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object:1.04 - The Crossing of the First Threshold
book class:The Hero with a Thousand Faces
author class:Joseph Campbell
subject class:Mythology
subject class:Psychology

The Crossing of the First


With the personifications of his destiny to guide and aid him,
the hero goes forward in his adventure until he comes to the
"threshold guardian" at the entrance to the zone of magnified
power. Such custodians bound the world in the four directions
also up and downstanding for the limits of the hero's present
sphere, or life horizon. Beyond them is darkness, the unknown,
and danger; just as beyond the parental watch is danger to the
infant and beyond the protection of his society danger to the
member of the tribe. The usual person is more than content, he
is even proud, to remain within the indicated bounds, and popu
lar belief gives him every reason to fear so much as the first step
into the unexplored. Thus the sailors of the bold vessels of
Columbus, breaking the horizon of the medieval mindsailing,
as they thought, into the boundless ocean of immortal being that
surrounds the cosmos, like an endless mythological serpent bit
ing its tail had to be cozened and urged on like children, be
cause of their fear of the fabled leviathans, mermaids, dragon
kings, and other monsters of the deep.
The folk mythologies populate with deceitful and dangerous
presences every desert place outside the normal traffic of the vil
lage. For example, the Hottentots describe an ogre that has been
occasionally encountered among the scrubs and dunes. Its eyes

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Adapted from Burton, op. cit., Vol. Ill, pp. 223-230.
Compare the serpent of the dream, supra, p. 58.


are set on its instep, so that to discover what is going on it has to
get down on hands and knees, and hold up one foot. The eye
then looks behind; otherwise it is gazing continually at the sky.
This monster is a hunter of men, whom it tears to shreds with
cruel teeth as long as fingers. The creature is said to hunt in
packs. Another Hottentot apparition, the Hai-uri, progresses
by leaping over clumps of scrub instead of going around them.
A dangerous one-legged, one-armed, one-sided figure the halfmaninvisible if viewed from the off side, is encountered in many
parts of the earth. In Central Africa it is declared that such a halfman says to the person who has encountered him: "Since you
have met with me, let us fight together." If thrown, he will plead:
"Do not kill me. I will show you lots of medicines"; and then the
lucky person becomes a proficient doctor. But if the half-man
(called Chiruwi, "a mysterious thing") wins, his victim dies.
The regions of the unknown (desert, jungle, deep sea, alien
land, etc.) are free fields for the projection of unconscious con
tent. Incestuous libido and patricidal destrudo are thence reflected
back against the individual and his society in forms suggesting
threats of violence and fancied dangerous delightnot only as
ogres but also as sirens of mysteriously seductive, nostalgic beauty.



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Leonhard S. Schultze, Aus Namal and und Kalahari (Jena, 1907), p. 392.
Ibid. pp. 404, 448.
David Clement Scott, A Cyclopaedic Dictionary of the Mang'anja Lan
guage spoken in British Central Africa (Edinburgh, 1892), p. 97.
Compare the following dream of a twelve-year-old boy: "One night I dreamt
of a foot. I thought it was lying down on the floor and I, not expecting such a
thing, fell over it. It seemed to be the same shape as my own foot. The foot
suddenly jumped up and started running after me; I thought I jumped right
through the window, ran round the yard out into the street, running along as
fast as my legs would carry me. I thought I ran to Woolwich, and then it sud
denly caught me and shook me, and then I woke up. I have dreamt about this
foot several times."
The boy had heard a report that his father, who was a sailor, had recently
had an accident at sea in which he had broken his ankle (C. W. Kimmins, Chil
dren's Dreams, An Unexplored Land-, London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd.,
1937, p. 107).
"The foot," writes Dr. Freud, "is an age-old sexual symbol which occurs
even in mythology" (Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, p. 155). The
name Oedipus, it should be noted, means "the swollen footed."

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The Russian peasants know, for example, of the "Wild Women"
of the woods who have their abode in mountain caverns where
they maintain households, like human beings. They are hand
some females, with fine square heads, abundant tresses, and
hairy bodies. They fling their breasts over their shoulders when
they run and when they nurse their children. They go in groups.
With unguents prepared from forest roots they can anoint and
render themselves invisible. They like to dance or tickle people
to death who wander alone into the forest, and anyone who acci
dentally chances upon their invisible dancing parties dies. On
the other hand, for people who set out food for them, they reap
the grain, spin, care for the children, and tidy up the house; and
if a girl will comb out hemp for them to spin, they will give her
leaves that turn to gold. They enjoy human lovers, have frequently
married country youths, and are known to make excellent wives.
But like all supernatural brides, the minute the husb and offends
in the least their whimsical notions of marital propriety, they
disappear without a trace.
One more example, to illustrate the libidinous association of
the dangerous impish ogre with the principle of seduction, is
Dyedushka Vodyanoy, the Russian "Water Grandfa ther." He is
an adroit shapeshifter and is said to drown people who swim at
midnight or at noon. Drowned or disinherited girls he marries.
He has a special talent for coaxing unhappy women into his
toils. He likes to dance on moonlit nights. Whenever a wife of
his is about to have a baby, he comes into the villages to seek a
midwife. But he can be detected by the water that oozes from
the border of his garments. He is bald, tun bellied, puffy
cheeked, with green clothing and a tall cap of reeds; but he can


Compare V. J. Mansikka, in Hastings' Encyclopaedia of Religion and
Ethics, Vol. IV, p. 628; article "Demons and Spirits (Slavic)." The cluster of
articles by a number of authorities, gathered together in this volume under the
general heading "Demons and Spirits" (treating severally of the African,
Oceanic, Assyro-Babylonian, Buddhist, Celtic, Chinese, Christian, Coptic,
Egyptian, Greek, Hebrew, Indian, Jain, Japanese, Jewish, Moslem, Persian,
Roman, Slavic, Teutonic, and Tibetan varieties), is an excellent introduction to
the subject.


also appear as an attractive young man, or as some personage
well known in the community. This Water Master is not strong
ashore, but in his own element he is supreme. He inhabits the
deeps of rivers, streams, and ponds, preferring to be close beside
a mill. During the day he remains concealed, like an old trout or
salmon, but at night he surfaces, splashing and flopping like a
fish, to drive his subaqueous cattle, sheep, and horses ashore to
graze, or else to perch up on the mill wheel and quietly comb his
long green hair and beard. In the springtime, when he rouses
from his long hibernation, he smashes the ice along the rivers,
piling up great blocks. Mill wheels he is amused to destroy. But
in a favorable temper he drives his fishherds into the fisherman's
net or gives warning of coming floods. The midwife who accom
panies him he pays richly with silver and gold. His beautiful
daughters, tall, pale, and with an air of sadness, transparently
costumed in green, torture and torment the drowned. They like
to rock on trees, beautifully singing.
The Arcadian god Pan is the best known Classical example of
this dangerous presence dwelling just beyond the protected zone
of the village boundary. Sylvanus and Faunus were his Latin
counterparts. He was the inventor of the shepherd's pipe, which
he played for the dances of the nymphs, and the satyrs were his
male companions. The emotion that he instilled in human be
ings who by accident adventured into his domain was "panic"
fear, a sudden, groundless fright. Any trifling cause thenthe
break of a twig, the flutter of a leafwould flood the mind with
imagined danger, and in the frantic effort to escape from his own
aroused unconscious the victim expired in a flight of dread. Yet
Pan was benign to those who paid him worship, yielding the



4 2

Ibid., p. 629. Compare the Lorelei. Mansikka's discussion of the Slavic
forest-, field-, and water-spirits is based on Hanus Mchal's comprehensive
Nkres slovanskho bjeslovi (Prague, 1891), an English abridgment of which
will be found in Mchal's Slavic Mythology (The Mythology of All Races,
Vol. Ill, Boston, 1918).
In Alexandrian times Pan was identified with the ithyphallic Egyptian di
vinity Min, who was, among other things, the guardian of desert roads.
Compare Dionysos, the great Thracian counterpart of Pan.
4 3

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boons of the divine hygiene of nature: bounty to the farmers,
herders, and fisherfolk who dedicated their first fruits to him,
and health to all who properly approached his shrines of healing.
Also wisdom, the wisdom of Omphalos, the World Navel, was
his to bestow; for the crossing of the threshold is the first step
into the sacred zone of the universal source. At Lykaion was an
oracle, presided over by the nymph Erato, whom Pan inspired,
as Apollo the prophetess at Delphi. And Plutarch numbers the
ecstasies of the orgiastic rites of Pan along with the ecstasy of
Cybele, the Bacchic frenzy of Dionysos, the poetic frenzy in
spired by the Muses, the warrior frenzy of the god Ares (=Mars),
and, fiercest of all, the frenzy of love, as illustrations of that di
vine "enthusiasm" that overturns the reason and releases the forces
of the destructive-creative dark.
"I dreamed," stated a middle-aged, married gentleman, "that
I wanted to get into a wonderful garden. But before it there was
a watchman who would not permit me to enter. I saw that my
friend, Frulein Eisa, was within; she wanted to reach me her
hand, over the gate. But the watchman prevented that, took me
by the arm, and conducted me home. 'Do be sensibleafter all!'
he said. You know that you musn't do that.' "
This is a dream that brings out the sense of the first, or pro
tective, aspect of the threshold guardian. One had better not
challenge the watcher of the established bounds. And yetit is
only by advancing beyond those bounds, provoking the destruc
tive other aspect of the same power, that the individual passes,
either alive or in death, into a new zone of experience. In the
language of the pigmies of the Andaman Islands, the word

4 5

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Wilhelm Stekel, Fortschritte und Technik der Traumdeutung (Wien
Leipzig-Bern: Verlag fur Medizin, Weidmann und Cie., 1935), p. 37.
The watchman symbolizes, according to Dr. Stekel, "consciousness, or, if
one prefers, the aggregate of all the morality and restrictions present in con
sciousness. Freud," continues Dr. Stekel, "would describe the watchman as the
'superego.' But he is really only an 'interego.' Consciousness prevents the
breaking through of dangerous wishes and immoral actions. This is the sense
in which watchmen, police officials and officers in dreams are in general to be
interpreted" (ibid. pp. 37-38).


FIGURE 4. Ulysses and the Sirens

oko-jumu ("dreamer," "one who speaks from dreams") desig
nates those highly respected and feared individuals who are
distinguished from their fellows by the possession of supernat
ural talents, which can be acquired only by meeting with the
spiritsdirectly in the jungle, through extraordinary dream, or
by death and return. The adventure is always and everywhere
a passage beyond the veil of the known into the unknown; the
powers that watch at the boundary are dangerous; to deal with
them is risky; yet for anyone with competence and courage the
danger fades.
In the Banks Islands of the New Hebrides, if a young man
coming back from his fishing on a rock, towards sunset, chances
to see "a girl with her head bedecked with flowers beckoning to
him from the slope of the cliff up which his path is leading him;
he recognizes the countenance of some girl of his own or a
neighboring village; he stands and hesitates and thinks she must
be a mae-f he looks more closely, and observes that her elbows

4 6

A. R. Radcliffe-Brown, The Andaman Islanders (2nd edition, Cambridge
University Press, 1933), pp. 175-177.
An amphibious sea snake marked with bands of dark and light color, al
ways more or less dreaded whenever it is seen.
4 7



and knees bend the wrong way; this reveals her true character,
and he flies. If a young man can strike the temptress with a dracaena leaf she turns into her own shape and glides away a
snake." But these very snakes, the mae, so greatly feared, are be
lieved to become the familiars of those who have intercourse
with them. Such demonsat once dangers and bestowers of
magic powerevery hero must encounter who steps an inch
outside the walls of his tradition.
Two vivid Oriental stories will serve to illuminate the ambigu
ities of this perplexing pass and show how, though the terrors
will recede before a genuine psychological readiness, the over
bold adventurer beyond his depth may be shamelessly undone.
The first is of a caravan leader from Benares, who made bold
to conduct his richly loaded expedition of five hundred carts into
a waterless demon wilderness. Forewarned of dangers, he had
taken the precaution to set huge chatties filled with water in the
carts, so that, rationally considered, his prospect of making the
passage of not more than sixty desert leagues was of the best.
But when he had reached the middle of the crossing, the ogre
who inhabited that wilderness thought, "I will make these men
throw away the water they took." So he created a cart to delight
the heart, drawn by pure white young oxen, the wheels smeared
with mud, and came down the road from the opposite direction.
Both before him and behind marched the demons who formed
his retinue, heads wet, garments wet, decked with garlands of
water lilies both blue and white, carrying in their hands clusters
of lotus flowers both red and white, chewing the fibrous stalks of
water lilies, streaming with drops of water and mud. And when
the caravan and the demon company drew aside to let each other
pass, the ogre greeted the leader in a friendly manner. "Where
are you going?" he politely asked. To which the caravan leader
replied: "We, sir, are coming from Benares. But you are ap
proaching decked with water lilies both blue and white, with
lotus flowers both red and white in your hands, chewing the

4 8

R. H. Codrington, The Melanesians, their Anthropology and Folklore
(Oxford University Press, 1891), p. 189.


fibrous stalks of water lilies, smeared with mud, with drops of
water streaming from you. Is it raining along the road by which
you came? Are the lakes completely covered with water lilies
both blue and white, and lotus flowers both red and white?"
The ogre: "Do you see that dark green streak of woods? Be
yond that point the entire forest is one mass of water; it rains all
the time; the hollows are full of water; everywhere are lakes
completely covered with lotus flowers both red and white." And
then, as the carts passed one after another, he inquired: "What
goods do you have in this cartand in that? The last moves
very heavily; what goods do you have in that?" "We have water
in that," the leader answered. "You have acted wisely, of course,
in bringing water thus far; but beyond this point you have no
occasion to burden yourself. Break the chatties to pieces, throw
away the water, travel at ease." The ogre went his way, and
when out of sight, returned again to his own city of ogres.
Now that foolish caravan leader, out of his own foolishness,
took the advice of the ogre, broke the chatties, and caused the
carts to move forward. Ahead there was not the slightest particle
of water. For lack of water to drink the men grew weary. They
traveled until sundown, and then unharnessed the carts, drew
them up in a contracted circle, and tied the oxen to the wheels.
There was neither water for the oxen nor gruel and boiled rice
for the men. The weakened men lay down here and there and
went to sleep. At midnight the ogres approached from the city of
ogres, slew the oxen and men, every one, devoured their flesh,
leaving only the bare bones, and, having so done, departed. The
bones of their hands and all their other bones lay scattered about
in the four directions and the four intermediate directions; five
hundred carts stood as full as ever.
The second story is of a different style. It is told of a young
prince who had just completed his military studies under a
world-renowned teacher. Having received, as a symbol of his


Jataka, 1:1. Abridged from the translation by Eugene Watson Burlingame,
Buddhist Parables (Yale University Press, 1922), pp. 32-34. Reprinted by per
mission of the publishers.



distinction, the title Prince Five-weapons, he accepted the five
weapons that his teacher gave him, bowed, and, armed with the
new weapons, struck out onto the road leading to the city of his
father, the king. On the way he came to a certain forest. People
at the mouth of the forest warned him. "Sir prince, do not enter
this forest," they said; "an ogre lives here, named Sticky-hair; he
kills every man he sees."
But the prince was confident and fearless as a maned lion. He
entered the forest just the same. When he reached the heart of
it, the ogre showed himself. The ogre had increased his stature
to the height of a palm tree; he had created for himself a head as
big as a summer house with bell-shaped pinnacle, eyes as big as
alms bowls, two tusks as big as giant bulbs or buds; he had the
beak of a hawk; his belly was covered with blotches; his hands
and feet were dark green. "Where are you going?" he demanded.
"Halt! You are my prey!"
Prince Five-weapons answered without fear, but with great
confidence in the arts and crafts that he had learned. "Ogre,"
said he, "I knew what I was about when I entered this forest.
You would do well to be careful about attacking me; for with an
arrow steeped in poison will I pierce your flesh and fell you on
the spot!"
Having thus threatened the ogre, the young prince fitted to
his bow an arrow steeped in deadly poison and let fly. It stuck
right in the ogre's hair. Then he let fly, one after another, fifty
arrows. All stuck right to the ogre's hair. The ogre shook off
every one of those arrows, letting them fall right at his feet, and
approached the young prince.
Prince Five-weapons threatened the ogre a second time, and
drawing his sword, delivered a masterly blow. The sword,
thirty-three inches long, stuck right to the ogre's hair. Then the
prince smote him with a spear. That also stuck right to his hair.
Perceiving that the spear had stuck, he smote him with a club.
That also stuck right to his hair.
When he saw that the club had stuck, he said: "Master ogre,
you have never heard of me before. I am Prince Five-weapons.
When I entered this forest infested by you, I took no account of


bows and suchlike weapons; when I entered this forest, I took
account only of myself. Now I am going to beat you and pound
you into powder and dust!" Having thus made known his deter
mination, with a yell he struck the ogre with his right hand. His
hand stuck right to the ogre's hair. He struck him with his left
hand. That also stuck. He struck him with his right foot. That
also stuck. He struck him with his left foot. That also stuck.
Thought he: "I will beat you with my head and pound you into
powder and dust!" He struck him with his head. That also stuck
right to the ogre's hair.
Prince Five-weapons, snared five times, stuck fast in five
places, dangled from the ogre's body. But for all that, he was un
afraid, undaunted. As for the ogre, he thought: "This is some
lion of a man, some man of noble birthno mere man! For al
though he has been caught by an ogre like me, he appears nei
ther to tremble nor to quake! In all the time I have harried this
road, I have never seen a single man to match him! Why, pray,
is he not afraid?" Not daring to eat him, he asked: "Youth, why
are you not afraid? Why are you not terrified with the fear of
"Ogre, why should I be afraid? for in one life one death is ab
solutely certain. What's more, I have in my belly a thunderbolt
for weapon. If you eat me, you will not be able to digest that
weapon. It will tear your insides into tatters and fragments and
will kill you. In that case we'll both perish. That's why I'm not
Prince Five-weapons, the reader must know, was referring to
the Weapon of Knowledge that was within him. Indeed, this
young hero was none other than the Future Buddha, in an earlier

5 0

It has been pointed out that this adventure of Prince Five-weapons is the
earliest known example of the celebrated and well-nigh universal tar-baby
story, of popular folklore. (See Aurelio M. Espinosa: "Notes on the Origin and
History of the Tar-Baby Story," Journal of American Folklore, 43, 1930,
pp. 129-209; "A New Classification of the Fundamental Elements of the TarBaby Story on the Basis of Two Hundred and Sixty-Seven Versions," ibid., 56,
1943, pp. 31-37; and Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, "A Note on the Stickfast
Motif," ibid., 57, 1944, pp. 128-131.)


incarnation. "What this youth says is true," thought the ogre,
terrified with the fear of death. "From the body of this lion of a
man, my stomach would not be able to digest a fragment of flesh
even so small as a kidney bean. I'll let him go!" And he let
Prince Five-weapons go. The Future Buddha preached the Doc
trine to him, subdued him, made him self-denying, and then
transformed him into a spirit entitled to receive offerings in the
forest. Having admonished the ogre to be heedful, the youth de
parted from the forest, and at the mouth of the forest told his
story to human beings; then went his way.
As a symbol of the world to which the five senses glue us, and
which cannot be pressed aside by the actions of the physical or
gans, Sticky-hair was subdued only when the Future Buddha, no
longer protected by the five weapons of his momentary name and
physical character, resorted to the unnamed, invisible sixth: the


The thunderbolt (vajra) is one of the major symbols in Buddhist iconogra
phy, signifying the spiritual power of Buddhahood (indestructible enlighten
ment) which shatters the illusory realities of the world. The Absolute, or Adi
Buddha, is represented in the images of Tibet as Vajra-Dhara (Tibetan: DorjeChang) "Holder of the Adamantine Bolt."
In the figures of the gods that have come down from ancient Mesopotamia
(Sumer and Akkad, Babylonia and Assyria) the thunderbolt, in the same form
as the vajra, is a conspicuous element (See Plate XXI); from these it was inher
ited by Zeus.
We know also that among primitive peoples warriors may speak of their
weapons as thunderbolts. Sicut in coelo et in terra: the initiated warrior is an
agent of the divine will; his training is not only in manual but also in spiritual
skills. Magic (the supernatural power of the thunderbolt), as well as physical
force and chemical poison, gives the lethal energy to his blows. A consummate
master would require no physical weapon at all; the power of his magic word
would suffice.
The parable of Prince five-weapons illustrates this theme. But it also teaches
that the one who relies or prides himself upon his merely empirical, physical
character is already undone. "We have here the picture of a hero," writes Dr.
Coomaraswamy, "who can be involved in the coils of an aesthetic experience
["the five points" being the five senses], but is able, by an intrinsic moral supe
riority, to liberate himself, and even to release others" (Journal of American
Folklore, 57,1944, p. 129).
Jataka, 55:1. 272-275. Adapted, with slight abridgment, from the transla
tion of Eugene Watson Burlingame, op. cit., pp. 41-44. Reprinted by permis
sion of Yale University Press, publishers.



divine thunderbolt of the knowledge of the transcendent princi
ple, which is beyond the phenomenal realm of names and forms.
Therewith the situation changed. He was no longer caught, but
released; for that which he now remembered himself to be is
ever free. The force of the monster of phenomenality was dis
pelled, and he was rendered self-denying. Self-denying, he be
came divinea spirit entitled to receive offeringsas is the
world itself when known, not as final, but as a mere name and
form of that which transcends, yet is immanent within, all names
and forms.
The "Wall of Paradise," which conceals God from human
sight, is described by Nicholas of Cusa as constituted of the "co
incidence of opposites," its gate being guarded by "the highest
spirit of reason, who bars the way until he has been overcome."
The pairs of opposites (being and not being, life and death,
beauty and ugliness, good and evil, and all the other polarities
that bind the faculties to hope and fear, and link the organs of
action to deeds of defense and acquisition) are the clashing rocks
(Symplegades) that crush the traveler, but between which the
heroes always pass. This is a motif known throughout the world.
The Greeks associated it with two rocky islands of the Euxine
Sea, which clashed together, driven by winds; but Jason, in the
Argo, sailed between, and since that time they have stood apart.
The Twin Heroes of the Navaho legend were warned of the
same obstacle by Spider Woman; protected, however, by the
pollen symbol of the path, and eagle feathers plucked from a liv
ing sun bird, they passed between.
As the rising smoke of an offering through the sun door, so
goes the hero, released from ego, through the walls of the
worldleaving ego stuck to Sticky-hair and passing on.



5 3

Nicholas of Cusa, De visione Dei, 9,11; cited by Ananda K. Coomaraswamy,
"On the One and Only Transmigrant" (Supplement to the Journal of the American
Oriental Society, April-June, 1944), p. 25.
Ovid, Metamorphoses, VII, 62; XV, 338.
Supra, p. 64..
5 4



