes that he is not the only one with a fated family legacy—his greatest adversary could be the one classmate he is most unwilling to fight. -- -- TV - Apr 3, 2003 -- 169,463 7.19
Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake -- -- MAPPA -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Horror Fantasy Seinen -- Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake -- Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake further explores the world of sorcerers and the Hole, honing in on what the characters do in their spare time when they are not seeking out their enemies. -- -- Kamen Kakusa -- Fujita attends a mask conjuring ritual in hopes of a Devil bestowing him with an appropriate mask, like the ones his colleagues Noi and Shin possess. Hopefully his offering entices the mask-maker! -- -- Tenpo For You -- Nikaidou, lacking money and forced to sell gyoza on the streets of the Hole, stumbles upon a quaint shop selling tea and sweets. Its owner is the gentle and hospitable Syueron, but it seems the denizens of the Hole bear a grudge against him. -- -- Shitappa Seishun Graffiti -- Intrigued by the photographs hanging around the mansion, Ebisu approaches En hoping for a portrait of her own. However, she is disappointed to find that only members of the En Family can have their pictures taken. -- -- Anata no Shiranai Gyoza no Kai -- The Gyoza Fairy keeps the Hungry Bug in pristine condition, but his primary responsibility is ensuring the gyoza tastes good. So he becomes rather agitated when Nikaidou's customers do not properly enjoy their meals. -- -- Odoru Ma no Utage -- En is enthusiastic about his masquerade ball and is adamant on his family's participation. Per tradition, attendees must choose a partner and dance to appease the Devils. To their horror, they discover that failing to do so may incur nasty consequences! -- -- Yokaze ni Fukarete Ooba Kinenbi -- Nikaidou gives detailed instructions on preparing oba gyoza and Kaiman is eager to help! -- -- Special - Jun 17, 2020 -- 29,004 7.11
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka IV -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka IV Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka IV -- Fourth season of Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka. -- TV - ??? ??, 2022 -- 55,073 N/A -- -- Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- -- SILVER LINK. -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Magic Fantasy School -- Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- Second season of Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Kayou. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 55,065 N/A -- -- Tegamibachi Reverse -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Supernatural Fantasy Shounen -- Tegamibachi Reverse Tegamibachi Reverse -- After Niche carries the wounded and stunned Lag back to the Bee Hive, the Letter Bee finally begins to piece the puzzle together. Now he knows what's happened to Gauche, why the Marauders are so focused on stealing mail and the actual intent of the group controlling both, Reverse. However, when he's forbidden to reveal the truth, Lag is soon forced out of the artificial sunlight and back into the world of perpetual night. And soon Reverse's plot to take down the Letter Bees and overthrow the Amberground government begins to accelerate. If things weren't already bad enough, the giant insect creatures called gaichuu are apparently evolving into something new; there may be traitors working within the Hive; and Niche's sister, who's definitely not human friendly, shows up to turn family drama into a full-scale siege! It all spells serious trouble for the Letter Bees, but if anyone can weather the storms and gloom of night, Lag and his team are the ones who'll deliver. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 55,008 7.77
Durarara!! Specials -- -- Brain's Base -- 2 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Supernatural -- Durarara!! Specials Durarara!! Specials -- Celty Sturluson is tasked to deliver a suspicious red handbag as part of her courier duties—the problem is: it is being sought by several organizations. As she makes her way through Ikebukuro toward the place the bag is supposed to be brought to, she is chased by mysterious men speaking a foreign language, and her package ends up dragging many of the city's residents into the conflict. -- -- Subsequently, famous actor Yuuhei Hanejima has just arrived in Ikebukuro as part of a special TV program, searching for the best couple to give them a chance to appear in one of his movies. However, Yuuhei Hanejima is actually a stage name for Kasuka Heiwajima, Shizuo's younger brother, and when an anonymous internet user threatens to kill the superstar, this user learns the weight of what that relationship means. Moreover, Shizuo discovers that the one responsible for the attempted attack is the meddlesome pest that he loathes with a burning passion. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Special - Aug 25, 2010 -- 151,205 7.89
Durarara!! Specials -- -- Brain's Base -- 2 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Supernatural -- Durarara!! Specials Durarara!! Specials -- Celty Sturluson is tasked to deliver a suspicious red handbag as part of her courier duties—the problem is: it is being sought by several organizations. As she makes her way through Ikebukuro toward the place the bag is supposed to be brought to, she is chased by mysterious men speaking a foreign language, and her package ends up dragging many of the city's residents into the conflict. -- -- Subsequently, famous actor Yuuhei Hanejima has just arrived in Ikebukuro as part of a special TV program, searching for the best couple to give them a chance to appear in one of his movies. However, Yuuhei Hanejima is actually a stage name for Kasuka Heiwajima, Shizuo's younger brother, and when an anonymous internet user threatens to kill the superstar, this user learns the weight of what that relationship means. Moreover, Shizuo discovers that the one responsible for the attempted attack is the meddlesome pest that he loathes with a burning passion. -- -- Special - Aug 25, 2010 -- 151,205 7.89
Durarara!!x2 Ten: Onoroke Chakapoko -- -- Shuka -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural -- Durarara!!x2 Ten: Onoroke Chakapoko Durarara!!x2 Ten: Onoroke Chakapoko -- In spite of the mayhem that has been taking place in Ikebukuro, Shinra Kishitani and Celty Sturluson have decided to go on a short trip. Excited to finally be going out with the one he loves, the underground doctor makes it his priority to give Celty his undivided attention, even if it means rejecting phone calls from his good friend Izaya Orihara. -- -- However, despite his hopes of having a peaceful holiday, Ikebukuro's various residents continue trying to reach him. Furthermore, just as Shinra begins to enjoy reminiscing about old memories on a carriage ride together with his beloved, Celty starts to notice a strange presence... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Special - Jan 27, 2016 -- 43,630 7.56
Durarara!!x2 Ten: Onoroke Chakapoko -- -- Shuka -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural -- Durarara!!x2 Ten: Onoroke Chakapoko Durarara!!x2 Ten: Onoroke Chakapoko -- In spite of the mayhem that has been taking place in Ikebukuro, Shinra Kishitani and Celty Sturluson have decided to go on a short trip. Excited to finally be going out with the one he loves, the underground doctor makes it his priority to give Celty his undivided attention, even if it means rejecting phone calls from his good friend Izaya Orihara. -- -- However, despite his hopes of having a peaceful holiday, Ikebukuro's various residents continue trying to reach him. Furthermore, just as Shinra begins to enjoy reminiscing about old memories on a carriage ride together with his beloved, Celty starts to notice a strange presence... -- -- Special - Jan 27, 2016 -- 43,630 7.56
Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! -- -- Science SARU -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy School Seinen -- Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! -- Midori Asakusa sees the world a bit differently. Always having her nose in a sketchbook, Asakusa draws detailed landscapes and backgrounds of both the world around her and the one within her boundless imagination. Even the simple act of doodling on a wall evolves into an emergency repair on the outer hull of her spaceship. She is only brought back to reality by her best friend Sayaka Kanamori. The pair are stark opposites, with Asakusa's childlike wonder contrasted by Kanamori's calculated approach to life. -- -- After a chance encounter where the two "save" the young model Tsubame Misuzaki from her overprotective bodyguard, a connection instantly sparks between Asakusa and Misuzaki, as both share an intense passion for art and animation. Whereas Asakusa is interested in backgrounds and settings, Misuzaki loves drawing the human form. Sensing a money-making opportunity, Kanamori suggests that they start an animation club, which they disguise as a motion picture club since the school already has an anime club. Thus begins the trio's journey of producing animation that will awe the world. -- -- From the brilliant mind of Masaaki Yuasa, Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! is a love letter to animation, wildly creative in its approach, and a testament to the potential of the medium. -- -- 231,001 8.17
Endro~! -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Fantasy Magic Slice of Life -- Endro~! Endro~! -- In a world of adventurers and magic lies Naral Island. Every generation, a Demon Lord rises to plague the land, and every generation, a Hero is born to subdue him. For countless centuries, the cycle has repeated with no end in sight. The latest Hero, Juulia "Yusha" Charldetto, has almost completed her valiant campaign alongside her party members: responsible priest Seiran "Seira" Élénoir, enigmatic mage Meiza "Mei" Endust, and hyper-energetic warrior Fai Fai. -- -- In the final battle against the Demon Lord, Yusha's party attempt a risky spell to cast their enemy into the drifts of time. But the incantation goes awry, sending Yusha and her friends back to a time before the Demon Lord, before Yusha becomes the Hero, and before the party had even graduated as adventurers. With their memories of the future erased, the four girls restart their ambitions to become the Hero's Party, aspiring to defeat the Demon Lord. -- -- However, in a sudden twist of fate, the Demon Lord was also sent back in time with her memories intact. Reduced to the form of a little girl, the Demon Lord takes the name Mao and infiltrates the adventurers' school as a teacher, planning to stop Yusha before she becomes a hero. Thus begins the story of Yusha and her friends, in their quest to defeat the Demon Lord, not knowing that the one they seek is right by their side. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 57,878 6.93
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood -- -- Bones -- 64 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood -- "In order for something to be obtained, something of equal value must be lost." -- -- Alchemy is bound by this Law of Equivalent Exchange—something the young brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric only realize after attempting human transmutation: the one forbidden act of alchemy. They pay a terrible price for their transgression—Edward loses his left leg, Alphonse his physical body. It is only by the desperate sacrifice of Edward's right arm that he is able to affix Alphonse's soul to a suit of armor. Devastated and alone, it is the hope that they would both eventually return to their original bodies that gives Edward the inspiration to obtain metal limbs called "automail" and become a state alchemist, the Fullmetal Alchemist. -- -- Three years of searching later, the brothers seek the Philosopher's Stone, a mythical relic that allows an alchemist to overcome the Law of Equivalent Exchange. Even with military allies Colonel Roy Mustang, Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, and Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes on their side, the brothers find themselves caught up in a nationwide conspiracy that leads them not only to the true nature of the elusive Philosopher's Stone, but their country's murky history as well. In between finding a serial killer and racing against time, Edward and Alphonse must ask themselves if what they are doing will make them human again... or take away their humanity. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America, Funimation -- 2,372,958 9.18
Gamers! -- -- Pine Jam -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Game Comedy Romance School -- Gamers! Gamers! -- Keita Amano is a typical high school gamer living out an average student's life. One day, however, he has an unexpected meeting with the cutest girl in school that makes him want to disappear without a trace! -- -- This girl, Karen Tendou, is an exemplary student who is proclaimed to be the school's idol. She discovers that Amano is a gamer, and this newfound knowledge incites a passionate desire within her to recruit him into the game club. Upon visiting the club, Amano is forcefully made aware of a side to gaming wildly different than the one he loves so dearly. -- -- Tendou's interest in Amano begins shaking up what was once an uneventful life, filling it with spontaneity, awkwardness, and a little bit of mayhem. As a result, every day becomes a comical battle for Amano's sanity as he tries to adapt to these wild, unexpected changes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 482,559 6.88
Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki -- -- J.C.Staff -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Military Harem Magic Romance Fantasy -- Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki -- O, Hero! -- -- When Kazuya Souma is unexpectedly transported to another world, he knows the people expect a hero. But Souma's idea of heroism is more practical than most—he wants to rebuild the flagging economy of the new land he's found himself in! Betrothed to the princess and abruptly planted on the throne, this realist hero must gather talented people to help him get the country back on its feet—not through war, or adventure, but with administrative reform! -- -- (Source: Seven Seas Entertainment) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 23,670 N/A -- -- Mobile Suit Gundam III: Encounters in Space -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam III: Encounters in Space Mobile Suit Gundam III: Encounters in Space -- The One Year War comes to a close, as the Zeon forces now retreat back into space. Amuro learns much more of his Newtype abilities and tries to use them the best way he can. He's pushed to his limit as he encounters the infamous Char Aznable once again. He also falls in love with a mysterious woman named Lalah Sune, who knows the full potential of the Newtype abilities. -- -- The greatest battle is about to begin, as many loved ones fall to the power of war. Can the Earth Federation defeat the Principality of Zeon? Or will they fail? Can Char prove that he's the better Newtype than Amuro? They all will be answered now... -- -- (Source: Otakufreakmk2) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Nozomi Entertainment -- Movie - Mar 13, 1982 -- 22,788 7.77
Granbelm -- -- Nexus -- 13 eps -- Original -- Fantasy Magic Mecha -- Granbelm Granbelm -- Long ago, magic was abundant and enriched the lives of all people until its usage in war. To end the chaos, seven of the most powerful mages gave up their lives in order to seal all magic. Now, almost one thousand years later, their magic seal Magiaconatus hosts Granbelm, a monthly series of battles meant to determine who among its participants is worthy of the title of Princeps, the one true mage. -- -- On the night of a full moon, high school student Mangetsu Kohinata is suddenly transported to an illusionary world where six mages are participating in Granbelm. Mistaken for an enemy mage, Mangetsu is attacked by two mages until she is rescued by Shingetsu Ernesta Fukami and her Armanox Viola Katze. However, when Shingetsu is ambushed for protecting her, Magiaconatus grants Mangetsu the Armanox White Lily, allowing her to fight off Shingetsu's assailant. Overwhelmed by the revelations presented to her, Mangetsu decides to help her new friend fight in Granbelm and make her wish come true. -- -- 42,896 6.73
