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object:1.04 - The Core of the Teaching
book class:Essays On The Gita
author class:Sri Aurobindo


The Core of the Teaching


E KNOW the divine Teacher, we see the human disciple; it remains to form a clear conception of the doctrine. A clear conception fastening upon the essential idea, the central heart of the teaching is especially necessary here because the Gita with its rich and many-sided thought, its synthetical grasp of different aspects of the spiritual life and the fluent winding motion of its argument lends itself, even more than other scriptures, to one-sided misrepresentations born of a partisan intellectuality. The unconscious or half-conscious wresting of fact and word and idea to suit a preconceived notion or the doctrine or principle of one's preference is recognised by
Indian logicians as one of the most fruitful sources of fallacy; and it is perhaps the one which it is most difficult for even the most conscientious thinker to avoid. For the human reason is incapable of always playing the detective upon itself in this respect; it is its very nature to seize upon some partial conclusion, idea, principle, become its partisan and make it the key to all truth, and it has an infinite faculty of doubling upon itself so as to avoid detecting in its operations this necessary and cherished weakness. The Gita lends itself easily to this kind of error, because it is easy, by throwing particular emphasis on one of its aspects or even on some salient and emphatic text and putting all the rest of the eighteen chapters into the background or making them a subordinate and auxiliary teaching, to turn it into a partisan of our own doctrine or dogma.

Thus, there are those who make the Gita teach, not works at all, but a discipline of preparation for renouncing life and works: the indifferent performance of prescribed actions or of whatever task may lie ready to the hands, becomes the means, the discipline; the final renunciation of life and works is the sole real object. It is quite easy to justify this view by citations from


Essays on the Gita
the book and by a certain arrangement of stress in following out its argument, especially if we shut our eyes to the peculiar way in which it uses such a word as sannyasa, renunciation; but it is quite impossible to persist in this view on an impartial reading in face of the continual assertion to the very end that action should be preferred to inaction and that superiority lies with the true, the inner renunciation of desire by equality and the giving up of works to the supreme Purusha.

Others again speak of the Gita as if the doctrine of devotion were its whole teaching and put in the background its monistic elements and the high place it gives to quietistic immergence in the one self of all. And undoubtedly its emphasis on devotion, its insistence on the aspect of the Divine as Lord and Purusha and its doctrine of the Purushottama, the Supreme Being who is superior both to the mutable Being and to the Immutable and who is what in His relation to the world we know as God, are the most striking and among the most vital elements of the Gita.

Still, this Lord is the Self in whom all knowledge culminates and the Master of sacrifice to whom all works lead as well as the
Lord of Love into whose being the heart of devotion enters, and the Gita preserves a perfectly equal balance, emphasising now knowledge, now works, now devotion, but for the purposes of the immediate trend of the thought, not with any absolute separate preference of one over the others. He in whom all three meet and become one, He is the Supreme Being, the Purushottama.

But at the present day, since in fact the modern mind began to recognise and deal at all with the Gita, the tendency is to subordinate its elements of knowledge and devotion, to take advantage of its continual insistence on action and to find in it a scripture of the Karmayoga, a Light leading us on the path of action, a Gospel of Works. Undoubtedly, the Gita is a Gospel of Works, but of works which culminate in knowledge, that is, in spiritual realisation and quietude, and of works motived by devotion, that is, a conscious surrender of one's whole self first into the hands and then into the being of the Supreme, and not at all of works as they are understood by the modern mind, not at all an action dictated by egoistic and altruistic, by personal,

The Core of the Teaching

social, humanitarian motives, principles, ideals. Yet this is what present-day interpretations seek to make of the Gita. We are told continually by many authoritative voices that the Gita, opposing in this the ordinary ascetic and quietistic tendency of Indian thought and spirituality, proclaims with no uncertain sound the gospel of human action, the ideal of disinterested performance of social duties, nay, even, it would seem, the quite modern ideal of social service. To all this I can only reply that very patently and even on the very surface of it the Gita does nothing of the kind and that this is a modern misreading, a reading of the modern mind into an ancient book, of the present-day
European or Europeanised intellect into a thoroughly antique, a thoroughly Oriental and Indian teaching. That which the Gita teaches is not a human, but a divine action; not the performance of social duties, but the abandonment of all other standards of duty or conduct for a selfless performance of the divine will working through our nature; not social service, but the action of the Best, the God-possessed, the Master-men done impersonally for the sake of the world and as a sacrifice to Him who stands behind man and Nature.

In other words, the Gita is not a book of practical ethics, but of the spiritual life. The modern mind is just now the European mind, such as it has become after having abandoned not only the philosophic idealism of the highest Graeco-Roman culture from which it started, but the Christian devotionalism of the Middle
Ages; these it has replaced by or transmuted into a practical idealism and social, patriotic and philanthropic devotion. It has got rid of God or kept Him only for Sunday use and erected in
His place man as its deity and society as its visible idol. At its best it is practical, ethical, social, pragmatic, altruistic, humanitarian. Now all these things are good, are especially needed at the present day, are part of the divine Will or they would not have become so dominant in humanity. Nor is there any reason why the divine man, the man who lives in the Brahmic consciousness, in the God-being should not be all of these things in his action; he will be, if they are the best ideal of the age, the
Yugadharma, and there is no yet higher ideal to be established,


Essays on the Gita
no great radical change to be effected. For he is, as the Teacher points out to his disciple, the best who has to set the standard for others; and in fact Arjuna is called upon to live according to the highest ideals of his age and the prevailing culture, but with knowledge, with understanding of that which lay behind, and not as ordinary men, with a following of the merely outward law and rule.

But the point here is that the modern mind has exiled from its practical motive-power the two essential things, God or the
Eternal and spirituality or the God-state, which are the master conceptions of the Gita. It lives in humanity only, and the Gita would have us live in God, though for the world in God; in its life, heart and intellect only, and the Gita would have us live in the spirit; in the mutable Being who is "all creatures", and the
Gita would have us live also in the Immutable and the Supreme; in the changing march of Time, and the Gita would have us live in the Eternal. Or if these higher things are now beginning to be vaguely envisaged, it is only to make them subservient to man and society; but God and spirituality exist in their own right and not as adjuncts. And in practice the lower in us must learn to exist for the higher, in order that the higher also may in us consciously exist for the lower, to draw it nearer to its own altitudes.

Therefore it is a mistake to interpret the Gita from the standpoint of the mentality of today and force it to teach us the disinterested performance of duty as the highest and all-sufficient law. A little consideration of the situation with which the Gita deals will show us that this could not be its meaning. For the whole point of the teaching, that from which it arises, that which compels the disciple to seek the Teacher, is an inextricable clash of the various related conceptions of duty ending in the collapse of the whole useful intellectual and moral edifice erected by the human mind. In human life some sort of a clash arises fairly often, as for instance between domestic duties and the call of the country or the cause, or between the claim of the country and the good of humanity or some larger religious or moral principle.

An inner situation may even arise, as with the Buddha, in which

The Core of the Teaching

all duties have to be abandoned, trampled on, flung aside in order to follow the call of the Divine within. I cannot think that the Gita would solve such an inner situation by sending
Buddha back to his wife and father and the government of the
Sakya State, or would direct a Ramakrishna to become a Pundit in a vernacular school and disinterestedly teach little boys their lessons, or bind down a Vivekananda to support his family and for that to follow dispassionately the law or medicine or journalism. The Gita does not teach the disinterested performance of duties but the following of the divine life, the abandonment of all dharmas, sarvadharman, to take refuge in the Supreme alone, and the divine activity of a Buddha, a Ramakrishna, a
Vivekananda is perfectly in consonance with this teaching. Nay, although the Gita prefers action to inaction, it does not rule out the renunciation of works, but accepts it as one of the ways to the Divine. If that can only be attained by renouncing works and life and all duties and the call is strong within us, then into the bonfire they must go, and there is no help for it. The call of God is imperative and cannot be weighed against any other considerations.

But here there is this farther difficulty that the action which
Arjuna must do is one from which his moral sense recoils. It is his duty to fight, you say? But that duty has now become to his mind a terrible sin. How does it help him or solve his difficulty, to tell him that he must do his duty disinterestedly, dispassionately? He will want to know which is his duty or how it can be his duty to destroy in a sanguinary massacre his kin, his race and his country. He is told that he has right on his side, but that does not and cannot satisfy him, because his very point is that the justice of his legal claim does not justify him in supporting it by a pitiless massacre destructive to the future of his nation. Is he then to act dispassionately in the sense of not caring whether it is a sin or what its consequences may be so long as he does his duty as a soldier? That may be the teaching of a State, of politicians, of lawyers, of ethical casuists; it can never be the teaching of a great religious and philosophical Scripture which sets out to solve the problem of life and action from the


Essays on the Gita
very roots. And if that is what the Gita has to say on a most poignant moral and spiritual problem, we must put it out of the list of the world's Scriptures and thrust it, if anywhere, then into our library of political science and ethical casuistry.

Undoubtedly, the Gita does, like the Upanishads, teach the equality which rises above sin and virtue, beyond good and evil, but only as a part of the Brahmic consciousness and for the man who is on the path and advanced enough to fulfil the supreme rule. It does not preach indifference to good and evil for the ordinary life of man, where such a doctrine would have the most pernicious consequences. On the contrary it affirms that the doers of evil shall not attain to God. Therefore if Arjuna simply seeks to fulfil in the best way the ordinary law of man's life, disinterested performance of what he feels to be a sin, a thing of Hell, will not help him, even though that sin be his duty as a soldier. He must refrain from what his conscience abhors though a thousand duties were shattered to pieces.

We must remember that duty is an idea which in practice rests upon social conceptions. We may extend the term beyond its proper connotation and talk of our duty to ourselves or we may, if we like, say in a transcendent sense that it was Buddha's duty to abandon all, or even that it is the ascetic's duty to sit motionless in a cave! But this is obviously to play with words.

Duty is a relative term and depends upon our relation to others. It is a father's duty, as a father, to nurture and educate his children; a lawyer's to do his best for his client even if he knows him to be guilty and his defence to be a lie; a soldier's to fight and shoot to order even if he kill his own kin and countrymen; a judge's to send the guilty to prison and hang the murderer.

And so long as these positions are accepted, the duty remains clear, a practical matter of course even when it is not a point of honour or affection, and overrides the absolute religious or moral law. But what if the inner view is changed, if the lawyer is awakened to the absolute sinfulness of falsehood, the judge becomes convinced that capital punishment is a crime against humanity, the man called upon to the battlefield feels, like the conscientious objector of today or as a Tolstoy would feel, that

The Core of the Teaching

in no circumstances is it permissible to take human life any more than to eat human flesh? It is obvious that here the moral law which is above all relative duties must prevail; and that law depends on no social relation or conception of duty but on the awakened inner perception of man, the moral being.

There are in the world, in fact, two different laws of conduct each valid on its own plane, the rule principally dependent on external status and the rule independent of status and entirely dependent on the thought and conscience. The Gita does not teach us to subordinate the higher plane to the lower, it does not ask the awakened moral consciousness to slay itself on the altar of duty as a sacrifice and victim to the law of the social status. It calls us higher and not lower; from the conflict of the two planes it bids us ascend to a supreme poise above the mainly practical, above the purely ethical, to the Brahmic consciousness. It replaces the conception of social duty by a divine obligation. The subjection to external law gives place to a certain principle of inner self-determination of action proceeding by the soul's freedom from the tangled law of works. And this, as we shall see, - the Brahmic consciousness, the soul's freedom from works and the determination of works in the nature by the Lord within and above us, - is the kernel of the Gita's teaching with regard to action.

The Gita can only be understood, like any other great work of the kind, by studying it in its entirety and as a developing argument. But the modern interpreters, starting from the great writer Bankim Chandra Chatterji who first gave to the Gita this new sense of a Gospel of Duty, have laid an almost exclusive stress on the first three or four chapters and in those on the idea of equality, on the expression kartavyam karma, the work that is to be done, which they render by duty, and on the phrase "Thou hast a right to action, but none to the fruits of action" which is now popularly quoted as the great word, mahavakya, of the
Gita. The rest of the eighteen chapters with their high philosophy are given a secondary importance, except indeed the great vision in the eleventh. This is natural enough for the modern mind which is, or has been till yesterday, inclined to be impatient of


Essays on the Gita
metaphysical subtleties and far-off spiritual seekings, eager to get to work and, like Arjuna himself, mainly concerned for a workable law of works, a dharma. But it is the wrong way to handle this Scripture.

The equality which the Gita preaches is not disinterestedness, - the great comm and to Arjuna given after the foundation and main structure of the teaching have been laid and built,
"Arise, slay thy enemies, enjoy a prosperous kingdom," has not the ring of an uncompromising altruism or of a white, dispassionate abnegation; it is a state of inner poise and wideness which is the foundation of spiritual freedom. With that poise, in that freedom we have to do the "work that is to be done," a phrase which the Gita uses with the greatest wideness including in it all works, sarvakarman.i, and which far exceeds, though it may include, social duties or ethical obligations. What is the work to be done is not to be determined by the individual choice; nor is the right to the action and the rejection of claim to the fruit the great word of the Gita, but only a preliminary word governing the first state of the disciple when he begins ascending the hill of Yoga. It is practically superseded at a subsequent stage. For the Gita goes on to affirm emphatically that the man is not the doer of the action; it is Prakriti, it is Nature, it is the great Force with its three modes of action that works through him, and he must learn to see that it is not he who does the work. Therefore the "right to action" is an idea which is only valid so long as we are still under the illusion of being the doer; it must necessarily disappear from the mind like the claim to the fruit, as soon as we cease to be to our own consciousness the doer of our works.

All pragmatic egoism, whether of the claim to fruits or of the right to action, is then at an end.

But the determinism of Prakriti is not the last word of the
Gita. The equality of the will and the rejection of fruits are only means for entering with the mind and the heart and the understanding into the divine consciousness and living in it; and the Gita expressly says that they are to be employed as a means as long as the disciple is unable so to live or even to seek by practice the gradual development of this higher state. And

The Core of the Teaching

what is this Divine, whom Krishna declares himself to be? It is the Purushottama beyond the Self that acts not, beyond the
Prakriti that acts, foundation of the one, master of the other, the Lord of whom all is the manifestation, who even in our present subjection to Maya sits in the heart of His creatures governing the works of Prakriti, He by whom the armies on the field of Kurukshetra have already been slain while yet they live and who uses Arjuna only as an instrument or immediate occasion of this great slaughter. Prakriti is only His executive force. The disciple has to rise beyond this Force and its three modes or; he has to become trigun.atta. Not to her has he to surrender his actions, over which he has no longer any claim or "right", but into the being of the Supreme. Reposing his mind and understanding, heart and will in Him, with selfknowledge, with God-knowledge, with world-knowledge, with a perfect equality, a perfect devotion, an absolute self-giving, he has to do works as an offering to the Master of all selfenergisings and all sacrifice. Identified in will, conscious with that consciousness, That shall decide and initiate the action. This is the solution which the Divine Teacher offers to the disciple.

What the great, the supreme word of the Gita is, its mahavakya, we have not to seek; for the Gita itself declares it in its last utterance, the crowning note of the great diapason.

"With the Lord in thy heart take refuge with all thy being; by
His grace thou shalt attain to the supreme peace and the eternal status. So have I expounded to thee a knowledge more secret than that which is hidden. Further hear the most secret, the supreme word that I shall speak to thee. Become my-minded, devoted to Me, to Me do sacrifice and adoration; infallibly, thou shalt come to Me, for dear to me art thou. Abandoning all laws of conduct seek refuge in Me alone. I will release thee from all sin; do not grieve."
The argument of the Gita resolves itself into three great steps by which action rises out of the human into the divine plane leaving the bondage of the lower for the liberty of a higher law.

First, by the renunciation of desire and a perfect equality works have to be done as a sacrifice by man as the doer, a sacrifice to


Essays on the Gita
a deity who is the supreme and only Self though by him not yet realised in his own being. This is the initial step. Secondly, not only the desire of the fruit, but the claim to be the doer of works has to be renounced in the realisation of the Self as the equal, the inactive, the immutable principle and of all works as simply the operation of universal Force, of the Nature-Soul, Prakriti, the unequal, active, mutable power. Lastly, the supreme Self has to be seen as the supreme Purusha governing this Prakriti, of whom the soul in Nature is a partial manifestation, by whom all works are directed, in a perfect transcendence, through Nature. To him love and adoration and the sacrifice of works have to be offered; the whole being has to be surrendered to Him and the whole consciousness raised up to dwell in this divine consciousness so that the human soul may share in His divine transcendence of
Nature and of His works and act in a perfect spiritual liberty.

The first step is Karmayoga, the selfless sacrifice of works, and here the Gita's insistence is on action. The second is
Jnanayoga, the self-realisation and knowledge of the true nature of the self and the world; and here the insistence is on knowledge; but the sacrifice of works continues and the path of
Works becomes one with but does not disappear into the path of
Knowledge. The last step is Bhaktiyoga, adoration and seeking of the supreme Self as the Divine Being, and here the insistence is on devotion; but the knowledge is not subordinated, only raised, vitalised and fulfilled, and still the sacrifice of works continues; the double path becomes the triune way of knowledge, works and devotion. And the fruit of the sacrifice, the one fruit still placed before the seeker, is attained, union with the divine Being and oneness with the supreme divine nature.