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Wikipedia - Africa Scout Region (World Organization of the Scout Movement) -- Divisional office of the World Scout Bureau headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya
Wikipedia - Age of Enlightenment -- European cultural movement of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries
Wikipedia - Aging movement control -- Changes in men and women as they get older
Wikipedia - Ahl-i Hadith -- Religious movement that emerged in Northern India in the mid-nineteenth century
Wikipedia - Ahmadiyya views on evolution -- The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam universally accepts a process of divinely guided evolution
Wikipedia - Ahmadiyya -- Islamic religious movement
Wikipedia - Ahoti - for Women in Israel -- Israeli feminist social movement
Wikipedia - Air guitar -- Form of dance and movement
Wikipedia - Air Movement and Control Association
Wikipedia - Akathisia -- Movement disorder involving a feeling of inner restlessness
Wikipedia - Akram Vignan Movement
Wikipedia - A Letter to a Hindu -- Letter from Leo Tolstoy about the Indian independence movement in 1908
Wikipedia - Alexander Lion -- Co-founder of the German scout movement
Wikipedia - Algerian Movement for Justice and Development -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - Algerian Popular Movement -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - Algerian War -- War between France and the Algerian independence movement from 1954 to 1962
Wikipedia - Algernon B. Jackson -- African American physician who contributed to the National Negro Health Movement
Wikipedia - Alicia Garza -- Co-founder of the Black Lives Matter International movement
Wikipedia - Alieu Kosiah -- Former commander of the United Liberation movement of Liberia for democracy
Wikipedia - Aligarh Movement
Wikipedia - Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyya -- Egyptian Sunni Islamist movement
Wikipedia - All Ethiopian National Movement -- Political party in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - All-Ethiopia Socialist Movement -- Political party in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Alliance for Justice and Democracy/Movement for Renewal -- Political party in Mauritania
Wikipedia - Alliance of Movements for the Emergence of Niger -- Political party in Niger
Wikipedia - Allied Peoples Movement -- Political party in Nigeria
Wikipedia - All Lives Matter -- Slogan created as a counter-movement to Black Lives Matter
Wikipedia - Alter-globalization -- Social movement
Wikipedia - Alternatiba, Village of Alternatives -- French social movement fighting climate change
Wikipedia - Altriciality -- Species in which the young are minimally-capable of independent movement soon after hatching or birth
Wikipedia - Alt-right -- Loosely connected far-right, white nationalist movement based in the U.S.
Wikipedia - American folk music revival -- 20th-century American musical movement
Wikipedia - American Indian Movement
Wikipedia - American militia movement -- Political movement of paramilitary groups in the United States
Wikipedia - American proletarian poetry movement -- political poetry movement in the US-1920s and 1930s
Wikipedia - Aminul Islam Badsha -- Bangladeshi language movement activist
Wikipedia - Amoeboid movement
Wikipedia - Amsterdam Impressionism -- Art movement
Wikipedia - Anabaptism -- A Christian movement and set of beliefs that started as a result of the Bible being translated into the languages of the common people, and the European Reformation in Western Christianity.
Wikipedia - Anan ben David -- Major founder of the Karaite movement of Judaism
Wikipedia - Ananda movement
Wikipedia - Anarcha-feminism -- Movement combining anarchism and feminism
Wikipedia - Anarchism in Puerto Rico -- Social movement of political left within the working classes of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Anarchism in the United States -- History of the anarchist movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Anarchism -- Political philosophy and movement
Wikipedia - Anarchist archives -- historical records of the anarchist movement as preserved in personal and institutional collections
Wikipedia - Anatomical plane -- Plane used to transect the human body, in order to describe the location of structures or the direction of movements
Wikipedia - And-JM-CM-+f/Revolutionary Movement for New Democracy -- Political party in Senegal
Wikipedia - Anglican realignment -- Religious movement
Wikipedia - Angura -- Japanese theatrical movement
Wikipedia - Animal liberation movement
Wikipedia - Animal rights movement
Wikipedia - Anne Ward (suffragist) -- Prominent member of women's temperance movement in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Anti-abortion movements -- Movement that believes abortion should be illegal
Wikipedia - Anti-aging movement -- Social movement devoted to eliminating or reversing aging, or reducing the effects of it
Wikipedia - Anti-Apartheid Movement
Wikipedia - Anti-apartheid movement
Wikipedia - Anti-austerity movement in Greece
Wikipedia - Anti-austerity movement in the United Kingdom -- Early 2011 series of major demonstrations
Wikipedia - Anti-cession movement of Sarawak -- Anti-colonial activism in Sarawak, 1946-1950
Wikipedia - Anti-Christian Movement (China)
Wikipedia - Anti-cult movement
Wikipedia - Anti-Duvalier protest movement -- Movement to overthrow Jean-Claude Duvalier
Wikipedia - Antifa (Germany) -- Far-left anti-fascist movement in Germany
Wikipedia - Anti-Fascist Youth Union of the Free Territory of Trieste -- Post-World War II youth movement
Wikipedia - Antifa (United States) -- Anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Anti-Federalism -- Movement that opposed the creation of a strong U.S. federal government and later the ratification of the Constitution
Wikipedia - Anti-form movement
Wikipedia - Anti-globalisation movement
Wikipedia - Anti-globalization movement -- Worldwide political movement against multinational corporations
Wikipedia - Anti-jock movement -- Cyber-movement whose goal is to challenge the perceived cultural dominance of institutionalized competitive sports
Wikipedia - Anti-nuclear movement in California -- Anti-nuclear social movement, California, U.S.
Wikipedia - Anti-nuclear movement
Wikipedia - Anti-psychiatry -- Movement against psychiatric treatment
Wikipedia - Anti-suffragism -- Political movement opposing votes for women
Wikipedia - Anti-sweatshop movement -- Campaigns to improve the conditions of workers in abusive workplaces
Wikipedia - Anti-tobacco movement in Nazi Germany -- Overview about the anti-tobacco movement in Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - Anti-war movement
Wikipedia - April 19 University Movement -- Nicaraguan anti-Ortega student movement
Wikipedia - Aquatic sill -- A sea floor barrier of relatively shallow depth restricting water movement between oceanic basins
Wikipedia - Arabic Popular Movement -- Political party in Egypt
Wikipedia - Arab separatism in Khuzestan -- Arab nationalist movement in Khuzestan advocating for Arab separatism from Iran
Wikipedia - Arab Socialist Movement (Damascus branch) -- Syrian political party
Wikipedia - Arkeon -- Italian personal growth movement founded by Vito Carlo Moccia
Wikipedia - Art et Liberte -- Egyptian artistic movement 1938-1948
Wikipedia - Art manifesto -- Public declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of an artist or artistic movement
Wikipedia - Art movement
Wikipedia - Art of the Umbrella Movement -- Artistic works created as part of the pro-democracy Umbrella movement in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Arts and Crafts movement -- Design movement c. 1880-1920
Wikipedia - Asian American movement -- Social movement surrounding Asian Americans originating in the United States
Wikipedia - Asociacion Obrera Asambleista -- Spanish trade union movement
Wikipedia - Association for Defence of National Rights Movement Party -- Turkish political party
Wikipedia - Assyrian independence movement -- Movement calling for Assyrian independence and self-governance
Wikipedia - Astrometry -- Branch of astronomy involving positioning and movements of celestial bodies
Wikipedia - Ataxia -- Neurological impairment of voluntary muscle movement
Wikipedia - Atmospheric circulation -- The large-scale movement of air, a process which distributes thermal energy about the Earth's surface
Wikipedia - Aufbau Vereinigung -- Russian-German far-right political movement
Wikipedia - August 24th Movement -- Italian political party
Wikipedia - Australian Aboriginal sovereignty -- Concept and political movement regarding land ownership by Indigenous peoples in Australia
Wikipedia - Australian Red Cross -- National society of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement in Australia
Wikipedia - Autism rights movement
Wikipedia - Autonomism -- Anti-authoritarian left-wing political and social movement and theory
Wikipedia - Avrutch (Hasidic dynasty) -- Branch of the Chabad movement
Wikipedia - Awakening (Finnish religious movement)
Wikipedia - Azat Civil Movement of Kazakhstan -- Kazakhstan political party
Wikipedia - Azm Movement -- Lebanese political party
Wikipedia - Baal teshuva movement -- Return of secular Jews to religious Judaism since the 1960s
Wikipedia - Babae Ako movement -- Women's rights movement
Wikipedia - Back to Godhead -- Main magazine of the Hare Krishna Movement
Wikipedia - Back-to-the-land movement
Wikipedia - Bahaa Abu el-Atta -- Commander of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine
Wikipedia - Balasaheb Thorat -- Indian politician, agricultural cooperative and reforestation movement founder
Wikipedia - Ballistic conduction -- Movement of charge carriers with negligible scattering
Wikipedia - Ballistic movement -- Muscle contractions that exhibit maximum velocities and accelerations over a very short period of time
Wikipedia - Balloonist theory -- A theory in early neuroscience that attempted to explain muscle movement
Wikipedia - Baloch nationalism -- movement that claims the Baloch people are a distinct nation
Wikipedia - Baroque Revival architecture -- Architectural movement
Wikipedia - Baroque sculpture -- Sculpture of the Baroque movement
Wikipedia - Basmachi movement -- Uprising against Russian Imperial and Soviet rule by the Muslim peoples of Central Asia (1916-1934)
Wikipedia - Baton Rouge bus boycott -- Part of the American Civil Rights Movement
Wikipedia - Bauhaus Foundation Tel Aviv -- Museum dedicated to the Bauhaus movement
Wikipedia - Bearing (mechanical) -- Mechanism to constrain relative movement to the desired motion and reduce friction
Wikipedia - Beat Generation -- Literary movement
Wikipedia - Believers' Movement for Equality and Peace -- Political party in Togo
Wikipedia - Bengali language movement -- Movement to make Bengali a state language
Wikipedia - Bengali Renaissance -- Socio-cultural and religious reform movement in Bengal, in the 19th and early 20th centuries
Wikipedia - Berber Arouch Citizens' Movement -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - Berberism -- Berber political-cultural movement of North Africa
Wikipedia - Beyond War -- Movement for peace
Wikipedia - Bhakti movement -- Period of common people's devotion to God in the Medieval Indian Subcontinent
Wikipedia - Bible student movement
Wikipedia - Bible Student movement -- Christian movement founded by Charles Taze Russell
Wikipedia - Bibliography of the Latter Day Saint movement -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Biedermeier -- 19th century art movement from Central Europe
Wikipedia - Biomorphism -- Art movement
Wikipedia - Bionic architecture -- Contemporary architetonic movement
Wikipedia - Bird migration -- Seasonal movement of birds
Wikipedia - Birth control movement in the United States -- Social reform campaign beginning in 1914
Wikipedia - Birth of a Movement -- 2017 US documentary film
Wikipedia - Black Arts Movement
Wikipedia - Black Consciousness Movement
Wikipedia - Black conservatism in the United States -- Movement within conservatism
Wikipedia - Black Front (Netherlands) -- Dutch fascist movement active before the Second World War
Wikipedia - Black Hebrew Israelites -- Black American movement
Wikipedia - Black is Beautiful -- Cultural movement started in the 1960s by African Americans
Wikipedia - Black Legion (political movement) -- American white supremacist terrorist organization active in the 1930s
Wikipedia - Black Lions -- Ethiopian anti-fascist resistance movement
Wikipedia - Black Lives Matter -- Social movement originating in the United States
Wikipedia - Black Panthers (Israel) -- Israeli protest movement
Wikipedia - Black Power movement
Wikipedia - Black Power -- Political and social movement and ideology
Wikipedia - Black Renaissance in D.C. -- African-American cultural movement in Washington DC
Wikipedia - Black separatism -- Movement for separate institutions
Wikipedia - Black Twitter -- Black social media movement
Wikipedia - Black Unity and Freedom Party -- Defunct Black British political movement 1970-1999
Wikipedia - Blind thrust earthquake -- Movement along a thrust fault that is not visible at the surface
Wikipedia - Blocking (stage) -- Theatre term that refers to the precise movement and positioning of actors on a stage
Wikipedia - Blockupy movement -- Movement protesting against austerity
Wikipedia - Blue Lives Matter -- Social activist movement
Wikipedia - Blue ribbon badge -- Symbol of the temperance movement
Wikipedia - Bnei Akiva -- Largest religious Zionist youth movement in the world
Wikipedia - Body language of dogs -- Communication whereby dogs express emotions and intentions through bodily movements
Wikipedia - Bohemian Reformation -- Protestant movement of the 16th century
Wikipedia - Bongal Kheda -- Movement against the Bengali Hindus in Assam, India
Wikipedia - Bonus Army -- 1930s US veterans protest movement
Wikipedia - Boogaloo (funk dance) -- Improvisational American street dance movement
Wikipedia - Boogaloo movement -- Loose American far-right extremist movement
Wikipedia - Book of Mormon -- Sacred text of the <!-- Do not change to a specific denomination. The term "Latter Day Saint movement" encompasses all the different denominations. -->Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Book of Moses -- Part of the scriptural canon of the LDS movement
Wikipedia - Borno Youth Movement -- Defunct political party in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Botswana Movement for Democracy -- Political party in Botswana
Wikipedia - Bow stroke -- Movement of the bow on a bowed string instrument to produce sound
Wikipedia - Boychukism -- 20th-century Ukrainian art movement
Wikipedia - Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions -- Palestinian-led movement demanding international sanctions against Israel
Wikipedia - Boycotts of Japanese products -- movements when Chinese or Korean consumers have stopped buying from Japan
Wikipedia - Brahmoism -- Religious movement from mid-19th century Bengal originating the Bengali Renaissance
Wikipedia - Brahmo Samaj -- Hindu reform movement
Wikipedia - Brain Gym International -- Brain training and body movement programme
Wikipedia - Branch Davidians -- Religious movement
Wikipedia - Brandalism -- Anti-advertisimg movement
Wikipedia - Brazilian Democratic Movement -- Big tent political party in Brazil
Wikipedia - Brights movement -- International intellectual movement
Wikipedia - British Movement -- British Neo-Nazi organisation
Wikipedia - British Red Cross -- British humanitarian organisation, part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Wikipedia - Britpop -- 1990s UK pop culture movement
Wikipedia - Buddhist modernism -- New movements based on reinterpreted Buddhism
Wikipedia - Bulk movement
Wikipedia - Bull Connor -- Birmingham, Alabama public safety commissioner during the Civil Rights Movement
Wikipedia - Bundism -- Secular Jewish socialist movement
Wikipedia - Cadiz sisters -- Two Irish sisters notable for their involvement in the Irish suffrage movement
Wikipedia - Calcium channel blocker -- Group of medications that disrupt movement of calcium through calcium channels
Wikipedia - California Scene Painting -- American regionalist art movement
Wikipedia - Cambodian irredentism -- Irredentist movement in Cambodia
Wikipedia - Cambridge movement (civil rights) -- American social movement in Dorchester County, Maryland
Wikipedia - Cameroon People's Democratic Movement -- Political party in Cameroon
Wikipedia - Cameroon Renaissance Movement -- Political party in Cameroon
Wikipedia - Camp Gilboa -- U.S. summer camp in California for socialist-Zionist youth movement, Habonim Dror
Wikipedia - Camphill movement
Wikipedia - Camphill Movement -- Special education
Wikipedia - Canaanism -- Jewish-Palestinian cultural and ideological movement
Wikipedia - Canadian social credit movement -- Political movement
Wikipedia - Canadian Young Judaea -- Canadian Zionist youth movement
Wikipedia - CancelYale -- Movement demanding renaming Yale University
Wikipedia - Car-free movement -- Movement to reduce the use of private vehicles
Wikipedia - Carlebach movement -- Orthodox Jewish movement inspired by the legacy of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach
Wikipedia - Carlism -- Political movement supporting the claim to the Spanish throne by Don Carlos and his successors
Wikipedia - Cascadia (independence movement) -- Bioregion, proposed country in North America
Wikipedia - Catalan Action -- Catalanist political movement
Wikipedia - Category:Art movements
Wikipedia - Category:Bhakti movement
Wikipedia - Category:Buddhist new religious movements
Wikipedia - Category:Christian theological movements
Wikipedia - Category:Ethical schools and movements
Wikipedia - Category:Founders of new religious movements
Wikipedia - Category:Free culture movement
Wikipedia - Category:Free software movement
Wikipedia - Category:Hindu new religious movements
Wikipedia - Category:Human Potential Movement
Wikipedia - Category:Indian independence movement
Wikipedia - Category:Lists related to philosophical movements
Wikipedia - Category:Mindfulness movement
Wikipedia - Category:Movements in ancient Chinese philosophy
Wikipedia - Category:Movements in ancient Indian philosophy
Wikipedia - Category:Movements in classical Greek philosophy
Wikipedia - Category:New religious movement mystics
Wikipedia - Category:New religious movements
Wikipedia - Category:Occupy movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Category:Open-source movement
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophical movements
Wikipedia - Category:Poetry movements
Wikipedia - Category:Political movements
Wikipedia - Category:Realism (art movement)
Wikipedia - Category:Researchers of new religious movements and cults
Wikipedia - Category:Russian literary movements
Wikipedia - Category:Social movements
Wikipedia - Category:Utopian movements
Wikipedia - Catharism -- Christian dualist movement that thrived in some areas of Southern Europe
Wikipedia - Catholic Marian movements and societies
Wikipedia - Catholic Worker movement
Wikipedia - Catholic Worker Movement -- Autonomous communities of Catholics and their associates
Wikipedia - Cerebral palsy -- A group of permanent movement disorders that appear in early childhood
Wikipedia - Ceux de la Liberation -- French resistance movement
Wikipedia - Chabad affiliated organizations -- Organizations affiliated with the Chabad movement within Hasidic Judaism
Wikipedia - Chabad offshoot groups -- Religious groups spawned from the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic Jewish movement
Wikipedia - Chabad philosophy -- The teachings of the leaders of Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement in Judaism
Wikipedia - Champaran Satyagraha -- First civil resistance movement led by Gandhi in India in 1916
Wikipedia - Charge-coupled device -- Device for the movement of electrical charge
Wikipedia - Charismatic Movement
Wikipedia - Charismatic (movement)
Wikipedia - Charismatic movement -- Trend of historically mainstream congregations adopting beliefs and practices similar to Pentecostalism
Wikipedia - Charles Taze Russell -- Founder of the Bible Student movement
Wikipedia - Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK -- Membership organisation for United Kingdom professionals involved in the movement of goods and people and their associated supply chains
Wikipedia - Chartism -- British democratic movement (1838-1857)
Wikipedia - Chartist movement
Wikipedia - Chautauqua Institution -- about origination place of the Chautauqua Movement
Wikipedia - Chemorepulsion -- Directional movement of a cell away from a substance
Wikipedia - Chetniks -- WWII guerilla movement in Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - Chicano movement
Wikipedia - Chinese democracy movement
Wikipedia - Chipko movement -- Indian forest conservation movement
Wikipedia - Choreography -- Art or practice of designing sequences of movements of physical bodies
Wikipedia - Christian countercult movement
Wikipedia - Christian Family Movement
Wikipedia - Christian fundamentalism -- British and American Protestant movement opposed to modernist theology
Wikipedia - Christian Life Movement
Wikipedia - Christian naturism -- Movement which believes that God never intended for people to be ashamed of their bodies
Wikipedia - Christian Patriot movement -- Christian movement
Wikipedia - Christian Political Movement -- Political party in South Africa
Wikipedia - Christian right -- Political ideology and movement
Wikipedia - Christian Science -- Set of beliefs and practices belonging to the metaphysical family of new religious movements
Wikipedia - Churches of Christ in Australia -- Christian movement in Australia
Wikipedia - Church of God (Huntsville, Alabama) -- Pentecostal holiness movement body of Christians
Wikipedia - Church of God (Jerusalem Acres) -- Holiness Pentecostal body that descends from the Christian Union movement of Richard Spurling, A. J. Tomlinson and others
Wikipedia - Cinema 1: The Movement Image
Wikipedia - Circular motion -- Object movement along a circular path
Wikipedia - Citizen and Republican Movement -- Political party in France
Wikipedia - Citizen Revolution Movement -- Political party in Ecuador
Wikipedia - Citizens' Footprint Movement -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Citizens' Movement for Democracy and Development -- Political party in Togo
Wikipedia - Citizens' Movement (Iceland) -- Icelandic political party
Wikipedia - Citizens' Movement Pro Chemnitz -- German political party
Wikipedia - Citizens' Political Movement for Bocaya -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - City Beautiful Movement
Wikipedia - Civil Rights Memorial -- An American memorial in Montgomery, Alabama dedicated to 41 people who were killed in the civil rights movement
Wikipedia - Civil rights movement (1865-1896) -- Movement aiming to eliminating racial discrimination against African Americans
Wikipedia - Civil rights movement (1896-1954) -- Social movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Civil rights movements -- Worldwide social and political movements against racism
Wikipedia - Civil Rights Movement
Wikipedia - Civil rights movement -- 20th-century U.S. social movement against racism
Wikipedia - Clap for Our Carers -- British social movement
Wikipedia - Classical education movement
Wikipedia - Classicism -- Art movement and architectural style
Wikipedia - Claudette Colvin -- African-American activist in the civil rights movement
Wikipedia - Clean and jerk -- Composite of two weightlifting movements
Wikipedia - Clement Pansaers -- Belgian poet and proponent of the Dada movement
Wikipedia - Climate movement
Wikipedia - COBRA (avant-garde movement)
Wikipedia - Colombian Community and Communal Political Movement -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Comicsgate -- movement against progressivism in the comics industry
Wikipedia - Communion and Liberation -- Lay Italian Catholic ecclesial movement
Wikipedia - Community of Christ -- Second-largest denomination in the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Concentrative movement therapy
Wikipedia - Conceptual art -- Art movement
Wikipedia - Conciliarism -- 14th-16th cent. movement for supremacy of church councils over popes
Wikipedia - Conciliar Movement
Wikipedia - Conciliar movement
Wikipedia - Confessing Movement
Wikipedia - Confessional poetry -- American movement in 20th-century poetry
Wikipedia - Congolese Movement for Democracy and Integral Development -- Political party in the Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Congres Internationaux d'Architecture Moderne -- Modern architecture movement organization
Wikipedia - Conservation movement -- Social and political advocacy for protecting natural resources
Wikipedia - Conservative holiness movement
Wikipedia - Conservative Judaism -- Jewish religious movement
Wikipedia - Conservative revolutionary movement
Wikipedia - Conservative Revolution -- German national conservative movement during the Weimar Republic (1918-1933)
Wikipedia - Constitutional Movement -- British right wing political group
Wikipedia - Constraint-induced movement therapy -- Rehabilitation program for cases of CNS damage
Wikipedia - Consumer/survivor movement
Wikipedia - Contemporary Sant Mat movement
Wikipedia - Continental drift -- The movement of the Earth's continents relative to each other
Wikipedia - Continuing Anglican movement
Wikipedia - Convergence Movement
Wikipedia - Coolie-Begar movement
Wikipedia - Cooling load -- Rate of air temperature movement
Wikipedia - Cooperative movement
Wikipedia - Cosmic Movement
Wikipedia - Council of Federated Organizations -- Coalition of advocacy groups in the Civil Rights Movement
Wikipedia - Covenanters -- Scottish religious movement
Wikipedia - Cryonics movement
Wikipedia - Cubist sculpture -- sculptures made during the Cubist art movement
Wikipedia - Cultural Bolshevism -- Nazi slogan opposing modernist and progressive cultural movements
Wikipedia - Cultural environmentalism -- Movement that seeks to protect the public domain
Wikipedia - Cultural movement
Wikipedia - Cultural Revolution -- Maoist sociopolitical movement intended to strengthen Chinese Communism
Wikipedia - Cunning folk traditions and the Latter Day Saint movement -- Early practices of the Latter Day Saints
Wikipedia - Current of Love -- Tunisian political movement
Wikipedia - Currentology -- A science that studies the internal movements of water masses
Wikipedia - Cursed soldiers -- Term applied to a variety of anti-Soviet and anti-communist Polish resistance movements
Wikipedia - Czech National Revival -- Cultural movement
Wikipedia - Czechoslovak New Wave -- Filmmaking movement in 1960s Czechoslovakia
Wikipedia - Czech Pirate Party -- Political party in the Czech Republic, member of the broader international Pirate politics movement
Wikipedia - Dada -- Avant-garde art movement in the early 20th century
Wikipedia - Daesun Jinrihoe -- Korean new religious movement, founded in April 1969
Wikipedia - Dame Blanche (resistance) -- Resistance movement
Wikipedia - Dance movement therapy
Wikipedia - Dance/movement therapy
Wikipedia - Dance -- performing art consisting of movement of the body
Wikipedia - Death marches (Holocaust) -- Forcible movements of prisoners between Nazi camps
Wikipedia - Death of Joseph Smith -- 1844 extrajudicial murder of the founder and leader of the <!-- "LDS Church" is in accordance with the Wikipedia Manual of Style, and disagreements should be addressed at Any change made to "LDS Church" or "Latter Day Saint Movement" will be reverted. -->Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Death-positive movement
Wikipedia - Decadent Movement
Wikipedia - Decadent movement
Wikipedia - Declaration of Boulogne -- Declaration about the nature and purpose of the Esperanto movement and the Fundamento as a basis for the Esperanto language; authored by L. L. Zamenhof and approved at the First World Esperanto Congress, Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1905
Wikipedia - Deconstructivism -- Architectural movement
Wikipedia - Deep carbon cycle -- Movement of carbon through Earth's mantle and core
Wikipedia - Deep water cycle -- Movement of water in the deep Earth
Wikipedia - Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 -- Pan-European political project
Wikipedia - Democratic and Social Movement (Algeria) -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - Democratic and Social Movement (Morocco) -- Political party in Morocco
Wikipedia - Democratic League/Movement for the Labour Party -- Political party in Senegal
Wikipedia - Democratic Movement for the Renaissance and Evolution of Central Africa -- Political party in the Central African Republic
Wikipedia - Democratic Movement (France) -- political party in France
Wikipedia - Democratic Movement of Mozambique -- Political party in Mozambique
Wikipedia - Democratic movement
Wikipedia - Democratic Socialist Movement (Nigeria) -- Political party in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Democratic Socialist Movement (South Africa)
Wikipedia - Deobandi -- Revivalist movement within Sunni Islam
Wikipedia - Deo Kumar Singh -- leader of the Indian Maoist movement
Wikipedia - De Stijl -- Dutch art movement
Wikipedia - Deutsche Physik -- Nationalist movement in the German physics community in the early 1930s
Wikipedia - Developmental coordination disorder -- Neurodevelopmental disorder affecting planning of movements
Wikipedia - Devrimci Yol -- Former left-wing political movement in Turkey
Wikipedia - Dhammakaya Movement
Wikipedia - Dharam Yudh Morcha -- Sikh regionalist protest movement
Wikipedia - Diarrhea -- Loose or liquid bowel movements
Wikipedia - Diel vertical migration -- A pattern of daily vertical movement characteristic of many aquatic species
Wikipedia - Diffusion -- movement of molecules, atoms, or ions from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration
Wikipedia - Dinkoism -- Indian religion and social movement
Wikipedia - Direct pathway -- Neural pathway that executes voluntary movements
Wikipedia - Disability rights movement
Wikipedia - Documentary Film Movement -- Group of British film-makers
Wikipedia - Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement -- Former African-American trade union movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Do-it-yourself biology -- Biotechnological social movement
Wikipedia - Dolce Stil Novo -- Medieval Italian literary movement
Wikipedia - Don Finto -- Figure in the movement among evangelicals to support the evangelism of the Jewish people
Wikipedia - Down to the Countryside Movement
Wikipedia - Draft Condi movement -- 2008 grassroots effort to draft Condoleezza Rice to run for President of the United States
Wikipedia - Draft:Fairbnb -- Movement composed loosely of a variety of FairBnb entities
Wikipedia - Draft:Khilafat Movement (Pakistan) -- political movement in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Draft:Poor People's Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fail -- 1977 book by Frances Fox Piven and Richard A. Cloward
Wikipedia - Draft:Rush-art -- Movement in decorative art
Wikipedia - Drift current -- Is the electric current, or movement of charge carriers, which is due to the applied electric field, often stated as the electromotive force over a given distance
Wikipedia - Druidry (modern) -- Modern spiritual or religious movement that promotes connection and reverence for the natural world
Wikipedia - Dystonia -- Neurological movement disorder
Wikipedia - Eaismo -- Avant-garde art movement in mid-century Italy
Wikipedia - Earth Strike -- Climate activist movement
Wikipedia - Eckankar -- Religious movement founded in 1965 by Paul Twitchell
Wikipedia - Eco-Kashrut -- Political movement
Wikipedia - Ecological Movement of Venezuela -- Political party in Venezuela
Wikipedia - Economy for the Common Good -- Social movement advocating for an alternative economic model
Wikipedia - Ecumenical movement
Wikipedia - Education 2030 Agenda -- Global commitment of the Education for All movement to ensure access to basic education for all
Wikipedia - Effective altruism -- Philosophy and social movement that applies evidence and reason to determine the most effective ways to benefit others
Wikipedia - Egyptian Patriotic Movement -- Political party in Egypt
Wikipedia - Eight-hour day -- Social movement to regulate the length of the working day
Wikipedia - Eleanor Barton -- British co-operative movement activist
Wikipedia - Electric power transmission -- Bulk movement of electrical energy from a generating site to an electrical substation
Wikipedia - Ele Nao movement -- Protests against Jair Bolsonaro in 2018
Wikipedia - Elias Higbee -- Early leader in the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - El-Infitah Movement -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Pipko -- American author, model and founder of Exodus Movement
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Tate -- Civil rights advocate during the American Civil Rights Movement
Wikipedia - El Shaddai (movement)
Wikipedia - Embusen -- Kata movement
Wikipedia - Emigration from the Eastern Bloc -- Movements of people during the Cold War
Wikipedia - Emil G. Hirsch -- American Reform movement rabbi (1851-1923)
Wikipedia - Emmanuel Movement -- Psychotherapy approach, 1906-1931
Wikipedia - Empire style -- 19th-century art movement
Wikipedia - End SARS -- Decentralized social movement against police brutality in Nigeria
Wikipedia - English Defence League -- Far-right political movement
Wikipedia - English Renaissance -- Cultural and artistic movement in England dating from the late 15th century to the early 17th century