Great Pretender -- -- Wit Studio -- 23 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Psychological -- Great Pretender Great Pretender -- A series of unfortunate events has led Makoto "Edamame" Edamura to adopt the life of crime—pickpocketing and scamming others for a living. However, after swindling a seemingly clueless tourist, Makoto discovers that he was the one tricked and, to make matters worse, the police are now after him. -- -- While making his escape, he runs into the tourist once again, who turns out to be a fellow con man named Laurent Thierry, and ends up following him to Los Angeles. In an attempt to defend his self-proclaimed title of "Japan's Greatest Swindler," Makoto challenges his rival to determine the better scammer. Accepting the competition, Laurent drops them off outside a huge mansion and claims that their target will be the biggest mafia boss on the West Coast. -- -- Jumping from city to city, Great Pretender follows the endeavors of Makoto alongside the cunning Laurent and his colorful associates in the world of international high-stakes fraud. Soon, Makoto realizes that he got more than what he bargained for as his self-declared skills are continually put to the test. -- -- ONA - Jun 2, 2020 -- 333,244 8.34
Gundam vs Hello Kitty -- -- - -- 3 eps -- - -- Sci-Fi Space Comedy Kids Fantasy Mecha -- Gundam vs Hello Kitty Gundam vs Hello Kitty -- While preparing for a tea party, Hello Kitty receives a distress signal from Haro. She travels to the Universal Century timeline to help Amuro Ray and the Gundam end the One Year War. -- -- Cross-promotion to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Gundam and the 45th anniversary of Hello Kitty. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Mar 29, 2019 -- 3,496 6.38
.hack//Quantum -- -- Kinema Citrus -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Game Sci-Fi -- .hack//Quantum .hack//Quantum -- Tobias, Mary, and Sakuya challenge the impregnable "The One Sin", but they lose their way in the maze and unintentionally trap other guild members. A mysterious cat is watching their blunder. Is it another player character or NPC? -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Jan 28, 2011 -- 36,917 7.17
Hamatora The Animation -- -- NAZ -- 12 eps -- Original -- Mystery Comedy Super Power Drama -- Hamatora The Animation Hamatora The Animation -- The ability to create miracles is not just a supernatural phenomenon; it is a gift which manifests in a limited number of human beings. "Minimum," or small miracles, are special powers that only selected people called "Minimum Holders" possess. The detective agency Yokohama Troubleshooting, or Hamatora for short, is composed of the "Minimum Holder PI Duo," Nice and Murasaki. Their office is a lone table at Cafe Nowhere, where the pair and their coworkers await new clients. -- -- Suddenly, the jobs that they begin to receive seem to have strange connections to the serial killer whom their friend Art, a police officer, is searching for. The murder victims share a single similarity: they are all Minimum Holders. Nice and Murasaki, as holders themselves, are drawn to the case—but what exactly is the link between Nice and the one who orchestrates it all? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 8, 2014 -- 255,384 7.29
Hamatora The Animation -- -- NAZ -- 12 eps -- Original -- Mystery Comedy Super Power Drama -- Hamatora The Animation Hamatora The Animation -- The ability to create miracles is not just a supernatural phenomenon; it is a gift which manifests in a limited number of human beings. "Minimum," or small miracles, are special powers that only selected people called "Minimum Holders" possess. The detective agency Yokohama Troubleshooting, or Hamatora for short, is composed of the "Minimum Holder PI Duo," Nice and Murasaki. Their office is a lone table at Cafe Nowhere, where the pair and their coworkers await new clients. -- -- Suddenly, the jobs that they begin to receive seem to have strange connections to the serial killer whom their friend Art, a police officer, is searching for. The murder victims share a single similarity: they are all Minimum Holders. Nice and Murasaki, as holders themselves, are drawn to the case—but what exactly is the link between Nice and the one who orchestrates it all? -- -- TV - Jan 8, 2014 -- 255,384 7.29
High Score Girl: Extra Stage -- -- J.C.Staff -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Game Romance School Seinen -- High Score Girl: Extra Stage High Score Girl: Extra Stage -- Four years after they first met, Haruo Yaguchi , Akira Oono, and Koharu Hidaka remain the best of friends. Tensions start to build up as Akira's teacher, Gouda Moemi, becomes stricter than ever before, and Hidaka develops feelings for Haruo. Though he may not be the most composed and thoughtful person around, he has within him the one thing that started it all: his unconditional love for video games. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Netflix -- OVA - Mar 20, 2019 -- 53,014 8.04
Hinomaruzumou -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Martial Arts Shounen Sports -- Hinomaruzumou Hinomaruzumou -- In professional sumo, there are no weight classes. It's a savage sport where the strongest survive, and anyone willing to test their mettle can step into the ring. There is, however, a minimum size requirement to be a pro sumo wrestler, and young Hinomaru Ushio, incredibly talented and hardworking though he may be, does not meet that requirement. This small boy has big dreams of reaching the highest class of sumo, Hinoshita Kaisan. The only way he could possibly go pro is if he becomes the High School Yokozuna, a title given to the strongest wrestler in high school tournaments. -- -- Ushio is under a lot of pressure, as well as a time limit. If he can't show off his skills in the high school tournaments, he may lose his chance to go pro permanently, and the odds are stacked against him. Instead of enrolling in Ishigami High, the best school for sumo in Japan, he enrolls in Odachi High and must build a sumo club from the ground up with the one devout member Shinya Ozeki. Odachi High is the true underdog of the sumo world, but Ushio has to push forward with all his strength if he is going to make it professionally. -- -- 85,623 7.58
Hotarubi no Mori e -- -- Brain's Base -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Romance Shoujo Supernatural -- Hotarubi no Mori e Hotarubi no Mori e -- Intrigued by the tale of a mountain god, six-year-old Hotaru Takegawa loses her way in the ancient forest while visiting her uncle. Exhausted and desperate for help, Hotaru is thrilled to find a masked forest spirit named Gin. She learns the hard way that she should not touch the boy, or he would disappear. In spite of this, Gin leads Hotaru out of the forest and warns her never to return when she promises to come again with a gift. -- -- Paying no heed to his cautionary words, and despite being separated by both distance and planes of existence, Hotaru and Gin become close friends as she visits him every summer. However, their relationship and resolve are put to the test, when romantic feelings conflict with the one and only rule. -- -- Based on Yuki Midorikawa's manga of the same name, Hotarubi no Mori e is a tale of friendship and compromise of two people who should never have crossed paths, as their lives become hopelessly intertwined. -- -- Movie - Sep 17, 2011 -- 598,874 8.36
Hug tto! Precure -- -- Toei Animation -- 49 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Hug tto! Precure Hug tto! Precure -- It's her first day at a new school, and the cheerful Hana Nono is ready to make a fresh start, dreaming of becoming mature and reliable—a far cry from her usual childish self. Although she makes a disastrous first impression, Hana soon befriends two of her classmates: the gentle and studious class representative Saaya Yakushiji, and a cool and mysterious girl Homare Kagayaki. -- -- That night, a magical baby falls from the sky right onto Hana's balcony. She is immediately smitten with her and names her Hug-tan. Alongside Hug-tan is a snarky talking hamster, Hariham Harry, who mutters that Hana "isn't the one" before vanishing with the baby. -- -- The next day, Hana believes the encounter to be a dream, until people all over the city begin collapsing and a giant monster appears, feeding on their energy. As Hana escapes, she spots Hug-tan and Harry under attack. Making a stand to protect them, she and Hug-tan suddenly both glow with energy and a heart-shaped gem forms. -- -- With the crystal's power, Hana transforms into a hero called "Cure Yell" and defeats the monster. Surprised at Hana's power, Harry explains that he and Hug-tan came from a future frozen in time by the Criasu Corporation, the same organization that created the monster. Only the Future Crystals, manifestations of one's hopes and dreams, and the Precure they create have a chance at defeating Criasu and saving the future! -- -- 11,636 7.72
Hunter x Hunter: Original Video Animation -- -- Nippon Animation -- 8 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Shounen -- Hunter x Hunter: Original Video Animation Hunter x Hunter: Original Video Animation -- After reuniting with Gon and his friends, Kurapika explained to them the risks he bears because of his abilities. Believing that his target of revenge is no longer alive and the search for his fallen comrade's eyes could truly begin, Kurapika soon after receives a message informing him that all the Spiders still lived. After much discussion between his friends, Gon, Kurapika and company decided to hunt after the one Spider member who's ability could ultimately result in Kurapika's defeat and death. Based on the manga by Togashi Yoshihiro. -- OVA - Jan 17, 2002 -- 104,317 8.32
Juu Ou Sei -- -- Bones -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Drama Shoujo -- Juu Ou Sei Juu Ou Sei -- After the murder of their parents, 11-year-old twin brothers Thor and Rai Klein are sent away from their home planet. They find themselves awakening on the terraformed planet of Chimaera, where carnivorous plants dominate and the few humans who live there are divided into four groups known as "Rings." Soon after, they meet a young man by the name of Zagi, and the twins learn that only the "Jyu Oh Sei"—the one who conquers these four Rings—is allowed to leave the planet. -- -- Driven by the desire to return home and discover the truth behind the death of his parents, Thor resolves to survive in the harsh, merciless environment of Chimaera. However, he quickly learns there is more than meets the eye in this strange ecosystem. As Thor is swept up in the politics that entangle the Rings, he uncovers more about his parents' murder, and ultimately, humanity's fate as a whole. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 14, 2006 -- 63,728 7.25
Juu Ou Sei -- -- Bones -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Drama Shoujo -- Juu Ou Sei Juu Ou Sei -- After the murder of their parents, 11-year-old twin brothers Thor and Rai Klein are sent away from their home planet. They find themselves awakening on the terraformed planet of Chimaera, where carnivorous plants dominate and the few humans who live there are divided into four groups known as "Rings." Soon after, they meet a young man by the name of Zagi, and the twins learn that only the "Jyu Oh Sei"—the one who conquers these four Rings—is allowed to leave the planet. -- -- Driven by the desire to return home and discover the truth behind the death of his parents, Thor resolves to survive in the harsh, merciless environment of Chimaera. However, he quickly learns there is more than meets the eye in this strange ecosystem. As Thor is swept up in the politics that entangle the Rings, he uncovers more about his parents' murder, and ultimately, humanity's fate as a whole. -- -- TV - Apr 14, 2006 -- 63,728 7.25
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Psychological Romance School Seinen -- Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen -- At the renowned Shuchiin Academy, Miyuki Shirogane and Kaguya Shinomiya are the student body's top representatives. Ranked the top student in the nation and respected by peers and mentors alike, Miyuki serves as the student council president. Alongside him, the vice president Kaguya—eldest daughter of the wealthy Shinomiya family—excels in every field imaginable. They are the envy of the entire student body, regarded as the perfect couple. -- -- However, despite both having already developed feelings for the other, neither are willing to admit them. The first to confess loses, will be looked down upon, and will be considered the lesser. With their honor and pride at stake, Miyuki and Kaguya are both equally determined to be the one to emerge victorious on the battlefield of love! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,015,770 8.42
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi -- -- Gonzo -- 26 eps -- Novel -- Demons Supernatural Drama Romance -- Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi -- Abandoned as a child by her mother, Aoi Tsubaki has always had the ability to see "ayakashi"—spirits from the Hidden Realm. Shirou Tsubaki, her grandfather who shared the same ability, took her under his wing and taught her how to live with the ayakashi in peace. When her grandfather abruptly passes away, the independent Aoi must continue her college career, armed with only her knowledge in cooking as a means of protection against the human-eating spirits. In hopes that the ayakashi will not turn to her or other unknowing humans as a tasty meal, she takes it upon herself to feed the hungry creatures that cross her path. -- -- After giving a mysterious ayakashi her lunch, Aoi is transported to the Hidden Realm, where the ayakashi reveals himself to be an ogre-god known as Oodanna, the "Master Innkeeper." There, she learns that she was used as collateral for her grandfather's debt of one hundred million yen, and that she must pay the price for her grandfather's careless decision by marrying Oodanna. Aoi valiantly refuses and decides to settle things on her own terms: she will pay off the debt herself by opening an eatery at Oodanna's inn. -- -- Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi follows the journey of Aoi as she proceeds to change and touch the lives of the ayakashi through the one weapon she has against them—her delicious cooking. -- -- 108,159 7.50
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi -- -- Gonzo -- 26 eps -- Novel -- Demons Supernatural Drama Romance -- Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi -- Abandoned as a child by her mother, Aoi Tsubaki has always had the ability to see "ayakashi"—spirits from the Hidden Realm. Shirou Tsubaki, her grandfather who shared the same ability, took her under his wing and taught her how to live with the ayakashi in peace. When her grandfather abruptly passes away, the independent Aoi must continue her college career, armed with only her knowledge in cooking as a means of protection against the human-eating spirits. In hopes that the ayakashi will not turn to her or other unknowing humans as a tasty meal, she takes it upon herself to feed the hungry creatures that cross her path. -- -- After giving a mysterious ayakashi her lunch, Aoi is transported to the Hidden Realm, where the ayakashi reveals himself to be an ogre-god known as Oodanna, the "Master Innkeeper." There, she learns that she was used as collateral for her grandfather's debt of one hundred million yen, and that she must pay the price for her grandfather's careless decision by marrying Oodanna. Aoi valiantly refuses and decides to settle things on her own terms: she will pay off the debt herself by opening an eatery at Oodanna's inn. -- -- Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi follows the journey of Aoi as she proceeds to change and touch the lives of the ayakashi through the one weapon she has against them—her delicious cooking. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 108,159 7.50
Kamisama Hajimemashita: Kamisama, Shiawase ni Naru -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Kamisama Hajimemashita: Kamisama, Shiawase ni Naru Kamisama Hajimemashita: Kamisama, Shiawase ni Naru -- Nanami Momozono, current land god of Mikage Shrine, and her fox familiar Tomoe have faced many obstacles during their time together, but none so challenging as the one posed by the wealth god Ookununishi—if Tomoe’s wish to be human is granted, he must learn to live as one, and Nanami will have to return to being a human. -- -- As the couple look to the future and reflect on their former adventures, Nanami tries to figure out their new living situation as her high school graduation approaches. But no matter the path they choose to walk, Tomoe and Nanami’s love will endure. -- -- OVA - Dec 20, 2016 -- 43,428 8.10