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Wikipedia - Diffusion Inhibitor -- Experimental fusion power device
Wikipedia - Dirtwire -- American experimental music band
Wikipedia - Disney's Stitch: Experiment 626 -- 2002 prequel video game tie-in to Lilo & Stitch
Wikipedia - Dog Star Man -- series of short American experimental films
Wikipedia - Dominick Fernow -- American experimental musician
Wikipedia - DOPE (Dartmouth Oversimplified Programming Experiment)
Wikipedia - Dornier Do 29 (1934) -- 1930s experimental aircraft by Dornier
Wikipedia - Double blind experiment
Wikipedia - Double-slit experiment
Wikipedia - Douglas Brewer -- Welsh experimental physicist (1925-2018)
Wikipedia - Douglas X-3 Stiletto -- Experimental aircraft to test sustained supersonic flight
Wikipedia - Douglas XB-42 Mixmaster -- American experimental bomber aircraft
Wikipedia - Douglas XFD -- Experimental two-seat naval biplane fighter
Wikipedia - Draft:Bamlanivimab -- Experimental drug (antibody cocktail against SARS-CoV-2) developed by Eli Lilly and Company
Wikipedia - DuPont Experimental Station -- Research and development facility of DuPont
Wikipedia - Dynetics X-61 Gremlins -- American experimental UAV
Wikipedia - EAA AirVenture Oshkosh -- Experimental Aircraft Association annual convention and air show in Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - EASE/ACCESS -- pair of Space Shuttle flight experiments
Wikipedia - E (band) -- Czech experimental rock band
Wikipedia - Ebb Cade -- African American victim of radiation experiment
Wikipedia - E. coli long-term evolution experiment -- Scientific study
Wikipedia - Ecosystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station
Wikipedia - Eddington experiment
Wikipedia - Einstein's thought experiments -- Kinds of scientific mental experiments done by Einstein
Wikipedia - Einsturzende Neubauten -- Berlin-based German experimental post-industrial goth-pop musical group
Wikipedia - Electrical Experimenter
Wikipedia - Elena Aprile -- Italian experimental particle physicist
Wikipedia - Elisabet Rutstrom -- Swedish-born experimental economist
Wikipedia - Elitzur-Vaidman bomb tester -- Quantum mechanics thought experiment
Wikipedia - Emmanuelle Waeckerle -- Experimental musician
Wikipedia - Enriched Xenon Observatory -- Particle physics experiment
Wikipedia - Erich Fischer -- German experimental physicist
Wikipedia - Ethics committee -- Committee overseeing the conduct of medical research and other human experimentation
Wikipedia - European Association of Experimental Social Psychology
Wikipedia - Evil God Challenge -- Thought experiment in philosophy
Wikipedia - EWR VJ 101 -- Experimental aircraft by Entwicklungsring Sud
Wikipedia - Experiment (1943 film) -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Experimental aesthetics
Wikipedia - Experimental aircraft -- Aircraft designed to test or develop new design or technology
Wikipedia - Experimental algorithmics
Wikipedia - Experimental analysis of behavior
Wikipedia - Experimental analysis of behaviour
Wikipedia - Experimental archaeology -- Archaeological sub-discipline
Wikipedia - Experimental Breeder Reactor II -- Experimental nuclear reactor
Wikipedia - EXperimental Computing Facility
Wikipedia - Experimental control
Wikipedia - Experimental Craft Hydrofoil No. 4 (XCH-4) -- High speed hydrofoil of the US Navy, built 1953
Wikipedia - Experimental design
Wikipedia - Experimental drug -- Medicinal product not yet approved for routine use
Wikipedia - Experimental economics
Wikipedia - Experimental error
Wikipedia - Experimental evolution -- Use of laboratory and field experiments to explore evolutionary dynamics
Wikipedia - Experimental film -- Cinematic works that are experimental form or content
Wikipedia - Experimental group
Wikipedia - Experimental hip hop
Wikipedia - Experimental languages
Wikipedia - Experimental language -- Constructed language designed for linguistics research
Wikipedia - Experimental Lecture -- English pornographic book published in 1878
Wikipedia - Experimental literature
Wikipedia - Experimental Marriage -- 1919 American silent romantic comedy film directed by Robert G. Vignola
Wikipedia - Experimental mathematics
Wikipedia - Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center -- Multi-venue arts center in Troy, NY
Wikipedia - Experimental medicine
Wikipedia - Experimental method
Wikipedia - Experimental Model 2 submachine gun -- Japanese submachine gun
Wikipedia - Experimental musical instrument
Wikipedia - Experimental music -- Music genre
Wikipedia - Experimental neurosis
Wikipedia - Experimental pathology -- Scientific study of disease
Wikipedia - Experimental philosophy
Wikipedia - Experimental physics
Wikipedia - Experimental political science
Wikipedia - Experimental pop -- Pop music that cannot be categorized within traditional musical boundaries
Wikipedia - Experimental psychologist
Wikipedia - Experimental Psychology Group
Wikipedia - Experimental Psychology (journal)
Wikipedia - Experimental Psychology Society
Wikipedia - Experimental Psychology
Wikipedia - Experimental psychology
Wikipedia - Experimental Remixes -- extended play by Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
Wikipedia - Experimental research
Wikipedia - Experimental rock -- Music genre
Wikipedia - Experimental software engineering
Wikipedia - Experimental SRCI radio stations in Yucatan -- Low-power radio stations operating at Mayan boarding schools in the Mexican state of Yucatan
Wikipedia - Experimental Study Group
Wikipedia - Experimental system
Wikipedia - Experimental techniques
Wikipedia - Experimental testing of time dilation -- Tests of special relativity
Wikipedia - Experimental theatre -- Genre of theater
Wikipedia - Experimental travel -- Unconventional tourism for tourists who avoid the tourist attractions
Wikipedia - Experimental use permit -- Pesticide permit
Wikipedia - Experimentation on prisoners
Wikipedia - Experimentation
Wikipedia - Experimenter bias
Wikipedia - Experimenter (film)
Wikipedia - Experimenter's bias
Wikipedia - Experiment (horse-powered boat) -- Horse-powered boat
Wikipedia - Experiment in International Living -- Voluntary association
Wikipedia - Experiments and Observations on Electricity -- Book by Benjamin Franklin
Wikipedia - Experiments on Plant Hybridization
Wikipedia - Experiment subject
Wikipedia - Experiments
Wikipedia - Experimentum crucis
Wikipedia - Experiment -- scientific procedure performed to validate a hypothesis
Wikipedia - EXPOSE -- An external facility on the ISS dedicated to astrobiology experiments
Wikipedia - Ezekiel Airship -- Early experimental aircraft inspired by and named after the Book of Ezekiel
Wikipedia - Factorial experiment
Wikipedia - Fastech 360 -- 2 Japanese experimental high speed trains
Wikipedia - Favipiravir -- Experimental antiviral drug with potential activity against RNA viruses
Wikipedia - Field experiment
Wikipedia - Fieseler F 3 -- German experimental aircraft
Wikipedia - Firestone XR-9 -- 1940s American experimental helicopter
Wikipedia - Fizeau experiment -- Experimant measuring the speed of light in moving water
Wikipedia - Floating man -- Thought experiment
Wikipedia - Fluid Science Laboratory -- Multi-user facility for fluid physics experiment in the Columbus module of ISS
Wikipedia - Fly Pan Am -- Canadian experimental rock band formed in Montreal in 1996
Wikipedia - Folgerphone -- Experimental wind instrument
Wikipedia - Francis Joseph McCarty -- American radio experimenter
Wikipedia - Franck-Hertz experiment -- Experiment confirming quantisation of energy levels
Wikipedia - Frederic Le Junter -- French musician and experimental musical instrument builder
Wikipedia - Free-orbit experiment with laser interferometry X-rays -- Belongs to a category of experiments
Wikipedia - French ship Experiment (1779) -- 50-gun ship of the line of the Royal Navy, captured and recommissioned in the French Navy
Wikipedia - Fresh Kill -- 1994 US experimental film by Shu Lea Cheang
Wikipedia - Galileo's Leaning Tower of Pisa experiment -- Celebrated demonstration of gravity
Wikipedia - Gamma 60 wind turbine -- Experimental wind turbine in Sardinia, Italy
Wikipedia - Ganzfeld experiment
Wikipedia - Gauge Change Train -- Experimental Japanese train class
Wikipedia - Geiger-Marsden experiment -- Experiments proving existence of atomic nuclei
Wikipedia - Genesis I -- Experimental uncrewed space habitat
Wikipedia - Georges Bataille's Story of the Eye -- 2004 experimental film
Wikipedia - Georgetown-IBM experiment
Wikipedia - Georg Joos -- German experimental physicist
Wikipedia - GEOS-3 -- The third and final satellite of NASA's Geodetic Earth Orbiting Satellite/Geodynamics Experimental Ocean Satellite program
Wikipedia - Gibbs paradox -- Thought experiment in statistical physics
Wikipedia - Glossary of experimental design -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - God's Nightmares -- 2019 experimental short film
Wikipedia - Godspeed You! Black Emperor -- Canadian experimental music group
Wikipedia - Good laboratory practice -- Quality control guidelines for chemical experiments
Wikipedia - Google Chrome Experiments -- Online showroom of web browser based experiments
Wikipedia - Gotha G.VI -- German experimental bomber plane from WW I
Wikipedia - Gravity Probe A -- Space-based experiment to test the theory of general relativity
Wikipedia - Griffith's experiment -- Experiment
Wikipedia - Grimm Grimm -- Experimental music project
Wikipedia - Grumman X-29 -- 1984 experimental aircraft family by Grumman
Wikipedia - Gustav Fechner -- German experimental psychologist,
Wikipedia - Gustav III of Sweden's coffee experiment -- Twin study
Wikipedia - Gyrodyne RON Rotorcycle -- Experimental US Navy & Marine Corps helicopter
Wikipedia - Handley Page HP.115 -- 1961 experimental aircraft by Handley Page
Wikipedia - Hannah Steinberg -- Austrian-born British pioneer of experimental psychopharmacology
Wikipedia - Hawker P.1052 -- Experimental swept wing aircraft by Hawker
Wikipedia - Hawker Siddeley P.1127 -- 1957 experimental aircraft
Wikipedia - Heilmann locomotive -- Experimental steam locomotives with electric transmission.
Wikipedia - Heinkel He 176 -- Experimental rocket plane
Wikipedia - Heinkel He 178 -- Experimental jet aircraft
Wikipedia - Heinkel He 280 -- Experimental jet aircraft
Wikipedia - Hershey-Chase experiment -- DNA experiment
Wikipedia - Hi-C (experiment)
Wikipedia - High Alpha Research Vehicle -- Experimental aircraft based on the McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet
Wikipedia - Hiller X-18 -- Experimental cargo transport aircraft designed to be the first testbed for tiltwing and V/STOL (vertical/short takeoff and landing) technology
Wikipedia - Hiller XH-44 -- American experimental helicopter
Wikipedia - Hofling hospital experiment
Wikipedia - Home (American band) -- Experimental pop band
Wikipedia - HOPE-X -- Japanese experimental spaceplane
Wikipedia - HSR-350x -- South Korean experimental high speed train
Wikipedia - Human experimentation in North Korea
Wikipedia - Human experimentation in the United States
Wikipedia - Human experimentation
Wikipedia - Human radiation experiments
Wikipedia - Hydrox (breathing gas) -- Breathing gas mixture experimentally used for very deep diving
Wikipedia - IBM 801 -- Experimental minicomputer by IBM
Wikipedia - IC3PEAK -- Russian experimental electronic band
Wikipedia - If a tree falls in a forest -- Philosophical thought experiment
Wikipedia - Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics -- Research institute at Brown University
Wikipedia - Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics
Wikipedia - Institute of Experimental Medicine
Wikipedia - Institute of Physics Michael Faraday Medal and Prize -- Award for outstanding contributions to experimental physics
Wikipedia - Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle -- A re-entry vehicle prototype by ESA for the development of the Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle
Wikipedia - Jackie-O Motherfucker -- American experimental rock group
Wikipedia - James Hutton -- Scottish geologist, physician, chemical manufacturer, naturalist, and experimental agriculturalist
Wikipedia - Janet Conrad -- American experimental physicist
Wikipedia - Japanese human experimentations
Wikipedia - Jocelyn Monroe -- American experimental particle physicist
Wikipedia - Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
Wikipedia - Journal of Experimental Biology
Wikipedia - Journal of Experimental Botany
Wikipedia - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
Wikipedia - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Wikipedia - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Wikipedia - Journal of Experimental Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Experimental Psychopathology -- Peer-reviewed journal focused on psychopathology
Wikipedia - Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Experiments in Fluid Mechanics -- Journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
Wikipedia - JS Asuka -- Experimental ship ship Asuka
Wikipedia - JS Kurihama -- Experimental ship ship Kurihama
Wikipedia - Kaisatsuko -- Experimental musical instrument
Wikipedia - Kalinin K-7 -- 1933 heavy experimental aircraft by Konstantin Kalinin
Wikipedia - Kate Nation -- English experimental psychologist
Wikipedia - Kate Watkins -- Experimental psychologist
Wikipedia - Kawtar Hafidi -- Moroccan-American experimental nuclear physicist
Wikipedia - KDPM (Cleveland) -- Former experimental shortwave radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - KE2XCC -- Former experimental radio station in Alpine, New Jersey
Wikipedia - Kerplunk experiment -- Experiment conducted on rats
Wikipedia - Killingworth locomotives -- Early experimental steam locomotives
Wikipedia - Kimi Takesue -- Experimental filmmaker
Wikipedia - King Champion Sounds -- Experimental post-punk free jazz band
Wikipedia - Kite experiment -- Science experiment on lightning and electricity
Wikipedia - Knowledge argument -- Thought experiment
Wikipedia - Korean Destroyer eXperimental -- Shipbuilding program by the Republic of Korea Navy.
Wikipedia - K-Space (band) -- British-Siberian experimental music ensemble
Wikipedia - KTU (band) -- Finnish-American progressive/experimental musical supergroup
Wikipedia - Laboratory experiments of speciation
Wikipedia - Laboratory school -- School designed to facilitate experimentation and development in education
Wikipedia - Laboratory -- Facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific or technological research, experiments, and measurement may be performed.
Wikipedia - Lady tasting tea -- Famous randomized experiment
Wikipedia - Language deprivation experiments
Wikipedia - Larry Gladney -- American experimental particle physicist and cosmologist
Wikipedia - LeperKhanz -- Californian experimental music group
Wikipedia - LeRoy Apker -- American experimental physicist
Wikipedia - LHCb experiment -- Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
Wikipedia - Lincoln Laboratory's Experimental Test Site
Wikipedia - Lippisch Delta IV -- 1936 experimental aircraft
Wikipedia - Liquid Tension Experiment -- American progressive metal supergroup
Wikipedia - List of DuPont Experimental Station inventions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of experimental aircraft -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of experimental cat breeds -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of experimental errors and frauds in physics -- List article
Wikipedia - List of experimental television stations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of experimental women writers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of experiments -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of famous experiments
Wikipedia - List of fusion experiments -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scattering experiments -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Little Albert experiment -- Experiment providing information on classical conditioning of human infantile subject
Wikipedia - Living Interplanetary Flight Experiment -- The Planetary Society's contribution to the failed Fobos-Grunt mission (2011)
Wikipedia - Lockheed Have Blue -- Experimental stealth aircraft
Wikipedia - Lockheed L-1249 Super Constellation -- Experimental four-engine turboprop military transport
Wikipedia - Lockheed Martin X-55 -- Experimental aircraft
Wikipedia - Lockheed Martin X-59 QueSST -- Experimental aircraft
Wikipedia - Lockheed X-17 -- Experimental three-stage solid-fuel research rocket to test the effects of high mach atmospheric reentry
Wikipedia - Lockheed X-7 -- Experimental aircraft to test ramjet engines and missile guidance technology
Wikipedia - Lockheed XF-104 Starfighter -- Experimental fighter aircraft
Wikipedia - Lockheed XF-90 -- Experimental aircraft
Wikipedia - Logistics (film) -- 2012 Swedish experimental art film
Wikipedia - Long-string instrument -- Experimental musical instrument
Wikipedia - Long-term experiment -- Experimental study on the empirical extraction of information over a long period
Wikipedia - LTV XC-142 -- Experimental military tilt-wing aircraft
Wikipedia - Lunar Laser Ranging experiment
Wikipedia - Luther Price -- American experimental filmmaker
Wikipedia - LUX (British film company) -- Distributor of experimental film
Wikipedia - Mahjongg (band) -- American experimental rock band
Wikipedia - Margaret Dorothea Vernon -- British experimental psychologist
Wikipedia - Marjorie Shapiro -- American experimental physicist
Wikipedia - Mark So -- American experimental composer
Wikipedia - MARS-500 -- Psychosocial isolation experiment conducted between 2007 and 2011 by Russia, the European Space Agency and China.
Wikipedia - Marsh Chapel Experiment
Wikipedia - Marshmallow experiment
Wikipedia - Mary Caponegro -- American experimental fiction writer
Wikipedia - Mary E. Reuder -- American experimental psychologist, statistician
Wikipedia - Massacre (experimental band) -- American experimental rock band
Wikipedia - Materials Adherence Experiment -- 1997 science experiment conducted on Mars
Wikipedia - Maxwell's demon -- Thought experiment of 1867
Wikipedia - Maybe Monday -- American experimental music group
Wikipedia - McCook Field -- US Army airfield and aviation experimentation station in Dayton, OH in use 1917-27
Wikipedia - McDonnell XF-85 Goblin -- Experimental parasite fighter
Wikipedia - Medical experimentation
Wikipedia - Meditation on Violence -- 1949 experimental short film
Wikipedia - Memtransistor -- Experimental multi-terminal electronic component
Wikipedia - Meselson-Stahl experiment
Wikipedia - Messerschmitt P.1092 -- German experimental aircraft project
Wikipedia - Metronome (film) -- 2002 experimental short film
Wikipedia - Microdosing -- Drug experimentation technique
Wikipedia - Midcourse Space Experiment -- Space telescope
Wikipedia - Mikoyan-Gurevich I-75 -- Experimental interceptor designed by Mikoyan-Gurevich
Wikipedia - Milgram Experiment
Wikipedia - Milgram experiment -- Series of social psychology experiments
Wikipedia - Miller-Urey experiment -- Chemical experiment that simulated conditions on the early Earth and tested the origin of life
Wikipedia - Minus Eighty Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS -- Experiment storage freezer for the ISS
Wikipedia - Minusheet perfusion culture system -- System used for advanced cell culture experiments
Wikipedia - MIT Daedalus -- Experimental aircraft
Wikipedia - Mojave Experiment
Wikipedia - Monitored Emergency Use of Unregistered and Investigational Interventions -- Ethical protocol to evaluate the potential use of experimental drugs in the event of public health emergencies
Wikipedia - Moving magnet and conductor problem -- Thought experiment in physics
Wikipedia - Mr. Todd's Experiment -- Play by Walter C. Hackett
Wikipedia - Mu2e -- particle physics experiment
Wikipedia - Munchhausen trilemma -- A thought experiment used to demonstrate the impossibility of proving any truth
Wikipedia - Museo Experimental El Eco -- Art gallery in Mexico City
Wikipedia - Music theatre -- Experimental performance genre
Wikipedia - MyLifeBits -- Life-logging experiment, 2001-
Wikipedia - Naleszkiewicz JN 1 -- Polish experimental tailless sailplane
Wikipedia - NASA Paresev -- An experimental NASA glider using the Rogallo airfoil
Wikipedia - NASA X-43 -- Unmanned US experimental hypersonic aircraft, 2001-2004
Wikipedia - NASA X-57 Maxwell -- experimental plane being developed by NASA
Wikipedia - Natalie Roe -- Experimental particle physicist
Wikipedia - Natural experiments
Wikipedia - Natural experiment
Wikipedia - Nazi human experimentation -- Unethical experiments on human subjects by Nazi Germany in its concentration camps
Wikipedia - Negativland -- American experimental music group
Wikipedia - NE Train -- Experimental Japanese train
Wikipedia - Newcomb's paradox -- Thought experiment
Wikipedia - Nion in the Kabaret de La Vita -- Canadian experimental short film directed by Jeremy Podeswa
Wikipedia - Nirenberg and Leder experiment
Wikipedia - Nirenberg and Matthaei experiment
Wikipedia - Nocturnal Doubling -- 2004 experimental short film
Wikipedia - Noise rock -- Experimental rock music mixed with noise
Wikipedia - Non-human primate experiments
Wikipedia - Norna Robertson -- Professor of experimental physics
Wikipedia - North American X-10 -- Experimental missile to test design features of the SM-64 Navaho missile
Wikipedia - Northrop N-1M -- American experimental flying wing
Wikipedia - Northrop X-4 Bantam -- Experimental small twin jet airplane
Wikipedia - Northrop XP-56 Black Bullet -- Experimental fighter intercepter aircraft by Northrop
Wikipedia - Novelty (locomotive) -- Early experimental locomotive
Wikipedia - Nuclear weapons testing -- Experiments carried out to determine the effectiveness, yield, and explosive capability of nuclear weapons
Wikipedia - Nucleic acid structure determination -- experimental process
Wikipedia - Nurse with Wound -- British experimental band
Wikipedia - Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View
Wikipedia - Observer-expectancy effect -- An experiment participant altering their behaviour in response to a researcher's expectation
Wikipedia - Oil drop experiment -- Experiment to measure elementary electric charge
Wikipedia - OK Soda -- Experimental soft drink
Wikipedia - Oliver Keith Baker -- American experimental particle physicist
Wikipedia - Olympics Triplecast -- 1992 experimental pay-per-view telecast of Olympic events in the United States
Wikipedia - Omid Kokabee -- Iranian experimental laser physicist
Wikipedia - ONO (band) -- experimental music group
Wikipedia - On Orbit Mission Control -- PicoSat experiment
Wikipedia - O/OREOS -- NASA nanosatellite with 2 astrobiology experiments on board
Wikipedia - Open field (animal test) -- An experimental animal test
Wikipedia - Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment -- Long-term variability sky survey
Wikipedia - Orbital Piloted Assembly and Experiment Complex -- Proposed Russian space station
Wikipedia - OREOcube -- ESA experiment investigating effects of cosmic radiation on organic compounds
Wikipedia - Otto Celera 500L -- Experimental high performance light aircraft
Wikipedia - P53 (band) -- Experimental music group
Wikipedia - Packard X-2775 -- Experimental aircraft engine
Wikipedia - PandaX -- dark matter detection experiment
Wikipedia - Panjandrum -- British experimental rocket-propelled explosive cart of WW2
Wikipedia - PAN (record label) -- Experimental music record label (e. 2008)
Wikipedia - Parnall Prawn -- Experimental flying boat
Wikipedia - Paul Poberezny -- United States aviator, founder of Experimental Aircraft Association
Wikipedia - Pawnee Warrior -- Light experimental helicopter
Wikipedia - PF-00446687 -- Experimental erectile dysfunction drug
Wikipedia - Philadelphia Experiment -- Urban legend about a supposed US Naval experiment in 1943
Wikipedia - Phil Coy -- English artist and experimental filmmaker
Wikipedia - Phreaking -- Studying, experimenting with, and exploring telecommunication systems, often with the goal of making free calls
Wikipedia - Pilot experiment
Wikipedia - Place (Reddit) -- Online social experiment on Reddit
Wikipedia - Plank of Carneades -- Thought experiment proposed by Carneades of Cyrene
Wikipedia - Pleistocene Park -- Ecological experiment to make an Ice Age-Like Reserve
Wikipedia - POLYGON experiment -- An experiment in oceanography conducted in middle of the Atlantic Ocean during the 1970s
Wikipedia - Popper's experiment
Wikipedia - Primate experiments at Columbia University
Wikipedia - Probability distribution -- Mathematical function for the probability a given outcome occurs in an experiment
Wikipedia - Project Echo -- First passive communications satellite experiment
Wikipedia - Project MKUltra -- CIA program experiments on human subjects
Wikipedia - Project Ozma -- 1960 SETI experiment
Wikipedia - Project West Ford -- Experimental space-based radio communication project
Wikipedia - Pseudo palladium -- Experimental binary alloy
Wikipedia - Psychedelics in problem-solving experiment -- 1966 American study
Wikipedia - Purcell Sea Sprite -- Experimental homebuilt glider aircraft
Wikipedia - Quantum eraser experiment
Wikipedia - Quantum suicide and immortality -- Thought experiment
Wikipedia - Quasi-experimental design
Wikipedia - Quasi-experiments
Wikipedia - Quasi-experiment
Wikipedia - Question Mark (aircraft) -- Early experimental aerial refueling aircraft
Wikipedia - RaLa Experiment
Wikipedia - RAND Health Insurance Experiment -- US-based health care study in 1974-1982
Wikipedia - Randomized experiment -- Experiment using randomness in some aspect, usually to aid in removal of bias
Wikipedia - Reactor Experiment for Neutrino Oscillation -- Neutrino oscillation experiment in South Korea
Wikipedia - Relay program -- 1960s experimental communications satellites
Wikipedia - Remote ischemic conditioning -- Experimental medical procedure
Wikipedia - Repeated-measures experiment
Wikipedia - Republic XF-84H Thunderscreech -- Experimental turboprop aircraft
Wikipedia - Republic XF-91 Thunderceptor -- Experimental interceptor aircraft
Wikipedia - Republic XP-72 -- 1944 experimental fighter aircraft
Wikipedia - Retrocausality -- A thought experiment in philosophy of science based on elements of physics, addressing whether the future can affect the present and whether the present can affect the past
Wikipedia - Right-to-try law -- US laws allowing patients access to experimental drugs and therapies
Wikipedia - Ritual Tension -- American experimental rock
Wikipedia - Robert Beavers -- American experimental filmmaker
Wikipedia - Robert Dopel -- German experimental nuclear physicist
Wikipedia - Robyn Millan -- American experimental physicist
Wikipedia - Romy Achituv -- Israeli experimental multimedia artist
Wikipedia - Rosenhan experiment -- Experiment to determine the validity of psychiatric diagnosis
Wikipedia - Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.9 -- British experimental reconnaissance aircraft
Wikipedia - Ruth Plummer -- Professor of Experimental Cancer Medicine
Wikipedia - RVSV-ZEBOV vaccine -- Experimental vaccine against Ebola virus disease
Wikipedia - Ryan X-13 Vertijet -- Experimental vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) jet aircraft
Wikipedia - S-51 Self-Propelled Gun -- 1943 experimental Soviet gun
Wikipedia - Sack AS-6 -- German experimental aircraft
Wikipedia - Safety of high-energy particle collision experiments
Wikipedia - Samsara Blues Experiment -- German rock band
Wikipedia - Saridegib -- Experimental drug
Wikipedia - Scanning voltage microscopy -- Scientific experimental technique
Wikipedia - Scarcity Of Tanks -- Experimental rock band
Wikipedia - Scarred: Experiments with Violence in Gujarat -- Non-fiction book
Wikipedia - Schrodinger's cat -- Thought experiment devised by the physicist Erwin Schrodinger
Wikipedia - Science fiction as thought experiment
Wikipedia - Scientific experimentation
Wikipedia - Sculptured -- American experimental death metal band
Wikipedia - Self-experimentation in medicine -- The practice of researchers trying procedures on themselves