Wikipedia - Enlightenment in Spain -- The enlightenment movement in Spain
Wikipedia - Ennahda Movement -- Political party in Tunisia
Wikipedia - Ensaf Movement -- Political party in Libya
Wikipedia - Entanglement (hazard) -- Environment which may restrain the diver's freedom of movement by snagging on the diver or equipment
Wikipedia - Environmentalism -- Broad philosophy, ideology and social movement concerning environmental wellbeing
Wikipedia - Environmentalist -- Someone who supports the goals of the environmental movement
Wikipedia - Environmental justice -- Social movement
Wikipedia - Environmental movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Environmental movement -- Movement for addressing environmental issues
Wikipedia - Epeirogenic movement -- Upheavals or depressions of land exhibiting long wavelengths and little folding
Wikipedia - Eric S. Raymond -- American computer programmer, author, and advocate for the open source movement
Wikipedia - Eritrean Liberation Front -- Independence movement in Eritrea
Wikipedia - Ero guro nansensu -- Artistic eroticism movement in Japan
Wikipedia - Essential tremor -- Movement disorder that causes involuntary tremors
Wikipedia - Esther Eillam -- Founder of Israeli feminist movement, gender researcher and activist
Wikipedia - Estonian Citizens' Committees -- Nonpartisan political movement in Estonia
Wikipedia - Etching revival -- Art movement between 1850s and c. 1930
Wikipedia - Ethical movement -- Ethical, educational, and religious movement
Wikipedia - EUR.1 movement certificate -- Form used in international commodity traffic
Wikipedia - European Christian Political Movement
Wikipedia - European Democrats (Georgia) -- Georgian political movement
Wikipedia - European New Right -- Far-right political movement that emerged in Europe in the 1960s
Wikipedia - European Social Movement -- European neo-fascist organization
Wikipedia - Eurythmy -- Expressive movement art associated with anthroposophy
Wikipedia - Evangelicalism -- Protestant Christian movement
Wikipedia - Exceptionalism -- belief that a species, country, society, institution, movement, individual, or time period is "exceptional"
Wikipedia - Ex-gay movement -- Movement that encourages people to refrain from homosexual relationships
Wikipedia - Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing -- Form of psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Eye movement in music reading
Wikipedia - Eyes on the Prize -- American civil rights movement documentary TV series
Wikipedia - Falun Gong -- New religious movement originating from China
Wikipedia - Far East Movement -- American hip hop and electronic music group
Wikipedia - Farm Animal Rights Movement
Wikipedia - Father Divine -- U.S. religious leader, founder of the International Peace Mission movement (1876-1965)
Wikipedia - Fatima Movement of Priests
Wikipedia - February 25th Movement -- Political movement in Mauritania
Wikipedia - FeesMustFall -- Student Movement
Wikipedia - Feminism in France -- History of the feminist movement in France
Wikipedia - Feminism in Germany -- History of the feminist movement in Germany
Wikipedia - Feminism in Greece -- History of the feminist movement in Greece
Wikipedia - Feminism in Italy -- History of the feminist movement in Italy
Wikipedia - Feminism in Norway -- History of the feminist movement in Norway
Wikipedia - Feminism in Poland -- History of the feminist movement in Poland
Wikipedia - Feminism in Russia -- History of the feminist movement in Russia
Wikipedia - Feminism in Sweden -- History of the feminist movement in Sweden
Wikipedia - Feminism in the Netherlands -- History of the feminist movement in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Feminism in the Republic of Ireland -- History of the feminist movement in Ireland
Wikipedia - Feminism in the United Kingdom -- History of the feminist movement in the UK
Wikipedia - Feminism in the United States -- History of the feminist movement in the USA
Wikipedia - Feminism -- Movements and ideologies aimed at establishing gender equality
Wikipedia - Feminist art movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Feminist art movement
Wikipedia - Feminist movements and ideologies
Wikipedia - Feminist movement -- Series of political campaigns for reforms on feminist issues
Wikipedia - Feminist theology -- Movement to reconsider theological doctrine
Wikipedia - Fence -- Freestanding structure preventing movement across a boundary
Wikipedia - Fight for $15 -- Political movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Film -- Sequence of images that give the impression of movement, stored on film stock
Wikipedia - Fire and movement -- Basic modern military low-level unit tactic
Wikipedia - FIRE movement -- Movement whose goal is financial independence and retiring early
Wikipedia - Fish migration -- Movement of fishes from one part of a water body to another on a regular basis
Wikipedia - Fitts's law -- Predictive model of human movement
Wikipedia - Five-Percent Nation -- Religious movement
Wikipedia - Five Star Movement
Wikipedia - Flaggers (movement) -- Neo-Confederate group
Wikipedia - Flamenco rock -- Spanish cultural movement and music genre
Wikipedia - Flarf poetry -- Avant-garde poetry movement of the early 21st century
Wikipedia - Flemish Baroque painting -- Painting movement
Wikipedia - Flemish movement
Wikipedia - Flemish Movement -- Political movement for emancipation and greater autonomy of the Belgian region of Flanders
Wikipedia - Floating hinge -- Type of hinge that allows rotation and some linear movement
Wikipedia - Flood mitigation -- Management and control of flood water movement
Wikipedia - Floruit -- Certified period of time when a person, school or movement was active; not always indicative of entire active period
Wikipedia - Flow measurement -- Quantification of bulk fluid movement
Wikipedia - Focolare Movement
Wikipedia - For Britain Movement -- British far-right political party
Wikipedia - Forced displacement -- Coerced movement of a person or persons away from their home or home region
Wikipedia - Force for Change Democratic Movement - Liberal Party -- Political party in Sao Tome and Principe
Wikipedia - Forlivese school of art -- Renaissance art movement
Wikipedia - Forshang Buddhism World Center -- New religious movement based in Taiwan
Wikipedia - Fractionism -- Political movement
Wikipedia - Frank Marshall Davis -- United States writer, political and labor movement activist
Wikipedia - Fraternity Movement -- Indian student organization
Wikipedia - Frederick Gordon Pearce -- English educationist, regarded as the founder of the Indian public school movement
Wikipedia - Free Alabama Movement -- Prison reform group
Wikipedia - Free Bolivia Movement -- Political party in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Free culture movement
Wikipedia - Free-culture movement -- Social movement promoting the freedom to distribute and modify the creative works of others
Wikipedia - Freedom and People's Rights Movement
Wikipedia - Freedom of movement
Wikipedia - Free love -- Social movement that accepts all forms of love
Wikipedia - Free Papua Movement -- Umbrella term for independence movement for West Papua (the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua), with both militant and nonviolent elements
Wikipedia - Free Patriotic Movement -- Lebanese Christian political party
Wikipedia - Free school movement
Wikipedia - Free Software Foundation Europe -- Foundation promoting Free Software movement
Wikipedia - Free Software Foundation Latin America -- Foundation promoting Free Software movement
Wikipedia - Free Software Foundation of India -- Foundation promoting Free Software movement
Wikipedia - Free software movement -- Social and political movement
Wikipedia - Free South Africa Movement
Wikipedia - Free Speech Movement
Wikipedia - Free Speech movement
Wikipedia - French India Students Congress -- Student movement in French India
Wikipedia - French New Wave -- Movement in French cinema
Wikipedia - French Renaissance -- Cultural and artistic movement in France dating from the 15th century to the early 17th century
Wikipedia - French Resistance -- Collection of French resistance movements that fought against the Nazi German occupation of France and against the collaborationist Vichy regime
Wikipedia - Friendly Floatees -- Plastic rubber ducks made famous by the work of Curtis Ebbesmeyer, an oceanographer who models ocean currents on the basis of flotsam movements.
Wikipedia - Fry's Army -- Political protest movement
Wikipedia - Fueguian People's Movement -- Argentine political party
Wikipedia - Funk art -- American art movement
Wikipedia - Funnel-mantle locking apparatus -- Structure found in many cephalopods that connects the mantle and hyponome and restricts their movement relative to each other
Wikipedia - Futurism -- Artistic and social movement
Wikipedia - Futurist cooking -- Comprised a cuisine and style of dining advocated by some members of the Futurist movement, particularly in Italy
Wikipedia - Gag Law (Puerto Rico) -- An act passed in 1948 to suppress the independence movement in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Gait (human) -- Locomotion achieved through the movement of human limbs
Wikipedia - Galant style -- 18th-century movement in music, visual arts and literature
Wikipedia - Gamergate movement
Wikipedia - Garden city movement -- Urban planning movement
Wikipedia - Gay liberation -- Social and political movement in the 1960s and 70s.
Wikipedia - Gay Shame -- Radical queer collective and movement
Wikipedia - Gedatsukai -- Japanese new religious movement founded in 1929
Wikipedia - George Howell (entrepreneur) -- American entrepreneur and a pioneer of the American specialty-coffee movement
Wikipedia - Gerakan Harapan Baru -- An ongoing social movement in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Gerakan Nelajan Marhaenis -- Gerakan Nelajan Marhaenis ('Marhaenist Fishermen's Movement') was an organization of fishermen in Indonesia
Wikipedia - German Christians (movement) -- A movement within the German Evangelical Church
Wikipedia - German Renaissance -- Cultural movement from the 15th to 16th century
Wikipedia - German student movement
Wikipedia - German Youth Movement -- German cultural and educational movement
Wikipedia - Gertrud Adelborg -- Swedish teacher, feminist and leading member of the women's rights movement.
Wikipedia - Ghadar Movement -- Indian Revolutionary Party
Wikipedia - Ghana Union Movement -- Political party in Ghana
Wikipedia - Ghulam Arieff Tipoo -- Bangladeshi jurist and language movement activist
Wikipedia - Girl Guides -- Movement for girls and young women
Wikipedia - Girls at Dhabas -- Pakistani based social movement
Wikipedia - Global Call to Action Against Poverty -- Global anti-poverty movement/coalition
Wikipedia - Global Citizens Movement
Wikipedia - Global citizens movement
Wikipedia - Global governance -- Movement towards political cooperation among transnational actors
Wikipedia - Global Justice Movement
Wikipedia - Global justice movement
Wikipedia - Gobinism -- Academic, political and social movement
Wikipedia - Goddess movement -- Modern revival of divine feminine or female-centered spirituality
Wikipedia - Goddess of Democracy (Hong Kong) -- Sculpture in Hong Kong honoring Chinese pro-democracy movement
Wikipedia - Goddess Remembered -- 1989 documentary on the Goddess movement and feminist theories surrounding Goddess worship
Wikipedia - Goods Vehicle Movement Service -- UK government border control IT system
Wikipedia - Gopal Krishna Gokhale -- Social and political leader during the Indian Independence Movement
Wikipedia - Gothic Revival architecture -- Architectural movement
Wikipedia - Go Topless Day -- Gender equality protest by Raelian movement
Wikipedia - GPS wildlife tracking -- Remotely observe movement or migratory patterns in a wild animal using the Global Positioning System
Wikipedia - Grace Gospel Fellowship -- A Christian denomination associated with the Grace Movement
Wikipedia - Grace Road Church -- South Korean religious movement
Wikipedia - Graeco-Arabic translation movement -- Movement that resulted in the translation of texts from various languages into Arabic
Wikipedia - Grassroots -- Political or economic movement based on local communities and everyday people
Wikipedia - Greater Britain Movement -- British far right political organisation
Wikipedia - Great Indonesia Movement Party -- political party in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Green movement
Wikipedia - Group 24 -- Tajik political opposition movement
Wikipedia - Groyne -- Structure extending into body of water to limit movement of sediment
Wikipedia - Guild socialism -- Political labor movement
Wikipedia - Guinean Democratic Movement -- Political party in Guinea-Bissau
Wikipedia - Guiyidao -- Chinese salvationist folk religious movement
Wikipedia - Gulen movement -- Transnational civic movement
Wikipedia - Gurdjieff movements
Wikipedia - Handwriting movement analysis
Wikipedia - Hanef Bhamjee -- Organiser in the Anti-Apartheid Movement
Wikipedia - Hans and Sophie Scholl -- Siblings in the White Rose nonviolent anti-Nazi movement
Wikipedia - Happy Science -- New religious movement founded in Japan by Ryuho Okawa
Wikipedia - Harlem Renaissance -- African-American cultural movement in New York City in the 1920s
Wikipedia - Hasidic philosophy -- The teachings of the Hasidic movement
Wikipedia - Haskalah -- Intellectual movement among the Jews of Central and Eastern Europe, 1770-1890
Wikipedia - Haugean movement
Wikipedia - Hawaiian sovereignty movement -- Grassroots movement to gain self-determination and rule for Hawaiians
Wikipedia - Hazara Province Movement -- A movement for a separate province in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Hearing Voices Movement
Wikipedia - Heathenry (new religious movement) -- Modern Pagan religion
Wikipedia - Hebrew Roots -- Religious movement
Wikipedia - Hellenism (neoclassicism) -- Art movement
Wikipedia - Hemiballismus -- Rare, extreme form of the movement disorder chorea
Wikipedia - Hezb-i Islami Khalis -- Afghan political movement
Wikipedia - Higher Life movement -- Movement devoted to Christian holiness in England
Wikipedia - High Victorian Gothic -- Eclectic architectural style and movement during the mid-late 19th century
Wikipedia - Hikari no Wa -- A new religious movement in Japan started in 2007
Wikipedia - Him Too movement -- Movement against false rape allegations.
Wikipedia - Hindu reform movements -- Several contemporary Hindu groups
Wikipedia - History of human migration -- Movement by people from one place to another over the course of history
Wikipedia - History of the cooperative movement -- Cooperative movement history
Wikipedia - History of the hippie movement
Wikipedia - History of the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - History of the socialist movement in Brazil
Wikipedia - History of the socialist movement in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - History of the socialist movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Holiness Movement
Wikipedia - Holiness movement -- Set of beliefs and practices which emerged from 19th-century Methodism
Wikipedia - Holistic education -- Education movement
Wikipedia - Holomovement
Wikipedia - Homespun movement -- 18th-century boycott movement in United States
Wikipedia - Horizontal transfer of mitochondria -- Movement of whole mitochondria between cells
Wikipedia - Horse gait -- Ways of movement of equines
Wikipedia - Hostosian National Independence Movement -- Pro-independence organization (and unregistered political party) in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - House church movement
Wikipedia - Houthi movement -- A political-religious armed movement in Yemen
Wikipedia - Hovercraft -- Vehicle capable of movement within ground effect at speed or stationary over all surfaces
Wikipedia - Howl -- 1955 poem by Allen Ginsberg, part of the Beat Generation movement
Wikipedia - Hoxhaism -- Variant of anti-revisionist Marxism-Leninism that developed in the late 1970s due to a split in the Maoist movement
Wikipedia - Hukbalahap -- 20th-century communist guerrilla movement in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Humanistic Judaism -- Movement in Judaism that offers a nontheistic alternative in contemporary Jewish life
Wikipedia - Human migration -- |Movement of people for resettlement
Wikipedia - Human potential movement
Wikipedia - Human Potential Movement -- Cultivating extraordinary potential that its advocates believe to lie largely untapped in all people.
Wikipedia - Human relations movement
Wikipedia - Human Rights Logo -- Logo to support the global human rights movement
Wikipedia - Hundred Days' Reform -- Failed reform movement in late Qing dynasty China
Wikipedia - Hungry generation -- 1960s literary movement in the Bengali language
Wikipedia - Hussards (literary movement) -- Anti-existentialist literary movement
Wikipedia - Hussites -- Czech pre-Protestant Christian movement
Wikipedia - Hydrogeology -- The study of the distribution and movement of groundwater
Wikipedia - Hydrology -- The science of the movement, distribution, and quality of water on Earth and other planets
Wikipedia - Hydropower -- Power generation via movement of water
Wikipedia - Hyperkinesia -- Excessive movements due to basal ganglia dysfunction
Wikipedia - Hypokinesia -- Decreased movement due to basal ganglia dysfunction
Wikipedia - Icelandic independence movement -- 19th and 20th century efforts to achieve Icelandic independence from Denmark
Wikipedia - Icelandic Movement - Living Country -- Defunct political party in Iceland
Wikipedia - Identitarian movement -- European far-right political movement
Wikipedia - Idle No More -- Grassroots movement for indigenous rights
Wikipedia - I Don't Pay Movement
Wikipedia - Illyrian movement -- Cultural and political movement
Wikipedia - Imaginism -- Russian poetry movement
Wikipedia - Imagism -- 20th-century poetry movement
Wikipedia - Imbokodvo National Movement -- Political party in Eswatini
Wikipedia - Imperial Fascist League -- British fascist political movement
Wikipedia - Impressionism in music -- Movement in Western classical music
Wikipedia - Impressionism -- 19th-century art movement
Wikipedia - Incoherents -- 19th-century French art movement
Wikipedia - InconfidM-CM-*ncia Mineira -- Unsuccessful 18th century separatist movement in Brazil
Wikipedia - Independence movement in Puerto Rico -- Initiatives by inhabitants throughout the history of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Independence of Brazil -- Independence movement
Wikipedia - Independent Group (art movement) -- Group of painters, sculptors, architects, writers and critics in England, active in the 1950s
Wikipedia - Independent Movement of Absolute Renovation -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Independent Network Charismatic Christianity -- Movement within evangelical charismatic Christianity
Wikipedia - India Against Corruption -- Anti-corruption movement in India
Wikipedia - India and the Non-Aligned Movement -- In non aligned movement Role of India in multilateral movements of colonies and newly independent countries
Wikipedia - India Home Rule movement
Wikipedia - Indian Home Rule movement
Wikipedia - Indian independence movement -- Indian national movement seeking to end British rule (1857-1947)
Wikipedia - Indianist movement -- Movement in American classical music (1880s-1920s)
Wikipedia - Indian nationalist movement
Wikipedia - IndieBound -- American marketing movement for independent bookstores
Wikipedia - IndieWeb -- Movement to self-host, customise, and self-test web content and software
Wikipedia - Indigenous feminism -- Political, social, and cultural movement and theory
Wikipedia - Indigenous Social Alliance Movement -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Indirect pathway -- Neuronal circuit that suppresses unwanted movements
Wikipedia - Indivisible movement -- Progressive movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Ingression coast -- A generally low coastline that is shaped by the penetration of the sea as a result of crustal movements or a rise in the sea level
Wikipedia - Input method -- Operating system component or program that allows any data, such as keyboard strokes or mouse movements, to be received as input
Wikipedia - Integral movement
Wikipedia - Intellectual movements in Iran
Wikipedia - Intelligent designer -- Hypothetical willed and self-aware entity that the intelligent design movement argues had some role in the origin and/or development of life
Wikipedia - Interior lines -- Method of movement and operation in warfare
Wikipedia - Internal resistance to apartheid -- Social movement about apartheid
Wikipedia - International Co-operative Alliance -- Federation representing co-operatives and the worldwide co-operative movement
Wikipedia - International Falcon Movement - Socialist Educational International -- Belgian non-profit organization
Wikipedia - International Olympic Committee -- Non-governmental ruling body of the Olympic Movement
Wikipedia - International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement -- International humanitarian movement
Wikipedia - International Tibet Independence Movement
Wikipedia - International Workers' Day -- Celebration in the international labour movement on May Day
Wikipedia - Intimism (art movement) -- Art movement of paintings and drawings of quiet domestic scenes
Wikipedia - Intracellular transport -- Directed movement of vesicles and substances within a cell
Wikipedia - Irish Dominion League -- Irish political movement (1919-1921)
Wikipedia - Irish Home Rule Movement
Wikipedia - Irish Home Rule movement
Wikipedia - Irish nationalism -- Political movement asserting the sovereignty of the Irish people
Wikipedia - Irish republicanism -- Political movement for the unity and independence of Ireland
Wikipedia - Irish Traveller Movement -- National organisation for members of the Travelling community and Traveller organisations in Ireland
Wikipedia - Iron Guard -- 20th-century fascist movement and political party in Romania
Wikipedia - Irredentism -- Political movement for claiming territory considered lost
Wikipedia - Isatabu Freedom Movement -- Militant organisation from the Solomon Islands
Wikipedia - Ishikism -- A new syncretic religious movement among Alevis
Wikipedia - Isis Unveiled -- Key text in the Theosophical movement
Wikipedia - ISKCON Revival Movement -- Gaudiya Vaishnavite movement
Wikipedia - Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine -- Palestinian Islamist terror organization
Wikipedia - Islamic Movement (Nigeria) -- Part of islam in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Islamic Renaissance Movement -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - Italian Baroque art -- Italian art movement
Wikipedia - Italian irredentism -- Italian nationalist movement
Wikipedia - Italian neorealism -- National film movement
Wikipedia - Italian Renaissance painting -- Art movement
Wikipedia - Italian Renaissance -- Cultural movement from the 14th to 17th century
Wikipedia - Italian resistance movement
Wikipedia - Italian Social Movement -- Italian neo-fascist party
Wikipedia - Italian Unionist Movement -- Italian political party
Wikipedia - Ital -- Food celebrated in the Rastafari movement
Wikipedia - Ivorian Popular Movement of the Great West -- Rebel movement and political party in Ivory Coast
Wikipedia - Iyaric -- Created dialect of English used by the Rastafari movement
Wikipedia - James Brighouse -- Late-nineteenth-century American leader of a splinter sect in the Latter Day Saint movement called the Order of Enoch
Wikipedia - James Millar (educationalist) -- Scottish labour-movement educationalist
Wikipedia - Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna -- A mainstream leftist political movement in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Jan Karski -- Polish World War II resistance movement fighter
Wikipedia - Jansenism -- Christian theological movement
Wikipedia - Japanese new religions -- New religious movements founded in Japan since mid-19th century
Wikipedia - Jatindra Nath Das -- Indian independence movement activist
Wikipedia - Jesus freak -- pejorative term used for those involved in the Jesus movement
Wikipedia - Jesus movement -- former evangelical Christian movement
Wikipedia - Jeune Europe -- Euro-nationalist movement
Wikipedia - Jeune Nation -- French nationalist movement
Wikipedia - Jewish Autonomism -- Non-Zionist Jewish political movement
Wikipedia - Jewish Christian -- Members of the Jewish movement that later became Christianity
Wikipedia - Jewish fundamentalism -- Jewish anti-modernist movements based on biblical literalism
Wikipedia - Jewish left -- A movement of activists whose Judaism informs their support left-wing or liberal causes
Wikipedia - Jewish political movements
Wikipedia - Jewish religious movements -- Jewish religious movements
Wikipedia - Jewish Renewal -- Movement to reinvigorate modern Judaism with Kabbalistic, Hasidic, musical and meditative practices
Wikipedia - Jihadism -- 21-century Western neologism to describe armed Islamist movements
Wikipedia - Jindyworobak Movement
Wikipedia - John Wesley -- Founder of the Methodist movement
Wikipedia - Joint mobilization -- Type of passive movement of a skeletal joint
Wikipedia - Jose Celso Barbosa Day (Puerto Rico) -- Commemorates the birth of the father of Puerto Rico's statehood movement
Wikipedia - Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta -- Basque Catholic priest and founder of the Mondragon cooperative movement
Wikipedia - Josephite Movement
Wikipedia - Joseph Smith -- the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Jumping -- Form of movement in which an organism or mechanical system propels itself into the air
Wikipedia - Justice for Janitors -- social movement organization
Wikipedia - K-16 -- American education movement to merge tertiary and pre-tertiary education
Wikipedia - Karaite Judaism -- A Jewish religious movement characterized by the recognition of the written Torah alone as its supreme authority in Jewish religious law and theology.
Wikipedia - Karl Gustav Stricker Brondsted -- Member of the Danish resistance movement
Wikipedia - Kata -- Detailed choreographed patterns of movements in martial arts
Wikipedia - Kate Sheppard -- Prominent member of women's suffrage movement in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Kazim Rashti -- Successor of Shaykh Ahmad al-Ahsa'i, leader of the Shaykhi movement
Wikipedia - Kehot Publication Society -- Publication Society of the Chabad Lubavitch hasidic movement.
Wikipedia - Kerala Catholic Youth Movement
Wikipedia - Khalistan movement
Wikipedia - Khan Bahadur Hasem Ali Khan -- Bengali politician, lawyer, peasant movement leader and social worker (1888-1962)
Wikipedia - Kheda Satyagraha of 1918 -- Civil resistance movement organized by Gandhi in India
Wikipedia - Khilafat Movement
Wikipedia - Khoisan Aboriginal and Others Movement -- Political party in South Africa
Wikipedia - Kibbutz Movement
Wikipedia - Kinesiology -- The study of anatomy, physiology, and mechanics of body movement, especially in humans
Wikipedia - Kingdom Governance Movement -- Political party in South Africa
Wikipedia - King James Only movement -- Movement asserting the superiority of the King James Version of the Bible
Wikipedia - Kinism -- White supremacist religious movement
Wikipedia - Kino (movement) -- Film-making organization
Wikipedia - Kirchnerism -- Argentine political movement
Wikipedia - Kitchen sink realism -- British social realist artistic movement
Wikipedia - Kopust -- Branch of the Chabad movement
Wikipedia - Korean Independence Movement
Wikipedia - Korean independence movement -- 1900s-1940s movement against Japanese rule of Korea
Wikipedia - Krzysztof Markiewicz -- Polish underground resistance movement officer
Wikipedia - Kuwaiti Progressive Movement -- Political group
Wikipedia - Labor movement
Wikipedia - Labour movement
Wikipedia - Labour Representation Committee (2004) -- British socialist pressure group within the Labour Party and wider labour movement
Wikipedia - Lacanian movement
Wikipedia - Laestadianism -- Pietistic Lutheran revival movement started in Sapmi in the middle of the 19th century
Wikipedia - Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement for the Propagation of Islam
Wikipedia - La Movida MadrileM-CM-1a -- Countercultural movement during the Spanish transition after Francisco Franco's 1975 death
Wikipedia - Landless People's Movement (Namibia) -- A political party in Namibia
Wikipedia - Landslide -- Type of natural disasters involving ground movements, often caused by slope instability triggered by specific event
Wikipedia - La Onda -- Multidisciplinary artistic movement created in Mexico
Wikipedia - Lapua Movement -- Former political party in Finland
Wikipedia - LaRouche movement -- Political movement promoting Lyndon LaRouche and his ideas
Wikipedia - Latter Day Saint movement -- Church groups that trace their origins to a Christian primitivist movement founded by Joseph Smith in the late 1820s
Wikipedia - Lavinia Engle -- Women's suffrage movement leader (1892-1979)
Wikipedia - Lay Claretian Movement
Wikipedia - Leaching (pedology) -- The removal of soluble materials from one zone in soil to another via water movement in the profile
Wikipedia - League of German Girls -- Girls' wing of the Nazi Party youth movement
Wikipedia - Lebensphilosophie -- German philosophical movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
Wikipedia - Left Front (France) -- French electoral alliance and political movement
Wikipedia - Legality Movement -- Albanian royalist and pro-monarchy political faction (1941-1945)
Wikipedia - Leigh syndrome -- A mitochondrial metabolism disease characterized by progressive loss of mental and movement abilities.
Wikipedia - Lesbian Movement (Denmark) -- Danish lesbian organization
Wikipedia - Les Identitaires -- French identitarian political movement
Wikipedia - Let the Moreno Play Movement -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Levellers -- Political movement during the English Civil War, committed to popular sovereignty, extended suffrage, equality before the law and religious tolerance
Wikipedia - Lewis Charlton (slave) -- American slave, speaker in the temperance movement
Wikipedia - LGBT social movements
Wikipedia - Liadi (Hasidic dynasty) -- Branch of the Chabad movement
Wikipedia - Liberal Christianity -- Movement that interprets and reforms Christian teaching by taking into consideration modern knowledge, science and ethics
Wikipedia - Liberal Movement (Australia) -- South Australian political party (1973-1976)
Wikipedia - Liberal Opening Movement -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Liberal Socialist Movement -- Italian political party
Wikipedia - Libertarian Movement (Costa Rica) -- Political party in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Liberty Movement of Cameroon Youth -- Cameroonian political party
Wikipedia - Library of Agudas Chassidei Chabad -- Research library at the headquarters of the Chabad movement of Hasidic Judaism
Wikipedia - Librotraficante -- American protest movement
Wikipedia - Libyan National Movement -- Political party in Libya
Wikipedia - Libyan Popular National Movement -- Political party in Libya
Wikipedia - Light and Space -- Art movement
Wikipedia - Like a G6 -- 2010 single by Far East Movement
Wikipedia - Linda Burnham -- American journalist, activist, and leader in women's rights movements
Wikipedia - Lion Versus -- Russian youth social movement
Wikipedia - List of active separatist movements in Africa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of active separatist movements in Asia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of active separatist movements in Europe -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of active separatist movements in North America -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of active separatist movements in Oceania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of active separatist movements in South America -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of active separatist movements recognized by intergovernmental organizations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of anarchist movements by region -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ancient oceans -- A list of former oceans that disappeared due to tectonic movements and other geographical and climatic changes
Wikipedia - List of art movements -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of busiest airports by aircraft movements -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Christian movements -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of denominations in the Latter Day Saint movement -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dhammakaya branches -- List of branch centers of the Thai Buddhist Dhammakaya Movement
Wikipedia - List of fascist movements by country -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of fascist movements -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of guerrilla movements
Wikipedia - List of historical separatist movements -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Italian Social Movement politicians -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of literary movements