Kantai Collection: KanColle -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Military Sci-Fi Slice of Life School -- Kantai Collection: KanColle Kantai Collection: KanColle -- With the seas under constant threat from the hostile "Abyssal Fleet," a specialized naval base is established to counter them. Rather than standard naval weaponry, however, the base is armed with "Kanmusu"—girls who harbor the spirits of Japanese warships—possessing the ability to don weaponized gear that allows them to harness the powerful souls within themselves. Fubuki, a young Destroyer-type Kanmusu, joins the base as a new recruit; unfortunately for her, despite her inexperience and timid nature, she is assigned to the famous Third Torpedo Squadron and quickly thrust into the heat of battle. When she is rescued from near annihilation, the rookie warship resolves to become as strong as the one who saved her. -- -- 190,735 6.87
Kantai Collection: KanColle -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Military Sci-Fi Slice of Life School -- Kantai Collection: KanColle Kantai Collection: KanColle -- With the seas under constant threat from the hostile "Abyssal Fleet," a specialized naval base is established to counter them. Rather than standard naval weaponry, however, the base is armed with "Kanmusu"—girls who harbor the spirits of Japanese warships—possessing the ability to don weaponized gear that allows them to harness the powerful souls within themselves. Fubuki, a young Destroyer-type Kanmusu, joins the base as a new recruit; unfortunately for her, despite her inexperience and timid nature, she is assigned to the famous Third Torpedo Squadron and quickly thrust into the heat of battle. When she is rescued from near annihilation, the rookie warship resolves to become as strong as the one who saved her. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 190,735 6.87
Kara no Kyoukai 7: Satsujin Kousatsu (Go) -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Romance Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 7: Satsujin Kousatsu (Go) Kara no Kyoukai 7: Satsujin Kousatsu (Go) -- In February 1999, a string of murders has Shiki Ryougi and Mikiya Kokutou on edge. These crimes share a disturbing resemblance to a similar set of homicides from 1995, when Shiki and Mikiya first met, and awaken a dark, murderous desire that has laid dormant within Shiki's soul ever since then. -- -- With Shiki under suspicion due to her involvement in the past killings and supposed resemblance to the killer, she and Mikiya set out to find the true perpetrator. In the midst of their separate investigations, Mikiya grows increasingly concerned with Shiki's well-being and hurries to find the one responsible in order to protect Shiki from her own impulses. With the lead he receives from his cousin, police investigator Daisuke Akimi, Mikiya is led into the underbelly of Mifune City, as the salvation of Shiki's soul lies in his determination to prove her innocence once and for all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Aug 8, 2009 -- 168,996 8.43
Kara no Kyoukai 7: Satsujin Kousatsu (Go) -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Romance Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 7: Satsujin Kousatsu (Go) Kara no Kyoukai 7: Satsujin Kousatsu (Go) -- In February 1999, a string of murders has Shiki Ryougi and Mikiya Kokutou on edge. These crimes share a disturbing resemblance to a similar set of homicides from 1995, when Shiki and Mikiya first met, and awaken a dark, murderous desire that has laid dormant within Shiki's soul ever since then. -- -- With Shiki under suspicion due to her involvement in the past killings and supposed resemblance to the killer, she and Mikiya set out to find the true perpetrator. In the midst of their separate investigations, Mikiya grows increasingly concerned with Shiki's well-being and hurries to find the one responsible in order to protect Shiki from her own impulses. With the lead he receives from his cousin, police investigator Daisuke Akimi, Mikiya is led into the underbelly of Mifune City, as the salvation of Shiki's soul lies in his determination to prove her innocence once and for all. -- -- Movie - Aug 8, 2009 -- 168,996 8.43
Kimi no Iru Machi -- -- Gonzo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama Romance Shounen -- Kimi no Iru Machi Kimi no Iru Machi -- Haruto Kirishima lived a calm life out in the countryside, away from the fast-paced life of the city. Then Yuzuki Eba appeared in his life out of nowhere, having come from Tokyo to briefly live with her family. Their time together left him enamored with the memories of that short period before she just as abruptly disappeared from his life, and left him full of questions. -- -- Kimi no Iru Machi begins some time later, after Haruto moves to Tokyo to live with his sister, in order to pursue a career as a cook. In reality though he wishes to be with Yuzuki. Things don't start good though. When he arrives he is mistaken for a burglar and attacked by his sister's neighbour Mishima Asuka. After the misunderstanding is cleared his feelings begin to waver though. Is Eba, who keeps avoiding him for seemingly no reason, the one for him or is it Asuka? -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Jul 13, 2013 -- 127,052 6.92
Konjiki no Gash Bell!!: 101 Banme no Mamono -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Adventure Shounen Supernatural -- Konjiki no Gash Bell!!: 101 Banme no Mamono Konjiki no Gash Bell!!: 101 Banme no Mamono -- During the Summer holidays, Gash and gang decide to head for Fuji Mountain for a picnic gathering. There, they encounter a girl with a white magical book. Her name is Kotoha and her book has a message saying that Gash's mother is located a cave in the forest. However, when they eventually found the cave, there was already a blond-haired youth by the name of Wiseman. In order to rescue Wiseman, Gash and the others attempt to proceed into the depths of the cave and stumble upon the entrance to another world. Soon later, the strongest warrior, the Black Knight, appeared before them. Thinking that Gash was the one who stole the 101th magical book, the Black Knight started to attack them. Gash and Kiyomaro have to find the real criminal in exactly 24 hours, or else they will be stuck in the alternative world forever. -- Movie - Aug 7, 2004 -- 7,243 7.28
K-On!: Live House! -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Music School Slice of Life -- K-On!: Live House! K-On!: Live House! -- It is almost the end of the year, and Houkago Tea Time has been invited to participate in a live house on New Year's Eve! The iconic band members are Yui Hirasawa, the carefree guitarist who is enthusiastic to play music; Mio Akiyama, the shy bassist who gets embarrassed easily; Tsumugi Kotobuki, the gentle and sweet keyboardist who finds joy in normal activities; Ritsu Tainaka, the extroverted drummer who likes to tease Mio; and Azusa Nakano, the rhythm guitarist who is one year younger than the rest but slightly more mature. -- -- Performing in the set gives the girls the rare opportunity to meet various people from different bands, including the one that invited them, Love Crysis. Will Houkago Tea Time be able to delight their audiences successfully? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Jan 19, 2010 -- 127,760 7.83
Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:1 Ghost Pain -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Police Psychological Mecha -- Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:1 Ghost Pain Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:1 Ghost Pain -- The anime's story is set in 2027, one year after the end of the fourth non-nuclear war. New Port City is still reeling from the war's aftermath when it suffers a bombing caused by a self-propelled mine. Then, a military member implicated in arms-dealing bribes is gunned down. -- -- During the investigation, Public Security Section's Daisuke Aramaki encounters Motoko Kusanagi, the cyborg wizard-level hacker assigned to the military's 501st Secret Unit. Batou, a man with the "eye that does not sleep," suspects that Kusanagi is the one behind the bombing. The Niihama Prefectural Police detective Togusa is pursuing his own dual cases of the shooting death and a prostitute's murder. Motoko herself is being watched by the 501st Secret Unit's head Kurutsu and cyborg agents. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jun 22, 2013 -- 53,787 7.46
Koukaku Kidoutai -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mecha Police Psychological Sci-Fi Seinen -- Koukaku Kidoutai Koukaku Kidoutai -- In the year 2029, Niihama City has become a technologically advanced metropolis. Due to great improvements in cybernetics, its citizens are able to replace their limbs with robotic parts. The world is now more interconnected than ever before, and the city's Public Security Section 9 is responsible for combating corruption, terrorism, and other dangerous threats following this shift towards globalization. -- -- The strong-willed Major Motoko Kusanagi of Section 9 spearheads a case involving a mysterious hacker known only as the "Puppet Master," who leaves a trail of victims stripped of their memories. Like many in this futuristic world, the Puppet Master's body is almost entirely robotic, giving them incredible power. -- -- As Motoko and her subordinates follow the enigmatic criminal's trail, other parties—including Section 6—start to get involved, forcing her to confront the extremely complicated nature of the case. Pondering about various philosophical questions, such as her own life's meaning, Motoko soon realizes that the one who will provide these answers is none other than the Puppet Master themself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Nov 18, 1995 -- 482,343 8.29
Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Gaiden: Oozora no Harukaze Hikoutai -- -- - -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Military Adventure -- Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Gaiden: Oozora no Harukaze Hikoutai Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Gaiden: Oozora no Harukaze Hikoutai -- A short spin-off anime released on "Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai: Oozora no Takeoff Girls!" game app and YouTube. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- ONA - Apr 10, 2019 -- 1,790 N/A -- -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front - Indignation of Zeon. -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- - -- Mecha Military -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front - Indignation of Zeon. Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front - Indignation of Zeon. -- Short animated recap of the One Year War from the perspective of LCDR. Garret Schmitzer. -- -- Included on the game disc of the Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front, a PS2 game by BANDAI. -- Special - Sep 6, 2001 -- 1,747 5.65
Kuzu no Honkai -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School Seinen -- Kuzu no Honkai Kuzu no Honkai -- To the outside world, Hanabi Yasuraoka and Mugi Awaya are the perfect couple. But in reality, they just share the same secret pain: they are both in love with other people they cannot be with. -- -- Hanabi has loved her childhood friend and neighbor Narumi Kanai for as long as she can remember, so she is elated to discover that he is her new homeroom teacher. However, Narumi is soon noticed by the music teacher, Akane Minagawa, and a relationship begins to blossom between them, much to Hanabi's dismay. -- -- Mugi was tutored by Akane in middle school, and has been in love with her since then. Through a chance meeting in the hallway, he encounters Hanabi. As these two lonely souls spend more time together, they decide to use each other as a substitute for the one they truly love, sharing physical intimacy with one another in order to stave off their loneliness. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 494,783 7.28
Kyuuketsuhime Miyu (TV) -- -- AIC -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Horror Demons Drama Vampire Shoujo -- Kyuuketsuhime Miyu (TV) Kyuuketsuhime Miyu (TV) -- Evil Shinma (shape-shifting monsters and vampires) roam the Earth on a mission to unleash their darkness upon the Human race. Miyu Royal Princess from the dark is the Chosen One—the one being who must banish the Evil Shinma from the Earth. She has the power to offer Humans the gift of eternal happiness, yet is herself, trapped between two worlds; destined for perpetual solitude and internal conflict. -- -- Miyu's only companion is Larva, once an evil Shimna; now her devoted guardian. Together they share a dark journey through the weakness of the human heart and the tragic loss of innocence. Cut off from humanity by the knowledge of what she is, Miyu lives an endless quest as both the hunter and the hunted, on the edge of darkness. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan, Tokyopop -- 32,524 7.14
Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 1: Hajimari no Monogatari -- -- Shaft -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological Drama Magic Thriller -- Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 1: Hajimari no Monogatari Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 1: Hajimari no Monogatari -- Madoka Kaname and her best friend Sayaka Miki are ordinary middle school students in the city of Mitakihara. But one day, they encounter a strange cat-like creature named Kyuubey, who claims he can grant them one wish. In exchange, they would become magical girls and fight against evil perpetrated by witches. A veteran magical girl in the area, Mami Tomoe, decides to show them how to hunt witches, while the mysterious transfer student Homura Akemi warns them to not take Kyuubey's deal, though she refuses to say why. -- -- However, after witnessing the brutal reality of fighting witches, the girls decide it may be safer to decline Kyuubey's offer. But when another magical girl arrives in the city and Sayaka decides to make a wish to help the one she loves, things quickly escalate as they are confronted with the harsh truth behind their powers and the ultimate price of their wishes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Oct 6, 2012 -- 164,243 8.24
Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 1: Hajimari no Monogatari -- -- Shaft -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological Drama Magic Thriller -- Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 1: Hajimari no Monogatari Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 1: Hajimari no Monogatari -- Madoka Kaname and her best friend Sayaka Miki are ordinary middle school students in the city of Mitakihara. But one day, they encounter a strange cat-like creature named Kyuubey, who claims he can grant them one wish. In exchange, they would become magical girls and fight against evil perpetrated by witches. A veteran magical girl in the area, Mami Tomoe, decides to show them how to hunt witches, while the mysterious transfer student Homura Akemi warns them to not take Kyuubey's deal, though she refuses to say why. -- -- However, after witnessing the brutal reality of fighting witches, the girls decide it may be safer to decline Kyuubey's offer. But when another magical girl arrives in the city and Sayaka decides to make a wish to help the one she loves, things quickly escalate as they are confronted with the harsh truth behind their powers and the ultimate price of their wishes. -- -- Movie - Oct 6, 2012 -- 164,243 8.24
Mazica Party -- -- OLM -- ? eps -- Original -- Game Magic Fantasy -- Mazica Party Mazica Party -- The franchise's story centers on wizards who gather mazica in order to save the world. Junior high school student Kezuru wakes up after a strange dream featuring himself as a wizard, a creature called "mazin," and a mysterious girl. The next day, his friend Kuracchi proudly shows off the newly launched Mazica Party card game. To Kezuru's shock, all the characters drawn in the game's cards are just like the ones in his dream. -- -- Meanwhile, Kezuru receives a notification for an event at the major international company Mazica. Intrigued, Kezuru goes to the Mazica Store as directed, only to meet the Mazica CEO himself, Jeff Johns. Johns says, "I have great expectations for you," and hands Kezuru Mazica Gear. -- -- On his way back home, Kezuru is attacked by an airship-like creature. Just when he thinks, "this is it!" to himself, his Mazica Gear erupts and a magic book appears. When he scratches a card, he seals a contract with Barunya, a "mazin" creature that is an odd remixed fusion between an airship and a cat. -- -- The mysterious girl Anya says Kezuru and those of his ilk will be "the true wizards who save the world." Amid all these mysterious revelations, Kezuru enrolls in the Mazica Academy and engages in Mazica Party card battles alongside his partner mazin. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 627 N/A -- -- Kairisei Million Arthur -- -- - -- 2 eps -- Card game -- Game Music Fantasy -- Kairisei Million Arthur Kairisei Million Arthur -- The animated promotional videos for Square Enix's Kairisei Million Arthur RPG mobile card game launched for iOS and Android on November 19, 2014. It is a sequel to the original game. -- ONA - Nov 18, 2014 -- 623 5.50