Wikipedia - Sensory stimulation therapy -- Experimental therapy that aims to utilize neural plasticity mechanisms to aid in the recovery of somatosensory function after stroke or cognitive ageing
Wikipedia - Serial Experiments Lain
Wikipedia - Serpentwithfeet -- American experimental musician
Wikipedia - Servo (software) -- Experimental browser engine developed by Mozilla and Samsung
Wikipedia - Shaped Sonic Boom Demonstration -- Experimental derivative of Northrop F-5E fighter
Wikipedia - Sharp Edge Flight Experiment -- Program of the Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt
Wikipedia - Shyam Sunder (economist) -- American accounting theorist and experimental economist
Wikipedia - Sikorsky S-69 -- US experimental co-axial compound helicopter
Wikipedia - Sikorsky S-72 -- US experimental hybrid helicopter/fixed-wing aircraft
Wikipedia - Sikorsky S-7 -- Experimental Russian monoplane prototype from 1912
Wikipedia - Silurian hypothesis -- Thought experiment to assess ability to detect evidence of a prior advanced civilization
Wikipedia - Single-grain experiment
Wikipedia - Singularity (operating system) -- experimental operating system from Microsoft Research
Wikipedia - Six-hour day -- Experiments of working 6 hours a day, which resulted in decreases in sick leave, better self-reported health, as well as an increase in productivity.
Wikipedia - SL-1 -- Former experimental nuclear power reactor
Wikipedia - Slough experiment -- British road safety trial, 1955-1957
Wikipedia - Small-world experiment -- Experiments examining the average path length for social networks
Wikipedia - Smart BEST -- An experimental self-charging battery electric multiple unit (BEMU) train developed and built by Kinki Sharyo in Japan
Wikipedia - SNAP-10A -- Experimental nuclear-powered US Air Force satellite
Wikipedia - SNCASO Farfadet -- Experimental convertiplane
Wikipedia - Social experiment -- Type of psychological or sociological research for testing peopleM-bM-^@M-^Ys reaction to certain situations or events
Wikipedia - Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine -- Nonprofit scientific society
Wikipedia - Society for Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Science
Wikipedia - Society for Experimental Social Psychology
Wikipedia - Society of Experimental Psychologists
Wikipedia - Society of Experimental Social Psychology
Wikipedia - Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology
Wikipedia - Solar Wind Composition Experiment
Wikipedia - Southern Railway (U.S.) Class Ms-2 -- American 2-6-0 + 2-8-0 experimental locomotives
Wikipedia - SPDY -- Google's experimental binary encoding of HTTP
Wikipedia - Spring Grove Experiment
Wikipedia - Standing on the Corner (band) -- American experimental jazz and hip-hop group
Wikipedia - Stanford marshmallow experiment -- Study on delayed gratification by psychologist Walter Mischel
Wikipedia - Stanford prison experiment
Wikipedia - STAR21 -- Experimental Japanese shinkansen trainset
Wikipedia - Staraya derevnya -- Experimental psychedelic band
Wikipedia - Structured Stream Transport -- experimental transport protocol
Wikipedia - Student Spaceflight Experiments Program -- education outreach and spaceflight program
Wikipedia - Stupid Coalescing Becomers -- 2004 experimental short film
Wikipedia - Sukhoi Su-15 (1949) -- Experimental interceptor aircraft
Wikipedia - Sukhoi Su-37 -- Experimental thrust-vectoring version of the Su-35 fighter aircraft
Wikipedia - Sukhoi Su-47 -- Experimental fighter aircraft
Wikipedia - Sukhoi Su-9 (1946) -- Experimental fighter aircraft
Wikipedia - Sunn O))) -- American experimental metal band
Wikipedia - Susan Cooper (physicist) -- Professor of Experimental Physics
Wikipedia - Susan Iversen -- British experimental psychologist
Wikipedia - Swans (band) -- American experimental rock band
Wikipedia - Tanja Bosak -- Croatian experimental geobiologist
Wikipedia - Tanpopo (mission) -- ISS astrobiology experiment investigating the potential interplanetary transfer of life, organic compounds, and possible terrestrial particles in the low Earth orbit
Wikipedia - TCP Fast Open -- experimental TCP mechanism
Wikipedia - Tektite habitat -- Undersea laboratory and experimental habitat
Wikipedia - Tests of general relativity -- Scientific experiments
Wikipedia - The Argument (with annotations) -- 2017 experimental short film
Wikipedia - The Bad Idea Reunion -- 2010 experimental short film
Wikipedia - The Belko Experiment -- 2016 film directed by Greg McLean
Wikipedia - The Button (Reddit) -- Experimental meta-game on
Wikipedia - The Design of Experiments -- Book by Ronald Aylmer Fisher
Wikipedia - The Electrical Experimenter -- Defunct American technical science magazine
Wikipedia - The Experiment (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The Experiment of Professor Mithrany -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Experiment
Wikipedia - The Garden (band) -- American experimental rock band
Wikipedia - The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments -- Book by Robert Brent
Wikipedia - The Hand to Man Band -- American experimental music group
Wikipedia - The Impostor (hello goodbye) -- 2003 experimental short film
Wikipedia - The Lazarus Experiment -- Episode of Doctor Who
Wikipedia - The Mantaray (show rod) -- One-of-a-kind experimental car
Wikipedia - Theo Burt -- British electronic musician and experimental multimedia artist
Wikipedia - The Other Shoe (film) -- 2001 experimental short film
Wikipedia - The Other Side of the Underneath -- 1972 British experimental film written and directed by Jane Arden
Wikipedia - The Peckham Experiment -- Social experiment in public health
Wikipedia - The Philadelphia Experiment (2012 film) -- 2012 science fiction film directed by Paul Ziller
Wikipedia - The Philadelphia Experiment (film) -- 1984 science fiction film directed by Stewart Raffill
Wikipedia - The Quatermass Experiment (film) -- 2005 live remake of the 1953 TV series directed by Sam Miller
Wikipedia - The Raincoats -- British experimental post-punk band
Wikipedia - The Sirian Experiments -- 1980 novel by Doris Lessing
Wikipedia - The Snowfield -- 2011 experimental video game
Wikipedia - The Stanford Prison Experiment (film) -- 2015 film
Wikipedia - The Story of My Experiments with Truth -- Autobiography of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Wikipedia - The Third Wave (experiment) -- Social experiment on the spread of Nazism
Wikipedia - The Tree of Life (film) -- 2011 American experimental drama film directed by Terrence Malick
Wikipedia - The Whistles & The Bells -- American experimental alt-rock band
Wikipedia - The Wire (magazine) -- British experimental music magazine
Wikipedia - Thor experiment -- Experiment aimed to investigate electrical activity
Wikipedia - Thought-experiment
Wikipedia - Thought experiment -- Considering hypothesis, theory, or principle for the purpose of thinking through its consequences
Wikipedia - Tilting Train Express -- Experimental train
Wikipedia - Timeline of scientific experiments
Wikipedia - Tim Hodgkinson -- English experimental music composer and performer
Wikipedia - TKM-Ebola -- Experimental antiviral drug for Ebola disease that failed
Wikipedia - Tokai Arboretum -- Silviculture experimental station in Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor -- former experimental tokamak at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Wikipedia - Torpedo Experimental Establishment -- research department, British Royal Navy
Wikipedia - Towering Inferno (band) -- English experimental music duo
Wikipedia - Toychestra -- American experimental music group
Wikipedia - Tribes of Neurot -- Experimental music group
Wikipedia - Trolley problem -- Thought experiment in ethics
Wikipedia - True experiment
Wikipedia - Tsunami (aircraft) -- Experimental purpose-built racing aircraft
Wikipedia - Tuskegee syphilis experiment
Wikipedia - Tuskegee Syphilis Study -- 1932-1972 human experiment in Alabama, USA
Wikipedia - Tussman Experimental College
Wikipedia - Twin Earth thought experiment
Wikipedia - TWISTEX -- Tornado research experiment
Wikipedia - Twitch Plays PokM-CM-)mon -- social experiment and channel on Twitch
Wikipedia - Two Generals' Problem -- Thought experiment
Wikipedia - UA5 experiment -- Particle physics experiment at CERN
Wikipedia - UA8 experiment -- High-energy physics experiment at CERN
Wikipedia - UHTREX -- American Ultra-High Temperature Reactor Experiment (1959-1971)
Wikipedia - Ultimatum game -- A game in economic experiments
Wikipedia - Ultraista -- Experimental rock band
Wikipedia - Unethical human experimentation in the United States
Wikipedia - Unethical human experimentation -- Human experimentation that violates the principles of medical ethics
Wikipedia - Unexpected hanging paradox -- Thought experiment in logic
Wikipedia - United States Navy Experimental Diving Unit -- The primary source of diving and hyperbaric operational guidance for the US Navy
Wikipedia - University of Wisconsin Experimental College -- Two-year college designed and led by Alexander Meiklejohn
Wikipedia - University Statisticians of the Southern Experiment Stations
Wikipedia - U.S. Rabbit Experimental Station -- California Historic Landmark
Wikipedia - V451 vaccine -- Experimental vaccine targeting SARS-CoV-2
Wikipedia - Valerie Speirs -- Professor of experimental pathology & oncology
Wikipedia - Vera Luth -- Experimental particle physicist
Wikipedia - Vertol VZ-2 -- Experimental helicopter by Vertol, later Boeing
Wikipedia - Victor Henri -- French physical chemist, physiologist and experimental psychologist
Wikipedia - Viking lander biological experiments
Wikipedia - Villamil LibM-CM-)lula Viblandi -- Early Spanish experimental helicopter
Wikipedia - Vollmer M35 -- Series of German experimental automatic rifles
Wikipedia - Vosoritide -- Experimental drug for the treatment of achondroplasia
Wikipedia - Voyage to the Outer Planets -- Early multimedia experiment
Wikipedia - Vultee XA-41 -- 1944 experimental attack aircraft by Convair
Wikipedia - W2XMN -- Former experimental radio station in Alpine, New Jersey
Wikipedia - W4XA -- Former experimental radio broadcasting station in Nashville, Tennessee
Wikipedia - W8XH -- Former experimental radio broadcasting station in Buffalo, New York
Wikipedia - W8XWJ -- Former experimental radio broadcasting station in Detroit, Michigan
Wikipedia - WA2XMN -- Experimental FM radio station in Alpine, New Jersey
Wikipedia - WA89 experiment -- Physics experiment
Wikipedia - Water and Power -- 1989 experimental documentary film
Wikipedia - WEAKEND -- 2003 experimental short film
Wikipedia - Web-based experiments
Wikipedia - Web Experimental Psychology Lab
Wikipedia - Web experiment list
Wikipedia - WebVR -- Experimental JavaScript API that provides support for virtual reality devices
Wikipedia - Wendelstein 7-AS -- Stellarator for plasma fusion experiments (1988-2002)
Wikipedia - Wendy Taylor (physicist) -- Experimental particle physicist
Wikipedia - Wheeler's delayed-choice experiment -- Number of quantum physics thought experiments
Wikipedia - White Light from the Mouth of Infinity -- Studio album by American experimental rock band Swans
Wikipedia - Wight Quadruplane -- British WWI quadruplane experimental fighter aircraft
Wikipedia - Wigner's friend -- Thought experiment in theoretical quantum physics
Wikipedia - Willard Maas -- American experimental filmmaker and poet
Wikipedia - William Hogarth Main -- Cave diver and scuba configuration experimentalist
Wikipedia - WIN350 -- Japanese experimental high-speed train type
Wikipedia - Window Observational Research Facility -- Experiment rack facility manufactured by the Brazilian Space Agency
Wikipedia - Wizard of Oz experiment
Wikipedia - Wolfgang Gentner -- German experimental nuclear physicist
Wikipedia - World Ocean Circulation Experiment -- A component of the international World Climate Research Program
Wikipedia - Wu experiment -- Nuclear physics experiment
Wikipedia - Xanadu Houses -- Series of experimental homes
Wikipedia - X: Past Is Present -- 2014 Indian experimental film directed by Nalan Kumarasamy
Wikipedia - Yaacov Agam -- Israeli sculptor and experimental artist
Wikipedia - Yakovlev Yak-60 -- Experimental helicopter design
Wikipedia - Yeasayer -- American experimental rock band from Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - Yokosuka MXY1 -- 1930s Japanese experimental aircraft
Wikipedia - Young's interference experiment -- 1801 double-slit experiment by Thomas Young
Wikipedia - Zag and the Coloured Beads -- English experimental rock band
Wikipedia - ZETA (fusion reactor) -- Experimental fusion reactor in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Zip Code Rapists -- Experimental rock band
Wikipedia - ZMapp -- Experimental treatment for Ebola virus disease
Leon M. Lederman ::: Born: July 15, 1922; Occupation: Experimenter;
Viktor Schauberger ::: Born: June 30, 1885; Died: September 25, 1958; Occupation: Experimenter;
Chien-Shiung Wu ::: Born: May 31, 1912; Died: February 16, 1997; Occupation: Experimenter;
Goodreads author - Alaska_Agricultural_Experiment_Stations
Kheper - experiments -- 35
Integral World - Why We Have Bodies, Evolution as an Experiment in Body-Buiding, Frank Visser
Integral World - The Two Greatest Experiments of Life, Metabolism and Morphology, Frank Visser
dedroidify.blogspot - social-perception-experiment-violinist
dedroidify.blogspot - the-rosenhan-experiment
wiki.auroville - Ritam_"Udavi:_Challenges_of_an_Educational_Experiment_in_the_Village"
Psychology Wiki - Cognitive_&_experimental_psychology
Psychology Wiki - Experiment
Psychology Wiki - Experimentation
Psychology Wiki - Thought_experiment
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - biology-experiment
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - experimental-moral
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - experimental-philosophy
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - physics-experiment
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - thought-experiment
Occultopedia - philadelphia_experiment
Occultopedia - philadelphia_experiment's_experiment
Beakman's World (1992 - 1994) - Beakman's World was a science show, and at first glance it seems like something from Batman or something, with strange colorful sets, sound effects and very visual experiments. But it is not strictly a
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (1990 - 1991) - The evil Dr Gangreen has created an army of mutant killer tomatoes to help him take over the world. During the mutation process he throws out one that's too big and slow, but it mixes with another experiment, and is transformed into a pretty girl! She escapes with one of the tomatoes, is chased, and...
The Six Million Dollar Man (1974 - 1978) - Colonel Steve Austin was a top NASA pilot, critically injured when his experimental spaceplane crashed. Oscar Goldman, head of the OSI (a government organization that develops new technologies), used Austin as a test subject for an experimental procedure. His body was rebuilt using incredible cybe...
Star Fleet (1980 - 1982) - The year is 2999, and the solar system has just seen the end of Space War 3. The Solar System is invaded by the Imperial Alliance in search of a supreme being, the F-01. The experimental X Bomber spacecraft with its young crew must discover the secret of F-01 and turn it against the Imperial Allian...
My Secret Identity (1988 - 1991) - Teenager Andrew Clements gains superpowers after accidentally getting in the way of Dr. Benjamin Jeffcoate's scientific experiment. Andrew uses his superpowers to help people, but must hide them from his family and friends. With the powers of Invulnerability, Super Speed, and Levitation Andrew fight...
The Tribe (1999 - Current) - 'Where the virus came from, no-one knew... from deepest space, bacterial warfare or some nation's scientific experiments gone horrifically wrong? All the Adults are gone... All the teachers are gone... All peace and regular meals are gone... Just tribal instincts and war paint survive. If survival d...
Dr Zitbag's Transylvania pet shop (1994 - Current) - When Dr Zitbag was fired from a pet shop for experimenting on pets. So he set up his own pet shop with his wackey creations as pets.
Earth Star Voyager (1988 - 1988) - In the late 21st century, planet earth's natural resources are near depletion, and problems like acid rain and limited breathable oxygen abound. In response to the environmental decline, the Earth Star Voyager is created as an experimental space ship that sends the brightest young crewmen and women...
Creature Features (1971 - 1976) - Creature Features was shown on WGN TV-9 from Sept. 19th, 1970 until Mid 1976. Known for it's main title vignettes of Universal Studios classic horror movies set to the haunting guitars of Henry Mancini's theme from the film "Experiment In Terror," and the dark sinister voice of WGN-TV announcer Mart...
ZOOM (1972 - 1978) - ZOOM encouraged children to "turn off the TV and do it!" On the show, a rotating cast of seven kids (known as ZOOMers) performed various activities such as games, plays, poems, recipes, jokes, and science experiments, all suggested by viewer contributions. The mail-in request in both the 1970s and 9...
Honey I Shrunk the Kids (1997 - 2000) - Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show (truncated to Honey, I Shrunk the Kids in the show's title sequence) is an American syndicated science fiction sitcom based on the 1989 film, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. It expands upon the original film's concept of a shrinking experiment gone wrong to include a...
The Fantastic Four (1967 - 1967) - When an experimental space voyage goes awry, four people are changed by cosmic rays. Reed Richards, inventor and leader of the group gains the ability to stretch his body, and takes the name, Mr. Fantastic. His girlfriend, Sue Storm, gains the ability to turn invisible and create force fields, calli...
Shooting Stars (1995 - 2002) - Shooting Stars is a UK television comedy panel game broadcast on BBC Two. Created by Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer, it is both a parody of the game show format, and an experiment in dadaist television. As such it is possibly one of the most bizarre programmes ever regularly aired. The first series was...
ZOOM (90s version) (1999 - 2005) - ZOOM encouraged children to "turn off the TV and do it!" On the show, a rotating cast of seven kids (known as ZOOMers) performed various activities such as games, plays, poems, recipes, jokes, and science experiments, all suggested by viewer contributions. The mail-in request in both the 1970s and 9...
Now and Again (1999 - 2000) - When Michael Wiseman is killed in a tragic subway accident, the U.S. government covertly makes him an offer he can't refuse; they "keep his brain alive" and place it into a new, genetically bio-engineered body. The doctor in charge of the experiment has grand plans for him, but all Michael wants is...
Science Court (1997 - 2000) - The half-hour program mixed courtroom drama, science experiments, and humor to teach fundamental concepts in elementary and middle school science such as the water cycle, work, matter, gravity, flight, and energy. As each case unfolded, the characters in the trial used humor to highlight scientific...
The Invisible Man (1958 - 1960) - A brittish scientist"Dr.Peter Brady"experiments with a machine that deals with light refection..but..because of a malfunction..A beam from the device makes him invisible.Stories depic "Dr.Brady's"efforts to help the Brittish government.
Dokachin the Primitive Boy (1968 - 1969) - an anime created by Tatsunoko Production.A prehistoric boy, his family and a chunk of land from the past, were accidentally brought to the present time by a scientist's time-travel experiments.
Serial Experiments Lain (1998 - 1998) - An adolescent girl develops a unique connection to a virtual reality network known as The Wired.
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (1983 - 1986) - alternately aired under the title "The MASS Device" during the series' syndication. Cobra develops an experimental teleportation unit, known as the MASS device, which has the ability to transport matter to any global location, using a satellite to relay the teleportation beam. G.I. Joe must stop Cob...
Lilo & Stitch: The Series (2003 - 2006) - Continuing where Stitch! The Movie left off, Lilo and Stitch are given the task of collecting the rest of Jumba's missing experiments, changing them from bad to good, and finding the one place where they truly belong. Meanwhile, the former Captain Gantu and his reluctant partner, Experiment 625 (Lat...
Science Max: Experiments at Large (2015 - Current) - Have you ever done a science experiment and wondered "What would this be like if it were HUGE?" Welcome to Science Max, the exciting new series that turbocharges all the science experiments you've done at home.
Short Circuit(1986) - Number 5, one of a group of experimental military robots, undergoes a sudden transformation after being struck by lightning. He develops self-awareness, consciousness, and a fear of the reprogramming that awaits him back at the factory. With the help of a young woman, Number 5 tries to evade capture...
Fritz The Cat(1972) - Mavrick writer/director Ralph Bakshi made his feature-length film debut created the first rated X cartoon ever it's the age of awakening and fritz one way-cool cat and NYU student loves to embrace every experimental experience that crosses his path embarking on a fantastic journey of self-discovery...
Re-Animator(1985) - Herbert West (Jeffrey Combs) is a brilliant medical student who has perfected a green-glowing serum for regenerating the dead or even parts of dead things. But a corrupt superior, Dr. Carl Hill (David Gale), assumes control of West's experiments and winds up, by ghastly necessity, having the stuf...
Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning(1985) - After a few years in the Unger Institute for Mental Health Tommy Jarvis is deemed fit to be a part of an experimental social project for mentally ill teens. It is a camp where their freedoms are more open and they are trained to re enter society by partaking in a family setting. But Tommy is still s...
Innerspace(1987) - Lt. Tuck Pendleton (Dennis Quaid), a former Air Force pilot, volunteers to be miniaturized with the help of two experimental microchips. But as techno-thieves steal one of the chips, he is injected into supermarket clerk Jack Putter (Martin Short). Now they must find the missing chip with the help...
Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero(1998) - This feature-length spin-off of Batman: The Animated Series follows the dynamic duo as they battle their ice cold, age old enemy, Mr. Freeze. In his latest nefarious plot, Mr. Freeze has abducted Batgirl as the organ donor needed for a deadly experiment meant to reanimate his old wife, who, until he...
Firestarter(1984) - Andy McGee met his future wife Vicky while they were earning money by participating in an experiment in which they were given a dose of a chemical called LOT-6, while they were in college. Andy and Vicky went on to get married and they now have a 9-year-old daughter named Charlene "Charlie" McGee, w...
Bio-Dome(1996) - Bud and Doyle trick their girlfriends out of working on Earth Day. Too many Bladder Busters lead them to "Bio-Dome" which they assume to be a mall. They break inside and are locked in there for 365 days with 5 annoyed scientists. The experiment is forced to adapt to the altercations caused by Bud an...
The Fly(1986) - Scientist Seth Brundle (Jeff Goldblum) has fucked up with his latest experiment. His interest in matter transport goes awry when a fly lands in the transport booth he's using, Brundle starts transforming in disturbing ways that end up frightening reporter Veronica Quaife (Geena Davis), the object of...
The Unborn(1991) - married woman who has not been able to successfully conceive a child turns to a specialist who succeeds in inseminating her artificially. Before too long, she hears rumors of the doctor's past and present genetic experiments and when she finally aborts the fetus, finds that it is a monster as she h...
Twins(1988) - Julius and Vincent Benedict are the results of an experiment that would allow for the perfect child. Julius was planned and grows to athletic proportions. Vincent is an accident and is somewhat smaller in stature. Vincent is placed in an orphanage while Julius is taken to a south seas island and rai...
Monkey Shines(1988) - When Allan becomes a quadriplegic he loses all hope for living until he meets Ella - a monkey trained to fetch and carry for him around the house, obeying him in all things. But Ella is part of another experiment, and when she starts responding to Allan's underlying rage and frustration she has the...
Watchers(1988) - Based on the novel by Dean R. Koontz, this film follows the escape of an intelligent dog from a top-secret government experiment and his meeting with young Travis (Corey Haim). The boy and the dog soon become fast friends, but problems crop up when the canine's "partner," a large, deadly, orange cre...
Xtro 2: The Second Encounter(1991) - When an experiment to send three volunteers to another dimension fails, only one comatose survivor is brought back. However, when the scientists discover that the volunteer carried a deadly creature back with her, they must struggle to destroy the creature before it destroys them.
The Philadelphia Experiment(1984) - Based on an "actual event" that took place in 1943. About a US Navy Destroyer Escort that disappeared from the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, and sent two men 40 years into the future to 1984.
Evil Spawn(1987) - Actress Lynn Roman (Bobbie Bresee) isn't getting any younger, so she experiments with a youth serum. When her career is still stalled, things get rather monstrous...
Sakura Killers(1987) - Chuck Connors stars in this routine martial arts feature as the Colonel. He sends agents Sonny (Mike Kelly) and Dennis (George Nichols) to Taiwan in search of microfilm containing experiments on genetic engineering. The agents soon find themselves up against Japanese killers known as the Sakura who...
The Kindred(1987) - Amanda's deathbed request to her son, John, was for him to destroy all the lab notes etc. from her last experiment. She also blurts out he had a brother. At the funeral John meets Melissa, who claims to be his mothers biggest fan. Together with some of John's friends they go to Amanda's house, but n...
Deepstar Six(1989) - The crew of an experimental underwater nuclear base are forced to struggle for their lives when their explorations disturb a creature who threatens to destroy their base.
Horror High(1974) - Vernon Potts is the local high school nerd is picked on by everybody from students to the teachers. His only salvation is in his science experiments, his most recent one involving a new formula which transforms his pet guinea pig in a enraged monster. One night while staying late at the school on hi...
A Knight in Camelot(1998) - In this romantic fantasy adventure, a lady scientist's experiment whisks her back to King Arthur's court. While there, the plucky lass proves that modern women are as tough as medieval men, and she soon becomes the mythical king's most favored knight.
Frankenstein Conquers the World(1965) - The heart from the scientist's experiment gets exposed to the nuclear bombings in Hiroshima and mutates into the giant humanoid monster, Frankenstein! Meanwhile, another giant monster is running rampant, Baragon! It is a duel of the monsters in this sister production to KING KONG VS. GODZILLA
Wolf Girl(2001) - A teenage girl(Victoria Sanchez) with hypertrichosis takes an experimental depilatory treatment.At first the treatment works,but soon dangerous side effects cause the girl to begin brutally murdering people.
Idiocracy(2006) - Idiocracy is a 2006 American satirical science fiction comedy film directed by Mike Judge and starring Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, Dax Shepard, and Terry Crews. The film tells the story of two people who take part in a top-secret military hibernation experiment, only to awaken 500 years later in a dy...