Wikipedia - List of movements of the human body -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of movements that dispute the legitimacy of a reigning monarch -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Neopagan movements -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nepali democratic movement (1951) activists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of networks and movements of the French Resistance -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of new religious movements -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Occupy movement protest locations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pakistan Movement activists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of people who support the BDS movement -- list article
Wikipedia - List of photographers of the civil rights movement -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of poetry groups and movements
Wikipedia - List of political movements named after dates -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of politicians affiliated with the Tea Party movement -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of religious movements that began in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of social movements in South Africa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of social movements -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of South African airports by passenger movements -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of subjects related to the Quebec independence movement -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of active separatist movements -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Liturgical movement
Wikipedia - Liturgical Movement -- A 19th-century movement of scholarship for the reform of worship within the Roman Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Livestock transportation -- The movement of livestock by ship, rail, road or air
Wikipedia - Living Colombia Movement -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - L'M-EM-^Ruvre Francaise -- French nationalist movement
Wikipedia - Localism in Hong Kong -- Political movement in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Logical positivism -- Movement in Western philosophy
Wikipedia - Log jam -- Accumulation of large wood in a stream or river, preventing movement downstream
Wikipedia - Lollardy -- Radical Christian reform movement in late medieval, pre-Reformation England
Wikipedia - London Street Commune -- 1960s social movement
Wikipedia - Lord Byron -- English poet and a leading figure in the Romantic movement (1788-1824)
Wikipedia - Lowbrow (art movement)
Wikipedia - Lulin -- A major agrarian rebellion movement against Wang Mang's Xin dynasty
Wikipedia - Lyceum Movement
Wikipedia - Lyceum movement -- US series of organizations sponsoring public education programs and entertainments
Wikipedia - Lying press -- pejorative political term used largely by German political movements for the press
Wikipedia - Lyon Commune -- 1870-1871 revolutionary movement in Lyon, France
Wikipedia - Macedonian nationalism -- 19th- and 20th-century social movement
Wikipedia - Macedonian Partisans -- Communist and antifascist resistance movement
Wikipedia - Machneh Israel (Chabad) -- Social service organization of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement
Wikipedia - Madangguk -- Korean theatre form associated with the Minjung Movement
Wikipedia - Madaraka People's Movement -- Political party in Kenya
Wikipedia - Madari Pasi -- Indian militant peasant movement leader
Wikipedia - Madkhalism -- A heterodox strain of Islam within the larger Salafist movement based on the writings of Rabee al-Madkhali
Wikipedia - Magic realism -- Artistic genre and movement
Wikipedia - Mahagujarat movement -- 1956 political movement demanding the creation of Gujarat state from Bombay state
Wikipedia - Maharashtra Ekikaran Samiti -- Political Movement in Western India
Wikipedia - Majlis-e-Tahaffuz-e-Khatme Nabuwwat -- Islamic religious movement in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Major religious groups -- Religious movement with major international spread
Wikipedia - Maldives Reform Movement -- political party
Wikipedia - Managed retreat -- The purposeful, coordinated movement of people and buildings away from risks
Wikipedia - Maneuver warfare -- Military strategy focused on movement
Wikipedia - Manosphere -- Loose collection of predominantly web-based misogynist movements
Wikipedia - Marada Movement
Wikipedia - March 1st Movement -- 1919 Korean public display of resistance against Japanese rule
Wikipedia - March Against Fear -- 1966 demonstration in the US Civil Rights Movement
Wikipedia - March for the Equal Rights Amendment -- Social movement
Wikipedia - Marian Movement of Priests
Wikipedia - Market trend -- Perceived financial market movement tendency over time
Wikipedia - Martian poetry -- Movement in British poetry
Wikipedia - Martin Luther King Jr. -- American activist and leader in the civil rights movement (1929-1968)
Wikipedia - Mary Fielding Smith -- English member of the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Mass in B minor structure -- Structure of the movements in Bach's Mass in B minor
Wikipedia - MassResistance -- 501(c)(4) group in Massachusetts that promotes social conservatism and opposes the LGBT+ movement
Wikipedia - Mastigoneme -- Tubular "hairs" that cover the flagella of algae and assist in movement
Wikipedia - Material flow analysis -- Analysis of the movement of substances within various systems
Wikipedia - Mau movement
Wikipedia - Mauritian Militant Movement -- Political party in Mauritius
Wikipedia - Mauritian Militant Socialist Movement -- Political party in Mauritius
Wikipedia - Mavo -- Art movement in Japan
Wikipedia - May Fourth Movement
Wikipedia - May Fourth movement
Wikipedia - McOndo -- Latin American literary movement
Wikipedia - Mec Art -- 20th-century art movement
Wikipedia - Media activism -- form of activism using media for social or political movements
Wikipedia - MELS Movement of Botswana -- Political party in Botswana
Wikipedia - Men's movement
Wikipedia - Men's rights movement -- Social movement concerned with discrimination against men
Wikipedia - Mental hygiene movement
Wikipedia - Mentuhui -- Christian movement in China
Wikipedia - Messianic Judaism -- New religious movement that combines Christianity, Judaism and belief in Jesus as saviour
Wikipedia - Metamodernism -- A movement which emerged from and reacts to postmodernism
Wikipedia - Methodist movement
Wikipedia - Me Too movement (Pakistan)
Wikipedia - Me Too movement -- movement against sexual harassment and assault
Wikipedia - Mexican muralism -- 20th century art movement in Mexico
Wikipedia - Migration (ecology) -- large-scale movement of members of a species to a different environment
Wikipedia - Miley: The Movement -- 2013 documentary starring Miley Cyrus
Wikipedia - Militant Socialist Movement -- Political party in Mauritius
Wikipedia - Military Sexual Trauma Movement -- American sexual assault prevention organization
Wikipedia - Milk Tea Alliance -- Asian democracy and human rights movement
Wikipedia - Millerism -- Christian movement founded by William Miller, which held that the Second Coming would come in 1844
Wikipedia - Minimalism (visual arts) -- Visual arts movement
Wikipedia - Minimalism -- Movements in various forms of art and design
Wikipedia - Mir iskusstva -- early 20th-century Russian art movement with magazine of the same name
Wikipedia - Mission Revival architecture -- Architectural movement and style
Wikipedia - Mission School -- Art movement in 1990s & 2000s, Mission District, San Francisco, California.
Wikipedia - Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party -- Branch of Freedom Democratic party during 1960s Civil Rights Movement
Wikipedia - MitlM-CM-$ufer -- Person associated with a controversial movement
Wikipedia - Mizrahi feminism -- Movement within Israeli feminism representing Mizrahi women
Wikipedia - Maori King Movement -- Movement that arose among some of the Maori tribes of New Zealand in the central North Island in the 1850s.
Wikipedia - Modernisme -- Architectural and artistic movement originating in late-19th-century Catalonia, Spain
Wikipedia - Modernism -- Philosophical and art movement (late 19th - early 20th century)
Wikipedia - Modernize Sao Vicente Movement -- Political party in Cape Verde
Wikipedia - Modern Pagan views on LGBT people -- LGBTQ topics and issues within modern pagan spiritual and religious movements
Wikipedia - Moggmentum -- Online conservative campaign and grassroots movement supporting Jacob Rees-Mogg
Wikipedia - Molotov Movement -- Danish hip hop and rap collective
Wikipedia - Monowara Islam -- Bangladeshi professor, litterateur and language movement activist
Wikipedia - Montanism -- 2nd century Christian movement
Wikipedia - Montreal Citizens' Movement -- Municipal political party in Montreal
Wikipedia - Mormonism -- Religious tradition of the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Mormons -- Religious group part of the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Mothers of the Movement -- Group whose African American children have been killed by police or gun violence
Wikipedia - Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo -- A movement of Argentine mothers who campaigned for their children who had been "disappeared"
Wikipedia - Motion capture -- Process of recording the movement of objects or people
Wikipedia - Movement conservatism -- Inside term for the American New Right
Wikipedia - Movement context in handwriting
Wikipedia - Movement disorders
Wikipedia - Movement for Active Democracy -- British political party
Wikipedia - Movement for a People's Party -- Progressive pressure group
Wikipedia - Movement for a Responsible, Sustainable and Entrepreneurial Venezuela -- Political party in Venezuela
Wikipedia - Movement for a Socialist Alternative (Nigeria) -- Political party in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Movement for Black Lives -- Coalition of U.S. racial justice groups
Wikipedia - Movement for Citizens' Commitment and Awakening -- Political party in Benin
Wikipedia - Movement for Compassionate Living
Wikipedia - Movement for Democracy and Development (Central African Republic) -- Political party in the Central African Republic
Wikipedia - Movement for Democracy and Progress (Niger) -- Political party in Niger
Wikipedia - Movement for Democracy and Progress (Republic of the Congo) -- Political party in the Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Movement for Democracy (Cape Verde) -- Political party in Cape Verde
Wikipedia - Movement for Democracy in Africa -- Political party in Burkina Faso
Wikipedia - Movement for Democracy in Algeria -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - Movement for Democracy, Independence and Social Progress -- Political party in the Central African Republic
Wikipedia - Movement for Democratic Change (2018) -- Zimbabwean political party
Wikipedia - Movement for Democratic Change - Ncube -- Zimbabwean political party
Wikipedia - Movement for Democratic Change - Tsvangirai -- Political party in Zimbabwe
Wikipedia - Movement for Democratic Renewal and Development -- Political party in Djibouti
Wikipedia - Movement for Development and Solidarity -- Political party in Benin
Wikipedia - Movement for Development by Culture -- Political party in Benin
Wikipedia - Movement for Economic Change -- Political party in Lesotho
Wikipedia - Movement for Genuine Democratic Change -- Political party in Malawi
Wikipedia - Movement for Justice and Peace -- Rebel group and political party in Ivory Coast
Wikipedia - Movement for Justice in Africa -- Political organization in Liberia
Wikipedia - Movement for Multi-Party Democracy -- Zambian political party, dominate 1991-2011
Wikipedia - Movement for National Rectification-Unionist -- Political party in Gabon
Wikipedia - Movement for National Rectification -- Political party in Gabon
Wikipedia - Movement for National Reform -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - Movement for Socialism (Bolivia) -- Political party in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Movement for Socialism (Venezuela) -- Political party in Venezuela
Wikipedia - Movement for Solidarity and Development -- Political party in the Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Movement for the Defence of the Republic -- Political party in Cameroon
Wikipedia - Movement for the Democracy of Angola -- Political party in Angola
Wikipedia - Movement for the Independence, Renaissance, and Integration of Africa -- Political party in Mali
Wikipedia - Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore -- Singapore voluntary welfare organisation
Wikipedia - Movement for the Left -- Italian political party
Wikipedia - Movement for the Liberation of Sao TomM-CM-) and Principe/Social Democratic Party -- Political party in Sao TomM-CM-) and Principe
Wikipedia - Movement for the Liberation of the Central African People -- Political party in the Central African Republic
Wikipedia - Movement for the Liberation of the Congo -- Political party in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Movement for the People's Alternative -- Political party in Benin
Wikipedia - Movement for the Progress of Madagascar -- Political party in Madagascar
Wikipedia - Movement for the Rehabilitation of Citizens - Rurenzangemero -- Political party in Burundi
Wikipedia - Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia -- Monarchist party in Serbia
Wikipedia - Movement for the Self-Determination of Bioko Island -- Political organization in Equatorial Guinea
Wikipedia - Movement for the Social Evolution of Black Africa-Boganda -- Political party in the Central African Republic
Wikipedia - Movement for the Social Evolution of Black Africa -- Political party in the Central African Republic
Wikipedia - Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People -- Social movement organization of the indigenous Ogoni people of Central Niger Delta
Wikipedia - Movement for Tolerance and Progress -- Political party in Burkina Faso
Wikipedia - Movement for Youth and Democracy -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - Movement (Hozier song) -- 2018 song by Hozier
Wikipedia - Movement in Support of the Army -- Russian radical political movement
Wikipedia - Movement of Animals
Wikipedia - Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland -- National advocacy group in Ireland
Wikipedia - Movement of Centrist Republicans -- Political party in Togo
Wikipedia - Movement of Independent Citizens of Sao TomM-CM-) and Principe -- Political party
Wikipedia - Movement of National Responsibility -- Italian political party
Wikipedia - Movement of National Understanding -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - Movement of Popular Participation -- Political party in Uruguay
Wikipedia - Movement of Socialist Left -- Defunct socialist party in Portugal
Wikipedia - Movement of Society for Peace -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness -- 501(c)(3) non-profit religious corporation
Wikipedia - Movement of the Forces of the Future -- Political party in Ivory Coast
Wikipedia - Movement of Unitarian Communists -- Italian political party
Wikipedia - Movement of Young Marxist-Leninists -- Marxist-Leninist group in Senegal
Wikipedia - Movement Party (Tunisia) -- Tunisian political party
Wikipedia - Movement-related potentials
Wikipedia - Movements for the annexation of Canada to the United States -- Campaigns in favor of American annexation of Canada
Wikipedia - Movements (sacred dances)
Wikipedia - Movement We Are Venezuela -- Political party in Venezuela
Wikipedia - Movement Without Fear -- Political party in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Mozambican Nationalist Movement -- Political party in Mozambique
Wikipedia - Muhammad Takiullah -- Bangladeshi language movement veteran
Wikipedia - Murder of Jeff Hall -- Regional leader of the National Socialist Movement
Wikipedia - Musar movement
Wikipedia - Muscles of the hip -- Causes movement in the hip.
Wikipedia - Muscular Christianity -- Religious and social movement
Wikipedia - Music in the movement against apartheid -- One of the methods of opposition used against the apartheid regime
Wikipedia - Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt -- Sunni Islamist movement in Egypt
Wikipedia - Muslim Scout Association of Lebanon -- Scout movement in Lebanon
Wikipedia - Mussar movement
Wikipedia - Mute R. Kelly -- Movement against R. Kelly's musical career
Wikipedia - Mutualism (movement) -- Social movement that aims at creating and promoting mutual organizations, mutual insurances and mutual funds
Wikipedia - Myslim Peza -- Albanian war veteran and leader of the anti-fascist movement "M-CM-^Geta e PezM-CM-+s" (1897-1984)
Wikipedia - Mythopoetic men's movement
Wikipedia - Nadaism -- Colombian counterculture movement
Wikipedia - Nahda -- Cultural movement in the Arabic-speaking world, especially Egypt and the Ottoman-ruled Levant
Wikipedia - Nahdlatul Ulama -- Traditionalist Sunni Islam movement in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Namantar Andolan -- University's Name Change Movement by Buddhists & Dalits
Wikipedia - Namibian Democratic Movement for Change -- Political party in Namibia
Wikipedia - Narodniks -- Politically conscious movement of the Russian middle class in the 1860s and 1870s
Wikipedia - National Action Movement (Venezuela) -- Defunct far-right political party in Venezuela
Wikipedia - National Democratic Action Movement -- Political party in the Gambia
Wikipedia - National Fascist Movement -- Romanian political movement
Wikipedia - Nationalist Alliance -- British far-right movement
Wikipedia - National Movement for Nature and Development -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - National Movement for Reconciliation -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - National Movement for the Development of Society -- Political party in Niger
Wikipedia - National Movement of Hope -- Political party in Algeria
Wikipedia - National Movement of Servants of the Masses -- Political party in Senegal
Wikipedia - National Olympic Committee -- National constituent of the worldwide Olympic movement
Wikipedia - National Paralympic Committee -- National constituent of Paralympic movement
Wikipedia - National People's Power -- A mainstream leftist political movement in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - National Popular Movement -- Political party in Morocco
Wikipedia - National Regeneration Movement -- Mexican political party
Wikipedia - National Republican Movement -- French nationalist political party
Wikipedia - National Resistance Movement -- Political party in Uganda
Wikipedia - National Scout jamboree (Boy Scouts of America) -- American quadrennial event of the scouting youth movement
Wikipedia - National Socialist League -- British Nazi political movement
Wikipedia - National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands -- Dutch fascist movement that became a Nazi political party, 1931-1945
Wikipedia - National Socialist Movement (UK, 1962) -- British neo-Nazi organisation
Wikipedia - National Socialist Movement (United Kingdom) -- British neo-Nazi organisation
Wikipedia - National Torch Movement -- Mexican political organization
Wikipedia - National Transformation Movement -- Political party in Trinidad and Tobago
Wikipedia - Nation of Islam -- African American political and religious movement
Wikipedia - Nation of Yahweh -- Predominantly African American religious movement
Wikipedia - Naturalism (literature) -- Literary movement
Wikipedia - Naturism -- Movement for social nudity and naked lifestyle
Wikipedia - Navigation -- Process of monitoring and controlling the movement of a craft or vehicle from one place to another
Wikipedia - Nazarene movement
Wikipedia - Nazi archaeology -- Historical movement aimed at studying German history to strengthen nationalism
Wikipedia - Nazi movement
Wikipedia - Neighbourhood Action Movement -- Argentine political party
Wikipedia - Neoauthoritarianism (China) -- Political movement in China
Wikipedia - Neo-Buddhist movement
Wikipedia - Neo-charismatic movement -- Movement within evangelical Protestant Christianity
Wikipedia - Neoclassicism -- Western cultural movement inspired by ancient Greece and Rome
Wikipedia - Neoconservatism -- Political movement among liberal hawks born in reaction to pacifist foreign policy, the New left and counterculture
Wikipedia - Neo-futurism -- Late-20th- to early-21st-century movement in the arts, design, and architecture
Wikipedia - Neo-pop -- Postmodern art movement of the 1980s and 1990s
Wikipedia - Neo-primitivism -- Russian art movement
Wikipedia - Nepal Bhasa renaissance -- Movement to revive and modernize the Nepal Bhasa language
Wikipedia - -- Art movement
Wikipedia - Network Lateral Movement -- Cybersecurity term for attack strategies
Wikipedia - Neue Rechte -- German right-wing political movement
Wikipedia - NeuquM-CM-)n People's Movement -- Political party in Argentina
Wikipedia - Never Trump movement -- Political resistance to Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign
Wikipedia - New Age movement
Wikipedia - New Apostolic Reformation -- Movement which seeks to establish a fifth branch within Christendom
Wikipedia - New Athenian School -- Greek literary movement
Wikipedia - New Classical architecture -- Architectural movement
Wikipedia - New Communist movement
Wikipedia - New Culture Movement
Wikipedia - New Deal Movement -- Political party in Liberia
Wikipedia - New European Order -- European neo-fascist movement
Wikipedia - New Generation (Malayalam film movement)
Wikipedia - New Hollywood -- US-American film movement between the mid-1960s and early 1980s
Wikipedia - New Left Movement (Peru) -- Political party in Peru
Wikipedia - New Left -- Political movement
Wikipedia - New Life Movement
Wikipedia - New Objectivity (architecture) -- Architecture movement in (mainly German-speaking) Europe
Wikipedia - New Objectivity -- 1920s German art movement against expressionism
Wikipedia - New Puritans (literary movement) -- Literary movement
Wikipedia - New religious movements
Wikipedia - New religious movement -- Religious community or spiritual group of modern origins
Wikipedia - New Sincerity -- Artistic and philosophical movement
Wikipedia - New social movements
Wikipedia - New Thought Movement
Wikipedia - New Thought -- Religious movement emphasizing accessible divine power, positive thinking, and faith healing
Wikipedia - New Urbanism -- Urban design movement promoting environmentally friendly habits
Wikipedia - New wave of British heavy metal -- Heavy metal movement of the late 1970s and early 1980s
Wikipedia - New Way Movement -- Political party in Sao TomM-CM-) and Principe
Wikipedia - Niagara Movement -- Civil rights organization
Wikipedia - Niezhin (Hasidic dynasty) -- Branch of the Chabad movement
Wikipedia - Nigerien Democratic Movement for an African Federation -- Political party in Niger
Wikipedia - Nigerien Movement for Democratic Renewal -- Political party in Niger
Wikipedia - Nigerien Patriotic Movement -- Political party in Niger
Wikipedia - NIMBY -- Movement of opposition to development projects by residents
Wikipedia - Nipponzan-MyM-EM-^MhM-EM-^Mji-Daisanga -- A Japanese new religious movement and activist group founded in 1917 by Nichidatsu Fujii
Wikipedia - Nkenge TourM-CM-) -- Leader in the reproductive justice, anti-racism and black women's health movements
Wikipedia - Noahidism -- Jewish religious movement based on the Seven Laws of Noah in Rabbinic Judaism
Wikipedia - Noelani Goodyear-KaM-JM-;M-EM-^Mpua -- Kanaka Maoli scholar of Hawaiian social movements
Wikipedia - No Food Waste -- Movement to reduce hunger
Wikipedia - Non-Aligned Movement -- Group of states which are not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc
Wikipedia - Nonchurch movement
Wikipedia - Non-cooperation movement -- Resistance of British rule in India through non violent means
Wikipedia - Non-European Unity Movement
Wikipedia - Non-Instrumental Movement Inhibition
Wikipedia - Non-possessors -- 16th-century movement in the Russian Orthodox Church in opposition to ecclesiastical land-ownership
Wikipedia - Non-rapid eye movement sleep
Wikipedia - Nordic Resistance Movement -- Pan-Nordic neo-Nazi movement
Wikipedia - Norman Olson -- American militia movement activist
Wikipedia - Northern Men's Federation for Women's Suffrage -- Scottish women's suffrage movement
Wikipedia - Northern soul -- Music and dance movement that emerged, initially in Northern England in the late 1960s
Wikipedia - Norwegian resistance movement -- Resistance to German occupation in WWII
Wikipedia - Nouveau roman -- French literary movement
Wikipedia - Nouvelle Droite -- French far-right political movement emerging in the 1960s
Wikipedia - No Wave Cinema -- American film movement from the 1970s and 1980s
Wikipedia - Nur movement
Wikipedia - Nut art -- Art movement
Wikipedia - Nuyorican movement -- Cultural movement for Puerto Ricans living in or near New York City in the late 1960s / early 1970s
Wikipedia - Objectivist movement -- A movement of individuals who seek to study and advance Objectivism
Wikipedia - Occident (movement) -- French nationalist movement
Wikipedia - Occupy Homes -- Housing activist movement in 2010s United States
Wikipedia - Occupy Movement
Wikipedia - Occupy movement
Wikipedia - Oculomotor apraxia -- The absence or defect of controlled, voluntary, and purposeful eye movement
Wikipedia - Odd Fellows -- Fraternal service movement
Wikipedia - Ogaden National Liberation Front -- Ethiopian political movement
Wikipedia - Old Colony Mennonites -- Part of the Russian Mennonite movement
Wikipedia - Old Order Movement -- Religious reform movement
Wikipedia - Oliver Cowdery -- American Mormon leader during the formative period of the Latter Day Saint movement (1806-1850)
Wikipedia - Olive Tree (religious movement) -- Christian new religious movement founded in South Korea by Park Tae Son
Wikipedia - Olympic Order -- Highest award of the Olympic Movement
Wikipedia - Op art -- Art movement
Wikipedia - Open access movement
Wikipedia - Open border -- A border with few or no restrictions on movement between jurisdictions
Wikipedia - Open-design movement -- movement for product development with publicly shared designs
Wikipedia - Open learning -- Innovative movement in education
Wikipedia - Open-source appropriate technology -- appropriate technology from the open-design movement
Wikipedia - Open-source hardware -- Hardware from the open-design movement
Wikipedia - Open Source movement
Wikipedia - Open source movement
Wikipedia - Open-source movement
Wikipedia - Open-source software movement
Wikipedia - Open-source-software movement -- open collaboration movement supporting open-source licenses
Wikipedia - Open theism -- Theological movement de-emphasizing God's meticulous control of all things
Wikipedia - Orange Democratic Movement -- Political party in Kenya
Wikipedia - Orbital maneuver -- A movement during spaceflight
Wikipedia - Order of the Star in the East -- Spiritual movement in India, 1911 to 1927
Wikipedia - Organic movement
Wikipedia - Oriental Revolutionary Movement -- Communist party in Uruguay
Wikipedia - Oromo Federalist Democratic Movement -- Political party in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement
Wikipedia - Ostsiedlung -- High Middle Age German migration movement
Wikipedia - Otpor -- Former Serbian civic movement and political party
Wikipedia - Oulipo -- French literary movement
Wikipedia - Our Teachings -- Urdu book published in 1902 by the founder of the Ahmadiyya movement, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
Wikipedia - Outline of the psychiatric survivors movement
Wikipedia - Oxford Movement
Wikipedia - Paganism -- Non-Abrahamic religion, or modern religious movement such as nature worship
Wikipedia - Pakistan Democratic Movement
Wikipedia - Pakistan Movement -- Political movement responsible for creation of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Pan-Africanism -- Worldwide movement that aims to encourage and strengthen bonds of solidarity between all people of African descent
Wikipedia - Pan Africanist Movement -- Political party in South Africa
Wikipedia - Pan Africanist Socialist Movement - Inkinzo -- Political party in Burundi
Wikipedia - Pan-Armenian National Movement -- Armenian political party
Wikipedia - Panathinaikos Movement -- Greek political party
Wikipedia - Panfuturism -- 20th-century Ukrainian art movement developed by Mykhaylo Semenko, inspired by various other contemporaneous art movements
Wikipedia - Panhellenic Liberation Movement
Wikipedia - Panic Movement
Wikipedia - Pank-a-Squith -- Board game about the suffragette movement
Wikipedia - Paracelsianism -- Early modern medical movement
Wikipedia - Parallel cinema -- Film movement in Indian cinema that originated in West Bengal in the 1950s
Wikipedia - Paralympics Ireland -- National committee for the paralympic games movement in Ireland
Wikipedia - Parkour -- Movement efficiency athletic training discipline
Wikipedia - Parley P. Pratt -- Early leader of the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Parnassianism -- 19th century French literary movement
Wikipedia - Partisan (military) -- Member of a resistance movement
Wikipedia - Passionism -- Contemporary art movement in Scandinavia, anti-avantgarde in its approach
Wikipedia - Patriotic Movement for Democracy and Development -- Togolese political party
Wikipedia - Patriotic Movement for Renewal -- Political party in Mali
Wikipedia - Patriotic Movement for the Republic -- Political party in Niger
Wikipedia - Patriotic Movement of Cote d'Ivoire -- Rebel group and political party in Ivory Coast
Wikipedia - Patriotic Salvation Movement -- Political party in Chad
Wikipedia - Patriot movement -- American conservative political movement
Wikipedia - Peace and Truce of God -- Massive medieval Catholic-led peace movement
Wikipedia - Peace movement -- Social movement that seeks to achieve ideals such as the ending of a particular war (or all wars)
Wikipedia - Peasant Movement Institute station -- Guangzhou Metro station
Wikipedia - Pegida -- Political movement
Wikipedia - Pennsylvania Impressionism -- Impressionist art movement
Wikipedia - Pentecostalism -- Renewal movement within Protestant Christianity
Wikipedia - People's Champ Movement -- Political party in the Philippines
Wikipedia - People's Charter Movement -- Political party in Lesotho
Wikipedia - Peoples' Democratic Congress -- Political movement in Turkey
Wikipedia - People's Democratic Movement (Meghalaya) -- Political party in Meghalaya, India
Wikipedia - People's Movement for Democracy in Chad -- Political party in Chad
Wikipedia - People's Movement for Democratic Change -- Political party in Sierra Leone
Wikipedia - People's Movement for Progress -- Political party in Burkina Faso
Wikipedia - People's Movement of Ukraine -- Ukrainian pro-independence organisation, then political party
Wikipedia - People's National Movement -- Political party in Trinidad and Tobago
Wikipedia - People's Participation Movement -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - People's Progressive Movement (Malawi) -- Political party in Malawi
Wikipedia - People's Revolutionary Movement (South Africa) -- Political party in South Africa
Wikipedia - People's United Democratic Movement -- Political party in Eswatini
Wikipedia - People's Will Movement -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Periodic limb movement disorder
Wikipedia - Petroleum geology -- The study of the origin, occurrence, movement, accumulation, and exploration of hydrocarbon fuels
Wikipedia - Pharisees -- Political party, a social movement, and a school of thought during the time of Second Temple Judaism
Wikipedia - Philosophical movement
Wikipedia - Pictorialism -- Photography movement
Wikipedia - Pictures at an Exhibition -- Suite for piano in ten movements by Modest Mussorgsky
Wikipedia - Pietism -- Movement within Lutheranism
Wikipedia - Pincer movement -- Military tactic
Wikipedia - Planetshakers -- Pentecostal Christian adults and youth movement in Melbourne, Australia
Wikipedia - Playing for Change -- World music movement and multimedia project
Wikipedia - Plowshares movement -- Christian pacifist movement
Wikipedia - Plume tectonics -- Geophysical theory of movement of mantle plumes under tectonic plates
Wikipedia - Plymouth Brethren -- Christian movement
Wikipedia - Podcast Movement -- Annual conference (e. 2014)
Wikipedia - Police abolition movement -- Political movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Polish resistance movement in World War II
Wikipedia - Political colour -- Colours used to represent a political ideology, movement or party
Wikipedia - Political Movement for Social Security -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Political movement -- Movement to obtain a political goal
Wikipedia - Pop art -- Art movement
Wikipedia - Popular Christian Movement -- Defunct political party in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Popular Democratic Movement -- Political party in Namibia
Wikipedia - Popular Movement (Morocco) -- Political party in Morocco
Wikipedia - Popular Republican Movement -- Defunct political party in France
Wikipedia - Popular Socialist Movement -- Marxist and pro-independence organization in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Population transfer -- Movement of a large group of people from one region to another
Wikipedia - Portal:Civil rights movement
Wikipedia - Portal:Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Port Militarization Resistance -- American anti-war movement
Wikipedia - Portuguese Democratic Movement -- Defunct political party in Portugal
Wikipedia - Positive Christianity -- Movement within Nazi Germany which mixed ideas of racial purity and Nazi ideology with elements of Christianity
Wikipedia - Posselt's envelope of motion -- The range of movement of the mandible