Midori no Hibi -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Ecchi Shounen -- Midori no Hibi Midori no Hibi -- There isn't a single person in Sakuradamon High who hasn't heard the legends about Seiji "The Mad Dog" Sawamura's demonically powerful right hand. His reputation makes it fairly difficult for him to approach girls, and after being rejected 20 times straight, he half-jokingly vows to finish high school with his right hand for a girlfriend. -- -- Much to his surprise, after waking up the next morning, Seiji discovers that his demon right hand has mysteriously turned into a miniature girl, Midori Kasugano, who reveals that she has had a crush on Seiji for the past three years. Because their situation is not ideal for either of them, Seiji attempts to return Midori to normal. But after causing a big misunderstanding at the Kasugano household, the pair decide to keep their predicament between them until a solution is found. Thus begins an odd relationship, and what could be the only chance for Midori to finally be with the one she loves. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters, NYAV Post -- TV - Apr 4, 2004 -- 139,618 7.28
Midori no Hibi -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Ecchi Shounen -- Midori no Hibi Midori no Hibi -- There isn't a single person in Sakuradamon High who hasn't heard the legends about Seiji "The Mad Dog" Sawamura's demonically powerful right hand. His reputation makes it fairly difficult for him to approach girls, and after being rejected 20 times straight, he half-jokingly vows to finish high school with his right hand for a girlfriend. -- -- Much to his surprise, after waking up the next morning, Seiji discovers that his demon right hand has mysteriously turned into a miniature girl, Midori Kasugano, who reveals that she has had a crush on Seiji for the past three years. Because their situation is not ideal for either of them, Seiji attempts to return Midori to normal. But after causing a big misunderstanding at the Kasugano household, the pair decide to keep their predicament between them until a solution is found. Thus begins an odd relationship, and what could be the only chance for Midori to finally be with the one she loves. -- -- TV - Apr 4, 2004 -- 139,618 7.28
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Adventure Space Drama Romance Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory -- It is the year 0083 of the Universal Century. The rebellious Principality of Zeon has been defeated in the One Year War by the Earth Federation. However, a faction of Zeon remnants led by Aguille Delaz fled from the final battle, hiding themselves away. After three long years, they attempt to rise up once more, sending Delaz's ace pilot, Anavel Gato, to infiltrate a Federation research base to steal one of two secretly developed prototype Gundams along with its deadly nuclear warhead. -- -- Threatened by the rogue Gundam suit and seeking to retain peace, the Earth Federation mobilizes the newly developed Albion carrier to recover the stolen unit. Manned by the remaining test pilots, with rookie pilot Kou Uraki piloting the remaining prototype Gundam, the Albion and her crew are determined to stop Gato, retake the stolen Gundam, and prevent the Zeon remnants from starting another war. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Nozomi Entertainment -- OVA - May 23, 1991 -- 34,389 7.29
Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack -- -- Studio Hibari, Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack -- The year is Universal Century 0093. Char Aznable has taken command of Neo Zeon, the rebels of outer space. He firmly believes that humankind can only achieve peace by relocating to space. Thus, he plans to crash the giant asteroid Axis into Earth and plunge the planet into an uninhabitable winter. Char also eagerly anticipates this opportunity to settle a 14-year rivalry with Amuro Ray. The two have been reluctant allies at times, but Char has never forgiven Amuro for causing the death of one of his comrades during the One Year War. -- -- Only the Earth Federation's Londo Bell Unit has the power to stop Char from fulfilling his dangerous goal. Leading the defense of Earth is veteran captain Bright Noa and Amuro Ray with the latest Nu Gundam mobile suit. In this thrilling conclusion to the original Gundam series, Londo Bell engages in a final conflict with Neo Zeon that will decide the fate of Earth and end this long-standing rivalry—once and for all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- Movie - Mar 12, 1988 -- 34,988 7.68
Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash -- —Do you know the Nejen? -- If you know it, then I'll take you there— -- -- The year is U.C. 0105. Twelve years have passed since the end of the second Neo Zeon War (Char's Rebellion). Even after "the Axis Shock," which seemed to indicate the future of humanity and the Universal Century, the world is still in a chaotic situation where intermittent military conflicts continue to break out. The Earth Federation government is more corrupt than ever, and its leadership has not only accelerated Earth's pollution, but also implemented an inhuman "Man Hunting" policy in which civilians are forcibly exiled to outer space. -- -- The anti-Federation government organization "Mafty," led by someone called "Mafty Navue Erin," has taken a stand against the corruption of the Earth Sphere. Mafty carries out fierce acts of terrorism, assassinating high officials of the Federation government one after another, but it gains a certain level of support from the populace who are growing more opposed to the Federation government. -- -- The person who calls himself "Mafty" and leads this organization is Hathaway Noa, the son of Bright Noa, an officer of the Earth Federation Forces who once participated in the One Year War. Hathaway himself joined the forces trying to stop Char’s Rebellion. With firsthand knowledge of the ideals and ideologies of Amuro Ray and Char Aznable, he has become a warrior following in their footsteps, and plans to clear a path forward through armed resistance. His destiny, however, is drastically altered as he encounters the Federation Forces officer Kenneth Sleg and a mysterious young beauty named Gigi Andalucia. -- -- (Source: -- Movie - May 7, 2021 -- 6,999 N/A -- -- MD Geist II: Death Force -- -- Zero-G Room -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Mecha -- MD Geist II: Death Force MD Geist II: Death Force -- After unleashing the Death Force machines all over the planet Jerra, Geist has kept himself busy by dismantling them one by one. But now he faces a formidable opponent in the form of Krauser, another M.D.S. (Most Dangerous Soldier) who has aligned himself as the only savior of mankind. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Mar 1, 1996 -- 6,817 5.03
Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash -- —Do you know the Nejen? -- If you know it, then I'll take you there— -- -- The year is U.C. 0105. Twelve years have passed since the end of the second Neo Zeon War (Char's Rebellion). Even after "the Axis Shock," which seemed to indicate the future of humanity and the Universal Century, the world is still in a chaotic situation where intermittent military conflicts continue to break out. The Earth Federation government is more corrupt than ever, and its leadership has not only accelerated Earth's pollution, but also implemented an inhuman "Man Hunting" policy in which civilians are forcibly exiled to outer space. -- -- The anti-Federation government organization "Mafty," led by someone called "Mafty Navue Erin," has taken a stand against the corruption of the Earth Sphere. Mafty carries out fierce acts of terrorism, assassinating high officials of the Federation government one after another, but it gains a certain level of support from the populace who are growing more opposed to the Federation government. -- -- The person who calls himself "Mafty" and leads this organization is Hathaway Noa, the son of Bright Noa, an officer of the Earth Federation Forces who once participated in the One Year War. Hathaway himself joined the forces trying to stop Char’s Rebellion. With firsthand knowledge of the ideals and ideologies of Amuro Ray and Char Aznable, he has become a warrior following in their footsteps, and plans to clear a path forward through armed resistance. His destiny, however, is drastically altered as he encounters the Federation Forces officer Kenneth Sleg and a mysterious young beauty named Gigi Andalucia. -- -- (Source: -- Movie - May 7, 2021 -- 6,999 N/A -- -- Vandread: Taidou-hen -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Ecchi Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Vandread: Taidou-hen Vandread: Taidou-hen -- Vandread The First Stage (season one) was immediately followed up by this TV special. This TV special, also known as Vandread Taidouhen Stage (The Movement Stage) was a recap of the first 13 episodes with additional footage. So, Vandread Taidouhen is not really a bridge between Vandread The First Stage and Vandread The Second Stage (season two). It was made to bring new viewers up to date as to what happened during the first season -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Jan 21, 2001 -- 6,833 6.79
Mobile Suit Gundam III: Encounters in Space -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam III: Encounters in Space Mobile Suit Gundam III: Encounters in Space -- The One Year War comes to a close, as the Zeon forces now retreat back into space. Amuro learns much more of his Newtype abilities and tries to use them the best way he can. He's pushed to his limit as he encounters the infamous Char Aznable once again. He also falls in love with a mysterious woman named Lalah Sune, who knows the full potential of the Newtype abilities. -- -- The greatest battle is about to begin, as many loved ones fall to the power of war. Can the Earth Federation defeat the Principality of Zeon? Or will they fail? Can Char prove that he's the better Newtype than Amuro? They all will be answered now... -- -- (Source: Otakufreakmk2) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Nozomi Entertainment -- Movie - Mar 13, 1982 -- 22,788 7.77
Mobile Suit Gundam: More Information on the Universal Century -- -- Sunrise -- 10 eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Space Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam: More Information on the Universal Century Mobile Suit Gundam: More Information on the Universal Century -- Brief background information about the One Year War as told by a narrator, to fill in some gaps for new viewers of the franchise. -- Special - Oct 25, 1996 -- 2,643 6.10
Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO: Apocalypse 0079 -- -- Sunrise -- 3 eps -- - -- Mecha Military Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO: Apocalypse 0079 Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO: Apocalypse 0079 -- Lieutenant Oliver May and the 603 Technical Division Unit aboard the Jotunheim continue testing and evaluating experimental weapons to aid the Zeon war effort against the Federation Forces. At the end of each experiment, the tale of the trials and tribulations faced by the weapon and its test pilot adds a small chapter to the long history of the One Year War -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Visual USA, Nozomi Entertainment -- OVA - Apr 26, 2006 -- 11,812 6.84
Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO: The Hidden One Year War -- -- Sunrise -- 3 eps -- - -- Mecha Military Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO: The Hidden One Year War Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO: The Hidden One Year War -- The year is Universal Century 0079. Oliver May is a technical officer in the Zeon 603rd Technical Evaluation Unit , in charge of testing new military technology. Stationed in the Jotunheim, a civilian transport ship that was converted into military use, Oliver must head into battle and experience the One Year War, only this time from the perspective of a weapon tester who struggles to make an impact on an evolving war during changing times. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Visual USA, Nozomi Entertainment -- OVA - Jul 19, 2004 -- 12,892 6.68
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny -- -- Sunrise -- 50 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny -- In the year Cosmic Era 0071, a wartime brawl between two mobile suits results in the destruction of a neutral country. Shinn Asuka finds his entire family killed as casualties of the violence, and swears his life toward a vengeful pursuit of the Earth's Natural forces, under the impression they were the ones responsible for his family's death. Shinn works his way up through the ZAFT military forces, eventually gaining access to the cockpit of the prototype Impulse mobile suit. -- -- Athrun Zala, a veteran of the recent war employed in the service of diplomat Cagalli Yula Athha, finds himself drawn into a new conflict between the Naturals and the Coordinators: human beings artificially enhanced before birth and hated by the Naturals for their biological advantages. -- -- As the new war rears its head and violence becomes inevitable, Athrun finds himself as a mentor to the bitter Shinn. Athrun must steer the young pilot towards a mindset of mercy before his rage and desire for vengeance consumes him. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, NYAV Post -- TV - Oct 9, 2004 -- 91,488 7.21
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny -- -- Sunrise -- 50 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny -- In the year Cosmic Era 0071, a wartime brawl between two mobile suits results in the destruction of a neutral country. Shinn Asuka finds his entire family killed as casualties of the violence, and swears his life toward a vengeful pursuit of the Earth's Natural forces, under the impression they were the ones responsible for his family's death. Shinn works his way up through the ZAFT military forces, eventually gaining access to the cockpit of the prototype Impulse mobile suit. -- -- Athrun Zala, a veteran of the recent war employed in the service of diplomat Cagalli Yula Athha, finds himself drawn into a new conflict between the Naturals and the Coordinators: human beings artificially enhanced before birth and hated by the Naturals for their biological advantages. -- -- As the new war rears its head and violence becomes inevitable, Athrun finds himself as a mentor to the bitter Shinn. Athrun must steer the young pilot towards a mindset of mercy before his rage and desire for vengeance consumes him. -- -- TV - Oct 9, 2004 -- 91,488 7.21
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team -- -- Sunrise -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi -- Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team -- In year 0079 of the Universal Century, the Earth Federation initiates Operation Odessa—a full-scale assault to retake a major Ukrainian city from the Principality of Zeon. It is a success, and the remaining Zeon forces scatter across the globe. The Earth Federation gains the upper hand in the One Year War and deploys its ground troops around the planet to hunt down the stragglers. -- -- As part of the deployments, Ensign Shiro Amada is transferred to Southeast Asia to take command of the 08th MS Team—a special squadron of RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type pilots. In their first guerilla operation, Shiro's team is tasked with distracting the Zeon forces while Federation ground troops locate a mysterious new Zeon weapon. Everything goes according to plan until Shiro runs into Aina Sahalin, an ace Zeon pilot he met in an earlier battle, during a skirmish. Their reunion weakens his resolve to continue fighting, and now the young commander Shiro must prove his loyalty to the Federation—or be branded a traitor. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- OVA - Jan 25, 1996 -- 64,230 8.03