Quest For Love(1971) - After a scientific experiment goes horribly wrong during a demonstration, a scientist finds himself trapped in an alternate reality that bears some similarities to our own, but also has some striking differences. In this other reality the Second World War had never occurred, mankind had not yet trav...
Experimenter(2015) - In 1961, famed social psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted a series of radical behavior experiments that tested ordinary humans' willingness to obey authority.
Dr.Alien(1989) - A geeky college student(Billy Jacoby) learns that his sexy biology teacher(Judy Landers)is an alien,and wants to experiment on him.
Appleseed(1988) - Appleseed takes place in the aftermath of World War III, where the General Management Control Office has constructed the experimental city known as Olympus. Built to be a paradise on Earth, Olympus is inhabited by humans, cyborgs, and bioroids (genetically engineered humans designed for increased ph...
The Revenge Of Frankenstein(1958) - We watch Baron Frankenstein escaping from the guillotine and going to Germany. There, he names himself Dr. Stein and plans to restart his experiments by using parts of dead bodies.
Lilo & Stitch(2002) - Dr. Jumba Jookiba is on trial by the Galactic Federation for his creation of a dangerous experiment, experiment 626 which is cunning, smart, and dangerous. Despite their attempts to shoot it to prison on an asteroid, the alien re-routes the ship's navigation to planet Earth, and crash-lands on the i...
The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant(1971) - Dr. Roger Girard is a rich scientist conducting experiments on head transplantation. His caretaker has a son, Danny, who, although fully grown, has the mind of child. One day an escaped psycho-killer invades Girard's home, killing Danny's father before being gunned down himself. With the maniac dyin...
Gray Lady Down(1978) - A Navy Captain uses his experimental Snark to reach a nuclear submarine stuck on an ocean ledge.
Mesa of Lost Women(1953) - A couple is found in the desert as they are recovering they retell their encounter with a mad scientist Dr. Aranya who is conducting horrific experiments., He has created a race of giant spiders and injecting women with human pituitary growth hormones developing superpowers. A group of people throu...
Captive Wild Woman(1943) - An insane scientist doing experimentation in glandular research becomes obsessed with transforming a female gorilla into a human...even though it costs human life.
Voodoo Woman(1957) - Deep in the jungles a mad scientist is using the natives' voodoo for his experiments to create an indestructible being to serve his will. When a party of gold seekers stumbles upon his village, the scientist realizes that Marilyn the expedition's evil leader is the perfect subject for his work.
Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed(1969) - Baron Frankenstein is once again working with illegal medical experiments. Together with a young doctor, Karl and his fiance Anna they kidnap the mentally sick Dr. Brandt, to perform the first brain transplantation ever.
Humanoids From The Deep (1980)(1980) - Scientific experiments backfire and produce horrific mutations: half-man, half-fish which terrorize a small fishing village by killing the men and raping the women.
Forbidden World(1982) - In the distant future, a federation marshal arrives at a research lab on a remote planet where a genetic experiment has gotten lose and begins feeding on the dwindling scientific group.
Invisible: The Chronicles Of Benjamin Knight(1993) - When a lab experiment goes wrong, Benjamin Knight is left invisible while his scientist friends trying to find a formula that will restore his visibility to last the rest of his life.
Prototype(1992) - In a post-apocolyptic Los Angeles, a wheelchair bound veteren volunteers for an experimental cybergenic program that wil allow him to walk again only to find that it turns him into a lethal killing machine pre-programmed to kill the last remaining member of the resistance - the woman he loves.
The Mutations(1974) - A scientist experiments with crossing humans and plants, for which he uses his students.
Death Machine(1994) - Chaank Armaments is experimenting with the ultimate fighting machine which is part human - part machine. So far, the Hardman project has been unreliable and has killed a number of innocent people. The genius behind this project is Jack who lives in a world of models, toys and magazines. When he is f...
Frankenstein - 1970(1958) - Needing money, the last of the Frankensteins leases his castle out to a film company as he tries to complete his ancestor's gruesome experiments at creating life.
Zombie Holocaust(1980) - The members of an expedition in search for the last faithful of Kito, the cannibal god, land on a small island in the Moluccas (East Indies) and are soon hunted by cannibals and zombies, these being created by a sinister Doctor O'Brien who is experimenting with corpses. Suzan, a sexy lady in the exp...
Hulk(2003) - It Explores The Origins Of The Hulk (Bruce Banner) Who Is Partially Attributed To Bruce Banner's Father's Experiments On Himself And Also On His Son.
MVP: Most Valuable Primate(2000) - The plot revolves around an ape playing sports. Jack is a three-year-old chimpanzee who is the subject of an experiment involving sign language that is performed by Dr. Kendall. However, Dr. Kendall loses funding for his research and Kendall's boss, Mr. Peabody, sells Jack to a medical research lab,...
The Cars That Ate Paris(1974) - In the Australian rural town of Paris, the inhabitants keep the economy alive by causing car crashes and selling the spare parts as well as scrap metal while the survivors are employed for psychiatric experiments.
Shadow: Dead Riot(2006) - Evil voodoo-practicing serial killer Shadow gets executed for murdering pregnant women. Twenty years later the prison Shadow was put to death at has been turned into an experimental women's penitentiary. Tough and fiercely autonomous new inmate Solitaire has some kind of link with Shadow. When Shado...
Leroy & Stitch(2006) - A made for TV movie acting as the series finale to the animated series. With their work collecting the 625 alien experiments on the Earth completed, Lilo and Stitch are being honored by the Galactic Alliance with Lilo being made ambassador to Earth for all the various experiments. Feeling mad that h...
Stitch! The Movie(2003) - After the events of the first film, Stitch still does not seem to fit in with Lilo. The pair soon discover Gantu breaking into their home and taking Jumba away for questioning. They soon discover that Jumba's other 625 experiments are hiding on Earth in a dehydrated form. Not so much a sequel to the...
Silent Rage(1982) - In the hospital of a small town, three doctors experiment on a man called John Kirby. As a result, John becomes a mute maniacal murderer with the ability to heal automatically every time he gets injured, no matter how bad it is. When he starts killing everyone he crosses, the town's sheriff goes aft...
The Shaggy Dog(2006) - Dave Douglas is a district attorney who has just prosecuted a group of activists, led by Dr. Kozak who have broken into the pharmaceutical corporation Grant & Strictland after they accused them of animal experimentation while trying to find a Fountain of Youth. The activists have also stolen a sacre...
Return Of The Fly(1959) - Phillipe Delambre,now an adult,continues his father's experiments,with same horrifying results.
Spider-Man 2(2004) - Set two years after the events of Spider-Man, the film finds Peter Parker struggling to manage both his personal life and his duties as Spider-Man, which affects his civilian life dramatically. Meanwhile, Dr. Otto Octavius becomes a diabolical villain after a failed experiment kills his wife and lea...
Underdog(2007) - A police dog is accidentally kidnapped to be a guinea pig by Capitol City's best geneticist, Simon Bar Sinister, who is secretly experimenting on dogs to perfect his serum. The beagle escapes, but not before causing a lab fire and being exposed to various substances. Found by ex-police officer and w...
The Brink(2006) - A group of people follow up on some supernatural experiments done by Thomas Edison...Things get scary.
Black Sheep (2006)(2006) - An experiment in genetic engineering turns harmless sheep into blood-thirsty killers that terrorize a sprawling New Zealand farm.
Things(1989) - An impotent husband, driven by a fanatical desire to father children, forces his wife to undergo a dangerous experiment. The result: the birth of a multitude of monstrous THINGS.
The Terminal Man(1974) - Hoping to cure his violent seizures, a man agrees to a series of experimental microcomputers inserted into his brain but inadvertently discovers that violence now triggers a pleasurable response his brain.
Corridors of Blood(1958) - Set during the 1840's, Dr. Thomas Bolton begins early experimentation with Anesthesia. However one of his first demonstration turns out to be a failure in front of peers. After this disgrace he ends having to leave his position and having to involved with criminals. Bolton also becomes addicted to g...
The Resurrected(1991) - Private investigator John March is hired by Claire Ward to investigate her husband's recent mysterious activities. Upon investing deeper into Charles Dexter Ward's experiments in his abandoned ancestral farmhouse it turns out to be more horrors come from Charles's famil
Caltiki, the Immortal Monster(1959) - A team of archaeologist explore some Mayan ruins to discover gelatinous blob monster that absorbs anything it comes in contact with. The group manages to stop it and save a piece of a creature. They return to Mexico City with and experiment with the creature. They discover that the creature expands...
The Nest(1988) - North Port is starting to have a bug problem. Sheriff Richard Tarbell starts to notice thinking its a simple infestation however big problems ariase as pets and people start ending up dead. It turns out a the mayor has allowed INTEC to conduct experiments making a species of roach insect repellents...
Frankenstein On Campus(1970) - Viktor Frankenstein, expelled from Ingoldstat U for doing weird experiments and for acting a bit looney, goes to college in Canada to study brain control under Prof. Preston. Campus radicals frame Viktor (photographed holding a joint) in an attempt to discredit both Preston and the Dean and Viktor i...
Food Of The Gods II(1989) - A growth hormone experiment gets out of hand, when the the resulting giant man-eating rats escape, reaking havoc on the unsuspecting campus. Much blood-letting follows. -- -- Mystery --
A Clockwork Orange (1971) ::: 8.3/10 -- R | 2h 16min | Crime, Drama, Sci-Fi | 2 February 1972 (USA) -- In the future, a sadistic gang leader is imprisoned and volunteers for a conduct-aversion experiment, but it doesn't go as planned. Director: Stanley Kubrick Writers: Stanley Kubrick (screenplay), Anthony Burgess (novel)
Alien: Covenant - Advent (2017) ::: 6.8/10 -- 7min | Short, Sci-Fi | Video 15 August 2017 -- Advent is a sequel to Alien: Covenant in which David sends a transmission from the Covenant to Weyland-Yutani on Earth, elaborating upon the genetic experimentation he has been conducting on Planet 4. Director: Luke Scott Writer: Will Melton Stars:
Altered States (1980) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 25 December 1980 (USA) -- A psycho-physiologist experiments with drugs and a sensory-deprivation tank and has visions he believes are genetic memories. Director: Ken Russell Writers: Paddy Chayefsky (written for the screen by) (as Sidney Aaron), Paddy
Beach Rats (2017) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Drama | 25 January 2018 (Germany) -- A Brooklyn teenager spends his days experimenting with drugs and looking online for older men to meet with. Director: Eliza Hittman Writer: Eliza Hittman
Blue Thunder (1983) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Action, Crime, Drama | 13 May 1983 (USA) -- The cop test pilot for an experimental police helicopter learns the sinister implications of the new vehicle. Director: John Badham Writers: Dan O'Bannon, Don Jakoby
Charly (1968) ::: 7.0/10 -- M | 1h 43min | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi | 23 September 1968 (USA) -- An intellectually disabled man undergoes an experiment that gives him the intelligence of a genius. Director: Ralph Nelson Writers: Daniel Keyes (novel), Stirling Silliphant (screenplay) Stars:
Deadpool (2016) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 12 February 2016 (USA) -- A wisecracking mercenary gets experimented on and becomes immortal but ugly, and sets out to track down the man who ruined his looks. Director: Tim Miller Writers: Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick
Deja Vu (2006) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 6min | Action, Crime, Sci-Fi | 22 November 2006 (USA) -- After a ferry is bombed in New Orleans, an A.T.F. agent joins a unique investigation using experimental surveillance technology to find the bomber, but soon finds himself becoming obsessed with one of the victims. Director: Tony Scott Writers:
Dorohedoro ::: 8.2/10 -- 25min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2020 ) -- In a sad town a clan of sorcerers use its people to experiment with the dark arts.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920) ::: 7.0/10 -- Unrated | 1h 9min | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi | 28 September 1920 (Denmark) -- Dr. Henry Jekyll experiments with scientific means of revealing the hidden, dark side of man and releases a murderer from within himself. Director: John S. Robertson Writers: Robert Louis Stevenson (by), Clara Beranger (scenario) (as Clara S. Beranger) Stars:
Einstein and Eddington (2008) ::: 7.3/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 34min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Movie 23 November -- Einstein and Eddington Poster Drama about the development of Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, and Einstein's relationship with British scientist Sir Arthur Eddington, the first physicist to experimentally prove his ideas. Director: Philip Martin Writer: Peter Moffat
Eleventh Hour ::: TV-14 | 45min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20082009) -- A government scientist and his tough attractive FBI handler try to save people from deadly scientific experiments, poisoners, rare diseases, and environmental hazards. Creator:
Ex Machina (2014) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 24 April 2015 (USA) -- A young programmer is selected to participate in a ground-breaking experiment in synthetic intelligence by evaluating the human qualities of a highly advanced humanoid A.I. Director: Alex Garland Writer:
Experimenter (2015) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Biography, Drama, History | 16 October 2015 (USA) -- In 1961, famed social psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted a series of radical behavior experiments that tested ordinary humans' willingness to obey authority. Director: Michael Almereyda Writer:
Experiment in Terror (1962) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 3min | Crime, Mystery, Thriller | May 1962 (Canada) -- A man with an asthmatic voice telephones and assaults clerk Kelly Sherwood at home and coerces her into helping him steal a large sum from her bank. Director: Blake Edwards Writers:
Fireproof (2008) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 2h 2min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 26 September 2008 (USA) -- In an attempt to save his marriage, a firefighter uses a 40-day experiment known as "The Love Dare." Director: Alex Kendrick Writers: Alex Kendrick (story and screenplay), Stephen Kendrick (story and
Flatliners (1990) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi | 10 August 1990 (USA) -- Five medical students experiment with "near death" experiences, until the dark consequences of past tragedies begin to jeopardize their lives. Director: Joel Schumacher Writer: Peter Filardi Stars:
Frankenweenie (2012) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 27min | Animation, Comedy, Family | 5 October 2012 (USA) -- When a boy's beloved dog passes away suddenly, he attempts to bring the animal back to life through a powerful science experiment. Director: Tim Burton Writers: Leonard Ripps, Tim Burton (original idea) | 1 more credit
From Beyond (1986) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 25min | Horror, Sci-Fi | 24 October 1986 (USA) -- A group of scientists have developed the Resonator, a machine which allows whoever is within range to see beyond normal perceptible reality. But when the experiment succeeds, they are immediately attacked by terrible life forms. Director: Stuart Gordon Writers:
Innerspace (1987) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 2h | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 1 July 1987 (USA) -- A test pilot is miniaturized in a secret experiment, and accidentally injected into a hapless store clerk. Director: Joe Dante Writers: Chip Proser (story), Jeffrey Boam (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Island of Lost Souls (1932) ::: 7.4/10 -- Passed | 1h 10min | Horror, Sci-Fi | December 1932 (USA) -- A mad doctor conducts ghastly genetic experiments on a remote island in the South Seas, much to the fear and disgust of the shipwrecked sailor who finds himself trapped there. Director: Erle C. Kenton Writers:
Lilo & Stitch: The Series ::: TV-Y | 22min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (20032006) -- The rambunctious human and alien duo must hunt down Dr. Jumba Jookiba's 625 other experimental creatures infesting Hawaii. Creators: Dean DeBlois, Chris Sanders
Luke Cage ::: TV-MA | 55min | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (20162018) -- When a sabotaged experiment gives him super strength and unbreakable skin, Luke Cage becomes a fugitive attempting to rebuild his life in Harlem and must soon confront his past and fight a battle for the heart of his city. Creator:
Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932) ::: 6.4/10 -- Passed | 1h 1min | Crime, Horror, Mystery | 21 February 1932 (USA) -- A mad scientist seeks to mingle human blood with that of an ape, and resorts to kidnapping women for his experiments. Director: Robert Florey Writers: Edgar Allan Poe (based on the immortal classic by), Robert Florey (adaptation) | 3 more credits Stars:
Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Return ::: TV-14 | 1h 30min | Comedy, Drama, Horror | TV Series (2017 ) -- Kinga Forrester continues the B-movie watching experiments of her father and grandmother on a new test subject aboard the Satellite Of Love. Creator:
Planet Terror (2007) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 12 October 2007 (Canada) -- After an experimental bio-weapon is released, turning thousands into zombie-like creatures, it's up to a rag-tag group of survivors to stop the infected and those behind its release. Director: Robert Rodriguez Writer:
Poison (1991) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 25min | Drama, Horror, Romance | 16 August 1991 (Sweden) -- A boy shoots his father and flies out the window. A man falls in love with a fellow inmate in prison. A doctor accidentally ingests his experimental sex serum, wreaking havoc on the community. Director: Todd Haynes Writers: Jean Genet (inspired by the novels of Jean Genet with quotations from "Miracle of the Rose", "Our Lady of the Flowers" and "Thief's Journal"), Todd Haynes
Psycho-Pass: The Movie (2015) ::: 7.2/10 -- Gekijouban Psycho-Pass (original title) -- Psycho-Pass: The Movie Poster -- In this sequel to Psycho-Pass TV show, Inspector Tsunemori is sent to a neighboring war-torn nation, where the Sibyl System is being introduced as an experiment, to find Shinya Kogami, her former enforcer who went rogue three years ago. Directors: Naoyoshi Shiotani, Katsuyuki Motohiro
Quantum Leap ::: TV-PG | 1h | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (19891993) -- During a government experiment into time travel, a scientist finds himself trapped in the past, "leaping" into the bodies of different people on a regular basis and sorting out their problems whilst trying to get back home to his own time. Creator:
Re-Animator (1985) ::: 7.2/10 -- Unrated | 1h 44min | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi | 18 October 1985 (USA) -- After an odd new medical student arrives on campus, a dedicated local and his girlfriend become involved in bizarre experiments centering around the re-animation of dead tissue. Director: Stuart Gordon Writers:
Return to Oz (1985) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 53min | Adventure, Family, Fantasy | 21 June 1985 (USA) -- Dorothy, saved from a psychiatric experiment by a mysterious girl, is somehow called back to Oz when a vain witch and the Nome King destroy everything that makes the magical land beautiful. Director: Walter Murch Writers:
Serial Experiments Lain ::: TV-14 | 5h 16min | Animation, Horror, Mystery | TV Mini-Series (1998) Episode Guide 13 episodes Serial Experiments Lain Poster -- Strange events begin to occur as a withdrawn girl named Lain becomes obsessed with interconnected virtual realm of "The Wired". Stars: Kaori Shimizu, Bridget Hoffman, Dan Lorge
Ship of Theseus (2012) ::: 8.1/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 20min | Drama | 19 July 2013 (India) -- The film explores questions of identity, justice, beauty, meaning and death through an experimental photographer, an ailing monk and a young stockbroker. Director: Anand Gandhi Writers:
Short Circuit (1986) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 38min | Comedy, Family, Sci-Fi | 9 May 1986 (USA) -- Number 5 of a group of experimental robots in a lab is electrocuted, suddenly becomes intelligent, and escapes. Director: John Badham Writers: S.S. Wilson, Brent Maddock
Snowpiercer (2013) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 6min | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | 11 July 2014 (USA) -- In a future where a failed climate-change experiment has killed all life except for the lucky few who boarded the Snowpiercer, a train that travels around the globe, a new class system emerges. Director: Bong Joon Ho Writers:
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 39min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 14 February 2020 (USA) -- After discovering a small, blue, fast hedgehog, a small-town police officer must help him defeat an evil genius who wants to do experiments on him. Director: Jeff Fowler Writers:
Source Code (2011) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 33min | Action, Drama, Mystery | 1 April 2011 (USA) -- A soldier wakes up in someone else's body and discovers he's part of an experimental government program to find the bomber of a commuter train within 8 minutes. Director: Duncan Jones Writer:
Tarantula (1955) ::: 6.5/10 -- Approved | 1h 20min | Horror, Sci-Fi | 20 February 1956 (Sweden) -- A spider escapes from an isolated Arizona desert laboratory experimenting in giantism and grows to tremendous size as it wreaks havoc on the local inhabitants. Director: Jack Arnold Writers:
The Cat o' Nine Tails (1971) ::: 6.7/10 -- Il gatto a nove code (original title) -- The Cat o' Nine Tails Poster A newspaper reporter and a retired, blind journalist try to solve a series of killings connected to a pharmaceutical company's experimental, top-secret research projects and in so doing, both become targets of the killer. Director: Dario Argento Writers: Dario Argento (based on a story by), Luigi Cozzi (based on a story by)
The Cell (2000) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 18 August 2000 (USA) -- An F.B.I. Agent persuades a social worker, who is adept with a new experimental technology, to enter the mind of a comatose serial killer in order to learn where he has hidden his latest kidnap victim. Director: Tarsem Singh Writer:
The Cell (2000) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 18 August 2000 (USA) -- An F.B.I. Agent persuades a social worker, who is adept with a new experimental technology, to enter the mind of a comatose serial killer in order to learn where he has hidden his latest kidnap victim.
The Damned (1962) ::: 6.6/10 -- Approved | 1h 27min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 7 July 1965 (USA) -- An American tourist, a youth gang leader, and his troubled sister find themselves trapped in a top secret government facility experimenting on children. Director: Joseph Losey Writers:
The Experiment (2001) ::: 7.7/10 -- Das Experiment (original title) -- The Experiment Poster -- For two weeks, 20 male participants are hired to play prisoners and guards in a prison. The "prisoners" have to follow seemingly mild rules, and the "guards" are told to retain order without using physical violence. Director: Oliver Hirschbiegel
The Experiment (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Drama, Thriller | 12 August 2010 (South Korea) -- 26 men are chosen to participate in the roles of guards and prisoners in a psychological study that ultimately spirals out of control. Director: Paul T. Scheuring Writers: Paul T. Scheuring (screenplay), Mario Giordano (novel) | 4 more
The Fly (1986) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi | 15 August 1986 (USA) -- A brilliant but eccentric scientist begins to transform into a giant man/fly hybrid after one of his experiments goes horribly wrong. Director: David Cronenberg Writers: George Langelaan (short story), Charles Edward Pogue (screenplay) | 1
The Ice Storm (1997) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Drama | 26 November 1997 (USA) -- In suburban New Canaan, Connecticut, 1973, middle-class families experimenting with casual sex and substance abuse find their lives beyond their control. Director: Ang Lee Writers:
The Jacket (2005) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | 4 March 2005 (USA) -- A Gulf war veteran is wrongly sent to a mental institution for insane criminals, where he becomes the object of a doctor's experiments, and his life is completely affected by them. Director: John Maybury Writers:
The Passage ::: TV-14 | 1h | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2019) -- When a botched U.S. government experiment turns a group of death row inmates into highly infectious vampires, an orphan girl might be the only person able to stop the ensuing crisis. Creators:
The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Biography, Drama, History | 17 July 2015 (USA) -- In 1971, twenty-four male students are selected to take on randomly assigned roles of prisoners and guards in a mock prison situated in the basement of the Stanford psychology building. Director: Kyle Patrick Alvarez Writers:
Thirst (2009) ::: 7.1/10 -- Bakjwi (original title) -- Thirst Poster -- Through a failed medical experiment, a priest is stricken with vampirism and is forced to abandon his ascetic ways. Director: Chan-wook Park (as Park Chan-wook) Writers:
Upgrade (2018) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 1 June 2018 (USA) -- Set in the near-future, technology controls nearly all aspects of life. But when the world of Grey, a self-labeled technophobe, is turned upside down, his only hope for revenge is an experimental computer chip implant. Director: Leigh Whannell Writer:
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 47min | Action, Sci-Fi | 1 May 2009 (USA) -- The early years of James Logan, featuring his rivalry with his brother Victor Creed, his service in the special forces team Weapon X, and his experimentation into the metal-lined mutant Wolverine. Director: Gavin Hood Writers:!'zargo's_Experiment'Nstasi's_Experimentation_Chamber!!,_Part_1,_Part_2,_Part_3,_Part_4,_Part_5,_or,_Bringing_the_Dead_to_Life,_A_Noble_Experiment's_Experiment,_Part_1:_Riverport_University_Experiment's_Human_Experiment's_Human_Experiment_(Manga)