Wikipedia - Post-Impressionism -- Predominantly French art movement that developed roughly between 1886 and 1905
Wikipedia - Postliberal theology -- Christian faith development of coherent systematic theology movements
Wikipedia - Postmodern art -- Art movement
Wikipedia - Postmodernism -- A broad movement in the mid-to-late 20th century across philosophy, the arts, architecture, and criticism
Wikipedia - Post-postmodernism -- Artistic and philosophical movement
Wikipedia - Post-processual archaeology -- Movement in archaeological theory
Wikipedia - Post-World War II anti-fascism -- History of movements and networks opposing fascism after WWII
Wikipedia - Potassium channel blocker -- Several medications that disrupt movement of K+ ions
Wikipedia - Pragmatism -- Philosophical movement
Wikipedia - Prarthana Samaj -- Movement for religious and social reform in Bombay, India
Wikipedia - Precisionism -- Art movement
Wikipedia - Prescriptive authority for psychologists movement
Wikipedia - Presiding Patriarch -- Leader in the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Primitivism -- Art movement
Wikipedia - Prince Philip Movement -- Religious sect followed by Kastom people in Vanuatu
Wikipedia - Prise de fer -- Movement in the sport of fencing
Wikipedia - Prison abolition movement -- Movement to end incarceration as a means to address harm
Wikipedia - Prisoners' Justice Day -- Annual solidarity movement
Wikipedia - PrM-CM-)cieuses -- Art movement in literature
Wikipedia - Process art -- Art movement
Wikipedia - Progressive Dawoodi Bohra -- A reform movement within the Dawoodi Bohra subsect of Mustaali Ismai'li Shi'a Islam
Wikipedia - Progressive Movement (Cameroon) -- Political party in Cameroon
Wikipedia - Progressive National Movement -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Progressivism in the United States -- Reform movement in the United States advocating the idea of progress
Wikipedia - Progress -- Movement towards a refined, improved, or otherwise desired state
Wikipedia - Pro-independence movements in the Russian Civil War
Wikipedia - Project Chanology -- Protest movement against the practices of the Church of Scientology
Wikipedia - Pro-life movement
Wikipedia - Proper Cantonese pronunciation -- Movement to teach "correct" Cantonese pronunciation in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Proprioception -- Sense of the relative position of one's own body parts and strength of effort employed in movement
Wikipedia - Propulsion -- Means of creating force leading to movement
Wikipedia - Protest song -- Song that is associated with a movement for social change
Wikipedia - Provincial Integration Movement -- Political party in Ecuador
Wikipedia - Provo (movement) -- Dutch counterculture movement in the 1960s
Wikipedia - Prussian Reform Movement -- Series of constitutional, administrative, social and economic reforms early in the nineteenth-century Kingdom of Prussia
Wikipedia - Psilocybin decriminalization in the United States -- Movement to decriminalize psilocybin in the United States
Wikipedia - Psychedelic movement
Wikipedia - Psychiatric survivors movement
Wikipedia - Pueblo Deco architecture -- Architectural movement
Wikipedia - Pueblo Revival architecture -- Architectural movement
Wikipedia - Puerto Rican independence movement
Wikipedia - Pulley -- grooved wheel to support movement and change of direction of a taut cable
Wikipedia - Pure Church of Christ -- Schismatic organization within the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Pure Film Movement
Wikipedia - Qigong fever -- Chinese religious movement
Wikipedia - Qigong -- Chinese system of coordinated posture and movement, breathing, and meditation
Wikipedia - Qissa Khwani massacre -- event during the independence movement in British India
Wikipedia - Quakers in the abolition movement -- Quaker activism
Wikipedia - Quakers -- Family of Protestant religious movements
Wikipedia - Quantified self -- Movement of people who track themselves with body-related data
Wikipedia - Quebec sovereignty movement
Wikipedia - Quit India Movement -- Political and social movement in British India during World War II
Wikipedia - Quiverfull -- Pro-natalist Christian movement
Wikipedia - Quorum of the Twelve -- Governing body in Latter Day Saint religious movement
Wikipedia - Radical Faeries -- Counter-cultural movement
Wikipedia - Radical feminism -- Feminist movement seeking to abolish patriarchy
Wikipedia - Radical lesbianism -- Radical lesbian movement in reaction to mainstream feminism
Wikipedia - Radical Reformation -- Anabaptist movement concurrent with the Protestant Reformation
Wikipedia - Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement
Wikipedia - Rainbow Ethiopia: Movement for Democracy and Social Justice -- Political party in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Rainbow flag (LGBT) -- Symbol of LGBTQ movement
Wikipedia - Rain City Superhero Movement -- Costumed vigilante organization in Seattle, USA
Wikipedia - Rajneesh movement -- Persons inspired by the Indian mystic Osho
Wikipedia - Rajneesh -- Leader of the Rajneesh movement
Wikipedia - Rakat -- Unit of prayer in Islam equal to one iteration of a specific series of movements
Wikipedia - Ralph Abernathy -- American Civil Rights Movement leader
Wikipedia - Ram pressure -- Pressure due to movement through a fluid medium
Wikipedia - Rangaku -- Japanese cultural movement
Wikipedia - Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder
Wikipedia - Rapid eye movement sleep -- Unique phase of sleep in mammals and birds, characterized by random/rapid movement of the eyes
Wikipedia - Rastafari Movement
Wikipedia - Rastafari movement
Wikipedia - Ravidas -- 16 century Indian mystic poet-sant of the Bhakti movement
Wikipedia - Rayonism -- Russian art movement
Wikipedia - Realism (art movement) -- French painting movement
Wikipedia - Redemption movement -- Debt resistance movement
Wikipedia - Red-Letter Christians -- A non-denominational movement within Christianity
Wikipedia - Red Spear Society -- A rural self-defense movement during the Warlord Era
Wikipedia - Red Stocking Movement (Denmark) -- Danish women's rights movement
Wikipedia - Reform and Renewal Movement -- Political party in Suriname
Wikipedia - Reform Movement for Social Development -- Political party in Senegal
Wikipedia - Reform movement
Wikipedia - Regenerationism -- Intellectual and political movement in late 19th century and early 20th century Spain
Wikipedia - Regional Integration Movement -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Reichsburger movement -- Far-right antigovernment movement in Germany
Wikipedia - ReiyM-EM-+kai -- Japanese Buddhist new religious movement founded in 1919 by KakutarM-EM-^M Kubo and Kimi Kotani
Wikipedia - Relationships between Jewish religious movements
Wikipedia - Religious movements
Wikipedia - Religious movement
Wikipedia - Remonstrants -- Dutch Reformed Christian movement
Wikipedia - Renewed African Socialist Movement -- Political party in Chad
Wikipedia - Renovation Movement Labour Action -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Republican Democratic Movement -- Rwandan political party
Wikipedia - Republicanism in Barbados -- Political movement
Wikipedia - Republicanism in New Zealand -- Political movement in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Republicanism in the United Kingdom -- Movement to make the United Kingdom a republic
Wikipedia - Republican Movement (Colombia) -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - Republican Movement (Mauritius) -- Political party in Mauritius
Wikipedia - Republic of New Afrika -- Black nationalism American social movement
Wikipedia - Resistance movement -- Refusal of obedience toward the government or an occupying power
Wikipedia - Resistance of Guinea-Bissau-Bafata Movement -- Political party in Guinea-Bissau
Wikipedia - Responsible Government League -- Political movement in the Dominion of Newfoundland
Wikipedia - Restoration Movement -- Christian movement seeking church reformation and unification
Wikipedia - Resurgent dome -- A dome formed by swelling or rising of a caldera floor due to movement in the magma chamber beneath it
Wikipedia - Retreat (survivalism) -- Place of refuge for those in the survivalist subculture or movement
Wikipedia - Retroflect -- The movement of an ocean current that doubles back on itself
Wikipedia - Retrofuturism -- Creative arts movement
Wikipedia - Retrogradation -- Movement of the front of a river delta inland over time
Wikipedia - Revisionist school of Islamic studies -- movement in Islamic studies
Wikipedia - Revisionist Zionism -- Right-leaning faction of the Zionist movement
Wikipedia - Revitalization movement
Wikipedia - Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia -- Colombian guerrilla movement
Wikipedia - Revolutionary Left Movement (Bolivia) -- Political party in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Revolutionary movement for Indian independence
Wikipedia - Revolutionary Unity Movement -- Nicaraguan political party
Wikipedia - Revolutionary Youth Movement
Wikipedia - Revolutionary Youth of Angola -- Angolan political movement
Wikipedia - Rhodes Must Fall -- Anti-apartheid protest movement regarding statues at the University of Cape Town in South Africa
Wikipedia - Ribbonism -- A 19th-century popular movement of poor Catholics in Ireland
Wikipedia - Rime movement
Wikipedia - Ring deutscher PfadfinderverbM-CM-$nde -- German national Scouting organization within the World Organization of the Scout Movement
Wikipedia - Riot grrrl -- American underground feminist punk rock movement
Wikipedia - Rise Above Movement -- US far right organization
Wikipedia - Rizalista religious movements
Wikipedia - Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell -- British Army officer, founder of the world-wide Scout Movement
Wikipedia - Roberto Burioni -- Italian doctor known for his strong stand against the antivaccination movement.
Wikipedia - Rocco Armento -- American artist and member of the NO!art movement (b. 1924, df. 2011)
Wikipedia - Rocketeer (song) -- 2010 single by Far East Movement featuring Ryan Tedder
Wikipedia - Rococo -- 18th-century artistic movement and style
Wikipedia - Rodrigues Movement -- Political party in Mauritius
Wikipedia - Roerichism -- Spiritual, cultural and social movement
Wikipedia - Role of skin in locomotion -- Use of the integumentary system in animal movement
Wikipedia - Roman Polytheistic Reconstructionism -- Contemporary reconstructionist movement reviving traditional Roman religion
Wikipedia - Romanticism -- Period of artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that started in 18th-century Europe
Wikipedia - Romantic Movement
Wikipedia - Romantic movement
Wikipedia - Roman Traditional Movement -- Italian neopagan organisation
Wikipedia - Rope bondage -- Bondage involving the use of rope to restrict movement, wrap, suspend, or restrain a person
Wikipedia - Rosicrucianism -- Spiritual and cultural movement originating in 17th century Europe
Wikipedia - Rotation -- Movement of an object around an axis
Wikipedia - Running -- Method of terrestrial locomotion allowing rapid movement on foot
Wikipedia - Rurality Movement -- Agrarianist political party in France
Wikipedia - Rural People's Movement -- Farmers' protest movement in northern Germany from 1928 to 1933
Wikipedia - Russian Fascism: Traditions, Tendencies, Movements -- 2001 book
Wikipedia - Russian nihilist movement -- Russian movement during 1860-1917 that advocated negation and liberation
Wikipedia - Russian symbolism -- activities and events of the Symbolist movement in 19th-century Russia
Wikipedia - Russian twist -- Exercise movement
Wikipedia - Ryukyu independence movement -- Japanese political movement
Wikipedia - Sabre Dance -- Movement in Khachaturian's ballet Gayane
Wikipedia - Saccade -- Quick, simultaneous movement of both eyes between two or more phases of fixation in the same direction
Wikipedia - Sacred Grove (Latter Day Saint movement)
Wikipedia - Safety for Sarah movement -- Social media movement & campaign for safety on film sets, in memory of Sarah Jones
Wikipedia - Sahaja Yoga -- Religious movement, founded in 1970 by Nirmala Srivastava
Wikipedia - Sahwa movement
Wikipedia - Salafi movement
Wikipedia - Saminism Movement
Wikipedia - Sam Spanier -- American artist from New York City, who helped to develop the Integral Yoga movement
Wikipedia - Sant Mat -- Hindu spiritual movement on the Indian subcontinent during the 13th century.
Wikipedia - Sardines movement -- Political movement in Italy
Wikipedia - Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement -- Self-governance movement in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Sathya Sai Baba movement -- Movement inspired by Hindu guru Sathya Sai Baba
Wikipedia - Satyavati Devi -- Participant in Indian independence movement
Wikipedia - Save Uganda Movement -- Ugandan militant opposition group
Wikipedia - Sayed Haider -- Bangladeshi physician and language movement veteran
Wikipedia - Schism -- Division between people, usually belonging to an organization, movement, or religious denomination
Wikipedia - Schmid peoplemover -- An elevator capable of horizontal movement
Wikipedia - Schoenstatt Apostolic Movement
Wikipedia - Schoenstatt Movement
Wikipedia - School of Paris -- loose term for painters and artistic movements based in Paris during the early 20th century
Wikipedia - School strike for climate -- International youth movement for climate action
Wikipedia - Scottish Enlightenment -- Intellectual movement in 18th-19th century Scotland
Wikipedia - Scouting in Puerto Rico -- History of the Scouting movement in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Scouting -- World-wide movement for the education of youth
Wikipedia - Scout (Scouting) -- Member of the Scouting movement
Wikipedia - Scouts South Africa -- World Organization of the Scout Movement recognised Scout association in South Africa
Wikipedia - Scratch video -- 1980s British video art movement
Wikipedia - Secessionism in Western Australia -- Pro-independence sentiment and movement in Western Australia
Wikipedia - Second British Invasion -- Music cultural movement
Wikipedia - Secular movement
Wikipedia - Sediment transport -- The movement of solid particles, typically by gravity and fluid entrainment
Wikipedia - Seed dispersal -- Movement or transport of seeds away from the parent plant
Wikipedia - Seilbahnen Beatenberg-Niederhorn -- pulsed movement gondola lift
Wikipedia - Self-Respect Movement -- Social movement for lower-caste equity
Wikipedia - Self-Strengthening Movement -- 1861-1895 modernization and reform period in Qing China
Wikipedia - Senegalese Popular Movement -- Political party in Senegal
Wikipedia - Senegalese Republican Movement -- Political party in Senegal
Wikipedia - Serb-Catholic movement in Dubrovnik
Wikipedia - Serve America Movement -- American big tent conservative party
Wikipedia - Service for Poland's Victory -- First Polish resistance movement in World War II
Wikipedia - Sestigers -- Afrikaans writers' movement
Wikipedia - Settlement movement (Israel) -- Israeli kibbutzim, moshavim, moshavim shitufiim, and community settlements
Wikipedia - Settlement movement -- Reformist social movement that began in the 1880s in England and the US
Wikipedia - Sex-positive movement -- Ideology which promotes and embraces open sexuality
Wikipedia - Sex Workers' Rights Movement -- Movement to improve working conditions, increase benefits and eliminate discrimination on behalf of individuals working within the sex industry, whether legal or criminalized
Wikipedia - Seychelles Movement for Democracy -- Former political party in Seychelles
Wikipedia - Shanrendao -- A Confucian-Taoism religious movement in northeast China
Wikipedia - Sharism -- Social movement around sharing within a community
Wikipedia - Shaykhism -- Twelver ShiM-bM-^@M-^Yi Islamic movement founded in the early 19th century by Shaykh Ahmad
Wikipedia - Shepherds' Crusade (1251) -- Popular crusading movement
Wikipedia - Shetland Movement -- Defunct political group in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Shincheonji Church of Jesus -- Korean new religious movement
Wikipedia - Shin-hanga -- Japanese art movement
Wikipedia - Shinji Shumeikai -- A Japanese new religious movement
Wikipedia - Shinmeiaishinkai -- Japanese new religious movement
Wikipedia - Shirdi Sai Baba movement -- Religious movement of devotees of Indian saint Sai Baba of Shirdi
Wikipedia - Short-sea shipping -- Movement of cargo and passengers by sea along a cost, without crossing an ocean
Wikipedia - Showgirl -- A performer who highlights their physical attributes through dance and movement
Wikipedia - ShutItAllDown -- Protest movement in Namibia
Wikipedia - Silver Badge Party -- Defunct veterans' political movement in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - SiM-LM-^Mt-chM-CM-;n Movement -- Philosophical movement in Taiwan
Wikipedia - Simple church -- Evangelical Christian movement
Wikipedia - Singapore Dark Alternative Movement
Wikipedia - Singapore Kindness Movement -- Organization to promote kindness in Singapore
Wikipedia - Sive Siyinqaba National Movement -- Political party in Eswatini
Wikipedia - Six degrees of freedom -- Types of movement possible for a rigid body in three-dimensional space
Wikipedia - Skeptical movement -- Modern social movement based on the idea of scientific skepticism
Wikipedia - Skoptsy -- Sect within the larger Spiritual Christianity movement in the Russian Empire, best known for practicing castration of men and the mastectomy of women
Wikipedia - Slack water -- A short period in a body of tidal water when the water is completely unstressed, and there is no movement either way in the tidal stream, and which occurs before the direction of the tidal stream reverses
Wikipedia - Slavic Native Faith -- Modern religious movement based on pre-Christian Slavic beliefs
Wikipedia - Slogan of the Houthi movement -- Houthi movement motto
Wikipedia - Slosh dynamics -- Movement of liquid inside another moving object
Wikipedia - Slow movement (culture)
Wikipedia - Slump (geology) -- Short distance movement of coherent earth down a slope
Wikipedia - Small house movement
Wikipedia - Small schools movement
Wikipedia - Smile -- Conscious or subconscious facial muscular movement conveying smile or pleasure
Wikipedia - Smuggling -- Illegal movement of goods or people
Wikipedia - Social Bastion -- French neo-fascist movement
Wikipedia - Social democracy -- political ideology within the socialist movement
Wikipedia - Social feminism -- Feminist movement
Wikipedia - Social hygiene movement
Wikipedia - Socialism in New Zealand -- a political movement advocating socio-economic change in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Socialist Education Movement -- Chinese reform movement led by Mao Zedong
Wikipedia - Socialist Movement of the Senegalese Union -- Political group in Senegal
Wikipedia - Socialist movement
Wikipedia - Social Liberal Movement -- Swiss political party
Wikipedia - Social Movement for Renewal -- Political party in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Social movement organization -- Organized component of a social movement
Wikipedia - Social movements
Wikipedia - Social movement theory
Wikipedia - Social movement -- Loosely organized effort by a large group of people to achieve a particular goal
Wikipedia - Social Patriot Movement -- Chilean neo-nazi group
Wikipedia - Social purity movement -- 1800s temperance movement against prostitution
Wikipedia - Sociological classifications of religious movements
Wikipedia - Sodium channel blocker -- Several medications which disrupt the movement of Na+ ions
Wikipedia - Soka Gakkai International -- International Nichiren Buddhist movement founded in 1975 by Daisaku Ikeda
Wikipedia - Soka Gakkai -- Japanese Buddhist religious movement
Wikipedia - Solarpunk -- Movement which encourages optimistic envisionings of the future
Wikipedia - Solidarity Fatherland Movement -- Political party in Ecuador
Wikipedia - Somali Patriotic Movement -- Political party and paramilitary group in Somalia
Wikipedia - South Russian Government -- Russian White movement government, 1920
Wikipedia - Sovereign citizen movement -- Anti-government, anti-taxation protesters
Wikipedia - Soviet influence on the peace movement
Wikipedia - Spanish Libertarian Movement -- Spanish anarchist organisation
Wikipedia - Spartacus League -- World War I German Marxist revolutionary movement
Wikipedia - Speculative realism -- Movement in contemporary Continental-inspired philosophy
Wikipedia - Spidercam -- Camera movement system
Wikipedia - Spinal precautions -- Efforts to prevent movement of the spine in those with a risk of a spine injury
Wikipedia - Spiritism -- Religious movement started in the 19th century by Allan Kardec
Wikipedia - Spiritual Christianity -- Russian religious movement, non-Orthodox
Wikipedia - Spiritual church movement
Wikipedia - Spiritualism (religious movement)
Wikipedia - Spiritualist church -- Any church affiliated with the informal spiritualist movement that began in the United States in the 1840s
Wikipedia - Sri Lankan independence movement
Wikipedia - Startle response -- Action or movement due to the application of a sudden unexpected stimulus
Wikipedia - Statehood movement in the District of Columbia
Wikipedia - Stereotypic movement disorder
Wikipedia - Stiff-person syndrome -- Movement disease that is of unknown etiology characterized by progressive rigidity
Wikipedia - Strashelye (Hasidic dynasty) -- Branch of the Chabad movement
Wikipedia - Strawman theory -- Strawman theory (also called the Strawman illusion) is a pseudolegal theory prevalent in various movements
Wikipedia - Structuralism (architecture) -- Movement in architecture
Wikipedia - Stuckism -- International art movement
Wikipedia - Students Islamic Movement of India
Wikipedia - Studio furniture -- American art movement
Wikipedia - Sturm und Drang -- Proto-Romantic movement in German literature and music
Wikipedia - Subud -- Spiritual movement
Wikipedia - Sudan People's Liberation Movement-in-Opposition -- Political party in South Sudan
Wikipedia - Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North -- Political party and militant organisation in Sudan
Wikipedia - Sudan People's Liberation Movement -- Political party in South Sudan
Wikipedia - Sufan movement -- Chinese political campaign under Mao Zedong
Wikipedia - Sunrise Movement -- American youth movement advocating political action on climate change
Wikipedia - Survivalism -- Movement of individuals or households preparing for emergencies and natural disasters
Wikipedia - Susan B. Anthony abortion dispute -- A leader of the American women's suffrage movement
Wikipedia - Swaddling -- Practice of wrapping infants so as to restrict movement
Wikipedia - Swadeshi movement -- Movement begun as part of the Indian independence movement
Wikipedia - Swadhyaya Movement
Wikipedia - Swaraj -- Self-rule concept and movement in India
Wikipedia - Swedish emigration to the United States -- Swedish population movements to the USA
Wikipedia - Syed Nazeer Husain -- Indian Muslim scholar of the reformist Ahl-i Hadith movement (1805-1902)
Wikipedia - Symbolism (arts) -- Late nineteenth-century art movement of French, Russian and Belgian origin
Wikipedia - Symphony in Three Movements (Stravinsky)
Wikipedia - Synchromism -- Art movement
Wikipedia - Tablighi Jamaat -- Islamic missionary movement
Wikipedia - Taiwanese nationalism -- Nationalist movement on the island of Taiwan
Wikipedia - Taiwan independence movement -- Political movement in Taiwan to found a state independent of "China"
Wikipedia - Taliban -- Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Tantric movement
Wikipedia - Taxiing -- Movement of an aircraft on the ground, under its own power
Wikipedia - Tea Party movement -- American fiscally conservative political movement
Wikipedia - Technocracy movement -- A non-political social movement popular in the United States and Canada in the 1930s
Wikipedia - Tekojoja People's Movement -- Political party in Paraguay
Wikipedia - Temperance movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Temperance movement -- 19th- and 20th-century global social movement
Wikipedia - Template talk:Hindu reform movements
Wikipedia - Template talk:Indian Independence Movement
Wikipedia - Template talk:New Age Movement
Wikipedia - Template talk:Objectivist movement
Wikipedia - Template talk:Western art movements
Wikipedia - Temple garment -- Type of underwear worn by adherents of the Latter Day Saint movement after they have taken part in the endowment ceremony
Wikipedia - Temple (LDS Church) -- Latter Day Saint movement place of worship
Wikipedia - Tengir Ordo -- Tengrist movement in Kyrgyzstan
Wikipedia - TenshM-EM-^M KM-EM-^Mtai JingM-EM-+kyM-EM-^M -- Japanese religious movement
Wikipedia - Terasem Movement
Wikipedia - Tetrabenazine -- Medication for hyperkinetic movement disorders
Wikipedia - Texas divisionism -- Historical movement that advocates the division of the U.S. state of Texas into as many as five states
Wikipedia - The 5% Club -- UK movement of employers
Wikipedia - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Kingdom of God -- Fundamentalist church in the Latter-day Saint movement
Wikipedia - The European Alliance of EU-critical Movements
Wikipedia - The History of the Psychoanalytic Movement
Wikipedia - The Little Movement
Wikipedia - The Movement (dance band) -- American techno group
Wikipedia - The Movement (literature)
Wikipedia - The Movement (populist group) -- Brussels-based conservative organization
Wikipedia - The Movement (reggae band) -- American reggae band
Wikipedia - The personal is political -- Political rallying slogan and argument derived from second-wave feminism movements
Wikipedia - The Promised Key -- 1935 Rastafari movement tract
Wikipedia - The Stars and the Roses -- Three-movement composition
Wikipedia - The Symbolist Movement in Literature
Wikipedia - The Theosophical Movement
Wikipedia - The Zeitgeist Movement
Wikipedia - Third wave of coffee -- Movement aiming to enhance coffee diversity
Wikipedia - Three-anti and Five-anti Campaigns -- Chinese reform movement led by Mao Zedong
Wikipedia - Three-Self Patriotic Movement
Wikipedia - Thule Society -- German nationalist and occultist movement active in early 20th-century Germany
Wikipedia - Tibetan independence movement -- Political movement for Tibet to be independent from China
Wikipedia - Tic -- Repetitive, nonrhythmic motor movement or vocalization involving discrete muscle groups
Wikipedia - Time's Up (movement) -- Movement against sexual harassment
Wikipedia - Timurid Renaissance -- Cultural movement from the 14th to 17th century
Wikipedia - Tiny house movement
Wikipedia - Tiny-house movement -- Architectural and social movement
Wikipedia - Tlatelolco massacre -- Social movement of Mexico
Wikipedia - Toc H -- International Christian movement
Wikipedia - Tolstoyan movement
Wikipedia - Toronto Blessing -- Christian revival movement
Wikipedia - Tractarian movement
Wikipedia - Trade unions in Norway -- Labour movement in Norway
Wikipedia - Trade unions in the Faroe Islands -- Labour movement of the Faroe Islands
Wikipedia - Traditionalist Catholicism -- Movement of Catholics in favour of restoring many or all of the liturgy, practice, and beliefs of Catholics from before the Second Vatican Council
Wikipedia - Traffic management -- Branch of logistics concerning the movement of vehicles
Wikipedia - Transavantgarde -- Art movement in Italy
Wikipedia - Transcendentalism -- Philosophical movement
Wikipedia - Transcendental Meditation movement -- Programs and organizations connected to Transcendental Meditation
Wikipedia - Transhumanism -- Philosophical movement
Wikipedia - Translation Movement
Wikipedia - Translation (relic) -- Movement of a holy relic from one location to another
Wikipedia - Transmodernism -- Philosophical and cultural movement
Wikipedia - Transport -- Human-directed movement of things or people between locations
Wikipedia - Travel -- Movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations
Wikipedia - Trickjump -- A form of movement, often in video games.
Wikipedia - Tropicalia -- Brazilian music genre and cultural movement
Wikipedia - True Orthodoxy -- Movement within Orthodox Christianity that has been separated from the mainstream Eastern Orthodox Church over issues of ecumenism and calendar reform since the 1920s
Wikipedia - Trummerliteratur -- German literary movement
Wikipedia - Trumpism -- Political mechanisms of persuasion, movement and themes of United States president Donald Trump and his followers
Wikipedia - Tulin (geology) -- Landform caused by earth movement and erosion
Wikipedia - Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement -- Marxist-Leninist organization in Peru
Wikipedia - Turaga nation -- Indigenous movement in Vanuatu
Wikipedia - Turkish War of Independence -- War fought between the Turkish National Movement and the proxies of the Allies
Wikipedia - Twelve Tribes communities -- New religious Cult movement founded by Gene Spriggs that sprang out of the Jesus movement in 1972
Wikipedia - Ukrainian avant-garde -- Avant-garde movements in 20th-century Ukraine
Wikipedia - Ultraist movement
Wikipedia - Umbrella Movement -- political movement involved with the Hong Kong protests of 2014
Wikipedia - Unification Church of the United States -- Religious movement in the United States of America
Wikipedia - Unification movement -- South Korean new religious movement
Wikipedia - Unification of Romania and Moldova -- Political movement
Wikipedia - Unilalianism -- internet-based, satifical art and aesthetic movement
Wikipedia - Union for a Popular Movement
Wikipedia - Union for People's Democracy -- Political movement in Senegal
Wikipedia - Union for the Republic - National Movement -- Political party in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Unionist Movement (Colombia) -- Colombian political party
Wikipedia - Union Movement -- Defunct British far-right political party
Wikipedia - Unir Movement -- Chilean political party
Wikipedia - Unitarianism -- Christian theological movement which believes that the God in Christianity is one person, as opposed to a Trinity
Wikipedia - United Democratic Movement (Kenya) -- Political party in Kenya
Wikipedia - United Democratic Movement -- Political party in South Africa
Wikipedia - United Ghana Movement -- Political party in Ghana
Wikipedia - United Hearts Movement -- Political party in the Central African Republic
Wikipedia - United Liberation Movement for West Papua -- Non-profit
Wikipedia - United Movement for Democratic Change -- Political party in Zimbabwe
Wikipedia - United Nation of Islam -- African American religious movement founded in 1978 as an offshoot of the Nation of Islam
Wikipedia - United People's Movement (Namibia) -- Political party in Namibia
Wikipedia - United States abortion-rights movement -- Support for women's right to elective abortion
Wikipedia - United States anti-abortion movement -- Movement opposed to abortion in the United States
Wikipedia - United World Colleges -- Education movement
Wikipedia - Unite the Right (Canada) -- 1996 to 2003 Canadian movement to unite right-of-center parties
Wikipedia - Universalism and the Latter Day Saint movement -- Universalism and the Latter Day Saint Movement
Wikipedia - Urbanization -- Process of population movement to cities
Wikipedia - Uttarakhand movement -- An activism in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Vailala Madness -- Social movement in the Papuan Gulf, in the Territory of Papua
Wikipedia - Valencian regionalism -- Regionalist movement in the Valencian region of Spain
Wikipedia - Venizelism -- Political movement
Wikipedia - Versatilist manifesto -- Artistic movement
Wikipedia - Via Rasella attack -- 1944 action taken by the Italian resistance movement against Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - Victoria Woodhull -- American women's suffrage movement leader (1838-1927)
Wikipedia - Viet Minh -- Communist Vietnamese independence movement between 1941 and 1951
Wikipedia - Vietnamese irredentism -- Irredentism movement in Vietnam
Wikipedia - Village Prose -- Movement in Soviet literature
Wikipedia - Vipassana movement -- Buddhist meditation movement
Wikipedia - Visual poetry -- Literary and artistic movement
Wikipedia - Vlkisch movement
Wikipedia - Voluntary Human Extinction Movement -- American antinatalist association
Wikipedia - Vox Italia -- Italian political movement
Wikipedia - Vulgar auteurism -- Movement in latter-day cinephilia and film criticism
Wikipedia - Death of Joseph Smith -- 1844 extrajudicial murder of the founder and leader of the <!-- "LDS Church" is in accordance with the Wikipedia Manual of Style, and disagreements should be addressed at Any change made to "LDS Church" or "Latter Day Saint Movement" will be reverted. -->Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Wafa Movement -- Tunisian political party
Wikipedia - Wage reform in the Soviet Union, 1956-1962 -- Economic reform movement
Wikipedia - Wages for housework -- Global feminist movement
Wikipedia - Waldensians -- Christian movement
Wikipedia - WalkAway campaign -- Social movement originating in the United States
Wikipedia - Walla Walla expeditions -- Movements of Indigenous peoples
Wikipedia - Wandervogel -- German youth movement
Wikipedia - War on gangs -- United States movement to reduce gang-related activity
Wikipedia - Washingtonian movement
Wikipedia - Water cycle -- Continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth
Wikipedia - Waterloo campaign: Quatre Bras to Waterloo -- Army movements inbetween the two battles