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team -- -- Sunrise -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi -- Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team -- In year 0079 of the Universal Century, the Earth Federation initiates Operation Odessa—a full-scale assault to retake a major Ukrainian city from the Principality of Zeon. It is a success, and the remaining Zeon forces scatter across the globe. The Earth Federation gains the upper hand in the One Year War and deploys its ground troops around the planet to hunt down the stragglers. -- -- As part of the deployments, Ensign Shiro Amada is transferred to Southeast Asia to take command of the 08th MS Team—a special squadron of RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type pilots. In their first guerilla operation, Shiro's team is tasked with distracting the Zeon forces while Federation ground troops locate a mysterious new Zeon weapon. Everything goes according to plan until Shiro runs into Aina Sahalin, an ace Zeon pilot he met in an earlier battle, during a skirmish. Their reunion weakens his resolve to continue fighting, and now the young commander Shiro must prove his loyalty to the Federation—or be branded a traitor. -- -- OVA - Jan 25, 1996 -- 64,230 8.03
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin - Advent of the Red Comet -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Mecha Shounen -- Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin - Advent of the Red Comet Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin - Advent of the Red Comet -- What was the tragedy that decided the fates of Char Aznable, the man later nicknamed the "Red Comet" as an ace pilot of the Zeon forces, and his sister Sayla Mass? -- -- The two siblings' journeys, brought on by the sudden death of their father Zeon Zum Deikun who was a leader of the Spacenoids, are depicted in the four episodes of "Chronicle of Char and Sayla." -- -- The Zabi family who seize control of Side 3 and lead the Principality of Zeon, the early days of many renowned Zeon ace pilots who later fight in the One Year War, the secrets of mobile suit development, conflicts with the Earth Federation Forces, and the road leading to the outbreak of war—all will be revealed. -- -- (Source: Official Website) -- -- Note: A re-edited TV version of the six OVAs released from 2015 through 2018. -- TV - Apr 29, 2019 -- 11,990 8.09
Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt -- -- Sunrise -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt -- In Universal Century 0079, forces of the Earth Federation and Principality of Zeon engage in a battle within the Thunderbolt Sector during the One Year War. This section of space—known for its constant strikes of electricity—proves to be a deadly battlefield, as Federation pilot Io Fleming leads a charge against Zeon's ace Daryl Lorenz and his squad of snipers. With the fighters on both sides proving to be formidable soldiers, neither side is willing to back down, fighting strategically amongst the remnants of colonies. -- -- But when Io gets a hold of a prototype Gundam, Daryl will have to make a sacrifice in order to obtain enough power to crush his enemy and ensure that Zeon is victorious, or watch as his comrades are slaughtered by a single man. -- -- ONA - Dec 25, 2015 -- 41,056 7.93
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam -- -- Sunrise -- 50 eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Romance Mecha -- Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam -- It is Universal Century 0087, and the One Year War between the Earth Federation and Principality of Zeon is over. The Earth Federation has created an elite task force, known as the Titans, who are responsible for hunting the remaining Zeon forces. However, the power-hungry Titans have shown themselves to be no better than Zeon, spurring the creation of a rebellious faction called the Anti-Earth Union Group (AEUG). -- -- 17-year-old Kamille Bidan lives in the colony Green Noa, home to a Titan base. Kamille gets in trouble after assaulting a Titan officer, an event that coincides with an attack led by former Zeon ace Char Aznable, now known as AEUG pilot Quattro Bajeena. When Kamille steals a Titan's prototype Gundam, he soon finds himself in the middle of the dangerous conflict. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Mar 2, 1985 -- 55,136 7.92
Monster -- -- Madhouse -- 74 eps -- Manga -- Drama Horror Mystery Police Psychological Seinen Thriller -- Monster Monster -- Dr. Kenzou Tenma, an elite neurosurgeon recently engaged to his hospital director's daughter, is well on his way to ascending the hospital hierarchy. That is until one night, a seemingly small event changes Dr. Tenma's life forever. While preparing to perform surgery on someone, he gets a call from the hospital director telling him to switch patients and instead perform life-saving brain surgery on a famous performer. His fellow doctors, fiancée, and the hospital director applaud his accomplishment; but because of the switch, a poor immigrant worker is dead, causing Dr. Tenma to have a crisis of conscience. -- -- So when a similar situation arises, Dr. Tenma stands his ground and chooses to perform surgery on the young boy Johan Liebert instead of the town's mayor. Unfortunately, this choice leads to serious ramifications for Dr. Tenma—losing his social standing being one of them. However, with the mysterious death of the director and two other doctors, Dr. Tenma's position is restored. With no evidence to convict him, he is released and goes on to attain the position of hospital director. -- -- Nine years later when Dr. Tenma saves the life of a criminal, his past comes back to haunt him—once again, he comes face to face with the monster he operated on. He must now embark on a quest of pursuit to make amends for the havoc spread by the one he saved. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 657,585 8.77
Monster Strike The Animation -- -- Anima, ILCA -- 63 eps -- Game -- Action Game Fantasy -- Monster Strike The Animation Monster Strike The Animation -- The Angelic Guard, who call the heavens their home, have been tasked with collecting the orbs scattered across the world. Lucifer—a leader of the Angelic Guard with a rebellious streak, said to wield power rivaling the Almighty—carries out her duty along with Uriel, also a leader of the guard. Together, they go about executing their mission, until Holy Magistrate Keter—the one who leads the heavens under the Almighty's will—tells Uriel of Lucifer's planned rebellion. Initially in disbelief, Uriel then learns that the accusations against Lucifer may be connected to an event that once threatened to shatter the heavens. -- -- (Source: Official YouTube Channel) -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll -- ONA - Jul 8, 2018 -- 4,173 6.63
Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu -- -- Studio Bind -- 11 eps -- Light novel -- Drama Magic Ecchi Fantasy -- Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu -- Despite being bullied, scorned, and oppressed all of his life, a thirty-four-year-old shut-in still found the resolve to attempt something heroic—only for it to end in a tragic accident. But in a twist of fate, he awakens in another world as Rudeus Greyrat, starting life again as a baby born to two loving parents. -- -- Preserving his memories and knowledge from his previous life, Rudeus quickly adapts to his new environment. With the mind of a grown adult, he starts to display magical talent that exceeds all expectations, honing his skill with the help of a mage named Roxy Migurdia. Rudeus learns swordplay from his father, Paul, and meets Sylphiette, a girl his age who quickly becomes his closest friend. -- -- As Rudeus' second chance at life begins, he tries to make the most of his new opportunity while conquering his traumatic past. And perhaps, one day, he may find the one thing he could not find in his old world—love. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 497,034 8.43
Natsuyuki Rendezvous -- -- Doga Kobo -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Supernatural Drama Romance Josei -- Natsuyuki Rendezvous Natsuyuki Rendezvous -- Ryousuke Hazuki is a young man whose heart has been stolen away, stopping by the local floral shop daily in order to catch a glimpse of the beautiful Rokka Shimao, the shop's owner. In hopes of getting close to her, he decides to get a part-time job at the shop, but before he is able to make his move, he runs into a major roadblock: in her apartment dwells a ghost who claims to be Rokka's deceased husband. -- -- Atsushi Shimao has quietly watched over his widowed wife ever since he passed three years ago. However, Hazuki is the first person to ever notice him, and the two quickly find themselves at odds: the jealous Shimao attempts to thwart the suitor's advances and possess his body, while Hazuki simply wants the ghost to pass on for good, allowing Rokka to move on from the past and him to be with the one he loves. As both men refuse to let go of their desires, an unusual relationship forms between a troubled woman, an unrelenting ghost, and a stubborn man in love. -- -- 68,410 7.28
Neo Angelique Abyss -- -- Yumeta Company -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Fantasy Harem Romance Shoujo -- Neo Angelique Abyss Neo Angelique Abyss -- While the young Angelique lives out her days peacefully in her school, attacks from the monstrous Thanatos has been increasing everywhere else. Two Purifiers show up one day, men with the power to exterminate the Thanatos. One of them, Nyx, attempts to convince Angelique to join them in their work, as she has the power to be the only female Purifier. As Angelique hesitates, a Thanatos shows up in their school. Nyx and the other Purifier, Rayne, fight a losing battle. With her classmates falling prey to the Thanatos, and the Purifiers beaten to submission, Angelique's desire to save everyone awakens. She became the only female Purifier in their land of Arcadia, the one known as the "Queen's Egg". -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 7, 2008 -- 33,621 6.84
Ninja Batman -- -- Kamikaze Douga -- 1 ep -- Other -- Action Martial Arts Samurai -- Ninja Batman Ninja Batman -- At Arkham Asylum, Batman clashes with Gorilla Grodd while trying to destroy Grodd's newest invention: the Quake Engine. Amidst the chaos, the engine activates, and the entire asylum suddenly vanishes into thin air—Batman along with it. Once the dust settles, Batman finds himself standing in the middle of an unfamiliar road. He soon realizes that he is no longer in Gotham City—but instead in Feudal Japan! -- -- The amazement quickly fades as samurai descend upon him, seeking to take his life. Later on, Batman's investigation leads him to discover that the one responsible for the kill order is none other than his archnemesis, the Joker. Following an encounter with Catwoman, he learns that the asylum's criminals had teleported there two years earlier—each ruling over a piece of Japan with Joker being the dominant warlord. -- -- In order to return home, Batman must reactivate the Quake Engine, situated in the remnants of the asylum, now known as Arkham Castle. However, there is one problem: aside from his gadget belt, the arsenal that was once at his fingertips is all but gone. Ninja Batman follows the Dark Knight as he traverses a strange new environment, facing off against familiar foes in a bid to return to Gotham in one piece. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Warner Bros. Japan -- Movie - Jun 15, 2018 -- 41,381 6.11
Nomad: Megalo Box 2 -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Sports Drama -- Nomad: Megalo Box 2 Nomad: Megalo Box 2 -- In the end, "Gearless" Joe was the one that reigned as the champion of Megalonia, a first ever megalobox tournament. Fans everywhere were mesmerized by the meteoric rise of Joe who sprung out from the deepest underground ring to the top in mere three months and without the use of gear. Seven years later, "Gearless" Joe was once again fighting in underground matches. Adorned with scars and once again donning his gear, but now known only as Nomad… -- -- (Source: TMS Entertainment) -- -- 88,409 8.16
Nomad: Megalo Box 2 -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Sports Drama -- Nomad: Megalo Box 2 Nomad: Megalo Box 2 -- In the end, "Gearless" Joe was the one that reigned as the champion of Megalonia, a first ever megalobox tournament. Fans everywhere were mesmerized by the meteoric rise of Joe who sprung out from the deepest underground ring to the top in mere three months and without the use of gear. Seven years later, "Gearless" Joe was once again fighting in underground matches. Adorned with scars and once again donning his gear, but now known only as Nomad… -- -- (Source: TMS Entertainment) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 88,409 8.16
One Piece: Episode of Merry - Mou Hitori no Nakama no Monogatari -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Shounen Super Power -- One Piece: Episode of Merry - Mou Hitori no Nakama no Monogatari One Piece: Episode of Merry - Mou Hitori no Nakama no Monogatari -- The story arcs aboard the Straw Hat Crew's first ship Going Merry (Merry Go in some adaptations) are recreated with brand-new animation, from Luffy and Usopp's fight and Robin's disappearance to the crew's final farewell to the ship. Going Merry is treated as another member of the Straw Hats as Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and the rest of the crew set sail for the legendary treasure, the One Piece. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Aug 24, 2013 -- 45,328 8.21
One Piece Movie 14: Stampede -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Shounen Super Power -- One Piece Movie 14: Stampede One Piece Movie 14: Stampede -- The world's greatest exposition of the pirates, by the pirates, for the pirates—the Pirates Festival. Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hat Crew receive an invitation from its host Buena Festa who is known as the Master of Festivities. They arrive to find a venue packed with glamorous pavilions and many pirates including the ones from the Worst Generation. The place is electric. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Aug 9, 2019 -- 84,894 8.19
One Punch Man 2nd Season Specials -- -- J.C.Staff -- 6 eps -- Web manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Parody Super Power Supernatural -- One Punch Man 2nd Season Specials One Punch Man 2nd Season Specials -- Short anime specials included in the One Punch Man 2nd Season BD & DVD. -- Special - Oct 25, 2019 -- 76,837 7.31
Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru -- -- Diomedéa -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Comedy Romance School -- Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru -- For Kanade Amakusa, life as a high schooler should have been normal, and it would have been—if he wasn't living with the most ridiculous curse imaginable. “Absolute Choice," a system forced upon him by a self-proclaimed god, randomly presents a mental selection of actions that he must act out based on his choice. To add to his dilemma, it tends to occur in the most public of places, and his options never seem to deviate from the rude and crude in nature. -- -- As a result, the helpless boy stresses through each day, fumbling to repair his already tarnished reputation while desperately praying to avoid the next spontaneous episode of Absolute Choice. To his dismay, the one in charge is always one step ahead of him and proceeds to not-so-subtly "choice" him into the lives of several girls at his school. Just when Kanade's school life can’t seem to be doomed any further, a decision that he reluctantly selects on the way home sends a beautiful girl crashing down from the sky, along with the promise of more hysterically hellish choices. -- -- 342,212 7.24
Piano no Mori (TV) 2nd Season -- -- Gaina -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Music School Seinen -- Piano no Mori (TV) 2nd Season Piano no Mori (TV) 2nd Season -- With the start of the Chopin piano competition, Kai Ichinose, Shuuhei Amamiya, and many other hopeful musicians from around the world strive to reach the top. The stakes have never been higher, and the judges are rigorous when it comes to selecting the winner out of the plethora of talented pianists. This competition is so harsh that even famous prodigies can be easily eliminated. -- -- Some play for the money, some play to fulfill their duty to their families, and yet others play for their music to be heard. However, the only one who can reach the top is the one who embodies the spirit of the music Frédéric Chopin crafted for future generations. With the stakes higher than ever before, rivalries, friendships, and family ties will be tested, and each pianist will find their own sound. -- -- 34,359 7.39