2005-nen Uchuu no Tabi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Space Dementia Sci-Fi -- 2005-nen Uchuu no Tabi 2005-nen Uchuu no Tabi -- Experimental short film by Michio Mihara. -- Special - Dec 31, 2005 -- 2,064 4.47
Aa! Megami-sama! (TV) Specials -- -- - -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Magic Comedy Romance Supernatural Seinen -- Aa! Megami-sama! (TV) Specials Aa! Megami-sama! (TV) Specials -- Due to the recent events that happened on the last episodes of the season, the Goddess have some stability problems with their body systems. The always adult looking Urd becomes a little girl and has a fateful encounter with a boy, whereas little Skuld becomes an adult and wants to experiment adulthood together with Keiichi. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters, NYAV Post -- Special - Apr 1, 2005 -- 24,663 7.53
Aa! Megami-sama! (TV) Specials -- -- - -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Magic Comedy Romance Supernatural Seinen -- Aa! Megami-sama! (TV) Specials Aa! Megami-sama! (TV) Specials -- Due to the recent events that happened on the last episodes of the season, the Goddess have some stability problems with their body systems. The always adult looking Urd becomes a little girl and has a fateful encounter with a boy, whereas little Skuld becomes an adult and wants to experiment adulthood together with Keiichi. -- Special - Apr 1, 2005 -- 24,663 7.53
Ai -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Psychological Romance -- Ai Ai -- A short experimental anime about a woman desperately in love. Made by Yoji Kuri, a well-known Japanese indie animator. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1963 -- 3,405 4.25
Airy Me -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Music -- Dementia Drama Horror Music -- Airy Me Airy Me -- A test subject is administered daily medication by a nurse in a ward where mysterious medical experiments take place. One day, when the nurse presses the switch of the test subject, it successfully transforms into a chimera. When the test subject continues to hold human desires to take on non-human forms, what spectacle will arise as a result? And what effect will this have on the subject's relationship with the nurse? -- -- (Source: Japan Media Arts Festival) -- Music - Jul 17, 2013 -- 3,909 6.32
Ajin Part 1: Shoudou -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Horror Mystery Seinen Supernatural -- Ajin Part 1: Shoudou Ajin Part 1: Shoudou -- For high schooler Kei—and for at least forty-six others—immortality comes as the nastiest surprise ever. -- -- Sadly for Kei, such a feat doesn't make him a superhero. In the eyes of both the general public and governments, he's a rare specimen who needs to be hunted down and handed over to scientists to be experimented on for life—a demi-human who must die a thousand deaths for the benefit of humanity. -- -- (Source: Vertical) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Nov 27, 2015 -- 39,190 7.50
Ajin Part 1: Shoudou -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Horror Mystery Seinen Supernatural -- Ajin Part 1: Shoudou Ajin Part 1: Shoudou -- For high schooler Kei—and for at least forty-six others—immortality comes as the nastiest surprise ever. -- -- Sadly for Kei, such a feat doesn't make him a superhero. In the eyes of both the general public and governments, he's a rare specimen who needs to be hunted down and handed over to scientists to be experimented on for life—a demi-human who must die a thousand deaths for the benefit of humanity. -- -- (Source: Vertical) -- Movie - Nov 27, 2015 -- 39,190 7.50
Ajin Part 2: Shoutotsu -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Horror Mystery Seinen Supernatural -- Ajin Part 2: Shoutotsu Ajin Part 2: Shoutotsu -- For high schooler Kei—and for at least forty-six others—immortality comes as the nastiest surprise ever. -- -- Sadly for Kei, such a feat doesn't make him a superhero. In the eyes of both the general public and governments, he's a rare specimen who needs to be hunted down and handed over to scientists to be experimented on for life—a demi-human who must die a thousand deaths for the benefit of humanity. -- -- (Source: Vertical) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - May 6, 2016 -- 22,486 7.27
Ajin Part 2: Shoutotsu -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Horror Mystery Seinen Supernatural -- Ajin Part 2: Shoutotsu Ajin Part 2: Shoutotsu -- For high schooler Kei—and for at least forty-six others—immortality comes as the nastiest surprise ever. -- -- Sadly for Kei, such a feat doesn't make him a superhero. In the eyes of both the general public and governments, he's a rare specimen who needs to be hunted down and handed over to scientists to be experimented on for life—a demi-human who must die a thousand deaths for the benefit of humanity. -- -- (Source: Vertical) -- Movie - May 6, 2016 -- 22,486 7.27
Ajin Part 3: Shougeki -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Horror Mystery Seinen Supernatural -- Ajin Part 3: Shougeki Ajin Part 3: Shougeki -- For high schooler Kei—and for at least forty-six others—immortality comes as the nastiest surprise ever. -- -- Sadly for Kei, such a feat doesn't make him a superhero. In the eyes of both the general public and governments, he's a rare specimen who needs to be hunted down and handed over to scientists to be experimented on for life—a demi-human who must die a thousand deaths for the benefit of humanity. -- -- (Source: Vertical) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Sep 23, 2016 -- 20,905 7.28
Ajin Part 3: Shougeki -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Horror Mystery Seinen Supernatural -- Ajin Part 3: Shougeki Ajin Part 3: Shougeki -- For high schooler Kei—and for at least forty-six others—immortality comes as the nastiest surprise ever. -- -- Sadly for Kei, such a feat doesn't make him a superhero. In the eyes of both the general public and governments, he's a rare specimen who needs to be hunted down and handed over to scientists to be experimented on for life—a demi-human who must die a thousand deaths for the benefit of humanity. -- -- (Source: Vertical) -- Movie - Sep 23, 2016 -- 20,905 7.28
Akikan! -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Romance -- Akikan! Akikan! -- Hobbies are often a great way of meeting new people, but how could Kakeru Diachi, who collects rare juice cans, have ever suspected that he'd meet a fascinating new girl when he attempted to DRINK her? Naming her Melon, because she's got great melon... soda, Kakeru quickly learns that she's an Akikan—a beautiful girl who's also a special can created to fight other Akikans in a strange experiment to determine what kind of container is better: steel or aluminum! -- -- Will becoming involved in this ridiculously twisted research project gone amuck complicate Kakeru's life incredibly? Of course it will, but because Melon's steel body needs carbon dioxide to breathe, he's now stuck with her since she's too CO2 dependent! And when his wealthy, attractive, best childhood friend Najimi gets HER own aluminum Akikan, the trouble really begins! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 110,783 6.17
Appleseed -- -- Gainax -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Police Mecha -- Appleseed Appleseed -- Appleseed takes place in the aftermath of World War III, where the General Management Control Office has constructed the experimental city known as Olympus. Built to be a paradise on Earth, Olympus is inhabited by humans, cyborgs, and bioroids (genetically engineered humans designed for increased physical capabilities and decreased emotional capabilities). Bioroids run and control all of the administrative functions of Olympus, ensuring that the city remains the utopian society it was meant to be for all of its citizens. But for some people living in Utopia, the city has become less of a home and more of a cage. -- -- Police officer Calon Mautholos has grown to despise Olympus following his wife's suicide, blaming her death on the lack of creative freedom caused by the rules binding the citizens of the city. As his hatred for the city grows, Calon conspires with the terrorist A.J. Sebastian to destroy the Legislature of the Central Management Bureau to send the rules of Olympus that killed his wife tumbling down. But when Calon discovers it is not political malcontent, but rather hatred for bioroids that motives Sebastian, Calon turns renegade and gains the attention of city officials. Deunan Knute and her partner Briareos of the ESWAT counter-terrorism unit are dispatched to hunt down and stop Calon and Sebastian... by any means necessary! -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Manga Entertainment -- OVA - Apr 21, 1988 -- 25,245 6.60
Appleseed Saga Ex Machina -- -- Digital Frontier -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Appleseed Saga Ex Machina Appleseed Saga Ex Machina -- Deunan, a young female warrior, and Briareos, a veteran cyborg-soldier, are both partners and lovers. As members of E.S.W.A.T., the elite special forces serving Olympus, they are deployed whenever trouble strikes. The two fighters find their partnership tested in a new way by the arrival of a new member to their ranks—an experimental Bioroid named Tereus. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Warner Bros. Japan -- Movie - Oct 20, 2007 -- 35,870 7.35
Argento Soma -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Argento Soma Argento Soma -- In the year 2059, the earth has been plagued by aliens for several years. In an effort to learn more about these aliens, Dr. Noguchi and his assistants Maki Agata and Takuto Kaneshiro try to revive the professor's experiment, a large Bio-Mechanical alien named Frank. During this process the alien comes to 'life' and the lab is subsequently destroyed leaving Takuto the only survivor and the alien disappearing into the wilderness. While Frank roams the wilderness he meets Hattie, an emotionally distressed young girl whose parents are killed in the first 'close encounter' war. Oddly enough she is able to communicate with Frank and soon after they are taken into custody by a secret agency known only as 'Funeral'. Meanwhile, Takuto wakes up in a hospital bed with his life in shambles, and his face disfigured. Motivated by vengeance and heart break, Takuto accepts an offer from the mysterious 'Mr. X' and receives a new identity as a ranking Funeral officer named Ryu Soma. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- 22,382 6.79
A Smart Experiment -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- A Smart Experiment A Smart Experiment -- Bonus short included on the "Atsushi Wada Works 2002-2010" DVD. -- Special - ??? ??, 2006 -- 588 4.41
Biohazard: Infinite Darkness -- -- Quebico -- ? eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi Horror -- Biohazard: Infinite Darkness Biohazard: Infinite Darkness -- The Netflix series will tell its new story across two timelines. In the first, 14-year-old sisters Jade and Billie Wesker are moved to New Raccoon City. A manufactured, corporate town, forced on them right as adolescence is in full swing. But the more time they spend there, the more they come to realize that the town is more than it seems and their father may be concealing dark secrets. Secrets that could destroy the world. The second, more than a decade into the future sees less than 15 million people left on Earth. And more than 6 billion monsters — people and animals infected with the T-virus. Jade, now 30, struggles to survive in this new world, while the secrets from her past — about her sister, her father and herself — continue to haunt her. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - ??? ??, 2021 -- 1,612 N/AOretacha Youkai Ningen -- -- DLE -- 25 eps -- Original -- Demons Horror Parody -- Oretacha Youkai Ningen Oretacha Youkai Ningen -- (No synopsis yet.) -- 1,612 N/A -- -- Youshou -- -- - -- 2 eps -- - -- Demons Hentai Horror -- Youshou Youshou -- Justice has never been so naked! -- -- A super-secret cult of lesbians performs erotic experiments on bodies from the local hospital! Their purpose: to revive the spirit of their ancient leader in a virile human form. Now it's up to the Midnight Strike Force, a team of busty justice fighters, to go undercover (and under the covers) to stop the nefarious acolytes before they succeed in their diabolically dirty schemes! -- -- (Source: Critical Mass Video) -- OVA - Feb 11, 2001 -- 1,599 5.21
Blend -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Dementia -- Blend Blend -- This short experiments with the flow of oil ink over the surface of the water. Mizue manipulated the ink by blowing with straws or stirring with toothpicks and used stop motion animation techniques to shoot the resulting effects. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2009 -- 455 N/A -- -- Hanasu na� -- -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Hanasu na� -- Hanasu na� -- -- A televised advertisement for Mode Gakuen, a vocational college in Japan located in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and Paris. They specialize in fashion, styling, graphic design both in techniques as well as business. Every year they make a new student recruitment video with a tag line. For 2018, the video was animated with the tag line Suki na Koto dake wa, Shindemo Hanasu na� -- . -- Special - Apr 1, 2018 -- 451 5.32
B: The Beginning -- -- Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Police Psychological Supernatural Thriller -- B: The Beginning B: The Beginning -- On the islands of Cremona, a vigilante runs amok. Celebrated by some and hunted by others, the notorious "Killer B" takes justice into his own hands, armed with a sharp blade and superhuman abilities. Unable to apprehend this renegade, the Royal Investigation Service (RIS) calls upon the expertise of Keith Flick, a seasoned, yet eccentric detective who was relegated to the Archives Department following a personal loss. As crimes in Cremona begin to escalate, from stealthy executions of wrongdoers to sophisticated strikes on public figures, it soon becomes clear that there is more than one person responsible. -- -- With the help of his impulsive sidekick Lily Hoshina, and unexpected aid from the elusive Killer B himself, Keith begins to unravel plots involving secret organizations, domestic terrorism, and human experiments. When the involvement of the RIS extends beyond the scope of justice, the extent of the government's corruption—as well as the trustworthiness of close allies—are thrown into question. -- -- ONA - Mar 2, 2018 -- 246,503 7.30
B: The Beginning Succession -- -- Production I.G -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Police Psychological Supernatural Thriller -- B: The Beginning Succession B: The Beginning Succession -- In the first season of B: The Beginning, two men confronted their own past with great sacrifice. Maverick detective Keith Flick fought against his demons and finally exposed the dark secrets behind the Kingdom of Cremona. Mutant wunderkind Koku finally reunited with the most precious memory from his stolen childhood. Several months have passed since then, and the entire world seems to have forgotten the turmoil caused by those events. As Keith returns to the Royal Police to conduct his own investigation, Koku and Yuna try to enjoy an ordinary life in peace. But the consequences of the Jaula Blanca experiments are far from being extinct, as Koku soon discovers when his supposedly dead lab mate Kirisame suddenly shows up. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- ONA - Mar 18, 2021 -- 57,391 6.13
Cybersix -- -- Telecom Animation Film -- 13 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Romance Sci-Fi -- Cybersix Cybersix -- Anime based upon the original Argentine graphic novel series of the same name. -- -- The story follows the titular character who is a genetically engineered super-soldier; one of the creations of Dr. Von Reichter's diabolic experiments. (The fictional) Von Reichter is actually a former Nazi who conducted horrendous experiments during the second world war. He flees to South America where he continues his experiments which culminate in the creation of the "Cybers," one of which happens to be Cybersix. However, since the Cybers exhibit free will at an young age (an undesired trait), Von Reichter destroys all the Cybers to prevent a rebellion. -- -- In the present day, Cybersix is one of the Cybers who managed to escape and is living a quiet life under the alias of "Adrian Seidelman"; however, she finds out that her survival is dependent on a special substance that Von Reichter created and thus she is forced to hunt down the "Technos," a newer generation of super-soldiers created by him, in order to survive. Unintentionally, in the process, Cybersix becomes a superhero protecting the world from Dr. Von Reichter's creations and his evil plans. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 7,462 7.23
Dead Leaves -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Psychological Comedy Sci-Fi -- Dead Leaves Dead Leaves -- Pandy and Retro awaken naked on Earth with no recollection of their past. They embark on a devastating crime spree in search of food, clothing and transportation, but are captured by authorities and sent to the infamous lunar penitentiary named Dead Leaves. While incarcerated, they quickly discover that Dead Leaves is also a top-secret cloning facility, occupied by villainous guards and deformed genetic experiments. Ultra-manic chaos and hyper-violent bedlam ensue as they organize a prison break with the aid of their fellow mutant inmates. -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Jan 16, 2004 -- 74,519 7.22
Dead Leaves -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Psychological Comedy Sci-Fi -- Dead Leaves Dead Leaves -- Pandy and Retro awaken naked on Earth with no recollection of their past. They embark on a devastating crime spree in search of food, clothing and transportation, but are captured by authorities and sent to the infamous lunar penitentiary named Dead Leaves. While incarcerated, they quickly discover that Dead Leaves is also a top-secret cloning facility, occupied by villainous guards and deformed genetic experiments. Ultra-manic chaos and hyper-violent bedlam ensue as they organize a prison break with the aid of their fellow mutant inmates. -- Movie - Jan 16, 2004 -- 74,519 7.22
Death Note -- -- Madhouse -- 37 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Police Psychological Supernatural Thriller Shounen -- Death Note Death Note -- A shinigami, as a god of death, can kill any person—provided they see their victim's face and write their victim's name in a notebook called a Death Note. One day, Ryuk, bored by the shinigami lifestyle and interested in seeing how a human would use a Death Note, drops one into the human realm. -- -- High school student and prodigy Light Yagami stumbles upon the Death Note and—since he deplores the state of the world—tests the deadly notebook by writing a criminal's name in it. When the criminal dies immediately following his experiment with the Death Note, Light is greatly surprised and quickly recognizes how devastating the power that has fallen into his hands could be.       -- -- With this divine capability, Light decides to extinguish all criminals in order to build a new world where crime does not exist and people worship him as a god. Police, however, quickly discover that a serial killer is targeting criminals and, consequently, try to apprehend the culprit. To do this, the Japanese investigators count on the assistance of the best detective in the world: a young and eccentric man known only by the name of L. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 2,759,896 8.63
Detective Conan -- -- TMS Entertainment -- ? eps -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Detective Conan -- Shinichi Kudou, a high school student of astounding talent in detective work, is well known for having solved several challenging cases. One day, when Shinichi spots two suspicious men and decides to follow them, he inadvertently becomes witness to a disturbing illegal activity. Unfortunately, he is caught in the act, so the men dose him with an experimental drug formulated by their criminal organization, leaving him to his death. However, to his own astonishment, Shinichi lives to see another day, but now in the body of a seven-year-old child. -- -- Perfectly preserving his original intelligence, he hides his real identity from everyone, including his childhood friend Ran Mouri and her father, private detective Kogorou Mouri. To this end, he takes on the alias of Conan Edogawa, inspired by the mystery writers Arthur Conan Doyle and Ranpo Edogawa. -- -- Detective Conan follows Shinichi who, as Conan, starts secretly solving the senior Mouri's cases from behind the scenes with his still exceptional sleuthing skills, while covertly investigating the organization responsible for his current state, hoping to reverse the drug's effects someday. -- -- 262,623 8.16
Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Ketsubetsu, Yamainu no Chikai -- -- Blade, Wit Studio -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Historical Supernatural -- Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Ketsubetsu, Yamainu no Chikai Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Ketsubetsu, Yamainu no Chikai -- One year has passed after the great battle against the "Orochi" (gigantic snake). Tenka had been paralyzed from the final battle and he took part of the government's human experiment before the battle. Tenka withdrew himself from society, but his younger brothers, Soramaru and Chuutaro, find out the secret past about their older brother. -- -- (Source: Amazon Prime Video) -- -- Licensor: -- Eleven Arts -- Movie - Dec 2, 2017 -- 11,188 7.40
Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Ouka, Tenbou no Kakehashi -- -- Blade, Wit Studio -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Historical Supernatural -- Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Ouka, Tenbou no Kakehashi Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Ouka, Tenbou no Kakehashi -- The three brothers discover that the human experiment banned after destroying the "Orochi", is still going on to secretly revive the evil snake. They also find out that some ex-members of the Yamainu (the Japanese military unit formed to kill the snake) are behind this conspiracy. The brothers fight together again in a battle against the military. -- -- (Source: Amazon Prime Video) -- Movie - Sep 1, 2018 -- 7,154 7.21
Dorohedoro -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Horror Magic Fantasy Seinen -- Dorohedoro Dorohedoro -- Hole—a dark, decrepit, and disorderly district where the strong prey on the weak and death is an ordinary occurrence—is all but befitting of the name given to it. A realm separated from law and ethics, it is a testing ground to the magic users who dominate it. As a race occupying the highest rungs of their society, the magic users think of the denizens of Hole as no more than insects. Murdered, mutilated, and made experiments without a second thought, the powerless Hole dwellers litter the halls of Hole's hospital on a daily basis. -- -- Possessing free access to and from the cesspool, and with little challenge to their authority, the magic users appear indomitable to most—aside for a few. Kaiman, more reptile than man, is one such individual. He hunts them on a heedless quest for answers with only a trusted pair of bayonets and his immunity to magic. Cursed by his appearance and tormented by nightmares, magic users are his only clue to restoring his life to normal. With his biggest obstacle being his stomach, his female companion Nikaidou, who runs the restaurant Hungry Bug, is his greatest ally. -- -- Set in a gritty world of hellish design, Dorohedoro manages a healthy blend of comedy and lightheartedness with death and carnage. Taking plenty of twists and turns while following the lives of Hole's residents, it weaves a unique world of unearthly origin and dreary appearance not for the squeamish or easily disturbed. -- -- 303,473 8.10
Dorohedoro -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Horror Magic Fantasy Seinen -- Dorohedoro Dorohedoro -- Hole—a dark, decrepit, and disorderly district where the strong prey on the weak and death is an ordinary occurrence—is all but befitting of the name given to it. A realm separated from law and ethics, it is a testing ground to the magic users who dominate it. As a race occupying the highest rungs of their society, the magic users think of the denizens of Hole as no more than insects. Murdered, mutilated, and made experiments without a second thought, the powerless Hole dwellers litter the halls of Hole's hospital on a daily basis. -- -- Possessing free access to and from the cesspool, and with little challenge to their authority, the magic users appear indomitable to most—aside for a few. Kaiman, more reptile than man, is one such individual. He hunts them on a heedless quest for answers with only a trusted pair of bayonets and his immunity to magic. Cursed by his appearance and tormented by nightmares, magic users are his only clue to restoring his life to normal. With his biggest obstacle being his stomach, his female companion Nikaidou, who runs the restaurant Hungry Bug, is his greatest ally. -- -- Set in a gritty world of hellish design, Dorohedoro manages a healthy blend of comedy and lightheartedness with death and carnage. Taking plenty of twists and turns while following the lives of Hole's residents, it weaves a unique world of unearthly origin and dreary appearance not for the squeamish or easily disturbed. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Netflix -- 303,473 8.10
Eikyuu Kazoku -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological Comedy -- Eikyuu Kazoku Eikyuu Kazoku -- It started as a sociological experiment. Six different people were brainwashed to think that they were a family and then put in arbitrary situations to see how they would react; however, when a taping of the families conducts is sold in a desperate attempt to make a little capital, it instantly becomes a success. Now the family is a first rated show and their every move is broadcasted around the world without them knowing it. But when a clogged toilet sets off a chain of events that ultimately frees the family from the room they are confined in the broadcasters, not willing to lose their source of income, set out to hunt down and recapture every member of the Eternal family. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Apr 1, 1997 -- 8,447 5.94
Elfen Lied -- -- Arms -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Romance Seinen -- Elfen Lied Elfen Lied -- Lucy is a special breed of human referred to as "Diclonius," born with a short pair of horns and invisible telekinetic hands that lands her as a victim of inhumane scientific experimentation by the government. However, once circumstances present her an opportunity to escape, Lucy, corrupted by the confinement and torture, unleashes a torrent of bloodshed as she escapes her captors. -- -- During her breakout, she receives a crippling head injury that leaves her with a split personality: someone with the mentality of a harmless child possessing limited speech capacity. In this state of instability, she stumbles upon two college students, Kouta and his cousin Yuka, who unknowingly take an injured fugitive into their care, unaware of her murderous tendencies. This act of kindness will change their lives, as they soon find themselves dragged into the shadowy world of government secrecy and conspiracy. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 1,226,770 7.55
Experiment -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Experiment Experiment -- A short film by Tsuji Naoyuki that blends stop motion with 2D drawn animation. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1997 -- 311 N/A -- -- Origami of Landscape -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Origami of Landscape Origami of Landscape -- An animation of landscapes fluidly changing shapes. -- ONA - Jun 8, 2013 -- 310 5.40