Wikipedia - Wat Paknam Bhasicharoen -- Thai Buddhist temple, origin of Dhammakaya Movement and represented in Supreme Sangha Council
Wikipedia - Wave-piercing hull -- Hull with a very fine bow with low reserve buoyancy which allows it to pass through the wave with minimum vertical movement
Wikipedia - Way of the Gods according to the Confucian Tradition -- A Confucian congregational religious movement
Wikipedia - Weimar Classicism -- German literary and cultural movement, whose practitioners established a new humanism
Wikipedia - We Shall Overcome -- Protest song of the civil rights movement\
Wikipedia - Western esotericism -- Range of related philosophical ideas and movements that have developed in the Western world
Wikipedia - Western Sufism -- A new religious movement with its origins in traditional Sufism
Wikipedia - Wheeling Convention -- 1861 secession movement of West Virginia from Virginia
Wikipedia - White Lotus -- Religious and political movement in China
Wikipedia - White Movement
Wikipedia - White movement
Wikipedia - Wh-movement
Wikipedia - Wikimedia movement affiliates
Wikipedia - Wikimedia movement -- Social movement around Wikimedia including content publications, Wikimedia organizations, and independent editors
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Latter Day Saint movement -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Religion/New religious movements work group -- Sub-project of WikiProject Religion
Wikipedia - Wildlife radio telemetry -- Tool to track the movement and behavior of animals
Wikipedia - William "Hawk" Birdshead -- Lakota activist working in the suicide prevention movement
Wikipedia - Willows Korean Aviation School -- Aviation school to train fighter pilots for the Korean Independence Movement
Wikipedia - Wiper Democratic Movement - Kenya -- Kenyan political party
Wikipedia - WM-CM-$isi movement -- Religious, social and political movement in Tatarstan and other Tatar-populated parts of Russia which took place in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
Wikipedia - Woman's club movement in the United States -- Women's social movement in 19th and 20th centuries
Wikipedia - Woman's Exchange Movement -- System of benevolent consignment stores
Wikipedia - Women in Black -- Women's anti-war movement
Wikipedia - Women of the World Festival -- Annual arts and science festival and global feminist movement, based in London
Wikipedia - Women's Library -- Library and museum resource on women and the women's movement
Wikipedia - Women's poll tax repeal movement -- Movement to abolish US poll taxes
Wikipedia - Women's School of Planning and Architecture -- The Women's School of Planning and Architecture (WSPA) was an educational program for women interested in architecture, planning, and environmental design that presented sessions and symposia based on principles of the women's liberation movement between 1976 and 1981
Wikipedia - Women's suffrage in the United Kingdom -- Movement to gain women the right to vote
Wikipedia - Women surrealists -- women involved with the Surrealist movement
Wikipedia - Women Wage Peace -- Israeli grassroots peace movement
Wikipedia - Word of Faith -- Worldwide Christian movement which teaches that Christians can access the power of faith through speech
Wikipedia - Word of Wisdom -- Dietary code of the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Workers' movement
Wikipedia - Workers' Political Movement -- Italian political party
Wikipedia - Workers' Socialist Movement (Puerto Rico) -- Puerto Rican political organization
Wikipedia - World Convention of Churches of Christ -- Convention of some Restoration Movement church congregations
Wikipedia - World Federalist Movement -- Global citizens movement
Wikipedia - World Mission Society Church of God -- Religious movement
Wikipedia - World Movement of Christian Workers
Wikipedia - World Pantheist Movement
Wikipedia - World Rainforest Movement
Wikipedia - World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day -- Annual celebration of the principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Wikipedia - World Social Forum -- Social movement organization
Wikipedia - World Socialist Movement
Wikipedia - Wotansvolk -- White nationalist neopagan movement
Wikipedia - Wovoka -- 19th and 20th-century founder of the Ghost Dance movement
Wikipedia - W. W. Phelps (Mormon) -- Early leader of the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Xiamen Dada-Exhibition of Modern Art -- Major exhibition that emerged from the Chinese 85 New Wave art movement
Wikipedia - Yeh hum naheen -- Movement against terrorism
Wikipedia - Yellow vests movement -- 2018 social movement started in France
Wikipedia - Yes Solidarity for Hungary Movement -- Political party in Hungary
Wikipedia - Yoshikazu Okada -- The founder of a religious movement in Japan generally referred to as Mahikari
Wikipedia - Young Bosnia -- Revolutionary movement during Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Young Humanists International -- Secular youth movement
Wikipedia - Young Ireland -- 19th-century Irish nationalist movement
Wikipedia - Young Poland -- 1890-1918 modernist arts movement in Poland
Wikipedia - Young Turks -- Political reform movement in the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Youth Independent Movement -- Political party in Peru
Wikipedia - Youth in Movement -- Political party in the Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Zainul Abedin -- Bangladeshi painter and pioneer of the modern art movement
Wikipedia - Zealots -- Political movement in 1st-century Second Temple Judaism
Wikipedia - Zenas H. Gurley Sr. -- Leader in the Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Zenitism -- Yugoslavian avant-garde art movement,
Wikipedia - Zionism -- Movement that supports the creation of a Jewish homeland
Wikipedia - Zionist movement
Wikipedia - Zo Artzeinu -- Right-wing nationalist political protest movement
Wikipedia - Zoid -- A specialised reproductive cell of plants and algae, capable of independent movement
Wikipedia - Zona Vallance -- A writer, lecturer, and member of the Ethical movement, born in 1860.,_unions,_and_movements_established_in_the_2nd_century,_traditions,_and_movements,_traditions,_and_movements
Kheper - movement_inward -- 26
Kheper - daimon_of_integral_movement -- 37
auromere - triple-movement-of-integral-yoga
auromere - the-occult-forces-behind-artistic-movements
auromere - four-movements-of-consciousness
auromere - four-movements-of-consciousness
Integral World - The Creative Artist, The Reality Argument, and the Conscious Evolution Movement, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Archetypal Astrology and the Kosmic Holomovement, Joe Corbett
Integral World - The Fractal Holomovement, Joe Corbett
Integral World - Eros, or Spirit-in-Action, and the Holomovement: Whitehead, Wilber, and Bohm, Joe Corbett
Integral World - The Integral Movement Is A Lot Like Hollywood: Nobody Knows Anything, Conrad Goehausen
Integral World - Left, Right or just plain wrong? - Politics in the integral movement, Ray Harris
Integral World - The Integral movement in social and historical context (Integral Esotericisn - Part Two), Alan Kazlev
Integral World - Art, Postmodern Criticism, and the Emerging Integral Movement, Keith Martin-Smith
Integral World - Andrew Cohen's Disappearing Act, Seeing Through Cultic Tendencies in Our Most Favorite Movements, Frank Visser
Integral World - Lotus Feet of Clay, A Reluctant Mystic Looks At Spiritual Movements, John Wren-Lewis
Divine Pride and the Integral Movement
Hope for the Christian Contemplative Movement
Hope for the Christian Contemplative Movement (with Fr. Thomas Keating)
The Integral Movement: Past, Present, and Future
What Is the Integral Movement?
selforum - godfather of americas new age movement
selforum - saksi is spiritual movement
selforum - humanism religious movement
selforum - history of traditionalist movement
selforum - integral movement must break free
selforum - new age movement near quagmire
selforum - integral movement page on wikipedia
selforum - bhakti movements in medieval india were
dedroidify.blogspot - new-age-movement-aliens-and-cosmic
dedroidify.blogspot - zeitgeist-movement-orientation
dedroidify.blogspot - jacque-fresco-zeitgeist-movement-new
dedroidify.blogspot - what-is-integral-movement
Dharmapedia - 2011_Indian_anti-corruption_movement
Dharmapedia - 2012_Indian_anti-corruption_movement
Dharmapedia - 969_Movement
Dharmapedia - Category:Hindu_movements_and_organisations
Dharmapedia - Category:Indian_independence_movement
Dharmapedia - Category:Movements_in_ancient_Indian_philosophy
Dharmapedia - Cow_protection_movement
Dharmapedia - Dalit_Buddhist_movement
Dharmapedia - Hindu_reform_movements
Dharmapedia - History_of_the_Freedom_movement_in_India
Dharmapedia - Indian_independence_movement
Dharmapedia - Self-Respect_Movement
Dharmapedia - Students_Islamic_Movement_of_India
Dharmapedia - Swadeshi_movement
Dharmapedia - Vipassana_movement
Psychology Wiki - Apostasy#In_new_religious_movements_.28NRMs.29_apostate
Psychology Wiki - Category:People_associated_with_the_Human_Potential_Movement
Psychology Wiki - Category:Religious_faiths,_traditions,_and_movements
Psychology Wiki - Human_Potential_Movement
Psychology Wiki - Human_potential_movement
Psychology Wiki - Integral_theory#Other_movements
Psychology Wiki - Moksha#Non-Alligned_spiritual_movements
Psychology Wiki - New_religious_movement
Psychology Wiki - Opposition_to_cults_and_new_religious_movements
Psychology Wiki - Philosophical_movement
Psychology Wiki - Rapid_eye_movement_sleep
Psychology Wiki - Religious_conversion#Conversion_to_new_religious_movements_and_cults
Psychology Wiki - Social_movements
The Young Ones (1982 - 1984) - The Young Ones first aired in 1982 on British television as part of the 'alternative comedy movement'. It was about four dysfunctional college students sharing a house. Neil Pye, is the hippie that does all the cleaning and lentil cooking. Mike TheCoolPerson is the smooth but mysterious 'normal'...
First Kid(1996) - Some say that to be the leader of a country is one of the loneliest jobs in the world. But being the child of a world leader can be doubly so. Constantly surrounded by security officers, restricted in movements and having almost every waking moment carefully monitored makes normalcy an impossibility...
Scanners(1981) - Darryl Revok is the most powerful of all the scanners, and is the head of the underground scanner movement for world domination. Scanners have great psychic power, strong enough to control minds; they can inflict enormous pain/damage on their victims. Doctor Paul Ruth finds a scanner that Revok hasn...
Born on the Fourth of July(1989) - This movie is based on the true story of Ron Kovic. Kovic, played here by Tom Cruise, is a man who dreamed of becoming a Marine. Wounded in Vietnam, he ends up becoming one of the leading lights of the anti-war movement. The movie won several Oscars, including a Best Director for Oliver Stone (himse...
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues(1993) - Sissy Hankshaw is born with thumbs that are larger than those of the average person. Missy sees her thumbs, as it says under the definition of thumbs, as greater freedom of movement. She uses them to hitchhike all over the country because she believes that is what she was born to do. A gay man named...
Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack(1988) - In UC 0093 the Federation has recovered from its defeat and has created a new anti-colonial special forces unit to deal with rebel forces: Londo Bell. Elsewhere in space Char Aznable re-appears out of self imposed hiding with a declaration that he now commands his own Neo-Zeon movementand intends to...
Your Mommy Kills Animals(2007) - Your Mommy Kills Animals is an American 2007 documentary film written and directed by Curt Johnson. Filmed in several locations across the United States, the film is about the animal liberation movement and takes its name from a 2003 PETA comic book of the same name. The film was picked up for distr...
Women In Revolt(1971) - This film is a satire of the women's liberation movement, staring a trio of female impersonators. Candy is an aloof heiress caught in an unhappy relationship with her brother. Jackie is a virginal intellectual who believes women are oppressed in contemporary American society. And Holly is a nymphoma...
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones(2002) - It has now been ten years since the invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation. The Galactic Republic is in turmoil and the former Jedi Night Count Dooku has organized a separatist movement against the Republic. The Republic is preparing for a counterattack on the Federation. After the former queen o...
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker(2019) - The remaining traces of the Resistance movement assemble in their quest to overthrow the First Order, once and for all. Each member of the Resistance must contend with both their own demons and how the events of the past have affected them, learning to overcome their struggles to create a unified fr...
1942: A Love Story (1994) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 37min | Action, Drama, History | 15 July 1994 (India) -- A young Indian couple, both from wealthy backgrounds, find themselves caught up in the 1940's Indian revolutionary movement against their families whom are under the thumb a sadistic British general. Director: Vidhu Vinod Chopra Writers:
Iron Jawed Angels (2004) ::: 7.5/10 -- TV-14 | 2h 3min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Movie 15 February 2004 -- Defiant young activists take the women's suffrage movement by storm, putting their lives at risk to help American women win the right to vote. Director: Katja von Garnier Writers:
Lee Daniels' The Butler (2013) ::: 7.2/10 -- The Butler (original title) -- Lee Daniels' The Butler Poster -- As Cecil Gaines serves eight presidents during his tenure as a butler at the White House, the civil rights movement, Vietnam, and other major events affect this man's life, family, and American society. Director: Lee Daniels Writers:
Meet John Doe (1941) ::: 7.6/10 -- Passed | 2h 2min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 3 May 1941 (USA) -- A man needing money agrees to impersonate a non-existent person who said he'd be committing suicide as a protest, and a political movement begins. Director: Frank Capra Writers:
Military Wives (2019) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 52min | Comedy, Drama, Musical | 22 May 2020 (USA) -- With their partners away serving in Afghanistan, a group of women on the home front form a choir and quickly find themselves at the center of a media sensation and global movement. Director: Peter Cattaneo Writers:
One Night in Miami... (2020) ::: 7.2/10 -- One Night in Miami (original title) -- One Night in Miami... Poster -- A fictional account of one incredible night where icons Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, Sam Cooke, and Jim Brown gathered discussing their roles in the Civil Rights Movement and cultural upheaval of the 60s. Director: Regina King Writers:
Renaissance (2006) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Animation, Action, Sci-Fi | 15 March 2006 (France) -- In 2054, Paris is a labyrinth where all movement is monitored and recorded. Casting a shadow over everything is the city's largest company, Avalon, which insinuates itself into every aspect of contemporary life to sell its primary export, youth and beauty. In this world of stark contrasts and rigid laws, the populace is kept in line and accounted for. Director: Christian Volckman
Soldier of Orange (1977) ::: 7.7/10 -- Soldaat van Oranje (original title) -- Soldier of Orange Poster During World War II, Dutch students join the resistance movement against the German occupation of The Netherlands. Director: Paul Verhoeven Writers: Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema (book), Kees Holierhoek | 2 more credits Stars:
The Help (2011) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 26min | Drama | 10 August 2011 (USA) -- An aspiring author during the civil rights movement of the 1960s decides to write a book detailing the African American maids' point of view on the white families for which they work, and the hardships they go through on a daily basis. Director: Tate Taylor Writers:
The Lady (2011) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 12min | Biography, Drama, History | 30 November 2011 (France) -- The story of Aung San Suu Kyi as she becomes the core of Burma's democracy movement, and her relationship with her husband, writer Michael Aris. Director: Luc Besson Writer:'New_Soviets'_Movement_(1987:_Bombs_Over_Kabul);_Cancels_Further_Success,_Movements,_Schools,_and_Styles,_Christianity_and_Medieval_Times,_Classical_and_Egyptian,_Late_18th-Early_19th_Century,_Late_19th-Early_20th_Century,_Late_20th-Early_21st_Century,_Non-Western,_Paleolithic_and_Primitive,_Renaissance_To_Middle_18th_Century,_Western_Art,_Events,_and_Institutions's_resistance_movement's_movement
Ahiru no Sora -- -- Diomedéa -- 50 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama School Shounen -- Ahiru no Sora Ahiru no Sora -- Lacking what is considered the most important asset in basketball, Sora Kurumatani has struggled with his short height since the inception of his love for the game. Despite missing this beneficial aspect, Sora's unwavering drive never allowed his small stature to dictate his ability to play, believing strongly in trying his hardest and persistently practicing to prove his capability. -- -- In hopes of satisfying his mother's wishes, Sora enters Kuzuryuu High School to become a member of the basketball club and compete wholeheartedly in tournaments. However, Sora is disappointed to find out that the boy's basketball team is nothing but a retreat for punks who have no interest in the sport. Sora also comes to learn that brothers Chiaki and Momoharu Hanazono—whom he becomes acquainted with—have also lost their once spirited motivation to play. -- -- Determined to revive the basketball team, Sora challenges the boys to a match against him, where his quick feet and swift movements overwhelm the group. Gradually affected by Sora's impressive skills, sheer effort, and tireless devotion to basketball, the boys unexpectedly find their burnt-out passion for the game rekindling once again. -- -- 139,580 7.33
Ahiru no Sora -- -- Diomedéa -- 50 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama School Shounen -- Ahiru no Sora Ahiru no Sora -- Lacking what is considered the most important asset in basketball, Sora Kurumatani has struggled with his short height since the inception of his love for the game. Despite missing this beneficial aspect, Sora's unwavering drive never allowed his small stature to dictate his ability to play, believing strongly in trying his hardest and persistently practicing to prove his capability. -- -- In hopes of satisfying his mother's wishes, Sora enters Kuzuryuu High School to become a member of the basketball club and compete wholeheartedly in tournaments. However, Sora is disappointed to find out that the boy's basketball team is nothing but a retreat for punks who have no interest in the sport. Sora also comes to learn that brothers Chiaki and Momoharu Hanazono—whom he becomes acquainted with—have also lost their once spirited motivation to play. -- -- Determined to revive the basketball team, Sora challenges the boys to a match against him, where his quick feet and swift movements overwhelm the group. Gradually affected by Sora's impressive skills, sheer effort, and tireless devotion to basketball, the boys unexpectedly find their burnt-out passion for the game rekindling once again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 139,580 7.33
An Expression -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- An Expression An Expression -- Symbolized an urban man with a triangle figure, a country woman with a circle, and represented the encounter between the two by movement. -- -- Director Shigenji Ogino tried to naturally color the movie via the kinema color technique. Due to being an early work, the technique isn't smooth. Because of this the film has a photosensitive epileptic seizure warning as there are high frequency flashes of red and green frames for the duration of the entire film. -- -- Please be careful while viewing. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1935 -- 615 4.41
Eureka Seven AO -- -- Bones -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Drama Mecha Sci-Fi -- Eureka Seven AO Eureka Seven AO -- The story is set on Okinawa's isolated island of Iwado, which has seen a growing movement advocating a return to an autonomous government. Ao Fukai, a 12-year-old boy with a missing father, lives on the island with an old doctor named Toshio and is about to enter middle school. Ao's mother was taken away a decade ago by unknown individuals. Naru Arata, Ao's 12-year-old childhood friend and the story's heroine, lives with her father, older sister, and grandmother. She has a "Yuta" power awakened within her due to an incident when she was young. A mysterious entity called "Secret" suddenly appears and launches an attack on the Scub Coral lifeform on the island. Ao launches a certain military FP called "Nirvash" aboard a Japanese military transport in his fervent desire to protect the island. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- 85,142 6.69
Eureka Seven AO -- -- Bones -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Drama Mecha Sci-Fi -- Eureka Seven AO Eureka Seven AO -- The story is set on Okinawa's isolated island of Iwado, which has seen a growing movement advocating a return to an autonomous government. Ao Fukai, a 12-year-old boy with a missing father, lives on the island with an old doctor named Toshio and is about to enter middle school. Ao's mother was taken away a decade ago by unknown individuals. Naru Arata, Ao's 12-year-old childhood friend and the story's heroine, lives with her father, older sister, and grandmother. She has a "Yuta" power awakened within her due to an incident when she was young. A mysterious entity called "Secret" suddenly appears and launches an attack on the Scub Coral lifeform on the island. Ao launches a certain military FP called "Nirvash" aboard a Japanese military transport in his fervent desire to protect the island. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 85,142 6.69
Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- -- Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan (Movie) Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- In the Japan of the future, employing androids for various purposes is nothing out of the ordinary. However, treating androids on the same level as humans is frowned upon, and there is constant paranoia surrounding the possibility of robots defying humans, their masters. Those who appear too trustworthy of their androids are chided and labeled "dori-kei," or "android-holics." -- -- High school student Rikuo Sakisaka notices when his house droid, Sammy, starts behaving curiously—she has been leaving the house without his instruction. When he inspects the movement logs in her database, a cryptic line grabs his attention: "Are you enjoying the time of EVE?" Accompanied by his friend Masakazu Masaki, Rikuo tracks the whereabouts of his houseroid to a cafe called Time of Eve, where it is forbidden for customers to display prejudice against one another. The cafe, Rikuo realizes, is frequented by both man and machine, with no evidence to tell either apart. -- -- Each customer—from the cheerful Akiko, to a robot dangerously close to breaking down—has their own story and challenges to overcome. While Rikuo tries to reveal Sammy's intentions, he begins to question the legitimacy of the fear that drives humans to regard androids as nothing more than mere tools. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post, Pied Piper -- Movie - Mar 6, 2010 -- 108,248 8.04
Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- -- Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan (Movie) Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- In the Japan of the future, employing androids for various purposes is nothing out of the ordinary. However, treating androids on the same level as humans is frowned upon, and there is constant paranoia surrounding the possibility of robots defying humans, their masters. Those who appear too trustworthy of their androids are chided and labeled "dori-kei," or "android-holics." -- -- High school student Rikuo Sakisaka notices when his house droid, Sammy, starts behaving curiously—she has been leaving the house without his instruction. When he inspects the movement logs in her database, a cryptic line grabs his attention: "Are you enjoying the time of EVE?" Accompanied by his friend Masakazu Masaki, Rikuo tracks the whereabouts of his houseroid to a cafe called Time of Eve, where it is forbidden for customers to display prejudice against one another. The cafe, Rikuo realizes, is frequented by both man and machine, with no evidence to tell either apart. -- -- Each customer—from the cheerful Akiko, to a robot dangerously close to breaking down—has their own story and challenges to overcome. While Rikuo tries to reveal Sammy's intentions, he begins to question the legitimacy of the fear that drives humans to regard androids as nothing more than mere tools. -- -- Movie - Mar 6, 2010 -- 108,248 8.04
Frame Arms Girl -- -- Studio A-CAT, Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Other -- Action Sci-Fi Slice of Life Mecha -- Frame Arms Girl Frame Arms Girl -- The story begins when Ao opens a package that arrives at her doorstep. Inside the package is Gourai, a Frame Arms Girl: a small robot capable of independent movement. Gourai is a newly-developed prototype: a Frame Arms Girl equipped with an "Artificial Self," an advanced AI that gives her a personality. Ao is the only one that has activated her. Gourai begins to gather both battle data and emotions, starting a day-to-day life with Ao, who knows nothing about Frame Arms Girls. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 28,905 6.41
Futon -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Dementia -- Futon Futon -- A futon, a traditional Japanese mattress, as seen by Yoriko Mizushiri, becomes the vehicle of dream fantasies combining the most pleasant sensations such as the morning coffee, the warmth of bedding and a soft rice carpet under one’s feet. Lazy stretching serves as a start of sensuous, sleepy gymnastics. With a fluid movement, the passive body will turn once again from the left to the right of the mattress to dive into the fantasies of even deeper unconsciousness a little while later. -- -- (Source: Krakow Film Festival) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2012 -- 708 5.18
Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. II -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. II Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. II -- Second season of Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. -- TV - ??? ??, 2022 -- 53,031 N/A -- -- Shangri-La -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Sci-Fi -- Shangri-La Shangri-La -- In a post-apocalyptic society, much of earthquake-riddled Japan has been left to ruin, resulting in an abundance of greenery. Governments manage much of the world's emissions, resulting in a massive class divide and economic disparity. The Japanese government launches "Project Atlas," a utopian city that will replace Tokyo but can only fit a certain amount of people. This limitation means that some people will have to live outside the city in jungles, as refugees. -- -- However, with any flawed plan comes those who are willing to challenge it. These include Kuniko Houjou, an heir to a renegade town; Mikuni, a mysterious and powerful child kept in a secret temple; Kunihito Kusanagi, a soldier for the high-tech and exclusive monopoly Atlas; Karin Ishida, a genius economics whiz with her hand in markets across the world; and the villainous Ryouko Naruse, leading Atlas in its domination of this future world. -- -- Can this group of rebels, forming a movement known as "Metal-Age," band together to demonstrate that inclusion and teamwork prevail over cruel segregation? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 6, 2009 -- 52,746 7.07
Jam -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Music Dementia Fantasy -- Jam Jam -- This film is based on a very simple idea: the increasingly varied the sounds, the greater is the number of creatures... My intention in this film was to fill the screen with chaotic movements. -- -- (Source: Mirai Mizue) -- Music - ??? ??, 2009 -- 740 4.77
Kaibutsu Gakushou -- -- Yamamura Animation, Inc. -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Kaibutsu Gakushou Kaibutsu Gakushou -- An animated archive of imaginary monsters written by a fictitious monsterologist in Medieval Europe. -- This work depicts the habits of monsters using movement inspired by short phrases such as “Taste of Tears”, “Tamed Wildness”, etc. -- -- (Source: Yamamura Animation) -- Movie - Nov ??, 2016 -- 322 5.80
Kairaku no Sono -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia Music -- Kairaku no Sono Kairaku no Sono -- A study for the relation between movements and music. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2008 -- 598 4.57
Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus -- Full of wonder and excitement, the Noah's Arc Circus troupe has captured audiences with their dazzling performances. Yet these fantastic acts don't come without a price. Children have mysteriously gone missing around London, correlating to that of the groups' movements. Unsettled by these kidnappings, Queen Victoria sends in her notorious guard dog, Ciel Phantomhive, and his ever-faithful demon butler, Sebastian Michaelis, on an undercover mission to find these missing children. -- -- Trying to balance their new circus acts with their covert investigation under the big top, however, proves to be quite a challenge. With the other performers growing suspicious and the threat of the circus' mysterious benefactor looming overhead, what the two discover will shake Ciel to his very core. -- -- 308,857 8.11
Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus -- Full of wonder and excitement, the Noah's Arc Circus troupe has captured audiences with their dazzling performances. Yet these fantastic acts don't come without a price. Children have mysteriously gone missing around London, correlating to that of the groups' movements. Unsettled by these kidnappings, Queen Victoria sends in her notorious guard dog, Ciel Phantomhive, and his ever-faithful demon butler, Sebastian Michaelis, on an undercover mission to find these missing children. -- -- Trying to balance their new circus acts with their covert investigation under the big top, however, proves to be quite a challenge. With the other performers growing suspicious and the threat of the circus' mysterious benefactor looming overhead, what the two discover will shake Ciel to his very core. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 308,857 8.11
Liz to Aoi Tori -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Drama Music School -- Liz to Aoi Tori Liz to Aoi Tori -- Liz's days of solitude come to an end when she meets a blue bird in the form of a young girl. Although their relationship blossoms, Liz must make a heart-wrenching decision in order to truly realize her love for Blue Bird. -- -- High school seniors and close friends Mizore Yoroizuka and Nozomi Kasaki are tasked to play the lead instruments in the third movement of Liz and the Blue Bird, a concert band piece inspired by this fairy tale. The introverted and reserved Mizore plays the oboe, representing the kind and gentle Liz. Meanwhile, the radiant and popular Nozomi plays the flute, portraying the cheerful and energetic Blue Bird. -- -- However, as they rehearse, the distance between Mizore and Nozomi seems to grow. Their disjointed duet disappoints the band, and with graduation on the horizon, uncertainty about the future spurs complicated emotions. With little time to improve as their performance draws near, they desperately attempt to connect with their respective characters. But when Mizore and Nozomi consider the story from a brand-new perspective, will the girls find the strength to face harsh realities? -- -- A spin-off film adaptation of the Hibike Euphonium! series, Liz to Aoi Tori dances between the parallels of a charming fairy tale, a moving musical piece, and a delicate high school friendship. -- -- Movie - Apr 21, 2018 -- 85,893 8.21
Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash -- —Do you know the Nejen? -- If you know it, then I'll take you there— -- -- The year is U.C. 0105. Twelve years have passed since the end of the second Neo Zeon War (Char's Rebellion). Even after "the Axis Shock," which seemed to indicate the future of humanity and the Universal Century, the world is still in a chaotic situation where intermittent military conflicts continue to break out. The Earth Federation government is more corrupt than ever, and its leadership has not only accelerated Earth's pollution, but also implemented an inhuman "Man Hunting" policy in which civilians are forcibly exiled to outer space. -- -- The anti-Federation government organization "Mafty," led by someone called "Mafty Navue Erin," has taken a stand against the corruption of the Earth Sphere. Mafty carries out fierce acts of terrorism, assassinating high officials of the Federation government one after another, but it gains a certain level of support from the populace who are growing more opposed to the Federation government. -- -- The person who calls himself "Mafty" and leads this organization is Hathaway Noa, the son of Bright Noa, an officer of the Earth Federation Forces who once participated in the One Year War. Hathaway himself joined the forces trying to stop Char’s Rebellion. With firsthand knowledge of the ideals and ideologies of Amuro Ray and Char Aznable, he has become a warrior following in their footsteps, and plans to clear a path forward through armed resistance. His destiny, however, is drastically altered as he encounters the Federation Forces officer Kenneth Sleg and a mysterious young beauty named Gigi Andalucia. -- -- (Source: -- Movie - May 7, 2021 -- 6,999 N/A -- -- Vandread: Taidou-hen -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Ecchi Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Vandread: Taidou-hen Vandread: Taidou-hen -- Vandread The First Stage (season one) was immediately followed up by this TV special. This TV special, also known as Vandread Taidouhen Stage (The Movement Stage) was a recap of the first 13 episodes with additional footage. So, Vandread Taidouhen is not really a bridge between Vandread The First Stage and Vandread The Second Stage (season two). It was made to bring new viewers up to date as to what happened during the first season -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Jan 21, 2001 -- 6,833 6.79
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans -- Over three hundred years have passed since the Calamity War, the great conflict between Earth and its outer space colonies. Now Earth is ruled over by four economic blocs, and the military organization Gjallarhorn is responsible for keeping the peace. Mars, on the other hand, depends heavily on Earth's economy. -- -- Horrified by the appalling living conditions that Mars' inhabitants have to bear, Kudelia Aina Bernstein, a young aristocrat from the Chryse Autonomous Region, gets involved in the Red Planet's independence movement. She hires the services of a local company, Chryse Guard Security (CGS), to escort her on the journey to Earth to negotiate economic conditions with the earthly bloc that controls the region. The Third Army Division—consisting of Mikazuki Augus, Orga Itsuka, and many other child soldiers—are chosen to protect her. -- -- When Gjallarhorn attacks the CGS facilities to assassinate the young revolutionary threatening their interests, Orga and his comrades must not let the attackers accomplish their goal—in fact, Gjallarhorn's actions might turn out to be the unintentional catalyst that leads the children to be the forgers of their own destiny. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 172,819 8.03
Samurai Champloo -- -- Manglobe -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Samurai Shounen -- Samurai Champloo Samurai Champloo -- Fuu Kasumi is a young and clumsy waitress who spends her days peacefully working in a small teahouse. That is, until she accidentally spills a drink all over one of her customers! With a group of samurai now incessantly harassing her, Fuu desperately calls upon another samurai in the shop, Mugen, who quickly defeats them with his wild fighting technique, utilizing movements reminiscent to that of breakdancing. Unfortunately, Mugen decides to pick a fight with the unwilling ronin Jin, who wields a more precise and traditional style of swordfighting, and the latter proves to be a formidable opponent. The only problem is, they end up destroying the entire shop as well as accidentally killing the local magistrate's son. -- -- For their crime, the two samurai are captured and set to be executed. However, they are rescued by Fuu, who hires the duo as her bodyguards. Though she no longer has a place to return to, the former waitress wishes to find a certain samurai who smells of sunflowers and enlists the help of the now exonerated pair to do so. Despite initially disapproving of this idea, the two eventually agree to assist the girl in her quest; thus, the trio embark upon an adventure to find this mysterious warrior—that is, if Fuu can keep Mugen and Jin from killing each other. -- -- Set in an alternate Edo Period of Japan, Samurai Champloo follows the journey of these three eccentric individuals in an epic quest full of action, comedy, and dynamic sword fighting, all set to the beat of a unique hip-hop infused soundtrack. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 935,197 8.50
Seisenshi Dunbine -- -- Sunrise -- 49 eps -- Novel -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Drama Fantasy Mecha -- Seisenshi Dunbine Seisenshi Dunbine -- Shou Zama is an ordinary 18-year-old from Tokyo who finds himself summoned to the medieval fantasy world of Byston Well. Upon arrival, he is put into service under the ambitious lord Drake Luft, who seeks to greatly expand his power. Those like Shou who come from "Upper Earth" possess strong aura power and are ordered to pilot "Aura Battlers," insectoid mecha designed by a man named Shot Weapon, who also came from Upper Earth. -- -- However, Shou's alliances quickly change when he meets Marvel Frozen, a young woman who has decided to rebel against Drake's political agenda. As he realizes the lord's true intentions, the boy chooses to join the fight against Drake and team up with Neal Given, who leads the resistance movement. The resistance isn't alone—Riml, daughter of their enemy and Neal's secret love, aids their efforts, hoping to escape from her father's clutches. As Shou finds himself fighting alongside his new comrades, they put their lives on the line to prevent the villainous Drake from taking over Byston Well before it's too late. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Feb 5, 1983 -- 8,897 7.05
Shangri-La -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Sci-Fi -- Shangri-La Shangri-La -- In a post-apocalyptic society, much of earthquake-riddled Japan has been left to ruin, resulting in an abundance of greenery. Governments manage much of the world's emissions, resulting in a massive class divide and economic disparity. The Japanese government launches "Project Atlas," a utopian city that will replace Tokyo but can only fit a certain amount of people. This limitation means that some people will have to live outside the city in jungles, as refugees. -- -- However, with any flawed plan comes those who are willing to challenge it. These include Kuniko Houjou, an heir to a renegade town; Mikuni, a mysterious and powerful child kept in a secret temple; Kunihito Kusanagi, a soldier for the high-tech and exclusive monopoly Atlas; Karin Ishida, a genius economics whiz with her hand in markets across the world; and the villainous Ryouko Naruse, leading Atlas in its domination of this future world. -- -- Can this group of rebels, forming a movement known as "Metal-Age," band together to demonstrate that inclusion and teamwork prevail over cruel segregation? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 6, 2009 -- 52,746 7.07
Starry Tales: Seiza wa Toki wo Koete -- -- KAGAYA Studio -- 1 ep -- Original -- Fantasy Space -- Starry Tales: Seiza wa Toki wo Koete Starry Tales: Seiza wa Toki wo Koete -- Constellations were created thousands years ago and they have been handed down generation after generation up to now. This show focuses on this great fact. In the show, you will see instruction on constellations and movement of the sun, moon and planets against constellations. An associated story from Greek myths is provided with beautiful CG including the tale of Astraea, the goddess of justice, who is closely related to the constellation Libra. -- Movie - Mar 19, 2011 -- 881 5.51
Wena Wrist -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military Music -- Wena Wrist Wena Wrist -- Sony unveiled its new "wena wrist" smartwatch's "kawamori Edition" with Macross anime director and mechanical designer Shoji Kawamori, and naturally, it comes complete with an anime ad. -- -- The aircraft shown in the video closely evokes the forward-swept-wing YF-19/VF-19 variable fighter designs first seen in Macross Plus and Macross 7, but appears to also draw inspiration from real-life fighter craft, with canards common in European fighters, and an air intake similar to the F-16. The iconic motif of hands in the shape of a fighter also first appeared in Macross Plus. -- -- Kawamori designed the case that will ship alongside the Wena Wrist product. The watch itself is a mechanical design, evoking pilot watch-style elements. The dial's design evokes the attitude indicator/artificial horizon seen on fighter instrument panels, with one side being an open-heart design showing the mechanical movement. The 12:00 position is indicated by a white arrow, common to many pilot watches. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Jan 28, 2020 -- 248 5.36
Yokoo's 3 Animation Films -- -- - -- 3 eps -- Original -- Psychological Romance -- Yokoo's 3 Animation Films Yokoo's 3 Animation Films -- Three short films by the Japanese avant-garde illustrator and animator. Regarded (unfairly) as the Japanese equivalent of Andy Warhol, these films showcase a distinctively commercial illustration look reminiscent of the current pop art movement of that decade (1960s). -- OVA - ??? ??, 1964 -- 791 4.62
Youjo Senki Movie -- -- Nut -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Military Magic -- Youjo Senki Movie Youjo Senki Movie -- With its armies sweeping across the continent, the Empire seems unstoppable. After securing victory over the remnants of the Republic's army, the Empire's ultimate victory is finally within reach. However, dark clouds are gathering in the East. The communist-led Russy Federation is mustering troops on its western border, preparing to enter the war. Supported by a detachment of Allied volunteer magicians—among whom is Mary Sioux, the daughter of a soldier killed by Tanya Degurechaff—the Federation is determined to spread the communist creed and bring the Empire to its knees. -- -- Meanwhile, Tanya and her battalion return to the imperial capital from the southern front. Upon their arrival, they are tasked with investigating troop movements on the border with the Federation. Any escalation of violence at this point may lead to new conflicts, plunging the world into a devastating global war. -- -- Will the Empire eventually emerge victorious from its struggle, or will it crumble in the face of superior enemies and radically different ideologies? -- -- Movie - Feb 8, 2019 -- 170,545 8.26"Dziewuchy_Dziewuchom"_movement;_Or,_Sketches_of_the_W.C.T.U._of_Pennsylvania's_Home_Missionary_Movement,_traditions_and_movements,_traditions,_and_movements,_proper_motion_and_distance_from_earth.png;_Or,_Sketches_of_the_W.C.T.U._of_Pennsylvania_(1899;_frontispiece).png"Dziewuchy_Dziewuchom"_movement,_traditions_and_movements"Dziewuchy_Dziewuchom"_movement,_traditions_and_movements"Dziewuchy_Dziewuchom"_movement,_traditions_and_movements"Dziewuchy+Dziewuchom"+movement,+traditions+and+movements"Dziewuchy+Dziewuchom"+movement,+traditions+and+movements,_traditions_and_movements"Dziewuchy+Dziewuchom"+movement,+traditions+and+movements
11th Nationalist Movement Party Ordinary Congress
1389 Movement
16th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement
1811 Independence Movement
19171919 Brazil strike movement
1960s Brazilian student movement
1968 movement in Italy
1972 Jai Andhra movement
19th of April Movement
2011 Indian anti-corruption movement
2013 Bangladesh quota reform movement
2018 Bangladesh quota reform movement
24 October Movement
26th of July Movement
2 June Movement
30 September Movement
7 October Movement
8 8: A Chess Sonata in 8 Movements
8th October Revolutionary Movement
9/11 Truth movement
969 Movement
Abortion-rights movements
Academic study of new religious movements
Access to Knowledge movement
Achievers with Integrity Movement
Action and Renewal Movement
Action Committee for the Defense of Democracy Youth Movement
Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System
Adverse Childhood Experiences movement
African-American women's suffrage movement
African-American women in the civil rights movement
African Autonomist Movement
African Development Movement
African independence movements
African Movement for Development and Progress
African Movement of Working Children and Youth
African Resistance Movement
African Transformation Movement
Africa Scout Region (World Organization of the Scout Movement)
Afrikaans language movement
Aging movement control
Air Movement and Control Association
Akali movement
kerblom Movement
Akram Vignan Movement
Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights
Albanian Democratic Monarchist Movement Party
Albanian Workers Movement Party
Albany Movement
Algerian Movement for Justice and Development
Algerian National Movement
Aligarh Movement
All-Ethiopia Socialist Movement
Alliance for Justice and Democracy/Movement for Renewal
Alliance of European National Movements
Alliance of European Republican Movements
Alliance of Movements for the Emergence of Niger
All of Mexico Movement
All Parties Democratic Movement
Al-Nusra FrontSRF/Hazzm Movement conflict
Alternative Democratic Movement
Amal Movement
American Indian Movement
American Indian Movement of Colorado
American militia movement
American proletarian poetry movement
AmericanSoviet friendship movement
Americus movement
Amrita movement
Andhra movement
And-Jf/Revolutionary Movement for New Democracy
Anguilla Progressive Movement
Animal rights movement
Ansor Youth Movement
Antagonist Movement
Anti-abortion movements
Anti-aging movement
Anti-Apartheid Movement
Anti-austerity movement
Anti-austerity movement in Greece
Anti-austerity movement in Ireland
Anti-austerity movement in Portugal
Anti-austerity movement in Spain
Anti-austerity movement in the United Kingdom
Anti-Black Box Curriculum Movement
Anti-cession movement of Sarawak
Anti-Christian Movement (China)
Anti-cult movement
Anti-Duvalier protest movement
Anti-gender movement
Anti-globalization movement
Antigonish Movement
Anti-Hong Kong Express Rail Link movement
Anti-incinerator movement in China
Anti-Japanese resistance movement in Malaya during World War II
Anti-jock movement
Anti-lynching movement
Anti-Nebraska movement
Anti-nuclear movement
Anti-nuclear movement in Australia
Anti-nuclear movement in Canada
Anti-nuclear movement in Kazakhstan
Anti-nuclear movement in South Korea
Anti-nuclear movement in the United Kingdom
Anti-nuclear power movement in Japan
Antioch International Movement of Churches
Anti-rape movement
Antisec Movement
Anti-sweatshop movement
Anti-tobacco movement in Nazi Germany
Anti-war movement
Apostolic-Prophetic Movement
April 6 Youth Movement
April 6 Youth Movement Democratic Front
Arab and Druze Scouts Movement
Arab Ba'ath Movement
Arab Movement of Azawad
Arab Nationalist Movement
Arab People's Movement
Arab Scout Region (World Organization of the Scout Movement)
Arab Socialist Movement
Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahvaz
Armed Forces Movement
Armenian national liberation movement
Artistic depictions of the Bengali Language Movement
Artistic Dress movement
Art movement
Art of the Umbrella Movement
Arts and Crafts movement
Asian American movement
Asia-Pacific Scout Region (World Organization of the Scout Movement)
Assamese Language Movement
Assam Movement
Assam separatist movements
Assyrian Democratic Movement
Assyrian independence movement
Atlanta Student Movement
Audiovisual Archive of the Democratic and Labour Movement
Audubon movement
August 29th Movement
Australian Family Movement
Australian labour movement
Australian Republic Movement
Authentic Costeo Autonomy Movement
Authentic Nationalist Revolutionary Movement
Autism rights movement
Average directional movement index
Awakening (Finnish religious movement)
Baal teshuva movement
Babbar Akali movement
Babylon Movement
Back-to-Africa movement
Back to Jerusalem movement
Back-to-the-land movement
Bahrain Freedom Movement
Bakassi Movement for Self-Determination
Baloch National Movement
Banshkhali power plant movement
Bapticostal movement
Basmachi movement
Basque National Liberation Movement
Basque National Liberation Movement prisoners
Bay Area Figurative Movement
Begun farmer's movement
Belarusian democracy movement
Belgian National Movement
Believers' Movement for Equality and Peace
Benesh Movement Notation
Bengali language movement
Bengali Language Movement (Barak Valley)
Bengali language movement in India
Bengali Language Movement (Manbhum)
Berber Arouch Citizens' Movement
Bergamasco Autonomist Movement
Besa Movement
Bhakti movement
Bhoodan movement
Bible Student movement
Bibliography of the Latter Day Saint movement
Bihar Movement
BINA: The Jewish Movement for Social Change
Birth of a Movement
Black Arts Movement
Black Catholic Movement
Black Consciousness Movement
Black Legion (political movement)
Black Movement of Brazil
Black Power movement
Black Power movement in Montreal
Black Ribbon Movement Myanmar
Blitz (movement)
Blockupy movement
BMG movement
Bolivarian Continental Movement
Boogaloo movement
Book:LaRouche movement
Book:List of denominations in the Latter Day Saint movement
Born Again Movement
Bosnian Movement of National Pride
Brandenburg United Civic Movements/Free Voters
Bratachari movement
Brazilian Abolitionist Movement for Animal liberation
Brazilian Democratic Movement
Breton Social-National Workers' Movement
Brights movement
British Cattle Movement Service
British Columbia Moderate Democratic Movement
British co-operative movement
British counter-intelligence against the Indian revolutionary movement during World War I
British New Church Movement
Brittany Movement and Progress
B.R.O.T.H.E.R. movement
Bulgaria for Citizens Movement
Bulgarian resistance movement during World War II
Bulk movement
Bundschuh movement
Burmese resistance movement 188595
California Clay Movement
Cambridge movement
Cambridge movement (civil rights)
Cameroon People's Democratic Movement
Camphill Movement
Canadianization movement
Canadian social credit movement
Canary Islands Independence Movement
Cn Vng movement
Car-free movement
Casamancian Autonomous Movement
Cascadia (independence movement)
Caspian Flotilla of the White Movement
Casualty movement
Catalan independence movement
Catalan Patriotic Movement
Catamarca Popular Movement
Category:Converts to new religious movements from Anabaptism
Catholic Marian movements and societies
Catholic temperance movement
Catholic Worker Movement
Cecilian Movement
Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement
Centre of People's Movements
Chadian People's Revolutionary Movement
Champa independence movement
Charismatic movement
Chicago Freedom Movement
Chicano art movement
Chicano Movement
Child evangelism movement
Chipko movement
Chollima Movement
Christian Ashram Movement
Christian Congregation (Restoration Movement)
Christian countercult movement
Christian Democratic Movement
Christian fellowships of "the Remnants" movement
Christian Liberation Movement
Christian Life Movement
Christian Movement for a New Haiti
Christian Patriot movement
Christian Social Movement in Ukraine
Christian Unity Movement
Chuvash National Movement
Cinema 1: The Movement Image
Citi Movement (Griot New York)
Citizen and consumer movements in Japan
Citizen and Republican Movement
Citizens' Footprint Movement
Citizens' Movement
Citizens' Movement for Democracy and Development
Citizens' Movement for Democratic Action
Citizens' Movement (Iceland)
Citizens' Movement (Mexico)
Citizens' Political Movement
City Beautiful movement
Civic Revolutionary Movement (Argentina)
Civil Democratic Movement (2012)
Civil movement "Chesno"
Civil Movement "People's Self-Defense"
Civil rights movement
Civil rights movement (18651896)
Civil rights movement (18961954)
Civil Rights Movement Archive
Civil rights movement (disambiguation)
Civil rights movement in Omaha, Nebraska
Civil rights movement in popular culture
Civil rights movements
Civitas (movement)
Clean living movement
Clement Payne Movement
Climate movement
COBRA (art movement)
Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief
Colombian Community and Communal Political Movement
Colored Conventions Movement
Common Movement for Development
Communist Movement
Communist Movement of Aragon
Communist Movement of Asturias
Communist Movement of Euskadi
Communist Movement of Turkey
Communist Revolution Movement/Leninist (Turkey)
Communist Unity Movement of the Netherlands (MarxistLeninist)
Communist Youth Movement (Netherlands)
Community Church movement
Community Movement
Concerned Citizens' Movement
Concerned Officers Movement
Confessing Movement
Congenital mirror movement disorder
Congolese Movement for Democracy and Integral Development
Conservation movement
Conservative holiness movement
Conservative movement
Constitutional militia movement
Constitutional Movement
Constitutional Protection Movement
Consumer movement
Contemporary Sant Mat movements
Continuing Anglican movement
Contra body movement
Convergence Movement
Coolie-Begar movement
Cooperative movement in India
Co-partnership housing movement
Cordillera autonomy movement
Corrective Movement (Syria)
Country life movement
Cow protection movement
Crack Movement
Creation Science Movement
Croatian Catholic movement
Cuban dissident movement
Cuban Libertarian Movement
Cultural movement
Cunning folk traditions and the Latter Day Saint movement
Daegu Democracy Movement
Dahomeyan Democratic Movement
Dalit Buddhist movement
Danish cooperative movement
Danish resistance movement
Danish shooting movement
Dark-sky movement
Deaf rights movement
Decadent movement
December 9th Movement
Decolonization and Social Emancipation Movement
Democracy in Europe Movement 2025
Democracy Movement
Democracy Movement (Iceland)
Democracy movements of China
Democratic and Social Movement
Democratic and Social Movement (Algeria)
Democratic and Social Movement (Morocco)
Democratic Evolution Movement of Central Africa
Democratic Italian Movement
Democratic Labour Movement
Democratic Left Movement
Democratic Left Movement (Lebanon)
Democratic Left Movement (Peru)
Democratic Movement
Democratic Movement for Algerian Renewal
Democratic Movement for Change
Democratic Movement for National Liberation
Democratic Movement (France)
Democratic Movement (MoDem) and affiliated democrats group
Democratic Movement of Kyrgyzstan
Democratic Movement of Serbia
Democratic Movement United Georgia
Democratic National Union Movement
Democratic People's Movement
Democratic Social Movement
Democratic Youth Movement
Democrat Social Movement
Dervish movement
Dervish movement (Somali)
Dieu Python movement
Dignity Movement
Dig Where You Stand movement
Diligent Work-Frugal Study Movement
Direction of movement
Disability rights movement
Dispensary movement in Manchester
Dissident movement in the People's Republic of Poland
Documentary Film Movement
Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement
Donglin movement
Down to the Countryside Movement
Draft Bloomberg movement
Draft Condi movement
Draft Eisenhower movement
Draft Mark Warner movement
Draft:V Narod movement
Dravidian movement
Dump Johnson movement
Eastlake Movement
East Turkestan independence movement
East Turkistan National Awakening Movement
Echo Movement
Efficiency movement
Egyptian Patriotic Movement
Eighth of May Movement
Eki Movement
Ekumeku Movement
Electoral history of the Tea Party movement
Ele No movement
El-Infitah Movement
El Shaddai (movement)
Emblems of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Emin (esoteric movement)
Emmanuel Movement
Encyclopedia of the Consumer Movement
End Poverty in California movement
English-only movement
Ennahda Movement
Ensaf Movement
Environmental movement
Environmental movement in Australia
Environmental movement in New Zealand
Environmental movement in South Africa
Environmental movement in Switzerland
Epeirogenic movement
Eschatology (religious movement)
Eshkol-Wachman movement notation
Esperanto movement
Essence of Time (movement)
Estonian anti-German resistance movement 194144
Estonian Patriotic Movement
Ethical movement
Ethiopian movement
Ettajdid Movement
EUR.1 movement certificate
Eurasian Scout Region (World Organization of the Scout Movement)
European Christian Political Movement
European Federalist Movement
European Movement for Efficient Energy
European Movement International
European Movement Ireland
European Movement UK
European Republicans Movement
European Scout Region (World Organization of the Scout Movement)
Evangelical Movement of Wales
Every Little Movement (Has a Meaning All Its Own)
Evita Movement
Executionist movement
Ex-gay movement
Eye movement
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
Eye movement in reading
Faith movement
Faraizi movement
Far East Movement
Far East Movement discography
Farm Animal Rights Movement
FarmerCitizen Movement
Farmers' movement
Faroese independence movement
Fascism and Freedom Movement
Fat acceptance movement
Fathers' rights movement
Fathers' rights movement by country
Fathers' rights movement in the United Kingdom
Feeling Nuts Movement
Feminist art movement
Feminist movement
Feminist movements and ideologies
Fennoman movement
Ferrer movement
Fetal movement
Fifth Republic Movement
Fighting Democratic Movement
Fire & Movement
Fire and movement
First generation of intellectual movements in Iran
First national architectural movement
Five Goods Movement
Five Movements, Three Repeats
Five Star Movement
Flaggers (movement)
Flag of the movement for the autonomy of Kabylia
Flags of active autonomist and secessionist movements
Flemish Movement
Flemish-Socialist Movement
Focolare Movement
Food Justice Movement
For Britain Movement
Force for Change Democratic Movement Liberal Party
Former Liberation Movements of Southern Africa
Forward Movement
Four Mothers (anti-war protest movement)
Free Access to Law Movement
Free Aceh Movement
Free Bolivia Movement
Free Brazil Movement
Free-culture movement
Freedom and People's Rights Movement
Freedom movement
Freedom Movement of Iran
Freedom of Intellect Movement
Freedom of movement
Freedom of movement for workers in the European Union
Free Gaza Movement
Free-Germany Movement
Free Lula movement
Freemen of the South Movement
Free movement
Free Movement of Workers Regulation 2011
Free Officers and Civilians Movement
Free Officers Movement
Free Officers Movement (Syria)
Free Papua Movement
Free Patriotic Movement
Free Princes Movement
Free-produce movement
Free Shia Movement
Free software movement
Free Software Movement of India
Free Software Movement of Karnataka
Free Speech Movement
Free Thai Movement
Free Yemeni Movement
Front of the Popular Movement
Fueguian People's Movement
Functional movement
Fusion Sarvodaya ICT4D Movement
Future Movement
Gaia Movement USA
Galveston Movement
Gambela People's Liberation Movement
Garden city movement
Garibaldian Antifascist Partisan Movement of Italy
Geneva Citizens' Movement
German Christians (movement)
German Faith Movement
German National Movement in Liechtenstein
German Reform Movement
German Youth Movement
Ghadar Movement
Gibraltar in Westminster Movement
Gilgit-Baltistan United Movement
Global citizens movement
Global justice movement
Goa liberation movement
Goddess movement
Goguryeo revival movements
Gombey Liberation Movement
Gongche Shangshu movement
Goods Vehicle Movement Service
Gordonia (youth movement)
Gorkhaland movement
Gorran Movement
Graeco-Arabic translation movement
Grail (women's movement)
Grassroots Democratic Movement
Great Commission church movement
Great Indonesia Movement Party
Great Legalisation Movement India
Green AlternativeEcologist Movement of Catalonia
Green Belt Movement
Green Movement
Green Movement of Sri Lanka
Guerrilla movements in Colombia
Guinean Democratic Movement
Glen movement
Gurdjieff movements
Gwangju Student Independence Movement
Ham and Eggs Movement
Handwriting movement analysis
Hanfu movement
Haq Movement
Hare Krishna movement and sexual orientation
Hasm Movement
Haugean movement
Hawaiian sovereignty movement
Hayist Bases Movement
Hazara Province Movement
Hazzm Movement
Health freedom movement
Hearing Voices Movement
Heathenry (new religious movement)
Hebrew Christian movement
Hebrew Scouts Movement in Israel
Herut The National Movement
Hezbollah Movement in Iraq
Higher Life movement
Him Too movement
Hindu devotional movements
Hindu reform movements
Hineni (Australian youth movement)
Hip Hop Movement
Hirak Rif Movement
Historians of the Latter Day Saint movement
History of far-right movements in France
History of the cooperative movement
History of the hippie movement
History of the Latter Day Saint movement
History of the Movement from 1854 to 1890
History of the Quebec sovereignty movement
History of the socialist movement in Brazil
History of the socialist movement in the United Kingdom
History of the Telangana movement
History of the trust movement in Scotland
History of the Walloon Movement
Holiness movement
Holy Spirit Movement
Homeland Movement
Homeless Workers' Movement
Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China
Hong Kong Autonomy Movement
Hope for Portugal Movement
Hostosian National Independence Movement
Houthi movement
Humanist Movement
Human movement
Human Potential Movement
Human relations movement
Human Rights and Democracy Movement
Human rights movement
Hungarian Christian Democratic Movement
Hungarian Hope Movement
Hurufiyya movement
Iberian Liberation Movement
Icelandic independence movement
Icelandic Movement Living Country
Identitarian movement
Identity (Far East Movement album)
Illyrian movement
IMRO Bulgarian National Movement
Independence movement in Puerto Rico
Independence Movement (Lebanon)
Independence movements in Mozambique
Independent Citizens Movement
Independent Civic Movement
Independent Ecological Movement
Independent Movement for National Reconciliation
Independent Movement of Absolute Renovation
Independent sacramental movement
Independent voting movement
India and the Non-Aligned Movement
Indian Home Rule movement
Indian independence movement
Indian Movement Tpac Katari
Indian Movement Tpac Katari-One
Indigenous movements in the Americas
Indigenous Social Alliance Movement
Individual movement techniques
Indivisible movement
Indonesian Christian Student Movement
Indonesian New Art Movement
Induced movement
Initiative and Liberty Movement
Initiative for the Resurgence of the Abolitionist Movement
Inner Healing Movement
Inner Mongolian independence movement
Insider movement
Institute for Social Movements, Pakistan
Insubordinate movement in Spain
Integration and Development Movement
Intellectual movements in Iran
Intelligent design movement
Interamerican Scout Region (World Organization of the Scout Movement)
Interface: A Journal for and about Social Movements
International Committee of Children's and Adolescents' Movements
International factor movements
International Falcon Movement Socialist Educational International
International Movement ATD Fourth World
International Movement for a Just World
International Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus
International Movement Writing Alphabet
International Peace Mission movement
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
International Solidarity Movement
International Tibet Independence Movement
Internet Party and Mana Movement
Intimism (poetic movement)
Iranian Green Movement
Iraqi National Movement
Irish Home Rule movement
Irish Republican Socialist Movement
Irish Sovereignty Movement
Irish Women's Liberation Movement
Isatabu Freedom Movement
ISKCON Revival Movement
Islamic and National Revolution Movement of Afghanistan
Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine
Islamic Movement
Islamic Movement in Israel
Islamic Movement (Nigeria)
Islamic Movement of Afghanistan
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
Islamic Muthanna Movement
Islamic Renaissance Movement
Islamic Unification Movement
Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism
Italian resistance movement
Italian Social Movement
Italian Unionist Movement
Ivorian Popular Movement of the Great West
Jger Movement
Jasmine Movement
Jesus movement
Jewish art music movement
Jewish Labour Movement
Jewish movements
Jewish national movements
Jewish political movements
Jewish religious movements
Jewish Resistance Movement
Jindyworobak Movement
John Smith (Restoration Movement)
June 3 Resistance movement
June Movement
Jungle Movement of Gilan
Justice and Equality Movement
Kagal (Finnish resistance movement)
Karabakh movement
Kerala Catholic Youth Movement
Kerala reformation movement
Khaksar movement
Khalistan movement
Khilafat Movement
Khun Hynniewtrep National Awakening Movement
Kibbutz Movement
Killington, Vermont secession movement
Kind Movement
King James Only movement
Kitsch movement
Koijrvi Movement
Korea Federation for Environmental Movements
Korean independence movement
Korpela movement
Kurdish Future Movement in Syria
Kurdistan Islamic Movement
Kurdistan Islamic Movement (Turkey)
KuToo movement
Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies
Laban movement analysis
Labor movement in Taiwan
Labourist Movement Party
Labour movement
Labour movement of Singapore
Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement for the Propagation of Islam
Landless People's Movement
Landless People's Movement (Namibia)
Landless Workers' Movement
Language movement
Language Movement Day
Lapua Movement
LaRouche movement
Latter Day Saint movement
Latter Day Saint movement and engraved metal plates
Latter Rain Movement
Latter Rain (postWorld War II movement)
Latvian anti-Nazi resistance movement 194145
Latvian independence movement
Latvian National Independence Movement
Lautaro Youth Movement
LawCitizenshipRights Movement
Law enforcement and the Occupy movement
Lawyers' Movement
Laymen's Home Missionary Movement
Lebanese National Movement
Lebanese Youth Movement (MKG)
Left-Green Movement
Left Movement
Leftwing Revolutionary Nationalist Movement