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu -- -- White Fox -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Psychological Drama Thriller Fantasy -- Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu -- When Subaru Natsuki leaves the convenience store, the last thing he expects is to be wrenched from his everyday life and dropped into a fantasy world. Things aren't looking good for the bewildered teenager; however, not long after his arrival, he is attacked by some thugs. Armed with only a bag of groceries and a now useless cell phone, he is quickly beaten to a pulp. Fortunately, a mysterious beauty named Satella, in hot pursuit after the one who stole her insignia, happens upon Subaru and saves him. In order to thank the honest and kindhearted girl, Subaru offers to help in her search, and later that night, he even finds the whereabouts of that which she seeks. But unbeknownst to them, a much darker force stalks the pair from the shadows, and just minutes after locating the insignia, Subaru and Satella are brutally murdered. -- -- However, Subaru immediately reawakens to a familiar scene—confronted by the same group of thugs, meeting Satella all over again—the enigma deepens as history inexplicably repeats itself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,589,703 8.28
Rockman.EXE Stream -- -- Xebec -- 51 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Game Mecha School Sci-Fi Shounen -- Rockman.EXE Stream Rockman.EXE Stream -- A comet burns in the sky, its brilliant light shining down upon the people of Earth. At that time, a giant army of viruses invade the real world, crushing everything in their path. Netto and Enzan use cross fusion to intervene, but are whisked away to an unknown location, only to be confronted by the one responsible for the attack - Duo! -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- TV - Oct 2, 2004 -- 7,900 7.08
School Rumble -- -- Studio Comet -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School Shounen -- School Rumble School Rumble -- Just the words "I love you," and everything changes—such is the nature of the bittersweet trials of high school romance. Tenma Tsukamoto, a second year, is on a quest to confess her feelings to the boy she likes. Kenji Harima, a delinquent with a sizable reputation, is in a similar situation, as he cannot properly convey his feelings to the one he loves. Between school, friends, rivalries, and hobbies, these two will find that high school romance is no walk in the park, especially as misunderstandings further complicate their plight. -- -- School Rumble is a high-octane romantic comedy full of relatable situations, as Tenma and Kenji both try to win the hearts of those they desire. -- -- 281,389 7.93
Sensitive Pornograph -- -- Ajia-Do -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Hentai Romance Yaoi -- Sensitive Pornograph Sensitive Pornograph -- For four young men, love and intimacy are in the air, even though they may not be aware of it. Sensitive Pornograph holds within it two tales of sexual romance for two different couples of men. The first is a tale between two manga artists, Seiji Yamada and Sono Hanasaki. Both are familiar with each other's work, though upon meeting each other, Seiji is shocked to find out that Sono is actually a man, ten years his senior. Love quickly blossoms between the two, but will soon be tested when Seiji begins to hear rumors about Sono's past sexual exploits. -- -- In the second tale, Koji Ueno is a part-time pet sitter, hired to take care of a rabbit named Aki for a new client. To Koji's complete surprise though, not only is there no rabbit in the house, but the only thing in the apartment is a bound and gagged man in the closet who says that he is Aki. More troubling than this is that Aki informs Koji that they are both in danger of upsetting the client, and the only way for Koji to get out safely is for them to make love together. -- -- Two stories, four men, and the one emotion of love that unites them all in the new twists their lives have taken. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Dec 20, 2004 -- 40,712 6.74
Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Fantasy -- Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! -- Always bring a gun to a sword fight! -- -- With world domination nearly in their grasp, the Supreme Leaders of the Kisaragi Corporation—an underground criminal group turned evil megacorp—have decided to try their hands at interstellar conquest. A quick dice roll nominates their chief operative, Combat Agent Six, to be the one to explore an alien planet...and the first thing he does when he gets there is change the sacred incantation for a holy ritual to the most embarrassing thing he can think of. -- -- But evil deeds are business as usual for Kisaragi operatives, so if Six wants a promotion and a raise, he'll have to work much harder than that! For starters, he'll have to do something about the other group of villains on the planet, who are calling themselves the "Demon Lord's Army" or whatever. After all, this world doesn't need two evil organizations! -- -- (Source: Yen Press, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 116,577 7.15
Shihaisha no Tasogare -- -- Madhouse, Production Reed -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Demons Supernatural Drama Shoujo -- Shihaisha no Tasogare Shihaisha no Tasogare -- Since the beginning of time, monstrous Demons and noble Guardians have battled for Earth - the everlasting gift of the one great Mother, creator of all life. A deep hatred burns between Demon and Guardian; the Guardians prevented the Demons from destroying humanity and the world itself. -- -- Eons later, Neo-Shinjuku City: few Demons or Guardians remain to continue their epic war. Humans rule the Earth, with no real memory of either Demons or Guardians. Yet deep within the dark underworld of the city, one supreme Demon is alive and plotting to subjugate mankind. Only one Guardian is left to do battle, and the fate of the human race is at stake. -- -- Based on the Graphic Novel -- "Twilight of the Dark Master (Shihaisha no Tasogare)" (Shinshokan) by Saki Okuse -- -- (Source: DVD Back Cover) -- -- Licensor: -- Urban Vision -- OVA - Jan 21, 1998 -- 7,475 5.82
Shihaisha no Tasogare -- -- Madhouse, Production Reed -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Demons Supernatural Drama Shoujo -- Shihaisha no Tasogare Shihaisha no Tasogare -- Since the beginning of time, monstrous Demons and noble Guardians have battled for Earth - the everlasting gift of the one great Mother, creator of all life. A deep hatred burns between Demon and Guardian; the Guardians prevented the Demons from destroying humanity and the world itself. -- -- Eons later, Neo-Shinjuku City: few Demons or Guardians remain to continue their epic war. Humans rule the Earth, with no real memory of either Demons or Guardians. Yet deep within the dark underworld of the city, one supreme Demon is alive and plotting to subjugate mankind. Only one Guardian is left to do battle, and the fate of the human race is at stake. -- -- Based on the Graphic Novel -- "Twilight of the Dark Master (Shihaisha no Tasogare)" (Shinshokan) by Saki Okuse -- -- (Source: DVD Back Cover) -- OVA - Jan 21, 1998 -- 7,475 5.82
Shikabane Hime: Kuro -- -- feel., Gainax -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Horror Supernatural Shounen -- Shikabane Hime: Kuro Shikabane Hime: Kuro -- A direct continuation of Shikabane Hime: Aka, taking place six months after Tagami Keisei's death at the hands of the Shichisei (Seven Stars), a group of elite Shikabane who act on more than just regrets. As per Keisei's dying wish, Kagami Ouri formed a temporary contract with Makina to save her from degenerating into a Shikabane. Since then, Ouri's been training to become a proper monk so that he can remain contracted to Makina and help her fight against the Shichisei -- the ones who originally killed Makina, the entire Hoshimura family, and now Keisei. However, the traitorous monk Shishidou Akasha has sided with the Shichisei in an attempt to destroy all Shikabane Hime and the entire monk organization that uses them -- Kougon Sect. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jan 1, 2009 -- 68,755 7.31
Shikabane Hime: Kuro -- -- feel., Gainax -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Horror Supernatural Shounen -- Shikabane Hime: Kuro Shikabane Hime: Kuro -- A direct continuation of Shikabane Hime: Aka, taking place six months after Tagami Keisei's death at the hands of the Shichisei (Seven Stars), a group of elite Shikabane who act on more than just regrets. As per Keisei's dying wish, Kagami Ouri formed a temporary contract with Makina to save her from degenerating into a Shikabane. Since then, Ouri's been training to become a proper monk so that he can remain contracted to Makina and help her fight against the Shichisei -- the ones who originally killed Makina, the entire Hoshimura family, and now Keisei. However, the traitorous monk Shishidou Akasha has sided with the Shichisei in an attempt to destroy all Shikabane Hime and the entire monk organization that uses them -- Kougon Sect. -- TV - Jan 1, 2009 -- 68,755 7.31
Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle -- The world is divided into two kingdoms: the Kingdom of White, which floats in the heavens and is ruled by their queen Iris, and the Kingdom of Black, which stands upon desolate land below and houses the King of Darkness as its ruler. As of late, forces of evil have amassed great power, posing a threat to the entire world. Being the main representative of the Light, it is Iris' duty to maintain the balance of the world and fight off the darkness in her kingdom. -- -- Meanwhile in the Kingdom of Black, rampaging monsters annihilate a certain boy's village, leaving him the sole survivor. As he grieves in hopelessness, an armored man named Skeer notices the child and comforts him. Soon after, Skeer recognizes the boy's potential to change the kingdom's status quo and makes him his heir before passing away. The boy then vows to become the Prince of Darkness—the one who will replace the King—to bring the world back to its rightful path. -- -- As Iris and Prince of Darkness each challenge the impending doom the world faces in their own respective ways, their destinies will converge with each other, and perhaps, their bond will decide the fate of the world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 63,136 5.29
Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Adolescence Mokushiroku -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Drama Fantasy Romance Shoujo Shoujo Ai -- Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Adolescence Mokushiroku Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Adolescence Mokushiroku -- All eyes are on Utena Tenjou, a mysterious transfer student to Ohtori Academy. But Utena's eyes seem to be fixed on one familiar face that stands out among the rest—Touga Kiryuu, Utena's childhood friend. Touga knows of Utena's past and possesses knowledge of the Mark of the Rose, a set of unique rings worn by those who compete for the hand of the Rose Bride. The Rose Bride, Himemiya Anthy, belongs to whomever wins her in a duel, and the one that wins all the duels is said to be given the power to bring revolution to the world. Utena is drawn into the duels, but Touga and their complicated history together may end up unraveling everything. Nothing is as it seems in this retelling of the original anime series. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- Movie - Aug 14, 1999 -- 39,871 7.60
Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- -- C2C, Satelight -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance Fantasy -- Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- Putting his life on the line, Willem Kmetsch leaves his loved ones behind and sets out to battle a mysterious monster, and even though he is victorious, he is rendered frozen in ice. It is during his icy slumber that terrifying creatures known as "Beasts" emerge on the Earth's surface and threaten humanity's existence. Willem awakens 500 years later, only to find himself the sole survivor of his race as mankind is wiped out. -- -- Together with the other surviving races, Willem takes refuge on the floating islands in the sky, living in fear of the Beasts below. He lives a life of loneliness and only does odd jobs to get by. One day, he is tasked with being a weapon storehouse caretaker. Thinking nothing of it, Willem accepts, but he soon realizes that these weapons are actually a group of young Leprechauns. Though they bear every resemblance to humans, they have no regard for their own lives, identifying themselves as mere weapons of war. Among them is Chtholly Nota Seniorious, who is more than willing to sacrifice herself if it means defeating the Beasts and ensuring peace. -- -- Willem becomes something of a father figure for the young Leprechauns, watching over them fondly and supporting them in any way he can. He, who once fought so bravely on the frontlines, can now only hope that the ones being sent to battle return safely from the monsters that destroyed his kind. -- -- 288,264 7.71
Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- -- C2C, Satelight -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance Fantasy -- Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- Putting his life on the line, Willem Kmetsch leaves his loved ones behind and sets out to battle a mysterious monster, and even though he is victorious, he is rendered frozen in ice. It is during his icy slumber that terrifying creatures known as "Beasts" emerge on the Earth's surface and threaten humanity's existence. Willem awakens 500 years later, only to find himself the sole survivor of his race as mankind is wiped out. -- -- Together with the other surviving races, Willem takes refuge on the floating islands in the sky, living in fear of the Beasts below. He lives a life of loneliness and only does odd jobs to get by. One day, he is tasked with being a weapon storehouse caretaker. Thinking nothing of it, Willem accepts, but he soon realizes that these weapons are actually a group of young Leprechauns. Though they bear every resemblance to humans, they have no regard for their own lives, identifying themselves as mere weapons of war. Among them is Chtholly Nota Seniorious, who is more than willing to sacrifice herself if it means defeating the Beasts and ensuring peace. -- -- Willem becomes something of a father figure for the young Leprechauns, watching over them fondly and supporting them in any way he can. He, who once fought so bravely on the frontlines, can now only hope that the ones being sent to battle return safely from the monsters that destroyed his kind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 286,923 7.71
Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- -- C2C, Satelight -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance Fantasy -- Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? -- Putting his life on the line, Willem Kmetsch leaves his loved ones behind and sets out to battle a mysterious monster, and even though he is victorious, he is rendered frozen in ice. It is during his icy slumber that terrifying creatures known as "Beasts" emerge on the Earth's surface and threaten humanity's existence. Willem awakens 500 years later, only to find himself the sole survivor of his race as mankind is wiped out. -- -- Together with the other surviving races, Willem takes refuge on the floating islands in the sky, living in fear of the Beasts below. He lives a life of loneliness and only does odd jobs to get by. One day, he is tasked with being a weapon storehouse caretaker. Thinking nothing of it, Willem accepts, but he soon realizes that these weapons are actually a group of young Leprechauns. Though they bear every resemblance to humans, they have no regard for their own lives, identifying themselves as mere weapons of war. Among them is Chtholly Nota Seniorious, who is more than willing to sacrifice herself if it means defeating the Beasts and ensuring peace. -- -- Willem becomes something of a father figure for the young Leprechauns, watching over them fondly and supporting them in any way he can. He, who once fought so bravely on the frontlines, can now only hope that the ones being sent to battle return safely from the monsters that destroyed his kind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 288,264 7.71
Sol Bianca -- -- AIC -- 2 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space -- Sol Bianca Sol Bianca -- Five female pirates pilot the Sol Bianca, a starship with a higher level of technology than any other known. With it, they seek out riches, such as the Gnosis, an legendary item of power, and pasha, the most valuable mineral in the galaxy. Along the way, they must consider a stowaway's quest to save the one he loves, and seek revenge against those that have wronged them. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Mar 21, 1990 -- 4,975 6.34