Fashion -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Dementia -- Fashion Fashion -- Experimental anime from animation pioneer Yoji Kuri from 1960. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1960 -- 695 4.40
Fate/Grand Order: First Order -- -- Lay-duce -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: First Order Fate/Grand Order: First Order -- In 2015, the Chaldea Security Organization draws on experts of both the magical and mundane fields to observe the future of mankind for possible extinction events. Humanity's survival seems assured for the next century—until the verdict suddenly changes, and now eradication of the species awaits at the end of 2016. The cause is unknown, but appears to be linked with the Japanese town of Fuyuki and the events of 2004 during the Fifth Holy Grail War. -- -- In response, Chaldea harnesses an experimental means of time travel, the Rayshift technology. With it, Ritsuka Fujimaru, a young man newly recruited to the organization, and the mysterious girl Mash Kyrielight, can travel back to 2004 and discover how to save humanity. A grand order to fight fate has been declared—an order to change the past and restore the future. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Special - Dec 31, 2016 -- 144,880 6.77
Fate/Grand Order: First Order -- -- Lay-duce -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: First Order Fate/Grand Order: First Order -- In 2015, the Chaldea Security Organization draws on experts of both the magical and mundane fields to observe the future of mankind for possible extinction events. Humanity's survival seems assured for the next century—until the verdict suddenly changes, and now eradication of the species awaits at the end of 2016. The cause is unknown, but appears to be linked with the Japanese town of Fuyuki and the events of 2004 during the Fifth Holy Grail War. -- -- In response, Chaldea harnesses an experimental means of time travel, the Rayshift technology. With it, Ritsuka Fujimaru, a young man newly recruited to the organization, and the mysterious girl Mash Kyrielight, can travel back to 2004 and discover how to save humanity. A grand order to fight fate has been declared—an order to change the past and restore the future. -- -- Special - Dec 31, 2016 -- 144,880 6.77
Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia - Initium Iter -- -- CloverWorks -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia - Initium Iter Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia - Initium Iter -- The year 2010 AD. Romani Archaman has been posted to Chaldea. There, he becomes the primary doctor for a young girl. Mash Kyrielight, Chaldea's second successful summoning experiment, is interested in the word "Senpai." The interaction between the two gives Mash a reason to hope. That hope becomes a wave and starts to spread. That is your story, the story of a normal "somebody." The story at the beginning of a journey that weaves the future. -- -- (Source: AniplexUS) -- Special - Aug 4, 2019 -- 44,891 7.20
Frogtoise -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Music -- Frogtoise Frogtoise -- Music video directed by Katsuki Tanaka for the Exploitation Edit of Frogtoise by German musician Schneider TM (Dirk Dresselhaus). -- Music - ??? ??, 2002 -- 185 N/A -- -- Kamen no Marionette-tachi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Kamen no Marionette-tachi Kamen no Marionette-tachi -- Screened at the 1st Sogetsu Animation Festival in 1965, the film was made in 35mm using the animation equipment owned by animator Yoji Kuri. -- -- (Source: Collaborative Cataloging Japan) -- Movie - ??? ??, 1965 -- 184 N/A -- -- Koto no Shidai -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Dementia -- Koto no Shidai Koto no Shidai -- Official music video for Tamaki Roy's song Koto no Shidai, which was released on his album "Nagi" on June 21, 2017. -- Music - Jul 13, 2017 -- 184 N/A -- -- 4.Eyes Re-Mix 2005 -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- 4.Eyes Re-Mix 2005 4.Eyes Re-Mix 2005 -- A remix of the short film 4.Eyes by Keiichi Tanaami. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2005 -- 182 N/A -- -- Animatope -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Dementia -- Animatope Animatope -- Space Shower TV Station ID directed by Takashi Ohashi, with music by composed by Yuri Habuka and sung by PUPI. -- Special - Jan 14, 2011 -- 182 N/A -- -- Sanuki Eiga-sai Opening Eizou -- -- - -- 2 eps -- Original -- Dementia Music -- Sanuki Eiga-sai Opening Eizou Sanuki Eiga-sai Opening Eizou -- Sanuki Film Festival in 2015 and 2016 had opening animations to officially launch the beginning of the festival. -- Movie - Feb 13, 2015 -- 182 N/A -- -- Superfluid -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Dementia -- Superfluid Superfluid -- Short film by Kojirou Shishido originally released in 2007. A 4K version of the film was uploaded to his YouTube channel November 14, 2018. -- ONA - Apr 16, 2007 -- 182 N/A -- -- Ringing City -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Music -- Ringing City Ringing City -- Big cities are glutted with information. Unconscious curiosity, hidden under apparent indifference, invites us into a noisy loop. -- Movie - Mar 3, 2017 -- 181 N/A -- -- Countdown -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Countdown Countdown -- "I would make my new animation with my New Year's cards, and my New Year's cards with my new animation." -- -- (Source: Maya Yonesho) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2002 -- 180 N/A -- -- Tansui -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Tansui Tansui -- Early experimental film by Koji Yamamura. -- Movie - May ??, 1986 -- 180 N/A -- -- Yubi no Sukima-chan -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Music -- Yubi no Sukima-chan Yubi no Sukima-chan -- An experimental film by Tarafu Otani about hands. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2009 -- 180 5.44
Gall Force 1: Eternal Story -- -- AIC, animate Film, Artmic -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Space Mecha -- Gall Force 1: Eternal Story Gall Force 1: Eternal Story -- Two advanced civilizations, the Paranoids (a race of alien humanoids) and the Solenoids (who are all women) are waging a war that has gone on for centuries. When the Solenoid fleet leaves a battle to defend an experimentally terraformed world from the Paranoids, one damaged Solenoid ship, the Star Leaf, is separated from the fleet. -- -- Only seven women remain alive on the ship: Eluza, the captain, Rabby, the solid more or less main character, Lufy, the brash pilot, Catty, the mysterious science officer, Pony, the pink-haired ditzy tech, Patty, a solid crew member, and Remy, the cute one. -- -- After narrowly escaping the battle, the crew of the Star Leaf decides to continue with their orders and rendezvous at planet Chaos to defend it. It turns out, however, that their ship is the subject of a Paranoid experiment. In the end, it is up to the remaining crew Star Leaf to defend the artificial paradise of Chaos from the Paranoid fleet and the plans of the Solenoid leaders. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- Movie - Jul 28, 1986 -- 5,485 6.46
Giniro no Kami no Agito -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Romance Sci-Fi -- Giniro no Kami no Agito Giniro no Kami no Agito -- Three hundred years ago, a genetic experiment gone wrong caused the mutation of all forests on Earth. Armed with consciousness, the vegetation sought to destroy all of humankind, and the war that ensued turned the planet into a hellish dystopia. -- -- In the present day, Agito, a young boy, lives with his father in Neutral City—a village maintaining an uneasy truce with the neighboring forest. One day, Agito, on his way to collect water, becomes separated from his friend and stumbles upon a relic of the past: a girl sleeping in a mysterious machine. -- -- Agito awakens the girl, Toola Cm Sacl, and introduces her to the village. But outside forces have ulterior motives for the girl, who holds the key to restore the Earth. Misguided by Shunack, a soldier from the old world hellbent on destroying the forest, Toola follows him despite Agito's warning. Determined to save Toola and unify humankind with the forest, Agito borrows the power of the forest and pursues her. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jan 7, 2006 -- 64,100 7.10
Giniro no Kami no Agito -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Romance Sci-Fi -- Giniro no Kami no Agito Giniro no Kami no Agito -- Three hundred years ago, a genetic experiment gone wrong caused the mutation of all forests on Earth. Armed with consciousness, the vegetation sought to destroy all of humankind, and the war that ensued turned the planet into a hellish dystopia. -- -- In the present day, Agito, a young boy, lives with his father in Neutral City—a village maintaining an uneasy truce with the neighboring forest. One day, Agito, on his way to collect water, becomes separated from his friend and stumbles upon a relic of the past: a girl sleeping in a mysterious machine. -- -- Agito awakens the girl, Toola Cm Sacl, and introduces her to the village. But outside forces have ulterior motives for the girl, who holds the key to restore the Earth. Misguided by Shunack, a soldier from the old world hellbent on destroying the forest, Toola follows him despite Agito's warning. Determined to save Toola and unify humankind with the forest, Agito borrows the power of the forest and pursues her. -- -- Movie - Jan 7, 2006 -- 64,100 7.10
G-senjou no Higeki -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Dementia -- G-senjou no Higeki G-senjou no Higeki -- Short experimental animation from Yoji Kuri. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1969 -- 1,053 3.61
Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas - An Episode of Port Town -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Drama -- Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas - An Episode of Port Town Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas - An Episode of Port Town -- In 2029, Scrooge escapes from a research facility where he had been confined as an experimental subject. His body was remodeled by genetic manipulations and he uses his psychic power to kill the chasers. One day, he meets another experimental subject called Carol. When three psychic chasers hunt down the two, Carol asks Scrooge to use his right arm to extract a weapon from her body. -- OVA - Jul 26, 2012 -- 85,740 6.93
Heya -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Dementia -- Heya Heya -- Short experimental film from 1967 from animator Yoji Kuri. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1967 -- 1,438 3.98
High School DxD New -- -- TNK -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Harem Comedy Demons Romance Ecchi School -- High School DxD New High School DxD New -- The misadventures of Issei Hyoudou, high school pervert and aspiring Harem King, continue on in High School DxD New. As the members of the Occult Research Club carry out their regular activities, it becomes increasingly obvious that there is something wrong with their Knight, the usually composed and alert Yuuto Kiba. Soon, Issei learns of Kiba's dark, bloody past and its connection to the mysterious Holy Swords. Once the subject of a cruel experiment, Kiba now seeks revenge on all those who wronged him. -- -- With the return of an old enemy, as well as the appearance of two new, Holy Sword-wielding beauties, it isn't long before Issei and his Devil comrades are plunged into a twisted plot once more. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 703,097 7.52
Hitsugi no Chaika -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Hitsugi no Chaika Hitsugi no Chaika -- For 500 years, the Taboo Emperor, Arthur Gaz, ruled the Gaz Empire with an iron fist and conducted inhumane experiments on his own people. But his reign came to an end five years ago, when mighty warriors—later known as the Eight Heroes—defeated him in a battle for the capital. His death ended the 300-yearlong war between the Gaz Empire and the alliance of six nations. -- -- In the present day, Tooru Acura is a former saboteur from the war who has difficulty settling into the peaceful world, as he cannot find a job where he can put his fighting skills to use. An opportunity appears before him, however, when he meets a white-haired Wizard named Chaika Trabant. With a coffin on her back, she is searching for the scattered remains of her father in order to give him a proper burial, and she hires Tooru and his adoptive sister Akari to help her. However, the six nations alliance, which have now formed the Council of Six Nations, dispatches Albéric Gillette and his men from the Kleeman Agency to pursue and apprehend the late Emperor Gaz's daughter—Chaika. -- -- With the shocking revelation of Chaika's identity, the Acura siblings must choose between helping her gather the remains of the tyrannical emperor and upholding the peace the continent strives to maintain. -- -- 317,823 7.27
Hitsugi no Chaika -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Hitsugi no Chaika Hitsugi no Chaika -- For 500 years, the Taboo Emperor, Arthur Gaz, ruled the Gaz Empire with an iron fist and conducted inhumane experiments on his own people. But his reign came to an end five years ago, when mighty warriors—later known as the Eight Heroes—defeated him in a battle for the capital. His death ended the 300-yearlong war between the Gaz Empire and the alliance of six nations. -- -- In the present day, Tooru Acura is a former saboteur from the war who has difficulty settling into the peaceful world, as he cannot find a job where he can put his fighting skills to use. An opportunity appears before him, however, when he meets a white-haired Wizard named Chaika Trabant. With a coffin on her back, she is searching for the scattered remains of her father in order to give him a proper burial, and she hires Tooru and his adoptive sister Akari to help her. However, the six nations alliance, which have now formed the Council of Six Nations, dispatches Albéric Gillette and his men from the Kleeman Agency to pursue and apprehend the late Emperor Gaz's daughter—Chaika. -- -- With the shocking revelation of Chaika's identity, the Acura siblings must choose between helping her gather the remains of the tyrannical emperor and upholding the peace the continent strives to maintain. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 317,823 7.27
Iro wo Kuu Akuma -- -- Spoon, TYMOTE -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Music -- Iro wo Kuu Akuma Iro wo Kuu Akuma -- Anthology produced by Adobe Creative Cloud's Japan division to promote their software suite. It showcases the talents of various Japanese experimental animators. -- ONA - Aug 24, 2015 -- 525 5.51
Jinsei -- -- feel. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- Jinsei Jinsei -- Yuuki Akamatsu lives a normal high school life... that is until his cousin, Ayaka Nikaidou, convinces him to join the Journalism Club as a life consultant! His new job is to manage the advice column for the school's weekly newspaper to help him become more social. Soon, Yuuki is joined by three girls: the smart and shy Rino Endou, the athletic and outgoing Ikumi Suzuki, and the cultured and sweet Fumi Kujou. Together, they solve the personal problems of those who anonymously ask for advice. -- -- Although each of the new life consultants has their own unique perspective, they are able to reach solutions together by holding debates and social experiments throughout the week. However, as time goes on, the four slowly come to realize that they have not only been guiding other students through their troubles, but also working through problems of their own as well. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 61,000 6.49
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -- In Florida, 2011, Jolyne Kuujou sits in a jail cell like her father Joutarou once did; yet this situation is not of her own choice. Framed for a crime she didn’t commit, and manipulated into serving a longer sentence, Jolyne is ready to resign to a dire fate as a prisoner of Green Dolphin Street Jail. Though all hope seems lost, a gift from Joutarou ends up awakening her latent abilities, manifesting into her Stand, Stone Free. Now armed with the power to change her fate, Jolyne sets out to find an escape from the stone ocean that holds her. -- -- However, she soon discovers that her incarceration is merely a small part of a grand plot: one that not only takes aim at her family, but has additional far-reaching consequences. What's more, the mastermind is lurking within the very same prison, and is under the protection of a lineup of menacing Stand users. Finding unlikely allies to help her cause, Jolyne sets course to stop their plot, clear her name, and take back her life. -- -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 85,902 N/A -- -- Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas - An Episode of Port Town -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Drama -- Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas - An Episode of Port Town Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas - An Episode of Port Town -- In 2029, Scrooge escapes from a research facility where he had been confined as an experimental subject. His body was remodeled by genetic manipulations and he uses his psychic power to kill the chasers. One day, he meets another experimental subject called Carol. When three psychic chasers hunt down the two, Carol asks Scrooge to use his right arm to extract a weapon from her body. -- OVA - Jul 26, 2012 -- 85,740 6.93
Kago Shintarou Anime Sakuhin Shuu -- -- - -- 15 eps -- Original -- Comedy Dementia Horror Seinen -- Kago Shintarou Anime Sakuhin Shuu Kago Shintarou Anime Sakuhin Shuu -- In these jokey short films, many of them crudely animated, Kago's sick sense of humor reaches its full heights of absurdity. There's a playful surrealist sensibility to Kago's work, as well as a tendency to revel in the ridiculous, the crude and the disturbing. His work straddles a weird boundary between avant-garde experimentation and low-brow fart jokes—the punchline of one of these films is literally an oozing torrent of shit—although, admittedly, his videos seem to lean a bit more heavily towards the fart jokes than his comics. But hey, who doesn't appreciate a good fart joke once in a while? -- -- (Source: Only the Cinema blog) -- OVA - ??? ??, 2008 -- 4,297 4.99
Karma -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Karma Karma -- "In his early experimental short Karma (カルマ, 1977), Aihara uses water as his central motif. The film is hand drawn and appears to be shot on 16mm using a blue filter. At first we can only see tiny specks on the screen, coming and going like snow flurries. The specks gradually grow larger and take the shape of bubbles, then even larger into rivulets of water on a transparent surface." -- -- (Source: Nishikata Film Review) -- Movie - ??? ??, 1977 -- 347 5.16
Kaze no Na wa Amnesia -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Dementia Drama Sci-Fi -- Kaze no Na wa Amnesia Kaze no Na wa Amnesia -- Two years ago, a mysterious wind swept over the Earth without warning, taking everyone's memories with it. Not knowing their names or even how to speak, cars crashed, planes dropped from the sky, and society crumbled in an instant. One young man happens to wander into a military testing facility, where he meets Johnny, a young boy who underwent experimental memory enhancement treatment and could, therefore, still remember who he was. Johnny names the young man Wataru and teaches him everything that he can before his frail body fails him. -- -- Wataru sets out on a journey to see if he can find other people like him, and in San Francisco, he meets a mysterious silver-haired woman named Sophia, who refuses to speak about her past. Sophia says that she is heading to New York, and decides to travel together with Wataru. As the pair make their way across America, they learn about what has happened to the rest of society, and what the essence of humanity really is. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media, Discotek Media -- Movie - Dec 22, 1990 -- 14,803 6.37
Kiseichuu no Ichiya -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Horror -- Kiseichuu no Ichiya Kiseichuu no Ichiya -- Short experimental animation from 1972 by Yoji Kuri. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1972 -- 2,046 5.10
Kurau Phantom Memory -- -- Bones -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Space Super Power Drama -- Kurau Phantom Memory Kurau Phantom Memory -- It is the year 2100, and on the colonized Moon, a project is under way to explore new aspects of energy. Amami Kurau is the daughter of the chief scientist on the project, and on her 12th birthday, she accompanies her father to the lab to observe the experiments. Then something goes awry, and Kurau is struck by twin bolts of light. In the aftermath, her father is dismayed to find that his daughter is no longer his daughter. Rather, her body is now home to two energy entities with fantastic powers. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- TV - Jun 25, 2004 -- 26,641 7.34
Kurau Phantom Memory -- -- Bones -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Space Super Power Drama -- Kurau Phantom Memory Kurau Phantom Memory -- It is the year 2100, and on the colonized Moon, a project is under way to explore new aspects of energy. Amami Kurau is the daughter of the chief scientist on the project, and on her 12th birthday, she accompanies her father to the lab to observe the experiments. Then something goes awry, and Kurau is struck by twin bolts of light. In the aftermath, her father is dismayed to find that his daughter is no longer his daughter. Rather, her body is now home to two energy entities with fantastic powers. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jun 25, 2004 -- 26,641 7.34
Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic -- The young Earl Ciel Phantomhive—the Queen's Guard Dog—is once again called to investigate seemingly supernatural phenomena when news of miraculous resurrections begins to surface in Victorian London. Along with Sebastian Michaelis, his demon butler, they board the luxury cruise liner Campania to investigate rumors of the Aurora Society—a medical organization suspected of experimenting on the dead. -- -- Grim reapers begin to appear on the ship, and it becomes apparent that the ship is about to be overrun with the undead as a devious plan is put into motion. Ciel and Sebastian must now uncover the secrets that lie behind the Aurora Society's phoenix symbol, and with the help of some old acquaintances, return the undead to their coffins or share a watery grave. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jan 21, 2017 -- 141,317 8.26
Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic -- The young Earl Ciel Phantomhive—the Queen's Guard Dog—is once again called to investigate seemingly supernatural phenomena when news of miraculous resurrections begins to surface in Victorian London. Along with Sebastian Michaelis, his demon butler, they board the luxury cruise liner Campania to investigate rumors of the Aurora Society—a medical organization suspected of experimenting on the dead. -- -- Grim reapers begin to appear on the ship, and it becomes apparent that the ship is about to be overrun with the undead as a devious plan is put into motion. Ciel and Sebastian must now uncover the secrets that lie behind the Aurora Society's phoenix symbol, and with the help of some old acquaintances, return the undead to their coffins or share a watery grave. -- -- Movie - Jan 21, 2017 -- 141,317 8.26
Kyoufu Densetsu Kaiki! Frankenstein -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Sci-Fi Horror Drama -- Kyoufu Densetsu Kaiki! Frankenstein Kyoufu Densetsu Kaiki! Frankenstein -- Airing on TV Asahi in 1981, with a running time of 111 minutes, Frankenstein is a reasonably standard retelling of the classic book by Mary Shelley. In a foreboding castle scientist Dr. Victor Frankenstein performs a hideous experiment which he hopes will bring the dead back to life. With the help of his assistant he is successful in reanimating a man recreated from parts gathered from corpses but the creature is unpredictable and horrifying. The doctor flees back to his home in Switzerland leaving his assistant in charge of destroying the monster. But Dr. Frankenstein soon finds that he cannot hide from his shameful secret forever as mysterious murders are committed around him forcing him to question if his creation really is dead and gone... -- Special - Jul 27, 1981 -- 1,356 5.51
Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Drama Magic Martial Arts Fantasy -- Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi -- In a world of magic and monsters, Krylancelo Finrandi and his foster sister Azalea Cait-Sith were once promising students of sorcery, prodigies at the famous Tower of Fangs. But an experiment gone horribly wrong warps Azalea's appearance, trapping her in the form of a dragon. -- -- Elders at the Tower—more interested in preserving their reputation rather than their students' lives—drive off the transformed Azalea and cover up the incident. Outraged, Krylancelo strikes out on his own, taking the new name of "Orphen" and vowing to return Azalea to her normal state. -- -- Five years later, Orphen's quest has stalled. A chance encounter brings him face to face with Azalea again, but he still has no way to restore her body. And with a hostile group of sorcerers hunting her down, he may be running out of time. The past and present collide as Orphen tries to find how to save Azalea from their former teachers and friends. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 51,556 5.79
Memories -- -- Madhouse, Studio 4°C -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Drama Horror Psychological Sci-Fi -- Memories Memories -- Memories is a compilation of three standalone short films encompassing different genres. -- -- Magnetic Rose -- In the far reaches of space, after tracing a distress signal to a large abandoned space station, a pair of engineers—Heintz Beckner and Miguel Costrela—find a derelict mansion and decide to explore on foot. Their investigation reveals a dark secret surrounding the fate of Eva Friedel, a renowned opera singer with a tragic history. Hallucinations soon begin to plague them, and they must fight to retain their sanity in order to escape the station alive. -- -- Stink Bomb -- Hapless lab technician Nobuo Tanaka consumes some pills at his laboratory to cure a cold. Unknown to him, however, the pills are actually experimental drugs that enhance his flatulence to a lethal degree. As the toxic gas escaping him kills everyone in his vicinity, he is ordered by his superiors to retreat to the company headquarters in Tokyo. The journey to the city is made all the more arduous as Nobuo struggles with his deadly odor while the police, military, and foreign adversaries are hot on his trail. -- -- Cannon Fodder -- In a fortress city filled to the brim with cannons, a young boy wishes to surpass his father by becoming a revered artillery officer. Despite no proof of an enemy nation, he cannot resist the urge to partake in the daily bombardment routines organized by the city. Whether at school or just before bedtime, he only dreams of someday firing a cannon for the sake of his homeland. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Sony Pictures Entertainment -- Movie - Dec 23, 1995 -- 83,342 7.73