Leftwing Revolutionary Nationalist Movement 1
Leftwing Revolutionary Nationalist Movement 20th Century
Legality Movement
Legality Movement Party
Lesbian Movement (Denmark)
Le Travail movement
Let the Moreno Play Movement
LGBT social movements
LGBT student movement
Liberal Catholic movement
Liberal Movement
Liberal Movement (Lithuania)
Liberal Opening Movement
Liberal Socialist Movement
Liberal Social Movement (Portugal)
Liberation movement
Libertarian Movement
Libertarian Movement (Costa Rica)
Libertarian Movement (Italy)
Liberty Movement
Liberty Movement of Cameroon Youth
Libyan resistance movement
Light-Life Movement
Ligurian Independentist Movement
Lily-white movement
List of active separatist movements in Africa
List of active separatist movements in Asia
List of active separatist movements in Europe
List of active separatist movements in North America
List of active separatist movements in Oceania
List of active separatist movements in South America
List of active separatist movements recognized by intergovernmental organizations
List of anarchist movements by region
List of art movements
List of Ba'athist movements
List of busiest airports by aircraft movements
List of Christian movements
List of churches in the Latter Day Saint Reorganization movement
List of denominations in the Latter Day Saint movement
List of fascist movements
List of fascist movements by country AF
List of fascist movements by country GM
List of fascist movements by country NT
List of fascist movements by country UZ
List of French artistic movements
List of guerrilla movements
List of historical separatist movements
List of historical sites related to the Illinois labor movement
List of Indigenous Australian art movements and cooperatives
List of Latter Day Saint movement topics
List of leaders of the Five Star Movement
List of literary movements
List of Neopagan movements
List of networks and movements of the French Resistance
List of new religious movements
List of New Wave movements
List of Occupy movement protest locations
List of Occupy movement protest locations in California
List of Occupy movement topics
List of organisations in Irish Language Movement
List of organizations that have endorsed the BDS movement
List of Pakistan Movement activists
List of photographers of the civil rights movement
List of poetry groups and movements
List of references to seer stones in the Latter Day Saint movement history
List of Scripture Union movements
List of social movements in South Africa
List of South African airports by passenger movements
List of subjects related to the Quebec independence movement
List of Unification movement people
List of women of the Restoration Movement
List of World Organization of the Scout Movement members
Lists of active separatist movements
Lists of secessionist movements
Little Theatre Movement
Liturgical Movement
Living Colombia Movement
Logi Boitha Movement
Lok Satta Movement
Long civil rights movement
Lowbrow (art movement)
Lutheran Student Movement USA
Lyceum movement
Ma'aynei Hayeshua Movement
Madaraka People's Movement
Madhes Movement
Magnificat Meal Movement
Mahagujarat movement
Mahor People's Movement
Majd Movement
Malaysia Youth and Students Democratic Movement
Mana Mori Movement
Mana Movement
Maoist Bolshevik Reorganisation Movement of the Purba Banglar Sarbahara Party
Maoist Internationalist Movement
Mori King Movement
Mori protest movement
Marada Movement
March 1st Movement
March 23 Movement
March 26 Movement
March on Washington Movement
Mar Gregorios Orthodox Christian Student Movement
Martinican Independence Movement
MarxistLeninist Popular Action Movement
Marxist Unification Movement
Mashtots Park Movement
Mass movement
Mau movement
Mauritian Militant Movement
Mauritian Militant Socialist Movement
May Fourth Movement
May Thirtieth Movement
MELS Movement of Botswana
Memorial of the Second Resistance Movement
Men's liberation movement
Men's movement
Men's rights movement
Mercantile Movements Division (Royal Navy)
Me Too movement
Me Too movement (India)
Me Too movement (Pakistan)
Me Too movement (South Korea)
Mexican Indignados Movement
Mexican Movement of 1968
Militant Socialist Movement
Millions More Movement
Miroslav koro Homeland Movement
Modern Hungary Movement
Modernize So Vicente Movement
Molotov Movement
Money Free movement
Montreal Citizens' Movement
Mor Gregorios Jacobite Students' Movement
Moshavim Movement
Mothers' movement
Motive for Movement
Movement (9mm Parabellum Bullet album)
Movement Action Plan
Movement Against Illegal Immigration
Movement Against the Monarchy
Movement and Location
Movement assessment
Movement (clockwork)
Movement conservatism
Movement controller
Movement Coordination Centre Europe
Movement demanding trial of war criminals (Bangladesh)
Movement director
Movement disorders
Movement Disorders (journal)
Movement Ecuador's Force
Movement For!
Movement for Active Democracy
Movement for a Democratic Society
Movement for a New Country
Movement for a People's Party
Movement for a Responsible, Sustainable and Entrepreneurial Venezuela
Movement for a United Communist Party of Greece
Movement for Autonomous DemocracyParty for Moravia and Silesia
Movement for Black Lives
Movement for Change (Greece)
Movement for Change in Turkey
Movement for Changes
Movement for Citizens' Commitment and Awakening
Movement for Defence of Human and Civic Rights
Movement for Defence of the Land
Movement for Democracy
Movement for Democracy and Development
Movement for Democracy and Development (Central African Republic)
Movement for Democracy and Justice in Chad
Movement for Democracy and Progress
Movement for Democracy and Progress (Niger)
Movement for Democracy (Cape Verde)
Movement for Democracy in Africa
Movement for Democracy in Liberia
Movement for Democracy (Slovakia)
Movement for Democratic Change
Movement for Democratic Change (19992005)
Movement for Democratic Change (2018)
Movement for Democratic Change Alliance
Movement for Democratic Change Ncube
Movement for Democratic Change Tsvangirai
Movement for Democratic Change Tsvangirai Congress 2006
Movement for Democratic Renewal and Development
Movement for Development and Solidarity
Movement for Development by Culture
Movement for Dignity and Independence
Movement for Diversity
Movement for European Reform
Movement for France
Movement for Humanist Socialism
Movement for Integration and Unification
Movement for Italy
Movement for Justice and Peace
Movement for Justice by Any Means Necessary
Movement for Justice in Africa
Movement for Justice in el Barrio
Movement for Liberty - European Georgia
Movement for Multi-Party Democracy
Movement for National Alliance
Movement for National Rectification
Movement for National RectificationUnionist
Movement for National Reform
Movement for National Renewal
Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa
Movement for Peace
Movement for Peace and Socialism
Movement for People's UnityRepublicans
Movement for Quality Government in Israel
Movement for Reconstruction of Poland
Movement for Reform Judaism
Movement for Rights and Freedoms
Movement for Social Democracy
Movement for Socialism
Movement for Socialism (Argentina)
Movement for Socialism (Bolivia)
Movement for Socialism (Britain)
Movement for Socialism (Venezuela)
Movement for Socialist Democracy
Movement for Solidarity and Development
Movement for the Autonomies
Movement for the Autonomy of Kabylie
Movement for the Confederation of the Communists
Movement for the Defence of the Republic
Movement for the Development of Mayotte
Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta
Movement for the Future of Curaao
Movement for the Independence of Sicily
Movement for the Independence of Sicily (2004)
Movement for the Independence, Renaissance, and Integration of Africa
Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore
Movement for the Left
Movement for the Liberation of Saguia el Hamra and Wadi el Dhahab
Movement for the Liberation of So Tom and Prncipe/Social Democratic Party
Movement for the Liberation of the Central African People
Movement for the Liberation of the Congo
Movement for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda
Movement for the National Independence of Angola
Movement for the People's Alternative
Movement for the Progress of Madagascar
Movement for the Recovery of the PCE
Movement for the Rehabilitation of Citizens Rurenzangemero
Movement for the Reorganization of the Communist Party of Greece 191855
Movement for the Restoration of Democracy
Movement for the Restoration of the Independence of Southern Cameroons
Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia
Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God
Movement for the Return of Constitutional Legitimacy Libya
Movement for the Return of Constitutional Legitimacy Zliten
Movement for the Self-Determination of Bioko Island
Movement for the Sick
Movement for the Social Evolution of Black Africa
Movement for the Social Evolution of Black AfricaBoganda
Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People
Movement for the Triumph of Democratic Liberties
Movement for the Unity of the Communists
Movement for Tolerance and Progress
Movement for Unification
Movement for United Albania
Movement for United Georgia
Movement for Youth and Democracy
Movement in Black
Movement in Still Life
Movement in Support of the Army
Movement marketing
Movement (music)
Movement (New Order album)
Movement Now
Movement of 22 March
Movement of Animals
Movement of animals
Movement of Bonaire People
Movement of Central African Liberators for Justice
Movement of Centrist Republicans
Movement of Democratic Action
Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance
Movement of Democratic Socialists
Movement of Democratic Unity
Movement of Ecologists Citizens' Cooperation
Movement of Free Citizens
Movement of Militant Muslims
Movement of National Antifascist Unity
Movement of National Liberation
Movement of National Responsibility
Movement of National Understanding
Movement of Popular Participation
Movement of Priests for the Third World
Movement of Progressive Democrats
Movement of Progressives
Movement of Salah al-Din the Kurd
Movement of Socialist Affirmation
Movement of Socialist Democrats
Movement of Socialist Left
Movement of Society for Peace
Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness
Movement of the Forces of the Future
Movement of Trique Unification and Struggle
Movement of Unitarian Communists
Movement of Young Intellectuals
Movement of Young MarxistLeninists
Movement of Young Socialists
Movement paradox
Movement parameter
Movement Party (Tunisia)
Movement pattern analysis
Movement protein
Movement Report System
Movements (band)
Movement (song)
Movement (The Fray EP)
Movement to impeach Pervez Musharraf
Movement We Are Venezuela
Movement Without Fear
Moves International Festival of Movement on Screen
Mozambican Nationalist Movement
Muhajir Qaumi Movement (Haqiqi)
Musar movement
Museum of Independence Movement in Krakw
Museum of the Polish Peasant Movement
Music in the movement against apartheid
Muslim Independence Movement
Muttahida Qaumi Movement
Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan
Mythopoetic men's movement
Nacionalismo (Argentine political movement)
Namibian Democratic Movement for Change
Nashi (youth movement)
Nasserist Unionists Movement
Nastic movements
National Action Movement
National Action Movement (Portugal)
National Alliance of People's Movements
National-Catholic Movement
National Debt Repayment Movement
National Democracy Movement (Philippines)
National Democratic Action Movement
National Democratic Movement
National Democratic Movement (Jamaica)
National European Social Movement
National Fascist Movement
National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan
Nationalist Movement
Nationalist Movement Party
Nationalist Republican Liberal Movement
National Italo-Romanian Cultural and Economic Movement
National Justice Movement
National Liberation Movement
National Liberation Movement (Albania)
National Liberation Movement (Guatemala)
National Liberation Movement of Ahwaz
National Liberation Movement (Upper Volta)
National Movement
National Movement for Development and Reform
National Movement for Nature and Development
National Movement for Reconciliation
National Movement for Reform and Development
National Movement for Sovereignty
National Movement for Stability and Progress
National Movement for the Development of Society
National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad
National Movement for the Liberation of Kosovo
National Movement for the Salvation of the Fatherland
National Movement fraction
National Movement of Afghanistan
National Movement of Hope
National Movement of Rural Women
National Movement of Switzerland
National Movement of the Revolution
National Movement of Young Legislators
National Movement Party
National Movement (Poland)
National People's Movement
National People's Movement (Sri Lanka)
National Popular Movement
National Reform Movement
National Regeneration Movement
National Renewal Movement
National Republican Movement
National Republican Movement for Democracy and Development
National Resistance Movement of Iran
National Revival Movement Party
National Royalist Movement
National Savings Movement
National Scout Movement of Armenia
National Socialist Freedom Movement
National Socialist Movement
National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands
National Socialist Movement of Chile
National Socialist Movement of Denmark
National Socialist Movement of Norway
National Socialist Movement (UK, 1962)
National Social Movement (Bulgaria)
National Solidarity Movement of Afghanistan
National Spiritual Mobilization Movement (Japan)
National Torch Movement
National Unemployed Workers' Movement
National Unity Movement
National Unity Movement (Nicaragua)
National Workers' Movement (St. Vincent)
Natural hair movement
Nazarene movement
Neo-charismatic movement
Neo-Concrete Movement
Neo-vlkisch movements
Nepal Bhasa movement
Nepalese democracy movement
Netball and the Olympic Movement
Network Lateral Movement
Neuqun People's Movement
Never Trump movement
New American Movement
New Citizens' Movement
New Communist movement
New Culture Movement
New Economy movement
New generation (Malayalam film movement)
New Generation Movement
New Italian Social Movement
New Jewel Movement
New Left Movement (Peru)
New Liberal Movement
New Life Movement
New Nation Movement NPC v President of the Republic of South Africa
New People's Liberation Movement
New Puritans (literary movement)
New religious movement
New religious movements and cults in popular culture
New religious movements and right-wing politics
New religious movements in the Pacific Northwest
New Rural Reconstruction Movement
New Socialist Movement
New social movements
New Swedish Movement
New towns movement
New Way Movement
Nga Iwi Morehu Movement
Niagara Movement
Nicaraguan Democratic Movement
Nida Civic Movement
Nigerian Youth Movement
Nigerien Democratic Movement for an African Federation
Nigerien Movement for Democratic Renewal
Nigerien Patriotic Movement
Niger Movement for Justice
Nine-Hour Movement
No Child Left Inside (movement)
Non-Aligned Movement
Non-church movement
Non-cooperation movement
Non-European Unity Movement
Non-rapid eye movement sleep
No NRC movement
Nordic Resistance Movement
Northern Ireland civil rights movement
Norwegian Labour Movement Archives and Library
Norwegian resistance movement
Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement
Nur movement
Nuyorican movement
Objectivist movement
Occident (movement)
Occupy movement
Occupy movement hand signals
Olive Tree (religious movement)
Onch Movement
One Cook Islands Movement
One Village One Product movement
OneVoice Movement
Online social movement
Only Croatia Movement for Croatia
On the Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants
Open-design movement
Open-source-software movement
Orange Democratic Movement
Organization for Popular Democracy Labour Movement
Organization of the Scout Movement of Kazakhstan
Organ reform movement
Oriental Revolutionary Movement
Orkney and Shetland Movement
Oswego Movement
Our Homeland Movement
Outline of the psychiatric survivors movement
Overactive disorder associated with mental retardation and stereotyped movements
Oxford Movement
Pachakuti Indigenous Movement
Pachakutik Plurinational Unity Movement New Country
Pacific Movement of the Eastern World
Pais Movement
Pakistan Movement
Pakistan National Movement
Pakistan Oppressed Nations Movement
Paleo movement
Palestine Solidarity Movement
Palestinian Freedom Movement
Palestinian freedom of movement
Pan-African Freedom Movement for East and Central Africa
Pan Africanist Socialist Movement Inkinzo
Pan Africanist Student Movement of Azania
Pan-Armenian National Movement
Panic Movement
Panic Movement (album)
Pan-Maya movement
Papaye Peasant Movement
Paralympic movement in Tasmania
Parents' rights movement
Party of the Popular Movement (Djibouti)
Pashtun Tahafuz Movement
Patriote movement
Patriotic Movement for Democracy and Development
Patriotic Movement for National Rebirth
Patriotic Movement for Renewal
Patriotic Movement of Cte d'Ivoire
Patriotic People's Movement
Patriotic People's Movement (1993)
Patriotic Salvation Movement
Patriot movement
Pattern Is Movement
Peace and Democracy Movement
Peace movement
Peasant movement
Peasant Movement Training Institute
Pedestrian Accessibility and Movement Environment Laboratory
Pentecostal revival movement in Chile
People's Action Movement
People's Climate Movement
People's Democratic Movement (Turks and Caicos Islands)
People's Electoral Movement (Aruba)
People's Electoral Movement (Venezuela)
People's Freedom Movement (Serbia)
People's Integration Movement
People's Liberation Movement - Cinchoneros
People's Liberation Movement (El Salvador)
People's Movement
People's Movement against the EU
People's Movement for Change
People's Movement for Democracy in Chad
People's Movement for Democratic Change
People's Movement for Justice and Welfare
People's Movement for Progress
People's Movement for the Liberation of Azawad
People's Movement (Ireland)
People's Movement (Lebanon)
People's Movement of Kosovo
People's Movement of Ukraine
People's Movement Party
People's Movement to Stop Haze
People's National Movement
People's Participation Movement
People's Party Movement for a Democratic Slovakia
People's Progressive Movement
People's Progressive Movement (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)
People's Revolutionary Movement (South Africa)
People's science movement
People's United Democratic Movement
People's Will Movement
Peoples' United Revolutionary Movement
Perestroika Movement (political science)
Periodic limb movement disorder
Perpetual Movement
Peruvian Democratic Movement
Petition Movement for the Establishment of a Taiwanese Parliament
Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement
Philosophical movement
Phrenology and the Latter Day Saint movement
Physiological movement
Pincer movement
Pioneer movement
Plant nucleus movement
Plowshares movement
Podcast Movement
Police abolition movement
Polish resistance movement in World War II
Political movement
Political Movement for Social Security
Political Movement "Social Democrats"
Political Prisoners Movement of Tibet
Popular Autonomy Movement
Popular Christian Movement
Popular Democratic Movement
Popular Independent Movement
Popular Movement for National Liberation
Popular Movement for the Liberation of Cabinda
Popular Movement for the Liberation of Chad
Popular Movement (Italy)
Popular Movement (Montenegro)
Popular Movement (Morocco)
Popular Movement of the Revolution
Popular Republican Movement
Popular Unitary Action Movement
Popular Unity Movement
Porn Art Movement
Portal:Civil Right Movement/Nominate/Selected article
Portal:Civil Right Movement/Nominate/Selected picture
Portal:Civil Right Movement/Opentask
Portal:Civil Right Movement/Projects
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Portal:Civil rights movement
Portal:Civil rights movement/box-header
Portal:Civil rights movement/Categories
Portal:Civil rights movement/Did you know
Portal:Civil rights movement/Did you know/archive
Portal:Civil rights movement/Intro
Portal:Civil rights movement/Nominate/Selected biography
Portal:Civil rights movement/Related portals
Portal:Civil rights movement/Selected article
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Portal:Civil rights movement/Selected biography
Portal:Civil rights movement/Selected picture
Portal:Latter Day Saint movement
Portal:Latter Day Saint movement/Featured content
Portal:Latter Day Saint movement/Timeline of Mormonism
Portuguese Democratic Movement
PostSeptember 11 anti-war movement
Praja Mandal movement (Orissa)
Preparedness Movement
Prescriptive authority for psychologists movement
Prince Philip Movement
Prison abolition movement
Pro-Emancipation Movement of Chilean Women
Pro Germany Citizens' Movement
Progressive Movement (Cameroon)
Progressive National Movement
Progressive Writers' Movement
Pro-independence movements in the Russian Civil War
Pro-Kremlin youth movement
Pro-nuclear movement
Propaganda Movement
Providence (religious movement)
Provincial Integration Movement
Provo (movement)
Prussian Reform Movement
Psalmody Movement
Psychiatric survivors movement
Public Scout and Girl Guide Movement
Pump handle movement
Punjabi Suba movement
Quakers in the abolition movement
Quartet Movement in B-flat major (Tchaikovsky)
Quartet Movement in E-flat major (Shostakovich)
Quartet Movement in F major, B.120 (Dvok)
Quebec sovereignty movement
Quit India Movement
Radical Federative Movement
Radical Movement
Rainbow Sash Movement
Rain City Superhero Movement
Rajah Sulaiman Movement
Rajneesh movement
Raoul Wallenberg International Movement for Humanity
Rape crisis movement
Rapid eye movement
Rapid eye movement sleep
Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder
Rapid Response to Population Movements
Raskamboni Movement
Real Democracy Movement (New Zealand)
Realism (art movement)
Rectification movement
Red culture movement
Redemption movement
Red Power movement
Red Stocking Movement (Denmark)
Reformist Movement (France)
Reform movement
Reform Movement (disambiguation)
Reform Movement for Social Development
Reform movement (pre-Confederation Canada)
Reform movement (Upper Canada)
Reichsbrger movement
Relationships between Jewish religious movements
Religious Kibbutz Movement
Renewal Movement
Renovation Movement Labour Action
Republican Democratic Movement
Republican Movement
Republican movement (Ireland)
Republican Movement (Mauritius)
Republican Movement (Switzerland)
Republican Social Movement
Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change
Resistance: Journal of the Earth Liberation Movement
Resistance movement
Resistance movement in Auschwitz
Resistance movements in partitioned Poland (17951918)
Resistance of Guinea-Bissau-Bafat Movement
Restoration Movement
Reunification Movement for Change
Revitalization movement
Revolutionary Action Movement
Revolutionary Agrarian Movement of the Bolivian Peasantry
Revolutionary Bolivarian Movement-200
Revolutionary Communist Movement of Greece
Revolutionary Independent Labour Movement
Revolutionary Internationalist Movement
Revolutionary Left Movement
Revolutionary Left Movement (Bolivia)
Revolutionary Left Movement (Chile)
Revolutionary Left Movement (Peru)
Revolutionary Liberation Movement Tupaq Katari
Revolutionary movement
Revolutionary Movement 13th November
Revolutionary movement for Indian independence
Revolutionary Movement of the Congo
Revolutionary Nationalist Movement
Revolutionary Nationalist MovementAlliance
Revolutionary Nationalist Movement (Honduras)
Revolutionary Nationalist MovementJulio
Revolutionary Social Movement
Revolutionary Unity Movement
Revolutionary Youth Movement
Rhythmic movement disorder
Rim movement
Rise Above Movement
Rizalista religious movements
Rodrigues Movement
Role of political parties during Bengali Language Movement
Romanian anti-communist resistance movement
Roman Traditional Movement
Roshani movement
Round Table movement
Roving Picket Movement
Rurality Movement
Rural People's Movement
Rural Reconstruction Movement
Russian Fascism: Traditions, Tendencies, Movements
Russian Libertarian Movement
Russian nihilist movement
Russian Women's Fascist Movement
Rwenzururu movement
Ryukyu independence movement
Sacred Name Movement
Sadrist Movement
Safety for Sarah movement
Sahwa movement
Salafi movement
Samaikyandhra Movement
Saminism Movement
Sanctuary movement
Sandinista Renovation Movement
Sardines movement
Sardinian Armed Movement
Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement
Sathya Sai Baba movement
Save Urdu Movement
Savoy Region Movement
Schoenstatt Apostolic Movement
Science to Youth Movement
Scientific Charity Movement
Scottish Republican Socialist Movement
Seattle movement
Secessionist movements of Canada
Second Movement Opera
Self-Respect Movement
Self-Strengthening Movement
Senegalese Popular Movement
Senegalese Republican Movement
Separatist movements of India
Separatist movements of Pakistan
Serb-Catholic movement in Dubrovnik
Serbian Renewal Movement
Set Sail (The Movement album)
Settlement movement
Seven Star Movement
Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement
Sex-positive movement
Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement
Shepherding movement
Shikharji movement
Ship movement service
Shop Stewards Movement
Sicilian People's Movement
Silesian Autonomy Movement
Silk Letter Movement
Singapore Dads for Life movement
Singapore Dark Alternative Movement
Singapore Kindness Movement
Singh Sabha Movement
Sit-chn Movement
Sit-in movement
Six point movement
Sixth of February Movement
Sixty-Four Counties Youth Movement
Skeptical movement
Slogan of the Houthi movement
Slow movement
Slow movement (culture)
Slow movement (music)
Social hygiene movement
Social Idea Movement
Socialist Alternative Movement
Socialist Education Movement
Socialist Movement for Integration
Socialist Movement of the Senegalese Union
Socialist Struggle Movement
Socialist Workers Movement (Mexico)
Social movement
Social Movement for Renewal
Social movement impact theory
Social movement organization
Social Movement Studies
Social movement theory
Social movement unionism
Social-Political Movement of the Roma
Social purity movement
Sociological classifications of religious movements
Solidarity Fatherland Movement
Solidarity Movement with Chile
Solidarity Youth Movement
Somali National Movement
Somali Patriotic Movement
South African Gentile National Socialist Movement
South Carolina in the civil rights movement
Southern Azerbaijan National Awakening Movement
Southern Ethiopian People's Democratic Movement
Southern Italy autonomist movements
Southern Movement
South Sudan Democratic Movement
South Sudan Liberation Movement
South Tyrolean independence movement
Sovereign citizen movement
Soviet influence on the peace movement
Soviet Jewry Movement
Spanish Libertarian Movement
Speak Good English Movement
Speaking Out movement
Spiritual church movement
Sporadic Movements
Sri Lankan independence movement
Stakhanovite movement
Startle Evoked Movement
St. Augustine movement
Stereotypic movement disorder
Stone Love Movement
Stop the Violence Movement
Strength of Serbia Movement
Student Christian Movement
Student Christian Movement of Canada
Student Christian Movement of Great Britain
Student Movement in the Philippines (19651972)
Student movements in Korea
Students' Educational and Cultural Movement of Ladakh
Students Islamic Movement of India
Students Movement of the African and Malagasy Common Organization
Sudan Liberation Movement/Army
Sudan People's Liberation Movement
Sudan People's Liberation Movement-in-Opposition
Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North
Sufan movement
Sunflower Student Movement
Sunrise Movement
Super Eurobeat Presents Euro Movement
Svecoman movement
Swadeshi movement
Swadhyaya Movement
Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement
Swedish Pentecostal Movement
Swedish shooting movement
Swedish temperance movements
Swiss Guide and Scout Movement
Swiss movement
Symbolist movement in Romania
Symphony in One Movement (Barber)
Symphony in Three Movements
Syntactic movement
Syria's Tomorrow Movement
Syriac Assembly Movement
Syrian Democratic Turkmen Movement
Syrian Turkmen Movement
Szkely autonomy movement
Tacuara Nationalist Movement
Taiwanese literature movement
Taiwan independence movement
Talk:Men's rights movement/Article probation
Tangwai movement
Tanka movement
Tea Party movement
Tebhaga movement
Technocracy movement
Te Kura O Te Au People's Movement
Telangana movement
Temperance movement
Temperance movement in Australia
Temperance movement in Ireland
Temperance movement in New Zealand
Temperance movement in Sri Lanka
Temperance movement in the United Kingdom
Temple Mount and Eretz Yisrael Faithful Movement
Tenther movement
Terasem Movement
Territories in Movement
Texas secession movements
The Caribbean Artists Movement
The Critical Legal Studies Movement
The Cross Movement
The Cross Movement discography
The Dolly Rocker Movement
The Electors' Action Movement
The European Alliance of EU-critical Movements
The Evolution of the Conservation Movement, 18501920
The Free Movement
The History of the Psychoanalytic Movement
The Isaac Hayes Movement
The Life of Bakuvians and Their Movement Along the Velikokniaz Avenue
The Movement
The Movement (dance band)
The Movement (Diggin' in the Crates Crew album)
The Movement Disorder Society
The Movement For a Democracy of Content
The Movement (Iceland)
The Movement (literature)
The Movement of the Free Spirit
The Movement (populist group)
The Movement (reggae band)
The Movement Revisited
The New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements
The Temperance Movement (band)
The Theosophical Movement
The Volvry Movement
The World Movement for Nonviolence
The Zeitgeist Movement
Three-day movement
Three-Self Patriotic Movement
Tibetan independence movement
Time's Up (movement)
Timeline of the civil rights movement
Timeline of the feminist art movement in New Zealand
Timeline of the open-access movement
Timeline of the yellow vests movement
Timurite movement
Tiny-house movement
Tobago Council of the People's National Movement
Togolese People's Movement
Tolstoyan movement
Tough movement
Trade Justice Movement
Transcendental Meditation movement
Transgender rights movement
Tricolour Citizens' Movement
Troops Out Movement
Tunisian Ba'ath Movement
Tunisian national movement
Tpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement
Tupac Katari Revolutionary Movement
Turkish governmentGlen movement conflict
Turkish National Movement
Turkmen Democratic Movement
Uhuru Movement
Ukrainian Green movement
Ulster Independence Movement
Ultraist movement
Umbrella Movement
Underground Music Movement
Unification movement
Union for a Popular Movement
Union for the Republic National Movement
Unionist Movement
Unionist Movement of the Republic of Moldova
Union Movement
Unir Movement
United Democratic Movement
United Independent Left Movement
United Liberation Movement for West Papua
United Liberation Movement of Liberia for Democracy
United National Movement
United National Movement (Georgia)
United National Movement (Saint Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla)
United People's Movement
United People's Movement (Colombia)
United People's Movement (Kyrgyzstan)
United People's Movement (Namibia)
United Revolutionary Nationalist Movement
United Student Movement
Unity Movement for Democracy
Universalism and the Latter Day Saint movement
User:Bri/Promena Movement
User:Kin Khan/The Movement
Uttarakhand movement
Vn Thn movement
Vaps Movement
Vault (urban movement)
Venetian National Liberation Movement
Venetians Movement
Vietnamese democracy movement
Views of Lyndon LaRouche and the LaRouche movement
Vigil India Movement
Vipassana movement
Viridian design movement
Visalandhra movement
Vojvodina Autonomist Movement
Vlkisch movement
Voltaic Democratic Movement
Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
Volya Movement
Wisi movement
Walloon Movement
Washingtonian movement
Weiquan movement
Welsh Republican Movement
Welsh Socialist Republican Movement
Western Army of the White Movement
West German student movement
Westward movement
We the People Reform Movement
White movement
White Rose Movement
Wikimedia movement
Wild Lily student movement
Wild Strawberries Movement
Windward Islands People's Movement
Wiper Democratic Movement Kenya
Wise use movement
With Echoes in the Movement of Stone
Woman's Exchange Movement
Women's liberation movement
Women's liberation movement in Oceania
Women's rights movement in Iran
Women to drive movement
Workers' Political Movement
Workers' Socialist Movement
Workers' Socialist Movement (Argentina)
Workers' Socialist Movement (Bolivia)
Workers' Socialist Movement (Puerto Rico)
Workers Solidarity Movement
Working Class Movement Library
World Federalist Movement
World Federalist Movement-Canada
World Organization of the Scout Movement
World Pantheist Movement
World Socialist Movement
Worldwide LaRouche Youth Movement
World Youth Movement for Democracy
XORKO Collaborative Arts Movement
Xungen movement
Ya'ad Civil Rights Movement
Yan'an Rectification Movement
Yazidi Movement for Reform and Progress
Yellow vests movement
Yiddishist movement
Yoga for movement disorders
You Know Me movement
Young America movement
Young Army Cadets National Movement
Young European Movement UK
Young Russia (youth movement)
Young Socialist Movement
Your Movement
Youth Climate Movement
Youth in Movement
Youth movement in Flanders
Yugoslav National Movement
Zadruga (movement)
Zanzibar independence movement
Zionist youth movement

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last updated: 2022-02-04 08:49:10
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