Strawberry Panic -- -- Imagin, Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Other -- Drama Romance School Shoujo Ai -- Strawberry Panic Strawberry Panic -- Nagisa Aoi begins her new school life as a transfer student at St. Miator’s Girls Academy, one of three prestigious all-girls institutions atop Astraea Hill. Getting lost on her first day, Nagisa encounters a mysterious student whose elegance and charm is so bewitching, she ends up in the infirmary. -- -- There to greet her when she awakens is Tamao Suzumi, her roommate, who enthusiastically introduces Nagisa to the daily life and social structure on campus. Most notably, Tamao informs her of the existence of an exceptional student representative among all three schools—the Etoile, or "star." Eager to meet this person, Nagisa learns that the ethereal beauty she met earlier, Shizuma Hanazono, is the one and only Etoile herself! Not only that, Shizuma seems openly interested in Nagisa! Her interactions with Shizuma naturally make her a hot topic on campus; yet despite being so captivated, Nagisa can’t help but wonder if something is off. -- -- Strawberry Panic! follows the everyday routines of Nagisa, Shizuma, and her friends at St. Miator’s, St. Spica, and St. Lulim as they navigate through the challenge of relationships while confronting hidden feelings, lingering regrets, and new possibilities. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 116,121 7.30
Tactics -- -- Studio Deen -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Tactics Tactics -- Ichinomiya Kantarou grew up with the ability to see demons, but was isolated and bullied by others who did not share the same gift. Instead, he became being friends with the demons, gaining a great attachment to their existence. One day, Kantarou was told about the strongest demon, the one known as the ogre-eating Tengu. Amazed by the news of his strength, Kantarou vowed to find this demon who was far stronger than any other, deciding to call him Haruka when he did so. Since this time, Kantarou searched far and wide for the ogre-eating Tengu with no luck, making his living by becoming a folklore writer and demon-buster. On a particular job, Kantarou had finally found news of a nearby shrine supposedly the place where the ogre-eating Tengu was sealed. -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- TV - Oct 6, 2004 -- 37,017 7.22
Tactics -- -- Studio Deen -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Tactics Tactics -- Ichinomiya Kantarou grew up with the ability to see demons, but was isolated and bullied by others who did not share the same gift. Instead, he became being friends with the demons, gaining a great attachment to their existence. One day, Kantarou was told about the strongest demon, the one known as the ogre-eating Tengu. Amazed by the news of his strength, Kantarou vowed to find this demon who was far stronger than any other, deciding to call him Haruka when he did so. Since this time, Kantarou searched far and wide for the ogre-eating Tengu with no luck, making his living by becoming a folklore writer and demon-buster. On a particular job, Kantarou had finally found news of a nearby shrine supposedly the place where the ogre-eating Tengu was sealed. -- TV - Oct 6, 2004 -- 37,017 7.22
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 3 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy -- Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 3 Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 3 -- Third season of Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 127,135 N/A -- -- Kimi no Iru Machi -- -- Gonzo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama Romance Shounen -- Kimi no Iru Machi Kimi no Iru Machi -- Haruto Kirishima lived a calm life out in the countryside, away from the fast-paced life of the city. Then Yuzuki Eba appeared in his life out of nowhere, having come from Tokyo to briefly live with her family. Their time together left him enamored with the memories of that short period before she just as abruptly disappeared from his life, and left him full of questions. -- -- Kimi no Iru Machi begins some time later, after Haruto moves to Tokyo to live with his sister, in order to pursue a career as a cook. In reality though he wishes to be with Yuzuki. Things don't start good though. When he arrives he is mistaken for a burglar and attacked by his sister's neighbour Mishima Asuka. After the misunderstanding is cleared his feelings begin to waver though. Is Eba, who keeps avoiding him for seemingly no reason, the one for him or is it Asuka? -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Jul 13, 2013 -- 127,052 6.92
Tegamibachi Reverse -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Supernatural Fantasy Shounen -- Tegamibachi Reverse Tegamibachi Reverse -- After Niche carries the wounded and stunned Lag back to the Bee Hive, the Letter Bee finally begins to piece the puzzle together. Now he knows what's happened to Gauche, why the Marauders are so focused on stealing mail and the actual intent of the group controlling both, Reverse. However, when he's forbidden to reveal the truth, Lag is soon forced out of the artificial sunlight and back into the world of perpetual night. And soon Reverse's plot to take down the Letter Bees and overthrow the Amberground government begins to accelerate. If things weren't already bad enough, the giant insect creatures called gaichuu are apparently evolving into something new; there may be traitors working within the Hive; and Niche's sister, who's definitely not human friendly, shows up to turn family drama into a full-scale siege! It all spells serious trouble for the Letter Bees, but if anyone can weather the storms and gloom of night, Lag and his team are the ones who'll deliver. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- 55,008 7.77
Tegamibachi Reverse -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Supernatural Fantasy Shounen -- Tegamibachi Reverse Tegamibachi Reverse -- After Niche carries the wounded and stunned Lag back to the Bee Hive, the Letter Bee finally begins to piece the puzzle together. Now he knows what's happened to Gauche, why the Marauders are so focused on stealing mail and the actual intent of the group controlling both, Reverse. However, when he's forbidden to reveal the truth, Lag is soon forced out of the artificial sunlight and back into the world of perpetual night. And soon Reverse's plot to take down the Letter Bees and overthrow the Amberground government begins to accelerate. If things weren't already bad enough, the giant insect creatures called gaichuu are apparently evolving into something new; there may be traitors working within the Hive; and Niche's sister, who's definitely not human friendly, shows up to turn family drama into a full-scale siege! It all spells serious trouble for the Letter Bees, but if anyone can weather the storms and gloom of night, Lag and his team are the ones who'll deliver. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 55,008 7.77
Terra Formars: Revenge -- -- LIDENFILMS, TYO Animations -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Space Horror Drama Seinen -- Terra Formars: Revenge Terra Formars: Revenge -- In Terra Formars Revenge, the crew members of the Annex I continue to fight against Terraformars—the large humanoid cockroaches that evolved from the ones sent to Mars centuries ago. However, far from discovering the cure for the lethal Alien Engine Virus that has been plaguing Earth, the Annex I team have learned that some squadrons have agendas from their own countries. Now, the squadrons must not only fight against the Terraformars for their survival, but also each other in the never-ending battle for international dominance. -- -- 76,835 6.72
Terra Formars: Revenge -- -- LIDENFILMS, TYO Animations -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Space Horror Drama Seinen -- Terra Formars: Revenge Terra Formars: Revenge -- In Terra Formars Revenge, the crew members of the Annex I continue to fight against Terraformars—the large humanoid cockroaches that evolved from the ones sent to Mars centuries ago. However, far from discovering the cure for the lethal Alien Engine Virus that has been plaguing Earth, the Annex I team have learned that some squadrons have agendas from their own countries. Now, the squadrons must not only fight against the Terraformars for their survival, but also each other in the never-ending battle for international dominance. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 76,835 6.72
Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator -- -- A.C.G.T., J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Super Power Supernatural Fantasy School -- Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator -- Academy City stands at the forefront of scientific and technological progress, best known for their development of espers: those capable of wielding superhuman abilities that alter the rules of reality. The most powerful among them are the Level 5s, and the one known as Accelerator reigns supreme, even after being weakened by a severe brain injury. By his side is the young girl known as Last Order, whom despite his cold demeanor, he holds closely and vows to protect at all costs. -- -- Though Accelerator may be recovering from his injury, the dark side of Academy City never rests, and so he finds himself unwillingly caught up in the midst of a new conflict. When a mysterious young woman approaches Accelerator in pursuit of Last Order, the highest-ranked esper is confronted by a venomous organization that has taken root in Anti-Skill, Academy City's peacekeeping organization. With dangerous forces on the move that threaten to put Last Order and her sisters at risk, the self-proclaimed villain prepares to step into the darkness once again. -- -- 161,567 7.17
Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator -- -- A.C.G.T., J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Super Power Supernatural Fantasy School -- Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator -- Academy City stands at the forefront of scientific and technological progress, best known for their development of espers: those capable of wielding superhuman abilities that alter the rules of reality. The most powerful among them are the Level 5s, and the one known as Accelerator reigns supreme, even after being weakened by a severe brain injury. By his side is the young girl known as Last Order, whom despite his cold demeanor, he holds closely and vows to protect at all costs. -- -- Though Accelerator may be recovering from his injury, the dark side of Academy City never rests, and so he finds himself unwillingly caught up in the midst of a new conflict. When a mysterious young woman approaches Accelerator in pursuit of Last Order, the highest-ranked esper is confronted by a venomous organization that has taken root in Anti-Skill, Academy City's peacekeeping organization. With dangerous forces on the move that threaten to put Last Order and her sisters at risk, the self-proclaimed villain prepares to step into the darkness once again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 161,567 7.17
Tokyo Babylon 2021 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Supernatural Drama Fantasy Shoujo Shounen Ai -- Tokyo Babylon 2021 Tokyo Babylon 2021 -- Subaru Sumeragi is the thirteenth head of his powerful onmyouji clan. Until the time comes when he must succeed his grandmother fully, Subaru is allowed to live in Tokyo with his fraternal twin Hokuto. While Subaru is kind and shy, Hokuto has exuberance to spare, and her favorite pastime is designing bold matching outfits for the two of them to wear. Her next favorite thing to do is try to set up Subaru with their veterinarian friend Seishirou Sakurazuka who, oddly enough, is always readily available to accompany the Sumeragis throughout the city. -- -- Subaru has to resolve a variety of spiritual conflicts in Tokyo: some are cases formally brought to him by clients, and others are matters in which he decides to involve himself. A selfless teenager, he empathizes with others to the point that their pain may as well be his own. This leaves him vulnerable in a city where nearly everyone makes decisions that only benefit themselves as individuals. Hokuto hopes that if Subaru develops feelings for Seishirou, their relationship will be the one thing that he never gives up for the sake of anyone else. However, is Seishirou the best candidate for her brother's love, or is he hiding sinister secrets? -- -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 5,853 N/ANight Head 2041 -- -- Shirogumi -- ? eps -- Other -- Sci-Fi Mystery Psychological Supernatural Drama -- Night Head 2041 Night Head 2041 -- The story follows the Kirihara brothers who from a young age were incarcerated in a secure scientific facility due to their supernatural powers, having escaped after the barrier that was preventing them malfunctions. The story also follows the Kuroki brothers who are trying to chase the Kirihara brothers. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 5,779 N/A -- -- Jie Mo Ren -- -- - -- 14 eps -- Web manga -- Action Mystery Supernatural Fantasy -- Jie Mo Ren Jie Mo Ren -- When Freshman Zhou Xiaoan put on a ring of unclear origin, a terrifying devil leaps from his mouth and his life is changed forever. Shocking historical secrets are slowly revealed - a Blood Devil calling itself King Zhou of Shang, a race of heart-eating zombies; a dubious group of Taoist Priests that fight against them; mysterious beings of the supernatural world who can blend in to human society. -- -- (Source: GFearJ) -- ONA - Apr 27, 2016 -- 5,744 6.18
Tokyo Ghoul: "Pinto" -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Drama Horror Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Tokyo Ghoul: "Pinto" Tokyo Ghoul: "Pinto" -- Shuu Tsukiyama is a "ghoul": a creature who eats human flesh, and he likes to enjoy his meals to the fullest. One night, while relishing in the premeditated murder of his dinner, Shuu's much anticipated first bite is disturbed by a sudden flash of light. -- -- The flash turns out to be from the camera of high schooler Chie Hori, who presents Shuu with the perfect picture capturing his true nature; the extremely clear shot of a bloody corpse and an overly excited Shuu threatens to expose his ghoul identity, thus Shuu needs to sort out this situation quickly. -- -- After Shuu discovers that Chie attends the same high school as him and is even in the same class, the reason behind his feelings of obsession changes from self-preservation to morbid curiosity. As he grows closer to the absent-minded and extremely odd photographer, he challenges them both to learn more about each other's conflicting worlds; Shuu promises that Chie will come out of this experience with a photograph superior to the one she already has. -- -- OVA - Dec 25, 2015 -- 158,029 7.25
Twinkle Heart: Gingakei made Todokanai -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Space -- Twinkle Heart: Gingakei made Todokanai Twinkle Heart: Gingakei made Todokanai -- Love, Heaven's greatest treasure went missing and to get it back, the Great God decides to send his two daughters Lemon and Cherry, as well as their governess Berry to find it. However, their search doesn't go so well, mainly because they decide they like it at planet Earth and prefer to work in a hamburger shop (Sic!). -- -- In the one-episode OVA, the girls end up searching for the Love treasure on an exotic planet, however they find magical living plushies instead, having to fight their way through them to recover "Essence of Life," which an evil organisation wants to use for nefarious purposes. -- -- (Source: BakaBT) -- OVA - Dec 5, 1986 -- 981 5.30
Uchuu Senkan Tiramisù -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Mecha Sci-Fi Slice of Life Space -- Uchuu Senkan Tiramisù Uchuu Senkan Tiramisù -- Subaru Ichinose loves his cockpit as, to him, it's like being in his mother's womb. Whenever he struggles to converse with his fellow pilots, his cockpit is the one place he can be alone. As the ace pilot aboard the Tiramisu, Earth Union's most important battleship, it is his job to defend Mother Earth from the threats that emerge from humanity's extended dominion spreading throughout the vast reaches of the universe. -- -- Armed with his personal mecha Durandal, Subaru must fend off encroaching foreign colonies as he struggles to protect his personal sanctuary from rogue fried pork skewers, suffocating backwards shirts, and unsolicited redecorations. In the year Space Age 0156, the fate of humanity rests entirely in his hands. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 24,169 6.37