Memories -- -- Madhouse, Studio 4°C -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Drama Horror Psychological Sci-Fi -- Memories Memories -- Memories is a compilation of three standalone short films encompassing different genres. -- -- Magnetic Rose -- In the far reaches of space, after tracing a distress signal to a large abandoned space station, a pair of engineers—Heintz Beckner and Miguel Costrela—find a derelict mansion and decide to explore on foot. Their investigation reveals a dark secret surrounding the fate of Eva Friedel, a renowned opera singer with a tragic history. Hallucinations soon begin to plague them, and they must fight to retain their sanity in order to escape the station alive. -- -- Stink Bomb -- Hapless lab technician Nobuo Tanaka consumes some pills at his laboratory to cure a cold. Unknown to him, however, the pills are actually experimental drugs that enhance his flatulence to a lethal degree. As the toxic gas escaping him kills everyone in his vicinity, he is ordered by his superiors to retreat to the company headquarters in Tokyo. The journey to the city is made all the more arduous as Nobuo struggles with his deadly odor while the police, military, and foreign adversaries are hot on his trail. -- -- Cannon Fodder -- In a fortress city filled to the brim with cannons, a young boy wishes to surpass his father by becoming a revered artillery officer. Despite no proof of an enemy nation, he cannot resist the urge to partake in the daily bombardment routines organized by the city. Whether at school or just before bedtime, he only dreams of someday firing a cannon for the sake of his homeland. -- -- Movie - Dec 23, 1995 -- 83,342 7.73
Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO: Apocalypse 0079 -- -- Sunrise -- 3 eps -- - -- Mecha Military Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO: Apocalypse 0079 Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO: Apocalypse 0079 -- Lieutenant Oliver May and the 603 Technical Division Unit aboard the Jotunheim continue testing and evaluating experimental weapons to aid the Zeon war effort against the Federation Forces. At the end of each experiment, the tale of the trials and tribulations faced by the weapon and its test pilot adds a small chapter to the long history of the One Year War -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Visual USA, Nozomi Entertainment -- OVA - Apr 26, 2006 -- 11,812 6.84
Mo Dao Zu Shi -- -- B.CMAY PICTURES -- 15 eps -- Novel -- Action Adventure Mystery Historical Supernatural -- Mo Dao Zu Shi Mo Dao Zu Shi -- Xian: the state of immortality that all cultivators strive to achieve. However, there is a dark energy that lies underneath—the forbidden Mo Dao, or demonic path. Through an unfortunate series of tragedies, this is the path that cultivator Wei Wuxian experiments with during his teachings. His rise in power is accompanied by chaos and destruction, but his reign of terror comes to an abrupt end when the cultivation clans overpower him and he is killed by his closest ally. -- -- Thirteen years later, Wei Wuxian is reincarnated in the body of a lunatic and reunited with Lan Wangji, a former classmate of his. This marks the beginning of a supernatural mystery that plagues the clans and threatens to disrupt their everyday life. -- -- Mo Dao Zu Shi follows these two men on their mission to unravel the mysteries of the spiritual world. Fighting demons, ghosts, and even other cultivators, the two end up forming a bond that neither of them had ever expected. -- -- ONA - Jul 9, 2018 -- 140,492 8.49
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi Fantasy Seinen -- Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou -- With his parents abroad, Kimihito Kurusu lived a quiet, unremarkable life alone until monster girls came crowding in! This alternate reality presents cutting-edge Japan, the first country to promote the integration of non-human species into society. After the incompetence of interspecies exchange coordinator Agent Smith leaves Kimihito as the homestay caretaker of a Lamia named Miia, the newly-minted "Darling" quickly attracts girls of various breeds, resulting in an ever-growing harem flush with eroticism and attraction. -- -- Unfortunately for him and the ladies, sexual interactions between species is forbidden by the Interspecies Exchange Act! The only loophole is through an experimental marriage provision. Kimihito's life becomes fraught with an abundance of creature-specific caveats and sensitive interspecies law as the passionate, affectionate, and lusty women hound his every move, seeking his romantic and sexual affections. With new species often appearing and events materializing out of thin air, where Kimihito and his harem go is anyone's guess! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 567,258 7.06
Nemure Omoigo, Sora no Shitone ni -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Space Drama -- Nemure Omoigo, Sora no Shitone ni Nemure Omoigo, Sora no Shitone ni -- A family was riding a car on their way home from a maternity hospital. Satomi and Yasunori were taking their newborn baby named "Orine" home and were filled with happy expectation. However, a sudden accident attacked them. Orine lost her parents, and she became alone. -- -- Nineteen years have passed, and she has grown up. She was pursued by the police because of an incident. She continued to escape, but Yuri Aoshima, a member of a shady organization, tried to contact her. Orine agreed to Yuri's demand, which was going to an experimental space station. Yuri will help her to escape, instead. -- -- Somehow, only Orine can enter an unmanned space station. Surprisingly, the person who was waiting for Orine was her mother, Satomi. She appeared in the similitude of her twenties. Orine was perplexed, and Yuri demanded to turn the power off of the station. Unwillingly, she started to place the shut-down device, but she believed that it will solve the mystery and help her mother. -- -- As Orine and Satomi spend time together, they made up for their lost time. Yuri's aim, Satomi's true identity, and a man called "SENSEI" who is involved in taking over the station. -- -- While the mystery deepens, Orine gets closer to the "truth"... -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - Apr 12, 2014 -- 1,445 5.41
Nihon Animator Mihonichi -- -- Khara, Studio Colorido, Trigger -- 35 eps -- Original -- Action Dementia Ecchi Fantasy Mecha Military Music School Sci-Fi Space Supernatural -- Nihon Animator Mihonichi Nihon Animator Mihonichi -- Nihon Animator Mihonichi is a collaborative series of standalone anime shorts with the support of various directors and studios. Aiming to expose new animators to a worldwide audience, these small works offer a glimpse into the future of the industry, featuring rising talents, cutting-edge techniques, and experimental aesthetic designs. -- -- ONA - Nov 7, 2014 -- 32,294 7.39
Paprika -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Dementia Fantasy Horror Mystery Psychological Sci-Fi Thriller -- Paprika Paprika -- The world of dreams can be an incredible window into the psyche, showing one's deepest desires, aspirations, and repressed memories. One hopeful tech lab has been developing the "DC Mini," a device with the power to delve into the dreams of others. Atsuko Chiba and Kosaku Tokita have been tirelessly working to develop this technology with the hopes of using it to deeply explore patients' minds and help cure them of their psychological disorders. -- -- However, having access to the deepest corners of a person's mind comes with a tremendous responsibility. In the wrong hands, the DC Mini could be used as a form of psychological terrorism and cause mental breakdowns in the minds of targets. When this technology is stolen and people around them start acting strangely, Atsuko and Kosaku know they have a serious problem on their hands. Enlisting the help of Officer Konakawa, who has been receiving this experimental therapy, they search both the real and dream worlds for their mental terrorist. -- -- Movie - Nov 25, 2006 -- 384,301 8.06
Playground -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Playground Playground -- Another experimental film by Mirai Mizue. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2010 -- 518 5.07
Pokemon Movie 01: Mewtwo no Gyakushuu -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Kids Drama Fantasy -- Pokemon Movie 01: Mewtwo no Gyakushuu Pokemon Movie 01: Mewtwo no Gyakushuu -- It was a successful science experiment gone horribly wrong. When a team of scientists discovers the DNA of the ancient Pokémon Mew, they harnessed the potential within it in an attempt to create the ultimate living weapon. With advanced cloning techniques and resources provided to them by Team Rocket crime syndicate leader Giovanni, the scientists succeed in creating the powerful psychic Pokémon, Mewtwo. -- -- Pokemon: Mewtwo no Gyakushuu reveals the terrifying power of Mewtwo as he learns that not only was he created to be an experiment, but also to be a tool for Giovanni’s sinister dealings. Breaking free of his control, Mewtwo creates his own island fortress and reconstructs the cloning technology that gave life to him. -- -- Under the guise of being a master Pokémon trainer, Mewtwo lures the best trainers in the world to his base. Among these trainers are Ash Ketchum, his loyal Pokémon Pikachu, and their friends Brock and Misty. United together, human and Pokémon alike, they must not only discover the hidden secret of Mewtwo's plans, but stand against his terrifying might. If they fail, Mewtwo’s vengeance will not only lead to tyranny over all the Pokemon, but also the extinction of the human race. -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, Warner Bros. Pictures -- Movie - Jul 18, 1998 -- 203,992 7.63
Re: Cutey Honey -- -- Gainax, Toei Animation -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Ecchi Shoujo Ai -- Re: Cutey Honey Re: Cutey Honey -- A mysterious organization known as Panther Claw make their presence known by terrorizing Tokyo and giving the cops a run for their money. Police are further baffled by the appearance of a lone cosplaying vigilante who thwarts all of Panther Claw's evil schemes before disappearing. That cosplayer is Honey Kisaragi, the result of the late Professor Kisaragi's prize experiment. A master of disguise, Honey can magically alter her physical appearance and outfits. But with a push of the heart-shaped button on her choker, she transforms herself into Cutie Honey, the scantily-clad, sword-wielding warrior of love and justice. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Jul 24, 2004 -- 23,240 7.11
Re:cycle of the Penguindrum -- -- Brain's Base, Lapin Track -- 1 ep -- Original -- Mystery Comedy Dementia Psychological Drama -- Re:cycle of the Penguindrum Re:cycle of the Penguindrum -- Compilation of Mawaru Penguindrum, including new scenes. -- Movie - ??? ??, ???? -- 4,530 N/A -- -- Kago Shintarou Anime Sakuhin Shuu -- -- - -- 15 eps -- Original -- Comedy Dementia Horror Seinen -- Kago Shintarou Anime Sakuhin Shuu Kago Shintarou Anime Sakuhin Shuu -- In these jokey short films, many of them crudely animated, Kago's sick sense of humor reaches its full heights of absurdity. There's a playful surrealist sensibility to Kago's work, as well as a tendency to revel in the ridiculous, the crude and the disturbing. His work straddles a weird boundary between avant-garde experimentation and low-brow fart jokes—the punchline of one of these films is literally an oozing torrent of shit—although, admittedly, his videos seem to lean a bit more heavily towards the fart jokes than his comics. But hey, who doesn't appreciate a good fart joke once in a while? -- -- (Source: Only the Cinema blog) -- OVA - ??? ??, 2008 -- 4,297 4.99
Red Colored Bridge -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Psychological -- Red Colored Bridge Red Colored Bridge -- Experimental animation by Keiichi Tanaami. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2012 -- 907 3.69
ReLIFE -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Romance School -- ReLIFE ReLIFE -- Dismissed as a hopeless loser by those around him, 27-year-old Arata Kaizaki bounces around from one job to another after quitting his first company. His unremarkable existence takes a sharp turn when he meets Ryou Yoake, a member of the ReLife Research Institute, who offers Arata the opportunity to change his life for the better with the help of a mysterious pill. Taking it without a second thought, Arata awakens the next day to find that his appearance has reverted to that of a 17-year-old. -- -- Arata soon learns that he is now the subject of a unique experiment and must attend high school as a transfer student for one year. Though he initially believes it will be a cinch due to his superior life experience, Arata is proven horribly wrong on his first day: he flunks all his tests, is completely out of shape, and can't keep up with the new school policies that have cropped up in the last 10 years. Furthermore, Ryou has been assigned to observe him, bringing Arata endless annoyance. ReLIFE follows Arata's struggle to adjust to his hectic new lifestyle and avoid repeating his past mistakes, all while slowly discovering more about his fellow classmates. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 754,980 8.02
ReLIFE: Kanketsu-hen -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 4 eps -- Web manga -- Romance School Slice of Life -- ReLIFE: Kanketsu-hen ReLIFE: Kanketsu-hen -- After reliving the life of a high school student through the ReLIFE experiment, 27-year-old Arata Kaizaki cannot believe how quickly it has changed him. He has begun to see the world through a different perspective that he had completely forgotten as an adult. He has made friends and formed deep relationships with each one of them. However his support, Ryou Yoake, reminds him that the experiment is all an illusion; after his experiment ends, he will be forgotten by all of them. -- -- The experiment of another ReLIFE subject is also coming to an end. After spending two years with ReLIFE, Chizuru Hishiro has developed into a more open, more thoughtful person than she could have ever imagined. She has met people who have changed her life, her perspective, and ultimately her. However, now that their ReLIFE is coming to an end, will they be able to let go of the memories they have made? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Mar 21, 2018 -- 257,052 8.22
Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. -- -- Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Romance -- Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. -- It is widely believed that science can provide rational explanations for the countless phenomena of our universe. However, there are many aspects of our existence that science has not yet found a solution to and cannot decipher with numbers. The most notorious of these is the concept of love. While it may seem impossible to apply scientific theory to such an intricate and complex emotion, a daring pair of quick-witted Saitama University scientists aim to take on the challenge. -- -- One day the bold and beautiful Ayame Himuro outwardly declares that she is in love with Shinya Yukimura, her fellow logical and level-headed scientist. Acknowledging his own lack of experience with romance, Yukimura questions what factors constitute love in the first place and whether he is in love with Himuro or not. Both clueless in the dealings of love, the pair begin to conduct detailed experiments on one another to test the human characteristics that indicate love and discern whether they demonstrate these traits towards each other. -- -- As Himuro and Yukimura begin their intimate analysis, can the two scientists successfully apply scientific theory, with the help of their friends, to quantify the feelings they express for one another? -- -- ONA - Jan 11, 2020 -- 185,005 7.35
Ryuuseiki Gakusaver -- -- Production I.G -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Space Comedy Parody Mecha School -- Ryuuseiki Gakusaver Ryuuseiki Gakusaver -- A gigantic meteorite landed on earth a few years back. A mysterious capsule believed to have belonged to the aliens was discovered. Called the "black box," an international organization called "Project BB" was created to research it. -- -- Eight boys, including Manabu Yoshimura, attend International Academy, a school located near Project BB headquarters. They are enticed by their teacher Toukichi Hashiba's promise of "I'll give you class credit," and end up getting involved in his experiment. The experiment was to enter the eight empty chambers of meteorite. According to Hashiba's theory, the meteorite should strongly respond to strong human thoughts. He tells them to have a clear image of a great looking gigantic robot; if they do, something should happen... -- -- Then, a big spaceship appears in the sky and an alien calling himself Wercury appears in a 3-D image. He tells them he is from the Star of Prokimasi and that he has come to collect the meteorite of the Choshin people. If they do not hand it over, he will challenge the earth beings to a battle. Manabu and his friends are confused by the unexpected turn of events but the meteorite responds to the thoughts of the group and suddenly starts to transform itself into a gigantic robot. Then, attacked by the invading Prokimasi robot, they are forced to pull their strength together and fight back. But it is extremely difficult to put the wills of the eight together as one and the robot cannot fight in the way it should. The gigantic robot that Hashiba named "Gakusaver" and Manabu's eight; can they manage to protect Earth and the meteorite from the Prokimasi invasion? -- -- (Source: King Records) -- OVA - Aug 21, 1993 -- 1,103 6.47
Saishuu Heiki Kanojo: Another Love Song -- -- Studio Fantasia -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Sci-Fi -- Saishuu Heiki Kanojo: Another Love Song Saishuu Heiki Kanojo: Another Love Song -- Before Chise became the "ultimate weapon," there was another—Lieutenant Mizuki. A battle-hardened military woman, she volunteered for an experimental procedure after injuries left her unable to return to the battlefield. As the prototype ultimate weapon, Lieutenant Mizuki was highly successful on the battlefield, however, as the first candidate, her development was limited. -- -- When a more suitable candidate to become the weapon, Chise, is forced into the military, Lieutenant Mizuki thinks that she is silly, weak, and unsuited for the role. As the only other person to have undergone the procedure, however, Lieutenant Mizuki can hear Chise's thoughts and is the only one who understands her. As the war rages on and Chise's development progresses, Lieutenant Mizuki discovers more about Chise, ultimate weapons, and herself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- OVA - Aug 5, 2005 -- 16,216 7.10
Sensuikan Cassiopeia -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Sensuikan Cassiopeia Sensuikan Cassiopeia -- Experimental animation by Manabe Hiroshi, member of the Animation Sannin no Kai pioneer group of independent animation. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1964 -- 264 N/A -- -- Shapeshifter -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Music -- Shapeshifter Shapeshifter -- Space Shower TV Station ID directed by Takashi Ohashi, with music by Tomggg. -- Special - Mar 26, 2019 -- 258 5.47
Serial Experiments Lain -- -- Triangle Staff -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Drama Mystery Psychological Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Serial Experiments Lain Serial Experiments Lain -- Lain Iwakura, an awkward and introverted fourteen-year-old, is one of the many girls from her school to receive a disturbing email from her classmate Chisa Yomoda—the very same Chisa who recently committed suicide. Lain has neither the desire nor the experience to handle even basic technology; yet, when the technophobe opens the email, it leads her straight into the Wired, a virtual world of communication networks similar to what we know as the internet. Lain's life is turned upside down as she begins to encounter cryptic mysteries one after another. Strange men called the Men in Black begin to appear wherever she goes, asking her questions and somehow knowing more about her than even she herself knows. With the boundaries between reality and cyberspace rapidly blurring, Lain is plunged into more surreal and bizarre events where identity, consciousness, and perception are concepts that take on new meanings. -- -- Written by Chiaki J. Konaka, whose other works include Texhnolyze, Serial Experiments Lain is a psychological avant-garde mystery series that follows Lain as she makes crucial choices that will affect both the real world and the Wired. In closing one world and opening another, only Lain will realize the significance of their presence. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 506,288 8.04
Shiyan Pin Jiating -- -- BigFireBird Animation -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Shiyan Pin Jiating Shiyan Pin Jiating -- Tanis, a child genius, is the youngest son of two mad scientists. His family has spent their lives withdrawn from normal society living on an isolated island, where the couple conducts experiments on Tanis' siblings that result in them gaining abnormal abilities. However, this activity is put to a stop when they are caught and arrested. -- -- Tanis is brought by government officials to a more populated island, alongside his four siblings: Snow, a dog-human hybrid; Ashise, a plant-human hybrid; Aisley, a spider-human hybrid; and Suishi, a mind-reader. Being the only one who has not been genetically modified, Tanis takes on the responsibility of adapting his siblings to society, all while trying to conceal their' distinctive characteristics. -- -- ONA - Apr 9, 2018 -- 38,656 6.35
Sora to Umi no Aida -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Game -- Sci-Fi Adventure Space Fantasy -- Sora to Umi no Aida Sora to Umi no Aida -- In the future in Onomichi, Hiroshima fish disappear from the sea around the world and only whales live in the ocean. The Ministry of Fishery decides to set up giant experimental Universe Fish Tanks in space. The Onomichi Universe Fishery Union is established and begins to train space fishermen. Female fishermen are in demand due to the strengthening of an equal employment law for men and women. Six new female space fishermen are selected, and the story centers on supporting their growth. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 18,259 5.68
Tailenders -- -- Picograph -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Cars Sci-Fi -- Tailenders Tailenders -- Tomoe Shiro, a formidable racer with a very promising career, experiments a U-turn when a serious accident puts his life at stake. He recovers miraculously though when his heart is replaced with the engine of his own racing car. However, because of that very reason, race regulations demote him to the category of a mere mechanical part of the vehicle and is deprived from the right to participate as a pilot in regular races. Only in a far away colonial planet, along with a multitude of other charismatic pilots also vetoed from participating in regular competitions, will he be given the opportunity to race for his pride and the money of the prize. And so this exciting rally starts!! -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - Oct 16, 2009 -- 17,018 6.74
Ten Count -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Shounen Ai -- Ten Count Ten Count -- Corporate secretary Shirotani suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder. One day he meets Kurose, a therapist who offers to take him through a ten-step program to cure him of his compulsion. As the two go through each of the ten steps, Shirotani 's attraction to his counselor grows. -- -- (Source: SuBLime) -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 22,458 N/AKimi wa Kanata -- -- Digital Network Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Fantasy -- Kimi wa Kanata Kimi wa Kanata -- Mio has feelings for her childhood friend Arata, but can't convey her feelings. One day, as they continue their delicate relationship, the two fight over something trivial. After letting tensions settle, Mio goes to make up with him in the pouring rain. While on her way, she gets into a traffic accident. When she regains consciousness, a mysterious and unfamiliar world appears before her eyes. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- Movie - Nov 27, 2020 -- 22,390 N/AArgento Soma -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Argento Soma Argento Soma -- In the year 2059, the earth has been plagued by aliens for several years. In an effort to learn more about these aliens, Dr. Noguchi and his assistants Maki Agata and Takuto Kaneshiro try to revive the professor's experiment, a large Bio-Mechanical alien named Frank. During this process the alien comes to 'life' and the lab is subsequently destroyed leaving Takuto the only survivor and the alien disappearing into the wilderness. While Frank roams the wilderness he meets Hattie, an emotionally distressed young girl whose parents are killed in the first 'close encounter' war. Oddly enough she is able to communicate with Frank and soon after they are taken into custody by a secret agency known only as 'Funeral'. Meanwhile, Takuto wakes up in a hospital bed with his life in shambles, and his face disfigured. Motivated by vengeance and heart break, Takuto accepts an offer from the mysterious 'Mr. X' and receives a new identity as a ranking Funeral officer named Ryu Soma. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- 22,382 6.79
The Place Where We Were -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- The Place Where We Were The Place Where We Were -- A couple are seen at home. The woman says a heartfelt prayer while the man looks up from his newspaper, holding a cup of tea. They both look out of the window. In the sky above their house a giant angel is flying past. A forest has grown on the angel's back. In the forest three creatures sit around a table and playing cards. The cards are laid out and feature different images: three cards depicting babies jump down a hole in the middle of the table and begin a journey through the body of the angel. They stop in a cave where a creature plays the harp for them and turns the cards into tears. The tears fly through the air out of the angel's eyes and one of them reaches the woman's womb. In the next scene she is seen sitting at home, with her cat, contentedly stroking her own pregnant belly. The next scene is an exterior: a field with a lone tree growing on it. The man is dancing and walking towards the tree: behind the tree he finds his partner, the woman, holding a baby. They all smile at each other. -- -- -- (Source: Tommaso Corvi-Mora) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2008 -- 428 N/A -- -- Kiseki -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Music Dementia -- Kiseki Kiseki -- Experimental animation by Kuri Youji. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1963 -- 427 4.83
This Is Not Blue -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Music -- This Is Not Blue This Is Not Blue -- An experimental film by mareykrap about the color blue. Blue pigment in the natural world is very rare. Instead, what we typically observe is the reflection of blue light waves. How much "true blue" really exists in our world? A series of blue images. Or are they? -- Movie - Jul 29, 2020 -- 652 5.74
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power -- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S -- Mikoto Misaka and her friends are back, investigating rumors across Academy City. Soon, Mikoto discovers something terrifying: horrific experiments are taking place throughout the city, involving the murder of thousands of espers. Moreover, these espers are far from just ordinary people: they are clones of Mikoto herself. Feeling responsible for their treatment, she sets off to put an end to the experiments; however, the forces opposing her are much more dangerous than she anticipated, and Mikoto finds herself up against some of the most powerful espers imaginable. -- -- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S continues the story of the Railgun as she desperately fights to put an end to the inhuman experiments that she believes she helped cause, her life dragged deep into despair in the process. There's never a dull moment in Academy City, but no one ever said all of them would be pleasant. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 307,479 8.05
Tokyo Ravens -- -- 8bit -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Supernatural Magic Romance School -- Tokyo Ravens Tokyo Ravens -- Onmyoudou magic was once a powerful technique used by the Japanese during the second World War in order for them to gain the upper hand and establish their nation as a formidable force. But Japan was quickly defeated after the revered onmyouji Yakou Tsuchimikado caused the "Great Spiritual Disaster," an event which plagues Tokyo to this very day. As a result of this mishap, the Onmyou Agency was established in order to exorcise further spiritual disasters and combat the demons that would make their way into the world. -- -- Now, Onmyoudou has become far more modern, simplified, and refined for use in a wide variety of applications such as medicine and technology. However, not everyone is able to utilize the magic, as is the case with Harutora, a member of the Tsuchimikado's branch family. Despite an old promise to protect Natsume, the heir of the Tsuchimikado's main family and Yakou's supposed reincarnation, as her familiar, Harutora has no talent and chooses to live a normal life instead. But when a prominent member of the Onmyou Agency attempts to recreate the same experiment which led to Japan's downfall, he decides to make good on his word and fight by Natsume's side. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 388,582 7.51
Tsuiseki -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Tsuiseki Tsuiseki -- Experimental animation by Manabe Hiroshi, member of the Animation Sannin no Kai pioneer group of independent animation. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1966 -- 274 5.05
Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu -- -- Arvo Animation -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Space Vampire -- Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu -- The first astronaut in human history was a vampire girl. -- -- Following the end of World War II, the world-dividing superpowers, Federal Republic of Zirnitra in the East and United Kingdom of Arnack in the West, turned their territorial ambitions toward space. Both countries have been competing fiercely for development. -- -- East history 1960. Gergiev, the chief leader of the Republic, announces the manned space flight program Project Mechtat (Dream), which, if successful, would be the first feat for humankind. At that time, Lev Leps, a substitute astronaut candidate, is ordered to perform a top secret mission. The "Nosferatu Project"—a program that experiments with vampires prior to manned missions—will use Irina Luminesk as a test subject, and Lev is to monitor and train her. -- -- Even while trifled by the walls of the race and ego of the nations, Lev and Irina share a genuine sentiment as they aim for the universe. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 3,644 N/A -- -- Doraemon Movie 06: Nobita no Little Star Wars -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Fantasy Space -- Doraemon Movie 06: Nobita no Little Star Wars Doraemon Movie 06: Nobita no Little Star Wars -- Papi, the tiny president of a faraway planet, escapes to Earth to avoid being captured by the military forces that took over. Despite being welcomed by Doraemon, Nobita and their friends, the little alien notices that his enemies have also reached this world and doesn't want to get his human friends involved in this war. Doraemon, Nobita, Gian, Suneo, and Shizuka start a big adventure as they try to hide and protect Papi. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Mar 16, 1985 -- 3,627 6.94
Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu -- -- Arvo Animation -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Space Vampire -- Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu -- The first astronaut in human history was a vampire girl. -- -- Following the end of World War II, the world-dividing superpowers, Federal Republic of Zirnitra in the East and United Kingdom of Arnack in the West, turned their territorial ambitions toward space. Both countries have been competing fiercely for development. -- -- East history 1960. Gergiev, the chief leader of the Republic, announces the manned space flight program Project Mechtat (Dream), which, if successful, would be the first feat for humankind. At that time, Lev Leps, a substitute astronaut candidate, is ordered to perform a top secret mission. The "Nosferatu Project"—a program that experiments with vampires prior to manned missions—will use Irina Luminesk as a test subject, and Lev is to monitor and train her. -- -- Even while trifled by the walls of the race and ego of the nations, Lev and Irina share a genuine sentiment as they aim for the universe. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 3,644 N/A -- -- Master Mosquiton '99 -- -- - -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Supernatural Vampire -- Master Mosquiton '99 Master Mosquiton '99 -- Catholic schoolgirl Inaho discovers that a vampire, Mosquiton, is feeding off of her classmates. So she stakes him, but he is revived after her blood comes in contact with the his remains. Mosquiton becomes her slave and also a history teacher. Together, along with Yuuki and Honou, the unlikely duo have many escapades and adventures. One of Inaho's main goals is to find the mythical O-Part to make some money! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- 3,603 6.51
Uzumaki -- -- Drive -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Dementia Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Romance Seinen -- Uzumaki Uzumaki -- In the town of Kurouzu-cho, Kirie Goshima lives a fairly normal life with her family. As she walks to the train station one day to meet her boyfriend, Shuuichi Saito, she sees his father staring at a snail shell in an alley. Thinking nothing of it, she mentions the incident to Shuuichi, who says that his father has been acting weird lately. Shuuichi reveals his rising desire to leave the town with Kirie, saying that the town is infected with spirals. -- -- But his father's obsession with the shape soon proves deadly, beginning a chain of horrific and unexplainable events that causes the residents of Kurouzu-cho to spiral into madness. -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 33,169 N/ANihon Animator Mihonichi -- -- Khara, Studio Colorido, Trigger -- 35 eps -- Original -- Action Dementia Ecchi Fantasy Mecha Military Music School Sci-Fi Space Supernatural -- Nihon Animator Mihonichi Nihon Animator Mihonichi -- Nihon Animator Mihonichi is a collaborative series of standalone anime shorts with the support of various directors and studios. Aiming to expose new animators to a worldwide audience, these small works offer a glimpse into the future of the industry, featuring rising talents, cutting-edge techniques, and experimental aesthetic designs. -- -- ONA - Nov 7, 2014 -- 32,294 7.39
Zone of the Enders: Dolores, I -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Space Comedy Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Zone of the Enders: Dolores, I Zone of the Enders: Dolores, I -- 49-year-old James Lynx was an officer (LEV pilot) in the United Nations global army, one day he received notification that his wife—a Martian scientist—was killed during a lab experiment. -- -- Hateful and resentful for letting her go, his children blamed him and cast him aside, depressed and in despair, James quit the military and took up a job as a transporter between Earth and Mars, he had some slight hope of his wife still being alive and to find her he wanted to be out there. After a few years, he seemed to have given up all hope and turned to drinking, until one day he receives an orbital frame by the name of "Dolores," sent by his dead wife. Once again, he dares to hope and sets off on a wild and wacky adventure to find the truth and to reunite his family. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- TV - Apr 7, 2001 -- 10,256 6.95's_delayed_choice_experiment's_train_and_embankment_thought_experiment.png;_putti_undertaking_various_experiments_in_an_open_te_Wellcome_V0025308.jpg
1st Experimental Guided Missiles Group
2012 Boeing 727 crash experiment
21 grams experiment
3rd Space Experimentation Squadron
Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment
Accepted and experimental value
Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis
Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiments
Advanced Photovoltaic & Electronic Experiment
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments
Aerial Experiment Association
Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment
Afshar experiment
Aichi Experimental Type 15-Ko Reconnaissance Seaplane (Mi-go)
Airborne Forces Experimental Establishment
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
ALICE experiment
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics
American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
A Mesmerian Experiment
Anavryta Experimental Gymnasium
Anavryta Experimental Lyceum
An Experimental Enquiry Concerning the Source of the Heat which is Excited by Friction
An Experiment in Criticism
An Experiment in Treason
An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump
An Experiment with an Air Pump
An Experiment with Time
Another Experiment by Women Film Festival
Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package
Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art
Asch conformity experiments
Aspect's experiment
Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
ATLAS experiment
Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment
Australasian Society for Experimental Psychology
AveryMacLeodMcCarty experiment
Axion Dark Matter Experiment
BaBar experiment
Balloon Experiments with Amateur Radio
Bantu Educational Kinema Experiment
Batavian Society for Experimental Philosophy
Bayesian experimental design
Bedford Level experiment
Behavioral experiment
Belle experiment
Belle II experiment
Blinded experiment
Blind Landing Experimental Unit
Blockhead (thought experiment)
Blue bottle experiment
Bobo doll experiment
BOOMERanG experiment
BORAX experiments
Breaching experiment
Brynmawr Experiment
BTeV experiment
Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment Program
Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology
Cavendish experiment
CDHS experiment
Central Experimental Farm
Central Institute for Experimental Animals
Centre for Experimental Art and Communication (CEAC)
Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation
Centro de Estudios y Experimentacin de Obras Pblicas
Charged Particle Lunar Environment Experiment
Chief experimental officer
China Experimental Fast Reactor
Chinese reusable experimental spacecraft
Chooz (experiment)
Clinical & Experimental Allergy
Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension
Clinical and Experimental Immunology
Clinical and Experimental Optometry
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology
CLOUD experiment
Club de Radioexperimentadores de Nicaragua
Colorado Experiment
Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment
COMPASS experiment
Computer experiment
Concept development and experimentation
Concord Prison Experiment
Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment
Cosmic Ray Energetics and Mass Experiment
Countries banning non-human ape experimentation
CowanReines neutrino experiment
Cranfield experiments
Crawford's Experiment Farm
Crick, Brenner et al. experiment
Das Experiment
DavissonGermer experiment
Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment
DELPHI experiment
Demonstration and Science Experiments
Denbigh Experimental Forest
Design of experiments
De Sitter double star experiment
Dexter's Laboratory: The Hip-Hop Experiment
Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment
Ding Xian Experiment
Directorate for Studies and Experiments
Disney's Stitch: Experiment 626
Doctor Ox's Experiment (opera)
D experiment
Double-slit experiment
Dr. Heidegger's Experiment
Dr. Ox's Experiment
Dynamic Ionosphere CubeSat Experiment
E. coli long-term evolution experiment
Eddington experiment
Edgewood Arsenal human experiments
Einstein's thought experiments
Empty Yard Experiment
Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope
Etvs experiment
Erasmus Smith's Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy at Trinity College Dublin
European Storm Forecast Experiment
Experiment (1798 ship)
Experiment (1802 ship)
Experiment (1988 film)
Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak
Experimental Aging Research
Experimental aircraft
Experimental Aircraft Association
Experimental & Clinical Cardiology
Experimental & Molecular Medicine
Experimental analysis of behavior
Experimental and Applied Acarology
Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology
Experimental and Clinical Transplantation
Experimental animation
Experimental archaeology
Experimental archaeometallurgy
Experimental architecture
Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Experimental beer
Experimental Biology and Medicine
Experimental Biology and Medicine (Karger journal)
Experimental Biology and Medicine (Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine journal)
Experimental Brain Research
Experimental Breeder Reactor I
Experimental Breeder Reactor II
Experiment (album)
Experimental cancer treatment
Experimental Cell Research
Experimental College
Experimental College (Tufts University)
EXperimental Computing Facility
Experimental data
Experimental design diagram
Experimental drug
Experimental economics
Experimental event rate
Experimental evolution
Experimental factor ontology
Experimental film
Experimental film in the Netherlands
Experimental finance
Experimental forest
Experimental Geodetic Payload
Experimental Gerontology
Experimental hardcore
Experimental Hematology
Experimental home
Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star
Experimental language
Experimental law variations
Experimental literature
Experimental Lung Research
Experimental mathematics
Experimental Mathematics (journal)
Experimental Mechanics
Experimental Mechanized Force
Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center
Experimental Military Unit
Experimental Model 2 submachine gun
Experimental music
Experimental musical instrument
Experimental Musical Instruments (magazine)
Experimental Music Studios
Experimental Neurology
Experimental Oculina Research Reserve
Experimental Parasitology
Experimental pathology
Experimental petrology
Experimental philosophy
Experimental phonetics
Experimental physics
Experimental Physiology
Experimental pop
Experimental pragmatics
Experimental Products
Experimental psychology
Experimental Psychology (journal)
Experimental Psychology Society
Experimental rock
Experimental Safety Vehicle
Experimental Security University
Experimental software engineering
Experimental Squadron (Royal Navy)
Experimental Talking Clock
Experimental Television Center
Experimental testing of time dilation
Experimental theatre
Experimental theatre in the Arab world
Experimental Theatre (NCPA)
Experimental three-phase railcar
Experimental travel
Experimental use permit
Experimentation on prisoners
Experiment (disambiguation)
Experimenter's regress
Experimenterende Danske Radioamatrer
Experimenter (film)
Experimenter Publishing
Experiment Farm Cottage
Experiment, Georgia
Experiment (horse-powered boat)
Experiment in International Living
Experiment in Terror
Experiment of Leith
Experiment on Rapidly Intensifying Cyclones over the Atlantic
Experiment (probability theory)
Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air
Experiments in Alchemy
Experiments in Art and Technology
Experiments in Expectation
Experiments in Fluids
Experiments in Living
Experiments in the Revival of Organisms
Experiments on Plant Hybridization
Experiment to Detect the Global EoR Signature
Experimentum crucis
Experiment (website)
Experiment with Light
Experiment with Mother
Factorial experiment
Faraday's ice pail experiment
FASER experiment
Federao das Sociedades de Biologia Experimental
Federacion Mexicana de Radio Experimentadores
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Field experiment
Finnish Reflection Experiment
First Nations nutrition experiments
Fizeau experiment
FranckHertz experiment
Free-orbit experiment with laser interferometry X-rays
Freestar experiment
French ship Experiment (1779)
Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments
Future Internet Research and Experimentation
Future Internet testbeds experimentation between BRazil and Europe
Ganzfeld experiment
GeigerMarsden experiment
GeorgetownIBM experiment
Google Chrome Experiments
Great Experiment
Griffith's experiment
Guatemala syphilis experiments
Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment
GWR Dean experimental locomotives
HafeleKeating experiment
HARP (Hadron Production Experiment)
HarringtonHollingsworth experiment
Hayden-Preskill thought experiment
HaynesShockley experiment
Helically Symmetric Experiment
HersheyChase experiment
High Altitude Water Cherenkov Experiment
HNCA experiment
HNCOCA experiment
Hofling hospital experiment
Homestake experiment
Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest
HughesDrever experiment
Human & Experimental Toxicology
Human experimentation in North Korea
Human Experiments
Hydrogen Intensity and Real-time Analysis eXperiment
Hydrological Ensemble Prediction Experiment
Hypersonic Flight Experiment
Ibusuki Experimental Botanical Garden
ICARUS experiment
Indian Ocean Experiment
Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics
Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics
Instituto de Astronoma Terica y Experimental
Instituto de Biologa y Medicina Experimental
Intercity Experimental
Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology
International Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment
International Noble Gas Experiment
International Tundra Experiment
Internet Experiment Note
IvesStilwell experiment
January 2020 cloud seeding experiment in the United Arab Emirates
Janus Experiments
Jerry Klein's 2006 radio experiment
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
Journal of Experimental Botany
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
Journal of Experimental Criminology
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Journal of Experimental Medicine
Journal of Experimental Nanoscience
Journal of Experimental Psychology
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Journal of Experimental Zoology
Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
Journal of Visualized Experiments
K2K experiment
Kansas City preventive patrol experiment
Kansas experiment
KaufmannBuchererNeumann experiments
KennedyThorndike experiment
Kinematically complete experiment
Kite experiment
KLOE (experiment)
Koshiki-2 Experimental Fighter
Laboratory experiments of speciation
Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Primates
Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particles Physics
La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club
Language deprivation experiments
Large Underground Xenon experiment
Leipzig L-IV experiment accident
Leningrad Experimental Graphics Laboratory
Levitated Dipole Experiment
LHCb experiment
LHCf experiment
Lincoln Experimental Satellite
Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment
LINUS (fusion experiment)
Liquid Tension Experiment
Liquid Tension Experiment 2
List of cosmic microwave background experiments
List of experimental aircraft
List of experimental bands
List of experimental big bands
List of experimental cat breeds
List of experimental errors and frauds in physics
List of experimental music festivals
List of experimental musicians
List of experimental women writers
List of experiments
List of fusion experiments
List of Large Hadron Collider experiments
List of neutrino experiments
List of rocket experiments on Zingst
List of Super Proton Synchrotron experiments
Lithium Tokamak Experiment
Little Albert experiment
LNWR Experiment Class
Long-term experiment
Loopholes in Bell test experiments
Lunar Laser Ranging experiment
LuriaDelbrck experiment
Luther Burbank's Gold Ridge Experiment Farm
Maestranza Central de Aviacin Triciclo-Experimental
Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment
Marsh Chapel Experiment
Mars Oxygen ISRU Experiment
Massacre (experimental band)
Materials Adherence Experiment
Matroshka experiments
MAXI (ISS experiment)
Maximum experimental safe gap
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment
Max Planck Institute of Experimental Endocrinology
Medical experimentation in Africa
Melde's experiment
MeselsonStahl experiment
Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental
MichelsonGalePearson experiment
MichelsonMorley experiment
Microcosm (experimental ecosystem)
Microwave Ionosphere Nonlinear Interaction Experiment
Milgram experiment
Military Engineering Experimental Establishment
MillerUrey experiment
Minimum information about a microarray experiment
Minimum information about a simulation experiment
Minimum Information Required About a Glycomics Experiment (MIRAGE)
Minnesota Starvation Experiment
MoEDAL experiment
Mojave Experiment
Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment
Multifactor design of experiments software
Multipurpose Applied Physics Lattice Experiment
Museo Experimental El Eco
Mutation accumulation experiments
NA32 experiment
NA48 experiment
NA60 experiment
NA61 experiment
NA62 experiment
National Compact Stellarator Experiment
National Experimental University of the Armed Forces
National Spherical Torus Experiment
Natural experiment
Nazi human experimentation
ND experiment
Near Field Infrared Experiment
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology
Nirenberg and Leder experiment
Nirenberg and Matthaei experiment
NPDGamma experiment
Nth Country Experiment
N.U.D.E.@ Natural Ultimate Digital Experiment
Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View
Oil drop experiment
Olympia Experimental Music Festival
OPAL experiment
OPERA experiment
Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment
Orbital Piloted Assembly and Experiment Complex
Oregon Experiment
Oregon Medicaid health experiment
Particle experiments at Kolar Gold Fields
Patras Experimental Lyceum
PeaveyHaglin Experimental Concrete Grain Elevator
Philadelphia Experiment
Philadelphia Experiment II
Philip experiment
Pilot experiment
Pitch drop experiment
PK-3 Plus (ISS experiment)
PK-4 (ISS experiment)
Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy
Polish Radio Experimental Studio
POLYGON experiment
Portland Documentary and Experimental Film Festival
Portland Incubator Experiment
Port Victoria Marine Experimental Aircraft Depot
PoundRebka experiment
Pressure experiment
Pressurevolume loop experiments
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
Proof and Experimental Establishment
Quantum eraser experiment
Quantum Experiments at Space Scale
Quantum oscillations (experimental technique)
Qubic experiment
QUIJOTE CMB Experiment
Radio Ice Cherenkov Experiment
RaLa Experiment
RAND Health Insurance Experiment
Randomized experiment
Rawalpindi experiments
Reactor Experiment for Neutrino Oscillation
Redwood Experimental Forest
Renninger negative-result experiment
Research & Experimentation Tax Credit
Rex Ronan: Experimental Surgeon
Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
Rocket experiments in the area of Cuxhaven
Rolls-Royce Experimental Machine Gun
Rosenhan experiment
Rubber band experiment
Rchardt experiment
Rule-developing experimentation
Russian Sleep Experiment
Safety of high-energy particle collision experiments
SAGE (SovietAmerican Gallium Experiment)
Santa Rita Experimental Range and Wildlife Area
Scarred: Experiments with Violence in Gujarat
Schiehallion experiment
Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit Program
Secure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment
Self-experimentation in medicine
Serial Experiments Lain
Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment
Sic (experimental musician)
SIMPLE (dark matter experiment)
Single-grain experiment
Single-molecule experiment
Small-world experiment
Social experiment
Society for Experimental Biology
Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
Society of Experimental Psychologists
Society of Experimental Social Psychology
Society of Experimental Test Pilots
Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology
Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment
Solar Wind Composition Experiment
South African Class Experimental 1 4-6-2
South African Class Experimental 2 2-8-0
South African Class Experimental 3 2-8-0
South African Class Experimental 4 2-8-2
South African Class Experimental 5 2-8-2
South African Class Experimental 6 4-8-0
South African Class Experimental AC
Space Capsule Recovery Experiment
Spillover (experiment)
Spring Grove Experiment
SS Experiment Camp
Stanford marshmallow experiment
Stanford prison experiment
STEREO experiment
SternGerlach experiment
Surf (Donnie Trumpet & The Social Experiment album)
Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research
Synchrotron-Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East
T2K experiment
Teen Big Brother: The Experiment
Terre Haute prison experiments
The Administrative and Research Centre for the Kurtna Experimental Poultry Farm
The American Experiment
The Beckham Experiment
The Belko Experiment
The Black Math Experiment
The Bucureti Experiment
The Chaos Experiment
The Dickson Experimental Sound Film
The Doctor's Horrible Experiment
The Dosadi Experiment
The E and B Experiment
The Electrical Experimenter
The Experiment
The Experimental Guitar Series Volume 1: The Guitar as Orchestra
The Experimental Pop Band
The Experiment (Dane Rumble album)
The Experiment (disambiguation)
The Experiment (novel)
The Experiment of Professor Mithrany
The Frenz Experiment
The Grand Experiment
The Harrad Experiment
The Hurricane Rainband and Intensity Change Experiment
The Jamie Kennedy Experiment
The Jazz Experiments of Charlie Mingus
The Journal of Experimental Biology
The Lazarus Experiment
The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time
The Noble Experiment (distillery)
Theoretical and experimental justification for the Schrdinger equation
The Peckham Experiment
The Philadelphia Experiment (film)
The Progressive Blues Experiment
The Quatermass Experiment
The Quatermass Experiment (film)
The Sontaran Experiment
The Spearman Experiment
The Stanford Prison Experiment (film)
The Story of My Experiments with Truth
The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band
Thought experiment
Toroidal Fusion Core Experiment
Torricelli's experiment
TOTEM experiment
Track Imaging Cherenkov Experiment
Transplant experiment
TroutonNoble experiment
TroutonRankine experiment
Tryon's Rat Experiment
Twin Earth thought experiment
Two-balloon experiment
UA1 experiment
UA2 experiment
UA4 experiment
UA5 experiment
UA8 experiment
Unethical human experimentation
Universidad Experimental Flix Adam
Universidad Experimental Politcnica Antonio Jos de Sucre
Universidad Nacional Experimental del Tchira
Universidad Nacional Experimental Simn Rodrguez
Universidad Pedaggica Experimental Libertador
User talk:Elonka/Hungarian-Slovakian experiment
Viking lander biological experiments
VIP2 experiment
Volhynia Experiment
Volume One (The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band album)
Warp-field experiments
Water thread experiment
Web-based experiments
Wheeler's delayed-choice experiment
Wireless Experimental Centre
WITCH experiment
Wittgenstein's Beetle and Other Classic Thought Experiments
Wizard of Oz experiment
World Ocean Circulation Experiment
Wu experiment
XF5700 Mantis Experimental Fighter
Yorkton Film Festival Golden Sheaf Award - Experimental
Young's interference experiment

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