Ueno-san wa Bukiyou -- -- Lesprit -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Seinen -- Ueno-san wa Bukiyou Ueno-san wa Bukiyou -- As the head of her middle school's science club, it's only fitting that Ueno is also a brilliant inventor. With devices that can convert any liquid into drinkable water, deodorize the most foul smells, or even generate dark matter to be used as a means of concealment, it seems like nothing is beyond Ueno's capabilities. However, she doesn't invent these devices for the advancement of mankind. Rather, the one force that motivates her is love, the only phenomenon she can't quite figure out. -- -- Ueno is head over heels for Tanaka, her nonchalant fellow club member. Yet, because she is too nervous to confess her love and he is too oblivious to notice her affection, her love life is completely stagnant. In Ueno's mind, if she could just expose him to perverted situations, then surely he'd get flustered and fall for her, right? Assisted by her stone-faced classmate and dedicated wingwoman Yamashita, Ueno employs her many inventions on Tanaka in a lewd manner in hopes that he may one day understand how she feels. -- -- 87,391 6.62
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby (TV) Season 2 -- -- Studio Kai -- 13 eps -- Game -- Comedy Slice of Life Sports -- Uma Musume: Pretty Derby (TV) Season 2 Uma Musume: Pretty Derby (TV) Season 2 -- Within the horse-racing world, the horse girls of Team Spica have been gaining popularity as they continue to rack up victories. The one receiving the most attention in the group is Toukai Teiou, known for her cheerful personality and exceptional running skills. Teiou aims to become an undefeated Triple Crown horse girl by winning all three G1 races consecutively, a feat that has not been accomplished since the legendary Symbolic Rudolf managed to do so many years ago. -- -- On her path to obtaining the Triple Crown, Teiou is met with many challenges, encountering both old and new rivals. Amidst her fierce rivalries, however, Teiou is soon confronted with decisions that will leave a huge impact on her very own racing career. -- -- 21,627 7.91
Vie Durant -- -- Marine Entertainment, Radix -- 8 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Drama Vampire -- Vie Durant Vie Durant -- The Antarctic thaws and it is an era when most of the land has been submerged in water. The extinction of Mankind already draws near. Mankind who were born from Adam and Eve, were now deteriorating as they repeatedly get cloned from generation to generation. Things essential for the survival of living things were lost. -- -- Even so, the ones remaining cling on to survive... -- -- "We should get what we need for survival from something else...!" -- -- And so, a mere small group of humans began a new life upon the surface of water, exhausting the resources of each and every other living thing to survive. In the end, they discover people who posess a huge quantity of things necessary for survival. -- -- The young men who posessed such things continues their journey even today, to escape from those who were pursuing them. They just wanted to find that something somewhere. They were seeking for the one and only "help" there was... -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- ONA - Jul 15, 2003 -- 1,428 4.85
Violet Evergarden Movie -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama Fantasy -- Violet Evergarden Movie Violet Evergarden Movie -- Several years have passed since the end of The Great War. As the radio tower in Leidenschaftlich continues to be built, telephones will soon become more relevant, leading to a decline in demand for "Auto Memory Dolls." Even so, Violet Evergarden continues to rise in fame after her constant success with writing letters. However, sometimes the one thing you long for is the one thing that does not appear. -- -- Violet Evergarden Movie follows Violet as she continues to comprehend the concept of emotion and the meaning of love. At the same time, she pursues a glimmer of hope that the man who once told her, "I love you," may still be alive even after the many years that have passed. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Sep 18, 2020 -- 222,718 8.72
Violet Evergarden Movie -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama Fantasy -- Violet Evergarden Movie Violet Evergarden Movie -- Several years have passed since the end of The Great War. As the radio tower in Leidenschaftlich continues to be built, telephones will soon become more relevant, leading to a decline in demand for "Auto Memory Dolls." Even so, Violet Evergarden continues to rise in fame after her constant success with writing letters. However, sometimes the one thing you long for is the one thing that does not appear. -- -- Violet Evergarden Movie follows Violet as she continues to comprehend the concept of emotion and the meaning of love. At the same time, she pursues a glimmer of hope that the man who once told her, "I love you," may still be alive even after the many years that have passed. -- -- Movie - Sep 18, 2020 -- 222,718 8.72
Words Worth -- -- Arms -- 5 eps -- Visual novel -- Adventure Hentai Demons Magic Fantasy -- Words Worth Words Worth -- The legend has survived for generation. The Words Worth tablet, which will unlock the secrets of the Universe for the one who can decipher it, has been shattered. The warring tribes of Light and Shadow blame each other, and their accusations lead to all out war! -- -- Astral, the undisciplined heir to the throne of the Shadow Forces, lusts for his bride-to-be, Sharon. But Sharon, an accomplished warrior herself, feels her body drawn toward Caesar, the Shadow Tribe`s bravest swordsman. -- -- Sharon battles alongside Caesar during an assault by the Light Forces, and her ferocious beauty captivates Sir Fabris, the leader of the Tribe of Light. Fabris` army loses the battle, but he vows that he will one day get Sharon into his bed, the hard way, if necessary. -- -- Meanwhile, Astral takes his sexual frustrations out on Maria, a Light Tribe sorceress who has been taken captive. As Astral penetrates Maria, Sir Fabris prepares to launch a penetration of his own: a full-scale attack on the Tribe of Shadow! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- NuTech Digital -- OVA - Aug 25, 1999 -- 7,567 6.75
Ys -- -- Tokyo Kids -- 7 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Demons Drama Fantasy Magic -- Ys Ys -- Mythical beasts lay siege on the people of Esteria, who have raised an army to fight back. The beasts are relentless and seemingly have no end to their numbers, while the population of defenders dwindle in every skirmish. Even in the town of Minea, where the people are safely nestled behind castle walls, the constant attacks have left them hopeless. It is then that a prophecy is made, proclaiming the arrival of a brave young soul that could be the one who will bring their salvation. -- -- Ys follows Adol Christin, an adventurer driven by wanderlust towards the island of Esteria, who washes up on shore after a shipwreck. Following the guidance of the fortuneteller Sarah Tovah, he and his allies will travel the island in search of the legendary tomes known as the Books of Ys. It will be a long and perilous journey, but if fate is truly at work then Adol will certainly be the hero who returns peace to Esteria. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Nov 21, 1989 -- 6,790 6.48
Yumeria -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Comedy Ecchi Harem Super Power -- Yumeria Yumeria -- On his 16th birthday, Tomokazu Mikuri had a realistic dream where he sees a girl battling a giant floating monstrosity. When he wakes up, he is surprised that the girl is actually sleeping next to him... Whenever he sleeps from now on, he ends up back at the dream world, and more and more people that he knows keep showing up there too. He finds out from a mysterious masked woman in the dream world named Silk that they are fighting against one named Faydoom, and he is the one who provides the powers to those girls so that they can fight these monsters. And so it goes... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Sentai Filmworks -- 25,182 6.10
Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho (Movie) -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Supernatural Martial Arts Shounen -- Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho (Movie) Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho (Movie) -- Yusuke Urameshi is not exactly what you'd call an angel. In fact, some might call him down right devilish. But when he dies in an accident trying to save a child, he finds himself in the Spirit World. Unfortunately for Yusuke, his name is not listed in the Book of Enma, which means it was one big mistake! So he should return from the Spirit World, but must pass a few tests first, and become a detective of the spiritual world. -- -- So now Yusuke works in the Spirit World as a half-dead, half-alive agent for Koenma, son of the ruler of the Spirit World. This position does have its disadvantages, especially when you're trying to enjoy your summer vacation and Koenma gets kidnapped! So now Yusuke must interrupt his summer fun to find Koenma and trade the Golden Seal of King Enma for his life. But if someone other then King Enma has the Golden Seal there will be chaos in the Spirit World! What's a half-dead spirit detective to do? -- -- With the aide of his closest allies, Yusuke sets off for Magma Valley, to save the life of the one who saved his, and find out who's at the bottom of this evil conspiracy. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Media Blasters -- Movie - Jul 10, 1993 -- 24,728 6.82
Zetsuen no Tempest -- -- Bones -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Psychological Drama Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Zetsuen no Tempest Zetsuen no Tempest -- Yoshino Takigawa, an ordinary teenager, is secretly dating his best friend Mahiro's younger sister. But when his girlfriend Aika mysteriously dies, Mahiro disappears, vowing to find the one responsible and make them pay for murdering his beloved sister. Yoshino continues his life as usual and has not heard from Mahiro in a month—until he is confronted by a strange girl who holds him at gunpoint, and his best friend arrives in the nick of time to save him. -- -- Yoshino learns that Mahiro has enlisted the help of a witch named Hakaze Kusaribe to find Aika's killer and of the existence of an entity known as the "Tree of Exodus." The witch's brother selfishly desires to make use of its power, in spite of the impending peril to the world. However, Hakaze is banished to a deserted island, and it is now up to Yoshino and Mahiro to help her save the world, while inching ever closer to the truth behind Aika's death. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 494,569 7.98,_New_York_(NYPL_b11707986-G91F131_011F).tiff
Ain't but the One Way
Ain't No Woman (Like the One I've Got)
Are You the One?
Are You the One? Brasil
Are You the One? (disambiguation)
(Are You) The One That I've Been Waiting For
Be the One
Be the One (album)
Be the One (Moby song)
Be the One (The Ting Tings song)
Bogdan III the One-Eyed
(Come 'Round Here) I'm the One You Need
Could You Be the One?
Could You Be the One? (Hsker D song)
Could You Be the One? (Stereophonics song)
Dance with the One That Brought You
Dedicated to the One I Love
Dedicated to the Ones We Love
Down for the One
E Kale: The One
Ekam - The Oneness Temple
Eleutheronema tetradactylum
Friends: The One with All the Trivia
Funk Plus the One
Get Down (You're the One for Me)
GodWeenSatan: The Oneness
Going for the One
Grease: You're the One That I Want!
He Could Be the One
Hot on the One
How happy is the one who says I am a Turk
I'm the One
I'm the One (Descendents song)
I'm the One... Nobody Else
I'm the One (Roberta Flack album)
I'm the One That I Want
I'm the One Who Really Loves You
I'm the One You Need
I Am Not the One
I Could Be the One
If You're Not the One
If You Are the One
If You Are the One (game show)
It's the Ones Who've Cracked That the Light Shines Through
I Wasn't the One (Who Said Goodbye)
I Was the One
Kamen Rider Build the Movie: Be the One
Let Me Be the One
Let Me Be the One (album)
Let Me Be the One (Angela Bofill song)
Let Me Be the One (Carpenters song)
Let Me Be the One (Expos song)
Let Me Be the One (Five Star song)
Let Me Be the One (The Shadows song)
Lighters (The One)
List of Are You the One? episodes
Love the One You're With
Mobile Ops: The One Year War
Music Is the One-T ODC
Only the Ones We Love
On the one
(Remember Me) I'm the One Who Loves You
Return of the One-Armed Swordsman
Santa U Are the One
Shania: Still the One
She's the One
She's the One (2013 film)
She's the One (Bruce Springsteen song)
She's the One (Hank Ballard song)
She's the One (World Party song)
S.H.E Is the One
Society of the One Almighty God
Songs and Music from "She's the One"
Still the One
Still the One: Live from Vegas
The Case of the One-Eyed Killer Stud Horse
The Lord Loves the One (That Loves the Lord)
The One
The One...
The One (2001 film)
The One 98.1 FM (Barbados)
The One Above All, the End of All That Is
The One Academy
The One account
The One After the Superbowl
The One AM Radio
The One and Only
The One and Only (1999 film)
The One and Only Buddy Goode
The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band
The One and Only Ivan
The One and Only Ivan (film)
The One and Only (Lefty Frizzell album)
The One and Only (song)
The One and Only (TV programme)
The One and Only (TV series)
The One Club
The One...Cohesive
The One (Colombo)
The One (comics)
The One (company)
The One Concert
The One: Crash to Create
The One Day
The Onedin Line
The One Doctor
The One Eighty
The One Ensemble of Daniel Padden
The One (Eric Bent album)
The One-Eyed King
The One (Foo Fighters song)
The One for Me
The One (Frankie J album)
The One Hundred (band)
The One Hundredth
The One I Gave My Heart To
The One I Love
The One I Love (Belongs to Somebody Else)
The One I Love (film)
The One I Love (manga)
The One like You
The One (magazine)
The One Man Army (1973 novel)
The One-Man Band
The One (Mary J. Blige song)
The One Million Pound Note
The One Minute Manager
The One Network
The One on the Right Is on the Left
The One Percent Doctrine
The One Ring Roleplaying Game
The Ones Below
The Ones Down There
The One She Loved
The One (Shinichi Osawa album)
The One (shopping centre)
The One Show
The One (Slaughterhouse song)
The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas
The Ones Within
The One That Got Away
The One That Got Away (1964 film)
The One That Got Away (1996 film)
The One That Got Away (American Dad!)
The One That Got Away (book)
The One That Got Away (TV series)
The One That I Love
The One (The Chainsmokers song)
The One Thing (book)
The One Thing (song)
The One to Sing the Blues
The One (Trina album)
The One (TV program)
The One (Uverworld album)
The One (video)
The One Voted Most Likely to Succeed
The One Who Will Stay Unnoticed
The One Winner
The One with All the Thanksgivings
The One with Joey's Big Break
The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding
The One with Rachel's Date
The One with Ross's Wedding
The One with the Embryos
The One with the Fake Monica
The One with the Girl Who Hits Joey
The One with the Lesbian Wedding
The One with the Morning After
The One with the Prom Video
The One with the Proposal
The One with the Rumor
The One with the Sonogram at the End
The One with the Thumb
The One with Unagi
The One Woman
The One You Know
The One You Love
The One You Love (Paulina Rubio song)
The One You Love (Rufus Wainwright song)
This Is Jayde: The One Hit Wonder
This Is the One
To the One of Fictive Music
To the Ones We Love: A True Story
Walkin' in the Rain with the One I Love
We Are the One
We Are the Ones (We've Been Waiting For)
Who'll Be the One
Y'all Caught? The Ones That Got Away 19791985
You're Still the One
You're the One (Charli XCX song)
You're the One (Dondria song)
You're the One for Me
You're the One for Me (D. Train song)
You're the One for Me, Fatty
You're the One (Glen Campbell song)
You're the One (Greta Van Fleet song)
You're the One (Petula Clark song)
You're the One (Sande song)
You're the One (Shane MacGowan & Mire Brennan song)
You're the One (SWV song)
You're the One That I Want
You Always Hurt the One You Love
You Are the One
You Are the One (A-ha song)
You Are the One (Argentine TV series)
You Are the One (film)
You Are the One (Shiny Toy Guns song)
You Are the One (Singaporean TV series)
Zatoichi and the One-Armed Swordsman

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